HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G1-1 LEGALruwm Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorrth Front4e Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Schmidt residence DRB Number: DR8010115 Project Description: changes to approved landscape plan Pafticipants: OWNER SCHMIDT, LEROY S. 05i022001 Phone: PO BOX 407 MONUMENT CO 80132 License: APPLICANT SCHMIDT, LEROY S. 05/022001 Phone: PO BOX 407 MONUMENT CO 80132 Licensel Project Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: [ot: G-1 Block Subdlvision: UON'S RIDGE RL. 2 Parcel Number: 210312102005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: 05|2U2OOL Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Rwiew Board. Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.O0 Ir Questions? Catt the nning Staff at 479-2138 FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project rbquiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific informaton, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requEted. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started, A. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST: R n E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:r-or: G-l PHYSICAL ADDRESS:ID FILING: l,'ansni grrb' PARCEL *: 2lO Z tZt OZA{(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8540 for parcel #) ZONING: F. G. TYPErl tr v. H. NAME OF OWNER(S): owNEKS) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: 54 .rr\-L MAIUNG ADDRESS: OF REWEW AND FEE: New Construction - $2O0 Construction of a new building. $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building pennil phase identify the accurate valuation of the pmject. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the poect valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THrS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAT REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMETTT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VArL COLORADO 81657. Addition - Minor Alteration - Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www. ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER t?AA,, Lecny >, */lpiUl- .ajointowneror.properryrocarerrat/ l.print name) t\o B"$r-hrt tnrck- FQ a*'4 providethisieneras (addresVle gal description) written approval of the plans dated which are submifted to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements include_O,A I funher understand that minor modifications mavbe made to the olans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. q-2q- o) t'tlc {S *"na"r"^rru (date) ffi ",: ALrERArro;;#::*ffi "'Tf}lttl0t [,,'{llffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a buildinq. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS F Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. n Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). n All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. tr Condominium Association approval (if applicable). n If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrdtor may determine $at additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. o ry TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofflits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclcures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting 'Other * Please speciry the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Odinance 12-11-5J. If octerior lighting is prup6ed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a sepante lighting plan, Identify each firture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Quaotlw:q Size*: J1 3" bt-7 t f3. 5,g. .f 1. guq. ----E --5q. -- 6 /6 f 6 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATiON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Souare Footaoe:Tvoe: tu OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fenceg swimming pools, etc.) Please speify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. N{ UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATIOI{ K+\v This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorhed Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 (Fed Husky;John Boyd) T.C,I. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-74f,0 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: l. If the utility verification form has signatures frorn each of the utility companies, and no cornments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proced. If a utility company has conenrs with the proposed constructbn, the utility representawe shall n@ diretly on the uulity verification form that there b a problan which needs b be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public Worls at the Town of Vail. LJtiliW locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easernentwithin the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit b not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. n. ilL IV. PRE-APPUCANO.N CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibifity to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application torm and all accompanying material must be aacepted by the Community De$€lopment Depar0Tent a minimum of three and a half (3 V2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: If a property is located in a rnapped hazad area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard repoft prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submitbl of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all survelrs, site plans,. landscape phns and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projecE, larger plan sbe may be allowed.2, scale, The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale,3. Graohic bar scale.4. North arrow.5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number.7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates.8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger, 9. Sheet labels and numbers,10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5".11. Names of all adjacent roadways.L2. Plan legend. For new @nstruction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indimte property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be rernoved must be taped. The applicant must ensure ilat staking done during the winter 'E not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB m€€ting. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their iEm be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such tirne as the item has been republbhed. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved orior to the issuance of a building permit. B. c. h E. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Re/iew applications, approve with certain modifrcations, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Rwiew applications may be staff approved: A. Any application tor an addilon to an existing building that b consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized mernber of a condominium as,sociation, if applicable; Any application to modify an s\isting building that does not signifhantly change the o<isting planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the buihing, including, but not limited to e)fterior building finish materials (e.9. stonework, siding, roof nraterials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canophs or awnings, fences, antennat satellite dishes, windows, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modfications; Any application for site improvemenb or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walb, removal or modifications to odsting landscaping, instalhtion of accessory structures or recreational facilitie , ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A, If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado DeparuTent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 40d etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publbhing fees which are in o(cess of 50% of tre application fee. If, at the applicant's rcquest, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be republished, then the entire fee for such re-publicauon shall be paid by the applbant. Applications deerned by the Community Development Deparunent to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consuhant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consuftant. The Department shall estimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pay the consuhant and thb amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an applicatbn. Etpenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrvarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days cf not'fication by the Town. Any eaess funds will be rcturned to the applicant upon review completion, n. C VL nnt : l^Elt | ...-a t-- \. a t Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 10,2001 Leroy Schmidt PO Box 407 Monument, CO 80312 Re: 1410 Buffer Creek Road/Lot G-1, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Leroy, Please f,rnd enclosed a Revocable Righrof-Way Permit form for the proposed landscape plantings located within the l0' utility easement at l4l0 Buffer Creek Road. Please complete this form and retum it, with a check for $10.00 made out to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, to my attention at the follovring address: Town of Vail Department of Community Development Attn: Bill Gibson 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 ff you have any questiom, please feel free to contact m e at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, ta/*Z ln - ./Lr't-^ Bill Gibson Planner I {gu"nuor*o ',t,.+tf *:t,|r.r(**:r*r.*+********f,***"***fi*****,t 'r*********:I**************+**r***l+***r,**+****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement**:l'!i'l*++**.******r.+**+********{i*****,t t **f*1.*'t 't *r.{.****'f,***+*****t **********d.***,t ***+{.********* Statemeni. Number: R000000702 Anount: $20.00 05/07 /200LO2:08 pM Palment Method: Check fnit: BG NoLaLion: Permj. t, No: DRB01"011"5 Tl4)e: DRB - Minor A]:eration ParceL No: 2L0312102005 SiTe Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAII,Location: To,ta1 Fees: $20.00This Patment.: $20.00 Total- ALL pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00**+*{.**i.******i.*++*{.****1.*********+l++***********+**!i*t t t ri*r**t ***i(****t*'t:N.t 't+tt***t {.**:t*+**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts DR OO1OOOO3].12200 ' OESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 I0l{nffi a Questions? Cail the planning Staff at 479-Zt3g APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMANON This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project reguiring design review must receive Design Re'riew approvai prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal reguirements fur the particular approval that is requested. The appiication cannot be acceDted until all the reouired information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUFST: Ptace rtri ver^ray icp np1 | hoitor nrtqide of residense B. c. n E. tr LOCAION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: G-l BLOCK:_ FILING: Lions Rldge Fi 1 - #l PHYSICALADDRESS: '1 4tO Ruffahr Craek Road, V*;l, e0 PARCEL #: 2I03-L2L-O2-OO5 (Conhct Eagle Co. Assecsors Office at 17V32B-864C for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): l,eroy Scnmi ri r / OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): --' , NAMEOFAPPLICANT: Lerov S. Schmidt / MAII-INGADDRESS; P. O. Box 407. l4onument. C0 80132 PHONE: (719) 488-0866 OF REVIEWAND FEE: ullNew Construction - $200 Construction of a new building, -Aq) Tz - z7/(ryPE tr tr ,K H, Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, Dainting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee mcording to the project valuation. PTEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEIYTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. '/ MAR 2 6 2001 Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 8]657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APFROVAL LETTER ,, lggoY <'<.6,t ilf ,ajoinrownerorproperryrocatedat/ (print name) provide this letter as wrinan approval oftheplans dated l4dl{which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development for tbe proposed improvements to be completed at the address sl I further understand that minor modifications mavbe made to the plans over the course of the rbview process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. .3- ae-&d' tt*r^"o (date) L .ffi Questions? Cail the ptanning Staff at 479-Zt3B .cffiJ|,sa064s! br 4qn*r!trffiery68$l*ffi6.q'c4q,q'@rff*ir,6i]lelEw,ffiryffir --ffit MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGST0l'!1l0Fl,4ltffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which addiiional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application' a iru ftrtu r s D I Tt+ *er rtla (gzn nI. suBMmAL REoUIREI\4ENrS + DV Pte y tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the existing conditions. tr Photos or sketches which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). n All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. tr Condominiurn Association approval (if applicable). D If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrdtor fnay determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. h<- fpJ--d /"^Y0-e /-L^ef €ilr $la"e &a'w*fl z*.T\ a Bco'x3d' Cdr\<rLtt slal",\+ N,:fr Le :-<.c ru"".*P ur,'+0'.* lo-rr(srd p?*."];ry'fu ^4^^G4- frtay'enlp ) es ){€ W R;45;/h \'U;.PQ b- M wr+P"\-st'rraekf"h- €)r;r+:,\tg Lut?els'ro Ld n'(!* sha/l bP i ^(1 / v 4r, {4a,*t 7'frfh ' $CS',ll,n*"h i^,r4ln 'U^Urtttw{ to ( h}L^- / ' ,h^ffilutuf{'5 Og,n--SC .-, *{tt't****'t'!it!*{'t*'r*'i**+'r******,, +'t't**'r***!r:*,i****'r*,i'**r*+**+********:**********,r!rt*i.r{r,r*,r**+ TOWN0FVA&, C0LORADO stdemcnr'|*i'************'l***tstt*:*t*t*'t**j*'t*****'f '** ****'tt t ***'l+****'t{.!t*** **r**'}* f {.*1**:*,}f *{!****rt**+,f *++***tstatement Number: Roo{r00o541 Amount: $20.00 I3 26/2OOLO5:22 pMpalrment uethod: Cheek rnit: JAR l{otaeion: 16569 permi. No: ;;;;;;- -- --rrr.: ;*-_ n*". o-r.-".".*Parcel t{o: 2LO372L02005Site Addresa: 1410 BITFFtsHR CREEK RD VAIIJLocation: Ttrie Paynrent :$20.00 Tota1 Fees: TOtAl AIJJ PMIE: Balance: $20. oo $20.00 $o. oo ACCOUNI ITEMLIST: Account Code Descrl ptl on Current Pnrts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVTEX FEES 20.00--.--.-..-.--- lilNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemefit l{umber: Payment Method I Ttrie papent:s20.00 Total Feee: Total ALIr Erntg l Balance :+++ ++'l+*'t ** t**,i****l ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code oesfflptlon Current Pnts 0R 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEhJ FEES 20.00 Statemenl R000000541 Amount: $t0.00 03./26,/200105 :22 FIUIChech Init: JAR permit No: DRBOX.O0S9 Type: DRB _ ffinor AlterataonparceL llo: 2103IZ1O2005Site AddreEe: 14LO BUFFEITR CREEK RD vArLL,oCation: $2o. oo $2o. oo $0. 00 10 :lsos;;*t;;;,."-,,;tr;#:R€COR0ED SEP1EIEER to. teTA AT RECtpTOf,t io, tZtZtg. ni NOlltrr AC@ROI'iI6 TO COLORADO LAil YOIJ MUST Cqrilg}rcE At{Y TEG lp,qil SY 0EfECT tN lt{ts SJRVEY rtl|{|t.t rHRg ,,€Af,S AnEglgslF! quo{ o€F[cT. tH ]to E!a{?, urv Nli rcnor eAsDEFECT n Dss $tnr,E.r BE Cmf{l|cEli [rcRE n{Aii TEtl r€AfoAlE tr lr{F cERnRCAnO{ $flffi l{ERt$t.- pROfCT 8€ttCf*rlARK: GARA€ SLA8 EIfVATIS{. UMT c_tg ELEVARO'I c 6IlS{.5' LOT 11 UO{'S RECE FIUI|G Ho. 4 FOTJND PIT{ AND CAPLS No. 1684* / / LOT G- 1o 0,549 ACnES ADORES& I4IOA BLJFfEHR CRg€t( ROAD t LOT G-lb/ o.szg rcnrs AOORESS I+IO8 BI,'FFE}IR CffEX RSD UTIUTY EAS€IE}IT \I I ( ) i f-i .+ }?.fr .?:.' \.t I I Ilb/tI I,tg". I' PROP€RTY UTIE FCIIOX'S ry'.Plltg -.cflntEB.E PJfI !t!Loirurtr a cANItr.E\ER FRouy- uNtT B tNTo UMT A (sEc€lrD FLom s{LY) sEE .DETAIL A" / A It-..,-rf --'><1 ACCES$ EASEilET.IT CREAIED BY THIS PLAT .iy (H^rcHED AftEA) 6y / I l I*\ \ Hto o 1465756'R- 7O.00' T* 252.tlE L* lEt.99' I ro.o, ,ffi- 13+.60' /1 E- S+122'0E W ,66 BUFFEHR CREEI( ROADd;e Eur r LFlfi L;tttbK Ro g/sa (70'R.o.w.) arfr4&4\ 5if8'56'38'E - I FOUND PIII AI L.S. No. 2659 s26'17'5r'w - t/t',lrn h,r, FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance WARNING: lmproper installation, adjustment, alteration, service ormaintenance can cause injury or property damage. Reler to this manual. For assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. FOR YOUF SAFETY - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS ' Do not try to light any appliance. ' Do noltouch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. ' lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbofs phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. ' lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department, "FTELEDYNE TANNS \_ I Page 4 Hydronic Boilers Sedion 1 General Information 1A.Introduetion This manual provides inlormation for the installation and operation of Teledyne Laars hydronic boilers. lt is strongly recommended that all application and installation procedures be reviewed-completely belore proceeding with the installation. Consult the Teledyne Laars factory, or local factory representative, with any problems or questions regarding this equipment. Experience has shown that most problems are caused by improper installation not system design. Some acessory items are shipped in separate packages. Verify receipt of all items listed on the package slip. lnspect everything {or possible damage upon delivery, and inform the-canier ol any shortages or impairments. Any such claims should be filed with the carrier. The carrier, not the shipper, is responsible for shortages and damage to the shipment whether visible or concealed. IIIPORTANT WARNING: The model HH and PH hydronic boilers must be installed in accordance with the procedures outlined in this manual. The wananty does not apply to boilers not installed or operated in accordance with.these procedures. Consult local building and safety codes before proceeding with work. The installation must contorm to the requirements ot the authority havlng jurisdiction or, in the absence of such requirements, to the latest edition of the Nalional Fuel Gas Code; ANSI 723.1, National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70 andi or in Canada CAN1-8149 requirement. When required by the authority having jurisdiction, the installation must conform to American Society of Mechanical Engineers salety codes for controls and safety devices for automatically fired boilers No. CSD- '1, and in Canada CGA 3.3. Any modilication to the boiler, its gas controls, gas orifices, wiring or draft diverter may void the Teledyne Laars warranty, lf field conditions require such modifications, consult lactory. 18. Boiler ldentilication Consult rating plate on the boiler. The lollowing example simplities the boiler identification. (1) Basic boiler model (see descriptions below). (2) InputrateX 1000 BTU/hr. (3) Indoor (l) or Outdoor (E) installation. (4, Gas type: Natural (N) or Propane (P). (5) lgnition system: l.l.D. (09) or continuous pilot (16). Special option: l.l.D. (04) 115 volts. (6) Firing modes: Or/Off (C) ?-stage (K) 4-stage (L) Mechanical Modulalion (H) Motorized Modulation (F) Motorized On/Ofl (R) Molorized z-stage (T). Model HH hydronic heating boilers. There must be a tield installed pump to circulate water. Model PH hydronic heating boilers are basically the same as the HH models except that the PH boilers come with integrally mount pumps. Pumps are sized for pressure drop through the heat exchanger only. Teledyne Laars hydronic boilers are available in two configurations: an indoor version and an outdoor version. Both are available from the factory. See Figure 1. G Indoor Model [t:-1l* lJ*,,ia ill*ill'H' f t--E---eL- TEmperature clntroller is hctory instalted at the ss$et when us€d on ayai|able flcfl,v systen Outdoor tnodgl nqt avaitable in Canada 1 2 e 4 6 PH 1670 N 09 L Teledyne Laars Page 5 lC. Flow Requirements All low volume hydronic boilers must have continuous flow through the heal exchanger for proper operation. The system pump must be capable of developing sufficient pressure to overcome the resistance of the boiler plus the entire circulaling system at the designated GPM (see Table 1). The tempeature rise across the boiler should never exceed 40eF. Primary- secondary pumping is the most eftective way to assure proper ilow through the boiler resulting in longer boiler life and greater system efficienry (see Figure 2). 1D. VariableWater Flow Systems Heating systems using zone valves, zone pumps or 3-way valves can experience reduced water flow through the boiler. This can result in an excessive water temperature rise and unstable boiler operation. lf the system water flow is variable, it must not be allowed to fall below 30% oi full flow. The boiler must be equipped with staged or modulated fire with the temperalure sensor installed in the outlet water. State variable flow when ordering. Teledyne Laars recommends primary-secondary pumping for all variable llow systems. Primary-seconday pumping is mandatory for variable flow systems where minimum flows are less than 30o/o of tull flow conditions. The boiler pump in a primary-secondary system maintains constant flow through the boiler even though the system flow is variable. In a primary-secondary system the pressure drop of the boiler is not added to the system {see Figure 2). A Special Note About 3-Way Water Valves S-way water valves (2 postion or proportional) are somelimes used to divert water around a boiler and control the temperature ol water being supplied to the system. Valves installed in this manner must be supplied with an end switch or some other suitable control to shut off the boiler when the flow is reduced to 30%. The boiler must be supplied with staged or modulated lire as indicated in Section 1D, Variable Water Flow Systems. It is often possible to accomplish excellent water temperature control without 3-way valves through proper application of staged or modulated liring systems. Consult the factory or local Teledyne Laars represenlative for assislance with such systerns. q) | 12" I lMat.l Return From System Temperature Sensor S.V. Valve Blowdown .- S.V. Valve Secondary Pump (On Model PH, seconoary pump ls mounted to boiler) Relief Valve Singls Boiler lnstallation Modular lnstallation Add Aftlitional Boilors As Noeded I a Page 6 Hydronic Boilers Design Temperature Rise Across The Boiler 6CU 1010 1200 1430 1670 1825 500 600 715 500 600 dcu 1010 1200 1430 1670 1825 38 1.4 41 1.7 47 1.8 49 2.3 56 2.5 58 3.2 ao J.q oY .t.o 79 4.7 82 5.0 94 6.5 98 6.9 112 8.9 ,r1 e.5 31 1.1 33 1.1 37 1.4 39 1.6 45 1.9 47 2.2 CJ Z.C 55 3.1 63 3.4 06 3.6 75 4.8 78 4.9 89 6.5 93 6.7 102 8.8 109 9.1 114 10 1 19 10.4 ZO U.Y 27 0.9 31 12 32 1.1 37 1.5 39 1.6 44 2.0 53 2.7 55 3.1 62 3.7 65 3.6 74 5.0 f6 5.U 85 6.7 91 6.8 95 8.0 9S 8.3 n 0.6 23 0.7 28 0.9 32 1.0 oo r.l 38 1.4 39 1.6 45 1.9 47 2.2 53 2.6 56 3.1 M 3.5 67 3.7 73 4.7 78 5.0 81 5.5 85 5.7 System Pressure Requirements The model HH and PH boilers are designed to operate on closed, pressurized systems. A minimum of 12 psi should be maintained on the system where boiler supply water temperatures are 200oF or less. lf higher temperatures are required, the minimum system pressure should be at least 15 psi above the water vapor pressure coresponding to the elevated water temperature. The hydronic boilers are not suitable for open systems unless the supply water temperEfiures are kept below 180"F, and minimum ot 5 psi static head is maintained within the boiler. lE. Warning Regarding Chilled Water Systems When a boiler is connected to an air conditioning system where the same water is used for heating and cooling, chilled water must be prevented from entering the boiler. When changing such a system from cooling to heating, the chilled waler should be allowed to . circulate through the building (after the chiller has been turned off) for a period long enough forthe water to warm up to at least 70oF belore the water is allowed to tlow into the boiler. lt is equally important to prevent hot water from entering the chiller. The system shown in Figure 3 is suggested to make sure that the sysytem water is neither too hot nor too cold when a changeover ftom heating to cooling, or vice versa, takes place. \A/hen a boiler is connected to heating coils located in air handling units (where they may be exposed to refrigerated air circulation), the boiler piping system shall be equipped with a flow control valve or other automatic means to prevent gravity circulatlon of chilled water through the boiler. Chilled water in the boiler will create oondensation on the boiler tubes which will drip on the burners and may extinguish the pilot. Boilers installed in violation of either of the above requirements may void the wananty. Installation 2A. Boller Placement The boiler must be placed to provide specilic clearances on all sides for maintenance and inspection. There must also be minimum distances maintained lrom combustible surfaces. These clearances also apply to non-combustible materials. L Suggested Wiring Diagram For Temperlng System Water at Change-over trom Heatlng to Coollng DPDT Manual or Automatic Chanqe-over S ibh DPD' - S€t at Cbanga.ov€r remp€Gl$r€ Clock Tlmer A{lto-re€€tting Sst at 15 rninde SPDT Syst€m .r'L 3-Way Valve No. I Change-gver (Heatng and Cooling) -----) System +Way Val!€ No. 2 To Bytass Eo$ Heater and Chiller I Page 7Teledyne Laars Unit (Front View) Concrete Slab Must Extend Out A Minimum Of 12" On All Sides Base Root - Wood & Steel Construction Add Base for Combustible Floors on Indoor Units. Base Comes Standard on Outdoor Units. Unit {End View) tnLJT-tt ?- yr HE Base For Combustible Floors Concrete Slab - #' Minimum Base Must Exend Out Metal Plate 20 Min. 12'OnAll . Ga. Min. Of Healel Under Entire Heater 6oncrete Blocks Or Tile Min.7" High With 3" Min. Air Openings Blocks must provide solid base and be braced so they cannot slip out of place. Air openings in blocks must be arranged to provide unobstructed opening through entire width or length of base.Mountinq Platlorm Must Extend Out A Minimum Of 12' On All sidss 20 G,q Galvanized Sheet Metal cap \ Add Base for Combustible Floors on Indoor UniE. Base comes Slandard on Outd@r Units. I Page 8 Hydronic Boilers Closel lnstallatlon (unacceptable) A clos€l is arry 4 sided enclosure lrhich is less than 16" tim€$ th€ lotal volume ot all the gas fired appliances within the enclosure. Room lnstallation {acceptable) A room is any enclosure which is al leasl 16' times greater than the total volum€ ol all th€ gas tired appliances wifiin the enclosure. Alcove lnstallation (accepiable) An alcove suitable tor the installation of a heatef is a restricled section ol a room nol separated fmm the room by a door or Partitron and which meets the minimun cl€atances Specified in this manual. " When the c€iling height oxc€€ds I fget, you are only allowsd lo consider 8 leet wh€n calcuhttng the total vglume of the enclosu re. because the boiler requires air circulation for proper operation. Boiler should be mounted on a level surface. An integral combustible flooring base is provided as standard equipment on all outdoor models. Do not install boiler on carpeting. Under the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223j, it is permissible to place the boiler on floors other than non-combustible when the installation complies with the American Insurance Code. Flgures 5,6,7, and 8 show common installation on combustible flooring. 28.Installation of Indoor Boilers 1. Locate the boiler to provide adequate clearance for inspection and service on all sides. See Table 2. We recommend minimums of 24" from front (for proper access to and service ol controls) and 1 8" at water connection end. For alcove installation, see Figure g. 2. lnstall the boiler on a waterproof floor with an adequate floor drain and a 6" minimum curb on all four sides to protect the building if boiler repairs are required. The manufacturer will not be held liable tor any water damage in connection with thts boiler. 2B-1. Combustion Air Supply The boiler location must provide sufficient air supply for proper combustion and ventilation of the sunounding area as outlined in the latest edition of ANSI standard Z223.1andlor in Canada CAN 1 - 8149 requirements, and any local codes thai may be applicable. Inadequale combustion air supply may result in incomplele combustion, sooting oi the heat exchanger, and unsafe operation of the boiler. (a.) In the United States, the general require- ments specify that boiler rooms should be provided with two permanent air supply openings communicating directlv through the wall to outside air; one within 12 inches of the ceiling, and the other within 12 inches of the floor. Each opening should have a minimum free area of one square inch per 4,000 BTUH input of the total input rating of all appliances in the enclosed area. See Table 3 for recommended air supply for each model. An improperly ventilated equipment room can get excessively hot and cause accelerated deterioration of controls and electrical oomponents. (b.) ln Canada, consult local building and safety codes or, in the absence ol such requirements, follow CGA requirements and/or CAN 1 - 8149 standard. (Table 3 does not apply). 3. Exhaust Fans or Vents: Any equipment which exhausts air from the boiler room can deplete the combustion air supply or reverse the natural draft action of the venting system. Teledyne Laars Page 9 The boiler must be completely isolated and This could cause flue products to accumulate in the room. Additional air must be supplied to compensate for such exhaust. The information in Table 3 is nat applicable in installationswhere exhaust fans or blowers of any type are used. Such installations must be designed by qualilied engineers. It a blower or fan is used to supply air to the heater room, lhe installer should make sure it doe$ not create drafts which could cause nuisance shutdowns of the pilot. lf a blower is necessary to provide adequate combustion air to the boiler, a suitable switch or equivalent must be wired into the boiler control circuit to prevenl the boiler from firing unless the blower is - operating. The boiler must be completely isolated and protected from any source of corrosive chemical fumes such as trichlorethylene, perchlorethylene, chlorine, etc. 2B-2. Venting 1. Teledyne Laars boilers have built-in draft diverter$ for natural draft operalion and must not be connected to any portion of a mechanical draft system under positive pressure. The flue outlet must be connected to a clear, unobstructed vent ol adequate capacity ending above the highest point of the building with an approved vent cap. The venting system should be installed according to the latest edition of ANSI 2223.1 and/or, in Canada, CAN1-8149 requirementand any local codes having jurisdiction. IMpORTANT NOTE: Do not use sheet metal screws at the snap lock ioints of Type B gas vents. 2. Do not weld or fasten the vent pipe to the boiler draft hood. The weight of the stack must not rest on the boiler. The draft hood and boiler top must be easilv removable for normal boiler service and inspection. 3. Avoid using long horizontal runs of the vent pipe, and too many 90'elbows, reductions or restrictions. Horizontal runs should have at least a 1/4' rise per loot in the direction of flow. A vent connector should be suppotted for the design and weight of the material used to maintain clearances and prevent physical damage and separation of joints. Avoid ending heater venls near air conditioning or air supply fans. The fans can pick up exhaust flue products from the boiler and return them inside the building, creating a possible health hazard. A minimum of 4 feet horizontal distance must be maintained from electrical meters, gas meters, and relief equipment. Always use double-wall or insulated vent pipe (Type B or equivalent). In cold weather, uninsulated outside venls can chill the rising flue products, blocking the natural draft action ol the venting system. This can create a health hazard by spilling llue producb into the boiler room. Avoid oversize vent piping or extremely long runs of lhe pipe which may cause excessive cooling and condensation. Bule of Thumb: The total length of the vent, including the connector and any ottset, should not exceed 15 teet for every inch of vent diameter. Longer total lengths shown in venting tables are based on maximum capacity, not condensation factors. When the installation of a draft fan is necessary 4. 4. 6. 5. 7. 500 600 715 850 1010 1200 1430 1670 1825 125 150 179 213 253 300 358 418 457 -Net Free Area in Square Inches Area indicated is for one of two openings; one at floor level and one at he ceiling, so the total net free area could be double the figures indlcated. For special conditions refer to the latest edition of ANS|Z223.1. Consult factory if not communicating directly through the walls with the outdoors. Note: Check with louver manufacturers for net free area ol louvers. Correct for screen resistance to the net free area if a screen is installed. Check all local codes applicable to combustion air. Page 10 Hydronic Boilers in connecting a venting system to a Teledyne Laars boiler, the installation should be engineered by competent personnel following good engineering practices. The dratt fan supplier should be consulted tor correct size. The installation should be in accordance with the fatest edition of ANSI 2223.1 andlsr, in Canada. CAN1-8149 requiremenl and any local codes having jurisdiction. When a draft Jan is inslalled, a suitable draft switch must be wired into the boiler control circuit al terminal designated "Field lnterlock'to prevent firing ol the boiler unless a positive draft has been established. 8. When an existing boiler is removed from a comrnon venting system, the common venting system is likely to be too large ior proper venting of the appliances remaining connected to it. At the time of removal of an existing boiler, the following steps shall be followed with each appliance remaining connected to the common venting system placed in operalion, vyhile the other appliances remaining connected to the common venting system are nol in operation. (a) Seal any unused openings in the common venting system. (b) Visually inspecl the venting system for proper size and horizontal pitch and determine there is no blockage or restriction, leakage, corosion and other deficiencles which could cause an unsafe condition. (c) lnsofar as is practical, close all building doors and windows and all doors between the space in which the appliances remaining connected to the common venting system are located and other spaces of the building. Turn on clothes dryers and any appliance not connected to the common venting system. Turn on any exhaust fans, such as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so they will operate at maximum speed. Do not operate a summer exhaust {an. Close fireplace darnpers. (d) Place in operation the appliance being inspected. Follow the lighting instructions. Adjust thermostat so appliance rvill operate continuously. (e) Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening after 5 minutes ol main burner operation. Use the flame of a match or candle, or smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe. (f) After it has been determined that each appliance remaining connecled to the common venting system properly vents when tested as outlined above, retum doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers and any other gas- burning appliance to their previous conditions of use. (g) Any improper operation of the common venting system should be corrected so the installation conlorms with the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1. When resizing any portion of lhe common venting system, the common venting system should be resized to approach the minimum size as determined using the appropriate tables in Appendix G in the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223j. 2C. Installation of Outdoor Boiler$ 1. Locate the boiler to provide the minimum clearances as listed in Table 2, "Boiler Clearances." See service clearance. 2 8.1 . 2. Do not dace the boiler in an enclosure or wall recess. Avoid locations where wind deflection olf structures might cause a down draft, When such wind conditions are possible, place the boiler at least three (3) feel trom the struclures. Never install the boiler under any kind of roof overhang. Do not place the boiler below or adjacent to any doors, windows, louvers, grills, etc. which connect in any way with an inhabted area of a building. This includes other structures such as garages or utility rooms {see Figure 10). Although these models are AGA designed certified for outdoor installations, such installations are nol recommended in areas where the danger of freezing exists unless proper precautions are taken for freeze protection. O 4. I u Teledyne Laars Page 11 4. 5. Caution: Outdoor installation$ are nol recommended in areas where the danger ol snow blockage exists. 2D. Gas Supply and Piping Review the tollowing instructions betore proceeding with the installation. 1. Verity that the boiler is fitted for the proper type of gas by checking the rating phte. Teledyne Laars boilers are normally equipped to operate below a 2000 loot altitude. Boilers equipped to operate at higher altitudes have appropdate stickers or tags attached. 2. Use the figures in Table 4 to provide adequate gas piping {rom the gas meter to the boiler. 3. A trap (drip leg) must be provided ahead ot the gas controls (see Figure l1). A manual. gas shutoff valve must also be provided for service convenience and safety. Check the local codes. The boiler and its individual shutoff valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure testing of that system at test pressures in excess of 1/2 psig. The boiler must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing its individual manual gas shutoff vaMe during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig. Provide gas supply pressure to the boiler as follows: Note: The boiler and all other gas appliances sharing the boiler gas suppty line must be firing at maximum capacity to properly measure the inlet supply pressure. Low gas pressure could be an indication of an undersized gas meter and/or obstructed gas supply line. 6. The corect bumer manifold gas pressure is stamped on the rating plate. The regulator is preset at the factory and nomally requires no further adjustment. 7. The gas manifold and control assembly was tested and conform to the safe lighting and other perforrnance criteria specitied in the latest editions ot ANSI 721.13 and CGA 3.3 Low Pressure Boiler Standard. 8. Before operating the boiler, the complete gas supply system and all connections must be tested for teaks using a soap solution. Do not use raw flame. CAUTION: Since some leak test solutions (including soap and water) may cause conosion or stress cracking, the piping must be rinsed with water after testing, unless it has been determined ihat the leak test softJtion is nonconosive. 2E. ElectricalWiring Electrical diagrams are included with the packet provided with each unit. WARNING: The boiler must be electrically grounded Distance from Gas Meter or Last Stage Fegulator 500 600 715 850 1010 1200 14it0 1670 1825 2" z', 2" 2-1t2" 2-1t2" 3" 3' e' 3" 2" 2-1t2. 2-1t2" 2-1/2 3" 3' rt 3-1t2" 1-1/2" 1-',U2" 2" 2" 2' 2-'t/2" 2-1t2' 2-1t2 2:U2 Nolei These figures are for Natural Gas (.65 Sp. Gr.), and are based on 1/2'water column pressure drop. Chec* supply pressure with a manometer, and local code requkementg for variations. For LPG, reduce pipe diameter one 6ize, but maintain a 1" minimum diamsler. A normal number ol Tees and elbows have been taken into allowance. Natural Gas LPG Min. (inches water column)Per Rating Plate Max. (inches water column)14 Gas Supply lnlet t ?age 12 Hydronic Boilers in accordance with the most recent edition of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70. ln Canada, all electrical wiring to the boiler should be in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code. CSA C22-1 Paft 1. Do not rely on the gas or water piping to ground the metal parts of the heater. Frequently, plastic pipe or dieleclric unions isolate the boiler electrically. Service and maintenance personnel who work on or around the boiler may be standing on wet floors and could be electrocuted by an underground boiler. 1. Check boiler wiring and pump forcorrect voltage, frequency and phase. lf the pump circuit is other than 115V, check to see that the boiler is provided with an appropriate lranstormer. 2. Wre the boiler and pump exactly as shown in the wiring diagram supplied with the boiler. 3. The pump and boiler must be electrically interlocked so lhe boiler cannot come on unless the pump is running. 4. All field installed electrical safety devices and all field installed devices (draft switches, relays, timers, outdoor temperature resel devices, etc.) can be connected to the heater wiring at points shown in the wiring diagram designated -Field Interlock" 2F. Water Piping of System 1 . Be sure to provide valves at the inlet and outlet of the boiler so it can be readily isolated for service. A butterfly or similar type of valve is recommended. 2. The pressure relief valve installed in the tapped opening provided in the outlet header (See Figure 12), must be piped, but not fastened, to a drain or lloor sink. The drain pipe must be the same size as the valve outlet and must pitch downward from the vafue. Special attention must be given to relief valve settings in installations where the boiler is located on the ground floor of a tall building. The static pressure of ihe system is elevated and could cause the reliel valve to leak. Where no special setling of the relief valve is ordered, the factory will fumish a 75 psi sefting. Never reduce the relief valve openings. 3. Pressure relief valve lever must be tripped at least once a year to insure that waterways are s 4. clean. When manually operating lever, water will discharge through drain line. Precautions must be iaken lo avoid contact with hot water and water damage. The weight of atl waler and gas piping should be supported by suitable hangers or floor stands. Check piping diagrams with local applicable plumbing, heating and building safety codes. 6. A boiler installed above radiation level must be provided with a low water cutoff device either as patt of the boiler or at the time of boiler installation. 7. Install manual and/or automatic bleeding devices at high points in the system lo elirninate air. lnstall a correctly sized air charger and tank drainer, as appropriate. 2G. Filling Fully-Connected System 1. Close all bleeding devices and open make-up water valve. Allow system to fill slowly. 2. lt make-up water pump is employed, adjust pressure swrtch on pumprng system to provide a minimum ol 12 psi at the highest point in the heating loop. 3. lf a waier pressure regulator is provided on the make-up water line, adjust the pressure regulator to provide at least 12 psi at the highest point in the heating loop. 4. Open bleeding devices on all radiation units at the highest points in the piping throughout the t Page 13Teledyne Laars 5. system, unless automatic air bleeders are provided at such points. Run system circulating pump for a minimum of 30 minutes with the boiler shut off. Open all strainers in the circulating system and check for debris. Recheck all air bleeders as described in Step 4 aDove. Check liquid level in expansion tank. With the system full of water and under normal operating pressure, the level ol water in lhe expansion tank should not exceed 1/4 of the total, with the balance lilled with air. Start up boiler according to procedure described in Section 38. Operate the entire system, including the pump, boiler, and radiation units for one (1) hour. 10. Recheck the water level in the expansion tank. lf the water level exceeds 114 of tlle volume of the expansion tank, open the tank drainer and drain to that level. 11. Shut down the entire system and vent all radiaiion units and high points in the system piping as described in Step 4 above. 12. Close make-up water valve and check strainer in pressure reducing valve lor sediment or debris from the make-up water line. Beopen make-up water valve. 13. Check gauge tor conect water pressure and also checkwater level in system. lf the height indicaled above the boiler insures that water is at the highest point in the circulating loop, then the system is ready for operalion. 14. Wthin three (3) days of start-up, recheck all air bleeders and expansion tank as described in Steps4andSabove. Operation 7. 8. o 3A. Controls - General (See figures 13-17) 1 . Electronic lgnition Controls: a. Intermittent lgniuon: Manual Main Gas Valve Safetv Gas' Valve t Page 14 Hydronic Boilers Pilots are automatically lit when the operating aquastat calls ior heat (System #4 and #9) The unit performs its own safety check and opens the main valves only after the pilot is proven to be lit. Whenever the pilot tlame is interrupted, the main gas valve closes within 8/10 of a second. b. Electronically Supervised Standing Pilot System (System #16): When pilot tlame fails, the ignition control module responds in less than 0.8 seconds and provides 100% safety shutdown. Operating Controls: a. Electrically Operating Controls: Single, twostage, four-stage or modulating aquastats are provided in models HH and PH boilers to control the desired service water temperature. The lemperature sensing bulb is located either in the boiler inlet or outlet header. b. Modu-Snap Valves (Mechanical Modulation only): These valves are furnished in addhion to the main electric gas valve. Each valve has a remote capillary bulb immersed in a well al the outlet header to maintain a constant outlet temperature. The valves can be staged to give greater flexibility of control. Consuft Table 5 for desired temperature setting. High Umit C0ntrols: The manual reset high limit switches are provided as standard equipmenl on all boilers. Automatic reset suritches are optionally provided. The lemperature sensing bulb of the switch is always located in the boiler outlet. Burners will automatically shut down whenever overheating of water occurs. FlowSwitch: Standard on all models: Models HH and PH, the swilch is mounted in the outlet lee" connection. The flow swiich shuts down all burners in case ot pump failure. Low Water Cut Ofi (Optional): The low water cut ofi automatically shuts off Honeywell T.L. PaIt # W343 Johnson Controls T.L. Part # W345 4. Manual Reset High Limit T.L. Part # E159 T.L. Part #E131 (lndoor) T.L. Part # El30 {Ourdooo Gas Modulating Valve (Meohanical Modulation Only) T.L. Part # V711 Low Waler Cutoff T.L. Pan # E679 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 Mechanical--> S60.00 Restuatant Plan Review-> Plar Check--> S15.00 DRB Fee*-----*> aoDEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M01-0018 ]obAddress: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEKRDVAIL Status. . . : FINAL Location.....: 1410 Buffehr Creek Rd. Applied . . : 03/02/2W7 ParcelNo...: 210312102005 Issued. .: 03/26/2001. Project No : QLS13- o t 31 Expires . .: 0S/06/2007 OWNER SCHMIDT IJEROY S O3/O2/2OOL PhONE: PO BOX 407 MONUMENT CO 8013 2 License; APPIJICANI WILIJIAIT{S CONSOITIDATED DBA 03 / 02/ ZOOL Phone : ?19-591-6353 Academy Insulation & Drywal l 2250 Waynoka Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 8091-5 License : 244-M coNrRAcToR WIT,ITTAMS CONSOT,IDATED DBA n/A2/2O0L phone: 719-591-5353 Academy Insulation & Drywall 2260 Waynoka Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80915 License: 244 -M Desciption: Installation of 2 decorafive gas fire places Valuation: $2,600.00 Fireolace InJormation: Restricted: N # of Gas Appliances: 2 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: **r*1,** FEE SUMMARY Ca-t go.0o Total Calculated Fees---> $78.00 $o . oo Additional fees-.--._-> Inves tigation-> Will Call--->$3.00 BALANCE DLIE----> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIIf o3/o2/2ooL Lc Action: No Routed to Gary o3/o2/2OOL GRG Acrion: AP CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond:1.2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRFD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.) I COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 T]MC, OR SECTTON 701 0F Tr{E 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL.,DG.): INSTAI-,1,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURSS INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 UMC, CI]APTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. 90.00 ToTAL FEES---------.> gza.00 Total ?ernit Fee-------> $78.00 pavments--_-__--*> 978.00 $0. 00 $0. 00 \ Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SllALIr BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHATL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1-99? IIMC, OR CI{APTER 8 OF TIIE ].997 IMC, Cond:29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS To HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUsr coMpIJy vlrrH cHAprER 3 AlrD s8c.1017 oF THE 1997 I'ME AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3l- (BI-,DG.): BOILTERS SHALL BE MOUIilfED ON FLOORS OF NONCOUBUSfIBIJE CONST. TNIJESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTTBI.E F'I,,OORTNG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT.PLANS AND CODE AI'IAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPBCTION REQUEST. Cond: 3o (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOILERS SI{AIrIr BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC . tO22 OF THE 1997 I[\,IC, OR USECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informafion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to bujld this stlrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - .5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI a * * * + * * * * {. * * * +tN.,} 'F * {. * ** + * * * * {. d. * 1. * * * *:} + * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * +:t***+*{.,****,*:i** ***:t** * *+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 03-12-2002 at 11:48:5? 03n2n002 Statement *:t*** 'N.t+* * 'k******* 'l * * * * * * * * * * * '* **+ * * *f ****+* * *,********* **** i'* * * * * * * * *:t * ** * i. * * * * * * * *ir ***+** ** St.atement Number: R000000532 tunount: $78.00 03/26/2AArc9:25 Aiy Payment Method: Check Init: CD Notation: Ck *165?0 Permit No: M01-001-8 Tlpe: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No3 21031?1-02005 SiIe Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIII tocation: 1410 Buffehr Creek Rd, Total Fees: S78,00 This Payment: $78.00 Total ALL Pmts: $78.00 Bafance: S0.00 **+*i.****+* ** !F***+** x * ** * * * !t * * i( * * * * * * * * {. * * ** * * x,r* * *,t * * * *.t {. * * * * * * * +:t't * * * **,$ * * * * * **** +**,f*** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunr"ent Pmts IlP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERM]T FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHICK F[rS 1s.00 l/C 00100003112800 l^llLL CALL INSPTCTI0N FEE 3.00 DEC - 2l -60 12,3€ FROH, TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT, IWTIOFYNL 75 S, Frontage Rd- Vail, Colorado 81657 rD.s,7[,4'792452 PAGE 11APPLICATIUTLL NOT B€ ACCEPTED :F rNCOMpLETflrrNSr Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 o-47 9-lE (Inspections) Permit will not be acceDteC without the following: provide Medranical Room tryodt dtawn to scal€ to inctudei = Medranical Room Elimensioos: Combustion Air Duct Size and Loetion; Corobustion Air lxrct Size and Loca6ona Flue, Vent and Gas Une g"c and lpcaUono H€at Loss Cal.s-r Equipment Cut/Spec Sheerts COMPLETE VALUATION FOR ilECHANICAL PERMIT (rabor & Materiats) Office at 970-328-864O or visit wyvwrcaole-€ountvtom far htret t e;rcei #TnequireolT n91lOg. eefrit t**u F" tiu'-' (),,,.-'l-v //o.*.,o*robAcidress: ,4/g A",I7" (Juo"k Legal Descnption Lot;(>-\Btock:FilinE:+z SrJbdivision: /,",u, R,Jru EE'*',L...\-i.rnoi,^**AllfY/ra^.-"A"-(ir/,a:-'f,,n*, Detaiied description of worr:, r, i- 11 | . /-\ Work Chss: Newfi Addition ( ) Alterarion ( ) Repa'r ( ) Orher ( ) BoiJer Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Do€s an FriU exlst at thts bcaucn: Y€s ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: sngl€-rer''ilv 0\ ) Dupto( ( ) Multi-famiiy ( ) comm€rciat ( ) Rec€urant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing D^,elling Units in this buitding:No. of Accomrnodation Units in this buildinq: No/Tvpe of FireCaces Existing: Gas Apoliances ( ) Ges LoEs ( ) WocdlPellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( t'bffYpe of Fireplaces ProposeC: Gas Appliances (14) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Petls ( ) wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is thE a conve6ion from a h/ood burning firsphce tO an EPA phase lI device? yes ( ) No ( ) v CONTR,ACTOR INFOR],IATION Contact and Phone #'s: qn\-Lz-ota**+*+*****r<* +* + *+*+**** ****1** F:/ *aryone/f oms/medrperrn FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**xxi<**:r 20al OY \ fr4AR - 1 oN (f) .T ot ==PX5EoF rnFx<.- (r, cttg)F .oo dit f ;o coJ o, .tiEiEF gFFgEEiIfiE€ Es 6 Ef SF*€fEEE E E*iii l gegggt ggggiiFgfiFF Eg;g ggsEEigiigi gigEigE l FEEggg ggggEgggEiEggsggsgggiigiggggIggtgill s $ E $\ C)coCI ooo .e t.r. o o) oo v, o 0) oF i(l)e a),o E ro o(, E(Ezo1-q) 3 q) (L ijo 6 I ct) t(5 lotcl-rtlll lltlr tal6IE JD€A<ua Eb=()g!u(u=qo!(J o trG o! o5gcE |EJ6=E(5 Es 39ct3Bc9.9eEEtEo E.E EO.= s .. E$E€q gs; PsEe -uaPSr=o=-(r c, = = =E3,5 i+g$g€r_il s= eg$u € $i,t*eu EEEHF€ et-g33;;€E: ; F E E e tEs aEfi-esns FE € EE 1€ *u UEE, F$f$FAE EEE; Ugggee;gi$gg;i[x CO(\r .iibei.e.l 0e t€:EE€E5g H EEEEII€EEi i{EHi$gE€,E gEiEgEEEEgEgE EEEEEgEHE$EE' l-mzzoxoc tr { o nm 'u7oon = moC I! =Inz { tr =I {m trt =Dnn z { -tt T'r ma z 'a zoo z o ozt- oo mnmo mo #u21-{s nl d F =il =5 s rno S 3xrn :-= I*smFgs tE2{f,s3U, 4s HF =aK )+=or roR6O:q t€.E I de;;5.iFX{ 0t :4. = ^ q, t !g:3ER1 XUA'*sit ,iggiggigj o o WgEffiW fiNF@ffiWgAFF@N frgffiNMA& l=r:-,,r-i- ===:::EF t=t:":i=M 01999 Lennox Indust es lnc. ffiffiffiw Dallas, Texas 503,899M 7|g9 Supersedes | 0/98 ED4035, ED4540 ELITE'"SEf,I'ES DIRECT VENT VENTED GAS FIREPLACE HEATER RETAIN THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE El}rc3s FLUSH FACE TODEL SHOWN I ff'lJpreornrcar LILI Rtblications Litho USA Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vacanity of this or any other appliance. Installation and service must be per- formed by a qualified installer, ber- vice agency or the gas supplier. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS: Do not try to light any appliance. Extinguish any open ftames. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. a a a s Page 1 AWARNING E This appllance ls intended only for use as out- lined In lhis manual and in the installation instructions. Under no circumstances should thls fireplace be used lo burn wood, paper, or other combustibles of any klnd. I The appliance will emit an odor for the flrst 10 to 12 hours of operation. Make sure the room is welFventllated and the bumer ls set tor high llameoperation (if applicabte) durlng this period. El Surhce temperaturcs on the applianoe arc very high. irlake surc that boft cfiiHren and adults are aurare ot the danger ol bums or c{othing lgnltlon. E Do not leave childrcn unsupervlsed In the room wfth the appliance. tr Keep doilring, draperie and fumitut€ well away tom the lront of the 3ppliance. E Do not leave damp or wet clothing or other flam- mable material to dry on or near the appliance. Q lf for any reason the glass frame ls removed, all three securing Bcnews must be replaced and tlghtened secr.trely before the unit is put back into operation. E Do not us€ this appliance if any part has been un- der water. Call a qualified eervlce technician to Insp€ct the appliance and replac€ electdcal com- ponents. Q The control aooesa panel becomes hot during unlt operation, and must be opened wlth care. Refer to figure 1. Q Service, Includlng cleaning Inside llre bo:<, should bedone bya qualified servlcetechnlcian. The appliance should be inspected and cleaned annually by a qualified sewlce technician. Ser- vlce should include a thorough Inspection ol the pilot and burner flame. The vent lerminatlon should also be Inspected for any blockage. E Qean Inside and outside glass erfaces, and any ofter of the appliance's outslde surface$ uslng a mild detergentrtrater soludon and a sofr c{oth. DO NOT use abrashre deensers whicfr migtrt sctatctl these surf;aces. DO NOT attempt to cdean ttese surfaces when the appllance ls opetaUng or they are hot to the touctr. Glass deaner ls avallable as Lennox part number 19t174. I Service and cleanlng of Internal components must be performed by a qualilied service techni- clan. Page 2 BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around the appliance area for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor because some gas is heavier than air and will se-ttle on the floor. Use oriy your had b tm the gas contd knob(s). Nwer usebols. lf tteknobwil nd tum byhard, donottybrepai it, call a qualified servioe bcfnicjan. Force or #mpted re- pair rnry resuft h a fire or of,osion. P1ACING UNIT INTO OPERATION (Mllllvoll Valves wlth Piezo lgnitor) Fireplaces which include a millivolt valve are equipped with a pilot which must be lit by a Piezo ignitor (red ignilor button). When lighting the pilot, followthese instructions exactly. GAS VALVE OPEFATION - lllllivolt Vhtue (Figurc 2) I - STOP! Read the safety information at the beginning of this section. 2 - In applications using an optional wall-mounted switch or optlonal thermostat - Tum OFF ap- pliance-mounted suritch and leave OFF. Turn OFF wall-mounted switch or set thermostat to lowest sel- ting. In applicatlons using only an appliance-mounted switc{t - Turn OFF appliance-mounted switch. 3 - Turn ofi all electrical power to appliance. 4 - open tre @ntd affi pard. See figrrel. Push in gas conrol knob slighty ard tum OoUamsed O Off. NOTE - lQfr @rud b nnd f,ottl HLOT b OFF un' hss krbb b ptlsfmd h sltg@ b nd tu@. 5 - Wait five (5) mirutes to dear out arry Sas. tf yot.t tten srnell gas, SIOP! lmnede! call p.r gas supdier frorn a ne(1hbo's ptpne. Fdlo,v fie ges $pdklr's insfructlons. lf yo.r do not smdl gas (p tc ne)id step. 6 - Press partially and turn ggs valve knob counter- clockwisel to PlLoT. 7 - R$h conhd hob in unlil it dops atd hdd knob h this pGilion. lmmedately light tre pilot by gt$ing fte ted Pim igrftq hrtbn. Oonlirueto press cdtUd lfiobfur 25 seconds after he pilot is liL Release krpb. lt sfutld pop back up. Plk't shodd rernain lit lf plot ge out, re- @ #ps 5 trorrgh 10. CrOl{TROL KiIOB cAs vALvE sHowil tN Pt|Jor PoslTol{ FIGURE 2 8 - Press partially and turn gas valve knob counterclock- wiselto oN. 9 - Restore eleclrical power to apdiance (if applicable) 10- In apptications uslng an optional wall-mounted switch or optional thermostat - Turn ON wall- mounted switch or set lhermostat to desired setting. In applications uslng only an appliancemounted swltch - Turn ON appliance-mounted switch. 11- Close the control access panel. NOTE - lf gas valve is tumed to OFF from ON or PILOT whileapfliance is in opention, gasvalvewilllatch in OFF position for 25 seconds. TURNING OFF GASTO UNIT 1 - Tum OFF apdianemouted s$/ihft, ard in addtion, if wall-rnounbd wvitil or tf€rnogtat is tsed, fum OFF udLnnrnbd *vidt or set lhermodat b lorcst settitg. 2 - Tum off all elec{rical power to appliance. 3 - Open lhe control access panel. See figure1. 4 - Push in gas control knob slightly and turn clock- wisel to OFF. Do notforce. 5 - Close the control access panel. TO OPEN THE CONTROL ACCESS The control access panel becomes hot during unlt operation, and must be opened with care: Insert the tip ol a finger of eacfi hand (with the back of the hands toward the panel) into the cutout in the bottom ot lhe panel at the positions shourn, and rctate the panel down. FIGURE I Page 3 l" [,, I)t I PLACING UNIT INTO OPEFATION (Electronic Gas llalves) Fireplaces equipped with an ignition device which will au- tomaticallylightthe burner. Do nottryto llghtthe bumer by hand. Follow these instructlons exactly. GAS VALVE OPERATON- Eecironic Vahre (Figurc 3) 1 - STOP! Read the safety information atthe beginning of this section. 2 - In appllcatlons using an optlonal wall-mounted swltch or optonal themo€tat - Turn OFF ap- pliance-mounted switch and leave OFF. Turn OFF wall-mounted switch or set thermostat to lowest set- ting. In applications using onlyan appliance-mounted switch - Turn OFF appliance-mounted switch. 3 - Turn off all elestrical power to the appliance. 4 - This appliance is equipped with an ignilion device which automatically lights the burner. Do not try to light the burner by hand. 5 - Wait frve (5) minrrtes to dear otrt any gas. tf yor.r then srndl gas, STOP! lmrnediatdy call yotn gas srpplier forn a neighba's phone. Fdlor/v lhe gas s;pplir's insfruc{ions. lf pu do not srn€{ gas go to ne)d s-tep. ELECTRONIC GAS VALVE HVLO FI.AIiE AIUUSTf,ENT KI{OB FIGURE 3 6 - Restore elecfical po!rcr to the appliance. 7 - ln applications using an optional wall-mounted switch or optlonal thermostat - Turn ON wall- mounted switch or set thermostat to desired setting. In applications using only an appliancemounted switch - Turn ON appliance-mounted switch. 8 - lf the appliance will not operate, follow the instruc- tions to turn off gas to unit and call a servic€ techni- cian or gas supplier. TURNING OFF GAS TO UNIT 1 - Tum OFF appliance.mounted switch. and in addi- tion, if wall-mounted switch or thermostat is used, turn OFF walFmounted switct or set thermostrat to lowest setting. 2 - Turn ofl all electrical power to appliance. 3 - Tum OFF ges arpply at main manual shut-off vafue lo- cated near he fireflace. PI.ACING RREPTACE INTO OPERATION 1 - In applications using an optional wall-mounted switch or optional thermostat - Turn OFF ap- pliance-mounted switch and leave OFF. Turn ON wall-mounted switch or set thermostat to desired setting. In appllcatlons uslng only an appllance- mounted swltch - Turn ON appliance-mounted switch. 2 - Optional standard blower, fi installed, will energize immediately. Burnertube will ignite in approximately three to ftve se@nds. Optional deluxe blower, if inslalled, will self-energize when a cornfortable minimum temperature has been reached. NOTE - lmmdia@ly atter fu mer tub pnibs, mndensate may tanprarily fq glass. Th:ts is rcnnal. Fq will cbar as s(nn as temprafures wiihin lhe fire bx rise. If drop@s continue to form after 15 minutes of qeratfun on a high- flame sefting, contact a qualifrd setvice trchnician. NOTE - &fi eramic lqs wiil not tugin b gfuv imndiately der start-up. Tnse @s will glovt dter appraxima@ly 15 minu@ d oryntiat m tle h(jt-flane sding. NOTE - During tle inifial opqatiott of tlre appliane, a white film nry form on the inside of the glass. This is normal. lf this orcurs, cban he glass after the firct 5 hours of use. Page 4 The burner fl ame on this appliance may be adjusted at the gas valve to obtain the desired heating output. Burner flame c'olor varies with the different log sets and burners available. In most cases the flame will be blue at start-up and furn yellow after 5 to 10 minutes of operation. The burnerflame should be inspectedatthe beginning ofeach heating season and burner tutre should be cleaned by a service technician, if necessary. Call your Lennox service technician if unit is inoperative. Before calling, always check the following to be sure ser- vice is required. 1 - Check ON/OFF appliance-mounted switch or wall- mounted switch (if applicable) to make sure itis in ON position. 2 - Gheck room thermostat, if applicable, for proper set- ting. 3 - ls pilot lit? 4 - ls gas valve in ON position (millivolt units)? 5 - ls gas turned ON at meter? 6 - ls manual main shut-off valve open? 7 - ls electrical power turned ON to the appliance (if ap- plicable)? Contact your local independent l.ennox dealer for re- placement parts. To ensure the safe operation ol your Lennox gas ap pliance and to keep it in peak operating condition year af- ter year, conlact your independent Lennox dealer about a planned service program. The optional deluxe blower may be controlled by a rheo- stat (provided with the deluxe blorer) field-mounted re- motely or on the appliance panel. The blower speed se- lected should approximate the heat ouput adjustment at the gas valve. A high blower speed matched with a low heat ou@ut can lead to condensation. Annually @ore the heating seasm) inspect ttre ap- f,iance vent termination lor any obsfuctions. lf any are found, remove them. Contact your Lennox dealer for a periodic inspection by a qualifi ed service technician. Page 5 I r-S.>JF?'/f,o!:^ )ftol " ftoo - >/L Inspf{t 6,'ry' RB VA,IL '#,fr,;w'*tri*"ry tr55q-%z// #,{s>c/ffi./KASFR- L-1tids ISSUEL1 V N lFsT .fue:l :;(j Fhrna: ?{9-481-3?i}5:r-iS':".ltt t c uN"rPY httMs.s.tu*lctrl CUtJf'lTn Y HOrrHfi tn r-Ui[..+. ( o\o t :/ 'i\- ,e1 wL -4j- yz' lpAl -n(7 -.nftan" f - trfn4 /i:'oi;,'*''r' I , r.-d,!I lnI'i.|! i lnf#;fq{::: ilJol-olll o." 'ffi'fqT*"' E0 BLLIG-Flnai tll.iSTc{d;Or,ttITRY /..iil '-ri:- ,tndat r; ii*i lf. F rtii;i;'" 'irr,l:. ,'EL, $TAJvirJSl.' t.F f i'EF,t Ff.rfi FiE'{Af,,it{G 'rtAtL sil lJi:jf,r'tH sit*;I {:F t-t()(irl_ r:RcM Lii.E},igE p€ a"Jr.:\lTrlic, r-cJr FtiTlJftFs sHouLt) FEctF.rE 8 r F{hAL f:o. ^ i" $iNDC}VALti;ciilvtiirl+EvcFE.ljiAtsLERt*H.raFwivpHRfr.ri?F$fft-tHATEocrli!\,Ewr'\i.ifi-lLot., L$^l il()v,1L i\,€iJV R€ViJc*FLE Rli;Hl C*: WA!' F.TERMT| 15 Iig{II]IRED. LONTRACTOTT HEA'!'EU ORIVEIIjAY ANO lrrF hr,ii PU'f 1-iEAT $vsTgt!,t ff$ ICW Rr)rll CfJ A $EFERAT€:(i+.,ti. $PEd!41 L.a$BUA€E tg RE(jI NITED. .. LSANDOVAL iiFCIEiI€D REUACABLE +?'FHT OF WAY PEEh'IT 6.1i.01 L $AHDOVPJ. - L3A.T\ITX:VA|,FEithifi triiF; gtf 'JATOft tk$'f.rlLl$Tltfij i"iAS SEEN fii:C;''* SY t'nittC,3G 4j26/20$j ..CDAvi$ | 'r ll/{lt l lt.i i'hjidd !D $he !':.ared in u meditrnr -j.'.^ - ------ Aiiomrnsrrrs ird,l: 7!$r-4?t-2?{.16 " ^ r/l-i**li: :::t*:1. .,,no ,-, fig-iu ,-- r'rrered* ntto*:_u, l - e{/ ,ilJ /' . rt fI IU' :-'--'- r D J {AY I ,n/ o{(995^ t5L ( -r.lQ),-,rtt;';i uf, W,'J:W'rd:/' o 11 { ir e' i/rirtkk/ s/*7n -:,, ^ /, r.,, ? T,ff"trI*", ,,,* n,,,1,- ? lanniry 4ltl'0 J4 | + 0/ L o L/ u o lQt(,?:F:$ inlpqju[. !F-_ '/ *{Udn. nnFAftTtai.AFpROVAtLi.lirrmeiilsi iPPE DRAlFlriG[ 0t\i[_ i' . lr€n1 !1u iirlvew&y grade firra! R*queste<J limet dS:US AMRrou*s,4'r Ci.,t:tT{}&i COUIJTRY i{Or/lES Pt t.)$c: ?19-4[t t -??[t il*rr', ',G Bt-fG.Fr'r,.frngsr -ltJei *' 4ppro.reti *' i0icti 35 irsp*3lta; |C' ,"\.1tisrt: fiii NCT ReADY F{:i- itJSPEC'i1C'}i tommenii. CCFTRACTeR $Oi FfAti'li-ij0fitt{l t!'r*ir€cX+t: Cb F.crlsn. i:.C CgRnnCATE OF OCCUPAilCYf+rrinsriis ADtiTl cor.tM$ . Dllif.uij$En pLA$J.3 rlN Frilr& Ti) ccN$fRucr pAftTY wAt.L.ll{D rHE '-.rsE oF Ar.t g)l.l$nnx3 Foi)?a$&. cariTRA(:r'oF HAi! SEEN ADvt$ED To ARct"rfrcT FOR Ci-ARFnATmf'J OF PART'I WAil.. AIJD TO OgTtlN APPROVAL FROM STIJC. EIIG F,)R THE LISE (F ATJ €YJ$TIFIG PElQTlN'i:a ItEilTL {az { iT -Z - tn //gi)/ //""^r;*ri t%u /ft oa F*Rurr Id: 1$09 -'FtrseTA- *,l&-.UIgt,nia0rt ftequ€sted Insr]€qt Batr : InsDe{.,tron Areal Slte Acidrer.r-: t J/r:{itJ ilrl rout*d to. plsnt|i$g]r,r CLr. t - L{: ;;rldaf, rJctober i0. tosr 6G 'f 41ft BUFFEhR ':REEK RB v,rJLt4l0 gL.tfehr Cree* RB, Ar;tlvtry: Con$! flrpd' Patcel' tltpn8f ' C ui tlia a,lot A,Pi''liisrrt: U'. s.i iiiluri' i,lbt*e: il+llce: r'..orrme nt. C''.nF1*r!t {i:t,14*"rn ' t.o,rlffffnl, r:smnront: Fie$.O I I ? Typ*: p.€tllt. D $itb Typ*: ASFF rildtuB: IS$UEDrlccuF,nr.cy' tibe: V ft rhnp Ar*: $g ?1iri{:i '1tj?$}.i S,-]tfi"4!Si LER$Y $ t* C'J$Tet\,1 ':CUNTRy HOM€S Phrne: 71$4e1-?iq; d C':"jSTaM {:DUF{IRY'H0MES d'" A{ru r6--,;td,iiir} 16.* !D f{ nary ' tFlltrrif iEll s"fAhlFEL' LETTET? F$il RrlAiNi?-Ji; WALL r$.r iiCRTH $t'lE OF'fJ*M€ Fl+Om t'"*"OU tt. 'f Avr4rrlti6 F,QR pnTl,RES, SfiOtJLD I{E\jt€yE SY FrNAr C{). - LSANDOVAL frEr:.igvELr tlEfd SEVOCABIE RIGHI'CF WAi'pEftMtT Ffi{t HEATET} DFf'lEtUA.Y ^ 1&3-Ol LiAi.rDf,V.{L NE'}J REIT{K:ABLE Ri$h I'QF WA.\, Pi,RrJiIT I5 &E.:t.frE$, C.ONTRACTL.IR h€i\TED L*,T{VEWAY AND(:if) IJO I' PUT HEAT SYSTFI$ IN TUW RCW OT{ A SEF?ERA] E :O{rJE. SPECIAL lANtiui6g IS f.lf l-;U,Rl]lt. - tSANDdVAL EFq:Tf VED REVOCAgLF R€I{ OF'WAY FEETfIT 6.IA.O1 L.:iANilOVAL . L3ANtrOVALpgprtiT fi:in €!_tivA?oR tFisrALr.ATioN F(qs B€EN FEt,o By l{wcoc {2612001 " cl 1 t/rl{i.J iLr: rout*d tc plstlt|i${r ft.r CLr. t - L{:AMIEELI FEI.O Bv I{WCOG {2612001 " CCAVI$ Si€ i.'ie!€d In E ltltDg lJt t Ul"r. li - LL-AMIt FLL ewe-rfv rr'{:\trtl hslsrci - LlOMlfJlC 1*!C*rPS jnaps;lci. C* iftmeftrs ADr']l-CiiMhlt{ iution CO CERTIFTCATE OF OCCUP,:.,'iftmsnts ADnTL CiiMhlr$ - DiS*US$EI i:i-Al+* Ctr.l l^lCW^rt} *eNSTRUCT usE !)F AN EMTF{G FOOTFi$. tC,t\tTRAcTOR i{4.3 BEE|.] ADVII :t.,lRtFlCATFlN CF FARrr WALL irt{n TO C'STAJN APPR{}VAL u$n 9r AF, ExlsT$JG Ffl$]lllG iih$*'!!9i inspestel: JRIYI rnfilgnr"s: ftEV,$gS PLANS futio{r. PA dtAft flAL APPRQ\I Cornnpnr"s: ftEV,$gS PTSNS 'f{t $AI? Y13{B!Er lnso6'..]tcr: JRi{ CommErts .Sft]]. cOirlMS -AFPR P[,tcdcn:';OCERrIFICATE O{- STD PLANS I.tEEDOfi BY 8AIAFPR P[I? RE\4STD PLANS- Fr r.\ r r..r \ l\I? V te_..!, r L.lIYrJ t1aE,t;trt ur|. E ,IREA ()NL?.RETURN FlEt.C' $ET rO CCNTRACTOR ASAP 1 I l.' I I gil Fl-,${;.F1;ral i:r.r11'gP COUM'RY r{:5\', F,An EhiTR'i 1.4- .irspT:31. 1:,'l4J?g ||rseector 6RG ,6di{,'n. AFPF AFPRT}VEI}il{rmmonlb. 'rHH FE3T - N.W. FORTKIN I v Revised 5/2/92 Dale Received by the Community Development Departmenl: APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapler 17.24 Y ail Municipal Code) nf,cE I YED rEB 2 ElW B. qfi^ o3q7 F4X PHONE pHoNE rtT 67-0?16 Ll OZ ,r1aar.*-r.Jt-.%ttr E. F. I l.t c, d. (PLEASEPRINTORTYPE) /-- /-l n,A AppLtcANT ./-e(zry 5. >c.h41^iqf MAILING nooaess P O. Gsx L\AT , /V,a,^,tt --* ,Ca t-ol3^ pHoNE 111 Ll67-0371 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS C. PROPERTYOWNER /-erzo OWNER'S SIGNATURE MAILING ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:{pQcou *3atr,8b fu a l$Laloeoo{ Lor-16- LBLocK-suB elv1sp, Ll o*:tsrz;A?t 5ql"e\in'lltNc A- APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID MAI ERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: cuecx* '227 av, k,uYd*.hi4 Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitled to the Departmenl of Community Development. The plat shall include the following: The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) wilh dimension of twentyJour by thirty-six inches and shall be al a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a fool for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streels, selbacks, alleys, easements, slruclures, areas lo be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other importanl fealures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, cenlral angle, are scored dislances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be delermined by an accurate control suruey in the field which must balance and close within a limit ol one in len thousand. Norlh arrow and graphic scale. A systemalic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lols, blocks, and names for all slreets. An idenlitication of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An iderdification of the easemenls as shown on the plat and a grant thereol to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisilion shall also be shown on the plal. A wriflen survey description of lhe area including the lotal acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the houndaries of the sr.rbdivision, and a descriplion of all monuments used in conducting the surv€y. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monum€nts shall be established as major control monuments, the nraterials which shall be delermined by the town engineer. A slalement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was delermined. A cerlificale by the registered land surveyor as oullined in Chapter 17.32 of this faa -aaoo, G. litle as lo the accuracy of the survey and plal, and lhat lhe survey was per{ormed by him in accordance whh Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Tirle 38, Article s1. j. A cerlificate by an atlorney admitted to practice in the State of Coloraoo, or .corporale lille insurer, that the owne(s) oi record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or faciiities as shown lhereon are the owners thereoi in fee simple, lree and clear of all liens and encumbrances excepl as noled. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder. l. Certificate of dedicalion and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of iand or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of lrust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required lo sign the certiftcale of dedication and ownership in addition 1o lhe fee simple owner thereof. m. All current taxes musl be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed out but are not yet due. The certificate of laxes paid musl be signed on lhe plat or a statement from the Eagle Counly Assessors Office must be provided wit lhe submittal information staling that all taxes have been oaid. n. Signaturg of owner. 2. The plat musl contain the following slalement: "For zoning purposes, the lots crealed by this subdivision are to be treated as one lol with no more lhan lwo dwelling unils allowed on lhe combined area ol the two lots." The statement shall be modified to indicate the number of units and lols orooosed." 3. A copy o{ the declarations and/or covenants relating 1o the subdrvrsion, which shall assure the maintenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenarlts shall run with the land and shall be in a form suitable for recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Flecorder. 4. Schedules A & B of atille report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upori receiving lwo copies of a compiete sr.rbrniltal along with payrnanl of the apprtrprrate iee, tiie zoning adminisrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The lown engineer shall review the submitlal and relurn comments and notifications to the zoning administralor who shall transmil the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning adminislrator shall sign the plal if approved or require modificalions on the plal for approval or deny approval due 1o inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plal- FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Communily Development will record the plal and any related covenants with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Community Development Deparlmenl will retain one mylar copy of lhe plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. lf this applicalion requires a separate review by any local, Slale or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, lhe application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but ars not limited to: Colorado Department ol Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicanl shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf , at lhe applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the malter lo be re-published, then, the entire lee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Developmenl Deparlment to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a signiticant impact on the community may require review by consultanls other than town staff. $hould a delermination be made by the town stafl thal an oulside consuhanl is needed to review any application, the Communily Developmenl may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimale the amounl of money necessary to pay him or her and lhis amount shall Ln forwarded to the T. own by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. llpon completion of the review of the application by the consullanl, any of the lunds forwarded by the applicant for paymenl of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicanl within 30 days of notilication bythe Town. H. \ 1*-25-;0S1 4FEllljsj-maflo! inepecdon Request freportlng _. ._val|.. co:Tcwn o_F . Page 20 Feq!€stsd lnsp€et Ba!e: iriday, Octeber 2S. !001 inspaition Ar*ar 6G Site Acidressr t4ttr BUFFEFIII #REEk lqEt V,llL 14t$ nuttshr gr€€k Rri. Ar:tlvtf,{: {.sn$t Typa' trarcsl' Clarn€f' Col:ira{.lsr. ApF:ii^Ent: llerriiiplion i frr$trl. i.l{flce. r..Otrltnenl; tj ,Smr{*tt!' i.:(ritrFanl: 1:.oftrtnnl. 1li:.m$orl BSIO | 1; Tlpe : A-B!_4LD rlccupt-i*y' :,lltr:r1?i0?fi15 SiHi*1!l}i LEitcY s cusTotul csuNTRY Hot*ES C ! J$TDM COUNITRY HOfi'lEg $ub Tvna: ASFE l.ise: 1/ N q|atrf: IS$UED innp Ared: iir; PtlFne: 719.481-2!oo Arid uir*,;r R'.rf i rrrs. !u Trdtnarylit.(:il''.'Eti 5 fAlrlFEU LEl i€F F$i;i 'tifAlNlf.iG f,,ALL t$,1 |TCRIH $tiiE OF IiCME FI+OM LtCtNS€ FE. AL'rAtrlr,iG F{)fi PnniRES. S|.IOULF PE*EVE- By FtNAt CO " LSAFJSC!r'AL*Eil.lf vEtlr i.lEW F{EVOC}SL€ RIG}l'f OF rrCAY FERirtiI FSF HEATErT DRnE\rtJt.Y - ttr;}-Ot l-iiAr.isov.{L NE'JI' HET,IOCA6LE Rl{3Ht'CF W,u.} PBtltuln'tS Rgr.iLtnefi, S{}}JTRACTOR h[rrrED C$iwEWAY AND{ilil r,tDl' puT iieAT sysTEftr tN Tuw Rcw,i!r.i A s$FERA1E &)NE..spEclAL i3l.{5uAGE t$ fiE,JU,RET.I - L SAhIDOVAL riFglgVED RE',/C{*BLF FEI{i OF !1lAY trFfllilT 6.13-01 L SANOOVAL - L$AItDCVAL FF-Fi,'trT f-z:)n ELrVATOR INSTALI"A'ITJN ).iAS BEEN frEC'D BY NV*COG 42ti{20{li - CrrAvi$ 1 !/l'lf llt rr}ul$d t "sF Sits ifftsled in e |(El. P'rn EtrTR't l-+,;afriDEit , ./ ; pt,r c1.3. li - LL]AI,IPBELL rltv rr,.r:ktell hsrsrd - lol,frltllc AnEtJTR'r t-a-{tttuvgfl!}l u.lv/ v \- \;DEIL ,/ ^",nnu/ lA OW, Frirar8dBy. L{*lt'l-'-Blzi.L rt *?4 nnr.Ftg^7y__y \ #x@ n",uffi( r:n,;ne. ? 19491 ?tfli .',q'0' t{iot'ut "uwcof-*v \ "- \ /i-l(-r\(t,,T,^q.t-Yoff' , ift{ _-L\ox?, -} ,\ C\r* lnl S $iot,+ t ^, (,v\4 \' !* r,y?rY,), uyyl; (hf, 'ou too'?" *-,'rY^t,no\ fUliiif,t, r v- ,4"'y,Y' nl ar wt \ '.), ) .. -- ;; itie.psqti{j!.ljfs$uri ,4\\ "') I r, reO^ 7 / ll l]-".ffi;[Hffiio'i{,iqe.*: - "" ]W^MI Kd.{'* *K; l'fr4o IfEiy? ilj el-f1G.F'-rotrn$s/$l€er ,'AppFrvtc " I / /1n,f14,A4 tnsrr6.'i^r- a'f A/rirs. l ltl rI.lT pt-af\v CnE ll\lclElta.'f lrrN /1n'f.rsi1:9 rreF.ector: 4t Aitl.'n: ilR FlcT REAt'y FCR TNSPEC'n0F!Coprun*' CONTHAa mrR l,GT REFDYlty*Sifi; lnBD€Et(ri. CC' .rcti{n C0 CERnFCATE OF OCCUP/Iicnfir}'rrs Aohll- Cr-')Mfrli$ . Dl$CUs$E[ Fi-Ati.$ Cl.I H0t1/ 'rt) Cgt$TRt]CT PAR]Y AI.ID ECTUSg OF AN EXT'TII{O FC}STI}.IG. CGFITRACTGR i,{As BECIJ AT :i'ARlFli:AT$ll OF trART.i WAIL 4rdf,i rO O6?.A|N APPR*VAL li)tg8ltl domr|*ri16: 1'J0g!f9 Coftmen$. ,t Rfa OhILY.R€TURN FlgLLt SE1' 7S CflNTRACTOR ASiP LI$E OT AN NXETING F{:]'C;ITJG lrisFt,s{,tct. Jfth,l Ar:tirxr: PA FAii ilAL REVITiET} PtANi$ T{J UAfi Y Inspecior: JRht Ai{en: Cfl C€R rFICATE Of; AD*TL COMMS . APfJR P[;i REVI$ED PLANS If ED O'{ BY GAI .REF.1'131. t:/'14jfi9 hrapsclor j SR{i Ar:ir.m. APPF AFFRnVFnCnmm6nl6. fHE flEgT' . N"W. prlRTrJN Tt-tE I Departmenl of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us December 8, 2000 Erik Adams Custom Country Homes, lnc. 309 Woodworth Street P.O. Box 1670 Monument, Colorado 801 32 Re: the Schmidt Residence / Lot G-l, Lion's Ridge Subdivision No. 2 Dear Erik: This letter will serve as verification that your lmprovement Localion Certificate (lLC) tor the above-referenced project has been approved by this department. You are now ready to continue with your inspection requests. Good luck with your project. Sincerely, D"'---+ Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {So*"urr** Gt /-ta r"t^rt, HLE{Ti]F', TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 March 15, 1999 Leroy S. Schmidt P.O. Box 407 Monument. CO 80132 RE: Lot Gl, Briar Patch/1410 Buffehr Creek Rd, Dear Mr. Schmidt: This letter is intended to document the agreements reached between you, Greg Hall, and me in meeting of Friday, March 12,1999. An attached primary unit was approved for this property in 1995. Since that time several extensions'have been granted. Last srunmer you submitted a letter requesting an extension which was not acted upon by the Town of Vail. The Zaning Code allows extensions only when development standards have not changed. This the case ofyour approved plans, the development standards have chdnged which affect this approval. However, these changes can be remedied by adding several condifions to the extension of the DRB approval on these plans. Your DRB approval has been extended for one year from today's date subject to the following conditions: l.The driveway must be heated in order to reduce the nonconformity of the driveway grade. All retaining walls over 4' in height must be designed and stamped by a professional engineer and all grading shall confonn to a ratio of2:1 or better. Due to Fire Departnent access requirements, the new dwelling as well as the existing dwelling unit must be sprinklered with a monitored system, per Fire Code requirernents. You or your architect should contact Mike McGee, Fire Marshall, at 479-2135 to detennine the specifications for doiug this. ) 3. {,P***uo Additionally, if you wish to add a Type II Employee Housing Unit to the site, you must obtain approval of a conditional use permit and appear before the Planning and Environmental Commission. You will be required to provide an additional parking space on the site. The EHU will require an enclosed parking space. If any parking space is added within the righrof-way it will require a variance. Upon initial review, the Town Engineer did not have a problem with locating a parking space within the right-of-way in this area given the amount of distance from the' actual street pavement. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 4'792148, Chief of Planning Mike McGee, Fire Marshall Greg Hall, Town Engineer C: Page 2 of 2 MINNESOTA. TITLEA 5440 \rVard Road Arvedr, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Perkcr Rd., Soile 105 Aurora, CO 80014 75 | ..1336 l8l0 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-41Cl 200 Norlh Ridg€ P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 90424 4s3-2255 5 | 2 Wilcox Casrle Rock, CO 80104 688-5363 212 Ncrfh Wahsatch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 63t-482 ! GommitmentTo lnsure lssd kroqh ilrc 0ffin of: P. O. 8ox 5i140 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 8821 E, Hampden Sr,rire 100 Denve., CO 80231 750-1223 6333 Graenwood Eoulevord Denver, CO 80221 127-9353 l20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 242-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite I50 Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596 3600 So. Yos.mita Denver, CO 80237 694-2937 108 Sovrh Fronfage Road W P.O- Box 357 Vait. CO 81658 476'2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Forf Collins, CO 80525 .182"9015 710 Kipling Slreei Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31 I I 3609 So- Wadsworth Suite | | 5 Lakewood, CO 80235 e88-8550 | 1990 Grani Slreet Suite 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 452-0149 19590 Easr fu16in Slreet Parker, CO 80134 841 -4900 108 South F/ont.ga Road W. P O. Bor 357 Vail, CO 81658 17 6.225r LAITD TITI.E AJARAI{"IEE CCIvIH{f{r ,diIA Commitnrst- I 970 Re/ MINNESOTA TTTLEA TIILE INSUBANCE C0MPA\Y 0F MINNESoIA, a Minnesota cofForat;on, herein called the company', for a valuable consideration, nrreUy ,omnijtsto nsul its pofic' or palicles of title insurance, as identrfie6 in &hedula A, in lavor ol the p*porru i*uCI nared in srnr,Irir A. as 0wner 0r mortgagee 0l the estate 0r interest covered hereby in the f a.O lesc*teO oi "t.n J to in Sthudult A, upon payment of the^premiums anc .f,Jtgri ti"t.fr; att suUject to tne prorriiont oi Srt*Outu, A and B end 1o the Conditions and Stipulations hereo{. this Cornmitrnerrt shall be effectrve only when rhe idurtity oI dre. ptoposed insurEd and the am0unt fl the ;iililffi;;;t*iirti ro|' l,aui#n iti*'tua 't scr"oule Aheieot bv lhe companv' either at ths time oi *re lssuanr:e ui this Commitnenl or bV subsequent erido'seme ' This c'mmimem t$ prcliminary t0 the issuance ol such pcliry cr policies of title insurance. anc ali liability and obligatr.ns hereund" r*ii *,iiiiiJturminae sl* monit s after ihe eifective date hereol or when the polic,'/ or oolidies comr.itted tor shail issr.re. whichever iirst occurs provided that the failrrre to issr're such poliry or policies is not tre fault of the ComFany. c0N0lTt0Ns At'I0 sTlPul-ATl0NS 1 . The term ,,mo|tgage,,, wlren used hereirr. shal| include.deed of trust' triJ$t de#, of olher securitv ins.'rument- ? li the pmpsed In*,,i6 iiiioi *q* actrral knowtedge ol any deiect, lien, encumtrance' adverse ciaim or other ma$er affecting tre estale or interest 0r ,rortgage thereon ,*riao ry uro Cornmitmenl other than those'shov'n ln Scherjule B hereof' and shall fail to drsckjse such hwviedge to the campany in writirq, the co.,npanv st itiue irii.ueo from liabiliry for any loss or damage resulting from any an of reliance hereon t0 the exteflt thc company rs prejudiced by failure of the pf0p0sed Insured t0 s0 disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed lnsured shall drsclo$e sucr! kn,wvleCge to tre Com,paft:, or if the Lmpany otrerwise aequl* .rt tf-f**ir*t oitwiuil Otfutf lien' eicumbrance' adverse claim 0r other nratlet' the Company at ih 'ption may anrend Srhedule B ol this Commitmenr accoirilngly, urii*rl amtnottnt shall not relieve the Conrpany kom liabilitv previouslY inculr€d pur$ant to para$aph 3 0i rhese Conditims anC Stiprlations 3. l-iabiiity of ffre company under $is commitment shali be oniy tc the ramed pfopcsed-lnsured and such oatres rncluded urder lfe defrnition of Insured in the form of poliq or policias -committed for -and orily irr aciual loss incurred In telrance nei'eon In undertaking in good iaith lalt0 c6m;iy;iilihr rrqri**untr -nr*ir oi6: to eliminate exceptions snown in schedule B' or {c)to acquire 0f create the esla{e oi interesr or rnrtgage there0n mvered by this commitment ln no evenishail such liability exceed the arnount stated in Schedule A fcr the poiicY or policies commifetl for and srrh iiabiiity rs subiect to the insuring prouisions una inu tinciiioni ani sripulations and the exclusions from coerage of the t0rm 0f p"fi-f ,i p.ri.i., i-rinel fcl in t u,iioi ihe proposed"lnsured wnich ire hereby incorrorated by refeierrce end made a pail 0i thls C'mmitment excepl as expressly mJdified hengin 4, Any achon or actions 0r rights 0f action ttrat ttre proposed Insured may have or may bring again$ the Company arising out 0l the status 0t the t;tle t0 the estate o, interest oi the itaius of the mortgage thereon covered bY this Commitment musr be based on and are subiect to the Provisr0ns oi this Commitment. STANDARD FXCEPIIONS ln addition t0 the matter$ contained in the C0nditi0ns and Stipuiations and Exrlusions from coverase above roferreo io' this c0mmirm€;ffi*:: :iif:ui#i'yJ',lr*Jl3;rrr'.n n.ot shown bv rhe pubric records 2, Eisements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records' i. Discrepancies, coniflcts ln bounda ry iines. shortiga 'n atea, encroachments, and any lacts which a csrfect survey and inspoction of the premiSes would disclose and which are nol sh0wn by the prDllc recoros' +, Airy lien, or rlgnttJ aiien, for services, labor or nnatetial theretofore or here after furnlshed' imposed by law and not shown by the pubiic rec0rdli,.nr, ,nru*nrrnres. adverse craims or other matters, f any, created. first appea rirrg ir: th e pu blic rBcor0s 0r afiaching subsequent to thelffective dite hereof but p rior to the date the proposed insu red acquires .iieuoroiorvalu8the e$aie or lnterestorinortftarefrtffiffi;?:f,lij,tJll*l?f,lllt1lrtr, Minnesora has caused irs corporate Irarne antl seal to bs hereuntrl sfiixed by its duly authorired ofiicers Bn the date $hown in Schedule A, tc be valid when countersrgneo by a ualidating sfficsr 0r o'her author!?ed signatory TITIE INSURAilICE CoMpANy 0F MINNESIITA AStwk Cwpanv 400 Secard tvenue -.vAI-,"A COUUITl{ENT SCHEDULE A Application llo. vL3154-2 For Infornation only - CharEe6 - ALfA Ormer Pol.icy $366.00 Tax Certif" $20.00--TOTAL-- $3e6.00 $ith your remittance please refer to V:.3754-2. ." Bffectiv€ Da;er JuIy 06, 1989 at 8:00 A.l.t. " Policy to be ieaued, and propoeed Insured: I'AtTAn oryner's Po).lcy $47, 500. g0 Fot3[ 8-1970 (Anended X0-1?-?0) Fropoeed Insured: I.EROY S. SCHIIIDT :r The estate or lnterest Ln the land described or referred to lnthis Couilitnent and covered hereln lE: A F€e Shpl.e . Titi.e to'the estate or lnterest covered herein is at theeffecttve date hereof vestad lnl 5'IR3T NATIONAI, BANX OF CRAWFORD COIJNTRY ;, The land referred to in this Commitnrent is described asfollows: LOT G-1, LIONTS RID6S SUBDMSION TILING NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED pIAT THEREOF, COttNTy OF EAGIJE, STATE gF COIORADO. ,A.GE 1 I ALTA COI,IT{ITI{ENT scltEDulJE B-1 (Requirernents) Application No' vL3754'2 :he fotlowlng are tbe requirements to be complied with: Palaent to or for the account of the grantors or nortgagors of the fulI conelderation for the estate or i-nterest to be insurEd. l" Proper lnstrunent(s) creatlng the estate or lnterest to be insiirod uust be e:ietutaa and-duly filed for reeord, to-wit: t. !{ARRA}ITY DEED FROI,I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CNA}TFORD COUN,rRY TO T,EROY S, SCHUIDtr COIIVEYINC SUR'EC"T PROPERTY. AHE COI'NTY CIJERK At{D RECORDERS OF!'ICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRSSSEg ON DOCUUENIS SEMT FOR RECORDIT{€! ! DENVEI1 COUNTY WILL NOT RETURN RECORDED DOCUMENTS WITHOUT A SEI.,T-ADDRESSED STN.IPED E}{VEIFPE. PAGE 2 oAITA COt{I,TITI{ENT SCHEDUI.E 8.2 (Exceptlons) Appltcation No. vL3754-2 he pollcy or pol"lcles to be l,ssued rtrill contain exceptions to the oJ-lovlng unless the eane are dispoEed of to the satisfaction sf he Companlt: . standaril Exceptions I througlr 5 print€d on the cover sheet. . Taxes and asEesEnents not yet dug or payable and special assessE€nts not yet certifled to the Treasurerfs offlce. . Any unpaid taxee or assessments against said land. . Liens for unpal.d water and eewer charEes, if any. . RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR ITDE TO EXTRICT AND REI,IOVE HIS ORE T}IERETROU SHOULD THE SAI{E BE FOUND TO PENETITATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Augtust 16, 1909, rN BOOK 48 &t PAGS 542. O. RIGTTT OF'WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY IHE AUTHORITY OF'THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED TN UUITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUgUSt 15, L9O9, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. ]". RESTRICTIVE COVENA}ITS, WHICIT DO NOT CONTAIN A TORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OIIITTIIIG RESTRIgIIONS, fF ANY' BASED ON R,ACE, COLOR, RELfGfON' oR NATIONAL ORIGrlr, AS CO!{TAINED IN INSTRU!{ENT RECORDED Septenber 20, 1972, rN BooK 225 NE PAGE 443 AND eg N{ENDED f$ INSTRUMENT RECoRDED September 29, L972" It{ BOOK 225 AT PACE 565 AND AS A!{ENDED IN INSTRUI{ENT RECORDED January 22, L974, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53 AND AS AUENDED rN DOCIIUENT RECORDED JULY Lt L983 rN BOOK 362 A? PAGE 804. 2. UTII,TTY EASET|IENTS TI{ENTY FEET IN WIDTH. TEN fEET ON EACH SIDE OF AI,L IN?ERIOR I,OT I.INES AI{D A FIHIEEN FOOT UTILIfY EASEI.IENT AION€ AND ABUTTING ON AtI., EXTERIOR IST LINES AS RSSERVED ON THE PI.AT OT IIONIS RIDGE SUBDTVISION FU,ING NO. 2. .3. EASET{ENT AND RIGHT OT WAY AS GR,,A,NTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INc. IN INSTRUI'IENT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1967 trN EOOK 21L AT PAGE 103. 4 " AGREE}IENT tsETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONT{ENTAL IAND COMPANY AND HOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELAGRAPH COMPANV PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTALI,ATION AND SERVICE TI{ROUGHOUf LTONTS RIDGE SUBDTVISION, FILTNG HO. 2, RECORDED SEPTEUBER 27, 1.973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 291. 'AGE 3 o ALTA COI't14 ITI.IENT scHEDUr.E 8-2 (Exeeptions) Application No. vL3754'2 .5. EASEX{ENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ES SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI.Af OT LIOilIS RTDGE SUEDTVTSION, FXLING NO. 2. ]AG5 4 PARTY WALL AND DUPLEXDECLARATION WHEREAS, Leroy S. Schmidt, hereinafter referred to as "Declaranl", is the owne.r in fee simple of a portion of the following described real estate, hereinafter "zubject property", situate in the County of Eagle and State ofColorado, to wit: Lot G-1, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No- 2 as shown irn the plat thereof recorded in the Office ofthe Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado. WHEREAS, the subject property has been divided into two parcels (individually, a '?arcel" and collectively, the '?arcels') each consisting of the Parcel designated with the corresponding letter, together with all improvements thereon and all easements and riglrts located thereon or appurtenant thereto as provided herein, as. follows: Parcel Lot G-lA Lot G-18 Owner Leroy S. Schmidt Leroy S. Schmidt zuch parcels being shoum on the zubdivision plat depicting the subject prcperfy as recorded in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado (the'?lat"); and WHEREAS, a duplex consisting of two (2) dwelling units is to be constructed on the subject property; and WHEREAS, Declarant wishes to provide obligations, covenants and restrictions for tlp separate ownership of such units and certain separately owned property a:rd for certain property to be held by owners ofthe units as tenants-in-cofltmon. NOW TI{EREFORE, Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terrns, covenantso conditions, easements, resbictions, uses, reseryations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herern, shall be a burden and a benefit to, their successors and assigns, and any petson acquiring or owning an interest in the real pJoperty urhich is described herein and improvements built therein, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors| and assigns. l. Description of Parcel. (a) Each Parcel shall be inseparable and rnay be leased, devised or encumbered only as a residence. (b) Title to a Pacel may be held individually or in any form of concrurent ownership recognized in Colorado. In case ofany such conaurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of all the duties and resporsibilities of an "owner" with respect to the Pmcel in which he owns and interest. For the purposes hereirU there shall be deemed to be only one owner, the owner of Lot G-lA and of Lot G-lB. The parties, if more tlran one, baving the ownership of each Parcel shall agree among themselves how to share tlre rights and obligations of zuch ownership, but all such parties shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance ofall of the duties and obligations of an 'bwner" hereunder with respect to the Parcel in which they oum an interest. (c) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed oftrust, mortgage, will or other instrurent affecting a Parcel may describe it by its Parcel number and by reference to tbe Plat. (d) Each Parcel sball be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. 2. Landscaping and Service Facilities- (a) Each owner sltatl b€ responsible for all landscaping and general outdoor improvements on his indiyidual Parcel and except for any expense or liability caused though the negligence or willful act of the other owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such other owner, each owner shall pay all expenses, liabilities, and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to zuch landscaping and outdoor improvements located in or on his own Parcel. The owner of one Parcel sball not rmreasonably damage the value of the other Parcel such as by shoddy upkeep outside, and both owrnrs shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appeafimce of the Parcels. O) Common utility or service comections, common facilities or otlrer common and property, ifany, shall be owned as tenants in common and, except for any expenses or liability caused through the negligence or wiltful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, urhich may shall be bome solely by zuch owner, all expenses and liabilities concemed with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. The owners, if necessary, shall designate one owner to receive all joint utility bills (hcwever, the bills will be in the joint names of both owners) which are used in common with both Parcels and that designated'owner shall be responsible, zubject to contribution from the other owner for his share of the erpense, for the payment of such utility. AII such corrnon expenses shall be bome forty peroent (AV/o) W Lot G-l and sixty percent (60y") W Lot G-18. The designated owner shal1 noti$ the appropriate rsility conrpany and inform them of ths comrnon billing address. Where separate meters for measuring costs or expenses for such utility service are available, such cost shall be an individual expense and not a joint eryense of the owners. Expenses for construction and flrture maintenance, replacement and repair of future common utility services to the zubject property shall be allocated among the owners of the Parcels as described above for replacement, repair and maintenance expenses of existing utilities. Notwithstanding the above, if a utility is separately metered but such service or any portion thereof is for the benefit of both Lot G- lA and Lot G-lB, thenthe cost of zuch service shall be equitably adjusted between the owners. 3. Driveway. The Parcels shall have a co unon driveway, and there is granted hereby a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress purposes over and across those portions of a Parcel which is used as a driveway and which are rnor€ particularly noted on the Plat. No owner shall hinder'nor permit his guest to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his guest to his Parcel Maintenance, repair or improvements of such courmon driveway may be required from time to time, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of the owners who shall share all expenses equally. The owners acknowledge and understand Unit A houses a snowrneh system, metered separately, relaturg to Unit A patios and common driveway area. Each owner agrees to pay a pro rata strare, based on a coffinon square footage heated, of utility bills and maintenarce and repair, Each ownsr agrees to keep the snowmeh system in good repair and, to continuously operate such system November I throughApril 15 ofeachyear. 4. Partv Wall. (a) Each owner of a separate Parcel shall bave a perpetual reciprocal easement in and to that part of the subject propedy owued by the other owner and on which the parfy wall is located, for parfy wall purposes, including mainteriance, re,pair, and inspection, neither owner shall alter or change the party wall in any rurnner, interior decoration excepted, and the party wall shall always remain in the same location as when erected. The iosts of maintaining the party wall shall be borne equally by both owners. (b) In the event of damage or destruction of the party wall from any cause, other tlan the negligence of eitler party thereto, the then owners shall, at joint e4pense, r€,pair or rebuild said wall to its prwious condition which specifically includes the previous sound transmission coeffi.cient, and each party, their zuccessors and assigns shall have the right to the full use of said wall so repaired and rebuilt. If either party's negligence shall cause darnage to or destruction of said wall, zuch negligent party shall bear the enlire cost ofrepair and reconsfuction. (c) Either party shall have the right to break through the party wall for purpose ofrepairing or restoring utilities, subject to the obligation to resiore said wall to its previous structural condition, which specifically includes the previous sorurd transmission coefficient, al his own expense and ttre payrnent to the adjoining owner of any damage caused thereby. Either party shall have the rigbt to make use of the parfy wall provided such use shall not impah the strusturat zupport or tle sound transmission coefficient of the party wall. 5. Alteration- Maintenance and Repair. (a) If any improvement on Iot G-lA or Lot G-lB is damaged or destroyed, such damage destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed. Repair and reconstruction means the restoration of the improvements to substantially ttre same condition in which it existed prior to such damage or destruction. The co$ to repair and reconstruct any improvement on Lot G-lA or Lot G-18 shall be the sole expense ofthe owner ofsaid Parcel except as modified by Sections 2 arf, 4 above and without prejudice, however, to the right of any rule of law regardiug liability for negligence or willful acts or omissiom. Notwithstaniing anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence or willful act or omission of any ourner, his agent or invitee, shall cause damage to , or destuction of any improvement on any Parcel, zuch owner shall bear entire costs of repair or reconstrustion (b) Each or,vner shall be solely responsible frr all maintenance and repair ofthe extsrior and interior of his residence, including all fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located therein or in, on oi upon his Parcel and serving such Parcel only. (c) Utility or service connections, facilities or other utility equipmenr and property located ir; on or upon either of Lot G-lA or Lot G-lB which is used solely to zupply a service or utility to one Parcel shall be owned by the owner of the Parcel using such utility or service and all €xpenses and liabilities for repair and uraintenance shall be bome solely by the owner of sush Parcel who shall liua-ve a perpetual easement in and to tbat part of such other Parcel containing such property for the purpos€s of rnaintenance, repair, and inspection (d) No owner shall make or zuffer my shuctural or design cbange (including a color scheme change), eitlrer permanent or teryorary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his Parcel or construct any addition or improvement on his Pmcel without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other owner. which consent shall not be unreasonablv withheld or delayed. (e) Where tle owner of either Parcel in compliance with the otlrer provisions oftlis Declaration, desires to build, reaovate, excavate, improve or otherwise alter the sfiuctures or improvements located on his Parcel and where the owner has obtained the lwitten consent thereto of the ownor as provided in Section.5(d) above, the owner of the other Prcel shall cooperate to the extent necessary to enable that owuer to obtain any required building permit or similar permit or license. It is underutood and agreed, however, that should tlre Town of Vail allow an addition or modification to be made to either Lot G-lA or Lot G-lB, the oumer of the Parcel not making zuch addition shall not unreasonably withhold his consent pursuant to this Section 5(e). Nolrithstanding anything contained herein, no owner may modify any improvement which would utilize more tben the zoning density or other mning rights available to such Parcel Lot G-lA shall be entitled to fofy perc€nt (40plo) and Lot G-18 shall be entitled to sirdy percent (60%) of any such zoning density or rights. Any costs or expenses associated with the obtaining of a building or similar permit shall be the expenses of tle owner desiring said permit and shall not be ajoint expeffrc ofthe owners of both Parcels. (f) In the event that either Parcel of fraction thereof is taken by eriiinent donrain or in condemndio4 the owner of that Parcel shall receive any sums payable with respect to such taking. In tle event that both Parcels, or any ftactions thereof,, are taken by eminent domain or in condemnatiorl the owners shall divide any sums payable pursuan! to zuch taking in proportion to the relative values of the Parcels, or fractions thereo{ taken with respect to Parcels. 6. Mechanic'sLiens.Indemnification (a) Except for tbe items incurred as a common e:ipense as provided for herein, if either owner shall cause any rraterial to be furnished to his Parcel or Parcel or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payment ofany expense incurred or for the vahre of arry work done or material furnished; all zuch work shall be at the expeDs€ ofthe owner causrng it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractor, laborers, rmterialmen, and other persons furnishing labor or malerials to his Parcel or any improvements therein or thereo4. Nothing herein conlained shall authorize either owner or any person dealing tbrough, with or under either owrrer, to charge the Parcel of the other owner wilh any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatsoever, and on the contary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the other owner or the otler owner's Parcel for work done or material furnished to the owner's Parcel is hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provided for in Section 9 below, if because of any act or omission of either owner any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the other owner's Parcel or any improvements therein or thereo4 or against the other owner (whetber or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms tlre basis for such lien or ordet shall, at his own cost and expense, cause the same to be cancelled and discbarged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the o&er owuer, within twenty (20) days after the date of filing thereof and firther shall indemni$ and save the other owner harmless form and against any and all costs, exp{enses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting tlerefrom" 7. Use Restrictions. (a) The Parcels shall be used for residential purposes only as a permitted use, and conditional and accessory uses shall be as defined by tlre Town ofVail Zonrng Ordinance. No structures ofa temporary cbalacter, trailer, tent, shaclq garage, trarn or other out-building shall be used on any portion of any of the property at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently. (b) No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall te raised, bred or kept onany of said property, except that atotal oftwo (2) dogs, cats or otlrer household pets may be kept provided that they me uot kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purposes and provided firther that they do not unreasonable interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the other Parcel by its owner. (c) No advertising signs (except one oFor Rent"or'?or Sale" of not more than three (3) square feet per Pacel), billboards, unsightly objects or nuisancss shall be erected, placed or perrnitted to remain onthe subject property, nor shall any Parcel be used in any way or for any purpose which rnay endanger the health or unreasonably disfurb the owner or resident ofthe adjoining Parcel (d) An rubbish" trash or garbage shall be regularly removed from each Parcel and shall not be allowed to accumulate thereon All zuch expenses are the expenses of each individual olMner, and are not ajoint expense ofthe owners. (e) An owner shall do no act nor any work that will impair any easement or hereditament or do any act or allow any condition to exist which will adversely affect the other Parcel. . 8. Insurance. (a) Each owner shall keep his Pmcel and all irnprovements and fixhres locared thereon insured against loss or daurage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism and malicious mischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof, and covering zuch other rjsks of a similar or dissimilar nature as are or shall hersafter be covered with respect to similar properties iszued by a responsible insurance company or companies authorized to do business in tle State of Colorado. The insurance for each Parcel, shall provide that the policy cannot be cancelled or substantially modified until after thirty (30) days prior written notice is first given to each owner and each first mortgagee. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep in force for the protection ofhimselfgeneral public liability and property damage insurance against claims for bodily rnjury or death or pmperty damage occuring i4 on or upon his Parcel and tle irrprovements thereog in a limit of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) in respect to bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising out of one accident or disasier, or for damage to property, and if higher timits shall at any time be customary to protect against tor_t liability, such higher limits shall be carried and each owner shall name tle otlrer owner as an additional insured party under such policy. (c ) Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this Section 8 upon reasonable request, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modiff the policies without giving the other owner qaritten notice of the least thirby (30) days. Each owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies ofthe other owner and require evidence ofthe payments ofpremiums thereon- (d) Nothing provided in this Section shall prevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single pqlisy 1s cover any one or more of the hazards required in this Section 8. Such premiums shall be apportioned according to the relevant coverage to each Parcel (e) Each owner may ot*ain additionat insurance at his own experuie for'his own benefrt provided tbat all such policies sball contain waivers or subrogation an4 provided further, that the liability ofthe carriers issuing covering the Parcels hereunder shall not be affected or diminished by reasc,n of any zuch insurance caried by any oflner. (0 Insurance coverage on any personal propefiy items stored within the improvements located on each Parcel shall be the responsibility of the owner thereof, However, nothing herein shall be construed to requhe such insuraace 9. Enforcement. (a) If an owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other owrer may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) days written notice to the other owner unless the circumstances requhe immediate action, make such payment, or, on trehalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligatiorq including but not limited to, the payment of insurance premiums required hereunder for repair, restoration or mainteiranceo and such other owner shall have an easement in and to that pat of such defaulting owner's Parcel as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. (b) AX sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interest thereon atthe rate of eighteen percent ( I 87o) per annum from the date of such payment or expenditur€, shall b€ payable by the owner so failing to perform (the "defaulting owner') upon demand ofthe other ownet. (c ) All zums so denmnded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall corstitute a lien on the Parcel of the defrulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for tar<es and special assessments; and (ii) the lien of any fust mortgage or first deed oftrust ofrecord encumbering such Parcel. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall becorne cue and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property. To evidence such a lien, written notice of the lien shall be prepared, setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtednesq the name of the defrulting owner, and description of the Parcel to which the lien shall attach. Such notice shall be signed by tlrc owner in whose favor the lien shall be filed, and the lien shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of tlre County of Eagle. In any foreclosure or other collection proceedings, the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of zuch proceedings, incfuding reasonable atiorney's fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien ofany first mortgage or deed oftrust, including all additional advances thereon SaIe or transfer of either Parcel as the result ofcourt foreclosure or a mortgage foreclosure throughthe public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, sball extinguish the lien as to payments ttrereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former owner of personal liability therefor. The first mortgagee of zuch Parcel who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereot shall not, however be liable for any past due arnowlts and/or obligations due hereunder and shall only become liable for future amounts and./or obligations on the date it becomes the owner of zuch Parcel No sale or transfer shall relieve zuch Parcel from liability for any arDounts andlor obligations thereafter becoming due or ftom the lien thereof In the went of the sale or transfer of a Parcel with respect to which swrs shall be unpaid by a deftuhing ownero except transfers to a first mortgage in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereo{, the pwchaser or other transfsree of an interest in such Parcel shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for my such unpaid sums. (e) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee ofa Parcel, the owner ofthe other Parcel shall issue a written statement setting forth tJrc amount he is owed under the Section 9, if any. Such statement is binding upon the executing owner in request for such staiement shall be complied with within fifteen (15) days after receip thereof all unpaid sums which become due prior to the date of making request sball be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting zuch statement. (0 Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by aoy owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover dnmages. If coud proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaratiorl the prevailing party shall be entitled to rrjcover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attomey's fees. (g) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in tlre courts ofthe Couuty ofEagle, State ofColorado. (h) Failure to enforce any provision ofthis Declaration shall not operate as a waiver ofany such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or ofany otlrer provision of this Declaration (l) Any exercise ofany right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other owner's Parcel including but not limited to, the use of any easement granted hereiq shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other owner's use ofhis Parcel. 10. Easernents. (a) Each Parcel and the Parcel on which it is situated shall fs zubject to an easement for ercroachnrents created by constructio& settling and overhaag, previously existing or as designed and constructed by or as a result of any addition or improvement pursuant to this Declaration A valid easement for such encroachments and for the maintenance of same, so long as they exist, shall and does exist. In the event any improvement is partially or totally destroyed, and then rebuilt, the owners agree tbat minor encroachrnents of parts of an adjacent Parcel due to construction shall be permitted and that a valid easement for said encroachment and the nraintenance thereofshall exist so long as improvements shall stand. (b) Each Parcel and Pmcel arc sr$ject to a blanket easernent for support and a blanket easement for the maintenance of the residences arrd other structures or improvements presently situated or to be built in the future, on the Parcels. (c) There is hereby created a blanket easement upon, across, over and under the rurimproved portion of each of the Parcels for the benefit of the Parcels and the structures and improvements situated thereon, including the party wa[ for ingress and egress, installation, replacing, repairing and rnaintaiuing all common property and utilities, including, but not limited to, wdero sewer, gas, telephone, cable tv and electricity. Said blanket easement includes future utility services not presently available to the Parcels which rnay reasonably be required in the future. By virtue of this easement, it shall be expressly permissible for the corrpanies providing utilities to erect and maintain the necessary equipment on any of the Parcels and to affix and maintain electrical and/or telephone wires, circuits and conduits on, above, across and under the roofs and exterior walls ofthe improvements, all in a marmer custornary for such companies in the area sunounding the zubject property. Notwithstanding the forgoing, all such utility equipment, wires, circuits and conduits will be placed on the Parcel benefited thereby to the extent practicable, will be placed underground if possible to the extent practicable will be placed as close to the Parcel line as practicable. Either owner shall have the right to relocate within his Parcel any utility at his sole cost and expense. 11. Right of First Refusal ln the event eitlrer owner shall wish to sell his Parcel (the "gslling Owner") and shall have received a bona fide contract therefor fiom a prospective lrurchaser, the owner ofthe other Parcel shall be given written notice thereof; together with an executed copy ofsuch contract and zuch other owner shall have the right to purchase the Seiling Owner's Parcel upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the contract. If such other owner elects to purchase ftq gslling Owner's Parcel such owner shall, within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the notice and contract from the Selling Owner, provide written notice of such election to purchase to the Selling Ovrner. Upon such election to purchase, the purchasing owner slrall provide any down payment or deposit as umy be required under the terms of the contract to an escrow agent and the closing of the purchase and sale of the Parcel shall take place on the date and at the time set forth in the original contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should a Selling Owner wish to convey his Parcel to a member of zuch Selling Owner's immediate family, the right of the first refirsal of the other owrer as provided in this Section shall not apply. 12. GeneralProvisions. (a) Notice. Each owner shall register its mailing address with the other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon own€rs shall be serfi by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the rmme of the owner at such registered rnailing address. In lhe alternativg notices rnay be delivered in writing, personally to ol Ders. (b) Duration- All provisions contained in this p""1*ution shall continue and remain in firll force and effect until January I in the year 2021 A.D., and thereafter shall be autouratically extended for successive periods often (10) yeari each; unless this Declaration is amended or revoked by recorded instrument signed by all owners and all lienors holding a first rnortgage or first deed of trust of record on anyportionoflot G-lA orLot G-lB. (c) Amendment or Revocation. ' This Declaration may be amended or revoked at any time (i) by so long as owns both Parcel A and Parcel B, or (ii) upotr unanimous written approval in recordable form of all owrrcrs and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trug of record on any portion of Lots G-lA md G-18. The covenants and restrictions of this Declarafisn shall be amended or revoked only by an instrument which specifically refers to this Declaration and which is signed by each of the then existing ouiners and first lienors. Any easement made must be properly recorded at the office of the Clerk and Recorder ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado. o (d) Effect ofProvisions ofDeclarration Each provision of this Declaration, and any agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exemption or reservation or grant of title, estde, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorpomted in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot G-lA and G-lB is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any rigfrrt, title or interest in any portion of Lot G-lA or Lot G-lB by any owner, be deerred accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant ofsuch owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on zuch owner and his heirs, deemed a personal covenanl to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any podion of Lot G-lA or Lot G-18, and (iii) shall be deemed a real eovenant by, for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with ard upon the title to each and every portion oflot G-lA and G-lB. (e) Sevgrability. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not affect the validity or enforceabilrty of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration which shall remain in full force and effect. (t Captions. The capions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions ofthis Declaration (g) Construstion. When necessary for tlre proper construction, the masculine of any wot'd used in the Declaration shall include the feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa- (h) Governing Law. This Declaration is made and executed under and in respect will be governed and csnstrued by the laws of the State of Colorado where the properfy is situated. (r) Facsimile TrmsmissionVCounterparts. This Declaratiort, plus any modifications or addendurs, may be transmitted by telefix copler, and all parties agree t}at it shall be a legal, binding agreement. This Declaration may be executed in counterparts, whicfu when taken together shall constitute the entire Agreement. IN MTNESS WHEREOF, tle undersigned being the herein, has hereunder set their hands andsealsthis davof 2001. Leroy S. Schmidt t0 STATEOF ) COUNTY OF )ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2001. by Leroy S. Schmidt MTNESS BY IIAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMSSION E)(PIRES: (sEAL) Notary Public 1l COPYLE o tl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Febnury 14,2001 Fi+#FD Leroy Schmidt P.O. Box 407 Monument CO 80132 RE: hopored dnpla pldfor Ld G-1, Lions Ridge Sub&ttision Na 2 Dear Leroy, The Tovrn of Vail Community D€velopment Departsnent has rcviewed the proposed duplex pld for Lot G-1, Lions Ridge Subdivision No. 2. Prior to approval from a zoning adminisfator, there are a nunber of corrections that need to be made - see italicized te$ below: General Notes: 6. Lots G-la and G-lb are zubject to a party wall agreement recorded ruder Reception No.,in. Book at Page Zoning Administrator Certificatc: This final plat is hereby apgw& by the Town of Vail zoning administrator this . . . . Clerh and Rccorder's Certificate This plat was filed ... at Reception No.at Page _ Please make the aforementioled corrections and nrbmit two (2) mylar copies and two (2) pryer copies of the Duplex Plat to the Community Dwelopment Deparlment. Please include a check for $65.00 made out to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office has plat recording/filing fe€s which are as follows: $10.00/mylar copy of plat $5.00/page for cwenants and declaiations If you have any questions or cotrcerrs, please contact me at 479-2148 or akjerulfi@.ci.vailco.us. Sincerely, in Book $ rorouor ro TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAUr, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/.ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT ON JOBSTTE AT .ALL TTMES Permit. f: B99-01L7 OWNER COffTRACTOR APPI,ICAI{T I0132 co 80132 Phone: 7a9-481-2205 TOV/fl":lr:T l:!ev. status...: IssuEDApplied..: 0s/07/1999Issued... : 0"1/L5/L999Expires..: AL/!L/2oOO +of wood/tallet: DescripLion: Add secondarli: res. Occupancy:Tlpe Construction: to pri-mary RegtuaraDt Plan Review--> DRB ['e6-------- Recr.eation Fee--- -- ---- - > Clean-Up DepoBit.--- -- ---> TOTAI, FEES_.. - _ Fireplace Infordation! Reatricted: y Building-----> Plan chedc---> InveEt.igatiofl> ttil1 Cal1----> Total CalculaLed EeeB- - - > Additional fees---------> Total PeaDii Fee--------> Paymeht.a - - - ' - - - ts}J,AIVCE DUE..- - 1,164.00 2,056 .60 . o0 3.O0 .00 400. o0 4S0.30 ?50 - 00 5, 853 . 90 6, S53.90 .00 6.953.90 5, A53.90 .00 i****trr* * **i*i**********t***+r+rl*** * **r*r*****{****r**i***********!r*******i***t**r** * * * *t*r ***r.* ** * **:}*tl*************r***r}***** EUIL,DING DEPARTI{ENT Dept.: BUIL,DING Division:K&IEY Action: NqEE Routed to Ga?y GGOODELL Act,ion: APPRPI"ANNING DEPARTIUEITT DCTTI: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:KATHY Action: NOTE Rout,ed Eo BrCnt(AIEq_- Action: NOTE Routed E9 Dom per BWDOMINIC AcEion: APPR See condiEions-DeDE: FIRE D1vDepr: PUB WORK Div Itemr 051,000s/L3 /L999o6'/02'/!999rtem:05400os/L3/L999o5'/L3'/L999os'/L4'/L999Item: 05500lt.em:05500 asaon:ision:FIRE DEPARTMENTPI]BLIC WORKS rt** ** **** rrr** ******* i ****r *+ See Page 2 of this Document. for any condicionb Ehat may apply to Uhis permit DECI"ARATTONS f her€by acknolrledge that I hav€ read rhis application, filled ouL in fuII the infafi$aLic,n required, conFleted alr accuraEe plot plan, and stsatc thaE all the inforitration provided ae required is correct, I aguee to compf,y wich the infomation and ploC plah/ to cdrply $ifh a1l Toun ordinancea and stsate las€, a.rlal Lo build this siructure accordi.ng to che Toirn/ s zoningi alrd eubdiviBion code6, desj.grr reviee applgved, Uniforn Building Cod€ and other ordinallcee of the Tonn aFplicable ttrereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALT, BE !,IADE tl{Ersrr-FOUR IIOURS rrs ADlrAltCE BI g€nd cl€aD-UIr Depo6iL ?o, Leroy S. Scheidt I t #,*+(itL DEPARTI,IENT OF COI4MTJNITY DEVELOPMEIiTT U 'f,ob Address: 1"410 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation...: 1410 Buffehr Creek Rd. Parcel No. -: 21-03-1-21-02-005Project No. : PI{J99-0]-37 SCH}'IIDI LEROY S PO BOX 407, MONUMENT CO CUSTOM COUI TRY HOMES P.O. BOX T670, MONUMEIVT, CUSTOM COUMTRY HOIT'IES Clea n-u fi: [],;P,,ri i iti*fund apprelV0'C amcuritR3 Single Family Residence ,_*.,V N TYPe V Non-Rated Lr<]tt; Valuat.ion:706, 000 Add Sg Ft: 3202 #Of das AppLiances: *Of Gas f,ogs: 1 &._r_ Page 2 *************************************************************J.********:t********* CONDITTONS PermiL #: 899-0117 as of 07/2A/99 Sratus---: ISSITED**********************************tf****************Jr**Jr************************* Permir Type: ADD/er_lt sFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--. oslo7/tgggApplicant--: SCHMTD)Ir LEROY S Issued---: O7/AS/L999 To E4gire. O3"/L1/2O0O ,JOb AddrCSS: 141-0 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation---: 1-41-0 Buffehr Creek Rd. Parcel No-- : 21-03-1-21-02-005 Description: Add secondary res. to primary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Condit, j.OnS ****************************** 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIIIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AI\TD EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 - 6 . 1 0F TIIE 1_997 I]BC.3. Driveway rmrst be heated per lett.er to o{nrer from Dominic4. Secondary and primary unit.s musE be sprinklered and have amonitor fire alarrn system per Mike Mccee and leLt.er from Dominic to olrner dated narch L5, 1999.5. Light, fj-xtrures must be approved by .Planning prior to instsallaLion. 38 EoLal light fixtures are al-lowed on Eotal siteincluding existing house for exEerior lighting.6- Provide aBproved one-hour fire-resist,ive consEruction at allwalls or roof/ceilings where the primary and secondarydwelling unit.s are iuunediat,ely adjacent Eo one anot.her(Sec. 3L0 .2 .2, l-997 UBC) . r* *trt ra* f * *,lrr TOI'N OF VAIL, COLORADO Staletnnt rt***+'l'r+r****r * *,r * *:r *, *rr *i r**i* * SLaEer$L Numbcr: REC-054O Anoutrt. t 6. ss3.9O o7 /Ls/99 L0t33 Pa).llenU Meghodr CK Notation: 1675,/SCHMfDT Init | ,IN Peldit Noi 899-01L7 !l/pe: A-BUII.TD ADD/AIT sFR BUILD pE Parcel No. 2103-121-02-0O5 Sit'e lddresE. 1410 BEFFEHR CREER RD Localion: 1410 Buffchf, Creek Rd. Total Fees: Thie Payaent 6,853.90 Tot'al ALL pmts: 5, S53 .90 5, 453.90 BP OO1OOOO3].].].1.O0 BUILDING PERI.IIT PEES DR 001OOO031122O0 DESIGN REI/IEW FEES PF 00100003112300 PIAN cnEcK rEEs Aecounts Code A! D2 -DEPO8 Descript'ioa CLE.ITIUP DEPOSITS Auount 3, 154.00 400. 00 750.00 49o.30 3 .00 Rr 11100003112700 RECR&trTIoli FEES wc 00100003112800 vtIIrL CltJJ lNspgctlotf FEE rl Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-32A-8640 for parcel #parcel i! ?t oZ_ lAlo _ ?e€ o^r", - 6/a/?1 *p"*i * ,BQQ- 0111 JobName: S-4$r,urbf hUaaoress: l4tO R,,fa+ralsera?D. suildine(d Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mectnnical ( )Other ( ) Lto*'tPtDa€Legal Descriptio n: mt 6 ' I Block 'Fninl L Subdivision Owners Name:Address: t4t0 Phorrc# f?t1)4AA- Description of lob:'6,.NDr'tR.bJE WorkClass: New td Alteration ( )Additional ( Number of Dwelling UniS, / Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECI]AMCAL $ CoNTRACTOR INFORMATT9|N General Contractor: Town of Vail RegistrationNo. I b0'B Phone # Electrical Qontractor: ) Repair( ) O{her( ) Number of Accommodation lJnits: Wood/Pellet OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Town of Vail Registrafion No. Plumbiug 9ontractor: Town of Vail Registrarion No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFEICE USE BUILDING: SIGNA ZONING: SIGNA CLEAN UP DEPQ.SIT BEFUND TO: Date Received HAY ? ru99 o MIMORANDT]M ATL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VA]L PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEI{ A .?UBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQIJIRED ->c--l-l-rar rrf DATE: PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC QT]ESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A?UBLIC WAYPERMT": I. Is this anew residence? yES TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: 2. 3, 4. { 6. ls demolition work behg perfomred that rcquires the use of the Right-of-way, easements or public property? VeS-- NO_ r/ Is any utifity work needed? Is lhe driveway being repaved?No*_< Is a different access needed to the site otherlhan the existing driveway? yES fslqV An$p work being done that affects lhe Rightof-Way, easernents, or public property?YES "/ NO YES ./ NO YES Na-1 8. Is a*RevoobleRight-of-WayPermif required? . yES NO €' A. ls the Rightd-Way, gsements or public property to be used for stagrng, parhng or fencing?YES_ NO L/B. If NO to 8A" is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Conmudty Development?Ygs_ No_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a *pnblic way permif' must be obtaircd- "Public way Pernrif' applicarions may be obtained at the public work's ofhce or at community Ds/elopment. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2lgg. I ITAVEREAD AND ANSWER.ED ALLTIM ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contracror Signahne Company Name ',n"' -516fu3--- YIEAS 267 N. WASHINGTON STREET P.O. BOX 581 t\40NUMENT, CO 801 32-0581 (719\ 487-0812 MICHAEL F. REYNOLDS. D.E.. P.E. JOHN A. BLIND. D. PHIL.. P.E. CHARLES E. MILLIGAN, PH.D., P,E. October 2.2001 Custom Country Homes P.O. Box 1670 Monument, CO 80132 Re: Boulder Retaining Walls for 1410 Buffehr Creek, Schmidt Resid.ence, MIBAR Jobl44l Dear Erik, Per your request, we looked at the construction of the Boulder Retaining Walls to ensure they were built to engineering standards to prevent sliding and overtuming. Some of the wall is existing while other sections of the walls were new. After measuring the size of the boulders we have determined ihat the existing and new boulders are large enough and placed adequately to prevent any retaining failure. The boulders are largel than the ones we specify for the bottom course of our I' high retaining wall. No further work is required except some minor landscaping to prevent erosion through the newwall sections. Please do not hesitate to call us ifyou have any questions. Michael F. o ,1"re0y S s,t^;M fi O , Arx qoz .. /t 3/rr 5T;2o47ilr4 rao-^rt-.',a , b+o)ja -7/( 466 066(0 J,'4 /rt/7rr /f*f#f d-^a-',\-e-/ ^f lqru ; i' U*il -T Aa-< ful*.( 6A'4 E;lJ-e $ra* -,,7@fu Q4S+nr^*,'n4r'4 Kes,e-"* otl{'+ 5'4< '| -T Cj/ffi,-' (j.-Aryffirnw * ;f ts' "/fuK ( fuRof ; s-/*'"& O ufrutf t/) -L z4n -fE\a B^W,< crt-ptL K/ 0; Printed by Joan NoLen 0/9e B;00am Frorn: Joan Nol enTO: BLDGDTV GROUPsubject: lusr AN FYr ==ef,fef f========-======g/08,/99=1_1 : 45am== GARY FROM BOLES CUSTOM BUILDSRS CALLED TO TELL US THAT THE WORK FOR PERMIT 899-0117 (LEROY SCHMTDT Ar L410 BUFFER CREEK ROAD) TS EITHER GOING TO BE PUT OFF TNDEFINATELY OR NOT AT ALL DUE TO FINANCIAL REASONS.I TOLD HIM THAT THEY ISOULD BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE PLAN CHECK FEE WHICH IS $2056.60 TN ANY CA5E & THAT THE OhNER SHOULD WRITE A LETTER IF HE WANTS THE PERMIT EXTENDED PAST THE EXPIMTION DATE WHICH TS LI/29/99. GARY SAID HE WILL TELL THE OU'NER WHAT NEEOS TO BE DONE SO THAT HE CAN DECIDE WHAT HE WANTS TO DO. T ALsO TOLD HIM THAT SOMEONE NEEDS TO COME & PICK UP THE PLAN5 TF THEY DECIDE NOT TO GO AHEAD SO THEY CAN USE THEM AT A LATER DATE. I -/ 'K, selniu/- r#r,;rlJf,W'r ff;:A-"d,"fu;' 'tu** Yexnr* | 'r-D*/d /AR(/s FTR'' ,fu*r o[^. March 15, 1999 l,eroy S. Schmidt P.O. Box 407 Monument, CO 80132 RE: Lot cl, Briar Patchll4l0 Buffehr Creek Rd. DearMr. Schmidt: This letter is intended to document the agreements reached between you, Greg Hall, and me in meeting of Friday, March 12, 1999. An attached primary unit was approved for this property in 1995. Since xhattime several extensions have been granted. LaSt summer you submitted a letter requesting an extension which was not acted upon by the Town of Vail, The Zoning Code allows extensions only when development standards have not changed. This the case ofyour approved plans, the development standards have changed which affect this approval. However, these changes can be remedied by adding several conditions to the extension ofthe DRB approval on these plans. Your DRB approval has been extended for one year from today's date subject to the following conditions: L The driveway must be heated in order to reduce the nonconformity of the driveway grade. 2, All retaining walls over 4' in height must be designed and stamped by a professional engineer and all grading shall conform to a ratio of 2: I or better. 3. Due to Fire DeparUnent access requirements, the new dwelling as well as the existing dwelling unit must be sprinklered with a rnonitored sy$tern, per Fire Code requirernents. You or your architect should contact Mike McGee, Fire Marshall, at 479-2135 to determine the specifications for doing this. *&phreL Additionally, if you wish to add a Type II Employee Housing Unit to the site, you must obtain approval of a conditional use permit and appear before the Planning and Environmental Commission, You will be required to provide an additional parking space on the site, The EHU will require an enolosed parking space. If any parking space is added within the right-of-way it will require a variance. Upon initial review, the Town Engineer did not have a problem with locating a par{<ing space within the right-of-way in this area given the amouit of distance from the actual steet pavement. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2148. Sincerely, Dominic F, Mauriello, AICP Chief of Plaming C: Mike McGee, Fire Marshall Greg Hall, Town Engineer Page? of2 t2-13-os t4:53 AC HOUS TON o ID=19?O2491296 w M The seal on these drawings_indicate.acceptance of pmfeisional engineering responsibility solely for rhetruss components shown. The-suitability and use of this component for any paiticutar briitding is ttreresponsibility of the building desigrer, per ANSVTpI_ 1995 Sec. 2. til" MiTek" Re:5O2OBebc \fl Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R5201396 ttuuR5?01401 My license renewal da1e for the state ofColorado is May 31, 2002. December 12,2000 Yu, Ray Jhe [u$s {rawing(s} referenced below have been prepared by MiTek Industries, Inc. rnder my direct supervisionbased on the parameErs provided by A.C. Housion_Monrrose P. O2 MiTelr Industries, Inc. 3033 GOID CANAL DE]VE SUIIE 2M RANCHO CORDOVA CA 956/0 UsA FAX (916) 631 8225 TELFPHoNE €16) 631 781I l2-r3-oo l4:53 AC HOUSTON r ffik;**-o.,'-.,, J"*-lT-,z ,l l.a -om, --*rkur- o=k#, {ffi*,,.*toc. rfi-rec rz-ir8]b3sr"--;- r D- 1970?4912!|5 P.83 Scale='l:t8.1 f -__ q BxS = 3-10-8 5{.14 2-0-2 1. t0^6 3x12 = 5 J-11€ 8x8 = 5 1- 106 ?x4 rt i I lr- H Fv I I?(\l 2xq I sPAClt{G 2-0-O Plates lnc.gase LoO Lumb€r lhc,case 1.Cro flep Str6S5 lnrf, NOcode uBc/ANStgs 9 l0xl0 = Speclrl I 3x12,1 Special V.trl(LU .O.03vlrtfTu .o.O,4tlorzfTl) O.Ol'lst LC LL Min UdeftEytl':I_ __l_ 6 n/i I rtnrrs i Ml2o Weight: I OO lb 1Ox10 = Special D€FL in llDct Uden8 >999I >999 and l5g.6rb up at 1-9't2, rnd De$g^ fot 1-1t€ GRIP 19?/1ir4 o Zxl l ,-_ i?- .._*-__11" .=__-__ ,-jill-...._ __r{1 _ _,J iStf'"'$:lrcDL r5.oSCLL O_OacDL ro.o LUMBER rOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS cslrc BC wa o.33 o- 33 2 X 6 APF-S 1650F r.5E 2 X 6 SPF.S',l650F l.5E 2 X A SPF-S 1650F l.5E BRACIiIG lq q{gES theatbed or 6-0-0 oc aurttn3,BOf CHOBD Rigid ce;ting dir.4rty aiotied ot erceol end verticals. IGOO oc brscing, BEACTIOXS llb/qi.€) r O = 3800/Mecha^icat, 6 = 3853,fM6chanicdlMar Ftorr lO=.gafloaCt Case 3) Max Upt'ft tO =,3Ol troad case 31, 6-_3o6floed casE 4l FORCES ilb) . Frrsr Ls66 g*" On"I9l !f19!p _1.r9--3rgz. .t.z=:4o7p. ?!_=.q9!a.3.4 =.4ooo. +5 _ -4ooo, 5.6 =.38s6Bo_r _CHonD 9.tO=O, E-9=S,t7E, t-s=5a78.6i_-dWEES l-9 = 5448, 2_9--346. S_S:.i8ia.3-a-=eos2,3_7=,1937,4.7=_340,5-7=5430 IIIOTESl) Tht$ rtuss hes been desioned ldr rhe v',rnd loads pErDrat-gd tly 8o mph n ind! nt ?E _ft above ground tsvel, ,.rsing 5.o pst topchqtd doad load and 5 o-D5t bong.n cnor -deao ioad. i dli mi fr:m 'ri"rt"re .."..r.c, on an occupancy cat€grory r, condidon Itnclosed hildirg' ol di,ne,.liot6 it5-h bv 2l tt *irtt ctpoi iii Cadit'i-.-sig prr ugc,,lNstgs tf end ve.rieats o'r canhtgvers e'rr a1l?jf"ilH;":. j' wind' lt po,ches dxisr, rt'ev at riot Jipc-gao-i-;;. ih' '-6b. liirt i"i.J.J,i-r-irf i,o rr,e prut" 2) ftov'de adequare dainage tq provent wirer Dondinq.Jl I nr5 -l'irss nas b€cn dcagoed lo' a I o-o ps, bortort Ehoad live loac, no/rconcurr?r,t with any other liv? toads par Taua t\ro. I 6.g, 4) Reter ro g'rd6rtd tor truss ro trusi connecttons.t' [iii? frXT8"'"ol connecton (bY o(hersl or truss to beatf]g plate capatte ot wirh$randing 3or ab uptitr ar jojm tO a.rd 3oE lb 6t Thit truss has b€en desigrE.t wrth ANSt/Tpl t .19g€ crheria,/, sp€crar.co_nnect|on requrred to distribste.bo-flon! ctord bads eqralry betwecn all Olies.o, g_qy-gl-"_" ro be coonected.t.geth€r.wnh rod Cdnmonl. I ae.is1'HiG el Orioii, -' | @ cnoros connected as followsr 2 X 6 - ? ,ows at Gg.O oc.Erttom ctiorcts clnhected ts lollows: 2 X E _ 3 .ows at O_d-O oc. ^. Web3 conncct€d as foltowc:2 X 6 ? rows at O-9-O oc.vt sDecrat hangerlS, or @nnechontS, reQuired lo sr.tDooat caor @nnection{5} required ro s.rpporr coocgwtted load(sl 2044,gtb down and .lE9.6rb up atd,1:,?,q!-ul-1, _lts,J ?, and zo{4.Erb.(bwo qra is-g.au up J'i_-dii'#-lotto_ cnoro,2044. Brb d;wn aoa. r s e. ao jf ii irdl? ;;-tfi o.- fi Ar,'iii:l[ iunspccrrteo connecttonls) is dgleoated to the birildrino d€sid er-unsprcilied conneqion{s) is disgared to riu l"ih,irig a;sig";; LOAD CASqSt Srandardl) Regllar: Lumbcf Increase= t.OO, plare Inctease - l.OOUnrtorm toad€ (olfl Vrn: t-S =-|90.O. F.tO--2O.0 Conc€nt 6ted Loads (lbl ve.t: 9 = -2044.8 a = _2044.8 J = -2A44.A f."sSffi \ wlanre - verih desigtr par.,rnerett aRd READ NorEs oN THrs AND REvtRsE slDE BEF}RE usE o€Ergn valid lor !s4 ootg j1h lriTGI con.|€crors_ lnls dltrgn i6 Oased onty urofi t|ararneie.s ,horvn, atu1 !s to, an iiittividDal Eultctin4 componem to bE instalted and beded r..ticdty. applcabitity ot d|stgr gan|roater! and qope. incorporation ofaornpone4l is rrspotlsibdrty ot bt ildrno d63ig.er_ not rusE designE.. g(eciAg 6ho!$ i5I,o, blern slppon o, indiv:dualneb.mefibsrs onty. adoitionat Emporary ir.cingto iffiure st bilitla c,u.ing consttudion isth6 bsponsibrtrly ofitld erectoT_ldditionar permanenl brsciag or [rc ot/e6t $rulture is rh' relponsiDit'y or tn€ buirding da.€ncr. For 06n€.i! grridancetega.di.g J.bncaton, quatrty co6i,o,, stio/age, ,cJiv€/y, e.eclion. e.d brscing, ccrsuh OSI-Na Ou{rf, Si*rdard. D€€- :1 :16:19 se€:!t'.!!to', and tlt&et H'|ldttnc rn{rel.lion ,.d Br.chtrkcommrnqfion awpore rom r,r,arPlrla Inslilub,583 D'Onotrio O.ie., taadiron, wl Sit7tg December 12,2OOO r2- l3-os 14:54 AC HOUSTON ilffi=,o*,ikT*6sE,.o,'*; -*j U I D= r 978249 1296 p. €4 iu i, I aszor3*r '' I rrretr i--4Jor -sRT-sF t g?ffi #iifr'||ffi,ie3;1nc:--Tre Dec r.z@os:5-g?ffi_pbG..T_ l=+- -=r:--I-*,raq€_ F !41,s-Jr_ | .Z:9:tz-2r*J!ll.|-0 &t-rs tls'? 5-.t0_/ a-1,1S 1-1-O $cale = 1:2.55xg !i 5 8.w tTT g1-rs 5.001T2 5-rG?&1-15 1 FrtPelv (>7x14 ,:,' 4x1O ., 4x10 i.M 4x10 4-r 3],ll -,=-1r11_ _ __rz.rGi --..--'_ 21-+12 $.1G7 IOAOING tssftTCLL 80.OTCD! ts.oBCLL O.OBCoL to.o LUTiBEB TOP CHOND 8OT CHOED wE65 SUDEN sPAclttlc 2_o_o Plales anEr€sse l,0O Luttlbet torre!3€ l,CrO Rep S[.ss IncI yESCode UBC/ANS|96 ? x 6 SPF-S 1650F 1_5E 2 x 6 SPFS 1650F 1.rE 2 X 4 SPF Stud 'Exceot.5-r't 2x4sPF-s t6sOF r.EE Lett 2 X 4 SpF Stud 3.t6, Righr 2 x 4 spF srud 3-5_6 sRACrlrG TOP CiIOFO Shearhcd or 2-6-9 oc aurtirrs.EOT CHOnD Bgid ceitog d,Gcrly aiptiid Ot cstTC a-azBc o.74wB o.a2 ?LATES Ml|20 Waigiltr 134 tb 'O-OO oc b.acing- REACTIoIS ltb/9'-9| 2 - 2776,'Us-s, 8 =22610,5-8frtax Horr 2:.224lload cnsa 3)MEr tlptirr 2 - .246troaO caee Si. B=-24ti(toed case Sl fOlCEs (tb, - Fir$ t oad casa o. v I8ffil8f,B !:!, -'!i$i;;filH'ff 'l3i?=t'5;#,:ia3'6=-48s5' 6'7 ='6559. 7-s - tsss, 8's-32wEas +12 = 11e,4-r r -_ to96, t-t i -.isre dii=:1G6. i.ro= rrg f{orEs 'I l rhig truss has b€€n d€sBned tot the whd.lolds oenetared by 80 mph wi.,ds ar 2E,ft .6ov6 giound tcvct, using s.o plr ropctrotd dcad load B.rd 5.O Dsl bonorfl Ehord_deuo t-.rao, ii:O .l rio. f,u.n-c'Jo o""nt ru, on an occup,ancy calegory t, cq,djtion Ietlclosed buildrDg, of d;mensbnr rl5 lt t,v Z+ tt *irtr lioosi,il C"isii i:Ee p., uBC/ANStgS tt end venrcats o-r cintit€ver$ €rislil[#1L""ST"i$" wrnd rt porcher Exisr. rtrcv ae ior lxpor;-i;-,;. 'i]* ffib;;6oi ;;;"-."iil-r'jgl'Ja ur" pro" 2) Th_lE-l'r'ss has been designed tor a lo o ast bonotn cho.d live lotd non€oncvrreat wrrh ary oih€r live loadt pet Tabtc No, .r0-B. t' 3#,$iJ"f,'l;tj,i & 6 con$+r5epatltl,l to gtain vdur usins AilSl/TPt 1-19e5 ansle lo gfatol tormuta. Buildirs desisner shoutd 4l Providg mecigical co4nection {by olhetsl ol ut ss to bearr$g plate c.traug of r{t}rstandng ?.t6 tb uptitt at iint 2 and 246 tb 5l This truss has bEm dcaign€d vir(h ANS Tpt t - t gEs criterir, IOAO CASEIS, gandard 3x5 '.\ DEF|. in {toc} vdeflvertllll -O.'t7 ll >6CAVerr(TLl -0.63 lt >453tfoi2lTL) 0.67 g r/a'| st LC l-l Man Vd.fl = 24O f"Fffi A w^Rrvlivo - vedJv design parameters a.nd READ Noa€s oN rHIs AN'| It EvERsE stDE REF2RE usE oesign valjd lor lsf onty watn litat c!n4e.10.s, Tirs deriqn ts brsed o.t) u!4n paraftetEls shB|lr! ind B tor ar4 in{Nidualouil(ling componenl to b. instaftgd.nd toe.t€d v€nicely. AtDricaDniry ot Ossigr pr.rrteters a;; ;ooer lncorpo.ation o{compo,leo' ia fespa.Bitiity ot 6$itdin0 derig... - not truss designe( grsc,ni snown is 'o, ,ere; sugporr ot ,adirtdi/dweb metnbr.s lnly AldrUonai fedpora.y bracrig t6 in9!rc st'bitil! dwrltg congnudlon i6 th3' lesponsDttny o, th€ aredtor.Adiilional perm.nenr b,a€i.g at S16 overrjt slructvr. is the ro3porsibitity ot rh€ brritCinO Oesig.,or. For generd gu;Oancelelsdrng Jab.icaiian, q{J3.tiry roi}kot slDrage, ddtvsry. e.sctiod, ,od 6,a.ing, con"t t OSr4i Ovrnry Sbag.|/d, Ogg_t9 gtacing Sp.crftr.lion, .nd tB.gt Hrndtng tnr|ll. oa .nd A€cing Brtort rcnrlr$o'| ar.arhole r(r.n IrrsgFhte lnttltul.. 583 D'Onotrio Ortue. x.dt!on, Wl S3tr9 D€cember 12,2OOO *1- l3 - 8'! -4 liT * rElr,s r.r$r1 4_ ?+cra ?s+rpl.a{ 4-2-? }tors 3i}16 }IGJS 3-fi.r5 .-1€ t_44 sTE :I 6 scale : 1 :69.7 3x5 .: t5 rl ,t1 3\4 a s.oc I u 4x'to /.' '- +2-7 :: 6-1:l--+-- 9.17.5l!||116+ lilq { lE-!r6 r -.lslt:! I ._?r4r?_ -r&rsr5 3JOt5 3-tGl5 +tt-r5 +14 8.oo 1lz $(5 '' i I lc I torI d 3J I i €alo il LOADttrtG {Psr) E0_o 15.0 0.0 roo +2'7 SPAC[{G Ptales rrEreas. t.oo LurberlncrEfise 1-0OR€Pslre$lrtr. ttloCode UgC/AtrSX's 2 X 6 SPF 2100F r_e€ 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E 2)(4 SPF-S 1B5OF 1-5E .Ercept' 8-ll 2 x 6 sfF 2250F t.eE l€fi ? X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E z-s,t. Rbr'[ ? x 4 sPF-s 1650F .t-5E 4-7-1? gEFt in 0oc) t detVer(LLl -0.27 12-13 '9SVert(nJ ,o.35 12-rs >7agl|o'z0l) 0.40 s Na tstLC LLMrlrde$ = 24O BRACIM; TOP CHORD BAT CHORO ] PLATES GR|P 1 Ml29 197h44 I M[16 rna2 Wergfitr ?8E lb 2.&0 cslTC 0.48BC 0.79wB 0.69 (lrat b.) TCOt BCLL SCDL LU AER TOP CHORD 8OT CHORD WEBS SLIDER Sheatlted or 5- l G10 oc lr|rlina. RrBkl c€ililE direc{t.pptied or 1G0-0 oc bracirg. REACTIOI{S 0b/size) 2=9417 }-g€. 9=5984/e3.g i$ax tiort f-ZZ4(bad case gt t ax UdinA=-?STttoad tase 5), FSo0(tEd case S) FORCES (bl - F,r€t Lqad Csse Ont Iq 9!p3D 1ft4. 2-3:?s67, i-4=7362_ , 4--5*a33r, $6=7557, 6.7:-755E, 7_s=_10528. &Fr5,r6p, e-1H4Bojr_cHORD a-15+{xr3, r+ts=6202, 1$14-?460, r?-i3-s5t1, t\;rii&.'vtt.tzstwEsS {-rs=-.42, 4-r44?s8, Su=-:zr,lir=lCr, elir$o. i-i;tilo, 7_r2.r5:z, &12:2&}2, &11=344s r{otE3 1) ]lt.tu1 h" Fn d€6.r$ed fof tle $.iid to* gelr€rat€.t by 80 .npfi !rio& ,t 26 fi aborre grou.d telet. usjr€ s.0 p$ bp cfiorddead loed {nd 5.0 pst bodom chord dead toad, roo rni fom firnEaii oceaqti*l *, an o.trrDnnry.a"g,ory t. coidilion I endos€dbuirding, ot dimerrsi*'s 45 r bv 24 ft w{h etpo.rr. c escr i+s ;;uicreiisrss r-€rd i;i,ca;J ;6ilA;;; il;'., "ry9sed !olunll tf po(drs exist he,, are not exposed b wflU. itre Lm"ibCif ,crea"e ir t .3if. a.d he frale !rtp-inor!"* o1.33 4 A plales sre Mtl20 ptates onless o&aMse indicated. 3) IBllruss has beeD dosi{yEd h,r e rO.O r6f bdtorn a*E d nve to€d nons,tcureit |iflh arvotier,ive l€d! per Talle Ro. t6!B, 4) Beaflng etjrtnt(s) 2' 9 srst(brs parallel io grain vatuo using A sYTPt l-1sg5 ar4to lo Iralrl fo{nxl|r. Buiuing de6t}nereho(,ktvetly capaGit ot baarlno surfs€a 5l l9y5 'nedtaniEat comedbn (b,4tneB) ol hris b b€ad.lg plate cspa$e ot wittr.darding 2971b udin at jdnt ? 8nd 500 tb uptin artor* 9- 6) Thb lruCa he$ bee! dBigDed ttvith A]tsffpl 1.1995 criterta. 1l !p:d,al cmnccion requred to dshbute bono.n dufit to3ds eqE{y betweao a Dli€so, z{xy rru$ Lr DE coftrecled k{€{her Yinlh lod con|rDq t +a"l(3) Nals a8 io o,,l,j,rop {mrc|r connec{ert irs fu{ffS: ? X 6 . Z rops at 0.9-{t oc Bonom cho|tb €onrEcH as foatov,r: ? X 6 - 3 ro ,s at O4_0 oc-Wets canndd€d a$ tol|ows: A X 4 - I tow at 0,9.0 oc, 2 X 6 - 2 ro,w at 0-9+ oc- A --chord. De$gr tor rospeofietl **Oior|At i"A.y#f#'JSr#f, distgn pa,amer,r'ina niib-niiiii oilinTiittti REIERIE srDE BEtoFE usE De3igt vafu for !s€ only *nh lt?rt aon^!cto6. Ti,s desigr! is bes{d o.rty |lpon pa€nele|s eio|ln. and i3 to. an injivt}ratbrrildjag .odgo.|anl to be Inst rlsd ard toadsd rericany lgoticabiltty Ol d€atg'r ,Sarfn€te.s and prop3, $corporethrl olcofi90n6d is respon.ib[iry o! brirdrag drsqflea - r4t ksss dssjgn.f Sracing shor,n .s io.srorrr 6uppo.t o, i,rd,viouallvob men'!€ rs dnly attdilionai leDporary btaaing td rtsute slatitlty du.ing coruUlcuan i$ tnr recgorsioitf,y dt lila gr€ilo. Addrlsnat termi'r€.d bra n9 ot ltle or€ra[ lttuclure ts tne ,e5ponsibjtnt ql $€ buiEtnj Oesiq;. ro, generA guiCanie.e*6r(i,49 tab.rc.lion. qu.rity coat.ot, sloreg€, rbtivcry. e|ecrion. and btacing. co4"u,, dSt_fi O*,uty SmnOrr4 O$g.1e f1i1g 9nryr*"u1. ,Ild Hla-gr g.hir n, tffiralrrior e.d Br.Gang R..oirsr| rrii;alailabt. holl| ?1l|$,Hrr. rnsiihrk, st3 D onorio D.ier, lfudron, wt 53719 f.ssR Decembdr l2.2OOO r 2 - l3-oo 14:55 AC KOUt;TON - I-. ffiusToET6rlri-o.Cg.cd. tradi I D=r9"A2491296 P. O6 T-ill- i l-- 1,,**i a*l.-ser=6l-r #frffilno,ma, i,*. r,l8 ec '2 0Ea:12 2000 F;oe 2- LOAD CASE{SI Standrrd t ) Reg_uhr. Lumb€r hcrEa*:1.0O. pbte hErease=i 0Ouflibt'| Load3 ort) _ Vertl$=-i90.0,&.t0E-t90.o.2-13,-A0.0.gr312o.0 Conceot"iled toads 0b)vert r t=384s.7 A WARNINa . vcdh .lesigti pt',amet ts and READ No'fES oN Tltls AND RE1ERSE stDE BEF.,RE (.Jse D.sign f.lid ?or !$e oly r/ith firt ca.\neclofs. Thls oesi(F is btled orjy u!,oi param€t rs s:hown, erd ts tor an i^dividualbulldr.q ':on9ondd lo be iastallld a,rd loaded venicalJy. ,tplicabitity ot ctesiE t p.remete.s and $sref Bteorporabon dlcor'lpma'lt i5 respontibdity ot blitdtng designe, - oot lruss (taBjgnef. Eracing shoi*n is tof hlera, qrpson o( hd,ldoalwcb n€-rrlbrs onlv. AddrroN, renooftr.y bft|c ng b aBufe slrortq dlrllg a5rrstrrrctian |slhe fes;orlsltrtity ol ttl3 6r.rroi ^q(trrroaal pE"naaern b.acinq o{ lhe overa[ 6rrnctrJre b the /ecponsibitity ot the building desigrle' Fo. gerrr:l guidadcr.e!a/dr$ tabrL4atim, qncliv codrDt, rtoB9e, ddjvery. e.ection. and Drd.ing, conrr,t OSt ri O"any Sf.rro.ra, OSa.89 arrc,q S!'.ciri.d,on, ,n.t *E-gt lt..!Ihg trrtrrbiron lrd gnchtR.oo*."oo.t o. j""it.tL r*'rl l*."Fl|e Inar|t!l., 5t3 o'p'EtriD D.iv., t|.diron, wt gt7t9 rD=r9?o2491296 P, O? lu i I -, F5?o13se i 4.201 sFT-i sep r* *f*te'rnf-Tde-DdE 12 @aff:m-?dnlase I-J+g_- E1-lP _ __ 1299t-,r-o 6-rns or*r- -:ffi --!P# , Scale = 1:75.4SrG r: f a.00 irz 3x5 .;'3xF .+ q 5l :,1 1 i -,. r 2 6 1/' ,thirRF, tar l* Et4ft a. 2x4 i I 4x6 ::'lx10.. 41i6' /:s.oo3z' PI,A'ES Mn20 Wsiginr 'l 13 b LUTBEF lOP CHOED AOT CHORD wEsS SLIOER 2 X 6 SFFS 1650F 1.5E 2 X 6 SPF,S i650F 1.5E 2 X 4 SPF stud .ExccDt. 5,s2x4spF-s 16soF 1.bELcft2X4sPFSr'rd&5-6 BRACI'I}G ISl9l9fS Sh.arhld or 12-6 oc purlins, sxqsF,r €n6 \,orr;aat5.so.rscHoRD!'E"oJf uJiqgfl,r.*riedo'ro-do;-k;ino.- REACt|(}trg (tb,bize| 2 = 2333/0-5.8, I - 2o+cy'Mecha^icalMar Horz 2 = 3oEl,oad casq 4l Max Uptinz =-t Sgltoad case St. I -_ t 5gftoad case 5) FORCE$ llbl - F'rst Load Case Or{v I_Of 9ngftD l-2=32, 2.3=-sOOb, 3-+ =-5005,- 4 5_.3t53, s_6=.31s3.6-/_o, 7_B=_34rBo.T cHoRD 2.1o =4266. 9ro = {t86, 8,9- 2i26wE[s 4-to- |19. +'9=_r9r6, S_9=2556, S9=g9+,6{=-3u+si rorEs 1) ThiS trurs has !'e.n dgsisned to, the r^,ind. toads geirfat€d by gO mDb wt')ds ar ?b.ft,b.rve goond bvel, r|shg S.0 ps, topchord dead load and 5.O D6i borrom chord_d-eaa 6aO, rOO mi fidm fiririEi" oc"slrne, gn .n occupr.Ey catEg|ory t, condition tEnqlosed bJitdir€, DJ dminsions 45 ft by 24 ft wi$ ;xpo;;l CiCdi 'i& per r-fCnNStgS L end v€akd. or cinrrcvgrs orrigr in,H":;:"::tYry wind n eo.ches otist. *rsv are nor ixposeo-to n,in?. n* i'ilse' -ool liriiJaiJ ;ii.ial' J,ic rrre orare 2l rhiEJtuss ha3 bssn drBaned for a lo.D psf bottom chord f;ve load no.lc.rncurrs with rDy other t;vr toaib t€a Tabh iro. t6-8, 3) tleler to girder(sl ior ?,1199 to trust connectrong.t' LTil!""J#ilFleffi:Xfi*Tal'et to erain va u! us,Jrs.ANslrra l-rses anste to s.a,n rom,,ra- BDiditg d€d0.er shosrd t' ililf* ff#Al*l connection lbv othrls) ot tru$ to b€ariog plstr caDabla or wirhsronding t 99 b uptitt at ioim 2 and t 59 tb 6) This |rusr h€s been designcd with ANslrrR l-tgg8 cnteria. LOAI) CASEIS' Stand..d I wet,r,l*c - verih design paramerets aad &Elb NorEs oN TT s AnlrxtyEnss s/DE BE F}RE usE D*jgn vatid forljse d'ly lvfth mr* aodredors Thie dssbn i6 ba6ed onry opon &fllrdtsis shd$,n, ai6 Blor an tn6!id!.1rtuliding cmpanonr to be rng*red c|* road€d ertic3ry. tppiicaDifiy ot daggn ,arfistels end;ope' |ncorporat-ft olconpoatnr |s .esporsiollity o! blil(tlig deli9ner - not lrsis desigr,!. gracing tltoun is tor tata snfrrs, ot Jndivitttat illla!1iotttv 'lo_ot."tl tsrnrbra f bnc ng ro insre srabiliry 6di$g eo{l ru.rjo. is lh€ .6sponsDr{ty or ri€ erecto,. ^s€,ronat pedndo€nt bracin! ot !h€ oeeralt ,t ucture ir the |erponsibijily o, the buidag dasigne., Fot genetat gridarCe(ejardng fafri.altoh. quEliry aonkor, srong€, dellvcry erecton, a/ld b,Ecing. COalun o3t!8 0t Jiry s3aodard,,sa.ag Ar|GinI Sa$citii.ttor, rnd HtB€f Hrrdlr|g hfrrl|rtio. ,nrt Erac]ntt..omn"rdrtion ayr[aDte lio|n ,rw.P|a|' klarnuta, 5a3 D,ono|rio ortr6. t|rdi3on. Ir 5!7lt Dec€mb€r 12.20OO I ?- l3-OO 1,rt : 56 AC HOU5TON I D= 1970?491295 p. eA ' r 13 1 a- R5?o14oo { rsor- snrts"p rg r*-*,lHt*inu.;ti; -r|,e.Dec-Tt-ds:otor26d.IEOrr - 2+O.12l{}o 1-l'rl - - sa't -,__:a-t9._-J!_ :,a g -! t!9,.1!::!la-a-e{_--. 2fl-12.r.ir+ ,kl.t3 !ro"s &iss S!d?_ftr, a,z_ro ' a-r_6 r_r--rorjJiill.Scale = 1:87.9 12 I l ct 11 1 i(o Ii..t i t;P i*l4 ,F 1 LOADIiIG (psfl TCLL 80 OTCDL r s.OBCLL O.OaCDl to-o seac${a 2-o,o Plates Increase f .OO Lumbcr Ite.€ase l.OO Reo St.ers lncr NOCode UBC/ANSI95 al I 5.00 t1z cstTC o.548c o.73wB o.40 lMruixl 16-t7 >911 PIAIE$ MI20 Wsi{Sn, 4S3 lb 6xB :, 4x1Q /,,81S 61-$tta- zx^_.i '1 Special Special 2a0-Jz -F-1q r. . ee'l -12+6--14+qj?:1lgrlg1L. ar.q _t.+t3 3.to-5 3_1&.5 27_lO 2-7-10 2.?_10 l_t&O 2-3-S DEFLDEFL in (oet Udefiveft{LLl -o,z{ t&.17 >99s>999vrn|Tlt -O.3rHorz{TL} 0.3t 13t LC LL Mm lld.fi l! ^la= ?.10 BAACNIG TOP CIIORO Stseathed or 5-&.O oc purtins. BOT CHOnD Bi$d qei'ng direc y apF,tied or IGO{ oc brecing, GRIP 1971144 LUUSGR TOP CHORD 2 X 8 SPC 21OOF I.AE BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8EWEAS 2 X 6 SFF-S | 6SOF l.SE .Exceotr sr-t4 2 x I sPF 2?50F 1.9ESLISER Lelr 2 x 4 SPF-S 16S0F t.EE Z-3.7, Right 2 x 4 sPFs t55oF t,5E 2_8,6 nEACTIOIIS 0br'sizet 2 - 4O5BlOS^e. tr = 9t92,r}g-S Ma.x Horz 2--224Uoad caso 3lMax t-hLh 2 =-g4a oad crse El. 1t _.?sslaosd case S, FORCES llbt - F,rst Load CB6 Or*v TOP CHOBD l-?:64.2-3=-932i,3.4=__9-l?3.rL5=.10612,5-6-_10067,6-7=-gg77,7.8_-13128.8-9=.|7358,910:.23290, rO-11=-19?75, lt.r2=a4'aor cHoRD 2'r9-7452. 18-t9=7704, r7-1S=9544, 1$17=r1692. r5.16--.r56tf, r4.15-2rr48, 13_1.0- r4€E4.fi.13 = r 4352WEBS 419='585,4.18= l8d), 5-18 -.4_?-B. 5.t7s{33.6-17=lot I g.-7-lt= 5161.7-t6=3316,8-t6--+O05,8. | 5 - 3333, 9 r s _.51 I 5, 9- | 4 =s8i4-, ta r+ = oi i2, 1 g,'t-3 =. 176 troTEsl) Th;s ttuss haE b€sr d'esign6d fot tho wind.lo.tts g€nerued bl. 8o ntph wirdJ ?t ?1.ft €bove omund levrt, uslBg 5.o pst tcpcho.d dr8d road and 5.o grf bdnort chord-d!6d 6ad. 1OO ;j t;- f,uri"ar,. o"eml|.re, on an occurancy cateaory t, conotron IGnclosod buildi^g. of drmens'ons 45 tt w z+ ft w'ttr ixposuri ClCit )Er q.e" uaclAtrstgs I e$d vcriicers ;. c;trlcvers c'ist, tn€v .re expos€d ro wiad. ll DorcheB erst. rhey ars nor crpo6"J;;'^d-. -n"-t ;i;;noi ffi;;-,;"i.ial J.,o ,n" p,",ogrp increas€ is |.33 2l rltis-truss has bsen deggned for a lo o osl botlom chord fivo load nonconcunem with anv other livs toacls psr Table No. | 6,8, 3t geanng rt" hTSt g.llT$iji,j lr"fl:#fft"trJ# rg stair vsru€ u€irs airsr/rPr 1 - r ses a''sre ro Ean tunno,a. aurdins desisnqr " [iHT, i:.riT:tl conncctkrn tbv othetsl ol uuss to beadrE plate eapsue or wirhslanding 34g tb up$fr ar toiot 2 and )!ol uuss to beAdtE plate eapbue ot wirhslanding 34g tb up$fr at toiot 2 and )S5 lb I, Sltijr!''ff"t;;- ocaisneo wirh rl,rsr/TP| t-ree5 crireriaql 9pa€ral eofttecrion reguiicd ro drsrribr-rte,qnom cnord toads-equalty tEtween pt,cs.t) 3-pty trui! to be connscrsd rogclhs, w,rh ?od commoni ieg;i1:i'u-aifi; rorro*.,Top cho/ds conn66tsd as folois: z x o . Z ro*J ar olrj:b ;;. -- ' '*- ^ ttonq|ll Chords coanect"d as fdlowsl I X 6 _ 3 rows A $4_O Oc. ^. wob6 aonnecGd as toUows,: ?x 6.2rows a agti Ji.i x dl'l rows at o-s"o oc.6l So€c'al hanqerbl or coonEdionts' requircd to suppoft conlenuareO iiiOGi tesi.ir'i;downsrl<t6tO.3lbupar,+tt-4onbotro.n cbord. Desigln for unsp6cifi6d ca,necriofuit ii aiog;;;-i; i-ri-6ilH,rrs de"igtr,.r. - LOAD CASEIS) Srrndard1l leg_ular lunbcr hc.eas? = l.CO, plslc lncrease - l.OOUnrtorm Loada lolt) Vec- l4=-1 9O.O. &12 = -tgO.O, Z-17 =-?O.O, t t-r ? = -2O.O A-A WARNING - Verih deltgt pdramc.ets ahd READ NOfrS OrV TH,S ArV, REVEf,J, S,DE BEfOif US, Ossigo l/ald lor USe ody rith gilst 6n.edoL_ This d€sign is bssed s{y Wff1palar,ete/s shbwn,.n!j,! tOr €r individuttbuilding componen! m bB instattad ,nd toactod venicafiy, Aept,4abttly oidO;,goparameters ard p,opr ,ncorpora|io.l Otcomponcd l5 reipodsibitily of bdtding nesigner _ not t.uss d63igncr aG4ing Shgsn is te lagnrt jup!6n ot aarrividuatNrtD r''6nb€16 .av Additilroar r€mporary brsci'g la ins!.. !ia!u!y duriiq aonsrrudiofl is *," rcssonsiDi[ry ol l,,€ e,edo,arrditiofa! pernanenr b€cino 0Frhe ovBlaI sirucrrre ,s rbe responsibitrry or rh6 bu dtng 0e6ign;r For gene|sl gridarlcE.e9arding kbncation, quatay conrot" sroqs, (btvsr]l, ereqion, and brrdrry, .on$rtr OST{0 Ourary flrDd.rd, 0S6- :g B.€.ing Srecltlrallon, .n t h|a-rl tlrndttnt In.t lt.rio. rnd Ar.cininraohri.rld.lion;{€&ble,lom Tn i,rPl4t h.uute, 5tt D'Onoh'ro !ri!!, {adisrr, gtl tigirg December 1 2.2OOO ID=r9?6249t296 p.e9 lt 13 j. rl Rlzol4oo i 4zoi --srr .-*" o!-o*#,{H*t*,hEirrrubEa2 os-jo:d:* ,u-, -i LoAD CASE(SI Srandard Conccntraied Loads albiVeni 14:-7697.4 A wAnN'r/c ' verif dcsign patameters aad READ NorEs oN TItIs AND RE,EI.'E .,IDE BEF,RE usE Oesign valid lor use o.iy *ith gllel cDnn€do.s Thb desig, is lalrsat ,nty rrpon pa€fieG/s ,hreo, ,nd is fo, a|' inrr,virratbu'lding compo^e|rr jo b€ tnstaired a.d roedsd v.rticaly Appticeon,ry ot {.6tgr garameier" .nc irole, ,n"orpora|ion otco.nFoncd ls dslMdblrily ot buildao dssigflsr _ nor r/uss designs Braai^g ,ho*a is ,or la|.,; Supgor! ot indiv,rj u:lr,eb rne Oar6 onty Adfiional le,n0orary btac|ag !o rns$s stabtity du,trlg co,rslfucloit ,s t,le rcs;omibi,ity ol ths .rEctorAdilionsl psrmare.t braajng ot t^e ov€rarr strlEto.e is tne rrcpo.sDititt ot lle buitdino aettnlr ror grrwrat guid$cer4g{dirE jBbrica{io., gEIry co.!rot, rorag€, der.ye.y eredtion. anc Dra|:iag. coorol &T.q; qrrl;;E 9t1.d.r6, 9gr-19 Bttcing SFcItcrtror, ard [9,9t trodti'|g losra[.tion.cd Er.dng ngcorrnEnlatio,r avaraUe r,om Tru'lPl.t Inctiat|L, 5A! D'Onotrio Orivq {rdr3oD, ffl S3Z19 1?- l3-OS t4:5?AC HOUSTON 7x14 ".- I D=19?O2491296 p.lO i2 il R52ot4s1 ! ---E{ -' s*'t'! sep -ttro0u#{gf#,?G"-thdr rue-Bd rfo.B:ocorzfird reoe r .] ^t?-e-' !'g] -- J -+il!. _+_-9_F lssr _i__.1q1,r1_. -_- 2.+r2 247a,E'-t.z &$i 3.7_rJ ar.rl s-t_it - JIii- .- =-.*-;; 6x10 ri 4 Scale : l:66.9 ru,!6('o,aG6l. _- 3x4 .,. 3x{ :5 A.\ E-R-. I 1a12 \ A-- ..Utl.- 6 'q=-:-_- I Iir It Nl tit (f I 3x4 -:- 5.oo JlF LOADNA TCLL rCDL ECLl BCDL (psfl 80.0 t 5.o o-o to.o sPAq c 2 00 Ptates l^crgase 1 oo Lu}rtr€r Inc.easc t.OO Reg gtregs lncr NOCode UBC/ANSi!96 DEFI inv.n[L) -0.62Veniflt $.81Hor.lTLl O.84 1sr tC tl Mh t1defl lloc! VdsA9 >4539 >3477Na = ?4O cslTC A-77ac o.6rwB 0.68 LU"ETR TOP CHORD BOI CHOROwtBs OT}TER9 2 X g SPF-S 1650F t_58 ? X 6 SPF zroof t,BE 2 X 4 SPf Sh.,d .Exceot' +s2x4sPF2lOoF 1.BE2X4SPFSrud gheatlred or 2.38 oc outtins. R'gid ceil;ng directly btti€d or !G0'O oc Dractng. BRAC A TOP CHOFD 8OT CHOBD nEACTp S {'blsrrc} 1= 2+78,ro-5.a.7 =24f8to-5-eMax Hor: I a 2oo(to€d case 4)Max Uptirtt =-t73(ro6d ces€ Sl, ?=.123$osd crs€ 5, FoRces ltbl - Firsr Lqad case on,v SjFil3f, Bi:!r=:1,_f-.!.!1; j33,3iT.;-'J,tr9,glr: jlit'86--74?8.&7=-BBoewEBs 2_10=.723,3 ro - 801, 3-9=-riSO, +SlSiiEls-e=-1350 5-8_80r. 6-8=-723 itoTEsll This UBss has beon-desgned tor the wind loads gelrc.dtGd bv EO,::5-dj9{ l.gl! and. b.:o ps{ boftom chord de"o r-oja,' iilo ii r-dn,ltSgg-Tj*F^._era;fi fri;i' t iilif;";tf ;,H#lFfs$fl t"##THEX,i&tr P:3*_y^il$ 1 ?5..|r rbovs sro{,nd bvet, usino S.o Dsr rop8[Sf 'r"."di"ff T83X,B,#rruKTJ*""il*,T*ffH,,tr;;ff#?":fl3T:.f w'nd. rt perche! i,.sr.1wi;ff;h'JdT;;,;'oi H"",i'"ifJ'di?';il""Jn","5r'j;il,k'f,:,:grip ibcreEs. is l.3g 1l *t g-iJas ge +1 Mtr?O unlars orhc.wk6 inrriare{r.3' This ttusr has bcan cu"ignel-ioii iti.o i"iEiii'fr'"mra ri* r"d rronconcu..anr w*h any or'er rivc toad, per Tabre No, tE-', l] F,1f,jYr*11#I5l HffTJfJ":"*'to srah varue usi.'e ANsr/rPr l-rees ans e to srrain rormtrrr. Burrd'ns desisn€r sr*r,rd 5l f'r6v'de meoh;;car tdnit-eqtiiilii otrrersr ot truss to b.a.iqg prale calable o, \.rhhita'di E r73 ,b uprif, '1 ioantupEft rt joi.rt 6, fhis rms6 ha8 bqer desrg,tod wirh ANSt/fpt l.t995 crfteria. I and 173 lb IOAD CAS€lSt Sraftrrrd ##& ^ - A I,VAXNIJVG V., th d.sign pdrume.ers add READ NOIfS Orv It lS A,vD n EVERSE SIDE gEf ORE USE Design vaiid to. us€ dlly "{ith ttalrtagm€dora, Thj, d.jtgn i3 t.5ad oity u}on p€rarneteo snowo, aod,s fO, a. indiriir&ralbrralding comlonont tO bs i'lstalcd r|!d krnd€d t i corieonen! i'..s!on6,birrry o, nuuo,no o."sn"i'jff*3il::ili ;:"XTfl ffiTif#ffii"#?lHH"iw€! ,naflbgts orr{y. addi*onrl le $$r.ry braclfig to insu.e glibtBty do.|ng conslrlotjon i6 fie rclFons,oiijty o, lhe ,.calor,AdrJilional Itgrm.n ed br.q'ng ot lhe 6[.t.jtslrucrure ic $rc ,*epoasrUrl! oi uo i"nAng j"",g;r. aor g"*,"19",*"*D9rr0jr0 tabncer on, qrstdy coitr.ot. sloreq€. detiee.y. ereclion. and bracing,3oneun osr.rd ourtry funtan, osa.l(l Ericii! Spcciftc.tion, rnd Ht6€l ,{.ndlno h.ufr.rio" "ol ar*ing i*o"*"-Ji:orJn"ailabte |rorr TroarPhr. hrtl|ure. 583 D'A'|roftio Driy.. I.d&n, ltfl 5:t7., 9 Decenrber 1?.jOAO rErOE OE Foz .o FI.,4 s8oFFIFI zo dE(9o ; t, e i-l E F FTo E E(J F EI ci FIti q oF F F Eo E{ U >t Er Ei o Er lro a zz hof4E d.!{ ts d Ft{zzBID FE z oz ig q HFHZvlDooAE o F 3 |] 6 F zo :tJ z14 EFIo (9HF do D ldUU() o F !4 t-' do FT 7 o : : E>o E1 Eqlq40 4,(9 qFro sEE O ort,nar"r oF coMMrrNrr" or*ron,k,TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: F00-0030 Job Address: l4l0 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1410 Buffehr Creek Rd. Applied . . : l0/16i2000 ParcelNo...: 210312102005 - Issued..: Ol/19/20Q1 ProjectNo ' e(L5'll 'otiV Expires. .: o7/18/2ool o!{NER SCTTMTDT LEROY S L0/L6/2o00 phone; PO BOX 407 MONUMATT CO I0r-32 .APPIJICANT ATJLIAITCE MECHANICATT t0/16/2000 phone I 970-376-5370 P.O. BOX 1"855 EAGLE, CO 81631 CONTR.ACTOR.A,I-,LIANCE MECIIANICAIJ L0/!6/20OO Phone: 970-376-5370 P.O. BOX L855 EAGLE, CO 8153 1 License: 552-S Desciption: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEW FORNEW SECONDARY RESIDENCE Valuation: $7,600.00 Fireplace Information: Resbictcd:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # of 6as l,oes: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 't'i'BrtrF *t************itii**:l*****tattlt****tii:!jtt***:*:****!r,l* jl jl j**,**:h;::** mE suMMARy Mechenical-> 9150.00 Restuararf Plan Roview-> plaa check__> s4o.oo DRB Fee___------> S0 . 00 Total Calculat€d Fe€s-> 5203 . 00 SO . OO Additionsl Fe€s-->$0.00 Investigation-> $O.OO TOTAL FEES--> S2O3.OO Total Pe,nnit Fee----> 5203.00 wifl call*>$3.00 $203,00 9o. ooRAT.AI\ICE DUE----> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT T0/L6/20OO GP<G AcEion: NO PLANS ROIITED TO FIRE DEPT. IIEM: 05600 F]RE DEPARIMEIiTI 12/06/2000 mvaughan Action: AP CONDMON OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIF.ED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled or* in full the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this saucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQt'EsTs FoR INSPECTI0N SHAIL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICI FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. mwnuFytn 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado AppLrcArroNlr- r.ror BE AccEprED tr tn.o"11$#l must include the following. Permit application will not be acceptedwithout this information: . A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III a a a a Building Permit Sprinkler Permit 970-479-2L35 L FIRE SPRIN Fire sprinkler shop drawings are required at tim€ of permit suomittal ana Rd. 81657 (min) stamp. Equipment cut sheets of materials, Hydraulic calculations. A State of Colorado Plan Registration form. Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. Contact Assessrc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel #Parce|#(Requiredity!!as.Permit#isprovidedabovejffi P^'' { n*/* 1T )Piw"&'ffirt t/.*4 Legal Description ll Lotr ll Btock; ll ritins:41 subdivision:w*/^_tu tHF6.2- 1f"'-z d,-y'"Phone: W"i'rr,+;Address: //Phone: D6farled\ocation of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) .- Detailed descriotion of work: \ Work Class: New g{ Addition ( )Remodel ( )Repair( ) Retro-fit( )Other ( ) Typeof 8ldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family(7)'fiultrfamily( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) xo (/.Y ---1 CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) Fire Sprinkler: $ --ttOOO rzl ************!t**'rr*,-g********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****.***r<************!r**:r*****>t******* a:; 1., ':'.1 ': ' Contact and Phone #'s:q7o -gTt" -f3'+4 Contractor Siqnature: F:/everyone/forms/sprkperm RECD SEP 15 2000 ,a STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OFF/RE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Registration Number Contractors Name Mailing City zpCode F /,3 t Telephone N System Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Iurisdiction Comments (for additional comment$ use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to buildint owner upon completion and sign-off. ,, ",-- HYdraulics SurnmorY BFPE P.O.BOX 29ssO DENVER, COLO. 40229 Sheet Designer: Colc By: Dote: JR JR 7 z2t2OOO Proiact Informotion SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX VAIL. COLORADO Contract No: 00-D 134 Building: H0USE Sgstenr ID: UPPER LEUEL Ref. Dr auing No: FP2 Construction: C0flBUSTIBLE 0ccuPancr-i: RESI0ENCE Aulhorltyr Hydroulics lnformotion Demcnd... Spr Req'd Pres: 't0.42 PSI Spr Req'd Flow3 25.3'1 GPtl Add'l Flows: O.O0 GPtl Hose ot Srce: 0.00 GPI1 Totsl Flow'. ?6.34 GPll Tofol Pres: '+U.'12 PSI Stotic Elav: 0.00 Ft Supply... Wcrter Flow Test Sioflc: 0.00 PSI Reslduol: 0.00 PSI Oty Flowlng: O.0O GPN Elevotion: 0.00 Ft Dole:____---- Tlm6: By: ---*---- Pump Doto Roted: 65 PSIO 55 GPll Boost Pres: (NR) PSI Dischorge Pres: (Nn) PSI Dischorge Flow: (NA) GPI1 Comblned Stotic: ( NA) PSI Reslduol: ( NA) PSi Ofy Flowing: ( NA) GPtl A,voiloble... P) 55.OO pSIe 25.34 GPtl F) .10.42 pslo 56660,96 Gpn Morgin... Pressure: 2+.58 Flow:5663'1.53 psI GPIl System Informolion Systenr Type: Hydroulics Design Critericr Denslfy: 6Pfl ,,SqF-t Remote Areo: tHos SqF t Sprinkler Coveroge: 16X 16 SqFt Design Stondord: NFPff 130 Hozord: Flgure: Sprinklers r/ Nozzles Monufocturer: CENTRAL Model: ROC Slze:7t16 K^F oetort I .2 Temperoture Rotlng: 155 Curve: Sigrrrcr C}ltncrrnice Cor p>or of lcrn @ Coprrlrht 1992, Al Riqfrb n e.rY.d 77AA Ayd.oullcr o SUBMITTAL SERIAL No:201"6HY1 07-o2-2ooo PAGE l- SCHMfDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX FN: SCHMNEWU.HYD 1408 BUFFEHR CREEK ROADvArL, colo. UPPAR LEVNL NFPA 13D PunpCHURN 65.00 PSIRATING 65.00 PSI E 55.00 GPM RESIDUAL 42.25 PSI O 82.50 GPM ST'MMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL MINIMUMSPR FLOW F'LOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE Lo3 1-3 , 34 L3 . 00 4 .20 l-0 - 08 Lo4 13.00 L3. o0 4.20 9.58 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 26.34 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT 26.34 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O 40.42 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBAI,ANCE TN LOOPS O.O9 PSI MAXTMUM VEI-,OCTTY IN PIPES 9. 67 FPS SUBMITTAL SERIAL No:2 SCH}.{TDT RESIDENCE DUP ].408 BUFFEHR CREEK RO vArL, colo. UPPER LEVEL NFPA 13D location From To 21 104 o 13.00 o r-3 .00 20 103 a FN: SCHMNEWU.HYD Fittings Equiv& LengthDevices Ft L 0.66F=E F' 3.00T 3.66 L 1-l-. 00F=0 F 0.00T 1"1. 00 07-02-2000 PAGE 2 Pressure SummarY PSI PT e.58 (l-o4) PE -o.29PF o .1,4 PT 9.43 ( 21)PE 0.00PF a.42PT e.85 ( 20) r-0.0s (103) -o.290. L4 e.s3 ( 20) 0. 00 l_.25 r-1.18 ( r"e) -o. 653.35 L3.88 ( L7) 0. oo L.54 L5.42 ( 16) -0.43 2.O2 r.7. 01 ( 1.5) 5. 85 L. B8 24.74 ( 14) 4.55 0. 55 29.A4 ( 13) 3.90 o.47 34.2L ( 12) o. o0 0. 5L I 0t-6HYt_ LEX AD 2L20 Flowin GPM Pipe S ize IN 1-. 055 DR 1. 055 BN]. 1. O55 DR 1. O55 BN1 1. O55 BN]. 1. O55 BN4 1. 055 BN4 1. 055 NR T.29L NR L.29L NR L.29L FM2 Friction LossPSrlrt C:150 0.0378 C:150 0.0378 19 t7 I6 15 L4 13 L2 1-L zODQ a 19 o L7 a t6 a l_5 o L4 a L3 a L2 a l_3.34 13. O0 26.34 26 ,34 26.34 26.34 26.34 26.34 26.34 26.34 F=E F=T r=T/28 F=0 F=3E F=0 F=0 F=0 F='r/E o. 66 3.00 3 .66 4.00 5. 00 9.00 t_3.00 t"l_.00 24.00 t-1",0B 0.00 l_1". 08 5. 50 9. 00 14.50 L3 .50 0. 00 13.50 10. 50 0. 00 1_O. 50 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 o.75 9. 00 9.75 C:ISO PT PE 0. 0396 PF C:L50 PT PE 0.l_394 PF C=l-50 PT PE 0. L394 PF C:L50 PT PE 0. l-394 PF C=1-50 PT PE 0. l-394 PF C=150 PT PE 0. t-394 PF C=150 PT PE 0.052L PF C=L50 PT PE 0.052L PF C=150 PT PE 0. o521, PF Lr T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T SUBMITTAL SERIAL, Nor2o16HYt o7-o2-2ooo PAGE 3 SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX FN: SCHMNEWU.HYD ].408 BUFFEHR CREEK ROADVAIl,, COLO. UPPER LEVEL NFPA ]-3D Location Flow Pipe Fittings Equiv Friction Pressure in SiZe & Length Loss Summary From To GPM fN Devices Ft PSI/FI PSI L0 11 L.zgl L 25.00 C=l-50 PT 34'72 ( f'1) a 26.34 F=E F 3.0o PE 0 ' 00 FML T 28.00 0.052L PF L.46 3 10 L.2s1' L 8.oo C=150 PT 36'18 ( L0) A 26.34 F=GVTCV F 8.0O PE 3'47 FRl T 16.00 0.0521 pF o.83 o 3 L.2sL L o. 50 C=l-50 PT 40 ' !8 ( 3 ) Q 26.34 F:0 F o'Oo PE o'00 FR T O.50 0.0521 PF 0.03 PT 40.51 ( O) AUXILIARY SUBMTTTAL SERTAI, SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX NO:20L6HY1FN: SCHMNEWU.HYD 06-30-2000 PAGE L Pump CHURN RATING RESIDUAL SUMMARV ACTUALSPR FLOW 65. O0 PSr65.00 PSI e 55.00 cPM42.25 PST @ 82.50 GPM OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS MINIMUMFLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 1_04 r.8. 00 18. 00 TOTAI-, WAIER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM TOTAL WATER RSQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUTRED AT O MAXTMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN I.OOPS MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 4.20 L8.37 t_8.00 GPM ]-8. OO GPM43.32 PSr o.00 Psr6.61 FPS AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERfAL NO; 2016HY1 06-30-2000 PAGE 2 SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX FN: SCHMNEWU.HYD FROM TO FI.OW LENGTH FITTING 3.0 0.0 8.O 14 .0 0.09.0 0.0 0.00.0 1"3 .04.0 t_3.0 0.0 DIAM TYPE L.055 DR L.055 BNL L.O55 BNl L.O55 BNL t_. 055 BN4 1_. 055 BN4 l_. 055 NR l_.29L NR L, 291_ NRt.291 FMz l_. 29L FMl" L. 291_ FRl_1.291 FR PSrlFt S-LOSS 0.o69 -o.29 0. 069 0.00 0. o59 0. o00.069 -0.65 0. 069 0. 000.069 -0.430.069 5.850.026 4 .55o.026 3.900.026 0.000.026 0.00o.026 3.470.026 0.o0 PRESSURES 18. 33 18.37L9.09 L8.33 1_9 .92 L9. 09 21. t-3 19 .922L.89 21.1322.46 21.8929.24 22.4634.06 29.24 38. 1-9 34.063S.54 38. L939.29 38.5443.30 39.2943.31 43.30 2L LO420 2LL9 20L7 19L6 L7l_5 16L4 15L3 L4L2 131-l- L210 1r.310o3 18.00 18. 00 18. O0 1_8. 00 l_8. o0 L8. oo L8. oo L8. oo 18. OO l_8. oo L8. oo L8. 00 L8. 00 0. 66 l_l_. 00 4. O0 13.OO LL. 08 5.50 1"3.50 10. 50 9. O0 0.75 25.0O 8.00 0. 50 Hydroulics BFPE P.O.BOX 29550 DENVER, COLO. AO229 Sumrnory Sheet Designer: Calc By: Dote: JR JR 7 t 2 I2OOO Proiect lnformotion SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX VAIL, COLORADO Contract No: Buildinq: Sgs\ero l0l Re{. Orauing No: Constr uction: Oc cupa ncq: Authorlt6 00-D 134 HOUSE 11ftIN LEUEL Fp2 CONBUST I BLE RfSIDENCE Hydroulics lnformotion Demond... Spr Req'd Pres: 52.40 PSI Spr Req'd Flow: 51.68 GPtl Add'l Flows: 0.O0 GPtl Hose ot Srca: 0.00 GPll Totdl Flol',/: 5 I .68 GPtl Toiol Pres: 57.'t0 PSI Stof lc Elev: O.0O F t Supply... Woter Flow Test Stoilc: 0.OO PSi Residuol: O.OO PSI Qfy Flowing: 0.00 6Pl1 Elevoiion: O.O0 Ft Dote:-------- Time: Pump Doto Rof6d: 55 PSIS 55 Boost Pres: ( NA) Dischorge Pres: (NA) Dischorge Flow: ( NA) GPN psI PSI Gpfl Comblned Stotlc: ( NA) PSI Reslduol: ( NA) PSI Qly Flowing: (NA) GPN Avolloble... P) 65.00 PSiS 51.68 Gpll F) 57.,r0 PSIe 30068,97 Gpfl Morgin... Pressure: 7.60 Pgl Flow:300 17.29 GPtl System Informotion Systom Type: Hydroulics Design Criterio Density: GPll zSqFt Remote Areo: 3HDS SqFt Sprinkler Coveroge: UARIE SqF t Deslgn Stondord: NFPA 130 Hozord: Flgurei Sprinklers / Nozzles Monufocturer: CENTRAL Mddel: ROC Slza: 7t15 K-Foctor:4.2 Temperoture Roting: 155 Curv e: SlgrYl€ Dynerrrics CorPorof lon O Cop).right 1992. Al ffohlE R.s.rv.d 7 7OO Hydroullct SUBMITTAI-, SERIAL NO: 2O16HY1 SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX ].408 BUFFEHR CREEK ROADvArL, colo. MAIN LEVEL NFPA ].3D FN: SCHMNEWM.HYD PunpCHURN 65.00 PSI RATING 65.00 PSI E 55.00 GPM RESIDUAL 42.25 PST @ 82.50 GPM STJM}IARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL MINIMUM SPR FLOW FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 109 L7.63 13.00 4.20 L7 -61 1L0 l-7.05 13 . 00 4.20 16.48 L11 17. O0 17. O0 4.20 l-6. 38 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 51.68 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMNNT 51.68 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O 57.40 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURS UNBAI,ANCE IN LOOPS O.OB PSI MAXIMUM VEI.OCITY TN PIPES ].2.57 FPS 07-02-2000 PAGE 1 SUBMfTTAL SERIAL No: 2016HY1 SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX ].408 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD vArL, COrO. MAIN LEVAL NFPA 1.3D Location From To 30 Ll_1 a 28 LOg 0 L7.63 29 LIO 0 07-02-2000 PAGE 2 3029 FIowin GPM L7. oo t-7.00 PipeSize IN l_. 055 DR r_. 055 BN1 1. 055 DR 1. 055 DR 1. 055 BN2 1.291 BN3 1,.29I BN4 'J,.29L BN4 L.297 NR 1.29L NR 1. 29L FM3 FN: SCHMNEWM.HYD Fittings Equiv& LengthDevices Ft L 0.66F=E F 3.00T 3.66 L 4.50F=0 F 0.00T 4.50 Friction PressureLoss SummaryPSI/FI PSI C=1s0 PT 16 . 38 ( LLl-)PE -O.290.0620 PF O.23 c=150 PT L6.32 ( 30)PE 0.oo o.0620 PF 0.28PT 15. 60 ( 29't L F T L F T L F T L r T T F T L F T 2A 26 25 29DQ a 28DQ 27 o 26 17.05 L7.00 34.05 L7.63 5l_. 68 51.58 5l_. 68 51. 68 51. 68 F=T F=T F=EE F:0 F=38 F=O F=0 F=0 r-0. 50 0. 00 l-0. 50 9. 00 0. 00 9.00 C=150 0. 1815 C=150 0 . L81_5 0. 65 C=150 5. O05.66 0 . 0663 0.66 C:15O 5.00 5. 66 0. 0624 4.25 c=150 L. 005.25 0.2242 5. 00 C=150 0. 006.00 0.1B15 1-0. 58 C=150 9. 0019.58 0.181-5 B.50 c=L50 0. 00 B. 50 0. 1815 17.6r (L09) -o.290.38 1-7.7O ( 28) r.6.48 (r.10) -o.29 o. 35 15. 54 ( 29') o. 00 1. L8 L7.72 ( 28) 0. 00 l_. 09 18.8r. ( 27) 2 .60 3.55 24.e6 ( 261 o. 00 1. 54 26.5O ( 25) 32. r.0 ( 14) 4 .55 1".91 38.56 ( 13) 3 .90 1. 63 44.Oe ( 12) 26.56 ( 2s) o. 00 5.54 32.1-O ( 14) PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF' PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT L4 13 1_3 t2 L F T L F T L F T 2L.50 C=150 9.00 30. 50 0. 1815 L4 25 51.68 F=T, E SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2016HYL SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX ]-408 BUFFEHR CREEK ROADvArL, colo. I,IAIN L,EVEL NFPA ].3D Location From To FN: SCHMNEWM.HYD 07-02-2000 PAGE 3 Friction PressureLoss SummaryPSr/Ft Psr Flow Pipein SizeGPM IN Fittings Equiv& LengthDevices Ft PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT 0 L2 L1 10 11 L0 5L. 6S 5L. 68 51. 68 51. 68 L.29I FM2 1-.291" FM]- r.29), FR]. I.29), FR o.75 9. O09.75 25. 00 3 .00 28. 00 8. 00 B. 00 1_6. 00 0. 50 0. 00 0. 50 LF=T,/E F T L F:E F T L F:GV, CV F T LF:0 F T C=l-5o 0. r"815 C=150 0.1"8L5 C:15o 0. 1815 C:150 0 . 181-5 44.Oe ( 12) 0 .00 L.77 45.86 ( 11) 0.oo 5. 0B 50.e4 ( 10) 3 .47 2.94 57.31 ( 3) o. oo 0. 09 57.4O ( O) -t^vrt AUXTLIARY SUBMTTTAL SERIAL NO;2O16HY]. SCHMTDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX FN: SCHMNEWM.HYD PumpCHURN 65.00 PSIRATING 55.00 PSI @ 55.00 GPMRESIDUAL 42.25 PSI G EZ.sO GPM SUM}4ARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS. ACTUAL MINIMUMSPR FI,OW TLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE lt-L 24,00 24.00 4.20 32.65 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 24.00 GPM TOTAIJ WATER REQUIREMENT 24'OO GPM PRESSURE REQUTRED AT O 55.40 PSl I,IAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.00 PSI MAXIMUM VEI,OCITV IN PIPES 8.81 FPS 06-30-2000 PAGE l_ AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2016HY1 SCHMIDT RESIDENCE DUPLEX FN:SCHMNEWM. HYD 06-30-2000 PAGE 2 PRESSURES 32.79 32.6533.32 32.7934.05 33.3234.31 34.05 37 .90 34.3L3a.27 37.90 44.8L 39.8049.LL 44,8L FROM TO TLOW LENGTH FI"TING 3.0 0.0 2.O 0.0 L2.O 0.0 DIAM TYPE 1.055 DR t-. 055 BNL 1. 055 BNz1.291 BN3 t-. 29L BN41.291 BN4 Psri/rt s-Loss 30 1LL 29 3028 2927 2826 2725 26' 24. 00 0.66 24.OO 4.5024.OO 4.2524.OO 6.00 24.OO LO.5824.OO 8.50 117 -O. 29tL1 0.00L17 0.00o44 0. 00o44 2.60o44 0. 00 o44 4.55o44 3.9013 J.4L2 t_3 24.OO 24.00 L0. 50 9. 00 L.29L L.29L L.29L t-. 291 FM2 L.29L FMl L.29L FRr_ t_. 291 FR 0.0 0.0 NR NR FM3L42524 .40 2L.50 13.0 o.o44 0.00 39.80 38.29 1t_ 12t0 l-L3L003 24.O0 24.OO 24.00 24.OO o.75 l_3 . 0 25. 00 4.48.00 13.00,50 0.o o. 044 0. 00o.044 0,00 0. 044 3 .47o.o44 0.00 49.7L 49.t! 50.98 49 .71 55.37 50. 98 55. 39 55.37 VSR-SF VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FOR SMALL PlPE I POTT Stock No. 1113000 U.S. Pat. No.392'1989, Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending UL, ULC, GSFM Listed and NYMEA Accepted Service Pressure: Upio 250 PSI Minlmum Flow Fite for Alarm: 8-10 GPM Maximum Shrge: 18 FPS ' Enclosure: Die+ast, red enamel linish Cover held in place wilh lamper resistant screws Conlact Ratings: .Two sets ol SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps al 125/250 VAC 2.0 Amps at 30 VDC Conduit Entrances: Two knockouls provided for 1/2'conduit. Usage: Lisled plastic, copper and schedule 40 iron pipe.' Fits pipe sizes - 1", 1 1/4", 1 112" and 2" Nole: 12 paddles are furnished with each unit, one lor each pipe size of threaded and sweal TEE, one for l" CPVC, one for 1' CPVC (Cenlral), one lor 1 112" polybutylene and one for 1 1/2" threaded (Japan).. (CTS-Copper tubing size) Environmental Specifications: . Suilable for indoor or outdoor use with factoty installed gasket and die-cast housing.. NEMA 4/1P55 rated enclosure . use with appropdate conduit lifting. . Temperaluro range: 40o F to 120" F (4.5o C to 49' C) Caution: This device is nol inlended lor applications in explosive enrrironmenls. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two lamily dwelling Residential occupancy up lo four slories National Fire Alarm Code Optlona,: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 NFPA-13 NFPA.13D NFPA-13R NFPA-72 The Model VSR-SF is a vane type waterflorv swilch for use on wel sprinkler syslems that use 1", 1 114",11t2. or2"pipe size, The unit may also be used as a sectional waterliow deleclor on large systems. The unit contains two single pole double throw snap action switches. and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic relard. The switches are actuated when a flow of g-10 oallons per minute or more occurs downslream of lhe device. ire flow condition must exist for a period ol lime necessary to overcome lhe selected fetard period. INSTALLATION: These devices may be mounled in horizon- tal or venical pipe. On horizontal pipe they shouid be in- stalled on lhe top side of the pipe where they will be acces- sible. The units should nol be instailed within 6" of a valve, drain or fitting which changes the direction of the waterflow. The unit has a 1'NPT bushing for threading inlo a non- corrosive TEE. See Fig. 2 for proper TEE size, type and inslallation. .Screw the device into the TEE fitting as shown in Fig, 2. Care rnust be laken to properly orient the device for the direction of waterflow. The vane must not rub the inside ol the TEE or bind in any way. The stem should move lreely when operaled by hand. The device can also be used in copper or plastic pipe installa- tions with the proper adapters so that the specilied TEE litting may be installed on the pipe run. INSPECTION AND TESTING: Check the operation of lhe unit by opening the inspectofs test valve at the end of the sprinkler line or the drain and lest connection, if an inspecto/s lest valve is nol provided. lf there are no provisions for lesting the operation ol the llow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-SF is not recommended or advisable f|e frequency of the inspection and testing and its associated proidctive monitoring system should be in accordance wiih the applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quanedy or rftore frequently). Polter Elecldcslgnal corPany'2081 craig Foad, st Louis, Mo, 63146-4161 . phone:800€2s-gs36/caDada 90&8gz-t8ilg. u4r,lv.pottersignat com PRINTED IN UsA MKr- *8800003 - REV R MFG, d5400802 - 3'/99 PACE 1 OF 2 @.porfER FIG.1 Retard Adjustment: To ctrange llme, tum knob (eiher direction) for desired time delay, Use lhe minimum amount of retard necessary to prevent lalse alatms. A '8" sening is usually adequale tor this. Faclory set at'Y. lmporlant: There ar€ 12 paddles tufnished wilh each unil. One lor each sizs ol lhreada4 sw€at or plastic TEE as dsscn!€d in Fig. 2. Th€se paddles ha\€ raised lsil€dng lhat shovrs the pipe size and q/pe ot TEE lhel thcy 8re to bs used with. Th€ ptoPer paddle musl bs used. The paddle must be prDperly altached (see dFawing) and lhs screw lhst holds th6 peddt€ must be ' s8coJsly iightened. orRECYrOr{ OF IIAT€RFLOTV CAUTION: TO PFEVENT LEAKAGE APPLY TEFLON TAPE SEALANT TO MALE THREADS OT*Y. DO NOT USE ANY O]HER TYPE OF LUBRICANT OR SEALAI.IT. {ouNI so ARROW ON BiJSHING POINls tr{ O'RECIION OF wAttRft-Ow T'NPT niRelo€0 FrTTrf,l6 ol.lALt SIZ€S RUN OF THE TTE M^Y 8E THREAOEO OR SV'TAT WFE FOR SMALL PIPE VSR.SF t VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FLOW I ll .-'J:t-c,- l: 'T'l APPROX.r l r/r5' I APPFO)C nETARD SETnNGS (lN SEC.) OABCDE o t0-?5 m-40 35-55 50.70 5{t-90 DwG. X735_J3 Screw the dEvice into lho TEE ftting a3 shown. Care must be tiakenlo prop€dy orient the devico for ths direclion of he waterflow. On sweat TEES no thrsadsd bushings, insens or adapters arapermitled unless they comply with he dimensions listed in lhe charlbelow- lmportant - The depth lo the inside bottom ol the TEE should have thefollowing dimensions: APPROXIMATE DEPTH REQUIBEMENT TEE SIZE THRFAOEO SWEAT CTS. POLYSUTYLENE cPvc 1'x I'x t' t 1&'11lA'rt' t lrd r l l/z'x l' 2'x e'$' a 1n6" 27ne 211/16. 3 3/t6r | 3r,l' 27t1ff 2114. 2 Sr4' Ir/ N/A 21/2' l{/A 2?tr6. lit/A lvA FIG.5 To remove knockouls: place screwdriver at edge of knock_ outs, not in the cenler. owc. rE02-J0 FIG.3 FIG.4 LOOCT 8€tL TRANSFORMER OR EATTEFY POWEREO TYPICAL OP€N ON. AI-ARM N-O. NOTES: TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL D,6, '9?J-J -B**CAUTION: An uninsurated secrion ot a single conducror shourd not be looped around theterminal and s_erve as two separate conneclions. The wire ,"lf U" ""r"La,-thereby providing supervision of the connection in ihe evenr that the wirebecomes dislodged from under the terminal. CLASS B (STYLE B) END-oF-L|NE RESETOR cKr. '(sEE NoTE) cor.l. SUPERVISEO LOOP (SEE NOTE) c0M. MKT. *sgoooog . FEv R MFG. !54ooso2 - S/99 RESISTOR TO ADD'L DEVICES OR REIURN TO CONTROL DwG. f76t -15 SWITCH ACTION coM. \L/fho*tut o" J. N.C. 1 . The model vsr-sf has two swilches, one can be used to operate a cenlral station, proprietary or remole signaling unit, while the olher is used to operale a local audible or visual annunciator. 2. For supeMsed circuits see 'Switch Terminal Connections'drawing and caution note (fig. S), PRINTED tN USA PAGE 2 OF 2 INSTALLATION i;s;il,,"Master 860 Valve Model RP/RPDA Valve Type_I t2'rnin clearance to tixed structurs 6'min --I ",T"[?iJ""ff [?f;",iJx.""[?1ffi ;pgpi.**,,,4. Carefully inspecl seals and seating surfaces for debr5, Test the assembly afler servicit*^..r"ri"""i"*"irfiL3s ro ensu'€ prop.r oF ' :lg;;ri.";i"*.-i,$: r*#:#,##:l j.l:l-"::*r "t]s using rhe appropriate size wrencr.r. r{€moyo Spacerby grasping the flangeO enO offne sp-; 4. Remove the inlet check l"_b^*iiry;f ?.T"3l'Ti!,'"?,:It",Jitr,ii#'ff fl 1 '["s:::"'li:#::1""i],":::,:,.:#,i;;ffi J;; ff,,1ff ::",."#il'*hii*itff ;[riiJrnii:,'"l|'H:'.,rn: d +;i'il H;:1if'l; i=11:3::::l'::;;irdiiv";iiIl;J'Ji:X',,3T"11"",i tf, :[:lifr?.1.:grji",",_Ill.."rbredandreass( 3??3ii^'?,1oj;:n:ir-n-,::"'*G:[:':ffi ll,f ::: A1TiT,,[1l?,"j[.1;;;i-#"rhlfi ;ff I j",fljH"",:; l"i::":T:tl1iil;:j;:''';i,i'rffi rf,JsJil"ffi ;::' ""fi'*t,!"rH,.'E'* *'"';""riflil; '"ounu'"nrs and 'estricrions 'tr",rfd';??,it.n##,fil:ii+Jt$i,f,{k 'ffi?nff[:;^7p,f;]T;f,1"T,,,ff]i,:..'i"1,:,,r;;T,, rhe ya,ves iil.I.'ii]llJ$,I,$""*I#:f{fi,;iif,i"i,*""i"", ' " ;fr$li*.,1+rfi;^'.1,;15'uffi*ffi f#*fr* *T*141[- *':*#''1*:fi :'n; :#ftf.ffi11tr#,lH$trjiltr'* ''$$fffi{':NW #ffiffii;"ffi::liiffi#',ijxg:.fr.Ff:*"#j!i'#xilffirrl]";:n:f , rn*x.*l"t"iiliF,:ili:l{.i;':,:F};iF:T"[?:l Sjnce bronze plumbing products 6^1 4i^ )^,- _, . . RFr rtrF \/^r r.E a__rccordance with the localfy approved test mr ilsr:i,fjif !, rdancewiththerocatvaerrovea;; GENERAL service procedure o'carrornia trt-Jig#1AiiTdllii}*[*;1,,3$,j; gF"rfl?,tl r. Rinse arpa'ts wirh crean raareroria.,^.^^--- "?:Ti:i?#13:ffiffi:'g.:lil?"-qi"o:ffi",u,"oro*, "."*Gil;;Jff::1,,;,,:l;T:"#,fo.u."ro"o *''0,",*.lJ_.i#,,liljli,S.fiffi""H"fl1#pen untii*r6 i NYPART' " JTi,:li{ffi""ffitftffii*":#J,*. Horlzon tal lnstaf rat,on Horlzontal lnstallation (Iop VIew) Drawn 8y s.o. DWG. No. 980058 gl )uttgrbAil, BurrrfFr-v vALVEs VALVES LESS SUPERVISORY TAM PER SWITCH ASSEMBLY B8-SCi00 fl-hreaded Ends) Sizes 1", ltlt", ltlz",2",2tlz" THFEADED ENDS BB-SCSO2 NYC INDICATOR (Avallabls on both rwltch.d snd non€wltaed mod€ls.) VALVES WITH SUPERVISORY TAM PE R SWTTCH ASSEM BLY BBVSCI 00 (Grooved Ends) Slze 2112" GROOVED ENDS B8VSCS02 i i M-{T AR€ DMENSIOIIS USING SCIIEOUIE 10 PIPE ; M-8O ARE DMENSIOIE USTNG SGIEOUTE 80 PtP€ N-4O 19 FLOW BESISTAT.ICE D(PFESSED IN EO{jVALENT GNGTH OF SCTIEDULE ,(} PIPEW IS THE TlftENCH MAKE-UP ITNGTH 3., ATENhL LIST NO.PAAT MATEFIAL SPECIFICATION 1 Indicalor Sintered lron F0008P 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 584 3 Booy Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass 5 Oisc Slain. Stl.304 6 Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer 7 Switch Housing Die Cast Aluminum WIRING DIAGRAM (swrrcH PostTtoN VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS SWITCH 2: SINGLE LEADS Green Lead provided is ground for switch housing Switch Baling: 1 0 AMP/I 15 VAC .5 AMP/28 VDC Cap unused leads with wire nuts and tuck inside junclion box (not provided) NOTE: Valves incorporating supervisory tamper switches are for indoor use onlv. TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF LINE RESISTOR LISTED FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT BLACK RED YELLOW SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSY. r/2" ELECTRTCAL CONDUIT ./J 'o >=' t-1i F; D uesdA^a It] )--:\\ \\ tt t L// t t l\y- z.DEs -crcn ii\gE ' 'Trl Milwaukee Valve Company 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 -1 592 Telephone 41 4 17 44-5240 Fl.x4141744-s840 @ r** - ..orr.o *0o.* lo1 *. MILWAUKEE VALVE ) utter b dll, BurrrnFr-v vALVEs . VALVES LESS SUPERVISORY TAMPE R SWITCH ASSEM BLY BB-SCI00 flhreaded Ends) Sizes 1 ", llltu , 1112" , 2", 2!z' THREADED ENDS BB.SCS02 NYC INDICATOR (Availsble on both 3wllch€d lnd non€wilcad modcb.) BBVSCI 00 (Grooved Ends) Size 21lz" GROOVED ENDS BBVSCSo2 VALVES WITH SUPE RVISORY TAM PEB SWITCH ASSEMB LY l M-40 M -80 N-40 AFE DIMENSIOIIS USING SC}IEOT,,I,E 80 PIP€ IS FLOW fiESISTAI,ICS EXPRESSEO IN €OUIVALENI I.ENCT}.I OF SCI.IEDUI.E 40 PIPE IS IHE I1NENCH T'AXE-UP T€IIGIH 3.. MATERIAL LIST HO.PABT MATEFIAL SPECIFICATION 1 Indicator Sinlered lron Fo008P 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 584 3 Body Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass a Disc Stain. Stl.Type 304 6 Oisc Seal EPOM Elastomer 7 Switch Housing Die Cast Aluminum AAe DIMENS|oiB USING SCHEOT LE /|(} PIPE WIRING DIAGRAM (swrrcH PosrTloN VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS SWITCH 2: SINGLE LEADS YELLOW Green Lead provided is ground for switch housing Switch Rating: 10 AMP/l15VAC .5 AMP/28 VDC Cap unused leads with wire nuls and tuck inside junction box (not provided) NOTE: Valves incorporating supervisory tamper switches are for indoor use onlv. LISTED FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF LINE RESISTOR SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSY. ,/ <=-/ rr >= na ==D !esE A^o Itt I]n )-\Wz !ec:rcnii HF ca ' 'Trl v:zt') JUNCTION BOX sPEcrFrcAl?oNs FoR slow closE I 1. 2. SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES' : PATENTED Provides slow opening and closing propefiies in a quarter-turn valve. The purpose is to elimi- nale hydraulic shock and water hammer in fire proteclion and other liquid syslems. Available with or without an internal, pre-wired supervisory lamper switch assembly. When mounted on any slow-close valve and wired, the switches signal movement of the valve disc lrom the full open position. a. Available factory mounted to a valve or as a kit for field installation on previously installed valves, b. Switch Rating: l0 Amps/l15 VAC-60 Hz 0.5 Amps/28 VDC c. Valves equipped with tamper switch assem- blies are FOR INDOOR USE ONLY. UL/FM rated at 175 psi. Also available at 350 psi and 500 psi with N.YC. B.S.A. approval. ffi,@* LISTED For use with fire protection sprinkler systems 175 psi. Approved by the New York Gity Board of Stds. & Appeals under Calendar No. 996-81-SM, for 175 psi and Calendar No. 720-83-SA for 350 psi and 500 psi. (500 psi rated valves not shown.) INSTALLATION A. The BBSC can be installed in any orientation in a piping system using standard National Pipe Threads. Wrench should be used to hex on lhe end of valve being threaded to pipe. Pipe sealants should be used sparingly. B. The. valves with inlernal switches can be easily wired in the field. They will have two switches, switch-l will have dual leads on the lerminals. This switch is to be connected to the supervisory circuit of a Lisled alarm control panel. Swilch-2 will have single leads and may be connected to auxiliary equipment per direclion ol the local authority having jurisdiction. Cap any unused wire leads with wire nuts and tuck into junction box. All connections shall be reviewed and approved by the local authority having jurisdiction. C- A 14 gage green wire has been fastened to the interior ol the housing and is to be used as a housing ground. D. Recommended type of wire to be used is No. 16 Dual Flated UL 300V 80 C and 300V 105 C. E. lnstallation must be in compliance with NFPA 72 and 13, or bonded and grounded per Canadian= Electrical Code Part 1. F. The BB-SC, BBHSC (threaded-end) and BBVSC, BBHSC (grooved-end) valves are inlended for use with schedule 40 and/or 80 pipe, sizes 1", 1'1,", 1'/z',2" and 2%" per ANSI 836.10: INSTALLATION FOR NEW YORK CITY VALVES N.Y.C. special valves have a large llow indicator which points in the direction of lhe valve disc, indi- cating open or closed. The valve should be installed in a position where the indicator is readily visible. DESCRIPTION BB-sCl00 BB-SCS02 Valve Less Swilch Vatue With Switch UUFM 175psi -Threacred Ends NYC BSA Approved 1' , 11/;, 1Y"' 7,z%'. BBVSClOO BBVSCS02 Valve Less SYvitch Valve With Switch UUFM t75psi -GroovedEnds NYC BSA Approved 7Yr' BBHSC100 BBHSCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve With Swilch 350 psi -Threaded Ends NYc BsA Approved 1', 1Vi, 1Vz' 2"z%'- BVHSClOO BVHSCS02 Vafue Less Swilch Valve With Swilch 3so psi - Grooved Ends NYc 8sA Approved 2,2%' 2. sfrctFrcATrodils AND INSTALLATION INSTRUC INDSLOW CLCSE )( fol; ICAIING BUNERFLY VALVES FCR . :{. trflRtr SPRINKLtrR SVSTtr ffi,@;'TISTEII l I MILWAUKEE VALVE a! scll - 1wT Core Fruld ,-r*..I#"rt?,:lffi0",860 Valve Model RP/RPDA Valve Type_I 12'min clearanca lo ti.xed structure 6' minI "r""1,1""r'"t"#i[lf;ifi:S",,i1ri:?"",$rrreery.Exc 4. _Carefully inspect seals and sealing surraces for debris (5. Test the essembly aner seryicing to ensur€| proper oper:PISASSEMBLY4HECK VALVES '$l'jj!.J+i:,"#"fi [Tffl{ff:i:i#{1"";# 2. Remove cover bolts using fhe appropriale size wrench.3. Remove Spacerby grasping the flangeO enO ofne space, nonzontal Installation (Top View) Instailationt :r}liJl,3ffHrt:s for specific instaration requiremenrs and resrrrcrions n ft:H"_,*}.i.t_Lcheck assernbry byl"_y1L;;iiit:ffi i:iJir,?#ff ,il*ff "1',";"f""3LJliff $i,""11,'::,:::::d'r;;;ilil:'il:: ;t jtrj!+"#lggffilii,tr""fi :5if i*#$ililtil."r"H,,,: i, "-,fri"-c ii"n, u"ins."':'^':i:l:::ll;;ffi ffiil#;3#il1x1,?T,ilTfi'; t 3:n*?T.?=.::Erjp,: T rl,:. "*m bred and reass eml5?ffi iJ"#Tf.?Ti,"":;^::-r_trl#'::"",,ff ,f ';Tfl ;.XT,?,il*i"lpt,pt1_?.1'8ilfi il;l."ff ,lIH,:::i: Ii::i::,:I a i*", ;#i'ih J ffi L 'J:J ii::"ffi :lt|;i"J"d:'fl 1'il"r,1,:"J.:10_t!'","il,**"".ii'",oo, [,,if :#;'fi I#i,fi i"."fr 3i,I,"],*i;il#t,,x:lr"fr"":y#:'"::^.:::;r,h-ffi_'^Hflffi gE j l"T::=":rj"_":ckassembryin,r";;;;;;J;.;;; | "niTJ?::tfl:""'"?i',1'J'"Fi,!,1,??,s^:H!."?n.,:ffj'v.rheva,ves ;:*:elru::g##j*:;*-#lffi*[ilFjddi ; #,'llrf**1ifr"*,:fftkt,ffi#,i',r*ff flf.ff,Hff,'*.i,..*d'3fi1H$"1r:ryg$*ilf"iffff:ti:.i:l'fi 'l*l+'**fi1gffi' i,r3,,tt;liHi*i?v,'I T','ll *:?r"*yilr!fu :'..#;,'"'-trtx $jiiiffi $i:i#,1[}f#}$:l*tfltril*iltr#}fl:,$i#*+:*/#;tin#**ruu'urvii:+,Hdv.,.y*Ti,r".. H;#;*;t,#fd;;#ffi ffNmsu*$*m'w *;*1lflU,X*t*ti"rum,*3-t *;*,ll-,,ru.lf;;ff ftrrcNEr{AL l. Ctose inlet and ou e, h.rr .^r,,^^ --,-- :-'-:_,"..,j f111n .r. 'rh c'ean warerprior ro reessemb,y tr*jj*1T:s#ffifli;:{:iiff#l'.fn'fi?',,rg::. 3.",":$:ii:cly pre5 esp5, srL, GREASE oRsoLvENr oNA NypARrsaff!:liiffi #['#.li"f***i'[i#ii:i,,":ffi ,oJ",i Horlzontal lnstallailon Horlzontal ql Sarvlce Procedura (confl ed) 3.rheintemarrerie:""1":-"-'=.*bjl,i::"1:J$:*g::':""T"xf liii:'JI; cover. unscrevr the brass cylrn( diameler of ths larg" o't"t o'"p-t'-og;lnd pull away from' lhe cover until lhe smalldiaphragm cot"' o'rrnt'on fie relief valve cover hole andis comdetely seoaraled from the retiet valve co"ve i'5tcard old internal rel'ref valve assembly #ff;:i;;6tne.prastrciia-pnrag;ffi [?$kttlfii:"ilii"'S:,Hgremained in the toP of the reliel \'#;;;;Gi"i rrom tho relief valve bodv and discard' "}!**"il#q#*"'Ti*f 'i'}jilf i:$"'::t;.r$:i-,:if{[i [he new seat ring into n no," oiin" t"lief valve body. fihe adhesion from the silicone grease will hold th€ seai Ang in ptace Ourinj the rest ot the assembly process.) s. r,,.t"rr u" nu' intemal re|ieF v-a|ve assemb|y modu|e and inseft-.|t into the top of the relief valve @ua'' tn-"*" fi'-" n"* internal relief valve assembly module :1,"3###l"'lru"*l"lull+'""'ru1,i**l'l"l+"dlf.:"#'ffi #:'fl so thatit forms the sn"p" ot u -,ii. H'oiJ ttt'" "m"tiOi"piragm solhet it maintains this "tulip'shaPe wnire srio'ng 'i[nio-'in inJ retiervipe cover hole and plastic Ji.pntri. s"!k"r 6. Place the slip ring over the too of the small diaphragm making sure the diaphragm is not folo"o-o' c'""i5d under the slip ririg' Push the slip ring down flat until the adhesion oorn tnJ!i"'!" holds the small diaphragm in place' Thread in ths brass "y"no"i into ittt relief valve cover and tighten to "ppiiti."t"fy SO n pounds of torque' Do not over lighten' . 7. ReDtace o'ring in relief valve cover' Position spring over the seal ring in the retief valve body and noro.,n pLt"."nif" inseriing ttti guide end (23) of the relief valve asssmbly too''"'JiJ'i"riti vaiue duer' f,lake'sure the round bead on the targe di"pn'"gtn '"i';L;yseated Inthe counterbore of the telief vatve cover. position m. utr".[riio'ifre o-ring "risjts'"ith the,s€nsing hole in ih?ffi;;;;il;;uide slides inio the seat ring' Replace relier valve cover bolts and tighten to "pp'o*'tn"t"ty SS inch pounds' Do not over lighten' E.Afterreassemb|y'witha|ltestcocksopen(excePtNo.ltestcockwhichshould remain closed), slowly open t-flilair u"iu" to bteed air from' lhs assembly' &;';ildH.. r;xniusreo riom rhe assembly close all test cocks to *}f T,l:u:*#,*?+n;q!ffi'"'i"i*[']:"'1"1ffi f s.Testassembtyinaccordanc€withthe|oc€llyaPprovedtestme|hod. Field Test Procedures f*F3itr#s1fr"$l':ff :?itft13jf iiJ!"ilHj.L"r**s'ffi ol this backllow Preventer' ;,*-r-T;"* F" t-"J valve-shall open to keep the zons' pressure at least 2 PSI'less than the suPPly Pressura' ,lrr"n " O,o"t""tial p*sure test kil' connect the hos€s as shown io figure' ,. o*;,"., -"*, and bleed air from the test kit gauge' hoses and chsck valve body. S. S-lo"rty "to." tt " #2 shut-off valve and oPen t'est cocks #2' #3 and tl4' 4. Slowlv open the #1 byPass needle valve until the gauge Pointer slarts to drop -' iire'i11.',i"ir'"um). cibserve ft1:"**f*:f"df,il? #.t ts8,':H#i:; Itarts to discharge water' The d 5. Close the #1 bypass needle valve' TEST NO. 1 CHECK VALVE Requirement: The No. I check valve must be at least 3'0 PSI greater lhan the relief valve oPening Pressure' 1. Oosn the bleed valve on lhe low Pressure side of lhe lest gauge to restore tbe ' ;r"##';fi;'.;nijto " no*5ii"idins' then close the.bleed valve' 2. Observe the gauge reading' ine pressuie should be at least 3'0 PSI more lhan the relief valve oPening Prsssure' TEST NO.2 CHECKVALVE RequiremenL The No. 2 check valve must be light against reverse flow' 1. Open the #2 bypass valve' Z. The differential pressure should not drop to the '9li?191",31^tl"g pressur€ and continuously discna'ge *a-t"i]h-ub-6eicompression of.the*disc will allov the diFerentiat pressure ro o"ii;"r". irlttir ociurs, open lhetleed valve o the low pressure side of the rttrl*S" to '""toJe€ normal differential' Th( lii#ntirr-srlouu not drop to the opening point agan' s. n"'noua tt," g,uge hoses and restole the valve lo normal operation' PROBLEII 1. Continous relief valve discharge 2. Intermittent relief valve discharge a. Inlel Pr€ssure flucluations Elimlnate Pressure flucluation Trouble Shooting Guide CAUSE SOLUTION a. Debris dn check Disassemble and seating sirfaces clean b' Oebris on relief Disassernble and valve seat dean b. Downstream Eliminale Pressure pressure surges Surges Oifierential Pressure Eypass Needle -J.2-€@ r28 t550 Iar'uI-08/28/Oa UoN 12:ro F4[.,!?o Ne*wEscotank"r€ .*nor"ai'.!11,15.,Hi'H;;1*'[Tff"i::ff t-#j"Hll''li;i"Jfl"'l;l"T"*'ff#"' NQRWESCO tanls 'r€ m'-nuructsrF $' iistruction makes our tailiil"-i"d;'. .".r*?iT:f"'-Tj,Tjg.y.fl:linfr:i#"i; ?;;ricidcs as'ffisf1#Er.xt*idnTi4:'i::il:'.':T*#:y.:, iii.ii.ilimDa<r'r€u)rar'* -"- r'.-;'ii'iizers" h&ticider' insccticides and rungr.'qe! "' ' ,"tiia"u"ns to "itut" rafe storage of rincport of m5t I9:F,1T,ltt"'" 'T,";:;.-;'JiJ.o'i.tl.i tt at rneet FDA iF :|,][il;.-;ronwesco tanks are T"1{:1:d...ullii^ o.r.," tcchnolosy r"x"-piinwr5co Nonh America's largQst'trdnserrr t *z' nks are manufactured usino reslns tna( rrrsEr '-^ '", Iri6RWE5Co Nonh America's largQst' chcmtcatr. NoRWESCO tankt are T"1T::'::',:;;il ;;Lchnolosy make NORWE5qQ NoEn Amtr pot"bre weter. !uarfv., tiF,iil'iif- ;;il:U:''i*i"Jogv '"i" NoRWEsco No'th Amct : , ;;;;*;t* of rotationallY molded tanks'manr''ro\\r''Lr r with a frtting inctalled when appltcable' NoRwESco tankr ^standard N.oRryE:,P-]1n5,Yi *:.t::Ylred to vot #;G;;i;;;J wittrout a frttine as wel' VENfiICAL STORAGE TANKg Vertrcal storage tanks 616 6ost freouentlv rrsed for bulk starage anO- moUiie nursing applications' nronfiifgsCo ".rtical tank f€ature ;;;;; slou, built'in groduated ' *',,n:n'"lr:::lr;,i&'5",'n*,*' iij--afi rtOnwESCO vertical ttnks are ffililffith an outlet firing and siphon tube' ogdrJDrrin Pr'trlumwtlghl Hcigbt 6ll oFsning sP{<ifi€Brion ts,H' i{cEvt Wdght frn Nc. 6ls.OrtlooCrPldtt Ditmtt'r n I L ll t! I il !, :i : ,i i. J .1 ;. ll I lrtlI i. t! I 16s 11- ;;' lt: Aoz'l 3oo 3E- ;8" 19 40213ffi *: ti: li: 1: flili : =.- looo E4' ';A' v: i" *ls-t oors4 11oo 87' ;i" 19: i" 4qf9 4006r 13oo 87* #' 19: 2' 4ooes lsoo so' riE" 19: 2" 40111 40146 rsso 87- ';1' 1q: f iozs= 40al6 rToo 87' i;- iq: ;" 40019 4oor2 21oo 87' 87' lq: ;" iorle 402{1 2soo es" ;;' 16-:. 1' 4!9!1 40052 ;i,oo .r: :li: ii; Z:f- reli fi3ii Aoo 102' :--1- rr4 ;;8" ioisa rto166 ;33S il?: "';: ii: "1Ei ffi,I6000 102- tii" 1t' i:;- iili-t 40233 6100 rrol i;;" t9:. i:': i3!33 ffiiii TBoo 120' iil' 1q: ;:8" noqql 4o66s eooo r4r' iiE" lt: l:fr' 19ltt no231 loooo ,,r,' 1te- i:; ii? **l '" lg;fi14t' frl S5intesc it..l Bolt'd Fttting - Wirttln u?5 ditnenrloml linritr' HJA3€ flOTE: Tank eveihbllig may v'ry a<cordlDg to manufsctuling lo<ttlon' dixribrnor for ryccifl( d6tn'$r pleaSa conract Ngrg',c'<o cufiomcr S'rli(c ot !'our Norw€tco ID: o nfrrsmo sEP 06 '00 1 1 : 12 Ho o $qr*Fnmue I .005 P.02 qrc@E uhigh I 'p'gfiIra6fbcmffia wi& EMtm t WiiE* qf,tlraws tlvmx dlo fhe iryc{lr. dist . trdora ardvolq red nub of tsil idl fl &l/ls sc*c pnpr vo nn& i'r lnrrioN srd lcdxd Jt lho ttl'ryo ${dy }E re6i {rd h$rg t€dily itr &ald Jlctior h rrrs ld.JomranurmedSp rmolatmilhr $til1*tuonpef,rylffinrtqpftrfbral|rfr3 F,* 1t{o Qru ro < .15F. 90 Ilp trrV dry idnff i dd5 ]nlscaolru i4rro 3ti{S Sub prrpc re sufidtd p ondig $e$rds, Ih65i sufr ccf ir,p.np uo dhrn h a furlb td hi'o.nrru luri$ +qri s t.25' Cttrl irtrb*c 6t lht usd 86., .mh. DBy.co ad*h in lih u ldnftd sab u acryrmo&o o iih cedrrn d fI[lU apdodd]$ crr*t dfy cor'nad h lidtc hirys$a Anr" lin s.r$on lbr5p iri*r ! iDgnr n14 drr* (. r{r ttt0 tto ta ta{| tflt gt rlrl 3.D Crll I Otsi Ff RA4llq.I I I tr lao kr$ z..n ?,*fr t<, fr l-H*.90 o f.0 t0 loD lm l.o r(o rM gr[ UlD lql c^t t()Ns xR MtNLrr( [,ED'il-S0O{ ttfufrfRo PUMP ltuE 808-Sfl[HM{lH $nEI. StAr\D JJ{itCrUt @t RAm il$reTortEaEl0' 8il{tSfZS . f;AXt70t{t.lt80 Iu-+arqt trn |/lf,r TOWN OFVAIL ort* *r"r oF coMMr.JMr"orurror#*, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: F00-0029 Job Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: EXSTING E. HALF OF PRIMARY/SECONDARY Applied . . : 10/16/2000 ParcelNo...: 210312102005 ksued. . : 01119/2001 ProjectNo: ?,At-qq'o:j? Expires..: O7ll8l200I oI{NER SCHMTDT, T,EROY S. t0/!6/2000 Phone: po Box 407 MOIIUII{ENT CO 80132 APPLICA!flI Ar-,r,IAlrCE MECHANICAT, L0/I6/2OO0 Phone: 970-376-5370 P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE, CO 8163 L coNrRAcToR Ar-,rJrAl{cE MEcHA}TrcArJ Lo/L6/2000 Phone: 910-376-5370 P.O. BOX 185s EAGLE, CO 81631 License: 552 -S Descipion: FIRE SPRINKLER RETRO-FIT, EXSTING D\ryELLING (SEE ALSO PERMIT FOR OTHER TIALF OD DUPLEX) Valuation: $12,300.00 Fireplace Infonnalion: R€shi6.t€d: # ofcas Applianoes; 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pelle! 0 ta*t'tas***i**1t*:!:totrttf $rittti'!'!,!,t*'* Mechadaal-> g260.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> go.oo Total C8lculsled Fms--> $3a8.00 Plnn Cheok-> 965.00 DRB Fee-._--..----> $o.oo Additional Fees---*-> $0.00 Inv€sligatioF> 50,00 TOTAL FEES--_-> E328.oo Total Pqmit Fe€..-.*> S329.00 WiU Cafl-> g3.oo Pa]tneoll ----------> S328.00 BALANCEDUE-*-> 9o'oo ,1,*:l**:i*lttlaaaa***Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT 3.0/L6/2OOO GRG ACTiON: NO PI,ANS ROUTED TO FIPE DEPT. Itemr 05500 FIRE DEPARTU$'IT 12/06/2000 nvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FTELD TNSPECSIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,TANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corr@t. I agree to mmply with the information md plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances aod state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approv4 Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. :i; ) TVWNOFWN 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 970-479-2t35 (l without this information: . A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stamp. . Equipment cut sheets of materials.. Hydrauliccalculations. . A State of Colorado Plan Registration form. . Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. APpucATroOrLL Nor BE AccEpTED rF rNcoMp[OR Rd. at6s7 Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if ng bldg. Permit # is provided above) JWZ - | 7- L _bL-U)<'M^tzLZyru; t '"rf:F*' 6,1^ oJ B./^ U,,/ Legal Description Block;Filing;zr. .Subdrvtston: ryL%:vD*U fwT'tr -t/. /)-Jhv.J @ Phone: Engineer:Address'./ /Phone: 'ff' WW'n"Htlkbtds #) lL44/- L s*t sh,,'t-,+Ja Detailed description of work: v Work Class: New (' )Addition( ) Remodel ( )Repair ( ) Retro-fit g{ O*er 1 1 Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-familyg-fVrltrfamrlyi ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UniG in this bu'lding; I Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves ( ) no QF ltDoes a Frre Spnnkter System fxist Ves ( ) No (-).- COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: g Fire Sprinkler Contractor:Town of Vail Req. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:-isqo Contractor Signature: ******:t:t****************************n**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************r.************ 15 2000 ) X"ne/forms/sprkperm | "f;#3,?3f?'.e#?g* a PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Mailing City zpcode ffE:l T System Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) lurisdiction Comments (for additional comrnents use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire dePartment. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. Jun.29r'ErA 16.@0(. - BFPE Syslem Informollon t Hydroulics BFPE P,O,BOX 29550 DENVER. COLO. 50229 Summory Strtom Typo: FAX Shoet OG6lgner: JR Colc By: JR o.atat 6r29tOO 3839335984t P. I Flydroulics Daslgn Crilericr D6n*lly: GPfl zSqFt Rcmolc 4.60: 'IHDS SqFl Sprtnkl€r Covoroge: tgXlB SqFt De:tO^ Sionrlord: Nf PA l3D Hozord: Flguro: Curv e: Sprinklars ,/ Nozzles Monufocturer: CtNIPAL Modtl: L F Slze: I .r ? K-Focforl 3.0 Te mpe rohjro Roilnor | 75 Slgrrrq Dynorrrlca Cor eor crllon Proiacl Informotion SCHMIDT RESIOENCE VAIL. COLORADO Conlrrct Ho: 00-0 t 27 Building: H0USE SVsrrn l0r UPFER LEUEL ncf. Dr.ulnq Hot FPZ Construcrionr COnSqSTIBLE OccuPrncg: ReS I0ENCE Aufhorllyr Hydroulics lnformollon Dernond... Spr Req'd Prer: Spr R€q'd Flowl Add'l Flowl: Horg Ot SrOo: Totol Flow: Tolol Prot: Stdtlc €l6Y: Supply... Wotcr Flow Tast Stotlc: O. OO P 5l Rd3lduol: O.oo PSt Oty Flowlng: O. OO GPtl Etovotlon: O.OO Fr Dols:-------- Tlrno: By: Pump Dofo Rdt€d: d0 Boost Pr6t: Olschorgo Proe: Dlrchorga Flow: Comblned Stotlc3 Rasldlol: orF Flowlno: Avolloble... P) 60.00 psle {t.21 GPtl F) 52.{9 pSIp 29846-t4 Gpn Morgln.., Prarrura: 7.51 PSI Flowr 2980 I .93 GPll 52.49 PSI {4.2 t Gptl o.oo Gprl o.oo Gptl {{.?t 6pft 52..19 pSI 0.00 Ft psle {5 Gpn (NA) psl (NA) psl ( NA) GPIT (NA) psl (NR) psl (NA) GPN ffifl Ki,;"r# Caryr[hf l D!?, Al rl0rrr. tL'..rra 77OO Plyd"avllca Jun.29 'EO 16:83 BFPE SUSMITTAL SERfAIJ NO: 2O15HY1 SCHMIDT RESIDEHCE (EXIST} 1{1O BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD VAfL',, COIO. UPPER LEVEL, NFPA 13D 3839335984oFAX P.5 06-2e-2000 PAGE 1 FNi SCHMIDT2.HYD PunpcHunN 60.00 Psr RATING 60.00 PSI E 45.00 GPM RisrDuAL 39,00 PSr @ 67.50 GPM SUMMARY OF SPRTNKLER OUTFI,oIIS ACTUAL MTNI!'I'T.T "-11 IPI l3I I:I1!I3I :1T::I: lot 11.50 10.50 3.O0 X4-69ioe 10. so Lo. so 3 . oo t2 .25 r.o3 1.1. 59 10. 50 3 ,00 14 .93 104 10,62 10.50 3.00 12. 54 fOTAL WATER REQUIRBD FOR SYSTEM 44.2]. GPM TOTAL WATSR REQUIREMENT 44.21 GPM pnessunr REQUIIED AT O 52.4e Psr }IAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBAI.ANCE IN LOOPS O'O9 PSI MAXIMU!,i VEIOCITY IN PIPES 16'23 FPs J\n,29 'Ag t6.Ag SUBMITTAL SEnIAIT NO! 2O15HY1 scHMrDT RESTDENCE (?Xrsf) 1410 BUFPEHR CREEK ROAD VAIL,, COIP. UPPER LEVEL NFPA 13D Location Flowin Fron To GPM x8 r.02 Q I"O. 50 FFX P.? 06-29-2000 PAGE 2 FN! SCHI'IIDT2.HYD Equiv Friction PressureLrinsth Loss SunnarYFt- Psr/Ft Psr L r.oo c*1.50 pt 12.25 (102) F 3. O0 PE -0.43T 4.OO O.o254 PF O.10 L 11.00 C=150 PT 11.92 ( 18) F o.oo PE 2.38 T 11.00 0.025{ PF 0.28Pr 14.58 ( 17) 3A39335984o 18t7 Q 10. 50 Plpe FltttngsSize EIN Devlces 1. 055 r'=E DR L. 055 F-O BNl 1.9 103 o 19DQ a 11.59 10. 62 22.22 PT PE PP PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF P! PE PF PI PS PP PT PE PF o o 2019 15 16 15 14 13 20 L04 1. 055 DR 1. O55 BNI. 1.055 DR t. 055 BN2 1.055 DR 1. 055 BN2 1. 055 BN 1., 055 FM5 L.29t FM4 10.62 L0.62 F=E F=E F=T/E F-T/28 L F T L F T L r T L F T. 1.. OO C=150 3 .00 4 . o0 0. o260 12.33 C-150 3.O015.33 0.0260 2.33 C=150 11.0013.33 0. 0305 24.50 C-150 1.4.0038.50 0.101? l. O0 C-l5O 8.009,00 0,030r 3.00 C-I50 11. 00 14 . OO O. 0999 22.50 C=150 11.0031.50 0.0999 0,50 C=150 3 .00 3. 50 0, 3634 1?.50 C=150 9. 0026.50 0. 1360 12.s4 (10{) -O.43o.10 12.2r ( 20) 2. 38 0.4014.ee ( 19) 14. e3 (103) -0.43 0, 41 14.91 ( 19) -2.503.9216.23 ( ls) r4.59 (L0r) -0.{3 o,27 r.{.53 ( 17) 0..031,40 16.36 ( 16) -3 .47 3.35 15. 2'l ( 15) o. oo 1.27 1?.5r. ( 14 ) 7, 58 3. 60 l? 101 a 1?DQ a 16 a 15DQ a 14 o rL. 50 10. 50 22.00 22. OO 22.22 44.21 {{.21 F=T F=T,zE F=T,zE F=E F-T L F T F T L F T L F T f F T Jun.29 'W 16:.87 BFPE FS( FN: SCHMIDT2THYD P.3 06-29-200o PAGE 3 383935944 o SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2016HY1 SCHMIDT RESIDENCE (8XIST) 1410 BUFFEHR CREET( ROAD vArL, colo. UPPER I,EVEL NF'PA 13D Locatlon Fl'oe, 1n From To GPH L2 13 Q 44.21 a a4.2L Q ,l{.2f Q 44.2L Q 44. aI Equiv Friction PreesureLenqth LoEs surnmary Ft- PSI/FI PSI 18.?5 C-l5o PT 28'69 ( r3) 26.00 PE o.o0 44.25 0.1360 PF 5.02 10.00 C=1.5O PT 34 -7L ( L2, 4 .00 PE 4.33 t4.00 0.1360 PF 1.90 20.33 C=15o PT 40.9t0 ( rl) 17. 00 PE 0. oo 37.33 0.1360 pF 5.08 8.oo C-150 P? 46.02 ( 10) t3.Oo PE 3.4721.00 0.1360 Pr' 2.45 o,50 C-15o PT 52.35 ( 3) o. o0 PE 0. O0 0.50 0.1360 PF 0.07 PT 52.42 ( o) L F T L r T L: r IP L F T L F T t2 tl 10 11 1.0 PlpeSize IN 1.291 FM3 1,291 FM2 1- 29L FM1 1.29L FR1 t .291 FR Fltttngs & Devices F=27 ' 2E F=E F=28, T F=GVr CV F=O Jun.29'OQ 16:62 EFPE FNX P.4 AUXILIARY SUBI.IITTAL SERIAL,, NO:zOl5HYI 06-?9-2000 PAGE I SCHMIDT RESTDENCE (Exlsr) fNl SCHMID"2.HVD PutnPCHURN 60,00 PsrRATTNG 60.00 PSI € 4s.00 GPM RESIDUAI, 39. OO PSI € 6?.50 GP}'T SUMI.IARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFIPWS ACTUAL !{INTMUMSPR FI,,oW FLOI{ K-FACTOR PRESSURE 3839335984o ro2 15.oO 15.00 3.00 25.OO TOTAL WATER REQUIRED TOR SYSTEFT I5.OO GPM TOTAL IIIATER REQUIREI'IENT 15.00 GPM PRESSURE REOUTRED AT O 45.19 PSI M.AXIMUM PRESSURE UNBAINNCE IN LOOPS O ' OO PSI MAXIMUM VEI,OCITY IN PTPES 5.51 FPS AUXILIARY SUBUTTTAIJ SERIAL NO: 2O16HY1 SCHMIDT RESIDENCE (ExIsT) FN: SCHMIDTZ'HYD DIA.!,I TYPE 1.O55 DRr.o55 BNl 1.055 BN2 1.055 BN1.055 FMs 1.291, FM41.291 FM3 1,291 FM21.291 FMl1.291 FR1 1.291 FR PSI,/FI S-rOSS 0.049 -0.430.o49 2.380.o49 0.43o.o49 -3.47 0. 049 0. 00 o. o18 ?. 58 o.019 0.00o.o18 4.33 0. 0L8 0. oo o- ol8 3.47o.018 0.00 o6-2t-2000 PAGE 2 PRESSURES 24.77 25. OO27.69 24.7?28.81 27.6926.99 28.8r27.L6 26.9935.23 27.1636.04 35.2340.63 36.04 41. 32 40.6345.18 41.32{5.1,9 45.1,8 FROM TO FTJOW LENGTH FITTTNG 3.0o,o 11.01r.0 3.O 9.0 26.O4.0 1?.0 13.0 0.0 18 10217 1816 l715 16t4 1513 L4t2 13T1 L210 113 10o3 15.00 1.00 15. O0 11. 0t)15.Oo 3,00 15. O0 22.5015.00 0, 50 15. O0 17 ,50 15. O0 18.25 15. OO 10. 0015.00 ?o. 33ls. oo I .00ls.00 0. 50 o POTT FOR SMALL P]PE VSR-SF VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETAHD UL, ULC, CSFM Listed and NYMEA Accepted Service Pressure: Up to 250 PSI Mlnlmum Flow Rate for Alarm: 8-'10 GPM Maximum Surge: 18 FPS Enclosure: Die-cast, red enamel finish Cover held in place with lamper resistant screws Contact Fatings: Two sels of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250 VAC 2.0 Amps at 30 VDC Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for 1/2'conduit. Usage: Listed plastic, copper and schedule 40 hon pipe.' Fits pipe sizes - 1',1 114",1 112" and 2" Note: l2 paddles are furnished with each unil, one for each pipe size of threaded and sweat TEE, one for 1" CPVC, one for 1" CPVC (Central), one lor t 1/2' polybutylene and ons for 1 1/2" threaded (Japan).. (CTS-Copper tubing size) Environmentat Specif icatlons: . Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with lactory installed gasket and die-cast housing.. NEMA 4/1P55 rated enclosure - use with appropriale conduit' fitting. . Temperatufe range: 40' F to 120' F (4.5' C to 49" C) Caution: This device is not intended for applications in, explosive environmenls. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Residential occupancy up to four slories National Fire Alarm Code Stock No. 1 'l 13000 U.S. Pat. No.3921989, Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Olher Patenls Pending NFPA-13 NFPA-I3D NFPA.13R NFPA.72 Optional: Gover Tamper Swilch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 The Model VSR-SF is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems that use 1', 1 114",1112' or2" pipe size. The unit may also be used as a sectional waterflow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pote double throw snap action swilches and an adjuslable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are acluated when a flow of 8-10 gallons per minute or more occufs downstream of the device. The flow condilion must exist for a period of time necessary lo overcome the selected retard period. INSTALLATION: These devices may be mounted in horizon- tal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be in- slalled on the top side of the pipe where they will be acces- sible. The units should not be installed within 6" of a valve, drain or litting which changes the direction ol lhe waterftow. The unit has a 1" NPT bushing for threading into a non- conosive TEE. See Fig. 2 for proper TEE size, type and installation. Screw the device into the TEE fifting as shown in Fig. 2. Care musl be liken lo properly orient the device for the direction of waterflow. ThE vane must not rub the inside of the TEE or bind in any way. The stem should move freely when operated by hand, The device can atso be used in copper or plastic pipe installa- tions with the proper adapters so that the specified TEE litting may be installed on the pipe run. INSPEGTION AND TESTING: Check the operation ol rhe unit by opening the inspedofs test valve at the end of the sprinkler line or lhe drain and lest connection, if an inspector,s lest valve is not provided. lf there are no provisions for lesting the operation of the flow detection device on the system, applicatiori of the VSF-SF is not recommended or advisable fbe frequency of the inspection and testing and itg associated proiective monitoring syslem should be in accordance with the applicable NFPA Godes and Standards and/or authority having jurisdiction (rnanufaclurer recommends quarterty oi more frequently). Potler Eleciric Signal company '2081 Craig Road,.St. Louis, Mo, 68.t4H161.. Phone: 80s325-3936/Canada 905-882-1ggg. ww\y.pone6ignat.com MKT. f8800003 - REV R MFG. *5400802 - 3/99 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 @,porfER '\': .}l: FOR SMALL PIPE o VSR.SF . . VANETYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG.1 Fetard Adiushnent3 To ciange time, tum knob (€ithsr directlon) for desked time delay. Us€ lhe minlmum amount of retiard necessary to prevent lalsg alatms. A "B sefting is usually adequate tor lhis. Faclory set at'd. lmportant: : There are I 2 paddles tumished with each unit On6 lor €ach size ol lhreadEd, $r,eal or daslic TEE as dBscdbed In Fig. 2. These paddles hav6 ralssd lettBdng thal shows the pipe size and qpe ot TEE lhal lhey ara lo be used wilh. The proper paddls musl bo usod. The paddle must be pFpedy aflached (s€E dra$,ing) and lhe screw lhat holdE lhe paddle musl be socur.s,ly-tigt|tened. FLOW I l1 Ir\:1-/-\-J | (-r-' lr \*i'"14 ltl |" owc. t73s-J3 APPROX,I rrlr6" -il 1737 - 31 uouNl so ARROW ON BUSHING PONIS tt{ orREcTtoN 0f IVATERfLOW t' i,tPI THRCAOEO FITIING ON ^rL 9Z€S FgN OF THE TEE I$AY BE IHRIADED OR SY'EAI TTPE O,FEC''ON OF WATCR'LOW Dw6. 180?-30 CAUTIOH: TO PFEVEMT LEAKAGE APPLY TEFLON TAPE SEALANT TO MALE 1HREADS ONLY. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER TYPE OF LUBRICANT OR SEALANT. APPROK RETARD SETNNGS (|N SEC.) OABCDE 0 10-?5 ?0-40 3t55 50-70 60-90 Screw lhe device into tha TEE fitting ai shown. Care must be lakento propedy odent lhe devicE lor the direclion of he waterflow. On sweat TEES no trrEaded bushings, inserls or adaplers arepermitled unless they comply with the dimensions tisteO in'rne cnirfbelow- lmportant-The depth to lhe Inside bottom of the TEE should have thelollowing dimensions: APPROXIMATE DEPTH REQUIREMENT ]HREADEO SWEAT CTS. POLYEUTYLENE cPvc I'x I'x i' l1/4'rtl/4'r1. I U2.rI l/2.r1. 2'xe',l1' ? l^6' 2 746. 2 r1/18. 3 3/r6. I 3r4. 27lta. 2\t+ 2 3t4' N,/A N/A 21t2' wA 27t1e N,/A N,/A r.t/A t'' FIG.3 FIG.4 LOCAL BELL IRANSFORMER OR EAI1ERY POWEREO SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL scno !t*6. rr2!-! CAUTION: An uninsulated section or a singre conducror shourd nor be rooped around rhelerminal and.serve as two separale connections. The wire muit be severed,lhereby providing supervision of the connecrion in rhe evenr that the wkebecomes dislodged from under the terminal. coM. ON AIARM TYPICAL ELECTHICAL CONNECTIONS CLASS B (SIYLE B) ENO-OF-LINE RESISTOR cKI. (sTE NoTE) coM. FIG.5 To remove knockouls: place screwdn'ver at edge of knock_ outs, not in the center. EOL RESISTOR SUPERVISEO LOOP (SEE c0M. NOrE) TYPICAL OPEN ON.ALARM N.0. NOTES: 1. The modelvsr-sf has two switches, one can be used to operale a central slalion, proprietary or remote signaling unit, while the other is used to operale a local audible or visuai annunclatot 2. For supervised circuils see 'swilch rerminal connections'drawing and caution note (fig. g). clos€ oN ATARM .[[RY*'. 'lit^Fil PANEL I N o SMTCH ACTION cotl. ',.L/:LX'". o* J. N.C. IO ADD'L oEvtcEs OR RETURN TO CONTROL DWG. l76t -t5 MKT. 18800003 - REV R MFG. {s4@go2 - 3r'99 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2 ,FEEEEf, Com Ftuld rH srer rl?iiif;riSiitr or.rs 860 Valve Model RP / RPDA Valve Type_I Horlzontal f nstafiatf on Drawn 8y s.o. l2'min clearance to fix6d gtructuIe 3'min "3J#lJ""'ffi [1f;?tr*Hi1,i:,*."$:!.n*,,. 4. Carefully inspecl seals and se s. resr tne assEma;";; r:*", ,* surfaces fordebri p'torat"ar""t""* uoiJrJg lo ensure proper op '"{*iiit-r"F*"fi [i[*.,;li#r':;'";"';;ile.n"'o**"",0or,-,",Lrn'girT]ril ji[l].Tl'i1;." 3. R6mov6 Spacer bygrasping the flanged end ofthe soacffil-f ' :fl*:f.lilf.li?r-,iffi,T,?il:r3itr'fi:;,ffjri ffi,itdFf.Fffi#,#]$*-,J!-V,' Y^LVtr DEAL REPLACEMENT ,;:n#?Tri:.""90"1,f,:rj:-ol,.l,.."mbredand,easse 1 conc r,, ,^^^, "o*on'"',l.l1"il nop vrew) . ay*f"r1r"*r*iikri^fr$*"j*:Ul,",ir,t :#iJi,3fi#nror speciric instararion requiremenrs and iesrricrions tffi,"i,-"{'fllilJt:,t::Y,:;'ff:jl?i:."::[il"-rtu. i.ri,t iri,,;J 2' Thes€ instruc ;1aj;::.;jii:^,:,.:.J mav De insra,i::;^tflfi:Tfff,l"T,ffi::L"-l,r'to.Z"onry. rhe varves ,, 8. .',c'o,,s,,', ",,,,,r,,1iir lj"[rjl#:,fr l*ji,$;"?jf"fi] *!:ir:x,:u^rflfi:Tfff,,'"T'ffi;t'fir,:",:^1-T,v. rhe va,ves ;lyEffilI :i$djfl;1i:l:g:lgff 1,.1:',#Fg*nrul#-*,"-r,,1l5ffi *'**;n'i'''^-'i;";;Iffi ""';'* :*l+lufi+.--*rN*";ti:ffi',,:gl***ru*p'Ifl;,9ff r*n''g #;;'ffffiffffiffi'.5e'g:g1gg5,gsgix.ffi , ffiitr$"r*ru#tr";*{i*;trtrjf#r$'*- -"e 'r'E 't lrom possible damage. -----r -Y e{rrn'rdleo lo protecl S. Test assembly vPEt! viluE( oaJl valve. #$fflH#,F;;9ft"9*i#;,l;;p,i5::",lmh:fif tr 'r. Rinse a,r parrs wlh crean warer orror ,n r^-^-^-,, :,1".T l3i"J#13:li:H['g:1 "-tlfiq,"],o"'" J,"""",roroo. ' -""',J;'*;ffi;ff3;l';1ffi"#'ro.u,*,o"o comp'eted "':ffj#;T:jllli'wenunu''thti ^ry pARrs' ff1"Iiiq"'.*1f#l,It"1ffi r"""il;:,'r" DWG. No. Appmval Horlzontal 9800s8 gl .l: LVES)utterbdll, Burrrnhv vA VALVES LESS SUPERVISORY TAMPE R SWITCH ASSEMB LY BB-SCI 00 (Ihreaded Ends) Sizes 1 ", 7'lrtt, l!2", 2", 2tlz" THREADED ENDS BB-SCS02 VALVES W]TH S UPE RVISO RY TAM PER SWITCH ASS EM B LY BBVSCI 00 (Grooved Ends) Size 2tlr" GROOVED ENDS BBVSCS02 NYC INDICATOR (Avallabl€ on both 3wltch€d rnd non.swltced mod€F,) MA LIST HO.PART MATEFIAL SPECIFICATION 1 Indicator Sintered lron F000eP 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 584 3 Body Bronre ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass 5 0isc Stain. Stl.Type 304 6 Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer 7 Swich Housing Die Cast Aluminum WIRING DIAGRAM (swrTcH PostTtoN vALvE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS YELLOW Green Lead provided is ground for switch housing Switch Rating: 1 0 AMP/1 15 VAC .5 AMP/28 VDC Cap unused leads with wire nuls and tuck inside junction box (not provided) NOTE: Valves incorporating supervisory lamper switches are for indoor use onlv. LISTED FIRE AI-ARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF LINE RESISTOR SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSY. 1/2" ELECTRTCAL CONDUIT >- KF''c RNYrn\?/2 -if;gs = O.i" nY; -a 'rn >fr =a Milwaukee Valve Company 2375 South Burrell Street Mifwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 -1 592 Telephone 41 4 17 44-5240 Fpx41417M-5840 @ rrnorc - ,*.7a.o 9.r.. *'rn .o, * ":' I... .' .':' .. .'. .. MILWAUKEE VALVE ter b dll, BUrrERFrv vALVEsrut ' VALVES LESS SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSEMBLY BB-SCl 00 flhreaded Ends) Sizes 1 ", ltlt", 1112", 2", 2tlr" BBVSCI 00 (Grooved Ends) Size 211e" GROOVED ENDS BBVSCSO2 VALVES WITH S U PE RVISO RY TAMPER SWITCH ASS EM BLY THREADED ENDS BB-SCS02 NYC INDICATOR (Avlllsbl€ on both ssltch€d and non-swltced modek.) M-l|{} M-80 N-40 AAE DMENSIOI.S USING SCI€DULE 40 PIPE ; ARE OIMENS|oN6 USING SCI€OULE 60 PIPE IS FLOW RESISTAI.IC€ E(PNESSED IN EOUNAENT TENGTH OF SCI.IEDUIE 40 PIP€ IS THE UfiENCH MAXE-UP I.ENGITI 3.. MA NO.PAST MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 1 Indicator Sintered lron F0008P 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 584 3 Body Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass 5 Disc Stain. Srl.Tvee 304 6 Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer 7 Switch Housing Die Casl Aluminum WIRING DIAGRAM (swrrcH PosrTroN VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS Green Lead provided is ground lor srvitch housing switch Ratins: lff-lFl'JiJ8t Cap unused leads with wire nuts and tuck inside junction box (not provided) NOTE:'Valves incorporating supervisory lamper switches are for indoor use onlv' t' LISTED FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT BLACK REO TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF LINE RESISTOR YELLOW / ,f,= ni 3F D t-ls pfi A^O ff ft II ) --=\\v-z \rgE --tr- -r r n i i\gg zrn vl -a ,-,nv: = a/) JUNCTION Mllwaukee Valve Company 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207-1 592 Telephone 41 417 44-5240 FAff.4141744-5840 @ e*ua - ,*p.o p.r-.. ror,* MILWAUKEE VALVE (FEE T;aIT 9sro Ftu tdlhntrot Group $*.,Fii",tt^:!t 860 Valve Model RP / RPDA Vatu€ Type-.I TIONS Approval t2'min clearanco lo flxed structur€ 6'minI "ff"l""JiT"Tg?f;i#:""gtir,ri:?"",:ti:rreehExc :. Cersfu y tnspect seals and seating surfaces fo. deb.is (5. Test the assembly ,f,er serv,bp,r^r.EMr.%il;;i:l;, Hs ro ensure proper opef. '#'ji:,ll4ii:#"fi iitl:#i:::,f#'fi nr .1, 5::::::** rotrs usins the appropriare size wrench.o. nernove Spa@r by grasping the flangea eno of rhe ;pl;e 4. Remov€ the inlet check [*1*ii:::i1?T-":ff i:,u'J'i"'gx''il#ff "1tT" fi"ff ""?"'l"r;y::il"ilT:,:l#il ;,*ril J il:: ilJi'm;:T,T',lT ;ffi:f'iifrtt1.*i lifi{;*: ri{ip,:l::*::;m;il,ri*r.,1l{i#TJT,nod; o5'lT,ff "',T l'"*f:^* lF' l** t l::ll:1Tj.T",""g",11 ","lIil"mbred a nd re assen[:1ffi iJ'#T,i:?*:;r;".::'_ry!a?:: "illff ::Tfl,&il""l*"Hl,l"l*lijii!,.Hffi uff gulff : j: l"i::"iT::-'111i'"rffi ll,i,ill,ljxlf ii::^ffi ::.fflX,"il:'fl i,f$:l,L-:-*:::9.,*l,li'Jnf i",oo tlf l;1ieffi$o6ftrfr #i*.1f";jirt'id n"Ji#::ijjf :!'F:+"ff;iffi giB j #lf,l':r,".':g n:du ;[l jli'l!53i,11i"1 norrzontal Instal,afion (Top Vlew) 1. consurt rocar codes ,o, ". 'ntt"t'tttonapprrcable to your area. 'recific installation requirements and restrictions ' RiTJH:U,X","j"?iilil: Tff,:,f,T,,ff1,?t.Affi ,,:frTu rhe va,ves "Iff ;X'il?"H.^T.rl#i""iT::f:g.^yl"::u,,.*",.ii;oroeriodidesrina-llllvJgexteriocinte-n:o-[ic;ili,nri,''5jltr""1fglttl'1t"r'it'-ii,i,i"3 appiy to rernovable prot""rir" !n-"fll j xEG"dtrorrs' I nese mininums do not "*lf*f*ffiN,;;q-r,,"r;,+*T"r,xj*1fi "',":i:r glii.#:ffi IHIJ;T3$:"'i-T.'li"x"f, J'":if xll:ff 'f t":fr $: mmmlrm*NxruHH** 'ilffi $yi51i*,gifl *fr i,;t"i;,lf,.,T,*fr rn,;lilTr:l?"Tff ,l,g-jgiif,litrill$lili$$i;$]h,;;{* j$ir"f i}:iffi ;" j,:*:::::::"4;"-;""";,.T$:,1,;lll.,";jljijilSnff LX:il:i:":"* *,"-', in,i";;;:"#J,T;RE.ASSEMBLY -.. lo di ind;. 1. Use reverse procedure ,or € ,ffiffiffiffi ll*ss#'''*lgfi*ffi5. Tesl assembly in accordance **er,a, UO,-U, *e"iil _.rrurs wirh rhe tocafiy approv€d resr mer ]. l:1 1l narts *rh c.tean water prior lo reassembly.. 3r?J.";.r,ffi fly plpE oopE, orL, o*.es. o^ "o,-urNr oN ANy pARrs ;;i#r,*gff H1il',,i,'ffi ;if :;bfr T#ilr,,rT '":jliiffi'.ti3#,_{iif ',:,,l:#t:ffi"d"j#nr;,irr:'ff 1,:i",.B;*#l#ff : j.^"#ff ?:,H,.",'*i"".ff j,oJ",l Service procedure GENER.AL OWG. No. 980058 Horlzontal Instalfatlon Horlzontaf ql service tff""js":"t"Tl"t#t .oths re'ref varveq Tha Intemal telief valve esser ';li"i'u;;;;,tr'.3'r::.sli{*ifi*,J,"Ji"',:"S'Hf h33Y"'iXf'";ii ff liiii;'S"'Jffi"?fi lfff#'"il ;'i;r'""r"r ri:: P-F:nd is compreterv separated from thg '""' u"'uu""Tu"i' 6t-Jra oto intemat retief valve assembly -#Ju".R".ou".e.-'f Tu,*',l:g?liffi :?*?i'.gi'Xi,;,ill['J:3,'X"i remelned in the top ol tne rell( Lii ti'liti.s s.tLet from tho relief valve body and disc€rd' '*g*U+1g.;65*gnf *;p*tP3r1;ugl.;ffisilicone grsas6 will hold the ! Process.) u. 'f nroi, ,n" n""' inlsrnal relief valve assembly module and insert lt into the top "' ii tii" ,"rli ia"i Tr_"1 n.H' S1l?j;|",S"*11':*'[ffiT'ifllll $:iil? :#'r"':tr'11Sf; "Tfi:1?lLlH;;'l;i;aid sentrv on the smarr dra Phraem so that it forms the sn"p" o, " tuiii. H'oiJ ttt'e smatiOiapiragm solhat il maintains this "tulip'shaPe wnu" '"0'niiiinro-'gr' iit i"il"i uiru" *uer hole and plastic lii.phoS*g"ii"t' 6.Pracerherriptils,g".'l-t1""i:3",",i.T:,i*"ll!r';"flFi$ff :11;{.!t jj f, :",tfi if ilf lfl::'fl"rt :#' irir- g?""r" hord s tire smail dia ptrrasin i ripr ace. Thread In the brass "v*i'ii int" ir't" ielief vatve 'cover and tighten to iiiiJit'irirv so ft pounds of torque' Do not over tighten'. Z. R"pt"aa o+ing In relie{ valve cover' Posltion spring over the seat ring in the ",.ii'"i;"r""boivantr','.'iJ5lf *,.ji*f l'::"9fl,'Ji::#"(i^'iliJl: '1,1#EAE:"i?",f {it"li'f'*"'i#rni*ll^"'mnria'"1^tffiJflvatve cover. Position the as! the body and the guide gi"i inio itt" seat riig' Replaca relief valve cover bolts and tighten to "pp'o*'tiJt"tils inch pounds' oo nol over lighten' 8. After teassembly' with all test cocks open (exc€pt No''1lest cock which should ' remain closed), slowly op"]ti fi'r"i ua'u utive to bleed ak'from the assembly' i once air has been "*t'""ti"l-ttot tire assemoty close all test cocks to oressurize the bachlow- prevention assembly'- Ouing Tg Pi:ed.inS Process i*igi$tdi,;$ffi'H[:glii{:?j"rr:t'*r:l'"?'"ffi f r:r: s.Testassemutyinaccordancewithth6|oca||yaPProvedtestmethod.' Fietd Test Procedures FEBco'ecomd€rd'th".Y:?.?lg?.13i-3if,1"r5,'l'H["s::Ti.li*"i#.1 ASSE S€ties 5000 manual that ls c is not available, you may use tne rorliwing test metlrod to conlirm proPer operafon of this backllow Preventer' ilffi*fn" *lief valve-shall open t'o keep the 'zone' pressure al least 2 PSI'less than the supply pressure' i. ut,^n " oto**tial piessure rest kit' connect the hoses as shown In figure' a. opri t".t *.t , and bleed air from th€ test kit gauge' hos€s end check valve body. 3. Slowly close the #2 shut'ofr valve and open test cocksf2'#3 e d*4' 4. Slowlv open the #1 bypa$ needle valve until the gauge Pointer slarts to drop ll14 tum maximum). ooserve rn;-;aling on tne 6auge when the relief valve :ffi"i"';"-;;;;;'i""t t' itt" oir"t"ntial-pressure must be 2'0 PSI or sreater' 5. Close the #1 bypass naedle valve' TEST NO. I CHECKVALVE Requlremenl Ths No. 1 check valve must be at least 3'0 PSt greater than the relief valve opening Pressure' 1. Ooen the bleed valve on the low Pressure side ol the tesl gauge 10 restore the ' ;t"#; il-til;';;ne'-to a no'tbt reading' then close the.bleed varve' 2. Observe the gauge reading' The pressuie should be at least 3'0 PSI more then the relief valve opening pressure' TEST NO.2 CHECKVALVE Requirement: The No. 2 check valve must be tight against reverse llow' 1. Open the #2 bYPass valve' 2. The differential pressure should not drop to the reliefvalve. opening pfessure and continuously discna,ge *;tei' h;,u!er comPression -oflhe disc will allov il;;ff";;t''"1-p""tsure 6 de;;s;' It this occurs' open-thetleed valve o' the low pressure side of the l""i!*sg to reslote a-normal differential' Th€ iitteientLt sttouro not drop to the opening point again' 3. Remove the gauge hoses and restote the valve to normal oPeration'Bypass Valve #2 Oifierential Ptessure Gauge Eypass Needle Valve #1 Testcock PROBLEM 1, Continous relief valve discharge 2. lntermittent relief valve discharge a. lnlet Pressure fluctuations Eliminate Pressure lluctuation Trouble Shooting Guide cAUSE so'-Lrox a. Debris <in check Oisassemble and seating s0rfaces clean b. Debris on relief Dlsassemble and valve seat clean b. Downstream Eliminale Pressure pressure surges surges rnretsnu# Valve -J-t.€@ sPECrFrcAl?oNs FoR slow closE I SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES PATENTED 1. Provides slow opening and closing prope(ies in a quarter-turn valve. The purpose is to elimi- nate hydraulic shock and waler hammer in fire protection and other liquid systems. 2. Available with or without an internal, pre-wired supervisory tamper switch assembly. When mounted on any slow-close valve and wired, lhe switches signal movement of the valve disc from the full open position. a, Available factory mounted to a valve or as a kit for lield installation on previously installed valves, b. Switch Rating: loAmps/115VAC-60 Hz C. 0.5 Amps/z8 VDC c. Valves equipped with tamper swilch assem- blies are FOB INDOOR USE ONLY. D. 3. UL/FM rated at 175 psi. Also available at 350 psi . and 500 psi with N.Y.C. B.S.A. approval. tr' . INSTALLATION A. The BBSC can be installed in any orientation in a piping system using standard National pipe Threads. Wrench should be used lo hex on the end of valve being threaded to pipe. pipe sealants should be uied sparingly. B. The valves with internal switches can be easily wired in the field. They will have two switches, switch-1 will have dual leads on the terminals. This switch is to be connected to the supervisory circuit of a Listed alarm conlrol panel. Switch-2 will have single leads and may be connected lo auxiliary equipment per direction of the local authority having jurisdiction. Cap any unused wire leads with wire nuls and tuck into juriction box. All connections shall be reviewed and approved by the local authority having jurisdiction. A 14 gage green wire has been lastened to the interior of the housing and is to be used as a housing ground. Recommended type of wire to be used is No. 16 Dual Rated UL 300V B0 C and G00V 105 C. lnstallation must be in compliance with NFpA 72 and 13, or bonded and grounded per Canadian Electrical Code Part 1. The BB-SC, BBHSC (threaded-end) and BBVSC, BBHSC (grooved-end) valves are intended for use with schedule 40 and/or 80 pipe, sizes 1", 1 '/.u, 'l '/:', 2" and 2'/2" per ANSI 836.10. INSTALLATION FOR NEWYORK CITY VALVES N.Y.C. special valves have a large flow indicator which points in the direction of the valve disc, indi- cating open or closed. The valve should be instalted in a posiiion where the indicator is readily visible. c@us IISTED For use with fire protection sprinkler systems 175 psi. Approved by the New York City Board of Stds. & Appeals under Calendar No. 996-81-SM, for 175 psi and Calendar No.720-83-SA for 350 psi and 500 psi. (500 psi rated valves not shown.) DESCRIPTION BBsc100 BB-SCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve Wilh Switch UUFM 175psi -ThreadedEnds NYC BSA Approved 1'-.1%"1%' 1t172 BBVSCl00 BBVSCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve Wilh Swilch UUFM 175psi-GroovedEnds NYC 8SA Approved 2%' BBHSCIOO BBHSCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 35o psi - Threaded Ends NYc BSA Approved 1" 1'/;,1W 2"2t' BVHSCl OO BVHSS02 Valve Less Switch Valve With Swilch 35opsi -GroovedEnds NYc BsA Approved t,2'/z' 2. oo SPECIFICATIONS AND TNSTALLAT|qN TNSTRUCTTONS\ BB.+SC 17-t lv\ SERIES bLil(ofi; SLOW CLOSE INDIC,ATING BUTIERFLY VALVES FOR ::{ - F[Rtr SPRilNKLtrR SVSTtrMfiS MILWAUKEE VALVE sclD - 12/97 oE/28/Oo toN 12:$ f{!..1!7o lzt {55o G.J. PIPE/EAGIJ fill OP€ning 3s" osd*dDrdD PrrmlumW'ight S9eciti(rrion Plrt N€'' Whhc 1.1t4- 6oo2 NoRwEsco trnk' .re *an"ro*uilto.ryfft f-qY eYideli-nT:o-;:::-'f.*rt H3l,ff;i1"IT;:;:";#::'" 1,ffi:lnUll,ln;*m3*S'ffi:1,'''Hfr:il::TiT'ffi:"io""T"1llii;;id;;";t"'{in'du*riar chrrnrcars_ Nonwesco d,;;,;;;;;;;;"i.a *iii'i;"i'ir,"i,i.* ro" iplari. uons to c;sure rare storase of ootabte water. Quality, price, product line and nt#J:U'"i;:il;;v ttt NoRwE co Nonh Amcrica's largest ' ["i"t"a"t"t "t]otationally molded tank' standarrd NoRWESCO tanks will be delivered to you wlth ! fitting inrtalled when applicable' NoRWESCO tanks I*fi;H;;;ii;J;imrns aswert- 1 VEffiICAL STORAGE TANKS Vertical storagQ tankl are nost freouently used for bulk storage and mobiie nursing aPPlications' ttOnWgSCO vertical tanks feature il-jor,'l" sbts, built'in graduated oallonage Indicators, an offiet iiil-*"fr-";a i self-vented, slosh'proof i-rg. ltt nOnwESCo vertlcal tanks are "qirppia *itt' an oudet ficing and siphon tube- l f ii Ii ii l' Crltion Crprdty . ".55r65. 3go 23"3r' 55- 36-7a' 16- 16', 16' 402E1 /to213 40302ffi il" ;;' 'a' 4or4830545" 1000 110o 130{} 1500 1550 1700 tl00 2500 3000 ,rto00 s000 5800 6000 6r00 6200 6500 TEOO 9000 10000 64' E7- 87' 87" 95' 95" 102" 102' 1.1' ,. r0z' 120" 116" r20' 120" 141- 141' 79" 51- 58" Ir5" 65' 72- e1' 69- 107' 125' 152" 97" 184" 139" 154' t 50" 't76' 146" 160- 2r'z' t 3"4' 7tZ'3'n"7'n',.n, 3-t2' J'tz" 3tz" 3',12 3't2- l'.t2' 40t52 40070 40035 &1M 40235 40010 4{n78 /too51 &067 Ito312 40164 doo71 4p.22:6 40659 40535 toz24 40563 40543 40545 40154 {{}081 40146 4,236 40612 48:41 40052 4/J;A65 tlo314 40166 40233 40651 4053? {o23? 4056s 4D231'" 40353 16" 16' 15- 16" 16"r6' r6' 16" 16" 16" 15" 16" 15' 16" r6" 16" 16' 15" 15', I n I -316 tblnleft 't.d Boltcd tnint * Wrthin UPi dirretttlonet lirrltt pLEAg€ NoTE: TOnk rvrltrbllity mly vrry accordlng to manu{acturing loction' di*ribuor for lpecifl( detlils' 141'192" Plcarc <onract Ngrwc5(o customcf 5crvice or your Norr.,c:<o ID: o H[mm sEP 06'00 o $tff*Fn 11: 12 No.005 P.02 g Inruannonr hilrrto Funars Wox F H t{l z .st Q,- TO trrb ,,-. 16 Itp hclry r$y irfurtid .! and 5 hqseDqw irhno 8[dS SirE Crrnpe rre ergireeod F ondtl| rf&W$ fl€s8 slrrdr Cd ictprprodhnfoa&trtdhi'EII tnotu Mbhqporis 1.25" Ctdl irdedd ItE und 5,[, mu. tlgy cuaaldb h t*Crrrudrnfidsab toilnrmodn a i'rt +octrrn d 6npfg 4sdftr ulrrfr qfy coeod !1 tr'ifir ha*ponrr grms. ]he $rcdon id$o irfu*s r iDBu rtlo dd vCtE Ihc irpdcr. diM; trrtrq did vdtE nd d nla* of csrl iar A! sids sdba purgg so ncdc in &wlx md smirndhfp Mfts S'4ply he EpaI and ffiia fsq}0 h Odnd.trrrdc h etrt lpt.tqrrri rrrtrgd tlp us ola fmt xl,n Slrfr*ttuc$mfry.ffidr*fiffi,ltlffi. .o ro tt t!0 t.! tas llro cto BG ?.D CAIIOMIPI[.MI{U tl lg rr 2,* ?,*fa a''tF e0 p .r' (4 & lo0 r&t t.t .@ ,r'' $t tlg c{l C^l l()Nt F(R MlNUrrt filultfRo PUitP iltfE sAtEs,RTRISISEBUCE m sffnt HN|H $nsr. drAM) ff,El{}t C0{rRAm 8150r9t&2{r.fi0 . flxt$?l}fzf . figrullt tgtS Fiqf tu|| rfi tlrr TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN' VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Penrft #: A00-0040 Job Address: l4l0 BTIFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 1410 Bulfehr Creek Rd. AFplied . . : l2ll2/2000 ParcelNo...: 210312102011 Issued. . : 02/07/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 08/06/2001 OWNER SCIIMIDT L,EROY S 1-2/L2/2OAO Phone: PO BOX 407 MONT]MENT CO I0132 License: CONTRACTOR THUL EITECTRONIC SYSTEMS 1-2/L2/2O0O Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 1l-2-S APPLICANT THI'IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS 72/L2/2OO0 Phone: 970-949-463e P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 IJicense : 1"1"2 -S Desciption: lnstallsmokedetectors/panel-SideA Valuation: $1,200.00 tf rir,t,tlti.littl,ttt+t+****t*'t't*'t'i't't'ttti'tt,t,t*t't++**,!,t*'t,t,t,t*,t***,t,!***a*'i FEE SUMMARY Electr.icol.._-> 550. OO Total Calculated Fees-> S53 . 00 DRB Fee---> Inestigation--> Will Call-----'> s0.00 90. 00 93.00 TOTAJ-FEES--> 353.00 Additio,nal Fe€s-> Toial Permit Fee_> Paym€nts--------> 953.00 $0.00 9s3 .00 s0. oo Approvals:I€6rn: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEIiII Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTM$II L2/L2/20O0 IO{IARRHV Action: NO ROIXTED TO MIKE VAIIGHA}I FOR REVIEVI L2/L3/2OO0 rmraughan Action: AP wireless approwed by mcgee CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BALANCE DUE--> DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required completed an accwate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as rsquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-IOUR HoURS IN ADVAI\CE BY TtrLEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - ! PM. / ("'3'd<*2 I 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 APPUCATTOOTU NOT BE ACCEPTED rF Ir{COMp Building Pemit #; Alarm Permit #: Commercial & Residential Firc Alarm shop drawings are required attime of . application submitbl and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this form. ApplicaUon will not be accepted without this information. ConEct at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Job Name:L..or, 4-\..*..\\Job Address: lQ rcr- A R*li{.,- C"*tK r\- Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners *ut"L...". 3.\*.\\Address: lqro,-A B*$.- (-c<rK Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: E*\i^. \,."-. (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed description of work: f,,..r\*rrA.l' o{ [o,-.,,,\\* (a-.]<r \*<]o". t P*...\ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (yt) Repair( ) Retro-ft( ) fther( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family$() Multi-family( ) Cornmercial ( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: l No. of Accommodation Units in tiis building: Does a Fire Alarm Exisil Yes ( ) No (./)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exisu Yes ( ) No S/ ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERII,IIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ bf :.{#CHIVf;D urU i 2 Z00l] CO NTRACTOR INFORMATION *:ti*!r't:t,ti**'r********r****i**ni***i**rr**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****rr**i*i*****i*.***i*ili***r****r!*i Fire Alarm Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: a{q - qL}€ Contractor F:/everyoneforms/alrmp€rm TOWN OF VAIL FIR.E DEPARTMENTI VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479,2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: A00-0041 Job Address: l4l0 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSIiED Location.....: l4l0BuIfehrCreekRd. Applied..: 1211212000 ParcelNo...: 210312102005 Issued. . : 0210712001 ProjectNo : QffiQ--O(ja Expires. .: 081061200l O$lIr[ER S$IMIDt IJEROY S 12/t2/2000 Phone: PO BOX 407 MOIVT]MB{T CO I0132 L'icenge: coMrRAcToR TrIrJIr ETECTRONIC SYSTEMS L2/t2/2O0O Phoner 970-949-4639p o Box 534 AVON, CO 9r620 L,icense:112-g APPL,ICAM TIII]L ELECTROI{IC SYSTEMS t2/t2/2OOO Phonet 970-949-4639 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 81620 I"ricense: L12-S Desciption: Install smoke detectors/panel - sideB -":-1J:::-';.-'."'"'1l-]'ll.l]-'*t,it*,ttt*'t*t********'****'!*,t*t'1tFEEsuMMARY'ilrtt.'rt|t*:}**,},|+tl.)li)t,t+i!|i*t|** Eleahictt__-> Fs0.00 DRB Fee-*--> Inve$igation---> Will Call > 9o. 00 $o.oo 93.00 Tolal Calculalcd Fees-> S53 . 0 0 Additionel Fe€s-->Fo.oo Tdal Pamit Fee-*--> S53 . o0 Payments-----*-> $53 .00 BALq]\CE D'ltE--> 50.00TOTALFEES.> $s3 . oo Approvals;ltem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEff Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT L2/t2/200O KI{ARRSI Action: NO ROUTED TO MIKE VAUGIIAN FOR REVIEW t2/13/2oao rmzaughan Action: AP CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in firll the information require{ completed an accuraie plot plan, and state that all the information as r€quired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarl to comply with all Tovvn ordinances and state laws, and 0o build this sffucture aecording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Unifono Building Code and otherordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION $HALL BE MADE TWENTY-TIOUR HOURS IN .ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2135 FROM 8:OO AM - 5 PM. )&.-'"-"# 75 S, Frontage Rd. Colomdo 81657 AppucATrorarll frror BE A..EFTED rr rn*""rtO* &. appfication 2no page of this information. Building Permit #: Alarm Permit#: 97 O -47 9 -2135 (I nspections) Alann shop are reguired attime of submittal and must include infonnation llshd on the Vail, form. Application will not be accepted withoutthis \ Canbct Offieat970-,forParul# Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) lob Name: --: -JdAddress: lqlo -B B_ttrr C...tx R.\. Legal Descrifiion I Loil [ Block: I Filing:Subdivision: owners Nut*' L..o ., s<.\^l\\Address: | { t cr - g B,-slt.. (:rrtK Phone: Engineer:Iddress:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) E^\.;. B,^.r\.;. Detailiid descri*ioii-of v&f r ; t.,r\.r\-\.-- -f \s*. ,.,-tt'--' S..-,. y-( \. \.-\.,.. { g^..t\. Wo*Class: NewfX) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) frher( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-fami!(y) MuttFfamily( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unils in this buildinq: a l'1,o. of Accomrnodation UniB in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (t')Does a Fire Sprinkler System Erist Yes ( ') ruo f$_ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR AIARJI,I PERMIT (tAbOT & MAICT|AIS) FireAlarm;$ Lros-cc **,r****rrr*r*r]*********::**!rr!********n***FOR OFFICE USE OIILYT**.****.***************'tr**ri,r****r* 530 ii,'-,keffi!vHD Lr.u I ?, 2000 T{Rr-66nn.pEt. R/€\,eryone/f orms/aFmp€rm TO!{N OF VAII,75 S- FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, eo 81557 970-479-2L38 Electrical---> DRB Fee InveEtiEation> Wt11 call----> TOeA& FEES- - - > ELECTRICAL PERMIT iIob Address: 1410 BI'FFEHR CREEK RDIJOCAt.iON...: 1.410 BUFFEHR CREEK RDParceL No.. : 2L03-121-02-005ProjecE No. : pRilgg-O!3i co 80436 co 80436 iIOBSTTE AT A],L TIMES Permit #: 899-O269 slabus...: rssuEDApplied. . z L2/2L/1"999 Issued. .., l2/2t/L999 E>cpires. . : A6/Le/2OOO Phone: 303 -567-0773 Phone: 303 -567-0777 L, 500 . 00 DEPARTIVIEMf OF COMMT,NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLTEAMT SILVSRTODE ELECTRICP.O. BOX 414, DIIMOMT, CONTRAEPOR SILVERI,ODE Ei-,ECTRICP.O. BOX 414, DtMoMr.OWNER SCHMIDT LEROY S PO BOX 407, MONIIMENT CO 80L32 DCSCTiPTiON: ELECIRIC TO RE-FEED PRIMARY I'NIT SERVTCVAIUAtsJ.ON: 50.00 . o0 .00 ! .00 .oo 53.OO .00 Total Calculated F€66- - - > Addi.ttonal Fee6----- ----> ToEal Perllit Fe6--------> Prlment6-------- BAIANCE DT'S- --. ** ************fr********t*+r**r *** rr**irrir* ********r*****r**i1r********t*i**** IFC,4; ,q6OQO--E!E.qTRIC4T, DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:t2 / 2t / \9e? ^rqTEy _ -jGrIonl--AirFii-appnovgD pE[-Rl^rrEem: 0s500_!'rM3_ DEpARTNrEiif -ilEpt-i runu Division:12/2I/r-999 KATHC __ACET&; APPR N/A ************************rrt*** |'**rr***rrtrar**r**********r*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To e$EcK FoR coDE coMpr-,rANcB. i**f*ai********ir*r*********i************r*r*******1r**?****r *****!r**i**i*r* ******r*, DECTARATIONS r h6reby ackno!'ledEe that ! have read thl6 apFllcaElon, fj.Lled out. in fulL the infornarion required, co p}Eted an adcu-ate p1otspl,an, and €tsate lhac rll rhe infomati.on p.ovided a6 required j-E corrccL. r agf,ee to conply iribh Lhe inforoation end FLots plan,ho conply with all Tosn ordLnances and 6tate la!.B, arrd bo build tshi6 ElEseture according bo the Town,B zoni.ng and EubdivigioncodBE, dedign reviet approved, unlforn Building code and ofher ord.inancee of tsh6 Tonn apFlicabte thereto. REQU88"6 FOR INSPE TTOWS SI{ALL BE UADE TWENIT.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCB BY TALEPHONE A! 47g-2L38 OR A1 Or'R OFFTCE IROM g:OO AM 5:OO PM lo * * * * * * * * **r. * * * * * * * * * * i. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr* ** * * * * *** * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO staLemnt******t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ********** Statertrrt Number: REc-0600 Amount: 57,00 LZ/2L/99 L3zO6Payment Method: cHEcK Notat.ion: #1623ISILVERLODE IniL: KMW PermiE No: 899-0269 T)4pe: B-EIJECParcel No: 2L03 -L21,-02-005Site Address: 1410 BUFFEIIR CREEK RD LOCATION: 1410 BI'FFEHR CREEK RD EI.,ECTRICAL PERMTT Thj.s Pa)rmenE. *Jr************************************************************** Amount 50 .00 3.00 Total Fees:53.00 ?oEal Ai.t Pnts: Balance: 53.00 53 .00 .00 Account Code Description EP OO1OOOO3].11400 EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAI.L INSPECTION FEE TowN oF vArCoNsrRUcnoN pERMrr AilrcATroN FoRM Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcet # Parcet# 'z\c3--\2.\ -o2_- (5('E Permit # roo Name: l*tt O Euggetre Cre-e.s- Rd Job Address: Buiidiog ( )Flumbing ( ) BlockLegal Description: Lot ownersName: S-ht-.. AS Architec-t: PP6QQ- Ot3-l Electrical (\Mechanical ( ) Fiiing_ Subdivision Address: fther( ) Phone# Descriptionoflob, Rg - Work Class: New ( ) Atterarion ( )Additional ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Firefaces:Gas Appiiances Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet BIIILDING: $ PLUMBING $ Gencral Contractor: Gas Logs yALUATTONS MEC}Lq,NICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: $ $ OT}IER: TOTAL Elrcrmcal: g [ 5oo ElectricalContractqr: Br\ug<LaAe EL.e- Address: Town of Vaii Registration No.hlt-e Phone # Plumbins Contraqlor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Regisfadon No. l{echanical Contractor:Address: TomofVailRegistrationNo.- Phone# ._ . _.&e^-r{V FOR OFFICE USE TYPE cROUp SA. FT. VALUAT|Oj! BU|LD|NG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURF: CLEAN UP pEPO$lT REFUND TO: :r**coD[ BooKs ARa AVATTABLE FOR PURCEA.SE UPON REQ{If,,$1'*** 7 TOWN OF VAII. 75 S. FRO}TTAGB ROADvArrr, eo 91657 970-479-2L39 Blectrr.crl--- > DRE Fcc tnvcsliErtiom> |{tll, c.11----> IOIAI, FEEA. --> JOb Ad TEEE: 1410 BI'FFEHR CREEK RDIJocation...: 1410 Buffehr Creek RdParcel No.. : 2103-121-02-005Project No. : PRJ99-0137 STALUS...: ISSIJED .Applied. . I Lo/L5/1999 Issued. . .: LO/L5/L999 Erpires. -: 04/L2/2000 DBPART!,IENf OF COMMT'NIIY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE "Af AI.L TIMES BI.,ECTRIE3J, FERMIT Permit *r 899-0204 APPTICANT SILIIERTODE ELECTRIC PO Box 414, 55 Silverlocle COIITRACTOR SIL\TERTJODE EI.'EqfRfC PO Box 414, 55 Silverl_ode Phone: 303-567-0773Circle, Lawgon CO 80436 Phone: 303-56'7-O773Circle, IJawEon CO 80436 OMTER SCIIMIDtr LEROV S PO BOX 407, MONItMEtflf CO 80132 DeecriBt,ion: Electrlc for Eettp power for Eecondary tvaluaEion:L0, 000 .00 * r* ***tt ti!*i** ttlrt !t i **rr*r PEB gulllaRt .o0 , oo .00 1 ,00 53 .00 53.00 .00 53.00 53,00 .oo ToCrl calcul*tld F.!.9-- -> Addlclonrl F6cr---------> Togcl PcrBlt Fc.----- ---> 9Ryumt.- -- -- - - - BlU,AlqC! Dt'a---- .*f*tt*r**rari*rr*ta*rartr*i.r*arrt1}t*tarrt*r*rtr.rlrerttilrra*r*t*rt**rrr I!e.m: .06000 Er.,ECTRICAt DEpARrt4ElrT DepE: BUIIDING Division:1O/L5/L999 KATHC Action: APPR ADEroved per-KW IEeUi .956Q0__FI8S DEF4RT!{ENI -.: 'Depc: FrRE Divieion:LA/L5/L999 KATIIY Acr.ion: AppR N/A laltta|}ttt**ti|.i*|r**t'trra**itttrr*!ritt*!r.r*****|t!***rl****r*ra ft i r*af*t,, rta ilrr* *ra*tar'r r rrft*9* rr * r rr ** { COIIDITION OF APFRO\IAI, 1. FIBIJD INSpEerrONg ARE REQUIRED To crrEcK FoR CODE cO[4pIrrANcE. DECI,ARATIONS I h€r.btr rcl(Bo{LadE! th.c I hqvc E!.il th19 attrlioarlon, fLUad ouE ln fqll ch. lnfomqcton rrgulrGd, co@trrlctcd Bn .ccurat. ploe plen. end sgrtc chr.c rlt Che Lnfolltlrtlolr Fror.dded rs scquirra is corrlct,. I rgree to c(qrly rith th. lnfon!|clon .nd p!.oh pten, to cooltLy rtch all fovn ordl,n$ecr and, sbat. lat.!, rnd to build tshia rcfuceun accordtng eo tha tovn'q adrttrg ltld 6$bdiviclott coalaE, dQslgn revlev alprovcd, Unifortr Buittling Codc and oth€r ordinancls of, the tosn aFpll,cabl. thsrcto. REOgEgTg FOI I$IPBCIfIOXS gllltJr EE IIADE fWAlfTf-tOER HoIlRg fN AD\,efCB By ?ELEPHONB Aq {?t-2138 OR At OOR OtFIcE tRO!{ 8100 A'l 5:O0 9!! !ts**********!t*******t*********************!***rl****************rlrt* TOln[ OF VA,IIr, COLORjADO StaterErr**************************************************************** SfatennE Number: RBC-0576.Arlount: 53.00 1Ol15/99 L3:33Palment. Method: CHECK Notat,ion: #j_S76lSiLverlode Inj_t: KMW Permit. No! 899-0204 Ifpe: B-EIJEC EIJECrRICAIJ FERI{fTParceL No: 2103-121-02-005 SiTC AddrESS: 1410 BIIFFEIIR CREEK RDIrocaEion: L410 Buffehr Creek Rd ToEaI Feea: 53.00Thls Palment 53. O0 Total AIrIJ p,mc6: 53 .00Balance: .00****************************!t*********************************** .A,ccount, Code Description ArnountsEP OO1OOOO3111.4OO TEMPORJLRY POIIER PERMITS 5O.OOwc 00100003112800 WrLL CAIL TNSPECTTON FEE 3.00 rowN oF vArLGNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, orfl,"AroN rl-?Htt-liJ1 INT'ORMATION MUST Bf,, COMPLETE OR THN APPLICATION WILL BE RDJECTEI' Contac'tthe Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-E640for Parcel# Parceti+ )iO3- t'2 / - O2 - OOS Permir# gq1 - Dt (? Job Address: Plumbing( )ElectricalXj Mechaaical ( ) Legal Descriptio n: LoLL6 ,l-Block- Ftirns 'L soaaluisron-ly4!27n2612 Owners Name: Architect: 808> Phone# Description oflob . SEoyo4nq EES 7D l"f4rnaQ:t| 'l Work Class: Ne* $4 Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )CIher( ) Number of Dwetling Units: /Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances 8q/tz, , t^t H Gas Logs d Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ /d,OAO MECHANICAL S 1-- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Date: Job Name: Building ( BUILDING: $ PLI.]MBING S General Contractor: Town of Vail Regisrration No. Electrical Contractor : .f r / y'' Towlt of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ pnon"* (3o3) 5b7 -0?7 Address; Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFIGE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: 3fllllf, ",-ro* u, orro*,, *=rr"o ro, - OcT 1 5 1999 Oher( ) TOV{N OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROITTAGE ROADvAIt, co 81657 970-479-2L39 APPTJICAI''M COMTRACTOR OI{NER Description: D.C. ELE TRIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 182, GYPSI'M, D.C. ELE TRIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 182, GYPSI'M, SCHMIDtr TEROY S PO BOX 407, MONITMENT CO 80132 EI,EqTRICAL FOR NEW SECONDARY T'NIT rEB ST'IOIARY ELE TRICAI, PERMIT ilob Address: 1410 BITFFEHR CREBK LOCAIiON...: 1410 BIJFFEHR CREEK Parcel No. . : 2LO3-t2t-02-005project No. 3 PRt99-0137 co 81-537 co 81637 Phone: 970-524-9780 Phone z 970-524-9780 DEPARTI{ENI OF COMIIIIJ]IITY DEVELOPMEIflT NOTE: THIS PERITITT MUST BE POSTED ON {IOBSITB AT ALI/ TIMES Permit #: 800-0167 RD RD Stsatus.. AppIied. Issued.. E:<pires. ISSI'ED 08 /3L/2000 09 / 05 /2OOO03/04/200r Valuatsion:15, 000 . 00 r*rt tt* *r*t**t.t Elcctrical---> DRB F.. Inveatigatsion> wlll c.ll----> lgrAL FEAS---> 149 .00 ,00 .oo 3.00 182.00 Totel Celcul*ted F6ea- --> Addlbional Feee---------> ?oEal Por[Lts PeB--------> PalnEentg - - - _ - -_ 1S2. OO 192 .00 152.00 BAtAtfcE DlrE- - - - "00 rr**t***rt*+i**t*t*****t**t*** r*ir**********rt*tt*t*il**trar***ratr**r*t+rl**rt*tt*t***ilt**t*a**ttt*a!r*tttti*ilr+***tta. It,EM: OSOOO ELECIRICAI DEPARIIIENT DEPI,: BUII,DING DiViSJ"ON:Og/3L/2000 CIIARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIte.m;'.05600-F-rP.s-DEPARfrEIfi DepE: FrRB Division:Oe/3L/2000 CIIARLTE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRXD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT{CE. r**r*i**rrrr****r**rttt*ta**+***l*********a** ****t*t**t*'l*** il **** *tt** *t* ** DECI,ARATIONS I h.reby .clstorleagr tsbat, I havc read thi6 applicatLon, iill€d out in f,ull bhe inforeatio$ reguircd. qonPlet d an aqcurrts. Plot plan. and 6tate that, atl thc inf,orEation Frovided a6 requircd iE correc!. t aEr6e to conply eith tshe infoEErbian and plot plan, !o corply sith all Torm ordiuanceB and Etat€ 1a$€, and to build Uhis Etruqture according to thc ToJn's Eoning and subdLrrition codes, drgLgD rcvicn aptrrroved, unl.for[ auilding code and oth.f, ordiDqltcas of tshc Totn applicebl. therlto. REeoEsrs FoR rtrgpaerroNs sHArrL BE MADE Tt{ENrr-ForrR HorrRs rN AD\rAr'icE Bv TET,EPHoNE Ar 4 OR At OUR oFFICE FROII g!00 A|| 5:oo Ptl OE OTINER OB CoT{TRACTOR FOR IIIUSAIJF AND OIIWER o *t**:l*****!t*********ttt*!t*t+*+!a******I**************til!.1**i**n** TOI{N OF VArL, COI.oRADO Statemnt * * * ** * t * * * * * * * *it * * * * * * * * * t. * * * * *it * * * ** * * * * * * t * * * ** * * * * * *:a * t * t * ** * Statemnt Nunber: REC-0673 Amount: 152.00 O9/O,/OO L2 t37 Payment llethod ! CK Notation: #3277/DROEGEMEIE Initr LrC Permit Nor E0O-0167 T)Gle: B-EITEC EL,ESrRICAL PBR!4IT Parcel No: 2103 -121- 02 - 005 Site AddreBs I 1410 BUFFEIIR CREEK RD I,ocalion: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total FeeE: 152.00 ThiE Payment 152.00 Total ALL Pmte: 152.00 Balance; .00 ***t+|l+**tt+t**tt*+*l**+t*************:l*****+***tll*i+*i**!tt***rl Account Code Deecription Amount EP OO1OOOO31111OO ELEqIR,ICAI.I PERMIT FEES 149.00 wc 00100003112800 ISILL CALL INSPECTTON FEE 3.00 f APPLICATIONO 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 LL NOT BE ACCEPTED rF TNCOMPLE.* Un"rO Project or '*'TB7F*OB/. Buiiaingp@ Etectricat perm-it * Ege=eile197 O-47 I -2t49 (Inspections) Contad Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required ifro bldg. permit # is provided above) 21g3 - 1y1_ 62-6a too*u '' 3r,A m;)* ilo-robAddress: /4/n Rr,/l/. C*"/. Legal Description tot:(t I Block:riting: fii,p, # /-Subdivision: LfOns 4;/ru orvners Name: sclr^t/f Address: rurn A .. l/tl ^ 6,4jlehone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: El, Jrt;" I fio,,ol ,r. r 6;^ Work Class:New !{ no6ition 1 ;Remodel ( ) Repair( )TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex PQ MultFfamity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildingi I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPIETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT oF SQ FT IN STRUCTURET ,.\,SDO ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: $ /5 OA CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor:fl.L, trL-,/"t, Town of Vail Reg. No.: /be *t Contact and Phone #'s: U)nri {)n,oo,nn)n- QDt}*/? 1a Contractor Signature: f, rr*****+**i'***t ***r(**********,t****.*,t*+'t*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*'r**********?r*:!********:t*********,f *** G 312000 F:/everyone/forms/elecperm LI f T o a o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-l-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and sDaces are acceoted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is reouired. o if this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2,L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings behrrreen the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Signature TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L39 APPLICANT COI.ITRAqfOR OT{NER DEPARTMENT OF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMEI{T NCIIIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ilob Address. . . : 1410 BI'FFEHR CREEK RD I,OCATiON......: 1410 BITFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No..... : 2103-121-02-005 ProjecU Number: PR.t99-0137 MECIANiIICAL PERMTT HE.JAT co 81637 IIB,AT co 81637 80132 Status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 09/L4/20o0 Issued. . .: 09/25(2OOO E:cpires . .; 03/24/20OL iTOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M00-0105 Phone: 970-524-9376 Phone: 970-524-93?6 E,AGLE COUIiITY PLI]MBING &P.O. BOX 1-L73, GYPSITM, E,AGLE COI'NTY PLI]MBING & P.O. BOX LL73, GYPSIIM, SCHMIUT LEROY S PO BOX 407, MONTJMENT CO Description: TNSTAIIJ INFLOOR HE,AT SYSTEM Fir.placc InfonrlLon! R66tricted: Y *of Oea Appliancce: Valuation: llof or. LogE: 17, 000 - 00 *Of Wood,/P.ll.e: r*,r*.rrr*rr.l*r*rtrr*ierr**.r.r*reri*..rrr**rr pEE slnflaARl' .**. rfar*rr t**rrr rrrrr.. rrr rt.r*it*.*.r * ***r tt Mechrnlcal - -- > Plan chcck---> Invc!tlgiglon> Will call,----> Regtsuslants Plan Review-- > DRB Fee-'------Addttional F6cs---------> Total PcrEib 8ec--------> Prldent6------- 3{0 . oo s5 .00 .00 .o0 42S.OO .oo 428 .0 o 42A.OO ToEal ealculrlcd F..6---> {28.00 .00 TO-IA! FEES- - -- - 3.00 BAIAIICE DI'E---- |}t**tatttrrrrr.a**rr**ar*.r*tttrt **t*r*rrt***i.rt*rr*t**ri***ra*r *ftrtta***aa***tttrr*tr*** ItsCM: .O51OO BUII.,DING DEPARIII{ET.IT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: O9/L4/2OOO .JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVEDII,bM:.O56OO FIRE DEPARTI,IETIIT DCPT: FIRE DiViEiON:O9/L4/2000 iIRM .Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPLIANCE. COIIBUSTION AIR IS REOUTRED PER SEE. 701 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR SEqTION 701 OF THE 1-997 IME.INSTAI,I.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFAqI"URBS INSTRUqTTONS ANDTO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIANCES SIALL BE VET.ITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 A}TDSIIALL TERMINATE A,s SPBCIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, OR EIIAPTER 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HE,ATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WIfiI CIIAPTER 3 AI{DACCESS TO HE,ATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WIfiI CIIAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.1O17 OF THB ]-997 t'MC ATiTD CHAE{TER 3 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC. BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOT{BUSTIBLE CONST.BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOT{BUSTIBI.E CONST. I]NLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBTE FLOORING. PERIT{IT, PLANS Ar.ID CODE AI\IALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAJ-, ROOM PRIOR TO ATiI INSPECTION REOIIEST. DRAIIiIAGE OF MECIIANICAI.I ROOIIIS COTtrATNING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI.L BE EOUIPPED WITTI .i\ FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0F TTIE 1997 UMC, OR sEerrON 1004.5 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ******************************************************************************** DBCIJARATIONS I hardry rclanorhdg! that, I hrv. rlrd thiE rpplLcrbicsr, filhd ou! in full th. lnfoE[Ets16 r.qulrrd, qqpbtrd rn rccutrt. plotplrr' .nd rtrtr tllt' rl1 thr laforretldr plovldrd e. r.qulr.d Le corr.ct. t rgr.r pa oq-ry4 cod.r' d..lgtt r.vl.r q{trov.d, t nifo:n EuilaltrE cod. .nd oth.r oadinrnc.r S ttrr,$orn rgiftc.Lft t'h.t.to, RIgDESES lon lf,rptcllotrE aHlIrL EE l|ID! t*ltrl-Foln HOInA U[ /i BY Tfi'IPT'OI|r TT -2133 d. AT Otn OflICl IRO|| e:oo AH 5r0O Etl plrt' .nd ttttr tll|ts rl1 thr laforretlofr plovldrd e. r.qulr.d Le corr.ct. t tgr.r ]A ooq|D/'-r+h th. infcrrctoo ana ploc pr.t|, eo soqrly rith au ToUlr ordl,ntlrc.r rtrd rtacG 1 s, .$d Eo butld ctrLa .clucturo rcg6raflg 4 *fi tota, a r6rr.ng ed flbdivlrloncod.r, d..lgtt r.vL.r .EErrov.d, t nifo:n EuilaltrE cod. .nd oth.r oadinrnc.. y'f th.,,borD .dtt..ift !h.r.go. / SIONAfORE OF OIINER OR COIITI'I,CTOR FOR EIXAE!' AltE| OV|}IBR \ -t**t!lt***tlta*t***tt*t*lt***!t*********!tt*tttt**tt**t*******r**** TO}IN OF VATL, C1CIPRADO Statemnt ***i**tt*tt*****rt*++*l**1!*t+*+**********tt*****AA*i***t****tt*+* gtatemrt !{unber: REC-O679 Amount:428. o0 o9/2a/oO LI:o1 Palments ltletbod: CK Notation: 3 ?99/BAGITB efy Init: Lc Peranit No : lf00- 01O5 Tytr)e : B-rrfEeH Parcel lto: 21O3-121-O2-OO5gite AddreBE: 1410 BUFFEITR CF.EEK Rl) Location: 1410 BUFFEHR CRBEK RI) MECIIANI CAIJ PBR}IIT Total Pees: 428.00 Total ALiL Pnts: Balance : *t*t*tt***ttit*!rt**t**lttttt**ttta**it**t*rt**+**a*ir*t****tl**+** Account code DeBcrLption UP 00100003111100 I'|ECHANICA], PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIBCK FEBS WC OO1O000311280O WIIJtr' CALL INSPECIION FBB 428 . O0 428.00 . o0 Anount 340.00 85.O0 3.O0 ThiE PalmenE TVWN0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ApptrcATroelr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErO* uns Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: ;d 'COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) d Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Asressors Office at 970-for Parcel ir Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided C.++t/\ \ F I WorkClass: New(/f Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (ez) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family (,2) Duplex ( ) Mutti-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other (14 No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs (A) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (.rJ MECHANICAL: $oc)o r CONTRACTOR IT{ FORMATION *******************oFFICE USE ONLY* ** ***** ***x.* ** ** ** ***** ** * * * F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm RECD sEP 14 2009 TVWTTOF Town of Vaif Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria r You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical wort will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact a planner at 479-2L28 before submitting your mechanical permit. appllcation. , The Town of Vail has adoprhd the lggS lnternational Mechanical Code (IMC) with the 1992 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) as an acceptable alternative. . All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec, 7OL.2. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In S€ptember of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ondinance which restricts te construction and use of open heafth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisiong striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: . Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. . Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II ceftified sofld fuel buming device and no more tfian two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent), . Restricted llwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain; One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . Accommodition Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain; One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. o ff two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplacc to gas. . If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinancr. That is, the fireplace must be convefted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II certifi€d unit. F: /eneryone/forms/mechperm ffif+5/, / Tflnti'imy HOW DID WE RATE WTH YOU? ToYrn of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest, Director, (970) 479.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conlact? Buiiding --* Environmental ---_ Housing_ Admin Plannino DRB PEC 2. Was your initial contactwiih our staffimmediate- $ow-0r : no one available ? 3. lf you were required to waif how long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No if no, why not? 5. \tr/as this your first time to file a DRB app-- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please raie the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowled ge, responsiveness, availabiliry) 7. 0verallefiectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 { 8. Whai is the best time of day for you to use fie Front ServiceCounter? _ * : 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lirne to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. I I 5c-r4r.trof lLf gc-t* Pr,.r Z7-*€' BACKFLOII PILL VALVE I II j i i LINDERFI,OOR COLD TI 3-WAY VALVE -l M C)trl U IN SLAB SCUMIDT NDSII'ENCE DAGLf,COUNTYP&E MATLOSS SUMMARY . WIRSBO IN GYFCRETE 6121lMl zoNE ROOM SQ BTU BTU NO. 0.C. TUBES/ rl)Op TOTAL MAX GPM XT XT,OOR COVEATNG rT ASAT PER LOOPS (IN) JOIST LGIHS ['T OF STIPPLY HEAI' TYPE USED LOSS SQru SPACE ([T) TIIBE TEMP I GARAGE 1034 17402 t7 5 t2 SLAB 225 Lt25 t50 2.5 2.8 CONCRETE 2 GARAGE ENTRY 30 972 3I I I2 SLAB 50 50 I5O 0.2 0.2 TILE 3 BED2/WIC t70 4409 26 2 8 GYP 150 300 t50 0.5 0.6 LITE CARPET/PAD 4 BED 3 183 5006 27 2 8 GYP 150 300 lso 0.6 0.8 LITE CARPET/?AD 5 FOYERiI{ALL t70 2758 16 t2 GYP 0 t50 5 LALINDRY/BATII 2 94 2600 28 2 t2 GYP 150 300 150 0.6 0.8 549 20240 37 I SLAB 0 150 TII,E TILE 6 KITCHEN/STAIRS 196 8265 42 8 SLAB 0 150 247 5126 2l 12 GYP 0 r50 6 LIVING/IAMILY 6 DINING 7 MASTERBED8 MASTERBATII8 MASTERWIC TOTALS9 SNOWMELT 3/4" PLYWD + 3/4" HRDWD 3/4" PLYWD + slc" rnown I 3/4" PLYWD + 3/4U HRDWD UF TILE6 MAINLEVELBATII 47 723 15 I 12 GYP 200 1600 150 4.9 7.3 332 13369 40 3 8 GYP 175 525 150 1.6 2.3 LITE CARPETiPAD 141 3t74 23 t2 GYP 0 150 65 865 13 | t2 GYP 225 225 150 0.5 2.4 LITE CARPET/?AD 3258 84859 26 24 2650 304750 ll5 t3 TOTAL 4425 150 11.4 7-' TILE TOIAL NET BTUH REQ'I' 389609 ALL RADIANT trT-,OOR TUBING IS WIRSBO 1/2'' f,EPEX PLUS ALL SNOWMNLT TIIBING IS WIRSBO 5/8" EEPEX PLUS 250 32s0 140 21 25 (ESTIMATED) NOTBS: I. GAS OR W@D FIREPLACES WITHOUT SEALED D@RS MAY ADVERSELY AFFECT T}IE PEFSORMANCE OF RADIANT FLOOR SYSTEMS, 2. IF TWO DIMENSIONS AppEAR IN Tr{E "OC (IN)" COLUMN, INSTALL 50% OF FLOOR AREA ON ONE DIMENSION AND T}IE OTIIER 50% ON TIIE OTHER DIMENSION. TTIE CLOSER TUBS SPACING STIOIJLD BE DONE CLOSEST TO EXTERIOR GLAZED WALLS. 3. SILILL SEPARATE WATER cLosET ROOMS WITF A WINDOW cAN RE COLD AREAS IX'PRWACY DOOR IS LEFT CLOSII' TO ATTACHEII BATH. ^SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT IS REQUIRED IN TflE BELOW ITSTIDAREAS. t' ZONI ROOM SQ BTU BTU AIIX Vo XT HEAT PER BTU'S TOT LOSS SQXT REQID BTU 6 LIViNG/FAIVILY 5*9 20240 37 7000 35 6 KITCHEN/STAIRS 196 8265 42 2000 24 THD IILOOR OUTPUTS LISTED X'OR THE LTVING & TAMILY AREAS ARE CAT.CITI,ATT'.D WITH 1/4II AREA RUGS INCLUDED AI ,I , OI'NER ErIRDWOOD TLOOR OUTPUTS I TSTN,D ARI TOR BARN fl-OOR ONLY ANIT NOT AIIUSTTII F1OR ANY AREA RUC USAGE. FT,OOR COVERII{G ARE NOT LISTEI} ON PRTI{TS. TEE NffI} ['OR SI]PPLIMENTAL EEAT IN TEE LTVNVC. I'IIIN,Y AND XITCUEN WIT,L IIEPJNN ON WNAT TNT. ACTUAT, f,I.OOR COVERINGS ANE GOING TO BE. Scrn,tmrrnrsIDENcE I|:LOOR COVEtrIING T}T'ES. ILAIII-ANT CONSTRUCTION TYPF ANI' ''R'' VALUES EAVE BEEN ASSTJMED IF'NOT SEOWN ON TEE PRINTS. PLT,ASE UST, THIS SEEIT TO CORRECT ANY ASST1MPTIONS MADE THAT-ARE INCORRECT. XI,OORCOVERING CEANGEr.I,OORCOVERING SOIIRCEOT TYPE USED TYPE TO: (LIST CUANGES) ffiATLOSS R'' VALUE CEANGE ''R'' TO usEn (Lrsr CHANGES) ZONEROOM 1 GARAGE2 GARAGEENTRY3 BED 2AIfIC4 BED35 FOYER/TIALL5 LAIJNDRY/BATI{26 LIVINGIFAMILY 6 KITCIIEN/STAIRS6 DINING6 MAINLEVELBATH7 MASTERBED8 MASTERBATH8 MASTERWIC CONCRETE TILE LITE CARPET/PAD LITE CARPET/PAD TILE TILE 3/4u PLYWD + 3/4" HRDV 3/4" PLyWD + 3/4" HRDV 3/4" PLYWD + 3/4'HRDV TILE LTTE CARPET/PAD TILE LME CARPET/PAD WALLS CEILING GLASS SICTLIGHTS DOons FI,OORS T]NDERSLAB SLAB EDGD rOUNI}ATIONWALL AIRCEANGEIER % GLYCOL CALCULATEI) 300h n20 n:l0 RJL3 NA RiL5 Rl9 0 0 0 TFE RADIANT TLOOR INSTALLATTON TYPE IS ACTUALLY (CIRCLE ONE):I TUBING STAPLM LINDER SLIBFLOOR2 TI]BINGINCONCRETESLAB 3 TT'BING IN GYPCRETE WITH FIMSIIED FLOOR DIRECTLY OVER GYPCRETE 4 TUBINGINGYPCRETEWITH -SIJBFLOORDIRECTLYOVERGYPCRETE IS TEERE AI{Y PLANS TO INSTALL AN AIR-TO-{R NEAT EXCEANGER?? Y N IS TEENE ANY PLANS TO INSTALL At{Y E)flAUST SYSTEM OIHER THAN BATflROOM X'ANS OR RANGE EOOI'?? Y N SCHMIDT RESIDENCE EAGLE COUNTY P&H HEATLOSS SUMMARY - WIRSBO IN GYPCRETE SLAB TYPE--O=ON GRADE B=BELOW GRADE W=WALK-OUT BSMT FLOOR TYPE--W=WOOD T=TILE C=CARPET ZN 1 ROOM GARAGE SQFT ROOM AREA 1034 SQFT UNHTD AREA 0 LF AVG HT I LF EXT WALL 106 SQFT GLASS AREA 54 SQFT DOOR AREA 144 SQFT CLG AREA 650 SQFT SKLT AREA 0 LF SLAB EDGE 106 OBW SLAB TYPE W WTC FLOOR TYPE SLAB YN HEATED BELOW? N 2 GAMGE ENTRY 58 28 I 17 0 0 56o 0 17 B T N 3 BED 2/VVIC 170 0 11 13 62 0 220 0 c Y 4 BED 3 183 0 11 W.62 0 123 0 c Y E FOYEFYHALL 225 55 I 11 36 0 0 0 Ttc Y 6 LAUNDRY/BATH2 94 0 I 26 0 0 0 0 T Y 6 IVING/FAMILY 549 0 14 830SF 268 0 700 0 73 W W N 6 TCHEN/STAIRS 330 134 11 440SF 100 0 100 0 30 W W N 6 NlNG 247 0 >Ft 33 72 0 0 0 W Y 6 IAIN LEVEL BATH 47 0 -Kl 0 0 0 0 0 T Y 7 IASTER BED 332 0 11 44OSF 149 0 400 0 c Y I IASTER BATH 141 0 11 120SF 13 0 160 0 T Y I MASTER WIC 65 0 11 60sF 0 0 75 0 c Y I TO\^/NOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2138 o?ootrr* oF coMMUNr* ou*#MENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0018 Job Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.,...: 1410 Buffehr Creek Rd. Applied . . : 03/02/2007 Parcel No...: 21.0312102005 Issued . . : 03/26/2007 ProjectNo : Expires. .: W/22/2001. owNgR SCTIMIDT TEROY S 03/O2/2OOI Phone: PO BOX 407 MONUMMflT EO 80132 I-,icense: coNrRAcToR WTLLIAMS CONSOI-,TDATED DBA 03/02/2O0L Phone: 7L9-59L-6363 Academy Insulation & Dr1rual1 2250 Walmoka Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 8091-5 . I.icenge: 244-M APpr-,rcANr wrll,rAMs coNsor-,TDATED DBA 03/02/2OOL Phone: 719-591-6363 Academy Insulat.ion & Drywal l 2260 Waynoka Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80915 License:244-M Desciption: Installation of 2 decorative gas fue places Valuation: $2,600.00 Ftueplace Information: Restricted: N # of Gas Appliances: 2 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet ***********lr**i'**** Mechanical-> g60.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> go.oo Total Calculated Fees-> $7s.oo Plan Check--> $15-oo DRB Fee*--------> $0.00 Additional Fees--> $0-00 Investigatitrr-> $0. o0 TOTAI FEES-------> $?s . 00 Total Pemrit Fee-> $?8 . 00 Will Cdl--> S3 . o0 Pa1'ments----1 S78 . 0o BALANCE DUE-_> S0. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMI O3/O2/2ooa Ic Action: No Routed to Gary 03/o2/2OO]- CRG Action: AP CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER sEC. 701 oF THE L99"1 UMC' OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): INSTAI'LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CI]APTER 1.0 OF THE ]-997 T]MC, CHAPTER 1.0 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. a I CI{APTER CHAPTER CHAPTER Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE VEIvIED ACCORDING TO TERMI}IATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 oF THE 1997 Tnilc, oR Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST CoMPITY wrTH TIIE 1997 UME AND CI{APTER 3 OF THE 1-997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG. ) : BOILERS SIIAIJIT BE MOUIfTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. UNIJESS I,f SfED FOR MOITNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AlilD CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO A}iI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAIIIIAGE OF MECIANTCAI-, ROOMS CON1TAINING TIEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHAIJIJ BS EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE l_997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the in-formation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in-formation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state la6 and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS iN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF OUTNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 8 A}TD SHAIJI' 8 0F THE 1997 rMC. 3 AtiID S8C.1017 0F ;ffiHTffi--#;ffi;f****{'t'****+***++***++*rt*****"*+'r+***3*****{.'(****d.*il;''- +*:t*+********t(*******:i.:t ++**+*** ******,r. ***** ***++***+++*****:F**************r. *************+*** Statement Number: R000000532 Amount: 978.00 OZ/ZA/ZOOtOg:25 AM Palment Method: Check fnit: CD Notation: Ck #1.55 7 0 Permj-t, No: M01-0018 t\4)e: MECHANICAL pERIvfiT Parcef.No: 27O3I21O2OO5 Site Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL, tocation: 1410 Buffehr creek Rd' Totar. Fees: 9?8.00This Paymenc: 9?8.00 Total ALL pmts: 928.00 Balance: $0.00 * * {<*:l' * * ** * ** * * * *,1* + * * + * * *+ + * * * * * * * * * * **,* * * * *,r* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * it* * * * * ** *** * + +** +,} +** +i +*,i * + ACCOLINTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptron Current Pmts l4P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 Pr 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 t,JC OO1OOOO31i28OO WILL CALL INSPECTiON FEE 3,OO TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROT.ITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTII{E}IT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMET{T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBTNG PER}ITT iIOBSITE AT AJ.L TIMES Permlt *: P00-0097 APPIJTCAIiIT CONTRAqfOR OWNER iTOb AddTESS: 141.0 BI]FFBIIR CREEKLocat,ion...; 14L0 BUFFEHR CREEKParcel No. . : 2LO3-a2t-O2-005Project No.: EAGI.E COUN:rY PLUI'{BING & HEAT P.O. BOX LL73, GYPSITM, CO 81637 EAGI,E COI'IiITY PLI'MBING & HEAT P.O. BOX tr-',73, GYPSI]M, CO 81637 SCIIMIUT TEROY S PO BOX 407, MONTMENT CO 80132 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 09/L4/2o00 Issued. . - : Ercpj-res. . : Phonez 970-524-9376 Phone z 970-524-93'16 14,400. 00 RD RD VaIuaLion:Description: INSTALIJ NEW PIJITMBING FEE SIJuIiIARY Plunbing-----> PlaR eheck- - - > fnweEligatsion> will calL-'-- > RgBtuaralrL Plqn Revi€n- -> TOTA! FEES- - - -- totrl cale$laccd Fe.a---> Additional Feclr-- -------> Total Pernit Fe.--------> PayEentss------- B.AI,ANCE DUE.--- 225 . OO 55 ,2s .00 3,OO ,oo 294.25 244.25 .00 26tt.25 2a4 .25 .00 a * t r r* !l*+*r r! * r * * I * * i * *.a ** * rrrr *r * 'l * ir * * *rr+ **t r * r* * rTEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMEMf09/L4/2OOO LCAIJIPBEL ACEiON: APPR APPROVEDrTCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTO9/L4/2000 TCAIyIPBEL Action: ^A,PPR N/A Dept : BUILDfNG Divi-sion: PER- KWDept: FIRE Divieion: *!lr*rr***!r**t**t****ir***r*rr*i*'l***tt**r*r***ar**r******ll*t* * * *** t* * r *tt ***r* *rr*r *t * r ***r * t * ****r*at+t* *** t** *tt 'l * EONDITION OP APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI.AIICE. **t****ttrrit!*i*ti***********t ******i**r***tr '!r****tt*t*tt?* *t**r**t*t DECT,ARATTONS the infor|oation cqdpLBt€dI helebtr acknonledgc tbat I hav. rcad thiB aptrrlLcation, fillGd out in !u11 plan. and Ftsate Chet all che infonnation provided a6 reguired iE correcu. to conply vith all Toxn ordLnanceg and 6tatse lai.E. and tso build Ehlg cod6e, design review epptoved, uniforo Buildihg code and other ordLnanceg REOUESTS FoR INSPECIIONg I'HAIJL BE !,nDE tlEDlTy-FOItR HoURs IN ADVAIICE BY I to cornply wtth inf accurate plot and ploc p1an, and subdivigLon FRoU g3o0 &l 5rO0 PM Tolrn CIOSTRACT'OR FOR AND OfiNER I *rl:ll*****rt***irl**l******,1*t*****t*******l*tt****tt***r*********** TOI{N OF VAIIJ, COI,oRADO gtatemnt **tt***a***,il*ttill***:l*rl**t**********l****:*,t*+!t*.1*+t.l**:l*.1**!t*t** Statemnt Number: REC- 0577 Anount:2a4.25 09/14/Oo 12.06 Payment ldethod: cHacKK Notation; $3798/EA co pL B Init: Klrtw Pertldt No: P0O-O09? Tlrtr)e: B-PIJiIB Parcel No: 21o3-121-02 - oos Sit'e AddreBa: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: 1-410 BUFFEIIR CREEK RD PIJUII.IB ING PERMIT This Pa)ment Total FeeF: 284.25 Total ALL Pmt6 r Balance r t*il***.t**!t++**.1*****l**i***********:t**+**r!**t**:t*t++**l****:l*r** Account code Descripti.on PP OO1OOOO31111-OO PLUI,TBING PSRI{IT FEES PF OO1OOOO311?3OO PI,AN CHEEK FBES wc 00100003112800 WILL cAtlr INsPEeuoN FEE 244.25 2A4.25 .oo Anount 225 . O0 56 .25 3 . O0 APeLTCATTON|.t r,ror BE ACCE'TED IF TNCOM'LE|* r"arC*ro Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97O-479-2149 (ln ons) MWNOFYEN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Conbd Aswsorc Office at 97O-328-864O or vEit forParcel # Parcel # (Requircd if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name: LEguv Sr*J t,r rcli Job Address: rrv>Bu(pet+a ctz, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Nu*u'scxn..r oi ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: I jllr5.l-A L, 9Uu'rr,rBi IJA 5q 31e \\- WorkClass: New(y' Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familyW ouolexfi) Mutti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) other(v)lprguryreyA\.F{ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinql Cci,vlPLE/r€ Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (.,, ol COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMTT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $oo, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: EAeue crx, r.i< tt ?la'-. [+1k Town of Vail Reg. No.l r'*/=-Q- l??-P Contact and Phone *'s: 5Z!"Qj1 G .ic.egsrgueg \-? \ ?zt,L- Contractor Signature:/,rZZ. -{-'/ /Y /****** ********* ***t ***** **x\+y(*xy'****FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* **rr*******:r** * * * *** ****** ******t **r.* F/everyone/forms/plmbperm $4126/ t)L 0',/:04 tirg704681208 Appficetion # Job,frddrscl o EQf - or /7 Id ool E oor flT APPLICATION Lcgal llcccr: 0raer: Mailing Address: Phmef: illailingAddtusr ftone#: 7t?-1.61-994{ CLrcofWo'rk Dscribe Worlc ro r.tolaE or, c?nEsl lic llw rcgulatbg cont or tb ptrfornmcc of uf aq' rjdicr stdc or local col|sm$an. trarnfiiad +3ot (De) t{oficE t h€rc y c.rti& rh{ | }Ev. f!ad, ad errminEd $is qpLrztbE aud lmw te anc to b€ |ntc ad cotr*.L .1ll provisiqs af bws |nd ditrrccs goverdE lhis typc of *'o.dr wiil b. cooPticd wilb nrtcdra spccifcd hatliti-ot noe Tic grfiliry of'e Fnf r do|r rot p|lsqc ro- give 8|tdlolity v^;JrLrffir 17, 7?O Elcvrtor p[r! tE ltt'rd Edlt artpcldms tTtll-be- cordwtsd by t}. Nortftwet Colors'lo Co[|rcll of cm,.rlrc!t$ Ptlar wi! m n'ifr'Jt" ltwccoc t*5'i'' ilo^-rnelvrr J:l1lI--1T1Ti:#,9H"ffifi"'rfrlci5**rii.,"r lrrp3cbr at (970) rt68-rE95 x t0& pterrc rakc iheclis prvrble to APR 2 3 ?001 4-NWCCOG 08/L0/0t 06:18 Sszo 4881 o 208 NWCCOG @00r NWCCffi Elantor lrupection Program TW; To: Fron: &thjea: 4t7*' &aza &*j NckPayrc Proje*None: fr*t l ehrt *'o' €c,*rr ro, rtl'2,ssdc€ ft n*oorTest and &rsp*tion Location ///O defa* 6r*r,il tr/tftt, €i. P/3t7 a)urcu o/-o# €llrs ulo, ,/""rot-*n( The pluts have bccn revicwed and found to conform to all applicable A*\SI 17.l and LrBC codes. The elevator/sa#r'+t&ft at the above location was inspectcd urd tested on 8-*nt and a: Ei TEMPORARY Certificate has becn issucd. Af FINAL Inspection Cortificatc has beeo issueilr\ Comrnests: Signanrre: k+ E Elevaror Plan Review PeffiftNumber Elevator Type tr bip\planinsp.sart r4l -" 5 06-2tl-?001 hrspecfiol Request Raforilnn Pagn I"ls6_rur"_*. *--_.- "-*HeL{to;1ftifltr_CIE*_l_ fieqoestsd hspect Det+; Thursdal Jr!$e 21, efffl Asslqned lo: EG{-S,TZLE lnrpcct6n f ype: EI-EC Inrirec.llsn Arer: EG SI!6A*Idruss: T4IN BUFFEHR CREEK RD V*IL I4{8 HJFFEHRCR€EKRD t ArP&q$orutrtlqn Acil,ny: E{X}O16? TlFe: B.fLEC Cond TyfF: Occflpshbf[ Paieel: 21{ti}1?{0?Offi ADgIhanI: D.C. ELECTRN CfidPAHY- Drn*r: SCHffilT LEROY I Co{*nch{: D.C. ELFQTRH COlffiAhlY EIegHbTT: ELECTftGAL FUR }ffiil SECO{'MARY LS'$T R€cscsbllhlQecto$($,1 Ptmna $7tr52e$7&$ Pltone: 9fiI694478{} R6fln Ed Tlm€: 0Sr00 Ail' Plron€: g[r+le$S Enh|d Bs l"cAr,psELL K SlilllTCH $nGO|.tr.llER JAC UZZI FACELEf i.9 S€FECT&JE h,O?RF-AOY",[qPr</ot@ Acflsn: '+ A+Ftunno'" A{Oot\: "' ApFtrsarott '"r' A6don: AJ:FfrAFFRAryEO AFPRiFFROT'ED APPRAPPROVEO Aefqr: AFPRfiTPROI/ED Ar.don: ONDEI D I _*--;'".. _t'l hm: 14tl EL€C'rft6& frtrn: 190 EttrCflhgl06/t{st(blflfl+r*3i C€AiP{.ETE UruTAR$ SATTI I.IG*{T:..SECEFT.ACLES JACI.trUI F'ACEI.ESS IJfi FECT*/E I.IOTREADY-. !'- --\t | !;'6\Y- d t ''' ^ (' ,'t.i "TrV\; '1 '{e l*"y '*ry;r APPRA'pRovED $ill8t|: l$$u€oh*pAru: EG s'ibtm: lsFR IEEPTl3l Run Id: '124 .:s LOT TXIILITT E:ASEMENT \TACATA AUTBORXZATION SUBDIVISION Lion's Ridqe JOB NAME Schmidt Residence G-L BLOCK FILING No.2 ADDRESS 1410 Buffehr Creek Road The location and vacate of the utility easement for the area and accompanying site plan described above 1s approved by the following authorized representatives. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE U.S. West Communications 2524 Blickman Grand Junction, CO 81505 Burt Hanson/ Lee Kimbland PubIic Service 4081"6 Highway 6, Avon 81620 Gary Hall 262-4054 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. P.O.Box 972 Avon 8L620 Avo16 r//"ft9 .#- E -ra Ted Huskv/uitce Lavertv 949-5892FeX PA\E seeft?ls,rr TCI Cablevlsion TV P.O.Box 439 Avon 81620 Mark Graves 949-L224 Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail 81657 Fred Hasfee 476-7480 Town of Vail Public Works l-11 S.Frontage Rd West, Vail 81657 I\{o[\+]dl,fu ry€% Greg Hall 419-2L60 Commfty Development Plan RouG ro.ro Routed To:Larcy Pardee, Public Works Greg Hall, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Dominic Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:3/r0/98 Return By:3n8t98 Project Name:PEC ITEM - Schmidt MinorResub. Project Address:l4l0 Buflehr Creek Rd. Pro.iect Legal:Lot G- 1, Lionsridge Sub. #2 Project Description:PEC ITEM Applying to subdivide lot into two lots. construct upon. Provided grading to show ability to Annroved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions l) The survey will need to provide spot elevations at the roadway and elevations ofthe existing garage, also whether there is a coucrete drainage pan at the end ofthe driveway.. 2) The proposed driveway profile will need to incorporate vcrtical curves at all the grade breaks. Ifno concrete pan is preserrt, a 4' p'an will need to be established at the edge of the driveway. The existing driveway pan/flat area may have been required so we would be able to provide a more standard cul-de-sac bulb. I will need to look in the file to makc sure. 3) The driveway will need to address lhe 15'width at the curved comers. 4)'the proposed garage will need to provide for a 20'centerline back out area. 5) All grading in excess of 2:l will need to be eliminated. 6) The grading between the south edge of the uphill walls and the house will need to be shown. 7) What is the parking requirement and where are the spaces provided 8) Provide the finished floor elevation ofthe proposed garage 9)Tlte profiles will need to be established for the two driving maneuvers, going to the new residence and to the existing residence. The profile to the new residence will need to follow a minimum 20'centerline alignment , not the 90 degree turn shown I 0) The requirement for l0% snolv storage on site and not in the right of way will be difficult as drawn. 11) th9 title report states the utility easement is 15'along the front lot lines the survey shows 10' l2)The utilityrcompanies need to aware of the irnpacts of thc grading and driveway along their utility easement l3)The walls do not appear to be designed by the engineer at lhis point, but they will need to have more detail on their construction methods and specifically starnpcd. L 05/08/98 15:43 l'AX 314 721 5135 CATEIIAY ASSOCIATES @ oor O uor*o" Assocr,ATEs L.P. I E000 Maryland Avenuo, Suite {190 St Louir, Missouri 63105 (3141721{707 FACSIMILE NUMBER: (3{4} 721-5135 FAGSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: Mr. Dominic Mauriello FAX: 97O479'2452 FROM: GharlesA. Dill DATE: May 8, 19!18 SUBJECT: Schmidt $ub{ivision, Mlnor Sub Division of lot Gl Lion Ridge Filing #2 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE: Dear Mr. Mauriello, I own the home at {,160G Ridge Lane, dlrcctly up the hillsids and above the requested sub-division. For a number of good Feasons, I strongty obiect to this proposal: 1, The construction of a standqbove home on this propoeed site ls a clear example of trying to fit a home onto a veltical hlllslde where a home should not be built. There simpty is not room to build a stand-alone home on this site, even after the total excavation, destructlon and then attempted rcconstruction of the site. Z. Because of the extreme vertical layout of this hillside site, construction economicg will pressure ffre ownerto overbuild vertlcally -'direcily obstnrcting the open Vall mountain vlstas currently enioyed by the homeournerc on Rldge Lane' Wlthout question, this proposal will have a significant negative impac't on the property values of the six current Vall homeownens on Ridge Lane. 05/08/98 15:43 FAX 314 ?21 6135 GATTilAY ASSOCIATES @oo2 Mr. Dominic Mauriello Page 2 Schmidt Sub-Dlvision 3. I am not intimate$familiarwith the building codes of the Town of Vail, but these codes should give weight to protection of the open views of the undeveloped spaces and mountain s of VailValley. To the contrary, the subject proposal appeam to tade a view fior one new homeovuner for the views of six exisiing homeornnerc. F this propoeal for a sub- division and single dwelling is permltted, at the very least' the owner should not be permitted to build abovethe sight lines of flrs home- ownens on Rldge Lane. To do so would directly and slgnlficantly reduce the value of the land and properties above the subiect site. Based on the above, I agree completely with the staff rccommendation of the Gommunity Development Department - - - that the subdivlslon propooal of Lot G1 Lion Rldge filing #2 is inconsistent with the development of obiectives of the Town of Vail and would caus€ substarrtial slte disturbance and degradation, which could be alleviated by attaching the dwelling unils on-site. Sincercly, AeJ. f,a,4 Gharles A. Dlll 14'60 C Ridge Lane Vall, GO 8{657 s70476:t4U 91+721-1047 303-873-9336 Richard P, Rosen \hs cc: Leroy Schmidt PAGE 82 Dt!tvte E LAU' OFFICES RICHARD P. RO$T N, P. C. April22, 1998 Via Facsimile 970.479.2452 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 Soutb Frontaee Road Vail, Colorado 8l6i? Re; t,d (Fl, Lion's Ridge $ufudivisi6a F'iling No. 2, County of Eaglg Srrte of Coloradq also known as l4l0 Euffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Dominic: This offce has bccn rctained by Mr. Leroy Schmidt to assim in rhe minor subdivisiott of ttc above referenced property. Due to a seheduling confliet telative to the upconing Planning and Environmartal Cornrnission hearing on Monday April 2?6, I anr requesting that the application for this matter be tabled until May I lb. In tlre meantime. woutd ycu pleasc forward to my attention (via facsimilc at 303.E73.9336) a copy of the staffmemorafldum you pr€parcd for presentatior to PEC- I would hopo that you might send this documcnt eitl€r rhi-E afternoon or tomorrolv mormng, Thar*s for your assistatrce. Regards, RICI{ARD P. ROSEN, P,C. OF 7535 EAST HAMEDEN A!,ET'TUE s u tt E 3 5 0 DrNyEJt . cotoRip9 6028l rur Jo3 - t7t - 91tt FAx 101 . 8D. 9J36 lr{,&rwc .{Drfld$t: P.O. 80x 6711 DlNl/ER . coioRiDo 802o6 b"iL_- NDSTROM ASSOCIATES o Innson Mar-31-98 07:55A Lf enc Jo a r c h i t e c t, p.c. Adr l 11A 'To*r.,'. o + rA,tt Prpfr4t^r&f* .4 G,wflvf r pGr/r. 16 t. tb. Flra^*13c F.dvl^l A btbgl 33 . &hFi,fr FFoF=ETY- tlt.yr)r tcsr.r .La'T ce. I Lror,.r r;lAa F,l*b fl z t4cc au+'e.hr CvrzL Forcl-\Ail aa Qe>t fl>rrt1p, + --Poer.dri3 +.L.rld,ra ppl.ar*ror--. a*d ft{-tuyvh!. q- r,r,ttq- np'l.i^ -i+,t "^,tt +t^r- *bltr*rb : ' -Tt sbouc- (voV Jp, b.dF ewr."o**trtr >?r*r*n /+). :a>^a rZ-r"';^l \d ;-Jr*i**- -A ?hd^u'1 r.fstCl..cr-- oF b._o=i(._,,'gF'5.l,({qr * uEa} | 3i& +", +A;ir^t be[:]&- (.bb &fabl +" llb,^l l A*a".dvU rr+igrr..- .*{^o vee.^r-! {on6 (&FA ( C bez_} on eciula divi&J Dhd dr$'o{^rJ po,u{1|-. 12,* {*._4D.a, ?:"f\ .. A de?uz4*- .'rectle r {+tra,n E?-zr^d +r-$v*** t6 T.a. vrit e*rad *t+ Lilt f".narirf i'raac!. Wdf"tq *-ten rf.fag, ?tifirr4*.- po Box 2088 vAlL co 8r6s8 t sto.gzu.t@ FAx 926_s?93 I e L surveying Inc. Leroy Schuidt 14l0 Buffetrr Creek Road vall,Colorado APRIL 3, Subdlvlslon Fill.ng No. on the filing Plat is r998 2, County 38,379 Square RE: Area of Lot G-l The area of Lot G-l ln Lionrs Rldgeof Eagle r State of Colorado as shownfeet t or 0.88 acres t.plffi DAVID L GOERTZEN PRESIDENT G&L SURVEYING, INC. 2345 Acadcrny Placc. Suirc 201 Colorado Sorincs. CO. 80909 (7 l9) 572-f095- (719) S72-l@t(fax) I ,-. t McDonold's Restouronts P.O. Box 407 Monument, Colorodo 80] 32 7191488-@44 303/688-5880 Fox: 7191481-8774 Dtt$-TBqg;*d 1-3-72 D e-a-z- ryv\r< rY^H'4J*'llA ) qrr^cPt "l ls -le-a 0tfur{ a#edt"fl. +. qas Qp+ =;1e 4 ry PruN7 '+ l4 ro e^ffAe CK"ah'- NA, oN g e<r-fsrfi, /-entv { S "A*,'A+'/ 1lq 'ts.'- ottoG "# Oufst Caii tnc i'iirrnin-t Su.lfir,t 4?9-2i3: APPLICATIOI{ FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMBNTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Cornmission. For spccific information. see thc submiftal rcquiremcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acceptcd until all rc4uired information is submitted. Thc projcct may also necd to bc rcviewed by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Addinonal GRFA (250) tr BedandBrcaldast tr Conditional Use Pcrmit tr Major or (Vinor Subdivisiontr Rezoninl 'tr Sign Vaiance tr Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt TOWN OFYAIL tr Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd Developmcnt Plan tr Employee Housing Unit Clypc: ----)tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Maior or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Alteration (Lionshead) Special Devclopmcnt Disrict Maior or E Minor Anrcndrncnt to an SDD tr tr B.DESCzuprrONoFrHEREauESr, ^4 (il'd'(K'^b{l.rl5t+"^\ D. C.LOCAT1ON OF PROPOSAT-: r-Or]6 ^_.,LBLOCK_ FTLTNG 2-- ADDRESS: ZONING: MAILINC ADDRESS: F. OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S): G.NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: BUILDINC NAME: PHONE: reic $6 H. Pa. Puorte:7,18Fffi; 7&to,^Fa77 FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEF- frnf'SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL RXQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. For Office Use Onlv: r""pad-Tfu,@cr,, /bb( sy M Application|l4"l 344K PEC MeetingD ^r"t N r"( 17, 127( NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvisod 6/96 io Address: 1400 Butrehr Creek Rd. Briar Patch Condos #I Owner: WebsterAtwell II, P.O. Box 2033, Vail, CO 81658 Address: 1390 Bufehr Creek Rd. Briar Patch Gondos #3 Ovvner: DavidJ. & Alberta |. Lreach, P.O. Box 3707, Vail, CO 81658 Address: 1400 Bufrehr Creek Rd. Briar Patch Condos #2 Ovrner: David G. Stueber, P, O. Box 1924, Vail, CO 81658 Address: 1400 Buffehr Creek Rd. Briar Patch Condos -/. . Owner: Briar Patch IJ€, 1600 Stout St., Suite 1600, Denver, Co 8A2O2 Address: 1425 BuffehrCreekRd. Owner: |eanne S. McGill, 1450 Butrehr CreekRd., Vail, CO 81657 Address: Ridge at Vail Townhomes, 5A . Owner: N.V. Elenial, P.O. Box 3117, Vail, CO 81658 Address: Ridge at Vail Townhomes, 5B Owner: Marlene Kearney, 1460 Ridge Inne #8, Vail, CO 8165? Address: Ridge at Vail Townhomes, 5C Owner: CharlesA. DiIl,80? S. Warson, St. Louis' MO 63124 Address: Ridge at Vail Townhomes, 5D -e. Owner: Ridge at Vail Homeowners Association, %o Todd Keleske, 1460 Ridge Iane, Vail, CO 81652 Address: Ridge at Vail Townhomes, 5 H -ts Owner: ]ohnandMaryHartwig, 88ll Crestwood Rd. Minneapolis, MN 55437 Address: Ridge at Vail Townhomes, 5J Owner: Robert E. and Diane S. Heeter, 3305 Eagle BIuffRoad3 Mound, MN 55364 Address: Ridge at Vail Townhomes, 5K ? Owner: Piergiorgio Gosta, 250 Pondfield Rd., Bronxville, Ny 10708 Address: 1462 AspenGrove Inne t' Ow:rer: W. Scott Mclntyre, Essex Falls, NI 07021 rl l il, rEM MAy AFFE.T you* p*op*" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofVailwill-hold a publh hearing in accordance w:ith Section 12-3-6 of the MunicipaiCoOe ottneTowl gf V-ail on-April 13, 1998, at 2:00 p.M. in the Town of Vait Municipal Buitding- tn consideration of: { r.eq99s1fo1a minor subdivision, located at 1410 Butfehr Creek Road, Lot G-l, Lion's Ridge Gubdivision Filing 2. Applicant Eric Johnson, representino Lerov SchmidtPlanner: Dominic Maurielio A-request for a side yard setback variance and a conditional use permit, to allow for the addition of a car wash, located at2154 South Frontage Road/unplailed. Applicant Sonny Caster, GTS, Inc., d.b.a. VailConoco ServicePlanner: George Ruther A reguest for a building height variance, to allow for an increase of one-foot in building height, located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vait Viltage West First Filing. Applicant: Julia WatkinsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a site coverage variance, to allow for a residential addition, located at Unit #602, Vail 21 Condominiums, 511 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: BillwalkerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A requesl for a site coverage variance and additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a residential addition, located at 1230 Westhaven Circle/Lot 32, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Mafilyn Quayle, represented by Edc HillPlanner: George Ruther A reguest for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C.Planner: Dominc Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a temporary garden center, located at2107 North Frontage Road/unplatted, Vail das Schone. Applicant: Planner: City Market, Inc. Christie Barton The applications and informa0on about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. 16v Ftf c0Py TOI,I4V OFVAIL Department of Community Develapmen 75 South Fronnge tuad VaiL Colorado 81657 97A479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 24, 1998 Eric Johnson P.O. Box 2088 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Schmidt - Minor resub of Lot G-1, Lionsridge Sub. Filing #2 Dear Eric: Staffis in the process of reviewing your proposal for a minor subdivision. There are addifional materials and comments which must be addressed before we can complete our review of the proposal. Initially, it appears staff udll not be able to support the proposal. We believe the site does not lend itself to development as two lots. The site has significant site consfraints and the creation of this additional lotwill severely impact the site due to grading and site disturbance. It does not appear that vehicular access to the lot can be achieved while meeting the Town's standards. Additionally, the DRB and subsequently the Town Council denied a separation request on this property in the past. This subdivision is essentially a different method of achievingthe same result. Staffhas identified iszues with the application that need to be resolved prior to a hearing with the planning and Environmental Commission: l. Previous applications and surveys in our files indicate a total site square fooage of 38,332.8 sq. ft. The two lots that you propose totat 38,378.52 sq. ft. and your slope analysis shows a total site area of 38,365.69 sq. ft. Please provide a survey of the properly that indicates the total lot area and is stamped by a licensed surveyor. 2- There is no written indication of what exactly is being proposed with the minor subdivision. Are you proposing 4 total dwelling units or two? Also, the Subdivision Regulations state that tbe applicant has the burden of proving that the proposed subdivision meets the criteria and purposes ofthe Subdivision Page I of3 {gon"uor ro Regulations. This statement has not been provided. 3. The survey needs to provide spot elevations at the roadway and needs to indicate whether or not a concrete pan exists at the road edge. If no concrete pan is present, a 4'wide (2" invert) pan will need to be established at the edge of the roadway. The proposed driveway profile will need to incorporate vertical curves at all grade breaks. 4. The proposed driveway needs to have a width of 15' at curved comers. 5. The proposed garage will need to provide for a 20' centerline radius for the back out area. 6. Any proposed grading at a slope greater than 2: I will need to be eliminated. Please revise the plan accordingly. '1. The grading between the south edge of the uphill walls and the house will need to be shown. Please revise theplan accordingly. 8. Please provide a finished floor elevation for the proposed garage. 9. hofiles will need to be established fortwo driving maneuvers, going to the new residence and to the existing residence. The profile to the new residence will need to follow a minimum 20' centerline radius alignment, not the 90 degree tun shown. 10. There is a requirement that 10% of the area of pavement exist for snow storage on the subject property (i.e., not in the public righrof-way). The proposed plan does not provide adequate snow storage areas on-site. Please revise the plan. 11. There is a discrepancy between tle title report and the survey. The title report states that there is a l5' utility easement across the front property line, the survey shows l0'. Please clariff. 12. Utility companies need to approve the proposed grading in their easements. Please provide a letter of approval ftom all utility companies. 13. A civil engineer will need to stamp the retaining wall plans. Please provide stamped plans for the retaining walls. 14. PriortothePEChearingwewillneed8.5"x ll"reducedcopiesof allplans. You will also need to provide the proposed plat (and reduced copies) for our review. Page 2 of 3 This item is cunently scheduled for review by the PEC on April 13, 1998. In order to remain on this agenda, these comments must be addressed and any changes submitted to me by April2, 1998. If you have any questions, please call me at479-2148. ffi$w Page 3 of3 I Date Received t JUL 20 1998 July 17, 1998 Town of Vail Leroy S. Schmidt Dept. of Community Development P.O. Box 407 1 1 1 S. Frontage Road West Monument, Co. 80132 Vail, Co. 81657 Re: Schmidt Residence 1410 Buffehr Creek Road Lot G-1, Lions Ridge filing 2 Vail, Co. 81657 To whom it may concern, This letter is written as a request to e*end for one year the 1995 approved Design Review Board secondary residence for the above primary/secondary address. The past and present construction costs and schedule do not make the project feasible at this time. However, I do wish to proceed with the project in the near future and make this request in anticipation of maintaining continuity and the review process. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly,6rt j@ Leroy S. Schmidt TOWN OFVAIL Department oJ Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 October5? 1998 Eric Johnson P.O. Box 2088 Vail. Colorado 81658 RE: Schmidt - Miuor resub of Lot G-1, Lionsridge Sub. Filing #2 Dear Eric: Due to the inactivity on the above referenced application, the Community Development Dpnartment is considering the application inactive and has withdrawn it from consideration. If, in the future, you wish to reactivate this application, a new application and filing fees will be required. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 479-2148. Surcef€lV.n '/1 | n nI.)JnU",illnt\. LJ tL t trrY.r !w.!\/\JrLM-J<-t Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Planning {g *""""uo" ro rrrt0Pl TOWN OFVAIL Department of Communtty Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970479-2452 June 12, 1998 Eric Johnson P.O. Box 2088 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Schmidt - Minor resub of Lot G-1, Lionsridge Sub. Filing #2 Dear Eric: Listed below are some preliminary cornments on the revised plan for this subdivision' These comments represent the Public Works review of the revised plan. L The area in front oftbe existing garage needs to be 24' deep and the radius ofthe inside curve needs to be shown. 2. There are areas where the grading is shown inconectly with regard to the maximum 2:l slope and how grades come into and out of walls. 3. In the area on the south side ofthe house, there appears to be an 8' high wall, as contour 28 comes into a wall with a bottom elevation of 20 and the area between the walls is over 2:1. There could be additional concems when your final plan is produced. I also need to understand what process you are intending to proceed with. We currently do not have a DRB application. fhe pSC review was tabled to the June 22, 1998 meeting. If you intend to proceed wiiU tne June 22 meeting, I will need all of your proposed plans meeting all development standards by June 15, 1998 at noon. Please let me know ofyour intentions. Page I of2 {p *"uo"o Trnf1 n:I If you have any questions, please call me al479-2148' I Chief of Planning Page2 of 2 TO; FHOM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April27, 1998 A request for a minor subdivision of Lot G-1 to create a new lot, located at 1410 Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicant Leroy Schmidt, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is proposing to divide Lot G-1, an existing Primary/Secondary lot, into two single- family lots. The current lot size is 38,379 sq. ft. and the applicant is proposing one 15,115.51 sq. ft. lot and one 23,263.01sq. ft. lot. The minimum lot size for the PrimaryiSecondary zone disMct is 15,000 sq. ft. of buildable area. The applicant is proposing to divide the allowable GRFA among the two sites and therefole there is no increase in GRFA. The applicants request does not increase the number of allowable dwelling units on the lot but is in essence a separation of the two units currently permitted. The applicant has provided a grading plan showing how access to the new lot will be achieved. Approximately 70% of the site has grades ot 20V"-3Ao/". The steepest grades exist adjacent to the existing street wttich makes access to the new lot difficult. The applicant is proposing access from the existing driveway. The proposed driveway creates the need for a series of 4 retaining walls (up to 6' in height) which are approximately 120' long. The proposed driveway configuration does not allow for adequate Fire Department access and required parking for the existing house will conflict with access to new driveway. II. BACKGROUND Lionsrldge Filing f2 was platted by Eagle County in 1972. When annexed to the Town of Vail, Lot G-1 was zoned Primary/Seconclary Residential, The site cunently contains a single-family home which received a Certificate of Occupancy on February 12, 1992. On February 19, 1992, the DRB denied a request by the applicant to separate the primary and secondary units on the site. This action was appealed to the Town Council. On March 17, 1992, the Town Council unanimously upheld the DRB denial of this request. ln staff's opinion, the cunent proposal is simply a different avenue/process of achieving the separation request. In March of 1994, the owner received DRB approval for an attached secondary unit on the property. On June 7, 1995, lhe owner received another approval for an attiached secondary unit on ihe site and a 250 request for the primary unit. This 1995 approval for the secondary unit has been extended several times, and is valid until August 15, 1998. These approvals clearly show that the applicant is able to attach the units on the site without hardship' The property is located in a Medium Severity Rockfatt Hazard. require a site specific hazard study. Any development on this site will ilL Hazards: Lot area: Standard Site Coverage: GRFA Lot area: Allowed/R€ouir€d 5,756 sq. ft. (15%) 6,5'18.9s sq. ft. 15,000 sq. ft. Existing 1,910 sq. ft. (57") 3,190 sq. tt. 38,379 sq. ft. Prooosed TBD 6,518.95 sq. ft. (tohl) 15,1 15.51 sq. ft. (south lot) 23,263.01 sq. ft. (north lot) ZONING ANALYSIS Med ium Severity Rockfall 38,379 sq. ft. IV. MINOFSUBDIVISIONREVIEWCRITERIA The first set of revieuv criteria to be considered by the PEC for a minor subdivision application are as follows: A. Lot Area The Primary/Secondary Residential zone district requires a minimum lot area of 15,000 sq. ft. of buildable area. The applicant's request complies with this standard. B. Frontage The Subdivision Regulations require a minimum frontage of 30'along a public or private street. Technically, the proposal meets this requirement, however, the lot is accessed through the adjoining lot and therefore this lot does not have its own independent access. C. Site Dimensions The Zoning Regulations require that each site be of a size and a shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80'on each side, within its boundaries. The applicant's proposal adheres to this requirement. The sgcond set of review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision requ€lst is as outlined in the subdivision Regulations, and is as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intended purpose ol Title 13, Chapter 4, the zoning ordinance, and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under g 13-3-3-3.C. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town, environmental integrity and compatibility with surounding uses."[emphasis addedl The suMivision purpose statements are as follows: 1.To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required, Staff Response: One purpose of subdivision regulations, and any development control, is to establish basic ground rules which the staff, the PEC, applicant and the community can follow in the public review process. Although this request does not involve the creation of a new subdivision, this is the appropriate process to divide this lot into two parcels. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adiacent property. Staff Response: The applicanfs proposalcomplies with the technical, or dimensional, requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. However, staff believes the proposal negatively impacts the site. The proposal causes substantial disturbance and degradation ol the site by necessitating a driveway cut across the entire property. Additionally, any proposed structure will also require retaining walls which would further impact the slte. ln staff's opinion, the appropriate location for an additional structure on the site is adjacent to the existing strueture where site disturbance can be minimized. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipatity and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Response: The proposal will not have a negative impact on this criterion. To insure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town Zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Staff Response: While the request is in compliance with the technical and dimensional requirements of the regulations, due to the steepness of the site in relationship to the right-of-way, development on the newly created lot will cause substantial site disturbance inconsistent with the development objectives of the zoning Regulations. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other pubtic requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serue the proposed subdivision. Staft Response: The proposal will not have a negative impact on this criterion. 2. 3. 4. 5. I 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction, design standards and procedures. Staff Response: The proposal will provide accurate legal descriptions for the property. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of land. Staff Response: Again, staff believes the proposal is inconsistent with this criterion due to the degree of site disturbance required on-site to achieve the separation of the dwelling units. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the proposed minor subdivision subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposal is inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town of Vail. 2. That the proposal will cause substantial site disturbance and degradation which could be alleviated by attaching the dwelling units on-site. F1EVERYON E\PECW EMOS\g8\SCHMIDT.427 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 August 15,1997 Eric Johnson 1000 Lionsridge Loop, #3D Vail, CO 81657 RE: Schmidt Rcsidence, Lot C-1, Lions Ridgc Filing 2 Dcal Eric: Staff has reviewed the requcst by Lcroy Schmidt to cxtend the Design Review Board approval for thc secondary unit. locatcd at 1410 Buffehl Crcek Road. Staffhas glantcd the requcst and has extcndcd thc apploval until August 15, 1998. Should you havc any qucstions, pleasc fccl ficc to contact mc aI" 479-2454. Sinccrcly, l@-sLlUa/tw-b^-. Lauren Watcrlon, AICP Town Planner LWjr {p necvcnne*sn :1:*97 tzzt7P LINQATROIq AssocrATEs It t* jT g4e_-5zss enic johnson 'f i r"'- i'q' !i architect,p.c. Augurfi 15,1997 Toum of Vai[ Ikpartnrnt of Conmunity l]ovcloprnent I I I S. Frorilage Rosd West Vail, Co E1657 RE SCHMIDTRESIDENCE I4IO BUF:FEHR CREEK ROAD I.IOTc-1, LIONS RIDGE FILING2 vArI4 co E1657 To WhomlrMayConcern, This htt€r is rrwitten as a request to extend for one par the 1995 approved Design Review Board Secondary Residenoe for the above pdmary/Secodary addrcss. The Past ard prcsent comtruction costs and schcdule do not make the projoet feasible at rhic tinp. Howevetr, I do wfuh to proce€d with the project in th ncar firture and nratre this reques in anticipafion ofrninteining continui,ty and ths leview prccess. Thankyou br your considerdim in Oris rdter, P.()1 po Bo)( eoBS vAL CO 81658 970.9e6.529e FA)( g2B.5eg3 Lrst American llerltage G -nrna riwar,r P. O. Eas1e,'Co 81531 (970) 328-s211 DATE: NOVEMBER 7, oRDER NO.: ES48400897 PROP. ADDR.: 252- Buffehr OIiNER,/BIIYER: Kimberly A, PI,EASE DEIJIVER fO THE CUSTOI"IERS L'ISTED BELOW: ;::';,;;c DEIJIVERY :TRAN S![I TI.E IJ !997 Creek Road S.. Vai1, Colorado 81557 Stone lro: FirBt lnarican E€ritage fl.tls coEagl€ Branch Office 318 Broadray P.o. Box 1980Eagl€, Co 81631PII: (970) 328-5211 FN(: (970) 328-5252 IITEN: ilan NO. oF CoPIES: 1 TO! KLDberly gtone 27785 Camargo Drl.veGolden, co g0{01 303-525-0665 (r) 303-526-4707 ATTN:No. OF COPIES: 1 F Io: PruAential Gore Range PlopergieE 511 Llonebead MallvaL1, co 8L657pll: (970) 476-2t182 FA](; (970) 476-6499 ATTtil: (F) 465-6499 NO. OF COPIES: 1 F To: slifer, smlth & Fra$pton/VAREVail ReaI Estat€ 183 Gore Creek DrivevaiI, co sL6S7PII: (970) 479-2O2O FAX: (970) 479-2029 AITN: Chris ga1l (F) {79-2029 No. OF CoPIES: 1 I' To: slifer, Stnith & Flampton/\rARE P.o. Drarer 2820Avon, co 81620FIr: (970) 845-2000 FN(: (970) €4s-5560 ATSN: Ratma (F) 845-2050 NO. OF COPfES: 1 F To: LreRoy schmidt P,O. Bor 407 Monum€nt, co 80132 AftN3 HO. OF COPIES:![ lo: ATTN! NO. Or COPIES: TO: ATTN: NO. Or COPTES: TO: A|ITN! NO. OF COPXES: TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: THE ABOVE IS A IJIST OF CLIEIfTS THE ATTACHED MATERIATS HAVE BEEN DELIVERED TO. SSOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE T{ATERIAIJS, PLEASE CONTACT FIRST AMERICAI\T HERITAGE TITLE CO AT THE ABOVS PHONE NUMBER. PLEASE REVIE!., THE ENCI,OSED MATERIAIJ CAREFULLY, TAKING NOTE OF THE FOI,LOWING ITM{S CONTAINED THEREIN: DO.aNIRN File # ES484tl0B97 FIRST AMERICAN HERTTAGE TITLE COMPANY INFORMATION The Title Insurance Commitment is a legal contract between you and the comPany. lt is issued to shov, the basis on which we wilt issue a Title Insurance Policy fo you. The Policy will insure you against certain risks to the land title, subiect to the limilalions shown in the Policy. The Company will give you a sample of the Policy torm. il you ask. The Commitment is based on the land title as of the Commitment Daie. Any changes in the land titte or the transaclion may affect the Comrnitmenl "n6 16E Pqlicy. The Comrnitment is subject to its Requiremenls, Exceptions and Conditions' THIS INFORMATION tS NOT PART OF TIjE TITLE INSUHANCE COMMITMENT. AGBEEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY SCHEOUTE A 1. Cornmitment Date 2. Policies to be lssued, Amounts 3. Interest in the Land and Owner 4. Description ot the Land SCHEDULE E'l - Fequirements SCHEDULE B-2 - ExcePtions CONDITIONS TASLE OF COHTENT5 and Proposed lnsureds Page 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1-A YOU SHOULD READ THE COMMTTMENTVERY CAREFULLY. CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage. deed of trust or other security instrument. (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters af fecting the titte according to the slate law where the land is tocated. 2. LATER D€FECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B - Section 2 may be amended to show any defects. liens or encumbrances lhat appear for the first time in public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Requirements of Schedule I - Section 1 are met. We shall have no liability lo you because of this amendment. 3. EXISTING OEFECTS lf any defects, liens or encumbrances exisling at Commitment Date are not shown in ScheCule B, we may amend Schedule B to show ihem. lf we do amend Schedule B to show these defects. liens or encumbrances. we shatl be liable io you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in v/riting. 4. Lllvl|TATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue to you lhe Policy referred to in lhis Commilment, when you have met its Flequirements. lf we have any tiability to you for any loss you incur because of an error in this Commitrnent, our liability will be limited to your actual loss caused by your relying on this Commitment when you acted in good faith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B - Section I or eliminate with our written consent any Erceptio6e 5ftsrvn in Schedule B - Seclion 2. we shall not be liable for more than the Policy Amount shown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COIVIMITMENT Any claim. whelher or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this Commilment and is subject to its terms. 2C0-200-l I Form tla t3a3 {CO87) ALIA Plain Lenguaga Sonmiltncnt COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY FIRST AM ERICAN HERITAG E TITLE COMPANY agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUHANCE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY FIRST AMEHICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, rete(ed to In this Commilment as the Company, through its agenI First American HeritageTitle Company, referred to in this Agreement as the Agent, agrees to issue a policy to you according to the terms ol this Commitmenl When we show the policy amount and your name as the proposed insured in Schedule A, this Commitrnent becornes eff ec- tive as of the Commitment Oate shown in Schedule ,6. ., It the Requirements shown in this Commitment have not been rnet within six months after the Commitrnent date, our oblig alio n u nd er th is Com mitment will end. Also our obligation u nder this Com mit- menl will end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation to you will be under the Policy. Our obligation under this Commitment is limited by the foliowing: The Frovisions in Schedule A. The Requirements in ScheCule E-1. The Exceptions in ScheCule B-2. The Conditions on page 1-A This Commitment is not valid without SCHEDULE A and Sections 1 and 2 of SCHEDULE B. First America n Title I nsu ra nce Company PRESiOENT BY I1/JI:. C,5=/-/. sEcRETAFY FUc # Egt8400B9? FIRST AMERICAN HERITC TITLE CO 318 Broadway P.O. Box 1980, Eagle, CO-8telt, (970) 328-5111 COMMITMEI{T SCSEDI'LS A ce"'nLtm6Et No: ES4840 0897 1, C€'ml,t$ent Dats: Ocbober 23, 799'7 aE 7t29 A..t4, 2. Policy or PollcLes to be Lgsued: Pollcy LnouDt (a) ouners Policy - Propoeed, Ingu!€d: $ 235,000.00 Kimberly A. Stone 3. tr€e sirpl€ Lnterest in the lald d,escribed ln ghlr Coorlteent ls onaadl, at Eh€ consLtment Date by: l,eRoy S . Schmidt 4. fhe land ref,errad to Ln tbis Coomltnent Ls d.eecribed a8 followa: A portion of: L,ot c-1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, according Eo the recorded Flat thereof To be knovrn as: Lro t. G-1 South Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 according to the Plat recorded , 1997 ln Book - at Page -,county of Eag1e, state of Colorado. (for informaEional purposes only) 252- Buffehr creek Road s. PREI{ITJM: Tax Certificate tLl0'7/9"7 L6-46:08 pq PSK $ 821.00 $ 15.00 tL/0'1 197 16:41:44 pg ?SK EL t 8s484@897 NOTICE TO PROSPECfIVE OTCNERS (A STATEX4ENT MADE AS REQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGUI,AIION) GAP PROTECTION When this Company conducts Ehe closing and is responsible for recording or filing ttre legal documents resulting from the transaction. the company sha1l be responsible for all natters which appear on the recotd prior to sueh Eime of recording or filing. I{ECIIANTC'S LTEN PROTECT]ON If you are a buyer of a single farnily residence you may reguest mechanic's lien coverage to be issued on your policy of insurance. If the property beingr purchased has not been the subject of construction, improvements or repair in the last six months prior to the date of Ehls conmitment tshe requirements vrill be payrnent of the appropriate premium and the completion of an AffidaviE and Indemnity by the se1ler. If the properEy being purchased was constructed. improwed or repaired within six monEhs prior to the dat.e of Ehis coNnitment the requirements may involve disclosure of certain financial informati.on, palment of premiums, and indemnity, among others. The general requirements staued above are subjecE. to the revision and approval of the Company. SPECIAT TAXINE DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notiee Given In Conformity lrtith Section L0-LL-t22 C.R.S.) fhe subject land may be located in a special taxing district,. a certificate of taxes due listing eaeh taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the coulty treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent; and infor$ation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districEs may be obtained from the board oE county corunissioners, the county clerk and recorder, or the county assessor. LL/0"1 /9'l 16:41:4? ps PsK Forn No. 1344-81 (Co-8e) ALtlf, Plaln frangiuage Comi FilG * E9ft4{x}897ots€nt SCHEDUT'EB-S€ctlon'. Oriler No. 834840089? R6quireEent,s fb,e followl.ng requ!.renenta DuEt be net: (a) Pay the agreed amounts for Ehe inEerest in the land and/or for the mortgage co be lnsured. (b) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (c) Obtain a certificate of taxes due from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent. {d} The following documents satisfactory to us must be signed, delivered and recorded; L. Warranty Deed sufficient to eonvey the fee simple estate or interest in the land described or referred t.o herein, to the Proposed Insured, Sehedule A, Item 2A. 2. Release of the Deed of TrusE fron LeRoy S. SchmidE Eo the Publj.c lrusEee of Eagle County for lhe benefit of Peoples National Bank !o secure an indebtedness in the principal sum of $500,000.00, and any other amounts and/or obligations secured tbereby, dated Septernber 1-3, 1995 and recorded sepE enber 21, ].995 i.n Book 575 aE. Page 548. 3. ?HrS COMMIT}{ENT IS SITAJECT TO SUCH REQUTREMETVTS AND,/OR EXCEPTIONS AS MAY BE DEE}IED NECESSARY UPON REVIEW OF TI{B PLAT AND PARTY WAIL AGREEMEMT BY COI]NSEI, FOR THE CO!.{PANY, ITS AGENTS OR SUBSIDIARIES. 4. Resubdivision PLat and Party WaI1 Agreement. The following material, which may not necessarily be recorded, must. be furnished to Ehe Company to its satisfaction to-wit: {e) Compliance with the provisions of Section 39-14-102, Colorado Revised Statutes, requiring compleEion and filing of a Real Property Transfer Declaration. (f) Evidence satisfactory to the Com$any of Compliance with an ordinance enacting a real estate E.ransfer t ( hrithin the Town of Vail tooether trith all amendments thereto. NoTE: IF THE sALEs PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS $100,000.00 THE SELIER SHALL BE REQUTRED TO COMPIJY hIITH THE D]SCLOSURE OR WTTHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-22-504. 5 (NONRESIDSMf WITHHOLDING) . tL/07/97 15:41:48 psr PSK ForT No. I344-BZ {CO-88) AIJTI Plaln Laagruage Coeltn€n Filef ES48400B9t ts SCHEDUITEg-s€ction2 Order No. ES48400897 Exceptlona Any policy tt€ lssu6 11111 hava the followlng o:rc€ptions un1€re they are taken care of go our aatlefactlon: 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's Office. 2. Any faet,s, rights, interests or elaj.ms wlrich are not shown by the publ"ic records but wbich could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by public records. 4. Discrepanci.es, conflicts in boundary 1j.nes. shorlage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and i.nspection of the Land trrould disclose. and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Any 1ien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or materj.al heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and noE shown by the public records. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes, assessmenEs and unredeemed tax 6ales. 7. The right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract or remove his ore should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises thereby granted as reserved in United States Patents recorded in Book 93 at Page 42; and any and all assignrnents thereof or interest therein. 8. R.ight of eray for ditches or canals consEructed by the auEhorlty of lhe UniEed StaEes, as reserved in UniEed StaEes Pat€nt recorded in Book 93 at Page 42. 9. covenants. conditions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause, set forth in the instrument recorded September 20. L972 in Book 225 at Page 443. 10. The following items as set forth on the plae of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing #2, to-wit: Uti.lity easemenEs 10 feet on each side of all inEerior IoC lines and 15 feet along all exEerior loE lines and along all subdivision boundary lines. 1"1, Terms. conditions. provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Agreement regarding underground teleplrone conduit by and beuween Tayve 1 Environmental Land Company and Mountaj.n States Telephone and Tel-egraph Conrpany recorded septedber 27, 1973 in Book 231 at Page 291. L2. Easements, reservations and restrictions as shown on the plat recorded Septeniber 20, L972 ln Book 225 aE Page 444. - - Cont inued t1-/07/97 16:41:5L ps PsK form tito. L344-BZ (CO-88) ILTA PleLa La.Bguage comlt$e! Filcrl 891&40089? ot Schedule B - S€ctLon 2 contlnued Ord€! No. 8S4840089? Note: Deeds recorded December 31, 1981 in Book 334 aE Page L53, January 27, 1982 in Book 335 at Page 660, February A, 1982 in Book 336 at Page 209, February I, 1982 in Book 335 aE. Page 210, February 8, 1.982 in Book 335 at Page 211 and recorded March 1, 1982 in Book 337 at Page 89 affecEing said easements. 13. Easements, reservations and rest.rictions as shown on the Plats recorded , L997 in Book _ at Page _- 14. Terms, condilions, provisions of Declarations recorded Book - at Page , 1_997 in FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Cobrado 81657 97A-479-21jV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 August 23,1996 Departrnent of Community Development Eric Johnson 1000 Lionsridge Loop, #3D Vail, CO 81657 RE: Scbmidt Residence, Lot C-1, Lions Ridge Filing 2 Dear Eric: Staffhas reviewed tbe request by Leroy Schmidt to extend the Design Review Board approval for the secondary unit located at 1410 Buffek Creek Road. Staff has granted the request and has extended the approval until August 23, 1997. Should you have any questions, please feel free to cortact me ^t 479-2128. Sincerely, l4/r'"^- Nofi+4s^- Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Officer {S r"n"r*ru* )jshntenenc August L5, 1996 Town of Vail, Department of Community Development 111 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Co 81657 SCH},IIDT RESIDENCE I,4I,O BUFF'EHR CREEK ROAD tOT G-1-, LIONS RIDGE FILING 2vArL, co 81657 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is written as a request to extend for one year the 1995 approved Design Review Board Secondary Residence for the above Pri- narY,/SeCondarY addres.. The past and present construction costs and schedule do not mahe the project feasible at this time. However, I do wish to proceed with the project in the near future and make this reguest ln anticipation of maintalning continuity and the review process. Thankyou for your consideration in thts natter. 1000 lionsridge loop r suite 3d . vail colorado 81657. (970) 476-9228. fax (970) 476'9023 W'T'}ULeroy qphnidt 719-488-086ri tj.rt A alll lta DESIGIq -EeEl,,-+ +t?+f Aff*r{ v REltIEt{ BOARD APPITICATIOI{ ' TOIIN OF VAIIr DATE RSCEMD!+la COITORADOt '!t PROiIEC xI{FORMIEION- 4oA F4 t l2f ?e?tiDitl'.t<-e DATE OF DRB MEETING *t*tttttt* I. A.DESCRTPTTON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: -New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) K Minor Aleeration ($20.00) JConceptual Review ($0) g. D. ADDRESS: If property is described by.description, pl.ease provide"'to Lhis application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach ZONING:?taE. F. I. .t. NAIIE OF'APPI,ICNiIT:a"t,..^W+ uailing Address:90lv?Phone G. H. NAI'IE OF APPL,ICA]IT' S REPRESENIATIVE: j -FEE FCHEDTIIIE: ITAI,UATTON' $ 0 f 10,ooo $i0,00i-f 50,000: $50,001 -$ 150,000' $150,001 -$ 500,000 f500,001 - $1,000,000S Over $1.000,000 DESI@T RE\':[BII EOARI} APPNOVT! EXPINBS APPROVAIT ITNIJESS A BUIL'DING PEnUItr ISIg STARTED. M,aifing Address z '7o tux use>\t \ @ 8v# NAI.{E OF CI{NER(S):\-,?v Gnr",i- +erv1',rF:l- OFIVER fS) S.XGlVtftIR4r'il'tailing Address: APPLIC;|;CION9 WIIiJ IWT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNEn'g SrGM:rUnB Condominium Approval. if applicable.. \.';: ' ..DRB FEE: DRB fees. as shown above, are to be paid at the""time of submlttal of the DRB application. IJater, when applying for a buiLding permit, please identify the accurate .val-uation of the proposal. The Town of vail wilL adjust the''fee according to the table beIow, to ensure the correcis paid. 4, FEE $ 20.00 $ 5r.,.00 $100.00. $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAB AX1IER RI]IAIJ ISST'ED'AND CO{STnI'CEION I IJIST OF MATERIAIJS r{Ar{E oF PRo,lEcr: +aFt M lttf ; TJEGATJ DEscRrPTroN: LoT l4- BLocK - guBDrvlgrgu Lrirn* PtJ${z., STREET N}DRESS: L4IO BO + T4,1ry, WAL The following information is Review Board before a flnal A. BUIIJDING ITATERIAI,SI Roof 9iding Other WaLl. MaE,erials Fascia soffirs Windows Trim or Deck RaiLs Enclogures e8 Wal1s IJiEhting 2- required for subnittal approvaL can be given: IIYPE OF UATERIEI. N/^ to the DesJ-gn COIJoR B.Name of Desigrner: Phone: LAI{DSCAPTNG:ewa. Jot*{soJ '\ PIrAIim IitA PROPOSED Botanical Name ouantitv size* \' b'- ro' t TERIAIS: TREES I Conrmon Name uh.AI\TD SHRT'BS *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. tndicate height forconiferous trees. Minimum height for coniferoustrees is 6 feet.**fndicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum eize of shrubs is5 qallon. G,ROI'ND COVERS soD SEED ) TYPE OF IRRIGATXON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROI.' TJAIIDSCAPE LIGHTING: rf exLerior iiqnt.ing is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate-lighting plan. rdent.ify each fixture from the Lighting plan in the space below and provide the height above grade' tlDe of Light proposed, lu.men outpuE, luminous area and a cut Eheet of "'-"'the light fixEure. (seceion 18.54.050 J) OIIHER IJAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1lE, fences, swinrming Boolg, etc.) PleaEe EBecify. hdicate heights of, retaining** wall.e. Maxinum height of walls within the front setback is 3 | . tlaximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on the property is 6' Square Footage .ro TOWN OF VAIL 47 3zs DEPAN,TMEN'T OF CO}IITIUNITY DE1ELOPMtrNT tg-z! CIIECI(S M^DE PAY IBLE TO TOWN OP VAIL 0t 0()0041540 ZONING AND ADDRESSTMPS ti5.000l 0000 424 I 5 UNIFORM tsUILDIIIETOM li54.U0 0t oo0042415 UNI I. oRM PLUM tsING_TODE-$39.000l 000042415 TINIFORM $37.00 0t 0000424I5 I.JNIFORM FIRI CODE $36.00NATIONALM$37.000l oo00424t5 OTIIER CODE BOOI{S- I]LUE PRINTS (MYLTRSI $ /.u00l u)oo 424t2 XIROX COPIES s0.25 0r (ru(ru424t2 STUDIES 0l fit00 424t2 ToVFEEScoMPUTERm s5.00 0t fitfi) 42i71 P ENA LTY FEES / R E.N S?EETIO-FIil 0l 0000 4133t lP0t oo00 42132 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FF-ES[rto4t4t2 CONTR CTORS LICENSES FEIIS 0r 0000414t3 SIEN APP 5ZU.UO0l 00004t413 ADDITIoNALSIGNAffi 0t 000042440 JTC ART PROJF-CT DOJ'IA=TION 0l qto04l33t tpuFpTl I 7-)'a0r 000u?Int-INVL,STIGATION FEE ( BU I LDING) 3r 0()00451t[TOV PARKING FUND 0r 0000 22027 IOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2illt T^XABLE@4.5Tm* 0t 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4 . oZ (TCrr,rN-t 0l 0000 42371 B U I L D I N6 I NVESTTETTMTI- OTI]ER t |l PEC APPLICATIOTIFEES 0l oo004t330 ADDITIONAIcRFA -_T''M-szm.ooil Jt0 CON DITIONAL USIJ PERMIT-$200.u00l oo00 4t330 li{I EloRALTI:RArW sz(ru.00 0 t oo00 4l 330 EXTIigIoRALTERATTOW s500.00 0 I 0000 41 3-i0 spl s1.500.000t 000041330 SPECIAL D $ t.000.000l 0000 41330 s200.00 *! n 0t u)(xt 4t3i0 SUIIDIVISION 0 t (K)oo 4l l30 |VARIANCIl s250.00ut(rutru4tJ_i(J ZONINC C0DI1 AMIINDMIiNTS s250.000| fir00 4t3_10 RE - ZONING $200.0u OT}IER il ffi ,*\. cAs'r I.*'"//)o "-'*"a " f""'o"(tnn Review Action roil TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef IZ Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nrcnitec{doffi ddress and Phone: Legaf Descripti on:nt b- I Block - Subdivision /.^'.n, ,r.t- ,--. -,J.? * | Z Zone District "/tProiect Street Address: Comments: Boar{! Motion by: Seconded by: [[ Approval ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: <lltr/a/"' 77'i t r-/ Town Planner ,t/,/ i.- /n cr: lDalei -7// /,47/rl. DRB Fee Pre-paid ut/. _-=- e'i . DtCr Review Action rofiJ TOWN OF VAIL'a Building Name: t.ti ''\ f 'b Category Numbef .,.. Project Name; '? Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Address and Phone: ; i U l\ i't (i-,1 t .t; t- -lLegal Description: Lot?__.!- Block_ Subdivision | ,1 | t', /--r 4 .1"\-? ZoneDistrict l-) Proiect Street Address: Comments: t, Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval a Disapproval ! Statf Approval Condilions: Town Planner o"t", \:.l,tl ?, Cl5 DRBFeer*1no$ ?tO\d- !t u:6L+:Lqs .. ,,i Par*rg-;Y Uritr ZX\alr'le e\bo..!. L rtl.t l"l .![---l \./r: - \-/Lrlr/, llv\-l \-/ r(zv tn to"fle-- bTL,? "i ,i Attou"l@ = Lpb\T y 7e ;.,I''ff€ Covtr-M-€:-l-'t/l ?e:vqsa\ Yto I i {f*Dtrb.fev 2M t.I RfJWflP Aao'rur*\ &A 'l fotN- +'-Tffi'i A -fotku kVu)qW 6,TOD . Jr, SingLe Family ZONE CHECK E'nrt Residence, DupLex, ZONE DISTRICTS -"' Primary,/Secondary DATE: 6l LEGAIJ DESCRIPUON: Lot, ADDRESS: OWNER ARcIIrrEcr En'c. Jahn>o"u ZONE DISTRICT ?T; PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE 25,143 ,Ba,e.- 3re-b+ l,5oo t4lb,6 BUILDABLE LOT AREA ExisLinq Proposed foLalAllowej /-'-\(30) QJ)Heighh ToT.aI GRFA Primary GRFA secondary GRFA SeLbacks SiLe Coverage Landscaping ReEaining Wall Parking u'tz ?e- Carage Credie Drive: 3+oo + Azcs =zbzgt:Z6o Slbo 6"--fr 4{r,4 6bG7 LnFlT+z5o=6?G?_ + !25 =_Zbn_Z--o- 31 /6', 5 Reqrd (300) (600) (900) PcrmiLted stope 6 ?L'b7 FronE Sides Rear t6a[o (uo "lD tleights o.,lf 2 O , ffivv+,ia Frr.t sLttr c+- -vo' h r 6'4 , ' +o.- ztura'tf" -........--L5, tt /ls, 15 6V?-o tlla te+40_ +.+55 ? LtT(l 4 Fn'-1 Proposed Slope % NoComplies with T.O.V. LiqhLing Ordinancc Yes Water Course Sel-back (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2rl (50%) Envi ronmen La1 /l{azards :1) Flood Plain fia no YES NO 2) PercenL Slope (< > 30%) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow tr'valancho t'L.o b) nockf all swA\ovnc) Debris FIow tlo Wetlands t 14)4) View Corridor EncroachmenE: yes No. lc Does Lhis req'riesL invoive a 250 ndriiLiorr? W-Ilo\^r much of Lbe allowed 250 Addirion is usdd wiUh thi l ''t -s rcquesL? | T= Previous conditions of approval (check property fiLe) t5 10 t/ ,"ori*r"^ro"f"oran ica r Name PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SI1RUBS TO BE F€MOVED * Indicate siize5 qallon. GROUND COVERS N/h soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION of proposed shrubs. TVpe Common Ouantitv Size* yinimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe dvie =.as$a,.^'v 1. TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture frorn the lighting ptanon the list below and piovide the wattage, height above - grade and type of light proposed. 4n.L = hf art"rd c-., | =la.ariF OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret-aining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwal1s. Maximum height of walls wit.hin t.he front setback ii3 feet. Maxirnum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. n Genenl. Ughting rllrE f,n"Eg|ln ttrbrl$htss sCay as$t6 dsral cflnlort Alminum Effector ftishod ln hrma. lThfir opdatrs Gtrcidrtly uidr A and OfT hn$. Wlde doict ol wettagos afl, lanp typos. 117'l W a[so bo ussd with heat hrrF €cormlcel ctoacs ib lor-orJQot poloctr fftl Prrffi whitt ru D!.!illlii_ ffi{rm u|4r >t0otFl Al0. lSlll mar.>l900Pt . tR30,75U mu.t >t002Fl >r00tF2 liliS h! i n F.|tti5 ltr rqrq DaCtnln| rdi dtrc* ilc rtit.PAR30, 75W ma(.n 16 qlt eE rE' IU!. F30, 75W mar. fltt hflra Whnc .>110ZPl Al9, l00W mer.>l900Fl R10. 150W max. 8ffit8, tiol|, max. R40. 250W max. hlrand Hsat >ffltzFl >r102F2 0rI r3w >1100.8 Al9. 60liv mex. PAR38. 90Wmil. Rrlo, 100W mar. FffoZFt 419, 75h, mar. >1g00Pl EH30, 75W max. R30, 100W max. >1102Ft ItrT 13wiL3!3__ >1100.tr A19,60lV max. R30. l00W fiex. c NTH|lTE Enell apsrtuB conccats ti0it 6fin0a lhn6r maft6 dad( slrleld Educas glala Easl clamping urith smpin, $ap.out laceplate Ano0riloo afuminum r8flsctor pomils lEa ot A and DfT hmps. trlkthr filnlh trtrl bnts t0ll llsftr l{h c Facsolato >t002Pl Al9, 4(lw max..rTfi >t900Pl fi20, 50W max.iS ffi'l';il#fi'#:hli't' trn uata wnno Faceolala >l002Pl Al9. 75W mu.fi|nr >lg0oPl FAB30, 50W mex.t C >t002Ft 0TT, l3W >t002F2 tfitlo lrtF h Pl Frfth l0tt ql!t! fird lH lcm rsdr cn l|o l9tl. X<l#flH*, while bouel, sgGads light !t Enty, Siyas hhh elficiansy r|d lor ltfhhes Anohtf duminum ]![6chr. hsionlits sphgs aflor lsns N$somuy b bo pullod dom lagly lor relamping and claening, Sulbbl! fu wt bcsums. l4o .,lvn'ron*2etr fl2i Mam tivhitc Bsznl . t 1102n >uotFi orl 13w >tl0zF2 >ll00.E A19, 60W max.'H -15tAF Al1 419, t00W max. AUAI.I|E MEEN Rrru whib Albafits 0hss Oittns$, GgEssod [i u,hlt0 bfiGl, lmks crtsp and cmc6als lamn, Anoilitdo atminm ru0octa mad- milas ouqm hrslddh sgirus alloiv difiusol essamtily to bo polled dofln oaslly tor lolanptng and doaning. Sunablo br rvst hcafidr& fncb?ffi F tl}hlo trnF lllt frilc Whlh g!E!t. >110,f,1 Afg, l00W ax. >1g00Ptw>110zFt >t102Hl >1100.8 A19,60W mrx. un l$t/v C] tuDtnr H-ow \ftltt0. 20001U 2000LvR >Slafltad 2002n, 1002n, 1102P1 >RcmodrLt 1900P1 >c0mDact Fho|lscmt 1002F1, .|002F2, 1'102t1' 1102t2 I'tlsuhtod CEilhg 1000rG 1100.tC I -1 i-tctr.:?c)i-ilEt? 112 t SCHMIDT RESIDENCE 1410 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, Co. 81657 Lot G-L, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Eiling No. 2 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Jeanne S. McGill Lot 5, Lions Ridge Sub. F-2 1425 Buffehr Creek Road Vail-, CO 81657 Davld J. Leach Lot G-2 & 6, Lions Ridge Sub 1390 Buffehe Creek Road Filinq 2 Vail, CO 81657 The Ridge at VaiL Townhomes Lots 5*A thru G Todd Keleske- Assoc. President Rldqe at Vail Sub 1460 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, CO 81657 W. Scott Mclntyre Lot 11, Lions Ridqe Sub 2121- N. Frontage Road West Filing No. 4 Suite 242 Vail, Co 81657 - PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be rwiewing the following application on June 7, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an addition to the entry, an expansion to the living room and an expansion to the guest room at the $chmidt Residence located at 1410 Bullehr Creek Road/ Lot G-1' Lions Rldge SuMivision, Filing No.2. Applicant Leroy and Connie Schmidt The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available in the zoning adminiitrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrailon May 19, 1995. =FIL E,COf Y ALB to!,rr,rr?uENT SCHEDUI"E E-2 (Exceptlons) ?he policy or polieies to lefciiowing unless -the salne arethe Conpanyi Appllcation No. v15o1g B-2, rr'LL NOT TO OUR issued wlll contain exceptlone to thedisposed of to the satiEfaction of l'. gtandard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed en the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payabre and speciarasseesiltents not ye! Certified to the ireaeurerrs oifice. Any unFai,d or aesessments against said land. water and sewer charges, Lf any.LienE for unpaid 9, RrGHI oF PRoPRTEtoR oF A vtru oR rsDE To ExrRAcr AND REMovE Hrs oRETHEREFROI'I SHOULD TH8 SAII{E BE FOUND TO PENErRATE oR INTECsecr ifle pneulsrsAS RESERVED IN UNIfED SfATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, 1909, IN BOoX 48 ATPAGE 542 THE ExrsrENcE or THE I{TNERAIJ ExcEprrolf AND/OR RESERVATTON sHowN As .rrEM 9,SCHEDULE- P-?, wf r,r, NoT AFFECT ouR ABrLrTy bo armcn coLoRADo ENDoRsEMENTNO, 100.29 To ouR MoRTGAGESS pOLIcy, wHeu rssuEo. IO. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OB CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OT TH8UNITBD SgATEg AS RESERVED IN UNITED STAEAS parnrf REcORDEd August t6,r 1909,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 11. RESTRTCTTVE COVENANTS, WHTCH DO NOT CONTAI}I A FORSETTURE OR REVERTEicIAusE, BUT oMrrrrNc REsrRrcrroNs, rr ANy, gAsro oN nAcE, colon, REr,rGroN,oR NATxoNAL oRrGrN, As CONTATNED iN rNsTRuMElll REcoRDED septenber 20, Lg1z,fN BooK 22s AT PAGE 443 AND As AMENDED rN rNsiRUIrlENT REcoRbED september 29,1972, rN BooK 225 AT PAGE 555 AND As AI,IENDED ill rnsrnuunNT REcoRDED January22, L974, xN BooK 233 At PAGE 53 AND rttENDeo ill Docut{ENt REcoRDED Jrllv 1,1983 rN BOOK 362 AT PAGE 804. FEET rN WIDTH, TEN rEgI oN EAeH srDE oF ALLFfflIEEN FOOT UTfLIfy EASEIiEI'I1! AIONG AND ABUTTINGAS RESERVED ON TH8 PI,AT OF LION'S RIDGE .2. THE ExrstaNcE oF tHE EAsEl,tENr sHowN As rrEM No. 10, scttEDuriEAFFECT OUR ABTLITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSE}IiNi Ii'O. 103.I.T'{ORTGAGEES PC}LIcy WHEN IssuED. UTILTTY EASEM-ENfS TWENTY INTERIOR IDT LTNES AND ACN ALL EXTERTOR LOT LINES SUADTVISTON FILING 'NO. 2. }GE A r. T a| o r,r u r r.rlr E N r o SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) 13. EASEr{EN! AND $gHT OF WAy As GRANTED. TOrNc. rN rlrsrRuuENr necoiDnd-eileusr a.a, Applicatlon l{o. VlSOt8 HOI.,Y CROSS EI;EC!RrC ASSOCI.ATION,967 IN BOOK 211 AT PAGE 103.1967 IN BOOK 211 AT ISSUED... FROM TIIb I,OCATTON 14. i5. EASE!,IENTS, RESERVATXONS RECORDED PI"AII OF LrON,g AND RESTRTCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED OI{ ?HERXDGE suBDIVrsIoN, rILrNc HO. Z.- BE ATTACHED TO AI.TA IPA}I POLXCT WHEN _:TlIp4RD ExcEprroNs wxLL BE' DEL&IEDREcEf,pr oF A sATrsracroni ir,rpaoGuexT BETT{EEN TAWEL E$VTRONMENTAL IAND EOUPANY AI.ID$:f :Ig**-*l-ilr*;1.!i[lq{;$;Tilfi;,fifl ;d"ffiH;"3il3 f$gilIl#"?I*'l::$;IS3,3"I9""T:y!-l,i:y i_;F"# ;ffi;#i3;"fl:iliffiffir ll'ffis#Io* AND saprE!{BER 22, re73 rN. .soox--iii A;-;;#';;;:2, RECORDED ENDORSEMENT 335. 6 I{ILL ItEI'{S 1, 2 AND 3 OF TBEMORTGACEES POLTCY UPON SURVEY. IgTFi IF fHE TUPNOVNT.CILI€9ATIOI{.SURVEY IS NOT RECEXVED BY ,.AND Ir!I.,8GUARANTEE CoYPANY ru surrrciaiii-irus ro-nsvidi-ixi suuonsE rHE cor,lurruENrF;Ifi."ffi""ffi S tg;i"eooirior.rei-iieipriof: ffi ' ffi ilircy cour,o - eE iidiuoeo cor'&aDo END'RSE''ENT FoR!'t LLg.2, wrr,L BE ATTA'HED To aronrceeas! pol,rcy IyHENISsuED. -- ---r-' NoTE: SArD SURvEy YH:t,:,1I 3y:_ IH:--glgIIgNrs s8r FoRfrr rN scHEDuLs E_2l;lf lil;"I':l*g^ Syy.IRB,"SIp. l;ili_;ql!+ffi ; ;"ff;,i"fiffi",il*i'fiifiHo3ruii" iffiTli1""$oy3lfl I"T:" g* jii*-::1,_iilTii-6r"iili'ilid#Id"f;.ififfid;. .FB* POR,TH ABOVE.lSlrltlL'E. rssurD easn' fioN fi;-"6iiiii, X' d$i"#"#Tfiil',"ffiffI"X3t;rI GE AL r#o!{Mrr SCIIEDUI.E A ^ tl MEN Application No. v1so18 For Infonnation onty LIONSRTDGE - charges. -Alta Lender policy Tax Certif. Endrsmt # 1O0.29Endrsnt # 1O3,XEndrsmt * X15.aEndrsnt # 335.GEndrsmt # tOO.0O- - ToTAL - with your renittance sze3. OO $20. 00 $50; oo $50. 00 $58.60g2O. oo 920. 00- $s11,6o please refer to V15O1g. Effective Date:March 16, 1990, at B:OO A.!t. Pollcy to be lssued. and proposed Ingured: 'rALtAr. Loan pollcy 1970 Revlsion. Propoeed fnsured: PEOPLE9 NATIONAL BANK , 9125, OOO. OO its successors andr/or assigns The estate or interest in the rand described or referred to i.nthis'Cournitnent and coverea herein igt A Fee Sinple Title to the estate or interest covered hereineffectlve date,hereof vested in:IA at the LEROV S. SCHMTDT. Bhe land referred tofollows:this Comnitnent is described aein IOT G-l, LIONIS-RIDGE SUBDTVISIONTHE RECORDED PI"AT THEREOF, COUNiY FrLrNc No. 2, ACCORDTNG TOOF EAGLE, STATE OF COIOR,ADO. \CE RECETVED FROM DATE *--_-.--'1 Permit Numbers HOW PAID_ LLARS $ c,nrv I 6 1?' =-.---' L A N D ' -Q,GUARANIEE lt"o Representlng fitlE hsur'ance Conpany of ,l{innesota rHENK YOU rOB'YOUR ORDER Mareh 26, l99O Our Order: V150L8 BUYER/oWNER! LEROY SEI.TLER: ADDRESS: s, scttMrDT PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY LTONSRTDGE PEOPLES NATTONAL BANKFAX# ?19-488-O754 1899 WOODMOOR DR. MONUI'IENT, CO 80132 I Attn: ttSA .7L9-4A8-37L2 Al'l .PU . t I L. 'kE&74 v -_--. 17 tr Ret'm tO Lauren Waterton Town Planner INTER-DEPABTMENTAL REVIEW PBOJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Addrhon {o arrdil lrnyvwl w/rit-,ht{hh{t/\k/ wr ouauyt 5 <e9 t b )r. {r- -') )Ktwl'W MaY 1' lees r.,v ' ooM'*' DEV' DEPT' Town of Vail, Department of Community Developmertt 11,t g- Frontage Road WestVaiI, Co 81657 o- MAY 8 1sg5 RE SCHMIDT RESIDENCE 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD LOT G-1, LIONS RIDGE FILING 2 vArL, co 81657 To hlhom It May Concern, This letter is written as a request to extend for one year the March L6, L994 approved Design Review Board Secondary Residence for the above Primary/Secondary address. The past and present construction costs and sctredule do not make the project feasible at this time. However, I dqr wish to proceed with improveqrents to the existing Primary Residence which include a request for an additional 250 GRFA. Thankyou for your consideration in this matter. tr"-) ,#ee"tu- I tign Review Action FCtr TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Proiect DescriDlion: {1,( 1.{J '-( .'.. lt, '','' "L '., ^,.- Owner, Address and Phone: /'I Legal Description: Lott*r* I Block_ Project Street Address: zone District ?\t Comments: Motion byl Seconded by: ,!fonrovat ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Plann_er I , -r rl< _ :tkl /\/, _.,tDatei \.i \ u lt'' 'l , t ./ DRB Fee Pre-pai-r t I t.vL'/rt 7 lr;lsl' DESIcN t REVIEW BOARD DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. PROJECT INFOR}IATION: A. a- APPITCATTON . TOI{N OF VAI',, COLORADO. u ******f*t!r V **t*****rtt l4\"l t. DESCRTPTTON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: X Ue'" Consbrucbion (g200.00) t4inor A1 terat.ionAddition {$50.00) _ Con."pLuat Review ($20.00) ($0) D. c.ADDRESS: LEGAI, DESCRIPTI Subdivision If proporby is dcscribed bydescriprion, pleiase provide Lo t,his application. zoNrNGr ?/q a meet,s and bounds legalon a separaLe $,heeL and at.tach E. NAME OF APPLICAN?: 146i,] ing Addqess: F? NAME OF APPI-,ICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :G. H. Maili Ad<iress z 7,o- %t ' _ Phone NA!48 qr OWNER(S): OWER(S) SIGNATARET Mailing Address: Phone APPI,'TCA?TONS.WU,L NOT AE PROCESSE'D WITTI]OVT O'{NEN'S SIGI{ATVRE Condominium Approvat if applicable.I. 'J.DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are to be paid aL Ehelime of submiueal of rhe DRB apptilation. Lirer, whenapprying for a building permiL. plbase identify che accurat.evaluaLion of lhe proposal. ?he Town of VaiL wilt adjusE thefee according to t.he Labte below, to ensure uhe corr6ct feeispaid ll ,/ 1036 FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATlON A n A n 11 ^n /rlP v o rir, (itrii,-$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50, 001 - $ 15Q,000 $ 1.50, 001 - $ 500, 000. $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over 91 .000,000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'}[,ESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ s0.00 $100.00 s200. 00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YSAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI\ID CONSTRUC"ION / Single Iy ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DTSTRICTS t Sing1e rami. +,/ o /q+ o DATE: ARCHIPECT ZONE DTSTRICT Primary/Secondary Subdivisio' Lrar,r* ts,dAe- F s2_ PHONE PfloNE 1?6 . -.242- ?/+ 6o% -2,PRoPOSED UsE ->e</e^l r^.-r Lor srzE . bb vrz? =- Lor AREA zg 7?> Proposed TotaI NO-2!.- Height TOTA1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining wa11 6 6b1 +-fuo 7 LGI_ Front Sides Rear 15'/a @% Height.s =_L Q1 L. 20' !5', 15, q 1qo 1_3_fl_ 3'16' (30) (s0) (s0%) 1) Flood Plain + bao - (c 611 + 425 =_a 04_ + 425 Allowed L3st (33) BUIIJDABLE Exis tinq +7' 1l be nlSo 40t" | 4r5 Parking Reqrd Encl Garase Credit (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Drive:Permitted Slope t proposed Slope % Conplies wiLtr T.O.V. Liqhtrng Ordinance Yes NO WaLer Course SeLback Do Finish Grades Exceed Envi ronmen taI/Ha zards : YES 2l Percent Slope (< > 30t) Geologlc Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche 3) *Zr q/B/e1 4) Wetlands vie'd Corridor Encroachmenl: yes Does Lhis reqriesL i:uvulve a 250 Addit.ion? NOHow much of Lhe alrowed 250 Addit.ion is useE-Tffi-EFis Prevj-ous condit.ions of approval (check propert.y file): o Co^th+i,-t " I Y\v*'w,d-"+Cn-.z=.e- h^,Fo.a*aro++"du-e &xtlar?+- V" "h. b) Rockfalr tuz.{mc) Debris Flow x reguest? ( v,^ Ggr*\ arqst"€ gubv,^ttr& ; Gh iu'd;- ,^,rh^ futn-To-erwnd ^nJ AeJ+-.-",(- z--sb ,'+ryt...-t -.^ 4* ,hffi\ t+ 2trr,+rr+s-Xud' t*=;4@-. lro \ SUBDTVISION JOB NAME I,OT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The locacion and availability of utitities, whether !ry$ Iines or proposed lines, must be approved andfoll-owing utilities for Etle accompanyinq- sife pfan.q!- @wl u.s. wesr. co.*""ilp 1-800-922-1987 Authorized Siqnature Ehey be mainverified by the ,t*aE.ions 468-6860 or 949-4530 PubLic Service Company 949-5781. Gary HaIl Holy Cross ElecE.ric Assoc. 9 49 - 5892 Ted Husky/uichael L,averLy HeriLage Cablevision T.V.. 949-ss30 SLeve Hiatt Upper Eagle Va11ey waLer& Sanitation District. * 47 6 -7 480Fred HasIee NOTE: 1. ) ? E * PIease bringobtalning Upperflow needs musL This form is Lo verify sefvice availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your uLility plan and schedufinginstallaLions. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a compleeed utility verificilion form. If a utitiLy company has concerns with Lhe proposedconst.rucL.ion, the ut.i1it,y representative snould nocdirectly on lhe utility weriiicaLion form thaL Lhereis a problem which needs t,o be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled out j,n deLail in an attachedletter Lo the Town of vai1. However, please keep inmind that lL is rhe responsibility of Lne uLilir.ycompany to resolve idenCified problems. If the utiliey verificaLion form has signatures fromeach of the utitity companies, and no c;mnenEs aremade direcLly on the form, E.he Town will presumethat. Lhere -are no problems and Lhat the d-evelopmenucan proceed, These verificaEions do not relieve the concraceor ofhis responsibility to obtain a sLreet cuu permitfrom t,he Town of Vail, Department of publiL Worksand Lo. obtai{r l:tility locations before diqqinq. inany public right-of-way or ffi of\lail I l.rrri'l ,l .i F- -^*3 ! :^ -^L-. _----_*-^_ ry_-.rrr u. +o r,ruu cr DLl.dEL Crt L L)pIIlt I rA street cut permit must be obt.ained separately. Installation of service lines are aL t,he expense andresponsibility of t,he property ow:ner. a siLe plan, floor plan, and elevations whenEag1e Valley waE.er & Sanitation signatures. Firebe addressed. &IST OF ITATERIAT,S a NAME OF PRO.JECT: TEGAL DE$CRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: I eLocrb"tf.tr- €at*n r g> LOr:b' hn SUBDTVTSION t-{"r{.+ F{"? FZ-C(qV po>d The fol-lowinq informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. BUTIJDING T'IAEERIA,IS: required approval TYPE OT for submittal can be Eiven: ITIATERTAIJ to Lhe Design COI,OR Roof Sidins OLher Wall Materials Fascia Soff i ts Windows Window Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining Walls t1 -r-:L.q+b t lk-r4,+4*{- Trim Exberior Light.inq Other Designer: Phone:Ztc. O>4= B.LANDSCAPING: Name of PLA\rr *r"*il.,r, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name ouanLitv Size*"o**o?'u*. ,-at z-7" ca4 l' _. tgln! r*1a__ '?-o _6 g7l Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous 1**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. GROTJND, COVERS *Indica t,e caliper for deciduous Lrees. s E IndicaEe crees.r Square FooE.aoe soD SEED "YPEOF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior light.ing is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fi:xtures and locations on a separaLeligheinq plan- rdenLifv each fixture from the liqhting plani1 -the space berow and provide Lhe height above grade. type ofright proposed, rumen out.puL. luminous area and a cut. sheet ofthe light. fixrure. (Secrion 19.54.050 Jl a{b"[.^.^+ orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, euc.) please specify. Indicat,e heights of retaininiwa1Is. Maxirnum heighr of walls within the front serback ii3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on Lhe property is 6, D. o o IITILITY EASEMENT VACATE AUTHORIZATION SIIBDIVISION Ltovr'.b JOB NAME uo, (e. I BLocK FTLTNG -tto v ADDNESS The location and vacate of theaccompanying site pl.an describedauthorlzed represantatives. utility easement for above is approved by the area andthe following U.S, West CommunicationsalL+ bLl4KflAN,..J <,FANP JtJ\lcT(oFl Ce st6{rEE.r4 H:r#h /Ue'e. E;rt"t; Public Service408f6 Highway 5, Avon 8l.620Gary HaLI 262-4056 Iloly Cross Electrlc Assoc.P.O.8ox 972 Avon 81.620Ted Husky/Mike Laverty 949-5992 ?CI Cablevision TVP.O.Box 439 Avon 81620Mark Graves 949-t224 Upper Eagle Valley !{ater &Sanitation Distrlct 846 Forest Road Vail 8l6ETFred Haslee 476-748O Town of Vail Public Works 111 South Frontage Road West, Vail 816b7 3;ls/7 +le lq+ AUTIIORIZED SIG}IATUNE DATE 'd{'dt -?r ft. 3-tL74 Greg Hall 479-2160 3ea_Aw9@ l^lol Night Magi9 e+ej lourrii h'x 6184 4x +*\rl+ -,&FF Irt|trd ,-, . sd. -9-ir, ftid ,--:".f_ 8olgtl.t:+ F knfit*'6'r) u*-l.''-c|li'./ Irtt- lfbtrrF6l plr4c r!!l*r al rhsirt{ nith ftillgogl rnllsr (!sgp rdl b '|-eDrc|wft usld for nlorn{n! in flaca 8EAC0ltS Ailom&AR08 Ruggsd boacons ard Hlads lo( low-lolnl lightlng. Eoacols en dio{asl duminum housius o||closing tfiomal sfiock rBslstant gltss bos8s. Fuily SaskHl to sEal out bogs, tveu ad d.t. Tampdfiool sd€lYs (with ho( key) ilrd rogriar scrails suppfied. Er|i9hat wilh Uack or dafi bonrs srliconFpolyistor patnit sfi ?00)ry ginef ltr rnaximum duability. Bollards match $B stylos of bsacons and ha/e 5l{" da W.msistant ruC columns that arr coroskx|. p(&f. Black il firk b(utzi cohr is solid to tho coo wlrlch will not lade c dron d|lN and scatches. lila cast aluminm basca asBun aocuEb, ridd mflmting, Al€fiablr lor usa wiill inc€ndsscsnt, hbh pnssnrt Bodiu[r $ comnaa fluong. ccnt lamD$ SuilablB ttr rrl localims. r||tt : : c|!.1 f.lr,a Os* / - *nt - fttaldd tlrtr3;,iftr il drsillrl winfillltlo| w|3i!t {srpgrdl fi. n.eolerxt usrd tff tFrntrD h 98o.. mrilG 8r&u|t :lit t: il -,'{lFIrr. Il nh nnfi'|g loltrd 0|l ccg|tr, V.//',.V d (,l, r.mtic ldlHr |lmlrg ot bln rfrn !|sr olbh. E900 Umr o$Ll n fur Srnn{ ldhd or breoo it Cfwnd. - ltr$c 0l {lcllol blt!. flli locM|Jr tt|is hr lfimiig c|rrtffit llE| slcun3 CrF h grw{ 1 rL4 J tITirzs-{zLd r l|rslrl ri hamili I Lr Atl atoz8z ctotlz tmtaz i tr rsw lt23l[ it28l[ i929glt PgEl- irooz !90?u rflosz zftiii;eu i92rE* i127il 693081( Erln ll.lld rflrBz t3r88z E l98Z 6n{!t 691781 f320Bz 6$18r( sstTBr lqi0ql mubs: (ll l|€vy Yral plpc I|tl 12) cross. &c!$d h 8|!od 'fi% .at'-.!ft I .'et F-g_b .i=i TLJ t fL-J t .31'- .3iq lEll0ll tttttttor|| -ti+ r@iILJi_ilr nlcagrd f,ourhi c005Bz ct08g 8ufr$ Itmhd !tIrrbnardlftnt |Erd rift tl(|fih0 (iE e.|lr- .ur *Eil tl]ll Iili lfl llli lul nfi b. rtrA 89128 tgtllt tgll8u l5W n r,;$ilr tl3tq--il884( t lt BrsftSdn E!7 1 LL 35W orrFct Fhsrscirn2ll t$, or gl', General Ligfiting mfiE nEFtEgnn bh[|c$s splry asqjfls $rDhrt Aluminur ffishsd in hn|* r opdd€s olfrcisnfy A nd ltn hmF. clEicr ot mfiagss brnp typae 1f7l may bo usod wilh ftBat Ecoflomical ctrdco tr pmtocts, hr6, ragcsied h mirurn rrflgctor. I.;F€)LIEIa 11? €,rt-f 10fl hme tlthltcffi tfrfrtlr Fnm{ lll lrfir$>l@lPt Al9, 7SW rnex.>t900Pl PAR30, tSlV flrx.t - m0, r00W mal>r00m gn t3w lflrtt Lr h ?l Flr lft fir |!l*! trr.Ctl hGi|!.di4{qr$1 P R30, 75W mar. - Gi rd.6r r- rG rr!.. R30. 75t1, mal. ttfl em. whlb .>tl0zFt At0, l00W nax.>tl00Pl fi{0, t50W max. PAR38, l50U/ nrx. Br0. 250W nex. lnhrrsd Hsil >fl0zFt 0n, $vt >ll02Ft >l100fE RAR38,gowmar. R,10, t00W max. It?0 Plrne Wdtt >tlozPl A1g,75W mer.>lg0lFl ER30, 75W mar. R30, 100W max. >ttolFl 0f[ 13W>170fr2 ..>llu0.f Atg,60v, na,( [30, 100W max. f*ell|n Fmtn n Uant tlf Mdt. Wltn F.csplats )'2002Pt Ale, 'fitw mer. -t-n >l300Pl R20, SDIY max.i Eil{ PAB20,50wnax.I{.1+ PABl6,55Wmax, ktl'*'G {c belel. spBads lttht fn y, otuts trlgl 6ilfch,Ey I br Hftncss AnobdF Fffillh sFfrgs aflor bns i6n!ry |o Do pnllcrt down lily tu damdng ard hnlrE Sdtath b Et BAT|fE MlsB p wlritc Albafito gtass $or, fls!$s!d ln wiltc lel. look3 c|lp aill Eeds fdDB Anobdtoo Dinun omcbr naxi. lag utFt t ftGisrblr FEs alor dtffusor iEmDty to bo !u[sd doltr ilf to( robn0ing ard ptnS. Snihblr fur r{!t iltons. '15 t'. Ar-"1 \t1 - ii9- | i!-'a r.tl! tlaf tlsttt whlt' B.!rl. t-|lr.i u trth. llln tt|rnt{t n tmFr'll0lFl 419, t00W max. >fi00P1 >rt0fi gn r3w >t,8l,fi2 >lt0orE Als, 60w max. h*inr >trw lt[ta$ 2000111, 2000[VR >Slerdord 200?n, t00APl, l102Pl >fiomtxhlff l900Pl ofrpicl Flrst!9ctnr f02R, l002Fe. f02Fl, 1102F2 Hnrulalcd Ceiling 1000.tt1 tr0ofto fft0LE lnll apgrtum conclah lult wca lnDsr mafi6 uec* iafi nduces glsa, Ea$/ Fmp,t8 wih s0adn. Forrit@oldetuotuillp lminuo Gilccfor Dadnils b of A ard 0TT hfirp8. e LATP ?lT|.C CilARANTEE COiTfANYMINNESOTATIT'FA 5ll0 Werd Roed Arvadr, CO 8O002 120-0241 33C0 So. Parkcr Rd., Suita 105 Aurora, CO 80Ol il 75 t-4336 l8l0 30lh Stro.l Boulder, CO 80301 444.410t 200 Norrh Ridge P, O. Box 2?80 Breckenridge, CO 8012.1 .153-?255 512 Wilcox C63lla Rock, CO 80 10,1 688.6363 212 No,rh w.h$tch Colorado Springt. CO 80903 634-482r GommitrnertTo Insure lssnd tr''llutfr tie ffice of: P. O. Bor 5440 Denvcr, CO 80217' 32 r.r 880 8021 E. Hampdcn Suite 100 Oenvet, CO 8O?3 | 750-{'223 8333 Grccnwood Eoulevard Ocnvcr, CO 6022 | 127.9353 | ?01 Mcin Avanua Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite I 50 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 3600 So. Yorcmifc Ocnver, CO 80237 691-2837 f08 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 vail, CO 8t658 176-2251 303O S. C.ollecc Avcnuc Suitc 201 Fort Collin!, CO 80525 482-9015 710 Kipling Strcet takawood, CO 80215 232-31I I 3609 So. Wrdsworth Svile I 15 Laltewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | 1990 Grant Streel Ssitr 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 .152-0149 19590 Easl M6in Stre€t Pcrkar, CO B0l3t 8.1 .4900 108 South Fronlege Road W. P.O. Bor 357 Vril, CO 81658 t76-?251 To lnsure TITIf N AIIA Cilnmitnent- i 970 Fev. MINNESOTA flnE NSURAME CoMPANY 0F MINNES0TA. a Minnesota cotFtalion, hetein called the Ccmpany, fot a valuable coruideralion. hereby cornmits to is$re its policl or polic'res 0f titl€ insurarre, as idertified in Schedule A. in faor ol fre proposd lnsued named in Schedule A, as olner or mutgagee of be estate or interest cor,Ered hereby in ltre lard descnted or relened to in Schedule A, rpon payment of tfte premiums and charges lhersfor: all subiect m fre prolsions of Sciedules A and B and to the Conditions and Slipulations lBreof. Ihis Cornmitnent stBll be eflective onlv'dren ttre identity ol the proposed Insured and the arnwnt ot fie policl or policies committed fu ha\€ been inserted in Sdrdule A hereof hy the Comparry. either at the time ol the isuance ol this Conmitnent or by subsequsnt endorsement this Commiun€nt is pclininary t0 th6 issuange ot such policy 0r policies 0t litle insunnce and al lhbillty and obligations heaunder shall ceaie ard terminate rir monihs after the etfecliw date hereof o wien the polic'y or policies cornmined ftll strall 'rrsue. wtrichwer lkst occua, prorided ttut tlre failure to issue sudr policl or policies is not tlu fault of tne Corpany. CONDITIONS AND $ruLATIONS l. lhe term "mortgage", wtren used trerein, strall include &ed of trust trust deed, or ottrer security instrument 2. tf the proposed-lnsurud has or acquires actual knowledge of arry defect, lien, errum,branc€. adverse claim or ottrer matter affectirg the estale or interest or mortgage ihereon covered by ttris Commitment other than trose shown in Sciedule B hereof, and shall fail h disclcse such knonrleige to the Company in writing. lhe Coopar'ry shall be relieved ftom liability for any los cr damage resrhing frun.any act of reliance hereon h lhe extent tre dompany is prejudiced S lailure of thepnrirosed Insured to so disclose such knondedge. lf fre proposed lnsured shalldisclose such knorvteQe to tre Company, or if ihe iompany ofte.wise aquires a*ual knoadedge of arry such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or.otfrer rnattet the hmpany al its gption may amend Sdedule B of ttris Commifnent accordingly. bui suctr amendment shalt not relieve tlre Cornpeny fiom liatility Feviously incuned pursuant lo paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulatiwrs. 3. tiability 0f dE &mpany under this Commihent shall be only to the named pmposed Inswed and such parties included under rlu definrtion ol lnsured in the lorm of policy o policies ommitbd for ard only for aclual lo6s incuned in reliance lpreon in un&rtaking in good faith {al to conrply with th8 requirements hersof or {b} to eliminate Bxc€pti0ns shu n in Shdule B. 0r lc} to aquire or create the estale 0r inter€st 0r mong€ge thereon csvered by this Cornmitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount suted in Sciedrle A tor the policy or policies ornmined to and $.tch liability is subject h the insuring prorisions and the Conditions and Stipulations ard the enclusions lrom Coverage of the fom ol policy c'r policies mmmined lor in faw ol he proposedlnsured vifiich are herefi irnorpomted by refurence and ma& a part of this hmmitnenl except .N expressly mdif ied tnrein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed lnsurcd may have or may bring against the Company arisirrg out ol ltre status of the title t0 fie estate 0r interest or fre status of tre mortgage drereon corlered by this Comftit nslt must be based on ard are subiest 10 ttre povisions of tris Commitrnent. SIANOARO OOEMONS ln addirion to the matters contained in the Gonditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above rsfaned to. this Commitment is also subiect to the following: l. Eights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records'. 3. 0iscrepancies, contlicts in boundary lines. shodage in area, encroachments, and any fasls which a conect survey and irispsction of tha premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Anytien,orrighttoalien,forservices, laborormaterial theretoforeorheteafterfurnished. imgosed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Oefects, liens. encumbrances, advanie claims or othsr matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the sftective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires or record lorvarue the astate orint"'"tt ?i,ff'Tfl,1nrtrtffl?'dl;?:ilii,ffii:i:lt#lrt$;t "innssota has caused its corporare name and seal to be hereunto affixsd by tts duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. to be valid when countefsigned by a validarinq oflicer or other authorized signatory. TIru INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNE8OIA I'" '',', ' ;,1 ,- v s/tr- l"ttrolAe,ibl,irarory L TlM FOrm 25N? GUARANTEE Oo"PANY Representing Title Insurance Company of l.tinneEota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER March 26, 1990 Our Order: V150lg BUYER/OWNSR! LEROY S. SCH!,TIDT SELLERI ADDRESS: LIONSRTDGE PEOPLES NATIONAIJ BANI(FAX# 719-4e8-0754 1899 WOODI4ooR DR. }IONUI'IENT, CO 8Ol3A I Attn! LfSA PICKED UP FOR DELIVERV 7L9-488-3772 PMAI'I I I I ALTA}oMMITI{ENT SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Exceptions)Applicatlon $o. V1g01B 13. EASEMENT AND RTGHT OF WAY AS CRANTED TO HOIJY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCTATION,rNc' rN TIISTRUMENT REconono eueusr 24, Lg67 rN BooK zrr. Ar pAcE 103. 14. AGREET'IENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVTRONMEN"AT I.A$D COIIPANY AND I{OUNTATN SI'ATESTEIBPHONE AND,TEttrcnupn coupeNv rnovrorue roi-hEr;pnoN8 rNsrAlr.llrroN ANDsERvrcE rttRoucHouf, LroN's nrods_insniviiioirl"rilrNc lro. z, REg6RDEDsEp?EMBtsB az, 19?3 rN goox z3i Aa eAGE 29r. i'5' EASE!{ENTS, RESERVAIIONS AND RESTRICIIONS AS SHOWN OR NESERVED ON THERECoRDED pl,Ar oF LroN,s nroen-susorvisiorl-riiiNe No. a. ENDORSET'IENI 335.6 WrLt BE ATEACHED TO AI.,SA IOAN POLICY WHEN TSSUED" ITEI.IS X, 2 AND 3 OF TIiE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WIIL BE DELETED FROM THEMoRTGAGEES PoLrcY upoli RrcHii or a sarisFacioiv rlrpRovEMENT LocAtror{SURVEY. NorE: sArD suRvEv }tusr sET our rHE EAsauENts sET FoRTH rN scnEDuLE B-zHERETN' PLEASE-PROVrDE r/AND Trrl-e ouAnAt{Tga-iollpelru wrrH TuE NA}IE oF THEsuRvEvrNG collPANY AND l{E wir"i-snNp copins-or-riig rrcpssARy Docul{Enrs. roRM'13$riltlLBE.rssuED BASED uiolr trrs cor'rpalrv'i-nivrsw or rHE sunvny As sE? l'lorEr rF TfiE rMPRovEt{ENT rocAtroN suRvEV rs Nor REcETvED By r.e,ND Trrt,EGUARANEEE covPeNY rN surrrCriiii trr,ls io-nrvi$i AND ENDoRsE THE co!{urrugNTPRroR To cIosrNG. ADDrrrolrli--Cicnptiolrs io'rffi por,rcy courD BE ExcruDEDPROU FORM 1OO COVERAGE. ;3#lii ENDoRSEDIENT FoRlr 115.2, wrrr, BE ATTACHED ro t{o8f,cAcEEs pol.rcy,fHEN ==- ALrl.olrlrrrMElrr SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions)Appllcatlon No. V1s018 ?he-policy or policles to be issued will contaln exceptions to thefciiowing unl.ess the same are disposed of to the sati;faction ofthe Conpany: 1. Standard Bxceptlons 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialaasessments no|- yet certified to the TreaEurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or aEsessnents against said land. 8. LienE for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIG$T OF PROPRIEIOR OF A VETN OR I.oDE TO EXTRACT AIID REMOVE HIS O8E THEREFROII' SI{OULD IH8 SA!!E BE FOUND TO PENETIi,,ATE OR TNIIERSECS THE PREMISESAs RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, 190e, IN BOOI( A8 AT PAGE 542. THE EXTSTENCE OF ?HE MTNERAL EXCEprroN AND/oR RESERVATTON SHOWN AS r?EM 9,SCHEDUI,E B-2, WILL NOT AFTEqI OUR ABILTTY bo ATTACH coI.oRADo ENDoRSEMENTNO. 100.29 TO OUR MORTGAGEES POLICY IIHEN ISSUED. IO. RTGHT OF WAY TOR DITCHES OR CANAI*S CONSTRUSTED BY THE AUIHORITY OF TIIEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNfTED STATES PATENT RECoRDED August 16, 1909,IN EOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. THE EXISTENCE OF IHE EASEMENB SHOWN AS rTE!,t NO. 10, SCHEDULE B-2, wrl,t NOTAFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDOF"SE}|8NT NO. 103.]- TO OURMon"cAGEES PoLICy TIHEN ISSUED. r-t" REsTRrctIvE covENAN?Sr WHrcH DO NOT CONTATIT A ToRFETTURE OR REVEnTERcIAUsE, 8UT oMITTTNG RESTRICBIONS, IF ANY, BA$ED oN RACE, col,oR, REtIGroN,oR NATTONAL ORrCrN, AS CONTATNED rN INSTRU!,IENT RECORDED Septenber 20, Ig?i,IN Bo0l( 22s AT PAGE 443 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUIuENT REcoRbED Septernner zg,Lgiz, IN BooK 225 Ar PAGE 565 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT REconbeO tanuary22, L974t IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53 AND AMENDED IN DOCUITTENT RECORDED JULY t,1983 rN BOOK 362 AT PAGE 804. 2. UTILTTY EASE!.IENTS IWENTC FEET rN tilrDTH, TEN FEET ON EACII SIDE OF ALLINTERIOR IOT LINES AND A FIFTEEN FOOT UBILIIY SASEMENT A''NG AND ABUTTINGCN ALL EXTERTOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON T}TE PIJAT OF LIONIS RTDGESUEDTVISION TILING NO. 2. AGE A L r tO" o M M SCHEDULE ITMENT A o With your renrittance please refer to vl5Olg. L, Ef fective Date: March 16, 1990 at glOO A.lr[. a. Poliey to be issued, and proposed InEured; trALfAtr [,oan pollcy 1970 Revlsion. - Charges -AIta Lender polj-cy Tax Certif. Endrsnt * Loa.zg Endrsmt # 1.03. 1Endrsnt # lt5.?Endrsnt # 335.6 Endrsmt * 100.0O.-TOTAL-. Proposed Insured: PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK ,its successors and,lor assigns Application No. Vi.s0lg For fnformation only LIONSRTDGE $293. O0 $20. 00 $50. 00 s50. 00 $s8. 60 $20.o0 $2O. 00 $5r.1. 60 iL25 , ooo. oo FTLTNG No. 2, ACCORDING ToOF EAGLE, SrATE OF COIORADO. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis conmltnent and covered hereln is: A Fee Slrnple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: IEROY S. SCHMID!. The land referred to in this conmitment is described asfollows: LOr c-l, IrION'S RIDGE sUBDXvIsIoNTHE RECORDED PI.AT THEREOF, COUNTY \GE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMEMI, ls nade and entered lnto thts S dayof f'l'xrot-. , iSSt, by , LERoy S. SCHMIDT, trerEfrEfueireferred to as "Property Ovlner(s)" and the UPPER EAGLE VATLEY CONSOTIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT and VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT, a guasi-municipal corporation of th€j State of Colorado,hereinafter referred to as "DistrLct',. VTHEREAS, Property Owner(s) islare presently the owner(s)of certaln real property descrlbed f,sr Lot G-l, Flling 2,Lionsridge Subdivioion {1410 Buffer Creek Road), located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Dlstrlct is presently ln possesslon of anutlltty easement, 10 feet ln wLdth, runnlng through the aforementioned property, which easement ls described on Exhiblt A, attached heret,o and lncorporated herein by thls reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owner(s) deslres to construct a Permanent structure that hrill encroach upon the descrlbed utility easenent ln an trlangular area measurlng approximately l0' x 15' X20', saLd encroachment being descrlbed on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use by the District. NOW, THEREF'ORE, ln coneideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The District shall permit the permanent strusture to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner(s) shafl indemnify the Distrlct from the costs of any repairs to the Dlstrict's utility lines whichnay occur as a result of the constructlon of the perman€ntstructure over and upon such eaaement. 3. The Property Owner(s) shall hold harmless theDistrlct from the cost of repairlng any damage to the structure, whlch damage may be caused by the lnstallation of new utility linesln this easement, or by a break in present and future uttltty Llnesof the Dlstrict, or by the repalr of such break by the Dlstrict orblt other malntenance of the llnes, 4. The Property Owner(s) shall lndemnify the Dlstrictfrom any increase in the cost of construction of any ner,v utilltyLlnes or in the cost of any repairs to the DistrLct's utilltylines, such insrease, if any, due to the proxirntty of the permanentstructure to the utility llnes, 5. Thls Agreement shall blnd the successors and assignsof t,he Property olrner(s), and shall be appurtenant, to and deerned-torun with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property inEagle county, cororado until such time that the Distlict ablndons o sald easenent. Thls Agreement ehall be recorded property ln accordance wlth the laws of the $tate of IN WITI{E$8 tfHEREOf the parttes her€to hove Agreenent to be executed aa of the day and year wrltten. PROPERTI OUNEN agaust said Colorado. , r caused thisfirst above By ATTEST I ByI UPPER EAGIJE VTI,I..EV CONSOLIDATSD SANISATION DISTRICT VAIIJ VALI'EY CONSOI.IBATED WATER UanaEer instrunent wae ackqo, wledge bEfore ne thls , 199{, by Asslstanc Secretary STATE OT COI,QNADO ) Et Pesa' ) ss' coursrY oF E'|*6t|E ) [4 day of lty Conmistlon expirest STAtE OF COIORADO ))sF couNTT oF EACLE ) . r Thg foregoing tnttrument $ss acknoqledgs-d bqfore ne thls !4 a^y or-.'[Jaarr-' ' , leeil' by D€nnls 9?r.$1n1 ls Il!:Tl1[tr."LL-' ' l99il, bv Dennl" $?r.tln,. ::-lll:Tlifnerii Uanigffi bagl e Va lley Conso I idated sanitat ion Dictrtet and-Vall Vallev Conrolldaled Wetg,r Diltq,,isg.ni Jtiict and-vall Val ley- conrolidaued l{etnr DHEhlcL'l,l",t;( h,* My connlsslon exPires: rlo-tqq+ -':- ,t6 ,--\- ao, I L J , pttut?t-g+t?-, (sl | ?2T IFJ(9e* 6so6 oi 7dijF'sz,;*'o 4',141.-Z1' f aae 6 " l&- Eieae, ae t --.-_.- l..}r- t'rE-\- - - G \ tu + iuwA f l+-ll4-a+ ^s-- +4t .@ t b/t2 Tfi 9a+ ?)P,e I ?? ttsrA ?f tctt ql _.-.-----_--k .--: €rtte- E,at.''...'....'....- -..- aerat -- t{ arl*;"= tt ?. aF-- grerrt Pf \ .a.ua 36'1?- \ !l_:' d:T L TlAlJ\u.., +to (t'l Fqt€ls .-- "--- -. rsvl8€,d zlulgg Date of Application DAIE Of DRB Date of PEC Meeting (it APPLICATION FOB ADDITIONAL GRFA (250}APft zT II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFEHENCE A pre-application conference with a member ot the ptanning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site- lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet ofGRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for uo to 250 square feet if the conditions sei forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 ot the Town of Vait coOe are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this torm as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION TYPE OF REQUEST =Enaardzsd"Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 A. PFOJECT DESCRIPTION B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAT: noo,"r, l4to Ft, ff,rhy Qr?L- Rad Legal Description: Zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: lot-€-! Brock- Firins Ld;yre Frqf F,?. aooru". P'o. ?/9b Vi I Cl6g Address D. E, NAME OF OWNEH{S): Signature(s Address Filing Fee of $200,00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a I request involving an EHU, the fee is waived.f--t Agla.*"1' BayaT* wt1vle 8o-- rrra , 1ln W, oO66 [ta*^3 ?zya1- wlrv;e l+. ,?{a Iu- Lona,F{.pt Wb tFarC,t , wl,nna.6n 4,ixtae- Fq* hr:rlt rJ F>lsl .>ll tht^h1.rt . I The following information, in addilion to DRB submittal requirements, shallbe required with this submittal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property ov\rners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's otfice. 3. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of struciure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire tee tor such re -publication shall be paid by the appticant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consuliants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to ihe Town by the appticant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the {unds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incured by the Town in excess of the amount fonnrarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. t e VAIIJ 4 OrqvL.d, tlll l9l DESIGN REVIEW BOARI)APPIJICATION . TOWN OF . :l l I. A. DATE RBCETVED: DATC OF DRB MEETING: ****l*****iir,:,J TNCOMPI.EITE APPIJTCATIONS T'AY NOT BE SCHEDAI,ED FOR, REIITEW' :.,: I ' qI********** ', ., .';*ir rll-pf PROiTECT INFORHATION: '" r' ULt I' DESCRIPTION: B.TVPE OF REVIEW: - New Const,ruct.ion ,(laairion (9s0.00) ($200.00) - Minor Alteration ($20.00) conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D.I,EGAI, DESCRIPT Subdivision rf property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meets and bounds on a separaLe sheet l.ega1 and atLach E. ZONING:?le NA}IE OF APPL]CAI{T: MaiJ.ing Address: G. NA}48 OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: FSE SCHEDULEi VAIJUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGI{ REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUIIJDING PERIIIT IS Phone Mailing eddress; Fo- 2o&A\l l '6 tb€b Phone nz+ - EAz- H. NAI.,IE OF OWNER(S) :u or{rFR f,91,{r€NAruRE: Mailing Address: Phone APPI'ICATIONS WILI' NOT BE PRACESSED WIWrcW OWNERTS S.IGIIA?URE Condominium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the Lime of submiLtal of Ehe DRB appLication. Later, when applying for a buildinq permiu, please idenuify Ehe accuratevaluation of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the table below. Lo ensure the correcL feeis paid. 60"'qle/q4 I. eil &ktre . ^yh'i,.+ FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00 .00 ONE YEAN AFTER TINAIJ ISSUED ASID CONSTRUC?TONIS STARTED. \ - -ee. . Ffiv;.=q-4 +"'77tiL t^n:*o,,J4 [ t ' jptra-*z,gh- t TOWN OF VAIL ***n'r*.=fti[ ? DEPARI.MEN'I' O!' COMMUNI'IY DEVELOIMENT Eq(' on "--'2;-- O.--, -l - CITFCKS MADE }AYA*IJ Tt) TOVi'II OT'VAIL 0r 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORM I}UI LDINC CODIJ $54.00 ot 000042415 UNIFORM I'LUMI]INC CODL $39.O0 0l 0000 424 | 5 UNII]ORM MECI IANICAL C'OTJI]$37.00 ol 0000424t5 UNIFOITM FIITT COI]IJ $36.00 0r 000042415 NATIONAL l,LI;CTRICAL CODIi $3 ir,O0 0l 0000 424 I 5 OTIITJR CODIJ I]fi)KS 0t 00004r548 I]LUU PRINTS (MYLARS'I $7.00 ot 000s4?412 XIJITOX COPIUS $0.25 0l o0w 42412 STUDIES 0l atJw 4'24t2 IOvf. l:| iS COMPUIIIR PR(Xi RAM $5.00 0l 00004237t PENALTY F'E[S / RE'INSPI]CTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN RIVIltw RI]-CIlICK ]'l:li I$40 Plllt llR.l 0t 000042332 O},P IIOURS INSPIJCTION FEIJS 0t 0000 414r2 CONTRACTORS LICI'NSUS FI]I]S 0t 00004r4r3 SIUN APPLICN'I'ION T,I'I'$20.00 0t 0000414t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGIi lil:li I$ 1.00 PIIR SQ.l'T.l 0t 0000 42440 V-l-C [gg-P111.11:C'f DONA 1'l()N 0t 00ri0au33l 'lRfi-PAID DIT.SIGN RI,VIIilV BOn RD Flili )4in-/2I)0l00004errr I NVESTIG ATION f.T,]i ( BUILDINC) 3l oooo 45t to -TOV PARKINC FUNI) 0r 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPIiR DISPIINSIIR FUND* 0l 0000 2t I t?I'AXABLE td 4% (.S'rA't'E) * 0l 0000 410t0 TAXABLE (O4% (TOWN) 0t 000042t71 BUILD{N6 INVESTICATION 011r til( 0l 00004r330 rDDl ilONAL GItln "250"$200.uu 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USli Ilt:RMIT $200.uu ot 0000 41330 EXTIJRIOR ALTERATION ILI'SS TIIAN IOO SQ.FT.]$200.00 0l 000041130 I]XTI]RIOR ALTERATION tMORIi TIIAN I OO SQ.I,T.'I $500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIN L D}iVIILOPMENT DISTRICT [NIiW]$ I,500.00 01 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DIVI]LOPMI.]NT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $ 1,000.00 0l 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMI]NT DISTRICT TMTNOR AMI]ND $200.00 01 000041330 ;UtsDIVISII'N 0r 00004r330 VARIN NCE $250.00 0l 00004t330 ZONIN(i COt)IJ AMtiNI)MDN'|S $250.O0 0t 0000 4t330 RI1 - ZONING $?0{J.00 OTI.II]R OTTIER *"". rt- -"* JOB NAME READY FOR I LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO T] ROUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - D ROUGH/WATER - ROOF & SHEER " ptywooo NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING * g EXHAUST HOODS . tr coNourT E SUPPLY AIR -_ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO,d*aPPRovED ORRECTIONS: f f | ' r.vlr.rt ?/trlr.r l' '\ - DE'TGN Wryvx qrk"? F5rvttt*l Nffs++Wra FDEAb REVfEW BOARI' APPLICA?fO$ - TOfiN OF VAU,, COIJORADO DATE RECSIVED: DATS OF DRB MEETTNG: ttt******** .s ***rt**rl*!a* PROiIECT INFORMATTON: | 3 1995 B. I. A. c. D. E. F. I. .t. DESCBIPTION: New ConsLruct.ion_,Addition ($50.00) +(r- ($200.00) ADDRESS: I,EGAI DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision ZONTNG: NAME OFMailing Address: APPIJICANT 9<J- b,/Lq.il - Phone G.REPRESENTATIVE:.O Zo Phone H.NAI4E qF OWNER(S):9C OI{NE8 (S) S.IGIVA?UREI Mail.ing Address:'.o 4o APPrlrcAmoNs wrLL Nor BE PRocEssED wrrllottr owNER's ilTilNATERE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are to be paid aE theLime of submit.tal.of the DRB applilation. Lit,er, whenapplying for a buitding permiL, plbase ident,ify Lhe accuratevaluation of Lhe proposar. The Town of vail wirr adjust thefee according eo the Labte below, t.o ensure the correct feeis paid. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT'S Address:,7^ FEE SCHEDULE: ,! vAluAtlo* ..r ,r,\.irP v I {t,TVlJr,,;. $ 10,001 - $ 50,000, $50,ooL-$ 150,ooo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ over $1,000,000 DESIGN REI/IEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL IrllIrESS A BUTITDING PER!&?. rs XS STARTED. FEE AA.t^^$ au. uu $ 50.00 $r00.00 $200 .00 $400. 00 $s00.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AIID CONSrRUCTTON (t. If property is described bydescription, pleiase provide Eo this application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheeE i0\/ . c0[/l[4, 0i\/, D legal and aLtach ffiJtg4) vfu*NtE+ h w6rr 'rlA9 TYPE OF REVIEU!: gonceptual Review ($ i ifl,, I t, r LrJk L.'.t "" Simonsoq Furveyirrg Inc. clrrRroo SpBxcs. gtr.clm i-i SLCPT SKITCH ;l i) ,, ', '1,: s1! I I I c) fl- .-.t tLl iY .L ,,ttill t rl i{//t iiiiiillliltiitt:t; it fiilf,i \\\\\\\,ffi ilt!\\l, illiii,iii,l i$,ll' il ,'\ jl; ffiffi \r!\\fifl! r 'N llull'#}liflW i I lmprovrmant Locrtlon Gn:tlflcrtr leqiq capped rebar #r6844 r?.gr' LEGAL DESCRIPTION I Simonson Surueying, [nc. I Cdor& lprlagr, Cebrodr - AI capped rebar 115933 add i t ion under coDs t.\t /.. /.o'sql .,&d &.)a(.,, /+a\o capped rebar #5933 .s -o"^(i Notes : 1410 Buffer Creek Road orado. Flntshed Floor Elevatlon(garage)=8396'3' Finlshe d Floor E l-evat ion ( l"eve 1= I j=8399' 2 | Ridee Elevatlon-(new addirion)=8421'41 (plYwood sheathlng) I hercby cerrify that this improvemcnt locetion ccrtificatc was prcpared for rhc mortgage lender' and rhc title insurance comiany, that it is not a land survey ptat or improvemcnt sutvey plat, and that it ii not ro bc relicd upon for the establishment of fcncc, building, or othcr futurc improvcmtnt lines. I furthcr cerrify that the improvcments on thc abovc dcscribed parccl on this date' cxccpt utility connections, arc entirely wirhin thc boundaries of the parcel, Gxccpt as shown' that there are no cncroachmcnls upon thc described premises by improvcments on any adjoining prcmises' cxccpt as indicated. and rhar thcre is no apparent evidence or sign of any cascment crossing or burdcning any part of said parcel, except as notcd. Septernber 27 ' L995 Lot G-l in LLonrs Rldge Subdlvlsion Iiling No' 2, County of Eagl dwg. no. R-9117 scale : ltt= 40 t F,| tol lt:^W, /t /fK /#*"I ul \- \ \=\ I I I G-l {*uN lrt il tt;l lLor I 10r utlli ,,/.,, lt# 3/ 3l o oIr+{ o() C] {,t tr .lJ IA &.L' Regist Surveyor $ 3 J AI F <f- 0 { rFr F:t E IT $ rii tfll i It +{[ s r$$S'$$$ s- $-' $ I I A + u s $l s 0 l$I ) l I fl sI t I I I *t1l |?s Ia I $ $ $ I t-' f rn fl IJI E /$I I II { I ts I, la' tl'' t :i i , I I t ,$ t$ B $ s 1a eor\ ,I $3st sf TF : -r-ra ..r'l Iti,.,1 { r.{i t tq,r ,:Jl '1 !.,{i t .' ''::r,v .rr n"i' i i,r* $t -ra t r-.. *t i. b"t t-. - ir*t rat jt r l,- ,l i IL $ 'Ntl t $ 1_I $ ls l.tIGl- 3 $V,/-.\x hP t$ * + $ $ l T Nt .l,i:;f, Re: Dan Staneck, Building Inspedor Septernber 29,1995 Town of Vail, Department of Commmity Developmerf Vail, CO 81657 Clip to hold roof and floor loads l4l0 Buffehr Creek Rd., Lot G-1, Lions Ridge Filing 2 Dear Darq Itrere are the daails of an angle clip to support roof and floor loads sr the 6x6 Doug Fir column bdrind the old fireplace location at the above address. The lodds can be supported by an angle clip simitar to that described in Item 25 @rawings'C & D, my $eptember 21, 1995letter for this address) in terms of goreral shape and coristructlon. The difference betrreen this clip and the previous nientioned clip is the load applied. The clip discussed in this letter has a tribUary load of abor.rt 10,000 pounds. This will requirg six 7/8" diamser through-bolts on four inch centers in the axis of the load, with l-l/4" between rows of bolts zlrtd l-114" edge distance. The top bolt can beno closer than four inches t6 the top of the colunm. Lag botts dort seem appropriate because sufficiort depth of penetration cant be attained for firll strength, therefore excessive numbers of bolts would be required. Call me if you have any questions. Sincerely,cc: Eric Johnson. Architect funtRanEsfl MONUMENT s Coloraoo 8013 2 PHoN E:(719) 488-2I45 Faul Brvant PE. Llvu. Engneer PO. Box 1351 fu.rW d ^ € -,O(J+o Pacrn: (719 ) 413-4O95 JItlJ ' ,. Itll I tl t/{tffiffi ot l1'|J-,1| a TOWN OF VAN 75 Souh Frontage Road Vail" Calorado 81657 e7o-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PROJECT TITLE: SCHMIDT ADDITION ADD/AI,," SFR BUILD PBRMIT Department of Commnity Development Permit Status... applied. . Issued, . . Expires. . Totat catcutated Fees--> AdditionaL Fees---------> Total Pernit Fee------> TIMES 895*02 30 ISSUED 07 /37/t'08/o'ul 1 ,697 .& 957 .00 2,654.60 Job Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation...: Parcel No.. : 2lO3-l2L-02-005Project No. : PRJ95-0118 APPLICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUI].,DERS, lNC P O BOX 1279, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR BOT,ES CUS"OU BUTLDERS. rNC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SCHMIDT ],EROT S PO BOX 407, MONUMENT CO 80132 Phone z 3039263202 Phone: 3039263202 Phone: 7t9 488-0866 Description:ADDITION OF ENTRY,LMNG AND BEDRoNunber of Dwelfing Units: 00Q Town of Vail Adjusted valuation: 100'000 tireptace Infomatlon: Restficted:#0f Gas Apptiances:#Of Gas Logs:#0f l,ood/Pa l-tet: ****#*ffi****1iffiffi*****trrt*rtrtli****ttni*i'**ffitri*****rt FEE SUI 'IARY rbt*rt**tfitttrrlbr,rf,rt**ffffr*trffilFrffiH***ih*f,t|t**frr**'t** Eui ldi ng----> Ptan Check--> Investigat ion> tdi l, L ca t t----> 740.00 461 .00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> ORB Fee------- RecPeation Fee---------> C lean-t p Deposi t--------> TOTAL TEES._-- Faynents------------:--) 2,55{.60 oept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING oivision: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: -00 100.00 123 .60 250.00 1,697.60 BALANCE DUE_*.00 *tnH!t**!t#l**S***ffiffi***t*ffitrfa***tnH:ffi***lHr*#*'*tr****#***trff'Hrffi*lct*ffr***tt*sr#rffi****rcl******rrt****ir****rrrr IIem: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/3L/799s DAN Action: APPR ILem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/3I/1995 DAN Acrion: APPRrtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT o7/3L/199s DAN Acrion: APPRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS o7/3t/L99s DAN Action: APPR lt****ffi,t*|t*ffffi1*#***A*St*fii*ffi*****ff(***J.irr***rr**J*i******'tffi*i**f#r*ffi*tr***ffi#****ftit*tnffi* See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARAT]ONS I hefeby acknou [edge that I have pead this appLication/ filted out in futt the infornation requi red, completed an accurate ptot ptan, and stBte that att the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty lrith the infornation and ptot ptan, to corply uith atl, Toun ordinances and state tews, and to build this structure accord,ing to th. Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes/ design revieu approved, tniforn Building code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR IilSFECTTOI.IS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADYANCE BY TELEPHONL.AT 479-2138 OR ATIIOIJR OfFtCE SIGNATURE OFSerd Ctean-tp Deposit To: {,2""utuo"u* l\- x rE r* .T \ I J .s F \1 x E\{l\ltt I I .rL CHECKkEgWST PREPARED BY: Uy,ek; Do\*(A,.,- DA,rE: VENDORNTTMBER Vl* DESCRTPTTON OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UPDEPOSTTREFUND FOR Bp * (fiS, 07ao NAMEOFJOB: ACCO{.iNTNUMBER 01 0000 22002 AMonNr oF REFLND, & 2,5O9 DATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: I ON WWN AFVAIL NOTEI T1{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALI., TIMES M95-01.15 AT +. 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/47 9-2 1 3 I FAX 970-479-2452 Job Addresg...; 14L0 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation......: Parcel No.,... : 2103-121-02-005Project Number; PR.l95-0118 APPLICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX 12?9, AVON CO 81520 CoNTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INCP O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620OWNER SCHMIDS LEROY S PO BOX 407, MONUMENT CO 80132 CoNTRACTOR ALLEN'S HEATING, A/C & SITEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 Department of Conmunity Development Status...: ISSUEDepplied,.z 07/3L/1995 Issued. ..: 08/02/L995Expires..: 0t/29/1996 Description: ADDITION Firepl.€ce lDfornatioh; Restricted: l'lechanic€t---> 1q),00 Ptan Check---) 25.00 I nvest i gat i on>.00 Valuation r #Of Gas Logs: Phone: 3A39263202 Phone: 3039263202 Phone:71.9 488-0866 Phone: 40442L442O 5,000.00 fot i,lood/Pat tet:#0f Gas Appti ances: *rrts*lcffi*ffirrffi**'tl(ffi***lr**tr*****f,*f,,********tbft|l*** f EE SUltlt^RY itbtdr***fir*ffrt#e**fictlrtd1r*tr**Jdrld!ffi1****ffi**r*r** Restuafant P[an Revi!*--> DFB f ee------- TOTAL f EES_.-- .00 Total catcutated tees---> Additionat Fees*------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> .@ 128.00 128.00 .00 1?8.& t{i tL c€t l.---> 3.00 PEyments------- BALANCE DUE_-**rntffi**Jcffi*tr#ff*******ffi#******#******rc**rt**ffi*fiffit*********ffit**ff*ffiffiffihffi**'H*******tri* Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO7/31/1995 DAN Action: ApPR Dept: BUILDING Division; CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***************************************.***************************************** DECLARATlONS I. hereby .acknoHtedge that I have read.this apptication, titted out in tutl, the infornation required, compteted an accurate plot Plan/ and state that alt the infornation provided as requi red is coprect. I agree to conrpty riith the iniornation and plot itan,to.coapty vith €Lt Tovn ordinances.ahd state taws, and to buitd this stnucture- accordlng iothe Toun'e zoning and subdivisibncodes' design reviev approved, Unifopm Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE IUENTY-FouR H0URS tN ADVANCE SY TELEPH0NE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR 0TFICE rR0ft 8:00 Att 5:00 ph SIGNA1URE OF OIJNER ON CONTRACTOR FOR HI,I'ISELT AND OIINER {p**o'to'*o . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *e* * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *l* *o** * * * * * *" fotw'oF vArr,, cotoRADo statemnt *****************************it**********************************. Statennt Nurnber: REC-0051 Amount: 128.00 08/02/95 12:58 Paynent Method: CK Notation; L1379 Init: AB Permit No: M95-0115 ryrl.e: B-MECH !'4ECHANICAL' PERMTf Parcel ttor 2103-121-02-005Site Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RDTotal Fees: 728.00 This Payment 128.00 Total ALL Pmts: 128.00Balance: .00 * * * * * ** * * * * rt ** * * * * * * *.* * * * ** * * ** * * * * ** * ** * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * Account Code Description Amount O]. OOOO 4I3L2 I.{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEES IOO.OO 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 25.00 01 0000 41336 WrrJt cAr'r' lNsPEcTroN'FEE 3.00 N. o NQTE: TI1IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSTTE AT ALL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit, #: TIMES E9 s-015 6 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Etectci cal---) ORB FEe Investigation> ui L l. Cal.t----> Department of Community Development APPLICANI BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INCP O BOX t279 t AVON CO Bt 620 CONTRACTOR. BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INCP O BOX !279, AVON CO 8L620OI{NER SCHMIDT LEROY S PO BOX 407, MONUMENT CO 80132 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO 81645 Description: ADDITION Valuation:5, 000.00 ******rr*ffi****ffi***Jr*ffirrtf,*f,*lt*f,*******rt****tr**#r* FEE. SUIInARY *****ffi*ffi#rhhtr*rhtter*****Jr****ff*tr***t*t*******ilrtt**** Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 90.00 .@ .00 3.m 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD 2103-L21-02-005 PR,t95-0118 Totat Calcul.ated Fees---> Additional Fees--------> Total Pernit Fee*-----> Status..,: ISSUED Applied. .z o7/3L/L99sIssued...: 08/02/1995Expires..z at/29/L996 Phone t 3039263202 Phone t 3039263202 Phonez 7L9 488-0866 Fhone: 3Q38275772 93.00 .00 93.00 TOTAL FEES---> 93.00 Payntents------ BALANCE DUE---- ffi***ffi*ffir,*ffiffi****ffi***rrff**ffiffi********l***tr***trt r*#!lr***ffi*ffiffii*i*rrfffi******,t**l*l*il******tt****** Itqm: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07/31/7995 DAN Acriont-APFR-Dept: BUILDING Division: ******rr**rr***t***ffi*ffirr*ffitr***f't****!t,t*titJr*ffiffit8ffi***rr*ffi#**ffi*f**ffi*****trffi*ffi*ffi***ffi*****t t******rr*ff* CONDITTON OF APPROVAL lr*,r*****Jr*t**ffi****t*****r***rr#**ffr*ffitr**rrffi*ffi##t*ffiffS**fi*ffi#*#r*rr*****lrtrhf,*iHrffi*#*******r.li**ti*ffi*** DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.this aPptication, fitLed out in futl, the infornation rcquired, completed an accurate plotptan, and state that a[[ the informati.on provided as rlquired. is correct. t agree to compty riith tire iniorrnation and plot il.an,to compl'y with al' I' ToHn ordinances -and state.taws, and io buiLd this structure according iitnc rounas ioning ana subdivisibn - codes, design revieu aPPFoved, lJniform BuiLding code and othlF ordinances ot the Town a[pticable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPEC'IONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI{ 6:00 AU 5:OO P[ ,1 SI6NATURE {pon"uo"*o TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO Statemnt,***************************************************tr************ Statemnt Number: REc-0051 Amount: 93.A0 0A/02/95 L3.02 Palanent Method: CK Notation: Lt397 Init: AB E95-0156 Ilpe! B-ELEC ETECTRICAL, PERMIT . 2103-121-02-005 1410 BUFFEIiR CREEK RD 93.00 93.00 .00 Total Fees:93.00 Total ALL, PmtE: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site AddreEe: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 Description EIJECTRICAI' PERMIT FEES WII,L CAI], INSPEC?ION FEE fuitount 90.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES PLT'MBING PERMIT PCrrNit #: P95-0112 75 South Frontage Road Departmen of Community Development Vail" Colorado 81657 g7o47g-213y479-2139 Job Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Status...: ISSUED FAXg70-47g-2452 Location...r sAtr{E epplied..r o7/3L/L99s Parcel No. . : 2LO3-!2L-02-005 Issued. .. z O8/O2/L995Project No.: PRJ95-0118 Er<pires..: Ol/29/L996 APPLTCANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX L279 t AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SCHMTDT LEROY S PO BOX 407, MONUMENT CO 80132 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERR]N PLT'MBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRIN 81602 Description: ADDITION Valuationl Phone: 30392632A2 Phone: 3039263292 Phone:719 488-0866 Phone: 3039280488 10 r 000.00 **tr****lt**ffiffi****ffi*ri|t*******tr1******************# FEE SUlf.fARY ***rit***#***********rr******r.********tt*Hdr**tr*****t*H Ptumbing----> Ptan Check---> Investigation> tli l.L Catt----) 150.00 37 .50 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan RevieH--> TOTAL FEES---- Totat catculated Fees---> Additiona[ fees--------> Total Pernit Fee-------> .00 190.50 190.50 190.50 BALANCE DUE_-_ffi****lt'l*rhrit##*#****f*t*rfftffi*Jrffi****#*****ffi******r.**trffiffiffi#rr*tr*ffi*ffi**ffitff**rrt*r******Ht**** ITe.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT07/31/1995 DAN Action: AppR Paynents > 190.50 Dept: BUILDING Division: **t***ffi***ffiffi1r*****ffiffi**********S****ffi*lc**tri-*rrtrHffi*rrti***t **tr**lrHr.*ir**tr*ffi*t*ffiffii#*ffiffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL trffir**t***'r**r.*t********ffi***rf***rr|Hl*RtJr**ffi******#*ffi*i**********#*******#***#litffi*************#*ffiffi DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fil,l.ed out in ful,t the information requlred, compl,eted an accurat. ptotplan, and state that alt the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to corpty r{ith thc infsrmation and ptot pl.an,to comply Hith 8Lt Tolrn ordinances and state [ar.rs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Euil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURS It{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 179-2138 oR AT ogR oFFtcE FROII E:@ Att {p"orotor*o Jr{ NOTE: TITIS PSRM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TI}IES ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMrTPermit #: 895-0230 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD 2LO3-L2L-02-005 PRJ95-011_8 Statu6...: APPROVEDApplied..t o7/3t/LeesIssued...z 07/3L/L99sExpiree..: 0t/27/L996 Phone: 3A39263202 Phone r 3039263202 Phone: 719 488-0866 .-APPLICANT BOLES CUSTOT{ BUIT.DERS, rNCi r . P o Box Lz'rgt AvoN co 81620 coNTRAcTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUIT,DERS, rNC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620OWNER SCIfMIDT IJEROY S PO BOX 407, MONUUENT CO 80132 Description; ADDITION OF ENTRY,r.,MNG AND BEDROOM Occupancy: R3 Single fanily Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:1001000 Add Sq Ft: 824 Fireplace Infor[ation: R$tricted:fof Gas Appl,iance6:#0f Gas Logs:#0f tfood/Pat Let: . FEE SUIIIARY Bui tdingr---> 740.00 Rsstuarant Ptan Revi ee--> .00 Totat calcutated Fees--> 1$97.@ P Lan chcck--> 481 .00 DR8 Fee----Invcstig!tio|D'00RecrrationFee----__),123.ffiTotatPcfnitFe_-.>t,ittcrlt**>3.ooct.ea'r-uPDePosit--_---->250.(n?aynents.----------> TOTAL FEES---- ARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divieion; Dept: PL,ANNING DiviEion: Dept: FIRE Division: Depts PUB WORK Pivisionl PR PR on: APPR on: APPR *#H*if,f,t# See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditione that rnay apply to this permit. DECTARATlONS I hereby acknovledge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLt the infoFlFtion requi red, corpteted an accqrate ptot ptan, and statc that lLt the infomation providcd es rrquirld is correct. t agre. to eo,rply Hith the infor$ation and Ptot ptan, to compty uith aIL Toun ordinancee and state [ass, and to buiLd this structure accordihg to the ToHn's zonir€ and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Bui l.ding Code and other oFdinances of the Toun appticabl,e thereto. REEUESTS FOR ITISPECTIONS SHALL BE iIADE T1'EI{TY-FOUR TIOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP}IOI{E AT 47}2136 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII ETOO AU 5:OO PI'I SIGNATURE OT OIINER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HI'ISELF AI{D OIINERSand Clean-lrp Deposi t To: t Page 2 **********************************************rk****rlr|****!k*t )c).tt :t ttttttt ***********rrrf CONDITIONSPermit *: 895-0230 as of 07/31/95 Statu6---r APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit TIrpe: ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMIT epplied--. 07/.3t/.L995 Applicant--: BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC Issued---z O?/3L/L995 3039263202 ro ExPire z 0t/27 /L996 Job Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation---:Parcel No--: 2LO3-I2L-02-005 Deecription: ADDITION OF ENTRY,LIVING AND BEDROOM ************************************** COnditiOn$ rt tr r? * r. rr lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,I-, BEDROOMS AS PER SEC. 1210 0F THE 1991 UBC.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CoMPIJIANCE. 3. EGRESS IS REOUIRED FROM AI,t BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.LzCI{ OF THE 1991 UBC.4. AnL FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BEL,OW GRADE. 5. A STRUCTUAT ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE AI-,L STRUCTUAI CHANGES BEFORE BUII,DING DEPART},IENT WILL OKAY FRA!,I]NG. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ;IOBSITE AT ALL SIMES PLIJ},IBING PERMIT Permit #: P95-0112 Job Addrese: 141.0 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Statue...: APPROVED Location...: SAME Applied..: O?/31/L995 Parcel No..: 2103-121.-02-005 fesued...t 07/3L/L995 Project No. : PRJ95-0118 Expires . . z OL/27 /L996 APPLICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC Phone; 3039263202 P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOI{ BUILDERS, INC Phone: 3039263202 P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81_620OWNER SCHMIDT LEROY S Phone: 779 488-0866 PO BOX 407, MONIJMENT CO 80132 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLIJMBING & IIE PhONCI 3039280488 P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRrN 81602 Description: ADDITION Valuatj-on: 101000.00 FEE SUI{IIARY P tufti ng----> 150.00 Restuarsnt Ptan Revieu--) .00 Totat caleutated Fees---> 190.50 Ptan Check---> 37 -fi ToTAL FEES-----Investigation> .m Total Penmit FcF-----> 190.50 rliu. c.u.---> r.m nyff*"il::_f:::; ,*.BB Ite.Ur; .951Q0 gUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: SUILDING Division;0713111995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECI-,ARATIONS t hereby acknovlcdge that I have read this application, fi {,l,ed out in futt the infornation required, completed an accuPete ptot ptan, and state that att thc informtion provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty vith the infomation and ptqt Pt€n,to cofipty uith att Torrn ofdinances and state [avs, and to bui Ld this stfuctuE according to the ToHn's zoning and suMivisior codes, design revi ev approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the ToHn appl,icabte thereto. REEUESTS FoR INgPEcTIoNs SHALL BE IIADE TIIEIITY-FoUR IouRs IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHoNE AI 4iffF213E oR AT OUR OFFICE FRO 6:00 AII 5:OO P SIGI{ATURE OF OI.INER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI,INER L NO?E: TII1S PERMIT MUST BE PO9TED ON JOBSIBE AT ALL TI!,IES MECHANICAI, PERMIT Permit #! M95-0115 Job Addresa...: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RDL,ocation..,...: Parcel No.., ..t 2LA3-L21-02-005Project Nurnber: PR,f95-0LL8 APPLICAT{T BOI.,ES CUSTOM BUIIDERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P o BOX 1279, AVON CO 81620OWNER SCTTMIDT LEROY S PO BOX 407, MONTJMENT CO 80132 coNTRAcTOR ALLEN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETME 5570 IIARIAN SEREET, ARVADA CO 80002 Statue. . . Applied.. lssued. . . Expire6. . #Of Gas Logs: APPROVED o7 /3L/Lees 07 /3L/Lsesot/27 /Les6 Phonez 3039263202 Phone: 3039263202 Phone z 7L9 488-0866 Phone: 40442L4020 {Of uood/PrtLet: Description: ADDIlTION Finepl,ace Infopnation: Restricted: tof G8s Apptiances: Valuation: 5r000.00 FEE SU}IIIARYllechanicat---> 100.00 Rcstuarlnt Ptan Revi*r--) ,00 Totrl calculated Fcrs---> 126.00> .00 Additimal Fees-----> .00PlEn Chcck-> 25.m DnEInvestigation> .00 ToTAL FE€S--- t',i tt Catt--> 3-m Payncnts*----- EAIJINCE DUE-------> 128.00 I!eD; .951qo_EIIILDING DEPARTMENE Dept: BUII,DING Divj-sion:07/3L/L995 DAN Acrion! APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL **********!r********************************************************************* DECI,ARATIONS I hareby acknovl,cdge tlrat I hrvc rcad this appl,ication, fiLl.cd out in fuLt thc inforrnation ncqui rcd, co pl,eted an lccurutc PLot ptan, and state that al,l, the infornatim provided as required ia correct. I agrce to compLy rith the inforftetion attd pl,ot plan' to cor|pl,y vith al,t ToHn ordinanees snd state taus, and to buitd this structure according to thr ToHn's zoning €nd srMivision codcs, design revieu approved, uniforr Building Code and other ordinances of the Toun applicabLe thereto. RES'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SN.IALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS III AOVAIICE BY TELEPHOIIE AT 4:?9-2118 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:M A 5:OO PII SIGI{ATURE OF OI.'NEN OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HINSELf AND OTNER APPIJICANT BOI.,ES CUSTOM BUIIJDERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620OWNER SCHMTDI LEROY S PO BOX 40?, MONUMENT CO 80132 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 Deecription: ADDITION NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAIT PERMIf Job Address: 1410 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Locati-on. . . : Parcel No.. : 2103-121-02-005Project No. : PRJ95-0118 ON iIOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Permit #: 895-0156 StatuE...: APPROVED Apptied. .z 07/3L/t995Iesued...z O7/3L/L995 Expires . ., 0L/2?/L996 Phone: 3039263202 Phone: 3039263242 Phone: 719 488-0865 Phone: 3038275772 Valuation:5,000.00 FEE SUIII{ARY ELectricat---> DRB Fee Investigation> lli tt Cal. t---> TOTAL FEES-_> 90.00 .00 .00 5.00 93.00 Total catculated Fees---> 95.00 Additionat Fees--------> -00 Total Persit Fer------> 95.m Paynents------- BALANCE DUE.--- Item: O6OOO ELECfRTCAL DEPARTMENT07/31/1995 DAN Action: APPR Depts BUILDING Divj.sion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknorLedge that I have read this appt ication, fit.tcd out in fult the intornation rcgui red, conptcted an acouratc ptot ptan, and stste that atl the infoFmtion provided as required is correct. I agfee to coipty Hith the information and ptot PLan,to co pty uith atl, Torn ordinances €nd state taws, and to bui td this structune eccoFding to thc Tounrs zming and suMjvision codes, d$ign revl eB approved, UnifoFn Eui tding code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticabl,e thereto. REoI,EsTs FoF II{sPEcTIoI{s SHALL BE fiADE TUE TY-FouR HouBs IN ADVANGE BY TELE?HoNE AI 479-213A OR AT oI,R OfFICE FROI{ 8:OO Ail 5:OO PT SIGI{ATURE OF OI|].IER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIiISELF AND OI,INER ******i[*******rt******************!t*!p**.*******!r***'**********ni]*!t* TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO Statemnt ***tl**tk!t************************!t*.****rli*************!t*********** Statennt Numberl REC-0050 Amount: Palment Method: CK Notation: PRE-PAID Permit Nor 895-0230 ?ype: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUrr,D pE Parcel No: 2103-121-02-005Site AddreEs: 1410 BUFFEI{R CREEK RD 2s0.00 0? /3L/e5 11:01DRB fnit: DS This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 Total Fees;250.00 Total AI-,L Pmts: Description DESIGN REVIEV' FEES 146, 60 2s0.00 tr!rt )t:tttr**,*****************************--??*?l::;********il13;t?.- Anount 250.00 rOWN OF VAIIJ CONSERU |jl{ I 5 1995 PER}ITT APPIJqATIOX !oern:6{t4[qg ************* p{-noilattrs ['J-Plunbing irob Nane: %l+Fl tP;'1-Job Address: Legal DescriptJ.on: Lot1ful Block rif ing--?' General Description: Add,ress: Plrlrnhingf Address: Hechanical Con Address: ******* ***** * * * ********* ******** k,, i $[{.,uffiffi FrrriED our col,tlr.Errr,y o+ fi**************** pERurE rNFoRMATroil tH;,,1iffitr: D owners Narne: L*&fffrf ' ' Add,ress: ?.,.!.eeX ,*+l . _ m.--"O#E'' fzb. r - r^.r l9wv,A^h,.1|, @ aolTz-Archr.recr: FPta J|a h.t*o^l Address: ?.o. ffiA* "l''-pn 6t:a.glq". l{ork Class: I l-New [ ]-Alteratton ffi-aaditional I l-Repaif t t -Other Nunber of Ihrelling UnJ.ts; , Nusber of Accomodatl,on Units: ElectrLcal Contractor: !g1*1"n, t iD,ooo.a ErJEerRrcAL rr5ooo(- ornen: tpLr[.rBrNG: $ toropo.ba UEcHA]rrcAr,t f.--.:ffi TorAr.,: f::@i: ff**************************? j:oryTR4crr I't bg,nnirntonr ************************t*ir ' f;ffi::}, """ff:fj":a' .m.' A; i- -o.,--^il',-I:H."$,':i:1,*?s'- No' - /&8 roR OFFICE USE BUII,DING PtII}fBING BUIIJDING PERUIT FEEs PL1MBING PERMIT FEE: }TECIIANTCAIJ PER}tr3 rEEs DLECTRTCAIJ FEE8 OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PI.AI{ BUTI,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING3 SIGNATTIRE: Town of Vail Reg. Wo. /fl,-{ Phone t{unber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: |Iown of Vail Reg. tto. ,/il'ft Phone Nurnber: *** ***** **************** * * * *tt ** PIAN CEECK FEE3 !.TECHANTCEL PIIAN NECREABTON EEE3 CIA;A}I.UP DEPOSXT: TOTAI, PENT,TIT FEES: CLEAil IIP DEPOSIT XENND l.I 75 couth '|onttgc rued viil. colorado 81657 1co3l 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 I luttn to: FROI4: DATE: suBTECr: otflce ol communlty development ALI, CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISIERED WITTI TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COtl}lItNrTy DEIIELOPI{ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSjrRUCTTON PARKING E MATERIAI, STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful- for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and, workmen vebicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?ge or any portion thereof. The riEht-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinateJ.y 5 ft. off pavement.fhis ordinance wil.l be strictJ.y enf,orced by the Tolm of VaiI .Public l'lorks Departnent. PersaRs found violating thls ordinancewiLl be Eiven a 24 hout written notice to remove said material.fn the event the person so notif,ied does not comply with thenstice nithin the 24 hour tine specified, the publ.ic worksDepartnent will remove said uaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplieable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiLities in the right-a-way. to review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the lor,rn ofVail Building Deparfinent to obtaLn a copy. Thank you for youreooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner)r 75 .oulh lronLlge rord rtll, color.do 8165'17(3osl 479-Zt3E or 479-2139 oillc! ot commurlty dcvclopmenl If thi.s pery1t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Englneel's..(PgP] U llorks) reyiery and approva],' a Planning' oeparinentrevlew or Health DeparUnent review, and a review by the Builiing Department, the estinated tirne frr a tsta'l review iray take as l6ngas three weelis. A1l conrnercial (Iarge or sma'll) anit all multi-family permits willhave tq follow the above menti'oned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small proJects should take a lesser amound, of time. However. iffesi.dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wlth. regard to necessaiy review, these proJects mayalso tal(e the three week peiniod. Every attempt wi]l be nade by this department to expedite thjspermi't as s€on as possible BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME underslgned, understand the p'lan check procedure and timeI,. the ft ame. +ct4r,rrP-f' FCt..trA{c;E P!"oject Name 6/o/qa Development Departnent.Conmuni ty I ;.t t SCHMIDT RESIDENCE A.T SITE/I,ANDSCAPE o Add (5) Colorado Blue Spruce 8'-12'.Stake, drip o Remove,/relocate (6) A$en - stake, etc. Maintain existing drive & walk o Relocate erising drip inigation syst€m A.2 MAIN BEDROOM 2/BEDROOM 3 o Remove (2) windows (south); maintain & re-insAll in living (nortb) abovc as indicated. Remove/infill R.O. as required. o Install inswing patio door ddeck and exterior railing as shown in B€d 3 o Install window (5ox2o) in Bath 2 as indicated dtile jambs and corian sill. o Demo closet in Bed 2; remove, maintain and roins,All doors in new closet. o In$all matching hrb (with tile deck as shoum), fiIhres, toilet (2) sinls & cabinetry !o Bath 3. Install oatch door, hardwane,lighting, exhaust ard finishes. Install additional electric treat under tile. o Maintain existing gyp ceiling and walls. o Demo existing roof (east wall to garage O.S. wall). Remove concrete tile and re- instrll. o Shore existing roof framing at ea6t wall. Transfer loads to gamge as required. Submit shoring design fon review prior to construction. o Install transfer beam. Demo east wall. Columns, hangers, surb column, ridge beam & rafters. o Install new HWBB heat or extend FAG gri[ to east wall. #s*q L r Schmi& Residence -Prye2 A-2 MAIN o Demo existing exterior stlir & landing. Remove decking, diog; mainain joists & b€am at main deck. Maintain decking & railing to r€main as indicated. o Maintain and pnotect all wood flooring. Parch (i.e. gfill) as required. o Remove mtry dmr & frame; re-inslall to Mast€r below. o Remove wall & glass block as indicated. Mahtain header, column and roof/ceiling. o Remove overhang to O.S, wall. Remove core roof tile. o Demo enfy closet; remove & re-install doors to Bed 4 closet. ldaintain 8ll struchral columns- o Remove fireplace & flue pipe; maintain and rc-install as indicated. Demo stone hearth to floor sheathing. Patch floor as r€quird. o Install 36' ht. kne wall dtile cap. Install mud set tile flooring under fireplace as indicated. o Re-install fireptace and flue pipe as hdicat€d' o Remove (4) fixed windodawning; maintain and re-instal! @ (2) siuing (eflst), (2) living. VeriS header condition and noti$. A.2 FAMILY o Remove calpet at east steps. o Insall36" hit. tnee wall dwood cap. A-2 STAIR o Rcmove infill wall in sairwell. Mainah door. o Relocate switching. o Instrll matching code railing @ 36" ht. o Relocate door to Bath 2. Add privacy hardware Schmidt Residence - Page 3 A.3 LOWER o March all interior/erterior materials and fttishes. o Mrinain and protect all existing tile flooring. o Demo entry stair/columns/slab in walk. Re.install columns at enfy roof (2). o Maintrin wall/patio/deck columns (3). o Demo foyer ceiling as required for new heating. o Remove relocate 6x6 window to foyer. Cut out brick and qiflll to F-F' o Pour footing and foundstion (concrete) to depth ofadjoining column pad. Epoxy dowel, perimetff and under slab insulation. o Matchiog tile (mud set) floor & steps. o Demo wall at stah (floor to ceiling). o Insall code railing to match and wall under tead. o Closet and doors to ntatch type. o Insull entry door o Instal 2 + 3 XXX)O( (9" ard 1 pads on 2'x2'xl'pad to 4'. Grade b€rm 8t 3'- o Brick veneer dsill per elevation. Brick enty stoop on concrete slab- o Install entry colunms 8x8 w/flush boom, sloped soffit. And (3) dovm lighB And (2) fired FS-l Velux skylights A-3 ROOF CONSTRUCTION o Remove overhang to south garage wall. o Remove concrete tile roof membrane to ridge. Ivraintrin ply *eathing. o Removo roof in area of Bed 2 dormer' o Attach 2xl0 rafter to topplate at S. garage wall dblocking and to nail. o Apply full bifirthane membrane ridge to eave. Flash w/ 24 ga. galvit at *ylighb, side walls, valleys, and eave. Instrlt tile bafi€ns and matching tile to mafch existing assembly. o Re-install foyer closet door o Bed 4 closet. A-3 Schmidt Residence - Page 4 MECHANICAL ROOM o Evaluate and submit proposal to correcUmaintain/upgrade existing FAG qystem as needed. o Install gas fired hot wat€r hcatfug qyst€n design/builf for all main and lon'er level additions. Attach to existing gas supply and exbaust vent with existing exbaust ftre piping (draft induce if necessary). Rourc supply end rennn piping in existing and new floor franing as requiied. Maintain existing as required. Maintain existing supply/grills/renrn duct line.$. Modiry supply and ducts as requircd. o Estabtish HWBB zone and T-stat locatiotrs for new constructiom. Balance sy$em. o Evaluate and upgrade domestic hot water as required for bathroom addition and existing fixfines. Tie into existing supply and exhaust. Add marching 70 gal DHW tank. GARAGE o BreakoutcostforBed 2 o Shue ftaming and maintain existing columns as ffiessary o Saw cut concrete for new concreF pads as indicatcd. Pour new concrete pads w/rebr and comtrol joint material as indicated. Inslall new colunms to beam as shower UPPER MASTER o Insgll wall om to,p of existing knee wall dglass inftll above per elevationldetail. o Re-install entry door. o Install stub column for living ridge beam on O.S. wall' Parch to match' o Patch in existing railing to new wall. OPEN AREAS o Inwer return air grill above family as required fm new window installation. o Maintain existing roof/ceiling above foyer. o Cut out maximum R.O. as conditions allow for window (east)- A-3 A-3 o J l'- b" Ylbac-H. PATftl*[4t 4t]{ --,?|IVTFbANAi,tl.-{ ?vY / Lx I 'acfia 'fWA -bqaw'lrd])fV? wF e* HEl4rFg.Io IEAFTFL fr?--1,:etsl Wt? EWr5, iffialA , hoFt lT i - H b. ?#A A/ e)- l/2" * vp,ce . Te . a.b -:+ofttf ?F'A;r|t-J}14 -.tb t< &, ad v CVg t*\ $)atdA 10 ? ruF ulm\ - iaga*qal-rT :4tYrpaat-t 7o+T we iH/ AFI'6AeF : -; fl?*aA2rtPft {- F\n n 4A+4Yg;g?- H/4'1PL ftMs-e -'dioH.a cF aYlU TyEF-' _ Ta e*a ?hE - *QtW l,^-le,ltl+- -- --.-' eo 9p^g6t ru-T"F.Y p-ff ceTf\ l1- 2 ,lo fllta u,.+uv1E',-*i ,^ 6- ?Ytfrlrrte : ! t I ce r-1lv rcvY a-7- bl7.bP, whvv /ar* .d-fAuaau?4e ?e*e d/fl?'f*w nr^^*ea? ?oY.vw- P\?1EY U/ FWaA V-tPbb PWfl?ho f@ ffii'i r--r I r rtA I s- -,, b ,-Eepta ?.A? vJ /+6 e q lt 8.1,+. Wf T4o.rz, aav (lt1 l^-lf-t-u) V6!aHp o a>4 L+T't-J1t-lA*t;l-,?IHC? Atil vb/g> | -Fvap fry+l-t1tsLa' e* ? tq re.vrT1A79 trt bYY.o? cve -?'re,ev ?rrc ce7--A/ AN*L Arr4Eib A+r>- b4b'?xr?{tA* ''4148 co oe ll-bea lrrrp;ovomrnt Loc.tlon Gcrtlflcetc I Simonson Surueyingr tnc. I Cctonfr 3prtn9r, Gcb-rcdr - II capped rebar #L6844 addit ion under cons tru -, cv /or- Ck_ capped rebar tr5933 €f OO .ss , (*) $ .Cd 137 .9 r Cf- Subdivlsion Flllng rhj-,' , i ,.n l['.,J,'. | .l-J a) FI .u/ ;z;**i] /r[ //er ill F\ I I ,/f,' ;l LOT G*lI Io' "i:E I ea a) lu *r (J v) >'! ]J (t) F 3I \Lt\of,k Notes: Finished Floor Elevation(garage)=8396.1' Finished Floor Elevatlon ( Level- Ridge Elevatlon-(new addl (plywood sheath I hercby ccrtify that this improvcment location certificatc was prcpared for the mongagc lender. and the titlc insurancc company, that it is not a land survey plat or improvcment survgy plar, and that ir is not lo bc relied upon for the establishment of fcnce, building. or other furure improvement lines. I further ccrtify that the improvemcnts on lhe above described parcel on rhis date. excepr utility connections, arc entirely within the boundarics of the parccl, excepr as shown, thar there are no encrotchmcnts upon the dcscribed prcmiscs by improvements on any adjoining premises, ercepl as indicated, and that there is no apparcnt evidence or sign of any eascmcnt crossing or burdening any part of said parccl, except as noted. September 27, L995 LECAL DESCRIPTTON 1410 Buffer Creek Road Lot G-l in Li-on I s Ridee No. 2, County of Eagl orado. dwg. no. R-9117 scale: I"= 40|U rVlfllll, tfbrt r''. ' RegistiliiEtltBEnd.Surveyor ,l- -PECTION REQUESTINS TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: r- PERMIT NUMBE BUILDING: \/ TFOOT|NGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHA1JST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR t-l tr FINAL N FINAL {drffiea 6o""="r,o*.' tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR s q INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 NAME -1-\iFF-'* weo -,THUR/.,,/'/,' / * (' 't rr r ]EADY FOR -OCATION: INSPECTION: U CT JOB otE (, PROF 7 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND lo rnnurruc F"W"/ D W.v. /.&uer/ wArEn 1.1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING 4:lS,PrPrNG c qPobl_l H. ruBtr INSULATION i tr SHEETROCK NAIL t]- 4t2D -D FINAT tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COFRECTIONS: ELECTRIGAL: l' T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ftrenrrNc tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tl--"--l/ Li,l''-e {i I t i' i(l-"t tNSPEcroR I +.. --* ,!-i tttt" ,t,l NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PER DATE IT NUMBER CT JOB PROJE , THUR FRI ,..,/ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTHICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL O FINAL PROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rt r#\ ' .-.' .r',.....'1. iz.' tL- i !') \" PERMIT NU,M 1"f=: oF P?oJEcr SPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON l BUILDING:, tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING U GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: '! tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . \ zt.1 it' L" rNSPECrl,gU, TEOUEST* +tg-2139'lt- ut"l NAME MON \t CALLER :T{Z I PM OFPEMB 0 TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr DISAPPROVED tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W'V. tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATEB FRAMING O GAS PIPING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUB INSULATION SHEETROCK FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL GORRECTIONS: {.'i. I INSPECTOR INSPECTOR a I lf;[I a a a ftsI a I o tfiflI t o t ffIIfrI I t I r;rI t o 'l - "lt RHF,Tltl l-{lhlN OF UtlIL, COLORADn pflGE 'j11/Ai:/95 116 r4rr RF.AUIST$ FDR INFFEUTII]N i,JtrRH SHEETS FOR: 1IlEAl95 AREA: HLi Artivity: H95-O156 I1/'?.8:/*n Typ*r B-ELEI Statr.rEr ISSUED Const]': ASf:R llddr"e s s : 141flt BUFFHftR f,REEH R0 Lcnat i on: F,ar-re I : 3l rI3- 131-tU E*fiUtg Desnr.ipt i. on r ODIIITI0N Appl icant r Ftll..fitj DUSTOIiI FUiLDERS, INC Owner": SCHitlIDT L|:ROY S Carrtractnn: BOL-H$ []USTOM BUIL-nER5, Itlf Orc: Use: Fihone: J439E63EEE Flrone: 7L9 488*t4866 F,hone : 3rZr39fl6SE:rZrI Inspe*tion Request In f oi'mat i on" . Reqr-1setr or r dee/eagle valley eL Reitr Tiner t?l8sfifi Comnrent E.: Items rreqrrested to he Inspected. fiC'f9rA ELF-C-Final eL: Fhone t 8'3-7-5777 Tinre Itlt_l Inspect i on History.. " ".Item: Iten: Item l I b em r Item: raft11tl ELFC*remp. Fower- firaletA EL.EC*Rgugh tAra 1;rzt E|.-EC*Corid r-r i t fiU'1,4t2' ELEC-f4i sc. rlel11fi E|.-.EC-F i na I .i REF,T 1.11 I I /rZrS/95 17 I rle REGUESTS ffctivii;y: 895-$E3Et ToHN fiF VAIL! CnL0RnDO FtiR IN$FH{:TICIN l,lORH SHEETS FOR: 1l / 9/95 II/ 9/93 Type; A-BUILD Statusl ISSUED PAGE 4 ffFEA: trD Aclcjr"ess: 141O BUFFHHR CREEH Rt) Locat i on : F.,ar ce I : fi l rZrS* 1i: t *|AE-.E|AE Descr.ipt ian r ADDITIDN OF ENTIIY! LMNG fiND ffppt icant: BOLES fUSTOl{ EUIL-DERST INt: Owner': $f,Hl4IDT LEEfiY S Contr"actor: BBLES CU$TOM BLIILDER$, INC tronstr: ASFR LJser U NOcc: BEDRONM Fhone I Fhone: Fhane: 3039e63e887r9 4ge*fr866 3Ur39;:63;:OE Inspec Req ''1Req Itens tion Reqr-lest Information,,.,. e st ol': RIJDNEY, B0LHS BIJI LrTERF Ti me : tZtS: dl0t Comment s : [.-ATHF req'-re5t ed to be Insp*cted... BLDS-Mi sc. Frhone: 479-94*I I NEF,ENT I ON Rnt i orr Eomments Time Exp Inspection History.. . . "ltem: gtASltet Fhl*Drive by Inspecti Item : DAlalE BLD6-Footings/Steel It*m c BTAAIA BLD6-Foundat ian/$tee Iterir: Eff5EA FLAN-ILC Site Flan Item : tAEraSO BLD6-Fr.aminq Item: AEA4U SLDG-Roof & Sheer. F1 Item ; silztB5fi BLD6-Insulat i on Item I rAAlA6tA FL"DG-Sheetrock Nai I IA/19/i3 Inspector.: CD Item l flOtZtSO Bl-DG-CoLrrtesy It em : rzrtAraTrn FLD6-.Mi sc. It em: tAEAgfi BLDG--Final Item: l3O53A BLDE*Temp. C/fr Iten: o'7.'54fi BLDGI-Final |:/n I ywood l-Jai I Act i on : FIF FR GARA$E NEEDED STILL -., l^ REF,Tl3l -tBwtrt oF VAIL, cELtrRADB t IA611:/96 IZ16:3O EEOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION WORK SHEETS FORI6/T7,/96 1 FAGE AREfl: CF I lIr l Actj.vity: 895-fiE3€t 6/l?lSA Type: n-FUILD Status: I55uED Constr.: ASFRflddr"ess: l41E BUFFEHR CREEK RD Locat i on : F ar.ce 1 : Deseription! Appl ieant: Bwner.: Cont t-act ot': i:l Ut3- t e 1 -rAe-ffAg 0cc : ADDITIGN OF ENTfrY,LIVIN6 NND BEDROOIq BOL.E$ DUSfOM*.BUILDERS. INC F,hANE: SCHMIDT. LEROY S Fhone: BT]LES CLIbSOJ.I BUILNERS" INC F.hONE: Use: U N 3ra3$e63e0E: 719 448-Are66 3A39e63eOE Inspection Request Infor.nat i on. . . , . Requestor'; BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS Req T i ne r lZlS: fi0 Eonm ent s r LANDSf,/trALL IF ltems Feqt-test ed to be Inspeeted... tzrrztst4tzt BLDG-Final clo Fhone r 9f:6-3flflt* SOMET]NE NEEDS TO BE THERE Ti me Ex I I i i I I I I I t I I' I I Irlspection Histor.y. ", ", / -lZ ?/.Item: fr857B driveway gr"ade f irral <-r tArAfi tta FLDG-Foot i ngs,lgt ee I rlfitzleB BLD6-Foundat i on/St ee I EPrEgff F'LAN-ILC Site F,lan rAOrASrA FLD6-Fr.an inq aaa4a * * Not 0n File J+ .* rZilZilASrZr BLD6-I nsu lat i on 0A06tZ' BLDB-Sheetr.ock Nai I LA/ LS/93 Inspector.: f,D 11/49./95 Inspeetor.: ED Item: EtatrZl&A * * Not On File * .* Item: Afifi7W BLDG-Misc. I 1 /rA9/95 InsPeet or: CD Item : 00Sl9E BLDG-Final Item: rZrEEJff FLDE-Temp, C/A f 1/;::e/95 Inspeet ot : CD Notesr FENDING ELECTRICAL EHECK I^IATER L. INE IN Item: 'aA$4Ct BLDE-Final n/0 Act ion: AFtrRAction: AF,trR Artionl AtrF'R GRRAGF NEEDED STILL 6RRAGE CT]MF.LETED STUCCO Iteml Item: Item: 1t em I It em: Item: Item; i I I I I l I I i:l"t;, I Act i on: AF,trR ffF'trROVED FINftL IiECH ROOM f,T C. O. I t-,_ Paul Brvant PE. Ln/rt Engneer ' z/*/#. i .. i"ri.j,,3," ai:,''!'_rqrri, \.S P.O. Box I351 *r^tJ+ /e'" r0\l- 00[4llir, u[V, DipT Dan Staneck Building Inspector September 21, 1995 Town of Vail, Departmert of Commtlrity Developmurt Vail. CO 81657 Re: Structural commqts, 1410 Buffehr CreekRd., Lot G-l, Lions Ridge Filing 2 Amendment to September l, I 995 letter, this subjea Dear Dan- This ld.er restates items covered in my previous letter on this subject, md also clarifies some minor items. Added are Items 25, 26 &,27 . l. The beam to support the new living room ridge and the existing floor and roof of the master bedroom needs to be a 6.T 5" x 19.5" 24F -Y 4 glulam. The ends of this beam may be notched at the top to conform to the roof line to a minimum thiclness of I5"attlleinneredgeofthesupportingpost. Hangthefloorjoistswiththesamehanger as at the other ends. Use 5" long by 5/8" lags. Anchor the glulam to the end colums with 4"x4"x1/4" by 5" long angle clips and 4"xll4" by l0' long strap clips. The load is sffaigtt down onto the post at the south end, but the anchors will defer any possible lateral movemqrt. At the north srd, we need to transfer the point load of 11000 pounds from the ard of the glulam down to the foundation. To do this, continue the triple M:L side wall beam of the living room (See item 22) ttn the existing hor.pe framing to bear onsix2x6trimmers. Hangthe6.T5xl9.5glulamfromthesideofthetripleM:Lwith the hanger shown on Drawing A. 2. A large rock was found in the footing area. I approve cleaning (really clean) the surface of the roch epoxy-doweling in four ll2" anchors 4' into the rock and 6" rp into the footing and calling it good. 3. If the roof pitch is changing to less than the 8/12 origrnally specified then the loads change. Steeper roofs shed snow more €asily. The Living Room ridge beam needs to be upgraded from the 6.75 x l8 24F-V4 to a 6.75 ; 19.5 24F-V4, unless greater deflections ciur be tolerated. The size ofthis beam is controlled by deflection, not stress. The maximum deflection with the 18" beam is 1.5" with the code max being 1.2 inches. Ifttre interior and exterior surfaces can tolerato the ad{itional 0.3" of movement rurder maximum load conditions, then keep the onginal size beam. I would think the roofing material would not have a problem, but dont know what the intenor surface is. 4. Exterior columns to be capped with Simpson AC 6 and based with AB 66. 5. Hang the living room rafter tails with Simpson U 210. MoNUMENT CoLoR.{Do 80132 PH os r:( 719) 488-21,15 PAGER:(719) 4 43-409 5 6. Use the Simpson HU9 at max nailing to hang the 28' trusses over BR2 from the glulam. 7 . Support.the beam holding the trapped gfass over the master bedroom to the colunm with a 4x4x5xll4" clip with two 5/8" x 5" lags and to the rafter with a 314" x 12" lag penetrating 4" into the rafter. 8. The header which spans the sitting room (carrying the living rooni rafters and the sitting room ridge) needs to be three I 1.875' M:L and should be continued over to support the tail of the rafters in the area - where the old closet was. The maximum span over the sitting room should be no more than twelve feet, whictr is where a column is slrown on the plans. The continuing header will support the header over the original €ntryway. Hang the antry header (single 9.5" M:L) from the triple I1.875" M:L with a HU9 at max nailing. Ilang the triple M:L header from the post.carrying the 6.75x19.5 glulam with a HU6l0 at max naiting. I believe this hanger will actually frame into the glulam. If it doesn't, then use a clip similar to those supportingthe 6x10 bedroom floor joists (but wrapped arotrnd the post) with four 5/8" x 5" lags into the post. Stagger the lags so they dont interfere with each other or use two 5/8" througlr bolts. 9. Use Simpson il3 clips on all rafter tails not otherwrse speofied. 10. Use a single L90 clip at the top of the rafters to the ridge over bedroom. The rafters must be blocked per Simpson's recommendations or tlre rafters will trvist. Or use two L50 clips per rafter, one on each .side, staggered so the nails dont ipterfere. I L Uslng the Euler bucking formula, as modified for the UBC, #2 DF posts at a hergtrt of 8' will carry in excess of 30,000 lbs. Exposed posts must be 6x6 #2DF or largerlbetter. 12. . Basement column needs a 6x6xll4" plate to spread out bearing but as long as the column is loose, it should be straightened. Bearing is somewhat eccentric, but is still within the interior of the column, so straigltening in not required. 13. The 6xl0 floor joists under the master bedroom need at least two lags removed and 5/8' through bolts installed in their place. The beam hanger on the celunrn bythe raised floor needs four through bolts. The hanger next to the stairs needs the short lags replaced with 5" lags. 14. I recalculated the glulam over bedroom 2 and according to code, it can not be notched to less than 13" at the inner face of the north support and to not less than 9.5" at the inner face of the south support. The difference is because the code allows us to neglect any force applied to the beam within, in this case, a foot or so f,rom the irurer face of the beam support. According to ttre as-built drawing I received from Brad, ihe north notching is Of, but because of the truss location at the south support, additional shear resistance is required. Sandwich the glulams with steel plates, throryh bolted, to compensate for the notching. Use 3/4" diamder bolts on 12" centers througlr l/4" by 3" by 42" long plates. See DrawingB. l5 , Garage posts are fine. 16. Add one more stud to the garage wall under the sornh triple M--L supporting Bedroom 2 floor. . 17 . No rebar is required in the exterior column pads or the foundation footer except for doweling ihto the exrsting. lt is permissable to stab the verticals into the footer aft.er tlie concrete is poured (within 30 minrces; move them around a little to get a good bond); these verticals need to extend thefooter. These short verticals tie the new foundation to the footer.h\€\. i\ ./ 18. No mid span blocking is required for Bedroom 2 floor joists, assunung the framing defails srpplied by thejoist manufacturer do not call for'any. 19. I understand the framing will stay as is over the sitting room. 20.Item deleted.' 21. The grade beam under the new living room was originally desrgned to retain some small amourt of .soil and to provide a backing for brick facing. Now that the brick has been delaed and the grades adjusted, there is no need for any other structure under the end of the living room other than the pad and pedestal arrangements. Their size doesnt change, nor does any elemert of the formdation wrder the new foyer. 22. ' The triple 11.8?5' M:L along the wall of new living roorn ""r, b. moved up to be a window headeq if flush framing is desired at floor level. Use a double 2xl0 or single 9.5" micdolbm at floor level if you move the microlams up to header height. 23. The walla;vay cover can be 2x 6 #2DF rafters at 16" on cqrter instead of the 2xl0 onginally specified. 24. The floor beam under the living room is currently 2-2x12. Add one 9.5" M:L to the side of this double floor bearn, glue it and use 16d nails at l2" o.c. SupporttheM:L overthe centgr supportwitha stub of 2x6 between the post and bottom of the M:L. The top of the M:L may be set higher than the top of the 2x12 beam to make it flush with the overlying floor,'if desired. Ilang the srds of this composite beam with a Simpson HU 612 at max nailing. A concealed flange is acceptable. Install a little piece of wood between the hanger and the bottom of the microlam to carry it. 25. " The roof over the master bedroom no longer will rest directly on a beam. lnstead, use an angle clip as shown on Drawings C & D to transfer the roof load onto the dining room glulam. 26. The drawings showed the sloped header over the glass wall on the end of the tiving room to be two 9.5" microlams. These carry only a small amount of roof load. Substituting 3-2x8, #2 DF is accqtable. 27 . There is a requremqt to support the ndge bearn over the end wall of the sitting room via a Leader of some sort. Use a header as shown on Dratving E to transfer the ridge beam load across the windows. Sincerely, Paul R. Brvant. P.E.ltrat 4fifi, ss DG*w1P6. P - Re : 5-4-iJf Qesl l.Lro B.,ffih" C,rerk ftJ, Y*Ar" 3tr b, ,.r,Vr+ u ,t d e/ po i"* l{c^sfet bc Lrpo"^ 0-ool. 1lt" 6 Bo l*: ->5 Trn 6 h t+., Use 4- P.O. BOX t3sr MONUMENT, CO 80I32 FFF tat|..uraE ooo|ooo Fct!tel?rt ot c{ a.l|\l a{ ct vl h.nr Iq" Angt */ r^lrll a ll g yrruoa l-Lt ,/,1" ptctt g.rrert (sfiScttr) in et*rlor, r,ovtte"hon.s alI o,ror,nd, SrLl cun{ gf,*4. [,oo d= *o^ T'iu laol: (t"/trt t"s)(toh.Xrog) ra rlr{ t6 tb -f '/ru 3;dr plnfe: z 14o k,\,t5qo l. qoq tb B. ll-r ul 'lu" ri L pla*c1 ,tot okt.tg?.t tzrq tb/b.l+ B.' ti1 ,/q'Q x L't*n6 la3 la' lf5. TnP FL^tJe;€ exrar€o, oer 44,5 $'t tlt" 6 *a " hg t"r+1 {il u4,n la-r.r rfu. o C (F*, oF'l:o o o I o- I Dfal$^J t Nh-C. {"0S1,1, ff'o I F o \fi F $\ \er ".S'* $$ tt .N. {'t h -Fi$'bs** 'o\ \'X-v1u*q' $ J"7\ {,\h b'NN{.N v tr\(.t.* NT N s F,j qr- . 'fv I, l, i ii ir I i llI ., t., l, .i il I li i ri I Llr, .; !:: ; :r . i" .$N YN5g o o""-- flN I.sxhr =\rsoo Dn*r.tr$h P i---i, TDI BRA D F}6TEC. W:5tfTtN6 Rooyl ftV|I HV^VCK €CHMIDf CEFTTEAL FO'Nf ,17PueD L-aAD'. Zt71 lb H"+ l,trrc^^* 5L,oao tn.tl 9k' Q Do,.,Br-e gttererl- r^rf ,,Da pcAre t 6no'^' l-o"'l 9o."1"t: lb3o lb ,?*' Reas'rrrrtt Honren* abo,..rt " CtrNreer- pa,,.rr" BaLfsr lZ" )r VeSo # a + l!" t lsb xZ . lZoor: m,lb sTegLI SZoOo -i Ztcoor4: 2,\ rra) ' te.trJ, o C Alalq.. 2 (,?5ll1 :4 rn) 9f< G FRONIRANGE ENGINEERNO/Ik P,O. BOX l35l MONUMENT, CO 80132 Re= tr rt taltI rt rrl.aI ooovtoo -ll!tant cr 3r ?{c{ cr ?{,l\ ftne, e4(4 ltve 3'2n9, '*L oV Np ^I Tol NilERe Puv slN+s PL^TE1 wntll- o3 ,X\.\ ,FNA. ,j -'Fz%FiBl# D0n'r,ur$rr B ZONE CHECK l, *, *4Slo"" orrr*r.rf DATE: 3 ll,?.1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6- I BIocK Filing olrNER l" , s.' pHoNE // ARCHITECT /- I"/1.^^*. PHONE ZONE DISTRTCT 7/5 PROPOSED USE llew Z" z*;{ View Corridor Encroachment: Environment aL,/Haz ards : 20, 1t/4/- o<,,- o*d*J 15r ' 15' (30) (s0) 6nq., *rrr,"^ 3' /6' 5 Reqrd (3oo) (ooo) ( goot(FfD " Permitted Slope JIL Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: YeS No ,'' a, a **LOT SIZE Height TOIAI GP€A Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Parking Garage Credit Drive: Allowed & (33' 31oc' + #.=3725 6 - //'/? Total -o'3t7C- 4/<?> n/q 2305 : d/A - Existinq EePe-ceE 2b'n** t E' Jl . .. i'r-.. 1'\. ") 3 tvo -7 Water Course Setback . /,-",\Site Coveragell= 7c' ' '\Landscapi ng (Lo'lo1 Retaining Wa}l Heights lgth f 12/ 5 o( 2'/z f ,.''-d l,) Flood Plain 2l Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards _,_q[,r Snow Avalanche(p nockfallc) Debris Fl,ow OK 4) Wetlands */n Prevloue conditions of approval (check property file) Does thle request j.nvoLve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this recruest? -O- **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Comrnunity Development Department nay grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-tern rental. unit for fuIl-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. x N*-( -4"4 ""*- - \. + srE f,,t,rr)1/6, L4 l560312_- -6L j6.61 ,6,uul *->\_-, - 22br/ + g- =-&- Front Sides Rear 10 / / (Please type or print) DArE q h6/e,+ OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANT I AppLrcATroN FoR HEVocABLE pERMtr ro EREcr oR [4AINTAdP,? , "A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY lUl/ n- ' '/ 1n1, - t ' [ :;., Landscaping Other Fence Wdl LV>(1"+-,",{r1uv2w+izl ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT C2 I BLOCK ?.o- F-x OF PROPERry TO BE SUBDIVISION Lron'+ prAge- .+-l SERVED: '&y- Clt*\t l^,tt*1?z- (lf necessary, Corner lot attach legal description on separate sheet). Inside lot X DESCRIPTION OF STBUCTURE OR IN RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1.^).ll+ V Attach plans showing encroacKment,line,curbs, in meters, manholes, any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist?No Proposed date for commencement of construction €?ftil.Jca n+ ln consideration of ihe issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described.2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty- four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town.4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising lrom bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense ol the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such liabili$, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. The applicant agrees to procure and maintain, al its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. The applicant further agrees to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-oFway, .^-( 9.?.?4.^Qrv;4../ ':$ I UTILITY EASEMENT VACATE ATTIHORIZATION asrrBDrvrsroN Ltora'cr ?1!.a,. JOB Lor C2. I BLocK N)DRESS The location and vacate of theaccompErnying site plan describedauthori zed representatives . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE U.S. t{est ConmunicatlonszqL+ purccrlANFl s,P.r\ryp Jl-tr:tc,TroF.l Co e,r*qOu.t H>raaor,r ,/ l-ae. F -rL l-^J, - -- - Public Service 40815 Eighway 6, Avon 81620Gary HaIl 262-4056 Iloly Cross Electric Assoc.P.O.Box 972 Avon 81620Ted Husky/Mike Laverty 949-5992 TCI Cablevision TVP.O.Box 439 Avon 91620Mark Graves 949-L224 Ugper Eagle Valley tJater &Sanitation District 846 Forest Road VaiI 81657Fred Haslee 476-7480 Town of Vail Public Works 11 1 South Frontage Road West, Vail 81657 utility easement forabove ls approved by FILING NA Z. the area andthe following ' d/4/-?r fu. 3-tLtl 3-/s72 +/s lq+ Greg Hatl 479-2160 /)r*il/ / l,lfi -v'*as ,i.I ,.]i] ,'r .,t UTILITY EASEMENT VACATE AUTIIORIZATION suBDrvrsror Ltovt o F4fe- utility eagenent for the area and. above is approved by the following AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE U.S. t'Iest Connunications 591 Center Circ Silverthorne Ken Freeman 468-6860 Public Service 40816 Highway 6, Avon 8L620 Gary HaII 262-4056 HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. P.O.Box 972 Avon 81620 Ted Husky/Mike Laverty 949-5892 TCI Cablevision TV P.O.Box 439 Avon 81620 Mark Graves 949-L224 Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District 846 Forest Road VaiI 81657 Fred Haslee 476-748Q Town of Vail Public Works 1 11 South Frontage Road West, Vail 81657 +/s lq+ 80498 tr. 34Lql JOB NAME Lor C2. I BLocK FrLrNc NO -Z- ADDRESS t4le Gloffiellrr Cced* H, The location and vacate of the accompanying site plan describedauthorized representatives. Greg Hall 479-2160 hea >gruZevvtZdf lnlol .,s. hln ,, \i nv cotil;'iiou,i TITILITY EASEMENT VACATE AUTHORIZATION suBDrvrsro* Lto*b F4Fa, JOB NAME rcr Cl. I BLocK FTLTNG f-l c z- ADDREss l4to ?o#eUr QenJ* #, The location and vacate of the utility easement for the area andaccompanying site plan described above 1s approved by the foll0wingauttrori zed representatives. AUTHORIZED SIGNATITRE DATE U.S. tilest ConmunicationsLqL4. E2LI4FTIANFIf:F.a.ND JuNcTtoFl Co g,r-"pq9rr*-t H>r.er,r ,/ t*a- F *rl" t-^a Public Service 40816 llighway 6, Avon 81620Gary llall 262-4056 Holy Cross ELectric Assoc.P.O.Box 972 Avon 81620Ted llusky/Mike Laverty 949-5892 TCI Cablevision TVP.O.Box 439 Avon 8i.620Mark Graves 949-L224 Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vait 81657Fred Haslee 476-748O Town of Vail Public Works 111 South Frontage Road West, Vail gl6E7 je* >gruzev^a^,.{f +/o lq+ ay'-d/-?rp" 3-Lq{ t Greg Hall 479-2160 /)r*il/ / li"lel ENCROACHMENT AGREEME 'Apn z t Bg4 IOy.COMM, Drll Drpr . THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this & d.' " of lL4>rrat^ , J-gg4, by , LEROY S. SCHMIDT, herEliEfteireferred to as "Property Owner(s)" and t,he UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT and VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED I{ATER DISTRICT, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado,hereinafter referred to as "Dist,rict". MEREAS, Property Owner(s) is,/are presently the owner(s)of certain real property described 6sr Lot G-1, Filtng 2,Lionsridge Subdivision (1410 Buffer Creek Road), Iocated in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently ln possession of anutility easement, 10 feet in width, runnlng through the aforementioned property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owner(s) desires to construct a Permanent structure that will encroach upon the described utility easement in an triangular area measuring approximately 10' x 15' X 20' , said encroachment being descrlbed on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the easement ls an active easement presently in use by the District. Now, THEREFoRE, in consideratlon of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as foflows: 1. The District shall permit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Or,"ner(s) shall indemnify the District from the costs of any repairs to the District's utility lines whictmay occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner(s) shall hold harmless thiDistrict from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure which damage may be caused by the Lnstallation of new utility linein this easement, or by a break ln present and future utility linesof the Distrlct, or by the repalr of such break by the District orby other maintenance of the llnes. 4. The Property Olvner(s) shall indennify the Districtfrom any increase in the cost of construction of any new utilitylines or in the cost of any repairs to the District,s utilityllnes, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanentstructure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement sha1l btnd the successors and assignsof the Property Owner(s), and shall be appurtenant to and deemed torun with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property inEagle County, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easenent. this Agreenent shall be recorded agalnst aalalproperty in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. IN WITNESS t{llEREOf the pcrties heceto have caused this Agreenent to be executed as of the day and year first above wrltten. PROPERTY OYJNEB UPPER EAGIJE VAI.,I..EY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT VAII.,, VALLEY CONSOIJIDATED wArBR ATTEST: Uanager BY as. COUNTY OF E*€T# M }rv e.*-.-.-.^t 4f"^--t' ra -/{-/5' Thgr-foregolng instrument waa ack %-.o....--4-' r l994r UV d s9 By ffi STATE OT COIJORADO EL Pnso' day of !.{y coonlsslon explres : My Conunission expires : STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE GeneralDistrict and Vall Valley Consol U , ) ThF. foregoing instrunent vfas acknowJ'edged before ne thl-s lft aay ot l,lnuL- ' 1994, by Dennls Gelvln, as Interim tc-lqq+ ,/ ii'--:* -*+iv -<__= +16 4CtlAe1' T 426. 1 , il %tc,et 4 t|b l(t--6e@ or a + i erw€- 7b.to Ib1t2 T"rrr ..-\ .-.-J.-- - t{+,er---at \t rta.a \ I |, aale--o+i1't (t)I I 9,a+e* l4T l'"-) <a ? ?- t 3,A 3-( l)iea ,iEf-.....- ggryrl rtt \. crlr6 :l-?€ \t*- l-' "' - .--b--- -- ,,// .fi =- \'r \z "'\\ . >(.r \ \,i"tf L atelw +te (cl \ - -.-'--_\__\.-._ . '-\---_ Qf";gn Review Actiorelm TOWN OF VAIL Category Num Project Name: /ber {( .rr {,..,. ,, j ) /J 1,.-,lDate \l/t,.i,t{l Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: t i.. 1,L,.,-- ,- /€; fF+a{: Legal Descripti on:Lot (l / Block - gr661u1"1on ," ,". '' " ' t' - a ZoneDistrict t'/- Project Street Address: Comments: , l9r',iy'.;,' 1',-. / ,,'' Motion by: '-lrg' r /', - (. Seconded by: ) ,^ Board / Staff Action Vote: 1'- r-,' ft'Approval a Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date: ,'lr', r 1".. ., DRB Fee Pre-paid b, ,.',1 y -i:: rt r. t',f 5l 'i,' ,t 4 t, NO Return to fro//ictq Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMIUENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION (9 Ceuturvw Ko.^, Fdmits cequ\rezl kr enhq.^r""r* f Lonarcc.gnS - OK a^ @t) tc povtde f cr drcurbfle ' t\ ihe ba04 4 i ho haXe.@'ffi';;;; *l**.io"or houle . c,x"/,(/,; ^ ,^!4-- ff *-/^ n/+ Landscaping: Reviewed by: &dd oRnr€\ner Date: Morcv'r ', \414 Comments: /wz.ar&.-(, fryn INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY: j' ,1' ?,f OF THE PROPOSAL: Date: Ytc\rch i, lqOA Comments: G) A"y r-r-r\\ Sc(c,rdor\l 5,trq-ioce be \r,.i\t r,rl0 \n\e({€(r\N\ 7url pc{.y\or.-\ i\ruLl$(g ?. 0 5hct.:<y<t\inq fcr pArr\oqrpqce - 0K 6S Cc'..,..o+ buirc\ c,ir urr\i,\-\ rgr."rcner\t U/D u[r\\r\ Cic$nintiolt, -tH^ ^ry - -r>{/ /r/f f*4 '6 " o,r,,d lc\r,1 $r6\tng. / 1/";.Uo',,""_* O e^ rerluiral crt end cd c\riu€\tqG'1 to cc,t'cn dsaimcle - o'( '- - r fi" ' - "\01, /""n 4! ,r""1 .6.d( Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: 5.1,^;J{ DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 3./0. COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 3.4.?4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: frll,X; { "*-9 /^,-t hg f^v 3-z - 11 Gomments: /u"er," 6 'l- '' 'tr' j FIRE DEPARTMENT Genenl Lighting uilIE mEmn lr{-bdghhoss splty assms vlgjal cdrlb|t Alminml Gllocfi linbhod In hma- ffflo oDotat6 oltdmdy wlfi A a||(l 0fT |anps Wlda choice ol Mtlages md lanp iy?os. 1ln may dso bo used with hed hmo Ecmomical choice for lofl.b|dgst prolocb. trETh Ftaln UtrF e >1000.8 419, 'l0W max. lfmto !r h n ftr[.h rb rqiE |trr! PAR30, 75W nax.hd.dd .nt ct llq tsoE. m0. 75W max. Itfl hma lvhib'$ 1t71 kma whft6T-m i r \-\lr.-*.-T= HId >tm?t A19, 75W max.>iltrl F{R30, 75W mu.t R30, l00W max. >1002F1 >t002F2 url 13w .>1102P1 A19, 100W max. >1900P1 R40, 150W max. PAR38, l50W mar. R40, 250W max. lnfrar8d Hsat >t102Ft tTT 13W >1192f,2 >1100.8 A'19, 60W mar. - PAB38,90Wmax. R,10, 100U, mar r-fl02P1 A19, 75W max. >1900P1 ER30, 75W ma(. R30, l00W max. >rro2Ft 0rr, 13w >tl02FZ >t100.F Al9. 60W max. R30. l00W max. PilHotE SmaI aporlulB conceds lbht soulca Innar matlo blad( shic5 rgd$es dara Easy nhmphg wih snaph, snap-out freplata, Anooribp alminum rEtertr permits uso of A 4|d IIIT lamp ffrbnt ht til lrrDE 2Otl U.tt. Whits Fac€plata F2002Pl 419,4oW mar.>lqlm R20, 50w max. PAR|!0, 50W max. PAR|6. 55W rEx. -gb iffi uvnttr pu+atc -tooan A19' 75w max.r-rFn >19mPl FlR30, 50W max.t L /A\l+F<n >loo2Fz FE$ErHE-, ffihssad in whito bozol, sF8ads tight a6nly, givss high etficiency and louv bd0hh6ss Anob.ibp aluminum rdloctor. Io|slonilto springs alloyu lsns assEmbly to bo pullod doim >1102t1 II[T, r3W >1102s2 >1100.8 A19, 60W max. sasily lor r€lamDino adr-;A N4 ;ry#W tt8Alm UFRISEn hrn whitc Albalile ohss dlfluscr, cgrossod in- v',trif Deel, looks crisp and cflcods brnp. Anob|itee abmhum tofiEctor ma$ mEos ouqI. tGiontite spdngs allow difit sor assdnbly b be pullsd down casily fu ]€lrnpi|E atd cloaning. Suilauo for vtBt locatims" ll2t t&tt whlts BaEl. >tlo2Pl A19, 100W max. >1900P1 >1t02F1 >1to2frt IIrr, 13W >1100.G 419, 60W max. Frl [r >Low tffigr 2000U 2000urn >shdad 2002fi, 1002P1, 1102P1 >Rdnod.Lr 1900P1 o) >cdmacl Fluorlscalt 1002F1, 1002F2, 1i02F1, Hnsutatcd Coiliru 1000.G 1100.1C Night Magica sT4,,{ tourri,f laox 61eD.4x 4,*(* BEACoilS Rugged for lo ia/el liohtino. Beacons are d'ie-cait aluminum housings enclosing n8rmai shock-resistant glass lsnses. Fully gasketed to s8al out fugs, watsr and dirt. Tamperproof screws (with hex key) and regular scrBws supplied. Finished with Uack or dafi brome silicone-polyester pajnt orsr €poxy primer for maximum duability. Bollards match tho stvlss of beacons and hate 5,1r" dia. Uv.resistant nrc columl|s thai arc conosion. pmof. Black or dark honze color is solid to the core which will nd lade or shov chips and scEtches. Dle. cast aluminum bases assure accurato, rigid mounting. Availabls lor use wifl incandescsflt, high pnssure sodium or compact tluores. cent lamD& Suitable tor ret locatiors. hrbmilfi MUNTG rr-H -)-*{-'f:- ,,lrolq.,W cao / -*t ' Wltlorool plugs: EPlacE rl dssjred wilh YatorFool wasicr (s!9pliod) hr [.20 Stnrs uscd lor no0nting In dacq AlCh tllt lll Fr mou'||ino bolatd on concrna ,///-€Q'.v S!|cons tg00 0hrcl 8!dd lll fur sening bollard or beacon in qound. " -' . cafi" _,E-"'+- Fild *t--, o_-, :11_F oed.4 llJ !!!.qool// * $lN I I'rY Whtrrpruol pluos: Gplacr il dlsicd with Etlrp|lol vaslEf (supCird) 1 Y..20 s€nrfls ustd for noi/mmg In Eaca ,rhd---- J?- J_+fr t,r2s -EZ ffi", 690{82 69078z 2Lt.7wrew 69218( 692781( llrlro lkllrd J lotulot Pffi|c|in Ia |!l - t ituclrt $g rttrdls: {3) ancio, I hcMrs; (1) h6avy wall btt$ mts, lckwashsrs lDtpo and (2) cr0s9. r|d (1) tmpirt! l0r I slruls t\t" tomng ruralr almrnO 0f I crcilorn $at scsjros bolts with bas. ol lpipr in qDu4 r ! hrbroutl htr -a14 '61" HiJ#A?'' cso3u 0s0682 690982 69298t(r rr 3sw 59238X 69268fi 691082 E930Br( rl llust br us€d rviti Mounting Xits 6l-6*. -ala +MI ;EI ll-1 il-il ;;l l{ *l lf lLti tlil 00 or 6901. _ot L {*fi1iff'd orrzu tettlz 75w nal- 69328l( 69358f, 691882 6938Br( ffJltr$,' 6s1{83 2Lt.7w orsw 693{81( 691682 691982 691782 692082 69378K 69108K .:.rF Ifl+i{TfIi -5ia Rcagrcd tounhd 690282 t908BZ Surhcr fiou rd 8Z=8!!nt! 8X = Eltcl .rrJ *t 2283 Waynoka Rd., Suite C Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Telephone (71 9) 591-0605 Septenber 18, 1989 Custom Country Homes P. O, Box 1670 Monument, Colorado 80132 Rer l4l0 Buffehr Creek Road - Vail, Colorado Gentlemen: This letter presents the results of a visual geologic hazard evaluation conducted by personnel of Soil Testing and Engineering on September 15' 1989 at the above referenced site. The site ls located in the town of Vail near the boundary between Sections I and 12, T 5 s, R 81 W of the 6th PM' within the Minturn 15 ninute quadrangler Eagle Countyr Colorado. The topography of the lot consists of a moderate to steeply sloping hillside dropping generally in an east and southerly direction toward gufiehr Creek Road. The lot is covered with native grasses and aspen treea. The general geology in the area consLsts of Pennsylvanian Age Minturn Formation -nd Pennsylvanian-PermLan Age Maroon Forrnation. The Minturn Formation in this area is predominently a gray shale and sandstone with limestone layers. The Maroon Formation is typically a hematite-cemented siltstone, sandstone and shale. roln of Lhese formations dip approxlmately 30 to 40 degrees to the north. A surficial deposit consisting of glacial drift at the building site contains silts, sandg, cobbles and boulders. The surficial deposits were encountered durlng our subsurface soil investigation, the results of which are Presented under separate cover. The above referenced lot lies on the hillside previously deecribed. The buildlng itself will be located near the top of the hlllside. An area deeignated lr "mcdl,un severity rockfall zone' as mapped for the Town of vail ellghtly enters the north boundary of the lot. The rnajority of the Iot, with the exception of the imall area to the north, is outside of the rockfall hazard zone. ft appears as though the house will be constructed entirely oulside the rockfall hazard zone as indicated on the roekfall hazard map. The hillslde shows no signs of inetability nor evldence ofrockfall, Since the hlllslde ls to be excavated, however, it is recommended that the rear foundation walls be deslgned and conatructed as retainLng walls so that slope lnatabillty ie not induced. Vail, Colorado Page -2- we trust this provides Should questions arise, convenlence. Respectfully submitted, SOIL TE G AND ENG you with the lnformation you requeeted. please contact our offlce at Your tandscaping around the home should be euch that surface water is directed quickly and safely around and away fron the foundation. Specific eurface and subsurface drainage reconunendations are provided ln the subsurface soll report provlded under seParatecover. It should be noted, howeverr that the sollg encountered during our subsurface investigation are suitable for the type of conetruction proposed. ft ls our understanding that access, domestic rater and waete disposal syatems are municipally provided. Radon gas accumulatlon wlthin gtructures has become a concern of the state and numerous homeowners. It is dlfftcult and eometltnes nisleadlng to predlct the potentlal for radon gaa accunulationswithin structures prior to the completion of construction' Since the soils encountered during our subsurface exploration Programwould be permeable to radon gaep it rnay be advLsable for the builder to take steps which would tend to reduce radon accumula- tione within the hone. FHllkc #tSLCPT SKITCFi\ \\ \ N'..9 n "*$-o.1'*"'" 3:t n- rl\ol \o\ TIilll ll ti itillt <r_ Lri ri- il,it\' \<Ld t_LJr\- n--I- LLJL! I -rh Simonson Survefng | (u-droo 9ir.Gs. corm^oo IoRA$NG O R-91t 7 DAIEo fEBmnRY fi. 199,t ffir, !H{ )i'Hl J-W,# hlnl'11,ffi t I i.rilr;{*.N ln c. g"s uo1 I WE ARE SENDING YOU K ! Shop drawings n Copy of letter Attached ! Via ! Prints/sepias ! Change order Kptant Samples the following items: ! Specifications n Originals ! ! LETTEftF TR&NPFMIT [^a*J d"lrvel ir/A It DAIE zl.l /n4 | roe,no T ro: 1o,,- -F VJ \ A'-.tVrWr.* bA-,ert JU^ G.rr.6vfte- RE: 4.f-tr-ttfrf F=. l.Fto bu {{].-Lw C /zlL OATE NO.DESCRIPTION ?z lte /qa 1ovv416a 4tle F{a--, 9fa"^FJ ta t. 4 aof'^ t 14wlry d.g.,-.rt TLC (/ >ot--2c-\ I n/tr /41 3t#c- n**^^ 4o'/o =LV- Vo-iQ*a'.fr'-.- a z-lz.t la4 4r{rl / fun / arr-t+-^* f r'-*a-L,- *f I "t I ts /b4 4oils 4 &-t-"tar^Ja.{7.+* .-lz; /tu @-E> >w' / z.r!4 a,,sau- / ?hdub / Llr.la*. elw lq Ovt-k+-rt ' f,rr.:-r-, % F" I pfl4r. =94^4dzlzo/4{d^*U- * ruogt #za' THESE ARE TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: N n n ! ! ! n n n n ! Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned lor corrections For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US C FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS Ng" tt €nctosurcs are not6t ,o("a 6W*r,,y ," ", tz. '.,1 u q ngt TEGAL DESCRTPTTON! Lot <?.1 Btock Fttins ut6,.t' FiaiZ- N. 4='F **- .z osrNER pHoNE -.r ARcHrrEcr Ae| fuai+..* pHoNE ADDRESS: **LOT SIZE Height TOTAI GRFA Primary GREA Front Sl-des Rear View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : Allowed (30) (33) E bb1+ gEa b Vt1 20, 15' 15' . (30) (so) * ExistLnc ,r4l 1t+ | TotaI 6 azz % lat 2- 642 Proposed 7ol z bq"- ';- L c.qz --- I bYo 4o% a 4oo+ lf'S. -!JZg_ Zt+l Secondary GRFA .2- zb1 + 4ZS -.L CE Setbacks water Course Setback 9 15a_ lqlq_ zbe@ 1 z>l - E-- --!-Landscaping Retaining WaII Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 3' /6' l-n" bl h 6 1) 2l 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologric Hazards zoNE Drsrarcr ?qi.>n, ,/3<-z,'";,,u, pRoposED use 4zaa,,dJ..- Be+ | qrd 'r,- (300) (500) tgoot trzObl b oe Pernitted Slope _,gL Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No - ??? c) Debris FIow 4 ) t{etlands Previous condltions of approval (check property file) Does this request rnvolve a 250 -\ddi_t:on? rl MINNESOTA TTTL"E N 54.10 Wrrd Roed Arvadr, CO 80002 120-4211 33C0 So. Prrker Rd., Suire 105 Aurora, CO 80014 75 l -43 36 l8l0 30lh Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-410l 200 Norfh Ridgc P. O- Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 153-2255 512 Wilcox €asrlc Rock, CO 80104 688.6363 2l 2 North Wahsrlch Colorado Sprinqs, CO 80903 634.482r Gommiunent To Insurc lwdiluo.$ttlrc1ffiuof: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32r-r 880 8a2i E. Hampden Suite I00 Denver, CO 802 31 750.4?23 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 127 -9353 l20l lvlain Avcnue Durango, CO 81 301 217-5860 7700 E. Arapchoe Rd. SUtle l5u Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596 3600 5o. Yosemite Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 LAIP TITLE CdJARANTEE COI/frNY I 08 South Frontage Road W' P.O' Box 357 Vail, CO 8l658 476-2251 3030 S. C,pllegc Avenuc Suitc 201 Forl Collins, CO 80525 492-9015 710 Kipling Slreel lakewood, CO 8021 5 232-31I I 3609 So. Wadsworfh Suitc I | 5 lrkewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | 1990 Gr.nt Slreet Suite 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 152-Ol19 I9590 Easl Main Streel Pcrker. CO 80134 84 | -4900 l0B Soulh Fronlage Road W. P,O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l658 176-2251 tlrmrtrnentTo lnErn AITA Conrnifr nent- 1 970 Rev. MINNESOTA TITIFA TITLE INSURANCE CoMPANY 0F MINNES0TA, a Minnesota corporation, herein calld tfE Company, for a valuabte consideration. hereby cornmits to issue its poliry or policles of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed InsJted named in Schedule A, as n^met or morqagee of $e estab or interest covered hereby in the land described or re{ened to in Schedule A, upon paymem ol the premiums and charges therelor; all subject lo the provisions of Sciedules A and B and to the Conditions and Slipulations herm{. Ihis Comrnitment slmll be etlective only wtten lhe identity of tlre proposed Insured and fie amount or the polic.y or policies mmmitted for lEve been inserted in Schedule A hereof by $e Compary, either at the time of the issuancr ol this Commitrcnt or by subsequent erdomement. This Commitnent is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or polichs of trtle insunnce and all liability and obtigations hereundei shall ceaie and terminate six monihs after the eftective dale hemof or when te policl or policies committed for slrall isue, wtrichever first occun, pmvided ttnt ttre failure to issue such policy or policies is not ttre fuult of the Comparry. CONOITIONS AND STIruUTIONS 'l . The te.m "mortgage", wtren used herein. shall include deed o{ lrust, trust deed, or otrer security inslrument 2. lf the prrysed lnsurd has or aoquires actual knowledge of any detect, liefl, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affucting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Sctredule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, tlie Company shall be relleved from liability for any los or damage resulting from any act of teliance hereon r0 the enem the Company is prejudiced by lailure of the proilosed Insured to so disclose such knowiedge, lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company ottrerwise acquires actual knonvledge of any such deiect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other mattet the Compaily at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitrnent accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company lrom liability previously inc{ned pursuant to paragraph 3 of hese Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of fre Company under this Commilment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the fom of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incuned in teliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirem€nts heresf or (b) to eliminate exceptions shovvn in Shedule B, or lcl to ac{uire or create fie estate or inlerest or nortgage thereon cwered by fris Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Scfredule A for the policY or policies commitled fo and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stip,ilations and the exclusions from Coverage of the torm of policy nr policies committed for in favor 0f tre proposed Insumd wtrich are hereb inc-orporated h reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly rnodif ied herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that he Foposed Insured may have or may bring agEinst the Company arising out of the status 0f the title to the estale or interesl or he sbtus ol the morlgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are $bject to lhe gwisions of this Commitment. STANDARO EXCEFTIONS In addition to thB mattBrs cont€ined in rhe Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions trom Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is olso subiect to the following l L Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. 0iscrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts whic\ a correct survey and inspection ofthe premiseswould disclose and which are notshown bythe public records, 4. Any lien, or right to a lie n, for se rvices, labor or material theretofore or hereatter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens. encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, creatsd,first a ppearing in the public rec ords or attaching su bsequent to the effective date hereof but p rior to the date the proposed insu red acquires of record for value the ostate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEHEOF, Title lnsurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and sealto be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory IITI.f INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA t'r, i'i Autttizd Senatoty TIM Forn! 2582 , LAND rtOE cuARAN?EE ]"pANy Representing Title Insurance Conpany of t{innesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER llarch 25, 1990 Our Order: V1S018 BUYER/oWNER! LEROY S. SCHMIDT SEIJLER: ADDRESS: LIONSRIDGE PEOPLES NAIIONAL BANKrAx# 719-488-0754 1899 WooDMooR DR. uoNl[.!ENT, co 80132 1 Attns IrfSA 7L9-488-37L2 PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al,I PU ALTA}oMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) 13' EASEI'IENT AND RrcHT oF wAY As GRANTED To HoLy cRoss ELEcrRrc AssocrArroN,INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECONOTO AUEUST 24, rb-i7-rrI BOOK 21I AT PAGE 103. 14. AGREEMENT BET9'EEN TAYVEL ENVTRONMENTAL I.AND COMFANY AND I,IOUNTAIN STATESTEIEPHONE AND-TElEGnepn coupawv pnovrornc roi TELEpnoNE rNsrAr,rarroN ANDsERvrcE THRoucllour LroN's nlocr_suBDrvrsroN, FrrJrNc No. 2, RECoRDEDsEprEuBER 22, 1973 rN aoox zii AT eAGE z9r. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THERE..RDED pr,AT oF LroN,s nroee-suaDrvrsroN,-piirNe No. z. ENDORSEUENT 335.6 WILL BE ATTACHED fO ALTA LOAN POLTCY WHEN ISSUED. ITEMS 1, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIoNS WILL BE DELETED FRoM THE XglTEi:""s PoLrcY upoN nscErii or a satisiacioiv rlrpnoveMExr-r,ocarrou NorE: sAfD suRvEY Musr sET our THE EAsEuENTs sET FoRTH rN SCHEDULE B-2HERETN' PLEASE-PROVrDE r"nuo ritas cuARANTii-ioirpary lfrrH THE NAME oF TrrEsuRvEvrNG coM?4!!Y AND wE wrr,i-srwu coprrs or-iirr NBcEssARy DocuritENTs. F.RM i3lr[t^t3"BE.rssuED BASED upotl Trre cor*lpalli'i-nfrrrsw oF rxE sunvry As sEr No?E: rF THE-rMPROVEMEN? rocATroN suRvEy rs Nor RECETVED By I.AND Trrr.,EGUAR''ANTEE couPANY ru surrrciil'it rrue ro-nsvidi AND ENDoRSE THE cor,rurr!,rENTPRroR To cr.,osrNc' ADDrrrolLli-ixcnprrolls io rffi poLrcy couLD BE EXcLUDEDFROM FORM lOO COVERAGE. :33fft:" ENDoRSEMENT FoRM 115.2, wrrJr, BE ATTACHED ro uoRrcAcEEs pol,rcy WHEN applicatlon No. V15O1B GE ALT.O"oMMTTMENT SCHEDUIJE B-2 (Exceptions) ?he-policy or policies to be issued wilr contain exceptlons to thefciiowing unLess the same are disposed of to the eatlitaction-oi---the Conpany: 1. standard Exceptions I through 5 prlnted on the cover sheet. 6- Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassersments not yet certlfled to the triasurerrE otrlce. 7. Lny unpaid taxes or assessments agalnst said land. L tiens for unpaid vater and sewer charges, if any. THE EXTSTENCE oF THE MTNERAL EX_CEPTr9I_1ID/OR RESERVATTON SHOWN As rrEM 9,SCHEDULE B-2' WILL NoT AFFECT oUR ABILfTY fO ertacn COtoRADo ENDoRSEMENTNO. 100.29 TO OUR MORTGAGEES POLICY WHEN TSSUED. LO, RIGHT OF I{AY FOR DITCTTES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TIIEUNIIED STATES As RESBRVED IN UNITED sTATEs perer'rr REcoRDED August 16, 1909,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. rHE EXrsrENcE oF THE EASEMENT SHOWN AS rrEM NO. 10, SCHEDULE B-2, lrrlL NOTAFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO SI.IDOiSiiiNT NO. 103.1 TO OURMORTGAGEES POI,ICY WHEN ISSUED. !L' RESTRIC?M COVENANTS, WHrCH DO NoT CONTAfN A FoRFETTURE OR REVERTERCI.AUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRTCTTONS, Ir AN'; S'SEO ON R,ACE, COLOR, REI,TGION,oR NATToNAL oRrGrN, As CONTATNED iN rNsrRut'tENT REcoRDED septenber 20, Lg72.rN BooK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND As AI'IENDED ru illsinuMENT REconbno septenber 29,L972' rN BooK 225 AT PAGE 555 AND As er,lulroeb-in rNstnumeNt REcoRDED January22' 1974' rN BooK 233 AT PAGE s3 AND AI,{ENDED iN DocttMENt RECoRDED JULy 1,1983 IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 804. 2 ' urrlrrv EASEMEI{TS rttENTy FEET rN I.{rDTH, TEN FEET oN EACH srDE oF ALLTNTERToR ror LrNEs AND A FTFTEEN roor uriiiri-iasrusNr AroNG AND ABUTTTNGCN ALL EXTERTOR.L€r LrNES AS RESERVED ON rrrS_PIAr OF LTONIS RrDGESUBDIVTSTON FILING NO. 2. Appllcation No. VI5O1B OR IODE TO EXTRACT AND RE!{OVE HIS ORE FOUND TO PENATRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI,IISESPATENT RECORDED August 16, 1909, IN BOOK 49 AT 9. RTGHI OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN THEREFROM SHOULD THE SN,TE BEAS RESERVED TN UNITED STATES PAGE 542. AGE ALToO"oMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenlents) appllcation No. v15018 The following are the reguirenents to be conrplied with: 1. Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe fulr consideratlon for the estate-or interest to be-insured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured rnust be executed and-duly flrad roi iecora, to-wit: 3' RELEASE oF DEED oF TRUsr DATED october 21, 19s9, rRoM LERoy s. scHMrDT ToTHE PUBLIC BRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF PEOPLES NATTONAL BANK TO-qECURE THE sUM OF $1?5,OOO.OO RECORDED Novenber 01, 1989, IN BOOI( 516 ATPAGE 812. DISBURSERIS NOTTCE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDEDNovetnber 01, 1989, IN BOOK 5l_6 AT PACE g13. 4, DEED OP TRUST FROM LEROY S. SCHMIDT TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OT EAGIJE COUNTYFoR THE USE oF PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK , its successrors and/or asslgns TosEcuRE THE SUM Or g125,OOO.0o. IGE 2 With your renittance please refer to V1SO18. t. Ef fective Date: March 1,G, j.990 at g:OO A.M. a. Policy to be lssued, and proposed fnsured: nALfArr Loan policy L97O Revision. - Charges -Alta Lender policy Tax Certif.Endrsnt # 100.29 Endrsmt # 103.1Endrsmt # f1S.2Endrsnt # 335.6Endrsnt # 10O.OO..TOTAL-. ALTAIoMM SCHEDULE ITMENT A Application No. V15O18 For Infornation Only LIONSRTDGE s293. O0 s20.00 950. OO $50. 00 $58. 60 $20. oo 920.00 $s11.50 $125, ooo. oo Proposed fnsured: PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK , its successors and,/or assigns The estate or lnterest in the rand deEcrlbed or referred to inthis connltnent and covered herein isl A Fee Slnple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested. in: LEROY S. SCHUTDT The land referred to in this Comnitnent is described asfollows: tcT c-1, LroNrs RIDGE SUBDMSIONTHE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COUNTY FILTNG NO. 2, ACCORDTNG TOoF EAGLE, STATE OF COISRADO. {GE DRB rPPtroN - Bor*r or YarL, DATE APFLICATION RECEIT/ED : DAIE OF DNB MEETING3 ttttt.r.t. \--* j'tb'?4 TEIS IPPLTCATIOX IfII..'. TTOT BE ICCEPTED UNTII. AI& REQUIRTD IT|IONMATION IS SUBI|IryIEDtitttttttt @: A. DESCRIPTION: qezN,Pffrf 124I6I€.E'. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: * New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addirion ($50.00)Conceptual Review (90) e- />r /q I. c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: tot -4- Block subdivision t-{e',^', Fi+f Ft[E1 2- If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:E. F. G.NAI',IE OF MaiJ.ing APPLICA}iIT: Address: .t. K. H.NAI,TE OF APPLICA}IT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Mailing. I. NAME OF OWNERS: *stcNtrtgRE (s) :Mailing Address: Condominium Approvaf if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of subrnittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building pernit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of VailwiII adjust the fee according to the 't,able below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. oi t( ZZr.grEE PAID: S /240 FEE scHEpuLE: Z/UltV VALUATION FEE /7\ ,/$ o-$ 10,000 g2o.0o vy$101001 -$ 50,000 s50.00$ 50, 001 - s 150, 000 9100.00 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $200.00$500,001 - $1,000,000 $400.00I Over $1, 000, 000 $500.00 r DESIGN REI'IETI BOTRD }PPRO\rII. EXPIRES OlrE YEIR AI'IER FX}IAI, APPNOVT& UIII.ESS T BSII.DINC PINUIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRSCTION IS SITRTED. .TNO }PPLICAIION I|II.T. BE PROCESSED NTTEOST OI|NER' S SIGNATT'RE 1 LOT AREA: If requiied, applicant must^ provide a current stamped survey snowini tbt area. - 9b >-to.- L-ou €cttmtET .o. Phone o LrsT oF MATERTALS NAI''E OF PRO,JECT: €al,tHtp-r.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT9'I ELOCX STREET ADDRESS:l*w hr$P..L,r DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Lz-SUBDIVISION C-'r.*lr_- The following Review Board information isbefore a final required for submittalapproval ban be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COLORA. B. BUILDTNG MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Dogrs Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl-ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: 0uantity ao Size* z-a ll Er<.e+ -vl PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES * Indicate caliper Botanical Narne Common Name tr"_lttngct_ EXIST]NG TREES TO BE REMOVED-NA for deciduous trees. . Minj.puqr caliper for 4s!es.- rndicate height for coniferoustrees. n"o*Jo r"*rir: Boranicar Name ao**or-Qu." PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED$/a *Indicate size5 qallon. @{b to {VW r l*t- of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footage F-n.t,.^\zl Fh, ,u fuGROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixLures and locations on a separateIighting.plan. Identify each fixture frorn the lignting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height-above - grade and type of light proposed. D.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (::et-aining wal]-s, fences, swimrningpools' etc.) Prease_ specify. rndicate heights of retainin!walls. Maximum height of walr"s within Lhe front setback ii3 feet. Maximum height of waLls ersewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. lrurW&o*"n TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT NO. ctmluNrTY DEVELoPMENT Y,]JL; 7 il D ATE___- *-_J __:-:_t ___!J CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL AC@UNTNO.ITEM T[)TAI. . l 01 0000 415,!0 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDINGCODE s50.00 0r 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 01M0042415 NAT1ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS OVTYLARS)7.N otu)oo 42412 XEROXCOPIES "0.25ota0[,o424t2 STUDIES 01ffio424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01,ffiffi42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE t$rc PER HR,I 01 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICAT]ON FEE $20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGEFEE I$1.00 PER SQ.FT.I 0r 0000 42,140 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0000@13311 PRE PAID DFSICN REVIEW BOARD FEE 21b'..:hD'orffi4Tln II.MSTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 31 0m045110 TOV PARKINGFUND oIW22A27 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 01 0000 2il12 TAXABLE @4%(STATE') 'f 01 0000 41010 TAXABLE@4% (TOWN) 01 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTFIER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0I (ru00 41330 AIJDI'|IONALGRtsA "250"$200.00 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT $200.00 01 0m0 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION'LESS THAN IOO SO.FT.I $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORE TT{AN IOO SQ.FT.I s500.00 0r 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEWI $1500.0( 01 00m41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DIS]RICT TMAIOR AMEND $r.000.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 m00 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 01 m00 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 01 0000 41330 RE _ ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: COMMENTS: - Mo.#r ,r**, 224$""AU11 REC. UTILITY EASEI{ENT VACATE AIIUIORIZATION SIIBDIVISION w Cz. I BLocK FTLTNG t-l a z, ADDRESS The locatlon and vacate of theaccompErnylng site plan described.autlrori zed representatives . U.S- West ConnunicatiousL6L+ bLI€ETIANFI 9F ry.D Jur:lcTroFl Ce dtw6rrr+ H>vera ,/ t-ee. f *rrri-Ja PubIic Servlce 40816 Eighway 6, Avon 91820Gary Hal1 262-4056 Holy Cross Electrle Assoc.P.O.Bor 972 Avon g1620 Ted Eusky/Mlke Laverty 949-5992 TCI Cablevision TVP-O-Box 439 Avon 81620Mark Graves 949-L224 Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanltation Dlstrict846 Forest Road. Vail 81652Fred llastee 476-7480 Town of Vail Pubtic Works 11 1 South Frontage Road West, Vait 81657 uttlity easement for the area andabove 1s approved by the following AUTITORI ZED SIGIIATI'RE DATE d/4t 4rp" LtL.t4 3 /s- 72 Aeo 4"ze.r"nz^;f zlslq+ Greg Half 479-2160 /),*il/ / l,lel I tLL UUI I 7J Soatb Frontage Rotil Vail, Colorado 81657 t 03 -479-21 1 I / 47 9-21 t 9 Deptrtmcnt of Commaniry Detelopment April30, '1992 Mr. Steven Richards Rich Architectural Design P.O. Box 1114 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Schmldt Resldence, Lot q-l, Llonsrldge Fllang 2 Dear Steve: On March 17,1992, the Town Council upheld the February 19, 1992 DRB decision which denied your request to separate a proposed primary unit trom an existing secondary unit on the above properly. Due to this, it will be necessary to redesign the proposed residence, taking into consideration the decision, and resubmit for Design Review Board consideration. Your plans for the separated units are available to be picked up at our office. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 479-2138. W Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot a Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL D Statt Approval ,2 TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays. Date:3/9/92 Dept.: Com. Dev. Meeting Date:UArc!l_Z;!992 Work Session: X Evening Meeting: X Approximate length of time item will require: 30 Minutes Site Visit: 15 Minutes Item/Toplc: Appealof a February 19, 1992 DRB decision to deny a request to separate a prooo+ed primary unit trom an existino secondary unit on Lot G-1, Lionsridge Filing NDHI1410 Buffehr Creek Road. Applicant: Leroy Schmidt #2- Actlon Requested of Councll: Uphold/Overturn DRB decision denying request to separate units. Background Rationale: On February 19, 1992, the applicant requested permission to separate a prooosed primary unit from an existino secondary unit. George Lamb made a motion to deny the request, Pat Herrington, seconded the motion and the DRB unanimously voted to deny the request, finding that there were no substantial site constraints, per Section 18.54.050(D - Design Guidelines, Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development, which warranted the separation of the units. lV. Stafi Recommendatlon: Uphold he DRB decision. /'t t1 ,)l€^ren QUanLs - rc.?rcqz^f^n.{f,-nr ke \ YhtLt pxi+hnz1 Vwv-K tlU [. ilt. -+-- k') )st \.) 9JS,/T\ \l-K iNcLw tsa sd fo"'', - gphotA DKb dtx^Uw\ Menv - Stc-o.'nr,{. Employee Signature @tesr To E oLlrcl- ^l/ \nkt Wf"h>vl- Swwr<k7u D61J tGD ffi \wwqt'er'wtu st"pkl}'[Ehords o RICH ARottrncrunAl l)nsrc*S P. O. Box 11 14 . 4th ond Brooch^,uy . Ecrgte, Colorodo 81631 . (303) 328-6287 Febnrary 25, 1992 Tq*n of Vail 75 S. ftontage Rd. vai1, Ll) 8i 65? APPEAL TO TIIE TOVJN @UNSIL koject: Schmidt Residence I.ot c-l , Lion's Ridge Filing 1 On February 19, 1992, the design review board denied our applicationto separate prirnary and secondary units. We have the current situation of a very steep site and an existing single family residence on a kfuarlf/Secrcndary 1ot. We interpret the Oq:dinance 18.54.050 Section I to indicate that units nay be separate if site conslraints exist. Ttre'DRB took the position that only garages rnay b separate frcrn the r:nits. We believe that if you read ttre ordinance you will agnee rrittr us. Please schedul-e the Schmidt project at the next arrailable meeting. Stephen Richards Stephen Richords Archiiect Project: Schn:idt Residence r,ot c-1, "i"If"iiase F'iLinla-..-ff Z-- On Februarlr 19t 1992, the design review board denied our applicationto separate primary and secondary units. We have the current situationof a very steep site and an existing single family resider:ce on a Primary/Secondary lot. We interpret the Ordinance 18.54.050 Section I to indicate that units nay be separate if site constraints exist. The DRB took the position that only garages may be separate from the units. We believe that if you read the ordinance you will agrree wlth us. Please schedule the Schmidt project at the next available meeting. RICH ARr".*tncrunal l)nstcttS P,O. Box 1114 . 4thqnd Broodwoy . Eogle,Colorodo81631 . (303)3284287 February 25t 1992 Town of VaiI 75 S. Ftontage Rd. Vail, CU 81 657 West APPEAL TO TIIE TOhIN COTJNCIL Stepheir Richards I I Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description, t-ot 6 - | , ero"k Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: (tuv of I r ,t,t,vL, . seconded or, ?fLf' ll, APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Town Plan ner E stati Approval UTILITY LOCATION VDRIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME Lor &- I nlocx FILING A.DDRESS The location of utilities, whecher they be rnain trunk lines or proposed lines, rnust be apploved and verLfled by the followlng utllitles for the accompanylngsite plan. Authorized Signature Date Mountaln Be11 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Public Servi.ce Cornpany 94 9-s 7 8l Gary ltall Holy Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverty Iler i tage Cablevision.T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanicatlon Dls Erlct 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee Rr-phone cat\ ky'Ed - t!e+ 1 l ul-r., Z/+/ q > NOTE: these verifications do not relieve lhe contractor of hls responsibllityto obtaln a slreet cut permlt frour the Town of Vall, Departmen! of Publlc Works and to obtaln utiliry locarions before diggtng 1n any public rlghr- of-way or easement ln the Town of Va11. A building pernit 1s not a streetcu! permit. A slreet cu! permit nusE be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify servlce avallability and locatlon. This should be used in conjunction with preparlng your utility plan and schedullng i.nscaLlaElons. *(Please brlng a site plan when obralning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanitation signatures) ${4 i-a W 02. 05. 92 10: 34 AM 'i AVON, COLORADO. urrl.rr{ LocAIIqg vttlF.IcAtrolf sUtDIUtBlotl rorgfu [**rmcL_._*r rrJNq Thr loertl,oa ol utlllr,l're, whrthtr they br nnlnttrrt br rFptcvcd .m4 vorlllcd bt tbr totlowiu3tltt plrn. DIer UssnrrLn Erll 46E-6500 lfi.Ecro 91o!r Grr Ce ,t E00 9zr-r987 Errr:r iloyEE lubllo -Etrvtcr Conprnyf49-ll0l Grry HrIl Eoly Crorr Elrc,tlrc Aseoc. 949-l8eltrd lurlry/ttlclrrrl l,crrrr ty lltrltegc Crblcvtrloa t. t, 949-55 30 0rry Jonneoa Ugprr Er3Ir Yrllrf gsrer Egrhltrgtsn Dirrrtcr 4?6-7480 Frrd 8ra1a. ll0tE: Thtse vtrifi,crtlons db nor rullrve rhe.cofltracret of hlr responstbtltcy Eo obtsln I rtreet nuE permlt lrob rhe town of Vr*l, Dtplrewng of Publlc Torks aud !o obtaln utlli.ty lpcrslons bef,orc dtgglng trn rny public right- ot-ray or rcEeneilt Ln the Torn Ot vatl. A_lulJd_1ll_llrEli tr ng,g r srree! gqg Frl$lt. A. ttreet cut' perEit surt br obcalne{ Eeparttcly, Thtg lott ls !s vrrlfy rawttc avrthblllty rnd locrE*on. Thtr rhould be used Ln conjucctton sltt Freperlng loul ut{ltty plrn sna schsdullns Lartallrt{one. r(tl.rE! br{ng r $itc plrn nhrn obtrllttrE UpF€r Esglc vrll.y Wecer t Benltrtlon elgneturrr) trudh llEtr ot Fr+posed f,:tlrl'nc{Iit{.rt fcr thr reeouprnytng FE8 3'Ee ltt4E FFGE , SEP FILE COPY 75 south lrcntlge road vall. colorado 81657 (301t) 4792138 (3fir) 479213e otfice of communily development March 2, 1992 Mr. Stephen Hichards Rich Architectural Designs P.O. Box 1114 Eagle, CO 8'1631 Re: M Lot G-l, Ltonsrldge mlny{'/; Dear Stephen: On February 26, 1992, I received your appeal to the Town Council conceming the above residence. I have scheduled a review before the Town Council for March 17, 1992. At this meeting, the statf will make a brief presentation, and a member of the Design Review Board will have the opportunity to comment. In addition, I would like to encourage you to @ntinue to purcue possible design solutions in placing your proposed buibing so as to meet he Town Engineer and Fire Department's concems. As submitled, the driveway does not meet our subdivision regulations for driveways, nor does it meet the Uniform Fire Code. All proposals must be approved by both the Town Engineer's otfice and the Fire Deparlment gior b any DRB approval, The Town Council will not be reviewing the design, etc., when the appeal is heard. They will only be concerned with the separation issue. Please contact me al 479-2138 should you have any guestions. Sincerely, fuN\[\dl,- Shelly Mello Town Planner lab IN]ER - DEPARIUENTAL REYIEIf pnoecr, sffi DA]E SI,SIITIED: CilIIENIS NEEOED BY: BRIF DESCflPIION OF THE PRTFOSAT: SNGLE FATIILY RESIDETIC€ PIILIC frR(s 4te-zeb Rcdcncd bp Qrnrnfits! FEBRUARY 7, 1SI2 1)CRADES O.I DRII'|EilA}S ARE 1{OT TO E(CEED 6T THIS DRNE{iAY US 5!i; AT IIE EBlf.tNG Al{) llEN ctr^!{Ot{G TU 11.5I UP TO THE 6+1+ CO{IOI,R. IilE GRADES {rLL }IEED IO BE REVISID TO B'T UAXI}I,TIL A d HD€ COT.ICREIE I'RAINAGE PAI.I TTI NEED IO BE CS{SIRUCTED AT THE EDGE 0F ROADwAY/t€GlNllltlG OF OHVEflAY. rHF lS TO PREIIS{T Al{Y DRAHAGE FROH THE DRIVETAY FEOTI SITERNG THE ROADUAY. OtI T}C EASIERLY gIE tr TI{E PROPOSED DRTVETAY T TPPEARS THAT A RETAIilHG IXALL OF E. TO IO FEET HIG}I IILL BE ilEEDED. lHE }€GflTtr Tl{ RETAI.I}{G ilALL ttl- VARY AtT I ltfIlCFAtE 1HAT lT iltL BE }€EED FON IHE EN]IRE Lfr{GTH OF ITE ffiIEITAY. IHERE IS CtItrcM{ ABO.JT ATT.OITIhIG A STRUCruRE flJCH AS THF 1TIHN 1}T TOUT{ tr VAII HGHT-tr-IYAY. N THE IREA OF THE SCTTTH*ESIERLY CORIIER tr THE mt€W Y. l€AR fHE HCUSE IHE PROPOSEO GftATIIIG ffi RETAI}IIIIG SIRIICTURE IS NOT SFOTN. T}IIS TlL IfED 10 BE ADOED FOR REI'EW. REFERI{G TO IHE PL$IS 'll{ T I Afi FEIURT{I.IG, FLEASE PROUDE CROSS SECIIOIE IN IHE AREAS fiAT I HAI,E S}flffi{. T€ rto.,.D UKE TO HAIE TORE D€TflL ABOT'T GftADHG AND RETA}IING $TLt STRUCIURES 'IHAT TO.,l ARE PR(FOSNG. FK}FOsED GRADNG SHOI'TD T.IOT EXCEED A El SLOPE, S|I{CE 1IIIS A I/ffiY SIEEP gTE Hffi RETAINIilG WAI,L StRt,|CltNES IAY HEED Io E COI{gOEREO. 2, r) 4) 5) 0) Dote: I Ianner: PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED! COHMENTS NEEDED BY rNTER-DEPART}IENTAL REVIEW TE OF PUBIJC HEARING THE PROPOSAL! d,LnlLL p4\ +d e(1t , r ',1-t 6!;.'' <-:* 7.i -q'-<'z-/ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFj-'-. I \W,l]f-t Ah, v-edt'\ Afv \r€4f w\A+hi a1/\l""t- - dA wlt )r-,r-{ z - /'':7 ,/ ./ -t,.42' t. t' '--'1 c-x V''' -.r-* &= *efl - FIRE DEPARTMENT .42 G-tz*Date:Revlewed by: POLICE DEPARTfiENT Revlewed by: Conments: RECREATTON DEPARTI'TENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: s+az,a-<- t,Eo."u4y' /f "J' Comments: ,') fllz' t'ttz'>':-a-z' .""' 7-t A.J.' "'..-'.:;€ 1!R' u e'z'z'ut"y z: h- /4/"e/?4v4 ' revlsed 3/LL/9L Date: l Lr g'uac.lfl -v IL : cla rlt.l g |nro o {u -\ -- ,i i :.or€vLaecl 9/4/9t, ' . . I. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: X New Construction ($200.00) n G. If property is described by cLescription, pLease provide attach to thls apPIlcalion. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and applicantlot area. nust provide a current..hb *.a* NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SICNA,TSRE (S) :Mailing Addressl Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB feesr as shown above, are to be paid at t,he tine of submittal of DRB applicat.ion. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identj.fy the atbuiate valuat.ion of ahe proposal. The Town of VaiL witl adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure t,he correct fee is Paid. FEE SCHEDULE: . --- VALUATION$ o - $ 1o,o0o$ 1.0,001 '- $ 50,000 950,001 -$ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500r000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ Over $1'000,000 * DESIGN REVIEhT BO|AxtD APPROVAI. EXFTRES OltE YAAR AFIER FI}TA:L AFPRO\TAI.. I'NI.ESS A BUILDINC PEEMIT IS ISSIIED AIID CONSTROCTIOil Tg ST"IRTED. **NO }PPLICATION J, ta FEE $ 20.00I 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00c<nn nn wrtt A& PROCESSED $IISOST OI|NER, S SIG}IATI'RE m0JAN I Ytqgl DRB APFLTCATTON - TowN ol' \tA.rL, coLonADo DATE APP],ICATION RECEIVED: - i - **t******t TtrIS APPI.ICJITION TIILI" XOT BE ACCEPTED' ulttrr, .trLL REQIITRED r$rORMArrOr rs soaulTrED ********t* PROJECT INFORMATION: DATE OF DRB MEETING: J tE , Ln!.o .T1tL-p F40f An t{.x.i'xsl *te,Tt>\e.q ,:'a-caft?AzY; . Minor Alteration ($20."00) Addition (S50.00)Concept.ual Review ADDRESS: T,EGAL DESCRTPTION: Lot a-zl- Block Subdivision ($0). r ) LIST OF t{ATERIALS NA$E or PnoJEcTr €chrniptt Rea.id+t'u- ,,, ITEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON| ISlg:L BIOCI(SUBDIVISION ATREET ADDRESS! DESCBIPIION OF PROJECTS Th6 following lnforrnatlon ls Revlew Board before a tl,nal regulredapproval for subnlttal, can be glven:to tha Deslgn A. BUILDING }TATER]AI,S I Rool 5ldlng Other t{all Haterla}E a. FaEcla Foff,lts Wlndowe lllndow Trln Doore Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra.lle Flues Flashlngs Chfunneys Trash . EncloEuree Greenhouees Other IAI{D9CAPf NG: Narne of PIANT UAIERIAI*s: PROPOSED TRXES Bolanlcal Narne Cpnmon Name 9uant.lty €lgei' fepUla;ligalthrUe. Aefo^ . .b -f-@. C.ee-q..'gu,^p Ccle,Eg€pr,& F -P,' #.lF EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndlcate callper f,or declduoug trees. - l{lnlFu! carrpe! ror a"ciAu"u"_iie"ir ie-i- fnJher-. fndtcate hetght f,or conlfsrous TYPE 9F }IATERIAI, Deslgner; Phone I o "]I PTAI'IT I'TATERIAISI Bola.nlgal llqme'Ce$mon'Nanq ouantlty E,lza* _E_ Scal b 6ea) of propoeed ehnrbe'" '-..i :,. l1'.] IyEe 's.su.leJggl3Ee covERg ) '-,:i.., . SEED TIPE OF IRRIGATTON . ,.. , , , :'. .: TYPE OR UETHOD OT EROSION CONTROI, le 6 feat. c.oTIIER IANDSeAPE FEATI REs (retalnlng rralls., -fenceq, ewlnunlng pools, etc.) Please- ?peclfy.-fndicale h-elghtE of retalnr'ng i.ralla. Haxirnun ft"fsht:ot uitle wlthln the front aetback .ls 3 feet. Uaxlnurn"iEiifrt-"t wiiie efeewhere on the property MINNESOTAilTLEA_ f: kian Policy American Land litle Association {970 Rev' PoriwNumber B 2971843 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEMONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B ANO lHE PHOVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPUIATIONS HEREOE TIILE INSURANCE CoMPANY 0F MINNES0TA, herein called the company, insures, as of oate of tulicy TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Of MINNESOTA AStack CunPanY 400 Second A/eflE Sotlth. Pi^,.l t I3r{^ shown in Schedule A. against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount 0f insurance stated in Schedule A' and costs, attome'7s; fees qnd expenses which ttre Comparry may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by fre insured by reason of: 1. litle t0 the estate or inbrest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance 0n Euch title; 3. La* of a right 0f access to and from the land; 4. Unmarketability of such title; S. The invalidity or unenforceability 0f the lien 0f the insured mortgage upon said estate or interest except to the extent ftat such invalidity or unenforceability. or claim thereof, arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon a. usury 0r b. anv consumer credit protection 0r truth in lending law; 6. The priority of any lien or encumbrance over the lien oi the insurcd mortgage; 7. ,Any statutpry lien for labor or material which now has gained or hereafter may gain priority over the lien oi the insured mortgage' except any such lien arising fiom an imprgvement on the land contracted for and commenced subsequent t0 Oate 0f Poliry not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured moftgage.which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to advance; or g. The irwalidity or unentorceability o{ any assignment, shown in Schedule A, of the insured mortgage or the failure of said assignrnent to vest title to the insured mortgage in the named insured assignee free and clear of all liens lN WTNESS WHEBE0f; the said litle insurance Company ol Minnesota has caused ih corporate name and seal m be hereunto afiixed by its duly authorized officers as sf the date shown in Schedule A" the policv to be valid when countenigned by an authorized olfcer or agent of the Comparry. Adhoi2ed Signatory TIM Mortgage 2/?3 Form 11 File No, VLs0Lg SCHEDULE A o 23 o Po {.tJ-icy Amount Loan # Address No.82971843 $125, ooo. oo 1 2. J. 4. Policy Date:-- April 1l_, t99o at 8:0o A.M. Name of Insured: PEOPLES'NATIONAIJ BANK , its successors and,/or assigns The estate or interest in the land. described in this scheduleand which is encumbered by the insured mortgag" iri A Fee Sirnple The estate or interest referred to herel-n is at Date of policyvested in: LEROY S. SCHMTDT The mortqage, herein referred to as the insured mortgage, andthe assignments thereof, if any, are described as forrows! DEED OF TRUST DATED MATCh 27, ]-990, FRO}T I,EROY S. SCHMIDT TO THE PUBLICTRusrEE oF EAGLE couNTY roR THE use or proFrss NATToNAL BANK To sEcuRE t'HEsull oF $L25,000.00 RacoRDED April t_0, 1990, ill eoor 526 AT pAGE 481_;. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO FEDERAL ITOME LOAN !.4ORTGAGE CORPORATTONIN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED April ].0, ].990, IN BOOK 526 AT.PAGE 482. WAIVER OF HOMESIEAD AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION }fITH SAID DEED OF T'RUST I.IASRECORDED April l_or 1990, rN BOOK 526 AT pAcE 483 6' The Land referred to in this policy l-s situated. in FAGLE county, colorad,o,and is described as fo]lows:- LOT G-1, LION'S RIDGE SUBDMSION fILINc NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDEDPLAT THEREOF, COtNTy oF EAGLE, SIATE OF COLORADO. === This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached,Page rru Mortgage Form zrsr One lrtJ, No. B2e?lanr. . , Fil.e No. V15Ol-8 SCHEDUI.E B-r this policy does not insure against Loss or d,amage by reason of the folloluing: L. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, 9r c]-aims of easementsf not shown by the public record.s. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in bounilary lines, shortage in area,encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of thepremises would disclose and which are not shown by-the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or rnaterial theretoforeor hereaf,ter furnj-shed, lnposed by 1aw and not shown by the public records. 5. ].990 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSI{ENTS NOT YET CERTIFTED TO THE TREASURERS OFFTCE. 6. RTGHS OF PROPRIE?OR OF A VETN THERE}'ROU SHOUI,D THE SA}TE BE AS RESERVED IN T'NITED STATES PAGE 542. OR I-,ODS TO EXTRACIr AND REMO\/E HTS ORE FOUND TO PENETRAEE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES PATENT RECORDED August 16, L9O9, fN BOOK 48 At **ENDORSEMENT 1.OO.29'.'. THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURSS AGAINST Loss WHICTT THEINSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF DAIIfAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEI,IENTS, INCI-,UDING L,AV{INS, SHRUBBBRY OR TREES, RESULTING FROM TIIE EXERCISE OF ANYRIGHT TO US8 THE SURFACE OF SAID IJAND FOR THE EXTRACTION OR DEVELOPPIENT OTTI{E MINERALS EXCEPTED F'ROM THE DESCRIPTION OF SAID LAND OR SHOWN AS ARESERVATTON TN SCHEDULE B-r. RIGHT OF I{AY FOR DT?CHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF T}TEUNITED STATES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 3-6, l-909,rI'I BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. ***ENDORSEMENT 103.1*** THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE IVHICH THE I}TSURSD SHALL SUSTATN AS A RESULT OF ANY EXERCISE OF'THE RIGH? OFUSE OR MAINTENANCE OF THE EASEMENT REFNRRED TO ABOVE OVER OR THROUGH SAID I,AND. RESTRICTIVE CO\rENANTS, W}IICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEIEURE OR REVERTERCLAUSE' BUT oMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, IF ANY, EASED oN RACE, CoLoR, RELIGIoN,OR NATIONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINED IN fNSTRIIMENT RECORDED Septeruber 20, Lg7i,'IN BOOK 225 AE PAGE 443 AND AS AI,IENDED rN INSTRWENT RECORbED Septenber 29,1972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAG8 555 AND AS AI,IENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ,fanuary22t 1974, fN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53 AND AMENDED IN DOCUI{ENT RECORDED JULY 1,]-983 IN BOOK 362 AT PAGE EO4. 8. Page Fri{ Mortgage Form ,an t*" File No. Vl-sOt-g SCHEDULE B-T 9. UTILITY EASEMANTS EWENTY FEET IN !fIDTH, TEN FEET ON EACH SIDE OF ALLINTERTOR LOT LINES AND A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITV EASEMENT AIJONG AND ABUTTINGoN ALL ExrERroR Lor LrNEs As RESERVED oN THg pr,JAT oF troN I s RrDGESUBDIVISION FTLING NO. 2. 10. EASEMENT AND RrGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED rO HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON,INC. IN INSTRTJUENT RSCORDED AUGUST 24, ].96? IN BOOK 2]-]. AT PAGE 1O3. ].]" AGRSEMENT BETWEE$ TAWEL ENVIRONMENTAL I,AND COMPANY AND MOUNTATN STATESTEI,EPITONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTALLATION ANDSERV]CE TIiRoUGHoUT LIoN'S RIDGE SUBDIVTSIoN, FILING No. 2, RECoRDEDSEPTEMBER 27, ].973 IN BOOK 23]. AT PAGE 2g:-. 12' EASEMENTS' RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THERECORDED PT,AT oF LroNrs RrDGE suBDrvrsroN, FTLTNG No. z. 13. ENCROACHMENT OF RETAINING WALLS TNTO DRAINAGEON TMPROVEUENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED ENGTNEERING INC. JOB NO. 7245O-C. * * * * * * * * * *'IENDORSED,IENT 3 3 5 . 6 * * * * * * * * * * * THE INSI'RANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ONLY EFFECTIVE IF THE I,AND ISUSED OR TS TO BE USED PRTI{ARTLY FOR RESIDENTTAL PURPOSES.THE COMPANY INSURES THE INSURED AGAINST I,oSS OR DAI{AGE SUSTAINED BY REASONoF r,AcK oF PRroRr?Y oF THE LrEN oF THE rNsuRED MORTGAGE ovER: (A) ANY ENVTRoNMENTAL PROTECTTON LIEN WHTCHT AT DATE OF pOLrCy, rs RECoRDEDIN THOSE RECORDS ESTABLISHED UNDER STATE STATUTES AT DATE OT POLICY FOR THEPURPOSE OF IMPARTING CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF METTERS REI,ATING TO REALPROPERTY TO PURCHASERS FOR VALUE AND WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE. OR FILED IN THERECORDS OF IHE CI,ERK OF THE UNITED STATES DfSTRTCt COURT FOR THE DISTRICTrN wHrcH THE raND rs LOCATED, EXcEpr As sET FORTH rN SCHEDULE B; oR (B) ANY ENVIRONIIENTAL PROTECTTON LIEN PROVIDED T'OR EY ANY STATE STATUTE TNEFFECT AI DATE OF POIJICY, EXCEPT ENVfRONMENTAL, PROTECTfON LIENS PROVIDSDFOR THE BY THE FOLLOWING SIATE STATUTES: NONE THIS ENDORSEMENT TS UADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALIJ OF THETERMS AND PROVISTONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPTTO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STA?ED, IT NEITHER MoDIFIES ANY oF THE TERMs-;N;- - PROVISIONS OF THE PQIJICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND TI{EEFFECTTVE DATE oF rHE PoLrcY AND ANY PRroR ENDoRsEMENTgf NoR DoEs rTTNCREASE THE FACE AI{OUNT THEREOF. licy No. F,2g7L843' . AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS ST{OWN APRIL 5, 1990 BY AIPINE Page TIM Mortgage Forni A331 o CTIRB File o Po Ilicy No. Bz97Ls43 No. Vl-50L9 SCHEDULE B-I ITEMS ]- THROUGH 3 ARE HEREBY DELESED FROM SCHEDUIJE B.I . FORM 1.OO IS HEREBYATTACHED AND BECOUES A PART OP THE POLICY EXCEPT rOR ITEM(S) NO(S). 13SCHEDULE B-r HERETN. rN wrrNEss wHEREoF, THE coMpANy HAs iauseo'tirrsENDORSEMENT TO BE STGNED AND SEALED AS OF THE EFFECTTVE DATE OF THTSPOLICYT TO BE VALID WHEN COUNTERSfCNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR AGENS OFTHE COMPANY, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WIrH ITS BVL,AWS. SCHEDULE B-II rn addition to the nnatters set forth in part r of this schedule, the title tothe estate or interest in the l-and described. or referred to in sched.ule A issubject to the following matters, if any be srrown, but the company lnsures ihatthe lien or _charge 'of the insured rnortgige upon =iid estate orl interest isprlor E,o suclr matters. NONE bage ENDORSEMENI Tlrle lnsunnncs Gompnily oF MlrnssorA a Stock Gompany of Minneapolis, Minnesota The Company hereby lnsures against loss which said insured shall sustain by reason of any of the following matters: L An_y incorrectness in the assurance which the Company hereby gives: (a) That there are no covenants, conditions, or restrictions under which the lien of the mortgage or deed of trust referred to in Schedule A can be cut off, subordjnated, or otherwise impaired; (b) That, excePt as shown in Schedule B, there are no present violations on said land of any enforceable covenants, conditions, or resrrictions; (c) That, except as shown in Schedule B, there are no encroachments of buildings, structures, or improve- ments located on said land, onto adjoining lands, nor any encroachments onto said land of buildiags, suucttrres, or improvements located on adjoining lands. 2' Any futurc violations on said land of any covenants, conditions, or restrictions occurring prior to acquisition of title ta said ettate or interest by the insured, provided such violations rezult in los or impairment of thi lien of the mortgage or deed of trust tefel'ed to in Schedule A or result in loss of the title to said'istate or interest if the insured shall acquire such title in satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by such mortgage or deed of trust. 3. Damage to existing improyements which are located or encroach upon that portion of the land subject to any easemenl shown in Schedule B, wfuch damage results from the exercise of the right to use or maintain such ease- ment for the purposes for which the same was granted or reserved. 4' Any final court order or judgment requiring removal from any land adjoining said land of any encroachment shown in Schedule B. Whenever in this endorsement any or al1 of the words "covenants, conditions or restrictions" appear, they shall not be deemed to refer to or include the terms, covenants and conditions contained in any lease referred to in Schedule A. The total liability of the Company under said poticy and any endorsements therein shall rot exceed, in the aggre- gate, the face amount of said policy and costs wfuch the Company is obUgated under the conditions and stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is made a part of said policy as of the date thereof and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as extending or changing the effective date of the aforesaid policy or commitment, unless o rerwise expressly stated, Valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. frrue lr.rsunrxce $orrerxv oF MtNHEsora Authorized Officer or Agent COLOnADO Form tOO xtt'lflrr. SEAI, Countersigned: or€vi36d COIPRADO 9/4/9L DRB APPTICATIO}I - TOITN OI' \'AIL, DATE APPLICATION RECE]VED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: **t******* TEIS TPPIICATION tftl.T. NOI BE ACCEPTED ttNTIL AI,L REQUIFED IIIFOR$ATXON IS SUBIIIITED ******t*** PROJECT INFOR}"IATION : A, DESCRIPTION: 4.or.+gT$arlc,r Falrl.l.tz-*( uFrtr aF- .aft4aox'' I. B. TYPE OF RtrVIEW: X New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESSI D, LEGAL DESCRTPTION: Subdivision If property is described by description, pl-ease provide attach tc this application. Minor Alteratlon ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) Block a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheel and FEEs 20.00 $ s0.00cl nn nn $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEI{ BOJARD AFPROVJIT EXPIRES OTft YEAR AI'fER TIEAL EPPRO!'AI. I'NI,ASS A BUILDING PENMIT IS ISSUAD AND COHSTROCTTOIT TS srARtnD. **NO AFPIICATION WII.|II BE PROCESSAD WITBOOT OW}rER'S STGNATURE f. E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant musL Provide a current ]ot area. ohE,xuo*, NA}4E OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Ac-.*t NAME OF APPLICAN?' S REPRESENTATIVE: l&t/*lre6ruqaL WHa*+Mailing Address: I.NAI\,18 OF OWNERS: *SIGNATI'RE (g) : MaiJ.lng Address: J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tine of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal , The Town of VaiI will adJust the fee according lo the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAIDJ $ rEE__l$gttEDULE i VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000I 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,'000 $150,001 - $ 500,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 A-l DATET I,EGAIJ DESCRIADDRlss! [' OWNER ARCHITECT . ZONE DIsTRICT PROPOSED U88, Halght TOTA1 GRFA PrlEar? GRFA 'gasondary GhFA setbacks! Front 6ldes Rear l{ater eourBe glte CoveraEe tandacaPlng Parking {q Credlte: Garage t{echanlcal Alrlook gtorage -i ZONE CHECK roRsFR, n, R PrlS UONE DTSTRTCTS z IOIr lFt Block Flllng PHONE PHOIIE i A1lor*ed (30) (q3) Exlstlnct 20r , 15r 15r : (30) (so) I %DC; i 2aZCa 6GGcp Lazq Proposed rotal nol10 "".- ^^""4n8o +42a1,l rtt. ' 221 _ qo' -E-il- -----GAiFr ,2*6 48" 'i Fence/Retalnlng l{all Helghts st/e'l Ja_neqra l trool,(e oo 1 @ (e0o);(12001 (50) (10o) l?o (25) (50) €o 'la?o oE66 a,(200) (400) /toa Drlvel Perolttad 8lope --if..- AetuaL Slope Approved bY trown Englneert --l- Date': Envlronnental/HaEardal ;lvatanche 2) 3) 260o 1) rtooa Plaln 4) LIST OT U.ATERIAI.5 NAIIE oF rnotncrr tghrtftjptt TEGAIJ DESCRIPTToNI I,oT@r. L BIpcN STREET ADDRESST DESCRIPTION OF PROJBCET SUBDIVISION The . followlng Revlev Board }. BUILDING Roof, 6ldlng lnfonratlon lebefore a f,lnal I'TATERIAI.S: regulred for eubnlttal approval can bB glvenr J Uo the Dealgn Other Wall t{aterialE Faecla Sofflte I{lndowe l{lndow Trlm Doors Door lrln Hand or Deck EaiIg Ffues Flashlngs Chfunneys Trash Enclogurea Greenhouges Other IAIIDSCAPING: NAME Of UdD) B. '.i.--.G *Indicate eallper for declduouE treeE. ltlntnur! c+ltp?! for declduouF treeL ls 2 lnches. Indlcate helght for conlfarouE TYPE OF I{ATERIAI., PIANT I,IATERIAI,SI EgECdSgLugBe eonnon Narne ouantltY Slze* PRoPosED rRlEs Epdgihaa1,&Ue,r {ep"+ b -{1}l!' Picca-ll,m$enp Cclc.Eg€Fgg+ 6 , A' EXISrING IrPAEF TO BE REHOVED I T- '{ '. tlndlloate elze of progosed ghnrba '-,r .- -.---E-SaLIen,. 80D a' c.oTtIER IANDSCIPE FEATTRES (retalnlng walls, fencee, auln:nlngpoqlar etc.) PleaEe epeclf,y. Indlcate helghts of, re,talnlngi.ralle. uaximun helght-of ualta wlthln the f,ront eetback te i i"ei. :uaxluun hiight of valls eleewhere on the property le6feet. . i a TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM 0r 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES tP 4 "<'7--tdQt-/PJdD 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS \4APS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $s0.00 0l 0000 42415 I,NIFORM PL{JMBING CODE $36.00 I 0r w0 42415 UNIFORM IvIECHAMCAI CODE $32.00 01000042415 1JNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL FT ECTRICAL CODE $30.00 0r 000042415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 01000041548 BLUEPRINTS Gvm-ARS)$7.00 0l 0000 42412 ](EROX COPIES /STIJDIES $0.25 0r 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0r 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01 0000 41330 OTHERFEES 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 01 0000 / n./^*rrll- JAtra /(/tn aE6frME-NTffi.TFII l/ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT T NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro eE KEpr oN JoBsrrE \\oss NsE\N J61 . AUG",29. 1989ffi pe*",rnn,$0:L1-0L-*- I rouuoEtron D t+ro" CONSTRUCTIO doprtmont of community d€r.lopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PR1ORTO ISSUANCE OF TYPE OF PERMIT @wtowa frSwuarueZlErecrnrcel 4l-rouNonrron FfiEcH^NtcAL fl \ X D' TEGAL DESC. tot G-t Bt|(]ltsdfdar€_ F]LING * 7 - Je ./t ,tt )t T F OWNER MATLADDRESS _ _ "'n 2?t!If!JY ,r.v'?/ ARCHITECT varrcoaess /6M A, N9vtnn ,,nW**tu uftKfrrrtn-., GENERAL CONIRACTOR f/-tltllEy J*Affii rnv Agfaaruitttnti j(on@, aL TowN oF VAIL REG. No. A)AJ. \- t\ trrr.(zn) .16r-zeo€ )er-ecrnrcnr CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.a.\ rcte. (ztQ) 57o-q?56 P[UMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF V4lL REc. NO..\ r.te lVtq) LhS-^tlzg MECHANICAT CONTRACIOR eteu Fe nW 4fuft pe *9/ lrttrBl: TOWN OF VAIL NFG NN ,rrr.(YtT) s{- Ttsq OTHER CONIRACTOR IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. - rctr- (7n) 'rc-aga? FtnM gL NP ERMIT :5-str\a It/E B l\BF | (rrr ul Jtloa I c PERMIT no - t-t /ol t. rYP€ oF co usrnucnoi--rrrmf 6- zoctuP NcYcRouP AsEH@m h DlvlSlON t?za@A / cenenlt DEscntmo oF wonr( :\ n^'$fi'b'av Ac4tstc,t$c. zo =J gUILOING V /Oe,666 r^J ELESTRICAI.E+@- ?cea n PLUTIBII{G @?ooo vl raEcHAHtc^t"&e=- s=.+ t\(J ?. rQ.. ooo ?c TYPE GROUP G.R.F-A. VATUATION PERIIIT FEESg-R-3 BUILDI}IG PERI/|1I rra-sr- 9e PIAN CHECI(sl*.99 ETECTRICAL tuq.4 HETIV{ ALTERATION ( ) AODTTTONAL ( ) REpAtR(PLUMEING -ro I _.-*DWEILINGUHfTS r--/ L@)/,l,oOATTO|tt UHTTS _1?- HE'G}{TINFT. - NO.FIAEPLACES HECHtfiIC^L zs? REcREAiloNFEq. r,i\ x a-lrt-: -sS? s INSULATION: TYPE TH|C'(N€SS F,VAILU€oEsrc REVTEW 80ARO rao a CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT 5oo- €c EXr. WALT.S lBA.t.- li] l- rq USE TAX ffooF LBA"\- | it'' l- * AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: Y H INIT'AL sT. cur TOTAL PERMITFEES 3€)e> = ITIG ADMINISTRATOR IIHG I BUILOIHG OTES: OAIE BL Sru6 or"o T I hereby acknowledge lhal l.have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurale.plot plan, and state that all the Information provided as required is coirect. t agree to comply with tho information and plot plan, lo comply with all Town ordinances and s1ats laws, and to build this slructuto according to the Town's zonlng and subitivision codes, design revlew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ANO THE OWNEN. of the Town appllcable lherelo. 6 CONTRACTOB FOR HIMSETf Y l'r t TO: E}DnM, DATE: SUBJECT: 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81557 l3o3l 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 ALL CONIRACTORS TOI,IN OF VAIL olltca of comrnsnlly deyelopment CURRENTLYIJ REGISTERED WITH THE please stop by the Tolrn of,a copy, Thank you f,or your TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMr,IUNrTy DEVELOPI.TENT MARCI{ 16f 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unIawfuJ. f,or anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil , trock, sand, debrisor matetrial . ineluding trash &urnpsteri, pori,able loilets and,vorkmen vehicles upan. any streetl sidewaif, iii"V or publlcgl?gu or any portion rheieof . srre-iishi:;l;;y-;n at1 rornrn ofVail streets and.Igags is approxiarateiy 5 tt. 6ff pavernenc.This ordinance o'irr be striiiry ;nf,orcad by the Town of vair -lY9li:,wor.ks Departrnenr- perslns found, nii,r"iing this ordinancewrrr De gflven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified. d,oes not cornpry uiitr i[;--notice H'ithin the 24 hour time rpe"iii.a,--tr,"-pu[iis worksDepartment will remove said matei-i.r it ir." -*xp."ie of personnotified, the provisions of this ord,inance stift not beappricabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects of,any street or all.ey or any utilities in tlre rigni-a_way. To-review Ordinance No. 6 in fuIJ..Vail Building Departnent to obtalneooperation on this rnatter. =Q-q.?YZx?\=Qqn\ #rqg g, &;uenil- AlDW4ah4Position/R@(i.e. contractor, owner) Read and acknowledged by: #{s-+/w Orrtifirutr uf (Drrufilnr5 Usrun (Df liluil ffiuililing Brpurtmpnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE I]NIFORM BIJII,DING CODE cER?lFvlNG THAT AT THE TIME oF IssuANcE THIs srRUC'ruRE wAS tN coMptlANCE wrrH THE ''ARIOUS ORDINANCES OFTHE TOWN REGULATING BUILDING CONSTRUCT/ON, AND OR USE. TO.THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Name SCHI{IDT RESIDENCE Use Classif ication RESIDENTIAL Croup R-3 Building Permit No.410r Typ.Construction V Owner of Building MR. LEROY SCHMIDT Building Address FEBRUARY 12, L992 'l he huilding olficial nral-. in sriting, srspr:nd or rc\,okc i Ccrri- ficatc of C)ccupanct issucd undcr rhc pr<rvir ions o I rhis <odc rvhcn- cver rhe ccrrifi,latc is issued in errorr (,r ('rl rhe basis of incorrccr infotnration supplicd, or whcn ir is dctc.rnrincd rhar thc huilditt&, or strlrcnrrc or portion rherr:of is in violation of lnl ordinancc rrr rcgulation of thc'Iirwn o{ Vail or anr <rf rhr prorisions of this codc.Dan Stanek s lnrn'olmilt)/ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS FLACE I LU€€P SP€CIFICATIONg IoP CHOm 2Xd !650F-1.5E flgF S-p-F B0T Clrom ax4 1650F-1.5E [4SF S-p-FI{EBS ax4 ; {TyD THIT€ HoODSa :t BEARING NEIUIFEMENTSALL BEAFTINCS SHoI{N AHE\3.5' EXCEPT rS NoTED: LocAlE rNrER-pANru dpr-ices AT i/4 paNEL LENGTH +/-12 INcHes FF0M EITHEf, ENo 0F THE paNEa rHtrcATEo. rI4 CqN]INUOUS LATENAL COLUIN BRACING ATTACHED!r]!-r!q {e) €o NAILS T0 EACH IEB UHEHEIN0ICATEo BY tnl . THIS OESI€N HAS EEEN PBEPAREO FNOH COMPUTER INPUT OEVELOPEO 8Y THE COMPONSNT MANUFACTUNEF. MEMSER,FOFCES TOP CHOFD BOTTOI{ CHOFOT 1- -1.150 8 1. 1?07 fl 1- | !; -too: e z- 603 H 2- FFOM LEFl llEgS-635 fl 3"670 l{ 4- IO BIGHT: -t018-374 AEAC]IONS REACT1ON E B 1- REACT1ON & B 3-1705 1705 TRUSS LOAOING (CON 1) UNIFOAI.4 LL O\ IOP CHOFD - 8O.O PSF UNIF0RM [lL 0N ToP CH0e0 - 20.0 FSF UNIFOBII 0L 0N B0T CH080 - 10.0 PSF ToTAL oESIGN L0A0 = 110,0 pSF LOAD DURAT]ON INCFEAS€ - !.15 4 ,21" 21 .00 'e1.00 " 2'-O,O " OVERALL SPAN I*l.l.l.l.i $Iu;{"s, 32 $.3 5-.t -qJ ftjr"# -cs{}rAN OPTIMAX@ DESIGN 6UALI TY rn,:6s / uorru"o l a LI,I4BER SECIFTCTIIONS toP cl{}fft 2x4 !€50F-t.5E HSB S-p-r EoT CHORO eX4 b55OF- t.5E itSR S-P-FtlEBs ?xa ' bTr{, ,{IT€ r{000s BE^BING MOJIFEMEHISALL BEAFINSS SHONN IAE 3.5' EXCEPT AS NOTEO: BEAf,ING E S 1 d.?6' BEOU]FEO BSARII'IG € 8 4 I,75' f,EOU]REO TRUSS LOAOING GON t) UNIFI BI, LL 0N toP CHoBO - g0.O PSFUNIFoRI OL t]'l IoP CHoRD - 20.0 PSF UNIFoRII DL 0N B0T CltoFo - to.o PSF TOTAL oESIGN LOAO = t10.0 PSF LOAD OUFAT]ON II.ICREASE . 1.:.5 LOCAIE INTER-PANEL SPLICES AI T/4 PANEL LENGIH +,/- 1? INCHES FBOM EITHEB ENO OF THE PAI'IEL INOICATEO. THIS 0ESI6N HAS SEEN pFEPAnE0 FFlOf,l C0iIPUTER INPUT OEVELOPEO 8Y THE COMPONENT ANUFACTURER. i{EM8EB FORCES FFC||'I LEFT TOP CHORO BOITOI.I CHOFO WEBS"l l- -3774 A b 3raA N l' -70t I A-T 2- -3080 B 2- 1909 ll 2- -769 li 5-T 3- -3080 B 3- 3140 H 3- !476 $ 6-T 4= -3080T 5" -3080T 6- -3774 TO FIOHT; BEACTIONSla76 BEACTJON € B l-.76E REACTION € B d- -701 3045 PLAIE FOTAIEO SO OEG. 4060 1630t?87 48120 a.u" 3_ 2x6 IIEDGE U60 21 .00 " [*].l.i.l.ir] ;q..ft,1i0fffi; .\,ll"-"ig432 S3 e*t rrr ft:"1'....,... r:r$lorvrr eI I?I'5WA 5rsr iM5 C('lpcnAiilN a srGNoDt coi,rpaNv AN OPTIMAX@ DESIGN cuALrrY wooo rnr-6s / gezaceo LI$TBEF SFECIFICATIONS ToP CH0FS 2X4 'F50F-1.5€ MsR S-P-F BOT CH{,AD 2X4 ti50F-!.5E frsF g-P-F ltEBs 2x4 , gg.o ltHlTE I000s t'iEB 55 l5 2X4 12 g-P-F BEARING HEOUIFE!€NIS ALL SEABINGS SHOIIN ARE 3.5' EXCEPT AS NOTE[]: BEARING € S t 5J44' REOU]REO BEAFING E B 5 5.44'NEOUINEO TFUSS LoADINC (CON r) UNIFoF|i LL ON ToP C!J0R0 = 80.0 PSF UNIF0FI4 OL ON ToF CH0R0 - 20.0 FSF UNIF0RM OL 0N B0T CH0B0 = 10.0 PSF ToTAL 0ESIGN L0A0 ' 11d.0 PSF LOAo DUFATIoN INCREASE " t.15 LOCATE INTER-PANEL SPLICES AI 1,/4 FANEL LENGTH T,/_ 1A INC'IES FFOM EITHEg ENO OF TIIE PANEL INDICA'ED, 1X4 CON'IINUOUS LATEFAL COLUMN BFACING ATTACHEOIIITH I}IO (2} BO NAILS TO EACH I,IE8 I{TIEBE INDICATED 8Y {*]. TH1S DESIGN HAS EEEN PFEPAREO FROM COMPUTEfl INPU'T OEV€LOPEO BY T}f COMPONENT IIAMJFACIUBEF, I,{EMBEF FOFCES FFOU LEFT TO BISHT: TOP CHORO BOTTOM CHOBO WEBSr t' -4667 B 1- 3883 r,r t- -618 u 6- -1225T 2- -4057 B 2- 2800 It 2- -677 ll 7- i30r1 3- -4056 I 3- 2800 l{ s- 1301 t{ 6' -677't 4- -27t4 e a= 3883 N 4= -12:5 t 9= -6tBT 5- -?714 ri 5- a33aT 6- -4057T 7- -.1057T 8- -d667 REACT IONS REACTIoN e B 1- REACTION ts B 5- PLAIE ROTATED gO DE6. 4060 1630 Bv 2 @ 4052 4.21" l_ qAt nc 2x4 REINFORCTNG crbsof )RTQUiRED 21.00 " 28'-O. O " OVEHALL SPAN ,K -r fn'f:cttr3c*! rq {# ffi}ul tr;';tt; TRT'SUIIAT\V^VAZSITIH\]T!| I rd6wa! 5Y5r I rt 5 C.JQlpRAl (}r A t cNoor coll/B\v AN OPTIMAX@ DESIGN GUALI TY rnGs / a^aacao Flroject Id: ISCHI'{IIIT RggIPHNCI; Adrlregg: I,41CI FUFFER TREE},: RRAD [Jccr.rpancy; KS,I'11 '1 ype o{ Const: V*N I Dl.lel I i nq1 TOTAI- FOfi FLNNR 1 Dwel J. i ng.T{]TAL F.:NR FLT]T]R B Di+etlinrg TNTAL FBft FL,C]OR FUILDING TOTAL. ' lnwn o{ VaiL ?5 S. Frontagei ftoadVail, Fnlorado S1657(3ft.:) 476-7{.t()t} Fl;in anal. ysi s bagerj $n the 19F:18 Un i { orm ltni I d i ng Codt* Date: liept,embarr' 36 t 198 9 contraetorr cusTcll{ CBUNTRY FIoMES Dosi gner: R0BERT l"lAI XNER Engineer: FOLOli ENSINIEHFtiNG Plans Examiner: JOFi N0RRIS NOTE:The cocle items; lished irr thie report are ncrt intended to be a compl€tn listing o{ all pm**ibl,e csde rrequirem$nt* in the l?f;}A UEf. It is a guricle Lo sel ecterd s+sctirufis o{ tho ct:clr.:l . SEFTqRA I ON SIRECTlON BOUNDARY AREA INI:REASF FIRH FftOTEtrTION N0RTH Prmperty l, intl 16. (t Feet 16. t] FeetE/\ST Property l ine l1O. t) Feet 3(,, {t Feet SOUTFI Fr-rb I i c way &tl. (t Feref:;lt). O Feet: hJEST Fropnrty I i ne LOCt. O Feet 1O1,, 0 F€€?t Area incr-eeg€d H$. tlC'7. +or open area on ? sides. FL NAI'1H OCC l'lAX FLR AREA ALLOT^IED RATID STATUS S Far!';ing Garage' t'11 rrk 6$7 Unlirnited cr[,: RI ok $1? UnI imited nk 513 Un I i mi ted trk R$ ok 14fS Unl imited ak I4?S Unl initeci crl'.: R3 ol: I 14? UnI i mi ted cllri 1779 Unl i ni ted cll* 1937 Unlimitecl crk o f3a Ee*tI{lsde revien fnr: Fro-iE,ct Id" : Einl"lt'lIIlT RE$InENf,F *ddres:r; 1410 AUFFER trREEtt ROAD EXTERINR HALL FIRE RATINES AND OPENINE F,FTOTETTIT]N'l-atrle 17-A & Table 5-A NNRTFI E:A$T T}OU"TH WH$T ,OCC SRS NOhI_BR[i [JPN$ FR6 NON*BFIG trF,N{: IIRG NON*BREI OFN6 BFIG NON-.FR6 OFNGh'ALL NALL FROT IdAt-I. WALL FROT hJALL bJALL PROT bJALL WAL.I. FFIT]TR.1 Ohr (rirr Nune (:lhr tlhr Nonr.E Otrr rlhr None Ohr {)hr NnneI'11 Ohr Ohr None Ohr t-thr NonE| Ohr r:)hr None Ohr $hr" None The exteri.r:r wal Ls r ay be o{ CIIMBU$TIFLH nraterial Sec.3?Ot. Nsne -- Nu {i re protection reqlti rernents .f or openi nqs,PruL '-* Openi.n$$ ;rrtl {:m hei prr:ttrct"old witlr 5/4 hr {:irer dlri$ernh l ie:i. 5$7, o{ the $r$a of the FraII ma}rimnm. {3ec.?Itt$, (tr) & Tab}e $-A l'laximum single windsw siae is 84 rq.f t wi hlr nn dimeln*iangreater than 1? {sset. ** $ec. 45Od:, (fr )f{OF ** trpernings dre not perrnitted in thisr w.Bll.* ..*" Therie wnLlti may ba rmqurired ts have a parapet wall S(t inchegi above the roo{ing, The parapet. wal 1 i* requi rad to have the s;ame {ire rating asr tfre wall. $ee rmction l7(t?. f or de,tail s anrJ eaxce'ptions, fJl'H[R Bt.,I LIJ I NCI HLEI'|ENTC -l-ab I e I 7*AEI-EIVIHNT' I'IATERIAL RATING hIOTHS I nte*r i nr" Bear i ne urr-ll I Any O hr Interior nonhrg wall Any 0 hr Structural Frame Any O hr Fxterior Struct Frame Any {-} hr $ee {ontnote #1 $haft Enclosurre Any I hr Fl oor/Cei I i ng Asremhl y Any O hr $ee fiootnote {i9 Rnof ,/Cei I i ng AEsemb I y Any (:) hr $talr* Any NonF I"JOTE: See Snc, l7(:,6. (a) {or Eihaft Enclusurrc? excepLions. FAETNOTES: 1) Plinimr-rm $n nlitFrior side algo based on extf..frior brE. hJal I requirerients. ?) In areag wiLh .rehiclq.'s or ai rpl, ilnesi, the floor sLtrf a*e sh;rl I be m{ nnncornbutg'tihlso nonabsorbe*rrt materials. ** Sec. 7Q7,. (bJ h ?Ot' (tl) !.]CCLIFANCY sFFAftATIT]N$ l-t3-M1 thr l'l;,rt r,rr i a}$ appr-oved .f or thr corrgtructi on are reqt.ti red on th6r Uaraqe *i de onl, y {sncJ I 3/8 i nch sol i d core, sel f *cl osi ng cloor. -- Sec, 5{_}3. (d) ex #$ ADDITIONAL. $EPARATlBNS FOR R3 OCCUFANIY: i:OR I.11 OCCI.JPANCYI Cudti+ revi elw f nr; F:'r$ject IrJ" I S|]]{FlIDT FTtiSIDENCHAddress: 141O BUFFER CIIHEF: ft0AD EX IT REGUIREIIHNT$;r:L NAI'IE CIECUFANT NIJ}"ISER EX I T FANIC R6THP DOfiR NOTESLOAD RHAUTREN WIDTI"I [+t. ] HDWR CORftIDSR SNTNG o F,A qe *t li ? tJwel 1. i n{r ? f O. Cr Nc No N/RTOTAL :: t ( t ) O.0 ( 0. C,l No No N/f,(1 Dwr-,lling 5 1 (:!.1 No No N,/RTit'fAt._ s 1( I) (1.t( $. 1) Nn No N/RB F ar lt i ng [!ar'"-rgtr 3 I r]. I No No Fl/RB Dr,rel 1 i nq 4 t {r. t No No N/R TOTAT- 7 I { 1) rl,, I ( 0.;ll Na Nc: N/R !)nor gwinE is based nn Sec, 33$4. (b) except as noted.[ccupant loacl is t]acied c:n Tahle 5"5-A. lrlumber n{ exite is3 based on Tab.rLe 33*A e}.cept as nsted, Exit widt,h is based on Sec, S3C,5. (b). The nurmbers in ( ) r*re inclurdr* occurpant Ioading {rnm f loor:a above thi* {lonr. -- sec, S3{1.5, (tt) FOOTNBTES I 5'l'AIR NOTHST fi :itaj.rway in a dwelling must tre at least 36 inches wide. --- Sec, 35C)6, (bl Tht-" rnsx I murrn rise r:f a etep is I i nchHrs and tfre rninirnurn rLtn i|3 ? incheg- --. 5*c. 38S6. (c) t*xc.*l Frovide a h;lrrdrai I on one side a *tairway 34 to 38 inches abovEr the nasing i{ there i6 mmrtr than 4 r'i!r6rs. .-- $ec. 3306, ( j ) F'rsvi de a guard rai J. where drop ot{ is greater than Stli incheE' Flini mum hoight = 3{r inchffisr inaximt-tm openinr;1 sire o 6 inches. *- Sec. 171I. exc ? The rninimurn headrtrorn i * h it., *' fJ inches, '-- Sec. $3tt6" (p) lincloseld ursiatll e $Fac6 under the stairg is r'€qui red to be protented as; requi recl for' 1hr {ire-resi*tiv* cons'Lrutctinn. '-- Sec. 33{t{r, (n) R0OFINS REftUIftEl'IENT$r 1) The rr:ofirrg Dn tlris trr-rilding is not regLtirad to be {ire retarclant.*- Table $t*A AUTI]NATIC SFRINI.':LHR $YSTEI'I$: STANDFIPH REGLJIREPIEhIT$ : I*JALL AND trEILINE FIhll$Hr t) blalI and ceililg {ini.:ih materialg are'r-equired to comply witft $er. 43t)4. ia) and Tah.1 r+ 43".8, I) Carpet irrq on w*1. Ls arrd ceiIing are requtired tcr frave a Elerss' I f l *rme rpr"eiad r"at i ng . ** $ec. 4?u4 ' ( b ) o Fa ge#4 Code revis-.w Fer: Froject Id"; StrHlYIDT F(E$IDFNtrF Addr-Fs$: I410 SL.IFFER CREEIi ftfjAi) INSULATION NOI'ESr 1) Al I insltlatinn nrateri al i.nclr-tdinE .f acin€E &\rs reguri red to hava a {lame-spread ratinq1 nf ?ti or' letls and a maximnm smoke clensi ty of 4$0 unl eE$it is in ar cclnceerlerl epace and the {acing is in contact r,"li th a wal I oF cei. ling. *'* Serc, 1713. {c) exc,*?3) Foam pl at;ti c i n$Lri. ati ons are reqrri red to [re prcrtected. *- Seac, 171?. SLAZ IN$ RFJ$IJ IIIEI"IENTTJ; 1) A1 I glazing in h;rrardoug location$ ir required to be o{ saf ertyg1*reing materinl- *--.Sec. 54t)6. (d) ADDITIONAL RHOUI RHI,IIihITS I For R5 occr.rpErncy Al 1 bathrocltn$, r.,atFr c !. srset compartmerrts u I ,i,rnndry rooms and 6i mi 1 ;rr areat" shlrl L ire provi ded wi bh natural venti l ati orr or s rntrchani cal ventilatictn system per 1?SlS U.F.C, ch. I?, sec. 1lO5{c}. Firerplacm char;er 3ar'{s rttquriy'ed L,o have a mi ni rnltm l*hr +ire rinting t,a top E+ t Br rni nat i orr r:ap. Fireplaee f lure pipe is reqnirud to.he ercceseibL e f or clsaning FLTTFO:iC3S!. Decorative fireplace chirnFl€| cr"pti to be constrLrcted o{ non-'ccmburstab I e ntater-ialg SnLy orre soI irJ {r..rel burning {irepl;rcE Fer dwelting urrit is a} lsraterJ per Town o{ VaiL rnunicipal code ch. ?8" crdinance no. t4. til eped gl ar i rrq; antt *try1 i ghtri to be congtrurcted and i nstaL l ecJ per 1988 U, [t, C. ch,34, A1 l {urel burning equtiprn*nt shalI be agsurred er tiuf'ficient $uppLy o+ combust i on a i r- per l ?88 U, l"l. C. ch . *r, A1 I appl iancesi ancl rrr*chanifr,al equi pment shalI be instal ltlcl per its rnanurfacturres Li*tinq per 19€8 U.14,C. ch. 5y riec. S04. A1 i appl i ancesi *nd mechani cal equi prnent rihal I trs accesei' bL e {or inspecticin, ter'vi {:e t rffi?frir and rep}acemen{:. trithot-tt remclvitlg permanent cane;trLrction. Fer' l.?88 U,M.f, ch. Sn rec. 5O5, Al I heaki nr; and cr:ol i ng equri p.nent l t:caterd i n a garage &nrl r4l-l i ch generates a gl mwo spar'll or f 1d(rne $hal t be instal led with tfres pi lotsl hurner-s .ancJ .swi {:r:lrels at least lf;l" a[:ove Ftonr. Per 19t1S U.l'1, f,, ch. 5t gec " 5{}S, AlI boil(?r rsoms shaLl be equti pped with a {loor drainr per :t ?f:}8 U.f"t,C. ch. ?1, uec, "':119. ftl I futel gas piping *hal1 be installend per 19SS U,M.C. ch. ;i3. a Fa qe*S [ode revisw {sr r Fr-oject Id. : SCF{f"lIDT RESIDENIE Addrssr* 1410 BUFFHI1 trREEl{ ROAI) Al 1 moi:itrtr* exhaLr$t duct$ shail I termi nate on thea outsi de nf tfrebr-rilding and t;hall be equippncl r,+ith a bach draft clarnper. AlI potable ylater *upply lines shalI be prntected with approved bacilf low devicesi t-$ prevent cr{rss connc.cti on, iel lawn tpr,-inkl erg ancl bni l ers Fr i vate g&r{rcJe { I ner drai n:; mary no'L, hrel cennenctsrd to the bui I di nrgwa$t$ and vt:ttt line* urnl ei+is and arr ,irpl:rovetC inceptor iti ing'h,al1ad. Wood br..rrnirrg :ituve must meett [it;.tte mf Cnlorado requirementEr in adr!i t i on *n iitancialrd cocle requi rement.s. Ft-cvi de a winclow or doar tt: the er:teri or f rr:n evpry roorn r-rged {or sl eep i ng . *-- Serc . 1:104. A window mLrst Frrrvi de a clear" clFsn ar*a of S.7 srl .{t., a clear heigltt o"f ?4 inchesu and a clear width o{ ?0 inclres(minimlrm). -- {iec. 1?04. AII habitable Foc).ns r-*qui re FHter j.or -cllsred clFeni ngs equral to I (17. rr more o{ t,tre f Itrr:r are.n. (rnirr L{t sq.ft, ) -- Sec. IEOS. (a} AlL habitable r{roms regr-rire sr't {rperabla erxteri ar rrpenings equal to 57. or- rnorri sf tt'rer fLc:nr ar-ea. (rnin ti sq.{t.} *- $ec. I3Ct5. (a) 'fhe ini ni mutm c:li I irrg in a habi.table space is 7 .{eet 6 incheg exs€pt !li Lche.rn.s t hinLlt, *nd ba{:hs rrr.a} hcaVe ar ceiLing height- o{ 7 {eert. *-" $r*c. -* 13o7. (a) Pr-ovi cle ,lr s';mo[,:rlt deltectgr i n al I ar$a$ havi ng acc{?g;E ta gil Fepi ng roofils. -*-' Ses, 1?10. (a) 4. Frovide a rinnke cletector in baspment that ie connected to an alarm ar-rdible in alI sleeping areas. -* Sec. l3l0.(a)4. Frovide a smo!,:e cJetector sn aII floors that is connectpd to an alarm audihlm in all *leeping areas, *- $ec. I?10. (a)4. For FlL . occLrpancy S-hrnid; Qr-r'.A."^.c Lr.'.n5 R. dtF )L e trgf S __l lllwvre o, n,rnt LU+2 IApw t? u+?D Q rnu e4 fthrF ry 1t10 72l*'ffItat )T ilO af r*cxa= lb" frvfue.rpw p fiuvl$ [r QeTAt h< hl*; eO rl=Aa. ' ' ., -Sts-WAq l. kro,-* .,^ ^rr'J*(,rr€ bt* llflqi,,AN .',-\(Po. ' l- lEilt- r | |- -- */o O Zf"a.o. ErLl l^l}\1,ep-r\ | 1-'/$i lY {oe-b':icla, ?tr=ffi llll,'r_$,rii,,,ili \i i el ltl= OLOK 102 EP&lsPaL tuan.. Colardo Smno. @ 6090J/719)531r6N2 $ s L C.-/#vY',4)'t*h Mtrlvl tyl ?t+Thl+E U?WAA1e1U,f- " lrtrffift,ffi'#k b.+JT &W)4cxrgo, tb e v-' ao, vr) .,42 waYu#ft^t t6@ 4t'0.0.F.t1, tmrffi s{ ss+\r I{oe l' a.c,v.t-L,a? #6 ebt'o,o,9.vJ *b Wp*? mA{L@ +" (aru) a,o,-(h'vwT'tlb" fr*ft,) wfAal revtftD tdbl,,i lb'*arat1 /z'7 /H = _ls $I'IFH?"3 o ,ft;'tiiist !l:l$-\ ffi" q+tcQ' ytFrm tv tuTpJoo *b* ?vy1e@4, O,tAtlWz Wlp?a eJulJlwee fWl+lJT bE ?ffia'/W) W*r;,oz tL,q,c, F?N1 7o\tte+fDrJ 1o W+trOvft4r#E,+,rl/lwe 4 rtta 4 vryl= ltw v ty*o F Tve ep+T *rv? ry1lr-fallohflal,rituhlNoAsa |h" L#vto ?aTve F,h)bAvl ltJ . wftAv h-4 L2tlhL, pe il+fu, ' ' LH,g=.--t---s4o'-@*d #fr'! +b @ oto a,c.?.t'/*t tAr'1,aet.t//- *69 lb,,Ad. ,tk Mhl, arttSy OLZI^F b/#at Fwre OLOK nZ EPiIrsPc,,L '\.r',e/EColoario Sonnrr' CA 60903 G19)614:6n2 +fo e V," O.c,V.lA, , R *q e 4u o,c,g,A, +L e b" o,o.e.d. ,aF*6€ +" o,o,aA, *b y4g4wa?V@ lo"(1') a'c' (4,'u*1, ,lb" #&t?,j A" xy" WIwo-f ${-ln\ -i *{ /''-*brll )lr=u+ :=il1 0la'ac' hvb, Tov:@h? t"d 1*te sqilui [H a+1tld+a erF >l bilq??*. 4. AHrre' ?4tF- pFz ala) rJ tuxq=, T++n rNT W Fg-rov w,, @)cvr, lA' a,o, YFav FotND-ToJ ya raf-fF?funfimtt, 4,t)vlwz b'iltd%>(h tAavu bthw) Nrr+"-?'rL{ teFry Tf?W*PhTtatJ, T*b 4rJrreo W ?ffW FPW h+ W, fN p -1 z,++dS, *-' l,b?o, #UrrJ, h"c+ OVARHe?a*fZ*+ lit ii \'a Nrt t. a 3llt -lll - = ll( +b a'o-+' ^' eo.wrA Al^1' 4 *a 0 lb'a.o.r);. .#b a lu'ao, *be v." ac.al,J.re? +a s 4t Ac.od, *b wsb+F w4u- e v." (4")o,a,(h"vr4 ) lb" l+&la,) 0'r *n reYl*J.l^Y i:*.1.5 <r-.r+oro'' X ' OLOK lO2 EPi*BPe&' A.t ,r.. Gloario Soznsr, C0 80Ctj (719)u1=6$2 fr,rtWV\AL l@'l+A6+T A /21/ tffi l?tlt w a sj *- I $ {-1 \s.s ss EE N f,o t lo z = Go + ltl ul o L**rn u r'\/eFT-trorQpf+ 4il1o yadl* Tntw+' iV q iu Z \J N \! i: o q \ F\) t Eo I r. Q{6Fc.re} AlNt'VL r TftulFER RETAIN_ING _WALL |scale l/2''t 1'-O' flN-.!EL util =lll +'wrvflel4"T ?LtY2g $/,?N'e'4 trt,.^t-t-: l" 4?r6N,,1. I1'.( lHr?lO l/l 2 -.!l--a.i -r-J-\t-aaalpagq 1t4?e?bq4 bFs-a'l!:4-M' .{aret lAv d'xo"/ 4'a"Ttr4P?FW b fr#efyfbtt*a,Wzq r8. =o\tro5b(O"., *ORd r"Pq=s E-T L.i€gEI\' s._Er_r O, O $ilT.,Ffifi "ry*',*ffi 9F co\sEcrlot{ ri'--. -Iw r INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ',.',. . \\ _'tDATE r' J .i\ JOB NAME }N i'{-- EQTION:\\ri, CALLER MON iues ),WED THUR FRI AM ,PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSP D FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL * D rtNAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL t(APPROVED COBRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PrFisno" You are hereby given notice by the community DeveropmentDepartment of the Town of vait that the pro[erty foi which yourequested a building pennit is locatea witrrin tire forlowing'geologieally sensitive areas (those marked. with a check beiowl A.DEBRTS FI,OW NOTICE HIGH HAZARD MODERATE HAZARD HIGH SEVERITY MEDII'M SEVERTTY B.DEBRIS AVAI,ANCHE HTGH HAZARD c.ROCKFALL *x The.folLowing geologic studies have been subrnitted to ouroffice. These studies confirm the existence of the above notedareas of geologic sensitivity. lstlef o € 54e-nLgr rfr, rgg"t G*--.. STE- t..r... Prease call the Department of community Deveropment at (303)476-7OOO if you have questions. Lthe ownerVai1, CO: AFFIDAVIT Hereby acknowledges that helshe isof the following property located within the Town ofL{"r G- | L rc--x, ar Oaa- 6c.r*>c. *E\ and that he/she has requested a building perrnit to construct astructure on said property. The undersiqned furtheracknowledges that he has received personil notice from thecommunity Development Departnent oi the Town of vail that saidproperty is located in the following area(s) of geologicsensitivity: y\,r.for..,^... 64\.rcna.ry {rr<-p F/r<{-- anF bg/slle ha_s_ belrn giyen notice of all studies/reportssubnitted to the nqpa at haveto the geolosic sensitivitvof said area(s). State of Colorado County of El Paso Before me appeared this date 0ctober knoran to me. 5, 1989, Leroy Schmidt personally i/^-. c t\o Public 17505 Arrowwood Drive Monument, CO 80132 (Propdrty owneE /o-5-<q liy Conmlssion Expires: 10-16-91 Jfi 2283 Waynoka Rd., Suite C Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Telephone (71 9) 591-0605 october 3, 1989 Custom Country Homes P. O. Box 1670 Monument, Colorado 80132 Re: 1410 Buffehr Creek RoadVail, Colorado Gentlemen ! This letter is in reference to the subeurface perimeter drain which was recommended at the above referenced site in our letter dated September 26, 1989. A subsurface drain ytas recornmended around usable space located below the exterior finished ground surface. A typical detail of such a drain was provided with the September 26 letter. Where cantilever-type retaining walls are utilized as part of the foundation syatem, the drain may be placed at the intersection of the stem and footing of the wall as opposed to below the footing as implied on the detail attached to the original letter. we trust this provides Should questions arise, convenience. Respectfully submitted, SOfL NG AND ENG you with the information you requested. please contact our offiee at Your FM,/lkc ilH 2283 Waynoka Rd., Suite C Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Telephone (71 9) 591 -0605 Septenber 26. L989 Custom Country Homes P. O. eox 1670 Monument, Colorado 80132 Re: 1410 Buffehr Creek Road Vail' Colorado Gentlemen: Personnel of Soil Testing and Engineering Inc. performed an observation of the open excavation at the above referenced site on september 26, 1989. The information and recommendatione eontained in this letter are intended for use by individuals who are farnillar with the construction practices and standards eonmon to this region and all applicable building codes. The recomnendations contained in this letter are based upon the con<litions observed on Septenber 26, L989. Any changes in conditionsr including but not limited to excavation locationr elevation, or changei resulting from adverse weather conditions' should be brought to the attention of SolI Testing and Engineering rnc. SOII, PAR.AMETERS AND CONDITIONS SOIL TYPE(S) s ALLOWABTE BEARING CAPACITY: Soil types observed in the foundatlon excavation were found to consist of very siltyr slightly clayey sands with gravels' cobbles and boulders. An al.lowable bearing capacLty of 2500 psf is recommended with an equivalent hydrostatic flulcl pressure in the aetive state of 38 pcf' The allowable bearing capacity provided above assumes a mininurn footing width of 16 inches. Larger footings may be necessary depending upoi building-IoadE and foundation configura- tion. 1.410 Buffehr Creek RoaclVaiI, Colorado Page -2- EXPANSION POTENTIAL; MOISTURE CONTENT: rILL: FOUNDATION TYPE: REINFORCING: SOIL PARAMETERS AND CONDITIONS cont'd The 38 pcf equivalent hydrostatic fluid pressure assumes level backfill conditions. This value may require nodification for the effeets of surcharge loads' sloping backfill, etc. It is our understanding that the rear walls of the structure will be conatructed as retaining walls. A friction factor of 0.35 may be utllized for retaining wall design. An expansion pressure of 248 psf with 0.10t volume change and 12.4t moisture increase was determined by laboratory tests. This nagni- tude of expansion is in the low expansion range. Low A layer of nan-made fill Ls present at the ground surface. However, the excavation penetrated the fill at all locations. RECOMMENDATIONS A shallow foundation system' proportioned on the basis of the on-site qonditions and meeting the criteria set forth in this letter, is recommended for this site- ReLnforcing should be designed to allow foundation walls to span a minimum of eight feet under the design load. Foundation wal-ls retaining over four feet of soil should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure in the active state of 38 pcf. As mentioned previously, the equivalent fluid pressure assumes level backfill conditions and may require modifications for the effects of surcharge loadsl sloping backfillr €tc- t4l0 Buffehr Creek Road VaiI' Colorado Page -3- FI,OOR SLABS: DRAINAGE AND GR,ADING: SUBDR,AIN: RECOMMENDATIONS cont'd Floor slabs on grade, lf anyr ehould be eeparated from structural portions of the building and allowed to float freeJ.y. Interior partitions must be constructed in such a manner that they do not transmit floor slab movement to the roof or overlying floor. See attached detalls. sackfill plaeed below floor slabs should be compacted to a minimum of 903 of its rnaximum Proctor dry densityr ASTM D-698. Minor cracking of ffoor slabs on grade is common. It is consldered cosrnetic in nature and does not affect the atructural integrity of the building. The ground surface withln l0 feet of the building must be sloped away from the build- ing with a minimum gradient of 5$. This is equivalent to six inches of fall across this lO-foot zone. Where this ls not possible, a well defined swale should be constructed to intercept the surface water and carry it quickly and safely around and away fron the bui 1ding. Roof downspouts should be extended across all backfill zonea and discharge into an area of positive drainage away from the structure- No sod, grassr shrubs 7 flowersr trees r or other vegetation reguiring water should be placed wlthln five feet of the foundation. Sprinklers muat not discharge htater within five feet of the foundation. A subsurface drain is recommended around usable space located below the exterior finished ground surface. This would include cornmon walls around the area protected- Typical drain details are provided with this letter. Collected surface $tater is not to be discharged lnto the subsurface drain, unless approved. Extreme care muat be exercised when backfill- ing over tbe drain, installing utilities near the drain, or perforrning any other activity 1410 Buffehr CreekVail, Colorado Page -4- BACKFILL: CONCRETET REI,IARKS: Road RECOMMENDATIONS cont I d whLch may damage the drain. Any darnage to the drain should be repaired and documented- The basement foundatLon walls' if any, ehould be laterally supported prior to backfill. ff previously recommended, select backfill lhould be used. Any imported material for backfill must be approved by the soils engineer. Backfill ehould be compacted to 90t of its maximum Proctor dry density' ASTM D-698- Backfill must be compacted by mechanical means. No water flooding techniques of any type should be used. All concrete in contact with the soil should be made using a ',,fype If cement for sulfate resistance. Calcium chloride must not be added to a lrype II cement. Foundation forms should renain ln place for an appropriate length of tine Ln accordance with ACI (American Concrete Institute) recommendations in the ACI Manual of Standard Practice, Part 2. The proposed Etructure :[s to be located on soit-poisessing a low expanslon potential. Althoirgh the eipansive potential of the soil is not expected to cause movement of founda- tion componentsr it is probable that flatwork may nove. The reconmendations provided in this letter are lntended to reduce the potential for eettlements of the foundation iomponents. Reconrnendatione pertaining to isolating flatwork from structural and non- structural eomponents of the bullding are intended to reduce the potential for damage to the superstructure. Successful eonstruction and performance depends on the implernentation of all of the recommendations provided. Problema are likely if any of the reconunendations are not followed or if any of the systems fail. 1410 Buffehr Creek RoadVail, Colorado Page -5- SENATE BILT 13! RECOMMENDATIONS cont rd Again, following the reconunendatione is considered prudent; however, it Ls not a guarantee that movement wLll not occur. This letter is ln partial fulfillment of the requirements of Senate Bill 13 regarding expansive soile. The homeowner and bullder should review and become familiar with Speclal Publlcatione 11 and 14 issued by the Colorado Geologlcal Respectfully subrnit FOUNDATION }VALL FINISHING VOID DETAIL Drawn Dale Ch€cked Dalo iJH E WOOO STUD WALI- SECTJRED FREI ABO\E BY NAILS ON STRAPS DRILL HOLE t 1,/18. LARCER IHAN 6. SPIXE sPtKg oR 60d NA|L oN 3' C/C 2 r ,0 BOTTOII PLAIE R^T,ISET OR NAL€D TO SLAB EASEEOAFD NAIL TO BOTTOM PLA1E ONI,Y NON_BEARING PARTITION VOID DETAIL Drawn Dale Ohecked Date ilH E POI.YTIIIYTTNE BARRIER M(F IO FOUNDAIION AND EXTEND UNOER DRAIN AS SIIOWhI TILIIR TABRIC MNATI .OS OR EOT'IVALENI AS BACKFITL CRAIEL COI'LECIOR B" Mrlt. 2" Mrll. PERIORAIEO PIPE PERFORAIIONS DOW}I EXI'ERIOR PERIMETER DRAIN NOIES: .65tr Of GRA\,[|. ltust BE CREAIER lllAN 2 x PERFoRAIlotl DIA' .5 OR { INCH DIAIIEIER PERfOFAIEO PIPE MAY BE USED rALL PIPE IO BE PERFORAIED PTASTIC. IHE DISCHARCE SECIIOT.I Of IHE PIPE IO BE NOI.I-PERFORAIED. TMINIIIUII CRADE FOR DRAIN PIPE 10 BE Ii OR 5 INCHES oF rALt tN 25 rEEr. EDRAIN IO BE PROVIDED WIIII A fREE GRAVITY OUTLET, IF POS9BLE, USE A SUMP AND PUMP ONT.Y IF NO GRAVIIY q'TLEI EXISIS. .DRAIN PIPT UUSI EE TOCAIED BELOW AREA SERVICED OR PROIECIED. Drawn Dale Chocked Date il# POI-YEIIIYIENE BARRIER MOPfo r(xrND^lroir AND ExltND UNDER DRAIN AS SIIOVIN BACt(Fttt FOT'NDATI(},I wAtt rITER FABRIC MIRATI r40s m tourvAlENr As $rotrN GRAITL COI.LECTOR 3/,t'Rf!GR ROCK PERTORAIED PIPE - PEf,F(nAilONS DOn{ EXI'ERIOR PERIMETER DRAIN NOIES: r85l OF GRA\fl- MUSI BE CREAIIR lllAN 2 r PERFORAIIO{ DlA. .5 OR .I INC}I OIAMETER PENTORAITD PIPE MAY BE USED oAtt PIPE ro BE PIRToRAIED PLASTIC. lllE otSCllARcE Sf,CllOl'l Or ll|t PlPf tO BE NOtl-PERtORAftD. ,i .MINIIIUM GRADE FOR DRAIN PIPE IO BE Ii OR oF FAtt tN 25 rEtr. ORAIN IO BE PROVIDTD WIIII A ;RTE GRAVIIY lF POSSTBLI. USt A SUUP AltD PUUP ON[y tF GRAUTY OUltEr EXtSrS. 3 rNC]rES ou l[E l. NO TDRAIN PIPE I'UST M IOCA IT.D BTIOII ARTA SERVICED OR PROTECTED. Drawn Oate Checked Dale il#E JlJ 2283 Waynoka Rd., Suite C Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Telephone (71 9) 591-0605 October 3, 1989 Cuetom Country Homeg P. o. Box 1670 Monument' Colorado 80132 Re: 1410 Buffehr Creek RoadVail, Colorado Gentlemen: This letter is in reference to the which was reconmended at the above dated September 26, 1989. A subsurface draln was recolunended below the exterior finished ground such a drain was provided with the we trust this provldes Should questions arise, convenience. Respectfully subnitted, AND ENG Where cantilever-type retaining walle are utilized as part of the foundation system' the drain nay be placed at the intersection of the 6tem and footing of the wall as opposed to below the footing as funplled on the detail attached to the original letter. subaurface perineter drain referenced site Ln our letter around usable space locatedeurfaee. A typical detail of September 25 letter' you with the information you reguested. please contact our office at Your FM/1kc Jll 2283 Waynoka Rd., Suite C Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Telephone (71 9) 591 -0605 September 26, L989 Custom Country Homes P. o. Box 1670 Monumentr Colorado 80132 Rer l4l0 Buffehr Creek Road VaiI' Colorado Gentlemen: Personnel of Soil Testing and Engineering Inc. performed an observation of the open excavation at the above referenced site on Septenbex 26, 1989. The information and reeommendations eontaLned in this letter are intended for use by individuals who are familiar with the construction practices and standards conmon to this region and a1l applicable building codes. The recommendations contained in this letter are based upon the conditions observed on September 26r 1989. Any changes in conditions, including but not limited to excavation location, elevation, or changes resulting from adverse weather conditj.ons, should be brought to the attention of Soil Testing and Engineerlng Inc. SOIL TYPE(S ) : ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY: SOIT PAR"AMETERS AND EONDITIONS Soil types observed ln the foundation excavation were found to consist of very silty, slightly clayey sands with gravels' cobbles and boulders. An al.lowable bearing capacity of 2500 psf is recommended with an equivalent hydrostatic fluicl pressure in the active state of 38 pcf. The allowable bearing capacity provided above assumes a minimum footing width of 16 inches. L,arger footings may be necessary depending upon building loads and foundation conflgura- ti on. 1410 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, Colorado Page -2- EXPANSION POTENTIAL! I'{OISTURE CONTENT: FILL: FOUNDATION TYPE: REINFORCING: SOIL PARAI{ETERS AND CONDITIONS cont I d The 38 pcf equivalent hydrostatic fluid pressure assumes level backfill conditions. ihis value may require nodification for the effects of surcharge loads, sloping backfill, ete. rt is our understanding that the rear walls of the structure will be constructed as retaining walls. A frietion factor of 0.35 may be utilized for retaining wall design. An expansion pressure of 248 psf with 0.I08 volumi change and 12.4t nroisture increase was determined Ey laboratory tests. This magni- tude of expansion is in the low expansion range. Lolt A layer of man-made fill ie present at the ground surface. Howeverl the excavation penetrated the fill at aII locations. RECOMMENDATIONS A shallow foundation systemr proportioned on the basis of the on-eite conditions and meeting the criteria set forth in this letter] is recommended for this site. Reinforcing should be designed to al-low foundation-walls to span a minimum of eight feet under the design load. Foundation walls retaining over four feet of soil should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid presiure in the active state of 38 pcf. As mentioned previouslyl the equivalent fluid pressure assumes level backfill conditions ind may require rnodificatione for the effects of surcharge loads, sloping backfill , etc. 1410 Buffehr Creek RoadVaiL' Colorado Page -3- FLOOR SLABST DRAINAGE AND GRADING: SUBDRAIN: RECOMMENDATIONS cont'd Floor slabs on grade, if anyp should be separated from structural portions of the building and allowed to float freely. Interior partitions must be constructed in euch a manner that they do not transmit floor slab movement to the roof or overlying floor. See attached detalls. Backfill placed below floor slabs should be compacted to a minimum of 908 of its maximum Proctor dry density, ASTM D-698. Minor cracking of floor slabs on grade is common. It is considered cosmetic in nature and does not affect the structural integrity of the building. The ground surface within l0 feet of the building must be sloped away from the build- ing with a minimum gradlent of 5t. This is equivalent to six inches of fall acrose this I0-foot zone. Where this is not possible' a well defined swale should be constructed to intercept the surface water and carry it quickly and safely around and away from the building. Roof downspouts should be extended across all backfill- zones and discharge into an area of positive drainage away from the structure. No sodr grdsS, ahrubsr flowersr treesr or other vegetation requiring water should be placed within five feet of the foundation. Sprinklers must not discharge water within five feet of the foundation. A subsurfaee drain is reconmended around usable space located below the exterior finished ground eurface. This would include common walls around the area protected. Typical drain details are provided ltith this letter. Collected surface water is not to be discharged into the subsurface drain, unless approved. Extreme care muat be exercised when backfill- ing over the drain, installing utilities near the drainT or performing any other activity 14l0 Buffehr Creek RoadVail, CoLorado Page -4- BACKFILLI CONCRETE: REI,(ARKS: RECOMMENDATIONS cont I d which may damage the drain. Any damage to the drain should be repaired and documented. The basernent foundation walls, if any, should be laterally supported prior to backfill. If previously recommended, seIect backfill should be used. Any inported material for backfill must be approved by the soils engineer. Backflll ehould be compacted to 90* of its maximurn Proctor dry density' ASTM D-698. Backfill must be compacted by mechanieal means. No water flooding technLques of any type should be used. A11 concrete In contact wlth the soll should be rnade using a TyPe II cement for sulfate resistance. Calcium chloride must not be added to a Type II cement. Foundation forms should remain in place for an appropriate tength of time in accordance with ACI (American Concrete Institute) recommendations in the ACf Manual of Standard Practice' Part The proposed structure ls to be located on soil possessing a l-ow expansion potential. Although the expansive potential of the soil is not expected to cause movement of founda- tion components, it is probable that flatwork may move. The recommendations provided in this letter are intended to reduce the potential for settlementa of the foundatlon components. Reconunendations pertaining to isolating flatwork from structural and non- structural components of the building are intended to reduce the potential for damage to the superstructure. Successful construction and performance depends on the inplenentation of all of the recommendations provided. Problens are likely if any of the reeonmendations are not followed or if any of the systems fail. 1'010 Buffehr Creek RoadVallr Colorado Page -5- SENATE BILL 13: RECOMMENDATIONS cont td Again, following the recormtendatione is considered prudent; however, it is not a guarantee that movenent will not occur- This letter ls ln partial fulftllment of the requirements of Senate Bill 13 regarding expanslve soils. The homeowner and bullder should revlew and become familiar with Special Publications 11 and 14 iseued by the Colorado Geological Respectfully subnit SOIL TESTING AND FOUNDATION \4TALL FINISHING VOID DETAIL Drawn Dale Checked Dale if#E **O "'O TALI SECURED FRn/| ABOVE EY |r^tLs 0n SIRAPS ORILL HOLE 11,/18- LARGEN IHAN 6' SPIXE sPrxE oR 8od NA|L oN J' C/C 2 r it EOlTOl{ PLAIE RAMSE1 OR NAILEP TO SLAB EASEEOAFD NAIL IO BOTTOM PLAII OTILY NON-BEARING PARTITION VOID DETAIL Drawn Dale Checked Dele w E POI-YEIIIYLINE BARRIER MOP IO FOUNDAIION AND EXTEND UNDTR DRAIN AS SIIOW! FILTIB TABRIC MIRAII .OS OR EOUIVAI.ENI AS SI BACKf ttt GRA\EL COILECTOR 8" Mrll. 2" MrN. PERTORAIEO PIPE PIEF0RAilONS OOfiN EXT'ERIOR PBRIMETER DRAIN NOTES: .65tr OF GnAVEL UUSI BE GREAIER lllAN 2 x PERFORATIOI\I DIA' .J OR { INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE MAY BE USED rALL PIPE IO BE PERFORATED PLASIIC. IHE DISC}"IARGE SECIIO}I OF IHE PIPE IO EE NON-PERFORAIEO. .MINIMUU GRADE FOR DRAIN PIPE IO BE I' OR J INCHES OF TALL IN 25 TEEI. .DRAIN IO EE PROVIDED ITIIII A TRTE GRA\NTY OUTLET' IF POS9B-E; UsE A SUMP AND PUMP ONLY IF NO GRAVIIY Ot'ItEI EXISIS. TDRAIN PIPE IIUSI BE TOCAIEO BEI.OII AREA SERMCED OR PROIECIED. Drawn Date Checked Oato ilH E t- POLYEIIIYLENE BARRIER MOP IO f OUNDATION AND EXITND UNDER DRAIN AS SIIOWN BACKFILL FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI I4OS OR EQUIVAIENI AS CRAIEL COLLECIOR 5/4'RIVER ROCK 8' MrN. 2- MrN. PERFORAIED PIPE - PERFORATIONS DOIYI.I EXTERIOR PI:RIMET'ER DRAIN NOIES: r85Z OF cRA\€t MUST BE GREATIR filAN 2 r pERFORAIION .J OR 4 INCII DIAMETER PENFORAITD PIPE MAY BE USED IALL PIPE IO BE PERFoRATED PLASIIC. |IIE DISCIIARGEsEciloll ot lilE ptpt ro BE Nolt-FERFORA|ID. .MINIMUM GRADE FOR DRAIN PIPE IO BE IZ OR 3 INCHES OF FAIL IN 25 FEEr. .DRAIN IO BE PROVIDED WIIII A [RtE CRAUTY OUTLET.IT POSSIBLE. UsE A SUMP AIID PUMP O}.II.Y IF NO GRAUTY OUILEI EXISIS. TDRAIN PIPE MUSI BE TOCAIED BEI.OW AREA SERVICTD OR PROTECIED. DIA. iJH t-) u"tr"fu$m*s FOG KOTE r Vapor permeable. r Colofs da*en sllghtly with age, unlik€ vinyl or oil base paints which fade. :ii :::: : . ::FRODUCTDESGRIPTION : :' : : . :: : : 1'!i r Color Stabilizing Spray lor Exterlor Stucco Wall Finish.I Fotmulaled from portland cement, hydraled lime and limeproof mineral pigments, I Fog Kotg will not improve colot uniformity wher€ the r appearance oi color variatlons are cauoed by non-unilorm lexture.! lf surfacg lo be logged chalke or dusts olf treely, the surlac€ should b€ wet scrubbed with a very stitl lib€r or . wir€ brush b€for€ epplioation. Surtaco should be cleaned 2 or 3 days before applloation.! Matorial mu6l b€ mhed as spooilied or it will s€parata andcong€al. . PRODUCT INFORMATION with luture slucco or r€-slucco Aller drying Fog Kote is eaeily wiped olf motal and painted trim th€ sam6 day as applicalion; howsver aluminum and untreatod wood should bo masked ofi and muEt be cleaned a8 soon as oossible. Chafkiness may occur 24 to 48 houre after application. This condition wlll disappear when ouring ie oompletc. After Fog Kote is complololy dry, light fogging wilh wdor will aid rhe curing procesg. Material must not be applied ov6r painted, eaaled or walerprooled areas. ll']:...;.:...:' :; '. :. r 'l5OO to 3000 sq. ft. per 6 lb. pail on mosl stucco surlacag. EL REY STUCCO COMPANY. INC.New Msxico 871O5 473- 1 1A{' . 25 slandard El R€y colors.r Special colors on raquesl. Coloradordo Springs, Colorado 8O91O Phonb l-719) 392-S003 r 6 lb. pails rNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILffiecr-. \\ i JOB NAME PERMrrilruMT\Ro DATE READY FOR LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR -- tr FINAL )4.etenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR L -' 'r INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CTION: .-...\ j,. JoB NAME -:Sj'' r''' .\ i-. \I\r'\..'!':' \ \'\l: CALLER ON TUES WED THUR Ss:\ ) PM BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING E ROUGH / WATEB n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: p=or,*o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,CORRECTIONS: '' INSPECTOR ' d-q/,b P'ffis,'op JYrv I {ei{\r "'i JECT INSPECTION TOWN OF a,a REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALTER TUESREADY'FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYwooo NATLTNG POO['/ H. TUB CI FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL .Sq'enoveo tr DISAPPROVED .".t'?' tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORBECTIONS: Dnr.E /0-6'?;2 rNSpEcroR r. il, i, INSPECTION I .,-'a REQUEST VAILTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 'L,r/+ | E READY FOR LOCATION: .]Gtr) FRI _!s\e) '\1r...r.-.*.JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D E tr tr tr FRAMING tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: CI HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL n tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .,4 INSPECTOR Ilr r, lL4| | t ltl \/ \ PERMIT NUMBER O DA{E READY FPR LOCATION: INSPECTION: v INSPECTIONTOWN OF t 't' ' REQUEST VAIL CATLER FAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED t. /<_ 1-DAIE /P-/ ?"J? rNSPEcroR lrffisrop q\(}\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF | *,^'a REQUEST VAIL MoN ruES wED rHUR rffil ffi'\pv\*-/ t DArE \C\\'1.\"ts,i, JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ffi5ihcRouND D FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL CTRIGAL: O.TEMP, POWER D ROUGH tr CONDUIT EI tr FINAL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING trPOOL/HTUB r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS __---__ tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDX4eenoveo CORRECTION I PffisroP D^rE /A --Za - q rNSPEcroR l'^'-# INSPECTION "T'14--'tll-- a,'r a REOUEST READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES THUR FRI / TOWN OF CALLER 1Z aeeaoveD ,';. t CORRECTIONS: - E DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ N FRAMING ROUGH / WATER .. ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH C] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR 6-o*tr-:rco \fi$Ce rrc,J o-\ tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED {.i.,'' INSPECTOR MBER ECT t INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF \r JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATI.ON: Ry) CALLER TUES BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - \/1 {ihoucn/D.w.v. 5 flL phouon / wArER lca "*- tr tr tr D tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING 7v -- rt \d nouon / wArER lq> Q=E 'l.-/ f tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB t"] r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr NOUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL @or.o fdoRRecrtorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR , /l l i \i]:'i'14 ) INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR |$SPECTION: LOCATION: TUES t\rR CALLER APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED.A/ CORRECTIONS: t t**\ t I t*e REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF \ \r- \ DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: \\\-\ .- \ WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU La{ trR trG trP tr_ UMBlNG: UNDERGROUND EI FOUNDATION / STEEL OUGH / D.W,V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ,.-' ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor. /7 -/ € S/ rNSpECroR PrSisnop "o* IV l8'4 JoB NAME t6a-f 6a 1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .INSPECTION: 6FTEA .ltrr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL HA $ tckl*, READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI D o"@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING )lcas PTPTNG -.D POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr q tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED * coRRECT|ONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc /2 -Za- Ff rNSpEcroR _lt*{ ,/4l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILTOWN OF ,p BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.N FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: cl o E tr TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION BEQUIREDOVED CORREGTIONS:; I I t /\ t- a,.1D^fE ,/z *14 - tr7 |NSPECTOR 4tot '* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, llLu JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF F-L{-z ( D , t nt" REQUEST VAIL (-/r+NU THUR FRI (-oil') pr,rrVlo BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL C FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB: PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB sHEErRocK:g5t C4-*A4€ o ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED oor= ,/3-/ 7*F' rNSpEcroR Pr$is'rcp PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ f-.\ r--r DArE \- :-)- \\ JoB NAME #" INSPECTION TOWN OF i. r-, ' ,r t REOUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION:,' \) THI't, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB " pLYWooD NATLING tr }NSULATION - O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t-?- 9nDATE I t; t" INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .t&)t,,iI;, - -tfaa INSPECTION REQUEST I TOWN oF VA|L I / tzC A---tt'.- r a i 40 ,o"NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIoN: MoN rUES WED .fifuE) FRI t((o S't ({-r/,-r'Cp*___@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL srlfu<,^tf -irfl tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL ' )4'neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E,"REINSPECTION REQU IRED / / t ,'"\D^rE / -t// -:/a\' rNSPEcroR nli$s'ne ttaa INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oo-r, ' 3// 3 JoB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES in 9 ,',LL ,t nv XnppFoveo -, coRREoTTONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL .PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB D GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL . tr FINAL D FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWEB MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR 1jDATE /1, -INSPECTOR j- PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT t trrr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,or, 7fr4t-90 JoB NAME CALLER Lt(s7ot' hartxy lfong READY FOR INSPECTION:MoN ruES wED @ FRI @PM LocArloN: /rla to*o nua non O :, ' . r.] tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDKcPPRovED CORRECTIONS: nfiisro" INSPECTOR /tal o PE CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tNs Jlv/r-/rl JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEELtr tr tr D tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB r-1 _ r- tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR -- n_ tr FINAL g tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT I] FINAL FINAL tr DISAPPROVED U REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /ro t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL freenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= z-rr,4 -r/q - rNSpEcroR ttlffisop *r* nsPEcrroNts cor.rPLErED t The ltens below need to be conplete before glvlng a permit a flnal C of 0. Please check off Ln the box provlded. FINAL PLI'M3ING T'INAI. UECHANICAT I I t,ti r--f.-t\|,ll ;----.tsl\'/l| \, 1*---]--- N ''-\n-L! ( l-. DATE: IMPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NA}18: l'IA'FF r ELECTRICAL TE]'{PORARY DATE: LAI{DSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAUE: I t