HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK PARK LOT 7W LEGALIRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legaf Description: Lot-1,Bkr;k N/L -Subdivision: Address: Developen Projai Number lmprwement CompHion <eio*6zr 3o, 2.n'7 Letter of Credit Expiralion Dajtet T'\.cr^,Le. 3 t . za7 , made ard entercd into this 8t day of December, 2006, by and the Town of Vail (the Twn') and Coloradoamong Bruca Falkenberg (fte "Developef), ard Business Bank (the'BardC). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Ternporary Certificate of Ocarpancy for Address: 3944 E. Biqhom Road. Vail. Cobrado 81657 Lgoal: Gore Creek Park. Ld 7. Unit E. Landmrc Townhorpa (addrccs, legal descridion, and prr{eci number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreemeri; and WHEREAS, tte Developer b dftated to provfile searity or collateral sufficbnt in the ju@ment of the Twn to make reasonaHe provisions for compbtion of oertain improvements set forh in Ure atte# estimated birt(s) in accordance with fte app\r6d plan6 and specifications filed in the ffice of the Communig Devebpent Depailment of the Town of Vail; and VIftIEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide security to guarantee performance of this Agrcement, indudiqg cornpletion of all improvementa refiEn€d to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to estailish an inevocable lefter of credit #1296 in the amount of $390.000 with Colorado Btniress Bank (name of bank in Eagle County, Cdorado) as the s€crrrity for the completion d all improvements rcfened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in conslleration of the folloring mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer ard the Twn agree as follows: 1. The Developer agres, at ib sob coet ard e)(p€nse, to fumish all equipnrenf and materials necassary to perform and comdete all impovemenk refened to in thie Agreement. The Developer agrces to comdete all improrlementa referrcd to in this Agrement on or before ths 3gL Oay of Seotember. 2007. ThG Oeveloper shallcomplete, in a good u,orlmmlilte mavrer, all improrements refiened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specificationr filed in fte ofnce of the Cqnmunity Dente@ned Departn€flt d the Town of Vail, and to do all wod< irrci&ntal there*o eccording to ard in comdiance with the fofiorving: a. All said urork shall be done under the inspedion of, and to the eatistaction of, tre To*n Phnner, tfe Twn ErBineer, the Town Buiknng Offidal, or dhcr ffidd ftom the Town of Vail, as afiecfed by sp€dal ffiicts or servbe disfricts, * their rcspe€iirr€ intered may appear, and ehall not be desned compHe until apgoved and acefied as corndeted by the Community Development Deparfnentand PuHicWorks Depatunent of theTown of Vail. F:\8.uc. PcrtonC\dA crEdf bmr*112(I2{12+2qF).docPa9e I d 5 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security as follorrs: Inevocable letter of credit #:!29Q in the amount of $200Jq00 (125o/o ot the total costs of the attacied estimated bid(s)) with Colorado Business Bank (name of bank in Eagle Coung, Colorado) set to expire on the 31$ day of December, 2007 (not to expire less than 30 days after the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement) as the secufi for the-complelion of all improwments referi€d to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Deyekcp€r may at any time substiMe the searity odginally set forth above for another form of secunty or collateral acceptade to the Town to guarantee the faitlrful completion of those improvements refened to in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of fris Agreement. Sucfi acce$ance by the Toum of altemative seority or cdlateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The T*n shall nc[, nor shall any orffcer or ernployee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damqe happening or ocannirg to the work specitied in this Agreement pnor to the completion and acceflance of the same, nor shall the Torn, nor any officer or emdoyee ttered, be liabb for any persons or property injured by re*on o tle nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and arc hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer fiercby 4reee to indemnify and hold harmless the Torn, and any of its officens, agents and employees against any lasses, daims, damages, or liabilitiee to wiricfr the Town or any of ittg fficers, agents or employees may become subjec* to, insffir as any suclr losses, daims, damagee or liatilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out d or arc hsed upon eny performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Eleveloper shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonaUy inorred by the Town in connection wilh invest$ating or defiending any sucfi loss, daim, damage, liability or aclion. This indemnig provision shall be in addition to any other liat$lity whictr the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the seanrity provftled to the Tolrvn for each category of improvement at sucfi time as sucfi improvemerils are constructed in compliance wih all plans ard specificatbns as refercnced hereunder and accepted by the Towr. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the seorrig provided to the Tcnm be reduced belor frp dollar amount necessary to comdete all uncomSeted improvements referred to in thir Agrcement 6. lf the Torn determinee, at its sob dlscretion, that any of the imprwements refefred to in this Agreement arc not constucied in compliance with Ute approved plans and specifications filed in the ffie of the Community Dentebgnent Department of the Town of Vail or not acceded by the Town as comdete on or before the dde set forh in Paragraphl of this Agreemerf, the Towrr may, but shall not be requircd to, fiaw upon the security rdaned to in thb Agreement and corndete the uncomdeted imprwements rsfen€d to in tt$s Agrement Pursuant to Section 12-114, Vail Twn C*, th€ Temporary Gertifrcate of Occuparrcy rsferr€d to in this Agrcernent may be rcvoked until all improvementE refensd to herein are compbted by the Oevdoper or the Town in accordance with this Agreernent. F:\8ruc. Fe|ro.|a XA c..dit tur6-11axP(12-&2qE).docpag! 2 d 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town, the excess, together with interest at twefve percent (12o/ol per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be coltected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refened to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Tifle 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vait Town Godc, and the Developer shaff be subieci to penalties pursuant to Sedion 12-U1O Mrdations: Penalties) ard Chapter 1.{ (General Penalty), Vail Tovn Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty th€ rcrk ard materials of all improrrements efened to in this Agnrement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-uray, purauant to Chapter &3, of the Vail Torm Code, for a period of ttro years after the Town's acceptance of said improvemente. 8. The parlies hereto mutually agree that this Agrcement may be amended fiom time to time, provided that sucft amendmeflb be in writing and execruted by all partbs hereto. Dated the day ard year first above wrifren. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement nras B*4a" oay * no[-tv,htsr , 20S, by Av u- acknowledgedI Fo-il,c.rtlcr before me this Wltness my hand and official seal. My commission expires r o to,n?i!t, Xl trYt,u; 5lt#,.," o.v v fio mn; r ;s; o i;EAli; ; ; \ f^- ..' .slisr:t-eve q f.')\'i,'').'/''"., r_-")q,+".t :: +ri{11', '/a '.ti'?S@'goT,l,2r'T"Z =r2. . Pugl\c ..^o S"-,ft,; ^"fSs-s2.7. zigr l-oro\is veloper-Bruce I F:\Bruce PeFonanDn c|Edil furd-l1zxn(12+2m6).docPags 3 of 5 ,rrl;;/;;;;rr' Town Planner STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss.coUNTYoFEAGLE ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Wrtness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: The loregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement wgg,4cknowlefl ged I'1 Dayof \oa.a<.-,b<r ,20)lzby /r_t.(\tOr.-. tzn. ' Wtness my hand and offtcial seal. '.lttttUlIl[/r""' Mycommission"'ni'"., 4/fi { iB, Zm? ____*...'\Yl.liti:,--- i 'nQ, \Y==r A =Ei , =.A4nrcL p(t,Lrc .! S5- aa''dlfiN"' g'.1F";;B1l'.fl1f.""r''"'*'"it&1"#'l' i;ffil"H ry ore me this F:Bruce Por8onanDh cr€dit format-l120p,2{12&2ffil.docPag€ a of 5 q, .0 (o e o IJJ E ID q, IEIL =lLl ioz al,i tro uJF Uiet! F !lf uJ @ F z !L IJJ o z UJ()z HH N H atJ d.oPtrl?sE> Y<:F x6e;izd;EE<O(/)o;Iret=IIHE3=?q,F|! 5 q388 sFFGIEsgg E U' =UJ z uJ =IJJ()I o-ultrlt uJa o 0- llJ.|- F J al)o o II = El Joz Foz Iu ?I o uJ E T E uJ-t- v o IJJ z 2 IJJ UJT Y uJ s uJ 4 z uJ L ITJF f,., 6EaEuJ<oo- RHtr<?i[fr(J=ouJ aH x<iz e.9 !ro =E=o(hzulooo =<FUD l<^ IJJ iii =a62zo 91 o Fro =EnzF9 -o at, ={ tro J z Eo oz Eozo z ox UJ ll- oI ? ;i = =xul z ul uJ J =o 5o = CL U' g UJo utt! z l! E =x uJ utz 5 v,o uJE & o-o an (\{ Ec) =6 =x uJ tlt =ot!o z tr Fozo z z o UJ 2, tuF =tro llJz z o? l! oo CO J) t! z 5 FoJ =ul F =t! z z 6 l! LIJo z uJ z toI E UJz IJJ 5 Y IU F ILJ uJtr d) 5 L F EI N ==Fz u,l tu z F J E g z f llJ E ? UJ.r F uJo (t,z uJ?F uJF EFJIrz u) z d llJ =o o uJ f o 3 oz =E e uJF doz E uJFxlll UJ1.F t! t! UJ- uJF =6 IJJo uJ E Fz 50-lr oo ; =o ur TD F 2 J =uJ IJJ F tu IJJFz 5zz 5 'idtz o stllt k zoz dloz z IlJ- oo s dou.o E uJ k =oz Yo J J f o tF an Yto =lro =o Fo- Eoo UJo J cnoo-oE o. 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(o (o -^^ llJ ?! i^i-a-a-.o fu fu i^i^a-^ .n -.o<on (c, xFf (ooo?9x x x x xL x x x x x x xr {r t \lFrn.o@!.lo(0 o-oxo ==-/1 ofiiE 1 .tH5^ E sbFOvltLtL> =>gc=eQj t--EPgP?.d^...-..9?**FFFRfrfffrfr6fi3= EEEHHgEEEFFFEE oooE FfiI 88 HH (o 6 (\r 6 F + F (o (O O F- (O r() O)tf(lr@-@OtAl@(Ofit@-F@6 (o r') o (o (O 6l (t <D F F d) |r) O - ^iJ i ci c.i ctto.D6c GI t:o- o l! Po o E z UJYs uJo JJ =t?Fo uJt Fxtr U'1-rIJ() tFout)ul UJo6 =o lr-ottfi =3z |lJt llJt ITJ uloo UJEo llJ(o I att uJf,oL =3 ulev)Ffo J z E ct 5 36z uJ oz u-ll- Foo(t oo.t L p ollJo lu coz E.ot o uJ o- e tr uJoz oo UJrut! F ul EnH t.I I IaE e9ot 9o c o- I--COLORADOIIJ u-.,i,l*Yss BANK COPY IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT Letter of Credit Number: 1296 Expiration Date: December 31,2007 Date: December 5,2006 Beneficiary Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: ApplicantName: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Bruce R. Falkenberg 600 S. Cherry St., Ste. I108 Denver. CO 80246 4r{ We hereby issue our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 1296 n your favor in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand and 00/100 U.S. Dollars (USD $200,000.00) and expiring at the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) on December 31, 2007 at our counters at Colorado Business Bank, Loan Operations Deparfrnent 3td floor, 821 nth Street, Denver, CO 80202. This letter of credit is available by presentation of your draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank, accompanied by the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. In the event of a partial draw, this letter of credit is available by presentation ofyour draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank and certified copies of the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. Special Conditions: Partial drawings are not allowed. This Letter of Credit shall expire on December 31, 2007 unless extended as provided herein. 0056 Edwards Mllage Blvd., Suite 130 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 Po. Box 2826 . Edwards. Colorado 81632 c:\Documents and Secings\bchavedlocar r#,lir{f"'4ffiiffiffiFi{fifti$EtLttrgkenberg Bruce R. # l2e6 l.ettcr orcredit.doc I-COtCIRADOL!- BUSINESS BANK Letter of Credit No. 1296 Pg.2 We hereby agree with you that drafts drawn under and in accordance with the terms of this letter of credit will be duly honored upon presentation of drafts(s) and required document(s) at our of[rce no later than the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) at 821 l7s St., Loan Operations Department 3'd floor, Denver, Colorado 80202, U.S.A. on or before the expiry date ofthis Letter ofCredit. Unless otherwise expressly stated, this letter ofcredit and all negotiations hereunder shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the Intemational Standby Practices ISP98, as published by the International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 590, and, to the extent not inconsistent therewith, the laws of the State of Colorado. This letter of credit is not transferable unless Colorado Business Bank agrees to the transfer in writing. Please direct any inquiries with regard to this Letter of Credit to Colorado Business Bank, Loan Operations Department, 821 17fr Street, Denver, CO 80202 (303)293'2265. Colorado Business Bank, 00s6 Edwards virras!31'j: i;}l:,1,11;.:3:i'*,:3';"*'' ut c:\Documents and scttings\bchavez\Locd s.TF'tcJftilm#fr1b#41fl1#$eq{S9Ftkenberg Bruce R. # l2e6 Lcttcr of credit doc TIWOFltIII Dcpartmnt of Community Dcrchpmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 uuu).uailgoa.corrt January 27,2009 Mr. Jim Conley, President Colorado Business Bank P.O. Box 2826 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: . Letter of Credit Number 1296 Bruce R. Falkenberg Dear Mr. Conley: The above mentioned letter of credit has expired. The project has been completed. lf you have any questions please contact Bill Gibson, planner, for the Town of Vail at 970- 479-2173. Sincerely, 4ar*OGraU*!- Lynne Campbell 0 Office Manager Enclosure {p ocrxr"o run oct*rtrlY ElGLctE lr OtuW Design Review Board 'tA ACTIOI{ FORU Depaitment of Commr.nity Development 75 Sosth Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,?139 faxz 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Gor- L'"oL- futk- Lol 7 ProjectName: DUFFYCHANGE Project Description: DRBNumb€r: DR8060257 Change to approved plans for original remodel applicaUon: includes new roofed entry with landscape area, new flagstone tena@, DaVinci synthetic shake in Stained Brown (with variegated edge), Khaki Brown Siding, Copper Flashing and green Participants: OWNER DUFFY DG LLC c/O I.AUMJ CHRISTMAN 410 17TH ST 22ND FL DENVER co 80202 APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC. Project Addrd 39.14 BIGHORN RD, Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: 0612T2006 Phone: 949-3302 Location: 0612il2006 Lot 7W Blodc Subdivision: I-ANDMARCTOWNHOMES PH I 2101-111-0401-3 see conditions Mouon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acton: APPROVED Date of Apprcval: 08/11/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN); No change to these plans may be made without tlte written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revieu, commit@(s). Cond:0 (PUN): DRB approval does not consdtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consuuction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valld for 20 days fiollowing the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and beome vo'nJ one (1) year follo,trlng the date oi hnal approrrat, ui'less a building permlt ls issued and construcbbn is commenced and ls dlligenUy pursued toward completlon. Cond: CON0008350 The applicant shall make e"rterior changes congruenUy at both sides of the duplqr, resulting in matching character prior b Temponry Grtificate of Occupancy. Planner: roofing system incorporates staggered edges and does not result in horizontal "linesn within the roofing material. DRB Fee Paid: 120.00 Application for Design Review ..1tf, nen:rtrnant ^f a^rnrnr rnih, flo\rol^nmont n V. Minor Exterior Alterations Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657" tel: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit tplication. Pleas€ refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ltcDesign Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Crmmunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approyal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of Request:> Locauon of the Proposal: Lot: -7 glock: 04? l suuoivision't-ANg rlAS-\l-T>HN t{Hrb physicaf Address: bc 44 Vt?l+eir.r\ Y-V. parcet No.: 2ro ltlta4 a\z>(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:O-b Name(s) of Owner(s):Far-v+l\ Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: f"t' $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residental or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window additiont retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Review Board. No Fee .{jh'. {-bs Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addiuon E Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) g Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request E\d E I{ame of Applicant: Phone: =m SJ Iz lE such as, , fences rtul# rQlvN oF vAlL ***+***'it***a*t*+**'3**t******'il'a!*****+***+**++at++'i******++*llltl++**++**+*********+**+**a*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement++++*+++**+*********************+***t++*tf*t*aa**t*a*ttff**t*a*****+t***t*t*******++**t+++++ Statement Nurnber: R0500o0879 Anor.rnE: $20.00 06/27/200607:43 AM Palment lttethod: CaEh InLt: iIS Notation: $/SIGPIIERD RESOTIRCES Permit lilo: DR8050257 T14re: DRB -Chg to Appr Plan6 Parcel- l{o: 2101- 111-0401-3 Site Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAII IJocation: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W This Payment: *'lt'|{.****************r}*+*'t'}******{'*********************+t+f't'}'}****+*t***f++*+++++++++**++++++ ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Aecount code Current Pmts DR 00100003tL2200 DESIGN REUIEW FEES 20.00 Total Feea: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: Balance: DescrlDtion $20.00 920. O0 $0. o0 /ffi E ir I 3 ii lr .a;!6 iiir!:! t6 tilk).'t {iJ&*l Ll Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Wpe of Materia I Color TAr r{e.rO Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other -'1F\T*€n c.b*nu4- @OA(L L- ?Vr& tl6'rlfl1$\ - FzFf br-ll:\ q rJ ln N/o 4't5tf L, d Qtiau,-> Qaure V?o1 24-V11:\ I GnrWG,f\) l,fkfe+l arLr>fur4 reN4 Lew? pdf044aL.- ll E*tgn Au' aa?an_ffi 6xt>rr r:J L.' C-6,*4a,4---9-t-ztNtQla rJ3si-rN E*t>a Aq 6,Yl9n rJL.. J{otes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.doc Page 6 of 13 ru2312005 Jun 25 06 04:52p o6,t23/2OQ6 lL:.2A KATIE FAX WOLFEo AGRON ]OIIIT PROPERTY OWNER WRTTTEII APPROVAL LETI ER 0332215/8 p.2 *m . ( or'r (gel\'alt ='€ v|$zA'a'-hlea';fFran] r,(pri.tn"r"),(AflE.\,.1 d.te- AI"L?N lg1.liJJ*r*tof propertylo@tedat(address/lesd dessipbon) provide this fe$er as written approval of dre dans daEd beensubmittedtotheTo|vnofvai|communityDa€|oprpfitDepart''€rtfurtt|eprsos€dimprov€nents tobecornp|etedattheaddressnotEdabove.Imdersbrdthatthegrcposedimprovementsindude: Ifurth€'Understandthatminormodrfigtionsmaybemadetothep|aflsovefthecourseoftlrerev|€w prtr€ss to ensure cdnHlance with the Town's applicable codes afft regulatbns' which hav€ -(sg6AL-(Date) f :\rdedFORI4S\FGtmitr\Planr$qpRBdrbJninor-iall-U -212005'dr ?ryzc' L3 1r/2fr2005 AEl23/2ZAE 1l-:53 08/23/2006 11:49 F'l|K HEID coNSrRUToN rN PAGE A2/42 6 oo2 97476821.e2 *m IVIINOR EXGRIOR ALTERATION ro silit-orNcs AND srru TMPRoVEMENTS SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS General rnformatlon: Thisappticatlonisrequtredrorproposalsrlvof!1gllI:|terloralteGdonsand/orgtelmprovemenG' prooosals to add landscaph' do not requlre DRB tppr*ui UICfS thev involve the additlon of pdtios' water t"itures, qradlng, or the addition of retainlng walls' r.@ t] Stamped Topographlc SuryeY': o Site and Grading Plan+ o l end$ape Plans st nrch ltectural Eh\aBonsr d- Exterlor color and materlal Sampl€5 and speclfiGbons' q Archltectural Floor Plans* o Ughting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for.pr-oposed.fixtures tr -litle reoort, indudtng SdlJ"l6 n A S lo verify ownership and easements* t-Filir#itil &ittrn's tiit and adjacent structures' where appllcable: o wrltten 6pprovat f;;;; condomlnium associauon, landlord, and jcint ownef, if applk6ble E Site#*rftc Geological Hazard Repott, if appllcable* q rhe Admtntstra##iffiid;t"'€qii-il; ihe submission of addltional plans, dfawlngsr sp€ctflcEflons, ,ii,.ii.i' i"J olher macrtals .(including a mod€I) if deemed necessitry to determtne wrr.n r'a-pioiea *itt comptv wiin oesigir Guidellnes or if the lntent of fte Proposal is not clearly indlcated, Plcore wrmit t re (l/ coVfu o/rhc rrrzlcltt i not# 'pilh nil r8/t'3'* (y' **For interior convers|ons With no eSEdgLqlE0ggF, the subm|tta| requiremenE |nclude.a comp|ete set of existing and proposed noo. pLfiIffiiE-rfiFott, iirO *ritt"n apprwal from a condomlnium assoclation' landlord, and joint owner, lf appllcable' Fr\cdav\FQRM5\Pernlts\Plsnnlng\DRB\db-.fflmr-alll l-23'2005'doc Page 3 oF 13 Lrl2TZ0o5 oo Elisabeth Reed - RE: FW:3944 From: To: Date: Subject: 'Adam Harrison" <adam @sriarchitect.com> "Elisabeth Reed" <EReed@vailgov.com> O7l24l2OOG 4:39:45 PM RE: FW: 3944 Bighorn Road Hey Elisabeth- Attached are photos of the color palette, one taken inside our office and one outside; let me know if you need actual samples. Miscellaneous wood stain - Benjamin Moore, Deep Walnut, 081 68 Siding - Hardiplank, Khaki Brown Stucco - STO 20418 (Custom color) Roof - DaVinci. Autumn The clients wanted to use a standard color for the siding, it may not match the other duplexes exactly; but we believe is in the same family. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Adam --Original Message--- From: Elisabeth Reed [mailto:EReed@vailgov.com] Sent: Friday, July 21 ,2006 2:13 PM To: Adam Harrison Subject: RE: FW:3944 Bighorn Road Hi Adam: Keep me posted as to whether or not I can do anything to help regarding the 3944 Bighorn project. I am still hoping that this will be reviewed at a staff level only. However, if we are varying the character too much, we'll go to the next DRB meeting, which occurs on Wed, Aug 2nd. Keep me posted...hope you're well. Elisabeth >>> "Adam Harrison" <adam@sriarchitect.com> 0711212006 1 2:51 :03 PM >>> Hey Elisabeth- Back from vacation and getting caught up. Site Coverage: Existing site coverage =3,452 New site coverage =65Total =3,517sf/ 26,544sf = 1 3.24o/o site coverage I wish I had this much site coverage to play with on all my projects. l'll get you those materials/colors yet this week. Thanks Adam --Original Message-- From : Elisabeth Reed [mailto:EReed@vailgov.com] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 10:51 AM To: Adam Harrison Subject: Re: FW: 394.4 Bighorn Road Hello Adam: Per our conversation moments ago, lwill expect from you, upon your return, the following submittal details: 1. Site coverage for the lot, existing and proposed. (l have record that your lot size is 26,554 square feet of which 20% is allowed for site coverage). The new roof overhangs at the entry will be -65 square feet of additional site coverage after the 4' roof overhangs deduction is taken, right? 2. Final proposed stucco color for both sides of the duplex. 3. Sample of the proposed synthetic shake. No rush on this...plan on this being reviewed on a staff level only. Thanks....enjoy your weekend! Elisabeth >>> "Adam Harrison" <adam@sriarchitect.com> 06/30/2006 9:55:02 AM >>> Hey Elisabeth- I'm coplng Doug and Rachel on this email because I will be out of town next week and will not be able to aftend the meeting. I stopped by at the units yesterday and probably feel that if we changed the palette as we have proposed you would read them separately, which I think would be fine; because they are oriented differently, I don't read them together. However, to help unify them I would propose to use the same color siding as is existing and the same color fascia that is on the units to the east. My argument for doing the improvements is that the building is so on display as you drive east on Big Horn into East Vail that it would be nice to add some mountain character where its currently lacking. Thanks and have a great fourth, if you have the chance this morning before 11:00AM please call and we can discuss. 949-3302. Adam --Original Message-- From: Adam Harrison Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:23 PM To: 'Elisabeth Reed' Subject RE:3944 Bighorn Road Hey Elisabeth- You assume conectly. Can we talk about this tomorrow morning, what if instead of stained wood siding, we painted to match the other units; anyhow, doing something would be an improvement, they're pretty bland right now and we'd like to add some mountain character. Adam --Original Message- From : Elisabeth Reed [mailto:EReed@vailgov.com] Sent Thursday, June 29, 2006 1 1:06 AM To: Adam Hanlson Subjec'h 39'!4 Bighom Road HelloAdam: I have rcceived the application for ttp referenced address r€garding the change to the front enbyrrtay. I am assuming that thls change is propoeed for both sides, conec't? The only thlng that concsms me are the propoeed color changee for the building. As you knov, the neighborlng units arc exac{y the samo as th€s€. Thls may be too stark a deparfure since they are located so closely. I am golng to run bythe house this demoon. lf we decide that thls needs to go to DRB, could you have a sample board ready and attend the meeting on the Sth? Keep me posted. Thanks, elisabeth ) 39++ Bighorn Road PROJECT#0603 DRB SUBMITTAL June 26,2006 DoucLAs M|UER DGCH ffr AicHfitcrs SHEPHERO t€SOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFTCE BOX | 62.r AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 t,t9 3302 F)r0 949 512 | www.s RtARcH tTEcT. colt IT ll 39,t t Bilhorn Roed PROJECT#0603 DRBsuBHnrrL ltW W,lluvflf DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcBrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AiA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 949 3302 F970949 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM ll ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB suBl4rrrAL tl EAST ELEVATION DouGLAs l,lrLLER DECHANT ARcHrrrcrs SH€PHERD RESOURCES INC i AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVO N COLORADO 8I620 .|.970 949 3302 F970 949 5 t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM It ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB suBl4lrrrA,L t I WEST ELEVATION DoucLAs l.lrLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD R€SOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I62,t AVON COLORADO 8r620 T970 919 3102 P970 919 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM IT ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB suBilrral ll SECTION ELEVATION OF ROOFED ENTRY ,/I!r /,f'" ,s'7v ,di, N's.\$- ^Yffiry ,t'fi \ fe t>? <-'tfee' DouGLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC i AIA POST OFFTCE BOX t624 AVON COLO RA D O 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 9,f 9 5 r2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM PLAN EXTERIOR ENTRY {rerrr4lrrf cc??€t- ' oolr\n"or>f Itag-alNo 6\rNgg> 'trt, ?.Afrfr?.> Ag'dl-E- gxt?. 5*ur-eesW\s Aeala N\dFe' rao{ To 136 e)Ab Tt(a trr&rNq W9r4'ft{ufls. ?Dtt{-ob E^f$nlNo)5 t o"i,*4. Ar.r- R-or1fu ;1q I ., /t zth[ | '/|!, I ^#) ,^r'frw""AV- 94'' 375 ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0503 DRB suBMrrrAL ll \', ( tr r ri L-hlef"af€- LW)r '76 / 65-5 n LXW krv (tfWw,g ll SCALE l/,1" = l'-0 DOUGLAS I'IILLER DECHANT ARCHIIECTS SH€PHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON C O LO RADO 8I620 T970 919 3302 n70 949 st2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB SUBMITTAL June 26, 2006 IT ll EXISTING CONDITIONS ll Town of Vail =w!- J,.; sEP 0 6 2006 IQWN OF VAIL Bo5'oot 3 OFFICE COPY APPROVED Community DeveloPment Depafr€nt E;iniis daf"t anci tnspectioh seryiceg w!:'!A*.;:; f,li|5".f ffi :i';' irll,'irmi',iiiloio-p'e'ent o""upanq or'.u:e- -ol a strudu;: t.h:rc i1 viclatro:'r ot tnlt i'igJtiJf iny btreiodinancesd any of iiie Provrsions of thls co( i,ir.iiaio"l eermis. presffi -m-!L afuignvrn$",:15f:,fiitrl tr'orovisions of this cod€ or oth€l. ratid. The issuanc. or " p"'tniilil-*6rcdraion docu-ments and iiiJi o jii .'