HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G3 EIGER CHALETS COMMON LEGAL4"rAu&' IuteS @ftx-${"f cE:reLtp$gaf tresign tevlew Bsard ACTEOH FSR.M Deparilnefl t $ CcmrB$ility ileveloprnent 75 South Frsn*Bge RoBd, Vii[. Coloredo 81S57 t€l:S7{r.479,1139 fax:$79-479.295e rxeb: www.vailqov"cmn ProjectName: EIGERCHALETS DRBNumber; DRB050158 Project Description: EOERTOR MATERT,AL CHANGFS (ALL UNITS) Paftlcipants: owNER TRTLOGy CAprrAL PARTNERS LLC05/15/2006 C/O ROBERT LIUEN 101 N TRYON 5T STE 19OO CHARLOTTE NC 28646 APPLICANT AUBERT J. MOWRY osltsl2w6 Project Address; Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 1350 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Loh G-3 Block Ssbdivlsion: EIGER CHALETS 2103-121-0300-1 Locauon: EIGER CHALETS ..,,:,iii6ilft tr BOARDISTAFF ACTION Motion By: DUNNING $econd By: DANTAS Voter 3-1 (FRTTZLEN OPPOSED) Conditionsr Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: O6lO7 l20OG Cond: B (P[-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of T0wn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P[-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the dabe of apprwal. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become vold one (1) year followlng the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008177 This approval shall apply to the entirety of the east (i.e. front) elervations of both buildings. Cond: CON000B17B The entirety of the west (i.e. rear) and north elevations shall be renovated to match the existing upgraded units within 5 years. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review mm{# Department oF Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.rrailgw.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, please retur to.the submittal requirements for.the particulbi approvat that is requesied.- en iiiri*tion idr oesign nevLwcannot be accepted until all required information is deived by the Community Develbpment Deparunent. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and dnstruaion ctmmences withinone year of the approval, Location of the Proposalr Loe 4-3 elock:_ Subdivision:Ltilkl{t€tAG€ Physical Address:?5v q /37o @ E bz. ParcefNo.;W (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Description of the Request: ?D/.1/2, D JZZccO Zoning: 2/&a7r/Faltz- Name(s) of Owner(s): L Mailing Address:e: i{za/- Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:7 'dt/ Vtlz.t, 'aV4'tn a;{. co 2?, Mailing Address: ,tt+rt4e: Phone: E-maif Address: cz i;-t otai-!@ aonzozl uet rax:----- Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs fl Concepfual Review tr New Conskuctiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 eezL: 79.) -sz,o - 3P27 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. tr tr $20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For. revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee *'*****+*******+********:t ************+++ + * * * * * * * * * *,t***,******,$***{.**d.********+*********i.**.*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtCMENt******+*d.*{.*a!*r.***'}********************{.**+***d(**********+++*,}*****,S,}**************,f,h******* Stat,ement Number: R0G0000595 Amourt: 9250.00 OS/tS/200603:27 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: ,JS Notsatsion: 3210/AUBERT .1. MOWRY Permit No: DR8050158 T)rpe: DRB-Minor Alt, CoNn/MultiParcel No: 21-03-121-0300-1 Site Address: 1350 SAIiTDSTONE DR VAIL L,ocat.ion: EIGER CHAIJETS Total Fees: 3250.00This Payments: $250.00 Total ALL Pmt6: $250.00 Balance :$o. oo****** ***++++ * **+ * * * + * * * * ** * * * * + + + + + * ****************+***'r*'r*****+****{.+**!t {.{.***{.*********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESTGN REVTEW FEES 250 . OO Current PrntE MINOR $(IFRIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General fnformation: This application is required for proposals involving minor erderior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios. water featqres, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*,i o Stamped Topographic Surveyxtr Site and Grading Plan*o Landscape Plan* X. Architectural Elevations* ;f,- txterior color and material samples and specifications.o Architectural Floor Plansx X Lighting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed fixturesn Title repo( including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* X photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. 5] Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable n Sibe-speciflc Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the matefials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plam, a title report, and written approval from a mndominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: ProiectrNamet €/et C4.# e{,ry?{a/,qdrya Contractor Signaturq F: \odev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Plannin g\drb_minor_alt_l 1 -23-2005. doc 11/A/200s Page 3 of 13 r,:l Topogmphic surveytr Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20J. Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 41o/o, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information,. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the titte report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations atthe edge ofasphatt along the streetftontage ofthe propefi attwenty-fle foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalsr Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large bouldersf intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.),. Environmental Hazards (ie, rockhll, debris flow, avalanche, weflands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site, Exact location of o<isting utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the strudure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc,. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property, . $ite and Grading Plan:. Scale of t'=20'or larger. Properry and setback lines. Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades. Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including deck, patros, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations, Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. fiis will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed seruice lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site,. Location of landscaped areas.. Location of lim'fts of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMffs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-20o5.doc Page 4 of 13 ru23/200s Eiger Chalets Facelift Project 2006 Signature Sheets Units 1 - 6 t SENT Ev: Received OS|O1/20A6 0l:51pt1 in 0l:02 on tine 0NEREALIU, INC.; 003 780 1Bt4: for LILBoB * MAY- t -06 Ps ZlZ I i :01AM;PAOE 2/2 April 25, 2006 TO: Towu of Vail - Design Rpview Board The following list comprises the honreowners ofthe six units of phase I ofme Erger uhatet town home$ at 1350 Sandslone f)r. Who, by theirsjslatups below, express their desire to proceed with a fiontal upgrade totheir unit per the attaohed blueprint at an estimated cost of app*ii."i*rv $25,000 to $30,000 per unit: -Ilnit#i L,oeal Owncr Name(s): 'Irilogy Capital Partrers, LLC by: Robert S, Lilien Ernest W. Cratcs, Jr. Kar[ Topp NataliaTopp MylonIl. Monis John B. Laconte Sandra J. Laconte Vicior Kinnonen 14C z J 4 5 +19t4235226A .-iitl: L)'. ,.tifi.'.,i r1; " t. t D'. D I EI^jELTDEUELOP|IENTC0.lr.i,t r lrr" r,,r " . 851 PB1 MAY B9 '46 Agtzz Aplil .15, !01,)b J'i'j l,)'.n'n tt'\.'iti.i -- [.]cn;i;rl ll-*r'rar'., Llorrffi Iht iiilkrrvin,4 lir* cirtnpriseli t:iri'IioJi1coivriiri: r:'t'thc,:;;r llrral,, 'ri'Piirn';: I r.t' *re Iiiger Lll!x.iui t((ti.'l! h(rnic-ii ql I350 $ond.stgn* l.)r'. Wlr,,- l,; tlrrir sig::entrcs l)vicrtr'. e-\prc"sri 111ur!s ajr:s,irc Io pr'o(:re(l rvith rr [r"rrilial rit,Rril(le lo their rlnil prlr ilir-' irtfiiciicd ['lrreflrirt Rt an ei;iinrp.ilrtl ,::rl;l of'rrrrl:iuv-imirtqi-l' $j::.tJtjt) l{.' $;.10,{i0U ;rtr:r utlit: U"rit.4:l. gga I 0iw1Lq{..:"\gr1t1;i iiLl ' [','i !, r I l] l'r;5r i tltJ P,.u'i:rr:rs, [,,i- C b:v, itr;ttrrt S. Lili+ri i;ri';r'tlt \V. (.'r',rtes. .li xat'l I r,l'ri-' j\i.il.H I i;r'l'r)jJit lv'lylul il !ltrriis : Jillr.lt i:1. [.tc,.tlttt, Slrrdr""r .1 . L.l*crtt'tl* t jii,if t. 1r,111t1ltii FROI'1 : l4glon B l'1omis FRX N0. : 7t9-442-A33A Mas. 61 AAAG @tis7Pn P1 | ^uL fl/ I April25. 2006 TO; Town of Vail - Design Rcview Board The following list oomprises thc homeowner' of rhe six u'its of plrase I nfthe Eiger Chater town tromes ar t350 SanUrio* Or. wfro, try;h;t - ' :lry"tuft below, expres: rheir desire to proceed wirh a frqn;aiuplruO* ,otheir unit pcr the atach-ed brueprint rt rn .riirut*a cost of approiimatery$25,000 !o $30,000 F+r unir; Unrt #: tegglrl,segIaru{O; ' Ygy Capiul partn*s, LLC. by': Robert S. Lilien Emest W. Criate$, Jr. Karl Topp Natalia Topp Mylorr B.Ifonis John B, Laconre SandraJ. Laconte VictorKjrutonen '.. Owne(S) SiepaErs{s): 7 a5/83/ZAAE 08:61 2529681.98A COS,INC PAGE EI FA6E 2/i8EN? BY ; 0t',lEFEALtt, INC. i ,303 780 {il4;iIAY-1"06 lt.24Alli s'vrn$Ni&u$te[$; Aptil25,2006 TO: To*n of Vail - Desigrr Review Board Thc tbllowing list ccrrnprises the homeowneffi of the six units of Phase I of tho Eigcr Chalet town homes at 1350 Sandatone Dr- Who, by thcir signatrues below, exprcss their desire to proceed with a frontal upgade ur thcir unit pcr the atlt^Eched blueprint at an esrirnated cost of approximately $25,000 ro $30,0tD per unit: Unit#.: I eunl Owncrj'hme(s): I Trilogy Capital Piutners, LLC by: Robert S. l"ilien limcst W. Crates, Jr. Karl'Iopp Notalia Topp Mylon B.Itloris John B. Lacome Sandn J. Laponte Victor Kinnonert t 3 Eiger Chalets Facelift Project 2006 Signature Sheets Units 7 - 14 April 25,2006 TO: Town of Vail - Design Review Board The fbllcwing list comprises the homeowners of the eight units of Phase II sf the Eiger Chalet town homes at 1370 Sandstone Dr. Who, by their signatures below, express their desire to proceed with a frontal upgrade to their unit per the attached blueprint at an estimated cost of approximately $25,000 to $30,000 per unit: Unit#: L-egalOwnerName{s): 7, I Helmut E. Fricker &9 & Ursula E. Fricker Bruce J. Yanke & Anna C- Yanke Aaron J. Burrows t0 lt l2 r3 & Jodi M. Burrows Thomas G. Krebs, Sr. Mark Miller & Constance Miller AubertJ. Mowry Barbara J. Mowry l4 RPR-2?-2896 t3:28 Unit#: , ?,fl , &9 ENDOSCT]PY Owner(s) Signanrre(sL 2t2 6@4A446 p.8!/A1 TnTOt p Al April25, ?006 T0: 'l'own of Vail - Desigr Revicw Board The foliowing Iisr comprises the homeowners of the eight unirs of phase II 0f the Eiger Clialer rcwn hohes at llZ0 Sondstone Dr. Who, by their signahusr bclow, cxprcss thcir dcsire to proceed witlr a fi r:ntal upgrarle ro their unir per rhe aulched blueprint ar an estinared cosr of approxirnately S25.000 Io $30,000 per unitr l't r3 . Lgqal Owner Nane(e): Heltntrt F.. Fricktrr & lJrsula E. lrricker I0 Rrucc J. Yanke &. Anna C. Yanke ll Aaron J. Bturows & Jodi lvl. Bttrrows '['homas U. Krcbs, Sr. lvlark Mijler & Currslar,ce Miller Aubcrt J. Mowry Brrbanr J. Mowry 1A 41;iil .J5 -lilii{r l ( ): 'l own of Vail - Desigrr Rcvrerv Lloard The fclllnwirls list c$filiri:ies the lmqneowners *f the eig*:t u**ts *f prrase 1l r.:f tlrt l:igrrr {lhalet trr"vn htxres *t tl17t} $a*d*tcn* Fr. Who, hy their illrfiiilllrcli lrclolv- *xpri-r]is th*ir i.i*sirc tc prwe*d with a li'*lrlal rrpgr*de ta their unit tlef the atlach*d hlneprirrt $i $r rlt{-imated cost r:f approximately $J-s.tttt0 t$ T,i(l.00tl 'er urrit I;rrrt ri f -c**l i-!1{,ltg1 ]\,iiLll${r). I S ilcl ru*t l: I r rcl,.cr &t tt t.,!lruh l:. l"'tc,kEr t, lSrutrl J. Yanlir: & A*rm C Yurtk* Aari:n "l liuttllu,s It .iu<1t fu1 lirrrr'rtr+" llt*.lt;ls ii Krchr, ir, fu{art M*il,,,r $: ( r:rtslrtrtcr: Millur Autrer":l J lt'{eiwtl HilrX.rarii J &{o'l*n' ()rr rtci'i.r"l Sl gn;tt rlrl.. { s.l r(i lrl ll lt|,{ Eiger Chalets Facelift Project 2006 . Party Wall Agreement . Funding for Units 2 &, 6 i{'n,i: r.i..l iFf, .i..rr. t&': li {hfllid ^/ -/-/'/ ,: te -Lr 4, *t Unlt I -b IAtfry l,l^t.l, Ar; '' 'l'rt''1'|f , tlA!r I:'! l:ll'ls ANn RlisTRtcTloNS wlluRli^s, 'l:x^$ coNsTntlcTtoff coHPANv' a colorrdo ' Corporotlcnl It tllr-r or"llnr' of tho followlnq dolcrlbod roal pro|lorty fltl'unta in t|r{r (.()t||ltl, of roqla, stat'a of colorado' t.() t,l t t n PrrL rrf Lot ri-J' Lltltrr E [ll(lqo sulxllvlBton' flllrxl tro. 2, t'nrl io -ct"'n i y, color4(lo' F(!nc parLlcul'lrly t.lo*crl hn(i nrl f ol lows: flt"llnnll:(l ot tllc llt)rth(raat cor ncr of raid l'oL C'lt trlrgn<:o .q4'rUl2;l'f " ir-"^tf nlonl-t tho ct.lutho' rtorly I Ino or ",ttir-r'ot c-l o"tl olio dlonq tha flor!h]tottorly riqtrt-or-ui; i'inr.' "i innrlntone. Drlva' 4?'27 fcot to n polnt of iurvcrl tll(!trco contltrulnq alon(l BaI(l 6ou!hoaatar:ly- ffnt' and alonq slrl(l Nortltwottcrly rtqhr-ot-wn;'r iu"' ral ' 09 ro(!t 'r'otrq Lho nt"-91^:-, 507.{5 rootitit;iui "ttt'o to tho loft' !'hosc ccntrtr oiqiq-tr l;"i;;i0; on<l vhoro ton(r chord benrs 3 l?-16'49t'l{ t/tl'cl fc.'tt Lh(!nce N 12Q20'26^ W llG'10 fact to o f'uint-t'i-t 11t' Horttrrvt'ster ly llne of Ba[('l l.(tt c-Ji r iilrrr"" ii' :rttr'" oo"F o't<l olitnq Bald North- w.,gtr.rlyri^"'llc'|llroet.Lot-|loltor!hHoat'corncr thorcof i ti""it"'^r-lnnri;i ''"i rnt! nlon<; thG llorth l1n€ o( sal(l r,c''t-l- j, 2o2 ' 1ir f ocL tr tho polnL of boQlnnttltl,"l;"tttirtinq it ' ttl Fquare i'a! or 0'4910 .lcroi. moro or l.'dn' nntl |||l|lEnr,^,q,r:}rcou|lt'rin(:(||19!rtl('L['ll'onthe!rror'rlnol, for thrr 61lo to o(lt( r l'et'n()'rr' a nrtrlLlJrlr: tlwu'l l lnq unlt (of tlvol lJnq unltt) c()tnD()ncrl of nlx ((r) <lw'.ll lnq rrnl!e 1n lhaac' I -tt aol,l rlwclllnq unltF conrccLorl l>y dlvJalon I'nl ln l.'€tween Gacll rlwelltnq urtit, snttl ctwrrll Itl<l ttnlta to bo Inown tra TllE l:IO!'R LttALf:T8 - PllAlln tl ;rnil wllEn:j^s,rLJnlnt(:rr(l('rllrytheunrl"rf,lgnodtocleatc' In favor of oach pt|rch's^r, l,ln Crns('mcnt covcr,nq party ?.rl I^ ot approxlrnate rtne l oot In t'hicl:rrcsa anrl lrlnc.rtt oqu!1ly dlvirlod on tho tot lltlca nopnratlnq tlro loLa urton vJhlch th€ Bop'rrot4 dwelllnqn arG€rocterlor'rr(-!tobovrectcd'to(totherwithaddltionalG||icm(''rtat tloll, 1'll':nEFORI, tha undoIntgnc'! 1:cxa! Conrtruct lon Cdr:|11ny, o Colorn(tct corporatton, ln order to protect e6eh and trvery purcllaacr r hta succeleort antt asRlonn' of any lot or parcol of aald prcrf roo, docF herehy craata lhe followlng edacn'rntl (tn bulldlng aLructuroB ^nd pdrty valls locntod on ths lalC grrnmlxoe' to t ltl ot \. r i Ol n, rr c r;o A I e a o a f.: l':' : I'li. : :".:r "{. ,'' i,it", ,li r'.[\' lf t'jii rl l. i!l:' l;'t ''t.'\. FJi l.rd tiilt-tl-l-:l lI I- }:t'g..it i:., {:r .,: I Jr,i :"1 ':it". Ftr'.1L"(y,:... i. . I t.i t. ,.[\ ii:'i{1.:i' i'il !t.t. Eiu" rjSl j:, :frl I ..i 1li.i l. r'i. ,..,,1 ri.i t I"t: l' t,.t ' i' | ,, 4 ,. |, r."i ;.r;'i$li!'.r,, li'l. Pa-rg_$.!-t__Sgl:la!g-!-l-9.. rho rald dlvldlng rcllr i, ;. ; ,; i,: t 'I"'rt", :t, I J :: 'a ;?Yi:r- r' i.' :i'ia-.:j:- i *'. ,1, ' t aro h.roby do,:larod to be Party xall. bosea.n thc adJolnlne I {r;$l;jl:ll.:roaldoneor oroct€d on eald promlraa.|"';iiff.1.."--l_r !l2. tlrjlntontrnc. o( Partv l{rll. Th. corL ol nrlntalnlng i,t '}}.rhaD .rf aci ._{,.;i, . .. . \: \r, . :' |.: . .''::irhrYc I Pe6ach pfrcy rall rhall b. borno equolly by th. oYtr.rr on rlthrr ', ;i :,';;i {r'"'ir':. ;'{.:$' ::.,$.rirt.r "i. ; ,_ t.,!i4,-:.It 1, ,. .rldr of aold vall. , [ -.1; ,"titr. " . . ,. ,: ...:.- , i .3. Damlgo.to Partv j{.11.. ln tho .vGnL of d'as. or .... i.r; il::tii -_,:.' - dortrrrctton of rald wall frorn rny ctur6, oth.r than th. n.gllgrnct . ! ',.' ..'illr!Icry-d!?{. ,ii' !::'4-6f ,t i :\..do.tructlon of rald wrll lro tny clur6, otnar tnan Enr n.grlglns! . i,,,;(:;i:":;1 . '- o! .lth.r prrty thor6ro, rh. th.n o$n.r! rhall, rE Jolnt .rp{tnr.. |.:1 ,r'1,'il.$1!h,,.1;91r!, ..': [.l,i{lffori,tn"";o'rcpalr or rcbulld rald wallr rnd cach party, h1. tuccrrror. rnd ;,,.ri..i!.1ffi ,, arrlgnr' rhall havo tha rlsht to thc lull urr o! cctd rr.Il .o,' . I iX:irfi.otclrloh ropalroat or robullr. I! .lthir party'r ncgllganca rhall caure danaqc ,i ' i"'$f*515ult1ntQ Lo or dolgructton ot ralcl vallr ruch ncallscnt parly .hrll b.rr a.n: . , X ':.ii'}:t""ttttt' entlro cort of rcpalr or r.conotructlon. lf .tthar Prrty lhell ' , 'i "'ii*.31. rny o doatructlon Of tald Wlll lron tny CAur6, oEn.r tnan r:n! nrg.trgltru! ., i,{ ;(::.i:":;}.. -:-.. o! .lth.r prrty thor6to, th. th.n o$n.r! rhall, rE Jolnt .rP{tnr.. | .:i,rii'lj+!h,,.1;91 ; . ,'"., n.glcot or rofute to pay hlr .hrr€, or lll ol rueh so't ln ct" . ., ,I:t l:rJin.glcot or rofute to pay hlr ahrr€, or lll ol austl solB rn ct" ,l:: j,r-il,., '. of negllgcnc., th. othe r party nay hovo rush vall repatrrd or I tr;i l'fe'-Jor-tty rorrorett'and'.hall b. entltlod to havo a nechanlcrr llcn on the , - ,,.lr';;;iii:'lH.'*i,1iii prcml,ror ot th. p6rLy no latllng to prv' for th. amount of ruch,",'i" .^ $.,:'-i i,i jS ','lJ'' -' d.lrulrlng parryir ehare o! rho roprtr or r.plncomrnc cott. lr': '^ ., firiliqli'*$iFittt*' !ar"'r'{';liicxterlot unl of negllgcnc., th. othe r party nay hovo tush eall r€Ptlr'o or S , :l;t ttj:€; - ' rolrorett'and'.hall b. entltlod to havo a nechanlcrr llcn on the , - ,,.lr';;,1iffi.'*i,1rl1l prcml,rot ot th. p6rLy no latllng to pry, for th. amount of ruchr"ri', 'i [ ,'"'i i;7it'i..r'^','' . - of negllgcnca, tha other party nay hovo lush vall repatrrd or tha p6rLy nO lAllrng Eo ptyt r{rr srr! "" -"1; . r'1' j . P th6 obllgatlon to rc.rore aatd wlll Lo lt! Provlou! ttruct,ural | '' "flffi::llt'i''?'.;..----l-ai 'l,-.;n:-iill; re adJolnlng ' ';iqnPalr:. . . ":{.:. r .. . r.;*1- by tho 4. Drltllnq Throu('r Partv t{a I:!. tlthrr Party !h!lI .;f ". ^ll,tf,S- -__--.hrve rhs rlghr ro br.!k through tho party rlltr for ths purpolG il ,.;': ''ifiilccoralr ''' ' .'fllconrtrur'' " fflconttru'of rcpalrlng or r.llorlnq rse€rogo' tratarr utllltl€t, tubJ'cc to ,' .":;1,,,:l;".,. cond1!Ionathl.o$n€,.p6ntGandthePaytnont.,t'oth€.dJo1n1ng rltlt by'the t ovnrr of rny dama96! n.gltgenLly cauaed thereby' ' ; : '' -i''-i::' . '-- ", ,.1 - '?il-oorr ttr,5. D..trust!otD-ell-.10r{qLlil!g-!lgl!. rn thc Gvent o! o ' til tlf tl.ln' |J(|tLtttgEt(,rtEvr r,re...rrv v.'-- ' I,i .' ' l do|cruottonof|aidmultrPlodr'€l1ln9unito,:anyportlonthcrcofr;':,:.'