HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 2 LOT 8-2 LEGALot I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I SOILS clrh w, Map Unit Nomo (S oriss and Phoso): Taxonomy (subsroup)l C f, n ,. t; .- {pi a g , n [l S Drsinaoo Clsss: Fiold Obsorvations Confirm Moppod TypoT Yos No Profila Doscriotion: Dopth {inchos) Horizon P,^-t. l- tt*t - Matrix Color Mottls Colors (Munsoll Moist) (Munse ll Moist) Moftlo Abunds nco/Contrast Toxturo, Concr6ti,ons. - Structura- 9tc. ;i !-';. -{171' t//,/,..) i / Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Histosol _ Concrotions - Histic Epipedon _ High orgonic contont in surfhcs Layor in sandy soils ._ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Stroaking in Sandy Soils /_ Aquic Moisturo Rogimo _ Usted on Local l{ydric Soils List _ Roducing Conditions _ L.istod on Notional Hydric Soils Usr _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors Othor (Explain in Romarks) ,,, t ',1 d'xt-. +L 6:,Romorks: O&ft^ l?" bt-ln,- ln {,ll rri,jr .i.r-L4i/.<( .i.. L Drqcr.n;-S lh Irt,trk,^p b,it1{!( , fvt-l+b,u "o*- f^L"at r-oloud ho \r^owzon*-)t4d-^1,.* ,. tJu pwb-1bt"1 h;hk ' dxidi r"-0 r "ot WETIAND DETERMINATION Hidrophytic Vegetation Presont? '/.. Ycs No {Circle) Wotland Hydrology Prescnt? (Yes) No Hydric Soils Prosont? /?Fl ruo (Circlo) ls this Sompling Point Within a Wetland?rjdl No Romerks: ppro o I I I I I I 6't1i : SOILS - .1' I I I I I .f I I I t t I I I T I I I t Map Unit Neme (Ssrios and Phosol:Droinego Class: Ficld Obsorvatio ns Confirm Mappod -f 6r,. (- tt .:l L f 1'r')f,,_t---f- TypoT Yos NoToxonomy (Subgroup): - Crr r, .,,. li .,Ep,Q4 o a ll Profilo Doscriotion: Dopth (inches) o- lo lb - /:' Hori:on A Motrix Color (Munsoll Moist) Mottlo Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottlo A bund6nc o/Contrsst Toxturo, Concro tions, - Structuro. otc. ,t , r ?/: '-, il -1' ! ,,,||/, 'I rl' *Flydric Soil Indicators::ll Histosol Histic Epipodon Suifidic Odor _ Concrotions _ High Organic Contont in Surfaco Loyor in Sandy Soils _ Organic Stroaking in Sandy Soils _ Ustcd on Locol l-{ydric Soils List _ Ustod on Notionol Hydric Soils Ust _ Othor (Exploin in Rsmorksl 'ti Aquic Moisturo Rogimo _ Roducing Conditions _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Cotors Rsmarks: 0.-r. L6\.\:r-s,, -l DX, di2-"d fao<.i --- ---I- .t tLh-ann<-ls , {Lr n16J+(cd- lnt \j LL) WETIAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ffi ruo (circte) Wotland Hydrology Prescnt? Q,.) ruo Hydric Soils ProsentT fesl No (Circto) ls this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? <YF1 Uo Remorks: I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I Dominont Plont Soocins Relative Cover tndicator Status,. lA , "n, | -P,.u ^^ .nl, , , , .1.,,1 ,'u, ) \, ---7f,1- ^'.'-z. r--rl\..r r r -r ,r .a tr4urluara*a* ' !+ O' t. f A < z. tltva,rt,',tun ,p![r'rt'c,a(p f h(J+ . < ;'.. I I tn 'g'fi(4. )A \rV t |.,U.'akut lt/ - tl ,*.? r- 5. 6. 'l 8. _ Porcont of Dominont Spcc:cs'.hot crc CBL, FACW or FAC (ox"lrding FAC-). Romarks: /J i-\ tor,.,=.. ., I ,.i... .:r t.; . r,,1tr{ t, ,r.t p,-7 ,.) ( , , '-Vl :J/f*51r. '. r ,1.., i, " , ', { .I L\', ', -'\ " ') 0,,,n, u *.?ilft Joo?T,**,*o,,o|l (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) VEGETATION HYDROLOGY Rccordod Dota (Dcscribc in Rcmorks): _ Strosm, Loko, or Tido Gaugo _ Acriol Pho togrop lrs _ Othcr No Bc co rcioci Oota Avoilablc V/ctlcnd Hydrology Indicators: Prirns ry lndicatorS: _ Inundotcd _ Soturoted in Uppcr 'i 2 Inchcs _ lVoic r i\,'i a rks _ Drif t Lincs _ S cdimcnt Ocposits _ Oroinogc Ps(tcrns in Wctlonde Sccondory Indicoto15 (2 or morc rcquircd): _ OxiCizcd Root Channcls in Uppcr 12 Inchcs _ Watcr-S taincd Lc ovcc _ Local Soil Sunzcy Doto _ FAC-Ncutrol Tcst - Othor (ExPlain in Rcmarks) Fiold Obsorvotions: Dopth of Surfocc Watcr: t) tin.t .'., \Dcpth to Frcc Wotcr in Pit: .'t A li^.| \r\ Oopth to Soturorod Soil: J ' l- (in.) Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: lnvestigator: ti; . C ,J ot .,<.J i.ra.t ar\ t:: . ltl usLtrr.l Da:€. s l3lf lr County: t- 1,.t, /4 State: ( o Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) G!) r,ro Y:es Oo, Yes (\9) /^^--,,^:+., ln.vvf IfrIf\Jrff (Y tv. _ Transect lD: Plat I l-1. | '-) fl"t : : SOILS o DreinagoCless: MMap Unit Namo (Sorios and Phosa): raxonomy(subsroupl: C,, n..',,li- Horil^6",^o1ls t'::tJ,t;"#;';"fft"""; yes No Profilc Degcriotion: Depth finchcs) Horizon Motrix Color ' Mottlo Colorg Mottlo Abund6nco/Contrast Tsxturo, Concrstirng, - Structuro, otc. ! )1.1 (Munscll Moistl (Munscll Moist) :,. i-/ ./ ,.\ / / -!- /i- Hydric Soil Indicstors: - Histosol ConcrstionsI Histic Epipedon _ High Organic Content in Surfaco Layor in Sandy Soils _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Stroaking in Sandy Soits _ Aquic Moisturo Rogimo - Listod on Local Hydric Soils List _ Reducing Conditions _ Listod on Notional Hydric Soils List _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors _ Othor (Explain in Rsmarks) Rsmarks:N " p, r \A-, h.t>oXr lie*f {.}dk cjn.***{6, WETI.AND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogetation Prosent? Yes $o -(CirclElWetlend Hydrology Presont? Yes (No .) Hydric Soils Prssont? Yos $9 (Circlo) ls this Sompling Point Wthin a Wetland? Y""(:D Remarks: I (l,r, * u *'?ili J3?Yl*',n o,,o I (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) I I T I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I t VEGETATION Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: lnvestigator: Date: I hltf County: Qtr ta. ,r ^1. t) Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) (Is- rgyes ([J-o>yes fl9 Communit./ lD: Transect lD: Ol^+ | rr, t. D t^ I I ,. { r i. 5i/ :, ,._. ",d1-z- l\g,!t : :' ' L tr/ v,*-l t's Relalive Cover Porcon! of Donrinont Soccics ihot (oxcluding FAC-). src OBL, FACW or FAC :ll D,; 0 HYDROLOGY _ Rccordod Doto (Doscribc in Rcmorks): _ Stroom, Lakc, or Tido Gougo _ Aeriol Phoiogrophs _ Orhcr _ No Rccorciccj Dora Availablc V/ctlcnd Hydrology Indico to rs: Primory Indicato rs: _ Inundotcd _ Soturo(cd in Uppcr 'i 2 Inchcs _ lvaicr Llorks _ Drift Lincs e ^/;6^ ^ r n^^^_ Jqurtllctr\ |.. uPu 5l [5 _ Oroinogc Pottcrns in Wctlonds Sccondory Indicotors (2 or nrorc rcquircdl: _ OxiCizcd Root Channcls in Uppcr 12 Inchcs _ Wotcr-S taincd Lcavcs _ Local Soil Sur.zcy Doto _ FAC-Ncu(rol Tcst _ Othor (Explain in Remarksl Fiold Obsorvotions: Dopth of Surfocc Worcr: D (in.) Ocpth (o Frcc warcr in Pit: ) ( L ,'n., Dopth to soturorod soit: > lL (in.) Romorkc: I iltof'/,.t sorLs .l{.,'{ '.i! ,i I I.t I t .,I r'l .!t I' :tl {{i, f.hx:',1i,! flil'I '-a t M6p Unit Nomo (Sorios and Phaso):Droinago Closs: ,.. t/. Ficfd Obsorvations I Confirm Moppod Typo? Yos NoTuxonomy (suusroup): f'I.rn^J i..- to;aOt,la/l S Profilo Doscriotion: Dopth {inchcs) Hori:on Matrix Color (Munsoll Moisr) |. ,-' .'. . , ;' Mottls Colors {Munsell Moist) Mottlo Abu nd8 nco/Contrsst (l Toxturo, Concrotlons, - Structu16,6tc. I .'..' .,t . o- lo l- to-/?-. , t i 1 //'t '', '/^ 't /U Hydric Soil lndic€tors: _ Concrotions _ High Orgsnic Contsnt in Surfaco Layor in Sandy Soils _ Organic Strosking in Sandy Soils _ Usted on Locol l{ydric Soils List _ Listod on Nstionol Hydric Soils Ust _ Othor (Exploin in Romarksl _ Histosol _ Histic Epipedon _ Sulfidic Odor V Aquic Moisturo Rogimow - Roducing Conditions _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors Romarks: lr),t )tc"i-'-o,-' Ql -t--- .,x' tl i'2r,.0 r-ook cW\^,rLtrJ- ' tn" $".o-.1\ tl'q.r' al- luo + +i. q @" W"t"l"tn pvr5 irr ,,, , .:\Yro*H<( tn JS u,J %rLc., Io", is lar,-rl' , &4aniL$t WETI.AND DETERMINATION HydrophyticVegetationpresont? yes @{circle)Wotlend Hydrology Prescnr? &l ruo { Hydric Soils ProsentT ,,yes) No (Circlo) ls this Sempling Point Wthin a Wetland? Ves ( rup Romarks p Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: lnvestigator:N, Cv u.t, *|,'o't+t D.0,,sehon Date: County: Qtr t.r. Do Normal Circumstances exist on rhe site? Gls the site significanrly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes ls the area a potential Problem Area? Yes (lf needed, explain on reverse.) No |G P Community lD: Transect lD: Plot lD: I ,l I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I t | .. ..- lr,,* u *.?ilfi J3[Tr**,n o'o O (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) t#Dominpnt PlontSpocios Relative Cover lndicator Status 1. {'.1 .y.r(.ir r-\, { o'l'i',,.11 ,,. lr,:..',. i t-^" .' rll) l. .' t ,r{,t.I 2. h r{ rta rrt,r',., Q,p'f , -___D!!-n - | | t | | | ..3. \'i:F 'r't,'-4. d,:, "r ..-.l.ti.'tq,'-e-. lO'(, t o!) L. c Al B. Porcont of Oonrinont Spccics ihot arc CgL, FACW or FAC' I cr.r-/(oxcluding FAC-). ( L'\ ' { r Rarnnrkc' l',,,,.,*-^,,-, " i I gpRolgq _ Hccordcd Uoto (lJcsc IJc In Rcmorks): I V/ctlcnd Hydrology lndicotors:Rccordcd Oato (Ocscribc irr Rcmorks): I Vlctlcncl Hydrology Indicotors: _ Stroom, Lako. or Tido Gau6c I Primory Indicators: _ Acrial Photogroplrs I _ lnundotcd Othcr | _ Soturotcd in Uppcr 'l 2 Inchcs X ro R"iola"<i Dota Avaitobte | :uu;*, li;rx, | - ori{t Lincs | _ Scdimcnt Dcposits Fiold Obsorvotions: I _ Droinogc Pottcrns in Wctlonds I Sccondory Indicotors (2 or morc roquircd):' Dopth of Surfocc Worcr: t tin.t | - Oxidizcd Root Channcls in Uppcr 12 Inchcs l Watcr-S taincd Lcavcs Ocpth ro Frcc Warqr in Pir: ) 1L fi".f I Locol Soil sur./cy Doro I n FAC-Ncutrol Tcst Oopth to sorurorod soil: 7l ) fr".f I othor (Explain in Rcmarks) I Romorks:lItq1,f4^d t /t .)u:i l:t( 1..t.... (s 6!",,'.y_rrV' \ \r-vvt - tc.i , , -, ,', ../ - u, r"t )r\--,, ,: I iSVdt b*",na, c. f or*rer i"rirrrJo[. v^gilg.,O. Primory Indica to rs: lnundotcd x Availoble | _lvatcr i\,'l orks _ Soturotcd in Uppcr 'l 2 Inchcs Dri{t Lincs oP ["1" i'1 slt(1? sotLs I l'l I I I T I t I t I I I I I I ,l ,l t Mao Unit Nemo (Sorios ond Phaso):-----. S rraLurLf, Taxonomy (Subgroupl:(.r ^,,1i, f-tiaq,.tllj Drainego Cless: Fiold Obsorvations Confirm Mappod TypaT Yes No Profilo Doscriotion: Dopth Matrix Color(inchos) Horizon (Munsoll Moist) I Mottlo Colors (Munsell Moistl -'- Monlo A bu nda nco/Co ntrast Toxturo, Concrotions, - Structuro. otc. s VA e,f/tq-tL l't/SYd IlL Hydric Soil lndicotors: _ Histosol _ Concrotions - Histic Epipodon _ High Organic Contont in Surfsco Layor in Sandy Soils _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Stroaking in Sandy Soils-i? I Aquic Moisturo Regimo _ Ustod on Local Hydric Soils Ust _ Reducing Conditions _ Listod on Nationol Hydric Soils List _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors Othor (Explain in Romarks) Romarks: Uo OXidi 3rl hq^ro* 1'&lnaak*ck nt ols,W,,4tb.s ^ WETTAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogetation Prosont? Wotland Hydrology Presont? Hvdric Soils Prosont? No (Circle) No No (Circlo) ls this Sampling Point Within a WetlandT €| t" Romarks Ito .l trr, * u *.?ili J3?Y',0*, *o,, o O (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) N In : I Y \J = tlrI D .t f \f VEG I :1 I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I trlAtt HYDROLO Frnianr /S ito.,.,1 rrtrlS ltatu -9iLApplicant/Owner: \ fnvestigator: D [EuSc.l^4^ lA. hr*u]l*t,v" Date: State: /.o County: Eq. Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) Yes N.o Ycs N!-l I rlrYl.nrrnrlr, ll l. Transect lD: PIot lD: --TD Relative CoverDominnnt Plont Soocios lndicator Status 1. 2. Ji j,\ tif 'f Porcont of Dominsnt (oxcluding FAC-). Scccics lhat src OEL. FACW or FAC Romorks: ("i t, t. ,. ,' / l"t aa.^t! lar%rotB t,"t, 'ti .t.!i.t.' ( ," ,-.1 .r.,t (,1Lcti ,,ilvr-csdt ti' i.t j + /i /.r _ Rccordod Ootc (Ocscribc in Rcmorks); _ Stroom, Lokc, or Tidc Gaugc _ Acrisl Phologroplrc Othcr --.;lllo n"iiia"<i Daro Avaitabrt V/ctlcnd Hydrology lndicotor:: Primcry Indic a to rs: _ Inu ndo tcd _ Sdtufa(cd in Uppcr 'l 2.lnchcs _ Watcr i\.'i arks _ Drif t Lincs _ S cdimcnt Ocposirs _ Droinogo Pottcrns in Wctlonds Sccondory Indicarors (2 or morc rcquircd): _ Oxiciizcd Root Clranncls in Uppcr 'l 2 Inchcs _ Watcr-S taincd Lc avcs _ Locrl Soil Sur.rcy Data FAC-Ncu tral Tcst_.=- XOthor (Explain in Rcmarks) Fiold Obsorvotions: ' Dopth of Surfocc Watcr: Dcp(h to Frcc Wotcr in Pit: oopth to soturotod soil: -------:---5E/t/- (in.) {in.) (in.) Romorks:tn &'t r..{t , Atuw!-t a-v..":Vf I a,LtJ ,,5 g!":* it,ay{ l,',.'.,''(q,.-, hn-5'VU $, tt Pf"f 7D sl t lq'? SOILS I I I I rtI I I I I I I Mao Unit Namo (Soriss and Phaso): 5anruL.i* Taxonomy (Subgroup):(t n,,,l,L t, t Dreinego Class: Field Obsorvstions Confirm Mappod -fype? Yos No Profilo Doscriotion: Dopth (inches) Horizon Mstrix Color (Munsoll Moist) Mottls Colors (Munsoll Moist) Mottlo A bu nd 6nco/Co nt rast Tsxturs, Concrotions, - Structu16, otc. /\L1 < th 4r - q*t L, & isbkff "t-'4ti Hydric Soil lndicstors: _ Histosol _ Histic Epipodon _ Sulfidic Odor f Aouic Moisturo Reoime' Roducing Conditions _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors _ Concrotions _ High Organic Contont in Surfaco Layor in Sandy Soils _ Organic Stroaking in Sandy Soils _ Listod on Locsl Hydric Soils List _ Ustod on National Hydric Soils List _ Othor (Explain in Romarks) Romarks: NJr> [n ro'tttz! i rn waSL*i oxi di ui rc& I,l lr" tV',, 't s bto 6'leldrrr ii '-i. U*o*ls, twn thou',lou c.[^pp.n6, {- n,otLt#'lflo$Ior. &n erttr,. th ha -lt.t I h,ari. aur, tLJ T I I I I I 11" 4 {tt (oo4 6r\grnal Se,li ,WETI.AND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogetation Present? | Wotlsnd Hydrology Presont? Hydric Soils ProssntT No (Circle) No No (Circls) ls this Sampling Point within a Wetland? @ t" Romarks nnrarri hrr lll.)t lQ A1'F ?/Q? Projcct/Site: Applicant/Owner: Investigator:B. G rc.r.J Itaia., D. l0,r.sc{,,r./ County: State:Co ?/tl{ Do Normal Circurnstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a ootential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) Glr 'Ycs No ,[Da, Community lD: Transect lD: Plot lD: I I t I I I I I t I I t I I I I I t I Or,n, u *.?ilft Jts?Y, o',,',o' o ^O(1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) VEGETATION Dominnnt Plnnt Soocios Relntivo Cover lndicator Status t. 14, tlocl "dt. L.l u,oj ,s F.rc'."r_ n-T | -1 t.t, IA - --2. V.g,0-.tr|.,.,l \',,r',itt,.lft,rlL C*O /' F*€ z. l(tu-ac(tvnn .rtii,.,nlt,lri,,, l0'/. fAC r\,ttt. l\t|v(t,, r,1,, ^,,1.(,,f u|r, |vr- , e'P 1 5. 6. q Porcont of Dominont Spccics'.hot src OgL, FAC',V or Fr\C / rfi n . / Romorks: HYDROLOGY _ Rccordcd Doto (Dcscribc in Fcmorkc): I Wctlcnd Hyclrology lndicotors: - siroam, Lokc, ir Tidc Gaugo I Prir,lory tndica-iors: _ Acriul Photogroplrc I - Inuncotcd Orhcr I Soturotcd in Uppcr 'l 2 Inchcs X' ito n"Ea"d oBia Avrilobls | - uuotcr i\,iarks| -::'.:l-'::.'.^^^',^. | _Js(J rrrjrrl v._tJeJ,rJ 1 r.""";ao,'^il"""n:,:",';":::]:,Y;lT:."r,, ' Dopth of Surf occ Warcr: (9 tin.t | - OxiCizcd Root Channclc in Uppcr 1? Inchcs I Wa tc r- S taincd Lcavc:\l-) I -Dcpth (o Frcc Wotcr in Pit: ) u c (in.) | .- Locol Soil Sur"rcy Dota I i FAC-Ncutrol Tcsri ---=- Dop(h to soturorod Soii: ) \ 1- tin.t I I orhor (E::plain in Acmorks) I Romorks: 6 o y \u-o- Lln4n ---a< / t t".r(o O-LL' -L-2, vi| /'{t;,'f }J-t /' t I'\ Lu-'t5. (Lr r,,o\,,(. 4O',* t.'<axJl>'/ 5 f"tu'{' t"*tuJ ?u( 4'*ttt''x '\ I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I Ar I ." IVlr:f Lt 5l)(?? SOILS Map Unit Namo (Sorios and Phase): Taxglomy (Subsroup): C' , n r" lic taiaa,, otls Orainago Class: Fiold Obsorvadons Confirm Mappod 6,swilh+* Typo?Yos No Profilo Descriotion: Dopth (inches) o -la Irr -t?- Matdx Color Horizon (Munsoll Moist) Mottlo Colors (Munsoll Moist) sYR3/2_ ? SYi.qlo Mottlo A bu nd I nco/Co ntrast Toxturo, Concrotlons, - Structuro, otc. Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Histosol _ Concrotions - Histic Epipodon _ High Organic Contont in Surfaco Layor in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor _ Orgsnic Streaking in Sandy Soils X Aquic Moisturo Rogimo _ Listod on Local Hydric Soils List _ Roducing Conditions _ Ustod on Notional Hydric Soils List _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors _ Othor (Explain in Romarks) Rsmarks:, Uo_ o5idi"4z( rDdt- *}.Jxna"(: Cve^ t\"a*T{ +f".