-i,'r1"6, p':y:r,-*llill1lg'#,1{:T,inili:ii$:. r* @rrecticn cl crrors in the cons ^^^..^--a, nr rrce ar t $is iurl:c:ciicn PTTNSEMMINER: 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25.2006 N H lr ,AL '-- ...+- *-; DouGrAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 949 5 t2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25. 2006 II il s 1s ,ofo/q r)-1\,,,\' ..,r n- a 06.2?.ob4r ll |Grtrw9wE FAKEI€ER6 9OE OILY IFILL }.ALL. '.'IATCH A'Ir!ACE T FINIs}C5 FAKEI€ERo ^DE OT{.Y l€n FLA69rOi€ 9TA|R3 0r{ @v,FErE lG',I FEEoLED (PT(fIEIE TERRACE. g,L.oPe v+ PeR r-@f HrNrrt,i'l rN OIREtrTIo'i NDIcATED ATTACII DOt II5PA./T5 $DER6RAT{D TO EXI9TI]€ DRAII{5 OR lRE CH DRAIN rGA TREI€d DRAII,IS ]G].I ASPI{ALT DRt\G,.IAY 'il 1t_ [', ll 0b.27_d . | ^ DouGLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrsi Ityr'" SHEPHERD RESOURCES rNC / ArA Ltr'l Posr oFFrcE Box t624 , AVON C O LORADO 8I620 r970 949 3 302 F970 949 5 | 2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM It PLAN EXTERIOR ENTRY 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMTT suBMrrraL lI ffi RC fecf rC,tI ENTFT EfEEip@/,l VERIFY }C|6HT I{TH. 1O @4L]'A&'&waawfxe ?WJtr'?r47@(k f',lrwr*Vz f+t#p?qEr 4vr1W- FLABSTOTE gfffi 6l (t(&le FL@R,q.B c.N,REfE SLAE I.IITH PEEI€ILE TEXTTTE AT TERRACE 1*lg-,.*tW bgrJ@4f.4eLJ*A,I YY-r\ tr , ll tn: ',' . &-27. r1tk DouGLls MTLLER DECHANT ARcHtrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I62,I AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 949 5 t2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM It ll SECTION ELEVATION OF ROOFED ENTRY 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT# 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 il vG,€r ELEVATION turm1 |ELEVSJ TT]\trlnt nr DI i DAI; ;r' ..,. EAgTI ELEvAlor.r I IT ll &. ?7oo DouGtAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHfiE{rs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POsT OFFICE BoX 162,1 AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 949 3302 F970 9.r9 s | 2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM 'i4ll , '-\ L }GII{ ELEVATION FLOOR PLAN 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMrrsuBMrTTal Il l€].1 ROOFI]i6 i,Cl.l FASCIA At|D 9OFf lT ICA DEORA'TIVE RAFTER TAILg I€T"I HEAD, JA}.6, AND SILL TRIM, TYPICAL AL I^IINDO'{g, OOORg, AND aJrLDrr{G caRl€Rg tGtl9lDll,6 t€N 12- E€LLYEAND \GR,IFY HEIoHT I.IITH ARCI{ITECT }€I^{ EYEERO'.I AT ENTRAI{CE - REFER TO 5TRI,6TI,RAL OEf AILS' FOR ADPITIOTTIAL I}IFORPIATION TlG|"{ S1IECO itorE,(,,oRDNATE L&Af IOtl OF EELLYtsAND AN9 EYEBROI^I CATlOPIfi }.IITI{ ARCHIIET IN FIELD l it-a6. zr- z. 672- DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHtrEcrs SH€PHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX 1624 AVON COLORADO 8t520 T97094 9 3302 F970 949 5 t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM tt ll I^IE5T ELEVATION AT ENTRY NORTH ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 lt f|EnR@Fll,6 }G'.I FASCIA AND 3OFFIT IGI.I DftORATI\/E ffiLOEP, EEAI.IS ' KT,EE ERACE IG"I DECORATI\G RAF1ER TAILg REFER, TO D/Ef AIL DIO }€N TCA9. JAI,IB, A'{D 5ILL TRIH, TYPI6A ALL t,ilHDo,re. WE. AND 9tDtt{6 CORI€Rs REFER TO DETAIL DI2 lctlSlDltE r€A EYEE ROY{ - REFER TO STF! TLRAL DETAILS rcR A9DITIOT{AL IIfORMATIOT{ t{EA 12' EELLYBANO VER,IFY TCI6}IT I.IITH ARcHITECT TGA91XIN r€n 9rDrr{6 Al{D TR|M :-/-' , fioTE, COORDINATE LOCATION OF r-\ : EELLYEANp AND EYEBROI"I C,IITOPIE5 I"/ hIITH AR6HITEOT IN FIELD :: . ".1..'. t6. ZZ a/ U7L DouGLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHtrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 94 9 3302 F970 949 5 t2 r WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM tt ll SOUTH ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 lt o I l,EA 12' EELLYBAND t€hl FASIA ATID gOFFIT l€1.1 HEAD, JA}1E, Ar@ ALL lRll1, TYPIcAL ALL AII@0I^6, DOORg, AND 6ORNERS ttEn 9DlN6 I€A 12' EELLYBAND \GRIFY I€I€IIT I'IITH ARC,HITECT NEA 9ECORATIVE RAFTER TAILg SIOE ELEVATION OF TGI.I EYEE ROI.. DOfIMER - REFER TO I{ORTH AI{9 9A'TH ELEVATlOl.lt AND gTR CTURAL DETAILS FOR AD9ITIONAL ltFORl.LATlOt{ i€}l RooFriro t€n 'fv(/a I,@TE, cooRDltfATE L&AftoN oF BELLYAAND AND EYEBROI^I CAT{OPIEs I"IIYH ARCHITE6T IN FIELD ,.i 42- DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURC€S INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 949 512 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT, COM fu-zzaor,i- DouGLAs MTLLER It ll EAST ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 ll J I ,, a IGI^I FASIA AID SOFFIT I,GA IGAD,.A}€, AI{D gLL IRIH, TYPICAL AL |.llNOOl.6 l\t9 O@E Al@ CORITCR9 AN 9lrJl116 rcn R@Frir9 ],GT,{ DECORATIVE RAFTER TAIL5 lGl.l 5lDllte rGN 12' BELLYEAND VER|FT }€I6HT FIIIH ARCHITECT gIPE ELEVATION Of T€}.I EYEERO'{ DOR}€R - REFER, TO T€RTH AND gA'TH ELEVATIOIS A!{9 STR!,61ITA DETAIL9 FOR AD9ITIONAL INFORI*iAT|ON NE 5fl(ta NOTE: COORDINATE LEATIO}I OF EELLYEAT{D AND EYEERo|^I CAt{p"t6 }IITH ARCHITET IN FIELD l)r-,6- 27 ta 1, DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERO RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFTCE BOX r624 AVON COLORADO 8I620 't970 949 3302 F970 949 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM $ ll WEST ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMTT suBMrrrAL ll , a I I I t,\b. l\.t\ ,r \\\ (/ r " KTGE ERACE . REFER TO 5TRUCIIJRAL 6tO BlEAr-1 .tx6 RAFTERS / coPFER STAi@||Q9EAH ROOFrttE O Frr-L fcE AtfD nATElr gHtELo oN 3/4' --.tun@o oN T.6 DEcKttiG. *oPE v1. PER FOOT, FTI It,t'T. @ffiR FLA9I{IN6 I.HERE REA,,IRED. (,/,Pft? €,Jffec NO Dorlt€Po(tf ,1 iri 6. Zz a6 Ez- DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX 1624 AVON COLO RADO 8t620 r970 949 3302 F970 949 5t2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM I| ll PLAN EXTERIOR ENTRY 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 2s, 2006 ll BRUCE R FALKEI\BERG STIITE #110t 600 SOUTH CIMRRY STREET DEhrvE&co 8024GU16 303320-4800(o) 303322-5796 (f) /4nLnatuffiLnhorrlsl t6f7 rkcopl December 11,2006 Mr. Joseph Suther Planner Community Development Departnent Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Enclosed ane two executed originals of the Developer Improvement Agreement forill3 F- frhrbd Please execute both originals, keep one original for your files and retum one to me. Also, enclosed is an executed original of the Letter of Credit for your files. The project number for the West side of this duplex is.ilSeaaf,n The West side project is about to apply for a TCO. I anticipate beginning work on the exterior of the Ea-* side of this duplex in the late spring or early summer of 2007. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very tnrlyyours, ft?w3!A*-( B*"" Falkenb,lg cc: Rachel Preston, Shepherd Resources Legal Description: Lot -,L-,Block-a!/f,- Subdivision: Address: Developer Projeci Number: DEVELOPER IilIPROVEMENT AGREEMENI THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this th day of D.ecember, 2006, by and among Bruce Falkenberq (the "Developei), and the Twrn of Vail (the 'Town") and 99!Edo Business Bank (the'BanK). WFIEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Ocanpancy for Address: 3944 E. BiohgrLRg?d-, V,ail. Colorado 81657 Leoal: Gore Creek Park. Lot 7. Unit E. Landmarc Tonrnhomes (address, legal description, and proiect number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is oUigated to provide security or collateral sfficient in the judgment of the Tovn to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications fibd in the offie sf the Gommunity Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide security to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including comptetion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish an inevocable letter of credit #:1& in the amount of $200J00 with Colorado Business Bank (name of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) as the security for the completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment and materials neoessary to perform and complete all improvements refened to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements refened to in this Agreement on or before the 3Ot_Oay of Seotember. 2002. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Toum of Vail, and to do atl wort incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfadion of, the Tom Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affecled by special districts or service districts, as their respec{ive interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. F:\Bruce PeEonal\DlA crBd,t format-l 12m2(12.&2o06).docPage 1 of 5 d IRRA/OCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security as follows: '-. a '' .,, !b,+ lnevocable lefter of credit #;!29Q in the amount of $200.000 (125% of the total costs of the aftached estimated bid(s)) with Cololado Business Bank (name of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) set to expire on the 31$ day of December, 2007 (not to expire less than 30 days after the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement) as the security for the-completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the security originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refened to in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of altemative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subjed to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the security provided to the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements refened to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraphl of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreemenl Pursuant to Section 12-'11-8, Vail Town Gode, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements refened to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. F:\Bruce Pe6onaf\DlA credit format-11200?(1z+z00f,ldocPage 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collec{ed by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refened to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of T'ltle 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subjecl to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3'10 (V'rolations: Penalties) and Ghapter 14 (General Penalty), VailTown Code. 7. The Developer shall wananty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property orwithin a Town rightof-way, pursuant to Chapter 6-3, of the Vail Tourn Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above unitten. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this6l oay of 1+WurilrtX , 20-99 by av ru c Foll.tr.rta{./a Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires .,,,r1\t tl llllll ltl1rr, -*";\Eltvl 't ;2",. S (4.' soTAn, lTntt-- =i i= : eveloper-Bruce Jalkenberg ".'"'^n :f lll:: :"Y: [ :l'#,.,. o "Mv g.om m tssi on tr-pi;;; F:\Bruce PeFonaN)lA cEdit fomaf l 1 2002(12-&2m6).docPags 3 of 5 Town Planner STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss.couNwoF EAGLE ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE lA/itness my hand and offtcial seal. My commission expires: The loregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement w3g,acknowledgedjefore me this I Z Day s1'I o".at"-,b+r ,20a?bv | *l\l(r-"-....vn, q4btrry\- ""-*'#lllis F:\Bruce PersonanDA cr€dit ,ormat-l 12002(12&2ffil.docPage 4 of 5 o (, o (! E(L UJ Po (!qro(D H:HHn oF- HE ro (o € roo oGt rt (0 t rat o@^ | Gl (\r 0_|,' o- FNdt6l ozs E z o UJ F H @ta@6ea at,Fz IIJ =t!E g IIJt J 0t lrJz LlJ(, o .9.:o Fll,l(9o =o U'J TU'Hif{?SE>2'4J(,gE..u =24io<xz6;E=<oo()=lir-4.t= I!HE @EiDf=<qJFr! 5 '\l888 s FF(t E555 .gttt .E oo .^tr>9. <FJ =l6y:l^uZ\J r.,, =3 fr23,h] H H =32 i b 6A2 = = )= E E ?; *=e?1f.44 2 s i;;3 P H E E r* o o o o ooo O - F FO ! $ ! 3 ESo o o o oo v) llJ =Fz UJ =uJ 5 ul tLo U) -o lll- J o o z ITJ J()z z UJ s U' t! t!o Fr E =z Y 5lo Fo o =lJ- z 5 F U) =r!F l! z zo6 t! uJ z s (J z I -J E.utz UJ o 5 (9 o UJ =F ILJ- tr UJ 5 IT F UJNE z z UJ uJ o- z = =5 z UJ ul-Flr UJ 6z IJJ.|- ut Ett = =Fo ooz F 6 UJ o z outo o =z = uJFx UJoz E uJ x uJ llJ tr- tu ul uJF =Fo UJo o 5 z d.luF =z tr C) uJF IL pr E =z 5A t! oo ; =o IJJ tr z =llt tuTF uJ uJFz t--ozz ui 5z (t uJ E uJ F F U) uJoz E1-2 UJ uJ.f F t! UJ I IJJ oz IJJoI u.lF 6EoguJ<(, o- 8He.< o-Ft-z IJJ UJOEO IJJ AH,v0F<Y.ze9pb <=>ttroo2 rJJ O(,() =<Fo Ya B:>t 89zo uJo Flozl:o i7i - E9uo o =ftr J z E o uiz F z =6tlr o ii F ef X IJJ cl L 9lF TEr!-._o 2E<rf o-=Y'J!i>froF< ox0ax<x b=6d 6a $3qi! ..o< lrl =<*6 q1o =8 ^otL q) 2< EE22 =T8uao z tr() Fv,zoo z z 6 UJ I llJ =o uJzI o 6z oI ILo Lo co YEo =lrozo FlLtoo IJJo J @oo.ot o-tIEltlFxr! (9 E UJoz ruvJ IL I Et\o 8 (! E() ro o z=ia- Y r-'E1r ltl rYr!@ rHU2zQo<Ho=tO|oa =F-== (\ !-!IOUJ o N (Do o o e '-q, ul Eo o l! 6l o @(o c\l lu <xYiV* 2zF.r'. =F-'d ea =erya >E2= (,o(! uJoz <; g o o llJI t = ;v c) co O IL UJ E = @oE (D)4lt, Jg IJJ k !u UJ trl!IL a Jg trlu F IJJ lu Fl! 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E llJ.J' Foz tro UJJJo z u,oz = uJo Foz ozI ko co llJ(Lot IJJ oltlo F z IJJu) oz uJo F 2 UJ U) F z o LUa F z llJ F z (! 0 H o- o llJ g (lt o lt (o q, HiBcbeo4rta@sr6ta466@ o ,^5 F)az* 11 v6 izoZ&() Y!Jc +Ei3a 9l'O F'FF q.!<o@oo HiE l.l- IEIE lEl E o|oo --FO- clooN@F!-(o(ooF@lJ)ott(o@F@O)N@(O(rlo?F@6 (o |l) o (o (o N .t o) F !- (t) ll) o - oj.-i - ct 6i uJo :<o =t!a* ==eryX: o<>!:az !-^^ E! i- a- a- j- ao i, ir :- i- a- <^F.o(ori(OxFFaO€o(9 x x x x x=n x x x x x x Flo@@nn@(P P^ ^e3 zo<(Do,^FO-'1 rL[>.J+=YYJ =(J(lt(rl,,tu|!r-*rIEgont(tooooad :iEt-atrte.dtrt ^= n X = i: X UJ uJ ll'l uJ u.l IJJ!?99H-l+xco6rodrEt6??D65Y=>>E==rL |'!Is)l,2l-l-FFFF s (o o o0- (! e o qt t! EI {) l! z llJ:a llJ JJ = F al,u,d t-.xtr E fI IJJ tr IJJ F 5 lJ- uJ co =z UJ a uJtt! ul(to UJE uJtoI v,u,fu)I = =ure(r,Ffo z. E qJ Js U' =uJ E, z. ILIIo 6o() (oo-?I o UJo UJ @z o E.o JFo UJ E o- uJloz o UJullt- E tulIL HBH @ (\ c,, (t IL [=COLORADO. L!" BUSINESS BANK TRRE''.ABLE srArlDBy LETTER'F cREDrr d";r,)l*C't',tillfr, tr.'t LetterofCreditNumber:I296 W/tr' J{ Expiration Date: Decemb er 3l ,2007 ' I Date: December 5,2006 Beneficiary Name: Town of Vail Community Development Department Address: 75 S. Frontage Rd. City, State, Zip Code: Vail, CO 81657 Applicant Name: Bruce R. Falkenberg Address: 600 S. Cherry St., Ste. I108 City, State, ZipCode: Denver, CO 80246 We hereby issue our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 1296 in your favor in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand and 00/100 U.S. Dollars (USD $200,000.00) and expiring at the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) on December 31, 2007 at our counters at Colorado Business guot,- Loan Operations Department 3td floor, 821 nth Street, Denver, CO 80202. This letter of credit is available by presentation ofyour draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank, accompanied by the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. In the event of a partial draw, this letter of credit is available by presentation of your draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank and certified copies of the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. Special Conditions: Partial drawings are not allowed. This Letter of Credit shall expire on December 31, 2007 unless extended as provided herein. 0056 Edwards Village Blvd., Suite 130 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 P.O. Box 2825 . Edwards. Colorado 81532 c:\Documenrs and settings\bchavez\Local s.k[r9rff.ffi$6itft{lPtrSh8lqffiSkenberg Bruce R. #12e6 Letter of crcdit.doc I-=COLORADOLl-,'- BUSINESS BANK Letter of Credit No. 1296 D-1 We hereby agree with you that drafts drawn under and in accordance with the terms of this letter of credit will be duly honored upon presentation of drafts(s) and required document(s) at our office no later than the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) at 821 176 St., Loan Operations Department 3'd floor, Denver, Colorado 80202, U.S.A. on or before the expiry date of this Letter of Credit. Unless otherwise expressly stated, this letter of credit and all negotiations hereunder shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the International Standby Practices ISP98, as published by the Intemational Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 590, and. to the extent not inconsistent therewith. the laws of the State of Colorado. This letter of credit is not transferable unless Colorado Business Bank aerees to the transfer in writing. Please direct any inquiries with regard to this Letter of Credit to Colorado Business Bank, Loan Operations Department ,821 lTth Street, Denver, CO 80202 (303)293-2265. Colorado Business Bank. 0055 Edwards Village Blvd., Suite 130. Edwards, Colorado 81632 P.O. Box 2826 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 c:\Documenrs and settinss\bchavezu-oca s"khfJfefi'?p,[r.9fi11niftfgF/g8g&9<SPFrr.nbere Bruce R. #1296 Lener of credit.doc o aH 3 a Fl t-t L4h =2=.i z, l gt 4 OA str t { .(DE;ov=i.E rh Fl (D E (! @ (! i:tt: iz=v .?t.. Fl>A9 E F FE ees rA3 Al^g FE Fg od :r F=,u= =Edit5 t! ,dal -. lsIt '.9 >:.tr a!O 6N-rD ,;'a ECEOEFr (!z* |D(D Fl € o 6 t! (D o (D (D t.: B o 6 qa2 =l. v> Itll a E { :l ': r .l' -t c o\, l- c) v) l oppnnr^{eNi oF coMMU*ru}"roPMENrTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970-479-2138 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: BO5-0023 Job Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W Applied . . : 03l07l2ffis Parcel No...: 210111104013 Issued . .. : W/18/2W5 Project No ' pR=Cr,t -o Lf q 1 Expires . ..: 0lll4/2ffi6 owNER DUFFY DG LLc o3/o7/2oosc/o r_,AURA ,l CHRTSTMAN 410 17TH ST 22ND FI, DENVER co 80202 APPIJTCANT BECK BUTIJDING COMPANY 03/07/2005 Phone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIIT, CO 81558 License: 117-A coNrRAcToR rmrD coNsTRucTIoN 0L/2s/2oo5 Phone: 970-766-2L8O 0275 Main Street, Suite G-005 Edwards co 81632 Li-cense : 443 -B Description: ADDITION AND REMODEL TO EXISTING DUPIJEX. ADD 424 SQ FT OF GRFA Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $283,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 424 FireDlac€ Information: Restricl€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 r***'l't*:***t*:a'*:**!*:t:*x.x.t l|.:*rt**'tl.*'1.*****'t*,1'l'l'l*'l:t'lrrl.aa***t:l,lf :f:t*++:llt:t*** FEE SUMMARY Building---- > $2 , 018 .55 Resnrarant Plan Review-- > PlanCheck--> 91,312.05 DRBFee---*------->$0-00 Total Calculated Fees-> 53,397.2L so. oo Additional Fees-------- >$0.00 So. oo Recreation Fee--*---->Investigation- > Will Call---- > kot ?, Ccrr*-C^-*-\.- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -?.*^\.-- 953.50 Total Permit Fee----- > 13,39't .2L $3.00 Clean-up Deposit------ > $0.00 Payments--------- > 53,397.2L TOTAL FEES--------------> 93,3e?.21 BALANCE DUE----> 50.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDTNG DEPART'II{ENf o6/29/2oos cgunion Action: AP L0/05/2O06 ca"union Action: AP approved revisions for exterior change s Item: 05400 PTANNING DEPARII{ENf 09/]-5/2006 eer Action: AP revisions to facade/entry Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENf o3/o9/2}os mcgee Action: AP Recomnend monitored fire alarm system. Smoke detector locations hand drawn on plan are insufficient for review. Detector locations do not .onrl to recorunended focatrorr" nl NFPA 72. Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS 03/L4/2OOs Ls Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building ard Residentid Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQT F.SIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT ollR OFFICE FROM 8:fi) AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER I PAGE 2 |t**'t'f********{.**{ti.*****'r*''|'|.'i't'|*'}'t:|.*'*:t,|t{t:|t'*!t'|.!*,|*'t*'t!**!t!**'t!t,|* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0023 as of 1G06-2006 Status: ISSIIED ,f 'l****'t*'t*:irlt*!t'*'i,t 'i{.'t**'+,****,f *,***!*:*:f *****************'t********************{!t !8*****:*:*'lt*:F,t*:**************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applied: 0310712ffi5 Applicant: BECKBUILDING COMPANY Iszued: 0'll8l2m597G.949-1800 To Expire: 0Ill4l2ffi6 Job Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: 39,[4 BIGHORN RD.7W Parcel No: 2101lll040l3 Description: ADDITION AND REMODEL TO E)(ISTING DUPLEX. ADD 4U SQ FT OF GRFA ,l,t,t,}*'t:f****'*'|**'********:*{.:|.{.{!!*{.tt.,l.'t'**'*'*d!*********:t**Conditions*******,.**{.*{.*****:**:**:***'|!***:****** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. Cond: CON0006991 hovide a staging plan to PW. EnWi W12212005 By: ls Action: AP No staging plan required ttf+*******'t*********+*********t********++**++++tft+a*****+++*+*'|*+*''*****+*************l*'3'| TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€mert *t+*++*++'t+*'tf {r'}* '} * * * '} '} **i} 't'ii.f +*,t r}'i*r***********+t**t++++*+++*t++t**+*+++*+**f************** Statement Nurdber: R050001552 Pa)ment Method: check Construction 10354 Amount: $452.00 L0/06/200603:26 PN! Init: DDG Notation: Heid Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : Location: This Payment: BP 00100003111100 PF 001000031123 0 0 805-0023 2101- 111- 04 01-3 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIIJ 3944 BTGHORN RD, 7W $462.00 Ttt)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUIID PERMIT Total Fees: TOIA1 AIJIJ PMIg : Balanee: $3,397 .27 ,3,397 .21 $0. oo {"t{t+++++++laf l+f f,*****+f,*+'}*t'l'*+*:i*t'}'l't'l *'}'****+{"}*+i* **+++++*+f *t*f t*****f **'}'r***'}****r}***'}* ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account, Code DeEcription Current Pmta BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PIJATiI CHECK FEES 280.00 182.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 ' DEpARrMENroFcoMMU"rr"Qru"ropMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BI.NLD PERMIT PCrMit #: BO5-0023 Pog--oa>o Job Address: 39,14 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 39,14 BIGHORN RD, 7W Applied . . : 03/07t2005 Parcel No...: 2l0lll1040l3 Issued. .. : 07/182ffi5 ProjectNo ' n ' , Expires...: 0lll4l2n6I'rl ort -of-frl owNER DUFFY DG IJIJC 03/07/2005 C/O I,ATJR,A J CHRISTI{AN 410 L7TH ST 221[D FIJ DENVER co 40202 APPL,ICAI{T BECK BUIL,DI}IG COMPANY 03/07/2005 p}rone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 81558 License: 117-A coNrRAcToR BECK BUILDING COMPAT{Y 03/07/2OO5 p}rone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 81658 L,icense: 117-A Description: ADDITION AND REMODEIJ TO EXISTING DT'PIJEX. ADD 424 SQ FT OF GRFA Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $233,000.00 Add Sq Fr 424 Fireplace Information: Resticted: Y Buitding-----> 51, ?38.55 Rcsnurant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > 51, 130 .05 DRB Fe€----- > # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY 50.00 Total Calculated Fecs- > 12,935.2\ S0. 00 Additional Fees----- >90-00 563 .60 Total Permit Fee----- > $2, 93s - 21 $0.00 PayrEnts--------- > 52,935.2L 90. 00 Investigation- > will cdl---- > S0.00 RcqHtion Fee-> $3 .00 Clean-uP DePosit----> TOTAL FEE$------- > S2,93s.21 BALANCE DUE----> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI!{EIII 05/29/2oos cgnrnion Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTT'{EIIT o3/O9/20os mcgee Aetion: AP Recommend monitored fire alarm system. Smoke detector locations hand drawn on plan are insufficient for review. Detector locations do not conform to recommended locations per NFPA 72. Item: 05500 PIIBT.IC WORKS o3/L4/2oo5 Ls Action: AP PAGE 2ttis*****:f :*'lt,lt'|.,*:t*!t***********rF'i'i:i'*'lr*******:t*****t*******,tt***:t********************'r*,f t**************,ft:t**'t*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8054023 as of 07-18-2fi)5 Status: ISSUED *'f 't't:t*********t ***:t:t{G'f *****a****,t*:t*t!**t *rt*rt !t !t***!F****'}*:}**:+!8*r!********{Grt *******!t'f 't****;*:t*:t:***r****:8:&**** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applicanu BECK BIJILDING COMPANY 970-949-1800 Job Address; 394'$ BIGHORN RD VAIL l.ocation: 3%4 BIGHORN RD. 7W Parcel No: 210111104013 Applied: 03107120[,5 Issued: 07/18/2ffi5 To Expire: Olll4l2ffi Description: ADDITION AND REMODEL TO EXISTING DtipLH(. ADD 4U SQ FT OF GRFA 't'tt***,r*******!t**'8!**t.*****:*:*{t*i'|t{t,l.'|t*'******!t*****{.**Conditions*+***'t.'t:t'l't!t:t***********:*:s:t:8******,t.**{t*++:F:+* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLJIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. Cond: CON00069I hovide a staging plan to PW. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttnt all the inforrnation as required is correst. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances aDd state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning ard subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. R.EQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLTR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OWNER t'i'i'ia**+*t*lrt++'ta*****al+*l9f+****tttaaa+*lttt+***ttt{r*a***ttat***t*a*ft***+a*++**+**a**a+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementl+*+*'|a*af*{t+f++alf,*'}lt*+{r*'}t*++l'**'}**rltX*l*+*++l't*a*r*ttt{'a*a+tfft***t'a****+++**+fta*+**'}* statement Nuniber: R050001092 Amount: i2,9gS.2L 07/tB/?OOSI1 :28 AIr! Pa)ment Method: Check Init: LTNotation: aeck auilding /ck 10137 PETMiT NO : BO5- OO23 TIPE: ADD,/AJ,T SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-111-0401-3 Site Address: 3944 BTGHORN RD \'AIL Location: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W Thie Paynent:$2 ,93s .2L *'i****+l+aa't*+*+tf't*+ll+*l**l**+aaa**+*fal*aa+*'l**+++++**l'*'3ri****aal*++*tf++**'l****f,*l**+lt*+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accomt Code Deecription Current Prnts Total Fee6 : Total AIJIJ Pmts : Balaace: i2 ,935 .2r $2,935,2r $0. oo BP 00100003111100 PF 001000031123 00 RF 11100003tL2700 wc 00100003112s00 BI'TI,DING PBRMIT FEBS PI,TN CTIBCK FEES RECRE,ATTON FEES WIIJJ ETI.'L INSPECFION FEE 1,738.55 1,130, O6 53.50 3.00 I EOR Project #: ?rl4eq l:rrit ll MWNAF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET AI req CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 0$ o Llqq -62rr:-71a-5 General Contractor:-R$h [.nNa ,0a. Town of Vail Reg. No.: IG ^ft Contact and-Phone #'s: C,ttuc\< t.oe- qo'4- t30o Email address:O e \ucK 6 hcckbai/d s, ^ c^ h^ Contractor SiSnature: ( l!Jrt ? &e= COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUTLD|NG:$ , /.X "ffn99_ELECTRToAL: S I)^\Me OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ tf)^'df],}ry/-MECHANTCAL:$ l^'ND-rorAL: $ J3\ CCDg For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ***s***s****t*********trg**"FoR OFFICE USE ONLY"***.********j*r**:r****#** a tOl\\ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ${ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoWorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) 'Two-family No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBu : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ner \VailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07/26n002 . ,-11 0l:1lpn FrorT0fi 0F yAlt @nililllY 0lVEt0nEill tr0lIet$? Design Renieuv Board ACTION FORJTI Oryrunent of Otrrrruntty OevUopnr* 75 sonur FodrgeRoad urn, oba& s1657E gnA78.ZLfi fal;,sm.+192{F;2 wrbt mvwri,rail.@.us Flotcct lLne: Grd$men/Ro0ralrr reddenc€ PmjitctDerlpdon! P.rtdpartr: cn'VT{ER DT'FFIT DG L|.C C/O I.AT,RAJ GIRISTMAN {10 17TH ST 22f{D FL DETTT/ER co 80202 lJcense: APruCANT KATIEAGRON 1175 05AGE 5r, *20'2 DEITI/ER, @ 8021839{4 Lfccn$: 10/2sl2004 Phonel $fZSnAM Phone: 303.282-10(8 Protcd Addrccr: 39+{ BIG}bRN RD VAIL Locldon: 39't4 EIGHOR'{ RD, 711, L€Sal Dcscdpdon: loB ily Elodc $tbdMtton: I.ANOIqARC Tot n#tOMS pH I Perrcl llumben 210111104013 Commenta: Ecc oonduons l-t$ P.00i/00{ F-t32 DRB llumlrcr: DRB0{156.| Encloce smntl floor decK addftion of 2 clormers wittr shed-styh rooB, addldon of 420 sguare fcctGRFA. BOARD/STAFFACIION lrlodon By: Rogcns SecDtd By: Hanlon Voftr: $O{ Condldonc: Acdon: APPROVED Date of Approvah IAOU2Oo4i Cond:8 (FLAN): No dunges b these plans may be rnade wlthor* the wrltHr onsent ol Tonvn of \,all sbfr and/or the apprcpriaE r€iliew @trtntth{s). Cond:0 (FtLqil): DRB appwal does not consutnE a pcrmit for bulHing. Please onsult with Tovrn of Vail Building pasonnel pdo'r b onstrucion acdvtttes. Cond: 201 DRB appEMal shall not beome valid for 20 da)4s follov'ring the datE of app|uval. @rd: &2 Appro\al d thb pmject shall hpse and becorne wH one (1) year fullowing the daE of final apprwal untesr a bulldlng permh is issr.red and onstruciion is ommenced . /1.{,1 0lrlh FrrTil tr Vlll iltlrY tslEtffilt l?ilru|lt l-fll I.Oal0tf t-ttt * o ont purued byard csnpteoon. Oirt@llill068:15 1) qbrqmd{tspec[on !ytre pEnhe ttqertnefi, themhotCratFpdnt theftsncmr (rcstsEe) b mfrh *lilrg cJils Arhr: r?pl/ll(D4 8y:c tdon:Ap o|d| @il0m6e7 2l Sor F_frt4nspeOon by$: pbmhg drpstttratq thradcailClrlrrrme rlt lcgd frood&ftB locaE m tts rejhre.EEf lzloUTA,o| ry:c ftootuAp Pluurl: Elsbet|tEdld DqFFGCPTId: IO.OO Joint Property Orvners' Writteu Approval Letter We, Bruce and Laura Falkenberg, as the owners of the eastem side of a duplex property located ^t 3944 Big Horn Rd., provide this letter as written approval of the October 15, 2004 version of the attached plans dated July.26th, 2004, which witt Ue submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department, for the improvements proposed to be completed on the western half of the duplex located at the address noted above. Our approval of the proposed changes is based upon our understanding that all exterior materials and colors, except for the proposed stone deck, will be matched to the existing exterior of the duplex. The change to existing exterior material necessary for the stone deck is acceptable to us. We fuither understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing, project Design, and Consulting INTRODUCTION: on February lst, 2005, an inspection/survey was conducted and l0 bulk samples were collected from the: Residential Unit 3944Bighorn Road West Unit Vail. CO. The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing materials that might be present in thi unit that is planned for renovation. The inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of colorado certified Asbestos Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM science Lab in wheatridge, co. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.p.A.euality Assurance (eA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, project Design, and Consulting Residential Unit 3944Bighom Road West Unit Vail, CO. UNIT DESCRIPTION: 3944Bighom Road is a duplex structure. This report covers the inside of the west unit only. The west unit is a three story unit that is planned forrenovation. The interior walls are covered with sheetrock, with a heavy texture on the main floor. The second and third floors are sheetrock that is taped and painted. The ceilings are sheetrock, like the walls, in the corresponding floors. The floors are finished wood, carpet, and ceramictiles. The heating is provided by a hot water heating ryri"-, and a fireplace. No suspect materials were visible on the heating syrterrr. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicate that no Asbestos was detected in any of the bulk samples. oooooooooozzzz2zzzzz 58888tbt8Pooooooctclctcr lrl o trll- EE9EEr35=l.P rr. 1r. .F lHxxxxxPglsPP o466(!oooooEE-TI B-EEER- !J.Y.-I.YJJJ!99qr99(,(,(,('(,ggttgegere EEEEEESSEE6 -o'o-o=rd66AddF cEEpgcpee.e =, ooolooooooat,E OOOOOOOOOO(J CL CL CL IL EL o. CL O- CL O.O, EEEEEEEEEEru oooooooooocl ooo()oooooo =o -E:H F=i?E tsgFftiiliE ooj G .ritr =oo =d GoE c ot.9oltr+ CDa)ee 2oc /ic\ro =.J.: ?3E <>,E IFq aJ+ rl ar - r.-.tEs FrrE =a!6OJ U) E uto =fz uld l*+*t=f*?? = dd'66dd'd,d'oo = or or ot gt ot ot o) d) ot ot = srtrs=ss====1n (!tc,c,ct.l,F c)(tc,ct s qeeqeeqeqEocroooocrooo EgEgg55J5t1F.E.Y-FxxxxxoooaroFFFFF 6600Goooo!, rEEEE'€.-JJ.-!J!J.X.Y!ftf999rJoo(,oggtgtetgeez EeEEEEEEETo uro(noooooooF eggggcss.csE 88tt8tt8r8(J O, O. C O. O, O. o. 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Egs ER rF;Ebi aI;R HE iFFfrH' I-g5E H"Y AEETgE Ht:r .'. YH=E N 8xRi H Ux-E>a (J z rJ a2 € 7 ,1? ,o R^;F?Ofi?oe- & ,,r4s6o3q :s3 i2 EI- z aatll II :k<ov, eage ? ot 4 t" Science Laboratory,Inc. O 12421 W.49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80039 DCit project No.: ADAT 173 Ctlont Job No.: 3944 B|GHORN ROAD Bulk Sample Anatysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: John Silv€man, Analyst Ron Schott Laboratory Direc'tor DGM Scielce Laboratory, Inc. anallzes bulk asbestos:amples following procedures developed by theMcCrone Research Institute a.nd in,compliance with guidelines establish"el uy ine environmenta FrotectionAgency (EPA€00/R-93/1 16, July, 1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which providesa contamination-free environment. The sample is then.analyzed by polariled light microscopv fFffraiatidoxWhen the sample consisqof.Tofg than one layer, each layer is prLiareo ano Snargeo s"pi'raiery 'pioer anamatrix materials are identified by the characterization of opiicat piopbrties including color and pleothrorism,form' cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twin;ind, interrerenie i9il;;;ih;;;l.ti-nJrbningf93tur99. Dispersion straining is also used to further aid in minerat identification. Atipercentage, oi;#;i;r,other fibers and non-ftbrous constituents are calculated from the values obtainld from the stireo and pLM m.icroscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepareo Uy n.O. ferry ano C.V.Chifinger for "The Journal o-f Sedimentary Petrology", (Votume 24, pp. zis-iit,7s5sy provioe a luioe torestimating percentages. All samples are archived ior six months unless other arrangements are made by theclient. AGGREDITATION: DpM.S-Lis accrgdi!9! by th-g n[[ (1ince 1986). our laboratory number is 101526. DcMSL is accredited byNVLAP (since April 1, 1989). DCMSL complies with NVLAP a;d AIHA requirements untess othenivise noted ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAp or any agency of theU.S. Government. This test reportrelatesonly to the items tested. This repoft may not be reproduced except in full, without thewritten approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed'by : NV[Ap" NVLAP Lab Code 1O1?SA-O Deprtnent of Comm un ity Development Building hfety and Insp&tion *ruices 75guth F,onbgeR@d Vail, Colondo 81657 9704n-2138 FAX 9704n-2452 www.vailgtov.@m BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Aoplicant Beck Building Company Chuck Coe FAX #: 949.4335 NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUITDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Shop Architects proj# none 303.534.1718 3 Structural Enginee[ DCF Consulting proj# none 303.741.2887 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 03110/2005 805-0023 Christman/Rothacker 3944 Bighorn Road R-3 V-B 3 424 s.f . addition The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the The 2003 International Building Code, 2003International Residential Code, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following @mmenE will need to be addrcsd prior b issuane of a building pemrit: For processing:o Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containino the reouested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please respond in writing to each comment bv markino the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail. soecification. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building oermit apolication number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, signature. registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-familv oroiects all sheets of the olans must be stamped. Arch itectu ra I Com ments: 1 Please include a complete site plan/survey showing the proposed and existing grades at the proposed new exterior patio area. Site plan will need to show location of the centerline of Gore Creek and clearly show the 50'setback from the creek. Also include construction details for the patio and any retaining walls if applicable. r ralAt L 2 Please revise cover sheet A1.0. The 2003 IRC is the adopted building code in the Town of Vail. Please update all references from the 1997 UBC. 3 Amend floor plans to show the location of the duplex propefi line at party wall. 4 Exterior walls are required to be one hour fire resistive construction where located less than 3' from property line. Revise plans at new third level construction. Provide a UL or gypsum association listing for the t hour wall assembly (R302) 5 Amend plans at the third level roof adjacent to the propefi line. Overhangs may not extend over the propefi line. t hour construction is required within 3'of propefi line. (R302.1.) - $ffi< l L8> -r 6. Openings are not permitted in exterior walls less than 3' from property line. Verifo exact location of'' new windows at exterior walls adjacent to the property line. (R302) ,/\7 Amend plans to speciff t hour occupancy separation between garage and dwelling unit (R309.2) -Common walls between garage and dwelling must be protected with tl2" gypsum board on garage side -Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms by not less than 5/8" type X gypsum board -Alf structural members suppofting living space over garage must be protected by tl2" gypsum board on garage side of walls, beams and posts. Specifo a 1 3/8" solid wood door or a rated 20 minute door between garage and dwelling. (R309) Speciff upper rafter space ventilation. Provide vents equal to 1/150th ofthe attic area. Indicate on plans method of ventilation to be used Example: ridge vent (R806) sheet A3.2 bt0 Amend stairway design to comply with the following: (R311.5) -maximum riser height 7 a/e" -minimum tread depth of 10" -minimum headroom clearance of 6u-8u -handrail on at least one side of stairway 34"-38' above nosing of treads /8 b Yfl If mechanical equipment is to be located in the new third level, a self closing gasketed door is required between the bedroom closet and new mechanical room. All combustion air must be obtained from the exterior, all equipment must be listed for installation on combustible framing, and a floor drain is required. (IMC 303) Structural Comments: Revise design criteria used in structural design: Roof live load (snow) is a minimum 80 psf. Seismic zone is C. Amend sheet S1.0 second floor framing plan to identify fioor beam shown in dining room supporting roof column from above. Clarifo if this is an existing beam, or new beam is required. L2 14 Amend sheet S1.0 first floor framing plan to clearly show locations of all new columns bearing on o<isting foundaUon wall. Show columns extending through joist space. 15 Clarifo bearing of new columns from new (3) LVL beam shown on third level framing plan. Clearly show any new beams as required on second level framing plans, or show columns extending to foundation. 16 Include written verification for the existing footingfoundation. Verifo foundation is adequate to I support the proposed new construction. 17 Amend sheet S2.0 third level ffoor framing to show framing for new stairway opening. 18 Amend sheet S2.0 to indicate a ridge beam for new roof over new sitting area. Clariff bearing for the ridge beam columns. Please refer b dre cover sheet for Iniormation on r€flrbmitting ptan$ fn order b ayoid delays in issuane of the building p€rmit, please chect all rcquested informaHon is included wlth the rcsubmitted plans. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans *aminer Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 caunion@vailgov.com F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805-0023. DOC Conf i rmat I on Report -Memory Send Page Date I Tire L lne I E{all lhchlnc lD 001 Iar-|0-05 03:55r s701792152 Toilt 0F v^tt @flil|w TIEVETOPFIII Job nurber Date To llunbar of paies Start t lre End t irc Paces sent S tatus Job nurber : 146 : 146 : lhr-|0 03:5tlpr : G99191335 : 003 : lhr-10 03:54po : lhr-I0 03:55pr : 003 :0K **+ SEND SUCCESSFUL +** a4$arcat d Cbttt ".416. &"-'c ewar.:tu 4Y -.rd rt @z 9.#t .75e.nfi Faz*to ldd ute A*t-e sattZ 920-1r:9-2t:ra tAX92?<2?-219*wt* t-a&r-w.aart7 grrrlor|{c '/^IF-r-v,lHEr tirSPEdIIGD[ * Back EtLrlldlng Cgrrlpar|)/chuck Coe949-4335 ShoP ArshlEctaprqJ* rrotrG303-534.1744 proritt nor|€3@-741--28e7 3chrls 6unton, Bulld|ng Plqrr3 O(arnln€r o3/7.O/2CJoEEroS-oo23Chrr.Bnan/Rotti!d<-!'39+4 Blgho.rt Fao-dFl-3v-B3421 3.C. Eddftlon s'Er.sb|al-Ellsl.oFeEbCF ConauldnC tH*#.T:i'e;:FilE!j: 5S5Eg#JL'fi -F"Hffi e3:=?griefi .tH..fi S1.iEi--, codc, 2ocl rntarnrronrr-ir,.,i-u-tiJ6f,:i-r-ni ZooTiiiailonit-=tEJirtcri cod- rs rnod!fled .nd cdoPttd bq/ tha 'TgYvat of \/all- ,h- twffit, Got otrrqtG. t*rll d e .b @ l*tq b tut"a' dt bu'Et'u' Ftztet rcr tax f3 ttrrrrilrn ct; PAroEss Ff,aola tE.A'r!tErrtLE tL€ PEEI'a!T #rGrwallR:s NrlfqE.3rT!:aDDRlstsrcDecuPr\n|cil Gf,lctlrPr.LPr Ol eGtF.STR|JCTIOI{ !rrttllEER <Dt SncDR:lEt3rSurlD:srae .a'R!a: TRANSM ITTAP ToM DATE 6/,SlOS 0,,^, To\ tsli1 "f$FR'M C[u,JLo vlA {b^A O-lrru RE hr,-i*Et +t 6os -mB il[il( BU .0tXCc0 PlilY We are sending you the following items: t I Shop Drawings I J SamPles [ ] Change Order COPIES DATE tlt Rrintt [ ] Specifications [ ] Photographs tX ptans tX copy of letterS t I Bidding Guidelines For your use As requested tl a A a These are transmitted as checked below: [ ] For approval [ ] Approved as noted [ ] For review & comment Remarks: DESCRIPTION Approved as submitted Returned for corrections For bids due IE Plrr'. Qnlr RD.ry{o. w /r/,' tl tl tl copyto: nl Sgned: gl*Jq$"- M :\WPFILES\oOCS\TEM PLATE\Beck Burlding Co wotd\Transmrllal.dot BUILDING A TEGACY OF TRUST FOR OVER 30 YTARS Post Oflice gox 4O3O Varl Colorado 81658 Tel 970 949 IBOO Fax 970 949 4335 b€ckbuilds.com May25,2005 Mr. Chris Gmion, Building Plms Exminer Departnent of Community Development Building Safety and Inspoction Services 75 Sorlh Frontage Road Vail" CO 81657 970.479213E 970.4792452fax Offlce Gopy RE: 3944 Bighom Road Christnan/Rotiaker Residence; Building Permit # B05-{n23 Mr. GuniorL The following are rcsponses to the r€view comm€nts for the above noted residential remodel p,oject indicated in the Building Safety aod Inspection Senices Plan Review Cmments dated 3/10/05. The responses are numbered such that they corcspond with the review comnen8. Architecturrl Comments l. See Existing Survey and Sheet Al.4 with Site Plan indicating propoced exterior pdio area and associded detail. See revised Shect A I .0 indicating 2003 IRC. See revised floor plans indicating property line at party wall Sheet Al.l, A1.2, A1.3. See additional note on Third Floor Plan Sheet Al2 re: I horn fire rated wall requircmen(s). See overhang revision and addittional note on Roof Plan Sheet Al.2 re: I hour fire rated requfuemen(s). See additional note re: pr,oposed new window location r€ldionship to property line at Third kvel PlarL Sheet A1.2, elev*ion A22 and window elev A3.1. See additional norc on Sheet Al.l re: rcquired fie rating ofnew constmction betwecn garage and dwelling. Existing door to remain, therefore no modification required See additional note on RoofPlan Sheet Al.3 re: proposed continuous ridge vent. Soe revised notes for stair,ray to Third t evel She€t A1.2. See additional notes re: mechanical at third lrvel Sheet A1.2. Structunl Commeotr 12 - 18. See dached respcnse letter from Strucoral Engineer. Please review tte enclosed infqmdion and cortacl us ifyou have any questions. nespectruV, Shop Architec'ts, Ll.c Dcan Ricci Architect Encl. 2. J. 4. 5. 't- 8. 9. 10. I l. sa) fr*^h- rVrl 0i$*\cog"la DArE 4,q6RE@h"ilra,rl{ We are sending you the frclbivirg ibms: t I Shop Drawings t I Sampbs I J Change Order COPIES These are tammited as checked bebw: I I For aPPrwal t I Approved a nobd't ^/fdf For revieu, & comment/\ 'o $hq eo^^dl,I^,,{S"p ArrN \Atrb q*^ *'" CI[HhCIt- r&tt)s/W e sd+ppr mxfu-,rfOv. ila^A ttl"^riut B[[|{ SUlt!ll6COTPAf,Y tl tl t1 rr tl For your use As requesbd Remarks: lJdo- kr^t \ulirrs fu TJ..,lu o,Na- //aufi,trtfiul. o,"A 7 kb'^lilrt! ihr^A fo [c odjurrril or^Au-^urixnrftd 6' Copy b: H-uv"* t-d.'d Roi,\u 'J b laq$..^r fu P,**nr'tutt. 0ho *fu :$JfrY,H@" t)t'$[ CbL**.-**-",r'"".* ard,:co nHr,F i...d A\o.lD{r}\rl'0"iJ tnnlrufu st l$urrr EU|uX G A LEGTCV OF IRI T OR q'€R S Y€ARS vrA tr"r( Prinb Specifications Photographs DESCRIPTION I I Approved as submitbd t I Returned br correctbns t I For bids due-- I I Plars -}(coovorr"*'(6^)t I Biddire Guidelires - - Pod Ollts 8o({m VX ffi8letE IdtO9l!t l& f!r9,0 949 a3$ lcctrhids.csn I DCFCoI?y:*_ggyFrf"_,L+c 8(XX) EAs'r PFEImcEAYENUE, SUNE B€ ENet-ilooD, GO 8Ol t t G?OO 69M&n ^/ €Otl) 7701692 F ^x June 7,2005 Bob Garland Shop Architects 1175 Osage Street Suite 202 Denver, CO 80204 RE: Chrisman/RothackerResidence 39214 Bighorn Road Vail, CO ProjectNo.04074 Dear Bob: The following is the respbnse to the Town of Vail Building Deparhent stuctural review comment on the above noted project: 12. The stnrctrne bas been redesigned for a roof (snow) live of 80 psf and seisnic zone C. 13. Existing b€arns to the extent know and verified have been indicated on the plans to the best of our knowledge. The site review of an existing structure for the purpose of observing the structural conditions requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions, and some of these assumptions can not be verifiable without destoyrng otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the building. 14. The locations of new and existing columns with new or additional load from the additionaUremodel have been indicated onthe first floor framing plans with an open rectangle. 15. The bearing locations of new beams are indicated on the floor belou' with an open rectangle on the floor framing below. 16. A representative of this office perfonmed a site observation of the existing single family residence at the above referenced. During our visit, we observed the existing foundation and load bearing walls. The existing foundation walls consists of concrete masonry units (CMU) that appearcd to be in good condition with no signs of distess. The existing forurdation waliJ are assumed to bear on natural grade. Based on obsenations during our site visit, it is our professional opinion that the existing foundation walls are slructurally adequate to support the anticipated additional load due to the constnrction ofthe new addition. DCF CoNsutnrl ENorwEEns, LLC AOOO EAsr PREr*flGEAYENUE, SunE B€ (sos)**.*F)",lHigial?33lll June 7.2005 Chrisunan/Rothacker Residence Project No. 04074 Page 2 17- The new stairway opening to the third floor is to put in the place of existing stain. This was not clearly shown on our prcvious drawings, but hopefirlly are clarified by the revised drawings. 18. The roof framing has been modified to ascommodate the roof frarning as indicated on the architectural plans. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely; DCF Consulting Engineers, LLCn n//tt I Ill | +-' )L-.__ v I Dennis C. Finq P.E. Principal RECEIVED " l'l .'i..r,.) BEC By ;i",tW & ASSGC.,ltil0. 2 aJ'1t /rt6t rtHrt tt e2, NVT{OPYi,IL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rtttt****fir*r**fi*rrff 'rfir'ii {rFoR oFFlcE usE oNL r34O - 711q AppucAnoNQlLL Nor BE AccEprED tF tNcoMplEri* r*r,nr=o CONTRACTOR INFORMATION t General Contractor: tlEto (futstzutst Town o{ VaihRegi. [rfs.;.' ,r((t-8 Contact qlrd Phonb #'s:.UB HEIO tnt.7ae.goo ATTENTION: JOE, JR,CHARLIE,GREG Contractor Signature: , Af,W COMPLETE REVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL: $ 4 OTHER: $ 3, @ PLUMBING:$ (MECHANICAL: $ {REVISEDTOTAL: $ 9r@ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97&328-gM0 or visit ErceI*zlouu 40 t3 Job Name: €NetgAtt JobAddress: fifi $Wfutp yfut€o Lesal Description ll lot flyl erocY,0|fl Filing:Subdivision:T*vN owne rs N ane : t4ga fuBftlt.rl Address: Ao fTntf ntoilEattA Phone: Arch itecuDes is ^tfd* fur Address:1u ry ft24 *t/a grp enone'.ffi3?A? Engineer:Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS:, rE4sls WorkCfass: New() Addition( ) Remodel Or{Repan(l Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (V{ Aoif;, ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ttl Typeof8|dg.:Sing|e-fami|y(@()Commercial()Restaurant()other() No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ( Noffvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (yf Noffvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Q/f No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (-T F lUsersbdev\APPLICATIONS\BLDGREVlSlONS20M.doc +uL 12t02t2004 CHRISTMAN 3944 BIGHORN RD, VAIL, CO o DUPLEX CHRISTMAN CHRISTMAN qo*; u14F t;oNgttLnNsENGINEEre, LLC S0OO Eesr FIrmcE AvErrUE, SurfE E€ GREEr,rwooD VI|.LAoE, cO EOt t tffto$ eg$AEn ./ GtoB)'n$15,92 F^r UCFExGTxEEENo.Elor g0':.::"' F€V RikHeid Ilcid Construaio& Inc. 0275 Min Stre€G Suit€ S.005 Edwrdg, CO 81532 RE; FrauringReview Chrisnnm/Rotlpcker Residence 3944 Bighom Road Vait, CO Projest No. 04074 DearRik:0FF!f'*{}OPY In accordancc with your requesf a represeotative of this officc paformed a site obserratioa at thcabove neferarced address on February I 5, 2006. the purposc * our visit rr,ss to rEvierr ser.erelftaming issues for conformaf,cc_with the approved constnrction docrrments and applicableprovisions of the International Residenrtiat'Coda Anexisting (2|2xI2 beam in the third floor framing uas indicstod on the approvcd plans to bereplaccd a1h 1(l)-f zrxny+r Lw beam- Th6 enirti--ng 1z;-a,tz u** ti"*-ip"n fte out6r wall8nd the w*ll of the door to the bunk room. lvhen the plins rrrcre aesigncd titir oo* nns assumedto span wer to the bethrooq rmjl.and ncedea to replaced. As the beair is c,r;tb positioncd, itdoes not need to be repraced and ie structurarly adequ*e in iB cuncnt state. Inlhe roof frasring; a (2)-llrxl4' LryL beam was indic*ed on the approvrd plans to be uscd at theridge over tlre ne*' bedmon. A(zll'Axrrtfr'rw teai-ils-fi;i';;; lo."tior. The (2Fl'axll@'Lv.'- beam is $tnrcturally adequate to support the amicipated code required design loadswithout modification. The raften over the bathroom on the 4n floor was indicatcd on the approved ptans are indicated tobe 2xl2 rafters at 12" on center' Ihe rafters were frgrned with 2xl2 raftEos st 16" on center- The16" sPaoiag oft'hc rafters ate stucnraily aaequafe; suppott the anticipated code rcquired designloads without modificetion. An e*isting beam iu the roof over the living roour uas ecristing to rsmain. rluring consruction itwns discovered that the bTy."r not in go'oa conaition- The-beam bas bir-replaced with a(3)-1"/'xltt6" L\[ beam- This bcsm tt i"t r*lrv Jequarc to support the anticipated code rcquireddesign loads wifhout modification. Plqse let me know iflou have my guestions or ifr can be offirrther assistance, Prircipal Ltc trlAY 0 3 ffiCll B BU GO January 1i,2006 Joe Suther Town of Vail Building Department 75 Frontage Rd. Vail, Co 81657 VIA: US Mail Dear Mr Suther, Please release the Building Permit for project #805-0023 to Heid General Construction, Gerard Heid. We will no longer be working on this project and therefore waive our right to any access or information pertaining to the project. Frank Payne President Beck Building Company Cc Laura Christman Katie Agron RECEIVE O JAN I2 zffi BUILDING A LEGACY OF TRUST FOR OVER 30 YEARS Post Office Box 4CBO Vail Colorado 81658 Tel970 949 1800 Fax 970 949 4335 b€ckbuilds.com a|l24|2AAE a2:33 s70765211 FErD c$ErRrcro PAGE A2 Joe Suther BuildingPcrmite TownofVail 75 Frontage Road Veil, CO E1657 970479-213E 970-479-2452 farc Via facsimile Doar Mr. Suthcr, Crcrard Hoid Heid Construction 0275 Main Street Suitc G005 Edwards, CO 81532 970-766-2180 Jmuy9,2006 .WoarctboGcnoralConfiactorhirerlbyttnourncrs,I.grraChistmmsodY|IRotb'ckgr for Duffey Ltf "" pon il*gb5.002s. plcesc E,1c thc ncccs3ay chrnges for tbc Chrreral Contractor scction oliL f*ttit stating Heid Cottg1ruotion, Inc' as the Goncrel Corntraotor. Plcasc call wi0r any qucctions' Tbank You. EGEIVE JAN 2 4 2006 TOWN OF VAIL 6Ll24l2BaE s2.33 97s76621L FEID CSFTR.€TIT T T HEID CONSTRUCTION. INC' F{ cENEnAL@NinALznon'fF ' coaPisrBRErtoDEuItosERuIcE'v FAX COVER SHEET TO: GommunitY DevcloPment ATTN: Jor Suthcr Fl,ilz 179-452 PAGE AL &.,l.q \rca RE: Permit Transfcr MESSAGE: Hi Jog Katie D. Wolfc Agron with Thc Conriliuu Gryun who ir ecting al ttc owncn reprcsentativc, .oot""tuiit^;;Ji;*s"ertsd tis Pernrit trenrfer to rreid Construction. Plesc "t tf* atte*"a Gopy-:hc drrfted for Hcid Conrtnrctioo' Please call mc with "";;;;;;t' n"ppilt*tt Year to alt se folks in CommunitY DwcloPment /WY/-il'-/ Gererd Eciil Partner : O2?5 MAIN STNSET SIIITE G{XIs EDWARDS' COt16g2 pHoNE ts-70) icc-zrs6 mxpzol 1&2rs2 c6 LL + 9?6 -Lb7 3 'I Bqs-qcFs Town of Vail i RE ARCH (2'-6' r{AX) 1x8 RAFITRS O 21'0.C. -RE: 52 FOR C0NN T0 |{ALI tr6x1'-0r/r'DRIVEN tNiO %? HOLES (+) /,?x9' l"AG scRE'ts- COUI,IIERSUNK INTO (N) POST (N) 6x8 FLAT lN (E) 2x6 SIIJD WAII (2) SHPSoN A5s ToP & B0T oF (N) PoSI (1 ToTAr-) t' t-! il! -\ I I l' mFFn"'-"^_Qpy (E) DoUBtr ToP P. CS,TIERED IN BEA}JS 10 BEN (5x10 AT EiIIRY) Ex10 (4) %? LAc scREws w|TH MINITIUII PIJ'IEIMIION A5 SHOI{N N01E: TYPIC/r|- UG SCRE\{ SPACING lS 3%' CEMIEREO 0N I{IDTH 0F 8x BMCKEI MEMBERS ?r9'l,AG SCREY/S I{ITH ts sHou|N RilSE $IGIIERS NC. SIRrIURAI- COIEULTNIS 0150 Eost Beowr Creek Blvd 'Unit {204A Avon, C0 E1620 (970) 718-0711 PROJECI: 3944 BIGHORN ROAD MrE oe/23/06 SHET NO. S1 J08 l{0. 05062 st &,EcI: STRUgTRAL BRACKET sEP 2 ? 2000 { B (E) 2x6 SIUD yN,L W/ t/; pLyTooD SHEAIH|NG CONL 2x8 V (3) LIDGERI0K LlJ58 TO EACH SIUD -TYP SIUPS0N HU18 (ili{X) tEI lNIo ax8 3x FASCIA BLOCKING Pffi ARCH lx8 MFIERS O 24'0.C. f6x0'-11' DRr\trN tNIo %'o HorES CENIERED IN PURUN ND BEAM 10 BEAII (6x10 AT S,lTRr) ffitrr*# @I[E ilGMERS hN SIRUCIURAI COIH'LTNIS 0150 Eost Beowr Creek Blvd Unit j201A Awn, @ 61620 {970) 718-071r 3944 BIGHORN ROAD DA1E s9/23/06 SHST NO. S2 J08 N0. 06062 SIRUCruRAL PURUNS 6x10 DFf2 ENIRY BEN (N) (3) 2x6 P0sT V (N)2x6 KING EACH SIDE rN (E) A6 SruD V/An ffiffi *llfr# RTDUItf, oretGERS I]{C SIRIEIURAT COiHf,TNF 0150 Eost Beowr Creek Bhd Unit j204A Avon, C0 E1620 (970) 748-0711 PK}'ECT: J944 BIGHORN ROAD DArE w/23/06 sHEEt ilo. S3 JoB ilo. 06062 s.fiRY BEAM T0 (E) tvAlr TRANSMITTAL SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA 373{7 US HWY 6. SU|T€ t02 POST OFf rCE BOX r621 AVON COLORADO 8I62O 1970 949 t30a f970 949 5t2 \MWW.SRIARCHITECT.COH FILE CATEGORY:ll PRofECr NAME: E .>,alt_ ATTN: TRANSMITTAL VIA: E APPROVAL 0 RECORD o REVTEW & COMMENT o usE B INFORMATION O OTHER ll TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN'VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Iob Address: 39,14 BIGHORN RD VAIL l,ocation.....: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W Parcel No...: 210111104013 Project No : pRTOq {t(c{ L{ OViINER DUFFY DG LI,C C/O I,AURA iI cHRrsTlT,AN 410 17TH ST 22I[D FIJ DEN\IER co 80202 CONTRACTOR POITDEROSA ELECTRIC IJIJC PO BOX 4115 EJAGLE Colorado 8153 Iricense z 697 -S APPIJICANT SHANER IJIFE SAFETY DEBORAH I,. SIIANER P.E. PO BOX 1073 FRISCO co 80443 License: C000001971 Desciption: NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR REMODEL Valuation: $3.600.00 Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > lnvestigation*- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES-- > s0.00 s0.00 $0.00 s0.00 s357.00 $35?.00 $0.00 $357.00 $357.00 $0.00 A06-0024r1o t ooz5 ISSUED 02l13t2w6 03t20t2m6 09n6t2m,6 02/L3/2005 02/L3/2oo5 Phone: (97o) 328-7869 02/L3/2OO5 Phone: 97O-4O9-9OA2 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Toal Permit Fee---- > Payments------------ > BALANCE DI]E---- > Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT 02/22/2oo5 DRhoades Action: AP Approved as noted on plans CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MAI)E TWEN'I'Y-I-OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2135 FROM E:fl) AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET o ++*********tffl***i********rft******++*++***t++++******++++**************+***++***t********+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement**l*a*******'t*'it ******+++*+*+*+t++**+*+*****t*t**x**a***********+t+**tt*****llt++++********* statenent Nunber: R060000259 Amount: $357.00 03/20/200602:18 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #1599/Pondbroaa Electric Permit tilo: A05-0024 Type: ALARM pERt4IT Parce1 No: 2101-111- 0401-3 Site Addrese: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIIr L,ocatl-on: 3 944 BIGHORN RD, ?W Tota1 Fees: $357.00ThiE Palment: $362.00 Total AIJIJ pmt,s: $3GZ.OOBalance: $0.00**:|l:i'l+'tt *l******a+t++*+**************t++tftt'*+**ltt*****+++++++*i+****t******************f+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current PmtE BP OO1OOOO31111OO FIRE AIARM PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAII CHECK FBES 135.00 232.0O App'cArilynLl Nor BE AccEprED rF,rcompJ:Klhl ""lit*l#ffiAlarm permit #: r T#WI 'O*(V 5 Frontage Rd, Yeir'rt''E.brar q Fssrqsnual F.lre Ahrm-sh-op dnawingt anr regulred at time of 75 S.816s7 ?d ,',,''o-:lff*Pj llltllitt"f ano.futt inctui--tnro--tiit#"n risred on rhe veit. cororarro,-,---?l-q"ge "rfrii rorm- appiicatioriwri;;iH#;lffi,lT,,T.jl,j?;r "n the vair' Gororado rntorma$on. r (r"u.6Mrf FdE 328-TAG 3,'a.f ..fl.mgls' E^|€ FireAhrm: s Stooo,oo Titfe: COTPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALART PERMF , r Otxer l ITypeof Btctg.: Singte-f;amily1 I f ( ) Commarcial ( ) Restraumnt t I Ortl"r. t t 4't \\vait\daralcd€vlFoRMs\pERMtTslAlRt PFRM.DOC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970-479-2138 Job Address: 39,14 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location.....: 3944 BIGHORN RD. 7W Parcel No...: 2l0lll104013 Iegal Description: p?for{_O ttq Ll Project No : OWNER DUFFY DG IJIJC c,/o I,AURA .T CIIRISTMAN 410 17TH ST 22ND FL DE}{\/ERco 80202 CONTRACTOR METAIJ DESIGN INC. P.O. BOX 3905 VAII,co aL6s7 L,icense: 155-M Descipion: ADDING HUMIDIFICATION Valuation: $3,920.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y O"r*rrENr oF coMMUNrry orrtor*r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0125 3o>- -66 X.-, Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05102120M Issued. . : 05105/2W Expires . .: lll0l/2ffi6 os/02/2006 05/02/2006 Phone: 97O-479-O5O7 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l-ogs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 **rr**r*,*{.**,*****************r***++++*+*+ I.EE suMNtr{RY a:t:t:t:t****{.{.*************rr******:****r.*:r*:****r.*****:*:* S80. 00 Reshrardnt Plan Review--> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-- ) S103 . 00Mechanical--- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > $20.00 TOTAL FEES---> $103.00 Additional Fees------ >50.00 $103.00 $0.00 $0.00 93.00 Total Permit Fee----- > 3103 - 00 Payrnenb---------- > BALANCE DUE__--. > Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{EM| o5/o4/2oog JRvi Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{'I CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. Cor:dz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF TIm 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGE AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII,. Cond: 23 (BI,DG.): BOIII-,ER INSTAI,IJATION MUST CONFORM TO MA}IT'FACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A}ID CITAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI-,IAIICES SIIALL, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CI{APTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHAI.ECAL, EQUIPMENT MUST COMPITY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUIillIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. TNIJESS LfSTED FOR MOIIMTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMTT,PLANs *t n ANArJysrs Musr BE posrgD rr$r"*rcArJ RooM pRroR TO AN INSPECTION REQTIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRiAIN OR OTHER APPROVED ME,ANS FOR DISPOSING OF I,IQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 47W149 CONTRACTO FOR ORA 5 REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,JR HOI.'RS IN PM. SIGNA 5 OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 AND OWNEI ,r* *'l*'i'i'*****f,********'l*l"i**1.**********+'t**'f ****************i't{'}****+*+**i+i+++t*+*+++*f +**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement*************+*+********t+++++++++r*t*++++*+++****+tt+*++++++a**+**+******************r***** Statement Nudber: R060000523 Pdyment Method: Check azJ I Amount: $103.00 05/05/200603:55 PM Init: DDG Notation: Metal Design Pernit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locatsion: This Pa)ment: M06 - 012 5 2101- 111- 04 01- 3 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL 3944 BTGHORN RD, 7W $103 .00 1)4re : IIECIIANICAL PERMIT Total Fees : Total AIrIr Pmta : Balance: $103.00 $103.00 $0.00 Current Pmts ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 DeacriDtion MECIIATIICAI., PERMIT FEES PI,AIiI CHECK FEES WILL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 3.00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustlon Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationa Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractol: 0A z La,( \rs r "., lTln Town of Vail Reg. No.: l6s - rn Contact Person and Phone #'s: (7f- OSO 7 ?eL'p f,t€iTsr''.n 3qn- ,,tee E-Maif Address: (fuJddao_icnrno e aDl. r.nrrr Fax#: f tlh . 4fr_a.<al*[ifr;''P'61o xo ; Eh.e,, COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT \Aa z1 ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy******* & Materials +**i* ConEd Assesgorc Office at or visit '.com for Parcel # Parcef# J,OIIltOthlQ Job Name: b,^c"lohAddreqs: ,- .1-3q44- tltc(taon /a) V;, | (lx ptccz LesatDescription ll mit ll er*rr ll riling,Subdivision: RtrTrJ"R% , ),/ e ll4ff,':ri,,,,t<r Nznrrre $?:orll thon"' Engineer':Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:.\. Ut ,nn'"[ r9, na1 tnc., WorkClass: New() Addition(4 Alteration({nepair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Crmmercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) F:\cdev\BUILDINC\APPLICATIONS\It ECHPERM2005. DOC TOWN 06t08n005 oF VAIL. mvn0F Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria o You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY e)fterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact a Planner at479-2128 for additional information. r The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 InternaUonal Mechanical Code and the 2OO3International Fuel Gas Code. r Att new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusuatly tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces witfiin municipal boundaries, Since that time the ordinance has undelgone numerous changes and rcvisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: o Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. o pJr€llinglrd$ - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no morc than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Accommodation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. lf two or mone separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retaan one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may @nvert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. If during the cource of a remodel an existing woodburning fircplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all prcvisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be convefted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. F:bdcdBUILDINGIAPPUCATIONS\I,I ECHPERM2005. DOC 06/082005 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Iocation.....: 39,14 BIGHORN RD, 7W ParcelNo...: 210111104013 kgal Description: ProjectNo : fRTOq-6q \.1 OWNER DUFFY DG I.,LC c/o LAITRA ,t CI{RISMAN 410 17TH ST 221[D FL, DEN\TER co 80202 COIVTRACTOR METAI] DESIGN TNC. P.O. BOX 3906 VAIIJco 87-6s7 I-,icense: l-55 -M Desciption: BATH, MNGE, AND DRYER VENTING Valuation: $1.790.00 -Bos_ooZ S Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : Ul26l2M Issued. . : 05lV2l2M Expires. .: 10/2912006 Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > will cdl---> $40 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review- > $10 . oo TOTAL FEES-----------> $o. oo $3.00 $0 .00 Total Calculated Fees-- > Ss3 .00 Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee----- > Payments--------..-- > BALANCE DUE--..-.... > $s3. oo $0 .00 $s3 - 00 ss3 - 00 $0.00 Q"ro*r"ENr oF coMMUMry oru?onr"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0121 04/26/2006 04/26/2006 Phone: 97o-479-O5O7 Fireolace Information: Restricted:# of Gas Applianc€s: 0 # ofGas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMEN| 04/26/2006 cc Aetion: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. Corrd. 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIIAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOV|IN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRER'S INSTRUCTIONS A]lD C}IAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (SLOC.): GAS APPLIAIICES SHAIJIJ AE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF TTIE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECIIAI{ICAL EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLY WITH CI{APTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AIiID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOIL,ERS SIIAJ.rIJ BE MOITNTBD ON FTJOORS OF NONCOIIBUSTIBITE CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOUIflIING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI.DG.): PERMIT,PIJAI{s A* .T ANAI-,YsIs MUsT BE PosTED -T",,A,,CAIr ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOIL,ER ROOMS SIIAL,L BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIII OR OTIIER APPROVED MTANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.5.*ttt{.t+***+tttt* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an {rccurate plot plan, and state that all ttre information as required is correct. I agree to cornply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning ard suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQT]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI'R HOIJRS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. SIGNATIJRE CONTRACTOR AND OWNET ******++++++++**l***+*'t*f,*****'t****+***+++++++****tt*****ti**********t**t*****t****++*f++f+* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement*******+**'t****+f*lff++***'t't*tt*****:it******+*tl'***+*+fft****+*****************+'3**********+ Statement Number: R060000496 Amount 3 $53.00Palment Method: Cheek DESIGNS 05/02/2oo6to:02 Alr Init: IJC Notation: *5222/VIETAL Permit No: Parcel No: site Addresa : I-,ocati.on: This Paynent: ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 0010 00 031123 00 wc 0 010 00 03112I0 0 M05 - 0121 2101- 111- 0401- 3 3944 BTGIIORN RD VAIL 3944 BTGTTORN RD, 7W $s3 .00 Deseription Tgle: MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: Total ALL Prnts: Balance: $s3 .00 $s3 . oo $0.00 Current Pntg MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WTLI, CA],I, INSPECTION FEE 40.00 10.00 3 .00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Permat will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combusdon Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationc Heat loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 1 Mechanical Contraclor: f\tlc[c,( N.,o,* ion -t.-\c . Town ofVail Reg. No.: { 55 - 'q'1 Conta.ct Person and Phone #'s: €,ac- Cnrztarna^ Ro- nta E-Mail Addrcss:Fax#: 4 2?- 0SA j*(Yff;"^"P'D.,\iorz-t , \b a € COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Conbd Eagle Coanfu Awrs Office at Parcer# , /o I ltl D 4D/ 3 'oooooB'q,,kl Brchorzn r€o tC,t Legal Description ll Lok I Block I Filing:Subdivision: $qffesT"' N.,G ) t .( I €9'ff'' lz+h) sf . aa Fl fl ehone: Engineer:Address: bttrrru\. eO ll Phone: Detailed description of work: Il-14*{n, R(tn r o ) ti fr,.uu t;A-n ),iS tsO oto;4 workclass: New( ) tAdditon("f-Xrcration(pt-nep#( ) other( ) BoilerLocaUon: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU e,rist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Singlefamily(vf Duplo<( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesEKistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase U device? Yes ( ) No ( ) E-,;, r= fi ,,,' i,= l'fElrut*EFt*v**,r{i 5b r:1 ll!t ll llfto itjl ou,oroooruF:\cdev\BUILDING\APPUCATIONS\,tECHPERM2005.DOC Tr-\rAtNt Ltr \/A ll mvn0F Town of Vail MechanicalCodes and Desion Criteria o You must obtain Design Review Boad (DRB) approval if any of the meclranical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited b removal and rcplacement of driveway snow meft systems. Please contact a Planner at479-2L2a for additional Information. o The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 International Mechanical Code and the 2OO3International Fuel Gas Code. r Alt new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusuatty tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn ftom outside t'lre structure for mechanical equipment. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which rcstricts b oonstruction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaris. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for comprcmise, yet effiectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore t'he following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open heath wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. ,,s ni ,,,.. ,r Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may corilaini . One (1) EPA Phase U ceftafied solid fuel burning devke and no more tfian two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no morc than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). r Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fircplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Accommodation Units - Each new aesommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance ftreplace. If two or mone separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fircplace (if one already exists) and no morc than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may @nvert up to two existing fircplaces to gas. If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or replaed by an EPA Phase II certified unit. F:bdev\BUILDING!{PPUCATIONSUVIECHPERM2005.DOC 06/0E2005 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Iegal Description: Proiect No : .' Job Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location.....: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W ParcelNo...: 210111104013 o ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT o DEP NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0100 -??sO.-t -o(( Lt L\ 5o5'oo 75 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : O3l28l2N6Issued..: 04103/2@6 Expires . .: Wl30l20fJ6 OV|INER DUFFY DG LLC c/o I,AURA iT CHRISTMAN 410 17TH ST 22ND FL 03/28/2006 DENVERco 80202 APPI.,ICAI\E OIII WEST MEC}IANTCAL TNC 03/28/2006 PhONC: A27-5702 PO BOX 521_ MIIiMURN co 8r_64s License: 300-M CONTRACTOR OIII WEST MECHANTCAL INC 03/28/2006 Phone: A27-57O2 PO BOX 521 MIMTURN co 8164s IJicense: 300-M Desciption: INSTALL NEW BOILER AND SIDE ARM PIPING; INSTALL NEWHEATERS MOVING BOILER ROOM TO GARAGE Valuation: S21.500.00 Firenlace lnformation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical--- > $440.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Investigation- > Will Call--- > $0. 00 Total calculated Fees-.-> $s53 . 00 Plan Check-- > 5110 .00 TOTAL [;EES-----------> Sss3 . oo Additional Fees----------- > $0.00 $3.00 Total Permit Fee----- > S553. oo Payments------------- > BALANCE DUE-----.--. > $5s3.00 $0.00 Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/28/2006 ce Action: AP Items 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Condz 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER ? OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TO!{N OF VAIIJ. Cond:23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURERTS INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI-,IAIiICES SHAIJI-, BE VEM|ED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANT IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2 Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILTERS SIIALL BE MOIINIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IJNIJESS I.ISTED FOR MOt]I\]'TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI-,OORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLAIiIS AI.ID CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): BOILER ROOMS SIIALL, BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY PM. o CTIAPTER o 003 EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITII IFGC.. 3 OF THE 2OO3 AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *+*it++++***********t*+f*f+*++****f**+**+++++t+++f*************t********f++++++*l+********** TOWNOFVAIL. COIJORADO Stat€meNrt+++*i*********************+++++*ta+++i****************t**'i***'t******f*+++{r*tr***'}*f*rtt**r}f**** Statenent Number: R050000328 Pa)rment Method: Check Mechanical / ck LLa4 Amount: $553.00 04/03/200602:43 PM Init: LT lilotation: Out West Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrege : Location: This Payrnent: M05 - 010 0 2101-111-0401-3 3944 BTGIIORN RD VAII., 3944 BIGITORN RD, 7W $ss3 .00 T14>e: MECHAIIICAL PERMIT ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account :Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 DescriDtion MECHA}IICAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE Total Fees: Tota1 ALL Pmtse : Balance: $ss3 .00 $ss3.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 440.00 110.00 3 .00 I i r OA 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 Permit will not be aephd without the followlng: Provlde ilcdranlcal Room leyout drawn b scale b Indude:o Medranlcal Room Dlmenslonso Combusfron Alr Duct Siize and l-ocatono Flue, Vcnt and Gas Llne Slze and Locatono HeatLocsGalcs.o EqulpmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION MEGIANICAL: $ @nact at or visit for Patel # Parcer #en /t/l)"{013 rob Nane: V1 r i<**ra u / il o lh a t/rr robAddress: yq4 B;qha.n RJ Legal Description I Lot:Blodr:Filing:Subdivlslon: Ovners Name: I Addres:Phone: Engineer: I Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: fuau( qtu boit€r I citc aPt a<t !p\ lv'frtl( ucu h,r4ha.da6 ttrr:tlil,t, h,,lU nyrro fror- uo+h;v, *a qn^e, WorkClass: Nev,t() MdiHon() nttera0onDd Repair() @rer() Boiler Location: Interior (/) Exterior ( ) Odrer ( )Does an EHU o<ist at thls location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg: Slngle-hmilyt\) hplo(( ) MultFfamily( ) Commerdd ( ) Re*aurant( ) Oher( ) No. of bdsting Dwelllng Units in thls buildlng:No. of Ammmodation Units in tiis building: No/Tvoe of Fireolae Exlstino: @s Aooliances ( v) Gas Lms ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumlno ( ) Noflype of Flreplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) eas fogs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) I Is thls a conversion from a wood burnlng fireplace to an EPA Phase II derie? Yes ( ) *********************x.,3:3FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********:r*:I ::: "-. F*******,**rf *** }.{AR 24 m06 TOWN OF VAIL -23-2005.DOCF:\dev\FORJ'ts\PERMm\&rllding\medanlcaurermit_l 1 TMENT OF COMMUNITY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: Status . . . AFplied. . Issued. Expires . a DEPAR o EVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location.....: 39,14 BIGHORN RD, 7W Parcel No...: 2101 11104013 ProjectNo : -?Rs"O(( -O((qL{ OUINER DUFFY DG LI-,Cc/o r_,AuRA ,J CHRTSTMAN 410 17TH ST 22I[D FIJ DENVER, co 40202 APPI-,ICANI ASCENT EI.,ECTRIC P.O. BOX 2027 SILVERTHORNE co 80498 I-,icense : 134 -E COMTRACTOR ASCEMT EI-,ECTRIC P.O. BOX 2027 SIIJVERTHORNE co 80498 License:134-E Desciption: REWIREHOUSE Valuation: $20.000.00 Electrical----- > DRB Fee------ > Investigation--- > will cdl----- > TOTAL FEES.- > $155.25 $0. oo $0.00 s158.25 04/06/2O06 04/06/2006 Phone: 970-513-0053 04/06/2006 Phone: 970-513-0053 Square feet:3500 E06-0039 -Sos ooi 5 : ISSUED : 04/Ml2A06 : O4ll4l2OM .: lolll/2006 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Total Permit Fee--:- > Payments------------ > BALANCE DI,'E__...- > 9158.25 s0.00 $158 - 25 $158 - 25 s0.00 Approvals: Item: 06000 EIJECTRICAI-, DEPARTMEI{:I o4/o7/2006 itrann Action: 04/07/2006 shahl Action: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. DECLARATIONS i I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design M8:00AM-4 +*******t***'+t******++++++++++++**********t*tf******'l*ri**********+++++++++++**+*+f++******f* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement****+'t'|***'1.'l****f,***{.t **********++++++++++*+++*,}*********t't't 't*******************+*****t***+* Statement Nr:mber: R050000380 Palment,, Melhod: Check I Electric temlr check Amount: $158.25 04/14/200601 :05 PM Init: DDG Notsat,ion: Ascent Permit No: Parcel No: Sitse Addrea6 : Location: Thie Palment: 805- 003 9 2101-111-0401-3 3944 BIGHORII RD \TATL 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W $158.2s Tl4)e : EIJECrRICAIT PERMIT ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 Description EI.,ECTRICAI, PERMTT FEES WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE Total Fees: ToIaI ALL PmTg: Balarce: $1s8.2s $1s8.2s $o. oo Current Pmt6 155.25 3.00 *m ao AppucArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rncoMplere_ on#yffibOV_ OVW 6oc- oo39 CONTRACTOR IN FORI,IATION Building Permit #: 6o5-ooa3 electrical Permit ir. S7 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81557 Elecbica I C.ontractor:At.*r- E,-u.--r.'.e \^-Torvn ofVall Reg. No.:t i\-e @ntact Person and Phone #'s:O^^- Qlo-t7o-orn t E-Mail Addrcsst /l ,/Fax#: ?D3.2?s- orz? fl/,nil/@ntractor Signature: COI|PLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & t{aterials) AMOUNT OF SQ Fr IN STRUOURE: 3 Soo I eUCrnrCt- VALUATION: $ Zo I @o6 - Conbd Offi@ at 97G328-8ilO or visit # Parcel #Z \ortr.\ o\s t] Job Narne: C-lrKrsTlYrn^l Jobkdress: 3q\\ gfq,uos"{ RD Legal DescripUon lot:Blodr:Filing:Subdivision: oMtners NameCr..*rr*,r^, IAddress:ttto \-J{ gr ffo 6w- I Phone: 91oauv1-\3eb Engineer: I Addres:Phone: Detailed descripton of work: -) lr t(g,.-.f- LlssS€ WorkOass: New() MdiUon( ) Remodel([) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior (K) Exterior ( ) BoBt ( )Does an EHU e,rist at this locaUon: Yes ( ) No (X) TypeofBldg.: Single-family( ) Duplo<(X) Multi-hmily( ) Commerdal ( ) Resitaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ,1_No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 1 Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No f( ) I Ooes a FIre Sprinkler Sptem ExisE Yes ( ) tlo k) **!t**********:r*J}.**jl***!t*********f*****FoR OFFICE USE ON ?-)--- tfr '' I F:\od6AFoRl.lS\PERMm\BulHir|9\decucal-pennit-ll-23-2005.Doc 6 2005 ') Page 1 of 2 iF VAIL rLlz3lzffis tr o I Amendment to the 20O2 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be rcadily accusible, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the strr.rcture. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In mulU-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common waffs and spaces arc exempe NM Cable (Romex) an be ud only in single and mufti-family dwellings net exding 3 serfi*. lype NM cannot be usd in any building mixd with Tlp A,B,EF.H.I.M &S occupancie. Aluminum @nduLtorasmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail, " TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the eristing condition and veriry that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with thls application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one-Iine and panel schedules are reguired if load is added or distribution is altered, I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F:\da^FoRlvls\PERl4m\Building\elecilcaljermill 1-23-2005.DOC Page 2 of 2 tll?3l200/s o DEPTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 n0-479-2138 St f- o ol3 ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P05-0026 o EVELOPMENT Job Address: 39,14 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W Applied . . : 0312912W5 Parcel No...: 2l01lll040l3 Issued. . : M/O5/2W5 Project No ' r' ' 'Pf lof .0+41 ExPires ' ': r0toztzffis owNER DItFFy Dc r.r_,c 03/29/2oos phone: c/o r,AuRA it cHRrsrttAll 410 17TH ST 22}ID FI, DETiTVER co 80202 I_,icenee: col[TRAcToR coNcEPT MECHANICAL, INC 03/29/2005 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 4L620 ticense: 189-P APPIJICANI CONCEPT MECHANICAJJ, INC 03/29/2005 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1155 AVON, CO 8152 0 Lricense: L89-P Desciption: ROUGH IN DWV AND PLLJMBING FIXTURES. ROUGH IN AND CONNECT GAS. SET AND TRIM FIXTTJRES Valuation: $19,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restrioed: ??# ofGas Appliancas: ?? # ofGas Logs: '11 #of Wood Pdlet ?? Plunbing- > $285.00 Restnra PlaD Review- > Plan Check--- > s71.25 DRB Fc€-------- > FEE SUMMARY S0 ,00 Totrl Calculat€d Fees-- > S359 .25 $0 .00 Additional Fe€s----- >$0.00 Investigation- ) Will Call---> s0. o0 TOTAL FEES > $3s9.2s Total Permit Fce------ > S3s9.2s s3.00 Item: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTI'{ENT o3/29/2OO5 JS Action: AP IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI.,DG.): FIEI-ID INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRM TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. :.***+ti:i*+***+tf DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state ttlat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, ard to build this structure according to the towns zoning and strbdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code ard other ordirunces of the Town applicable thereto. Paylrnts-------- > BALANCE DUE-_-- > s3s9.25 s0. 00 o TWENTY OR AT OIJR FROM 8:(n AIr{ - 4REQIJBSTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADB PM. TTJRBOF I V.P, AND a*a***+*++++ll+*+l**lfi*t'i*'l*'i***ll*+aa+*++*faaata*'it'l****aa+t+tl******l**+***f++*++f*+**a!* TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Statement '|l'i*'|l****a++*{"}**t********{r***l++*flt+ta++t*t*tlrt**'}***aft++*****''rra*r****+++t*+*******r**r Statenent Number: R050000333 Palzment Method: Check Mechanical 9087 Atnount: $359.25 04/05/2ooso2:54 pM fnit: DDGNotation: Concept Perml-t No3 Parcel NosSite Address: Location: This Palment s PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05-0025 I:pe: PLITMBING PERMIT 210111104013 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIT 3944 BTGHORN RD, ?Yr Total Feea: $3s9.25 Total ALL Pmta: Balance: PIrAN CHECK FEES PIJ'MBIDIG PERMIT FEES WIIJIJ CAIJI.' INSPECTION FEE $3s9.2s $3s9.2s $0.00{'*a****tt***aa++aat+'}t+t'}a**{'+++++l+*****r+aafafr*tt+t****+a+**+l***'}**ta+at***tit*rt*a++++* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account code DeEcription curreng llntE 71.25 285 . O0 3 .00 APPUCATIOT{IIOT BE AtrEPTED IF INOOMPI.EIE OR, Proiect #: Bnilding Permit Plumbilg Permit#: o WItL TOV-CdJril.rrEv. Se c r-e-fz, COMPLETE VALUATIOI{ FOR PLUIIIBITIG PERIIIT (labor & MaErials) PLUMBING: $ooo I at tbr # Paref # 2n ///t a/o/3 rob Name: A*2fava//oV1p "K*rob Address: .Z/1 /, 1/ii, f"A 4zz{/*/; 1, f-egaf Descdptlon l|,ilzJ v wtal/ | Fillne:subdfvbion: ^ y fr T "3,* /1 h o ra s s %lyl"S:* Iry, 1.3^f,t^, I Address: /ag.n2'rJ!,Et^- lPfr*, fr9'nfl, n, o u f ril*A- ^ -.. * Ild W._s. Rouqh i,t q"td conaQ.f qas. 5et aqd fr/) Work Class: Nerry ( ) Mditbn l0. Typeof BHg.: SlnglcfamiV ( ) D|N*WI mufu-amV( ) Commsdal( ) nestarrant( ) Otrer( ) llo. of EGting Drclling Units in thb building: One tfo. dAmsnmodation Units in thb buiuing: -42 - ffingfireplaebanEPAPheetrdevrc? Yes( ) No(rX r. rr*r. r r. I r r..***..r.. r...il * rr. rr | *.IFOR OFFICE USE OllLY..*r*.t.*.*..rr.r.r..t.....