HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT 1 LEGALEL ---O -.oq --F tD -.tD { f)dFIEvH -fal ol! FIaJ Ho {z oEl tsli o() z tD 5(D {ts(D atF {D (D F iD et2c(D a(D x (D o o F oq(D 3€.d =-68o "'o{X"dh'Ee5.93,7.J*P9 &3-t=gEaoFo)(Dts!O. F)3BgFqn8SE(D =|.cDts4-E9.EHEve dE{F =EE=*3a'95 trg (D 93bE -aJ5Px ti'tstr1ul o'FB D=.i-\|^ ^-=E5 Dc 3o\UIa !YH h ,6-EOgE'62rr;iIrc6AF.3 I *E'€H'' R.FR -t(D a trF-I:{: ?., rrFe:.riOo-5 =eA*n ET UAF(D3!ga,"E+F 6B Zr 65.'oa +tb.) a)rW?:4o50 AtnLrF. 9RdH- .lv= t)rr..-g =do\ \0{o |D OQ {D Fa (D t9Ft rV{. li$Hl* t>lcl !loEF o |rl (D(} 6I o) q h) ?- F z I F F t F.l 7r i.\x ax Qucstions? Cal Plarrning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION I-OR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL builtling pcrmit is issucrl and construction is started' A. DESCRIPI'IONOIT'fHERTiQUES'I': R. C. D. u. t.ocATloN oF PRoPosAL: Lor:- lllocK:-_- Flt'lNc:' PIIYSICnLADDRESS: f'll:l\ Ltoue ktvce ( tO/ PARCEI, /I: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAII-INC ADDRI owNEn(s) sl GNA'rLiRlt(s NAME OF APPI-ICAN'T: MAILING ADDRESS: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssots Ollicc at 970-32tt-tt640 for parccl //) (;. H.TYPI] OF REVIEW AND FEI]: D New Construction - $200 D Arldition - $50 Ef lvlinor Altcration - S20 Constmctiott of a ncw building. Includcs:ury addition whcrc sqttarc lbotagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comnrcrcial building. Includcs tnirror changcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnts, sttch tts. rcroofing, paintirrg, window additions' landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctr:. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tirnc of subnrittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcmrit, plca.se idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTownof Vail will adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, AT,L SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGB ROAD' vAIL, coLoRADO 81657. TOI.//N OF VAIL GENERA,I. INFORMATION r r,i., .,ppti.ation is for any p-.icct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcqtriring dcsign rcvicw nru'st rcocivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to s;bnritting for a buiklingpcrnrit. F'or spccifir: infonttation' scc thc submittal rcquircrnen ts"firr tlrc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application carrnot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infbrnration is subrlittcd. -l'hc pioicct nray also nccd ro bc rcvicwcd hy thc Torvn Cotrncil and/or thc Pl:urnirrg and Environnrcntal Cornmission. Dcsign Revicw Boarrl approval expires onc year aftcr final approval unlcss a (rrc' pHoNt:: 11 3 "- t{,1-<zOC pHoNE: ,1.1t , - Eos Y BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: .----- CQIQ.R:' C '|tp vetLY (tlat:OeltU =- Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Tritn Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lightingr* Othcr ) /r//+ a/A lu& * Plea.se specifi the manufacturer's color, number and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must mect the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If extcrior lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate G nu^b", offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. ]dentify each fixturc type and providc it " t,.ight above grade, lumcns output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixtures. 6*t. (uru, Updatcd 6/97 o PRoPoSEDLANDSCAPING I Botanical Namc Common Namc Ouantitv Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Mininrum rcquircmcnts lbr landscapirrg: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous hccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons TYIP Squarc Footaec GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fencqs. swimming pools, etc.) Plcaso spcciry. Indicate top and bottom elcvations of rctaining walls. i4aximunr hcight of watls within the ftont sctback is 3 fcct. Maxinum height of walls elscwhcre on the propcrty is 6 fcet. 3 Updated 6/97 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT hn dopartment of community doyelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Sl eurlor'rc E[ pluMarNc Sl etecrRrclt- EF rounolrton ffi MECHANICAL N. -" 1773 LINNSRIDGE LOO NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE rN 0N MAY 20' I99I ':-1PLANS rN sror_t{C_ PERMIT NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I laws, and to build this structure according to the subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and othe own gpplicable ttt?reto. DAUPHINAIS-UOSELEY INC. PO BoX 1515 vArL, co 81658 004902 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OF AND THE OWNER, LEGAL DESC. Lor I BLK__HI p11116 LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION JOBNAME: gAECKERLE RESID. NEli OWNER NAME DR. JOE WAECKERLE crrv(816) 444-7747pn. ARCHITECT FIRM PATRICK DAUPHINAIS MATLA'DRESS Po Box 1515 ctrY vArL PH 6-8055 GENERAL CONTRACTOR DAUPIIINAIS-MOSELEY INC FIRM TowN oF vArL REG. No. 105-8 476-805s *Ll'-'^xl; F|RM AVALANCBE ELECTRIC rowNoEfualLREG No. l8q:E nr 47I-O202 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM IIOIJNTAIN IIIGH PLTJI{BING TowN oF vArL BEG. No. r37 -P rELE 949-4500 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM AIRTIGHT IIEAIING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO IO5T r.lr 945-8222 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO TELE. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DIVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : NEI'I CONSTRUCTION 0F SINGLE FAMILY z tr J TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VATUATION PERMIT FEES *3,650 204 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT ALTERATION ADOITIONAL O REPAIR DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT JN FT ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO, F!REPLACES INSULATION: ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: RECREATION FEE TOTAL PERMIT FEES 3,151 DAN STANEK JTINE 7, 1991 ING & BUILDING NOTES: CLEAN UP TO: TOR FOR HIMSELF ?f{' l fu1 ) coNsTRUcTloN PERMIT eers tF0'0 MAY 2 01991 PERMfT *o. r'faA,, 91 dcpttment of community dcvolopncnt TO BE FILL€O OUT OOMPLETELY PAIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT WPEOFPERM]T L1tr D BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL E pt-uliletxc fJ rouxoarton z. occuPAncY GRouP re e x t(Dm cENERAL OESCRIPIIOU.OF WORK i OA 0 .oo rtuxel,ort Ao, ao(v) AtTERArtOrir ( ) AOOn |oNAL ( t REPAIR ( u'vELUr.rG uNtrs --l- A@OMMOOAnO t nS-_ H€IGHT lf.l Ft. - NO.FIREPLACES IYPE THICXNESS R.VALLUE ARCHITECT ltt*u PAr{ tt rc trr uf irrurr r J urn enoness BoF / f/ f cnv lJAtu n.llL'Eo( b-1t11-F^G7-' 6JJ7ru_I oAfE -rovn or vet neo. ro. I 8 ( - F -.tf0 I hergby scknowl€dgo that I have read ihis epplicatlon, tilled out in lull tho lnformetion t€qultsd, compleied an accurate plot plan, and stste that all the Informatlon provlded as required is corect. I agreb to comply with the Inlormation and plot plan, lo comply with all Town-ordananc$ end slate laws. and to build thas structure accordang to tho review approved. Uniform Buil<ling Gode and FOR Hll,lSELF row oFvAfL Ree.trr.. /n ( -M 9 - gzzL TOWN OF VAII REG. NO. TELE 'r'own or val-r Community Development ?5 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 8165?(303) 479-2t38 PIan review the 1988 Uniform Project Number: 53091 Address z I'773 LIONS RIDGE LOOP Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N based onBuilding Code Nane: WAECKERLE RESIDENCE Date: May 30, L991 Contraclor: DAUPHINAISArchitect: Engineer: BOYLE Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK Portions of the material contained in this progran are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Buildinq Officials + SHEET IDENTIFICATfON CORRECTION REQUIRED **** **** A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) Cross connection control devices shalI be instaLl-edto protect pollution of potabfe water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. In buil-dings of unusuaffy tight construction (all new construction within the Town of Vai]), combustion air shall be obtai-ned from the outside. Such combustion air openings sha1l be as per UMC Ch. 6. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided t.he installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shall be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Furnaces noL Listed for closet or alcoveinstallation shal1 be installed in a room or space having a volume at least L2 times Lhe volume of thefurnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) **** **** **** **** ***tt o Page 2 6 **** 't*** Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventIocation and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. ? **** **** Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flowrestriction devices. Also, the maximum water closetflush usage is linited to a maximum of 3.5 9a11onsper flush. 8 **** **** The door between the garage and the dwelling is reguired to be a I 3/8 inch thick solid core selfclosing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 9 **** **** The enclosed usabfe space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistiveconstruction. -- 3306. (m) Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 4't9-2138 Plan analysisthe 19BB Uni-form Project Number: 53091 Address: ]-773 LIONS RIDGE LOOP Occupancy: R3rML Type of Const: V-N based onBuilding Code Name : WAECKERLE RESIDENCE Date: May 30, 1991 CONITACTOT : DAUPHINAISArchitect:Engineer: BOYLE Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenents in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide t.o sel-ected sections of t.he code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with pernission of Internatlonal Conference of Buildinq official-s AREA MIN. LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESSNAMEFL 2 Bedroom #32 Bedroom #42 Bath room2 Master bedroom2 Master bath2 Hal1s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Bedroom #l-1 Bath room #1l- Bedroom #21 Bath room #21 Laundry room1 Kitchen1 Dining room1 Li-ving room1 HaIIs, cLosets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOORB GarageB Mechanical room B UnfinishedB Hal1s, closels, elc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUTLDTNG TOTAL I6J DJ- 280 87 41'7 LL96 138 43 1_88 43 67 L72 r-37 501 233 LJZZ 481 104 66s L40 1390 2718 16.80 18.30 0.00 28.00 0.00 0.00 13.80 0.00 18.80 0.00 0.00 r7 .20 13.70 50. r-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.40 3.05 14.00 4.35 0.00 6.90 2.t5 9.40 2.r5 8.50 6.8s 25.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes YeS No Yes No NO YeS NO YeS No No No No NO No No No No No YeS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meeL the following. -- Sec.1204.1) The minimum clear height Ls 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minirnum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill- height j.s 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A rnechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1,2Q4 . ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not l-ess than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, haIls, bathrooms and toj-let compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis slopj-ng, then the minimum height is required in onJ-y I/2 of the area. --Sec - 12Q7. (a) Every dwelling unit sha11 have at least one room which has not. less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitabfe roons except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) HabitabLe rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: 1) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety gLazing material-. -- Sec. 5405. (d) 2) Note windows and doors i-n a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REOUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or walJ- at a point central-l-y located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building's power source. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. A smoke deLector is requj-red in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A srnoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. 1210. (a) 4 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, material-s approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-cl-osing 1 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Tab]e 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 Page 3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling mus! be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The rnaximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above Lhe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minj-mum height =36 inches, maximum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. ).1II. exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive constructj-on. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to afl atlic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimurn size is 22 i-nches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a) 2\ Provide venti-lation in all attic areas, The net free vent area ls to be not less than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at Least 50% of the reguired ventj-lating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of therif .i r. Tho rrnnsa. ventilatOrs must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PRO.]ECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHTN THE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CE]LING HEIGHT OF 5', BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENT]LATED AS PER UBC 2516 (C) 6 WITH MINIMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 2516(C)2 AND MAXTMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. Page 4 For M1 occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ATTOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AIiID OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. AITY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER E SANITATION DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH TIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITI{ ONE HOUR FIRE RESTSTTVE CONSTRUCTTON. UBC 503 (B) . t -t I TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TEqI: 75 .oulh fronlagc ro.d[ll. colo].do 81657 (303) 479-2r,38 or 479-2139 and acknowledged by: otllcc of conmunlly dcvclopmcnt AI,L CONTRAqTORS CI'RRENILYL REGISTERED WITIT TIIE TOWN OF VAIIJ TO!{N OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI'NITY DEVEIpPMENT }IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE rn sunmary, -ordinance No. 6 states that lt Ls unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dunpsters, portable toileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on ali Town ofVail streets and-roads Ls approxinately S ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strillly enforcld by the Town of vailPublic works Departnent. persons found vi6tatlnq this ordin"r."wi'll be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said material .fn the event the person eo notified does not comply with thenotice wlthin the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartnent will remove said nateriar at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of thiE ordinance sfrift not bEapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utillties in the r-ight-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofvall Building Departnent to obtain I copy. rLanic you eor y-urcooperation on this rnatter. t+ tplts Project (i.e. contractor, owner) -r_ -i .. Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone ) \ Owner, Address and Phone: /'lt^l Architect, Address and Phone: llq t Uau ' I : ,, q , ) Legal Description: Lot II Block ,on" ,tsft Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval 1991 and comlt to adhertng to tber. LegaI Description: tot f , Brock -r subdivlsio "-6U", O< c 3 \lrlra.nbGa\rurvoy. pol, $,wttfirutr uf (Drrupunru @uurtr (Df liluil iluiliing Erpurtnrnt '/'HIS CIERTIFTCATE IS.SLiED PIIRSUANT TO 'rI-lE REQL/IREMEN't-S OF THE UNTFORM BUII_DrNG CODE CERTIFYING THAT A'T 'fT]F. TIMF. OF ISSL/ANCd 7'HIS STRUCTI/RE WAS IN COMPLIANCF. UIITH'THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF 'I'HE TOWN REG{II,ATING BUII-D]NG CONSTRT]CTION. AND OR T/.S[. TO THE BEST'OF OI]R KNOW'I-EDGE. Namc _---I^IAECKERLE RESIDENCE Usc Classification RESIDENTIAL (i rou p R-3 M-l Ruildirrg l'trrnit N.. 4902 'fypc (.onstrrrcrion v-N Owner of lluilding DOCTOR JOE WAECKERLE Building Address JULY 1773 LIONSRIDGE LOOP LOT 1 LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION 22, 1992 1hc building offici,rl nrav, in rtriting, suspcnrl or rerokc a (lrrrj iic,rtc of Orcupaney issued under the prolirions of rhis codc rvhcn- evcr rhc cctrific:ttc is issucd in (rr()rt irr ()n rht basis of incr,r'rcct infornration rupplitcl, or s hcn it is dcrcrnrrncd rhar thc buiLJing or ltru((rrrc {)r portion rhcrcof is in violatirrn of anl ortlinlncc <x rcgtrlarion of rhc lirsn o[ Vail or anv of rhc provisions ot this crxlc.Dan Stanek I)nrc Building, Of ficial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Dmc DAUPHINAIS . MoSELEY CoNsrRUcrIoN INc. adl-d8,.9fu vAI- COLORADO nm! Au6 0 et99i CL/AnGO P. TaOGELEY .OOE EELT UNE ROAo' 4'I'lE2j,2o LLA| TX 752aat(2lat tacdtL PATECXG. DAUFHI AS P.O. XrX | 3t 5 vxL co tt 618 €oo) 9a$a7r c Town of Vail Coonunj.ty Developnent Departnent 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, C0. 81657 08-08-91 RE: Dirt Storage On LoL 24, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision Filing # 1 1) The dirt stockpiled on Lot 24, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision, Filing # 1, uas excavated from the Waeckerle Residence at L773 Lionsridge Loop, Building Pernit # 4902. Thls naterial wiLL be used to backfill the WaeckerLe foundation within three reeks of this date. 2) Dauphinai.s-Moseley Construction, Inc. has rnade application for a building pernit on Lot 24, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision, Filing # 1, and has submitted a topographic survey l{.ith that application. The topography of Lot 24, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision, Filing # I, rri1l not be altered. Patrick G. Dauphinais President Dauphinais-Moseley Construction, Inc. 75 soulh lrontage roEd Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479'2139 October 16, 1997 Mr. Pat Dauphanais P.O. Box 1515 Vail, Colorado 81558 offlce of community development Re Lot t Lionsridge Filing No. 2, Waeckerle Residence Dear Pat: I thought it would be good tc verify that we have the same underctanding regarding the retaining wall for the Waeckerle project. The attached photo copies show in plan and section how you are planning to rebuild the wall. Section B of your dnwing shows a six foot high wall situated above a three foot high wall. I want to emphasize that the six foot height is allowed only outside the front yard setback. Please double check the location of the front yard setback in relationship to the wall before you do the reconstruction. As I reca4 we agreed that the work would be completed by October 31,7997. If you think it would be helpful, I would like to meet with you onsite as you start the alterations to the wall. I appreciate the various design alternative which you zuggested to resolve the issue. I know the Community Development staff appreciates this kind of problem solving attitude. Please call me if you would like to talk about any other changes to the site plan or if you have any more questions about the driveway and retaining walls. f. I It,'I 'l t,t V i a t" I t I I ! I I !iJ r.' li'i tir'Ir1. ti ..-,z f\,i-- I ..... .I-r'A. i i\ I i il ,il : It lt:ltl p/ .iftLl l(.t ; -li i ln " I I-*\t) t-' irr ,,1I\7 : I I 'l I t1 !lt,., Itt' i I I I i I i I I I i i i Itl,t-- '1 i I I I I IiI -. I I I ! i ,-l,i I I I j I ) i I lr iAvr : i I irli,-i*j-i j:l- Itl--l W - i-..1 iti I it/i IIi!-il r;, j ' ,th' )', (tN;i:t ),1" ( ;,iII'iI Cr')j 'l'iii :*ir'ry' *irj+rr;l j f"4r:N;il:i# iI$bQL BASIS OF ELEVATION Mlt c-2 RtM =8t43.OO' lNV, lN '8131.60 a.o HN a CAP l(rYP)5913. : trouNt) LS. o ROCK WALL Iss *$ r* TIMSER WALL \I\\f.p ,: a-c) Ito t..- s ,.q(4 .o. CHIMNEY ouFRHAtra )(r,o'- ,*I C|AO, AOI ,tsg,6J toP ortftt \. 'wrfi,IFtrEn?':rtr Frr "-'rsqlr[e^,t7'<t,lfooProject Application Date Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and J;< Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Fz- , Zone - { fi4o./, (s o,/1 /r r/ *1 Design Review Board n, .ft i ftr* "/rt/ n aorfuq zrt/^-b; Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL ,6",,Approval H.JG 6 ',91 6:f:!EFr'l Boylc Engincarlng, Inc - t43 East l{redou Orlvc' Sultc UalI, Colorcdo BlE57 3031476-?,1?0 FAx TOU'II OF VAIL EUILDING OEPT. att r 06n ?5 S . Front aec Road t'f . Uall, Colorado 81557 SGITEERII.G I}€. \NILJ CO.EOYLE o This is to conflrn thaf I havr rcvieucd ths substltutton of Orrdo 6O f4 0 lE' o-c. horlzontal stcrl for tha *5 O lE'o,c. o|.tglnlllv spcctltad for thr oast rstorning uall drscrtbod by Section E for tha above notcd residencr' I h€l/c found that thir fs an accoptablo .ItErnattvr to thc origltral rGtnforclng 6ch6dulc as thc f5 bars spBcificd ucrs 6radc 40 snd lhir atcel la for ohrlnkrgE and ter,rpenaturc. thc prinery rcinforcing in thiE uell is tha vertisal strclr uhich ha3 rcnatned thc aano. Plagrr gtvs mc e call tf you have anv Qucstlons regardlng this laatter. P.l/t 390 MT AUG O6 1991 Drlg, August 6r lggl gublcct; l.lEckcrlc Res r danco Pcrr'rit f490? Uoll ' Colorado I I Plcase Reply lxl No Rcply Ron'd cct oBuphln!l !-flosel ey Construction BOYLE ENB lir,rothy l'l' Prcri dont Fii"'"'r:j'E_isF-! 14e65 \"fh*..* il PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: MON 7 i1, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: fr"r. PowER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E'APPROVED 1' GORRECTIONS: '- -(tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ;i#$cq-ri - WED THUR FRI p CTION TOWN OF EST .REQ VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECI ?,)e -7,JOB NAME RenovaFoR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM CALLER BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: pfror'*cs / srEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED i niFst* ,/o2_ 'ii INSPECTION REQUEST I TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME i FOR INSPECTION: CALLER UES rHUt)\FR )r*t u. o" @READY _!s{{g\ Ineenove D'O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED 4.EUMBING: RO "*eAr*s.(.9 GAS PrPrN$; POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL uupfCdhour'ro SHEETROCK N MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL O FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 1... I CTION TOWN OF q[-.Ji c rf .r,- Tr{a-n ''.-]}; {i d{\it .r a" Fl ,a REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: NDERGROUND V ROUGH / D.W.V. Lo'€u,(-t ' /a -' q'{ ,\-/ V houen / wArER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n T't tr FINAL MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS ! tr SUPPLY AIR - r-l tr FINAL f-] ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAIL:ING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL .ftr FINAU tr tr tr o ELECTRICAT: tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT D FINAL /Jreenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR '13.{f.1qr r.4v F<ftBFr?i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -'|l!r'f'1Tllt'?, r.fiiFtn " rri-rn "-- ' " REQUEST VAIL TION TOWN OF oot, Qu99 t JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF q SFiEER." PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr n trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr E tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT - tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED aarc ?'r2O €/ rNSPEcroR nF*e d''.F}.x'-i?rlr?E.i&,rn'l-^q.rgti!!ii]s]!'-|,1''- tNs TOWN OF REOUEQT VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT 4-Lqt JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM PM BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-l O FINAL o tr o n u tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr ROUGHT_ tr CONDUIT o SHEETROCK tr FINAL 'yA.aeenoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Jr CORRECTIONS: ;1 ome Q-€ -?/ rNSBEcroR 0 7__- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT. lnla h,tomt t"l,l-l / JoBNAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON ES WED INSP c T( roNNOF REQUEST VAIL ''r4l - _', _t-l .4 READY FOR LOCATION-:, IN.. i I,! I I i I 5l.:" l .l-l l t ! BTJILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr uNDERGRoulFc tr FOUNIDATION ASTEEL t Irn FRAMING ,ROOF & SHEER cnC prprruc PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr tr tr ct POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL a MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR }VED TIONS N DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED cqSn oere ,,/{ t*l/-' V lNSPEcroR ' Ta-'f{ ."8 CALLER TUES /, WED TI N OF '!_ tl . t1 -TF REQUEST VAIL,- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON PERMIT NUMB BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SH" PLYWOOD tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE /0- / / - 9/ -,. tNSPEcroR j1?T.i'.tr.'+- 't JOB NAME s ii+. , '.r.. :"tTF.::j:. r.tqf )ifTithf;i li : rs\ : INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER TUES - THURWED FRI UMBER OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEET bdnnrtrrr.rc - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr Dtr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL $.anenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ' 4'q'r*.,'ffi 8 {,.T:Y-^*rc5l INS PERMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT VAIL B tr tr u o F tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATION -SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL . DATE T INSPECTION: JOB NAME .MON CALLER ESREADY FOR LOCATION: tr DISAPPROVEDp.4genoveo CORRECTIONS: l .t I INSPECTOR P . l.;t:r - i\jr,.i.i iJi.,^r<\a I\ INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE '&q -q/ JoB NAME /,1 ,, READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER ON TUES LOCATION: APPROVED D DISAPPROVED UR FRI AM@ D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr n tr D tr ! UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP- POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING EXHAUSTEI ROUGH o HOODS r-l ."