- 0,,r- r* --tf0".. ,^ .^fFo" W^Lh p{ask-"0 b1 a.6c'hic5, St ln,,$ffu bc.{e'*- .to ;t ln- L\.*ul^.-o l'r #hJ,ro,,6.4_. WETISND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic VogetEtion Presont? @ No (cir"t") Wotland Hydrology Present? (g:illto Hydric Soils ProsontT 4f_j:.- *o (Circlol ls this Sampling Point Within e Wettand? (G)_- "" Romarks 41r^. DATA FORM .-. 'UTIN E WETI.AND D ETERMINATIO I' (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VEGETATION Project/Site: x./A'{OJ lloa<tlt Applicanti Owner: lnvestigator: _ i3J(,o,,tAln&ra^ !. r!,,gs.f.er Date: County: State: 6 ( .]rt a4 (c lo Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) Yes N6rt(dNo Ycs No l.. nrnrnr rnitrr lFl. Transect lD:-----------_-flot lu: ; J- Dg4inont Plont Soocios QalAf ive Cover -i-L-:-:--_ lndicator Status Porco nt of Donrinont (oxcluding FAC-). Spcc;cs ihot src CBL, FACW or'FAC Romorks: i^,', /-t' t I g) i. r' ('1 ,'i i divl, HYDROLOGY Rccordod 0oto (Dcscribc in Acmorkc): _ Stroam, Lakc, or Tido Gaugo _ Acriol Phoiogroplrs Othcr {' No Rccorcicci Dato Avcilabls Fiold Obsorvotions: A' Dopth of Surfocc lVatcr: ' \r t)Dcpth to Frcc Wnrcr in Pit: / | (. 4.. r \ Oopth to Soturo(od Soil: 1't' -lr.';Romorkc: lil; 15)Vrl)r,tl. /.. /. V/ctlcnd Hydrology lndic o to rs: P;imory Indica tors: _ lnundotcd _ Soturo(cd in Uppcr i 2 Inchcs _ lvaicr i\,'iark,s _ Drif t Linc:; C ^r;-^^r n^^^_.)cormcnr L,/ cp o sl t5 _ Droinagc Pottcrns in Wctlorrds Sccondory lndicotors (2 or nrorc rcquircd): _ OxiCizcd Root Clranncls in Uppcr 12 Inchcs _ Wflicr-S taincd Lc avc s _ Local Soil Sur.zcy Dota _ FAC-Ncu(rol Tcst _ Othor (Explain in Rcmarks) (in.) (in.) (in.) .r,:,^J 'J-,-> rrflv',,.,'r'^ 1;1s o.,l^^,*.1L ) \.'JL- a.-- t*. I t-i (-1tt ( I lnt s lz, sorLs I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I '''''' WETTAND DETERMINATION Mep Unit Nemo {Sorios and Phsso}: lrvoA Drainago Class: r€xonomy (subsroup): e ,. *,. l, . {\arlrAa n il" t'3i1"t?,0,i",il'"Ti"Jo"t*"r yes No Profilo Description: Dopth finchos) 4-o_ Horizon {tt Matrix Color Mottlo Colors (Munsoll Moistl (Munsoll Moist) Mottlo A bu nd 6 nco/Co ntras t Toxture. Concroti,ons, - structuro, otc. A L, 2 h4 q? . -,,q"l L, A rn" slK w-sYR 3/L Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Histosol Concretions - Histic Epipodon _ High Organic Content in Surfaco Layar in Sandy Soils _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Stroaking in Sandy Soils ' Aquic Moisture Regimo _ Ustod on Local Hydric Soils Ust _ Reducing Conditions _ Ustod on National Hydric Soils List _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors _ Othor (Explain in Romarks) Romarks: tUAn no , r'-*.ltt"S -t-Lr; ": iS l^ dJ 1-l +L ,t ir..lt*.ze'i,t is lu,"l li61$.+t ) iu.',y 17i,1 Hydr.ophytic Vogetation Presont? Yos No (Circle) Wetland Hydrology Presont? Yes @ Hydrii soils Prosentl Yos {G) (Circlo) ls this Scmpling Point Within a Wetland? V"" ($ Remarks: Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: Investigator: Date: County: State: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situationl? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.) Yes No Yes No Yes No Community lD: Transect lD: Pfot lD: ?3 F rE : I I I I I I T I I t T I I I I I I t I ov DATA FORM ROUTINE WETTAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) VEGETATION Dominont Pl6nt Soocios Stratum Indicator r. \/ u t t) ,trr', ./ 2. 1 7, Dominant Plont SDocics Stratum Indicotor 10. IL 1a 13. 14. 15. 16. Psrcsnt of Dominont Spocios that oro OBL, FACW or FAC (cxcluding FAC-). Romarks: HYDROLOGY _ Rocordod Dsta (Dcscribo in Rsmorks): I Wotlend Hydrotogy Indicators: _ Stro6m, Lsko, or Tido Gougo I Primary Indicators: Aorial Photographs I Inundotcd Othor | _ Soturaiod in Upper 12 Inches -( Ho RFo.aua Data Availabta [ - nuator Marks Drift Lines Fiold Obssrvations: Dopth of Surfoco Wotor:(in.l _ Ssdimont Doposits 5; Dreinago Pattorns in Wotlends Secondory Indic6tors (2 or more roquirodl: _ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inchos _ Wat€r-Stainsd Lcavos _ Local Soil Survoy Dats _ FAc-Noutral Tost _ Othor (Explsin in Romarksl Depth to Free Watsr in Pit: ) / k (in.) Dopth to Soturstod Soil: .) { ? 61.1 Romarks: Map Unit Namo rl r I(sorios and pha"uL (\l-/ CtOu* tc Hepl OEo rc//S'll Taxonomv (Subgroup): Drainego Class: Fiold Obsorvations Conlirm Mappod Typol Yes No Profilo Dcscriolion: Oopth lbcttoCL V<o Horizon LT Motrix Color Mottle Colors (Muns6ll Moist) (Mune ell Moiet) Mottlo Abundanc6/Contrsst Toxturo, Concrotirns, - Structuro. otc. l0-rt1 B* 5l P,? .E/l \ ^r ^ ( tl\J/b-o l (tl !.>, 1 , rt --?_--T---(,bu 4r,v1; Hydrie Soil Indicato16: _ Histosol _ Concrotions _ Histic Epipodon _ High Orgsnic Content in Surfaco Layor In Sandy Soils _ Sultidic Odor _ Organic Stroaklng in Sandy Soils _ Aquic Moisturo Rogimo _ Ustod on Local Hydric Soils List _ Roducing Conditions _ Ustod on National Hydric Soils List _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colors Othor (Explain in Romarks) Romarks:l) w h-,, ,', , - l',,. l':,vn ir rl 1r o n C-rp5\ rv j"r.siy c\, c1 .1 ,l'2..1 haut-r o(d t tra:,.] J,,P,,,{S,EZ\ , H'u ewrl/ i{},- 0.4..-)ro5i h-.'1 w-PA, ,t?o-J' Fr a I 29 aoI il I t I I I I I I I I I I I iI I t t sorLs '* L w e.rt "-!! r,, pl oq WETI.AND DETERMINATION F . aL4h HfirophyticVogotationPr6sont? Yss t@(Circtsl WoUand Hydrology Prosont? Yos @ Hydric Soils ProsontT Ycs 4@ (Circlo) 13 this Ssmpling Point Wthin a Wetland? Ycad45 Rsm6tks: Ff oI t I t I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I DATA FORM o ROUTINE WETIAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manuall Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: lnvestigator: _ Date: _ County: Statel Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situationl? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse,) Yes No Yes No ' Yes No Community lD: Transect lD: Plot lD:?-tt VEGETATION Dominant Plant Spoaios Str.tum lMicrtor 2. 3. 4- 5. 6. 7. 8. Dominant Pl6nl Soocios Strrtum Indicator o 't0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Potcont of Oominont Spcciss thdt erc OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-I. Romorks: HYDROLOGY _ Rccordcd Data (Doscribo in Rom6rks): _ St.oom, L6ks, or Tido Gsuge _ Aerial Photogrsphs _ Othat _ No Rocordcd Data Availablr Fleld Obscruations: D.pth of Surfaco Wotor: _(in.) -\,\Dopth to Frae Wator in Pit: J I b lir.., oopth to saturatod soit: 7 /T tin.t Rcmarks: Wotlond Hydrology Indicators: Prim!ry Indic€tor': _ lnundotrd _ Satulated in Upp6r 1 2 Inchss _ lVator Marks _ Orift Unca _ Sodiment Daposits !L Drainago Patt6tns in Wctland3 Secondary Indioato.s (2 or moro rcquitedl: _ Oxidizcd Root Channols in Uppet 12 lnchos _ WstGr-Stained Lcavca _ Local Soil Suwoy Data _ FAc-Noutrsl Tost _ Othc. (Explain in Rsmarksl Mop Unit Nemo (Scrioe and Phasel:Drainego Cless: Flold Obs.rvatlons Taxonomy (Subgroupl:Confirm Moppod Tlpct Ycg No Profilo O6scription: Dcpth 0nchos) Horizon Matrix Color (Munsoll Moi3tl slTL 7 '{/t lo,/ tz/ (/ t----T-- Mottlc Colore (Muneall Moisll Mottlo Abundancg/Controst Tcxturo, Conotolions,- Strucluro,6tc. t0 -tt tr l/-t( b'u ,?'):9 - t"t!-t* r1 col,lr0.. Hydtic Soil Indiaotors: _ Histosol _ Histic Epipidon _ Sulfidic Odot _ Aquic Moistura Rogimo _ Roducing Conditions _ Gloyod or Low-Chroma Colorr _ Concrctionc _ High Organic Contont in Surfacc Laycr in Sandy Soils _ Otgrnia Strcaking in Sondy Soila _ Listod on Local Hyddc Soils Ust .. _ Ustcd on National Hlddc Soils Ust _ Othor (Explsin in Romarksl R6marks: BW hrr"i t.rt, 6P l.t.Af t '\u Lr,^g, .., & _ $ r,-..h ^/ :. + |$ O llrr, a.,,r . t'a h {e- ,k d^ EJqttut * olt Att *u-{t /,\ safrr\l h-.***n, Ft(t,to; "o!,luvt a1t O >{a,l I I I I I t I t t I t I I I 'l sotLs b,t I WETLAND DETERMINATION HydrophyticVogototionPrssent? Yos -t!6::lchclel Wotlond Hydrology Prasont? Yos 1!.j2 Hydric Soils Prescnt? Yos e1$p ls this Sempling Point Within s Wetland? I ll.|t\-l,U-lrrO L,t. a1 l- *-- .r l"tAR-16-1998 .23!21 P.UJI P. A1 - IAND TITI,E GUARANTEE COUPANY atanurry 23,. Lg92 our Order No.: v18169 . " ,r BUrrR/Or{l|tRr SELLER: ADDRESSs IJ('T 8 BIPCK 2 GONE CREEK SUBDIVISION CIl)SER I Attn: LAURA I{ET,IPN IIORTGAGE FA)( 796-7626 lzos 4582 S. Ur,SfER 8!. PKIV. t205 DEtfvER. OO 80237 1 Tttn: BEYEnIJI 303 770-3300 PICKED T'P FOR DEI,IVERY }ll Ptl COVENAIITS ATTACTTED Y8S NO FOR lrrl,E QUESETONS CAI& KAREN llORrH 3O3 1?6-225L FOA CTpSING QUESTIONS CAr,L TAIIRA HOrNE ffR-14-19S 23.4 P.g2 ALtA CO!ttl SCIIEDI'I,E rTt|EIfT A Orr ord.r llo. V181C9 - chrrsct -tltr Lrlcr PollcY tax fcpctBrrrt|t t 100.ooHrrrt t 3t5.6Hrlrt t 100.29bafr.ilt t 103.1--!C'[rI,-- Etfeottrt Dat:! Poltay to bc iseued, 'lLTAr Ioan Policy For fnfonation Only $752.00 $zo.oo 920.OO 9zo.oo 972.50 95o.oo 993t,50 itanuary 10, 1992 at 8300 l.U. and propossd Inarrcd: II'I 8 BIOCK 2 @NE CREEX SUBDIVISTO .**.fiM YOUR nEIITtfNCE PLEASE RBFIR $O OgR ORDER lfo. VlSt'69.trtl 1. 2. 3. {. 5. s2O2,5OO.OO 1987 Rrvirion (lnenaletl 1990) Paoposcd Insurcd: ttElION tDn$elGE Ctt'lPAlfy , itt succcaaort and/or assl'gns !t.he rstatc or interest ln tlr. land deecribed or referred to in tbte cnitrant and eovrr:d hcrein i:: I Poe sirprc fltle to the ostate or intereet covered hrrein ls at the eftrcttvr'det b.raof vtct i ln: nrXINrIt I..IIRO6 ard CERISIIIIfI E. Iln0g lf.hc larar rcftrrcd to il thll Cmttrent I's deaoribrd as lolloror ror I, BrocK 2, GoR8 CnEER SIBDTVTSIOf, TCCOnDIIIC !O nIE erconiro D[rTisERloF, cotilt[ or BIGLB, StrAlE Or @IpRADio. PAGE t{iR-1a-19q3 23t22 Ar,T^O"or,,rttrENT lb. folloYlng lr. the requtrtro'htt to be coqrliod vl'tb: l.Payrenttoorlortheaccountofgh?girentor'orrortgagoraottnr rurr ioiireeraiion tor tbc eetatr-or lnt.r.rt to b. Lnrurcd. 2. Prop,.r tnstru.nt(s) cr'attlg ttre ?:F!c-or lntlrrct to b' lnrrrreit tgrt De rxrqrtcd ed-Auii ltLd for rrcord, to-.y1tr 3. REBrst oP DEED or lRusr DATID rrrcb 01' 19e1' -!!o!^pIt!!9-r|' YlBos an'l crBtStIE l. tlnos IO !BE;t Ef.Ic muerri OF Ei6l'! COUIIIY nOR lBB USB Orl BEr.,rno BNw !!o aBcunE [m-;utr-op-szso,ooo:o0 RECORDGD April 08' 1991' rN EOox 5t1 tI PIGB 223. SIID DEED O' I!Rt'3|l WAS FUTIIIIIR, SEdruD IN ASSIGNilE|I OT RB||!S NACORDED rpirt os, 19gt, rll EooK 551 lr PAcE 22{' {.DE@olltl,strFnoilRoNA',D.lt.IlnosandotRIsTrrBB.llRostoTl|EPI,EIJIC ttRUgTEE Ot EICII @t lfrt Foi lltn USE oP HEI,IpN UOnCGIGIB collPAlll ' it: "r*.rroii iliFr-iilisn; io sucunn IltE stl{ ot 92o2'5oo-oo- IF TIIERE rg l crrrrcE IN oI|NERSHIP or lBE PnoPERTI tso BE lttgumD EEREI}| I|RC TBB vEEf,ED OlfnER: Slr Fonti- iN iiE{ I or sssnOUr'r A BER'BIN' IHB !rER}ls' PROV"ISIOITS IIID OONDITIONS-OT-$Ti TONS OF VAIL :IRI}ISFER 1!A'( TiAT EE ' TPFITICAELEi' : i.' -,fIB COTilrl CI,INX N|D NECPNDER8-OFIICE REOUINB!' REA{'NN emngsgrs on oddrnlins sElr FoR RE@nDrf,Gt t P.q3 gCnEDULE B-1 (n qutr€!.ntr) (hrr Ordcr fo. v18169 PIGE 2 fnR-10-1998 23t22 P.U lLtA COliurrliEll SCUEDUITE B-2 (Bcrrptlons) our Order llo. v18169 f,h3 DoUay or poliai... to b. lsauca viII oontain cxceptl'ont to the roffirtry rurfrss tbe ean err dlqrosed of to tbe lat1lfactlqr ot the Oalnny: 1. gt ndtlal Berptlons 1 tbrough 5 prlntrd on tb. cov.t absct. 6- rrxag rrri aqeesrnrntr not !'et duc or paylble and eplcial .s.agrutt not y.t errrtl'drd to tbr tealurer's offlc.. ?. ruy utp.ld tocer or attccnnts lgainct lald land. 8. Lienr fc u4nid uater and ecser obalrgc, lt any' 9. BIGn'T O! IaOPRIEEIOR OT A VEIN OR IODB Io ErgMTGlD rlID REDVE nIS ORE TEIRIITil S8OT'!D flTE SAIIE EE NOUTID TO PINIIR.IIE OR ITrlTNSEqI $IE PREUISBS es eBsEtyEl IN nNrrED gIATEs pASBtB RE@BDED SeptenDrr 13, 1902, Ill Boox 48 llB PlcE ae1. lEl EfrstgcB o8 !!tB t|rxSRAt ErCEI{lIOt{ rXD/On RESERVAIION slroll}f AS IlIEl 9, gcglDUEE l-1, nILL f,Otl AtrF8et OUR tBILIrl TO AITACS COITRIDO ENDOnSEI|E|T ro. 100,19 16 oUR tloR[ercEtss PoLrcr rBEf rsstttD. 10. RrcE',! ot my FoR DrTcnEg 0R CilfALS CgrStrRUGr@ Bv TllE lrtEsoRlTl Or lBE ItrfItlED gllillBg As RESERVED IX UXIIED SEAIBA PATBfI nECORDED Septcrber 13' t;to2. tll For 43 lT PAGB {91. 'lEE EI8IHCB oF tSE ErsElllll sHotttf rs lSltt tlo. lO' SCEEDU!E-B-2' tfIIJ'' llOT rfPlcf m IDILIrI tlo ArTACH cOItRADg S|DoRSEI8N!! llo' 103'1 TO oItR lnl1Er6lls. F(TLICT llflElr ISSI'ED. 11. RBsrtrICtErVS CotnilAilts rfitrcE Do x(rr cllflDAllr A FqRlEmlrRE olltlYll|trElt CLIIUSB' sT a|IlluIG n8slR(Cllrotlsr rl Alfl' EASID Or nICE,-COI!-B' ntruoroll, oR x1trrfftL crorr;-;E-colrtiilmo in irsrnumr RrciD@ iovmbrr 10, 1e6e, rtr lod 3t6 Il PrcB 351- 12. I lrvB FFI rIDE s|t|RIP lt0rc AIL IFTERIOn !4q-I'IXIS Is DtDIcrr@ AS UIILITI lllrltEtt3 lion usB oF puBurc rrcD-pRlvrrB rrlrLIftul rlfD DRNInCB nNg ASI Gd-ATIIID fl !'sE REOONDEO PIAT OI CORB CREIIS SI'BDI TSIOII' 13. EIE!IEn!8, nESERVA|ONS tlID RBSI|IRIGIIOt|S tS SBOlfN On nESIRVED O}I III]B rm[D irrc or @nl cRlfNR gttEDrvrsrof,. PIGE 3 mR-1F19S 8?8 P.6 Il.TA COIITITr|EIT ACf,BDI'I; B-2 (Ucapttons)Our otd.r l|o. V18159 la. ulIf,LIItr ElsEGl||E 15 rE8tr Ir rIUm tIffi lEl DOn|tll|lSlEI|I,I ltr I,Im OF gmhtEe! pnopRllr t8 SEom otr !!trE nffiDtD Dral o! Gont cnBlr auBDrvrsrol. UngElEfr 335.6 rILL Bl tllIAcEE !O lLAr IOlf Dotlsr lBtt ISEOED. fttls 1, Z ltlD 3 oF IIE SEAI|DInO lxclq8tOil! |ILL. Dt DlItAlD l.Boil lDrl mcroiEs Dolrct uDro[f RlcBrpft o! I SrrIsFlcDoRr tilPno\/ErBtT rocraror $n$tr. rctt: glID SlrRllsl lF8ll StE otlT tBE lrsEtg!3 Stl! FonilB ll SCBmLa B-2 rttll. ptElsE pBoytD! LiltD ltrt.! Glnnrr'lEl flPlril rrrf, lBl xlE oP rml 3msEI:ilC COHPII|I AND rE rrr.L {lEfD COPTBS 0F ltE lllcBgsrRr Doco[lIrla. FoRl 1oo ErJ t8 IssrED BralD oFox nra coilPrlil'g R!\tIEr oF IgE sUR\rEl lS 887 'IEI IEOYE. XtIEs IF ttl8 IIIPROVEiEfT ITCIAIotf SUnvEl I8 lFa REcEiltD BI IiXD TrILE AOTTTtrlEG C$IPIIW llt SUl'FICIEtrl [If,E !O NETTIK AIID EIDORSE !trB ffilIIEB ![tQl AO QIOSIIC, ADDITIOXAL EXCEPIIoI{S SO IIIIB Fof,tgl 6IUIJD EE lXCIntDlDtnil Fonr 100 cuvERAcB' aETGB TOTFL P.6 'wmGR.rno 6rtt, Sqcr< 6ns Dh*lr, \qu, to hmt (ru4l E. becver Lreek blvd. PO. Box 2C07 Avon, ColorcCo 31620 L$\"1 Qott to ho {. t\.'Nt'S\*y 5T. besutr,tt tw1- q1\l 0047 E. Beover Creek Bivd' PO. Box 2007 Avon, Colorodo 81620 n\ .Iuh- bK\" k, K*tr \r\trgvr\rrnN 5rE Srttr \ftrr,r tD {\*frh$sq Tfifunr \o $ux + \nru, tu $rm$ hrr*, \s*r $\bbt Avon, Colorodo 81620 #E. s"o,". c.".i ai,a. PO. Box 2002 Avon, Colorodo 8i620 o h**t\r*, 1Lz6 >{nuhsp bqrr*rrt. \WE $rhoL,bse\5\ff.,( 6s16 5.