*......rt. * o DEP PLUMBING PERMIT 39,14 BIGHORN RD VAIL 3944 BIGHORN RD,7W 2101 11 104013 ' ., . '|'T-RTo( -oY\.1 DUFFY DG I.,LC C/O I,AI'RA .f CHRISTT|IA}I 410 17TH ST 22ND FIJ DENVER co 80202 .T G PI.,I'MBING & HEATING INC. PO BOX 245 RED CLIFF co 81649 License : 342-P .] G PLWBING & HEATING INC. PO BOX.. 245 RED CI-,IFF co 81649 License: 342-P TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Legal Description: Project No : OV{INER APPLTCANT ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o DEVELO 03/28/2006 8/2e/2006 Permit #: Status...: Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires . .: Phone:970-390-9438 P06-0023 -Bos -o445 ISSUED 03t24t2N6 ut03t2w6 @t30t20f,6 CONTRACTOR 03/28/2006 Phone:9?0-390-9438 Desciption: ENCLOSE 2ND FLOOR PORCH, REDO DECK, RECONFIGTIRE INTERIOR Valuation: $22.000.00 FireDlace Information:Resrict€d:'!2 # of Gas Appliances: ?? FEE SUMMARY # of Gas Logs: 'l? Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fe€s--------- > Total Permit Fee----- > Paymenb------------- > BALANCE DUE------... > # of Wood Pallet: ?? Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Catl----- > s330. oo .s82 .50 $0.00 $3.00 s0.00 $415 - s0 $415.50 $0.00 $415.50 s41s . s0 s0.00 Res arant Plan Review- > TOTAL FEES-___> IIEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMEI\flT 03/28/2006 cc Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto design ******++*++*fa+++lt*****************++++**tf++t**********t*******t+*++++*************+***'i*+* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Stat€ment 'i******la+++l********a************+*t+++++******r***rr*****t+*+t++*********a****+*+**++****+ statement Number: R050000329 Anount: $415.50 04/Og/200602244 pvl Pa)ment Method: Check Mechanical / ck rL84 Init: LT Notation: Out West Permit No: P05-0023 TIE)e: PIJUT{BING PERMITParcel No: 2101- 111- 04 01- 3 Site Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIIJ Location: 3944 BIGHORN RD, ?W Total Fees:s415. s0Thi6 Palment: $415,50 Total ALL PmtE: $415.50Balance: 50.00f*t+++t+l*****t******t****fa++********ttt***t*****i++++*i******tt***t+*+t*a******+******+*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current lrrnts PF 001000031123 00 PP 0 010 0 003111100 wc 0 010 0 003112 8 00 PIATiI CHECK FEES PIJT'MBING PERMIT FEES WIIJIJ CALL INSPEETION FEE 82. s0 330.00 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI d? Qv( ^ - Project #: I FtJ YO6- OO 2 3lhd,Ht{il'ij MVNWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colprado 81657J6.! COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) 6.Uu*CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbinq Contractor: oiin t 89951 to*n:HIHY?Contact and Phone #'s:/t,rnt tflt' 3>a;t'.-- E-Mail Address:3f, 2 -'P Contractor Signature: Assessots Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Job Address: Detailed description of work: A-ll t't' eu' PJ *-D'\ -#,x+< rq c<''-< frr "'?t 4t<< WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration{)Q Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) PLUMBING: $ ****************r.r.*********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* t+tiy MAR 24 2006 \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPE RM. DOC 07 n612002 o fil.1)..4sd,/ mmfrVffi! HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? !- Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Directot (970147e.213s Check allthd applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our stafi immediate_ dow _or ,, . , , , ,. no one available_-__. _? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were heloed? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was tttis yourfirsttime to fle a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ fl/A 6. Please rate the performance of tfre shfiperson who assisted you:5132'l Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness oitre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is tlre best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the tme to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. 13-lt;3oou In"p""$3ll F"dyF?ffiFo'ting t"n" " Requested Insp6ct Date: I[ursAay, December 14,2006' Insoection Area: GG Site Address: 39'14 BIGHORN RD VAIL 3944 BIGHORN RD,7W A/P/D lnformation Activitv: 805-0023 Const Tvo6: O^frier: DUFFY D Applicant: BECK BU Cohtractor: HEID COI Description: ADDITIOI Nbtice: PLASTEF Notice: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: ADUP V-B Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG 970-949- s70-766- FTOFG R AT FINAL - JCHILDS WORKS - JSUTHERrs rN ADDRESSED PRIOR TO SUBMITTED 6/15/05. ROUTED TO CF(RIS. ELISABETH - NG TO BE RELEASED FROM BUILDING EW CONTRACTOR OF RECORD. PLACED IN NEW ROOF STRUCTURAL DETAILS. CGUNION - JSUTHER Sub T.ype: use: CHRIS GUNION Requested Inspeclion(g) lnsoection Hlstorv Comment: Item: 50 Item: 60 Item: 70 10/04/06 Comment:Item: 90 BLDG-Final Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: Requested Time: 09:00 AM' Phone: 390-2674 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: Item: 30 BLDG-Framino 04128106 -lnspector: Comment: COURTSEY 05/08/06 InsDector: REPT131 approved Run Id: 6L07 12r-1?#06 In"p"$:,tF"fyF"J nrPo'ting e"n" tn Requosted lnspect Date: Wednesday, Dccember 13, 2006 lnsDection Area: JRM Slte Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL 39.14 BIGHORN RD.7W A/PID Information Activitv: M0m125 Tvoe: B-MECH Const Twr6: --"-- Occuoah'cv:Oltlier DUFFY DG LLCConfactor METAL DESIGN lNC. Description: ADDING HUMIDIFICATION Reouected lnsocc{ion{al ADUP 970-479{507 Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: JRM lnsoection Hlstorv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh Time Exp: .i.Approved * Item: 390 MECH-Flnal Reoueston Rick Heid Coniments: will call 390-2674 Assionod To: JMONDMGON- Aclion: Item: 310 Item:3'15Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340 Item: 390 Reouested Time: 01:30 PM' Phone: 390-2674 Entered By: DGOLDEN K t^p b?6ErtWnrnro""to* JR;omment: MECHANICAL DMECHANICAL DUCTING ROUGH FOR H d" REPT],31 Run Id: 6097 I ( ,'1a 12r-l?#m rnseec$3,tFe,{tuF?ljHPorting e"t" sz Requea@ ln+qci D8t : W9dn6day, Dcccmber 13, 2006- lnrg".ltionlrcai Sf;* ",e"*il RD vArL 39.04 BIGHORN RD,71V A/F/II lnformatlon Activltv: M0&0121- Tvoe: B-MECH SubTvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUEDconffi;'f,ffiDcllc occupahiry: U'ee: InspA'st' aa Contac'tor: METAL DESIGN lNC. Phone: 970.'47$0507 Descfiption: BATH, RANGE, AND DRYER VENTING Reouecbd lmoecdoilrl Itcm: 300 tIECH-Flnal Reouesilon Rick Held Coniments: will call 390-2674 AssiqnedTo: JMONDRAGON- Acton: Requesled Tlrn€: 0l:00 Pll' Phone: 3W2674 Enter€d By: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: lnsoectlon Hlstorv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh05/0il06 Inspector JRM Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIONComment APPROVED BATH FANS AND DRYER DUCT. KITCHEN DUCTING NOT IN PLACEItem: 310Item: 315Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340Item: 390 V I REPTl31 Run Id: 6097 ll8l#ou In"p"$:flF"dyF?ffif"'ting t"n" .' Requested Insp€ct Date: Thursdax November 02, 2006- lnspection Area: GG Site Address: 39'f4 BIGHORN RD VAIL 39'14 BIGHORN RD.7Vt A/P/D Information Itsm: Requestor: Coniments: Assiqned To:- Action: ^ ->ryrZ-g*b (r,^.-/ fct."^6fts ?or. oo zb lnspectlon Hlstorv Req Action: APAPPROVED uested Time: 09:00 AM Phone: 389-3342 Entered By: DGOLDEN K 2 J 315 320 330 340 390 Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Activitv: M064100 Const Tvo6: Owtier: DUFFY D( Aoolicant: OUT wES Cohhactor: OUT WES Description: INS_IALL_ | Tvoe: B-MECH Occupahby: SubTgne: ASFR Insp Area: CG Status: ISSUED Requestedtnsoec{ion{s) (B"t lr.) f $Xdcot r'C 9 ,* Approved * of Hydronic piping 0 0 0 1 Time Exp: Ll{ n I n I'.'o\ta J rc l*"(r..tu; t S5 '-r- 11 '7 ^ u zo c-/ / REPTl31 Run Id: 5941 % November 4, 2004 Ms. Katie Agron The Consilium Group, LLG 1175 Osage Street, #202 Denver, CO 80218 Re: Rothaker/GhristmanResidence 39,14 Bighorn Road, Vail CO 8165ZLot 7, Gore Creek Park DR8040564 Dear Katie, Thank you for submitting an application for design review of a minor exterior alteration at the above address. Per my conversation with Seth this morning, I have scheduled the application to be heard by the Design Review Board at their next bi-weekly meeting on Wednesday, November 17'' at 3pm. The Design Review Board will visit the site at their pre-meeting that morning and will then discuss the application at the public hearing in the Town Council Chambers that afternoon, at which time they will vote on the proposal in front of the applicant. Please submit a cut sheet of the proposed flagstone for the patio by next Friday, November 11'. This will be helpful lo the Design Review Board in their decision. To get to the Council Chambers, take exit #176 from l-70. Head south under the highway and then right at the main round-about. The municipal building is the second possible right turn from the South Frontage Road and the meeting will be held in the Chambers, which is inside the building at the east side of the large parking lot. Please don't hesitate to contact me before the 17'n if you should have any questions or concerns. lwill plan on seeing you or anothet representative of the application at spm on that day. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com November 18,2004 Ms. Katie Agron The Consilium Group, LLC 1175 Osage Street, #202 Denver, CO 80218 Re: Rothaker/Christman Residence 3944 Bighorn Road, Vail CO 81657/Lot 7, Gore Creek Park 0R8040564 Dear Katie, Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board meeting regarding the above proposal. As you know, the Design Review Board made several comments regarding the proposal of several exterior changes, including the addition of square footage and a dormer to the residence. 1) The Board suggested that the dormer proposed for the east side reflect the root line that already exists, as opposed to introducing a gable shape which is not present on either side of the duplex and does not match the style ol the existing construction. 2) The Board further suggested that the shed roofline, which will be created as a result of the additional square lootage to the west side of the residence, be raised to reflect the same pitch that exists at the roofline on that elevation. Obviously, to create an equal pitch with the existing roofline, the roof overthe addition may need to be raised to create enough head height at the west elevation. The Design Review Board tabled the application until December 1", 2OO4 hearing. However, if additional time is needed to create new plans, please let me know. The application could then be scheduled for the lollowing meeting, on Wednesday, December 15''. Additionally, please be aware that several issues remain to be addressed prior to approval: 1) The residence must be re-painted to match existing colors prior to the final Certiticate of Occupancy is granted. 2) The floodlights on the east side of the residence must be removed prior to final inspection and a new exterior lighting plan must be submifted prior to final approval by the Design Review Board or Staff. 3) Adjoining duplex owner signatures must be provided for the Community Development Department in orderto ensure that any proposed changes reflecting the Design Beview Board's concerns have been approved bY them. Again, thank you for making the trip up to Vail to present the Rothaker/Christman proposal. Please feel free to contact me with-any further questions or concerns. Meanwhile, I will plan on seeing you on Wednesday, December 3pm. {p *t ".uo rt u Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 1,2004 Mr. Seth Chused The Consilium Group, LLC 1175 Osage Street, #202 Denver, CO 80218 Re: Rothaker/Christman Residence 3944 Bighorn Road, Vail CO 81657/Lot 7, Gore Creek Park DR8040564 Dear Seth, Thank you for submitting amended plans which reflected the concerns (new shed dormer shapes) of the Design Review Board at their previous meeting. As you know, the Design Review Board consent approved the amended proposal today at the public hearing. However, the application was approved with the following conditions: 1) Prior to final inspection by the planning department, the applicant shall re-paint the residence (west side) to match existing colors. 2) Prior to tinal inspection by the planning department, the applicant shall remove all illegal floodlights located on the residence. {p ^r"".r"o r,rr"^ The attached forrawill.be needed in order for you (or the contractor) to apply for the building permit. Meanwhile, p_Jed-se le[rne know if you have any remaining questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience in Whtt isrdi alwayd'a simple.flesigh review process._,'_/ z '?"%urdo,'#ff::'((/?{'.-'' il'0tr1 A \l ffiram'm':--'.u't* *7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development I 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Christman/Rothaker residence DRB Number: DR8040564 Project Description: Enclose second floor deck, addition of 2 dormers with shed-style roofs, addition of 420 square feet GRFA. Participants: OWNER DUFFY DG LLC 10/2512004 Phone: C/O LAUM J CHRISTMAN 4IO LTTH ST 22ND FL DENVER co 80202 License: APPUCANT IGTIE AGRON L012512004 Phone: 303-282-1008 . 1175 oSAGE Sf, #202 DENVER, CO 802183944 License: Project Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W Legal Description: Lot: 7W Block: Subdivision: LANDMARC TOWNHOMES PH I Parcel Number: 210111104013 comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApproval: l2l0Ll20O4 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006825 1) Prlor to final lnspection by the planning departnent the applicant shall re-paint the residence (west slde) to match erisUng colors. Entry; I2lOLl2004 By: ee Action: AP Gond: CON0006827 2) Prior to final inspection by the planning department the appllcant shall remorre all illegal floodlighb located on the resldence. Entry: 140V2004 By: ee AcUon: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Pald: S2O.OO #re,Wt'ffi':-- -'. u' t* *7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development ) 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Christman/Rothaker residence DRB Number: DR8040564 Project Description: Enclose second floor deck, addition of 2 dormers with shed-style roofs, addition of 420 square feet GRFA. Participants: OWNER DUFFY DG LLC 10/2sl2004 Phone: C/O LAUM J CHRISTMAN 410 17TH ST 22ND FL DENVER co 80202 License:ootul$rffiEf$:|rr, rltzstzoo4 Phone:303-282-1008 DENVER, CO 802183944 License: Project Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: 3944 BIGHORN RD,7W Legal Description: Lot: 7W Block: Subdivision: HNDMARC TOWNHOMES PH I Parcel Number: 210111104013 comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApproval: 12101/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0'(PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please censult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006826 1) Prior to final inspection by the planning department, the applicant shall re-paint the residence (west side) to match eNisting colors. Entry: L210U2004 By: ee Action: Ap') Cond: CON0006827 2) Prior to final inspection by the planning departnrent the applicant shall remove all illegal floodlights located on the resldence. Entry: L40L|2O04 By:.ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO o Revi at 970-32&8640 for parcel no.) LO /Juinornneration(!.=/ (singletdnily/duplex) . ctffgE to Appro\pd Phns . Separation R€qL6t - Par.of n".,710f l//o Zonlng:7 Nam6(s) of Owner(s): lralllng Addrcss: Owner(e) Slgnature(o): Name of Appllcant: malllng Address: E-mall Addr€ss: Type of Revlew and F . SigrE Corceflual Review l*,lew OrBtnlction Addition Mircr Aheratbn (multi-f amily/comrnercial) Application for Design ew D€partfi€nt of Cornrnunity D€wloprnent 75 South Fontagp RGd, Vail, Cdorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax:. 970.479.2452 rveb: wrvw.\tailgov.om Ggn€ral Informatlon: Atl proiec{s requiring d€sign review must recsire approral prior to submitting a buiHing pemit apdication. Pl€6o refer to the'submittal requirenenf tor the parti@hr +proyd thd is requesled. An apdication tor Design Fleview canmt be aocEpted until alt Equir€d iniormation b rBc€i\€d by the cdnmunity Do\rslopmilt D€partm€nt. Tln propr may abo need to be Eviewed by th€ Town odlncil and/or the Pbnning ard Envircnnnntal coflmission. Ilodgn rovlew approval lapc unless a bulldlng pormlt 1! bs|ed and condruc.tlon commence. wlthln one y€al ol ihe rpproval. Decrlptlon of the Requ€t: Vlo/ l-ocatfon ot the Proposa lz t-ot:7!at ,6Wt Physlcal Addrw:t,trk 0?z Cr -hqq 5's lzt /sp No Fee $650 For corFtntction ot a new building or d€mo/robuild. $m For an addition where square footagp 'F added lo any resij€ntial or comrnorcial building (indudes 25() additiorB & interior conveciors). $25O fur minor ct|angBs to buiHings and site improvsrpnts, such 6, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenc6 and retaining walb, etc. $20 For minor c-hang€e to buildings and site improv€ments, sl.lctl 6, rer@fing, painting, window additirxp, lan&caping, tences ard rciaining walls, €tc. $20 For rer/isbns to plans alrEdy appro\,€d by Pknning Shtf or the Desitn Fbview Board. IloF€ For Oftlcr tlre Onlv:il pril,--?"D;rrj--' - o,".* r.o.. \ \ ?- \ u"ciru o"r"' tI I t]\ot{ Page 1 ot 12n4n1l0/ RECD oCT 2': 2004 P o tl*'t'trtt*a**'i**l**rr**a****tt+t***'l*a+a*t***al*rla:ta***lir!3tt++*a'|****a***'i***a***t*******l** TOWNOFVAIL, COIPRADO Stat€m€nt Statement l{umber: R040O05975 Anrount: $2O.OO LO/25/2OO4O4222 PU! Payment Metbod: Check Init: LC Notatlon: *rrzrlcoNerlrlltM GRouP, rJLc ------..-------------- Permit No: DRB04O554 T142e: DRB-Minor Alt, sFRr/DUp Parcel No: 210111104013 Site Addrees: 3944 BIGIIORN RD \rAIL Location: 3944 BIGHoRN RD, 79f Total Fces: S20.00 ThiE Pal/ment: $20.00 Total ALIJ Pnts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 +tf +'.**la****'3't**+**t**t*'|a*'t**+**';**'tttr**'|t*****+*a**r*i'**'|f*art'*****a*'l*i*+'t***t***'t*l*'i**** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Joint Property Owners' Written Approval Letter We, Bruce and Laura Falkenberg, as the owners of the eastern side of a duplex property located at 3944 Big Hom Rd., provide this letter as written approval of the October 15,2O04 version of the attach;d plans daied July 26tr, 2004, which witt te submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departnent, for the improvanents proposed to be completed on the western half of the duplex located at the address noted above. Our approval of the proposed changes is based upon our understanding that all exterior materials and colors, except for the proposed stone deck, will be matched to the existing exterior of the duplex. The change to existing exterior material necessary for the stone deck is acceptable to us. We further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. PROFOSED IIATERIAIS Type ol llaterlal ColorBulldlng llatorleb Root $ding OherWall lhterlals Fd*r Sotftts Unndows WmdowTrlm Doors Door Tdm l'land or Deck Raib frres FHring Chimnep TrdrErdoorree Grcenhorses Retainirg WaHs E)Gior tightirp other ' lrl, exi'l;'qt h erisJi'gt M l{otcl: Ple6e spcity the manut&tr€r'6 nanF, lhe cobr name and numbsr ard attach a coh chip. Fage6ol lzo4,nllo4l UTILITY APPROVA & VERIFICATIO}I Thb fom sewes to verity that the proposed impro\rernents will not ir|pet any exisling or propo€ed utility servbes, and do to verify $rvice anailability and locatbn for new constrrrction and should be used in conjunction with preparirg ),our utility dan and schedulirB installations. A site plan, indudlrE grading plan, floor plan, and ele\rations, strall be submitted to the blbriry utiliti€o for apFoval and wrlti:ation. Au$orlzed Comments h Slgnature owEsr 970.3&4.0257(fax) OontacG: S@tt Carington 970.468.6860 Jen Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSI'RE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Oontact: Ricfi Sknerc HOLY CROSS E.ECTRIC 970.949.5892 (H) 970.949.4566 (fax) Oontact: Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Oontacts: Kit BogBrt 970.262.&24 JimO'neaf 97Oj62.M9 EAGI..E RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRlCT 970.476.7& (rel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fr€d Hadee COTCASTCABIE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Oontact: Floyd Salazar IIOTES: 1. lf the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each ol the utiliiy companies, and no comments are made direcdy on the brm, the Town will pr€sume that ther€ are no prcblerns and the dewloprent can proc6ed. 2. lf a utility company hc orrcenrs with the pro@ constuction, the utility repre€entative shall note directly on the utility verification lorm thal lhere is a problem whici needs to be r€soh/€d. The issre should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Flowever, plese keep in mind lhat it 'F the respor$Ulity ot the dility company ard the applicant to resohre identfled problerns. 3. These verificatins cb not relieve the contrertor of the responsiulity to obtain a PuHic Way Permit from the Department of Public Woda at the Town ol Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before dbging in any public right- of-way or easemer withh the Town of Vail. A h.rilding permit is not a Public Way permit arxt must be obtained s€parately. The Ddr€loper is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verificaton if the submittecl phns are ah6r€d in any way afler the authodzed signature date (unless otherwise sp€cmcaily noted wlthin the commont area ot thb form). Doveloper's Signature Pag€8of 12io4.n1l0/ Date ', /= /bn 7 ',. 20. ..15, l5' * '. = NIlt n o r Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (5020) Enrironmcn tal#Iazards 3't 6' nqui,"d-yf-- ZONE CHECK Addrcss Osncr Qs il!".;i F I1 bilrr Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbs - hoooscd nse r2-Zz-zn a - Phonc Phonc Buildablct55/ Allorvcd Existing Proposcd Torel r 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 artdition Docs rhis rcquest invotvc a 2j0 Additio n? N A ,//o W Horv muehofrhc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscdwirh tbisrcqucs? Rcmnining /ln /5ozWe_ rtalz Minimum ,^r"& n l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%)_ <-' III trl) ' a) Snorv c-.-|t/.t b) Roctfall Pro.ious conditions of approval (clcck pmpcrty fitc] ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: G00) (600) (900) (t200)/- Pcrnttcdstopc F/rt !, proposcd /Ycs- No l/ v"r-%.- No- c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REVIE}Y CI{ECKLIST Bcnchmark +_ Lcgat dcscription / - Environmcn bl llazards Trees tr FLooRPI.ANS - .250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc - EHU Lcgcnd Til.lc rcport (A & B) Buildablc fuca - -n/-z -& Q Bt'lLDD,rc ELEvATIoNs n - scalc //rtnltw tr LANDscApE pLA.\ / __ Exr'sting trccs7 * MISCELLA}EOUS /., l- Condo Approval Scalc Builling Height -t/A ^tt*-rrea Cangc conncction +r Rctaining.lValls __ Fcnccs ' Parking/Garagc ' Tum'urg Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Q.0. Vcrification Sun\Shadc fuglcs ._ Vicrv Corridors -- Varianccs .- Plat rcstictions . Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss _- Scalc Nov,29 Of O3:46p sefchused 3oi5321oos p.l Tnn CoNsnruucnouP ( t )\iliit ( !.ii"l\i \\\.(':'.li l'.:FACSIMILE TO: FAX#: FROM: DATE: Dcplrtm.nt of CommunatY DeYclopm.nt Attn: Elizabeth Eckel 97o-479-2452 Seth Chue€d LLl29lo'4 I | 75 Osnge Strect Suite 202 Dcnver, CO 80204 P (303)282-100E F (303)2E2-100e wwrr'.consil ium-grn,com *,,"OOon Managing Dileotor Scth Cbus.d Director of Operations Ilcen Ricci AIA Shop Atohitocs Bob Garlend, AIA Shop Architects am faxlng you the new elevations that we plan to present to the Design Revlew on Wednesday. Coutd you revlew them and let me know if you think they wlll meet the wishes of the DRB? , is the meedng at 3 PM again? I will be the only one attending, Katie has scheduling conflict and can not make the meeting. Thank you fur your input. 1-1515 Page I ofl file:/C:\WINDOWS\Temporaryo/o20lntemetYo20Files\Content.IE5\4lEB8PEl\DSC00034[... 10125/04 Page I ofl file://C:\WlNDOWS\TemporaryYo20[ntemeto/o20Files\Content.IE5\4LEB8PEl\DSC00028[... 10/25104 Page I of I file//C:\ IE5V|LEBSPEI\DSC00027[... lM2sl04- Page I ofl .i. .\--. ..i+*. iill**" file://C:\WlNDOWS\Temporaryo/o20lntemef/A0Files\Content.IE5\lXPFC2Z3\DSC00029[... l0D5l04 Page I of I F:'t|.i file://C:\WINDOWS\Temporarf/o20lntemef/o20Files\Content.IE5\TDGICYZL\DSC00031... rcny$4 Page I ofl file://C:\WINDOWS\Temporaryo/o20lntemef/o20Files\Content.IE5\l)OFC2Z3\DSC00032[... lODslM CHRIST / ROTHACKER RESIDENCE VAIL COLOMDO DESIGN DEVELOPME JULY 26th 2004 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 6, GORE CREEK PARK A RESUBDIV1SION OF PARCEL ,'A" BIGHORN SUEDIVISION & PARCEL "A", BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION. TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO tlcttttctt UJ() z. IUo6lll r-E= ffi hu:< =E(J;o<29F PR P gs ) e=<*>s a EE() BU]LDING CODL CODE USED: 1997 UBC OCCUPANCY: RJ (2 DWELLING UNITS) CONSIRUCION TYPE: TYPE V-N STAIR RISE AND RUN PER UBC lOOJ.J.3.J EXCEPTION 1 FOR PRIVA]E STAIRS BEDROOM EGRESS PER 310,4 (EGRESS) EXISTING .lHR OEMISING WALL PER UBC 310.2,2 TO REMAIN UNCHANGED TOTAL:475 s.F. AREA EXISIING NEW GROUND LEVEL 1115 S.F. + 475 S.F. GARAGE 0 s.F. SECOND LE\EL 1570 S.F.135 S.F. .IHIRD LE\EL 459 S.F.269 S.F. TOTALS 2944 S.F. + 475 S.F. GARAGE 424 S.F. SHEET INDEX E I .t 6 EEE A1.O COVER SHEET C1.O EXISTING SITE PLAN A1.1 PROPOSED AND EXISTING GROUND FLOOR PLANS A1.2 PROPOSED SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR PLANS AI.3 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN A2.1 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION A2.2 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION Az.J PROPOSED NORTH ELEVANON A2.4 PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION A3.1 DORMER SECIION AND WNDOW ELEVATIONS A3,2 WALL SECTION ElEIEIE|F &qtrc, A1.0 o o REIOV€ AIIO REPIACE €X6NNG IIINOOW \MtH NE\M Srll BEtGltt TO BE A6OVE CO{,I{TER -€xtlRtoR F['ltsH aT tNFtl To MATCH EXISTII{G UNDER COi'TfiER PU!! OlT I'FAI/IER REFR|GERATOR ||EWCAa ETS e CO|.Ii|TER - VERFY OOE|{T Of CAANEI.:| TO BE S^LVAG€O AAS€O NEW AUTCHER BLOCK COIJIiIER TOP wrIH WITE cooLER sEro$/ NEW STONF PORCH I/I/ HYDRONIC HEAT SY9IEIi| . VERFY EXTEI*T OT MOOF TC TTOXS TO EXFT SYSTET, I{ECESST'RY TO ACCOM R€MOVE EXISTIiIG G W 8 GU^a9FA{- A||O REPT CEWfli OPEN I|ANO/ GIARORAII6" HGh Wr}I MA.x[r'|l,M 3 7,8' OP€NING r<oro2rD o<cuNr) !/8', - t'-a)" rLOOK ir,tl f EXI9TINO OKCUND TLCOK t/8" - l''4" PLAN NORTH r_-NEW.I BURN€F GASI STOVE llrOBtOr'EN ii 8€row ir-------------------b -i GAMGE ,,h"\ AU..r REVERSE DOOR SWING REIOCAT€ BACK WAlt i EIIST 6II{K NEWVANfY RELOCATE UIUTY SINX t--- || Fri--;.I I ll l-lf+|||rrt' .-:::T: PROVIO€ NEWFLOOR \ OvERFMT'IE,61EPS J EXIST LIVING OPEN SHELVE$ --NEW IIEI lAR W SIfiAC€ c^a ^aovE (sLrDrNG DCroRs) tB€IOWCOUNEN |cE \ t-t/u n*-7 x-nIt // \\ \1t"---1 \Hl -r-lfll lIu{ glfii inl{ !lltl Tltu{ lx EXIST DINING w s'swNG ftooR w ADJ FitEO REPTACE E)0SrtiG WirOOW W NEW 6 SIIOING OOORS \/\, AOJ NEW STONE PATIO H€AT ENTF€ PA]IO W TIE+I TO H}!ROIiIC SYSIEM . VERIFY EXIEI'T Of T'OOFICATIONS TO EX|ST. SYSTE NECESSTAY TO ACCCTI uloz. Luo U) LIJ r-E= ff hu:<=EO:o< f IT o;>!- E ;:i6eEE P: > s3<$>sF(f) &.TO LARGER EEOFOOTI EXISTING Bf,DROOM REPLAC€ EXIST DOORS EXISTING N'W CLOSET F€MOV€ EXISTI|IG CIOSET OOORS/sHELF E PRo\/IOE HOOKS AaOVE a aULT.rN EENCH W STORAGE B€LOW nEtocaTE ExtsT['tc RELOCATE EXISIING lt€cH '.|c^t SYSTEM - FURIiACE. HWTANKS AXO ASSOC PrPrNG. FIUES. EtlcTRrca lo tHrs roc^r|oN (GAFAGE AIIER|I|AIETUA T ADO AT TU8 COattROtS locanoit) +Row€ oR tl Pl|l- VERIFY ACCESS l]lROlJC,H CLOSET IS ACCEPTAALE TO roca JUR60crpx SEAT gU|tT N DMIA/ERS Al{O SHEIVES NEW ftOOA SIRUCIURE AI AREA sHol/rJN oAsHEO CHAS€ FRfi SELOW ,OfFSEI FLI'ES AS REOUREO NEWIIN€I{ CLOSEfwft $rEu./Es .