HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK PARK LOT 2 LEGALI oz E =tul o- a.) (\\t rn 6l ro\'\f (n trJ LU lJ- L =E uJ o- ,#?t t/,s/,b '*d) e.lo\ O' >-t E z F U> z IgJ N't o\l.i ch l',Ft<E z v)F <F6ztrxl!o> 2Z6< F z a E-r z IHtzloIH IE tsQF 25 Zrnol)JZ, 63oS oEz =H uJF F FIz = zz tEatu l<IElotfr l* IH lE-r lE-rllrl l|llu)lEl lHt> le Irtzt< IH IH A.{ .1 F{L z C) t2loIHIFt< l(JtFtlF lE tvK Itr{ li.1IF l.t< l' lvlFlIF E-{ l- AE ulz =vE tr ul6z .-- =a-o PH<F2rto2o< : F P l\.. vtol+ ?F{l+ et+ sJOrl+Flt oal* Q $l+ il 6.9-oRo !a c) .: c€;( E '.:-\ E8g(!-(! :J UI O.\6.: h <arc6;t +ot E F,g'g>t -:.5 EO.N () E-, €ecce.= ooE*Fo Feb;=€ --o oo+o3g; EP€'"oo E H3I o.S :E=*cfr.= =-o(atrE--o != c'lol E;EEo9o- x -E' CLoc(!i'- ? 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( I 7) tx9F 13fi= =g 0(ir UJ *Eo2()(niJ UJ) zz.d.lP Ize9oo rri>z?R XdE g EE= -!-.:Ul6E> ti4rrXr rrtxJlxiLl tr ul lt tv!EZE<CLl60 EttE9tttrieEi => =lrJ-F h>E :*E =FE 5519 5urE XO-t x>oiiF(\-o-i!tr uJ @ F I-- F =E,trl o-zIFc)3EFazo() i i I FII IFIIIFIxJrxJrxr I r! tro (, z (.) =F t, / .i i I E:.3ji !E!::€ ii E; "g iziz z'!+z=?a 6E!-E. a a 2+;. z 5:;a;: =iE-.iEE:i€ 9I I :I t 1-= i= e4.-'-'j,i"ii;i7 = a'- '. -= 7 * il:rit :. : = ; c*.1:tEi:-Ei l; c.: = -= = ) =! r e:;1 .,i:ii:E;3; z I (O I z HHPxtr-Ur$o!-<>xQ"'Lr =uo>zz"as{5dzr\a\J)/Ai-*r \J Ftr- ar t.z"v>'z j'. -;\FrD:>6 n trJ L.' c/\ -- !,F-Z G9F<F<=uJ f- -J<a4ca \ (, f \!i\,,c)]E zSFtr*kl{ H:HF<}/oe;f=zl\>tu9BSInl.< - '?- !,/-lt-s^{;..F-il ilto>P;hO€eue Frhfo< -aNERL,Fl^-l\ r.r c( XF>oy EEFh,^t--Y:+xcHF6}F +aa- -O. IF€a.a+f &rI }|.6. FR ENrJ -rFaEr-{ rrFa!+ -F -fol- Et it{ s)/ {-€Fr€ -11le f+\atf-) f-a{a *FTFf'lf-l EY fi.t trt a.tFlaH .fJrF..F)fitIrA.I 14& u 14 N F Fl z H $ o\(r) .; !- Ilz lF{lv \Ol Ol^l ,r..rllnl v t<lFz z z at-{a a FiH =ft{ Fl zt-l an I o0 , (! 7t aouth fronl.g. .o.d vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ofllco of communltY dcvrloPmcnt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thi.s permit requires a Town of Vail Flre Department Approval, Engineel"s (.Public Wot"ks) review and approval ' a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Bui'l ding Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weel(s. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and sma'l I projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period Every attempt witl be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. ,"/optt 2l lqQ"- Date Work Sheet was turned into tne Conununi ty Development Departrnent. .l 75 3outh |tonltgc toad Yalt. cotor.do 8165t (303, 479-21.38 or 479-2139 olflcc ol communllY develoPmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: SUR'ECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYIJ REGISTERED WITH EHE TO}IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. Ttre right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renov'e said rnaterial.In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Departnent will remove said naterial at the expense of Personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revLew ordlnance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofvail BuLlding oepartrnent to obtain a copy. thank you for your cooperatlon on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) DATE Apr zJt L992 . 1'V-,r': a " a- f -rttilZttt. QF.vFiTQ"o,r7 :._,i,..,r-.."-,--.. --..oo Project Application '" . tli,' .hri\; .i';r'd ' t) i/r. /or - o Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: P,a.;e lliila (oOzaV lJ 6 /st //e Legal Description: Lot z ,r,^n 6o" Ceol, Qwz" .zone DctLt-€v. Architect, Address and Phone: Com ments: Design Review Board / Motion by: LMA Seconded ov, AafiS4re0 o^" 3 fr' /q / DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: EPtdv/z'(qd 7v /|se ry47W/4LsoTw 74|(,^,,'],(,# 8tu4 ,^", 3/a/q/ o ZONE CTIECK roR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTCTS PROPOSED USE I.,oT SIZE DIL Helght 0l( Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary cRr'A Setbacks FrontDt( i:*" 6L water course Setback r-t. Site Coveraqe()lL D,4 LandscapJ.ng Retalnlng l{all llelghts Parking b lL Garage credit DA^ Drive: Environmentalr/Hazards : -{€'e)[Cry /^ 32' 6 3 + tooG 47stw = SkoY o 4 632,o + (425) =-- + (425) t2lt.W3.'t2 5le' g bzt,4 Total 3?,6 3 201 151 L5| (.0@ 3t /6' Reqrd ) .(4.4os, 5 q3, Ln 1) 2t 3) Does this How much request Lnvolve aof the allovred 25osq. ft. DArE:zlrclqt - ^ ,1 LEGAL @ Btock -' Filing Gope Co-dtz Peer ADDITESS 3 OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT O PHONE PTIONE AIlowed ExLstlnq Proposed 1tu t<tl /G;t---\@v)r\V .zsYzspp) = b27o Perrultted slope gt Actuar srope ag/' Date approved by Town Englneer: OV z- lStal request? DK with thls Town of VaiL 25 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 PIan the 1991 Name: Lockton Resi-denceDate: ApriJ- 27, L992 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: C. Feldmann analysis based on Uniform Building Code Address: 3994 Bighorn Rd. Contractor : UndeterminedArchitect: Nearing Staats Engineer: NOTE:The code items listed in Lhis report are not intended to be a conpletelisting of all possible code requirements in the l-991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. DIRECTTON BOUNDARY NORTH Property lineEAST Property line SOUTH Property line WEST Property line NAME SEPARATION AREA INCREASE l-19.0 Feet 16.0 Feet 64.0 Feet 14.0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 1l-9.0 Feet 16.0 Feet 64.0 Feet 14.0 Feet FL AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS z z z z z 2 2 2 z TOT l_ 1 1 I 1 1 1 l_ 1 Bedroom #3Master bedroom Master bath Bath room #1 Bedroom #4Bath room #2 Bedroom #5Bath room #3 Ha11s, closets, etc AL FOR FLOOR Dining roomLiving room Game room Bedroom #l- Powder Room Bath room Furnace room Bedroom #2 Bath room #2 22'l 255 tz IYU 64 t62 r22 888 21'7t z5u 662 308 184 55 49 4b 204 49 22 .'7 Q 26.50 0.00 0.00 19.80 0.00 ].6.20 . 0.00 0.00 25.00 66.20 30.80 18.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 .40 0.00 11.35 13.25 3.60 9.90 1-ZU 8. r_0 6. r-0 0.00 L2.50 33.10 L5.40 9.20 2.75 2 .45 0.00 L0.20 2 .45 YeS Yes No NO Yes NO Yes No No No No NO Yes No No No Yes No 1 1_ t_ L t 1 l_ 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hallway 278 0.00 0 .00 L Nol- Storage room 79 0.00 0.00 L No1- Laundry room 78 0.00 3.90 1 No1 Ki-tchen 265 26 .50 1-3 .25 1 No1 carage 600 0.00 0.00 1 No 1 Halls, closets, etc. 253 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3351 2 BU]LDING TOTAL 5532 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meeL the following. -- Sec. L204. 1-) The minimum cl-ear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The mj-nimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4l The maximum si1l height is 44 inches2| The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for vent.ilation. *- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS:Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a cei-Iing height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum height is required in onl-y I/2 of the area. --Sec . L207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall- have at l-east one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens sha1l have an area of not. less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha1l not be less than 7 feet in any dlmension. -- Sec . L207 . (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: AlI glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) l,) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2', Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Gl-azing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Lo a door where t.he nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed posit.ion and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. 7') Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoseLocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions: J A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 sguare feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the ffoor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontal-Iy of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-filL panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector J-s required on the ceiling or wal-1 at a point centrally Iocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal1 in each sfeepingarea. -- Sec. 121-0 . (a) 4 .A smoke detector is required on all- storj.es. -- Sec. l-21-0. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level cl-ose to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired Lo the buildingt s power source andshall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 121-0.(a) 3. DeLectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleepinq area of the dwellinqin which they are located. -- Sec. l-21-0. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Firepl-ace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wa1ls of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of fj-rebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The mininum cLearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls j-s 2 inches. Combustible material maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each L j.nch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material. The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extensionLess than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches5 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE :l-) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2, Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval. -- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Tab1e 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fireconstruction are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch sol-id core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at Least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7I2.(a) exc. #1 The minlmun headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305.(o) Enclosed usable space under the staj-rs is required to be prot.ected as requiredfor l-hr f ire-resistive constructi-on. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwai-ter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal- with all joints locklapped. The outside must beL hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I3/8 inches thj-ck orequlvalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping instal-l-ed in wa1ls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in I hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that donot extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. l-706. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a L hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwalls, Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec.25L6.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 108 of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves.For a 27 60 .0 sq. ft . crai^rlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of ventL/L50 r.8.40 2, Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAI-, REQUIREMENTS : For R3 OccupancyThis project will requi.re a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prj-or to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Town of Vail are fimited to a earth tostructural floor eeiling height of 5', be earth floor only, beventilated as per UBC 2516 (c) 6 wit.h minimum access as per UBC 2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall reguire an engineer design. Such design shall address drainaqe, soil retainage, and structural design. Excavation below slabs on qrade shal] not be permitted without prior approval. Address numbers shall be posted plainly vj-sible and legibl-e from the atreet , For M1 Occupancy Slope garage floor to al1ow for draj-nage to outside or provide afloor drain with with sand and oil inLerceptor to dry well or tosewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be appproved by Upper Eagle Va11ey lilater & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage which are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (b) . Town of Vail 25 South Front.age RoadVaiI, Colorado 81557(303) 4-19-2t38 Name: Lockton Residence Date: April 24, 1-992 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N PLan reviewthe 1991 Uniform based onBuilding Code Addressz 3994 Bighorn Rd. Contractor : UndeterminedArchitect: Nearing Staats Engineer: Plans Examiner: C. Feldmann A bathroom is required to have an openable window ora mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecteddirectly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may beventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC L205(c). Crawl- spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openinqsshall have a net area of not less than 1sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 251-6(c)6. Cross connection control devi-ces shall be inst.alledto protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not l-ess than 30" to unprotected combustible naterial. UMC 1901. In buildings of unusually tight construction (a11 new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shalL be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings sha1l be as per UMC Ch. 6. Gas fireplace appliances are required to beinstalled as per listing installatj-on instructions -with a rrB" vent only. Cornbustion air must besupplied from the outside for all new constructionin the Town of Vail. ,rt 10 1L Furnaces not tisted for cl-oset or alcoveinstallation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of thefurnace. A boiLer unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicat.ing design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventlocation and terminaLion, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation, Gas piping sha11 not be installed in or on theground under any building or structure and exposedgas piping shaI1 be kept at least 6" above grade. uMc 2213 (b) Due to Colorado State Statutes, aII sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flowrestri-ction devices. A1so, the maximum water closetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallonsper flush. The garage must be separated from the dwelling bythr fire-resistive construction on the garage side.-- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwefling isrequired to be a L 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20minute self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The open side of all decks, porches, sLairs, etc. which are more than 30rr above grade shall beprotected with a guardrail. Openings can not exceed6". Within R-1 occ. and all R-3, height min. is 36"-out.side R-l occ. height min. is 42". UBC 1711. At eaves and vaLLeys an adequate underlayment shallbe provided to protect a structure fron ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid moppedto sheathing and between layers or a cenmercialwater & ice shield may be used as per lable 3281- . Because of this project's location. the foundationis required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to thefoundataion with t/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of'6 feet apart. See code foradditional requj-rements. -- Sec . 2907 . (tl L2 L3 14 15 L6 L7 ..- Rccorded at Reception No. QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, Made this 7 th day of l'ta} belween MICAH, LTD. , A Colorado of the *County of Eagle Colorado, granto(s), and JACK LOCKTON 2300 Arno whose legal address is 6620g ,B 92,Limited Partners and State of Mission IIills KS parcel and a natural of the County of and State of Colorado, grantee(s), WTINESSETH, Thar the granto(s), for and in consideration of the sum of DOLLARS the receipt and sufficicncy of which is hereby acknorvledged, ha g remised, released, sotd and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these prcsents do eS remise, release, sell and QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee(s), his heirs, successors and assigns, fortr€r, all the right, title, intercst, claim and demand which the ganto(s) has in and to the rcal pmFrty, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the Colorado, described as follows: County of EagIe An easement over, across and under a Parcel of land for the ,, purpose of creating and sustaining a Wetland Area, located inTract, Section 10.of Township 5 South, Range 84 West of the SixthPrincipal Meridian according to the Independent Resurvey as accepted on June 20, L922, County of Eagte, State of Colorado, \ntithall bearings herein based upon N 00- 15rtr{ for the East line ofsaid Tract 59, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a Point from which corner no. 6, Tract 59 bearss 59037!09'' , 700.72, feeti thence N 10.'51127" w, g9.34 feet; thence N 31o02'41"w, 39.42 feet; thence s 80 50'37"8, 2I .20 feet; and State of 98.86 Beginning. thence N 54e24'54" E, 82.80 feett thence s 35o23'08"feet; thence S 58o01'59u w, 136.50 feet to the poinr Said Parcel containing 12,000.00 square feet. E, of The party of the second part, hisrestrict development within thiswithin that parcel will remain inwetland creation, in perpetuity. also kno^,n by sheet and number as: heirs and assigns agree tothat all lands condition, after TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thercunto belonging or in anywise thercunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, tide, intercst and claim whatsoerar, of lhe granto(s), either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s), hi s heirs and assigns forever. IN WITI{ESS WHEREOR The granto(s) have execured rhis deed on the date set forth above. STATEOFCOI,ORADO, I countyof Eagle - l*' , / The for€going instrument was acknowledged before me this I 'a"y of /< <n , fSb- by Mervyn L. Lapin. General Partner of MICAH, LTD., A Colorado Lta rlf in Denver, inscrt "City and." No 933. Rev.,t9l, eutT crJ\tM DEEr B.idford Publilhiog, 1743 Wazcc St., D€Dv6, CO 80202 - (301) 292-2500 - 2-92 Linited Partnership My commission expires 7 U '1 l-, l9 . Witness my hand and official seal. tr ti it- MICAH, LTD., A Colorado Limited Partnerphip Mervyn L., General Partner -ir-;..-ii t-i:.trrrr ini.r. LVLjr,. -'n lNbUdAN!!, tatlY ro Atttx?rof{ oF DEPAHTIIENT OF THE ARiIY u,3. AFfrlY EltOtltEEF DtotHtCT, lAcnAtEltTO CORPI OF ENC|ilEERS ltt! J g?ttEtT lrcRAmEilTO, Clr|FoniltA cctrr.ate2 April 15, 1992 Begulatory Section | 199100829t Mr. end Mrs. Jack Lockton 7400 Stateline RoadPoct Offloe Box 8418 thawnee Migaion, KanEa! 66e08 Dear Mr. Lockton: You are hereby authorized by Letter of Permiseion ll.,Opl todiecherge approxinately 1r400 cubic yarde of filI material into0,174 acre (7,690 Equarc fect) of wetlands ad.jacent to Gore Creekto congtruct a home on Lot 2, Oore Creek Park, Veilr Colorado.Thie property is locatad in Section 12, Township 5 South, RanEe80 West, EaBlc County, Colorado. This LOP ie iisuad under theauthority of Seetion 404 of the Clean Water Act {33 U.S.C. 1344}end ie subjcct to the cnclosEd ligt of Beneral eondltione and theapeoial condltionr. Please reed the list of both general andspccial conditionr of thie authoriaation earefully. Thank you for your cooperetion. If you have any questiong,pleeee write or contact Mr, Miehael Claffey of our Western Colorado Re8ulatory Offiee t 4QZ Rood Avenue, Roon 142, GrandJunotion, Coloredo 81501-2663, or telephone ( 303 ) 243-1199. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARItlY: Chief.' Regulatory 9ecLion Encloeuree ltL nm? APR 21tgg? !+-a!-V4 ,l ,; i.l+!.u lr\iirt I' r ,r, lNbllSANUIL0c o Copiar Purnirhcd: Dr-. Gene - Reetz , U. S , Environnenta]. protection ABency r Regionvrrr' 999 18th 6t,1 suite 500, Denver,, colorado gozoa-z4oiMr. I{clth Ro!6, u.s. Fish ana witarir" seruicel-seo zi Llz Road,. Sulte 8-113, 0rand Junction, Colorad,o g1506Mr' Robert-ceskey' cororodo Divteion of wildlife, 211 IndependentAv€nus, Orand Junctionr Colorado g1S01Mr' Jenree c. MoDanordr colorado Diviaion of water Rcsources, rglg.- Sheruran Stroet, Room g1g, Denver. Coloredo g020gMr.-Jon ScherechliEt, colorado Dipartnent of Health, 4210 EaetEleventh Avenue, Denvcr, Colorado |OZZOMr-. Hal D. Sinpron, Deputy State Engineer, CoIorad.o Division ofWater Resourcec, 1g1B ghernan Btreet, Room glgl Denver,Coloredo 80409 2, !+-;.r-:L iL;*+r!l i ".t lfibUl(Altt! 6. You ourt. nrintrln thc rcttvity ruthorlard by thlr prrolt ln lood condltion rnd ln confornrnc. rlth the tcrsr and conditionr of thlr prrolt. You lrG not rellcvrd of thil requlrcrcnt if you rbrndon ihc prrrtttcd ectivityr rlthouth you rrv lrkc r toodfeith tranrflr to r thlrd prrty. Should you rlsh tc c.lri to nrlntrln the ruthorlgod rciivity or ehould you dtri!. to rbrndon It rtthout r tood frlth transferr you lurt obteln a rodlflortion of your approitl fron thc CorPr ol Englncrfs' Hhich Dfy DGqullc rertoratlon of thr lrcr, 7, Upon notificetion ftoo the Corpr of Entinrerl thlt Hork beinl iortornea docr not conply witl or fell rlthln thl rcopr o? thir-pernlt, th€ rrrponrlbl. Party ehrll tlkr innrdletc rtePrr lr dirrclad by thc Corpg of Enflnccral to brinl thc work into colpllancc rlth thlr pcrllt. r nuu l(lUri o PERMIT NUTIBER: PERUITTEE: TATERWAI:Gore fteek OENERAL o.g[pITIoNEa l. The pcrrittcc rhrll rblds by ell gpecial condttlonr trcferto Detc 6 ) rhlch tho Corpr of EnStneeri nry edd to any lndividuelruthorizatlon glvcn undrr thte LOP. 2, The perntttec thell ebide by the terua and conditionr of thesatct quality ccrtlficrtion irru:d by the Colorado Departncnt ofHealth or thc Bnvlronorntal Protccllon Agoncy in eccordence with u/ Sectlon 401 of the Clern lfeter Act, 3' If you' brforc or durlnl prorecution of the ruthortztd work, .ncounter a hirtorlc property that has not been llrtcd or dctsrnined cltgiblc for lirtlng on thc Nationel Rciicterr but ,/which nay bc clitible tor ltrting in the National Rcli;tcrr Vgu"rhall inncdiately notify thc Corps ol Engincrrr, {, Only clcan naterial frcc of warte Detsl Productir orEanicaaterialr, unrljhtly debrlrr GtG. r rlv be used for dlscharler ruthotlzsd by thir peruit; all dlrcher6er rhall be lrce of toxic Do]lutantr in toxlc ruountr. 5, Any dirchalt.t of dred3ed or flll leterirl :hrll not occurin clorc Droxlrltt ol r public rttcr rupply lntekc, rhoutd not linit thc rbility of eny cxittlna diverrion structuac to tpProErlatc ilatar and rhould not rdvcrsely inprct t rtrae[ l.ullng rtrtlon. '| u{ .' I' !ru1 LUUI\ o r ei' I lllul(ANLtr 8. Thls pcrnlt doee not obviate thc need to obtain qther Frderal, cllte or local authorizrtion ee roqulred by lew, doee not lrant rny property li6hts or exclusive privilegcsl doer not authorlze any iniury to ProPcrty or rl3hts of othertl and doe! -not authorlze intcrfcrcnce with rny existing or proPolcd Fedcral projec L . 9. In taruini thi: pernit and in tlving authorizetion to pcrforo work undcr thls pernit, the Fcdcrel Governrrcnt doee not igsuue eny Iiabillty for danaSes to the gcrnitted Proicct or u8cs thcreof ls r rsEult of current or futurc activitlcg undertakcn by or on behalf o! the UnttGd Statca in thc publl'c intercstt d'nrge! to pereonr, propcrtYr or to othar pcroitted or unpelDitted activltlea or rtruclures cauged by- the tctivity euthorized by ihia p""nltr desitn or con!truction defipiencles eeBociated with the pirnittia worlr or denaic clalns aggociated wlth any future nodilicetion, rulpcnrlonr or revocatlon of thig perEit' 10. You nust ellor rePrcsentattves fron thc Corps ol Engineere to lnEpect the euthorizrd activity at any tlne dccned nccetsari* to ensure that it is being or hae beon acconplighed ln lccordancc rith the tcrng and conditions of thir Pernit. ll. The construction or opcfetion of thc activity authorized bv ,,,,thir pernit rill not inpeir reeerved tribel riEhttr includlngt but not llnltcd tor resirvcd Hat.r Dighta and irclty firhint rnd huntlng rightr, t2' The CorPr of EnSlnoert Dry re-cvaluate ita declsion on anv authoricrtion givan In accordencc with lhir ptrnit_gt any tlrc thr cireuuatanccr warrent. Circua:tanccs thet coul! rcquirc e \'/ ns-cvaluaticn lncludr, but lr. not liuitcd to, tho following: t.ro. rnd eonditlons of thir v' you ln auPPort of Your L' been frlee, lnconDlctcr or / '\ V'surflccr rhlch thc CorPr of \ - in r:achinS e dccielon. u a. You fail to coaplY uith thc PorDIt;b. The lnfornatlon providcd bY rpplleatlon prove! to havc lnaccrrrete lnd ic. Sitnlficent DGtl inlornatlon Englneerr did not considcr Such re-cvaluatlon nry rcgult ln a deterninetlon that it 1r rppropDirtr to u3€ th; turpenrionr nodlficatiort, lnd rcvocetton p}oc"iurer contal;ed in fiite 331 Code of Fedcral ReEulrtionrr Prrt 325,? or enrorJer,.nt procedurei-"utt' ar thoee conteincd 1n iil; 3a; codi ol Fedrrrl Re8ulationi, Prrtr 328.'4 and 326'6' Thc rcferenced cnforcenerrt procldurcl pro"fdt for thc iesutncc of an eduinirtrativo ordcr rciuirlng you'i" conply with the tcrnr rnd condltions of thir i.""it and-for the intiiation^of letel lction rhere approprlatt. 'you nlII bc rcqulrsd t9 ltf',for any corr..ctivc qeasures ordercd bV thc-Citp. of Enginecr3, lnd if you ictl to coaply wittr rucn r directivc, lh" q?tts.of.EnlineGrr Dav ln certein rituationi-tiu"rt-i- thori'epeclfiad 1n Titlc 33r code oi ria"riilont, p.ii-zos.1?0) aceonplllh the sorrcctivr oc'gurcr b]' contrtct or othernire rntl biII you for tllc co't' l?' ,r1{la Ll JL tL,:itnr .,., lI\/SUi(ANu!,I hlilr L0Cf' o fub f3. Thr ttor llott for conplctlng ths suthorlzrd uork rlll bcthrc6 yerrr froo the detc tf,rt tniivtduel approvlt lr glvcn underthl'-r pcroit. rf you find thrt you nccd oorl-tlre to conplotc thctlthorlrrd rctlvtty, rubrlt youi rsqucrt ?or I tiof rxtcnrlon tothc corgr of En3lnacru for conrtdlrition rt leaii-onc ronthocrorc thc fxplntlon dete for colplrtlon. unlcrr thcre rmc.trcunrtgnca. rcquirlng rtther c pionpt aorpi;ai;; of thciuthorlzCd rctlvlty or l rc-rvelurtion of thc publlc intrrcrtdcclrlon, thr corpr of Englncerr rtir norraily-riir rrvor.ulcccneldcrrtlcn to a rcgucrt for rn cxtcnslon of thr ttlc rlult. 1'1,. -upcn oonplotlon ol thc authorized rorkr you will lnordletrlynotlfy thr Corpr ef Englnecr3 lO ldldnl. i h vrr. lVtr:. o .v.' ll$lJt(A[!!IU r SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1l The uittfation planr both off-site and on-gitc' eubnitted wlll be inplonented eithcr conoutrrently wlth or before houre congtruotlon. The off-site Ditigation plan oalls for thc crGatlon of 9'926 aquare feet of paluatrine ecrub/chrub and enerfent wetlandr fron uplandr along Brueh Crcek in dedioated open rproe of the P.U.D. known as Brush Crcck Stablse whioh ir located approxinately 2.6 niles form the town of Eafler Coloredo. The aite ia located between Brush Creek Road and Brueh Crsek in Sectlon 10' Townrhip 5 9outh, Range 84 Westr Eafle Countyr CoIorado, Thc on-cite nitlgetion plan ie the reoreation 420 rquarefcct of torub/shrub watLandg imnadiately eact of thc reaidenc"that wtll bc dicturbed by conatruotion, and the enhanocnont of ?080 rquanc fcot of degraded wetlands in the front cnd of the proparty edJacent to cxlrting undirturbed r.retlandl . The applicant wlll ensure adequete wetland hydrolofy for a period o threc years until thc wetland syetcn ls eetablished. Ilt-thc tine of pri f pcrnlttee nuct cffcet e dcodrcfcrcnoqd lbovo, or gom€ othrr rc.triots eny davelopuent withln on the parocl enoumbrance, whtch End etatos that thc t lon, regtrictiontype of lctal that parccl all landr withln that peroel wlII remei after wE 4l The pernittee wlll redlnent oontrol pLan whleh Creek during constructlon on 9l Thc pormlttec wlLl nonitor the creeted and enhaaocd wetlandr aocording to the nonitorind gchedule degorlbed ln the lleroh 10, 1992 t,eiter of Pernlaslon Applloetionl Supplcnrent t 1 rubnlttrd by Aqueti.c and l{etland Coneultarttsr Lnoorporated. desiEn and inplenent an eroaion and controll redlncnt fron entarlnl Gorc hir lot, itri r, ,.'. Li.rC o n r u.r iNSUI{nNu!, I I I I I I I I I | !, "rri LUUA o t u.,r l NbUl(Al1rlr.,!, l I I I l'lr/ urLlTrlt0 llrrtllrt: ?0 TrigE fi Ytrt9LEglltllouro r'l4m clPrx, vrsl0N 0F uor ao Project loeatlon nap. noms Z oF1 on1lw coil3uLlNfi8 AOt ltr ttlD urEn.ArD GolltuLJ xlt' ue' !Srli!I[.y, r,p^r-cf TPFUCA'{T Ir. rnd In' ,rtt L.3l|'n tac lnrlln io.a ?D. t.r lata ttueia. llrrlllr. Krure t.oclcrot{ nrSlDENC! tlrlt Gcut*Ylrll Crl*rao ,.r- L r-tL l.:t+i.,1 rtr-.rl LiJLl:r.,u lNbUt(AN\,!, FotRr 3 o? al *re 1fp- OO}FULTA}IT3 rouAr|c AllD YVEnTXO COX3UtlAntl, llE' 3hm lqu|trr0I lfifi.t,3utb l|l lcrddrr, Gohir{r I{}lC llrDucAri Ir. a|rd It|. J.3I [!c5bn tas ltd.ilil irra t.o. lcr |.tlllrrml lbdcfi l(rilla h: frEloat 'ltr^' ?J{uoswoT wo[- prc sog t rl 'tn$ *&,*Y$ I . -=:!-::ryjl -l-.-i- E*|le!ffigl *S'f'Sffiu ---===lr--x:i :l I { lr I I I I I(& I $ I l @ & a pz rJ E ts Az zor= Fd E(5 EI lel tsF4 at I $o ocffo]l llsDGilCT :rd. Oo|no '4Grlrndr it-;.-J. r;:+:tlr ..t -,r,. LUUii,,., lNlUl{ANL!, t[l !.-- eiq It $$i i I I I t I I illl {ffi E5'q$#ffi oErFC 1$A ?H tr'lJc-r?g t?_!I *rrt"q9qd.. solrycn trsf 'sr}{ ,S,#$ .slEEls ltu!.qNl : II rl )f S-.-- k3r - FtouFE I or ol DArt 1fw tgxEu.l Ht? louArc rxD iErrrlo oorllulT^tltS' i'a 3lrtl| arult! idO lridwrl' 3ulb tll iorfdrr. cCoa,e log APPTTgAilT Ir. ar|a lrr, Jact trhflltail lr.l|nnr l..a ?C hr lltltf$nr- Ibrlltt lrlrrr I'olE|(lEil EEgDGIIGE trrh Orrnt Yd[ lt lilrao I I I I I I I I I I I I a-j"o n,l ( I )4/"L''I/ May A, l,3r92 5:05 P.M. This permit meets all zoning standards. I have signed it with the condition that Eric Berg show us a copy of a recorded deed and a copy of the receipt of the certified letter he will have sent Art Champ, at the Sacramento office of the Army Corps of Engineers. A-\ w/"") ie ' -l-'LMn /l(: .' d\r/v' tt I o.t G/ {*' tr \J k6'P ( N6( ;I ('{ vl trIIAL IIfSPESTION'S CO}IPLETED U Tbe lteus belor aeed to be conplete before gtvtng a perult a flual C of 0. Please check off 1n tbe bor provlded. FINAL PUN4BING DATE: tr n IINAI ilBCSANIC,AT. DATE: E fflL_F* i-vlI Vl M I [1.t FILE MI{E: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: TIMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF 75 Soath Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 t 0 t -479 -2 1 3 I / 47 9 -2 r t I D c p artmcn t of C ommanity D eo c lopm ent June 29, 1992 Mr. Eric Berg P.O. Box 3002 Vail, Co.81658 RE: LOT 2 GORE CREEK PABK Dear Eric: This letter is to confirm the conversation we had this morning about the wood burning lireplace in the Lockton residence. After reviewing the documentation in the file, it is my understanding that: A complele DRB application was made February 5, 1991; A DRB approval was made March 6, 1991; A building permit application was made Seplember 24, 1991. Because a complete DRB application was submitted prior to the February 15, 1991 deadline, a woodburning fireplace is allowable. At this time, I have redlined the field set as well as the oflice set of the building permit to show that a woodburing tireplace is allowable. Please attach this letter to your building permit set of drawings to make document this resolution. I apologize for any confusion that may have resulted from the complicated history of this project. I hope that we can continue work together to resolve the issues on this house. Please keep me posted as to the mitigation work going on that tre Army Corps of Engineers has required. As we discussed this morning, all wetland mitigation work must be completed and the Corps must provide written documentation hat it is acceptable prior to an issuance of a TCO. ff you have any questions on these issues, please give me a catl at 47g-21g8. Thank you lor your cooperation. Sincerely, ,{/-. ./ // t r/tr=..dJ Ft'-< /f+ri Andy Knudtsen \ Town Planner cc: Susan Scanlon Dan Stanek Jack Lockton qil oo2 -T tSti c Boilerc *ht Hydronb Sutmftfef Deta2tL!o*.qlortalr$ll| brc iE!ft. Inbor/Ouldoor Modeb 125-4tXt .1.,|a br- qt ocnb€llb bamEfq|5nBwrz* T']ENM Hydror* tld|.to €ot€. x,tlr mcxfid psmp EtmdirdAqtemqr .,,-. D/rrltrrltrtrna, LJ ailt irteolF|orJ.ttFlrllrurt AB Eilppt|g lvclCftt (tb3)' T! q?q , 263 q,-. ' i^ 7i . i zq 3c{ 2str 1e,(. I %w m". szq stz: . L N ,tN sV, acry,, ai tti s efotl* t- Inpde|d otPul ntt bo€.nfi.d {|5 p€r f OOO hat lbove s9' lsrll th!,llncathd rbol/e ano.tssl r!tudgr. Iencrtlbnr rlt rsrdrd B t rd! uih Empe jrd z0 i;,ri. - - --- .'r e f.i '!;,t . !. 125 125 1ol ?so aso ns rs6". . , z Hd. tor. c,. v lfiloor orftbol 11 15 23U '€fi. 13 5 AX) StrF l{d. Lo.r lld. lrrr ilrt Aoroaa Eo[.t @tr 0.3 6 0.20.5 I O.30.8 1r 0.61.4 ib t.:l23 18 7.7 'E I t't 16''-20 25 7,.9 13''17 ' 21 125 175 250 325 4@ '', rlO 14n 25 31 0.5 1.0 2.1s.{ 5.2 0,4 0.6 1.2 2.1 3.4 I INSPECTION Z- ,o, *ota TOWN OF,tA i, tu/ REQUEST VAILPERMITNUM DATE BOJECT CALLER TUES ------@tnlREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:57,92MON FRI BUILDING:,1/ |PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER (roorrrvcs / srEEL 'ih- tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEFu pLvwooD NATLTNG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t-l tr FINAL tr FINAL a !,:PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rl rf '- '/oor,- 5/"/qx rNSPEcroR ./ ,/ *ffisre /.) .. \-1 ,/,-t ,! ,, (rn READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ] NAME MON CALLER TUES. .-WED THUR ,/n {.,,.' /, .-. , INSPECTION, TOWN OF , /". "7-7 i I tl..,- . ! - - REQUEST VAIL t<Jv (t. )rw PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTl- t' ,t r / ,:>-,orE - //z/ / /(--na BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o D o o tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEFI- PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: {l:" PowER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr.ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS El CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED :4.( /- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NU NAME i'f.L INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL )-.----r EINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:,I' .{ii O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: (rouruonrroN / srEEL _\tr UNDERGRoUND )t::i::.11;l;1.B FRAMING ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR nFsro" INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUM DATE 4 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL /nI'u\PL tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: flrouruonloN / srEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING fr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: r$isnop DATE INSPECTOR t /{c PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I lz', -D^rE yfz:/1L JoBNAME I , INSPECTIgN TOWry OF {o,t '{ ?'ft THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: :D ) BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtl O FOUNDATION / STEEL .d A-f tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUST'.tr FXHAUST HOODS PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR N}J fr ITPERM DATE INSPECTION TOWN."OF ..'' I L /'/ (_-' 1 /..', )l'{,. t't.4t REQUEST VAIL L .,o" ,ot. tq{L M ER OE PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: t-''to'frl'a- 7 , ''.t1 .'V/'a ^'d-roo?ilrds / srEE( -.{d z. PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING -r-r ROOF & SHEER ,o b"PLYWOODNAILING - tr INSULATIoN ftY"- tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL " EI DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR nffisre READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUESTF VAIL O REINSPECTION REQUIREDOVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED CALLER WED FR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR -\=\. l ; INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WE c\ v\fi ,lr \ ' \ r "tt .* t' r \9415 '\ \-) '\, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND\r +BOUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING sVc OUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL tr tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE 7/2/y'/L rNSPEcroR 5+su l- rN#ctoN PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT L Joe Nlnve TOWNt) K*v OF REQUEST VAIL /ii rr a,t ,,I CALLER :f d^, INSPECTION:WED? THUR 't( @',______40) OF BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE (n q\.\n I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO JOB CALLER MON TUES WED.\THUR rN#cnoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL AM PM' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-., ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR lt} 'irl'rb * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPEOTION: CALLER MON TUES OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: FRI l,L* rN#crroN REeuEsr TO THUR ,^r, ll lfr 117- JoB NAME - tt ,/. // -1-, ,,, L (.^/u- (J' j.___--l,' BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, FOOTINGS / STEEL tr ttA tr tr tr n FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr D tr tr n ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POO\/ H. TUB NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING c.\; \ O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL fl neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR *ffis,o" rNs;ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR |NSP\C LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr\\\ CTION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr D tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER ",PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING-/PLYWOOD NAILIN( Y,tr,sur-nrroN -t-N SHEETROCK NAIL POOT / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ETECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR u tr FINAL D FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOH T NUMBER OF PROJECT \)-2?-nL JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL ^r [+'h,r r e (8.-c iSera- (,'!.r-, r.".^<,'L- WEP THUR FRI AfiA prfi rrusGcnoNTOWN OFPERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ,'' ,q hoRrJ onD BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB gSHEETROCK NAIL tr tr - D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D o tr ROUGH tr o o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED ISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t\S\" I PERMIT DATE NUMBER OF P \. -) ,*rt"toN OJECT TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL OB NAME CALLER TUES \) WED ' THUR).lRrREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON- l!,,\0 \)\\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nF$oP \T//l^ I t PErNsl''CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILOF PROJECT INSPECTION: . JOB NAME UALLtrFI TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER fl FOUNDATION / STEEU - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED \nerruspecroN REoUTRED t( DATE *!-;)1 :/) INSPEcToR !i PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAIL , 4rO 'I' \l rI \_' i*l' ..roB NnveDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES {'HUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED! aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 5L/t(- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE --j JOB NAME INSPECTION: ER qrt 5 |..t WED tnua r-iht t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL /1laCALL ,l,rr:,READY FOR LOCATION:37 /t/MON iu);'i. / \-- -' c CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING I b.\ -rr,FGAS \lPlNG - _ tr POoL \. ruBEI E] d IN EETROCK NAIL - l'a./,-r,A, a ( Qn tr k n F,NAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoulT f'l tr SUPPLY AIR n E] FINAL O FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nffis"o" Aqq - 6ooo * b'L e^g rrvslEcnoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF,PAqJECT oor. ^<ldd JoB NAME tr,J CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOO NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL T1 cl Fl.E|*-_tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:ffi tr ROUGH _ tr CONDUIT EA MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr flhr.nr-tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUTRED ECTIONS: 54*,*r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL @+@ PM PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: q4 - /q 93 JoB NAME Lo CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr U U R R MB ND lN( ER GF GF \p T L/ G: rGl 1/ 1t tPl \H io D. W, N( ,T IND TEF UND ROU ROU ' l':,.' GAS POO R CUN ).w.\ VATI rG_ TUB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL JGH JGH ilpr )LA tr FRAMING r_.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING o.6'.tvt- tr INSULATION - tr tr n tr SHEETROCK NAIL .-- .\ - :"-n'a\ft-lcaya. a 1q1dSeqQCT,r--= T Vd FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUjT n tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL tr FINAL -.at tr REINSPECTION RE'f,UIREDVEDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oz ==tulc rn e.l ?, at', IJJ UJ TL ==E uJ o- n,sd; r:r7"f" U,(\ oro\ z zz F-l l! z Fl tstE H o-F7 9F oEztngfi -7, d- ..,-' H* uJF F FI == z 2 IL UJ =I lt o o zoo e.o Gulz3var |tUJ6z;3rrv <FAoYZo< o o b ! :T;x -L;d' o-Fo\-cY ErtoYO \.J9-i =-lEA -e o I' o) o == d! E =cl oo o. (! 'q) o) o'! o o, : a o () a, .2 P -o o o o o](6 E $ c!cl -9ooc(5 .9 (s E .g oE = ' troo o q) E ct)o go'=E Rbtro 5: EEE'- ^ct;o)cL._ aDo(E5o'0) =E,l'tc9'-oEco.9 E(6otr :s E9 E:o-o d(6--.c Eg-6 EU,IDE Ooie.EG-a(!0 og 9' (! E8o$ tEGE>9Iropa 9Er-o -(, cacn \' rr C.l lr| r)N F UJ z = Yo UJ (Jz Jo- J a IJJJ UJ z 6 =J z uJ = UJutltz tr tu uJ =g z UJ 6 UJ z uJ o x F uJo o uJ uJ t.L ==(r uJc J ot- z f llJJ z J J oz qJt NOTMlVA !E- =<;H z79-FTirFq2 3r-.,tV c r-jllJ /.\ =?6e N (\l zo6 z z Fo- 8,9 v>o1>q) c)()z t! <( v= 96 z E J rL Crri o- uJ(L LnN E UJ(r J z E o {4>( z9 ee uJ J 3IUz tzf,zOoF: UJ<oo< =Hxrr6o<z trz, 9z trsBtrOI uJlJ CE uJz i 2 F Jloz X X X X F t z Fq) 6 =YE o JI<t H zl zl ii >l llJ uJ UJzoL EgJ z Eoo J a C.l I -:t c\l @rf)O2o FlA z( UJ E(t,oo?zo Fc uJY UJ .D oFr\r3 EllJ r^(L tt-?oziz.ooOpl* Hur2= z9 o= z;6 H =< 6 .-,P Fq rlrlrdL__r r.__r L-€\ J "dg =83-r-.iL!6tr> --N-L I LIT<J = uJ t! t!{E:E<of60ne.B9atti9'EE =>=uJ-E h=o dEE =oE U59 iutE XO-t x>CHFCL-o=IJtr uJ @ F --- E =EEIo-zoF(Jf E, 6zoo *lrl(nl € HB ?': '-l d lr F\.it F. Iot.ir rllo.lI rltcal | -'r I "ql.l .l Hel HelItrlXJIrf =lc1gbl tz Hil I I I I I dl =.1olull 5l al>l ttlol =l sOl u,FI F =.1ol r.ul 5l ?l>l .J) t4 a Pr v FFlz Fl Hz{ IIJE z FM Ff ii =z o-) loll*llqltzltHlI FJI ZIF O.lil fzl Hl .nOI (/)I HE-{l I Et4t olq \alOl F-l rcFfl I rCI dz|4t r/t B()t !r<flI HHrlIaei4a() X z uto. chHE zB v) ;i Fl F @ \o F .s llJ : = v)H H zH a z tr cil =.1 rJll cEl JI <l>l tLlol zl 3l PI l-E ir lTJ b2 t >Y =#JZu-o d.F IIJ) -rO<FE()uJ<zgIIJ F.1 Zo <O<, ?.fo 1 ?5 south tronlagc road' Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEcT: ottlca ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAI-, STORAGE (i.e. contractor, oerner) rn surnnaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debr-isor material, including trash durnpsters, porlable toileti andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewai.k, alley or public _qf?ge or any portion theieof . The right-oi-way -on afi Town ofvail streets and_roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This qrdinance will be strillfy enforc3d, by the roin of VailPY!}i-c works Department. eersfuls--iound viirating this ordl.tt.n""wtrr be given a 24 hour written notice to reroove said rnateriar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the- 24 hour tirne specified, the pulfic WorksDePartment will remove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not blapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To-revLew Ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town of laif Au1|ding Department to obtain I copy. firank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. SrlPaq"vt,Z e(vJ roe I , ; 75 soulh tronlage toad vall, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 ofllce of communlty devclopmenl EUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thi.s perni.t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineel''s. (.PyUlt9 i,{orks) reyiew and approval, a plannini;'Departnent review.or H.ealth Oepartment revi'ew, and a review by the Builiing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as longas three weells. All commercial (large or sma'll) and all mu1ti-family permits will have tQ follow the above mentioned mgximum requirements. Residential and small projects shpuld take a-l-riiier amount of time. However, ifresi.dential on smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt wi.l'l be made by this department to expedite this permi't as. sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tjme ffang. II t\1511?- Communi ty Development Department. ,.1 ,r' ' Loc*ro r., Qe.', ooo" (onlusnox thK rs suPPtl*> 6f 2- lN l*& A77?. SP/t<-6, D,Pe t5 f iu6Stt2 hJttL TIQrtrp*72 / )" t4-4io,tt nJt FtooR, (r'r/tL 774tnuAt2 12" -&oc,<t CltCtpA. ATn C ftz*< AbA@uAE cP.osS u arTTLArzol) &tLf(T -Er Drr.*- L^'caS HrY loO Ntr*. ntala( Zrfirstrd;c'fuot ^'H- lo Pbn oou tr Danred O Tl": '::uance or granting 0t a permit oI appr0val 9l P!ans-,and ;. ,, , 'ii,cnr sha-ll not 5e condtrued to be a.psrmit,tl,ll^ol-tn ". - ., r,,{ .1:.i, Lj(,tit,ln ot any ol the provisions 01 in's coce ,.. ' .' ',;i1,";nii'oi,:.,.r*o oi in6 lurisoic'ation' The i$strance 0l '''' ,, .',',,:,!. #t"i upr" ii.ns,.specftications and other daia-shall i . i i t- t rni -t* ti r, I I i i n s ol I i iial -t rom -th sr?,{:l j"to"tlltsJl: c,,, .ct,on 0l errofs in said ,plar\s' sfpoGlrlc?lllorrr attu vt te?a." , I tulqA (o,qe hK-{tl*t' Hr<y'-OATE: \' t (*.6o AtK 4''rzr( . ^tl ;/al tlou*tD DU(B - ^tfu aa't#oV{ tE.AArdJ l-at" I 7 Hdl BW tr ffi,tr tr validitv of Permll sec. 3m (;) 19 u.B.c. i ;r, l;olit' ti 'itrott-ii" sii'i ,plaqs' specitications and .othe'arr." ,I',loA h,qPhK !r",'tsal p\ \s s :Eq ct =cf tJlct cu{ s<*ze /t. /'7t <rrunt. n6tr Ho'1 Wa Ma Reside Boiler I lndircct Water Heaters Model WH-IO AAn,r'TTror Section 1. GENERAL INFORMATION IMPORTANTWARNING: TheType HH and PH hydronic boilers must be installed in accordance with the procedures detailed in this manual, or the Tele- dyne Laars waranty will be voided. The installation must conform to the requirements of the local juris- diction having authority, and to the latest edition of the Nationaf Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 723.1 andin Canada, CAN1-8149. Any modifications to the boiler, its gas controls, gas orifices, wiring or draft diverter may void the warranty, lf tield conditions require modifications, consuh the tactory. 1A. Introduction This manual supplies intormation on the applica- tion, installation and operation of the Model HH and PH (125-400) boilers. All application and instailation procedures should be reviewed completely before proceeding with the installation. Consuh the Teledyne Laars factory, or local factory representative, with any problems or questions regarding this equipment. -18. Warranty Teledyne Laars bollers are covered by a limited' warranty. A copy of the warranty is printed on the back cover of this manual, and is also furnished with. the boiler. The owner should fill orrt the warranty registration card and return it to Teledyne Laars. All warranty claims must be made to an author- ized Teledyne Laars representative or directly to the factory. Claims must include the boiler serial number and model (this information can be found on the rating plate), installation date, and name of the installer. Shipping costs are not included in the warranty co/erage. Some accessory items are shipped in separate packages. Verify receipt of all packages listed on the packing slip. lnspect everything for damage immedi- ately upon delivery, and advise the carrier of any shortages or damage. Any such claims should be filed with the carrier. The carrier, not the shipper, is responsible for shortag€s and damage to the ship- ment whether visible or concealed. 1 C. Engineering Assistance Consult the factory or distributor regarding any questions or problems which may come up involving the specification, installation and operation of Tele- dyne Laars equipment. An experienced engineering staff is ready to assist in assuring the proper perform- ance and application of Teledyne Laars products. Tfi'lrpd,ru {eF 1'lA i l.-Outdoor/ lndoor Oplional vent cap lor ouldoot use Ioraihood I C.C - - .D,,,rurilid1r- E I I l-__ 16% ...........-_l Top View Side View Gas Connection Water Size (lnches)' Conn. Model HH, PH Size, (lnches)' Dimensions (lnches)' A B C E (Outdoo0 | (lndooo 125 '/. 175 y, 250 't, 325 t/, 400 't, 'Dimensions are nominal y2 f1 1f1 1v, 1yl 1vz 1f, 15 18 22fa 26'/, 23'h ?6vz 351, 40v, 13% 13v, 13v, 131, 13]/, '13,r5 14v6 1a% 1 9'l,6 22'/" 16% 23fz 24'/. 251/s 26fe 6 7 I 9 Figure 1. Basic Configuration PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND MATERIALS Available with optional 1r/z inch clean-ou! model number: WH-10-I Head and Shells Insulation Outer Jacket Heat Exchanger Thermostat Pressure Drop Working Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure Heat Loss System Connections Meets ANSI/ASHRAE 90 Standard Stainless Steel 316L Low Density Polyurethane 1 1/2" Polyethylene Cupro-Mckel 7/8" Diameter Surface Mounted 6 ft. @ s.5 GPM 150 psi 300 psi 1/2" per hour R=8 Stainless Steel 1" NPT Height (Inches) 68 Diameter Cold Water Hot Watet Boiler SuppIy 1" Boiler Shipping ,Retum Wt. (lbs.) 1' 140 RECOVERY CAPACITIES Boiler Output 1. Approxinate 2. Apploximate (5 GPM Coil Input to WH-10) First Hour Rating Continuous Flow BTU/It (90'F Rise) GPH (70" F Rise Steady State) GPH 40.000 135 70 60.000 160 105 B0,ooo 190 140 100,000 215 175 120.000 240 210 C Note: Double-wall heat exchangers do not affect recovery. 1. First Hour Rating The ability of the water heater to supply hot water in a 60 minute period assuming that the hour starts with both boiler water and domestii-content uP to set temPerature. It is the sum of the usable storage capacity plus the amount of heated water generated during the 60 minute period. The rate is based on: . 90' F temperature rise. . Boiler mass heat sink equivalent to 10 lbs. of water. . No low-lirnit on boiler. It should not be considered a tme measurement of performance or recovery during a normal intermittent (real world) draw period of 24 hours. During such "real world" usage, the actual recovery ability of the water heater may be more or less than the "first hour" rating, depending upon usage and installation Parameters. Continuous Flow domestic water flow that absorbs boiler heat output. The rate is based on: 70" F temperature rise. { ' Boiler highJimit set 20' above Hot Water Maker@ water temPerature. frz' ' ,*#"toN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE / t JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL cA+FR &_es wE / k INSPECTI BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V, D FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEERu pLvwooD NATLTNG -r L,AJ rrrrr\\r D INSULATION - D POOL / H, TUB oSHEETRocK NAIL E t n /tr X (il/ lt afaa f-atralrL"lL - tr ,,*o, 5) F 5-- ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - f1 O FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDfteenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niFslc a. .a tt;' Q PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t PECTION- TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL t WEDtid THUR , oor= 1/F7 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: _) tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr X trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL f,nnenoveo CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'r11n'1,SEC \ 4 r:'- AEPLV TO arrEmora oF DEPARTTETTToFTHEABny O U.S. ARilY EIIGIIIEER DISIRICT, SACRATEI{TO CORPS OF EXGIIIEERS 1325 J STREET SACRAilEilTO, CAL|FORI{A e5!ta-2922 December 3. 1992 ReEulatory Section | 199100823) Mr. Jack Loekton ?400 Stateline Road Post Office Box 8418 Shawnee Mission. Kansas 66208 Dear !1r. Lockton: I an writins to vou concerning the off-site nitiration that was to be completed as conpensation for the loss of wetlands due to development of Lot 2, Gore Creek Park in Vail, _Colorado. This nitication involvef, the creation of 8,885 square feet of wetlands along Brush Creek on a parcel of property in the Brush Creek stables Planned urban Development in Bagle county ' colorado ' The nitiSation requirement was one of the conditions of issuance of a Section 404 pernit for the discharFe of fill naterial into wetlands on Lot 2. On Novenber 19. 1992, Hr. Michael Claffev of this office inspected the off-site nitigation area at the request of your consultant, Aquatic and t{etland Consultants. The earth work and planting wetland vegetation has been conpleted aecordinE to the approved plan with sone nodifications required durin* construction. Ms. Laurie Rink, of Aquatic and Wetland Consultants, explained those modifications during a telephone conversation with Hr. Claffev. You nust adhere to the maintenance and monitorin( schedule developed in the nitiEation plan that we approved. This office wiJ. 1 inspect the site during the sunmer of 1993 to deternrine if a functioning wetLand aysten has started at the nitisation' If additional work is required includins replanting vegetation or addinF topsoilr You utust conplete this additional work during the summer of 1993 to remain in conpliance with your permit 'If you have any questions regarding this natterr contact Mr. Mi chael Claffey at | 303 ) 243-1199. Sincerel y ' Grady L. McNure Chief. Western Colorado ReEulatory Office 402 Rood Avenue ' Roorn 142 Grand Junction. Coforado 81501-2563 ffi Copy Furnished: gt(s-. Lawrie Rink. Aquatic and Wetland Consultants. 2060 Broadwav.' Suite 255. Boulder, Colorado 80302 2. '| -T!1, -i;-' I L"cl /a /Jnr. t Project Application o^" t//tf t -z- Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and /)tf/'e,<tAa lJJo adat ^'t 'Jz< ' /< 'z5S- 8",n//"- Oo Ft 3a'z-Owner, Address and Phonei ; Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: liot /.^^ /J /. Comments: \ s^. olt Design Review Board ,^," /t/{/ r z Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: rt.'n,'n --f/4 a ,/es , /x al *-o, aL, A I n, /z.ko r..Zo 3' ) 1.'tn-<- Town Planner ./- /o^t", t// 1172 tk l/,. dr.t J.y'/o. ty',r [E0'rO i;reez AQUATIC AND WETLAND CONSULTANTS LAURANNE P, RINK PRESIDENT JOHN T. WINDELL, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT 15 October 1992 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Town of Vail 75 SouUr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Lockton Residence Dear Andy: I am enclosing an updated version of tre proposed landscape plan to illustrate a rock wall frat tre arditects have designed to line the driveway. This plan is also differentfrom the lastversion in trat I conected the gtading fot fte wetland areas to matctr, where possible, a pre-construction grade. Please review the plans and provide us with a letter or notice of approval, I would also appreciate it if you could include an acknowledgement of my September 16th, 1992, letter to you clariffing the occupancy permit requirements. To reiterate, our understanding is that you expect the off-site mitigation work to be complete before issueing the permit. You will not require trat tre on-site mitigation work be complete this fall/winter. The crrrent plan is to complete on-site landscaping next spring. Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter. cc: Jack Lockton Eric Berg Bruce Wendlandt ,h-fw Siena Square . 2060 Broadway . Suite 255 . Boulder, CO 80302 . (3031 442-5770/ M2-8139 FM Tffi"Iv-'Tl$qF:-'t?f I.1 o Proj ect Application o^," z4?ft2 Proiect Name: /2t. Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Desctiption: Lot z ,,..r 6* (;\+An /-r(.Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: o^," /4'/'. DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: o^r", ,la/lkz Statf Approval J\'} Project Application o* Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:5/ta /d. (o / rl tJ/ 5/ o,,'ru. /4 ,s..x /S AAzdf, Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -L 6^-€,'#_%1Block , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ^/ -/s^," 7// S/ rz DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Summary: a. Tra ,ful ,A^//6-< Town Planner o^,", /4k,--fi",, Approval AQUATIC AND WETLAND CONSULTANTS LAURANNE P. RINK PRESIDENT JOHN T. WINDELL, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT 16 September L992 ttr. Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81557 98 l tockton Residenee ,!lij Dear Andy! I would like to update my last letter to you dated 10 SeptenberL992. It is possible that construction of the Lockton residencewiII not be far enough along this fall to complete landscapingactivities, which includes the on-site nitigation plan. I want toclarify that you will not require that the on-site mitigation plan be completed before you issue an occupancy pernit. You indicatedto me over the phone that you can issue a temporary occupancypermit before the landscaping occurs, but that you do expect thatthe off-site nitigation work be conpleted before that permit isissued. I see no problem at this point in time with completing theoff-eite nitigation work this faII. Thank you for reviewing the landscape plan. Your onethat all new blue spruces must be at least 6 feet inwill change thie detail on the drawing. connent rsaEheight. I cc: Jack Lockton Lauranne President SienaSquare . 2060 Broadway . Suite255 . Boulder, CO 80302 . (3Og)442-5770/M2-81ggFAJ< oo REo,DSEP 14tet? o AQUATIC AND WETLAND CONSULTANTS LAURANNE P. RINK PRESIDENT JOHN T, WINDELL, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT 10 Septenber 1992 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 R.E s Lockton Reeidence Dear Andy: As you are aware, the Locktons are responsible for completing bothoff-site and on-site mitigation as part of the special requirementsof their Section 404 permit. Based on these requirements, Ireviged the landscape plan for the residence to illustrate thewetland enhancenent/restoration areas. I understand that thege reviEiong wiII require your approval prior to implementation. A copy of the revised drawing is enclosed for your review. Pleasedirect your technical questions or conments to me at 442-5770, but addresg your correspondence and approval to ilack Lockton. The current schedule is to irnplement aII required mitigation workduring the late fall (Iate October/early November). Upon itsconpletion, I will contact the Corps of Engineers to schedule awalk-through. Aseuning that the work is completed satisfactorily,the Corps wiII issue a letter stating their approval of the work.I will forward this letter to you, which f understand is reguiredprior to granting the Locktons an occupancy permit. I will plan on contacting you next week by phone to discuss your review of the drawing. Thanks in advance for your attention to this natter. President cci Jack Lockton Siena Square . 2060 Broadway . Suite 255 . Boulder, CO 80302 . (303) 442-5770/442-8133 FN( ihflf,f,f , r3- f,',?,i;fl' Y' (\i,rortr' ?'r ro ^ . EE "r^i,E{QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEEQ, Made rhis 7th day of l"tay , D 92, between MICAH, LTD.. A Colorado Limited partners of the rCounty of Eag le and Stare of Cotorado, grantor(s), and JACK LOCKTON 2300 Arno Rd., Mission IIi11s KSwhose legal address is 6620g of the County of improvemenls, ifany situate, lying and being in the Colorado. described as follows: The party of the second part, hisrestrict development within thiswithin that parcet will remaj-n inwetland creation, in perpetuity. also knonrn by strEel and numbcr as: STATE OF COIORADO, County of Eag 1e The forcgoing instrument was acknowledged bcfore me this tby Mervyn L. Lapin, General partner Limited Partnership My commisrlon crpiter '), A 1 l- , 19 . wtness my hand rnd officlal seal. 'lf in Denrcr, insert "City and." No.933. Rev. {-91. eUtTcLAtM DEED Eradford Publirhing, l74l W.rcc St., Dr||vcr. CO f0202 - (]Ol) 292-2SOO - 2-92 REC 5. O0 :: rroco-oo ond SlatE of Colorado. grantre(s), WITNESSETH, That the grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of DOLLARS th€ receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. ha g rcmised, relcased, sold and eUlT CLAIMED, and by thesc prcsents do eS rcmise. rclease, sell nnd eUlT CLAIM unto the grantee(s). hiS hein, successors and assigns, forcver, all the right, tille, interest, clairn and denrand which the grantorls) hag in and to the rcal pmperty, togettrr with Countyof Eagle and State of An easement over, across and under a parcel of lat.rd for thepurpose of creatitrg and sustaining a Wetland Area, Iocated inTract' section 10 of Township 5 south, Range 84 west of the sixthPrincipal Meridian according to the rndependent Resurvey asaccepted on June 20, 1922, county o! Eagle, state of cororado, withall bearings herein based upon N 00o l5i w for the East line ofsaid Tract 59, and being more particularry described as follows:Beginning at a Point from which corner no. 6, Tract 59 bearsS 59"37'09".. , 700.72 feet; thence N 10.'5I,2':. " W, Sg.34 feet;thence N 3rt'02'4L"l{, 39.42 feet; thence s g0 50'i7"E, 2r.20 feet;thence N 64('24'54u E, 82.80 feet; thence s 35.'23r09, E, 99.96feet; thence s 58"0L'59u w, 136.G0 feet to the point of Beginning.Said Parcel containing 12,000.00 square feet. heirs and assigns agree toparcel and that all landsa natural condition, after To HAVE AND T0 HoLD the satn€, togelhcr with all and singular thc appultcnances rhd privileges therEunto belonging or in anywise lhercunto apperlaining, and all thc cstate, right, litte, interest and claim whatsoe-ver, ofthe grantor(s). either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s), hi s heirs anrl nssigns forcver. lN wlrNEss WHEREoR The granror(s) have ex.ecuted this deed on the dare set forth above. MICAH, LTD., A Colorado Limited Partnerghip Mervyn L., General Partner 1".J ,/ daY of /L \ lLt( of MICAH, LTD., A ,lefu_Colorado L.r* e TOIN,I OF VAIL 75 Soath Frottagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 0t -47 9 -2 1 t I / 47 9 -2 1 t9 D cp artmc nt of C ommtnity D co c lopm mt June 29, 1992 Mr. Eric Berg P.O. Box 3002 Vail, Co.81658 RE: LOT 2 GORE CBEEK PARK Dear Eric: This letter is to contirm he conversation we had this morning about the wood burning fireplace in he Lockton residence. After reviewing the documentiation in the file, it is my understanding thatl A complete DRB application was made February 5, 1991; A DRB approvalwas made March 6, 1991; A building permit application was made September 24, 1991. Because a complete DRB application was submitted prior to lhe February 15, 1991 deadline, a woodburning fireplace is allowable. At this time, I have redlined the field set as well as the office set of the buiEing permit to show that a woodburing lireplace is allowable. Please attach this letter to your building permit set of drawings to make document lhis resolution. I apologize for any confusion that may have resulted from the complicated history of this project. I hope that we can continue work together to resolve the issues on this house. Please keep me posted as to the mitigation work going on that the Army Corps of Engineers has required. As we discussed this moming, all wetland mitigation work must be completed and the Corps must provide written documentation that it is acceptable prior to an issuance of a TCO. lf you have any questions on these issues, please give me a call at 479-2138. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, A, t // tl/v "-/t<J rh-( lrre<_4 Andy Knudtsen \ Town Planner cc: Susan Scanlon Dan Stanek Jack Lockton IILE COPY 75 loulh lrcntaoe rcad vall, colorado 8161i7 (303) f792138 (3dr) 4792139 March 10, 1992 Mr. Jack Lockton Lockton Insurance Agenry 7400 Stateline Prairie Village, KS 66208 and Mr. Howard Nearing 5400 West 61st Place Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205 RE: Lot 2, Gore Greek Park Dear Mr. Lockton and Mr. Nearing: ofllce ol community &ve|opn€nt As it has been some time since we have worked on the Lockton Flesidence building permit, I have decided to return the building permit application information you have submitted. All of the drawings will be kept and will be on file with the Town of Vail. In the future, whenever you would like to reactivate the project, please let me know and I will continue to work with you. I look fonryard to the time when you have resolved the issue with the Army Corps of Engineers. Until then, if I can be of any assistance, please call me at (303) 479-2138. Sincerely, ,l ,t-/ fi:.1\#^^ d /*_1 n'nov xiD,ilsgh' \ Town Planner \ \|rd enc. cc: Eric Berg Bruce Wendlandt (lqt 1z7lt r tlr' ul atoo zo o.gJ Y UJ ID oz ! TtrulL o(, (, o \roq oa 8' o TA fl G 7 Eo o-rt c.o(, ..l o{ u,llJ uJtl E.E UJG I I I I I |l, 6 I I I I I I It rc) ||t|l! ;otc,.2l6 Eo .E t4 =to c- g ll C c c ! a ( z , !t l t ,,)iE X ll u,oIi Eo ao o c, 2o(, co \ J\ Ut o3 o ! 6 oEoo E! E @ E o l tto o CL 6 'o o -'- o g6*E.9 E EE:E EgEEE EiEEE iSEEE !":E"e€ 9E;ei ;E s€€ iiEis6 O-E a!: o e) E er!c€ iigiE Ilt Aozo Do I(, u,l ()- d I G C' u, Izt!ttt {Iz IollJI uJB' zo F UJc(, .E x i taJ x ltttt v, UJ lrJIA ts-c uJo. o =o {o E I ozaT3 d ia9 a!(, |lJI t{otJ,Yn'lYA O t1-F/ 17:g t::2t'trl'-uf --ol' f ,-l HFI \*J/ t \ I il 5S3i B:zF FI E-\' 6t ST z U I>c .a --it3u E =l!t\l z-oo 3B =.nOg! rr<ogHF:5 I z9 = 4o cDoc F tr A E zo z 'UJz o 2 6 It I trz z I g, tal 5q E 2 ; = I ||, t 2Io F 2 ) al,2 I _1 I I lzl 3l ;l o 0 ooI I I l ojo JI<l 3l zl .. >lou, UJluzoF: UJA J zo F 6 EUJ23 E =g, tLa 6s Ese9> 3r: !D i6-z5< ig Dtr :ZFo5 E sir2 sF:8 E g=l-;: Esl :'= EE E*l : uJ\E I o I o {rt u .Y (q s o =tt 9c SJ3 qr -( F)-T \ (., I ! ul 3 1 a*l nq 4t, 47 /^ ,F /,a4,. .\ q U q z; \* R\ s $ tg cttl \l\l,l hl {l $ nul4o e t { p$ AI l\* t$ l'$t> to s \\t d N l\ tg ctz du,E J 3 oz a oz l!ll J 0 2; F (I\ I 4 fi F I E url $ l.t rst\ l N'l i \-l ! ct2 0gJlt oz =o : CJ- C,IIE =oz e ui tr u, =z to TQf Eu,z3o C) UJ a ctQ<FE()|rJ<ze, ..t Z-oo Jg<o()F fEG z"g 3Ed6 C' 9z (J IJJ = ) ) z3 EosE =+0ro2"or(J iql ry !2 i, )a I BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII4E FRANE If this permit requires a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approva'l , Engineer''s (.Public Works) reyiew and approval , a Planning Departnent review or Health Departnent review, and a review by the Buiiding Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks.. All commercial ('1arge or small) and a'll multi-family permits will have to fo'l low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and sma] 1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or sma'l ier projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'lso take the three. week period. Every attenpt w'ill be made by this departnent to expedite thjs permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 75 roulh trontsge rord nil, colondo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 23 otflcr of communltY drvrloPmrnl /o"n-o,,/ F*tr- -u"-Project Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. \ ?5 toulh tronLg. rcrd r.il. color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE! SU&TECT: oltlcr of colnnunlly drvclopmcnt AI,L CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISBERED WIIIT IIIE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAII, PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DSVEIPPMENT !,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING T UATERIAI., STOR.AGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial-, including trash duurpsters, portable toil.ets and work:nen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-ray on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Fublic l{orks Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancevill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said naterial . In the event the person so notified does not corrply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the Public l{orks Department will remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair proJects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full , please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) P.B1 ProJect #l Cornpan5rc Fax#l Datqfflmer From; ' Number of page s lncludtng cover rheetl \IffKfi0lt REBIDIf,ICE - lftlllrD }|IIIGTEIoT DBOPOSrITtunrq' of Pfol.ot ..ong'ourd 22 novenber lg9l Thc l,ocktonl acgulrod trot ? of, the Gore Crset park on Novanb.r I,1990. Dot 2 la 1 of 12 platted lote on ths uorth slde of core Creekon Bl.g Eorn Road ln Baet ValIT Colorado. tuplna Drlve lntereeetlngwltn rtg Eorn Eoad represont! th€ eastorn and restern bounda4T ot thitr€lne rotl' Eot 2 Le thr only undrvrlopad lot of the 12 oontlguou!lotl. Ihe Dooktonr ourrontly own ll2 oi a duplex on l,ot 6 of Gorc Creek Parkr ,l doorr to thc cast of &ot 2. Follouing purohart of thr proPorty, tha archltectural ftn ot trearlng,Staatr, Pr€logar, and ilones (of Ahawnee ltlleLon, trensat) ras retalnedto dmlgn thc reetdenes and obtatn approval tron tlre [oryn ot vall Deolgrn nevlew CormnLttee (DRC). A conceptual prellnlnary deslgn planwar conplcted and presented to the DRC at a prelluLnary DcrLgn Confarcnc. on Dccenber 71 1990 at uhlch tlre Town,r requlrenentr and any potontlal slte problenr were dlrcuried. rollowLng that lnttlaloonrultatLon, three raJor retr of drawinga were subnltted to th6 DnCfor revl€s and ooment, Lnoludlng prellntnary, l-nterLnr and flnet dealgn drawlage. DrawLngr and the DRC applLcatLon rrera tubmitted on Fala?rr I rrr 6- lQOl rrd rprrrrl red r ' ' I anl lrlrnl tf ad nn llalrrrre rw | ? - I COt any potontlal olte BroDr€m were dr-tcu!3ed. rorrowlng tnat lnttlal i3l'!"111'i*""h:01*il;i::i,;f .:'T='iifl ffffl *:i*'i"f ni,',,:i deslgn drawLngr. Drawl,nEt and thc DRC applLcatLon wure tubmitted onfebtuary 6, 1991 and requLred revirl-onr rubmLtted on trabruary 13, l99lslth the lntent of an carly rprlng oonstructlon rtart ro thrt theLockton hoe could be cmlrleted by chrLgtnar 1991. rddLtlonal ueatLnge to dlacuu the rerLee of drawLngs wcr. htld both Ln Val.l arwell at durl"ng num.rous phone conferenceg. On l.tarch 51 1991, theflnal DuLEn RevLew Board meetlng was held ln Vall to approve theflnal deslgn drawl-nge. At thl! nsetLng thc DRC approved the rookton'r bme deeign wJ.th a reguLrcnant that Corps of EngLneert, approval tobulld on the lot uust b€ obtaLnad due to the fact that lnrttone of thc ProtrErty exhLbLtod wetland chafacterlstlcs as deflned Ln the Claanlfater .ect of 1972. lfhl.t yae the firtt tLns that thc Toqrn of val-l ralsed the lttue oC w€tlands, neLthrr Mr. Irockton nor hla arohlt€ctr had Prtor XnowL.dgc of wrtland rxlrtcnc: on thc propnrty. In faot,the llown ol VaiI had approved. deolgns and lesued bulldtng permLtr tothc prcvlouely deacrlbed neljhborlng 12 lotg all of wtrlifr-flsrs vsrylikrly to havs contalned wetlande ar sell. Aa r€qulr€d b1r tho '[own of, Vail and federal rrgrulatlonr the LocktonsBubmttt.d a Eoctlon {0{ gnntt appll-catl-on on inrly 18, 1991, requcstlng perrlraLon to fill 7 t39O f,tt of wrtland. (lllllngactivLtLee l-n wetland or waters of the U.S. must be authorls€d ln advanee through a SictLon l0{ Pernlt lssued by the U.8. }rny Corpa ofBnglnerrr). As comlrgneatl-on for the adveraa lmpaot to wrtlandr, atotal of 21500 ftr of, rstland to be crcated on-rLte was oftrrrd as nLtlgat.lon. ,rhi! total repreaantcd all of tha ana that war evaLlable on-rLto tor uetland creatLon actiyltler, The Iockton'r gcrtlt applleatlon was Eevleusd by the corpt anq r nunber of rasouroe aEencl-ea lncludl,ng the EnvLrorrnentel Protactl.on Agenoy (EPA)r u.8. Fl:h and lfLldllfa Servloe (UgFlfS)' Colorado DLvLrlon of wlldllfe (cDon)r tha Colorado Department ol Bealtb - Ifattr QualLty control DLvLrLon (CDoE), and the of,fice of the 8tat. Englneer(osl). nsstonger to the appllcation uere provlded by all nvLcwerl. Bared on therc Seapontsr, tbe CorPr rcquelted that ths l,ochtonr proparo addlttonal naterLals f,or thaLr review. A Pack€t of natrrLal war- preparcd and tuhltted to the Corpa for dlatrLbutl"on to the reVlewcrl. The Corpg hae rLnca lnlolsred ths l,ooktona that theLr appllcatton Lr compl-tr and ready for approval wlth one 6*coptlon' ItrL ena ot nttlEatlon that har Seen offered fallt thort of Sectlon ::' :*"T""_ : l:: l"ll-ll_l:::'"::' :::.:::. :T"lll"ii ^. rppll.catlon It cory)lits and r€ady for approval wl.th one elo€Ptl'on. lliffi i,:.'#;"':""ilti1iT'i'i1,"11?Ti".'t*;#"if"o'11'i."" Thi Corpt har expreesed a preference for ul-ttgation in the forn of 'rcctOritlon'. BsatoratLon can bc deftned ae 'the aot of, restorlng functLone and valuas of exirtlng; degradcd wetlanda to thelr orlglnal capaclty.u For thla partLeular care, a regtoratl-on ratlo of 3rl tr raqutrea (1.o., thre- acfeS of restored wetland fOr eaoh acEi infactedl.' rheieforc' the Locktou need to aaoorrplLsh-I-5'l-?-0 L"j "fwetlend icetoratlon to offeet tho renaLning net lose ol 57090 ft'. IL the lffktong are unable to tulftll tha w€ttend regtoratlon rrqulrenent thay will be unabla to build on the proporty. lfhc Io88 to them would Ue 8ZZO'O00 aort of land, S35r000 arahltect't feer to datoT $9r0OO wetland ooneultlng feas, and $221000 lnteroEt to datc. I:tre ioclciotu nurt have the ars.lstanae of the lorm Ln order to rolve th6lr dl.lenna. elrc0Py lrwn 75 lo||ih fronllgp rosd rdl, colorado 8t651 (303) 47$2138 (o3) 47$'2139 offlce ol communlty develoPment November5, 1991 Mr. Howard Nearing Mr. Bruce Wendlant 5400 W. 61st Place Shawnee Mission, KS 66205 Re: Lot 2, Gore Crcek Park Dear Howard and Bruce: As we discussed on the telephone on November 4, 1991, the driveuray plan for the Lockton residence is acceptabte. Prior to the Town's issuance of a building permit, please provide approval from the neighbor to alter the grade of Lot 3, Gore Creek Park as indicated on the pidns. tn addition, we will need an easement from the neighbor to allow a portion of your briveway to encroach onto Lot 3. As we discussed, please have an attomey draft an easemeht and send it to the Town for our attomey's review. Accompanying the easement' please include all the title work for the adjacent property. As I am sure you understand, the Town will need to make sure that the people dedicating the easement have the authority to do s0. In addition to these details, the Town is waiting tor a letter from the Army corps ol Engineers regarding the wetland impacts. I was wondering if Jack Lockton was interested in providing some ofl-site mitigation on Town land. lf this is the case, please have him contacl me as soon E15 possible. I am sure the Town Council will want to review any proposal like his prior to issuance of a building permit for the property. Thank you for your cooperation with this project. lt looks like we are getting near the end of this review. ,.|rL1 lab ccl Jack Lockton -/'' .l t1y''):. '1t' 'I,,Yd .'''tr', INTER - DEPARruENTAL REVIEW ' .:{i. ' .r,i..\)t, r:i-' ,.' ; . , ,t_1" LOCKTON RESIDENCEPROJE DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION NEW SINGLE .ITIE PROPOSAL; BY: OF FAMILY RESIOENCE PUBLIC WORKS BRAKE NOVEMBER 1, 1991.Reviewcd b;e Dqte: Comments: 1) STNCE lHE DR|\EWAY ORAo|NG ENCROACHES ONTo THE ADJOININC LOT A LENER PERMITNNG THIS WORK TO BE DONE IS REQUIRED FROM THE ADJOINING PROPERTY OWI,IER.2) IHE BEGINNING OF 'll-rE PROPOSED DRTVEWAY ALSO ENCROACHES ONTO THE AOJOININC PROPERTY, AN EASEMENT FROM THE AOJOININC PROPERTY OWNER WILL BE REQUIRED AND IHE EASEMENT VYILL NEED TO BE RECORDEI) WTH 'IHE EAGLE GOUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE. flRE DEPARruENT l MIKE Reviewed byr comrn€nts; Dote: Project Application on. nr/z r/</ , /r.r, -Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and ,.&4-< '.td)t4.e /fi;ss.t>1 fS 6424f owner, Address and phone: tl t c'L /n, /o*L Architect, Address and Phone: 2 ,u,"n@zone-Legal Descriptaon: Lot Comments: B lock 4rr aS-\ Design Review Board Date /o/o q/r t Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval f'ilo-: rY7 ,n {/' 4k /d-27 FILE COPY 75 south frontage road olflce of community development veil, colorado 81657(303)4792138 , ,,.4,.(303)47e'213e L '"' 'f t ll nt 'L''"' t \, "\' l"' rj ')' ( \"'' October 16, 1991 -l'' ,i*" , , rl" i ,,,., , J,,,' r. Mr.HowardNearing ' lf )t\' '\'" r',,1 .r["\ ,,i /' '* Mr.BruceWendlandt n " i t."i' aiL| 5400 W. 61st Place 'L' .r" . 1,.'' r 1,. ' , (- Shawnee Mission, KS 66205 [ t l" t , lt" .1 , Li " !' , I4.i' ,n\"il Fle: Lot 2, Gore creek Park '\''' ,. ,-. I r t2 ' ' ' "L,,," i:fl -Lf u!'" , "6Dear Howard and Bruce: ', " l *" , I wanted to confirm in writing the status of the building permit review for the Lockton I ,V i1. ,f residence. The two issues which must be resolved prior to the Town issuing the building ,il,i 'l permit are: url1. Revising the grades of the driveway so frey match he existing grades of the common li curb cut, and do not exceed 8%. 2. Providing a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers confirming hat the site plan meets their stiandards. We also discussed the roof ridges, as well as the setbacks, and agreed that you have .75 feet of leeway on one ridge and .17 feet on the other. Similarly, the two side yard sebacks provide only .5 and .75 feet ol leeway. I am concerned that the house leaves very little room for error, and that it may not be able to be built according to these exact measurements. I encourage you to make sure your builder lays out the house precisely. Please call me if you have any more questions regarding this review. ?rFr sEt., co oo Project Application ,"* if, / rt Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and iD, ecr; e l/ r /la Architect, Address and Phone:/J 61st //o, Legaf Descriptio n Yd 2 ,u,^n 6o. Cerrr ilrvz, , zon" DqpLtt Com menls: Design Review Board o^. 3/G /e/ DISAPPROVAL tulfl4 6 aarJ A/niuls Su mmary: /PLt(/\ .SIP E?( nt/lA 1eA 7D ,/se ularear4z s oT tte't? ''78\,^,,r]r(,ffi 8tu4 o*", 3/c/q/ oo +, rc,z IN'I'EIT-DEPARTMANTAIJ REVIEW ,,8#* PROJECT: DA'I'E suBMrrrED: z-tl^4,1 DATrg oF puBrJrc 'EARTNG 3-b^ql COMMIINTS NEEDUD BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF .fiIE PROPOSAL! rVet'l PUBIJIC WORKS Revlewed by: aJft t?-' u,h as lL7,-rJ .rrt,.,Sn-'Ol-f*,- =r.l+ Dare: Zlzu lq I Sir.6t- Fa,w:1 t - comments:(D g u)ttt k,+tposs,Ll-6.lr,a7.1 Pr-p"vJ Jo"*tr.t-y I,CL.LJ 1a"Aa 4".,) 4 d C r!,r84tr4 flap"s,,^..1 A /ZarSe.rtknt^th Da*,.-,tp, ,4X Ltin ^t\: | / 5,+ DE,,<.,-r*r,s *ee 4&n=,4'\ ? .-'.'ut! t*qr.;.se)<&a -, 'rlr4 @ j<.>-,e - tlaut,?_\/J1 ^JLIJ lu,-.c eJl ,*t,, FVsE; T s;'p^"-t 4"*,^,. Reviewed by: CommetrEs: POI,ICE DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: commentEs a.* e cls A' J.r^-:* f'* Date: D 6-\\.- @ @o s[- L.-'. 4" *^-d-rl" $t a. )r;nu.-I (V^'^4 | 7 *"nl \ ,t Qc, J*r(rh) {r,.,- a/t *r--.t k k,-.tL+ 6 "LDatd: t rct l.E . S/ d Fv/Ar h^/, : /r21/2/q/ (t reir..^y *,;"lJ* G+noor A*4.\ ^*U * ,o , ,b,r/+. A) 6" Pu. rs ,1,4 ar,!"f i4 Q a,^'-.** tr'..*" V*L, <ilvn **J Pu- ,*l ,vF r(! ^ olT DAttc,^-e-,,1 F,,, /rnJs , ffu^./,r\?tcnv.,"^J e'L".x 14"a/,a-a ,f )f, fuj/A*!,"j {". l,r.L,:-.^/:r - Ci 4nfl /4Ds o-- pr.,d!o_,r- /rfu;T*_r4\ z.*"r{ph) 5,& 4 Bl.ot , or@ 3rr.6l- fa,w:1 Date: FIRE DEPARTMT,|NT Reviewed Ayz a-"/Date: 7' Zo"7/ oa INTNTT- DEPARTI'IENTAIJ REVI EW PRo,rEcr: J .Lln, &t. DATE suBMrrrED: z.-ll-q, DA.I.E oF puBLrc SEARTNG 3-U-ql coMl,lENTs NEEDED Bys Z'L&-1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF '[IIE PROPOSAL: lien PUBI,TC WORKS Revlewed by: Comrnetrts: t"*7""i,..r.-7/ .-'---T //'^- €r7' ' "4 <'.' '' '7r 'z:?zstz/talJ o7 z) POTJICE DEPARTI4EN'I RevJ.ewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTI,TENT Reviewed by: Comnents: I i l I l //:< /a Zo / Date: * ,.'-Jrt b-Ar l-- a:,it'\"1 ""'{ , /r.,*t t\ .-l*,-.t, 3) sl.6 t^ZJ,*, / -a &'\ d"" */* Project Application Date Z-Za-ql Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board 2-?-o4/ / <4,,\L^/6 DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Date: Town Planner E statt Approval ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E., Natural Flazardr Cquulum INC.fft'o F,- ,, .t" t 4lggl222 Er* Gotlic Avc. GrrDDno, Glar& 81230 ?0t - 641.3236 February 8, 1991 Mr. Howard Nearing Nearing, Staats, Preloger, & Jones, A.I.A. 54OO West 61st Place Shawnee Mission, KA 66205 RE: Rockfall hazard analysis, Lct 2, Gore Creek Park, vail, Colorado. Dear !tr. Nearing: At your request, I conducted a site inspection of the above- referenced property on February 7. According to Town of Vailrockfall maps, the southeastern corner of the lot is within a "high-severityrr rockfall area, thus reguires a site-specificanalysis to evaluate the severity of the hazard and reconmendnitigation, if necessary. The purpose of ny site visit, therefore, was to conduct a site-specific analysis, the results of which are sumrnarized below. In addition to the site visit, a rockfall-dynamics simulation rras completed through application of the Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP). ROCKFAI.,L-HAZARD ANAIYSIS 1. Rockfall originates at and below a prominent limestone outcropping located approxj.mately 350 feet' above and 8OO feet south of Lot 2. 2. Field evidence suggests that many rocks have fallento the base of the steep slope and have accumulated southof Lupine Drive, but have not extended as far as Gore Creek. 3. Buildings already located on the north side of Gore Creek will bl-ock nost of the rockfall before rocks travel as far as Gore Creek. 4. Application of the CRSP rockfall nodel also indicatesthat even 6-foot diarneter rocks falling from the limestone cliffs will travel no farther than core Creek, thus will stop short of Lot 2 and the proposed buildingsite. Irbt l{@lfirg o Aulotclp o Aulork&tnlEaglrrrletfry coNctusroN 1ot 2, Gore Creek Park Subdivision le beyond the linit of rockf,all, even during a naJor, large diarneter rockfall event. Tlrerefore rockf,all halzard d6es'not exist and nitigation will not be requlrcd at the site. Please contact ne if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, LWrW-vYlb*Arthur I. U€arE, P.8. DArE: zl3la,tLEGALffiZ Firins 6np* &-aw P*er ZONE CHECK FORsFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTCTS Block - ARCHITECT t.roa-,r"-.. ZONE DISTRICT O ADDRESS: OWNER PROPOSED USE <-... A FO.^: LOT SIZE PHONE PIIONE AIIowed nxistlng Proposed TotaI 3?,6 fDV Height 0l( Total GRFA Prirnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks FrontDl( sides Rear 6L Water Course Setback /-t- Site CoveraqeUg Ol< LandscapJ.ng Retaining Wall lleights Parking b lL Garage credit DL Drive: Env ironmental/Haz ards : -€.qrcT i 32,6 3 + lob# 4'7EK @ o 4 gsz,o + (4r5) =- + (425) =- 4[32. D /' r n=) \,____::/ 20t L5| 15 1 (30[@ lzlt-fu-/3,r2 Stc' 3 bzl.q r\V Does this How much request Lnvolve aof the allowed 250sq. ft. = SQoV lsJ::ZaYu72 3./61 _Reqrd {3oo)lryl+t"t).(+lor1 5qs,b Permitted Slope Ba Actual slope ag/ Date approved by Town Engineer:ok L) Flood Plain Ves - li, ,.1 ^ ', ,n St'-n 1 2) 3) a) Snow Avalanche i.r( -L:tS-4t b) Rockfalr nY e' 144-/ c) Debris rtow A( 7' l9'4 I 4) Wetlands :-rlrr25o Addition? At(,Addition is used with this request? Percent Slope DK Geologic Hazards 10 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Date: Date: Date: Date: rliPRoJECT: / .L+NT P-s. DATE SUBMITTED: Z-ll-ql DATE oF pUBLrc TTEARTNG 3-b^q I coMMENTs NEEDED Bvz Z'Lb^11 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRoPosALs lrle'o Sir,6t- Fa,w;1 PUBI,IC WORKS RevJ.ewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comment,s: POIJICE DEPARTMENT RevJ.ewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: conmentst A,-A*' 6*^T ffi'AJ ah:Pq (+/ t--'' VY? tlrt/u o ZONE CHECK FOR8FR, R, R P/8 ZONE DTSTRTCTS - Etl.lng PHONE PHONE Allowed (ro1 13r, Exletlno Prooosed Total .N/A 32 32 492t 2852 L1g' 2069 15', -6,' 201 15 1 151 (f0) fsol ,q.pr6 ' I l{all Helghts X,., / 6,. ,:, -Reqrd 54r'-0" from QGore Creek 54i-grr frorn'eGore Creek 3761 _3ffJ_N/A-iT- Credltst carage Mechanlcal Alrlock storage Actual slope -!{ Approved by Iown Englneer: 2) t sloPg Plain 3) Geologlo Hazardg F a) Snon Avalanche No b) Roekfatr'l No - , c) Debrl.s Flow -!9 I DATEs Eebruary 5, 1991 (REVISED 02113/91) ANCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I.OT SIZE Helght Total GRFA Prtnary GRFA .Eecondary GRFA Eetbackst Front Sldes Rear lfater courB€ Slte Coverage Iandscaplng Fence/Retalnlng ParkLng 2 car garage (rpo) (600) caTculated in (eoo) [r r,l(50) (1oo)ti. . [i/,l(25) (50) -JL lr /n(200) (400)_l:/"- ;'' i to 5.8% GRFA above {l Wetlande jg o ZONE CHECK FORsrR, R, R P/8 ZONE DTSIRTCTS PNOPOSED USEI'T SIZE Helght Total GRFA Prlnary GRFA .Secondary GRFA Setbackat Front Sldes Rear llater Course Slte Covarage Landscaplng Fence/Retalnlng ParkJ.ng Credltet Garage 20. 15 1 15 1 (IU, (50) !r q.prb ', ,!iA :It. I cl+ tI w 't. Reqrd 1l.g ' 15'-6r' 54 1-0i' . from 54i-0" frqm 2852 2069 IGore Creek I QGore Creek Allowed (r0) (33) Exletlnc N/A---'._ PropoEed 32 lfotal 32 492t lfall Helghts 3761 _34J_ 3 --2 car garage - to 5.8%Drlve: Pennltted 81ope 8t Actual sLope -1:3 Approved by Tonn Engineert Datei Envlronnental/lizards t Avalanche (tpo) (600) l3lgul-eled in GRFA above (eoo) tt rA(50) (1ool li.ilrA(25) (501 -J'/l (2ool (4oor-1(l , Propert i Ad.iacent to F'lood Plain RockfaLl Mechanlcal Alrlock Storage u 2l 3) 8no$ Avalanche it^ DebrLsFlouG No o ZONE CHECK roR8FR, R, n P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS DATEs Eebruary 5, 1991 (REVISED 02113/91) LEGAL DEBCRIPTIONT lat Z El^'.l'iB8ll'3?-'5ffoTilnotl.l"f,,.r-3- Btock - rtr rng Avalanche Gore Creek Park PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRIST PROPOSED USEIPT SIZE Allowed ExLstLnq Prooosed Total Helght (S0) (33) .N/A 32 32 '..fotal GRFA : 4921 'Secondary GRFA Setbacke: Front 2or 119' Eldes 15 | 15'-6r' Rear 15 | 54 r'-0" . from I Gore Creek lfater Couree (fU) (5Ol 54f -0r' frgm'QGore Creek Ette coverase f.?tb lliA 3761 . --iZOl- Inndscaplng Fence/Retalnlng t{all Helghts Xn.,/'ei, --3-- Parklng -Reqrd 2 car garage credltgr carage (lno) (600) CaT,gtllated in GRFA above (eoo) ltechanical (50) (1oo) jIiA Alrlock (25) (sot .I4,, storase . (2oo) (1oor-ry14 , Drlve: Pennl.tted 81ope ---gf- Actual siopa 5'2% to 5'8% Approved by fown Englneer:'Datel ntain 2) * Slope 3) Geologlo ttazards g Enow Avalanche No Rockfal.I No Dsbrl.s Flow No a) b) o) ;n {} wotlands .ll9 .o " LIEI OF UATERIALSI (REVISTO O2/I3/gl) Nrri,r8 oF pjeysgr,3_lgqITON RESTpENCE A?rh ^ LEGAL DEscRIPtIoXr loij|- BIocK - EUBDIvIsIgg Gore Creek ?qrk - ^fg STREET ADDRESST -.1 Biq Horn Road DESCRIPTION OF PROJEGIS I < lggl The followlng lnfonnatlon lr Review Board before a flnal requlred for aubmlttal to the Dealgn ipproval can be glven: A.BUILDINC }TATERIAIS: Roof, 8ldlng Other llall Uaterlals Fascl.a 8olf,ltc lflndows lllndow Trfun Iloors Door frtn Hand or Deck RaLls Flues FlaEhlngE Chlnneya Traeh Enclosures Greenhouses other TYPE OF IIAIERIAI, Cedar Shakes COIOR Ceda r Same as s.i di ng Cl ad,Insu'l . Glass N/A Prefi ni shed al uminum'*.* E.I,ANDSCAP1NGS EXISTING TREE8 TO EE NEUOVED Narne of Deslgner: Phonel PIAIIT UATERIAIJS! lglSnlC&LNfEe coruqon NaEe - pRoposED TREE' Tsuga canarlehsis 9...di., H.Tt.ggk Pseudotsuga Do_ugl asi oto Dougl as Fi r Picea abies' :..Ngrtjay SPruce Abies concolor or Concolor Fir ouantltv SLze*1 6 ft. -rr--Picea pungens Blue Spruce 1 8 ft. - 2 gft. '..-- Edge of existing c,luster.of pin"gs.go be removed back to,''- but not exeeeding rlndlcate declduous treeB. ulnlrnurn callpg! for nches. Indlcate helght for conlfsrouB G,l ass Bl ock' slidin Steel rai 1i.ng w/handrai I Clay tile liner trees. callper for o PLNIT }tATERIAtSlt Botanlcal Narlg ..sHRUEs Pl,tt_Iggho trsh*- l:t..:1 Jqrtus ; $uspi data capi,i{t4 ouantltv Blze*Contrnon Name Muqho Pine Japangse Yew.. 4 '5 GaL, .3 Ft. '5 'Gal . l3 5 Gal. Convex Leaf Ho1ly 4 5 Gal. - ._ as lDer Dlan ' -r.--l,li I low -..4 Potenti I I a fa rTg.tj-lg9J-d-{rd Potenti I I a . uoilnttnulliild$Blt' ' t;:'- -:.:. ".:.EXl'STING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED convexa bul I ata SrBe Bl ue Scnrare Footaoe GROUND COVERg 80D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I.IETHOD OF EROSTON CONTROI, Nati ve M'i x 8100- N/A c.OTTIER IANDSCAPE FEAIITRES (retalnlng valls., fences, ewfunrnlng ;;i;,;;;:i---prliii'-ip"cirv.-rndi6ate helshts or retainlns walle. traxlnur ".ighl'of witls wlthln the-front aetback ls i-;;;i. - uiiiuurn height of walle elsewhere on the property lg 6 feet. Tree wel1 wall at front entry walk is 3 feet high on walk side L,r.r,,"*o * rogi" olyrgg"',,in ?,lu!l""id 'ru!f 9gln,l!,,!89!,u1,, .-fi;ide oftree wetf @ is partially surrounded bv b ?oFFGfr?-iviffincilee ptan for location of river sravel ano fi,rlF;;f' n' o AIA tbt Fo':, ,gi,*ts,tn , 4 bsl 1. 2. x 10 == 1rOO8 s.f. f. + 1,008 s.f. + 425 s.f.s.f. GRFA Allowable RsvIsED O2/L3/9L (allowance) 100 b. 10,080 LOO c. 31750 g. = 51183 3.GRFA Calculatlons: a. First Floor: b. Second Floor: c. Dwelling Total: 4,92L s.f . GRFA 51183 E.f. GRFA 3,452 s.f. total area - 600 s.f. garag€ allowance 2,852 s.f . GRFA 21069 s.f . GRFA First Floor 2,852 s.f. GRFA Second Floor 2,059 s.f. GRFA Drilelling = 4,92t s.f. GRFA actual- less thanallowable, oKAY 4.Site Coverage: a. Buildlng, Decks & Porches: b. 25rO8O s.f. (lot) x .2O = 3,76L s.f . less than 5,016 s.f. allowable, OKAY 3,75L a,f . 5,016 s.f. allowable Fax (913) 831 1563 Nearing Staats Prelogar & Jones 5400West 6lst Place Sharvnee Missioru Kansas 66205 uR. & uRs. atAcx f,ocK8oN DENSIEY CAIJCT'I'ATIONS 18. 12. O9O Total Site Area2 25,080 s.f. Allowable GRFA for Lat,2, core Cr:eek: a. 15,000 x 25 = 31750 s.f. Tclephone 913) 831 l4l5 MBER L990 between ARNO GERISCH of , grantor, and JOHN T. whose 66208 IegaIof the address is County of 7600 State Doc Fee $21 .00 -N WITNESSETH, That the grarrtor for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION' the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents doesgrant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, not in tenancy in common but in joi.nt tenancy, all the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lyiSrS,?ld,being in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado; described a,sr'.fol Iows :.,.,,.,." LOT 2, :"r' : 1:" GORE CREEK PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST B, 1979 IN BOOK 289 AT PAGE 372 AS RECEPTION NO. L85772. COUNTY OF EAGI,E STATE OF COLORADO as known by street and number as! n/a (vacant land) . TOGETHER with alI and singu-lar the hereditaments and f? tDr{ J ' appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders. rents, issues and ,,,i ,. jo,,.i profits thereof , and aII the estate, right, title interest, claim and :lli[il#: {i'denand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of , in and' ;9J' t go 11't. above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and'14 = aPpurtenances. ; ; r To HAVE AND To HOLD the said premises above bargained andI described, with the appurtenances, unLo the grantees; their heirs and assigns forever. And the grantor, for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does covenant, grant, bargain and agree to' and with the grantees, their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presenbs, he is we.l .l seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheri.tance, in law, in fee simple, and had good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, .bargains, saleg, liens. taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nabure soever, except Those matters set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. , The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of thegrantees, their heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof. The singular numl:er shall inelude the plural, the plural the singu-lar, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to aII genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the grantor has executed tlris deed on the date set forth above 'John T. Lockton,to:7500 State T,i na - II] Sfa and,nq AND CHERYL A. LOCKTON, , Prairie Village, KS Kansas, grantee: 6.113 g.r.(. stewa rt- ) Please return Cheryl A. Lockton t..1 i ' ,J 1r I ,i,i,ii.1 I '/lot' {:.' Pq)A hAl'.1t. i0rnueJ sutdq uorsluluoC Atun0l su0en0 ul pallllen0 969il9r'l' 0N l.r0 ,reN l0 olels 'lnsnd luvoil ulln9{ EHll 6?:gI @6/9A/t I ecg-d lts-s uoFzEr/ sa.rrdxa 3to ,(1unop 'do srvrs z{ur ssau4tg 8Tq4 qcsTraD ourv Aq au. aJoJaq pa6palnou>(oe s e/'^ :luaunJlsur cTlqnil tr:e1o6 i Pue pueq . ss F' rixtulJtT "4" Attached to and made a part Grantor, to JOHN T. LOCKTON, thereof or interests therein. Terms, conditions, obligaLions Protective Covenants recorded of warranty Deed ffr otno Gerisch, III AND CHERYL A. IJOCKTON, GTanteCS The effect of inclusions in any general or, specific water conservancy,firepr,otectio',,io'ilc6nservation.orother district or inclusion in any waLer service or street improvemenL Taxes for the year 1990 and thereafter and any special assessments not yet certified to the office of the county treasurer. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific waber conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service.or street irnprovement area. area. Reservations and exceptions in Patents, or Acts auth6li.4in$. -Lhe issuance thereof, including the reservation of the right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore ther"fto. should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the I premi.ses as reserved in United States Patent recorded - November' 22, tglg in Book 123 ab Page 625 Ten percent non-parbicipating royalty in and to proceeds . derived from the sale of minerals, of whatsoever kind and nature produced and mined from Lhe said premises, as reserved to Gust riahtip"s and Eva J. Kiahtipes by instrument recorded November 2, L962 in Book 166 at Page 407, and any and all assignments and restrictions December 20, L962 conLained in Book 174 atas in for construction and nraintenance of gas dislribution roads of Bighorn Subdivision as ilisclosed by document August LL, 1965 in Book 190 at Page 405 as Reception No' l?ttr{ (: :11'. eagement granted to Western 187 at Page Slope Gas Co, recorded December 473 as Reception No. 102707. IL/Q6/9Q 15r49 F'B3OF3p-65e ^ll^ i{)'i'':"'tcY - to/2t/87 o POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWAFIT TITLEborr GUARANTY COMPANY utltvvl SUBJECTTO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVEBAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUABANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporatlon, hereln called lhe Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amounl of Insurance stated In Schedule A, suslalned or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or inleresl described ln Schedule A bolng vesled other than as stated thereln; 2. Any defect In or lien or €ncumbrance on the lille; 3. Unmarkelabillty of the tiile; 4. Lack of a rlght of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay th€ costs, attorneys'{ees and expenses Incurred In defens€ of the title, as Insured, but only to the extent provided in the Condltions and Stipulatlons. lN WITNESS WHEFEOF, Slewarl Tille Guaranty Company has caused thls policy to be signed and seal€d by its duly authorized officers as of the Date ol Pollcy shown in Schedule A. ,. 2Va/rt- Vt*-,. Chairman of the Board S'IE\VART TITLE OUARANTI COIIPA !gY President Company Ciry. Srsle The following malters are expressly exclud€d lrom the coverage ol thls pollcy and ths Company wlll not pay loss or damage, costs, attotneys'tees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordlnance or governnental regulation (including but not llmitsd to bullding and zoning laws, ordlnances, or rogulatlons) Iestrlcting, regulating, prohibiting or relatlng to (i) ths occupancy, use, or enioymenl of the land; (ii) the characte., dlmsnsions ot location ot any lmptovemeot mw or hereatter erected on ths land; (ili) a separation In ournership or a change In the dimensions or area ol the land or arry patcel of which lhe land is or was a part; or (iv) envkonmenlal protection, or the ellecl of any violation of these laws, ordinances ot governmental regulatlons, except to the extent thal a notice of the enlorcemenl therool or a notlce of a dsfect, llen or encumbrancE resultlng lrom a violation or alleg€d vlolalion alfecting tho land has be6n recolded in lhe public records al Dals of Policy. (b) Any govornmental police power not oxcluded by (a) abovo, except to the extsnt that a notice of lhe sxerclso lheteol or a notlce ot a delact, llen or encumbrance resulting from a violallon or allsged vlolation allectlng the land has been recorded In the public recotds at oatE of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless nolice o, lhe exs.cise thereol has besn recorded in the publlc records at Date ol Pollcy, but not oxcluding trom coverago arry takir€ whlch has occurred prior to Dat€ ol Policy whlch would be bindlng on lhs rlghts of a purchassr lor value wlthout knowledge. 3. oefects, llens, encumbrances, adverso claims or other matters: (a) created, sulfered, acsumed or agrEed lo by thg Insured clsimant; (b) not kno,yn lo the Company, not recorded In the publlc rscords at Datg ol Pollcy, but kno/vn to th6 insured claimanl and not dlsclosod in wriling to lhe Company by th6 Insured claimanl prior to tho dato tho lnsurgd claimant became an insyrEd under this pollcy; (c) resullirE In no loss or damage to lh€ Insured claimant; (d) attachlng or crealed subsequsnl to Dato of Policy; or (6i iasuiiir€ ln loss or damage whlch would not have been sustained il the Insured claimant had pald valu€ lor lho oslalE or Inlorest insured by this policy. ll o.qqar. 544963 001 lRcv. l0l21/87) I. DERNITION O' IERMS. The lollowing lermt when u:ed in this policy meon: {o) "inrured": lhe in:ured nomed in Schedule A, ond, subiect lo on}, rights or defenses the Compony would hove hod oooinsl the nomed insured, lhoir who su(ceed to the intereit ol the nomed inrurcd by operotion of low os dislinguished lrom purchore including, but not.limited lo, heiru, diltributeel, deviseer, turvivors, personol represenloliver, nexl of kin, or corporole or liduciory su((eiaors. (b) "insured (loimont": on in:ured doiming lost or domoge. (r) "knowledge" or "known": octuol lnowlcdge, nol (onsltuctivc lnowledge or notire which moy bc impuled to on insured by reoron o[ lhe public rccords ol delined in rhir policy or 6ny other records which impor! consiruclive nofice of motlerr olfecling thc lond. (d) "lond": the lond describcd or referred to in Schedule A, ond improvc. menh olfired fherelo which by low conrtitute reol property. Ihc tcrm "lond" doel not include ony property beyond thc lines ol the orco delcribed or refcrrcd to in Schedule A, nor ony right, tille, inter$i, $totc or eosem€nt in obutling slrecfs, roods, ovenues, olleys, lones. woys or wolerwoys, bul nolhing hercin sholl modify or limit the erlent io which o right ol occe:s lo ond lrom the lond is inrured bv thir oolicv. (e) '(nortgoge/': mortgoge, deed of trust, trull deed, or other lecurily in!lrumenl.(l) "public records": records estoblished under stolc slolulei ol Doie of Pol. ky loi the purpose ol importing const.uctive notice of molleri reloting lo reol pioperry to purchosers for volue ond withoul knowledge. With respect fo Section i(oi(|")'ot ihe Erclurions from Coverogc, "public records" sholl oho include enviionmentol oroteclion liens liled in the records of the <lerk ol lhe Uniled Slotei district court loi the district in whirh the lond is locoted. (g) "unmorketobiliry of the title": on ollegcd or opporent nottcr olfecling the litie to lhe lond, not excluded or erccplcd from coveroqe, which would enfille o ourrhoscr ol the eslolc or inlererf des<ribcd in *hedule A lo be releosed from thi obligotion lo purchose by virlue of o conltoduol condlion rcquiring the deliverY ol morkeloble title.2. CONIINUAIION OT INSURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF IIIIE. Tha covcroge of thir policy lholl conlinua in forcc os o[ Dotc of Policy in fovor ol on insured only so long ol thc inlurcd reloins on cttolt or inleresl in lhe lond, or holds on indcbtednesr secured by o purchosc money mortgoge given by o purchoser from thc insured, or only ro long ot lhe insurcd :holl hove liobility by reorcn of covenonls ol woronly modc by the insured in ony lronslcr or <onvey' oncc ol lhc eitole or inleresl. ihk policy choll not continue in force in foYor of ony purrhoscr from fic insurcd of either (i) on citotc or interesl in lhc lond, or (ii) on-indebtedners secured by o purchose money morfgoge givcn fo lhe insured. 3. NOIICE OF CUM TO BE GIVEN BY INSUTED CTAI}IANI. (d) In oll cores where this policy permih or requires ihe Compony to prose. cute oi provide lor thc delcnsc of ony oclion or p.oceedinE, lhe inlured sholl :ecure lo the Compony the right lo:o prosecute or provide delensc in thc oction or oroceedinq, ond oll oppeok therein, ond permit the Compony lo use, ot ils ootion, the n-orre of the insured for lhk purpose. Whenever requelled by lhe Conpony, ihe inrured, ot lhe Componyi.expense, sholl give the Compony oll ,eos6noble oid (i) in ony oction or proceeding, :ecuring evidencc, obtoining wit. neslei, prosecuting or de{cnding lhe oclion or proceeding, or effeding lenle. ment, ond (ii) in ony other low{ul od which in the opinion ol thc Compony moy be neceslory or dcsiroblc lo eltoblilh the lille to lhc estolc or inlelest ol inrured. ll the Comoi:nv is oreiudiced bv the foilure ol lhe insured to furnilh the required cooperotion, tlic Comiony'l obligotions lo lhe intured under thc policy lholl ter. minttc, including ony liobility or obligotion to delcnd, Pro3ccutc, ot conlinuc ony litigotion, wilh regord to lhe mollcr ot nollert requiring luch rooperotion.5. PnooF ot toss or DAMAGE. ln oddition to ond ofler lhe nolices rcquired under Secfion 3 of these Condi- tions ond Stipulotionr hova becn provided the Compony, o prool of los: or dom- ooe sioned ond sworn io by the inlured cloimonl :holl be furnishcd lo lhe Com. pinv *ithin 90 doy: olter the insured doimonl sholl orerloin lhe focts giving ri:e io tlie loss or domoge. Ihe proof ol lors or domoge sholl des(ribe the defect in, or lien or encumbronte on tfic tiflc, or olhei molter insured ogoinst by thk policy which ronsliluler the bosis ol loss or domoge ond sholl stote, lo lhe extcnf Polsi' ble, the bosis ol colculoting lhe omounl ol lhe los or domoge. lf the Compony is oreiudiced by the loilure oi the insured cloimont lo provide lhe required proof of losio, domo'qe, thc Componyi obligofions lo the insured under the policy sholl lerminole, inciuding ony liobiiiry o, 6bligotion lo defend, Protecule, or conlinue ony liligotion, withiegdrd lo thl motler or motler requiring such prool of lors or oomo9e. In- oddition, the insured cloimonl moy reosonobly be required to 3ubmit to erominotion under oolh by ony outhori:id tePrcrenlolive of.the Cornpony ond sholl oroduce for exominoiion, inspection ond copying, ot such reosonoblc limes ond iloces os moy be derignoted by ony outhorized represenlotivc o[ thc Com- oonv. oll records, bookl, ledqers, checks, correlponden(e ond memorondo, wheihcr beorino o dolc before or ohcr Dole of Policy, which reosonobly perloin to the los or dohooe. furthsr, if requtsfcd by ony oulhorizad represenlolive of the Compony, the iisurcd cloimonl iholl groni ih permission, in writing, lor ony outhorizid ieoresentolive ol lhe Compony lo exomine, inspect ond copy oll records. booki. ledoers. thecks, correspindlnce ond memorondo in lhe cuslody or control of o thiri porty, which reosbnobly perloin to lhe los or domoge. All informolion desionotid dt onfidentiol bv the insured cloimonl provided lo lhe Comoony oursuoit lo lhis Seclion sholl nbt be disclosed lo olhers unless, in the ,eotino5li iudgmenl of the Compony, il is necessory in fhe odminittrotion of lhe doim. toilure oi the insured cloiniont to submil for exoninolion under oolh, pro' duce other reoronobly raqucrled informolion or gronf pcrmi:rion lo se(ure r?o' ronobly necessory inlbrmotion lrom third Potties oi requhed in thii porogroph sholl terminote oirv liobility of lhe Compony under this policy ol lo lhol cloim.6. OPIIONS IOPAY O[ OIHETWISE SEIIIE CI,AIAiS; IERIIINAIION OF UAUUNT. In core ol o cloim under this policy, lhe Compony rholl hove the lollowing litigolion or scl forth in Section 4(o)(ii) in cos: lnowledgc sholl come to The incured sholl notily the Cornpony promplly in writing (i) in con of ony lion or scl forth in Section 4{o) below, (ii} in cos: lnowledgc sholl come lo on-insured hereunder o[ ony cloiri irl flc or'intercrl whith k odienc to the tille fo lhr cafole or inlerctl, os'insured, ond which mighl coute loss or domoge lor whkh the Compony moy be lioblc by virtue ol fhir policy,.or (iii) il title to.ihe erlote or interert, d: insured, is reiectid os unmorketible. .ll prompt notice sholl nol be given to lhc Compony, thrn oi lo lhe insured oll liobility ol the Compony rh.rll t.;min.!t. with reoord to lh. mollef or moller3 lor which oromol nolice is erlote or intereit, 6: insured, is reiecled os unmorkeloble. ll nol be oiven to lhc Comoonv, thcn os to lhe intured oll liobi Compony I noli(e islhqll teiminote with regord io thc moller or motters lorlhqll lerminote with regord lo lhc mollet or mollers lor which PtomPl noli(e i3 required; provided, however, lhot {oilure to nolify the Compony sholl in no cose orciudita iha.iohtr of onv insured undrr fhis ooli<v unless lhe Comoonv sholl be reeuired; provided, however, lhol lotlure lo noltly lhe LomPony 3noll ln no (ose prdiudice ihe rights of ony insured undcr fhh poli<y unless the Compony sholl be prciudiced bv the loilure ond then only to fhc exlcnl ol thc ptciudicc. i. . DEFENSE AND PTOSECUIION OF ACIIONS: DUTY OF INSURED brciudiced bv tlie foilure'ond then only to fhc extcnl of thc i. . DETENSE AND PTOSBCUIION OF ACIIONS: DUTY O CI.AIMANI IO COOPERAIE. (o) Upon writlen request by lhe insured ond lubicd to the oPiions conloincd in Section 6 ol thcle Conditions ond Stipulotions, lhc Compony, ol ih own cosl ond withouf unreosonoble deloy, sholl provide lor the defcnse of on insured in litioolion in which ony lhird porty osserfi o cloim odvcne to lhe tille or interesl os insired, but only or'to thoie :lired couset ol odion olleging o defect, lien or encumbronce oi olher noiler insurcd ogoinsl by lhis policy. Thc Compony sholl hovc thc right to selett counsel of its choice (rubjcct lo lhe right of the insurcd to obiect for rlosonoble couse) lo represcnf the insured os to lhocc slotad cous* of oclion ond sholl not be lioble for ond will not poy the fees of ony olhar counsel. Ihc Cornpony will not poy ony lee:, costr or rrpenrer incurred by lhc insurcd in thc delenrc 6f thosc courcs o{ o(tion which ollcgc motten nol inrured ogoinsf by thh policy. (b) The Compony rholl hove the right, ol itr ovrn co!l, lo inslilute ond prore. cute ony oclion or proceeding or to do ony other oct which in its opinion moy bc nccer:ory or desiroble b .slobli3h lhc title to thc catol6 or iolere!|, os intured, or fo prevent of reduce losr or domoge to the inlured. The Compony moy lokc ony oppropriole ocfion under lhe term: of this policy, whether or nol it sholl be lioble hereunder, ond sholl not thereby concede liobility or woive ony provision ol lhk policy. lf the Compony sholl cxercise its righh under this porogroph, it sholl do so diligently. . - (<) Whenever the Compony sholl hove brought on oction or interposed o delen3c os required or permitted by the provisionr ol this policy, the Compqny moy purrue ony litigotion to tinol dercrminotion by o cou of competenr iurisdii.tion ond.expresly re:erves the right, in ih sole dilcretion, lo opieol from ony oovere luogmenr or 0.der. ffa li) lo poy or otherwise settle wilh olher porties lor or in lhe nome of on insured diimorit ony cloim insured ogoinst under thh poliq, logelher wilh ony corls, otlorncyl'leci ond cxpcnler iniurrcd by lhc inlured cloimonl which wcrc outhorized bf thc Compony up lo lhc limo ol poymenl ond which the Compony is obliooted lo ooy; or- fiil to'ooy or olheruise setlle wilh lhe insured cloimonl lhe losl or dom' ooe oro"idid lir irnder thil policy, logeihcr with ony cottl, otforneyr'fces ond eioenr* incuned bv the in:irrcd cloimonl which werc outhorizcd by thc Com'- Dony uD lo lhc line;f poymanl ond which the Compony is obligoted to poy.' 'udon the exrrcise bv thc Componv ol eilher o{ thc oplions provided lor in poroglophs (b)(i) or (ii), rhe Compony'iobligolions.lo lhe inrurcd undcr this pol' icv lor lhe cloimed loss or domoge, olh.I lhon lhe poymenli iequtred lo be m!J;. rholl ierm; ,ii€, i;,ti,Ji;rg ony liobility or obligolion lo defend, prosetute or conlinue ony litigolion.7. OEIERMINAIION, EXIENI OT I.tABttIIY AND COINSURANCE. This policy is o conlrotl ol indemnity ogoinsl octuol monelory lors or dom' ooe suttoined or incurred bv lhe insured doimonl who hos suffeted loss or dom' oie by reoson ol mofers insured ogoinsi by thil policy ond only l'o lhe exfent herein described. , - CHEDULE A oRDER No.: 90006438 pol,lcy No.: 0-9941-544963 DATE OF POLICYI November 06, 1990 at 3:49 p.M. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: I 210,000.00 1. NAME OF INSURED: JOHN T. LOCKTON, III AND CHERYL A. I,OCKTON 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE I,AND WHICH IS COVERED BY THIS POLICY IS: Fee Simple TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTERST IN THE LAND IS VESTED INI JOHN T. LOCKTON, IIT AND CHERYI., A. LOCKTON THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 2, GORE CREEK PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PI-,AT RECORDED AUGUST 8, 1979 IN BOOK 289 AT PAGE 372 AS RECEPTION NO. L85772. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COI,ORADO 3. 4. CHEDULE PoLIcY No. : o-994I-544963 THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE COMPANY WTLI., NOT PAY COSTS' ATTORNEYSI FEES OR EXPENSES) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. RIGHTS OR CITAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS 2. EASEMENTS, OR CI.,AIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFIJICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES' SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREI"IISES WOUI,D DISCLOSE AND WHTCH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, I,ABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SIIOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. UNPATENTED MINING CI.,AIMS ' RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTTONS IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING TIIE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessmenta and unredeemed tax sales. 7. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy' fire protection, soil conservation or other district oi inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district oi inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 9. Reservations and exceptions in Patents' or Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, including the reservation of the right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore lhelefro* should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises, as reserved in United States Patent recorded November 22, L939 in Book 123 at Page 625. 10. Ten percent non-participating royalty in and to proceeds derived fiom the sale of minerals, of whatsoever kind and nature produced and mined from the said premises, as reserved to Gust-riahtip"r and Eva J. Kiahtipes by instrument recorded November 2, t962 in Book 166 at Page 407, and any and all assignments thereof or interests therein. 11. Terms, conditions, obligations and restrictions as contained in Protective covenants recorded December 20, L962 in Book 174 at Page 403. Continued on next Page STE\^/AR.T TITLE CUAf,ANIY COMPANY i-, ,' ATTa.HED To o*o 'fb A PART oF a. STEWART TITI,E GUARANTY COMPANY POLICY TTTO. O-g9AL-544963 CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B 12. Easement for construction and maintenance of gasdistribution system in roads of Bighorn Subditision as disclosedby document recor ded August 11, 1965 in Book 190 at Page 405as Reception No. L019L4 13. Utility and drainage easements as shown and reserved on theplat of Bighorn Subdivision as disclosed by document recorded August 11, 1965 in Book 190 at Page 405 as Reception No. 101914.Note: Vacation of certain of these easements are shown on thefollowing instruments recordedl April 30, 1979 in Book 284 at Page 797 as Reception No. 181202i in Book 284 aL Page 798 as Reception No. 181203; recorded August 8, L979 in Book 289 at Page 374 as Reception No. L85774 and in Book 289 at Page 375 asReception No. 185775 and in Book 289 at Page 373 as ReceptionNo. 185773. L4, Easement granted to Western Slope Gas Co, recorded December9, 1965 in Book 187 at Page 473 as Reception No. L02707. 15. Easements granted to Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict, recorded August 29, L979 in book 290 at Page 332 as Reception No. 186731 and September 4, L979 in Book 298 at Page 509 as Reception No. 186908. 16. Easements. restrictions and rights-of-ways as shown on thePlat of Gore Creek Park, recorded August 8, L979 in Book 289 at Page 372 as Reception No. L85772 STE\^rART TITLE GUABANI' COMPANT a (o) lhe liobility ol thc Compony under thh policy rholl not excecd the leort ol: (i) fhe Amounl of Inruronce ltofcd in Schcdule A; or, (ii) the difference betwecn lhc voluc of thc insured eslote or interest ol inrurcd ond lhe volue of lhc inrured csfole oi inierrit subied to lhe deled. lien or cncumbronce insured ogoinrl by lhh policy, (b) In lhe evcnt lhc Amounl ol Insuronre stotcd in Schedule A ot the Dote ol Policy i: less thon 80 percenl of the volue of thc inrured estote or inter.3t or the lull considerotion poid for lhe lond, whichavcr is lcss, or if rubsequeni io the Dote of Policy on improvernenl is ereclcd on the lond which increoses lhe volue ol the inrured cslole or inferell by ot leort 20 pcrccnt over the Amounl of Insuronrc rloted in Schedule A, thcn fhil Poliry ir lubicct to lhc following: (i) where no rub:cqucnt improvcmenl hor becn modc, os lo ony por. fiol lols, fhc Compony oll only poy lhc lost pro rolo in lhc proporlion lhof the omounl of inruronce ol Dote ol Policy bcors to thc tolol volue ol fhe insured !3lof. or inte.esl ol Dote of Policy; or ' (ii) wherc o lubseguenl improvomcnl hor becn mode, os fo ony porfiol losr, the Compony sholl only poy lhc lort pro rolo in thc proportion thol 120 ocrccnt ol lhe Amounl of lnsuronce slolcd in Schedule A beors lo thc rum ol the Amount ol Insuronce sloled in Srhcdulc A ond the omounf cxoendcd for lhc improvemenl. Thc provisioor of lhis porogroph lholl nof opply |o costr, otlornep' lc* ond crpenrer for which the Compony ir lioblc under lhk policy, ond sholl only opply lo lhof porlion of ony losr which excccdr, in the oggregole, l0 percent of lhe Amount ol Insuronce sfoled in Schedule A. (c) The Compony will poy only thole cosh, oilorneys' lees ond expenses incuncd in occordonce wilh S€ciion 4 of lhrse Conditions ond Stioulolions8. APPOIIIONIAENI, ll fhe lond described in Schedule A conrirh of two or more oqrcels which ore nol used os o single site, ond o loss il csloblished olfecting one or morc of the porcels but not oll, the loss sholl be cornpuled ond scltled on o pro rolo bosrs os if thc omount ol insuronce under lhir policy wos divided pro rqto os lo lhe volue on Dote of Policy ol eoch reporote porcel to lhe whole, exclurive of ony improvcmcnls moile subrequent lo Dola ol Policy, unless o liobility or yolue hoi othcrwise been ogrced upon os lo eoch porcel by the Compony ond lhc in:ured ot thc limc of the isuon<e ol thir policy ond shown by on expresr slotemenl or by on cndorrernenl ottoched to lhir policy,9. lril|l iloN oF uABturY. (o) lf thc Compony eslobli:her the lille, or rcmoves lhe olleged defecl, licn or cnrumbronce, or rures the lock ol o right of occess lo or lrom lhc lond, or cur* thq cloim of unmorkctobility of titlc, oll or inrured, in o reosonobly diligcnt monner by ony melhod, including litigotion ond lhe rompletion of ony oppeoll lherefrom, it sholl ho"c lully pcrlormcd ih obligolions with respecl to fhot motlel ond rholl not be lioble for ony loss or domogc couscd lhereby. (b) In the event of ony litigotion, including litigotion by lhe Compony or with the Componyt (onsent, lhe Conpony sholl hove no liobility lor losl or domogi unlil there hos been o finol delerminofion by o courl o{ competeni iuritdiclion, ond dirposilion of oll oppeols thcrefrom, odvcr:e lo thc tille o: insured. (c) Thc Compony sholl not bc lioblc for losr or domoge lo ony insured lor liobility voluntorily orsumed by the insured in sefiling ony cloim or suit wilhoul the prior written consenl of lhe Compony. 10. iEDUCTION OF INSURANCE: REDUCIION OR T$MINATION ot llAEluw. All poymenh under this policy, ercepl poymenh mode for costs, ollornep' {cer ond expenses, sholl reduce thc omounl of the insuronce pro lonlo.r. uAEtulY NoNCUMUTAilVE. It h exprersly underslood thol lhe onounl of in:uronce under this polity sholl be redr]ced by ony omount the Compony noy poy under ony policy iniurini o mortoooe to which exceplion is loken in Schedule I or lo which lhe insured hos ogiee-d, ossumed, or ioken lubiecl, or which is hereofter executed by on inrured ond which il o chorgc or lien on lhc eslole or inlercst describcd or rcfcrred to in Schedule A, ond the onounl so poid lholl be deemed o poynenl under lhi: policy lo the inrured owner, 12. PAYMENI OF IOS5. (o) No poymenl sholl bc moda withoul producing thir poliry for cndonc- mcnt of the poymcnl unless lhc policy hor bccn lost or derlroyed, in which corc proof of lo:s or destruction rholl bc lurnirhed to thc rofisfoclion of thc Compony. (b) When liobility ond the extcnl ol los or domoge hor been delinitely fixed in occordonce wilh lhesc Condilionr ond Stipulolions, the lolr or domogc rholl bc poyoble within 30 doyr thcrcoftrr. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS Continued (continued and concluded from renerse side of Poticy Facel oulhorizedouthorized signoiory ol the Compony. r6. sEvERAEulY. 13, SUBROGATIOil UPON PAYA4ENI ON SETIIEMENI. (o) lhc Compony'r Right of Subrogotion. Whenever the Compony sholl hovc setlled ond poid o cloim under thir pol. icy, oll right ol lubrogotion rholl vcrl in lhc Compony unollectcd by ony oa ril lhe insured cloimonl. Ihe Compony sholl be subrogolcd lo ond bc enti ed lo oll dghls ond reme- dies which lhe insured cloimonl would hove hod ogoinsl ony perrn or properry in r*pecl lo the cloinr hod lhk oolicy nol becn islued, ll requeslcd by the Corn- pony, the inrured cloimont sholl lrontler lo the Compony oll rightr ond remcdiet Lgoinst ony penon or property necessory in order to perlecl this right ol subro. oolion. The insured clqimonl sholl oermit lhe Compony lo sue, compromise or ieltle in thc norne ol the inlured cloimont ond to usc ihe nome ol lhs insured cloimont in ony lronsorfion or lifigotion involving fhete righlr or rcmcdier. lf o poyrirent on occounl ol o cloim does not fully cover lhe los of fhe insured cldinionl, the Compony sholl bc rubrogofed to lhete righls ond rcmedict in the proportion which tlic Cbmpony'r poymint bcorl lo lhc whole omounl ol lhc lols. lf los: should resull from ony ocl ol lhc intured cloimonl, os sfuted obovc, thol ocl sholl not void lhir poliiy, but lhc Compony, in lhol evcnt, tholl bc required lo poy only lhot porl ol'ony lostes insured ogoind by this poliq which sholl ercecd fhe omounl, if ony, lost l,o lhe Compony by reoson of fhc impoh. mcnl by lhe insured cloimonl o{ lhc Compony! tighl of subrogolion. (bi lhc Compony'r lighl! Againd Non-inrurcd Obligon. The Componyt right of rubrogotion ogoinsl non-insurcd obligors sholl critt ond sholl include, wilhoul limilotion, the rights ol lhe insured lo indemnilics, guo. ronlies, olher poli<iel ol inrurorice or bonds, nolwithclonding ony lermr or condi. iions tontoined in lhose inrtrumenh which providc for subrogolion righls by reo. son o[ this policy. I1, ANBITNAIION Unless prohibited by opplicoblc low, cither fhe Compony or lhe insured moy demond orbitrolion ouffuonl lo lhe Tillc Insuronce Arbihotion Ruler of fhe Ameri- con Arbilrolion Aliociotion. Arbitroble mott?r! moy include, bul ore nol lirnilcd lo, ony (ontrovery or cloim beh,veen lhe Compony ond lhe insured odsing oul of or relotino to this oolicy, ony rcrvicc of lhc Compony in conneclion with its tsu. once or lli'e breoclr of L policy provilion or othci obfigotion. All orbitrqble mol' ters when the Amounf of lnruroncs is 11,000,000 or lesr sholl be orbitrotcd ol the option ol either the Conpony or thc insured. All o6ikoble mollcn when lhc Amount of Insuroncc is iri exi*s of t1,000,000 sholl bc orbitroted only whcn ogreed to by bolh thc Conpony ond lhc insurcd, Arbitrotion punuonl lo lhir policy ond uirder the Ruler in cflect on lhe dotc thc demond for orbihotion it hodi 0,, ot the option of thc insured, lhc Ruler in elfect ot Dole of Policy rholl be binding upon ihe porties. Tho oword moy include otlorneys' fees only if thc lo*s of thi slote in which the lond is locoled pcrmit o courl lo oword ol'lorneys' fees lo o prevoiling porty. Judgmenl upon the oword rendercd by lhc Arbiko- lor(s) moy be entered in ony courl hoving iurkdiction thereof. The low ol lhe dlur of lhe lond rholl opply to on orbihotion under thc litlc lnruronce Arbitrotion Ruler. A copy of fhe Rules moy be obtoined from lhe Compony upon rcqucsl. 15. llABl[lIY tHlrED lO lHlS X)IICY: POtlCY ENrnE CONIIACT. (o) Thi: policy together with oll endorsementr, il ony, otloched herclo by lhe Compony h lhe enlire policy ond controcf belwe?n the insured ond the Com' pony.In inlerpreting ony fro"iiion o{ this policy, thk poliq $oll bc conrlrucd os o whole. (b) Any doim of los or domogc, whelhcr or nol bosed on negligencc, ond whicli driseioul ol the slolus ol lhe iitlc lo thc *lote or infcrc:l covered hcreby or by ony oclion osserting luch cloim, rholl bs rerlriclcd lo this policy. ld Na anrendnenl ol or rndorrcrnanl lo this oolicv con bc m({i} No omendmcnt ol or cndorscmcnl fo lhis policy con bc mode except by iiig endorsed hereon or o ochcd herclo signed by eifher the Preridenl, oo wriling endorsed hereon or o ochcd herclo sign Vice Preiidenl, the Secretory, on Alsiltonl Sccrelory, or volidoting olficer or oulhorized sionotory ol the Compony. ln the ryenl ony Dfovilion of thc oolicy is hcld involid or unen{orccoblc undcr opplicoble lor, thc'policy fioll be dicmdd nol lo include thol provilion ond oll oiher provisionr rholl remcin in full lorca ond effcct. I7. NOTICES, WHETE sENI. All noticer r:quircd lo bc aivcn thc Compony ond onf slolemenl in wriling' required to be lur,ikhcd the Compony rholl include fhc nunbcr ol thil poliq ond rho'ff bc oddressed lo lhe Compony ol P.0. Bor 2029, Hourlon, lexos 77252. 18. Ihc premium lpecilied in Schidulc A it lhc cnthc <horga for occcploncc ol rhk. lt iniludes choigcs lor litlc rcorch ond rxominofion if tonc ir cutlomory or requireti io be sho.n in lhc tfotc in which lha policy h istucd. STEWART TITLE .!ltAPaN,rv ao{rt. tw AIIA OW\ER's pOUCy - lol21l87 .' .{\' i a POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE.W'AFTT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FFOM COVEFAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE @NTAINEO IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANW COMPANY, a Texas corporallon, hereln called lhe Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown In Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceedlng the Amounl of Insurance slated in Schedule A, suslalned or lncurred by th€ Insured by reason of: l. Titl€ to lhe estale or Inleresl descrlbed In Schedule A being vested other than as stated thereln; 2. Any defecl in or llen or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack ot a rlght of access lo and frorn the land. The Company will also pay th€ cosls, allorneys'{ees and €xp€nses Incurred in defense of lhe tltte, as Insured, bul only to the exlent provided in the Conditions and Slipulations. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused thls policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of the Dale of Pollcy shown In Schedule A. '?7 a/r,- 7<*+ st?'X*SnJIIt t fu Chairman of the Board President Company City, StEte EXCLUSIOT{S FROT COVERAGE The lollowirE matters are expressly ercludad lrom the covoraga of thls policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, cosls, allorneys' foes or expenses which arise by reason ol: 1. (a) Any law, ordlnancg or governmental regulatlon (including but not limitod to bulldlng and zoning laws, ordinances, or tegulations) r€slricting, rsgulating, prohibiling or relatlng lo (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land: (il) tho charactei, dlmensions or locstlon of any imptovemenl now or hereafler erecled on thg land; (lii) a separatlon In ownership or a change In the dlmonslons or aroa of the land or any parcel ol which the land is or was a pert; or (iv) environmental protgction, or the oflect ol any vlolatlon of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except lo the extent that a notice ol the enlorcement thefool or a notlce of a defect, lisn or encumbrance resulting ftom a violatlon or alleged violatlon affecling lhe land has besn recorded In lh6 publlc recofds at Dat6 ol Pollcy. (b) Any governmenlal police powsr not oxcluded by (a) abovs, except lo ths extant that a notice ol the sxgrclse lhsreol or a notlce 0l a defect, lien or oncumbrance resultlng lrom a vlolallon or alleg€d vlolatlon allecting th6 land hes be6n record€d In thg public records al Dato of Pollcy. 2. Hights of eminent domain unless nollce of tho exerclse thereol has been recordod In the public r€cords at Dato of Pollcy, but not oxcluding flom coverago any laking whlch has occured prior to Dale ol Pollcy whlch would bo bindlng on the rlghtr ol a purchaser lot value without knowledgs. 3. Delects, llens, encumbrances, advsiso clalms or othsr matters: (a) cfoated, suffered, assumed or agre€d lo by tho Insured claimant; (b) nol known lo lhe Company, rnt recordod in ths publlc records at Dat6 of Pollcy, but knor/n to tho lnsur€d clalmant and nol dlsclosed In writlng to the Compeny by the insured clalmenl prior to tho date the Insured clalmant became an Inqrrsd under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage lo lho insured clalmanl: (d) attachlng or crealed subsequenl to Data ol Pollcy; or (€) ;esijiiing ih loss or damags whlch would not have bsen sustained lf th6 Insured clalmant had pald value fof lll€ estato 0r Interest Insured by this policy. ll o.qqar. 544963 001 (R.v. l0/21l87) CONDIIIONS AND SIIPUIATIONS l. DERNIT|ON OF lERl'tS. Ihe following lerms when u:ed in thk policy mcon: (o) "insured": thc inlurcd nomed in Schedulc A, ond, subiecl fo ony right or dcfenscl thc Compony would hovc hod ogoinst thc nomed insurcd, those who ru(cerd to lhe inlererf of lhe nomed insurrd by opcrolion of low os dislinguilhed lrom purchore including, but nol.limited to, heiru, diltributees, devigees, :urvivoru, personol represenlolives, nexl of kin, or corporole or fiduciory iuc(eilo13. (b) "inlured cloimonl": on insurcd cloiming loss or domoge. (c) "knowledge" or "known": ocfuol knowledge, nol (onstru(tivc lnowledge or notice which moy be imputed lo on insurcd by reoson of the public records or defined in lhis policy or ony olher records which impod conslruclive noli(e of motler! olfe(ling fie lond. ld) "lond": the lond described or referred lo in Schedule A, ond improve- menti of{ired lherelo which b}, low constitule reol property. Ihe lerm "lond" docc nol include ony properry beyond the lines ol lhe oreo described or referred to in s<hedule A, nor ony right, litle, inlereli. esfote or eo3emenl in obutting tfrgeh, roods, ovenues, olleys, lones, woys or woterwoy!, but nolhing herein sholl modity or limit the ertenl to which o right ol occesr fo ond {rom the lond h insured by lhis policy. (e) 'rrnortgoge": morlgoge, deed of lrust, lrust deed, or other securily in3frumcnl.(l) "public records": records estoblished under stote ilotutes ot Dolc ol Pol. icv f6r rhd purpose ol impoding construclive nolice ol motfers relofing to reol piopcrty to purrhosers lor volue ond without lnowledge. With respect lo Setlion i(oi(i"l ol the Exclusions From Coverooe, "public records" :holl olso include cir"'ilonmantol orolcclion licnr liled in thirecoids of thc clerk of thc United Stotcl dhlrid court fo; the district in which the lond is locoled. (g) "unmorletobility ol lhe tille": on olleged or opporenl mslier olfecling the tillc to lhe lond, nol excluded or excepted from coveroge, which would eniitle o purchorer of the calolc or interesf dercribed in Schedule A lo be releosed lrom thi obligolion io purchosc by virtue of o conlrocluol condilion rcquidng lhe deliverv of morketoble title.2. CONTINUAIION OF INSUNANCE ANEN CONVEYANCE OF TIIU. Ihc coveroge ol thh policy sholl continuc in lorce os of Dotc of Policy in fovor of on inrured only lo long os lhe insurcd rcloins on eilole or inlereil in lhe lond, or holds on indcbtednes secured by o purthore money morlgoge given by o purcho:cr lrom the insured, or only so long or the insured sholl hove liobility by reopn of covenonls ol woronly mode by lhe insured in ony lronsfer or convey' once ol lhe erlole or inlcr.li. ihh policy sholl nof confinuC in force in {ovor of ony purchoser from lhc insured of eiiher (i) on cslole or inleresl in lhe lond, or (ii) on'iridcbtcdners secured by o purchose money morfgoge given to lhe insured.3. NOTICE OF CTAIM IO BE GIVEN BY INSUNED CTAIMANI. Thc insured sholl notify lhe Compony promplly in wriling (i) in co:e of ony liligotion oi sel lorih in Sedion il(o) below, (ii) in cose knowledge 3holl come lo on-inrured hereunder ol onv cloim ol litle or intcrcst which is odverse to the litle lo lhc estofe of infcretl, os'insured, ond which mighl couse lots or domoge {or which thc Comoonv moy bc lioble by vhtuc of lhis policy, or (iiil if tille lo lhe cstolc or inleresl, ds insvred, ir reiecled os unmorketbble. lf prinipt nolicc sholl nof bc given to the Compony, lhen os lo $c insured oll liobility of the Compony lhqll lcrminofe with regord lo the motler or molfers lor which prompl nolice is requircd; provided, howcvcr, lhot foilure lo nolify lhe Compony sholl in no cose prdiudice ihc rights ol ony insurcd undcr lhis policy unless lhc Compony sholl be prciudiced by the foilure ond fhen only lo lhe ext.nl of lhc Preiudice. 1. 'DEIINSE ANO PROSECUITON Of ACTIONS: DUIY OF INSUIED CTAIMANI IO COOPERAIE, (o) Upon written request by the insured ond lubjecl to lhe oPfions conloined in Section 6 ol fhese Condilions ond Stipulolions, the Compony, ol ils own co3l ond without unreosonoble deloy, sholl provide for the delense ol on insured in litiootion in which onv third oorty osserb o cloim odverse to the litle or interest os insired, but only os'lo thoie ctbred couscs of odion olleging o dcfed, lien or encumbroncc or olhrr moflrr insured ogoinrt by this policy. lhc Compony sholl hovo the right to selecl counsel of ih <hoicc (subiecl to fhe righl of ths insured lo obiect for rtosonoble courc) lo represenl lhe inlured os to thore rloted couses of oclion ond sholl not bc lioblc for ond will nol poy the fees ol ony other counsel. Tho Compony will not poy ony lees, corts o. cxpen3ei incurred by fhe insured in lhe dcfcnsc of thore rouses of oction which ollegc mollers nol insured ogoinsl by lhis policy. (b) The Compony lholl hove the right, ol ih own corl, to in3titule ond prose. cule ony ocfion or proceeding or to do ony ofier oct which in its opinion moy bc necelrorv or desiroble to csloblhh thc titb to thc cliole or inlerr!1. os inrured. or lo prevcnl or redure loss or domoge lo the insured. The Compony moy loke ony oppropriole oction under lhe terms of this policy, whether or not it sholl be lioble hcrcunder, ond sholl not thereby conccde liqbility or woive ony orovidon ol lhit poliq. lf fie Compony sholl cxcrcise its rights und'er this porogrlih, it lholl do so diligcntly. . - (c) Whenever the Compony sholl hovc brought on oclion or inlerposed o dclrntc os requited or permitted by the provitions of this policy, lhe Cornpony moy purruc ony litigotion to finol determinotion by o court of competent juisdic. lion ond. cxpresly rercrves the right, in ih sole discretion, to opireol lrom ony oovlrSc lrogment or oroer,ttl (d) In oll coser where this policy pcrmit: or requires the Compony to prorc. cute oi provide lor thc defensc ol ony oclion or procceding, lhe intutcd tholl tecure lo lhe Compony the right to ro protetule or providc delcnre in thc oction or orocecdine, ond oll oppeoh therein, ond permil tfic Compony lo u!c, ot ilt opiion, the n-ome of lhe insured lor thh purpose. Whencver re{uestcd by the Compony, the insured, ot lhe Compony's expense, sholl givc lhe Compony oll reosirnoble oid (i) in ony oction or proceeding, securing evidence, obloining vrit. nerrer, proseculing or delcnding lhe oction or procccding, or e{leding rettle. ment, ond (ii) in ony other lowful ocl which in the opinion of the Compony moy be neceglory or deliroble lo esloblish the litle lo the estotc or inleresf oc insured. lf rhe Compbny i: preiudiced by the loilure ol lhe insurcd to {urnhh the required cooperolion, tlie Compony! obligolions lo lhe incured under the policy rholl lcr. minbte. including ony liobility or obligotion to delend, prose(ule, of conlinur ony litiqolion. with regord to lhe molter or nollers requiring such tooperolion. 5. _ PROOF OF IOSS OR DAMAGE, In oddition to ond olter the noticet required under Scclion 3 of lhese Condi- tionr ond Stipulolions hove been provided the Compony, o proof of losr or dom. ooe sioned ond sworn to by lhe insured cloimont rholl be furnished to lhe Com. oinv iithin 90 doyr ofter tlie insured cloimont sholl oscertoin the focls giving rise io tlie loss or domoge. lhe proof of loss or domoge sholl describe lhe defect in, or lien or encumbronce on the lille, or othet moller insured ogointl by lhis policy which constitutes the bo:i: of loss or domoge ond sholl stote, toihe exlent Posti' ble, the bosis of colculoting lhe omounl of the los or domoge. ll the Compony h oreiudiced bv lhe loilure of thc insured cloimonl lo provide lhe required proof ol loss'or domo.qe, the Componyt obligotions lo lhe insured under lhe policy sholl ternrinote, including ony fiobiliry or;bligolion lo defcnd, Prorecule, or <onlinuc ony litigotion, with iegdrd to rhi notter or nollers requiring ruch prool ol los or domooe. lri oddition, lhe insured cloimont moy reosonobly be required lo lubmit lo erominolion unier ooth by ony outhorized represmtolive olihe Compony ond lholl oroduce lor exominoiion, 'inspeclion ond copying, ot such reosonoblc limas ond dloces os moy be designoted by ony oulhorized rePr?senlolive of lhe Com' pony, oll recordi, bookt, ledqen, checks, correspondence ond memorondo, *heiher beorinq o dote before or o{ter Dote of Policy, which reosonobly perloin lo lhe loss or dohoge. Further, il requelled by ony outhorired represenlotivc of lhe Cornpony, the insured cloimont sholl gront its permirrion, in writing, for ony oulhorizid ieoresenlotive of the Componv lo exomine, inspect ond copy oll records, booki, ledgers, checks, correspondence ond memorondo in lhe cuslody or conlrol ol o third poriy, which reosonobly pertoin to lhc loss or domoge. All informotion desionotid or confidentiol by the insured <loimont provided lo the Comoonv oursuoinl lo lhis Seclion :holl not be dhclosed to olhea unless, in thc t"otino6li iudoment of lhe Componv, il is necessory in thc odministrotion of tfie cloim. toilure ol the insured cloimonfto lubmit for exominolion undcr oolh, pro' duce olher reosonobly requesfed informolion or gronl pcrmision lo securc t?o' sonobly necersory inlormotion from third porlies ot rcquircd in lhil porogroph sholl tirminotc oirv liobilitv of the Compony undcr lhis poliq or lo lhol <lorm.6. OPIIONS IOPAY OI OIHENWFE SETITE CTAIMS; TENMINAIION OF IIABITITY, In rose ol o cloim under lhil policy, the Compony fisll hove lhe lollowing odditionol options: (o) Io Poy orlol Io lov or lcnder Povmcnl ol tha Amount of Inlurcncc. io' poy oi lendcr poym6nt o{ the omounl of inturonce under.thicio'pov oi lendcr poym6nt of lhe omounl of inluronce under thit poliq togethei with ony corls, o'ttorneys' fe*-ond expcnrcs incurred by. the inrurcd clo-imonl, which were outhodzed by lhe Compony, up lo lhe time of poymcnl or lender of poymenl ond which thc Compony is obligoled lo poy. [Joon thi exercke bv the Comoony of lhis oplion, oll liobilily ond obligoliontUpon tha exercke by the Compony option, oll liobilily ond otliqolionrUpon lha exercise by the Compony ol lhl! oPllon, oll ltobrlrly ond oDllgotronl lo the insured under thii policy, other thon lo moke lhe poyment required, sholl terminote, including ony liobility or obligotion to delend, Pto9cule, oI contin-ucterminote, including ony liobiliry or obligotion to delend, prosecule, or conlinuc ony litigotion, oni tlie polici sholl be rurrcndered io the Compony for concellotion. (b) Io Poy or Othcrwirc Seltl. Wilh Porlicl Olhcr lhon lhc Inrurcd or With-t6e lnrurid Cloimont. li) lo oov or otherwise scltle wiih olher porlies for or in fie nomc of on insured cli:imorit dny cloim insured ogoinst under lhh policy, logelher wilh ony <osls. o?lorneyr'lecj ond expenset incuncd by lhe insurcd cloimont which werc outhorized bi thc Compony up lo the line ol poymenl ond which the Compony is obliooted lo DoY; or' fiil to bov or olherwise retllc wilh lhe insurcd cloimonl lhe lols or dom' ooe ororid'ed lbr irnder this policy, logether wifh ony costr, otlorneyr'fccs ond eioenscs incurred bv the insired cloimonl which wcre outhorized by lhc Com' - Dony up to thc time bf poyment ond which the Compony k obligoled to poy.' 'Udon lhc exercise bv'lhc Componv ol either of fie options providcd lor in poroglophr (b)(i) or (ii), ihe Compony'iobligotionr.to tha insured undcr thit pol' icv lor thc cloimed loss or domoge, olher thon lhc Poymcnb requtrcd lo bo "-,g,ie, i,',sll ierm:n6ie, i;,ci,.li;9 o,ry liobility or obligotion lo defend, prosctule or conlinue onv litiootion.7. DEIENMNAil-ON, EXTENI OF UABIIIIY AND COINSUTANCE. This policy is o conhocl ol indemnity ogoinsl octuol monetory lorr or dom' ooe susloined or incurred by the insured cloimoni who hor suflered lors or dom' oie by ,eolon ol motlers iirsured ogoinsf by lhis policy ond only lo lhe exlenf hcrein dexribed. , - i\ 2, 3. 4. ORDER NO.: 90006438 DATE OF POIJICYT November AMOUNT OF INSURANCET $ 1. NAME OF INSURED: JOHN T. LOCKTON, IIT CHEDULE A POIJICY NO.3 06, 1990 at 3:49 P.M. 210,000.00 o-9 941-544963 , 'ri, ::. STEI|rAR.TTITLE CUABANTI COITPTNY. AND CHERYL A.LOCKTON WHICH IS COVERED BY THISTHE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND POLICY IS: Fee Simple TTTLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTERST IN THE I,AND IS VESTED IN: JOHN T. I.,OCKTON, III AND CHERYL A. I,OCKTON THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOI,LOWS: LOT 2, GORE CREEK PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 8, 1979 IN BOOK 289 AT PAGE 372 AS RECEPTION NO. L85772. COUNTY OF EAGIJE STATE OF COLORADO i2 CHEDUI,E PoLIcY No. : o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cLAIMs; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTTIORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO I,'IATER. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 7. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy, fire Protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy. fire protection' soil conservation or other district oi inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 9. Reservations and exceptions in Patents, or Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, including the reservation of the right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore-thel"f"o* should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as reserved in United States Patent recorded November 22, L939 in Book 123 at Page 625 10. Ten percent non-participating royalty in and to proceeds derived fiom the sale of mineraLs, of whatsoever kind and nature produced and mined from the said premises, as reserved to Gust rti"htipes and Eva J. Kiahtipes by instrument recorded November 2, 1962 in Book 166 at Page 407, and any and all assignments thereof or interests therein. 11. Terms, conditions, obligations and restrictions as contained in Protective Covenants recorded December 20, L962 Lrr Book 174 at Page 403. Continued on next Page STE\fAR.T TITLE CUAIANTY COIIPANY ATTACHED TO AND }ME A PART OF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POLICY NO. O- CONTTNUATION OF SCHEDULE B o 994 L2. Easement for construction and maintenance of gasdistribution system in roads of Bighorn Subdivision as disclosedby document recor ded August 11, 1965 in Book 190 at Page 405as Reception No. 101914 1-3. Utility and drainage easements as shown and reserved on theplat of Bighorn Subdivision as disclosed by document recordedAugust lL, 1965 in Book 190 at Page 405 as Reception No. 101914.Note: Vacation of certain of t.hese easements are shown on thefollowing instruments recorded: April 30, L979 in Book 284 at Page 797 as Reception No. LBL202; in Book 284 at Page 798 asReception No. 18L203; recorded August 8, L979 in Book 289 at Page 374 as Reception No. 185774 and in Book 289 aL Page 375 asReception No. 185775 and in Book 289 at Page 373 as ReceptionNo. L85773. L4. Easement granted to Western Slope Gas Co, recorded December9, L965 in Book 187 at Page 473 as Reception No . L02707. 15. Easernents granted to Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict, recorded August 29, L979 in book 290 at Page 332 asReception No. 186731 and September 4, L979 in Book 298 at Page 509 as Reception No. 186908. 16. Easements, restrictions and rights-of-r,\,ays as shown on thePlat of Gore Creek Park, recorded August 8, 1979 in Book 289 at Page 372 as Reception No. L85772. L-544963 STE\vAR.T TITLE CUANANTY COITPANY a CONOITIONS AND STIPULATIONS Continued lcontinued and concluded from reverse side of Policy Facel . (o) Thc liobility of the Compony under this policy sholl not excecd the leort ol: (i) lhe Amount of Insuron(e iloted in Schedule A; or, (ii) the dilfercnce betwcen the volue of lhe inrured eltote or intereu o! insurcd ond the volue of fhe insured ellole or interert subicct to the deled, lien or lncumbronce inlured ogoinsl by lhir policy, (b) In thc evcnt thc Amounl ol Insurome sloled in Schedulc A ot the Dotc ol Poliq ir lcsl thon 80 percenl ol fhc volue of lhe inlured eltote or infer$t or fie lull considcrotion poid lor the lond, whichcver is lass, or if subscquent fo the Dolc of Policy on improvcment is ere<led on lhe lond which increo:er the volue ol the incurcd cslofe or inleresl by ol lcost 20 perccnt ovcr lhe Amounl ol Insuronce rtolcd in &hcdule A, then fiis Policy ir subiecl lo the lollowing: (i) whcre no subsequcnl improvcrnenl hos been mode, os to ony por. tiol loll, thc Compony tholl only poy tha loss pro rolo in thc prcportion thof the onounl ol insuronce ol Dole ol Policy beors lo lhe lolol volue of lhe inlureo ctlolc or intereil ot Dote of Poliry; or (ii) wherc o subsequent inprovemenl hor been mode, os to ony portiol lon, the Compony:holl only poy the lors pro roto in the proportion ihit 120 pcrccnt of lhe Amounl of Insuronce lfoted in Schedulc A beors to lhc sum ol the Amount ol lnsuronce sfoled in Schedule A ond the omounl exoendcd for lhe improvemenf. expcnser for which ihe Compony h lioblc under to lhol oorlion of onv lors which cxcecds, in thto'lhol portion of ony los.which cxcecds, in lhc oggregotc, l0 perceni Ihe provisions of this porogroph sholl nol opply fo rosls, otlorneyr'fee: ond nses for which the Compony h lioblc under this policy, ond sholl only opplyond sholl only opply c. l0 oercent o[ the prior writlcn conscnt of lhe Compc iO. REDUCITON OT INSUNANCE ony. E: Rl: REDUCIION OR rEnmlNAIlON Amount of lnsuronce stolcd in Schedule A. (c) The Compony will poy only lho:c corh, ollornep' fcer ond erpenses incurrcd in occordonce wifh Seclion ,l of these Conditionl ond Slioulolions.8. APPONIrcNMENT. l{ thc lond described in Schcdule A consisfi of hro or morc porcclr which ore not ured or o ringle silc, ond o loss is estoblhhcd olfccling one or more of fic porccls but not oll, lhe los sholl be compuled ond settlcd on d pro roto bosis os i{ fic omounl of insuroncc under lhis policy wos divided pro roto os to lhe volue on Dote ol Policy of eoch seporole porcel lo lhc whole, exclusive of ony improvemcnts modc subsequent to Dotc ol Policy, unles o liobility or voluc hos olhcruise been ogrced upon or lo eoch porrel by the Compony ond thc inrurcd ot lhe tirnc o{ the irsuonce ol lhis policy ond shown by on exprus slotcment or by on cndorremenl onochcd to lhis policy.9. uM|lAltoN 0F UABIUTY. (o) ll lhe Compony cstobli rc: thc litle, or rcmoves lhe olleged defea, lian or cncumbronce, or cures lhe locl of o right of ocresr lo or from lhc lond, or curcl the cloim of unmorkefobility ol title, oll os insured, io o rcosonobly diligenl monner by ony melhod, including liligotion ond the complelion ol ony oppeok fherclrom, il sholl hove lully pedormed its obligolions with respecl lo lhol mqller ond sholl nol bc lioblc for ony loss or domoge couscd lhercby, (b) In lhc evcnt ol ony litigotion, including litigotion by lhe Compony or with the Componyt consenl, lhe Compony sholl hovc no liobility lor los or domoge' unlil lhere hor bccn o finol dcterminolion by o courl ol competent iuridiclion, ond dkposition of oll oppcoll lhcrefrom. odvcrse lo thc lille or insurcd. (c) Thc Compony sholl not bc lioblc lor losr or domogc lo ony inrured for liobilily voluntorily ossumed by thc insurcd in settling ony cloim or suil wilhoul $e I3. SUBIOGAT|oN UPON PAYM€NT OR S:IIIEM:NI. (o) lhc Compony'r Right of Subrogotion. Whcnever the Compony rholl hovc retlled ond poid o cloin undcr thir pol- icy, oll right of iubrogotion sholl vesf in lhe Compony unoflcctcd by ony oct of lhe insured cloimont. The Compony shqll be rubrogoted lo ond bc enfitled to oll dghlt ond reme- dies which lhe insirrcd cloimont would hovc hod ogoin onl pcrron or propetly in respecl lo the cloim hod thk oolicy nol becn hsucd, lf requested by the Com- pony, the inrured cloimont rholl lron!lcr lo lhc Compony oll righk ond rcmadic: igoinsl ony person or property nece:sory in order lo pcrfcct thi: right of subro- oolion. Thc insurcd cloimont sholl oarmit lhc Compony lo rue, conpromi:c or iettle in the nome ol fhe insured cioimont ond lo u3o ihc nome of lhe insured cloimonl in ony lronsoclion or litigofion involving therc rights or remedies. ll o poyricnt on occounl ol o cloim does not fully covcr lhe loss ol lhe insured cliinionl, the Compony rholl bc subrogoted to fhese right ond remedies in lhe proporlion which the Compony'r poymenl beor fo thc wholc omounl of the losl. lf los should rault lrom ony ocl of the insured cloimonl, ot sfoled obovc, thot oct sholl not void thir poliiy, but $e Compony, in fiot evenf, fioll be required to poy only thol poit o{ bny losrel insurid ogoinst by lhis policy which shdll crceed the omounl, il ony, losl lo lhe Compony by reoon of lhe impoir- ment by the insured cloimonl of lhe Compony! right of tubrogotion. (bi lhc Componyt lighlr Agoirtl Non-inrurrd Obligorr. The Componyt right ol subrogotion ogoinsl non.insured obligors sholl crist ond sholl includc, wilhoul limilotion, the ghk oI the inlurcd fo indemnilies, guo- rontier, othcr poliries of insuronic or bonds, notwilhsfonding ony lerms or condi- lions conloined in lhosc inslrumenfs which provide for subrogolion rights by reo- lon of lhh policy. 11. An$InAItoN Unlesl prohibited by opplicoble low, cither lhc Compony or thc inrured moy damond orbitrolion DUrsuonl lo the Jille lnsuronce Arbilrolion Rulcl of lhe Amcri- <on Arbitrolion Asrociotion. Arbitroble motlers moy include, but ore nol limiled lo, ony (onlroversy or cloim betwcen lhe Compony ond the intured oriring oul of or reloting lo this policy, ony servicc ol the Compony in <onneclion wilh ils issu. onre or llie breoch ol c policy provilion or olher oUigotion. All orbilroble mot. ters when the Amount of lnsurince h $1,000,000 or lert sholl bc orbitroted ol the option o[ either the Compony or the insured, All orbitrobla moflcrr whcn lhc Ahounl ol Inruronce is in exies of $1,000,000 rholl be orbitroted only whcn ooreed to bv boih thc Compony ond lhe insured. Arbitrotion punuonl to thit p6l;q ond uirder tha Ruler.iir c{fect on.lhc dote lhc-demond fbr orbitrotion is hodi or, ot the option ol the insured, lhe Rulcl in eflccf ot Dolc of Policy sholl be bindino uoon lhe oorlies. The oword mov includc otlorncvr' leer onlv if lhebe binding upon the porties. Ihe oword moy indudc otlorneyr'leer only lows ol the slole in which the lond is locoted pcrmil o courl lo oword oltcthe lond is locoted pcrmil o courl lo oword ofiorncy/ of uABtlllY. All poyments undcr lhis policy, cxcept poyments mode lor coslr, oltorneys' fccl ond oxpensg. rholl rcducc lhe omounl ol lhc in:uroncc aro tonlo. I l. uAErulY NONCUMUT.AilVE. It is crpressly underslood lhot lho omounl of insuroncc under this policy rholl be reduced by ony omount lhe Compony moy poy under ony poliry insudng o mortgoge lo which exceplion is token in Schedule B or lo which fhe insured hol ogreed, orsumed, or lokcn subiecl, or which is hereofter erecuted by on inlured ond which is o chorge or lien on lhe eslote or inlerest described or relerred to in Schedule A, ond lhe omouni so poid sholl be dcemed o poymenl undcr thil policy lo lhe intured owner. 12. PAYMENI Ot IOSS. (o) No poymcnt lhqll be mode wilhout producing this policy for endonc- mcnl ol thc poymcnt unlc:s thc policy hor bccn losl or deskoyed, in which cosc prool of loss or d:struclion rholl be furnhhed lo lhe soti:loction ol thc Compony. (bl When liobiliry ond lhc cxtenl ol lors or domogc hos been delinitcly {ircd in occordonce with thcsc Condilions ond Stipulotions, fhe lots or domoge sholl be poyoblc within 30 doys lhercollcr. lccs to o prevoiling poriy. Judgmenl upon lhi oword rendercd by the Arbitro. to(s) moy be entered in ony court hoving iurisdiction thercol. The low o{ lha ritul ol the lond rholl opply lo on orbiholion undcr thc fitle lnsuroncc Arbitrotion Ruler, A coov of lhc Rule: noy bc obtoined from the Compony upon fcqu$i. I5. IIABI(ITY UMTTED IO IHIS POI,ICY: POTICY ENIIRE CONTTAO: (o) lhis policy logclher wilh oll cndorsemenls, if ony, ottochcd hercto by lhc Compony is lhL eniirc policy ond <ontrocl bclwecn th: inrurcd ond lhc Com' pony.ln inieipreting ony iroviiion of lhir policy. thil policy sholl bc construed os o whole. [b) Any doim of lost or dcmogc, whelhcr or nol boscd on ncAligence, ond whicli drkciout ol the ilolus of fhc iitl. lo lhr r3lolc or intlrcrl covcrcd hcrcby or by ony oction osrrlino tuch cloim, sholl be reslrictcd to lhh policy.' (i) No omcndmcnt ol or endorscnenl to this policy con be modc excepl by(i) No omcndmcnt ol or endorscnenl lo this policy con ling cndorred hercon or oflochcd herelo rigncd by cilo writiig cndorred hercon or oflochcd herelo rigncd by cifher.thc Presido.nt, o Vice Preiidenl, lhe Ser;etory, on Asrittonl Secrelory, ot volidoting olficer or oulhorized dgnolory ol the 16. sEvEnAdulY. ryr on A3 Cornpony. STE\ryAR.T TITLE allt a R a rtTv atli.lt. {w In tho evenl ony provision of thc policy h hcld inYqlid or uncnforccoblc under opplicoble low, thc'pblky $oll be dicrndd nol to include thol provirion ond oll other orovisions rholl ronoin in full fotcc ond cffect. I7. NOIICES. WHERE SENI. All nolices raquircd lo be given thc Compony ond ony lfolcmcnf in wriling' required to be furiishcd the Compony rhollinclude thc numbcr ol thir policy ond shofl bc oddrersed to thc Compony of P,O. 8or 2029, Hourton, Terct 77252. 18. Ihe premium specilied in Schddulc A i: thc enlire thorgc for occcploncc ol rirk, lt iniluder <hoiger {or fillc reorch ond crominofion il tome is cudomory or rcquircci io be rhown in lhe stole in which thc policy h isucd. ^:'i ili:-'i"cY - 'o/21/87 o POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE\VAFTT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Pollcy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding th€ Amount ot Insurance slated In Schedul€ A, suslalned or incurred by the Insured by reason of: L Titl€ to the estate or Inleresl described In Schedule A being vested other than as stated th€reln; 2. Any defecl in or lien or encumbrance on the litle; g. Unmarkelabltity ot the ti e; 4. Lack ol a rlght of access to and from the land. The Company wlll also pay lhe costs, attorn€ys'{ees and expenses Incurred In defanse of the lltle, as Insured, but only to the extent provided In the Conditions and Stlpulallons. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewarl Title Guaranty Company has caused thls policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized oflicers as of the Date ol Policy shown in Schedule A. f".lt"* 7q"*" s'rE"wASIS:3t t fu President City, Sr€re EXCTUSIONS FROT COVERAGE The follorving malters are expressly excluded from the co/erage ol thls pollcy and ths Company will not pay loss or damage, cosls, altornoys' fses or exp€nses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulatlon (lncluding bul not llmitod to bulldlng and zoning laws, ordlnances, or regulallons) testrlctlng, rogulating, prohiblting or relatlng to (i) the occupancy, use, or enioyment ol the land; (li) ths character, dimensions or locallon ot atry irptorrement nolv or hereafter erected on the land; (lli) a s€parallon In ownershlp or a change In the dimenslons or er6a ol lhe lend or any palcel of whlch the land ls or was a pan: or (iv) envkonmental protection, or the effecl ol any violatlon ot these laws, ordlnances or governmental regulatlons, oxcepl to the extent that a notice ol the snforcement thereot or a notlce of a d6fect. lien or encumbrance resulting tiom a vlolation or alleged violallon aftecling lhe land has beon recorded in lhe public records al Dale ol Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that 6 notlce of lhe axorclse thereol or a notlce of a defscl, lien o. encumbranca resulting lrom a violatlon or alleged violation affectirE the land has b€en recordod in the public tecods at oate ot Policy. 2. Rights ol gminenldomain unless notlcs of the exercise thereol has been recorded in ths publlc records at Dat6 of Pollcy, but not excluding ftom covaragg any taking whlch has occurred prior to Date of Policy whlch would be blnding on ths rights of a purchasEr fol value without knowledge. 3. oetects, lisns, encumbrances, adv6rs6 claims or othar matlers: (a) creatod, sutf€red, assumed or agresd to by the lnsursd claimant; (b) not known to the Comparry, not recorded In the publlc records at Oat€ ol Pollcy, but known lo the Insur€d claimanl and not dlscl66d In wriling to tho Cornpany by the insured claimant prior to the dato the Insured clalmant becamo an Inspred under lhis policy; (c) resultlng in no loss or damage to the Insured clalmanl; (d) altachlng o. cfeated subgequont to Dalo of Policy; or ie) ;asuiting ln loss or damage whlch would not have b€en suslained ll the Insured claimant had pald value lor lh€ eslato or lnlo.gst Insutod by this pollcy. Chairman of the Board 001 (Rcv. l0/21,r87) r. oEFtNmoN 0F rEnMs. Ihe following lerms when uced in thi! policy meon: (o) "in:ured": the insured nomed in Schedule A, ond, lublect to ony righh or defenrer fhe Compony would hove hod ogoinrt the nomed insured, fhose who rucceed fo the inlerest ol lhe nomed insurcd by operotion ol low os dhtinguhhed fuom purchole including, but not.limited to, hehs, diltributeel, devisees, iurvivors, parsonol represenlolive:, nerl of kin, or <orporole or liduciory ruccersors. lb) "in:ured rloimont": on insurcd cloinino lo:s or domooe. icj "kno*led9e" or "known": octuol kno'riedge, nol (onsiru(live knowledge or notice whirh moy be imputed to on insured by reoson of the public re<ords ol dcfined in lhh policy or ony olher rccords which impor! construclive nolice of motten olfectini lha lond. (d) "lond": thc lond described or refcrred lo in Schedule A, ond improve. mcnh offired lherefo which by lor,.l constitulc rcol property. Ihc tcrn "lond" doc: not include ony prope.ty bclond thc liner of the oreo described or refer.ed to in Schedule A, nor ony right, title, inleresl, ertole or eoremenl in obutting llreeh, roodt, ovenue3, olleys, lones, woys or wolerwoF, but nolhing herein sholl modily or limil the ertent lo which o right of o<<ert lo ond lron the lond is in:urod by thil policy. (e) 'rmorlgoge": mortgogc, deed of lrusl, husl deed, or ofher securily inilrunent. (f) "public recordf': rerord: estoblirhed undcr stole ilolules ol Dole of Pol. ky loi the purpose of imporling conslrudive notice of motlers reloling lo reol pioperty to purchosers for volue ond wilhout knowledge. With resped to Section l(o)(iv) of the Erclurions From Covcroge, "public records" :holl oko include environmentol oroteclion liens filed in lhe records of the clerk of the Uniled Sloles district courl for lhe dirkicl in which thc lond is locoted. (g) "unmorketobilily of the title": on olleged or opporent motler olfecting the title to the lond, nol excluded or excepted lrom coveroge, which would enlitlc o ourchoser of lhe cslole or inleresl described in Schedule A to be relessed lrom thi obligofion to purchose by virtue ol o conlro(luol condilion rcquiring lhe delivery ol morkcloble title.2, CONTNUATION OF INSUNANCE AflEN CONVEYANCE OF IIII.E. Ihe covcroge o[ thir policy sholl conlinuc in lorcc os of Dofc ol Policy in fovor o{ on inrured only so long os lhe insured rcloins on ctlofe or interert in lhe lond, or holds on indcbtedncll secured by o purchose money mortgoge given by o purchorcr from lhe insured, or only ro long os lhe insurcd sholl hove liobilily by rebrcn ol covcnonls ol woronly modc by lhe insured in ony lronsfcr or convcy' oncc ol fhc cltole or inlere!|. lhk policy sholl nol continuc in forcc in fovor of ony purchoser from the insured of eilhcr (i) on .3lole or inlcresl in lhc lond, or (ii) on'indebledncss secured by o purchose money morlgogc Aiven to the insurcd.3. NOrrcE OF ClAlll rO 8E GIVEN 8Y INSUnED CIAIMANI. The insured rholl notify lhe Compony promplly in wriling (i) in core of ony liligotion or sel forth in Sedion 1(o) bclow, (ii) in core knowledgc:holl comc to on insured hcreunder ol onv cloim ol lide or inletcrl which is odversc to lhe tille lo the esfote or inlcre!|, or'insured, ond which might couse loss or domoge for which the Compony moy be lioble by virlue of lhir poliq, or (iii) if lille to lhe estote or intereit, tis insured, is reieclid os unmorkeloble. ll prompl notice sholl nol be given to lhe Compony, lhen os lo lhe insured oll liobility of thc Compony sholl terminole with regord to lhe moll.r or noller! for which prompt notice is requircd; provided, however, lhol loilure to nolify the Compony sholl in no cosc priiudicc ihc rightl ol ony inrured undcr lhir policy unlers the Compony sholl be prciudiced by the foilure ond ihen only lo lhc exlcnt of thc preiudice.1. DEFENSE AND PROSECUIION 0F A€I|ONS: DUIY 0F INSUIED CIAIMANI TO COOPERAIE. (o) Upon writtcn requeit by ihe inlured ond lubicct to fhe options conloined in Scoion 6 ol thcsc Condilions ond Slipulolions, the Compony, ol its own cosl ond wilhout unreosonoble delov, sholl orovide for the delcnse of on insured in litigotion in which ony third porti osserti o cloim odvene to the litle or inlcrest os insured, bul only os to those lloled couses of oction olleging o defecl, lien or cncumbronce or olhcr motler inrurad ogoinst by thir policy. Thc Compony lholl hovc lhe right to sclect counscl of ils choicc (subjcct to the righl o[ the insurcd lo obiect for reosonoble cousc) lo reprelcnl lhe insured os lo lhose stoled couses of oclion ond rholl not bc lioble for ond will nol poy lhe lees ol ony olher counscl. Ihc Compony will not poy ony fe*, rosls or expenie3 incuned by thc insurcd in lhe dolcnre ol lhosc couces of oction which ollegc motlers not insurcd ogoinll by fhh policy. (b) Ihc Compony rholl hove the right, ol ili own coil, to inslitule ond prose. cule ony qclion or procceding or lo do ony othcr oct which in its opinion moy bc ncccssory or desiroblc to estoblish th! tilla to thc ?3tole 01 intercsl, os insurcd, or lo pr€venf or reducc loss or domoge to the inlured. The Compony moy loke ony oppropriote oction under thc terms of this policy, whether or not ii sholl be lioble hcreunder, ond sholl not lhereby conrede liobility or woive ony provision of this po-licy. I thc Compony sholl ererihe ih rights under this porogriih, ir sholl do so diligently. . . (c) Whenevcr the Compony sholl hove brought on oction or interposed o dclcnse or requircd or permitted by lhe provisions of this policv, the Comoony lnoy pulsuc ony liligotion to linsl determinotion by o courl of colipetent iurildic'.tior ond.crpresly relervel the righl, in its sole dirrelion, to oppeol lrom ony oovlrSc luogment 0r o,d€r. ofr (d) In oll co:el where this policy permits or requir* lhe Compony lo pro3e. cute oi provide lor the delense ol ony oction ot proceeding, thc insured sholl iecure lo the Compony lhe righl to:o pro:ccute or provide defcnsa in thc oclion or procecding, ond oll oppeoh lhercin, ond permil fre Compony lo u!c, ol il! opiion, the nome of lhe inrured for lhis purpo3e. Whenever requelted by the Compony, the insured, ot lhe Compo ny!. ex penre, sholl give the Compony oll reosonoble oid (i) in ony oclion or proceeding, secuting evidencc, obloining wit nesse:, proseculing or de{cnding the o(lion or procecding, or eflecting settle. ment, ond (ii) in ony olher low{ul ocl which in lhe opinion of lhe Cornpony noy be nccessory or desiroble lo esloblish the lille lo lhe estolc or inleresl os inrured. ll the Compiny il preiudircd by the loilure of the inlurcd to furnirh the rcquired cooperotion, the Compony! obligolionr to lhc insured under the policy rho'll ter. minotc, including ony liobility or obligolion lo delcnd, protccul?, or conlinuc ony litigotion, with regord lo the motler or motlers requiring ruch (ooperolion 5, PROOF OF IOSS OR DAMAGE. In oddition lo ond qfter lhe noficer required under Seclion 3 ol lhese Condi- tion: ond Stipulotions hove been pro"ided ihe Compony, o prool ol losr or dom. ooe sioned ond sworn to by the inlurcd cloinont lholl be lurnishcd lo lhc Com. pinv iithin 90 doys olter ilie insured cloimont sholl olcerloin lhe loch giving rise io tlie losl or domoge. Ihe proof of loss or domogc sholl detcribe the dclecl in, or lien or encumbronce on the titb, or ofhei motler insured ogoinrt by lhis policy whi(h constitules fhe boris ol loss or domoge ond rholl rtotc, iolh€ exlcnt Possi' ble, the bosis ol coltuloting fhe omounl ol lhe los or domoge. lf the Compony is preiudiced by the loilure ol the insurcd cloimont lo provide lhe required proof of los or domoge, the Componyt obligotions to the intured under the policy rholl terminole, including ony liobility or obligorion to delend, Prosrcule, or tonlinue ony litigotion, wilh regord lo lhe moller or molleri requiring 3uch Ptoot ol losi or oomooe. In- oddition, lhe insured cloimonl moy reosonobly be requircd lo lubmil lo exominotion under ooth by ony outhorizcd represenlotiYe ol lhe Compony ond :holl oroduce for exominoiion, inspeclion ond <opying, ot such reosonoble limes ond iloces os moy be designoted by ony oulhorized representolive ol lhc Com- pony, oll ,ecordi, books, -ledgerr,-cheiks, correspondence ond memorondo, wheiher beorino o dole bc{ore or ofter Dofe of Policy, which reosonobly perloin to lhe loss or ddmoge. Furlher, if requested by ony outhorizcd reptescnlolive of lhe Compony, lhe insured tloimonl sholl gront its permission, in writing, lor ony oulhorizid iepresentotive o[ thc Compony lo exomine, intpect ond <opy oll records, booki, ledqerc, chccks, correspondence ond mcmorondo in thc cuslody or control ol o third porty, *hich reosbnobly perloin to lhc lols or domoge All informotion desionotld ds confidcntiol by thi insurod cloimonl provided lo the Comoony ounuJnl to lhis Seclion lholl nbt be discloled to olheis unlesl, in the reosino5ld iudoment ol lhe Componv, il is necessory in the odminitlrqtion of lhe cloim, Foilure oi the inlured cloinront'lo rubm lor erominolion under oolh, pro' duce other reoronobly requesled inlormotion or gronl permission lo secutc reo' sonobly necessory infbrmojion from third porlies os rcquired in thir porogroph sholl terminotc oiv liobilitv of the Compony under lhk policy os lo thol clorm. 5. OPIIONS IOPAY O{ OTHERIYIST SF.TTE CIAIMS; IENMINATION OF UABIUN'. In cose of o cloim under thh policy, fhc Compony:holl hovc thc following oddilionol oplions: lo) To Pov or(o) To Fov or lcndcr Povmcnt o{ lhc Amount of In:uroncc. id poy oi lender poymint oI lhe omounl of inruroncc under.thirid oov oi lcnder oovmint of lhe omounl of inruroncc under thir policy tooelhar wlth ony cosh, oltorneys'fecs ond erpcnr* incurred by fic insurcd do-imont, which iere qulhorized'by lhe Compony, up to lhe time of poymenl or tender ol poymenl ond which lhc Compony is obligoted to poy' cliimonf, which were oulhorized by lhe Compony, up lo lhe time of poymenl or tender ol poymenl ond which lhc Compony is obligoted- to po.y'rr ol poymenl ond which lhc Compony ts obllgoled to poy' Upon thi exercise by th,e Compony.ol this option,,ollliobilily:q+q"l$Uoon lhe erercii? by the Lompony ol lhll opllon, oll lloolllly ond oollgoxonl to the inrured under thh'policy, other thon lo moke lhc poymenl requircd, sholl terminole, including ony [iobility or obligolion to defend, prosecute, or conlinueterminole, including ony liobiliry or obligolion to defend, Prosecute, or <onlinue ony litigolion, ond rlic polic! sholl be lunendercd io the Compony for (oncellolion. (b) To Pov or Olh€twitr Sctlle Wilh Porlies Olhcr lhon fic lnrurcd or With'tfre lnsurid Cloimont. (i) lo oov or otherwise tctlle with other porlier for or in lhe nomc of on insured diimorit dny cloim insured ogoinrt undei lhir policy, logelher wilh ony cosh. ollornev3'leei ond erpenscl incurred by lhc insured cloimonl which were outhorized bi the Compony up lo the limc ol poymenf ond which the Conpony is obliooled lo ooY; of- (iil to bov or olherwire setlle wilh lhe insured cloimonl lhe lolt or dom' oo" pro"idLd lir i,nder thk policy, logelhcr wilh ony coslt, oltorneys'lces ond exoenscs incurrcd bv the insurcd doimont which wero oulhorized by thc Com' . pony up to the time bl poymenl ond which the Compony is obligoted lo poy.' 'Uion lhe crercise bv thc Componv ol either of lhe opfionl providcd lor in porogiophs (b)(i) or (ii), rhc Componyi obligolions.to lhe insurcd under lhis pol' icy for lhe doimcd loss or domoge, olhet lhon lhr Poymenh requrrld lo be n!J;, ;,t,:ll ierminsie, i;tl"Ji;g ony liobility ot obligotion lo defend, proiccule or conlinue ony liligotion.7. DEIERMINAIION, EXTENI OF UASII.IIY AND COINSURANCE. This policy is o cookocf of indemniiy ogoinsl ocluol monelory lo!5 or dom' ooe rultoined or incurred by thc insured cloimonl who hos suffered loss or dom' oie by reoson of motierr iirsured ogoinll by thi: policy ond only to lhe cxlenf hercin delcribed. , . \CHEDULE oRDER NO.: 90006438 POLICY DATE OF POLICY: November 06, 1990 at 3:49 p.M. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: S 210,000.00 1, NAME OF INSURED: JOHN T. LOCKTON, III AND CHERYL A. LOCKTON 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND II'HICH IS POLICY IS: Fee Simple o S o No. r o-9941-544963 COVERED BY THIS 3. 4. TTTI,E TO THE ESTATE OR INTERST IN THE I,AND TS VESTED IN! JOHN T. LOCKTON, III AND CHERYL A. LOCKTON THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOIII'OWS: LOT 2, GORE EREEK PARK, ACCORDING TO TTIE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 8, 1979 IN BOOK289 AT PAGE 372 AS RECEPTION NO. L85772. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO - ...'t ' ::l r,iSTE\'|,ART TITLE GUARANTI COIIEANV. \oCIIEDULE B PoLrcY No. : o-994L-544963 THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST I,OSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF! 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBI,IC RECORDS 2. .EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOgIN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFI,TCTS IN BOUNDARY I,INES' SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY FACTS 9'HICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREITIISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBT-,IC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED' IMPOSED BY IJA[', AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIE RECORDS. 5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIoNS IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RTGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 7. The effect of inclusions in any general or sPecific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district oi inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or sPecific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. g. Reservations and exceptions in Patents, or Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, inc.Iuding the reservation of the right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore Lheiefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises, as reserved in United States Patent recorded November 22, L939 in Book L23 at Page 625 10. Ten percent non-participating royalty in and to proceeds derived from the sale of minerals, of whatsoever kind and nature produced and mined from the said premises, as reserved to Gust kiahuip"= and Eva J. Kiahtipes by-instrument recorded November 2, L962 in Book 166 at Page 407, and any and aII assignments thereof or interests therein. 11. Terms, conditions, obligations and restrictions as contained in Protective Covenants recorded December 20 ' L962 in Book 174 at Page 403. Continued on next Page STE\^/AR.T TITLE GUANANTY COMPANf O"O"N'O TO AND }ilE A PART OF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POLICY NO. O- CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B o 994 1-544963 STE\^rAf,IT TITLE CUAf,ANTT COXPANY L2. Easement for construction and maintenance of gasdistribution system in roads of Bighorn subdiiision as disclosedby document recor ded August 11, 1965 in Book 190 at page 405as Reception No. 101914 13. Utility and drainage easements as shown and reserved on theplat of Bighorn Subdivision as disclosed by document recordedAugust 11, 1965 in Book 190 at page 405 as Reception No. 101914.Note: Vacation of certain of these easements arl shown on thefollowing instruments recorded: April 30, L97g in Book 284 at Page 797 as Reception No. LAL202; in Book 284 aL page 798 asReception No. 181203; recorded August 8, L979 in Book 289 at Page 374 as Reception No. L85774 ind in Book 289 at Page 375 asReception No. 185775 and in Book 289 at page 373 as ReceptionNo. L85773. 14. Easement granted to Western Slope Gas Co, recorded December9, 1965 in Book 187 at Page 473 as Reception No. LO27O7. 15. Easements granted to Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict' recorded August 29, L979 in book 290 at Page 332 asReception No. 186731 and September 4, L979 in Book 298 at Page509 as Reception No. 186908. 16. Easements, restrictiong and rights-of-rdays as shown on thePlat of Gore Creek Park, recorded August 8t L979 in Book 289 at Page 372 as Reception No. L85772. . (o) The liobility of the Compony under this policy sholl nol crceed rhe leost ol: (i) lhe Amount o{ Insuronce stoted in Schedule A; or, (ii) the dilfercnre belwcen the volue of lhe inrurcd c{ol€ or interesl os inlurcd ond lhe volue o[ the insurcd crtotc or intere:t subicct to the defect, lien or encumbronce insured ogoinst by thh policy. (bl In thc lvent the Amount of In:uroncc stoted in Schedule A of $e Dote of Policy il lcs thon 80 pcrccnt of the volue of thc inlurcd etote or interest or the full consid*olion poid for the lond, whichcver is less, or il lubsequent fo the Dote of Policy on improvemenl ir ercctcd on ihe lond which incrcoses the volue of the insured *tolc or inleresl by ot lcotl 20 percenl ovcr the Amounl ol Inruronce :lolcd in Schedule A, lhen thk Policy is rubiecr to rhc following: (i) where no rubsequent improvement hos becn mode, oi lo ony por. liol losr, thc Compony lholl only poy the lors pro rolo in the proportion thot the omounl ol inruronce ol Dote ol Policy beor lo lhe totol voluc of the insured c{ofr or int?reil ol Dote of Policy; or ' (ii) whcrc o sublequcnl improvcmenf hor becn mode, or to ony portiol lo:r, thc timpony sholl only poy thc lor: pro rolo in thc proponion ihbr 120 pcrccnt of fhc Amounl o[ Insuroncc stoted in Schedulc A beors lo lha sum of fhe Amounf of Insuronce stoled in Schedula A ond thc omount cxoended for lhe improvemcnf, Ihc provkions of lhis porogroph sholl not opply to corlr, otlorneys' lce: ond crpcnscs lor which the Compony ir lioblc under thk policy, ond sholl only opply to thol porlion ol ony loss which crrceds, in ih? oggregotc, l0 percent ol the Amount of Inturonce stoled in Schedule A. (c) The Compony will poy only lho3e coifs, ollorncys' lccr ond expenser incurrcd in occordonce wilh Scclion 4 o{ lhcse Condition: ond Stipulotions.8. APFONIbNMEN'. lf the lond described in Scheduls A consists of two or more oorceh which ore nol uscd os o ringb sile, ond o lors k estoblished olfecting one or morc of lhc porccls but not oll, the loss Iholl be cornputed ond settlcd on d pro rolo bosrs os if thc omount of insuronce under thir polity wor divided pro .olo or lo lhe votu€ on Dotc of Policy of eoch seporole porcel lo the whole, exclulive of ony improvementr modc subsequcnl lo Dole ol Poliq, unlels o liobility or volue hor othcrwise been ogreed upon os to coch porcel by lhe Compony ond lhe insured ot lhc timc o{ lhe isruonce of thir policy ond shown by on expreti 3lotemenl or by on gndonemant otto(hed to lhis oolicy.9. ilMtniloN 0F uABilrY, ' (o) lf thc Compony e:loblhh* th6 tille, or removes lhc olleged defecl, lirn or cncumbronce, or rurer lhc lock of o right ol occcss to or from the lond, or cures thc doim ol unmorkctobility o{ titlc, oll o: insured, in o rcoronobly diligcnt monner by ony method, including liligotion ond the completion of ony oppeolr thercfrom, it sholl hove fully performcd it: obligofionl with respecl lo fhol motler ond sholl not bc lioblc for ony lors or domoge couscd lhcrcby. (b) In the cvent of ony litigotion, induding litigotion by lhe Compony or with the Componyt conrenf, the Compony:holl hove no liobility lor losr or domoge unlil there hos been o finol delcrminotion by o tourf of compctcnf iuridiclion, ond disposition of oll oppeolr fhcre{rom, odvene fo lhe tillc os insured. (c) Ihe Compony sholl not be lioblc for loss or domoge lo ony insured for liobility voluntorily ossumcd by the insured in setlling ony cloim or luil without the orior writfen con:ent ol the Comoony. i0. rEDUciloN oF |NSURANCE: lEDUcItoN oR rEnMtilAiloN oF uAErurY. All poymenh under thir policy, ercepl poymenh modr for rosfr, otlorneys' hes ond cxpenser, sholl reduce the omounl of thc insuroncc pro lonlo. r l. r.rABrulY NoNcuMutAilvE, It ir erpressly underslood lhot lhe omount of insuronce under lhir policy rholl bc rcduced by ony omounl lhe Compony moy poy under ony poliry insuring o modgogc to which exceplion is tolen in Schedule I or lo which the insured hor ogrced, ossumed, or loken subiect, or whirh is hereofter erecutcd by on inlured ond whith is o chorge or lien on lhe eilote or interesf described or relcncd to in Schedule A, ond fhc omount rc poid rholl be dcemed o poym€nl under thh poliq lo lhe insured owncr. r2. PAYI{ENI Or r0S5. (o) No poyment sholl bc moda wifhouf producing lhir policy lor endorsc- mcnl ol lhe poymcnt unlcsr lhc policy hos been lost or dcshoyed. in which cosc proof of lorr or de:truclion sholl br furnishcd to thc solilfoction o{ the Compqny.' (b) Whcn liobility ond thc ernnt ol losr or domogc hos been definitely lired in occordonce with lhe:c Conditionr ond Stipulotionr, thc loss or domogc sholl bc poyoble within 30 doyr lhercofter. CONDITIONS ANO STIPULATIONS Conrinued lcontinued and concluded from reverse side of Policy Facel by ony oction oscrfing such <loim, lholl bc rcshiaed.to thil 13. SUBIOGATION UPON PAYI{ENI On SEIllErtENl. (o) lhr Compony'r lighl ol Suhogotion. Whenever lhe Compony sholl hove retlled ond poid o cloim undcr this pol- icy, oll righl of iubrogolion sholl vesl in lhe Compony unoffected by ony oct ol lhe insured cloimonl. The Compony sholl bc rubrogorcd lo ond bc entilled to oll rights ond rcmc- dies whkh thc inrurcd doimont would hovc hod ogoinsl ony person or property in reipecl lo the <loim hod thil oolicy not been irsucd. lf rcqucltcd by lhe Com- pony, the insured cloimont sholl lronsfcr lo the Compony oll righh ond rcmcdies ogoinst ony person or property necessory in order to pe.fed thir right of:ubro- oofion. The insurcd cloirnont sholl oernil lhe Comoony lo sue, comoromirc or iettle in the nomc of lhe insured cloimonl ond to ise ihe nome ol lhc insurcd cloimont in ony honrcclion or litigolion involving lhere dghtr or remedier. lf o poyrirent on o(counl ol o <loim doct nol lully cover lhe losl of the insured cloiniont, the Compony rholl be subrogotcd b lherc ghh ond rcmediet in lhe proporlion which thc Compony'3 poymcnt bcorc lo lhc wholc ornounl ol lhe los. ll lors should rcrult lrom ony ocf ol thc inlurcd cloimonf, or rlolcd obovc, thot ocl sholl not void thil policy, bul th6 Compony, in thot event, sholl bc required lo poy only thot porl of ony lors* inrured ogoinsl by thit policy which sholl exceed lhe omount, if ony, losl lo lhe Compony by rcoton of thc impoir. ment by lhe insurcd cloimont of fhc Compony'r righl of wbrogotion. (b) Ihc Compony'r Rightr Agoinrt Non-inrurcd Obligors. ihe Componyt dghl of subrogotion ogoin non-insured obligors rholl exist ond sholl include, wilhout limitolion, lhc rights of the imured to indcmnilies, guo. ronlies, olher poli<ies of inrurorite or bonds, nofwilhrtonding ony ferms or condi. iionr contoined in those inllrumenls which providc {or rubrogolion rightl by reo. son of thh policy. I1, ARBIIRAIION Unles prohibited by opplicoble low, cither lhc Compony or fie insured moy demond orbitrotion Dursuont lo the Title lnsuronce Arbitrotion Rulcr ol the Ameri. con Arbilrotion Associotion. Afbikoble notlers moy include, but ore nol limiled to, ony (ontroversy or doim between lhe Compony ond the insured orhing oul ol or reloting lo thi: policy, ony service ol thc Compony in conncclion wilh ilr bru. once or lhe breoch of c policy provilion or olhcr obligotion. All orbitroble nrol. ters when the Amount of inrurince k $1,000,000 or lerl lholl be orbitrotcd ol lhe option of either thc Compony or lhe insursd. All ofiihoblc mollen when lhe Amount of Insuroncc ir in excess of $1,000,000 sholl bc orbitroted only whcn ooreed to bv bolh thr Compony ond thc insurcd. fubilrotion DuBUonl lo thi! p6licy ond uirder thc Rulcs iir afiect on lhc dotc lhc dcmond fbr orbitrolion ir inodi or, ot the option of tha insured, thc Rulcr in ?ffect of Dot! of Policy $oll be binding upon the porlies. The oword moy include ottorncys' fecr only if lhc lo*s of thi *bte in which the lond is locoled'pcrmit o courl t6 oword otiorneyl' fees lo o prevoiling porty. Judgment upon thc oword rendcrcd by thc Arbitro- fo(s) moy be enlered in ony coud hoving judrdiction thereof. The low ol lhc silus of lhe lond rholl opply lo on orbilrolion undcr lhe Tille Insuronce Arbilrolion Rules. A copy of thc Ruler moy be obtoincd {rom lhe Compony upon frquGst. 15. tlABl[llY tlMllED rO lHlS X)IICY: POllCY ENrlrE CONInACT: (o) Thh poliq togclher wifh oll cndorremenh, il ony, oltoched hcrcto by the Compony h lhe onlire policy ond (ontrocl betueen lhe inlurcd ond thc Com- pony. In inteipreting ony proviiion of fhir policy, this poliq rholl bc construed or o whole. (b) Any doim ol losl or domogc, whelhcr ot not bosed on negligence, ono which oriseioul of thc alolus of lhe till? |o lhc cltof? or inleresl covcrcd hcrcby or In lhe evenl ony Drovision of the policv k hcld involid or unenforccoblc under opplicoblc low, thc'policy sholl bc diemid nol lo in<lude thol provition ond oll other orovisionr lholf remoin in lull forcs ond cffcct. t7. NoItcEs. I{HERI sENl. All noliccs rcquircd lo be given lhc Compony ond ony slolcmcnl in writing' required to be lurnishcd lhe Compony rholl includc lhe numbcr of thir poliq ond sholl br oddrclled to thc Cornpony ol P.O. Box 2029, Houlton, lexos 77252. 18. The premium rpecificd in 5.hidulc I ir the enlira <horgc for otccptoncc of rhk. h includer <horger lor litle rcorch ond cromioolion il rornc k curlomory or requireci io be lho*n ih lhe slotc in which lhc policy il isrucd. 'ry oction osscrling such doim, lholl bc rcstricfed lo this policy. (i) No omendmcnt of or endorscmcnl lo lhir policy con bc modc crcept by itino endorred hereon or o ochcd hcrclo:ioned bv eilhor thr Preddenl. oo ,ritiirg endored hereon or o ochcd hcrclo:igned 5y eilher.lhr Preddint, 6 Vice Preisidcnt, thc Sccrclory, on Asrisfont Secretory or volidoting officcr or oulhorized signotory of thc r6. sEvEnASlulY. ry, on As Compony, STEWAR.T TITLD .|nIRartfv ao!iD. rtw o UTIIJITY I.,OCATION VERIFICATION SI'ADIVISION ;TOB NAME IOT ADDRESS U.S. tteet connunlcatlonE 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 PublLo Servl.ce company 949-5781 Gary Hall t-lA*?/ Assoc. Iaverty This form is toIocatlon. Thlspreparlng your installations. verJ.fy eervlce avallablllty and should be used ln conJunatlon wlthutlllty plan and schedullng t Please brl.ng a sLte plan when obtalnlng Upper Eagle Valley;l{ater & SanltatLon eJ"gnaturee. Frr,rNG ftn r,. nli, The locatLorr of, utllltles, whether they be maln trunk lLnee orpropoeed lJ.nes, nrrist be approved ancl vlrlfrecl by the followLngutlLltles for th.e accompanylng slte plan. Authorl-zed SLqnature Date Holy Croes ElectrLc .949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael /- /( -'t / Herltage Cablevlslon T.V. 949-5530cary IohnBon Upper Eagle Valley lilater & SanLtation DlatrLct * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NoTEs TheEe verlflcatLons do not relLeve ttre contractor of, hls responslblllty to obtaLn a street cut pernlt from the Town of Vall, Departnent of PublLc lrtorks and to obtain utllLbv locatlons before dLqqlnq ln any publlc right-of-vray or easenent in the Town of VaiI. Abulldlnq perml-t ls not a street cut pernLt. A street cut pennit must be obtained separately. u:.