..p D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL I I INSPECTOB t-fl- ('rt\ INSPECTION REQUEST PERM DATE IT NU \ ERMB OF OJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUI DF DF trF FID-f oil J} Itr_ PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB ILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEFI tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL D n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D tr tr tr HEATING D tr B ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ROVED D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR "- :1. -, * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPEGTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: o*e E /E-2/ JoB NAME --4& INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED FRI /td BUILDING:. tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING E INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR [,t" l. 'artl{r ?fr:?Txnr{:r.:.'Te'!.i14!r.* : 4r az INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT DATE /2 - l7' ?t JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER TUES A€ WED THUR TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING f] INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l.l'': 'l ;i: 11-rrt"?v i'1Y-:,:.?: f:l'Sr | .--.r ' , *i$l ',,, ;ti { +" i 42ta INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE / z -s7- 7/JOB NAME D-on e-- INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM@ CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o ! tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT,N SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED Fq$nppnoveo F,.nerruspecroN REour RED ,Eb RRECTIONS: DATE 'r"^'? rNSPEcroR IN CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF P JECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ON CALLER TUEY ED THUR D APPROVED D DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D tr Y SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr FINAL li,ecrntcnl, tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR -.-d-.r 1..1 - I 4v-? er-..\r- !7 'U 'b247A2 ". INSPECTIONREQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL ofie /J -/f4/ JoB NAME fu4 READv FOR INSpECTON: MON ILES wED rHUR @ AM @ LocArloN: /??.7 // "'.', L < '^' i /-oaro - tr.APPSOVED-'-.. \., , . \- -.,C!RflEQTIONS:\". DISAPPROVED bGErrusprcroN REeu I RED. /unt BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. IUB lrrNal FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL DATE :r.'c a i^)tz' ^Jt 75Y'44,q TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: B NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND -D FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. -tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER " 199.[^&^s!-EFl...^ tr cAS PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB _: tr SHEETBOCK NAIL O - //n-lala \z " \1 .,^ E[ FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. D FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER " 199.[^&^s!-EFl...^ tr cAS PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr - r-1 E FINAL tr FINAL FAPPRoVED O DISAPPROVED tr"REINSPECTION REQUIRED cORRECTI;NS: ) INSPECTOR t t - -'-o --lt/t loAnr TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS 4792158 FIELD TIEMO p, Covvr DEY D r'hJ S , Aftenrion: PsT. DndP$r NRus pRoJEcT(Loc Alc/nq: t773 b o,r'SQt ^a-€ Ltx:'P''J4€Cr-aQLJ fc F S ftNl 16" CrnP ,5 c Bur lJ-.AsLrr B5.g-1', oF GT1G llvia-L.t'bd ,41tD f h/sm(J- tlt - t^,t t T1] A SpFt-4il*. r4r-u6 b CF arN PcAd S , -:r (srltr-LF D 6 ft-(. c'{ote Fr-tG,,Jrr4:9 ) attr-fe !g,/ctif) DQoruAcE- t1s, Sur+cg tro? FtNAe C.o CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Received by:Date: Whil€-Conracla Pi*-ConBlructbn Entinoor Canary-File ,i. 4/az-,*#;roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT f - 7 7z JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PMAM -/.,./,'6€ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,ts{eenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR hSFsnop i Jt -1 / /1' TowN oF vAlL f 6 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 47',-2158 FIELD MEMO r., Con/t DtrrJ. Dn ''.t S. Anenrion: P#?_ DtftJP1fit{lAL' t pRoJEcr(Loclnouy, / 775 AroruS €t Ogc t"vrqrrkF.2ry' Fr ru$ L. C.o, (E&ur€rrqtrNTs Vc;€- tr+r{*c C.o, Fqovn Pu.Bcrc r;o€lcs ft*Je BFE N t/klF'T A t-u l-h,+S *BE€NJ *-#eocrab . 3', tSPtvl **' &' f kfz)- Date: CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Recelved by:Date: White{ontractor Pir*-Conslruclbn Engineor Canary-Filo f*o xNsPEsrroN's coDErBrED o lbe ltcus belou necd to be cmplete before glving a peruit a fl.aa1 C of 0. Please check off La tbe box provided. DATE:tl FINAT UECUANICAI, DATE: II.IPROVEI.IENT SURVEY RESID. ITA}IE: DATE: FINAL ELECIRICAL tl Kj tr I'INAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE! Q -V'9 t-- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: I:I J LANDSCAPING DT'E DATE: \\\bs 1u'* -P "'), 4.131.0 t./ !. ,. .: ffio't Ttrt'ln drf ?aiI Ccmnunt ty $nvel6p,n€n'1, Dept. 7$ Eicrr.r'tfr I:nuntaEe Frend Vr$i. 1r #0, 816E7 Dr " *ncl Mrs. Jm*optr Nnqqher I e 8l$t) 1l1**g Otatt lianetr$ City, H$. 641tf To ldhnm it l4ny (JffincerFn, li o rlmneph F. Wauckwrle nnc{ ElnrJy T. UJaei:}tsrLe,, cnrtlf y thatlrfr,isln f,t4rdlr.e! of the f net thmt L.ot I, Lion*ridgf,o, Filing p, Tpwn o{ VelI, Stcrho o{ Colsradso lios J.n a grlulapl*all,y F$?nsit'iva' av"Efrn atnrJ {utrther nc[tnmwlerlgrs thnt He isr'o atnt,nr-o 6{thel 'f act tfrart t,he hHuEs FJe nrF proprstng ts br"rittt on Lnt l,{-iqn*rrldgen alEo will Iles within h,hs genlaglcaL}y Eensiti./qt l66tt 1 t\N 0s ltutuk*t//?b/ Dnts. rand liwnrn b${ore mm tht s __._lZ_- clAy of, 19?1 """7"*-" Fly scri hrrid Nrtary cmmmi s$X $n lfixpi resl OFFICIAL NOTAHY SEAL IOBAINE W THATE ibhry Pub c Stalg of M.asourl JACI{$ON COUNTY W Commls€lon Expifre OCT 17,iS94 ,J". :..'."-^--.rr Project Application ,^,. 5lrcf q I Project Name: Protect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: L 4w4{9 seconded or, Lkry-PtPftfvl I Date DISAPPROVAL ffi'o il 1s feer/101 West Yale Avenue, No. 601 Denver, Colorado 80227 303-986-6658 May 2, 1991 Dauphinias-Mosley Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 1515VaiI, co 81658 ATTN: RE: R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Mr. Patrick G. Dauphinias Geologic Hazards Assessnent, Waeckerle Residence Site, L773 Lyons Ridge Loop, Lot 1, Filing No. 2, Lyons nidgeSubdivision, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, ColoradoJob No. 226 (726) Gentlernen: As requested by your Mr. Dauphinias, the undersigned has reviewedour eng-ineering geologic hazards study report pertinen! to thesubject property and west bordering lots of Filing No. 3, Dlock 3,in order to comrnent on the geologic environment and geologic hazards pertinent specifical1y to the Waeckerle res.idetrce site, LotL. This letter report should be reviewed in conjunction with tlreinfornat.ion provided in that report No. L9O(125), of October 2,1989. We underst-and a multi-story single farnily resjderrce js to beconstructed on the southern sector of the lot. Except for a potential rockfall hazard, we found no evidence duringour site reconnaj.ssance of potential geologic hazards that need tobe considered in the design, construction, or utilization of the proposed property. Moreover, so long as the planned dwelling isconstructed without significantly changing exisbing groundconditions, the risk that geology-related problems would beprecipitated by construction activities as planned is jurlged to be low. The existing ground across the property and immediatety uphillslopes at about 2.4iL and does not evidence, to us, dny signs oflandsliding or incipient landsliding. No unusual or severegeology-related building foundation conditions are expected.GIacial and/or slopewash soils, both potentiaJ-ly bouldery, are expected to constitute the foundation for the building. A building constructed on this site should not increase the geologic hazard toother propei-ty or structures or to public buildirrgs, roads,streets, rights of way, easements, utilities, or other facilities. We understand the site is to be terraced to a two-step cut, withthe back slope of the lower step about l-2 feet high and that of the upper step about 5 feet high. Uphill frorn the upper of the twosteps, the ground is to be graded at 2:l- to feather upslope with Consultant to Desrgners, Contractors, Planners R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc. Mr. Patrick G. Dauphinias May 2, L99t Page 2 the existing grade. A concrete ret.aining wall is to be constructedat the upslope side of the upper step, and the excavated areabehind the wa11 refilled with engineered fi11. This shouldninirnize the risk of either construction-term excavation cut-slopefailures or, as importantly, the risk of inducing natural slopefailures during the life of the project. The risk of rock tumbling from two bluffs of sandstone that overlook the property upslope to tlre norl-h is judged to be medium.As stated in our report of October 2, 1989, over geologic timeblocks have separated fron that outcrop, but most of those blocks appear to be quite o1d. Many are partly buried in the slopewash and talus, and the fr:esh rock surfaces originally exposed by the breakup of those rock masses as they fell are nohr weather-coated. This evidences to us considerable antiquity. With rare exception, these blocks have scattered only about 15O bo 2OO feet downslopefrorn the outcrop frorn which they were derived. The planned residence would be sited more than twice that distance from theoutcrop. we cannot completely dispel the possibility that, in somefuture time, large rock blocks toppling from the outcrop may invadeLot No. Li but the geologic evidence indicates to us that those events are rare and the risk no greater than rnediurn, taken in the context of an alpine geologic environrnent. The rockfalL risk could be reduced by rernoving, from potentially toppling positions, small blocks that appear to be loosened or byrock bolting larger blocks that appear to be loosened. we have appreciated the opportunity to work with you on thisproject. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anyaspects of our observations, conclusions, or recommendations,please feel free to ca1l. truly, ^tt/ obt. Ja Consulting Irish Engineering Geologist RJI: bac trO t NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Si di ng 0ther }Ja'll Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name LIST OF MATERIALS LE T.e Gi groe€ flLrpa t\ro.Z The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR of Designer: phone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical NameFF@_Qommon Name Asper.r Quani ty tz ztl cAt-. Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED IJOUE for conifers. . (over) *Indicate ca'liper for deciducious trees.Indicate height o - PLANT I,IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name JopIPe|e. Common Name Quani ty Si ze BoFrAcotftl3 lpF JunrrpeR lo , 5 APIU EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS s0D !0Ng Tvpe Square Footage SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. PROJECjr: DATE SUBUITTEDs COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PUBI-,IC WORKS Reviewed byl Cornments: d. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC HEARING L-U- PROPOSAL: L.> 4 0L) sr"{ Date3 ril,f a'i!^l::r' ** l) ILd {" t}ro.-, tsfr Cro" V*rr^^-t[ -\ -. .\ f i i ',) l.+ o(f*, f,--i s,' uhl"'\ " l"ts Lt\LYttt< $L,n p*t ePao4 S,'{- l,l4 b) Qru'L+s d'"-- F&{ drt- {-- 8% ; d {a;zt't *d=- 4o' ein-"'o'(''-- +- b'| J l- S % )l'" t'> ch*- en-'yh- ,-lt" 15 L"ttr4 r.)otc- o.n oryltJl 'u,*-u.,'W Reviewed by: commentE: a Date: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed bY; Conments: RECREATION DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed bY: Conments: revised 3/LL/9L Date: Urf ,[l f fr ?n( h)[4rC '.-l Lr,"-to.f*. t-t,.-l e'^- b4 ,+,,- u/Let"-Ju.,t"- (:\t t'nbt :s tro r-dwu*-*bb Dates PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COI,!I-{8NTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OT INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEI{ DATE OF PUBI.,IC HEARING lt/ou srl PUBLIC WORKS Revlewed bY: conments! Date: " f"h L/*Y/v< gL,,,z- p*[ eP&tE S,'{. pl^) Date:f -,/- 2 cormlentB:---)-)'--,,tz-^t z- .,. ./ -./ ./ .-f5=*--:z'<' -*-J - E .-r?r, Z<---' 2< <-:..,,,4--z ''& .f -r"tt/ ( 4orA ,ln.,Lf eac|lwl C..1a---..-t'-E/ 44--4 tt'/Q't ?'zsz'R Z,.f:<' / O" .io 7 /.,?-z 5r--'u "zun*E ,1 -,----\ ,/t* / {b \ \n'^" ^fi-l:_1 y\ bF, \LZt \_.,-, lnll' ,/ f' rP Date: RECREATION DEPARTMENT RevJ-ewed bY: conments 3 revlsed 3/LL/9L \- {, F€ f ?n( hL Date: C.*-t*l'"^ ,"/ a tA"^*g.h;";' { -/-'S t o P"+ I) 4 ./,, h-./ ,4 Aes 6g /&d tu2 ^/ t-ttT ,y^,1 I t ryt'#;rih4-zc4) O tial*nO4_zc4l O t;a.1**OO$ffg @A,"ffit' osFR, R, R P/S ZONE DrSTS,rqtS ^\ ?f{}/rrJ DArEs 4-24-qt I t n.,ufY T.EGAL DEscRrrEroN! t,ot ( B1ock - FtUne LtesKa+/ a < t113 .. Lu*. ht, * Lo>{ADDRESS: n .