HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 PHASE 2 TRACT B UNITS 1A-4B-1 LEGALLrtrngciAqe- G\i"qa €\nqbe- u' \;.;i $ rr t unltt \A-{s t' ?% \"b2 STREET ADDRESS ERROR F'ORM This form is to be used for addressing errors. If Eagle County has an incorrect address on any ofthe official documents regarding your property, please complete this form. Planning Staffwill veriry the correct address and notif, the appropriate organizations. Please retum this form to the Department of Community Development at 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, CO 81657 Property Owner Name: Mailing Address: Property Owner Signature: 5gr At\NcAes, SEE- AarAcr\eN Action Requested: X Ho*" Address doesn't match Eagle County Records House Address doesn't match Town of Vail Map House Address doesn't match either Other: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Current Phvsical Address;\{bo L\oNSRroGL LooP The following agencies may be notiJied of the change: Eagle County Ambulance District Eagle County Assessors Office Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Holy Cross Electric, Engineering Dept. Public Service Company Public Service Hish Pressure Gas Town of Vail requires the appropriate address be conspicuously posted on the premises. Multifamily dwellings shall be assigned a single numeric address. Apartments, suites, duplex units, etc. shall have an alpha, alpha-numeric or directional desipnation in addition to the sinsle numeric address. For i Use The Community Development Department has verilied the correct address for the above listed property. The address displayed on the building corresponds with the address the Community Development: Phone 479-2138 Far< 479-2452 Town of Vail Fire Department Town of Vail Police Department U.S. Postal Service US West Johnson, Kunkel & Assoc., E9l I Coordinator TCI Cablevision L A\ugr-ss(es ts \{8o burrrue. CJ.eeK noAs r?r 21:- Records for Street Address Error corections Listed in the following fashion: Ordner Name Parcel * (Account *) Mailing Address Current Physical Address (As identified in the Eagle County Assessor's database) Leqal Desc. 1) STEPHANOFF, ROBERT A. & MICHEL],E M., 2L0312206OO1 (R007028 ) 8607 CHICAGO RD, WARREN, Mr 48093 OO148O LIONS RIDGE LOOP, 1.A CONDO: GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL UNIT:1A 2) DAVIS, CAROT E.,DAVIS, 2L0312206002 (R007029) PO BOX 1551, VArL, CO 81558 OO1480 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, 18 CONDO: GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL UNIT:1B 3) BOWERS, JOSEPH T., 2103L2206003 (R007031) 2103 PrNE ST, BOULDER, CO 80302 001480 LroNs RrDGE LOOP, 2A CONDO: GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL UNIT:2A 4) GROUSE VALLEY LLC, 2L03I2206004 (R007032) 1801 BROADWAY, STE l,l-00, DENVER, CO 80202 001480 LrONS RrDGE IOOP, 3A CONDO: GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL UNIT:3A 5) HARRISON, SHARON, 2r03r22O6OOs (R00?033) 2980 JOYCE WY, GOLDEN, CO 80401 001480,LroNs RrDGE LOOP, 4A CONDO: GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL UNIT:4A 6) DEMARCO, RICHARD F. & ANNA M., 210312206006 (R007034 ) 10064 wotFF sr, wEsrMrNsrER, co 80030 OO148O LIONS RIDGE LOOP, 48 CONDO: GROUSE GLEN AT VATL UNIT:4B O o**#U* Design Review Board ACTIOII FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgolr.€ornc€t i,t-${tY dtlEl,{FtEfi t proiect rame: Gca^rc Cb^ lJa;+ l,fr lvluta"DRB Number: DRB05052b Prcject Descripuon:ad*t;on FINAL APPROVAL OF A MINOR ALTEMTION OF AND ADDMON OF BATHROOM WINDOW Participants: owNER STEPHANOFF, ROBERTA. & MrCH10/03/200s -JT 8507 CHICAGO RD WARREN MI 48093 APPLICANT STEPHANOFF, ROBERT A. & MICH10/03/2005 -JT 8607 CHICAGO RD WARREN Mr 48093 Project Address: 1480 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL LocaUon: GROUSE GLEN, UNIT 1A flr.or.A- lu+B Legal Descripfion: Lrit: Block: Subdivision: Lionsridge Filing 2 Parcel Number: 2103-122-0600-1 Comments: SeeConditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditaons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR . DateofApproval: 10/05/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approvbl does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Condr CON0007610 rr," "ppli""ta[ matctr the new window ln color and.t" **" *isiurg wlthin the sbuolture. All Ulm shall madr the o<lsiBlg structure and all sHirg around the new windotr sttall be replaed and palnted b matdt the o<lsfrrg material prior to rcquesting final Temporary CerUficaE of Oacupancy or C.erdflcate of Oaupancy. Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Peld: f2!iO.OO ,r*m I Minor Exterior AlteratOrs Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within one year of tre approval. Description of the Request, AJ ) ; {ru.n of 6-(/.'o*- u,'^ ). ,^- Physical Address: ParcetNo.: 2lo 3lz2ocoa I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-85.10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):(,A. + s/t /.^^.€ Mailing Address:'o.t +d? 3 tA: ( (o 3/t r{ame of Apptiu*, (, /.-( !{?- (^-.{y' Mailing Address: Phone: owner(s) Signature(s): Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition ff Minor Alteration (mutti-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenual or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board. No Fee F:J3ff*',Fq'.t. cnnuu', 5/6/ sv, N""tins out", [| h-\O( DRB No.: o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.r LocaUon of landscaped areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencingo Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.r Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or largero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.r Location of o<isting trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate criUcal root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. r REPAINT PROPOSAIS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)r Architectural elevation drawings which cleady indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) Page 5 of 13/06/06/05 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS TVoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrlm Doors Door Tdm Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other n-+^ f >y "t €*;r(..^: (. j 4rs t'.,? 4, J Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s ngme, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L3106106105 GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION WRITTEN ACTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT MEETING The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Directors of Grouse Glen at Vail Condominium Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation (the "Association"), hereby approve and adopt the following resolutions by unanimous written consent: Apptoval of Window Addition RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 2l of the Condominium Declaration of Grouse Glen at Vail, the Board of Directors of the Association has agreed to permit Robert Stephanoff (the owner of Unit lA within the Grouse Glen project), to add an exterior window in accordance with the plans attached hereto as Exhibit 1. The window shall be installed so that it is similar in appearance with the other existing windows within the project in which the Unit is located. The owner of Unit 1A shall be required to either maintain the window or have the Association maintain the window addition at Owner's expense in the same general condition of appearance and repair as other windows within the project. RESOLVED, that the foregoing approval is conditioned upon the following requirements: I' The owner of Unit lA shall indemnify and hold harmless the Association, the Board of Directors, the owners of all Units and the agents, representatives, successors and assigns ofthe foregoing from and against any and all loss, damages, costs, charges and liabilities of every kind and nature, including reasonable attomeys' fees, which may be sustained by any of such parties arising as a result of the approval, construction, maintenance, and/c,r repair of the deck extension. The foregoing indemnity shall cover, without limitation, any damage which may be caused during construction or continuing existence of the w'indow to the suuciure in whici the building is located and any improvements within the area of or the immediate surroundine area of the window. 2. The execution and recording in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado of the Agreement Regarding Improvements in form approved b1'the Board. 3. The removal of the storage shed that was built on the Unit's exterior and performance of any required repair to the exterior wall no later than thirty (30) days after the date of this action. All of the above requirements shall be set forth in the Agreement Regarding Improvements to tle satisfaction of the Board, and the Board shall receive evidence ttrut thi Agreement is recorded in the Offrce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado within ten (10) days after the date ofthis action. RESOLVED. rh* "t_:::i.,or taken and.alt rhings clonr and-all e,xpenrlitures nrade by rheofliccr4,direct.r*, rmpluyr:es .and sgents .rf thc as-so'ciution, actilg for arur on bcjrarf of thcAsstxiatioq Fom thc dare of tlrc. hsfunn*l r*ring iidirecLn *-ur. a*" r,"r*T nre hercbyratiflod. appmvcd anrt confirrned in all ,,,*pa"o ---"'' -" ' -.i,' s{ wrrNESS wItER[oF, tha undersignetl hnve hc.eunto subsc.rib€d their nanlce this"iL' Auy of Septcmbcr. 2005. Carol Krueger. $ecrcnry/Trcs*tucr o Ratifi cation of Comorate Activities RESOLVED, that all actions taken and all things done and all expenditures made by the officers, directors, employees and agents of the Association, acting for and on behalf of the Association, from the date ofthe last annual meeting ofdirectors to the date hereof, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects. ,;i /J, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their names this l' )--'coY of SePtember, 2005. Sharon HarrisoG Prcsident L t'c< Carol Krueger, Secretary/Treasurer i j --.tgUUEil rnDlBF, b p{Frrld h ffi rhsd ff n frlflqfSffuc,zon t t , ep. 13 2ffi6 lz:BlFl'l lffmdCrr-eafrflrl RmLvD, na Cl rciw & rl| dl atqF tut d r8.q'di.l r* ttthoils, Ccc cdola d {G db.Ardrdd, rrh; fu d c tddL Anddo, fo |b.b dit La @l a*da or{[rsrb Or rld! haril[, Glt|rtttri&4mrrddafudbdnl*. Sntct tutC, Vh! Draddd Crol lrfnr, trcutWlthsu t+t+++*t+ftt+*+aafla+*tl*ttta+at*aatftf+faaaaaaafafatattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaftt*f**fftfaaf**+afa TOWNOFVAII4 COIJORADO Statcmcntfflll*+*aaflfffi*aaft*l**l*laa*fl'tttttttttattatfattfttftlttaat*arrtaaa**itftft++**ftgftrf+t gtatenent Nudber: RO5OOO1629 Amount: 9250.OO n/Og/2OOSL2z4S IEt4 Payment lletlrod: Cheek Init: LCNotation: #373?/ROBERT A. STEPHANOFF Permlt No: DR8050526 Tlpe: DRB-Uinor ALt, Cornm/MuLti Parcel No: 2t03-122-O6OO-L SLte .Addreee: 1480 IJIONS RIDGE IJp \fAItLocation: GROIISE GITBN, IINIT 1A Tota1 FeeE: $250.00This Palment,: $25O.OO Total AIIJ PmtE: 925O.OOBalance: $0.00+*r+ii+i***,*,n**rii*t*r++tiri***liir****l***i+il..iaiaa,iaa-.raaa-...**t*rai+iiT-*f - ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Currents pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DBSIGtr{ RT\iItEfI FBES 2s0.00 P.,purrJ Bl)) | - Vrrt E/r,zn(,o d.dl V^{ E/crnfronExrs{; a3 Btl) t .: -; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD , i) | a 4 VAIL, CO 81657 L"^'.'t"-t' K^dXt : '(n0479-2138 Qrro<-t->z_elv_-^- NorE: THIS pERMIT MUsr BE posrED oN JoBsrrE AT ALL TrMEs -lt 15- MECHAMCAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0046 Job Address: 1480 BUFFEIIR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: GROUSEGLEN,L]NIT#8 Applied..: 03/n/20[i5 Parcel No...: 21031220ffi8 Issued. . : MlWlz@s ProjectNo , iln Expires..: l0/C/il2D5 I omqER KUNERT, KATHRyN - HOHMAN, BEO3/23/20O5 phone: 1475 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAII, co 815s7 Lricense: CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOO3/23/2OO' Phone: 970-568-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO 4o443 License: 101-M APPLICAIIT FRISCO FIREPIJACE & STOVE S'JOO3/23/2O05 Phone: 970-558-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRISCO, CO 80443 License: 101-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF EPA WOOD FIREPLACE Valuation: $4.741.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted:# of Gas Appliames: 0 # of Gas lrgs: 0 # ot Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY M€chanical--- > 5100. o0 Resularant Plan Review->So. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > 5128 . 00 S0.00 Additionsl Fees----------> (5128 . o0 ) Q"r*rr"Nr oF coMMUNrry or#or"r*, PIan Check*- > lnvestigation- > wil cdt---- > S25.00 DRB Fee---------------- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES - $128.00 Toal Permit Fe€-----> s3.00 Paymenr---------;' BALANCE DIJE.._---- > IIEm: 051-OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIUI o4/o4/2oo5 iJRNL Action: AP Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'IIIE!{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI'D ]NSPECTIONS ARE REQUfRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. Cond: 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MAMTFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDQ. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHAIIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AIID SI{AIJL TERI4INATE AS SPECIFIM IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CI{APTER 8 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY vIITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8c.1017 oF $0. 0o s0. 00 90.00 '*trr;;'wc ADID cHAprER , l* leez r!re. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAIJIJ BE MOt]lfTm ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CONST. IINIJESS IJfSTED FOR MO(!{TI}IG Ol{ COMBUSTIBITE FITOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PITAIIS AIID CODE AIIAITYSIS MUST BB POSTED IN I.IECIIAITICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO At{ TNSPECTTON REQ(BST. Cond: 30 (Br,De.): DRArI{AGE oF MEcHANTcAt Roous coluArNrNc HEATTNG oR Hor-wATER sltpprry BOTITERS SIIAIJL BE EQUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE 1997 Ul{C, OR SBCTION 1004.6 0F TrrE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information reErired, completed nn accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wittt all Town ordinances ard state laws, ard to build this stnrcture according to the towrn zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWBNTT-FOUR HOI,JRS IN ADVANCE TELEPHONE AT PM. TTJRE OF OWNER OR 2149 0R A OFFICE FROM 8:fl) AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF !rAR-22-2005 t, '*'4 TUE 12:30 PM rBoM:llsco FIREPLACE rAx:e7066f06 APPIJCATtrOil U'ILL NOT BE ACCE+D TFINCdMPLFTE OR UNSIG'{ED Project #: _ BuiHlng Pcrmlt Mechanlcal Pernlt #; PAGE I 97 O- 47 9 - Zt4g (Inrpedone) to fndudel 'Permlt wlll not be accepted wlthout the # \ Kun€.rt'l/6n rYna,.r-\ q-7('- a{gr WorkQessr !\lcw( ) eddnion( ) p,lErradonVf Repalr( ) O'Eer( ) BoilerLocguon: InErior( ) Eerbr( ) otrer( )L\oca rn EHU ct*rt at tils lo@tion: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typcof Btdg; Sh€h-famtry( ) Duplor( ) Mrrfti-thmiV Comnnral ( ) RcSuEnt( ) Ofirr( ) No, of Ed:fng Duelling Unlts In thls butldlrrg:No. dAmmmodlUon lJnlts In thle bulldlng: NofiVpeof FtrcplacesProposcd:GarAppllrnaes( ) eastoSs(l) Wood/Pdlct( ) WoodBumlng(NOTAI,I-OWED) (Lhbo'r ai. Matcrh|s) MECHANICAL: $ !t-74 I . Oo tbr tutd * CO},IPLETE VALUATION FOR CONTRACTOR Mecfianlcal Conbrcton frigr,, Fi.oaloru Town of Vrll RGg, No,i I o\ J"t Contad and Phone *t: Ccr,d, Ll'g.gl te,o Contraclor Slgnatilrra: tlstltt$+{r****rlr++*******:t*i.{.tF tl*:l* d.+tf tf *trl*++*{.****:l.tltl.*lttf, t * L'"e+ F.lavatyg,', llo'tlz.l Tt,1, 3o91wED 02:34 Ptil rRoM:flco FIREPIAcE r,tx:e7066f06 PAGE I lm*dohrliHf.IEtb North $tlr .",. , EPA CertlflcdFtrcplace FRONTVIEW C. FIREPI-AGE IililENSIONS MINITUIUTS CLEARANCESTO COi'BUSNBLEE ullTJ{lr. EI{GL9iURF AiEA: .,..lAr{t!l cHlIt{EY AEGTTONA . ,.i Gfiimley rcilonr et tlry h,tl r|qult" e f (51 mm) rdnlqum rllc rpra. olcrlrnca bltreen lhc fnmlng gid cfilmrny..cffon' 'r'iit" l. Flr*rleee.rnd Hirrth.Etrtrtrlon .r. lludr on trr noor. '' / FLOOR PROTEGTION t' .pombuien'|borine 26ritSOAmm) ln l?ont of erd 8' (2$mn) b .fthcr ldr d Ut fird qrnhE; rrod be lnsdritrli*-dijnrdbte n*-p'opE* "iu, e mtnrmrm trk*riaiii'i'frsilii ii-tfr ffi-. ojsl. 2. Finlphc. lt lludr on tfrt f,oer ud Hrlrtlr lxirn.lori b rllrrd to tlrr bcfion oitlrr fardr: Rat .d h.arh mJ|t ba aoieuciad d non comhrrftlc mrt|rftb sudl |! cm.nr Hod( or rqr$nlcnt mrtrrlrl D|aor.iiwoombuild. lloodng.m rhe l|llrd h.ar0r mU*.br ztr(fl)Smrr) In fiont crt rnd S (2osmin) to .lth.r Eld6 sl tm,fiJol o_penlng, mqrt !r lnrulrbd with non-combr#Jibh.lloor Frorcqllon wlth e ,ninlmum thlclrnirr sl 1-112, (38rnm) and('lf nEr.0.zfS). rt Flllplrc. lr noesed ln th.ieorb tt bobm otqf fr.dr: comhruHr tloorlng 3f (762mrnf h ftbilt st rnct f (2ogrnm) b olth|r rtde of thr ttrol npenhg;riJd b. lrprlgtd rdrl ndl.oombuf$blc llmr protrcflo irl$ r fidn|trlum $idq|c.. ol t. (lsmm) rnd (.lC ralur r O.4S)_ SIDEVTEW TOPVIEW UPTo lo"tEll OttAlClA cl (E th t&+. rrs (r&n0ls0 MAR-23-2005 frED 02:34 PM rRoil:fsc0 FIREPLA0E rAx:e7066$06 PAGE 3 tiqco Flnplace & Slove Shop, Lfi. 74eTcn til. Drn,c POBs(1380 Fdcoo.CO t0448p7o Ga+3760 (€70)6195506F^)( vrvtttfftrldto@.ccm Farr +7G.2l82 t{f,r I 'lE'- +7*Zl8 H osrnos trll1f*tr |anevkrw EltltGronail trlhrntll tr nrrnrryotr . Jc+ rHtd b l||| hffidrtrrttru tH fif,d. F|n cdt rr ull||r tr Dril ]rru{t fu FlCr h .o lt-w ilt Llh cmr|E lffi - Gl|Itl IIAB,23-2,095 tED 02:34 PM rBffi:r,Sc0 FIBtPtAct t.. ': I I PAOE 2 ti+'. I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Q"r*rrr"T oF coMMr.JNrr" orutrrr*, \ u\l{fi-\DPAuN $0. 0o TOTAL FEES > S1s3 .00 Totrl Permit Fc€---*- > 5153 . 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO5-OO3I Job Address: 1480 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: GROUSE AT GLEN, UMT #8 Applied . . : V2l24l2Ws Parcel No...: 21031220f0{J8 Iszued. . : 03ll0l20f6 ProjectNo : Expires. .: WIMlzC[is owNER KUNERT, KATHRYN - HoHMAN, BBo2/24/2oos phone: 1476 BI'FFEIIR CREEK RD VAII, co 816s7 License: CoNTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. ITHEI O2/24/2O0s phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 I-,icense t L7 4-V! APPL.,TCAT\UI HEjARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THEI 02/24/2005 phoner 970-827-9523 P.O BOX 670 MINTT'RN, CO 8164 5 License: ]-74-Yl Desciption: INSTALLATION OF AN EPA PHASE II APPROVED WOOD BLJRNING FIREPLACE Valuation: 55.255.00 Fireolace Information: Resnicted:# of Gab Applianccs: 0 # ofGas I-ogs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0****'r****,***r.*********tr*rt{*rtr*++r+rrrr++++rrr+rrt+rrtrri'i****t t t * FEE SUMMARY lr :t )it r.:t + +,f ,t :t :t :G+:l:*::,t rt r.l|rrr a**:t '.r**:**'*{.***,lr***rt *!t***:}:t*** +*rtr* * Mechanicsl-- > 5120.00 Rcstuarant Plan Review- >So . oo Total Calculated Fees-- > 3153 . o0 Plan Check-- > Ilvestigation- > will c8 - > 530. 0o DRB Fee------------- >S0.00 Additional Fe€s----- >$0. 00 $3 ,00 s1s3 . o0 $0. 00BALAI|CE DUE-- > Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII{EMI 03109,/2005 JRM Action: AP rtem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI!{E}tr CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BIrDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I,MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rIr{C. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTTFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CITAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TMC. Cond: 25 (BIJDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AIID SHAIJIT TERMINATE AS SPECTFTED IN SEC.805 OF THB L997 ID|C, OR CHAPTER I OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Conds 29 (BI,DG.),'AccEss To HEATING T,"n,f*- MusT CoMPIJY WITII CHAPTER 3 AND sEc.1o1.7 oF THE 1997 I'MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OP TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BIJDG.): BOIL,ERS SIIAtt BE MOITIITED ON PITOORS OF NOIICOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FI.,OORING. Cond: 32(BLIX'.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AtlD CODE ANAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MBCHAI{ICAI ROOMS COIITAINI}IG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI]PPLY BOILERS SIIAIJIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FL'OOR DRAIN PER SEe. LO22 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. +t+:l++lill**t*'t:l DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with dl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI 75 S. Frufigr Rd.Vrl[6lorr& &15tt -- l\o GO63156 tl.t* t|l*,tl** i :t I t rr r n FREpracu XIRORDNIAR,. o Zeto Clearance Fireplace *;H"'Listed Tes-ted tr: U.L.127 adporlirns of U.L. 1482&WT 36 Er-rcn-ZC IrrrsrALLATIoN MnNUAL - July, 2000 - Part # 93508090 6i1m#-,,ffi $10.00 I Tnele or Gonreurs Index lndex the left margin indicate.EB'7 '7?+ symbols used along lWaming I\- I illustration below details what the@Pol The Felrunes aruo SpeqFrcATroNs PAGE 1 Features: . EPA Phase II approved (2.3 s.lhr.\@. Large firebox capacity - 3.7 cu. ft. . Long bum time - up to l0 Hours. . Large glass doors for maximum visibility. . Firebrick lining for firebox protection. . 388 CFM blower for convection heat and outside combustion air.. Thermostat for automatic control of the blower. Installation Options:. Straight or Corner Placement. Flush or Recessed Face. Raised or Flush Floor Hearth. lntemal or External Chase. 8' leads for the power source and the blower (120 Volts A.C.). Set-up face is included to ease facing installation. 3 blower duct locations for a wide selection of interior or exterior blower installation options Soecifications Approximate Heating Capacity (in square feet)* Maximum Buming Time BTU Output per Hour (Cord Wood Method) 1,200 - 2,s00 Up to l0 Hours 10.300 to 66.000 * Will vary with the home's floor plan, insulation, and outside temperature. Dimensions: Weight: 590 Lbs. I See "Chimney Requirements" Eleclrical Conduit Location The set-up face shipped on the fireplace is 36-1/8" wide and 28-1l16" tall (dimensions shown are for the finished face) 6" Blower hook-uDs are on both sides and on the bottom (centered 7-518" from the rear edge). Remove the cover plate to access the blower hook-up. Optional Electrical Conduit Exit Location PAGE 2 lnsrelleron ! Read thisRead this entire manual before installing the fireplace. Failure to install this fireplace in accordance with all local codes and the requirements listed in this manual may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even deatl. Notify your insurance company before installing this fireplace. The reouirements listed below are divided into sections. All requirements must be met simultaneously. Thc order of installation is not rigid - the qualified installer should follow the procedure best suited for the installation. Modifications of the fireplace (doors, blower, air inlet systems, damper control, or any other component supplied by Travis Industries) or use ofany component part not approved by Travis Industries in combination with this fireplace system will void the listing and warranty. Shipped with the Fireplace:. Installation Manual with Catalyst Wananw Card. Gratc. Baffle. Blower Assembly. Ember StriD. Log Retainer (includes allen wrench & instructions). l'lex Duct w/ start collar 3' Length, 6" Dia (For Blowcr). Two l2'Flex Ducts, 6" Diameter (For Cooling Vents). Two Vent Hoods (For Cooling Vents). Two Vcnt Hood Storm Collars (For Cooling Vents) Shipped with the Faceplate:. Faceplate (two switch plate screws are attached). Switch Plate (includes blower rheostat). l0 Faceplate Screws Shipped with the Door(s): . Owner's Manual. Installation Hardware Pack. Pair ofGloves. Efliciency and Registration Cards. Touch-uo Paint lnstallation Overview See the section "Fireplace Placement Requirements" See the section "Manlel Requirements" See the section lnsulation must not fill the sDaces belween the stand-offs See the section "Blower Duct Connection' See the section "Blower Electrical Connection" "Facing Requirements" -.t See the section / "Hearth Reouirements" See the section "Minimum Framing > Dimensions" |nsreulrott (Cottrruueo)PAGE 3 Fireplace Placement Reouirements Minimum F Dimensions The fireplace must be secured to the floor (use the lifting handle brackets - see illustration above). Fireplace must be placed directly on wood or non-combustible surface (not on linoleum or carpet) t\t- The fireolace enclosure must not be less than 81" above the base of the fireplace (if the fireplace is raised, the enclosure height must be raised accordingly to maintain the 81" minimum) NOTE: do not build into or place any items into the area above the fireplace up to lhe ceiling (with the exception of the header, chimney, & cooling vents). 45-1t2" A firestop is required at the top of the fireplace enclosure or ceiline level (whichever is lower). Min.4-112" We recommend installing the shaded framing members after installing the chimney. Anange the framing members so there is not a vertical member directly in the center of the opening where it would interfere with pipe clearances. Header (install veritcally to ensure proper pipe to header clearance) The fireplace (and tirebox) must be made level and plumb during installation. Use shims under the fireplace to propedy level the Travis Industries recommends the chase around the fireplaca b6 insulatad. This insulation should only be placed between the framing members and secured so it does not fll the space between the lireplace and standoffs. Standoffs (also located on back) Bend this bracket down on each side and nail it to tha floor, sscuring lhe fireplace in position. WARNING: Fallure to corectly level and plumb thls flreplace will lead to doors that Swing opon or closed. tI \ These liffing handles are removed (use a 716" wrsnch) once the fireplace is in place. PAGE4 lrusrnu-lnoN(Got.trlt.tueo) . Fireplace must be installed on a level surface capable of supporting the fireplace and chimney. Place the ember strip included with the fireplace below the front edge of the freplace. EMBER STRIP INSTRUCTIONS The ember strip insures no ember falls between the fireplace and hearth onto the combustible floor. Place this ember strip under the front of the fireplace and the back edge of the hearth. NOTE: On the 36 ZC, 36 Bl. and 44 Bl the ember strio will need to be shortened. / / Clearances. When installed, walls in front of the fireplace must be a minimum 18" to the side of the faceplate (or I5-l/2" from the side ofthe frreplace) - see the illustration on page 2. Fireplace should be located such that no doors, drapes, furniture or other combustibles can be placed close or swing closer than the minimum 36" clearance. Due to the high heat output of this fireplace, choose a location away from high traffic areas.. Fireplace must be placed so the vents below and above the glass do not become blocked Corner Installation (minimum framing dimensions at 45") ltsrlllllolr (Cor.rltueo) t49E9 Raised Fireplaces. lf the {ireplace is raised more than 15" above the sub-floor, the lireplace enclosure will have to be raised accordingly (see "Minimum Framing Dimensions" on page 3). + The fireplace may be placed on a platform designed to support the fireplace and vent (Approximately 600 Lbs.). Minimum 1" cement board (Two 112" pieces of cement board or equivalent - 3.84 K Value) Tile or marore No combustible material permitted above this point . Tile or I marble I Raised hearth Ii Header {and minimum enclosure height) height will need to be increased Elevated hearths must be constructed of non-combustible materials such as cement blocks (6-1/2" Max.). Header (and minimum enclosure height) hoight will need to bs increased this dim€nsion. Facing Requirements. The fireplace is shipped with a set-up face that is l/16" larger on the top, bottom and each side than the faceplate. Leave the set-up face in place to act as a template when installing the facing.. The fireplace requires l/2" thick concrete-board or other non-combustible to extend from the header to the base of the fireplace and to the framing members on both sides (do not use sheetrock or drywall).. The non-combustible facing must extend a minimum of 12" above and2-l/2" to each side of the faceplate.. The non-combustible facine must be a minimum l" thick I I Cement-board must extend from the header to the floor and to the framing members on both sides. 12" (min.) Non-combustible Facing 2-112" (min,) Keep the set-up face on the fireplace when installing the facing. + Facing may be installed so it inserts behind the faceplate. NOTE: the faceplate protrudes l" from the front of the fireplace, has a 1/8" overlap on the sides, and ll4" overlap on top. * To achieve afacingthat is flush with the drywall to the side of the fireplace, recess the framing directly next to the fireplace. See the illustration below. PAGE6 lnsreu-nnon(Gottnnueo) Reouirements (continued . The combustible area above the facing must not protrude more than 3/4' from the facing. lf it does, it is considered a mantel and must meet the mantel requirements listed in this manual. TOP VIEW (cross section of fireplace, framing, and face)Overlapped Facing Nail Down Flange 1/2'Drywall t- 1--- Faceplale 1/2" Concrete Board -l l.-1/s'(1/4" overalap on top, 0" on bottom) Flush Facing Brlck Facing 112" Drywall (used to secure the fireplace to the framing) Fireplace 1-1t2" 3/8" Tite |rusnu-Rron (Cotrrnueo)PAGE 7 Mantel Requirements. The optional mantel must be a minimum 23" above the top of the faceplate (57-112" above the base). The mantel must not extend more than 8-112" n front of the faceplate.. Mantel side columns that protrude more than 3/4" must maintain an 18" clearance to the faceplate. Collinswood@ makes a mantel specifically designed for the Fireplace Xtrordinair 36 Elite-ZC. This mantel has been listed with this appliance as a component of this appliance and is not subject to the above mantel requirements. NOTE: do not cut the mantel to reduce its clearance to the fireplace - the base of the mantel must be at the same height as the base of the freplace. The above requirements apply to all other site-built or pre-manufactured mantels. earth Requirements ? Local building codes may require a minimum hearth requirement different of what this manual states Hearth must extend 20" in front of the faceplate when it is not elevated (see local building codes). Hearths raised 6- l/2" must extend a rninimum 18". Hearth must extend a minimum 8" to both sides of the faceplate (52" wide) Hearth must be a minimum l" thick ofcement board (or equivalent - 3.84 K Value) Hearth must not rise more than 6-1l2" above the base of the fireplace 20" (18" in some cases) :.., Minimum l" cement board fiwo 112' i,lil;; .pieces of cement board or equivalent - ',.]:84 K Value) Elevated hearths must be constructed of non-combustible malerials such as cement blocks (6-1/2" Max.). Faceplate :r:.r.ih;;; .i);lFa Itsiy4ri,',Heaoer height will ,i Strip need to be increased this dimension. t No hearth material can go above this point No mmbustible material permifted above this point Tile or mar I 1s', t I 15" itt; / ''i Plywood,,, Faceplate Combustible Floor + I 6112" Max. 20'Min. (Check Local Building Codes) Min. 1'cement board (Two 1/2" pieces of cement boad or equivalent - 3.84 K Value) .t Combustible Floor Ember Strip (Check Local Building Codes) PAGEs Insreuanou(Cotnruueo) The cooling vents provide cooling air for the lireplace and chimney system. Failure to correctly install the cooling vents will lead to an extremely dangerous installation and possibly a lire. The two cooling vents must be installed so as to route air from the outside to the two starter collars on the top rear comers of the freplace. Secure the vents to the collars using high-temperature aluminum tape and/or sheet metal screws. A maximum of two 90o bends may be used on each vent. Howeveq if a 180" bend is placed directly offthe starter collar. one additional 90o bend mav be used. . The maximum distance for the cooline ducts is listed below: When the vertical rise is between: I The maximum horizontal run 6'and l0' 3'and 6' I'and 3' 0'and I' . Included with the fireplace are two 12' lengths of vent, use a connector and seal if adding more length . The duct terminations must be located so they can not be blocked (e.g. snow drifts) Included with the frreplace is a set of storm collars and vent hoods. Place the collars around the vent on the exterior and attach with screws or caulking to seal the wall from the vent penetration. Place the hood, with open portion facing down, over the cooling vents and secure. The cooling air duct terminations may be installed to draw air from a ventilated crawl space or attic if approved by local building codes. NOTE: certain codes require a fire curtain damper in these cases. 5' l5' 20' 2s', Vertical cooling - vent terminations must terminate a minimum of 10' away from the chimney termination. Air exits out of the outer liner of the chimney. -T Venical I II Cooling Air HodzontEl Crawl Soace - See information to the left on crawl spaces or attics. Nstellanoru Conruueo Blower The external blower pushes air through blower duct to the fireplace, where it is heated and distributed into the room. The blower may be located to draw air from the exterior of the home, producing positive pressure inside t}le home and providing outside air for the combustion chamber. Or, if desired, the blower may be located to draw air from the interior of the home. External Blower Interior of Home Interior of Home r: : r:', il' Ext€rior Wall.l . Do not draw air from confined areas or from a ga:age or area containing fumes or emissions. The blower inlet must be a minimum 36" below any exhaust vent. . The blower may be installed to draw air from a crawl space or attic if approved by local building codes. NOTE: certain codes require a fire curtain in these cases. ]lower l)uct Connection The shorter the blower duct. the greater the air flow. The blower duct may connect to the right side, left side, or bottom ofthe fireplace. Each location is sealed with a cover plate. Use a 5/16" nutdriver to remove the cover plate blocking the location you wish to use (NOTE: if using the bottom location, remove the 8-l/2" by 6-114" air deflector directly above the coverplate). Insert the starter section into the blower hook-up hole and bend the flanges outwards, locking the starter section in place. Attach the flex duct to the collar on the blower The blower may be placed in a ventilated crawl space (if approved by th€ local building department). NOTE: The blower may be placed with th€ grill facing down. Do not place the blow€r on its slde. ""'"*o -l ss j1l# ] H,l[".--- f *n*,, ,,fi titilur"utililtl Elu llrlirIII|||rIIlL +Min.4'+ The maximum lengh for 6" diameter blower duct is PAGEIo lrusrnlletoru (Gottlruueo) Blower Duct Connection (continued). The maximum length for 8" diameter blower duct is 25'(use two 6" to 8" adapters). A maximum of two 90o bends may be used.. The blower. if located on an external wall, must be weatherproofed. Remove the blower cover and install the blower. Apply caulk around the perimeter of the blower housing where it contacts the external wall and vapor barrier (apply sparingly). Replace the blower cover. llower Electrical Connection. Connect the electrical conduit to a 120 Volt. 60 Hz (2 Amp) electrical supply. Use a junction box to Drotect the electrical connection.. Connect the blower conduit to the blower box by attaching the two molex connectors together. lnsert the' molex connectors into the blower box. Then attach the conduit to the blower box by inserting it into the top until it snaps in place. / Blower Conduit Snap this piege In(o me top oI rne blow€r ho!sing Exposed (Ground)White (Cammon) / Screw lhjs piece into me runcton Dox Use yvire nuts or other approved melhod lo connect lhe power conduit wires to a powei source (a junctioat box rs required). Black (Hot) Do not run either conduit over the top of the fireplace or within 2" of the chimney If the blower or power supply is located to the left, the electrical conduit(s) may be directed to the left side ofthe fireplace. To do this, remove the conduit cover plate on both sides of the fireplace. Feed the conduit(s) through the hole on the right side and out the left side (removing the cover allows the conduit to be fed through without kinking). Switch the cover plates by attaching the right cover plate to the left side and vice-versa. The blower utilizes a filter that requires periodic cleaning - see the illustration below. Caulk around all four sides of the blower housing t t .--r:l- Blower[--------r-ll cover Remove lhe four ____- y' scrows that go into / Iness nores. / "-/ I@| |.> I @E----. fin3 [US Shake the filter to remove any dirt that may have accumulated. lnsrnunrtoru (CoNluueol PAGE 1r . Use one of the following brands and type of chimney: . Temco 82 . Superior TF8 . FMI 8DM . Marco 8D Chimnevs Part Numbers Chimney Components Temco 82 Superior TF8 FMI SDM Marco 8D 12" Chimney Section 82t?D TF8-12 l2-8DM 12-8D 18" Chimnev Section 8218D TF8-18 l8-8DM l8-8D 24" Chimnev Section 8224D 24-8DM 36" Chimney Section 8236D TF8-36 36-8DM 36-8D 48" Chimnev Section 8248D TF8-48 48-8DM 48-8D Offsets 82328 TF8-30. TF8-E30 3OE-8DM 30E - 8D Flashine 8206F 8-F6 6F8 or l2F8 lzF - 8D Chimnev Cao 8203D TF8.CTO RTL-8HT BT-8D RoofSuooon 8204S 8-54 38 RS 12CPS . 8D Firestop Spacer 8FS-2 FS-8DM FS3O - 8D Chimney Connection to Fireplace . Each brand of chimney has a slightly different outside diameter. To accommodate this, the freplace has three "L" brackets (outer liner connectors) on the top ofthe fireplace can. Center a section of chirnney over the chlnney opening and mark the exterior location of the chimney. Then reposition the "L" brackets, if necessary, so they are directly adjacent the exterior of the chimney. Use a drill with a 5/16" driver bit to re-install the "L" brackets (use the existing sheet metal screws). Outer Pioe Brackets lf the outer pipe does not line up wilh the brackets. remove the brackets and re-attach them to the top of the fireplace. lnner Liner (ledge along inside acceots differed sized chimney pipes) Use sheet metal screws to attach the outer liner to these brackets. Connect the inner pipe to the inner liner with three sheet metal screws. When attaching the chimney.to the fireplace, first slide down the inner liner of the chimney pipe into the inner liner of the fireplace. Certain brands of chimney pipe will stop at the ledge, while others will insert beyond the ledge. When the chimney pipe is fully seated and aligned, drill three holes in the chimney pipe where it lines up with the holes in the fireplace inner liner. Secure the fireplace to the chimney pipe with three sheet metal screws. If there are any large gaps between the chimney pipe and fireplace, use furnace cement to seal (allow 24 hours to dry before buming the fireplace). PAGE iz lrusrau-elon (Gonltueo) 3himney Height. Minimum 15' system height (measured from the base ofthe fireplace) . Maximum 35' system height (measured from the base ofthe fireplace) ? In some problematic sltuauons, additional chimney height above the specified minimums may. be necessary to recuce wind-induced down drafting and back puffing, or to increase draft, thereby improving fireplace operating characteristics. lequired 3himney trquipment ! Depending on the manufacturer and where the chimney is to be installed, chimney supports, roof braces, radiation shields, attic insulation shields, attic enclosures, spark arestors, locking bands, etc... may be required as part of the chimney system. The manufactruer's installation instructions, which are reviewed by the listing agency, specifies when and where each of these components must be used. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the use of flashing and an adjustable storm collar at the roof line to prevent water from entering the house. Manufacturers require that chimneys extending beyond a certain height above the roof(frequently above 5') must also be braced. L 2'Min. Rain Cap 10' a,g Attic Firestop (with insulation shield) 2" Min. Air Chimnev must be totallv encloseil when oassinci throuoh livino sdace wlth a minirium 2' Ele'arance to combustibles. 8BilT,t8,u'u, Svstem Heiqht ?g:Mf,i: \ Firestop Between Floor Levels CoolinoVent - lrustnllanoru(Gottltueo) PAGEi3 Jsing Offsets. 30o Elbows may be used to offset the chimney (to align the chimney or gain clearance to combustibles. A maximum four 30o elbows may be used. Each elbow must be used in conjunction with a return elbow (so the chimney retums to a vertical direction). lf using a single offset (two 30o elbows) a maximum of 8' of inclined chimney may be used between elbows.. If using two offsets (four 30" elbows) a maximum of 4' of inclined chimney may be used between each set of elbows.. For every 6'ofinclined chimney a flue support is requlreo. E,lbows may be used directly off the top of the fireplace (maintain a 5" clearance to combustibles on the back wall.4 ll2" minimum on the front wall and header, and 18" minimum to the side walls). The table below details the amount of offset ("X") and rise ("R") gained from various chimney lensths when used with 30' elbows. Make sure to add-the amounts for both elbows. Two sections may be added together to form a combined length. For example, 12" and 18" Temco chimney sections give an offset of l7 -518" (3-718" + 5-318' + 8-3/8': l7-518"). The rise ("R") equals 38-l/8" (14-318' + 9-114" + 14-712" = 38-l/8"). Chimney must b€ totally endosed when passing through living space wilh a minimum 2' dearance to combustibles. Cooling Vents Min. Max. of 30 d6grees MEASURED IN INCHES Temco 82 Series Superior TF8 FMI 8DM Marco 8I) OFFSET RISE OFFSET RISE OFFSET RISE OFFSET RISE "x'"R"'x''R"'x'"R"'x''R" 2 Elbows 3 718 t4 318 l5 4 3/8 16 3/8 5 t/4 l9l/4 l2" Section 5 3/8 9v4 5 t/4 9 5 3/8 9 l/8 5 t/4 9 18" Section 8 3/8 t4l12 I r/4 t4 t/4 8 3/8 14 3/8 8 t/4 t4 l/2 24" Section ll3/8 19 5/8 35" Section t7 3t8 30 t't t/4 30 l7 3t8 29 7t8 t7 v4 30 t/4 48" Section 23 3t8 40 3t8 23 l/4 40 t/4 23 3t8 40lt4 23 v4 40 y2 Flue SuoDort I t/2 23t8 I l/2 2 t/2 6 3t4 n 3t4 5 l/4 9 ll4 PAcE14 lrusrellemou (Gotnruueo) Clearances to Combusfibles ! Follow the clearances listed below - do not follow the clearances listed in the chimney instructions. Maintain a 2" clearance from the chimney to combustibles (measured horizontally). Use offsets, if necessary, to maintain clearances. In the area above the fireplace before the chimney penetrates the ceiling (use a firestop), the chimney must maintain the clearances listed below: 5" to the rear of the chimney 4-ll2" to the front of the chimnev Cooling Vent 5" Min. Clearance to chimney at the rear Offsets can be used to maintain the minimum clearances Fireplace Xtrordinair Firestops. Whenever the chimney penetrates a floor or ceiling a firestop is required on the bottom side of the floor joists. When passing through an attic the firestop must be placed on the attic side of the joists. When the chimney passes through a living space it must be totally enclosed (maintain the minimum 2" clearance to combustibles). The space between frames that hold the fuestop in place should be measured as follows: Temco Superior FMI Marco l6' 16 1t2" 16 u2' t6 |l2 NOTE: Many firestops are designed for a l" clearance, this fireplace requires a 2" clearance. I nsrallenon (Conrn ueo)PAGE 15 lraming the Roof. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the use of flashing and an adjustable storm collar at the roof line to prevent water from entering the house. The table below may be used to determine the appropriate framing size. When installing into a sloped roof, it is important to determine the size of the framing for clearance purposes. Use the appropriate column for 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 rafters. It is not necessary to frame around the hole opening if the clearance to combustibles can be maintained between two rafters. Chimney Type Chimney Type SLOPE Temco (12" diameter)SuDerior, FMI. or Marco (12-ll2" dia.) 2 bv 4 Rafier 2 bv 6 Rafter 2 bv 4 Rafter 2 bv 6 Rafter 0lr2 16 x l6 16 x 16 l6 tzx 6 t/2 6 l/2 x 16 l/2 vt2 16 x 16 t/2 16 x 16 5/8 l6 7 6 l/2 x 17 l/8 2lr2 lox l/16 x 17 l/4 l6 tzx 7v2 6 l12 x 17 314 3lr2 16 x 17 l/2 16x l8 l6 /2x 8 6 l/2 x 18 l/2 4tr2 16 x l8 l/4 16 x 18 7/8 l6 /2x 8 3t4 6 l12 x 19 318 5n2 16 x 19 16 x 19 l/4 16 l/2 x 9y2 6 l/2 x 19 3/4 6tr2 16x197/8 16 x 20 7/8 16 l2 x20 3/8 6l/2xZl 3/8 7n2 16 x20 3/4 16 x2l I/2 16l2 x2l l/4 6 l/2 x22 8n2 16 x21 3/4 16x23 16l/2x22ll4 6 l/2 x23 l/2 9n2 16 x22 3/4 l6 x24 L/4 16 tl2 x23 l/4 6 l/2 x 24 3/4 l0n2 16 x23 3/4 16 x 25 l/2 1612x24l/4 61/2x26 lU12 16 x25 16 x26 3/4 16l/2x25 ll2 6 ll2 x27 l/4 r2t12 16 x26 l/8 16 x 28 l/8 t6 rl2 x26 5/8 6ll2x28 5/8 Chimney Termination Requirements. The chimney must have a chimney cap. The chimney must terminate a minimum 3'above the roof and 2'above any portion within l0' (measured horizontally). This applies to flat and sloped roofs. ? In some problematic situations, additional chimney height above the minimums mav be necessary to reduce wind-induced down drafting and back puffing, or to increase draft, thereby improving fireplace operating characteristics.. Chimneys extending beyond a certain height (frequently 5') above the roof may require braces (check the chimney instructions for details) Framing Size PAGE16 lHsrRllenoru (Cottlnueo) ) 3 4 ACID WASH WARNING: Before installing the faceplate, make sure any masonry that has been treated with acid wash has been properly neutralized (this is used primarily with brick faces). Acid wash (muriatic acid) is used to remove excess mortar. If not properly neutralized with an ammonia solution, the gold face may develop a permanent tamish when the acid evaporates over time. WOOD SCRAP WARNING: Never bum wood scraps in the fireplace. Treated wood breaks down the catalyst inside the fireplace, decreasing efficiency and increasing emissions. Remove the set-up face using a phillips screwdriver included with the faceplate. Use a phillips screwdriver to remove the 10 screws holding the setup face in place. r:lFr .- - Phillips Screwdriver Make sure the firebrick is properly in place. Install the log retainer using the included l/8" allen wrench. Install the baffle, grate, and log retainer. Place the baffle on the brackets at the rear of the firebox (the bend goes upwards). Make sure the side and rear firebrick is against the wall. Place the grate in the center of the firebox. Place the log retainer into the holders. Tighten down the set screws in the holder with the included 1/2" allen wrench. ltsuu-enoru(Gomtnueo) PAGE17 5 Make sure the insulation between the firebox and hreplace can is still in place aefore putting on the faceplale, m6k€ sur€ lha insuLalron is in pl6ce and lorms a barrier belween lhe firebor and lhe zercclearance can, Ch€ck bolh sides rnd above lh€ tirebox, 6 If installing a catalyst temperature meter, do so now (see the instructions included with the temperature meler). 7 The faceplate is packaged with the faceplate attachment screws. Use a phillips screwdriver to attach the faceplate. NOTE: do not pinch any of the wires in the lower right between the faceplate and the frreplace. 10 faceplate attachment screws come included with the faceplate. The swilch plate is installed here. /--Nij_ Phillips Screwdriver xxxxxxxxxxxx PAGE18 Insrallenou (Cotttluueo) 8 Attach the two male quick-connects from the switch plate to the two female quick-connects leading from the fireplace. If the optional summer fan switch is being used, connect the other two quick connects, otherwise tuck the two male quick-connects leading from the fireplace into the cavity behind the faceplate. Attach the switch plate to the faceplate using a standard screwdriver (NOTE: the attachment screws are threaded into the faceplate).* Blower operation may be checked by jumping the two male quick-connects leading from the fireplace (BE CAREFUL - TIIIS CIRCUIT IS ACTIVE). Make sure the door is closed. Attach the two male quick-connects from the switch plate to the two female quick- connects leading from the fireplace. Lower Right of Faceplate / Use a standard screwdriver to attach the switch plate -v These male ouick-connecls are for the summel fan switch (connect them together to test if the blower operates).-v 9 Test the blower circuit by following the directions below.. @ Depress door swil Use a propane torch or other heat source lo heat the area at the center of this plate. The blower, if connected properly, should start within 30 to 60 seconds. Insrelunon (GoHruueo)PAGE 19 10 Install the door(s). Single Door Installation /i tfF26 fil : ltlr fo Use s 1 /2" wr€nch lo remove lhis bon (you may need to use a 9/16" wrench to hold lhe square nut m lhe back side). lns€rl lhe cover plete through the obrouhd hole and tighten in Dlace with the two nuts and washers (u6e a 3/8' nutddver.) [9 dhE[- Plac€ ihe two hinge caps over the hinge pins on lhe l€ff 6ide. Align the door so the hing€ pins ins€rt into the doof Flrnge cap Double Door Installation Slide the doorc into place. Check the position r doors for hodzontal alignment (the doors in this picture are oul of o' Door A alignment). Add washers to the hinge pins to make.lhe \ooors allqn \ trorizonraity. a 11 Adjust the door latch, if necessary to make a snug fit between the door gasket and the fireplace. Adjustments are made to the door latch by moving the washers from either side ofthe door latch and tightening the inner nut against the outer nut. SIDE VIEW OF DOOR LATCH The door latch is adiustod by moving lhe washoB lrom one side of the Door Gasket lelch tolhe other, Tighlen lhe outer \\\ nul aoarnsl lhe tnner nut lo tnsure a precise adjustmenl Thr6aded portion of handle Outor Nui (uso a 9/16'wrench lo remove)Door Handle PAcE2o Instalumon (Cottnxueo) Ltsrlne InroRmerpt PAGE21 The listing label is shown below. It can be found on the base of the fireplace behind the faceplate. PAGEzz Inogx 120701 t -v #:ff* ""ryl,[E:fiEf'*t *** A/Ffi,rtlbflr|l|o|| App$cant FRISCO FIREPI-ACE & STOVE S}OP Cortr*. FRISCO RREPLACE & STOVE SI{OP Dr*rb,[on: lM;T LIATIO]IOFEPAIIIoODFIREHACE R.oua6hcl lmoacdon(sl lbm: 3e0 reCH+lnd R.que€bdTlmc! l0:00AfRe$|cbr: FRltlCO RREPLACE & SHCIP, ll.lc PtDm: 97$€6&3t€0 Coninranb; AY**Tt[*i coAv* *ncExp: $ Ed.odq,: ocotDEN K ..t''fYl,t,vI trru n -/ Altr' ' A , l, o/n, ^J n {ufl ri^ r'4 buil/y 4\'- fii I ^ .(l \ ,n lntN t/'I', W, ,rf'- *'ffi"-* ,)", ,'tr'utr4fix-fiE|gI!:-gca Acilon: cRcoRRE"nor,oor4Ut t' tl ,U tlConrr.il: t.FRot/lDEOt,TSlDEAlRKITltlSTRtCnOr*1. ' _u' Vi.eMeER STatp dEoo-io 6E.i.itfDER Fp "'-' O 3.FGARITI EXTEI.ISOil RE@ TC' BE 2{r ilN. /1 / 0sw0c *SffitEHtArililc' ftilon: ptpARn LNspEcloN V Cornilt ITEI*} ttz AI'PROITED PER TETIER FROil ICAT& CLO $.|Fllf. ,A. nEMS 3&4 REO rlSPECllON PRIOR ft' CLOottrO r.P FRAm.tO. I \ / tr \- **,*Hmn:: ff , &8ustr5, 2n)5 3t[ Arldrrcr: I'tE0 BITFFEHR CREEK RD VAL GROI,,SE GI.ETTUilIT# *'lE; * Phom: 970d83?tl) Phon: 9ru€ffi?60 Sbt!: lgltt EDldrpAnr: JRil nEMS 3&4 REO ttfSPECTtON PRTOR ftr CLOOttrO r,e rnenffi. A /[r'm: 3lO EcHficllu i \ /thr: 315 P$tE€oPtaho ,. \ /Itm: &lO EC|*Etmri|Hoo<lr r, \ /lbm; &D llECltstlelyAx \,F/llm: 34O lCcl+ffic. - i\bm: 3$ rGCI+Fh.l I \\\\l\ Run fd: 3520REPT131 Uyw^-rlL .ole"yv+ Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departsnent of Community Devdopment 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Project l{ame: DRB ilumber: DR8040104 Project Description: REMOVE THE BCSTING CEDAR SHAKES AND INSTALL NEW 40 YEAR DIMENSIONAL ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ASSOCTATED FIASHINGS Participants: OWNER GROUSE VALLEY LLC M/01/2004 Phone: 1801 BROADWAY STE 11OO DENVER co 80202 License: APPUCANT RED EAGLE CONSIRUCIION 04/01/2004 Phone: 970-328-3100 P.O. BOX 398 BAS,qLT, CO 81621 License: CONTRACTOR RED EAGLE CONSTRUCNON O4IOLIaOO4 PhONC: P.O. BOX 398 BASALT, CO 81621 Ucense: 653-8 Project Address: 1480 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1480 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD lffition: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL Parcel Number: 210312206004 Comments: SEE CONDmONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condlffons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActioN: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcval= 04lO5l2OA4 Cond:8 (Pl3N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pt AN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constuction activities. Cnndr 201 DRB app;l shatt nd beorn ralid tur 20 days fdmtQure darc of approrat. Cord:202 Approval of thls prqFd *rall lapse and beome void one (1) )rear bllorulng the date of final approval, unless a fuildlng pennit ls lssued and onstrucdon is ommenced and ls diligendy pumled tilvard omdefion. Planner: Joe Sutfpr DRB Fee Paid: t250.0O I0lifftr at r,usla// Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 97 0.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Nt:_k) 1D - Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Physical Address: Parcel No.:(e3O{"11"co. Assessor at e70-328-8G40 for parcet no.) RECEIVED 1 Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs ! Conceptual Review fl New Construction! Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) FMinor Alteration (single-family/duplex) - Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request i:::5T?7D "q27-3/ co (o -727 -31 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or Design Review Board No Fee $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 For Office Use Onlvli* t.,ii-?-gt{ chect ruo.: Z?67 tr -T-c+Y - Planner:/rLV JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of L2102107102 o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens outpui luminous areaa Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINTPROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page s of L2102107/02 Bulldinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other '-t^o,n tarnn '*Duza Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L2l02l07lO2 *llr't**raalllt******a*!a*af'3*tf**!.l**a**'*al*a***alal*ra*alr**ll*****llaa***l*r*'|rrtt'i**r!t*t*t** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€,ment gtatement Mrmber: R040005542 .Bmount: $250.00 O4/0L/2OO4L0:55 AIrr PaldneDt Metbod: Check Init: ilg Notatio!: Permit No: DRB04O104 Tlpe: DRB-Minor AJ.t,Comn/Multi Parcel. No: 2LO3L22O6OO4 Site lddrese: X48O BUFFEHR CRBEK RD \TAIIJ Location: X480 BITFFEIR CRBEK ROAD Tbia Payrnent: $250.00 Total Fees: $250.00 Total AIJ, Pmts: $250.00Bala.nce: $0. O0 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current ffis 250.00 ,r-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project Name: WOOD DECK EXTENSION DRB Number: DRB030336 Project Description: Ericson EXTENSION OF WOOD DECK Pafticipants: OWNER GROUSE VALLEY LLC 08/18/2003 Phone: 1801 BROADWAY STE 11OO DENVER CO 80202 License: APPLICANT DEAN R EMERSON 08/18/2003 Phone: 5429 S KREMEVIA ST GREENWOODVILLAGE, CO 80111 License: ProjectAddress: 1480 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1480 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivlsion: GROUSE GLEN ATVAIL Parcef Numben 2lO3t22O6O04' Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motaon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalz 0812612003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.0O TOI4IN Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fay 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructaon commences within one year of the approval. of the Request:>F j' Location of the Proposal: Lot: - Block: _-..- Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcef No.: ZlOS LZZO600 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoningi P"r;/",'t'-,*/ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:k L"lor,> Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: En'V LLC '/Lt r E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) d- Minor Alteration $20 (single{amily/du plex) Ck,h# tl t t a/E/o3u Changes to Approved Plans $20 n Separation Request Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 C *att -77/-Afr'l For Office Use Only: . .n\ F;e P;id';L2;cE ' check No.: q [ ( sy: S) ,,W,i, I, (print name) O { '4'o#J/t tC^"' /'o^f,'* &-^/ A**rK3l*!*bodr"( /tu,'r"n) r/ffi)En'?,4/fr , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of I2l02l07lO2 GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION WRITTEN ACTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT MEETING The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Directors of Grouse Glen at Vail Condominium Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation (the "Association"), hereby approves and adopts the following resolutions by unanimous written consent: Approval of Extension of Existinq Deck RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 21 of the Condominium Declaration of Grouse Glen at Vail, the Board of Directors of the Association has agreed to permit Grouse Valley Limited Liability Corporation (GVLLC, the owner of Unit 3A), within the Grouse Glen project, to extend the existing deck in substantial accordance with the plans attached hereto as Exhibit 1 or such other plans as approved by the Town of Vail. The deck extension shall be constructed so that it is similar in appearance with the current deck and with other decks within the project in which the Unit is located. The owner of Unit 3A shall be required to either maintain the deck extension or have the Association maintain the deck extension at Owner's expense in the same general condition of appearance and repair as other decks within the project. The deck extension will be considered a limited common element appurtenant only to Unit 3A and no other parties. RESOLVED, that the foregoing approval is conditioned upon the following requirements: 1. The owner of Unit 34 shall indemnify and hold harmless the Association, the Board of Directors, the owners of all Units and the agents, representatives, successors and assigns of the foregoing from and against any and all loss, damages, costs, charges and liabilities of every kind and nature, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which may be sustained by any of such parties arising as a result of the approval, construction, maintenance, and/or repair of the deck extension. The foregoing indemnity shall cover, without limitation, the following matters: (a) any damage which may be caused during construction or continuing existence of the deck extension to any improvements within the area of or the immediate surrounding area of the deck extension, including utilities, electricalwiring, or light posts. (b) any damage which may be sustained as a result of the deck extension encroaching into the Conveyance of Easements recorded July 10, 1981 in Book 325 at Page 795 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, including (1) any damages resulting from lack of permission to build the deck extension over the easement, and (2) !E O"rn"n" which may Ue sustainlto the deck extension as a result of the exercise of rights of the easement holder within the area of the easement. lf any damage is caused to the deck extension as a result of the proper exercise of rights by any third party, including without limitation the holder of the easement described above, the or,rrner of Unit 3A shall be responsible for immediately causing the repair of the deck extension to the same condition and appearance as prior to the damage. 2. All of the above requirements shall be set forth in the Agreement Regarding Extending an Existing Deck to the satisfaction of the Board, and the Board shall receive evidence that the Agreement is recorded in the Offtce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Gounty, Colorado by September 14,2003.. Ratification of Coroorate Activities RESOLVED, that all actions taken and all things done and all expenditures made by the offcers, direciors, employees and agents of the Association, acting for and on behalf of the Association, from the date of the last annual meeting of diectors to the date hercof, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their namesthis{tay st &,u^t ,zoos. 0- .<l -r-'a 4t; 'Sharon Harrison. President Robert Joyet, Mce President Carol Krueger, Secretary/Treasurer vtdsziztr taaz 9t '6nv FttaaLexax| 'oN xuj NOSIUUUH S3I^I: I^IOUI ECI,RECOI'l coMPHNY 30 o-8671Rno3-?1o P.3 easement, and (2) any damage which may be sustained to the deck extonsion as a result of the exercise o? t',gl'ttt Jf the ease.ent holder within the area of the easement' lf any damage is causei to tn" deck extension as a result of the proper exercise of ,ig;tJ bt- a;v *riro pJriv,-incruqin^o- without rimitation the holder of the easement described above, tne owrier or unit 5R snatl be responsible for immediately causing the repair of the deck extension to the same condition and appearance as prior to the damage. 2,A|toftheaboverequirementssha|lbesetforthintheAgreement Regarding Extending "n iiitting Deck to the satisfaction of the Board' and the Board shall receive evioence inat in"'Agru".-unt is recorded in the Office of the Clerk and nr"otJ"tot Eagle County, Colorado by September 14'2003" Ratification of Comorate Activities RESoLVED, that all actions taken and all things done an-d all expenditures made by the'officers, oirectJrs, "tftoy""" and agents of theAssociation' acting for and on behatf of the Associ"ti;;.i;;-in" oat" ofihe tast annual meeting of directors to the Oate frer"of, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects' |NW|TNESSW||EREqF'theundersignedhavehereuntosubscribedtheir names this /5/1oaY of 1ta5[2003' Stare of: o Subscriberl and 'i n ny Prcscnce 'Auqra:l-, 2()o:l' co before met ..i1i- daY of fu thi s Carol Krueger, Secretary/Treasu rer \ h,,^.ttr 6 nA. FL+t, NdcarY Pubric My conrni.qsion exp ir es bl nlO3 @-di-'-66i1oi2oos easement, and (2) any damage which may be sustained to the deck extension as a result of the exercise of rights of the easement holder within the area of the easement. lf any damage is caused to tfre deck extension as a result of the proper exercise of righti by any third party, including without limitation the holder of the easement d6scribed above, the owner of Unit 34 shall be responsible for immediately causing the repair of the deck extension to the same condition and appearance as prior to the damage. 2. All of the above requirements shall be set forth in the Agreement Regarding Extending an Existing Deck to the satisfaction of the Board, and the Board sha-ll receive evidence that the Agreement is recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado by September 14, 2003.. Ratification of Corporate Activities RESOLVED, that all actions taken and allthings done and all expenditures made by the officers, directors, employees and agents of the Association, acting for and on Oenaf of the Association, from the date of the last annual meeting of directors to the date hereof, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects. lN WITNESS WHEREOf, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their names thislflday or /fi{lslzoo3. 1 Joyet, ( rol -Krueger, Secretary/Treasu rer lnside [Iouse As is: l4l sf Extension: 69 sf Total 210 sf fiH gEt 3'6" I 1\ I I 1tg" I i ) t.l \l\l I \l o f I I I 4tz' Existing Dech 5--+- \ rc[- @r- ;l' ,tl,t' i Proposed Extension (3x23) ; ;fi I | \v^'"t t 'I I I lq',,I llrr'* -_ l^t Irart/ try 4x6 Timber Pethwrw Rn'.rto,. -- I s\x'ls\_ <,^,---.--./-- Pathway -.-_, /4?r:YrFt"I, GJ- P/ Un,* 3A WH]rIE RVER MTIOilIAL FOREST w );$ ffifue FLNG No.z utcr5 moce Fl.tt{c Nr 3affitssflffi,iff.. oo nk/d3-r a^l / '' 'n J fiu( le h' (*Jtt-Wo C"or* Or^ 6b"ia'ur'.-tVVo VoftA' C*"h P/' \lail, (/*/".#..r )sno,h;lJqt:i':!'/oc-P- (;;;" @E{,uion J Et* Ur;f t{0 Exhibit #1 - Deck Extension Overview and Project Detaits Project Location:Grouse Glen Condominiums 1480 Buffehr Creek Road Unit 3A Vail, Colorado Dean R. Ericson (3A Owner) 303-893-9902 (work phone) 303-893-991 3 (work fax) ericson @ bortz.com 303-771-8964 (home phone) Contact: Grouse Glen On-Site Manager: Tim Graybil 970-476-9076 Overview This document describes proposed 3x23 (69 sf) extension of existing ground level 141 sf wood deck at unit 3A, Grouse Glen Condominiums, 1480 Buffehr Creek Road. Current Deck Confiquration The attached drawing shows the current ground level deck layout, as follows: 141 square feet included in a-b-c-d-e-i-f in the drawing. Entry gate at right hand end at d, with access to house via sliding glass door. 3€" railing encircling the entire perimeter of the deck. Deck and railing made of wood and painted to match trim and other units. The existing deck is supported along the outer edge (e-i-f) by three cement posts that are set in the ground at locations e, f, and i. The existing deck is set back from the gravel pathway 4'11" at right end and 4'4" at left end. The upper end of the deck is 12" above grade. The lower end is 25" above grade. Two trees located close to the left end of deck are at f and noted as ,,TR' in drawing. The structural and surface elements of the deck are in generally good condition, although the deck surface is slightly wom. Deck Extension Also as shorn in the drawing is the deck extension is as follows: Extend the deck by 3 feet toward the gravel pathway, the entire 23-foot length of the cunent deck. This proposed extension is included as e-f-g-h in the drawing. Deck sub structure will include: Poured cement posts at three locations (left end, center, and right end, locations g, h, and j), 3' out from the location of cunent support posts (at locations e, f, and i. Posts are poured to 4tl' below grade, per code. Glosing We hope that this exhibit provides you with the information you need to determine if there arc any utility conflict issues at locations g, h, and j where the three support posts will be poured to a level 48" below ground. As is: l4l sf Extension: 69 sf Total 210 sf \ Sliding Door -23'+ - ----l-f T Proposed Extension (xzsJ I ;O\. li| | 'f e-'- \i I lltt?at-Ln - -a - --?a; I@ (D w I 1- ,, ,tL --r,-r__ c,ic'fi.f.. pathway Border l- + I I - Pathway -,J Existing Deck r'9" I @- i. "l I 3 J .l ( T It tl'q* 'l******l'|*+a*****l+tr'}l******t*rt****t***+**ara*'l*a*t****'|*rtt**tt*a*****tl!tt********t*******'t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: RO3OOO|ISOT Anou.nt: $20.00 08/A8/200307:42 lJ'tl Pa)ment Method: check Init: DF Notatl-on: Permit No: DRBO3O336 Type: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2LO3L2206004 Site Addrese: 1480 IJIONS RIDGE IJP VAIIJ Location: 1480 BT,FFEHR CREEK RD Total Feea: $20. OO Itrie Payment: $20.00 Total IIIJJ EmtE: $20.00 Balance: SO. O0 t+'i****t+'l***t*'il***'l*i+*****lr*l*t*******t**+l'|**'j**+a*'r**,|'l*{'****'f+****l*t!t***l***{r***i**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescription Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 TO\ ,\l OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Building*--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Calt--> $38.75 Reshrarant Plan Review--> S25 . 19 DRB Fee-> $0 - 00 Recreation Fec------------> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES----------> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> g o . oo dddifiolsl fgs5----; O DEPARrMENr.FCoMMunnrffrurroPMENr $66.94 $ss.00 $0 . 00 Total Permit Fee--.--.> $121 . 94 50.00 Paymenis------;' 5L2L.94 $56.94 BALANCE DUE-->$0.00 ,t(<'t-ct-t--<-t:a- (;{Lq,?^ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B,03-02M Job Address: 1480 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK RD UNIT 3A Applied . . : 08/28/2003 Parcel No...: 210312206004 Issued . .. : 09/09/2003 ProjectNo : ;>r\5D3 a7-'\2- Expires...: 03/07/2004 OWNER GROUSE VAI,LEY LLC 08/28/2003 PhONC: 1801 BROADWAY STE 11OO DENVER CO a0202 I-ricense : CoNTRACTOR ERTCSON, DEAN R. 08/2e/2OO3 Phone: (303)771-8954 5429 S. Krameria St. Greenwood Vil1age, Colorado I0 r-11 L,icense : 283 -I' APPLTCANT DEAN R EMERSON O8/28/2OO3 PhONC: 5429 S KREMEVIA ST GREENWOODVIIJIIAGE , CO 80111 License: Description: EXTENSION OF WOOD DECK Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $1,000.00 Add fu Ft 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pcllet: Approvals:Iteim: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT O8/28/2OO3 JRx! Action: AP APPR PER MATT G. Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in-formation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 479-7149 OR A't OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O!\INIE[ sEp-12-2003 FRI 02157 Pl{ BoRTZ I{EDIA & SPoRTS GRo FAX N0, 3038939913 P, 03 sEP. s.eocr s,:3sFil o o rs.589 p.3/6 DECLARATTONS I trercby aclnnowtedge tlrar I haw rdd trts ap'plicrtion, filled ort tn full the,infoturettm reqtdle4 mmpleted at a.*r"it pfot pl"+ fia fie $et all the Uofrriarton ao reqrrfed ls coT{. I-aFtf o cwrply wiih _Etc infrrn*im tnd ubt pla& boompkwrth allTonrn ordinerrces andgt"e ti..r+ and tobuttd thi. stu(file imadtrg to-duowtuzonintr ina__ iou,iviri,*bi35;d;dst d'ict ' approve4 untfcrm Euilding code and o0rer mdlnancco of the Town applkable FEOUBE|ErcT$EP8CtrON SIIAI.LE I{ADEIWE{TY,FC'I'BFSUNS IN AEA'ANOEYTLEITIONE rr9{1{9 4 All oul, omcBFRou &0 A}t - 1 IM SIG{ATUIB FON HIGFIFAI{D O}4'NPT ,-) /1 a)u/ L/ ) /,?rut lt' (re b#d+" 7f u/os PAGE 2 *ll",r*ffi ffi *!*ffi **W**riffi !ffi #{ir*tr*ffi *Sr# Permit #:8,03-0244 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL as of 09-09-2003 Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMT Applied: 08/28/2003 Applicant DEAN R EMERSON Issued: 09/09/2003 ToExpire: 03/07/2004 |ob Address: 1480 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK RD UNIT 3A ParcelNo: 2103'12206004 Description: EXTENSION OF WOOD DECK Conditions Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQT]IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLNRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Status: ISSLIED * * * * * * * * * * * * '| {. + + + l. + * * ******* *++* *+******* **** *+*l***+** * * * * *** * * * + + + * * * * * ****'t ****+****** *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement*l******++++t+**************++++l+*i*+*+****+*++**t***** ***********************t***++* ****** Statement Nurhber: R030004539 Amount: $721,.94 09/09/2OO308:13 AIrt Palment Method: Check fnit: iIRM Notation: Permit No: 803-0244 Type: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L22O6O04 Site Address: 1480 LrONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location : l-4 5 0 BUFFEHR CREEK R-D IINIT 3A TotaL Fee6: SL2L.94 This Payment: $L2I .94 Total- AIrL Pmt6: $121.94 Balance: $0.00 ****l*++***+* ************t*+t**********{.t+** *+**********t+**************tl + * * * * * * * * ++ + ++ I +** * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descnlption Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PERI'4IT FEES CL OO1OOOO3123OOO CONTMCIOR LICENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIAN CHECK FEES l^ic 00100003112800 t^llLL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 38.75 55.00 25.r9 3.00 ol,fu,^-.'"^-i t/ lz fh"- .4 L' ffi lr' # tu wq A,^7 t 1t1 V h.'- /e!'n'- ctuz b""cA ',z TOTtrN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Rod Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2t3E n$ 97A'479-2452 Building Safay & Inspeaion Services Division TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: /42t4-,) FAX COVER SHEET 2o,,,.^6 n, rl,t.,tt =.1'ffi/u>-F?s,?5'13 J.R. Mondragon, Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Town of Vail Community Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services Division 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone 970,479.2143. direct line FAX970.479.2!52 -E-t{all : gntindragpnQv_d!1gov, c-oo (Q"'/t/,(,n^-* COMMENTS, NOTES: {P*"n"o"T ,fol,r,f , Fu,//r7 /rnn,? ,7)../r. Fr6r; , Ari/ tlr6-* CL,, Fofa/" ar.A Fl #,2t.?( a++/* aaou.&/. A;/"fai ,.il ,;fl^ 4 e;/^./oL-, ,"-/-///J*B Do*, f't 4,*s 6, fR /l&* Iln ./ ,,/-I Il ql. ai [f avz u4.{/*j. t!{.@ fo Y'(--/./.,a + 4o,."- ,( *rfi'Tf,f n"4@-'.- M 7Zf, &J"/A*-.'J. e*L I ?y APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #: I 2t.llo WILL Building Permit#: 97 O 47 I -21 49 (l ns pections ) TVWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 ILDI CTOR INF RMATION LI'ATION for nical, etc.! I Contractor: guild,er/Qnr"n Es"so.-.-foZ&') *ot-??/-"96/(/ Email address:ERtcsoat € BoPr-?,co/^ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING:5 7fD ELECTRICAL: $ 2 OTHER:$ 2 PLUMBING:$ /MECHANICAL: $o ToTAL:$ ZJV- / A@ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ztov/z20600/ Job Address: /-/ Sz2 Fa F/d A': Crae4 Glen U";* 3nJob Name: 6ron Votl- Lra 7"L Subdivision: ne:3at-ffi?-e?Z-/'1uul rDD. lfulOwners Name: 4 I,t t) tt/l6t?rtta2 | tlt IAtr t a.\-- nglneer: pl 9"- a//o"L/ WorkClass: New() Addition({ Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( .,f Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (,,f Twojamily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: /No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No/Tvpe of Fi ino: Gas Aooliances (O\ Gas Loqs (2) Wood/Pellet (, ) Wood Burning ( , : Gas Appliances (O ) Gas Loqs (A) Wood/Pellet (O) Wood Burn4g (l'{9T 3!!91//EQ a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ('21 No ( ) *********t*********ttr(*******tr*rrt ****+FoR oFFlcE usE o N LY*"************************************ Fees: DRB Fees:Planner Siqn-off: \\VaiI\datA\CdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 t26t2002 Questions? Call the Building at 479-2325 o Team tl f.t ,lv Project Name: Depaftment of Community Development l)n,f 34 6-.n 6L^ ?"A {^1",,,; td zd 3d "t{ Project Address:t'l VA Boftel" (*.h f?/ . L,";f 3 /l 6"rr" 6./^ This Checklist must be amoleted before a Buildina Permit appliation is acceoted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) P/A Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaqe af fowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval il/A r Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring ,u/Ao Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fanily) trt// B Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and CommercialBuildings) iltA o Window and door schedule lt/fr 5d Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) n Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) L//H a Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection plA o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrationsindicated il//A Smoke detectors shown on plans MIA Types and quantity of fireplaces shown l/rt D a fI l:l Applicant's Signature: /' -) .--''/t/ ,,/ )t./^ /.-- / L,/.7/4,t1 / \ - U,l-C*zr-- Date of submittal: \wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.Doc Received By: 04t02t2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: ll ,l '/ l''V€aYt [< . L nCSa - P2int name ,1 tfur* /<1 0",.-- Signature Project Name:6*"r, 6/rn U,,'/ ll >rL Fff"; oat", Sftt/ut F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 xr{{_ .\,' Ulr\J s$ s s s" I\-.< $.t tS. rn $*(]$:IS .s: gzd 3$H gH: Eib ggE "-#-.1,2 E trJ IEn =3tr tLo z =P (\lI (9 z, E llldtr I traE'vtza all='.'t- tk/or A fi,{frt^. (ao(LJ o fr** O, ^ 6'A'u''n'o'^s, ttl7O fla{fyA. C*"h )za' \Jail, il*/'H-J )s".oh,J 9 r:,!'rree-P- ( ,*rn/ @hT<*;"n J E/* Ur;f (& Inside House I ,'6" I t'ls'l - \ f'i I ,xistingDeck \ |I I r_*srns uecr( \ |tllil | \ 1'2" \L/--l ,-."\ |f@b o tl --- - i,o. iT ['- ('- '- -| | , k23''+ r:I ft \, I proposett Extension (xzs\ L. I jaltl'4*i r t'',''! lr/ -;' \', t-',"''r-- 7^- _tLl@o@lsl l,id,rinr u.r pathway Border+-1 I I I I - Pathway --*--l,*lt-,Y As is: l4l sf Extension: 69 sf Toral 210 sf Groose=G\^ Ll^;{ 3/ lu(Ka Buff"A" G,h d. t --.1Lkc*z E{learcr'u- - -t(? T"pV;a^t sh,"e,*1Df,,/ f E,;fr VJ. T"p ,T -l LL,,-) Gu" Lc.) 168 c r*b 6\6 poef lr 1,,.( 4 it;s*'t k'1df"/"'-l "/""A />osf serrratl#' ,a€,,*r,/-7;e,- ,--k- ^'7k'( lus< con'nttfon cercr-t ple$---iqg" &/?t,m,ziatt t" odr,,-,-/t? trrclon miniautu'z" 'l'hst/e \b la- lc- 2, Zl'g 2a zt 2'.t€- Va-7 c 1z'(r {.,, 2'( t &,t;"-J f,'c i^ t -r'1fr"y sl"ut'r,,* of z, Zt't c,-t l@" cen.ay'- caisraus ecvos) Z?' ,fn ,;il d f'6 F'fr altet/s *'/ "'* ("' ./** +,rlai tt-+* h 6tra 7*h rted3 **t "^ft'v^ lo;rht,.f.,,' ol{ t n"- efi''f'-' q'cwss z7t sluu^ a'" 4n/e @ H*'/unr<. t. rtll jo;ih Ir,7 ^'?d rL.J^'/ *u& J'o''f L^revs 7. 6 N6 rorls st*d t '^"Atn fr'avs uitl' t- 7, joi{h seascalt 6{6 rort */ s6^1"'4 4. "(*:ll' toe^(:i'< )cwa)'" u'J fo- -/l 'on'-ifr*' ^"(*( L^r" .on^".'/u', ^.fJ ca/D .dY,v".{o,t , Lu oo) 7. 3. L{. 6.)I t t. '9a+un.1- 2 N6 p/wA^ '"o/o'- b ^*fZA-<-'s#V'/'"4 l-giair| - n"/*""o4 ^ 'no/^"'* '-;tZA--'''#"5 J*L 6N6 F"t Fasaa - ,t/"tooo( ^ "/^-" / Y, lo no/*/-*/ a't ce/*^ t &/uoi'/J"g'1"'k ob.L nuli*i -' -/- dA 6" (etters I . 5#;". _ {1o',li*1s- Sltr^;^r-illfu^s A)oaasGIEt 9"nB zN z- z'{ 6 r.o(11 al;U Wro lS b,l't-s Lbe??- | / ,-J- b ,rTc I v,sA'^6 ' ^frfvd " AriLT 'afiff'1 v;li^2 "'*"1 o'^rrn' 4 futt', *|/^7 - 23' ln-# -ds*3' 7-o *atL-ur'FrS ^/"r/,- Ev@-6t; -n:?*,*) -7:i/, q rzz(ru"1)1!! I\!f:"f;] -- fii],r, 26/- Z -0 Slva*;^ Autl[ ia^s Sot,ol At//o;/ /"t.Tt' ''' %fn*gpr IA o v GROUSE GLEN AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION WRITTEN ACTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT MEETING The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Directors of Grouse Glen at Vail Condominium Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation (the "Association"), hereby approves and adopts the following resolutions by unanimous written consent: Approval of Extension of Existinq Deck RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 21 of the Condominium Declaration of Grouse Glen at Vail, the Board of Directors of the Association has agreed to permit Grouse Valley Limited Liability Corporation (GVLLC, the owner of Unit 3A), within the Grouse Glen project, to extend the existing deck in substantial accordance with the plans attached hereto as Exhibit 1 or such other plans as approved by the Town of Vail. The deck extension shall be constructed so that it is similar in appearance with the current deck and with other decks within the project in which the Unit is located. The owner of Unit 34 shall be required to either maintain the deck extension or have the Association maintain the deck extension at Owner's expense in the same general condition of appearance and repair as other decks within the project. The deck extension will be considered a limited common element appurtenant only to Unit 34 and no other parties. RESOLVED, that the foregoing approval is conditioned upon the following rcnrriromonfq' 1. The owner of Unit 34 shall indemnify and hold harmless the Association, the Board of Directors, the owners of all Units and the agents, representatives, successors and assigns of the foregoing from and against any and all loss, damages, costs, charges and liabilities of every kind and nature, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which may be sustained by any of such parties arising as a result of the approval, construction, maintenance, and/or repair of the deck extension. The foregoing indemnity shall cover, without limitation, the following matters: (a) any damage which may be caused during construction or continuing existence of the deck extension to any improvements within the area of or the immediate surrounding area of the deck extension, including utilities, electrical wiring, or lioht oosts. (b) any damage which may be sustained as a result of the deck extension encroaching into the Conveyance of Easements recorded July'10, 1981 in Book 325 at Page 795 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, including (1) any damages resulting from lack of permission to build the deck extension over the tX',",i1"11J9",!1lti-i?t"3,",':':'i:#?"ffi:'Jiil^li"'::":?i,,""H'Jilff "@ lf any damage is caused to the deck extension as a result of the proper exercise ofrights by any third party, including without limitation the holder of the easement described above, the owner of Unit 3A shalt be responsible for immediately causing the repair of the deck extension to the same condition and appearance as prior to- tne damage. 2. All of the above reguirements shall be set forth in the Agreement Regarding Extending an Existing Deck to the satisfaction of the Board, and the Board shall receive evidence that the Agreement is recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado by September '14,2003.. Ratification of Coroorate Activities RESOLVED, that all actions taken and all things done and all expenditurss made by the officers, directors, employees and agents of the Association, ac-ting for and onbehalf of the Association, from the date of the last annual meeting of directors to the date hereol are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects. lft t {[[ESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their names t|lls />' day oI [hf..,d , 2003. Sharon Harrison, President Robert Joyet, Vice President Carol Krueger, Secretrary/Treasurer zd wdsztz,T ioaz sT '6nu vr':aalatrati '0N xul NosiuduH 5ts1^l : l^10u.i EUI, nIl tlcrJUl | \,(Jl lr nll I l'. .r easement, and (2) any damage which may be sustained to the deck extension as a iu*tt oi tn" exeicise o? rights Jf the ease.nent holder within the area of the easement- fi any Oamage is causeO to tne deck extension as a result of the proper exercise of ;g;d il ,;i, third party, inctudin_g. without limitation the holder of the easement alscrioe-o above, the owner of Unit gA snatt be responsible for immediately causing the Lp* "f tf.r" deck extension to the same condition and appearance as prior to the damage. 2. All of the above requirements shall be set forth in the Agreement Regarding Extending an Existing Deck to the satisfaction of the Board' and the Board "njjt ,.""j;uu evidente that the Agreement is recorded in the Office of the Clerk and n."orOet of Eagle County, Colorado by September 14,2Q03" Ratification of Corporate Activities RESOLVED, that all actions taken and allthings done and all expenditures made by the officers, directors, employees and agents of the Association, acting for and on Uln"fi of the Association, from ifre date of the last annual meeting of directors to the date hereof, are hereby ratified. approved and confirmed in all respects- lN WITNESS WHEREqF, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their names this 6/'fday ol I ^+,t5f,2003- Stace of:(bkr.,ci o L4 Subscr j br:rl ond i n rny prcscnce 'Awua:i-' ?()oil' co before mc, -[i daY <;f I.Ir thi s Carol Krueger, Secretary/Treasurer Ndcary Public My commi."rsi.on expires blrolO3 Rob-ert Joyet, Vice Pres ;^'E5Ft'""BHi'" @ easement, and (2) any damage which may be sustained to the deck extension as a result of the exercise of rights of the easement holder within the area of the easement. lf any damage is caused to the deck extension as a result of the proper exercise of rights by any third party, including without limitation the holder of the easement described above, the owner of Unit 34 shall be responsible for immediately causing the repair of the deck extension to the same condition and appearance as prior to the damage. 2. All of the above requirements shall be set forth in the Agreement Regarding Extending an Existing Deck to the satisfaction of the Board, and the Board shall receive evidence that the Agreement is recorded in the Office of.the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado by September 14, 2003.. Ratification of Corporate Activities RESOLVED, that all actions taken and all things done and all expenditures made by the officers, directors, employees and agents of the Association, acting for and on behalf of the Association, from the date of the last annual meeting of directors to the date hereof, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects. lN WITI{ESS WHEREOf,, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their names nis i!{day of ti.*Czsos. I I Sharon Harrison, President rt Joyet, Vice P ru eger, Secretary/Treasu rer Dean R. Ericson 5429 South Krameria Street Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 303-77r-8964 (h) 303-893-9902 (w) 303-882-5980 (cell) August 19, 2003 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Greetings: Enclosed is an application for Contractor ("Builder/Owner'') Registration and for a Building Permit to cover a deck extension at Unit 3A, Grouse Glen Condominiums, '1480 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail. On behalf of Grouse Valley LLC, of which I am part owner, I submitted an Application for Design Review of this project on Friday, August '15. This Application was reviewed on Tuesday, August 19 and (by the time you get this letter with attachments) a decision will probably have been made and communicated to the Building Department and to us. (We understand that the Building Depaftment will not begin its review of our application until formal approval has been given by the Planning Department.) Please note the following in reviewing these two applications: New Gontractor Registration Form I have signed this form as "owner'' although I and my wife own only '118 of Grouse Valley LLC which owns Unit 3A. In discussing insurance requirements with your office, we were informed that the aggregate bodily injury amount should be $100,000. Thus, we have made the change in the appropriate line on the first page. Insurance coverage information is included with this form. Farmer's Insurance is the Company that wrote the GVLLC policy on Unit 34. n />n? tl .a -Ut^ '/t5D)v \-- TilN'"ffi* We trust that the letter and statement of coverage from Farmer's serves as evidence of adequate coverage for the project. With respect to Workman's Compensation, I am building this deck as a private party and part owner of GVLLC/Un|I3A. There is no company involved and there are no employees or subcontractors. Thus, I have signed the statement on workman's comp provided by your department, modifying the reference to "individual and homeowner." Building Permit Application As explained above, the Town of Vail Registration Number on the first line of the first page (l assume this is my builder/owner number) is not included, pending approval of the new contractor registration form. With reference to the Building Permit Submittal Checklist: Item 2 - The DRB approval form is not included but should be available (assuming approval of the application) by the time the Building Department has received this application. Item 3 - In lieu of a condominium association letter, we have included on pages 9-12 of this package a "Written Action" document signed by all three members of the Homeowner Association Board and authorizing Grouse Valley LLC to proceed with the project. Item 4 - Site plan is included as pages 3 and 4. Item 5 - The deck extension plan and details regarding structure are included on pages 5-7. lf we understand the application requirements correctly, none of the other items on the submittal checklist apply to this deck extension project. lf this is not the case, we will be glad to provide additional information requested. A color photo of the project location, including current deck and deck extension footprint, is included as page 8. Finally, we have enclosed a check (U12) made out to the Town of Vail in the amount of $88.65. This total includes $50.00 for the Owner/Builder (Contractor) registration and $38.65 for the building permit (we assume a value of $1,000 and have used the construction fee schedule included in the permit package to derive this number. \Mth best regards, 4<-0/ // 7(,.?tr+ / < ' Dean R. Ericson Member, Management Committee Grouse Valley LLC Attachments cc Pam and Dick Hansen Ann and Bruce Brookens #HT=_-- l*ffiiuilrffi:Page 9 R*4uartrd InsFeat taEt tlHncsday. Oclober 01. ?003 tn-co€.cten Area: JR SitF.AddR!r: 1480 L!O'{S RIOGE LP \iAfL r48C BUFFEHR CREEK RD utilr 3A{CROUSE GLE A/"€lc&gtttol Pcttdy; 8C3"0244 ivpf' 4"S-illlD Cr.:nsi Tv:* (ktur,ritr- C\ii:r: GRO'J3E vALi EY t-r.j; AFNleart. lxAll R EMEFSON (:orlt:$c!of ' F.f,i':sQN. DEAru !?, En'sctitfi'on: Er('r'EN$lOit Of $/OOC t/€CK Ccmm€r,t: RUIJT:C TO JR ANn idAT"l FOF fiEvEtAJ . SFi.OFES $ub -Dli: ,\S.FRi-JEa: u N Strru3 ISSUFL] lrEp A.sa .rR F-&erEg trigpessgrel 90 BLDG.#inal ERIC.SON. tj€,Ar; R. dack sdrnliion. ni ona rtrqf€ coq!/l$ Fhil-'a: i:r03}771-89€i4 ACIICOj APAPPROI/ED Flcqrrestacl Tim+: Olt 00 4H' Phons: 3OltXF19J02 giltorgd 8y: LCAilPS€LL ( I lr'to Exp: l.ILsJEtiqE _El$lpEI Irem: flem: lbm: Lm: Iten' fisrn: It€r'n:lirn: n6m: Itam:lHr: 1 0 BlD,6-Frrdngi&sresl 09, !B ri3 hs:reclor: 20 Blo(}.Frrundaboft, r;laei 30 BI.DG-Frrm|nc 50 Flti|8-hsutatFn 60 BL t,€- S h€effocr FJrrt 7S 8LDGMl3c. s{r SLDG-Ftnrt 2 t Eill+lLC Forficlrtb4 Pirn ?? Pt/ll-tLC Sitr irlanf33 DLAN-TEMF.CO 534 PLA!.I . F|hLj\L C'O * ,qporrlYsd " JF'H " ; REFTI"31 Rrrn Id: L322 TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 f r.J-...< 1k*O " 1^,+ [3 /t"+'t"g (tl"t'tt','1 DEVEI.,OPMENT' IDEPART'I{ENT OF COMMTJNITY i NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES MECIIANICAI PERMIT Permit #: M99-0079 JOb AddTESS. . . : 1-480 LIONS RIDGE LP I-,ocation......: 1-480 LIONS RIDGE I-,ooP #4-A Parcel No... ..: 2!03-:122-06-005pi"j..t numner, NONE status...: rssUED Apptied. .t o7/L5/L999 risued. ..: 07/L5/L999 Bq)ires . -: oL/L!/2o0o APPLICNqT FRISCO FIREPI.ACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRrsco co 80443 CONTRAETOR FRISCO FIREPI,,ACE & STOVE SHOP P o Box 1-330, FRrsco co 80443 O!{NER HARRISON SHARON & MARTIN 2980 JOYCE WAY, GOLDEN CO 80401 Description: CON\TERT WOOD BI]RNING Fircphcc Inforua!iont ReBtlj.cEedl FIREPI.ACE TO EPA WOOD Phone: Phone: Phone: VaIuaEion: INSERT 970-668-3760 970-668-3760 3 03 -2 78 - 0334 1, ,924 . Q0 *Of wood/Pal IeE: M€chanicsL_--> 4o.0o RcaEuaranE Phn Revi6s__> 'oo Tocel ca1cu1'!ed Fac€---> sl'00 *of 646 ApPli.nce8:*of eas Log6: Addir.lonal Fcca---- - ----> Wi1l. call- -- - > 3.0o PayrBcnt6_-----_- 53 '00 8.AI,ANCE DUB- -. - i**1rtr trt**r *rr IE'em: 05100 BUILDING DBPARTMENT DeDE: BUIIJDING Division: 6i7ist75g5 xamy aqqiqlli EijiR appnoveD PER:cD/Kw1grc rEem: 05500 FrRE DEPA,RTMENT -DepE:' FrR'e Division: 6i7 ii t7656-KAriiT ---ACEion' eppn n/a COI{DITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ABE-EEQUTEED TO CHECK E9R-q9DE COMPL',TANCB' 2. cgtlBustron eifi."'i! dftEUfnEP-i'E-R Srcl--]or oF nte 1997 IJMS, oR sEC=roN 70L oF TIIE 1992 r-MC: ; et*Hfl*i*tHl*etfia%ffiffieffi#kq#Hfii'ilffi.qnDtnn I oF THE 199?--Il4g-.- -.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPUENT MUST COMPLY WITII CIIAPTBB-1 AND' s'sd-,IIrt -qFJfii.'ieEi--lu-i-allD- criepfEii- r oF mE ;i?3"*tto"rr.e. E6ir.,Ei.5' sfrAl,i'-En-M6ut@D--Qr't-rr'oons oF NoNcoMBt-' -uiriE s s- I r -s rE6 F 6n -Md'rillr i_u6-' qtq- -6MsuS t r e L e _ FLooR I NG . z . eERMIT . pr.exs"aftil*ccjif.'eftiiL,v! is -MrIJgt- eE-FosTEo rx MEcHANIcAL ; . BRRY;Rt*dS"rzuH"ll8iE568ilst8$lj$."s EFATTNG oB _irq,r: *ATER" fHi"E;ntit"lg,;H#A.ESg&i8R Tdat.t EFo8ft"ol35ry ifiE.'*" ************************!t******************************************************* DECT,ARATIONS r h.r.Dy .clnorl.dt. th.t t hrv! E ad thl. .tEtllcrtlqr. ftU.d ouE ln full th. lnfonrbLdt r.qutr.d, ac4tl'c'd - rt 'osutlts' Plog plan, .!d rcrca thrts rll Eh. infotrrtslcr prowlara r. rrguj.nd l. cotract.. r a3t. co cqtly rltb Eh. infon't''oo 'Dd PloE Plrtr, to cooply rlih .11 lorn ordinuel rnd acrts. lrrr, rnd tc bullat lhla tEluctsuro lccordLng cc gh. tcrtr'a loDin5 ana 'ubdlvltiotrccd.r. d.rlE[ 4vt rr rpprovrd, ttrlfo3! Bulld{ng Cod. rnd otltlr ordintncrr of gh. Iorn .PPllorbl. th.!.Co. Rre['tlf,g lon rf,aPEcrlomt gHlt ! E! lnDl lnEtTr-tottP, llouRa rf, st(ItlTt RE oF oorER on co|frnlcloR lon nn|gEr.' lF d{!ln !Y IEIAPFOtrI lT {7t-213s 4lt otn OFFIC! lROl ':oo rI 5!0O P|| o o **********tl****!t******!t****************t*f*t*t*!t**!t*********!t!l** TOI|N OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO Reprinted; O7/L5/99 L4224 Stateffirts ****************rt***************rl***rl**rt*!t*!t**:t***************t* state[mE Nurnber: REc-0540 Arnount,:53.00 07/L5/99 L4:24IniE: KMlllPalment. Method:NOEAIiON: T{AI\IED Penrit, No:'Parcel No: Sit,e Address: Location: Tlrle Palment AccounE Code**9[AI\IED FEES** u99-0079 Type: 2L03-L22-05-005 1480 IJIONS RIDGE 14SO LIONS RIDGIE 53.00 Deecriptlon VilAIVED FEBS B-MBCH MBCHAIIICAIJ PERI,IIT LP IJOOP #4-ATota1 Feeg: Totsal ALL Pmt,s: Balance: s3 .00 53 .00 .00 ********!r***********tl**!t****:t**********************!*!t*********** Arnount 53 .00 f,,* ao.r a, " a Easle Countv AssessoraOf f ice ft,t;r:l' r :'n: ^ :,: u ":,";' "' " o TXH"?; Xill, E:iliI$"F3i;lY oere: ?//l/?f PER.}IIT # Architect:Address: General Descriptionz (nvet-l '.)ud Fr"6,Eft work Class: [ ]-Ne; 5,zi-aLteration [ ]-Additional I j-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units , L - Cgnoo r:.;s,ocNur )er of Accommodati-on Units: Number and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_1_tr' ,lf********************************* VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r! * ,t * * * * * * * * * BUILDING: $ CoNTRACTOR INFORMAT'rON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number:Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE! ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. NO PPo?fsr +. AFPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I'{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't PERI'{IT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t [ ]-Building [ ]-plunrbing [ ]-EJ_ectrical g/-uechanibal [ ]-other rob Name: (Jlofiin fhirsm rob Addre==, ttl00 Burcoh( llerk (d #4-A Lesal Description: Lor_ Btock_ ,irinn ,uuor*5i|ff Ql€oC.V3r' olners Name: (T,nih", tbf'"ttt' Address:(ltnq cr A::,cv - Pr.. 3$f z?g-B?l VALUATION Town of Vail Reg. NO. l|lfrPhone Nurnber: - (rh8.40 PLUI'{BTNG PI.,AN. cHEcK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAT UP NTP,OSIT REFI]I{D Vermont Castings l{hrornW,^twEnuutcrfusrnrs flrc \\'inh'rh arnr Fire|l;r6p ;n..r'1 f sJips c.rsilv into vour lreat-losing I c\iqting iirol'1,161., ,rnd turns it into an cfficit nt hcat soulcc. While rctaining thc allule of .rn open fircpl,11p, it boacts thc conr errience antl perfornr.rnce of a state-of-the-art n'ood stovc. Thc WintcrW.rrn-' Fircplacc Inscrt cor.ncs in two sized rlotltls to suit rranv different fire- place app)ic.r tions. Features: . High efliciencv - 79ni, - more heat lroru less rvclorl. . Large firevien,ing area rvith clean glass. . Easv ash handling. . High heat output - up to 50,001) BTU's. . Flush front on small rnoclel; choice of front stvles on large moclel. . Tlvin fans n.ith rhcostat for hcat cir cu lation. o $611d, duralrle cast-irorr construction. . Long overnight burn times. . Lcg lcvcllcrs for uncvcn hcarths. o Corrvenientlv located corrtrols. . Thermostatic control for steadr,, even neat. Options: . lncr porcelain enarnel color choices: Sancl ancl Midnight, plus Classic tslac k . Cast iron surrounrl panels u'ith small moc'lcl for a neat finished appcarancc . Outsitle .rir aLlaptors Enamel Colors: Specifications Log Length: Burn Time: Heating Capacity: Maximum Heat Output: Efficiency Rating: EPA Emissions Rating: Weight: Dimensions: Visible Front: Minimum Fireplace Dimensions: Height: width: Depth: Flue Collar Size: Large Model Large Model 24 inches Up to t hours 750-1,500 sq. ft. 50,000 BTU/hr. 78.3o/o 2.1 grams/hr. 475 pounds 41"W x 30"H 24" 34" 19' 8 inches oval :,--*-li i l, .i 1; -: !: _ii - ,'r: f :l lil "..rF .i\ trNit t te rWn rn t Ln r ga M o Llr: l Small Model 18 inches 6-8 hours 500-1,000 sq. fl. 30,000 BTU/hr. 79fo 4.0 grams/hr. 275 pounds 26-112"W x21"H 21" 26-1t2' 15" 6 inches round Small Model t"po' L : Iffi '',,, i tdl Irifl ii 'rqp1r- i | 'trT 200 8{194 -41 lLtry Qifo .i{." n o McNeill Property Management Inc. llomeowner Association SDet:iulist Box 4694 Vail, CO 81658 o Phone (9?0) 4?6-3910 Cell (9?0) 3e0-e00? Fox (9iO\ 479-1287 le (l^r"t #M 'l- bqnt-l /4rkk; ( I wLoo*., ,'/- *ry c-on cpr r-t ? ir k 'M; R/ 6"ouw CU^ + ( k (s/,*.^.1 W7;^ &.n.,) fi*FlaLL C"o/1$QJ-CI oa q,c)(ho.rga;l Lo'*t"*"P,1 ,n;f rnh (l Project Application o^r" 6-,/,2-zz Project Name: Project Description:-t3.^&l;^r N.^,.^a 6uor .^ Z- 6<-enJ Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: //?4 1',>Btockilaj!--t-. ,u,^n // c/o-(0n - . zone -:,r)t\ 4 ? ir-lLegal Description: Lot Com men ls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by APPROVA L D ISA PPR OVAL Su m mary: Staff Approval -Y --Drx r Questions? Caff Phnning Staff at'179-2 l2t N PPLICA'TION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOl'/iN OF VAIL GENERAL INFORMATION Tl.,ir,,r,pli"ntion is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw nrttst rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infomlation, scc thc subnrittal rcquirc.rcnts tbr thc particutar approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cantrot bc acccptcd until all thc rcqtrircd irrfornration is subnrittcd. fhc piojcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council arrd/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Corunrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Boartl approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a builcling pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd' fte ov ke ''r o @ Aotst'T^l ctMrDESCITIPTION OF TFIE REQUEST:Otr T\AC6 12 { B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:BLOCK:FILING: PI IYSICAL ADDRESS:ilXo iiut f fV G (? €€ ZONINC:V L.T1 NAME OF OWNER(S): '{7t, clo,4>7.G -f I D. '^'i#:lf'^':PI IONE:b *) E, Ir. OWNI'R(S) SIGNAT NAME OF APPLICAN'|: RE(S): c. E Conccptual Rcvicw - s e< c^loowA MAILINC ADDRESS: I'FIONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - $200 Constntction of a ncrv building. tr Attdition - $50 InclLrdcs nny addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrntcrcial building. ffuiuo. Altcration -$20 Incluclcs utittor cltaugcs to buildings and sitc itnprovctlcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to rncct rvith Dcsigtt Rcvicw Board to dctcrminc rvhcthcr or not the project gcncrally conlplics rvith thc dcsign guidclincs. The DRB does not vote on conccpttlal rcvicrvs' DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc timc of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcrmit, please idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthe projcct. The Torvn of Vail will adjust the fec according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Updated l/97 '. 66/A6/L997 lL:48 Roof Siding Othcr Walt Matsials Fascis Solfits Windows Wirtdow Trim Door$ DoorTnm Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Fla.shings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs RcainingWdls Extcrior Lighting'? othcr SdNAect< gqi:J3""iu.,.-- TYPEOF MATERIAL: PAGE AL CQTQR;' ^J/ilnA{ Pr .tl€- TR!{IGA be[.r<r^Jo - ReAa,ooA C<eAatooO I Pleosa speciS the rnanufac$rcr's cotor, number and attach a small colot chip r* All cxterior lighting must mcct the Town's Lighting ordinance 1t.54.050(J). lf exterior lighting is proposcd. plc&sc Indlgstc thc nunrbcr r.,f fi^rurcs .urd tocationr on a tcprtatc ligbting plan. ldT,ify ecch fixt'rc tylte end providc il;;gh6;"i grade, lumcns output' tuminous arca. and attrch a cut thca of thc lighting fixhtt'cs' 2 COMMUN I cAT I ON No : 45 FAoE. 1JuN.06 '97 (FBl) 12,34 7 \)-* ;ti-Uf ,lo ', f m ilf,N a USE G o ASSOGROLEN AT VAIL CONDOMINIT'M CI.A,TION !{RITTEN ACTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITITOUT MEETING The undersigned, being all of Ehe members of the Board of Directors of Grouse Gl-en aE vail condominium AssociaEion, a Colorado nonprofiE corporation (Uhe "Association" ), hereby approves and adopt.s t.he fol-lowing resolutions by unanimous written consenE: Approval of Deck RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 2l of the Condominium DeclaraEion of Grouse Glen at Vail, the Board of Directors of the Association has agreed to permit the owner of Unit 18 within the Grouse Glen project to construct a deck in substanLial accordance wiLh the plans attached hereto as Exhibit A or such oLher plans as approved by the Town of Vail. rrr" aect< shall not be consLructed so that it contrasts in aDpearance with other decks wiLhin Ehe projects in which the Unit:-s located. The owner of Unit 18 shal1 be requi-red to eit,her maintai-n the deck or have the Associatsion maintain the deck at Owner's expense in the same general condiLion of appearance and repair as other decks within the projecE. The aelf wift be considered a limited common el-ement appurtenant only to the UniE and no other parties. Ratification of Corporate Act,ivities RESOLVED, thaL all- actions taken and all things done and all expendiLures made by the officers, directors, employees and ag6nts of the Association, acting for and on behalf of ghe Association, from the date of the lasE annual meeting of directors to the dale hereof, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all resPects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, their names tnts QfhaV dersiqned have hereunto subscribed 1qq? g- rD*a1 Ann Brookens, Vice Tim Graybill, Vice PresidenL Ehe of q Carol E, Dawis, President Presidents Tom Fitch, SecreEary/Treasurer GROU o SE GLEN AT VAIL CONDOMINII'M o ASSOCIATION WRITTEN ACTTON OF TIIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITIIOUT MEETING The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Directors of Grouse Glen at VaiI Condominium Association, a Col-orado nonprofit corporation (Che "AssociaEion" ), hereby approves and adopts Ehe foLlowing resolutions by unanimous written consent: Approval of Deck RESOLVED that, in accordance wiLh Section 2l of the Condominium Declaration of Grouse GIen at Vail-, the Board of Directors of t.he Association has agreed to permit the owner of Unit 18 within the Grouse Glen projecE to consEruct a deck in subsLantial accordance wich the plans attached hereLo as Exhibit a or such oLher plans as approved by the Town of Vail. rtt" aucf shall not be constructed so that it contrasts in appearance wit.h other decks within the projecL in which the unit is located. The owner of Unit 18 shall be required to either mainEain the deck or have the Associati-on maintai-n the deck at Owner's expense in the same general conditj-on of appearance and repair as other decks within the project. The aelt wiff be considered a limited common element appurtenant only to the Unit, and no oEher parties. Ratification of Corporate Activities RESOI-,VED, that all actions taken and all things done and aI1 expenditures made by the officers, directors, employees and ag6nts of the Association, acting for and on behalf of t.he Assoc-iaEion, from Lhe date of the last annual meeting of directors to Lhe date hereof, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all resPecEs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, their names this lUAday Ann Brookens, Vice PresidenE the of ersiqned have hereunLo subscribed Carof E. Davis, President Tom Fitch, SecreLary/Treasurer o E GL,,EN o ASSOCGROUSAT VATL COI{DOMINIIIM IATION WRITTEN ACTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT MEETING The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Directors of Grouse Glen at Vail Condominium Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporaEion (the "Associatj-on" ), hereby approves and adopts the foll-owing resoluLions by unanimous wriggen consent: Approval of Deck RESOLVED that, in accordance with SecLion 21- of the Condominium Declaration of Grouse GLen aL Vail, Lhe Board of Direct.ors of the AssociaLion has agreed t.o permiE t.he owner of unit 18 within the Grouse Glen project to construcE a deck in subsLant.ial accordance with the plans aLLached hereLo as Exhibit A or such oLher plans as approved by the Town of Vail ' trre aect shall noL be const.ructed so that it contrasts in aDDearance wieh oLher decks within Ehe project in which the unit is located. The owner of Unit 18 shall be required to either mainLain the deck or have the Association maintain the deck aL Owner's expense in the same general condit ion of appearance and repair as other decks within bhe project' The aLcf wiff be considered a Limited common eLement appurtenanL onlv to the Unit and no other parties. RESOLVED, that a]] actions taken and aLl Lhings done and at I exnenditures made bv b.he officers, directors, employeesct I -L s -\l-rs r r and agenLs of the Associat.lon, acting for and on behalf of t,he Association, from the date of the l-ast annual meeting of directors to the daLe hereof, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all resPects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lheir names Lhis20ilkdap !1^^ Ann Brookens, Vice President rsiqned have hereunto subscribed ' 'l oo? Carof E. Davis, President Tirn Graybi11, Vice President Tom' Fitch, SecretarY/Treasurer Hn 8 CoP L.S. t6844 rtortr\ UNITS A A IB (. t\\r I o=,lo' i;cal-<DATE: 2/81 NOTE: AEARINGS E CALL FROM RIDGE SUBD ELEVATIONS VALLEY SA AS- BUILT I L.C.E. = LIM Anr cr PARCEL A e@usr GLEM -qgry.t?o,YtNtu[4 GCE = 6EN\'z'\ MkF fec)f%d (r) FouNDAnoN'biot< 8A5/ ?uf q?5'^Xfir::: r9 ./ ,/ 'u,/ ,/ G Jo{frly R. Kovadr 2xb RF\r^lNI ,{ANbrLtlL 2- zxtLTe" BEAI"\ EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & CONSTRUCTION 7xz G:bwooA H€rrrlts 3'4,<- 970-524-9701 t z. \ 6t' L46 B.€tTs tot'o.C,. ('T^etB|rro .zxto f('.lb" o-9. 7Y. to ^Jorsl- t144pst F,(tsr r^16 STRueroRf zxL RFAwoso gcn$fE0 NrTfl3\" GAL. -ttx{ llEb*oo0 rlAr.lAratrU -Pa6f l$*- l/tnx.7..asA6c BoLTs MAY. 19 97 (MON) 10:45 COMMUNICATION No:35 PACE l Jettey F. Kovaclk EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & CONSTRUCTION 97G,524-9701 13a IL !g 6 Et ExrSt lN6 rstcUct(,RE- DR BY vs a MAY. 21 '97 (WED) 14:51 COMMUNICATION No:44 PACE. 1 J( JUN-c'3-St7 1Ei . l3 FROM 'I TLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID t 3ct3 47E; 'rb3'. It IAIID TITTE GUAXAIITEE COMPANY LAND T O June 03 , L99'7 Property Address: Attsn: JENNY LONGVILLE 303 845-8440 Coplee; 1 Our Order No.: VS250433-4 CATHERINE CHASE-GROOS 7OO7 DANIELS PARK RD. DEIWER, CO 80135 AEtn: Copies: 1 vid US Post,al Service CIIRISTIANIA REAI,.TY, INC. 356 HANSON R,ANCH ROAD VAII-,, CO 81557 AEt,N; TERRANCE FERRY 303 475-5541 Copies: L EAST WEST MORTCIAGE 10 W. BEAVEF CREEK BIJVD. #250 P.O. BOX 3359 AVON, CO 81520.B.tt,n: (AVON RITNS) 970 949-9600 Copieg: 1 ,/ "o*o" DAvrs(W. VAIL RUNS) AtEn: . C/O WBAR4V Ll't6--7lt? Copies: 1 CI,OSERAITN: CYMTHTA Copies: 1 PRI]DEMTIAL GORE AND TRAVERS LINDAHI, RANGE PROPERTIES RUNS)(DELIVER IN AVON P.O. BOX 2467 AVON, CO 81520 JUN. 03 '97 (TUE) L7'20 CoMMUNICATIoN No :40 PACE I JUN-a3-€I? l€t,13 FROM' LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID: 3tlt3 'L'fE ..53.| rAr'E ' UV OIJD REPI'BI'IC NATIONAI., TITLE INSURANCE COMPANT ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # VS250433-4 For InformaEion Onl.y - Charges - ALTA o!'rner Policy $751--00Alca Lender Po1icy $100.00 Tax ReporE $20.00 Endorsement 335.6 (Alca 8.1) $25.00 Endoreement 100.29 $75.10 Endorsement 103.3 $75.10 Endorseme"! ltiaio(AtEa 4) st,lli:13 *TT THIS TS NOT AN IMVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO T1IIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. VS250433-4 *** A)'a.,a ( ' nqI 1. Effective DaEe: septegher-l2s;-1E9' at. 5;00 P.M. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: "ALTA" owner's potiey !O-L7-92 $L85,000.00 Proposed Insured: CAROIJ E. DAVIS "AIJTA" Loan Po1icy 10-L7-92 s145, 000 .00 Proposed fnsured: AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER , And/or ics assigns as itEintereBts may appear 3. The estaE,e or inEerest in Ehe land described or referred Eo in Chis CommitmenE and cowered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title Eo Ehe esEaE,e or interest. eovered herein is aL the effective dace hereof weet.ed in: cA#lrE*fitffin'rs'F€Roos C*vo'l- f T) o-Lt PAGE 1 JUN. C3 '97 ,T'ttE) 17,21 COMMUNICATION No:40 PAGE 2 JUN- @3 -Sr7 1t. The following are the reguirements 1. PaymenE to or for the accourlEthe full consideration for Lhe insured. 934 O ?Ei 4534 PAGE to be complied r^riEhi of the grantors or morEgagors of eBE.aLe or interests to be 13 FROM. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID' 3 COMMTTMENT SEHEDUI,E B- 1. (Requirements) Our Order # VS250433-4 oAIJTA Proper instrumenE (s) creating the estsate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wir: REI,EASE OF DEED OF THE PUBI.,IC TRUSTEE COMPANY TO SECURE AT PAGE 375. SAID DEED OF CORPORATION 707 . TRUST WAS ASSIGNEDIN ASSIGNMENT RECORDSD EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF'VAIL TRANS TRUST dprnO May 08, OF EAGL& COUNTY FOR THE SnM OF\.$94,50^ ^,-7 t99X, FROM CATHERINE CI{ASE-GROOS USE OF U.S. BANCORP MORTGAGE RECORDED May 21, 199L, IN BOOK MORTGAGE COMPA}IY, A COIJORADOT7, L994, IN BOOK 552 AT PAGE T THE TERMS, COI|DITIONS AlrD rAX HAVE BBEN SATISFIED. TO 554 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM CATIIERINE CHASE-GROOS.,TO CAROL E. DAVIS CONVEYING SUBJEET PROPERTY. \\ DEED OF TRUST FROM CAFOL E. DAVrS TO Tr{E ptrBLrC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COU},ltty FOR THE USE OF AIqERTCA',S/,ftI{OL,ESALE T.,ENDER , Andy'or ies assigns as iEs int.erests may appear TO SECURP THE SUM OF 9145,000.00. THE COUNTY CLER,K AT.ID RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETIJRN ADDRESSES ON DOCTJMENTS SENT FOR RECORDINGI! MEIJL,ON PAGE JUN. 03 '97 lrUE) 17 21-COMMUNT CATl ON No:40 PACE. 3 rJUN-!43-57 I f,LE GUARANf,EE WAI L A I.,?A c o M M I T M E SCHEDUIJE B'2 IE': NT 3cl3 o 47E' 4534 FAGE 4 (ExcepEions)Our Order # vS2S0433-4 The.policy or policies to be issued wilr contaio excepEions to theforrowing unless rhe same are disposed of to E,he satlifacCion or - the Company: L. st.andard Exceptions 1 t,hrough 5 printed on the cover sheet . 6. Taxes and assessmenr,g not yet, due or payable and specialasaessments noE yeE certified t,o Ehe Treasurer,s office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or as6esEments againsf said ]and. 8. Liens for unpaid waEer and sewer charge6, if any. 9 ' 1995 TAxEs NoT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESST'IENPS NOT yET CERTTFTED TO THETREASURERS OFFICE. 10. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAI.,IE BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR IMTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED rN UNTTED STATES pATENT OF RECORD rN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED August16' L909 rN BooK 48 AT pAcE 542 AIiID RECoRDED DECEMEER zs, tgio rN BooK 93AT PAGE 42. **ENDORSEMENT ].00.29** TIIE COMPAbIY HEREBY INST'RES AGAINST LOSS I^IHICH TITEINSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OI' DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS,rNcIJuDrNc tAwNs, SHRUBBERY oR TREES, REsuLTiNe FRoM THE ExERcisE oF ANyRrGHT To usE THE SURFACE OF sArD IJAND FOR THB E:KTRACTToN OR DivELopMEMr OFTHE MINERALS EXCEPTED FROM THE DESCRIPTION OF SAID LAND OR STTOWW NS ARESERVATTON IN SCHEDULE B-1. 11"' RIGHTS OF wAY FOR DITCHES oR CANAIJS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTI{ORITy oF THEIINITED STATES, AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AugusE 1G,1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 AI{D RECORDED DECEMBEN '';_G'O IN'BOOK 93 ATPAGE 42, ***FORM 103.3*** THE CoMPANY HEREBY TNSIIRES AGATNST IJOSS OR DAIVIAGE WHrCHTHE rNsuRED SHAIJL susTArN rN rHE EVENT rser tin olcNER oF THE EASEMENTREFBRRED To ABovE sIlALL, FoR THE PURPoSE oF E ERcrsrNc THE RrcHT oF usE oRMAIMTENAI'ICE OF SAID EASEMEM|, COMPEIJ rHE REMOVAL, OF AI{Y PORTION OF THErMpRovEMENTs oN sArD I.AND wHrcH ENcRoAcIr upoN sarn EASEMENT. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENAIVTS, !{HIEI{ DO NOT EONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER.crJAUsE' AS CoNTATNED IN INSTRIJMEMI nuConOgO September zo, 1922 rN BOOK 225AT PAGE 443 AND Al'tElrDED IN INSTRLMEMT RECORDuo'septemr:er zg, Lg72 IN BOOK225 AT PAGE sG5 Al,rD AMENDED rN rNsrntnas*T-nscoRDno January 22, 1924 rN Bootc233 AT PAGE 5l A.I{D A}IENDED rN rNsrRuMEr\rr nscoRben .'t'r,y r, 1993 rN BooK 362AT PAGE 804, AND RATIFTCA?ION THERETO RECOi'S' OCTOESN Z, iSEi rN BOOK 370AT PAGE 2. PAGE JUN. 03 ' 97 ITUEI, 17,21 COMMUNICATION NO:40 PACE. 4 rtUX-63-97 1E|.14 FROM. LAND TITLE A Ire 5 VAIL ID.4"8 453{ PAGE 5 COMMITMEN? SCHEDUIE S-2 (Bxceptions) Our Order # VSASO433-4 303o 1]. UTILITY EASEMENTS 20 FEET IN WIDTH, 10 FEET ON EACH STDE OF ALTJ INTERTORLOT LINES AND 'e' 15 FOOT UTILITY EAS|EMEI{T AIONG AI{D ABIIITING AIJu- EXTERIORLOT IJINES AS RESERVED ON THE PLAT oF LfON's RIDGB st BDIVfSIoN, FIIJIIWNo' 2, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 rN BooK 22s AT pAcE 444. 14. AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL EATVIROITMENTAIJ LAND coMpAl\ry AltD MoulfltArN sTATEsTEITEPHONE AI{D TELEGRAPH COMpANY RECORDED SEPTEI,4BER 27, x9Z3 IN BooK A31 ATpAGE 291. 15. TERMS, PROVISIONS A}ID COITDITIONS IN RESOIJUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF COI,N{TYCOMMISSIONERS, COUNIY OE' EAGLE, STATE OF COI,ORADO RECORDED MAREH 27, 1980IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 75? AND MAY 5, ].980 IN BOOK 302 AT PAGE 508. 16. TERMS, PROVISIONS TND COITDITIONS CONTAINED IN PIANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PI,ANAND DECLARATION oF PROTECTTVE COVENAMTS RECORDED MARCH Zz, iSeO fN BOOK 300AT PAGE 7s8 AND RE-RECORDED APRIT 10, 1980 IN BOOK 301 .LT'PAGE 415. 17' THOSE PROVTSIONS, COVENANIS AltD CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRTCTIONS,wHrcFI ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMTNTIFT uNrr DESCRTBED rN SCHEDULE A, AScoI{lArNED rN TNSTRIJMENT RECORDED,tuly 14, 1981, rN BooK 32s AT pAcE 925 AI.IDASSTGNMENT oF RTGHTS RESERVED firERE-rN niconoeb DEcEMBER Jo, iseu rN eoor3sl AT PAGE 185, FIRST AMEIVDMEMT TflEREIO REcoRDED eneiUARi-it, tggz IN BooK572 IN BOoK 5l-9, AND FfRST SUPPLEMEMI THERETO RECORDED FEBRUARv 14, 1992 rNBOOK 572 AT PAGE 908. 18' EASEMENT FOR }IATER AI{D SEWER PURPOSES AS GRAMTED TO THE EASTERN VALLEYqONDOMINIT]T'I ASSOCIATION PHASE z-.A.ONE, INC. IN TNSTRI'MEMf RECORDED iruLY 10,1981 IN BOOK 325 AT FAGE 795. 19. EASEMENT As GRAIqTED To colilDoMrNrlrM rrNrT Nos 1A, tB, 2A, 3A, 4A, 48, cRousEGrJEN AT vArL collDoMrNr[tMs rN TNSTRIIMENT REcORDilo gur,v io, igCi rN BooK 325AT PAGE ?96. 20. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS A}ID RESTRICTIONS AS SHO$IN OR RESERVED ON TIIERECORDED COIIDOMINIUM MAP OF GROUSE cIrEN AT VAIIJ COIIDOMINIIIMS, RECORDED ifu1.,yL4, 1981 IN BOOK 325 AT PAGE 925. 21. UTILITY E.ASEMENT AS GRATSTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCTATTON, INC. rNTNSTRIJMEN:I RECoRDED ocEober 28, 1991, rN BooK 331 AT PAGE z5z.' 22. TERMS, eo![DrrroNs.AriID PROVTSTO$S oF cot{vByA}rcE oF EASEMETim RECoRDED AuguatL6, 1.982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 309. 23. TERMS, CONDTTIONS A.brD PROVTSIONS OF COIOI,EYAITEE OF EASEMEIIT RECORDEDSepEember 13, 1982 IN BOOK 34S AT PAGE ?Ci. PAGE JuN. 03 '97 lTvE', 17.22 coMMUNlcATloN No:40 PAcE. 5 .IUN-O3-9?16'lSFROM'LANDTITLEGUARANTEEVAILID'3434?64534 U-. AIJTA COMMITMENT PAGE Ei SCHEDI'I.E B-2 (Exceptions) our Order # vs250433-4 * ** *E!{DORSEMENT 130 . 00* *** PROVIDED THERE IS SITUATED ON THE IATiID DESCRIBED UIIDER SCHEDULE A OF TIIE POLICY A SINGIJE EAMTIJY RESIDENCE, THE POLICY IS HEREBY AUENDED AS POLTOWS: NOTI{ITIISTAI{DING ANyTHING TI{EREIN TO THE COTIIRARY, TIIE POL,ICY INSURES AGAINST IJOSS OR DAI'IAGE BY REASON OF' THE FOLLO!{ING: 1. AI{Y I'NFILED LIEN FOR I.ABOR OR MATERIAIJ FURNISHED FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON THE I.,AND (EXCEPT FOR AI{Y SUCH IJIEN ARISING OUT OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRA TED FOR OR ASSI'MED BY TTIE INSI'RED), FROVIDED CONSTRUCTION OF AI,IJ IMPROVEMENTS IS COMPTJETED AT DATE OF POI'ICY,. 2. RIGTTS OR CIATMS OF PARTIES TN POSSESSION OF Tf{E PRINCTPAIJ DI{ELLING; 3. THE ENFORCED REMOVAI-, OF TIIE PRTNCIPAL DI{EIJI'ING ON ACCOUNT OF, AT DATE OF POLICY: (A) ANY ENCROACHMEMT OF SAID PRINCIPAIJ DWELLING ON"O ADJOINING I,AIiIDS OR OTf,TO A]W E.ASEMENT SHOWN AS AN EXCEPTION TN SCHEDT'LE B OR ONTO AIVY IJNRECORDED SIJBSURFAEE EASEMEIVT. (B) ANY VIOLATION OF BUIIJDING SETBACK IJINES OR COVENANTS, COI{DITIONS OR RESTIUCTIONS REFERRED TO IN SCHEDUIJE B OF THE POLIEY. ANY VIOIATION OF ANY ZONING ORDINANCE TF TIIE IAND IS USED ONIJY FOR A SINGIJE FAI,IIIJY RESIDENCE. TIIE TERM TTPRINCIPAIJ DWEIJIJING" MEiANS A}Iy SINGIJE FAIIILY RESIDENfIAL STTUCTITRE ON THE I'AND WHETHER DETACHED OR NOT. IF TIIE PRINCTPAIJ DWELTING IS AqONDOMINII'M T'NIT IT REFERS TO TIIE SPACE WITI{IN THE BOTNTDARIES OF THEI'NIT. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMEMTS AI{D AREAS SUCH AS OUT-BUILDINGS, DETACHED GARAGES, FENCES, DRIVEWAYS, RETAINING WALLS, PTJANTS AI{D COMMON AREAS ARE NOT INCIT]DED WITHIN THIS DEFINITION. TT{E TERM 'IZONING ORDINAI{CEN DOES NOT fNCIJIJDE BUILDING CODES, OCC'UPAT.ICY REGIIJATIONS AI\ID SI]BDMSION LAI{S. **** * ** * ***ENDORSEMENT 335 . 5*****r***** THE INSURAT,ICE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMET.IT IS ONTJY EFFECTTVE IF TT{E IAIID IS USED OR IS TO BE USED PRII,TARIIJY FOR RESIDEMTTAL PT]RPOSES. THE COMBANY INST'RES TIIE INSIJRED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE SUSTA,INED BY REASON OF IACK OF PRIORITY OF TIIE IJTEN OF ITIE INSURBD MORTGAGE OVER: (A) AI{Y ENVTRONMEIITAIJ PROTECTTON IJIEIT WETCH, AT DATE OF POIJICY. IS RECORDEDIN THosE RECORDS ESTABLISHED tl[DER STATB STATIXIES AT DATE oF POIrrCy FOR fEE PURPOSE OF IMPAR,TTNG CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY "O FURCHASERS FOR VALUE AI{D WI:rHOIXT KNOWI-.EDGE, .OR FTIJED IN TTTE RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF THE UNTTED STATES DIS:N,IST COT'RT FOR THE DISIR.I TIN WHICH TTIE LA![D TS I.OCATED, EXCEPT AS SEf FORT}I IN SCHEDULE 8,. OR PAEE 6 JUN. 03 '97 $VE) 17:22 COMMUNICATIoN No:40 PAGE' 6 PAGE 7 SCIIEDULE B-2 (ExcepEions) Our Order # VS250433-4 (B) ANY EINIIRONMENTAL PRO?ECTION LIEN PROVIDED FOR BY AIVY STATE STATTITE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POI.ICY, EXCEPT E}WTRONMEMTAL PROTECTION LTENS PROVIDED FoR THE BY TIIE FOLLOWING STATE STAIUTES: NONE .' THIS EITDORSEMEMT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AT,ID TS SUB,JECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF AI{Y PRIOR ENDORSEME}'IITS THERETO. EXCEPT TO TTIE EXTENT EXPRESSIJY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES AI{Y OF T}lE TERMS AI.ID PROVISIONS OF TI{E POLICY AIVD .A.hIY PRIOR EIIDORSEMENTS, NOR. DOES IT EXTEND TIIE EFFECTIVE DATE OF TI{E POLTCY AI{D ANY PR,IOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT TIIEREOF. ** *** *ElilDoRSEMEl{T 115 . 1***** * THE COMPATflT HEREBY INSI'RES AGAINST I.,OSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF:(1) THE FAILT'RE OF THE I'NIT IDENTIFIED IN SCIIEDULE A AND ITS COMMON EIJEMEMTS TO BE PART OF A COIIDOMINIIIM WTTIIIN THE MEN{ING OF THE CONDOMINII]M STATT,ITES OF TTIE JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE IJNIT A}ID ITS COMMON EIJEMEIOTS ARE I,OCATED.(2) THE FAILTME OF THE DOCI'MENTS RBQUIRED BY SAID CONDOMINITIM STATUTES TO COMPIJY IfITH THE REOUIREIIENTS OF SAID STATUTES TO THE EXTEMT TTTAT SUCH FAILURE AFFECTS THE TITLE TO rHE IINIT AI.ID ITS COl"fiON ELEMENTS.(3) PRESEMT VIOTATIONS OF ANY RESTRICTIVE COVENANfS WHICH RESTRICT THE USE OF THE I'NIT AND ITS COMMON ELEMEMIS AT.ID WHICH ARE COI{TAINED IN fiIE CONDOMINIIJM DOCUMEriI:IS. SAID RESTRICTIVB COVENAIITS DO NOT CONTAIN ANT PROVISIONS 9IHICH WIi,I, CAUSE A FORFEITURE OR REVERSION OF TITI.E.(4) THE PRIORTTY OF ANY IJIEN FOR CTIARGES AIiID ASSESSME}OTS PROVIDED FOR IN THE CONpOMINIUM STATUTES AND COIIDOMINII'I"I DOCUME!0TS OVER TIIE IJIEN OF AI\IY INSURED MORTGAGE IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A.(S)THE FAIIJURE OF THE UNIT Al,lD rTS COMMON EIJEMENTS TO BE ENTITLED BY LAW TO BE ASSESSED FOR REAI PROPERTY TAJCES AS A SEPERATE PARCEI.(6) ANY OBIJIGATION To REMOVE AI{Y IMPROVEMEMTS WHICH EXIST AT DATE OF POIJICY BECAUSE OF AIVY PRESENT ENCROACHMENT OR BECAUSE OF AI{Y FIJ:ruRE I'NINTEIITIONAI, ENCROACHMEIIT OF TIIE EOMMON EI.,EMEIITS UPON AIIY UNIT OR OF AIVY I'NIT UPON THE COMMON ELEMSNTS OR AI,IOTHER I'NIT.(7') THE FAII.,I'RE OF TTTLE BY REASON OF ]\ RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL tO PT'RCHASE THE I'NIT AI{D ITS COMMON ELEMENIS WHICI{ WAS EXERCISED OR COUU) HAVE BEEN EXERCISEIJ AT DATE OF POI,ICY- THIS ENDORSEMEMI IS !4ADE A PART OF THE POI.,ICY AND IS SUB,JECT TO ALL TERMS AT.TD PROVISTONS TITEREOF.A[ID OF AIIY PRIOR EITDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTEMT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER I4ODIFIES ENY OF THE TERMS AI{D PROVISIONS OF IIIE POIJICY AIID PRIOR EIIDORSEMENTS, IF AlIy, NOR DOES 1T EXTEIID TIIE EFFEC:TIVE DATE OF'THE POI,ICY AND PRIOR ENDORSEMEI{TS OR INCREASE THE FACE AJVIOUNT THEREOF. 24. DEED OF TT,UST DATED Ocr,ober 17, 1995, FROM CAROL, E. DAVrS TO THE pItBLrC TRUSTEE OF E.AGIJE COI'I{IY FOR TTIE UgE OF KENNEDY'ITOWE TO SECT'RE THE SUM OF $145,000.00 RECORDED Oct,ober 27, 1995, IN BOOK 679 NI PAGE 426. .IUN--O3-9?rB'tEFROM.LAND-TTTLECUARANTEEVAILID'3ct34?64534 -vALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 7 JUN. 03 '97 $UEl 17 22 COMMUNTCATION No:40 PACE' 7 JUN-O3-97 1E;.rS FROM. LAND AITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID. 3 vALTA COMMITMENT ',34o ?C' 4534 PAGE €' SCHEDULE B-2 (Except,ions) Our Order # VS250433-4 S.AID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGIiTED TO COI'}TTRYWIDE FT'IIDTNG CORPORATION DBA AMERTCA'S VIHOLESALE LEIIDER IN ASSIGNMEMT RECORDED Oct,ober 27, 1995, IN BOOK 679 AT PAGE 427, NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE IIEREBY DEIJETED. FoRM 100.00 IS HEREBY ATTACHED AI.ID BECOMES A PART OF THE POLICY. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, THE COMPATfY HAS EAUSED TTIIS ENDORSEMENT TO BE SIGNED A}ID SEALED AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS POLICY, TO BE VALID WHEN COUNTERSIGNED BY ATiI AIIruORIZED OFFICER OR AGENX OP TIIE COMPAbIy, ALL IN ACCORDATICE WITH ITS BY- IJA9|S, ITEM NO, 4 OF THE STAIiIDARD EXCEPTIONS IS HEREBY DEIJETED AS TO ANY IJIENS OR Fu:rURE L/IENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAI-, FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF CATHERINE CHASE-GROOS . OI-,D REPI'BLIC NATTONAIJ TITLE ANY I,IENS ARISING F'ROM WOR.K E. DAVIS. ITBMS 1 THROUGH 3 OF SCHEDUIJE B AR.E HEREBY DETETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STAIIDARD EXCEPTIONS TS HEREBY DEIIETED AS TO AIIY IJIENS OR FUTURE IJIENS RESITIJTXNG FROM WORK OR MATERIAIT FURNISHED AT TltE REQUEST OF CATHERINE C}IASE-GROOS . OLD REPT BIJIC NATIONAIJ TITLE MSURANCE COMPAI{Y SHALL IIAVE NO IJIABIITITY FOR AIiIY IJIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MA,TERIAL FTTRNISIIED AT THE REQUEST OF CAROIJE. DAVIS, INSUR.ANCE EOMPA}IY SHAI,I.'r IIAVE NO I.IABILITY FOR OR MATERIAI FITRNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF CAROIT PAGE JUN.03 '97 $uEl 77:23 COMMUNICATION No:40 PACE. B JUN-O3-9? 16.rE FRou. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID' 393 4?Ei 4534 PAGE I v' rrAND !tor GuARANTEE coMpANy DISELOSTJRE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be locat,ed in a special EaxingdiEErict. B) A Certificat,e of TaxeE Due lisuing each taxing jurisdiction may be obCained from the COunty Treasurer or Etre CounEyTrea6urer's auEhorized agenC. c) The informaEion regarding speciar dist,ricts and the boundariesof, euch disEricts may be obtained from the Board of CounEyCownissioners, Ehe County Clerk and Recor(ler, or the CounlyAsse6sor. Required by Senate BilI 92-143 A) A cerEificat,e of raxes Due risuing each taxing jurisdictionshall be obcained from E,he County ffeasurer oi Lhe CouncyTreasurer's authorized agent,. JUN. 03 '97 (TUE) 17,23 CoMMIINICATION No:40 PACE' 9 oo TOWNOFVAIL DEPANT}IETiT OF CO}t}t T'NITY DETELOPMENT DATE ,**.n'-h4tj, g - -0oo-ln- CEECI{S MADE PAYAJLE TO TOWTI OF I'AIL ACCOutiT.!{O. 0 I OO00 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0 I 0000 424t5 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s54.00 0 I 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINC EODE s19.00 0 I oo00 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE s37.00 0 oo00 424 r5 UNIFORN,I FIRE CODE s36,00 oo00 424 l5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s17.00 0 ooo0 4241 5 O1'ITER CODI] I]OOKS 0 0000 4 t 518 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS s7.000l 0000 42412 X-LROX COPIES so.25 0 00OO 42412 STUDIES 0 ooo0 424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.000r 0000 42i71 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS:l 0l 0000 4 I 332 PLAN RLVII:W RE-CIIECK FEE IS40 PER llR. 0 0000 42332 OFF I]OURS INSPECTION FEES 0 0000414r2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEET 0 0000 4 t4 11 SIUN NPPLICNTION FEE s20.00 0 0000 414r3 NDDITION^L SICNNGE FEE S I.OO PER SO.FT. 0 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJI]CT DTFITTION 6![1Xm0 al33T*F8.r-. Pn tD DtjsrcN REV|Ew tsoARD FEE ?r+ e 0Tu)00 42371 INVLS I IGA IION Fl:l: (BUILDINC l oo00 45 l r0 TOV PN RKINC FUND 0 0000 22027 TOV NI:WSPn PIIR DISPIINSER FUND* 0l 0000 2l I t2 TAXABLE@;4.52 (STATD* 0t 0000 41010 T^XABLE @4.02 (rowN) 0 ooo0 4217 t B U ILDIr'*c INVITSTIGn TIONl--0IltLR PECAPPLICATION FEES 0 0000 4l330 ADDITIONAL GRFN "250 s200.00 0 0000 4 t 330 CONDII]ONAL USE PERMII $200.00 0 oo00 4 t 330 EXTERIOR A LTERATION f LESS TFIATTOOSO.FT s200.00 0 0000 41330 EXTL,RIOR N LTERATION IMORE TI{TNIOOSo.FN s500.oo 0 0000 413.30 SPECIALDEVELOPI\4ENTDISTRICT TNEW s1.500.00 0 0()00 4l 330 SPL,CIALDEVELOPMffi sl,0(ru.00 0 oo00 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMW sz0u.u0 0 0()00 41330 SUBDIVISION 0 oo00 4 t 330 VARIANCE s250.000l 0000 4t330 ZON ING CO DE AMEN DME]I]''S 5250.000l 0000 4t330 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER rc COMMENTS: rzlsgt L1cK.'r ll.{.oLr @zz- I I N? t?888 Permit ltfumben tl0w PAID-Crrh ?Crrr"k-.., TOtrIhl GF r'JFl I L- l'liscel I aneous Cash g6*Ert-!7 t q' aq. 5q PeceiF,t * ??5155 Fccnunl. + I::FRT-'L TIF|\JI5T.IIEB FEE Fittrc,un t terrde red t Item Paid [t 1 El6ErE'{ 1 31 1 EErfil r-:hange r*lurned ) -THFr{}{ 781. ffr:r grsount Psid ,]8. EEl !i ' i:tfj vcll-l !r-,ur cag'hi*r EEHTHT-I q"o'-"_^2*A 'i-U\Nt) 1480 IJIONS RIDGE LP Status. . . : ISSUED 1480 BUFFHER CREEK no *lBAppl-ied. . :LO6/LO/19972103-122-06-002 Issued...: 06/12/1997 Expires. . : Iz/09/L997 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Occupancy: Rl Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation: F i reptace Intormation: Restrictcd: Ptan check---> 71.75 DRB Invest i gat ion> tli Lt cat l,----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT permit #: 89?-0150 CONSTRUC co 81637 CONSTRUC co 81637 vArL co 816s7 100.00 312.75 Phone l 524-910I Phone. 524-97OL 31?.75 .00 312.75 312.75 .00 Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel No. .Project No. APPLICANT EAGLE VAI-,LEY CABINET & P.O. BOX 4058, GYPSUM, CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & P.O. BOX 4058, GYPSUM, OWNER DAVIS CAROL E 14BO BUFFEHR CREEK #18, Descriotion: DECK AbDITION Multi-Family Type V Non-Rated fOf llood/Pa t tet: *********#**rr****i****t*i******t************************** FEE SUl,tttARY ***t*****************t************************************ Bui Lding-----> 115.00 Restuarant Ptan Revie!,-->.00 20.00 6, 1.00 fof Gas App[ i ances: Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Logs: Totat Catcutated Fees---> Addi tional. Fees--------->.00 Total Permit Fee--------).00 Recreat ion Fee----------> t.00 C Lean-t p oeposi t--------> TOTAL FEES------ Payrcnts------- BALANCE DUE----**********************t***********************i********************************************************it***********i************* Item: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:06/LO/1997 CHARLTE Acriont ApFn CHenLrE DAViSrtem:'.05400_PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: pLANNTNG Division:06/tz/1997 cHARLTE Aaaiona--AFFn pen DrRK MASONItbm:'056Q0-FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:9p/10/\e_27-CUARLIE Action: APPR N/AI!eLn!',q55q0_PqEI,Ic ltloRK$ Depr: pUB woRK Division:O6/LO/L997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *******t*************)hl********************************************************************************************t************ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS l.hereby acknowledge that t have read.this apPtication, f i l,l,ed out in futt the infgrmation required, compl.eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required_ i.s correct. I agree to compty iith tire iniormation and pLot il,an,to.coDpty with aLL ToHn ordinances _and state taws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabte thereto. REeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs sHALL BE r,tADE TuEnry-Foun HouRs rN ADvANcE By rer-erge{e Ar 4rg-?138 oR AT ouR ICE FROII Send Ctesn-Up Deposit To: CARoL DAVIS COilTRACTOR FOR AND OI.INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPernit #: 897-0150 aB of 06/12/97 sratus: rssuED ******************************************************J.************************* Permit Type! ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: O6/IO/L997Appricanr' Bl::BrXltLEY cABrNEr & coNsrRuc ," ;$l::i itltSlitt4 Job Address:Location: 1480 BUFFHER CREEK RD #18 (GROUSE GLEN)Parcel No: 2103-122-06-002 Description: DECK ADDITION Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI.,,.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.].210 OF THE 1991 UBC. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0286 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *423 292.75 06/L2/97 11247Init: CD Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address:tocation: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:Total ALL PnTs: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0150 Type: A-MF 2LO3-L22-O6-OO2 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 1480 LIONS RIDGE LP 1480 BUFFHER CREEK RD #18 (GROUSE GLEN) 292.75 **************************************************************** 3t2.75 312.75 .00 Amount 115 . 00 74.75 100.00 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT.Permit #: 897-0150 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. I S SUED LO6/10 /|se7 o6 /12 /ree712/os /ree7 3',t2.75 312.75 .@ 1480 IJIONS RIDGE LP Status... 1480 BUFFHER CREEK RD #1BApplied..2L03-t22-06-002 Issued... Expires. . APPI,ICANT EAGLE VALI,EY CABINET & P.O. BOX 4058, GYPSUM, CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & P.O. BOX 4058, GYPSUM, OWNER DAVIS CAROL E 14BO BUFFEHR CREEK #]-8, Description: DECK ADDITION CONSTRUC co 81637 CONSTRUC co 81637 VAIL CO 81657 Add Sq Ft: Phone z 524-97AI Phone:524-970I Occupancy: Rl Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireptace lnformation: Rest ri cted: Pf.an Check---> 71.75 Multi-Family Type V Non-Rated 6, 100 ,ot Gas Appt i ances: **************************************t******************** tEE SUt$,lARy ************t***********tt*************t ****************** Bui Lding----->115.00 .00 20.00 .00 100.00 Totat catcutated Fees--->312.75 lnvest igat i on> tl i l.l. CaL l.----> .00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 CLean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- REOIJESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR H()URS tN ADVANC€ BY Send Ctean-up Deposit To: CARoL DAVIS fot Gas Logs:flof Uood/Pal. tet: Additional, Fees---------> .00 Totat Permit Fee--------) Payments-------312.75 BALANCE DUE-------------> Restuarant Ptan Revi ey--> DRB Fee-------- ********************************************ff*******ffi*******i*********i**t*t******ttr****Jr*******************t**t******t******* Ite4i .09100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Divieion:06/LO/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISrt'em:'.05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:06/L2/L997 CHARLTE Aat.ion, AFFn pnn DrRK MA56N- ----"'-"- -- It'em:'05500_EIBE DEPARTUENT Dept: FIRE Division:9F/10/\227 CHARLIE Action; AppR N/A Iterni'.q55Q0_PUBLIC WORK$ -*__ -_',- Dept: pUB WORK Division:06/IO/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A ************************H************t*********i*****************************ff****i*******************************t************ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS r-hereby.acknoutedge that I have read_this aPPl'ication, fitted out in futl. the infgrmation required, conpteted an accurate ptot Plan, and state that atl the intormation provided as required_ i.s correct. t agree to cornpl.y r,iith tire intormaiion;il-pa;i;i;;,to comPty vith al'L ToHn ordinances -and state taHs, and to buiLd this stnucture according io the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design rcview approved, uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of tlyd Town aipticabte thereto. A'( 479-n3A oR AT OUR ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0150 as of 06/12/9? Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIL,D PERMTT Applied. O6/L|/L997applicant: EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & CONSTRUC Issuedt 06/12/1997s24-970I To Expire: L2/09/L997 Job Address:Location: 1480 BUFFHER CREEK RD #18 (GROUSE GLEN)Parcel No: 2103-122-06-002 Description: DECK ADDITION Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEIL]NGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE ].991 UBC. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0286 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #423 2e2.7s 06/t2/9? 11:4?Init: CD Permit No: Parcel Not Site Address:tocation: This Payment Account Code.01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Total Fee6:292.?5 Tota1 ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUIIJDING PERMTT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES CIJEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0150 Type: A-MF 2LA3-L22-06-002 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 1480 I.,IONS RIDGE LP 1480 BUFFHER CREEK RD #18 (GROUSE GLEN) **************************************************************** 3L2,75 3L2.75 .00 Amount 115.00 74.75 100.00 3 .00 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireptacc Information: Rest pi cted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 897-0150 Job Address: 1480 LIONS RIDGE LP Status...; APPROVEDLocation. . . : 1480 BUFFHER CREEK RD #lBApplied. . tL06/IO/t997 ParceL No..: 2L03-722-O6-002 Is6ued...: 06/I2/L997Project No.: Expires..: L2'/09'/Lgg7 APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & P.O. BOX 4058, GYPSUM, CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & P.O. BOX 4058, GYPSUM,OWNER DAV]S CAROL E 1480 BUFFEHR CREEK #1B, Description: DECK ADDITION CONSTRUC co 81637 CONSTRUC co 81637 VAIL CO 8T657 Phone z 524-970I Phonet 524-9701. fof [ood/Pat tet: Multi-FamiIy Type V Non-Rated It*tt|htt**ffiiffi***t**frrtffr****t* FEE SU I|ARY **H*tt****trtrrffitf,f,******ffr*rt***rr**********tff*it*"tlt**** 6, 100 #Of Gas Apptiances: Restuarant Ptan Review--) Recreation Fee----------> C Iean-Up Deposi t--------> Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs: Bui Lding-----> Pl.an check---> Invest igat i on> ui Ll CaLt----> 115.00 74.75 DRB .00 3.00 .00 20. o0 .00 100.(n 312.75 .00 312.75 20.00 TotaI catcutated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- *******t'*{'******tffi***************]lllhlllfi**il**;;;**-*-**:llli--**-:lslitlli;-----;i--.*.-*ilil1i-* Item: .05100_EUII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:06/Io/Le97 CHARLTE A-Eiont -AFFn cnanlrE DAViS-Item:'.05400 -Pi_,ANNING DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:06/12/!997 CHARLTE action: ApFn pen DrRK MA56N- --'-'-'- Item:'05600 FIRE DEPARTUENT Dept: FIRE Division:06/TO/1997 CHARLIE ACiion: APPR N,/AItbm:'0ss0o_pgBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:06/Lo/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *******ffiffi*ffi*****ffi***t*t*****ffi*iffiffiffiffiffi***#*ffi*ffi**rtrJrt*******f,t*******t *************t***ffi*S**** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditione t,hat may apply to this pernit. OECLARATIO}IS r. hcrcby -acknovledgc that r havc read.this apptication, f itl,.d out in ful,t the informtion required, corpletcd en accurate ptotpLan, and statc thrt at[ the infornation provided as requil{. i.s correct. I agree to conp t,y riith tire in?ormation and ptot itan,to.cotryt)t tith aLt Tovn ordinances -and state tavs, and to buiLd this structure accoding io'the Tovn's zoni n! and subdivisioncodes, design revicv approved, Uniforn Buitding code and oth.f ordinances of the Tovn afpticabl,e thcreto. REA{JESTS FOR IT{SPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2136 OR AT OI'R OFFICE FROII 6:00 AIl 5:OO PI,I Send CLean-Up Deposit To: CAROL DAVIS ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0150 as of 06/L2/97 Starus: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERUIT App1ied. O6/IO/L997Applicant: EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & CoNSTRUC Issued: 06/12/1997s24-9701 To Expiret L2/09/I997 Job Address:Location: 1480 BUFFHER CREEK RD #18 (GROUSE GLEN)Parcel No: 2103-122-06-002 Description: DECK ADDITION Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED W]TH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. E -3t,. *,*Con t ac f aY 970 I pARcsr, ) nty Assessor" e ,..EA 28 qa!arcq!,#. ^ TOI.{N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON64 o g1 -8ll Cou 0f PERI'IIT # Job Name: I Legal- Description: Lot Architect: BIock rob Address: tvto B'r&€hr crce.t-#te T7d2Y-Fiting?=4ft ,' - SUBDIVISIO-N: LZt v^e' czK)fowe owners Nane: C*ftle DX:ttS Address , !q&o &^trz Address:Ph. General Description:i)ecrAJJ,fu-r" work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration ft-Additionat [ ]1n"p.i= [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: lpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv ,t* * * * * * * *. - a. : : *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS iurroruc, + blDo ET,ECTRTGAL:$ Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* OTHER: TOTAL: ******* or: C'{**ile MECHANICAL: $ t Address: Electrical Contract Address: 11F5uJ,Y\ or: Plumbing Address: Contractor: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLU}.TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I{ECTTANICAIJ PI.AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Reg. No. BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLBA}I I'P DEPOSIT REPTIIID TO:n ^., I T).a,r< L-CAr O t r/ "\v(J lown 75 soulh trontage road vall, colorado 81657 (3o3') 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 Project Name- ofllce of communlty developmerrl . BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this peryit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.pubric works) reyiew ana approvail"i iiii,,iiii'blpu"t .ntreview or.Hea'lth Departmiint review, rnb'a "uui"; Li-il;;"ilriiorn9Department, the estimated time for-a total "."iln-il"v"iui!'a, tongas three weeks. fl] cgmmgrgiar (rarge or sma'r1) and a|r murti-familv permits wiilhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminis.""iesiaentia.land.small projects should take a resser amount of-tiil:' Hoiever, ifresidenti'al or smal l er .projects impact the various -u'uou. m!niloneadepartments with reqard to-necessai"y revie*,-ih;;; ;;;j;rii"ruyalso take the three weet< perioJ. Every attempt will be Tgge bV this department to expedite thispermit as s.qon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. ,t &zt-o=^o< 6-Zzt-- a B DE CIL- Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. -. 75 soulh tronlage ro.d Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: ofllce of communlly deyelopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/Co!,IMUNITY DEVELOPI,{ENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any "oif,-"""i, sand, debrisor material, including trash lurnpsters, portabre toilets andworkmen vehicLes. upon any streetl sia"waix, -;ii;y or pubricpr?:" or any portion theieof. rhe right_";i;t-;n alt Town ofVail streets and.:gag= is approxinateiy 5 ft.-6ri pavernent,.This ordinance wir| ue. striEliy--inforced by the Tovrn of vailPubric !f,orks Deoartrnent. pers6ns found "ilrr-[i"g this ordinancewil}. be given a 24 hour written n"ti".-t"*;;;;;"="id narerial.rn the event the person so notified-aoes not-"""iprv with thenotice within the- 24 hour.tiure-"p""tiiil,"il";"tti" work=Department will remove said natEii.t .t it"-'"r,i"ise of personnotified. The provisions "r-Crri=-"iai".n.i! ;fr5ii not beappricabre to cbnstruction, r.i.i"r.rrce or repair projects ofany street or atrey or any utiriries i; r;"-;iiii_"_r.y. To review ordinance No- 6 ln fulr, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departrnent to outiin a copy. trrani you for yourcooperation on this matter. "wa>< (i.e. contractor, owner) l' MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: I have ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public propefly? ls any utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the righl of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, ea-semenls or public property to be used for staging, pafiing or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmenl? /s u<F Contraclo/s Signature YES NO 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',l. 8) lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at tha Public Works otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of VailGonstruction Inspector, at 479-2158 Oar/ DateJob Name 7+ 4 N \totN UNITS IA E B Ar=litc\t Iiol lc) oo tc)z (o I ''-../0' scaJ<DATE : 2 /81 NOTE: BEARTNGS E CALL FROM RIDGE SUED ELEVATIONS UALLEY SA AS-BUILT T. L.C.E. = LIM PART CF PA|ICEL A"o,Tl g q IE -Tl C)rn oKousr GLEA{ cqr,vl?Qr4tNtul-4 GCE = GEN M kr reco(Qd (4 Far tDArtoN'book 8e5/ ?ur q75':l:fi;::: /e (.i -/ ,/ G ,/, 6e-, ,/' t .\ Jrftl R. Kcirdr EAGLE VALLEY O CABIilET & CONSTRUCTION ZYL FrspooA ptctsrtts 3" zxb G[norA ,{ANb&ttL z- zxtL'ftr, BEAq 97G52/0€70r P-. X 6,t l-116 gotTs lb" o.C,. srtetrnro t1gto fR,, tb, O-t.L zr\ro {or5r 4fift* Fr(srl^16 SrlueroRe exL REAwooo SqRS'CO WITH3\" cAL. -lax{ . fi8Dsroo0 rfhta.r^q -Fs? +.+y't Yt^x7..ctl(ut4c ccLa3 I.IJIY. 19 ' 97 (MON) 10 | 45 coMMUNt CAT t ON Nc :35 FACE. 1 &ffrs,y R. Kovaclk EAGLE VALLEY GABI]IIET & CONSTRUCTIOil 970-621-9701 EX\sr tN6 .Sr0Ucf 0tRE !0 6 Et r( DR J\: MAV.21 % '97 (wED) 14:51 COMMUNICATION No:44 PACE. 1 l;ra --/--- Fald *r,-- C&,. llo' slnx .*- tfrrnv.,4). CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: &%^ E, ,,1u.,/:I)A'tn: t la q' lq t VENDORNAME:/o/ r\- A- Lo I Dori' VENDOR NUMBER:t4(w DESCRTPTION OF I]XPENSE: CLtrAN UP DtrPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # B '.T..IS I S-O NAME OF JOB: Dr, u it b".L AU,4, oo /40o,,,.{)/e tt #- rrs ACCOUNTNUMBER:0t 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND:.8 roo.oo DATE APPROVI]D: APPROVAL SICNATURE: I ATTN: REATHA VENDOR .REQUEST TEMPORARY VENDOR VENDORS FUI, ndJ. . FORM: @ ; i IJ 4 urs Ulc / ooo 5o, * jFz ooV+tt- Co, gtas-7- DTFFERENT FROM ABOVE Rlw VENDORS VENDOR REI'IIT ADDRESS rl IF TAX ID# OR SS # IS VEI.IDOR A CORPORATTO}.{ REQUESTED BY: DATE OF REQUEST: IS THIS A VENDOR REQUEST FOR A nsruNDz-<;-s >rS4 YES ,r t ,roittt @7/t7/97.67; Activity: Address: Locat i on ; FareeI: Descniption: Appl ieant: Owner: Contraet or' : 53 REOUESTS FO I Tot.|N 0F vAILr COLORRDO INSpETTIUN i^IURK SHEETB FORe 7/17/97 897-CI15O 74L7/97 Type: A-MF Statusr ISSUED I4gE LIONS RIDGE LP 146A BUFFHER dREEK RD *18 (GROUSE GLEN) alC!3-lee-Q6-UA? Occ: DEtrK ADDITION EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & CONSTRUC Fhone: 5€4-9701 DAVIS CFR0L E trhone: EAGLE VALLEY CABINET & CUNSTRUC Fhone: 5P4-97tZt1 trAEE lE flREAr DS Constr: AMF Use: V N Inspect i on Reqltest Requestorr CAROL Req Time: ALTAQ Itens request ed to 0AA9A BLD6-FinaI Inf ot'mat i on. . . DAV I5 Eonnents: UNIT be Inspected.. Fhone z 476-7646 lB; WILL CALL RECIUEST SrZr tYlIN. pRIOR Act ion Eom m ent s Time Exp Inspeet i on It em: Item: Item l History..,.. A6OIO BLDG-Foot ings/Stee I fr6/L7/97 Inspector': EE StlaOSO BLDG-Fnaming n6/e3/97 Inspector : EE t}B0gta BLDG-FinaI Action: AtrFR AFPROVED ffet ion: AtrFR APPROVED t dLE COPY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 July24,1996 Department of Community Development Mr. Tom Fitch Grouse Glen Condominium Association 1480 Buflher Creek Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Proposcd parking area aQle Grouse Glen Condomiums DearTom. I spoke with Larry Grafel, Director of Public Works this morning rcgarding your request to construct three, off-sheet parking spaces adjacent to thc Grouse Glen Condominiums. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the results of our conversation. Thc Town continues to be concemcd rvith theuse of Town of Vail right-of-way to accommodatc overflow parking at the Grouse Glen Condominiums. Torvn of Vail right-of-way is intended to provide spacc for road cipansions, maintcnancc. drainage, snow storage, etc. The 30'x 24'parking arca you have proposed crlates conflicts with the intended uses ofthe right-of-way. Therefore, I regret to inform you that wc cannot grant an approval ofyour proposed request. I understand your desire to accommodatc overflow parking at the Grouse Glen Condominiums. perhaps youroverflow parking could be accommodated elsewhere on privatc property. Please let me know if I maybe of assistance. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to coutact me' You can rcach me at the Town of Vail Oflices at479-2145. Sincerely, Ja)n*';+{'**l-^z George Ruther Town Planner xc: Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Larry Grafel, Public Works Director Greg Hall, Town Engineer Susan Connelly, Community Dcvelopment Director {g**uo - F.\icF FTFPl'rrr!ry* .?'f'r"'ttrFrr* -ir ''* 71- 1.7' - _r -:;rff/r'tqtttl-).,q- -rr_ F-- i' , -Fa-!' F I ,-, ilin ReviewAction Fm. TOWN OF VAIL catesoryr'rumber 9 ox" <l llfll Proieauame: Arznr,'-- &tr. t ?M(.;-ln A-e,aA I 'l Buifding Slansi h/Du''F Alh I L1, ,t''o, | ,,.J, r' , t.. Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: RrcnitecvC6f,it)mdress and Phone:\_--' Legaf Description: lot - Block- Subdivision /-ty'ct E-< A la t (tt'-', --'t zone District >],D projectstreet Adiless' tqW 7 ,i=trEl r (./ A#' Comments: ,dfu Motionbyi 'BlE rr taff Action Vote: 4 -1-r Seconded by: Tet- SLAnnroval E Disapproval n $affApproval Conditions: n,-, 'z +zz, ', at.. / Town Planner oxe: <f lblqb DRB Fee Pre-paid ll t.tt..A allT l9a DESIGN RE\.rTET{ BOARD APPIJICATION ' IIOTIN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****tr!rrr*!a* rt*!tl*tt*** I. A. PROJECI TNFOR$ATTON: DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Addirion (950.00)Minor AlteraEionJConceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) ADDREss z lltso R vtr=Fe t+F- (ik - P/ , VUi! D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot _ BLoclcSubdivision G,Zous-p JEr,<----G)ffi If property is described by a meets and bounds lega1description, please provide on a separate sheet and attachto Lhis application. &r F NAME ZONING: OF tr9 APPLICAIiIIT:e G,NAI\{E OF Mailing APPIJICANT ' S REPRESE}TTATIVE: Address z-S4me- Phone q26 ? z.oZL --/2rn tst7al+ Phone TH. NAI'{E OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S' SI@0IATIURE'Mailing Add,ress: Phone APPrJrcATroNs wrriJ Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow owNER's srqva?ttBE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. DRA FEE: DRB fees, as sbown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB appl.ication. Later, wbenapplying for a building perrnit, please identify the accuratevaluation of Lhe proposal . The Town of vail wiII adjust thefee according to the Eable below, !o ensure the correct feeis paid. ,OO L1 ,J. Q+aV. VAIJUATTON$ o $ 1o,ooo g fvrvur - g ,furvuu$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1, 000. 000g Over $1,000,000 DESIGN RBYIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ TPIRBS APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUIIJDING PENMIT ISIS STARTED. ,zTF-e\-- *l ftff'wg.p$ 5U. UU $100.00 s200. 00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAI.I ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION FEE SCHEDULE: II.qr A pre-apptication meeting with a member of the planningsLaff is encouraged bo deLermine if any additional applicaCion infornation is needed. It is Lhe appLicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are addit,ional submittal requirements. Pl.ease not,e that, a COMPLETU applicat.ion will st,rearnline thereview process for your project. IIT. IMPORTAIII NOTICE REGARDING AI.TI.I STIBMTSSIONS TO TI!-E DRB: A. fn addition to meeting subnittal requirements, theapplicant must, sLake and t,ape the project siLe toindicate property Lines, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be Caped. AILsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site,visit. fhe applicant must ensure that, stakingdone during Ehe winter is not, buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separaLe meeLings of Lhe Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail ro appear before the oesign ReviewBoard on their scheduLed meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on tbeir item bepostponed, wil.1 have their items removed from the DRBagenda unt.il such Lime as the it,en has beenrepubliShed. D. The following items may, at Lhe discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopnent Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingrbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylight,s and sinilar exterior changeswhich do not, alter the existing pLane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any other 1otor public space. AL the Lime suclr a proposal issubmitted, applicant.s must include Lett,efs fromadjacent property or^rners and,/or from Lhe agent, foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associationsLaEing the association approves of the addition. E. lf a property is located in a mapped hazard, area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc. ) , a hazard sEudy musE be submiLt,ed andthe owner.must sign an affidavit recognizinq the hazardreporE. prior Lo the issuance of a building po:nit.Applicant,s are encourag'ed to check with a Town pLannerprior Eo DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property t,o al.I mapped hazards. F. For al.l- residential const,ruction: a. Clearly indicat,e on the floor plans the insideface of the ext.erior structural walls of thebuild.ing; and. b. ii-r,iiuo.Lc wiLir a dashed line on che sice pran afour foot. distance from the exterior face of thebuiJ.ding walls or supporting coLr:mns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodificat.ions, alL condit,ions of approval musL beaddressed prior to the applicat.ion for a buildingpermi u. o Gg-,o TOWN OF VAIL DEPART]IIETiT OF CO}IIIIL\-TTY DEIELOP'IIE\T :\A-ll ADDRESS PROIECT CEECRS M DE PAY ILE TO TO\TT OF T IL accog:\T !ro.ITEII - -'." ':NO: -- TAI- -- OBtt; - - tgr^ti. 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0r oo00 424r5 UMFOR\T BUiLDING CODE s54.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORT{ PLIA,lBINC CODE sJ9.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORN' IvIEC}IAN]CAL CODE s37.00 0r 0000 424I5 UNIFOR\,I FIRE CODE s36.00 (r I (x)OO 41.115 NATIONAL ELECTPJCAL CODE s37.000l 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 4t5J8 BLUE PRINTS rIr4YLARS s7.00 0l 0000 424 12 X.LROX COP]ES s0.25 0l oo00 42412 STUDIES 0l 0000 42412 TOVFEES COIUPUTER PROGRAM s5.00 0l (X)00 4li 7l PENALTY FEES i RE-NiSPECTIONS 0I oo00 41332 PLAN RE\'IE\\I RE-CHECK FEE tS4O PER HR. 0t oo00 42_r32 OFF I{OURS hisPECTION FEES 0l 00004t4r2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES +0l 0000414ti S S2O.(ru 0t 000041413 AI]DITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE IS I.OO PER SO.FT. -C ART PROJECT DONAT]ON 0r 00004ljit .WAID DTSIGN RF-VIEW BOARD FEE-e}€€€o-ftn INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING i I oo00 .15 l l0 TOV PARKING FUND 0t (ru00 l:027 I UV NL.\\ SPAPER DISPENSER FUNDr 0t 0000 2il t2 T,TXABLE A I .57. (srATE)* 0l 0000.|l010 [,L\ABLE@1.02 (TowN 0l 0000 4li7l tsUILDING IN\-ESTIG.ATION )IIIER PtsCAfPLIC.{TION FEES il 0l 0(}00 4t3_r0 ADDITIONAL GRFA ''250-520(r.uu0l 0000 4tjiO CONIJITIONAL USE PER\{IT s200.00 a_!] ooqq rErq EXTER]OR ALTERATION ILESS T}IAN IOO SO.F]s200.lJu El 0l 000041330 EXTER]OR ALTERATION II,IORE TI]AN IOO SQ.FT.s500.00J0l 0000 41i30 sl'tCtAL DL.YILOPI{Ei'vT DISTRICT [nNEW s I ,500.000100004t330SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IT;IA'OR NIEND sl.0w.0{,ol oo00 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND sz0u.000l 0{)00 4tjio SUBDIVISION 0t 00004t330 VARIANCE s250.oo0l 0()00 413.30 ZONING CODE AMTNDMENTS 5Zr0.0u 0t 0000 413_i0 RE. ZONING s2w.00 OTHER OTHER @ ./ ^ y'r,"**, (a(DUtSr- ,^t' CASE I I cr.t1 l M.0Lt *..rr, LtD Profect Appllcation - Oate Project Name: Prolect D€scription: Contact Person and Phone ,lOwner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: lo-/.a ?z Design Review Board /ro". //zr/e L Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: \._ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECTs DATE SUBMITTED: /Z-/I DATE OT PUBLIC HEARING TZ.18 COMT,IENTS NEEDED BY:,/z -t & BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI,: f L*"- V 6r**. (t /-.--n Su ft/,vz;^"- 4 /4-; .aJ< /-'-'42{4a ' Date: )^ -rq 3l ( Date: C-*'L fU A* PrcAsf /,o,u- Q ^--""-"'' Z "r-'--r,, --*A PUBLTC WORKS RevJ.ewed by: coDmentas /ffi"^-./ rIRE DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: conmenta: POLICE DEPART},IENT Revlewed by: Comrnente: RECREATTON DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: ConmentE: revlsed 3/LL/9L Date: Date: __:l_ {L/ ,4 € rz'L An"/* r- rNTER-DEPARTI{ENTAL REVIEW f 4""", rt 6,PROJECTS (t/--^J'., fr/*,2, -n- DATE SUBMITTED! /2./I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COI.I},TENTS NEEDED BY S /z-t t BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAIJ! C*tL f1'/ d""^ Pt-erlsf /,on 4 Z"--- , ,*/r-^--- f /r7 /4-;. .al- L"-'a-ettr ' Date: du-r- /- fA"* ,',,=/r/", FIRE DEPARTMENT Q ^--.t^-,'- C O,4,.-1'^J--A PUBT,TC WORKS Revl.ewed by: Cornments I Revlewed by: ComrnentE: Date: Revlewed by: Comrnents: RECREATION DEPARTMENT RevJ.ewed by: CommentaS revleed 3/LL/9L Date: Dates lout ( ,'t lrlr t96 i'ii i i ilr ':i'ri: i'.::r I ' r' t i s lron illt "?LLE\ ','lll' i lPll . rt ,\,-,,- (:. -.t'1. :rn.l ri.- j' r.r:' .'!:.: I i l.' i:' :J..i:i -i'.;l'- i' t i,"ia -. :''',.:-" ' hlr.'t", < l' , ''' ^:' '- r' sha!l 'r" !i. frit: :!.j r l',. .' i,,,;l:;,'''f [:,1',,**;, I , I ir,c:. i',.' ;itr "f 1fril 28, 1981. l' !ii:-,1'!o t',tIle:'.rl P t"r-n€i3hlP ..,, ..: :-: ,r.l ri; \r:: 'f . ii]e c;ise"i.t::l :; ..,, . : :'-tn 'i I r :hc' lanti lr rC -._.:-. -..,,. r..i .:r.i, .':ini-u: "',:: ;i,.! .'r,l{,l rl | [ : 1l! 1 lb' !i^.lOf ; rr)Lnt,.'lta i-{if rr,:.<':"',, . ' i i i.' i:: t'('. ',:r,l su1":t"iuc'li' :r''J:']tf < <:' feCOf'l (,'Granf e('.t" j . f t-rr:rrl.,ri;:::r: :'l i'' s No';. i'i. lil' i,\' JA' r'A and 4l , CXCI-:Si (ii.t.\ ,'r'r r,r,ir1 i'rrlii-r')'lliI iillS. ; re '':r .l'vl''i<:n of a lcr'.icn oi L:':e I 'i. I ic'r:'s t<itlt-c $g\rli';i '; jott' l' j i irrl lto ' 3' Eagic .Jtru:t:i. -:':ior rci;', r''':c.':''iitlF :o '-he rllr6'i1'-i1' j1n ltecltrr;r'-ron airri llarj ' ',r bt: rc!'irJed Lhutc f ' {I1:l[-1:sF:Jli |1irl::'o:-. f -r ": 'l in t"lt":'l"r;tli':'tr rri :ilc sun oi $i!. -.i .i::.i (,',l,cr ;:t)c'l i.nii v;ti'l:t"'ie cor:si lera:i':n' :he lcce!p: rlfj ",:: l-:i -cr)i .' l' rl',.i':' "' '- 't:e: C:'t ;c':ncr;lelire i' 'loes he rel;y st li^ ;rtl'i cotl\'(\ :'l C:;rn"e'es a ttorr-t-lclusive ease$enl .rnrl rlri-' .' ;'! "jl,:, .lcrclss 'r ri :l ::'u;;:- :::' re'.{i propert:/ Itscril,i',i -:: iallii':: i .-i -:acr'eC herc'-c ;tttd ra'1t: J tlrr h'ere of ' :ot' :-l;e ,ri:r:(rs{: o c(':r''i jc'-i':i' la::lt.'ir':ni ' fe::ifIng' err lar:it' '. iL( 'n ,'-:--:.'ilii : r'l i'si::' ; rllk'ga" "-h€reupon 'tf., -'i ji1:1 :-,!'ir .':!;t:l i::.-f':':; :::'r' r"1':-'' 's ': ("-1''('t'n '-hc Glr";sc r.llen r'. t iri!l .':.1'::::i:: inl'-i! :ri("''t r-c'-erence'i ar-'d '-icn'; il i .: J€ -oi.: . Lrl ;. i, . ;- :. .:J 1,.'c;r:t.i : I : '' ' -'.''':: <lf r1;1i 1' $'-;1gc 'lf rll. :r.,:lsfr r " 'r:,ri.. !' :iirl- 'J::'it'r !!ro" i leC. .'i ;,': hc:'t'l'. r,rarlr" j ',i,r: ! ; -tlrch 'i-lc i|s t. , :. .:", {v q',1 ir .' '.r ' ". [.,ec l;a r:i'- i nn ,j,rtrrirlrini:t:"s !- f'.' : ii,r ,.. il,,,. Io :rir:n, . 661 6 ln '-h.- (,rIIr:, I I Clo 0.:lr .,r1,*..ri-., .' v ,g9 i. ,'..:'{ ,: i,l^l r: ?' ri..;i,, : rlght of ray hereby grarrre,l rhall i:l',l.:,, 1 of no furclrer force end cf fr.cL. f,i.,r::+- ,. i;. . ec uhtch tin th. ....0"n! .nd eutomarlcelly tcrolnetc and ba 'IHE VALLEY VENTURE. a Colcradogeneral parcnershlp BY: The 'r'hree AssocLaEes. Lcd. . a Colorado limited partnership. q,eneral parcn€r BY: Three Assoclates. Inc., a Coiorado corporai ion, sole P,encra I 9ar B -_-EsfilenE 'i . Grancees, by chelr accoptance of chts conv€yrncr', H'{ 1,, [!i , ecLnorledge that Grancees or cheir aselgna shall ntlncaln errt F,, rn Usuey constructed on rhe righc of vay hereby granred at 1- thc sol€ cosc and expense of Gran:ees and cheir auslgnc ln ri good order, condition, rcoair arr(l appearance. lN .JITNEI;S ,fltERItOF, ihis Conveyance of Easem€ne lr execucad effecrive :rs cf :he dace firs: sec fotrh above. (sEAL) ACLESE: i Secre eagy s fAit: cF c0i-oR,:.i(. a,JL'.'iTY r)F E:iCi.!. )l ss. Ti'.e i'rr.,:.'1": i.r';'-:'l:rc'| -..r.r,ts acknouiedgcd !refore rne cttis i':e :.i.len: rri ,;.rr:e .'.*...c1r'-ts. Itrc.. .r t,olora.lo corloracl.on. as 4enclal oa!:!',ne!' ci -:r. -i'.:1.:e ,\ssccia'-es, LrJ., :r C'rlorado linired par:ncrshi:, ..s rrt:rr.rr-. l" : :,: !.ncr of M YALLEY \1:NTURE, a Colorado l;ener-J I n.rrilliri.r :: . ' lt. *-!---- - -No!ar;r r.\:i.- T'' I - r;-,E - ..:;r'; ,:ft,I. r?lln et senenl: B, Licn':; 1e1.9- :'.:i:: r::s:l:'--i -- '-"': EX}IIBIT A ' :,.- : .,' s 3 : : : ': : ?:-. t+ 3 '.i ., .-r ,- l- . ' : : .: :l : - 'J : -f^ a -' s -- a j l1-r 'l '.ll - I ) '- :ii;l :- i: i :: :: :...-i.: :.^;' l .!:::'-:. r''ani:' .:..: i-:.-lrS 1...'i -il .'-lt"i- :' L2/t?/gt:o 14:51 STEIIRRT TITLE IF Effi-Eo STtlryAIUTTIII.TOFDctglrrll, llr ttErtlt torjA4lN---.-; reor= -$se.id tlbtd. rusrg of l|rgrt-*.-.*-j(!sElt6LPc tflFEltrrlt It yo do laB -cocfrr rll ct dlr 1n9cr1gorirur rt l!or, 9l!-rorto ribrlr rto' GO'lUNfrrrNc.lcr tO0Orlctri.F10l.lstrt|r*??rt rrrttrt!!l& ?lcrn Grll !t FUr\h- ll todB rl nJ* '-...wt&{*--IF.r -..'DrtGr /a:{J#l- 6{iI{ j.q :9b "Oi:;,1'.ffi,. ,1gr.f.li.t. :E uF t:rltl.yn*.l i.. iUtS r'r rii!,'ti li.l{:.r j.1tr..i r ffe?ttr.!, .r:r .rf ,rptlL&, l}81. I I froa ilE lrAll.ft tr:!\ iiRI . a {t-'}.o*a,lo Pl,,otr I p;rrtncrahtp (r\itriritor") , I rr l,:r ,ir 'tttt:es ;rnd cuhac'lubtrt oii'frt'rc of record (i'srantoee") of ConrtolrirrJurt i'r-il ct Nrr:r, ln. lt. ?i|' tA, t'A arrd aE, CtOtiSE (i:.Ult '\'I TriIL lloNtj{!}i!lil t}L!i , ,|r f4srtrrt! vl.nlon of sr I.Orrlcn OI !;rrcrrl A, l.tqrr:'s ki(lt:(t Fu}r<|l\':iJ:(nl, l'!.1ilrF, NO. 3. gftls $ouiri.t. i)rtlortdo. sccrtfdlrl& ro '-hc' Coodrr'r(ttl rrm llcclilration ..rnd !{rp to b€ rcl.(tt.Jcd chcrccf. EIIljF.iisr:It! c:'ittligf . for antl ln crrrrr'! d.:rrtqioir r.rf tlre eun ei rac{rl pu$l D,lr,'i .trr ri ollat $o$d .rtd vitiirlltllc crn:slilet (lcn' slre .r11d suf ilcieng.v ri r"'h'ct. ;11.1. h11;,gb} .rcilticrr.l edrr. l. rlOes hercby rcli arrd cotr\tcl' Lo C!.ttrt('ei B rton-*;iclueiva einotusnt rnd tt|:hi {}d ut;' nver. Ecrosr it'rd Ll.!- )urjir rhr rt,t) proP4rtlr rtogcrl!,cd t:l i::{lrt}lt ,i .rL.-ac'.(.d horc'-o thC n&dc .r itott hrrfco(, Ifor [lrc lirrtFF$rJ gr' gotr' -rucLi?rq. $sr;tt;.itl.n6, topcirlnt. s$lnrSitr:., t6r.rntr'.rrjt'l lny ;l:rd lrrilic rt r,'a,lkr{nv tll!'reupoi pto',,lilttr:t pedcrt.rlnrt !Ilxro.rs 3;r1d gsJl'.:r ,1rr:'-r,rt,rfl ':hc (h rtrslr dtcn r\t 'rtr. t ! ti*ndr,ni'rl,:m tlnits ill,'(tr.'e rcItt.Ecnced ettd :,lcrr's Rl r!6,c i.oo1 , ,' .'.'t-. i".).?d ,.ccoi.t.l l r Llrr! " h!^'n nf Vrl i, SLnLc of "l r';;t.it.. i Tl.i ir.\V! ,\::f llulfl ':;!r! css1rgr1.1ii. rll.l lif.hi ui r'-ar- t?/t?/91 rtnlv Cl,rn'.q.."t ,: t..i nnd rilht of r;;rt rrl:.t ! 1 trr' .tF:t': r'. Ct:.: i. '. e,,l:i. t.irlr: .t '.;'.'1:1'11 .'1' tl,Id "r:r.',,r'ri..i..t::''':i,-.: !423€,/STEtJffiT TIILE tF ERE-E CIT.NTY :.itt.i r r"o..'c(ss .r'.: .'rltr! i,,tsi.t','rt, l'hB Oase:::ril:l i:. t'Li:i r!'ftt!:.cd rrl;rir rl&l r.'i r.h tlre tirlrd;trrl i '..r '.lr{, J: o..t. r*i'r.-i'ilcct' : '':nrilrnl tt lur: 'll:ril s (ri .ir-'::.r.! :ill.' i..'iili. (1: 4tti' rro::ft olt .'t .,.!l! Arr.-i.I.ir l. I r. rlli.,' if.rlrett'r jt pfni:.rt.- i ll"rtnl.n ,r!t.t !'g:: l" i"r..:9 {n$tl:it'l\t .,rtr'l r'lif.itf rtt ".'il:J: rfl'. j.rt'd. htrrt.i,11f . '.'irl, ,-:'r. r' .:,,ii,.ti: 01J f !r:l.l t,i ii.,'.' herr,l...' 6rar;t r..l Blrrl l hA ir. i.r.:..r:r,r r.- rr . . ! q:r.l rr$i'.. rr:rt!i; ::$,".h ! it.tl :tt r r f!.rt! ir.:t 1'..t': . .i' ,. : ! , ir. l',;!:!r.ir .'. r..' in,1.11, srtrr.lt.:1 :.r' ' it, frcChr,t,-lr.n "rrr r)r.'r.,r.,. ':!..: ..rr. i.,r i r:..,i r'!r.n: { r! i i!i$ l\. fr. r;r.rr.lr.rt Jn tht. ,.rt irtr. ,.j .i.r. ,'ir',i ,:..1 it...r.t,.,r l.':' ::.r,. lr. r':tr,!trl' L^ir t'ctrJ cF coioRAlr(r )) ar'nF EACi.r ) Tb.c fl.rrr.;l riir5, ln s crunctr;,lrss {clthot ledp,o4. beforr, nre this tr;r Xl,l*"it "r,i;ii;r' ii+,;r. i:i i, ; . t ?fl i. r'l i5[+"Sf.lir$$1;9ffi. rri.. I rrr grl. ,:i{;rrrt' (rr ;!s 5 . lnc r . n r.oloE6oo coE-}otgciqn. aguraI prrr.ner. o!- r'irc Th:-4s,l3ss.1gr"",: ir,J. . -a-Cjt"iijj-iinii"O fncreh'lp, fls' Scner;r i ;:iryLncr of nE VALLEY - Vl:ilTunn r tbr.lirrte,creh'lp, fls' gcner::ri ;:irr-Lncr of IHE VALLEY-Vl:tlTunf . r CiloiaaJnI FAr trlpJ li'. i r,. rod b. , t?/Lt/91 M.fi,f TITLE tF Effi-E CIt]lW'o ,'l a rccorrl, rhal I Ehc arHrnt t otrllffitr lnd rrt ihlch tl|* Itutortdtlcrllt ! r f,ceootancd of thlr coov'ayr*r(', r thclr a*eljghr rbrll w.lntatn ary Irlght of riry hereby gront,ed et i6lc cort arid expctrre of Grrnraes chd. uhetr smLgn, ln older, condltion, fopatr . :. lfl lJfTRgtiS nrnRlr0f .thtr CorwFyfics of Eatcncnc Ls Cste ftrot: oer forth rbove. TltE YAtLEi VEtfiURE, a Colorado 6cotrali per$r€rrhlp effectivo :rc of the 't: ond rppsrbance. I BY: Tho lhree Atloclagel . Lud., e' Colotado llntrcd psrtneilhip,genefal pertncr tesf I .t TITlil:5i Ir:irrd ln.l lificial *bel, !i.r son:!..;{ict} o:ini.r(.r: . I I,i. ri.i . i' .. .: i ,-,. l--.:-. :BY: : fhlss AgsocleGer. Inc.,.a': colort.io corporrr ion, *olo:SencrBl plr t?/t?/gt 14:g STEbtrT TIILE IF Effi-E CTI.FIfi EXHIBIT A . ki.a' I -, ' :: l.i lr,;nC! l.l:t I r'r!' ': f,<z r pr'cest !':.iii! ircer$s acrosi {t !}f,rt' ot Hiegi F',.;!'-ji..'i.siotr, F-Iiltu l{':}. J, a sul't- in-tL. i': ;'-':.';' u.1 thc 1;1r;J.c CountI , i:oJorado, saiii ,r,r=,-.'n :'.'- L.ci::r; ii, ir"t3i ju wiri:i., iiq,.: oi ': j':t. :ci!rrs'i:rc ii':sc:'iitecl c'-:nt'rl!'t i:rq:: I i rrt' L !li' F'! :faF iI I I:l' ,! .:l TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEM OF COMMIJMTY DEI/ELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM I)AII: OCTOBER 7, l99l 01000041330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES ZONING AND ADDRESS IViAPS0r 0000 41540 01000042415 UNIFOR.V BIJILDINC CODE 01000042415 IJNIFORM PLIJMBING CODE 01000042415 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAI ELECTRICAL CODE 0l 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 0100004154E 0r 0000 42412 )GROX COPIES /STUDIES PE}IALTY FEES / RE.INSPECNONS OFF HOURS INSPECNON FEES 0r 000041412 0l 0000 41330 01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE PIA\ RTVIEW RE-CI{ECK010000 41332 RE-CEECK PLANS FOR TITE BUFFEHR CREEK TO}JNIIOMES. 4 HOURS AT I Totdl{ oF uFr r L lliellrrcus Cdr 1r-19-91 14:34:87 Receipt {t 989664 Fccouni ll CK * 1277 BUFFEHR CREEK TOI'JNHOIIE5\PI-RH CI{EC1( REt'lE u, Anouni iendered ) t68.98 Iten Paid fb|'lr P.id Ivq( 6taBBE4133206A Ch€nge returned > Tl-lFlhl|< vol-t Vour cashier STEP}H{IE 160. EO 9. Bfi v lout ( ,'t lrlr t96 i'ii i i ilr ':i'ri: i'.::r I ' r' t i s lron illt "?LLE\ ','lll' i lPll . rt ,\,-,,- (:. -.t'1. :rn.l ri.- j' r.r:' .'!:.: I i l.' i:' :J..i:i -i'.;l'- i' t i,"ia -. :''',.:-" ' hlr.'t", < l' , ''' ^:' '- r' sha!l 'r" !i. frit: :!.j r l',. .' i,,,;l:;,'''f [:,1',,**;, I , I ir,c:. i',.' ;itr "f 1fril 28, 1981. l' !ii:-,1'!o t',tIle:'.rl P t"r-n€i3hlP ..,, ..: :-: ,r.l ri; \r:: 'f . ii]e c;ise"i.t::l :; ..,, . : :'-tn 'i I r :hc' lanti lr rC -._.:-. -..,,. r..i .:r.i, .':ini-u: "',:: ;i,.! .'r,l{,l rl | [ : 1l! 1 lb' !i^.lOf ; rr)Lnt,.'lta i-{if rr,:.<':"',, . ' i i i.' i:: t'('. ',:r,l su1":t"iuc'li' :r''J:']tf < <:' feCOf'l (,'Granf e('.t" j . f t-rr:rrl.,ri;:::r: :'l i'' s No';. i'i. lil' i,\' JA' r'A and 4l , CXCI-:Si (ii.t.\ ,'r'r r,r,ir1 i'rrlii-r')'lliI iillS. ; re '':r .l'vl''i<:n of a lcr'.icn oi L:':e I 'i. I ic'r:'s t<itlt-c $g\rli';i '; jott' l' j i irrl lto ' 3' Eagic .Jtru:t:i. -:':ior rci;', r''':c.':''iitlF :o '-he rllr6'i1'-i1' j1n ltecltrr;r'-ron airri llarj ' ',r bt: rc!'irJed Lhutc f ' {I1:l[-1:sF:Jli |1irl::'o:-. f -r ": 'l in t"lt":'l"r;tli':'tr rri :ilc sun oi $i!. -.i .i::.i (,',l,cr ;:t)c'l i.nii v;ti'l:t"'ie cor:si lera:i':n' :he lcce!p: rlfj ",:: l-:i -cr)i .' l' rl',.i':' "' '- 't:e: C:'t ;c':ncr;lelire i' 'loes he rel;y st li^ ;rtl'i cotl\'(\ :'l C:;rn"e'es a ttorr-t-lclusive ease$enl .rnrl rlri-' .' ;'! "jl,:, .lcrclss 'r ri :l ::'u;;:- :::' re'.{i propert:/ Itscril,i',i -:: iallii':: i .-i -:acr'eC herc'-c ;tttd ra'1t: J tlrr h'ere of ' :ot' :-l;e ,ri:r:(rs{: o c(':r''i jc'-i':i' la::lt.'ir':ni ' fe::ifIng' err lar:it' '. iL( 'n ,'-:--:.'ilii : r'l i'si::' ; rllk'ga" "-h€reupon 'tf., -'i ji1:1 :-,!'ir .':!;t:l i::.-f':':; :::'r' r"1':-'' 's ': ("-1''('t'n '-hc Glr";sc r.llen r'. t iri!l .':.1'::::i:: inl'-i! :ri("''t r-c'-erence'i ar-'d '-icn'; il i .: J€ -oi.: . Lrl ;. i, . ;- :. .:J 1,.'c;r:t.i : I : '' ' -'.''':: <lf r1;1i 1' $'-;1gc 'lf rll. :r.,:lsfr r " 'r:,ri.. !' :iirl- 'J::'it'r !!ro" i leC. .'i ;,': hc:'t'l'. r,rarlr" j ',i,r: ! ; -tlrch 'i-lc i|s t. , :. .:", {v q',1 ir .' '.r ' ". [.,ec l;a r:i'- i nn ,j,rtrrirlrini:t:"s !- f'.' : ii,r ,.. il,,,. Io :rir:n, . 661 6 ln '-h.- (,rIIr:, I I Clo 0.:lr .,r1,*..ri-., .' v ,g9 i. ,'..:'{ ,: i,l^l r: ?' ri..;i,, : rlght of ray hereby grarrre,l rhall i:l',l.:,, 1 of no furclrer force end cf fr.cL. f,i.,r::+- ,. i;. . ec uhtch tin th. ....0"n! .nd eutomarlcelly tcrolnetc and ba 'IHE VALLEY VENTURE. a Colcradogeneral parcnershlp BY: The 'r'hree AssocLaEes. Lcd. . a Colorado limited partnership. q,eneral parcn€r BY: Three Assoclates. Inc., a Coiorado corporai ion, sole P,encra I 9ar B -_-EsfilenE 'i . Grancees, by chelr accoptance of chts conv€yrncr', H'{ 1,, [!i , ecLnorledge that Grancees or cheir aselgna shall ntlncaln errt F,, rn Usuey constructed on rhe righc of vay hereby granred at 1- thc sol€ cosc and expense of Gran:ees and cheir auslgnc ln ri good order, condition, rcoair arr(l appearance. lN .JITNEI;S ,fltERItOF, ihis Conveyance of Easem€ne lr execucad effecrive :rs cf :he dace firs: sec fotrh above. (sEAL) ACLESE: i Secre eagy s fAit: cF c0i-oR,:.i(. a,JL'.'iTY r)F E:iCi.!. )l ss. Ti'.e i'rr.,:.'1": i.r';'-:'l:rc'| -..r.r,ts acknouiedgcd !refore rne cttis i':e :.i.len: rri ,;.rr:e .'.*...c1r'-ts. Itrc.. .r t,olora.lo corloracl.on. as 4enclal oa!:!',ne!' ci -:r. -i'.:1.:e ,\ssccia'-es, LrJ., :r C'rlorado linired par:ncrshi:, ..s rrt:rr.rr-. l" : :,: !.ncr of M YALLEY \1:NTURE, a Colorado l;ener-J I n.rrilliri.r :: . ' lt. *-!---- - -No!ar;r r.\:i.- T'' L?/L7/9L t4t34 i h..? $ t ;r t:: !': lnc; 1.':'..-rrt .dj $t'rr:t; !:h€iri:' STEI#RT TITLE IF Effi-E CII-SITY EX}IIBII A ' irri(Y'r'..\r , '. h'. southr-::li' :': 'rhi -ot"*vte-1' Li r:rlirr. li:f'!*f,il$:irL;l: lA:'li 1:rl: .' .;c fIrJ !' t 'i S+ c'. 'I .. , 'icrnsii,i il :'. .5":i"h. !"o:ro'.' I .' l, ' :::r.!, :v-'siC! l.!!t.'f'l: f,or pt'rle:rt 1;.;i;1 ;rccciirr acfoss i! lltl"; 9i Riegi- FuL'-ii..'isioir, F-Iirttr'Nr. J, & sul'r- in thc L\j;'-':..':' u': Lhs U:rr;}c Count)'' i:olorado' sa iii ,t;r "r''',.':lr. bci:t(i ;f i r.'e! j:r wi ti:i', . Fjrlli o, : l:r,. :ciJrrt^';l:c ri':sc:'ilrccl e*:)i.o!'l int:: I i rr<' rh{,ft "i: rii.:'j :ce'.: :.irr:.i'* :*l{.-!0rlf;":,i 63.3i lr*t': i'!r('llct' ;-ii .2i.,.i; ir.l.et. '.r.' ".!r.l : ;j:!: o{ trcrrninut, 'rthene(' soit': i coj':.r:- !.lc:e:'!- ll-i. (;';' :."'i. l'r3.AP fee'i. drste!:?. ? -. ..; L C'i'r$lfl f,t: -..1i. .l .. F'. lr'r+F.i ,: : I -"1' i : .':tri TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT SAIJS ACTIONFORM DAE: OCTOBER 7' 1991 01000041330 COM- DEV. APPUCATION FEES 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS lvlAPS I'NIFORV PLI]MB ING CODE01000042415 01000042415 01000042415 0l 000042415 0l 0000 42415 0100004154t )GROX COPIES /STUDIES01000042412 PENAITY FEES / RE.INSPECNONS OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01000041412 0l 0000 41330 SIGN APPLICATION FEE0t 0000 41413 010000 41332 RE-CIIECK PLANS FOR TITE BUFFEHR CREEK TOWNITOUES. 4 HOURS AT a Tgtrll.l {f,F LrFffL lliell*srr Cdr Receipt * 6S8664 Ffccount it CK * L22? il'#i# cREEK Todfr$rlE5\PL$ ctEcl( lEt'tE 11-19-91 hl Flrnounl tendered It€n Peid 61606841532e98 Change returned Ittr34l07 160. c9 hn3 Prld 160.8 _t O. BB t.T.HFI}{I< lfEU Vour cashier STEPtfitIE 'fr' r'{qq -f{xtr Project Application /d Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ,-"r", *r*,*, "^, rr, VL /offi"f Comments: G Filing Zone Design Review Board o^" ,oy'r/o/ Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: !.t o/ lo ChAnAFs \' (j.*l I <) ^ , i[ D oete.o\p.,. "\ h€ac'H'1 $*, . -Lr.a., ['ic 1 9't' l- l'€ ar*-,cl cse €\^.c-.-,.-, Z) Cefacc-fr.''- o$ r-tac\'r' foa!4'- 4-.^'- a.{-L td\..cct- \ccft.l lo asaq- uN l-l- 1 LEVtrt- IOq1'pql FuFF-eb\g 4-nseL I I I I I I @ 1'-qr'{f-6r | 7',-7,' ,*_4*.4 'b(l.al( <lcrrNrAaF4St ^r.r tr A\5tt O :.d'uut" - ' t Oo ttL^l. etoirrrq J ftlAe u)r(9ot 2 /lrrE to'*Dh, twrg'f,lga-sM 3q'J.) €,.rFFIEHa.&L UNIT.''.t' I rD*.nrF\o|vtC,rb onroe Englneering chunants ee f. Eiavii creek Blv(l ' f307 Avon, Colorado 81520 rmtr!+r ttd,*l6r trra@.r.a6.ho{a lodir i$i ni nElsttffirt 303-949-7758 GALCU|-AIED 8Y CHECKED 3Y '^ll r ut ?/ rr,l At 2 E \t: ,I 1 \ l AP tE,<-6J^? F1 ?;J /t'll -a .F,2.>1,WL o I al o I a ..J '/lt+5, wtl ,2. t a a s a \ a o I <l a a a a Yxaaa t J 2 )/c,o 7 7\'0 a r Y Y t),r t /,-I Ara 9-lt ,)l v FI le 4 iLr t2 *i r.tJ 11L ?- (i lJ v,/ v# I )At 4 t ft I 7 1 y7 I ! ,a /r,T/r1 4 I 7'I CJ E t:CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 8X PLUMBINGI rouruontroN t_I 1706 BUFFEIIR CREEK NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE pLANs rN s,.or-\.h In od ocr 2, L99LDATE- ^^E.rol.0051 24 depsrtmont of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT xtr! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JOBNAME: CITALETS AT BUFFHR CREEK /11 NaiTgLIMSEY NILSSON ARCHITECT rrnu XXf, ALPINE LOG IIOMES MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TRENDS WEST% TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 7 L9-548-9522 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ,o*" o, uo,.- ^ao. "o. 172-P 719-598-8778 MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM OfVfSfON r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ,PLWBINC GAS PIPING. PERMIT NO. - - z E BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING l8 , 000 MECHANICAL 2 ,000 TOTLA z0 ,000 TYPE GROUP G,R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R 0 20,0001 BUILDING PERMIT (\BO t/) NF f-n s$( PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATIONXX) ADDITIONAL O REPAIRO PLUMBING $270 / $68 #41334 DWELLING UNITS - .- ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT -. NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL $ 40 / $r0 #4r33s RECREATION FEE INSULATION: rYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR _ EXT. WALLS t-- I Nb-wn -CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $388 DAN STANEK IOIT|gL JILDING OFFICIAL DATE NO PLANNER INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILOING NOTES: - ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: PARKING".,. I T _f I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. a!,.,:.- .4.t)rt" " :..: hrr department of community development TO 8E FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT rri !qr:yrw: - '-rr J,>r:.r .,, idEf,<r .,-_ ig.iF PL.ANS lli sLur_LL \\r. Ilil(-i i '''\i \, \-? | a- -i CONSTRUCflON PERMIT til ofi ocT i, I99I DATE NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE( TYPE OF PERMIT I gurlorr,lc I electnrcnl fI MECHANICAL El pluMerNcI rouruoatrol.r L-J I7U6 bU}'iTiHR C:TEEI{ LEGAL pESC. LOT BLK- FILING Loe NAME: Cril\LETS AT 9UFFllF- CRIIE( ill OWNER pays l-Ill)Sl,Y \ I l,S SOi\' MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM trXIi A.l.PIi:;E LOU i{OIiOS MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FI TREiiD RM J hT:I _ftFl- TOWN OF VA|L REG-[\{O. 7 L9-54ti--9522 Hp*:n; FIRM TOWIIOF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM IlOu;\TAi N SHADO'|'IS PLIiiiill l, TowN oF vArL REG. No. L7 L-P rELE 719-598-3778 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM T!IdN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK Pi,ll."i':tINc (?A!i P I pTN(;- r lt t tv v ABEHIRM L22a34 PERMIT NO. z F- f BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING I8 . 000 MECHANICAL 2 ,000 TOTiN l0, uuO TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES V I.€:j0,0001 BUILDING PERMIT {:i-=. l'\ ....--\i{',\,\ a t-- Ii I ':- PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEw( ) ALIERATTON f:)i) AODTTTONAL( ) R€pArR( )PLUMEING $27'J / $68 #413i4 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMI\,IODAIION UNITS - HEIGHI IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL i 4a I "qt0 #41335 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: rYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE*"*-T----f ---r-OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXr WALLS I USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF HEAT 1T _, SOLAR GAS _ wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $31t8 i)AN STANEK IAi'2/91 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED. Y N INITIAL ttl JILDING OFFTCIAL OATE - jio glAiYtr-F-k - -INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & AUILDING NOTES:"1"-,* I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances o{ the Town applicable thereto. \ SIGNATURE OF OWNER-- srcD Txe owNen. '. "'.6) coNSTRUcnoN pERMtr **ffiV' l,''".o, depcrtmcnt of community dcvclopment TO 8E FILL€O OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSU^NCEOF PERMIT TYPE oF PERMTT ,/ I r,,"*" -{rruugno! elecrnrcm ! rourolrron (lzrlr ! MECHANTCAL O fiOl" &{del,r LEGAL \ DESC. LOT BLIL- FTLTNG Cbl-ek .^ rJoeNrue' Au!,f gliflfiiw;_ OWNER nrt eoonLss CITY PH. ARCHITECT rrnu ALPIr'o E (-o( l'lone-r IIAIL ADDRESS ow PH. GENERAT CONTRACTOR l$:.rx-q; row* oF vAlL R... .ro. H4=PT \ ELECTRICAL loHrRlcron FIRII TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. PLUMBING rrnm l\tlo,rlTA I A J]tflUlaF{ Dc. ut Nlt(AUt\rt( ',,.119 -5?8-'t118 MECHANICAI. FIRM IOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO.UUNI]IAI,IUH OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL RE6. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE o l^11 | PERMIT I{O. [tcT ocT 02 1?11 SIALI r. rYP€ oFCoNSTRUCI|ON |[lll I z.occuPANcYGRouP lee x qQr TYPE. GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOANON UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES IYPE THICI(NESS R-VALLUE AODITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDEO: INITIAL !(^;z-9/-- I heroby acknowledge that I have read this applicatlon, tllled out in tull the Inlormation required, completgd an accurate plol plan, and state that all the informalion provlded as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wath all Town ordinances and staie faws, and to build thls structure according to th€ Tolfs zonlngff eubillvision codes, design revlew approved, Uniform Building Code and other own applicable thereto. ANO THE OWNER. OR CONTRACTOR FOR Hlr/KlELF 1 a 75 loulh tront.gc .oad urll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ottlcc of communlty dcvclopmcnt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI'IE If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineel rs (.f_ub1ic Works) reyiew and approva'l , a planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All conrnercial (large or sma11) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal'l projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, jf residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi,th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt wi1'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame. Coranuni ty Development Department. t\' luwn u lrtl 75 3outh frontagG road r.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTR.ACTORS CI'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITH TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC !{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING E !{ATERIAL STORAGE 7 rn summary, _ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunrpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public p1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on a1i Town ofVail streets and roads Ls approxinately S ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Toin of VailplPli" works Departnent. persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterial .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pultic WorksDepartrent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrltf not b-eapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Building Department to obtain i copy. rlanX you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL _ : ',/..1 r.ti'.'q5,t':: q^* FERMTT NUMFTR OF PROJECT ? t). /, "'- hAIE ? / / -(t t JoB NAME -,r.f3 *trq.'/-/z--., 0 @Hlnov FoR rNsPEcrtow;rli^bE ror, *9t T WED \\ a,) PLUMBING: \FqorNGS FOUNDATI FRAMING l,"ot*oTq tl,(lr \ ---- F ROUGH / fulN.Y.t,,. U tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGYWOOD NAILING IN.SULATION tr POOL / H- TUB SHEETR FINAL MECHANICAL: O TEMP O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* F- rrz *F/ rNSPEcroR o L /zLl 2 ,/; X o /ldt) o- 1C- tl vb _L-6 zc)r ---"'-"-/c*' /v'--;q -t' 3f(dt( lnlrr '* -j"* Tn !-*r!.r r/.rF:j.rs./rd!/,ii,r,,,i;,..1t\:\:. \ N OF REQUEST VAILTOWNT JOB OJECPERMIT NUMB DATE READY FOR INSPECT LOCATION: NAME ,a\ //t /i--Lu-/L UZ_ CALLER TUES WED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION QUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL .;pouctr i D.w.v. d rnRvrNc FfiOUGH / WATER/,+ - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAtLtNG D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL EL.ECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D ROUGH D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: ' r ,. '!.,e, (!astiJ{ <.N{r1..i!.rxnxr.nir:^li PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI INSP crloN REQ.UES_I.,.. s\) \ OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR -.) I 1 D DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED -.{. Q BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB DSH FINAL MECHANICAL: tr D tr tr TEMP. POWER .tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL plneenovro . CORRECTIONS: t1 r'\ / D^"FE. + /P - Y/ rNSPEcroR frFs"o" %--A* u/e,--, /taa/*',e/a*tAV 93 >-+< ) 4l:?doe :"/4 ' trZr&e' INSP CTION REQUEST TO OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUREADY FOR INSPE LOCATION: EMB q BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH I D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / WATER OOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:. N HEATING :::"n}* tr EXHAUST HOODS 6 ,P""/ -1 tr SUPPLY AIR tr' tr FINAL \KAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED A nr DArE q-a1-L4l rNSPEcroR nfiG*op 53.Y1iY'f!|T4qJ,'-:a|l-i''n*.3FtWs!!'i*.rl'an:;;ll'4..tllI',:-T*!f,l.'{i'-tr|)' 'I-\\n.\ U t\'\\\ tNsPEcrroN PERMI DATE READY FOB LOCATION: NUMBER OF ECT JOB NAME TOWN OF n. REQUEST VAIL \ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E BOUGH / WATER -ROOF & SHEEB D GAS PIPING.YWOOD NAILING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRfCAL: '' lt MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS corrr#rr D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL fut*ou=o coRRf,crtoNS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,/) DA'E 7- z4 -7/INSPECTOR e\ nf. .,) ".: . ".i , ^' :\- --'qE!*ryq,tr\*E1qftiilqrye'; l;i|l,":q?f; ry(1,',', i {:-'-,J' REQUEST TOWN OF ll PEBMIT NU EER OJECT YboDATE READY FOB INSPECTI LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS 'l'''*@I INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB D FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL E FINAL ,!,4nenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR j.f{flFl'tr READY FOR INSPE LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF @ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PIUMBTNG: VrL*o.rorou*oI {tr ROUGH / D.w.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr,ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAP tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nF$e PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ a-n \\Olte \- c-\-)-"\\ JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF----- \\. REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSP CTION:MON BUILDING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - l D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER AT-\r)tr q ALJtrtrDN .'""' tr GAS PIPING - " PLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB IX. SHEETROCK NAIL - E n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - o O FINAL tr D FINAL )(tt*ou=o CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED --! oor. f- V t -1/ rNSPEcroR .+'/l'o TION REQUEST TOWN OPERMIT DATE READY FOR INS ECTION: |r' CALLER TUES WED FRI PM '/-, % 7( 2a LOCATION: NUMB lo BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr tr n tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL D FINAL D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR '\\\' t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ JOB NAMEDATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:qD TUE AM 'PM INSPECTION REQUEST WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ra.'i*fr UNDERGROUTVD r<r't-,-:,\. (y''cia-&-f r-f tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FIOUGH i D.W.V. D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -- ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr n tr tr HEATING tr o o ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL D FINAL F,-€PRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ri .! i;'.;'.4i,,..,.-r rFi' rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI c" Ff-e O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,ltt , t .-t ,{ q t> READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: Srl CALLER @MON &-t',- WED THUB lrl Vl {l OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL .PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATERflrnnvrruc tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH D D o EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT ,SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR niiisxor fg5,-. '..r :ii. ,. .[--, TOWN OF VAIL ON CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOOATION: go .ltr{ ',..;j.{ INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUND%TI FRAMING ON / STEEL tr tr o o fl tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL t tr D trFINAT FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TElrS!:POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trO FINAL FINAL F APPROVEDT\\1.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,t I ! i I /o- / 7 -7/ . e-.,, -;r. .. 1.' 4,I tt+ *.;: :r ' . , { .'.,.* INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES, WED HUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION;7J,, +r e l,4rrv TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,_ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING F.GAS PrPrNc D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr r-l D FINAL FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMF. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS o coNDUlr tr SUPPLY AIR a tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oarc Ia'/7-7/INSPECTOR t t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ./'=t,''oor= t o I tg lq t JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED TH PERMIT NUMBER OF CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W-V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION f] POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: "ro--t4T tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr cbNDUtr iF tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL y(aeeaoveo 4 CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED il1 .t, r)'DAIE /U - (i- -// rNSPEcroR -Ff,rErr{-v'xy;Q.TfiHtts'r'{crrz1'r i-{rt!!F-. +.is..rI 4".- -\''s - ir..''t """:r--\* qU JOB NAME CALLER MON. TUES INSP THUR FRI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILtnPROJECT READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr El o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING w,es r,r,*o 1 INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL/ tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D o U ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,'l O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED i PROVED CORRECTIONS: t i:! R INSPECTOR \\# PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ "^;, \-\i:\ "JoB NAME -\N\s MON '*\*T,.,.t1 ' ., {*i-: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t''l t. READY FOR LOCATION: INSP WED THUR. FRI \ \s\\\ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING A INSULATION I] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR F{tq lejfr*;Clryrfr -'f iIiF:;:1qc.'T59 "qrT a ftt n.T:i; :1 '-Xt r!r1. i;'rJ,,-llifr!?j. :T,vdf€{ft{VrtF..fj?r INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ome //-la -2/JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: /4?o *9 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PL tr ! tr tr C tr tr UMBING: / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING E] INSULATION POOL / H. TUB g o SHEETROCK NAIL XrrruRr /t; - L/D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr o HEATING tr o o ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL *'l, N DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: oor,- '//SY/ rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D D tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT FINAL ,v/.,fI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDPPROVED( , CORRECTIONS: t' PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI CT JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ROJE4-t lL/ IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAI '), v/ f SPE ,r--\/ EDI //-/ PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILTNG O GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,,*o, 4 ,l '0'tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR \Nil PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT --\ JoB NAME .t.!!:... I "-4, rr i' INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:M TUES WEDON \\':- \' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D tr tr tl r"iMlr*c' tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEFI" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n t EI FTNAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr E TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr D SUPPLY AIR E FINAL - tr FINAL lu ',txfpaoveo D DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR If,SPESIIOTIS CO{PL T@ The lteoa belor aoed to be couplete before glvLng a perntt g ftnal C of 0. Please chech off la the bor provlded. DATE:tl FINAT UECHANICAL DATE: II.{PROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. IIAI{E: FINAI, ELECTRICAT lltl FINAT. BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY \AT' [, DATE: DATS: FILE NAUE: EcD Au\ 2 spgt,^,11 '; i\g$ fi$$ tt.," - Dept. of Commnnity Development Towrr c,f Va i I 75 Sc,. Frontage Rd. Atten: Arrdy g/ea/91 Re: f rnprovement Lc,cat ic'rr Cert i f ieate Dear Andy ! This letter ig tc. help clarify sorne c,f the cc,nfusion of the ridqeheights at the Br-rf fehr. Creek Tc,wnhorrres. There ar.e three ridgesthat are in qrrest ion: Unit 5, Unit 3 and Unit E, ridges A, D, & Erespeet ively (letters eccc'Fding to Eaqle Valtey Survey, gee ILC). Bn ridge A I have a r,c'te ctyt toy dr.awirrgs that 1 received verbal lyfrorn you that the rrraxirnum height is 8434, €5; I belreve there has beerr either. a meth c'r transcri pt ic.rr erl^c,F as it is fairly obviotrgthat the tapc,gr"aphic survey shc,ws that the anea urrder the ridgeis higher than 940(1.3 feet, wherr in fact it is clc,ser ta B4OPfeet. Dn ridges D and E the rnap of spot elevations frc,rn Inter*mc.untain Enq ineering shclw that no elevat i,rns wene taken within PO feet ofthe ridge. l,,le had Eaqle Valley Strrveying prc,vide spot elevat ic,ngunder the ridqes.Beeatrge we were wlark i nq c'n ex i st i ng faundationg thege aFeas ape trndistunbed. In both cases hre cal.r Eee that neither ridge ig over 3€ feet, rnueh less the 33 feet rnax i rnum for RC zc.ni ng. I think you will gee that we have cornplied with all negulat irrns and I hope this clarifieg scrrde of the quest ions. Ftlease dont t hegitate ta call if f ean be of any f Lrrther assistance. ack-K. Snow, Architeit the Tawnt s tcrpagr aphic Yr ^'nj'^ "'lr NT,"n { fufi,u -v 28r 282 285 28{ 285 ?86 257 ?88 ?s9 290 z9l 292 29S .2?4 295 ?a( 297 t7d 299 J0r 302 JOJ I0{ 1/t< 306 308 309 310 3tl J12 ?r ? 314 tt< 316 317 318 319 320 szl 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 Jt0 t3t 332 J33 331 335 336 337 338 339 340 4.805. 5502 1,797.ft|e 41792,3969 4,803. 3631 4,848. 125? 4,844.2063 {r840.724J 4.835. J996 4,830,532? 4,817. 2t37 4 ! 80t .0122 4,8t6. 1085 4,8J5.6$3 4 ,851 . 6599 4.970.66J1 4.889,,5C?{ {,895,0008 4.997 ,49Q2 4, S8?, {931 4. S76.5537 4.887. 9653 4, ?0c. 4644 1r 90t . i480 4,895, 68t9 4,992,17 47 4 ! 973. 525 t 4,867, {699 4,876,3527 4,944,4?39 4,95?.449? {,83t.4625 4 ,804,7243 4, 79t . ,5JJ7 4, i75. lt59 4, /At.9014 4,799. 735t 4,799,876: 4,903. l8t5 4, S03. J lJ? 1,799.8816 {, s07. ?940 4,812. 0685 4, gl0. 9041 {.90r. 1074 4, g 17.3962 {,82?.09{9 4,8?0. 0389 4,907. {102 1,gt 1.3506 {.796, 6554 4,786.0?38 4. 778. 6339 1,793.9681 {, 7t9,6193 4,806.5557 4,916, {688 { ,837,0?28 4,853,1586 I,g3g. t?6t 4,840. 5159 4,962.5071 {,951.4?t? 4,914.0391 4,921,9382 {,8{7.6033 4.820. Jt59 |,793.59 t I 4.i53.24?0 1,731.61 l2 4.7t8.5A0S 4,703.2355 4,675.19S5 {,686.229{ 4,696.4454 4r7t9,04;6 4, 710,0803 4,757. Ss:i 4,717.9032 4 r 806.9009 4,844.6??6 4, S34,835? 4. g?8, 19?g 4,806. o47t 4,i21,8245 4,7?$. t:4ij 4,6?t,tfii 4,S94, t?44 4.704.40;9 4,68S. iA;9 1.,571. I t 39 {,671. {347 4,ri7.i072 4,69?.35?5 4, il2,4076 1,7?9, t0{6 4.744. g$45 4,763.2147 {, i63.5{9i 4 t772,7hlJg 4.79J.00r? 4, i93. 1400 4.789.1134 1,198.982? 4, S I J.8t6? 4,819.0093 4,78?.61?7 4,757. { 145 4,732.1770 41722,5457 4,708.6101 4,720,9224 4,697.8064 4,70t.0217 4$9h,7276 4.688.4783 4,67t.85!]{ 4,7?6.6710 4.710.0654 {,696.7:90 4.694.62?r !7 8,41t.e97r 8AilKI0P 8,409.977S BAilKT0P 8r{u.a6$ BAiltfl0P 8.402.199S 8Ail'fi08 8,400, tJ66 FEI{CE 8,J98.3i'91 FEilCE 8rJ96. t64i FEfiCE 8,395.6974 F$ICE s,i96, t5?5 FEilCE s.395.87?7 FEI{CE 8.J96,6A?? FEITCE 8.40?.0441 TEHCE 8,{06.0595 FEI{IE 8,40?.S85? FEilCE s,{01,?7:9 FEI{CE 8,{']S,?195 FEttCE s.409.7379 rEilCE 8,409. iili FEltcE s,404.i710 FEilCE 8,403.0S?0 FEflCE 9,4c4.tt43 SPqTELV B,{0e,l]51 SPSTEL'J 8,408.4tc4 SPoTELV 8,407.e019 TEEE s.{0;.44ri TREE 8,40,5.gr*i rFEE s.4c8.:,t4{ IREE s.405. lis9 PRgPCil 8.406. i,119 PRBPCN 9,409, ti60 gutL0iH 8.407,!::? SUiLllil 8.400.i1:4 sutL0$r 9,396.0S40 SUiL[Iti f.i?0. +75? gUIL0Ill I,i97.50?9 8U!!0tti s,389.7615 8UIL0til 8.J89.9196 SUIUIil 8.3?0.1i?I ButL0it{ 4,389.9755 tUrL0Iil 8.J87. ?$75 SUIL0r}{ 8.390,.1019 EutLctti 8,39t,0?49 EUrL0Jil 8.J91.:5il iutL0itl 8.J9r,5SS{ SUIL0itt 8,39J.9s95 SPoIELI, f,i9?.7c68 SPt}Tttl/ 8.39t.6552 SP(lIELV f.i91.6719 PR0PCI{ 8.395,0757 IREE 8.394.6S98 lstE I,i89.9410 SIDET{LK I,J91.59C7 SIl}E||.r 8,395.7{il SloExL|(. 8,198.8il7 StDEHL|( 8,400.:4ll sl0EILK 8,402,0t47 sillEt4lK 8,J96,9145 EUIL!n{ 8,400.0?9? BUIL0ilt 8.{00.0??7 SUILDiil 8,40{.99s5 SUILDItt 1,, 3{l 3{2 3{3 3{l 345 {,85J,3863 4,83t,2{6{ {,819.8331 {,802.1t0{ {,837.5809 4,839,3190 {r969.3440 4.870.52{8 ,t,867.6761 4,869, t 6{2 4 r87t.7960 {,89?.9846 {,990.8856 4,983,9215 {,881.9292 4,859,950t 4.859.8004 4,849, 7164 4,84r. 77{t '{.85?,566? 4.852,9599 {.85{.9055 4. S59.0290 4. S50,614? 4,85r,677J 4,852,2329 {.849. t255 {,850, S736 4,97{,3936 4,87?, t751 {,881.3341 4,892.65S8 4.S5r.9{33 {,865. J0?4 4,861,0236 4,85{. 7299 {,8{0.2065 4,856, {452 4.803.101{ 4,77r.1tt9 4,795.5760 t,999.9{67 {r6?5.1651 {.584.64t7 {,56A.0328 r.556.3?57 {,536. l7{8 |,411,2167 4,50t.090ii {f 519.8168 {,566. ts$i 1.580. {653 {,s80.5998 {i557.1536 {,5{0, 59{? 4,596. {t25 {,595,09{9 {,611.6707 1,639.62J4 { r658.069{ I r688.30t3 4.690. f445 4.67?.628S 4.616.61A? 4 r7{t.9960 1.762.8598 4.760.1507 1.766.06{8 4,766,5624 4.782,2334 4,781.52t2 4,719,8C42 4, isi,5405 4,75e. 0570 4,7J8, 1332 {.739.7iS9 4 !73t.1989 4.7J7, t693 4 ,140.1t77 4,7b7 ,191i {,182.9100 4.S04, 7032 4.S0{.6968 1.S2r.29?0 4,8?2.3280 4.8:9.0878 4, g?9.4998 4.845. {953 4,8{2,9?5? {, s2t.5201 4,g?0, t4g4 4, SJ0.7te0 1,913.3791 4,799.26r l 4,775.8779 4.751. Bf77 4 r i30.5497 1.7?1.3880 1,8{5. 7731 4,8?9.3492 { r 008.9&t{ 5,000.0091 I,903.667t 4.787.3953 1,774,nn 4 t?lt.0bi7 1,764.2130 {.717.60?9 {r732.1588 { r 716.5620 4,717.5870 {,675.05il {.670.5597 4.$82.6261 1,673. t30t t.68{.367t 4.7t0.7901 4.727.7560 |,70{.039{ 4.7t4.3503 8,f04.7510 B!il.-0$t 8,40{.6031 8utlllM 8,{0{.5940 8uil.Jlll 8.396.97;5 BUiL0It 8.396,7559 SUIL0II{ 8.J?5.43?t BUIt-0tt{ 8,406.6131 BuILItIll 8,406.6St9 SUIL0tl 8.406.:5?8 8UIL0$i 8,{06.7853 8Ulr"0$t 8.403.6r9i BUIL0lil 8.4lt.lts4 BUIL0lil 8.{11.256? SUIL0ll{ s.{08.7?fl 8ut[_0til s:{08.2{25 8UIL0lil 8.403,86t4 EUILDIi{ 8,{0J.4659 EUILDIil 8,{00,4677 8UIL0Iil 8.{00.3il5 tutLDIl{ 8.396,4S$S SuiL[It I,J96.5t9{ EUtLl}il 8.39e,04:i SUIt0It{ 9,J97,215i 9UIL0lll 8.397.5517 gUIL0Irl 8,397,?434 3UILilt{ 8.396.75:i gUlL0Iil 8.J98.15"R: EUIL0tt{ 8.399.7S1? SUIulilr 8,{03.39?4 BUIUIIi 8.403,3753 EUIL0ill 9,403.{i;9 EutLDIlt 8.399.43?0 SP0TELV E.l?8.ili4 SPoIELV 9,39?,0519 SPCIELV s.39i.95:r gP0TELV 9.J97.t0"q6 SPoIELV 8,397.0?1? SP0IELV s.J98.04':9 SP0TELV 8,394,6??8 tf,TERCL 8,390, r68: flAIERCL 8,390.33i2 IREE 8,4r6.8Srr U{C0Ril 8.369.{590 IREELil S.365,?{i6 TREELil 8,364.7{3: T8EB.il 8.J65.25CJ TREEL|{ 8.362.1384 TREELI{ 8,366.6{5f IREELII 8,360.5030 TREELil 8i356.9t6t SPIITEL|, 8,359.8390 SP0TELI, 8.J65.3107 Pi0PCtl 8.36?.560{ PR0PC|{ s.357.{7$ SPoTEII, I,Ji6.6803 iAt{rnLE I,J69.0453 tAtH0LE I,J68.8t05 iAilH(tLE 8,369.55:7 nAi||H0LE 8.371,{07A EUIL0ltl 8!380.2135 0uIL0Ill J{5 3{7 J{8 Jt9 J50 ?51 3i2 J53 154 t<E 356 1€t t5e 359 360 ?tl 362 J6+ ?tq 566 J67 36S J69 J70 371 312 I75 37{ 373 376 371 378 37? J80 38r 3S2 J85 384 385 tr86 J87 388 3S9 390 391 312 s9J 3l{ 395 5t6 s9t 398 39? 100 {01 402 {03 {04 405 {06 407 408 409 {10 {u 112 TIJ 114 115 416 417 1r8 {t9 42C {?r 427 t24 4,659.5507 {, 60$.2396 {,938, tzu 4,6t9. t280 4.S30.75H 4,600,2978 4.565. 6990 {,532.0082 4.510,3538 4,50?. 0J64 4,50r). 5126 4,480, 1r0i {,47{.0058 4, {63, 5561 4, {65. 2?61 4,474. 5367 4,:C3.6050 4 r 5il. 9379 4,5i1 . J3?2 4,614,7717 4. ist. Jts t 4,6${. t595 4,6S5.1221 4, i89, Jl40 4, 714. l?01 {.6s7.1895 4,645.6?64 4, 63t. 9391 4.6??, 1t37 4,6t);, 4464 4.592.07{5 4,5t0.5995 4,520,0952 4,4SS. 465t 4,455. 1905 4,455. 7!48 {. {?5.3i83 4,426, tg9t 4, J95.6{10 4. {04.3858 4. i89.2056 4, 400,6723 4,412.9rJ4 4,46t.64?2 4,482. 9679 {.493.4?0J 4.55i.7?0? {,507.89J5 {,{5i.4250 4, {10, t555 4, {t9.5875 4, { 16, {?24 4,459.7967 4, 5?0. 7733 4,565, 72?6 4, {t5.3t34 4,714. 1476 4,7ih,2627 4. S06.0425 4, S?8.86S7 4,85t ,5006 4, SJ9,6504 4 $21,281s 4,811.0 t J8 4 t772.174ts 4.778.5607 4,790,7865 4.790.6277 4, 756. 74 i 4 4, 770. l {16 4,71?.5594 4,A$8.95?I 4 tS27 ,7215 {,915.99i7 4, SgS. C774 4.894. ?;:4 4,S9S.70?5 4,9r 6.1t83 4,'r"41.3309 4, S36,520? 4.996. 7201 4.9{5. ?990 4,94S.0311 4.94?.9322 ,t,9;8. 70i4 4 r1?5.ill2 4,91?. 1667 4.90?.9654 4, S93. i?7r 4,87{.8172 4,975, t58g 4.8{1.56,i8 4, gs:,22,54 4.799. 4ig0 4 ,79S,5970 4, St9. {?r5 4 i 839,628{ 4.88i,7764 4 r 901.,101; { r896. 1703 4 ,399.3999 4 tg9g.450t 4,9?,5.080{ 1,916. 1692 4,9t{, ?592 4,916, t686 4,9t7.9956 4.9t 7.5414 4,919.5187 4.935,7l{8 {, ts4.4505 4,927.811? 8,178.1629 8UILllill I,166.5i70 SP01ELV 8,36t.a540 SPBIELV 8,37I.9;3? SPoTELV 8.38i. 1894 SP0TELV S,JE?,9{8! SPOTELI, 8,381. t168 SP0TELV 8,37S,8{2.! SP0TELi, 8.J68,890r IREE 8,37?.5179 IREE 8,376.e,i01 IfiEE 8.38e. I199 rREE 8,374,6.i7,? TRiE 8,Jgt.?t9r TBEE 8,385. i9ci IflEE I,JS7.5?tt TREE 8,3S9,4'iil SPCIELI, e,J9;,i7:: SPCELV B,19!.091{ SP0TEL'/ B,404.iirl0 if;EE 9,J98. t;41 IREE s,{04,?:77 IEEE 8,4C?,2t32 IREE 8,3S8,5999 gAilKTBE S.I9'1, i534 gAIIKII}E g,{l4.ij6r.r 84il(TtE 8,{19.Ci:i iREELil 8,4?I,I]6? IREELH S.42:.89:{ IREELil 8,{21.00?i IREELT{ 8,4r7.0333 IREELII 8,417.?:98 TflEELil 8,41S.?;OS IREELN 8,411.9956 SF(}TEL'J s,{19.865:9PBIELV B.40],957J IREE 8,4r0.{sos TREE I,i98.?l?4 TREE 8i405,65?9 IRIE 8,409.619S PRt]PUli 8.{r5.e0i4 sP0IELv 8,43?.7508 SP0TELV 8,4IS.7150 IREELil 8,450.7113 IREELT{ 8,{J{,4r4t PRCPCI{ 8r{?A.9A5? IREELI{ 8,435,187\, BAilt$oP 8,4;9.075? EAH|$0P 0,1{?.6749 8AiltfioP 8, {{7.0095 8At{n{lP 8r{46.Jil0 E0EASP|i 8,f46.5{89 ED6ASP|{ 8,f{2.9?75 EoSASPH 8,4S8.2194 iI}cASPtl 8,{t5,{5?t E0EASPH 8,440.517i PAI/ERT) 425 426 427 4?& 4?1 {30 431 4J2 13J 434 435 4t6 457 4ts 4J9 440 441 442 {43 444 {45 {46 t4l 449 14i 450 {51 152 f53 {34 {55 {56 157 r'l Jq;af,oIl NhrtoF a h L ..',477s 394r'ejA4 SPOTEcV i se4.637e rlA |EFlcl 39i. 1A( SPOTELV40915 197 SPOTELV O4tB I I i \ It I I \ I we { I; TELV rdq. ip- e l''i9 TFIEE l ! I I 4oa-)J302 SPO 4 2, i375 ' \ i ?+ ts ,{ ; 347 'TLDTN ?--- -'UTLDTN \\tlOL.' 2g.5\F 1tr{l ,z IVEFD 39914372 SF \ DTN'LDiFpl EUrLorN AE .sPH ll f\)a 412+ 755ED 3-53PA 473t4 251 PA VEFD 474+5 25O PA 408-l 303 SPO Vio-aP67 TA o N\i \ tU 1392t7, 326 SF o 4att ..,TEL V sst- z lrn Ise\sPorEL4 i " \ t\ i'., \. la I'\ \ lxJ".r=-\ . I si 6, surLD.A/'\ '. I'\ | '. '.. se**v \ MCE 9"etC€9.PC.^/\ \.'\\ ". sss-)r \ \ .s\sf6e rtd( k i-\r"ot-K \ \.. \ ..t\-s94-X'\\ ^ 3SO TRFE R#?rAsJ EurLDrN i I :^L- : .E> 2 ov4t 7\14.i nr-, vzAgfENCEt\rl\ !\396-A\-4H""uEffiE ffitru\LorN pSTbtrEaguttoru \J \ eez.ogqa-E\ h E>4eE-#rT r{ -i' 337, ExlrLDrN\seato / \s \37esp-orELv.' \..€^/c\ '\.__,/ \\ \ t-- ./:-y 4OOJ\3JA&J.{LDJ^/ r --.-- \ -\\\\. \:aoe-s loUo\.. 294 FENECII&BUTLDTN\--r ' "-=-.--;Jao EQTLDTN 4 '104 475t,O 254EDGA414!V E6O PHONE .\.LDTN '\z ,/PHQNE'B \ 39Art; .,xr6rprya^/F I'.\t39dtl!206J;{gqALg I ro t 40414 iqpl sPot:t!,TFLV ii,i ; 403i 371 ! \..". \ {il1 EN ).. orhrv,\ ESEPHONE 4!615e4e PA ,i'.i :rr,;i-,-r'.qffiFlifi/siin.t"i' ';..r f ,^, . I I 6|Poose cL&) Project Application Darc A'LJaJ<{1 ,laql proiecr Name: * lgeAgA L-eeesft'aJao-<e+ Phone )an \t '3Jou) 41t -"1zzb Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Dtion; Lot -17-Pcf ? , g1.sY , zone ?.C 'Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board ---7FF-novfl\\--_ oate ,Att)ta 1 l.M I DISAPPROVAL Summary: V4 na-<( . l2eul,JreI Town Planner N""rApproval I - r;-,E - ..:;r'; ,:ft,I. r?lln et senenl: B, Licn':; 1e1.9- :'.:i:: r::s:l:'--i -- '-"': EX}IIBIT A ' :,.- : .,' s 3 : : : ': : ?:-. t+ 3 '.i ., .-r ,- l- . ' : : .: :l : - 'J : -f^ a -' s -- a j l1-r 'l '.ll - I ) '- :ii;l :- i: i :: :: :...-i.: :.^;' l .!:::'-:. r''ani:' .:..: i-:.-lrS 1...'i -il .'-lt"i- :' L2/t?/gt:o 14:51 STEIIRRT TITLE IF Effi-Eo STtlryAIUTTIII.TOFDctglrrll, llr ttErtlt torjA4lN---.-; reor= -$se.id tlbtd. rusrg of l|rgrt-*.-.*-j(!sElt6LPc tflFEltrrlt It yo do laB -cocfrr rll ct dlr 1n9cr1gorirur rt l!or, 9l!-rorto ribrlr rto' GO'lUNfrrrNc.lcr tO0Orlctri.F10l.lstrt|r*??rt rrrttrt!!l& ?lcrn Grll !t FUr\h- ll todB rl nJ* '-...wt&{*--IF.r -..'DrtGr /a:{J#l- 6{iI{ j.q :9b "Oi:;,1'.ffi,. ,1gr.f.li.t. :E uF t:rltl.yn*.l i.. iUtS r'r rii!,'ti li.l{:.r j.1tr..i r ffe?ttr.!, .r:r .rf ,rptlL&, l}81. I I froa ilE lrAll.ft tr:!\ iiRI . a {t-'}.o*a,lo Pl,,otr I p;rrtncrahtp (r\itriritor") , I rr l,:r ,ir 'tttt:es ;rnd cuhac'lubtrt oii'frt'rc of record (i'srantoee") of ConrtolrirrJurt i'r-il ct Nrr:r, ln. lt. ?i|' tA, t'A arrd aE, CtOtiSE (i:.Ult '\'I TriIL lloNtj{!}i!lil t}L!i , ,|r f4srtrrt! vl.nlon of sr I.Orrlcn OI !;rrcrrl A, l.tqrr:'s ki(lt:(t Fu}r<|l\':iJ:(nl, l'!.1ilrF, NO. 3. gftls $ouiri.t. i)rtlortdo. sccrtfdlrl& ro '-hc' Coodrr'r(ttl rrm llcclilration ..rnd !{rp to b€ rcl.(tt.Jcd chcrccf. EIIljF.iisr:It! c:'ittligf . for antl ln crrrrr'! d.:rrtqioir r.rf tlre eun ei rac{rl pu$l D,lr,'i .trr ri ollat $o$d .rtd vitiirlltllc crn:slilet (lcn' slre .r11d suf ilcieng.v ri r"'h'ct. ;11.1. h11;,gb} .rcilticrr.l edrr. l. rlOes hercby rcli arrd cotr\tcl' Lo C!.ttrt('ei B rton-*;iclueiva einotusnt rnd tt|:hi {}d ut;' nver. Ecrosr it'rd Ll.!- )urjir rhr rt,t) proP4rtlr rtogcrl!,cd t:l i::{lrt}lt ,i .rL.-ac'.(.d horc'-o thC n&dc .r itott hrrfco(, Ifor [lrc lirrtFF$rJ gr' gotr' -rucLi?rq. $sr;tt;.itl.n6, topcirlnt. s$lnrSitr:., t6r.rntr'.rrjt'l lny ;l:rd lrrilic rt r,'a,lkr{nv tll!'reupoi pto',,lilttr:t pedcrt.rlnrt !Ilxro.rs 3;r1d gsJl'.:r ,1rr:'-r,rt,rfl ':hc (h rtrslr dtcn r\t 'rtr. t ! ti*ndr,ni'rl,:m tlnits ill,'(tr.'e rcItt.Ecnced ettd :,lcrr's Rl r!6,c i.oo1 , ,' .'.'t-. i".).?d ,.ccoi.t.l l r Llrr! " h!^'n nf Vrl i, SLnLc of "l r';;t.it.. i Tl.i ir.\V! ,\::f llulfl ':;!r! css1rgr1.1ii. rll.l lif.hi ui r'-ar- t?/t?/91 rtnlv Cl,rn'.q.."t ,: t..i nnd rilht of r;;rt rrl:.t ! 1 trr' .tF:t': r'. Ct:.: i. '. e,,l:i. t.irlr: .t '.;'.'1:1'11 .'1' tl,Id "r:r.',,r'ri..i..t::''':i,-.: !423€,/STEtJffiT TIILE tF ERE-E CIT.NTY :.itt.i r r"o..'c(ss .r'.: .'rltr! i,,tsi.t','rt, l'hB Oase:::ril:l i:. t'Li:i r!'ftt!:.cd rrl;rir rl&l r.'i r.h tlre tirlrd;trrl i '..r '.lr{, J: o..t. r*i'r.-i'ilcct' : '':nrilrnl tt lur: 'll:ril s (ri .ir-'::.r.! :ill.' i..'iili. (1: 4tti' rro::ft olt .'t .,.!l! Arr.-i.I.ir l. I r. rlli.,' if.rlrett'r jt pfni:.rt.- i ll"rtnl.n ,r!t.t !'g:: l" i"r..:9 {n$tl:it'l\t .,rtr'l r'lif.itf rtt ".'il:J: rfl'. j.rt'd. htrrt.i,11f . '.'irl, ,-:'r. r' .:,,ii,.ti: 01J f !r:l.l t,i ii.,'.' herr,l...' 6rar;t r..l Blrrl l hA ir. i.r.:..r:r,r r.- rr . . ! q:r.l rr$i'.. rr:rt!i; ::$,".h ! it.tl :tt r r f!.rt! ir.:t 1'..t': . .i' ,. : ! , ir. l',;!:!r.ir .'. r..' in,1.11, srtrr.lt.:1 :.r' ' it, frcChr,t,-lr.n "rrr r)r.'r.,r.,. ':!..: ..rr. i.,r i r:..,i r'!r.n: { r! i i!i$ l\. fr. r;r.rr.lr.rt Jn tht. ,.rt irtr. ,.j .i.r. ,'ir',i ,:..1 it...r.t,.,r l.':' ::.r,. lr. r':tr,!trl' L^ir t'ctrJ cF coioRAlr(r )) ar'nF EACi.r ) Tb.c fl.rrr.;l riir5, ln s crunctr;,lrss {clthot ledp,o4. beforr, nre this tr;r Xl,l*"it "r,i;ii;r' ii+,;r. i:i i, ; . t ?fl i. r'l i5[+"Sf.lir$$1;9ffi. rri.. I rrr grl. ,:i{;rrrt' (rr ;!s 5 . lnc r . n r.oloE6oo coE-}otgciqn. aguraI prrr.ner. o!- r'irc Th:-4s,l3ss.1gr"",: ir,J. . -a-Cjt"iijj-iinii"O fncreh'lp, fls' Scner;r i ;:iryLncr of nE VALLEY - Vl:ilTunn r tbr.lirrte,creh'lp, fls' gcner::ri ;:irr-Lncr of IHE VALLEY-Vl:tlTunf . r CiloiaaJnI FAr trlpJ li'. i r,. rod b. , t?/Lt/91 M.fi,f TITLE tF Effi-E CIt]lW'o ,'l a rccorrl, rhal I Ehc arHrnt t otrllffitr lnd rrt ihlch tl|* Itutortdtlcrllt ! r f,ceootancd of thlr coov'ayr*r(', r thclr a*eljghr rbrll w.lntatn ary Irlght of riry hereby gront,ed et i6lc cort arid expctrre of Grrnraes chd. uhetr smLgn, ln older, condltion, fopatr . :. lfl lJfTRgtiS nrnRlr0f .thtr CorwFyfics of Eatcncnc Ls Cste ftrot: oer forth rbove. TltE YAtLEi VEtfiURE, a Colorado 6cotrali per$r€rrhlp effectivo :rc of the 't: ond rppsrbance. I BY: Tho lhree Atloclagel . Lud., e' Colotado llntrcd psrtneilhip,genefal pertncr tesf I .t TITlil:5i Ir:irrd ln.l lificial *bel, !i.r son:!..;{ict} o:ini.r(.r: . I I,i. ri.i . i' .. .: i ,-,. l--.:-. :BY: : fhlss AgsocleGer. Inc.,.a': colort.io corporrr ion, *olo:SencrBl plr t?/t?/gt 14:g STEbtrT TIILE IF Effi-E CTI.FIfi EXHIBIT A . ki.a' I -, ' :: l.i lr,;nC! l.l:t I r'r!' ': f,<z r pr'cest !':.iii! ircer$s acrosi {t !}f,rt' ot Hiegi F',.;!'-ji..'i.siotr, F-Iiltu l{':}. J, a sul't- in-tL. i': ;'-':.';' u.1 thc 1;1r;J.c CountI , i:oJorado, saiii ,r,r=,-.'n :'.'- L.ci::r; ii, ir"t3i ju wiri:i., iiq,.: oi ': j':t. :ci!rrs'i:rc ii':sc:'iitecl c'-:nt'rl!'t i:rq:: I i rrt' L !li' F'! :faF iI I I:l' ,! .:l TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEM OF COMMIJMTY DEI/ELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM I)AII: OCTOBER 7, l99l 01000041330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES ZONING AND ADDRESS IViAPS0r 0000 41540 01000042415 UNIFOR.V BIJILDINC CODE 01000042415 IJNIFORM PLIJMBING CODE 01000042415 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAI ELECTRICAL CODE 0l 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 0100004154E 0r 0000 42412 )GROX COPIES /STUDIES PE}IALTY FEES / RE.INSPECNONS OFF HOURS INSPECNON FEES 0r 000041412 0l 0000 41330 01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE PIA\ RTVIEW RE-CI{ECK010000 41332 RE-CEECK PLANS FOR TITE BUFFEHR CREEK TO}JNIIOMES. 4 HOURS AT I Totdl{ oF uFr r L lliellrrcus Cdr 1r-19-91 14:34:87 Receipt {t 989664 Fccouni ll CK * 1277 BUFFEHR CREEK TOI'JNHOIIE5\PI-RH CI{EC1( REt'lE u, Anouni iendered ) t68.98 Iten Paid fb|'lr P.id Ivq( 6taBBE4133206A Ch€nge returned > Tl-lFlhl|< vol-t Vour cashier STEP}H{IE 160. EO 9. Bfi v