$rrfror tI lr'rflor, tu Butzt u\J4l E beover LreeK 6vo. PO. Box 2007 Avon, Colorodo 81620 $t*-t**rq*l \\tnpO hnn'.reo,nr Zb?I Kr**rwKr*N\cK \qrr, to 8\bb? Aug-26-94 Ozl : slP I MErll{ i nt argrcleno 97 I 9339o 9{tt o- E Infier-lfiountain /LfaslneerfngI,a. August 26, l99t Rogpr lrndirry JMP Architoctr PO Box2fin Avo4 CO 81620 Far 949-0629 Re: Lot t, Bloct 2. Oorc Creek Subdivision hojoct No 9t-{rlt90 ILar Rogcr, On Augrst lt, l99E IME visitcd thc rcsidcrrcc at 5l 19 Black Bcar tanc to obseryation thc soits. Duringa prcviou3 ritc visit, IME rnadc scvcral recommcnd{ions to improvc thc soils orre of llc rccqnmcndatiots was to cfi,cavatc thc soi wpt soils drcn plaor a gcaglailc the width of thc qrcsY3tod arco. During this sccond sitc visit, wc qustioned thc placcment of 0rc gcotcxtilc siosc it was ncr visiblc. Clcan gravcl, of an unknown dcpth, wrs pteced. Tbc rnxt day it uas oonfirnrcd thd thc fabric was mt plrccd. Wc rcrommend that tbc clcan g6vgl bc n;rnovcd and ttrar the hbric bc phccd rs rccornmcrdod prcviously bcforc thc footss arc pourtd. It alrc appcan that approximctcly l-foot of fill has bccn placcd bcncath rhe fcrings for tfic glagc. Thcrc wns cvirlcncc that the mxerial wss oompaclcd with a shecpsfoot rolkr. No cqnpaction tcsts wGns pcrformod by IME Th fual issle is thc undcrminfurg ofthe exisling foindation. Wc strol'rgly ruqrnmcrd that tbc structuat cngircrr bc conncrod imnrdialcly for advice. Esckfill rccomarndatiom slrorld be obtnincd from thc slructr.ur: cnginecr. Ifyotr havc any qscstions, plcasc contacr us ar (970| 949-J072. Sirccrcly. l[\'*J'C{}i- MarthoL. Millcr, P.E. cc: Dr. ltonrld Yanr G\a.!lo-\t*rb|bAlr, f t tcor 9a{t ItC 8392 ctrfin€ntal Dvit noad. sdte ,lo7 . unhtdr, Cdord 80127 . phone:3os/g4g 62uo r For: 30394g-6526 77 Metcolt Road, t200 ' Box 978 . Aran, Colorado 81620 r Phrns: 970r949-501f o pp,r., Denvr:r Dtrsct g93-ls31 P -O2 o THIS ITEM a PROPERTYMAY AFFECT YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of lhe Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 18, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow a US West Wireless and Sprint Speclrum facility, located at 160 Mounlain Bell Road/Unplatted (on the existing Mountain Bell tower). Applicant: US West Communications, represented by Jill Jelinek of Liberty Wirestar.Planner: Christie Barton A request for a side setback variance, to allow for an existing garage in the side setback to be converted to GRFA, located at 5119 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivislon. Applicant: Dr. Ronald Yaros, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: George Ruther A proposal to amend the zoning regulations to allow single-family and two-family structures lo expand by 500 sq. ft. or less in allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), without compliance with certain design requirements; allowing interior GRFA conversions for multiple- family structures; reorganizing the conditional use section of the Zoning Regulations; and allowing Type ll Employee Housing Units as a permilted use rather than a conditional use in Single-Family, Two-Family and Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Distdcts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello fhe applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 1, 1998 in the Vail Trail. 1r PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, May 18, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation / LUNGH - Community Develooment Department MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT oo US West - 160 Mountain Bell Road Yaros - 51 19 Black Bear Lane hrcoPY Updated 5/18 4pm 12:30p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1. 2. IlttrfL;raucfr-$-- NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Gouncil Ghambers 3. Golden Bear Store - 286 Bridge Street Driver: George 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow a US West Wireless and Sprint Spectrum facility, located at 160 Mountain Bell Road/Unplatted (on the existing Mountain Bell tower). Applicant: US West Communications, represenled by Jill Jelinek of Liberty Wirestar. Planner: Christie Barlon MOTION:Ann Bishop SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVAL WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant provide a site specific hazard report before issuance of a Building Permit for the project. 2. That the DRB approve the shed. oo Updatcd 5/lE 4pm 2. A request for a side setback variance, to allow for an existing garage in the side setback to be converted to GRFA, located at 5119 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. ffientedbyJohn Perkins George Ruther Brian Doyon SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED - With direction lo the DRB to pay special attention to the tree mitigation. 3. A requesl for a minor CC1 exterior alteration, to allow for a change to previously approved plans, located at 286 Bridge Street, A & D Building/Lots A & B and Part of C, Block $A, Vail Vlllage 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee Kirch, Golden Bear StorePlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-2 (fom Weber and Brian Doyon opposed) APPROVED AS IT RELATES TO THE NORTH ELEVATION WTH 6 CONDITIONS. With a recommendation for staff to give the applicant some flexibility: 1. That a public way permit and a revocable right-of-way permit be executed prior to issuance of a building permit. The public way permit application shall be accompanied by a construclion fencing, traffic control, and staging plan. These plans must be reviewed and approved by Public Works and Community Development staff. The applicant shall coordinate and receive approval for all final grading plans for the paver/drain pan repair work from Public Works prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall also coordinate plans to direct rooftop run-off into the storm sewer system with Public Works. That the applicant prepare and submit a detailed exterior lighting plan for review and approval by the DRB prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. That the applicant provide a minimum of two streetscape benches along Gore Creek Drive/Bridge Street prior to issuance of a building permit. That the applicant coordinate inigation plans and plant material selection decisions with Todd Oppenheimer at Public Works prior to issuance of a building permit. On-going maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be required of the applicant. Final Town review and approval of landscaping around the Fire Department connection shall occur prior to issuance of a building permit. That payment of the parking pay-in-lieu fee shall occur prior to issuance of a building permit. :I 1 Applicant: Planner: MOTION: 2. 3. 4. 5. t Updatod 5i l8 4pm 6. That a gable roof form be designed into the proposal over the large display window on the north elevation, lo break-up the horizontal eaveline and to enhance the appearance of the improvements. 4. A proposal to amend the zoning regulations to allow single-family and two-family structures to expand by 500 sq. ft. or less in allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), without compliance with certain design requirements; allowing interior GRFA conversions for multiple-family structures; reorganizing the conditional use section of the Zoning Regulations; and allowing Type ll Employee Housing Units as a permiited use rather than a condilional use in Single-Family, Two-Family and Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JUNE 8, 1998 5. A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to SDD #4, to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Weslhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represenled by Robby Robinson Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JUNE 6, 1998 6. Information Update 7. Approval of May 11, 1996 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oo MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departmenl May 18, 1998 A request for a side setback variance, to allow for a residential addition to the Yaros residence, located at 51 19 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Dr. Ronald Yaros, represented by John Perkins George Ruther DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting a side setback variance to allow for the conversion of an existing garagd, located in the sideyard setback to Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). According to i-he official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the applicant's property is zoned Two-Family Residential. Pursuant to Section 12-6G6 (Setbacks) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the minimum side setback for a strueture zoned Two-Family Residential shall be 15 feet. The applicant is proposing to convert an existing garage to GRFA and subsequently construct a new front entry iOciition ind a 545 square foot garage. The new front entry addition and garage will be located within the required building envelope on the property, and therefore, not require a variance approval. pursuant to Section 12-8-5 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the existing garage located in the required sideyard setback is a legal, non-conforming situation. ln order for the applicant to convert the girage to GRFA (change the use), a variance must be approved bythe Planning and. Environmenial Commission in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 17 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. According to the plans proposed by the applicant, approximately 19 sq. ft. of the existing garage area is located in the required sideyard setback. Therefore, a variance allowing 19 sq. ft. of GRFA in the rcquired sideyard setback must be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission to allow the applicant to proceed with their proposed plans. Upon review of the Town file by staff, it is not clear as to why the existing structure was built within ttre 15' required side setback. lt has been suggested by the applicant's representative, during prior applications for development on this site, that a possible surveying enor took place Auring itre siting process of the residence prior to conslruction. This presumption has not been substantiated by staff. ZONING ANALYSIS lrtot{.1 11,14.4 sq. ft. / 0.253 acre Two-Family Residential Lot Size: Zoning: f:bveryone\pec\memos\Yaros.51 I oo O3 Standard Allowed 3,179 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 2,196 sq. ft. Setbacks: Front: Side: Rear; Parking: 20' 15715' 15' 3 spaces (required) Existino 1,681 sq. ft. N/A 40' 37.5' 42' 3 spaces Prooosed 3,065 sq. ff. 2,196 sq. ft. 3 spaces 20' 2075.5' N/C CRITERIAAND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 12-17-6, Variance Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested side setback variance. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: The relationehip of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and struc'tures in the vicinity. Staff believes the applicant's request for a sideyard setback variance will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity of the Yaros residence. Since the applicant is proposing to convert an existing garage, which is already constructed in the sideyard setback to GRFA, and not proposing to build an additional structure in the setback, staff believes that the effects of the variance will be minimal. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes the applicant is requesting the minimum amount of deviation from the sideyard setback slandard to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity. The existing residence is already constructed in the setback and the cunent proposal only proposes to convert existing garage area to GRFA. Pursuant to the non-conforming use seclion of the Municipal Code, in order for the conversion of garage area to GRFA to take place, a variance approval must be granted. Staff does not believe that an approval of the applicant's variance request will resuli in a grant of special privilege. Staff believes that the existence of the existing residence in the required sideyard setback is a unique circumstance, which wanants the granting of the variance request. 1. 2. f Weryone\pec\memo6\yaros.51 I oo ct1 3. The effect of the rcquested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and trafric facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed variancE will have little, if any, effect on these faclors. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findings before granting a variance: '1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properlies classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public healih, safety or welfare, or malerially injurious to properlies or imProvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is wananled for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict and literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistenl with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulalion would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested side setback variance, to allow for the conversion of existing garage area to GRFA. Staff believes the applicant's variance request meets the criteria and findings, as outlined in Section lll. of ihis memorandum. Specifically, slaff believes: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constiiute e grant of speci,al pnvilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Two-Family Residential Zone District. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Yaros residence. _ 3. There are exceptions and extraordinary circumslances and conditions applicable to the applicant's site that do nol apply generally to other prdperties in the Two-Family Residential Zone District. Specifically, staff f:\averyone\pec\memos\yaros. 51 I oo believes ihat lhe location of the existing slruclure in the required sideyard setback, and the fact that the applicant will not be increasing the existing legal non-conformily, but instead, simply converting an existing garage to GRFA and subsequently constructing a new garage and front entry addition within the required building envelope is a practical difficulty. Should the Planning and Environmental choose to grant an approval of the applicant's variance request, staff would recommend lhe Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with lhe limitations on other properties classified in the Two-Family Residential Zone District. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. There are exceptions or edraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 4. The strict inlerpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Th,fr *+b be "€pl*c€D 4,*tipee erli4. Thrtr +tc cre1.€eA6 be Rcpfeeeo 6crr'. fu. e.GsL Ap-boccrr- /trTf^. je. €tnr ,,ne,'lo. 'DZB +D €rsure €rrralprll op ete4let Tte 1-D f:bveryone\pec\nemos\yaros. 51 I of Greg Moffet seconded the motion as anended. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 54- l . Henry pratt abstained. 5. A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition to the existing residence located at 5l l9 Black Bear Lane[Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant Ron and Cbris YarosPlanner George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request with a change of 4 l/2'setback instead of the 4'as stated in tle Memorandum. Staffwas recommending denial. George pointed out that an unfavorable letter was received from a neighbor to the east of the lot in question. Mr. Yaros also presented George with a letter in support of the side setback variance. Ron Yaros, the applicanl stated he has spcnt a lot of time tying to enlarge his home using an old survey. The present survey was different from the one he used and shows all the lots were shifted in the suMivision. John Perkins, the project architect, explained that Ron wanted an additional bath with the new bedroom. It just made sense to expand the living room to the northwest. The breakfast nook was structurally necessary to support the new bathroom and fixnres. John Perkins said they could add onto the other side, however it would detract from the front entry of the house. Ron Yaros meutioned to add onto the other side of the house you would have to put plumbing in where no plumbing exists. Marty Sullivan, representing the adjacenl Wren House, said that the Wren House had no problem with it at all. John Perkins stated to move the addition to other side was a hardship, due to the location of the trees. JeffBowen asked how long the applicaut has lived there and why he didn't have a suwey of the lot. Ron Yaros said l0-l I years and that he had no survey. Greg Amsden said he doesn't ftink it is necessary to encroach into the setback. JeffBowen said that setbacks are important and the applicant is already into the setback. To further encroach is not something he can agree to, Greg Moffet mentioned that setbacks are there for a reason. Henry Pratt agrees with the othen and that it increases the pressue on Lot 9 and also adding GRFA in a setback constitutes a special priveledge. It's uniortunate, since it's an improv*,tt. ol Phnning J|d E ironmfital Cormbsirn Mru|a6 Au$st 14, ts95 Kevin Deighan said a more appealing plan doesn't constitute a hardship. John Pe*ins said because of the intedor taffic flow there is not another way to desigu this addition. Bob Armour said given the Town's rules, there is not a hardship. Under the guidelines and codes we can't come up with a hardship. There exists a non+onforming situation. Greg Amsden suggested tabling this iadefinitely. stetback. JeffBowen made a motion that it be tabled to the second meeting in September. Bob Armour said it would give the applicant time to withdraw since PEC does not look favorably on this application. JeffBowen amended his motion to table the request to the second meeting in October. Bob Armour seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 6. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Toum of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildiugs located at 1309 Vail Valley Driveion an unplatted tact, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtseu briefly gave an overview with the criteria. Stafffeels there are four key critsria that are quite significant. Staffwould like to see a better landscaping fansition around the snow dump. 29 spruce need to be relocated and an adequate transition betrveen the older and newer part of the berm. Staffwould like to see housing on the site. Staffii recommeoding approval, with the conditions in the memorandum. Bob Armour asked for questions on the following: Guest parking, landscaping, lighting and details. Bob Armour would like an identification sign for Phase I . Larry Grafel wanted the sign to be interior rather than on the Frontage Rd. Planning and Eruircnmental Commireftn Minut6 August 14, 1995 Henry Pratt suggested converting the garage and building a new garage. .9 . j '. )*utt. i \4 59 *1tI i"; )rf,,i/ !D'd *q }{ r il o,:l- vt$ I " r",'' .------*-\'/ I i i,\ !l't/ir.4-____fii#t+tt"----.i.r" i .l !lfI tlrt i ltt,'lllenzI l'"------',7| ,/,lii ----i'i ii .f!liili/1,t'ltsti ;l tltt ltll t;' I f | | , t I t I ld.Xil l/,t /' l,l M ,,i'lli ii\(((,b ,,i1 iii ,/ ii,r,.i\\s -,.,,'r''l jl ,'( r.,::.i,]*,:la 1,.:.. i,,i,i r ai, if,::.,. l-..'...,., t/t{$.fj*iWl;Y ;i,\d \ -l/ ',/ il/ ,) slilllrtt i"'/,/-'^- ,i ,'1t -96dh,"''{? -y):n-C ,4tl!llillrl'Yt 4i iliitilltNEii S't,Pr i i i' ,."' ./ ,"' I S"i/l ,,i;!,/ {r'f i.i--A ltr/rl o...-o n' ..-_:Lf /i/ii, l+ \\ :_- afo /"'- .; +n\ *'ri I I Lt\ # tr Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Yaros Driveway hoject Description: Reconfigure the proposed driveway Owner, Address and Phone: Ron Yaros ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: John Perkins, JMP Architects, P.O. Box 2007, Avon, Colorado 81620 Project Street Address: 5l 19 Blackbear Lane Legal Description: Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek subdivision Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plan dated 6122199 Town Planner: George Ruther Date:6/22/99 Board / StaffAction Action: approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $0 turigo Review l.?oo Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Yaros Residence Project Description: Revisions to previously approved plans Owner, Address and Phone: Ron Yaros Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: John Perkins, P.O. Box 2007,Avon Colorado 81620 Project Street Address: 5l 19 Black Bear Lane Legal Description: Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision Parcel Number: Comments: Projec#: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date:617199 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved DRB Fee Pre'Paid: vA565 or-0.#,r, l2-ll-3 z DESIGN APPROVAL : A. Scope:&ipcrssrhr$building construction or demolition,sign erectioq exterior alteration or enlargement of an oristing structurg paving, fencing e otherimproveur&ts of opon epace within the corperate limits ofthe Town unless design aplroval has been granted as prescriti,ed- inthis Chapter. The addition of plant materials to existing landscaping gardening and landscape maintenance shall be exempt from this provision. B. € fficHlrEcrs' Ir-{c'o c. c-r6 P.41.APR-@-1999 W.27 JMP ARCHTTECT OO]t? E. EEAVEI CTEEK AVON, CO tl PH:970-94e-9123 / FX: s, IN ELVD, 52|| tto-719-O620 FACSIXILE TIANSITTIAL SHEBT TO:BlENf VII-SON FROM: JOHN M PERKINS COMPAIIY: T.O.v. PIII{NBR DATE: APRIL 8, 1999 FAXNUIIBEK 179'A52 TOTALNO. OFPAGES IN(LUDING COVB& 2 PHONENT'MBER.SB}iIDERS REFENENCE NUMBEK R& YAIOS PROJECT - srrE Prl]\l Ioa t YOURRBFENENCE NUMEER: EurcsNT IrorutvrEv E pr.aAse ceuirgNr D pls/rsB tnpLY E pr,sesn nEcvcr.e NdIAi/corarElrr! Ptease find enclmed skstch ofrmedial sirc plan and rcvegetation plan fg, Lot 9, Gorc Clcr,k Subdivision Ptease call if you have uy $Estims. t' P.O. EOt 100? avoN, co t1010 t *lj.l'f- - Ii.p* L 1 oo-" 5." at ,"^ r',*q Dn 'r --{maa zo (\ jcrit,- ;r: wfrl =til2{ -- -t*-_ 3 fl -t DT .It sN (,| N.) 5F o o I EaF og 5 \t \a UI itfno -tzo E E E F F H bl!f!Fn E loF BtrtrK E HF' -1I a e? a r. 'ledo'c,;l!et R.8E+ 6'H Ea(rxEl 68.5 =tFat E'O. .a'o o' ttc 'ETd.ocr a€go4t 5 OQ 0t g i-t, B C|o r-l ETIt D'o'ct oD' o ET 3. !, s Boott.|o.ai| tt ETo F z rn t- o z-l^ E'o € tt t\ t(h ltL|ll I\J V I I I I I o -l (a-t -l N !-) z 'tt l. o z '-l(a ElgFEI v7ttz-l { F u)V) tttt o!l o!' It7 u,v, o '-i.s v)H .l i' rg z 4 z F V) ? o ! o z t v, (a z F Vtv, N o*l5 v)r.l i .N ru t- -i z t,rg F 'u Q F vt-lF i o{ '- r-i -t N s sFt, Rr't I rthc|sll\\ c-sFb \)t l\./ - -\x \\. tbbl\- I S IFEF F g.s{} tr }2s E $ELXk,tsE+g'EFa03F6 72e"a E g$EJ h tEE B il' EEEX F sEHF E FEf H IE EaH= H geflT E Ee[ E g wu cI tr e'*F E FEg E iEF*,: E *BFa tr rrs E r =zuru 6 3-Ej H ggg E F HFEF 'z € iss E EgF F I =FEF ggsE E Eg' E EH86E FFFE E9g P, €eE*B egn EBi F EEHE gg* Egi g HEHF gl$ Eg5 g HEgH Fs€ Eh3 A EEEE €gH EIE IESEE BiE EFF g 6EEEAE$Hlg€ HEF F$.f, eI P HFE 3E€ €'-Z=8 EET BeHb? f g ?F : ^.^'R F R 6, P EF$*5FF " '" f AiE EBFEETsu[Essr*$g[ €FE 6 Ff gHE g E E *gg€EEEaraEIgi sip b i +t3 E $ EF EEi g g €€* g H Ee gflf f, f Hnr F .Es FEi; iifl$ A gE E $€$F gggF E ig"FFa FEEi E tF $+E itrgf [ €7 *gg € flfl E 7$Fs $ Ef, F 3ieE i Br e E,Fas e' 3E g #e*B gt F $.eq "o eL=a oE = Pd.E. AE';' cg..B E3;. qaF p.9 3;;! E. Fi'E. Efib Es $ EF = EBa s=tli @X9f x: 'o qi H FE ; gdH 5A; a6'5 !6'I ft=-E5 BF FFE.65Bog H = !t fr!lo E. !t!,?cg c|o (D o EIo 3o It 5oo5{ P o \ a! It !t ahtr 4,, a: Fl r'D =ct E. tt o -t, 5 .D € o D' D) o5oo € oa a t5 jr cr(oIt{!|. o5 TO: FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: MEMORAIIDT]M Planning and Envircnmental Commission Cormunity Development Departsnent August 14,1995 A request for a side setback variance to allow for an addition to a residence located at 5l 19 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant Ron and Cbris Yaros Planner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIAI{CE REOUESTED The applicants are requesting a side setback \rariance to allow for the constnrction ofa residential. addition on the east side of their existing residence, locaJed at 5l l9 Black Bear Lane. According to the official Tovm of Vail ZofingMap, the applioants' prop€rty is zoned Two'Family Reside,ntial. Pursuant to Section 18.12.060 (Setbacls) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. the minimum side setback for a structure zmed Tw requesting an spproval to allow for a 10.5,' side sgtback varlance. The applicants are proposing a 4'X l7'garage addition, an 8'X 22'breakfast nook and dinin_g_ room addition on the fust floor, and a 12.5' X 25' bedroom and bathroom addition on the setond floor. Each ofthese areas axe proposed to be constnrcted in the east side setback. Additionally, and a l8s si. ft. living room addition offof the northwest comer of the existing stnrcture. The addition to the fi,ont of the garage, as well as the living room addition offof the northwest corner of the existing residence axe not proposed within any required setbacks. CSee attthed $te plan and flom plans). The single family residence located on this lot was constnrcted in 1978. The residence encroaches into tn already in the east side setback. Additionallv, 10 sq. ft. of the edsting garage encroaches into the east side setback as well. Upon review of the town file by stafr it is not clear as to how the existing stucture got built within the ls',east side setback It has been suggested by the applicant's representative, that a possible surveying errcr took place during the siting process of the residence prio to constnrctiol. This presumption has not been zubstantiated. N[or OrJ ?vtt. IF(-o,-torrtit= ,\-LoT- r[ hn-rz-och'p I : 4* 6 T#>ta> 1 r-€'J,'J lZ ocr. L3nP--- l"\narq 5.-rll;val - \JLaJ Aep 1 oY-- il. ZONING STATISTICS Ld Siu: I I ,01 4.4 eq. fi"/0253 acros 7ffig: I\to Fanily Roeidootial GRFA: Sotbrcla: Frut: Si!c6: Rsr: Parking: 3,178.5 eq. Erictinq honorsd n. 1,681rq. ff. 2,509sq.fi- 20 l5vl s' l5' The proposed residential and garage addition to the east side ofthe existing resid€nce would eircroach to within 4.5'of the east€rn prop€rty line. Jilh& t!!_tq9_thSla 98q;S.pgrti.on of t!9 resi@nce and l0 sq-. ft. ofthe e*istingg1{qgg_rs qltq4y in the gast side setbaclq it is staffs opinion that finther_enqoASb4q{ into th: east side setback wi! ha,yg a negetive impact og_tbqj4jgrnrn€&! _, -...1 rc, Lr --r. The adjoining, vacant lot to the east (Lot 9) averages approximately 85'in width and 100' in depth. A residence constucted on I.ot 9 in the future would be somewhat resticted as to the location of the stnrcture because of required setbacks and natural features on the lot. Any firther encroacbment of the residence on Lot 8 into the setback could thus negatively impact future development in the area. 1 Staffacknowledges the applicant's desire to constnrct an addition to their i existing residence on the side opposite the multi-family building to the west. However, it is staffs opinim that an addition could occur offof the uorth and west sides of the residence. Constructim offof the uorth and &' 3715.s', a' 3 epacos(rcqufuod) 3 epaooc 3 oprcos NI. CRITERIA AI{D FII\DINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Departrnent reconrmqrds dgn-14 of the rrquested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relatlonshlp ofthe requested varlence to other edctlng or potentirl us€s end structures in the vicinlty. a west sides of the existing residence would not be located within any required side or rear setback (see atiached site plan). Any possfule negative impacts associated with building adjacent to the neighboring multi-family building could be mitigated through additional landscaping and creative interim floorplan design. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literel interpretation and enforcement ofa speclfied reguletion is necesiery to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment rmong clt€s in the viclnity or to attain the objectives of thls dtle without grant of special privilege. Staffbelieves that the granting of this variance request would result in a grant of special privilege. The rearpqrlon of the site has sufficient development potential, as does the yestemprtigg_gf the_q4e. @ack aoes not create a precedence to allow firrther construction in the side setback. It is staffs opinion that the applicantb request for a side setback variance may be unnecessary. One altemative to eliminate additional developnent in the side setback would be to constuct the garage addition, as well as a portion ofthe breakfast nook and dining area additions on portions ofthe lot that af,e not within the side setback. The garage addition could be relocated to the westem side of the gamge, as opposed to the eastun side as proposed. The dining area and breakfast nook additions could be proposed on the north side of the structure, as opposed to the east side (see attached site plan). The efrect of the requested veriance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic fecllitieq pubHc fecilities end utilities, and public safety. Staffbelieves that there will be minimal impact, if any, m the criteria refereirced above by this variance request. The Planning and Environmental C,ommission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: l. That the ganting of the variance will not constitute a grant of qpecial privilege inoonsistent with the limitations on orther properties classified in the same distict. 2. that the granting of the variance will not be de,trimental to the public health, safety or welfare, ormaterially injwious to p'roperties or improvements in the vicinity. J. B. 3. lAat the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The stict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physioal hardship inconsist€nt with the objectives of this title. b. Thereareexceptionsorextraordinarycircumstsncesorconditions applicable to the sarne site ofthe variance that do not apply ge,nerally to other properties in the sarne zone. c. The strist interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owncrs of other properties in the sane distict. ry. STAI'F'RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommen4s denlel o-'f the ry_ggsted si{9 setback y4narce. Staffbelieves that the applicants' variance request fails to meet the oriteria and findings necessary to grantinga approval oJq vadmge requ€st. Specifically, stafrfeels that the applicants' variance request fails _-to qS€! findings Bl, B3 a, bani c. r ' '=A';' o"' 'v o- r' tL<A 5J','7 A '"i" ;/1)-z';' P : \everyone\pec\D@!\yaros\08 1 4 4 o) PARCEL H 6t75 UI{PLAT TED IEATHER OF VAIL , VAIL MEADOWS/ FtLtNG r€.2 rns Foao 00€s xolEX6l al rHE ttx€ € tgt o zJ ltF) !@r RECREATIOI{ AREA ICALE ' l'.2OO' -n eod d DI lf 482tt 5F .548 :*15036!F5 5o3l 0l r lF;.n*,r'. .D 4 ,t" fu{r6 U-zttWmqbttdsl55. VEU EESIbEI.IGT+/ "e/1s ,, .4#rTA WWaqdTffn uncdc)nlnn qlc :n htta:ft)ffi^A. ha$^|{DrofB Fnf'rf -\{ etr{rrn q}Ht ESh.ltWa}. I'-F \A@, gtlll|" o'({+l / -C i! t 4 nl!ttf.9V''t,r^ ,/gf,+ qralF4/ ]- tlb,lb {p -- . FEpla\c4 e6F+ibg tirnber urat\ ,rrlJdq sfcnrQ, url ' Irou * d{:,lsYAEo:\AL GSIbE}F.Eds,/"-/g> eb/ot/s I I I I=*ISFIM r- I q"5s I Tc-l?t I ifaffi rffi #ffi .,:.i*.?t'ia't$;#,. HLETOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 n|x 970-479-24s2 May 6, 1998 John Perkins JMP Architects, Inc. 0047 E. Beaver Creek Blvd, Ste. C-I6 P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Colorado 81620 fax:970-949-0629 Re: Yaros Addition/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision Dear John, I have completed a preliminary review of the proposed Yaros Residence addition' Upon completion of my review, I hive determined that there are several outstanding issues which need to be resolved prior to a final review by the Planning and Environmental Commission' I have tentatively scheduled a final review ofyour variance request with the Planning and Environmental iommission for Monday, May 18. In order to remain on the meeting agenda for May 18, I will need to have each of the issues addressed in this letter resolved by no later than noon, Monday, May I l. If you are unable to meet this deadline, I will have no choice but to table your application to a letter date. Please resolve the following issues. l. The total allowable site coverage shall be no greater than2, 196 square feet (20% ofthe lot area). As proposed, you are over on allowable site coverage by 7 square feet. Please amend the plans accordinglY. 