[..r [- PRoPosED usr :,\-*l< {rr.^,t" .t.-ror srzE 4b tl3'c'' OI{NER ERCNITEEI ZONE DISTR qT Helght Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Frontsides Rear Water Courre Setback Stte Coverage LandscapLng Retalning l{all Parking Garage Drlv Environnental/Hazards : (trn t'n , o/. o r) &x , t iso-j/.,u) t:o::. PHONE PHONE Allowed r.rAI .. (-ts,a-4")/. zs)?7 Ea'o ExLstlno Proposed rotal (zoSt'1 o 3b(t6.t o sL&L.f 201 15r 15 1 luv.Q il 5Zas,4 \.lz-- . rl'J' r. pg *" fu,(e'tlt ,,,P P t'*, r- ,ll1 I Lk'qlovt Does thle reguest Lnvolve a How luch of tlre allotred 250 (30@ o '!,!"AT:r' sz,s b o5t.1+ (850) @l 'lo4og'1 - bqoE.'l (50) .bq?.b! O 3& 7o f 3 to. ak t ^lolb9.b -* ""3t /61 ?,{ eeqra \ ^ o .or^J. raee@furuot t*zootAfu3 Permltted Elope JEjL Actual , Date approved by Town Englriqer:l 1) Floodt PlaLn nl - a'zq- 2) Percent SloPe 3'7' 2 3l ceologl.c llazarde - al Snow Avalanclre tr"la 4-zq bl Rockfall. c) Debrlg ELov p6 ,lilxrs 4-zq {} t{etlandB 25o Aitdltlon? Addltlon is ueed rlttt tblc reguest?- t0 oI 6,WA 3*T iY'l )-4eL 3 rr f/f t >,- {zo d f z-o.3 - k44 z )-rloo t l 4'1. 7lr tu("7 24 jtl JA/,f, c--v.J { DEFMRTMENT @F ,E@MMUNNTV DEVEL@FMENT l!2 !2 g2 !.t2 iit'r \i/2 \n,zF zs zs zs as aF ai SAIJS AcTloN FORM 1 0cc0 4:J30 cc.v. DF/. AFFUAiION FE=S 1 C:30 4:s4C fZcHrNc Al.rD ADDRESS UAPS 10cc0 42+15 :SEE UNIFORII BUII.DIN6 CODE r 0c00 421i3 [rsa: uHroau PLUHETNO CCCE I gcco 421i3 rsa3 uNtFCRr/ uEc{ANtcAL ccgg 1 C::3 12+iS lrsae uNroau FiR: ccDS r 0c00 42+15 f :saz xracuAl ECiitcAL ccDg 1 0c00 42118 Orc-Ei CODE EOOKS 1 0c00 4:548 PFJNTS (MYllRS) 01.0c00 421i2 0X COFtEs ,/ S]UDIES B / RE-NSFECIIO.\I oFF HoURS NSFACAON tb coNr:rAgilRs ucA{sES tEElS O1HER FE=S 0l 0000 4t4t3 .sl6t lttllclllo[ 22lntoeu4{vT, lutt1; ;.wt qihJr Hr4tt ?ta. ttft.lf/lglBf^l(llltt 't'tnt ertrrl.l l-lC1. ao1 trdE t rrrr. gLuy\%)tq1A tlwveaVfl ftI i$ oa.Ibl ddYtdla2 ,+nnat t1v<t Gttu* to ,i/naLz oN 2r{-t1l/Nafgl^ld€ng t'2All ll12l1 l- La1.taa1 avtltlJ 9t|'{.el1 eLLla?Ntatg?a aluawlvn u !c lr 0 -J $ $ I iddttE9S-' d!l\ .t odriLlFl.illJxP3$iX Iii6 $[I ir iqg,l ?---l-mrlrul ,f-' -;;th LIr:E - lF- L lfr-l|r=l= t, - t-t-T- llilal]It i$d ilrglrq I$I{N Lt_t_: F-$ +JIlrt IlrtJ"-_r,!flJ{Iu!.L iis I +JI$tr4 r-lIi; $-$tgiffi $ft I+I$hut{tllRi.r 33f ;TdFrl irL I {\l IF{ tl 'i I l lil 'll )E^ *r$ i$E Isop atvtaw t*nLz trtvl (tr,rlo Nlr,'v 2n 12Nl1llNafghllEtl9 t.raDd ql{9l1 l-La1aa.l tra||J 5t{arl sLu1?N?rJ|'AY 7,M>aAYn II6'?p*tlld+grtl{' I JIE7t a !-Blr tffi 'n(caE oalav <A!d|t1'2 !1?vt '1rn Ja nnotZ at1 ?ltl1l'lNarsl/\ldgfig ttdtt g,t{rl1 l-Le1.eaol t"€r! I,Hal'1 cLLl1?YAil97Y 71V1\21Yn {a.-JtfirErailt $o[{JuI>! FfT \ Ht Hii )^- ilJ[. IFIrlls I.t.IJIrl oa0{)ulu o6Yaop" 'tl-nt:e? alrw \vA& t{r1rzLz ed 7Nl1lJNaf gl^fdgng ?24rvt 9|ll1 l-Ld1eaal 57d|E AHat.1 gLLla?N1rl9AU ?1U1\22vn drs-!-PdlEr{d+t D',{HT fl, Jft 6d !i It rt i"lilIrt\l; $ld ^ *tnpn;22 reer I g- I'1 Q-g E LErsvrEad I DRB rPPLJC:illDfON * lfOI|H OF VAItrr, DITE }PP&ICItrION RECEIVPDT DAIE OF DFS ITEEEN{trs COI.ORADO t*iftftttr EttE rpF&tgtEtor rEer f,og 3E tccEt[lDn|TI& rEdD 8lQEInqD llrlo8urrron I8 SUBtSrftllDr*a*t|ltrrt Ir gFaTEeT rnFogll+rloxr A. DESCRIPTTON: PO IE, P-e1 1 O 3 : 31FTVT ''<WAECIIERLE1 THlJ T TI ! Eg It'cUFH t HA ,'04. 1ts. IFPF:-1e-e 'f tbg'l.t l E.EYPE OT RHfiIETNT I;ECAIJ DEECRIT|EION| I€t tsgbdivtglon FtFT oF !.t * x"r €onstruetl.on _ ld.nor Altcrstlon - fddtllon Conosptual Bwlerr ADDRESST l?71 Lto4SRtpOg UooF0. D.EIoslr FILtrult .2rf prop.rty le dctcrlbedl b1zdescrlption, plraae provlde attach to tble appllcatlon. a b€ets and boundr legel on s Beparatr rhcat and E. S. EONINc; G.. }IAIIE OF APELIC}IIB Pl'f Malllng a Phou. H.rfAlt8 0F APPLTCAI|EIS Addrceer F. I.NA!fB Or OWIIERSI rslcNilluRl (8t rltall Condlonlnlun tpprovcl lf appllcabl.. 16T AnEA! It roqulrcdr appltcent Du atamprd survry choulng lot lrea. ! il. l(. PRITI4AB gAC'NDAFY d c t FIF- EffiHPUrrEr vA&geBIo!{ I 10roooS ssrooo$ 1501000s 5001000ftr ooor ooo 91,000, oo0 TFE T lo.oo $ e5.00 $ 30.00 f100.00 $aoo. oo 9900.00 $ !e ,$ 1or00l -$ sorool - f16oroo1 - $8001001 -T over rllO l?DlIeltrION rlDti lE DnocEttlD rrlxBon!! oml8nf 8 stornrun8 I o with the deslgm guldellnes. lttre DRB does not vote on """""pi""i reiteiE. The property ot ner or his i"ii"-="ntitt*'" Ehdtl be plesent it tne DRB hearlng' NAr,rE oF nnorucrr Hnear-EPLE GESIDEN€- -. LiEGAr, DEscRrprro@ suBDrvrsroN ?=T' oF .u?TFElohE LIST OF HATERIAI,S srREEr ADDRESs: ti?5 uroUts RtDqg uoee Ftt'ttt'(a- !'lo'a DEscRrprroN oF pnolscr, NgI*' 3- Lwa l^t€D Frer\, lN4Lt F*t{tuY gEStDelocE The followlng Lnfor:natlon le regulred for eqbuittal to the Design ijvfiw Board-before a flnal appioval can be given: TYPE OF C,€DAR. I,IATERIAI. HhREb COIORA.BUII,DING UATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other l{aII l{aterlalE Fascia Soffits Windovs t{indow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenlrouses Other r-r.xr 4Fz\ B.I.ANDSCAPING:Nane of Designer: Phone: BotanLcal Narne NON€ PIATflT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Conmon Name Ouantitv Eize* EXISTING IIREES TO BE RE!{OVED Nou€- *Indicate caliper for declduous treeg' 7 illnlnun cEltPSf."fef. TVLCO AL Cr-n9 rerooo zxg, R.6. Ce9eP.4BEE}' frt6f$+ cr-rrp ,rtooO geW lgR.&-r,sieote aesE+l ZXb Pggt^tooP BG,oQr.t drAL\/. tHr. HTL.t\t t I o o EXISTING STIRUBS TO BE REI.TOI/ED H a f.rE *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. llinl-nurn size of shrubs is 5 qallon. square footage GROI]ND COVERS soD NOPE trees. Pl.,AlfT UATERIAIJS: PROPOSED SIIRUBS SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Indlcate helght for conlferous Botanl-cal Naroe CggtsglLleee ouantlty Size* ildNE NftTtrrF 4Lh(5S {-latrl t c. oTHER IJAI{DSCAPE FEA'IIIIRES (retalning walls, fences' ewlnning Dools, etc.) Ptease specify. Indicate heights of retalntng ;;ii;: -uiiir.--neiehCot sius wittrin the-front eetback is 3 feet. Uaxinum height of walls elsewhere on tle property is 6 feet. trEeuupeg RentHltl4 FALLS 6r ntflx 3 The locatLon and avallabillty of utilitles, whether tbeyle-n31n trunk lines "t p"ipl=;d lf;;'sr-uust be appiovef^and verified by ii"--ioff6wfng ulifittes for tire acco'Panying eite plan. SUBDIVISION Ltltt ADDRESS U.S. llest Conmunlcations 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Publlc Senrice coDPanY 949-5781 Gary HalI Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted HuskYr/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-553 0 Steve Hiatt Upper EagLe ValleY Water- -e saniiation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Authorized Siqnature Date These verlfications do not rell'eve the hi" retponsibility to obtain "-"!t:3?- @ined seParatelY' This fora ls to verlfY locatl.on. Thls should prepar.lng -Your utilitY l-nstallatlons. * Prease bring a eite p119, flogr Dlan' and elevatLons when obtaining upper E;;il i;1i;y-w;ilr-t-sinitation signatures' Fire flow needs uust be addressed' senrlce availabilitY and be used ln conJunction with plan and scheduling 9 /,te -/ - /7-?/ contractor of cut petnlt from Works and toln any Publlcln tfre Tonn of Vail. Aut Delil.it. A Etreetright-of-waY or easenent s DATE' 4.ZZ.1l IEGAIJ DESCRI TTON: IOt ADDRESS! OWNER Belght Total GRFA ZONE EEECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISIRIqIS Block - Flllng Ito, z t9 -l -Gd6{bo lfater Courae Setback Slte Coverage Iandscaping RetaJ.nl.ng Wall Helghta Parking Garage Credlt Drl.ve: Environrnental/Haz ards : PrlDaty GRFA Secondarlr GRFA Setbacks Doca thlsEfl nrcb N/* Front Sldes Raar ragusst furvolvc aof tbe allored 250 20r 151 15r (30) (50) 3r /t6'' 3-negrd 3t rrnYtp FrapT€cT]ttct4 (3oo) (600) (eoo) (tzoot:@ PeruLtted slope JLL Actual slope !?o.OAX' Dats approved by Town Engi.neers - 1) Flood Plal.n rr/A 2) Percent Slope 3) c.ologic Hazards snow Avalancbe */X F*zlrp,o Debris Flow hl /rr 4) wetlandr N /A 250 Addltton? hlo' Addltlon 1g uged ultb tbla requort ARcHrrEqr Pernra T. '.o*lHatg pBoNE +7 C -Ao55 ZONE DISTRTqI gcoNonnY PRoPosED usE 6lF 4tg FAillttt IOI SIZE Allowed ExlstLnq Proposed Total nz!1tl rqttx /al'c.qlE nfs '..oT\/\eeeu ocDrrcTCD /, Tr-rt {, t?,o.oa s't. 39tgE 2tor Af/A 6t rurrx z al b) c) + (8s0) (42s1 eq6) -610SXs,F l,(p6,oS,L UopE a1l.6e SrF. r fl0PE n01 Wost Yale Awnue. No 601 Oenwl Colorado 80227 303-986.66s8 nff'D Afrjt .t I fggf R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. September 2L, L987 Mr'. Bruce Canton 2575 Garmish DriveVaiI, Col-orado 81658 Re: Geologic Hazards Consultation, Lot 3, Bloek 3,Lions Ridge Filing No. 3, Vail, ColoradoJob No. 126 Your*q Eruly, Consulting Dngineering Geologist Dear Mr. Canton: This letter report will document engineering geologie opinionsexpressed by the unclersigned to you during the course of severaltelephone conversations during the past few weeks concerning thesubject lot within Block 3 of the Lions Ridge Filing No. 3 inVail, Coloraclo. In my opinion, geo}ogic conditions across andpertinent to your lot are essentiarry benign. This conclusionis based on I) repeated engineering geologic reconnaissances ofthe- property since 1979 and, 2) monitoring of the scaling ofrock frorn several outcroppings upslope froh the property. Myprincipal geologic hazard concern has been for pbtentiJf rockfalls frorn those outcrops, but scaling has reduced that risk, Ibelieve, to Iow. Given the inherent nature of mountainousterrain, Lhat risk rating necessariry cannot be reduced to zero. Building on this site should not increase the hazard to otherproperty or structures, or to publ.ic buildings, roads, streets,rights of way, easements, utilities or facilities. If euts andfills on the property are kept low (i.e. on the order of 3 feetor less) or are properly designed, no unusual geology-relatedbuilding foundation conditions are expected I hope the above comments will be of some service to you. Ifyou have any guestions, however, please feel free to call . -//,//Q*,- Robt. J{r(es Irish Er'-r-." ) ,^*,% Rirr/l Consultanl to Dcsicnors, Contraclors, Plannersl =ry : II ,tr -N* I I0 1000 20'00 4000 - SCALE IN FEET R. J. IRISH CONSULTING ENGINEERING GEO|I)GIST, INC. PROPERTY LOCATION MAP DATE : 9,/3O,/89 JOB NO.: 190 (1261 r tL'. I ci=IeoT.,;i=d3aoali5z8 lLO .r,*Ziro3E,>aEa9Y.6 <O.UJNsE8,,e z6gq66fl|l(9 gEIocI;-'*1il'ii136..6i3.i3:::ia-3;-et&]i!; ii ; !:{ i;; f ,lf :: i!a -:*' I d:i ie i i]9: i! 5a t?; .:- i; P-'i i! :i s*i:il -{ 3: *t <fg EE ;;E :E :g\t--.5.,Ig3r;d?a-|;]ldlt---J &-.i36-eiagi:ifEltaltol zl-il-talUI lnwn 75 soulh tronlaqe road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 47$,2138 (3Ut) 479-2139 ofllce ol communlty development Aprll 18, 1990 Mr. Bruce Canton LB53 tionsridgc LoopVail, CO 81657 RE: to!q-2,3, 4,5, FilLng 3 and Iot 1, Filing 2, LionsridgeSubdivlsion. Dear Bruce: on April 17' 1990 the Torrn council accepted the georogic hazardstudy by R.,r. rrish on the above referenced rots-and directed thestaff to amend the official rockfall map accordingly. Therockfarr map wirr be modified to. ind.l.cate that these f,ive rotsare now cLassified in the rnoderate severity rockj:a.l1 zone. fnaddition, the Irish report and a copy of tlis tetter wiII be ,included in the permanent files foreach of these five Lots. Thank you for your.patience during tlrj.s review pr:ocess. Fleasefeel free to caII rne with any questions you may have regardingthis proJect. Sincerely, ^,Sv Tom Braun Town Planner TBlpp TO! FROM: DATE: RE: Town Council Community Development Departrnent April 17, 1990 A reguest to amend therecLassifying Lots 2, and Lot X., Filing No.high severity rockfall geologic hazard map by3, 4, 5 Block 3, Filing No. 3,2, Lionsridge Subdivision frornto rnedium severity rockfall. The Hazard Ordinance includes a provision to allow property owners to anend their hazard desigmation. The owners of, the above referenced property have suirnitted a site specific study toJustify this amendment. This decLsion is the purview of the iownCouncil with no lnput or recomlnendation fron the Plannlng Comrnission or other Town boards. The staff has not provided a reconmendat,ion in response to thisrequest. This is due to our lack of expertise in geologicengineering. This discipiine, as acknowledged by geologists, isinherently subJective and subject to varying interpretations.The following is taken fron the 1984 rockfall study thatestablished the two rockfall zones within the Town: t'It rnust be understood that the interpretations of manygeologic hazards, including rockfaLls, are subJective to sone degree. No two geologists would draw run-out lines atthe same exact location in all areas of a particular study. By the same token, not all geologist would assign the same degree of severity to any particular rockfall. . . Ttris notwithstanding, there may be disagreenents with sone of our conclusions. rt It was clearly the intent of the Hazard Ordinance to allow for modifications to the mapping based on site specific analysis. Itis acknowledge that the Town-wide reconnaissance conducted duringthe developnent of the 1984 study is not as detaiLed as a sitespecific anal.ysis. In theory, the study subnitted for this anendnent should provide nore detailed and accurate informationthan the Town-wide studv. l{hile we have