\ 7 NEW COOE cot/Ft-t^Nt sTAtR { IIEAD cotiinNUos HANo RAtt ?.1f A80vE sTAtR taoslltc EXIST SXYIIGHT ASOVE PROVIOE OPEN GIIMD IIAIL 5' HIGH lM 3 7F NE\4 FIOOR STRUCTURE A ARtA NEW CODE COIIPLIANT SIAIR tvr,c)( RtsE oF a. u|x1REAO OF 10'+RC'\r'DE OPEII MND/ GUARD RAIL 36- HIOH W 3 76 uAx oPENlio REMOVE EX6TII{G G W6 GUAROMIL A'|O REPLACE w|TH OPE N HANO/ G{IMOR I! 5" H|GH vvflH M^Xlirulrl| 3 7/q OPENING STRUCTURE OI st{o^r?{ oAsHEo ',N - \\, U|rDER COUNTER ||EW AUIT-TN BUtiK SEOS \ r rRUNOIE ONE S|DE A STORAGE [XISTING STAIR IEW FLOOR SIRUCTURE AI AREAREFRIGERATOR SHOIMJ OASHEO THROIJGH EXISTIOIG ROOFREMOVE EXISTII{G WNOOWABOVE A NF[! OPENINg TO IIATCh PROVTOE 74t UTI'TY CLOSET AI ST^R tailortG PRO\/O€ aarWr I- H OPEN SHELVES WTII 80Tlo Af MFt. 40 AF.F AT 8EDNOOM EXSTTNO VITNOOWS REPLACE ONE l/\, OPEFABLE MEE]ING COO€ EGRESS REA'I TKOTO9ED 2ECOI,JD TLOOK , i,/8' - i-u' \v rd-. ttlj'l 4'lv rr'ti|' ,1,L"I l"\ TKOTO9ED TNIKD TLOOK THIRD '!OOR TO FE FTELOVERFGD \t ,t i76i'l !" J'a .7 IJef Yi PLAN NORTH BIDROOtvt- - t,,8" . !'-4" ^tGFtTacta IU C)z. UJo6 LLI rE,= ffi hu:< =E(J.-'o + 53t d6o&dE 9: > ss =EFLEI(J F E E EEE EEE $HH :5 .i sctl to, 41.2 <)\ r o o ll, o E I It- ,s- \-) Clt" @ ./ :::::,,/ --E_l it =3 1pl12e rl il -- - -'l I ,/..a^i\ i i------- NE' STO PAl "lNEI:l NEW STONE PATIO NEW DORMER AT MASTER BEDROOM - IA/OOD SHAKE CTO MATCH EXISTING) ROOF ON ICE AND WATER SHIELD ON NEW ROOF STRUCTURE I a i ll lllltilltill,li EXISTING SKYLIGHT EXISTING V1/OOO SHAKE ROOF EXISTING CHIMNEY NEW\ /OOD SHAKE OO MATCH EXTSTTNG) ROOF ON ICE AND WATER SHIELD ON NEW ROOF STRUCTURE -PROVIDE ADOITIONAL UNDERLAYMENT AS RECOMMENDEO BY SHAKE MANUFACTURE EXISTING SKYLIGHT OPPOSITE SIDE OF DUPLEX (MIRROR IMAGE) rKorc9ED Kccr rLA^t i/8" . t''a' ^icFrttcta uloz. trJo6 LU r-E= fr nu)< =EC) -:o< 2.9F PR EEl > 3=<$>gFa E, -(J E q It E6 r i Io I'I e EIE slE E I.E EIE 51.5*hF8H EIElEIE : }Et16, A1.3 o O ADOTnO|{ aIOOF JSr gRG NEW VVOOO SHAKE OO MATCH EXISTING) ROOF ON ICE AND WATER SHIELO ON NEW ROOF STRUCTURE INFILL AT EXISTING WNDOW OPENING MATCH EXISTING SIQING .\ I L|NE OF OTIiER t/2 -l OF DUPLEX EXtsTtt{G 1STF.F.EXISTING WNOOW OPENING REPLACE D(ISTING SLIDING GTASS DOOR WTH FIXED WNDOWAND HINGED DOOR Etr3lrN6 r8T F F rK OTO 9 ED W E 9T E LE/ AT IO N t,/8 -I'O" IJJoz. uJo6ll.l rt= !* bnrr uJ (o)< =E 3 BEE G6 P Hq > ss<+>s (t) ETo !EEE F E I F ci &l!!tr{t, 42.1 o o Wvftr)ilt NEW DORMER @ MASTER BEDROOM INFILL AT EXISTING WNDOW OPENING MATCH EXISTING SIDING LINE OF OTHER 1I2 OF OUPLEX NEW ADOITION AT SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR TROTO9ED 9CUT T1 E Lzu AT ION l/8" . i''O" iiG-l-.cTi IUoz. UJo -cnLIJ rE,= ffi hu:< =E(J:o + t3E (66AdE 93) s=<$>sFc/) e. -C) E I .c A EEE *{5 !€tro, A2.2 o o ?'''FF rllr ri r {v NEW DORMER WITH SIOING TO MATCH EXISTING BUILDING TKOTC9ED EA9T ELzuATION t/8" - t'-o' tratG||ttlcrl uJ(J z. [rJoall.l r-t= ffi nn>< =E(J ^-o+ 53t Eo6 fr-oE P9.--93 z. 6' =sFL E,tO E :I 5 t E EEE EEE EHH I l< R 5 terrF. A2.4 o o O WOOD SHAKE ON ICE &'l\ wATER SHIELD oN s/8" osB - ON 2x12 FRMG. @ 16' O.C. W, R-30 BATT INSUL & V.8. CONTINOUS SOFFIT VENT w/ - BUG SCREEN - 216 FASCTA -PT. lullo ,|,+t(9| | --r-i" l1t>ItLt( ItlJt> MASTER BEDROOM NEWWALL ON TOP OF EXIST. -1l2'G.WB. ON 2rG FRMG @ 16" O,C. W/ R-19 BATT INSUL & V.B. WTH '8" OSB & SIDING TO MATCH EXIST. NEW METAL ROOF ON EXIST- STRUCT 3/,f' T&G OSB ON 2x12 FRMG @ 16" O.C. W lz'G.W.B. CEILING ACCOUSTIC BATT L DOKYTR 9rC1'lON i/4" - l'-o" :_ 1t'-0' !,I VERIFY (EXIST. OPENING) I| ' s'-it' ' I|-'I----_---:i wooo wNDowfio MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS -OPERABLE CASEMENTS AS INOICATED wooD wNDowoo - MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS -OPERABLE CASEMENTS AS INDICATED -.)1t T-i ll'--lt.1| .' ItL," I8.1 SILL ABOVE COUNTER- ALIGN W EXISTING VI'DW SILL }0" A,F.F. srLL 10" A.F.F. T t-- Kq FtxED V1/OOO wrNDowGo MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GI'ASS , 2'-4' ,+: hl lpT+l ll . "llI lEdnes9l+: \^roOD CASEMENT wNoowoo MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSUTATED GIASS FrxEo wooD wNoowGo MATCH EXrST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS FXED WOOO WNDOWGO MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS \/VINDCW rLzuATlON? t/4' - !''a' rrcrrrtlcll TUoz. IUo6 LIJ rE= fr mu:< =E(J:o< f I- P*6aZE P3.- 9<z. @'<$>gFU)-tI(J E FiIfo .g E EE EE EH I { F 2 *g I5 E *ls t€lrD, A3.1 oo wooD SHAKE OO MATCH EXISTING) ON ICE & WATER SHIELD ON 5/8" OSB ON 2xt2 FRMG. @ 16" O.C. W R-3O BATT INSUL & V.B. FIN, DRIP EDGE AND SEALANT 1x FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTING 12'G.W.B. CEILING 1x4 AND 1x6 SOFFIT WTH CONTINUOS VENT ON 2x4 FRMG. @ 16'O.C. G.W.B. ON TRIPLE 2x10 HEADERS 1x \ /oOO CASING To MATCH EXtST. wooD v\iDwTo MATCH EXIST. WTH INSUL. LOW E GIAZING 6'REO CEDAR SIDING WTH 4" EXPOSURE CrO MATCH EXIST) ON 15# FELT ON 5/8" OSB ON zx8 FRMG @ 16' o.c. w R-19 BATT INSUL & V.B. PRE FIN. METAL FLASHING W DRIP & SEALANT 1/I' SHIM AND SILL SEAL -TYP. REMOVE EXISTING ROOF MEMBMNE . DECK AND PRATE AS REOUIREO FOR NEW ADDMON NEW 3i4'T&G OSB ON NEW2X12 JOISTS SISTERED TO ExISTING 2x8 FRMG. EXISTING G.W.B. CEILING ANO WALL FINISH.REPAIR AREAS DAiNAGED BY CONSTRUCTION INSTALL NEW TRIPLE 2x10 HEADER IN EXISTING 2x6 WALL NEW THRESHOLD SET IN SEALANT ON EXISTING FOUNDATION EXIST. CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND FLOOR I,WALL 9ECTICN l" - t'4)' (^) ilr tq F 0718axr D!6ig'r Dadogl| rt CHRISTMAN / ROTHACKER RESIDENCE 3944 BIG HORN ROAD, WEST UNIT vAlL coLoMDo 81657 iiiii rn Dod||nmb toi goflmrcm0 uoqfifi|l llfffitfiiEnEEffiE ,!991800vx)1@]lv xl{l lslul' ov(u ilrl)H e€ ,'88 3CN30|S3U U$ICVHI-OU / NVruSHHC iz RvF-\ d -.tlLt hN a H s) NYvi ,oo r =?,o",-"r,rl"-= dsi:so ,o ,, ,tou lliln$iil'orou Nlld{ ols ttoe !CN30|S:IU UlxCVHlOU / IWUIISIUHC Ru \\ -.1, t-(\ \ =\' C\ sJ\psr;fft EitusEEr cs "l 66 IFEErsr 1Isa ^9Ndg':eo 'o,.r.,u1..,.oorrto"q.d ,930(rwnclIvA r|lnlGn'oYwlloHef He ECN3OIS3U U:ilCWOOU / t'MttSlullC HfiI lEEa \J \.{\J .|.r i- ^Q r\ [J \|\ N'S =i.ub "oor=to,dg':eg tO 6Z ^oN r90r0oongpowA un $ar^'ovoutuq{ oFrfie 30N30ls3u u3xcvHtou / IlvnrsluFlc F s\ ll-l F rt\ H s-,\+ vi x14 5 6 g'd soorzJeoe o"r.,rJQ".,dgi:eg tO 6? ^oN TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PETMit Tz M9?-QL72 Itr! Job Addreas. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number o 't:-ov r'/" ISSUED oe/L6/Lee7 oe /Le /Lee7B/Le/reeB 3944 BIGHORN RD St,atus. . . GORE CREEK PARK LOT 7 Apptied.. 2101- 1 11-04-012 Issued. . . Expires. . APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Phone: 3038275736 P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Phone z 3038275736 P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 OWNER FALKENBERG BRUCE R & LAURA 400 s STEELE 9, DENVER CO 80306 Description: Valuation: 800.00 ADD GAS TO BBO GRILL FROM METER Fireptace tnformation: Restricted: fOf Gas Appl.iances: fot Gas Logs: fOf tlood/Pattet: **********************************t*********************** FEE SUl,t|lARy ********************************************************** echanicaL---) 20.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> .0O Totat Cstculated fees---> 28.00 P[an Check---> 5.00 DRB Fee--------.00 Additionat Feca---------> .00 Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- PayDents------- EALANCE DUE---- HitL catt----) 3.0O ************************i*****************************t*******i******************ffJr************t********************ffi****** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/I8/L997 LORELEI ACIiON: APPR APPROVED BY ART HOUGLANDrt'ema'05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]. OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORD]NG TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALI-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 I'MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC;6. BOILERS SHAI,I, BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI-,ARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futt the information required, coiPteted an accurate ptot pt.n, md st.t. thlt atl thc info ation prorided aj rc$rl rcd ir corrcct. I ror.c to co?ty uith thc lnforr.tidr rnd.ptot-pttn, io cirpty elth ltt foen ordinrnc€ and ctitc tavr, lrd io bui td thlr rtructurc rcco?dlno to thc fovnt ! tonlm ltd $bdlvl.ion coder,'ditigut rcvlan approvcd, lrnlforr Eui tding Codc rnd othcr ordlnmccr ot thc Tq.n.pptlclblr thcr.to. REOI ESTS rOR IN3PECTIOI{S 3HALL gE 'IADE lllEl{W-Fot R tlolrts ll{ ADVA q STGTIAIURE Of OTIIIER OR CONITRACTOR FON HI}ISELF AI{D OUIIER * * *!t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'l'l * * *t ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0329 Arnount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 825304 28.00 09/Le/97 L5:52INit: I,RD Vl97-0t72 Type: B-MECH MECEAIIICAL PERIi{IT 2101-111-04-012 3944 BIGHORN RD GORE CREEK PARK I.,OT 7 Total Fees: 28.00 Total ALt PmtE: BaLance: *******!t****!t*******************!a*tl***************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreser Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERI.{IT FEES PIAN CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 28.00 28. O0 .00 Anount 20.00 5.00 3.00 It8. :_:lifi i ; li3i 3. 3' l::',li : : i T J'r'"lK o r. vAr L coNs rRuer, "pXPARCEL #,11-*. PERI,TIT APPLICATTOU FORMlr 4t0/ /// o(o/> oarn1. ?//lo/Qt: PERMIT # , APPLfCATION !'!UST BE FTLLED oUT COI,IPLETELY oR fT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED ^fX***************************** PERLT fNFORI.IATJON *****************************rl [ ]-Buitding [ ]-plunbing I J-Electricat I J-Mechanlbat [ ]-Ottrer Job Nane:Job Address: Legal Description: r,ot-t Bloek_l_ Filing ohrners Name: Anuu- O Jkenl," Address: Architect: / ^"--ooo. J \ Reg. No. r ,)1--_L4- S*,m<- prr.47qloob ceneral Description: Ivork Class: [ ]-New t l-Altera tion tf-addi{ional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Acconnodation Units: #tu"t and TY19e of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs_ wood/pellet /f********************************* vN;uAIroNs ****************************** * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ******* ** *** ** BUILDING: $OIHER: $ Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: Plunbing Address: Mechanicaf ctor: Address: **** * *** * * ** * ** ** * * * ** * * *** ***** BUTLDING PERUIT FEE: PLWBING PERUTT FEE: MECHANICAII PER}TIT FEE: Ef,ECTRTCAI-T FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: EUIIJDING: ' EI,ECIRTCAL: $ ^Et-1,-Mtsrlic:T@@i-ffilY - Ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * colLAclloR INFORItIATION7 Eeneral Contractor: TOTAL:W *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO._Phone Nunber: - I.oon, of U"rt *"nI] Pbone Nunber: _ I:11_".{ van Req^. ^No. (fi.y'Ehone Number : .jlZjs7e7. of Vail Phone Nunber: FOR OFFiCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PIAI{ CEECK FEE: PLU!,IBING PI"AN CHECK FEE:I'IECIIN{ICA! PLAN CItEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CIJTAI.T-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI{IT FEES: BUTIJDING: STGNATT'RE3 ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: cr4Ax rrP DEPOSTT tgnnD lD: R.qf,shd Inrp.ctorb:lntp.d[onAlr|rSlbAdnrcr: AFf,rlnbrm.tbn ffir: lr97+1U CorITS16: AOOEC*N. JERRYS,TI.EYPTCr*Ibrcbr JERRYSETEYPLGRRY SEI,EY PLI',T|BhTGOsl6|: F^IJ(E}|BEROBRT,CE RILAI,RA D.rcdp[on: ADD GAS TO BBCI 0RLL FROU IETER Rcour*bd lnso.c0dilsl firtOaf, fcOtrl.rf 0e, AX]t $.4 EIG}IORiI RDVAL GORE CffiEK PARKLOT 7 *lH: Plroff: PIFm: AAPT cx[a75736gxEl76736 $fi|t; lsstEDIr*Ar: CD R.qu.|bd Tlmo: O8ilXf Ail- Plu|.: 8a7{7itr E rbr€dry KW RREN K IntoccfonH|rbnr ilm: 2tXl f|EClFRougLh !sm: ?!q P$@<bFhttglbn: 3tO MEcFfr'l-haffilrnr: 320 llEcll-E)d|audt tlooft[rn; 3(Xl t EC}}SI&plyArbm: 34! MECt+lrFc. - Lm: 3€Xt reClFF[l.l (nuta (ffion D{ffiondl)(Wonr0'(W&El) (o!{dtaf) {ODdofdl(Rdqufcd) ctf p€=4f4{ REPT131 Rrn Id: 4O4 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. F'RONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: 897-0222 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No. .Project No. 3944 BIGHORN RD 3944 BIGHORN RD 2101-11t -04-012 sT, DENVER CO 80239 ST, DENVER CO 80239 R & LAURA DENVER CO 80306 I S SUED o7 /22/1ee7 0't /25/tee7o1/2t / l-eeB Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPLICANT CC & A 281 SOUTH PEARL CONTRACTOR CC & A 281 SOUTH PEARL OWNER FALKENBERG BRUCE 4OO S STEELE 9, Description: Phone: 80209 Phone: 80209 303-722-3000 303-722-3000 DECK REPLACEMENT ADD NEW DOOR AND WINDOW Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:14, 500 Add Sq Ft: F i reotace Information: Restricted:fof Gas Apptiances:dof Gas Logs;fof tlood/Pa ( Let: ******t(**************t*****i********i*************t(******** FEE SUt4l,lARY ******r(*****************************j(********************* Bui Lding-----> Ptan Check---) Investigltion> 1., i Lt Cat l,----> '195.00 Restuarant P lan Reviev-->.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees*-->50.00 Addi t i onal. Fees--------->.00 TotaI Pernit Fee-------->100-00 Payments 126.75 .00 3. O0 DRB Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> 171.75 .00 47t.75> 171.75 Ile.Ut .Q5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG DivisionQ7/.22/.L997 CHARLTE Acrjon: Noin pLANs ro cH[Fiie--07'/22'/\997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAVrg---Ite$! ,95400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG DivisionO7/.22/.1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DrRk-- -- 07'/25'/1997 DIRR Action: APPR [i72tt17g9o"iliftf,rB'"t:IY3ilT AppR N,/A Dept: FIRE Division I!eIi',95590 PUBLIC woRKS '. Depr: pUB woRK Division07/22/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A --r-' ********************i*******************************i******t********************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read-this aPPtication, fitted out in futt the information requ.i red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that al't the infornation Provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl.y nith tire information and pl.ot ptan,to.compty with att Totrn ordinances and state [avs, and to buil.d this structure according io-the Town,s zonint ana subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. 0u8/,9fF ICE FRotl 8:00 Ar,l Send Ctean-Up oeposit To: cc & A FOR HI}ISELF AND OUNER REPTl3I TOWN 0F VAIL, COLoRADO FIA6E lE AREA: CDtWtIS/97 O7:3P REOUESTS FoR INSF'ECTIUN [^,ORK SHEETS FORtIAIL3/97 ================= == ========= g================i======-===== ==:i ==== ==== ==*===!======Activity:897*tlEEE LA/13/97 Typer A-BUILD Status: IS$UED Constr.: ADUFAddress: 3944 BIGHORN RDLocation: 3944 BIGHURN RD Parcel : P1O1-1 1 t-ra4-O1E Descr.i pt i on : DECK REF,LACEMENT ADDApplicant: CC E A Owner; FffLKENBERG BRUCE R & Contraetor"l CC & A 0cc: LJse: V N NEW DOOR AND WINDON trhone: 30t3-7E?-3OEtOLAURA Fhone: F,hone: 3O3*73€-3[IOO Inspeet i on Request Request or: Bruce Req Time: OB:ErEI It emE request ed to Infor.mation..... Comments: east /deck and be I n soect ed.Act i on Fhone: 3|D3-3EO-48@O landseaping Comments 0ra690 BLDG-F inal Itern : lZlOOlA BLDG-Foot.1.nqs/Stee I ,AB/n6/97 lnspectoFr DD Item : rZrrZrOPrA BLDG-For-rndat ion/5teel Item : rztCItAptzt BLDG-Framinq $A/@5197 Inspeetor.: L-F,V Notes: trARTIAL FRAMING DECK I^JINDOI^IS AND DBtrRS T]N It em r., AOOser BLDG-Insr-rlat i on It enr: \q'z'O6'a BLDB-Sheetr ock Nai I Item : s'2r07$ BLDG-Misc, ltem : AACI9A BLDG-Final Act i on : AF'F R Action: AF'PR AREA RAFTERS. F I NAL. SOILS AENG LETTER REN' D APF.ROVED Tine Exp '!i Inspect ion Histo 44-- -r.tqiig.l----i:::j.-'' *.i.,. Page 2******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit *: 897-O222 Permit TypeApplicant-- .Iob AddressLocation--- ParceI No-- Description CONDITIONS as of o7 /28/97 Status---: ISSUED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITcc&A 303-722-3000 3944 BIGHORN RD 3944 BIGHORN RD 2101-111-04-OL2 Applied--: 07/22/1997Issued---: 07 /25/1997To Expiret OT/2t/1998 DECK REPI.,ACEMENT ADD NEW DOOR AND WINDOW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. GUARDRAILS ARE REQ'D IF GRADE DIFFERENCE IS 30'OR GREATER ,. ffil s&+ilffi"fiuHH'3u"i"il1il 3i'1,*'?l H3;,3fl"oi'i30,,""4. NO LANDSCAPE WORK CAN TAKE PLACE BELOW THE ?]. FOOT CONTOUR O-N THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS TO REVEG ANY AR EAS WHICH ARE CURRENTLY DISTURBED. -T;*PrcroNS Lflq_)_t41 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0305 Amount.: 474.75 07/28/97 I4zI7 Payment Met,hod: CHECK Notation2 *7976 Init: CD Pernit Not 897-0222 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE Parcel No: 210L-111-04-012Site Address: 3944 BIGHORN RDtocationz 3944 BIGHORN RD Total Fees:474.75 Total ALt Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** 474.75 474.75 .00 This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01- oo00 41336 Deecription BUILDING PERIVIIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE i#:H 'Fti:,*r,*j Amount i,ee 7vb iuu-lzr-9z t'toH 5:o 51 CC&A Con=? r qc;ctn Co -+io P - gt Fronr: RlchardA'Rickn Pratt, C.RTo: Ghafile Corpany: Tovun of Vait Date: Ju[21,1997 Time: 12:50 PM FAr(* 1-e7M7*2452 Charlie, Here are he documents fo1 the permil for the Falkenberg declctl Eecause therc are maly piges to ffris fax I have lried to itemize them hore foryour cross nEfierence. lf you did not get them all please contact rre ASAp and I will re-send lvtral weryou 4eed. Pages: oo"u,nlm I(1) This fax heafer fige(1) Applicatrtonbrm I(1) l*suance timeframe letter(1) Parking & maGrial storage tetter(21 Ptan view of deck & door & windorvvyork(5) $truduraldraruings & notes(8) Sbrrctrralcalcrlations (1s) Tohl lf you neeO any other information from us please contaci us ASAp. wren I come bvail I will bring wiur re odginalcopies of a[ these documents for you files. Tharrks for your help, Rick VoICE:38722€@ FAXS&U-QEB J V,h--.3-L; ?.8-.H.o,.Cl,,, tq;-.="3--,c-c,,Fe cor'rs? l-(1..9 -?r-i-o-ll-. co - tr^i-Q4 -,-, TgonErct Eagrc Ceuncy atS"f" Oitrco Otlf ec 97O-328-8540 for Prrccl'T. SOllll OF VAItr OONSlHUqflId[ PERltIt f- I{grrcEL ,, 4etuloc&rz-Z pERgE[ AppLlctgtqlr Donu F DAx."l.- 7:2/_- 2" , APPIICAIIIOr| llUSlI' BE FIilAD OoT @llPI.EltELY On IT trAY Nott BE l,Ccts"TED X::--. 11, ::* *******t i*t** **tr* pEmrr rlroBrrtrTrotr *r r **** * ******* * r** * *****ri* ' 'X-Srlldlnsr t l-Plunblqt I l-Breesr!.cal t l-t[ecfiaa1f,eal I J-otber ,fob Nanec 1-lL^Job Addressr lngral Desartptlon t tfi,:? -ilo"k-l- Eiliag .??fZ..B.gl".-n RJ. en.Ufr.?rcCJ. t4von E?.-.Pb.Jfr4*.-?9.4 Ccneral Oescrlptl,on: lfork Classs I J-t{cry fx-Afteratto$ t l-Addltlonal I t-Relntr I l-Other__. Itreber of DrerllnE unlts: ,.1-.- t - Durnber ot Acconnodatilon gnLtae /. ^lft#*= cnd r14re of llreplaceg: daa-appuences_ GaE rrgs - wood_/Bdtl fi***r**************!r***tt*******rr velffeTrol|s l**********a***{***********r***tt lgryryqr t.-/-Lpo ErJEcrRrcAtJ: t 6.l2q _ urfiERrPI'Itil8rNG3 f ---:_ ! CEAI{XCA!!f..:-- I\CEtil:v__ ,H:;fi .:#fi ff ;:..ezif ?3.8f p.p#:TiJ#.::.*:ti.:::.*::.r*brr Addressl eU , af arrar*rlrra**a********ttt ibvn of vall Rcg. rc.l4HES Pbohe Nunber: ""s:Zz'l@iffiffiif:-:*- gfi:l."frIill,*&Szr- lr Ill I tl:3*:? contractor: _ "t44 _Aqaress: tt{eqbanlcal Contractost . - ,0/4 . ,, ltEsn of Val.l ReE. lIO,tddressa %_ .. pt^oiie-rniGir'-*t' il:t* * **l* t** *** **** :tt t ** t,l**+****FOR BTIII.,DING PE8Ifi|r IEE!Funeralc pERurE aagt IECEEITICAI, PEADfIf rEE: ETE(ITRICAI., EEB; OTSER $fgE OE EEES DRB EEEr OFEICE USE *t*rt*t******'r*************r**l SUITJDTNG PTA,lt cTEcK FEEs CI.EAII.UP DEPOSITs -l---.-.- $OTAI, BUIITDIIIC! STGIdAITIRE 8Ol{IllG! SICf,AIINE-i.*.1-1--t-gofiUents! rE*Uis 2 I 1S97 JUL-2t -e? H$Jj..r$-3r&F1fir-g-9$.4 conr1;-1..g;q--i-g-E co -rruL-Zl-t{, l9t..E tllu4, ruvlul|-r,Ev-l,EF ti "j'--' i-'n- ---:to! lultn rn stunaryr -ordinatrce No. 6 states tbat it Ls urrlanfirl for an.!rPetson to litter, tr-.ack. or deposit any sorr, -rocl(;-s"hd, -Eni'ri" or D:rterLal, lncludlng trash iu4rsterS, F#rbi;iofrefl .rrd--'uorto'eD vebtcter ypon-any srreerl siq-'hlil atteu ii-p^i[riil -p-l?ge or a.v portl-on tbeieor. ifre rigtrt-oi-nEi-in all Toim ofvall streerc and roads ts gnroxinatiif-s-it.-6ti-'pan nent_rbls.or.ltttance rtlr Di itriEiii-ErorcSe-uy-lhe-ioin or vatt4Plig woSk* DeDartaenr. per=ins iidd vie'r.tr.i-t[ri-oiari.n".:uL be given a-2{ bour wrttten nottce to reuove-r"ta-nit"iiii]-In-tbc event the pers-on so not{tted-ar"s-not c"reli sitn tUenotlca wlthln tndzr bour.trne specifiea, tre-nrliie worrceDepartuent wrtr r"Eovc satd uateitar -at is*;;ens og-pEsonnotifled- rrt,e provlstons or urG-;rdrnail; "niiiT"r u"appltcabte to c-onsttmetfrn, -uaintenEnce or fepalr proJeets o!any sttcet or altey or any urititles fa trre-rigfiE-i_uay. to rev'.es Or.,,ul,nance- Ne.. 6. in tull, please stop by tlrc Town otrlll-*l+dlng Dc-par*nen'E, to o'utaii a copy. ttbanlc you for yorrreoogeratlou, on tlris uatter. P-Ct= tt 3oolh lboil&gE tled 6I. col.rr|dc ail8gt lso!) 479-213E ss e79-2119 otflct d cormufr CcrrtcenrC '!9: mOU3 DilTEs SIIITIEG|Is neac }IjL CON:TRAqNCRS CIIRRETSLYI'. NEGISTERED Nrrg 1ts8 TOSII Ot Vtr& |lofitr oF vtII, pgBI.Ic wORXS/C\]t8[rNIrr DgIrErcFuENr l{lRcE 16, l98E GOilgr|RTTCflOl{ PIRKINC E TATERIMJ 5|TPAISE byc ecg (i.e.contaactor, omer) JU-L---?t--7-7..-|{F-CL..LF_-;.r?,3--.Fu,coFn - c o'a * iuYu'z|ia?Jfbe c o -P-etzPAGE ZlE lurln ,!f rorft t blttalG rordnI, cAlordo SFS'Fqt, 4t9-2138 o,r 479-ttt9 olllcf C snuth|nry nndoFmd .1 BUILOII{C PEftiTT ISSINMC T$Ig FMTIE Resfdential l::jlflIil :i_tqlp:;ni"ii,-t,ifiii'.f,i"lll,3J,However, ff iI'#rFffidH$*i,13ffi ilfuqnifu S*:,f#H:e-"Departnent, trtc estlmated ttn niii'iitias utree seeRr. iih:qfffi $:'ru: ffi Hl,:r#l#' !! --fi" rv pcnnr.ts rr r r ll!,:g:ll. tTl.:tr, ip,iia?Ii"iT.l[i;-.ffi1Tfifff _mJ!:l ii*,.EilT'.:i lI-rFI!. E : ;c+;Iffidi';":'il:::also tafta tne -inriJ.rle* Jeliiil tbove uentfon6dprojects Day , Every attempt lrlll tpermTr.as seon as JlrlBf:.b" this departsent to expedite this Ii.tr undercfgnedr undersard the plan check procedure and fime 7*r27 Dr comunte Develoonent oepi"ilidit."- ..i EILUET]ffie.-rffi t. r&crr tei n 8.li;i,m"t Ens i neers - Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda MAIN OFFICE (303)989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX Pkwy. Suite 135. AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX Lakewcod, CO 80228 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Iuly 25,1997 Srrb.ject: Pie; E>rcavation Inspeotion Proposed Deck 3944 Big Horn Road Vail, Colorado Job No. 97-208 As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in five pier excavations at the subject site on July 23, 1997. The purpose of our inspection was to verify that the exposed materials would safely support a shallow pier foundation system for the proposed deck. The depth of the excavations varied from approximately 1.5 to 4.0 feet. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavations consisted of a moist to very moist, dense, silt and gravel with cobbles. The exposed soils within the excavations were compacted in accordance with our recommendations. In our opinion, the exposed soils will safely support a shallow pier foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 5,500 psf. Our opinion is based on the exposed foundation soils rernaining unsaturated. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS William H. Koechlein, P.E. President sBrwjt (l copy sent) cc: Town of Vail t'.- o TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E97-0169 Job AddreesLocation...Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT TAURUS ELECTRIC 545 XAVIER ST, DENVER CO 80204 CONTRACTOR TAURUS ELECTRIC 545 XAVIER ST, DENVER CO 80204OWNER FALKENBERG BRUCE R & LAURA 400 s STEELE 9, DENVER CO 80306 Descri-Ption: ELEC FOR HOT TUB ON DECK Valuation:400.00 . **********************************************ir************ F€E SUl,ll,lARY *************i**********t********************************* 3944 BIGHORN RD 3944 BIGHORN RD 2101-111-04-Ot2 Statug...: ISSUEDApplied..: 08/07/Lee7Issued...: 08/07/7997 Expires. . : 02/03/1998 Phone: 303-922-5337 Phone:. 3O3-922-5337 Etectrica[---> 50.00 DRB Fee Investigation> .00 tli l,l, cal.t----> 3,00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Total Ca lcu lated Fees---) 53.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .0OTotal Permit Fee--------> 53.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 't't*ffi***********************t************************************************t**************************************************** rtem: 06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNc Division:o8/07 /1997 CHARLIE ectionl Appn-cnanr,rsIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I.hcreby acknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, fil,l.ed out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate pt.otpLan, and state that rtt the informati.on providcd as required.is corrrct. I agree to compl,y riith tfie in?ormat.ion and pl,ot itan,to.compty tith al't ToHn ordinances _and state taws, and to buitd this structure according io'tne iown;s ionint ana subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T€LEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OIFICE FRO]I 6:00 Alt 5:OO PI,I firsPtcnor! #JhL-{Z-. srGNATuRE or Tlct- L/7q_ ?tL/f *******************!**************************:r*!r**************** TOV|N OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************:************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0309 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *2909 53.00 08/07/97 12:13Init: CD E9?-0169 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL pERl'{rT 2101-111-04-OL2 3944 BIGHORN RD 3944 BIGHORN RD Total Feea:53.00 Total ALL Pmte: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES TIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE s3.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 *.*Con tac c Eagle County 28-8640 for ^"""="ot|r.t..Parcel /I . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfO PERMTT APPLICATION FORM DATEz_X-? -,fl_ o N(;tul;;:PER}IIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************tl ,/-[ ]-Building t l-prunbgg J/-rtectrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-orher rob Name: @rob Addre "", 3tl 4(/ ?hlr,^, (o^J- Legal Descriptionz Lojr-.r-, Block- rilirs ,suBprvrsroN, o!,'ners Nane: Ururz t"lK:pL% Address: SQ(IU Q;rL,.J 7*rl pn.Q7?^?ott Architect, (mAddress: -"n. Generar Description: /J;Bg Nrl I;L o! [..K ,/Work Class: [/]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling units: _ Nurnber of Accommodation units: , rypnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-_ cas Logs_ wood/petret_vtr********************************** VALUATTONS ********************************* vly_rry1wg: Er,EcrRrcAr,:$_,8@ 'oo_- orHER: $ .'elreldl uertLracLor: TOWn Of Vail Reg. NO._Address: _phone Number: ;t o! El-ectrical Contractor: Address: aQ,se,tS 61(n.1.;<_ Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAII I'P DEP,OSIT REN'NI' o 75 gouth tronlage toad Yail. colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any .oir,-"""i, sand, debrisor rnateriar, including trash lurnp=ters, portabre toilets andworkrnen vehictes. upon any streetl sidewaik, -;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any portion theieof. rne right-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets and.I?ag. is approxir"l"iv-s-it.-iti pavement.This ordinance will be. strilliy -"nrorcla-uv-in"-i"wn of VaiIPublic works Department. pers6ns found vi;raain; this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour written ""ii""-to^;;;;'=aid nateriar.In the event the person so notified.aoes not"cornp:.V with thenotice within the 24 hour.time speci;i;d,"irr"-i"tric worksDepartrnent wir-1 remove said mateirii-.i-{n""I"p"i=e of personnotified. The provisions or itri= orctlnance shatl not beappticabte to c-onstruction, ruirl"r.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i" ttr"-ii!fri_"_r.y. To review ordinance No- e in furr, please stop by the Tor^rn ofIlil B"ilding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rirani you ror yourcooperation on this matter. offlce ol communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VArL TO9JN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPIIENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: knowledged F*--'€'2-q7 75 louth tronlage road vell, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otflco of communlty developmerrl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIIlE FMIIE If this perryit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (pub'ric tif rt reyiew and approvar ,'a piannini-olpartment review or Hea'lth Departmint review, anit'u "euie; ;i-;il;";riiorngDepartment, the estimated time for a totar ".ui.n-iluv"iui!'a, tongas three weeks. All commercial (rarge or smail) and a'lr mu]ti-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum requireminli. Residentia.rand small projects shourd take a'r esser amount of time. However, ifresfdential or smaller.projects impaci the various-uuouu,intionea 9:lgtlTFna:,with reglard to necessary review, ur.i" pr"j..ti'*uyalso take the three week period Every.attempt wilr be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. v,,#; #:(K;'1."r, Communi ty oevel opment Department. i- MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPAHTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: -/.t ' ssb Name; d6 (/1c^t Le.< Date: (-7- 1? Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need lor a "Public Way Permit": ls ihis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires ihe use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting lhe right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis,lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158. I have read and ^n"*"rro_rtlw:, yrrz*_ YES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Job Name Contractofs Signature I-2-?' Date ri""rl lei n Consu lti nI' En g i neers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 AVON (970) 949-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX 12364 W. Alameda MAIN OFFICE (303)989-1223 (303)98e-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX August 1, 1997 Vail. CO 81657 Subject: PierExcavationlnspection Proposed Deck 3944Big Horn Road Vail, Colorado Job No. 97-208 ;,..\i .(;liiviiii,'J['J il[ij i As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in five pier excavations at the subject site. The purpose of our inspection was to verify that the exposed materials would safely support a shallow pier foundation system for the proposed deck. The excavations were approximately l2 inches in diameter and varied in depth from approximately 1.5 to 4.0 feet. The one excavation was linrited to a depth of 1.5 feet due to a large rock in the boftom of the excavation. The soils cxposed in the bottom ofthe excavations consisted ofa rnoist to very moist, dense, silt and gravel with cobbles and small boulders. The exposed soils within the excavations were compacted in accordance with our recommendations. In our opinion, the exposed soils will safely support a shallow pier foundation system designed for a maximum end bearing pressure 3000 psf and skin friction of 300 psf or a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 5.500 psf. Our opinion is based on the exposed foundation soils remaining unsaturated. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS sBM/jt ( l copy sent) cc: Town of Vail cc: CC&A wffi_qe #li?s William H. K President ,4\ I'Si.\ ) 'r1''tHr/" TotvYorvtil.V' O.Qn Review Action Por* |l TOWN OF VAIL Parccl #Dutc Pro.jcct Namc: Ituilding Namc: i'rnjc'ct DcscriPtion: or,r,rrcr. Acl<lrcss and Phonc:--i3.r, .-r. F^tLr^I'.. \ 1 4J* -E | ( - 0" Architccr/Contact,Arldrcss unlptor',", 2'- .4'"/J" 7O' -En, lC)/ - ,4uot , co 8/{zo 87s- oo- r | .cgnl I)cscriPtion: l,ot Zonc District - I'ro jcct Strcct Addrcss: ('()lnrrlcllts: Board / Stal'f Action Votc:Motiort by: Scconclcd by: Approval Disapproval Staft Approval Conditions: DRB Fcc Pre-Paid .L rl'vf,,A Sln ltt DESTGN REVTSW o BOAXD APPIJICATfON - TOI{N OF VAfIr, COIJORADO *trt**!t*t** tt*t**!attt PROTIECT INFORIT,ATTON : A.DESCRIPTTON: TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr construct,ion (g2oo. oO,, / trinor Alt,eration (g2o.oo)Addir.ion (950.00) concepsual Review (S0) D. ADDREss ; 3?1/ 7,\lo,^ 1l4, LEGAI, DESCRIPTION:subdivision l:r eDl If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. zONINc I Mtffi.Jn,tr D'TAEV- Lot. I Block a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1-ega1 and attach F.NAI{E OF APPIJICAT{T: bhIcE FArl;6\u4eIMailing Address t n A.49 ?/drA off<G- DerJJA, . C-o bo2ffi Phone ac-r.. +cn, *, * G. NA.I{E OF APPIJICANT ' S REPRESENTATIVE : AIt- fi66-Mai.ling Address: P.o.6cn/- ln l A..,br.l I c- F,{r2.o pirone d.S,q&$ H.NAI'|E OF OltlNER (S) z bAurb ?AtAP-IJBlg9'€l OWNER(S) SIGNATARE:Mailing Address: Phone APPIIICATTONS WIIJIJ NOT BE PAOCESSED WITfiOW O'{NER'S STGNATT'R8 Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of Lhe DRB appLicaEion. Later, urhenapplying for a building permit,, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjusL Ehefee according t.o the E,ab1e below, Lo ensure Ehe correct feeis paid. J. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION$ o $ 10, $ ic, oui i 5ii, $50,001 -$ 150, $150,001 - $ 500, $500, 001 - $1, ooo,g Over $1,000, 000 ii0 i) 000 000 000 000 EtEi Er $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRES ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAI' APPROVAIJ ITNIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AIiID CONSTRUCTION IS SBARTED. II PRE.APPI.,I}ION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouragred to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is Ehe applicant's responsibiliLy Eo make an appoinEment with Ehe sEaff Eo d4termine if there are addiEional submitEal requiremenLs. Please note that. a CoMPLETU application will streamline the review process for Your ProjecL' III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING AITI.I SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant musE seake and tape t.he projecu site to indicate properEy lines, building lines and building corners. All trees Lo be removed must be taped. AI1 site Lapings and st.aki.ng must be complet.ed prior to Ehe DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Ehat st,aking done during E.he winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguires two separate meeLings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. c. Applicants who fail Lo appear before the Desiqn Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and \^/ho have not, asked in advance that discussion on their i.t,em be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such t.ime as the iLen has been 'r arrr r 1'r "l i ch arlr ePe!4-v..es. D. The followi.ng items may, at Ehe discret.ion of the zoning adninisErator, be approved by the CorununiLy DevelopmenL DeparEment. st.aff (i.e. a formal hearing before Lhe DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exEerior changes whj-ch do not alter tbe existing plane of the building; and b. Buildinq additions not visible from any other 1ot or public space. At the cj-me such a proposal is submitted, applicanLs must include letters from adjacenL propert.y owners and,/or f rom the agent for or manager of any adjacent, condominium associaEion sEating Lhe associaLion approwes of the addit.ion. If a properby is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfalI, flood plain, debris flow,welIand, etc.), a hazard study must. be subnitEed and Lhe owner musL sign an affidavit recognizing Ehe hazardreport prior Eo Che issuance of a building permit. ApplicanE.s are encouraged t,o check with a Town Plannerprior Lo DRB application t.o deEermine the relaEi-onship of the property to all mapped hazards. For all residenLial construction: a. clearly indicate on Ehe floor plans the inside face of t.he ext.erior sEructural walIs of t.hebuilding; and b. IrrrficaLe wiLh a dashed line on t.he site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuildinq wa1ls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the applicaEion wiLh condit.ions ormodifications, all condit,ions of approval must be addressed prior to Lhe applicaLion for a buiJ.dingpermi L . F. lxubru'Felor ,rol,o ANEABBoctATEB cLrENr .CFsdrFd englncrnr DESCRIPTION . &|-cnl+Tlotjc? . -.i PAGE ltgYlDAre_l_ II t6) \qq1 IHLENFELEIT ANEIABgC'CIATEB rcFrrolrrFrl rngincrnt JO8 PAGE $l q-a/- r.I \ ,N- s$ s-s (poulotr ftprJhsa 90wp ao z-?-too ,"o*o IHLENFELElT. ANE!ABBClCIATEE rGnuotrrnd enginc.|.t pno||lr CLIENT DESCRIPTION $Flcr r,tJ P6tA-O doTrw- evloareFuJ loo w=lo wF,\JoW (A ) W trlr firl z €= l.o *4 l-4ftp ,oW -u[T |fi,= Q= 1 t^,l,M g?Nrt= lb',6 I l0 (qe ,/.Lz @ tC .bfi6u jt, w= t+-o ,r, Qlo" ltZ*tZ@tZ wuqw fiL*Lt ' ATgfiw ue7 W -- ,ll0 *l,Vz - ,l4le '?,5nt+torfr/o; ''tvr/,kr= zq,(p aW/tM @ ttJ U,f A{. W u,t,u , 2.ffi8 e , ll0 * tAf zt,7o1 1 ,ll0+ 9lzr,lo7 ,072 , 321, f 7 , t(d rT.{z* 43 = ,+fo W = . ail il|,{z* !.71 ,7tl ,iLl U = Z,q,qg +7,1f L +1,-70 * e?of z <oo *v,w -lyn a tr t6e {7,72 v-ir' = l1,u rolo tn-a W:1.11 V ooo&rsL l .l l.'l jI, i I IHLENFELElT ANE' ABBC'CIATEE tcFurrtuFd enginrrrnr pnolr clretr J tM AA lf4l-l6t l- p16s 9 DEscRfPrfoN gqcv€€u*tt..to1 ), &wrD.l- l)Ju',tk+' 'tlo*|blt W U,,r, vN. 2 ,lt0 * t4? ll^ g * ,70'l .Y,0t0 o , A7 7 *,7A'7 f .0t0 * ,47 6 (: , Q|-o 7.8K - 7 =, 4\> +- | 'l5Toa.+tbT VJ--,(fr*|,.Zr{z r,t41 + , 4s? Lfr1+f +476 +ry7, r ttz67 * ,4 2,1* t fvqww Z,q + ot/,qir / ,*76+'Ffi;+ , +dq r4, /,fi+ ,,t/,oq{_, = Zq,K +1+F. 7f Yr hIt"' *,Wf, o /,g? vEt l-hlz ,'t-/'\Hll;;A l;, It/ vttu tr I lQ,/ 7:^t ', ( z o tro rry ,T =,?\7t10 7 v9{ Z-Lrtz- \sl *o/*7"{/g - l,lA *BL a"hr-:G) w= ,uo+afc - ,t6{1 M,, g = l,t 6 + tz/,nZf -_ tg,o t --,- l- , -. , ) , 1.. 1 . L.-;-,1-.- .-i :r-- L-.i--.I. l IHLENFELOT. ANEI ABSC'CIATEB tGFuocuFal eninr.r.r PAGE 4 DESCRIPTION ,a,-\w_@ w,-,ll0.lbl: f ,\to = , W 7 = ,l l0* i,fr d *7 0-l t', olo (= ,476* fusf t u , trrqQt,*zf 2 ,BQoir__7'10-lf 1,L'.L V Z.t o 8q0 - ,lo7 r, 49fz i qlww Qr@r{eun-@ z -.'. 6azv-t / 9 = frb?*l/, Ita ze6+r/,azr ..'' il,,1-- ,ll o +S M/ ,25'l *? Zr1f, ry@ tt)=.llo+ l,mlo' i4 : ,047*4, 6 > ,47'.?+V//,Q7( - ,047-- = ,921 4.zz 9@aQ, ' l-Z* I = l,tQz lly'- j,zz +,| 4r *7,d xf --|ri+ Wvr Vl{ l'2+ 6 ,...1,.-l- l- !- i i , .t:,i ,.,.-..:,.,,1.-\.. j-,1.--r--j. lr.i t r,J--|.1,-.! t.iil r r r , i l i.l I l l i;ilrl r' r , r i , r-\;l IHLENFELEIT. ANE ABBC'CIATEE rGruoGrml enefrrlrnr PROJl CLIENT PAGE JOB DEscRrPnoN Prcf trod N PA-I.Ioxl t\**l+ *rL" frcrL podrpQ Vo?*h 6'w' tZ\4 CDNI. ?ttt-, / 0'd vwo eor(,pgtv( wl z-Wv{nx t '-*"-*--*€ ?tW',hD IHLENFELEtT ANE ABgCDCIATEE rtFuocur.l t'rtirro.Fa PRO.lI {oorugtt @ (= 4,lo +,llo*1,67'*( = 4'69 ylv'f?- ,1g{*.(T*4 = # : rt+uwo ENp Ee+- ?Fa+ = $/aa f +n 1[++unf 4A*t F-{Acrtr*t = 9ut ?qf 6t4vrrq q*ffi{LlW- k(,VA= ,4VL AeUv )4g !",ct qF . rL4T qr+vjtfl =, 7 Ll6ai-s{ ao? uY ?lWtL =', z'bz wu awnal oF iz"{ ?t# -- ,7Bs-*5,0 +Zqz\ ? €,$e EAA{- VAaur LO. cr-repr ...Jluvi Mtt{tkguU DEscRrPnoN FauPPPrlorut @lc uq{7t'?vlz . .r, t I+ , klbt{,-lIZ + ^wM tn Nn %P t,z4(z) g,+1t- ,ln7 v,7 6L ,0 lW )ot{,-- ,*sCIlz \ 7,l ' 'tYtW I uav znl p6rl ,t t il9Pvcrl d'J ,/ It, .lW{ tL'|n |-oltrro Qo,v tw,ouqger4-. it.-t.L,r ,lr i..r. I rl rl.l I lii i t 11, Lr. ' It;i-J-1.--1-..., L. - i. , . ..1IHLENFELETTANEABBCICIATES druotul.d ongl|rrnr DEscRfprforf Epvuvalfl.vv,t , i._::i,:r \oo Community Development Plan Routing Form Aplr'oved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Larry Pardee, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Community Development Routed:6/25/97 By:7/2t97 ect Name:Falkenberg iect Address:3944 Bighorn Road iect Legal:Lot 7. Blk. l, Gore Creek Park iect Descript r n:Landscape plan w/ retaining walls l. Pleasc nrovi n f n- J'rfih-{,\r4j ^!16c\< .t^-J'. - ^l € 2. Pleas: provide top & bottom spot clevations along rock wall. 3. Plcasc provide a enei":g."4gr"p+rry oryour rypical boulder wall. 4. On<a line 15 .,,r\<ib\s] o$ the <>Jt\ crxfer c€ tte- g\cr\ -i: tt r.. c.Cc,,.\or.- or edae- .f Cr.tP ? 5.. Yo.;. z1{t-x3-^^1 eYce€d5 e I . P\erriz fi.\! '.e Lr. the P eftihnq ccntoL,.-1, C\re.iocleAr oo t\-re Sw r-..rc1 pri-r',,da) ' Vecy-<. prov.de <\ >|a\m I2€d lcp(xir-(\lty\^(- q-r-\re-l \r,t th c lel-\y C,onlf.-rl anJ C \twCrtrir-r 5 bcsed on thre egcls {rf hxA pt are' dc ttrm I ntrh c*n Larry Pardec 6/26/97 Date received: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: fF st iE T3 E:h L{ fj [#l, I $, E Fl -ttHoaD - Edo tr -AoFI d -- -fFlts - F hl rfl.a I() 5' F* *E FF fr[ F t F r F.. (r,I 6\i rt 9rt\.E\ R ,s E't iH TF gn 3€ EI Fi a .F $r tg J og F ,T H E ilI E t nf RI ng EgaLgtBEAE 5t:89 L66TlFZlSgza 39vd -rcththt oF LrFt I L Hiscel I arieot-rs Cash F_li,-lEr-!l lf,: ..'l: 1g R*c*ipt S :';h3b4 Flcc,:unl. * 6FPt, ii LII{trH f'1[5LEt/,.BEUr-'E FttLtiEt.tFEFiE-.'ppt] LJI.iT] F Ets.:' fftirc'urrt. t.endered :.1 :8. EltJ HtnsLtn t FaidI tent paid E l BEFE4l f,l1Bfft:r t-h.iln'pe rF t u FrrEd :r ?1:1. BtJ 1, ,, i::j,r' -l-HFlt{}< vOlJ '/c,ur cashier,1[F! Qucstions? C"O Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION tr,i, apptlcution is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Review approval, Any projcct requiring dcsign review must rcceivc Design Revicw approval prioi to sibmitting for a buiid-ing permit. For specific information, see the submittal requiremcnts-for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be acceptcd until all thc required information is submitted. rne piolect may also need to be revicwed by the Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmental Commission. design Rwiew Board approval expires onc year after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. T?li//N qFvAtt" DESCRIPTION OF ^ lt ft'a! Pev'f /-/t - , -t- LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:- BLOCK:_-- FILING:B. c. D. PHYSICALADDRESS: J ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): L' +'c L R i:,tt MAILING ADDRESS:€l {t, r\lnv t-- t. ct .) (; OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): L. { (,t l/r, /u a /( / I 4", o2(<t*----- fil/"c" @ F.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: C. ryPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 --+! Minor Alteration - $20 E Conceptual Review - $0 Construction of a ncw building' Includcs any addition where squarc footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includcs minor changes to buildings and sitc improvcments, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For any application where the applicant wishes to meet with Design Review Board to determine whether or not the project gcnerally complies with the desigrr guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews' DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. L.ater, when appllng for a building permit, please identi& the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, coLoRADo 81657. Updated l/97 - \ BUILDINC MATERIALS: o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other COLOR:* * Please Specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Ligbting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan, Identify each fixture type and provide ih. h"ight "boue gade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures' _ _d;;trif..r P olign Review Action Fth TOWN OF VAIL Gategory Number Project Name: Building Name: Proiest Description: owner, Address anaenone: Ga., | | Ltptrl ft?asb'/ / Br ttr e & / k n bu r oJ ,E4< A'1hr,,^' Poad Cic\ 4'7b - c4lte ArchitecUContast, Address and Phone: LegalDescription:Lot 7 Btocr I suodivision Blqhor n zon oi*iaT{klmL/ Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: BdGG> Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval I Disapproval p statt Rpprovat Conditions: ,r:/. ., //, /J J[, *,r,tr--- Town Planner 4zf,"oDare: (''"C-7-1 DRB Fee Pre-paid , .''u - \r- -',t t. i--\<, u,. ', i, .-\ g ,^-,Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Project Application tl Proiect Name: f-f i' t '' '. / ,l --Date '' i , L,qv1n ta 2 l'ft-t /' - tilf4r Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com menls: Filing l L,..1 i vtu{.|t.r'+ b,. ar.l \ clo,/ s frt U*i!{*-*t \,'v r !t \ !''1 rJ \AJ rt c}c\e rr ra \o \) 5 k.-1 lo"t o\{.l tAt r't q 6X l't Moiion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL , n Review Board .+ r/4rr50 --.----\ (rr"r\"-aM\ntr ffis,n-t' t- FIz z ttuIF I I I cio\ rlr\ c.l tl t_.,vst'I9 EEtt a UJ UJu- E =Eul.L 'o{t-B/''t!J IJJ U) i t! oF E.utz = uJI F z H F U) El z ''l E*t.e F EE:E E{gtr ilE:s: OA FP EiEgi i€E!€ €;6"9 EsEasi : EEg€ iiEig60---g=o.,E ssii: :EF;I gFiEg af, uJu,I = =t uJ J Fot- F =ul z 5 o o 3 uJt tr.l IEz 6 UJo NOll.VnlVA Hq tr|aF{IFI C'Ias '1 EI F<l XIFItr{ - BZv- 6z tr(J uJ E uJz UJo >E -I z tr^ e9ina7-^<)2rr- <oq ;(JFO..; c.i z tr o (L l L! E, z F z tr luF 3 UJz .. >l uJ uJ UJzot trlu(L J 2 E o zY(Ji Ltl F zo F Jlaz l I izlz Fu,< (-)o< 'HR'!-o<z irlll bz ttz7--F it ae 3uJOI I $l sl ol rl al>l l!lol zl BlolFI oz ciultr J lloz3oF I I J dl tl El 5l s9l FlFIF r'l z)u- 6 I I I Jz aFItu)ilfi5Eclo...t < ==a2 z a il =z -_'t sF 3Ed6o z UJ = Eir = Oz F() lll = E. E <FGC)uJ<ztIUF(42 C) Fz, C) J uJ J oz E =E UJ tlUtf z.^o =Qoo =zff,JO(! u- dfio(J= ==1dd= F ul u-o tuoz U)2 oFtr 9 cr llj -h= c LlJ>(LOl!oo \UJ;o-:>UFlrlJ) tr l! @ OF ||' Ect -9o o! 5 E Eo(, o -=- 6 c\l UJF U>dlo.i) zo Fo- uJY ITJo oF F =:;co\l!(L 6+ qahOFDoE td'lgurbkzo E =E,lrl o-zIF C) =&,Fazoo \ I tuta PERlrrr r UtfTOI{N OF VArIJ C9..US^I-BU-CTION PERurr Appr.,rcAmox., iron1 i99IDATE: F0-auilding [ ]-Plunbtng [ ]-Electricat [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other APPLTCATIoN uusT BE FILLED ouT CoMPL,ETELY oR IT ltAy NoT BE AccEpTEDt -.. r'rv.rr 4vr! ravct. Ef. a,LlttJt"r LruI U9!lI/Ir!;a'!;IJI ()lt I'I llAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r****** ** ********************** PER}|IT INFORMATION ************************** ***n Job Nane: U b)<, t4 Job Address: . resar Descripti "", ,-it q ahft!ffifitj;'E;aL,) QooL4tA-fa'L,i ho*tp-J Owners Nane!hJaa Address:Pn.y'Z-a4/6 Architect:o/.Address: 'z- Z. ( t t o. rln.c/il-lJ?o General- Description: l{orl< class: [ ]-New p{-afteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconrnodatl.on Units: Gas Logs_ I{oodlpellet_J<_ ********************************* OTHER: S t? I.tZ / Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor : Address: EL,ECTRICAL FEE: orHER TYPE oF nnnzl[)illLffiT DRB FEE: ****************************-**** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: 2f OO PLWBING PERMIT FEE: I{ECIIANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: - oFFrcE usE *************************-t***** BUILDING PIAN cHEcX FEE: 5€ AU PLT'I,TBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I.TECIIAI{ICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNAIURE: ftl"r and Tlt)e of Fireptaces: cas Appliances ,T* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUrr.DrNG: t a. aOO 9L ET,ECTRTGAL: $ TOTAL: T *************************** Town of VaiI Ree. NO.B-rtz- Phone Nunbers /J?/-- <4zo Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of ValI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT SEFI'I{I) TO: a\ ; 75 loulh honlege ro.d uail. colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEcT: oftlcc of cornmunlty devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMIINITY DEVETTPMENT MARCH L6, r.988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I{,ATERIAL STORAGE rn summary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toileti andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?9e or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on al1 Town ofVail streets and.roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wirl be stri-try enforcld by ttre Town of vailPy!]i-c !{orks Department. persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the pulfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snaft not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departruent to obtain - copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. acknowledged osition/Relationshlpr (i.e. contractor, owner) oa I F ; lnun 75 touth troni.ee rord I.ll, colo..do t1657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 oif,ce of conmurlly drYrlopment If this peryit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s. (P!P] ic lJorks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Oepartmentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as l6ngas three weelts. All corrnercial (large or sma'll ) and al'l mu'lti-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned nnximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be nnde by this departnent to expedite thispermit as s.oon as possib'l e. BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame. ilAbf+.t't, f?e-q-Jo / Project Name Corrnuni ty Devel opment Departrnent. :O al Project Application l, /)q/ z /42f)^lP Ltl 'l | // a* Zo,rn,uE -, tt^lProjeci Name: THrz /Dzvtz 5 r( t/n*/rn tProject Description:€ /Contact Person and Phone I \ ,f,\r""t, Address and Phon€ ,/- Architect. Address and Phone: /V/f Com ments: wner, Address and Phone: NE Legal Descripti on: Lot f , Block F , Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:* ?O.oo DE9 Pn,p,.z tatt Approval o DRB APPLICATION - IOWN Otr'\IAIL, COIpnADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : t********* R[(;'l -itii P I 1993 TETS APPLICAEION T{IIN NOE BE ACCEPIED SNIIL ALL REQUIRED tN?ORlttrIION IS SttBtfItTED********** PROJECT INFORMATION:-/' t ' ,A. DESCRrprroN: f r /- l(a Li- ^ roa+ 4r* bale^, "{.{ l-t^( ft C B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00),/"fnot Alterat,ion (S20. OO) Addirion (s50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRE55 e?.Vcf e,, /,, ,eA #at LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot BIock Subdivision I ano( [^'.,-<- 1-outnl^ct*c.t 4 ZtA If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: revised 9l4l9L DATE oF DRB MEETrnet @ I. c. D. E. F. G. I,OT AREA: If reguired, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentIot area. NA}48 OF MaiIi.ng APPLICANT: Address: APPLICAI.IT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: H.NAME OFMailing Phone I. NA},IE OF U'a(o-L hcs/e *STGNATI'RE (S) :Mailing Addres-s: Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applytng for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwill adjust the fee according to the table belod, toensule the correct fee is paid. /)-r .. EF]E ELrDt S 'Za'o o FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION$ 0-$ 10,ooo $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 . s 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over 51r 000,000 * DESIGN REf,'TEW BOARD IPPRO\TAJ. EXPTRES ONE YE;AR AFTER FINAT APPRO\TI! I'NI.ESS A BUILDING PER!,IIT IS ISSI'ED A}ID CONSTRI'CTTON IS SIARIED. **NO APPI,TCATION WTLI{ BE PROCESSED I{IIEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 T K. /r 8tr FEE $ 20.00 s s0.00 $100 .00 s200 .00 $400.00 $500 .00 o TION t IT. PRE-APPLTCA MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline ttreapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISS]ONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be conpleted prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestsro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata mj.nj.mum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheciuled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the iten has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at t^he discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the ConmunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. l{indows, skylights and sinilar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. BuiJ-ding addition proposals not visible from anyoLher 1ot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeLetters from adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manag'er of any adjacent condominium associat.ion stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is Located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.gnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check wittr a Tohrn planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resldential construction: ar CIearIy indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot, distance from the exteri.or face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. G. : I I El4:\ brl!=\.-S6E ri-;s6Gari.y| tii$Iii$i- Ixtu i$i ----c,,s1\>-- -l, ^\.rt.o n 6 r -. a. ,x s--. bF x, d.s,rt '9 d.: .$ c, i i s.- *, v _ - - (\*: sv tt i q, \..- ra It d ..r; s rr o.< tr vt : rt :.cF-$:a..b^-lrat.:! .a' > S 6i !, F F :;l .r - .F I" -gt \L $$trY\ > .{) at dtP o!: cSfreg().iVlU:6 t$!iti,Fri iF$t (t 6 tt -rIj\v -- s\s6riF\-ai!E \\= rr\: v v v- v ;') .-) l-- FI n(J a \ R\ *F ts ,9'/ l.J - rl. N A(I 3x S- \t E\t Nb \- = fd 35'05'W 0Ob rci|5 I a s E s € \- \ \ s st (/j S d I IiIiE r 6:<- ; S -s v - xr 15 st cturaa v F d 5 t R- ;s !, o.< rt a --LbXS hdaF-9(r +: _-\ - i r : F 0l'-v> = |. {: (5{ -c 6 e\ \L- VJ a \ HriJ I S \ ( Ea(t 26.0' 4d6g' F-. F Ht T{ (/) s a \ r-a a 6 'g \>r< $Nll-- B= s_; \ F(") I s N N E F ss{ |\ $ R sa B= d L' F t,U dI {s b s P \ H N R'R s$ $$ FI $\{ iFnoo trt - tll-Hg6 UFE IFgI G' =l|, .O, 42(J c!zde>o3 O,Fra Cl -C| b,lv 5 AC'r3$r\c-Nor loF xJ .u,Et<El I Fc|r?L,|Jor.E R68 GO<\/ tf, .r)O r{(3.d IJJ E @ cooazo F TLlljY uJdl oF tr cE uJ o- 1!lol- c\|l hYlO t'rloil llol'lHurbEzo z(,9 z_eoo =z o-- P =f;:-J ;; () BTE b tcul 6Pul59E<cll€aE9Eka95EE dLE 5EE =*E 669 HurE XO-t x>t q* o-iEE ll,lqt F E =E, UJ o-zIFof E,Fazoo trnn oz I I I'uJ.Ft<to I I I I tr uJz3og:' t! llj6Z .:. =EolulFI<F7o =z(tt < E =>G _I E u,t =dt z F. o. FoEE.n at1>9C)<)ztr <(o*x-ot()FO.;trj l=ls l(r'l: lglI l-l- .tfil :< ol cF-l 3"1z. v*tl 6 ztll = FFl H5B-l dElzlull(5l -9 z>= e '9- 3 1E2 3=l<Ei5t5Ho('or e =F ;Egg<aocrl 5 If t (tz lt Jo I I "l FoJ +,.c -:z ar1 x(u o =o o!flt E .oJ ii =z. o.1 uJ =z tn uJ o = o- F g u- a ul = iL tso +.tg I+I oL ru !g (q =c, lt o out 5 ltoz3oF Eg II oz o uJE l!oz3oF G ciz ciul J l!oz =oF =E G oz oulE J a l!oz3oF =Etr cjz duItr J a lroz BoF uJJutF GIuz =o F C) UJF () G E .-r O<FEC)uJ<zgulF(rzo C) J IEF C) IJJ /- Y ? I ) t29 ;Q =#d5() dN:ZF =3Yz. -f gb =+G,Fo2eoqE a tr!tr 7 t\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oo-r= /O-/Z -,2? JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL/ H. TUB tr tr Vnr.rn.tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o o FIDAL tr FINAL tdppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .Z-/Z--9L INSPECTOR ^!.- { 'N#cnoN7\ TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PMINSPECTIO,"N:THUR ,1 '_1,{ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND ffnoucn / D.w.v. { noucn / wATER( rnlurruc r-.r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT t] SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7 DATE INSPECTOR i1 ri'iii ti: )f--' , . ji, rl \ 1,. lcl,o i-2/' I o {" Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Project Application cr*65r Owner, Address and Phon€: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL I O ..l li '. t,. t+$o i-u' \ tiJlu r ,l- =-=!iItF-.-!}-\< I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I, t3 lhz t= l2 U' uJ UJlJ- E =t LIJo Gul2 =o uJIFoz g ol'Es ltE RE 83 -66.9'6E 5o.'6 rE -oc AE EFI FEgr- ,co 5ENO ..D Fctr EEFOqb!5oo!o PE E€oo3olu oD E;;E oO ol =dog e3 EOc6*= t, .9 6E d:9E6g'=9(D IsE EEH €gE =!e c96.- CLG EEE =EHiEo3esgi s CIE CL$Eroi7 E€e E€E E;E - o.,i1 ueC(' ()'- 5a-P g:s '6>,9 6E lf;E9Eqr PEg -oG Ye. =LL z Ee tu UJz IJJ(J =>E -tirlEqr,A =(DAl zzoo F^aq5F90r,t o2>-OOoztr <(oquJ ri9UFO.j Gi E o- uJ J z Eo z tr E uJF 3 IJJz oz2EEf-t g =ocHHe3a2o()3 ?8n3 < EU2 E=d.lsEiEgE3H3o(Jorz zI EJ (nz JIgl H,l dEl EE| o z_ Jt! EEru !o.E an.6 =xq, o. =6 (JL .UE!crt'J ii =z (Do -l c ts() I I II I rl slcl JI-l EI EI I olullEl JI <l q aFI =.1olutl 5l al>l t!lol 2l FI oz dllt G, J t!oz3oF (Jz (D =fJL <FGO tJ.J <ZEt!F(rzo C) F E,Fzoo z Io UJ = E irg+t Fo2 C) oz E =g llJo- Blu z .rPzF< coo =z o-- P J "dq =riJ ;'i'i o A;H NEt] E IJJ lroEE9zE<EL]€aB9Eir 5gF-rt- =l!