HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G3 EIGER CHALETS UNIT 5 LEGAL(ronscrdqL f-t\rf\q a Lorr 3 Gr Ci\qe,< C.nct\EtS Lrn\t 5 Protect Name: Project Description: P.O. BOX 398 BASALT, CO 81621 License: 553-8 ProjectAddress: 1350 SANDSTONE DR VAIL 1350 SANDSTONE DR., UNIT #5 l.cgal Mipftn: lot: G-3 Bloclc Subdivision: EIGER CHALETS Pers0 ltursDer: 210312103005 Comments: Seeconditions REMOVE EISTING SINGLE PLY MEMBMNE, INSTALL NEW U4' PER FOOTTAPERED INSULAEON SYSTEM AND NEW SINGLE PLY ROOF SYSTEM (membrane to be gray) Participants: OWNER LACONTE,IOHN B. &SANDMJ.0B/20/2004 Phone: 262-366-5048 W30152911 SNOWDON DR WAUKESHA WI 53188 License: APPICANT REDEAGLECONSTRUCilON 0B/20i2004 Phone: 970-328-3100 P.O. BOX 398 BASALT, CO 81521 License: COI,JTMCTOR RED EAGLE CONSTRUCTION 08/2012004 Phone; Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax:. 97Q.479.2457 web: vvww.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040429 Location i Motion By: 9econd By: Vote: Conditionsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/31/2004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. I Cpnd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date 'l of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and conskuction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006555 New membrane room for Unit #5 and every future Eiger Chalet re-roof to be gray in color. Entry: 08/31/2004 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Eli:sabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: S25O.OO one year of the apProval. Descriotion of the Request:..t--t -rf .t- -^ f.h tt, Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479'2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www'ci'vail.co.us General Information: Alt projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' flease refer to the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application fol Design Review' cannot be accepted until alt required information is received by the dmmunity Development Depaqnent'. fh-e project may also need to Oe teuiewea by fte Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and Gonstructlon commcnes witfiin RET;IUID AU6 2 0 2004 Location of the Proposai: t-ot6" 3 eb.L: Physical Address: parcet No.: 2l D3 | ' tO3e<<Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of ApPlicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feei D Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alterauon (m ulti-family/commercial) tr tr n 6 &2flinor Alrcration " (single-family/duPlex) tr Changes to Approved Plans f Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' ifOO For an addition where square ftotagg ls added to any residential or--_ commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). ffijt minor changes-to buildings and site improvemenB, such as' \--7;e-;fi;l painiino, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' noi tin6t ct.nges to buildings and site improvements, such as' r"r*i'ttg, painiing, window additions, landscaping, fences and$20 retaining walls, etc' $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee - d {o,l* 'fl-F;'L6-8lA4 Lst46 P.41./61. ,r-ffi ]OIIIT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEIT APPROVAL LETIER n joint orruner of property located at (address/legal deEcrip$on) prwlde tfils letter as written appro\nl of the plans dated which have I fufiher understand thbt rninor modiflcatlonE may be pade to the plans over the murce of tjle revlew process to ensue compliance with the Toumt applicable codes and regulatlons. --. f,nuB| i*, -(Si'gnahrre) -16 hth6 Llv ... (Date) - /4tu 6P b€€n srjbtnltEd to the Tovrn of \rtil Community tlevelopment Depadment for the proposed improvemenB to be complefted at the atldress noted abore. I understand that the proposed lmprovements include: PagcZ 6 1210210il02 TOTAL P,61 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Mlrterial Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Watts Exterior Lighting Other Notesr Please specifu the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. .r).1 Page 6 of I2|O2/O7lo2 .t "'l I "t . i Botanical Name PROFOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREE9 AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootageTvoe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifil other landscape features (i,e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2lo2l07loz *'*{.*,f .f *******,***'*'t+**:r*r!**{.