HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G4 BACKGROUND LEGALLioosridge. TIME II{TI{EW By CONNIE SIEIERT Eagle Co$nty to build 40 units New zoning lequirements and-thDs €nsued thres yeaE of t}l. Stew Blow:r piqiect has thele and has now redued it to would have required no morc l€grt Process. - almoet u long a hie-o5r as Vsjl ody 16 u ts on juEt d|e aalrs of tlan 6ve unitd b€ butlt on a BrowD iritroduced e*tensivs itseu. As ot'a! do're-of Vail B ihe property. Qu€rtionr stiD property the si* of ths Btown evidene to fiori,Iis ProPerty oldest housing prqiecri, what bover aroond i! concEning its paftel. I{h€ther or not ths n.w wes exernPt and had beer mal@. thc St6w Bro*:i prqiect sritability for ths area, eveE tsing l.qutr.nent4 applisd to tr€ated as such by Eagle stand out arroDg th€ othere;r alter an invotvedlegEl baide. tbo Brown project hsd vsrious Couty for at least two years .h4t it's rever&t, bujb! In 19?2, tle property wa! interpretationE, and took s€v- $$€equetti to tho implements- frckeA in betwe€n thc mo!.s pd of Ea€le CountJ, snd,^,sr crsl yeqlsin court to r.rtoDL tiott ofth. ZoniDg R$olution. +acious single-&inity duplcr.e! not incoryorat€d int ttte Town In Mrrch ol 19?6, Bro*.n In 6 1980 couri {tnding, *CaAo n";*1" v";t and dre ofvail. mst with plannera fron Eaele Bros'|'r Pr+ct eas decllred rrorc num€rou! townhorrGs of I,ot G-4 $,as oliginslty cla$i- County t Fr€€€n! a ravl..d 'CoYc'ned by tlte provisiof8 of Eiger Chalets and Brisr Par.lL fied by tbs Eagle County sub. plan of only 20 to 30 utdti on ths subdiviBion r€8ul6tion trn- is-E l.?8 acre plot that may fivisiotr rrgulations 6s a co!D. I.ot @4. Brown vrs! advis€d at dor *hich ilrsceiv€a sPPbval" eoon hou.s€ 16 townhornea, yet rnercisl lot, under which ccr- that time ihateltllough his plan and not by the Zoning has been on tfre dra*,tng bo€rd dos, multiple-family resideraes, in vs oug forms for moie then aparim€nB, rs€tsurant!, no' F t'if,"at, - s,.*" p"",*. t" S";I::i:jffild'f .H:: The appmval does not sir well wiL- dome of known t . Town of Vail as and service shopu l|,"'.-rtt "t- the CUnent residents in theLt -c-4..r .Lior€!ial6.--.2nd,-.}o@bl6.@ - t ,io,nSridge Loop aiiia, however.filing- Ar' 't h3! a lons and On sept. 5, t9?2, t{t c-4 2 -" ^, ^r" * Es te section . week gf Oecember J to g, IggS l€gdlly ln. ,.ste history with received ffnsl plari afi rl for'boih tlre town and Eagle the 40 unik requer.€d by County.Bronn. Itis wss, ho$€ver, b.- SiDce ils inception ln 1972 tore E dte Coutrry had adopted the Stew Brown project has any zonirg re{uir6Derts. It been plagued by peFistent con- wasnt until tupt. 16, t9?4 ihat fusior, concern, snd a cerf€in tbe Ea8l. County Commid- amounl of mjsrepresntrbon. .ioneE adopied ih. Ergl. CurrGnt owner, Slewart County roning r€solutlon, B.osr of DeDver, ha6 owned *tricb set sunent st ndsrd. fotr the prop€rty 6irce D€cember subsequent bdlaing in the 1972. H€ originally petition€d courty. Late6l sito plan lor th€ 16-unit lo{/nhofis dewlopfient by d€vebp€r Stewan Brown, in would generally bo ex.mpt from the provisions of the zoning !.solution, due to a grandfather clause, hs would be r€quired to comply with ttleparti g anil set back require- nents of dre relolution. Accoriling t6 a county court Sndlng, Civjl Action No. 3459, d€spits "an sbun&nce of evi- &nce astsbllshsd thEt th€ rnar- imum allomble dsnsity of de- vslopment for Lot G-4 under the Esgle Courty Zoning n6c lulion waB only five units," BrowD was only adviged of poe.ibl€ rlop€ rcshictionB. Sinco rea.ly half of his pDp- erty had a slope of30 prcent o gteater glailation, there was a queslion of tle Balety of hrild- ing on thai slope. Latar the c.urt found tle slope gadgtioD tn be of no signifi@nt plobtem stter soil t€st. vre'e pedorrn.d snd engiDeedDg studies com- pleted- Bmwn was giv€n to under- .6nil, at th€ 19?6 meeting, ihat b€cause ot grandfatle. clar*s bis propeity was excmpt from tbe curfent a7ling rBkictions. Y€t wh€n he lried to delelop the property in AugtEt 1977, he wsr told by Elgle County rhst NE dan did not quali& b€.su3e it did noi ccrnply wiih the Ee€le CouDty roning Esoluiiotr. Brown appealed in Septem- b€r 19fl to tlle Eagl. County Comfiisioners for a ruling or whetlet or not hii property would be bound by the loniDs resolution. The b.ard declared an ir-dept}I sh)ay yrasr.$rire4 neBolution, t-lprefore legslly guaranteeing its exemptionflotn thrri' current county ,oning regubtioru. To further complicate Brown's approvai plocesr, th€ lot that Brotrn'B prqiect wa! to be developed on $'as antr€x€il into tlre Towr of Vail in Msfth 1981. Now Brown had to go through a srmilar piocoEs of approval witfi Vail. Aft€! receiving pEliminarJ' plan approval fmrn the Vail' DerigD Review Board, the plan€ werc appealed, but wEre eventually approv€d. After Vail's own lengthy srudy th6y conclDded. along with tlle county, that l€8Elly the Brown developftert *€! in. deed exempt from town zoninc resDlations ae well as counti regllatioos, duc to t}e Crardf;- ther clare and the 1gt0 coufr. ruling. Resolution No. 5 was paBs€d to low€r the d€nsity on the pElcel ftom 40 units to 30, and was, accoraling to Brown a volnnt€ry agreemeDr between l'iD5elfand Vail. Tlte Vail nsrket had drasti- cally changed in ah€ interven- ing years sirce 1972 rnd, in part to .6nply wi.h Vail D€6ign Reviev Board recorrm.'lda- tionB and aho B a lplpo'ltc to a slo$,er real estate market, Broqla presgnted s new plal fst g?prdval in M.y of lgsg with Yeducod denrlty of the curr.nt 16 unit developmenl, alr}dgh lesrlly he i,a! still endden rD blild 30. Aco.ding to Andy EnudtseD, town pla!rcr fo! Vail, B&wn's plot ws6 "recogDired Es wor:: ing within t}te bourds of the csult ord€C' per Oidinance 13, Setion I, I,etbr q Serie6 1981. To dale, th€ Blown Project has rcceived final approval from both tl'e Vail Design Review Board and the Vail Town Council. Th6 approv.I doe3 not Bii well with some of th€ cwrcnt reddentF in the Liorsrid€r Loop ar:a however. Eric Beringause o$Tls a du- plex on Oaldar Dfive at its fat weEt€m edg€, His properry wjll be in cloecst pro*imity to tlB propored Brown Project. In fact, hi' pE y deck will pr.o- trude $rithin or y a fe* fcet of th. project's letaining wall' Berilg.use is conceln.d Ebout s€veral bsuec on ihe Bms.n Project. DeDsity in 'h a emsll sit€ i. one of his i- B€ringduEe cqrt€rd.s tia! th€ ploposed sbuctured ar€ too tsll 6nd tll€ s.aL tno large fd sudh a lmr]l "h-ianglc ofland.' e resl (of Bmwn. prop€rt). € juei ctfir.'' As ons of the lalt available lcna in that erea, BGlinEause would lik to s4 th€ project tit better into lhe rest of th. neigh. borlood. In a l€tFr to Knuitsen in A!- guBt befo.€ ffnal approvsl wrs give t$€ plan, Bedrgause con- tendsd thsi "this project's tighly compaded, f$ur-sttry condonirdums do not 6t in with the adiacent neighborhood on the southside of Sandetone Ddv€," ieferring to the singl€ family hotnes and dEplcxes, in- cludirg his o$tl Casolar sr6e. Brown points out tlat liE plam had ben approved for 30 unik and that t$e rdcordE heve b€en public knowledg€ linc€ befoE the Casolqr d€vslopmenl ri'rs builL He fe.lr that tlle Casolar owners shoull have been aws"e of his project andil! proposed deneity b.fole puEhr.ling tlEir ho[na Brontn also relere to thet wnhouso prqiectr cuFently suFoundins his planned pro- ject, such Es th6 Eiger Chslei8 and the Briar Patch, ss very simile b }tjs own ploject' The S:mbs development "b6low rne is now gEing into itstbird o! fourth phaee and ne€rb r00 unitq'Bmwn adds, Knudt6e& too, says there i3 a "v6!iety ol aevslopment in tl|e Liorsridgc Loop area.' IIe m€ntidr! aot only Eiger Chdlet5sd Briar Pskh, but L ons- mrn€, Homstake. and B.eak. awey West, as similar dovcl- opment. to Bro n'B with th€ lame or hig}|er drnsity. Ttufl lD poge 4 The 2l-yur dronologol hittoty ofthe SewBrwvn Proixt l) ScD&mbcr I97Z Brown receivcs final olar "ppni"A fi"- E gte Counry ior 40 comrirercid unirr 2) Dcccrnbcr l97l Brown pu.cha.rca 1.78 ar;ro, Iot G4, on Lionsrllgc 2nd 6ling 3) On S1tcmber-16, l9Z, Eeglc €ounty Commis- rondt adoPr rnc rrg,c !_ounry zon mg rcsotut|on. 4) ln Mendr 1976 Bmwn mcets with county plinners Lo ptescnt a rcviscd plan lor 20 to 30 unirj o; for G4. Bt6wl s informcd his olot is scmsrrd ftom n€w zoning rcgulations duc_to *rc gnndfuhet dat$a t Augu,rt I9Zl, whcn Brown rric rc devdop pJot, his concractot ts loto ltdG not comDry E'|(h cufttn! zoning regultions. 6) S.pt mb.r l9Z, Bro^,n aslred for a drlantion from"*re councy rcgurding thc crcmprion ofhis plan. 7) ln 1980, *rc Diitrid Coun nrlcs that I-ot G-4 is ecmpr 6om mning rSulations, per rhc grandfrhcr 8) In Merdr l9EI, drc Torm ofVeil annercs propctty in Liorsidge 2ad filing induding tot G-4. 9) In lt{.y ofltg3, Brown orcrcnred n<w plans wirh rcduccd dcnsiw Fom 30 to I b units lll*Ytlil *- is givcn ra,'rsod pran by the 5 to 9, 1995 Ths unbuildabl€ stope with 30 perc€nt grade that covers apFoximal€|y.78 acres ot th€ Sew Brown Project. Brovmproject l\ant poge 2 Knudtsen says, "most of the surmunding pmperties are like Homestake," not those along Casolar Drive. Greg Hampton, manager and Casolar Drive Home Owner Association member, says there was initial conc€rn over the Brown koject. llampton says he attended most of the Vail Design Review Boaril meetinga concerning the Brown project at th€ home own€r€'requesL Eampton nentiong home ownerE w€re concerned mainly over the possibility of pedee- trian traffic through the pri- An d ersor 5to9, 1995 l'row t\onpqe4 *rased b'y Vail- Another local develoPer had ceen interested in Purchasing bhe plot from Brown in order to put up five cluster homes, ac- cording to Anderson, but felt Brown's asking Price wan way [oo high. Another concern Beringause hail was landscaping. His un- ilerstanding of the ProPosed landscaping was that onlY a few, very small trees were going to be planted and that all the present aspen on the site would be removed. Knudtsen said this is not the case. The Vail Design Review board required tF^at all existing trees be kept, and a total of 168 treea be atlded to the existing landscaping plans, including 94 aspen, 57 spruce, anil 1? moun- tsin ash. Knudtsen insists thie i6 'headg and shoultlers above the amount (of trees) normallY re- quired," for landscaping. Knudtsen admite the Vail Design Review Board was 'lirnited in the extent of our re- view." For instance, he men- tions, "there was no opportun- ity to discuss density or park- ing, because of the court order." Despite their limitations, Knuilisen feels that the Vail Design Review Board "did a very good job working with Brown to improve the project using the criteria we had." Some of the changes the boerd ilid suggest and Brown has agreed to are the additional landscaping, upgtadee from asphalt to concrete Paving for aeslhetic reasons (as requireil in Vail), an upgrade from timber to boulder retaining walls, and internal automobile access to the 16 units (instead of street access and street-facing garages). Knudsten said the tovm sent out notification to sll Int G-4 neighbors regarding the design review neetings, but had little public input He says the goal is to "get the communi$r involved." Brown, too, ie concerned about misrepresentation. He is concerned that all the confugion sunounding the zoning etatus ofhis pa.rcel is deterring sales. He says people "cannot eon- ceive that it is not zo,ned', but exempt. Although Brown hae not engaged a conhactor yet, or ap- plied for a building permit his plans for his 16 units currently are fe four-be droom, four-hath townhomes with between 2700 and 3,000 square feet space. He also mentions the town- homee would have vanious amenitiee "not found in most townhomesr" such as study ar- eas, and equipment and mud rooms. Brown feels that he has more than complied with all of the Town of Vail's recommenda- tions and that there is "a poten- tial for selling there (Lot G,4)." Brown says his goal a.s a de- neloper is to "provide the esnre type of luxurious condos thst are now selling in the market." HIm'Ffi#i?,ffiri;t -r_etaining wall to preventrnappropriate traflic- ,'' Single-family homeowners ,rocger and_Mary Ellen Ander- ::" l:": rheir own concerna ovee. the Brown devei<ipment ^_ r nerr home intersect€ l.ot G4 ::^,T_:.'t"- point. Todger :::Ti"."ry.: l'" has a '.vJry tr#:T":ffi;i""lhys* !^3: e_Tsiblili.ry of eventual lyrosrng -your view, Andereon lll_": l" eomething ,,every .p]:.p.ry ov.ner must face.,, It [:3:f;fJi].:tffifffi:?fJ annerson's main concern. - Anderson feels the lotis best ;TfrHH,}:TNfSTIH:: T.on to pdge 6 ,atIf A 2552'lO' 447.45' 202.03' R L MH RIM ELEV.: 8248.9 b 3=" oe, "s wh co) L::-:- |HIRD FLOOR DECK s o0'0J25 452.99' _ t fc1cOy ccrtlfy thot thls knpronntant lxotlott cstlllcotc vo prqarcd forA& Kc&ovdd ond thc Towt of W Btildlng Dqartnat that It ti n6t a tond cuney plot 6 *rtprctanert atrwy plat qtd that ft ls aot to bc rdld uponfr tha xtdlHtmat of f*tcq buildhtg r ottt future inryovunqtt lhtis.t lttrth* cst@ that thc hnryvqnats m Utc &ow dea.-bcd porad on thls dgtg Augwst 12, 1094 axcqt utillty cmnectime orv antHy rlthtt thcboundtlx of ttc ptcd, arcgt oc dtom, that fitsc qc no qtcroadtmcob upm thc dasrbad prcmlea by lngatunents oa any dplnhg prcr llsrp,, arcqtac hdlcotd, ond that th*p ls no qp*ant cvflstcc t slgn of *ty cosa t drtcrryhg t burdathg ary pvt of sod potcd, cxcQtt as notcd.fhb c*tlfuata docs not constftutc o tlile eetclt by lntar-llounto&t Ettghcarlngto dctqnhc omadrp r wnqtte of rcc*d, Ft d hftntatl& rcgordrttg @sc-m?t9, ligrts-of-voy or tlttc of rwotd, lnts-llottntoh rdied upon thb thit Plotof Llob Rt;dge 9tbdlvisin nhg tfir\ flst[i*ga,.r---,.,,-NOIICE: Accrdhtg to Coldo lov Sant must catnmanrc my l@ octlqr boecd upe{, an! dcfxt &r thls arwyruh thrac J'",dE oftar pu llrst dkcoyer *& &fet ln no cwrt, moJ/ ony actbn boscd upon <my dcfact hr thb atrrcy be entmcnccd mffc than ta pors fwm tha dota of cqtlficatlon dtorn h*an,ADORES . IJSO '1NDST6IE ORIIE idiijp P.A AQ( 9n&r7 reTC f, RAID Ato , &a &620(en) e*-fin gttE lol,120 UAN6 SIRf,EI uKEto@, &.O. 8t)2t5 Iff. Qor) 2r2-ot8 OATE revgat ITIPROWMENT LOCANON trRNflCA 7E oEsftrED at: -a##,,1',i.L,.,rts \ ,fcr'ur g7_o2g45 PART OF G_4, EUILOING C, LION'S flDCE SUBDIWSION HLINE NA 2, TOIff,I OF VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY COLORADO t*A* Rt ru d.tE &rED o/l2&g aEct(a eA o,D.n sAle l. _ ZO, ftzD ecn( PACE sfEf a tff| tIiI A 2552'lO* 447.45' 202.0J' R L MH RlM ELEV : 8248.9 3u s oe, -s <"oJ L --:-: -IITIRD FLOOR DECK _ | hcrdy cvtlfy that thE &nprovattant loffitbt cstlllcotc rcs prqqcd forB& Kcdrov*l md thc Tom of t/oil Buildhg Dqttnent, that lt ls n6t o landsrrty plot or *npovvtnant atrvty plat, and Urot lt ls not to be rdbd upmfor thc ost&ldtmat of fqcp, buildlttg t o&ter ltture hnproiantant t}l,eI furthq wtlfy thot thc *npruternants ott tha &ow ileqbad pqrd on lhls d9t? Augtust ,4 1994 cxcqt utiity conncctbtts orz antftdy utthh the boundqlas of thc parcd, cxcqt os dnnl that thcrc tc no qtMtmab upon thc &stbd prcnlsec by ltnptowrnants on qrJ/ dJ*thC prernlsq cxccpt as hdicotc4 oad that thra is no opptrt t ,w'furct u sign of qty cwnan[aossing t bur&nhg ot y ptt of sold potd, cttc;stt os iotcd. fhis artlflcota doas not cqretltutc o tltla wdt by lntq-Hountah Engha*lngto dctannhc omadrp or criscrnqtts of resd Fu dl hfqfiratlon rsgotdttg casa- n??t-s, !e!!!?-otyoy w tltle of rccu'd, lntt-Hountah rclbd ctpon ttt. FkA Hotof Lion'e RddgG 9tbdluHn 'fi"sSt+,iga,^tJ-- 5 00'o3'25 W 452.99' NOIIE: Acc*dlttg to Colqz& lov lou must cunmqrcc any legol octlot boead upq, dry dcfcct h thlc surwyulthh thrac Scae oft* pu ftst dlacovar sud, def;cl kt tto cwnt ma)t dty octlon boscd upqt on)/ &foct lrl thb aJrwy be cornmcnced mtc thon tan porc from thc datc of cstlfuotlon drovn hc.&l ADDRE$ - ,JJO SAl,tDSlAvE DRIW )ir,Tirji* P.O. @)( 97E @77 tEtULF RAOAta{, ffi.a 4t620(e7o) 9-&72 gItE tol,4m UANCE SnEEr IAKEKnO. dr-A. &215(&tt) 2J2-Or58 DAE trwgdt IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNNCATE ffi*Dah 4ii#r,,fi;hi,\irrt 'wofcrna gZ_@ElS PART OF G-4, EUILDING C, Llot't's RtDc€ suaDtwsta{ FtLtNg No. z TO'IAI OF VAIL, EA6LE COUNTV COLORADO RAN en w urE 6g/t* 6lr2/?E afdcD Ett D.D.E *ArE l. _ I0' FEZ.O AOC'( PAE g€7lirt , tr , TAWN AFVAIL { 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 July 30, 1997 D e p artrne nt of C ommuniry D eve lopment Mylon B. Morris 529 Kenilworth Ave. Duluth, MN 55803 Sincerely, RE: The Overlook, 1330 Sandstone Drive Dear Mr. Morris: I am writing in response to your letter of July 16, 1997 regarding your concerns about the height of the Oveilook pioject. I can assure you that the height of the buildings in Phase I are within the requirements of ihe Town of Vail and ihat Pfrase llwill also be within the requirements. For your intormation, the maximum building height for this property is 45 feet. I hope this resolves your concerns regarding the height compliance of this project. Should you havb any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2454' | -r Lauaruw \lrlo.U/rtuu- Lauren Waterton Town Planner {p*or"*or*rr 1 a&g(o" B. dVlo.rtl 529 KENTLWoRTH AVENUE DuLUrH, MrNNEsorA 55803 PH0NE 21E/728-3126 ,Iuly 16 , 1997 Town Pl,anner To\^rn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road vai1, co 81657 Sir or Madam: l am a "Znd home" reBident of vail- and own Unlt 4 of Elger Chalet, 1350 Sandstone Drive. f am addressing Phase ff of the proposed "OVERLOOK'' project. f certainly have no grounds to object to then building on that property but I am concerned about the heiqht of their proposed building. f hope that they v11L be within Vail "code' as to the nunber of levels and height. vhen they get their building permit. I 1rouLd hate to lose my great view of vail Village by a codeviolation. Thank you for permitting me to share my concern. SincereJ"y yours, Mylon B. Morrts 7 oI RryJYru IOY.CO|t,|ht, DEV, DEPI TO: FHOM: SUBJECT: DATE: I MEMORANDUM File on Lot G4, Lionsridge Filing #2, AKA the Stu Brown property Andy Knudtsen "What zoning standards apply to this property, given the complex legal history?" February 26, 1993 Per a discussion with Larry Eskwith on Friday, February 26, 1993, the court decision number 3459 and the Town Council resolution number 5 of series 1981 determine the development potential for this lot tor the number of dwelling units only. Development standards for retaining wall height, building height, parking requirements, site coverage, landscaping, GRFA, etc. etc. are based on the Residential Cluster zone district standards, Supplemental Regulation Standards, Off-street parking standards, Definitions, and other zoning standards found in the Vail Municipal Code. DRB review is mandatory and all standards must be complied with. Incidentally, I spoke with Jay Peterson who said he has been involved with the situation in the past and asked him how the court decision spoke to zoning standards other than number of units. lt was his unofficial recolleclion that standards such as retaining wall heights, GRFA, building height, etc. would be determined by the current standards of the Vail Municipal Code. 1 I L-rr*,.** , A.,- S^. YtO:r/-r T'^J'"t t\\i- ' Qrnn/ Mr, A^.V., K^*r.ff r"* Cu*r,"^, 11 0.u.(,r1.'.,. 1. V*i t Tu*^ [}nll r/o,1, co gl65l [)ur A^jy,FEB rf rltr Bor,r"\ T,+ wiil ,.,ic. "ft, {i^-f iy T$tr-f':'\fd.rt laidrgfu.'- *"' i'. p.{r,^ia'1 tt 'l*y . . [v\,1" T o- tl*orod wr$. fh" o.ch, f .. 1.."*[ d"grq^ o..'al fl. tryttutl { i-,.1"- oi "lL,* 0vr'[,)s1q A"+ t/r;1, I or^ yurf, .\,. Jpp,l^i*.\ i n *he latlt , R 6J.g*olt {o^if.un , ,, a^.\ t,,",,, h".Ff*. "-.,j,rq" o^,;\ S*fbc'ck Ui* a vl' j t^ tf.. C<^s..,tor D*p l.r*r, 0f +vsv'\ $fco*tr Le.^(erra is fLro .l.r* flrcx)'-'ly cF fh" Ov,.nlu'T-'t qan*r,au-rr[-f bt,lJ,1 cs--o\ €o,r,rou',i,| h"f lob . pa,- ya*t ,*lgol,r., f witl ."fL Lu.r Lvrn.r, j-t" $sq"lorl'.i 0rv"l*pr1 o^,tr dric".,r Ai^c.fly , I F +\'- ri! __pla^1 cc*c ar/rc; agcrin X wo.,t,l rpri 1.Lf {o.^o[.iv ^':l'f.l oJ do' "n ut!'o',." I -t o I Lin L4ntt{r1 ! h. b* t P"u'hlt' 5'r*str| ',)$ d,"1 p*ll' c /!\{.finXJ r.5 u*1,^, fhi,-r 0.' f!," (*q."+ oF rc^rJ.ll^j ^y. LuAr. |*pt"y .rnllr-oJ pun do/ Lo^y'\/(*h{n t")^1, f *, [\ (*b^, t p1.^.1 i? rr'|d- lo {it^ l{o,r[, t r t6{q f J*Jt,n* *o '"li l'z-' ol.' al,\\*^"i L{T S G R FA f[*,f Y, u yk,{<l i-r ovoiiohlr. atto.li'ty b Lt\rrznt Vail coJ< CfS (, RFl{ I'u- 1't" Cqrlu" D*11., 41**n*.,{ on I 0n a.AA r l-ro",oi ? 5b G R F/ +h' I Voil co's^fl\ *Lb-,) . floi.. KoIiopu* lri, l;t-,i o.\*lf..f , ,; t|t b" i " lo*r\" *,lh Ydtl ,'n o"I., fo Job -, I fh* p[a^t frr'r fo t'ht lvl'".t^ ls I d..tr lin", Tt^o^\.r f*- u[\ yd* hrlp, { i",.-Jy, Vo,t Pho"," lta,u^ Ea,'. $".;ng.,*.rr* Itq0 A Cuslto' 0', Vo;l 1 LD g 16S 7 303-L+?6-t+qgf -30f- 667 -osq? P. KoLopc.,\o5LL.. t'AGR t tut trt THIS AGRtf t4t Nl ts r::rtered intO on thE -*_dry 'I 984 l:rifl(icn lhe To,rn of Vrl.l . C Color;do nrunlcipr ("the f ('Bn") and :t,.w'rrt H. nrown (,,grown,,). HlltnfAS. Blowrr ,1i tho ovrner of Lot 64, l.ion's Rlrlge Sub- dlvlsfon No, 2 ("the pr rtpotLy")i and hlllt.REASr Broun i,tl.rnds to con!truct on Lot t^4 resldentlrl units in conprl,tnLc hith thr, i!pplicAbl€ p.Oviilon, Of the Jall luniclpal Code, cr:.o.cll fhc pr(rport-", .-br t trch coqstructlOn l,y arrothcr pcl so't r,. per:cns; ,rnd rJllLRl-45, ln ar/tr lo f a( i l i Late srrr h .icrelrpnrent. the Town har agrced tc .r,arnte certaJn utll ity erse,;ents which are located orr t\e proDrrli; cno tllllREAS. Br wn. his suc,._assors or nsslgnsr dre t'rllling to provid? of t,:, ir-t ,now rq,cva.l .,ervlces for, th0 prop0rtJ nnd, furthcr. to hcld her:r'l r_":s dnd indenni fy the Town fot loss or da*sqe r*iati'r11 to ihe Jor.rn'! inor.,plowing ald sanCfng operations of I or. tne pcrt i0n of Sdnd.. ione DrJyc abutt in9 thc property; and llllf,fil:As, Itrorrr, Li: su,:cossorq ancl assigns tre willing to conf ot'm their n'an f,f ,l'.ve t(,p,:rj',,t to a rlesi i;n whtCh lS thC srmg 8!,0r whJch ls !lr.r ilir tor t\e sito t,lin ,rt.iachcd heroto and lnc.t;:61,1 166 hrr.cin ,rs t,:hi!tt ,,A., (i.he Cist intul$hlng flitures of r:hich',rr.e r.ulti* rs ot,pr..,.,d r-o , i n 5 I e - h u i I rl I n g construc!icir, xf.alped .ts of t.0;r,1 ltr Ildt rqql I j.loi, .t:r:l Io..{- ftrr)f ile inte- grat ion lf th ,-he lrui lrt'rnrl !ittr) N0H, T IRttr] . l t0illi1l]i. A i{b PR0I4lStS HlEl.iri r'Ctt'li^ Iriit). I. !uIscqucnt lo r:bD "icir'r'5 1;f\T ltiE l0N riF llifll i rrrf ltult!Al ccJyEl.til}tIs l5 AGRrt A5 rr-rlLo!,t5: rl p' opr-'rty or inpr0uo'[cntS loca,.?r, On lOt 64.ord anoqes t"o InJurler to or d.;ith 6f rn,y pers0tr or persong on !ot Grt. anC shall defend. lnrtj..nify and hcld lrartiess the Town fropr ln.v rnd rll cld j"n\. dprn6lirr, ruits, aations or pr.oce edir,gs of cnJ kind or nrturg reldted tfirreto. of or h). an.r one hhotrs6qyqT, ln !n, fldy reS lt{ng fron or arisin.r .rur- of ths-l orn,s snoHplohlns ,nd gno|l sdnding OpOrnt{on on :la t,rr.t l:Fr, rJf .,.1nq{5t0he n,.f ve ,'buttlIg LOt G{, exCept. hOwevef. {or a:ty in'1, 'r I.l"} gr rlal,r ar{itng fFo|t thC tornrr wl1I fu'l t'rtrJ lc;rr dhr, ar 6ntl J,)r:.r,a,, IJ"own, hls sg1, 1.651g.r., or dssl?nsr agrec to tenove snox nn.essdry sO th,rt sncw cocs not accur,ulaLe fronr Lo.. Gl onto the D(iri ian 0f 1ar,,. , ^.,r- irp . r, r.1ln9 t.ot Glt. Snor shll I ba r€qovcd no l,.tr,r t, a.. ?t 1,r.,.. 1{.-r" i elrp}-one request f s mide by the l':. 1 lr1 f1'.;'r., 0i:.r.r,, , .i t-t17 iir{n to gro$n at hiS Of f ,Ce At ZZ5 li'il I (trt',,1, ! 1t1., |(;..".. i, i)r to ile ofti(c gf any sU(ceisor or dsgijn .r r_ hi(. L, .it1 ol:icp rc..1i.tt.-od, Fith the Torn as p. Jrfded below. ql,LUld fir4un cr af,). iucce-. t.rr or r 3iltrn fall to reaova thc 1no!e !,ithln twerty_1trur (24 ) hours afier thr telephonc rfquDrt l! rrdd4. th{' Irrw|l l,rtll Love th€ rlght to r{,!r,r,yo the sr,or. ,nd at"rn" iJ! oi{n. or ,'ny su( -er\or or rr5rgn, | !',.surdbre fce for dolng ro. tio trirnsfer of t\p 9y67trrt.J rhall be ,rade by Broxn, or {ny succergor (ir asi'1 4n. rl{tl(.ur- 1,,1 I,.,t.,,.c16r 169i\l4f J,q ,ll}c ,tirn? ind addriti trf tlrt' tr',rn,. fa,r,(. r/, r t ,e ,r,trltc n-or].. l.lr, r ror ,Jf tha lol,n. ?. l:r rwn aJ,nt, f t'.:r{., lr,,rl llrllrr, r, lq .i.rr.< o,,5f.rS ond firlgnf will conf ,rrrr thcir p. lan i:f rjr:vr,lof,,, rrlr !o d dcrl{in thf ch ls tie sdf:q a3' 0f iE Sini!,lr 10-.-h- 3ite r, lin r t.,,rhe.l hereto and ln_ t-oll,trAtr,d h;;1q ir ;1 1 L,r,l.i: i... 3. lhis c !r,.:.,.:,nt r...'l lr rl,:r.,,rcrl tht' lan'.t and .rr,.v i.;,;.r, 1,,g \ rt \ t.1:r;t o!- ( trtr,!t.inf .; ,111 to rrrnn I n { Hlth r)t |Jf tl I XIltitS:, rt'rr qE0r il:e,J,y .p4 .,.r,ii. ii-<r tt,e pa r1i es lrre r \: i e r r i r t er . s i,Jnc,J thls agreemr-.nt --'rhl; if .i::-, a iclorado ,r,rnicipal . o!.l,f i1 l t.rn t!1'/'i t,// '',. : :, . I'{"t;,;;;.' ("#+,^^0"" -- ./,7ktitr |.lrt /nl' lt.?,r r,un -,., l).-.--. - !rtii Jf ,.-:; "-:.t,! -., Courrly:f f .:lu j ;liii J^.i.::f nt w?s sLrl.:.Crlhcd ,tnd gworr to befOre ;;;e thf s :2..'r -:.y of 'pi:r'/*, l1t !. , t-! 4 i.- \a rd C.rplan as iirrn pa nage r 0f tlre lr,"n of V;i1. 1) ri.,..iss;r;n ,rrpires | /r..<J,,,,,/?i 1;iIl- irF i.it',.' 1t i ( ou "-j of !'t-), t-o !rr-.foro:re lhls';: "ifr :,. e,. t..f,'/.!l .2.:-....'sy , ,,, , i:' ir .!:'t:t tr 4 v{i..'; i'i..>' i ll: i'cwr. . ^, . ,/ t 't'i,, i / ., v- /.- ,'. f\ q .. \ -.ril..l I (r-4.r L-f,il,tl t - ./, t L /tL '..ftt (. /' ;,) l,tl 7 9. o EqtJ . ....1 : t: r., :::: ::::.' I LAND ?ITLE GUARANTEE COT4PA}IY Representing old Republic National Title fnsurance company THAilK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER June 09, 1994 Our order No.: V23079-5 BUYER/OWNER: UNITED REAT,TY RESERVE, CORPORATION rNC., A COLORADO ^/SELLER: ADDRESS: STEWART H. BROWN FOR TT?LE QUESTIONS CALL FOR CLOSING QUESTIONS CAIJL KAREN HORTH 303 476-225L CLOSER copies:1Attn: GAIL FERRV Reference: SLIFER, ST{ITH AND (DEIIVER IN AVON DR,AI{ER 2820 BEAVER CREEK, CO TRAUPTON RUNS) 9162 0 ies: 1 JOHNSON Reference: JONATHAN GOODMAN 4750 TABLE HESA DR. BOULDER, CO 80303 copies:1 Attn: JONATHAN GOODI{AN 845-9400 Referencer FAX 494-6309 303-494-3000 I LAND TTTI,E GUARANTEE COMPANY Representing old Republic National Title Insurance conpany THAHK YOU T'OR YOUR ORDER SLTFER, SUITH AND FRAI,IPTON (DELIVER IN AVON RUNS) P.O. DRAWER 2820 BEA\IER CREEK, CO 8L620 Copies: 1 Attn: JIM SHEAHAN Reference: 845-9400 PTCKED T'P FOR DELTVERY AI'f Pt'{ COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO I AALT COMUfTI.tENT SCIIEDUIJE B-2 (Exceptions)Our Order # V23O79-5 Tlre policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptlons to the following unless the sarne are dispoeed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Standard Exceptlons 1 through 5 printed on ttle cover sheet. 6. Eaxes and asEesgrnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. ?. Any unpaid taxes or aes€as&€nts against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sever charges' if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR LODE IO EXTRACT AND REUOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAI{E BE FOIJND TO PENE?RATE OR INTERSECT THE PREUISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Augfust 16, L909, rN BOOK 49 AT PAGE 542. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCfED BV THE AUTHORITV OF THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN 1INITED STATES PAfENT RECORDED AUgUSt X6, 1909, IN BOOX 48 AT PAGE 542. 11. RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS. I.gHICTI DO }{OT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OIiITEING RESTRIeTIONS. IF Alllf , BASED ON RACE, COT,oR, RELIGTON, OR fATIONAIJ ORIGIN, AS CONTAIIIED IN INSTRUUANT RBCORDED Septeober 20, L972, rN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AHENDED IN INSTRI]I,TENT RECORDED Septenber 29, L97Z, IN BOOK 225 At PAGE 565 AND AS AIiENDED IN INSTRTTUENT RECORDED January 22, L9't4, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53 AND AIdENDED IN DOCUI.IENT RECORDED JULY 1, r.983 rN BOOK 362 AT PAGE 804. 12. UTTLITY EASEI{ENTS "I{ENTY FEET IN WIDTTT, TEN FEET ON EACTT SIDE OF ALT INTERIOR LOT LINES AND A FTF'TEEN FOOT TITILITY EASEilENT AI,ONE AND ABUTTTNG ON ALL EXTERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE PI,,AT OF LION'S R,IDGE SUEDIVTSION FILING NO. 2. NoTE: THE FOLLOWING UTILITY COI{PANIES HAVE FULLY VACATED TttEIR rNT SAID EASEilENT BY THE I'PPER EAGI,E VALLEY SANITATION DISTRTCT, A QUAST-HUNTCIPAL CORPORATTON, QUTT CLAII'| DEED RECoRDED DECEI{BER 31, 1981 IN BOOK 334 AT PAGE 153,' PUBLIC SERVTCE CO!.IPANY OF COLORADO, A COLORADO CORPORATION, QUIT CI,AIU DEED RECORDED JANUARY 27, L982 rN BOOK 335 AT PAGE 650i HOLy CROSS ELECIRIC ASSOCTArION, rNC., QUIT Cr,ArU DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 8, 1982 rN BOOK 336 AT PAGE 2L1; AND CABLEVISION ASSOCIATES VI, AN IOWA LIUITED PARTNERSHIP, QUII cl,eru DEED RECORDED MARCH 1, 1982 IN BOOK 337 AT PAGE 89. PAGE I ALT COUMTTHENT SCHEDUL,E B-2 (Exceptions)Our Order # V23A79-s NOIE: THE FOIrL/oWING UIILITy COIIPANIE$ HAVE PARTIALLY VACATED THEIR INTERES? IN SAID EASBfENT AS FOLI/OWS: VAII, VALIEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT, VACATION AND ABO$DONI{EI{T OT EXISTING EASE{ENT RECoRDED TEBRUARY g, L982 IN BOOK 336 AT PAGE 208' SAID DOCII}IENT CONTATNS THE TOLLOWTNG DESCRIPgION OF THE VACATION: I,lttERE,AS, A CERTAIN EASEilEltT OF RECORD fS TO BE ABONDONED' DESCRfBED AS ALL EASSfSNTS APPI'RTENANT TO AXD COI{CERNING tOT G-4, LION'S RIDGE STIBDIVISION FTLIIIG NO. 2, EAGTJE COgNTy, COI'RADO, EXCEPT TttAT EASESiENT LOCATED Ar..,OtfG I!I|E WEST BoUNDARY LINE oF SArD LoT G-4. EXTENDfNG rRor,f TIIE SO(mHI{8SS CORNER OF SAID LOT G-4 AND HAVING THE LENGTI{ OF 220.52 FEET AND A BEARING OF NORTH 14 DEGREES 39 MINUTE9 27 SECONDS WEST, WHICH AI,LOWS EASEI.'ENT USER TIIE USE oF SUCIi EASSI'ENT FOR THE CONSrRUCTION, I.{ATNTENANCE AND RECONSTRUCTION Or I{ATER F'ACILITTES, AND I'{AINTENANCE OT NATTTRAL DRAINAGE WAYS. THE MOI'NTAIN SrATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COUPANY A COLORADO CORPORATION, QUTT CLATM DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 8, 1982 IN BOOK 336 AT PAGE 209, SAID DOCTTUENT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING DESCR]PTION OF THE QUITCLAII'fED INTEREST: BttE I{ESTERLY AND NORTHT{ESTERI,y 10 FEET, EXCEPT fHE SOUTHERTY 15 FEET THEREOFT ALSO, THE EAST 15 FEET, EXCEPT THE SOTITHERLY 1s FEET THEREoF, ALI-, oF LOT G-4, LION'S RIDGE SUBDMSION, FILTNG NO. 2, PORTION OF fl{E $oRTH L/2 Or SECTTON 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOIITH, RAI{GE SL WEST OF THE 6TI{ P.l{., EIGLE couNTY, SrAlE OF COT,ORADO. 13. EASEI'IENT AND R]GHT OF WAY AS GRA,NTED TO }TO&Y CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATTON' rNc. IN INSTRI,UEN? RECORDED AUGUSI 24, 1967 rN BOOK 211 Ar PAGE 103. 1.4. .AGREEUET{T BEfl{EEN TAWEL ENVIROI{I,IENTAI I,AND COITTPANY AND MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COII{PANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPTIONE INSTALI,ATION AND SERVICE THROUGHOIIT LIONTS RIDGE SUtsDMSION, FILING NO. 2, RECORDED SEPTEI'IBER 27' 1973 rN EOoK 231 AT PAGA 291. t A 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRICTIONS .AS SHOWN RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE S{'BDIVISION, FTLING 16. TERMS, 287 AT L7. TERI'{S. CONDITIONS AND PROVIgIONS OR RESERVED ON THE NO. 2. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIoNS 9F EASE}TENT RECoRDED June 26, 1979 IN BOOI( PAGE 341. (ta-z4at - & .Y"'-'r OF AGREE{EryT RECoRDED April 12, 1984 IN q a- !4 -'44 \- /? p - a, *'v ec r'--"- PAGE B0OK 383 AT PAGE 53. Tiy 7ra-" "tk A COI.IMITM SC}IEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) ENT Our Order # V23A79-5 4vta. TERlts, coNDTTIoNS AND PROVISIONS OF AGRES.IENT RECORDED March 15, 1985 rN BOOK 408 AT PAGE 643. ].9. TERI.IS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF LINE UATNTENANCE AGREEI.{ENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1994 fN BOOK 633 AT PAGE 471. na*x 1'-,-*,- ,t/ aot s d{- 'f/ S e':"- t'Y* PAGE to LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DI SCLOSURE STATEI.{ENT Required by Senate Bill 91-l-4 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxj-ngdistrict. B) A certificate of Taxes Due i-isting each taxing jurisdiction nay be obtained fron the county Treasurer or the county Treasurert s authorized agent. c) The inforrnation regarding special- distriets and the boundariesof such districts nray be obtained from the Board of county Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or tbe county Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) e certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shalL be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorized agent. i"?ij 0!0 REPUBtI[ NATIONAL IITLE INSUBANCi C0MPANY. a Minnesom corponrion, herein called the Company, lor a valuable considera on, hereby commirs to issue hs policy or policies 0f ti 0 insrmnce, as idemi{ied in Schedule A, m favor of the proposed Insurcd named in Schedule A, as owner 0r mongages of the esrate or intercst covered hereby in the land described or refered to in Schedule A. upon paymenl of the premiums and chargas therefor' all subject l0 the protlrsions 0f Schedule A and I and ro rhe Conditions and Sipularions hereol. this Commirmenr sha|| be eflecrive only when rhe ideniry of rhe proposed Insured and rhe amount ol the policy or policies commhted for have been insened in Schedule A hereof hy the Company, enher at the trme of the issuonce 0l this [ommitment ot by subsequent endorsemenL Ihis Commhment is prelimrnary to the issuance of such policy or polrcies of irle jnsurance and Bll liabilily and obligalions hepunder shall cease and terminate six months alter the efleclive dare hereof cr when rhe policy or policiss committed ior shall issue, whichever fint occurs, provided thar the {ailur€ l0 issue surh policy 0r policies is nor the iauh ol the Company. CONOITIONS ANO STIPULATIt}NS I. Ths lerm "mongage''. when used herein. shall rnclude deed o{ rusr, rusl deed,0r olh€r secunty inslrument. 2. lf rhe proposed Insufed has or acquires actral lnowledge of any defect. lien. encumbrance, adverse claim or other maner allecting the estat€ 0r anreresl or mongage thereon covered by this Commitment olher than rhose shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail ro disclose such knowledge to the [ompany in wnting, the Conrpant $]all be lelieved lrm liability ior any loss or damage resuhing lrom any act of reliance hereon ro rhe extent rhe ompany is prejudiced by failure of rhe proposed Insured ro so disclose such knowledge. lf rhe proposed lnsured shall distlose such knowledge 10 rhe Company, or i{ rhe Company othenrlrise acqunes acrual knowledqe of any such delecl lien. encumbmnce, adverse claim 0r 01her martef. the Company at ns option may amend Schedule B 0f lhis Commrtment accordinqly, hul such amendmenl shall not relieve the Company from ltabillty previously incurred pursudnt r0 paragraph 3 of these Condhions and Sipulatons. 3. Liability 0f the Company under this Commnmenl shall be only ro the named proposed Insured and such panies inc|udedunde|thede{irrhiono{|nsuredinthe{olmo{po|rtyorpo|iriescomnmed{ottnd0n|}f0lactua||ossincunedinreliancehereoninundenakrnging0odhhlaJt0 compIywiththerequirementshereo|or|b}l0eIiminaEerceponsshowninScheduleB,0r(clt0acquire0rcre6lelheestate0(interestormongagelhele0nc0ef0dbl1hi5 Commilment. In n0 evenl $all such liability erceed rhe amount starcd in Schedule A l0r the policy or policies commnted for and suci liabilny is sublecr lo rhe insunng pfovisions and the Condilions and Sripulations and the Erclusions from Covemge of the form of policy or policies commnred for in favor of rhe proposed lnsured which are hereby intorporar# by nlennce and made a part ol this Commnment ercept as erpressly m0dified herein. 4. Any action or ac{cns cr rights 0{ aclron thal rhe proposed Insured nay have 0r may bring again$ the Company arising out of the status of rhe ride to the estals 0f inrerust or fie slalus of the mongage fiereon cor,ered by lhis Commimsnl must be bassd on and are sublect to the provisions of thb Commitment. STANOARD EXCEPIIONS ln addrtisn l0 ths rnaners contined in lh€ Conditions and Slipulalions and €rclusions from Coverage above rcferred 10, lhis Commiunenr is also subjecr to rhe following, 1, Righ$ 0r claims of panies in possession oor shown by rhe publir records. 2. fasements. or claims of easemenls, nol shown by lhe public records. 3. 0iscrepancies, conflicts in boundary lrnes, shonage in area. encroachmenls. and any {acts ilhrch a correct survey and inspenion 0f lhe prcmises would disclose and which are nol shown by the publc records. 4. Any lien, ot nght to a lien, ior services, labor or mateial rherclolore or hereafrer lurnished, rmposed by law and nor sho',in by the public records. or orher marlers, tf any, crearcd, frrn appeadng in lhe public rec0rds Commitment. lN WITNESS WH€Rt(]t, Old flenublic Naional Tnle lnsuranre Comsany has caused i1s corporate name and seal to be hereunlo alfiled by its duh authoriad officers on the dale shown in Schedule A, 10 be valid when corLntersigned by a validaring officer or other authorized signalory. 0r0 REpuBUc ltATroirAt TrTt€ ilrsunAmcE coMPAtry A Srock tontany 400 Secznd Avenue \auth. Mqnearllii. Mtnnesata 55401 l6l2!3/t.t/11 r6n,,- frdrluz, Bl Pnsdenl Seuetary Aahoired Signatorl 0m torm 2582 A,test lrf*rZ AL - Charges - AITA Owner Policy Alta Lender Policy Tax Report --toTAL-- ****wrTH YOUR REHITTANCE cot'tMrT SCHEDULE A I TA T'IENT Our order # V23a79-5 For fnformation onlv $2,580. OO $75. OO $2O.0O $2 t775.OO PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V23079-5**** 2. Effective Date: May 19, t9.94 at 8:00 A.M. Policies to be issued, and proposed fnsured: f.ALTArr Ovrnerts Policy 10-17-92 9I.260,000.00 Proposed Insured: UNTTED REALTY RESERVE, INC., A COI,ORADO CORPORATION "Af,TAff Loan Poliay IO-t7-92 Proposed fnsured: TO BE DETERI,IINED 3.The estate or interest in the Landthis Comrnitment and covered herein described or referred to inis: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at tbe effective date hereof vested in: S?ET{ART H. EROWN The land referred to in this Connitnent is described as follows: 5. toT c-4, LroN,s RrDGE SUBDTVTSTON THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COITNTY FTLTNG NO. 2, ACCORDTNG rO OF EAGLE, STATE OT COLORADO. PAGE ALTA COMMITI.IENT SCHEDT'LE B-1 (Requirenents) Our Order # V23O79-5 PAGE 2 I ALTA COMMTTIT{ENf SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenents) Our Order # V23O79-5 The foLlowing are the requirements to be cornplied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. CERTIFTCATE OF INCORPORATION OR CERTIFICATE OF'GOOD STANDING OF TINITED REALTY RESERVE, INC. A COLORADO CORPORATTON, TSSUED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF COLOFEDO MUST BE DELIVERED TO AND APPROVED BY LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. 4. EVTDENCE SATISFACToRY To fHE col,tPANY THAT THE TERI-!S, CONDITIoNS AND PROVTSIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX IIAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM SIEWART H. BROWII TO UNITED REALTY RESERVE, INC., A COI.ORADO CORPORATION CONVEYING STIBJECT PROPERTY. 6. DEED OT TRUST FROM UNITED REALTY RESERVE, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI,'NTY FOR THE USE OT TO BE DETER}.TINED EO SECURE THE SI'}.T OF TO BE DETERII{TNED. T}IE COI'NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OTFICE REQUIRES RETI'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCI]UENTS SENI FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 3 $iLr. il,,I'n' Y9'-STEWART H. BROWN ATTORN EY AT LAW ZA5 WALL :'iFrEE? vArL, CoLORADO 81657 go:- e]l- s+zs February 1l , lgBz i'r;;i-"! ,-{i" Mr. Ri chard A. Town Manaqer Town of ViilColorado Al65l Re: Vacation of Utilities Easement. Dear Mr. capran, tot n-o' Lion's R'idge sunJivtiion No' ,. Appl ication, is hereby made for vacation by townordinance of certain "aiei,enii-u uuraen-on"my"iroperty,Lot G-4, Lion's Ridse-a;oJi;i;tin'o i, io"n,oI,ilair,Eagle County, Colorido: -- - The easements. in question exist by virtue of therecorded ptat for.^Llon''s l.i!g" iuUOiuiiion'llo. I'unoare described therein as foliows:' "gtility easements l0 feet on each side of allinterior lot.lines anO-iS ieet along all exterior'tot'rines and arons uir'iroiiui=irii'nl,l,ialir rines. It is my rnqgfrtandi!9 that ail'utitities have been l:;:.11ed i n Sandstone Dri u., ir," roaa aajii"nt"io rot Capl an A]l utility companies operatfng in this localityhave been requested to f;;r;;;'qriiiraim oeeds of anvinterest they may have in tne ei,i;;;;;'i;r;;;;;rs,rli,G-4 and ar r iuch- uti r ity cqmp,an.i ei rrave provi ded assur_ances that such quitctal!,-dgbF-*iir 6i-rb"ir,.orin;-;;, -the near future. I u*p..t td rr.nir[-you copies of suchlilr;1,:ir":::l_rerore. Inis appi i;;i;on,i, considered bv I have li:.y::*!,this.apl]]rllion preliminarily withPeter Jomar who has advisea inat tlre appl ication wir r besubmitred bv vou to tne ioin-councii ;6;'iii'.onsideration. at a future meeting. I wJuia very much appreciate re-cei vi ng from you a -notice of-sucrr meeti ng date when i thas been set. . the Town Couniii:._, _ ",,," oppr rsa{-ron rs considered by l,Jith thanks for your cooperation ,|1... I ';"6T 6{o 4-^|.<'t '! i;l li:i-$lti,li$i: " ""!"t:uto rimitg of thls FuldlIt:l::*'l::"-:T.;-;;-iu""" rf,e eurrace [j-'orra may not u" "iiti"i*6"-ouotrttad poles or above i i:,:'of Lrre !!ourrat .;;;;;;-";"h-oto"ttI""i ot telephona' ll-nes ae r,-.-have been prcvr"""rv lnstarled'""lttt!"a-prlor- to the f lllng l1'lji'Er.I"iiiu5t"i"ii".i,ril-i"itr.r".Subclvlslon. f +1- --- ^^-,rr+{^6a - res':rLctlong r cove-'f-.1 23. - Duratlon' - These. condltlons ' res';rlctlc f[]nonts' reset{eti#f:au"oi""t"',rl"ni itta "hutgue ehall run Li:-wlth thc land oni"=f,oir be b!.ndtni*;; ;ii pitti:: and alr l* rcorsont c ra tttni*u;i;; ^ Ht;*-""tir''ri"'';if i t - l: :I :' "t rrh lch !;,': tlnre aald coveniri"-orrrri be autornaticaliy extended f or euc- h,.cesslve p"t,oou-oi-ten (r0) ycars otti"="' by'vote'of the l;-'.'o..ners of more tili"-iitiv-ieit"nt isoii "e ihe- prlvaterY- i+ -. :-" g1 : : : 1 ^r' ?:!iil,rii;il" :ffi :i:"::;i*t ;i: " :li :iE lilil:: : Plannlng Conrnlssion' :5 }F \c * c u $ 'Ft dd o d: F zo I b! F s Doug I tii od ir ig*!l E !H E 3Ega { J I hfFc DtI I &at AI+ E s E tr1) 6oI t *,l e fafrlt Is t{I I4 -:i";li R+r sit Xii Lt-l frI A.T a !, e ? o f 7 I G'|, G1IIt !D L3 - 3 B,ta, Io}{ oh t||t&ftIt t Is ca {} 'as ltt of,r E-s Irl tlt\4al ar 3ttc-.tR it? 3; a,g.rF +lCEGEi oO.-or') tE' -!E b T fl a 3ex a 8l.at uHhr'< EL} ar l. If ffeag ? o THE MERIDITH ORGANIZATION November I0, l9E3 Lawrence A. Eskwith Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 Soutn Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L557 Ret !E! G4; Ulonts Ridqe subdivision Dear ltr. Eskwith . Enclosed please flnct revised copy of tne Agreement betweenthe Town of Vail and l.leritlith Development, L.p. which has beensigned !y Lawrence E. Fledler. Kindly forward to me a fulryexecuted copy of this document. Thanlc you for your cooperatlon in this rnatter. Sincerely, LEF: dj Encl . r z r*ul{uJa""Pa e f Lawrence E. I'iedler Fresident 7a-e/- ,/'zr- rc 99 PARK AITNUE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK IOOI6 QI2)687.I710 TELEX ITT I 420470 I llr. Rlchard Caplan Toun ltlanagcr Toirn of Vai I 75.South Frontage RoadVall, C0 81657 tlear I'lr. Caplan: l'larch 6, 1 982 '.: -i '.' This wlll acknowledge recelpt of your letter ofFebruary 26, 1982 concernlng my appllcatlon t0 the Townof Vail for vacat{on of certaln easements on Lot 6-4,Llon's Rldge Subdlvision lto 2. I understand that you cannot recommend to the TornCouncll that lt grant my request. _ ilay I ask, nevortlreless, that you present my appti-cation to the Town Councll for its conslderatlon-at i'regular meetlng. l'lay I ask also that you notlfy ma ofthe date set for consideratlon by the Town Counbll. l.li th thanks for your cooperati on. Yours very tru1y, St,ewart H. Brown cc. Larry Rlder, Town Attorney James l4eehan Protcch Bui l ders AGREEMENT 5THrS AGREEI{ENT is enrered inro on the //il aay "t fu/ 1983 between the Town of vail , a colorado muni.cipar corporation ("the Town") and Meridith Development Company, L.p., a Delaware limited partnership (,'Meridith") WHEREAS, I'teridith has entered into a contract providing for the purchase by jrteridith of Lot G4, Lionrs Ridge subdivision (,,the Propertyr'); and WHEREAS, Meridith intends to construct on r-,ot G4 residential units in compliance with the appricabre provisions of the vail Municipal Code, and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate such development, the Town has agreed to vacate certain utility easements which are located on the Froperty, and wllgREAs, Irleridith is willing to provide off site snow remova] services for the Property and, further, to hold harmress and indemnifv the Town for loss or damage relating to the Town,s snowplowing and. sanding operations on the portion of sandstone Drive abuttinq the Property. Now, THEIIEFORE, rN coNsrDERATroN oF THE MUTUAL covENANTs AND PROMISES HEREIN CONTAINED, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOW9: r. subsequent to Lhe Townrs vacation of the utility easements and the construction of improvements by -l'Ieridith. on tlre property. Meridith agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town against any and all damages to property or improvements located on Lot G4, or injuries to or death of any person or persons on Lot G4, and shall defend, indemnify and hord harmress the Town from any and a1r craims, demands. suits, actions or proceedings of any kind or nature related thereto, of or by anyone whomsoever, in any way resulting from or arising out of the Town's snowpJ.owing and snow sanding operations on ihe porLions of santisrone Drive abutting Lot G4, except hcrrgysr, for any loss, damage. or claims arising from the Town's willful malfeasance or negligence. Meridith agrees to renove accumulate from Lot G4 onto the Lot G4. Snow shall be removed snow as necessary so that snow does not portion of Sandstone Drive abutting no later than 24 hours after telephone I L -2- requests are made by the Public Works Director of the Town to Meridith at 1ts offices both in Colorado and New York. If requested by Meridlth, the Public l[orks Director of'the Town sha].1, with reasonable promptness, confirm any such request made by it ln writing to Merldith at 9g park Avenue, 16th F1oor, New York, N.Y. 10016. Should Meridith fail to remove the snow witbin twenty four (24) hours after the telephone request l-s made, the Town shaIl have the right to remove the snow and charge Meridith a reasonable fee for dolng so. . 2. This Agreement sha1I be deemed a covenant running with the rand, and any grantee or successor to the record owner of Lot G4 shal1 be bound by and subject thereto. rN wrrNEss I,lIHEBEotr', the parties have signed this Agreement the day and year first above written. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municlpalcorporat ion By: MENT COMPANY, e E.gr, a 9355 .193 53 t ! 27 8{XX Pffi / ^t I AGR E EI4 ENT and construction of improvements by Brown, his assigns on the property, Brown, his successors to indemnify and hold harmless the,.Town against JOHIIIIETTE PHITLIPS EACLE OTY. RECOROER l,n ll 9:r fil'04 successors or or ass i gns , agree any and al'l THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the .,-qOO^, ot /r,,*.!--,T 'l 984 between the Town of Vai'l , a Colorado municipal corporation ("the Town") and Stewart H. Brown (,,Brown',). |lJHEREAS, Brown is the owner of Lot G4, Lion's Ridge Sub- division No. 2 ("the property" ); and I,IHEREAS, Brown i ntends to construct on Lot G4 residential units in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Vafl Municipal Code, or to sell the property for such constructjon. by another person or persons; and . t,lHEREAS, in order to facil itate such development, the Town has agreed to vacate certain util ity easements which are located on the property; and l,JHEREAS, Brown, hi s successors or assi gns, are wi 1'l ing to provide off-site snow removal services for the property and, further, to hold harmless and indemnify the Town for loss or damage relating to the Town's snor^rp'l ow'i ng and sanding operations on the portion of Sandstone Dnive abutting the property; and }.lHEREAS, Brown, his successors and assigns are wi'l l ing to conform their plan of development to a design which is the same a5, or which is simj'l ar to, the site plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" (tne a'istinquishing features of which are mul ti- as opposed to sing'l e-bu'i lding construction, stepped as opposed to flat roof I ines, and 1ow-profi'le inte- grati on wi th the bui I di ng si te ) . NOI.I, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND PROMISES HERIIN CONTAINED, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: l. Subsequent to the Town's vacation of the utility easements I damages to property or improvements 'located on Lot G4, or injuries to or death of any person or persons on Lot G4, and shal'l defend, indemnify and ho'ld harmless the Town from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions or proceedings of any kind or nature related.thereto, of or by anyone whomsoever, in any way resu'l ting from or aris'ing out of the Town's snowplowing and snow sanding operation on the portions of Sandstone Drive abutting Lot G4, except, however, for any 1oss, damage, or claims arisjng from the Town's wi I I ful mal feasance or negl igence Brown, his successors or assigns, agree to remove snow as necessary so that snow does not accumu'l ate from Lot G4 onto the portion of Sandstone Drive abutting Lot G4. Snow shall be removed no later than 24 hours after telephone request ts-made by the Public l,lorks Director of the Town to Brown at his office at 225 i,lall Street, Vai'l , Colorado, or to the office of any successor or assign at hjs or its office registered with the Town as provided below. ShouId Brown or any successor or assign fail to remove the snow wjthin twenty-four (24) hours after the te'l ephone request is made, the Town shall have the right to remove the snow and chaige Brown, or any successor or assign, a reasonable: fee for doing so. No transfer of the property sha11 be made by Brown, or any successor or assign' without the transferor registering the name and address of the transf eree wi th the Publ i c l,Jorks Di rector of the Town. 2. Brown agrees further that Brown, hjs successors and assigns will conform their plan of deve.lopment to a design which is the same as, or is similar to, the site plan attached hereto and jn- corporated herein as Exhibjt "Au 3. This agreement shal I be deemed a covenant running with the land and any grantee, successor or assign to or of the record owner of Lot G4 shall be bound by and subject thereto. -2- f 1 I o IN l,lITNESS I,IHEREOF the day and year first , the parties have signed this agreement above wri tten. TOt,lN OF VAIL corporati on , a Colorado municipa'l STATE OF County of COLORADO Eagl e This doc 'l ) ss. I umen t was subscribed and sworn to before me this Town of Vai'l . STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle /-fu-auv rt T ..|984, by Rjchard Caplan as Town Manager of the My commi ssi on expi res | /a/ry'fd Il) ss ) 'r& . 2a-:z & was subscribed and sworn to before me this by Stewart expi res: / a nager Brown. 7I.Jo i\ 9.t-.o p. gl3 __t ) - \| rt .g{.ffixs. EXHIBIT IIAII r'a V /r i L'I't)if .:i C{)Ll i.t C i I-, },1 i li:I, I l\ t *'j'lil:isLrAY, AI)lt.l L 6Lh, l.g(o,2 I:a 11r: il ris Lhere w:is no Citi,zerr particilra /ion, t.he ncxt i 1.ern on t.l'!e agenrc:que!L for cztsernent vac:rti<;n in/Lions T a was; thes itenrhad been conlinucd f r<im the Cc,utfi{l Ec.rr,,rgstaied that the Council had vi#itert tEb.-site hel d thatsr:ssion. The aptrr j i.ceLn t , Stelart Brown , an--. .l rr r.- .11Jt'r.-ruc1. L , D Le\y:irr fJrolvn, an c_*+h€_.p.lLlc.bjjlel-o f the property, 'I rtn I'leeharr , attorney Bi 11 Post , presenl,ccl the j-r froposal to the counc j I .o the Counci I .I'luch discttssion:folloi,ved relati.ni to the ca..iemen-t. A m,:tion rvas rnade L,yRon Todd in favor of vacating thl easement wj.th a "lrold harmless,,cLausewlitten into it. tlermaun staufer secondecl the motion. A vote was Lakenand the notion passed 4 - z - slif er a.nd. Anclerson opposing. The next item on the agenda was the presentation of the proposed ambulancedi'strict . Ralph Dav j.s , Cha i rman of lfre Vai 1 Yall ey }Iedical Center n.aspresent to ansu'er any. quest jons anyone hacl regarrtj.ng the proposed drsirict.Mr. caplan stated that there lvas a concern regardin[ the i"ir; Department,sresponse to calls out of the ToNn limits. caltan stated that the FireDepartrnent had previously responcled to these ;rii" at no charge, but thatwith the establishment of a new dj.strict it would be required to chargefor their servi,ces. The nexi j tem on the agenda was the call up of the' conditj-onal use permi t L,for the office buildirrg on the*-rg.Eres._gilg. peter patten presented theproposal to the council. He drated Tfr;t th" pirn \.vas appr:oved by thePlanning and Environmenta] Comrnlssion, howevei, ihe statt had not approvedthe project. Jim Morgan, the appli.ant, B1lr post, attorney and several_other person$ gave presentations on the proposed building. There was muchdiscussion relati'e r,o the size of the b;iiAi;t; ine traffie problem,parking spaces, etc- After much clebate, Rod sliter outlined three coursesof action the council courd take: 1) uphoJ.d the pBC decision and approvethe-building, 2) reverse the pEC decision uy aenving ttre pro;ectl or a)tabling'the matter for furti:er study. a rrloito;--;;= then made by Ron Toddto disapprove the conditional use permit and deny the projeet. Hermannstaufer secon<led the motj-on. chuck Anderson absiained-frim vot1;;. A votervas ta"ken of thre remai-ning members and the motion passed unanimousl-v. The next item on the agenda was the approval ofanq Cattle Company for property east of pitkinArter some discus*jon, a motion was made by BillAnderson to approve the purcbase. A11 voted inurran imouslv . land purchase f rom _ng.tS-E*Ire4d=Creek Park f or g150l Oat0. OO.Itilto and seconded by Chuckfavor and the motion passed The next j-tem on the agenda tvas the eonsideration of easement vacat ion onGordon Pieree applicant. pierce gave a _-9gme diseussion, a motion to approve thelfilto and seconded by Chuck Anderson. Al1the l'layor and the motion passed 5 _ l-. 3Lot 14_, V?i1_Vi1't age First . Fili-ng,presenrarion on his request. if-ITEreasement vac,atj-on u,as made by Billvoted in favor with the exeption on under_To$'n i,ilanager Report, _Mr. caplan reported. on negotiations with vailAssociates relating'to land in Bobth cre-e* for a park area,:relating tothe Tennis court area. ?he councir gave its apprlval for capran tocontinue with negotiatlons. There was no Town Attorney Report, As there \ras no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:oo p.m. ATTEST: trdll?en*T-li n \ a \rA1l,'i:si'|,1; (l()liiiclL i'll,l','f I 'l'tll):jI)r\Y, IIilltCli ll $, 1$82 P'a11c 2 pr:oblcm l,o thc Cr,nrnunity Devel r.rlirncnt sta.I'f f or' 1'cr:onurrcnclal. j ons of al. 1.r:rnlrt jvt:s iu'-i",r"r'r,: thjs nujsance. IJjll Hilto suittjcsted atnr:nding lhc cxistj.ng rit'tljnance i" rra. it marrclatory tlrat theser busses prilrk only in the dcsjgnated art::ts jn thc parking structures. , ALso under Citizen Participation, Jay Peter:son Ireprescnting Col-btrearn asl<ed the Counc j.l to consicler 45 units in that compl ex f or exempt lon f rom tlie real "ui"tu transfer rax because the rlelay in paperwork putting them into tlte time frame uhen rhe tax was applicable. The Council dj,rected Larry Rjcler io pt""u.d with t,hatever 1:rocedures were necessary to grant this exemption. sandy [1ills asked the couneil jf the funding for the.newz]1 bJgJJl would be ai="irs."a at this meeting. Rod Slifer informed her that jt rvas not an agenda item but rhat Steve Clark from Boettcher and Company had talked to tl.re Coiineil at the work session that afternoon and had given the Council some financj-al aiternatives for the proposed library. The Council stated that she could obtain a copy of the report Jrom Boettcher and a copy of the fact sheet put together bY the librarY staff' As there was no further discussion under Citizen Partieipation, the next item ontheagendawasthereportua,ct-.on-ih"9eL'@9r1tg$.9rP:s_| rea-ds__-aign-_rn3J.!-er_F. Dave Belson, owner of the camera shop, stated that he 5;A ""t beGn--i-otJtied that this itern was to be on the agenda this evening and had just found about it this afternoon. Peter Jamar, Community Development Department, stated t]nat a letter had been sent to Mr. Boetcher, owner of Crissroads, and he ha,d presumed that Boetcher rvould notify his tenants. Mr. Caplan explalned to the Council that this matter had been discussed at a meeting last fa11 and had been tabl-ed for six months until all the signs at Crossioacls were up for review. After some discussion, it was deeided by the Cou1c11 to table the Crossroads sign issue until the staff had a chance to talk to the or\ners and try to come up with a workable plan. A11 were j-n favor of this decision. Tbe next item on the agenda was the approval of the lease agreemertt for an easementadjacenttoCirano's.PeterFattenofthe@ Department stated t-EaT-Effiepartment had come up with a viable ag:reement rviih the owners of the land adjacent to Cyrano's and asked that the agree- ment be approved with the change in the date to June 1, 1982. After some discussion Paul Johnston made a motion to approve the Lease agreement upon approval by the Design Review Board of the landseaping plans for that area. -\_ Hermann Sta conded the motion. A11 voted i-n favor and the motion passed imously r Patten stated that the proposed bike path through tbat ba was part of the ban Design Guide Plan The/next item on the agenda was\he consideration of easement vacation in Lidn's Ridge Srrbdivision #2. Mr\ Caplan stated to the Council that the st t traO reEonffiei-dilt not abandorling this ease$ent as the property was u d for snorr removal , owner of the ProPertY, stated that off on this request, and that it wasallutility companies had a utilit-v-dump easement. Bill Pierce, architect for the proposed project on 1lig.,"property, gave a presentation as to what they had planned to build with the easement vaeation and wlthout it. There were several corffnents from the Council, both for and against abandoning the ease- ment. After more discussion, Rod Slifer asked that the subject be tabled until the April 6th meeting, at rvhich ti-me the Town Attorney and staff could look into the legality of the matter. Next ilem on t.he'agenda $as a report ftom Gary lrliller of Heritage Cabletelevisiot: .Company. trlr. Iti ller reported on the cl.rangeE to the new sl'stem and rvltat theS' hav-e pianne{ in the future. Severa} Councilmembers stated they had recei\.ed favorable cofllments regarding the cabletelevision since Heritage had taken o\rer. Iti(;o I r g31s .rr r. ,' , r a\ I i ?.-. -?- Project Application I Project Name: I .r" n' i= - ai Proiect DescriDtion:7 I r.'t:..:'.,-l,L-) Contact Person and p5on" ' . ) !:' ' .-'' i tZ ': t.- i Lr.;,, ilfri.*l Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: i.*. j I' Comments: j.l Filing - *' <.-' tl Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t $iTir{3*'* couNcrl "rrrr"oOTUESDAY, APRrL 6, ]-982 7:30 P.M. On Tuesday, April 6, L982, a regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held1n the Vail Municipal Building Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Bodney E. Slifer Bj.11 lfilto, Mayor Pro-Tern Chuck Anderson Hermann Staufer Ron ToddGail Wahrlich PauI Johnston Richard Caplari, Town ManagerLarry Rider, Town AttorneyColleen K1ine, Town Clerk ABSENT: OTHERS PRESEM: First i-tem on the agenda was a presentation made by Bernie McMenamy, presld.entof the Colorado Association of Ski Towns. McMenamy reported on the past year,sactivities of the organizatlon. Second item on the agenda was the first reading of Ordinanee #6, Series of 19g2,an ordinance relatlng to the areades and amusement devices in the Town of Vail.Tr ordinance was presented to the Council by Jim Sayre of the Community Develop-mL-c Department. Several citizens in the audience spoke 1n favor of the pa"*"glof the ordinance' An owner of a proposed arcade parlor in the West Vail Malladdressed the Council in regards to his proposed business. After discussion,Gail Wahrlich made a_motion to approve OrOinanee #6 on first reading with theaddition of recommended changes in Commercial Core III, addi-ng the words"audibIe" wherever it read "visab1e" in the ordance and the addition of "fiveor more" or "four or less't for mlnor arcades. Ilermann Staufer seconded themotion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4 to 2 - ylilto and Todd opposing.The ordinance was ordered published in futt on first reading with changes.- Rod Slifer announced the results of the Library Bond Election. The electionpassed favorably - ZBj votes for and 121 againit. The next item on the agenda was the first read.ing of Ordinance #8, Series oft982, an ordinance amending the Vail Municipal C6Oe in refation to overnightparking of vehicles, including trucks and busses. IIr. Caplan explalned thatthis was a draft ordlnance. Jon Eberle, Public Works Director, itated thathe had spoken with Jim Osterfoss, owner of the Boost Lodge, and Osterfosshad stated that this would not be a problem next winter, as the busses wouldno J-onger be al]owed to park there, A citizen in the audience stated that thep' -rlem was there last summer and she clid not see it discontinuing. Larry Ridersl*Eed that if the Roost Lodge was singl-ed out, the problem would surface some-where else ln Town, and that the problern shoutd be d-ea1t wlth in general terms.There was much discussion that foI1owed,. relating to the problem of the Townencouragi-ng busses to bring guests to Town and to try and find. a viable wayto solve this problem. Much discussi-on followed. Bi:.f lfilto stated thatthere was a definite noi-se problem here that affected the citizens of Vailand the matter should be dealt with. Hermann Staufer stated that he felt theproblem was not addressed properly in the ordinance. Chuck Anderson'made anotion to table the ordinance and send it back to the staff for rewording.Hermann Staufer seconded the motion. Rod Slifer suggested involving thelodging community in the preparation of this ord.inance. Ron Todd statedhe felt the problem needed acting on quickly. He stated there was a lodgingcommunity meeting schedufed for April 22nd. and possibly it coutd be brought-up at tha.t ti-me'.- -A rrote ,gas taken a:ld thc nctlln passed-liirai:imoirbly to tabieOrdinance #8 until the next regularly seheduled *elting. D, t:' / ;| fo; ,{::,-tt The next item on the agenda was the first reading of Ordinance #10, Series of1982, an ordinance amendlng Special Development frlstrlct No . 4 to providethat the total GRFA for use as professional and buslness offi-ce space inDevelopment Area D may be inereised from 10,000 "qoar* feet to 13,000 squaref' t. Peter Jamar presented the ordinance io the Council. IIe stated thattr-- Planning and Environmental Commlssion had approved. the plan 6-0. Aftersome discussion, Bill Wilto made a motion to appibve ordinanee #lO on firstreading nd Chuck Anderson seconded it. Afl voled in favor and the motioncarried unanimously and was ordered published in full on first reading. VAIL TOIIN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, APBIL 6Th, I9A2 Page 2 A' the::e was no Citizen Participation, the next item on the agenda uras therL-rdest for easement vacation in Lj-ons Rldge Subdivision #2. This itemhad been continued from the Council meeting held on March 16th. Mr. Caplanstated that the Council had visited the site that afternoon before the worksess,i-on. The applicant, stewart Brown, and the purchaser of the property,Jim Meehan, attorney Bill post, presented thej,r proposat to the council.Much discussion followed relating to the easement. A motion was made byRon Todd in favor of vacating the easemen.t with a "ho1d harmless,r clausewritten into it. Hermann Stiufer second.ed, the motion. A vote was takenand the motion passed 4 - Z - Slifer and Anderson opposlng. The next item on the agenda was the presentation of the proposed ambulancedistrict. Ralph Davis, chairman of ihe vail va11ey Medi-cal center waspresent to answer any questions anyone had regarding the proposed distrlct.Mr. Caplan stated that there rvas a concern regardin[ the Fire Departmentrsresponse to calrs out of the Town limits. caplan stated that th; FireDepartment had previously responded to these -calls at no charge, but thatwith the establ-ishment of a new district it would be required to chargefor their servi"ces. The next item on the agenda was the call up of the conditional use permitfc the office building on the Texaeo site. Peter Patten presented thep-r posal to the council. He stated that the plan was approved by theP]anning and Environmental Commission, howeve-r, the stall had not approvedthe project- Jim Morgan, the applj"cant, Bill post, attorney and severalother persons gave presentationl on the proposed building. There was muchdiscusslon relative to the size of tire uiririing, i.he traif ic problem,parking spaces, etc. After much debate, Rod Sfifer outlined three coursesof actj-on the council could take: 1) uphold the PEC decision and approvethe-building, 2) reverse the pEC decision by denying the project, or 3)tabling the matter for further study. R uotion was-then made by Ron Toddto disapprove the conditi-onal use permlt and deny the project. HermannStaufer'seconded the motion. Chuck Anderson absiained-from voting. A votewas taken of thre remaining members and the *otion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda wasand Cattle Company for propertyAfter some discussion, a motionAnderson to approve the purchase unanimouslv. the approval of land purchase from Eaton Landeast of Pitkin Creek park for g1bo,00O.OO. was made by Bill lVilto and seconded by Chuck. A11 voted ln favor and the motion passed The next item on the agend^a was the consideration of easement vacation onlr 14, vail village First liling, Gordon pierce applicant. pierce gave apl'sentati'on on his request. After some dj-scussion, a motion to approve theeasement vacation was made by Bill l{ilto and seconded by Chuek Andlrson. Allvoted in favor with the exeption on the Mayor and the mbtion passed b - 1, Under Town Manager Report, Mr. Caplan reported on negotiations with VailAssociates retating to land tn Botth cre-et< for a parl area rele.ting tothe Tennis court area. The council gave its approval for caplan tocontinue with negotiations. There was no Town Attorney Report. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1-2:00 p.m. 'l 'l -- --r--J r, l-!r-J buu tl. L Leq ,D^^h^^++r}\j itlr c !, L J- ATTEST: oiurfiuChs VAIL TOITN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 16, L9827:30 P.M. ' Tuesday, Irlarch 16, 1982, a regular meeting of the vair rown council '.-s held in the Vait Municlpal Building Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Rodney E. SliferBill Wi1to, Mayor Pro-Tem Chuck AndersonPaul Johnston Ilermann Staufer Ron ToddGail Wahrlich Richard Caplan, Town ManagerLarry Rider, Town Attorney OTHERS PRESENT: The first item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance #4, Seriesof 1982, an ordlnance amending Chapter 18.54 "Design Review Board" of theVall- Municipal Code. Mr. Caplan siated that there had been no changes tothe ordinance from first reading. After some discussion, Bill lfilto madea motion to pass Ordinance #4 on second reading and Paul Johnston secondedit. A11 voted in favor and, the motion passed unanimously and the ordinance-'s ordered published by title on1y. Next item on the agenda was the fi-rst read.ing of Ordinance #b, Series ofL982, an ordinance adopting a new chapter 18.22 of the Town oi Vaitrs ZoningCode as contained 1n Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code providing for anarterial business distirct. Mr. Caplan stated tirat a request had beenreceived by the applicant to table this discussion until additional interested.parties had been notified. Hermann Staufer made a motion to table ordinance#5 to a meeting in the future. Bill lYilto seconded the motion. A11 voted infavor and the motion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was the first reading of Ord.inanee #6, Serles of1982' an ordinance amending Chapter 18.04 of the Vail Municipal Code by addingsections concernj-ng the definitions of major arcade, minor aicade and amusementdevices. !Ir. Caplan stated the need for ihis ordinance to the Council. JimSiryre of the Community Development Department gave a presentation of theordinance to the Council. After much discussion between Sayre and the Councilit was moved by Gail liahrlich and seconded by Chuck Anderson to send theordinance back to the staff for further revilw, as there seemed to be muchconfusion as to the purpose of the ordlnance. The motion was voted on andpassed unanimously. '---e dext item on the agenda was the first reading of Ordinanes 97, Series oft982, an ordinance rezoning Lot 1, Vail Village Second Filing from two-familyresidential to high density multiple family district and appioving a specialdevelopment distri-ct. Peter Jamar presented. the ordinance to the Council.The Planning and Environmental Commission had reconunended denial of thisproject 5 to 1. Dick Ryan also stated that the staff had recommended notapprovj-ng this variance. Ron Burn, the applicant, and his architect madea presentation to the Councll outlining their plans to builcl a five-unitproject on this land. Several citizeni spoke in opposition of this project.After much dlscussion, a motion to defeat the ordinance was made by FaulJohnston and seconded by Gail ltrahrl-ich. A11 voted in favor of the motionand the Ordinance was defeated unanimouslv. Ac qarrar.o'l a .i r-i p^r h- -.r- j ^ -i *^i*-F::r r=vrt: *i 'Ji i,ii:uii ij:.i.; vruiiian LS Wer-e aiJUU L u(A,cr€av e Ine UOUnCf F.fieetang,Rod Slifer wanted to announce that Larry Eskwith had been appointed thenew full-time Town Attorney. Mr. Slifer stated that several-we11-qualifiedapplicants had been lnterviewed and he thanked the Council for the timethey had spent interviewing these applicants. Under Citizen Participation, Patsy Heuman from the Buffehr Creek area addressed+-e Council on the problem of Trailways busses parking at the Roost Lodge overr_$ht and letting their busses idle for most of the night. A petition wasalso presented to the Council with 25 signatures of reiidents in the areaprotesting this action. Mr, Caplan stated that the Town was aware of thisproblem and that Ruth Cogan, Health Officer, had been there and. taken noisereadings. After some discussion, i-t was decided by the Council to send the VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETIN TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1982 Page 2 Company' Mr. Mi1ler reported. on the changes to in" new system and what theyhave pranned in the future. several councilmembers stated. they had reeeivedfavorable corffnents regarding the cabLetelevision since Heritage had takenover. problem to the Community Development staff for recommendations of alternativesresolve this nulsance. Bill IVilto suggested amending the existing ordinanceto made it mandatory that these busses piit< ont y in the designated areas in theparking structures. Also under Citizen Participation, Jay Peterson representing CoLstream askedthe council to consider 45 units in itrat complex lor exempTi"n-i"oio the realestate transfer tax because the deray in paplrwork puttirr! tn.rn into thetime frame when the, tax was appricabie. tnL council direJted Larry Riderto proceed with whatever proeldures were necessary to grant this exemption. sandy Mil1s asked the Council if_the funding for the new library wourd bediscussed at this meeti-ng. Rod slifer infoimed her that it was not an agendaitem but that steve clark from Boettcher and company had talked. to the councilat the work session that afternoon and had given'the Council some financialaLternatives for the proposed library. The Couneil stated that she couLdobtain a copy of the ieport from Boeitcher and. a copy of the fact sheet puttogether by the library staff. As there was no further discussion under Citizen participation, the next itemon the agenda was the report back on the camera shop sigir and reratea cross-roads sign matters. .Dly" Belson, owner of the camera shop, stated that heI I not been notified that this item vras to b" on the agenda thi.s eveningartd had just found about it this afternoon. Peter Jamar, community DevelopmentDepartment, stated that a retter had been sent to Mr. Boetcher, owner ofCrossroads, and he had presumed that Boetcher wourd notify his tenants.Mr' caplan explained to the council that this matter had been discussed. ata meeting last fa1l and had been tabled for six months until al-l- the signsat crossroads were up for review. After some discussion, it was decided bythe Council to table the crossroads sign issu" notir the staff had a chanceto talk to the owners and try to come up with a workable plan. A1l urere infavor of this deci-sion The next ltem on the agenda was the approval of the lease agreement for aneasement adjacent to Cyrano's. Peter Patten of the community DevelopmentDepartment stated^th?t his department had come up with a viable agreementwith the owners of. the land adjacent to cyrano's and asked that tfre agree-ment be approved_with the chanfe in the aate--io-'.lune 1, 1ggz. After somediscussion Paul Johnston made i, motion to approve the lease agreement uponapproval by the Design Review Board of the ianascaping plans for that area,Hermann staufer seconded the motion. A11 voted i-n favor and the motionpassed unanimously. Peter Patten stated that the proposed bike path throughthat area was part of the Urban Design Guide plan. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of easement vacation inLion's Ridge subdivision #2. Mr. caplan stated to the council that thestaff had recommended not abandoning this easement as the property wasused for snow removal. stewart gro;n, o*";;=;i-ltru p"op"rty, stated thatall the utility cbmpanies had signed off on this request, and that it wasa utillty easement, not a snow dump easement. Bill pierce, architeet forthe proposed proje:t ol -thig propertyr 8&Ve a presentation as to what theyhad planned to build with the easement vacation and without it. There wereseverar connents from the Council,_!oth for and against abandoning the ease-ment' After more discussion, Rod slifer asked ttrit tne subject u5 tauteountil the April- 6th.meeting, at which time the Town Attorne! and staff couldlook into the legality of ihe matter. o G t):::-::"t 3: tg?.agenda was {'report from Gary Milier ot neritage cabletelevision VAIL TOTIN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MABCH 16, 1992 Page 3 I lt item on the agenda was a discussion relative to a proposed Vail/Avonbus system; The applicant that had asked that this be put on the agend.awas not in attendance at the meeting so the discussion was dropped. Mr.Caplan did state that a trial run on busses to and from Avon had been inexistance for approximately two weeks and the Transportation Departmentwas moni-toring the frequency of ridership. Under Town Manager Report, Mr. Caplan stated that the Town is working withthe Nature Conservancy to acquire land from the Forest Service, Town Councilapproval would be needed to acquire such land when it got to that point inthe future. Under Town Attorney Report n Larry Rider reported that the Town was looki-nginto the mudslide instance on Lot 22 in West Vail and he would be reportingback to the Counsil in the near future as to its status. A consultant fromWoodward-C1yde had.been hired to investigate the circumstances. Mr. Riderstated that the Town had no liabili-ty in this matter. Bod Slifer stated that Bernie McMenamy, President of CAST, was sched.uledto speak at .the next Council meeting to give a report on CAST activities.He stated that this was anticipated to be an informative and enjoyable. )sentation and urged everyone to attend. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. ATTEST: olleen Kline, T erk Respectfully submltted, ifer, fsatlyrtdf site plan C'4 fqrtiloryb5g. 3oui! a b. c d o. f. $ h t muillqrulllqru*!lhrutr' lbrrrflBturuill lbtruflgfcrru|lmul q6m {Fm 6,Omfcfiq/$o 48mqroo 4Pm2N P ur. l.l - t+r}i u{) a!,tD, FN|t!aa. l-_rg..q . lr. rtu.G...) ,D.rr (!J.!l r,ff iaAr !.r. d.q'' !qE Dtl\ 4,3,lgoudanloultrpe +725 aq.lt 5() 47,906 pdlfigrpffi \ q,a\ /--..r. ta- s J ruuAS[nB[r"ru I Q, I h.ruNDTT (DTil (il:4 for 'rl-lrlrlt' -E-r ;,''# ffi il,, ?' :..f.3i i. -,:- ',$*{[1f**l*ls#:;*g*smffiF ' r,n".si3ii'llt.iil^i:ll. iy lonrlrrloe ut|lrri sttrt 0? colom0ol Cocntt o? Erjlr t - Subrcrlbcd rndatun!r l9t9 bt DEfiC lft Con;rf rrlon cxglrrr3 <1o /P, It i! t { -.-m, grclttil rt llrilD[artl A Ettl,rc ruEEilt thlr la.tnrcat ..da tilal3'!i,?.iil"::=:ffi5'.HidFAfL:!.1ffi .f ,:::.:'lj :F-*^#E-"+' ruil"ffiH{:i':'a.:9.''- ;oJ;.Fil ;L'S'vffiTffi, H:H:l=stT 3i*i$: :ilffi atr#EEF.ffiT,*H:.i#.:l,..li ;;irilIiF-ilffi"f,rB ffi sHi.lr: i**'!:* ii-difrtff ;E&3.Hffi.'5,B,.SLll,'Ei::,"jlJ:i6 6M"rlFi E$:,3:llTg,eolor.do, rtirrraririi-;.fr;;H..ffi91ffi:f l IBERE!IE. I lorttor ar n--r- --ffifisfli:s.ff#'ffi!ffiix?* .* *""glffil tt:Fllgffi'ffit o'r '.rur. RlP|a8og.!-ta oarldcr.tton ot rt Erultififiiffits fntr.**irl'.H:"ii.I?ttl'"." : :.'r::irnd oth.t Sood ad srrr8t oF cotoRADO : cmr* or' Ito and alllgnr, tr ttrri- ti- !D 'b-s'r' 'Er lutEltro&a e.t'.r.., 8.1..... ."a ;!Sffll-{[!^-lgfg!og: . ilii'l!ii,[irlff!,:f**l:::;i::Sii-i?St3i':*j:.lT?e?_::srr.;il.fitiT#,, i,,:iiiy.$.:y:*l"ffiii"$jffiil ii!i::T.'ilw' .. ii, ::":l_.,.:Jf . *:f.:t_fi - tii' iili r iil. :i.H.:Ylcrt'd rtovr, io orair. 2. thlr v.crtlon end grcntrnur! to the btncfl! o(ifi;.H'.'i:"t'L"fi?l l*'1"*.1*ll*nl;g^ .,'r..:1"fi.1:li.:"f,jfjt:iffi':";";il;tT'iTl,i;;' .*j I'I ra. , ihl.,.r *:-ty"t_::. rcltutcdscd bclorc id.r o! ir.'tult'ry. ieri, ri-iiliiliT.Tffi. rt h.nd rnt ofltclrl ar.t. rddrcrr : l I I f ;,. r t I .;+. 00.cttql Jdu ";f"T'ol lilli,"ilHril'"1.r-o #:J''t.fi;i rr.seer6r,. lill t.Sl;:t;l 3i;:,i".li;:llr;l:,,ff:r"flirillr.", tDug :oluorrra,n!.-.- -,.- -rr*i.ilri,iff;"iffiliiiliiii:i illhilr,iiriihrll*iii;'!3 ''T 3 n""']infffiiifiliiffi ,,,,i.i;i;iiffliiifl ., Bl!i, !lini3"r'l'3,1 '3lll'3i.!il.';3l3ifii,i:Ui"i.lt;il; .r.sr,,,, cl(;cilI r. ii riii5';il.ii.* illj*illlilir tj:,i;i11,;lf;-iir;;,ifiiiil*, ii:trdilili,ii-ili"iii:iu i:iiiiifi ff; Fiift :ilijriljf r ii l iFl i, lii;i ii.l illd:iilli; llllriir'i:fri,'liir;irrrili:iriii,;i, riitii:'ri, tirdirif i ''l'rrrirfraii' lii:il'. iri'rjii:tifuiTftt;*ilffuiiifriiii ! 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Sr I *:!uf.:.tf.Droccdurc! for Jot,l :1. sifili'i, :nI,lillii5ii:[l j;i;,0i.fi ,:tj.$,3;"[i:.;!l-.gl"gql! .oi-i[C-iartrcr.o7'o || thc p*rIrs a;";;a-;fi;Ir. iriiurf"Bl'llSllril.ln$ol"lrrll'iTln'ill.ll:ffiJlill-!c unicitirsi-5y' Iitncr.pury rn rccorianccunolr th! lars or ,"lo1l.ll !,"I!ll_lqrnecr riiiiici..ti-iliiircc t Illl,,li:;ti:F:ilii!.i: ;t';':i;ii lf,ijlli',,:#ii ili13:i tj;Ft;i;:i:,ir-dii;'.;ig:"fft.:';:l;#Jt.tfi;:'." ilij i:ii;illi:i4i;ii llllllri'iil r. iieri:iili"#T::iiii tlrc;lij i*i;i.,:s:Fit.l! ui liiil lt,r i. lTs.ft l | ;: ff ie;;;iijt, . f. Erorar3 obtlorilen r-r!ii,-r;;iitil,l3hi3llir.ifi,.gr:*:?: i3.ll ;?33:"3;lrorn'r.propertyr and_rhca iuirt iniiaiiiucturc, o, p!?t thsreofl;;"3lii#:ilr connccrcd to -r,i"eiiiiii'irnc rnd tr ta rcrurl s;,il d,llid;'fii;ifi,ii! iii:i3,!;.:ii $ijti;:.u,.it..o,, ,-_I!!.t qg.aGnlnt chrll rua rtth thc trndottc?f DCd r !nd rhrl I rrrr- iiri' ;i:-''r':_:":: lt^urcrn. ncrcl|ltDov. :r:;:,0", rnd,h,,, ,",,;i*,ll;.i:*lli"ii:Siii"liiiiiifi: o' l[.*JI]'lio']Slioli,ll',li[l*..3;;:. r Irard thrrr .n'rE Itr Pla Assoc lAuofl,lttc. Prcs ldcnt r29t2?8-633 p-{7t OAlzSls4 il: ti^ Fo I oF r Sterart [. lrorn dk' I t':" : ."1iI .:,: , f l:r I ;'l "-.i: !-i::tj' I l"iiii- .. 1.r'il:i $;Jt t1. i,litl .rj :] i.j :i.ii it STAIE OF COTORADO' countr of Ergte I tt. I ;il:lii'liiiii'i:'iiftii'ti.ti.ri, tl.t;t.?#d,t.i.tit:r, lltnrss E hlnd rnd offlclrl serl.!{t Cooofssfon erplrcs: ?_tf-?f STATE OF t"'/c';'clc , Gountr oJ e.1<|-. t tt' "' ii:i;iitifrTffiry-'li"i:ii ji:'li;li:.il".;,,:l jfiiiRmr. 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Lloarr-lt63r Srbilrlrlm Fllhrrccc?df.t to tla rrccrt d plrt' offl clrl r|rl; Tor?r ll, tttt lTtE3tr Cocntt ot o90r JJo ff- B€tr- .:'4.' !- }1,n SrlA : - --:'tTIIE UNITED STATES 0I'AMERICA, i tfo all to 191'to-q thorc Frsrcnt rhall concr GtllElfllSol it aTpeos Chnl,pursunntr Io tho lot of &tttgrats anprooed,hAt'hJlta4' 7869,"fO SECUEE fi0$EBTEAITS fO I Hornesteed Certificete tlo'/:./Lrr1*i--- | | AppllcATro N l,l t ,I tl .l ffihuca$ Ttwre hn-s bpn **y!:" tha GenaruJ rrt4ur oM "f t'* | Itnitttl Note-t n (hrhflmta o1'l.bn Rc$isler of iln klnd ,fl,ea a.l /.if 'tu; t' tr'6|[ r" 't h uhanbA I To Have aad to la ot g nesteitr and duruod, wnlx rig&c for mining, alln'enllttrutr, mnnnfin{,u,rinE or othor nu4mno& and riglta to.Iitatas a nd, rasertoirc ttsd ln oontzediam with auah, wat$ ri€t ts, @t mn7 ba.reogntral, a'd. o&nwld,gd' W ttt lrfrtr,I et-danz.rt, Ianas utd dmlsiona of &urte, and a,lso suhJean b ilu rdital of tlu popridar of a oein or lala tfow t*aos $lr that tltzte ls, tlwrcfore, gaat*l,by tlu TJNITED €lTATtg wttlo tlu sdld .....-. jJ.rt,,,l ..'f. -J*/i - ff##t;fiil'#fwYffi,ffi Co c*l.r.t d ttwl rnnnta hia oro tlurefrom,,rshaukl, Uro snrne lle foundnla pendm'lc .or-.in!arca$7 ffit - n ,,/ ,-^,.-_.-L i _r/, f",,,1"#nl"ql;Oto,i2tl-/oqr'b** f.X, ji;::ffiiZ jff fr'ze:V7?-4,hfi zdtad* rr trcrf lno4y vnoroo"d 1r..,!{e'4crr.-.4i Glvos v.nnqrw tnnd,, o, ilu Ailg of fihshin'gcoo, r*!O,!*Gord"-----..-..--. a.c ,ftil.3-+o&-r---...--. --. ,fn l,ha ya; of orar ranl, ona t'lbnsond?l$ danasng to tla OfiIaial' nnf q ila Buroay of thn sald' Ia'nil, relunnd, to fuioeyor 6snsal,: llu Ganoratr Imttd' Ofra bg tht . - ..--......-.--.-.-. awl of tht Ind'efarfuna of &a Anild ....-&r.rato,rg, ..-..Mawlor of tia Gen*al' Ia,rttt Ofrle fl tcrllmotry ,6/";;4l*0",h/t ." pmicl[0ltlts[dhttht6drm& hnic aused tkr;*o ldlcrc Io ln mada paConC, anrt Clu eal of tltc Gerwatr Inr.d OIF'a lo be h*aunla a'fl'a,ed', hwtubed, &ota tlu otto hnafuen $t'u/n ni-nacau fot/(,!f: ...' Siltrl, for Rahnl lh, Jlf .. ..-...,...----.--...-... ftoenq$' .!&a. ( '?$rlelxlAlrl % 7- t---- I S{f rr.r ST* |'n Lr- L tFrl f'|lr-.f l- CG h||rdrd c.lLa O. nf* ra rb bl.|r &E bf.tr d trtrrrd Oqq bdrE b r rb bl+- €-T--t. Ilth.Grt Elll, tb bff - tt t b*r| Cqry r|tl 3tl prwld. a.lab atrL.. - t!-rl d hb; trdtt lt. t|lD aa ll||!-F rb a.rf.Fr! b r |.ll.- r|far tlr . Itl r,crt.-- aftitl-. b!,.t LJll. c.!rr&. d El+ d -tdc. -L b prlclf d Et |mlc.llt DrD- ;La t f- lrltb Cq-t elth . .ar-rc. aa EI. ab frfir8 .l lt ,r nUtl-.Lct l ao DLs. rq rtlrt -aE- d,3 tftr rt lL - c-r tr..ta.- alrfrt- ra r. Fb a- L - d tl. '.l.tr- Gq-t tt! .t.aL .|t tlc |b., d r-lr Ara - !b hs Oa-t -.1- b ..fa .t'rt-. EG. L dac!- d t-.tl|rLdr ht tr GGtr+ lb traLa lc!. !c th.|r. fi8md-||r r- Etrr ldlr. 4a t-r r. D nrG rllr rl- t .-r .1.- tiF n -F--r-oiI.-t-*. ' 't' Jl ':' 7- : -l- L ErfF $-.. 3t D t'f'fb tF' ts{E - rt :: rLl|r.rl -tt d !r' dtt tt - tb G "dlrj tcr ttld- 4, l3''r. tr tatd;f rt -' -..3 tt : Llttb crf-t. !. lb t ttrd C+q anr -Ll lr lh -d|' d ""r- tlc.tt- af tl dlr 'F - " - c-a' l. rrt t bl- c{-t 6U ;rwll r bttctor' " D Gr'a' *tta th G*l' .'.r- |. Ll' Gttltct"' t. tE D.rf4.t.tr- 3' d-||ft d trtt Ltd- tI t l'Ib G4-t fr- 'J {trri rll lnrr l-Fr 3Ltr'l!r d adtgr |.LLl cS tl or L -' q - G-3d tr.l ar. t!Gt.l3 tt tb Gd' tFt''' a. f. 3b .€3 3t t tb tcltt:tr' ot lh t'14'r' C't-t sr arua E dht t'rtt- octltl{ 3b Gt'Ir rtlt-r rttlc tor tb [G-.rt ct G'|rt trtr rA rnfr tru * btclt tl. F-tt r. ,. t tf d rta t- frffl3t' d rl' Lltl- Grfft str iE,.''-.& 3t- €tli tslit' O !'h5 ril -.ll t- .tt|!F!t' d- te tgrrl d Gd d dll - lGt,r tb trrlta' EF tr Gl| !t tb G''r-rt'r s..||cdr 'lltrlgr'tfr' tt-'rr G drr FstElr -t ftr rt |lrfFr' .. 't-{ .: i"'alj u' -- a bl -l- A L ! r!r-r gflll b rfr|llr t- t rdF I -rL - |l' -||t rf rfrrf G d -l.' t. D blaf f'.r}' ril:' tt t- tLtld CaIt ' d'l Jrf fr. t!t' Jsds- 'b t- Ll{t- t' tI tlFl*r '- tlrr d 'lta to tlr cJtt tiia ' t hfata ct,F c lr r'tl rffr rd G*'' ' "' c' E adr fr ft. r Gdctd fdus 't'r' .'' lclrtb Crtrt arr l' clr! 't trtc|tL' d lr 'Lt |t6? tslf- -ll t 'lt -" j-"" t th t'!r'- G'trt '- d d:hr ot trllErBld' & L.t|. rd tE tb Gfrt ctF rt il'll bt "' rL - t!'rl" dll ft t t tr- *, - m t.lrtld t'-f' ''trt 3' tt dft ld- rdrsf drf Ot *-f 't {'rlt "''l- - ..t |d t O. L| .- lal- d l3::! 'b C.lll' C4-t d r- Fd. 3t s- !'fts d lrLltl G'f,q' U Elf EDt. D t"tt' bri Gr'l tltt "t-3 tc L' 'tEtt'' @L - cl t- &1 dpr "t trisrt'' F^* 4 lls[11 i -. EErI trrE Mur lD Et,CTTt| @lll,fu vn fut*z- - Stlltt ot otrt/rD Wt d -ZPtvE'A Ittns3 rt l.ad oi olr|'c|rl |.rl' tt ealrrr- qt--:@-- hwn Iltl box l(Xl cail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&5613 office of the town attorney May 20, 1981 Mr. Stewart Brown Attorney at Law 225 fiaLL StreetVail, CO 81657 Dear Stewart: This l-etter is in response to your questions concerning the need for the future development of Lot G-4, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision No. 2 to go through the Deslgn Beview Board process. It is my opinion that lt must be reviewed by the DRB for the followlng reasons: (1) The lawsuit between you and tbe Town addressed zoning and d,evelopment standards, i.€. density, setbacks, bul-k, parking, etc. and not design. Therefore, the future development shouLd be revlewed to insure the suitablllty, from a visual viewpoint, of the development. (2) Design Review is not a zonlng natter' eveu though it is contained ln the zoning section of the Vall Municlpal Code and therefore wouLd not be subiest to the Stipulation or Court Order. (3) There ts io architectural control comittee for the Lion's Ridge Subdivision No. 2, to revlew applications and ensure the approprlateness of proposed developments and compllance with the covenants. Respec fully, /--+,'t Lawrence 4. Bider Town Atty'rney tD6,. Town of Comunity Developmentof Vallcc: STEWART H. BROWN ATTOFNEY AT LA}v a?t wa|-t gtFEaT VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303- 475-5475 l.larch 5, l98l .,3 I am address'ing this'letter to you as the owner of Lot G-4, No 2, rihich is currently on the'market S'lifer & Co 230 Bridge StreetVajl, C0 8'1657 Gent'l emen: Lion's Ridge Subdivision f or s a'l e. The purpose ofthe property and to offer thi s 'letter j s to acquai nt you wi th you a partic'i pation, as cooperating property.broker, in the sale of the The enclosed brocure, which is avai'lable to you in quantity,tells the story in general terms. Additional particulars are as fol I ows : Authorized density: Authorized Iot Location: Lion's Ridge Subdivision No 2 - adjacent to Eiger Townhouses to the northwest (across Sandstone 0rive) and adiacentto Casolar De'l Norte to the southeast. Terrain: Approximately @t (approxitgt, o4-e__ac_re J s lopes southeastwar0 ly at a 9rade of apprxomare lJIL d-n-d--EEprox i ma te I y a4+;Ia"F-"pL!4e- I ot ( a pp rox i ma te/p6_ ru ggr- slopes southuestwaFdly at a grade of approximate'ly{$Q0%rp The receives sunshine all day long. =-'- l7' orm ls Zoning: The lot is withjn the boundaries of land annexedto the Town of Vai'l in December, 1980. Prior to annexation theDistrict Court for Eagle County had, by judgment entqred 0ctober 1980, afflrmed the owner's grandfather right to build 40 condo- miniums on the'l of free from any governmental controls except the Eagle County Subdivision Regu'lations adopted in 1976 and the Unif Buildjng Code adopted in'1976. The effect of this decision was to render. deve'lopment of the lot free from any and al'l zoning contro vrhatever, and to f ree i t froril provi si ons of the Un;i'lorm Bui 1d'ing Code enacted after the '1975 revision. Subsequently, the Town of Vai'l agreed to give recognition to the owner's grandfather rights incuding the owners freedom from zoning controls, jn return for the ownerrs reducing the maximum number of units a'l 'l owable from 40 to 30. This agreementn which is jn effect today, and which wil'l remain in effect indefinite'ly, js embodied in a stipulatedjudgment of the District Court for Eag)e County entered on Feb- ruaiy 4, l98l , and thus embodied, the agreement has the force of law. Copies if the court judgment are availab'le upon request. Restrictive Covenants for Ljon's Ridge Subdjvision l{0. ?.'These covenants requi re approval by an arihi tectura'l contro'l committee.; tf gy regui re '1r." parking spaces per unit; and they - restri ct bui l di ng hei ght to 45 feet 3 otherwi se they have veiylittle inhibiting affect upon a deve'loper's plan. FIoor Area Potentia'lity: The feasibility study included in- thebrochure is an architectrs conception of the- floor area appropitiateto the 'lot, taking into account the parking requi rementitn-il-ETTif-ing heis!l lim.itation of the covenants,'loI size, lot shape and lotslope. Thg total 43,000+ sguare feet found by the archi.tbct tobe appropriate to the_1q! is by no means the ljmit. To the contrary,the limit' in terms of floor aiea which can be accomodated on ttre iot,depends u'ltimately !pon the engineering and architectura'l imag'inationof the.deve'l.oper.. For purposei of pri-ing the lot, however, iheor{ner has adopte-d the architect's aipropriate potentia't or 49r000+square feet of f'l oor area. ca'lculated on a development potentiality ofe! o{ the end product at $140 to $150 perland 257 of gross sa'les. ' commission to cooperating Brokers. The property is 'listed underthe owner's 'license. 5% of [he gross sa'tes ir.ite ii offered tol thesel'ling broLer. ght sales prospect in this case is probably the well-experienced developer who is ready to go novl . To suchyou can offer: **0ne of the few renaining close-in sjtes for condo devel opnent.**Compact deve'l opment at i oensjty of 30 un.i ts and amenitjes**A site with unpara'l'leled views bf ttre valley and slopes.**A site bathed in sunshine affording solar pbssibilities. ii|n lmproved subdivision - paved roids - unberground utilties.**unusual flexibil ity in devLlopment planning --freedom fromzoning contro'ls - relative freedom'from building code restrictions. Allow me to point out, final'ty, that sa'les of the end productwill amount to somewhere between sii and seven million dol'lirs (ormore) and that commlssions on such sa'l es wi'l 't amount to $360,000to $420,000 (or more). These commissions could we'l'r be youri undera deal packaged with that end ln view. Price: $l ,500,00043,000+ square feej.,sa1square foot, credit the The ri heel ed andi prospect I hope can do withI hope that ready to goyour time. If youif I can be that you will give some serious thought to what youthis property. If you have a c'lient who fil'ls the bil'lyou vrill get in touch with him. If he is a clientthis year I am certain that you will not have wasted have any comments please let meof any help to you you need only hear from you. Natural lygive me a cal'l . trulyn t ( ^/:12t< {L----__ B rownl4o-"fkSlewart H. very ' &m @)Kffidbrdfimary m$pmnBqaffifiWg i Mew of Vall Mllage-llonsHead fiom tfie Lot G{ $E This is agl @pp@ngqamiW €hm€ shmwEd mm* be A 3O-unit condominium site in Uon's Ridge... inside the Town of Vail... ready for development now... potential for 43,000 square feet or more of floor area... loflry site affords wonderful view of the Town of Vail below and the Gore Range beyond... all utiiities installed... Grand- fathered - fiee fiom zoning controls... minimal building restrictions... undoubtedly a unique propertythe like of which will not be seen again... a single visit to the site will convince you,..mfiss@d! teastf,ysfr$ g-.4 tqrglorybfb SOuSs a crprd SFOOb lqrrtr 4Fmc. iqru$B 6,00d fouu$s- l'2:OO e. fqruib 6,480I fqrufts_ 4Bq, $ fqrufr 3,1OOh tqrrr$s 4SOO I ar u* 2J4n 43,18O urdergoudepa 4725 se fL 47805 5() Pd<hsspffi 7o4.**J rE e.tr-r da?t sJ rctt - r-rr crt lEr tta.JF9ar.-,E raa d rE 4rrs, rl l|!lt t l q .r.r..,.-r aErD rr srE. ,J, sandstone drive t'' '. 'n,d " I FEq^r.d+{-bry4 ro. lr.la lr';n runDwFnuASlnBI["ml , --' 'rr* t 75 south fronlago road vall, colorado E1657 (303) 476-7000 olfice ol the lown manager February 26, L982 Mr. Ste$art E. BrownAttorney at Law 225 llaLl StreetValI, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Brown: Tbank you for your application for vacation by the Town ofcertaln easements on Lot G-4, Lion.rs Ridge Subdivislon No. 2. After review and discussion by our T.own staff of all mattersrelevant to this vacation I feel it would not be in the bestinterest of the Town at thls time to vacate such easement.Snow and related adverse weather conditlons during thewinter months require a safe off-road site for snow plowedoff of the road. It ls my understanding that by abandonlngsuch easement we would cause increased safet;r'problems. Therefore, I cannot recommend to the Town Council tbat tbeyconsider abaudoning this easement. Sincerely yours, ,./7 /// /// / /(tz/;.t"vr -r:frfrhRlchard Cap\{n Town Manager cc: Larry Bider, Town Attorney .+6 Peter Jamar i - . rr I Contact Person and Phone [ ^ | 5] '---, F ,ilr 1? f=: /) - ,+'r -. t-77 =-t3Z_ Owner, Address and Phone: Profect Appllcatlon Project Name: Project Descriptlon: l+tr-rr --{*l F\u.-tl t-.L-t Architoct, Address and Phon€: Comments: tl rinno tl lJhSt-tdlY .Zone rt'Cst-)c€ P'lvqt-, \'tr---=.:------ Design Review Board Motion by: seconded ay: t1L l'-tu3*EN DISAPPROVAL Pttp€fz- .' pEeSaE ELEvL.4"ttetA -gc.HEFlE - TLffiIlE+1 dF summary: ll'z tut rJ i' I LtkE eouon- q Too " t t kp s ,a s,st4; - PAa-r^,E1- LtkES cf,,L.j''2-S HagstLtb - COLU.L< -PENSL U 75ffiou;1\c?7-o FMarHrw) EI statt Approval CoLo4- S { RESOLUTION #5(Series of 1981) A'BESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL. APPROVING TUE EESOLTITION OF THE LEGAL ACTIOI{ itBOWN V. TOIrN OF VAII-, RELATINC. TO I,OT G-4, LION'S RIDGE ST]BDIVISION, FILII{G NO. 2; AND SETTING FOR?U DETAILS RELATING THEB"ETO. IIEEREAS, a ]-egal- actlon has been conmenced relatlng to the development rights on Lot G-4, Lion's Rtrlge subrllvlslon, r'iling No. 2, herelnafter referred to as Lot G-4; and IIHEBEAS' a proposal for resorution of that regal actlon has been made by the Plaintiff; and I?IIEREAS, the Town counciL believes that the proposed resolution should be accepted; NO'!y, TEEBESOBE, BE IT OHDAINED By THE TOIYN COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOBADO, THAT: Section (1). In relatlon to the legal actlon - Brown v. Town of vail = relating to. Lot G-4, tbe Town couneiL hereby accepts and approves the proposed settlement 1n acqordanse wlth the followLng: (a) The Court shal_l enter a decLaratory judgment that tbe rtghts of the Plaintlff consist of the subdivlslon covenants, the rlghts granted by the judgnent tn Civil_ Action No. 3459 anrt that the county subdlvlston regulations and unifornr BuiLding code in effect on November 10, t977 are applicabl_e. (b) The Town shall lssue its appropriate permits in accordance wlth and subject to sald vested rlghts, upon app1icatlon by the PLalntlff. (c) The stipulative Judgnent concerns thls case only and the parties hereto the Town is estopped to deny or oppose the decl-aration of and existence of the vested rights. (d) For a Judgnent that Plaintiffrs rights shall lnure to the beneflt of hls helrs, successors and assigns. gec!.ton !at. The Town apprc'val ls expressly contlngent ou the following: (a) The partles recogDlze and agree.that the issues hereln rnay have lmpllcatlons beyond the suit ancl lt ls their intention that the stipulation apply onLy to these parties and the facts in this case, (b) The Plaintiff wl11 dlsmlss wlth preJudice etviL actLons: Brown v Town of vall, B1cv26 and Brown v Town of vail glcvzb presently flled in the Eagle County Dlstrlet Court. (c) That the Plalntlff agrees that the development rights on IJot G-4 shaLl not exeeed B0 dwelling uni-ts, constructed ln acsordance wlth the vested rlghts specified 1n (a) above. Section (3). The Town Attorney is hereby authorlzed and directed to prepare and sign for ancl on behalf of the Town the documents and pleadings necessary to lmplement the terms of this ResoLutton. II\IIRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED tbls Brd day of February, 1981 . /-. .r - .:- t' //.,1.', ,1.(, ) t.'/..'/'' ,"--i--l L ,tl'?.' -''MaSior / /" t -2- t e IN TIIE DISIRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGI,E STATE OT COI,ORADO Civil Action No. 3459 rdod in lhc Dbtskf Gortlriflt Jir.Jici::l fbtrlcl, h cnd fof ;:,:iry."f J'r'6+ ts-se" Bt STEWART H. BRO$IN, Plaintiff ' vs. LES DOUGLAS and THE BOARD OF COUNEY COMMISSIONERS OF TUE COT'NTY OF EAG&B, FTNDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF tAW AND JUDGMENT Defendants. mIS MATTER \tas tried to the Court without jury, and alL parties were represented by counsel . FINDINGS OF FACT (1) Ptaintiff Stewart H. Brotrn 'is the oldner of Lot G-4, Lionts Ridge Subdivision, filing no. 2, located in Eagle County adjacent to ttre L,own of Vail, Colorado. tionrs Ridge Subdivision No. 2 received final plat approval from the Board of County Commissioners on September 5, Lg72. Such approval having been granted under the EagJ.e County Subdivision Regu- lations which were then in effect; having been qdopted in the year 1-971. l2l The plat of Lionrs Ridge Subdivision Nc,. 2 incorporated by reference protective covenants of that sub- dl-vision' and under such covenants Lot G-4 was classified a I'commercial lot", and under the covenants rtas restricted to conmercial use "for condominiums, multiple-fanily residential- purposes, apartments, restaurant,s, motel s, hotels, Iodgesr PEo- fessional offices and medical cLinj-cs, retail shops, service shops (excluding autonobile service station) ".'rf.l (3) After Pl-aintiff purchased Lot G-4, Serrate Bil-I 35 was enacted into law, and, in accordance with the interpretations given to the act, it became necessary for conc'lominiurn developer to submit his condominj.um plan for subdivision aFproval even if his buiLding site was l-ocated ln a previously approved sutrdivision allowing cqndominium or multiple-fanily development. (4) The approved density for Lot G-4 as shown on the preliminary plat for tion's Ridge Subdivision which was subse- quently finalized is 40 units. (5) Plaintiff purchased Lot G-4 in December'of L9'12 at a purchase.price of $761000. The purchase price Sraid was con- sistent with the commercia'L designation of Lot G-4, and was in excess of the price then being paid for residential sites in the sarne vici"nity by some $45,000 to S50,000. Plaintiff paid such purchase price with the knowl-edge of the crimmercial desigmation of the Lot and the altowable density under the covenants of 40 units. (6) In September of Lg73, Ea91e County adopted the Eagle County Building Resolution which incorporated by referen<:e the Uniform Building Code. (7J In early L974, Plaintiff, as the.owner of Lot G-4' and Dean t. Knox, the owner of Lot A-9 of Lion's Ridge Subclivisiou No, Lr (the ti/o I'ots being contiguous) submitted to the County a plan for preliminary pJ.at approval of a joint condominiurn devel- opment of the two tots with an overall density of 108 unitsr which pLan of joint development r4tas to be known as "Homestake IV". The plan received prel.iminary plat approval on Februaxy 26, L974. on D(liember 16, L975, Lot A-9, Lion's Ridge Subdivision No. L was included in a parcel of land which lltas annexed to the town of -2- I VaLl, and, thereafter, became subject to the zoning ordinance of the town of Vail and not the county regulations. Iot G-4, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision, the Plaintiffrs Lot, ltas not incl-uded in the annexation and remaincd subject to county jurisdiction, (B) On or about Septenber L6, Lg74, the Eagle County CormisEioners adopted the Eagle County Zoning Resolution ln effect at the time of the trial of this case, as amended, which contained Sqction 4.02.06 whic.h provides in pertinent part as follows: "Any preliminay plan, final plat or PUD aPproved under the provisions of subdivlsion regulations shall. be governed by the provisj-ons of said regulations and the terms and conditions, if any, previously imposerd by the Board of county Commissioners including the usie and area of each lot. ...Said terrns and conditions of such prior approval shall- include apprc.val of spe- cific density ratios of dwelling units per lot and specific uses authorized for specified lots.rl The resol-ution then goes on to make some provisos which are not . appropriate in this case, (9) On March L6' Lg76, Plaintiff met with Michael Blair who was then the Director of Flanning for Eergle County, and w!.th one Stephen Isom, Blair's planning assistant, and, in general- terms, discussed with them a rertised plan for condominium devel- .opment of Lot e-i at a proposed density of 20 tc, 30 units. The plan for joint development of Lots G-4 and A-9 fiaving been pre- viously terminated by t.he annexation of Lot A-9 to the town of Vail-. Plaintiff was at that time advised that to obtain a build- .:,... ing permit for such development, the Plaintiff shciuld submit infor- rnation required under the Buil-ding Resolution to the county build- ing official . Plaintiff was advised further that, although devel- opment of Lot G-4 rvould generally be exempt from the provisions of the Zoning Resolution, bY virtue of the exemption accorded pre- existing plats under the previously quoted er.emption clauser -3- development of l,ot c-4 would be requircd to cornply lrith tl.e park- ing and set back requirements of the Zoning Resolution such general exemption notwithstanding. (10) In the spring and suturrer of L975, Plaintif,f, con- sulted an architect, Robert Troutt, and upon Plaintiff's order, Robert Troutt produced a site plan for condominiurn developmen't. of I,ot G-4 at a d.ensity of 30 condominium units. (1I) In December of '76 or January af '77, Plainfiff met with Douglaso who was at the time of such meeting and who has been for a number.of years prior thereto the Eagle County Building Official charged with not only adminietration of the: Eagle County ruiJ-ding nes6lution but aLso under Sectiorr 9,03.02 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. charged lritt administration of the Eagl-e County Zoning Resolution. At such meeting.the PLain- tLff and the said Douglas reviewed Plaintiff's site plan for de- velopment'of 30 condominiurn units on lot G-4. An abtuod,ance of eviilence established that the maximum aLlowable density of de-. velopment for Lot G-4 under the Eagle County Zonirrg Resolution was only 5 units. Plaintiff's sit,e plan disclosed on its face a proposed density of 30 condominium units, and thus a density greatly in excess of that alLowabLe under the Zoning Resoluti.on. As a result of such review and neeting, Douglas advised PlairrLiff cf the availability to Plaintiff of an excavation and grading permit, as distinguished from conventional buil-ding permit, and advised Plaintiff of the steps he must fol-Iow and the documents he must submit to receive issuance of the permit. At no time during the meeting betwecn Plaintiff and Douglas did Douglas refer PLaintiff to the inhibitions of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution except inhibitions which arose out of slope re:strictions -4- of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution which restrictions Douglas toLd t)l.ainLiff hc, Dourql;r:;, woulcl alrPly Lo Plairitif frs |lejq'.ct at least to the extent of requiring relocation of the proposed build- ing to a place on the site where it would nc,t encroach upon any slope in excess of 30?. With the exception of the slbpe restric- tions and the parking and set back requirements, it was apparent from the meeting with D,ouglas that he considered Plaintiff's pro- posed plan to be exempt from the density requi.rements of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. (l-2) In August of L977, Plaintiff contacted a contr.actor with the aim of deveLoping rJot G-4 at a density of 30 units. Dis- cussions with the contractor lrere nearing final agreement when the contractor !'tas advised by DougJ.as that- Plaintiff 's proposed plan to develop 30 units would not qualify for building permit because it dlicl not- comply with the Eag1e County Zoning Resolution. (13) On or about September 26t ]';977, Plaintiff was in- formed by the contractor of the advise received frcm Dougl.as and on the same day, Pl-aintiff asked for and was given a place on the agenda of the meeting of the Eag1e County Commissioners which was then in Oronr."r. Plaintiff appcared before the Commissjoners and askcd t,hem for a dcclarabion rcgarding the eSemption clause as it affected pre-existing plats. After scme discussion and con- sultati-on with the County Attorney and members of the County PIan- ning and Building Department, the Deferidant Board of County Com- missioners sbated that a declarat,ion lvas not possibi.e without study by the: County Attorney, that such a study woul-d be under- taken. and that a declaration in writing would be forthcoming and delivered to the Plaintiff bv mail within one or twe weeks- (14) After exp'i ration of two weeks from the date of -5- o Zonlng Resolution. a particular ptat forming use aband 8.06 is $eant to app wbich have been their approvaL, The Court finds that sLoners Ln this case prior approved plats failed to do so, mus lndicated that the trary, that pfeviousl and densl-tv restricti ing regulation. The faiLed to disclose any that, itrs obvious tha . ;oint development plan county and part of it thc Palinti.f f acrttrirc.d governmental authoriza question then arose aE to whether or not be deemed abandoned as under the noncon- provision. Thi.s Court f,irrds that Section to noncoRforming uses and not to plats usly approved which exeeededl according to t density regulations pursuant to ,zoning. had the legislative bod,y, the County Comr'.is- intended to.put a time lieit on the use of t they' could.have ,il,one soi and having have,intended not to do so, Additionally, witnesses, Lircl-uding Mr. Hubert Weinshienk, sLative history of the act tras to the con.' approved.pLats would be exempted frorn use at the tine of the adoption of the zon. dence of legislative hlstory was uncon? may finds no slrccial sbatrrs or Jrrivi l.r-'qc or r.'r.cn ion pursuant bo its abortive attempt to ':' n v troverted. ' (l-.7) The notes th.at any rights .that Plainttff hbve acguiredl pursuan to the prelirn,inary plat apprcvaf of tiie division plan shatl bc probabLy have been lost ptrrsuant to prc.. of the Subdivision Regulations lrherein ditlonal approval of a prpLininary sub- valid for a pcriocl not to excoecl thrcc ion of timc is granted. Thc evirlcnce extension qf time, and the facts are such no further action could be taken on'the while part of the property was in the I nBomestalce IVF proj visions of Section it is provided that 3. I -7- do a LAW Section stated on cf .the Eagle County existing visions approval The pre- pro- received at least. Sectisninsofar as 8.06 of Cho Eagle County Zoning Resolution is also plainly statcd on its face, and such clause is limited in operation t:o abandon- rnent of nonconforming uses as those are definecl in ther ResoLution 'Section 2.,02.62. Plats are not nonconforning uses under the terms and provisions of the Zoning Resolution. They are not subject t.o abandonment" within'the. meaning of the abandonment clause 8.06" Section 3.10 of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations prorrides for the orpiratLonal pLats which are conditionally approved. The prellminary pLat for nHomestake fVn was conditional 1y approved in that it was suhJect to a fiJ.ing of a final condornini.um pl.at when the p:roperty was Fenpleted. The condominiums never uere buiLt, and, accordLngl-y, no plat itas ever filed, and the Plaintiff loet whatever rights he may have acqulred pursuanl: to that approval by the lapse-of tfme. (2) :Ihe Defendant Board of county Comr.issicners b1' approvlng the density designated on LLonrs Ridge subdivLslon No. 2 authorized the construction of 40 condominj.uur or apartment u-rrits on lpt G-4. Thercafter, the adoption of the Zoning nesolution exempted such density rcgulations from the ?onintl RcsoluLion pur- suant to paragraph 4.02.06 as guoted above., Thereafter' Plaintiff, in reliance upon the apprcwal of the pIat, and even strbsequerrtly' in reliance upon .conversations with corinty planni.ng dj.rector and his assistant., expended.considerable,sums cf money to develop. a tr'lan for the utiLization of his Lo.t in conformity wiLh the denSi ty approved on the original subdivision plat. Thc Count| corrooLl thereafter, change its mind, without adopting specj.fic regulations or having a cutoff period, on exemptions, and no such critoff period had been passed by the Board of County Commissioners. ?he appli- cation of slope restrictions vrithout more specific engineering, 1 - 10- I geoLogical and hydrol-ogical study being present, is arbitrary anr', an unncccssary exercise of thc poJ.ice power without t'enc,fit to the public health, safety or welfare, and, therefore, is declared unen- forceable if those other conditions are met. (3) The Defendants are estoPped to assert Eag1e County Zoning Resolutlon against the deveLopment of L,ot G.:.4, but that does not mean that the Plaintiff can ignore. the Buj.lding Resolu- tions which were subsequently adopted and do relate to puhlic health, safety and welfaren subject to the above paragraph. (4) AdditionalJ-y, the Defendar:.ts are estopped to raise the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies in this cas;e, because when the Pl-aintiff soright definition of their rules and regulations, they failed to act and subsequently issued to him a letter wb-ich was neither an approval or deniaL of his appllcatior,. (5) Plaintiff presented his claim to the Board of County Ccrnm.issioners and in doing so staisfied the regui.rements of C.R.S. L973 Section 39-t$e10, but this Court specifically deter- mines that that statute vras not intended to cover this type of case. Ia i; itrer:efore or-aEiea thac ur,;n the Pl.tj..riilf is co*- permits loq slq4ing En-a-ei'cavatibn;-th.,t the b<-'FcndanL.l nbsf-f , i s sue to-thE-Plairrtif f =a-bui1d*rtg-permit- pn-r s nanE-io €hi: p1 ani -pres€nief by lilm under his appli-cdtion whlcTi nias--Tlxh-J.triE 29--ilfl -._,---tLis case r-t[_e_36rylication-wfrieh-was made and submi-t{ed ., Br+L14,j-n9_Department _en 1980. DONE and signed in chamber this 17tt, day of Octobert BY THE COURT; Di.strict Judge 11 - t coPy of JudgmenE I the EO CERTIIIICATE OF MAII.ING hereby certify that on this date I have mailed one attached Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and the following: Stewart H. Broram Attorney at Lalil 21-0 Lazler Arcade BuildingVail, Colorado 8L657 Hugh R. WarderAttorney at La$tP. O. Box 698 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 BeEh A. Whitrier AtEorney for Eagle CountyP. O. Box 850Eagle, Colorado 81631 George RosenbergAttorney at Lar,rP. O. Box 1115Eagle, Colorado 8L631 day of OcEober, 1980.rhts 20Eh GLE GGdNTY f,nterofff,Ge ,rlr c-t mncmn@randumn t To: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS subisst: F'indings of Facti Conc'l us'ions of Law and Judgment From: Beth A. Whittier, County AttorneyQq' Flls No.:Dato! 0ctober 24, 1980 Attached hereto ls a copy of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Judgment issued by the District Court in the case of Brown v. lhuglas and the Eag'le County Board of County Cormissioners, Civil Actlon No. 3459, Said Findlngs and Order were received by this offlce on October 20, 1980. The Court basically concluded that the Board had approved the construction of 40 condominiuns or Apartment units on Lot G-4 of Llonrs Ridge Subdivislon No. 2; that the Zoning Resolutlon when enacted ln 1974 exempted the above subdivision from complying with said Zoning Resolution as it pertained to density; that the Board was estopped to assert noncomp'liance with the Zoning Resolution due to the fact that the developer in reliance upon previous plat approval of the subject property and reliance upon statements of the planning staff had expended substantial sums of money to develop such propertyi that the application of slope restrict'lons without more specjflc engineering, geological and hydrological study being present, is arbitrary and an unnecessary exercise of the police po,wer without benefit to the public health., safety or welfare and, therefore, unenforceablei and that the developer cannot ignore the Building Resolutlons which were subsequent'ly adopted and do re'late to public healty, safety and welfare. The Court ordered that upon the developer's compliance with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code governing permits for grading and excavatJon' the County sha11 issue to the developer a building permit pursuant to the plans presented by him under his application made and submitted to the Building Department.on November ll, 1977 If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further, please office at Extension 242, Encl osuie Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director RECEIVED ocT 2 7 1980 Degl. ol Plannrng & Deret Eogts, County, Colo' --. _- ":- B'TLDTNG DrvrsroN.oFGRAD I N$tttf xcAvATI 0N EAGLECOUNTY,E.O.NOffi couRrHousE, EAGLE CO. - pH. (303) 328.6330 pERMlt FIELE COPY 1859 '. APPLICAUT Stssert H. Brqun (!roJ (ATREET)(corTR'3 LtcE!|gE) PERMIT TO (-) . STORY ITYPE oF IMPn0YEMENT) No.(FnoPosED u3E' NUMBER OF DWELLING I'NITS AT (LOCATION} BETWEEN (cRoas aTREET) AND (cnosa STREET' $ sueorvrsrox Llons Rldse Ffllns #?6nLorlor--91!--elocK-srzE USE GROUP EASEMENT WALIJ OR FOUNOAT ION Exmuat{on & Gradlag Pemlt (TYPEI per Cerrt- (hder - To be done uder 1976 Cdes .i I.eututNo rg ro BE-FT. wtDE By-FT. LoNG By--.i- FT. tN HErGt{T AND. sHALL.coNFoRM rN coNsrFucrloNo oZ TO TYPE E Eo1I REMARKSI 0BEiff esrrMArED cosr g tcuBlc/SquARE FEET) PERMlT.riFEE D 20;@ BU ILI'*nr* Stsmrt H. Brmtn spac?ls anly. frraJfro"l 'rltrD CeaDraf APPLICATSON 94*P.j$rC_gr4gErulsrs vouB pERMrrcAsH qenMir vnuroerloN-- cr. r,r.;----;" /p4"t1--gv rta"z%#fr N PROPERLV V t'$t|n Itlo.l l7l INSFECTOR ,f.aqgA EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73t1 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMlssloNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 9494292 ASSESSOR Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN I NSPECTI ON Ext 225 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2|7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exi ?26 or 229 PU RCHASI NG/ PE RSONNEL Exl 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exl257 SHERIFF Eaglo Ext 2l I Ba!€ll927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 socrAL sERvtcEs 328-6328 T R EASU RER Ext 20 1 November 10, 1980 George Rosenbergn Esq. P. 0. Box 1260 Eagle, Co'lorado 81631 Re: Brown v. Board of County Corrnissioners - Civi'l Action No. 3459 Dear George: 0n November 7, 1980, the Board of County Comnjssioners determined not to appea'l the District Court's decjsion ln the above-referenced matter. Such determination was based upon the fact that those zoning provisions app'licable 1n L977 which the Court ruled jnva'lid have been substantially changed and, thus, the Court's decision does not affect the va'lidity of the County's present zoning regulations. In additiono the County pursuant to the Court's order has issued a grad'ing and excavation pennit to Stewart Brown. If you have any questions regarding this matter, p'lease contact this office at 328-7311 or P..0. Box 850n Eagle, Coloradon 81631. Si ncerely, Beth A. l.Jhittier County Attorney BAI'J/da cc: Chairman, Board of County Conrnissjoners Tom Boni, Actinq Planninq Director@€ffiF /D;,/APr"^'** ff€r RECEiVED Nov L a 1980 *tJ;:Hliff,t'il']" EAGLE coul{} BUTLDTNG PERMTT AT.LICATION ' Rciview Routing rorm / /- ///-,7'1 -^, | .t D" Jte-,to-J D)t*+u-l.'t Date Referred Please revlew the attached application and return County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commiseion File No. Plenning: Cornplies with: Subd. Regulations jZonirp Regulations Recommend Approval Colrnty Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval Permit No. #L it and this completed form to the Reviewed by:Date:NoKKrl []FK tr Yesr=n E]rf, EIE]tf t:] (.^).,ri,.,h*.ni,- ,..t;:.1 rt'll t ti ./'", jt'.. '(P€4e/t 8a4, _4!{g? -turu E{*zaa:4. f rsq,/# 6{rar67*dr;-o/*/ /r,-r,-.{ /r,f ,+n *y li trf"r/+ /€ 7/*t Vo,avze'$ ftat": '?z+tt. /--\ /t-,-e- FO//u^,' 74 "r^/h f- | ftid i.,,#., I s 7n *e/n{ ud,- v/r*;o e;n , U.*l&"*Ur, "(r"0/ AEJ ,'^ - ., ^- " - .,,)---7/ r/nrrl frou-* 1-*4/ 5rr-p'r, / , llcDonalil Btdg.550 Broadway P.O. Bor l?9 Esgle, Colomdo tit63l SterrlarL lI. boun Box 101 Vai1, Colorado 6f657 i PrAtNTtFr/sg DfiBtTfi+u d :I € PTAINTIFPS EXHIBITa,L/ Re: Applicaticm for Bullding Permtt ln pagle County - Lot G-4, Lignrs Ridge #2 Sre Eagle County edlding Departnent requires that appltcations for building penuitsin Eagle Coirnty be routed to the Eagle County Planruing, Engfneeid.ng, and, Eeuiron"oental fgaft'tt Depertnents f9r J,hei1 co4mentg prior to issuance of, the pernits. Your applica-tion was rsuted on 14 November L977. Listed below are the corments arrd reconrnendations lrhjlch were nade by the above depar*,,- nents during the routing procedure. ff yorr have any questions or ..*ish io gei a further ocp-Ianation, please contact the appropriate deparLmenC. The telephone nunbers and addresses of the connent'inpi departnents are Listed vrith each corntnent. PJ,AI{NIN* Not approved. 'rDoes noi meet zonLng regulations i.e. setbacks, densily, maxi-nuh buildi-ng height, and lot cov{rage. Also doee nop gorrfora topreliurinary plan as zubmitted." _4 . " ,o 4 ^-. - ,t:i' 1 r 63et COlJlITy El{GIl{ffiB: Not approved. rtltreed covered A subsurface peri- rernoval pl.an.rlpheraL drain required. around ::l , Couni;?-n ri n,car.7-337 850'Eagle, Co.63t , E. Ddeen, J. Hcmby firank you ,/l.'i- /j*r4- Ics DouglCs, Eagle Gounty &rtJ.ding OfficiaL cc: T. H&lr,Tll: I{ot approved. rt1. Iandscaping plan :is needed. z. Tlre drainage plan appears to be directing storm drainage onto lot C-4 A A-9 uith regardsto remaining Sedlnent and other poLlutents. ). TLre drainage'dirccted toward IoL A-9 may result in ffolcfing of ihaC properby. i.loie folLovr Lhrough and inragination is needed on drainage pJ-an, drainage pl-an shouldfit tn and over a1J- compJ-:i.nent landscaping.r'tu Box 811, t vl Co. 81611 It wouJ.d be to.your advanfage if you begin to resof,ve any problems andr/or require- ment_s as soon ae possible so as not to delay the lssuance o-C your building pernnit any longcr than necessary. "&' tragt m,/ ttc l'hnning Dcpartntcnt/plitnning Comntission: Subriivision. Rcz.oning. Applications antl Rcvicrv (Joif B2s{l:}s -r 'r" llrriltling Oflitirl: ltrriltling I'r'rmits and Inspt ction, Zoning Adnrlnistration (J0Jl lgS-$JJll Study fn r.I vl . Lions R'idge Subdi vi s'ion Filing Tt,lo Vail. Colorado = peal', discharge Jn cubic = coefficiefit of run-off, at 0.3 = rainfall Jntensity,. in to be 6.0 in a mjnor drainage area labelod "A!! drainlcle fl rer1 fgredintl {.or,'rnrdr; acres" lt) acres hos be]*n drainage' dre:i is steep.iv-" * "'*J' and a rutt-'.rff clr'fficieni of il:-i s nature the rt'los t c0nservr ti v0 r:un-o ff , Run-ofr in this case estirnated this case calculal:ed ,Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filinq Tv,or consistsof approxiqately I 3/4 acres of which approxirneloly one acre is proposed for developnlent as lloirrestake 4. Theproperty lies jrist West, of Red Sandstane Creek in l:'te County of Eag'le, Norih of I-70'in the lt lr'2 i,l 1/2 of Scction l2' Township 5 South, Range Ui l.k::t sf ifre 6tti Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colcrrldo, The pr.opert-vjs abour l/4 miie ldest:r,f Re{ Sandetone fload. : ' DRAINAGE AREA: secofld 1 A -. dra'inage. acres. thJs case calculatod as ' l0 LOCATIO g *'it r'd .!.j t a rit .t'i .ra ;$ otlg rorCo G}6et nuEsEax€ t Our Flle flo. tf256 eflnu(}r=1s.Mrcsr+ts 4 ,Cz) AtfANF uE)'(p)= to4 rj I t56 HL .l _-...-_J It I@ t1?- ztl -- iO @_ tos _nt ?gz{ _--.,r t5 -- z{ nc zt*-_ L90 4oz- vzs tb4 ,#O zrl{ T.-----:-I EL'? afr - - jo +S -V7ehe" ftr extraErdinary op$orfinityl Mew of Vail Village-LionsHead ftom the lot G4 site. This is an opportt|nrty that should not be A 30-unit condominium site in Lion's Ridge... inside the Town of Vail... readyfor developmentnow... potentialfor 43.000 square feet or more of floor area... loflry site affords wonderful view of the Town of Vail below and the Gore Range beyond... all utilities installed... Grand- fathered - fiee from zoning controls... minirnal building restrictions... undoubted$ a unique propefiythe like of which will not be seen again... a single visit to the site will convince you...missed! lot 6 Hon's nfrge subdlvlslon Q speclficatlons Owner Locadon Slze SubdMsion Covenants Covenanted Use Covenanted Floor Area Utilities Zoning Feasibility Study Stewart H. Brown 225 Wall Steet Suite 210 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/47G5475 Sandstone Drive Lion's Ridge. Town of Vait. @lorado Approximately 2 acres Lion's Ridge Subdivision FIling No. Z Protective Covenants of Uon's Ri@e Subclivision. Filing No. 2 30 dwelling units No restriction. Floor area architecturally feasible: 43.190 square ftet (see study insidel. Water. sewer and underground etectricity to the lot line. Addltional Information Covenants Lot G{ is exempt ftom zoning regulatlon. The Eagle County Zoning Resolution adopted in 1924, by its terms' exempted certain subdivisions from zoning regulation, including Lion's Ridge Subctivision No. Z. such exemption prwides complete fieedom trorn zoning control of any kind whaiever. The Covenants for Lion's Ridge Subctivision No. z are a restriction on hlilding onty in the ftllowing respects: (l ) tiere is a height limitation of furty-five fieet measured from grade at the midpoint ofth; structure: (2) there is a requirement for one and one-half off-street parking spaces for each dwelling unit: (3) there is a requirement that building plans receive the approval of an architectural control committee. A copy of the complete covenants is available upon request Tlrc stt$ is the work sf an architect wlro has taken into account all appllcable restrictions of the Coenants fur Uon's Ridge SuMivision No. 2 To theextent possible in a prelimlnarystudyofthis knd. the architect has also taken into account limitations inherent in tie conshlction process and limitations ofterrain. f?* /-,^ 4r-a*z lrhe propertv is readyfor development now! { a ,) I t0 11 t2 13 T4 15 16 T7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 LAWI F: It'S NOTIi o S tr I 2 ? 4 5 6 8 9 l0 11 t2 13 l4 15 16 L7 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 s.g.tIgt"t"!.rgri rT tir:i$ $TIP$Lir,IBD Al{D AcFilf,D by and betvreen the p&rttoB r throggh gheir reapect.J.ve eaun€€1, that any and aL objectlon*, exccp*. asr to the forrn of tlre guestionr nead noe be ffeCc at the ttrac of teklng ths wtthln depceiticn, 'Dug nay- he reservcd until the tirte of t,rial or until sueh tlrne ae ths depos*tlon nay be offered for any purpose, thls deporsi.tLon belng taken under and by vj-rtue of th* Colorado ltu!.ee of ClvlL Frocedure. FN?pBo EE NGS LES DOUGL&S, th€ doponent hereLn, having been flret duly eworn, was exaffiined end teeilfied ae follong: EXAilINATIOTI BY f4R. BROr,tt{ : O Les, rvould you glve your nalfie and your reelCence 3L I'nr Les Doug}.as, Eagl* County BultdlnE Of f,icla1, and f Llv* la the tosn of Eagle. (\ And hors lcng have yau been the bulldlnq o ffle lal ? & $irrce ScJpi:i.i:rliflr 0f 1S?3. 0 OI.iily " And in your car:aclty as n brril<iInt: c:-if iclat , r.t,t:t: you errrrpe,r!'*reid to {re cept an;r1. $-cntlons for 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 r!,;\c co r d i. n{t the Co<lcs r 1le $. ta tl"re Iiagl.e Couhty Res0l-utions: .:rntl tlrat capacl.by, {:hen? you? fl i.nd so &, 'ihat's yr:u <io perf,orm Ln r-{ air.}- 0 Lns, {ri thls letter clatecl Novernber ?gth, l9?? and hoarinq the slqinature of LeB Douglae: is that yaur t r:*|.a*1 A. rt rras a letter that vras composed in the offiee, ves. 0 All rfqht. AnC l,t ls slqned by & Yes, it is. tl l,lus this letter srltten in response to a bulldin pernit eppllceflon? & YeG, it was. 0 And wae that the applLcation that I flled for a developnent of Lot C-4, near VaiI? .tr to the best of ny knowledge, lt is. {.r And you say tha0 tfie Lett.er was eo.npoaed $.n your office? tlho actually composed the letter? A The conrirents r.Jore cornposed by the dif ferent d('pritftncnt$ thBt all bulldtng pelrnJ.ts are rc,uted thrcuqh es pcll the lin.'le COurty eof e ir anc'l ncrol rit:lonr;, enC tl:l-t tS t:!":.e ("crrr{'rrtr: cf the Plenninq nrpart.r:ent, thc Cotrnty i)*t:!"n<: and f-l:* Ite,rl.th Dc!r:artnent. 'l 2 J 4 6 7 8 9 10 l1 L2 13 T4 15 l6 t7 18 l9 2A 2l 22 23 24 25 o t/2 5 12 13 14 15 19 20 1A I 2 5 4 q 6 7 I 9 l0 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 s & There tr'&G!lrt a speclflc meetlnE set on ltr Do. 1 l'r"l ci 1-i.r._: rlk,r: an a;:r:r:1n ti c,r,rt ul tli anyl;ocly iu Ci.:lcir:. I iL:' jr:, I"r 1;:cr""iili *- but. frr: not gurcr that lt w:is pr5.or to rpl:en the l€teer $as sent on tt -- t.here was & slto inspectLon macle vrhi.eh lncluded n.yself ancl Terril. I ]',night arnd the Csunt.y Engineer and the Governnent fleal.th Of f i.cer " e:lprer:s"l5r l:ree t r":ith anyl:octy cn Li,:1.... ;.:..,i-..L. 1? ln the IrlannJ.ng Departmant S Hhert was It I woul<l ldea. the have any tr I'{es it nade wlthln the period immediately precec?ing the drafglnE of thLs latter? !" I aon't know wlthout cheeking the record" (1 wag it nade in the fal1 of L97j? & Yes, it traa rnede j.n the falt. A. t.f tcr t:he appllee.t{on lras fllcrll? t. r'rfter the arpplieattLon r*'ae ftI.ed, yos, but the npeci."*c datc I clon t t hsvtl :rny J.ica at thln polnt, 0 01:ay" Itror.r. Lesn the rcact.ion of the Flannj-ng De$crtnent indlcnLes thnt the, Pl.*rrnine Dcp.rrtnreng fei:ls l.:::i.t I ii.r:, 1.,::; r1':j i.-: i.i:l.:; 1..:i-::.:l :1" r; ar ?r';-j.x.. -{. ('r!'r.r,r J ij i.o tl;,i.:; (] i: .., ,.r i -i g: -. ftsnl)" I.,q:'t rl.: n$]i you;r <lrrneral questlon" You have 1'r*cn f o I 2 5 4 t 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 l6 77 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 1 2 5 4 q 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 13 L4 15 t6 t7 l8 19 20 21, 2? 23 24 25 I 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 L2 i3 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 ?3 24 23 I 2 ? q 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 16 77 l8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 i6 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 fenenbfr " ysFj, I rtr(r ;rret an thi,E *pecf 5{. n:p"1Ly , I cor:ldn't srr'sar to that, O Do you renenb$r your qonversatlon wfth Abe $hl-r-tl:o csnet:ntncr Lot: G*il r:n the oec.:icj.oR n.*"rrtionerl , tha tclephone convcrostion? A. Fo some extent. It. was -- I geve hirn qeneral inforrration that lt r+orrld ha!.pe to eomply wlth the counts*y eedes fer any lrultcrrnq permr"t ns tn the slope fiird as ti the d€nsity and so forth. tl- Do you reeall naklng the r:t,atensnt t,o Mr. ShaSrJ.ro that ths pol.{cy of the count.y, :[n reepect to non-eclnforrnlnE plata, had. ehanged? A Ho. f dontt. !l- You tlonlt? D*r you :rernesnber talkinE to hin absue the pollcy of the county Ln respeet to non-conform"Lng uses at all? i. i.int ti:;t I:;i;tc:L:l {eaLIy ie lth hl.rrr on othnr o6e.:uLon*, but lL I{o , I d.on't . 0 l{ell . j. s It t.het. ynu don' e remer*ber , theE yctu etj-el not huve a-nv eonvers-teion uith htrn non-eon forr.r{ng useg? ar le $"t cencern!ns & I clonrt reeall lravLnq any cpnversat{an r,rlth hj,n r.*it :i{:'lt-e:i:i:lor:iring uiirii.t,e trut ** F" lis,;r r Let.'r, r.ilc-{! su::i,! trfl n3:e tall:lno r.'rnr:t thr :;.::rc tltir:.J 7 I 1? 14 t 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2r 22 23 24 25 o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 2 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 2 5 4 I 6 7 I o 10 11 12 13 L4 15 16 T7 L8 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 r^ ;$ i:i'l?d iincl i* r'r:1;! ieri, (i $o tor'Clr , c&n yo tt 1,. 'fo'.:rir." Y,iu Ii'L;,i-&-c t!-ni,i qtrer:.r1;l.c:: 0. You c;in detnrlnine viol"$ti6:ls, fhl :,-.rn-{.,::.,f ::rit"oluti$n, l":h*r:e the}r occur not? a_qa 1n? gencrelly, under ln tlrr: struct!:r:r: : I treuld object to that,. You're cornmitted e nl.afeaeanee or rnaLf{:aea i'.r..;,ii1:; $i Li:C lrri.il.riil;? l- Tes. il. Sktly. ltl' qu$sti.sn *o you ls $lnply thls: trn :.'{}ur i}ffl-ee, .erlbseclue$t. to thc enacttn€nt of the zon{ng ::iiriol""tti*ri, ii;inrr:'Jeu J-:iu'iu*d bu,llding p*rnlts for non- esnforn{ng uses -- that, le r to uaes that are in vtolation of ti:e: acn.lng ord,inarrce but ass p€r;algted because th*y e:' nGn - con ferrnl ng ? I.TR. ROSENBERG asklng the man {f he's 1n offlce. **: BRSWII : That t s rj.dieuloue, Georgs " Thes.e sbJect{ons are really -- }roul.d you explaln thet obJeetlon to fie? HR. ROSET{BSI{G: YeE, beceuse you ! trs def lnJ.ng a !1on-uar,i.ll'ling une -- Lircre *rc all kinds of :t.:n-ccrricti.'.in use$i th*re nfe pfe-exfstlnE n6n*cctrformlng urss, for r,.xanple . I t,htnT,i yeiu'rc ov.tr-l:roari and youtre goln{t *o liarre,. {:o ire r''1nrs *1,ecl"fl*.qo tii*t t}r* mar: can {rr1 slyditr y{,i:" ,,,1:rt,:.. j,,:1.::fi fif ;i $rr.::-.1 , catc:h*n1.1 gl.- il <T11s){itj.ii:-r. atrd 1l iiilni;, )rouol:e putiint l::in in a pcr*it"inn rrhel:# :rsurse arri:in11 a o ffi 1 ? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 25 qta 1 4. 6 7 I I 10 11 t2 13 1A 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 I5 fl j\nr) lt' s the 1:l$i ili.lir :i rlr, 'i i:l':':.,:f *!T.r:: be lu c*inplLancc) r'rlth :';,n:1"-i',1 1;'. '..,,-rl '-:.1"n47t] t,!,1 g 1'ital: s iri;J-.cci;ly c!.*ur i; i'ns r uh*hulr. tl &1 I riglrt. And ther& arq a number of suah on fil€ ln the csunty offieef &re thsre not? r- ?lrLs is poscibl.e, yes . 0 are we qulte elear on the ceteEory of plat that I am speaklng of, that's a plat approved under the eubrSlvlslon regulatLons prlor to the zoning ordLnance' uhich is not ln conpllance wlth the zoning ordlnance. Is t,hat eategosy of plat. qutte clear to you? ptr ats S And itts therefore called non*corrforrasng in that lt doesn't conferm to the provlsdons of the ronl-nE reeo:"utJ.on Jt n Oiiay " resoS.r*t1on, c;!n you rr:rya11 rccc:lving reslpect to cther ncn-conforlting plets fu !{r-'11, 3 dontt knos r.rh*ther ;'..'r.:,. l-. ,l':" ii:: i': " 1"i:.i::r j.:11 l,;';i :".1"i::.)r..' ,, f;!i,.r * pl*t Lr. n Uh-huh. Tliat rs ri.ght, ie do(34tt n t . $Snco the enactifl€$t I 2 J 4 3 6 7 I 9 10 ll 12 l3 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 i., t.hEl 1l ir 1s I i, nndsi()bac* isntt plats yrls " thii e G-4 ? rt into f1*:r I don tt recaLl epeei fLe cagc ha$ from plat atineldent t,hey exle t Well,your they? rrcul d ehew those {ffJ-les , wouldn'€ tL Yer,,. 0. Your f j-l"es, ev5-cl*nt!y, $rc thc f llee of, the Suitdlng D€Ilartment rslrl"ah you a<knSnist€r. .1" Uh*hnh 0. iit:il {:ir+srl f.tir,ll irislu,:jr *- I rvr:'uld e.;,'. Irou, tllc:y J -':.-'i 1i:;;,, rl.:r t-iri,V n{!t1 co:,i,.:; rif pcr}r;rps t'.lr' o5i-tt;. ; 1'' cf ev*':--ir bu.i"lli.1r.rirt g:*r:ra:i"t. tl:.rl l:iti; j.s;ucrl r:rrt, of tl'ris I 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 I I 9 t0 11 t2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 t3 tt 18 20 2L 22 t"j 9 l0 u 1? 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 tv 2L 22 23 24 25 ll 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 T7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 a r-, i i ,,t ;r :., ,,i i4'we brj"efLy engin€Gr I a dfseussed dcsJ.gn of a soll 81re foaelng ,1. .ii:..:. r,,i,r-") i belie\te t)il*x repo[e a;rci the r;tructura]. of, b"as€ for t,he bui.ldinq" n ]L cofiments. Ok;:ry. l";as t.ii*re anyt,h{.ng else? 1lg1l,r Irm nof sure. but f beLj"eive t.hat rse hrJ.efly dlscuseed the€ the for*nty Enclneering pepart$ent anrl ilcaSth ?epartrront would nccd to be lnvolved, s,hleh Ls part of our reEular planning prccedure. il Okay. W,es bhene anyt,hlnE else? jL fhat, I s about tlro general conr-rsfentl,cn thst, t reeall at thls particul.nr tlrae. S And it wae yoBr advice, eras ie not, that df the slte plan lrere brought lnto eonforrr*ty w5.th thoee regulre- mengsr and those regutrenrents $rer6 xlee, that ln pour opinlonr €D €xc&vetLon perml.t csuld LEeue? n" Yes, bug it ssoul.d stS:.t harre to go -- the sxcavatLon permlt '+rould st,J. It hsve to go the regular routlnq cf all pern{t,s, for the PlennJ.nE Depar{:nont,'s, tho Englne,c.ring Depargaent. I s nrid the Bealth Departnent's S fiut .Lt r're,s ysur opln{cn at, tire tirqe t,hat th*r<l !':r:r"{: $r,i::atri,'1ry {i:::!::,i-r thEt 1."{,.:i.'{,j: $g.t,nE t$ br: r.:i.:::*cl b;-' f,.nyb1-:ql1:r',ii:!) it no{:? A" I rlrn t t r*s"ri1 any l:*r:rin$ tnr!r;{i: beinq! rair:r::i1 or TJ 1 2 J 4 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 t3 L4 15 t6 17 18 19 20 2L 2? 23 24 25 l:: rtL-;;" ,.' l:lf :.: ",:::tl,.li lt +'t! iit 11 i:i:' ?i d fi !13- i,t:: t;l.f,f *" Li !$L; L.:ilLj.r-r{.,,ry:[s t,iruu scln"tn-q rer1gi.r#il*rats dici l:Jb c::'ircr Lntc thc conrrersotion? lt I donrt recall- epecJ"ftcally lf they en&eretl the eont'{lriiatlon ae euch. {! Ie J.t your t,<lstlneiny that an apptlcation, l"f C.t he.d. been $ub&ieged for thie pS.anninEr woul.d haqre beenr ri]ut.ed by you to the Flanni.nq Conm*csfon for e d{ terml"ras- tion as to whether sr not lt wae eubJeet to the uonlng erdinance? & It would have been rou*.ed to the PlannS"ng Depart$€nt' not the Ptenninq Commj.eeion. 0 fhatrs cortr€lct, yes, for that purpose? !'. Yss. 0 Okay" fhen the adv*ce you were Slv{ng me l,n respact, to requlremenea aa yar{ aaw eheifl -- that, l€ r eloFe rogul.rements, eetbeck regul.rementsu solL tesglnq -- were all g{ven subJect to a re$ervation in your nrind ln respect, go the nonJ.nq seeolut,l-en end, eh&t, rieaervat,ion wes thet, perhaps the 9lanning ConmlsgLon *- r:r Flnnninq Fepert:rir:nt r*ouLd ss€ert&in that Lt. waa nurbJeet, &o the zon*ngr cesoLut,toni was thet, your ps$ltion *t tho tlrrre? I" Yr:# o uir-,}it:lr. $ Fnd ]rn$ n*qt,rrr *.eld tns nnlt{:hi,nE rllf,fe:::.rrt1y? ll" ifog th*t T rncelL. I 2 ? 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?4 ?5 ilil':iry" &nd you nsv{3:: told rii-'r'lriff rl,?,rrn+-lrln nqr7ffu {.rrrr that lr(}uld they r"rcrr{: frnc of thc ::estrlctlons unybady else in :iry l-ndi.cate to !lh$n th.ae of t,he zonlng ordinsnc* lh, nnt, th,e,t f rncaLJ". i:::,..y, fi'r;L r:,1 nL1 1 L,iir,t. l.?T?'. i]f.:0fiit I T harre no furtlraf quesltiern* . ftR. RS$IiNnfiR€ : $lcey . ttilh€reupon, the reporter n,nrked a doctrnent for LdentlfLeatLen as Frorrn Deperel.t.ion Exhlbtt 1.) (Depesl-t,Lon e*ncluded at 1o : 4 5 a.rn. I ***** a {i I ,a. 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0 11 T2 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOTART AI, AND RIIPOITTNII I S CIRTI FTCATI] S'|ATI OF COLORAI)C ) : C0UNTY oF GAIiFIELD ) I, Meleesa J. Reichert, Short-hand Reporr-er and Notary Public wl-tirin and for bhe Stat.e of Coloracio, do herebv cerLify that pursLlanL Eo stipulation , there calne befor:e me on Lhe 15th day of I'{arch ,1978, at 10:10 a.rn. , Les Douglas , who was duly sworn by me to testify the Lrrrth in relat,lon t-o Lhe matt.ers in conLroversy between the pari.ies hereto; bhat said deposibiorr was Laken in machine shorl-hand by me at- l-he time ancl place hereinbef ore sel f orr i^ trnd r+as thereafter: reclucecl Eo tyi)ewrj-tten form under my strpervision, and thart Lhe salrre is a Lrue and corre.,,ct Lranscript of, rny machine shorthand notes then ancl tirere takeh. I furLher certify t hirb I ani l-rot empl-oyed by, nor of counsel for any of the parl:.ies herein, nor inLerested irr the ouLcome ..rf this action. I further certify Ltrat after the deposit.irln was the same was submitLe(l Lo thc deponent for reading IN WIllNllSS trillEREOF r I h;i,;e affixec'l nty sitrli-tature and nola,r:lal seal t-his 27th day of April , 1978. FIy conlnrission expires Scpletnl.,sp 1. r 1981. SS relat ed Eo otherwi se transcribed, and signing. sIrI:l'i{ til.ir(iR'l'iilii ! t..llVl (lli -7UncolnDeVore 1000 West Fillmore St. I II t I I Ir Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 (303) 632-3593 Home Off ice $haplro conttruetlon Co. sox 1547v.lt, eO 81657 Novcmber 4, 1977 Rsr SUE9URfACE SOILS ISVESTICAIIff Ho*fESEAKE 1, I.OV G-4 LIONIS RTDGE BUEDTVTSTCIS vAIt, cq,oR[Do Gentlemenr ?ransmlttod hererlth te thr report Etvlng the relsltr of r rubrutfrca rolll tnvertlgetloNr fot the 86..trk. 4 dcvrlopntnt tn thc Llonrr Rldgc gubdlvfuton tn Vlll' eolondo. Rrtprstfully oubnttted t LItsCOL$-DCVORS TESTING LAB.%4u.rtttr F Geota rlt, F. E. tttE/s!E LDTL ifcb Uo. 1865?1 6C'{01 ec! tlarold fi$gttrmr Fox 130, VaLl LDBL - G'9. 27OO Hishway 50 west P.O. Box 1{27 l0g Rosemgn't Plaz.-. q.O. Box 607 P'O' Box 1e43 puebto, Coto Bloos arenii6o $-piings. Coto 81egt l,toniioie, Coto aiqbt Gunnison, Colo 8.|230 nqc-k -SPIiqS€'-Wo 82901 igbS'5idlisit--- tsmleas--odro - tsosj zldzees (303) 641'2276 (007) 392'264s I t t I I I I I I T I rlgnann Jr. I I I I I I I I T I ,rDS|IRACTT ,Ihe co,ntentr of thlt tatrlort rr. a rub- turfrc. rollt lnvartlgattan and foundetl,on rrcffiosdatlonr for thc Emoataka 4 developnent loc.tcd to the wect of vall, colortdo. Thc foundatl.on rollg .ncount.red on thr rltr rcrc not.d to nngo fro vrry eolrre gralncd glaclal roth to hlgh denrlty fornetlonal Eeroon rlltrtonc. Although a vonccr of organLc and hlghty srrth.rcd riltetonc $a. notid ln eeveral areat of the elte, thlr rppcari rrth.r rhellow and can probably be eaelly p.netrrted by tho propo.Gd eonrtrustlon at any po{nt. Poundrtlonr do:lgncd to rcrt elthor 1n tre eotrro gralncd or fonetlonal rollg nry be proportlorred on ths barla of rbout il5OO prf naxinuur, rr.th r nlntnun dead load Frerrur. of 400 prf,, lfe rould rac@nend thrt thc foundatlonr bo $eLl belanccd and hervlly rclnf,or€cd. contaet prGtturet ehould bc balanccd to rlthln *50O prf throughort tho ttruoturer benoath all bcarlng rallr. rrolatcd rprcad footlnga abould br dcrtgncd for. lordr of rbout 100 prf lcrr thaa thr evcragr arlactsd for tho beullg reltr. Crltcrla for belanclng rhould be the dctd loed plur apPrql- natcly oae-half thc llve load. ell rtca ralll rhoqld bc dorlgned at gradc beanr ceprbk of rpannlnE at least 12 f,eet. nll fLoor rlabr on grade Euat be eon- rtructcd to r6t lndaprndrntLy of thr othautrscturel portlonr of thr buitdlng. Adcguatc dralnagc nurt be provldtd rt rll tineo. t{rtGr rhould ncvctr be all*cd to pond rbovt thc foundatlon I T I t I I I I -1- I t I I I I I T I t t I I I I I T I I uaterlalr o" for. thc rltc. A rubrurf.O p.rfphcnl draLn te rcedrnondcd around tho cxtrrlor of rach rtrueturo, Itoro drtallcd rcccnendatlonr ean bc found ulthtn tbs body of thtr rcport. ,{l} rccfiB.ndatlonr arc rubJcct to lkltatlonr r.t forth hrrrin. gs$s-B4l,! thc purpore of thls lnveatigatlon rar to drtrrmlnc the gcnoral rsltablHty of thc rltc for eonrtruatlon cf a rcrlce of ttght to ncdlun relght, tsultl-faully rarLdential unttl. Chrrictarlltlcr of th. lndlvldurl rolls found ln thc tret boringa ucr€ exanlnad for ure in dcalgnlng foundatLsra for thcc rtruoturcs. ltho proporcd HoDortako 4 devcloluont csrlrta o! 3O rprrtkontr eltultcd ln thre6 rclrarata atructurc;. ,l!br approxlnatc dcrLgn, ttsc and loaatlqr of thesc bulldlngr havc bccn lndtcatcd on tha attached trart Eorlng tocatlon DLrgraE. The 86artaka 4 drvelogncnt wlll bc loaeted fi Lot o-4 of thc r,Locr'r Rldge $qbdlvlrlon, a rhort d!,rtancc to tho rrert of Vall, Colorado. Althougtr the Liboratory hae not rarn r sat of eenatruetlon drarLngr for thc orogrorcd bulldlngr, lt l.r our undentandlngr that thoy rl11 be of trro and ono-half or thrce atory, wood fraure derign rlth a ralk-Ln or drlvc-l.n Erregs conrtruetrd ritb srlnforcod concrata. fopoEraphleally, tha conatructlon rlta occupler a rltgbt bcnch ln thc north vrlley rall fotmcd by Gorr crcak. ?he rlte La approxluatcly one-guartar nlle to th6 north of -2- t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I t ocourg oabout thGthe prercnt e of Gore Creek and rane dktancc to thc north of, gtate El.ghway 70. The topography of tho rlta ls that of a noderately sLoping hllle{dct dropplng gcneralLy in an ecet and couthcastarly dlrection towardn the creak. Ir general' both surfecc and subrurfaee dralnagc arc falr to good. The eloper on the cltc range frm appror<inately 30fi to 6(X and appear to bc steblc at the present tlme. fhe foundatl,on collc eneountorad durlng our cxploratLon progran appcar to eonrlst nalnly of coarse gralnad sands, gravelr, cobblce and bouldera of a glaclal orlEln. For the mo6t prrt, theaa aoralnal naterlals are of a noderatc to high denatty and should serve !r tn exeel.lant foundatlon uaterlel for thc proporad apartnant unl,ts. wLth lncreatlnq depth, the aaount and alae of cobblc and bqrlder rized partlclcr stre noted to lnercase, whlch may make deep foundation exeavatlong qulte difflcult. Bedrock beneattr thls portion of vall consistr of the sandstones, elltstones and clayatonee belonglng to the l,'.,aroon forr,atten, Ar lndleated on the attuehed Test Borlng Locatl.on DiaEran, a rock outcrop le located al"ong the southern portlon of thlr eite and thaeo $aro6n slltatonee extend beneath the entire dcvelOpsrent undcr a variablc thl.Ckness eover of mgre granular matarLafu. Tho depth to foranrttonal riltrtone was notrd to be qulte erBall ln the area of Tert Plts No. I and 3, rhl,le lt fu eouewhat in excesl of 12.5 fect near Teat Borlng NO. 2. It sould appaar, therefore, that acrota the sltq foundattont nay rast on clther the qrrnular or f,onnatlonal solls dependllng upon the €xaet depth and loeatlon of the bulldinga. -3- I I I I I I I T I t t I t I I I t I ECI&I$isr-rADotqny rsgffi' & nssuLry r. A. rhtrn on th. ettrchcd lort BorlnE Lo{rtlon Dl,egrrn, tro trrt borlngr and thrca tcrt pitr rcrr cxclvrtcd rcaorr tho Eo*crtrka { drvalotrnant. Ttrc rntlrc rltr rac not rtrc.tt- Lblc to our drlIl rlg bceeuer of tbo grncral topcEnphy. lltrc lnltlal oxp!.eratlgn sll llnltcd, thorof,orrr to ooly wo borlngr of whleh tho loeatton of onr bortng (Tcrt Eorlng I{o, 2} vrr dlatat.d by aeec[tbllity rathrr thrn by rEtual butldtng locetlonr. !!hr nosc lnacaorrl*r rroat of thr rlte rcra oxplorcd through thc ure of rhrllor backhor-rrervrtad tart pltr, In tny cvent, thr cxplorrtlon pr€gnn sar lald out lo rqch r [ln$.r ar to obtaln a nuonebly good preftk of tho rubrurfacc rolll, Ar lndieatod oo thc rttrchcd drllllng logr aad roll rumery rh*cta, th. artcrlila ascountotrad asrocr thc llta can barleally be dlvlilcd tnto tyo broad groupr. Thc firit ot therc groupr conrlrtr of tbc coarre gntncd gravclr eobbla end boulder noruina drpcltr dcrcrlbad earltet. Fer thc Eott Ptttt theso wcra gut,tr drnlc, bat ror lwrr drnrlty trGtr rcrc nottd Ln the rrea of fort aoring go. 2. At lcnttoncd abovc, thLe borlngt rrrr drltl.d out:ldr thr butldlng ltn!.tr and lt ;ould not tpporr that eny of tho lovrr dcntlty atrctl crkt vl,thln tbc bultdlnE eonftnrr. 'l!ho rrcqrd brord group of natcrhlr cneountercd conrfutr of thc lnall anount of rcrldurll"y rcathrrcd rnd trui for6|tlslal rtltrtonrt brlonglng to th. mroon foraatlot. Ai rhotn oa thr drtlllng logrt thLr rreond grtoup of uaterlal rar GneountGrcd rt lrvrtal locatlonr -4- I I I I I I I I I I t I t T I I t I I tro Ihc lad ctrvetroarl $oae prGetrc onglnaarlngQrtrra.rlrtlcr of, thc rotl taterl k can be found on thc attachad lumrt1l rhc*tl . foll.orlag dlccuulon tr gonrrrl ln nrtutr . goll tYpe t{o. I clattllLed ar a ellty grevrl (Glr) of corr.a gral,n rltc. In !!ny etrets, thls roll typc r6rvG! ar tha ruatrlx ln whtch thc eoarrar esbhlc and boulder rlsrd natcrialr arc nertcd. 0bvlourly, thc trur gretn riso dlstrlbutlon of thlr roll typc could not ba lndtsatGd durlng our graln rkr analyrlr. Bouldcrr on thr qrdcr o! 3 to 5 faet ln dlenetcr ffctr. fncount€rod, partLculdy ulth tnercarlng depth, xn ganeral, Soll lfypc No. I is of lor plartlcltyr of hlgh lrtlcabtltty, and of nodtun to hlgh daneLty. lrhere granulcr natcrlals wlll have vfrtually no tandency to cxpand upon thc addltlon of noleturc nor to truc loag tern sonroll,datlon. they do havc a tandcncy, houcver, to raptdly ritth upon tho lalti.al appltcatlon of rtattc foundatlqr lordr. lltrlg rrgnltudo of rettlenent tr rntletprtcd to be falrly npld ln rraturc and rhould bc vlrtually copletc by thc rnd of conrtru€tlon. It fu lclt that lf, thc al.lorabll beartng vllucl glvan ln thls rcport rro not cxcecdcd and if the roecnrndltloot pcrttl$lng to dralnag., rclnforcing end balenclng rrc f,ollflcd, thcrc diff,erentlal nsvacnts rl11 be rather rnlll. $(,ll 'lype Ho. I nr found to havG a rrrxlnun eLlgrabh boartrrg crnnclty on th. ordrr of a50O prft ar rn ovcrall rtte rverago. ft rrt found to bc rclattvaly frce of ruLfatca. sotl lvpc No. 2 elaertftcd ar r rilt (!'tt.l of flne graln aLzl. It ras noted to eontaln a latgc rnsunt of ftnc aand alzcd prrtlet.r and, rlth ninor ehangrr ln thc grtdttlon, could -5- I I I I t I I I I II I I It It It lrll lr heve clasrtltcOer e rllty rrnd. rr eao"l., thia rol,l ir of loy ptartlelty and of le pcruarbillty. tltrr dcnrlty of th6 ortirtal rur nst.d to bc qultr htgh rhcn c$coubtcrrd ar foturtlqrrl ulroon rlltrtofi.. It har r rllght trndonry to cxpund upon thc edditlon of uot:turc, davcloptng troll pr.rturo on thc ordcr ol 4O0 po!, lltrfu nagnttudr of oxpanrlon tr gcnrrelly not rqfflclcnt to iffaet th. rtructural porttonr of the bulldlng, but ean crurc rona rl{ght noveurent beneath ltghtly lordcd floor rlabr on Eradc and other flatwork. Bscautc of ltr tnttlal hlgh dcnrlty ltatc, tho f,oraationat. rlltrtonc rl11 havc ltttle tnndoney to }ong tsrm conrolldatton undrr f,oundatl-on loada. ?rhrn ancount.rod ln thc fornetlonal atato, goil Type Ho. 2 war found to havc an ellowable bearlng capeeLty on th. ordar of IO,OOO paf naximun, at an ouerall elte everrger ghata flner gralned natcrl.llr wsro found to contain rulfatcl in modaretcly drtrLncntal quantltieg. tilo fre€ natar srr cneosntrrtd ln any of our Gxclvationo to tho depthr lndleetcd on the rttach.d drllllng logr. Free HrtGr rhoqld bc f,alrly deep fn thlc rcctlon of vrll and rhould not affect thc proporad conrtructl.qr. Sqraver, surflcl dral,nagc will bc qultc Lnportant nnd the recmendatlonr eonteined {n the ncxt scctton of thlr rrport .hould be folle.d tf at all poarlbla. trf tha aurfaca drclnagc lr properly dcrlgned, Lt tonld rppear that eubrurfacc no{rturc rlll not crcatr a probtcm te eonrtructton on th{s rlte. -6- I I t I t I I I I t T It It It ll ll Ir ll|l :ilnee the exaet type and loadr of the propoeed atructuras ar€ not preelrely knorn to the r,iboratory at thls tine, the recqnnen{lations eontained herein rnuat be eqnewhat geoeral tn naturc. Any apccial loads or unusual deatgn eonditlons shouLd be report.d to the Laboratory so thet ehangea in these recaunendatlonc may bc rrade, lf necerrary. Hotrover, beaed upon our analyelr of tho roll csrdltionr and oroJoet ehareeterigtlcs ore- viouely outlinodr the folloring recoancndatlons are nad€. Xt 1r racamcndcd that a rhallm foun- dation syrten be uaed to tranafer the welght of the propoaed atruc- turos. Foendatlona derlgned to penetratc tha vencer of organl,c, lory dcnrlty topEolls and raat on tha eoarse Eravela or fornatlonal elltrtoncr niy b6 proportloned on the baais of a maximr,trn all.orable beertng capaclty of 450o grrf, aa an overall aitc average. A nintnun dead load pr.rrurc of 40o gaf ehould be naintalned at al"l ttmea. l{q would rccoranend that the opan foun- datl.on excavatl,on bc lnspccted prlor to the placing of fo:nr and pourlng of conatetc to cctabllth that propar doelgn bearlng naterlal hag bccn roeched and that no debrtc, ioft tpots, or ares! of unueually los denslty arc locrtcd slthln the foundati,on rcalon, As not6d carlier ln thls reportl the granular materlala ln th6 area of Tttt Eorlng No. ? $aro notcd to ba of a foireshat louer denelty. It lt poarlble, thcrefore, thrt lor dcnrlty artar nay be cneountartd during excavatlon for f,oundation conatructlen. If trcae lonr denelty Fockets are found, they should be over€xcavated and replaced with I I ll I I I t I I I I I I I T I I T Ll I courpacted o.otrt nal,ntalnlng a ninl.ro" ?95fi of tha naxlnuu proctor dry dcnalty n$llla D-698. Any changas ln ths recfficndatlonr contaLned in thlr report can eastly be nada at the timc of in- epcctlon, if deenod nocGrsary. In an offort to Isscr the poaribil-ity of differcntial movcment, we would recqrmend thrt the foundation Byrten bc well balanecd. lFhc eontaet pretaurer bencath all foun- datlon ayatan! should bc balanced :o that the total Load on tho coLl te approxl,mateLy the eana tbroughout thc rtrueture. Thie can be accmpikhed by placLng narron footingr beneeth lightly loadcd wa1lr and slder footinga boncath noro helvl ly loaded wal-h. ff the structure Ls to be slngle itory with no baaeurent, balanc{ng ean be reconpliahed ucing the daad load only. fioryGv.r, multl-ctor? struc- tureE or thoso wlth bas€nents should be balancad on thc baaie of dcad load pluc approxinatoly one-helf the llve load. Uslns whtch- ever criterla ls appllcab1e, contact gtrassce bcneath all beartng walla ghoutd be balanced to rithln about -5OO paf throughout tho etructure. Isolated colunn pada ahould be dealgned for prescur:r of about 200 pef Leae than the everage aelected for the bearlng rallc. In ordcr to nakc thc structure eomewhat morc rtgld and to spread thc loadr lrore rv€nl.y eround the bulldlng, it ls recemrflendcd that all rten walle of, thc structure ba deeigned ao qracle beams eapable of epanning at laart l? feet. Horlzontal retnforeernent choultl be pleced eonttnuouely around the structure ulth no gaps or breaks in the relnforctng rteel unlerg they arc rpecially dellgncd. All bcanr ahould be reLnforeed at both top and bottce rlth the naJortty of relnforclng bclng placed naar the bottm. -B- I t T I I I I l I T I I I T t I T t v€rtlcal trfnrtlng wtll aot be roqulrcd ln the f,oundatton rallc lf thcy ara rclatively ghallow. Hor.rrrver, if thc walh w111 retaln roil in cxseer of 4 fcet in haight, vcrtlerl reinforcing ahoold be ueed to reelet the preerure of the eollt agalnet thc wallc. For uac ln declgniog thir reinforctng, the cqul- valqnt fluld prorsure of the coil can be tanen aa about 38 pef, ln thc active rtatr. ?hia valua ir for backflll whloh Ls oithcr horLzontal or nloplng aray fron the exterlor of the wal1. -tf the solL eurfade behend tha wall rlgeg ln alevation, thie additional eurehargc ehould ba talccn lnto eontlderatlon when degl.gning the vertical relnforeing. where building floor slabr are tg bc ueod, they may be placed d{rectly on grade or over a conpacted gravol blanket of 4 to 6 lnchas ln thlekneee. ltott of thE sande and gravelc on the stte will form a reasonably good baae naterlal in thenselve! so that the gravef pad ie not really necesaary. Thc coarlG nature of the rnoralnal natar{als msy urahe a levellng courtG n{reesarry. If thc slaba will rert on the formational giltrtonco, the efiipaetad gravet layer ahould not be ueed unlerr lt can be uell drained. water Bhould nevetr be allo*ed to pond belor any floor rlabs gn gnde. A vapor barrlcr Lc racdtnendcd beneath any floor slab on grade which wlll be congtructed to li.e belorr the f,lnlshcd cxterlor ground surface. all floor glaba ehould be conatruetecl so that thcy act independently of the interior coLunna and a1l bearlng wallr, In addltlon, ecrnctretc floor clabe on gradc ahould be plaecd -9- I I t I I T I t I I I I T I I I I ln seetlon" nf"..ter than 25 fcet * u 1.. Dacp eonstruetlon or eontractlon Jolntr could be plaead at thssc lincr to facllltats aven btraakaga. Thls rlll help ntnlnlaa any unttghtly eraeking whi,eh coutd be eaused bv dlfferential rsovenent. If the daai.gn of tho uppor structurs tc ruch that lo&da can bc balaneed raasoneblv well, a floatlng etruetural slab typa of foundation rystem could also be uscd on thlr site. Such a glab murt be hcavlly rclnforeed to resl.at th€ dlffer- antlal. bending ganaratad by the ttructura. It lr poralble to declgn auch a elab elthor as a eolld or rlbbed slab. Both the cooventlonrl rhallor foundatton conflguratlon and the "floating rtruetural slab" could be uEed on lorr prolille bulldinqe. Hiqh narroq' sttructurcs would require qoite dlf,f,lcult deatgn technlque$ and this foundatl,on alternatl,va tr not recmutndcd for thls type of bulldlng. adequate drainage nurt be provtded tn tha foundatlsn ar6a during and aftor eonrtructlon to trr€vent the oondlng of Hater. Tha ground gurfaca around the atructure ahould bo graded so that rurfacc eolature wtll be carrled qulekly array fro tbe bulldlng. l.tlninum gradlent within I0 feet of the structure wtl1 clepend upon the gurf,ace landecaping. Bare or paved ar€a6 ghould havr a minimum gradlent of l% whlle landgcaoed qreae should have a nLnluun gradlent of 5%. Roof drains Bhould be carrl.ed acrose a1I baekfllhd 4tr646 and disclrarged well away frcm th€ structure. Thc overall dral,nage ghould be deelgned euch that tho runoff frm one atrueture doog not Eove into th€ ar6a Lmmediately around en adJaeent structure. A oubsurface periaheral -IO- I I draln conalettnlf a dlgchargc plpe, grnrrf"ollector anit rand - I filter should be placed arounrl the Btructure en thc uphlll and I adJacent rlder. Thle chould be propcrly Eraded and dl.eehargcd to I a free outlet. Lrry uells should not be usecl acroes the developmont. I To give the building extra laterel atability and to ald ln tha rapldlty of runoff, all bac;rfl}l around I the strueture and in utillty tranehes leading to the bulldlng thould I bo cmipacted to at least 90% of the uraximum froetor dry denclty, t AS?r D-698. fhle corrpaetlon could be done uclng the natlve rotls I on the glte aa the backfill rraterialen but only lf particlae ln I excesa of 6 inchea are ftret resroved. all aoll rhould be earpactcd I at epproxlrrately the Proctor optfunun mol.gture contcnt, plua or rrtnur t 2go. al 11 should be placed in laysra not to exeeed 6 lnchea aftcr I copactlon. Att backflll rhould be ccrpaeted to the requlred den:lty a . by nrechenieal neane. No rrtcr floodlng tcchnigucr of any tyge lf should be uced ln the plaeeuent of f111 on thir slta. So&e of thc finer gralned aollc on tbeI slte waro noted to contain rulfates in detrloentel queatitler. r thareforer a ltype Ir cenent is recmnended for u*e in all conerete I wblch wlll be Ln contact lrlth the foondatlon golk. under no elr-I cunttancea rhould caletuu' ehlorlde cver be added to a Type lI Cenent. r In the event that 1lroe II Cenent lc dlfficult to obtaln, a Ty.e I I cenent nay be rubstltuted but only lf an lnpcrneable mcnbrane lEt provl6ed to tcoleta tha eonerate fros tho roll. I It ic belteved that all pertlnent potntr I coneerntng the subrurface aoilc on thlG stte have been covered ln i- thlr rcport. rf rol,r typcr and eondltionr othGr thrn thore outlined I _11_ I I I I t I t I I I t I I I I I T t T o o heratn are notod durlng conrtruction on the rltc, thorr rhould bc reportcd to tha Laboratory ro thrt chlngrr ln rcemnendatl.ont cen be nada, if these atre ncccsrary. If gueationa arlre or tlurther lnformatlon lr requlred, pleaco fecl frce to contrct the Laboratory. -12- i .>' I I t t T I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I t I I T t TlliT- -:€**-a-' rrY#eo ffei ,$I I I I + , €aretE:./'-- 50' 7E€7 EOft/NG loclT/oN A/,4G.?4/"/ | tne LINCOLN-D;VORE TESTING LABORATORY ,tO'YEinr{F 4 -lAf G'{, //O/y't.?/268 5AAO. lCOlOnaOO' Co,orodo Sprinqs, Puebto, clen;ood wYoMli'JG, Rock Springs VA/L, CAZO. l$prtnqs, Montrose, Gunnison. ,fr"'; t I t I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I p&BlzML 9/2 Stondord penolrollon drive Numbers indicole I blows to drive ths spoon tzn into ground. ST 2- /z'Shelby lhin woll somple lllq Noturol Moisture Contcnt llJy Weolhered Moteriol Free woler loble YoNoturol dry density T.B. - Disturbed Bulk Somplo @ Soiltype reloted io somplca in rePorl Top of formotion OTest Boring Locotion EE Tesf Pit Locotion r-zt-r Seismic or Resisiivity Slotion. Lineotion indicolas oPPror. length a orientotion of sPreod ( S = Seismic , R= Resisilvity ) Slondord Pen€trotion Drivss orc mode by driving o slondord 1.4" splii spoon sompler into lh6 ground by dropping o |4o lb. weight 3o". ASTM tesf des. D- t586. Somples moy be bulk , stondord splil soooh ( both'disturbed ) or z'7a" l. D. thin woll ("undisfurbed rr) Shelby tube somples. See log for type. The borino loos show subsurfoce cmditions ot tho dotls oid locotions shown ,ond it is nol worronted fhol fhey ore represenlotive of subsurloce conditions ot other locoJions ond limes. soll.s DESCRIPTIONS, usc9 aESC PnO - ToPsoil -Mon-mode Fill GW Wbll-groded Grovel GP Poorly-groded Grovel GM Silty Grovel GC Cloyey Grovel SW WblFgroded Sond SP PoorlY-groded SonC SM Silty Sond SC Cloyey Sond ML Low-plosticity Silt CL Low-plosticity CloY OL Low-plosticily Ogonic Silt ond CloY MH High-plosticity Silt CH High-plosticity Cloy OH High- plosticiiY Orq onic C lo Y Pt Peot GW,/GM Well- groded Grovel, SiltY GWGC Well-groded Grovel' Clo yeY GP/GM Poorly - groded Grovel, SiltY GPIGC Poorly- groded Grovel' Cloyey GM/GC SilrY Grovel, C lo yey GC,zGU Cloyey Grovel, Silt Y SV!,/SM Well- groded Sond, Sill Y SWSC Well-groded Sond, Cloyey SP/SM PoorlY- groded Sond, SiltY SP/SC PoorlY- groded Sond' Clo ye y SM/SC Silty Sond, Cloyey SC/SM Cloyey Sond, Silty CL/ML Silty Cloy ROCK DESCRIPTIONS' CONGLOMERATE SANDSTONE SILTSTONE SHALE CLAYSTONE COAL LIMESTONE DOLOMITE MARLSTONE GYPSUM Other Sedimentory Rocks GRANITIC ROCKS DtoRtTlc RocKs GABBRO RHYOLITE ANDESITE BASALT TUFF 8 ASH FLOWS BRECCIA I Other Volconics Other lgneous Rocks GNEISS scHlsT PHYLLITE SLATE METAQUARTZITE MARBLE HORNFELS SERPENTINE Olher Mefomorphic Rocks xxx xxx {r".i ,a7:l\il lV:'ti EXPLANATION OF BOREHOLE LOGS AND LOCATION DIAGRAMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I lcrt Hole No. log Elevstion 7//t 7H2 7Pt /P2 lP3 nllo t0l lst PI tt'r.a.drt .78t6 ArrI,,rGNttat, Et e2nnz4A4t1 ,4.s @ a, n/,2 yeny K,"Y'Fep /8. Ptn r.8.a1,25 t @ t'bfrw.E J &NDv, $[tl'# au&6 o/ EPTtl It$ $!R 14&EtotltBi asaar/aeil, tt/6tEP lvoLtraE€ 10 10 l< $H 15 ;2o 20 z,25 30 30 35 35 40 40 a7iit DRILLING LOGS LINCOLN-DeVOR E TESTING LABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGS-PU EBLO, COLORADO goll Sall'ple 6t lest Date No. lwl trolect llonasn8. fi?p-a'77 gample Locatlon TH ilo t@4''test by E'P k n H 9lI 92zH L, t4z &l(, &frlA 100 90 80 70 60 50 4'. 30 20 10 % Paselng L L/2'ta. a.9 3/4:?z.e L/2: 3i8"6l.l s6.3 so.s J9.2g'E- 2t.4 'ln ZU 40 100 200 ,o200.MO 9.2 4-3 5 u1l' jlss .'?2O + _ prE IJt I t',JJl .ur D+a:!eFer- (rF ) | *2C #4O #1Ct #2CC * Sleve No. Sanple No Speclflc }lqlsture Effectlve Gravity Content Flnenese llodulus L.L. "!!_q, 7.:. ,5.5 -4 LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADOGRAIN SIZE AT{ALYSTS l lr I I I I I t I T I I T I t t t I I SUM|'IARY SHEET Test No5oil Sonple l,,"orion HePssrt?te fr4 , goring t bZ!--oePth Somple No. < Noturol Woter Content (w)=l'6 --"c^^-:r:^ /:'.-.,i+- IG.\ Z./*ln Ploce Density ho) - PcfSpecific Grovity (Gs) Plostic Yi^it P.Y" l8'9 o/o Liquid Limit L. Plosticity lndex Shrinkoge Limit L- ze.o o/o p .1 . 3.5 o/o ?/o Shrinkoge Rotio ?9 Vo I ume iri c Chonge-----Jo Lineof Shrinkoge o/o MOISTURE DENSITY: ASTM METHOD Optimum AAcisture Contenf 'wo--Yc lr4oximum Dry DensitY -zrd--Pcf Colifornio Beoring Rotio (o v)---t---79 Swelf --L-Doys t1=-ok Swell ogoinst-442-psf Wo gohJWo BEARING: l-busef Penetrometer (ovl-O'@o esf Unconfined Compression (qu)-Psf Plote Beoring: P6t Flow Index lnches Settlement Conso lidotion PERIvIEABILIW: under psf K (ot 20oC Void Rotio Sulfotes n@t PPm. S I€VE 5i eve 1r: 1/r os' t HYDROMETER ANALYSIS: Groin size (mm) 3/4 - 7 /ttr -- tOAti- gE 20 Z?!'t"t^ ?b,4 t e,tLY pllcfl ereaufi7#o AsP?nnnbilBl n$l&l €/47s74v€ LINCOLN'DeVOR E TESTING LABORATORY COLORADO SPRI NGS. COLORADOSOIL ANALYSIS oo N,. 23711 o C,ounty Treasuret's s^?s*< Office, Eagle County, Colorado corcraao,4a'v. ? , tgE Eeruiupr)rf,-i DOLLARS Account of / i Cash Book Page-- cr. DrnrtR t.t 3) - --t ou"ot'u*,EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AI{D COURTHOUSE P. O, Box 789 Eagle, Cslorado 8tg3t 17 DecEmber 1973 sEvOopvENr Phom 328-6338 Agerda ltem ttla $tewart Brorn Box 101 Vall, Colorsdo 81657 Flr:Fllr Nor Scp-45-73 Skctofi Plan Horneatdrc lV \1' lot.llopc lc propoFdt 2. acotic and parklrlg srcl fe much too and rxlatlng road llll; 3. area dansltlea and rciultant vetrlcle road ayrtcml inc rtaff cslrot rccommcrd +provaf of tho plan as eJbrnlttod. .You ro wolcome end cncouragcd to dlgcura thr flndlngo and recomrncndatlsr wlth thr gtaff at my tlmor h,tt prlrablt prlor to tho Plannlng Gommleglon rnrotlng. Thc.rtaterr1.nte arc, of ,cpureo, open to dlscua8lon bcfofo tfie Pl&nlng Commlcrlon at th.lr nret-tlr6. Rcapoctfulty, Mlohrl 9' Elalr Platrlrq Dlructor MSA/kt ocr Plrmlrtg Oommleolon; Eloard of County Commlaeloncre; Stalf dlfflcult bccauaa ol ctrcp'clope trsffle sc overloadlng thr prcotrrt o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRTCULTURE FOREST SERVICEMinturn, Colorado 81545 2340 County Planning Deeenber L7, L973 r Mr. Mike Blair Eagle Co. Dept. of Planning Box 789 '-Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Homestake fV - Ssp 45-73 Dear Mike The developer has not contacted the Forest Service con- cerning a pernlt for a driveway on National Forest lands.At this time there does not appear to be any juetlfication for the drLveway slnce aecesa to the property ls already provlded across Forest land. Sincerely, #6*fE. R. BROI{NING /District Ranger Tilclil.lrr) Dt[j 1 8 1973 Eopt. 0t Planning & 0ev€l' f,.gla County. Co[o{ 6roGt | (r/68, I "r"ofio=*, EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNINO AND COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 i oEvtprueNrr Phoru 028-6338 Mr. Strrrart Brcrrrrn Box 101 Vqll, Colord 81657 Rot Flle f.{o. SEp-.15-73 Horrrertakr lll (Brown/Krpx) Skatctr Plm Tlrr Flannlng Commlsslon on 2t t{owrr{rcr hrtd a hmrlng on ydlr Skotch Flanc $omo of thc rnafor Gtncrorna rirrure ra follotrtt(1) oonrltyi (2) Slopt; urd (3) Flocrcatlon, In ldclltlon to thr pool . Thc Commlsglon alao folt that thc dcvolopor rhould mcet wlth tho Uppar Eaglo Vallcy Pl$nlng Commlttac. The Commlrslon wlll rcvllw thr plm agaln, aftrr thr cltlrorul group mrctlng. Rccpcottully, Robcft H. Barr Plmnlrp Aaalrtant nHB,/kt lQ Noyrmbor 1973 . r.r. r, .., ,r if *" ' ' 1''"' t l' i :ti. ' I .iil ; l .' , .., ".i; .Fr cci Board of Cornty , lor*u*,EACLT COUNTY OF I)LANNING AND COURTHOU$€ P. O. ttox 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 20 Lrecembor 1973 :LOPlvl€NT Phono 328-6338 Stewart Brown Box 101 Vail, Cclorackr 81657 Re: Flle No. Ssp-45-73 Homeetaker lV Sketch Plan At thalr reEular meetlng on 19 DEcsmber tho Plannlng Commlsslon hasrd your Sl<otch Plan. The Commission recommended that you take into consldoratlon. thE comments medo In ther Ptanning Staft lottor of 17 Decembor. lf you have any queetionE or comrnsntE, yourre welcome to contact thle off ice. Respoctful ly, Robort H. Barr Plannlng Aselstant RHB/Kt cc: Board of County Commiesloners I"Iike Blair, Planning Director Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81531 Dear Mike: The Hcrnestake IV Sketch Plan was subnitted to the Eagle County Soil. Conservation District for review and comnnent. We feel thai; inadequate soils information was provided, and that a more detalled report should be subnitted. ftreplanned development shoul-d be ljmlted to slopes less than {O per cent. AIso, a good revegetation plan should be subsj.tted. Sincere\r, '. /''7't'< Box 386 - Eaglo, Colorado 81631 Deeenber L3, L973 Ross E. Chambers President shr {4h- r! ,- lr . "- ?". .''+ r-\ .- .j /lf r' "--v J" i: iQr:,.rlJ I:!:,l.,Ll:.tir, (,r :.J_ Dept. at fagtc M TO: FROM: RE: DATE: EAGLE COUNTY VAIL PLANNING HOMESTAKE IV NOVEI{BER 16, PLANNING CO[{I,II SS ION COI{MISSION 7973 A detailed study of this project has not been mad.e i-n regardto technical considerations under the Vail ordinance. There appear to be a few problems, and the Vail planning Commission will outline them in a letter when the pro;eEtcomes to preliminary plan stage. DS/nmni RFc =;,r-^-'. -. ',' i. J , Iinr,irr-i!, I-, 1 ;5,i:f Doli. g,1 ,1, , . fr,, ,, ,,,,,,,r;',i ,,, ,., o box too .vail, colorado 01657 e 303.476-s613 ['EMORANDUM . =onot-*, i:ACL: COUt\lTY OF FLAI{NING ANI,.I cou;]fl{ousi: P. O. i3ox 799 Eagle, Colorado 81G31 17 Eecornber 1973 1.,*vr-O*opHr;rur Fhone 323-6338 Agenda ltem ii14 Stewart Brcwn Box 101 Vall, Colorado 81657 Fl6: Flle No. Ssp-45-73 Sketch Plan ' Homestake lV The Plannlng Staff, aeslsted by bther ecencios, has raviowed your a:pl lcatlon end hae formulatod the following flndlngs and rocommendaticns, whlch v'till be prosented to tho Ccunty Plannlng Commisslon at ttra scfreclulsd meetingl ths list ls not necssearily complote and repreasnts vlews of tho eteff only: 1. lot elops ls much to eteep for the number of unlts and bulk of bulldlng prooosedl 2. access and parking area ls much too dlfficult bocauso of stoep slopo and oxisting road flll; 3.erea densltles and resultant vehlclo trafflc are overloadlng tho present roed systarnl The etaff cannot recomnrond approval of the plan os submlttod. You are w€lcoma and oncoureged to discusE tho findlnge and rscommondatlons wlth the staff at any tlnro, but preferablg prlor to the Planning Cornmlsslon morrtlng. The statements are, of courso, opon to dlscusslon before tl.ls Planning Comm lsslon at thoir nreetlng. Rospo':tftrlly, Mlchgel S. Blair Flannlng Dlrector MSB/f(t cc: Plennlng Commlsslonl Boerd of County Ccmmlsslonersl Staff I UNrreo STATES DEPARTMENT oF AGRtCULTURE FOFIEST SERVICEMinturn, Colorado 81645 2340 County Planning December I7, L973 f- Mr. Mike Blair Eagle Co. Dept. of Planning Box 789 ,Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Homestake IV - Ssp 45-73 Dear Mike: The developer has not contacted the Forest Service con-cerning a pernit for a driveway on National Forest lands.At this ti.rne there d.oes not appear to be any justiflcation for the driveway since access to the property is alreadyprovided across Forest land. Sincerely,#&..,..*,E. R. BnOr'iNrNG /Dis{:rict Ranger fi ":.,i'-;i.r,;1 UIU ]. ir it73 iiepi i,. i::r;r:.iJ a ir/el. [rgis County. Colo,l 6200-l | (r/6p) ,, u "ot.Nr oF 5lt*,:"'XT,l""r"tPN4 ENr COUNTHOUSE F. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eeglo, Colorodo 816:il 29 Nrvember 1973 Mr. Stewart Brown Box 101 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Flle No. Ssp-45-73 Homegtake lll (Brown,/Knox) Skatch Plan The Plannlng Commlsslon on 21 November hold a hearlng on your $ketch Plan. Some of thE major concerns were ea fol lowe :(1) trenslty; (2) Slope; and (3) Recreatlon, in addltlon to tho pool . The Comrnlsslon aleo felt that the dovelopar should moet with tho Upper Eaglo Val ley Plannlng Cornmltteo, The Commlsslon wlll reviow tha plan agaln, aftsr the clt!zene group nreetlng. Respectfully, Robert H. Barr Plannlng Asslstant RHB,/kt cci Board of County Qommlssloners oENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 811 - Eagle County Courthouse Yall 476-5613 Re: Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 November 16, L973 Sketch Plan for ilomesLake 4 NTCHIV[D- *t . ,lit L ' &pt u \taer. . rrg Applicant: Brown/Knox Box 101 VaiI, Colorado 8t657 I,Ie have reviewed the plans and supporcing informatio,. for the abovereferenced subdivision and irave che following conments: (1) The parking lot and driveway drainage shourd be combined with theroof drainage and treated Eo remove silt, oil, organic and mincralmat.ter prior to discharge inLo Gore Creek. Norrnal surface run-off should be concained withinDerailed pl.ans of the physical construction of che. drainage Ereatinent system should be subnitEed for property I ines. drainage and review prior tothe prelirninary plat. EagIe Countv ilegula t ions 306.1 (1) The buildingts sewers must be connected to theSanitation District.Upper Eagle Valley (2) The districL may noE allow the structure to connecttap or taps would impart either organic or hydraulic Ehe sgr"rsgs trea Ement design capaciiy. (3) Building PermiEs .should not be issued if the sevrageis within 95% of. irs ratecl capacity as determined by irta r er Pollution Control Cornrnission. if the additional overloading of Ercatment p lant the Co lorado Solutions toprior to or in Sani tarian t s Ilecoramenda t ion s: The irnpact on t,he ambient air qualiEy should be staged.lessen any negative impacts must be submitted for reviewconjunct,ion wirh che preliminary plan. We would r econunend thaE: (1) The cleanest forms of energy be used for heating, cooking and aircond i Lioning. (2) All parki'g locs and driveruays be paved; all road and parking loEcuts be resecded to lesscn dusc probrems and soil erosion. (3) That a reasonable policy on fircplaces be provided. Cas fired firc-places will help eliminate 1:arciculate maELer and visable air polluLanLs. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8l I - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 476-5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalr 927-3322 Ilomescake Sketch Plan - page 2 (4) An Dnvironmental Impact StaEement be submitted coverins theenclosed circled i t,ems. (5) A plan and method for collecting, storing, and removing solidwastes be provided. The density of this development, we believe,warrents some overall solid wast.e plan to protect the quality of theenvirorurent and health of the inhabitants. ( 6.)_ The .existing solid waste handling facilities of Eagle counry arecurrently overloaded and are located on private and governmentland. We recornmend that this developmenr. eiLher: (a) Provide a final disposal site for its generated solid wastes; (b) Provide assistance to the county to enlarge, expand, or provide an alcernate solid wasEe facilitv. fr;( /l/ t/4-._-- Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. EnvironmenEal Heal th Encl: Iterns to be Considered in Environmental Impact Statement ESIE/bw cc: Eagle County Conrni s sioner s Mr. G. T. Ilisbach, P.E. State Health Dep ar tment Messers Erovrn and Knox ; o ;lvi/,urv1L .wJvur(v^jD ,1 l.t^ l ^.-a ITE}'JS TO 8ii El{VI RONMI|NTfiL" coNsltjitrnD IN i!?;CT Sri'*TiliiNT ilaw-6-1,(, 7"' o a reawi ri e pLan for necting t oasln ort- W/i+l::t:_:u.:^.::::ftc{ai anci adverse cficcr{,} of ctre'.iur,.io',racnr on aquaric\-/ b.iota and irabitats. Aisq" on iocal municiPal and iriciuscii.:r wa cer. _-supplies,1'r-ei^.nr'^a y^^-ri- tiatn lnd nrl,^- .,-^^ .D- " --'.!^rt qLrvrr, r. v,.-r.-eit.ionl and othcr uses. 3. !:hac is being done Lo preserve rhe esLhcric quaiity and habitat o.f oursireains as cold wacer fisheries? 1. Does the devclopmcnc conform wi clt chc warcr quaiity standards or objeqiives? f.s surface dra'ii-ra8e being ;>roperly trcated bcforeprobiern of silcaEion been reqoived? r'.ir d i. sc^ra rge ? lia's rhe a ,a\6(51 it,chere is a loca1 grounclwater dcpleclon problem, has grouncivzocn.;..!"h".g"\-/ bcen consi<icred and its effects been evaiuated? Does the creveropm.ent _ conCain adequate' CreaEment Eo proC€ct tire clual.ity of the grouiidwater?o,' 6. If local narer resource dcmand is higlr ancl supply low, has water r&sebeen considered? ,..IIhac ef f ects wguld suci, l.euce il,nururo." have on ";;;i"gwater quaiity needs in the receiving water? rf spray irrigation is propo.sedr' for sewag€ lrcatrrieflc pla*t effruenr, rn'l',a t .wouId such a pro ject- have on groundwatcr or suri.;ce waccr cualitv?would such irrigauion deplcce s,c?uam flows durirr; ior-frow i-iiJiri-'t' : Discuss whethcr tlie developmenE vri11 contribuLe to. incre,,;;ccj incidenceof fivoding by eirirer.r:-1:""d hydrauiic ca;?acit,y of tire i.looctway orincreased downstream flows. 0 B. 0 n":,:'i;:' s Lanclard s ? will che emissions, creaEed by occupied developments, havequaliry of rhe area? wiir rhii "ompiy wirh loca1 .ii'q""ii.y z\.c/(z) rr,.'rat is. bcing done ro prorecL and maincain che originai air qualicy ofv tlic vallcy? -'ffi' Discuss che rcia Eionship becwccn nearby rcsidcnccs and busincsses, trreW dcvelopncnt, and p4evailing wind paECerns? 4' if odor p-roblcms can be expcctcd f"on "rly ,>arE of tiie projcct, wlrat i)re-cairLions wiii ire tak€n to mininrize ulris t.lcct ? z-at, )(,r'", .cris3 :i,rrr il:c dcvelo;rmcnt wil i GcL/.,!.rc.i-'C.. . . . t i ri .i r r c u S L f i A l i;;oivLir CriCoUl';rr:{, Oi: d i r:cOr.i..i;:c i.(.:; j(lrti.il: j;., l. ,wi LI,i.rr i.:,'.t ;,r...r.,. : -.-.-.--,*1....76-r- Cen- -2- O::rt: ch3 d,1vcroro"nr &f".rs on groweii confor;a rvirii lan,i-use pi.a;,s;fo5J V tfc lrea? I{oulri suci"r Srorvth appc.rr corisisicirc wicii t,ic growth aruiCl ' ' of ihc area al1d. L^rc communicy. . . . ^ O llow wiil chc dcvclop;acnt affcct thc iancl-basccl ccosys,;eins :lcar ihc Loc' V and block sites, such as rvii-tiiii" Lruic"rr-;;t,-;;";r'^i covcii, ai:ci vcgetal.and wooclcd growch on righcs-ot-way. I,Ior.ii.d Chc dcvcl.o,-rncnE irrrpair' tlio iandcca;,c airci/or.crcaLc irrcporableeianrage [o Beologi€ forna [ions, (t5/ ll'';.at is bcing done to protccr Lirc origin;r.L l\/ io restore iiie lanci .form af ie i: corlsr t:uc Li.):i c eleincnt will be considereci fo.r- cjris resdor;icion 6. Di scuss the type an<i amount of land Cira c. wil L beconscruc tion and occupancy of chc devej.opr,tent. a ffcc Lcd pernanently by process? wiil bc donc li.ira t u ime iat 7' llave alEernacive sices for rl'rc dcvcl.opment s iruc Lcr-cJ with Iesscr adverseirnpact upon thc environmen! been fully corrsiclered? ",^[3])r;,s consicrctarion been given co resrrictinE furure dcvcropmc.c adjaccnc\-/to lhe sice rhrough r"rij""cri"iilor-, or rarld use-concrol ? 9. Discuss merhoris for ultimate disposar of soiid wastes crearcci by occdrancyof chc development. liha E environr,rcntal fr.ctors wcr:e -con s ia ercci irr selectl.ing theodisposal siLes, or otherwisc arriving aI uhe ieleccecl soruiion? IiUi'AN TiTECTSca c ""'A, locial and Economic .-krhF-!_G_{- ln che rcloca liorl di srup Lion, o f i'tectpieT Discugs .gociaI opporLunities in che t 1 , lf i.i I rhe d evelopmcnE resul Eand econornic effeccs of such " (2.r)ilircuss how rhe clevelopmens'wi1i affcce rocrear_ionai. opportuniries in chevd::a: e' 3. I,Jill che developmcn! alleviate oj greaEe public healtlr gr nuisancc problears?o 4' lfill cho devclopraenc affecc hisrorical, archaclogic i,Lt at cultural vaLucs?Ilha c, measures wiil be talcen co prouect, thcse yslusr,/ ,A-\ e - f 5) Tt the deveropmeirt will inciuce gro\"rrh upon rhe ar"a, dti""uss tlie effects ofr-/ such srowth on the'.o,n-,rniry. ,rVirr pubric """r,r""1'ol;t::iirlil""ijt...-..,,able Io serve such growch.when it occurs? :s.and utilitics be o",vart- r--, / "/ 3:::l:.:*'r:I "oi* problerns due ro opcrarion of the facilirics within circt-/ qev{ropmcilt in Ecrns of occurr, ilossibic control. I t cnc6" ('iuraCi<-rtr, iniensiCy, ini.raci, Airci T o -.v ' -3- quletneso end a .;iserenlty of .. 'o . 7. llhat ts belng rlonc to preserve che original . rhe valleY? B. Esthetlcs c t "i1. rs thc developrnent site located in wooded areas, parks, or other areas of recognlzed esgheeic value? .If so, what measures would be t,aken to minimize development eEfects oh Chese areas?ai h,,( 2,lbescribe archlLectural and landscaping technlques to blend the struc \-/..: *L ri,- -,,+*n,,-r{ra ar.^^ CI .'a a tuf,eBY with the surroundlng area. ca 4 -c CONSTI{UCTION '1. will clearing'of vegetation.and wooded cbver be resirlcted at the development sl ce? ,, 2. Will clearing lnvolve the 0se of herbici.des, blastlng, or burning? Discussn - Ehese measureE with their environmental Lffects.at Define erosibn control measures to be taken durlng constructlon. will .these procedures 'preclude sedimentation and curbidity in the nearby wafers? ..a er'o Discuss proximity. of che constructlon sftes to resldenceg or buslnessesand the possrble 'nulsances thae wlll result, during constructlon. (m Discuss the possible- advlrse effects of .the construorlon on aquatlc life\ / and wildlife ln rhe area.\-/'' PUBLIC PAR,TTCIPATION ' O to permit pull lc involvement satisfactory environrnentaL assessrnent musC! Clearly indicate chat, measures have been takenln tl're formatlon of the proposed development. Q lt-'',,. fZ.)la"ttlfy any environmenEal controversies resulting from the developmentr:. rz as proposed, and efforts !b resolve these controversles. t K l".additionrthe asseSsment should lnclude a discussion of what measures are belng'' taken to incorporaLe the publlcts vlews, both favofable and unfavorable, into the . formulation of tlre developmenc-. The asseB6menc ahould ldenttfy any conrroverslal' issues that have not, been regolved. ' r A 6 c' ..ur .T;1.:*i?JII."*. r.t*L,M€Nr COU'lTHOUSE P. O. L3ox 789 Phone 3?8-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8l&31 9 November 1973 To: ' Erlk Edeen, €nvlronmental HEalth Rlck Olson, Soil Conservation Servlce Kent Roso, Englneer. Town of Vail Krls., lvloserr, Colorado Dlvlslon of Wlldllfe Re: $ketch Plan for Homeetake 4 (Brown/Knox) Flls No. Sen-45-73 The errcloEod eketch plan for the proposod Homestake 4 is for your ravlew and f lle, Please lgt us know your comments prlor to ttre Plennlng Ccnrmlssion rr,eoting cn 2O Nover'ber. Reepqctful ly ' Robert H. tsarr islannlng Assistant RHB,/Kt STEWART H. BROWN HUGH R. WARDER FREOERIC SUTLER F. O. eOX rol vAtL, coLoRADO 8t657 l3o3) 4ze- s4zg BROWN AND WARDER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Novernber 81 1973 P. O, BOX aae EAGLE, COTORADO 8163I (3O3) 3ae-?r5l Eag Ie County Flanning ConmissionEagle, Co lorado Gent lemen : f represent Deane Knoxl the owner of Lot A-9 Lion.s Ridgesubdivision, and myserf, as the orrner of Lot G-4 r,ionrs Ridgesubdivision. we propose a joint developnent of the two lotspaforeme[tioned, by construction of condoninium buirdings to beknown as Honestake 4, Enclosed is a sketch plan wit.h supportJ-ng documents subrnittedLn accordance wit,h the Eagle county subdivision Regul_ations. ?he source of domestl-c water for this project wirl be LionrsRidge I'Jater District l the source of domestic sewer serviceswl11 be the Upper Eagle valley Sanitation Disrricc. We would appreciate the opportunity of meeting with the planning CornmissLon staff at the earliest opportunity. lJe request a revi.ew of the enclosed sketch pran at the cornmissionneetLng of Novennber 21, 1973, CruIy yours,(.ffi-- ll . Brown SIIB ! na //, ., ,tl /.** /t'1" t I !' .r,y' 4- o / Jb/ur .!t tewart Frasier & Et'ngery, lnc. COIVS ULTIA.G ElVGIIVEEH S 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET EN6LEWOOD, COLORAOO 801 IO TELEPHON€ 303 761.4860 Job No. 759.01 Noyember 8, 1,973 HOMESTAKE #4 LOTS A9 AND G4, LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVIS]ON EAGTE COUNTY, COLORADO SCOPE: This report contains information supplernental to- the architect!s sketch plan as^requirecl under Section 4.01.01, para_graphs (d) and_-(9) of the hagte countiy Subdivision Regulations atioptetl 5 Septenber, 1.972. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: Lots A9 and G4, constituting the Honestake #4 property, consist-of iliy.i and saniy soils overlying clayey_sand and gravel. glaciofluvial aetri! whichr' in turn, rests on Maroon Forrnation bedrock. The Maroon Fornation bedrock in this area consists of light- to.dark" maroon, brick-red, and gray generally calcareous and micaceous inter' bedded'sandstone,'siltsionbr-mudstone, conglomelate' and lirnestone Of Perno-Pennsylvanian age. Glacial outwash and norainal material is deposited on the hi11s1ope letween Red Sandstone Creek and Buffehr Creek to a depth of approxi- rnately 100 feet, forrning a dominant physiographic feature. This ma' teriai consists of clay6y sands and lr-aveti r,rith abundant cobbles and srnall boulders of Maroon Formation. Subsoils, varying from a few feet to six or seven feet in dep_th',have developed on ihe-gtacial rnaterial . These subsoils consist of si1ty, sandy, medium stiff' Porous claYs- The topsoil developed on these slopes is thin, generally_less than one fo-ot in depth,- and consists predorninantly of ,sandl- clay. These soils are clasiifiecl CL under the Unified Soil Classification Systern. SLOPES: Slopes on the Homestake #4 property ale moderate-to steep, ranging up io Lpproxiinately 65?, horvevbr,- the- proposed developnent is planned for the moderate slopes of 20 to 40 percent. DMINAGE: Surface drainage from the area under inyestigation is tributary to Rcd Sandstone Crceft or Buffchr Creek, The moderate to steeP slopes ancl s1:t'y's 73 CIVIT TNGINEIRING / IAND sURVEYING / STORM DRAINAGE ,I STRUCTURA! / IRANSPORIATION / WAIER & SANITATION / topographically superior position of the Homestake #4 property in- sure that adequate provisions for surface drainage can be rnade andthat Lots G4 and A9 are not rvithin the flood plains of Gore Creek Red Sanclstone Creek, or Buffehr Creek. The character of the sub-soils and underlying naterials indicatesthat no undue or hazardous groundwater conditions will be associatedwith this property. SllMl"lARY: A preliminary site investigation, review of the pertinent literature, and discussion of this area rvith representatives of the Colorado Geo-logical Survey and other knoruledgeable individuals has not revealed any radiological hazards or other conditions which will adverselyaffect the development of this propert)r. CONCLUSIONS: Within the purview of the investigation required to satisfy the Sketch Plan Requirenents of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations adopted 5 Septenber, 1972, no geological , drainage, radiation or other condi-tions exist on Lots G4 and A9 or on adjacent property which would pre. clude the proposed development of said property. FRASIER E GINGERY, INC. 4,84*-Lee R. Rice Geologist LRR:np I I,/l /$eGrsr€,.ddql 4043 e 3"rn.r* "4 /-! fr -z- -r Frasier & Gingery, lnc. COIVSULT^JG EIVG lTV EERS 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLONADO 801 IO TELEPHONE 303 /61-4560 Eagle County Planning Comrnission Eagle, C0 81631 Re: Lot G4 Lionts Ridge Filing No. 2 Job No. 759.01 Gentlemen: The following inforrnation is providgd ?s fgguired in Section 4.01-.AZ of the Eagle County, Colorado Subdivision Regulations. The lot is provided water service by the Lionrs Ridge lrlater District anh selage service by the Upper Eagle Sanitation Dis trict. November 8, 7973 Very trul)r yours, FRASIER E GINGERY,. XNC. Charles D. l,Janager of CDM:mp ctvrt tNGtNEERtNc / IAND strRvEytNc / sToRM DRA|NAGI / srnucruRAt / TRANSPoRTAT|oN o.tu-z& Mi11er, F. E. Municipal llorks :Dept. .*7 /"/ 2'3 WATER & SANIIATION N". 2r1?-LL-ro County Treasuret's Officg Eagle County, Colorado ?f-<r , ts2i PfPiult) tt , Treasurer ook Page , Deputy tl|E c. a. noEcxlr co.. Daxvri (T 3} a \EAGLE COUNTY 'ARTMENT OF PLANNING AND OPMENT COURTHOU9E F. O. Box 789 Ptrone Eoglc, Oolorado 8t631 2O Deecndcer 1973 328-6338 Steurart Brown Box 101 Vall, Coloracf, 81657 Re: Flle No. 8rp-45-73 Homrctrkc lV Sketch Plan At tholr rrEular meetlrlg on 19 Docambcr thc Plannlng Commlselon heard your Skelch Plan. Thc Commlaslon rccommended that you tako Into consldcratlon, tha eommcnts madc In the Plannlng Stalf lctter of 17 Decerr{ror. ,l lf you havo sny q.leetlorls or comrncnt!, yourra welcorno to contrct thls off lcc. Rcepectful ly, Bobort H. Barr Plarrlng Aaeletant BHB/Kt cci Board of Cernty Commlaeloncre / Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 December 13, r.973 Mike tslair, Planning Director Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: ?he Hcrneetake IV Sketch Plan was submi.tted to the Eagle County Soif Conservation Dietrlct for review end cqnnent. We feel that lnadequate soj-l-s information wae provided, end that e nore detailed report should be subnltted. Ihe planned develop.ent shoul-d be Llnlted to slopes Less than {0 per cent. AIso, a good revegctatlon plan should be submoitted. Sincere\y, i.4 shr Rose E. Chambers President ( zr9/n-'',---t."-y'- .<-z.r-/ t, L,i0i ir iJ/J uept. Lt : ,. fag/e Ccl,;.. r, i-., i h tnwn box 1oo r vail, colorado Bt6E7 r 303.476.s6r3 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION HOIIESTAKE IV NOVEMBER 16, 1973 A detailed study of this project has not been made in regardto technical conslderations under the Vail ordinance. There appear to be a few problems, and the Vail Planning Commj-sslon wiII outli.ne them in a letter when the project comes to preliminary plan stage. DS/nrun RECEIYFD tl?V z 1 rct3 o.lt o fimn,"^ " ^ht o.,orr.'rl,ol"".t, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Vail 476-5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 November 16, L973 l}pt'u \&er. (2) The district nuy not allow the strucrure to connecc tap or taps would irnpart either organic or hydraulic the sewage treatment design capacity. (3) Building permics .should not be issued if rhe sewageis within 95% of its rated capacity as determined by Water Pollution Cont.ro 1 Commission. if the additional overloading of treatment plant the Co lorado Sanitarian I s Recoarnenda t ion s: The impact on the ambienE alr quality should be stated. Solurions co lessen any negative impacts mus! be submitted for review prior to or inconjunction with the preliminary plan. We would reconmend tha t: (1) The cleanest forms of energy be used for heating, cooking and air cond i t ioning. (2) All parking lots and driver,rays be paved; all road and parking lor cucs be reseeded to lessen dusL problems and soil erosion. (3) That a reasonable policy on fireplaces be provided. Gas fired fire- pLaces will help eliminate particulate matEer and visable air pollutants. $l5CEIVED Re:Sketch Plan for Hornestake 4 Itit t i?3 Applicant: Brown/Knox Box 101 Vai1, Colorado 81657 We have reviewed the plans and supporting informaEion for che abovereferenced subdivision and have the following coments: (1) The parking lot and driveway drainage should be cornbined wich theroof drainage and treated lo remove silt, oil, organic and mineralmatter prior to discharge into Gore Creek. Normal surface run-off should be contained within properEy 1ines. Detailed plans of the physlcal conscruction of rhe drainage anddrainage treatnent system should be subrnitted for review prior tothe preliminary plat. Eagle County Regulations 306.1 (1) The buildingr s sewers must Sanitation Di str ic t. be connected to the Upper Eagle Val1ey ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 176-5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 Homestake Sketch Plan - page 2 (4) An Envirorunental Impact Statement be submitted covering the enclosed circled i cems. (5) A plan and method for col1ect,ing, storing, and removing solid wastes be provided. The density of this development, we believe, Lrarrencs some overall solid waste plan to proEect the quality of the environment and health of the inhabitants. (6) The existing solid waste handllng facilities of Eagle County are currently overloaded and are located on private and government land. I,iIe recofimend that this development either! (a) Provide a final di.sposal site for its generated solid wastes; (b) Provide assistance to the county to enlarge, expand, or provide an alternate solid waste facili.t.v. f*( /r gil'-,--" Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. Environmental Heal th Encl: Items to be Considered j.n Environmental Impact Statement EWE,/bW cc: Eagle County Corfiii ssioner s !.{r. G. T. Misbach' P.E. State lleal th Department Messers Brovn and Knox rIl:rvtJ lu ItI. EIWIRONMENTAL' CONSIDNi{ND IN ilPii,cT sTl??elrsN?iloo-u],(" Tj o' NATURAL ,USOURCES A, I]ate:: a a t ts. Lir a o. ,t : i i a t t. T::_.t]:^l:::,:li""r conform wi ch thc^basin o,r areawide pLan for neeringw.Ler yrdt.uy ouolldards or ob-ieeCives? ':. a l'[f,/Discues the beneflu{a]. and adverse eficcrs of rhe\-/ biota and habitats. Al,sq. on ^oca1 municipal anclirr'igaCion, recreation, and other uses. rl cvc iolrr,ren L on aquacic inciusic^ii ; wa ier osuppl I es, 3. L'irat is being done to preserve the estheci.c quaiicy ancl habitat o,f oursnreanls as cold water fisherins? o 'o 1 a fs surface dra inage being properly trcared beforeprobiem of siltation been reqoived? llira t eflecc wiLl the emissfsns, on Ehe air qualiry of the area? s t,andard s ? d i. sc;,arge ? iias tire rf chere is a rocal groundwarer depletion problem, has groundvzaco" ,!"h"rn"been considered and ics effeccs been evaiuirecr? iloes rte.dn".i;;;";;conEain adeguat,e treaEment to protect Ehe guality of che Brou dvraEer? rf 10ca1 nraEer resQurce demand is rrigri ar,cl supply iow, has wu!." "&r"been considered? . What effects wpuld:suci. reuil ."urur"" have on meeEingwater quaiiry ne;ds in che receiving waEer? If spray irrlgation is prolo.sedr' for sewage froatmcnc plant effluenc, wl-.a t. would such a projecc- have ol groundwiccr or srrt.rte wacer qualicv? .Would'such lrrigacion deplece s.c'ream flows durin; iow_fLow p.iio-Jri--'': Dlscuss whethcr the development wirl concribute fo incre..;icd incidenceof fhooding by either-reduced hydraulic capacity of cire i.loodway orincreased downslream flowg. created by occupied developments, havel,lili rliie compiy wich local air quality 0 and businesses, tile tire proj ec c, w.rat pre- encoUi',lr:(t of iirrco(;i-.. .,r :.,,,: l.:.-:- r-,' .l i.iiL;.i.' ,,.c ;,ic;,- ,- "i :'.;',"':"':':" en- t ,a.\ o,V Y:r..:i':-:l"t done Eo procecc and maincain rhe originai air qtialicy of'j'b "':'"'I Qjscuss che reiationship between nearby residencesdevelopraent, and pgevailing wind patterns? 4. if odor p;:oolems can be expected fro. .ny parc ofcautions wiii. be Eaken to mini.mize tlris eiiecc? c ^1f . L(.../., icuss ;:n!,r ilic development wjli\-'c\.).,|,i.ei:c..,,.irri inc.,usLriai gfovLll oc a -2- OY:"t9 tire d,evelopmenr &fects on growEir conform ryirl^. Larrd-use plairs.for J \/ cfe lrea? wourd sucir groylh appear consisccni: wicii t.ic ;rowrh ,."rral--' or rne area ano. ErtC CommunlEy. . ^ (") ilow wiil thc <icvelopmenc affccr the iancl-basccl ccosys.;o;r3 ;rc,:r iLc iot' \'/ aid block siccs, such as rviio^ife lraiicaif sLi-\,.:il) J1r,,. .orr.., and vegeEal.and wooded growth on righcs-of-way. l/oulcl the devol.opmcnc impair' tho landoca;ic ai-rci/or.crca!g irrcparabladanragc uo geologie formaEions. f;,+,(5/ What is being done to protccr rire origirr;ri tand\-/ to resEore lire land form af ier .r,rr.r,,., r i,r,, .tSo wi 1i be done -|iirla t t ime ;r 7' Have alLcrnative siges for the dcvclopment strucEur-eJ wicir iesser adverseirnpacE upon lhe environment becn fully considered?-t (firas considcacion been given to restricring fucure cieveiopmenc adjacent\-/co che siue through ranl.acgulsicion or ra*<r use confror? 9' Discuss merhods I:r *:inate'disposar of soiid wacrcs c;eag,ccr by occr.flancyof the developrnent. What environmencal fac[ors wcre-cousiaerecj {rr select:_ing the.disPosal sites, or olherr,irise arriving aE che oelecced "oru.io"i-. 1. lJiil rhe development resulr in qhe "ulo.Jcionand economic effect,s of such disrupcton. [2y'Discuss how tiie development wilr affecc rrcreaEronal opporruniries in the\-/;r rea r =ti@,.' 3. llilt uhe deve"lopment allevlaEe gr FFea6q public heslth er nuisance problems? 4. I/i11 che development affect hlstorlcar, arciraalogicai, or curEurar varucs? 'lhau measures wilr be gaicen co protec! thcee varues,J v/L r"'.t Lsrcr vatucs J -A\r 5y' iE the develop*:l',:.11rt induce g,igyrh upon rrre arua, d'is"uss r,rre ef feccs of\/ :;;: ::"::1,:",:l;'llffillilil" lltj"::iii; ;;;;;;'";d u,iliries be.avai,- a^ / o) ris"""s any noise problems due Eo opcrarion of rhc faciLicies wiihin rhel-/ oevcLopmeni in tcrras of occurrencerr ciuraciori, intensity, impac;, aricipossibie control. . ,. -..!L"rrL/' rrrti''d{- ., aiiq elernent will be considered for ciri.s resdor,.cion 6. Discuss rhe Lype anci amount of land thac wilL beconstrucLion and occupancy of che deveiopinent.. process? affec ced permanently b/. a of peopie? Discuss .social IiUI'AN ETFECTSoa' ^ i"4:EEjnf|.'z' Ar $ocial and EcononicaF*r-..-- rt ,. o a a'a o ' -3- 7. I,Iha t i s belng done to preserve the origlnal the valley? B. Bs$g4_S_c . a o quletneee and .a serenlty of a1. Is the development slte located in wooded areas, parks, or of recognlzed esthetlc value? .If so, what measures would minirnlze development effects oh these areas? other area6 be taken too blend the s truc tureB c dbver be restrtcted at the : :. h.,{ 2,r)oescri,bc archltectural and landscaplng technlques to Y with the surroundlng area. oa t t CONSTIIUCTION 1. Will clearing'of vegeEation"and wooded development, slce? - 2, Will clearlng lnvolve the ose of herblcidesl blasting, or burnlng? Dlscuss" ' these measures with their environrnental effects.o,A fq Define ".o.ion concrol measures to be taken dtrring conscructlon. I{itl\-/ Ehese procedures'preclude sedimentatlon and curbldity tn the nearby waterg? a . Fs ^, -: .; "., t '.-. A or."uss proximity of the constructlon sftes to resldences or buslnesses l \-/ and the posslble nulsances that wll1 result during constructlon. on aquatlc llfe oPUBLIC PARTICIPATION A sarisfactory environmental assessment must: clearly indicare tiat measur", i".r" been taken to permit pullrc invorvementln the formaElon of the p.roposed developmenc.' 'fa,\2.)Identlf! any environmental controversies resulting from the development, . V as proposed, and efforts tb resolve these controvergles. In addltionrrhe asseSsment shoul.d lnclude a discusslon of what measures are belngtaken to.incorpbrat,e the publicrs vlews, both fevotable and unfavorable, i,nto theformulatlon of t|re developmentl The- eaa€ssmenc ehould tdenttfy any conirJverslallasues that have: no t beeu regolved. o . t. ' .../;r' a '];o atti \ To:.'l Erlk Rlck Kcnt Krla, Edoen, Envlronrnor*tl Health ' Olson, Soll Conrrvatlon Servlce Rolc. Englnoer, Town of Vall Mofor, Colorado Dlvhlon of Wlldllfr Reepeotfully, Robert H. Pla,mlng RHB,/Kt P. O. gOX tol vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (3o3) 475-s47s BROWN AND WARDER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Novenber 8, 1973 I R O. BOX 422 EAGLE, COLORADO 8163I (303) 32e-7r51 STEWART H. BROWN HUGH R. WARDER FREDERIC BUTLER Eagle County P lanning Commission Eag le I Colorado Gentlemen: I represent Deane Knox, the owner of L,ot A-9 Lionts RidgreSubdivisionl and myselfr as the owner of, l,ot G-4 Llonrs Ridgesubdivision. lle propose a Jolnt development of the two lots,aforementioned, by construction of condorninium buildings to beknown as Homestake 4. Enclosed is a Sketch Plan wit,h supporting documents subnittedin accordance with the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. The source of domesti.c $rate! for this ptoject wlll be LiontsRiilge Water Dist,rictl the source of domestic sewer serviceswilL be the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District. We would appreciate the opportunity of rneetlng wlth the planning Coramission staff at the earliest oBportunity. we request a review of the enclosed Sketch plan at the Commissionmeeting of November 21, 1973. yours, Brown SHB : na *"/ .25' /r-/ /4 s.47- /// truly tewart 16 '.7 t I I frasier & Eringery, lnc, CONSULTIIVG EIVGIIVEERS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENCLEWOOq COLORADO 80r 10 TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 Job No. 759.01 November 8, L973 HOMESTAKE #4 LoTS A9 AND G4, LroNrS RrDGE SUBDryrSrON EAGTE CoUNTY, CoLoRADO SCOPE: This report contains infornation supplemental to_ the architectts sketch plan as^required under Section 4.01..01, paragrapht (d) and--(9) of the Eagle Coundy Subdivision Regulations adopted 5 Septenbet, L972. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: Lots Ag and G4, constituting the Homestake #4 property, consist_of clayey and saniy soils overlying clayey sand and. gravel- glaciofluvial debii! which, in turn, rests on Maroon Formation bedrock. The Maroon Fornation bedrock in this area consists of light- to dark' maTooll , brick-red, and gray generally calcareous and nicaceous inter- bedded'sandstone, siltsfon-er-nudstonbr ssnglomerate, and linestone Of Permo*Pennsylvanian age. Glacial outwash and morainal rnaterial is deposited on the hillslope between Red Sandstone Creek arrd Buffehr Creek to a depth of approxi- nately 100 feet, forning a dominant physiographic feature. This na- teriai consists'of clay6y sonds and lraveli with abundant cobbles and small boulders of Maroon Fornation. Subsoils, varying from a few feet to six or seven feet in dep-thr-have developed.on the-g1acial naterial . These subsoils consist of silty' sandy, rnediurn stiff ' porous clays. The topsoil derreloped on these slopes is thin, generally_ less than one fobt in depthr-and consists predorninantly of sandy-clay. These soils are clasiified CL under tha Unified Soi1 Classification Systen. SLOPES: slopes on the Honestake #4 property are moderate_to steep, ranging up to ipproxinately 65%, howevbr,- the- proposed deyelopment is planned for the moderate slopes of 70 to 40 percent. DRAINAGE: Surface drainage from the area under investigation is tributary to Red Sandstone Creeft or Buffehr Creek. The rnoderate to steep slopes and s</ y' 5- /7 crvlt ENGTNEERTNG / [aND suRVEytNG / sroRM DRAINAcE / srRucruRAt / TRANspoRrAroN / wATER & saNrrAlroN "/ o topographically superior position of the Hornestake #4 properly in- sui'e-thbt adeqirate-provisions for surface drairJage can be made and that Lots G4 dnd A9-are not within the flood plains of Gore Creek, Red Sandstone Creek, ot Buffehr Creek. The character of the subsoils and underlying materials indicates that no undue or hazardous groundwater conditions will be associated with this property. SUMMARY: A prelininary site investigation, review of the pertinent literatute, anb discussibn of this area with representatives of the Colorado Geo- logical Survey and other knowledgeabl,e individuals has not revealed any radiologicaL hazards or other conditions which will adversely affect the developnent of this property. CONCLUSIONS: Itrithin the purview of the investigation re_quired to satisfy the.Sketch Plan Requirinents of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations adopted 5 Septedber, 1972, no geological , drailage, radiation or other condi- tioni exist-on Lois G4-and Ag or on adjacent proPerty which would pre. clude the proposed deveLopment of said Property. FMSIER q GINGERY, INC. 4r.za,*Lee R. Rice LRR:np -2- #H ww F tu, 404 tn r.r, &o' 3E ,'* rronh Eingery, lnc. COTVSULTIIVG EIVGI.VEEHS 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLOPADO 8OI'O TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 o November 8, 7973 Eagle County Planning Conmission Eag1e, CO 81631- Re: Lot G4 Lionts Ri<lge Filing No. 2 Job No. 759 .01' Gentlemen: The following information is provided as required in Section 4.01.02 of the Eagle Countyr Colorado Subdivision Regulations- The 1ot is provided water service by the Liorl!s_Riclge l{ater District anl sewage service by the Upper Eagle Sanitation Dis trict. Very truly yours, FRASTER & GTNGERY,. INC. t-Q--&o- O,.fu4/e"- Charles D. Mi1ler, P. E. Ir{anager of Municipal. Works Dept, CDM:np s. s ,/' y'l'7 3 / wArEr & SANITAIIONcIvIL ENGINEERING / I.AND SURVEYTNG ,I SIORTTI DRAINAGE I srRucruRAt I TRANSPoRTATToN il I N. 23?11 frrruiuril o Treasutet's Officg Eagle County, Colorado $ ti--<l of n) cotonao, {fta>t. 7 ,19 DO LLARS Account of Fund Cash Book Page- , Treasurer , Deputy rrE c. r. fioEcxEr co-, D€{vrn (T !) Community Development Departmenl T@rrr'. IV<Y Prt Cf+(- Yoo ax,L }YANTA J 4M- &qn oF -D6r-Etcr M 4. /sB fer< ot+€zq - : '.I*rgrs TttfrT t*/(tvos ','u W€. 'F@n ovlr- Pgnen{ a{s1 :s@o tuq4 v5' vLe fu,b,P€ Wt € Coolll\( 6tn, tSStat{@$- Y+ft- Us,aD Pgn{€$E'€ Tt"Y W< i b+tJ€.fr WffHDeaur aWvq '0N DffZ A|offi. €oszHS'W'> StaNtrrn-r- - 1ryvNKs, --...-I|II*-'---vv I M6-q Crr'SW#g . f C.,n'---11 n \5'rt ry) i],','L uu' STEWART H. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAvl.| aa5 w LL grREEr vAlL, CoLORADO 8t657 "o.- r]l-- roru February li , 1gB2 14r. Ri chard A. Capl an Toyrn Manager Town of Vii'l Col orado S.l657 Re: Vacation of UtilitiesLot G-4, Li on 's Ri dge Dear Mr. Caplan: l,Jith thanks for your cooperation Your ivery truly, Easement, Subdivision I'lo. z by townproperty, of Vail, Application is hereby made for vacationordinance of certain ear."*enii-. burden ;;-;yLot G-4, Lion's Ridge Subdiuiiion No 2, io"n"Eagie County, Colorido. The easements. in question exist by virtue of therecorded prat for Lion''s Ridge sJuaiuiiion'lro. z'unoare descri bed therei n as fol iorvs : "Ytility easements'l 0 feet on each side of allinterior Ioi rines and r5 ieet arong-uti'eiieriorlot tines and along all sundivi;i;;'nornaulv lines. ]! ir my understanding that ar utirities have beeninstalled in Sandstone Driie, it'l" road adjacent to LotG-4. I All uti'l itv.companies operatr.ng-in this localityhave. been requeileg to lurriiil';ritirui'n-J"eas-Ji unyi nterest thev may hgye i n the eaiement Ur"J*nini't_otG-4 and at I iuch- ull I j tv .ori,uiii. nuve provi ded assur-ances that such quitctalm deb,l uriif nu-f;;;;;;;;ns inthe near future. -r expeCt io'-rr"nistr-vo;;;;;;;"of suchquitclaim deed before il,is appiiiation-ii ioiiriaured bythe Town CounciI. I have discussed.this.application preliminarily w.i thPeter Jomar who has advised tirat the appl ication wi I I besubmitted by you to the Town councir for its considerationat a future meeting. I would very muctr app"".iui" ."_ceiving from you a notice of such'meeting date when ithas been set. 14,."1/'22". et^lart ll . Brolvn .rFa,f l4.a2t, &xz AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, rnade and entered into this day of May, 1982, by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, hereinafter called "Vail", and MEREDITH DEVELOPyENT COMpAI.iy, a limited partnership, hereinafter called "Meredith". WHEREAS, Meredith is currently pursuing contract negotiations to purchase property known as Lot G-4, LionsRidge Subdivisibn, Filing No. 2, hereinafter called "Lot G-4", from the record owner thereof, STEWART It. BROWN; and I^IHEREAS, MeredLth contemplates developing said Lot G-4 by the construction of certain residential urits all in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Vail Mr.rni- cipal Code; and WHEREAS, a quesEion has arisen as to the vacation ' of certain uEility easernents as the same appear on the recorded plat of Lot G-4, LionsRidge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 (recorded September 20, L972 in Case 2, Drawe-r L, Reception No. 121219 in the Eagle County records) and in particular with respect to the construction of improvements by Meredith on all or a portion of said easements in the event the same are vacated; and WHEREAS, the parties would like to clarify and agree in advance as to the respective liabilities of the parties in the event that said referred to util_ity easements I -t- o are vacated and said vacation and the :resultant construction exposes VaiI to liability resulting from snowplowing and snow sanding on that portion of sandstone Drive that abuts on said Lot G-4. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows: A. Meredith hereby agrees to indernnify and hold Vail harmless frou any loss, damage or clairns, including attorney's fees and costs incurred in defending any aetion or actions asserted by any third party arising out of Vail's snowplowing and snow sanding operations on that portion of Sandstone Drive abutting on Lot G-4, which loss, d.amage or claims arises out of claimed or actuaL damage, injury or destruction to any improvements whaLsoever including land- scaping on the vacated utility easement of said Lot G-4 abutting Sandstone Drive. B. This Agreement shall be deemed a eovenant rr.rnning with the land and any grantee or successor to the record owner of Lot G-4, LionsRidge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, according to the recorded plat thereof (September 20, Lg72 in Case 2, Drawer L, Reception No. L2L2L9) shall be bound by the within Agreemelnt and shal1 be deemed to have acquired his interest and title subject thereto. -2- IN Agreement the ATTEST: WITNESS WI{EREOF, the parties have day and year first above written. TOWN OF VAIL signed this MEREDITH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY,a limited partnership, BY: PROTECH, INC.,a Colorado corporation, General Partner By- JAMES J. MEEHAN By Town Clerk STATE OF COLOMDO ) : Ss. COT]NTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was , 1982me this as day of acknowledged by James J. before Meehan corporatLon,of Protech, Inc., a Colorado a General Partner of Meredith Development Company, a limited partnership. WITNESS my hand and official My connnission expires : My address is: -3- I hereby eonsent to the imposition of the above covenant running with and burdening Lot G-4, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, according to ttre recorded plat Lhereof (September 20, 1972 in Case 2, Drawer L, Reception No. L2L2L9). STATE OF COLORADO ): ss. COI]NTY OF EAGLE ) . The foregoing inslrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , L982 by Stewart I1. Brovm, . WITNESS my hand and official seal. My comnission expires: My address is: -4- site plan , u€aqr4's {t'{ J 6^* - I.arr(^-i) ty' .J d',11 | rr.r-r- |- h (Ntil \) 1-l1 \(il-a[ftr steurart tL bfwn Iot 6 Lion's *ge Subdivision ,2 Specifications I Owner Stewart H. Brown 225 Wall Street Suite 210 Vail, Colorado 81657 n3/476-5475 Location Sandstone Drive Lion's Ridge, Town of Vail, Colorado Size Approximately 2 acres Subdivision Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 Covenants Protective covenants of Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 Covenanted 30 dwelling units Use Covenanted No restriction. Floor area architecturally feasible: 43, 180 square feet (see study inside). Floor Area Utilities Water, sewer and underground electricitlr to the lot line. Additional Information Zoning Lot G-4 is exempt i-om zoning regulation. The Eagle County Zoning Resolution adopted in 1974. by its terms, exempted certain subdivisions from zoning regulation, including Lion's Ridge Subdivision No.2. Such exemption prwides complete fieedom fiom zoning control of any kind whate'ver. COvenantS The Covenants fur Lion's Biclge Subclivision No. 2 are a restriction on building only in the following respects: (1) there is a height limitation of forty-five feet measured fiom grade at the midpoint of the structure: (2) there is a requirement fur one and one-half o'ff-street parking spaces for each dwelling unit; (3) there is a requirement that building plans receive the approval of an architectural control committee. A copy of the complete covenants is available upon request Feasibility The study is the work of an architest who has taken into account all applicable restrictions of the Studv Covenants for Lion's Ridge Subdivision No. 2 To the extent possible in a preliminarystudyof this kind, the ' architect has also taken into account limitations inherent in the construction process and limitations of terrain. ?he property is ready for development nowl