-E FEE =oE Ub9 5urE XO_E Xraulo-! ,.= ut @oF !tt I ;f ,. t) c)rtOo (\l IAIr{ I r.r) uJFq @o-zo F.L UJY IJJdl oF F Elu(L tJ.o TLoo I ulFoz ttF o E =El! o-zIFolftEFazo() o PErNs CTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL oor, /a-rz-LJoB NAME , ' O"2 org/&/ oqtZ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr o FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB y'(*o'tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr Fl EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR a il+6r tr FINAL /1 Zo,PFRctveo tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR (\ oz E & UJ ccq (T s,c': (Iltxc(t(t ooo (\lsl ccc c( ooo <f .J') u., LIJtl- =tt! N NI lrJF z z I i =a;,=S =ztt1$\: i=?; ,R": ; ! l;2:r.r?S a:: :3s;;i:;x !j;li S -i: :; -i,in=?\) c<>. \Its -\rb \:r\ cuiioo tr)a: r..)o)sf 0 o?o6 oo osl- oo @oN c cc oo oo(\l $ N \ ? =j F =t lr.l z o - :< I z Jo- c oqJ z6 =f 2 T UJ (!z tr IUEo uJ(r 3 |.lJ uJ z UJ 6 cIrlo 2 IJJ b Ec IIJ F F z o =f F uJ) uJ z6 =l) 2 I =ll NN'{: NOrlVntVA :tI14q +{ 1ctq -rJu =9l+tt4qqt3ol : ;t 3 z tr E(J uJo Eulz ^=\J,G =-@ =@Gl zz io_ aXr4Y'aoz>-OO<)z oo-,'. ] to :c.j z F l : e tlJ ooo (r) @AI cc cs t o- llJe z Eo z tr E uJF ; uJz I J I J-l*l) ttttl iuo =,zz=? E: *5."28e?93EiEEiE E ipi5il;.i Eo><aoGtoztI | | J-l*l"lll"?ll ,^ o -,n 2 =R; n=5+iE?32 ? =dP=<c +&EI p a g 55ooorz<) z F Jfaz ul:f, ?E Ol Ol 04 F LLJ- '.# |E =+.:c U; o - (r uJ I Io z e 3 F z O tl-l o- z (J IF (o (o -co <\.1r\<t ccc ro I d. I o- F C' u- (5 |! d.oa I t-L C"':30)t= tlult I -ot I =l IEt Itl bi alFl Lll.r-l dl.dl Ql-l tl>l JlEl <ltr|>l urltrI 3I 1l =l =l -o- i Q oo <r^Au{ <l1<t =l o IP c)o LI tt tnoe. xo cl = oL ao ! =a6 -Jul =z (D -) llIItl.tlol Icl (ol I +rl t.l Ol.Pl '-llrll (l, Itojl()l (/|llt I Et c'Ol rJJct Glctl oldqeii42() I I ILl" I I<4r{ L.| f> Ec) Or<t Or co xqIq "1ntlurlu4 <l <l =| I JI4,'lizl aJl(uq oLo(5 =E F Fz c)z _r (J Lj.l Eirg \_, z F Fz J s2 trJ) LIJ t zr >; !zrl-o t! ET E <F uJ<ZE!!F(nZ u.rz = E <.ro?. fo co -9€r 0, .tc E EoC' i\o ar! (lt>Ef=r -o-F z F IU-) E olool\-.1,-lFl \I6rl ulF o E =E lrJ o-zIF(Jf E,Fazo(J =z =Qcoo>z (L t! ."*g =83dd= TL]N = = uJ l,! UJ(! F \ aEni l 'l DATE 7 - e "i'-r'z CTION TOWN OF .\ REQUEST., VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM PMFRIREADY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION: dir-g BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr t-'l UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n d.,*o'/q{o tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E 1.1 tr n SUPPLY AIR Et. FTNAL tr FINAL Lal VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ coaaEcrroNS: ,t\--- -' ,.,1 'GtcnoN neouesi, TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL q FTNAL 1,, , :'.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR p rrunl tr FINAL \g eeenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED pbnnecrrorus, I INSPECTOR oz E UJ c s s rrl \ m ot a ^1rt \ a \ tJs \ c\o LIJ LUu- L E uJ 9 oz6 l v. F t-I v o zz t f. F z zz * ::::. $ 'ii?; l s;::=?; vll; !liii E:''i?r:+ ;i::iqii::;I $l ;Sitrt$ lr \N.$ h1 lnN$. o \g R o \l ti\JS 0 \ s\ aaq; A \\ ci\ aq qqr'! I VM, $ \" \b ry ==E z o : @ Y(-) roz J (J F J 6 :fJ o_ z -(J uJ LIJ LU z tr E i cz 6 o =oo- o- ?z uJ (t UJtuu- L Etl, J F F z o! f 9 F(J tr z6 l J z I u = NOrlVn',lVA .$l $l= Sl: ; ;.$ I = ; x dC ;g 9|{ = =. "^JY :: "Ca Q s 16AF o otr I .n O GJIF;, filLL < "-lo q i.vlH 5 gol:8 ;!l - N Oul zo f F o o-:) t o .bo \)c|t s o-L! z Eoo z F E F X =z trtttll-l l:1*ltttttlZ s-- z =l-:iivP f;5 35-EEqP,eEq4!E E .B rt E : 9<ctccoz)l#l lsl "1 .l*t 5l | | | | E t e=3 < rlF9 3=d e J<=+GG9;=s55l:)(5()IZn zo F) faz t!: ?g. o c E UJ't_ t- + r!F + E o o 3 (r : FIo z E F =a ul z =o o- uJz - F \c rilro c a\ Il.+ \n v $\\\ (L F € U q<9Bo JF=s s drcl cl : I P,. .^ :\or{-) yl\ss \\s- oz Fo LlJ-toE @ ql -+l I >lolzl I UJ eo Jz z ar, 9 =F.-< >z -JO(LLL -:to59 =eea\F- di= t:lnn q) o ct q, .= ft-E= EtYo;iux' otL tr rrtor=tr> o F tb = lr'E l-u.l r- o-zo Fo E,Fazo(J /-\/ '-.;-.4/'r=\ ' rlls\,'tlt-\\ ,// tet\_J___J e = i a I ll|l.d I'gl lo5t IEt Idl I .ql d.-l I cldt ot '*l ?l >l JlEl <l Irr-l >l ( tllltltltltltl.ql.rl It{ltlql F-l ,nl'1 UtI rll ql ol Al -{l '5J2t =tcrl <lit =t .;it IFrt 1Pl +-.Frl f\ol erD.+l ol.\ -E I c5'- Ell Itx €d 8l.r{ | |:Cl .ltoltrl .l .r"l I O.lst 3 =l rJitrt o4 .5t dol olEl <l:l ='lEl <ltrt >l tr + C) a ,d.-i d g tlt,{ t4tdlql5qid 1,9 I*l l(,tz -Jl!Eo FtrOztrLlt I o PEINS |, l l1_(t\1 ;-f r Cni I DATE /: b JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: 9/@tlII CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL a_-/( CALLER '-) ruESINSPECTION: -._yp}l WED THUR FRI ------------' -4y/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION T] GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o '/ a ,'-, 4'' O. o'1/ O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 'o1t= % rNSPEcroR. I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAM MON CALLER - TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ECTION:wED fiH-uF) FRI\__-_-.,/o"@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr +{+0AL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FTNAL O FINAL 4 BEINSPECTION REOUIRED aY 3- e/-?-z-- OVED tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: ""T= % rNSPEcroR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME ?. READY FOR INSPECTION:TUES WEO THUd FR(I ,' ttf.II '- AM PftT | .. LOCATION: J BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:TTIEGHANICAL: tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT C] SUPPLY AIR E v ,== y' '" :'; ' I rrr.rar- .i7i'a-{t"4'l -*'it'-,r' ,: ' ,ri, ,' t,,r'' tr tr FINAL APPROVED T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: 'DArEfti.'=:19"", b "\i ,*r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: / CALLER . MON TUES ,- WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o,t.- rNSPEcroR ,*#"roN TOWN OF REQUEST vAlL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: I I I JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL tr CONDUIT p/oppaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ",--/-r4-- I rNs#CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME L--t, .".DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FR IM6 BT tr tr u tr q( rl ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr FINAT tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL /tr FINAL .,,7 N APPROVED ', .&ffiipRovED PECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE i, INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUESTTCWN OF VAIL / t\ t' - / -.JOB NAME L. r( I t. ; i rtk'.DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: rHUR 6)MON CALLER TUES t , i {( I 1f ,', t B tr tr tr X tr tr PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL MON CALLER ./C, TUES WED @PMREADY FOR CTION: LOCATION: BU tr tr tr Itt /\ tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION O GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr E] tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr F)ML FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oo* Q-to4 JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES r-----=>-WED ( THUR -,.1 FRI 6)'"Lda- 4 ,'a/, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI C] FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL (r dr' tr tr GAS PIPINGINSULATION Ganfse SHEETRoCK NNL E49r t t.-, tV-'tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tl D SUPPLY AIR tr o Ftd^t tr FINAL F4EEBOveo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*r#"toN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: DI tr?1 trl trl tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: C TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr F(d^L tr FINAL PROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: "*. ,*#"roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME JJCALLER 7' INSPECTIO MO TUES WED THUR FRI3rr s BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATIOI\I / STEEL tr FRAMING E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS; INSPECTOR :/ f.,*#"i,o" TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: (-- (-.1 CALLER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION d sHeerRocx\n tr GAS PIPING NAIL r-(36./ 1L.t -f O POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING o D tr tr ROUGH tr tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR rr(nt FINAL PROVED IECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED A'2 L-,INSPECTOR 0 .:... 'if WED THUR . l-.*INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES @READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND l$ouc" / D.w.v. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ . DATE a 1' / INSPECTO *tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o /ttr /r,serc zrr/ / /r/d./ JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CrnIE) rnr -----@ pMMONTUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -\ -*::::: \noucu/wATER %O GAS PIPING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION at' SHEETROCK - NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED .::-gDEAPPRovED INSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 6.DArE ?'Zo-f rNspEcroRI o PErNs CTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL *DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI JOB NAME @ AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: L(our.roaroN / srEE, tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r'l tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL t] FINAL APPROVED }RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR t-|l ..-- r' I a- |-t- i _ ^. I/ i,: ''/ t PElNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME @INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: XFouruoarroN / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATERFRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING D n tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '.i'{"f f-,*ril"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME a-DATE CALLER TUES WED PMREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: I THUB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RBECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t-rN#broN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC w rsui BUILD!NG: flroorrr.rcs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: . tr HEATING f-t D D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr o,^FrttRt-tr FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIR EDQU 'CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 1.,* Project Application 961s October 3,1,980 proiect Name: lroposed Dullex ileeldence for la.ndlurc ltlterprlses r Inc. ProiectDescripl;qn' Propoeed DuPlex Resld'ence Owner Address and phone: Iandnarc ftterprises, frc. .27522 Paclfle Caa.st Hi gh*-ev, VrFl'lh', r:ptl3. Gene Soandry Prlnclpal (21, 457-4578 Legal Description: Lot ? , ebck N/{ , Filing Gore Creak Psrk Zoning Approved: Architect Address and Phone: nsvlC l(enneth Spee*.e"'r Areh{ t'eat F-C- ^n61 Rr"f,drey l lieu Yn?k flr+y, NeH York lnnzi, (plz) ?24-6600 Design Review Board Date I.\ la Motion by: Seconded by:L. t- c vi'1 7 :i-. I"f i<t'. I APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t ' tA .t r^l; Vl at v1 tt A,' ... s -\ Summary:<-.,t1 e J9c9'feui seJ o ol o Vou',s",1 gpOc,tJ o?fu *ne, f 'o^,V, ^nd" fltrz''t' fav'v| -lo | ''lun ' fi'l/'-'g-''-""-' I 2r,,.'ina Adminialr.l.rr C./|L btd ,.x..4 xa^-/ C\ W to^.{rJ. _-. ;91 -,@"' o ar(6'! + Zoninq Administratorng lrvt4\ lvAu t/r^ 1; ^. F",-o a(( Chiet Building Official Date: Date: rn l' oa.< eo C) ."\ {oo* l-t;V;.,.^ /'l Jt ic ' .,/ r.a ,l x 3 v-j c1 i I : o SFR, R, Legal Description:Lot "7 B'lock Zone District K ZONE CIIECK for P/S ZONE DiSTRICTS Fil ing R Proposed Use At!/,0 Dr/PLET GRFA: GRFA: Secondary Proposed 76/0 Proposed Proposcdbo 7o ,fL 2Prupr:ed fla . Drive: Slope Permitted f ,')o Iope Actu ", 9 ?" Av.:l'anche ( ---- Landscaping: Required Parking:Required Envi ronmenta'1,/Hazards : llatercourse-required <O' proposed / Allovred i ffii{ . Propo:.ed +5 OQ - Primary Proposed Site Coverage: Allowed Primary Allowed Secondary A'l I owed F'lood Piain S.l ope Corrments: Ztr:i . r.r :Dciif : tl! ..t/'.)' "' ,r ' ),L'il' oll ilA'l'1,:lt I Al ,i; o l);r t. r'.:!-19P9 NAlllt Ol.' ))l(0,I1';(:'l' Proposed DuDlex Resrde;ee.tor l,an,rrqasc Ehten?tqleesr &rer 'LJ'CAI, t)lt,'icltI IvJ'.tON 7 LOl. N/A __Bl,0cli Gore Greek Park l)liSCllI|,TIOll OF l)liO,)l:lCT Proposeil Duplex Resid.ence ]II I,I NG 'Jllrto A. o fol LowiirB tlrc Dc'sj.gtt ) NIILDING i tr f orrnlrt; i on llc v icw ]]oa rd ITtATIiRIAL,S: lrlatcrials is rctlu.i. r'orl f or s;ul>ntj. tt:tl b1' trcJlorc n. fj.nlrl. irpplovlt). cflrt 'fgp1i_gl llatcria.l tlrc Appl j cirnt bc giv<ln. CoIor lloof Siding' Otlicr l?al1 Fascia Sof fits Tlindor,vs lYindow Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Flues Flashings Chlmneys Ra11s Trash 'Enclosures Grecnhouses Other Sarne as flues lloocl Seal-rite Stalnect <lark trown t|ood (minimal)Stalned dark trown Iood (sot1d) one unlt Red Dark kown Metal exposecl at toP of chlnneY Calvanlzed Palnted to natch roof I{ood/glass Dark Broun D.)PLANT MATIRIALS . (Vcgetativc, Landscaping IIatc::ia1sand Groun<l Cover) !sg-e-l."+-&ss including Trces, Slrrubs , \ Qrrantitv Si.ze /8" Cedarshingle Palntecl- ?ainted- Stained L'agc 2 PlanI Matcrl.:tJ.s ConEi.nrrcd c.) oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES- (Retatnlng I'la1ls , Fences , Srvinrning Pool-s, .etc. ) ' (Please Specify) . l|e trdopose the use of "checker block" whlch ls a pcecast pevLnd block 501 open for grass to.grow thru. PEC-8-1-12-8r ,||fltrt#ioirito .lin seconf to reconunend the removar or tf sharing from connercial Dick stated that at Present only the HDMF and ccr and ccII zones could have time sharingat present, and Gaynor added that also l00eo of the owners have to approve to changeto time sharing. Gerry reminded the council that much time sharing'iourJ "r,ungu tt,"character of acconnodations in Vail . siir wilto stated that the councilrs concern wasthat public accomnodations would be reaucea. The vote was 6-1 in favor of removal . Duane piper voted against removal . Peter-Patten presented. the memo, explaining that Lots I, 2 and J are RC zoned, and Lot4 LDMf' A1l of these have _40% slopL. He ieferred to the memo, reiterating that muchstudy had been done and nuch delibiration went into the hazard ordinance (see memoJ. Y?-tl-lit ::c,eived nuch praise fron the colorado Geological Survey "ou""*ing this or-olnance wnrch was welI researched. The second point is the concern with downzoning. Luke purchased hls property in 1966when it was in the county, and then he could have 2g .rrrit, on rots 2 € s. Norv it iszoned for a total of 6 units on lots 2 & 3. This is the issue: progressive ordinanceis inevitable. Peter asked for denial . Bill- Luke spoke about the site plan that was approved in l97i by the county for 12 unitsfor lot 3, and added.that the soit report for i-szs was 'cfean',. I{e explained that theTown of vail did road irnprovenent which resulted in huge boulders being placed on hisproperty. Now with Town zoning, 5 units could be buj.lt on lot 2, and-oire on lot J. The corunission rnenbers discussed changing the zoning, and asked peter nore que-stionsabout the haz'atd zoni-ng. Mr. Luke reiterate<l that the boulders had changecl the gracle.lle asked to have the request tabled until he coul.d bring j.n the survoy nricle before theroad work, and one made after. Roger moved that this item be tabled, seconded by _favor of tabling, unanimous vote, 7_6. Review of V4il Guides conditional Buildin l1lt,o:::,::-1nf 'lin Rea stated.that thev had worked out an agreement and that vair Guides 9]'",..* t1""J".1*. .PT']|l:1 :l1l_rh" -nocky r'r""t"i" e1lii,*,'-ulir" t"" l"ns.""u"r:?iJ'i,l,r,farther away from the intersection io .r-"it' i""";;#;'il;iuiii.i"rJ";#t#. Luke densi control varia]lc-e, Lot S, Blqck 3, Bighorn Sub, Thj.r:d Addition Vote was in 7. Landrnarc setback variance, Lot 7 Block I Gore Creek Park Peter Patten presented the rnerno, described the background, reconuncnded approval . Rick Baldec of Mountain High linterprises explained that the gas line had been located,but the size had not been knotm. Peter said the gas company would really li-ke to see 10r distance fron the house. lle went on to repeat that the alternatives are worse. They are: move the gas line , redesign the house Rick nentioned that the gas conpany wanted solleone fr:oro their office on the site atall times wlien work is undcrway. He explaincd that the gas line is not in the centerof the right of way. The deck would be in the flood plain i.f the house was moved,but that was al l. Dan Corcoran moved that thc setback variance bc granted, seconded by Roger Tilkcrneier. and the votc was for, 7-0. Gaynor movcd the neeting be adjourncd, seconded by Dan. The rnceting uas adjournedat 5:00 p.n. .1r TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUT{ PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONO,IISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT January 8, 1981 RE: Gore Creek Setback Variance Request for Lanchlarc Enterprises located on Lot 7, Block l, Gore Creek Park Subdi.vision pES.CRrprroN gF y.ryrrANCE RqQUESTED The applicant is requesting a 1$ foot variance to t.he 50 foot Gore Creek setback. The duplex has received final Design Revlew Board approval and was under construction when it v.'as discovered that a high pressulre 3 inch girs line was located to the extrene south of the 20 foot easernent on the north side of the properry. Because of this easernent, the creek setback, and the triangular shape of the 1ot, the deuplex was restricted to a relatively snra.ll a{ea. The approved location of the duplex would have located the structure less than 3 feet from this 1ine, an unsafe distance according to botti the Holy Cross Electric Company and the Tovin of Vail Public Works Department. The appl j-curt wishes to nove the house 5 feet to the south and away fron the line to ensut'e the sa.f;-:ty of the occupantsj Moving the line, according to the Public Works departnent, r.;ou1ri be r:nsafe. A redesign of tlte du- pLex is an alternative felt to be too onerous a tasl( as the structure iras been through extensive DRB and staff reviews. CRITERIA AND FINDiNGS l}ponrevi'ewofCriteriaandFindings,Sectiorr1B.62.060oft------:--------------------approval of i.irb Tequ.esled variance based uPon @s: Consideration of Factors the relationship of the requested variance to other er:.isting or potential uses and struc- trnes il_th" v*inity.- No effect upon other structures or uses would he I.ci;lized if the variance was granted. lhe degree.to which. rel.ief fron the -strict or literal interpretation and elforcenent of .''a ip-ec_ificd regulatibn-_i.s neie..ssary to achieve comlrslrbility and uniforT @or ro tttal;TF ot:;ttr_'{:s oJ thi.s titlefillg special'privi1eqc. We feel there is a uni.que situation here in that the physical characteristics of the lot, cornbined with the setbacks and the rnisplacement of the gas line all add up to a situatj where relief from strict interpretation is necessary for the safety of the occuPants of the structure. Public itlorks has reviewed the proposal and finds it acceptable. Public safety would be increased r,rith the granting of thc variance. The effect of the requested variance on light and air,.distribution of popqlat.ion, ublic faciriti.es andffiafet Such other factors and critcria as the conmission deorns applicable to the proposc4 vgl:glggt No other factors are applicabl.e. t\ ' Page 2 - Landnarc Lot 71 0 C"uut Park - llS/8L ' FINPI{9S.r The Planning ald Envilg.nmental Coggission shall makg th.e follow-ing findings bc&re granting a variance : That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege in- consistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same distri.ct. That the granting of the variance will not be detriurental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: The strict or li,teral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. Ihere are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to the siteof the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in tire sane zone. RECOT&TENDATION The Departnent of Cornmunity Developrnent reconmends approval of the variance because of the alternatives involved, the sirnple noving of the house seems to xrake the nost sense The basic reason for the variance is to irrcrease the overall safety during construction and for the future occupants of the duplex. AGZ a GENDA of Pepi's Sports exterior modification 3:00.p.n. 1. Approval of ninutes of Decenber 8, l98O neeting. 2. Knox density dgrtrol variance, Casolar II, Resub Lot A-7, Lionsridge t. Changing Design Review Board nenbership fron 5 to 7 nerlbers. 4. Renoval of ti-no sharing fron Comercial Core I and Comercial Coro II. 5. Review of Vail Guides conditonal use perrnit (Printery Building). 6. Luke density control variamce, Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, srd Additiqr l- 7. Landnarc setback varianrce, Lot, 7, Block I, Gore Greek Park. PTANNING AI.ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, January 12, 1980 l:00 p.n. SIIIDY SBSSI0N l. Fire Departnent Presentation 2. Adninistrativo Appeal 5. . .Continued PrelLninary rwiew . for Comercial Core I. PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs HEREBy GrvEN that Gene Beaudry of Landurarc Enterpriges 'has requested a setbbcklvariance on Lot 7, Block l, Gore Creek Park Subdivisiqr in order to txtve a building farther frou a gas line. Application has been nade in accordance nith Sectisn 18.62.020 of the Vail t'ftmicipal Code' A public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the Mmicipal code on January 12, 1980 at 5:Oo p.u. before the Toun of vail Planning' and Envirqrnental Comission. said hearjng will be held in the vail Municipal Building. Tlreapplicationandinfornationrelatingtotheproposedchangeisavailable in the Zoning Adninistratorrs office during regular business hours for review or inspection bY the Public. A. PETER PATTEN, JR. Zoring Adrninistratoi IOI{N OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COl'{'{t NITY DEVETOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail' Decenber 26, 1980' a '?-\Applicati on outn] 12' 12 - Pd !.ORM TOR A VARIANCE is required foi any project requesting a Variance. wil-l not be accepte<l until all information is submitted. A.NA1IE OF AppLICANT land.rnarc Ent. - I{r. Gene Beaudry ADDRESS 27622 Pactrtc Coast }llghway l4a1ibu, CA. 90265 PHONE Qtil gg*OZtZ B. NAME Of APPLICANTlS REPRESENTATIVE Mcultarn Bfgh hte-l,.rse^, n ADDRESS p.o.r"x 333 avon,c HONE{3EI9Lq=&Z5q c.AUTHORTZATION OF PROPERTY OI{NE ,Zr."oru*" ADDRESS Sane A"s Above PnoNn.4/3s5_7<{ LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAID. AIPLICATION I.This procedure The application Ng,"d,. LEGAI DESCRIPTION lot rEE. $f00.00 pl-us 154 A li$t of the names ofsubject property. block 7 Filins Qqe g"Cg! l!{! ror eacn property owner .to .be notified.. owners of all property adjacent to the T0: Plannlng Conmltee Torn of Vall Lanclma.:cc &rt. ls here ln naklng a request for a varlance in the exlstlng J0 foot set back runnlng through lnt ?, Gore Creek Parkr Blg Horn Subtllvlslon. Ilaving conplied wlth the exlstlng set back regulation, we flncl that one eclge of the house ( north sltte ) is 116" from the existlng 20r foot easenent on that sld,e. Under a nornel sltuation thts would. not Fesent a problen. thls utllity easenent incluiLes a J" gas llne havlng up to J00 PSI that 1s unfortunately locatect 1t5" fYon the south efue of the easenent lnsteatl of ln the center of the eas ernent. Ttre total cllstance between the hous e ancl gas l1ne 1s ttrerefore less than J feeL, To lncrease thls space to a safe clistance of 8 feet, ne propose to move the house 1n a Southerly clirection, J feet. Thls necessitates a varlance ln the J0 foot set back of that amount. IANDMARC ENT. '[I^r!'r '"f ' I -/w B:tocK 1, wr #)z Ilr. Charles Forrell 114O6 Velrs l'1e11 Ril. Uheaton, llD. 2O9Oz CORE CREEK PARK BLoCK 1, LUr #4 T?ronas M. & Cymala Gibson ItO Oakbrrook Drive G-106 oai<tro6k, fi.,. .60'521 David S. Slegal 4155 W Jewell Sulte J02 Denver, CO. 80222 310CK 7, LVI #6 I(aren B. Utter 'bx 536Vai1, CO. 87657 Ibren B. Hubly c/o l(aren Utterbx 536 Vai1, C0. 8!657 ELoCK 1, I,frT #5 Gene G. l{alton 3118 test Plnelodi, CA. 95420 V.K. Turner Fox R.R. EVergreen, C0. 804]p^ yh;/",-'- /t/^ e^,,/z 6,,b &rLrrlrc*, tf rlyr eb fird*^^ l@'--- n&4o'' --- Ll' 4rr, Btr [#g,rb /2/4 /'f'/: r's* rag'-)tt^o'i7tr*At ?/o G ,l =.n i'lt,n1,o" Yv', , T, Cb >-,"[^- 4 c rch bto"(i D,i,-.._, Q _ t c L 0 r, L.tr,, /. _t *_.q , (, o s- ) 7 3tttr ri,/--. f .l?i,_ L:,d. Ta' 'tet' + t$or P "rZ. erI s3-J >', lv'l , ooL z- ^ J-, 1ttl( )11 Ll Jca"/'a eFafL" f {^: Lo4; Cd 'is-t y 4 e*'u-- goVST . PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs HEREBy GrvEN that Gene Beaudry of Landurarc Enteglripes'has requested a | ' rt-^^L Daslr cth'l i. loVg a,setbackivarianceonLotT,Blockl,GoreCreekParkSubdivisioninordertol.:. building farther fron a gas line. 'Application his been nade in accortlance nith Section 18.62.020 of the Vail l{wricipal Code' ' A Public Hearing will be l,lr.uriciPal Code on JanuarY 12, and Environnental Connission' Building. A. PETER PAhEr.I, JR. Zoning Adninistrator.TOIIN OF VAIL DEPART|IIENT OF COMMTNITY Published iri. Ttre application and inforoation the Zoning Adninistratorrs office inspection bY the Public. held in accordance with Section 18'66'060 of the 1980 at 3:00 p.n. before the Town of Vail Planning Said hearing nill be held in the Vail lilunicipal relating to the proposed change is available during regular business hours for revieuir or DEVEIOPMENT the Vail Trail, Decenber 26,1980. tr I r-'i' ( Thls procedure ls required foi any project Iho appll,cation will not be accegrted until A. NAITIE OF APPLICANT Lerdna.ro Ent. - Itb. Gene Beerdry ADDRESS '27622 bctfto Coast llldrnay }tallb'u, C,A. 90265 pHoNE (nil g9+-orlz B. NAl,tE OF APPLICT\NT|S REPRESENTATIVE tb*t r, ryrgh n^rrT-r..., rrr^, ' ADDRESS p^o-n"" 3,q3. Av"n.co, S HONEJ3g3)_$p=I2S- C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY' ,/ro"o*u*" ADDRESS Sarne Air Abovq_ I,OCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS PHONE, D. A1>prication Da1} /2 - /2 - Pd APPI.ICATTON EORM TOR A VARIANCE reguesting a Variance. all infornation is submltted. E. F. I.,EGAI, DESCRIPTION lOt FEE. $f00.00 plus I5C A Li6t of the nameg ofaubject property. block 1 Filing Gore Creek Park for each property o\,vner to.be notified. olrners of all prpperty adjacent to the ' T0r Pl$alng CoDDlt'€o , ,, '. rbmof tb'l i'.:l :.:. ::;'{ ,. 1. , . .. tdifd$e &t. la hce ln nlclng r regueet for a varlence ln the ulatlng ' j0 fbot qrt hp} rurnlng tnf,ot€h bl ?t Gore Creek Park, 8lg llorn Subdllvtrlon.' iUvfnr OryIfil ult[ ttrc ulrtlng aet bck regrrJatlon, re flnil tbat one ettge of tln holtr'( ncttr clate ) 1r tr5'fYol the qlgtlng 20r foot ecsoqrt on ' ., ilrt rtdr. $i4c a uorul situatlon thle roulit not preoent e yrobleo. ttrl! . '' , 'rrtlllty'rrxrt tacltis r I' gao llne havlng up to J00 PSI tltst la unfortuutcly' -looat- 116' ftor thc rou$r cige of the easenent lnsteed of ln itre oentp of I ttrr .rfiiot. Drc totrt dlgtrnoe between itre houge anit gas l:Lnc_lr ttrcsforr . ''. lrcr the,n, f,act. To lnccoare ttrlr apacc to a safe iU.lta,n-oc gf-8 feetr a' Folrorc to rcvc thc honsc ln r Southqly illrectlon, J feet. Thla neooalt^rt{ a vlrlrnac ln tlre 50 foot let bck of thet annount. IAI{DIIARC Em. ,. GORE CREH( ?ARK BlocK'l, I0r #4 Itronas M. & Cynala Glbon 40 hktrook Drlve C-105(blbook' IL. &*1 IbvLl g. gfogl] 4155 El, Jcrell 9nltc 502 Denver, CO. &2"? EIOCKl,tfn#6 lbnn B. llttsr Eox 5?6 Va1l, C0. 8165? liaren B. Hubly c/o tbren tttterbx 536vall, C0. 8165? slocK 1, wr #5 Gcne G. frlton 3118 lct Plnr Iod1, Ol, 99+N Y.f,,i Tlrrnlr toa B.n'Evcgrral G0, 80ltt 1r IIlt #3t IbrycllIoll nil. .w02 I