******** ** *1. * * * * x( * * * * * * 'k 1. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rn * * * * * **:F** **4.+,r.********* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement '1.*t**t ** * *++** *{.*** **!t:t * ***'k* ***** * * * * + * *:t 'h * * *f, ****** r.* ** f****+{<**** *** * * * + * * * * * * * *****i.***** Statemene Number: R040005466 tunounE: $250.00 08/20/2O04LL:L4 AI/I PaFtlent Metshod: Check Init: ,Js Not.ation: #9469 /F-ED EAGITE CONSTRUCTION Permi E No: DRB040429 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor Att, Corun/Multi Parcef No: 2L0312L03005 Site Address. 1350 SAIIDSTONE DR VArI-, Irocaeion: 1350 SANDSTONE DR., UNIT #5 Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total AIJL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: S0. 00 :*r*++***t*******rt***r**++**i.r&****+** *:r.***{.'t***i(**:B+*:i*+****t ****x)* 't {.******:f *:f ***f,,*++***1r(*r.:*,N**. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST; Account Code Descriotion Current Prnts OR OO1(]OOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEId FEES 250.00 1350 Sandstone Drive Red Eagle Construction +-5 iS\ .j- 1350 Sandstone Drive Red 1350 Sandstone Drive Red E le Construction The seventh item on the agenda was an Appeal of Design Review Board Decision Denying Staff Approval for Awning Replacement at Vail Das Schone Building. Dick Cleveland moved to overturn the Design Review Board (DRB) decision that denied staff approval of a request to replace the existing awning on the Vail Das Schone Building al?111North Frontage Road with an identical awning. Chuck Ogilby seconded the motion. The Councilvoted 6-0-1 (Moffet recused himself) to approve the motion. The DRB had asked for a solid color or a different stripped pattern to replace the existing red, white and green stripped design. In overturning the DRB decision, Councilmembers found that the standards and conditions of the zoning regulations and development standards had been enforced correctly by the staff approval. The eighth item on the agenda was an Appeal of Design Review Board Decision Denying Roof Replacement at Eiger Chalets. Diana Donovan moved to modify Design Review Board (DRB) denial of a request to replace a black rubber mem-brane roof with a new white painted rubber membrane roof at the Eiger Chalets, Unit 7, 1350 Sandstone Drive. Greg seconded the motion' The Council \v nllmhffi) in favor of the motion, which allows the robf to be Ehl|t*f,*$retheapp|icantandthecondominiumasscbiationto'flffiin'nn" standard for reroofing of units in tle futurb while the EEffiqffidTie applicant to resurface the roof back to its original black color and insiall a washed gravel-ballast to match the gravel on the roof of another unit, Councilmembers found the conditions to be unreasonable, given the inconsistency of the other roof tops. The issue surfaced following complaints from adjacent property owners who alleged the reflectivity of the new white roof was a nuisance and not in accordance with the town's design guidelines. During the pubtic comment period, Jonathan Staufer presented a lefter to the Town Council expressing frustration about a Design Review Board decision involving an application for a color change at the Vail Village lnn. The ninth item on the agenda was the First Reading, Sign Code Ordinance. Greg Moffet made a motion at staffs request, to table first reading of the ordiiance, pending additional revisions. Rod Slifer seconded the motion. The Council voted 7-0 to table. In tabling the ordinance to a later date, Councilmeinbers discussed the need to address several issues. Among them is a decision on how best to regulate the size of signs. While the draft ordinance recommends a uniform size ior signs in the commercial zone districts, Councilmember Diana Donovan, who expressed concerns about "one size fits all,". has suggested retaining a formula-based measurement that incorporates a shop's lineiifrontage. Councilman Bill Jewitt expressed. a preference for a standard size approach, saying it would be easier to implement. He also emphasized the need for flexibility in the sign code to enable businesses to use, when appropriate, banners, flags, lights-even pink flamingos-to enliven the town. During ide dublic comment period, Stephen Connelly of Vail Sports, asked that signs posting business operations be allowed at every major entrance to a ffinWawnt*fi; /irrt; . i' ./.:/.3..* - MEMORANDUM t &eeopy TO: VailTown Council FROM: CommunitY DeveloPment DATE: SePlember 2,2003 suBJECT: An appealof the Design Fleview Board decision denying DRB03-0256, a request to replace a Utacf rubbei membrane roof wilh a new white painted rubber membrane ..oot at lrJ'dil"i Cn"etr, Unit 7, localed at 1350 Sandstone Drive /Lot G3, Eiger Chalets. Appellant Michael Boyd, representing Helmut Fricker Pianner: George Rulher $UBJECT PFOPERTY The subject property is a Residential cluster (RC) zoned lot located.at 1350 sandslone D&JGici:ei6er cnaers. 1.,"ippri""nt is prbpoiing ro reptace a rubber membrane roof atop one of the Eiger Chalet Townhome units' STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant, Michael Boyd, represenling the homeowner, Helmut Fricker has slanding to file appeals as the ProPerty owner, REOUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall Uphold, overturn, or modify the Design f"u'.",* Board's denial of tnJeig"i Chtt"t;ioot (OneOS-0256), a request to repiace 1bigck rubber membrane roof wiiir a"newwnite painted rubber membiane rbof at the Eiger Chalets, Un17, located at 1350 Sandstone Drive /Lot G3, Eiger Chalets. Pursuant to Sub-secfion '12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to make tinaings of tacl in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on a!! appeals make speciftc llndlngs of fact based directly on tt'te particutar iiidence preiented t2. it. These tindings of fact must support cenctusions fiat tii'iiandaiii ina conaitions imposed bf the requirements of this title (Zoning Regutations, Title 12) have or have not been met BACKGROUND on July 16, 2003, the Design Review Board reviewed a request to. replace a black rubber msmbrane roof witn a new fiii1e painted rubber membrane roof at the Eiger Chalets' Unit 7, located at 1350 Sanostone-Oiiuiiif-ot G3, Eiger Chalets' The request was submilted in ;;d;il; ;"ti"e or uioriti* sent to rne lpiellant regarding the replacement ot the roof *n-fro-rt ptop".fo*n ot vuilo""iln n"u[* Board apprdval. Specifically' the appellant had iJiiliJii irh- "xisttng rubbJr mEmbrane roof with a new rubber membrane roof and il. ut. lv. f(' t V. proceeded to paint the new rubber roof white. According to lhe appellant, the new roof was painted white to reduce the amount of heat gain associated with a darker roof material color. The request to paint the new roof white was never submitted tor consideration by the Design Review Board- Following the painting ol the new root white, Ihe Town of Vail Community Development Department received both verbal and written complaints from a number of adjacenl properly owners alleging the reflectivity of the white roof was a nuisance and not in accordance with the Town of Vail Design Guidelines. APPLTCABLE REGULATLONS OF THE TOWN CODE Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code, provides Design Review Standards and Guldelines for the development in the Town of Vail. In reviewing any application for development, the Design Review Board is guided by the Design Review Standards and Guidelines. Staff has provided the applicable exterior building material guidelines below: Tltle 14, Chapter !0,.paragraph D(6), in part: "Roof surtacing materials shall be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. The use of wood shakes and metal roofs is acceptable, however, in no instance will metal roofs which direct sunlight onto adjacent property be permifted-" Stafl Response: The Board visiled the applicanl's property, as well as viewed lhe roof from the neighboring properties above. In reviewing lhe appiicant's request, lhe Board expressed two concerns; 1) the rellectivity of lhe white root color, and 2) the inconsistent elcerior roof materials atop the townhomes. In addressing their concerns, the Board denied the applicant's request and required, "That the applicant shall resurface the root back to the original color which was black and install a washed gravel ballast to match the gravel on the root af the second Eiger Chalet unit from the west end of the building. This work shall he @mpleted by no later than September 1, 2003." STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Vail Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's denlal of the Eiger Chalet reroof (DRB03-0256), located at 1350 Sandstone Drive/Lol G3, Eiger Chalets, subject to the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 14 (Developrnent Slandards) have not been met wilh the applicant's proposal. vt.