no reason to doubt thefindings of the report iifea for these 5 lots, we are Lacking the background to provide the Council with a definitive recomnendation with regard to the reports validity. Office of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 March 12,1990 Subject: GEOLOGIC HAZARD CLASS|FtCATION for Lots 2, 3, q, S, Blcck 3 Filing No.3, and Lot I Filing No.2, Lion's Ridge subdivision, Vail, Colorado. Director of Community Development: On behalf of myself, Jill S. Dowd, owner of lots 2, 4, S, in filing No. 3 and Mr. Bruce Canton, owner of lot 3 fiting No. 3 and lot I in filing No. 2, I would request a hearingj before the Town of Vail council to review the classification of our lots in the Geologic Sensitive Area Map. we would desire that our tots be reclassified to a Moderate Risk Rock Fall Area from its present High Risk Classification. lam submitting a site specific Aeologic report from Mr. Robert James lrish which supports our request for the re-classification. My address is; Jill S. Dowd, p. O. Box 3128, Vail, CO 81658-3128 and Mr. Cantons address is; 1853 Lionrs Ridge Loop, Vail, CO 81657. Please feet free to contact me if there are any questions concerning our request. Thank you for your cooperation. Bruce 0. Canton Sincerely \ I l0l Wbsl \ble Avenuq No 601 Denver. Colorado 80227 303-985.6558 Ocbober 2, 1989 Canton Construction Company 1853 Ltons Rldge Loop VatI, C0 81657 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. At tn: pF. Mr. Bruce 0. Canlon Geologic Hazards Study, LoLs 2, 3, ll & 5, Block 3,Filing No. 3, and Lot 1, Filing No. 2 Lions Rldge Subdlvlsion, Vall, Colorado Job No. 190(126) Gentlemen: As requested by your Mr. Bruce Canton, bhe underslgned conducted an englneering geologlc reconnalssance of Uhe five subJect lots, which occupy a sector of the souLh-facing slope of the Gore Creek Valley lmmedialely norLheast of the Buffehr Creek Valley at the easLern end of the WesL Vall area. The four lots are loeaLedln the Sl,Jl/U, N}{1 /lt, Sec. 12, T.55., R.81W., Ea8le Couniy, Colonado (Ftgure 1). 0ur obJectlve was to generally outllne geologlc condltlons acrosa lhe sLudy area and to assess rrhet,her any of Lhose condiLlons constllute geologlc hazards sufflclenbly severe io resLraln or pneclude development of the properby asplanned. We undersLand slngle famlly and/or duplex resldences are to be ccngtrucCed on these four 1ots. Fron Lions Rldge Loop, at about Elev. 81 20 feet to 8130 feet, the lots extend northward up the slope of a long, namow, wesb-trendlng ridge spur of t,he valley slope lo aboui Elev. 8260 feet. The rldge cresLs au about Elev.8440 feet Eo Elev. 8460 feet. The slope dlsbance from Llons Rldge Loop to the top of the ridge ts on lhe order of 600 to 700 feet,. From the rldge crest down to about EIev. 8220 feet (about the center of the lots) the ground slopes at about 1.75:1, nhereas below bhat elevatlon to Llons Rldge Loop the ground slopes at about 3.6:1. He underqtaql -!_hq_!gmeg_!gul-d*-be.-consLructed adjacent to Llons Rldge Loop on the flatieF:ElSireO sec',crs of tne tot. The sLeeper, upper part of the rtdge slope Is dlsrupted by 2 main rock bluffs ranglng from l0 fee! lo as much as 50 feet hlgh. A few trees are scaLLered across Uhe sludy area, but for. the most parL, vegeLatlon ls limiLed Uo brush and natural gragses. Sedlmenlary rock slraLa of the Pennsylvanlan-age (290 to 330 mtlllon years ago) MinUurn Formalion consUituUe bedrock across the sludy area. These strala lnclude malnly sandsLones, a few shales and a few thlck llmestone unlte. These dlp northward lnto the hlllside at 30o to 40o. Consultant lo Desrgners, Contractors. Planners \ R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canbon ConsLructlon Company October 2, 1989 Page 2 The bedrock' holrever' ls blanketed (except for the nock bluffg) by slopenash andtarus solls doHn to about Llons Rtdge Road. Belou Llons Ridge Road a l{est- southwesb trendlng rldge spue of glaclal moralne ls plasbered agalnst the foot ofthe slope (Flgure 2). The sandsLones lyplcaJ.]y are flne-gralned and flne to coarse-gra!.ned. They are Iocally conglomeraLle, thln to masglve bedded, weak tostrong, and Lhe JolnLs are uldely spaced. The IlmesLone ls flne-gralned tonlcrocrysLalllne, strong to very atrong, thlck-bedded and wit,h Jolnts wldelygpaced. The unconflned compressive sbrengths of the sandstones probably range from 10,000 psl to 15,000 psi, Hhereas those of the llmesLone range probably io 30'000 psi. The shale units typically range from seams wlthln the sandsLones to thln-bedcled units up to a foot on so thick. Those thicker unlts, however, arerare. The unconflned compresslve sUnengths of the shales probably range betrreen 2,000 psl ancl 6,000 psi. The slopewash and tal.us solls are unstnatlfled, sandyr gr.avelly, cobbley clay wlUh gcabtered boulders. Thls ls malnly sandslone debrls. The solls form an apron developed belolt the sandsbone bluffs down io Llons Rldge Loop, thus range fnom a wedge-edge upslope Lo probably as much as 10 Lo 20 feeb thlck adJacent tothe road. These solls have been deposlted prlmarlLy by sheet l{ash, thus are expected to range feom loose to medlum dense. and probably are subJect, todlfferentlal setblemenU rhen weLged. SouLh of Llons Rldge Loop, bhe Blacla1 moralne solls are prlncipally a hetero* geneous mlxture cf sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders ln a sllt to clay matrlx. The solls lnclude both sandsLone and granlgic rock debrls. Except for a potentlal rock fall hazard, we found no evldence of poLentlal geologlc hazards Hilhln the study area. So long as dwelllngs_are_consbructed Ulthln these lots wlthout, slgntficantly cltg-lglgtt_bg_extsbing-gle_und _e.ondf_llons,thus the stabt f l tl- o-F-EEE-5-ctn5-and/oF- rock nitnin trre building -iilueir anovlclnlty, slope stability should not be lmpaired. Cubs and fllls on the lots should be iEiiC--1oT*-'(f ;e;;--on--ttrs--!rder of--3 fe?t" rii less), or should begeouechnlcally deslgned. No unusual or sev-e6-F61;EFrelatGE--5[ffEf-ng-ffiie expecbed. Butldlns,pn,thesJ sit,ei snourd nol tncreasel the hazard to other property or stiflctures, or to publlc Uutl-?iTnEs, roads,(\ streets, rlght,s-of-way, easements, utllltles or facllltles. The outcrops of rock, prlncipally sandstone but lncludlng some layers of Ilnesbones as xell, Jut out of the ridge slope as long, narro$ bluffs as much as 50 feet high (Flgure 2). Con_celvablJ_Jock.-$ock€_Frd_-glC!_e9_equ.ld_Blpple.from these bluffs to roll and bounce down the slope. These theoretlcally could consLltute a hazard Uo bulldlngs eonstrucied on the slope 5-el[6frl-thit-ibcf iaff TI;[, ]td 5e1-fE!6l-neeai-t he pro_ba_blllty of an event and the severlly of the evenl (the slze of a partlcular block that could topple ) \ Fl. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc. Canton Const,ructlon Company 0etober 2, 1989 Page 3 We belleve the rock fa1l riQk, ln terms oF probability, ig--lo_w for Lots 2, 4 and most of 5, but is judge6-fo-be medium across most of tot,'-f'and a small area atthe southeastern corner of Lot '-(Frgure Z). The bluffs 'ibove Lots 2, 3, rl and most of 5 are relatlvely nartbl{- and are formed of sandstone thaf appears Uo berelatlvely massive. Although we found evldence of looseness of a few thln plateg and smal1 blocks of rock, for the most part Lhe rock across the ledge in theviclnlty of Elev. 8330 feet bo Elev. 8345 feet and Uhe more pnomlnen! bluff lnthe vlclnlty of EIev. 8380 feet to E.lev. 8420 feet, appears to be relatlvelylntact. The jolnts.thaL are open bend to be perpendicular to lhe slope raUher than parallel to lt. Moreover, the strata dlp lnto the slope raiher than out, t'hus rock blocks are much less likely to bopple with Lhose planes as their basal separaL long. 0ver geologlc time, blocks have separabed from Lhose bwo bluffs, bub most, of those appear !o be quite old, Many are partly buried ln the slopewash and Lalus, and the fresh rock surfaces origtnally exposed by the breakup of bhose rock masses as lhey fel] are now weather-coated. Thls evldenceg eonsiderableantlqulUy. 'y{iEh rare exception, Lhese blocks have scattered only about 150 to 200 feet downslope from the bluffs from whlch t,hey are derived. The residencesto be constructed would be placed more than twice lhat dlsLance away from Lhebluffs. Mos! of bhe rock blocks have broken up when bhey loppled lnfo small.erplaLy masses that have not travelled far from the ouLcrop. They are trapped by the vegelaLlon and other rock blocks strewn across the upper part of the slope. l.le cannoL completely dispel the posslbility thal in some fuLure tlme large rock blocks loppling from these two outcrops may lnvade [gi-9 2,-3-,-4-and 5, but bhe geologic evidence lndicaLes that those evenLs are rare and Uhe risk low. The rock forming the lower bluff from about Elev. 8340 feet bo E1ev. 8380 feet and exLendlng eastvard along the slope above and east of lhe eastern half of LoeNo.5 appears Lo be slgnlficanbly more blocky (Figure 2). --ThbCE--'blocks from place Lo place appear to be more prone to toppling Lhan elsewhere wibhin lhe sLudy area. Thls ls evidenced by a fan of old rock blocks that are scatt,ered below Lhe bluff above LoC I and eastward for about 230 feet. Consequenlly, He have Judged lhe rock hazard rlsk for most of Lob 1 and a small part ojl-Lel--5-Lo-']/rt-'('* De meorum. ;nrsffil ine roc* blo-clis Jhag can be removed by crowbauing. Addttlonally, t-wg jslger blocks denoLed by X's numbened 1 and 2 on the geologic map (Flgure 2) should be remov-ed by Itght--blas-!tng. Af uernatively, those rock blocks Jgg_+.d- Ue--[$ned'-[ttn- ri-ckbolis. Removal aDDears to us to be a preferable angwer, however. Scallng of loise slabs and blocks could be extended to the rock outcrops to lhe rrest also. Thls would be merely an insurance measure bha! would neduce the already low rlsk of rock falls by only a small increment. l. 1.. "' .;f' Consuhing Englneerlng R. J. lrish Geobglst, Ina Centon Constructlon Company October 2, 1989 Page lt tle hope lhe above connents rltl be ofprgpertles. If you hav€ any questlon! our rork, please feel free to calI. you as you dcvelop thesego dlccus! any rlg€ots of rone servlce to or eould llke Consultlng Englneerlng Geologlst f,JI : ct .+|t r'1 LAND rrr; cuARANTEE "?"PANY RepresentJ.ng Tltle Insurance conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER ,fanuary 16, 1991 Our Order: V16416 BUYERi/OWNER: iIOSEPH F. WAECKERLE and CINDY T. WAECKERLE SELLER: FULL CIRCIJE BUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION ADDRESS: I,OT 1 LTONSRIDGE FLG 2 CLOSER 1 AttN: ARZANA DAUPHINAIS REAIJ ESTATEP.O. BOX L515 VAIIJ, CO 81658 I Attn: SUZANNE coPrEs 1 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELTVERY 949-L670 AI,T PM COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN HORTH 3O3 476-225L FOR CL,,OSING QUESTIONS CALL ARZAITA RUCKER MINNESOTA TTTLE4\ HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave..Suite 600 P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 FAX 322-7603 ADAMS 9101 Harlan. #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427 -9353|FAX 430-1577 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., //150 Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596/FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 5t140 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241|FAX 423-1365 BETHANY 11059 E. Eethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014 750-1717|FAX 750-5412 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd.. #105 Aurora. CO 80014 751-4336/FAX 7 45-2669 CommitmentTo Insure 8ffi* lssued through the )flire of: FIDDLERS GREEN 6400 5. F iddlers Green Englewood, CO 801,|1 771-4539|FAX 771-4526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223|FAX 750-4257 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Denver, CO 80215 232-3111/FAX 238-2956 SOUTHWEST 3609 5. Wadsworth, #1 15 Denver, CO 80235 988-8550/FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837|FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder. CO 80301 444-4101|FAX 786-8423 LAND TITLE P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 47 6-2251 lDirect 595-961 3 FAX 476-4534 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255|FAX 4s3-6014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 588-6353/FAX 588-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 S. Tejon, # 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-482'l /Direct 595-41 13 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., #105 Parker. CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 47 6-2251 lDirect 595-961 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5860 FAX 247-9089 !.A''ID TITLE GUARANTEE COMFANY ALTA Oo"MTTMENT SCHEDUL,E A Application No. V1G416 For Infornation Only LOT 1 LIONSRIDGE FIG 2 - Charges ALTA Owner policy g2s4.OO Tax Certlf. $ZO.OO-ToTArJ-- l274.oo wlth your remittance please refer to V164L6. t. Effectlve Date: ifanuary 09, 1991 at 8:OO A.Irt. l. Po1icy to be issued, and proposed Insured: TTALTAI Ownerrs policy $Z2TSOO.OOForm 8-1970 (Anended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: JOSEPH F. WAECKERLE and CINDY T. WAECKERLE i. The estate or lnterest l-n the land descrl-bed or referred to inthis Conrritment and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: ruLL CTRCIJE BUTLDERS, INC., A COL,,ORADO CORPORATION . The Land referred to in thls cornml-tnent is described asfollows: Lor 1, LroNrs RrDGE suBDrvrsroN, FTLTNG No. 2, AccoRDrNG To rHERECORDED Pr.,AT THEF€OF' couNTY oF EAGLE, srATE oF cor.,,oRADo. AGE 1 A IJ T A Oo ' M I T M E N T o SCHEDUI,E B-1 (Reguirenents) Application No. V16416 'he following are the requirements to be cornplied with: .. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe fuIl sonsideration for the estate or interest to be-insured. . Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and-duly filed for record, to-wit: . EVIDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITTONS ANDPROVISTONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. . WARRANTY DEED FROM FULL CTRCLE BUTLDERS, INC., A COT,oRADO CORPORATTON TOiTOSEPH F. WAECKERLE ANd CINDY T. WAECKERLE CONVEYING SUB.TECT PROPERTY. === THE COUNTY CI,ERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUI,IENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! AGE 2 A L r A Oo " !{ r r u E N T SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions)Application No. V1641G :he-policy or pollcies to be issued wirr contain exceptions to theiollowing unless the saroe are disposed of to the satiifaction of;he Company: '. standard ExceptLons i- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. . Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special.assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs oifice. . Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land.. . L,iens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. RIGIIT oF PROPRIETOR oF A VEIN oR r,oDE To EXTRACT AND REt{ovE HrS oRETHEREFROIII SHOULD THE SAI,TE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, 1909, IN BOOK 4g ATPAGE 542 RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEUNITED STATES As RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Augrust 16, 1909,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. RESTRICBIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERcLAUsE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, BASED oN RjAcE, coLoR, RELIGISN,OR NATTONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED September 20, 1;g7i,rN BooK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND As AMENDED rN TNSTRUMENT REcoRbED september 29',t972' IN BOOK 225 NI PAGE 555 AND AS AI|ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECOR-DnO January22, 1974, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53 AND AS AMENDED IN DOCUIIENI RECORDED JULyL, 1983 IN BOOK 362 AT PAGE 804. UTILITY EASEMENTS TWENTY FEET IN WIDTH, TEN TEET ON EACH STDE oF AIJLINTERIOR LOT LINES AND A FIFTEEN FOOT UPILITY EASEMENT ALONG AND ABUTITTNGoN ALL ExrERroR r,or LrNEs As RESERVED oN THE PLAT oF LroNrs RIDGESUBDIVISION FIIJING NO. 2. EASEMENT AND RrGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO HOLY cRoss ErJEcrRrc AssocrATroN,INC. IN INSTRITMENT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1962 fN BOOK 211- AT PAGE 103. AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAIJ I'AND COMPANY AND MOI'NTAIN STATESTELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTAIJI.ATION ANDSERVICE THROUGHOUT LfON'S RfDGE SUBDMSION, FILING NO. 2, RECORDEDSEPTEMBER 27, 1973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE zgL. 0. 1. 2. 3. AGE ..''.- ArJrAOo!!!!rrMENT SCITEDUI.E B-2 (ExceptJ.ons) apptlcatlon No. V16416 15. EASE!'IENTS' RESERVATIONS Ar.lD RESTRICIIONS AS SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON TIIERECORDED PLAT OF LIONTS RrDGE SUADMSION, FILING NO. 2. AGE 4 PROJECI: INTER-DEPART!,TENTAL REVIEW .41 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARINGDATE SUBMIITED: CO!{UENTS NEEDED BY:s-*-.ll BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS RevJ.ewed by: Cornrnents: FfRE DEPARTI'IENT Revierred by: Cornnents: POLICE DEPARI!,IENT RevJ-ewed by: CoDnents: RECREATION DEPART!{ENT Reviewed by: Connents: revised 3/LL/9I sril (gooA ln.L Date: Date: Dates Date: " l"{r c*g-tvc 61,.n p*[ ePatz t' S,k pl^) (- z1-4 tU,f .h (;d f ?n( tuL J-o6#rti,apqt "$E/ *brt: v*' Qr?sf \t rg$gi:; SBn:g$isf;4l7lit TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Town Council Connunity Development Departnent April 17, 1990 A request to amend the reclassifying Lots 2, and Lot 1, Filing No. high severity rockfall geologic hazard nap by3, 4, 5 Block 3, Filing No. 3,2, Lionsridge Subdivision fromto mediun severity rockfall. The Hazard Ordinance incl,udes a provision to allow property owners to amend their hazard designation. The owners of the above referenced property have subnitted a site specific study to Justify this anenanent. Thls decision ls the purtriew of the Town council with no input or reconmendation from the Planning Conrnission or other Town boards. The staff has not provided a reconmendation in response to tttis request. This is due to our lack of expertise in geologic en{ineering. This discipline, as acknowledged by geologists, is inherently-subjective and subject to varying interpretations. The fotlowing is taken fron the 1984 rockfall study that established the two rockfall zones within the Town: rrrt uust be understood that the interpretations of many geologic hazards, including rockfalls, are subjective to lore degr"e. No tvo geologists would draw run-out lines at the sane exact location in all areas of a particular study. By the same token, not all geolog:st would assign the same dlgree of severity to any Particular rockfall... This not wiihstanding, theie may be disagreements with some of our conclusions. rt It was clearly the intent of the Hazard Ordinance to allow for rnodifications-to the napping based on site specific analysis. -Itis acknowledge that the town-wide reconnaissance conducted during the developnent of the 1984 study is not as detailed as a site specific analysis. In theory, the study subnitted for this airendnent should provide rnore detailed and accurate information than the Town-wide study. while we have no reason to doubt the findings of the report filed for these 5 lots, hre are lacking the background to provide the Council with a definitive recommendation with regard to the reports validity. Office of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 March 12,1990 Subject: GEOLOGIC HAZARD CLASSIFICATION for Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 3 Filing No. 3, and Lot 1 Filing No. 2, Lionrs Ridge subdivision, Vail, Colorado. Director of Community Development: On behalf of myself, Jill S. Dowd, owner of lots 2, 4, 5, In filing No. 3 and Mr. Bruce Canton, owner of lot 3 filing No. 3 and lot 1 In filing No. 2, I would request a hearing before the Town of Vail council to review the classification of our lots in the Geologic Sensitive Area Map. We would desire that our lots be reclassified to a Moderate Risk Rock Fall Area from its present High Risk Classification. lam submitting a site specific geologic report from Mr. Robert James lrish which supports our request for the re-classification. My address is; Jill S. Dowd, P. O. Box 3128, Vail, CO 81658-3128 and Mr. Cantons address is; 1853 Lionrs Ridge Loop, Vail, CO 81657. : Please feel free to contact me if there are any'questions concerning our request. Thank you for your cooperation. I Sincerely Bruce O. Canton 7|O \ir€st \€lg A\,€nue No. 601 O€m€r. Colorado 80227 303-98S6654 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. October 2, '1989 Canton Constructlon Company 1853 Ltons Rldge Loop Val.l, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Bruce 0. Canton RE: Geologtc Hazards Study, Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5, Block 3, Ftllng l{o. 3, and Lot l, Flllng No. 2 Llons Rld8e Subdivlslon, Va11, Colorado Job No. 190(126) Gentlemen: A9 requested by your l.lr. Bruce Canton, the underslgned conducted an englneerlng geologlc reconnalssance of the flve subJect loLs, whlch occupy a sector of the south-faclng slope of the Gore Creek Valley lmmedlately northeast of the Buffehr Creek Vall.ey at the eastern end of the l{est Vall area. The four lots are locabed tn the sldl/ll, N}rl /ll , sec. 12, T.5s., n.81w., Eagle county, colorado (Ftgure 1). Our obJecllve nas to generally outllne geologlc condltlons across the study area and to assess ithether any of those condltlons constltute geologlc hazardE sufflclenEly severe to reetratn or preclude development of the property as planned. l{e understand slngIe famlIy and/ot duplex resldences are to be constructed on these four lots. Froro Llons Rldge Loop, at about Etev. 8l2O feeL to 8130 feet, the lote extend northHard up the sl.ope of a 1ong, narrorr, wesb-irendlng rldge spur of the Yalley slope to about Elev. 8260 feet. The rldge crests at aboub Elev. 8440 feet to Elev. 8460 feet. The slope dlstance from Llons Rldge Loop to the top of the rldge ls on the onder of 600 to 700 feet. From the rldge crest down to about EIev. 8220 feet (about the center of the lobs) lhe ground slopes at about 1.75:1 , wherqas below that elevatlon to Llons Rldge Loop the Sround slopes at about 3.6:1. lJe underst-encl t'he homqs lr9uld--be--conslructed adJF-cent to Llons Rldge loop on Lhe flatteF loped sectors of the lot. The steeper, upper part of the rldge slope ls dlsrupbed by 2 maln rock bluffs ranglng from 10 feet to as much as 50 feeb hlgh. A few Lrees are scaitered acrogs lhe etudy area, but for the nost part, vegetatlon is ltmlted to brush and natural grasses. Sedlmentary rocl( strata of the Pennsylvanlan-age (290 to 330 nllllon years ago) lllnturn Formallon constltule bedrock across the study area. These strata lnclude malnly sandsiones, a few shales and a few thtck lloestone unlts. These dlp norLhrrard into the hlllslde at 30o to ltOo. Consutlari to Designers, Contraclors. Plann€E R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc. Canton Constructlon Conpany October 2, 1989 Page 2 The bedrock, however, ls blankebed (excepb for the rock bluffs) by slopewash andtalus sotls down to about Llons Rldge Road. BeloH Llons Bldge Road a west- southwest trendlng rldge spur of glactal moralne ls plastered agalnst the foob ofthe slope (Flgure 2). The sandstones typlcally are flne-gralned and ftne to coarse-gralned. They are locally conglomeraLlc, thln to oasslve bedded, weak to strong, and the Jolnts are wldely spaced. The llmestone ls flne-gralned to mlcrocrysLalllne, stronS to very strong, thlck-bed<led and nlth Jolnts wldely spaced. The unconflned compresslve strengths of the sandstoneg probably range from 10,000 psl to 15,000 psl , rhereas lhose of the llmesbone range probably to 30,000 psl. The shale unlts typlcally range from seams wlthln the sandstones to thln-bedded unlts up to a foot or so thlck. Those thlcker unlts, however, arerare. The uneonflned compresslve strengths of the shales probably range betueen 2,000 psi and 6,000 psi. The slopewash and taLus soj.ls are unstratlfied, sandy, gravelly, cobbley clayulth scattered boulders. Thls ls malnJ.y sandstone debrls. The solls form an apron develope<l below the sandstone bluffs dorrn to Llons Rlclge Loop, thus range fron a w€dge-edge upslope to probably as nuch as 10 to 20 feet thick adJacent tothe road. These solls have been depostted prlnarlly by sh€€t wash, t,hus are expected to range from loose to medlum dense, and probably are subJect to dtfferentlal settlement ehen wetUed. SouLh of Llons Rldge Loop, the glaclal moralne solls are prlnclpally a hetero- geneoug mlxture of sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders ln a sllt to clay matrtx. fhe solls lnclude both sandstone and gnanltlc rock debrls. Except for a potentlal rock fall hazard, we found no evldence of potentlal geologlc hazards wlthln the sLudy area. So long as dwelllngs afs_Jonstrucged wlthln these lots t4gloutlrgnlflcantly clgllg1!g_9lg__e-Itg.9lnn ground condlblons, thus the stabll1ty of thE-Toff5-aItl/or rock wlthln the butldlng sltes and vlclnlty, slope stablllty should nob be lnpaired. Cuts and fllls on the loLs should be ile-p-t---l<iF--tf':.e.i---on-ttre--rcrder of.-3 feEC- or lesi), or should be geotechnlcally deslgned. No unusual or siv-'eTeTe6l;lt]retad66--6'ITliiT-neToffie expected. Bulldtnl,gll=!hpse, the hazacd to othen property or sffiIures, or to publlc bulIdTnEs, roads, tl sLreets, rlghts-of-way, easemenLs, utl,lltles or faclllttes. The outcrops of rock, prlnclpally sandstone but lncludlng sone layers of llmestones as Hell., Jut out of the rldge slope as lon8, narron bluff3 as much as 50 feet htgh (Flgure 2). Col-c_elvab_ly ro_ck hrooks, al<U4g!_ss-qeU-1d tqp-Ple.from these bluffs to roIl. and bounce dorm the slope. These theoretlcally could constltute a hazard to bulldtngs constructed on Uhe slope 5bT6Il--ttiat*ibc* faff ?lsk, ve-belleve, needs lo be consldered In feims of both the pro_ba_blllty of an event and the severlty of the event (the slze of a partlcular block tha! coulcl topple) R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canton Constcuctlon Company Oc[ober 2, 1989 Page 3 lle belleve the rock fallT-lsk, ln terms of probablllty, l.l-low_!or Lols 2, 4 and nost of 5, but ls Judgea--do-be rnedtun acroas most of Lob'-f an<l a smalL area abthe southeastern corner of Lot F(Ftgure 2). The blufft lbove Lots 2, !, Il and nosL of 5 are relatlve).y nar-rbT- and are forned of sandstone thaL appears lo berelatively masslve. Although He found evldenee of looseness of a few thln plates and small blocks of rock, for the most part the rock across the ledge ln thevicinity of Elev. 8330 feet to Elev. 8345 feeE and the more promlnent bluff lnthe vlclnlty of EIev.8380 feet !o Elev. 81120 feet appears to be relatlvel.ylntact. The Jolnts that are open tend to be perpendicular to the slope rather than parall.el to lt. Moreover, the strata dlp lnbo the slope rather than out, thus rock blocks are much less 1lke1y to topple ulth those planes as thelr basal separatlons. 0ver geologlc tlme, blocks have separated from Lhose two bluffs, but mosb of those appean to be qulte old. Many are partly burled ln the slopewash and talus, and the fresh rock surfaces orlglnally exposed by the breakup of those roek masses as they fell are now ueather-coated. Thls evldences eonslderable anilqully. Wlth rare exceptlon, these blocks have scatLered only about 'l 50 to 200 feet downslope from the bluffs from vhlch they are derlved. The resldences to be constructed would be placed more than twice that dlstance away from the bluffg. Most of the rock bl.ocks have broken up uhen they toppled lnt,o smallerplaty masses that have not travelled far from the outcrop. They are trapped by the vegetatlon and other rock blocks strewn across the upper part of the slope. He cannot completely dlspel the posslblllty that ln some future tlme large rock blocks [oppltng from these two outcrops may lnvade L;itg 2,-i-, U;nd 5, but the geologic evidence lndlcafes that those eventg are rare and the rlsk Iow. The rock formlng the lorrer bluff from about Elev. 8340 feet to Elev. 8380 feet and extendlng eastward along the slope above and east of the eastern half of Lot Irlo. 5 appears to be slgnl.f lcantly more blocky (Ftgure 2). -1'hos6--blocks f rom place to place appear to be more prone to toppllng uhan el,serrhere rrlthln the study area. Th19 ls evldenced by a fan of o1d rock blocks that are scatt€red below the bluff ebove Lot 'l end castHard for about 230 fe€t. Cona€quently, ve have Judged the rock hazand rlsk for most of Lot I and a small pa!!--g.I-l4.|l-t'o- oe meorum. fnrs e rocK blfcks -Lhat can be removed by crou.barrlng. Addltlonally, .tg_]elgg_q. b-le3ks denoted by Xrs numbered I ancl 2 on the geologlc nap (Flgure Z) g@ur=a g9 r€moved Ujlghi-jtagling. Alternat,ively, thoEe rock blocks JgCU__b9_-PU4_ed_ rlth_ rock bolts. Removal appears to u9 to be a preferable ansrrer, however. Scallng of lobse slabs and blocks could be extended to the rock outcrops to the uest al,so. Thls uoul.d be nerely an lnsurance measure ghab uould reduce the al.ready low rlsk of rock falls by only a smalL lncrement. 'lv,(,n R. J. lrish Consulting Englneedrg Geologist, Inc. Canton Construcllon Coopany October 2, 1989 Page ll tfe hope the above conments wlll be of aoue servlc€ to you es you devglop thosepropertles. If you have any questlonr or uould ltkc to dlscuts tny 8sp€cts of our rork, pleese f€el fPee t,o call. Consultlng EnglnesrtnS Geologlst BJI:ct -------.\-.1.\'-=-=..- I I +l -N- I Io ro00 20'oo 4000 - SCALE IN FEET R. J. IRISH CONSULTING ENGTNEERING GEOI.OGIST, INC. PROPERTY LOCATION MAP DATE: 9/3Ol89 JOB NO.: l9O (1261 FIG. I EI6cf;a<zn-6,rFH=crdN188oEZ8Zd-tu9(,ooI:c.atz=FJelii:l**lillll':ft1flEE E 'i l--" L {t [..*rt,L"t, t fl\bX/\ Lq ^n To: Town councit 5...*A\\-D FROM; Conmunity Development Department L-- no- \-/ DATE: April L7, l99O RE: A request to amend the geologlc hazard nap byreclassifying Lots 2,3,4, 5 Block 3, Filing No. 3, and Lot 1, Filing No. 2, Lionsrj.dge subdivision fronhigh severity rockfall to mediun severity rockfall. The Hazard Ordinance includes a provision to allow property owners to anend their hazard designatj.on. The owners of the above referenced property have submitted a site specific study tojustify this anendrnent. This decision is the purview of the TownCouncil with no input or recommendation fron the Planning Commission or other Town boards. The staff has not provided a reconmendation in response to thisrequest. This is due to our lack of expertise In geologic engineering. This discipJ-ine, as acknowledged by geologists, isinherently subjective and subject to varying interpretations. The following is taken frorn the 1984 rockfall study that established the two rockfall zones within the Town: ItIt must be understood that the interpretations of rnanygeologic hazards, including rockfalls' are subjective to some degree. No two geologists would draw run-out lines at the sane exact location in al,l areas of a particular study. By the same token, not all geologist would assign the same degree of severity to any particular rockfall... This not withstanding, there may be disagreernents with sorne of our conclusions.rr ft was clearly the intent of the Hazard ordinance to allow for rnodifications to the rnapping based on site specific analysis. It is acknowledge that the Town-wide reconnai-ssance conducted during the developnent of the 1984 study is not as detailed as a site specific analysis. fn theory, the study subnitted for this anendment should provide rnore detailed and accurate information than the Town-wide study. While we have no reason to doubt the findings of the report filed for these 5 lots, we are lacking the background to provide the Council with a definitive recornmendation with regard t,o the reports validity. : 75 roulh frontaoe road vrll cdorldo 81657 (303) 4792138 (30n) 47p2139 April 18, 1990 Thank you for yourfeel free to callthis project. Sincerely, otfice ol conrmunny deYdopment I'lrs. ,IilI S. DowdP.O. Box 3128Vail, CO 81058-3128 RE: Lo!9.2, 3, 4, 5, Filing 3 and lot 1, Flling 2, LionsridgeSubdivision. Dear Urs. Dowd: on April 17, 1990 the Tohrn council accepted the geologic hazardsluqy by R-J. rrish on the above refereirced lots and directed thestaff to araend the official rockfalr nap accordingly. Therockfall nap will be rnodified to indicate that th6sl five lotsare now classified in the moderate severity rockfall zone. rnaddition, _the rrish report and a copy of tiris retier wilr beincruded in the peruranlnt files for-each of these five rots. patience during this review process. please ne with any questions you may have regarding A*'$A6v--- Tom Braun Town Planner TB/pp c i Office of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 March 12,1990 Subject: GEOLOGIC HAZARD CLASSIFICATION for Lots 2, 3, 4, S, Block 3 Filing No.3, and Lot I Filing No.2, Lionts Ridge subdivision, Vail, Colorado. Director of Community Development: On behalf of myself, Jill S. Dowd, owner of lots 2, 4, 5, in filing No. 3 and Mr. Bruce Canton, owner of lot 3 filing No. 3 and lot t in filing No. 2, I would request a hearing before the Town of Vail council to review the classification of our lots in the Geologic Sensitive Area Map. We would desire that our lots be reclassified to a Moderate Risk Rock Fall Area from its present High Risk Classification. lam submitting a site specific Aeologic report from Mr. Robert James lrish which supports our request for the re-classification. My address is; Jill S. Dowd, P. O. Box 3128, Vail, CO 81658-3128 and Mr. Cantons address is; 1853 Lionrs Ridge Loop, Vail, CO 81657. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions concerning our request. Thank you for your cooperation. Bruce O. Canton Sincerely n01 Wbst Yale A\€nue No. 601 Oen\€r, Cotorado 80227 303.986-6658 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. OcLober 2, 1989 Canton Constructlon company 1853 Llons Ridge Loop VaIl, C0 81657 Attn: Mr. Bruce 0. CanLon RE: Ceologle Hazards Study, Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5, Block 3' Fillng No. 3, and Lot 1, Flling No. 2 Llons Rl<lge Subdivtsion, Vall' Colonado Job No. 190(126) Gentlenen: As requested by your Mp. Bruce Canlon, the underslgned conducbed an englneerlng geologtc reconnaissance of the five subJect lots, Hhlch occupy a sector of lhe south-facing slope of the Gore Cneek Valley lmne<ltately northeast of the Buffehr Creek Va]ley at the easLern end of the West Vall area. The four lots are located tn the SW1 /4, NWl/ll , Sec. 12, T.5S., R.81W., Ea8le County, Colorado (Flgure 1). Our obJectlve Has to generally outflne geologic eondlBlons across the gtudy area and to assess shether any of those condlttons constlEuts Beologlc hazarcls suff lclenEl.y severe to restnaln or preclude development Of the properfy as planned. He undersLand slngle famll.y and/or duplex resldences are !o be ccnstructed on these four loLs. Frorn Llons Rldge Loop, at about Elev. 8120 feet to 8130 feet, the lots extend northHard up the sl.ope of a long, namolr, ses!-Lrendtng rldge spur of the Yalley slope to about Elev.8250 feet. The rl<lge crests at abouL Elev.8440 feet to Etev.8460 feet. The slope dlstance from Llons Rldge Loop to the top of the rldge ls on the order of 600 to 700 feei. Fron ihe rtdge crest dorn to about EIev. 82ZO feet (about the center of the lots) the Sround stoPes at about 1.75:1 , nhereas below lhat elevallgn to Lions Rldge Loop the ground slopes at about 3.6: 1. lJe underst_ag9_lhq_lgme:-lcUld-lelongtructed adJacent to Ltons Rldge Loop on the flatlei:Ilop;d ,tc'"ors oI- tne lot. The steeper, upper part of the rldge slope ls <tlsrupted by 2 main rock bluffs ranglng from l0 fee! to as nuch as 50 feet hlgh. A fel., trees are scattered across t,he study area, but for the npst part, vegeLatlon ls llmited lo brush and natural grasses. Secllmentary rock sBraLa of the Pennsylvanlan-age (290 to 330 ml111on years ago) HlnUurn FormaLion constitute bedrock across the sfudy area. Thege strata lnelude malnly sandsLones, a few shales and a few thlck limesbone unlt3. ?hese <l1p northHard into lhe hiuside al 30o to ll0o. Consulta to Designers, Contradofs, Plannets R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canton ConsLructlon ComPanY October 2, 1989 Page 2 The bedrock, however, 1s blanketed (except for the roek bluffs) by slope$ash and taLus solls down to about Llons Rl<lge Road. Below Llons Rldge noad a Hest- southyest trencllng rldge spur of glaclal moralne 19 plastered agalnst the foot of the slope (Flgure 2). The sandstones typlcally are tlne-gralned and flne to eoarse-gralned. They are locaUy conglomeraLlc, thln to oasglve betlded, reak to strong, and the Jolnts are Htdely spaced. The llmestone 19 flne-Sralned to mlcrocrysLalllne, strong to very strong, thlck-bedded and wlth Jolnts rldely spaced. The unconflned compresslve sLrengthe of the sandstones prgbably range from 10,000 psl to 15,000 psl, nhereas those of the llnestone range probably to 30,000 pst. The shale units typlcally range from seans wlthln the sandslones to thln-beclded unlts up to a foot or so thlek. Those thlcker unlts, however, are rare. The unconflned compresslve strengtm of the shales probably range betveen 2,000 psl and 5,000 pgi. The slopewash and talus solls are unstratifled, sandy, gravelly, cobbley elay $lth gcattered boulders. Thls 1s nalnly eandstone debrls. The solls form an apron developed below the sandsLone bluffs down to Llons Rldge Loop, thus range from a nedge-edge upslope to probably as much as 10 to 20 feet thlck adJacenL to the road. These solls have been deposlted prlnarlly by sheet r.ash, thus are expecLed to range From loose to medlum dense, and Probably are subJect Bo dlfferenblal settlement when relued. South of Llons Rldge Loop, Lhe glaclal norai,na solls are prlnclpally a hetero- genecus nj.xture cf sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders 1n a sllt to clay natrlx. The solls lnclude both sandstone and granltic rock debrls. Except for a potentlal rock fall hazard, we found no evldenee of potentlal geologlc hazards wlthtn the sludy area. So long as dwelllngs a-re-coostrueted rlthln these lots Hlthout elSnlflcantly c!9llg$g_9b9_exls!1,n9-Sround_,eondl_llons' thus rhe srablrtrroTTh-e-To-ng--dna/dF- roek r{lintn tne buildinc 3-rrei ano vlclnlty, elope stabllity should not be lDpalred. Cuts ancl flIIs on the Iots shoulct - be EEitt-16-lf--tI:e.;-Oh---blre-order of--3 feet or lesi), ol_!!9919_be Beotechnlcally desl8ned. No unusual or sdv^-eF EeoioSy-relatG6'-El-iTif-ng ffiie expected. Bulldlnr,el.t ,ihes.e sltes should not lncreaseil the hazard to other property or sffitures, or to publlc bulTilTfr-gs, roads, (l sireets, rlghts-of-way, eaaenents, uttlltles or facllltles. The outcrops of rock, prlnclpally sandstone but lncl,udlng sorne layers of llnestones as rel1, Jut out of the rj.dge slope as 1on8, narron bluffs as ouch a3 50 feet high (Flgure 2). Conc_elvably rqqk-!fock!-gnd-_plg!.9s-cqq-l-d -!