2 Please indicate the proposed finish grading on Sheet Cl ' 7 Please submit a proposed landscape plan, pursuant to the Design Review Board- application requirements. When developing the landscapeplan,_ please keep in mind the pioposed removal ofthe existing aspen trees to accommodate the new garage location' 4. please see the list of comments from Terri Partch with our Public Works Department (attached). Should you have questions regarding Terri's comments' please contact her {g *"n"uor r", directly at479-2169.'' . r.r" Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter' as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily at 479'2145' Sincerely, rJ*Q,llr*t George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner a".ih, Dcvetopment ptan ;i$"r,n'14 '\u 'uuz r 'vz Routcd'l'o:Greg Ilall. Public Works Todd Oppcnlreinrcr, Public Works Mikc McGcc, FirE Relurn'l o:Gcorgc Ruthcr. Ctmmunity |)cvclopnent Dutc Routcd:419t98 Rclum By:4n5tgtl Projcct Namc:Yaros Rcmodel ond Addition I'rojcct Addrcss:5l l9 ltlnckbcarlanc Prrrject I.egal:I,ot 8, Blor"k 2, Gorc Creck Subdivision Project Dcscription:Itcrnodcl and addition ofexisting rcsidsncc Approved -x-Dcnicd (cite dctailed reasons) Jpprovcd with sonditions 5119/5121Black Bear Lane - April 1,1999 5119/5121Black Bear Lane - April I, 1999 5l2l Black Bear Lane - April l, 1999 5119/5121Black Bear Lane - April 1, 1999 5ll9/512l Black Bear Lane - April l, 1999 Qucstions? tn I'lirnning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsiglt rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific information, sce the submittial rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application caffrot be acccptcd until all thc requircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Cornnrission. Design Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. PARCEL #:2b (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Offrcc at 9?0-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) STGNATU NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw buildine. ,{ laaition - A. B, (-. D, E, F. G. H. E I\{inor Altcration - $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcntcnls. such as, rcroofing. painting, window additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at the timc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please idcntiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTown ofVait rvill adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL. COLORADO 81657. TO|/iNOFVAIL F THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PRO L RtLtNc' PHYSTCAL ADDRESS: o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development MEMORANDUM Date: 10123195 From: George Ruther, Town Planner Re: Withdrawal of a side setback variance request The applicant, Ronald Yaros, represented by John Perkins, has requested that his application for a side setback variance to allow for the construction of a residential addition be withdraw from review. The request was fust heard by the PEC on 8114195. At that meeting, the applicant requestd the item be tabled to the 10/23/95 PEC meeting. FileTo: $I. t-ot b,trlela/, fuE Cte, 5-6. {g un"uor*", Qucstionstl ,hc Planning Staff at 479-21 lS TOWN OF VAIL aBB 20 _lts tr Amcndmcnt to an Approved Devclopmcnt Plan tr Employce Housing Unit (Typc: -) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Altcration (VailVillage) ' i 1n Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Altcration (Lionshcad) tl Spccial Devclopmcnt District B Maior or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD B.DESCRTPTTONOFTHEREQUEST: A 6rrrlJ PATTON f 'Hr- f,yrsfrn6 4AFAqa 16 lN'Tt'lg €LTbA.r - THs OtrilLR Lltgillrs -[p Crr{utsTTFlrs 5fAc. D. ZONING: NAME oF OWNER(S): L)K. MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: F. G. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND DNVIRONMENTAL coMMtssroN APPROVAL Date ReCeiVgd GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. Fo( infornration, see thc submittal rcquirements for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application can not bc acceptcd until all rcquired information is submitted. Thc project nray also nccd to be rcviewed by thc Town Council and/or thc Design Revicw Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION:';- Additional CRFA (250) tl tscd and Brcakf;ut E Conditional Usc Pcrrnit n Major or E Minor Subdivision tr ltezoning tl Sigrr Variance .X v-iun.. tl Zoning Codc Amendrncnt C. f,N\? :H. NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: MAILING ADDRESS:?-U PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE, SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALLSUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSAND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO E1657. For Office Use Only: Feo Paid:_ Ck#:_ By: Annlication Date:PEC Mceting Datc:- Rcvird &96 April 17, 1998 George Ruther Planning Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear George: John M. Perkins, AIA 0047 E. Beover Creek Blvd. Chrisiie Lodge Resort, Suite C l6 PO. Box 2O0Z Avon, Colorodo Bl620 974.949.9322 lox 97A.949.0629 The precise nature ofthe variance requested and the specific regulation involved with the project Lot 8 Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision is a setback variance. The setback variance is for encroachment of approximately two feet into a side yard setback. A small portion ofthe existing garage is in the setback- the owner wishes to convert this space to a bedroom. &a T Sincerely, April 17, 1998 George Ruther Planning Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear George: John M. Pe*ins, AIA UU4./ t. LJeover Lreek LJlvd Christie Lodge Resorf, Suiie C l6 PO. Box 200/ Auon, Colorodo Bl620 970.949 9322 iox 970.949 .0629 We see this variance request as prfunarily a "housekeeping" issue. Lot I is a non- conforming pre-existing use as you are aware. The conversion ofthe existing garage to a guest bedroom requles that a narrow sliver (22.5 sq. ft. +/-)ofencroaching area curently located in the East side yard setback be granted a variance to validate and allow this use. The very small size sf Lot &and theobvious property line problems at thetime of construction (1978) necessitate this request. We feel that this design and resultant variance request constitute thebest possible solution to upgrading thispropeqty to compatibility with the surrounding structures in the Gore Creek Subdivision. Please do not hesitate to call Roger Landing or me in my office withquesti,ops or comments regarding this variance request. Sincerely, April 17, 1998 Re: Dr. Ronald Yaros's (5 l 19 Black Bear Lane) adjacent neighbors in Gore Creek Sub- division: Parcel'# 209918210008 AnnMills 3225 Stanford Dallas, TX75225 Parcel # 209918209001 Shirley &Davidlindernan Legal Naure: Wren {ouse 1095 W. Hinsdale CT Littleton, CO 80121 Parcel # 209918209016 John &Doris Vacek Legal Name. Wren House 5895 S. Gilpin CT Littleton; CO 80121 Parcel # 20991821002l Colleen & Harry Gray & Thomas Arms(rong 2672 KinnickKinnick VaiL, CO&1657 Parcel # 209918211006 John Canoll & Karrie Weightman Legal Name. Alpen-Glo Cgndo 5l l5 Black Bear Lane Vail, CO 81657 Parcel # 209918212023 Louis Carkitto 5106 Black Gore Drive Vail, CO 81657 Parcel # 20991821001I Emily Gottlieb E00 S. Columbine St. Denver, CO 80209-471I Parcel # 209918210010 Montgomery Mathais P.O Box 4. Vail, CO 81658 ..., l'ltiR-ru-I!9u Zr.zL ._ P.AL LAND rrr; cuARANTEE l""oiT ilanurry 23. L992 Our Order No.: v18169 BTYER/OnffER'r . , :,. RONALIT t{. ITROS and QrRI$lfNB E. YAROT SEI,LER: ADDRESS:I'T 8 BIJOCK 2 GC'RE CREEK SUBDIVISION CIPSER I Attn: IA{tnA UELIPN IiORTGAGE FA)( 796-7626 ,2os 4582 S. ULgtER ST. PKrrY. #205 DEt{\tER, CO 80237 1 AttN: BEI/ERId 303 770-3300 PIcl(ED T'P FOR DEIJVERY All Pl,l COVENAITTS AITACTIED T8S NO FOn TrrLE QUESTTONS CArrL KAREN HORTII 3O3 476-225L FOR CIPSTNG QUESTTONS CAI,L IAURA HOI|E r.ll !.. ^L' I -, JL' cJ. .j-.:--TALtA COllUrlltErr SCIIEDUI,B A Our Ordcr No- V18169 f .U1 For Infornatlon OnlyII'f 8 DIOCI( 2 @RE CREEK SI'BDIVTSIO - Chrrgee -llt! Lillet PolLcy 9?52.OoC& neport - 92o.oo : EndlBtG t IOO.OO 92O.OoEndr# t 335.6 92o.oollrdrgrt , 100.29' 972.50 ''*'rtt1o3'i*^r- - g33l:33 .*r.lftM loun REurrlrNcE Pr..EtgB R8r8B rO Otn OnDER lfo. V18169.r'rt 1. Effeotlve Date; tanuary 10, 1992 at 8:o0 A.!1. 2. Pouoy to be LsEued, and proposed Insurcd: rlr,lAr r.oan Potlcy S2o2,5oo.oo 198? Revislon (Alended 1990) Proposed Intured: r8[,IIrN tpntrcAcB COI.iPANY , lte succcs3orc and/or asslgns 3. llte estata or Lntarest ln the land degcrlbed or ref,erred to in tbls Conitrent and covcred herein lr: I Poe SilPfr {. I'lt}e to tlre ostat€ or lnterGst cov€t€d hereln is at the ettccttve :date'bereof vested in: ,!j RO!|TLD f,.. tlRoS and CERISIIIIE E' YlRos 5. lffre lnnd rcferred to ln thls comltncnt ls deacrlbed as followst rrtf 8, BTOCK 2. (XlnE CRDEK SUEDTVTSIOI ACeOrutIilG lro lrIE nEcoRiED P11T-,iUEREOF, COtNry oF EAGIIE, SIATE Of @IpRADO. =-.:\ PAGE 1 t.0+\,-ru-I99tJ 1-r. lz Ar,T^O"ottttrtttENr P.V3 SCAEDUI,B B-1 (R.gulre|!.nt3) our ordsr tfo. v13169 fl'br f,olloufuU er. the requlE.tr3.nt3 to be conpllcd rltb: 1. Payront to or tor the account of th3 grantor6 or lort'grgort ot tni tuff conrlderatl.on for thc estatr-or tntr*t to bo lnrurod. 2. prop.r tnst$r.nt(s) ar.rtlng tlr. Gstat. or lntlr.3t to h fnrirreC ro*, be aiilgma end-duly ftLd for rrcot{1 to*ltr l. RnErs! oP DIED OF .IRlt8A DITGD rrrob ol, 1?91r rRONr noruuD il' Irnog an'l cgnrsarrB E. trnis m rsr r'nELrC rnuscnil oF Eicr.l CouNrr FoR lHB usB or BlIC,rnO BrrU tta sEcuRB CUg srm-oF 9250,000.00 REOOnD@ April 08' 1991, rN loof, t51 tl DrcE 223- SIID DEEI} OI 1'tr|['3l! WTB TON:NTER SECT'RED IN ASSIGIWEM O? NENfS NBCORDED 4rr11 08, 1991, IN BooK 551 AT PAGE 22{' a. DEED oF tnugl F.Roli RoNAI'D tt. IARos and CIIRIStITE E. lAnos ro TtlE PUBTJIC I1RUEIBB Ot EICLB eOUllTI FoR TltE UEE oF nELIpN IIOFTGAOB CotlPAllI I itr iiccrciori angiof arsigns To SBcttRE THE sttlt ot 92o2'5oo.oo' IF :nIERE TS A CETI|GE IN OI'IIERSBIP OF lfiE PNOPERIT 1T' BE INSI'R8D HEREIII FR( '1'68 17SSXED OmGRl Slr rron$r rN ITEI{ | 0F SCIIEDIILE A lltR8ltf' ttlB lIERlls' pBovrslors rrili rbrofTloNs oF 'lrltE Totftf oF vArL TRllfsrEn 8Ax IAY BE IPPLICIEIS. G ![8l@'TlGI,lRf,tl|DRKpnDlRsolFIcEREQUIRESRg|n,Rl|rmrs3ii otr DocCIuE|ltS sEllr FoR RE@RDrlfol I PAGE ? tR-10-199S 23.22 P.U ALI!A CO||UTTUEIIT SCHEDT'IJE B-2 (Exceptlonc)our order No. v18169 ttre nolloy or polLclre to bc lseucd ulll oontain folladtnt-unlobs the sale nrr dl,slrosed of, to the axceptlone to theratlrfactlon of tbc co'rlEnyt l. strllahral Erccptlons 1 tlEough 5 printed on the cov3r abeet. 7. rnfr uriprtd tlxcr or assasalentr agqlngt sald land' 8. Llens f,or unpld uater and serer ctrargos, lf any' 9. RIGBT OP PNOPRIEIION OF A VEIN OR I'DE TO E|(IRA T AIID RE}IOVE IIIS ORE ,rtttnEr'Ril sEouLD lnE stltE as rdtilu llo PENTIRATE oR INfERsEgl TIIE PREIiISBS AS NESENY@ IN UNITBD STAI:ES PATENT.RE@NDED gEPtEDbET 13' L9O2' IN BOOT 48 AT PACE I91. ' " ,tE arrE r.rForr rtyanDtl.lfrN rrlD roR fN AS ITEI'I 9tTEE ExxtltorcB oF lllE uTNERAL E:XCBPIION ArID/OR RESERVAIION SHOI scr@urra D-z; ii1,& iol trrncrn oun asrr.rrr iio AtrAcrt cou)nADo ENDoRSEHENT NO. 1OO'2T T6 OUN UORTGAGEES POLICY T|IIEN ISSUED' rO. RTCITA OF n|Y FOR DITCHES OR CITIATS COIISTRUETED BY IIIE AT'r|IORITT OF TTIE ttf,IlED s8ilrEs Ag RESERVED IN rnrrteo s[ATEs PAtBNf REconDED geptenber 13, L9O2t lll EOOX 48 tT PAGE t[91. IEE EfIsEEl|cB oF ltlB EASEI|8NT sHog|N As I8E}t No. lo, 6ctIED-utE-B-2, IfILL' Not rrFEqt oun esrr,irt--ro errecll colpRArx) tNDoRSEilEilT NO. 103.1 TO OtR FoIICI llHBlf ISEITED' 11.RBglRIc|llITEctvBttANaswHIcBDoNo|tc!mAr}|AFqRTEIII'R8o!-33vERrERcIAUsB, EI;D oiltitllfg nEgt&tstlo1g, I; A!lI, amfo-of nAcE' COIORT nELIcIoN' oR xlgrolttL orucrtr, As coNTArlrED rN-ingrnrlnnn nrcoiofe f,oirenber 10, 1969, IN lootr e16 lf, PrcE 361- 12. |\ DryB FOOI I|IDE SInIP AIITNG ALL TIWTERIOR IItr DINBS IS-PFD--I-9fE[' A9 ttIII',ITr BISEIEnIS rOR UAB OT PUBUTC NTO_PTTVTTI UTII'ITiBS ND DNAINAGE WAIS AS GONTAII|E ON lUE RBCORDED PIAT OT GORE CNEEK AT'BDIVISIOII' 13. EISE{E|I8, nEAERVATIONS ANL RESlIRIqlIoNs AS StlOlfN oR nESERVED ON IltE -- - ruconom itlr or con'E cnEER srrBDrvrsror' 6. fa:Ga snil agseesrcnte not yrt duc or payabl.e a1d rpccl'al agargile,Dtr not y.t ccrtlfled tO tlre freasurcr's Offlce. PAGE F. UJ ALITA COH}ITTHENT SCHEDT'LE 8.2 (Exceptions)(hrr Order No. V18169 1{. UTILITI EASEI$NII 1' FEEtr IN NIDtrH AII'NG TTIE NORIET'BsIIERI/I TIT LINE OF ST'8\'BCT PROPENTT A8 SHOTIN ON TTIE RECONDED PIAT OT GORT CREEK SI'EDIVISION. E[DoNjgll EXT 335.6 NII,L BE ATTACIIED TO ALTA IPTII POLI T trHEil ISSUED. IIEf,S 1, 2 AllD 3 oF THE STAIIDARD EXCEFIIONS lfII& DB DEIErEI' FRO]I TlrB Krn$GlcitEs FoLrcI uPlotf REcErHfro! A SATTSFACDOBT rHPnortEilErrP rocraloNarrxvEr. . trotll: sAID 3URrIAI titugt SEP Ot T TllE EAsEttllt9 sEr FionilB If, SCHEDIII,B B-2 EEI8IX. PI.EASE PNOVIDE LAND TITLE GUIN[r|!!EB EOtiPI}ry WI:TB TCB NITB OP lr|lB SURVBIITTC COT,TPAITI ATID IfE WIIJL SEND COPIES OF r|lE NECESSART DOCT'|IEITS' FORI lOO IIil& BE ISSUED BASED UPON THE CO}IPAIIY'S RSYIE1f OF THE SI'RVEI AS SEf, BOnIS ABOVE. llclBr Ir mB f!{PROVEDiENI IpcATIoN SIIRVEY IS l|OT RECEIVED BI LAI|D TITLE Glu|ruilE8 CPI{PENV IN SUFFICIENT IIUE TO RE\IIEIT A}ID ENDORSB IIIE COIIITIITIIEIIT pmOR IO CIpSINC, AITDITIONAL ExcgPTIONS to lllru PoLIcI COt[rD EE ExcIitDED Fn(Dl Font.r 100 govERAGE' IPAGE TOTH. P.6 o o '' Tree Preservation Plan Yaros Residence 51 19 Black Bear Ln. Vail, CO Prepared by: A CutAbove Forcstry Rick Hefluehe, Forester 970-,45&9154 Remodeling is a difficult task and can become more complex when tree preservation is involved. Yet, mature trees offer invaluable benefits to the landscape that relatively small transplants cannot. Vvhen properly planned for, trees need not unduly complicate the renovation process. To insure a successful tree preservation plan, five areas must be addressed; the existing site conditions, potential construction impacts, mitigation tactics and techniques, prescriptions for tree health before, during and after construction, and monitoring tree health ard contractor compliance during construction. The Yaros project will consist of adding a garage and changing the existing entrance. The existing entranee will be enclosed and raised to a tr*o- story structure. A wall on the southritest side will be bumped out a fewfeet. The struclure will be sided with stucco, rock facing and cedar siding. Present Condition All trees on the property are identified on the site map. The trees that will be directly impacted during construc{ion have been assigned identification numbers. Specific data was gathered on the nine trees to be directly impacted by the addition. Tree diameter wias measured at 4.5' above the ground. Crown ratio represents the percent of trunk that supports green branches. Tree condition indicates the general health, foliage and stem condition. Most trees on the property are in good health. No insect or disease problems are present. Annual growth is good on all but tuo lodgepole pine trees located on the southr,€st side of the huse. The sole sprue tree on the property is surviving quite uell with part of the root system buried under the existing entrance. The tree specifications and evaluations are outlined in table 1-1 Construction lmpacts and Mitigation tleasures Alltrees on the site will be either directly or indirectly impaAed by the project. The indirect effects include changes in water from grade changes and chemicals leaching into the soil. Direct impact is those ac'tivities that invade the root-zone the crown, the trunk or require the tree to be removed. This construction project will directly impact ten trees on the site. The poject will require removing three aspen trees located inside the proposed building. Another seven trees are near the construction zone and will be impacted by materials storage, foot traffic and soil compaction. The first conosm is to bring the trees to optimal health before construdion starts. To insure the trees have adequate nutrients, deep root feed all trees to remain afier construdion with a root stimulating fertilizer. To minimize damage to the crown, prune any branches that will be in the way durirg construction. See table 1-2 for individual presoiptions. The second concem is to protect and treat the root zone. The tree protection zone will be delineated with fencing. To minimize long term damage to the root system, all roots over W in diameter encountered durirg excavation will be root pruned. See table 1-3 for the required tree protection zone size. The remodel will impacd the crown and the root system of tree #1. To minimize the impact to the crown, prune branches that will interfere with construction or are touching the existing structure. Dead branches will be pruned at the trunk while live branches can be pruned at a node along the branch if feasible and leaves the tree esthetically pleasing. The root-zone is already impacted by an above grade walkway held in place by a timber retaining wall. To minimize negative impac{s to the root-zone, use a standard concrete foundation no closer than 7'from the tree and cantilever the floor into the root-zone. This will keep all concrete activity inside of the existing retaining wall and significantly reduce the damage to the roots. Tree#4 could experience root-zone damage during foundation excavation to bump the southurest urall out. Using a cantilever rather than a stiandard foundation will minimize the impac,ts to the tree significantly. The27'spruce tree located on the vtest side of the building is of primary concern. Theroot-zone is restricted by existing retaining walls. Branches are touching the existing building and the new building will encroach into the crown as vrell. The pine trees (Tree # 2-5) that compose the tree group around the spruce will be exposed to some root zone damage. Trees #2 and #5 are over topped, with poor tops and very low crowt ratio. This condition will magnify the stress impac{s of construction and their competing for water and nutrients will negatively effect the sunounding high value trees. Aspen trees #1, lt2, and #3 will be removed for the structure. The remaining aspen kees located in the southupst comer of the property will remain in place and likely see little impac't from construction. Tree #6 is somewlrat removed from the building envelope. The tree protection zone will be impaded during excavation and by soil compaction from pedestrian traffic and equipment during construction. The structure does encroach upon the recommended tree proteciion zone but by only a fewfeet on one side. Fencing, feeding, mulch and root pruning should mitigate most negative impac{s. Trees #3 and#4 tree protection zone extends into the structure. Fence to the edge of excavation, feeding and mulching should mitigate most of the negative impacts. Trees #2 and #5 are in marginal condition. They will probably survive the construc{ion but they are competing for water and nutrients with trees #1, #3 and #4. Removing these trees will minimize competition and free water and nutrients for the other healthy trees. Specifications for Tree Preseruation Fertilizing 1. Deep roots feed all spruce and pine trees to be preserved. 2. Feed with a root stimulating fertilizer. 3. Feeding will be performed in a radial pattern with the feeder needle being inserted &1 Cf below the soil surface. Insertions will be made at 18" intervals on the edge of the drip line. Fencing '1. Fence all trees to be retained to completely enclose the tree protec;tion zone, as indicated in table 1-1, prior to demolition or grading. Plastic snow fencing attached to metal posts driven into the ground will be acceptable fencing. lf the fencing is continually damaged or torn down, it will be replaced with chain link fencing. Fences will remain until construction is completed. 3. Construction traffic and material storage must remain outside of the fenced areas at alltimes. Pruning 1. A. Prune dead branches from crovm. b. Prune branches to provide adequate clearan@ for scaffolding and construction crew. 2. An arborist or forester is to be present at all times during pruning. The tree service must provide proof of insurane for liability and uorkers compensation. 3. All pruning will be within the Tree pruning Guidelines (lntemational Society of Arlcorculture) and adhere to American National Standard for Tree Gare Operations (ANSIA300) 4. Any additionaltree pruning needed for clearance will be performed by an arborist, and not by construction personnel. Root Pruning 1. All encountered roots over 1/2 inches in diameter will be cut off with a sharp tool. 2. Root will be pruned with a sharp shovel, saw or by-pass pruning tool. General 1. Any activity within the tree protection zone must be approved and monitored by the Gonsulting Arborist. 2. Any herbicides placed under paving materials must be safe for use around trees and labeled for that use. 3. Any grading, construc-tion, demolition or other \l/ork that may encounter tree roots should be monitored by the Consulting Arborist. 4. Do not store or dump excess soil chemicals, debris equipment or other materials within the tree protection zone. 5. Install and maintain a 4"$" layer of mulch within the tree protec*ion zone. The mulch willhelp reduce soilompaction and moderate soiltemperature. Post-construction revegetation and landscaping: 1. Turf grass should not extend into the drip line of existing tree. 2. Trees should be mulched to maintain soil moisture. o Monitorlng tree health and compliance Trees cannot be preserved durirg constnrction. Succesgftll trce preservation programs start during the planning phase when critical design decisions are made. Hou€ver, ac{ivities during oonstrudbn and post- construction phases are critical to successfultree preservation. In otheruords, trees cannot be preserued during construlclion but they sure can be killed during construction. Monitoring tree health and compliance during construction helps ensure that the program and details specified in this Tree Preservation Plan are properly implemented. The monitoring phase of the plan is fourfold: 1) Maintain the integrity of the Tree Protection Zone,2l Assist with field changes, 3) Continu,ally evaluate tree health and injuries, and 4) Communicate with the superintendent, architect and the Vail Community Dwelopment department. Tree Data Sheet Table 1-1 Species Diameter inches Height Feet Crown Ratio o/o Crown Diameter Tree condition 1 Spruce 27 80 85 34'Very good health and structure. Trunk is 3' from retaining wall on three sides 2 Pine 10 50 10 28',Multi-topped and overtopped by sunounding trees, 1- sided crourr 3 Pine 14 67 40 16',Good health and structure. 4 Pine 15 67 40 22',Good health and structure 5 Pine 10 40 10 16'Multi-topped and overtopped by sunounding trees 6 Pine 19 51 75 28'Slowgrowth, dead leader 7 Aspen To be removed I Aspen To be removed 9 Aspen To be removed 10 Aspen Good health Prescriptlons Table 1-2 Tree # Prescription 1 Prune all branches both live and dead to a height of 25 trom the base. This height will clearthe neniv structure and will keep the branches out of the uay during construciion. lf residual branches are a problem during construction, the will be tied back, if tying back is not feasible, they will be pruned. Deep root feed and root prune. 2 Remove 3 Deep root feed and root prune prior to construc'tion. Fence tree protection zone and mulch with 6" tree chips. 4 Deep root feed and root prune pnor to construction. Fence tree protec'tion zone and mulch with 6' of tree chips. 5 Remove 6 Deep root feed prior to construction. Fence tree protection zone and mulch with 6' of chips. Provide plytrpod walkway to allow pedestrians through tree protedion zone. 7 Remove 8 RemoveIRemove 10 Fence prior to construction. Recommended tree protecdon zoneg Tree # Tree protec{ion zone (distance away from base of tree in all directions. 1 21', 2 8' 3 11' 4 12', 5 8' 6 1g' 7 NaINa 9 Na 10 Fence at edoe of oarden. Yarro Rgsidgnce A Gr*Above Forestry Inspection Summary P.O.7133 Breckenridge,CO 80424 453-9154 Inspection Date: Inspecton Also present: General comments: Ilevelopment Stago Pre-construction DemditorVstripping Rotgh grading Stl€et, utilities Building oonstrudion Finegrading/landsceplng Other Site Conditions Tree # Conditions/concems Treatrnents requlred Recornmendations and Follow<rp l. T0tt-mnffi"ffiu.ffiT t {tt3 6/^.K 6"o, ln l/o,/r,Cq 8/417 A7"f 7) /??f ,fu E_n of t/o, / T r- 5 f"nt1t 'P/ v Vo,l , CO R" : /oros sefl^' K Vartonc < G'nf/"n'tn t or. ln (ouo' o€ 7'onfrtf flu o/J/" tnt f/,. ")"-eny'. fr 'lu'-'r'fl" /o'o; E r",,J./ fi::;t)''''t', 'lo'"' /"^/J -f s-t'7 B l^.tr ,!u^' Lon' ' E"r7) tn< er Rry:Yq[ =a I 1r. Jobn f,- VsoGt, D.D.S., P.C. 7'SW..tljttl.r6 Bbd. litt|clon, Cohredo$f$ ,t*'* August 7, 1995 To Whom It lrtay Concern: The lfren House Condoninlum Assoclation, who adjacent to Dr. Ron Yaros property in Vail, ownS co., property has no objection to the addition side of hi.s property. Dr. Yaros plans on the north Mr, "Marty Sullivan will be at to represent the Association the meeting and at the meeting. is authorized John R. Vacek D.D.S. Presldent lilren llouse Condoninium Asaociatlon 1/16/1995 15:31 2L4-373-49t5 o PARK CITIES PT}STA- o rT s2 1l lrtr c. rll.tr! P.O. tor 1161t Dltl4t, lEtrl 71225 August 10, 1995 PlannLng [ _ Envlronnantal Corurieriotloun ef Vnil75 South FroltaEe Rd,Vrl.lr Co 0165? - Re: Ron t Chrh yaror Sct-baak Varl,ancr RoguaetI.ot I, Blk 2 ffi; sil* 311,"."" Dear ilanberrl l?^th. o*ler of Lot 9, Block Zr.Gore creck subd,tvirLon, known ar5121 Black k"t tl:l i ige"iid'tiil vgg_acny the abovr_rrfcrcncodrrquest ror rst-back variinc"-aJ-rt iilr nLialii"illrup.ct fururadevelopncnt on uy fot iaiigcitJnlr"to '"UE'l\ra; AIIN C. }IIIJJS L - cc. Grorge Rtrthar 'I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commisslon of the Town of Vail will tnld a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 14, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town oi Vail Municipal Building. ln considerdion o't A request for a Condilional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 VailValley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knutdsen A request for a site coverage variance to allow for additions to the existing residence located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West Filing *1. Applicant John and BobbiAnn HoutsmaPlanner: George Ruther A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition ot the existing residence located at 51 19 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. 1. 2. 4. Applicant Planner: Applicant: Planner: F$'rrcryong\p.c\noticrroEl..9s A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A paroel of hnd in Tracl B. Vail Village Firsl Filing, Twrn of Vail. Eagle County, Colorado, commencing al lhe Ndlh€asl oom€r ot said Tracl B; thenoe N 79'46'0o'W along the Northerly lin€ of Vail Village, First Filing, and aldrg lhe Norltt€ ly line of said Traa B 622.86 teet; lh€nce S 06'2652'W a dbtance ot 348.83 te€l lo lhe Sorrlhwsst oorn€r ol that parcel of tand descdbed in Book 191 al Pago 139 es recorded January '10, 1956 and filed in Reception No. 10€78 in the Eagl€ Cou y Records, said comer elso being the True Poinl ol Beginning;fhenco S 79'0108' E ad along lhe Southedy line of said parcel 200.m tEel lo rh€ South€ast comer thereot; $ence N en52m' E and along lhe NonhE ly line ol that parcel of land described in Book 222 al Page 513 as recorded in 19:n in th€ Eagb County Rocordg, a distarrce of 86.78 feel to lhe Northeasledy comer of said paroel of hnd; said csasr b€irE on $o W€sledy right-of-way line of Gors Creok Road. as platted in Vail Village, Filth Fillng; fience N 27-133f W a dstance ol 77.37 leet along said Weslerly {7ht-ol-uay line of Gore Creek Road: thenoe N &129'22' W a dstano. ol 12.80 te€l lo the Norlh.oslerly comer of thal parcel ol land described in Book 191, Pagn 139 as recorded January 10, 1968 end filed in Becepim No. 102E/8 in $e Eagle County Records:lhence Ndlttwesterly 26.51 fe€l along lhe arc of a 37.50 leel radiur cu . lo the left having e centrst engle ol 40'3()'00' wttce dprd been N 53'40!0' W a drctanc. ol 25.96 t93t to a Frint of tang€ncy; thencc N 73'55!0' W .nddq said l,ang€t! 1 66.44 leet; thenco N 85'1 021 ' W a distU|ce of 50.rO ted to the Nonhweslerly oornor ot lhe l{antaln Haus Parcel; thence S 0?1 81D' W and along the easlerly line of said Mountaln Haua Parcel a diganoc of 100.00 te€t lo lhe South€asr€rly co.ner lhereof; lhence S 45'13'53' E a di5tance ol 38.70 leet lo the True Pdm d Beginning, containing 30,486 squar€ l6€t, mor. o,less. Ron and Chris Yaros George Ruther JWT 1987 Vail Limited Parhership, (d/b/a Vail Athletic Club), by Stan Gope and Michael Barclay Mike Molllca in v 5. A request for a conditional use permlt to allow thE Medbd Center to park a mobile catheter la!/Eailer at the Meadow Drive loading area, located at - 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applibanu VailValley MedlcalCenter, iepresented by Dan Feeney Planner: Randy Stouder , 6. A request for a maior SDD amendment to allow for fia expansion of fie Glen Lyon Office' Building, located at 1000 S. Frontage RdJArea D, Cascade Village SDD #4. Applicant Gordon Pierce for Gten Lyon Partnershlp Planner: Randy Stouder 7. A request for a Conditional Use Permlt to allow for the remodel of the Golf Course Malntenance Facility, located atl2TSVailValley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailRecreation District, represented by Ernie Bender Planner: RussellForrest l.t Flovdrpno$eci\tro$ce8\081,195 li SAM J. & EVELYN M. BUTLER ROLA}ID J. KJESBO 345 FILMORE2O5 KEA}INENEDRELOW DENVER, CO 80206 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 81658 LYNNFIELD 5024 MAIN GORE DRIVE ROBERT & JOAN BERGER VAIL, CO 81657 5II3 BLACKBEAR LANE vArL, co 81657-5462 THOMAS W. TALBERT I5O3 E. EASTERCIRCLE ANTLERS CONDOMINII.JM LITTLETON,COSOIZ2 ASSOCIATION 680 W. LIONSHEAD PLACE JOHN R. & DORIS A VACEK VAIL, CO 81657 165I ORCHARDROAI) LITTLETON, CO 8OI2I ERIC T. SHULTZ 5056 MAIN GOREDRIVE TIMBER TRACK/GORE CREEK VAIL. CO 81657 CONDOMINTUMS 5006 MAIN GORE DRIVE KIMBERLY LANDMAID VAIL,CO8I657 CHARLESFOSTER 5 I 15 BLACK BEAR LANE MATHIAS MONTGOMERY UNIT#3 P.O. BOX4 VAIL.CO8I657-5444 VAIL, CO 81658 JUDITH E. SNOW EMLY P. GOTTLIEB C/O CANTRELL 8OO S. COLUMBINE ST. 2OO5 MEADOWBROODDRIVE *B'' DENVER, CO 80237 VAIL, CO 81567 LEW]S S.MAZAJCA MARIORIE L. MILAN 4505 S. YOSEMITE ST. I775LEE LANE SUITE 345 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 DEN'ER' co 80237 BRETT & KTMBERLEE LAw MARION & ELIZABETH BECKER 5II5 BLACKBEARLANE 630 SEVEN BRIDGES R. UNIT #6 LITTLE SILVER" NJ 07739 VAIL, CO 81657 A}IN C. MILLS SHIRLEY& DAVIDLINDEMAN 3225 STA}IFORD IO95 W. HINSDALE CT. DALLAS, TX75225 LITTLETON, CO 8OI2O JAMES A.NOWAK P.O. BOX 2694 vArL. co 81658 HALB. TIJDOR 459 S. GAYLORD DENVER, CO 80209 CARLYLB F. GRJFFIN 6358 S. EMPORIACIRCLE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80lll T. W. TALBERT & CO. I5O3 E. EASTERCIRCLE' LITTLETON, CO 80122 GARY C. & PAIGE L. KIME 3OI BURNSIDE ST. DAVID L. WASSI.'M 29t7 W.8lST. AVENUE H WESTMIMSTER CO 8OO3O ASTRJDH. GIFFORD 4770 BIGHORI.IRD. Ml VAIL, CO 81657 JILL V. BRUGIOM 2683 V. LONG PLACE LITTLETON, CO 8OI2O CABRI J. SIEBRING IVIYLENE A TALBERT-SIEBRING APT. #A203 5II7 BLACKBEARLANE AI'.INAPOLIS,MD 21403-2449 VAIL, CO 81657 KATHRYN BENYSH GEORGE & SHARON L. HUGIIES 42428. COLI]MBINEWAY 3777 S. ALBION VAIL, CO 81567 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 rl .IJD REpuBoQ *otro"* Trrr,E rNsnRANcE?*"*" AIJTA COMMITMENT - Charges - AlE,a Lender Policy Tax Report Rel/Deed of Trust Endrsmt # 100.00 EndrsmE, # 335.6 EndrsmE # 100.29 Endrsmt # 103.1--TOTAL-- SCHEDUI,E A Our Order # V18169 For fnformaEion OnIy LOT 8 BLOCK 2 GORE CREEK SUBDIVISIO $7s2 .00 $20.00 $r: . oo $20.00 $20.00 $72.s0 $s0 .00 $947 . s0 ****hIITIII YOI'R REMITTAIICE PTEASE REFER TO OI'R ORDER NO. V18169**** 1. Effect,ive DaEe: ilanuary 10, L992 aE 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy t,o be issued, and propoeed Insured: 'tALTA'r toan Po1icy LO-L7-92 $202,300.00 Proposed Insured: MELLON MORTGAGE COMPAwy , itss successors and/or assigns 3. The est,ate or interest in the land described or referred t,o inthis Commitment, and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estat,e or inEerest covered herein is aE Lhe effectsive date hereof vesEed in: RONAIJD M. YAROS ANd CHRISTINE E. YAROS 5. The land referred to in Ehis Conuniument is described as fol-Lowe: I.,OT 8, BI,OCK 2, GORE CREEK ST'BDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT TIIEREOF, COUMTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 AIJTA IO"MITMENT SCHEDULE B-]- (Requirement.s) Our Order # v18169 The following are tshe requirements t,o be complied with: 1. Payment Eo or for Ehe accounE of the grantors or mortgagors of Ehe full consideration for the esEaEe or inEerest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument (s) creat,ing tshe estate or int,eresE to be insured musL be execuued and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED MaTch 01, !99L, FROM RONALD M. YAROS ANd CHRISTINE E. YAROS TO THE PIIBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI-,E COITMTY FOR THE USE OF BEIJCARO BAI{K TO SECt'RE THE SUM OF $250,000.00 RECORDED April 08, L99L, IN BOOK 551 AT PAGE 223. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECT'RED IN ASSIGNMENT OF REITTS RECORDED ApriL 08, 1991, IN BOOK 551 AT PAGE 224. 4. DEED OF TRUST FROM RONAL,D M. YAROS and CHRISTINE E. YAROS TO THE PITBLIC TRUSTEE OT EAGT.E COI'lilITY FOR THE USE OF MEttON MORTGAGE COMPANY , iES succeclsors and/or assigns TO SECITRE TIIE Sull OF $202,300.00. IF THERE IS A CI|AI.IGE IN OT{NERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSURED HEREIN FROM THE VESTED OWNER SET FORTH IN ITEM 4 OF SCHEDUTE A HEREIN, THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND COIilDITIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAII., TRANSFER TAX MAY BE APPLfCABL,E. THE COUT{TY CI,ERK AIID RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETT'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCI]MENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGB 2 ALTA E'MITMENT SCHEDUI.,E B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # V18169 The policy or policies t,o be issued will contain excepEions to the folJ.owing unless the same are disposed of to tshe satisfaction of Ehe Company: 1. SEandard ExcepEions 1 Ehrough 5 printed on Che cover sheets. 6. Taxee and assesament,a noE, yeE, due or payable and special asseEsment,s noE yet certified t,o the Treasurer'e office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. L,iens for unpaid wat,er and sewer charges, if any. 9. 1-992 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMEMTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASI'RERS OFFICE. 10. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR iJODE TO EXTRACT AI.ID REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SA!!E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR IMTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENf RECORDED SepEedber 13, L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491.. **ENDORSEMENT 100.29** THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS WHICH THE INSI'RED SHATL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, INCLIJDING LAI{NS, SHRUBBERY OR TREES, RESULTING FROM THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHT TO USE THE ST'RFACE OF SAID LAND FOR THE EXTRACTTON OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINERAI,S EXCEPTED FROM THE DESCRIPTION OF SAID LAND OR SHOWN AS A RESERVATTON IN SCHEDULE B-I. 11. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAITAI.,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE TNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATEMI RECORDED September 13, L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. ***EIIDORSEMENT 103.1*** THE COMPAI{Y HEREBY INSITRES AGAINST L,OSS OR DAMAGE WHTCH THE INSI'RED SHALL SUSTAIN AS A RESUI,T OF AI\TY EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF USE OR MAINTENANCE OF THE EASEMENT REFERRED TO ABOVE OVER OR THROUGH SAID LAND. L2. RESTRICTM COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITTTRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BIIr OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAI. ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NovembeT 10, L969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 361. 13. A FIVE FOOT WIDE STRIP AI.ONG ALt INTERIOR IJOT LINES IS DEDICATED AS UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR USE OF PT'BI.,IC AIiID PRIVATE UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE WAYS AS CONTAINED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. PAGE 3 o AI,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDT'I,E B-2 (Exceptions) Our order # v18159 14. IITII,ITY EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHWESTERIJY IJOT I.'INE OF SI'B.TECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF GORE CREEK ST'BDIVISION. ***********ENDORSEMENT 335 . 5** * *** ***** THE INSTRANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMEMI IS ONLY EFFECTM IF THE LAIID IS USED OR IS TO BE USED PRIMARIIJY FOR RESIDENTIAIJ PURPOSES. THE COMPAI{Y INSURES THE INSI'RED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF I.ACK OF PRIORITY OF THE I,IEN OF THE INSI'RED MORTGAGE OVER: (A) AI{Y EIiIVIRONMENrAIJ PROTECTION IJIEN WHICH, AT DATE OF POLICY, IS RECORDED rN TIIOSE RECORDS ESTABTISHED I'NDER STATE STATUTES AT DATE OF POLICY FOR TIIE PITRPOSE OF IMPARTING CONSTRUCTM NOTICE oF MATTERS REL,ATING TO REAI-, PROPERTY TO PTRCHASERS FOR VAIJUE AND WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, OR FILED IN THE RECORDS OF TITE CLERK OF TIIE T'NITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THE LAND IS LOCATED, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH rN SCHEDITLE B; OR (B) AI{Y EWIRONMENTAI, PROTECTTON LIEN PROVIDED FOR BY AIiIY STATE STAflITE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POLICY, EXCEPT ENVIRONMENrAL' PROTECTION LIENS PROVIDED FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWING STATE STATUTES: NONE THIS ENDORSEMENf IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SIIBJECT TO ALIJ OF THE TERMS AIID PROVISIONS THEREOF AI{D OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENf EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AI{D PROVISIONS OF TIIE POLICY AIID AI{Y PRIOR EIIDORSEMEMTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POI-,ICY AT{D ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENIS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE 1IIE FACE Al,lOtNT THEREOF. 15. DEED OF TRUST DATED February 13, L992, FROM RONAL,D M. YAROS and CHRISTfNE E. YAROS TO TIIE PITBIJIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'I{TY FOR THE USE OF MELLON MORTGAGE COMpAtIy A COT,ORADO CORPORATION TO SECI'RE THE SI,M OF $202,300.00 RECORDED February 21, L992, IN BOOK 573 AT PAGE 312. NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF STAIIDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DEL,ETED. FORM 100'00 IS HEREBY ATTACHED AllD BECOMES A PART OF THE POL,ICY. IN WIIIIESS WHEREOF, THE COMPAI{Y IIAS CAUSED THrS ENDORSEMENT TO BE SIGNED AND SEAI,ED AS OF THE EFFESTIVE DATE OF THIS pOLICy, TO BE VAL,ID WHEN cOInqrERsrGNBD BY AI.l AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR AGENT OF TTIE COMPAI{Y, AI,I, IN ACCOR.DA}ICE WITH ITS BY- ITAWS. PAGE 4 LAND TITT cuARANTEE QoTPAN'Y DISCLOST'RE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bil-l 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special Eaxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each t,axing jurisdicEion may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountsyTreasurer's auEhorized agent. C) The informat,ion regarding special dist,rict.s and the boundariesof such disErict,e may be obtained from the Board of County Conunissioners, E,he Countsy Clerk and Recorder, or Che Countsy Asseggor. Required by SenaEe Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agenE. -|-'-.Jlrtt-l fiF tJSl I L l lI>LEI Idl lH-rU:' L.l=l I 1 ;: i 1:,' I r:14 i:*':eil t. + 1i7:41 F,::,:i:Uitt. 4 t:!,: i+ lf ;1 F {F:li. I r{::*Err:rAEFt,.. r.ritrF:i ttt.lt:r f..ii,:.-ii_rij i. i.,.:ir.JF t-ed .! I tenr p.=id r.:r 1,:ir:i i:l l::1 ;:! 1 f, f, il.;1.j1 il i-.ir.,:rrr,l,= i+r.i.i_irire,j :i -I-HF]-il{ vctr-l :il ' !,rF l:hrc,unt. FJid ;._rt:r ! tr! l ti, Llel D-l. l-?.qa 00,17 E. Be<rver Crcek Blvd. Christie Lodge Resort, Suite C-16 PO. &>x 20O7 Avon, Colorcrdo 81620 ,)/o 949.93?7 kv 9 /O.9A9 .06?9 lAurE!\ wAsEr{chl rPu+uuer. tDu)u 6F uNtLVAIL, CI--uUADO 6l€6? kz uAph[Kt- &auE5r $EE, yFub senBbck L"tr 6 B[dx.z-@d7yH< srJBbrulstoNqn BLbc.lc EEAK (eu-e*1ushte, vAtLCrLopArDo t 8lt(#i) fuFeIAJEVT Ft^EltgiE Feoen- $tls tgrtee, 6.t BEtld\tF-w Foc4 Aillb c+w-sth4E:_ yAEob, cl,rt ts€gOtr fHe, A6o\E -g.6gg5i1-t A$ A Peoil,re*r Fce \ArltAilrce A|.,,8)€r}sp6*^n* otr tH.e w_E?_MF$rrEE* ftdE t/Fl4ANct pEor,gttrEiEl. I= UAxetANcE @ ts W, gnAefil€ H?^A?*tgiiL ,-uq€R^E^,,tfi_ tH fHE- stns!^9" . ssreFclc (ts,-o*). <*q?Ei=sfr{ FHE_ Butt p tf,rc' g+rczoacrtes NIUE era*{T tNilo {iulctseen--5-uNuto@ el.,t s1g Ett\'$T o 61. lZ,qs YhE{Jbwntlzra"t UAErah{ce EE arrE:t|- tFetvrr*ee, wxr, & tt\r pESloEf.KE , at+ls#' srr ru i. Y6qa,s l*€'_Shh a SreE.OF IHEl.rgre, tlAt Rsc$lt€c$rm. Ilcsf- E tsEE{,ne,CErcNCE SETBACK Ff tttr=.POtHr +HTU'OT,LD {DA Aesulu €FE BrtEHI;,lYErctIe fi$s ee*lpLsr ptcncrrsA utrErA*{E F€E Ari *-GGdffi;"A${tr, rcRst=b!,. t}.tto q$E qo.*hcr fs ps;brceense. oF ,rrt^,o €Ef gs. lqgtles. NE. EELANS€RIP OF{O c!rut€ E61sn$c2-hl FG\-ot tS: tltls @ vhPfNl4ce 4ru2 Fb(E+4{rhr- rtrES }S 'llE. tal.tsttuc? DEuEr,-#trAEil{r oh{ g511{ib qsrE uFB!(wea+ Ht$se) Eil{F"trct€Soh'|I|) tetf g P.f +uJO Forpf tiftg ffi. Lcrr q (D fi€ Bnsf ts vFecAA{r LburerpprcsEh',IrlhL FE*t% frF. Gh[nffiEl!. REl"8sqs u..'ouu"f sl|EinNei*i tgffitrupil+EE (o $tlE pfisa, o _oJ. l1.tf: wNrEfiltH eh'?Db r,/Dt4hr16efEorErSl- a tfttt br$NtmNr;( EE^e-re td 6(e*.rsfll{2c# ls ${-Y I tcbl sr) t+hs F shnNr-ee. b.U.to lHaa f*Fh{;. nno:sr' S.IT^JC$tJEES lH ttte APEA. $^Jo eF CHe ArlhREil,tf St\tS r|fF- It\UlSl-prFMlLY, lvE.f Sl\,Kj-e ffin\\)l FltO fuetiar u{rsS HGE IJqiEG[€. tl\E trEAtGi{ scr.ptroN Re*e++Jao lS A EEI*r eF 1tut, ConBlHF|fi${ eF qttt ppclioE\ 6EL€[U. F{tFt- eF -tttl$ ReO,\E6il- tlJg\rLp pEN4q lr\\t qo u\{tFoEh^{fEfshGlrfL Nu$lc>SKE=b ll-t {t\1E \rPl NNa,l .ppcroEs tcLuftch.t $rtFf AE|e wg4),64ffifie'tsts Et3icl.lA'b Fou€ulS : fro{IGEh{l\i bAJEd.otauEhITl*, cuR,Eh{r + Lef 1 !86 As SF(SOAEout= @j t etikt IFtlt\eupprt+t ?4,w\reFrut**) AUP ffitltt CeHqEE lk.* ta*FnHaa ttraes : + F St[Stqb # loo lo en r#nle cl-f,srzuce TEEI=S lb srruNtet> l[,1 -$+e,ceraqr=s # ttta uT (e*rf,^d$fi'Eur)Afirl ,l? lH f=Ebin tnIE, u,Esf Ll|.tt I ctl 11.q5 tanrEaowl \Aos sPQs;ft,E=ou=Ar I t thmnttlary s$s\ trErs wrseEoU lott a z,ou Avlp A,fEtsAileP t€1.{ qo $rlEr,rp W FEf.A(1€, utsFtr M,tvtlen urFt't/ dF $le g2Pcstl?z: * Ern*il.'€ tccstlcr.{ t tla utcrlrra_ AilCt$tEc(u€A.L aKeFlr\l.{ td,#a fie FUSe l}r, qC,cwfiW, s fl{e ucf AMb tvls$l tdf,,,e. MlsuoC.*?D tltre ggbqb gF '1ilEES. NtsrrreB qtle \.E$S, $ffi, Btrlrpt$lcD wAgBuuf llto (1te €Fst Vmo €ErEFck FS nEggloqk a "h)touu.'y.fr burr.pNb coMtres€Brtor{ : + tll€ ryuFAoE Arirr eh{Ly pLurtnBuc? €tFcE CatSnrtltloeF ffiLlPs(ntEs Ahrb r^rF$r{Ee Iitirl?x; - Fa'^EEa ?€cr\^ RrrEl mdc*nurcAu Edhr\ls t.ocnffFn s{ tttt EFlr UE cr3fite Ex.n n1g6 E*{fle{J{ lU tHrte.ara!€ct sE'(EFclc +tt\E Acegs, G'PAE& to Botrt 8acttsDb"{ BgipPDi^S PUHS Ar.ott6q'11g'g\st faaarme*ee. rtFtt_. a1.t'?4s WNtEfrOtl firraS vRprlr'tE tilb vN?rhltcE l.tFs t\p Efficr ch{ iJGrtr Auo AlEdr'atrih*tox s ftn/Lerrou, i e"irsqSrtri',tfAFF{c, flEA Al4t) 'RrBLn" EAFE{tl 1t\ls lzeorcgs wour-p ilff Et ;4;g;1g17-'bY \A{-rS cDrnta R.Rnl, {D CrcEE 1s ber.r=r,e, {ilAS ?n$f,lAlvK,E,slro\rLD ?E % w,qtr reE*gcxs€nn*eo heoue Ar*D x 55e-1gn y{^,frp IfEr- ETFFF r,r.Orrr..ro Fbe€. Aut>r-*,- qnr, S.irber {o {r\ri rarxry$dhh{lC ilDo I tAuEIrh4. R..Eb5g b r..{oq- ffi ti" cAt-(' t<Eca€b*{b $$s ffi ffi,"mtu: o Jr't+H."''''ttt. ^k64S, ftn$r€kw)HS a. Eoeii, Apclr tt=qs, g.{C. G@PY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Communiry Development July 31, 1995 John Perkins Perkins-Bober Architects, lnc. P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: The Yaros' side yard setback variance request. Dear John: The purpose of this letter is to summarize our meeting on Wednesday, July 26, 1995, and to restate $e Planning Staff's position with regard to the proposed Yaros' side yard setback variance request. As discussed on Wednesday, July 26, 1995, upon preliminary review of lhe variance request, the Planning Staff does not foresee the ability to write a Statf Memorandum supporting the setback variance request as proposed. lt is the Staff's opinion that a hardship warranling a varlance does nol exist on the property, and that, in fact, other development options may be available. Several possible development options were discussed conceptually during our meeting on July 26th. In order to keep the Yaros'side yard setback variance request on the agenda for the August 14, 1995 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting, additional items must be submitted to the Town of Vail Office of Community Development. Please be advised that each of the items listed below must be received by the Town of Vail Community Development Deparment by no later than sp.m., Friday, August 4, 1995. lf the items are not received by the aforementioned deadline, lwill assume you no longer wish to meet with the PEC on August 14th, and therefore, table the variance request indefinitely. For your reference, the additional items which need to be submitted are: 1. Please submit a revised site plan illustrating the proposed addition, existing and proposed contours, and the loeation of the existing vegetation line. 2. Please submit dimensioned floor plans, so accurate GRFA calculations can be completed. 3. Please provide buiding ridge heights, both existing and proposed, so a determination of existing and proposed building height can be made. 4. Please submit a revised written description of the variance request a@urately depicting the changes proposed to the structure. {S r""nt"oruo v 'a 'l:.- ..r-) ..u.5. Please proMde a set of dimensioned preliminary building elevations which accurately illustale the proposed changes to the structure. Again, each of the ltems listed above must be recelved by the Town of Vall office of Community Development by no tater than Sp.m., Frlday, August 4, 1995. lf the ltems are not received by ttis deadline, the item willbe trabled on he August 14th PEC agenda. Should you have any questlons or concems with regard to the information addressed In his letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be readted most easily during regular offlce hours at479-2138. Sincerely,"t1'+?,8'*'( George Ruther Town Planner GMr 0047 E. Beover Creek Blvd. Christie Lodge Resort, Suite C 16 PO Box 20OZ Avon, Colorodo 81620 970 949.9322 fox 970.949.0629 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DArE: wlo+las ro: ?ffie z,urNFje, FIAMIIEFtrFft -eJtr C-orrnwruurtr-ceiailiprv\Eb./ff- VC:'UM eF rAlLt UA{L1@;&reoATTN:@ nn, 1fiBcg vAPtAt.tCE @kf IEleX- Z Cffi W. S.EDUISICI*.{ We are enclosing the following items for the above referenced project: n ffi.s REMARKS: + + + bJrtFo BtE, Ya-AFlkt: u\EO /blry\E\Eleh@)H-evnnoN{S E+IBStFrca Fl$E fi.nr,g A$tilO FrEuffil(J.4s wl tffi eN,letr^/rstre#r upepsicN.l/(y hbl 45URtte+{ betoC,rwoN,t otr UNe\Al{Cri SIGNED: Perkins - Bober Architects. Inc. John M. Perkins Partner 0042 E. Beover Creek Blvd. Christie Lodge Resort, Suite C 16 PO. Box 2007 i;3";f;3:#u'u'oob /oe It.$ toxe7oe4eo62e W*. ArrH,eZtrrJh{ flAHHt{, 1etr)u eF uN[LvAlL, cci-oRtrbo Brasi W: FDhl & cHnatS Ynns= stEEVAilebtEfBhc.k t4\PlAhrcE _. pc(gLfgffr Eetcq- \or.r w ruoaoneo crtnr.,r,:s.s : GWI#1 s$E c*e,N,etss Ffi-r-ous: Ltuit-lc' potvl : truruo esm kopcEfto AffiE AS GtrE.NfuT tlpEfF\fs B@Pocrn: uruF,lkA gFfi+ : O'JT TO -IIAE SW 6\rT {io tt{E NW6(f to tHE Nq)q,t (otHe, Nts. er.rf (b tllE-filE e^$ (D trlilE{*. e,n.tr to tlle tE,. 6ts +' gt 4) l4' d I reou=s\t- wz Semrze. Feerebp EF q.Hr€fl*- l*ppo\Ern*,ffttrbuuo qofg, q*tlSr-t1g L\Utl-,lb PeOq ', Z3Z S.ts bt+4tt{G uts'h^ : 3\ 6 S.r LtEaH,kS Egofnnn Z& s.F tlPsop,B bh(rA 40 S.fi ta[F\- at)bKlStngc-.etrr 8au EF. ALL ctr (rHe- eareaRja, LprtrA$es Bhflts'lb BEbEtsw\, Ab{b r"oW 0F (tts' ptqtl{{"[orn., Frru,-. [[Jm {:SE t*E \EfBhcE. tllE. CKI++ 1s t,ttS- A,N{ ISB..E , $*lb b b<ruaEe At x. k^lE{d \ro Dk dmur. YDU {o c)o m m 'otoC- tTlo-l 0 {m @c cit J:t lri .9r E J) mrlo fTt CN'c) :o {ozo'{ =lTl -o :5o IJo G1 - m Ea =' f'rrJOPftj> (c =P4 :0o o €'o o. ct rIJc. 91oqt'o a L? vo (i €oo. ct ol,o oo3 Jo:f !t .a Hd C, JoU U oT U mzT m m- JJ =]sc o.. oooFt ta ,o ct" o Fl {o€J iJ o =m,;fftl il g ,i\$t tTt, 4.3 t,e\ it '&t'i t-Nt 83+5<OJ=.;EB=xr('t? rr ;. o gt =.ct oq o o':t ; c]orD lJ '3 o 'oc6 r) €o L1 t.'Jo.rIJ Itoet!5tc o = g ov e v ?t e 4 olJ o o -0 'Cf () -rr) \F, \a agr- !.r\3\ o { lal oi] c IJ Co I rfil>l rJl dl ao ftt S 5/^.K F.o, /^a l/o,/,,'Co' 7/(s-z A,7"f 1 /?7f T*n "f l/o, / 7 f 5 f"nt7' 'P/ V Vo,l , CO R" : /orou sefl" K V"+nanc e '*'o;t or. /n (ouo' ?€ T'o'fr:r !" ^/Jfro' rnt fA" t)"'|-'=ny', E /t'-'r '' fl" /o'o'' E r"roJ"/ fl:;=;t)"'''t', '/o"' /"^/J -t a7'7 B h./r ,tu^, Lon' ' To[|-m.[fr,m E"r7 PBAud, PERKTNS-BoBER lfrl I ARCHITECTS dX7 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. POST OFFTCE 80X 2m7 AVON. COLOflADO 81620 3@.949.9322 FAX 303.919.0629 PROJECT MEMORANDUM I ot-sheetsT q5-14 Yazas Besnere tsILE Project Number: Project Name: ORIGINAL TO:Subject: By: How: HJ-ovJFeiLE2 e,Elt\ (2\> = Q,13Z,Co stF, aEptf 4 +cl|E(-W@.EL s L.aoz.co PBA PERKINS. BOBER ARCHITECTS (xX7 E. BEAVER CREEK SLVD. FOST OFFTCE BOX 2007 AVON, COLOFADO 81 620 3m.949.q)22 FAX 3G1.949.0629 PROJECT MEMORANDUM Zot Subject: By: How: Projecr Numbe c q1-l}q Proiecl Name: oRlclNALro: *1Lt' COPIES TO: Time Pac=e, t q' I I I I I I I _L :ffi on- ./c€ b*(4/Yh ;1at";.t*f c.fc-.I. b*r?t*q Ei:tV., v?l>r </ L/-L.ttik:r' bbf-,N2cvfi*s w.rrfr* vib l'lc? ciQ | *t (t, tev ra&l "€63FF o !1,a 'r-Iq.n,,, _/. rl r' ll. r F r.i.'it, * 14,-t E i i',:'i.'p lD.a La i4.1% 8.q ,*4tt- V'* lt'f lf-l{:' &.Ft'. /? __?_L' '4'nl'att 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development June 16, 1995 John Perkins Perkins - Bober Architects P.O. Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision Dear John: I have reviewed your calculations for existing GFRA and determined that they are correct. The total allowable GRFA is 3,203 square feet and the existing GRFA today is 1,681 square feet. lwillput a copy of the calculations in the file for future reference. lf I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, UMxwNodu{b,t^ Lauren Waterton Town Planner {p *'o-ruo INSPftTION ,REGII'EST oerc\-J:jj-19-JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: E AppRovED ,a(DrsReenoveo ,pQerruseecloN REeutRED .Ai \ CORRECTfONS:U 4/)//\tJ,,tt.i htt:-ti 'r-'- /--a-"tttt- D/"'tu Te*r,,z,ueo ,r1 ,U/f,= f lt*"r+ -]- Dt*.+z- )y'tf ;,, s l:eciz I tz rxzi. 7).yi,,.- TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FOOTINGS / ST tr FOUNDATION / #^or,*o E4oucH / wATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr DO FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT Cl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL l'] a/8, v t- (t,4- ,/+ !2) L S t sll c t DATE INSPECTOR l? I 8,-*.-.,.-. jtf rNS*TroN REeuEsr TOWN ZV ek-,-<6 ,'. OF VAIL DATE}/14 hr INSPECTION: JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER rtroru '/iuis)WED THUR-f/ ,t ,/FHI |',. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o uruorncnotil'to tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION EI SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ilf,bucn tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSP}TION REQUE'ST DATE JOB NAME CALLER T MON TUES WEDREADY FOR rNlfEGTrON: TOWN OF $gB-F' LOCATION:a .E- tg BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERo E FRAMING INSULATION ETGAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 't'!a rii .; V lt , ..!' )t',1 0lti. DATE INSPECTOR i . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED INSPftTION REQUEST TOWN-OF VAIL a I p,sfte&- ,\t A: /-rl\.9, PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE l-V 7a rNsPEcroR rNsr=.tC*FIEBUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEI D- AM PM CALLER *77. -- .f 7e7 I orsen fl pnnrrll LocArroN TUE READ+.FOR INSPECTION '/ \. WED I THUR FRr-or rr/ fr aee RovED n orsnpPRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n nerNSPEcr '4,-/...../ ) t-' {-J |,/\' j .-.a&/* INSPECTOR tli. P.l.h.t, v.'l DATE y' ,,') t' ,/ / 7'{ U rNspecrGru FrEeuEsr JOB NAME EO- AM PM CALLER TO OF VAIL FRI 7/' / (All PM 7 W E orxen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED r''THUR..: I ut t t(.f TUE 8.Aep Rov E D Etlporu rne I orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr u.-)CORRECTIONS l.. t INSPECTOR ts- DArE ZZ> --5--.2 (' Proiect Name: Project Application i Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Official rNSPEcr,Oru FrEeLrEsr TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHrn L-J PARTIAL LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FBI COMMENTS: AM PM iEffi*Sv'h'i ftO[l{lt| I 11 '; 1;1;; Frr{t{: ' ; - I nppRovEo I DrsAppRovEo I RErNspEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR .u4N 30lt t touxDriloil I X G | 1{ I t t I X0 DENVER, COLONADO 80223 303/7atl-7105 chen and associates, inc. CONSULTI 1.IG ENGINEERS 96 S. ZUNI 1e2a EAST FTRST STREET . CASPEn, WYollllilc !2601 . 307l2l -2126 September 2, 1978 Subject: Inspect lon of Foundat lon Excavat lon, Proposed Res ldence, Lot 8, Gore Creek Subdlvlslon, Vall , Colorado. Job No. 16,636 Morgan Construct ion Company P. 0. Box 2210 Valf, Colorado 81657 Gent I emcn : I As rcquestcd, we Inspected the excavation at the subJect slte on August 29, 1978. \.le prevlously conducted a soll and foundatlon lnvestlga- tlon for thls site reported to you under our Job No. 16,636 dated July 7, I o7q It ls our understand ing that tha entire building area had been overexcavated by approxlmately 2* to 3 feet down to the silty, gravel ly sands and backftlled with clean gravel and cobbles up to 4 to 6 Inches ln diameter. At the time of this lnspectlon, the entlre bullding area appeared stable and firm. A small amount of seepage water was noted outside and bclow thc buildlng near the northeast corner. Based on our on-slte inspectlon, we bel ieve the resldence can be founded on spread foot ings on the gravel base uslng prevlously establ lshcd bearlng pressures. Furthar reconmendat lonr outl Ined In our orlglnal report should be adhered to In completing the bul ldlng and site grsdlng. lf wa can bc of further servlce, please call Slncerely, CHEN AND ASSoCIATES, lNC. HFlmcd Rev. By: R.C d osse {.. g,- ..1 rNsieect0ru REduEsT E penrral LOCATIONL-F-BL2--- Ga,t€i'u'fl ornen MON COMMENTS: G WED 30 J- READY FOR INSPECTION /{ eL G,Ax_ L'.--Yl= n nerNSPEcr b ,: - .7i- THUR flappRovED CORRECTIONV'/_ florsnppRovED t) / \*2,,/ /\f n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: v1 n .-,) I / t,l/ ,"| \ A :-l-t'.2- e+'z INSPECTOR DATE L.-r CONSTRUCTION PE trtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT E-eutLonrc lof elecrRrclr- ffuecHnnrclt- E'pLurt,|atNcn rouruoeroN oNLY! LEGAL DESC. tor b aLx--Z-- ,*,reQee. G,eee <---- JoB NAME: bM7a,n^( NGS, OWNER Uue J, vr |rD.rrer'r ta- urr-on'ss3.v ZZcl Z "rrrvn,,"rjZV,o,n ARCHITECT *ftU"r. (jl,n-, Vn.,r,,arI t -./ I MAIL ADDRESSffii GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAII ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IdAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. RMIT ,o',rdjfu PRoJEcr No./3/- ry?8 PERMIT NO.N9 069 l.rYPEoFcoNsrRucroN tnnr rv@ 2.occuPANcYGRouP oeE " '6JrtDlvlsloN r z zaQ) GPqRAL DESCRTPTION OF WORK : \,r xr/^. t -B -F A xr*-- zotr J BUILDING r7z, Z9g ELECTRICAL zrys s PLUMBING 4zoo MECHANICAL / noD TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V P-3 /asq aqzq<*BUILDING PERM IT znq.7,D ?v M-3zO a@ PLAN CHECK tsq,bo ELECTRICAL 32, oo PLUMBING 3.7 .SO MECHANICAL ry,goNEW ALTERATIONO ADDITIONAL REPAIR() DWELLING UNITS ACCOMMOOATION UNITS e.ana.,t,?8,7-(@lii*oou, 3 COMMERCIAT SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING -HETGHT rN FT. ---7- BATHTuB/sHowER z- No FTREPLAcES ' r.ro. Torlers 3 covERED pARKrNc / ur'rcovERED pARKTNG - RECREATION FEE 23q,8 / DESIGN REVIEW BOARD t-,oo CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT ,/DO, OO TOTAL PERMIT FEES 3A-q. b/ , orNG oFFrcrAL / -INSULATION ING ADMrNrsrRAroR o-nre- - ! FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE . THICKNESS R-VALUE ING NOTES:T:-ll P-n 2-3o HEAT ASOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY rirtr:s llu rowN oRDtNANcEs AND srATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONS?RUCTION. .r^"'J,:-^'r".;,:ff ,:r:'.'3$;i^:^'^::#!lilA ,,.t,.,.- t.-1 (. a; ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE . ,,(/ON- SPECIAL NOTES: t o It N $ N N s St l"n N \ N o Nf \! ?H$ s$H sq6N X.X !r) s. $\ tl d Nc \lQblt C$ : Vt Noll| us q 6 s*1, tv -Icrl6f h, 1 ':i ll tt l,fl rl ,l N: N:H\5; ls $ )';R [d {)q Q)t\P }NR \ (^) rhi 0 NI ll i '..1 tl ,I )l r 1. j lr'I 'llt i.4" + d"+ .' t ll l . ! J ....['t N-s h rs1't 'N \0 1 t I I jl l .l I tIr.i "1 I i i i.., I l : 'l I i I lnwn box 100 Yail, colorbdo 81657 (3031 476-5613 The following are required to complete Department for review: I nno;ncr * ft&F O , OIINER'S NAME rcT_-A._,BLocK Z PHoNE # A7/ ??q4 department of community development additional information or corrections the Plan Check which is now in the Building 7.1 SINGLE I'AMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CIIECKLIST Be Paved Avalanche Corunents: 3. reE-4zry. Legar Descripti on, Lor B Bn<Z 4e, Ces.* 934v;,ta.l orner , {,* /tto Architect: ha.,lo , -tlc. d,t> veaMi4SaZone Dlstrict: f< Proposed Use: 5?rJCcrE aLot Area //AE_ Minus Hazard Area: b - , Eeuals Buildable Area: / l/ Ol V Eeight: Actual 37 pnar;t- Setbacks: Required - Front z}t , Sides 10' + q ,Rear2O' + 1 Actual - Front 5Z , Sides 2-e ,Rear 3/ Distance Between Bulldings : Bequire d 2e Actual e *!- G.B.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area 'i q * zfr = 7?-f3,ds"1us tf78-7{ Si.te Coverage: Altowed - Lot trea llotl x 2O % = 2Zn2.8 Landscaping: Required - Lot trea /lOt( x b0 W =6 ao tr, { Parklng:Required ActuaI ?-n Dri.ve: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environment a1 / Hazard : t7,Slope Actual Flood Plain Slope Di-stance From Creek Trees Removed , a.*n, C-.{ , fto') . ttlZoning Approval:\ "13 h7'7tr ''.t*'Yffi[ r^*.&dfSFf],SEflfiJqiFfislr8tts"r')?t*F '1'-=vry;ET''!TF!-tre't?E o Prdect Application ,1.;r r*il 7ll t,t Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Project Name: )zr6 Architect Address and Phone: U) c'1,.{. L"tu f/-'lrlf t r-) Legal Description: Lot d , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Sn " atL-'^ seconded ", 4-re-24 APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: /it d. Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved; Design Review Board .; - ; i- I j '/ I /)lr Date 2 DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Sum mary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial CONSTRUCTION PERMIT rrtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT PLU M BING FOUNDATION ONLY DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO. !Ttr tmn Tnn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING JOB NAME: OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIR M MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL AODRESS MECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS c trY PH. 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPAN CY G ROUP A DIVISION 1 GENFRAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; z ElJ BUILDING PLI.J M BING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERM IT PLUMBING NEWO ALTERATION () ADDITIONALO REPAIR() RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS G.R.F-A. - ACCOMMODATION UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKlNG DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES ILDING OFFICIAL NING ADMINISTRATOR NING NOTES: INSULATION THICKNESS R.VALUE VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST.TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: 5;%A\ Ct- t I HERUBY ACKNUWLEDCE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABoVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH AI,L TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION rNstnoN REeuEsr OF VAILWN,{r? DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED AM BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL EI"IEPROVED CORRECTIONS: .J., tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE ,.\-.\__...__.-\r 5- at-zq JOB NAME rruspilTroN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: D APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL ECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR \ I INSP*TION REQUEST tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED THUR,? tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL-3- aQ z? INSPECTION: 1, BUILDING:PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION q SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL D FINAL 'a li".''. f],1 n i: ti '^t DATE INSPECTOR r-. oorc z -27 * 7/ JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON L--dT K'READY FOR LOCATION: INSPCTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED AM * PM 2_ APPROVED D DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr tr tr n tr n FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. N ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS:,M t:; ;L S^r n\.- ii-F^,6 i.ti i)/\d./f ras< 6)2,, r,^ 3- -;.'.- -7t'" INSPECTOR INSPCTION REQUEST ^ ,4 TOWN OF VA|L JoB NAME ,lY lc'{Z 6 n NDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL D FINAL EL o o tr o EGTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED /O/?' CORRECTI oF 774 i."t:€' f REINSPECTION REQUIRED rfatr @j+L| /y'Uret Haa<e up <' '"et,t:e t1,4r,re r; -r, g,.- s-'r,-er, St €^1o,2-t b'/ 0lttf 3 rc*. .""-. " N*g ai./lc ce' ( ta,d/& O€rt t+sr B t. f Odd/L hRt*t aUS c. O /+tu Ptz<+ ttasT r'a A rtllFSEP:T:+7/ PtA cft E.N,I';' -(7no* DATE lnsplTroN REeuEsr ,*.s/L/l+JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: U FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI FOUNDATION / STEE- D UNDERGBOUND D ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr ____________-__. FINAL tr FINAL \APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED (.\ )- - ,/ .,''nseecroa/z'l ? r,-,-- - - on.--DATE 3-ef-7F INSP.TION REQUEST CALLER .{,-':-\TUES, )WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: 4- t7 LOCATIO JOB NAME 5tt ,r MON '341r7 't/t tr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr EI FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL; tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR - ./i\.s' il'\ u4..4P)- n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: XDISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lNSPEcroR *',4tilr " =' ."- F,/ c-- DATE ,V * /,V- )? / ---- e @(9 @ ._, '&A-utt< &irf €D.*@5. _ - CHerc gHA ,looud ltuG>t)etr ofzr"*L-. :F b'e /ttu& &*uz, ?a e*aG Cre* Drsr/tt €*o fuut/,&*,w 4cOe tu/Ns?z\/ htg .*t*26 stl ,1/AUn/ Rot.rc Q,aaz*.r 4o 6asaz- B,erce @a:urFl6r Da-ur.t rx/C- A{rA,eH I AssoclAles 2s { BBo$truAy -B-r.o etZ , Ca €o=o z b:ottoelAuD l&r-u De:/. Co. SPS'Wtu/4A%",4C fus6z- @ 'ltwt l,rr*.r.f 7 ?r.d lopc+ 6go Qu,,tce, c,lR SoncDera, Co SoZaz DATE {t. /r' ./,. --( ;' l,i -! '-t JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: {-\.\-,( CALLER TUES WED .-'"\-}..- ,l *l[. INsPJTION REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL .f,,r L ( rt { i@'-l ert,rFRI$tJ fr T BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB ETINAL tr FINAL I ! ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: e-asfpFhoveo N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR