HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 2 LOT 11 LEGALauetl:atl thc Planning Staffat 4?9-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAI.INFORMATION This apptication is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmsntal Commission. For qrecific information. see thc submital rcquircmcnts for the particular approval that is rcquestcd- Tbc application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted" The project may also necd to be rcviewed by the Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rwicw Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: d aaaitionat GRFA (250) tl Bed and Brealdast tr Condrtional Use Perrnit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sigr Variance E Variance tr Zoning CodeAmendment B,DESCRTPTTON OF TrrE REQT.JEST:variance fot o/a 15 foot setback for construction of garage. Specifics attached in separate letter. tr Amendmcnt to m Approved Dcvclopmcnt Plan tr Employec Housing Unit (ry?c: )tr Major or E Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Alteration (Lionsbcad) Spccial Dwelopmcnt Dishict Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD tr tr TOWN OFVAN .!t D. c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT_II _BLOCK___1_ FILING Gore Creek Subdivision ADDRESS: 5125 Black Bear Lane BUILDINGNAME: P.l'"t. I:"'9:1"" ZONING: residential Montgomery (Mlke) tqathiasNAME OF OWNER(S): 476.8888 OWI{ER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : MAILINGADDRESS:Box 4 Vail, Colorado 81658 F. G.NAME OFREPRESENTA PHONE:- FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. SI,BMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OFCOMMI NtTyDEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, H. vArL,coLoRADO 81657. d4,4Kn Fce Paid: \\-J" Cl#: 5l*4lQq t,a Box 4 vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 476.8888 March 28, 1999 TOt Town of Vall Dept of Coumunlty Development Subject! Request for Variance (Garage Setback) 5125 Black Bear Iane (Kel-Gar lane) Lot 11 Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivislon REt Tolrn of Vail Variance Request Requlrenents l. Precise nature of variance requestedl The home in question is located in East Vail on core Creek. Whlle modest by ValI standards, this slngle family home (prinnry w/ sec-ondary) has five bedroonrs and four bathroons. what isparticularly unusual about this structure is the lot on which it has beenbuilt (1978). Essentially l,/3rd of the lot is south of core creeki l/3rd ofthe lot is Gore Creek; and 1/3rd of the lot is north of Gore Creek...sot least 2/3tds of thls lot is cronsumed by the creek....to the extent thatstructures can tre defined and bulLt to Tov buildlng codes. Be that as it may,the bullding needs a g.rrage. The garage can not be built on the creek ltself anda g.rrage can not be bu1lt on the north side of the creek. The onry area wherea garage can be bullt is in front of the house on the south side of core Creek. To do so, however, would require setback or varlance approval of o/a 15 feet(the standard size of a slngle car garaqe) toward ToV property lines. 2. Other aspectsr a. Building a g.rrage on elther slde of the current structurer Not only isthe 1ot spllt by the creek but lts irregular trap/6zol.dal deslgn has the ltfectof plnching any constructlon el. ther east or west of the building. Moreover,bullding on the east would put the g€rrage elther very nea! or rlght on the neighbor I s proPerty llne. To bulld on the nest of the structure would elininatethe current entrance to the building...and would put part of the garage ontothat neighbor I s lot. Moreover, the house 6r current parking lot were built 12 feet above the creek ( plctures attached). rn practical terms, the slope ofo/a 30 percent on the east and vest sl.des of the buildlng would also negatethe garage belng build on the sides of the structure.. b. This ls the only house,/duplex in the lmrediate neighborhood wlthout agaraqe. rn some respects r think the house detracts from the rest of the nelghborhood. . o and yet the design awkwardness of the lot nakes lt dtfflcultto nake the normal. tnprovements under cuEent ToV guidellnes without sone formof varl.ance for constructl,on. The neigtrbors are fully supportlve of a garage belng build even thougth varlances on property ll.nes are required. To scne extent,the ne!'ghbors are pushlng harder for a garage than is the proper ty otrner. So there ls good nelghborhood support. c. Black Bear Iane ls a cul-de-sac wl th only nelghborhood traffic.rn front of ny resldence a a burbous sectlon of ttre street.. . thereby maklnglt wider than normal, The constructlon of a slngle car garage wlth the varLanceLt applles wour.d have zero inrpact wlth rbvement along the street. The garage would have zero lm;nct upon the lbvement of ry neighbors. 'r,t .,, I ..{, r )'---. --rt . ,t' i \ l.'z .) -'' a.-t 11l,n "':i - '* ri j \\' ..t 'l' ,:ilrjt,'oL***)ri . '*' | ;t;' i.- \9 *\ , ..f , ri'iR$ qri"i'S.ru- q&Fii.r "., €-' n i"'rlf't/ \ 7-1i'- | ,t I ,r , 'i '--' ., :i'ri','-' <trY\ o$. Fr q i bb ,J T \\\ ll\ \ii - anot' .*r"t'l"" Oa. t'l- +'-:: - " s&\: Request for Setbadr) (Mathias) CONTr d. There are no adverse aspects to the constructl.on of a garage that can beperceived. the inpact on transportation, utllities, publlc safety, varlance onllght and air, dlstrlbutLon of populatlon, and the llke is not imnedlatelyevldent. The posltive aspects of the garage and the Tov varlance lt ftnpliesare great. The structure will look better over-all and the garage wlll provide a place for the noro.rl household naterl.als that are currently stored ln the open..on the slde of the house. 3. This request conplies wlth Vail's Conprehensive Plan ln that the project pursued lmproves town structures and enhances the gual lty of life. 4. rf a variance setback 1s approved under the deslqn hard-ships described,a specific constructlon plan will be submitted to the appropriate Tov agenciesfor relziew, cromment, and approvar. The single car garage proposed, wlth its 15foot variance setback approval, would have a bedroon /bathroon on top erith its cp"FA randficatlons. construction of the buLldinq would be projected for late surrner, 1999. a Varlance (Garage Cordially, Montgomery (Mlke) Mathias fNCL: as Names and Malllng Addressl;of Neighbors ( App A) Schedules A & B Iand Title ( App B) Photographs of nesidence ( App c) Schematic of Residence ( App D) Property's Site,/Legal DefinLtion ( App E) Prevlous Construction Varlance Feb 10, 1977 ( App Aftntlm,- F) ;1 U \i .\ l- O'trl(/-t)"' a.--t n/-- '!l.L ,.f\ \ .\: : =\- ./ ,.''t'..$" * '<{ I -. '**' qv\ i#t" t;. r\{ E -*.. )l t\, r ta Nanes and t{aillng lddresscs of Nclghbore r uiarl.on Becker 63O Seven Brldge Road Littlc Sllver, llJ 07739 ( rot lo Bloclc 2 Gore Creelc subdlrrlston ) Bernard and Enlly Gottlleb 80O S. Colunbl,ne Street Denver, Colorado 8O209(rot 12 Block 2 Gore Creek SubdlvLslon) Roland rJesbo 5111 Black Bear r,ane vail, colorado 81658(Iot I Block I Gore crcek Subdivlslon) Robert Shonksiler 2005 10th strcet Boulder, Colorado 8O3O2(Iot 3 Block 3 Blghorn Subdivlsion) Eenest Hurtado clrnFos Eliseos 400 Plso 3, llexlco Clty Dlstrlto Federal }lexlco(Iot 4 Bloct< 3 Bighorn Subdivlsion) AljP -t::. -\' . ' l, - i-,d.'.d r's, t -.fd' \\tL. :-\r. tfl*raEZ g: \,ri I\::: -)$'.,o, -.*€J lr(. rsilurtirrrr*id ".:; \ I t. E.>' :? .f {j>{l,i !ij';tr f ( oLD RsD"rc NATT.NAL rrr,,E rNsuRfr coMpANy ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # v24968-4 For Information OnIy - charges -AIta Lender Policy $553.00 Tax ReporE $20.00 Endorsement 100.00 $25.00 Endorsement 335.6 (Atta 8.1) $25.00Endorseme"liol;ii,L- - s8ii:83 *** THIS IS NOT AIiI ]NVOICE, BIIT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OI'R ORDER NO. V24968-4 *** 3_8-111-. Effectsive DaEe: @ at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy tro be issued, and proposed Insured: IALTA" Loan Policy tO-L7-92 992,000.00 Proposed Insured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL , and/or Assigns 3. The estate or interesE, in Ehe land described or referred tso in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title Eo the estaEe or inEeresu covered herein is at Ehe effecE,ive date hereof vestsed in: MONTGOMERY MATIiIAS 5. The land referred to in this ConunitmenE is described as follows: Lot l-1, Block 2, GORE CREEK SI'BDMSION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGI.,E, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 App B RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED PI",,tlE' TO THE PI'BLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGT,A COUNTYiF BUILD]NG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TO S December 31, L986, IN BOPK 455 AT.. MENT Our Order # V24968-4 86, USE SUM OF FROM MONIGOMERY MATHIAS OF THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, $94,500.00 RECoRDED ^"'lcoMMrr SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) The following are Ehe requirement.s to be complied wiEh: 1. PalmenE to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fulI consideratrion for tshe estate or inuerest to be insured. Proper instruments(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and dul-y filed for record, to-wiE: 4.THIAS TO THE PI'BLIC L , and/or Assigns TO TRUSTEE OF SECURE THE EAGLE COI'NTY SUM OF I{EREIN FROM TERMS, BE FOR THE USE OF FTRSTtsAr{K 04. $92, 000 .00 . .,r' IN OWNERSHIP OF OWNER FORTH IN ITEM 4 ITIONS OF THE TOT{N THE PROPERTY TO BE INSI'RED OF SCHEDULE A HEREIN, THE OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX MAYAND SENATE BII.,,L 98-045 STATES THAT FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR REI,EASES s16.00. EFFECTIVE JIJNE 1, 1998 THE OF DEEDS OF TRUST WILL BE THE THE VEST PROVIS'gNS PAGE ^"'lcoMMrrMENr i SCHEDULE 8.2 (Except.ions) Our Order # v24968-4 The policy or policies Eo be issued will cont,ain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to Ehe satisfacE.ion of the Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 Ehrough 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessmenEs nou yet due or payable and special assessments not yeE certified t.o Ehe Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessment.s against said 1and. 8. Liens for unpaid wat.er and sewer charges, if any. 9. 1994 TN(ES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASI]RERS OFFICE. 10. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE H]S ORE THEREFROM SHOUI.,,D THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATEIilT RECORDED September 13, L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. **ENDORSEMENT 100.29** THE COMPANY HEREBY INSI]RES AGAINST LOSS WHICH THE INSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF DAIVIAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, INCI-,UDING LA$[NS, SHRI'BBERY OR TREES, RESULTING FROM THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SAID LAND FOR THE EXTRACTION OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE MTNERALS EXCEPTED FROM THE DESCRIPTION OF SAID I-,AND OR SHOWN AS A RESERVATION IN SCHEDULE B-I. 11-. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEdbET 13, L902, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 1-2. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CO}fTAIN A FORFEITI'RE OR REVERTER CIAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED NovembcT 10, L969, IN BOOK 215 AT PAGE 361. 1.3. A FIVE FOOT WIDE STRIP AI,ONG ALL II{:TERIOR LOT LINES IS DEDICATED AS IITILITY EASEME}frTS FOR USE OF PI'BLIC AND PRIVATE UT]LITIES AITD DRAINAGE WAYS AS COMTAINED ON THE RECORDED PI.,AT OF GORE CREEK SI'BDIVIS]ON. 14. PEDESTRIAN EASEMEIiC| FTVE FEET IN W]DTH ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BANK OF MAIN GORE CREEK, AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT. 15 . EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OF GORE CREEK .A,S TT AFFECTS SI'BJECT PROPERTY. PAGE 3 ^"'lcoMMrrMENr t SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # V24968-4 15. ENCROACHMEMT OF ASPHALT DRIVE ONIO UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMEMT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE NO. 2L75 BY EAGLE VATLEY SI'RVEYING, INC., DATED SEPTEMBER 29, T994. L7. ENCROACHMEMT OF ASPHAI-,T DRIVE ONTO IJOT 12 AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMEI''IT LOCATION CERTIFICATE NO. 2L75 BY EAGLE VALLEY SI]RVEYING, INC., DATED SEPTEMBER 29, L994. ****** *****ENDORSEMEMT 335 . 5*********** THE INSI'RANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ONLY EFFECTIVE IF THE LAND IS USED OR IS TO BE USED PRIMARILY FOR RESIDEI.IIIAL PITRPOSES. THE COMPANY INSURES THE INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAIIIAGE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF LACK OF PRIORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSI'RED MORTGAGE OVER: (A) AIIY ENVIRONMETIIAL PROTECTION LIEN WHICH, AT DATE OF POLICY, IS RECORDED IN THOSE RECORDS ESTABLISHED I'NDER STATE STATTITES AT DATE OF POI,ICY FOR THE PI'RPOSE OF IMPARTING CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY TO PI'RCIIASERS FOR VALUE AND WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, OR FILED IN THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COI'RT FOR THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THE I,AND IS LOCATED, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE 8,. OR (B) ANY ENVIRONME}TTAL PROTECTION LIEN PROVIDED FOR BY AIVY STATE STATUTE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POLICY, EXCEPT ENVTRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIENS PROVIDED FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWING STATE STATUTES: NONE THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SI]BJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AIID OF AIVY PRIOR ENDORSEMEIilTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY A}ID AIVY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AI{D A}IY PRIOR ENDORSEMEMTS, NOR DOES 1T INCREASE THE FACE Al"IOIlifI THEREOF. 18. DEED OF TRUST DATED OcTobeT 03, !994, FROM MOI{TGOMERY MATHIAS, INDIVIDUAL TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGTE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECIIRE THE SIJM OF $92,000.00 RECORDED Oct.ober 18, L994, IN BOOK 652 AT PAGE 790. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO FIRSTBANK OF COIJORADO, N.A. IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED OCtsObEr 18, L994, IN BOOK 652 AT PAGE 791. NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. FORM 100.00 IS HEREBY ATTACHED AI\TD BECOMES A PART OF THE POLICY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TTTE COMPANY HAS CAUSED THIS ENDORSEMENT TO BE SIGNED AND SEALED AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS POLICY, TO BE VALID WHEN COI'NTERSIGNED BY AI$ AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR AGENT OF THE COMPANY, AtL IN ACCORDANCE WITH lTS BY- LAWS. PAGE 4 tAND T"" cuARANt*l coMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMEICT Required by SenaLe Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be locat.ed in a special taxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdicEion may be obtained from t,he Countsy Treasurer or the CounEy Treasurer's auEhorized agent. C) The information regarding special disEricts and the boundariesof such disEricEs may be obtained from the Board of CounEy Corrnissioners, Ehe County Clerk and Recorder, or Ehe Countsy Assessor. Reguired by Senate BiII 92-143 A) A Cercificate of Taxes Due listsing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's auEhorized agent. 1ffitr, phu'l <) C'.A- </ t^ O-- WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST INIU Y":v.,o}.< t :::;:\ ::::.zN/;;,, \ \: ..: ;:t..+)\: .7: :. i ;:;: lf ,c.-/\- .: \ '.:.8 :.: : :;:1:;pff Y"ffi; OifigmXS f,.T$tx;:i1.=:. \' :. . ia t: i:.:9:::.:':I : . :'^: Vi!:"p:t' i::; f1.....,."..-t. , . .'. .', ,'." H'::i',*/l:: ):.:.:...:i [.:'::::.:1F-'"' \\ds,:'; \:,i,i', c o- € Sto& R&a^ L&\o 'r 6ci '*' I bP01 \nF;I i,ssF E1lF-r i-> ,bz l'"! .t our<oFodlF|t'qFDFIoot,fo.8o €ft EF.OtsqotsD g}.|(DItD0rC€ rtrto O E'+-;Eqnot T DIc- to^oDO Cfgn frlz rrl ) -,/-/ s'---*, \ \ 1 q !rnsrrI>r=fr"z C) c, N{ rn I z ''i|o?- OEa <g !F; €8F frrrt F'r< rt5 F!'Ieq F g o.|.n /& ;c"tt o"{4t)n\ \ :p o. iso : I o FILPC()PY T0WI'I0FYAIL Department of Conmwity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 27,1999 Montgomery lvlathias Box 4 Vail. CO 81658 RE: 5125 Black Bear l^ane Dear Mr. Mathias: Following the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting on May 24, 1999, staff has discussed the options regarding constructing your garage on a portion of the Town of Vail right- of-way. The process that would need to be followed is as follows: l. Because this is Town of Vail ploperty, you will need to submit a letter requesting that Town Council hear your situation and your request that the right-of-way be vacated.2. The submittal of a full set of plans showing the proposed garage will be required. This includes a survey ofthe loq the area ofthe right-of-way to be vacated; a site plan at a scale ofat least l"=20' showing proposed and existing buildings; building elevations and floor plans indicating the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. The survey will need to include the surveyed description ofthe area ofthe right-of-way you are requesting be transferred to your property. 3. The Town Council will hear your request and review the plans to make their decision on whsther to transfer this property. They will also receive tle staff memo and minutes from the Planning and Environrnental Commission meeting on May 24, 1999, as well as a recorrmendation fiom staff on the proposal. Staff has discussed the possibilities and the recommendation fi'om staff will be that the right-of-way is sold at rnarket-rate per square foot. subject to agreernent on the size and scope ofthe parcel to be transferred.4. Should the Town Council vote to vacate the right-of-way, you will need to begin the minor subdivision process. This is another Planning and Environmental Conlnission process that will involve notification of adjacent property omers and publishing of the request. Your new property lines will need to be platted and recorded with Eagle County and the Town of Vail. A plat, prepared by a surveyor, showing the legal boundaries of the entire lot, wi[ be required. Should the access for any adjacent properties occur witiin the transfened right-of-way, an easement shown on tle plat and recorded with the County will be needed. trrn"o"or * )- 6. t "di * t.e tt- Should the Town Council vote to vacate the rightof-way, the proposal would still require the Planning and Environmental Commission for the front setback variance. This could be combined with the hearing on tle minor zuMivision. The Planning and Environmental Commission did note on the record that they feh the lot warranted some sort ofvariance because ofthe existing physical constraints. The current request is for a front setback variance. Finally, aszuming that all of the above requests have been approved, a Design Review Boud application will need to be zubmitted. The Design Review Board reviews plans to ensure that they are in coryliance with the design guidelines (Chapter I I of the Znnng Code) Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate.to contact me witl questions regarding any ofthe above processes. Staffcontinues to recommend to you that you engage the services ofa qualified professional to assist you with the development of your plans (although not absolutely required). /t/r - W///IntFII ,4t tl,t f I Planner I Town of Vail CC: Dominic Mauriellq Chief of Planning FlLE CoPy TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 24, 1999 A request for a variance lrom Section 12-5C-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a front setback and Section 12-10- 8, to allow for the construction of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 1 1, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Monlgomery MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs TRANSCRIPTION AO- This is a request for a variance from Section 12-5C-6, to allow for the construclion of a garage within a front setback and Section 12-10-8, to allow lor the construction ol an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 11, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. The applicant is requesting a variance for the construction of an undersized garage in the front setback. The garage is approximately 10X15' and there is a sketch of il at the end of your memo. The lot is constrained by the creek, basically cuning otf the back of the lot. Staff is recommending denial based on the following findings: That the granting of the variance constitutes a grant of special privilege and the granting ..... However, if the PEC wishes to grant approval staff is recommending the following conditions: That the garage shall not encroach into prescribed side setbacks and that the proposed garage meet Design Review Board approval. JS- Does the applicant have anything? MM- First of all, I would like to point out I see my name here in the ..yes..thank you. Mike Mathias. However, I notice in the official agenda for today, it's Monto Gomery..l don't know who Monto is. Presumably that's me. But I should think after 3 months of working on this and $1500.00 when lget my chance to speak with you, at least they would get my name correctly, it's not Monto gomery. AO- I apologize for the error. MM- Thank you. Also, while we are on this mafter, if I may point up about the Community Development Board here, I have a non-standard lot. Everyone agrees it's a non-standard lot and with non-standard lots you have to go through a non-standard process of trying to fix them up. lf it were a standard lot, you go through a standard process, but since in any community you don't have standard lots, you have to stand up, you have to establish procedures for non-standard situations and that's what I have. Therefore, a non-standard lot requires a non- standard application, which means a variance. A variance by its term is not pajoritive, for it should not be pa.iority, it should not be an untonid comment to say you are asking for a variance. My goal is to fix up my property' You were out there earlier today. The property needs to be fixed up- lt's been there for twenty years. My neighbors are pushing me. They're good people. They're pushing me, they're corect. This property needs to be fixed up. I have no option but to come fonrvard for a variance and it's not an untorrid, nor is it a pajoritive term to ask for a variance if you have a non-standard lot, which is what I have. From the beginning, my response, the response of the Planning Department has been, at least by my definition, a negative response. They have done nothing, but look around for negative reasons to try t0 find out why we can't help you. Well, we looked here, we looked here, you know this code here says this and the number of times I've heard the Town Council voted on it, Wow. They have done nothing, at least by my view, to help me try to fix up my lot. I would suggest that is their job. Their job is to say - we are here to help you-we work for you citizens ol Vail. That is our job, but that is not the response I had with the exception of a few comments from Russell earlier today during your job site inspection. Other than that, it's been a negative response, a negative support from this organization, which by the way is supposed t0 be helping me. I know I have problems here. I know it's a non-standard lot. I know I can't build on the north side of fie lot. I know I can't build on Gore Creek. I can't build on the left. I can't build on the right. I can only build in the front and because this property is technically Vail right-of-way, I don't have too many options. I know it's going to be a non-standard garage, because I have no choice but t0 ask for that. lt's not a pajoritive comment on my part. lt should not be looked as a pajority ol aspect on my part and untonid thing on my part. Special privilege, what am I asking for, special privilege. This is not a special privilege, I am authorized to do this because it's a non-standard lot. So what have we concluded. We have concluded yes, we'll recommend that he gets the variance of 15'. Thank you, we agree on that, so t/z of my request has been approved. But, even though we recommend that he gets that 15' to build on, we're not going to recommend that we give him a construction permit to build. There's a not-quid pro-quo here. Does anyone see how this doesn't really match. You can say yes, you can build, but then we're not going to give you a building permit. This is the support that I've been gening from this outfit. lt's not personal, mercy, it's not personal, but I need help. I need, I wouldn't call it a special privilege, but because I have a non- standard lot, I need support in doing non-standard construction to fix up my property. Othenrvise, 20,30,40 years from now, fiat property will look just like it does not, except that it will look 20,30,40 years worse than it does now. As it now stands, the only thing I can do with that property is put a new coat 0l paint on and that's cosmetic, but to do anything structural, I will need a variance and I think somewhere in here you even see that comment mentioned. So, I need help, I need e)fia support. And I donl think I am asking for much. lt is a smaller garage, but you were out there today. Did you look at my neighbors. Do you see that their garages are a lot smaller than mine. lt's not like it's going to be I think it says here, oh let me get the word right, it says material iniurious. You can't say material injurious. lt's materially, it's an adverb, materially injurious t0 the properties. Really. The other properties all have small garages, but a small garage on my part be material injurious to the others. I would suggest not. Actually, I would suggest that a garage on my property would help the neighborhood, would help me, it would help the Town ol Vail. My neighbors are fully supportive of it. I keep saying, what is at risk here. Well, nothings at risk here. Uh, I can give you about 50 reasons, 50 positive reasons why this should be approved. I can give you maybe one or two reasons why it shouldn't and the one or two reasons that they pull up are reasons that can be defined because this is a non-standard lot. Thank you, I know it's a non-standard lot. But these to JS MM me aren't reasons; these are merely explanations of the situations I'm in. And I'm not going to bad-mouth the lot and I'm not going to bad-mouth the house itself. lt's just the way this Town was developed 20 years ago, this was an exception to the rule. well, I'm trying to fix up this exception to the rule and I need help from this office; I need help from you; I need help from the Town. So they're recommending yes on one and no on the other. Well, to me it's either yes on both or no on both and if it's no on both, I have no choice but to let this property just dissipate, because there are no alternatives with a lot designed like this one is. Thank you. Questions? Thank you. Before we ask questions, we will take any public comment. Also, I might note we've had some, somewhere in here it says that the applicant, Monto, I don't know who Monto is here, but the applicant Monto here is supposed to seek alternative solutions to the problems. Well, I've lived in that house for twelve years and if there's some alternative solutions to the problem, certainly fhls office has not brought them forth. However, there is one idea that Ms, Ochs brought up that I could put a house that goes east and west to a house that's north and south, so I can drive in my lot and turn left. And that way, I would get kind 0f a full size garage, but I ask you after and I should get an Architect to design his. Probably what would that cost $5,000, $7,500. Course it would be denied by the Design and Review Board. An east and west garage in front of a house that goes north and south. Thats the recommendation that I've had. So somewhere in this recommendation, or somewhere in this piece of paper it says, applicant should seek alternative solutions to the situation. Well, sigh pulease, il there were alternative situations to this solution I would have developed them by now and they would have been addressed before we got to this stage. Thank you for the idea, but if you have nothing specific other than he broad notion that I have to find other solutions then we will have to let it rest at what it is now; a request for a 15' variance which is the only space I have and for a smaller garage. Believe me, if I could get a bigger garage, I would certainly go with it. But I know what I have and I know what I can do with this lot under cunent Town codes and this is better than what I've got and without it there's nothing. Well, thank you. No public comment. Commissioners if you have any questions. Yeah, that's what Russell said here normally, yeah, that's something I hadnt heard today. Go on yeah. And look at the site. I can see that you want to complete this and take care of the whole issue, but it would only take care of the storage. Yes, that's correct. It just takes care of one with your lot and your property. lt won't take care of the whole problem and look at taking care of that by combing the whole slope. Thank you but I appreciate your goals; they're my goals too, but I'm asking for less than standards. The standards is a 19' garage; I'm asking for a 15'garage. That's less than most people I think are asking for variances who come and JS MM GA MM GA MM BD o stand here are asking for more than the Town allows. I'm asking for less. A 15' garage because I have no choice but to ask for a smaller. So you're suggesting well here, why don't you go and get the bigger thing. Certainly, I would like the bigger thing, but do you think I can get a biggsr approval through this Boad when I can't even get a 15 footer. Do you think I can get support from this department for a larger product, when I can't even get support for a product that's under standard. I don't have that optimism at all. I absolutely support your request for a full-size sandard garage. The real issue is that the amount of parking here. You want a garage that doesnt function; it becomes a storage unit hen you have just reduced the amount of parking available on this property by at least one parking space, if not two. so that's where the real concem comes in, is that if you displace parking by providing a garage and that garage is not capable of accommodating parking spaces; then what have you done. I have a left spot mind you it's most of that property that you saw. Most of that is technically Town of Vail right-of-way. For nine parking spaoes, maybe il I put four cars across there could be twelve parking spaces. So as this gentleman suggests, maybe an undersized pafting garage would take away one of he spaces, there's still eight or eleven parking spots there, so I'm not wonied about places for people to park that are off the vail streets. The point is made, but to me you should not worry about a parking problem. There's enough spaces there. You saw how smallthe house is; how many people am I going to have there that need a parking spot. ultimately we wanl to take care of the parking problem and hat's just out of this This must be very frustrating for you. Thank you, yes. And I'm a nice guy, I really am and I don't like.. Ms. Ochs has been here. She's always been courteous and professional and our conversations, even though our voices both go up a bit and our octiaves go up a bit, we've never crossed that line and l'm glad of that, but it is frustrating because my goal is to fix the property up and for me to fix it up, I need a variance. lf I didn't need the variance, believe me, I wouldn't be here today, I wouldn't be out $1 ,500 etc., etc., But I have to have that variance, because othenvise I have no choice but to let the property lade there on the spot. Oh a paint job now and then, but that's not structural improvement; thafs just cosmetics. Have you tried to investigate either leasing or purchasing that section. No, I haven't in fact, as I mentioned earlier, that's something that Russell over here mentioned during your site visit an hour or so ago and I didn't know you could do that frankly and it's an interesting observation that the Town would lease or rent or sell a portion of essentially of their property to me which would allow me to put the standard structure on it. I had not addressed that bscause see I didn't know that was available. That was never brought up during the last two months that lcould do something like that. MM BD CB MM CB MM 4 DM CB BD The reason that it was brought up is that we have got the PEC all the documentation that we have received from the applicant. Surveys would show where the street pavement and where isn't pavement..... but not having the base information, it is very ditficult for us to advise anybody on anything because without that information allwe would do is give bad information right back. I can see there has been some miscommunication on both sides here and the applicant can hear there is that possibility and it would be really beneficial to you to look into leasing or purchasing so you can have a fully functional situation and take care of all your needs and everybody will be really happy about it. A couple of concerns. The root of the problem is that we have professional standads and designs and its your job to develop it and if you won't hire an architect or someone should take care of this; it's not for our statf to solve ydur problem. You really need to get somebody on board with you that can help you give alternate solutions. Unfortunately that does cost money, but your also gening compliance with the Town. After visiting the site you have potential there. ll's easy for you to say that; you don't live there; it's not your car; it's not your property. How do you know this is going to be a storage bin. You told us on site. Who told you on site? | did not say it's going to ..that's where l'm parking my car and of course any garage has capabilities for putting your lawn mower and your snowblower. lt's a little presumptuous of you to suggest that this garage, even though it's a smaller garage, will end up a storage site. You sound just like she does. As a neighbor that lives across the street from you, I do know the parking requirements are for that area, so I am not in favor of parking in the street. I realize how frustrated you are. Every applicant that has a garage is required to meet the expense of an architect. You can look at the side of property. I don't mean to interrupt you but look at the side of the building and put a garage in the building. This office says you can't do that for two reasons. Onethe slope down to the river is too great. Suggesting 30%. One reason you can't do it is because the code doesn't allow it because of lhe slope; he other reason you can't do it is because you're too close to the neighbor's line. I think you have to be 7' too close to your neighbor's line. Here are your suggestions; Well, here's another option for you; go to the lefl of your building. You keep throwing up these ideas and I would say good if they had merit to them, but believe me after twelve years of living in that house, two or three months working with this office, lf these options had any validity to them, I would zero in on them, I really would, believe me. Well, think of other ideas, do this, do that. I already have gone through that phase a long time ago. I know how this Town works. The one option that sort of survives is the one where my house is east as opposed nofth and south. Ms. Ochs says put the garage east and west, so I can pull in there and turn left in my own garage. Do you think the Design and Review Board MM BD MM GA MM GA JS would ever approve of a structure like that. They wouldn't. We have two surveys in the file. The recent one was done two three weeks ago. Iwould suggest that I would urge you to explore altematives. I think there could be a far better solution than what you are proposing here. I agree with Galen that even though you do have a fair slope on the side that there are solutions hat an architect can resolve. As far as an actual survey, I believe that would help you in your endsavor. I don't think there's any doubt that his Board finds a hadship on the lot certainly granting a variance on the front and possibly on the side would not viewed as a grant of special privilege. I do hink this Board is looking at the size variance as a grant of special privilege. I would ask if you would like to table this. We would be glad to consider his while you find a solution. That's a quostion. Well, I think Russell's point here that he brought up about leasing or renting or buying a few feet of Town property. That's an interesting option and I should review that option thank you yes. I talked with Pammy Brandmeyer and I said I'm full of vinegar here and she said it's better to be full of honey. Well, I dont want to sound unpleasant - it's not my style, but I know I have been unpleasant. lt's just it reflects a frustration here. My goal is to fix up ths property and I would suggest that the role of all of these groups is to help me do this. I'm not trying to put up an uglier dumpsite; it's not a hog-processing farm. I'm trying to fix up my propsrty which helps me as a citizen of Vail. My neighbors will be delighted. lt helps Vail itself and if I seem a little harsh I apologize. Thank you. Do we have a motion of tabling this. so moved. I second this. Moved by Chas and seconded by Doug. Any further discussion. I would like on the record that in the case we do find that the conliguration of the lot is a hardship hat would warrant some kind of variance. All in favor of the motion. I'm also in favor. The motion passes unanimously. MM JS CB DC JS TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEilORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 24, 1999 A request for a variance from Section 12-5G-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a front setback and Section 12-10-8, to allow for the construction of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 11, Block 2, Gore Cresk Subdivision. Applicant Montgomery MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Montgomery Mathias, is requesting a variance to allow for the construction of a garage in the front setback and a variance to allow for he construction of an undersized garage to be located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 11, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. According to the applicant: What is particularly unusual about this structure is the non-standard lot on which it was built in 1978. . . Gore Creek itself consumes 2/3 of tris non-standard lot. . . at least as far as potential development and home improvements are concemed. Be that as it may, the building needs a garage and needs one greatly. A garage cannot be built on the creek itself, nor can one be built on the north side ol the creek. The only area where a garage can be built is on the south side of the creek and the house. But to do so would require a setback variance from Town of Vail right-oFway of 19 ft., the standard length of a single car garage. A copy of ths letter, dated May 14,1999, indicaiing the applicant's comments regarding the variance requests, along with picUres have been attached for reference. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the front setback variance based on the following lindings: 1. That the granting of this variance will not constitute a grant ol special privilege. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, 0r materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to oher properties in Two-Family Residential zone district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission grant approval ol the front setback variance, staff recommends the following corditions: 1. That altematives for odenting the gange to allow for a full-sized parking space be explored, including side-loading opportunities. 2. That the garage shall not encroach into eiher prescribed side setback. 3. That the proposed garage mest Design Review Board approval. Staff is recommending denial of the parking space size variance based on the following findirg: 1. That the granting of he variance constitutes a grant of special privilege inconsistent with he limitations on oher properties zoned Two-Family Residential. 2. That the granting of the variance is detrimental to the public healh, safety or welfare, or material injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission grant approval of botr the front setback variance and the parking space size variance, staff recommends the following condition: 1. That the garage shall not encroach into prescribed side setbacks. 2. That tho proposed garage meet Dssign Review Board approval. BACKGROUND OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Montgomsry Mathias, is requesting two variancos for the construction of an urdersized garage in the front setback. The lot, which was platted in 1969 by Eagle County, does not meet cunent Town of Vail minimum lot sizs requiremenF. The area was annexed in 1974. The resillence, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane, was granted a lront setback variance in February ot 19 7, allowing the residence to be constructed with a 15{oot front setback. The Planning and Environmental Commission granted the variance to conform to the required 50 foot setback from Gore Creek. The memo is attached for reference. According to the February 10,1977 staff memo: The lot topography and location of the stream bank dictate the proposed placement of the residence on the site. Considering the very small size of the proposed residence, it would be nearly impossible to construct anyfiing on the site without some variance, either from the front or from he stream. We do not feelthat the grant of the variance would be a grant of special privilege. The applicant is proposing a 9' by 15' garage. Current Town of Vail standards require a parking space to be 9' by 19'. Due to the 1977 variance and according to the submitted partial survsy, the applicant currently has approximately a 17'front setback from the tv. property line to the building. Therefore; the applicant is requesting two separate variances: relief from the front setback regulation to allow for construction up to the property line and relief from the requirement that parking spaces be by 9' by 19'. Front Setback According to the Town Code, front setbacks are regulated by Seaion t2-5D$: Setbacks: "h the Two-Family Residential District, the minimum front setback shall be twenty foet (20), the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be flfleen teet (15')." Parkino Soace Size According to the Town Code, parking space sizes are regulated by Seaion 12-10-88: Parking Standards: "Size CI Space: Each otf-street parking space shall be not less han nine feet wide by nineteen feet long (9' x 19'), and if enclosed and/or covered, not less than seven feet (7') high." Town Code also allows lor GRFA credits (Section 12-15-3A) based on the followirq parking space allowances: "Enclosed garages of up to three hundred (300) square feet per vehicle space not exceedirg a maximum of two (2) spaces for each allowable dwelling unit permitted by tfris Title." There are cunently 2 dvvelling units loated on the lot as defind by the Town Code. Beause this lot is non-anforming (2 units on a lot under 15,000 sq.fr.), no additional GRFA is allowd in conjunction with this request. tuty adclitional GRFA would reguire that one of these units be deed restricted as a Type I EHU or eliminated entirely to bring this lot into @nformance. (12-18 Nonconforming Sfies, Uses, Strudures, and Site lmprovements) ZONII{G ANALYSIS Lot Size: 11,156 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Residential Standard Allowed Existino Prooosed Site Coverage 223'1.2 sq. ft. approx. 1000 sq. ft. 1135 sq. ft. GRFA Setbacks- 3214 sq. ft. 15/15/15/15 NO ADDITIONAL GRFA PROPOSED 15/11/13/15 1/ndlO/nc *Variance for front setback granted in 1977. No other variarces have been granted. Cunent proposaf shou,s garage in side selback. This is not a request tor a side setbad< variance. v.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Consideration of Factors: The relatlonship of the requested variance to other existlng or potentlal uses and structures in the vlcinlty. The garage is proposed to be up to he property line and in front of the existing residence. Many structures in fiis vicinity were built prior to Town zoning and/or were built with front setbacks less than 20 ft. to allow for adequate setbacks from Gore Creek. Statf does not feel hat the proposed setback variance will be detrimental to existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity if f|e proposal is adequately mitigated. The proposed garage location and a picture of the proposal have been attached for reference. However, the proposed undersized garage could result in undesirable effects to the uses and structurss in the vicinity. Town Code prescribes parking spaces to be 9' by 19'. Should he garage fail to function as a vehicle space, he result could be increased parking in the Town of Vail right-of-way and along the street, causing safsty and maintenancs diff icu lties. The degree to wlrich rellef from the strlct and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulatlon ls necessary to achieve compatlbillty and unlformity of trsatment among sltes In the vlcinlty or to attain the obiectlves of thls tltle without grant ot special privllege. While statf recognizes he physical constraints of the lot due to the location of the crsek, staff does not believe that it is necessary to receive relief from the parking space size regulation to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment of the applicant's lot and ths other lots in the vicinity, nor to attain the objectives of the Zonirp Code. Allowing for the construction of the garage in fie setback would not be a grant of special privilege. Howsver, stalf believes that the granting of the requested variance regarding the parking space size would be a grant of special privilege as it would result in treatmsnt not enjoyed by other propsrty owners in the area, and in the Two-Family Residential zone district in general. While the Town of Vail has generally encouraged the enclosure of parking spaces, the siting of the residence has created a lot on which the proposed garage will not be adequate in size. Statf does not feel that altematives to the proposed location and orientation of the garage have b€en adequately explored. Staff also has concerns that due to he small size of the garage, it would not function adequately as a parking space. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distributlon of population, transportatlon and traffic facllities, public facllities and utilities, and public safety. The applicant is requesting that the garage be located up to the property line of the lot. While many structures in the vicinity are built within the front setback due to tho proximity of Gore Creek and that many were built 1. 3. B. prior t0 Town zonirg, staff leels that the cunent proposat of the garage is too close t0 he edge of pavement tor safety reasons. The Development Standards prescribe that the door of a garage be located 24 tt. from the edge of pavement to allow for safe backing up of vehicles. The location and orientation of this garage could pose a possible safety hazard. The curent orientation of he proposed garage allows lor he garage door to be up to the property line. Alternative orientations and location coukl mitigate his hazard. Increased engineering will be necessary to ensure that the foundation,footers, and roof overhangs of the garage remain on the applicant's property and not on Town property. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constiute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to f|e site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zono. The strict interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of pdvileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. oo Mathias Variance(s) Request A request for a variance from Section 12-5C-O to allow for the construction otf a garage within the front setback and Section 12-10-8 to allow for the construction of an undersized garage. Fo_J.a \tga',1 oI|l: r i' = o)tlal> rvlJ :' $sneHHp^ac.ioiV" TT IT48 F.g $ .i ,rt aJ \ 'z,Lt"bo N cn l--oJ Box 4 VatJ., Colorado 81658 (970) 476.8888 uay 14, 1999 TOI Town of Vail (ToV) Dept of Comnrnity Developnent subjectl Reguest for setback variance of l9r for carage constructlon5125 Black Bear Iane ( Kel_Gar Iane)Iot 11 Block 2 Gore Creek Subdlvlsion RE! Town of val1 variance Request Reguirearents (Ivritten and verbat ) 1. kecise nature of setback variance requestedr The structure in questi-on islocated 1n East vail on Gore freek. while nodest by vail standards, thls singlefanily hone ( prinarY w/ seconcLary unlts) has flve bedroons and four bathrooms.what j.s particuLarly unusual about this structure is the non-staDdard Lot onvhich it was buil t in 1978. Essentially L/3td. of the lot is south of Gore Creek;l/3rd of the lot fS Gore eeek; anit 1,/3rcl of the lot is north of Gore ereek.As such, Gore creek ltself consumes 2/3rd.s of this non-standard Iot...at leastas far as potential development and home i-nprovements are concerned. Be that asit may, the building needs a g€rrage and needs one grreatly. A garage cannot bebu11t on the creek ltself nor can one be built on tte noitr, slde or the creek.The only area where a garage can be built is on the south side of the creek andhouse. But to do so would require a setback variance from Tov right-of-way of19 feetp the stanitard length of a single c.rr g.rrage. 2. Other aspectsr a. Building a g;rrage on either side of the structure t Not only is thls non_standard lot sp11t by the creek, but lts inegrular trapezoidal- design has theeffect of pinching any construction etther east or wesi of the building. Moreover,bui1i11n9 on the east would put the garage elther very near or right on theneighbor's proPerty line. To build on the west would elinlnate the sttucture rs entrY way...anil likeLy would extend onto that nelghbor's 1and. Alsoe the sLopeleading from the current parking areas down to the creek ls greater than 30 percentand would negrate as well any structures on the sides of the build.ing. b. This is the only house,/cluplex i.n the imedlate neighborhood without agarage. And in that respect r think the house detracts fion the rest of thenelghborhood (ana Vai]. ltseLf?). And yet the non-standard aspect of the 1ot'sdesign nakes it difficuL t . . . realJ.y inposslbLe to nake the normal improvementsunder cr:rrent Tov guidelelnes wlthout sore forns of variaace for th-e "on=tro"tio.,needed. support fron neighbors 1s strons. And to sone extent the neighbors arepushing harder for a garage than is the property ownef. c. As the lot is non-standard, the orlginal constnrction of the building involvedan unusual nix of clrqulstances. The curent parklng area for the structure couldhold a total of nj.ne if not trelve cars. But nucfr oi this parklng'area is technicallyTov right of way. why this large, bulbous out-take fron the old Kel-car rane r,rasdesi.gned as is...1s not clear. But this extra space does provlde enhanced safetyfor backing out of the 1ot and for herplng to keep cars fron lnrklng on va1l rs streets. od' Black Bear rane. i= "-"o1-Jsac wlth onry 119ht neigrrborhood trafflc. The bul.bousaspect of the street ln frorn the house provides added safety i.n driving in and-bacrangout. The dlstance betceen the door of the proposed s;;;;-;d the center of Blacrc Bearrane would be up to 75 feet...far and away rrbre than enough. The garage would havezero impact upon the rbrvement of ny neigtrbors. .. zero. e' There are no as in no adverse aspects to the constructlon of the garage that canbe percelved. The inpact on transpoliation, utilitlesr-;"bii. llf.tr, light and alr,distrlbution of populationl and the liJce rs not rome;i"iJ;-evident. But the positiveaspects of the g'rrage and the setback varlance it lryLlei Le great. The garage wouldcomply with Tovrs nandate for property owners to keep their praces up. Moreover...1npractical terns a garage would atlor ior ttre storage of the nornl household items...ltens that in this case are throlrrn on the slde of lire stnrct're ln the open. 3' This request corrplles wlth va{r. rs conprehensive plan in tlrat the project p'rsuedimpffroves tohrn structures and enhances the qual.ity of l1fe. 4' rf a setback variance ls approved for thls non-standard lot under the hardl-shlpcondLtions described, a specliJ-c constructlon plan w111 be "ohitt.a to the approprlateToV agencies for rerdew, coment, and approval. fhe singte car garage proposed, wlthits i9 foot setback varalnce appioval, iourd have a beitroorn /bathroour on top wlth GFRAconsiderations' constructlon of the bullding would u" p""j""t.d for rate sr:mrer, 1999. Cordlal ly, Montgorery ( ui.ke ) lrath1as Incl: as tibmes and uailing Addresses of Neighbors (,lpp A)Schedules A & B Iand Tit1e (q)p B prerrlously e,r,dtted)Photographs of Resldence f:l t epfr CtSchenatic of Reslclence (App D)Propertyr s Site Iocation ( App E)Recent (May loo L999) Survey (App F)3-D Orlented Conputer Schernatic of aProposed carage On Slte (2) (epp C)Eev:Lous Construction Vartance Feb 10, 1977 ( App H) t*tr *l* 8t*rir S^t{r,t k,d; fr* 4 o* k' {t{rd^ rfiuri-fuae. 6*i"&*t* 1t*. u,t$f l Pt t$ lG cufllsstoN DEPAfrIUE fT 0F @,i{ntTy DEvRoF E{r FEmnRY lO, t977 REqJEST m_sEtBACt( VtRtAtcE - J, C. GRTFF|II(or I l, BUtrK 2, Gor! Cr..k SuMlvbld' Thr eppllcant h|3 rtqssttd ! srtbrck of 15 fcr+ frqr th. fmnt propertylln In llcq ot th. r.qulr.d 20 fcst ln ordar to comtrrict, slngt. t.nl ly rcs ld!nc.. Tta rrrlcme 13 r.queltrd In order lo cqrlorr tg tbc requlred 5O ta.rt rdblck rrqrtrant.trln Gora Crrak rnd dur to ths ?opogr.phy of l.fD lot. Th! D.p!rla.n+ of ceunlty Dsv.toFtoat hrs r.v lerod fhq crltlrls and lftaAlngs provtd.d lor In Slcflor 19,600 of thc Zontng hliqnct.nd aur concls_- 3lotrt rra 13 tollorur ll".:l*!:flt_oj fhc. relurarro_ vcrJlnc! ro orher a(trflnsor Dorcntta I usls lnd sfn itur.! t n-if,.. "i.iiri".- Th phrc tor fho proroDd 9tr0ctur6 rolld hEvr oo advrrar l4asf o|l oliar ql!flrE or propoacd strustur!3 ln tfp iri. Tt.re ar! s!v.r! t otha|.lofr ln tto Gorc Cr3 k Subdlylslon lttldr r t rrqulrc slnlter n rl.nsr! In*C*. to pl!c. iot so3 lulflclsr y rmy fru Gora Creak. Th. d.srtt b *,g^r:]!!1.:iqn th3,strtcf or r.r!t I ntsrpr€trftonaod rnforcqrrnt of -a, spcc t I t crt _rugt" r"iiii. rI. "ilrary,o lct t !v,conrpr bl I lfy lnd unt tortrtty or tilirnrii iri'rlto tn th. vlclottvor fo !filto t6c olJrcflwr.oi fi,i;fii;;;trho{t grrrrt qf $lctitpr lvl tEo. ' ttn of 'lhr obJlcflva! of th! ZmtrE OrdlEnc! lr to prot€ct thtqrvlroturnf aoi lo dlrcofagr olcrsr lw cuts or.flllt. Th prop€€d toc{flob Ot * r.r ldanca i" tn t*ptng rli,tr fhl, o6Jcs v!. E(tsflng ho,,3 r ln tfi. , "* rhlch rcra D{llt prtor io zonlrg lra a3 clo!3 lo or closlr fu thr +ranl . proplrty lln . d|! lo ttc ta. lot co||rtguroflor| probtm. ir hrva ,Et hld.rV rlr lditc.c con'trlctcrt rlo.rtg Oora Gyik rl|E tha ln3ttrrfflon of thc crack!.-tb!r* mgu lfrnt. 0rlffln - F€bruary lO, l9?? the elfsif ot fh€ r€qusst€rt varlsncg on ttght and rlr, dtstltubtton "{.po?g!:l!"n, transporr.lton ".0 i.oir r" io.tiiiro, puuttc frc tftesand uil I lfl€3, and pubt lc a.foty. fq do .pf for€€a !|ty rdv.r!. efiscts tlpon thGc taclo|l. * O** rasld3nce ls qu.|fo $!tt dr fban 1.000 sq. {f. of !l+. covarrg., lrd ! td prc|f I lr. ssch otfter fastors lnd crlterla as thc Ccmlsslon o._" "ppi t".bti toth€ propomd varlance, '-_:-' llo lddltlomt fae.fors soeoa fo br p€r !€at. Thr Dapartnont of Cmrrun I ty D.vltoFnsnf flnds fh; Ih"t.lh gFtlltto ot +h!-vrrlrice r t noi cons ltrtue ! gruat ofsp.crar prrvrroE. r ncons I std'* rttt flrc iinit-iifrs on o'r.r pro*rfl.sclllrlflrd In th. Ir e dtstrtqt, . € foel lt ls ,ore Inporlant to preseraa ttts Gora Crscl 5lf€a tlnt andltEld oaccss tv€ cq+t or tttt3 th.n requlm prucl!€ly z, t.et of ,roo, satbact. - Th€ loi fop€rapiy rnd roclf ron ot s+rern bna|.. d I c+ltas propced phcsnt of' fh. lrsl d.rFo or th! !lf!. Cons I rterlng tha vary *l t slz. of l,rl. propo.d nsl danco, li rould be n lrly lnpolElbl. to construct sryfltl]f on th. rrh, rlthort !c. vlrran'r .rih* ffo fh! tront or f-n th. !tr[. uo do .-r flt'fiEt tbr grrnt of th. rlrlanca.ro{ld b. ! gr.ttt o, ,p.ct!t prtyl1.g.. Th! Da.rt|.nt ot C@mtty D.va lognrn+ rEE ndr agp'"ovrl of .lia rtquaftrd srtbcd( yrrlan6. ltEoR t{rfi I I I : ; T0l FROiI: MTEr REr ?' o FilE coPY TOWI,I OFVAIL Departmcnt of Community Development 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97M79-2138 FAX 97C479-24s2 April S, 1999 Montgomery Mathias Box 4 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Request for a front-setback and parking space size variance to allow for the construction of a garage Dear Mike: I wanted to reiterate our phone conversation from earlier regarding the consffuction of a garage in the front setback. Our sandards allow for 9' by 18' enclosedparking spaces. Because you are requesting a 15 ft. garage a variance will be required- I am amending your current application to a request for two variances (front setback and parking space size). There are a few issues you may wish to consider before proceeding with your requests. Staff cannot adequately rwiew your proposed garage without information regarding the exact dimensions and location of the garagc. While you are applying for a front setback variance and parking space size variance, all other aspects of Town of Vail Code and Development Standards will need to be met. Statr will need to know the exact dimensions of the proposed gafirge so that we can enslue that you are in compliance with our site coverage regulations.. Town parking requirements, which state that all required parking must occur within your properly, will also need to be met for both units. OFstreet parking spaces are required to be 9' by l9'. Staff neeG to ba aware of whether or not you are proposing living space above the garage. Any addition of Gross Residential Floor Area (GR-FA) will require that the second unit on your properly be deed resnicted as an Employee Housing Unit to bring your lot into conformance with curent zoning regulations. Generally, while allowing ganges in the front setback due to physical constrain8, rve do not encourage allowing GRFA in the setback Stalf recommends zubmitting architectural drawings showing how this garage will functioq how the architecture of the garage will interact with the architecture of the current stucture, and to ensure that all other Town regulations are being met. Itwill be very difficult to proceed with your requests without this. information. Please submit any additional information to Community Development as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 479-2369. Sincpelv, ./fjfr/hm Warl wt y,rt " (-.{ Allison Ochs Planner I Town ofVail {g**o o SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A VARIANCE I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning saff member is strongly encouraged No application can be accepted unless it is complete. It is the alrylicant's responsibility to make an appoinh€nt with the staff to determine additional submittal requiremotts. II. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS O FEE: $250.00. The fee must bc paid at the time of submittal. O Stamped addrcssed envelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses ofall prop€rty owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The ryplicant is responsible for correct narnes and mailing addresses. This infonnation is available fiom the Eagle County Assessor's off ce. O A written statement ofthe precise nature ofthe variance requested and the specific regulation involved. O . A written statement addressing the following: . The relationship of the rcqucsted variance to other existing or potential uses and stuctrcs in the vicinitv . The degrec to which relief from the strict or literal interprctation and enforccment of a specified regulation is necessry to achicve compatibility and uniformity of tetment among sitcs in the vicinity or to attain the objcctives of this titlo without grant of special privilegc. . The effect of the variance on ligit and air. disribution of population, buuportation, traffic facilities, utilities. and public safety. . How yorr request complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. O A prelimin6ly litle reporf including rhedules A and B, to verifu ownership and easemmts. A Condominium Association approval (if applicable). I Any additional nnterial necessaryforthe review ofthe application as determined by the Adminisfiator. Four (4) cogies of the followins tr A topographic and/or improvcurent sumey at a scale ofa least l" = 20' starped by a Colorado licenscd surveyor including locations of all existing improvemenb, including gndes and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking md loading arcas, ingress and egrrss. landscaped areas and utility and lrainage features. n A site plan ata scale ofat least l" = 20'showing cxisting and proposcd buildings. Page 1 of2 I O - *D Building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimersions. general appcarance. scale and usc ofail buildings and spaccs cxisting and proposcd on the sitc. * For interior modifications, an improvemcnt survey iurd site plan may be waived by the Administator M. PLEASE NOTE T}IAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQI.IIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR TI{IS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TV. TIME REOINREMENTS A. The Planning and Envi,ronruental Conrmission nteeh on thc 2nd and ,fth Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all acconpanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the Conununity Dwolopme,nt Department by the appropriate submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) week prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. Incomplete applications (as deterrrined by the plaming staff) will not be accepted" B. A.ll PEC approved variances shall lapse if conshuction is not cornmenced within one year of the datc ofapproval and diligently prusued to completion. or ifthe use for which the approval is granted is not cofiunetrccd within one year. V. ADDMONALREVIEWANDFEES A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Fedqal agency other tlan the Town of Vaii. the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such ryview, may include, but rE not limited to: Colorado Deparhent of Highway Actess Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be respousible forpaying any publishingfees which arc in cxcess of 50% ofthe ap,plicafion fee. If, at the applicant's request any mattet is posQoned for hearing, causing the mattcr to be re-publishe4 then. the entirc fee for sucb re-publication shell b6 paid 6y tre applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Devolopment Deparnuent to have desigrr, land use or other issues which may have a sipificant impact on the comnrmity may require rsview by consultants in addition to Towu staff. Should a deterrrination be rnade by the Town sAf that an outside consultant is nceded. the Corrnrrmity Development Departnent rnay hire the consultanl The DeparEnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consulbnt and this amount shall be forwarded to tle Town by the applicant at the time of filing an ryptication. E:rpenses incurred by thc Town in excess of thc amormt forwarded by tbe applicant shall be paid to the Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any otcess fimds will be rearmed to the applicant upon rc\riew compl€tion. Page? of2 tr Building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimeruions, general appcarance. scale and use ofall buildings and spaccs cxisting and proposcd on the sitc. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the Administrator PLEASE NOTE TH.AT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS A. The Planning ard Environnrental Conrmission mects on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must bc accepted by the Conununity Development Departmcnt by the appropriate submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to tie dato of the PEC public hearing. Incomplete applications (as detsrmined by the planning staff) will not be accepted- B. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if conshuction is not commenced within one year of the datc ofapproval and diligently punued to completion, or ifthe uso for which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate rwiew by any local. State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by S200.00. Examples of such rwiew. may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Deparhnent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in cxcess of 50% ofthe application fee. If, at tle applicant's requcst, any matter is poslponed for hearing, causing the mattsr to be re-published, thcn. the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Dwelopmeit Dqrartment to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the commuity rnay rcquire rwiew by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed. the Community Developmsnt Department may hire the consultant. The Departmot shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay thc consultant ard this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an aprplication. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess frmds will be refimed to the applicant upon rwiew completion. IV. B. C. Page2 of 2 oo PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONIIENTAL COTI'ISSION PUB1IC ilEETING SC}IEDULE Monday, May24, 1999 FII{AL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - CommunlW Develooment Department MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Driver: George KEX F [: " :3Py 11:30 p.m. MEMBERS ABSENT Tom Weber Diane Golden Brian Doyon Chas Bemhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : 1. Wiley-1538 Spring HillLane2. Atwell- 1386 Buffher Creek Road3. Mathias-5125 Black Bear Lane4. Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle 12:30 p.m. NOTE: lf the PEC hearing enends until 6:00 p.m., the board wll break for dinnEr from 6:00 - 630 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Gouncil Chambers 2dl0 p.m. 1. A request for a final review to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school for a ten- month period, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch RoacUPart of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12m Filing. Applicant: vail Mountain school, represented by Pam HopkinsPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 5 CONDITIONS: 1. That the conditional use permit lor the temporary structure expire on tlail+l" N*+ July 1,2001. 2. That the temporary structure be removed from the property on or before lref€+ 4)&t July 1,2001. . 3. That the applicant submit a wrltten statement to the Town of Vail agreeing not to reappear before the Ptanning & Environmental Commission with a request for an extension to the conditional use permit for the temporary structure, prior to installing the structure. 4. That the applicant implement the exterior materials improvements recommended by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prior to occupying the structure. 5. mat the applicant undergrouN the utilities, pave the a@ess and cover or remove the hitches. 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit to be located at 1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnershipPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:5-0 APPROVED W]IH 3 CONDITIO]ISi: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type ll EHU deed restrictlon to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document will be recorded at the Eagle Gounty Clerk and Recorde/s Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted for employee housing. 2. That he appli€nt amend the submitted plans, shodng a pedesuian access from the outside of the residence to the proposed Type ll EHU. 3. mat the wall futween the pimary unit and the EHU M concrete. 3. A request for a minor subdivision to Parcel F, Briar Patch to allow for a change in the platted building envelope'C" location, and required employee housing unit designation, located at 1386 Buffher Creek Road. Applicant: Web AtwellPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant provide the Town of Vail Department of Community Development with a revised final plat with all required signatures lor recording, prior to submitting an application for Design Review for any proposed improvements on the lot. 4. A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a front setback and Section 1 2-10-8, to allow for the construction.of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 1 1, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Montogomery(Mike)MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Chas Bemhardt SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 TABLED a 5. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion and loading dock additlon to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2d Filing. Applicant VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Bdan Dopn SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 TABLED 6. A request for a final review of a proposal to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation Zone District," Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: VOTE: FATLED - ilOTTON FOB F|NAL RECOilMENDATTON TO TOWN COUNCTL (wlTH THE FOLLOWING REVlSlOl,lS TO THE TEXT AITIENDMENTS) FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. 1. That the DRB role be clarified to streamline the process.2. Glarify and define what requirements are considered off-site impacts.3. Remove 'as determined by the Administratof (12-74-12).4. That the Council review the parking issue or determine if the parking study needs to be completed.5. That the right-of-way is considered for setbacks.6. That the building height is determined by the applicant and the PEc. MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 4-1 (Doyon against) TABLED AS A WORKSESSTON UNTTLJUNE 14, 1999 AND FINALJUNE 28, 1999, 7. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at2657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL JUNE 28, 1999 8. A request for a variance from Section 12€D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow lor site coverage in excess ol2O/" and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front Setbacks) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Greek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitecisPlanner: Allison Ochs WITHDRAWN 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert MachPlanner: Allison Ochs oo9. A request for a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Riva Gten/ Lot WITHDFAWN 10. Information Update o Education Series 11. Approvalof May10, 1999minutes. The applications and Informadon about the proposals are available for public inspecilon during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language int€rpr€tation avaihble upon r6qu6t with 24 hour notr'ficafnn. Please call 479-2356, T6l+hone for the Hsaring lmpair€d, for hfomation. Community Darclopm€nt D€parfnsnt 4 I PPLA A.TYPE OF APPLICATION: tl Additional GRFA (250) D Bed and Brcaldast tr Conditional Use Permit E Major or El Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning D- Sim Variancc }( viiun.. tr Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt c. D. E. Qucsiicns? | tf t. Pianning Staff at 479-? I i8 ICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONIIIENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific infornution. sce the submittal rcquircments for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application can not bc acccpted until all requircd information is submitted. Thc project may also need to be revicwed by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Revicw Board. B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQI.IEST: tr Amcndrncnt to an Approved Developmcnt Plan tr Employcc Housing Unit (Typc: )tr Major or tl Minor CCI Exterior Alteration . (VailVillage) ' i ;tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAlteration (Lionshead) tr Spccial Dcvclopment District E . Major or E Minor Amcndrnent to an SDD Setback variance of o/a 19f from ToV right-of-way for constructlon of residential garage. Specifics attached in separate letter. carage wouLd be standard, single car structur e w/ rov code size of 19' by 9'. 11 2 Gore Creek Subdivision LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT_]]_BLOCK_:__ FILING --- - ADDRESS, 512s Blutl Bt* 3"_ privater full-tlne resldence BUILDINCNAME: - ! TIWN0FVIIIL r,lontgomery (ltike) lr,athlas NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS;vaLl, oolora& 81558 G.NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FORTHE APPROPRTATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQTJIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPAR,TMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, .H. . Rcvirod 5/196 OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): coLoRADO 816s7. Box 4 Vall, Ooloraclo 81658 (970) 475.8888 l{ay 14, 1999 TO! Tovrn of Vall (ToV) Dept of Oonmunity Development Subjectr Request for Setback VarLance of 19r for Garage Construction 5125 Black Bear Lane (Kel-Gar Iane) Iot 11 Block 2 Gore Geek Subdivision REt Town of Vail Variance Request Requl"rements (Written and Verbal) 1. Precise nature of setback varj-ance requested3 The structure in question ls located Ln East Vail on Gore Creek. Whl1e nodest by vail standards, thls single family home ( prinary w,/ secondary units) has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. What is particularly unusual about this structure is the non-standaral 1ot on which it was built ln 1978. Essentially U3rd of the lot is south of Gore Credk; l/3rd of the lot Is Gore Creek; and 1,/3rd of the lot is north of Gore Greek. As such, core creek itself consumes 2/3r&s of this non-standard lot...at least as far as potential development and home lmprovements are concerned. Be that as it may, the builillng needs a garage and needs one greatly. A garage cannot be built on the creek itself nor can one be built on the north side of the creek. The only area \,there a garage can be built is on the south side of the creek and house. But to do so wouLd require a setback variance from ToV right-of-way of 19 feet, the standard length of a single car garage. 2. Other aspects! a. Building a g€rrage on either sj.de of the structure t Not only is this non- standard lot spllt by the creek, but its irregular trapezoidal design has the effect of pinching any construction either east or lvest of the builtllng. lloreover t bullding on the east vtould put the garaqe either very near or right on the neighbor I s property llne. To bu1ld on the west would elirninate the structure I s entr]r way...andl likely would extend onto that neighbor I s laad. Also, tJle slope leading from the srirrent trnrking areas down to the creek is greater than 30 percent and would .negate as well any structr:res on the sldes of the bu11din9. b. This is the only house/duplex in the luurediate neighborhood without a garage. And in that respect I think the house detracts from the rest of the neighborhood (and Vall itseLf?). And yet the non-standard aspect of the lotrs deslgn makes it difflcult. .. really lnpossible to make the normal improvements under current ToV guldelelnes wj-thout some forms of variance for the construction needed. Support frour neighbors Ls strong. And to sone extent the nelghbors are pushlng harder for a garage than is the property ol*ner. c. As the lot is non-standard, the original construction of the bui1d1n9 involved an unusual mix of clrcumstances. The current parking area for the structure could hold a total of nine if not trrelve c.rrs. But much of this parktng €rrea 1s technically Tov rlght of way. why this large, bulbous out-take from the old Ke1-Gar Iane was designed as is...is not clear. But thls extra space does provide enhanced safety for backing out of the lot and for helpJ.ng to keep cars from trnrking on Vail's streets. d. Black Bear r€ne ls a cul-de-sac with only light nelghborhood trafflc. The bulbousasPect of the street in from the house provj.des added safety in drivlng in and backri.ngout. The distance between the door of the proposed garage and the center of Black aearIane would be up to 75 feet...far and away rbre than enough. The garage wouJ.d havezero i.mpact upon the Ebvement of nry neighborso o eZ€xoo e. There are no as 1n no adverse aspects to the construction of the garage that can be perceived. The impact on transportation, utj.Iities, public safety, 1lght and air,dlstribution of populationr and the like is not innrediately evldent. But the positj.ve asPects of the garage and the setback variance it implies are great. The garage would comply vtith Tovrs mandate for property owners to keep their places up. l4oreover...inpractical terms a garage would allow for the storage of the nornal household ltens...ltens that in this case are thrown on the slde of the stnrcture in the open. 3. This request conplies with Vailrs Comprehensive Plan in that the project pursuEd imtrft?oves town stnrctures and enhances the quality of life. 4. If a setback variance is approved for this non-standard 1ot under the harcl-shipconditlons describedr a specific @nstruction plan will be subrnitted to the appropriate Tov agencies for rerriew, corrnent, and approvaL. The slngle car garaqe proposed, withits i9 foot setback varaj-nce approval, would have a bedroom,/b.tt roo* o" top wiil Crnaconsideratj-ons. Construction of the bullding wouLd be projected for late sunurer, 1999. Cordially, I{ontgomery (Mike ) l"lathias Incl ! as Names and Mailing Addresses of Neighbors ( App e) schedul es A & B rand Title ( epp B prerriously subnr.i tted ) Photographs of Residence (3) ( App c) Schematic of Residence ( App D) Propertyr s Site loeation ( App E) Recent ( l,Iay 10, 1999) Survey ( App F) 3-o Oriented Computer Schernatic of a Proposed carage On Site (2) ( app e) kevious Constructlon Variance Feb 1O1 1977 ( App H) lilases and liailing Sddresses of Ne!.ghbcrsl uarion Becker 53O Seven Bridge Road Little Silver, lilt 07739(i.ot 10 Block 2 Gcre Greek Subd.ivlsisr) Bernard al1fl rtr{ I y Gottlieb 8O0 S. Blunblne Street Denver, Colcrado 80209 . (Lot 12 Blac.k 2 Gore Creek Subdivislon) Fbland KJesbc 5111 tslaek Beat Lane vail, Colcraclo 81658(ict 1 Blcok 1 Gcre Geek SuHivlslcn) F.cbert Shcnkvril. er 2005 10th street Eoulder, Colcradc 8O302 (Iot 3 Blcc.k 3 Bighcrn Subdivlsicn) Eenest Hurtado campos Ellseos 4C0 Pisc 3, uexicc City Dlstritc FederaL l{exico(lot 4 BlocJr 3 8i.-chorn subdlvlsicn) ArA IFFsp g A 5 ; t F iI ? En+ ah vw B{a(k %e <J A-a- 4il3' yoyhwldost 3l*1. &r^b^e au&-t Itull.e- d o-CI, W l!1^ &^^fi^ rtilnck6oa" LaHp o { ^c).D(' c- -!f"lz |-a or!0 = a E (., aFz 5zoo L'3ood4 C, ,('1lAN/ :\ 3= 'roo,oro1r' OXDOo'O rrt'l.t 5iO D{ .FOH H R r foHF6' OO. oEln\ ft F.! D6l(DO€ l,'C|'| J0, F. Fl o14 D )no. Fn'fl OooBo3r"*o F.tsltr C 5 rOEFAO g'|J ='(D $F," ah F6 E1l*r F-> bz\':FFT t \ a'----- ' t+i a-1, a s\q'(-/-s r ;.(+.Nor b >! ,.>s Rn oi's?/6f ic^a b\.Ct 60 sii t-7 t[n = WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST a l.^'v,a!< (E :v< HEITTHER oF vAlL ,\ 5..l/AlL MEADqWE FILING NN 2 rL! LL-Btad( Soar b,r^c oo O'o $,wtiftrutr uf (Drrupunrg @unrn (Df lilutl tuililtng Brpurlnent THIS CERTTFTCATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORII BU|LDING CODE CERTIFYING THI{T M THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLTANCE WITH'fHE VARIOUS ORDINANCES QF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE' TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDCE. J.C. GRIFFIN DUPLEXName Use Classif ication Residential Group R-3 Building Permit No. I 68 Typc Construction V Owner of Building Joel C- Gri ffin Building Address 1986 Thc building, of(ici.l rnry. in wtiting' ospcnd or rcvokc a Gni- ficetc of Occupanc! issucd undcr thc provisions o[ this code whcn- cvcr rhc ccrrificatc is issucd in crror, or or rhc basis of iocorrcct informarion supplicd, or whcn it is dctcrmincd that rhc buildingor 3!ru<tutc ot portion :hcrcof is in violation of en!' ordinance or cf.ulation of thc Town of Vail or ror of thc provisiom of this <odc. FOST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE t INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tr lt^ i:tlDAIE II II]IIU JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM PM TOWN OF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D_/'' ,1 ;: -*\ F rlrunl I qL---; a-,---'' tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FJNAL tr FINALrffitr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO rNsfcroN REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUIRED i DArE lO' tL*g? lNspEcr ) hwn 75 3oulh tronlage road yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 13, 1983 olflce of communlty developmenl Joan P. Griffin Joel C. Griffinll64 South Elizabeth Denver, Colorado 802.|0 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Griffin: Re; Lot ll' Block 2' Gore creek 0n April 23, 1979 the Town of Vail issued a conditional certificateof occupancl for your residence on Kelgar Lane, a copy of which isenclosed. The landscaping and paving for lot ll was io be completein the summer of 1979. To date, neiiher the landscaping nor pbvjng has been started. Three years is ample time in which to finish the project. Would youplease contact me within a week concerning scheduilng the completionof the landscaping and paving? In addition, an orange fence has been erected in the rear yard. Thisfence is in violation of.the.design review regulations or ine cormunityand must be taken down irrnediateTy. This action is part of a general effort to require homeowners to finishtheir projects, which wi1'l improve the visual character of Vail. Si ncerely, ,b-A-JIM SAYRE Town Planner JS: br Encl . CONSTRUCTION PE of community development ONLY TYPE OF PERMIT ,r' - ,,t/ -,/I-I{/BUILDING U PLUMBINGZttYctarcnt n pouNonrtoru Z uecHRnrcnl n LEGAL DESC.ALING A Arr,tE:- \ar=-( ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL AODRESS TRICAL RACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO RMlr oor, /y'rt a PRoJEcr NO.- PERM|T NO. Ng 169 l rypEoFcoNSrRUctoN tt, "' 'udl2.occuPANcYGRouP neeH14$ DrvrsroN t r rS.) G.EIEFAL DESCRIPtrIOUQF WoRK : - #l.tt<'A | <E ag,..1 ,€../ f z E J BUILDING 34.3./?, ETECTRICAL /q?o PLUMBING /.75O MECHANICAL-'it- ./t -- tD t 'j--t TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEESTD-3 ?9a 3q 3/o BUILDING PERMIT /74 . OO PLANCHECK An 4 ufiz-784 ELECTRICAL =z,oo PLUMBING z.<, aO MECHANICAT +NEW() ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIR DwEtLf NG uNlrs 4 o""o**oDATroN uNrrs,-r ,-'' o.^.r.o QtflQ'l5-reo*oous 2- COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT rN Fr. -BATHTUB/SHOWER + NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVEREO PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE /3?,2a DESIGN REVIEW BOARO : CLEAN-UP DEPoStt 49q i 'ttz-l I TOTAL PERMIT FEES 19,70 INSULATION NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE FLOOR EXT. WATLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE NING NOTES: rq ,f^ "/q HEAT ELEC: IGAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES rNsillrroN REeuEsr t,",,, ;:I?^** VAIL - 'j: t, t.. .,o,NAME OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR .!' : .' MON, BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL D INSULATION - O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -Tr- tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - O FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I DATE ") { INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PMTHUR,' FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: rNs$rroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING N SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL n D tr o ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ N FINAL tr FINAL /. 1..,/ t rr r, DATE --15 -"*INSPECTOR a DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEI. tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -nr.t O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -211 -- r-r _ - ,/-,. , ^g/rrrunl tr F|NAL O APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INS|ICTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,l CORRECTIONS: "(72'"'.a--.' '-'4 DATE INSPECTOR .-4 u.* 6, DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: .--) MON CALLER TUES WED THUR INSTTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ./0.'jo-,'..FRI BUILDlNG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n E EINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER'tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL oerc@rNsPEcroR fr?f' , 'rrrrilcnoN REQUEST VAILTOWN OFr oo',. T- I 1/ flroB NAME C G<r Df INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI AM PM Lo T- // B RETNSPECT|9N BEQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: F DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION O GAS PIPING SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEcrRrcALi I a>: t-z /' --.r'r1f 'ts;z,ry'iF$|aNray'tZr .7. CI TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT o,_ C EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: /7 t - e+-e/&',v,- .i /'7'-A-../r-: '-"-*--, DATE INSPECTOR box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 o office of the town manager September 22, 1977 J.C. Grlffin 1164 South Elizabeth Denver, Colorado 8O2IO Re:Lot 11, Block 2, Gore Creck Subdivision Dear Sir: As a representative of the Town of Vail-, Department of Community Development, I would lj-ke to express my congratulations to you for the fine building you recently constructed on the above named property. I feel that your home is a welcome addition to Vail and on behalf of the Department of Community Development, would like to express my appreciation for your efforts. In order to receive a Certifi-cate of Occupancy (the offici-a1 document that permits you to occupy your premi-ses) it is necessary tbat your driveway and parking area be paved in accordance with the Zoning Ordlnance of the Town of Vail. It is also necessary that you submit a landscaping plan, receive approval of the plan from the Design Review Board, and install the plantings shown on your approved pIan. If it proves impossible to have this work done in the near future, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy upon you agreeing to have this work done prior to a mutually agreed date in the future. If, in fact, you are not the orvner of the afore mentioned property, or if this work has been completed or w111 be completed within 2 weeks, please disregard the latter portion of this correspondence. o Please contact me, at your your intentl.ons on this matter,.questions about this notice. earliest convenience, regarding.or in tbe event you have any Sincerely, ARTMEM OT Bill PlerceBuildlng Official ITY DEVEI,oHMNT/. e//tz- BP/di I lmnu Itl box 100 uail, colorado 81657 (3{t3} 47e5fl3 J. C. Griffin 1164 So. Ellzabeth Denver, CO Dear Slr, Enclosed please flndfor J. C. Grlffin DuPIex. and return it to us. At the forn and return i.t to contact us. Thank you.' EncL. department of community development April 25, L979 the Conditlonal Certificate of Occupancy Please slgn the form, have lt notarized, that tlne the Building Official will signyou. If you have any questions, please Slncerely, J, U*'a", SonJa Justice Butlding Department I o lmnn department of community development vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47es613 April 25, L979 J. C. Griffin l-164 So. Elizabeth Denver, CO Dear Sir, This Conditional Certtftcate of Occupancy will be issued on J. C. Griffin Duplex with the understanding tbat all land-scaping and paving be completed by July I, L979 and all mis-cellaneous outside fill and grading be completed when frostleaves the ground. If these ltems are not completed, the TownBuildlng Offtcial may cause this to be completed at your expense. Your cooperation in thls matter wilL be greatly appreciated.If there are any further questions, please contact me. f have read and understand the above condition for Condi-tional Certificate of Occupancy. Mark W. Marchus, Building Official J. C. Griffln Duplex Date SEAL Subscribed and sworn to before ne this J. C. Griffln DuplexLot 11 , Block 2 Gore Creek Sub.Building Permit #168 Date day of ltfll NOTARY PUBLIC department of community development J. C. Griffin DuplexLot 11, Block 2 Gore Creek Sub.Building Permit #168 Date day of NOTARY PUBLIC I luun o llflt box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 April 25, L979 J. C. Griffin 1l-64 So. Elizabeth Denver, CO Dear Sir, This Conditional Certtficate of Occupancy will be issued on J. C. Griffin Duplex with the understanding that all land- scaping and paving be completed by July 1, 1979 and all mis- cellaneous outside fil-1 and grading be completed when frost e. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.ff there are any further questions, please contact me. I have read and understand the above condition for Condi-,tional Certificate of Occupancy. Mark W. Marchus, Building Official J. C. Griffin Duplex Date SEAL Subscribed and sworn to before me this leaves the ground. If -!F* box 100 Yail, colordo 81657 (3031 47S5613 J. C. Griffin 1164 So. Elizabeth Denver, CO 80210 Verlf ication. Griff in DuPlex Lot 1I, Block 2, Gore Creek Sub. The above dwelling was bullt and bas been issued a Conditlonal by the Town of Vail . department of community dwelopment l[ay 1,L979 to state andCertiftcate Iocal codesof Occupancy HOLY cRoS.lyLEC'l'RlC ASqSCIAI'ION, lls; I30 I GRAND AVENUT P. O. DRAWER 2JO GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO Er60l . 303 945 - 549 t 945 - 6056 The electric service from the pad mounted transformer to the meters on the above mentioned duplex apPear to violate National Electrical Code and Holy Cross Electric specifications. Our specificationslimit the voltage drop at the meter to a maximum of,] pgrcent.,, rt rarill be your responsibility to increase your service capacityuntil it conforms to these requirements. This work must be done in the Spring of L979 as soon as the ground thaws. Please sign and return this letter agreement. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, rNC. Dear l{r. Griffin: Wal-ter D. Dorman, Engineer WDD:lsz cc:File:Job#78- 7668 y/c :VarI Building Dept. Va1J, Colorado ',it' :',,'," terns and conditionsto and accepted The above are agreed BY: DATE: February 5, L979 ,ili GgT}Y rlr*CTION REQUEsT oor. 2--2- -2ffi *o, INSPECTIQH:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND S{aoucn / D.w.v. y'aoucn / wATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr D D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS o tr D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL iil neeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR o o] $ s"${F\'$ INS.CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILL"' ,4..^. ,.t , \----,<- 1* ,/'l],.' f .F:'.'"xiDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ' I|LE< ,ffv.s.,: Dpr77= / -.? <'-i ,-- .."- t4,;; / ;|n-t TUES WED THUR FRI L. O DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIREDJEHPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: a tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL:MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS n€uJrT tr tr SUPPLY AIR D- D FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rr,r(TCTIoN REQUEsT tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CAL INSPECTION:MON TUES BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION u SHEETROCK tl tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: , tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTORDATE :J$.r _. ." r. ,' ? INSICTION REQUEST OF VAIL / |rt -t ii tr t O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .,\'o\)t ( WN DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THURINSPECTION:s4:- *FRIMON.......','J; d-nfpAoveo CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ' tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ..... -/2 ,4{INSPECTOR /.i2"' .n:'.*rw -7?'"^tDATEI .p ^ it/-* )> L- DATE ,{, ./ IT,TSICTION REQUEsT OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ^,,. MON sdItorNc,PLUMBING: tr D FOOTINGS / STEEL D UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH /WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ?,Fb ttl AMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR 0 tr FINAL tr FINAL DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr t. !n I /t" a .,/otre / 7 i t, ,; \ rNSPEcroR/, i , /,1 JoB ..v rlr*cTIoN REQUEsT TOWN t'r.a*.1 OF VAIL :ttDATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI ,;H, orr.ou.o CORRECTIONS: ;r{nerruseecror.r REQUIRED -' ztl'= t- BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR i rnlhcnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI ----- - 'tY PM /01', BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING AROUGH / WATER INSULATION D GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr D tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ;d neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t1 e .1 ./ i L lNSPEcroR \\'-., I L-,-t .-.----lom /tf /* r/-/f FRITUE JOB NAME PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rNsPE"lhr HEBuEsr AM PMMON COMMENTS: fl orsnpp RovED E nerNsPEcrAPPROVED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG conREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS V,e fu--". -INSPECTOR rNs"=.fE* ,.E.'EST n orHen MON COMMENTS: ,.-.. -"t,., :, wr! JOB NAME - CALLER fl pnnrrrl LOCATION ReAoYtoR rNspectrorv r' WED,', THUR TOWN OF VAIL ; D€.'y'\tii J AM PM .rt:i,tt -r 7 "Y.-J -"1 '/f--.4..r ... .',' t 1..i.-/ ' FRI .d. tt:. : ! appRovED fI UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n orsapPRovED E'nerNsPEcr '-z) zt t "t '!. +' .1.t. ,:)' :.. : I'1 . .'tJ( i: INSPECTOR DATE i 4 ,or*ot. rNseeclbrv FIEEUEsiT DATE TIME CALLERsg6g1'y69 9./ - , aru ervr ! orsen ! prnrrel LOCATI ON READY FOR WED FRI AM PM .fl nee Rov E D fl upolr rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS florsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DArE ?r,' L * ,' V.",/ '7n INSPE CTOR DA b rNso=#*FIEOUEST ,,,otr-J TOWN OF VAIL n ornEn ! pnnrral READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE flannRovED D orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE lj rNSr=ho*FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER l'l', : r. : f]orHea I prnrrar LocATroN R EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM D appRovEo I DtsAppRovED ! netNspEcr fl uportr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR ln. pnnl.rt vail DAT E : f t:!i?",]a'!(';,1J'qr'.5|l!'l..!7,.rr .. - , r';. . .'- - r. : .:'a4i .i F-: i DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: E, I INSPE'I4.I REQUEST ____€,"READY FOR LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB XAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t rNseec*ru FIEEUEST DATE TIME TOWN OF..,VAILa7( ,or*o*,/\l . /lV CEIVED AM PM CA LLER n orxrn ! panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION :- -,.'- u$li. ,-'.4,'-,.' i/ flappRovED D orsnpp RovE D REINSPECT ! upou rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DArE 4iU/ ,' ,z;; // '.l -tE - - Pfi n o ;(o d F 5 l- ; H rd E ort g$ESSEH e a'E 3 m $s F sH$Eg3; h' Fillisgg .g I s;8;; HFflngtil PF' ts. PFI'-al F ci O 1.,r. CL. hOO ctO F. EEFgFHg retB:$$ *iesHEg gts octiFoqt atsrdgogl qo Ef 3o3 o oo 3 3trt € CLo F 6-! 3o3 N gg l.r. o E6 EPPetPe?oo Hg R-liP.oP. $tH oo oa T0tY]{ 0F EIIJILE,ING t'A rt PEFIMIT DATE OF APPLICATION .Z . MAIL ADDRESS NEWI(ALTERATION ADDITION( } REPAIRII usE oF BUTLoTNG E€gl COVERED HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDFESS NO. OF STORIES NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS TYPE OF HEAT WATER{ ) FORCEO AIR ( IELEC( }UNIT( I LOT // BLK .Z FILI 1. TypE oF coNsrRucrroN I r rr rv @ rxn 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e r c n@l DrvrsroN 12 3 4 BUILDI NG PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES CLEAN UP DEPOSIT AREA SEPARATIONENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL FLOOR AREA IOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE UNCOVERED ACCEPTED tO ?7 70,,,,.o,,o, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ffu", 23,.Is7BDATE OF. MEET.ING: IIEMBERS PRESENT:BILL RUOFF .... LOU PARKEB TEffilaEOT RON TODD .- ABE SHAPIRO . SUBJECT:J. C. Griffin (Landscape) LOT il ACTION TAKEN BY BOABD: ,BLOCK 2 ,FILING Gore Creek Subdiv. uotrou QHftPJ€o sECoNDED By: ruD_ AGAI}TST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: ! DISAPPROVED: ^"'t I l',I j"t ,1tgtr $,.s $$ %ww* Thermal Performance Worksheet lctcATrorJ h;//nlot>tu no'3 coe7 s*ni 4r{? De6, va.'ys {Jt- $ li TJ t t., A}-(UAL LJEAT-LO3S Ptr,,RTRI\AFI 4eCODE- HTAT-LO93 LIMITS rVr\LL 6Y3TEIA tJ€At-LO39rVALU 6Y6Te//\ HEAT' La35 Fu.ooR €'-/srelA HEAT- L065 f<ooF 3Y$TelA F{EAT- TOTAL AC.TUALF{e.qr-Lc,-.!P.4 v7,8TOTAL At-t O$/AEl-.r:'-HEAT-l-c,*9 ftR, €OCe I I z l11 lr :{\D\ .;- i,i e \+ O DESIGN BEVIEW BOARD. ACTION DATE OF MEETING: MBMBERS PRESENT: TAKEN BY BOAR MOTION: VOTE:FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: @auo ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUllhlARY: b DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF MEETING: MEMBBRS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOA MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVED: SUITIIIIARY: :,'#ff;:i:i::i;#::::u:i*ffi'1m:TJ1?n"""', y'o" t,i,.nondborustem.rneoosrJp'I^i#ln.tioitwtft*ootdtoomtote'/ \ :urremenf, you con cnoose ft5m Mo configurotions tf nof' You con r,fute o seporole, encloseo ffiH"il t:J::^9 P1l Eitherwcry' the ,i".""p"-^i.np;:"g::q**f l*:*:f,ru:i?Xii,S"",nlol. BeoutifullY designeo rc rg. Try one on for size' \LPENTALTe'n"F#*J:+*6;P ': ny,r^{i,'nH:)J' \, Ir !"ifl8?4 lCdS ffirffi,tff K#ffi -.'.- .-.'_ --/- LoFl- EL^N.t{b?r-o L*l-' FLOO< Fr-Ar'l ,l .:. tt. R EAR hL Elat to N 7.'r L' i s {\ 0 fa6 J*r^cf O .t a RIVII'llV nOARt) DATE Otr }IIETING: I|DIIIBERS PRBSENT: SUBJECT:\, ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPIIOVID: DISAPPROVIiD: r7uemfu,y,{gskl?{ SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTIO{: Dl'SICN SUIrI\!AIiY: +-6q S^ EJiaq.L,J.h De.i ute r, C o lo,, ^.t, PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION the of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper printed. in whole or in patt and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been ' pubtished continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the fint publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of tlre Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualitied for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the 'meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. consecutive insertions; and that the first pubication of said notlce was in the issue That the snnexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every numb€r of said weekly nerrspsper for the period of t Public Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ThaI M'.. J.C. Griffin has applled tor I selback va.lance trom lhe provisions ol Arlicte 3.5m of lhe Zoning Ordinancc in order to <onslrucl a singleJamily res;dence on Lol ll, Block 2, Gore C.€€k Subd ivision. t6tll-atl6n-f5tI'E{rrrr"CFirrdluflrtiti Articta l9 ot the Zoning Ordinance.A Public Hearing will be held in - occordaoce wilh Seclion 21.500 ol the Zoning -'Ordinrnceon February 10, lgtt at 3:oo p.m. - belore lhe Town of Vail Plannim- Commi3sion. Said hea.ing will be held in tha vall Municipat Bo;tdinq. IOWN OF VAIL. DEPARTMENT OF COM,\AU l.l ITY DEVELOPMENT Olcna S. Toughill I Zoning Mmlnlslrltor I Publigt.rt in Thc vril Talll oar Jaoulry 21,\m. :. -.-..-...---. -l of said newspaper aatea :1/rr.\)l€r/ 2l q.D. 19f?- and that the last of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper datrd -Jnoo+gV At A.D.le ?? Subcribed and rworn to before rye, I notsry public Stele of Cotorado, mr4(ea^y ot ()a' for tlre County of Eagle, .$22 publication IrfiyConnuonexprra /O'AF E-fu, Notsr Publlo PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION the do solemnlv swear tlat I am of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the rcgular and entirc issue of every number of sald weekly newspaper for the period of I consecutive insertionsi and that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue printed. in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the fint publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of fte Act of Illarch 3, l8?9, or any amendments thereof, and thai said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. of said newspaper aatea rJlrrNf€/ 2l l.D. 19f? and that the list pubtication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated dArlol6y Af A.D. re ?J Subscribed and rwom to before gre, a notary public statp ol Colorado, n 4(eaty ot Oa' Public 3{otice NOTTCE lS HERE6Y GTVEN rhat Mr. - J.C. Grilfin ha! applied .or a selback variance trom the provision3 ot Articlc 3.5m ot lhe Zoning Ordindnce in o.der to construcl a 3in9le tamily residenca on Lot ll, 6lock 2, Gore Creek Subclivision. AoDli.arion ha3 been made in acco.d wilh Article 19 ol thc Zoning Ord;nance.A Pvblic Hearinq will be held in ..occordancc wilh section 21.500 ol lhe zoning -Crrdinance on Februdry 10, l9l? dl 3:00 p .n.bafore lhc Town ot Vail Planning- Cornmission. Said hearing erill be hetd in thaV.ll Municip!l Building. TOWN OF VAIL. DEPARTME T OF Diana S. Toughill onlng Ad.nlnl9traror I Publlshed In Th! vail Trail or| J.nuary 21,tirr. for the County of Eagle, My commuon expires @ $-tr d PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT Mr. J. C. Griffin has applied for a setback variance from the provisions of Artic'le 3.502 of the Zoning 0rdinance in order to construct a single-family residence on Lot l'l , Block 2, Gore Application has been made in accord with Artic'le 19 of the Zoning 0rdinance, A Public Hearing will be held of the Zoning 0rdinance on February 10, .|977 VAil P'lanning Connission. Said hearing wil'l Building. DEPAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . OF T VAIL iana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vai] Trail on January 21, 1977 in accordance with Section 21.500 at 3:00 p.m. before the Town of be held in the Vail Municipal I t2'-o a-h----{tt l./z.z dot<t ,.-,-/ 5'/'/ L.''/.'., / J:" /' -I I I 20"7' T ,ttr\ .- r" s?. el 'ol d ../o .,-/ E . t-'/5/ coz/)t. A s -{.,Jo ata tr*rQ F__ t:1,*. I ' a+'ccthh. ro*)4 Uer/- @to' lz'.+//5 - 44/ ,/c F-// O,rar 4 ' ,?/.42td Faqday''ba P/vt Saa/e - j/i -'/:a l.rT. p-_+{ 4' Co-c . /'/6.- --=-'=:--: i: '---z -ssi j 8.rs.-.'taa/ 2a,// 5c:c/,b.2 F+:A z -8 sd> , - ---!/- / 2--5O ? -*56 Y A s 2tcf,{,P}.f ae?Na oPs:{{|rG z-1t.r4 /'o.,B is \. J -rtd! ?,-.tt \ _ __ __f, _-----. i\-+;.:"T1r-*sd SalNr B^. EeJNFoPelN6 oe-a tL A- 3rzr) J.e^,L,i +tkt'--:t-a't FOUNDATION DETAII^S FOR: Lot lI, Block 2 Gore Creek Subd. SOIL TYPES: Lo'u.' PlasticitY Caat ar. BaseMsnr Cot, Pa'' 5 asj a. n \': tlc/' Silt & Clay \z-t,., // oP6tt !,ta ro rdf ,l * "'- o" z -4sl -, e6tx Fot:':t'! ' 2t1'atL' '/lfl]j.Jc^P6 oPelJ tdtt' 3.at-r- +:4't3 /-ot LINCOLN-DEVORE Da of2 \ . ----),_ \ - __-- :---: --- -L'^J67H VAa,l€t t^trTd 8lA^.1 D CP?H. Sz,/SnS ,\ er'.:- lrr, 'r|a z, /./ / r/eu.l ti// as t?eg U',//z '',/',/,/ "r',/ / ,/ //. / /,/, \/ ,/ ,,\._\/./ ,'".J \, /J ..1 l'lo 'l ;ti rllr'lr A .\ -r# rJ\ t_lJrz'-o'' i I s'-t'l. )'-,o'',.? | l;iisr.Pd'd ttr/ fr'/,. .,) -,-,,,1itvJ,ottt'l ,t'-r,' 3osro.ora',at-L, 4't FL6oE g.r,4, a Frao!tsr'@ .,2 '2/r- Colorado THE LINCOLN-DCVORE TESTING LABORATORY ORAoO Cotorodo Springs, Pueblo, Glsnwood WYOMING'Roct rouroatroN DESTGI'I B/L/78 DeMARTIN EXC.-L11, 82. Goxe creek S NOTES: D:-mens rons shoul'd be taKen from arehitectur founda t Ion components ,Reinf orcrng to lle contl nuous arourrri buildrn of reinforcing at sPlices - I5 '' . AII')w a mrnim'-rrn L-L / 2' spaL-e betweeir f Loor at all. non-bear.l ng lrari lLtons' Flo')r slabs .SeparaLe floor slab Irom aII sr-ructural por "*p-n"ron jolnt or folded polyethylene frfn' .Starrway to basement, :f any, should not be connectron between ffoors. irut should allov free ly. .Slopebackfrllawayfromb.lilding.Carryr.lofdrainsawayfrombaek- fillarea.Donotallowwater|ostandorpor,dnearbuilding.Do not flood backf:-1I. .compact all backfill to 9c% of maxirnum Proc--or densii-y, ASTM D-698. .Excavat]cnshou].d}:eir-,spectec]tocjetermineifanoma}}'exists. ,Gravel pad sho'-rLd not be used beneath slab unless r"'e11 drained' .Do not use dry wells on site withln 40 feet of b''rilding' ..^..*'l-+ !^h -..\n/-rete sho,,rld be made wlth 250) l:sl Type 11 Cement '. r L.rLlllLrcr maximun s l,lmP - 5". .Planters, rf aniz. siro'-if d be weIL s-ea1ed 3n6r cirainecl ' i()Li.]DAT : (,):J DETA i LS F C'R ' Lot 11, Block 2 Gore creek Subdivision SOIL TYPES: Low Plastici'tY -.:1- ^-l ^l-,,: I I '- C ll\r \- -Lcly rl pJ" an excePt for J :s sirown. l'linimum laP ;l-ab '-,n gl ade and ceilrng nru,c t be a llowed to f loab. - irtn' ,rf building with constructed as a rigid slab r:n grade to float r Nrrn- \-DP\/aRE TE:TI\:G LAts. pl THE LINCOLN-DCVORE TESTING LABORATORY COLORADO, Cotorodo Springs, Pusblo, Gl6nwoodFOI]NDATION DESTGN 8-1-78 DeMARTfN EXCAVATION - Lot 11, Block.2 o €E | @.Pa, 6?AJ!'.AL NOIII @ aa"rL.a,E F!.r{rgH!! ^ND_]<tclArrLO q_c,wNza G ltpr_x,.cr|,) @ w\.+rs EEtld\r n@ (9, -"RU'6t ^R.. 4aJv€|\rrE ^t_Frta/\At \A4r-r-t a f. I o' g rrara udrir.ta aal JiOCK ALPELJTAL '3 AB.3y'2totrr t{ftfllt alllt l34B ' I'EID ih q nhFlt.r !o. B, iE ar u*Ii'n Inllrt-,eal! ,l! .nr, =LOOF- PLAN ao+ &.n. - \tr -.46C;!"--ut-,-- --) v t' PLATE 8 I , a ut'IJi€ r?l nrtHSoil FBtslt H'oOFP.Paooo -a -l m =mz o -{ IT (Dg C?o ETorl q, rO -. -t€3o'5 ;r Y: ao<- o,a9 =btL-19 lHs ta N --VoF! F Gf F- tq cs F dF. slrafr ?I 6l ?l tE nZ,=:o wc2 P UT vt-c<E:<zg9 tzi l=: l?r IH l3l<ll, IE o o9. ? q oPe 6 9_i coP9 o96L:.i:<no I =?r L,v:<@ ='-'6No F ? EI !r!op '9.oFIoouo\ |\Jh, @g\ C{od zo Iro @ F 0r F 0c a[El lnffn * * t;i E HE ttE 1l- P s F,UIt1 i mz azffinn-tl t.J't. 5.,rr c) cvt ii l-ob I I I ItI I ! tN lrr. f- t\)\ l}:- Tt ]F :\ * \ o II \ 9-1 .i e bl9 rllxi.9*issE- \s t }.t\\i\ I \ {q,- -** _--9.t2'--- *ott a'rrt \' t -)*' II / / -*'" *\t $$+,\ RF R \ *\ l6 cf t7l, a7 rA.2_ !oo-::1 r-d-r-g t * o.+ () tG /'/' ../ / N 28"31'36-E /I1 -* o9- {-z -+ 5<J>.* o!'>n?'o. H '*'3{*-+'.. f3" -*a. FIt Nhsq b .\tts \I F.s IF I|rJrs Ln ,$ \ bo { rF \F. b\s tri e:,J I Rt- p F E 'H N \ \ 1 F \ I t \ \rsll \t F lc' \q'(! I ,\ J"sls dts w $\ -:.: ott;\\)i/a-aC\T.:. CY FRtF sA-- *xt \ \ \ I t I \ I I I EaN EEN 1?N iN ,1tltti I I 1 l^n D G: 1tt,s t'.t \i t '. ? ,1IIatt.-O! -.i- =o -io +:Jo c) o-oo -o(,t -'roo<a o.< -l lll 'o -|.o -.ho-t J = €o o lF B' t: lsN P I N N lo l,. lol\ lo t: ls N Pip N lo tt+ -+ I I^l :l -<l vl -:-+o oo3-+ o€oo -f -t -+- @o -+' O +' € ..o O)-t o o-r o -t oo -.: -!l ; I t-,til IiI I I o-rrt oo--:o-. -'t =>Ct!)-r r,\Oz.roc' (-"tz.-J>o-1,c =>o -\= O' i:t17-l r:1 OE ,o3 {c) rrt { \rl J'I -o I 13 I N l o I +o l> t,\ lils I I I T' oo-t Tloo ooo Ilr o l-, D.l fslr[^ i$N + o T o t -+oq, o -l l^l qa P\ N o o -l I N o Ot '1 - o "t oo o -.r o, -t'l 1 + '+ o o = € u)ol o -t Eo "I-t ro-+ -f-1 o o+ I I I I ;o I I rsI II =c o I F\ lol!t! I lFIt lfrl+ I lglLN N' lh' lq' ls I I I I I I I I II I I I I m -i- -+o o o -+o .-+ -+t (,r ov o Il'+ ln Itrt\ Nnt\ € -+ .o- c o U| -+ a g o U} (, -t =o"t o- - {n oo U| 3.\' rg+ oo B'm Nntl TO! Pl-Atllll€ CoNillSStON FNO.: DEPAROG T Of qTCfr ITY DEVELOFi€NT MTE: FERIARY 10, 1977 REt RE$.JESI FOR SEIE iCK VTRIAIEE - J. C. GRlFFllllof I l, 8LGK 2, Core Crck Subdlvlslon ' Tha appllcrnt hls rsqusshd r setblck of 15 feet trcn the fmnt property ll||! ln llcu of tha r.qul r.d 20 feet ln ordar lo consfrdcf a slnglo fmlly ros ldrnca. Ths narl ance ls raqursled ln order lo c$fom fu tire rcqul rcd 50 l6t 3.1'!!ck rcqulimn+ tftn Com Cresk rnd du! lo l.bs topogruphy of tha lot. Th! tlBprriBnt ot Gwaunlty Darlloposn+ hr| rrvl€xed ihe crlterla and flndlrgs grovldcd lor In Slcfloo 19.600 of tfie Zonlng Ordl nqnc€ rnd o{r conclu- slona lrr !s fol lffsr Thr relaflomhlD of the requ€stod vrrlrnca fo othsr a(l3flngor potanflll usss rnd ltrucllrs3 In th€ vlclalfy. - Th3 glrns for ths progGrd strrrfure rould have no ldv€rse ingact o|t ottFr !,(liflrg or propo$d struatuEs In lhc ircc. Thera ar! severa I othcr lot3 ln thc 60ro Cra.k Subdlvtslon yhtcfi rlll requlie slnllar vlrtlnces In ordsr- to plact houser ssfflcllntly atly fr-6r Gorc Cis.k. Th€ .t.gnc to rtlch retls, frc|t +ha strlci or ll+eral I ntorDrat tlonlrd anforc€nrnl ol . sp€cl flad r€gul! on l! nscessery io cdllevrco@atlblllty snd unlfornltt of trEl snt rfiDng slte3 tn ths vlclnltyor to ltllln th€ obJlctlv3s ot ihts ordlEnc. rlthout grrnt ot spectrl pr tyl lcga. Onr of'thc obJrctlv$ of thc Zq|lrE Ordl mnc! 13 to proicct the rnvlromnt and lo dlscourage et(c6as I ve cuts or lls. Thr proposod toc!flon of tho raEldanc. ls In k.3pl ng rll.|i thl3 obJrcflY!. ExlsflrE hous$ tr! ihc crF $lch rcra bul lt prlor lo zonlf€ lrc 13 clca to or closrr to th! frodt prcplrty llnG du. lo l'l|s raF lot cont | gttmt lon pllblei'. ltE hry. mt h.rt any ra3ldac6 corFtrucied alqrg Gorr Cruk rlrs thc Inr tu ol of th! cr3k $ttrck ttqul refit 0rlffln - Fobruary 10, 1977 . Th. sffsct ot fhe requasted varlonca on llghi and !lr, dlsiltlbtlonof pooulltlon, lransportct I on cnd trafllc frclllt|gs. publlc tqcllltlcs and utl I lfles, End psbllc.srf.ty [q alo r€t forese3 .try rdvsrso ottect! upon thc$ factors. Tho propot€d Fsld.nce 19 qult€ stEtl (l!ss +lran l,O0O 5q. ft. ot slfu @\r.ngs, and I ld prol I l!. Sucfi olter flctors 8nd crltsrl6 rs iha Cornlsslon o.os apjt tc.tli toth. proposed vrr llnco. No addl+lonal flctorg seet|lr to bs Dertlllnt. The OEprrtmnt of Cdrrun I ty DavllopqEnt flods th.tr Thli fhe granllng of th. y.rlrnc6 xlll nol conEltttue a grunt of specl!l prlvll€ge I nconsl stent rltfi th. llalfrtlong on oth€r propirtl !3cl.ssltled In ih€ s'le distrlct. ti3 f66l lt ls nore ltrport€nt fo pres€rve fh3 Gorc Croek rft-g& blnk lnd.rvold ocosslv. cuts or llllr than ragulr€ prscls€ly 20 tosi of lronl s€tback. . The loi iop€raphy and locltlon of sir€an bnaks dl ctrfus proposed p lscr|nent of ' fhc rr5t &rEa on th6 slL. cons I dsrl.ng th! yery sr. t t slzs ot ths progo3cd t-esl d6rrc6, li rould b€ n€arly l[posslbl! to cDnsfruct lnfth I rq on iho 3lta. rt thout sc. vcrlrrEr, alth.r fr@ th3 {ront or frsr tha itreun. h Oo rcf t.el-thst tt grsrt of thc varlanc! roulrt b. ! grrnt of rp.clrl prlvll€gc. Th. D!p!rt!6nt ol Ccnunlty Dlv3loF.nt r.omrldt lpprorra I of .fia r€quagtod sstblck vrrlanca. I II: i o ]I: l,t' %oPLTJMB|NG!/MECHANICAL ]'EFlMtr TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: El r'rew E noorror,r D nemooel n nepntn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER ' VALUATION $,.; l VALUATION $ " REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE Sl eeenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ E otsappnoveo j TOWN OF EIUILDING f'A tt PEFIMIT rt-a TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEM EN TS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATI ON ACC EPTE D PLAN CHECK APPROVAL PERMIT # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THA'f I I{-A.VI] READ TIIIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAl THE ABOVE TS CORRECT AND GRDE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STA'II] LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONS'f RUCTION. BUILDING PLUMBING TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO, ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION 19 CLASS OF WOR K MAIL ADDRESS NEW (I ALTERATION ADDITION ( } REPAIB USE OF BUI LDING COV€RED SO. FT, OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PAR K ING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STOR IES OF F ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAI L AODRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL OF HEAT WATER( I FORCEDAIR ELEC UNIT{ ) LOT BLK FILING COVERING INT. WALLS ,I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN .l 234 BUI LDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS PLUMBING WET STANDPI PE MECHANICAL 3. USE ZONE DRY STANOPIPE ELECTRICAL CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSUFE AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR NERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING BUI LDING Iz D|- toCot toco uocoI atm, som nz{,Dzom 3z ? c-{Io! 2z7?|lt! lt o tn3 oiDzo!!mo mzJz6 0t 2z F =Do-{n =D{|ltt tnc !|- F so 1tz Dr o U'{m3 !!tr zom l!z ? €D-? oo m 32o =2 I!m!|- otno to 3 mzI|- Ioz 1toolzo .ttt 3 m 'lto z c, Joz E |-- 'noczo Joz €D|-|- .l| oczo Ioz Er nocz0 Ioz =r7 o mtl|- v,-tnlllr o-lmn|- 1tooj 2 1too-{ zo .lt oo-{ z 1toojz om{EDox X x X {Y {X x x x X {x X ('pE x X X 24g|m;eo><t-oa ODD!:r!;t'-'o oo33nt2{v, -o.' :oz 2 6)2 D-lct m -'t3 (D 5 -J t\) 2tr]ZA0;>38a UaE@Flnmt-{oo4'=E Eg-{eoo!@ PZ =U,H!58'3 I30gz -,7FtsooE-t5,o , m3 tlv, N5 o I| 7 o o omtI t!o im o.ll oooc!Dzo aaocnl E, o o! o:oomt a, TDcm c, oottmoI z tom! t-m ,|lt tnDu,tnI 2o !T{I at TO;>'<! mO H(,,m{zo <P gl, mm 1;o;>zcm-{oI-{ Nr (,,(DttrCg>oz'oom|n ^!'|l.o>m'n.||-{{m n-;>:-' a-ar tr l, ''c cv >2zu,oflii: zo