HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK PARK LOT 1 LEGALPLAIINING DATA SHEET ilLt c0PI Property Address/ Parcel #4014 Bighorn Road Parcel #2101I1104001 Legal Description Lot l, Gore Creek Park Development Site Area 25,270 sq ft Date l/24/08 Planner Rachel Friede Proiect Descriptlon 6l sq ft addition to single family home Land Use Applications DRB AdditionApp Owner Contact Info Brenda and joe McHugh (214)368-0568 Architect Contact Info Bill Joseph 904-033 I, bill@billioseph.net Other Primary Contacts Zonins./ SDD #Two family Residential Land Use Designation Date Routed/ DRT Meeting Environmental Impacts/ Hazards Ilazard Zones Sections 12-12, 12-21, | 4-6 & t4-7 Snow Avalanche nla Debris Flow nla Rockfall n/a Excessive Slopes n/a Floodplain nla Wetlands nla Water Course Setback Section 12-14-7 On property but not close to building Fire (Wood Shakes) Sections l2-ll-3c & 14-10-5 Wood shakes exist. but roof will not be disturbed Building Separation Section 14-10-6 Utility Easements n/a Sidewalks/ Trails nla GRFA (Gross Residential Floor Area) Square Feet Chapter 15 Total Allowed 7835 -Existing 5653 -Proposed +61 -Credits (300) garage Primary Allowed -Existing -Proposed -Credits Secondarv Allowed -Existing -Proposed -Credits Total Remaining 2543 sqft remain Primary Total Remaining Secondary Total Remaining General Zoning District Standards Setbacks (perimeter) Front Proposed Side Proposed Rear Proposed Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required Proposed Site Coveraqe Allowed 20Yo:5054 Proposed 3518 Buildins Height Allowed Proposed Landscaping Sections l4-10-8 & l4-10-9 Minimum % LandscaDe 60%Proposed MinimumWidth Minimum Depth t5t62 Retaining Wall Heights Sec. l4-6-7 Driveway Sections l4-3-l &, 14-3-2 Parking Sections 12-10 & l4-5 Screening Sections 14-10-9 & l4-10-10 Development Impact Fees / Mitigation Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Departm€nt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 tex2970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcject Name: MCHUGH ADDffiON Project Descripdon: DRBNumber: DR8080014 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF 61 SQ FT OF GRFA Participants: OWNER M. ]OSEPH MCHUGH & BRENDA B.O1/1Z2OO8 REVOCABLE TRUST 6334 GLENDOM AVE DALI.AS TX 75230 APPUCANT BILL JOSEPH & ASSOCIATES INC0V1Z2008 Phone: 970-328-0436 P.O. BOX 4509 EAGLE co 81631 License: 572-8 CONTMCTOR BILL JOSEPH & ASSOCIATES INC0U1Z2008 Phone: 970-328-0436 P.O, BOX 4509 EAGLE co 81631 License: 572-B PrcJectAddress: 4014BIGHORNRDVAIL Locatlon! 4014BIGHORN ROAD Legal Descrlptlon: Lot! 1 Block Subdlvlslonr GoRE CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 2101-U1-0.100-1 Comments: Mouon By: Se@nd By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Appruvalz OU24l2@8 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paldr $30O.OO Department of 75 Sou$ Frontage tel:970.479.2L28 web: www. General Information: cannot be accepted until all required information is received All projects requiring design raniew mu* receive approval pri< refer b the submittal requirements for the partiotlar approval a building permit applicauon. Please fior Design Rwiew Deparunent. The Minor Exterior Alterations $ B@oeFrb -c Application for Design Review 697 .@m JAN 1? ZUI, proJect may also need to be reviewed by the Tom Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. b*lgn di.* approval lapees unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptionof theReque*. 4fltnvf. Ap .&ri16p DF 6( SF LocaUonofthe ProPosal: Lob I Block-tu*r"tont ,-o"rt etuCtl P&J* Physicaf Address: .lott 4rZ Har'-' fuP Parcel No.: 2/ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Address: d Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: ?aY-031) E-mail Address:A,'ilA ttll Jottt|.Pif Faxl rzv-7taa Type of Review and Fee: O Signs tr Crnc€pfual Review O New Constuction I eoaition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Afteration (single-family/duplax) tr Changes to Approved Plans O Separation Request $s0 No Fee \v $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. fur constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-r@fing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Radew Board. t*******++'t********++++f+++++++*++****llftff+++++ft*+++**'i*'t***a*****'i't*****t***********:ata TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Srar€meot+***********+****************************++*****f*:ta**+*++++++aatff++++++++++*+**********+*+ Statement Nuniber: R080000059 Anount: $300.00 Ot/L7/2OO8O3:59 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: TtGS|BTLL iIOSEPH Permit No: DR8080014 Tlpe: DRB - Addttl-on of GRFA Parcel No: 2101- 111- 0400 - 1 SiIe Address: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAIL IJocation: 4014 BIGHORN ROAD Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Tot,al ALL pmts: 9300.00 Balance: 90.00 *********f+*'|r***********tf***:t'i't't't*'t*f*'i't***'|'t*l'lf't***l'rr*i+*iIf*'t*'ti.**a*****t******t**{r'}'t* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LI"22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 l'?i 7t: )j :t : !. j '--{ :'r'r t-r) if: !"a. ! "P i.-. .i-) D "l-i .,r ..!.! - "tt '-i .-: ':j. -- .. ..'.. -!- -1 L i...t ,' i::- II hereby certify that this improvement location certificate waslprepared e oIoT = I BU ,!,/E BEAFING 1 S 34'41 '00"t4 2 N 43'30'00"W - . .- \ \ \ , i I l l r i i l i / i ..r1r\','', ,- ,1 5 1 .,N.^t :'.'' o'>--r'';"'. l :' ii: :r C".-f--|\.' 5 -."*= '; ' "'', -:::lt :-'t.-. :.. =:). '1,...' .t,",.,.,: any legal action based upon any defect in this survey the date of certification shown hereon. wiihin-three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be tonmLnced more than ten years from for the mortgage lender and the title insurance company' that it is not a land survey Ftat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be rel ied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundarjes of the parcel , except as sh6{n, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjolning premises' except as indicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement c"ossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted. This certificate does not constitute a title search by Inter-Mountaln Engineering to determine ownership or easements of record. For all information regarding easements, rights-of-way or title of record, Inter-Mountain Engineering relied upon The Finol Plof of Gore Creek Pork. '-ri. , .,. i i t. .,t tl / .) I /; ,t //.tt//I./ . ,: l//, | : I L ': Brion T. Kelly | |R.L.S.243r8 o Foao ltrInter-Mountain ,::;'$^,i31 1|AttngineeringLtd.'^."'"i3;5ii3.!3?i3 b^TE -fRe/tsrons Ttyp p.nl7f1.tg1t? t a..^ ATl-rAt t-Eg,Tt?tz.ATe PRoJecr tfo ggoo4 soESIGNEo 8Y' I ltf.. . . r./ t (-rtr|r-rV t LtJ\tF, tvttY lrLtl , tf tWf.l I E I LOT I GNRF EPFtrK PAPK maFF--w' TV oArE rssuEDr I ./ 6 ,/ gg , TOWN OF VAIL,I| _ E'ACLE COUNTY, COLORADO CICCKEo 8Y'E. t.A,nsn-r, l', = ZO' 1,ca. 229 "I*---DJ.L-toFt PLAI{NING DATA SHEET Property Address/ Parcel #4014 Bighom Road Parcel #210111104001 Leqal Description Lot l. Gore Creek Park Development Site Area 25,270 sq ft Date U24/08 Planner Rachel Friede Proiect Description 6l sq ft addition to single family home Land Use Applications DRB Addition App Owner Contact Info Brenda and joe McHugb (2 I 4)368-0568 Architect Contact Info Bill Joseph 904-0331, bill@billioseph.net Other Primary Contacts Zonins / SDD #Two family Residential Land Use Designation Date Routed/ DRT Meetins Environmental Impacts/ Ilazards Hazard Zones Sections 12-12, 12-21, 14-6 &14-7 Snow Avalanche nla Debris Flow a Rockfall nla Excessive Slopes nla Floodplain nla Wetlands wa Water Course Setback Section 12-14-7 On propedy but not close to building Fire (Wood Shakes) Sections l2-ll-3c & 14-10-5 Wood shakes exist. but roof will not be disturbed Building Separation Section 14-10-6 Utilitv Easements nla Sidewalks/ Trails wa GRFA (Gross Residential Floor Area) Square Feet Chapter 15 Total Allowed 7835 -Existing 5653 -Proposed +61 -Credits (300) garage Primary Allowed -Existing -Proposed -Credits Secondary Allowed -Existing -Proposed -Credits Total Remaining 2543 sq ft remain Primary Total Remainiug Secondary Total Remaininq General Zoning Distict Standards Setbacks (perimeter) Front Proposed Side Proposed Rear Proposed Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required Proposed Site Coverage Allowed 20o/o:5054 Proposed 3518 Buildins Heisht Allowed Proposed Landscaping Sections 14-10-8 & 14-10-9 Minimum % Landscape 60%Proposed MinimumWidth Minimum Depth Minimum Square Footage r5t62 Proposed Plant Species Proposed Plant size Proposed Fences Retaining Wall Ileights Sec. 14-6-7 Allowed Proposed Driveway Sections l4-3-l & 14-3-2 Max Curb-cuts Proposed Max-Min Slope Proposed Max-MinWidth Proposed Snow Storage %o Proposed Parking Sections 12-10 &14-5 Stalls Required Proposed Loading Required Proposed Lighting Section 14-10-7 Allowed Proposed Waste Management Wildlife Proofl Resistant Screened Screening Sections 14-10-9 & 14-10-10 Required Proposed I)evelopment Impact Fees / Mitigation Employee Housing Trffic Impact Art In Public Places Notes l.I TowNoFVAILFIREDEPARTMEN,O uo,,.FIREDEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMT Permit #: 403-0036 Job Address: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4014 BIGHORN RD Applied. . : 08/27/2003 ParcelNo...: 2l0lll10400l Issued. .: 09/03/2003 Expires. .: 03/01/2004Project No : OWNER M. iIOSEPH MCHUGH & BRENDA 8.08/27/2003 Phone: RIVOCABI,E TRUST 6334 GI.,ENDOR.A AVE DAI,I,Af' TX '15230 License: COIiITRACTOR SUPERIOR AIARU AIiID ELECTRONLO9 / 27 / 20 03 Phone z 97 O - 926 - 87 88 P.O. BOX 2568 SDWARDS, eO. 8L632 Iricense: 429-5 APPI-,ICANr SITPERIOR ALARM AIID ELECTRONI0S/21 /2OO3 phone : 970-926-8788 P.O. BOX 2s68 EDWARDS,CO. 81632 License : 429-5 Desciption: RETRO FIT FIRE ALARM Valuation: $1.800.00 TOTALFEES-.> S3O2 - 50 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fc€s-> 3302 .50 Additional F€es->s55. O0 Total Permit Fee---> 5357.50 Payments-----> 5357.50 BAI-ANCE DIJE >so. 0o *{.*'r ti t,t 1.t I'i tt+titti I El€ch.ical--> DRB Fee--> Investigation-> wil call_> $0. o0 $0. 00 $0. 00 $3 ,00 Approvals:Itrim: 05500 FrRE DEPARII{EIII 08/29/2003 mvaughan Action: AP 1. Alarm plans are required Eo submitted o: ahowing reflected ceiling detail. Henceforth, any submittal no sbowing these deta be rejected. Itris submittal ie lacking information regarding ceiling height, t]4)e, b' pockets(if any), fans, sky lights, or any other tlpe of ceiling feature. P1ease provide information prior to request.ing a rough in inspection. 2. Please ctarify the room identified as the study. If this room bas a cLoset, th' smoke detector is required to be installed. 3. Please a 135 degree fixed temp. heat det.ect,or in the garage. CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: CON00061O5 Reflected ceiling plaIrs are required. Plans submitted do not include information regard celing b.eight or tf4)e, beam pocketss or sitnilar features, fang or other obstructions. Henceforth., submittals lacking this information will be rejeeted. Garage area needs heat detecuor. If the trstudytr has a closet, then a smoke deuector is required. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tovrn applicable thereto. Rf,QUf,STS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOTJRS ADVANCEBY AM.5 PM. ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET * + +'t*frr.at**** **+'i t{.'}* * * * * * * * * * * '} ******* * **+* *t t+ * t* t * a ***** * +++* ++ +*+ t **++ *t * + * + ++ + + + + +++ t r TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment * 'i *'l* ** ******+ l.* 'i'i * !t'*** * * ** * * l+'l 't ** **'l ** * ** +* +* 'lr+ * * * * * + ****** ** ** * * ++ i + *!t** t+ * ** * * * * * * + +++ + + gtatenent liluniber: R030004511 Anount: 9352.S0 09/03/2OO3O8:15 AM Palzment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Superl-or Alarm 3529 Permit No : A03 - 003 5 fy?e : AIJARITI PERI{IT Parcel No: 210111104001 SLte Addreag: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAfIr Location: 4014 BIGHORN RD Total Feea: $357.50 Thls Palment: $357.50 Total ALt Pmts: S357.50 Balance: 90. O0 lalllt+f++a*f+tff*+***+*++*aataf++t+fa+*+++++**++++*al*+*****+**t+*+++*t'l*'t't*************+** ACCOTJNT TTEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 67.50 cL 00100003i23000 CONTMCT0R LICENSES 55.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00 t,lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 7J S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 ot*r""*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL#^t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECTTITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCrMit #: BO3-0032 Job Address: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4041 Bighorn Rd Applied . . : 04101/2003 Parcel No...: 210111104001 Issued . . : 04/21D003 ProjectNo : PqSC( <L1\j Expires. .: 10/18/2003 or{NER M. ,JOSEPH MCHUGH & BREI{DA B.O4/0L/20O3 phone: REVOCABIJE TRUST 5334 GIJENDORA AVE DAr_,L,AS TX 75230 L,icense: coNrRAcToR R.A. FROBERG & ASSOC, rNC O4/0L/2OO3 Phone: 970-926-3220 P.O. BOX 1459 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 License: 133-B APPLTCAM R.A. FROBERG & ASSOC, rNC O4/0L/2O03 Phone: 970-926-3220 P.O. BOX 1469 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 License:133-B Desciption: Add bedroom and bath above exisiting garageoccupancy rrce - Factor sq Feet valuation Totals... 529 fit22,22o.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $122,220.00 Fireplac€ Information: Rsstricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas [,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 0 FEE SUMMARY'''rIr''rr':'r'+t'*'****|*:|*:l Building----> $1, 122 . 55 Restuarsnt Plan Review-> Pf an Check--> 5129 .66 DRB F€€--__> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $1,934.s6 g0 .00 {ddilisnal Fees-->s0-00 Inv€stigation-> wilt ca -> S0 - 00 Recreation Fe€----> $3.00 CIean-uPDePnsit--> TOTAtr FEES_-> $1, 934 .56 BALANCE DUE->s0. o0 'ttttllittataal'la Approvals:Tfem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEMT o4/2L/20O3 CeD Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMEIiflT o4/o9/2oo3 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EMI Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS .04/04/2OO3 Ls Action: AP See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. cT-a1-L c"-_(c P.,__-\t_ L-o{ t 579.35 Total permit Fee_-__> 91,934.56 S0. 00 Pq,ments-------> 91, 934 . 56 DECLARATIONS , PAGE2 ,t * * * * * '*'l 't 'i 't * 'l*'t * ***** *t,|t'i't 'i**** * * * ** ** *** ** * * *** + ++* tr* i * *t + *:i+++ ** * 't't:t * * * *:t * *!t,t *,|*,i*,i *,|,|,t {r * *:} * * * *:} *,}:}:}** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0032 as of 04-21-2003 Sratus: ISSUED!t{t'}'}'}'t******|d(,t'}{t*!t*,}:t*'|.{.'t,t'}'t,t**,**:|,}!t*'t**,}{.*l.|****,i**:|!,}'t!}******** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLJILD PERMIT Applicant R.A. FROBERG & ASSOC,INC Job Address: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAIL l,ocation: 4041 Bighom Rd ParcelNo: 210111104001 ****'|':*:|'{.**'|''}'*'t'}'t*'}*{.,('}*'t*'|.'|'t***'|*'|:|****'l{!,|.,}*,}'t,|.*'t*************** CONDITIONS *'i:**'t****!****t**+:i:+:3++'i'|!:i*'|**********:t'**:l*!t'i!t*!t****'i**lr**,i*******************t**++++++{r*:+'}{r**********{r!t* Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.3l0.9.l oF THE 1997 UBC. Appfied: 04/0112003 Issued: 04/2112003 IIeIeby acknowledge that I have read ftis application, filled out in firll the informdion required, complaed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strusture according to flre towns zoning aad suMivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thercto. hneursrs ron nsppcnoN sHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR HouRs IN ADvAltcE By TELEpHoNE AT 479-2149 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM E:00 AM - 4 ru. +++++*+*a+**+++*'t'i**'************f*********'a't**r*+t+***iff'l**+++***++****+*t'***+*t'r**arrrrta* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement******+1+ +++*+ | la++ + ++ +'t ltt*+ tl * lr*l ***tt* a ** ** *** +**** *t***++ +++*++*t**** * *** ** +t*'t + ***{rt+ * *+ statement Number: R030003833 Amount: $1,934.55 04/2t/2OO3O2:35 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: R A Froberg & Aasoc 6592 Permit No: 803-0032 rl4)e: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210111104001 Site Address: 4014 BfGHORN RD VAIL, Location: 4041 Bighorn Rd Total Fees: $1, 934 . 55 This Palment: $1,934.55 Total ALL Ptnts: $1,934.56 Balance: 90.00 **'i 't'|**{rl.**'*'i'}l. * *'} '} '} '}'t ** *** * ** * a t f*** + +f*'l * * * *{' * ** **'t'l'f**** ** * ** f*a ++++* * * '} + * * * *'}* * ** * ** * * ** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO3I123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE LI22.55 729.66 79. 35 3.00 ll APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #:2-6?)1 Permit #:tlz* 4 o W!LL + 3e MWT{OPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TOWN OF VAI ING PERMIT Separate Permits are for electrical, plumbing,etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION LoR. 4. p--a Le v-q ,( (csn,-Dr-k f-uL'--Y ?,d-3P7o Email addressz ( .+tu -i v.- {t-a @ (/^-,l, N. BUILDING: $ | oZ.6 Vb #ELECTRICAL:$ 2{ob OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$ 6 oode,MECHANICAL$ 4.1oo #rorAL:S ILL,LL-o 4 COMPLETE VALUATIONS F BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit .com ParelJ Llbllllo4ool Job Name: H. t1,.-7 L Q-.,, o(o--.-c <-JobAddress: 4at1 8,7 t{.,-* Q/. Legal Description Lot: / ll arocr: ll ritins:Subdivision: Go-. C*. ok (\r..k owners Nameya /4ol/nq 11 Address: (at+ B,q tlo-*,. R,J.Phone'.,1 .76 - 03 L + Eg":u9?ge::, f,*+( s-h-tA:dd'f1f;" sa -u uf^r._ €,.Q. atorl Phone:* 76 - tt 1 7 Engineer:R c J --l , ,^ .- F^.-Address: 5o * taa ? Auo.o-,Phone: ? It_ oz tl Detaileddescriptionofwork: A &-/ B -J*uc) --14,) * B ^fA o ln n.- <-y. s{' *-f 4a- ".'-"*- t <-9-. WorkClass: New() Addition(! Remodel fi Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both X Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) tlo!{ Type of Bldg.: Single-family }{ Two-familV ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs (l ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Noffvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes !X No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No X ******rH*i!r********************n Fo R oF Flc E u s E o N L 07 t26t2002\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC I0t{,i\,ffi Project Name: Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development L,L cs,J.-,,<-<.--- J.t4 r' This Chdclist must be ompleted before a Building Permit application is accepted. /o), *nurof application is complete o4a^rDRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o ,lhndominium Association letter of approval attached if pQect is a Multi-Family complex / complete site plan submitted Project Address:4o 13t Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storage allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval o ,Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring {lArchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) d fd floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) B Window and door schedule tr tr Date of submittal: d Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) y'Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection a )rc resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated / Sqoke detectors shown on plans o/ Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: F :/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed toay: R- A' F-" L --'z { 4ssc.c-.?^''-printffi Project Name: P1 . H --q [, &-t t, J.-.- tDare: 3- 7y-e3 F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Cornmunity Development 75 South Fiontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 td: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8020217Project Name: McHugh residence Prorect DescriPtion: Mdition Pafticipants: OWNER M' JOSEPH MCHUGH & BRENDA 8'070312002 Phone: REVOCABLE TRUST 6334 GLENDOM AVE DAttAsrx 75230 License: APPUCANT David lrwin OlO3lzWZ Phone: 476-7101 POB 3342 Vail, CO Snapontofi t@ompuser, re.com 81658 License; ProiectAddressl 4014 EIGHORN RDVAIL location: tegal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: GORE CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 210111104001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACnON Motion BY: Actlon: STAFFAPR Conditions: fff;i No changes bo these plans may be rnade wtthout the written consent of rown of Vait staff and/or [he appropriate review committee(s)' iitr^li DRB approval does not tl'Tlt" a permit for P.ullgilg' Please consult with Town of Vail BiiiOing pt'*nnel prior to construction adivities' Planner! Bilt Gibson DRB Fee Pald: t3oo'oo RUINE-ENGINEERS e?o-+a-o72"P.r.. Jun 18 03 O4:?lp Rsd|lno ErEingert |nc. Stuc0nal Consdbnt8 TO: Dick Froberg FROM: Leslie Reed SUBJEGT: McHughlnsPection This memo addresses the skuctural items listed on the trnspection Report from the Town of Vail, dated June l7 '2003' 1. At thc dormer ridges (detail F/S5.02), the framer has installed a iop flange hanger from the domrer ridge besm to tho header beam. The valley bcans are toenailed to the ridge beam with at least (6) l6d tocnails' This connection is adequate' J. 4. f,, Tho south dormer may bo framed with Q) 2x12's at the dormer ridge and dormer headeT ' rather than with the (3) pty members shown. A single 2xl2 valley beam is acceptable' The shear walls necd to bc sheathed and blooked per the plans and shear wall schedule. ihe upp"r 1.""1 shear wall needs a Simpson MSTC28 sh&p at each end oftle wall .orrrrrrlog the boltom of this wall to the top of tho shear wall below. We have eliminated the two inierior wall shaps, sbowu on 2/52.01. We recommend that the s6ap on the west end be attachcd at the eJterior faoe of the comer stud, at the old roof plate lina. If the studs at the east end ofthe wall aro continuous to the fouudation, no strap is required ar this end- The stair stringor has beso consbucted with a wclded steelplate, and timmedout with wood. Bob Rfowine observed the stair this morning and found the stair framing to be adequate- The lower lerrol shear wall needs !o be sheathocl and blocked per the plans and shear wall schedule. The lower level shear wall needs a HD2A at cach €Dd, anchoring thc wall to the corcrete foundation. rJfe have eliminated the two intcrior hold downs shown on l/S2.01. Two studs are required at each hold dou'n. Extcnd tho socond stud a minimum of 4 feet above the hold down, and nail the two studs togethcr with a minimum of (1Q l6d nails. zoo tf slrect, srna tgoo D!nv.r, CO 80202 (303) 67&9510 ptrno (S03) 57$9515 fEx 0150 Eell Bra!,sr C.Eel B[rd. A20a Avsr. C,O 81020 - P,O. Bor 8(X)8 (970) 748-071 t phona wol74f,.ofitzw MEMORANDUM June 18, 2003 RuIilE-EtlG TNEERS a7oc6-0722 ?.2Jun lB 03 O'l:?lP Memorandum: 06/1U03 prye2 ln addition to thc Inspection Repor! wo would like to addr€ss the following itcrns: 1. Thc framer installed blocking on both sides of the PSL beam at the garagc header' The steel angles shown in D/S5'01 arc not required' 2. The 2x12 blocking between the 7x16 PsL beans shown on zs2.0i is not required. Please call with anY qucstions- Sincerely, Leslie Reed co: Ned GwathmeY 02r59 GwathmeyPrafi Schultz APPBOVED CommunttY DeveloPmcnt DePartm?lt Bl{ldhg SatstY & lnsPection- Services 6ccrl,on r05J,!. thilcr hOry Of Wry dDanll thc lsu:lo ffi "l"*ffi tf#"f#ffij'Siffi"i:,-' ;il;;"i.b otrtrir coiccdrv &o'db!6 dhc.j5"d'*A H;nliffi*[ffiaxqsxry;-'*t"rtLil.i .r . r"n tn "i - pr-+ rocif€did! rd.drr dara "hr[ ;f fi#l"#.;'fi t:Ip".*ffi n$#hm;l,,';Dor DrEvcrr uE *sD -" -- ---'fourcr oal c iron pctvcnting buildingcroi in said plans. sFcificatio$ rnd operotions b€ing carricd on.ure'Yunoei J:r m viotarion of this Gsle m of INIl IALS: Jun- 18 O3 O4:Zlp RUINE-ENGINEERS s?T+s-o?2"p.l Redwlne Englneers lnc. Stucfural ConsLdEnt8 Town of FROM: Leslie Reed b8'ooTLSUBJECT: This memo addresses the structural items listed on the Inspection Report from the Town of Vail, dated June 17, 2003. L At the dormcr ridges (detail F/S5.02), the framerhas installed a top flange hanger from the dormer ridge beam to the header beam. The valley beams are toenailed to the ridge beam with at least (6) l6d toenails. This connection is adequate. 2. The south dorrner may be framed wift (2) 2xl2's at the dormer ridge and dormer header, rather than with the (3) ply members shown. A single 2xl2 valley beam is acceptable. 3. The shear walls need to be sheathed and blocked per the plans and shear wall schedule. The upper level shear wall needs a Simpson-![$[C28 strap at each end of the wall connecting the bottom of this wall to the top of the shear wall below. We have eliminated the two interior wall straps, shown on2lS2.0l. We recommend that the strap on the west end be attached at the exterior face of the comer stud, at the old roofplate line. If the studs at the east end ofthe wall are continuous to the foundation, no strap is required at this end. 4. The stair stringer has been consfucted with a welded steel plate, and trimmed out with wood. Bob Redwine observed the stair this morning, and found the stair framing to be adequate. 5. The lower level shear wall needs to be sheathed and blocked per the plans and shear wall schedule. The lower level shear wall needsSHD!\at each end, anchoring the wall to the concrete foundation. We have eliminatcd the two interior hold downs shown on l/S2.01. Two studs arc required at each hold down. Extend the second stud a minimum of 4 feet above the hold down, and nail the two studs together with a minimum of (1Q l6d nails' 7oo 1 /h Strast, Suit€ I g{to Dsnv6r, CO 80202 (303) 575-9510 phon€ (303) 575-9515 fax MEMORANDUM 3,&72 0150 East Beaver Crcek Blvd. A204 Avon, CO 81620 - P.O. Box SOog (970) 748-0711 Phona |i9701748-0722ts: Jun, l8 O3 Ott:alp p.2RUTTNE-EHcri{EERs s?uo-o?ee Memorandum: 06/18/03 pag€ 2 In addition to tbe lDspectiou Reor! we would like to ad&css thc following itcms: l. Thc framer installed blocling on both sides ofthe PSL beam at the garage header. The ste€l angles shown in D/S5.01 are uot required. 2. T\e 2xl2 blocking between the 7x 16 PSL beasrs showu on ?52'01 is not rcquird. Pleasc call with any questions. Sincerely, Leslie Reed cc: NedCmathmey GwathmeyPratSchulu 02'59 TOI^AIOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ARTMENTOF COMMLINITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSIIE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMT Permit #: E03{018 fv\o}ooz3 k3-@34 JobAddress: 41014 BIGHORNRDVAIL Status. . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: Applied..: 04/07/2W3 ParcelNo...: 210111104001 Issued..: 06/73/2W ProjectNo: TRgAol? j Expires..: 12/10/2003 OWNER M. iIOSEPH MCIIUGH & BRE!{DA B.O4/OL/2003 PhONC: REVOCABLE TRUST 5334 GIJENDOFA AVE DA],IJAS TX 75230 License: CoNTRACTOR STONE CREEK EIJECTRIC O4/OL/20O3 phone: 970-926-2OOL P O BOX 519 VAIIJ CO 81558 License: 108-E APPr-,ICArin STONE CREEK Er-,ECTRIC 04/Ot/2003 phone: 970-926-200! P O BOX 5L9 VAIL EO 81658 License: 108-E Desciption: Electrical for bed/bath addition Valuation: $2500.00 FEE SIIMMARY o DEVELOPMENT Electrical_> 954.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5107. oo Additional Fees->90.00 Total permit Fee__> S10? . 0o Payments-> $10? . 00 BALANCE DIJE->s0. oo DRB Fee--> Investigation-> will call-> TOTALFEES-> SlO?. OO s0. o0 $0 .00 s3.00 Approvals:I€em: 05OO0 ELECTRICAIT DEPARII'IEIIT 04/2L/2OO3 GCD Action: AP IIEN: 05600 FIRB DEPARIT{ETW CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELID INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required/ completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state Laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin€ oigrrr".ri";pp*.r"d, Unifonn Building Code anddher ordinances of the Tovm applicableand subdivision codes, desirtrl*rrif;***r"a UniforurBuildin" *. ", O thercto. RBQI,'ESTSFORIhISFECTONSHALLITMADtsTWENTY+OI,'RHOT'RSIN ADVANCEEYGITPTTONEAT4T!L21{gORATOT'ROF?IGFrcM8frAT,I.4 PM.tr- STGNATTJRE OT ONNVER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIVSELF AI{D OIVI{ES *'i****f***+l.l|l"t*****ttt+++++'}*+tt++++*+++**a*++*a*****++*+a+++**t***tt*:i'i**tr******+***+***'i'i TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€,m€,nt*'i***t*l'*tt+*t****a'f't*'i******i+++++*+++tfata+++***t*****+*af+**tr*t'*f*tt*fa**t****r*a*******+ Statement Number: R030004173 Amount: $107.00 06/L3/2OO3!1 :44 All Palment Method: Check Init: LrC Notation: *8942/Stone Creek Electric Permit No: 803-0018 T14re: ELECIRICAIT PBRMIT Parcel No: 210111104001 Site Address: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAIL Irocation: Total Feea3 $107.00 Thi6 Pa)ment: $10?.00 Total AIrIJ Pnt6: 910?.00 Balance: S0.00*'l*l't*+**'tt*ta*****{'*{'*******fff++*++*+++**+**++a'*'}'}**'t*{r*++lftf+*+****l*f**'}++*t***+l+**+tf ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POI.IER PERI..IITS I'JC 00100003112800 I,JILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 104. 00 3. 00 TOVNAFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 AppucATrorllrll Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLSoR uNSTGNED CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: / -.' S'(a*.-- C* -._ F< El.,-*- Town of Vail Reg. No.: ? :| J 7 )?t1*Contact and Phone #'s: n'// 1....-Js4,i 7;Le'' ,-ao a E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: 6 6 ELECTRICALVALUATION: S Z {CIO Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel #JIot(llo'lool JobName: /n. H,-? L €oyJ-^",6-<..."-JobAddress: 4ctt4 [1 ,", Ho-^.- pJ. Legal Description Lot: /Block: ll Filingr Subdivision: Go-.^ Cn.-.-l- f"-wk ownersName:ir [4" l(--9 l, llAddress: 4o 14 B,e pu--- R-1, ll Phone: 476 ' o J 7-'/ Engineer:Address:Phone; Detailed description of work: D e^ t, q n*- (5, , tl"l-l Et *-{*,..*l (.*v (3uJ-uo,'-{ 6'^f4 fl'/J'{Lo^J WorkClass: New( ) Additionp{ Remodel (XQ Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior QQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo,(\J Type of Bldg.: Single-tumily ffi Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes (No 0{ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes $'{ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 04 ******'t*******************************,rFOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********i.************************** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted By: Planner Siqn-off: \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\I'ERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC 07n6/2$2 TOWN OF VAIL 7.5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2r3E #o*t*rr oF coMMUNrt" orurr$ior*, # ofGas lngs: 0 # of Wood P€llet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *:!:la*a:r****r*ala,lrr+r+++''+'ra'rrirrraa*aaallaal'r***r*****a'l**'* NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0035 JoScos4 Job Address: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4014 BIGHORN Applied. . : 05/05/2003 ParcelNo...: 2l0llll0400l Issued. .: 0510612003 ProjectNo | +KtbLc113 Expires..: 1110212003 OMIER M. JOSEPH MCHUGH & BRETiIDA B.O5/O5/2OO3 PhONE: REVOCABIJE TRUST 5334 GLEIIDORA AVE DALLAS TX 75230 License: eo![TRAeTOR SNOW COUI{I:TRY SERVICES, INC. 05/05/2003 phone: 970-926-7331 P.O. Box 143 Edwards, Co 81632 License:284-P APPr,rCArqr sNow corrNrRY sERvIeEs, INc. o5/o5/2o03 Phonez 970-926-7337- P.O. Box 143 Edwards, CO 8t632 I-,icense z 284-P Desciption: MOVE FLU AND ADD ZONE A EXISTING BOILER Valuation: $2.000.00 FireDlacg lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Mechsnical---.> Plan Chcck-> Investigation-> Will Call--> S40.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S10. O0 Pf,l fs€"--__._> $0. oo TOTAL FEES------> s3.00 So. oo Total Calculated Fe€s---> s0 .00 Additional F€€s__> 953 . oo Totsl Permit Fe€----> Pa)'ments-.--> BAI,\IICE DUE-> $s3 . o0 $0.00 $53.00 $s3 . o0 s0.00 IIEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTM8NT 05/o5/2OO3 DF Action! AP IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMET{I CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALT.TATION MUST CONFORIII TO MANTTPACTURES INSTRUCTIONS Ar.ID TO CIIAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 I,MC, CI{APTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 ."-N.I : GAS APPI,IA}ICEs ",,T BE VEIIIED AccoRDING To cFIAP'TER 8 AND sHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TfiE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI{I MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AI.ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOUMTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IjNI-,ESS IJISTED FOR MOUMTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E PI.,OORT}IG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI.ID CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIoR TO A}I INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 3O (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIAIIICAL ROOMS CONIAINfNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOILERS SIIAI,I, BE EQUIPPED WTTH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ---.-_.SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF t APPLICA MVNWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tr o E] tr tr rFrNcoMpltlopgl5r6irrnrar /rl\ -> Project *: 'Tz[f'luc\ -L'gor a Building Permit #: f1,e".-od:? Mechanical Permit #: _ 97 O - 47 I -2149 (Inspections) Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON Permit will not be accepted without the following: Mechanical C,ontractor: ZjY.<sl-.J (t*<tr; Town of Vail Reg. No.:b,{-?Contact and Phone #'s:("J 2. (4,un zgo-r/?A E-Mail Address:\ Contractor Signature:t =-----\ PLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT (labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $4otn Epnalct hstdunt Otrice at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # ParcelE L\ol /(t0q Dol lob Name: /f,fr.,t. (lobAddress:.. . tq O I ct tra, i q [- .,. ,^-.- Legal Description Lot:'Block:Filing:Subdivision: / Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ^1^n,* Q8,^ \ .9J a\-.e v,l**),* b,it-L o Work Class: New ( )Addition(1Q Alteration( ) Repair( 1'Ottrerl 1 Boiler Location: Interior (a') Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single-family()4.t Duplex( ) Mufti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoeof FireolacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLms( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning( ) Nofrype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) woof-Bg!{iruOr1\LOweO) in epn ptrase tt device? Yes ( ) S ffiGuEfvtr11=-i :r * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x x * FoR oFFrcE usE oN Ly* * * * * * * *hK liI l,,?ilw'*.l* la.oev. I Olfier F€€s: 'Planner AcceptedW: f(}V-ea DRI DaE Rece \WAiI\dAt8\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\MECH PERM, DOC 07n6DN2 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-213E NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0028 Job Address: 4014 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4014 BIGHORN Applied. . : 05/05/2003 ParcelNo...: 2l0l1ll0400l Issued. .: 05/0612003 ProjectNo: Expires..: ll/02/2003 owNER M. iIOSEPH MCHUGH & BREI{DA B.0'/O5/2O03 phone: REVOCABI,E TRUST 6334 GI-,ENDORA AVE DAI,I-,AS TX 75230 Iricense: CoNTRACTOR SNOW COUTiTTRY SERVICES, rlrc. 05/05/2003 phone: 970-926-733L P.O. Box 143 Edwards, CO 41632 IJicense: 284-P APPL,ICAIiIT SNOW COUI{TRY SERVTCES, INC. OS/05/2003 P}rone: 970-926-7331 P.O. Box 143 Edwards, CO 8L532 License t 284-P Desciption: ADD BATH-I STOOL,I TUB 2 LAV Valuation: $2.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY Plumbing--> $30. 00 Restuarant Plan Rovicw->S0 ,00 Total Calculated Fees--> S40 .50 Plan Ch€ck-> lnvestigation-> will ca -> S? . 50 DRB Fee----->S0. 00 Additional Fe€s-->to. 00 s3 .00 BALAl{cE DUE->$0.00 #o*rr"*r oF coMMuNrry s0. 00 ToTAL FEES - S40. s0 Total Pemir Fe€--> S40. s0 Pa]'rnents--> 940. S0 o DEVELOPMENT Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DBPARTI|ENI O5/o5/2oo3 DP Action: AP It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI.{E}IT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEIo IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tlre information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RFQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY .FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF mpuclrroleu- n T4u Permit #: @3 - ooq>- Plumbing Permit #:.s MWWYAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (l.abor & Materials) /er-uNarruc, s / gp"dD \^- /t6ooA aA" County Assessrc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel #'7,tol lllrt4 oot re!.Drale: ,Ulo dns 1., robAddress: //D l.( 6r' , Lo,-n Legal Description Lot:'Block:Filing:Subdivision: / Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaile! de;cription of work: . ,j{9'q h^*A^ - ls6,!-, lt)n z Lz,^-t- WorkClass: New( ) Addition(;() Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famihK) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No(O ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* \WAiMAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PE RMITS\PLMBPERM. DOC TOWN OF VATL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI{T colrrR.',acroR OWNER LIONSHB,AD PLI'MBING AND P.O. BOX 944, MTNnJRN, IJIONSHE.,AD PLI'MBING AI..ID P.O. BOX 944, MIIiINJRN, MCITUGH JOE AND BRENDA Phone: MAIN STREET 81545 Phone: MAIN STREET 81545 Phone: 970-827-57LL 970-827 -57LL 214 -369 - 0s68 1,400 . 00 *of wood/Pellec: 53.OO 53.O0 DEPART!,TETtr OF COMMT]NITY DEVBLOPMB}IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIA}IICAIJ PBRMIT Permit #: M00-0089 ilob Address...: 4014 BIGHORN RDIJocatsion. : 4014 BIGHORN RD Parcel No... .. : 2101-111-04-001 Projects Number: Statsug...: ISSIJED Applied. -: o8/03/2000 Issued. - -: O8/03/2OOO E:<pires . . z OL/30/200L HEATINGco, 1151 HEATINGco, 1151 6334 GL,BI|DORA DRD, DAILAS, TX Descript.ion: MECH TO I,AY WIRSBO IJINES ONLY 75230 Valuation: Pireplacc InforE,ation: RsslricCcdr Y Itof 6a6 Appli.nc..:llof GaE LoEE r rrra*rr*rrrr**rrr*rtr'r**rrrrrirrt*r1*r**ri*r* FEE gul.gARI .r.rr.*.r.rrr..rrrrr*rr..*rrart M€chanLcal- - - > Plan ch.ck- - - > InvaseigagLon> wiIl call----> a0 .00 10 .00 .00 aorAl PEBS----- 3.OO Tocrl Caleulats.d F6ra- - - > Total P.rDll F..--------> MECHAT.|TIEAI., Payltrene6------- 53-OO Restuarant 91an Revl€r-->.oo s3.00 Addicional F..F---------> .oo BAI,A.}TCE DT'B.---,00 rrf **rt ar 1*r a**r rrrtrtttrtt*f t+ tt'r**rltt***rr*t** ri*l*** a* ** Item: 05100 08 / 03 /2OOOItem: 05600 08 / 03 /2000 BUILDING DEPARTI4EIIT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:KATITY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KVIFIRB DEPARTI{ENI Dept: FIRE Division:I(ATHY ACt,iON: APPR N/A 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. PE TIONS ARB RBOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICB.N ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF TrrE 1997 I,MC, OR01 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORI,I TO llAt{ItFAefURES INSTRUCfIONS AIIDTO EI{AIIIER 10 OF THE 1997 t'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIA}ICES SHAI,I, BE VETtrED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 ANDSHALL TERMINATB AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF TITE ]-997 I]MC, OSHALL TERMINATB AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF TITE ]-997 I]MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITII CIIAPTER 3 AI.IDSEC.lO]-7 OF THE 1997 I]MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. CONDITION OF APPROVAI., SEC.lO]-7 OF THE 1997 T]MC AND CHAPTERBOILBRS SHALI., BE MOTINTED ON FLOORS OBOILBRS SHALI., BE MOTINTED ON FLOORS OF NON T'NLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLEPERMIT, PI,A}IS A}ID CODB AI{AI-,YSIS MIUST BB P ROOI,I PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION RBOI'BST.ROOI,I PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION RBOI'BST.DRAINAGE OF MACTIAT{ICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING IIEATING OR HqT-WATER ST'PPLY BOII.ERS SIIAJ,I. BB EOUIPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC.1022 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF fiIB 1997 IMC. **********************!t*************************:t!t****!t**it*!t******************** o DECI,ARATIOIS f fr.t lV lclqorl.d5,. bhrts t h.t !..d ghl,r qrpllcrtlsr, fltt.al qtt tn tul,l th. hfos!.ttc|t trqulr.d, qcq ..G.a .tr .oc|rnc. ploegllt|, and rtat. Bhrt all ch. lafor:rattq Droytd.d rr rrqulrrd t! corr.ct. t r€8.r to cqrly rlch uh. tnloatatlqr lnd Dlor glrn, to coG,ly rr.ttr rlt rorn ordl raa! |nd rtaca 1.r.. ud to bAlld thl,a.truotura rcacdit€ to th. torir a lotrfu€ md rubdl,virLoncod.., d.tlgir! rcvicr q4rrovrd. Onlfo! lulldlDg c',od. rd oChlr oadt nanc.r of tsh. fo|tr qDllcdl. tharaeo. nlOultls !m, InSPaeqtoag glnt& at nD[ It|&Tr-rotn ttoms alqttrtnl ot on|la oR cottt*l|,glon loB tDarlr,r InD oinll' oB Al Oln Olllcl ltCl eroo tlll 9:Oo Dl|tr lD\,ltct EI TttlltBonl tT .?t-213a J ************************* TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO **********!t*!r**!t***********!t**********************!t************* stat,emnt Nuiber: REC-0661 Amount:s3.00 08/03/00 LLz42 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #2550/LE PLIIMBG Init: KMW Perl[it No: M00-0089 [pe: B-MECHParcel No : 2101-111-04-001siLe Address: 401_4 BIGHORN RI)tocation: 4014 BIGHORN RD II{ECIIATiII EAL PERIT{IT o **************************** o *********** SEaEennt ThiB Palment Balance: .00!r****************************************!t*********************!r Account Code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANIEAL PERI{IT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FBE Total Feeg: 53.00 ToEal ALL Pmts: 53.00 53.00 Anount 40.00 10. 00 3 .00 TOVT{OFYAN 75 S. ftotfHge Rd. Vall, Cotorado 81657 Otrre visit COTTIPLETE VALUATIOT{ FOR MECHANICAL PERilTT (LAbOT & Project o, N/A Buitdiqg Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 o- 47 I - 2149 (InsPections) n l{cdrani,cal Room Dim.nrions n combustlon Air Duct Sizc and Location o Flue, Vent and 6as Line Size and Locadqr u Heat r.oss Calcs. e EquiPmcnt Cut/sPcG shects F; /cveryooc/forms/ mcd|l,€rm Id H&F:lgt w, z@ '6nd Fffi,t witr not be accepted without the following; Provide lrledranical Room Layout drawn to scalc to include: iot lIt o'f oo JobMdress: q0tq B| lr*" "":?1 -lo,b Name: /lC I 5/"5 Ti{ti'Y*L** n,nJ t'o/u,*,'}.=qhl * /ut '; ,*"++,i'"^2 WorkClass; New() Additioo( ) nrt"ttion]r) R"pair( ) Sh{ Ooes "n EHU exist at this location: ves ( ) NotiF-t lo.attn:lnt"not (/) Exterror ( ) other ( ) Type of Bldg: SitUl€-family oupr.* t I M"lt'lnr ly( l Cotnrn€rcial ( ) Restaurant ( ) C)thef ( ) t'to. of nccommodation UFits irl this building: trlo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this truilding: fl"lfype * Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (FGt f l-woodiPellet ( ) wood Buming (NoT ALLowEo) r Yes ( ) No(a wood buming fireplace to at t{aterials) CO.rTNACTOR INFORI{AIION ,/-torus P/bo L'ffiV6 : 'CN XUI : l.0dl 1s2&2003 hle$qqnJxlHfficBftqe ,*o nqI.HnrprctDc: furrdey.Ocotr2t ilghtD.clboAr|.: GCD$rAilfrer:'aor4ffil(nil RDVAf,- 'o41 AgidfrRd *1Bl ff Plrcm: 970-&?6$12OPlFr* gt$Cl}filzo lhm:Rrfl*f:Caninrfr: Acetsrrd To:- A&n: h|tr*SonH|rb.r, Ti: h 60 60 AlEDfot@rIro A.u,fy B&S(I| rYDc Ag-l-OCoraTyra: Ocqri*uOriire I. JO8E:PH rrcHrGH t SRETOA B. rcHJGl{ADrlcii. R.A FROtsERC&AS!iOC, ]C Coftrclor: RI. FROTtERGI &AA8OC. hlchcr$on: Ar! Ddwor 3rd bdl -our df|g gJ.O.t}mt|l|t Phl3 rourd bq{ D"gt GLon t P.w -LCAIfELL Rccrco0rd lnrocctlor(rl Rlqwfbd Ttn : 0!100 At' Plp|l.: gTll$lggtzo Eil|ld S!,: DGOLtt€N K F8IfiDoco grir: h.pA|I: e0 BLOGFITd RA. FROSERG E ASSOC, hICrilcdt/2 lntrCrdgF3lAOcoEr€xlA Bt"BFoorySrCB|.oc.FouiltronSlr|fEtDG|'Fru*|g "Approrrsd- G''z/(xl -hrDrrcror: JRt lcdon: DNOENEDCqnmrrts l'lct ELEC FIOUq{ N3PECT|ONS DO|G TlmrEp: APPROT/EOCOPY OFEt{OttEER IETIER }l FLE .[lll- r.don: AITAPPROVED-fmmd".Rtl " tc[on: DNO€IGD I|tr:l.m:lnn: 10 20 30 09178 hco.ctor: GCD lr{on; CBCORRECTKNREOImEDcqnnenrr: l.gilPsoN msor sp€cTED AT mRi/t€R RDoE. ttfit As 8t LT. 2"PROl/E€ ETS APPRCryIL OFAS BJI.T tr IOFTROO,UA}DSATH FRAITIIG3 2112 TGAO€R AT ooRiCR AIO 2 2Xt2 VALLEY R|FIERg AAD 3 PLY L\[. 3.FROTDE BLOCI${G, MI.hFATDCO}.|}ECIIO}E} PER SWA1 AtD MSTCSa 4 LOCATbr.rS.4lDD COt$€CrrcNS HD6 t€LD DOWN6 ArO sl€ATlfi{G pER Sn Ba.SfRChrbE EORESS WSDOW nt Al$rTlrhxl ROOra. o.COfrtTlCT vAlL FnE DEPT RE |WELESB SltOl(ES ArD LOCATpi.l.(ElgG !Eo.d?: OCD Ardoo: CfiCORRECTFf{REOIfiEO Cornn nar: lTEllS 1t.4 AID lElF ril Gm GE ADOfrESS€D '' llTIER FROII ErG DAIED oAlE A.*GAR T'YALLS REOD TO IE COFI.ETTDAiE T\F'PECTED. OK TO TIT$.i'ATT,,nil AcToO: APAPPROVED 701$160f lrn:bn:lm: }IOT REATX AT 3:IO PI, STLL OVER IflI.F }I)T I'FTruTD I: G|CD Acdon: lPrVPF0tlED / Pvt' Aplrorra(l " \:"O-ry Adon: APtsPR€h/ED ^ I I @tt REPT131 Rrn Id: L367 ApplrcATror{ t. no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLETt unrrunro Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 I -2149 (Inspections) 7flJ/VTI0FUtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado E1657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room layout drawn to scale to Indude: o Mechanical Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location a Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location a Heat Loss Calcs. o EquipmentCut/SPecSheets A CONTRACTORINFORMATION -' I Mechanical Contractor: fi ll t ar- a..-. u ln.oLo-, o*1 Town of Vail Reg. No.: \i^:T;T:l:,E;,','-'=.-* E-Mail Address:l'v Contractor Signature: -\\n\ COMPLETE V & Materials MECHANICAL: $4 tba te \f- Contact Asressrc in')or Yisit for Parcel # Parcel #l to 1l ( to{ oJ\\ .loo;,4,,,e. 14. H*7Ak rL-\Job Address:o d I I Br s Ho-,.-, eJ . Legal Descriptlo-n ll lou i\\Filing: L Subdivision: Qo-. C--ck fot(< @[r'4o, 4 Btv /1,'-,' RJ llPhone' 4z 6 - os t- 4 Enller: I Address:Phone: W*{6oJJ ;*'Jf ^,*,0TAddition }( Alteration ( ) R9qlr (--)--!the, ( ) Bo'ilera-ocat{i.frp4 Exterior( ) o,h"tj f Ooes an gnU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0{ @ Duptex( ) Mutu-famity( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: (No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoeof FireplacesExisting: GosAppliances( ) GasLogs(f ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBuming( ) N"ffyp" "f Fir"places Proposed: Gas lppliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) - No( ) *****:t*****************+FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************* \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\N4ECHPERM.DOC APPIICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Building Permit # Plumbing Permit #: TOVTTAFVUI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Plumbing C.ontractor: filt n.4c- -t- 'h'.ol'"n.,.".1 Town of Vail Reg. No.: Ro,-,,eLo-L E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: PLUMBTNG:$ 6oOo 4 Parcel# *lc: t( t t JobAddress:4o14 [3,q Hon.-t &J.JobName: ["] . N*q\ R Subdivision: Go--.. C*. * k 4at4 (1r Phone:47/_63/Owners Name:i f(" ll^ A-!Jrd=oJ o ve- <{ t 9*t u7 &o -' rtl <(\Detailed description of -,BoJ-" Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) O$er ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:nits in this building: Is this a a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUM Materials) Conbd forParcel # ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***** * * * * * ** *** ********** ** ** **!tt*** * RECEIVED MAR31Z TOV€OM.DEV. \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPER M. DOC 07n6t2ffi2 TOI4NVM Project Name: McHugh residence Project DescripUon: Addition Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depatmert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8020217 Pafticipants: OWNER M. JOSEPH MCHUGH & BRENDA B,O7/O3I2OO2 PhOnE: REVOCABLE TRUST 5334 GLENDOM AVE DAI.I.AS TX 75230 License: APPUCANT David Irwin 07103/2002 Phone: 476-7101 POB3342 Vail, CO Snapontofit@compuserve.com 81658 License: ProjectAddress= 4Qt4 BIGHORN RDVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: GORE CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 210111104001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= O3ll7l2OO3 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 TOI4'NM Application for Design Review __ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General f nformation: il,:"'?l"S- lequjring,design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. pleasererer to me submittal requirements for.the particulai approvat that.is requeied.- ei aiprication for Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is reieived by. the .community Development Depaftment. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town council.and/or the planning and Envrronmental commission. ?-":1sl t"'j:y approval.lapses unlesi a uuiroing peimit is'issued ""J "Jn"tirf,ion commences withinone year of the approval, Description of the Requestl Location of the proposaf : Lot: / elock: sudivision: Goae cn eek pazk Physical Address: Parcef No': 2 tc.l ttt^ 4c,^l (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: E-mai! Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs El Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (m ulti-fa mi lylcommercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duptex) Changes to Approved plans Separation Request $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 +zu No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 trE tr tr tr For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential orcommercial building (includes 250 additions & interior ionversions). l_oj^_TTr chapes to buildings and site improvements.such as,reroortng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences anctretaining walls, etc. F-or minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences andretaining walls, etc. For. revislons to plans already approved by planning Staff or theDesign Review Board. March 3,2003 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Bill Gibson Planner #2 Re: McHugh Residene Modifications - Final DRB Submittal 4014 Bighom Road Lot 1, Gore Creek Park Final DRB Approval Dear Bill: Per our discussion yesterday afternoon, enclosed find four sets of plans which I think address the concerns of the two DRB meetings we have had. All is to match existing lf you need more information, please don't hesitate to call. Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Ned Gwathmey cc: Joseph and Brenda McHugh I m0 Soulh FronlogB Rood \ry€st, Sutte 102 . Voll, Colorq(b El657 . Tel: (91O, 476-'1117 . Fox (970) 476- | 612 . Emoll: gpsxvolloool.com A€usn 19,200,2 ffi. ELllGbcon, PEnerfi Cqnrnr*ty Oerctoprprt Trn Of Vail Re: propoeco trbdficatbns to llctlugfr Resibnce - 4K/14 Eftrhom Roed / vaal Slcdr Ptin SubrniEal fr Bll: Per our conssCixrs, plre find slreacfies of the kl-hrgtt's cunent $gtrgfits fur t:ir Gr€e nro<fficdbnsto cr€* an dlmal Befoorn. The propcal rBCuGts re*rirp the Garage Roof 6'-0", addirB winfus to fte nor$ g*b end rd tuo doflners, dE on tE ed end and olp on fte Et end. $re rn&rstand fiat GRFA is not an ber.re, c frey dd not build to the maximum initially. All of fte modificdirns to rndcft existirB. | $l hare rn67e cornprefprr*ye pres€ntdion if we can trane some time on VftettnesCaY. Ttrak yol for your tioc and canslbd*rn. E(Hd M. Gdmey Jr.. . .,r .r A ndl'l? RECDAUbrr4uuL Page I of I fi le ://A :\lvfVC-040S. JPG 06127D002 Page I of I file ://A : \lvIVC-042 S. JPG 06/27t2002 l.ICHUGH s?o cr 42s8 ,'.;tout of Insunnce STATEMH{TOF CHAROES Thxr ch.ttcs rrl dor nd pryrbil bobrr a Folicy c'ar bc irsucd. P.2 SCHDDUI^EA Ordu Numbsr: 9l016ar0r I. Eflbctiv! drtrf JtD. 19, 3oO3 et ?rtt A.lt. l. Polrry |rr lolkbt| (o oc issn€rt: ir) A.L.i..l. (jry,il.f i PloFperl Insrrud: O) A.L.T.A. LoE koposed lnurrcd: (c) Larabold Plopoeed lnsurd: !ull|cr+,.. taa8.rr raoll lt@orr lorD varl., co 81657 t. 4. Thc cstrta or intcrcst in thc lmd describcd or reftned to b this comrnitnar rnd covard brGtn iE fer rlrglc Titlr to lhc ter rlqrlo GBtrtG o,? hOsr.ot io mid lrnd ir at thc cffcctive drte hcrcof votcd in: I. atDADl l|clucl rfD llltDr t. t met, rrutlrS8 ry lrE rt. jtGElr ttD laEfDt l. l.cruot rEvocr&! ttotr u/r FErr[nrlr t6. rrgt Tlp lrnd nfcned to in thir Connniturcd is dcrcrihcd rs hllo*s: 833 rl|lsrrD Lt6tt, DStctrEror ( Jul Ol 0A O4rgEp EPH l{CHUGH SCIIEDT'I,E A Gdlr Nu$C[: tt0l6ltor TEOALDESCRIPIION !,01 t,cc erEr trr, faralry to tl. Dt.t s.€rLa rrgrrt I' l9?9 b lool 23t .t hs. t?e .r r3aq)tlo ro. llttt2 ofllll c arEra tlllf 0f (qio|lDo. e?o ct 4a8s p.3 s?016 128s SCNDULEI Srliinn I Ords Nunbrr 930tial0r REQUNEMENTS lb hllowhg arc thc rGqrbnor.d! to br corslid yilh: llcm (a) hynrcot lo or for fic rcq d of tb grrntort m mortglgun of rhc hrll conli&rltim fin tbc csmE orhtffE3l tD he luurld. Itt,r! (b) Rorr ilctrun(r) crslilg tb srt c or hrcnit to ba in$r€d mrd bc oxecrlcrt ad duly filcd hrr!s.d. b Til: l. rroa illolAmtlr, mrrDsst m.r p..t Jul 01 02 O.trSSp s?0 o; 42811 p.5 .