--qP.ple frort these btuffs to roil and bounce dorn the tlope. These theoreulcally could constltu!e a hazard to buitdtngs consbructed on the slope--5efow--'fh6E'iock fall iiix, *ctue'ITe6l-n-eeol-to he pro_balllIty of an event and the sevenlll of the event (the slze of a parblcular block that could topple ) I R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canton Constructlon Company 0clober 2, 1989 Page 3 tle belleve the rock fall r-tk, ln terms of probablltty, l.s__lo_Uor Lots 2, 4 and most of 5, but ls Judged to be medium across nost of Lot 1 and a 3nal1 area at the goutheasLern corner of Lot E--(F-tsure 2). The bluffs ibove Lots 2, J, ll and nost of 5 are relatlvely ndri"-oT-and are formed of sandstone that appears bo be relatlvely drasslve. Although we found evldence of looseness of a feu thln plates and small blocks of rock, for the Dost part the rock across lhe leclge tn thevlcinlty of Elev. 8330 feet to EIev. 8345 feet and the oore pronlnent bluff tn the vlctnlty of EIev.8380 feet Lo Elev. 81120 foet appears to be relallvely lntact. The Jotnts thaL are open fend to be perpendlcular to the slope raLher than parallel to lt.. Moreover, the strata dlp lnbo the slope caLher than out' thus rock blocks ane much less llkely to topple rlth those planes as thelr basal separatlons. 0ver geologlc time, blocks have separafed from those buo bluffs, but mos! of those appear to be quite old. Many are partly burled ln the slopeHash and talus, and ihe fresh rock surfaceg ortglnally exposed by the breakup of those rock masses as they fell are nor. Heather-coated, Thls evidences conslderable antlqulby. Hlbh rare exceptlon, these bfocks have scattered only abouL 150 to 200 feel downslope frorn the btuffs from nhlch they are derlved. The regldences to be conglructed would be placecl more than tslce tha! dlstance aHay from the btuffs. Mos! of the rock blocks have broken up uhen they toppled lnto smaller plaLy masses Lhat have not travelled far from the outcrop. They are trapped by the vegetatlon and other rock blocks streltn acroes the upper part of the slope. tle cannot compleLely dlspel the possibilliy that in some future llme large rock blocks Uoppling f rom these tHo outcrops may lnvade tr9C--s 2,.'3,-4 -bnd 5, but the geologic evldence lndlcales tha! those evenls are rare and the rlsk 1or,. The rock formlng the louer bluff from about Elev. 8340 feet to Elev. 8380 feet and extendlng eastward along the elope above and easb of the eastern half of Lot No.5 appears to be slgnlflcanbry nore brocky (Flgure 2). -Thoid_blocks from place to place appear to be more prone to toppllng than elserrhere xlthln the study area. Thts ls evldenced by a fan of old rock blocks that are scaLLered beloH the bluff above Lot I and €astHard for about 230 feet. Consequenbly. uo have Judged ehe rock ha?C!E-4-g! for nost of Lot 'l and a small Part ,-of Lot s t" ue oeirui. Thrs lng the rock bldcks-that can be removed by cros[aFnlpg. Addltlonally,_.tu9_f1l-ger bloeks denoted by X's nr.uaber;d 1 and 2 on the geologlc map (Flgure 2) 1!ggl!-!9 removed ltl-tght-ifasllne. Af ternaLlvelv, lhose rock blocks coul.d- U1!SaQ{- rlth- rock bolts. Removal aDpeans to us to be a preferable ansrrer, however. Scallng of loise slabs and blocks coulcl be extended !o the rock outcrops to the rrest algo. Thls uould be nerely an lngurance neagure that nould reduce the already lov rlsk of rock falls by only a small lncrement. 'hv-(," R. J. lrish Coneulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canton Constructton Coopany Ociobcr 2. 1989 Page { Ie hope the abov. ooanent! rtU br ofpropcrtler. If you hlvs rny quarttons our york, plcase fcel tree to o!ll. loD€ lerytoe to tou 8! lrou devclog thescor rould ltk. lo dtlcusr eny espcotc of Conaultlng Engtncerlng Geologtct RJI:ct NS-iu#y', N l ,F -N- Itooo zdoo: SCALE IN FEET R. J. IRISH CONSULTING ENGINEERING GEOI-OGIST, INC. PROPERTY LOCATION MAP DATE , 9,/30/89 JOS NO.' l9O (126) FIG. I t?l IU F€ FI lrIt;t ill- ;g l;.-tif Fg E r!E r'Er;!li:i Fr :r 7e3: -t!r !; !Eiiii !-.llF :;!!E iFii::i!:: '-t i t!F!!!:!. !: EE !: i! 'i ;: =: E: :iE i:t Et: ri; E!r;f3 .:E!:E!t=aI:;Et' F F F ta ER, F 2 ," o E 6) AEzto8H;rur! iE3 3E ?\c\x'J" <\^' gtot Project Appticatio"t) U- Date Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Design Review Board Molion by: "^," sl8lffu APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL h0, =fo.*, Pfrla''', Summary: Seconded by: Town Plan ner Date: El statr Approval V\tt r -r..."\- atot O Prolect ^rrt,"rr""tb 9}- !lr . .,1 P-roiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone i'\ri- -D -flr t t r'-\ 'i'i'l '; l/>0 I Owner, Address and Phone: 'T.f-lf -\r"t /-.,-i1i ,* i A1e \il-l Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block riting L tlr-t>Q r-I..- |'(-r Z , 2on" Comments: -:t.i$.- {-rt t,'r---, t./.,lr\, '". .' -\ 'l)r,1'.y Jl'if '- Y-'\. c i 1l\ / --ti: , <iiir-t '"f-lc,,iritt;{l }ri'.,/ r *ri\L i?: ,/1"{r' 5li)/li,- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: i y,t. Dale: Town Plan ner E statt Approval ,+).f* -{ ' I Proiect Name: i -.,r --,--J -.t I V\tf '-r '- "'\' ''\c\ Prolect AppttcattoJ tr vl},, Proiecl Descriplion: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ({ rl I Legal Doscription: Lot ,-ri**]f \- ' /.t I , Zone Coriments: Design Review Board - ivili_n"ro4 Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL . : l; rri ;'t lr ,i '.i1, :( t(Vttt',,' Town Planner Date: E statt Approval 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 12, 1986 olflce of communlty development Mr. Jack Hunn Vail Associates, Inc./Beaver Creek P.0. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 8.l658 Re: Design Review Board Submittal for the Johnston Residence, Lot 1, Li onsri dge Fi I i ng 2 Dear Jack: I have reviewed you Design Review Board submittal and will need the fo1 Iow'ing additional information: 1. The driveway grade may be at a maximum slope of 8%. The Design Review Board also suggested that parking and the turn-around area should be given carefu'l attention. 2. A materials list as well as materials samples should be submitted. 3. A landscape plan should be submitted. 4. The site should be staked for the meeting on May 2lst. 5. Retainage should be clearly defined and wall heights ca1 led out. Materials for the retainage should be defjned. One board member also asked that the stair system be clearly indicated on the site plan. 6. The highest roof ridge elevation needs to be indicated on the site plan. 7 . A ut i I i ty veri fi catj on form shoul d be compl eted. 8. A stamped survey should be subm'i tted. 9. This property is in a high severity rock fall area and 40% slope area. Special conditions apply to this type of a lot. I have enclosed a section of the zoning code on lots having 30% slope or greater as well as the ordinance on geological'ly sensitive areas. This site will needto have a soi'l s and foundation investigation, engineered foundations bya registered engineer, a revegetation plan, site spec.i fic geologica1 'i nvestigation, and other specia1 reports as defined jn the zon.i ng code. Please look thnough this sectlon of the code careful'ly. 10. A dnainage p'lan is needed. 11. P'lease note that there ls a flve foot helght llmit ln the crawl space onyour first level. Please submlt thls lnformetlon by ttlay 16, 1986. Thts wlll allon soop tlne before the meetlng to actual'ly_go over the new Informatlon. If you havc anyquestlons about this review, please feel free to call ne. Sl ncere'ly, Krlr^ 0ift Krlstan Prltz Town Planner KP: br Encl osure o iro\nrlon &silornct @ d^,Nr [s" it*'Wa$*ffiffi dftd\a- aOao du^\.b \*, f+4) t'ldo^oft rutqft, iscop g\an )\uV f4q- 0\L rnm\nr $&"d ,r,,u,rt- tlooJ rid,^o1 ore" r\r.o- k'( t,d4e fuuq^io,."0 0+t,\ tle^dr.u*,"n I tet*n*qr r\o^U\a-- Ui*d- $xrib'\i+.r a$ ortr^f w'l\, fucro, Dr P, ^ bCI\il[ar\- wiW l"d^|, sf,o^ \e,',*-- il..r,tU b* tS'*i r^c^om{,ffip'i}r pQr/e arsidir ( Iryry lu4$t,Ynhtuni*,I vov^44u4 foil {ot&&'^, ,hwlqA^'.Jh*f,^,-y% 't r;4ptF frLyzr\r,ilb+, qa,raql,; {^} ;*lh LUI o Jt+ lQ ru,3fl B v lL, AD[' &. r x t/,9= ?u F' Jcr I r?' ?] Vr f,f:a) (v( 7 ----gD0 31q- 116 r? /], t lSa lfrf, llft // t?r /q3 JV@ 6D @ ou l? /N 3er)tI,flI ? rlr |y,f y/f f -1yt i 0iil'_ (ii-l.tK for sFR, R, R P/S 70llt ! t\atrlrb DISTRICTS FilingLegal Description: f-ot t Block - .a\orner '..]bhhJVA Archi tect Zone DistricL Lot Size He i ght Tota'l GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front ' Si des Rear llater Course Site Coverage landscapi ng Parki ng Cred'i ts: Garage l'lechani ca'l Ai rl ock Stora ge So] ar Heat Storage Dri ve: 51ope Permi- tted Envi ronmenta'l /Haza rds : Proposed Use Al'l or'red @ @ @ Proposed J}}s (3oo) (600) ( eoo) ( r2oo) (so)(loo) (2s) (so) (2oo) (4oo) ry ,ro +? tlo 51 ope Actua'l Ava'l a nch e Fl ood P'l ai n Sl ope .ll II\ln flrob- .\ 0\h\ fYnr- coinenrs . - l*Ho0t' Nfl\ Ss*^\ e"I4o\\ ----ffinltN---!-Tb Zoning: ApProved/DisaPProved Da te: c 7 Proiecl Application o^t, //-3-70 Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: t-\ \/// ^ , Architect Address and Phone: /-/ et-C'<- Legal Description' 1s1 I , Block Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: 5^"-1 - ITIT I al5lr-.c, 1i,r-r Seconded by: tt - {ro DISAPPROVAL ///t1 Chief Building Official r 1)o IIIi t ZONE CIIECK forR, R P/S Z0NE DISTRiCTSsFR, Legal Description: Lot / Block ormer furcufdn/Architect [;/// ?,Yt,t'aE f/ / f/7 Setbacks: Front-Aequfft-d lo;'--Fi'oiilsea t'/ Sides-Required 15' Proposed /2, . Rear -Required 15' Proposed ,::/? llaterccurse-required - fu/ Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Prcpcsed ActuaI 'Ava'lanche 'l'', Fl ood P'iain Sl ope GRFA: A'nor.red | 4or7 /'i , ,/^ ,, -,y'GRFA: Primary Allor+ed 764 ''-' (/ , Primary t. Secondary Allor'red 2.7'79 (/ Secondary /58< Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: Alloived loltr Required //'./o Requi red -; /,' .,///c: Drive: slope Permitted f'/o st"p"//'/ o - ttftr,/t ;,1' r,l, ! t Filins /rrrlli,,-ru' 'y't ;#ZU Conments: D.:ts:Zolinq : /lpp:'ovr:!,/D'! s,.: p!rro";ri LIST OT NAME OF P LEcAL DEScRI PTroN-J --LorDESCRIPTION OF PROJECT MATERIALS 2'A'FrLrNG The to A.) following information the Design Review Board BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other l{a1l Materials Fascia Sof fits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other is required for submittal by the Applicant before a fj.nal approval can be given. Type of Material Color B.) .PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Materialsand Ground Cover) Eotanical Name Common l{ame including Trees, Shrubs, Size /hhjq4 / Quantitvrz A------€r!-- Ary*r@ry Project Application on" f-'244.- Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot f , Block Zone: Zoning Approved: Motion by: Deslgn Review Board ,^," /rr/uo DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Off icial i .',_ iqltG -NN\,1 NNt \${$r'$l$il)-lltL$l ; si.st $J ''-Vi*NN\"iN\ v'\ Is-t^\ {"i { 3I \{ o : d \,u{N}\\{tl$;$li ir.$ \$T l 9a's\b\c't\IYJr{I\I.-'ko* \NIAs\${JN\s.rQ/\r!\.. 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AO 4.4^t a4 dL4-.'?^- /"-;/Z h-- 9^L-6-^- t*-*4 o,,-/ ,a, a',-,/ 'o-r"/ a--*,u 4V*9;a az A:^^ br--, -&r,.* a--1A p-*/ n-a-zz.s- 7.^-1A,"-.-- 6 Zt- i/# t^- /--tu*^tr a-/-4-ue-Z,k- ?-J" L-!Z/a'*+ A e-r,-(.,",2^* 2/.^- z/*,{ /;-czr/ ") a-'?-Lz<-,-'- ,. /'/ ^U. - .: ,-o Jn,*,--,', rL a4h* fre-A c'ho;^, "r,4/l- 4-^ o",--/ "-g;''- /--r--',^ U^/AT 7ftL /;u r; fr-l azt-a- , d -; h^/-./, n eg-,,.-rt- ;; /"^'f0 o o-,'L// 1-A ryl -,<-''7'\ A/1 -uL '? 7Z;.r. 74- Q-.o-.t-zf 4<z-t, u-L- h/ -/ - /, -t J,/ U,^/*/ 4t/.,7.,1,a- n;^ t{2" 4 /L -\ / ./- /' ')-44r,r^'"-'6-r'- or-q-Lu( -lz- -T?.44-?,1- U, o --L ' ' /"d{^L h-"-"*-- z/--"'.^ fu? /,u;z/- -z/- /'.J-2, /1 ,t \-/.Za4-4'2 C z,-,P -4-4'! 'ffi7(fu*tu U/l 2 lN e-*f / il^/** '--- **;J -t/*t /r'n La-^rl' A ;-"4 /-,* i"-^ J ,/l A-o,?/- , -il*- azJ:Lt /-'-. At P^; h aL-a.^.- ^ lLa.* /F,o.*-1t.14 /; e/';-h ,t { u u u/ t d,- *,/ /;;; 4--S'f o a-14-od*. / , ^O. ron C.I/vt-w-<.a-auq J-1.t AX/ A4/4.-O'L-7w(-- fr-*Z A--&i /*1 n on ),vt- A-bA fu'^L a..'v- eJ^-f;"-4 e/--)<-r"rl'* ; Z/,- ^f-* d-)t l/rJL s.&+-r--/ -u.-*,- u--.'// */^;/ /-^t;F /*i 4 t^- t/" . a1!- 3 t/"L J a-r^-Jl .L'n'4-, 4/) /1 /'t^^ a o'-/ ' I a"'"- ,7'r^'/ l'-.p14 .^H //: ,h-/P*:"/ %2, n"t '- ; dL z^J 12/^""'- {-- ,o-"1 a/-4 -^"-o( fr-"^'e*^" /t-;^-t;-'r"- t, u 4oh"" fr'l@'^"-"- / 1? s /,; ,?,,? L? I f*a- --o fl-lra.z p/-z z*rrA"ou& a'"-L""/u '"' flar Proiect Name: :o Project Application .Jj' o^," tofr6/fc/ Proiect Descrip{ion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot | , Block Filing Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board / o -2-"7 Motion by: Seconded by: Zoning Administrator Date: Chiet Building Official Date: . ;". . *F.lv: ,- .. t . ..i,,!-. /,. \l'itlt,Project Applicalion o"r" lO- L - tA ..-\ o Oescription: Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Lelal Description: Lot I T , Block '"t lone: Zoning Approv€d: Design Review Board Motion by: o^,. t ar/ r s' /trd OISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL ,,,f!,ii. -:' '*i;.1,1': Summary: Zoning Administrator Date: Chi€t Bhtding otticial Dat€: , <i.rF','r!. . . :E i.--.i. _ir.::!; , L. Prorecl Name: ' r-.-r *ri!,..rrrirr - -.. _.jr+. -'rqF?1.!tf'ji 1t.' /r.li{.. illr Fn- \ r.!..arriF i,r !r'|a{.r}r"/ {it>f a ProjectAppticatton ?- i: ' q-cn,.,o "f - 1 Proi€ct Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chi€f Bhlding Ofticial