.l..l th.dy.lllngrrod..troy6d.h!l1b.r!'torGdrtthcJoinErnd rqual exponre o! tho adJolnlng 4nh6tir aclordlnl to e unlforn ..: .,lriir,""r"r." archltecturll pl6n and llnlrht and If any drolltnq l' buE Partlally ,. t..t';..i ^, .thc derrroyed ,o thrt Lh6 co.t of rcrtorlng lt l. not cqull to thrc ; ,, '.1fi ,"1 th" of re.torlng tlrs adloinlng drctllng, then thc rftount rhall br ' .ll-'t by €ach crr llrEt>r rrr9 !rri, FuJv.rr-.r ;. . . ,,tr: ,,norano., lpport,lon€d eccordlng to tho ln'llvlduil co't' 'r" , . :'-,-', r '"''' rj;. 'l '' _--.frffi /: { : "i1':rf.r,lllAr ,t., iltrg 'r1., r1ntoInlng ;olthorr';; i:..,r",ri., 1",, t.ir' bllgr or t;llii'i-noql lqencs q : alpan 16 , r 1;i:', "loir. and r I IJI!o f.q.u.o da.ago t\t:ba$r tho !r,: rna r t . Ld ca co iqd ort.t 11! drbn ths,;:,. Fof arreht-rir. ,i '1 : :' .ilhnt r !pprpoee f'-'lilubrcct to Ibturat tJ'irlitnq l4'.r'i,9 'ffiirlt.of d .'r'.1 tt th€reof, nt ,nd rtlf orn ; ut, pa!gldlly i' 'r to tha t nlL be a\ {, ; i' 1. rn l,l ntxl whctl hd vo (t, liiur(.m.r t. ll('it lt.'r ll rl.y Ahrll ,'rlter or chrtn'rA l)nrLy w.lltrr ln orry tnartn r, lntr-'rIor rlficorntlolr 6'(ctt't|,!rl' Bst'l pt|rty er.1 |l1 nh.tll ntwrryr rennln in thc aamo locat lon nr orrrcle{l, and .'tl(.'l} l)orty Lo snl<J conron or (!lvltlcn v6ll fhill a l)orl)r'lual (r6aorncnL ln th,lt pnrt of tho Pramliot of ths on rrhich Falrl |torty vrnl I ls locDtad, for pnrty rall purporor' ; "' '1 , t:{l;crinr D{ (:orat lo!' Tlro axtrrlor of each ondl ' ' ' : I ovcry tlwolllnq. ln.aalrl trulttplo dwolllnq uhlt' shtll bo docortl{r r;:i:; ulth d unlform color, lrhlch lrhol l bo agrco{! upo[ by tr rnaJorlty:iti:; l$ of tho onnar! of rl*nlllnrls wtthln tald t'nultlplo unltr and ttrc'-,;;:'1 i,p'' .'' " {'t; li S!}? <loclslon rhall ba blndlng ttPon onch rrnrl o1l tho orneri In reld.',,',iit rnulLtpto unlt. rho necef,tlty on'l t lrno for moklng 'uch Gttcrlo'qi',, ';li docoratlon rlroll bo dcLormlncil tn tlro F'roo ndhndr and lf clth'f''i' l::;. . ti:#.or 6ny o$no: or oun{lrF rhirl I f ;ri I (rr ref uRo lo p'ty tho ealt Of 'ri': -*t tuch unlf orm do(:orrtlon of t-h(' [)r()[)r'rt y ownn'l hy hln or hcr' tb3 , ,r$l arlottty tnay have th(! rrork rlo44 nrttl hnv'i n ncchanlcr I or nat'rhl- i'l'' S; oonra Ilon plocerl sqalnsI tbr' l)r( l)erty t:f tho (tdftut!lnq orafltf ':"f ifile'!l\..-t 8. E4!-cJ-tt[-I!r-i'-c-!]EqI. rr(t ('xr t:rlot tlort'r elndon?t!:::j1,1#i ba pl6cod uPon any !Lrtlctt|t c |(,c.|teil otl F.]l(| llrenleolr and no '.'i..'1.... l{'! .xtartor rtructuren or cnLron(:crl, ln tr(l(ltli 1 to Lhora Pllctd' lhollg0ji accordlng to lhe orchltectu1.1 l lrlrtnR on whl<:h acld bulldlnqr ',:' '; ';'Ti con;tructecl r 6ha) I ba nddc(l to nny rlwc I I I n't ' lil,' ; tij'i Ml l.t*l,.Lt 1'.(ll--9.1-. n,.IrIl. Th.' ':xr)cnno of mrlnttlnl19' ., "::]i ()t hof 9, roiralrlng and by tho o?.ncrt gort thoroof. lo. InAurdncc' Thc opnt'ra .ll LbloB lnlurancc dgalntt loatr or ho"ardF rln aro gen*rally covorad ln Covornge provltlon for ot loart tho of Lb.r dvrelllnq unlLt' Proof ot by ooctr ol'rnef to tho oth"r owneri eolentlnr Ycnr: Prlor to tlrc flret roplacintt ruoftt rhall bn proportlonatoly 'htrod -' of nrlJolrrlng riwc'I llngal 'rccur<lln<l to th€ rclttlvo Fhnl.l obLdln And tnrin[Aln lt dan.rqc bY flro nnd tuch othat tha sren unde r .$tl|nd!rcd $"tend€d full lnsurnblc rcPllcemenL cotL Buch lnstlrrnea ehall be iuPPtlcd of tha fubJocL PteftlBL't €'ch clay of JanrrorY. Tho lntur'nco -t- .*----^ - . | . . irl T a - $I.,t" rrh,r | | l,rol lrlrr t hnt. lr- c.r'rnr)t ba r.'ancrilod by ell ltcr thc lnaurod ol Llro Ilrnurnnco cr)lrlrnny untll afLGr n wrltton not lco hdt boon Rcnl. t(J Lha owrrnr. I'l,rclr ownor mny obLaln whatover addl Llon[1 lnnurnrrco hc no rlr.rr I rcg. ln tlr! cvr'rnt {tn ownsr fdllfi to lrulrply proot of lnnrrlancu (:ov(rr:n(rc, Lhc ownor of tho aclJol.tltnq unlta nay lncrtta60 o', t tlr" (:ovcri.t.lo or htF i nsirr|rncc to includo tho unlnrurod unltir and ,,.;:]',: :T'rnlr,rll, upon roccrrdlng of notlcc thcroofr bo grantod a ll&n uPon .,. ,,,.. Brld unltn for thL. {rmount of prenlum palcl. Tho llon afrcf f attacn..-.S', .,-.lt'.' on tll(, dnto of rocorttlng antl may r/d onforc€d by toracloaura. tt1rcot' 'llt\" f'ry'tlre unlt6 In tho s.rmc mrrnn.lr nn foroclorrrre of a mortglgo ol rcrl'.. r{ri..prupcrty. ' ' ...t r:fi,t I t, !::ll(:Tel t_.!T_U t I 1 LL-:!1! . A mutual cnronont. for , .. q:'' tho l()c:rt ltrn. Inet.rl Iirt l()rrtn,l jnLcnatrcc, rcpalr and ronoval.o! ., i,:i... : ..' ubi Iity facillt. lox (ln(:luill11r, l)uL not llmlted to !ytt.mt, linorr ,rr:) l. nlpusr t:ankBr m.-L'rf | ' 1 ,1: r.l rlls!r"lllrrt tort rlovlcen fof 9aD, to3o5r' ,. ;t,1. Bcwor, {Jlcet rJclty, t:c l('l)lt()nc, lrn(l !clavlslon prtrpouoet f a fraru-;';:rqi"t by grnnto(1, to(tothar ,,,ltll Lh(! rtqht of lngroae and cArcer thorofororr:!i.'. '. . .;,{lon, olrov('. ov,-, r nncl thro{rqh Lho trbove rleacrlbod prcnlroa and tht .:,. ':li irii' ;{iirilt'lmprote.nontB constructfl(l Lh.lrcon, JubJcct to th€ obltgat,ton to' .^"II;-,' rostorc nc nearly an ponslble nald prenlae: and ImprovemGnts. ., ,;;,|;,. 12. ! L'..-ss Dlhoflrrnt. Thc follorlng dascrtbod portlon l;"" of tha propcrty (lcacrlbc(l ln pnragraph I 16 horeby dollgnatod rr :';i'; ':an 'occegc c.r$cmtnt", t.) vlt: ., li: n^ncrt, t, r.:.:.:::R cll^L'n:s - plllsn I j.ii:' ^l2.oDfootr,l(|ocilAcmcntlrrrlnq6.00fceconoacheldeo?t|rn'ct.niorlJno rtescrlhcd lB f()l Iow!l ltaqlnnin(t nL o poln! on the tinstFrly l.lno of Lot n-1, LionrF Ridoa gulxllvlFlon, Flltnq NoA 2. tllance tho { South(.nnt Forncr thorcof buarr 6 19"31'44"^1{ ia.nn foot, Lhencc tl :1"1j'a0h E 16.20 fcatr thenco N 6*In'rl0' w 26.79 fcct rro n point of curvc, thcncc 48.00 fcat nlon,f tlro arc of qnld curye havlnq o radlua ot 62,50 fect' o .centrRl fln(tlc of^44r'00'00" !o the rlght, nnd vhorc lcrng(:lror(l ['cnrfl N t5"50'n0" E {6.8] feot to ^ Dolnt oft.1n(tenti tlrcn(ra N 37"5C'00" n an(l dlon,J said tanqcnt fi5.6?.':faot lo thc 'lolnt of tcrml ur on th4 Southorly llne of , r:i Pnrclll l, til<jer CholrrLe - Pl..rae f , a nctubdivlnlon of a ,.pnrt of t,ot C-1, l,l.on's Rldqo Subdlvle Iorrr Pllltrq Uo. 2, .r1 rral^ a!^,rhrr, r^ t ^- ,.l^Angla CDunty. Co I or.rdo. ':,- -1- t.ntr.|l], /, t. l,lt n r.t_l^lJ:1.i. -.. n 12.4'l t(''t h,irf, r,.rlrlrr.nl lr.ltrt f,.00{1,,t'rl[ ..(l -.r lrrl lr1.41j i{l}':1._l frv't .)n crr.lt rti.i.. (lf th! o..t,tcl'llna lr{it"llrrt .rt ,t l)')lr,t D tlr! f,||jti,r.ly litr.,rrf lnt /;-1, r,Jcrlrf,lllrl'tr. !;ttlrllvl:ri(! ,._l ll t,rt tJl'. 2. 1;x',y111, !, !i, l.lr.anr, (rlrrFrth(.rr{rt l{vrrrr i: t,i tJ'44,' !.r 2fr.00 f(t.t, Ux.1r(.(, N ?('J5,00" I:,(,./o trr.l , tl!.rx.r. rt 6"t0'oon I't 2/,.1i f(r,t t(r n lr)ltrL of c1lrya,r,rlcr, 4[.0o f(,(,t l(rl.t llr. nt.e .)f nilJ.(l (.rrrw, hrvLrxl a ratJlunof 62, 50 f r\!t , ,r (r.r|t r l nry{l(. of i4{)0rr, OO" t"o Ur} ;J.tllt, afidr",lrnr lrrrxl (.lxrrl lr\.rr!t N l5(,rr0,oni I: {f,,gl t.firl i(, n ,xrlnt oftirrxt.,rtt, t lrcrl.r. Nlr"r,0'44{ ll .rrrl rrlurl Bnlrl [,lrx|{:trL q2.{g f(<rt.to tlx! lr)int. of lr}rnrlntrg on lln li(uth(,rly ) lrro of l,dr(i!l 2, l'i,r':f r'l',r't,'lu - t'h.ts{. I, .l Rosr rllvlnj..rr'of 1r,xr|.t ()f l"oL C_1,l,tcn'n ftlr!rr. Sulttivlaicrl, Fll lrry I,kr. ?1 lir,lln bo-tV, <frf -.f",lllllj: l-,-.Lrj iriL.!,.! r^! {Tr: _ -l}'s:t-tA 12.00 f(x)t wltin eflnrrrv:nt h.tt)q 6.00 fer:t orr r.,rr:tr okle of(laAcr I l,rr) os fol lo^l3:t.tn cc'nterll.rro tl.{tlnniftt (rl ir lx)[trl- (r| tlx' f:ir t|r ty llnc rr( lot C- ], lJcrr?tlll,l.t(. 5uh}lvlnl.ir, t'ilitxr No. 2, hrlr.n,r: tlr j'otrt]n;rsi crrrrr.r tJlxr]r'lt S -I!;JOr44'.'. vt 28,qn lrrrr; ttr''x.r, N Z.rl5,)0n n !6,20 fd.t,lxnr-lt s It"Jor44" w ZB.qn trrrt; ttr'rx.rr N jolij'€ l-}r..;l at crrrn.f tiof@f . ii','i "..,Iol,l.-"i.- " a,!.'l,l r(l{rri $r,rx-.c N 2'-t5'cox n a6,20 fcer, ..... t l'rcnc-(. N 6'-10'00" It 2fi,7.t f(rl: tn n lnlnt of .jtru.:, Lhen..a ag.oofrr.t. ol(r,rl tJr.r ,1rc.t{f r,-rl(l (1trwc hnvl,4 a ra(lrun o{ 62.50 f€et, o(rntfrll allrtJ.. ('f 44"'O0'()0" trt tlk! rl,rl't. nrrl r.4r'rr l.rE ^rffit rhr(r'ntfttl drrtJ.. tlf 44"o0.(]0.. trt ukt rl,thl', nrxl rlpnr t-q-cfn5.i -trirr ,'N 15"50'00' F 4f,.8] f.r't t(, o tril'tr .'f tirrr,-|r |'16,. rr rr-G^r..ni F.N t5 F 46.81 f.n'l t(r.r t':rlnt.rf tnrx|cnt, tlEnca N l7a5nr6g.. "r',l(l [r'1.t|nr. Il5.t/i f(x,t t(, xr ],orjrt of tcnrrlnrlr dl ttr ';1i. fnr(l alorxt '!rt(t r'rr..r. Il5.t/i f(x,r ro rtn rotrit;i-aftfi; *i iL -it,, .:,rrI t ^- 1..a(t.Lhcrlv Iinc r-rf rirr'<'r:r 't. F.ltl.'r (:rnlr.r.n - rrhrra t, a Re.utrllvlrl('r: ,, :r:,;.r].,,."?:,.i.1;: .-1, r,r(,n'A rrr(krc r;.rrlvtRr-, prii",e i6.-i,-rdf;iu;iLtjrlnty, ('ol or,r l.r, $i!1.! a, Lilfilt (l|Ar,]t'l;.. flt^::t.t I A i2.00 [qtt: wi<lrr. natxtlr,lll lr]l,xt 6.0a] fcnL rn r.ach nlclc ofrlascrlb-\l .rs fol l.r.rn ! lkxllnnlrxJ nt n fr'l.nL (nr tt|r' Uletnrly lrrv., of lot al-], tJcn,a of h,..rrs S Ir) Ittrl,c ljuhllvli.1l(nr, |j llrxt lk), 2, vtrr-,1c(., tl1(: liut}nasL q)ngr tl5r6-ol l(rirr3 S 19.'10r44" W 11.00 fLr't r rlr.nr.6 lJ )',trr'na," F tG 1A r*r.:,f !l.r: l,]:1.']!:4.n".ry ll.r)0 nrr.l , Ltx.nLy, rr:lortioii; E,t6..,l0 reari ,,,t llt.nLr N (,"11)'00' tt X,,-t\ f"rt (o a r{)tnt Qf crtrve, thcrrc.n i0.00 : w lll.l)0 f(r.l , Llx.nLyr t{ 2''15r0(',, E ,06..,l0 featr, r.l-..6.-lt f"{.t (o a r{)tnt Qf crtrve, thancn 10.00 r:ii. 5''.1-:l]'"::.r li',. ir?.[JL.i,::_i:J (1nw,. h.rvirrr n r,.r<ilr,a or-r;t.50 fcei, ! .": r\r'ntfi;rl nr'|.llF rrf d4upr1,1111. rro I ix. rt.ttrt. .rn(l r.,tnrkt r"d;hr;; -i-;.n , -N l.,r'.inrnntr r. ,z o I r,-., -- ^- -----.4;O;:.^^;-:: 'N 15"'50'00' ll 4fr.B.| frtt ro fl fntnt- ot ].ffr{tr,1tt tHnr.o'f.f fidS,6,Oo;'; .i.tfil nlcn,r .qnlrl t..'rrl.t(.nt ltfi..ri: fr+t to tli. lrrlnL r-rf tcrn-tnrrn cn ttro :Sottttrrrly lltu. of t'rr 'l 4, Ii,r,'r Clr,rlotr - pb]se l, n I{r,Brrld-lvl glqr ..c'f ,1 l>,Trt ()f lr)t .;-.t, t.jrrr's lli(l(rr S lrllvlnirnr, FtlJnq lto. 2, .,.l;r.Jlc Corxl!.!'. (I:lor,yl,.r, l|lrJlt:tr l:Ilt n (ltl,J:tyi -- !'!+:n -lA l:.00 t@t r l.do.,-r:r'r,nt lr.lrll Jr.nO frvrt rr e,rch nlt!, of thc cr,nt(:rlLmrlnec.rj bcl ne fol lt*,s: It<lll,rln{ nlo Inlnt crl t.ln, Drnr.,rlv I irrn ()f lr:t C-1. Llrrt,r furkc .SultlAvlni(rn,t:l I lrxl o, Z, r,lr:nd.. tip .tnrt hennf <vlr.rr,r t.ln reoll kr:rrr :s Aq .i0'44"1., 2i1,00 fr''t r tlv.n(F t:J'Ji,04"n 4t.20 f.,etr tlr.ncrrN6-10'01't'J 26.75 fe'r,r to a nljnt o( c.rlrvo, rlnnca 4R..,0 fc$t.lo|]q tf), il8-gf-TI.1 crrrv|' havlnr <r r,vtlus of ttZ,l0 fft,tf .r crnlr.r I arqel of '- 44'00'00" to re rl(tllr, .rnl wtrlm lcrro^r.br rl inara l 5*50,00"F 16.g1fryrt to o rx.rlnt of t.-fi(f ,nr, t tx.,(tr. rilT')5n,00.t: drxl al(r|g BaJd t;rr4ent161.64 fcct to thc Fnlnt: o( trcrnlnrrn cvl U)c Scuttrr; , lirro of n.lr(El t,.lll(tcr Ornl(.tF-t'hnrlo I, .r lY.Rulrllvlni(n (.)f n rrlr-t of lnt c-3, 1,1crri"Rl<kjo .Sutrllvl1icn, i'l) ln,r :n. ?, f.(rll, C-crrnt y, Cblor.rto. llfJ,:t J':_ll.ii\! J l4]"i.Ti_:''$A:. : A 12.00 fr.rrt vldc c.raft'Jtt lrtrn 6.00 feet (xr ..?c.h nrrt., .r[ tlE G.nL. rl in€rllsr:r.l hrl ,rrr follrrvsr l'.,rtlnnlrrj nL{r !x)ltrt. ('n t.hK, tnstarly llrxr ()f t{)t ri-l,t,l(r!'s Rl.lr.aSrrl tvjujcrn, Fllln'l tJo.::, erh.,ncr. lhr. lkrr x,nltr qJr'n.'r t hetalof lrr.rrrtil ' J0'4?."11 2n.,ll fir-,Lr ,_tr(,ncE N2'J5'Oo-t n(.Za ffi,t, t_,t r,CO llCalDrOo"H;:(,,75 fflrt Lo a lutnl of c.rrn/c, tl)onc-!.48.0n foct Jlc|lxl Un drc-ofs.rlrl <rtrvr: lrrvtny a r,rltus c)f 6?.50 ftnt, n Sy,nLro I orrt I ci of 4{og9'6j,,lo Lh. ri(lllt, nlrl l|tlosc I rxt;^clnrd taior3 Nl5( 50.00"f: 46.g1 (cct tro di()lnt olf t rlont,t tt|e|lftr N17"50,00"f, nrt(l nlrr c Fnlrl t xfi.nl. l:i4.tr,frr-.li to llx: tr).lnt of tcrrrlnus cn the Jkrrt lErly l lm ot |rdt cy.l {. Li.rnr(jha lofn-Pll.rsc l, a tf'quhlivlsJcn of a l\rrt of tl)t C-J, u|cnta tii<i:o::rllltv{nlon, FlIttrl i,(}. 2, Faqle. C( nt.y. (blorixlo. iI I f,..l'.S,:1. al' 'l'll(r l,o\ft. {lr':r('r ll)t"t ,t('(:(tltil (rilnrr|'l$nt ihltl l bC crrnaI'dnfOd a t(tl ttit I r..rr.ri'Il'!tlt lor nccclisi tlrn ^l{nor hdB or lnt'cn(lt to con; ntt'rrct r l BAId a(:(:t'RR oqrrefinnt r ro|r(l or drlvsway to provldo {fich In{llu;(lutrl owncr 8c'-'oiB to htr loFarrtto duelllng uttl!' 't'lrln ncclnrr cn$('rr\(-'Ft ah.(ll al)ply to both Ph666 I and PhaBG II r.r f TllD f lriltn cllALr:TIir conat rueto(l on enld rcal proPorty' Thc n(:coni c.1a.lment altAI I l)n rcgnrvr't(l for tho eotnnon uto of thr prrrch.tncrn of tha dwct ) tn',n nnd nholl be usod oxclutlvcly for |,rrr s rrri,,i lhc lrurchrncrfi oll(l Llr l r (ltli'st n ' fhe n'rlntonanc6 of !tld oilo- , .i.:; m€ilt nnd nlll l.nprovcrnanLa thercon nhal I tto t\t the Jol'nt Ind '' i ' "; ; cqudl cofft of Lho oencrF of tha tnultlplo rlt'alllnq unltn''rl ',' "'1.'' l l, C9y$n$!--!'-!rn-l rrg-.lrtlr fhu- Lnntl ' Tho €riaoanbt : l.':;,i htlrclry cr(!.lL('i(l orc antl 6hrII be Porpot'unl and con'truotl ot oou":.,;,:iii: ntrntF runnlnq L,tth thn liln(l nn<l r,nch Inrl (-'vc ry pqrlon adotpt'lng: /.,?ij;,rr':}.'i*j u l'ltir.:u Gv cr.l. -!'L 1r' ' -' ' '..:. :,,- , ,!1fri d6ld d{,ed ul.th Lhc unrlr:r:rLtrrrrlln,t thil! co.:h nnd cvory othe r '. ;ti.' 1.-i,;, purchaecr ln aIF() lr\).n,I bl, thc ..,rc .rslorrr lrn'r:ln contalnidr "nd ,:r liit,$ each and ev.:ry lttlrch"ra('r' l)l' lcrt)l,,tln(' a dcod !o any lot tholl ,, ,:.,i*i th{rroby cors'.}nt .1n(l ,1iJ l {'(' tt) bc bc'un(l by t'ha cov'DonLi hercln t "-' ::t::iiii. contalnad to Lll$ n'1m(: ('Ytent' an though hc hnd ot'rned thIB lnttru- '''': ncnl . The un(lcl:Fl'lncd, In oxo<:ttt (tlrl nnrl dcllvr''r lng deodi to tald '.ii lote thttl lltscrt- tn n'r l'! r'orrvoy^lrr:etrr by rcft!ronco' lhat th€ l; !6rno tr(! mo'Jo FUI) lect to llro tctmn' conrlltions' rcocrvatlonl tnd l''l covcnnnLa hcr.olrt contarttr'<1, tlr'r:t'ln'1t In/l tltn hook ani paqi of thc - j:' rocorql ln whlch Llltt lll0trtlmnlrt nn(l tllt' nuL'1chad f'lat o16 r6cofacO' t"! To ooch ntr(l cvofy (lrr((l lxrclrte(l by tlre utldarRl{ned ' ' ,; convoylng Porblotro of uho nul'1ocL prcmlann' o turvoy rhoring tho i ' 'i' locdtlan of tha inrplovemcnt-8, c'lncmontB nnd thd paruy r*nl1 rhall bc atLnchcd, or r'rfcr'nco nndc !o lhc racordatlon of the inrtru' ':':a ftcnla. : ' :' 14. .$9llq!:gn t l ' ThoBc 4ltcm€nla and rettrlcttonr rnay bc amen(lc(l or rovckcd only by Lhe recordinq of tn lnltrument duly. "r:' oxe(iutcd an(l acknotdlottqod by all or,nerr of thc FrtbJact prcnlior' ;;;t. ji il. , i,;: -(r_ l,;. !ir'vr.r';rlrl.l ll Y.. t{ i:rtry lrrovlrlon of r.r rrny frt'cl lr)tl, nt'llttrltull| (:l' ltt(" ttlll aHlt of tottl' thr:raof In any clrcunntnncor ln hold lnv'1ttd' tho rnrnirln(l$r of thln lnntruFlcnt nnrl t'hc applJcotlon ir.(!L ltl,tt, tirltrtr.n '4 r clcttnc'r Pllra.r(! or .norrl ln -nny ihir t I noL b(. n l foct.\l tltoroby ' tN rllTNFSB t{llnRnor'' ln6trunont thlr 1.{5 duy of s,tATE O!' COUTITY r -- -a/*:rZ:Oe&'-ttc(.'roitry un<!ertlgnod nrronn r{n thtr ad} of of f lco. 41,t1 lF L h(, col..oR^lro ) I nsor EACT,D ) sunscRlIlrD AllD sv{ol(N T() rCrrir9rh- I 197T' 1. l{ltnotn ny h{rnd ')tld offlctal FL'61 !,ly conml6Blon a,{f,lrL'Dt (. (\l\,1 C l;r;,f.td n!',, t 49900 I'j[Y.:m* l* I. bnt rf{h lt.t ttr h'tr.Ju -ttrr{ t, F.:'l 16 ^. Jaa ^ . n:'|AQ 18,19r ,l ...,..,/ 1.,1 1,*11tr.i .r'^... hrt. ^l, r.r,.t I l|rl 'rr.t,!,ya.r.{,tt.-t 'tlllt . ,/J.n ii- . ,. *,t 4'r'' ut7 n '1 I $!l e@eh As you may know, Trilogr Capital Partners, LLC owns Unit #1 ofEiger chalets and I am the Manager of that LLC. I spoke yesterday with Jeff and informed him of the iterns I would select for Unit #1. Inciuded. a-rnong other things, are placing all of the front-side windows and new TRILOGY CAP]TAL PARTNERS Apnl26,2OQ6 Mr. Mylon Morris 4485 Governor's Point Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Re: Eiger Chalets Refurbishment Dear Mvlon: decking. Your letter dated ril 21 2006, asks if anv of us na gas seruice__.fo laces in our 1n ease let me know what I need to :a:=,' do to Also, as I have expressed to Jeff on a number of occasions, I believe it critical that we go before any governing bodies as a single organization and not as two separate housing regimes. [t seems clear to me that, while our formation documents are somewhat brief, they are sufficient to constitute us as a "homeowners association' as envisioned by current Colorado law. We were formed early on, long before it became standard practice to form a separate entity as the homeowners association. Nevertheless, I believe it was the clear intention of the formation document to allow us, with a majority vote of owners-as opposed to a unanimous vote, to proceed with exterior renovations. The document provides that owners who dissent from exterior renovations are entitled to have their share of the renovations paid by other owners and have a lien placed on their property so that the providers of the funds can eventually collect the money. As I have explained to Jeff, I am willing to furnish the funds for Units #2 and #6 and place liens on those units to Tiilogy Capital Partners, LLC l0l North Trvon Street, Suite 1900, Charlotte, North Carolina 28246 | voice' 704.377.8378 | Fax, 704.373.3978 be included in this. Mr. Mylon Morris Aprll26,2O06 Page 2 collect the funds I have advanced when those units are eventuallytransferred or sold. As soon as I receive anything to sign, I will do so promptly andr9tu1n it to you or Jeff, as directed. pteasi let me know what else I cando. I certainly look forward to having our building improved. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. With best personal regards, I am Yours very truly, -a ts"rt- RSL:rhk Robert s' Lilien cc: Mr. Jeff Mowry 800 E. Westglow l,ane Greenwood Village, CO 8Ol2l Mr. Helmut Fricker 1370 Sandstone Drive, Unit #9 Vail, CO 81657 C-982525v1 16824.00010 Eiger Chalets Facelift Froject 2006 . Pictures of Existing Units . Color Scheme EIGER CHALETS PAINT SCHED{JLE - post 2006 Face Lift (From "Paint Bucket" in Eagle-Vail) I. WOOD: Latex over tinted (close match) oil base primer a. Brown Lakx: Bcn. Moore Ext Stain Siding Acrylic Solid BR lOY 0.A00132 ID 2106-30 pine Cone TG lY 0.000/32 Deep Base N@89 38 b. Green LateX: Ben. Moore Acrylic Satin Finish OY 2Y 18.000/32 Base 48 BK 3Y 0.000/32 DB C:/G Data BB lY 20.000t32 TG 2Y r6.000t32 wH oY16.000/32 Any new or repaired wood should be primered first! II. STUCCO: Originally tinted stucco used ore numbers (ldatch in..Stoiastic,, cusfom) HC-38 DecaturBuff OX lX [.503t9-28 ru(ox2.00 BKOX .4 .75 >El Rey Strcco Co numbers (premix Stucco) GJ 38Is.ABC b. Fronzed Bpise(yellow): >Ben Moore numbers Match in *Stolastic custom) 2151-50 FP3O P29 >El Rey Shrcco Co numbers (premix Stucco) GJ 3019 IIL Metal: Flashing, Chimney Flue & Cap >The above wood latex colors can be matched in aDTM @irect to Metal) Ben Moore low luster e,namel paint. clear metal fint with a vinegar and water solution. ,..r'.-fl I CQ ^Q'qFN trRONT ELEVATICN /7:,C -,/utt-:D//t_ 1..r. . \, € \j N s'\ J N{\ \ l: i'> <-j '2 :-,;) / 1 1c 2't t;-';; ,11Jg i-;,1,- o O Eiger Chalets Facelift Project 2006 . Exterior Lamp Specifications EIGER CHALETS FACELIFT PROJECT 2006 FXTERIOR LAMP SPECIFICATIONS : 1. OutdoorMotion Sensing Wall Lantem 2, Rustic Bronze Finish 3. Clear Bent Glass 4, Cast Aluminum Construction 5. Uses I Medium Base Bulb 100 Wau Man. 6. Assembled Dimensions: 9o W x 19 7/8 * H x 11 3/8" Ext. 7. Flampton Bay, Designer Edition, Model 560-993 8. UL Approved I Page I ofl Bill Gibson - Eiger Chalet Facelift Project 2006 From: To: Date: Subject: cc: <MBMorrisl@aol.com> <bgibson@vai lgov.com> 06/25/2006 3:38 PM Eiger Chalet Facelift Project 2006 <ajmvail@comcast.net helmut@helmutfricker.com>, <rlilien@rbh,com>, <vailcondo@wi.rr.com>, <diewelt@msn.com> Mr. Bill Gibson Vail Community Development Planner Dear Mr. Gibson: Thank you so very much for interrupting your busy schedule to have the brief meeting with me. I believe that the discussion was pointed and lruitful. You volunteered that you were going to contact Jetf Mowry and try to get him, you, and me together. I mentioned that I was willing to come to Vail on very short notice. I am still on line lor that but remembered that I am not available on Friday, June 30, or Saturday, July 1. Any other iime is perfect and I hope that it can take place real soon. We are most anxious to get started on this project. My phone number in Colorado Springs is 719-667-0339 Thanks again lor your efforts on helping us solve our very significant problems at Eiger Chalets. Sincerely yours, Mylon B. Morris Unit 4 Copy: Eiger Ghalet units 1,3,5 Jetf Mowry Helmut Fricker file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GwlO0O0l.HTM 1110112006 Page 1 of I From: To: Date: Subject: GG: Bill Gibson - Eiger Chalet Facelift <MBMorrisl@aol.com> <ajmvail@comcast. net> 07/1012006 7:17 AM Eiger Chalet Facelift <markconvail@u no.com>, <tgkrebs@bellsouth. neF, <burrows 1 00'l 1 @yahoo.com>, <acyvail@comcast.net>, <helmut@helmutfricker.com>, <vailcondo@wi.rr.com>, <diewelt@msn.com>, <rlilien@rbh.com>, <bgibson@vailgov.com> Mr. Jeff Mowry--July 8, 2006-Unit 14-Eiger Chalet Dear Jeff, Thank you so very much for your extended efforts in the Eiger. Chalets facelift project. After seeing and reviewing the final plans, I am excited about getting started. -l greatly appreciate your ofler and willingness to seek Design Review Board approval to retain the presenl garage area living space in units 4 & 6. I believe that you are proposing that this potential design problem be solved by replacing a standard garage door in its normal position and adding a long window to the uppermost garage door frame. This, seemingly, would satisfy our need to preserve this very fuunctional living area, and solve a very big problem. -l have no knowledge about specific window type availability so can'l comrnent on this aspect. I am naturally concerned about light and ventilation needs. Currenlly, in Unh 4, this is not a problem. My present windows are functional, and not unattractive, in my opinion. Has our architect studied and given his opinion on all options to help the potential design problem? Mr. Gibson's advice to me to see our architect, would be moot, if he has already studied this problem. --On another issue, most Phase I owners are highly in lavor ot lireplace natural gas availability, lF the pipes can be installed WITHIN the walls. As you know, Units 5 & 6 have it outside the walls. On the one occasion where I met our general contractor, he mentioned that it would be no problem lor his plumber to provide an estimate. Phase I owners, who utilize this option, dont expect Phase tl owners to pay for this additional amenity. Would you prefer that I renew this contact or can you do this? Please provide me with our contmctors number if you want me to do this. Thanks. -Most Phase I owners are really anxious to get this project underway and very appreciative of your outstanding efforts -Thanks again for all your help. Mylon Unit 4 Copies: Units 1,2,3,5,6, Helmut, Bruce, Bill Gibson-TOV Planner file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW]00001.HTM 11101,2}06 Mr. Bill Gibson Vail Community De\,elopm€nt Planner Dear Mr. Gheon: T?rar{ryousowty.muchbrinterruptirqyourbusyscheduletoharethebriefmeetlngwilhme. lbelievethatthodiscu$sion v{as point€d and fr.ultful, You wlunteered that you urere going lo contact Jef Mou/ry and try to get him, you, and me together. I mentioned that I wa$ wlllir€ to come to Vail on rrry short notice. I am still on line for that but rsrnembered that I am not awilable on Friday, June 30, or $atrdry, July 1. Any other tlme b petGct and I hope that it can teke dace leal smn. We a€ most anxiouo to get rtarted on this prcject. My phone numb€r in Colorado Sprlngs ia 719-887.0339 Thanks again br your efiorts on helping us solw our rrry signiicant problems al Eiger Chalets. Shcer€ly you{s, Mylon B. Maris Unit 4 Copy: Eiger GteH unit* {,3,5 Jef Mq.rry Helmut Fricker Mylon B. Morris 4485 Governorrs Point Colorado Sprlngs, CO 80906 719-667-0339 June 18, 2006 Mr. ilef f Mowry 800 E. West clow Lane Grenwood Village, CO 80121 RE: Eiger Chalet Facelift Project Dear Jeff, I received your e-mail today relative to the Eiger Chalet "facelif t" and found some good news and some bad nelirs. As you knou, I an a strong advocate of improving our homes and very anxious to get the project started. That's the good news, However, the propoied-entryway ehanges for uniL{r4, 5, and 6, and garages for units 4 & 6 is terrible news. f would like to address the 2 issues further, 1) The closed entry ways: unit{i, 5, 6 have had an additional outside door for more than 20 years. rt was done for energy saving reasons, r assume, and f believe that it's stil1 a good idea. A "curved" arch seemingly could be added forward of these doors to facilltate the master plan and hopefully satisfy the Design Revieq Board. (DRB) 2) Adding garage doors to Untts 4 & 6: The former garage space has been converted to active livlng space in these 2 units. f can't speak for unit 6 but will explain in detail unit 4. The Unit 4 project was completed in the late 1970's or early 1980's. The garage was el-iminated and replaced by a ful1 bathroom, sauna, cl"oset, eupboards, vet bar, refrigerator, microwave, etc., and sleeping space with a pul1 out bed. ft is a self contained unit which rea11y adds function to the entire townhouse. I purchased Unit 4 in 1988 and paid a premium price over the typical Eiger Unit because of this extra amenity. My attorney assured me that he eould find no recorded 1iens, unpaid tax, code violation, or variances on this property. His only concern was a weak Homeorrner Association doeument. f assume that this reconstruction was approved by the then DRB. To hopefully satisfy the DRB, I could consider "painting in" a garage door, but, I cannot c.onvert to a garage. I I Page 2 Eiger Chalet Facelift Project I am certain that our architeeb can design the phase Ifacelift, incorporating the current stylesr drrd makeeverybody, including the DRB, happy. Please request his ass i stanee . ,Jeff, this has been a very time consuming and frustratingproject for you. A11 owners are indebted to you for your outstanding efforts. Design Review Boards and planning Commissions in other cities often ',grandfather,, in existingconditions to soLve problems perhaps similar to the above. f am hopeful that we ean get through this latest obstacle inour desire to be better homeovners of Vai1. please eal1 me ifyou need help in this project or further clarification of anyof the above. My kindest personal regards ! Sincerely yours, Mylon Unit 4 owner Copy: Eiger ehalet owners a I I TRILOGY CAPITAL PARTNERS July 21, 20OS Mr. Jeff Mowry - 800 East Westglow Lane Littleton, CO 80121 -L373 Re: Exterior Renovation of Eiger Chalet Dear Jeff: .My sincerest thanks for allof your efforts with respect to renovation to the exterior of the Eiger Chalet units. I represent Tlilogy Capital Partners, LLC, tJre owner of Unit #1. I am in receipt of the letter from Mylon Morris dated July 8, 2005, and am writing to respond both to his letter and to yours dated June 3O, 2005. I very much like the overall design and concept and.feel strongly that the exterior renovations,are absolutely necessary for the wellbeing and the continued structural integrity of the units, arrd maintaining their value. I truly believe that many of the unit exteriors are in the worst shape of any others in the Town of Vail and must be addressed before serious problems ensue. First, let me state that Unit #1 is wholeheartedly in favor and in support of whatever the majority decides, so long as that includes a substantial renovation/replacement of the exterior materials, just as you have generally described in your letter. I also believe it is critical that we proceed with this work immediately and not let another winter go by, even if it would cost slightly more to proceed now, rather than waiting, although it has certainly been my experience that waiting never results in lower prices. Second, let me address the process you described in the second paragraph of your letter. You seem to intimate that all homeowners must approve the renovations in order for the work to proceed. While I have not had the opportunity to exemine the regime doc-uments for Phase 2, I have had a close look at those for Phase 1 and also have researched the Colorado law governing them. It is extremely clear that the Phase 1 documents create a "common interest communit5/ and a "homeowners' association" under Tiilogy Capital Parcners, LLC 101 North Tryon Street, Suite 1900, Charlotte, Norrh Carolina 28746 | Voi.er 704.377.8378 | Fa,,704.373.3978 $*[ It! I trt")''4) 4r \ Mr. Jeff Mowry July 21, 2005 Page 2 Colorado Revised Statute $g 38-33.3-102(c| and (d). This is clearly the case, even though no separately incorporated association was formed. It is clear that no separately incorporated association is required under Colorado law and the law was written to cover situations exactly like ours. As a result, at least with respect to Phase 1, only a majority vote is required to proceed with renovations and not a unanimous vote. If the Vail Design Review Board thinks otherwise, then I would be happy to brief the issue for them and present it to them by mail or in person. I am confident that once the issue has been squarely briefed and presented to the Board, it will agree that Phase I is a "common interest communit5/ and a "homeowners' association" and that paragraph 7 of the 1977 docttment spells out clearly the rules that apply in this case, which includes a provision that a majority vote is all that is required in order to proceed with exterior renovations. Third, I wholeheartedly agree that we should promptly engage both an architect and qn engineer to prepare the necessary drawings and elevations for presentation to the Vail Design Review Board. I believe a good architect can deal fairly swiftly with all of the issues that Myfon rightly raises in his letter. I agree that the stone bases in Phase 1 can be saved with the repair of the damage they have sustained at Units 2, 5 and 6. As the architect does his'work,. I believe that he or she should allow for as much exterior variation as the Design Review Board will approve. For example, if people now have different front doors, I believe they should be allowed to keep their existing doors so long as that is satisfactory to tlle Design Review Board. Likewise, those with either closed-in garage spaces or gaxage doors should be able to retain tJrem; however, I do believe that the Design Review Board may have some opinions about how much uniformity will be required, and I obviously believe we should comply with that Board's wishes*as much as reasonably possible. I can certainly foresee the possibility that the Design Review Board would require all exterior doors to be the sarne. while that is going to increase our renovation cost slightly, I would agree to do that (even though my door is brand new). On the other hand, if the Design Review Board insists that all units have garages, I would suggest that.we resist that suggestion because it will cause several of my neighbors to lose interior space and have to significanfly reconligure the interior of their units. obviously, I would hope that we would be able to prevent tllat from occurring as much as possible- although this "enclosed garage issue' does not affect me directly. It is personally fine with me that some of the units have enclosed garages and C-%3164v1 16824.00010 Mr. Jeff Mowry July 21, 2005 Page 3 others have garage doors-with one qualification: We must have an enclosed space for everyone's garbage cans. It is simply not acceptable to have garbage cans located in front of the units in exposed ereas. It creates both a dangerous and an unsighfly situation and I am fairly confident that the Design Review Board will not approve a design that does not provide for exterior garbage container spaces for those units that do not have a garage where the containers can be stored. Fourth, I note that when you address the timing of the renovation, you have obtained information from contractors about how long it will take to do eieht units. I did not see any information from the contractot about how long it would take to do all 14 units-and I believe very strongly that we should renovate all of the units at one time-to save costs and keep disruption at a minimum. Fifth, I am quite comfortable with the cost estimates you have obtained. I believe that all of the owners should understand that each unit's cost will vary, based on the amount of exterior space and the amount of work that has previously been done. For example, the Frickers' units should cost substantially less because much of the stucco and other work has been done. I also believ.e that each unit owner should take great comfort in the fact that the work for each unit will be separately evaluated and priced-which should cause units (like the Frickers') to come in at a significantly lower price than tJre average of $36,41O. Sixth, while I think that the general contractor's fee of 22o/o plus a frxed fee of $1,800 is quite high, in the grand scheme of things, the difference between 22o/o artd what I believe is the more typical L2-L5% is not a great deal of money. Finally, I am proceeding with having stucco applied to the side and rear of Unit #1, with that work, hopefully, to be completed by August 31"t. I reaJize that this may cause me to repaint the stucco, once a final color, etc' is chosen by the Broup, but I simply cannot wait any longer to do this work because of the risk of structr:ral deterioration unless my siding is replaced. I am installing the stucco work in the same fashion, scope and scale as the Frickers did on the end of Phase 2, so that the appearance of the two buildings will be the same when viewed from the cul de sac and driveway. I will do anything that you ask to help move this process along, and I again appreciate all of the effort that you have already invested. As you can C-943164v1 16824.00010 t Mr. Jeff Mowry July 21, 2005 Page 4 see, I have not sent a copy of this letter to all of the homeowners, but I would be happy to do so-or a modified letter-if you think it would help. With best personal regards, I am Yours very truly, TRILOGY CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLCffi# RSL:rhk cc: Mr. Mylon B. Morris 4485 Governor's Point Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Mr. Helmut Fricker Eiger Chalet 9 1370 E. Sandstone Drive Vail, CO 81657 C-943l64vl I6824.@010 a Proiect Name: Minor Exterior Alteration Eiger Chalet Project Descripuon: PO BOX 1086 VAIL CO 81658 License: Project Addrcss: 1350 SANDSIONE DR VAIL 1370 SANDSTONE DR EIGER CHALETS Legal Description: Lot: G-3 Block; Subdivision: EIGERCHALETS Parcel Number:' 21031210300t! Comments: COMMON ELEMENT- REQUESTTO REDO/UPGMDE THE FACADE/FACE OF UNITS 7.14 OF EIGER CHALETS Participants: OWNER FRICKER, HELMUT E. &URSULA 11/03/2003 Phone; PO BOX 1086 VAIL CO 81658 l_icense: APPLICANT FRICKER, HELMUT E. & URSiJLA 1UO3/2003 Phone: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 faxi 970,479.2452 web: www,ci,vail,co.us DRB lYumber: DRB030490 Location: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval" Planner: Matt Gennett TOI4'NM General InformaUon: All projecc reguiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approral that is requested. An application ior Design Review. cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depafinlnt. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constnrction oomrnences within one year of the approval. Description of the Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block: - Subdivision: Physical Address:7 arc3t^lo)(L,8 -Parcel No.:)t o )t2t o3ot4 (Conbact Eagle C,o. Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:d/.2 Owner(s) Signature(s): .F Application for Design Review . Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co,us trznA ,e4{zH6 l*l for parcel no.) - 2z// Name of Applicant:--1e*o'''n-' Mailing Address: u,Jrl;J Lo5\^ r15 lLf w,#" Phone: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs .X Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multFfamily/commercial) n Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) O Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. reroofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee DRB No.: Aug- ls-os "= t t""r_:It'Architec.ts, ?-C-303 f=fo-orso 5HAE6W HIW P4r t a(frfftn6^t" CEDAY +l1w P -O? ?nxcb lv,towtf qp+)gvt€ 6ttJtln*rw laA Uv-+Vtb-.%,(uf*Y1 tbvt lv,(nfr Wg-, zhry @Y +lwz fu4,6,^' Ete>* 4'xr&""R. LUNDETL ARCHITECTS + ASSOCIATES, P.C.5I9 E. Bayaud Ave. Donver, CO 80209 Vo?- >ca -azP? oeTl. *, 1 I i.o3 DEartntcnt of Commtnity Deae lopmcnt 75 South Fronuge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 uwuuailgoo,com Jeff Mowry 800 E. Westglow Ln. Greenwood Village, CO. 80121-1373 Lot G-3: Zoning District: Allowable Site Coverage: Re: Lot G-3, Lions Ridge Subdivision Eiger Chalets - Site and Landscape Coverage Calculations Jeff, Thank you for taking the time to work with the Town of Vail Staff in determining existing site coverage for the Eiger Chalets development, Phase(s) | and ll. As well, your work to provide information relative to existing asphalt paving area has proven helpful in calculating approximate landscape area on Lot G-3, Lions Ridge Subdivision. Based on your calculations, the following information is pertinent to your ability to move forward with any plans for an addition to your unit, and therefore increase site coverage on Lot G-3: Required Landscape Area: 60% (total site/lot area) .60 x 1.2 acres (.60x52,272 sq. ft.) = 31,363 sq. ft. You have estimated that approximately 9,240 sq. ft. of the lot is covered by existing buildings (Eiger Chalets, Phases I and ll), pursuant to the definition of "Site Coverage", provided in Section 12-2-2, Vail Town Code. This results in the following calculation: 13,068 sq. ft. (allowable site coverage) - 9.240 so. ft. (existing site coverage) = 3,828 sq. ft. Thus, Staff believes that the site is in compliance with allowable Site Coverage and that there is an opportunity for additional development, using the "250" provision of the Vail Town Code, and resulting in additional site coverage on Lot G-3. Specifically, Staff calculates that there is approximately 3,828 sq. ft. of available site coverage remaining for the entirety of the site. 1.2 Acres (52,272 sq. ft.) Residential Cluster (RC) 25% (total site/lot area) .25x1.2 acres (.25x52,272sq. ft.) = 13,068 sq. ft fi EEC*CIED P,'PEN . ,lo9,tl*'' z.l,J"Jt - fleatgesstr tQnn\abo.bffia €,/4EA Cr#e-f,f /atzu.A grrffPzeF rer44-; /4r62#4'7 /tf,l4qcf /z/rxe- 7 /r -Z $a-63 't'- 3 ?aaA urz-PttvlLt /n"nr 'f 1, x tex 3O = AUret>z{&c //rf#€ Jf ?)(2Lx 3a :f,zPo @, -11 !l i' IIl"i\i-- re F l= ll \\il-Ev L= " " oCI 2 :2u|Jl TOwx oF vAlt F4,gs-T ,15P9*r-T: I,i It .€ 3f' -q' aC?6t *.+ }+ Vtri^t t1 il 2001 llilt'Ill VAIL )trctrilI octz: .TOWN OE {\*- o'' -'+ pt^.]+ f; Jir \- lt fc--)S'-_-__-s *-- /f' )*'',---- <- 2r -_--'> \ \ N \ iE_ Ii, tr lit; L [! lq r'l'u l= i \15 \7 lE Ll \ii OCT 2 .ZUIJ TOWN (Jtr'\J,il \ i.j.-- I >.'\ I r1ot S,*- zs:r'-'--'- g/'4,, IProject Application Date Proiect Name: Pro.iect Description: Contact Person and Phone 'a "'l-t"",. ,l , 4.- ' 1'': ^/,".r' Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: nA&An*rz- tAsecondeday, 4fl;*'t'C'tt . i:tN.,aL-.APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -.-t \-j Summary: ./4,/ ;:;.tfit: t= f. t_ArJ3 s,L-'4te/A)b T \-, "i9; ( *l-tnot-lt';r.) r3l -"1vL*>t f, I'1- , ,'1,4t t-l \-t ( 1:A/rf ^!2O u-tqf.ltrcl ,ilte E statt Approval luwn 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 24, 1983 Helmut Fricker P.0. Box io86 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: DRB Submitta'l of 1-19-83 Dear Helmut: 0n January 19, 1983 the Design Revievr Board approved the Eiger Chalets exterior sign. The Board's motjon of approval included the stipulation that a landscaping plan be submitted to staff for approval, and the landscap'ing itse]f be completed by July 1, 1983. If the Iandscapingis not completed as per plan by July 1, the sign must be taken down. The landscaping plan shou'ld include an indication of how high the signwill be and a landscaped area of at least 40 square feet around the sign. Si ncerely, ,fu^oLZ*-- Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df a 4,,Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Application Nunbet' 0ate / - /,r -fS Name or Pro:ect €/68re C44 L€TC. Name of Person Submitting Location of Project /toru,f Ft26€ Descriptignof Proiect #fearcrz-96fu * - The fo1lowing information is required for to the Design Review Board before a fina1 Sign submittal fee is $20.00' A. Sign Material Phone r/6 4.r9rr submittal bY approval can the app'l icant be given. . --,G,e (fTeIutZ€ B. Description of sisn farZUgO f F+*tVe D Size of Signc. D. Coffnents MATERI{LS SUBMITTED WITH APPLJCATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi'owlngTlact location -3: Frroiogiapr't shoiling proposed locatTinl- 4. Actual s'i gn 5. Colored sca'le drawing - 6. PhotograPh of sign Approved for DRB Submitta'l Disapproved for DRB Submittal 't .l -a ot+ l{rt ' eUscnaE P4r) fifilgf,f t' lt sTw ,{b ilw #f' ?raur4vr' i I I I I I N rlitiiil-:--ril -: -_=a==---..- i i:=---=_- j q 6\rl c\rfr rr\ I t"'r .li--t-'f\(*' (T+- *ltt- \l.l -.tJ 7 department of oommunity development TO BE FILLED OUTGOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ntrtr finn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL .i-EGAL Desc. LOT BLK FILING 66pay6lffitArNrNc qALL OWNER flaME Ercq4 CHALET CONDO ASS0 r35O sANDsToNE DR MAIL ADDRESS crrY VAIL pn.6-4816 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR plpM RETENTIoN ENG. rNC. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, 985-2126 lr..r*,r0,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAJL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TO\I'}I OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF,IIAIL FEG= NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIVN QF VAIL LEO. NO TELE. lhq Fb \\qr\ r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H I RM OIVISION t?2a34 GENERAL DESORIPTIOI,I OF WORK : _ REPLACEMENT OF FAILED RETAINING WALL PERMTT NO. --- zIF{ J BUILDING 7,000 ETECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TNTAT,7.OOO TYPE GROUP G.F,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V IIIR R-3 7,000 BUILDING PERMIT 90 CD Brd" -d $ Ha( PLAN CHECK 4) ETECTRICAL NE\ry( ) ALTERATIoN ( l ADoTTToNAL ( ) REPATR (x)q PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNTTS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT, -- NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE R.VALLUETHICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT I00 Exr.wALLS | | |USE TAX TYPE OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ zJ). u0 GARY MURRAIN SEPT. 19, 9988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT YN 'LDING-oFFIEIA. DAE BETSY RoSoLACK SEPT. 14, 1988 INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING )NING & AUILDING NOTES:;;il l_ |oeuolll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, lo comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revrew Uniform Buildinq Code and other ordinances of the T \55 !r$*f ..-=/4,*--f;,oil^oott"^dt" lhereto' CLEAN UP SIGNATURE OF O \rs s I NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO glTg SEPT. 13, 1988 BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE \\.o= N\"N."\ 00351s dcpartnrenl ol cornmunity rlevclopmont ***I*PLEASE FILL OUR }IIIEIIE TIIE (X} FIARKS ARE! TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY?fIOR TO ISSUANCEOFPESMIT ;. TYPE OF PERMIT: Eautuotrtc Ipt-utt4atf'rc, fl rrecrnrcaL E rounonrtotr f] MECHANTCAL f,] RETAIUING WALL ' <-f '--'---r{ c{,,)\h PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER rr FtooF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL E=' .Eli urF( rrr.rnr- \r\r.\s.\rrtx.\RN\-- o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR GnoEns /r,|' dE^o8t fi E] l' fl n1btJ tatL na^o:i r*1 | t* l=l F rilt--r ,tl;lt, STRETCHERS fnoNtgli€lcd€R nE] nE]aact3ta€lcfi€R ENo VIEINS oril6t{sloilS fttE rf'ro€n a rt |..0F I FI lf 0€t .h rr *rcr Flofatfrf,lcral aacittEtorft r- rt t-ar'a' - olt'C.d d-'" I t'1'.r'rr.o{ t't'.- c ro'C,. rf C..r?: tl'a'a' o t|A.e5 o.. t'lrr'2f E r,4li ...rtl 4'T \'t a.a. G .l't'a' a {'rl'rr ,l \,a.l' .'{' T L' i ._ '|' rld fc-t|lt Itts -a!r! wr lf()tls to rill 70 LtE t! !at.l$ ra3 Cl |.ll !a rlt CRIBLOC-K CO[P(}II E$tT DETAILS IPROTIOFII/ F|ETENTION ^t ENI3INEEFIINGJ INCcfRPcfRATEtf m s. )Gl{l{ c[. sullE # lq] gm sa26 PLlrrNo riEatn')4 o lLrgi rn oJourtt (rlrl ELEVATION rrvprceut fALSf- irEAoEi 3AC( S1REICHEA EADEi @{STRUCTTON NOTES: .l us6 0f FALSE rsrDEig a) n|.'t HClo€is rRE ttor llrodt0 ar Efrosc rArtS G D T0? Oouttc ff ltt|-t. ll firllt HErolR3 t lrSE cornsg ot l sneL€- 0€F r,r fau, IrY cn€IrE orfFrcuLTG.Srx coxstilrdrn tut Do tot acffGtITLv iEDIEE UTL! 8TiEiCI'T. c. BrlE r€aDEnt IRE xol uiED tt| ur€F|oi oF lurtFLG- otrrlt lrl.Lt. al uauPFnTEo xEr€nT a? 8r.03 0f fr Lr3 tot To EXC€EO ' FE€I. l) ToP FriaTc$Eit tatlY u8e oF ctqrt aE t[cuiE9 nto Fo3rot { Esp[craL lrolt 3|taL|- tE lr|(€i| of aLrcRr{to[ - .pr{T coisttuclror. At aHol|t n tYflc^L caosg - *cTlot8. lrt: oouita ilat vEr. aID ELEVATIOT, CONSTRUC/ FIETENTIC]N ^| ENGINEEFIINGN INCC]FIPCfF1ATED t o I llYPlCtL rrrLTrPLE oEPT6 fr|-Ll rl r cnBwrLL lcTS ^xo rusr lE oesG|rGo rs l GnarrY -rirFEn€IArtr 6 fALr. rl tL|ofio rESrgTAt|Ot 18 olfiEffartD 8y nTEflrl! aotL FFETtofi olgogfFtcrcll ot flrDno atoic lr|E. rA|r I ll lvERlGE Dl srTY of cnlll tL ri PLrcE |s raret To g€ leo torJIoS FEn cui|c F00t lrrEED or llt tNo r$o Foi to|L aro co oiErE. iEsPEc vErvl. cl a vERTtc L Lo D Eou L to t/3 lh€ soRrzorrrL lo D rs fPFLtEo Ar ftE iC|n 0f ll€ r tL lAroxo rrlattal| a,lt€|. a) EFfECTrvt D€Ptn oF t LL tt fiot Fiorrl of faorl tTnStcr|:t to lEr( oF 9rcr triETcFEn. ll m aTTAtx rEcEssany i 5E rlolH fon wALL glt&urt, HEroEtf cat 16 lltrEiloer - lll6xE0 l0 cnerTE r tuLll-ul l gAsf. lEtE tTnC.L ruLr|F|.J .O:trX IILL Cno'|-lrcrlotlr $ctl t 0t a L a) lF SACt(flLL rtr$l ttlE IILL lt l€1 FtEl -ORA U!9. A llYEi oF tlCE- 08r *|.G taTERrlL StY t€ iEel)|nED ALO 6 llrE .|at OF lHt rruL.lf sucH ts PLlcEo.. a tEnFoirlto cq-LEcr@fl RPE CAl. tE Psl lr TriE EOltOl 0f ljrE LAyin. o|t$rric0to rl ax clo ol r |ogex tHE frcE oF tl€ u.LL. | gtE oiaoreE 0f [. g,€gt I ot a l. l) as sEtx w Ex^t|Attoi of tl|t o€&ci laalE. €llc't trlLl TIFE lc-aL c-ae, ETc.t ts p$tLT l ru.rnjr of e colagEs. Foi crarPLE, a E-CqriNE r Lr courD riarf |. cour6Es of, c-ar.fl b co|ngcl oF c-ar rt*p e of c-aa, rrl lgl I couigcs ot c-at rs I ofc-la. t,;.,2l.ttg,ir I I I cRoss sEcnoN (TYFICAL SIIOLE O€FTII WALLI i ,-\.\ ,.,f,flgla. I DESIGN DETAILS IPNCTsOF4/ F|ETENT|CfN ^t ENGINEEFIINGINCc]F|PC]RATED 7ff S, )6rnl gf, S,llE # lIIl gts) sF2r26 o o a o trol Es: rl PoSl o ,€ara cslng rAt!?fF Calli^t' tlllrllllgllal a lt -cl oa/l?t-cr. tx rn?mttol0lL! li ,otr ..!arc rt a-o'aL l -l- CllfEt lOclrTCa I l'- O' DETATL 6- GUARP RA|L DETAIL 3- CURB 8 GUTTER O"T E$, r) !! xffc! rlrrrt aor|Dr 9a qrc{ IcFra tEratltt car vaiv ro .o: rlr*r Fi!:illiri_?i_ifl-is.$i'#Dr.f^ta a ttt|Ist at xtolll.al ltacrtrcl oa ctrlttora a ot$ta oa l;3il*"rat "f'rii,!.o ror(:r.r r..[r3- x ll -!1.!t r. c.tileo fr(r ^royr ooti lonarnai.t Dltcn tt t|t rl Ara|.lt tO tfta!}4"* FmF.w al lriati Attt iJt t|ra a t|trgrta ^lptqt||u ar {v{raoi,ttyr a&ater ttrrtrtlraI - -!r]|_t-rr! tralt !-oc.frclr oi qrgitr..re|itt 19 ta l{Orn &t trg{Ct t|.tll,rota tiral of,attaca ootra_ trt{t lri ,l)Ii5o{raa o .rff, co|.lac noat Dta{ rlg||-aarar a eottrla ,t|f t$ !t |.Lr, DETAIL E - BROYY APPLICATION DETAILS PA6E 4 OF 4IaFIENTIC]NENGINEEFIINc3 INCOF|F]c]F1ATEtr} 767 S, m0l C[. SulE # III LflG}ffil, ruNAID W Gffi) S,2t25 t RETENTION ENGINEERING INCORFORATED 767 S, XEN0}.] COURT, SUITE 190 !AKE[400D, COLORAD0 802a8 (303 ) 985-2126 CRIBl,IALL STABlLITY CALCUIJATIONS SUBHl?TED PNOJECT LOCATION PREPARED The City of Vail, Building Dept.Eiger Chalet Condornlniurns Sandstone DriveVail, Colorado September 12, 1988 L .J nrrrrrtor O PRoJEcr '{AME I gl8llEEnltc o,ife 2/88 scALE-N-&lpreE I or I - f te0nP0Rf,IEIl suerecr FORCES ACilNG oN A CR|BWALL sy JOB flUilBEB - o 'i i .j irr i.'l rli I'l ij:r [:i]i]il|,;i {..;t-li;ii...i;l" r_:[]i\1il{Jl'ltf,tILlf4" l.Jirl....l... i.i[::.liiii..]Fi i f::"i 1r-ii'i ::i":t::i:t 1.... f\r..; il i"lEi, i'l l" t: Fi :[ i:J t4f::rl._ L. l./t.l I (:I lil:;F 1' ,, t :: r L riiii::, I I l:i l- t'1 i ijj iilrl .i. l"l .i [:. fi 1 [:. fi ,4rii 1... i.... -:' i.. l' /' i\i ..1 i |,l I i *.*--.*""---" -' " i I tA,f.:ii.l.. i:ir"r"f l-[]'-i:i i irrll.ilri ti:i.t5lll] '. i. rrl i i ! llilfliiij:.F( $.i. ;1[::. i :i: ' ., :.'i' r ..i " ij' - i.]ft i:i' r il . :l("i I I !i..iL.-t.ii:'H. t:il-: i:iirll.lt::.f :l r..,.... fii-.i.1 L Ni) i;|-:.ii.i_ i iilif.,1 s l:.t .i: :::ii.. ) I 1.['vH:1' ; i i'jiii::: [i:i::r i i'i i".ii i" ;11,,, $ j... lft j. hlijj [:: f:i t. i;"l i tjiil i {] " 5t3 i rJ . 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( jl{:ji:jl,+'7 ." :ii!.i':ji.jl,t:j":i.iri l-jH{-ti;: .r+:;:} ::: ::: .:l;:i i::.1- plf.Jli;i .= ti,1 ri rf"i-,r.;: ) -.th)(;i".jllll:r i ilii{j::"4::}l{ rl .{Jij).: l:rF.lli.iii.t....:i:: i-ir:iii;:: .,:"::;i.j - t:){ 4.r.:ii:i )l:.r i [:ii:i(.]:] ,,tl"l.I /( rf-(:){::i)": .r.{iar, *! {nr'!r ! .. :i: 155::r . f"lr: l:i:.j[::'* :I75i.l ":;::;: t-.'$t: ,il c- E t I 1 tl "{t:il FIEI."D COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328.633e BUILDING PERMIT ^"".,"^*' r."""* "nu oo""aJfi$ ---lffio*''39tlT.rii*tb *E't65r@ (NO.' pERMrr ro 8- unit townhouse (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT} (STREET)( coNTR'S LICE SE) (-) sroRY NO. NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS (PAOPOgED USE l 6iJ+ii..' { t{0. )(9TREET) BETWEEN AND (CROS5 STREET}(cRoss STREET) tr @ d]; z z tx, suBDrvrsroN Lionf s Ptidge Lor-G3-euocK-srzE BUILOING IS TO AE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP FT. ItI HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION1' 12rt culvert must be 18n minimum. ?. Iarge roeks adja868t to REMARKs, retaining yrall -cen not he n'l',eerl An rpad &ight-od'-way oi allewgd teget in rlght-of-uay. These conditions must be adhered to, pLAN CFIECK FEE__$302.64 AREA OR VOL U ME (CUBIC/SOUARE FEET) owNFF Texas Constrrrction Co. ^r"*, sr'loiRo PERMTT orrt,clmoN GLE COU I Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. joo Sauls'(o*e 3nir.Lol 6:orn.,^idgu I oEscR."'""Lol G 3 1[see Arrrcx:o sxt:r 1 2 Iakas Co^s{ . Co,3'o?"'"iz 6s-6 .fatf 3 t"".^i'[uusa n Obu, (o hn &.y ?qb uArL 16 33s'1 aRcHllEc r oi DEsl MAIL ADORES S PHONE LICENS€ NO. 3 4 drp C_.5-3 ENGIIJEEF MAIL AODRESS PHONE IENDEF MA IL AOOFE S5 AiANCH II9E OF IU ILDI N Gt ! U,4,+louv,n housas 8 ctassotwork: F(new trA00tTr0N trALTERAT|oN DREpAtR OMovE DREM0VE 10 Change of use from l1 Varuation ol work: g 32O ggg -PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bld9. (Totar) 5q. Ft. Flre SPrlnkler9 Requlred [Ve5 DNoAPPLICATION ACCEPTED BY,APPROV€D fOF ISSUANCE AY OFFST REET PARKING SPACEs: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOF ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEFIIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5I(iNAI(JiI OF CONTRACTOI Oi AUYHOFIZEO AGEI{T {DAYEI HEALTH OEPT. SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS PERMIT &/-za/zz PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION woiKiaaN MrL! tlo^o. lrrFlttrrir caLr7. toaor Juridiction of Applicant complete numbercd spaces only. t[ste errrcxeo sxe er I MAI L ADDiESS PHON€LICENSE NO. AR CH ITEC T OR OESICNER MA IL AOOh E3 S PHONE L IC EN9E NO. MA IL ADOR ES S P'IONE LTCENSE fr O. vAlL ADOFESS BiANCF USE OF 6U ILOIN C 8 CIasoIworK: N NEW tr ADDITION DALTERATION ! REPAIR N MOVE D REI\4OVE 10 Change ot use {rom Change of ule to 1l Valuation ol work: $PERM IT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bld9. (Total) 5q. Ft. Fire Sprinkler! Required Dvee DruoAPPLICATION ACCEPTED AY:APPFOVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y OFFST REE I PARKING SPACES:No. of Owelling Units NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB" ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOFI A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMTNED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO COR RECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICNAIURE OF €ONTRACTOR OR HEALTH DEPT. F IRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT sumfto PERMTT APPLrcIt,oN WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED TIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION EXTRA INTERNATIONAL CON FERENCE OF COPY EUILDING OFFICIALS. !!.o 3 Mrr.! ioaD. wHrr?rEF,Form 1O0.1 11.73 I -\_.--_ .a.I EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED Date OF Buildinq Permit Fee Subdivision Application Special Use Code: (Building) (Zoning) All items are received for collection only and no-payment of any item. N';' U $44 AMOUNT EAGLE corl" BUTLDTNG pERMrr efLrcATroN Review Routing Form P./q'/tv Date Referred Permit No. e/, C4nLlr- ts//94 Please review the attached appl ication and return it and this completed form to the County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commissio.n Fite ruo. SP- , / -7y' Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations/2, Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval r(" YesKKflK Nowrl -B Comments: Location F trItr tr EIEtltl County Engineer: Recommend Approval U.r'/ _eu'//_ *,tlrl ^t, (r,g! /-// aQurlr.-../+, -/ Comments: 2- /t-7-7 BUrLDfic PERMTT APPLrcIrroru EAGLE COUJurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, T' WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT t-1 rl'r-I SoO 5Qurd610qe JJrtva 'OttsV'id'Loi 6S 6ousvidta I oEs c r.| -l 4"2LOt I S flrtt rtrecxeo sx:rrl 2 I akas Co^s{,Co,t5or lZ 6s-416 .lar f 3 ,'""'^f')" u n, a * O 6uv (6 [, y- LtccNSc fro.&,' ? 1t: Vl(L t1 1 6 3 39 -1 lRcx|rtcT oi o€StcNqRa (i // kvo 3or 163 L 4t L Scr /Lp C- s3 .NGINEET 5-- L rca||gl ir o. ugE or lur(orNc -7 I Uu;t q hovgas 8 class of work: (ruEw D AoornoN n ALTERATT0N n REpAtR tr MovE n 8EM0VE l0 Change ol use {rom ll Valuation olwork: $ 32O ggg 3 PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 'Work rrrithin f ho flottnfrr t iohf - Si.e of Bldg. (Total' Sq. Ft. Flre Sprinkle.s Ftequire.t Dv", EnroPLANS CHEC|(€O 8Y APPBOVTO FOA,SSUANCE AY OFFST REET PARKING SPACESNo. ol Dwelling Unlt! NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS AFE REOUIFED FOR ELECTRTCAL, PLUM8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONTNG. THIS PERMIT gE'COUCS NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COI\,1MENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMIN€O THIsAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNIN6 THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER StrECIFIEOH€REIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUM€ TO CIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TH€PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER sTATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANC€ OF CONSTRUCTION. arctlaluta oF coNTtactoi oF llrTnoitlED acExt .a HEALTH OEPT. FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sp€cllyl PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o.CASH'/1j ;2at2at/ I Form l0o.l ll-73 7w xrL! ioAo . sratrtrtrt ca|.r'.. ao.ot I o $EPABTIflgIiT OT P[AI{NIHO AND DE1|EI,OPTfiE$IT Itcl)onald ltldg. 590 llroadway P.O. Box 789 22 Februarv 1977 Eagle, Colotado 81631 Texas Construction Co. P.O. Box 1228 Vail', Colorado 8165? Re: Application for Building Permit in Eagle County Lot G3, Lions Ridge Subdivision (Eiger Chalets, Bldg. A) The Eagle County Building Department requires that applications for building permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering and Environmental llealth Departments for their comments prior to issuance of the permits. Your application for l,ot G3 in the Lion's Ridge Subdivision was routed on 9 February 197'1 . Listed below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the above Departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions orwish to get further explanation, please contact the appropriale departments. The telephone numbers and addresses of the commenting departments are listed with each comment. PLANNING: Not approved. "Conditions of previous approval have not been' met (see attached leters). Site plan in incomplete;'ii L. A landscaping plan must be included. ),,< 2. A Subsurface drainage plan must be submitted. 3. Cath basin and sedimentation basin must be shown on plan. \. ,4. Need conformation of water oressure test. PI er Etl&tE 6ouilrY ENGINEERING: Not approved. "Same Box 1?9, Eagle, CO 3 28-63 38 as above.tt 81631 IIEALTH: Not Approved. ilDrainage hold permit until adequate W.V. Smith, Engineer Box 250, Eagle, CO 81631 328-633? system is incomplete. Recommend drainage with filtering sys^tem is installed." ik W. Edeen. B-7? IBJ ZU-'I'/ I U I'hnning Dt'plrtmt'nt/Phnning Clornmission: Sutxlivision, Ilt'zoning, Applications and llevicw 328-77 .P.S. , Box 811, (.r03) 328-6338 lluildinrl 0{licial: }iuilding I'trnrils lnd Inspt'clion, Zonins Ad utinistr:rtion {303} SC8-6339 Eaglc Texas Construction Co. Page 2 It would be to your advantage if you begin to resolve any problems and/or requirements as soon as possible so as not to delay the issuance of your building permit any longer than necessary. Enclosed is a copy of the Review Routing Form 'for your information. Thank you very much, #" U*, LeSter L. Doud/as Eagle County Building Official LD:TK:WVS.:EWE:ge enc. cc: Terrill Knight, Eagle County Planning Department; W.V. Smith, Eagle County Engineer; Erik W. Edeen, Eagle County Sanitarian; Larese and Oberlohr Llolt's RIDGE IIATET oISTRICT l740 t"li1'l iams Street Denver, Colorado B02lB Et &rK cit 4LET e LoT G -z RECEIVED sEP 01 1976 'l&r*. 0t Ptanning & oensL ttglg Cour Y. Colq ltr. Heini Larcae Larese and Oberlohr Construction Co' P.O.Box 396 Vail, Colorado 81657 -.. Dear !lr. Larese: .TheBca{aofDirectorsoftheLj'on.snidge}laterDistric!has personally constaerea your request for r'rate r service ' TheLr decision is tlnt slrvice rvi1l be available to you upon meeting all requirements of the Rules and Regulations Thc DistricL has recently cornpleted an erlgineering stucly of available watelr and is proceecling to assufe all neccssary rights. The Boardl is confident of a iontinuing supply for clomestic use' If, there are any further quest'ions, please contact. us' (,..)o.*e2ypr.l,u+ Jrr\-L. Lv-^L /- fo.o+"^'( \ u",;l- f i,*)"-f*. /V';-P-I- lrz Jpc,/twj SlncerelYr James P. Collins District'!'lanager ? ?u-u..u L,(.Urllll(,U r,: P. O. lJr-tx'/llf tSoglo, ColorocJc []t631 27 lr4arch 1?74 l)lrcno Lareno nrrt Oborlohr Ccnstructlon Co. Rox 396 Vall, Crlora'Jc 81657 Re! Fllo r.,{o. Sp-51-7a - Prellmlnory Plan lgor Clrelets At their sptcial moetlng on 26 llarch 1974, tlro Board of Caunty Commlssloners approve<J your Frellminary Plen subject to tire follorving conclitlons: The fcrllorvlrrg detal lod reporte ahd plans should be conrplotcd ond a1>proved prlor to issuencc cf any br.rilding permit: (1) runcff filter design planl (2) speciflc foundatlon plan based upon solls and geology found specifically . on the site; (3) full drainage design planl : (4) water resource avallabillty repcrt from Llons Rldge V/ator Dlstrict; tn addltion, the easement on the oast groperty llne should be 7.5 fcet minlmum. tf you have an;, questions, please contact their Secretary, tho County Clerk, or this offico, In the Courthouss. Respectful ly, Robert H. tsarr Plannlng l.sslstant nH3/kt cc: Boord of County Commlsslonors ? U()LIN I U I I\fT Routing TJUIU ciview Form Permit No. "7r,J it and this completed Reviewed by: form to the Nofl r1tl EI 13 E]n Yesr:l |:]fl r:E]tf Date; Comments: ()o'f /'l/l{/ County Health: Sarritation Water .Kl;H tl-tr-.-:[J/[Iffi.Recommend Approval .,/ / -Cm-rtt.,a' Comments: J24L .te flefcrred Please revievr thc attached appl ication and return County Building Off icial rvithin 6 working days. Planning Commissr'on File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations : Recommend Approval County Engineer: Roads -:' Grading Drainage Recommend Approval tl d-_€ f.('j)'t) r*'. r-L.- $iimn?[xEItr 0F PLfiiti{xit$ llil0 Itlcllonald llldg. 550 llrordway lr.O. llox ?89 ' 1? August 19?0 D IIJE TOIIiJ IIIT Eaglc, Coloredo 81631 Larese and Obcrlohr Construction Co- P.O. Box 396 Vail , Colorado 8165? [[OI,E COIJNTY . Re: File No. Sp-51-74 - Preliminary Plan Dear Sir: Please refer to the Board of County Commissioners Letter of 2? These questions must be answered before a buiiding permit can should also be a landscaping plan.with the application. March 19?4. be issued. There {,/ ,,"'ffi** for: Sl/ee enc. Director of Planning Itlrnning l)r.llrrlrnr'nt,rl'l:rnning Corrrrnission: Sulxlivisiou. lltriklirrll (lffici:rl: ltuiLlint: I'r,r'rnits lrrrl lrrspt'ction, 7.onirr6 i lh.zonin13. Alrplicltions arrl lk,vit'w 1303) 328.6JJ8 Arlurirristllthrn (3{13} 3:llt 0Jll9 EAGLE couN{eurLDrNG penrr: ^"f ,"olo*tRouiu* Ftouting Form ,O" -- rc-'c-,.1 ,n$ Date Heferred appr idJn--* - ffi Location Please review the attached appl ication and return County Building Off iciat wiilrin 6 working days. Planning Commission File l.lo. Plarrning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval (t--.. No r:lrlrl I= tr]tr =t= Yesr:lflflm Etrftl County Engineer:Roads Grading .. Drainage Flecommend Approval {7---... County Health:Saniiation Water Recommend A t1ft/7er'( fu41rru" pproval 1o', /r,,'/, 3 ee S/c-t..a '7'DZ*'-zo,F4, a4a J.J it and this completed form to the Reviewed by:Date: Comments: Comments: Comments:EI'IVIRONMINTAL H 4|/ n/ 4/s.l /nn,r..-,r',, 1 O l-1 t-') -<n y's 7- 2-7[ t - o County of EI..ECTRICAL Eagle PEBN{IT Job Name......, .Te..xes...Q.ep..s..turpti-sn- ..(E!ee.r .-c.-h.ale..t.P.hac.e..!D. ..... Date of Application---.--., 23.Septemher...................-..- ....-19 .:1.7.-. Electrical Contractor...-.Hammer..Ele.ctrlc Applicant.....-. Sltnsture APPROVALS Fl.n Chcckea Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Ne --855 $... ....... ... ..... $............-......-........ $20a-0II... -.....,-. $....... ............... s2Q8-.00. Date paid-...-?3 .S.e,ptemb.er..19.73...-..... tt d'/ Received sv.. .k*..:lV4*:.-, e,"P#.#- THIS FORIII IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING COI{STRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT'IRED TOR INSPECTIONS ilt County of Eagle EI..E TRICAL PERTI{IT Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-..-,?3...re.ntent b.er..l!1.7.L ..... .,r Received 8y.... u*r,:-.--. :i!::..1i::1................. Applicanr...-... Slgnature $."..... .................. $..... ...........-...... $e0&-00....--.--...- $......... ............... $2Q8,.00...-.._ __.___. APPROVALS THIt .rOB FORIUI IS TO BE POSTED 01{ SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQURED FOR INSPECTIONS I EAGLE C ? OU NTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED Date 23 /.<,t'.-, lg ?7 OF ila--r,,-r'z* t*rf*;l Ao. 4bztgrr.^ AMOUNI ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision A lication Zone Change Conditional Use Spec ial Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection onty and this receipt shall be cancelled for no-payment of any item. Nq 2796 Rv 6*-.dA!d- ,,rr.r*'l?o,. PERMTT orrr'&rroN Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, [see rrrecxeo sxe:r I ed,6 MAIL ^DORESS I PHOTIE LICENSE NO. ARCHITECT OR DEsIGNER MAIL AODRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. ENCINEER MAIL AOOiESS PHONE LIC€N9E NO. M'IL DOTESS BiANCH USE OF AUILOIN 6 8 crass of work: f,(ruew D A00tTt0N E ALTERATToN fl REPAIR /.1e tr-t 1 CA-l t SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixturgs FIXTURESAPPLICATIOt'l ACCEPTEO 8v:PLAItS CHECKEO AYI RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR, NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARAAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V? H.P. MAX. MOTORS: TEMP. POWER I-JPOLE I.IUNDGO. PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT t"?RL. PLAREU9KTVlHl}AfloN Qf D o () ln-?-t\., r- f (.,:J lJ/ I Oept, 0l i,l-,,,iiIr: Eagle County. cr , Fofm 100.3 1t -73 M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. CASH bt7 Brztft'*-ff * a''qs INSPECTOB 6"P"/^ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFF|ClALS.5l.o s. woR|<r|ax caLrF- eo6ot BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COIINTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE,.EAcrE; co.-pH. (3O3) 328-6339 Z^ ;L IVALIDATION BUILDING PERMIT o^r. September 7 ', 76 pERMrr No.0558 eppr-rcrrrLarese &Oberlohr Constructlon ooo..."@ {NO,'( STi EE T)(coNTR'S LICENSE) pERMrr ro 6 new townhouses (--) sroRy NUMBER OF OWELLING UI'I ITS (TYPE OF IMFBOVEMENT){ PROPOSED IJSE) AT ( LOCAT ION } ZON I NG D ISTR ICT {xo.){ S TREET } BETWEEN ANO(cRo55 STnEET)(CROS5 5TREET} Io ID z eo suBDrvrsroN Lionr s Ridse I (Eiger Chalets )Lor-fr:=3-. eLo"* -- 5?J. BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP EASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION REMARKSI AREA OR VOLUME PT,AN CHECK FEE $_58.00 EsrrMArED cosr $ 195.0o0.oo FEE"'t 5 gar-oo of ovncr) (CUAtC/SOUARE FE ETI o**.. Texas Constructlon Co. roonEss P.O. Box 1228 Vail . Colorado 81657 {Aflidovit qr ievdte dde of oppliccrion lo bc complclcd by outhorized qgenf I c'uNly 0F EAGLE - eurrttrn o,u'rio,io CORRECTION NOTICE Counry Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 'n"""wm'u4Jg robfocared " HRUflA S*/-. I have rhis day inspected this structure and these premises and found the following violations: You are hereby notified lhal no more work shall be done upon these premises until rhe above violationg are correcled. When cor- rections have been made call for inspection. ,.*//-'f*-,"7/ .ffi,^k Phone 328-633e /,' 3 O ft /V. -/ I i r I I I Ltr 64 Lt aps, Rt-D ee- . LECALI D E3C R.LfoP*;TLISEE TTACH EO 3HrEr) , Te*du MAI L ADOIItS zlP tz>8 3 LAPE€MAIL ADOiESSobRLOt& B,o+ Zott ilktt- &Lo , LtcansE No. t*-76 -37o7 ARCHIiECT OR OESIGXER MAIL AOOhESS PHONE LTCENSE O.4 l).+, Ru oF ENGINEER 5 MAIL AODF EsS PHONE LtcENSE l{ O. MAIL AOOIESS SRANCH lr sa oF lurLDrNc B-Ftj> er.:ccg I crassofwork: Xruew trA00tTt0N trALTERAT|0N nREPA|R trMovE trREM0VE (, PE1a) '10 Change ol use from Change ol use to tl valuetionofwork:g lQS,.O€l.l>, -PERMIT FEE SPECIAL GONDITIONS: Dlvlslon Size ol Bldg. (Totar) Sq. Ft. APPBOVED FOR ISSUANCE 8Y No. ot Owelling Unit! OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECThICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOTTIONING. THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHOFIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOF A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMTNED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDEEBEIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUM€ TO GIVE AUTIjORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVI'I9NS OF ANV OTb{ER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTEPE{ION P'R TI4V FERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5|CNATtUtI OrrgONrf,ACtqi OR AlrtdOirzED ^CEN HEALTH DEPT, SOIL REFORT OTH€R (Spoclty) '. Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. WHEN PROPERLV ALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PENMIT cAsH PERM lT VALIDATION crfiL.5fi1f xr.o. INSPECTOR Form 1O0,1 1l-73 FEoFEER FioM:INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUTLDJNG (,FFICIALS BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNW, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (303) 328.6339 pERMlr ro 6 nerrr toqrntrrtreec (-) sroRy(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) FIEID COPY ^"".,.^-,*t "" u oo"rro* "oo3T"'o;ffH3!!4rroo ^""*., **'irr lknlTB'lib*i-& BUILDING PERMIT (NO.) ( SIR EE T)(coNTR's LlcENsE) NUMAER OF D',Y ELL ING UNITS NO.(PROPOSED U5E) AT (LOCAT ION) SETWEEN AND (CROSS SIREET}( CROSS STREET}I o u t0 c;z =Eo !- suBorvrsrol l.lnnrc Rldge r (nlger Chnleis)ror--G-3- eLo.^ -!PJ. BUILDIHG IS TO BE - FT. W IDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP EASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPEI REMAR KS: PI,AN CIIECK FEE EsrrMArEo cosr $ t gS, oo0 ,00 s58.00 FEE"'. $l+t-oo-AREA OR VOLUME (CUBIC/SQUARE FE ET) Texae Constructlon Co.OWNER BUILOING rooness P.O. Box 1228 Vall. Colorado 8165? c)m mo -n m 3sOJ(o l- ;.6-mI8ofisomOF =O-L-io Z -{ P (D d" I t')$ I I I t- N =r)q|to l\ ls 1l ( q g: f N o (.) Jq, cz -'1 Y \-! eP ^r',--!-o' -'.<*+/ 3.5,-'1 g u.ar aa;3:l-l <Xitr ; 9.\t\ aD <o :3.ah :I 6-g (I': lol\,r-tNit,l \. 3 l'i \ o t F.Jkt.- ;'l.s\ , :r lft -- ii\ tf o.\r6 R't1ti\ 5l*\ "=f'oN.D loto, t.)l(D l3 I lo :: I I lt I on| | ll I iflI l^ll I l?I l+ll I lBI t-il | vl=l ll i,,l\\ ls Fl | ]F rr'tlilttII l?ll | | ?ro | ,l,F ll I lS i,'* f,I di"hil | h,l+.il I l[ ;qn:T=:-l l11.nBqLJlolHtll I hfri*>_l____:Jl I lo l\' -{l---] | l- 1-l=ll lll"lE ll llllziltl--1 -lll llr-lll ll(oI ti llN IH a;fl l. | | l= l: ld l: F le l;: lq l;'n ixil E | | l=q lc I p F_ H l: ls lg E isil lg lll*l I ll'l'lElalle^' {llr' | | lEl | | I I l, I I Eil | lt |;i I I I I | | I L, iil_t_illF llllllNl l{'$ dl ,lF- iil:'ji ;l[ ll*ill Fl r r rl I llN\lilffitrffi { mo'Tl Tm = = =PPXm=ti> Fp't- 'Tr -Il z= >= =C)zozr n8n xnn oozgv o =oz !mn =-{ Il m l$ IT IN -o :0oq mo-{ z9 t>l)-ll lrrro Tmn =-.1 zo zItt t\) CD Z a'r n+qn m I z oz - 9pic3=5qd6 --l C) t- 2a-{mvz>mOB-r>or- fiFo>'t- 7l- ql z =!T \a oeh { * tb ft trl(: -z c) NI l$ IB ldla lfn lr l€, frt g m cJ --l - |<t>l-t>lo l<t> lFt>lo|l-l 7 = t\s hF n\ r> \br) a- moo 0$aK t- Ft-l> l0 IE l- = ! l- r>o :g G\-rll ...I lAg V g tr c)E =t><F F Fm Y I I Irl I I I a-0 mo t-2o-{m t- €I m Fa 7 -l6:r !'nmm m x--ri956';n z(t, t- -l z mob=o=r'FiilP- =t 6ftcztt --6d{ >mI<-{> \>U'Z Ott<mfr>I=z z 3 m t- ma Iz -i Fm--l m m0 xz z.o mum I7 z l- ^z Ni 8ic ,', >'r =?\>Aa,o6nzc: -to6zz v> N@= zm{ t- mTP =z l z l- m t>! :l!t',;o>- <o =lil;o6go>3 EiE:ztro>O>O o'l'lxr>61zeiz2:5sli;(/|odE;1 , J;Iz; .>oi;" qcl-:r<'rE -t.tatrl<od i NrN IE N\r IdE fe qi\ 3i?T'Filt F t$ tl r\ i I I ol il($ ll ;oarl IQ 1:o I zz o =z6 n -t v zz z im -{ -l t-Tma = ='Tl mmU' mL 2 msm€ -Iz m 3 = mF =-n mm aJ) .oz I rNsPEc#* d6v7 FIEOUEsiTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63i19 DATE JOB NAME TIME FECEIVED_- AM PM CALLEB +couNTY, t, -) - t/ \<-. EAGL E ornen flpnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR flnneRovED E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr D upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPECTIclN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTYi. [: i':" arJoBNAME :. VrM ^AttEa 7 i6 n I pnRrrnl REA,DY FOR INSPECTION ! orren ,-<-\ {ro, )\'---"" COMMENTS: FR,.r"'a t. ElnppRovED I orseeeRovED fl nerNSPEcr D uporu THE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ,i: INSPECTOR BUITDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPEG N HEEUEST cqu N T,Y .-, ITto READY FOR INSPECTION THUR@ .-z z,, o*i6DMON COMMENTS: @'epp RovED I orsnerRovED E nerNsPEcr D uport rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNs: CORRECTIONS DATE o CAT Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spac$ only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOI., PLUMBING PERMIT cK. M.O. CASH WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION cK.*ft?( @, INSPECTOR LOT NO. (L-ISEE AT.rACHED 3HEET) MAII AOORE5S ?IP MAIL ADDRESS PHOIIE LtcEl.|tE NO, AiCHITECT Oi OESI6N MAIL ADDRESS PHON E r. tcEN9E NO, ENGINEEiI MAI L AODRE5S PHONE L IC EN9E NO. II. ADDRESS AiANCH IJSE OF IUILDING 8 Class of worK: EINEW f] AOOTTION tr ALTERATION D REPAIB fyp€ of FixtuE o? lt.m SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLO5ET (TOILETI LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OI5P. LAUNORY TRAY WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WTTHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEO OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THtSTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRE5UME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR TI{E PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--gINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WAIER PIPINO A TREATING EQUIP, WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT Form lOO.2 9-69 FEoRoei FFoM: INTERNATIONAL CONFEI{tjNcE OF Bu PLUMBING PERMIT APPLIC t AT toN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 1[ste erucx eo sxe:t) MAIL ADDRESS PHONE ARCHI'ECt ON DESICNER,MAII ADDFESS ''LICENSE NO. MAI! AODFEgS PHOI{E LICENSE NO. MAIL ADDIESS BRANCH USE OF BUILOINC 8 Class of worK: tr NEW tr AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Typa of Flxtult or lt n WATER CLOSET (TOILETISPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAYAPPLICATION ACCEPTED AY; WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. sICNATURE OF COIIIRACTON OR AUTHOFIZED A6ENT IDATEI ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--5INK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLEAS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUN PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION TEMP. F ILE INTERNATIONAL CONFE|rENCE OF BL,ILE'ING OFFICIAL:i. MILL TOAO. I.II!'TIER! C |.IF. 'O.OIForm lOO.2 9-69 BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PFIONE: 328-6339 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPECTIClN HEEUESiT EAGLE couN TY / :"':'/ ! ' ...., ,'/irt *a; I,LJ OTHER ,.!/,1J L,I pnnrrnr LocATroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR EJnppRovED ! orsaeeRovED fl nerNsPEcr E upol THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ,INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM INstFECTIclN FIEOUEsiT JOB NAME PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY fl orren E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 6)-;--!lAM(r@ --",' -, . El*pp Rov E D I orsappRovED D nelNsPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR f Ns"e.{io* ==u!,3{L-BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 OATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM JOB NAME EAGLE COUNTY,g' ./ryL2.:-.. '.tU/ ffirrRov E D I orsaeeBovED AM E nerNsPEcr fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNs: CORRECTIONS rNsPEctoru FrEo J:::, EAGLE COUNTY n BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63:9 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER f]orxen E pnnnnu @ READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTHUR COMMENTS: APPROVED E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS florsaneRovED fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CATLER FIEOUEsiT 'YVtlr P rNseec{loru n pnnnel El-appRovED READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ! orsaeeRovED ,^' // i ,:2 ifnl,* D nerNsPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS 4dspecron BUILD!NG DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-633!, DATE /l-at JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED !T: 'S d Pr,r CALLEF rNseectoru HEou 33i EAGLE GOUNTY E ornea I prnrrar APPROVED GdourHE FoLLowl CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED ,^, JilJ-m@ E nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS rNseecr{bru FtEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL..i"-- ;- ... /r;)...'',' tl.z, +-.,;!;-\'1'/"i r: TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florHe n MON COMMENTS: fl pnnrtal. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI X.',,- AM PM ! orsnpp RovE D D nrtNsPEcrE nppRovED fJ uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-69'9 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALTER rNseectorv HEeuEsir EAGLE COUNTY 'r E orxen flprnrrnu LOCATION ,^, ///b o16)TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED fiUR COMMENTS: E appRovED I orsneeRovED n'y' LIrUPOT THE FoLLoWI NG CoR BECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION' P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME BECEIVED- AM E orHen E pnnrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED EryitRovED ! orsnenRovED ! nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING GORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR I rNsPEciloru "!{"'==-BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-63:tg EAGLE COUNTV DATE f ,/ //1J , t JoB NAME -- f 4i- ( r*'n-a-X-' T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E pnnrrnu A-;y' V ,^t ty'i/s' ^,{@ CORRECTIONS flotseenRovED ! nerNsPEcr rNsPEctoN oosl FIEEUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME WED FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: '|.-., E COUNTYEAG TIME E orsen CALLER E pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,-'-_-:-. ,THpfu ! orsnreRovED MON ,^, ,/+!r:T ! nerNsPEcrAapp RovED El-up6r,r rrre CORRECTIONS ;) RECEIVED- AM PM -a rNsPEciloN ,.Eo.(r:JrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE I orHen MON COMMENTS: f] pnnrrnu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI i:", '":i a) AM PM ElnppRovED n nErNSPEcr rNsFEctoNBUILOING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 06F7 HEEUEST OUNTYEAGLE C DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION -..2/,t: THUR tp1 .-f, si a AM pMMON,'fG''')WED ! oruen E pnnnnl.LOCATION ".',,'.,,1 .,:' _ -,; .,,..-- :'i--0, , )t(_,? ,,v.,4-..rt.,-.r,.,Z..,,...//f.' fVxpi RovED l-l r' I.If1JPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS [] orsRppRovED CORRECTIONS: f] nerNsPEcr rNsPEil.,NBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-639, DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER + oGsT FIEOUEeiT OUNTYEAGLE E orHen D pnnrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION /)4 '--0 3.{/ - !o lWeepRovED I orsnee Rov E D ! netNsPEcr D upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-633, DATE JOB NAME T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPECfiOru rtEoIJEsT EAGLE COUNTY E orxen MON I pennnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUF F^)1,^tz-^@ ffirRovED E orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr D upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOS NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INsPEcToN FtEoUEsiT EAGLE COUNTY I ornen ! pnnrlnl READY FOR INSPECTION THUR LOCATION (D /'.eo -^,o El.ufonr rH E FoLLowrNG coRRECI9NS: CORRECTIONS ')^o-Y.ED-D otsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr / --t-'.,' ,U; oorc lt-. l{,72 rNst=tio* FTEBUE=TBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE EAGLE COUNTY JoB NAME 1:1 TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen TUE ! pnnrlnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 'i$'P------+e--AMeDMON COMMENTST Ef npp Rov E D B unoru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orseeeRovED D nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR -7iffi',t *'---# i-r' "-iihl'ui$ i, County o.f Eugle,l;' rl.* $.I)epurtntent'o|,PlunningundI)evelopnrcntil Building I)itision :.,iVL'i,,lr ,il '.,F_:\ lj:r,:;,iil ii TIIIs cERTIFICATE IssuED puRSUANT To rHE REeuTREMENTS oF sECTroN 306 oF THE r',i[Z,."'+ t.3,tt; i1,1, '1"'ff:i it--*:;:N.:"i Building I)itisionr".r: Building I)itision 'ifZ'iri,, ,;, ,lF:) :$ ;+$ii TIIIS CERTIFICATE IssuED PURSUANT To rHE REeUTREMENTS oF sECTroN 306 oF THE ',;t;:t r-., ,i::J,;Jt LINIFORI\'I BLILDTNG coDD cH,RTtFytNc rrtAT AT ult TIME oi tssuANCE rHts srnucrunr l.,|.1- ii : .'::7i.:l wAs IN coMPLIANcE MrH rHE vARrous RESoLUTToNs oF THE corJNTy REcuLATTNc ,.j[ ;!.--;i.., BU]LDING CONSTRUCTION OR UsE. FoR THE FoLLOWING: JLJI, ;;i "I;:'.\ l.i ':i[$';.ii:"fl;i; 1'1u*. Texas Constructlon Conpany tji\l l:i' .,''l..;.i.1 ,.:i ,,jii :i'-#.li';,, i1'. Use Classification Dvrell"ine - Units 9 and 10 Group R 1 .,,1[(,.r,.. H,' Fi:i 1j:;i ii +l;': | ^-i" Building Pcrmit No. 687 Type Construcrion IV Firc Zone_ 3 g5q 76ng P"SI"I ,'.i17 t il 1., _ - ,'i' r' 'i:j/ orunar nr n,rir,ri-- Te:ies Constnreti on Cornnnnv ,.'l[i i.- */;.: Owner of nuitoit,e ,:ijil, it.-:fi:lr :::;tt/ t;,.2i!,4 f.l Bui.rding address -I 1350 Sandstone Drive ']ff=\ ..+ ,i]tr ii 4:=_t| ''z irr ,,:[ .''*gi.' W ':'i:. 1'' r':,': :ifi T "{ ii 11-1s-?z =.,;..' -:i :--1."1.= .l.o :.":l: j.- .a1-.. '-.'-..-.--i - '-..1, :'- :; 1 :'- ."'... :- .,- ,,ifiit( ttii .. tli,.:i-.$ = '::1:t :.i iii " "j!"1 r^ -ll 1 ..-1-f .-;;-; ai 'I':: il: o ' ^ :^ -,:lii ' ::"4",,;_ n" *ij:-*{t( fuffiltffir*[***ffixr;it)'|l'iliffi5)' POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE .:ij!j{!14" :i:824L) Certificate o,f Occupanqr County o.f Eagle Departntent o.f' Plunning and l)euelopm.ent lfuilding Diuisiut THIS CERTIFICATE ISSTJED PTIRSUANT TO TTIE REQUIRENIENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERT]FYING THAT AT TI-IE 'I'IME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITI{ TIIE VARIOUS I{ESOLUTIONS OF TFIE COI.TNTY REGULATING BUI LDING CONSTRUCTION OR USE, I.'OR'I'HE F'OLI,OWINC : Name Texas Construction Co{rpquy_-_---- Use Classificarion Dwelling - Unlt I Only -- ' orouo Building Permit No. 058? Type Construction IV - Fire Zone ? Use Zone RSM Owner of Building Texas Constryctiofr Company -. Building Addrcss Sandstone Dr{.ve Official R1 \ i ,! l.- ,., :.:, {!:.rl:1,/r,li"rll POST IN A CONSPICTJOUS PLACI f.m*ffis.,,--m -> Fr.re. ,f .ri'r(g;1,-=**:ir:.r-,:...,::'.=,T:;T::.=i:T-'ii::)F-1fi*-,+':{".+=l"ij{'f::i;:-!*-;'"}*- ,€::iFi:t#fgi i#%i;a.ri\ i*' .,,#i\ffi? rc7,6 ;1\ irJi,,fl,$di: County o.f EagIq,,,u *' r ):)::&:_ ;j$t+ti\)Yi'::A'1tr'l: Department o.f pltnrtirts4 a^tr l)eaelopm,ertt :iH i#lf;1+'- i\ ii,li: -4'i"7Ai''i !--:::,: ,/lit;'1-4;fti l t,lrt=:'( fiil Department o.f PlunninS4 artd l)eaeloprnent : ;iN, \:J/',1'i'li .,- ,\ \;,i: ' .lZ !i<*a.i fiiiit ,:U',/+!l ', Iluilding Dit'isiort .li"r,, $ $ijil 'A \i;i: ri'$ '= iiij Yili:,'",] I,,fi,'_',"', THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEcTION 306 OF THE ',;Fr'7..+s ,.,r'll ):.."t'":( il il^!'",$".6#"J'li?.{lfiirT#j!'liiJ't!fJ"lt?riiYJfl i1:,"11',RT+".llttny,U :i$ \,,#',/iiii.i n......,,-,,jii't BUILDING coNSrRUcrroN oR uSE. FoR rHE FoLLowrNG: \rjr,;;j-:,7;i ,. [\) .:'.' ::::''..Y/ii;. *( H:,;, t{u'n' ,7'iro:: , ryrJl.i .i l:r<-.+rl ,/d;i".,+.'2...r:i , use Classification dw lling * Unit 7 Qnlv p 1 ]lliz ,'..- ,r;i\ , lii!, :i, O/t- ffi#' iii",r:titZ..ll,, use classification drvelling - unit 7 g31y n.,.,,* a 1 l,li '',, ,4 l+ ti,it Gi!' -* \'rassrlrcatlo 'Group R 1 ,:[+- * ..'' l;j:i,; ':::''lAi ! Building Permit No.068? Type Construcrion fV Fire Zone 3 g5s 2.r. RSLj , lF::7*....i... oi,,y\ti i: - ?r i,r :,Y,*-rfj {,-' ,tl',:;; i" : i.'iV' .,ll: ';' .: ir:i .,: .n^..^- r-^*^+*-^+.i ^* rr^*^--- rlr; ). - .ii:.7 t',.t I i,i. hh '!ir'i; ilr' 'ii1:7 ffi'.i',:. ,i.1i.. owner of Building Texas Construction Companv ;)" 1."",+1 6!; g,.e;' Building eddress 1350 sandsrone Drive ,',!l*{'iUA\-"+,'+"Yji;, -..' n ,'I:|!9 ..s ,iiil\i".: ; 1f;;1'.. /)ef Ml?^r* /"4/ .l.i'.+ #,i:+]"x,il' tV W ri;.:i'r::iiRY/r"i$'rit;$il rt ta-t7/-r ,.,i:: /-/o-?z ::f---------------li'*{ i.,f,- i.:.d.Y!{ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE .Y'f6oo.r.", \ ^- EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT oate-er-J, 1-, l9-l AMOUNT Bu ilding Permit Fee App lication For Su bd ivision Application Zone Change Conditional Use Specia I Use Variance eal Fee Code: (Building) Total Received .x, All items are received for collection no-payment 0f any item. N9 2835 By thig receipt shall be cancelled f. DEV PMENT Larese ryrd Box 396 .Vellr Oolorado 0, ,1 At thelr regular meetlng *t ZO p"t*ary 19J4, the Eqtc Co.mty Plannlng Commlcrfon hild a hearlng on your Sketch.Fldr. Sorrrr ol the Cornmlsalon comriantc sqn| as follurys: (1) Intanrlvc E ology grd aollr ttdy should bt &brnltt d tnd (2) , etccpnora of elopcs cotrld prcaent problcma. . ;1F.gE7P rrrr v. e.\rt f's ; ri" : lf you have any qr.rertions or cemmante, youlre welcomc to corsact thl*oftlcr.. 'r ri Rmpectfullyr '.., .,.: ' ,' . : '. Robort H. Barr Flannlng Aealatant )I F[C-j',=rt Frn -rfu : Dept ci. Ea.-..: p roj ect . fhe Michael S. BlairFebruary 15, l9j4 Page 2 . and proposed zon ing?b. Nof enough time was. given for furf,her review of the 5, E.i ger Chalets, Ssp-5 1-74:a. ls.this project compatible with the County Land Use. 3nd proposed zon ing?b. Not enough time was. given for further review of the should yoy have any guestions or need further comment beforeFebruary 20.meefingr:l will be more than happy to respono, Very tru|y yours , , TOWN OF VAILIWN OF VAIL Kent Tow n dt R. Ros e, Eng i neer ' -l o ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 811 - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 4765613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-?322 Fr[ j .'i '.''t4 February L3, L974 trept. 11 i ;. Eagle 0cLrri;, tj...., Re: Eiger Chalets Sp-51-74. 1.2 acres, 14 units. Applicant: l{r. Heinl Larese Mr. Johann Oberlohr Box 396 Vail, Colorado 81657 We have reviewed the plans and supporting inforrnaEion for the above referenced subdivision and have the following coflments: (1) count.y Subdivision llegulations, Section 2.01: It appears the major parc of the site will be covered by bui L dings, parking lots and walkruays. [Ie recomnend that, before this site is approvede all sulf3ss drainage from these areas be collected and treated to remove oil, silt, organic and mineral rnatter prior to discharge from the property lines. All road and parking lot cuts should be reseeded to control soil erosion, water pollution and dust problems. (2) Section 5.01: Adequate provisions should be provided to prevent occupants from any possible healrh hazard incurred by potential falling rock in the area. {} '/ ht 9n!..u t4./L . , vLutiv Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. Envirorunental Hea 1th EWE/bw cc: State Health Department Board of Eagle County Cornmissioners Mr. G. T. Misbach, P.E. Mr. Heini Larese Mr. Johann OberlohrEncl, Toubiers protection mea sure s 4,M No.23930 I County Iheasurct's Officg Eagle , Colorado Eagle,, te]\/ i8rrriurl nf i-ta-. - , Treasurer Cash Book Page- Account of Deputy raE c. F. noEcxEr c0 , oErvER (T l) To: Re: . EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTN}T OF PLANNING AND DEVEL*ENTn. couRTHousE rP. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8r631 l2February 1974 Environmental Health Soi I Conservation Service Town of Vail, Kent Rose U. S. Forest Service Sketch Plan - File No. Ssp-51-74 - Eiger Chalets The enclosed material on the proposed Eiger Chalets is for your review and f ile. Please let us know your comments and recommendations prior to the 20 February Planning Commission meeting. Respectfully, P lanning MSB/kt S. Blair D i rector /:f/ ',i a , 'The Building Department, Inc. ., "2531 West 8th Avenue ': ''Denver, Colorado 80204 ,,..Phone 1/303/573-5226 ProJectr Eiger Chalets, Lionrs Ridge Building Departnent: Eagle County Cbeck perforoed using Vhe Lg7) Uniform Bullding Code. Onnert Hel.nl tarese, J. Overlohr ArcbLtect: UllLian J. Ruoff, P. O. Box L636t ValI, Colorado Stnrctural Ehgineer! None Plunblngr Electrical, Mechanlcal: None So{1 Report: Tbmes E. Surnnerlee Occupancyl H type Construction: IV - I llour Flre Zme: If Square Footage \*;l.''-*''"""*-*-= Upper Floor - 8O0 Sq. Ft. Matn Floor - 800 Sq. Ft. Lqrsr Floor - _116?. Sg. Ft. 20 bz, Buildiag A: 161500 Sq, Ft. Buildlng B: l2r1?Z Sq. Ft. Tota1 Square Footage bhis Project - 281872 Evaluation 28)872 x $19.oo x L.2 = $658t282 ' Pernit Fee - $11046.00 Plan Check Fee - $679.90 PIAN CHECKING . ORDINANCE WRIIING INSPECTION a o , , The Building Department, Inc. A-1 Fire Rating It is i^nposslble to determine if the wall narked with thls sSrnbol meets the requiremente of Section 503(d) 3. . A-2 Fire Detection Systen The required products of combustion detector has not been detailed or called for on the pLans. See Section 1310(a). [-3 Hgrtine . ,,.1 No drarlngs have been submitted outllning the nethod '., . be subnitted to prove that the requirenents of Section ', 131L can be net with an outside femperature of -2oo F. ,,, ' t, l-I+ Ueglher Protection i:.."'+ Shere this synbol appears the requirenents of Section L7O? corld oot be evaluat,ed or the requirement has not been met. ,' A-5 Psrapet 9onstruction .)' rna'rae requirements outlined in Siictlon 1709(b) have not ., been met on the present wall sections. -1- PIAN CHECKING .ORDINANCE WRIIING . INSPECTION ':: . r. , The Building Depa 2531 West 8th Avenue , Denver, Colorado 80204 rPhone 1/g0g/579-5226 A-6 Water Closet Door Size A-8 Clearanceg on Electric_Fanges A-.10 Ventilation The requirements of Section 25l-7(c)6 have not been met where this s1mbo1 appears. A-11 Firestopping In areas where this slmboJ- appears firestoppine has not been provided to neet SEction 2517(f) requirements. a rtment, Inc. t ?he present detailed door size does not meet the require- nents of Section I?II(b). A-7 Shswer Area Finish There is not an adequate section shorring bathrom finish detalls to deternine if Section 1711(d) and (e) require- m€ats have been met. Beeause of incmplete details of the kitchen "r"" it is inpossibl,e to deternine if the requirenents of Sect,ion 1714 heve been met. A-9 Roof loadins The stnrctural engineer must subnit calculations show'ing that the roof can withstand the required snow loading. Section 2305(c). -2- PIAN CHECKING.ORDINANCE WRITING . INSPECTION ent, Inc. v The Building Departm o.I, ffi ft is inpoesible to used in the sectlon A-13 haning Size The tro by forr walls of Section O/8 do not 25t 8(F)1. l-15 FraninE Heieht determine what material is being narked with this syubol. designated in the circled area neet the requirements of Section requirements of SectionWbere this synbol appears the 25L8(f)2 have been exceeded. A-16 FbaninA There ls not franing for A-L7 Floorine Ilne present requlronents A-18 Handrails sufficient confornance drawings to evaluate to section 2518(f). the joist and floor system of SEction 251$(e)2 or does not meet the Table 25-R. The handrails on the staircase do not meet the require- ments of Section 3305(i) paragraph 2. }{o Electrical, P]unbing, or MEchanieal Plans have been submitted for evaluation. PTAN CHECKING . ORDINANCE WRITING . ]NSPECTION .ii .. - -' The Euilding n*e?rtment, Inc. 253X West 8th Avenue Denver, Cotorado 80204 Phone 1/303/573-5226 Project: Eiger ChaLets, Lionts Eifue Building Department: Eaglb County Check performeC using t}.e LyTj Unifors Bnilding Ornerl Heinl Larese, J. Overlohr Arcbitect: Willlan J. Ruoff, p. 0. Box Struebural Eqgineer: None Pluubing, Electriea3, MebhanJ.cal: !{one Soil- Beport: Thmas E. Susmerlee Occupancy: H ?ype Constnrction: IV - Flre Zone: II Square Footage Upper Floor - 8OO Sq. Ft. l,Iain Floor - 8OO $q. Ft,. ' tcnrer ELoor - 16Z Sq, Ft. '''.. Building A: 16150O Si. Fu. Building Bl 12,)72 Sq. Ft. ?otaL Square Footage this project - Z$r872 Evaluation, 281872 x $I9,oo x 1.2 = $65BfiBZ Pernit Fee - $Lr0ll6,00 . , plan Check Fee - $6Z9.90 .. i).:l : Code. L636, Vatlp Colorado I Hour PIAN CHECKING. ORDINANCE WRITING . INSPECTtON ro The Building Department, lnc. 2531 West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 8O2O4 Phone 1/303/573-5226 A:-l---Flle Raling It is impossible to determine if the wal1 narked wit'h thie slabol xnoets tbe requlrements of Section 5O3(d) 3. A-2 Fire Detection SYsten The required Products of beea detailed or called L31O(a). A-3 HqatinF No drawings have been or type of heatl.ng for be subni.tted to.provE , 1',,': A-Ir Weather Protectl,m this symbol corld not be met. subnit,ted ortlining the nethod tbe units. Calculations must ''l that the requirenents of Section Siictioa L7O9(b) bave not secticnt. -1- 1311 can be net-with an outslde tamperature of -2Oo F.,' i': Where L707 been 'I {*; ^-rii:f,, PIAN CHECKING. ORDINANCE WRITING . INSPECTION 1 ij 1. The Building Department, Inc. 2531 West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 8O2O4 Phone l/eoa/st3-5226 A-6 Water Closet Door Size ?he preseut detailed door ments of Section t7l1(b). A-7_ Shswer Atga Finigh ?here ls not an adequate section shoring details to deteruine if Section 17U(d) ments have beea mgt. size does not mset the require* batbrom finish and (e) requlre- of the kitchen area the requlrements of subnit calculat'ioas shoring the required snon loading. . . ., !r .:;r1..- r..r;,::,:r-n+r. -, :Y" ,.''' "t' A-8 Clearances on Electric Banges Because of lncmplete details ls impossible to deter:nl.ne if 1714 have been met. ' ' ' 'it*. A-9 Boof loading The stnrctural engineer mtrst that the roof ea.n rrithsgand S€ction 2315(cl .:: .:,; . : ,.r:1.::...'.'.&+ff* ,., . The requirernents of Section ZStTk)6 have not been net ' where this sirnbol appears. A-11 Flrestopping I The Building DePartrnent, Inc' 2531 West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Phone i3A3/573-5226 o A-LZ lriaterial I.t is inPossible to used in the section ^t d.eternine what rcateria3. is beiag rnarked with this s3mbol. The two bY of Sectim 2 5r8(F) 1. four walls D/8 do not designated in the circled meet tbe requirements of, area Section There Ls not sirfficient drawings to frardag for confolnance to Sdction Where this sYnbol aPPears the 2]fr8(t)2 have been exceed,ed. requirenents evaluate the 2518(f). .,. The presenb Joist and floor system requirenents of SBction 2518(e)2 or does not meet ?able 25-R. :,'.: l msnts of Section the staircase do not neet 3305(i) ParagraPh 2. or MBcbanical Plans haveI{o Electrical' Pluobingt 1 o # # lsrFg -{o-l 7 1lr.oo ! m {o{ -|-o-t tll .ll foo, umD Dj o n arl3m2-{v,D =2o|n zoo mtm >Dxi YO;D o2 !|- 2oE mox !mt =-{+ }FEt!o><C'E,i _ 'dg,o>! BEC!no>ei8 !6= e7E>=E EsHd3'r BIdAo+3 iir-<'.'r!rl>F.E<lqt5E a FI rl o z rt o z, nlz m Da omo I ! =oz o'll €o!x irt io-to<o!cm;e =;'io_-z6' altti6tec-o ! z 9D.(o zc= Jm Nt! t, tl 5E E5E E' D-ln o'lt D!! =o Dlo2 vl 6oz ; \ R si Iil "lvl ro-lg, t. o-- I ]I trzc, lbt) e{ q + r !- s\ dr( vl =L- Do, mta tt no!a zxFmtv, vt! mIr m0 zJ =r Fa Irr E q 5 0 ,R z on- z cz{u a, mo.tr Eg F 9zd |-{mT D{ oz C'I!o2 t m!>; r.{ iH iJ -{e ==,e -l< =|- t!?b FI z o E mr 3 -{ -l -t a' .TI- m { t- t- - m 11t-o m -t ln n mz o z m tTl >> o'D 16tl z t2 m F{}!!>:TEFJt+a>(')- <u:I:E;6F'AP> -o>:gAY;rJ ;=;i<:zFtobr? o>a -aE"a=rYZzit 2tr>Si> - 2 i,1d=6u!art*EH!_-li>-Z '' racnlriil :.-x>-;==rE =-'E,l>i;igs T 2 mD- ln = z a 1z o z,j ot -{e ==,e.Tl E g t- g z o n;< fll II 3! 1 -{ Dr- 1l t_o h D t-- -l tn D 'n- I'l : m I'I mz ;z m tr{>F>: l' tr€; o >(/)- <c,F>-l:T:AFH> o>: 3A Y; T':=6i<2ZiroPr/ o>.-a e!>5=r2zzYuztr>:,> -zeL';nv! NH*ET] z.'-')4 . z ;'_ > :--x>- "i.i!'r5:>.E-> 3Frl;oi z F] 1z o z:]p o F]o czo m m r)!o!s:tt z t- z o tTl 7 T rI = -{e ==,o -l E Er g z o IIrt 3I 1 -t -t - 't1- |n -.t -l- f -l m ''lr l't m> ln =|nz -l czo m fi o'0 -rvm1 z D,;zom t€ > !!= n Fr€;o>cr- < o F > '- ; _:;?=nl-r!i 3 =^=:etz;i<:z 31 c)>!r ,->oEil;?-2zzYozu>:;> -z-oi6ui!.ilI8'; .Z;:> :..x>*;:i!'r5 :l - ic < t- z I |no m 3 z tcp €7 o l, ot \t trro ,j,^-); The Building Department, Inc. 2531West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Phone 1/303/573-5226 PLAN SUBMITTAL SHEET FOR PLAN CHECK Submi tt'ing Agency: A n{Cot/ Project Name: h-r Classification: Group Type Const.Fi re Zone Archi tect: Structural Eng'ineer: Plans Submitted Soil Report Submitted Copies (2 Min.) Structura'l Cal cul ations Electrical Calcu]ations Submi ttal Date Number to ca] I if submitted Not Comp'lete Name 416-3301 - (r-16-j236 Project Cost Estimate $ Plan Check Fee $ PLAN CHECKING. ORDINANCE WRITING . INSPECTION |)o County of Eagle ELECIRICAL PERIT{IT TETNPN.A eprt N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee oo =a OIMLV 481 $..--.............-..-...-... $....--...-.-...--.......-.-- $.-M...0-8. .. .... $..-.......... ...........-.. $..... J.0., 0.o-...... Date of Application.-............ Electrical Contractor- -. -.-. Applicant...-... Slitrature APPROVALS . -.. e,J-- -.-...rs.....7-k.. -.. -. Date Paid....... :A /r, Received * d-... &Ar.,g/. ... Arxr'f/.r/" /51/5 I *fu/ro THIT FORM Ig TO BE POSTED (r1{ JOB STTE DURII{G COIIISTRUCTION ,lt.HOUNS ADVANCE NOIICE REQI'TRED FOR INSPECflONS trir c. r. H!fExsr c!., Drxvli tatrot ELEcfrtcAL PERMTT APillcATtoN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. 3;.l I I oE9Ci,L,o q[see errncx eo sxtet) VAIL AODR ES3 II ZIF MAII ADDR ESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 'r{ ARCH I'ECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDi ESs I PHONE LICENSE NO, MA]L AODRES3 PHONE LICENSE NO. MAI L AOORESg ARANCH UsE OF BUILDINC 8 Class of worK: tr NEI,V U AT]DITION N ALTERATION N REPAIR RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y: RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOHK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WAsH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. 5TA. APPL. Va H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LIPOLE LIUNOGO. SERVICE fl new fl cxnNce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION #cU_2p.".". cAsH Kp42'42 'fr. /549 &-;-, &1,--f%r/ro INSPECTOR REoRDEF FFoM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AUILOING OFFICIALS . !O SO. !05 iOEI.ES I. PASAD€X^. CALIFOFIITIIA 9I tOIForm lOO.3 9-69 ELEfitcAL PERMTT npfircATroN 3 Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. L ',,,.,.,1[see rrracxeo sxeerl VAIL AODRES5 t zIP j . | ,i L/,-..,, ,, ,2.. . i:.-i. ARCH I TEC T OR O E5I GN ER MAIL ADDRESS FHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL AOOR ESs PHONE r-tcENsE No. MAIL ADDEESS ARANCH IJSE OF BUILDIN G 1 8 ClassofworK: tr NEW N ADDITION tr ALTEfiATION tr REPAIR PERMIT FEES RECEPTACLE Ouflets SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPT€O AY:APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY: RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR. HTR. NOT ICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOA, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. 5TA. APPL. Va H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER TIPOLE SERVICE I mew E cxnruoe PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION AUDIT CONFERFNCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 6O 50.Form 1OO.3 9-69 REoRoER FROM: IN TERNA TION AL LOS FOILES ' PASADENAI C^LIFORNIA 9IIOt I EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo tn 24- OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED AIVIOUNT ITEM Permit Fee Application F 9!qqryr're!4 Zone Change Conditional Use Specia I Use Code: (Building)(Subdivision) only and this receipt t.all be cancelled tor irT"; 1545 I rtrfirNc pERMI TAP oo PLIC ,Appticant to comp*n *.*r* ,olllldiqtion of WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOI\M.O. 7Z I DESCi.1!s:r attrcxeo sxeery MAIL DDRESS ZIP MAIL AOORESS ' PNONZ ARCHITECI OR OESICNEF MA IL ADDRESS -/ DHONE ENGINEER MAIL AODRESS PHON E LICENSE NO. MAI L AODiESS EFAI{CH USE OF AU ILDI N O I clas ol work: ffNew D A00lTl0N tr ALTERATT0N E REPATB I Describe work: Type ol FirtuE or h.m SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET) LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP, APPLICATION ACCEPTEO gYl APPROVEO FOfl ISSUANCE BY:LAUNORY TRAV WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT,ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_sINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMST NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT Form lOO.2 9-59 INTERNATIONAL CONFEHeNCE OF AUILDING OFFlClALS. i36o s. woFrMA wHtrrtEF. car-tF. ro6ol n .L o o EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL ? /1 1 ?'/,- -J- -* , ty__!2_ AMOUNT ITEM f1+2t-ylr;.--i3uildinqFerm'it Fee Application For Su bd ivision Ap Zone Cha Conditional Use Special Use Va riance I Fee Bu ild in Total Received All items are received for no-payment of any item. ) (Su bd ivision) collection shall be cancelled RECEIPT oate-%^ ldg 1?25 ir! t"t itc'-d'L1 ii J iu. i^r3'i \,trest 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 802C4 Fhone v3A3/573-5226 Projoct: Eiger Chalets, L,,ionts Bidge Building Ddlartnent: Eagle CountY Check perforoed using t},'e lyl3 Unifornr B0ilding Code' b&irner: Helni Larese, J. Of,erlohr Architectl lfillian J. Ruoff, P. 0. Bor 1636r Vail, St::uctural Erglneer: None Plulbing, ElectrlcaSr Mebhanical: None So11 Report: Thonas E' Sumerlee r Occupancy: * Tlpe Constrrrction: fV - I Hour Fire Zone: Ir Square Footage Upper Floor - 800 Sq' Ft. Maln Fl,oor - 800 Sq. Ft. LowBv Eloor - t6Z. Sg. Ft. Bsilding A: '15r5oo sq' Ft' Building Bz 1,21372 Sg. !'t. ?otal Square Footage this Project - 281872 Evaluation '2818?2 x $19.0O x 1.2 = $6581282 Pernit Fee - $1r046.OO Plan Check Fee -'$679.90 0olorado P' Jt ^N cHFcKtNG' oRDiNANCE WRITING.' INSPECTION .:-* )., r^ie o)UidOigng d/el0-aii'Lu'rr€;'u'rt1 ir i{r. 2531 West 8th Avenue Eenver, Colorado 80284 Fhone 1/303/573-5226 combustion detector has not for on the plans. See Section A-I Fire Rating .t It is j-npossible to deternine if the waII narked w:ith thls synbol meets the requirements of Secbi.on 50l(d) 3. 1.r'J,.ji rr ih , t , t',L *L ,, , ?/O 'r ,rr,rt,,tt (i i.= The required products of been detailed or ealLed *'l€ta) 4[p_ A-3 rieaiinE No drawings have been submitted outlining the method . or type of heating for the units. Calculations Bust be subnitted to'prove that the reguirenents of section 1311. can be net with an outside tenperature of -2oo F' lr \ \1.. :"'. ',rl L li i l+ wt,,,'.\ i.,- [rz \,,,nr. i,f{grn^rg' tJhere this syarbol aPpears the requireuients of Section I7O7 could not.be, evaluated, or the requirement has not beenmet. lFr"f {;..tt \Ah'i,lri-'';t 1 , rf ".i,\ ., . Oii *.Y.0t irr rt, r r ,.rnt \ t\L' .\ \,A-5 ParaPet Construction The requirements outlined in Sie'ction 1709(b) have nob ' b.een met on the present, wal-1 sections. t:\\..,i. i:.i ,rt r,,i ,,: . ,,,,tt PLAN CHECKING . ORDTNANCE WRITING 'INSPECTTON . r !-ie $ulldlg'lg -*3r"-.'.I"r;f!., rd.ic. 2531 West 8th Avenue '' ' Denver, Colorado 8O2O+: Phone lJgog/s7g-szz6 4-6 tfater Closet Door Size ,It.\i.. The present detailed door size does not meet ments of Section 171I(b) . 'i ii , r rk.\r,ip.,lL, \\ the require- .; l,p ot'*.f',*' ? '; ?here is not an adequate section showing bathroom finlsh detailg to determine if Section 1711(d) and (e) require- ments have been uet..r , _-., ;___, ___l * , ll I {q"d 6 \1., r,, i,1.,,.i^ .,1*[,1.] Gr"*,t \L *,, I r.1r^ {2 l_d'}_rur;U. ?.{\J\ A-8 Clearances on Electric RanEes , . / .^, -^ , I t is iupossible to deter"nine if the requirenents of Section 1714 have been tstr. €aG ,\' i',,i ,:1,,', 1tl r: lr);tl\{\':t'" :-li ' r / i u,a [,1,,..* ' ,,l n .\** t , A-7 Shovrer Area Finish The structural engineer must subnit calculations shorring thau the roof can withstand the required snow load.ing. section 2305( c) . Trus. )r,,,t -[ct f11alf. t+-"a A-LO Ventilatiorr In areas where this symbol appears firestopping has not ^/--t ^\been provided to neet SEction 25\7G) requirements. lt ' ;.*-1, i, C i:, -i,-,.ai; -oS* uri\i.|ii.l,, r. | \a r, I l,',-. ^-.i:"- 2 - Y \\fi'F'JCr\$ U1 ut''' i)''\'--'- The requiremenbs of Section 2517(c)6 have not been net where this synboL appears. PI.AN CHEEKING .ORDINANCE WRITING . IN5PECTION (- | t^.: . .A-Ir FFaning Size i : fhe two by four walIs designated in the circled area /t '- ' '' -\ f'r ' I. 2518(F)1. 'Kourq,?il\rc,^ Zx4 b a{b',. . .'r 'Z)16(!')L. t{Outad\1rc,^ Zxq,'Y,: A{b ,,: , A-15 Franine EeieFr hlhere this slrnbol appears the requireraents of Section )E1l( l\o t ^.,^ lraaa ^-a^^n^.r:'a*wA[l'^ t*Q L zde :', . '; There is not sufficient drawings to evaluate the ,. ' " ' A-17 Floorine .,r;.' . ', The handrails on the staircase do not meet the require-, ,, I: :' .. ^rr .i^^r-! ^^ -'-,/\Etr \ -- --- --^--!^ 1 " ' tnL ll/r" [r.rr. ' 't]'o(',,,:,' ,,' . ments of Section 3305(1) paragraph 2. \!,\n' ?z u\ ,-' u i,l'": :'t..'. . . - The present ioist and floor systeu does not meet the','1, ' ,. requirenents of SEctLon 25I8(e)2 or Tab1e 25-R.i n,, iri' -: . - ., . I , ., q*$A-Dlo-'stootaiea*r Plunbingr or MEchanical Ptans have been subnitt,ed '1 t f,or evaluation. EAGLEIOUNTY Eogle, Colorodo RECEIVED CASH AMOUNT ITEM Bu ild ing Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Zone Change Conditional Use Specia I Use Variance Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Su bd ivision) Total Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for no-payment of any item. N9 16?9 I Applicant to complete sufirNc Jurisdiction o numbered spaces only, roNPPL [_lsEE ^tr^o{ED 5H?.i I FHOft E LlcENsE NO,,/", aFcxrTEc l oi oEsl MA IL ADOR ES S PHONE LICENSE l.l O. LICENSE NO. MAIL DDRESS EiANCH IJSE OF !UILOING I crass or work: fl19w tr AoDrTr0N E nLTERerron I REPATR tr MovE tr REM0VE 10 Change of use from Change of use to 1l Valuation of work: $PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONOITIONS: No. of Storaes Size of E|ldg. (Totar) sq. Ft. Flre sprlnktcfs Required [yg3 lNqAPPLICATION A.l'EPTEO AY:PLAI{S CHEC(EO AY APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY OFFSTREET PA RKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUM8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. HEALTH DEPT. FIRE OEPT. SO IL REPORT OTHER (Specify) RLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR ft- u.o. /o vf Form 1O0.1 11-73 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFIC ",.t:F-,-"k..."., EAGLE County Health: NTY BUILDING PERMI Review Routing Form APPLICATION Reviewed by: coua Permit No. .M(t{t Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Nontltl Date: Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoni ng Regulat ions County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval tf Eftl Jr= Yesr]flff m Effntl Comments: S an itat ion Water &41nrt" Recommend Approval -,^o*{I ^, /r,r,/, _1-JJ,J,JJ-- Date Referred Location Recommend Approval 4|6"t , O,1 ,',r*-,/t q/<A ?-2 76 EAGLE cOLrNrY BUTLDTNG pERM'U"PL,rCtTroN O ' Review Routing Form Permit No.a*4 Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days. it and this completed form to the P lanning Commission Fi le No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval i:. \ '..' ,'. Yes No Revi.ewed by::l-l ff|:]N t-Tttt_l Comments: Date: trlr]tr M. tffltl r-tCounty Health: Sanitation l'i I f I,l Water F<t ' | 1. t\ Recommend Approval n []L Commentsi_'.,/'L r,t' ,',r' I I 1.,' l- l--l' -l l-l - / 2..- Date Referred Location nufurnr RMITeppftATpN Jurisdiction of Appticant to complete rtttmbered spaces only, NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, TIEATING, VENT ILN TIN G OR AIR COII OITIONTNG, THIS PERMII sECOMES NULI AND VOID IF f,/ONK OR CONSTF['C. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMEIJCFD WITHIN 120 DNYS. ORIF CONSJTBI..,CTION OII Y/OFIK tS SUSPENDED OF ABANDOA]ED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY l IME AFTER WO'iK IS COMMENCED. I HERE{]Y CL:RTIFY I I,IAT I I.]AVE IIEAD ANI) EXAMINED TFIISAPPLICA'I ION ANO KNOVJ T},IF SAME TO BTJ -'1'RL' F: ANI) CORRL'CT.ALL plr()vlsloNs oF t_n\,/s AND oRDTNANCES G.)VLRNTNG 1-l STYPE ()l: WOfIK WlL.l- tlf: (:OMPI-lID WlTt{ !1/t-lf Il-ltll 5Pt:ClFll]0HERLIIJ O'I NOT. -T}-IE G}{ANTING OF A PilI.IMiT OOTS NOT PLAN CHt-CK VALIDAI ION THIS SPACE) TIIIS IS YOUR PFRMIT M.O.P{:UMII VALIDATI0N ,rr'',rrr,rrrrrfr, 0^ Lof 6 t'-' Lta*r-,tD e,e- {/L tlsc; T r i!!ii.L{bttrz 't 1f]se e rtrrcxto sreetl owN ll trrA r! a00REt9 ' -ff74* (.*N*i'leq-top cfi ,(ntb, 67as1 MAIL ADCRf59s I-Af-g*t:.'f o'?>E7?L41yp, I5o+ Sotr_ t'*rL (frLD, +l(" 4Vo7 aFcxlT(ci ofi oesr6NiR Marl arroREss Ptiofia llcEFs€ no.4 D. 4 , Ru o FF Vr?tt_ c_a ,-o , ETG|NEEF f"r^lL AODRESS FHONa LtCairSE |O, U3E OF AU I.D IN C /?-tt-'i> z:-L-rc6-<, 8 crass ol work: J(urw n A00lTt0N D ALTERATTON n REpAtR D MovE tr REMoVE 0 escribe work:6 l0 Change of use from I I Valuation of work: I I t/ 5 , OO \D , -ll PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. of St or ies Size ot tlrdg. (Total) Sa. Ft. Fire Spiinklers Requited n\,es CNoPIANS CIIECKEO 8Y AIPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE I]Y No. of Dwclling Units OI. F ST REET PARKING SPACb.S. Spr-'cial Appr ovals Not R eq u ited ZON ING HF.AL'I-}1 DEPI, FI I{E DEPT. SOIL RFPOT.(T OTHER (Speclly) Forn\ loo.l il-;':l rN-r'rj:t.NAtrQNAL coNr:rftENLri oF trutl-utNO a'f l'tclAr.s M.O. u(..u; lii.l(.u,..: P. O. IJox 7ll €r'glo, Oolorado rJt631 27 lvlarch 1974 i:rlrcno 3?B-6338 Larese arrcl Obarlohr Constructlon Co. i:lox 396 Veil, Crlorado 81657 Re: Flle No. Sp-51-74 - Prellmlnary Plan Elger Chalets At thcir special moetlng on 26 March 1974, the Uoard of Ccunty Commissioners approved your Preliminary Plan subiect to the following conditlons: The follorving detalled reports ehd plans should be conrplotod and approved prlor to issuarnce cf any buildlng permit: (1) runoff filter design plan; (2) speciflc foundatlon plan based upon solls and geology found specifically on the site; (3) ful I drainage design plan; (4) water resource availabillty report from Llons Ridgo Water Dlstrict; In additicn, the easement on the oast property line should be 7.5 feet minimum. lf you have any questions, please contact their Secrotary, tho County Clerkr or this off ico, In the Oourtirouso. Rosoectfr"rl ly , Robert H. Barr Plannlng Asslstant RHB/Kt cc: Board of County Comrnlssioners .t-OP'MEr'[f LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT 1740 ',ii'll iams Street Denver, Colorado 80218 EI6.€r- LoT c44LE r s G, -Z RECEIVED sEP 01 1976 't€et- tl Plxnning & 0evcl [8g1a County. Col& Mr. Heini Larese Iarese and Oberlohr Construction Co. P.O.Box 396 Vail, Colorado e1657 Deat I'lr. Larese: The Bcard of Directors of the Lion's Ridge Water District has personally considered your request for evate r service. Their decision is that service will- be available to you upon rneeting all requirements of the Rules and Regulations. The District has recently completed an engineering study of avaiLable water, and is proceeding to assrue all necessary rights. fhe Board is confident of a continuing supply for <lomestic use. . If there are any further questions r please contact us. slncerely, tt"*)"-f*. ,*;-p-n- 2:<, )pc/xvJ !,.\*^- f"**- Jane s P. CoIIins District'Manager F 5=(tNsee$toN FrEBuEsr EAGLE COUNTY I BUTLDTNG DTVISION P. O. BOX_789 PHONE:328-63it9 a DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornrn MON COMMENTS: fl pnnrtnt- LocArroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION - WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED ! orsarrRovED E ner NsPEcr l D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNso=.{lb* CALLER '',..*./ EAGLE COU -<y'2-J' FIEOUEST NTY BUILDlNG DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 3aE-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM JOB NAME E orHsn MON ' COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl.LOCATION., READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI n nppRovED I upon rne CORRECTIONS E orsnpp RovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: D nerNsPEcr .t DATE INSPECTOR t t INsiPECTIclN FIETIUEsiT ,. EAGLE COUNTY .l:- / 't ./--1. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen E penrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MoN ruE WED (XUR./ FRt *l AM.PM/' '" --: !"* !COMMENTS: fu/e ,/..! -. , \, an' .r?r.4a.<-tl €9oa)TUE @-*rrnov EJ>-- tr Dt sAPp RovE D ffilneFoLlowrNc coR REcrroNS: E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE Dept. 0l PlaBring i ;;r:i. I BUTLDJNG D|VTS|ON P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TNSPECTTcllv FEGTUEST D oruen fl pnnrral LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON TUE CoMMENTS: ,1i- ..2-r ,',1"-> .22,;l t2l>-'n",," -r... ':7ri'" Minoveo E orseppRovED n nerNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE I t .!nINSPECTIC}I\J FTEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEH flornen E pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM D nppRovED E orseppRovED t-t -IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 329-6339 DAT:.JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ,.AM'PM CALLEF I TNSPECT| N HEOIJEST EAGLE COUNTY E orsrn MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUF AM'PM EleppRovED D orsappRovED ! ueon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: E nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS 'l ,] INSPECTOR ) TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME INsiPECTIC'N FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY E orxen MON COMMENTS: ! panrral LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI . '-,. AM E appRovED n orsnppRovED ! nErNSPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CoRRECT|ONS .. r DATE INSPECTOR a 'c I INSFECTIclN FIEOUEsiTEUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ' .2,o t -'n'tr.:t: t " I orxen f]pnnrrnr READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: APPROVED I otseee RovE D ! nerNsPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o INSFECTICIN HEEUEST EAGLE CO.IJNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER LOCATION MON , TUE R.EADY FOR INSPECTION WED .THUR (-_ ! pnarrnl ElappRovED n orsnppRovED E nerNSPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR -*.. rt INSPECTIclN FIETilUEsiT EAGLE COUNTY "!t !' /' t' BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 . PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME ' n orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE WED E panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION lfHuB /rnt ..1 i iAiil.i'Rlvt flappRovED ! orsneeRovED fl ueoru THE FoLLowlNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .2 :jr.,_-i E nerNsPEcr I I l, a INSPECTIclN HEEUEST-- BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:3*-6339 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER a EAGLE COUNTY " I pnnrreu. TUE t, ,// READY FOR INSPECTION ,^, [Z'r3o ^@ -/'A APP ROVED D orsnppRovED n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr ..4 l>n 'l' , .-'/ / \./,, /./. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PrbilE: 328-633S DATE JOB NAME rrilE REcETvED- AM PM cALLER INSPECTIctN FIEOUEsiT EAG!F CguNrY E ornen n pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION '-'<:\WED T THUR),-.----.-.2 FBI APPROVED D orseppRovED I nerNsPEcr E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE BUILDING DLVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6389 6' JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I INSPECTIGIN HEEUEST EAGLE POUNTY fl pnnrrau READY FOR INSPECTION rsr/i7s- o*@THUR gdrRov E D florsnppRovED E nerNSPEcr I ueoru rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS -z ,lNsPEcroB o INSFECTICIN HEEUESiTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHpNE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIUIE RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER s{yEAGLE COUNTY E orxen D pannel.LOCATION ?engxEo ! olsnenRovED ffirorrHE FoLLowrNG ''RRECT.NS: I nerNsPEcr CORRECTlONS oot, f-- /l '' /6 i; 'l INSPECTIclN HEEUEST E "b o ul\r rY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E t"r* READY FOB INSPECTION D THUR l/., //{$ fl nerNsPEcr il i E Qo County of Eagle ELESTRICAL PER1VIIT Ns 656 Electrical Contractor Applicanr.,..... Sl8lsture //ot7t tit APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $. $. $....9o,..&0... -..... s...9.t.a.a.. . .... $..-q..9.,.Ro-.. .. . Plar Checkar ilts/zz Date Dare Paid....... &1t.o / zz Chlef ButldlnS THIS JOB FORTI 13 TO BE P{OSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FON INSPECTIONS EAGLftoUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT oate- V'z /, /S , w 77RECEIVED OF CASH AMOUNT ITEM E/ ec. Bli+Hr.ng Permit Fee Application For Subdivision A lication Zone Change Cond ition al Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Bu ild ing)(Zon ing) (Su bd ivision) Total Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for no-payment of any item. N9 2051 By HAMMER EIECTRIC Co. Blue River Rt. Dillon, Colorodo 8O435 468-2020 *r". 'z- y' trlf n -l\e.<- f,,. c e , \o,;.$. r,,.$ +\^.* lell. .. a.. rhe, L, ,". \xe .,.-.-,..n,';l o$ $lo8.l?o. '7-r,,s ,s L,.- 1- ko-ts .Zl. /o?o flrryl.-/a. &^st dleLu {/"fu+/*</zz \" +U"^,"*.-- I !TTABT}IEilT McDonald Bldg. 0r lllilil 550 Broadway 1? August 19?6 !tl't[0PMtilI Eegle, Colorado 81631 o INE AND P.O. Ilox 789 Larese and Oberlohr Construction Co. P.O. Box 396 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Sp-51-74 - Preliminary Plan Dear Sir: Please refer to the Board of County Commissioners Letter of 2? March 19?4. These questions must be answered before a building permit can be issued. There should also be a landscaping plan with the application. /1{-) l/vt_ StepXenllsom for: Director of Planning Sl/ge enc. Fhnning l)opartmcnt/Planning Cornmission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Rcvicw (303) 328-6338 Ihrilding Official: Ituilding Permits and Inspection, Zoning Adrninistration (303) 328-6339 .' r*l'; "!,-ffi;:I, Iz:;!:*,,? *ftbr, 1l \L-'CANTILEVER RETAlN/N6 WA L LS WITHOUT SdRCHAP6. tAi :--- - :------i f L r uqrrcw hib t t|ol bn@L I - Ears 5 - Sars (ft.l t(ft';n)(to ) ,Gtt ud pt,':Si le | .tpacinc 1 V, - qan lU - Sdrt Site I tpa.iDq I Lenqlh Spacing 'lb.p,T fi J 6 7 a I t0 2-1 t-tu 4- 6 5- 0 t-o t0 l0 t0 l? o.2 2 0.2 7 0.3 t 0.4 | 0,46 0.t / *2 tj t4 ,4 1" 1! 6' E !4' 1! 6" /0.!6" /t!8" 5 !4' s2 32 t3 *4 s4 *s s" 2' ?" 2!4- 3!0' tt6' 4!8' 5 !2' I to /2 /i /5 i3 43 /2" /2" t2" t?' 1.5 6,8 I O.4 t2.6 16., 22. t ,.[ ,i,t CANT/LEVfR RfTA/N/NG WALLS SLAP/NG SURCHABGf l'/ole: foacino of !-Ears is aDpro;imatA. Use labu lariimber of bars and space ereo/y wilh z'coYe^ I _t : : ',! ' .1 .: (b)fLfvAT/oN (itj'b Gi :i;\' t;i.i Vd. hncrele .ati.iJih: V' Ears 1' Lcnqlht' i;,{, i;;a,aa' 1 8 Bardv, n rs 8' Sars-iEi-Ttbcc in lTenaii- 5 - 4ar s Tu;t;;T-jh;-I3pa.inq lit:0";7i a' 7 a/'-lr J-6 c-0 IO to to t4 0.2 5 0.J o 0.t 5 o.4 7 *3 t4 r4 to" to' 't- 7:4' E:4' e,'d s3 i4 14 f,5 lo to ? 3!to' 1!6' j 'tt l7 t3 13 tt3 *.* *3 t?' _ t2'. ,|7 I3.t t 9.E 24,4 7- 0 tsz 0.5 ?t5 ll:0"a5 7'34.1 0.7 t ,6 ?"6-/0'rt6 ?"t,4U, f .",'-i (' i trig. 4. Cantllevcr relnforccd walls, with rnd without surchargo, Permit # lnsp. cou . COLORADO lAo* u- 3 Li o?,ril,tp- (bls I I I It o o o 'elns Q* lp^o/e?rto. &o,t )a;,s**l/ t lat ?tes? I j -l i{ Fpp r.lftrr.;fi.ia 1rlil |- ;a 'OI .o rl o I { a aa , '{ I xtote t *u"f.{ Avttpqe ?,oq 4"pv" wrrp ,o'€ TtF;,-',, 1 cln e.! tu^o^ gp/g/' Q tgp;r*/ wo/.9,/ ta\ls;o^r l7'on 62 typ;.rt I - APPROVEO /l l I I I It I I l I .\ ..qa JS$o 4't)" ;- {tflh 7.iEtnnlF \\ lp\) , *;m l" 'iJ'\1"|F |$/\\tillz++ l!(rt lL?lFYli olXr$TD,-Mryt, 'ly lol't F l'l --l -Y a-. -cl"x .rC :S ; -'{tf crl7 p_. o o I ,rl : o$a\ P a e+ i$JF o- o t^l\ "lF F e .)-l -+ -its r) i, +t c \:7+ -{ o L 7 1J { Ir U) t.r* n h7 r. =f(fl i tJ o n =6F F L f.\ :l 'll trJrF \'\ b,rJ L-l-* t/-9-tht*9 d.'\J; *t\ F:. IVO ft +q ? tr) rNs"=.flo* FrEeuEsr EAGLE g,oUNTY BUTLqTNG DIVTSTON P: O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-633!, DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER .,/i,'f r,',1 -* ,. 7) I pnnrrnr READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: r--"-.-\(J'-1-z THUR ..i E appRovED ! otseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION' P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 INSPE IclN FIEOUEST J,LE GOUNTY' /"1 .2 oGT bATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER LJ OTHER , ,t .,;1.) MON /i E nppRovED ,n pn*rrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION a:' ..,/ ! orsnppRovED y0/l+ r'4/ ':;/. ' '' r!1- -"f" '', rRt,t , t/ ,t AM?ur - D nerNsPEcr r-t[I UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR -4 / rNs"=&,oN FTEBUEsTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 JOB NAME TI.ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY florxen E panneu LocATroN MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION ',..-'wED / rnui.'TUE E appRovED E orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr E UPOT*T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTlONS DATE BU!LDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 7t9 PHONE: 328-6339 rNseec?rclN EAGLE"COUNTY FIEOUEEiT DATE JOB NAME TIMFRECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen ! pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB FRt /,t' z"frlPvl Elapp RovED ! orsnppRovED I nerNSPEcr E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS !l CERT IF IC OAT E CsuilTi';(.tUiL, it .,;,.. ., pERMrr ro -6 nerv torvnhortses ( ) sroRy (TYPE OF IMPFOVEMEIII) (NO.'(sTREET)(CONTR'5 LICENSE) NUMBER OF OWELL ING UNITS NO.(PBOPOSEO USE) tsUILDIN PERMIT - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY oarE Setterrher ?rc76 appslg^*lLercse ii Cberkrhr Cons[rucLiotr ADoREss PERMIT NO.0558 TE ISSU ED ZONING AT (LocAT ION } B ETWEEN (CR055 STREET)(clos5 STREET' ID o oz L suaDrvrsrol Llonr s l:ldge I (E:iger Ch F I ets )ror -ji:3- elo"* " "t?J. BUILDING IS TO AE - FT. WIDE 8Y- FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTIO\ TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT IOtI (TYPE} RE MARKS: [., Fr,il 5' AREA OR VOLUME (cUeIc/ SQUAR E FEET) onrnr* Texg.s Conslruetlon Co. ooo*.., t'.C,. $ox 1228 Vall. Coloracio 8165? F#{ ffil ffi ffi [:T]F- ] Hl,*ei ffilffil ffil ffil ffil ffi ffi Hi i Rf:Jl K*l I K{'ll P'*41 f-:11 i : :11 I {+ii H} irI"I I KHI KIE'I K*ll R€t i{ t fi Hl K{ lJriliBffi $fft$lr&ltr..ii,4fi sffi E[rt Eiid{ffilr Ml sxur 5r'&llatrt gdttEexi : ,.TO BE POSTED ON PR=MISES SEE REVER'SE SIOE f, OF.CONDITIONS OF CERTIF tC.qTEtr- / .i oI .i : : \f '1 i'o'o Ex ^'J= +=1 H. H<-r-;1 ;:> ,t -v': =>Y 2,7" F <i :':<};' I O*- =:7 F /,) Q >-ja z:(l la ^ l/ -J (D .ro> a. E l. =l€o ls IB .' l3r ll $ lt lq)z l*i lH ff o r =fn z(D o A) a c- oFl c) r. (D o z o 5 OJ tlt o no !) a .l.o o o UI !(D ez I n F.t' I I I I o 'oo zo 'go z i ii (Do ;\-. . t-.1 .L /-\ o VALI.EY S,{I{IT.dTIOI\{ DISTR.ICT 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box y Avon, Colorado 81620 wE H,qvt C Hsc,*e d T HE t'u{TP= ft /2sro AT T.ttr T.exas Ca. CdNd ff LroNrl Rtolstr Fnd Hrrd 8d Ps/' t7h"* 7a44-aa ( o 'UPPER. E/q,'qLE rNsPEctroN FtEGluEsr EAGLE COUNTY BI.}ILDlNG DIVISION' P, O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n pnnrrnr READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB @#z-^,"@TUE ! nppRovED I orsnppRovED REINSPECT ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS \ DArE u**"2= !' ? \ BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ' iirispEctoiu, HEeuEsrI EAGLE COUNTY I ornen n pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR,.TUE )FRI ! orsReeRovED fl nerNsPEcr UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: tNsPEtroN FrEGluEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY D ornen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrtnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFRITUE D nppRovED D orsapp Rov E D n REINSPECT EI UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CoRRECTIONS ,'l | / t' /;l* r:./,l .^t BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 tNsPEcfr$t FIEBUEsiT EAGLE coi'nrrY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED . .. AM D ornEn MON COMMENTS: E panrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,,THUR !FRI - . AM PMTUE flappRovED E otsnppRovED E nerNSPEcr f] uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE BUILDlNG DIVISION P. O.-BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63i:19 DATE ,/ ,. ' JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ,, AM PM INSPECTQCm rtEBUEsT EAGLE COUNTY flornen I penrtal. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,'FRI ,' , AM PMMONTUE COMMENTS: E appRovED florsnerRovED D nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coFRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ... , DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. EOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseecl|bu EAGLE CO a,r';|y',', FIEBUESTla E panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON GOMMENTS: TUE 7 AN(_14/ WApp RovED ! orsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHOIIE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsPEctou EAG HEEUEST NTYt'r2*, .,,. E penrrer-. MON COMMENTS: IAPPRovED E orsnppRovED [J UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS D f| nerNsPEcr DATE EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR I penrral. LocATroN i l l TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen Wiipp RovED ! nrrNsPEcrE orsnppRovED E UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORREGTIONS: CORRECTIONS BUILDI]iG DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHON$: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseecilcru HEeuEsr EAGLE .COUTITY ,-'7 .. :.1,i)z.*-lfr florxen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE :/l THUR E eppRovED E upox rHe CORRECTIONS ! orseppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: D n e tNsPEcr INSPECTOR o,a l--ln-'ea14j\ '-...1 [1 -rrraeiliB---..g,ll'---------tt.*g!'c"-41 \\-\- ''r,-' j .GRtsgP-*ru- -----1-.---i-- t _ L 1 " .-? =1t"ji,;; - ,:.1 t -!Rr\'a"i/*x. -i -' ,rYr,,1'{;a115t };.,"_egff&Jl,*, -..',R*rN 1-ll. _ ---\- ',HF-;t .6'vlo'; N _*'.:=-;:a*+:'4F"i61 -.1, -'JloWt -- - -= . --'1J - --- -. :F :--{-=' 1_q <+1-: 5r; ;-- - -i- "A r I l-t i : rtr+vftff':--L_---: ___- - .--"{r;iuqi i.1_-..,=I--*l{yf*. _ -....2 I-j-- ; sG"E'j I I t; o arP:':1.: 'a9Y h;; 37, oo6o n+Pfir\|,,f Fi 41 FI (A zFl z,i (t) r.rtFl r4 Fl tlr 3 al t4a z ,-] ts z.l ( 3 'dr Fl IJ ffi=# o WEr--:---q$ffi1fi- \rtws& €tt 3,d o '< in -(, z,Jr z Fl a rfrl '-lt4 r -.r*: iry-_\t'ry_\&ry_=\ Fll trt 'Eo r4 n '4V) z4 l. z rt (n 'dtl Fi trjr1 '[sg5s-.--N&ryry- -wgry,=--+\strry,z-,\& rga nt.r.. (.al(-.' l:JC lPrrr !5.:.bioao 0[1Q17lc3 -5cb r5'1i RE; EI.ER cHALEts Lor G-3 Ltorf s RloeE su8olvl Slot{ FlLr|tG NO. 2 EAcLE COUNTYT COLORAOO PROdEcr NO. 467 P. O. Box 395 [,1 VrtLr CoLoR^Do 8155? 9'ar*r.EMENrto € RE'EREi|CE I9 MAoE To A LETTER PR€PARED BY THE COLORAOO GEOLOCICAL SuRvEY oltEo ltARcH 14, 19?4. lil THA! LSTTER FRou THE coLoRAoo GEoLoGIcAL suRvEYl ITEM NO. 1 tNOlcAtED IHAT AOOITIOiIAL OEOLOSICAL ANO SOIL INVESTIGATIoNg 8E coTTPLETED CoHCERillt{O SLOPE STABILItYT SolLgr BEORocK ANO orhER CEOLOCIC-8OlLS DATA. Oun SOIL AND FOUNDATTON INvEgTICATION REPORTl PRO,JECT tito.46?t OATED tlAV 7, 1974r ilE lELlEvEr HAS COVEREo MoST OF THE I tglrs Ailo QUESIlot{g iAtsEo Bv T}rE coLoRADo GEoLoclcAL suRvEY lN Tt{ElR LEIT€,R oArEo ltARcH 14t 1974. HOW€VERl tYE DO HAVE gOME ADol TIONAL COMrtEftTSt 1l THE ovERBURDENEo solLB AND UND€RLYlilc BEoRocK FoRilArlot{ PRESENT AROUNO THIS StTE ARE II.I A GENERALLY 8TA8LS GoNOltlor. HouEvERr ExcE6gtvE CUTS AND FlLLsr lF COI{STRUCTEo Oil THlg SltEr COULo CAUSE rHE OEVELOPMENT OF FUYURE SLOPE STABILITY PROBLEMS. THEREFORE' I' IS RECOSilENDED THA1 ALL CU?S ANO FILLS BE HELO TO AN AB9OLUTE MIXIiIUM AND THAT THE CUT FACES BE SLOPED BACK AT AN ANOLE No GR€AIER THAN TreO (2) XOnlZoITAL To oilE (l ) venrlcALr luHlcH ls A 50fr sLoPE. 2l lr El TE pEyELSPMENT PLAHS ol CTATE T;IAT cuTBAcl( SLOPES lYl LL BE GREATER f HAt'l 50f r THEN REIAI N I NG ITALLS OR CRI B IYALL IYPE STRuCTURES tytLL bE NECESSARY lN ORDER rO MAINTAIN SLOPE STABILI TY. 3l ALL CUT SLOPES SHOULD BE PROTECTEO AGAINST EROSION BY RE-SEEOIilC OR OT}IER SLOPE SURFACE PROTECTION MEASURES. {' ', MAY 15, 1974 PRo'dscr No. 46? PAoE E 4'TEMpoRARy curg rAoE tr{To rHE sLopEs AT THts gttE To FACILI?ATE COt'lStRUCllOt{ OF FOUNDATION tlALLSr RE?AlNlilC WALLSr UTILI TY LINE TRET.|CHES, ETC., SXOULO BE gACKFTLLED A8 SOON A8 POSSIBLE IN OROER TO PREVENI THE DEVELOPMENToF st.opE gf^6tLtTV (9LOUGHtNG) PROBL€MS. lN SOME CASESI TEIPORARY SHORING OF CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATIONg HAY 8E NECESSARY IO MAINTAIII SLOPE SIABILITY. lF youf TXE CoLoRADo GEoLoctcAL SuRvEv oR THE EAGLE CouNTv PLAxNtt{o CoLrlSgtox, HAVE lNy euEgttoN8 coNcERr{tr{c rxts pRoJEct, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO IIAVE THE APPROPRIATE P€OPLE CONTACT OUR oFF I C€. ReSPEcTFULLY 8uBiil TrEo, ah..su^ E-. S.^,x"rr^r^trr- THOMAS E. SUIMERLEET P. E. PRE9I oEN' TS/ lrl ccr coLoR^Do G€oLootcAL sU UR. MICHAEL S. BLAIR, EAAL€ COUI{TY PLAflT U|LLl^r,r J. RuoFFr ARcn RVTY INC DIRECTOR I TECT t-