}CHEDULI 'Section 2 Ods Nun$cr 98Dr3al!)l EXCEPTIONS Tlre policy or poticics to be irsucd will co rin ?xcsptions to the follouring udess lhe same are disPoscd of to $e sr irfrtio of th: Crmpmy: I. Rightr or cl"ino of Fni,r in pcomion, not slr:wu by thc public r:conb' 2. Eaccmenh, i,r claiors of rascmelts, oot shown by the p[blic rccords. 3 Dircrcparcirr. cooflic6 n boud&ry linca, 3borage in rrce, encroacbrntob, ald aDy flcts r{hich 3 eorrcct suney rne isgectioo cr lLc prenter would di*i*c lrld whicb ac orr sbown by thc Public r€cotds. 4. AIry lian, or righl to I iicn, for services, hbor or rtrotarial heretolbre or hcreaflar firnirhed' inpccd by lrv aod not shovm by lbe public recorde' 5. Defrcts, liac, ergiltr'orurces, adverrc claims or oth.r mar|crs, if any, crtatcd,. firrr appcadqg i.n dlE Frblic rccordr or atbching subacqucit b the .ffeclive dre hcreof, brt pnol !o tl: daE he propooed ilsured lcquircs of r€cord for value-tbe esne or itrlc[cst or rprttagc thcrEoo co,ered by thb coamitmeat. 6. Unpatcntod niring cliimr; rcscrvdions or cxceptions in prt€nlt. or ect luthorizing ihe ieaurre thercofl waEr righrs, clrims or d e m waEr. ?. flt d all on[|!ld trrc! ald aaaala[astt ana ulrGdca*d trr !'lct' 8. rhr attcct of iacluriom il any gcucrcl c rP€cifie rrater co!t'rvlue!', fir' Dlotagllotl. roll €orrrEvrtio! or otlcr il'. trlcg or lDclullon fur 6i r'ter rrrrlcc cr rtr..t iqtrovrclt e:oe ' 9. leB.ntatlola arl arctrtlori l! t t.Dtr, or t3tr artlorbtrg tbc leruac: th.r.ot, tlcltdltg ti. r...F.tto! of th. rtebt of ProprlGtor al a tal! or loala to af,trrst aad roor! lir orc tLaattc rboulal ibc a{a ba tould to P.!.tr.t or lataraoct tla prd18e8 aB rcsarvcd tD valt€a! ltrt€r lrtclt rocordrd trov.tlDcr 22, L939 i! look 1e3 et P.ge Ezt. 10. r.B l|.re.lt aoa-grrticlpatllg ry.lty 1l atd to tlloc.€ls lerlvld fao thr ..1. o! rlacrale, of r.iet!o.p.r rtld asd Drtura tr.o|lu€ad aEa rltcal lt€ tL! ralil Drcrlt6, at rcscrued to Gu3t flaltltt?a aad lva t. triahtiDct bf lutrurat rrcoait.d lovuDrr ,, 7962 1! lo.l 166 at trgp aO7, eaat llt alc all asrtglDlts tt r.of or ilt ac!t! tbcr.I!. ll. t rra, sotditl@3. olig.ti€lr ala r.rtrictlol3 a. cotrt l!€ll l! Protaqll9c cov@rDt! rccort.d ,.sob.r 20, 196Z ir loo} l?4 .! Pago 103' 12, E rrcDt fcr cotctrrNcial rn{ crilteleler of, 9e5 ilf,rtrlbutio! ay3tcl lo roellc ot lifb8r lrbCirillol .! dlaclor.d bl' docrmlt r*crard lrgltt llt 1955 t! !61 190 .t Prgt aO' a3 acc.ttioE !o- 1ol9l{. 13. Esar|tt, r$trisBionr ad rlgltr-of-n.yt !! tloE oo thc fighora SrDalitLla, Pirrt ldditior. ld. utttllt aall arrllrge Ga3dartB lr tboi! and r€3cfled o:r lhc Pl't ot Elglot! StDalelalo! aa Al.€lo3.d lEl aocur!ts rtcora.a l!g[t8t lt ' t965 l! loolr lto rt Colti'nuad oo Lrt Prl' ^JuI 01 02 O.tt56p EPI] }ICHUGH coltiDnlttoD ol aclallulr , - lctloD 2 ordcr lulbor: 9101600f s70 u 42s8 p.6 tqG lot rr r€Gaptt o! lo. 1019u. [ot.r vacatto! o! ertaln of thcr? r:rtatr'-'t'itr trlr 3DOM[ tLlollorltg lt|rgrulcltr rrccrdcd r Alrr.tl Eo' l9tt tt rbr.h'Ja( : D|f/t 791 .. t a.Ftio to. Ial2oz, i! loolr 2!e tt Pr96 t98 at lccaDti-'! fn' ui203, rooorilod- rugnrrt g, l9?t i! ro€&, tg9 at D.gB 3?t .r lsc.lrtlo! to. ltlrtl .!a t! loct 3!t |t ltgr ltt .r Lc.tttlo! ro- 10!t?t .na ir lool '89 rt trgp 3t3 .. t c.ttloD !o. 131?tl. lt. E..3at tr|tr!a! to LataEr llot|. €.3 @, r@rd.a DG-b.r 9. L96' i' lod 13t st !trg. l?3 .r n.€.!llo! lo. 102?0?. 16. B.3EBtr grrntaat to ODD!r !!glc V€Ihi gcDttrtios Dirtrlct, r.oordcd I'ugu.t 29, !g79 la lool 290 rt trt. 3rz .. r.G.Frs! lo- 186731 rlll t.P3€oDcr 4, L979 b lcof ztl .f P.g! !09 m lcccttioo lo- 185908. 1t. BrcrDta I r.ltriotlcl! rla r{91t.-ot{rtt r. 3lon d tl. tl't ot Gora cr"l Pe'l, r.cor{.il f,Egu.t t, 19?9 Ir looh t99 rt hgc 3t2.. facq)tlc[ to' 13ll?72' +a'll*+a*'l**fatltlltaaa*{rf*t***aallftff*l'**a*{r'}tlltf,t*+*+*a*all****ara'***++at+at*fl+l*a*aaaa+a TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemcnt t**flafl**t'a**'t'laftla*llfa|}*a''}t***{r*****t**ll**+******t{'*'trrt*tt**+if*******'}aaal'}*aa'}+aa'tflf Statement l{fimber: R0OOOO26?2 tunount r $.300.00 O7/03/2OO2O3:04 PM Palment Metshod: Check Init: iIAR. Notation: 4337 McHugh Permit No3 DRAO2O217 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel. No: 210111104001 Site AddreeE: 4014 BTGHORI{ RD VAIIr LocatsLon: Thie Palment,: $300.00 Totsal FeeE: 5300.00 Total AL,IJ PmtE: $300.00Balance: $0.00 {r*tl**t*+ttt***ttat'}t***t**t+af++*+f+****++**+f***********tf++f++****{'f****+++f+la*'t*aattaal ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 300 .00 -, PI'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS ffiREBY GMN that Linda Lovejoy is requesting a rezoning and resubdivision of Parcel A, Bighorn Subdlvision and Parcel A, Bigborn First Addition from Residential Cluster (RC) to Trro-Family Residentiaf (R). Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. 'A PubLic Hearing will be held in accordance witb Section L8.66.060 of the Municipal Code on April 24, L979 at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environnental Commission. Said Heariug wilL be held ln the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTI{ENT OT COMM{'NITY DEVELOPMENT n - A K-^.0..-'\)a/1/N2 l+' '- -{\''-\-r Y.r"" A. Bubln Zoning Adninistrator Publ-ished in the Vail Trail April 6, LgTg o ta# Au* )&€K,7 h,ln, 'n t t,(s ' \on ,.-,suhill ,,)/5j! 'ygk @9s, '"il[-:' o, ,. -a PT4[8!ING NND E!{IIIRC3IIENBTJ AO64ISSMT EGNDA 7-24-7g Disttssian with E?ttz Glade cn zcrring arri use of skelly oilt site.(@rtinuatian frwn 7-10-79 neeting.) fndimina4r Plat for ParceLs B.C,D, arxl E, dmsrndge fifing !b. 2 Final Plat fun Parcel A Bigrun subdivisiqr and parcel A BigrETl Lstldclitior. Fosea ZQing ant Preliminaq' Plat approvaf fon Vail Valley 4th ItliltSf a 28 acre parcel alcrgithe eolf Course trresently beii.SArmsdt. 1.1 2.1@ 4.1 H $ $$aH l$ i F$I s.finfl'la s EFg f"FF lF # sg rv ll8 3 t'PE t3 6 XBa o r:$ s*fr Fp# EEo EF I ,a|Jrro"9t-oo g o!. s.3 t9 3t^R.! l\ rs5 11 8F #E 16 $;EIdY FiJ I8 5F Efi HH Ifi fl:to, gr lP P 3fi lE t8g0 9p 'f'fp'l t's BF ?tssff dF Fg F:6t E9FI ;H E Fg.B $.r F iifFfrI s.5 ho $eI crsfi$ifif,lf,iFf[f,F$[FB Ee'Fgslrsg$ rft*nn:snrE,fiFEfiE$E siF[$s$$flffiEi[[ F fl rfren f;s gnnfiiggg$[rlflrrfirr[rETa[E[,,E F r nFF t*$ F[,il ffila gs[ gl rifi i$ fi *[fi $ E rer ffi Fi gE Eiigii ii ffi ifi fil --l ffiryr ffi,gg ,m T gFEr,fffi$f$n gg[$fig$$sg o i 5 $ F* Hfi lf,$r B*ElEo r/r H ti F1 Hg;FgIF$H ri sffls' g n Fs lF? F Pfl IFu f -'E l-'b' f 9n lsr [ 'E l=tr:flilHe { :f, l:E. fi E'H lb'i gFstFI s HE: lEs [ 6E lE!D F.F"F rNlN -.:- EIF r..10,ri'lPPI a t5t. I!, l.-r Itr lxtfdto t5lo lFlt' lcd MI lE ls tE t5:lo t6' I lH, IFIXtdtitIP ll,|- IElx IEItlp ls FF6'FFN H<b'8{. E p Fd UeFfi H.,X' 'u H EH Bgqf o !D6oor6 38fl[ 5 8:5 * "B s'; Fa,g E FrHp r EsS'r'o6'g Fh F. E F.b9 HgFF. FatFhooFFN E;$ $1n'flP PF.F AEF o r8'g PFH B nQ EB T nfr$[f 5'Eng.Er e, F'g$E F[flFfrf F;6 He.1 sflps3Fsdt€3F F1*flr $F9*B fefr$H flE$*E rE,8<ob, Ef;Ef;grIsngsrs[ q g$ltr tr Ef;i fiE$Ff,fi['$f$gF [ .FH$B f, gf,fl n ,Fg$fl[[$B HF$[gi$f, -fiffi ; rrs -- (l () l.) 2.1 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) PLANNING tl S'Z64 AND ENVIRONMENTAL COIVT'4ISSION AGENDA June 26, 1979 Dave Gorsuch-Variance Request for the Height of a Stucco l{all on the Front of his ProPertY Gore Creek Park-subdivision and Rezoning ;-PIat ApprovalWoodrldge Townhouses Gore Val]ey Open Space Plan Discussion of Street Vending Operatlons in CCI and CCII Discussion of Revisions to Slgn Code I Plann'ing and Environ*"?u, Corrnission Minutes of l4eeting 6-26-79 Not yet approved by Planning and Environmenta'l Commission Members Present Gemy Uhite Jack Goehl Jin Morgan Ron Todd Roger T'ilkemeier Ed Drager Staff Present Jim Rubin Dick Ryan Members Absent Sandy Mi'l 'l s l.) Dave Gorsuch-Variance Request for the Height of Stucco }lall on Front of his property. Jim Rubin exp'lajned the staff memo, staff recornmendations, and history of this matter. Dave Gorsuch added his conments. He said he is not happy with the handling of thjs by the staff. He sa'id the wa'|l was approved by the Design Review Board last September and he went ahead with the plans this-winter arrang'ing for a contractor etc. He did not know there was any problem until they began construction this Spring. He said he had-not appljed for a variance but it had been a staff reconrnendation to clear up the nntter once and for all. He said Gordon Pierce's offjce drew the pians and presented'it for him without any problems. Jim Rubin said he was on vacation at the time and Julia Takihashj, a staff member at the time, did tell the Board that there were no zoning problems. George l4rorgan, a neighbor, gave his comments. He said they objected when they first learned of the wa'll but feel since the six foot wa'll on the side js legal , they would rather see a six foot wall all the way around instead of six foot on the sides and 3* foot in the front. Gemy White said the Planning and Environmental Commission is not the Design Review Board and should not get involved in the Design of the wa'll. He also fe'lt that if the wall is approved, a precedent would be set. Ron Todd said the wal'l was approved by DRB and he felt that was a good enough reason to nnke an exception in this case. Mr. Gorsuch said he did not know ahead of time that staff was going to recorrnend denial of this variance request and had he known' he wou'ld have obtained'lega1 council. He also said he can always just build the wal'l without approval. 'Tq PEC minutes-6-26- 79-Page Twooo Jim Morgan said he fee'ls Mr. Gorsuch should prove the hardship.involved. Jim Rubin exp'lalned that he requested the variance on behalf of Mr. Gorsuch and that the Town Attorney advised him it could be done on a short notice. Mr. Gorsuch said that staff advised him that the variance had been requeste{ for approva'l and he did not learn of the den jal recomrnendat'ion unti'l ten minutes before the meeting. Roger Tilkemeier nnde a motion to approve the variance for a six foot wall on the Dave Gorsuch property on Lot 4, Block 2, Vail Valley lst Filing with the st'ipulatiori that this does not set a precedent but is merely to accommodate a serjes of errors by the staff. Ron Todd seconded the motion. The vote was five for approva'l and Jim Morgan abstajned. 2.) Gore Creek Park-Subdivisiol and_Rqzoning of Parcel A Bighorn Subdivision . Jim Rubin explained that this is a down zon'ing from 26 units to 14 units. He said there were access problems but that the access problems as wel I as the water and sewei problems were taken care of already. Jay Peterson, representing the developers, explained the proiect to the Board and answered their questions regarding the sewer, high water levels,etc. He said that one piece of the development will be dedicated to the Town. A 60 foot section of that piece will be held back temporarily to see if it is needed by the gas company. Gemy White rnde a motion for approval of the rezoning of Parcel A Bighorn Subdjvision and Parcel A Bighorn First. Jack Goehl seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for approva'l . Gerry White made a motion for approva'l of the resubdivision of Parcel A BighornSubdivisionandParcelABighornlstsubjecttothecommentsof Jay Peterson regarding the retention of the 60 foot piece of land temporarily in case it is needed by the gas company. Jack Goeh'l seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 3.) Woodridge Townhouses-Plat Approval Jim Rubin and Duane Piper explained this project. It was brought to the P'l ann'ing and Environmental Comm'ission for the e'l imination oflot lines and was approved. This was done so they could place the build'ings in the open spaces and not cut down trees. The pl ans were then approved by the Design Review Board, Jim Rubin explained that this is again coming to Plann'ing and Environmental Commission for approva'l of the plat. There was a short discussion. Ed Drager asked what control tfrere is to insure the bui'ldings will be constntcted as p'lanned. Jim Rubin sajd they wil'l have to do as they presented to the Design Review Board. o PEG mlnutbs-6-2b-7g-Page Three Ed Drager said he feels in the future more stringent criteria shou'ld be set to-have controls other than Design Reveiw Board. Ron Todd made a motion to approve the l{oodridge Tovrnhouse Plat as presented at this meeting. Gerry t'lhiib seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Items four through seven v',ere discussion (non-voting) items, and, therefore, no mlnutes were taken. o '1O: IEftN @UICIL SUEItrLT: Rezoning Request as described be]ow. SXATISf,ICS:This is a Voluntary Downzoning number of unjts on thjs Parcel that is from 26 decreas'ing to .|4.the potential Rezoning of Parcel A' Bighorn from Resjdentia'l Cluster (RC) Subdiv'isjon and Parcel A, to Two Family Residentja'l I st AdditionsBighorn (R).@IIESI: SIAI,1NING & ENy1pg{MD{TAL gpIMISSIO{ ACIIC.I: By a 6-0 vote, the PEC recorrnended approval of this application as'presented. DEPAFI!,IE\TT RWi4MB{DATION: The Department a'lso recormends approva'|. The PEC. also approved a Preliminaiy P'lat for the division of the prgperty. into seven ibts. This plat wi'li be presented to the Town Council at the Final Plat stage. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: PLANNING I,IEMOMNDUM VIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTI'IENT 0F C0MI'IUNITY DEVEL0PMENT 6-22-79 REZONING AND SUBDIVISIOI.T OF PARCEL A BIGHORN SUBDIVISION AND PARCEL A BIGHORN 'IST ADDITION o AND B'I Linda Lovejoy, President of Concepts Internationa'|, has requested a rezoning and Subdivision of the above mentioned Property. The rezoning is from Residentia'l Cluster (nC) to lwo Family Residential (R) with the creation of seven dup'lex lots on this 4.4 acre parcel. This would result in a maximum of '14 units, instead of the 26 units '. previously permitted under Residentia'l C'luster. The Subdivision has been reviewed by the Departnent of Cormunity Developrent and the Torn Engineer and meets with the'ir approval. Thjs is a voluntary ve'Juction of 12 units, which also meets with our approval . l.|e, therefore' recommand approval of both the subdivision and rezoning requests. Minutes aPlannilg & EnwinorurentalTormlsslon' Meeting of April 24, Ig79 Not yet approved by the Planning Csrmission Cqnnission Merbers Present Ed Drager Sandy Mills Ron Todd Jim l4organ Jack Goehl Roger Tilkereier was outrcf-tounr Gerry White \ms on racation Staff Menbers Present Jim Rubin (entire neetiag) Dick Ryal (4:20 until cunpletion) 1.) Hi11is Akin Residence-setback Variance Request L,ot 9, Bighorn Estates Jim fubin o<plained the setbacks. There wa-s a dissussion. The revised and redesigned plans were presented by the anchitect. Walter Kirch wtro orrms the properW on the north side of the ereek stated his two objections: a. Ihe driver,my will destroy a nice stand of trees on'the southeast comer of the Iot. b. Ihe house is too bulky to be located so close to .the str"eam with 35 feet elevations. He thinks the house could better fit the 1ot. Sandy Mi11"s suggested he redesign and colr.e back. Stre feels there rea11y i.qrrt a hardship as the cnurer lctew the 1ot utren he bought . it. Jim Rubin e:<plailed that this is not an ordinar:y lot, withthe buildable area witlr-in the setbacks being insufficient for a reasonably sized duplex. Sandy Mil1s made a nrcti.on to deny the Setback Variance Request for the ltillis Aki.n residence propos-ed for Lot g, Bighorn Estates. Jack Goehl seconded the nption. C.oehl, Todd, and M111s voted for therction. lr[organ and Drager voted ap.inst the rrction. The ryntion passed. Ed Drager infonned the architect that he has 10 days to appeal to the Council. Sattdy Mi1ls suggested that the arrhitect neet with staff to \{ncrk on a front setback as an alternati-ve to tlre stream setback. {?|! 'Gl t, 7i o Mjnutes G-24-79> Page Tho 2.) Stan lyledsker Residence-Setback Variance Reouest I-at 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Jim Bubin explained the location of the horse, the history of the 1ot, aad also that the neigtrlcors had been notified with no one objecting. Katz is the nearest neighbor. Jim said he feels that the questionis, "fs thene a real hardship?" l,4rs. lvbdsker presented her rnerp and p1ans. Ed Drager said tbat if the Tcnrn pond were not on their 1ot, the Medskers could bave had npre of a choice wtrerre to place their house. Sandy Mi11s aslred if the encroaclxnent of the pond rmill be a hardship forever. Ron Todd read a staterent frcrn the Tcmin Attorneyrs Mann. Jim Morgan npved that the Setback Variance Request for the Stan Medsker Residence for Iot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th be approved. Bon Todd seconded the rpticn. Todd, C/oehl, Dra.ger and lvlorgan voted for the rnotion. Mi11s voted against the motion. The nroticn pa.ssed. Ed Drager told l,{rs. lrfied-sker she can make her pr.esentation to the DFts.after the 10 day appeal perj-od. 3.) lov..ejoy-Reguest for tiesubdivision of Parcel A, Bighorn Subdivision and Parcel A, Bighorn First Addition P.os{>oned until lr{ay 22, 1979 4.) Creekside Buildjng Request for Conditional Use Perrnit irr OCI Withdrawn 6.) Di-scussion with John McBride on Proposed srpansion of Clock Tcryer Po::ch The Ccnrnission met at the Clock Tower at 22,30. Ii{r. Drager said he felt that they should neet u'ith }'{r. Ryan as he feels before they nnke decisions on alything 1il<e the Clock Toqer Porch, they need to decide on a Mrster Plan for the CCI lrlall Area. Jim lvlorgan said he, too, feels a Mal1 plan is necessary. Sandy Mi11s said the Bridge Street side of the plan is good, but mour renpval uould defjnitely be a prablern. Jack Goehl said he fee1s an overall plan is needed. Ron Tbdd did not attend the 2:30 nreeti.ng. No rnotien wa*s nade. 'rEl, o Minutes G-24-7g) Page Ttree 7.> Andy Norris-Preliminary of Mansfield Village Andy Nomis said he nainly wanted to fu11y acquaint the staff and cqrmission with the nail points of their project. He explaiaed the I-earnjrtg Center part of their project. a. There will be a Continuing Education Center nainly to acconnpdate CIC. ' b. There will be a 25G-300 seat auditoriun for films, lecturers, etc. c. Ttrere wiLl be a library. (Perhaps the Tcnm Libra:ry) d. There will also be offices for scholars, ete. It would be 281000-3210o0 square feet. It world be non-profit ouned. C[& cculd have a lease-purchase anangernent. Library could be owned by a for,urdation. 95/" ot the Parking wqrld be covered. There would be a 150 rocrn hotel, 34 Condqninlurns (owner occupied) and 34 rental units. It wcmld be a lcmrrise village. Ttrere uould be 1OrO00 to 121000 sqruue feet of conrn:rcial space nrainly for the use of the olvners and users. It wculd not be guest oriented. There would be four indoor Tennis Courts, two racquet ball courts, turo squash courts and an indoor-outdoor srvinming poo1. TIre tennis courts and pool wcmld be scheduled for use by the public. Also there would be about 10@ pril'ate rnsnbers. Threre would be an eating facility and locker roons. Tttis is a 16.8 acre parcel in Special Developrent District Four. Ttrey have purchased tlre Robbins TYact. Therre is another tract approxirnatelyI.4 acres wtrich they are try1ng to buy. It is in the way of the bike path so he sould like the Ttrum to think about condaning this tract if necessary. He wculd like to nmke his forral presentation on'!'llay 22. He wou1d li-ke everyone to see the report done by A11en Gerstenberger. Jim Rulcin will nnlre copies for Ccnunj.ssion me-nbers. oMirutes G-24-79) Page Four ' 8.) Jay Peterson-Prel Discussion of Annexation of Parcels Bt D. and E No.2 Jay Peterson and.Ron Todd nade the presentation. It is a 77.7 acre parcel wtrich is currently in the County. Jay would ]ike to sontract the zoning with the Tqrn of vail nor for possible annexaticn jlto the Tqrn. It is 16? units. He would like the PEC to make a prelimina:y reccxnrendation to the Tcryn Council to consider this for arnet<ation. Ttre staff feels the site plan can work but tbat the upper area migltt not be developa.ble. They vould need proof that it can be developed' Hopefully, if this'is arurexed, the Town could buy the upper part for open space. Ttre staff does agree w:ith the revised site plan except in the upper area. Jay vctrld like to go to Council on lvlay I to begin annexation. There is approxfuately 30 acres developable. Ed Drager nnde a rption that the Cormission urge the Council to anne>c and contract zoning for Parcels Br C, D, and E, Lisrsridge.Tiling No'2 as presented today. Jim l'{organ seconded the nption. The vcte was unaninpus with Ron Todd abstaining. Ed Drager rsde a nption that the PEC urge the Torn Council to acquire Tlract E, Lionsridge filing No. 2 hopefully by purchasing it at cost (what the nqr qMler paid for it) and nraking the prrchase parb of the Arurexation procedqre. Jim Morgal seconded the rption. T[e vote uas ulaninpus w:ith Ron Todd abstainhg. 5.) Lionsridge C1-C5 Approval for Developnental P1an. Jay Peterson and A1len Gerstenberger nade the presentatiqt. Phase I muld be a recreational- building and 102 units. Revised plans rvere e'p1ailed. There was a discussion. Dick Ryan read the points from the Staff Ivlenp and Jay ma.de his coimlents, 1.) Departrent approval of the location and desigr of contajners. Jay agreed to this. 2.) Construction of aa internal sider',alk and an off-set sidervalk along Frontage Road. Jay did not agree with'this. 3.) Construstion of a bus pul1rcff area and shelter. Applicant shmld work with Jon Eberle concernilg location and speci- fication. Jay agreed to this. oIlinutes (4-24-79) sage .r'].\re 4.) Sleciaf Tleatrpnt of the conerete retaining vralls. Jay agreed to this. 5. ) Construction of protective wa11 along Lionsridge' Ioop. Jay did not agree to this. 6. ) Change in location of structures as recormL6nded in msnorandum. Jay agreed to this. 7.) Adding wjndor,vs to the lfest Blank wa1l of the tbree story stnrctures with views to tbe west. Jay agreed to this. 8.) fncreasing the distance between bui.ldings to allorr rnore natural light into the courtyard qt the three story structure. Jay agreed to tbis. 9.) Redesigrr landscape plan to include additional )-andscaping to the street surface. Jay agreed to this. 1O.) Schedule of when the recreational anenity padrage wi1l be constnrcted. Jay agreed to this. Dick Ryan added an eleventh item. 11.) Bedesign the grades on the driveuiays entering into the project so that they do not e><ceed 8fl. Jay agreed to this. Sardy Mills made a rpticn to appr.ove the prelirnina-ry site plan for Liorsridge C1{5 conditional on the before-mqrtioned itens 1-11 \{'ith the exceptiqt of #2 and #5. Jack Croehl secmded the rnotion. Ttre vote was unaninpus. The reeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. ?! rD box 1O0 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 47esfi3 April 16, 1979 Western Slope Gas Corpany % Linda Iovejoy Bor( 1528 Vai1, @ 81657 Re: Use of Tr"ct A of the Proposed Gore Cteels Park Subdivision Dear Sir"s: We have received the kelimina:ry Plan for the Gole Cleek Park Sr:bdivision. On this h"'elinina:ry Plan is a 35 feet by 72 fee;t enraelope, for use by Western Slope Gas Corpany. This helini:ra:ry Plan included a pnoposal for five driveway cuts along o1d Higbs'ay 6, v/trich is now a Tlqrn of Vail rcad and has been renared as Bighom Road. One of these cllts is for the l{estern Slope site. In pnel-imtnary revien'of this proposal, ue feeL it is acceptable, but need none slreciflc infornation on actual grade changes fru Bighorn Road onto the sites. For the building to be located on the Western Slope site, we uould request building plans for the buildirtg including a site p1an, a landscaping plan, and building elevations. These will be presented to the Design Revierp Board at one of their regularly sctreduled neetings (wtrich are every Thureday at 3 P.M. ) Please let us have the plans the Friday before the neeting, and let r:s knqry 1O days before the reeti-ng utridr you wish to appeax at, so that rre can publish it i-n the local newspaper. O e//tuIo eta't department of community development Ibstem Slope Gas Cqeaqv +L*79 nage nm he ooncem that re rryant arkLessed is tbe nutber and slze of pa,r'Hng Epaces ttrat yan wltl requlne on this site. lbe par*fng areas fuuld be tndtcated on tbe sltc plan, and will be required to be paved. If you bave tr:rmer questlo, please lert re lmcn'.:- .. Slncetly, Oeee,rtmrt ot Omrnity Evelogmt il A A n\)fuff'w'''<.+?trre A. Ribi! znlJ€ AiffinLstrata @i lfent nme - trr€d:Otto' .': i-: JAR:caJ o PI]BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS I{EREBY GMN tbat Linda Lovejoy is requesting a rezoning and resubdlvision of Parcel A, Bighorn Subdivislon and Parcel A, Bighorn First Addltion from Residential Cluster (RC) to Two-Family Residential (R). Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on April 24, L979 at 3:O0 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environrental Commission. Said Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPABIIIET{T OF COUMT]NITY DEVELOPIIEDIT L. tfL!; Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail April 6, L979 ames A. Bubin o Gore *n:}gs?lFffi'*u. VAIL 21 BUILDING P.O. Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2482 Aprll- 5, 1979 Jin Rubin Zlning Adnlnis tfator Tom of Val-l Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: G0RE CP&EK PARK, A Resubtllvislon of Parcel A, Blghorn Subdlvlsion Dear Jim: Ihls ts to confirmour conversation of Wednesday, I.q-rli. 4, L979, inwhlch rre requested our rezonLng be tabled untll" the Tlay 22nd, Planning Cornmiseion neeting. We were originally on schedule for the Aprtl 24th meeting. Thank you for your help. If you have any ques tlons please do not hesitate to contact me. Slncerely, lrdz l.h Llnda L. Lovejoy 7? t REGISTERED LETTERS Sn{T THE FOLL,OIIING on 416179' Lot 6, Blghora Subdlvision J. Mitchell Eoyt & M. Zane Box 596 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Vail, Colo. 81657 1, Bighorn Subdlv.Willian F. Vigor 58OO East Vine Dr.Fort Colllns, Colorado 80521 I, BLk 1, Blghorn lst Add.Patrick E. & H.tr. Dougherty 3TL Neptune Ave.Encinltas, Calif . 92024 4, Blk 1, Bighorn lst Add. Thomas M. & I. Cymala Gibson 4 Oakbrook Dr. G-106 Oakbrook, I11. 60521 7 and Lot 6, Bl-k 1' Bighorn lst Add. Karen B. Kubbyc/o Karen Utter Box 536Vail, Colo. 81657 4, Blk 1r, Blghorn lst Add. ldatthew A. Segall 210 East 53rd St. New York, N.Y. LOO22 L, Blk 1, Blgborn 1st Add. David S. Siegal 4L55 E. JeweLL Suite 502 Denver, Co1o. 80222 5, Blk 1, BLghorn lst Add. V.K. Turner & N.K. Muncaster Box RR Evergreen, Co1o. 80439 5, Blk 1, Bighorn lst Add. Gene G. IYalton 31-L8 W. PineLodi, Calif. 95240 3, B1k 1-, Bighorn lst Add. Charles Farwell, M.D. 1l-406 Veirs Mil-l_ Rd.flheaton, Md. 20902 l \rt^* ll DATEs r.2-09-1991 '.1gl..i!.,1;-1 .1.-{3-'l FROM THE OFFICE COUIIUNITV DEVEIOPMENT .r. ;'" ,. i:l i r. i l" 5i I :il"{ {...1. j, ,1. i:.i: j, 1,,; :ji.! II,IPORTANT MESSAGE ****************** ltl '..1 :.'L..r L i.i: :. I .,; 1. 'i ,::i ",. ., FoRi:: :Andy KnudtgeDj: .:' i i-j:':iJ;j:j .,.,'j:il I l::l l. r'4TIME: 10:49:38 AI.! 7i.. i:I.'.r.1-l r.;l-f-! :l',-:'-: -'_i|I ::f'1 PnONE:f! 4f1l65395'1ll.li .::ir'.i ::i '..-l jl .,..i.ii i':: :;. lr.i. i':::i.: $r::ll.i '-.:- : :i::'{ OF: :: 'lini i :.:i.Jij .i :i:r :- l ,::it::: -,...1 ..r::l r ":i::r' ::j.i ;'j- ii.,:.i- ,::i 1:::i,. Telephoned.... txl Came To see You. '::j:fl1'-i"r+ Wants To SeBliYdUl.\,.r.:r;. il:\j l []]is.:::i ' _: i i.iiJ li , i.l5 i ]ii "ll.:1.i.. t ':jl:iili-i n:l-i-lY,^, Il. r--t,4 r:::J :.'j- / .:. i.i.i,i'ir'{.r:rirL.::tri::.:''i.::l-1 r-i,\_-r-f i?itlIi^i$i::Sabtlfned YOUf Cal1.... t] .rJ * -:1r ",' :i 'i. .r if -. ::. ''t: ::' ' I ir I !'ETI{ANDSxt;',v8{v '. . . .i... }TESSAGE:- WAS JUST INTORI{ED NE uPsEr '::,.ckilft H q ,.: i:.'qv EDED TO PTRFOP$I,Io'r' a);ttr L-l '::- .: -'.j. \ l I .t !, r 't ... .,: ,.. i:'. ii ..r ': l rl ',.. ','.:'l -.-: I ' -jr1;_:'! i :1 .,lIir-,.lti.:.: f .'; , : ... .,!..Blecker ;,'. ';. ;-: BYJAN6.FilNICE .., -1 ! .. r-4 ,,). : ..,rI ,..: ::;: :. .'- -"ij...! r':i l!::! i\ "l .l i..r,'l Please Call. . . .';iillJ. .-t:;:;::iE!li ; L1;'t ,'; lil'i ; WiIl cal.I" Agaiin.......i'.,:[]' tl 2nd CaL.3.:,; . .:-;i. . .. ,,[ ]' .i'i Special Attention..... tl ---.;;-5--A-----------';-i--'---------.r;j:--:------- -------A- :: .,' SOI,TE MITIGATION J. :i,.: .:l ',:;l l: . i' :. .-l r r '!-; -_ll. '- 'J:.i1...j '.-. : -:i-J/ -.I:':r :lzi it ,-11 . .l-";:.lli i.lJf l .:. ti ' -"-*-- - .ili.i:':ii.l.::' ! t rr4 | .,1!.rl . , ..r, r' . irtr'Et-!Ll lrir't:!iri(:]f ;i-! : -l . ',;:.1-1-'ri..Iitl i :.ii.]i-l:i1 r li,.-..j 5:j..li: ::l:.i:j .-::: ,-1.:ii..ii.tr rr i::1,..; 1,.-.fli.ji', ,,...,'l .,,,1if ,, :'1..1 -.::jI:::-l'j -; it:ll 1.::]t:' 1 i::': -i _: ! .:.. 1 : ' i} :t :-: . _- : -.i 1. '1..1 :: ': srcNED: Amber DEPARTMENT OFTHE ARTY flrc'0 oEc - 6o RS t99lSACRATENTO DISTRrcT CORPS OF EIICI'IEE Re8ulatory Section Ts{t CAP]TOL IALL SACRAIE||TO, CALrFORllrl 95tta-a79a Decenber 4' 1991 ( 199100854 ) Mr. Philip and M. Rosalie Lier 4014 Bighorn RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lier: I sn writing to you ooncerning the unauthorized digcharge of fiII uaterial into "watere of the United Stateg." The unauthorized diecherge in question oocurred in wetlanda adjacent to Gore Creek in Lot 1 of the Gore Creek Park Subdivieion within the Town of Vail, Colorado During en inspection of other properties lrithin the vicinityr we learned that fiII naterial wae digcharged into wetlande during congtruction of your houee. this wag later confirmed by aerial photography. The Department of the Arny Corpe of Bngineers reaulatee the dieobarSe of dredJed or fill naterial into "watere of the United States" under Seotion rl04 of the Clean lfater Act. l{ithin the context of Seotion 404r "lraterg of the United Statee" are defined ae the territorial eeas; perennial gnd ephemeral gtreane; Iakeg t ponder and ilpoundnents; end wetlande. Federal law requires that any individual or entity propoeing to dieoharge dredged or fill reterial into "watere of the United Stateg" obtain a Departnent of the Army pernit prior to conmencing such a digcharge. Our recorde indioate that a pernit hae not been iasued for thie discharte. Therefore, I an hereby infornini you that thie discharae conetitutes a violation of Section 404 of the Clean Tater Act. f,e have coordinated this violation with the Bnvironmental Protec- tion Agency and have a3reed to aocept an after-the-fact pernit application. Accordinfly, I an bereby inforninS you to gubnit an after-the-fact Department of the Aroy permit application so that we Day deternine whether the unauthorized fill is contrary to the public interegt and whether it complies with the Bnvironmental Protection A8ency'e Section 404(b) (1) fuidelinee. I an enclosing a Department of the Army permit application end infornation booklet for your uee. In addition to conpleting the pernit application form, you should also include these additional itens: taPtv loalrlfno{ oG a) A plan view of Lot 1 which illuetrates the extent of wetlands which existed prior to this work. b) A plan view of Lot I which illuetrates exigting conditions.c) A section view drawing(s) of all dredged areae snd disposal eites which illuetratee both pre-exieting and existing conditions (i.e. out and fill diagran with elevations ) .d) The erea of wetlandg, in acres, which wss dredged and filled. The volune of naterial , in cubic yarde, which wae diecharged in the wetlande. The nane and address of the contractor who perforned thie nork. A plan to rititlate wetland inpacte. h) Any other information which you believe nay be pertinent to our evaluation. Ae described in the pernit booklet, your drawings nust be black and white, on 8 ll2" X 11" paper, and be dimensioned or drawn to scale. You ehould aleo include a vicinity or location rap with your drawinge. lle bave asgigned Nunber 199100854 to your caBe. Pleaee refer to thie number in any future correapondence subnitted ooncerninS your case. You ehould eubnit your after-the-fact Departnent of the Arny permit application to the attention of llg. Sugan Nall , Corps of Engineers, l{estern Colorado ReSulatory Offioe, 4O2 Rood Avenue, Room 142, Grand Junctionr Colorado 8f501-2563 by January 6, 991. I an encloeing a list of wetland consultantg and/or engineering firns which ray be able to aesigt you in preparing your permit application and/or act as your a8ent. lie appreeiate your cooperation. Should you have any queationer pleaae contact Mg. NaIl in Grand Junction at (3031 243- 1199. Sincerely t Art ChanpChief, Regulatory Section el fl s) Encloeures i: i, ' Copies Furnished::. Dr. Gene Beetz, U.9. Snvironnental Protection Agencyt 8Wl'l-SP, 999 18th Street, Suite 600r Denverl Colorado 80202-2406 trlr. LeRoy S.. Cerleon, U.8. Fish and Wildlife Service, ?30 Eiuue Streetr Nunber 292, Goldenr Colorado 80401 !lr. Robert Casheyr Colorodo Divieion of Wildlifet ?tl Independent Avenue, Grand Junctionr Colorado 81601 !lr. Jon Schreeohliat-401, Departaent of Healthr 4210 Baat llth fvenuel Denver, Colorado 80220 Jl6t1g61 of iatlr AttentioD: City ltanagerr ?5 S. Frontete Boad' VaiI'- Colorado 8165? 3. ooz 9lnco{6z !mF ={ -II Io @n liHFCg rgH'- i E $cs 3 iHi* H €.H= E g 4H \= C)l 1o -an+xfiin o 9p-{c HE ie TDz =IT riHrdF Illu) F z zt{ = ,l' l6 I E 12lol'rl t; lFIt =2 =E>rnol Hlx81. IEt! tlqolHXIFIHN lFdN)lo'lt'o\tH Irll lF I I I I = H tr{ (,\oo\ lmlot' 12 le I = n tllF ca U'.A ld E l1rt<t> FIF lfl IEll I' 5 \lq\ I{ N)ss. I 3 t!rrlF Q. CN u) CJ =t- ,mola s, @ U) FrlFozr.lF F o -t H t'r ! o\ INi.)s.5. m€otr+i- -z.c) :1 > = l z ]. m 5 ozmm m.ol<" ONFa Ria-tnP ionlnx 68c)<2,ot2Ie E Eo= = ozc2 - =oo onz2 5t- |J>- N@=E-=qr- t-(-< 3 zItt€ HFId F{H v)Hz6)Fi tll Fd B ts t!(t H rllze) g€ sd siEisEi3 *i FF (2 o:at =-.ootr5..-oRtr- s; es n ii3EicB 3aB=@g=o ae4€ -tt oEd.9=il da9.3 5s3'1 IeiEi'=.9I@ioL 9odr gl$i <o-3 E:AE d *ilE s ga;r .='oxo f o --- os.o{ ott o ot =.o 3 @ E. CL ='GI oo o DJo o =o o o. 5' oo h. cr tl 0EE o DIo o Jo (D o - m! 62 =z t- m t\) Lr z FFHv, xt{IF utItl H N' \o @ @ =l =lolo:il()l -l I I I I I 0l ill I I I I I 6ls> l-: EIEz6lF-{ | i-r irB !rtslc)'7{ I I I EIF'l- lF \o IB cJwFz Fl >tri 4 s,\o -to-tr !mD =-t.Tl mma \SNR$\ $' :. q]zaqItl>llFolHolc/l !lFt < 1,, oto 'Tl *$3i@= -{o IDmx m! -.1 oz o ID U' -{m !ma =-lzo |! r'r zv, efllFtt+\ -|ra'tatrf-r FI a+\lv\ ElHl aEf-l|.tBtgt t?(FlFl,>\- cf Elts(tHf+ -aEFt E4g -0Fr $ts(E -.Fv.1,.r? -tItt EIf!| r1gtnt+i -l-tt-af!| F -la+ J<OJs**= -=l-'EHiQ "i ol!:x!rtr;!t* 5d>a5u:3€olRF?r=-B:-i Est=a Ee=Z-* F=OXi-.rs3t>fil*f-rGz IOoas EqFr- ! fTt =>i>,Ph2 =-il'JF^n alt \JX-.TtYr{-:t>+:j-ilF2cA,-Z { \/ ,{ 7=EilE a\ "'U =SBkro -.. lH z FH FIu frt!tn ttr.lzc)trl I chHz 6)Ftll EID Htr< et{ |- o D Flll(n Htl{zH F o FI C. E I tq 5 z t,rq' \0 -t o d: 0a Ic)HoF E FF E tHIttF F 00 so 5 utHc| !EoFz Fo tr F Ft Et-oon ctoFtd c)Ftdlrlx € Fa v, EE \o\lto i€iitii iiilis = +a 7 2 =liiil:"=l; I i': ; 1+iiF i3 i; i;rs*ii 1 : ? {i1: iiFiiF tt z and ,ztllx =;' =:c. w !ot/,.{ z o 2v,! oco f Do tn lnwn 75 south l.onlage .oad vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of publlc works/transporta on T0: FROM: DATE: RE: rn surnnary, ordlnance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful for any person tolltter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, includlngtrash dumpsters, portable tollets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk' al1ey or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all rown of vail streets and roads 1s approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordlnance wlLl be strictly enforced by the Town of vall public works Deparcment. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-houratriEten noLlce to renove sal-d materiar. rn the event the person so notifled does not conply with the notice lrithin the 24-hour tine specifled, thePubllc works Departnent rr111 remove said mate.riaL at the expense of personnotifled. The provlsions of this ordi-nance shall not be applicabre toconstruction, maintenance or repaLr prolects of any sEreet or alley or anyucilltles in the rlght-of-way. To revlew Ordlnance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Bulldlng Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Read and Acknowledged by: VAIL1989 I.,IEMORANDTIM AI,L CONTMCTORS CIIRRENTLY REGISTERED WITTI THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 OFOINANCE NO. 6 Town of Vai I 75 5. Frontage Road Vai I , Col orado At637 Flan anal ysi s based on the l9A5 Uni*orm Blrilding Code Project Id: LIER RESIDENCE Address: LOT 1 BLI: t GORE CREEl.i FARl,i Date: $eptember ?n tgBB Contractor: FROBERG & A55UC Occupancy! R3,H1 Architect: INTRATECT Type of Congt: V-N Engineer: NONE Flsng Examiner: jOE NORRIS NOTE: The code itemg listed in this report are not i ntended to be a cornpletcr Iisting o{ all possible code reqrrirements in the l9El5 UBC. It is a guide to sel ected sections t:f the code. ==== = =============== == === ================*€= * ==== ===== == TYPE 0F C0NSTFUCTItrN:V-N SEFARATION DIRECTION BT]UNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE FROTECTION NORTH PubI ic Way 130. O Feet 11O, O FeetEAST Property line 15.O Feet 15.O Feet SOUTH Froperty line 9(r.6 p**1 90.0 FeetWEST Property line l5.O Feet 15.O FeetArea increaged 5O 7. {or open area ctn ? gideg. FL NAt"lE UCC AREA ALLOITIED A/A OCC L.OAD REO'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH ? Dwelling RS 1O54 Unlimited 4 L O.Ct7TOTAL 1054 Unlimited 4( 4) 1 O.07( O,A7,l Dwelling RS 2963 Unlimited l(r I C).ZOI Farking Earage Ml 49C) JC)O6 6. 1" ? 1 O. C)ETOTAL 3453 ?(,8188 0. 17 1?( 14) 1 0.25( O.2B) BUILDING TOTAL 45C)7 54?97 C).CI8 16* NOTE! Indicates that this occupancy is not allowed on this +loor-Table 5-D# NOTE: Indicates that this cccLrpancy is an accessory area-Sec. 53t)2, (a) exc. The al lowed M area is SOOO sq.{t. for a mixed occLtpancy, -- Sec. 1102. REAUIRED OCCUFANCY SEPARATIONS H1-R3 I hr Materials approved for thr congtrurction are reqLri red on thegarage side only and 1 3,/8 inch solid cc:re, gel{-closing door. -- Sec. 5Ct3. (d) ex #3 All qlazing in haeardouts locations (see sectic:n 54O&, (d)) is required tobe of sa{ety glazing rnaterial . -- Sec. 5406. NORTH EAST SOUTH t^JEgT OEC BRG NON_ERG OFNG HRG NON_BRG OFNG BRG NON-BRG OFNG E|RG NON-BRG OPNC WALL WALL PROT UIALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT ta,ALL hIALL PROTf'll C,hr Ohr None Crhr Ohr None Cthr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None R3 Ohr C)hr None Ohr Ohr None r)hr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walLs may be of CUPIBUSTIBLE material . None -- No {ire protecti on requi rementg {or openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire agsemblies. 5{tZ (]{ the area o{ the wall max irnum. Sec iO4. (b) NOP *- Openings are not perrnitted in this wall.* -- These wallg may be requri red to have a parapet watl, 3{:t inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is requrired to have the samefire rating as the wall. See section 17Cr9. {or detailg and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AELEI'IENT NATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXtrEPTIONSInterior Bearing wall ANY NANEInterior nonbrg wall ANY NONEStructural Frame ANY NONEExterior Struct Frame See {ootnote l*1Shaft Enclogure ANY I hrFloor/treiling Aseembly ANY NONERoof./Ceiling Assembly ANY NONEStairs ANY NONE FOOTNOTES: 1) Mi nimltm on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wa1 I requi. rements. Baged on section 32fJ?. (b) The roo{ing t:n this building ig not required to be {ire retardant. EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling murst be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306, (b ) -- Sec, 3506. (c) exc.#1 The maximr-rm rise of a step is B inches and the ,ninirnum run ig I i nches. Frovide a gurard rail where drop o{{ is greater than 3O incheg.Mininum height=36 inches, ,naximlrm apening Eiee=6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc ? The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 6 inches, -- Sec. 3306. tp) The maximurm travel distance in thi6 building is 15O {eet. *- Sec. 33115. (d ) oo EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATIN6S AND OFENiNB FFOTECTION v ADDITIONAL REOUIRET.IENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY For l"ll occupancy' For R3 occupency Provi de a window or door to the exterior +rom every room uged {orsleeping. -- Eiec. 12O4. A wi ndow must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear heighta# 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum). -- Sec. 1204.All habitable roons require exterior glazed opd'nings equal to 1O% ormore of the floor ar€a. (min lO sq,ft.) -- Sec. 12Cr3.(a)AII habitable roons require an openable exterior openings equal to 57.or more of the f loor area. (rnin 5 sq.f t, ) -- Sec. l?05. (a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable spece is 7 {eet 6 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1107. (a) l owrr o{ Vai I 75 $. Frontage Road Vail n {lnlnraclr: 8t657 Fl an correction bagerd on Lhr* l9Bfi t.Jni{mrm []r-rilclincl CocJar Froject Itl . L-IER RHISIDHNCIE AddreEs: LOT t HLti 1 6BRE CREEI::: FAFII':: Date: geptemlrer ?, 19BS Oontr-i:rc f.r:r': i:rFt0l-iEREi Ez ASSOC Occupancy! RSrlvll Arcl-iitu'cf: INTIIA|H()T Type o{ Corrst I V-N Engi neer-: NONE Fl atrs F;.r ani rrerr-: jUb" NtlFtlIS * SHEET IDENTIFICAl-ION CBRRI:CTION Rf:rAUIftF:l) r A1.L gheelLri: to be starri;;:ed "rr id :;i gned try an Archi tect or- Einql i nerer relg i gt ered i rlLit i li st Li,rt e. 2 Sla;:ing in a haear-dours lor:atinn is reqlti red to be rllarecl witl'r ga{elty material . -- Sec. 54t}6. g Thal r-ocl.f ing systern mi-rst be ar;:provpd for wind l oadg is: th:is areao provide in{orrir*rtian on the system to hB ursed - -[ lli ,,:, ,:.r r er,--,r r e,'q r..r i. r'€i$ ftn t:il: t.err i trr cr;ielni nq {t:r ernprgency rJ i:r,{:: r:!i[.] el cir" f-(*r$(:t.r(! w:t tfi c.l ,ril l:if tii'a/di;nc:ri:;i.citlg:; rpuci{iecl" --- $ec. 1;:0r1.. A r;moke dntector i g reqrri rr*d i t'l tt'te dcce$'-' olrela tc] ;rL l r-oc'msl uslecJ { cr r;i[ r,re.rp i t iiJ [:iul-putt{ls " -'-- Se'c . l.:1{j). (a) Tl"ri e ie; r-eqltireld tl |::r ,a 1 ttrultr agsetmbly since it i r; atn or::cupancy separrat:.i on,, '-- l-aL'r1€.? 5-B & Sec. 5'il3. (c ) -thi.s i "-,r reilqLrir-erd to be;l I hunr agsembly g3ince it i:; in an t:c Ltpancy Fjep!:rrati c:rt wlrl1. - - $ec- 5C15. (c) ll,r. r,t,:(:i t- (!:i:) j.rirJ:ir;t ,,it r..i.i ilr,r'."; rii:,t [.rf]\./ iclc* ttrtn rerlni red tn:l rl l. fltLt$i wicJt.h c;f iLr it,c.lit'::.:,,. 5i,:r- " .i'..j'r-ti). (tr) Jlieir matlr:imurnr riqit* r:{ .1 l; i::i::fp :i.:::; 13 j. nt:lrc':g; and tht* mini.mtrm trerarl i.; I in*:fttlra. --* Selc. ;i;3O6. (c) e>lc *11 Thn nri ni nrurm treetclrsont veir-ti c;r1I y {f' }ln noling Iinc} i5 6 {[:et 6 incheri. __ l!ei.: . :i.Jr:}6, (pi Lrcl. utdel et cnpy c:{ 1:h* i:lfi:i J.t.; r'*portl {or ttre si ta to be buril.t r:n" Show i;i I I cJBsi gm L uttd* t..t li; si'rl :i rr thel de*ri' i gn of thi s Lruti l di nf,J c:n the pli'.rns, (*inl:lw, winclr seiS{nicr Iivet ,*j:c. ) 5 lo .tt 1t O age *? Reqr-ri recl correct i rrns f or : llroje:c t Id-: L-IER R[:$If.rENt]I: Addregg: LnT I f{1.1.1 I G[lltE CfiEEl.:# sI-IEET I DENT I T:I I t:AT I OhI t3 14 15 IO t7 FARI: CL]RRECTIfiN REOIJIRED Frovide the cc,mpl:ste wind desien calclrlat!onsi with lt.1 I loatj ancl loacJ cornhr i nat i c:rnr: {or- al l mernbers and connec:t i on*. .*-' Chap, ?l3 FOI.JNDATION FOOTING ADD 1{+5 REBAII OONT, i"T] F'OOTERs WITH * 5 DWLS ?'- g" WITI{ B" HOOl"i 4'-Cr" E.C. ALSII NEED A CUPY OF SOII.-S REFORT FOR T.O.V. FILE. 'nEEHANIEI\L F{OOI'I VEN-TING OF APPLIANCES AND EEUIFI"IENT PEF{ U.I"I.C. 5ECTION 9. COI'IBUSTION AIR FER LI.H.C. CH. 6, FLOOR DI:rArN t IT't.t pAN ttE:0tJIIlEh Ir,[i R r..1" M_ f:)- lircTInf{ ?1. 19. t t lt i:i f.l llhl l.lF Ctd\fi F: I fiL D t:l;!t l.L l'l'l[] ]l | | l'l r.r:11t11t,t. , [::l [:ir.r - H.UI,Jll-,, 18" OF:l-: frLOOR I][iFr 1j .|..1,. C,. $iHt.i" 5{rel {ll}IRF\l" liil-AIR$ $FItlAL $TAIRlji TO SEi]l}ND LI:VL.L.:t$i Nfif F\LLtlWED IF /-\RHA SERVED IS $VHR 4${} Iit;I, F:]". & I$ LII$HD A5 f}RIHARY HGrlEIiLl FER Lt. B. C. SHC. 53.16 ( { ) . FIRE RA|INIS TiARAGE 5/TJ'' TYP= X SHEf:1RT]CI-: AND I. I'.{E TAFE REEUIRED FOT{ COI".IT4ON hIALL BETWEEhI R-3 ANO I'I*ISCCUPANCIES. 13/8" SOLID CORE DOOR NITH CLOSURE IS REGIUIRED FOR ANY OFENINCS IN HIS hIALL. o )Vr-ge *kEJ<rH C) ?* = ?5 Fr€ CV**VEtu-E.oo. luep, P.r'r) M A. (t.tXrq)+ (aXt,) r{z t)(?il!A4,g}t tb,rs}z,s) !ez'+S d R- Qops{:_t): _&,_%+ T: ge-B;glJ'*.* gfr €r*T tr"H F. 6 -- la,nLo ?-,t-bT t4,a!l " pa,-'- t-+ .A-l-(t,tl-),/n .* lZ ?. & 6- P*r*r*-* -9&,7L{-: .7,4 BG = 7r,8bq tt6i--3u8"i,{ /+* +G : 4,,f,;,' Lp*ou,o*o e a f" lra;S+S + 4,5+7:1.-o1L + +S +.+,5+?---- +b!b +5+11. f-+6+?,S+" -- lO6' e.g=--*- o M-se"-l2ner*sr gfe I€Er.it,,e,** *132 AbqT.4.:*€Pg-Id $ a l&,q t* Pn " 0+, qtifr,zilr,) . ttee-* Pr.rrru$ * 5q,qtq -'+t7h= 4a,'li tl A= G80a,s)+G,sXe r)+(grX't+W+ 0r,rlr.r/ + ("x rs) + re)rr) = t45( d ?1 - tf +sSla5) = ;o,tzq* F t p n ww*.e.."F"*:"r::*xsg Ly+W.-. 44,1q.t h*e -= -l?1 ,F ae&O ?tevtoe.rJ * !4fuF 8e lp ftae 1pss4e s.G) \LuJn k*1.*al$ €=9r{ v{r.g.-:-u& til, =({"sX xV = t{1*/, r;, *(f ,t)(zS)/z " Xq {i/i l?,S*?)_a/ iz,$ -G,itlll#,{t zow:},wo\-.L -.rt.ttt'l?' l?Qa ?r*+\<=f lSbb - 'Lot ^ .tlhl,11-- l6.q la - du- = a.'l 14..ir4+ 11.f1 s11l,n-r1l,S1 @U'!Q)*-=* 7!2irq a+2:*t z ll.ab a-- S,t n \{b b (s, e,) -a-dj:5.s: 7--.----. al x i,* = +,1ha r* d.z *ffi*!.Y . l,,+q Ll", ,ga55l'tS $;? crts. t &r{ Vec.fls-tb*-lAeto!,o's. €r,'g?{r?:f=- aotoa [-l'' 7o"l t (a.s). I 1, G4+*"< l1-,64" Crz)ffi;-:= -:-t61,a|; !1u* Ke*,.r*.*.q LP lblbr z c '11'{1rt Vr r.rf) -"-Jz-J!bt,qb - 2*lt /a"P1vd :: t*-tt "' i'/g*to t u'.ge t1?,51;s> Voq,l1 @11 Itn9!+_r+r Sg'c-trah{ I FOOT ING MRRK SIZE R 1',8x B 2',8" x c 7'2" x D 3',6" x o SCHEDULE {'8" x l'A'l 2'8" x 1O" 7'2" x L'O" 3'6" x L'O" REINF. 4S5 E.ld. 2SS E.ltl. 1*5 E.l{. 3*5 E.l{. T/2" FNCH. BOLTSt'4" 0.c. BEINF. 2*S T&B It'+" I 1F---- FOUND. I'/RLL DETR IL SCRLE: L/1" = l' O rt i o LJ c_)ZIItl bs a'l CJOaa Ctr od (j E, U.JmOElr t Ctr at a LI C[ Cf I-LJ -J G) !r (!) FOUNDRT ION PLflN SCfl-E: US = I'f 19 @-! / 4"ls'7-3,/ 1" 7'.9-t/ 1"t6'S-I/2" C$EFETE SLRB $I corff,clED Ftr 7\'Z-]. / 7' 1 :iIi I rNsPEc-il*o$, $F9u=lt -ti.fa- -e*='.A-"^.* I CALLER TNSPECTION: 7-l"lOr.r) rUeS WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Ir DArE a / ?rl ?R JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,frEieeoveo L''bonnecrrorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED yf7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUES,T TOWN OF VAIL I .- /-1 /.--, - i - ,;/ |D^rE t - 7 - 7a JoB NAME -J1f/4- t CALLER .1trK MoN ruEs (9 @ FRI (AM) PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU N FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FIN^L . /f E FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR p*ffisno" IN t SPE CTIONTOWN OF TEOUETT t PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT' i.i\ ', JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERB FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o l-t FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ DATE INSPECTOR IN o SPE CTIONTOWN OFPERMIT NU i PROJECT INSPECTION: BER REQUE$TVAIL ' at, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING pdns P|PTNG r'; "-'. t ,-"r- tr INSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT , tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .,,8 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTQfiDATE I ' i., \i .-. i 'I TOWN OF VAIL I rrus?ecnoN REouEsr PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t.CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: MON THUR FRI AM' PM BUlLDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE .iH'I trF trC tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED Ci REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;'.' ,, , /) ,2DATE / .,/' i. L |NSPECTOR ,"rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL I Q/te., l' ^ 'f' Ioete "T/ lb, JoB NAME --LJF {:'r [-LS lil:t INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR qr,AM I rFil-)READY FOR LOCATION:{ --{- t1'Lrt-.t '-- t! BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL T-V,. tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr D D tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr o tr tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL PROVED RECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO r t t..i )/2/tt l7-//'/o JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON r.r#crr r TOW i 7;';,'t',4 ;, r/t'. ONNOF REQUEST VAIL I t' /i /,/ )t t,ti:i'i,.., o* /{i-', PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTt/ ,//,t/.:tt" DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR: ILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE f,'/ii".f INSPECTOR .:,;i \ '{ t-\o o SPEIN CTIONTOWN OF $f ouE?r { PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ri: DArE \ \ iL)libiq JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES i WED r AM ,"P1Y1 -READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND E*ouc|-r / D.w.v. 'peucu / wArER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Vr .'t F'--F trll OS o_ trF tr GAS PIPING FRAMING BOOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR. . , i.- - ^DATE ' 4tr ;INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL z0z/,U, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT FF DC tr GTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL , APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '$N' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr\\=\ JoB NAME o INSPECTION REQUESTI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING fr ROOF & gHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING Iq{NsuLAroN ,. C] SHEETROCK n EI POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D E] FINAL D FINAL iffiovtED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -', t ,i^.\. INSPECTO t FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C Of O DATE: + \ Vur.\x.s'q''5 \,-*-*- U1\'.\"1Zrlf Go-"1y\i.L\ss o 75 south honlago road Yall. colorrdo El657 (303) 476-7000 Deeember 3, L987 Dr. Phillip and Mrs.P.O. Box 2266Vail , Colorado 81658 olllcc of communlty devolopm.nl Rosalie Lier Re! Lot 1, Gore Creek park Subdivision Dear PhiI and Rosa]i.e: The purpose of this letter is to assure you that the aboveproperty does extend into core Creek and there are no public easements along your side of the creek. We cannot guarantee that in the future the To$rn governnent willnot plan a pedestrian easement in this area. There is no wayto rnake those kinds of pronises, especially since allowingrz - obtaining increased public access to strearns in Town is an'obJective of ours. Si.qceyely, U,JiT.A. PeterDirector APP:bpr Patten Cornnunity Developrnent &,(l af,", /q ]]\TEP.-DEPARTHENTAL REVI El.l lL, "(u,.-u .-. OF PUBLIC HEARING I Z- w-a-=rc' PROJECT: DATE SUBHITTED: L h L/ DA g .L Itl I TE C0I..|I4ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS Revjewed ay: F4 oa Conrnents: ,y4o{O 6e, C---fh,tz e,.,.o r4,t( '"*oo.urn {ez^taf <€>-?&L- o^t 2efiwt.zfi / () 2o,gu,o<e 7/zon-,(, 9/2€ aF 4o-se -,eff<tpt O K O coo'* *rc*.. 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPART]4ENT {ltu'ro/pl\lY) t t'tatrtl Ko.K- ><'dfr-' /,t 8€- .'rft.*zot, fZ?7 Date Reviewed by: Comnerrts: Date RECRIATiOII DEPARTI4ENT 'l:.t, .:'.?ii Reviewed.by: Coments: Date 75 3oulh lrontage road Yaal, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot communlly development Decenber 3, L987 Dr. Phill-ip and Mrs. Rosalie LierP.O. Box 2266VaiI, ,9,o1.9:ado 81658 Re;. Lot t), Gore Creek Park Subdivision Dear Phil and Rosalie: The purpose of this letter is to assure you that the aboveproperty does extend into Gore Creek and there are no public easements along your side of the creek. we cannot guarantee that in the future the Tohrn governnent wirlnot plan a pedestrian easement in this area. There is no wayto make those kinds of pronises, especially since allowing/obtaining increased public access to strearns in Town is an'objective of ours. "t__tuT cu{/ )>sz._ Patten Comnunity DevelopmentDirector APP: bpr I , ! - ..t ..r' ' \ *' Proiect Name: Project Application / / €*/(-f( e S t t)€tt..( €- Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /Block Fiting (/L) k- L'(2c J \ | 'r . zone Comments: Design Review Board /'/'6/87 o^" r z-/ -u/ /? li iu,-Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL o^r" / z-/ ,t e'/ J'7 E star Approval oa MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STRETT ADDRESS: LIST OF MATERIALS lQraJC:E DESCRIPTION OF P The follow'ing information is required for submitta'l Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther l.{al I Materi a'ls I €<ee cFwrPeJ< by the applicant to the Design Review Lrep t:an f sUa{Ea ;A;a; Ut COLOR C@4<-5fr72t-7pi^t4&i4r AEN? .?ToNE ma tei A-TIA ca4 eo Fl-blO n-7 t1T C+4 r+7TA74t e F/5rc (zxS rn47-cH 74c-t4 Hee Narute4L cgpna ('zx) rnart-+ FqaQ Norl e CTbNE rTTnTq 6rr@. ep.lE ?^7pNE rheru Pkoa Fasci a Soffi ts !li ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'ings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther ,&Tf a Ir 4 *t- a|--'l c.rla* B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED P/CEAEt'/dEm/ULlL MNLU'( +4n l/A) WL''LubfiFQNU/ NlDE6 €N6LE/7M^/ 5f FLEE t laf"FlCFATb AbFE.-l Botanical Name Common Name / /t2l-7" Quani ty 2_ 7a).----!-.-.-.- Si ze* 8'- / ot / l/Ett T0 l-/aNe for conifers. (ove r ) *Indlcate caliper for deciducious trees.I ndi cate he'ight ] 'PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS nhJ.e muGof2?u4ue . ',KJNIPERLEC H t ^n=+teg-4Lr z#lat I A ..: Quanity Size I o 6 a,Q,-* 5 6*t-^ 6;ae4 Common Name rf)ua,+o 4t*tE PF/r?Fc- LlLAC =, mlac, ktlLLouJo (*ne rerytN)_ lype ft7lYee AcnPe anAQFrt YeerEN BF/NF.trZ'EQ ELOFE Square Footage /50d t s00 Htarl Au.Tlfure 4na 0.2 SEED '4a'n"d -e TYPE OF I RR I GATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'lease specify. SFL.T Arq',.- FEntCE ?.,tf EOut-effi, eptN*OFC=if qJ u ', , DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsi'bility to make an appo'intment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion wi'l I streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF Address Legal Zon i ng Descri pti on Lot C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address E. NAME OF F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 5o,oo0 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,ooo,ooo$ 0ver $1.,000,000 lock //A $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $3o0. oo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meet'ing submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. 'Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normal'ly involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. F'if ing e* <,P*:&*ry CO tel ephone telephone BZ-<& Si gnature Address @-r/O - " .te1 be paid at the time a bui]ding permit is requested. FEE 4. The follow'ing items no longer have to be presented to the Design Revim Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. l,Jindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adioining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Stud'ies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING IIIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding Other Wa'll Materials Fasci a Soffi ts I'li ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'lues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: phone: Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) *Ind'lcate caliper for deciducious trees. "PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name (con'1, SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe GROUND COVERS Common Name Quanity Size Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THI5 APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED*ffi* I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aelermihL if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is coinpieie (muit include al'l items required by the zoning administrator). tt is tne applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aiiitionat submittal requirements. P'lease note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wil'l streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:S/Ue,te /=//rt-) lt-,=6/AENG l^J tTil /+fiAr-CHEtr2 6/G.4rtr= 8. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: " Address Legal Description Lot Block )A-Fif ing 4cFeCeerFax Zon'ing C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address ? u Zz.Ab,V ', telephone&-?al D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: t-2 - , /Address ff ,z 5V, V,<r<-' telephone fu#z E. NAME OF O Si gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee wi'll VALUATION tel ephone F. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting subm'itta1 requ'irements, the applicant must stake the sjte to indicate property T'ines and builciing corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inartla. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEtl BUILDINGS will norma'l ly invo'l ve two separate meetings oi ttre Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetjngs for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have'hot asked for a postponement will be reguired to be republ i shed. be paid at the time a buiJding permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,o0o,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $20o. oo $3oo. oo MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I . NEI,' CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour interva'ls wil'l be accepted. 3. Exj sting trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders,intermittent streams, etc. ). Avafanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the fo1 lowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofculverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: 5. 6. 7. cabl e TV Tel ephone sewer water gas el ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site 'impiovements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and avai'lability. To be submitted with site p1an. C. Preliminary t'it1e report to accompany ail submittals, to insure property ownership' ,and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4', diameter or larger trees,:other'shntj6s_aRa-iia.t.ive plantsare on the site and the location and deiign of pioposed landscape-aieas'*i-tn-"-' the varieties and approximate sizes of piant materials to be planted. I' 2. Compiete landscape materia1s list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The'l andscape plan should beseparate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separatemap. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Treesthat will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. th; o E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . l. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materjals list available from the Department of Connunity Deve'lop- ment. Color chips, sid'i ng samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meet'ing . F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to detennine whether a project will comply with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide a1l important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing ex'i sting and proposed construction - 2 cop'i es topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Conrmunity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may a'l so be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preljminary t'it1e report, verify'ing ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building perm'it has been issued, and when the project is underway, the follow'i ng will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Bu'i lding Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts show'ing size of lines, type of materjal used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevat'ions. I l. r -a I_ANI' T 1 TLE'JUARAI..JTEE TflPIFANY Represc'ntins Title I rrsrLr'arrre lir-,slp41-1 t c,f l'linrr€sr-'ta THANH Yt-]U FI:IR YI]UR I]RNER N,rvenrbE r' 14', 1?fi7 $ur' t-.]rder': V11445 BUYERI FHILIF'LIER SELLER,: I'ALTER TI:IRI:H ANTI ERI': I,I. EIERG A5 TRUSTEE:| FTIR '3']RE VALLEY t::I:INEtTRLU:TII:IN I::TII"IPANY EI"IFLNYEE..:! IlfiNEY FURC:HAsE FLAI.J TRLIIT ANNRESg: trR. FHILIF LIERF. ||. Br]X t?4.6VAIL, t:t:l t Attrr! MINNESOTAt,tTA 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-Q241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 800i4 751-4336 l8l0 30rh Srreef Boulder, CO 8030 | 444-4101 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80124 453-2255 512 Wilcox Caslle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 2l 2 North Wahsatch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 63+1821 Commitment To Insurc lssued through the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 321-1880 Sanford Place 2 Suite 301 7979 East Tufts Denver, CO 80237 779_O22Q 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-93s3 | 201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 6851 South Holly Circle Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596 LA]ID TITLE GI.ARANTEE @I/PANY 108 South Fronrage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8'l 657 476^225',| 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Forl Collins, CO 80525 482-09 t 5 710 Kipling Sireet lakewood, CO 8021 5 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite I 'l 5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 I1990 Grani Slreet Suile 220 Northglenn, CO 80t33 452-01 49 19590 East Main Parker, CO 801 34 84 t -4900 108 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 476-225r LAI{D TITI.E CdJARANTEE COi/EANY --^z_r-s*72_z89Z (urol ytllf lJopuAS pazuolllnv -------,ha.f'r:U;'l', fuoleubrs pozrJoqlne Jaqlo ro rar$o bulrepllen e Aq paubrs.talunoc uaqM prle^ aq ol'V olnpaq3S u! uMoqs alpp aql uo sracrj;o pazuoqlne Alnp s1r Aq paxrge olunaraq aq ol lpas pue aueu alerodroc s]r pasnec seq elosauurl/\l 1o Aueduo3 acuernsul 0ll[ 3g]UIHM SSlNLlM Nl 'luaurlrurrxol srql Aq perenoc uoeraql abebuour Jo lsaialur ro alelso aql anleA Jol procoJ lo salrnbce parnsur pasodord aql alep aql ol roud lnq ,oaraq alep anrloaJJa aql ol luanbasqns burqcege ro sprocoJ crlqnd aqt ur Duueadde tsrU'polear J'Aue ;r'uapeu raqlo Jo surelc asronpe'sacuelqurn Jua'suarl'slJala6'g 'sprocer crlqnd aql Aq uMoqs lou pue Mel Aq pasodrxl 'paqsruinl iauearaq ro arotolaraLil lerJaleu ro roqel 'saornras ro]'uarl e ollq6!r ro'uar; Auy tr 'sprocar llqnd eq1 Aq uMorls lou are qrqM pup asolcstp p;nonn sasrue:d aql;o uorgcadsur pue Aaruns lcarroc e qcrqM slrel Aue pue'sluauqoeoroua'eale ur aBepoqs'saur; fuepunoq ur slcrlluoc 'sarcuedarcsr6 'g 'sprocar cr;qnd aql lq unnoqs lou 'sluauasea lo surelg .ro 'sluourase:l 'Z 'spJocor crlqnd aql AQ uMoqs tou uorssassod ur sarUed ]o surelr ro slqbrg 1 :0urnno;101 aql ol lcalqns osle sr luaullrururoJ srrll'ol paralal anoqe ebe:ano3 uroiJ suorsnlJX3 pue suorle;ndr1g pue suorlrpuo3 aql ur poureIUoJ sra pu aql ol uortrppe ul sN0t-tdl3x3 0uv0NVj-s 'tuaululuo3 srql lo suorsrlord aq] o] lcalqns are pue uo paseq aq lsnu luaulruuro3 srql,iq paranoc uoereql a6e6you eq11o sn1e1s aq] r0lsaralur r0 alelsa aql 0l allr] aql lo snlels or]t lo lno bursue Aueduo3 aql Nurebe 6uuq leuJ r0 aleq ^eu parnsul pasodord aq] leql uorpe,o slq0u ro suotpe ro uotpe l\uy tr 'urataq pa4rpour i;ssatdxa se ]daoxa luaulrnruLo3 srql lo ped e speur pue acuaralar riq patelodrocur iqaraq alp qcrq/v\ parnsul pasodord aq11o ronel ur roJ pauruluoo sarcr;od ro lirr;od lo u.rol oql ]o a6ero^o3 r!04 suorsnlcxa sqt pue suorlelndrig pue suorlrpuo3 aql pue suorsr^ord 0uunsur aqi ot Fahns sr ,lrlrqer1 qons pue lol pourruurol sarllod ro ,{cr1od aql ro} V alnpaqls ur pale}s }unoue aq1 paacxa iilrlrqerq qrns lleqs luolo ou ul }uaulruluo3 srrl} lq paraloc uoaleqi eOebuom ro }saialur ro aielsa aql alear3 ro aInb3e ol (r)ro 'B alnpaqcs ur uMor.ls suortdaoxa aleururla o] (q)Jo loajaq sluauarrnbu aql qlrrur A;dtuor o1{s) qlre} poo6 ur 0urlepapun ur uoaraq aluerlar ur parnJur ssol lenpe rol Aluo pue ro] pauruluoJ sarrrlod ro Arr;od 1o rxroJ aql ur parnsul Jo uorlru!]ap aq] iapun papnpur saryed qJns pue parnsul pasodord paueu aq1 o1l1uo aq lleqs ]uauruu.r03 srql rapun ,iuedujo3 aql ]0 Arlrqerl 0 'suortelnd0s pue suor]rpuo3 asaq] ]o t qderbered ol luen$nd pexncul ^lsno|^aldA|||qe||Luo4,iueduo3aq1a^a||aJloU||eqslUaUpuaUeq3ns}nq,^|6U|pJocae}UoulUtlttl,loJs||.,l}}0Balnpaq]Spuauei(euuot1dos1t1eAuedo3aql lalleuJ Jaqlo J0 urelg asanpe 'aJuelquinJua 'uarl 'Falap qcns lue ]o aBpayvroul ;enpe serrnbce esnraqlo lueduq aq lt ro tfeduro3 aq ol a0pal/v\oDl qcns asolgsrp llpqs parnsul pasodord aql 11 a0palmou1 qcns asolosrp os ol parnsul pasodord aqt;o arn;rel riq pacrpnlard sr ,(ueduo3 aq} }uauo aq} o} uoaiaq acuet;al1o1ceAuerrro46u41nsala0eueplosso1^uelol^}||!qe!|ulo4pa^g||alaq11eqs,{ueduio3aq},6U|}|'lMU|^Uedujo3aq}o}a0pa|/v\o lre] lleqs pue ]0araq B alnpaqcs ur uMoqs asoq] ueql raqto luaurlruM3 srqt,{q para,roc uoaraql a6e6yoLu ro lsara}ur ro a}e}so aq1 burpage rageu reqlo ro urelJ asJalpe 'acuerqurncua 'uarl 'icalap ,{ue lo a0palnou1 ;enire sarnbre ro seq parnsul pasodold aql1l '7 'luauruNul fiunras raqlo ro 'paap ]srul lsnll io paap apnlour lleqs 'uraraq pasn uaqm ',,abe6you,, tttlel aql ! sN0r1vlnd[s 0NV sN0tll0N03 ,iueduq aql lo llnel aqt lou sr saror;od ro Arrlod qrns anssr 01 ainlrel 0q] ]eq] papr^ord 'snmo lsju ra^aqciqM 'anssr lleqs rol pauruuor sarcrlod ro Arrlod aq1 uaqM r0 ]oalaq alep alrlca1,ra aq] raue sqluour xrs aleuruiial pue asear lleqs rapunaraq suotle6rlqo pue r$;rqerl llp pue acupinsur aul J0 sorcrlod ro /{crlod qcns lo ocupnssr e$ ol fuBUrurlard sr ]uor-u]I-uulo3 s ]I 'luaurasropua luanoasqns Aq r0 luaulrrxl_u03 srq] ]0 asuenssr aql t0 aul aql lp raqtra AueduoS aq] lq ]oaraq V alnpaqrs ur pa]asur uaaq a^eq roj pauruuJm sarorlod r0 /\orlod au l0 lunoue aq] puP palnsul pasodotd aqt 10 ,itrluapt aq] uaqM iluo e^ti3ajja aq lleqs luatxlluuoS slq.l ]0alau suortelndrts pue suortrpuo3 aq] 0t pue B pue V salnpaqos 1o suorsrnotd aqt o] palqns 11e ttolaraql sebteqc pue sunruerd aql 1o luauiied uodn 'y alnpaqcg ur o] parelar r0 paqussap puel aql ur lqaiaq pala^ot lsalalul ro alelsa aql lo aabebpour ro raur'ao se 'V alnpaqJs ut pauieu painsul pasodotd aql1o to,rel ul 'V alnpaqcs ul parlrluapr se 'acuernsur allrl lo sarcr;od ro ,icrlod sU anssr ot sttluroJ itqaLaq 'uorgeraprsuoo alqenleA e ro1 'lueduo3 aq] pallec uraraq 'uorlerodoc elosauury! e 'VIgSlNNly\ l0 ANVdy\OJ ICNVUnSNI li1[ ^au 016 !-luaulrulrxoS vl]v V,,,,,. arnsul ol ueuilururo3 VIOS]NNIW ALTA COMMITMENT Sf,HEDULE A Appl icatian Na. V11445 Fon Information 0nln - Char.se s - ALTA Ot"lNER PCTLICY *SOl.OCt *5.00Taxf,ertt*:-TtrTAL-- $Fo6.oo l^li th vsun remi ttance p'l ease ref en to V11445. 1. Effective f,tate: November O5' 1987 at g:O0 A.H. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insuned: rrALTArr Obrner''s Pa I i cv Form B-1P7{t (Amended LO-17-7Q, Pr{, posed Irrsured: PHILIP LIER rSl?5, O(trl. {rO 3. The estate or irrter'est in the land descnibed ar referred t* inthis tlc,nrmitment and rovered hereirr is: A Fee -qimple 4. Title t,r the estate or inter'est cc,vered her.ein is at theeffective date her'esf vested in: I"IALTER I{IRtrH ANN ERIC I.1. BERG A5 TRUSTEES FI]R GL]FE VALLEY EONSTRUCTIflN *OFIPANY EHFLffYEE"F T'IONEY PURCHASE PLAN TRUST 5. The land referred ta irr this Cammitmerrt is describ,ed as f ,rl I ous: LflT 01, GORE CREEK PARK A*SORBING TO THE PLAT REtrORNED AUGUST8, 1?7' IN BOI]I{ 2BP AT PASE 372, CBUNTY OF EAELE, STATE OF CfrLCIRADO. PASE 1 ALTA f,ilMMITMENT SL1HENULE B-1 (Requir'enr*rrts ) Appl icatic,n Nn. V11445 The f r-, I I c,nine are the r.equ i r.enr€rrts to be canrpl ied ulith: 1. Parment tc, c, r' f rrr' the accc,rlrrt c,f the gr.ant*rs c, r. mc,r.tgag,-rrs afthe Sul I crrnsideratir:,rr f or. the estate ,tr irrterest tc' be irrsured. 2. Pr'oper irrstr'unrerrt { s ) cr.eatirre the estate *r. irrter'est tc beinsur€d must be executed and dulv f i led f c,r r.ec,:,r.d, t'r-u.rit: 3. RELEASE CIF EEETT fIF TRUST T'ATE[' 'IArrUArr 1(I, 1983, FRBI"I WALTER I{.IRI:H ANTI ERIf, I"I. BERG AS TFUSTEES FI]R GORE VALLEY CFN$TRUCTII]N I]Of'IPANY EMPLOYEE'E; HNNEY PURCHASE PLAN TRUST TI:I THE FUBLII: TRU::;TEE I:IF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE U:38 ':IFLANT'I"IART-: ENTERPRISES INL:., A T'ELAWARE TfiRPORATION TD SECURE THE SUI"I 8F tE56,t5f-l.Ctrl RECt:rRfiEfr Jarruar.y 1?, lpE-?, IN Br:ttlF; 35f AT FAtiE 248. 4. EVIEIENf,E 5ATISFAI]TORY TTI THE CBMPANY THAT THE TERME:" T$NNITII]Ns ANN PRflVI:iICIN.€; OF THE TO[",N f'F VAIL TRANSFER TAx HAVE FEEN :-1ATISFIEn. 5. I,'ARRANTY FEEN FRfiH WALTER HIR*H ANN ERII: M. BERTJ A5 TRU,;TEE|i FL'IR I:ifiRE VALLEY ']ONSTRU[:TITIN t:flMPANY EI"IPLIJYEE"::: HNNEY PURT-:HASE FLAN TRUST TB FHILIP LIER I:ONVEYING :JUB-IE']T FRL]FERTY, THE T:trUNTY CLERI-I ANTI REICIRBERS FFFII]E REALIIRES RETLIRN ANIIRESSES EN TINCUMENT$ SENT FI]R RECNRNINffI! FAGE A ALTA ':OMI'IITMENT sI:HENULE B_I {Exceptians ) Appl icatic,rr Na. V11445 The politr' ,rr policies t,: be issued uill ccrrtairr €nrepticrrs t* the Sal I c,uri rrg urrless the same ar'e dispt'sed of to the satiEf actir-,n ,:f the tlc'nrpa nr": 1. Starrdard Exrrspt i c,ns L thr.c,ush Ei pr i rrted r-r rr the cr-'ver $heet. 6. Taxeg arrd ags€ssrrents rrot 'r'et dt:e ,tr para!, l€ arrd specia'l asses$msrrts rrot "r'et cer'tif ied to the Treasur'er"s *ffice" 7 . An'r r:npai d ta:ses r,r assessments asai nst sa.i d I and. 13. Lierrs f ar. urrpai d urater. and seuer. cfrarges ' i f a.n r. P. RII:iHT I:IF WAY FNR TIIT*HEs OR T-:ANALs *L'IN.3TRHT-TET' FY THE AUTHITRITY t-IF THE UNITEN E:TATEs A5 RE*ERVEN IN UNITEN €ITATES FATENT FEf,IJRNEN N.:VEMbET. ?!" 1:?3'?" IN Br:rt:rF: 1lt AT FAr:iE /rlF" 1(}. RESTRICTITINS' HHICH NB NIT I::INTAIN A FNRFEITIJRE I:'R REVERTER f,LAU::;E, EUT I:II"IITTIN[i RE:TRIf,TI']NS, IF ANY" FA::;ETI '.1N RAC:E, I:LILL']R, RELIfiII]N" flR NATII]NALI]RI6IN, A5 I:']NTAINETI IN IN::TRUI4ENT RE|::I:IRNEN NEI::EMEER 3I], 17,',':IN B[I]I.I 174 AT PA&E 4O;? ANl| REf,ORNEN IN BI]I:II.{ 175 AT PA6E 3:3 ANTI IN ENI]H 175 AT PAGE L11, 11. TEN FEREENT NLIN-PARTII:IFATING R':IYALTY TN ANN TI:I FRI]'::EEN:-1 NERIVETI FRI:II'I THE SALE FF ANY I"IINERAL:J IJF WHAT,.:OEVER I,ilNN ANN NATURE PRfiNUTETI ANTI I.IINEN FRI]I"I THE SAIN FREMI.;EEi A5 RE$ERVEN TI:I fiUfIT I'i]AHTIPE$ ANII EVA '.I" F:IAHTIPES FY INI]TRUI"IENT RET:SRTIEN NCIVEI"IE(ER ?" 1:?T:,2 1' BrJI:'I.;14.4. AT PAGE 4(:'7 ANEI ANY ANN ALL A.5SII:iNI,IENTS THEREIF fIF INTERE::iTTi THEREIN.{r{ {a.] EASEI'IENT Tfl [^JE:3TERN SLBFE GAS r:':'HPANy |:'VER THE REAR rlR N|:TRTHERLY TwENTy K) (?O) FEET A5 ERANTET rN IN:]TRUMENT RErtrRnEn TEI]EMFER f.,, 1?65 IN BI]OF: 1S7 AT' PACiE 473. ,'i---X( }X.) fiAS LINE EASEI'IENT T{I FEET IN WITITH A5 :3HNHN CIN THF REI::']RTIET' FLAT t:IF 6ORE,( / I:REEK: FARI,{ ANN RESERVET' IN INSTRUFIENT REI]I'RTIEN .IANUARY ?7, 1PBO IN Etfi']H .:?7 AT FAGE 75t,. r=N l/\.\EA:iEHENT AS r:iRANTEtr TO UFFER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATTIIN rN INSTRUMENT RECfiRrrEn \ V AUGUIiT ??' 1'.?7? IN Ft:r':'Pi ??0 AT PAGE 33? ANn REREIfiRFEn SEPTEI'IBER 4, 1979 IN - Br:u:rlc. t?o AT pAr:iE ,.;0? ANn Ag sHr:rr^rN BN THE REcfiRtrEtr FLAT r:rF tir:rRE r:REEt": pARl{. PAGE 3 7d(9 ALTA CO}4f'IITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 ( Except i srrs )Appl icatisn Ns. V11445 EASEMENT ANtr RISHT BF I"IAY FOR GCIRE CREEH AS IT AFFECTS SUEJECT PROPERTY, NUTE AN PLAT AS FOLLBI^IS: WITHEUT THE FERHISSION OF THE EASEMENT HSLtrER ANN THE TOWN OF VAIL, Nff II'IPROVEHENTS OF A PERHANENT NATURE MAYEE LOCATEN ON THE SURFACE OF THE LANN ENCOHPASSET' BY THE SEWER EASEHENT..Xj i 1z NnTE ON PLAT A.5 FOLLfrWS! "ONLY ONE ERMWAY ALLOHED TO LOT I nFF EAST)-\ FRONTATSE R$An TFORMERLY U.-q. HIGHI^,AY 6)". h ,/1()€i uTrLrTY EASEHENT 7.5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG WESTERLY LOT LINE OF 5UBJECT \_x PROPERTY A5 SHC'HN ON THE REC'lRnEtr FLAT OF GIRE CREET{ FAR|{. === 4PAGE Public Service*Public Scrvlcr Company of Golorado P.O. Box 430 Minturn, CO 81645 (303) 949-5781 Deerber L, L987 tb&rn Of Vail- Gorcrrurent Design hrriew BoardAttn: Betslz hsladt 75 Soutl Fbrtage bad $bstVail, Colorado 81657 E: Iear Fsidenc- Iot 1, Gore Cleek PaaJ<, 4014 Bighorn bad, Vail I an writirng'to adoor'iledp my :ewiew of tte proposed rcck wal-1 iastallationfor tJlis rcsi&ntial projecb. Prcvidiag ttnt tte exlsting grade i3 rnt decreasedrl have no objection to ttris plan. You shor.:-Ld be alria:e that rrct one but tlrp natrral- gas rnins are in existgrre rlithin tte easenent i:rdicated. ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS ii[[i *-t-'#ffii-B'lock Allgwed (30)(33) #trr N/A N,/A 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) Hei ghts (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50) ( 100) (25)(50) (2oo) (4oo) grb Slope Ava'l anche ADDRESS: Ot,,NER ARCHITE ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear },later Course Site Coverage Landscap'i ng Fence/Retaining Wa'll Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Comrnents: Geol og'i c Hazards Fi1ing &orc Cva.LParla Phone dnhn T ,-*tl)*1(&'* 4d#E-F@*€n \ k'A-s'rL { Y *'1/q' t l/A t{/A A l67Bvt-" lo(c # 5,b _TME- h4./A t.]/A}'\/A 66 ?o N,/A *r1 ftfrr- VI Actual 8trlo Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: ffi Y o I IIITILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION GORJ CREI]K PAR.K JOB NAME tor BTOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether theylines, rmrst be approved and verified by acconpanying site plan. be nain trunk lines or proposed the following utilities for the Da te Mountain Bell 1- 244-+157'uq'-b3t! lJestern Slope Gas flit?-l!e/8.' attached sheet llef/ Authori z Public Servief Company Gary Hal l q\-Sl\\ Holy Cross Electric Assoc.t"' {\'i{'*.'{qe 1 Lave rtY Vail Cab'le T.V.rleff- H.y ghqs, :-949 - 5530 Upper Eagle Va'l1ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek (Please bring a site plan when obtai ni ng UEVI.ISD si gnatures ) .t-tr. -.r + gaf \.(I ,,7u4,( !' Qd ila:/rl NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Toun of Vail. A building permit ' is not a stteet cut permit. A street cut pernit urus t be obtained separately. IThis forrn is to verify service avai.lablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. '/| ohlntcr-tountein llEnsinccrlngud" SOILS AIID FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, GORE CREEK PARK VAIL, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: PHILLIP LIER PROJECT NUMBER V.719lG 0CToBER 1987 -\, Bor No.978 t42O Vance Slraat Avon, Colorado 6t 620 Lakewood. Colorado 9C215 94e-SO72 D€nver8g3-1531 phone: 232{t SB i*ii}.1...''1'-..';i;I;t;;j,'l,;'n,,..1;j.'...'.: .) 't'l|s'*' TABLE OF CONTEIITS SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUESURFACE AND GROUNDI,IATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED COI{STRUCTION FOUI{DATIOII RECOMMENDATIONS : SLAB CONSTRUCTION GROUND}IATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM cRAl,,L SPACq CoVER BACKFILL AI{D SURFACE DRAIIIAGE LAI{N IRRIGATION MISCELLANEOUS - TEST LOCATIOI{ SU}II.IARY OF TEST PITS GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART Drawi ng l{o'.'' I Figures No. I & Figure llo.3. () c0l{cLus r0Ns 1. Subsoil conditions are fairly uniformover the site with subsoils consisting of granular sands, gravel, cobbles and boulders. 2. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional spread footings designed fon:, a maximum soil bearing pressure of 4000 psf.':, SCOPE ' This report presents the results of a Soi'ls and Foundatlon Investigation for the proposed residence at Lot 1, Gor'e Creek Park, Eagle County, Co'l orado. The investigation was prepared by means of test pits and laboratory testing of samples obtalned from these pits. This investigation presents a description of surface and subsurface conditions encountered at the site, reconme.lded _, .,: foundation systems, allowable des'tgn pressures and n;ii;;;;;''"' ' conditions as well as design and construction criterlaa i nfl uencI uenced by the subsoi'ls. S ITE LOCATION AI{D DESCRIPTION The site is located at 4014 Bighorn Road in Vail, Colsrado. The slte drains to the south. Gore Creek flows east to west at the south end of the lot. The slte has a number of large spruce trees, and the area of the proposed house is covered I SITE LOCATIOII AND wi th brush. Fi ll for access off of DESCRIPTI0N - continued has been placed at the north Bi ghorn Road . end of the slte SITE INVESTIGATIOI{ The fie'l d investigation performed on 0ctber 5, 1987r coh- sisted of excavating, logging and sampling two test pits. The location of the test pits are shown on Drawing No. 1. Sunmarl of the test pit logs are detailed on Figures No. l and 2. A summary of the test resu'l ts is shown on Figure No.3. The test pits were excavated with' a conventi Due to the coarse nature of the soils, hand-drive samples could not be obtained. A bulk sample was obtain.ed for laboratory testi ng onal backhoe. .) SUESURFACE AND GROUNDl.lATER CONDITIONS Refer to the summary of test pits, Figures No. Subsurface conditions are fairly uniform, consisting sands, gravel , c,obbles and boulders. No overlot grading has been done prior to this I and 2. of granul ar i nves ti - test pl ts. ow the gation. Free groundwater was Depths of the groundwater existi4g ground surface. encountered in both of the range from 4 to 5 feet bel The groundwater level is expected SUBSURFAC E to be very AND GROUNDhIATER shallow in the C0l{DITI0NS - continued spring runoff months. "' PR0P0SEp C0NqTRUCTI0t{ lle understand that the proposed of a two-story structure, uti I i zi ng struction. It ls our understanding vation will be 3 feet above existing res i dence wood frame that the I ground el will consist' rype 0r con- ower floor ele- evati on . \ FOUNOATI ON R ECOMI.IENDATI ONS Very I ow to non-consol i dati ng granul ar soi I s wi I I be encountered 'i n the excavation. The proposed residence shou'l d be founded on conventional type spread footings designed for . : ' _ _r::' : ri': : la maximum soll bearing pressure of 4000 psf. At this pressurer. foundation settlements wi I I be tolerable. It would be advl- sable to proportion footings so as to minimize differentJal settlenents.- The bottom of the footing shou'ld be placed a mini of 48 inches below final grade for frost protection. Foundation h,alls retaining soil should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure corresponding to an equivalent fluid pressure of 30 pcf for the active case. mum t.' . SLAB CONSTRUCTION ' The upper natural soi'ls will provide adequate support for slab-on-grade construction.The water table occurs at depths which will be on the order of 4 feet or'less below existlng grade. If clean, granular soils are imported to be used as 'select fill, no problem with capillary rise of moisture wlll occur. However, if the select fill contains some clays or fine materials there is always the possibi'lity of capil'lary rise of moisture l{e suggest that the plans and specifications be prepared with a specified minimum of 4 inches of clean, washed gravel lmmedilately under the floor slabs. The purpose of this c'lean, washed material is to break capillary rise of moisture to avoid problems with bonding of asphalt ti'les to f loor s'labs and dther prob'l ems associated with minor amounts of moisture l{e suggest densifying the surface of fill or natu'ral soils with a v'lbratory type compactor immediately prior to placement of floor slabs. Slabs should be constructed in accordance with ACI recommendations to minimize the risk of shrinkage problems. S'l abs should be scored into maximum 200 square foot areas to local i ze and control any cracking. GR0UNDI,IATER AND DRAI N SYSTEltl Free water was found in the test pits at from 4 to 5 feet. It is anticipated that the depths rangi ng depth of ground- .,: ':.rl .. ' . -.t]J ,.. , . - ' '.:'| .:irti: it. ' . .t::, j. l water wlll be very shallqw in the spring runoff month,s. Because of the.relatively high groundwater Ievel, some difficulty during excavation and construction of the propos"9,,=. ^:ri':l''.- t ,:l-,,:' . ",shal I ow f oundations may be antl ci pated. However, sinie thesei'.;',r:i. - '-;.;a;: r. -,. ' l-' '' '' :' f oundation material s general ly tend to sof ten wnen eri:Ji.a' 1;',' ""exposed to t',:,.'- free water, every effort should be made to keep the excavations ,i '' dry if water is encountered. A gravity drainage system, sump pumps, or other conventiona'l minor dewatering procedures should 'i;,,r, ..: be sufficient for this purpose ,'r .": .', .#i: .'l CRAIIL SPACE COVER . ' l,lhen moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered rI with an ' .i,tr.. ... impervious moisture barrier sea'led against the footlngs.r Thls;',.r will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area and wlll tl : also prevent the moist foundation soils from drying and shrink- lng, w[ich could possibljr cause the structure to settle . BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE Backfill should be moistened or drled to near its optimum noisture content and compacted to at least 90t of the maxfmun' standard Proctor densi ty. Structura I backfi I I s houl d be con- pacted to at least 951 of the maximun standard Proctor density. ) ) o f BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE - continued Excesslve wetting or drying of the exposed tion excavation and under-slab areas should Surface water running toward the structure fron.upsJope ::-J:':r ':areas should be di verted around and away from the bul iC{'ngl ,,';. :. .,. .,,,_:..,;;;1,.:, ., -i.:-;,by neans of dralnage swales or other similar measuresr .' The flnal grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on al'l sides. A minimum of 12 lnches ln the first ten feet is recommended. Downspouts and sill'cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the' I imi ts of the backfi I I .Splash blocks should slope from the foundation walls. The use of Iong downspout extensions ln place of splash blocks is advisable. LAt.,N IRRIGATIOII Do not install sprinkler systems porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler the sprinkler heads should be placed the heads, under full pressure, does of foundation walls, porches or patio mus t be contro'l I ed. .. .: . . foundatlon wal I s are i nstal led, the spray fron within flve feet Lawn iirigatlon . re to plant next to foundltlo.n- and are willing to assume the ., then lt is advisable to plant I awn ) of vari eti es that requl re next to sys tems so that not fal I slabs. ) If the future owners desi wal ls, porches or patio slabs, risk of structural damage, etc only florrers and shrubbery (no $LAI{N IRRIGATI0N 1 continued very little moisture. These flowers watered only. and shrubs should be hand- ;::::'.''irCtirrnnious l''il',' '''.'ffit'' . ... ,, r,. . : .. ...:.; i. ...'i.f"i*J:'','; ':',, ..'',,' .'. Some of the soils at the site are potentially consolidatlng,jl;,,,**j+ ":, .,.., - some ot tne soI ls at the slte are potentially consolidatrng;.,i;;#;+ and the owner should be cautioned that there is some rlsk of '"',it:i': :future damage. The contractor is directed to those items covered . under BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE and LAl'lll IRRIcATI0I{. Our ,,:;;.,1,', ,, experience has shown that damage due to swelling or consolidatlngi. '' solls usually results from saturation of the foundatlon soils ., caused by improper drainage, excessive irrigation, and poorly .,,,.,*,',,'..;... consolidated backfills. The elimination of the poten.tlal sourcesl. ,,, r'.;;111..:... of excessive water wi'll greatly minimize the risks of constructlo'ng:.': of thls site. :: residence on Lot 1, Gore Creek Park, Vall, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been obtalned Jn accordance with accepted professional engineering practices in the field of foundation engineering and soi'l mecha- nics. . There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. , .rl Sl ncerely, I NTER.MOUNTAI II ENGINEERII'16, LTD. Thomas Al I en, P. E. tt-.^^^$ n793 -) roject Englneer ) BIGHORN ROAD Lot 2 frrr nnf-G'ore creek TEST LOCAT'ON PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, GORE CREEK PARK VAIL, COLOMDO FOR PHILLIP LIER Frordcr r,a, V_7191G wn dl,SCitf 'o.rfl OIrrlo ,tO' I ..) ) ) o\FI : 'o E IIntcnMoutein lAEnslnecringrrr 0ctober 28, L987 Phillip Lier Box 2266 Vail, C0 81658 Re: Lot 1, Gore Creek Park Project No. V-719lG Dear Mr. Lier: I have reviewed the site plan you provided me with Bill Pierce. My understanding is that he would like to set the finished floor e'levationat 104, based on the manho'le rim at the south property line being L04.28. I have no problem with the proposed elevation for the finish floor. The fina'l grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on alI sides, Please review the Backfill and Surface Drainage section of the Soi'ls and Foundation Investigation. The bottom of the footings should be placed a minimum of 48 inches below final grade forfrost protection. If fill will be required under the foundation, thesoils used and compaction of the fill shou'ld be inspected by a represen- tative of our office. 0n-site soils may be used as fill material. During spring runoff months, the groundwater may be higher thanit is now. Please review the Groundwater and Drain System section of the Soils and Foundation Investigation. If you have any further questions, p'lease feel free to call. Project Engineer GTA:cjn cc: Bill Pierce 1.120 Vance Streel Lakewood. Colcrad"l 8321 : , Phone: 23;-0156 :'*?*;q*4id.Fjffi S i ncere ly , Box No. 978 Avon. Oororado 81620 949-50i2 Denvsr 893- 1531 ','.-'"',',irq,^f,ri{dr ?err' r'!.., j": -l- r I I the date of certlfication sholm bqreon! ^/ 43 ' 35',05 " E 266 . i-#,!-I , Si#it#,q:tJ {: 42tlJ tr;:l:rijt 7^ !f, 1$tl t$ .? '.rt '1r '-.i 'srii:' --i.-: e i-- --i -Q a oroI = I BU (o (nta sl ota \ L\aa as usi'- {.'1.f)ft s 43'36'OO"W 207.71 $i.J$Si r/i.$l#,''{II hereby certi fy that this irprovenent location certiflcate waslprepared -INE I 2 5 BEARIN6 34'41 '00"t4 43'30'00"l( DISTANCE 53.25 3.38 for thd nnrtqaqi lender and the title insurance company' that it is not a lenr{ crrrvcv ilit ar lmorovemant survev Dlat- and that it is not to be relland survey ilat or {mprovenent survey plat, and that s not to be relied Brion T. Kelly R.L. S. 243l8 uoon for the'establ lshnrent of fence, building' or other future improvemnt iinds.- I-iurther certify that the irnprovercits on the above described parcel on this date, except utitity connections, are entirely withln.the boundaries of the parcel , except as sho{n, that there are no encroachments uPon the described premises by lryrovemnts on any a{i.oinin9 premises, except as indlcated,'and that there is no aPParent evidence or sign of any easemnt c,"ossing or burdening any Part of Said parcel ' except as noted. Ihis certlficate does not constltute a title search by Inter-llountaln Englneerlng to detennine ounershl p or easements of record. For..all infonnation regarding iasernents, ri ghts-of-iay or tltle of record, Inter-lilountai n Engineening relied upon The Finol Plot of Gore Creek Porh. .'v(, ,,''t,./ /./.'/-tzi/t t' ,i.t4,"i !: :,: 'i I{OTICE: According to Colorado lar you must. cotmxrnce any leqal action based uPon any defect in this survey wiirtin"ilt.ii years after'you first discover.such defect' In no event, may any acti-on based upon any defect in iiiil-suivev'ue iomnLnced nore than ten vears from EAsEMENT-------r 108 ' 30 132.81 I 7.5' I cqucaere I Il8ir lpIuJr5r6 lu L-- I I f- UTILITY 4ALK --!flr** tN I sl\ lk;.\ t v.rLt, ,l(rr &I@RETE c)oIrrl c)Irnrrlx E_ I \---- \ I a\('olmG|lF.\I' \ \ \m^tBi\m\ =\nz:-t\ ,l{\lo\\Ti\rltllm\ /^\ 36. 20 INTPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE P.O.lOX e?t oe to a.oTt lt{o{^x Foao AVOr. C40.atalto(tot, e.a-ao7a Inter-Mountain Engineeringrta. qJITE TOt taao val*l L rgHOoo. cco. aoatl (309t ala-o lL t/6/e9LOT I, GORE CREEK PARK TOWN OF UAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO