HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 PHASE 2 TRACT B UNITS 1A-4B-3 LEGAL\J"F-+\.-t-. >-T \-aotrn Ifi _l F\g -n I tl @ 6 @ Al€.trt H j trt tt H r,{Ho Pt"l Hoz I Flo€z .o 'q H Ei oo 5 gI t-t € trt }, Prd{tr|trtHoot, 'd4HUOnzt! =r{trtot{trF3HH<zvtOU cz 13H|lFtr 1.1 ',@tslFDIrd Ftlr{FIOHcoHYFE IEE:*r-,- I12.IlrrlH lroFr::,EF: lEe: HEIoz6 FIHayoooqEl ut ttt |.:lHGIEUH HI c, P FIln-o Htr4H,oz ('r) EKhi EI z<OH{trt€o..o orin orlP.o (t ttut v) tilno tr TDo HiorlHoz 11oci utHo 7f tP. orl vPcfo |.l 0,rr ts.oa @ (t F. P. ts- !,a P.cfP.o r)o oo!(tiq, P No P.o{ oEt{Xq trl o o 3ZOPP.BFtrI P.50tQrd tr o iJo H zPB oFrl Igl Ho2I,€c!Fbl q! =It P.H q P r-l ooo rd o o oo 0.o F. H. =, }, 15rb Flo p, H P. Fb p, 15 H P.op,ttHo Itr uItx l|". td IFJlg trt lP. t'llI tt t" .. td luto tF l5 lcdt=l lP. ftll.f lo'lo t' l0' lFl lo IEF. le. tq, lrflrt FTl'lrt lH loI'lP.to lo tg l8 lo lFb lo' Itzo tttttFHo ''Fl Hoz {HF E,I E' tsl nFoot{oo trlFU {Hrt ocE o{zH 2o oHoz!.Ec!n!t PrHOts) UI Fl t'lP.o6rdrioP.ryorf5|< P.EulPogpro(nooo Flro F.Ft ttoo<o.P.gtt OK oq, p,o oof+ooo9' p, t-l fprp croEoai ogoonPtoltqPDF N9'OrrZciH9',zoo/ ct t\fi' ,{pt.H o 9'cfF. F E }, P H HI Fl ooIF- FJ oo, 0trdEP P-oq, cf 5 art 0,3l?( op, oFFl o UI {P. ta Port 9' o!, =z9,>ts-3PH ts-JOQ rtj >vgEordnFrOHo()o}'..2 E EEotr|1rrOHoo Ul ltl,zt?I' IHIH I trl IHt=lqIEIHt<Itrt Itl IFllq |-tltltltltltl <r> 4> <I' ID <t, <1, lEul P ItlJoutuP lltjOoooo I ooooo loEOOoo llEPtsFPOvlurtttltslcq|ts{ 1Jt 4t, <f> 4t> 4t, <r>PH € 1..HoouP oooouluP z99S-.S9oooooooooooooooooo .!>.t 1t> lJ> ..J><D!,NtsoooulNFr trloooouro tlt trtoooooooooooo I PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FIL E COPY PRESENT Greg Amsden Jeff Bowen Kathy Langenwalter Allison Lassoe Dalton Williams Diana Donovan July 26, 1993 ABSENT STAFF Bill Andemon Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Shelly Mello Jim Curnutte Tim Devlin Tom Moorhead 1. Update on the request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1 480 Buffer Creek Rd. Applicant: SteveGensler/ParkwoodRealty Planner: Kristan Pritz and Gary Murrain Kristan Pritz explained that Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, did not feel comfortable signing off on the building wall drawings and that this was normally something Gary Murrain handles. Gary Murrain stated that he was comfortable with the design of the wall and the structure that the structural engineer for the project had come up with. He said that the wall seemed over designed but that the calculations do make sense. The PEC agreed that Gary's sign off on the drawings was acceptable- Kathy Langenwalter stated that the PEC wanted Greg Hall to inform them about what the site disturbance would be. Kristan Pritz explained that the site disturbance would be great. Jay Peterson stated that the Ordinance is not worded correctly in respect to the PEC cohdition to add the plat information on the walls, access road and building wall. He understood that this was a disclosure type process and that it was his understanding that they could modify the plans without going through the variance process. Kristan PriE agreed that the notations were to alert future buyers that plans were on file at Community Development so design requirements could be evaluated' Both Jay and Kristan agreed to change the wording of the ordinance. Planning and Environmenlal commission July 26, 1993 TOWN OF VAIL VoiI Colorudo 81657 3034792100 FA,Y 3034792157 Mr. Jack Snow Box 3378 Vail, CO 81657 RE: GRFA catcutailons for The Valtey, phase tl Dear Jack: The-Gommunity Developmentstaff has recalculated the Gross Resirjential FloorArea (GRFA) for it 9 t'.u" {*g!linS units under construction at The Valley, Phase il. This consfuaion proleit islisted as Bufbhr Creek Townhousas in the Town files. The calculations shown below are 6aseO on he 1990 ordinances. As I am sure you ate auate,the Town recenUy revised the ordinances regulating GRFA. These changes became etfective January 1, 1991. - Single Family Residence: First Floor of Townhouses: Second Floor: Third Floor: Loft Level: Total 1768 1780 1823 970 315 6656 lf you have any questions about this information, or would like to see tre drarings used in cafculating the GRFA, please callme at4Z9-2199. '.i t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR 'THE VALLEY, PHASE IIN Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall: Provide documentation that the parking lot design approved by the Design Review Board on May 1 isacceptable to the Town of VaiL Fire and Public Works Departments and both owners of the propertyt OR Provide document,ation that eleven parking spaces in theparking garage are available and that the proposed development has the right to use thern; Provide documentation, with signatures from both olrners, showing the totaL amount of available GRFA, the amount, of GRFA already used, the amount to be used in the proposedplans approved by the DRB on May 1, and the remaining amount to be used in future development,. Allcalculations are to be made using the 1991 codes. Provide documentation that the applicant has the right to use Grousse Glen property for drainage purposes,' Provide hazard studies for the rockfal-l and debris flow hazards; Show that the development complies with all zoning standards, specifically height and site coverage. 1. 2. bu- bv 3. 4. Lt,t-Lar )a ,O rninimize conflicts between phases' 4. The parties recognize that a parking.arranetement-deemed satisiactory UV the Town of VaiI in- connection with Phase I ;;;;16;;nr'is i p="."qoisite to final Town approval of such phase. (51 rf necessarY Phasevr, Crossview will to utilize an existing Vail Condominitrms. in order to facilitate the developrnent of issign to Buffehr Creek its rights, if any, parfing structure senring Grouse GIen at A It is anticipated that Buffehr Creek will acquire aaefite parXing by estabfiqhing its rights corc.erning the Grouse GIen parking structtre and, if n6cessary; bI uti-l-izing the existing pirfing spaies on Tract B-'2. Buffehr C-r'eeti shall exert reasonable I"a--a-iiig;,nt efforts to avoid the necessity of involving Tract B- 2 in the phase r pirring plan. rn the event there is a delay in the establishment oe' phasL'l parking rights in the Grouse GIen =tr""i""i- "r if for any bther reason an acceptable parking iii""""r"i.tt is ttot pt"."n€ irnrneaiately prior to the time Phase I il-!g ;;-'-""""ia"r"-a for final approvat, crossview shall allow Buffehr Creek t--turcfrase from--crossview a portion of land "o"ti-i".a-witfrin trict B-2 for the purpose of providing a parking pfli"-riii"t is icceptable to the _Town-. -The location and dirnensions of such land shall be determined by agreement of the parties prior io suctr purchase. The purchase pr-ice for such land shall be based upon the- fair market value at the tine of sale' 7. The allocated parcel of the Buffehr Creel<' Tract B- L, is presently allocated TrbOo square .feet- of G'R'F'A' In the "i""t tiiat, in -order to gain ipprovit by th.e Town of Vail for Phase I of the developrnent,- Sutfdnr Creelk is required to obtain additional G.R.1n-i., Crossview shall seII to Buffehr Creek the additional anount riquired, up to a naximum of 11500 G'.R'F'A-' lt;;;i;;;i iiz.oo per-squar.g f-oot. All c.R.F.A. calculations shall Ue'nased on the tdwn of Vail standards applicable in 1990. S. Neither Party shall take any action or cause any ornissions that would re3ult-in the loss of lny development rights on tt" parcel as established by the P'U'D' -approval previously crranted uy nasle County. Neith6r parEy strall take any -action- or ;;;;;;;'or-ir-= ions thal wourd detrinentll Iy af fect existing rights to off-s1te parking or G.R.F.A. allowances' VII. COST OF DEVEIOPMENT 1. Each party shall be solely responsible for the costs of development upon its own Allocated Paicel , including costs of financ-ing, planning, construction, and sale' 75 $ulh hontage rcad Ydl. colorldo E1657 (303) f792138 (303) 47+,2139 October 29, L99O offlce ol community dwelopment Ur. J.R. HodgesP. O. Box L297Dillon, co 80435 RE: Lions Ridge Subdivision Tracts A and a, Flling #2also known as Phase II , The Valley Dear Randy: The planning staff discussed your letter of october 12, 1990 and has concluded that of the three GRFA and density scenarios'youprovide, ttre Town nust adhere to the nost restrictive one. Because several of the development proposals in The Valley t'tere approvedin the Colrnty and then annexed to the Town, the current Town zoning does not always match the rrgrandfatheredrr developnent rights. I have included a letter frorn Kristan Pritz, dated February 11, 1985,providing the details of the past approvals. Briefly, Iet me tell you that a naxiuum of 26 units with 321909 square feet of GRFA is what the town will allow. I did not nention in my phone call to you this norning that you have options, such as a rezoning, that would increase the GRFA potential. on the site. I want to be sure you knolt.that this review process is available to you if you are interestedi however, the Town has strong reserrrations about increasing the GRFA potential . Your tine nay be best spent vorking with the approVal that existsfor the property at thls tine. Please see Kristanrs letter concernJ.ng site planning issues. If you have any other guestions, please contact ne or Kristan at the planning departnent at 479-2L38. Sl.ncerely,ffi![own Planner e9tAe/ { tI oflice ol communlty development75 roulh frontage road vall, colorado E1657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479'2139 October 29. L99O Ur. it.R. HodgesP. O. Box L297 Dillon, Co 80435 Dear %r, The planning staff discussed your letter of October 12, 1990 and has boncluded that of the three GRFA and density scenarios you provide, the Town must adhere to the nost restrictive one. Becauseieveral of the developnent proposals in The valley were approved in the County and then annexed to the Town, the current Town zoning does not always natch the rrgrandfathered'r developnent rights. I have included a letter from Kristan Pritz, dated February 11, 1985' providing the details of the past approvals. Briefly, let ne telI lou that-a maxinun of 26 uni€s wlth 32,909 sguare feet of GRFA is what the Town will allow. I did not mention in my phone call to you this norning that you have options, such as a rezoning, that would increase the GRFApotential on the site. I want to be sure you know that this review process is available to you if you are interestedi howeverr.the iown has strong reserrratlbns about increasing the GRFA potential . Your tlne may be best spent workLng with the approval that exists for the property at thls tine. Please see Kristanrs letter concerning site planning issues. If you have any other questlons, please contact me or Kristan at the planninE departnent at 479-2L38. Sincerely, / / ./ /&^! H,*,rt*\ Andy Knuiltsen \ Town Planner October 12, 1990 ! t d L1''-", Kristan Pritz Town Planner Torln of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Co. 81657 Dear Kr is tan: Re: Lions Ridge Subdivlslon Tracts A and B, Filing /12 Slnce we would like to approval this winter, submit Eh j.s proj ec t vour assistance would in a titnely manner for be greatly apprec lated . cc: Robert M. Ullnann Sceven M, Gensler tux 1297 drllon, colorado 80435 f J.W fr* &l- ,l(JWr-cv''' E P N"{k (vz,s,,f , /,zb) -, 4o!5(11 ry As we have discussed in the past, rte are starting to work on schematic plans on the above project. To date, Steve Gensl-er has not been able to locate an approved master plan for the overall (existing units and vacant land) pro-lect and as a result have numerous questions about the allowable GRFA and nunber of units. The documents we have in our possesslon lndicate between 26 and 28 units allowed with an allowable GRFA of 32,909 to 33,7L4 square feeE. However, based on the cluster distrlct zonlng we would be allowed approximaEely 22 units r.rith a maximum of 40,605 square feet. We would llke to have the lower number of units and the 40,605 square feet of GRFA or not include the exisling foundatlons in the allow- able 33,714 square feet GRFA. rl 303.468-5871 75 south fronlage roed vall. colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlly development August L2, 1988 Mr. Maurice Nelson P.o. Box 544 Ft. collins, co 80521 Re: Existing Foundations at Grouse Glen, Town of Vail, Colorado Dear Maurice: My understanding is that you are the owner of the Grouse Glen pioperty. As you know, tirere.are several existing foundations b" tfr" iroperti. The ioundations have been fenced in order ii*ii "^ny iireTsafety problems. However, the exposed foundati-ons take away frorn the overall high guality appearance "i in" neighborhood. I am requesting that you try.to improve the appearance of the site_by-covering the- foundations with fiff -a;d a layer of top soil-which could then be revegetated. i-tni"i your ireighbors would appreciate your effort to improve the appearance of the site. I strongly encourage you to co:sider this request' I am aware that the Town of Viif'has no right to require you to do this work. However, it would be a welconed inprovement to the area and certainfy no- prevent you from buildinq on the foundations ii a later tirne. it yo,, w-ould like to discuss this issue with ure further, please feel free to call me at 476-7000 ext. 103. SincerelY, r f\rl./. I l.r 'l{fietzh^ (rrh-lul$rrr\ ltllrKristan PrLtz Seni.or Planner KP:KC t3Sac,r.$* $tttb t {,od h,. Hr"dg [6\YII-^^U luwn u tlfll 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 1l , .l985 Pe'uer Feistmann P.0. Box 2438 Vai1, Colorado 8.l558 Re: Phase iI, The Valley f)c: r Daio r oftice of communlt/ development I am wrjting to confirm the information that I gave you over the phone concerning Phase II, Tract A of the Va11ey Planned Unit D-evelopment. nr? ... According to our records, Phase il, A is approximatelyr*=*F:* .,'lJJQUq Phase IIA and B was originally approved for 28 units having 33,7.l4 squarefeet of GRFA. This .i nformation is listed in a letter dated March 10, 1980.In a document dated February i9, 1981 , "Proposed Zoning for West Vail Annexation Area," Phase II, Tracts A and B was approved for 26 units wi'uh an allorved GRFA of 32,909 square feet. The Vaii Commun'i ty Development Department considers these figures to be the accepted development statist.i csfor Phase II. Our records do not show a breakdown of units for Tracts A and B which make up Phase II. Town of Vail records also show that 6 units have been constructed on Phase iI and are presently called "Grouse G'len." Six foundations also exist on Phase II. The Valley was developed as a Planned Unit Development that used Residential Cluster zoning as a guide. The intention of this project was to develop multi-family dwellings using a clustered site plan approach. In generai, the subdividing of an individual phase of a planned unjt developmentis not encouraged. In answer toyoufquest'ion of whether or not it would be possible to subdivide Phase II, Tract A into two primary,/secondary lots, the p1 anning staff would like to see a more detailed site plan in order to determjne if this would be appropriate. The staff would be concerned that the project constructed on Phase II, Tract A vrould be compatible with the remaining portion of Phase II, Tract B located across the road. The idea of a p1 anned unit development is that the project should vrork as a vrhole and also reflect a continujty in the architecture and site planning found arnong a1 1 the phases of the project. The staff does not encourage the subdividing of indivjdual phases. tqli oo oco -Peter Feistmann February 'll , '1985 Page Two However. qiven the fact that Phase II, Tract A is across the road from phase Ii, Tract B, there may be a possibi'lity that it could be developed separateiy. In the report dated April 18, 1979 addressed to Jeff Burleson concerning the dra'inage on Phase II of The Valley, it 'is.evident that some type of drainage System would have to be constructed on Tract A. At thi;'t.ime it is 'impossible to determine what kind of drainage work would be needed for Tract A without a detai'l ed site p1 an. The most important point'is that drainage work would probab'ly have to be completed, ani it rvould need to functjon in a compatible way with Tract B across the street. P'l anning and Environmental Comrnission approvals. would also be necessary if it were determined that it wou'l d be a feasible idea to deve'lop Tract A seParatelY. I hope thisfiles do not at this time. S j ncere]y, ,l: ..i \' '' 'i-)\'.--' Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br information will be helpful to you- Unfortunately, our provide detailed p1 ans that could answer all your questions' If you have further quest'ions, please give me a call. tl . /"'1i.. j- i \.- [own uf \ \l {,-y'.rr" i tailr) Mr. J.R. HodgesP. O. Box L297Dil1on, CO 80435 RE: Lions Ridge Subdivision Tracts A and B, Filing #2also known as Phase II, The Valley Dear Randy: The planning staff discussed your letter of October J_2, L99O andhas concluded that of the three GRFA and density scenarios youprovide, t.he Town must adhere to the most restrictive one. Becauseseverai of the developnent proposals in The Val1ey were approvedin the county and then annexed to the Town, the curfent rown zoningdoes noc always match the t'grandfathered" developrnent rights. Ihave included a letter frorn Kristan pritz, dated February L1 , 1995,providing the details of the past approvals. Briefly, 1et me tellyou that a naximurn of 26 units with 32,909 square feet of GRFA iswhat the Town will alIow. 75 south lrontage road ,aii. cotar irdo 8165f (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 October 29, 1990 I did not nention in my phone callha.re opti-ons , such as a rezoning,potential on the site. I want to beprocess is available to you if you Town has strong reservations aboutYour time nay be best spent workingfor the property at this tine.concerning site planning issues. ollice of community development to you this norning that youthat wouLd increase the GRFAsure you know that this revieware interested; however, theincreasing the GRFA potential .with the approval that existsPlease see Kristanrs letter If you have any other questions, please contact me or Kristan atthe planning department at 429-2139. Sincerely, /,',/'/-fu"L, kL,'^.1#-..\--r/ ---i - \Andy Knudtsen \Town Planner i i ,] ' lgaa6-, 'l /v< + f" ,rV l.rv.a W..^ al @ l.lr,.' r,w r, t" ,J.3f a+-'r-c4" ?,1qJ r,L.u4 /6qsi / lt lW ot.02'eaLn, $. f$a '{ 5rt PiiA6eSr ./ . . .fl j/ ,l l: tl l.tl It'f I,"' ,'iU t I JJt / ,\f. I -*t t D.t 12 t a t :.- .t,{. t frIJf .I t f l,> | / 'lrd ". ff45= L(toot( OS re.r'a) s.b t2. afi.44 N o4'tr 4'E -..---"---1 4 4e / -'-g '-<" 'eA-: -Vf-stt '/ G{<<^ h/ i i i-',.. "Li !,i-i:-t.-; ,: r t.r. : \.&.isrl_ F!Lttr!.:i 1.j3. r: S,-r*rt ti U. i,,r',,'.,t PHATE EI, TRAgr D ll e-l r t;lF-f- .t oo oo Project Application l:s/NCProject Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - commenrs: FlLy. ' l/nLLt: V n, , 4{ t: Design Review Board Motion by: Date Seconded by: DISAPPBOVAL Summary; ig'Approval I o^r". ,!a- ,? .-9?, q&lg.El ,\ [\ -.{r.1 tr^eil,.'$4 o $ll "1'rl r, tI -'!e yr'!,1ewtLr <<E hl livf- %Mu*--- tw ?alQ Ww ;+":tb i-i .,i.r'i-..., i\i,.;j. ri.-.:-r '...'t r;.-$ : 1.._.: ., i, r\_,!_ I N6.t4',X.bl 1*tt' r Ne E',%Vl .{)\f 2b'@' u/f\' I xzcco'a'e1'' /,-.5L41' T e/,l.o,,oz.::6/ Al.?z} ..- \" 6d.la'e't se p;-1,39 li lll. ffiii'r:r[y- N ?TZYb'E 422t', aEzo.?see6b'.'il€ RIoGE \rtf L 1de(p fi{Af.g TFACT C .naz,tb?.>@t fc,1'31) 59, rRAgT D i a-r I w,{ /E\#6 ,#* q''t3 q {t !lt z5d.,8)*': 'll4.l/' 0{l oI I 4fi Uallry74a^z CONSTRUCTION community development DATE 1.7-92 PROJECT NO.-PERMIT trnn Dtr! TYPE OF PERMIT EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY PERMIT NO. I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH orvtsroN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BUILDING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VAI UATION 8ND-? - f*, NEW ALTERATION () AOOITIONAL ( - ACCOMMODATION UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - EATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING TOIAL PERMIT EEES NING ADMINISTRAIOR NOTES:In no INSULATION I HEREAY ACKNOIf,LED(;E THAT I H,\\'E READTHIS APPI,ICATION AND STATT] TII^T TIII' AB(}VE IS CORRECT AND ACREE TI) CO}IPI.Y WITH ALI, T('WN oRDINANCES ANI) STAI'T: I,AWS REGARDING Bt'I I.DI NG C():!STRI'CTIOI. VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE . SPECIAL NOTES: LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING foBNAME: Grouse Glenn Woodstove Add. -owNER NAME MAIt ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ELECTRICAL cNrRAcroR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIt ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH. Ua CONSTRUCTION PER|ITIT DArE /2'zz'g/ PRoJEcr No.- pERMtT 119. [, '' Q i: r; department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT n gurt-orr.rc nI elEcrRrcnL n PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY al r\,tEcHANtcAL ezgroue I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DlvlsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BU II. DING ELECTR ICAL PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATIONL EGAL DESC.lfut RUFF/:/ e4r& Oltl BUILOING PERMIT BNAME: 6rense €zE^/ OWNER ARCH ITECT NEW() ALTERATION() ADOITICNAL REPAIR RECREATION FEE OWELLTNG UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UN GRF.A. I BEOROOMS COMMERCIAL SYSI --_+ RESTA It H€|GHT rN FT. --\BATHTt NO FIREPLACES -IiIO. TO COVERED PARKING - UNCIVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW EOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT G ENERAL CONTRACTOR TOTAL PERMIT FEES ILDING OFFICIAL ONING ADMINISTRATOR ING NOT€S: I ltgkEEY ,1cK:l(t\rl-EIx;f, TIIAT I lllll: RI:AT.' TIIIS APPI.ICA'fI')N AI\DST TI I II l TII': a8(tVE IS C(thllECT A.\_It ACREf. 11, ( (r\lf Ll WlTll ALL T.)\i r_ (tRtrlIA}CES .1S1, \I \1t: l.Aws Rf:cARDING gl ll,o:ric cossle|cTl(r\ fltAlL AOORESS ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF PLUMBING CONTRACTOR lurL AoDRESS rt4 EClr AN CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO rnu grci/E 9ruP r Af L ADDRESS AD.6ax { cfiy E/jo)A/?De eu ?8-JfV Z VAIL WATER & SAN DIST TAP FEE . tha pr|nlary vail 7 9cE rute'<A<eErc &@cE &toorcFPs l/*tt- q"G-az9c- I\\I\f't-\EL-ELEIc7t Ir=l IT:lt Ic]l IFl | |al '5ffi 36'FeLecN( 13n \_J $ 3ft" t rc o,'s.€k" sh*ta'& S-,t^lrb{____t' '-17zb'attQ /:,SL- '/ \ ^' lJ !.:1.|--1 EE/A aE_aAF/oi ct"a{/7ifrffaxa 5tB'tt- (u, t' 6aee"l,O'a=*) t'^'J r c t 5 t T o rt )4tW4 €xrz^lsrorJ' €oct-o'J rnl(' pg€ CcaqaAJc€S: Ba.t- o?9tod€ TO TTcL '" f.retonact *f EcD A'-ncneS) Ste€g eF Stet€ -r3 a7LE"" fro,\Y c}f-Srzd.{ fr Q4e/{-73 ,<" tr" I E-t' A 16" caOCt fz*rz_ wttcc Grse< fieeaa-ta OpOltrJe (Sne.n rvtffic tzze*t fus-r-e'{€^) f' rrzl sftooz Pwa Qas<t,JG -7A,a{<4 Fta,rz - r-t+^) 6rWrztAc. ft Pos tflJ+ Cr,^l'Je<tf t Ta €xsrftlC f,, €te.€e(A4.L cr<trqN€Y- \ \ \\ I*9rert-L€&- -7rtt S-'raiJ€ 57-$P aae37 t4 I CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB S|TE) eet^')S NAME PERMTT "t. [7 0 Lrc. No. Owner: General Contractor: Excavator: Foundation: Plumber: Electrician: Mechanical: Framer: Insu lator: Dry Wall: Painter: Roofer: CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS Excavation Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Uti lities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED AND Rough Framing lnsu lation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire lnspection Final Engineering (Utilities) {Final Building APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY S25.OO REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR TNSPECTTONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 235 0R 247 24 Hours In Advance Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED ,,,,...:]',.^-'. 'fi;,':r ^""" INSPECTION RE vAt READY FOR INSPECTION:to* @*.o rHUR FRI PM TOWN OF LOCATION: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I-l INSPECTOR- \ DATE /46- tz CONSTRUCTION PERMIT palE 1-7-82 PROJECT NO.- of community development TYPE OF PERMIT I I /l/? /1Uallrf /flaht tt ratO Ttrl DTT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY PERMIT No. r TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2 OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEH DrvrsroN GFNERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORF' EUILOING P€RMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SQ, FT. VALUATION s ,f=q 8NL-? -|| EUILDING PERMIT ELECTRICAL NEW O ALTERATION AODITIONAL () REPAIR O DWELLING UNITS G.R.F,A.- ACCOMMODATION UNITS COMMERCTAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUA/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKINC DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FffS NING NOTES:In no INSULATION I HIJREtsY ACKNOWI,T:DGH TIIAT I HA vT: REA D TH IS APPLICATI Or* AND ST^TE TllA r Tlll ABoVE IS CoRI{ECT ANI' AGREE To COIIPI,Y IfuITH ALL ToWN (}ITI)INANCES Ai{D S1-AI'T: I,A WS RF]GARDING AUILDINC CoNSTRI'C1'I0]\J, VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPEGIAL NOTES: LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING IoBNAME: Grouse Glenn Woodstove Md. -owNER NAM E MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT F IRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ELECTRICAL FIRM MAIL AODRESS tNrKAUruf( PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH i) : CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1-7-81 DATE - JECT NO.-tttl0t, PERMIT NO. department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT TI D !In BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY 4i LEGAL DESC.FILING BNAME: Grouse Glenn Hoodstove lrld. ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR LECTRICAL NTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADORESSPLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MECHANI CONTRACTOR MAIL ADORESS clrY PH. tvi- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ' DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYP€ GROUP SO.FT. VAI UATION ,TF \)!\. \ \J I EUILDING PERMIT NEW() ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL/I ) REPAIRO DWELLING UNITS G,R.F,A.- ACCOMMODATION UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTU B/SHOWE R NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TO74L PERMITf AOMINISTRATOR DATE rNctrcrm@ INSULATION THICKNESS R.VAt UE I HLREBI' ACK:iI}IAI-I:I)(;E THAT I HA\'E R EAD TII IS APPI,ICATI('N A N D ST TE TII A'T TtI ! ABOVE IS CORRECl ANI' AGRI]E 1'o (:O]\IPI,Y WITH AI,I, TOWII ()RDINANCES AND STAl'I:VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : CONSTRUCTION PERMIT s71E /2 -22-3/PROJECT NO.-- pERMtr No. [' ' t{ ij ri department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT Dn i-l DT EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY oqoS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP l lll l olvlsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BUILDING PERMIT FEEdTYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATIONL tLr AL nFar^FtLtNG /9t rtu Ea e& _gat{BUILDING PERMIT BNAME: G;p6€ 6zE^/PLAN CHECK E LECTRICAT NEW( } ALTERATION ADOTTTCNAL REPAIR RECREATION FEEEIPL MAIL AODRESS crTY PH. ARCHITECT - ACCOMMOOATION UNITSOWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FI. NO FTREPLACES REO PARKING OESIGN REVIEW BOARO FIRM MAIL AODRFSS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING NOTES: ELECTRICAL R.VALUE FTOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF MAIL ADDRESSPLUMEING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR I 'II]REBY ACK\('\TLED(;E TIIAT I IIA\'E Rt:A1r TIt|S APPLICA fIt).\ At\l.) sTATL Tll^'l Tttr A8()VE lS C()RRECT AND GItge llt c()\tPLY WtTlf ALL T()wN ()Rlrli\A:r.'CES .1:i1, stAT t: l,AwS Rt:GARDIN0 lt'lLO;NC C(1f,-STR ( CTl('\ ctry Eor/Anng pA ?25-32 Z OTHER CONTRACTOR VAIT WATER E SAN DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: ln.9iinLry var! $o0 s b * x - Ff.} Fr B I ^l d l]FnDDrflilffiqj llflrffit llffil I lEl fF[I LL-J Ifl I Fnl---L-----lri iFH'n#f^'$$ll-l I in. 'rlN. 1 IIH R I*R Iil R { \) 6\ Iq N \ t\ ?x Ri ,S^ lilF D D lD D {s ;B l3 po\u< pil $\ $ HrT [F i vr N; tR K t. R) 0Hp [ [*'n i Fu iAJ d 3t, knR*{R a9$ L\ g'.: Ai': "( n r\a : r Ri: \i h$ ]. +R p $; t I I *H Ii;T\ n t \ \ fr\i&K$F iFINn %\R ilN *lii' k 3 c\ t.-. N' I {Y (\ Ic m $o \ *0 b Or Iq, { f' O TOWN OF VAIL O f 17 11 , tNSpECTtONCARD PERMtrNo. I /v _- (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SrrE) CONTRACTORS NAME Lrc. No. Owner: General Contractor: Excavator: Foundati Plumber: Electrician: Mechanical: Framer: Insu lator: Dry Wall:. Painter: Roofer: CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS Excavation Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Uti lities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping Rough Framing ln su lation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) {Final Building THE ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR TNSPECTTONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 235 0R 247 24 Hours In Advance Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED * -INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST.' VAIL DATE /-26 - e z-JoB NAME lregga G READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:r,,tor.r 6F) weo rHUR FRI ?,ao rrteu BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr o tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H, TUB { frsrproe no bcep /rrrunl T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr.'/ n riuar-N FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffi,,,", DATE /46- tu-INSPECTOR.'. -l MORGAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY General Contractors Proposed Development June 3, 1980 GRFA Increased Units VALLEY PHASE II A & B 7 A Units @ 12 B Units @ 5 C Units @ 2 D Units @ 9,289 sq. ft. 13, 524 6,960 3,135 I 32,909 1327 sq. 1127 sq. 1392 sq. 1568 sq. ft. u ft. ft. ft. Al I square footage rePresented Haximum allowable GRFA square is 33,714 sq. ft. Decrease in square footage of Decrease of 2 units Oecrease of 5 Parking sPaces. is calculated bY footage aPProved 805 sq. ft. GRFA requirenents. by the CountY [,.,:.1 Ci:'rr.,: f]Cr:< ?)10 ', \.,:,r, C,ri . ':8ii ,' t (:'il-;'l) ','it-1"\' 1' a..;2 I.I) :t.jc .l'. " "") -L L ' t :.' ;ot"i6tt"-pniffips, gagle.County Fee $2! 'CP..1tJ.'CrUJ Joo,: -1O.1 Recorder: : \'-\ t )': =H5 c,: )-i a F HiFiE;f; '$ TEF[:Af,liT FEEg E. liEEtri" 3o o oe og: iE3ifi_Efit ttrifE fr iE *lg;lEilE r**s l* s;s' snd s'c isn'ni ilE lrgsF;rr;ii f[;n E ; [; l;itrtnE gli4 l1 [[F [ii [E Fiii€i nH rii:Hslfllll iiFH E E " Fi iiirlyJ* ilfli F r: :'q Ei IEHEI ; ;;:{-;Fi[B; [:-3F i , E ii l*iintl li* [r ;; Ei[ rr lEuirt l itrlhiirti 'llffi i = E-i ;rt,rrrs e*F; *r i,E ft ti lil5: a qgg;aieirii Eiii E ; ri ergeee?r '*sr g[ ff Hi E$ rHil[i I'lifi?liiBl icffi'i ii}iElifl Fii ;i i[ -t*: :$ri! fl rffi;erff1 ffifl: r:l+6*li; F'' l; :H g'' F' < o' {l * " 5'1g9- FC. C-{ a- i'.. <io> rt3H, I il.) N{ H\o L'I -J,)o(no Po€;N()=.o.tro50 .: lr oooH stt |u |.u Fl id pldn 5r+rFr 3l I j i / 5=r-t o . o.0, p! !, o Ar o.Fc ts'o o o a a v,ooar Ho o o F o don O Fl \J l-l l-1. l'tgo?f=r tr<tl o. P.0r o H H 0Q H O HO 5(, ctH O H rt-. rc 0q oru ttn H.< H fi n,f 5 F-{ r-{ FtH.O H D < OJ r-- r, 0) ctOcd ct P.Ed H(/, P. FI CJfi5!tFloa oCrrOrt'rt 5C)goHO,oo:'o0r{5HP. gl t-lrtct I3rH(r o s P F-r r\'CO I N 95 u, O @oo'Orttro Fr. g)50(D30.'dDfi(,ltt 50FOHP.B O5oF,0q o<Jo Hl.poo Fh t-l o oo <oc0r o HF-r !'ofi oocS l-HFh5 rt $o55'r-t< o{P.otrH.oH = 'o5 F'.p-P' Pr. 0tP.Oi3oftt-{(',po (/: o.rr tso H35(/,o.?iu,.C I' l-t O sr FJ prt fi 3 Fr fi o p.-O< S g) 3 Fl H !t P. H l't 3 Fd 7 0. 5 ts.zf F qCrA ) Cg'oa0l!r'ori o.55oo gtcqcoJ- 50t! !) Fl P.O cf A, Ar O o ct o. o"o0lhrd_. ud4 n9 rt'cro o n oFlool> o 5 5EJOO.E| F'.O(/)O.Ftor{Qoql! ot/J - o F <o o5o<o r-cllu F $ oHJ t.Pts.rtH5OHF Frlig A) ro(/l E r-l H 5 rr sr 5 :j.0r }..Ft H.oolo rt5 p.<0)o P. OtDct(/lO-!r h' l< 0)0rHq|r0r)t-l ocrHtlo- atP !r.lP fitn7(/.q.fi ogdop- rt Flu, cr.!ilr{ H.o o o .i go.o (,, r,. Fl:tDI_ q (r,tr,o H.J0r{oprooPlo pr$<HO- d5 oH.JoI _.ts|''l (/).r!JHH d coqortS'rr3's I PPHo r-l (D P'- fi p. !l€EllrlQ !|rf-HP. ts Ft<P.6t'HO olo O OO <0a O. o.dc |J.5 ilr,-rc lz Fh51< |'u :to p.cb rroa!(',AAalq oo p'fhrtft 5rtnp.- o!tA.Fr glH Fr- e)A:Ooo 0q Co obr _ -f'! Jlio Fl oo r-t F,l oSB('|FloH€K(,,lq o$Jo og Oo. gr o r-.H. rtle) o.(, o. rt Fnts. H ci o ort. tr FrlFl o<=. I o .og!c/3. P6lu rr O-3. odo F-r-|0r \tC C orr OIO Oots. tn Q. !t F..o ltaD i)a Y. rtlz u,P$qO fi3o0rrtl'.do F-ol. H.or.54..o O r,.O io i'- oo p-JrJ 5FrEq.5 0 trfioo9)portq'lF{ .P:3 O0:F OP' t-o O.f'tr', lP tll o'vl r: r-l u, o rt p- g) < rJof)Oli.z Xo 7.D H O rt Fa- dq)P P'Ftl(n :f tr-o, O tr.Y rtOH F.Oq" P' P Oo r-l O r. Fo rJu)ri O cri.Eq FnUt ct Or gtYO. !1. rr H.p € o< o {FJFO-P7t|u.? ct tql 5 '.UFt Ft rt F.+Ei-<HoQ.o d g, o p'H.tr, OO ngi iri-,. 9F_q ,o$p(noo rt5 rtHCq O5(,96 !'_!q-oo.H l-,H.o r-: x- r-lH. OCJryOr. .qt OuttrU.o!-t._H HQPFr{hfH p ii - lroH'!-po. oi lF{oe boFds'F.€o0rl1. ntr<Qr. Fr9\ Ho'Fnrorr H.tr OeArO an A dH<irp.i!'Q50c 3t-i >lt'. -Vfiqd'f-b'Efre 5'E'8ilE"q$EfrRf$sX!qH'Fl l".Y3ocrf >r- - o<F,. hns E ry.nq0, \ 0rnio'oZfo 3 5^ <o ? .r'-'-r,.r-,. O lj'>o O A'- oJ, zE', I \5i 'jft t13<t*-l\.H. _i 1^ z?- H. \ __-----+--.- ^.6i B/__j '" *=.1 r t'f f rt'd € titar N' o H.ar !i l.t l-t $ Po'D o < o o P.oa H5. t-l O r-l 'tt ff FJ P.o.o o o P.O Fr 5r CrFiOol- €gq!J HC I Ooa €P.ts. Q. C)Frd' u)gc H rt o P.oc 9rx (to Fo (l)o'fi >C O0rOQ.u.U) I t-r. rt Ft (tF 1,. o F PSpr Hc< 5 rr O O,O O.O nH. P.€ H- o ts.tnOa/JJ 5 rU- OOP.hho0q Ft ca'o P. Fl (', o D (r3r)(D F.3 c.oO P.O O P. O.H. frtta,i.J rnF| I|3 tn a l,, 5. F,. t::rcri!r0roJ0!oDn rt P.5 n !, (n P'oa.o c q.< :'n o P< o oY o 5 (DrOrrCn('B cr3 r-.,. o C FU cr B aio 5 r) r) (') Hgr o oPge rt trr AJ |,.gq dct P. 4)rt:J'0roo"oc oFnr-t 5 0r o Fh Q.or K ta 5L.rO 6 Ft 0r F/.dF o4 !oc)Osrtsf-Oo€5O(D ts ?rdHoF,3o'o oO ooPOtF!t<OFtp cr 5D O 0r Fh 0rr:o ts 1rH O.ry6F-|cfAr rtOH'o f O rt O 5-P P-rt5 O HrO|J.O O O 0)llrH.Hr-rOHrrc)J5 F iroo.ri cr 9'cr(/| a, o coooorrS 5!jFl Ft o.E,rr 53 €:t9.C O<YH.!r o o o 0tFtrroorrd11Olto !i 5 tD r, 0. Fhtp) tsoo.:r o.(ncrOO. tr.O :t.t d9(D rt0ro(t HY 't 0) ct ts.o Fh 0)orlonY rto rt o ilo rn Ft lrt lo or U, ct Fl tr rt P. g, tr D!f)o rt rto loj o lHots. 0t(,t i'l lrt eoSl- qH o.Flrtot5 "f'!rlo ,13 Pl (/) Xl ctlrtF{Col o Ol rt ct I t-'. {13P.l o.ls,oE i'l h!oh Ar lO '13 l.t lo P. PJF| rt o Hl !0tl io io B oo 9lHo (t 9' F\r r'a 4:ii , J, "' I'i 'J!..: ,. ,.'':,.^r .v i) qr l-, 6',€.v l o ,u!]Y = ,o.!t 'ln:'gli.o.t/, 0, !tF r-t (D rtoctGa r:. O tO7 7a oo dFJ p. t-{ H.'OrrO.H FH5rT o- O-o 4'c DFtoocH p.Hf? O FJ Fnn Ft!]. il r: $ o gto H.r: O OO0t rt O: =t-t ..5 t1vt =J. O crrro t' H.>o ic" .ga "O P l'ibC ..Co o -. 01 0I r-tnfro..d.-tr€Nt =n= '7'.@iI o=oo,9, $t'l € ..O rt ri iro(,]3 0 ht-:C l'C (,)O - r-; .._ -1 0r tird o t'!:,.r! ts. crTO .. O r-,. ot.Ft Fl (r.6.o .. o(niJntUr]J iJOOOj :Fl11Oc'O AtOH ..Oh oFnHO O ..tH FtFhO a-r rt' '!'7 >=ul G ur.O ... O FJ Fo.P.O . O ;::, 3o. do ...o id Fl: c -.. . FlH O 0r', tT r., . , t-tH qr o.f :, .,uP q. rr :;O0ra1,rt tdj F.,,4 ,Al!: o J 3 v€oHtstsFl !J50e zF:cdtJ 3o ts.drtOlO vl Ft B F3O OOFiOHF= ts.rtrt (0q. IF vr]J 4ogH> $:'.FloO ti,iuo r-d D FtoH3ooFltortvH ctoo. rtO0rrt\t ;f3oOC { P N ts t.tFhF'O{{+.o\q,rttr | -ou.fi o H or 6 0 {tr t€ | (, o o o tso.tso o o o o .F.lto U|<ooH lF|lo t: t: l"rol "loi or o1 oi 1cfl ol ol rl 3l P.'5xl no o oo 0,clo Io fv O o nrcou$9rtr-(/'ooOH3F{rrH o F-l gr 0J rTrto-oo !JP.tnoo5 HOH FtlH'ct o ano G '-i (,: H.0'o o r_h c? o g <oH!rDr;j. F,l. CD oHct P.g oo o> Ftl cT ri<3.ctoP.HF..o P)oFl ocrofiart 'dFt. oca Ftcr?oP.coo5 fiOOHI A tno\-, v o|.u o|'ornt o=0r 50rrt(,! d('to P'ooga NH O..o.. Fgr(Ao-Flrl d7ol o0lOgl ct5ct 'dfi tttP-€ gr oGl O tn l-tCn ortOrt P'c P. <ooo . J rtOoo Fn HIrg Ct!'rt tgr:i oUiOo5po<o H l-{ { ri.rt!' v, Fo H.90-o.o (',ooFhtrt rt)-.o (t,ts.F0.oo!tU!O Flfi oo E€ ln HeglFl;lelElg l-['i[il,*l*|H; rtffii;iHHl Trf,BHrltFlElHlBltp.t: s Ft't"l5lilql6. :? H *; E illHlHlf,lF "; a.n - ".EJ{lo'*''Bo"'FBseBJt*lgll< H ., f; .' .' 9' l[ifrlrl^o :r 1-,.f lr Fh r riqb lg a: Een lH 3lsll,BE.rE$$B.6lilei3lE HE s:: l[:l"BEFlHgE.ES?""si']ll"l"I i, p: 6 r:.o 5 pfololqlFjt 5-i"n 3 t< rtlHHrcl iri o ul ;o .f -f glgjF * 8'E F E[ 1"1 "ig3-sEl"lglHd fi' il' P. B' i elg ''1fl e I' lE. <q;rtrrfoOrJ.fr ,113aqagrf l- t'' f rlr q?q NO P'0r !r€ u' rl !IrtdE 3Ori:ilEiif sEEci:E 5s[68eE1:'";HIg A;r€€'r;f,lS.,H !.p$ F F--A[FE' rE.A E':5Fo r" i-ni _ i p cronn!2. rEFi[:[Br rii lnalt- *'ttslilEfr ir[' EF$;iltg-e rp e; o -5 B.;i-;. A' _ f i:[titT;I F;H.." .s,sr,r r Ft:rF ;i!fr I rr,o .i:I : :ilt'a t' LtlH " : _eT'".-,tB E oB p, EIE3 98,, l.*"1€ - i'9gFPillF *li-i ln ess3-=r5tB fFo-io913 HriiE;IEg[!FslE gHH3;:lF f;isllFlfi =l!l1r;la H;iBE:r:l[g;f,E s;;i;:lg;i";g*ijlE Ft'[q5'ilu *ilefifrFvr' <iflE tr1l; x.s g'gtF a 5'€'r -B !'-' iq i [g'g r: " t Rslq fi +if! ]i;fii;;;; Ii;ir;* srntxl:if,ni:;lE s;;rE:r f;Eg€[:H B:9I$s3, +'silEE:l-.st:;lE EBaHHtR,! afi rrr[s: iE;iHie [g;gH[tfi[?iil; *FHEg[:i rtnsE_a[ :;:*"*ip aH'rAE:]gfr#EXl; gslirp"H'.a o o Fg ?Tfi: &q; n sHr,[]5H t* i FEIE ;;; B'€ "-sH* E i[; [g 6l! U'.,'e.- -.6 E H r.o ro "'',4 o Fslz ri'r '' n e'. t-, i 3 '"€ b, 'aq r * q r B;pi g;n lrEJ:8lE ;':it 3:€Ei;Hg;3i Ili;nIg ;[=!;Iii ;iiqi;sl:a ifiFs;EI-hr-onr, -boo _[ :ugTFI 5'EEEEii fiFeg*gi"EHfXB*t' HF'EAEi' -1 '.nrrbTi ''tii5inrop' !FnHry'.<=tb -.b*FJlii H"'r'q I' [iF.'qB5'F E$tcEQqg'-gl;; ;'F' E'B'&.q8.5' i98gI[8lFB-F[d Ea;IE-' ]*i;9il;F lssi:lF txqIiifF;,:alls :rq];rsBE;p:;q1s Hul+lf, 18iIE:H;Efit:fr4 H3[F[:; HE{!r rgH' iplf=g qf;BFgsgfl$fi.F3g"t F;i;Er, eF*_[a I # g f E H? ; L- [Ci;.;a .l -; r, *,o'h - tOOH|O fi tD rr uY '5 P.>l F'IP.ooFt0cffo!' >gtrtIA .1""1' ,. ,. )i. ''".., ;ifa.,F;fs,8iln$ ;';r'l{:ffi#j.i, ,"tW .at ''.. ':,-.. rz3ih-z ,.:.s .'Eg.fil E F,ii: fi, i;'i;iifJit! 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E E EEE F 11" F H f8E: " EgZ l[ EF ;iri , :#iFNffi *I-TFE EF la [,rr fFflril\:re IflNxg ,;,, iT":|;', ',i['ul ;, ffi{$E-E [Ni 1, ,,1 , iEie HI Hi qfr i rrl|t:: 'l ' oro gl Rr I E rf I o' o n rE rt tr' t't!C) E4R ;a k o<a '< t"-' oo{n9TOP.gooo;'o Fnrtoocr:to 'rpo H(,JP=f 0) H Pftl Ftl I Ftto t5,- a i1)o 31631 '',r,'318'731| 3ii,?.el,r:lHi'" rrll O '.. r'i rsT R AT lO N f rt 241 irJ l:,' A L 5:lEL r-ER gr-a :19 2 AS5:5?Ri.::02 c' r nlljc lNi:I{ji ciror'l Ert ?16 or 229 CL..RK & iiCC::DER E't 217 COUNTY AT TO R T'.JE Y Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONI.IENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext ?55 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle Ext 252 vair 476-5844 PLANNING Ext ?26 o( 229 PURCHA5ING/ PER50N.NEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHER IFF Eaole Ext 2l I aziall 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l 50c tAL SERV lcEs 328-6328 3 itne 1980 !.lorgan Consttuct ion Conpang J im !'lotgan P. O- Box 2270 Vai7, CoTotado 81657 .,Re : ;':lei c":€t t to the Frel ininarg PUD The l'ai 7eg II t:e have reviewed Vout proposed adjustrilents to The Va77eq Phase II (su-6-7g-P) wnicn incLiaeZ; (1) a t:eduction in number of units from 28to26;(2)theadditionofasr'tir'mingpooT;(3)ash.i-f.tingofthe parking lot (4) " ^i'o' telocation of CweTTing units'' (5) a change in the unit mjx. (teu-Znlrctu'") ' we f intl these ptoposed changes to constitute a minot charge to the PD ana herebg apptove this adninisttative change conditionaT upon submittal of finaT site pTan' If gou have ang questions ' pTease contact this office ' of PLanning ./'./L //4".'y'/ K .'.7"-V I'/"4t'('() rettilt xnig\{. Director of PTanning TREASURER Ext 201 ?-.---.=^- Thomas Boni essistant Director rB/kp iL COUNTY Devel ooment x 179 , coLoRADO 81631 303/328-73t I ,O OF COUNTYv SSIONER5 !41 TMINISTRATION tt 241 March 20, .|980 James Morgan Morgan Construction Co. P. 0. Box 2210 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: I apologize for not attending our pre-arranged meeting. In reviewing your proposed changes to Phase II of The Valley P.D., the Planning Department considers those to be of minor character and request that you submitfinal revised drawings show'ing these changes for our review. }Je are in general agreement with the concept you presented. Our records show that the original approval was for 28 units and 33,7'14 sq. ft. It is also our understanding that your drawings will show the deletion of two units and an increase in the qross floor area of between 200 - 300 sq. ft. Please submit parking plan including disposition of spaces within structure. Respectfully yours, i4.-'--''- 4' E -"" Thomas A. Boni Asst. Director of Planning TAB/ncm ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSE550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECTI O N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG IN EE R Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HASI NG / PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE ExI 257 5HERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Baialr 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 sOCIAL 5ERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 l{:::'!Y- i llSacrllO 'f^d fi,. C\tgrdrn0 btv,',r"\"0 ^?$ lnttn u .75 3outh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7000 February ll, '1985 olllce of communlly development Peter Feistmann P.0. 8ox 2438 Vail, Colorado 81558 Re: Phase II, The Va1ley Dear Peter, I am writjng to confirm the information that I gave you over the phone ::::::!l:s.ln::: il"l::""l.:: l?' x'l l'{"lk:*1.lllt-DqelEst.,%s(arJ,:CAccording to our records, Phase II, A is approximatel5r Phase IIA and B was oriqinall-y approved for 28 units hiPhase IIA and B was origina'l1y approved for 28 units having 33,714 squarefeet of GRFA. Th'is information is listed in a letter dated March 10, 1980. In a document dated February 19, 1981 , "Proposed Zoning for West Vail Annexation Area," Phase II, Tracts A and B was approved for 26 units with an allowed GRFA of 32,909 square feet. The Vai'l Conrnunity Development Department considers these figures to be the accepted development statisticsfor Phase II. Our records do not show a breakdown of units for Tracts A and B which make up Phase II. Town of Vai'l records a'l so show that 6 units have been constructed on Phase II and are presently called "Grouse G'len." Six foundations also exist on Phase II. The Valley was developed as a Planned Unit Development that used Residentia'l Cluster zoning as a guide. The intention of this project was to develop multi-fami'ly dwellings using a c'lustered site plan approach. In general , the subdividing of an individual phase of a planned unit development is not encouraged. In answer toyourquestion of whether.or not it would be possible to subdivide Phase II, Tract A into two prinary/secondary'lots, the planning staff would like to see a more detailed site pl an in order to determine if this wou'ld be appropriate. The staff would be concerned that the project constructed on Phase II, Tract A wou'l d be compatib'le with the remaining portion of Phase II, Tract B'located across the road. The idea of a pl anned unit development is that the project should work as a who'le and a'lso ref'lect a continuity in the architecture and site planning found anong al I the phases of the project. The staff does not encourage the subdividing of individual phases. 'Peter Feistmann February ll, 1985 Page Two However. qiven the fact that Phase II, Tract A is across the road from Phase li,'Tract B, there may be a possibility that it cou'ld be developed separaieiy. In the report dated April 18, 1979 addressed to Jeff Burleson coircerninq the drainage on Phase II of The Valley' it is evident that some tyDe of.drainage system would have to be constructed on Tract A. At thii'time it is imPossjb'le to determine what kind of drainage work would be needed for Tract A wjthout a detailed site plan. The most important point is that drainage work would probably have to be comP'leted' ani ii wouia need to function in a compatible way with Tract B across the sireet. Planning and Environmental Corunission approvals wou'ld a'l so be necessary if it wEre determined that it wou'ld be a feasible idea to develop Tract A seParatelY. I hooe this information wi'l'l be helpfu'l to you. unfortunately, our fitei ao not provide detailed p1 ans that could answer a1 'l your questions at this tine.' If you have further questions, please give me a call. Sincerely,. .l: 1 ,'-' L',, t''l-,ir '. -- Kristan Pritz Town P'lanner KP: br J0RGEltSElt A]ilt HEltDRtct(soil, HG. CO'VSUI T'NG ENG'NEEFS & ARCH'TECTS THFEE PABK CENTRAL, SUITE 625 . 1515 ARAPAHOE STBEET DENVER, COLORAOO 8o2O2 o (303) 571{100 TO: Eagle Co. Building Deot. Fa gle. Co - 81631 Date GENTLEMEN: We are sendlng E tracings, as follows: E herewith E under E specificatlons, separate cover, E prints, E shop drawlngs E photostats, E No Exceptions Taken tr Make Corrections Noted O Revise and Resubnit E Supersedes undations Val I e Lions Ridqe Devel . Vai'l . Colorado No. Coples Description Drawing No. Made By Latest Date 1 Report (above) Constructi on o o tr Please send copies Sub-Contractor to: E copies have been sent to: E Contractor E Owner E Suppller E Archltect tr OtherAs requlred SENT BY: tr o o E Blueprinter Engineers, Recetver's MaiI Messenger Messenger Very truly yours, ]ORGENSEN AND HENDRICKSON, INC. Consulting Engtneers By MYron Stein A. Buffer Creek Road (Eagle County Secondary Road VV-l) Traffic Ana'lYsis General Proposed development of "The Val 1ey" served by Upper Buffer Creek Road has prompted investigation of the impacts of traffic volumes generated by the proposed development. Traffjc data for this investi- gation was based upon criteria developed in "Eagle County Traffic Survey," revised 2/5/80, and "Inventory of Dwel'l ing Units in Eag'l e County' Colorado," 12/31 /79. Des'ign parameters and recormendations are based upon:I) "Roadway Design Manual", Co'lorado Department of H'ighways' January, .|980. 2) "A Po1 icy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways," American Association of State Highway 0fficials, .|965. 3) "Geometric Design Guide for Local Roads and Streets," American Association of State Highway Officials, November 7, 1970. 4) "Highway Engineering," Wright and Paquette, .l979, Wi'l ey & Sons. Present'ly, the Buffer Creek Road system consists of three princ'ipa1 roads and severa'l minor roads. Upper Buffer Creek Road whi ch serves "The Va11ey", Lions Ridge Road and Chanonix Lane are the principal roads and their relat'ionship is shown 'in Figure l. Current deve'lopment has caused numerous complaints from residents near the intersection of Buffer Creek Road and the north frontage road. These complaints center around excessive speed on Buffer Creek Road and pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic at this 'location. Approximately 30 units now occupy "The Valley" and the primary complaint from these residents has been the inabjlity of county snow removal operat'ions to keep more than one'lane open on Upper Buffer Creek Road during winter. Traffic The map in figure I shows Buffer Creek Road (VV-l), Chamonix Lane (VS-6), and Lion's Ridge Road (VA-7) and their relationships to one another. Buffer Creek Road intersects the north frontage road of I-70 about % mi'l e east of the West Vai'l interchange. Present subdivisions' proposed subdivisjons, and ex'i sting zoning make possible a prediction of the number of residential units that will be afforded access by each of the aforementioned road systems. This predict'ion does not attempt to take account of such factors as future'l and exchanges, future zoning changes or new road construction that may take p"l ace. Number of Residential Units Afforded Access Upper Creek Road .I67 units .|73 units 436 units P Lion's Ridge Road Buffer Creek Road @intersection wi th North Frontage Road Q wrs $rlryo Er Maay Qet)gaaprgly srffir- HAtflI Rno 4lFFER CREEK RUD SYSTEI4 FIWRE I o At the present time, residential developments of the type and density existing and proposed generate an average of 9 vehic;le trips (one-way) per day per unit. This figure was developed from the traffic survey referenced in Appendix 1. As the density of the area served by Buffer Creek Road and the Vail area as a who'l e increase, these trips per day may increase. The volatile fuel situation may also eventually decrease vehic'l e usage by the average driver so a figure of 9 trips per day is probably reasonable for the forseeable future. l. Upper Buffer Creek Road 0ne-hundred sixty seven (.|67) units served by Upper Buffer Creek Road will generate 1503 trips per day (ADT) with an expected design hourly volume (DHV) of about 12 percent or I80 vehicles per hour. The Colorado Highway Department suggest using 16 percent of the average daily traffic as an estimate of the des'ign hourly volume, however, 12 percent was the figure derived from the Eagle County Traffic Survey and will be used here. Using the Colorado Department of Highways Geometric Design Standards such a traffic volume would require the fo1 lowing roadway geometry. Geometric Design Type C Pavement type medium (3 to 5 inches of b'ituminous pavement) No. of lane 2 Lane width ll feet Shoulder w'idth 6 feet Design speed 40 to 60 mph maximum grade 11 percent R.0.W. width 60 feet m'inimum Maximum degree of curve 19.0 (30 mph) Minumum radius 300 feet The above referenced criteria wou1 d be the geometry that the road should be built to if it were to be constructed from scratch and carry the ADT of 1500 and DHV of '180. The present capacity of the Upper Buffer Creek Road may be calculated by determining the fol1ow'ing physical properties of the existing roadway. l. Possib'l e Capacity 2'000 vehicles per hour..t2. 0perating Capacity '1,500 vph (gS to 40 mph)'3. 80% restricted sight diStance 299 vph in mountainous terrain;z Lane width = I0 feet; 3% trucks G oeak hour.4. Lateral clearance to obstruction 209 vph 0 feet (no shoulders) 'l 'Optimum capacity seems to be at about 27 to 28 miles per hour,,'"Roadway Analysis," Kent Rose, 1980. -2- The capacity derived above (209 vehicles per hour) was predicated on a design speed of 40 miles per hour. Several of the curves on the existing roadway limit the advisable speed to around 15 mph which will decrease the capacity by l0 percent. The numerous access po'ints existing and proposed for the Upper Buffer Creek Road will also adversely affect the capacity because these accesses will not allow uninterrupted flow of traffic. Uninterupted flow of traffic is the basic premise upon which al'l values for capacity were developed and the quantitative effects of violation of this basic assumption are not easily discern- able but it can only decrease the capacity of a given roadway. The present capacity of the Upper Buffer Creek Road is probably somewhat less than .|80 vehicles per hour. The fol'low'ing are recormended improvements to the Upper Buffer Creek Road. I. Increase shoulder widths to not less than 4 feet and preferably 6 feet on each side of present roadwa-y. This would bring the roadway up to present local road standards and wi'l 1 provide ample capacity for development both in the short and the longterm. Increasing the shoulder width wi'l I also prolong the economic life of the bituminous pavement by providing adequate lateral support for the pavement edge and by providing snow storage for snowplow operations wh'i ch presently severely re-strict the roadway width in the winter.2. Provide signing, meeting the requirements of the Manuel of Unifonn Traffic Control Devices, to rall curves whose rad'iusis less than 300 feet, stating the advisable speed limit and curve warning.3. Provide an overlay of the bituminous paved surface of the existing roadway. A l" hot asphalt over'lay or a 3/4 inch chip seal would be adequate. 2. Lower Buffer Creek Road Lower Buffer Creek Road, south of the intersection of Lion's Ridge Road, will provide access to 173 units from hion's Ridge, 167 units from "The Valley," and 96 units from Chamonix Lane for a total of 436 units. The average daily traffic (ADT) below the intersection of Upper Buffer Creek Road and Lion's Ridge Road is projected to be: 340 units 0 9 trips/day/unit = 3060 vehicles/day Design Hourly Volume = 3060 x'12 percent = 367 vehicles/hour Using the Geometric Design Standards of the Colorado Highway Department and the following parameters; DHV = 367 Passing Sight Distance = B0% restricted Average Grade = 5% or Greater Percentage of Trucks = 3% -3- suggest the geometry of the roadway should be: number of lanes - 2 lane width = 12 feet shoulderwidth =$ feet This geometry closely resembles the Eagle County classification of collector road. 3. Intersection of North Frontage Road and Buffer Creek Road The intersection of Buffer Creek Road and the north frontage road of I-70 will receive the fo'l 'l owing traffice volumes from Buffer Creek Road. 436 units G 9 trips/day/unit = 3924 vehicles/day DHV = 3924 x 12 percent = 47'l vehicles per hour No data is available from Eagle County concerning the present average daily traffic or hourly volumes present at the subject intersection. It is estimated that present peak hourly volumes range from 30 to 50 vehicles per hour at peak hour periods which are probably 7:30 to 9:30 am and 4:00 to 5:30 pm. The fo1'lowing is the criteria used by the Colorado Highway Department to determine when right or 'l eft turning lanes and acceler- ation/deceleration lanes should be incorporated into an intersection desi gn. "Speed change lanes for right turning movements are required according to the following:" Posted Speed of Highway in MPll If the DHV of 25 30 to 40 45 to 50 55 For a: the highway 500 400 200 100 two .lanewill exceed: hiqhwa.y the total DVH of the access 50 40 20 l0 two lane approach will highway exceed _ The intersection requ'i res the following modifications in orderto mitigate the effects of present traffic and future developrnent. l. Addition of a left turn lane from eastbound north frontaqe road to Buffer Creek Road; 2. Addition of right turn/deceleration lane from westbound frontage road to Buffer Creek Road; -4- 3. Addition of right turn lane from Buffer Creek Road to westbound fiontage road. Geometry for these intersection modifications should comply with Colorado Highway Department design standards. RECOMMENDATIONS Upper Buffer Creek Road l. Before further development commences, Upper Buffer Creek Road should be widened by the addition of 6-foot graveled shoul ders. 2. The existing pavement surface shou'ld be overlayed by I 'inch of hot asphalt, preferably. 3. These improvements should be funded entire'ly by the developers requesting approval of new subdivjsions, on a proportionate share basis. Public funds should not be committed. 4. Signing should be applied at all curves with a design speed of less than 30 miles per hour. 5. Stop s'igns should be installed on Buffer Creek Road at the Lions Ridge Road and Chamonix Lane intersections to control speed on the Lower Buffer Creek Road. Lower Buffer Creek Road l. Lower Buffer Creek Road should be classified as a collector road and brought up to collector standards before develop- ment along Lions Ridge Road begins. These standards should be '12-foot paved lanes with 8-foot shoulders at a minimum. 2. Pedestrian safety measures such as the addition of curbs and sidewalks along with school bus turnouts shou'ld be installed from the Chamonix Lane intersection to the intersection with the north frontaqe road. Intersection of Buffer Creek Road and North Frontage Road l. The following channelization at the intersection should be installed. a. Add left turn lane from eastbound frontage road to Buffer Creek Road. -5- b. Add right turn/deceleration lane from westbound frontage road to Buffer Creek Road. c. Add right turn lane from Buffer Creek Road to north frontage road. -6- .EAGI.E'COUNTY Engineer DePartment P. 0. Box 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81ffiT TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtSSloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SE550 R Ext 2O2 April 8, l9B0 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECOROER Exl217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTE N 5IO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl. 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaq le Ext 2l I Baialr 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75I SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Richard A. Todd P. 0. Box .1753 Vajl, Colorado 8.|657 Subject: Selby Subdivision - Eagle County Dear 14r. Todd: This letter is in reply to your letter to Tom Boni dated l'larch 28, 1980. I wjll attempt to relate to you the rationale and intent of some of the items in the subdivision regulations of Eagle County as they apply to the Selby Subdivision. First, concerning ut'i lity stub outs, let me say that Eagle County and the engineering department in particular has had considerable experience urith road cuts, i.e., cuts within public right-of-way, and all the experience has been bad. Utility taps that must be made by crossing into the right-of-way but not crossing roadways have been nearlyasmuch trouble as utjlity taps that actually cut the roadway surface. Transverse cuts of dra'inage ditches invariably disrupt drainage and cause ponding or at times' tunneling, by diverting roadvJay drainage to an unanticipated course. Cut and fil'l s'lopes along the roadvray have also been adversely affected by transverse cuts and in some cases slope instability has resulted. I will be more than happy to take you on a tour of road cuts in the Va'il area which would graphically illustrate the public concern. l'le would very much like to see all uti'l ities stubbed out at least to property lines and eliminate unnecessary work and problems in the public right-of-wa-v. Concerning the intersection detail you have been requested to provide on lour drawings, please refer to figures l(a) and l(b) enclosed. This figure shows a vehicle similar to a school bus or trash truck negotiat'ing an intersect'ion with a lS-foot radius. The bus either must use all the opposite roadway to make his turn, creating a hazardous situation, or use the shoulder of the intersection causing pavement breakage as it leaves and returns to the pavement. The single unit (SU) des'ign vehicle (school bus or trash truck) will undoubtedly frequently use the intersection in the Se1 by Subd'i vision and should control jntersection design. I I R \9 I]GURE I &L -J- Listed below are design guidelines that should aid in the design of intersections for the types of roadways encountered. l. "Geometric Design Guide for Local Roads and Streets", American Association of State Highvray 0fficials' llovember, 1970. 2. "Roaduray Design l{anual", Colorado Department of Highways, January, .l980. Quot'ing from reference l{o. l: "At street intersect'ions in residential areas and elsewhere where there are heavy pedestrian movements the mjnimum radius of curb return where curbs are used, or the outside edge of pavement where curbs are not used, should be 15 feet. Desireabl a minimum radius of 30 feet should be used." The Colorado Department of 50 feet shall be used and ]s r,reTfTTlustrated in fiqure A copy of my evaluation of In that report I did not attemptsibilities. That decision is up Eagle County. If you have any to discuss it w'ith you. Highways states that a minimum radius reason for both of these recornmendations the Upper Buffer Creek Road is enclosed. to delineate each developer's respon- to the Board of County Commissionet"s of questions on that report, I will be happy of the 1t. The pavement structure informatjon submitted by Mr. Rose is adequate for the short cul-de-sac road that is proposed for the Selby Suvdjvisjon. However, I much prefer a rational design process such as those based on Hveem testing procedures and which incorporate axle loads and structural strength of materials into the design process. If you plan to do future work on roadways in the County other than short cirt-Oe-sacs, please be informed that the type of analysis presented for the Selby Subdivision will probably not be acceptable. The reference made to Seelye's Data Book for CjY'i I Fngineers - Design' which indicates an acceptable vertical grade of 1/2 \0-5) percent is reasonable, although drainage ditches will not flovr water at this gradient without constant maintenance. Please revise your road profile drawings to show this. Presently the grade at center ljne between station 3+00 and 8+00 js 0.05 percent which according to your reference is inadequate. The subdjvision regulations state that roadway structure "...shall be designed by a registered soil engineer to withstand the loads_ anticipated on the iubgrade matirial present." I contacted Hans Froesche of Chen and Associates in Glenwood Springs and discussed the proposed roadway in relation to the soil work performed by his firm and to the soils present on the site. As stated herejnbefore, the information presented by Mr. Rose 'i s adequate for the roadway froln station 0+00 to B+00. However, if it is your intention to continue a private drive from the cul-de-sac at -4- station 8+{Xl on to provide access to other lots, please be informed that the soils vnrk provided by Chen and Associates must be supplemented by further investigations before approval will be recormended to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Conunissioners of Eagle County makes a'll decisions relative to the subdivision process, so p'leaie bear that in m:iiTwhen review'ing these recormendations. o Yours truly, i///hD€.0fr"if ile'lton E. Atwe'll Eagle County Engineer !.'lEA/ncm Encl osures xc: Tom Boni Board of County Kent Rose Cornmi ssioners /./) EAGLE ]NTV fimterofff,ee mncmn@ramdumn To: Memorandum to the File Subiects Parking Space Count From: Tom Boni File No.: Valley Phase II Dater February I, I98O Units available in parking structure for phase If. Upper Level 5 spaces Existing Mid Level 10 spaces 44 on p-p. 136 otr drawinss and in building. 7O spaces required for 28 units. 11 spaces (additional) will be required which were not included in the plans Cunninqham. cc: Jim Cunningham Ron Lustig to be provided subrni tted by . lp' {I l- rts- -r'.t e 0a1tY,{ tt+r.1--' ,dJ 62arrse G/e (D o)u,(3 L' o) c)c)tnc,E uJ (t =coU'O ^oH{i;J^oq() H3an Z.6Gut c-EU,-8U'AEBH&'zJ6(,fr.\ z lrj 6-Zz u.l8? 9zUE5frntZ69;c{2co uJ oo ccooJ uJ April iB,'1979 Chi lilress Livaudais 1523 1/2 9th Street g3n1,gp, C0 BA?02 hTlll: tlr. Jeff Burleson RE: Drainage - The Va]ley (Phase-2) Lions [idge DeveloPneni' Vail Gentl ernen: As per Your iequest we have above referenced subiect so at this even'ings meeiing of Cor:inission. done sorne addi-uiona'l research inio the that t'le might better address the subiect the Eagle County Pianning and Zoning 93 =(oF-JX)ot'ctzBd 0n ihis daie I rnade a site inspect'i on of the.prope'cty and lne'l ttiih iii"-b"v"toprr, l,lr. .lim Cunninghain on site 1nd d'iscussed sona irro- posed inprovemenis, I have altached thi ee sketches of arcas of concern r'rithin th-' i"t'.jJrtrn.nt. 0n the i'irst shaet i have identificd 'ihe areas by ;il;;; ;iihin triangular shaped figures ai'id '."jili discuss th:rn inciividuallY as fol lows :o. rirea I There is present1y in.p'!ace 'incler.Lions Ridge t-oop loui^1 pipe-arch ;;i;;ri: 'ii,i up-proiiiniiu dirrensions are 4t" span -by 33". r'ise. This nine-.is more thair' ailequate 'co carry. the run-off lrhich njght be ex- ["li.o-ti-G ;;;;";i;,]-irom the :mill contyibuiine drain.rge area to iiri"iiri-tp"iilii.ifv-F[as: q). I t':ou]c recorcmend t-hat the e:<istins il;"-;;-.i-gct'.ect 'atren-inou "o'er allows 'io be sure that it is clean Itii-,rnaam"SeA. i ,lould fur"iher recor,im:nd that conci^eia lrea''! r';a'l ls u.-initoilio on both ends oi the pipe for end prot.:ciion. 4. :aa. I'ir. Je if Burl esan April i8, 1979 Page Ttio llhere this rirainagaway crosses the proposed 44 car parking iot I wou'ld reconnend ihe use of the same s'ize pipe under ihe parking area and aga'in rviih ends protected by head vralls. Since the <lrainaE:way will be dry niost of the iine its treatmenb asit crosses pedesirian ways is really up to ycurself. Either a tlooden footbridge ,;rith an open area of approxirnately 8 square feeL (height of 2 feet and r'iicth of 4 feet) or simply a slale crossing the pEd- estrian area vouid be adequate. 0n Sheel:2 atlached I have sketche,l ihe irbnve described improvelnents. Area 2 As opposed to Area 1, Area 2 has a fairly laiEe drainage area. Previous caicula;ions by our firn for this pi^ojeci indicaierJ an area of l25 acres and a peak est,irnaied discharge of 208 c.f.s. for a ICC-year stcri:l. Tha: e are, pi"esenily nc faci'lities for bringing that run-oi"f fi^om the llorth ic lhe Scuth:ii: of tlte Lions RidEe l-ortp Rcad- I recornr;lend ihai provisions for rrin-rrff coi'rLrcl b: irrsial led as shown on Sheei 3 aitached, which consists oF rock ljned channels and a pair of 12" culr.,eris ('rrith hea<!,ila1'l s) un,Jer^ the Licns P.idge l-ocp Road. Our prcposed chann,ol r,rou'ld fall ini;o a'l ignment';lith tha clra'inageways as shown on your plan arrd designated as snal'l reclangles end to end. l,l: wou'l d ,*63p1-,"errd that ihe rock '! ined channels be apprcx'imalely 4' in rriCth and 2' C*zp. A.gain your pedestrian wa'lks and'landscaping could span'uhe channels w,'th a sriall'ilooden fooi bridgre or again sirnply use sllajes ior fcr^d ci ossings since again tl:ase iraiitagarr;ays viill be dry except duri ng exiremely heavy run-oif. 0bviously drainageways should be kept as fa: a,'ray from buildings as is possibla and you have sho'tn ihat on your plans Area 3 Although Area 3 is not a part of Phase 2I did examine it today. There is presently a sma'|1 retention/sedimentrtion pond just above (East) of 'uhe Lions Ridge Loop Road. It has a 15" C.l,l.P. pipe over- flow and a low point which vrould act as an energency spillr'ray, both a I'lr. Jeff Burleson April lB,'1979 Phge Thrie on the iiorth end of the embankineni. Both empiy into a ditch bei.r.;een the road and ennbankment.' That ditch ends about 35' South at a pipe- arch culvert approximately 49" span by 33" rise. The othsr end'oi the cuivert empiies out into Buff:r' Creek. It rvou'ld appear that the previous draingage calculations did not take into consideration storage cjetent,ion in the sedimeniation basin. I theret-are feel lhat one additional pipe of the same size p'laced just above ihe existing pipe wcu'!d ad:quately handle the rnajor run-offperioCs. And again pipe end proteciion by use of headwalls is reccnmended. Aiso I noted to<lay some darnage in the lowar ten feei or so of tha exisiing pipe. This should be corrected. i niight also add that it is niy opjnion that any other clrainage liorth of tha Lions Ridge Loop Road is and'lill continue to be adequately handle,J by the borl^ow ditch on ihe llorth side of the road. I f you have any quesl-ions, pleas: contact me. l{, L: GFehamP.5.&1.S. Zoning Con:rnission liLG/ j 1w xc: Eegle County P'lanning and r' \. \ . ,{. "'\I r,uti-iiT,-' RtveRrrln;froxLs.u fueq1 I , *^' , ..; fHE VA LL€ VICINITY l\/AP Nntr*-q- , f,l"!S l..t' ' -- /''Ptt': -.. CrtR ...' ; -{D .. n.J: aM' \t l.\rn!t' ' l/\' i'//uIV' t \' '. I'.,. i ..f:li2/- l,tt€O (r/.2t//YdL -:" -7;J fd 1 I ti/ 4?l3// 7;€f,5 \ 2 'l /_\ \.. i i !\....- -r, . -.---.- ,l { -.2 2.. l/ ii!/€rtl?fry' t\ ol DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENTTOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-21fi Investigation-> will call-> AddSqFf 120 #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#of . plan Check_> S1S5. 0O DRB Fee_--> g5O. 00 Additional Fees--> SO. OO R€seation Fee--> S35.00 Total Pemrit Fee-> $459. 00 $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit->$0.00 Payments-> S459.00 TOTTAL FEES--> S45e . oo BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUII-,DIIIG DEPARTMSNT o7/27/2o0L GR:G Action: col[D still needs Planning approval -see Allison. O7/3O/2OO]- DF ACtiON: AP OK PER GARYIS E-MAIIJ Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARITIENI 3\\q s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0204 ]ob Address.: 5024 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Status.....: ISSLIED Location......: 5024 MAIN GORE DRIVE Applied...: 07/23/2001. Parcel No....: 209918209070 Issued ...: 07/30/200't ProjectNo...: {OSot -ozq )/ Expires...: 07/26/2002 owNER BRUGTONT, JIr-,r, VACEK O7/23/2OOL Phone: 5825 S GII.,PIN CT GREEN VII-,LAGE CO 80121 I_,icenge: colffRjAcTOR Halstead & Associates o7/23/2OOL Phone- 97o-475-6450 953 Lionsridge Loop Ste. 514 Vail, CO 8L657 L,icense z 664-9 APPI-,IcAIiflt Halstead & Assoc. 07 /23/2ooL Phone : 476-6450 953 Lrionsridge l-'oop, Suite 514 Vail , Co 81557 License: Desciption: Replace existing windows, add new window, replace siding. Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family TypeConstruction: V-1HR TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $13,300.00 Fireplace Informatioru Restsicd: Y wood Pelleh 0Fffi"ffi|dr{{* FEE SUMMAITY Bu dnlg-> $f85. O0 Restuarant Plan Review->SO - Oo Total Calculated Fees-> 9459 .00 $0. 00 s0 .00 PAGE2 Permit #: 801-0204 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL asoI07-3G200'1.Status: ISSUED PerrritType: ADD/ALTMFBTIILDPERMT Applied: 07/23/2007 Applicane Halstead&Assoc. Issued: 07/30/200747ffi50 ToExpire 01/26/2002 Job Address: 5024 MAIN C,ORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location: 5024 MAIN GORE DRIVE ParcelNo: 209918209070 Description: Replace existing windows, add new window, replace siding. Conditions: Cond:1.2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALI-S,CEIUNG'AND FLOORS TO BESEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORSARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMSAND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 'ozlEolzo? ao Action: AP ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPART!'EIU IICN: O55OO PI'BIJIC WORIG See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an acotate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforsr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATTJRE OFOWNER ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OVVNET *'t* ** **+ +t'1.'. + +* + **a**+t a"t**+** * 't*+** ****++* * **+*l' a*+ +**t * ++ * +* * + +** **f* * **f + ** * * * | * ** **+** a * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprirted on 07-30-200r et 16:13:16 0713012001 Statement +l tl** + *'| t+ *'3* * + +* * ***** * ** *'|a* *l*+t* + + t +* * t ++l *+t *+*+ ***+ **+ * tf,** * * * + * ** **l **t * * * + * * ** + * *** Statement Number: R00000114? Amount: $459.00 07 /30/2OO]-O4:11 PM Payment Method: Check fniE: LC Notation: #3893/galstead & Assoc Permit No! 801-0204 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2 099182 09010 Site Address: 5024 MAIN GORE DR SOT,TH VAIIJ I,ocation: 5024 MAIN GORE DRIVE Totaf Fee6: $459.00 This Pa)ment: $459.00 TotaL ALIJ Prnta: 9459.00 Balance: 50.00 ***f+****++*f**f*l**f+****t*,i**+++****+****f***+**+**f**t****f+****+** ******{.+****+*****+**'i ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Cunnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PTRMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES t^lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 185.00 s0.00 185. 00 36. 00 3.00 0riar dr- nor er 1o A. u'l Building Permit #: 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections) TOW\I0?VAIL 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Colora-do 81657 ConbLt Assesrcrc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # Zgq 162 OqO lO rob Name: h,of{Fr{ {\ou6g cortu o +_to tffi**^r{ €o4s p6rrrk-. rArr- Legal Description Lot: 1 Block: l Filing:subdivision: €+.R'tE- fu38 owners Name: t<4\J Fnb^l^\Address:W Phone: o7o +'7q .qbb1 Architec{Designer: fr{+Address: SOZA filft rN ffillPhone:4= 19 Engineer:r.(*Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:Ae-n+tr r,^noloou.t6 Ae,ffrooer_ 6trft1t + u< WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) nemodel (/ Repair(/ oemo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( /) Exterior ( / Both (VJ Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) tlo (XJ Type of Bldg.; Single-family ( ) Two{amily ( ) Multi-family (/ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: l(O No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino:7Jo ? No/TyDe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (4 lG No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (.F) Gas Loqs (fi Wood/Pellet (-.'T Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( /)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (tj COMPTETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ /0, 5O0 .ELECTRICAL: $ gOO. OO !OTHER: $ ^ PLUMBTNG: $ 1_ Og o.MECHANICAL: $rorAL: $ .J+.qe0'tl1 Zoo- REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: coNrRAcroR rNFoRMArroN cevta 7n q)b.ryzq General Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: Q1o-*-lto. Contractor Signature: JUL 2 3 2001 Tqv-coM.DEV. ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************* 'd.,4F :/everyonef orms/bldgperm Io c 4b TA 1( 5t lr, \o^o tl N\N\.\ {Y$I\N\ S*N.NNS NNNNR 'ffin@ "{o*l:::fu'{afit1;,7,')ut' l#,'^"igffi^, WWMh 57U I ---' o o D U n l o O tr a D [J a o o o o This Chsklist must be omoleted before a Buildino Permit aooliation is accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to Footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Appficanrs sisnature: - AIU/ffi Date of submittal: I0l'f'N Department of Community Development Project Namet \^t$€r"( \\ousfl c,odOo + t0 ProjectAddress: €t-f fnftrr.t 6o6€-Offrr,Ei5o4 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: ra o BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME if this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. ResidenUal and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:rtl$rKF $:rn-6-@ Project Name: Date: -l ' \-? ' Ot Print name Signature F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 TOWN0F WHEN A *PUBLIC WAy PERMIT" rS REQUTRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A*PUBLJC WAY PERMIT": B a D a D Is this a new residence? YES NO Does demolition work being performed require the us9 of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES- NO-l- Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO YES NO Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO NO Is any drainageJof"'nn done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? D n Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES Is the Right-of-Way, etsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO ./ If:nswer is NOjs a yrkine, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. 7ill[W,l,frl Job or Project Date Signed: Contractor Signature Name: V\DAFnt ttou6e_lt t0 F i I ev ery one I f orms I bldpenn4 Company Name TVWNOF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifi7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Workt office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Workt Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permif'. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have rcad and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldpeffn5 Date Signed Ip, &flV &D'sertt o-*'nffiK +tfr16(F@ cF*+ ^oV 4w AZQ \^t{tFT.i HoU6€=- ce^hDo f 1q 5Dz4 mnrrn\ e'o"Ag *ttF# znqq rtz oqo lo Arrto.ogu \^tDaK - ff4orrnr<, r ffioorq +Lstr K!-tL.ttrr-.\ A*W(€ c'ffOrolme o- counher4€ ftlo fntcAornhrr,'F ovbA a+"[e'a Ae/v*rg ureapr.n!6-- =.r.ei*6 4lb €rurD [Ac+att tc( cgrur(W. \CF M t\pof.LP-frCIrD. 6ft\w5 e) A=I,r*<s ff6T\f'(& h€lAc€ c+Orctrffi *- courttaA.'S i €i+m€ uocfiitanb. AEY v+<E 6{rov\H 6+1c.\ 4- \rSL\F6 , DosA . AdtAtE u6dfi\ntz- eueiltrre v *co cac(6 A<rcleULA\6: W\TnV 6'sne:A Affi€ vlgst(tit-N31 gerhr-fi+r- rr.t'rE:Y,ro$t V^Jf nloor"Va- A€ptfIF 4tr- I * Yr(n D\if pro€ I n-pt*<ra F\)-il/n;% rt*Aou6uouf unCtT I6ga+nA e6$cnrnl6- -r ?+\vbJAr\-r- A€-(u€'<,€ raesf\s , w ls+na , FU< -Tl^.n6TFO flActnre-znn+u &t{716 {- ffi\46 F4flrrnrnle" - Ea<TFnlO LoerFuoo4 AE'lPt ME AfcFT{ A.fttta&A ourt W <snhrpoeA . Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 I - 2149 (Inspections) TVWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, ColoraEo 81657 Contact Assessrc Ofrice at 97O-328-864O or visit www.for Parcel # Parcet# Zgqq 162 0q0 lO Job Nam'e:hSFr{ .tfor-69 conlU o +to tWrffir{ 6e6s p6rda-- ur&ru Legal Description Lot:1 Block: l Filing:Subdivision: *38 owners Nut"' BA\J Frru{.n Addressi@ Phone: q?o +7q .qbb1 Architect/Designer: {\fft Address: 5O7A ft\ft rc{ @lPhone: #- 1 g Engineer: fr.(*Address:Phone: iption of work: g,- t-ftfllDDu.[6'.Asnnoosr- 6PK++6 + u. Workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel(/ Repair(4 Oeno( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( /) Exterior ( / Borh QJ Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ttlo 0d Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multrfamily (4 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: lb No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino:7Jr 7 No/Type of Fireplaces Existins: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (4 lG Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliancas ($) Gas Loqs (+) Wood/Pellet (.&i Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( /)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (l COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: $ /0, 500 ELECTRTCAL: $ 600. OO !OTHER: $ ^PLUMBTNG: $ 1_ Oa o -MECHANICAL: $rorAl: s .1fu4s61i3 zoo- REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: coNrRAcroR rNFoRMArroN ca,t + en op6.av1 General Contractor: fn6rf\K t4ruffifc Town of tfai\Reg, ryo.:hb+h /Contact and Phone #'s: Q1o.*1b.bffio Contractor Sianature: ********-r******************^r**********r.FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************rr***** F:/everyone/f orms/btdgperm T'FF\o\D1o \ uvvvc u'- o lrr'qAr+rfr\,ffi CE-'v+ ^oV qdo AZq\a}4Fnl HoUS€- ce^hDo d= to 5oZ4 rnAr\nl e'eAs *tr€# znqI t6z oqo to Aenroper- htD6K - $$r"rrr,te , r Gofuoa(\+ucer 5rw-ttent Aa?vA:a€ c'ffotole:tb .l.- cou+refl€ firto fntcAornhrt6 ovbA ^ArV€A=(wr-s ur€4s1,{6- pt>ryreA€ 4Jb erorD [z) c+ot6 tn( c.stur (W. \cr M ttoo6{"/P-fr?D 6ffs'rc (a A=:.p**<s r><errrr& 4r€!\-+(€ c+6rtk +- counttaA.6; €r+rn€ uoc,nrrronb. Aept X<s 6uo\^H Oflretn\ +- r,r$L\ffi , DosA . A#.uA(E u€4tlrntZ- rr.rrrMffi + rfu c^of6 Atrrcl6ULA\6: wrtr{k e'e-rre*\ (Affi€ vt6sg,a-ffif 6enhaft+:- r.l-teKreA V"hdrpor.ta- A€Pt*:(€ 4{J,- A qr vrfi D\f A,ePufttg p\y{66n A-€L.. t\annrglA Aro€ In=pta<g F\)rril/AE -n+Aour6r*ouf uncrT I e6fim r"t6- -v- efrVnltr.'r- ^€.P\.#<E DerAS , wls+tna, F\r -fl^.n6Tto fifrcttr-<z-ruft= 6r$rn€ qr 6r"prrA6 FA0t/nrr{C' - Fa.TFdO uo€f Ft^oo^ A€ft ME AfftFn( Afiq6!6 o\tT6r6ffionhr-coe4. i j i i"t-t-i i i i I i i i i I i i-f - -l-, HALSTEAD & ASSOCIATES 963 Lionsridge Loop Suite 514 Vaif , Cof orado El6S7 US3(nq 476_f/J5O : -i I FEj ;ai,l )@1\lirl )01tq vQi ?@i ,Ri'ru]u-i '. s- INl +1o-l s-ix,.-l>ai\) .-l\-lRrl _+"iN1 I\\= \ si\ l$r"Na\\ i-( ? \j\\UJr\ a_-3tN iEt :$u ">*l.i r) :*y<-* hrE .N\\ \ N t\.! \a\ s $ \., Sr'\){{.:. :l\\) \, -{' \6\ \ 3J a,l :-s\qr \!\l_ ( br3\ s\ N\ \-,-. ,\,\I{ sr ,\ .til NN S -t/s\t.v r\\J s{ [E :\\.S ,N: NsX$- J" t ,-lt cvY-'F-i-tl OBoL-o4tr fnAAla {+ftue;@'e ce1.,,v+ 4o6 qW Aao \^D6BT.| LtoUS€- canhpo Cp 19 5oZ4 rnAdn\ €,€ffE- oAtr6# z-oqq ttz oqo l0 :ffi ^'D6K . n)e"s*<gEffi]$Hull, Fffi.mn$i f,Eiggig3ii ' ;;;;;";';.^vo ;;; .A agieiiiiii €crD [4 c+r.fa tn(\cE- ,rooF!/P-ro' \F$EiFEEg€;Iil ffiJ1)*ffiJffiSi&it{iffi 6FP I.F{E 6{lou.H 6nrct"\ a- lr+utffi , DosA . Ad\AtE ue*nntg- rurrrMffi v €npo cnx.f'i Asrcl6\Jr4\6: nrFn,ts e,E.rreA (Affi€ pr6sg,6tffi5 genl-aA+u tn116-9,1+A fr.hr'[por"te- A€ptffiF 4tr- 8 v f?'r(n D\lf 6,FP uft(E tt\V-iq€#, #r-. rt*rreA =Frco I n=pWca F\).5r/lr6 118,ou&+ouf unc;tf,laee*n e,6ffmrr.l&.r,eAvt^hur- ;f:&a-eu*<.g DoBAS , wls+tna. ;LFt>. -fl^ndTm fi4c.'ttr-azn'+u- 6u4rn6 <r Cn*@ Fl'srnrnla - FfiFrla Lo€r-Ft^oo-( l!o A^e$r A-r- A^:r -.1 .l-n-, ,kf- n.+'* a2rnLr--rvln-L- n1 ''u Irr \J No l Oq IL E8 E--FElJ-o o Tlrcse ale- both in the apprwed permit beslot, orz I uranbd to get them out beforc | take Mon & Tues otr, hnAlbon still n€eds to approve'em. | ontercd my Bldg. approval,-but dirj not cfiansp stafi,.rs to "APPROVED'since th€y sfrll need planning approval. Thev may birth be i$itied as sq)n as Alison aboroves them. 2(X is our fiietd Mark at ltte Wrcn tf10. I dH not douUe fe€ him for the entire projbc{, since not all vvas started wi0toqt-q€_n€fit of permit I charged a fast bad< plan r€vieni, fe€ (100% instead-of it5%) u,'hidt will cost him an exba $286 or so. I told him this, and he said he'thought it was a'reasonaUe thing to db. lO oto Page I of I 07t3012001fi le://C:\Windows\TEMP\GW)00ml.IITM o DEVELOPMENT o COMML}NITYTOI^/NOFVAIL DEPARTMENTOF 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMT Permit #: E01-0150 |ob Address: 5024 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5024 MAIN GORE DR UNIT # 10 Applied . . : 08/07/2007 Parcel No...: 209918209010 Issued . . : 08/06/200'1, ProiectNo, QfR. OyO7tty Expires..: 02/02/2002 CoNTRjACTOR STONE CREEK ELECTRTC OS/OL/2OOL Phone: 970-926-200l P O BOX 1920 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 License: 108 -E APPIJICAIIT STONE CREEK EL,ECTRIC 08/0L/20O]- Phone: 97O-926-200L P O BOX 1920 EDWARDS, CO 41632 L,icense: 108-E ov\rNER BRUGIONI , Jrr-,r, VACEK Oe/Ot/2|OL Phone: 5825 S GII,PIN CT GREEN VfLLAGE CO I0121 License: Desciption: WIRE INTERIORLIGHTING/SVVITCHES/OUTLETS FOR REMODEL Valuation: $800.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fecs--> S53 . 00Elecuical-> 550.00 DRB Fee--> lnvestigation-> will ca[-> s0. o0 $0. o0 s3. o0 Additional Fees->$0.00 Total Permit Fee-> $s3 . oo Payments-> $53 .00 BALANCE DUE___>$0. 00TOTALFEES-> S53 - OO Approvals:I€e'm: 05000 ELECTRICA! DEPARTMEN'I o8/ol/2ooL DE Action: APPR Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMETIT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12i:-":":iffi ::*:1":13::*:5:j::.:::"*-"-:::H: DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in ftrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin5 and zubdivision thereto. I and other REQITESISFORINSPBCflON SHALLBEMADETWENTY-FOLTR HOURSIN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT479-2138 OR ATOUROffiCEFROM E:00 AM -5 SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIil4SELF AND OIVhIET o codes,desigfr Uniforur o reviewapproved, o Building ordinarrces of the Town applicable o rlrlla'la't+flaa+ft+t*+t*fa***a'iaialt*trrtfatfa*aa++a++f*jt{rata'}a**t*aa*aaa**+t*+**t*****t'}**,}f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*f'}tafa+a+a++ff+l**l:l*i+a*a+***llaralrrfll*fl*aa**faat'taaaaa*tarlaa+a*+++++f*+*+**+++aa*rarrr Statenent, Number: R000001183 Anount: $S3.00 OB/06/2O0L02242 pM Palment Method: Cash Init: LrC Notatlon: cagh by Mark llalstead Permit No: 801-0160 Type: ELEerRICAIJ PER!,IIT Parcel No: 209918209010 Site Addrese: 5024 MAfN GORE DR SOttTH Location: 5024 MAIN GIORE DR ttNIT Thia Payment:9s3 . oo Descri pti on Balance: $0. OO***t'lt***tt*r*t****rlrrlt**trrtt******it*+l+*+++*l*+itf++fiitfa+tftt+tl+f****+l***tltrt*****{ra ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code \'AIL #10 TotsaI Fees: Total AIrIJ Pmta : $s3.00 $s3.00 Current ftnts EP 0010000311i400 t.lc 00100003112800 TEMPORARY PO.IER PEMITS I.IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 w-31-.Mt @1,zEFFI r1}S3g O ATf|JS.ITIOTIUI8.|' IIOTBE AGEEF]ED IF IMOilPTETE Oi ln PtltGa+: Brildng Fcnnn#! E:ctidFcntitf: 4?924s2 P.6 VMa,ltril ?!S.fmtrgsf,d.rrfr ctufi '4St ' lriar*zr{' C!|lDsdc|E) *Jilm,$t** !! [..*rrrr. !26-2ol ,r/ 'o/r-; €Girnrre sQ. fcETF{rR trErBrtrr-osrd Y urrTtrrc ffi l|l oI}lE|[S (rt|bf I rllErbrF) N{ITT OF SA FT DI.SIREilR€: ffi rob ilenp: hKFf{ +h*ng:CmtpoL# ro rrOo-.r*-lf.* f lu.* 3 Inrrq: nik lg'r'i"ion: €toAgGAFt;f( fn$s: I mrE$:Pftqc: :IXEbtt tLsiFiTr of rqt , ,trtrAs r ohre-KtoA r-r ettnr{& /g'nrrr?xa /r arn=S+ ef-*rytg€L- w"*IrDc. ItrFbr06 s(Eris( ) B.0t( ) t-rr.crc.. *det5lttt I oupu<t I rut y9{ con|Ha( ) R!flr|i( ) ooEr( } !!:! !t! lrt lb. oa E i*hl Ducilt-lttg t ifs h ttk_ hiding: I 6 rcrhicrsnrittuahdtb: Yes( ) No(X1 - - .JUL 3 r Z00l TOV-COM.DEV. TOTH- P.93 OoO DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT 5024 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL 2099182090r0 (x5or 'o Lt1\.- OWNER BRUGIONI , iIILL VACEK 5825 S GIIJPTN CT GREBT VILI,AGE CO 80121 Lricense: CONTRACTOR .fERRY SIBI-,EY PLIJMBING P O BOX 340 MINTURN CO 81645 . I-,icense: 134-P APPLICAITT .]ERRY SIBI-,EY PIJ'MBING P O BOX 340 MINTURN CO 81545 License:134-P TO]VN OF.VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81557 970479-2t38 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Permit #: P0l-01l0 Stafus...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/2812001 Issued. . : lO/O2l20Ol Expires. .: 03/31/2002 09/28/200t Phone: 09/28/20OL Phone:97 0-827 -5736 09/28/200t Phone: 97O-821-5136 Desciption: REMODEL AND REATTATCH PLUMBING IN 2 BATHS AND KITCHEN AREA Valuation: $2.000.00 Fireolace Information: ReEtricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# of Gas Lop: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-> Plan Chcck--> Investigation-> will call_> R€stuarant Plan Review-> DRB Fee---------> TOTAL FEES-> Tolal Calculated Fe€s-> Additional lre€s_..._> Total Pennit Foe-> Paymen$-.-> BAT,A]\ICE DLIE-> s30.00 s7.s0 $0.00 s3.00 s0. 0o 90.00 s40.50 s4o.5o 50.00 $40. s0 940.50 s0,00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 09/28/200L DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD CONDITION OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,,IAT{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot pla4 and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approvd Uniform \-( of the Town applicable thereto. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIOI{ FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:0 6z-7 .a7zb c PLUMBING: $7-AOO.- Conta.t Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Patel t Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: 5oZ4 dlAnc{ AAq& .r.ftff Job Address: 5oZ+ 4cflc( M€94' i^,.rA6N +\0\66 # IO Lesaf Description ll t-ou ] llanck: l Filins: t-{ €r Subdivision: W,e- OwnersNam"'(aAuenoC*(l llAddress:Pho'"tq1o +-7to [n4-6r Engineer: N+ ll Address:Phone; Detailed description of work: Ae{ywtr'-o 66pffifif Q u.m4l.rsle- d (AAanu { kr7}++€rl AA€re WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) OtherO<J(EirryfOi:E:f- Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (,rf Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: lG No. of Accommodation Units in this building:ttft Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No X ****** ***** ******* *** ************* ** * ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"**************** *** ******** **** ***** O(*rer Fes:DaERee ved: DRB Fees:Accsted v: Planner Siqn-off: F/er/eryoneforms/pl mbperm W'o try*:F,f :-ffiffi#*J.*$,Tovm ofVail Survey Community Dorelopment Departnent Russell Fomst Director, (970117s.213e Check all thd applies- 1. Which Departnen(s) did you conbc{? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our sbfi immedide_ slow no one available_? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your.project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why noi? 5. Was fiis yourfirstlime b fle a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ IIUA Please rate fie performance of &e sEfiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knorrrledge; responsiveness, avallability) Overallefiectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 { Whatis he bestlime of day for you b use $e FrontService Countef 9. Any commenb you have which r,rmuld allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you fortaking the lime to complete this survey. commited b improving our service. 0r -lt. 8. We are "cr,:{6:SlCf ,,')'i qlll Bjillrl_:rja::t I -:l}':f ri: ' r!:,: ,i:",.. .:,. t:'-.L'i'J. F. ;:':: n1-:?!;,'tsj', : l'Ai:1S'l:: -' :1 I : r;l':: : i.-".q " *-'.ff. $#;i: l t;lfi ii,;13 :'JcleiiS ..'... . : { t:e :ile9 j:il;1i iiii; 1{AIIrli r rr,r.irr :i t'E ;-':" i l-".' I t 'l i;F $Y€n frl! FiJu'r': ..t.'.1 .' {zt- f<rr I a,ir r:t r: '1tii::.'l 4 .'; -'l)'l' 1il,i: .'J'- 't: i- t: . tl '-r it'; : :..:_i '. - _ ":.+f q r:r'-;i: ; .:'. i '',ii,.:.';; :r i,lr.-;,,.. F:?r!, ljj s,.I , .-, .,:'.r :...r'. .t,,ri :.1!i.:"'' . ... - ... *ry.- | I i.. I ,:-i:i :i:r. li,:r I r ' .il lii.':-....:;,',jjs.r-. 5i"r *,.:',.'' i,'':at 3, i! :': . i' :+:.i :?.:i:. i;-l ::-:. ^:_ ,' - rt ir;: : l . ' a,_:r ',,.: :ir i'ili" 'F-i /.1Y/ ,* &dtt' K"\ l/tt,k /. pd' t,// Co-4 t uh n', d,//t 4/4-/<A .) U 4',/ru/' '- / --L 15 /--r /fr ,r"/ Anrn^ '(-'/L2<^- /0,.J u,r) 4r-7 s ltatrr RF,PT]-di Fr.r.r-' I.:: 1 6hij lnwn ili roulh frrontage rcad vall, colorado 81657 (30(r) 4792138 (3sr) 47$213s otffce ot communlty development February 21, 1991 Dtr. Brandon Baumgarten 5024 llain core DiiveVail, colorado 8L657 Re: BusLness License Application for Business Located at 5024 Main Gore Drive Dear Brandon: We understand that you park both a vehicle for the Alpine Sedanplus a van used for airport transport at the above location at theWren llouse. The Town cannot approve your home occupationapplication because conmercial vehicles are not permitted to beparked on the site of a home occupation. You may choose to keep one of the vehicles on the site, but youmust come ln and modify your application to speeify that tnevehicle you have is your personal vehi.cle, in addition to beingyour business vehicle for the hone occupation. If you have any questions regarding this, please call ne at 479- 2L38. Sineerely, l,tr, u ll.- '-'q ffi#:!'rPlanning Technician BR/ab /r' l- /, o Date o 6/L .8,, Project Applicationt &. Creek Scl n*tB- U,tA 5Proiect Nam€: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addre$ and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: . Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: ,4( ','. t< T C *).>.f 6 C F': v:nty:n ! \ \-^- !r.9.tr|it|.ilrE - lom lnwn Bruce Rich Byron Brown Real Estate Box 547 Vail Co 81658 l,lr. Rich' I have enclosed for your use. contact ne. Sinc erely, PETER JAMAR Town Planner PJ:br Encl . 75 soulh honteoe roaal ' varl. colotado 61657 3o3/476'70d) erl 236 Peler Jamar P|lnner Depaflmeol ol Community Developmenl department of community development April 13' 1981 Subdivis 6 units Per 20% site box l(X) vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47Gs613 is zoned residential cluster rfiiEf,-allows a density provided the requirenents-of-the zone 1l:ll'i:t 1::i"*h"r, 60% of the site landscaped, setbacks, etc' acre coverage a copy of the Residential Cluster zone district If I ian be of any additional help, please feel requirenents free to rl 6\ x :L. I ll q\.\('\\\l (bpPNp \):S$),,trK$ { o $o{o$ \ \'c. -a)s OJ \$ =a{l l I lf i \ { ).1 \ I \Is's $ \ i I l Irl oo October 23, L978 REVIEW BOARD: everyof Vail site visit building staked. to appear before the Designtheir' scheduled meeting andfor a postponement w111 be republished. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGABDING ALL SI'BIdISSIONS TO THE DESIGN 1.) The Design Review Board meets Thursdar at 3 P.M- in the Town Municipal Buil-ding- 5. ) The revlewinvolve two so Plan on approval . 2.) A11 persons wanting to appear before' tIe besign Review Board must contact the Department of Community Development no later than L2 Noon on the Tuesday of the week Prlor to the meeting so that all Agenda items can be published in the Vail Trail. 3.) A11 materials to be reviewed by the DRB- iilust be received by the Departnent of e-ouuaunity Development no later than 5:00 P'M' itt" -rtlgg1lg{glg the DnE-ffific Hearing' 4.) A11 new buildings will require a by efifier Dn-g' o?-the staff . Your locations and drivewaYs should be process for NEW BUILDINGS will separate meetings of the DRB' at least 2 vreeks for their 6.) People who fail Review Board at have not asked reEuireA to be ,0/t F/zr weqrmltr&r,iw4fi{E11'_{FrFEwoo oo Project Application &/t /'o',LProiect Name: Proiect D€scription: Owner Address and Phone: F- Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Revlew Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ^lMo 5.haq-r Summary: Zoning Administrator Date:Dale: Project Appllca Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: ', Architect Address and Phone: L- satn Legal Description: Lot 't , Block Filing-)/ ' l-L t- ,/,+. t +E 6'r,h Zone: Zoning Approved: : (u-?1t Design Review Board DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Oflicial