HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LEGALJ lultn 75 south tronlage road eEil, colorado 91652 {303) 476-7000 January 17, 1984 oftlcc of commurdy dovelopment I hereby certify that i am the custodian for the Town of vail ofdocuments pertaining to Lion,s Ridge Subdivisjon #2. I hereby certify further that the file contains a bulky document entiiledon tne cover "Lion's Ridge Filing II" and that such do-cr.rrnent containsl_j:!*f to^the.Eagle County plaining Comnission AateC-l'|ay i6, 1972, the'rnEentton 0f which was to submit the report as support.ing-informatidnfor plat approvalr d cop-v 0f which is altached trei"bto as"E*tiibit,'A,'. i 1erypr further certify.tha! ggch document contains an unnumbered pagedated May 30, 1972, capiioned "Lion's Ridge Fiting #z-_ 5ew".age sy!i6m",,a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B.r I hereby-certify further that Exhibit "A" and ,,B,,are true and correctcopies of the origina'ls in rqy custody. ilCliGO Tayvel Environrnental Land Company Box 703 Vail, Colofado 81057 Tefephone: 3031476 2412 Eagle County P'lanning Connission Eag'le County Court House Eagle, Colorado 81631 tiay 16, 1972 Gent'l emen: The enclosed information outlines our p'lans for Lion's Ridge Subdjvision Fil'ing II. The pre'liminary subdivision plat and the supporting iniormation required by 1aw to be submitted is i nc'luded Thank you for your consideratjon and cooperation. Si ncere'ly yours , PHT: eas Encl osures ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COMPANY \\$$*\u{* iillll:.1'\av10r \ io' ii3"'iSToltliiuli.;:;il; "" tn -r1'"1aee-noaa3{{i1*}1...,...',,'.':,'..ilff";"d;;:td;i[:i:l::*i::*,{-u*:::H:::1ffi'H:...., i ,. ;r':;', it,,l,: ,.: i ,,1; ' .,.,":]; :1, 1i1;t;,'i,iiir'''.,;,:i',. ;:t' ,,', .i.t:i.. j :' ,1, :.'... -:.;,'-:.'t: Buffer Creelc Subd,lvl.slon as olcrBr'E\r vJ ra= ' e^v}*v]i liii +r,. .. :,,i ,:.".:,,.',-A[-Io""lr""tionvf:tbeaccfr]:snedin.6gselAa.nceultbthe '.. .' ' , ... i:.,! ,:. sDeclflcatloag of tbe colore.dduepartlaent of ,Eeali;b and' the : ' :':.;:- .,. rri.,.',o'. T';acl e Vs.ILev SeJxitatton D[etrlct''..i '..:] r"..:' . ' ' ,..,',,.,.,...i."....'i',,.':'....1.:'::lj]:''.,:'.,'it,::. :'...'i.'':,,..:-..::..]...'..i:;,'..i,'.":...i.'.l.'.'.';'.'1.':'l;'.::... . '1.)'.:'.'.^ l'.,, .'.;; ,;: ,;:r',r:'.1 '.i.' i'.'-:,r'r.,.i.;:.;-.,'.'.':. "*le ,.]'': ;.,.', i,'-:.:,.'i-:.... .:...,,'j^ . -'.,, -.t, :.i-,,..'lr-: .'."=+ i.r ..,.:i1:1 1;i,i[i;**..:.i-:'r-' "" -,,.,i .r : - jr.;: ;.r*: tnun . 75 soulh tronlage road . rall, colorado 81657 (3031 476-7000 August 23, '1983 olflce of communltY deYaloPment To Whom It ltlay Concern: The Town of Vai'l acknowledges, fn reference to the second amendment to the protective covenants of Lionsridge Subd'ivision Filing #2, that the Town of Vail is the governing body of authority over Lionsridge Subdivis'ionFiling No. 2. Alson at this time, the lots designated as lots 1,2,3 and 4 in Fifing 2 are zoned Residential Primary/Secondary a.llowing two dwelling units on each lot. The Town of Vail, a 39% property owner within said subdivision, has s'ignedoff on the Znd amendment to the protective covenants of Lionsridge Subdivision,Filing No. 2. Si ncere ly, . PETER PATTEN,JR. Senior Planner Town of Vail APP: bpr rftl I 1 i EAGLE COUNTY ConnnuRi ty Devel opmentf .0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERs Ext z/tl ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER s4s-4292 ASSE550R Ext 202 BUILOING IN INSFECTI O N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECO R OE R Ext 217 COU}ITY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRAFY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext ?52 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING ExI 225 or 229 PU RC HASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-5328 7 February 1980 Jeff Selby P.0. Box 1528 Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Re: Lot Line Vacation At their meeting of February 6, 1980, the Eagle County Planning Commission recomrnended approval of your reguest fon lot line vacation in Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision #2" Th'is recomnendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Connnissianers on February 11, 1980, at 9:00 AItl in the County Cormissioner's Meeting Roomn 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. If you have any questjons, please contact this office. ,// Susan Vauqhn ' Pl anner sV/adj T REASU R ER Ext 20 | L EAGLE COUNTY Conrmun:i ty Development P-0. Box .|79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73r r BOARO Or COUnTV coMMtSSloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILOING IN I NSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTA HEALTH February 15, 1980 Jeffrey B. Selby P.0. Box .|528 Vail, Co]orado 81657 Re: F'i I e t'lo. Zc-l1B-80 and File No. Su-]22-80-5 At their Public Hearing of February'1.|,1980. the Board of County Commissioners approved your zone change for 23'06 acres from Resource to Residential Suburban Low density- In addition, they reviewed your sketch plan and had the following comments:1. Roads shall follow minimum2. Applicant should work with upper lots.3. App'l icant needs to address to roads. county standards. the staff on the off-site impactsExt 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaale Ext 252 vait 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC H A5I NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 Finally, they approved and signed a resolution vacating lot line between your development and the development known as the Ridge (Fi1e No. Su-l'14-80-P'l). Respectful ly yours, 'rroo.n} t{'D/iltJ san Vaughn U Pl anner sv/j h cc: Board of County Commissioners SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Ba3alt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 T REAsU R ER Ext 20 | RESOLUTION ut THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM{ISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COTORADO VACATIoN OF A PORTIoN OF THE NoRTHERLY IINE 0F pARCEt A, LIoN'S RIDGE SUBDI- VISION, FILING NO. 2. WIIEREAS, the Board of County Comnissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the rrBoardrr, has been requested to vacate a certain portion of the northerly line of Parcel A, Lionfs Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2; I|IIEREAS, the Board has determined that the purposed. of said portion of the northerly line as originally intended is no longer necessa?y; NoW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Conni-ssioners, of the Comty of Eagle, State of Colorado: THAT, the portion of the northerl.y line of Parcel A, Lionts Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, rnore particulary described as follows to wit: a part of the northerLy line of Parcel A, Lionts Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder Eag1e County, Colorado, said line also being the north line of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian; the part of said line to be vaca- ted being nore particularly described as follows: Begin4i.ng at an existing brass cap nomrment at the \orth 1,/4 Corner of said Section 12, thence along the northerly line of Said Section 12, N 88 degrees 17 lninutes 49 seeonds E 288.65 feet to the point of terminus: is hereby vacated, declared and decreed hereby to be of no force and effect at 1aw, I\,TOVED, Board of County day of ATTEST: READAND:UNANIMOUSTY ADOPTED at Cormnissionets, County of Eagl e, .tlgg. a meeting of the State of Colorado, dated this COUNTY 0F EAGLE, STATET 0F COLORADO By and through its BOARD OF COT]NTY COMMISSIOMRS Clerk of the Boar I t Comni s s ioners d of County { \ .i t '\ ]N TIIN DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OT' COI,ORADO Civil Action No. 3459 rrrod in tho Dfutrlsf Corrf riftb Jsdici:l I istricl, in ond for Fogle Ccmrn il ,rrdoTh;J_t:.q d ac!.. 19 do. STEWART H. BROWN, Plaintiff ' FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCTUSIONS OF LAW AND JUDGMENT vs. LES DOUGLAS and THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}4MISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EIGLET Defendants. Tllrs MATTEIT was tricd to the court without jury' and a1t parties wer€ represented by counsel ' FINDINGS OF FACT (I)PlaintiffSte.wartH.BrownistheownerofLot G-4, Lionrs Ridgc Subdivision, filing no. 2, located in Eagle County adjacent to the town of Vail, Colorado' Lion's R5dge subdivision No. 2 received @ from the Board of County Contmissioners on c^"r'^'-!'* G, 'l o'i ' Srrch approval having been granted under the Eagl.e county subdjvision Rec.ju- lations which were then in effect, having been qdoS'ted in the year 1971. (2t The plat of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Nc" 2 incorporated by reference protective covenants of that sub-' division, and ffirg{*ad was classified a "CegflE:Igiaf,.ls,+'s, and under the covenants was restricted to commercial use "i al. p"- Pfo- By I souty rcc (3) nfter Plaintiff purchased Lot G-4, Senate BiIl 35 was enacted into 1aw, and, in accordance h,ith the interpretations civen to the act, it became necessary for conc-lominium developer to "rUrit his condominium plan for subdivision aFproval even if his building site was located in a previously approveC sutrdivision allowing condominium or multiple-family development. (4) The s shown on qiEie{r . t5) Plaintj ff purchased Lot G-4 in December of 1972 at a purchase price of $75,000. The purchase price f,aid was con- sistent with the commercial designation of Lot G-4, and was in excess of the price then bc:ing paid for residential sites in the same vicinity by some $45,000 to $60.000. Plaintiff paid such purchase price \^rith the knowledge of the commercial designation of the Lot and Lhe allowable density under the covenants of 40 trnits. ' (6) Ttt irir';rl cntlrt't of I r)7-1 , ti,r<1lr' {'r'tttll }' .lrl()lrl otl l:ht: gle counLy Buildirlg tle'sollttiott wlricli i tt< o!-lror"rl ltl by t (:f {:r(-'n(:('' Uniform Building Code. (7) In early L974, Plaintiff, as the'.owner of Lot G-4, Dean L. Knox, the owner of LorA-9 of tion's Ridge Subilivision 1, (the two lots being contiguous) subrnitted to the county a for pr evcl- ch plan of joint development was to be known as "Homestake IV". plan received Jrreliminary plat approval on February 26, L974' Dercember 16, 1975' l,ot A-9, Lion's Ridge Subdivision No' I included in a parcel of land which was anncxed to the town of the: se- P o \,,,h On vra -2- Vail, and, thereafter, beeame subject to the zoning ordinance of the town of VaiL and not the county regulations. Lot G-4, Lionrs Ridge Sr:bdivision, the Plaintiffrs Lot, was not included in the annexation and remained subject to county jurisdiction. (B). On or about Septemberr L6, 1974, the Eagle County Commissj-oners adopted the Eagle County Zoning Resolution in effect at the time of the trial of this case, as amended, which contained Section 4.02.06 whir:h provides in pertinent part as follows: "Any preliminay plan, final plat or PUD approved under the provisions of subdivision regulations shall be governed by the provisions of said regulations and the terms and conditions, if any, previously imposed by the Board of County Commissioners including the use and area of each lot- ...Said terms and conditions of such prior approval shall include apPrcvaf of sPe- cific density ratios of dwelling units per lot and specific uses authorized for specified 1ots." The resol.ution then goes on to make: some provisos which are not appropriate in this case. (9) On llrral#.14?lt, Plaintiff met hrith MichaeL Blair who was then the Director of Flanning for Ea:gle County, and wj.th one'stephen fsoq, Blair's planning assistant, and, in general terms, discussed with thcm a revised plan for condominium devef- opment of Lot G-4 at a proposed density of 2O tc' 30 units. The plan for joint development of Lots G-4 and A-9 faving been pre- viously terminated by the annexaLton of Lot A-9 to the town of Vai1. Plaintiff was at that time advised that to obtain a build- ing permit for such development, the Plaintiff shculd submit infor- mation required under the Building Resclution to tbe (:ounty build- ing official. Plaintiff was advi-sed fr:tther that, although devel- oPment of Lot G-4 would generally be e>:,--rnpt from the provisions of the Zoning Resolution, by virtue of the' exemption accorded pre- existing plats under the previously guc'ed e:.emption clause, .i -3- development of Lot G-4 rn'ould b" .-=ggit"9 ryrequirementsoftheZoningReso1ut.ionsuchgeneral exemPtion rro.*rrn (10) In the spring and summer of 19?6, Plaintiff con- sulted an architect, Robert Troutt, and upon Plaintiff's order, Rc,bert Troutt produced a slte plan for condominium developrnenl' of Lot G-4 at a density of 3O condominium units- (11)fnDecemberof'T6orJanuaryof'TTrPlaintiff met with Douglas, who was at the time of such meeting and who t,as been for a number of ye,ars prior thereto the Eagle county Building official charged with not only administrat-ion of the: EaglecountyBuildingResolutionbutalsounderSectiong.o3.02 of the ragle county Zoning Resolution charged with administration of thc Eigle County Zoning Resolution' A#in- ti de- vel e v'ffiPlaintiff'ssitep1andisclesedonitsfacea proposed density of 30 condominium units, and thus a density greatly in excess of that allowable under the zoning Resolution. As a result of such review and m3et'ing, Douglas advised Plaintiff cf the availability to Plaintiff of an cxcavatjon and grading permit, as distinquished from conventional building permit' and advised plaintiff of the steps he must follow and the documents he must submit to reeeive issuance of the permit' At no time during the meetinq betueen Plaintiff and Douglas did Douglas refer plaintiff to the inhibitions of the EagIe CcruntY zoning Resolution except inhibitions which arose out of sJ.ope re strict'ions comply vrith th.e Park- -4- of the Eagle County Zoninct Resolution which restrictions Douglas t-o1d Plaintiff he, Douglas, would apply to Plaintiffrs project at least to the extent of requiring relocation of the proposeil build- incr to a pl,ace onj$Liigwlgg-it would nc,t encrciach upon any excess of 30?. . with the exception of the slope restric- tions ancl the parking and set back requirements, it was apparent from the meeting with oouglas that he considered Plaintiffts pro- posed plan to be exempt. from the density requirements of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. (12) Irr August of L977, with the airn of developing Lot G-4 cussions with the contractor \rere contractor was advisecl by DougJas Plaintiff contacted a contlactor at a density of 30 units. Dis- nearing final agreenent when the that- Plaintiff's proposed plan <--+-_-- it dld not- compLy with the Eagle County zor,ing Resolution. (13) On or about September 26, 1977, Plair,tiff was in- formed by the contractor of the advise received frcm Dougl.as and on the same day, Plaintiff askcd for and was givcn a Place on thc agenda of the mectjng of thc tlaryIc CounLy Conwissjoncrs qhich was then in progt"rt. Plaintiff appeared before the Corunissj.oners and asked them for a declaraLion regarding the e4emption clause. as it affected pre-existing plats. 'After scme discussion and con- sultation with the County Attorney and members of the County Plan- ning and Building Depa j:tmcnt, the Defendant Board of County Com- missioners stated that a declaration was not possibl.e withc'ut study by the: County Attorney, that such a study would be under- taken. and that a decla*ation in writing r+ould be forthcoming.and delivered to the Plainr iff by mail within one or trnte wecks- (f4) 'After c :piration of t\"ro weeks from the date of -5- Plaintiff's meeting with the County Cornmissioners and no re- sponse having been reccived from sajd Cortnty Commissioners, Plaintiff ernployed the services of another architect to pre- pare the documentation reguired for submission of an appli- cation for the excavation building permir I;aintiff pre- I- pared the application and submitted it to planning and Build- ing Department on Novenrber II , 1977. OW, the Department rffiication by letter, the terms of which indicated noncompliance wi-th certain Building Resolution requirements as.well as noncompliance with the 'Zoning Resolution, but did not specifiqally and directly deny -lPlaintiffrs application for building permit, /-'-t(15) Plaintiff introduced extensive evidence to shou that for a pcriod of at least two years from and after the adop- tion of the County Zoning Resolution in 1974, that the Eagle County government and its various. departments had treated pre- existing plats as subject to the Eagle County' Subdivision Reg- ulations and not the Zoning Resolution as extr,ressly provided rtnder l-ht: cxcmpti on clause of thc Zon i,nq Rcsolutjon. 'I'hcrc wa.s no cvidcnce to ah.r, thot thc liatylc County r;ovr:rnnrcnt-, j l:s; l:r,ar'<ls or departments, had ever applied the abandonment glausc of the f,ag1e County Zoning Resolution to €erminate rigbts existing under any preexisti.ng plats until they unde'rtook to do so irr the case of the. PLaintiff's appJ-ication. (15) The Defendant County contended that the plat had been abandoned pursuant bo Section 8.05 of thc zoning FtcsoLut:ion which provided among other thinqs that whcnever a nonconforming use had been abandoned for a period of one year, future use of th.' Lanc,'shall be in conformity with all applicable 1>rcvisions of th -6- . ; Zoning Reso]ution, fhe question then arose as to whether or not a particular pJat could be deemed abandoned as under the noncon- foirning use abandonment provision. Thjs Court fir,ds that Section 8.06 is meant to apply to ,nonco:rIg11plqg_f:gg_ery|__!-qt to plats, - which have been previously approved which exceed-ed, accordinq t-o - their approval, subsequent density regulations Pursuant to zoning. .._+-.---_.---.--' The Court finds that had the legislative body, the County Cornriis* sioners in this caser intended to put a tirne limit on the: use-ej! prior approved plats t-hat they coutd have done soi and having failed to ilo so, must have intended not to do so. Additionallyt testimony from various witnesses, including Mr. Hubert Weinshienk, indicated that the l-egislative historV of the act was to Lhe con* trary, that previously approved plats would he exem5rted from use and densitv restrictions at the time of the adoption of the zon: ing regulation. The evidence of legi.slative history ktas uDCorl= troverted. (r7) The Court not-es that any rights thait Plaintiff may have'acquired Pursuant to the prelirninary plat apprcval of the "lJomcstake fV1 proiect probably have been lost p\irsuant to Prc- visions of SecLion 3.10 of tt,e Subdivision Regulaticns wherein it is provided that conditional approval of a prpLiminary sub* division pLan shal-l be valid for a'perioci not to exceed three years, unless. an extension of time is granted- The evidence failed to disclose any extension of time, and the facts dt€ St-rch that, it's obvious that no further action could be taken on the :oint development plan uhile part of the proPerty was in the :ounty and part of it was in the city. Therefore, the Court finds :he Palintiff acguired no special status or privilege or erien rovernmental authorization pursuant to its abortive attempt to do -7- a joint Project with division No' I' the owner of Lot A-9 of Lion's Ridge Sub- (18)TheCourtfurtherfindsthat-theFlaintiffex- pended considerable time and money developing his plans for hj's curfent application after his conversations with Mr- Michael Bl.air and Mr. Stephen Isom' who were agents of the cotintY at thattimeiandthatpriortothatdate,theevidencewould indicate the zoning regulations had not been imgosed as a limi= tation on previously approved subdivision plats wherein the den- sity exceeded that which would have ot-herwise been approved pur- suant to the zoning regulations. The Court finds that at all times during Plaintiff's ownership of the Lot, from the time he acquired it in Lg72, until he commenced this action' Plaintiff actjvely sought conmercial devclopmcnt of Lot G-4 in accordance with the covenanted use and platted density allowancg. Plainl'iff's failure to achieve his objective could not be att.ributed to in- activity on bis part because during the period of his ownership' rnany factors adversely affected conc'ominium developr',en{' in tte vaiL ar:ea, including unfavorable market condi,,Lions, unavaiLabitity of financing and governmental activity tending to aggravat'e the marketuncertainty'Theevid'enceshowecthatthgPlaintiffex. pended or obligated himself to expbnd prior to the commcncement of this action the sum acquisi.tion of this Pro- perty and varlous professional fees to plan its deve'lopntent' The Court considers this to be a substantial and signific'-'rrl sum of money. (19) The that aPProximatelY and approximatelY Court finds, and the one half of Lot G-4 one half is less than *B- architect so t€ is more than 30: 30t in sLoeey'' stified, in sloPe, lhe Court notes thei current county regul.ations provide that no structure can be built in an area Lhat exceeds 308 in slope. The architect so testified, and this Court finds, that such an arbitrary Limita- tiOn is unreasonable and unnecessary anil not reguireil to preserve the public health, safety and welfare. The architects testified and the Court finds, that under ProPer soil and geologicell- condi- tions that the development of proPerty in excess of 30t. slope can offer interesting and exciting opportunities for the use of archi- tecLural and engineering imaginationi and while extra planning and expense may well be involved in developing such a propert'y, that' it could be very desirable from an aesthetic and land use standpoint' The court notes that this property is locat-ed in the colorado mountains, noL on the Kansas prairie, and the court considers an arbitrary. slope limitation without any other reguirements involved t-o be arbitrary and capricious and unnecessarV' fftl (20) Ihe court further finds that sutrdtantial sums of r&cney were expended by the planners and devel-opers of the' r'ion's Ridge Subdivision No, 2. The evidence indicated an excess of $500r000 was expendetl on instal. lation of roads. strccts and util- ities, and tnat praintiff paid a portion of those costs through the purchase of his property and the neccssary tgx for the util- itv districLs involvcd. . CONfl,USIONS OF LAW (1) The legal effect of Section 1'02'06 c'f lhe Eagle county zoning Resolution is plair,ly stated on jts face. The prc- existing plats, final or preliminary' are governe'd by the pro- visions of the subdivision regulation unde-'r uhic:h they received a1:;rrOval nnd t)Ot by lrrovis j otr:; of tlrt: Zotri nrt Rcs<>l ttl: j olr at leasl' insofar as they relate to density. The legal effect of Section -9- t 8.06 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution is also plainly stated on its facer and such clause is limited in operation t:o abandon- ment of nonconforming uses as those are defineci in the: Resolution Section 2.Q2.62. Plats are not nonconforminq uses under the terms and provisions of the Zoning Resolution. They are not subject t.o abandonment vrithin the meaning of the, abai:donment clause 8,0e. Section 3.10 of Lhe Eagle County Subdivision Regulations provides for the expirational- plats which are conditionally approved. The preliminary plat for I'Homestake IV" was conditional ly approved in that it was subject to a filing of a final condominium pJat when the property hras completed. The condominiums never were built, and, accordingly, no plat rrras c:ver filed, and the: Plaintiff lost whatever rights he may hzivc accluired pursuanl. to that apprroval by the lapse-of time. (2) The Defcndant Board of County Conrn,issir.ncrs b1' approving the density designated on Lion's Ridge Subdivision No. 2 authorized the construction of 40 condominj.um oL apartment unlte on Lot G-4. Thercaftcr, the adoption of the Zoning Resolut.ion exempted such density r:crlulations from thr: Zonincy R(lsolution pur- suant to paragraph 4.02.05 as quoted above. Thereafter, Plaint.iff, in reliance upon the apprc,val of the plat, and even sr':bsequerrtly, in rel-iance upon conversations witl corinty plannj.ng dj.rector and his assistant.. expended considcrable sums c.f monc1. to dcvclop a I,1an for the utilization of his Lot in conformity with the densj.ty approved on thc original subdivision pl.at. The County cdf;Dot7 thereafter, ch..nge its mind without adopting speci.fic regulations or having a cutcff period on exemptions, and no such critoff period had been passecl by the Board of County Commissioners. The appLi- cation of slop, restrictions without more specific cngincering, r0- r ,tt t geoLoqical and hydrological study being present, is an unnecessaiy exercise of the pol-ice power without public health, safety or welfare, and, therefore, is County c.R. s. rnihes case, arbitrary an('r ben(:fit to the declared unen- forceable if those other conditions are met. (3}TheDefendantsarees,toppedt.oas.SertEe.gleCounty Zoning Resolution against the development of lot G-4, but that does not mean that the Plaintiff can ignore ther Buj.ld-ing Resolu- tions which were subseguently adopted and do relate to public health, safety and welfare, subject to the above paragraph' (4) Additiona.Ily, the Defendants are estopped tc, ra.ise the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies j'n t'his cas;et because when the Plaintiff sotight definition of the:ir rules and regulations, they failed to act and subsequently issued to him a l-etter wLlch was neither an approval or denial of his application. (5) PLaintiff presented his claim to the Boarc of Cc:nur,issioners and in doing so staisfied the requS.rement's of 19?3 Section 30-25-10. but this court specificalLy deter- that that statute htas not intended to cover this t'ype of rL is therefore ordered that upon the Pl.aintiffts com- pliance with Chapter 70 of the Urriform Building .Code governing permits for grading and excavati6n, tlgljb isSue t_o the.Plaintiff - builaing FeFmig rlrrrqrrant to the Flans presented by him under f,ie-ggllsation which vias Ilxhjbit 29 in this case, the application which was made and submitted to the DONE and signed in chamber this 17tt, day BY TIIIi COURT: WiIl. 1l of Bui 1din9 DeParttnegg Nove@el- fL- 19fa 1980 . October t l-Lions Ridgel Vail Water System lmprouements Phase I CONSTRUCTION SPEC I FICATIONS PREPARED BY' ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY AUGUST 1980 I I il I PREFIX G. C. IDENTIFIIR 0.00 0.0.l I .00 1.01 1.42 I .03 I .04 I ;05 1 .05 '1 .07 I .08 1 .09 I .10't.'n I .12 I .13 2.00 2.41 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.'13 4.14 4.'15 I NDEX GENTRAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION General Provisions Abbrevi a ti ons Definitions The Contract Documents The Contractt I Owner, Contractor, Subcontractor |,Jritten Notice l,lork and Engineer The Project I'lorking Day and Calendar Day Work 0rder Change 0rder Surety Substantia'l 1y Compl ete Comp'letion Control of l,iork Responsibility of the Engineer Arbi tra ti on Plans and Working Drawrngs Conformity with Plans and Specifications l,larranty and Guarantee Construction Stakes Field 0bservation Pre-Constructi on Conference Scope of Work Changes in the I'lork Change 0rder Form Addendum Form General Speci fications Conrnencement and Completion of the l.llork Liquidated Damage Intent of Plans and Specjficatjons Acceptance Claims for Adjustrnent and 0ispute bla i ver Assignment and Transfer of Contract Superi ntendence I nsura nce Protection of Public Utilitjes and other Adjoining Property Damage to Construction Partial Payments Final Payment Idernni ty Laws and 0rdinances I I I t I I I I I I I INOEX continued 4. l6 +.17 4.18 s. 00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5. i0 Construction Guarantee Construction Guarantee Form Special Provisions Ihstruction to Bidders Invftation for Bids Award of Contract and Furnishing of, PerformanceList of Suppliers and Subcontractors Notice to Bidders 3id Bid Schedule of Quantities and Prices Notice of Award Agreernent Notice to Proceed Advertisement for Bids I I I I t I t I Specia'l Conditions of the Contract Division I - General Requirements Section 02200 - Earthrrrork Section 02221 - Trenching, Backfilling and Compaction Section 02520 - Drainage Pipe Section 02540 - Erosion Control Section 02555 - h'ater Transmission and Distribution Lines Section 026.10 - Aggrega-ue Base Course and Sub-base Course Section 02612 - Hot Bituminous Pavement Section 02820 - Finish Grading & Landscaping Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Siction "t5225 - Pressure Reducing Stations Section 15230 - l^later Booster Station t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECiFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION G.C. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONsTRUCTJON O.OO GENERAL PROVISIONS. 0.0.l ABBREVIATIONS. Wherever the following abbreviations are used in these specifications or on the plans, they shall be construed the same as the respective expressions represented: American Concrete Institute American Society for Testing and Materials Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute American Water Works Association American Institute of Steel Construction American Association of State Highway 0fficials National Electrical Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association I A.C.I. A. S.T.14. c.R.s.I. A.h,.l^J.A. A.r.$.c. A.A. S. H. O. N. E. C. N. E.M.A. I t I I I I I .OO DEFINITIONS. l.0l THE CONTRACT D0CUMENTS. The Contract Documents consist of the Notice to Bidders, Special Conditions, Proposal , Contract Agreement and Contract Bonds (when required), General Construction Specifications, Technical Specificat'ions, Plans and all modjfications thereof incorporated in any of the documents before the executjon of the Contract. The Con- tract Documents are complimentary, and what is called for by any shal1 be as binding as if called for by all. 1.02 THE C0NTRACT. The Contract Documents form the Contract. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement betvleen the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral 1.03 Ol^ll,lER, C0NTMCT0R, AND ENGINEER. l,lhen the words "Owner" or "Contrac-tor" are used, these shall mean the corporations, persons, institutions, organ'izations indicated in the Contract Agreement. Wherever in thjs Contract the word "Engineer" is used jt shall be understood as referring to Eldorado Engineering Company Engjneers, acting persona'l 1y'or through a representative duly authorized in writing for such act by the Engineer. 1.04 SUBC0NTRACT0R. The term "Subcontractor", as employed herein, includes on'ly those having a direct Contract with the Contractor, andit includes one who furnishes materials worked to a special design ac- cording to the plans and specifications of this work, but does not in- clude one who merely furnishes material not so worked. I I I Section G.C. .|.05 I,JRITTEN N0TICE. }rlritten Notice shall be deemed to haye been duly served if delivered in person to the ind'ividual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, orif delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last business address known to him who gives the llotice. 1.06 t^l0RK. Work shal'l mean the furnishing of all Iabor, materi a'l s, equipment and other incidentals necessary or convenient to the success- fu'l completion of all duties and obligations imposed by the Contract. The Contractor shall not employ on the Work any unfit person or anyone not skilled jn the task ass'igned to him. blherever a certified skil'l'is required the skilled worker shall have a valid certificate in his possession during completion of the Work. Unless otherwise st'i pulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies, machjn- eryo equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and all water, 1ight, power, fuel , transportation, and other facilities necessary for the execut'ion and completion of the Work covered by the Contract Docu- ments. The Contractor shall pay a1l sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes, including occupational license or tax. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connectjon with the l.lork. Thii shall include compliance with all applicable laws, ordi- nances, ru1es, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property. 1.06.0.| Additional l,Jork. "Additional work" is that which results from a change or aT[ereEjon in tfre p1 ans or specifications resulting in over- run in work that has to be done under the contract. It is that work which is necessarily required in the performance of the contract, the unit price of which has been established by bid items. .l.06.02 Extra l.lork. "Extra rnrork" means the performance of work and the furn'isEing 6:FTequired labor and materials outside and entirel-v 'independent of and not necessary to complete the contract, or something done or furnished jn excess of the requirements of the contract, not contemplated by the parties, and not controlled by the contract. No extra work shall be started by the Contractor wjthout authorization from the Eng'i neer. .|.07 THE PR0JECT. The Project is the total construction program pre- pared by the Engineer of which the l{ork performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part. l.0B W0RKING DAY AND CALENDAR DAY. Any day, exclusjve of Saturdays, Sundays, and llational Holidays, on which weather and other conditions not under the control of the Contractor w'i 11 permit construction opera- tions to proceed for a major part of the day with the normal working force is considered a l^lorking Day. A Calendqr Day 'i s any day of the week or month, no days being excepted. I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I Section G.C. 1.09 l,l0RK ORDER. A Work 0rder is a written order issued by the Engineer requiring performance by the Contractor of additional work -ot tfre type and kind spec'ified in the Contract Documents, Any and all l,lork performed pursuant to a llork 0rder shal i be performed by the Contractor at the unit or otherwise stated prices agreed upon in the Contract and shall not be otherwise neqotiable. l.l0 CHANGE ORDER. A Change 0rder is a written order issued by the Engineer covering changes or modifjcations of the p'l ans or specifica- tions, or both, wjthin the scope of the Contract. In additjon to such changes or modifications of the plans or specifications, or both, the Change Order shall set forth the basis of payment and time adjust- ments, if any, for the l^lork affected by the Change 0rder. l.ll SURETY. The Surety is the corporat'ion, partnership orindivi- dual , other than the Contractor, executing a bond furnished by the Contractor. 1,12 SUBSTANTIALLY C0MPLETE. By the term "substant'ia'l1y Complete" is meant that the llork, structure, or faciljty has been made suitable, in the opinion of the Engineer, for use or occupancy, and is in condj- tion to serve its jntended purpose, but still may require minor mjscel- laneous work on adjustment. l.l3 C0MPLETI0N. By the term "Completion" is meant that the Work, structure, facility or project performed under the Contract Documents is total 1y complete and jn proper working order, operating as specified. All warranty and guarantee periods shal 1 begin at the date of completion. I I I t I I l 2.00 C0NTROL 0F t^t0RK. 2.01 RESPONSIBiLITY OF THE tions which may arise as to ENGINEER. The Engineer shall dec"ide ques- the quality and acceptability of materials furnished, work performed, rate or progress of work, 'interpretatjon of Working Drawings, Plans and Specifications and al1 questions as to the acceptable fulfillment of the Contract Agreement on the part of the Contractor. The dutjes and responsiblities of the Engineer as set forth herein shall not be extended except through written consent of the Engineer and the 0vrner. 2.01 .0.l Observation of the flork. All materials and each part or de- tail of tE6'E-rf-sF lT*nETub]ect at all times to observation by the Engineer and the Ovrner, and the Contractor will be held strictly to the intent of the Contract Documents in regard to quality of materj- als, workmanship, and the di'l igent execution of the Contract. 0bser- vations may be inade at the sjti or at the source of materjal supply, whether mill, plant or shop. The Engineer shall be allowed access to all parts of the l,lork and shall be furnished with such inforrnation and assistance by the Contractor as is required to make his observations and construction review. I I I I Section G.C. 2.0.l .02 Ac-cept-ab'i I 'i ty of Work. The Engi neer' s acceptabiTi{lFlEE![arv oTTtre Work shal t be the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to abide cision relative to the performance of the hlork. decision as to thefinal and binding upon by the Engineer's de- 2.0.| .03 Enqineer's Decisions. All claims of the 0wner or the Contrac- tor shall@ Engineer for decision. 2.02 ARBITRATI0N. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitra- tion in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbjtration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any Court having juris- diction thereof. Should there be any dispute or any questioned deci- sion of the Engineer, it shall be promptly submitted to arbitration upon demand by either party to the dispute. The Contractor shall not delay the !'lork because arbitratjon proceedings are pending unless he shalt have written permission from the Engineer to do so and such de- lay shall not extend beyond the time when the arbitrators shall have opportunity to determine whether the work shall contjnue or be suspended pending decision by the arbitrators of such a d'ispute. Any demand for arbitration shall be'in writing and shail be delivered to the Engineer and the adverse party either by personal delivery or by registered mail addressed to the last known address of each, within ten days of receipt of the Engineer's decision, and in no event after final payment has been made and accepted. Should the Engineer fajl wi thin a reasonable period to make a decision regarding a claim of the 0wner or Contractor, a demand for arbitrat'ion may then be made as if the Engineer's decision had been rendered against the party demanding arbitratjon. 2.02.01 Arbitrators. No one shall be qualified to act as an arbitra- tor who hasTlT&Tlt any f inancial interest'in the Contract or who has any business or family relationship with the Owner or Contractor or the Engineer. Each arbitrator selected shall be qualified by experience and knowledge of the type of work 'involved in the matter to be submitted to arbitration. 2.02.02 Procedure. Arbitration shall be in accordance with the proce- dure and sta-nTar{s of the Constructjon Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Assocation then obtaining. 2.03 PLANS AND W0RKING DRAWINGS. Plans will shott details of all struc- tures, lines, pipelines, gradeso and a summary of items anpeaning on the Proposal. The Contractor shal'l keep one set of Plans available on the hlork at all times. The plans may be supplemented, from time to time, by such l^lorking Oraw- ings as necessary in the judgment of the Engineer to adequately con-trol the tr^lork and secure its proper performance. tlorking Drawings shall be furnjshed by the Contractor to the Engineer in every instance where custom materials or fabrications or equivalent items are involved. I I t I I I I l I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t :l I I I I I t I I I I I Section G.C. 2.03.0.l l4orkjnq Drawings. Additjonal'ly, in the event the Engineer determi ne3-TfiEFld6FkTIfrDrawi ngs a re nelessary, the Engi neer iha I I communjcate such fact in writing to the Contractor sett'ing forth the scope and detail of such Working Drawings and the time within which the same are to be submitted to the Engineer. After submissfon of any Working Drawings to the Engineer, he shall have a reasonab'l e time thereafter within which to examine the same. The Contractor shal'l not proceed with Work covered by Working Dravr- ings until such time as a set of l,'lorking Drawings, reviewed by the Engineer, has been returned to the Contractor. The Contract price shall inciude the cost of furnishing all Working Drawings. Review of Working Drawings by the Engineer shall not reljeve the Con- tractor of his responsiblity under the Contract for the satisfactory conpletion of the Work. 2.04 CONFORI'IITY l,llTH PLANS AND SPECIFICATI0NS. All work performed and a'l I materials furnished shall be in reasonable close conformity with the lines, grades, dimensions and material requirements shown on the p'lans or indicated in the spec'ifications. In the event the Eng'i neer finds the materials or the finjshed product in which the materjals are used not wjthin reasonable close conformity with the Pjans and Specifications, but that reasonable acceptable r+ork has been produced, he shall then make the determination if the work sha'l I be accepted and remain in p1ace. In this event the Engineerwill, in writing to the Contractor and 0wner, state the basis for ac- ceptance and prov'ide for an appropriate adjustment in the contractprice for such work or materials as he deems necessary to conform to h'is determination based on engineering judgment. In the event the Engineer finds the materjals or the finjshed product in which the materials are used or the }'|ork performed are not'in reason- able close conformity with the Plans and Spelifications and have re- sulted in an inferior or unsatisfactory product, the Work or materials shall be removed and rep'laced or otherwjse corrected by and at the expense of the Contractor. 2.05 WARRANTY AND GUARANTET" The successful bidder may be required to furnish a complete statement of the origin, composit'ion and manu- facture of any or all materjals and equipment to be used jn construc- tion of the lrlork, The Contractor warrants and guarantees to the 0wner and Engineer thatall materials and equipment incorporated in the Project shall be new un] ess otherwise specified, and that all Work shalI be of good qua'l ity, free from faults and defects. The Contractor further warrants and guarantees that all labor performed'in the execution and completion of the Work shall be performed in a good, skilled worknanlike manner. I Section G.C. The Warranties and Guaranties provided in this paragraph, 2.05, and elsewhere in the Contract Docunents shall be'in addition to and not'in'l imitation of any other warranty of guarantee or remedy required by law or by the Contract Documents. 2.06 C0NSTRUCTI0N STAKES. The Engineer will furnish and set construc- tion stakes establishing base lines, elevations and measurements neces- sary to the proper prosecution of the |.lork contracted for under these Spec i fi cati ons . The Contractor shall be held responsible for the preservat'ion of all stakes and marks, and if any of the construction stakes 0r marks have been carelessly or willfully destroyed or disturbed by the Contractor, the cost of replacing them shal'l be charged aqainst him. The Contractor shall not proceed until he has made timelv demand unon the Engineer for, and received from him such stakes and instructioirs as may be necessary as l{ork progresses. The hlork shall be done in close conformity w'i th such stakes and jnstructjons. 2.07 FIELD 0BSERVATI0N,I A'11 Work and materials sha'l'l be open atall times to the observation, acceptance or rejection by the Engineer. The Contractor shall give the Engineer reasonable notjce of starting new work and shall provide reasonable and necessary facilities forfield observation, even to the extent of taking out portions of finished work; in case such work is found satisfactory, the cost of taking out and replacing plus l5% shal1, by appropriate change order, be chargedto the 0wner. No llork shall be done at night without previous approval of the Engineer. 2.08 PRE-C0NSTRUCTI0N CONFERENCE. Upon award of the Contract andprior to Notice to Proceed, a conference wjll be conducted wjth the Owner's representative, the Contractor, Subcontractors as the Engi- neer may deem advisable, and the Engineer present. The purpose ofthe conference is to comelate scheduling of work items inciuded inthe Contract, and to discuss potential problems urhich may affect the tlork. 3.OO SCOPE OF !,,ORK. 3.01 CHANGES IN THE I,JORK. Through the Engineer, the Owner may at anytime during the progress of the l,lork make alterations to the Wirrk pro- vided for in the Contract Documents without consent of the Surety. The Work, as changed, shal I be performed as if original ly spec.ifr-'ed, and shal 1 in no way'invafidate the Contract, Any difference in costshall be added to or deducted from the amount of the contract, as the case may be. Adjustments in the amounts to be paid to the Contractor on account of changed work shall be determined by one of the fol'lowing methods in the order listed, the earJiest listed beinq used unless impracti cal : I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t I I I lr T Section G.C. a. Unit prices submitted in the Contractor's Proposa'lb. Unit price agreed uponc. Acceptable lumP sum When in the judgment of the tngineer it is impractjcable, because of the nature of the changed work, to fix the amount to be paid for it by any of the above methods, the amount payable shall be adiustable on a Force Account basis as follows: a. Labor. For all labor and foremen in direct charge of the specific operations, the Contractor shall recejve the rate of wage (or scale) agreed upon in writing before beginning work for each and every hour that said labor and foremen are actually engaged in such work. An amount of 25% of the sum of the above iterns will also be paid the Contractor to cover overhead, additional bond, property dam- age and ljability insurance, workmen's compensation, insurance premiums, unemp'l oyment insurance contributions, and social secur- ity taxes. b. Materials. For materials accepted by the Engineer and used' the Contractor shall receive the actual cost of such materials delivered on the trlork, including transportation charges paid by him (exclusive of mach'inery renta'l s as hereinafter set forth)' to urtrich cost l0% will be added. c, blhen additional work on a Force Account basis 'is performed- by a Subcontractor on the Project in accordance with the provi- sions of a Force Account, a percentage based on the following tab'le will be allowed as additiona'l to the percentages in a. and b. above to reimburse the prime Contractor for the administrative expenses incurred in connection with the llork. Bid items in the origina'l Contract are not to be consjdered: to $l,000 $1 ,000 to $'10,000 over $.|0,000 excess over $l ,000 excess over $10,000 Approval of this additional percentage wi'll be made after receipted invoices are furnished by the Contractor. d, For any mach'inery or special equ'ipment (except small tools), 'including fuel and lubricants' plus transportation costso the use of whjch-has been authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor shal 1 receive the rental rates agreed upon in writing before such work is begun for the actua'l tjme that such equipment is in operation on the Work. I I I I I I I t I I 10% $.|00 plus 5% $550 plus 2%I I I I I I I e, Miscellaneous. llo additional allowance will be superintendences, the use of small tools, or other no specific allowance is herejn provided. made for general cost for which Sect'i on G. C . f. Compensation. The Contractor's representative and the Engi- neer shal l compare records of the cost of work done as ordered on a Force Account basis. I I I t g, Staternents. Statements shall be accompanied and supported by rece'i pted invoices for all materials used and transportation charges. No payment wi I I be made for work performed on a Force Account basis untjl the Contractor has furnished the Engineer with itemized statements of the cost of such Force Account work. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G.C. 3.A2 CHANGE ORDTR FORM CHANGE ORDER DATE N0. CONTRACT FOR DATED TO: You are hereby Contract Plans requested to comply ttith the and Specifications: following changes from the Complete description of Changes: (If attachments are required to describe these changes, make re- ferences thereto. ) Decrease In Contract Pri ce Increase In Contract Pri ce Total s Di fference :I ncrease-Decrease Contract Price trl^+ttc L in Prepared By REMARKS: I I I I I l I I The by t'ime provided for .*t,::l::r:: ::;.:'::'::: is increased/decreased changed. This document provisions of the con-shall become a supplement to the Contract and all tract will apply thereto. ACCEPTED BY: APPROVED BY: t I DATE: DATE: The 0wner will make pa;rynent for no change unless this forrn is executedjn duplicate prior to commencement of the work involved in the change. Upon ipprova'l , one copy utill be reiurned to the Contractor, and one cbpy wiil be retained by the 0wner. The Contractor's copy must be at- tached to his copy of the original contract. Change flrders shall be numbered consecutively, fu11y describe the change to be made, state the basis of payment, and any change in the contract time to be allowed by reason of this change. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS: I I I I I t I t I N0. You and I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I Section G.C. 3. 03 ADDENDUI.I FORM ADDENDUM DATE CONTRACT FOR TO: are hereby adv'ised of.the following changes in the Contract Plans Spec i fi ca ti ons . ADDENDUM ACKNOI.ILEDGED BY : Signature of Bidder PREPARED BY: LIST OF ATTACHME}ITS: I I I I I I I I I Section G.C. 4.OO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. 4.0.l COMMENCEMENT AND C0MPLETI0N 0F THE l,lORK. The Contractor shall commence the work covered herein within ten (.|0) calendar days of is- suance of Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall within thirty (30) calendar days of liotice to Proceed submit in writing to the Engineer his proposed construction schedule. The Contractor shall then proceed with the work and shall complete same within the period of time calledfor in Specia'l Provjsjons - Completion of the blork - follow'ing Notice to Proceed, unless the period for completion is extended as herein pro- vided. Extensions of time will be granted the Contractor by the 0wner when, in the opinion of the Engineer, such time delays are beyond the control of the Contractor being due to circumstances which could not reasonably be foreseen or avoided. Claims for extensions of time shall be made in writing to the Eng'ineer no later than ten (.|0) days after occurrence of the event causing the de1ay. In the case of continu'ing cause of delay, only one claim within the time specified shall be neces- sary. Fajlure to make such claim within the time specified shall con- stitute waiver of any claim. 4.02 LIQUIDATED DAMAGE. If the work embraced by th'is contract is not Substantially Complete on or before the date set for comp'letion or any extension thereof, and in lieu thereof, the Contractor sha11 pay to the 0wner as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages, the sum called for in Specia'l Provjsions - Liquidated Damages - for each calendar day of delay untjl Work is satisfactori ly completed. l,'fhatever sums may be due the Owner as liquidated damages for delay may be deducted from payments due the Contractorn or the Contractor's Surety. 4.03 INTTNT 0F PLANS AND SPECIFICATI0NS. Anything mentjoned in the Specifications and not shown on the Plans, the Specifications shall govern. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any errors, discre- pancjes, or omissions which may exist in the Plans or Specifications, but sha'll immediately call them to the attentjon of the Engineer whose interpretation or correction thereof shall be conclusive and binding on the Contractor. 4.04 ACCEPTANCE. When in the Contractor's opinion the Work is com- p1 ete and ready for final inspection, the Contractor shall then pro- vide such written notice to the Engineer. Upon rece'ipt of written notice that the !'lork is ready for final inspection and acceptance the Engineer shall promptly make such inspection and, when he finds the l,lork acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fu'l 1y performed, he shall notify the Contractor of th'i s Acceptance as of the date of the final inspection. Ifn however, the inspection discloses any work, 'in whole or in part, as being unsatisfactory, the Engineer wil'l present the Contractor with a list of items requiring correct'ion' and the Contractor shall immediately take necessary steps to make all comections. At this pojnt the Engineer may, at his discretion, deter- mine the hlork to be Substantially Complete. Upon correction of the hlork, and subsequent written notice to the Engineer, another inspec- tion will be made which shall constitute the final inspection provided the l'lork has been satisfactorily completed. I I I t T t I I t I Sect'ion G. C. 4.05 CLAIMS FOR ADJUSTMENT AND DISPUTE. If in any case the Contractor deems that addjtional compensation is due him for work or material not clearly covered in the Contract or not ordered by the Engineer as ad- ditional work, the Contractor shal1 notify the Engineer in writing of his intention to make claim for such additiona'l compensation before he beg'ins the urork on whjch he bases the claim. If such notification is not given, and the Engineer is not afforded proper facilities by the Contractor for keep'ing strict account of actual cost as required, then the Contractor hereby agrees to waive any claim for such additional compensatjon. Such notice by the Contractor, and the fact that the Engineer has kept account of the cost as aforesaid, shall not be con- stiued as proving or substantiating the validity of the claim. If the clajm, after considerdtion by the Engineer, is found to be just, it will be pa'id as additional work as prov'ided for herein under Sectionl l0 - "Change Order". 4.06 t,|AIVER. It is expressly understood and agreed that any waiver granted by the Engineer or Owner of any term, provision or covenant of this Contract shall not constitute a precedent nor breach of the same or any other terms, provisions 0r covenants of this Contract. Nejther the acceptance of the lJork by the 0wner nor the payment ofall or any part of the sum due the Contractor hereunder, sha'l I consti- tute a wajver by the 0wner of any c'l aim which the Ovlner may have against the Contractor or Surety under his Contract or otherwise. 4.A7 ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER 0F CONTRACT. The Contractor shall not assign or transfer this Contract or part thereof 0r any interest there- in vlithout consent in writing of the Ot^rner and Contractor's Surety; The Contractor will be permitted to sublet a portion of the vrork, but shali perform with his own organization, work amounting to not less than 50 percent of the total contract cost, except that any items de- signated in the contract as "specialty items" may be performed by sub- contract and the cost of any such specialty items so performed by sub- contract may be deducted from the total cost before computing the amount of v;ork required to be performed by the Contractor with his own organi- zation. llo sub-contracts, or transfer of contractn shall release the Contractor of his liability under the contract and bonds. 4.08 SUPERINTENDENCE. The Contractor shall employ a competent super- intendent who shall be satisfactory to the Engineer, and necessary assist- ants who shall be in attendance of the Project during the progress of the Work. The superintendent shail represent the Contractor and al'l communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. important communications will be confirmed in writing. Other communications will be so confirmed upon written request in each case. 4.09 INSURANCE. The Contractor shall inrmediately provide and maintain adeouate Workmen's Comoensation Insurance for all labor on the lrlork under this Contract. The Contractor shall also obtain and maintain Public Liability Insurance with limits of one hundred thousand dollars I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Section G.C. for any one person and three hundred thousand dollars for any one ac-cident. Protection under said polic,ies shall extend to the 0ivner and Contractor. Certifications of such insurance shall be filed with the 0wner prior to commencement of operations. Proof of carriage of in- surance by subcontractors shall also be furnished. The Contractor shall furnish insurance as separate policies or by ad- dftional endorsement to one of the above-mentioned policies and in the amount set forth for Publjc Liability and Property Damage the foi- 'l owing insurance: a. Contingent Liabi1ity.b. Collapse of buildings or structures adjacent to excavation(if excavat'ions are to be performed adjacent to same.)c. Damage to underground facilities.d. Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. The Contractor sha11 procure and shall maintain during thelife of the Contract, Contractor's Public Ljability Insurance of not less than $"|50,000 for injuries including accidental death, for each person, with a total of $500,000 for each accident; and Contractor's Property Damage Insurance in an amount of not less than $.|50,000 on account of each accident with a total liab'ility of $500,000.e. Automobile Insurance - Bodily Injury and Property Damage. The Contractor shall procure and maintain dur"ing the life of this Contract, automobile insurance in an amount not less than S.l00,000 for injuries, including accidental death, to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person, an amount not less than $300,000 on account of one accident, and automobile property damage insurance in an amount not less than $50,000.f. Builder's Risk. "All Risk" form of coveraqe insurance in the amount adequate to protect the Owner.- The Builder's Risk policy sha'l 'l include as additional named insureds, the Owner, the Engineer, and all subcontractors. 4.10 PR0TECTI0N 0F PUBLIC UTILITIES AND OTHER ADJ0ININc PROPERTY. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of, and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury, or loss to other property at the site or adjacent thereto, and he shall be 'l iable for any and all cla'ims for such damage on account of his failure to fully provide such protection. The Contractor shall notify a'l'l pub- ljc ut'ifity companies forty-eight (48) hours prior to the cornmencement of any work in the vicinity of the utilities. llo work shall commence until the utiljties have been located and staked by the utiljty company or written consent to proceed has been given by the Engineer. If utility servjce must be interrupted the Contractor shall notify the head of local administrative services (j.e. City Manager, ltlayor, C'ity Clerk), as ap- p'l icable, and utility users affected by the interruption of service at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to interruption. Notice shall con- sist of publication in a local newspaper and/or announcement on locaT radio or television stations. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G.C. 4.ll DAr,IAGE T0 C0NSTRUCTI0N. The Contractor shali safeguard, until all work embraced by this Contract is formally accepted, al'l construc- tiono both complete and 'incomplete, agajnst damage and destruction' ind ihould damage result, he wj11 be required to reconstruct or repair ii at his expenie jn a manner conforming to the Plans and-Specifications. In the absence of defjnite instructions in the Plans and Specifications' reconstruction shall be in a manner suitable to the [ngineer. 4.12 PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 0n or about the first of the month the con- tractor shall submit to the Engineeri for his approval , an application ior payment for the previous month's portion of the work performed. The ap'plicatjon shall be prepared in such form as approved by the En- gineei^'and supported by sirch data to substantiate its correctness-as lfre fnqineer mhy requil^e. If payments are to be made for materja]s and/ or equipment on the sjte but not yet incorporated in the work' the Con- tractor'shal1 prov'ide Bills of Sale or such other documents as neces- sary to establish the gwner's tjtle to such materials or equjpment' including appljcable insurance. The Contractor shall also warrant that suci miterial and/or equipment is suitably stored so as to pre- vent damage or destruction. If the Contractor has made application for Payment as required above, the Engineer shall jssue a certifjcate for paynent to_the 0wner with a copy to the contractor within seven calendar days after receipt of the a-pp)icatjon for such amount as he determines to.be properly due, 'less i'10% retainage, After the Engineer has issued a certificate for pavment, the Qwner-shall make payment to the Contractor on or about ttrb tenifr day following the issuance of the certjficate for payment. 4..|3 FINAL PAYIIENT. upon acceptance of the completed work by the En- qineer, he shall certify to the Qwner that the whole Work provided for in thii Contract has beLn completed and accepted by him under the condl-- tions and terms of the contract Documents, and he shal1 approve the final estjmate of the Work and issue a final certifjcate of paynent. Wheieupon the entire balance found to be due to the Contractor, includ- ing saia retained percentage but excepting such sum as may be retained tiiltutty by said 0wner, sfritt ne paid to the Contractor by the Owner in accordahce with the Contract Agreement and existing State 1aw. Before oaunent of the final estimate, the Contractor shall submjt evidence satisfactory to the owner that a'l 1 payrolls, material bills, and out- sianding indebtedness in connection with this Contract have been-paid. Neither-the Certificate of Acceptance nor the final paynent shall re- lieve the Contractor of the ob1 igations of any provision jn the Con- tract Documents or for fujfjllment of any warranty which may be required in the Contract. 4.14 INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and save the $wner harmless against all claims of third parties aris'ing-out of the construc- iion. Thii protection shall include, but not be limjted ton the follow- ing, claims'or liens of mechanics or materials men, claims for. personal injury or property damages, claims of patent infringements or the use oCuny articlbs, materiil , equipment or process that may be patented, and ciaims for injuries to workmen employed jn the construct1on. t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I l I c E q) o_ Q) 4t L q.} o, Gl o.- o (q.u> rr Gl 6-=.e5 'if \J rJ (ll b Lll o)? PO s(u i- (oC o.!() IJJtJfit o = (r'r! a Ha) Y-a-.:o L- d) -t F QI..z -EE E'F P.co>ra;;88 E HTE€.- 9*n'o:; E h; H F> .:zu a.g;5 sls*a E6 ;;:;E 35fieEi EA.E F 6€E:r*P* 3 edF.:(FcO:(B E S E;€8!'6o E€:EE- EE#EE E E _:6i3FE sYrr- F oce.Fa;;';cXao-:b.o-=i 5 6{ !H6.9uE 6; :*E€:e EE f ESFU; S a @ (4* <> ItFE}c (|,z @ee l/' ','(I)t-V<OO Q) .-\s)y (6 :te\., :) 9lC) E'(ECCu>6o7(J =fa F Fzo J z = C) P '; =-.:3 (Jv cF O& .= .2 i(J>(qob c(J3.eO-g-C. P rro(lJ {F lJ- (I)x (o(l'o-C) qro Ev,x3sGt .= v, :!; 6(E() c,olo : o"c o) <(JF LU o Fztu Fztu :) Fzut IL IIJF tr F. tu ;t!E aa uJ) IJ { =F LU cc LN rIJJ o z cc LU J F F o:g LU z aF uJE I.IJ l-- F r.tjE t-- € o UJF uJ) J F F = o E lJ)o z T() @ !<YF =i\Y> yct-o t-*- y't ?-65s,tro-* dr:]X 6 :'A E() -o a c)+>o) trGt z raz .2 F/1 3 l't .. A r,1 - tro ctt 'i (l) (l) '60CZ LIJoli(J rrl lvsl-X ,-i .. z(: !..:8..:LrLUa-CCY2Et!a \J /_r rJ;;FF=C::i(J()F!L /?1-i l\ o.> -2 l- t-(.? o 22 d a-2 '?.:- <-- \J r-,, E: uluJUl()o ?oaJ u,E>5 ,-\ ls, ttt IL OCLF (u F1l()6 uJ "i\'. : I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ! dl(9 IC -O i; 6)I'A Fz UJ E o- IT IL tuF 9 LL tr lll() ni "f c. tv L o t- alto .F, -Froo FcO I i Rt'o.- (!, l-t-(u(,I I _(t -(J.|JO(]EFO(-,t I I { (u C .nE OJr (l, !'FL-p 4' llt .FE 4. L,J I F o F F 2 P o() E o I o I =I I g o L (U I I (uo+)z I oz lqr .t9 l+r I t'' c,<tt >t q, L G' Eo..FF ',J(J<Itl 04F)Fo= lltF =F ul (J<.o- <, p l\t or. I I I I t T I I I Section G.C. 4.15 LAhIS AND 0RDiNANCES. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all Federalo State and local laws, ordinances.and regu- lations which in any manner affect the Contract or Work and shall in- denrnify and save harmless the 0vlner against any clain arising from. the violations of any such lavls, ord'inances, and regu'lations, whether by the Contractor oi his employeest except where such violations are called for by the provision of the Contract Documents. if the Contractor.performs any blork, know'ing 'i t to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and wjthout written notice to the Engjneer, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom' 4.16 CQNSTRUCTIQN GUARANTEE. The Contractor shall supply to the 0wner on the form provided, a guarantee that any portion of the ldork failing to operate properly will be replaced or repaired at no cost to the gwnei. for one (t) year from date of completion and further that any fn- dividual item of-lrtork requiring repair or replacement during the above guarantee period shal'l carry a simiiar guarantee of one (l) year from ihe date of its repair or replacement. In.addition, the Contractor shall be responsibie for furnishing three printed sets of detailed plans and specifications concerning the operation and maintenance of any mechahica'l or electrical equipment and including enough detail to verify compliance with the intent of the specifications. I I I I I I I I t I Section G.C. 4.18 SPECIAL PR0VISION. The following conditions shall be consjdered a part of these Contract Documents. I I I I I I I I 4..|8.0.l Comnletion of the Work. The snallDe for completion of the Work ) calendar days. for 1 iqu'idaterl damages ) dollars per peri od ( 4.18.02 Ljquidated Darnages. The amount set sha'l I be ( dav. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G.C. 4.17 CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE FORM. CONSTRUCTiON GUARANTEE The contractor does hereby guarantee to the 0wner, that any equ'ipment, materials or other products involved in the l'lork, including the completed f,iork or any part thereof , failing to operate proper'ly shall be rep'laced or repaired at no cost to the 0wner for a period of one (l) year from the date of completion and acceptance of the work; further, that any jndividual item of equipment, material , and/or workmanship requiring repair, replacement or correction during the above guarantee period shall be similarly guaranteed for a period of one (l) year from date of said repair, replacement or correction. A11 repairs, replacements or corrections shall be commenced vt'ithin a reasonable time after not'ice of such deficiencies, and what constitutes a reasonable period of tjme shall be construecl'in light of the magnitude and exigenc.v of the need for such repair, replacement or correction' Authori zed RePresentati ve of Contractor Date I 5.00 Ir{sTRUCTIOi'l 5.0'I INVITATION B I DDERS BIDS. Sealed bids will received and opened Trt FOR be publ icly atI I I I I <lL and the the labor and constructi on equ'ipment speci fi ed , for the furnishing ofin performing all operat'ions herein for the " a1'l materia] s necessary for I I I I I t I I I I I Plans and Specifications are avaijable from Eldorado Engineering Company, Glenwood Springs, Co'lorado, for $40.00 per set. No refund will be made for returned p'lans or specificat'ions. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond or certjfied check'in the anmunt of l0% of the bid. The Proposal Guaranties accompanying the three lovrest bids raay be held until the Contract is awarded, provided this period does not exceed thirty calendar days. The Proposal Guaranties accompanying the other bids will be returned prompt'ly after the bid prices have been compared. The Owner reserves the right to reject anyis, in his judgment, the best bid. The Bid and Proposal Guarantee must be placed in one envelope securely sealed therein and labeled rl or all bids or accept what I 5.02 AWARD OF CONTRACT AND FURNISHING OF PERFORMANCE-tract wi'l I be awarded as soon as practicable, to the bidder whose proposal complies with the requirements provided this proposal is reasonable and it is in the Owner to accepi it. The 0viner reserves the righi, based on consideration invo] ved, to reject any or a1 I proposals and to waive in proposals received. Such bond shall be in a penal sum equai to price condifioned upon the performance of takings, convenants, terms conditions and and upon prompt payment of the Contractor labor and materjals in the prosecution of documents - BOND. The Con-'lowest responsi bl e of the document, interest of the of a'll factors any informality the amount of the contract the Contractor of all under- agreements of the contracti to ail persons supplying the work provided in the The successfui bjdder will be required to furnish an unconditioned performance and payrnent bond executed as surety by a corporation authorized to issue surety bonds in the State of Colorado and satisfactory to the 0wner. I Section G, C. In addition, the bond shali provide that if the Contractor or his subcontractor fails to duly pay for any iabor, materials, team hire, sustenance, taxes, provisions, provender or other supplies used or consumed by such Contractor or his subcontractor in performance of the vrork contracted to be done, the Surety w'i 11 pay the same in an affiount not exceeding the sum specified in the bond, 5.03 LIST 0F SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS. The successful bidder should at the time of the pre-construction conference submjt to the Engineer a complete list of suppliers of all materials and equipment and a list of all subcontractors, Jtemized as to the items of workto be done by each subcontractor. I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I I t I I I t I t Section G. C. 5.04 N0TICE T0 BIDDERS. It is recommended that bidders on thisproject go over the specification detai'ls with the engineering representative of this project: Eldorado Engineering Company P.0. Box 669 - 823 B'lake Avenue Gl enwood Spri ngs , Co'l orado 8160'i (303) e45-85e6 The Project site will be shown to all interested Contractors meeting at. only on the Uniess otherwise specified, al'l materia'ls which will becone a part of the completed work shal'l be new and shal'l conform to the specifications referred to herein. l,ihenever an item of equipment or materia'l is specified by a brand or manufacturer's name, the Contractor shall determine bid prices on the basis of said specification and said bid prices sha'll be used in deter- mining the lolv bjdders. Equipment and materials specified by a brand or manufacturer's name is so specified to define a desired resuit and to insure competitive bid- ding on an equal basis; however, any specification of equipment or naterJal so specified shaj'l be considered to be fo'llowed by the words "or equa1" whether or not the words "or equal" appear with the . specification. The Contractor sha1'l make diligent effort to procure the specified materia] s from any and al'l sources, but vrhere materfals required by the Specifications become unavailable, substitute materials may be used, provided that no substitute materials shall be used without written approval of the Eng'ineer, and written approval to state the amount of the adjustment, if any, to be made in favor of the Owner. The Engineer's determjnation as to whether substitution shali be per- mitted and as to what substitute materials may be used shall be final and conclusive. If the substltute materials approved are of less va'lue to the 0wner or involve less cost to the Contractor than the materials specifjed, an adjustment sha'll be made jn favor of the &lner by an approprjate change order, The cost of furnishing, transporting, storing and otherwise handling materia'l shal1 be included in the bid price regardless of whether the material is an item specifically covered by a bid price or is included in the bid price for work in which the material is required. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G. C.I I t I I I 5.05 BID Proposal to The undersigned is skiJ1ed and of plans and specifications. , hereinafter called the 0wner. experienced in the use and interpretation llaving carefully reviewed the plans and I I I I I I t specifications for t sufficient for bid purpose; further, having carefully examined thesite of the work and, from his own observations, has satisfied hinrself as to the nature and location of the work, the character, quality andquantity of materials, and the djfficulties like1y to be encountered, and other items which may affect the performance of the work, the under- signed purposes to furnish all labor, equipment, materia'l " supervisionr technical and professJonal services required to comp1ete the Hork instrict accordance with the Contract Documents accepting in ful1 payment the prices stated opposite respective bid items contained in the attached Bid Schedule. The undersfgned has based his bid so1e1y on the Contract Documents and his observations and has not relied in any way on any explanation or interpretation, oral or written, from any other source; further, he has carefully checked all figures entered in the Proposal Form Schedule of Quantities and Prices and agrees the 0lner wili not be responsiblefor any errors or omissions on the part of the unders'i gned in preparfng his proposal, Any discrepancy which exists between the bid prices as shown in words and numbers, the value shourn in words shall govern. The undersigned in no way assumes'liability for negligence of the engineer. The undersigned certifies that this bid will not be withdrawn for forty-five (45) days after bid opening. If awarded the contract, the undersigned agrees to execute said Contract Agreement and to furnjsh the specified bond and duplicate policies of insurance as required by the General Con- ditions of the Specifications within ten (10) ca]endar days from and after the date of written notice of award and subrn'ission of said Contract Agreement by the Owner. Attached hereto and made part of this bid by reference are the following: and Prices anv) I (a) Bid Schedule of Quantitiestb) Bid Bond or Certified Check(c) Acknowledged Addendums (ifI I I I I Date of Proposal (Corporate Sea1 of Corporation) Section G.C. 5.06 BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES tsID SCHEDULE Item ApproximateNumber Quantity Item and Unit Prjce in Words Unit Price i n Numbers I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I I I 5.06 BID SCHEDULE 0F QUAilTITIES AND pRICES BID SCHEDULT Company Name uompany Address NOTICE OF AWARD I t I I PROIECT Description: I The OWNER has considered the BID WORK in response to its Advertisement for and Information for Bidders, submitted by you for the above described Bids dated 19 I I of$ You are hereby notified that your BID has been accepted for items in the amount 19 I I I I I I I I You are required by the information for Bidders to execute the Agreement and fur- nish the required CONTRACTOR'S Performance BOND, Payment BOND and certifi- cates of insurance within ten (10] calendar days from the date of this Notice to you. If you fail to execute said Agreement and to furnish said BONDS within ten [10) days from the date of this Notice, said OWNER will be entitled to consider all your rights arising out of the OWNER'S acceptance of your BID as abandoned and as a for- feiture of your BID BOND. The OWNER will be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law." You are required to return an acknowledged copy the OWNER. of this NOTICE OF AWARD to Dated this day of By Title ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE OF AWARD is hereby acknowledged this Title the I T -day of L9_ Section G. 5.08 cont. (G) (H) (r) (,t ) iK) (L) General Conditions Special Conditions Payrnent Bond Performance Bond NOTICE OF AI'IARD NUTICE TO PROCETD CHANGE ORDER DRAWINGS prepared I I I I T I (M) (N)by numbered 19 [0 ) sPECrFrcATioNS through prepared or issued by and dated dated I I I I I19 1g 19 {P } ADDENDA: No No. No. No. No. No. 1g--dated dated dated dated dated dated I I19 6. The OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR in the manner set forth in the General Conditions such amounts as required DOCUMENTS. 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon all parties hereto heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, and at such times as by the CONTRACT and their respective each of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed by their duly authorizecl officials, this Agreement in ' (Number ot Copiesl which shall be deemed an original on the date firsl above written,t I seccl On b. {,. I 5.08 AGREEMENT I I I T I T and THIS AGRREMENT, made this day of==_--, 19 by hereinafter called "OWNER"and between lName ol Ownerl, (an Individuall | 2. The CONTRACTOR will furnish all of the material, supplies, tools, equipment, labor and other services necessary for the construction and completion of the PROJECT I described herein. I 3. The CONTRACTOR will commence the work required by the CONTRACT DOC-t UMENTS within calendar days after the date of the NOTiCE TO PRO- t CEED and will complete the same within calendar days unless the period I for completion is extended otherwise by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. T 4. The CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all of the WORK described in the CON- I TRACT DOCUMENTS and comply with the terms therein for the sum of $ - or as shown in the BID schedule, Ir 5, The term "CONTRACT EOCUMENTS" means and includes the following: doing business as (an individual,f or (a partnership,) or Ia corporation) hereinaf ter called "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and. agreements herein- af ter mentioned: 1. The CONTRACTOR will commence and complete the construction of [A] Advertisement For BIDS {Bl Instructions to BIDDERS (C) Notice to BIDDERS I t I (D) BID (I) BID BOND I (F) Asreement \ll' I I t t I I I I T I I t I I I t I I I OWNER: BY Name Title ( Please Type ) {sEAL) ATTEST: Name Title (Plseso Type) CONTRACTOR: BY Name Address (sEAL) ATTEST: Name (Pleas€ TyFe) I ir ll I I I ll I I I I I I I I I I t t I rl Secti on 5.09 To: G. C. NOTICE TO PROCEED Date: Project: You are hereby notified to commence WORK in accordance with the Agreement 19 on or before ,-, 19-, and you are to comr:lete the WORK within consecutive calendar days thereafter. dated The date of completion of all WORK is therefore By Title ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE 'IO PRO- CEED is hereby acknowledged by 19_. this the -da5r 19_of By Title Secti on 5.10 G. C. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Separate sealed BIDS for of (briefly describe nature, scope, andconstructionthe major elements of the work) will be received b at the office of I t t I I t t I I I t I I I I t t I I until fStandard Time - Daylight Savings Time) 19------, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the follorving locations: Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be lo cated at obtained at the office of -upon payment of $for each set. Any BIDDER, upon returning the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS promptly and in good condition, will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS r,viil be refunded $ Date I I t I I SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTiON 1.00 General 1.0.| Clearing & Grubbing. The contractor sha'll not disturb tree or fo1 iage within the util'ity easements without prior con- sent of the engineer. The engineer shall mark and review with the contractor prior to any construction, alI trees which may be rernoved or reiocated during excavation. 1,0e lhterial Storage Sites. It shal1 be the contractor's responsibility to locate a permanent materials storage site within the project vicinity. The contractor shall review with the engineer a1l proposed storage sites prior. to delivery of any materia'ls. Since materia'ls will be stockpiled on site during winter shutdown, al 1 storage sites shall be located so as not to interfere with normal snow removal and storage operations. 1.03 Time Schedule. The time schedule for completion of the Pro-ject shall be established by the contractor based on the number of calendar days a'llotted with the follouring exception: In order to provide proper revegetation of the specified areas, all water line insta'llation" finish grading and re-seeding shall be completed from Station 14+60 to 43+10, from Statjon 51+40 to 54+70 and from Station 93+80 to 103+00 prior to November I' 1980. This work may be completed in any sequence convenient to the contractor prov'ided that a'll areas are conplete by the above date. Payment for the above work shall be made in a single pay estimate dated liovember 30, i980. Should the contractor fail to comp'l ete the above work in the allotted time, the owner sha'l'l withhold payment for any portion of the above work completed until the first pay estimate of Spring 1981. It is imperative that the aforemintioned sections be revegetated this fal1. This is to eliminate the duration of visible surface scars in the fol]owing year. Also, this fa'll ls the best time to begin revegetation. Condition .|.03 stated above shall be deleted should the "Notice to Proceed" date be 'later than September 22' 1980. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I DIVISION I GENERAL REQUiREI'1ENTS 0,01) DtscRIPTI0N. It is general iterns that affect respons'ibl e for comp'l i ance Section supplements and is Conditions. the intent of this Section to describe the i.rork. The Contractor sha'l 1 be wf ih a'l'l i tems speci f i ed herei n . Thi sin addition to items in the Genera'l I t I I I '1.00 GENERAL. Work to be done under this Contract consists of furnishing all 'labor, materjals, equipment and inc'idental items and performing all operations necessary to comp'lete the work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. The Bidder is required to examine carefully the site of the proposed work, the Proposal, Plans and Specifications. He sha'l'lsatisfy himself as to the charactern gualjty and quantities of work to be performed, materjals to be furnished and the require- ments of these Specifications. The submission of a Proposal shal'l be evidence that the Bidder has made such an examination. 2.00 PLAIIS AND SPECIFICATI0NS. The intent of the Plans and Specifications is to describe the required work in its entirety, including the materia'ls and equipment required, quality contro'l and testin standards, etc. The Contractor shall furnish all 'l abor,plant, materialr appurtenances and accessories which may be re-quired to compiete the vrork. A'lj such items which are not specifi-cally mentioned but which are a required part of the work shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor, 2.01 PLAN ACCUMCY AND EXISTIIIG UTILITIES. Every effort has been made to identify and verify a'll existing faciiities and utilities. However, some of this information was taken from o1 d drawings andutif ity company maps pertinent to the site. As such, sor,re of the information relatj ng to locations, sizes, or e'levation of existing facilities should be considered only approxi-mate. it shal'l be the responsibifity of the Contractor tb cbirtact the appropriate representatives of uti'lity companies prior to the coronencement of work which might affect utility installations and to secure from such representatjves information as to accurate location, size and type of such installations. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for protectionn repair and relocation ofall such items encountered, Should repa'ir or rep'lacement be required, the work shall be performed according to the requirements of theI I I respective utility company. 3.00 ABBREVIATIONS. llherever the following abbrevjatjons are used in these Specifications or on the Plarrs, they shall be con- strued the saine as the respective expressions represented: I I T I t I I t I I T I I A.C.I. A.S.T.M.raeT A.l.l.l{.A. A. i. s. c, A.A.S. H. O. N.E.C. N. E.M.A. American Concrete Institute Amerjcan Society for Testing & Materials Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute American Water lrJorks Association American Institute of Steel Construction American Association of State Hwy. Officials f{ational Eiectric Code i'lational Eiectrical Manufacturers Association 3.01 STANDARD SPECIFICATI0N REFERENCE. l^lhere reference is made in these Specifications to other Standard Spec'ifications, it is the intent that the iatest ava'ilable revjsion of the Specification re- ferenced be used. All portions of the Standard Specificat'i0n re- ferenced shall be considered a part of these Specifications unless specifically superceded herejn. 4.00 00NSTRUCTI0I| STAKiNG. All control line and control elevation staking will be performed by Eldorado Engineering Company, 823 Blake Avenue, Gl en,rrood Springs , Col orado 81601 . The Contractor sha] I be responsible for protecting all stakes sei for his use. Stales which must be reset for controi after initia'l stakeout rrri11 bel;Ep"1E-ced at the ContiEi6r' j e;<pense at the Engineer's current rate for-a 3-mat- survEy par*.- A minjmum of 48 hours notice is required for allfield staking. 5.00 PERi\'IITS AND EASE|'IINTS. The 0wner shal1 provide permanent construction and maintenance easements. ilaps of these easementswill be made avai'l able upon request and/or at the pre-construction conference. The Owner will provide permission for sevrer line work on al'l public and private property and right-of-way; all other permits required sha'l 'l be secured prior to commencement of wOrk and at the Contractor's orvn expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for securing any and all access rights he may require for constructjon convenience with private individuals and landowners along the sewer line easement route, The Contractor sha11 provide the Engineer evidence of agreements for such access rights. t I I I I t I I t I I I 6.00 SUBSTITUTION 0F I'IATERIALS. At no time sha] I material s be substituted for those shown on the drawings or called for in the Specifications, unless written approval is obtained from the Engineer. Requests for such suDstitutes shall be nade to the Engineer tn writing prior to construction, Any deviation from the Plans and Specifications shall be accompanied by a written directive of the Engineer or his representative. 7.00 REQUIREI{ENTS FOR OTHER AGENCIES. },lhere construction work is being performed in areas which affect other agencies, such as public utilities, the construction work shall be done in strict compliance with the requirernents and specifications of these agencies. Adequate notice shal'l be given to these agencies prior to the start of con- struction for verificati0n of'l ocations. 8.00 INTERRUPTION 0F SERVICES, When interruption of water or seweF service will be necessary during constructjon, 24 hours notice will be given to the affected parties lo minimize inconvenience. 9.00 CONTR0LLED AREA 0R W0RK. The Contractor shall confine all the constructjon work, storage of materials and all related activjties to the public roadways, uiility easements, or construction areas designated by the Eng'ineer, Access and egress to the work area shal'l be minimized to specific points. 10.00 INTERPRETATICTI 0F ESTII'IATED QUANTiTIES. Bidders are cautioned that the estimated quantities in the Bid Schedule are approximate only and are prepared for the comparison of bids. The basis of pay- ment will be actual quantities of work perforr*ed and accepted. 11.00 TEMP0RARY FACILITIES. The Contractor at his expense sha'll provide all necessary temporary faci'l ities for his construction convenience or to meet 'loca'l , state or federal requirements including but not limited to potable water, sanitary waste facilities, power telephone, etc. I I t 'l I I I I I I I t I '12.00 CLEAN-UP. The Contractor will be responsible for cleaning up the job siie during and after construction. All rubbish, trees, broken pipe and other materials on the iob site must be removed. Fina'l clean-up must be approved and accepted by the 0wner before the contract may be considered complete. 13.00 MEASUREMENT AND BASiS 0F PAYMENT. Payment for work done shali be as defined in l,lEASUREl"lillT AND BASiS 0F PAYiiEfiT. Payment slral 1 be conrplete compensation for the work unit cornpleted andshall consist of furnjshing and jnstal i ing al I materials and equipnent, labor and other items re'lated to the work. Al 1 inci- dentals not specifically mentioned sha'll be paid for as part of the work unit they are related to. l4obilization and Uemobilization sha'l'l be paid for as a lump sum and shal'l include all costs involved in moving onto the site and rernoval of equipement from the site, as we1'l as final site clean-up. I{o more than 50% of the bid item shall be paid for on the first pay estimate; at least25% of the bid ar'rount shall be paid for in the final pay estimate. I I t I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t I I T I I I sEcTIOil 02200 EARTHI"IORK 1.OO GENERAL 1.01 Scope. Work to be performed under this section sha'I1 include all labor, equipment, materjals and miscellaneous'items necessary to perform all clearing and grubbing, excavation,filfing, compacting, testing and re'l ated work not specified elsewheren as shown on the drawing and required by the specifica- ti ons. All work within the rights-of-way of the Co'lorado Division of Highways, Counly Governments or lvlunicipa1 Governments shal'l be done in compliance with requirements issued by those agencies.All such requirements shall take precedence over these specifica-tions. it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to secure a'l'l required excavation perm'i ts and pay a'l I costs thereof. 1 .02 Related l,lork Spec'if ied El sewhere Section 15225 - Pressure Reducing Stations Secti0n 15230 - l,later Booster Stations Sectjon 02610 - Aggregate Base Course and Sub-base Course Section 02555 - llater Transmission and Distribution Lines (Item 2.05 - Backflow Preventer Vau'lt) 1.03 Field Conditions A. Surface Improvements. Protect from damage or restoreto their original condition, a'l'l surface impiovements encsuntered during construction. Said improvements shall include but not be 'limited to the following: surfac'ing sidewalks, curbs, valley gutters, trees and shrubs, other improvements. B. Underground Utilities. Protect from damage any under- ground p'ipes, utilit'ies or structures encountered during construction. Restore any damaged underground obstructionsto their on'iginal condition at no cost to the 0wner unless evidence of other arrangements satisfactory to all parties are presented to the 0wner. Before commencing work, obtain information concerning location, type and extent of concealed ex'isting utJ'ljties I I t I I t t I t I I I t 02200 - I on the site and adjacent properties. Consult records and personnel of local utii'ity companies, municipal utifity departn€nts and telephone company. Fi'le Notice of Excava-tion wjth these agencies prior to commencing wornk. Underground obstructions known to the Engineer, except service lines, are shown on the drawings or otherwise referred to in the specificat'ions. The locations shown may prove to be inaccurate and other obstructions not shown niay be encountered. In any case, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify actual locations and to protect or restore all underground obstructions encountered. C. Soi1 Conditions. It sha1'l be the responsib'i1ity of the Contractor ts exanine soi'l conditions and characteristics, inc'l uding the presence of groundwater that wi'l t be encountered within the limits of excavation. Known locations of extra- ordinary soil types and anticipated presence of groundwater are shown on the plans. Absence of such information does not imply such conditions do not exist but simply that they are not expected to exist, 1.04 Protection of blork A. Safety. All excavation shal1 be protected by bamicades, 'l jghts, signs, etc. as required lry governing federal , state and 'loca'l safety codes and regulations. B. Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing, Except where banks are cut back on a stab'le slope, provide and maintain al'l sheeting necessary to protect adjoining grades and structures from caving, s)iding, erosion o,r other damage, and suitable fornsof protection against bodily injury, all in accordance with app'l jcab'le codes and governing authorities, Remove sheeting and shoriflg as excavations are backfiiled in a manner to protect the constructjon or other structures,utilities or property. Do not remove any sheeting after backfilling. C. Site Drainage. Excavation to be protected from surface water at all times. 1.05 Blasting. No biasting shall be permitted without wrjtten consent of Engineers. Blasting shall be done only after Engineer received perrnission from the appropriate governmental authority(s). B'l asting shall be performed onjy by properly licensed, experienced individuajs and in a manRer such that no damage to any property or persons nill occur due either to the p1ast or debris. All damage as the result of b'l asting shall be repaired, at the Contractor's expense, to the satisfaction of the engineer. I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I 02200-2 lr Inch 4I ?40 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I All earth or rock loosened by b1 asting sha'l I be removed from the trench prior to pipeline installation. 'l .06 Construction in Streets. hlhen construction operations are'located within streets make prov'i sions at cross streets and walksfor free passage of vehicles and pedestrians. Do not block streets or walks without prior approval. a.00 MATERIALS. All materials for construction fills and backfi'lls shall meet specffied requ{rements for gradation and other factors defining suitability for the intended use. All classes of suitable material shall be free from perishable matter, debris, frozen materia'l and stones and/or cernented pieces larger than permitted by the specifiedgradation. Classification of materials shall be as follows: 2.A1 Materia'ls for Structure Backfili. Structure backfill shall be composed of materlals designated as Class A, Class B or ClassC. Class of material will be as shown on the plans or as designated. A. Class A Structure Backfi'll (CD0H Section 703,08 - Class l). Class A structure backfi'll shall be composed of materials from excavatjons, borrow areas, or other sources. Thjs materia'l shall conform to the following requirements when tested with laboratory sieves: S i-e ve -_De*s i S! At ip,n 2 inch No. 4 I'lo. 50 No.200 % by l.Jeight Passinq Lab. Sieves 100 30 - 't00 60 max.5-20 In addition, this material shall have a liquid limit not exceeding 35 and a plasticity ihdex of not over 6 when determined in confonnity with AASHTO TB9 and T 90. B. Class B Structure Backfill (CDOH Section i03.03 - Class 6). Class B structure shall consist of crushed stone, crushed slag, crushed gravel , 0r natural gravel conforming to the following requirements when tested with laboratory sieves. 5'ieve Designation % bv*!,ejshL lqssjjrg !9b.. SJeves 314 llo. No. No. 100 30-6525-5s5-12 02200-3 I IIn addjtjon, this materia] shall have a Iiquid limii not exceeding 30 and a plasticity index of not over 6 yihen determined 'in conformity with AASHTO T89 and T90. C. Class A Structure Backfill (CDOH Section 703.08 - C'lass 2). C'lass A structure backfili shall be composed of suitable materials deveioped on the project. If the materjal contains rock fragments that in the opinion of the Engineer wjl'l be injurious to the structure, the native material wjll not be used for backfilling and the Cont,ractor will be requlred to furnish CJass A structure backfill material at a unit price mutuaily agreed upon between Contractor and 0wner. 2.02 Topsoil. Topsoil shall consist of se'lectively excavated, loose, friable 'loam reasonably free to admixtures of subsoil, refuse, stumpsn roots, rocks, brush, weeds or other materia] which would be detrimentai to the proper developnent of vegetative growth. I I I 3.OO I'IITHODS AND PROCEDURES 3.01 Site Preparation I I t I I :T I I I A. C] earing. Remove a'l 1 vegetation, stumps, roots, organic matter, debrjs and other misce'llaneous structures and materials from work sjte, Dispose of off-site B. Topso'i i Remova'l , Strip existing topsoi I from al'l areas to be disturbed by construction. Topsoii to be stockpiled separate'ly from excavai,ed material s. C. Pavement Removal. Asphalt and bituminous pavements to be cut to the full depth of pavement with a vertical face'in a straight line to the'linit of excavation. Concrete pavemenls to be savr cut to the ful'l depth of pave- ment wiih a vertical face in a straight iine to the limit of excavation. A'l I pavernent removed shall be disposed of off-site. Broken pavement not to be used in backfill materia'l. D. Preservaticn of Trees. Refer to plans for designation of al'l trees, shrubs, plants and other vegetation with'in the project site to remain, Do not remove trees outside of excavated or fi'l led areas, unless their removal is authorized by the engineer. Protect trees left standing froin permanent damage by constructfon operations. I I I I I 02200-4 I I I 3.02 Construction Requirements. The excavation and embankments requjred shall be fjnished to smooth and uniform surfaces, l4aterials sha'll not be vrasted without permission of the Engineer. The Engineer reserves the right to change grade lines, cut slopes or fili lines during the progress of the work. 3.03 tarthwork - Common Excavation. l4aterial outside of the lim'its of slopes wi'll not be djsturbed. Prior to beginning grading operations in any area, all necessary clearing and grubbing in that area sha'l I have been performed in accordance with these speclfications. The Contractor shall not excavate beyond the dimensions and e'levations established. Common excavation shall inc] ude a'l i materia'l s of whatever nature encountered in the work. l^lhere excavation to the finished graded section results in a sub-grade of unsuitab'le material, the Engineer may require the Contractoi to remove the unsuitable materrals and backfill to the finished grade with approved material If any areas are inadvertently over-excavated, fill such over excavation with suitable fill materia'ls. Cornpiete excavation work to the grade elevations ca'l led for on the p'lans within a tqlerance of + 0.1 foot. A. Groundwater Control . Contractor to on-site to remove all groundwater from keep water below the bottom to a point for equipment 0r concrete installation shal 'l be mai ntai ned unti 'l al i concretefilling is in place at least 24 inches water levels before water removal . A1 1 be subject to approva'l by the Engineer. Removal of water by bucketfngr sump or trench diversions, intermittent pumping, or sump or submersible pumps is considered incidental to excavation work. Inclusion of a bid item for dewatering indicates dewatering by continuous pumping, well-point type systems 'is expected" If such dewatering system is required, in the opinion of the Engineer, this work to be paid for as indjcated in the bid schedule, or if not inc]uded in the bid schedule to be considered extra work paid for a price negotiated betb,een Contractor and 0wner prior to the start of dewatering. B. Stockpile Excavated Material. Excavated material to be stockpiled so as not to endanger the work or public safety. Maintain existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic with minimum disruption. l'laintain emergency access and access to existing ftre hydrants and water valves. Maintain natural drainage courses and street gutters. I I I t I I I I I maintain facilities excavated area and such that a fire baseexists. Facilitiesis cured and back- above anticipated water remova'l sha'|1I I I I I 02200-5 Backfjll material to be segregated from stockpiled topsoi'l and unusable backfi'l I materials. C. Overexcavation. Whenever trench is overexcavated more than l.0l to eljminate point bearing by rocks or stones or when undjsturbed grade tolerances of 0..l' are exceeded, the Contractolis to re-establ ish grade using appropriate bedd'ing material. Compaction shall be to 95% maximum density. All work to re-estab'l ish grade shall be at the Contractor's expen se . D. Unstable l"{aterials. Materials which are not capable of supporting superimposed'l oadings are defined as unstabie materia'l s. Should unstable materia'l s be encountered during excayation, immediately notify Engineer. If in the opinion of ihe Engineer, unstable soij excavation is required and the Contractor could not have reasonably been expected to discover the exis'uence of such materials during his site investigation, then a contract price for Unstable Soil Ex- cavatjon shall be negotiated between 0wner and Contractor. No payment sha'l 'l be made for materials excavated prior to notjfjcation of Engineer and negotiat'i on of payment for extra work. Inc'lusion of a bid item for Unstable Soil Excavation in- djcates such excavation is anticipated. The Contractoris to notify the Engineer prior to any unstable soi'l excavatjon; n0 payment sha'l 1 be made for excavation prior to notification of Engineer. E. Rock Excavation. Rock excavation shall be defined as removal of boulders in excess of one (l) cubic yard or so'l id or fractured rock, which makes finish grading of the bottom imposs'i b1e and vrhich requires techniques, such as b] asting or jacking for renmval , other than those which are being empioyed by the Contractor or are norma'l 1y used in excavat'i on, such as backhoes, trenchers, draglines, etc. Should unanticipated rock conditions be encountered, immediate'ly notify the Engineer. If in the opinion of the Engineer, rock excava^uion is required and the Contractor had in fact made a diligent and determined effort to remove the rnaterial using normai excavation procedures as stated above and the Contraclor could not have reasonab'ly been expected to determine the existence of such material during his site investigation, then a contract price for Rock Excavation sha'l I be negotiated between the Contractor and the 0wner. No payment shall be made for excavation per- forrired prior to determination of a negotiated price, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02200-6 I I I I I I I I t Rock sha'l I be removed to a 4" depth below grade. In addition,all rock ioosened during jacking, blasting, etc. shall be removed from the site, For payment purposes, maximum depthto be paid for sha'l I be .l2" be'low required grade. Al 1 over- excavation shall be replaced as specified in Section 303, C. Inc'l usion of a bid iten for Rock Excayation indicates such excavation is anticipated. Contractor to notify Engineerprior to any rock excavation; no payment sha'l 1 be made for excavation prior to notificatjon. F. Disposal of Excess Excavation. Contractor to disposeof excess excavation off-site. Excavation may be wasted on-sjte on'ly jf approved by the Engineer and shall be doneat the direction of the Engineer. Disposal in any case shal'l be the sole responsibfity of the Contractor. 3.04 Embankment and Backfjlling. Do not beg'in backfjlling until forms have been removed, constructjon be'l ow grade has been approved, underground utilities syst,ems have been inspected, tested and approved and trash and debris have been cleaned from the excavation. Do not cease devratering operations until backfill has been compl eted. Place approved excavated materjal in successive uniform maximum loose'l ayers not exceeding E jnches for the fu'l I r,ljdth of the cross-section in all accessible areas. Place material in successive uniform loose iayers not exceeding 4 inches jn areas not accessib'le or permitted for the use of self-propelled ro1 lers or vibrators. Do noi place fi1'l on muddy or frozen subgrade, or until subgradeis approved by the Engineer. P'low, step, or bench slopeo surfaces steeper than 2 to 1 on whichfill or backfill is to be placed in such a manner that fill materi ai wi 'l 'l adquately bond w'i th exi sti ng surfaces . Scari fyall surfaces to receive backfill to a depth of 6" before filling. Construct fills and embankments to the lines and gracies indicated on the draw'ings within a tolerance of + 0.'l foot. Use sujtable materials removed from the excavation prior to ob- taining material from borrovr areas. Where other'wise suitable material is too wet, aerate, dry or blend to provide the moisture content specified for compaction, t t I I I I I I t I uLauv- J 3.05 Compaction. During placing and/or compacting operations upon earth or earth-and-rock mjxtures, the mojsture content of materjalsin the layers being compacted shall be near optimum and unjform aspracticabje throughout the 'l ayer. In generai, maintain the moisture content of the material being placed and compacted rvith'in 2% of optinum condition as determined as ASTM Standard 0698. A. Tamping Equipnrent. Perform ai1 conrpaction with approved equipment we'l'l suited to 'location and material being compacted. Use heavy vibratory roliers where heavy equ'i pment is authorized. Do tlot operate heavy equipment closer to foundations than a horizontal djstance equal to he'ight of backfj'll above bottoin of foundation. Compact remaining area with hand tampers suitable for material being compacted. Place and compactbackfill around pipes with care to avoid damage. Compact fill materials to following densitites at optimum moisture content based on ASTM D698 or AASHT0 T99: 1. Structure fill under and adjacent to al'l concrete foundations: 95% 2. Backfil'l beneath existing or proposed pavement, roadways, siderr,talks, curbs, utiiity Jines and other improvements: 95% 3. Backfiil within pubiic or designated rights-of-way: 95% or as shown on the P] ans. 4. Backfill within undeveloped, green or undes'i gnated areas: 85% B. Jetting. Jetting and water inundation are generally not permitted methods of compaction. The Engineer may aljow jetting under certain field conditions. Techniques including depth of Jifts, amount of water to be used, penetration of hose jet, etc., shalI be at the direction of the Engineer. No jetting will be allowed on materials with a 200-minus gradation of greater than j5%. Contractor shali pay cost of al'l water used, soi'l classification testing and compaction testing and any retesting or recompact'ion required. No jetting shajl be done prior to written approval and direction of the Engirreer. C, Maintenance of Backfill. Contractor to maintain in satisfactory condition during the extent of the contract and warranty period. All surface deterioration determined to be the responsibility of the Contractor and a'l'l settlement shail be repaired at once by the Contractor upon notice by the Owner. All costs for repair and all liability as a resuit of surface deteriorat'ion or settlement sha] I be the responsibifity of the Contractor. I I I t t I I t I I t I I t I I I I I02200-8 I I I I I I I t 4.OO QUALITY CONTROL - FIELD 4.01 Inspection and Testing. Inspection and testing to be performed at the direction of the Engineer. Contractor to cooperate ful'ly with a1 1 persons engaged in testing. 4.OZ Density Testing and Control A. Reference Standards. Density/moisture relationships to be developed for all soii types encountered according to ASTI4 D69B or ASSHTO T99. B. Field Testing. Testing for density during compaction operations to be done on accordance with ASTM 02922 using nuclear density methods. C. Frequency of Testing. Conduct a minimum of one test for each layer of specified depth of fill or backfili as fo1'lows; Foundations: For each .|00 lineal feet or less of trench. Slabs on Grade: For each 2,000 square feet or Jess of building area, Pavement and l,{alks: For each 2,000 square feet or less.All 0ther Areas: For each 5,000 square feet or less. 0. Retest'ing, In the event of failure to meet compaction cri teria, Contractor shal'l re-excavate and rebackfill at direction of [ngineer. A1'] retesting to be paid for by Contractor and to be performed by soils testing firm approved by the [ngineer. 5.00 SURFACT RESTORATION. A'11 er.isting surface 'improvenents and site conditions d'isturbed or damaged during construction to be restored to a condition equal to pre-construct'i on condition. All restoration costs are considered incidental to excavation and backfill. 5.01 Improvement. Replace, repair or reconstruct all improve- ments as required. l,lork will not be accepted unti'l restorationis accepted by Engineer and all affected property owners. Im- provements include, by example, other utiljties' culverts, structures, curb and gutter, mai] boxes, signs, etc, 5.02 Finai Grading. The Contractor is to re-establish existing final grade or finish to fina'l grades as modified and shown on the Plans. The Contractor is to backfill to proper subgrade elevatjon with backfil'l material to allow placement of surface improvements or materials. a22AA-9 I I I I t I I I I I I 5:01 Roadr.rays. All roadrvays to be restored to original conditionwith rnateriai types removed. l{aterials and methods to conformto Section 026'l 0, Aggregate Base Course and Sub-base Course; Section A261?, Hot Bituminous Pavement; and Port]and Cement Concrete Paving. Additional requirements are: I I I I I I I A. l4inimum base course materjal or depth gravel or hard surface roadways to be B" B. l4inimum bituminous surfacing to be 4,,. C. ltlinimunr concrete paving to.be 6". 5.04 Placing Topsoii. P'lace previously stockpiles or imported topsoil in all areas w'ithin the limits of the project not in- dicated to receive subsequent foundations, slabs on grade, walks,or other appurtenances. Prior to placing topsoil, repair previously constructed grades as requ'ired to deyeiop section indicated upon completion of top-soil placement. After grading scarify areas t0 be topsoiledto a depth of at least 4". Perform work only during periods when beneficia'l results are i'ikely to be obtained. Uniformly disi.ribute topsoil on the designated areas and evenly spread to a minimum thjckness of 4". Perform spreading so that planting can proceed with little additional soil pre- paration or tiiiage. Do not place topso'il when subgrade is frozen, excessiveiy wet, extremely dry, or in a condition other- wise detrimentaj to proper grading or proposed plant'ing. TopsoiI shall be seeded, fertilized and mulched. See Sectjon 02820, Fin'ish Grading and Landscaping, l,Ihere construction is through estabiished sod areas, topsoil shal'l be repiaced prior to resodding. Areas requiring sodding are indicated on the Pians. See Section 02820, Fin'ish Grading and Landscaping. 6.OO I'IEASURIMENT AND PAYMENT 6.01 Structura'l Excavation and Backfill. Structurai excavation and backfj'l 'l wjl'l be measured as the quantities shown on thep1ans. Exception will be when fjeld changes are ordered. Structural excavation and backfill shail be paid for by the cub'ic yard, to the nearest one-ira'l f yard. No separate- payment shall be made for site preparation, clearing and grubbing or topsoil renovaj and replacement, This work shall be paid for as part of the excavation and backfil'l ing. I I t I t I t t I I I I 02200-10 I I I I I I I I I 6.02 Dewatering. Devratering shal 1 be paid for as a lump sum and shali include furnishing and instal'ling ai'l equipment necessary to operate and maintain a dewatering system and all labor and appurtenances assocjated with the dewatering operation, 6.03 Unstable Materia'l s. Unstable material excavation shall be paid for by the cubic yard, to the nearest one-half yard, as defined by the actual volume of unstab'l e material removed, as directed by the [ngineer and as measured in the fie'l d excavation. Payment shali include excavation, disposal of excavated material and backfil'l and backfill materjals necessary to bring excavation to final grade. I I I I I I I I I t 02200-l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I srcTI0N 0222.l TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COI'IPACTION I.UO GENERAL 1,0'l Scope. l,/ork to be performed under this section shall include all labor, equipment, materials and miscellaneous items necessary to perform all excavation, backfilling and compaction of underground pipeline, conduits, cab'les and appurtenances shown on the drawings and specified herein. All work within the rights-of-way of the Colorado Division of Highways, County Governments or l,lunicipa'l Governments shal1 be done in compliance with requirements issued by those agencies. All such requ'i rements shall take precedence over these specifications. It sha'l 'l be the Contractor's' responsibiiity to secure ali requjred excavation pennits and pay a'l I costs thereof. 1.02 Related I'lork Specified Elsewhere Section 02555 - ldater Transnission and Distribution Lines Sect'ion 026'12 - Hot tsituminous Pavement Section 02610 - Aggregate Base Course & Sub-base Course 1.03 Field Conditions A. Existing Utilities. Underground uti'lities known to the Engineer have been shown on the p1ans. Locations are approximate only and rrlay prove to be inaccurate. The Con- tractor 'i s responsible for verification of existence, loca- tion and protection of all uti'ljties in the wonk area. Before conrnencing lvith work, the Contractor shall notify the pub'lic utiiitjes of ali possible util'ities in project area. The Contractor shall coordinate with these entities a'll ex- cavation performed. The Contractor sha'l'l obtain all permits required by utility owners. In the event of damage io any existing ui,ility, the Con- tractor shal 1 be sole'ly responsible for the repair and pay- ment for repair of a'l 'l such darnage. I t t I I I 02?21-l I IThe Contractor shall make arrangements for and pay a'l I costsfor relocation of utiljt'ies requiring relocation as in- di cated on the pl ans . Shoul d utj I ity obstructions , not shown on the plans, be encountered and require relocation,the Contractor shaii not'i fy the 0wner and the [ngineer andshalj make arrangenerlts necessary for such relocition. The 0lmer shall pay the costs for such relocation. B. Existing Improvements. The Contractor sha'l I restore orprotect from damage al'l existing improvements encounteredin performance of the work. improvements damaged as a re-sult of this vrork shal'l be restored to original conditionor better, as deterrnined by the Engineer. - Adjacent property shal i be protected by the Contractor from any damage. The Contractor shall be held solely liablefor any damage i,o adjacent property and shall be respon-sible for ali costs resulting from repair of such damage. C. Soi'l Conditions. it shall be the responsibiiity of the Contractor to examine soil conditjons and characteristics, including the presence of groundwater that will be en- countered lvithin the limits of excavation. Known 'locations of extra-ordinary soil types and anticipated presence of groundwater are slroyin on the p1ans, Absence of such infor- nation does not inply such conditions do not exist but sinrply thai they are not expected to exist, 1 . 04 P rotect i on of I'Jork A. Safet,v. Ali excavation shail be protected by barricades, ligh^us, signs, etc. as required by governing federal , state and loca'l safety codes and regulations. ts, Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing. llhere trench walls are not excavated at a stabje slope, the Contractor shail prov'i de and maintain sheeting sufficient to prevent cavjng,siiding or failure and property or bodily damage. Any damage due to inadequate sheeting shall be repaired at the sole expense of the Contrac[or. Under normal construction conditions, sheeting shall be removed as work progresses. Sheeting shali remain in-stalled jf directed by the Engineer or if pipe does not have sufficient strength to support backfill based on trench width as defined by the sheeting. Sheeting shall not be removed after the start of backfilling. Use of a movabie trench shiejd or coffin box wil'l not be allowed vrhere pipe strength is insufficient to supportbackfill as defined by the trench wjdth after the trench shie'l d is removed. I I I I I I t I I I I 022?1-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I il I Tne Contractor shall be he'l d so1ely responsible for any vjolation of applicable safety standards. Particular attention js called to minimum requirenents of OSHA and C0SH (Colorado Occupational Safety and Heaith). C. Site Drainage. txcavation to be protected from surface water at al l t'ines. 1.05 Blasiing, ilo blasting sha'll be permitted vrithout wnitten consent of Engirreers. Biasting shajl be done only after Engineer received permission from the appropriate governmenta? authority(s), Blasting shall be perfornred on1y by properly licensedn experienced individuals and in a manner such that no damage to any property or persons vli1l occur due ejther to the blast or debris. A'l 1 damage as the resu'l t of b1 asting shall be repaired, at the Contractor's expense, to the satisfactlon of the Engineer. All earth or rock ioosened by b1 asting shal'l be removed from the trench prior to pipeline installation. 1 .06 Submi ttal s A. $edding Material I. Submit sieve analysis B. Select Fill 1. Submjt sieve analysis ?. OO IIATERIALS Pipe iine embedment material shall classes as iisted belowl A. Class A - Use where indicated on the p'l ans and where improper trenching or unexpected trench conditions requireits use as determjned by the Engineer. 1. Characteristics - Concrete cradle foundation densely cornpacted Class 6 aggregate base backfi'll.l2" above top of pipe, or densely compacted Class aggregate granular foundation with concrete arch to 6" above top of pipe. ts. Class ts - Use for all p'lastic, clay and asbestos-cement...pipe under normal construction conditions. 2.0i Embedmeni l'lateri ai . comply rvith the appropriate I with to 6 cover t vtttt-J l. Characterjstics - Shaped native subgrade with densely compacted Class 6 aggregate backfill to .l2. above top of pjpe, or densely compacted Class 6 aggre- gate granu'l ar foundation of depth specified elsewlrerein ihis section wjth densely compacted Class 6 aggre- gate backfill to j2" above top of pipe C. Ciass C - Use for al i types of pipe not spec'i fied under Class B vrhere norna'l construction conditions exist. 1. Characterjstics - 0ensely corrrpacted shaped native subgrade foundation with densely compacted Class 4 aggregate backfill to 12" above top of pipe, or densely compacted C'lass 4 aggregate granular foundation of depth speciffed elsewhere in this section with densely com- pacted Class 4 aggregate backfill to .l2" above top of pi pe' Bedd'ing Options - The shaped subgrade, as indicated above, shall be acceptable for Class B and C embedment. However, 'if at any- time the shaped subgrade does not meet the requirements i'l lustrated'in Figure I, the Contractor shall be required to provide a granuiar foundation for the pipe'line. 2.02 Select Material. Subject to approval by the Engineer, select rnateri al shal 'l be al I owed i n pl ace of the aggregate backf i I 'l for I C'lasses B & C embedment as shovrn in Figure 1. t I I I I I I I I I A. Characteristics debris and organic Pipel ine llateria] Plastics, clay and Abestos-Cement Ai 1 0thers - Soil materials free from rocks, clods materlal, uniformly gia,led as-ioiiowit -' I Gradation Limits 3/4 inch max. with less than 15% passing No. 200 sjeve 'l l/2 jnch max. with less than 20% passing No. 200 sieve I I I I I I I I 2.03 Concrete for Emberlment. Sha'l 'l be 2000 psi concrete (28 day cotnpressive strength). Reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A'185 or ASTI'1 A185, Grade 40. 2.04 Backfili Material A. Characteristics - l,iative materials free from debris, organic maiter and frozen materjal. Uniform'ly graded sufficient to allow proper compaction. 02221-4 I t I I I I I I I I I it. Gradation - i{o boulders greater than 6 inch cl jameter in top 12 inches of backfi'il. Genera'l 1y no bouiders grealer than 12 inch diameter in remainder of trench. Lirnited number of boulders not ex- ceeding 24 inch diameter to be allowed at discretion of Engineer provided bou'l ders can be uniformly dispersed andwill not interfere in compactive effort. 3.OO METHODS ANIJ PROCEDURES 3.0'| Site Preparation A. Clearing. Remove all vegetat'ion, si.unps, roots, organic matter, debris and other misceljaneous structures and materials from work site. Dispose of off-site, B. Topsoil Removal. Strip existing topsoil from al'l areas to be disturbed by construction. Topsoil to be stockpiled separate'ly from excavated materia'l s. C. Pavement Removal . Aspha'l t and biturninous pavements to be cut to the ful1 depth of pavement with a vertica1 facein a straight line to the limit of excavation. Concrete pavements to be saw cui to the ful l depth of paveilent with a vertical face jn a straight line to the 'l imi t of excavati on. All pavement removed shall be disposed of off-site. Broken pavement not to be used in backfill material . 3.02 Trench Excavation A. Limits of Excavation. Trenches to be excavated along lines and grades shown on the plans, or as modified in the field by the Engineer. Trench widths to be measured 12 inches above top of pipe, Flinimunr of trench width to be the outside diameter of the pipe or conduit plus l6 inches. Maximum trench width to be the outside diameter of the pipe or conduit plus 24'inches for all p'ipes or condujts w'ith outside diameter of 24 inches or less, and pJus 30 inches for all pipes or conduits with outside diameters greater than 24 inches If maximum trench width is exceeded, at his expense, higher strength pipe cluding concrete at the direction of I I I I I I I I Contractor wi'11 provide or special bedding in- the [ngineer. 02221$ Trench excavation not to be completed more than ]00 feet in advance of pipe insta1lation. Backfill to be completed within ,l00 feet of pipe instailatjon. B. Groundwater Control . Contractor to maintain faci'l ities on-site to remove all groundwater from trench and keep water belovl Lhe trench bottofr to a point such that a firm base for p'ipe or conduit'installation exists. Facilities sha'll be maintained until all concrete js cured and backfilling is in place at least 24 inches above antic!pated water 'levels befbre yrater remova'l is discontinued all water remova] shall be subiect to approval by the Eng'ineer. Removal of water by bucketing, sump or trench diversions, interinittent pumping, or sump or submersib'le pumps,is- ions'i dered intidental to trench excavation woi'k. Inc'l usion of a bid item for dewatering indicates dewatering by con- t'i nuous pumping, weii-point-type systems is expected. If such devtatei^ini system is required, in the opinion of the Engineer, this-wo-r'k to be paid for as indicated in the bid scheduie, or if not included in the bid schedule to be con- sidered extra utork paid for a price negotiated between Con- tractor and 0viner prior to the start of dewatering. C. Stockpile [xcavated l"laterial . Excavated material to be stockpileb so as not to endanger the work or pubfic;1fety' l'lai ntb i n exi sti ng vehi cu'lar and pedestri an traf f i c wi th mininrum disruptj6n, l'laintain e'ergency access a'd access to existing fire hydrants and vrater va1 ves. i'laintain natural dra'i nage courses and street gutters- Backfi'll material to be segregated from stockpiied topsoil and unusab'l e backfiI'l materials. D. txcavation for Appurtenances. Excavation to be done in accorclance with these specifications and as shovin on the plans. Adequate working clearances to be maintained around appurtenances. Provisjons for base and bottom preparation shall apply to all appurtenattces. Precautions to be taken to naintain trench vridths in the vicinity of adiacent pipelines and conduits. 3.03 Bottom PreParatiorrs A. Undisturbed Foundation. Hhere soils are suiiable and have adequate strength, bottom to be graded and lrand-shaped sucn that pipe barr6'l rests uniform'ly on undisturbed.soil 'All rocks or'stones which may resu'l t in a point bearing on the p'i Pe shalj be removed. t I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I I a22?.1-6 I I I I I I I I I I I Undisturbed graCes shall be wjthin 0.J feet + toierance. Soils for firrai pipe grade piaced within theie iimits may be native materials, hand compacted to 95% maxirnum densities. B. tseil Holes. l,laterial to be removed to allow installation of ail fitting and joint projections without affect'ing place- ment of pipe. C" 0verexcavation. Whenever trench is overexcavated aore than .l.0' to eiiminate point bearing by rocks or stones 0r when undisturbed grade tolerances of 0..|' are exceeded, the Contractor is to re-estab'l'ish grade using appropriate bedding materiai. Compaction shall be to 95% maximumdensity. All work to re-estab'l'ish grade shall be at the Contractor's expense. D. Unstable l,{ateriajs. Materia'ls which are not capable of supporting superimposed loadings are defined as unstable materiais. Should unstab'le materials be encountered during excavation, immediately notify Engineer, If in the opinionof the Engineer, unstable soil excavation is requ'i red and the Contractor could not have reasonably been expected to discover the existence of such materials during hjs site investigation, then a contract price for Unstable Soil Excavation sha'l i be negotiated between 0wner and Contractor. llo payment shal'l be made for materials excavated prior to notification of Engineer and negotiation of payment for extra work, Inclusion of a bici item for Unstable Soil ExcAvation in- dicates such excavation is ant'i cipated. The Contractor is to notify the Engineer prior to any unstab'l e sojl excavation; no payment shall be made for excavation prior to notificationof Engineer. E. Rock Excavation. Rock excavation shail be defined as removal of boulders in excess of one (1) cubic yard or solid or fractured rock, vrhich makes hand shaping of the bottom 'imposs'i b1 e and which require techniques, such as biasting 0r jacking for remova'l , other than those whjch are being employed by the Contractor or are normal ly used in trench.excavation, such as backhoesi trenchers, draglines"etc. Should unant'i cipated rock conditions be encountered, innnediately notify the tngineer. If jn the opinion of the Engineer, rock excavation is required and the Contractor has in fact made a diligent and determined effort to remove the material using normal excavation procedures as stated above, and the Contractor could not have reasonab'ly been expected to determine the existence of such material during his site investigati0n, then a contract price for Rock Excavation shail be negotiated between the Contractor and the 0wner. No payment shalj be made for excavation performed prior to determination of a negotiated price. t I I I I I lr lr 0?221-7 Rock shall be removed to a 4" depth belovr grade. Additionally,all rock loosened during jacking, blasting, etc. shall be removed from the trench. For payment purposes, maximum trench width to be paid for shail be as defined in Section 3.02, A. l.iaxjrnurn depth to be paid for shall be 12" below requiredgrade. A'l I overexcavation sha'l 1 be repiaced as specifiedin Seciicn 3.02, C. Inclusion of a bid item for Rock Excavation'indicates such excavation is anticipated. Contractor to notify Engineerprior to any rock excavation; no payment shall be made for excavation prior to notifjcation 3.03 Backfi'l'lin9 A. Tamping Equipment. Except inr.mediately next to the pipe, mechanical or air operated tamping equipment to be used. Hand equipment such as T-bar to be used next to pipe if necessary. Care to be taken when compacting under, along- side and immediateiy above pipe to prevent crush'i ng, fracturing or shifting of the pipe. The Contractor is to note densities required for materiajs being backfi'l led and shall use appropriate approved equipment to obtain those densities, B, l'loistrire Control . Genera'l 'l y maintain moisture of backfi'l i niaterial vrithin + ziL ;f optimum moisture content as determjned by ASTM D696. Fiaintiin closer tolerances as needed to obtain densities required. C. Cornpaction. l4ax'imum density (.l00%) based on ASTI'I lJo9B or AASHO T99. 1. tsedding llateria'l , 'including material used for overexcavation of any kind: 95%. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Sel ect l"lateri al : 3. Backfill beneath roadways, sidewal ks, improvemenis: 95%. q6cl existing or proposed pavement, curbs, utility lines and other 4, Backfjl'l lvithin pubf ic or designated rights-of-way: 951i or as shovln on the Plans. 5. Backfill within undeveloped, green or undesignated areas : 85'I. D. Piacing Backfijl. The maximum loose lifts of backfiil materi al to be as fo1 lovls: Use smaller lifts vrhere necessary to obtain required densisites. 02221-8 lr I I I I I I t I I I I 1. Bedding anC select material: 6". 2. Backfill l,laterjal: 24" where 95ii compaction required. 48" where less than 95% compaction required. E. tsackfilling Appurtenances. Backfilling to be done genera'lly at same time as adjacent pipeiines. Backfiliing procedure to confornr to this section. Use special tech- niques or materials as shown on Plans. F. Disposal of Excess Excavatjon. Contractor to dispose of excess excavation off-site. Excavation may be wasted on-site only if approved by the Engineer and sha'l'l be done at the direction of the Eng'ineer. Disposal in any case shall be the sole responsibi'l ity of the Contractor. G, Jetting. JetLing and water inundation are generally not permitted methocis of compaction. The Eng'ineer may allow jett'ing under certain fiejd conditions. Techniques including depth of lifts, amount of water to be used, penetration of hose jet, etc., shall be at the direction of the Eng'ineer. No jetting will be allowed on naterialsyrith a 200-minus gradation of greater than 'l 5%. Con- tractor shal1 pay cost of al'l water used, soil classifi- cation testing and compact'ion testing and any retesting or reconpaction required. I'io jetting shail be done prior to written approval anC directjon of the Engineer. H. I"laintenance of Backfill. Contractor to rnaintain in sat'i sfactory condition during the extent of the con- , tract anci warranty period, A'l j surface deterjoration determined to be the responsibility of the Contractor and all settlement shal'l be repaired at once by the Contractor upon notice by the 0wner. A1 I costs for repair and al'i liability as a result of surface deteri- oration or settlement shall be the responsibiiity of the Contracior. 3.04 Surface Restoration. A1 1 existing surface improvements and site conditions disturbed or damaged during construction to be restored to a condition equai to pre-construction condition.All restoration costs are considered incidental to excavation and backfiil. A. Improvement. Replace, repair or reconstruct ail iniprovements as required. Work will not be accepted unci'l restoration is accepted by Engineer and al1 affected property o\,rners. Improvements include, by example, otherutiljties, culverts, structures, curb and gutter, mail boxes, s'igns , etc. t I I t I t I I ut/.t | -v I IB. F'inai Grading. The Contractor is to re-establish ex-isting finai grade or finish to final grades as nrodjfied and shown on the Plans. The Contractor is to backfillto proper subgrade ejevation vli th backfill material to allovr placement of surface improvements or materials. C. Roadways. Al 1 roadways to be restored to orig'inai condition wjth materjal types removed. Materials and methods to conform to Section 026.|0, Aggregate Base Course and Sub-base Course; Section 02612, Hot Bituminous Pavement; and Portland Cement Concrete Paving. Additiona'l requirements are; l. Flinimum base course material or depth gravel or hard surface roadways to be B" 2. I'linimum bitum'i nous surfacing to be 2". 3. Minimum concrete paving to be 6". D. Topso'ii' Seeding and Sodding. Replace topsoil removed and stockpiled during construction. If top-soil is to be imported, minimum depth of topsoil to be 5". Topsoi:l shall be seeded, fertilized and mulched. See Section 02820, Finish Grading and Landscaping" Where conttruction is through estab'l ished sod areas, topsoil shall be replaced prior to resodding. Areas requiring sodding are indicated on the Plans. See Section 02820' Finish Grading and Landscaping. 4.00 qUALITY CO|ITROL - FIILD 4.01 Inspection arrd Testing. Inspection and testing to be performed at the direction of the Eng'ineer. Contractor to cooperate fully with a'l'l persons engaged in testing. 4.02 Density Testing and Conirol. A. Reference Standards. Density/moisture relationships to be developed for a'l 'l sojl types encountered according to ASTI4 D69B or ASSHO T9. B. Fieid Testing. Testing for density during compact'ion operations to be done in accordance with ASTI'I 02922 using nuclear density methods. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02221-10 t I I I I I I C. Frequency of Test'i ng. l,li nimum of one (l ) test every 250' of trench or as direcied by Eng'ineer. Contractorio excavate to clepths required by Engineer for testing and backfill test holes io density specified. Testingto oe paid for by 0r'rner. D. Retesting. In the event of fajlure to meet compactioncriteria, Contracior shalI re-excavate and rebackfill at directjon of Engineer. All retesting to be pa'id for by Contrac-uor and to be performed by soils testing firm approved by the Engir:eer. 5,OO I4EASUREI'1EI1T AND PAYI{ENT 5.01 General. iio separate paynent shall be made for trenching and backfiiling operations or relaied operations as specifiedherejn. Al 1 such work sha'l I be paid for as part of the associatedpipeline insta'liation and shall be paid for as specified in those sectjons of the specifications. 5.02 Dewatering. Dewaterjng shal1 be paid for as a iump sum andshali include furnishing and installing all equiprnent necessaryto operate and maintain a ciewateri ng system and all labor and appurtenances associated wjth the dewatering operation. 5.03 Unstable l'lateria'l s. Unstable material excavation shall be paid for by t.he cubic yaro, to the nearest one-hajf yard, as defined by the actual volume of unstab'l e material removed, as directed by ihe Engineer and as measured fn the field excavation. Payment shall 'i nclude excavat'i on, djsposal of excavated materia'l and backfill and backfill materials necessary to bring excavation to finaj grade. 5.04 Rock Excavation. Rock excavation shall be paid for by the cubic yard, to the nearest one-half yard, as defined by the actual volume of rock removed, as directed by the Engineer and measured in accordance wjth Section 3.02 E. Paynent sha'l j in- clude excavat'i on, disposal of excavated materiaj and backfill and baqkfill materi al necessary to bring excavation to final grade. I I I I I I I I I I I I 02221-11 I I I sECTIOil 02520 DRAII'IAGE PIPE I . OO GEI{ERAL 1 r'!1 C^nn^ tr^Hlr ,,hr^- +L;- -^^+:^- i-^1,.1^- 3,.--i-tr.vr J,-ups. tJork under th'i s seclion includes furnishf ng, in- stalling, cleaning and testing drainage pipe (including culverLs), bands, collars, inlet sections, outiet sections and al 1 other items appurtenant to drainage pipe. I.02 Reiated l,jork Spec'if i ed Il sewhere 02221 - Trenching, backfilling and compaction I I I I T I I I I I Secti on I t I I t I 1.03 Protection of tlork. All pipe and appurtenances shall be carefu'l ly handled, stored and protected in such a manner as to prevent darnage to materjals and protective coatings and linings. At no time shail such rnaterials be dropped or dumped into trench. Precaution sha'l 1 be taken to prevent foreign matter from entering the pipe and appurtenances prior to and during installation. P'lace no debrjs, tools, clothing or other nraterial s in the pipe during installation At such time as pipe installation 'i s suspended, either temporarily or over night, the open end of the pipe shall be plugged to pre- vent entrance of trench water, debris or foreign matter. If, in the opinion of i,he engineer, the contractor is incapable of keeping the pipe free of foreign matter during installation, the engineer sha1 1 require the contractor t0 cover the pipe ends wi'th c1ose i'roven bags unti'l the start of the jointing operation. 2.00 MATERIALS. Tlris item covers the types of materia'l that will be required for the construciion and insta'llation of drainage pipe. All materials used shail be new and the best quality avai'lable. All rnaterial used shal'l be jn accordance with applicabJe standards of the American t'lational Standards Instjtute (ANSI), the American Standards Association (ASA), the Anerican Society of Tesling and l"laterials (ASTM) and the American Association of State Hjghway Offjcia'ls (AASH0). ?.01 Corrugated l'1eta1 Pipe. Corrugated metal pipe (CMP) and connectors sha'l I be manufactured and inspected in conformance with the requirements of AASHO l'l-36, AASH0 M-136 and as specified herein. The size, type, shape and gauge of the pipe to be fur- nished sha1l be as shown on the p'lans. All pipe shall nnet with the minimum requirements of the Colorado State Highway Departrent. 02520- I In all cases, corrugated metal pipe shall be unless otherwise specified or called for on minirnurn gauge shal l be .l6. 3.trir METH0US AND PR0CEDURES zinc coated {ga'lvanized)the drawings. The 3.01 Excavation and tsackfi'11. Excavation and backfill shall be performed in accordance with tire requirements of: Section A2221 - Trenching, backfilling and compaction 3.OZ Cleaning and Inspect'ion. Clean all pipe and appurtenances thoroughly of a'l I foreign materiai and inspect for cracks, flaws or other defects pri or to i nstal'l ati on. I'lark al I defecti ve, damaged or unsound materi als with bright marking crayon or paint and remove fronr job-site. 3.03 Pipe Insta'llation. P.ipe shall be laid in straight sections except as noted on the p'l ans. Jointing of the pipe sha11 be made in accordance with the directions of the manufacturer of the pipe and the nanufacturer of the coupling. End sections shall be in- sralled as per the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.04 Pipe [mbedment. Pipe shal'l be bedded in accordance with the requiremetits of: Section U2221 - Trenching, backfiiling and compaction Pipe shal'l be beclded in a Class C embeciment. 4.00 TESTING. All drainage pipe shal1 be tested by the contractor under a program nutual1y deterrnined by the engineer and the contractor. Ai1 equipnent, labor, maierials, too'l s and suppiies required for the above testing program shal1 be furnished and insta'l 'led by the contracior. Tire contractor shall take ajl necessary precautions to prevent anyjoints from drawing, or other damage to the system while the pipe orits appurtenances are being tested. He shall.' at his of.,n expense, correct any excess leakage and repair any danage to the pipe and its appurtenances or to any structures indicating by or resulting from ttrese tests. If any section tested fails the test,'it shall be re- paired or replaced and re-tested at the contractor's expense, until the comp'leted instal'l ation is acceptable. 5.00 I'IEASUREI4ENT ANU PAYI'IENT. Drainage pjpe will be measured and pai<i for by the lineal feet furnislted and installed. The contract unit price for drainage pipe shall include excavation and backfi'l i, the furnishing and installing of ali pipe, bedding, fittings, thrust blocks, cesting and any other appurtenances in accordance with the plans and spec i fi cati ons . I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I425?0-2 t t T I I I t I I I I I I I s[cTI0li u2540 TROSION CONTROL .|.00 General I.0.I Scope. Work under this section includes furnishingall iabor, equipment and materials necessary to place a protective covering of erosion-resjstant material on the slopes of embankments, at drainage pipe (inc'l uding culvert pipe) inlets and outlets, on the bottoms and side slopes of channels and at other locations shown on the plans. Items inc'l uded under this section are: rip-rap, gabions, slope mattresses, fiiter blanket, concrete lining for drainage svlales and concrete drivevray entrances. 1,02 Related Work Specifieci Elsewhere Section 0330C - Cast-ln-Place Concrere 2.00 lnlateri a'ls 2.01 Rip-rap. Rip-rap shall consist of hard, dense, sound rough fractured stone as nearly cubical as practicable. The stone shali be resistani, to rveathering and io water action. Thin siab type stones and flaking rocks shall not be used. ? The stone shall have a specific Arav'ity of at least 2.25 lb,lft.". Broken concrete may be used for rip-rap if approved. Stone shall be we'll graded in order that the vo'ids can .be fi1led and at least 50 percent of the rnass shall be stones equal to or larger than the stone size cal led for on the p1ans. Stone size shail not be iarger than the thjckness of rip-rap. 2.OZ Gabions and Slope l,lattresses. Gabions and s'l ope mattresses shall be in conformance with subsection 71?.09 of the Colorado Djvjsion of Highways Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. A'l:l wire shall be gal vanized unless PVC coating is caijed for on the drawings. R'ip-rap filler shall consist of hard, dense, sound, rough fractured stone as neariy cubical as practicable. The stone sha'l I be resistant to weathering and to water action. Thin slab type stones and flaking rock sha1l not be used. The ? stone shall have a specific gravity of at least 2.25 1b.lft.". The rip-rap sha'|1 be the following sizes: Stone S'ize I I I I I Gabi ons Sl ope l4attresses 4" to B" 3" to 4" 02540-t 2.03 Filrer Blanket. A filter blanket shall be placed under a'l I rip-rap, gabions and slope nlattresses. The fijter blanket may be ejther a plastic filter fabric or a stonemateriai. Plastic filter fabric shall be woven cloth of either polyviny'l idene chloride or polypropylene monofiJa- rneni yarns, wjrh a minimum thickness of l5 mils. Storre material shall be a porous, free draining materjal con- sisting of sand, gravel , cjnders, slag, crushed stone or other approved free draining material r,,ith the foilowing gradati on: Sieve Designation t t I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t ? i'lo. 4 l.lo. 200 100 20-65 1-'10 2.04 Re'inforced Concrete. Concrete and reinforceiment for lined drajnage swales and driveway entrances shalj conform with the requirements of: Section 03300 - Cast-In-PIace Concrete Air-entrai ni ng cement sha'l I be used. 3.Ud I'lethocls arrtr Procedures 3.0.l Rip-rap. Rip-rap sha'li be placed in confonnance with the lines, grades and thicknesses shovJn on the plaris. The stones siral'l be distributed so as to produce a fairly compact, nell graCed layer with ihe minimum practicable void space. The iarger stones sha'll be evenly djstributed throughout the material. The rip-rap shall be pjaced by' hand or viith the aid of nieciianjcal equipment so as to meet t,he requirements of this specificaiion. 3"AZ Gabions and Slope i,lattresses, Gabions and slope mattresses shal'l be placed jn conformance with Subsection 506.04 of the Colorado Divisiorr of Highnays Standard Specifications for Roaci and Bridge Construction. Rip-rap rnaterial shall be placed in c'lose contact in the unit so that naxjnuin fill is obtained. The units may be filled by rnachine wii;it sufficient hand work to accomplish require- rnents of this specification. To avoid local deformation, no gabion shall be fi'l led to a depth greater than one foot more than adiacent gabj ons. I 02540-2 I I I T I I I I t If the iength of the gabion exceeds its width, the unit shall be eqr.rally divided by diaphgrans of the same mesh and gauge as tlie boay, into cells vli th a iength less than or equa'l to the rvirith. A'l i perineter edges of the gabions shal I be securely selvedgeri or bound so that the joinis formed have approxinateiy the sanre strengtli as the body of the mesh. 3.03 Fijter Blankei. Piastic filter fabric shall be piaced on a reasonabiy smooth, uniform s1ope, free from debris or projections which could damage the filter material. The fabric shall be 'loosely lajd (not stretched). Adiacent strips shalj overlap by a n'initnunt of tla feet. Vertical laps shall be made with the uphill layer on top. The fabric shali be anchored in place as necessary to prevent disp'lace- ment, Any plastic fiiter mar,eria1 damaged or dispiaced before or during rip-rap piacemerrt shall be replaced or repaired tc the satisfact'ion of the [ngineer at the Contractor's expense. sha'l I be p1 aced on the prepared slope segregation of material , The thickness layer sha11 be as designated on the gasket lvater stops shall be tineci drainage svlales. t I 3.04 Reiriforced Concrete, Concrete and reinforcement for lined cirailrage swales anci drjvet'ray entrances shali be placed 'in accordance witlt tlte requirements of : Secti orr 0 33rr0 - Cas i:- I ri-Pl ace Concrete Expansion joinis uith rubber placeci every i5 feet itt the 4.00 I'ieasurernent and Paymetrt. Al 1 eros j on control i tems sha j i be paid for at the contract unit price per unit of measurement Iisted be I or'i : Tirrm Lini t of l,leasurement-*TuEiT*YarT Sguare Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Lineal Foot Graded stone rnaterial or area so as to avoiri of the filter blanket draw'i ngs . Ri p-rap Plastic Filter Fabric Stone Fi'l ter l'lateri al Gabi ons Slope f4attresses Concrete L'ining of Dra'i nge Swaies I I t I t I I Tne contract unit price for each item shall include the preparation of the subgrade, and aJl rnaterjals, 'l abor and equ'ipment.necessary to p1 ace a'l I ;rosion control items in accordance with the drawings and these specifi cations I c2540-3 I t I I I I I t I sEcTrOir 02555 i^JA.TER TRANS|'II5SI0N Ai,lD DISTRIBUTI0N LINES .l.OO GENERAL 1.01 Slope. Work under this section shalj include furnishing, insta'l'ling, disinfecting and testing of ail items appurtenani to raw water and potable water transmission and distribution pipel'ines. .l.02 Reiated l,lork Specif ied Elsewhere Section 0?221 - Trer:ching, Backfill ing & Compaction Section 02610 - Aggregate Base Course & Sub-base Course Section 0261? - Hot tsituminous Pavement 1.03 Submiitals. Product data including catalog sheets and descriptive ljterature shall be submitted for all materials and equipnient specified. Submittajs shall state manufacturer's compiiance wjth ail pubiisited standards referenced herein. 1"04 Proiection of i,Jork. A'11 pipe fii,tings, val'/es and equip- ment shall be carefuli3' handled, stored and protected in such a nanner as to prevent cianage to materiajs arrd protect'i ve coatings and finings. At no tjme sha'l 'l such materials be dropped or dumped into trench. Precaution shal'l be taken to prevent fore'ign matter front entering the pipe, fittings and valves prior to and during instaj'lation. Place no debris, tools, cloih'ing or other materja] s in the pipe duri ng i nstal I ati on . At such time as pipe insiallatjon is suspended" either temporariiy or overnight, 'uhe open end of the pipe sha1l be sealed r'rith a watertight plug to prevent entrance of trench water, debrjs or foreign matter. Under rro circumstances shall trench water be allowed to enter the pipeiine. flhen vtater is present in the trerich, the sea'l shalJ remain in p'lace unti'l such tine as the trench is pumped dry. Whenever trench water becomes evident, adequate rneasures shall be taken to prevent pipe f'loatation. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor is incapable of keeping the pipe free of foreign matter during instal'lation, the Engineer shal1 require the Contractor to cover the pipe ends witlr close woven bags untjl the start of the iojnting operation. 02555- 1 I I t t I t I I I 2.00 MATERIALS. This itern covers the types of mateirials that will be required for the constructicri and installaticn of $Jater lines, AI'l materia'l s used shall be newn of the best quality avai'l'able and con- fonr with applicabie standards as indicated herein, 2.0'| Ductile lron Pipe and Fitiings A. Ductile Iron Pipe 1. Refercnce Standard - ANSI 21.sl/At,,dl.IA Cl512. Thickness Class - 523. Specia'lties - Conductivity straps for eachjoint for cathodic protect'ion B. Fi tti ngs 'l . Type - As sholvn on the plans2. Reference Standard - ANSI/A|^J!,'IA Cil0 for flanged, mechanical jo'i nt and push-on jojnts I I I I I t I Material - Grey iron Pressure Rating - 250 psi shown on p'l ans un less otnerw] se suppl i ed for a'l I t I5. Lead tipped gaskets to be pusl'-on f i ttings. C. Joints I . i4echani cal , P,eference Standard - ANSI A 2'l .'l 1l At,ti^lA cl11-722. Push-on, Reference Standard - ANSI A 21..l.I/Alll-lA c111-7? "3. Fjanged, Reference Standard - AIISI B 'l 6..l, C'l ass 250 U. Protectj ve Coati ngs l. Underground Service - Manufacturer's standard bjtuminous coaiing - minjmum I mil thickness. E. Protective Lining l. Type - Cement mortar?. Reference Standard - ANSI A 2l.4lAl,lllA C104-643. Thickness - Standard 2 -02 Fi re llydrants A. Dresser Style 129 - Dry l. Reference Standard -2, Out'let Size - one 4 Barrel Type A|,lI.lA C502-73 1/2 inch, tlo 21/2 inch I I t I I I I I t I 02555-2 t I I I I I Hydrant Size - 5 1/4 inchInletSize-6inch 0peration - 1 1/2 inch pentagona'l nationa'l standard operatirrg nui, open counterclocklise (open-'l eft). Special Features - direction of opening, outlet threading and color per requirement of loca'l fire depar brnent7. Depth of Bury - 7 1/2 teet unless otherwise shown on plans8. Additional Requirements - Furnish hydrant complete with ductile iron pipe and tee, 6 inch (6") re- strained rnechanicai joint or fianged gate valve and thrust blocks9. Traffic Model 2.30 Vaives A. Gate Valves 1. Size - As shown on plans2. Reference Standard - Rl,lWn C500-713. ltyle - Iron body, bronze mounted, non-rising stem {open-left)-4. Pressure Rating - 200 psi unless otherwise shown on p'l ans ? 5.I I I I I I I I I I t t I i B" 0utterf'ly Val yes l. Size - As shown on plans2. Reference Standard - Al^lWA C504-703. Style - Iron body, countercJockwise operator (open left)4. Pressure Rating - on plans5. Gear operated 2.04 Valve Boxes 250 psj unless otherwise shoL,n 1 " Materi a'l - Cast Iron2. Size - 5]/4 inch diameter3, Type - Two piece adjustable screw type4. Cover - Deep socket type with the word "water" cast jn the top 2.05 Backflow Prevention Devices A. C1 ayton Model "D" or equal 1. Type - Double check valve type2. S'ize - As shown on pians 02555-3 3, Reference Standard - Al"Jl{A C506-694, Pressure rating - 150 psi vrorking5. Additiona'l Requirements - Concrete vau'lt installa-tjon (see p'!ans). 2.06 Combination Air Release Valves A. APC0 l4odel l45C or equal with large orifice I t t t I I I I I J,UU METI-IODS AND PROCTOURES 3.0i Excavation. Perform requirements ofl 'l . Size - As shovrn on2. Style - Iron body,3. Pressure Rating - pl ans stain'less steel float 300 psi working excavation in accordance with the Sect'ion 02221 - Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting 3,02 Verification, Verify dimensions and class of aii existing and proposed pipe, valves, fiii.ings and equipment prior to in- stallation to jnsure the piping system will fit together properly. 3.03 Cleaning and inspection. Clean al'l pipe, fitt'i ngs, ualves and related maleria'l s thoroughly of al1 foreign material and in- spect for cracks, flaris or otiier ciefecis prior to installation. Mark ail defectjve, rjamaged 0r urrsound rnaterials with bright marking crayon or paini and remove from job-site. The contractor shall take all necessary precuations to pre- vent any construction debris fiom entering the water lines during construction of vrater lines and appurtenances. If this debris should enter ihe distribuiion system, the contractor shal'l furnjsh all laoor^ and materjal necessary to clean the system. Under no circumsiarices wi'l I the ccntractor flush the debris 'i nto an exist'ing distribution system. 3.04 Pipe Enbedment A. Placing embedment niateria'l - refer to Section 02221 for placenent methods. B. Enbedment C'l asses - refer to Figure I in Section 02221 for embedment materials for each class iisted below, Class A - Use where indicated on the plans and where improper trenching or unexpected trench conditjons require its use as deterrnjned by the engineer. I I I I T I I I t I 025 55-4 I I I I Class B - Use for all PVC pipelines. Cjass C - Lise for all except PVC pipel ines. Bedding Options - The shaped subgrade bedd,ing shall be acceptab'l e for CJass B and C enbednent. However,if at any time the shaped subgrade does not meet the requirements illustrated in Figure 'l , the contractorshall be required to provide a granular foundationfor the pipeline. 3.05 Pi pe Instal lati on A. f'lethodology - Pipe shal'l be laid in straight section vrith bell ends facing the <ijrection of laying unlessI othervrise directed by the engineer. Where pipe is laid on a grade of ten percent ('l 0%) or greater, the installation sha11 procee<i uphill with the bel'l ends facing upgrade. The pipe1 ine sha'l I be instajled so that a continuous positive or negative grade is naintained between high and low points to avojd air pockets. Jointing of the pipe shall be madein accordance with the directions of the manufacturer of the pipe and the manufacturer of the coupling. The p'i pe shail be brought io correct line and grade, and secured in piace wjth the specified bedding nraterial as directeci in Section 02221 , I. Pipeiine Depth - As indicated on pians. C. Concrete tncasenlent - Install concrete encasenent where 'i ndicated on the plans or as required by other sections of this specification. 3.06 Instal I ai'ion of Pi pe1 ine Appurtenances A. General. Instal l al'l vajves, meters, manholes and other equipmenf appurtenant to pipeline at the locationsjndicated on the dra*ings or as otherwise designated by the engineer t0 acconmodate field conditions. Record "as-bui lt" measurenents prior to backfiII referencing all appurtenant equjpnent co the nearest permanent surface i mprovemerrts . B. Installarion of Valves, Insball valves in the pipe- line in the same manner specified for laying and jointing the pipe and in accordance with detajls included in plans. C. Valve Boxes. Except where specifjed otherrvise, jnstall valve boxes on all buried va] ves. Install boxes such that I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t 02555-5 I no stress is transmitted to the va] ve. Set boxes plumb and directly over the valve wjth the top of the box pl aced flush with the finished grade. Eackfi'l'l and thoroughly compact around each box, Provjde extended stems on valves witere required such that the operaring nut is not jower than four feet (4') below finished grade. D. Reaction Anchor and Blocking. Concrete thrust blocks shall be provided, as shovin in the detai'ls included with the plans, for al'l tees, el bows, pl ugs , reducers , val ves,fire hydrants and crosses if one or more sides of the crossis plugged. The bearing area of the block shall be at least equal ts that slated on the following tables. The bearing surface shall be aga'inst undistur:bed earth. The b'lock shall be p'laced normal to the thrust as shswn on the drawings. Concrere for thrust blocks shall have two thousaiid (2000) psi compressive strength. I'lINIMUI'I THRUST BLOCK BEARIIiG ARTAS Expressed 'in Square Feet) I I I I I t I(Val ues taDle A tup-E-780' psi ) Vaives & Fire Hydrants Plugs, Tee or Cross 90'tlbow 4b - L. lDol{ 22 1/2" Elborull ll4" tlbow Reducers 16 x 14x 12xl0 x 8x Nomi na J68 Size {Inches)12 14 Pi pe IU I I I I l6 See Detail Sheet ?n 1A |,., 1B. B ql EA 6.8 2.6 l.d 3?.4 | 5.8 4.1 02555-6 t,a 1A '1t.t o,t < tl 1t.8 16.6 v, I 4.6 1.5 28. 0 19.2 I t.o 5.2 1n 1 1]1 I 4.U 1? n 7.9 14.3 /U. J'll .0 2.8 9.4 4.3 'l 9.3 27 .2 14.I t-a 3.8 35 .2 | 3 -U 9.1 ::: I Table B (up-To'-350 psi ) Plugs, Tee or Cross 90' Elbow 45' Elbow 22 112" Elbawl'l 'll4o Elbow Reducers 16 x 14 x 12xl0x8x Nom j na'l Pi pe Si ze ( Inches )8 't0 12 14 16t 17 .7 ?q n I 3.7 7 22.7 13.9 !_1 25.0 tv.J 9.8 4.9 tb.J 1.5 33.8 43.847.6 6.i.625.7 3r. 312.1 .l7.0 6.7 8, 6 8.7 t I I I I t I I 3.0/ Connection to [x'isting l,iater Faci l ities. f,lake connect'ions between nerv rvork, and existing piping as indicated on the plans using suitable fitt'i ngs for the cond'i tions encountered. lviake each connectjon at a tjme and in a manner authorjzed by the engineer vrhich vlill least interfere wjth service to customers- Provide faciljties for proper dewalering and djsposal of all water from dewatered lines and excavat'ions vrithout damage to adjacenl property. Take a'l i precautions to prevent contamination when naking connections to existing potable water ljnes. No trench water, mud or other contaminating substances shall be permitted to enter the pipel ine. Swab the jnterjor of al'l ne'rr pipe, fittings and va'l ves jnstalledjn the existing pipeiine vrith a 5 percent (50,000 ppm) ch'loride solution prior to jnstallation. After the connectlon is completed flush the main to remove a'l i contaminated water. 3.08 Protection of l,,later Supplies. Water Iines sha'll be located a minimum of ten feet (.|0') horizontaily from existing or pro- posed sevrer mains. Wherever the sewer line crosses above or within e'i ghteen inches ('l B") beneath the water mains, the sewerjine sha1l be made'impervious by either of the two methods listed belorv: 'l . Twenty feet of cast iron v;aler pjpe shall be used for sevrer pipe anci centerecj over the water main, The joints bet'rieen the sewer pipe and the cast iron pipe shall be encased in a concrete coijar at least six inches (6") on either side of rhe joints. 2. The sewer pipe shajl be rejnforced wif-h concrete encasement. The encasement sha'l I be at 'least six inches iO't) thick on all sjdes of the sewer pjpe and exlend ten feet (i0') on either side of i.he vrater majn. In alj cases, se'lect granuiar backfill shall be used to preverit any settl ing of the nigher" pipe. 4.OO FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 4.01 Hydrostatic Test. After the pipe has been iaid and the trench has been backf i'l 1ed, ai 1 ner.rly 1ai d pi pe or any va'l ved section thereof shall be subjected to a pressure and leakagetest. The coniractor shall provide al1 pumps, pipe, connections, gauges, measurjng devjces and all other necessary apparatus and shall conduct the tests in the presence of the engineer. I I I T I I I t I t I I t I I 02555-7 A. TesI Pressure. The required minimum test pressure shall be li00 psi measured at the point of lovrest e'l evation of the p'i peline and corrected to the elevatjon of the test gauge. The engineer shall be notified 48 hours in advance of test and sha'l i determine exact test pressure at such time, B. Duration of Test, Three hours minimum of nninta'ined pressure. C. Air Renrovaj. Prior to performance of the test, con-pletely fi'11 the pipeline with water for a period af 72 hours, Expel air by rneans of air relief valves, hydrants, or other means as regu'i red, If permanent air vents or traps are not located at al'l high points, 'insta1l corpora- tion stops at such points so air can be expel1ed. After the tests are completed, p1 ug aii ienporary taps. D. Allowable Leakage. The ajlowable leakage defined as the quantity of water that must be supp.lied to the test section to lnaintain the specified test pressure shall not be greater than two gallons per inch (2 gal./in.) of nominal diameter per one thousand feet (1000') of line tested per twenty four (24) hour period. 4,02 Repair of Leaks. If the test Cjscloses leakage greater than the al'l olable leakage, the contractor shall locate and repa'ir the defective joints untjl leakage is withiri tlre specified allovrable. The contractor shali repair any ieaks regardless of the best results if they are serious enough to endanger the future serviceabii ity of the pipel ine. 5. OO DIS I NFECT ION OF POTP.BLT i,.IATTRL ] NES 5.0.l General. F'l ush and disinfect potable water'l ines jn accordance rlith the procedure set forth in AIIi'IA C60l-68 ilisinfecLing Water Mains. Provide all temporary blovroFfs, pumps, ch] orination equipment, ch] orine and al'l other necessary apparatus required. 5.02 Pipe Cleaning. If the pipe contains dirt or heavy en- crusted niatter that in the opinion of the engineer will not be removed during the flushing operat'i on, the contractor shall clean and swab the interior of the pipe with a five percent (50,00C ppm) chlorine solution. A. Preliminary Flushing. F'lush pipel ine to disinfection, except lrhen the tablet method js used, to remove all remaining foreign material . The fl ushing operation shajl develop a m'inimum velocity af 2.5 ft./sec. I I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I I t 02555-8 I I I I I t I I t I I I I I 5.03 Chlorine Application. In general , chlorine sha'l I be applied us'i ng the co.ntinuous feed nethod. Hourever, on large dianreter lines where this rvould noi be precticai, the s'l ug method may be used. The tablet method may be used on short extensions (up to 2,500 ft. ) of sma'l'l diameter ma'ins (.l2-inch and smai ler). A. Continrrous Feed l4ethod. Introduce water into theljne at a constant rate whjle adding chlorine ai a minjmum corrcentratjon of 50 mgl1 . Majntain the chlorinated water in the pjpe'l ine for a minimum of 24 hours after urhjch period the treated water sha'l I contain no less than 25 mg/l of ch1orine throughout the entjre 'length. Repeat the above procedure if the resjdual at the end of 24 hours fails to meet the minimum concentration. B. Slug l4ethod. Introduce vrater vrith a minimum chlorine concentrat'ion of 300 mg/l at a constant neasured rate into the pjpeiine. Apply the chjorine for a sufficient length of tinre to develop a solid co1 umn or slug of chlorinated r./ater that wilJ, as it passes along the line, expose all inierior surfaces for a period of 3 hours. Check the applicarion at the upstream end of the iine. C. Tablet llethod. This method shal'l not be used if trench waler 0r" foreign material has entered the line or if the water is be'l o\'l 5"C (4'l oF). Place tablets in each seciion of pipe in sufficient number to produce a dose of 05 mgll. Refer to Table 3 of Al'liJA C60'l for the required minimum number of tab'lets. Al? tablets w'ithin the main must be attached at the top of the pipe. Introduce water into the pipeljne at a rate no greater than I ft./sec. and retain the uater jn the pipeline for a period of 24 hours. 5.04 Finaj Flushing, Afcer the required retentjon period, flush all heavily chlorinated vrater frorn the majn untiI the chlorine concentration is no higher t.han that prevailing in the system, or less than I mg/'l . 5.05 Bacterioiogic Tests. After conrpletion of the finai flushing and prior to placing the pipel"ine in service, colJect sanples from the end sf the'line and test for bacteriolog'ic quality t0 shovJ the absence of coliform to the requirernents of the public health autnority having jurisdiction bu'u in no case shall lhe number be less than one for chlorinated supplies. I I I I I 02555-9 Co1 lect samp'l es in sterile bottles from a standard corporal'ion stop furnished and instalTed by the contractor in the main. Do not collect santpies usjng a hose or fjre hydrant. 5.06 Repetition of Procedure. If the original disjnfectjon fails to prodrice satisfactory samples, repeat the djsinfection procedure until satjsfactory results are obtained, 6.OO I4EASUREI4ENT AND PAYI'IENT 6.01 Pipe. llater pipe shall be measured and paid for by the'l ineal foot furnjshed and installed. The contract unit price for pipe shall include excavation and backfill, the furnishing and installing of all pipe, bedd'ing, fittings, thrust biocksn surface restoration, testing, d'i sinfecting and any other appur- tenances, exc'l ud'ing valves, as shown on the p'l ans. l4easurementfor same shall be the distance from center to center of appur- tenances along the pipe centerline to the nearest one foot in l ength. 6.02 Valves. !.leasurement shall be made by counting the number of each type of va'lve furnjsired and insta'lled complete including excavaf,ion, backfi11, bedding, thrust b] ocks, valves and valve boxes. Payment for same sha'l 'l be made based on ihe unit bid price for each type of val ve. 6.03 Connection to tx'i stilrg Facil irjes. Connection to existing u+ater pipelines or other facilities shall be measured by counting the number of indjvidual connections and paid for at the contraci unit. price per connect'ion. The contract unjt price shall inciude a] I excavaticn, backfill and bedding associated vti'uh each con- necti ons. 6.04 F'ire Hydrants. l4easurement shall be made by counting the nunber of hydrants furnished and instal'l ed comp'lete including excavati'on, backfi11, bedding, thrust blocks, valve and valve box. Payment for sanre shall be nade based on the unit bid price for each hydrant. t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I 02555,10 I I I t I t :l I I SECTI0i{ 02610 AGGREGATI BAST COURSE AND SUB-BAST COURSI I .00 General l.0l Scope. This lvork sha'i i corrsist of furnishing and placing one or more courses t0 aggregaie 0n a prepared surface jn accordance with these specifications jn reasonabiy close and conformjty wiih the lines, grades and typ'i cai cross-sections shown on the plans or es- tablished by the Engineer in the field. 1 .02 Rel ated !,lork Speci f i ed El sevihere Section 026]2 - Hot Bituminous Pavement Section 03300 - Cast in Place Concrete Section A?221 - Trenching, Backfilling & Cornpaction 2.00 Materiais. f,lhen two different aggregate sizes are called for on the pians, the first layer to be placed shall be classified as sub-base aggregate and shall confonn to the requirements descrjbed herein. The second shall be ciassifjed as base course aggregate. I I S I TVES Base-Course Asffesgtel--Sieve Size PERCEIITAG: BY !'IEIGHT PASSiNG SQUARE l4tsH, Sub-Base Course A.. -jrggrega!e-s._ 100 95- 100 ::: l: t t I 1/2 inchI inch 3/4 inch No. 4 I'lo. B i'lo. 200 '100 30-60 25 -50 5-12 I I I l I The soi1 aggregate materiaI sha'l i conform to AASH0 Standard Speci- ficatiotr Designation M I47165 or latest,.applicatrle rev'ision. 3.00 I'lethods and Procedures. The compacted aggregate base course and sub-base course shal'l be constructed in at 'least two layers of approximate equal thickness or as indicated on_the plans. The maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not exceed s'ix inches (ti"). 0261 0- I I I ICornpaction of each iayer shali coni,inue until a ciens'i iy of not less than ninety-fjve (95) percerrt of the maxjmurii density determined in accordance with AASH0 T 99 (ASTl.i D 698) has been achier,ed. The surface of each layer shail be nainiained dul"ing the compaction operations in such a rnanner tha'u a uniform texture is produceci and the aggregate fjr"mly keyed. Water shal'l be uniformly applied during compaction in the anpunt necessary for proper consolidation. 4,00 Measurement and Basis cf Payment. Aggregate base course lvhen required in areas where the sewer,/water line is installedin existing gravel or bituminous surfaced areas shail not be pa'i d for as-a separate itern per cubic yard but ra$sr as a FaFt of the unit bid price lineal fooi for sewer pipe. Aggregate base course vrhen required in areas such as creek, ditch and bridge cross'i nls, as sub-base for nanholes or other structures as shown on the Plans or as would othertrise norma'l iy be required shall noq be paid for as a separate item per cubic yard but rather as a pETt of the unit bid price or lump sum bid prite toFTfrF- various appropriate items. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I 02610-2 I t I I I I SECTION 026I2 HOT BITUI4INOUS PAVEI4ENT 1 .0rl GTNERAL 1.01 Scope. This work shal'l consist of constructing one or nlore courses of bituminous pavement on a prepared base in accordance with these specificaiions, and in reasonable close conformity with the fines, grades, thicknesses and typicai cross-sections shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 1.02 Related flork Specified Elsewhere Seciion rJ2221 - Trenching, BackfiJiing & Compaction Section 02610 - Aggregate Base Course & Sub-base Course Section 02200 - tarthwork 2. UO I4ATERIALS 2.0.l Aggregate. Aggregate shall confornt to Subsection 703.04 Classification Table Grading E of the Co'lorado Department of Highways (CnOp) Standard Specifications. The aggregate sha'l'l be such that the compos'i te bituminous paving mixture has an lndex of itetained Strength of not less ihan 75% when tested in accordance witir AASHTO T165. The engineer shall have the authority to change the above gradation requirements within reasonable limits. 2.AZ Asphalt Cenrcnt. Asphalt cement sha'l I conform to Subsectiorr 702.01 of the CDOH Standard Specifications. Viscosity Grade AC-5 sha'll apply to the asphalt cement. 2.03 Prime Coat. Prime coat material shall conform to Subsection 702.03 of the Standard Specifications. Grade MC-70 shall apply to the prime coat. 2.04 Job-llix Formula. The constituents 0f the Hot Biturninous Pavement shall be contbined to produce a nixture conforming to the fo1lowing mix; A. Sieve Dgsignation % -by l,lT. Passi.ng Sieve I I I I I I I I I l I t I 3/4 inch'l/2 inch 3/B inch i4 fU #50 #200 .l00 70-95 60-BB 40-7? 28.58 v- J{ 3-1?. 02612-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I a r D. Bitumen content - 5-6% Void content - 2.0 - 5.A?; Tenrperai,ure upon deiivery for use on the road * ?35"F. 3.00 CONSTRUCTl0ii RTQUIREMENTS & P,q0CEDURES 3.01 Prinre CoaL A. 1le1c1j1[1o.q. All previously srirf aces sha'l 'l be orir,ted wi th a accordance with 'uhb requ'i rements the 'locai.jons sholvn on the plans Engineer. prepared bases or existing cutback asphaltic oij in of these specifications, at or as directed by the County B. Sqrface Prep4rptio!. Prior to placing the prime coat, the base ano/or exist"ing paving shall be thoroughiy c'leaned. Loose material shal'l be removed from the existing surface, as directed C. Placing.Pri$e Coat. Prime coat and blotter material , as required, shall corrforn to and be applied in accordance with Section 407 of the CD0H SiandarC Specificaticns. The prime coat shall be piaced by neans of an approved pressure dis- tri butor. In general , the rate of appfication shail be 0.25 to 0.35 gallons per square yard, as directed by the Engineer. The prime coat shall be carefuily applied, particularly around curbs, If excessjve amounts of curb, sidevlalks, or .other structures are sprayed wiih asphaltic oii, tiiey shalI be cleaned as directed by the Engineer at the contractor's expense. After placing, the prime coat shall be aJlowed to cure for at least 24 hours before any asphaltjc concrete is placed. In no case shall prir,te oil be placed later than 4 p,nr. of tire da.v before patring operations contrilence. Application of b1 otter naterjal , if required, shall be in accordance with Section 407.08 of the Stanciard Specifications. 3.AZ Bituninous Pavement. Bituninous (asphalt) paving shalj conform to and shal'l be placed as shor^in on the drawings and in accordance with Seciions 401 arid 403 of the CD0H Starrdard Specifications. The Contractor sha'l 'l furnish to the Engineer, certification that the job rnjx forrnula has been approved in accordance with these specifications. Two (2) 1 1/2 inch lifts are required. A bottorn jift and a wearing course. 02612-2 I I I I I I The bitumjnous pavement shall be compacted to at least 95%of laboratcry density obtained using the design mix. Gradationof aggregates, bitunren conterrt, temperature of mixture when emptied froir the mixer sha'l I conform to the design miy. urithin the range of tolerances established in Section 4U.A2 of the Suandard Specifications, 4.OO I4EASURTI'1T|]T AiiD BASIS OF PAYMENT 4.01 Plant m'i x bituminous pave'nent rvill be measured and paid for by the ton. The tonnage shall be the weight used in the accepted pavements. The unit pri ce per ton shal'l include a'l l materials and labor, laydown, compactjon, installation of prime and tack coats and a'l I miscej'l aneous work required to complete ihe inslalIatio;t. instajiation of prime and tack coais shall be considered incidental to any paving or patching required and no separate payment for prirne and tack coats shall be made.I I I I I I I I I I I I 025 r2-3 I I I I I I I I SECTION O2B2O FINISHING GRADING AND IANDSCAPTNG I I I I I I t I I I l 1.00 General - work under this section sharl include all ofthe requirements for finish grad.ing and revegetation ofthe excavated areas. 2.AO Topsoil Salvaging and Spread.ing A11 available topsoil (6,, depth) and vegetative materialfrom excavation areas shall 6e stockpit6a wittr adeguateprecaution for erosion control. The topsoi-l materialshall be respread on disturbed areas. 3.00 Finish Grading 3.01 Scope - preparation and placement of topsoit tominimize surface erosion and promote pllnt growth. 3-02 Mini Terracing - A continuous series of terracesparrellel to the slope. The terraces shall be aminimum of 4 inches deep and one to two feet apart. 3-03 water Bars - Trenches 6 - Lz inches in depth shar-lbe cuL every ZO - 25 feet on 2.1 slopes or greater.The trenches shall direct water off Lo the side tominimize sheet erosion. 4.00 Seeding Seeding shall be done by hydroseeding, drilling, or hand.broadcast- -Any areas that cannot be-reached bf-hyd.ro_seeding shal} be hand. broadcast. seed shall lE at least958_pure and shal.L have a minimum germination percentageof 85t. All seed shall be ,'ner.r crop" seed delivered iithe original containers, unopened, bearing the dealerrsguaranleed analysis. The seed mixture specified below shalr be applied at a rat.eof 45 pounds per acre to arl areas of distulLance, Theforbs listed berow shall- be applied at the rate of 5 poundsper acre. Unless otherwise approved, planting of the-ap_proved seed mixture shall occur in l-ate fallr-preferabl!just prior to snowfall. The foll-owing_ disturbed areas shal-l be seeded according tothe sehedule be]_ow, ST}I.TIO\ POINTS 14 + 60 to 43 + 00 Seed Variety Grasses: Smootb brome Timothy B by Weight 30a 5 n?atn_1 t Pubescent wheatgrass Kentucky bluegrass Orchard grass Red clover STATION POINTS 5I + 40 to 54 + 70 25 5 15 20 I I t I t00E Grasses: Forbs: Seed Vari.ety Smooth brome Hard fescue Pubescent wheatgrass Mountain brome Orchard gras$ lntermediate wheat- grass llairy vetch Geranium PenstemonScarlet gitia American vetch ? by l.?eig+t 308 5 15 20 IO 10 10 l00c 252 30 25 20 I STATION POINTS 93 + 80 STATION POINTS 94 + 55 1008 94+3095+00 I I I I I I I I I t I I I to Grasses: Seed Variety Arizona fescue Intermediate wheat- grass Chewings fescue Kentucky bluegrass Smooth brome Orchard grass Lupine Meadow rue Rose Monkshood Aspen fleabone ? by Weighg 20e" 30 15 l0 20 5 Forbs: I00% STATION PoINTS 95 + 30 to 96 + 75 STATION POINTS 98 + 40 to 103 + OO 100a 20e" 20 20 20 20 Seed Variety Grasses: Arizona fescue 3 by t{eight 202 rl I I I I I I I I t 30 15 10 20 5 1008 2Oe" 20 20 20 20 Intermediate wheat- grass Chewings fescue Kentucky bluegrass SmooLh brome Orchard grass Lupine Meadow rue Rose Monkshood Aspen fleabone 100a 5,00 Seedling Transplants Container grown seedtings (young pJ"ants which are girown from seeds) shall be planted in the following areas.Approximately 23 seedlings per 1,000 square feet shall beplanted in disturbed areas. Container grown seedlings shall be grown in 12 cubic inchesof soil (7 L/2" deep, I L/2" diameter) which shall serveto promote root development. Seedlings shal1 be planted in late fall following seeding, mulching and blanketing operations. In order to installthe seedlings, it will be necessary to cut small otrreningsin the jute mesh. The seedlings shaLl be randomly and ir-regularly planted in clusters to match native vegetation. Each seedling shall be planted in a pocket to insure maxi- mum use of water, The follor,ring plant material"s and quan- tities are recommended: STATION POINTS 5f + 40 to 54 + 70 *,/1, 000 sq. fF, Forbs: I I I I 9 6 5 3 23 Plant Material Seedlings: Big sage Shadscale Mountain mahogany Bitterbrush STATION POINTS 93 + 80 to 94 STATION POTNTS 94 + 55 to 95 STATION POINTS 98 + 40 to IO3 Seedlings: Aspen Chokecherry Snowberry + + 30 00+00t I t I I Plant Mat.erial #,/1,000 sq. ft" 5 9 -9 23 02820-3 6.00 Fertilizer A 20-10-10 ratio fertilizer shal] be applied at the rateof 20 pounds per acre at the time of seeding. I I I I I I I t I I I I 7.00 Mulch 7.01 7 .02 Material - Hay or straw shall be applied at a rateof I l/2 tons per acre. . Material for straw mulch*ing shall consist of straw or oats, barley, wheator rye and shall not contain seed of noxious weeds. Clean field hay may be substituted for straw when approved by the Landscape Architect. Straw or hayin such an advanced stage of decomposition as tosmother or retard the normal growth of grass willnot be accepted, Location - The meadow area which consists of rela-tively flat slopes between Station Points 14 + 60to 43 + 00 shal-l be mulched in the same material and amounts as described previously in this section. The mulch shall- be tacked down bv diskinq the mulchinto the soi1. 8.00 Soil Retention Blanket 8.Ol Physical Requirements - Soil retention blanket shallconsist of heavy jute mesh of a uniform open plain weave of unbleached single jute yarn. The yarn shal1be of a loosely twisted construction havj-ng an aver- age twist of not less than 1.6 turns per inch andsha1l not vary in thickness by more than one-half itsnormal diameter. The blanket shal1 be smolder resis-tant, non-toxic to vegetation or germination of seed and shall not be toxic or injurious to humans. 8.02 Location - The steeper slopes of the excavated areashaLl be mulched in the same material_ and amounts asdescribed in the previous section and blanketed withjute nesh'within 24 hours after seeding. These areasare as follows: STATION POINTS 5l- + 40 to 54 + 70 STATION POINTS 93 + BO to 94 + 30 STATION POTNTS 94 + 55 to 95 + 00 STATTON POINTS 95 + 30 to 96 + 75 STATION POINTS 98 + 40 to IO3 + OO 8.03 Installation - The soil retention blankets shatl beplaced immediately after seeding and mulching oper-ations have been completed in each location that jute mesh is used to control erosion. The malerial shal-I be applied smoothly but loosely onthe soil surface without stretching. The up slope I I I I I t I n?R)n-4 t I T I t I T I I l I I t I I I I end of each pieee of jute mesh shall be buried in a narrow trench six inches deep. After the jute isburied, the trench should be tamped firmly closed. In cases where one roll of jute mesh ends and a sec- ond roll starts, the up slope piece should be broughtover the buried end of the second ro11 so that thereis a 12-inch overlap to form a junction sl-ot. B:04 Pins and Staples Description - Pins or staples shal1 be made ofwire .162" or larger in diameter. "U" shapedstaples shall have legs 8" long and a 1" crown. "T[ shaped pins shall have a minimum length of8" after bending. The bar of the I'Ttr shall beat least 4" l-ong with the singl-e wire end bent downward approximabely 3/4" . lnstallation - Overlaps of jute mesh which rundolin the slope, outside edges and center shal-lbe stapled on two-foot intervals. Each widthof jute mesh shall have a row of staples dor^rnthe center as well as along the edge. Checkslots and junction slots will be stapled acrossat six inch intervals. 9.00 Contractor's Responsibility 9.01 Areas not properly mulched, or d.amaged due to theContractorrs negrligence, shal1 be repaired and re- mulched. in an acceptable manner at the Contractorrsexpense. ltulch removed by wind or vrater prior to acceptance shall be re-establ_ished by the Contractorat his expense. 9.02 Areas not mulched and blanketed ririthin 24 hours after seeding must be reseeded with the specified seed mixat the Contractorrs expense prior to the applicationof mulch and jute mesh. 9.03 The Contractor shall maintain the jute mesh areas un-til all work on the entire contract has been completed and accepted. Maintenance shall consist of the repairof areas damaged by erosion, urind, fire or othercauses. Such areas shall be repaired. to re-establishthe condition and grade of the loil prior to applica-tion of the mesh and shall be refertilized, reseeded and remulched as directed. 10.00 Disturbed Areas Outside of Construction Limits Disturbed areas outside the limits of construction shall be seeded, mulched and jute meshed as called for under thisArticle. A. B. I t 02820-5 11.00 I'IEASUREI'IENT AIiD BAS]S OF PAYMENT ,|.l.01 Starion 14+60 to 43+00. Finish grading and landscaping sha'l I be paid for in this section as lump sum for al I materials, labor and equipment necessary to place all items in accordance with the drawings and specifications. 1.I.02 Sration 5i+40 to'103+00. Finish grading and landscaping sha'l I be paid for in this section as lump sum for al'l materia'l s, labor and equipment necessary to place all items in accordance with the drawings and specifications. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I 02820-6 I I I T I I I I I I I intent of ihjs specificatjon to concrete required, the techniques con't,rol and testing. The Contractor such iterTis as specified herejn 2.00 Poured-In-Place and Reinforced Concrete 2.0i Applicable Code. For concrete standards or require- ments not specificaily stated or reasonabiy impljed in thesespecifications and/or drawings; parts I, II anC Iil of the American Concrete InsIitute "Building Code Requirements andReinforced Concrete" (ACI 314-7'l) shal'l apply and are hereby made a part of the spec'i fications to the same extent as ifit were written herein. In case of conflict between thesespecifications and,/or drawings and ACI 3lB-Zl , these speci-fications sha11 govern. 2,0'2 Corrcrete Tests. 6', x I 2" cylinders shal I be taken atthe poini of placing jn -;he fonns, shalj be joc cured andtested in accordance witli ASTI'I standard: by the [ngineer.For each si.rength of concrete useci , one set of toui {+}cyiinders for each days pour but nor less than one (l')'setof cy'l inders for each l0C cubjc yarcis poured shall be'taken. Two (2) cylinders at seven (7) days and trvo (2) cylindersat twenty-e'ight (2e) days shall be tested. In adiii.ion, when in the opinion of the [ngineer there is a possib.ilityof tne surrounding air tenperature failing beioiv 40" F,additional specimens uo be cured under joL conditions may be required. of Strength Requirernents. Should thethe test specimens fa1 I below thethe tngineer sha'l'l have the right toproportions to apply on the remajnder l.tiO Description. It js the describe the poured-in-p1ace for installation and quality shall furnish and install a'll and as shown on the plans. 2,C3 Enforcenent strengths shovrn by speci fi ed va I ues , require changes inof the work. sECTIOil 03300 CAST IN PLACT CONCRITI I I I I I t I I In the event of failure io test specinrens for any portionof the work.' wnjch in_tlre opinion'of the Engineei,'r+ill endanger the safety of the structure, a sample core shall be cut from lhat portion of the structure and subjectedto a siandard compression test. if the resu'l ts of thjstest are not satisfactory, this portion of the structureshalj be subjected to a standard conpressjon test. If the 03300- 1 I Iresults of thjs lest are not satisfactory, this portion of thestructure shal1 be subjected ro a siandard load test, at no additional cost to the 0,.,rner. Any port'i on of the structure found io be inadequate ilay be orciered strengtheneri or replaced and the costs of this remedial work shall be borne bv the Contractor. 2.04 Record of the l,lork. The Contractor shal 1 keep a record of time. date and location of each concrete pour and subnit these records to the Engineer. 2.A5 Notice on Inteniion to Pour. The Contractor shajl notify the Engfneer at least 48 hours before an intended cast-in-place concrete pour. i\o structural cast-jn-p'l ace concrete shal'l be poured untjl all reirrforcjng, forms and foundatjon soils have been inspected by the Engineer. 2 . 06 trlateri al s A. Cement. AlI cement sha'l I be Portland Cement Type Ii conforming to "Specifications for Polt'land Cernent" (ASTM C 150-62). Type III cement may not be used except upon written approval of the Engineer. The same brand cement for all exposed cast-in-place concrete shall be used, ts. Stone Aggregate. Fine anrj course aggregate shali conform to "Specification for ioncrete Aggregates" (ASTi'i C33-61T). F'ine aggregales shall be c'lean, hard, natural and free fron al'l foreiqn nratter, Course aglregate shall be sourrd, crusirid rock or gravel, free from adherent coating, organic water or injurous amoulrts of flat or friable pieces. The aggregate shall comply vrith Section 02610. C. l,later. lnlater used'irr mixing shal'l be potable, ciean and free from deleierious amounts of oj1, acjds, alkalis and organic material. D. Adrnixtures. "Protex" as manufactured by Protex Industries, Inc. and conforming to Specificat'i ons for Air-Entrajning Admixtures for Concrete (ASTM C 260)is an approveil air-entraining admixture. 0ther ad- mjxtures for retardjng or accelerating concrete may be used in strict accordance with the rmnufacturer's recommendations and ASTI'1 specifications upon approval of the Engineer. E. Storage of f"laterials. Cemeni and aggregate shail be stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 03300-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T or intrusion of foreign matter. Any material which has deteriorated or whjch has been damaged shall not be used for concrete. 2.07 Concrete l4ix A, Proportions. Concrete 'is to be proportioned accordingto laboratory designed mixes using the type of aggregate and producing the mininum of twenty-eiSht (28) days ultimate compressive strength of 3000 psi. Ali concrete shall be made with stone aggregate unless specifically noted and no concrete shall have a 28 day compressive strength of less than 3000 psi. ts. Lab Designed Mix. Prior to the beginning of the work the Contractor shall submit a statement of the proportions proposed for the concrete mixture, including the aggregate sieve analysis. This shali be accompanied by a reportin detaij, from the concrete supplier or. an inspection service showing the maxjrnum slump test and the 7 and 28 day concrete strength obtained when using the materials proposed for the work. The strength determinations shall be based on not less than three{3) concrete test specimens for each age, Strength sha'l 1 be 15% greater than that called for on the drau'ings. I'lo substitution shall be'made in the materials used on the work without additional tesi in accordance hereyrith to shovl that thequality of the concrete is satisfactory. Ali strength tests shall be nade in accordance with ASTM Standards. C. Ceneni and l,later Content. The minimurn quantity of cement used per cubic yard of concrete shall be 5 l/2 sacks. liater content shall not exceed 6 U. S. ga1'lons per sack of cenent unless the concrete is intended to be vrater tight in which case the maximum water cement ratio shall be 0.48 (5.4 U. S. 9a11ons per 94# bag of cement). D. Air Entrainment. An air-entra'ining agent sha11 be added to ali stone concrete s0 as to entrajn 4.5 percent plus or mi nus I percent air by volune. Air-entraining agents shall be in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and the testing laboratory for the des'ign mix to assure strength requirements are beingfully met or exceeded. t. I'iixing of l.laterials. The concrete sha]'l be mixed until there is a uniform distribution of the materials and shal1 be discharged completely before the mixer is recharged. For job-n'ixed concrete, the mixer shall be rotated at the speed reconnended by the manufacturer. l I UJJUU - J For stone concrete, mixing shal'l continue for at 'least one minute after al I materia'l s are in the mixer. Ready mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with "standard Specifications for Ready Mixed Concrete" (ASTI'1 C94-69 ) . Sufficient time sha'll be allowed for proper mixing of the concrete to provide uniformity throughoul the batch. Long delays in mixing or long waiting peiiods before the concrete is placed, shall be avoided. 0ver wet rnlxed sha'l'l be rejected and shall not be corrected by the addition of either aggregate or cement to the mixer. Mix not less than ten nrinutes in transit mix trucks after addition of the mixlng water. G. Consistency. S'l umps shal'l be the minimum, consjstent with placing requirements. Slump tests shall be made jn accordance with "S1ump Test for Consistency of Port'land Cement Concrete" (ASTM C 143-58). Unless written approvalis obtained from the Engineer, the maximum slump shall be four (4) inches and the maximum size aggregate shall be one and one-half (1 1/2) inches. 2.08 Concrete Forms I t t I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I A. Forms shall conform to the shape, l'i nes, grades and dimensions of the concrete as detailed on the drawings. Undressed lumber free from excessive knots is permitted only for form work of unexposed concrete. All formsfor exposed finished surfaces shal'l be bui'lt with the material needed to produce the form, texture and design spec.ified in Concrete Finishes of this section. B. Design of Forms. Forms shail be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar and shall be properly braced or tied together so as to maintajn the desired position and shape during and after placjng concrete. The design and engineering of the formwork, as wel'l as its construction, shall be the responsib'iiity of the Contractor. The form- work shall be designed for the loads outlined in Part 3, Section 102 of "Recommended Practice for Concrete Fornnuork" (ACI347). The forms shall be oiled for ease of removal of forms after setting of concrete. C. Form ties and Incidentals. Form ties shali be bo'lts and rods (adjustable for tightening) arranged so that no metal is within 3/4" of surface after removal of forms. 0rdinary wire ties will be allowed with the specific 03300-4 I I t I I t I I 6" minimum aggregate base course shall be jnstalled under the entire slab unless otherwise directed by the Engineer' The grading requirements as per Section 02610 for the aggregate course shal1 app1y. 2.12 Concrete Finishes A. Patching. Immediately after stripping forms, all exposed surfaces sha'l I have fins and other projections carefully removed, offsets ieve'l ed and voids saturated with water and patched tc a true and even surface with a wood float. Patch ali holes left by the removal of the form ties or bolts. Patching materja'l shall be a stiff mixture of sand and cement, the color of which maiches the concrete being patched' Any major area of fau'l ty or honeycombed concrete shall be cornple:ie1y re- moved and patched at the direction of the Engineer. B. Fl oor Sl abs. A] 1 concrete sl abs sha'l 'l be screened to levels or grades indicated and float finished mono-'lithically completely free from humps or pits' Before the finish has'set, the surface cement film shall be re- moved with a fine brush in order to have a fine grained' smooth but sanded texture' C. Rubbed Finish. After remova'l of forms rubbing of all exterior surfaces sha'l I be started as soon as its condition wii'l permit. Irnmedjaiely before starting this rrrork, the concrete shall be kept thoroughly sat- urated with water. Sufficient t'ime shall have elapsed before the wetting <iown to aliow the mortar used in the pointing to thoroighly set. Surfaces to be finisheci shall be rubbed vlith a medium course carborundum stone' using a small amount of mortar on its face. The mortar sha'l 'l Ue composed of cement and fine sand mixed in the same proportions as the concrete being fin'ished.. Rubb'ing shal'l 'be'cont'i nued until all form marks, proieciions and irregularities have been removed' all voids filled and a unif6rm surface has been obtained. The paste produced by this rubbjng shajl be left jn place. Afier all concrete above the surface being treated has been cast, the final finish shall be obtained by rubb'ing with a fine carborundum stone and water. This rubbing shall be continued until the entire surface is of a smooth texture and unifornt co] or. I I I T I I I I I I After dried , povtder paste the final rubbing is completed and the surface has it shall be rubbed with burlap to remove loose and sha'l 'l be left free from all unsound patches' powder and obiectionable marks. 03300-7 I Aj i e,,:teri or corners shalI receive a 3/4" chamber. 2..l3 Reirtforcing A. Reinforcing sfeel shail be deformed bars conformingto "Stanc.iard Specificat'ions for Deformed and Plain Bil let Steel Bars for Concreie Reinforcement,, (ASTl,l A 6'1 5) and shal'l be Grade 60 B. i,ielded |.lire Fabric. l,lelded wire fabric shal] conformto 'Specificaiions for l,lelded Steel Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement" (ASTI'I A .i85) and shall have a mjnimum wire yield strengtlr of 60,000 psi. C. Piacing Reinfo;"cement. Re'i nforcing steel , at the time concrete i s pl aced, slra'l 'l be f ree f rom scal e , rust or other coatjngs thai vril1 deslroy sr reduce bond, Reinforce- nnnt shall be accurately piaced as shovrn on the drawings and sha'i I be adequately secured in position by concrete or metal chairs and spacers Reinforcing shall be furnished in 'uhe full lengths jndicated on the plans unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer, Splicing of bars, except where shoyrn on the plans or specified shali not be permitted vrithout written approval by ihe Engineer, Reinforcement placed in any member shall be inspecced before any concrete is placed and the Engineer shall be noiified 24 hours in advance before any concrete placemeni. The placing, fastenjng, splScing and supporting of reinforc.ingsteel and vrelded wire fabric shall be in accordance with tire plans and the latest edition of the "CRSI Recorunended Praciice for Placing Reinforcing Bars" and in accordance vritn ACI 318-/l. D, Concreie Protection and Reinforcement. tlhere not other- vrise jrdjcated on ihe plans, the min'inum thickness of con- crele over the reinforcemeni shall be as foJlows; l. Concrete deposited against earth - 3" l. Slabs and walIs rroi exposed to vreather or eari,h - 3/4" 3. Al 'l other concre le pl aced 'i n forms: I I I I I t I t I I T I I I I I I I t For bars larger than ;n5 For bars #5 or srnaller -1-1/2' 03300-8 I I I I I 3.00 fvleasurement and Basis of Paymerrt, "Poured jn Place Plain and Reinforced Concrei,e" shall be measured and paid for by the cubic yard furnished and insta'l led in accordance rvjth the dimensions shown on the plans or as cijrected by ihe Engineer. No deductionwjll be made for the vo1 ume occupied by reinforcing steel or other embeded items. The contract pri ce for poured in place concrete shali include all welded wire fabric and/or reinforcing steel and prepared gravei subgrades as caljed for in accordance with the plans and spec i fi cati ons - I I I I t I I I I I 03300-9 I I I I PRESSURE REDUCiNG STATION - 15225 0.00 GENERAL. The Contractor shali furnish and install five(5) pressure reducing stations together w.i th al1 appurtenances as specified herein or as required for proper operation of thestations. The work includes providing the vaults all the necessarypiping, va1ves and fittings. The Contractor shall be responsibiefor the placement of all equipment inside the vaultsn for de1 ivery of the stations to the site, for start-up, for operating instructions to the Owner for a period not less than one ('l) working day, and for providing the 0wner two (2) bound copies of operation/maintenance instructions for each station. 0.01 Related Sections Section 02555 - l,later Distribution System Section 0222'l - Trenching, Backfi'lling & Compacting Section 02200 - Earthwork 1.0C INTENT 0F SPECIFICATI0NS. It is the intent of the project plans and these specifications to describe the quajjty and type of equipment required along w'i th the operating conditions and perfor- mance criteria, while leaving the Contractor some degree 0f iatitude in packaging the complete system. In order to evaluate proposals, the Contractor must submit sufficient information with his proposal to determine compliance with these specifications. 0f part'i cuiar concern is information concerning the foliowing items: l. Type of vault proposed. 2. Type of PRV proposed. 3. Proposed piping and vaive layout. 2.00 DELMRY AND REPAIR SIRViCES. The Bidder sha't] indicate with the proposal; ('l) the ljrm delivery date expectedn such informatjonwill be used by the 0wneiln evaluating proposals and {2) the nature and availability of repair and ma'intenance services that the bidder is capable of providing with the equipment. 3.00 RIGHT 0F RIFUSAL. The 0wner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to award the work based solely on the Owner's discretion. I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I 15225-t 4.0C SHOP DRAIIINGS. After award of the Contract, reducing station manufacturer shalI submil four (4) drauings which musc be approved by the engfneer for Approxirnate (Static) Up-Stream Pressure the pressure deta'i 1ed shop each station. I I I 5.00 PRISSURE REDUCING STATION OPERATIO|I. The pressure reducing stations, furnished and insta'l led in this contract are to be in- Low flow vaives shall have screwed ends and have fl anged ends. Al 1 valves shal'l be as Initial vaive settings shail be as follows: stal led as fo'lI o|s : PRV Station ri PRV Station 12 PRV Stat'ion #3 PRV Stat'ion #4 PRV Statr'on i5 - Lions Ridge Loop - Station 0+35 - Lions Ridge Loop - Station 6+'13 - Val1ey Easement - Station 42+00 - Sandstone Drive - Station 56+00 - Sandstone Drive - Station 72+00 6.00 PRTSSURE REDUCING VALVES. The pressure reducing valves sha1j be trydraul ica'l ly operated, pi iot-control led diaphragm-type giobe vajves, The va1 ve shall have a single removab'l e seat and a resilentdisc, The stem shai'l be guided at both ends by a bearjng in the valve cover and in the valve seat. i\o external packfng glands are perniitted anci there shall be no pistons operating the main valve or any pilot controis. The control system shall include a fixed oriface or needle valve supply, and the necessary auxilliary valves to facilitate prescribed operation of the inain va1 ve. The pj iot control shal I be a di rect-act'i ng , adj ustabl e, spri ng-loaded, normaily open diapnragn vaive designed to permft fioyr vlhen controlled pressure is less than the spri ng setting Self cleaning strainers shall be insta'l jed at the jnlet of the valves to protect the pilot systern. The iarger val ve in each vault shal'l have shut-off cocks to iso'l ate ihe piiot system. The Contractor shall also furnjsh a spare diaphragm, seat O-ring anci stem 0-ring for each va1 ve. peak fi orr val ve shai'l called out on the plans. I I I I I I t I I I I Peak Flow Lo'rr Si de Pressure I I t I I Stat ion PRV I PRV 2 PRV 3 PRV 4 DD I/ A 146 psi 238 psf 158 psi 226 psi ./ </ n<1 15225-2 B0 psi 125 psi 126 ps'i 91 psi 85 psi All vaives shal? maintain of varyfng inlet pressure. Valves shall be Cia,vton 94-01 by Cja-Val Company. 7.OO PIPING AND VALVTS i.0l i.Jater pipe shall be Schedule 40 galvanized or Class 52 ductile'iron; a'l'i piping and valves shall be ridgedly supported. Pressure rating is cal'l ed out on p'l ans, 7.02 Butterfly valves shalI be capable of meeting Atlt^lA C-504 cast iron, rubber seated wilh 0-ring stem seal . Valves shal'l be gear driven. Pressure rating shafi be cal'led out on p1ans. 7.03 Compression couplings shall be Dresser Style 38 or 53 or equal , 7.04 Strainers sha11 be Bailey lio. l with baskei type as called oui on plans or equal . 7.05 Pressure re1 ief valves shall be a C'! ayton 50-G as manufactured by Cla-Vai Company. 8.00 PRESSURE REUUCING STATION VAULTS. This specification shall allow for either 0f the fo1 lowing types of pressure reducing station vau'l ts. 8.01 l,lelded, rol'led l/4" A-36 steel chamber, sized as shown on the Pians. A, Bottom, sicie and top reinforcing required equa'l to that shown on plans or as required for the size station proposed to prevent structural failure. B. Access hatch sizes as sholn or as required for removal of all equipment. C. Access ladder shall be steel or aluminum, secureiy attached and conforming to OSHA standards. D. Corrosion Protection l. To be sandblasted to bright metal after fabrication, clean off al1 rust, mjl and grease. 15225-3 a constant dovrnstream pressure regardless Ats and C'layton 90-01 AJ as manufactured I I I t t I I I I I I be 3-coat alkyd or epoxy I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T '?. 0utside pain system to inciustrial dpplicatjon. 3. Insjde pa'i nt system to be z-coat alkyd enamel or epoxy for jnriustrjal appl ications. 4, Furnish 2-'l 7# anodes with heavy copper riire leads anci iug attachmeni,s 5. Furnish sufficient iouch-up paint to Owner for touch-up requireo due to instailation; perform all toucn-up required due to shipnrent. 8.02 A recrangular concrete vault, seven (7) feet wide by eight (8) feet long by seven (7) feet high (interior dimens'ions) as manufactured by Arco Concrete, Inc. of Arvada, Colorado and shovrn jn thejr plan #7-7080. The vault shal1 be designed and constructed for H-20 loading have sleeves for 8" and'10" 0.I.P Ciass 52 inlet and outlet pipes,3" Schedule 40 steel and a sump at the locations shown on the project p1 ans. The vault shail also have a ladder as specified in Section 8.04. The vault shall be equipped with a 36" i.D. concrete riser with a Bilco J4 or equal frost proof frame and'l jds. 8.03 Vau'l ts fabricaied fron Cl"iP pipe or other materja't s will be considered r'tith ine accepiance subject. lo the eng'i neer's approval I .l5225-4 I t I sEcTI0N 15230 WATER BOOSTER STATION I.OO GENEML '1.01 Scope. There shall be furnished and insta'l1ed, as shown on the engineering drawing and as described herein, a complete water booster station in operating condition The station shali consist of a buried concrete vau'l t punrp housing, pr"unp and all internal piping, electrical power distribution and pump control system, vauJt ventilationn,start-up-and testing supervision and a'l 'l appurtenances specified herein or required for proper station operation. Additional work as part of this section sha'l'l be the e'lectrical power and control circuit revisions to existing Booster Station #4, as shown on the drawings and as otherwise required, for proper operation with the station described above. l,Jork not included jn this section sha'l'l be al'l site work, excavi-fi-on, backfi'l'l and connection of a'll buried water transmission piping to the booster station cast in place wa1 I p'i pes . 1.02 Related l,lork Specified Elsewhere Section 02555 - Water Transniss'ion & Djstribution System Section 02221 - Trenching, Backfi'lling and Compaction Sect'ion 03000 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 02200 - Earthwork 'l .03 Submi ttal s A. Before purchase of the pump station equipment, the manufacturer(s) shall furnish to the engineer cata'log data, including new drawings and a parts schedule listing materials of which the parts are made, in sufficient detail, to serve as a guide in the assembly and disassemblygf the unit and the component parts, as well as'in ordering repair parts. B. Following construction and testing of the booster stationn the manufacturer shall submit six (6) complete sets of operatton and maintenance manuals containing the information listed below: I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I5230-l 0PERTATI-0N AN.q IvtAiNTENANCE MANUALS Sections of Manual Valve Directory Va'l ve numberrsize, location, function and normal Manufacturer' s Literature Installation instructions, operation instructjon, tenance instt^uctionso replacenent parts 'l ist and wiring diagrams. position. main- as-bui I t Lubrication Schedule For each item requiring lubricat'ion: Bearing typq, lubricant, lubrication interval. Description pf Systems General 0escription. Describe operation of entire system. Explain function of each item of equipment. List.of Ssr.yice Agencies For each item list: lvlanufacturer Suppl i er Address Phone Nunber Name of Representative Service Agent if different from suppl'ier Operating Instructiolrl Procedures for normal automatic operation Position of all manual swjtches, valves and levers during: Start-up Shut-down il:ff:i", Unoccupi ed Procefte{or manuqf*jggf! e[ when automati c operati onfrTiT- Posit'ion of a'l 'l manual switches, valves and levers during Emergency shut-down Start-up Sltut-down t I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I 15230-2 I I I I I I I I I I I l,lai ntenalcl: Instructions Describe maintenance procedures Describe safety precautions for maintenance Number items for reference to maintenance schedule' Manufacturer's literature I4ai ntenance Sche-d.ul e Referenced to maintenance lnstructions l,leekly schedul e coveri ng: Routi-ne check of equ'ipmint rooms Monthly schedule covering each piece of equipment and controls. Final Form Number ol coples - b Binders - 1 1/2", 3-ring, fiberboard reinforced p'lasti cor fabric cover Index Tabs - for each section A11 instructions typewrltten Transparent sheet protectors - for trlultiple binders - provide required binders if data exceeds capacity of all type sheets additional 1 1/2' one binder. I I I I t t t I C. Following satjsfactory start-up of the booster station, the manufacturer shall submit to the owner a lll.itten oneyear warranty covering all materials and workmanship included as part of this contract. t.O+ C'lean-up. This contractor will be responsible for his own clean-up and the clean-up of all his sub-contractors. This wi'll incJude the removal of all cartons, crates and boxes at the endof each day and in no case less than once a week. 1.05. Temporary Heating/Venti'lation. The permanent heating systemin whole, or in part, sha'l I not be used for temporary heat-withoutthe written permission of the engineer. if perinissi-on ls granted, the eontractor shall replace all filters before Owner acceptsbuilding. Any opefltion of all or any part of the permaneirt heating system shall not constitute acceptance of the system norshall it relieve the contractor of his one-year guarantee of the system. 1.06 As-Bui1t Drawings. The Contractor sha'|1 keep in his custody during the entire period of construction, a current setof as-bui'lt drawings indicating all changes that have been made fron the contract drawings. The drawings shall be kept clean and in good repair and shall be ayai'lable for inspectlon at any time. 15230-3 The as-built drawings shall consist of a set of the contract structural/mechanical/electrical drawings with changes neatly and legibly marked in color, as wel1 as prints of working drawings prepared by the Contractor. Changes to be noted on the drawings shall include final locationsof any piping or ductwork rel ocated more than I ' ' 0" from where shown on the drawings, sizes of any piping that has been changed wjth finai locations of all va'lves, including any that have been added and al'l valve tag numbers in their appiopriate 'locations. 1.07 Coordination. The drawings show the general arrangement ofrptal work, piping, equipment aid appurtenaices. Follow-drauings as closely as actual building construction and the work of other trades wi'|l permit. Because of the sma1l scale of the drawings, some offsets, transitions, fjttings and accessories which may-be required have not been shown. Investigate the structural andfinish conditions affect'ing the work and amange the work accor- dingly, providing such fittings, transitions, off-sets and accessories as may be required. Before any work is installed, and any equipment is fabricated or purchased deternine that equipment will properly fit the space availab'le and that p'iping and ductwork can be run as contemplated without interferences between systems, with struetural e'lements or w'ith the work of other trades. 1 .08 Electricai Work for I'lechanical Systems. Unless otheruise indicated on the drawings, all electricai items for the mechan-ical systems shalj be furnished; set in place and wired by the E'lectrical Contractor. 2.0A 0ESCRIPTION 0F SYSTEM OPEMTI0N. The water booster station specified herein shall operate in conjunction with the existing Booster Station #4. The two stations shall operate to draw water from a 12" D.I.pipe which feeds the adjacent tank #4 (l ltl.G.) and pump the water approximately 1750 L. F. (300 vertical feet) tofill an existing 250,000 gallon buried storage tank and an adjacent new I M.G. buried storage tank. 2.01 Modes of Operation A. Automatic l,lode. tlormal operation of the booster station shall be in the automatic mode. In this mode, the booster pumps sha11 be operated by telemetry control signals from the 1.25 M.G. storage tank's transmitter. 15230-4 I I I T t t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t: t t The transmitter signal is received by a telemetry controller'located in the new booster station which monitors the tank water level and initiates the pump starting sequence. A suction line pressure switch is provided to monitor suction line pressure and prevent pump starting tlhen Tank #4 is I our. A'lso, a pump alternator circuit'is provided to alternate lead pump between #1 and li?. The pump starting circuit shall operates as fol I ows :I I T As the storage tank water level falls, the #1 set of control'ler contacts shall close, which energizes I TR, ilhen 1 TR times closed, the existing lead pump #l or #2 motor starter will be energized (depending upon alter- nator circuit cond'ition) and the lead pump will begin pumping water to the 1.25 M.G. tank at the rate of 300 gpm. Shou'ld the tank level continue to falJ, the #2 set of controller contacts shal] close, 2 TR will time closed and the existing 1ag pump (#1 or #?) motor start sha'll be energized, starting the lag pump to add an additiona'l 300 gpm of flow to the '1.25 M.G. tank. Under extreme water use conditions (i.e. fire flow) the continued drop in tank water level wil] c'lose set #3 controller contacts, 3 TR will time closed and the #3 pump motor starter wilj energize, starting pump #3. The operation of Pump #3 (in new booster station) shajl supply an add'itional 600 gpm of f'low to the 1.25 M. G, tank. B. Manual l4ode. The pump operation control circuit shall be des'igned such that each pump circuit js equipped with a "hand-off-auto" se] ector svlitch. The "H0A" switches shall override al'l automatic control conditions and directly energize the respective pump motor starter. 3.OO BOOSTER STATION VAULT 3.01 General. l,Jork covered by this section shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipmenl, supplies and material and related iiems required for the fabrication and installation of a comp'lete booster station vau'lt. 3.02 Materials. The booster station vault shall be constructed of cast-in-place concrete in accordance with the engineering drawings and Section 03300: Cast-In-Place Concrete. I I I I I 15230-s I 3.03 Methods & Procedures. The vault shall have Jnternal finished dimensions of'16't,l X l6'L X 10'H with an integrally cast-in-p'lace vertica'l access shaft to the finished grade elevation. VauJt construction procedures shal'l be in accor- dance with Section 03300 - Cast-in-place Concrete and all OSHA; state and 'loca'l safety regulations 4.OO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 4.01 General A. Scope. Hork covered by th'is section sha'|1 consist of turnishing all labor, equipmentn supplies and materials unless otherwise specified, and in performing all operations necessary for the installation of complete mechanical systens - as required by these specifications and as shown on the drawings, subJect to the terms and conditions of the con-tract. The work shall also include the completjon of such details of mechanical work not mentioned or shown which are necessary for the successfui operation of ail mechanical systems described on the drawings or required by these specifications. Scope includes (but is not limited to) the fo]lowing: Vault access ladder Pump mounting platform Hoist rail fabrication Vault access door Hoi st Sump pump Ventilation & heating system Dehumi di fi er Booster Pump Piping, valves and fittjngs B. Codes and Regulations. Materia'ls and workmanship shal'l comply with a'l 1 applicable codes, specifications, ordinances''industry standards and utility company regulations. In case of difference between building codes, specifications, state'laws, 'local ordinanceso industry standards, utifity company regulat'ions and the contract documents, the most stringent sha1l govern. In case of difference between contract plans and specifications, the most stringent sha11 govern unless written authorization for a spec'ific deviation is obtained from the englneer- I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 15230-6 I Should any change in the drawings or specifications be re- quired to comply wfth these regulations, rrotify the engineer in writing prior to submitting bid, After entering into contract, this Contractor vrill be held to comp'l ete all work necessary to meet ihese requ'i rements vlithout added expense to ihe 0wner. Applicabie codes and standards jnclude the requirements and regulatiorrs of the I'iational Fire Protection Association, insurance underwriters, Underuriter's Laboratories, aJ1 state, county, and,/or mun'icipal jurisdictional enforcing agenc'ies, local or jurisdictionai fire prevention bureaus and/or fire marshal . C. Codes and Standards - Referenced. ldhen standards, codeso or specifications are referred to, reference is macie to theparticular standard, code, 0r specification, together withall amendments applicabJe at the time bids are taken uniess otherwise specifically noted D. Permits, Licenses, Fees and Inspections. 0btajn, pay for and maintain al 1 required penn'its, licenses and certificates of inspection. Make arrangements for and conduct all tests and/or inspection of work required for compliance with appiicab'le codes lnd ordinances and any additfonal testing or inspect'ion required r:nder the contract. The engineer shall be nottfied of a"l I tests and inspections not less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled time and date. 4,02 tlaterials and Equipment. Except where otherwise noteo or spec'ified, a'll materials shall be new and of the best quality of their respect'ive kinds, If a manufacturer named in the spec'ifica- tions has nrore than one class or qua'l ity of equipment available,it sha'l I be understood that the material or equipment to be pl-o- vided shall be oniy of the highest quality the manufacturer pro- duces. A1 I material or work of unsound or unfit character, or damaged after installation, or not conforming to pians or specificatjons, shal'l be removed and reconstructed or replaced by this Contractor t0 the satisfaction of the engineer immediately upon proper notice. The expense of doing so or cost of delays and of making good the work affected by the damage shal'l be borne by this Contractor. i{o extension of time will be al'lowed for the correcting of faulty work. Air handl'ing and other equipment affected by altitude shall be rated, sized and adjusted to deliver capacities shown as instailed at the site. t t I I t T T I I I T I I I I 15230-7 Use the same brand or manufacturer for eacir specific appl icationof pumps, nrotors, motor starters, valves, fitt'i ngs, controls, specialties and equipment. 41 I major equi pnent cornponents sha'l I have the rnani;f acturer's nane, address, model number and serial number permanentiy attached in a conspi cr.rous j ocati on . A. Access Ladc.ter. The vault access ladder shall be fabricated as shown on the drawings fron steel naterials, securely attached to the vaul t wal1 and shal I conform to a1'l appi j cab'le OSHA standards. B. Pump Platform. The punrp p'latforni shali be fabricated as shown on the drawings from C6 X l3 sieel channel with a 1/4' sieel plate cover. Al ] fabrication jo'ints shalj be welded continuous around mating surfaces. The platform shal1 be secure'ly attached to the vault floor prior to mounting the pur,rp and associ ated equi pment. C. froist Rail. The hoist rail shall be fabricated from 5 B X 18.4 stock and ceiiing mounted as shown on the drawings. 3 X 3 X 14 steel angle clips shall be r.relded at each end of the raiJ to act as lioist stops and prevent the ho'ist from traveling off of the rail. D. Access Doo:. The access door sha'l I be installeci as shor.rn on the cirawirtgs. The door leaf shal j be l/4" steel diarnond pattern plate to withstand a H-?A vehicle liveload. Channel frarie shall be l/4" steel with an anchor f1 ange around the perirneter. Door shall be equipped with heavy forged brass hinges, stajnless steel pins, spring 0perators for easy operation and an autonatjc hold-open arn with release hancile. A snap lock with removable handle shall be provided. A i 1i2" drainage coupling shali be 'l ocated in the front rjght corner of the channel frame- Hardr.rare shai'l be cacnrium p'i ated and factory finish shail be prirne coat of red oxjde applied to steei doors and frames. l'lanufacturer shal 1 guarantee against defects in material or workmanship for a perjod of fjve years, l4anufacturer: Bilco i,lode'l rJ-5 for H20 loading or substitute meetirrg above specification. t. Hoist. The hoisi sna'l I be a singie speed Iow headroom electric rvire rope hoist rated ai I ton capaci!y comp'lete rvith sieel wheel , ball bearing fjtted trol1ey for operation on an S 6 X'18.4 hoist rajl. Ihe lifting speed shall be l4 ft./firin. The notor shall be totally encl0sed, hoist-duty for 240 V, 60 ltz, single phase of operation. The p'i stol grip pushbutton control unjt sha11 operate at 24 V. I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I 15230-B I t l'lanufacturer: meeting above f. Sump Pump. Coffirrg l4odel *I.JRT-2014-1 or substitute speci fi cati on. A submersib'le sump pump with a l/2 Hp,.|725 RPl4, single phase, 60 cyc'l e, 120 V electrical motor shal'l be instai'led jn the pumping station sump. The sump purnp shalj have a capacity of 900 gph at 25 feet TDH and shall discharge to a suitable open drain. The sump pump discharge piping within the pump chamber sha'l'l be I l/2 inch gaivanized steel pipen Schedule 40 with screyred endfittings. The sump pump riischarge line shall include one (l) vertical check valve. The pump and motor housing of the sump pump shal'l be of cast iron construction and sha'l i have an independent f'l oat st^litch mounted in the top to the motor housing. The svlitch shall be so adjustable as to operate the pump unit rrrithin a six {6) inch differential. A mechanjcal seal shal'l prohibit the pumped fluid from entering the motor housing. G. Dehumidifjer. A packaged dehumidifier with sealed refrigeration type compressor, coof ing coi'l and condensing coiis shai'l be installed in such a manner that tire condensate shai'l discharge into the sunip. The dehumidifier electric motor sha'll be 120 V, controlled by an adjustable humidistat mounted on the dehumidifier and shal l be capable of retnoving a mjnimum of twenty (20) p'i nts of vrater from the air, in a twenty-four (24) hour period. H. Vent i 'i ati on & lleati ng Systems 1. Electrjc ijnit Heater. The pump station shall be provided wi th an electric heater, wal1 mounted, to operate on 240 V, sing1e phase porler. The heater shall be of the fan forced heat typen complete rvith dial type' integral thermostat, therma'l power disconnect, safetygri'll and specia'l fan thermostat. The heater capacitywill be a minimum 0f 4000 watts input, .l3,700 BTU output. The heater wi'l'l be wired direct and be provided wjth a separale circuit breaker. I'lanufacturer: Chromalox LUH-04-03 2. txhaust Fan. There shail be one (i) exhaust fan mounted within the booster station. The fan shal1 feature centrifuga'l type, statically ba'lanced blower to assure quiet performance. The fan capacity shall be mjnimum 275 CFM 0 .|.0 inch static pressure. Fan control shail be by thermostat wired in para]lei with a night glow type manuai swtich, mounting in the same two gang condulet box as the light sl.ritch at the entrance manway. t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15230-9 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I J. Piping. be Schedule vrel ded type The jntake and exhaust duct shall be 6" 9 PVC and installed as shovtn on the dral'i ngs. A steel pipe intake and ex- haust duct shali be interconnected to the PVC duct and instalied along wjth the fittings in the cast in place concreie light post. A fresh air intake backdraft' damper sha'll be instailed jn the vault ceiling. I. Eoosrer Pump. The booster pump shal'l be a horizontal base mounted bronze fjtted, left hand rotation, sp1 it case opposed suction, multi-stage centrifugal purnp with the fo'l I owi ng features ; l. Size - 4 x 5 x l5Z. Delivery - 600 GPN 0 360 ft. T.D.H. 0 1750 RPl4 0 minimum 70% pump effic'iency.3. Seals - double inside unba'l anced nechanical seals.4. Impeller - bronze, enclosed, static & dynamically bal anced .5. Flanges - suction - .l25 1b., discharge - 250'lb.6. Plinimum suctjon pressure - 0 psi 7. I'iaxinrum suci'ion pressure - E0 ps j All piping internal to the vault r+alls shall 40, ASTltl A-53 seamless black steei pipe for f'lange fittings. K. Butterfiy Valves. Ail butterfly valves shall be rubber seateci, tight closing type meeting rhe A!.lhlA C504 standard and havjng the following features: l. Valve encls - flanged, 125 lb. ANSI2, Operator - gear driven, handlvheel , open left type3, Body material - cast iron4. r/orking pressure - 2C0 psi i'lanufaciurer: Llresser sty1e "450" Aldl.lA Class J50 B or equal L. Fittings. All fittings (excepi wal1 pipes) shall be cast iron, flanged for a working pressure of 250 psi or Schedule 40, ASTI4 A-53, black steel weld fittings w'ith.l50 I b. r.iel ded steel f I anges. i4. Check Valves. Af i check valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted' fu1 1 opening 'lever & spring, swing check valve. l{ork'irrg pressure rating shall be 250 psi rrith 125'lb. f l anged ends . l,lanufacrurer: Dresser style 259-02 or equa'l . N. iiall Pjpes. A'l'l l,rall pipes shall be cast iron, .l25 lb. flanged mechanjca'l joint ends with ring for a working pressure of 250 psi. .|5230-.l0 I I I I 0. Basket Strainers. Basket strainers sha'l i be semi- sleel body, 250 psi rated with .l25 1b. flanged ends. 4.03 liethoci and Procedures A. r/crknanshjp anci Completion of Instal lation. The Contract0r, as we'l I aS his enployees and subcontractors, shall be well-versed and skilled in the trades invoived. The Coniractor sha'l I be wholiy responsible for complete and proper jnstallation of A-l work required for the project, including minor detaj ls not.shown or specified as are necessary to complete the project. Any changes or deviations from the drawings and specifications musi be authorjzed 'i n writing by the eng'ineer before the change is made. Correci at no expense to the 0wner al'l errors in instal iations and repair al'l leaks in pip'i ng, equipn''eni and duct connections, 'including any resulting damage to r,rork of other trades. Install a1l specia'lties as detai'l ed on the drawings. Fo1 low approved manufacturer's reconmendations where details or specific installation jn- struci'ions are not provided. Upon conpletion of i,he work, remove all litter, ulaste materia] , unused materiaJs and Contractor's tools and equipment from tlie jobsite. Check,'l ubricate, test, correctly adjusi anC 'i eave ready for proper use or operati on as j ntencied, al I i nsta'l 1ed systerns , Cl ose all pjpe and duct openings with caps or plugs during 'i nstal laiion. Protect all fixiures and equipment againsidjrf, water and chemjcal or mechanical damage. At com-pletion, thoroughly clean and remove all residue frominterior surfaces. Clean exterior surfaces of all materials and equipment and del 'i ver in perfect, unblemished condition, Complete performance tests before re'lease of any systems to the 0viner for operation. Install al'l safety devices and request inspection and approva'l of same by authority havingjurisdiclion before placing related systems into temporary or permanent operation, B. Piping jn General . Foliow generally the arrangement shor+n on drawings, but wjth necessary modifjcations to make a neat appearance and to coordiante urith other work. Verify djmensions of al'l valves, fittings and equipment and coordinate with measurements made at the site so that the piping systenr wil'l fit together properly; 1s230-11 T I I I t I I I I I I I I I If pipe size not clearly evident on drarlingn request clarifi- cat'ion from engineer during bidding period. Insta'i 1 exposed riser and run-outs as close to wall or cei 1 i ng as pracii ca'i . Aljow at least one-half inch between finish covering and adjacent'l ines and between finish coverjng and other work. Furnish and properly set in forms all sleeves and boxes required for ducts and p'iping passing through wal'ls, floors and roof. Determine proper location and locate ali sleeves, boxes, recesses, chases, bases, inserts and openings in advance of construction, or obtain pern'ission and pay for approved cutting, patching and restorjng to prior condition. Provide al) required jnserts, hangers, fasten€rs and fixtures needed for support and jnsta'l lation of the work. Ernbedded inserts, individual rod type or continuous channel with flanges or other provisions designed to prov'ide secure anchorage, shali be provided for concrete construction where possible. Do not locate fittings or joints above electricai panels or switch gear. In general , run piping para'l lel or perpendicular to main bui lding 'lines. Run horizontal lines horizonta'l sr with uniform pitch as indicated. Run vertical 'l jnes exactiy plumb, Cut pipfng accurately to dimensions nade at the site and install without sprirrging or forcing Connect piping equipment without strain.' Demonstrate absence of strain where requested by renoving f1 ange bolts or dis- connecting piping Carefuily examine ai1 pipes and related equipment before instajlation. Insiall no ciefective pieces. Carefully handle p'i pe to prevent damage to coatings. Use proper tools and equ'ipment so that piping is handled safely and wj thout damage . I I I I I I I I t I I I I t t T I I t .|5230-12 I I I t t I I I I I I Clean al 1 pieces careful'iy before insta'l lation. Cap, plug, or protect wjth covers 'uo keep out dirt and moisture. Blovr out, rod out' flush out a'l I piping before final connectionsto equipment to rernove al'l foreign materjals. Furnish any necessary temporary connections, valves, etc., for this purpose. Use dielectric unions vrhere pipes of dissimilar nrateiialsjoin together. A'l'l piping systems shall be'installed so that they pitch and may be easily drained. Provide means of draining of 1ow points of ali pipjng without disconnecting the pipe. Hose and connect'i on va'l ves shalj be prov'ided at aIl low poi nts. Provide pressure gauges and swilches where called for on the pldns. C. Field Joints - Pipe. Pipe instalied within structures or above ground shali have flanged and mgchanica'l 'ly coupled joints as shown on the drawings 1. Flanged Joints. Tighten bolts so that gasket is uniformly compressed and sealed. Do not distort flanges. Do not conplete mechanfcal coupled joints until flanged joints affected thereby have been tightened. Leave flange bo'lts urith ends projecting l/8 to 3/8 inches beyonri face of nut after tjghtening. A11 flange gaskets shall be fu11 face type. Ring gaskets are noi acceptabl e. 2. Mechanical Coupled Joints. Renove all si1, dirt, loose scale and rust from the ends of the pipe and the coupling. llipe gasket c'lean prior to installatjon. Tighten bolts wjth wrenches of the size and type recommended by the coupf ing manufacturer. Tighten all bolts equal'ly r^iith the coupl'ing square and symmetrical with the pipe. 3. Threaded Joints. Ream pipe to ful I diameter,fi'le off al'l burrs. Use pipe jo'int compound, Garlock Plasti-Thread or Threadseal tape" Do not use iead oxidejoint compound. Thread pipe so no more than two threads are exposed when tight. 4. !,teld'ing. Fusjon welded jn accor:dance with ANSI Standard 831 .10 unless otherwise required. t^lhen the temperature of the component parts falls to 32"F or lower, heat the material to approximately 199"F for a d'i stance of 2 feet on each side of the weld before we'lding; reheat if temperature of material drops belovr 32"F during welding. 15e30-13I t 5. tseve1ing. in accordance wjth recognized standards by mechanical means of flame cu+.ting. Where beveiingjs done by f1 ame cutting, clean surfaces of scale and oxi dat'i on pri oi' to vrei di ng. 6. Al ignment. Before welding, properly align the cornponent parts. Use back'i ng rings when required. 7. Elecirodes. Store'in dry heated area; discard electrodes that have lost part of their coating. B, Inspection. l,,leids are to be inspected by the Contractor's vlelding foreman and defective vrelds are to be removed and rewelded. llelds determined to be defective by t,he engineer are i,0 be removed and rewelded, The engineer reserves the right to use x-ray as a means of inspection; defective wejds are to be removed and replaced. The repairing of defective welds by adding new material over defects or by peening is not permitted, 9. Certification. Pipe vrelders are to be certified by the ilatjonal Certjfied Pipe l,leld'ing Bureau. Each operator's cei'tificate is fo be kept on file at thejob site and made avajlab'le to the engineer upon re- quest. D. Valves. Instail all valves and accessories in accordance with manufac'uurer's insiructions and in accordance wfth details sirown on the drawings. Fojlow generally the arrangement shovirr on draurings, but tlith necessary modifjcations to make a neat appearance and to coordjnate with other work. Verify dimensions of ajl valves and accessories, and coor- dinate with measurenents made at the sjte so that the piping sysiem will fit together properly, All va1 ves wjlj have type ends and stems specified or indicated on the drawinEs or as requ'i red by the equipment connecti ons Provide shut off valves vrhere sholn on thc drawings and onall branches off mains uhich serve more than one unit and each piece of equipment or appliance so that the suppiy and return services can be shut off to remove the equipment or appl i ance wi thout di sturbi ng the pi pi ng systems . Locate valves easily accessible to operator or equipment- I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I '15230-'14 I t I I I I After insta'l Iation of valves and accessories is comp'lete, perform all necessary adjusiments, lubrjcation and main- tenance in accordance with the nHnufacturer's instructions. Prior to final inspection, clean al'l surfaces of grease, constructjon dirt, concrete and a'l 1 foreign matter. E. Air Djstribution System. Adhere to drarvings as closeiy as poss"ible but vary the run and shape of ducts, and make offse'r.s during progress of work as required to meet inter- ferences Locate duct openings througrr roofs and walls in ample time to meet building construction schedule, Ductwork specified herein is of circuiar cross-section, un- less otherwise indicated. Cap ali open ends of duct systems during construction to reduce dust and debris buildup within systems. Duct sizes shown on the drawings are nominal dimensions, in inches, uniess otherwise shown. Un1ess otherwise noted, all equipment must meet specified performance at a sjte elevation of 8500 feet above sea level . Support veriical lines at bases using either a suitabie hanger in a hcrjzonta'l line near the riser or a base typefitting set on a pedestal foundation or support. Drilling of holes for anchors, supports, hangers, piping, etc., in the structural or build'ing work jn general will be permitted only where approved by the engineer. The con- tractor shaji secure permiss'ion from the engineer prior to starting the drilling at each 'location. Install inserts as requ'ired to minimize drilling. Install hangers so as not to interfere with free expansion and contraction of piping. Hang pipe with jts weight properly distributed between hangers so as to prevent ex- cessive deflection and stress in either pipe or the supporing member. Pip'ing may.be set on top of ce'iling if adequate provisions are made to al'l ow for movement without danage to the pipe duct. lnsta'l I all equipment jn accordance with manufacturer's instructions, I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1 s230-15 l. 'riar,er System F1 ushing. F'l ush and sterilize r,rater systen as per specifications of State Board of Health as a minimum. Use 'l iquid chlorine or hypoch'i ori tes to produce a dosage of not less than 50 ppm. Hold solution 'i n pjpe for at least 24 hours. l4aintafn mjnimum of 5 ppm chlorine residual at pipe extremjties. 0pen and close al 'l valves at'l east three times during retentionperioC. If less o repeat disinfection procedure until a 5 ppm residual is obtained Flush system with clean r+ater unti'l residua'l chlorineis 'l ess than one ppm" Open and close all valves during flushing period. Subnrit two (2) copies of the sterilizatjon test report ifl"t?l,ilfl]l;:r t.. approva]. The report shall contain I Date, time and place of cleaning Durati on Person responsible So'l utions concentra"ion 5ol utions temperature Resul ts 0uts'ide air temperairire Inside air ternperature staiic iest. After the pipe has been installed ipe or any valveci section thereof shall be sub- a pressure and 'l eakage test. The contractor vide el1 purnps, pipe, connections, gauges, devices and all other necessary apparatus conduct the tests in the presence of the I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Hydro a1l nevt p : ^^+^; +^ J trL LtrU Lt., shal l pro rneasuri ng and siral'i eng i neer . a. Test Pressure. The required minjnrum test pressure shall oe estab'l ished by tlre engineer prior to ihe tesiing period. l{otify the engineer 48 hrs.prior to the test s0 pressur"e may be established. b. Duration of Test. Three hours minimum of main- ta i ned pressure . c. Air Removal . Prior to performance of the test, conpi eiely f i'l 'l the pi pei i ne w j th vlater for a period of 72 hours. Expel air by means of air re] jef valves, or other means as required.If the test disclosed ieakage, the contractor shall locate and repair the defective joints. The contractor shal'l repair any leaks regard'l ess of the test resuitsif they are serious enough to endanger the future serviceability of the pipeiine. I I t I I t t 'i5230-,l6 I I I I I 3. Final Adjustrnents & Acceptance Tests. Check equip- ment for proper operation and complete adjustmentsprior to final observation and acceptance of the project. Upon comp'l etion and following successful pre-tests, at the time set, demonstrate to the engineer and 0wner, design function of each operating component and system. Demonstrate function and operation of safety controls and alarms 5. OO TLTCTRICAL SYSTEI'IS r 5.01 GeneralIA, -\copp. Work covered by this section shall consist of r furnishing alj labor, equipment, suppfies and materja'l s unless I otherwise spec'ified and in performing all operations necessary for the instal'l ation of complete e'lectrical systems as re-I 3il5::,0i"'lf;l",ilfi!'l;:":lll;,?ll,Tr'ffiX'.3l.lli,l"Tl!n"r work shall also incJude the completion of such details of electrical work not mentioned or shown which are necessary for I the successful operation of all electrica'l systems describedt on the drawings or required by these specifications. Scope includes (but is not'ljmited to) the following: Secondary Electric Servjce Meteri ng Fac j 'l i ti es Li ghti ng Groundi ng Power |Ji ring Control l''liring instrumentation l,Jiring Teiemetry }iiring B. Spec'ia1 Requirements . 1. Standards for Materials. All materials shall be new, shail conform with the current applicable industry standards, unless otherwise indicated. Horkmanship and neat appearance shail be as important as the e'lectricai and mechanical effic'iency. Defective or damaged nateriaJs shall be replaced or repaired prior to final acceptance in a manner meeting the approva'l of the engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. The 'latest editions of the following standards are ninimun requirements. Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) Instltute of Electrical & Electronic Eng'ineers (IEEE) American National Standards Instjtute (ANSI) I I I I I I I I I I I 52s0- 1 7 llational Electrical i4anufacturers Assocjation (NEM) American Society for Testing and l\4aterials (ASTM) 2. Codes and Regulations. The complete instal lation shall comply with applicable local and state wiring ordinances and codes, A'l I codes and standards shall be per the 'latest edition with al'l supplements andoffjcial interpretations included. The drawings and spec'i fications take precedence when they are more strigent than codes, statutes, or ordinances in effect. Applicable codes, ordinances, standards and statutes take precedence when they are more strigent or con-flict with the drawings and specifjcations. The com- plete installat'ion shall conform with the fo'llowing I I I I t I t t T I I code: llational tlectrical Code (NEC) NFPA-70-.l978 5.02 Flateri a'l s & tqui pment A. Booster Pump l4otor. The pump motor shall be 100 Hp, 405 TS frame, TEFC, f{El'14 Design "9", '1750 RPM, 480 V, 3 P, 60 HZ, C'l ass "F" insu'lation, 40"C ambient, 1.00 S.F. for operatjon at 8500 ft, above sea level . 'l . Appl i cabl e Standards : NEPJA Standards Publication No. l4G-l ItEE Standards AliSi Standards U. L. listed lrtc ?. Acceptable l,ianufacturers: Dol nn Re i i ance U . S. l4stors hesti nghouse B. Power Factor Correct'ion Capacitors. Al1 three pump molors (2 existing and 1 new) are to have polier factor correction capacitors on load sjde of starter. Potler factor correctf on sna'l I be to 95"i" - 1007,, Power factor correct'i on capacitors shail not contain po'lychlorinated bi pnenyl s (PCB' s ) as a di a'!ectri c materi a'l . C, Cjrcuit Breakers. There shall be provided, dead front therrnal iragnetic circujt breakers of the voltage and I I I I I I I I 15230-18 I I I I t I I T I I I I I I I I current rating shovJn on the drarvings. All circuit breakers shal I be instal led irr panelboards. D. Lighting. There shal'l be tlo {2), ?00 watt incandescentlight fixtures installed r'ljthin the booster station as sho!,n on the drawings, The light slitch shall be n'ight glolv type mounted 'in a weatherproof gang box and located jn the entrance manway, conveniently adjacent to the station entrance ladder. t. |^Jire and Cab'le. A]l control circuit wire shali be minimum #14, 75oC, l9 stranded copper type THI^I" Motor leads and service feeders shall be 75oC copper, 600 V, type THf'l with compression 'lug termination where applicable. Al I other wi ri ng shal 'l be mi nimum #l2, THtl, 75'C. A'l I wiring between control pane'l , ventilation fan, heater, sump pump, etc. shail be installed in rigid metal conduit unless otherwise noted. Connections from conduit termination to al'l motors shall be made using liquid tight flexib'le conduit, "Sea'l tite", or equa'l . F. Condui t l. Rigid Conduit. Hot dipped galvanized rigid steel conduit in the fo'l loling above-grade areas. Embedded in above-grade concrete fjooi s'l abs, columns, or wa'l 'i s l,Jhere exposed to mechanical injury Where specificajly required by NEC A'l 1 remaining areas, except as permitted or specifically required in the foliowing paragraphs. Rigid steel condujt sha11 comply with Underwriter's Laboratories Standard UL 6, USA Standards Institute c80-t . 2. Electrica] Metal'lic Tubing (ftlf). 2" and smajler (no il'lT larger than 2" permi tted) . f'lay be instal ledin "above-grade" dry areas only in the fojlowing locations: Concealed locations in furred walls or ceiiings Exposed at jeast 3 feet above the floor El4T shall be galvanized on the outside, coated on the inside, with a smooth hard finish of lacquer, varnish or enamel tMT shall comply with Underwriter's Laboratories Standards UL 797, USA Standards lnstitute CBO-3. 15230-19t I I El'lT f i rti ngs shal I be of the fol l orvi ng type: Steel (pot-meta1 type noi acceptable) Compression glanC or "Tomic" tap-on {set screl or indenter types not permitted) I t 3. Flexjble i4etal Conduit (Sealtite).'Iengih (s ) for; In sufficient I t I I I I I I I t I Make-up of motor, or equipment and raceway connections l,Jhere iso]ation of sound and vibrat'ion transnission i s requi red Connections to recessed lighting fixtures Provide vlatertight flexjble condujt for equipment connecti on sin locations exposed to weather In interjor locat'ions subject to moisture Use s'r.eel condujt fitiings Conforrn with Fed. Spec. IJH-C-566b, 4. Below-Gracie Raceways. Rigid, heavy walj, Schedule 40, polyv'inyl chloride (PVC) piastic conduit, suitable for direct burial shall be provided for installation in or be'lov; sibbs on grade or jn earth or gravel . Condr,its 1 1/2' and 'l arger shall meet requirements of NEi'1A Pub'licat'ion llo. TC-1-1965. Pl asti c Conduit l4anufacturers : Carl orr Ethyl Krayl oy Tri angl e G. Conduit Hangers. Size of support and hanger members sha'l I be not less than rianufacturer's recommendations, in accordance with fjrst class industry practice, and of dimensions and configuration as required by actuai equip- ment and field conditions. Aj'l such members shall have a factor of safety of three (3) minimum. lilounting details shor+n on draviings shall be considered minim,;m requirements., Increase as necessary to suit actual field conditions. l4anuractLirers: Ki ndorf Por^rer-Strut Uni strut T I I t I I 52 30- 20 t I I I T I I I _T H. Convenjence 0ut'let. Four (4) 120 V dup'lex polarized convenience receptacie shall be provided and 'l ocated on the four wolls of the vau'l t. [ach receptacle shal] be mounted in a single gang condu'l et with weatherproof cover, One (l) 240 V convenience receptacle shail be provided and located adjacent to the single phase paneiboard on the vault wall. The receptacle shall be mounted in a single gang condulet with a "screw-on" weatherproof cover. I. Tel emetry Tank Leve'l Contro'l s, The telemetry tank level control sha'l'l consist of a B.I.F. Mode'l 231-20 transmitter located at the 1.25 M.G. tank site and a 8.1.F. Model 230.05 receiver/controller mounted jn the main controi pane'l within the new booster station. The existing transmitter used to operate the booster station #4 pumps is presently located in a manhole at the new tank site. Th'is transmitter sha11 be salvaged and reinstalled as shown on the plans to operate the new pump control ci rcui ts. A nevr B.I.F. receiver/controller shall be suppiied to use with the salvaged transmitter, J. Paneiboards. Pane'l boards shall meet NEMA 3R enclosure standards. Each panelboard shall be equipped wilh a main circuit breaker and branch breakers rates as sho'ln on the engineering drarvi ngs. K. Cont,roj Panel , The ma'i n contrc1 panel sha'l I meei l{El'lA 3R enclosure standards. The control panel shali have internally mounted, al'l motor starters, contro'l relays, timer relays, fuses and terminai strips as shown on the drawings. A1'l indicator lights, elapsed time indicators' selector switches and the.telemetry controller shall be door mounted. Legend plates shall be switches and lights. or condition for each furnished on a'l 'l panel front mounted Each p'late sha'l'l i ndi cate the functi on respective unit. An alarm circuit shall be incorporated within the control circuit to signal an emergency 1ow tank level condition. The presence of this condit'ion shall il'luminate a control panel mounted red indicating 'light and a red warning light mounted in the light post fjxture above finished grade, at the booster stat,ion site. 15230-21 I I I I I I I I t I I I'1 r- APPROVID ILECTRICAL C(Ji.iTROL COI"IPONINT IIANUFACTURERS iwi"ih approved door closing hardware) a. Hoffnarr NENA 3Rb. AI,1FCo. .:::.::::::. nEr,1A3Rc. Nei son il ectric NEI'IA 3R Pairel Enclosures 2. Class 9423 I I I t I I a. Square D 3. Fuses +, 5. CjJttJol Relays a. A1 I en ilraCl €y , h (nrrrv.a lr c. Cutier iannter a. Bussrnan i'lanufacturi ng i"iagngt j c i:jolq!.ltarterji. a. Allen Bradle.v, Bulletin 709 (full b. Square D (stanclard si;r:) Class 8536 c. Clark Bulletin 60]3 Fusetron Dual El ement Fi'lA - Indicating Type FRN - 250 V FRS - 600 V Bulietin 700 N Class B50l - Type L File D 23 - Type l'1-30C I I t I I I I I I I vo] ta ge ) 7 Tirne D-e'i ay Relals a. Aj j en Bradl ey 8ui letin 700 NT b. Cutl er Hanxler ilo. D 87 Pushbuttons, Sel ector Swi tcites a. A'i I en Braol ey Bul I eii n 800 T b. Cutl er rlarmer Bu'l I eti n 10250 Tr Sn,r.arp i) Bul leti rr 9001 -1..AJY ru I e 15230-22 I I t I I I I I 3. indjcating Lights _{"Push-to-iest- Typ_e". - loj,__volfggel a. Allen ijradley . : Bul1etin 300 T - PTb, Square U tsul I eti n 900'l Type "J "c. Ciark Bulletin 100-H0 Termina'l Bloqks a. Al 'len ttradl ey h (nrrrv.a i')vYvv, v v . I Ptless-ure Sw j t_ches a. Plercoid Control Circuit Ereakers Square D Cutl er llarruRer Iiulletin 1492, Style "F8" Class 9080, Type KC-l Di fferenti al Mercury Switch 1n 't1 I t Elsff sd-Igc_l&-r-€s to'"!. a. lllorth Anreri can Ph'i 1 1 i psb. Chranrerc. Approved Equal rrl rF(n 12, I I t I I (I. b. I I I .|5230-23 5.03 l'lethoCs and Proceciures A. Primary Ejectrical Service. The prinrary underground e'l ecrrical service primary rjser termination equ'i pment, and the pad-mount transformer will be provided by theutility company. The trenching and raceway system (if required by the local utjlity coinpany) shal'l be provided under their contract. The concrete mounting pad sha1l be supplied by the utility company a'lso. I I I I I I I Provide a 48-inch deep former to the service si te pl an draw'i ng, Trenching and backfilling sha11 be performed in vlith Sect'ion 02220 - Excavating and Backfi1iing. trench from the pad mounted trans- entrance as shown on the electricai compl iance Coordinate complete ejectric service entrance requ'i rements wirh loca1 utility to assure that the fo1 lowing systems are proper'ly instal ied:I I I I I t I I Power transformer size, electrical location (by utility) Electric meier (by uti'lity) insia'll meter"ing C. T.'s and P. T. characteri stics and 's furnished by utility Instail underground electrical ccnduits to a burial depthof 13" minirrunl. Provide compiete underground electrjc servjce raceu,ay systems and associated nnterials from point of utility termination to service entrance equipment. Coordinate underground conduit insi.aj'l ation with other work to eliminate conflicts and avoid interferences with other underground piping systems. B, Secondary Iiectri caj Service" Prov'i de a c'onplete electrjc service entrance system, underground, as indicated on the drawings, Service voltage, number of conductors, size of conductors, conduit size and type and associated equipment as indicated on drar.ri ngs. L, LOn0U l -,- 1 Genera'l . Securely fasten and/or supporl all race- r'rays at intervals and 'locations required by the llEC for the type raceway employed. I I I I 15230-?4 I I Enrbedded raceways shall be securely tied jn piace prior to embedment. Lay out work in advance to avoid of multipie raceway runs. excessive concentrations Raceways shall terminate in proper cubic'le or section intended for serving cable connection. Horizonta'l cross connections not acceptable, except where specificai 1y detai 1ed. Where equiprnent in open areas is fed from wiring in the slab, terminate conduit in a flush coupling at the floor or suitable waterlight box with el 1, from which point, extend a rigid conduit njpple at least 8" above the floor, and provide flexible condujt connection to the equipment, l,lake all conduit connections at the floor watertight. Support and a'l i gn ai'l race,rrays, cabi nets , boxes, fixtures, equipment, etc., in an approved nanner and as herein specified. Review a'l I structural and mechan- ical drawings and provide a1 I mounting methods as necessary to properly adapt with same. Locate racewaJis so that strength of structural membersis unaffected and they do not conflict with ihe services of other trades, Instali one jnch or 'l arger raceways in or through structural niembers {beams, slabs. etc,) only vrhen, and in a manner approved by the engineer. Protect all raceway systems from introduction of debris, water, etc. A1 1 empty conduits sha'l t have galvanized or plastic pu1'l wire or cord installed to faciljtate future w'ire or cab'le i nstal1ati on, Provide code s'ized pul1 boxes (conduit fittings not acceptable) as required to'limit condujt runs to .l00 feet and/or three (3) 90" bends between tenninations. Termjnations: I l/4" and larger; termjnate rvith in- su'lated bush'ings or raintight connections with insulated throats. All rigid steel conduits shall have doub'le and a bushing. Lengths of fjexible meta'l contain a separate grounding conductor as "Groundi ng ". I ocknuts conduit shall outlined under I I I T I 'l I I I I I l I t I 15230-25 Turn conciuits with neat symmetricaj concentrjc bends. Running threads jn conduit not permitted. Conceaied Raceways: Run jn a direct line; use long sr'reep bends and offset where possible, Conduits sizes shall be in accordance vrith "l,lire Fill Table" listed in liEC for the guantities and sizesof wjre insta'l 1ed therein, including any case where conduii, size is not noted on drawinqs. Where nonmetalljc racelrays are utilized, size the race- way as required to conform wfth the fill requirementsof the "i.lire Fil'l Table" rvith the grounding conductor considered as an insulaied additionai conductor. See "Grounding" section. 2. Instaijation, Above-Grade. Conceal a'l 1 raceways except at surface cabinets, for motor and equipment connect'ions and in mechanical equipment rooms. Install a njnimurn of six inches fron flues, steam pipes or oiher heated Iines. Provjde f1 ashing and counterflashing or pitch pockets for vraterproof i ng of a'l 1 racelvays , out'i ets, f i tti ngs , etc. ,nhich penetrate the roof. Route exposed conduil and surface metal raceyiays paralle1 Ior perpendicri'lar to buiiding lines with neat right angle Iturns. Provide sleeves 'i n fornrs for new concrete walls, floor slabs and partitions for passage or raceways. l,laterproofall sleeved raceways vrhere required. Provide one ernpty 3/4" conduit for each four spare unused poles of each flush mounted branch circuitpanelboard, Terrninate empty 3/4" conduit in a junction box whjch, after construction comp'letion, is accessibleto enable future brarrch cjrcuit extensjon(s). 3. InstaiJation, Below-Gracie. install plastic raceways in a manner to permit thermaj expansion of raceway. Insrall exterior underground conduits 48" (minimum) below finished grade, I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I 15230-26 nI I t I I I I I I t I I I F Conoui t Strpport 1 General . Jo not suspend racevJays or equipment from support methods or equiprnent installed by other trades, such as uiater, other pipinE or ductwork. Provide fndependent and secure support methods, unless specifically noted othervrise herein, or sepcifically approved by engineer. Z. Support lrlethods . Support race!.,ays, 'l umi nai res and equipment from structural elements capab'l e of carrying the tota'l weight. Provide supplementa'l brackets, hangers, channels, ang'l e iron, etc as required to provide support fron such structural elements |/,|'l r'l n cl I . Instal jation. Al 1 rvi ring shal I be routed through an approved racef^iay, regardless of vo'l tage appiication. Puiling in - do not exceed cable manufacturer's tension recommendations. Pull r,rith r'roven-vrire grips, using ball-bearing sr,iivels. Pul 'l rvi th an approved vi re-pui i i ng 'l ubri cant for al l yr j re l{o. 4 and l arger, Proper'iy seal cable ends io pratect prior to termination nrake- up . Do not exceed cacle bending radii recomnended limitations. tJo noL insial'l irire in incomplete conduit runs, and untilafter the concreie work and p'l astering is cornpleted, and after a'l I moi sture i s sr.rabbed f rom condui ts. Insulation resisl:ance to ground shall be not iess than that approved by fiEC. Strip insulation so as to avoid nicking of r.rire, particu- 'l arly aiunrinum, Fj'l i al I voids and irregularities in cable terminators and connectors vrjth electrical putty. Serve al'l cables, tie and rack in final position before rlaking spl ice or termination. AJj connections shall be electrjca'lly and mechan'ica'l1y secure Tape all phase and neutral conductor terminations and splices with four layers of approved electrical tape. Tape shall conform with Fed. Spec. HH-I-595. I I I I 't5230-27 I IInstall instrurnentatjon cables in separate raceways. instal l control cab'l es 'i n separate race!.,rays. 2. Segregaiion of Cables. Do not instal'l feeder cablesin the same raceway or enclosure except where specificalTyindicated. I'laintain separate raceway systems for feeders, branch circuits, etc. originating from separate panel- boards , Btc. 3. Splices and Connections. Eiim'i nate spiices wherever possible; where necessary, splice in readily accessib'le pul'l , junction or outlet box. Spl ices and connections: Connect No. 6 and larger w'i reto panels and apparatus with properly sizeci compression lugs or connectors. Connect No, 8 and smaller wire by twisting tight anC appiy'ing properly insulated pressure or wire nut connectors, except that a'l 'l joints having stranded or smal'l size wire (such as fixture wire) shalj be sojdered and insujated wjth approved tape, 4 layers mi ninum. F. Mechanica'l tquipment Connections, Provide al I wire, conciujt and associated equipment for all 240 and '120 voltporier, control and interlock circuits for a'l 1 r,iechanica] equiprnent, as'i ndicated on drawings. Provide all wire, conduit and associated equipment for ai1 480 volt potrer circujts as indicated on drawings. A'l i misce'l 'laneous equipment r.riil be provided under a separate division; however, prov'ide vliring from same, and make upal'l final e'lectrical connections in accordance with manu^ facturer's recommendations. G. Control Systems l. Installation. Insta'l I controls, telemetry and in- strumentatjon equipment in accordance with rnanufacturer's instructions and as specified herein. Include all required anchoring devices, piping, wiring, electrical connections, and any other appurtenances required for a ccmpleteiy operational system, 2. Coordirration. Ful ly coordinate all control systerns and provide al'l necessary conduit and wire, accessories and appurtentative equ'iprnent as required for a complete operabie system and as required to perform all functions listed herein. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I15230-28 I t I I The Contractor, through the control suppljer, shall be fu11y responsible for overall control system capabilities.. Said contro'l supplier shall be fuliy responsible for all equipmeni described within this section and said supplier shall have adequate engineeri ng and service staff to provide eaergency rnaintenance of al 1 equipnent included anci shall maintain a stock of spare parts for such emergency maintenance 3. Si,art-Up Provision. A factory trainecj service representative shall be provided at no additiona'l expense to the 0vrner for complete instailation, calibration" testing, instruction, operational start-up and coordination of al 'l phases of the power, control and jnstrumentation system. Representative shall instruct the Olvner operat'ing personnel in the proper calibration, testing and main- tenance of the entire contro'l , instrumentation, te'l emetry and poler systems for a period of not less than one (1) week. The services of the same representative sha'l I be availab] e without additional cost to the Ot'{ner for two (2) separate one-day service trips within the first six (6) n'ronths of plant operation on dates requested by the Ovtner. H. Groundi ng I. Appljcable Codes. Ground al1 electrjca] installation pe r' ,iIC I t I I I I t I I t I t T It 2. Scope. Grounci Servi ce Equi pment Condui t Systems Sr.rpports Cabi nets Equi pment the fojlowing; Qaranler'l o<,rr!br ese I vr Fixtures Grounded Circuit Conductor Transformer 3. General . Route ground conductors to provide the snortest and most direct path to the ground electrode systenr. Make ali ground connections wjth c'l ean contact surfaces. Tin ano sv/eat whjle bolting. Install ail ground conductors in conduit. Provide a separate grounding conductor, secure'ly grounded on each side of al'l raceways contajning sections of p'lastic, fiber or f'l exib'l e raceways 15230-29 I Pravide separate grounding circuits and services, Provide a separate ccnductor in each for a1 1 paral le'l feeders. board compartment. Provide a separate conductor for securely grounded on each sjde of conductor on alI feeder indjvicjual raceway I I I I I I I Provide separate green insu:lated ground'i ng conductorfor all receptacles, or prov'i de with se'l f-grounding type mounting strap. Provjde a grounding bushing for ali seconrlary feeder conduits which originate from the secondary section of the majn switchboard. Individually bond these racewaysto the ground bus jn the secondary section. inierconnect the secondary distribution pane'l board neutral bus to t,he ground bus 'i n the secondary panel- each subcontrol panel raceway system. 6.OO I'IEASUREMENT AI'ID BASiS OF PAYI'IENT A. Vault. The booster station vault shal l be paid for as a lump sum and shall include 'l abor, equipment, supp'l ies, materia'l s and relaceii ilenrs required for fabrication and insiallation of a complete booster siation vauit. B. l4echanical Sys-rems. l'he nechanical systems shal I be paid for as a lump sum and shall include a'l i labor, equip- ment, supp'l ies, materia'l s and operations necessary for installat,ion of the rnechanical systems as specifieci herein, C. Electricai Systems. The electrical systems shall be pa'ici for as a j ump sum and sha'l 'l jncl ude a'l I 'labor, equip- ment, supplies, materia] s and operations necessary for in- stal'l atjon of the complete e1eclrical systems as specified herein. I I I I I I I t II 34 JU- JU KKBNA Sc.nowwalker Incorpor€ted Consulting Englneerg L*rd SurYeyors 1OC1 Grard Avenue G eowood S ings Co crado 8i601 303 945 8664 no5erl O Scanow Maflin S. Oldlord Roberl A Wams ey November 8, L979 Mr. Mel Atwe11, County Engineer Eagle County P.O. Box 179Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Lions Ridge Parcel - Genessee Land Company Dear Mr. Atwell: The Eagle County Planning Commission requested we submitthe att.ached design for your specific review and cornment. We are also asking Mr. Kent Rose, Public Works Directorof Vail to conment also. We would like to recei-ve aletter indicating the design is reasonable and could be accomplished with the proposed design criteria. 1. Minimum..road width 16 feet same as BLM standards.' Purpose to redqc,e. scar -.asd. height of ret-aininq.wal-][ . Each foot of '.'. wiairr wo*rt:i-ncr"ri. scar impacL by 2 \ . feet. 2. Grade on the inside edge of 45 foot radius maximum 8.Oo/" (outside edge 5.5"/"r. 3. Maximum grade I0.0"/" on the driveway to minimize cuts and fills. 4. Cut slopes generally have been acceptable 0.5 feet to 1.0 feet because the bed rock di-ps to the north and t.he bed rock isgenerally stable. This information will be confirmed with geologic reports at thepreliminary plat submittal. 5. We have provided three cross-sections: a. Nearest point of two center lines station0+50and3+75.b. Center of switchback I + 50 to 2 + 80. c. rypical section at station 5 + 00 a thirty foot high-stepped retaining wal1 similar to I-70. The maximum length of this wa11 would be fifty feet. Mr. Me1 Atwell -2-November B, L979 The total scar at this section would be B0 feet if a tlvo toone fill slope would be used in the center at the switchback.This slope would allow easier revegetatj.on. The average scar width would be 85 feet with twenty-five percent of the area at slopes of two to one. With refinement of the vertical srades and horizontal roadalignment can also reduce the scir and improve the driveway. The preliminary plan will provide an actual center profile and field cross-sections. We wouLd like to pick up letters from you and Kent Monday, November 12, 1979 so we can submit them to the PlanningDepartment so that the sketch plan could be heard by thePlanning Commission on November 21 | 1979. If you desire additional information, please call me and werllfurnish this to you as soon as we can. Sincerely yours , /) k, \ t /*"e^N'z-H/L'' Lero! E. Tobler, P.E., L.S. Pri4bipaI LETlk1d Enc: cc: Kent Rose Tom Boni Plan View DrivewayProfile Cross-sections /7b. e_.t- AGENDA 8-'14-79 2:00 },lork Session Discussion of comprehensive Plan and Preservation 0rdinance and Expans'ion in CCI 3:00 Regul ar, tvleeting l.) Amendment to Agricultura'l and 0pen Space District 2.J Rezoning of Spec'ial District Properties to Public Use District 3.) Parking Variance Request for Curuents Jewelry 4.) Proposed Zoning for wlatterhorn Area Recently Annexed into the Tom 5.) Enclosure of Cyranno's Front Deck 6.) F.ina] Plat for Parcels B, C, D, And E, Lionsridge 7.1 Executive Session on 0pen Space Priorities S.) Discussion of a Change in Meeting Time \ PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Filing No. 2 t' ii MEMORANDUM T0: P'lanning and Environmental Conrnission FROM: Department of Conmunity Development DATE: August 10, 1979 RE: PUBLIC HEARING AND C0NSIDERATiON 0F AN AMENDMENT T0 SECTI0N '18.32.050 . LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS OF IHE AGRICULTURAL AND OPEN SPACE iA} OISTRICT T0 CHANGE THE MINIIvUM LOT AREA FR0M ONE 0ETACHED D!'IELLING UNIT ON Tt.,O (2) ACRES, TO THE MINIMUM LOT AREA OF TIIIRTY-FIVE {35} ACARES. SECOND, TO AMEND SECTION I8.32.090 DENSITY OF THE AGRICULTURE AND OPEN SPACE (A) DISTRICT TO ALLOW NOT MORE THAN ONE DI.IELLING UNIT FOR EACH THIRTY-FIVE (35) ACRES OF SITE AREA. BACKGROUND: Under the current Agriculture and 0pen Space (A) District a permitted use is single family resjdentia'l dwellings, with a minimum site area of two acres, and 17,500 square feet of buildab'le area per dwe'l1ing un'it. The purpose of the Agriculture and 0pen Space (A) District in the Zoning Ordinance states: "The agricultura'l and open space district is intended to preserve agricultural' undeveloped, or open space 'lands from intensive development whi'le permitting agricultural pursuits and low density residential use consistent with agri- cultura'l and open space objectives. Parks, schools, and certajn types of private recreation faci'l ities and institutions also are suitable uses in the agricultural and open space district, provided that the sites of these uses remain predominateiy opbn. Site deve'lopment standards are intended to preclude intensive urban developrient and to maintain the agricultural an,; open space characteristics of the district." Considering that the purpose of this zon'ing district is to retain the agriculture and open space characteristics the two acre lot per dwelling unit is not an- appropriate restriction. Thb Conrnunity Development Department is recommending that an amendment should be approved that wou'ld restrict one dwel'ling unit for each 35 acres of property. Several communities and counties in Colorado consider that one unit for each two acres of'l and is urban development. Urban facilities and services are required to serve this density of development. The one dwe'l1ing unit per 35 acres of1and is definitely more in character with the purpose of the agriculture and open space (A) District. This zoning change precludes intensive urban deve'l opment and maintains the agricultural and open space characteristics of the district. RECOMMENDATION: The Cormunity Developnent Department recormends the Agriculture and Open Space (A) Distrtct tofor each 35 acres of 'land. approval of the change in permit one dwelling unit MEI"IORANDUM Environmental Commission Cormunity Development t.) Tract C, Vail Village 7th Fi'ling from Two Family Residential (R) to Public tlse_pistrict (PUD). 2.) Lot 15, Bighorn Subdivision fron Two Family Resjdential (R) to Publ icTse District (pUD). Part of Lot H, Vail Village 2nd Filing (Fire Station) from Public Accormod{-fi6n*fml*fo Public Use District (PUD). Tract A and C and Lot 31.. Vail Villaqe Znd Filinq from Heavy Service (HS) to pubtic.TiE.risffi(puo). An Unplatted par:cel 'il-Lipnsr:idge (just.north of the Sandstone Park Project) from Africultural and Open Space (A) to Public TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Department of 8-10-79 PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDEMTION gF THE FOLLO}IING REZONINGS |I|IT}IIN THE TOI,JN OF VAIL: 3.) 4.) 5:) Use District (PUD) 6.) Two Unp'latted parcels in Bighorn Treatment Plant are located frcm(A) to Public Use District (PUD). where the Water Tank and Agricul tural and 0pen Space BACKGROUND Tovrn Council reguested the Community Developnrent Department to rezone toa Public Use District (PUD) property that is cumently owned by the SpecialDistricts and the Town. The above properties have bebn identified as re-quiring this zoning change. RECOMMENDATION The Corimunity Development Department recormends rezoning of the aboveproperty to a Public Use District (PUD) Zoning District. TO: FROM: OATE: (. -, MEMOMNDUM Planning and Environnenta'l Commission Department of Comnunity Developrnent August '10, .|979 RE:REQUTST FR0l'l JEFF SELBY FOR A PARKING AND L0ADING VARIANCE 0N CURRENTS JEWELRY STORE IN LIONSHEAD C TITER BUILDING ON TRACT D VAIL LIONSHEAD FILINING I. C DESCRIPTIOhI OF VARIANCE REOUESTED The request is for a variance a1low'ing one parking space as requiredfor construction of an additiona'l 170 square feet of f'loor space. The store front will be extended to make it flush with the store front of the Vail Cookie Company (Currents next door neighbor). CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Municipal Coden the Department of Conrmunity Development recommends Approval of the requested Variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential The proposed expansion wjl'l a'l'ign the storefront of Currents Jewelry with the existing storefronts in'LionsHead Center. The LionsHead Plan from the Improve Vail Workshops recormends that storefronts along the .nnll be extended to improve the atmosphere of intimacy, interest of the arean and the vjsibility of the businesses. The proposed Currents storefront wil'l not b1 ock any views of businesses in the area. The deqree to which relief from the strict or literal interoretation and ty and uniformity of treatment amonq sites in the vicinitv. or to attain the As presently located, Currents Jewe'l ers is hidden from view from many locations on the nnll. By al'lowing the storefront to be flush with the existing facades, this problem may be solved. Future expansions of this nature may occur for this and other businesses in accordance with the LionsHead Mall Plan. it. ,' PEC I'hmo Currents Jewelers Page Tuo The effect of the uested variance on liqht and air, distributionation. trans rtation and traffic facilities. public facutil ities. an sha'll make the following C Since the storefront will not extend beyond the existing building facade,it should not adversely affect the currlnt conditions ii the ma'lT. The addition of 170 square feet to the existing 190 square feet will Iequllg an additional parking space. Since on-sjte parking is notfeasib'le, a space will need to be purchased for $S00b. Such_other f4ctors and criteria as the commission deems applicab'le to theproposed varralce. There are none. FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Cormission flndings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of speclalprivilege inconsistent with the Iimitations on other properties classifiedin the sarne district. That the granting of the variance wi'l'l not be detrimental to the pub'lic health, safety, or we'lfare, or materia'l 1y injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the varjance is warranted for the fo1 lowing reason: There are no exceptions or extraordinary circimstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propert'ies in the same zone. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Department of Community Development recommends approval of ihis variance of the parking ordinance. l,le feel that the project will have a positive impact on this area of the Tovm. The applicant.has been informed that if this application is approved, that there will have to be a paynent made into the Parking Fund of $5000. ti \; MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Connnission FROM: Departrent of Connunity Development DATE: August I0, 1979 RE: PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF TI{E INITIAL ZONING OF APPROXIMTELY 8.23'I ACRES OF LAND IN AN AREA KNO!.N COI'II'{ONLY AS THE T4ATTERHORN AREA. THIS ZONING WILL BE CHANGED TO TbIO FAMILY PRIMARY SECONDARY RISIDENTIAL FOR THE RECENTLY ANNEXED PROPERTY. STATISTICS Area: Approximately 8.231 acres. Proposed Zoning: Two Farnily Primary Secondary Residential Current Zoning: County RSM BACKGROUND Twe'lve pet'itioners requested annexation of land that is contained wjthin the }htterhorn Subdivision. Town Councjl approved this annexation in ,Iu'ly and now the property is before the Planning Conrnission for initial zoning. The area to be annexed contains approxirmtely 8.23'l acres of land and 24 lots. Existing land use is noted below: Vacant Sing'le-Family Dupl ex Multi-Family (g to 7 units) 2 l5 4 3m r- '\ The Conmunity Developnnnt Departnrent is recommending Two Family/Secondary Residentia'l Zon'ing for this area. This initial zoning would be consistent with cument County Zoning of wtrich requires 8,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. For lots less than 15,000 square feet that are in this area Town Counciljust approved on first reading the ability to have a second dwelling unit with specific restrictions. Be'l ow are the restrictions that would be placed on'l ots of less than 15,000 square feet that are vacant or currently have only one home on the lot. "That the applicant shall agree in writing to: (a) That the Secondary dwelling unit sha1l not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the prirnry unit. (b) That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be leased or. rented for any period of less than 30 consecutive daysi and that it shal'l be rented on'ly to tenants who are residents of the Upper Eagle Valley or who are full-time f'IEM0MNDUM I T0: Planning and Environnrental Conmission FR0M: Department of Cormunity Development DATE: August 10, 1979 RE; .PUBLIC HEARING AND C0NSrDEMTr0N 0F A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CYRANNO'S RESTAURANT TO ENCLOSE THE FRONT DECK AREA LOCATED IN THE GONDOLA SKI SHOP BUiLDING ON.OT C, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING. DESCRIPTiON OF REQUEST The request to enclose the front deck at Cyranno's Restaurant is aproposal that has been rnodjfied by the app'l.icant. The originalproposal was to enc'lose both the front and rear deck at the restaurant. Enc)osing the front deck would add approximately 425 square feet to Cyranno's-restaurant. Part of the deck is ovefTown of Vail right-of-vay. The proposal wou'l d not have any of the area proposed to be enc'l osed over this area. BACKGROUND: The Town Council at their meeting on August 8, 1979, voted to send the amended proposal back to the Planning and Environmental Commission August 'l 4, 1979 meeting for review and approval or denia'|. At the Council meeting there stas a great deal of discussion concerning the request. Some Council members were in favor of the modified request and some were opposed to the request. The fina'l action by Council was tc have the Commission deal with the request. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I District', }{e do not believe that vehicular traffic in CCI will be affected by thfs appl ication. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Comme al Core I District; non-es sen -street cl es: The addition of restaurant space could cause a slight increase in the number of de'l iveries. E. Development of pub] ic spaces for use by pedestrians; This proposa'l does not remove any public space used by pedestrians, due to its being located on a second level. F. Continuance of the various cormercial , residentia'l , and public a (" l,le do not feel that this the types of uses (since application wi'll have a negative impact there are not uses being changed) or on on the .;,. PEC Memo - Cyranno'sr' ' .Page Two general public's uses of this space. }'le understand that the Greenhousewill have windows that can be removed in the sumrnrtime, so that the basically outdoor eating experience can still be.maintained. . _ Control of construction architectura'l desi and landsc so as to maintain e existing c racter It Architecturally, we feel that the plans as submitted will enhance the appearance of the building. The front porch will become a ful 1 season rather than just summertime usen which will add some co'lor and activity to this end of the Vi'llage Core. H. =Effects of noige, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on envi.ronnpnt lrle do not foresee any negative effects that this expansion will have on these factors. RECOMMENDATION: The Conrnunity Development Department can see two options on this proposa'l . l.) Not approve the expansion of this request since there js a the charactoer of the area. By enclosing the porch there is a change from the open front deck. As the Planning and Environmental Corrnission is wel 'l aware that the Staff is unrking on amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, developing a preservation zone and a urban design plan for Vail Vil1age. Until the criteria are defined as to what decks, patios or other spaces should be enclosed and which ones should not be enclosed it is difficult to determine how to treat the front porch on Cyranno's. ?., To approve the enc'losure of the front ponch with the following conditfons: a.) That the applicant construct the enclosure so that the windows are removed on the sjdes during the sumrer. This would provide the same sunmer space and appearance that is there today. b.) That the awning along the front and side remain to retain the color, and movement when the wind comes up and the awning flutters. c.) That the applicant pay for the required parking for this proposa'|. Paynent of $5,000 per parking space must be nnde to the Parking Fund before a building perm'it is issued. change 'in definite {uilN I1dAM(ER: DPAHIMENT RICIilND DIG( RYAI{' mfi\ruNlTf DEVX[Opti'lEliIt \.-...; TC: TCIIllN ffill{Cfi-, S|RIECI: Annexation and Pre'liminary Zoning Filinq No. 2. DPAR'TN,IEM RMdMENDATION: See follow,ing pages. of Parcels B,C,D, and E' Lionsridge just hlest of Existing the 77.7 acres, 30.8 are$IATISf,ICS: This is.a 77.7 acre Parcel in Eagle County' Town Boundarv on the North side of Interstate 70. 0f' developab'le iwith slopes of under 40%). ' The Preliminary zoning is for 'l67 units, or approximate'ly 5.5 units per buiidab'le acre. fiiis in compJriron *tif,-|0+-uniis, 'rrtrictr ts wirit would be permitted under County Zoning. The proposal is for a combinatjon of stnaight duplex, lirflex primary/secondary and muiti-iamify Condominium Units. there are"a todl of 31'straight-dup]ex lPlt' 9 duplex piimary/sec-onAa"y-t'tiil'anl-q conaominium-pircels uith 5 units, i2 units, 28 units' and 42 units respectivelY. The preliminary zoning is to have a Sp_ecia1 Development District for the entire 77'7 iiiu'pi"""t ioi. tf,e piirnry purpose of having more'control on the location of buildings on the site. RffiJlEST: The request is for a the zoning as part of PIANNING & EN\ITMNMENTTAL COMMISSICN ACIIIO{ : The Planning and Environmenta'l Commission recomrended at their April.?11 1?19 meet'ing tha[ the Zon'ing as presented was acceptable. .]n.a second moti0n' tne Ftanniig Commission uried the Tou*r Counci1 to"look into the purchase of Parcel E (which is the Parcel aiong the top ridge). general discussion of the zoning uiththe intent of contracting the annexation.('' Plemo on Annexation of Parcels B,C,D, 6-5-79 Fage Two and E. Lionsridge Filing No. 2 ti BACKGROUND At the Twon Council nreeting where this proposed annexatjon was presented there v/as a general agreement with the zoning. l.) For Parcel B containjng 3.79 acres with 28 units proposed the zoning wouid be medium density with a Special Development District. 2.) Parcel C contains 1.l.03 Acres with 53 units proposed. For the mu1ti-family area the zoning would be the same as in Parcel B. For the duplexlots, Ttro Family Primary/Secondary Zoning is recommended. 3.) Parcel D contains .|6.53 acres of 'land with 68 zoning for the multi family units is the same Primary/Secondary for the duplex lots. 4.) 0n parcel E is proposed nine duplex'lots or a possible The zoning requested is Two Family Primary Secondary, Development Department is still recoinnending that this units proposed. Recornmended as Parcel B with Twb Family tota'l of I B un its. The Conrnunity ridge line not 1'l\.i be developed. This area is highly visible from Interstate 70 and the Department considersthat ridge Iines withjn Gore Val1ey should renain in their natura'l state.In addition, once development did take place along the ridge, Town of VaiI emergency vehic'les wi'l 1 be requested to travel on county roads to get to the Town of Va'i1. The compactness and 1og'ical provisions of service in the Community would be disrrpted. Reading through the Environmenta'l Impact Report, and discussing the development of Parcel E with the Chief of PoIice, there could be short term problems with providing efficient and economical service to this area. Response tjme is not good and further extending po1 ice service in this area may impact the ability to serve another area qu'ickly in an emergency Because of the visual impact on the conmunity and the difficulty to develop this area the Department recommends no units for this area. Services and Facilities The environmental 'impact statement presents that almost alI services can be provided in an effjcient manor for this area. For thjs part of West Vail a neighborhood park is needed. Again police service can be provided in anefficient manor along the Frontage Road and Lions Ridge Loop. Parcel E discussion of potential problems is noted above in thi memorandum. OEPARTMEITT RECOMMENDAT I CII The Community Developnnnt Department recomlended approval of the annexationfor the entire 77 acres of land. There js a cormunity of interest betweenthe Town of vail and this property. The area js l/6 contiguous to the Townof Vail and the area witl be urbanized in the near future. {: I l4emo on Annexation of Parce'ls B,C,D, and E, Lionsridge Filing No. Z5-5-79 Page Tbree The zoning of Two Family Prinnry Secondaryis reconrnended for all duplex lots except Parce'l E. For that area the reconrnended zoning 'is Agreculture and Open Space. Parcel E Should not be developed into nine duplex lots. The ridge ljnes in the Gore Valley should remain in a natural and open state to further enhance the beauty of Vail. For the higher density areas, medium density zoningdistrjct is recorrnended. Through this zoning Town the site plan for these areas. This should insure areas. with a special development Counci'l wi'll be approvingquality deveioprent. for these If Town Council approves the dwelling units in Parcel E, the Staff recommends that this street remain a private street. It would be difficult for the Town to plow or repair a street that is not near other Town of Vail streets.' The Police and Public hlorks Department recommend that the intersection of L'ionsridge Loop and Buffer Creek Road be redesigned at the time of subdivisionto reduce the potential for accidents at thjs dangerous intersections. The Department also recommends that this property be annexed to Vail Fire Protection District and Vaf'l Metropolitan Recreation District. In addition, that the geologic problems be resolved before any construction on Parcels C and D. l1\; lr l, GI o^r€F-rDGe E^JTATIue €Up'rvrrf 6{rFF Frurrue N". 2 Pc-esenrrar-,o-{. Eor,e^, Ss.rgollt-e- Ts^^ru Cor.t^rc{,- fYlel-rrrrN6 4sr.rlxJ6 Carrcac-f T)oatapnreNr Puou. g{ Co,*r-,rssrant -T-enr* Gu,.r.r" p1-p.ru,ruo [5'r.,.,rn,esr6*J [eua.rrrro o,r.t Ten^r- Cav*o, peeurnruarey Ooru,ne pale.r-oprno*rr P,-at frL Pgl,EAJ fi) Peeseu-rnrrotr or' Anrnrex$frc*l Pgftt,o^, f0 CJ8*- ld e.ao,rua or Oeo,nraruce R:e, Lrrru@rrrT,c*.] Te"^,r"r Ccuntac t/Y\grrnto /9 8ggr1wtN6 o- Og5llrvrrrc5' Fos NrurrroraT.o^l Rar,E,* or P€rr-rrnrryp.a4 4|ITjN€] Punr*rx tuc { Euurraa-^r1'rE\t'rbL Pe,,r* .rp Pc.er-,"rop..f Ourunre Dgrel"ae-€Nr{ --D l,z r r: vJ €I lleoo.,"lc o^r Frd\u Pln( FrNcu f,-nr. > PIANNING A$ID M{VISOM4MUSIJ CrcI"fiISSICI\' A@NM' ?-24-79 1.) Discussion with Fritz Glade sr Zoring and use of $<e11y oil_ site. '<-\ (Ccntinr:aticn frrom 7-L0-79 neeting. )/)( z-yweLininarlr plat for parcel-s Erc,D, arxl E, Lionsridge FiJ-irrg rilo, 2 3.) Final- Plat for parcel A Bighorn sr:bdivisicn ard parrel A Bighqn lstAdditicn. 4.) Prcposed Zoring ard Freliminary plat A$)rc\ral fon Vail- Val_lq, 4th Tilitrs, a 28 acre parcer al-ongl tle cor-tcourse presentty b"irtsAnrexed. $g g; r$gr[fl$g fr $ $ggfig rfi rg *u lr uff l$ *--r l$ $ $p g$ f,F gf$*rs$;* trt$fls 19 flg ' r*F nEnfe$;rlg,fi$sfiEEeFFggn si**ugggflfi$F[[fi[$eE $ffirflrr**gE;rgFF'F g nn'$ufi rgfi ir ggr E[g$ ffig Tg [$F,fr E rfig,$ I g [[g f,rs rr'[g rggg ffi$ FF rE$ f,fl siF g Egr rg *i g; Frigig gfi gg l$ i$ FH #F gfiffFgj,frunff$,e $rHfi$frgf,$:ri$-r$'gfisrF#$fl fic[$fi$F$Fso i ||! lid IH tF. t!, F IF lrr Itt' lHIrn tH-tit lo lu, Ito F IU t' IP 16, IrdIIH t*lri tb, 18 ln tH. 16 l6 lNt u) L FH$# IFII g $ F# Eft gfrg 'Flr$F FEa HE$fr lflBH $$fiflHnfr lr 'p ssngs H s Ffrg *fl$[ lF i $!F $fl$tr1#Fg;$ sfiaf ll. I r$r FEFI lF F Erq$rR t[ ; fr*q F[fiHIEEE'frr lF f, [EE'$ilFl[ iN I fl$$FFf g fH [g,€ e1" tE: I t rinFFs fli$;Er FflHHiFFdlfi3F FlpF rg#frt fEnFH flFf*E r$ 8" l:,t Po t$HHfiFfsBE$r$fi $fiffifi$ a Fr$*s + flilff$-[n;rlFE F '[F[$ F r$$ d FB$F q H$* FFFflH$ftE sl[[ $ ;il$ s*rft $ F's I [inutes Plannfu g & Ehvironrrental Conmission l,leeting of April 24, IWg Not yet approved. by the planajlg Ccnrnlssion CqmdssiQg Menbers kesent Ed Drager Saldy Mi11s Ron Todd Jim l4crgan Jact Cc&rf Boger Tilkeneier was out-of_tcnml Gerry lfhite \{as on vacation Staff lfenbers present Jim Rubin (entjre rneeting) Dick Ryan (4:20 until ccrryletion) 1. ) E!Ui$\{r RgsidetcerSetback Veriance Re.quest Jfun Rdbin erplained the setbacks. There was a dissrssion.Tfie revis'ed- and redesigned plans were presented by the arrhitect.walter Ki-rch vffro cxpns the property cn the north side of the creek. stated his two objections: a. the driveri'ay wi.I1 destroy a nice stand of treeson the southeast eorrler of the lot. b. :The house is too bu1ky to be locatecl so close tothe strream with Bb feet elerrations. Iie thinksthe house could better fit the lot. sandy Mi1ls suggested he redesign and cone back. srrre feels thererea11y isnrt a hard.ship as the wrrer lanew the lot vfren he bought 11. 4T Rubin explained that this is not an ordirrarry lot, uiththe buildable area w:ithiin the setbacks being insuffilient for areasonably sized duplex. sandy Mills nade a nrotlcn to deny the setback varianee Request forthe Ifillis Aki-n residence popos-ed for Lot g, Bighorn nstates. JackGoehl secondecl the nntion. 6oeh1, Todd, and Mil1s voted for the..rnotion' Morgan and Drager voted. against the nption. The rntionpassed. Ed Drager infornred the architect tbat he rras 10 days to appeal tothe Couneil-. sandy l{il1s sugested that the a:-chitect nreet with staff to \rori( ona front setback as an altemative to ttre stream setback. '4dlrr Minutes (4-24-79) PaSe Tho 2.> $tan lvhdsker ttesidefice--Setback Variance Request Jfun Rubix er<plained the lrcatlon of the horse, the history of the l-ot, and also that the neiglrbors had been notified w-ith no one cbjecting.Ibtz is the nearest neighbor. Jirn said he feels that the questionis,."Is there a real hardstrip?" Itrs. trbdsker presented her nrenn and p1ans. Ed Drager said that if the Tom pond were not on their lot, the Iiledslrers could have had urore of a ehoice wtrere to place their house. Sandy Mil1s aslred if the encroacbrent of the pond will be a hardship fonever. Ron Todd rea.d a sbatqrent fron the Town Attorneyrs Merno. Jim Morgan npved that the Setback Variance Request for the Stan Medslrer Besidenee for Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th be apprcved. Ron ltodd seconded tbe rmtim. Todd, Goehl, Drager and llorgan voted for thernotion. Mi11s voted agains[ the motion. Ttre nroticn pa.ssed. Ed Drager told ilIrs. Itded-sker she can nnke her presentation to the DAtsafter the 10 day appeal period. l,ove for Resubdivision of Parcel A. Bi vision and tion Pos@ned until May 22, 1:979 4.) Creekside Buildi-ng Bequest for Conditional Use Permit in CCI Withdrawn 6.) The Ccrrnission rnet at the Closk Torrcr at 2:30, t{r. Drager said he felt that they should reet with Mr, Ryan as he feels before they nratce decj-sic*:s on an5,-thing like the Clock Tcry,rer Poreh, they need to deeide on a lllaster Plan for the OCI [fa1l Area. Jim Morgan sald he, too, feels a Ma11 Plan is necessary. Sandy Mi11s said tlre Bridge Street side of the plan j.s good, but srcnnrrerpval uould definitely be a prrcblan, Jack Goehl said he feels an overaLl plan is needed. Ron Todd did not attend the 2:30 meeting. No rnotion rva^s mde. . Mirutes (4-24-79) Page Three 7.) Andy Norris-Preliminary of l{ansfield Village An{y Norr*is said he natuly vnnted to fu1ly acqlrajxt the staff and csrmission with the nain points of their project. IIe explained the Learnjng Center part of their project. a. There will be a Continuing Education Center mainly to acconrrpdate CIIC. b. Ttrere will be a 25G-300 seat auditorium for fil$s, lecturers, etc. c. There will be a library. (Perhaps the Tlo\fin Library) d. There rrill also be offices for scholars, e:c. It would be 281000-32,000 sqr:are feet. It wqrld be ncrn-profit owned. C5fl ccu.ld have a lease-purchase aranggnent. Library could be omted by a forndation. 95% of the Parking wculd be covered. Ttrere qnu1d be a 150 rocrn hotel, 34 Condonriniums (owner oceupied) and 34 rental units- It wqrld be a loqrise village. There would be l0r00o to 12,000 square feet of csnrercial strra.ce nrrinly for the use of the or,mers and users. It wcnrld not be guest oriented. There rvould be four indoor Ternis Courts, two racquet ball courtsr tu;o squash corrts and an indoor-outdoor sivinrning poo1. the tennis courts and pool wculd be scheduled for use by the public. Also there would be about 1000 private nrcnilers. There would be an eating faeility and locker roonls. Ttris is a 16.8 acre parcel in Special Develogrent District Four. They have purchased tlre Robbjns Tra.ct, There is another tract appro(inately' 1.4 acres \rfrich they are tryjng to buy. Tt is in the way of the bike path so he vould like the Town to think about ccndening this traet if -: nec€ssa]y. He world lil<e to rake his fornal presentation on lllay 22. He would like everyone to see the report done by A11en Gerstenberger. Jln Rubin vri11 rnke copies for Ccrrnission rnenlcers. TT Minutes (4-24-Tg) Page tr'o-rr 8.) Jay Peterson and Ron Todd nade the presentation. It is a 77.7 aere pa,rcel which is currently in the County. Jay wcmld like to contract the zonilg srith the Tcun of Vail now for possible annoration ilto the Torn. It ls 167 units. Ile wcx.rLd li-ke the PW to nake a prelimirrary recmrnendation to the Tcrnr Councll to consider ttris for anneB<ation. Ihe Staff feels the site plan can work but that tbe upper arrea might not be develotrmb1e. They wpufd need proof that it can be developed. Hopefully, if this is anner<ed, the Town c,ou1d buy the upper part for open space, Ttre staff does agree with the rwised site plan elrcept in the l4lper area. Jay wcnrld like to go to Council on l,4ay 1 to begin atlnexation. ltrere is approrinately 30 acres developable. Ed Drager nnde a nrtiqr that the Cornnissicn urge the Council to axnet( and contract zming for Parcels B, C, D, and Er Licnsridge Fililg No.Z as presstted today. Jim lr{organ seconded the nction. The vote was . unanjrrpus with Fon Todd abstaini-ng. Ed Drager nn.de a motiott that the pEC urge the Torvn Ccxrncil to acquire T?act E, Lionsridge Filing No. ? bopefully by trrurchasilg it at eosf (lvhat the nsp cruler pald for it) and nraking the purehase part of the Alnexation proeedure. Jim Morgan seconded the sption, TIre vote was unaninpus w:ith Ron Todd abstaining. 5.) Lionsridge C1-C5 Approval for Developnrental P1an. Jay Peterson and Allen Gerstenberger rnde the presentaticrr. Phase I r,mu1d bc a recreational building and 102 unjts. Revised plans were orplafued. There vas a discussion. Dick Ryan read the points from the $taff l,leno and Jay rnade his ccnrnen Ls . 1.) Deparhnent approval of the location and desigrr of coutainers. Jay aptreed to thi.s. 2.) Corstruction of an internal sideualk and an off-set sidewalk al-ong Frontage Ro.ad. Jay did not aggee with this. 3.) Construction of a bus pul1-off area and shelter. Appl-icant shorld work with Jon El:er1e concerning lrcation and speci- fication. Jay agreed to this. Dlscussion of Anne:<ation of Parcels B 'ffiL - 'l4inutes (4-24-75) Page Five 4.) Speciaf lbeatupnt of the concrete retaining walls. Jay agreed to this. 5.) Construction of proteetive wall along LionsridgB . Loop. Jay did not agree to this. 6.) Change jn location of stmctures as recotrnencted jn rtsrprandun. Jay agreed to this, 7.) Addilg wjndows to the lVest Blank wa1l of the three story structures w:ith vievs to the west. Jay agreedto this. 8.) 'Increasi-ng the distance between buildings to allclp rrcre natural light into the corrrtyard sr the ttueestory structure. Jay agreed to this. 9.) Redesign landscape plan to include additional landseaping to the street surfa.ce. Jay a4feedto this. l-O.) Schedule of when the recreational anenity package will be constructed. Jay agreed to this. Dick Syan added an eleventh item. 11.) Redesign the grades on the drivwiays enterilg intothe project so that tbey do not exc,eed 81. Jay agreedto this. Sandy lvlills made a npticn to approve the preliminary site plan for Licnsridge C1-C5 conditional on the before--rnentioned itens 1-11 r/iththe e<eeption of #2 and #5. Jack Goehl seconded the uption. The vote wa^s unan!rcus. The nreeting afiourred. at 6:00 P.M. LrpPtrft E,AQLE, \"\LLIE). SANIITAT"ION DIST"R.nCT" 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box Y Avon, Colorado 8162O (303) 949-527 + JuIy 16, 1979 Mr. James A. Rubin Director of Planning Town of Vail P.O. Bo:< 100 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: Sewaqe Treatment Service to Lion's Ridge FiJ-ing l{o.2, Parcels Br Cr D & E; 165 Unit Dear Jim: The Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District can and will provide wasLewater treatment services to the above referenced property. The developer is aware that contact must be made with the DistricLrs Eng'ineer. Jeff Spanel of Richarcls Engineers, to arrange for the construction of sewer mains necessary to service the property. The sanitation district presently has excess capacity to serve its constituents and expects to continue to have excess capacity for a number of years as a result of the sewer plant expansion, presently under con- struction. Accordingly, upon compliance with the rules and regulations of the Upper Eagle Vatley Sanitation District, wastewater treat- ment services will be provided. If you have any questions' please 1et us know- cerely James P. Collins District l4anager JPC:cy cc: Mr. Ron ToddJeff Spanel' P.E. John V. Amato, Esq. LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT c/o James P. Collins 445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Denver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-15s1 July J-6 , L979 Mr. James A. Rubin Director of Planning Town of VaiI P.O. Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Lion's Ridge Filing Number 2i Parcels B, C, D & E; 165 Units Dear Jim: The L,ionrs Ridge Water District anticipates being able to provide water service to the above referenced properly. The Lionrs Ridge water District anticipates keeping up with the rapid growth now occurring within its boundaries.In order to assure the coordination of our capital improve- ments projecLs wilh expected growth, we are asking for a build-out schedule from the architect via copy of this letter. The Llonrs Ridge Water District presently has excess Capacity to provide service to its constituents. This ability to serve is, perhaps, most limited by finished water storage and eventually by raw water storage up Red Sandstone Creek. In pursuit of constructing additional finished water storage, it is the Districtrs desire to obtain a site on Jeff Selbyrs property in the uppermost reaches of the District andprovide gravity storage for both Lionrs Ridge Water and a majority of Vail Village West V0ater and Sanitation DisLrict. We will be working with Mr. Selby and the Town in obtaining an appropriate storage site. The developer is aware that main line extensions and over- all- water service supply .to the property must be reviewed and approved by the Engineer for the District (Roger Hocking of Eldorado Engineering in Glenwood Springs) and fully constructed at his expense prior to alLowing a service line connection. otherwise, upon compliance with the rules and regulations of the District, water serviee will be provided. Mr. James A. Rubin If you have anyto conLact us. Page 2 July 16, L979 further questions, please feel free Since 1 rr.J , ames P.CollinsDistrictillanager JPC: cy cc: 1,1r. Ron Todo Roger Hocking, P.E. Edmund II. Drager, Jr., Esq. t.,-J STANNING AITD EC{IIIRCNME}OTAI, C1)}'II{ISSIChI AtrNDA 7-24-79 Rrblic Ileaxjng at 3:00 P.M. 1.) Discussisr with ffitz Glade, Arctritect cn ?,oning and Use of Skelty Oil Site 2.1 Preliminary Plat for Parcels B'c'D, and E' T,icnsridge Filing No.Z 3.1 Prcposed zonirgi and Eelimirra4r Plat Appr:oval for vait valtry 4th FilLng, a 28 acre Parcel along ttre Golf Corrse preserrtly being J\nrp<ed. 4.t Update cn "Ijrtr>rove Vail"'ldorkshop and Discrrssion of Other Ccmrrunitfr DeveJ-opnent P:ojecEs 5. I Appointxrslt of a new rotatSrrg rrEfrber to tle DesigEl Revie$t Board. G' 1I): ErFOtlt; BIE: RE: I.,IT$DRANDTIVI Planning and Brvironnental Cormissiqr Departsrent of Cornunityr Devefc,pfient 7-20-79 Resutiltittal cr Ske11y Oil Site Rezcnilg Reguest Backgourd: Tttis item roas heard by the PEtr at ttreir neeting wr July 10, 1929. At thi-s IlEeting, it wae tJre giereral oonsensus of tlre Board tiat no nelv ccrldcrniniunurits be permitted qr the site, w'ith an office building or ev€n a gas station being the recqrnsded use. Oe July L7, L979, this matter vras d:iscussed wi$r the Tq.nr ColrrrciL at their r,ork session. TIE Coucil's first preference rtas to pwchase ttre site and use it as a park. iltre Corncilts secord preference was a rnixed use crcncept w'ittr less dsrsity than tlre previous sr:tmittaf and witlr a gnrk tiJ<e feel toit. Site Plan A ns4' site plan has been suh'ni.tt€d. llhis site plan still has eight units but has an or,erall RFA of 10,200 square feet rattrer than 13,600 squarefeet. Tlre revised plan afso shcws a reducLion in ttre footprint of ttreoffice bJildilq. The net result is ttrat a nrrch greatet percerrtage of thesite reurajns raecorrered hry buildings arul cpen as landscatrnd areas. Ilr looking at the Specific lediun Density l,nrlti-fanily (l,trMF) zone district requirenents' the landscaped area reguired is 308 w:i-th tlre proposed site plan haviag a landsca@ area o,f 5lB. Site corier:age jn MHqF is nst to exceed. 45*rwith the proposal tnrring a coverErge of 24?. ktnnendatiqrs: llts revised site plan has a ructr redr:ced inpa.ct on tlre si.te. It still has eight condouiniun rmits, but ttre developer tras erqressed a wilUagness torestrict the ue of sore or all of the wr-its as enplcryee tnusing. Iaile feelthat the Prc should first decide whetter or not ttey feel ttris site should be used as a park. If tlrat is decided not to be an alryxopriate use, r,,re stillfeel that a mixed use @ncept is apgropriate ana trl,at restrictions of the use of the eight wdts as residsrt housirrg r,ould be hiqtrfy desirable. I . t lr€I'mRANDIn'l lK): Planrringard nrvi.norurental Ccnrnissisr FROM: Deparbrsft of Oonm.nity Develcgrstt DAIIE: .Iu.ly 19, 1979 8E: prefiminarff Plat for Parcels B'C,D, and E, Liorrsridge FiUng fr{o. 2 {tre prefmina4r plat is for a resdbdivision of the above ::efererrced pa.rcels aocora:ng to the guideJ-ines establistred by the Planning Conmissicn and Tcnrt Council in tfre atrprcnral of tJre Arrner<atlcn and Zon5ng of tlrese pa:rels. I-etters harie been r:eceived frcm ttre vlater and Se\der Districts stating that tJleywillservicet}eprcperEl'wit}rspecificplansforttrolni:ng.A].etter Us afso been receirrcd-frcrn rcfy Crasi statJng ttrat tf:ey will serse ttle_ pspperqt/ but r,sould tike utitity easenerrts fs ttreir ecisting lrviergroud ljnes. f\ent Rg€e has revieted tl:le alplication and has sore suggested revisions cn tlre locatiqr of tr,rro of tlre side -:pads. Tfese will be discussed in ncre detai-l at the neetJrg. Eeccnnendations: AFproVa].ofthereliminarl'Platw"ittrthesuggest€dadditiorrsofautilitl' ea;€$ent fc' Holy Cross ard ttre ctrange jrr leation of tr,'rc of the side roads' lltris approraf si;uH be nade \^rit$ tlre crcnnrittnerrt for tle dedication of land as stated in tlre Anne<ation Ondinance. / -[ '-- -\I l ! . , MEI|f,RAI{DII,I I0: ?lanning ard lfirircrurental Cffrmissicn EBStl: Deparbrcnt of @ururiQr fvelopnent BIIE: July 19, 1979 RE: Froposed zoning ard Pretiminary Plat approrial fq \IaiI Vallqr l\uuth filiJg, a 28 acre parcel along the Golfcourse presently being aru:er<ed. Icatical: The lecatiwr of the 28 acre parceJ- is directly EasL of Vail Vallqf ftird filing {alcng tte GoJ-fcourse). Request: WE reqrcst is to separate out qre l-?'200 square foot lot r.,*rich is to be a€d f\rlo Farnily Prinery/Seccndarl' nesidsrtial, l*trlle placjng the rsrainder ctr the site into a Public Use District (PuD) zone. fhe errti-re 28 acre parcel is trresently c'bired bDt thre To\m of VaiL. Tt'te creatisr of tte cne 1ot.i.s to ccrplete an ag!.esrEnt rade with Walsen arrd Jqr Pulis at the tine vuhen Vail Va.lley thi-nt Filing was platted. At tiat tire, the Pulis's aqn-reed to rem\/e tr,uo lots by the Pqld with , t}re wderstanding with the Courcil that t}rs/ raould be given anotlrer lob of a similar size and loatiorr by tjte Tor'cr at scne firhrre date. te nel+ lot to be c]eated is adjacent to lot 16 of Vail Va11qf Thi-rd FiJiag ard"i.s of a similar size aru:l use to t}re lots jn this Fi-l-ing. tp plat has beer re\devrcd b!, Kent Rose and. rcets with thjs approval. Ms:daticrr: A[prcval of tlre Prcposed zurirg anal Helimi-narf'Plaf subjects to Fina-l 44lrova1 of t}le annexatjon t'y tfE tbr|rr Courail. (1he Annexaticrt OdirErc lms passed cn Fixst Reading on firly L7, L979L tnwn MEIVIORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE:SUBDIVISION PLATS FOR LIONSRIDGE FILING NO. 2 Enclosed please find a copy of the Pre'l'iminary P'lans for a Resubdivisionof Parcels C, D, and E of Lionsridge Filing No. 2. You have 10 days in which to review this P'lan and forward corments to meat the Town of Va'i1, Box 100, Vail, C0 81657. If we do not receive a formal reply from you, we wjll deem this to meanthat you have no objection to the plan as presented. box 1$l vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476€613 PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY June 28, 1979 department of community dwelopment DEVELOPMENT, JIM RUB:|N O K, -LtttN MltI{Affi!DA'IE: o-r-tT -_-'-_ DEPASTI{E{T DITECTOR'DIC!( nYAN, m,nfllNllY DEVETtrI4EFII TO: TUm{ trUmIL S{&IECI: Annexation and Filing No. 2. Preiiminary Zoning of Parcels B,C,D, and E, Lionsridge SMTI$IICS: This is a 77.7 acre Parcel in Eag'le County, iust l.lest ol Existing Toum Boundary on the North side of Interstate 70. 0f the 77.7 acres, 30.8 are developable iwith slopes of under 40%). ' The Prelim'inary zoning is for 167 units, or approximately 5.5 units per buildable acre. This in comparison wittr ZOq units', which is what would be permitted under County Zoning. The proposal is for a combination of straight duplex, duplex primary/secondary and nulti-fimi1y Condominium Units. There are-a tota'l of 3l straight-duplex 19!s, 9 duptrex Frimary/secbndary lcts, and 4 condominiun parcels wjth 5 units, 12 unitsn 28 units' and 42 units respective'ly. The preliminary acre parcel for buildings on the @u6f: zoning is to the primary si te. have a Special Development District for the entire 77.7 purpose of having more control on the Iocation of PLAI{NING & EWffiCNMEMAL mMIlnSSIG.l ACTICh{: The Planning and Environnental Conrmjssjon recormended at their April 24, '1979 meeting tha[ the Zoning as presented was acceptab'le. In a second motion, the Planning Co$mission urged the Tovnn Council to look into the purchase of Parce'l E (which is the Parcell a'iong the top ridge). The reguest is for the zoning as part DFASIMETfI RMMMffiDATION: See following pages. a general discussion of the zoning withthe intent of contracting of the annexation. :" F Memo on Annexatfon of Parcels B'C,D, and E. Lionsridge Filing No. 2 6-5-79 Fage Two BACKGROUND At the Tunn Council meeting where this prcposed annexation was presented there was a general agreement vilith the zoning. l.) For Parce'l B containing 3.79 acres with 28 units proposed the zoning would be medium density with a Special Development District- 2.) Parce'l C contains 11.03 Acres with 53 units proposed. For the'multi-' famjly area the zoning would be the.sane as jn Farce'l 8.. For the duplex lots,- Two Family Primary/Secondary Zoning is recommended. 3.) Parcel B contains 16.53 acres of'land with 68 units proposed. Recommended zoning for the multi fami'ly units is the same as Parcel B with Two Family Prinnry/Secondary for the duplex 1ots. 4.) 0n parcel E is proposed njne duplex'lots or a possible total of l8 units.' The'zoning requbstbd is Two Family Primary Secondary. The Corununity. Development Departnrent is sti'll recorrnending that this ridge line not be developed. This area is highly visib'le from Interstate 70 and the- Department considers that ridge tinei wittrin Gore Val|ey should remain in their natural state. In additionr once development djd lake place a]ong the ridge, Town of Vail emergency vehicles wil'l Le requested to travel on county roads to get-to the iown of Vail. The compactness and logical provisions of service in the Community rculd be d'isitpted. Reading through the Envirtmental Impact Report, and iiscussing the divelopment of-Parcel E with the Ch'ief of Po'lice' thbre iou'ld be short ierm problem! with providing efficient and economica'l service to this area. Resionse time is irot good-and further extending. police service in this area may iinpact t}e ability io serve another area qutckly in an emergency. Because of the visual impact on the conrnunity and the difficutty to develop this area the Departnnnt recommends no units for this area. Services and Facilities The environnrental impact statenent presents that almost al'l services provided in an efficient manor for thjs area. For this part of l{est i neighborhood park is needed. Again police servi'ce can be provided- efficient nanon along the Frontage Road and Lions Ridge Loop. Parcel discussion of potential problems is noted above in the menorandum. DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION The Conmunity Development Departrent recorrnended approval of the annexation for the entire 77 acres of land. There is a cormunity of interest between the Town of Vail and this property. The area is 1/6 contiguous to the Town of Vai] and the area will be urbanized in the near future. can be Vail in an E 'w_ i'lemo_on Annexation of Parce'ts B,CnDo and E, Lionsridge Filing No. 2 6-5-79 Page Three The zoning of except Parcel Two E. Family Primary Secondar is reconsnended for all duplex lots For that area the recormended zoning is Agreculture and Open Space. Parcel E Shou'ld not be developed into nine duplex 1ots. The ridge lines in the Gore Val1ey should remain in a natural and open stateto further enhance the beauty of Vai'l. For the higher density areas, med'ium density zoning with a spec'ia1 developrnentdfstrict is recorcnended. Through this zoning Town Council will be approving the site plan for these areas. This should insure qua'lity development for these If Tottn Council approves the dwel'ling units in Parcel E, the Staff recommends that this street remain a private street. it would be difficult for the Town to plow or repair a street that is not near other Town of Vail streets. The Po1 ice and Public Works Department reconnnend that the intersection of Lionsridge Loop and Buffer Creek Road be redesigned at the time of subdivision to reduce the potential for accidents at this dangerous intersections. The Department also recommends thal this property be annexed to Vait Fire Protection District and Vail },letropolitan Recreation District. In addition' that the geologic problems be resolved before any construction on Parcels C and D. @1 -uotv cRoss ELECTRTc ASSocrATroN. rNC. 13OT GRAND AVENUE P. O, DRAWER 250 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO S160I JuIy 13, L979 Mr. Ji:n Rubin Town of Vail P.O. Box 100Vai1, CO 81657 Dear itlr. Holy Cros mentione sketch. deve EasenentAlso, 1o Sincerel HOI,Y Walter D.. WDD: l"sz l Enclosure cc : File: Eagle_ $o AREA CODE 303 945 - 5491 94S - 6056 .A\"l ./.-?,ire i} "', "/ fS ,8.7 "r,r ''twt* Lr-'v t,( f , - . '- ()i ; .rr\\iI I Ilt i lt' '-' -jr i.r { .lt t , i\..i !lI I 'l ,* 80220 , PHONE 320-8333 , Executive Director August 16, 1979 NON-STATE ASSISTA}ICE REVIEW AND COMMSNTS l4r. Terrl"ll Kn.ight DLrectot, Eagle County Departoent of plannLng Eagle, C0 8L631 The Water Quality Control Division feels the sketch planfor this subdivision is in order. Both water and sewerappear to be available, final commitments for these ser-vices however, must be arranged. ln addition, the Divisionwould appreciate the efforts of the developer to incor-porate the fol lowing guidelines for construction runoff management into final site plans. AIR POLLIJTION CONTROT As a single ilevelopm.@t, the effect thte subdlviEioa has onamblent al.r quality wll-L be extremely small. Howevgr r we againrequest that Eagl-e County conslder the cumrLstive impaee of the J-arge nrmber of eubdivieLons that have been fiLed for. Lions Ridge Filing #2 - NA I,,ATER QUALITY CONTR0L ame, a COTORIOO DCPr[TilEf,T 1210 EAST DATE: SUBJECT T to: PROJECf, TIIIE: .STATE+IqFNTIFIER: COMMENTS: OF HEILTX IITH AVENIJE , OENVER, COLORADO Frank Traylor, M.D. Eagle County - su-125-79-S Sketch Plan C0MMENTS DUE! (9119179') RECEIVED sEP 19 1979 :r ot planning & D?vel. , .!Iri{le, County, Colo. -e/ AdministratorSOC-3, Jan 79 MickL Baroes, Progra:n ; Construction should be t imed to Sani tary faci I ities should not streams, wel I s, or springs. Grass or brush fires should be are vulnerable to erosion. ; developed the following checklist wou ld appreciate the developers avoid rainy seasons if practical. be located over or adjacent to I ive prevented, Burned-over areas usual ly a 5. 6. 9. 10. The Soi I Conservation Servic,e has to be Used in construction, and we using these practices. soils should be reducedI. The area and duration of exposure of erodible to the greatest extent practicable. a. Sollq *!0*!d be protected by using tenpor|ry vafrat *xno #r *rtNsh or by acceleratEd establ lshnent of permanent vegetatlon, tagncnts of work should be completed and protected as rapidly as c6nsistent wi th const ruct i on schedules. 3. The rate of runoff from the construction site should be mechanical ly retarded and the disposal of runoff should be controlled. 4. Sediment resul ting. from construction should be trapped in temporary or permanent debri s basins. Dust should be kept within tolerable limits on haul roads and at the site by applying water 0r other dust suppressors. Temporary bridges or culverts should be used where fordi ng of streams is objectionable. Borrow should not be taken from areas r*here pollution from the oper€t ion is inevitable. 7. Temporary measures should be used to kelep erosion control if construction is suspended for any appreciable length of time' 8. Protection against pol lutants such as chemicals, fuels, lubricants' sewage, btc,, should be provided, ll. I I 1; a IEAGTE COUNTYComnunitv Development P. O. Soi t7g EAGLE, COLORADO 8TA3T TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 BOARD OF COUNTY c0MMr55loNER5 Ext 241 ADMINI5TRATION Ext 241 : ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COU'{TY ATTORNEY ExI242- ENG I NEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LI BRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HASI NG/ PER50NNEL Ext e45 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 5HERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 November 29, 1979 Robert Short Genessee Land CompanyRoute5-Box102 Golden, Colorado 80401 RE: File No. Su-125-79-S Lions Ridge - Lots G-2, 5, 6 Dear Mr. Short: At their public meeting of November 28 , !g7g, the Board of CounEy Coumissioners reviewed yotrr sketch plan for 14 units and made rhe following comnents: 1) A sign must be posted at entranceto erojeet srating che private road status of the access way; 2) The design of the siLe should be done so as to leave the least possible scar while maintaining a safe and reliable access. Please eall this office if you have questions. Yours Lruly, t I l i omas. AssL. County Commissioners Boni Directcrr of Planning TB/ncm xe: Board of dm DEHTOIII, HARPER, MARSHALL AIIID ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND PLANNING. SITE DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE I August L, L97g &ri@ 'iB,S0O,PARCEL F A RESUBDIVISION OF I,oTS G2, G5, G6 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY }'ILING NO. 2 I o167 COMPUTATION OF AVERAGE SLOPE Slope (%) Average Slope (%) 5 15 l 251 35 5 %ot Cover sit .o 2. OO t2.93 2L.20 L4.93 13. 07 23.34 10. 13 2.27 .13 Average % Slope X Acreage ,.0 2.4O 26.25 60.20 54.4 AcreaEe I \ .0 .16 -tl t\tr. u-c ?'r? h-lL.72 / ^oo\5r crtrr*.lC) \t e o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 CD 65 75 85 95 I l I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 -- 60 70 80 90 100 L.2L 1. 06 1.89 .82 .18 .01 58.30 L22.85 61. 50 15. 30 .95 Gruu 8.1 *^ro..'.'.'...+tf I. (Average Slope % X Acreage = Total Site Aereage equals average site s1ope. 4O?.20 ? 8.1 : 45.65 (average site slope) II. A. 49.65 x 5oo = ZIFZE B. 8.1 X 43560 = 352836 C. 352836 = 24825 = 7.4.21 units l.l @ o C,.L o R 6 FILE #.*9c. :.t2fi..J3,.:2 FAGLE CC. PI.AN. COMM.fifcsiiD c{ri:Y tutEETi i.: :],: r JepfuJ...uJf, 7 ? Yo,+l 1,fr I 'opE o| \o0 1756 BLAKE STREET OENVEF. COLOBADO 8O2OE 3M-892-5568 EAGTE COUNTY o Community Developnent EntrEgboY8RADo 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 I BOARD OF COUNTY coM M t55t oN E R5 Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ) ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT I ON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS I O N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING Exl 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l 1 Baszlt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 socrAL SERV rCES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 23 November 1979 Genessee Land Company Robert Short Route 5, Box 102 Golden, Colorado 80401 Re: File No. Sm-i25-79-S Sketch Plan Lion's Ridge No. 2 At their regular meeting on 21 November 1979, the Eagle County Plann'ing Commissjon reviewed your sketch plan for Lion's Rfdge No. 2, lots G-2, 5, and 6. The commission allowed thi appljcant to proceed to the prelim'inary p'lan s_tage keeping jn mind that the 22 foot "oggyly qna ]S _, ...d*.s*rir*1rgmfoot curve radius is what was approved. Also, a very de- tailed landscaping plan will be required. Your sketch plan will be revjewed by the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting on 28 November 1979, beginning at 9:00 AM. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Thomas Bon'i Asst. Di rector of P'l ann'i ng TB/adj cc: Board of County Cormissioners \ tuun box 100 uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 No\zer$er 13, 1979 department of public works Eagle Cowrty Planning Cqm:ission Box 179 Eagle, CO 81531 Re: Access Road for Csressee land Copany De\zelopfiEnt qr lots G2, c5 ard G6, L,icnsidge l'iling Nr-rber 2 Dear Ccmndssicrrers: As lft^rn &rg5neer for tlre Town of Vail. I ha've rewierr,red the revised access road onto the abo\re refersrced prcpertlz and feel ttnt it is atorkable solutiqr. There will be severe crrts and a large anqlnt of disturbarrce dsre to tle natural terain, hrt I do not harrc any betteraltenratiries for p:oviding access crrto the site. f would request tlat tlre follorzing conditions be iacorporated intotte plan: 1.) 1trc par.red roadw4r be a minim,.un of 20 feet at atl- locatiqrs. 2.1 An Htergercry I'trrn-A:round area be placed qr ttre Access Road direeely belcnv tfie drirmoay leadJng to tlre Westernncst rnits on tlre site. 3.) Grardrails be placed on all steep curves on the aocess road. 4.) A detailed revegetatiql plan be preserrted at Prelirnirlarlz Plan stage wittr a @st estirmte and a perforrnarrce bcnd or other gruarantee to co\rer the estimated cost. Sris retegetationplan is to have a specific tfue sctreahrle of wtren the re vegetation is to take place, wittr nnst of it hatrpening prior to the issuarrce of buildjng permits for tlre uilits sr ttre site. t EAGTE COI'NTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 3031328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrsStoNERS Ext 24 | AOMTNTSTFATtON Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SESSO R Ext 2QZ SUILDING IN I NSPECTI ON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Ext ?.17 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 a( 229 PURCHASING/ PE R SON NEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exi 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2'l I aaiall927-3244 Gilman€27-5751 SOCIAL SERVICE5 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 0ctober 15, 1979 Genesee Land Co. Route 5, Box 102 Gol den, Colorado 80401' RE: File No. Su-125-79-s Lion's Ridge #2, Parcel F At their meeting of October 3, 1979, the Planning Commjssion rev'iewed iour sketch pl an and made the following comments: 1) Snow removal ares. t". they adequate? 2) Road problems. Is access Feasible? The Commission tabled your request to the November 7, Ig7g, hearing at which time the County Engineer will have an opinion on the access to the property. Tentative dat6 for Engineer concerning roads & acess is Monday October 29, 1979. If you have any questions' please call this office. Respecifully yours, homas Asst. Boni Director of P1 anning TB/ Sg December 20, 1979 Board of County CormnissionersP. 0. Box 179 550 Broadwav Eagle County, Colorado 81631 Dear Comuissioners: The following request is to eliminate interior lot lines between lots G-2 and G-6, and between lots G-5 and G-6,Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 as recorded with Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The easements along tsheselot lines are to remain in tact. Attached is the 1egal description of l-ot lines to be vacated (see Attachment A). In addition, a list of adjacent land owners (incl-uding neighbors across thestreet) is included with this application (see Attachment B). This request is contingent upon your approval of the proposed p1ar. Please advise should any additional information be reauired. Sincerely, RRS: dp Enclosures FILE # h*.&+./&5;-&-f EAGLE CO. PLAN. COMM. RECORD COPY r'rrElrrue oF b-2.-vfuJfro 23485 Currant Drive, Colden, Colorado 80401, (303) 526-0643 @6)u)6 u5*0, (v)oaDFE u.t o 55tno ^6 ==E-io J^ofioEH3thZ6duro.EU''-8t/, oE=l+z23 9(9fr-- znl 3rt8? |9ulzlzE1H6zct 9$ UJ oo E,oaJ UJ ,lanuary 24, 1980 REcf fvtu ):ri,i d iJ ig80 ,\,i i't l'llnning & DluEL*"'ed". eouotg@ 2sFJXis8ci Thomas Boni Eagle County Planning Department P.0. Box 850 Eagle, C0 81631 RE: Preliminary Plans, Briar Patch Development Dear Tom: I have finished a preliminary review of the Briar Patch Developmentfor the Lions Ridge Water District. Based upon this review, I have the following corments: l. Existing tlqter LifLe L EqseUett: As shown on the plans, ' sewer line and otherutilities running up the slope on the east side of the proposed units. These lines when installed, were all encased in concrete for the entire length of the slope and across the whole trench. This can lead to problems in trying to "tie-Jn" to this line with a six-inch service line for water, putting retainlng walls across the trench and putting a sewer manhole into the existing sewer line in the trench. Possible problems include; trying to repair a leak in the water line "tie-in" with approximately l8-25 feet of material on top, getting a good seal on the "tie-in" with- out being able to move the existing water line in concrete, or pressures from the retaining walls that could move theutility trench and thus cause 'leaks. Therefore, it is qy recormendation that the "tie-in" to the system be done on the existing line of the "uphil'l" side of the booster station for the water, and along Sand- stone Drive for the other utilities such as sewer. This would eliminate the possibility of a leak in the waterline. If this was done, the water district stil'l requires the necessary 20'easement for the 6 inch line to the proposed fire hydrant. ..- EL t Mr. Tom Boni Page Two January 24, 1980 Also, the final design of the retain'ing wall footings needs to be reviewed by our office. This is necessary to insure that there would be no extreme toe pressures from the footings onto the utility trench. 2. Existinq Pressures: Existinq pressures in this area are nofiery Fls6'. An on-siie' investigation on the afternoon of January 23, showed a static pressure of 30 psi at the fire hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac. During peak flow perlods this pressure could drop appre-ciably. A1so, the water district's future plans include removing from service the booster station, and placing a pressure reducing valve there. This cou'l d again cause pressure problems for the development. Therefore, lt is re- conunended that "tie-in" be done at the "uphil'l" side of the booster station. 3. Pnoposed District Improvements: The water mProvements system in the upcoming rnnths and years. ments include: a. A new water storage tank. district is on the water These improve- b. Line 'improvements to serve "The Val ley" by gravity from the tank. c. Looping a line from "The Val'ley" to the 'lower Lions R'idge Loop. d. Certain va]ves, pressure reducing valves and reteri ng equipment to tie the above improvements together. These improvements will help al'l of the District, therefore, whi'le the District wi'll be undertak'ing a certain portion of the costs, it was felt the developers in "The Valley" and at other locations should contribute an equitable amount on the improvements. The exact amount to be contributed by each concerned party has not yet been determined. Mr. Tom Boni Page Two January 24, 1980 I .l But, it is the intent of the District to havs al'l invotyed parties pay a fair share. By looking lt theifuffue fln*:",' storage reguirements, fire flow demand, line lengthsr ffiestic storage requircments, lt is planned-tecome. up with,at .:equitable cost for the dEveloperc and the'affecttid watcp- ; ', di stri cts. This concludes my conmnts at the time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Yours truly, + G"y^-,e,fr/.u Bryan Duff, P. E. BD/j lw xc: Jim Collins Jim Balley Ed Drager Robert R. Short I t.; I EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731| EOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssroNERS Ext 24! AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E55O R Ext 202 EUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO RDER Ext 2l 7 COUtITY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENs ION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Easall 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 February 22, 1980 Genessee Land Co. c/o Robert R Short 23485 Currant Drive Golden, Colorado 80401 Re: File No. Su-125-80-P Briar Patch At their meeting of February 20, the Planning Commission recommended approval of your pre] iminary plan for l4 units. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Commiss'ioners on FebruaYy 27. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Respectfully yours, t{Verna,a} /3oz<)/ Thomas Boni Assistant Director of P'l anni ng TB/J h cc: Board of County Cornmissioners I3O I GRAND AVENUE P. O. DRAWER 250 CLEN'WOOD SPRINCS, COLORADO 81601 August L7 | 1979 HOLY CROSfg'g.TRIC ASSECIATIoN. I NC. AREA CODE 303 945 - 549r 945 . 6055 RECEIYED AUG 21 1979 D6pt. of Ptanning & Dfi,s/. E!g'e, cQnty, coto. \tsrl r-r=r..srr. ..., ._].;-, i , : . : . i .., .., I , ,... Holy Cross Electiic has an existing major overhead Power line located on in easenerl! between Lots G-5 and G-6,, L,ions Ridge,,F_gling #2. Thison ln easenerl! between r,ots G-5 and c-6, LionS Rfdge, Fillng #2. I power lrner,faf.',,':o€,,'ln:conflict with the above menlioned develolment. ...,.-:., I -, .';,,'t;t , . .'l , . ,: ,.,,r.,,,...Sincerely, mc AssocrArroN, rNc. ///K,.t/u4!ctf wilter D. -Dorman. Enqineer :', ll..:t::::::' ." l r , .. , WDD:1szl:1l'';'lll.,:..:.'.::.:::.....]:' ',,..t'.:,:l "': ':):t: ": ''.,"f i ': ' t @o)to P ;!o 6q, f* a J r\xtr\J FJNu)zAEIIJ a.E(n =<noE=!+z25(,49 zuJ<)o-z = r.rJ a)o (9trlz\z =uJlrjZ(9 ;(! lJ o J uJ 2s =xas8ci September 11, ,l979 Eagle County Planning Department P.0. Box 'l 79 Eagl e, C0 8'1631 RE: Sketch P'lan - SU - 125-79-5 Lions Ridge Fifing #2 - Parcel F Gentl emen: The referenced resubdivision of lots G-2, G-5 and G-6 in Lions Ridge Filing #2 is proposed in an area where a major utility easement is iocated. The Lions Ridge Nater District is con- cerned about this easement in that it js located on a steep slope and unusual nrethods will be required in the event that maintenance, repair or modifications are required in the future. The Lions Ridge Water District requests that the developer be required to coordinate preliminary planning efforts wjth theDistrict's engineer. Furihermore an easement width greater than 20' wil'l be necessary. R espectf lY' Engineer for Lions E. & L. S. Ridge llater District RH/i t'{ xc: A'l 1 Board Members Jim Co]'lins A1 Flewelling -, tL NECEIVEE SEP I r '!cr?'r !Fpt.' f,b**-''' -" ' dm DENTON, HARPER, MARSHALL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND PLANNING, SITE DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE November L3, 1,979 Mr. Tom Boni- Ea"gle CountyP.O. Box 179Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Lions Ridge Dear Tom : Per Eagle County and Town of Vail comment we have made thefollowing changes to the sketch plan for your review: 1. Minimum road width from the cul-de-sac to the firstunlt shall be 16 feet to meet BLI\{ Standards. Thiswill accomplish a reduction in the scar caused bythe road. The road width could be increased to 2O feet lf you find this desirable. 2. I\{aximum road grade on the driveway sha1l be LO%. However, the grade on the inside of the 45' radius sha11 be a maximum of 87o 3. Driveway between units sha11 be a minimum of 25'in width to a1low for easy and efficient maneuveringinto and out of garages. 4. A signed and chained emergency vehicle turn-aroundwith minimum dimenslons of 10' x 2Q' shal1 be provided as shown on the drawings. 5. Seven guest parking stalls shal 1 be provided as shown on the drawing with minimum dimension of 10' x 20' . Each of the 14 units sha1l eontain 2 enclosed private stal1s. 1756 BLAKE STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80202 303.892.5566 Mr. Tom Boni November L3, L979 Page Two 6. The T-turnaround serving the most westerly units shall be expanded as shown on the drawings. 10 feet ofadditional paved turnaround area shall be added tothe northern and southern ends of the turnaround toprovide additional maneuvering space for the adjacentunits. 7. The centerline radius of the switchback sha11 be a mlnimum of 45 feet as shown on the drawings. lVe hope this information will resolve any problems you may have. If you have additional questions or need additional informationplease contact me. Sincerely yours, DENTON, HARPER, TTARSHALL & ASSOCIATESb*t v, E^h^---' David L. Denton Landscape Archit ect /Planner cc: Mr. Bob ShortMr. Lerov Totrler Enclosure DLD:mm July 31 , 1-979 Eagle County Planning DepartmentP.0. Box 179Eagle, Colorado 801631 Re: Sketch Plan Review for Lions Ridge Filing No. 2, Parcel F (A Re-Subdivision of Lots c-2, c-5 and G-6) Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith ate 22 copies of the Sketch Plan Submittalfor the above referenced palcel. The sketch plan requesEs adensity of 16 units within Ehe RSM zoning. Also enclosed isour check in the amount of $98.00 for the required filing fee. Lot,s G-2, G-5 and G-6 were originally platt.ed as part of theLions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2. We are proposing to concentrate the developmenE on the more usable portions ofthe site, thereby leaving a substantial portion- of the areavoid of any development. In order to accomplish this, it will be necesdary to remove the interior lot boundaries and to va-cate the 20 foot utility easement between Lot G-6 and G-5. The 20 foot utility easement bet\'reen Lot G-2 and G-6 would beleft in tact, since there are currenEly utilities within this easement, In addiLion to the sketeh plan submitral , we have also encloseda computation of the average slope on the siEe. This compuEa-tion was prepared by our land planning firm, DenEon, Harper, Marshall and Associates, utilizing the so-called "500 rule". Route 5, Box 102, Colden, Colorado 80401, (303) 526-0643 Eagle County Planning DepartmentJuly 31 , L979 Page 2 Using this approach, the subdivision requirements would allow L4,2L units. We feel that the site has some very r.tnusual characteristics, tshat being Ehe very steep portions along the lower part of the site, and that these characteristics are not accoumodated by the "500 rulet'. Accordingly, r,re are reguesting a special use permit to a1low a density of 16 r:nits as shown on the sketch plan. If any addltional information is needed, please let us know. Sincerely, GENESEE I"AI{D CO},IPANY RoberL R. Short RRS:lac Enc. FILE # .$*.:.12fr-:..7i-:.2.^ EAALE CO. PI-AFI. COMM. IIEC{)ND CCFYi;#ir;ii; ;; sffi,Jr# fi, 7q EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY co MM tSsto N E Rs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVI RONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LI BRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5444 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 cilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the EagIe County Planning Comnission for revjev,, and recommendation at their regulall meet'ing on 19 September 1979, In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34' 1.963, as amended and Eag'l e County Subdivision Regulations' Section 3.05 and 3.07, is amended effective 1 August 1976' you are required to receive the plan, and you. have 35 days irom date riailed with'in which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Comm'i ssion would sincerely appreciate.your conments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or tirne, ilease advjse this office in writing. August 9, t979 RE: Su-125-79-S Sketch Plan APPLICANT: Genesee Land ComPanY c/o Robert R. Short Rt. 5, Box 102 Golden, Colorado 80401 TK/J P Enc. Thank you very much, 6;rck*t*rW Di rector I L EAGLE COUNTY Community Development P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 | BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION B November 1979 Re: File No. Su-125-79-S Lion's Ridge Parcel F Sketch Plan Ext 241 i ANIMAL SHELTE R 949-4292 AS5E550R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICE5 328-5328 TREAsURER Ext 20 | Bob Shore Genesee Land Company Route 5, Box 102 Golden, Colorado 80401 Dear Bob: Respectful ly, At their l'{ovember 7 meeting, the Planning Conrnission reviewed your sketch p'l an for 14 units on 8.1 acres. Although the Conrnjssion does not rnakb a motjon of approva'l or denjal of sketch plan stage, it was their consensus that you remain at the sketch plan stage and re-appear before the Planning Cbmmission on llovember 2L or December 5 to present more details of th; road al'ignment and cross sections through djfficult grades. Revised p1 ans shou'l d also show park'ing_and embankment details 6n u"eas where wails are necessary. Plans should be reviewed by the Eng'ineers from both Eagle County and the Town of Vail. Other comments maie by indivjdual members concerned visibility and excess density. If you have any questions, please contact this office. ---:7 /r4+"=-- ) Thomas Bon'i Assistant Djrector of P1 anning o',.1 I Englnccr Oepaftnont P. 0. Box 850 Novembcr 5, 1979 Bob Short Genesee Land Conrpany RoutcS-Boxl02 Golden, Colorado 80401 SUBJECT; Sketch Plan - Lots g-2, 9-5, 9-6 - Llons Rldge Subdlvlslon Daar l{r. Short: 0n October 30, 1979, Tom Bonl and I nct wtth you,llr. Denton, and llr. Lloyd on the subJect slte to d{scuss your sketch plan, partlcularly tlte proposedslte access. I was asked to compnt on tha access and that f s the purpore,,of thf s letter, , ;l , It ls nqy op{n{on'that the allgrrment coupled rlth tha grade of the accessway shown on your sketch plan creat$ a hczrdous s,ltuatlon'for,vehlcles us,lng the padway partlcularly when the rcadr*ay ls cover-ed wlthlce or ls snoupacked. The 10 per.cont grade and the35-foot radlus curlve should be restudled wlth enphaslsplaced upon elther decrearfng'the.grade to B percent on the curve and lts approaches or lncreaslng the radlus of the curye to at least a 4S-foot radlus. Erclosed ls a sketch whlch lllustrates a method by whlch thls may be accompllshed. I am not an archltect nor do I lintend to dlctate any soluilons. The skctch ls only my thought as to hor the sltuatlon could posslbly be lmproved. Yourg truly, ilel ton E. Atret I Eagle County Engfnecr ilEA/ncn Enc'logur.e cc: Itf|;f Bob Lloyd ,I I. SINA4ARY FOR SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTAL FOR LIONS RIDGE FILING NO. 2 PARCEL F (A Re-Subdivision of Lots G-2, G-5 and G-6) SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS Section 4.01 of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations reguests the following infomation on the Sketch Plan Submittal: 4.01.01 (a) Tract Boundary, land use and densities are shown on Sheet 1. (b) Street pattern, width, and gradients are shown on Sheet 1. (c) Existing development on the subject and adjacent property are shown on Sheet 1. (d) Soil Eypes and classifications are describedin Section II- (e) Geologic information is described in SectionII . Soils information, drainage, wildlife,wildfire,_and vegetation are'described inSeetion .II . 4.01.02 A letter requesting review alongfee accompanies this submittal . (a) The name of the development Lions Ridge Filing No. 2 (aof Lots G-2, c-5 and G-6) wirh rhe filing is Parcel F, re-subdivision (b) Domestic water service, treatment, and distri-bution is described in Section II1. (c) Sewage collection and disposal is describedin Section III . o, II. PHYSICAL INFORMATION Soils Several soils engineering reporrs have been completedfor the site and the adjicent areas. They genelallyconcluded that the soils are buildable, altf,ough spLcialconsideration must be applied with respect to Sitiog,earthwork and drainage. The engineering reports reconmended chat all foundations b,e carefully inspected b,y a soils engineer to determinethe final design parameters for the foundations. Exca-vations for the foundations and grading around thefoundations are critical to ensuie thaE the work doesnot disturb the rock outcroDs on the south side of theridge or cause excavated material to ro11 downslope tothe south. Geologie A nr:mber of engineering reports hawe been completedon the geologic hazards of all or parts of this site.The studies agree that the moderate hazards can bemitigated against and reduced to low hazards. Thedetermination of which specific rocks are potentially hazardous must be determined in the field.- Drainage Drainage will be handled with culverts, roadside ditches, and channels through the open space areas. Culvercs,ditches and channels will be sized to carrv at leastthe lO-year storm runoff. There will be nt overlotgrading on the site. Vegetation Vegetation on the site consists'of grasses, sagebrush,and isolated clumps of aspen (as shown on Sheet 2).It would appear that many of the aspen are diseased and may require treatment and maintenance. Devel-opmentwill cause disturbance to the site in areas of consEruc-tion. However, corrective revegetation measures will be employed by the developer. Wildlife Because this is a relativel-y small pareel of land located between other parcels currently developed, under develop-ment, or proposed for development, we would assume that additional imoact mr-n].mal co none .are obvious. Wildfire 3 to the wildlife in the area would be No game trails or wildlife habitats A very minor wildfire hazard, if any, DdI exist seasonally due to the existing site grasses and brush. A public L,rater system with fire hydrants will be installed. !iliththe proposed improvements there should be little danger from uncontrolled brush fire. III. I^IATER AND SEWER The source of domestic hrater is the Lions Ridge WaterDistrict. According to Jin Collins, Manager of Lhe District,there should be no problems in providing water Eo this development since distribution lines are currently in theproperty. The property is in the Upper Eagle Valley Sewer Districf. According to Jim Collins, Manager of the District, theDistriet has the capacity to serve the proposed development. July 3l , L979 Eagle County Planning DepartmentP.0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 801631 Re: Sketch Plan Revier,r for Lions Ridge Filing No. 2, Parcel F (A Re-Subdivision of Lots G-2, G-5 and G-6) Gentlemen: Enclosed herewiEh are 22 copies of the Sketch Plan Submittalfor uhe above referenced paicel. The sketch plan requests adensity of 16 units withii'r the RSM zoning. Aiso enciosed isour check in the e'nount of $98.00 for Ehe required filing fee. Lots G-2, G-5 and G-6 were originally platted as part of theLions Ridge Subdiwision Filing No. 2. We are proposing to concentrate the development on the more usable porEions ofthe site, thereby leaving a substantial portion- of Ehe areavoid of any development. In order Lo accomplish this, it will be necessary to remove the inEerior lot boundaries and to va-cate the 20 foot utilitv easement between Lot G-6 and G-5. The 20 foot utilitv easimenE betvieen Lot G-2 and G-6 would beIeft in tact, sinci: there are currently utilities within this easement. In addition to the sketch plan submittal , we have also encloseda computation of Ehe average slope on the site. This computa-tion was prepared by our land planning firm, Denton, Harper, Marshall and Associates, utilizing tshe so-cal1ed "500 rule". Route 5, Box 102, Golden. Colorado 8O4Ol, (303) 526-0643 Eagle County Planning DepartmentJuly 31-, L979 Page 2 Using this approach, the subdivision requiremenLs would aLlow L4.2L r:nits. We feel that the site has some very r:nusualcharacteristics, that being the very steep portions along the lower part of Ehe site, and Lhat these characteristics are not accomodated by the "500 rule". Accordingly, we are reguestinga special use pemit to allow a density of 16 units as shown onthe sketch plan. If any addl.tional information is needed, please let us know. Sineerely, GENESEE I,AND COMPAI.IY Robert R. Short RRS:lac Enc. ST]MMARY FOR SKETCH PI,AN SUBMITTAL FOR LIONS RIDGE FILING NO. 2, PARCEL F (A Re-Subdivision of Lots c-2, c-5 and G-6) TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I - SubdivisionRequiremenls Section II - Physical Information Soils Geologic Drainage Vegetation Wildlife Wildfire Section III - Idater and Sehrer Maps '- Sketch PIan Sheet I Slope Analysis Sheet 2 AtEachment - CompuEation of Average Slope Fil-E # .5+.:..Q5- 77 - s fri,55[J, i,F.r A;j:' ;5Mil: MEEn Nc ;;S4f#r.,/e..1.?, Z + November 13, L979 Mr. Tom Boni Eagle County Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. SU-L25-79-S (Lots G-2, G-5, and G-6, Lion's Ridge Filing No. 2) Dear Mr. Boni: In connection with the proposed sketch plan for the above referenced parcel , this letter will confirm that the minimum road width from the end of the cul-de-sac to thefirst building will be 16 feet in order to meet BLI"I standards. This road width will accomplish a reductionin scar caused by the road construction. Also, please be advised that the road could be increased to a 20 foot width if the Countv should so desire. Sincerely, GENESEE LAND COMPAI.IY Robert R. Short RRS:dpcc: LeRoy Tobler David Denton 23485 Currant Drive, Colden, Colorado 80401, (303) 526-0643 lnttn box 100 rail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 September 18, 1979 department of community development Eagle County Planning Corwnission Eagle County Court House Box 850 Eag1e, Co 81631 Re: File No. SU-125-79-S(Lots c2, c5, and G6, Lionsridge Filing No.2) Dear Planning Comxnission Members: The Town of Vail has reviewed the the Sketch Plan for the above referenced lots and finds the plan totally unacceptable. A site visit to the Eastern end of Lions Ridge Loop (from whichthe access onto the site is designated) reveals slopes that arein our opinion too steep for any type of development. E"rom onepoint on Lionsridge Loop to the access road servicing the upperunits on the site, there is a 36 foot change in elevation overa 60 foot distance which results in a finished slope of approx-imately 60E. There are many other parts of this steep hilLside where finished slopes are \,iell in excess of 508. We do not thj-nk that any development should be considered forthe upper part of this hillside. The resulting damage to thenatural terrain, the massive retaining walls necessaryr and thetechnical problems encountered in attempting to develop such a steep hillside are virtually insurmountable. The detrimental impacts that such a development could have from both an aesthetic as well as an envj-ronmental standpoint are too numerous to evenseriously consider at this time. Our advice to the developer is to consider access only from Sandstone Drive and to develop only the lower part of the hil-1-side. This part of the hillside is not nearly as steep and should result in a much less destructive use of the land. OneParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe street P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (303) 534-1261 August L7, L979 Eagle Couhty PJ.anning Departnent P.O. Box 789 EagLe, Colorado 8L631 Re: Preliminarv Deve losnent Plans SU-126-79-S - West VaiL Plaza SU-125-79-S - Lions Ridge #2, ParceL F re-subdivision above captioned plot- plans on the lanal to be plottecl. Pl-ease note that we are a transrnission utilitv and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subj ect subdivisions. ftEcFly"r., A:JG z, ;;; Dcor. n, ^.,";.'t"!,X,i,[t *^. Gentlecnen: We have examined the western has no facilities LLR/pf and find that at this time very txuly yours,.,..n, I -1 -.,.r, ,4;' .f,77/tli'.,)'<.v../, Ltt-/ .1.'n:" I;/Laura T-,. Rodqers Associate Right-o f-way Agent RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Director OOrcRAIx) GEOTOGICAL SURVET DEP,ARTMENT OF NATUBAL RESOURCES 716 STATE CENTENNIAL EUILDING - I313 SHERMAN STREET oENVEB, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 8il9-2611 September 13, I979 [^le have reviewed the above referenced subdivision and find that steep slopes androckfall may affect the subject area. The magnitude of these geologic conditions cannot be deterrnined from information in our files. l^|e request that a geolog'ic report be prepared for the proposed subdivision and that this report be submittedfor our review. tlle will complete our review when this information is received. Mr. TemiII Kn'ight Eag'le County Planning Department Eagle, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: blRJ/sp cc: Land Use Conmission RE; LIONS RIDGE, FILING #2 RESUBDIVISION LOTS G2, G5, and G6, EAGLE C0UNTY RECEIVED sEP 19 1979 lDlg. of ,Pl.nning & olvel. rub, dtulltl4'dnh GEOLOGY SToRY OF THE PAST , , . KEY TO THE FUTURE Sincerely, Walter R. Jun Eng'ineering Geologi st e asle ccunry, cororado rtunnins comrnissio ^ru" *";i4-l-?5;J! - 5 Certiiic0tion is hereby mad6 that a copy of &n applicaiion submitted and siven the above File No. was enlere(l into thc U.S. trlails. or hand delive.ed. on to the olfices/persons as llsted F.ereon, pagor_ot_, as marked b). the initrsls Certiticr'r Sig ral dre: .\ All Applications refered to:' ,/ 1. Colorado Geologlcal Slrrvev a/ 2. colo. oepartmenl ol Health ,/ 3. Colo.ado Stats Engineer b/ 4. Esgle county sanitaria -/ 5. Esole Counlv Enoineer / 6. Holy Cross Etectric Assr. 7, Cal6.^i6 lltn' . 10. Bocky Mt^. Natural Gas D..Applications in Eagle-Arush Creek to Edwards: 1. Town of Eagle 2. Eagle Sanitat'on Oislrict 3. Colorado Oivision ot Wildlife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Oas 7. School District RE50J -/ e. U.S. soil conservation service cAppticaiions in uppe. Eagre vafley: 9. U.S. Burea! of Land Manaserent '10' Colorado River Wate. Consv' oist. 2. Town of Red cliff 1. TOwn of Minturn s. Upper Eagle Valley Sa^. Dist. 4. e16le-Vail Met.o Oistrlct 5. Other Oisr. (none at present lime) 6. School District RE50J 11. Dlv, of Water Resolrces B.Applications in Basart erea: 7. Coloradc Division of Wildlife 8. U.S, Fo.est Service 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 9. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co' 1. Town of Basalt 2. Planning Representative 3, School District RE 1J 4. Basalt water Consv. Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanltation Cist. --1O. Public Service Co' of colo' 7. colorado Divisionof wirdtife -- .. '.-2: :/*:*a;:/:- :,).:- t'^' i-a'! X.noorications i;dore vallev - Vail A.ea: 4 f 8. U.S. For€st Service ./ l. Westo.n Slope Gas -) -'-7.9. Mounta.n Be1 T€teo-o-e Co. ,./ 2. Town oi Va l 1:7 -----ll, llt. Sopris Soil Conserva+-ion C.Applications in Gypsum Area: 3. Vail Village West Water & San.--.t- ,t. Lions Ridg€ water t-/ s. vait villase west Fire 6. Vail lntermountain Watar 7. Vail Sanrtot on D st. ------7/ a. S"rvj6t O,stnct REsOJ ' t --7 9' coloracb oivision ol wildtite 6. n-.kv Mtn- Netural Ga t/-/ ,o- u.s. Forest service 7. School District RE50J ,/ r'r. *rn, Betl retephone co. 1. Town of Gypsum 2. Eagle couhii Ai.porl Authority 3. Colorado Division of Wildlif6 4. U. S. Forest Servico 5. Eagle valley Telephone Co. ' --- d. furElm d4!.iterign L-islr'ct. ---7-'tz. pLrb'c servrce co, of colo.'-''@".^s*'?;;ri;;:?., --7'1i' upoer Ease va'ev san' .l_ 4- Us Forest Service (Mi^tum) I5. Ecl e Va Inl rclep-oro C3. I 6. Yampa Vrlle/ Electrlc I I l;,ON--. Agencie3 (wl^€.e .rppropriota) I.\.r--t. Colorado D9PL. of :tighways I | ./ z. coro. ciete Forert Se.u;ce -' EAGTE COUB{TY EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssroNERs Ext 241 ADMTNISTRATION Ext 241 }, ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS5E550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext ?42 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN 5IO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL 5ER V ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 September 14, 1979 Genesee Land Co. % Robert Short Rt. 5 Box 102 Go'l den, Co 80401 RE: File No.Su-125 -79-S In reviewing the number of items subm'i tted for the September 19, 1979, P1 anning Cornmission meetjng 'it has become apparent that we will not have enouqh time to get to all of these applications of the meeting. Therefore we have continued your appljcation (as well as a number of others) to the Planning Cornmission hearing of 0ctober 3, 1979. We apo'l ogize for the inconvenience. Respectful ly, Thomas Boni Asst. Director of Pianning TB/ Sq W. F. SMITH Acting Stata Enginerr DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES OeDanment ot Natural Resources '1313 Sharman Strget. Room 818 Oonver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 839-3581 Gro'Jnd Wbtor (303) 8393587 August 23, 1979 Mr. Terrill Knight, Dlrector Eagle County Dept. of Planning and Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81531 RECE1VED AuG ?B iglg ''S:'SS,t"ll"' Re: Lions Ridge 2 Parcel F, Sketch Plan +su-125-79-S Dear Mr. Knlght: This is to acknowledge receipt of sketch plan material for the above referenced subdivislon. The Lions Ridge Water District has been designated as the source of water and a letter of commitment for service has been submitted. Information available in our files indicates that the District has sufficient water available to serve this development, and we recommend approval of Lions RidSe 2, Parcel F. IAD/GDV/pJI cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Commission Very truIy yottrs,*e A,*^Jw jerls A. uty State Danielson Engineer Eagle County Planning Conunission 9-18-79--Page Two We, thereforee reguest that you deny this proposal inan effort to not aLl-ow development to happen on hillsidesthat are really too steep for development. Dick RyaDirector Departnent f Conununity Development I 8ox 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Septernber 5, 1979 Temlll Kni€ht, Eaele Oounty flLanner % naete County Hlawring Dept. Box L79 Eagle, Colorado 8163L Terrlll-: The Genesee ta.nd Co. sketeh plan subnri.ttal was sutrritted to the Eagl s goultrt SoLl- Consenration District for reviervr end comnent. We have the following cornnents: 1.) As reguired with a slcetch p1-an eukmittal, soiJ-s lrrformatlon should be provided. We feel- that jrr order to nake sound J-and rnaragement declsions as weLl- as for those who have to reiriew each sutxnlttal-, thls informatlon shoul-d have been provlded. 2.) fn tne prrelirninary plan zutnrittal, a detaiLed reuegetation and,/or landseaping plan should be subnit'ted, as r,ve1-1- as beeause of the steep site, an erosion control plan ahoul-d aleo be prorided. SincereLy, a^.t 8*t* Btrd Gates, President Liorr-'s F,idge ,. Subdivisidn Filin g#e Parcels -== >=_F BC,q : 7t../' ....i. .,r t;rf Allen Clersterrberger Assoctat€e eO4O l4uh Streer, Sulr€ l0O Boulder. Colorarlo ffiA (n3W?A?49 \'\'\-.-\-==;:...-:\==-/.-jal==-_ -.-': t11g ET{VIRON}TENTAJ, IMPACT STATEMENT LIONIS RIDGB SUBDIVISION FILINC NO. 2 PARCELS B, C, D, & E A}INEXATION AND ZONING PROPOSAL Prepared for Llonrs Ridge Associates, Ltd. Box 1528 Vall, Col.orado 81657 Prepared by ALlen Gerstenberger Assoclates 2040 14tb Street Sulte 100 Boulder, Colorailo 80302 24 llay 1979 il AIl"n Clerstonberger Assoclatos ilttnlft I$lIl \a- li'i I I I 24 llay 1979 ltayor Rod Slifer Vall Touo Councll Town of Va11 Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8f657 RS: Environneotal. Inpact Statement for Llorrs Rldge Subdlvlsion Ftllng No. 2 Parcels B, :G, Dr 6 E Devel"opuent PropoeaL Dear Mayor SLLfor; The followiDg rePort revlewe the requested zonlng for the 77 acre sLte in Lionrs Rldge. lfe have revlewed the p1an, identified impacts, and sumarlzed recomended nltigatlon neasures. The report ls beiag submitted as oae el-eoent of the requlred development plans required for anuexatlon and zoniag. The residentl-al land uses aad aubstantial open sPace are in keeplng with the character of the neighborhood. Overall, the proPosed zoalng is conslstent rtlth the developeuent objectlves of the Tosn. Of prirne fuq)ortaDce to the Torm l-s.the coDtrol of the design of the buildings in the project. Parts of the ProJect are extremely vlsible and the Torro should take the lead posLtJ.on 1n the desi-gu revlew Procesa. ThLs caa only be accompllshed if the area ls annered. '*'"'frlfu) 1Allen Geretenberger AG:bg Enc. 2O4O l4th SE€er Sulre lffi Boulder, Colorarlo W (W\U7A?45 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductlon o r r ., ,,.. ..... I OVERVIEW Deslgn Solutlon TIIE $lpACTS , .... . .. .. 5 Socl.al & Econooic lBpacts Populatloo Schools FLre ProtectLon PoLice Protection Reeponse Tlmes for Energency Vehicles Recreatlon Visual- Impactg Enployment Retall Sale8 Governmental Revenues Physical lnpacta Vegetation Geologlc Solls Drainage and l{ater Quality Water Sewer Alr QualltyTrafflc Transit 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 ll t1II T2 T2 13 13 l3 13 15 l5 Notes . Sibllography IDtervl.elrs L7 2l 22 INTRODUCTION This report outLlnes and reviews the najor lssues concerned wlth the aonexatlon and zoulng of Parcels B, C, D, and E in Llonrs Rldge F11lng No.2. Information ls presented about the proposed plan; the lnpacts of the project ln terms of social, economic and physlcal lssues; and recornnended nitlgatlon measures. The fornat used lnvolves brief points under each of the 'n^jor toplcs. Ttre suppotting reports and calculations have not been l"ncluded id the text. Sone erplanatory infornat{on has been included in the sectiot on ttNotest' at the end of the report. Other reports are referenced and are available elther from the developer or at the Torm Hal.l; they have not beeo l-ncluded in this report because of thelr length aud the amount of detail lnvolved. The nal or conclusj.ons have been included in thls report. Note that the figures presented are approxioat lons - OVERVIEW * The proposal is for the annexation of approxlmately 77 acres, located lL nlles rlest of Vail on the North Frontage Road. * The requested zoniug vould pennit 40 trprinary/secondary" duplex lots and 87 townhouse unitsl 457 of the site will remain as open space. The projected populatlon at full build-out w111 be about 600 persona; this represente about 3.32 of the effective population of the Gore Valley. A maxlur:m of 75 neu students would be added to the schooL dlstrlct; the capaeLty ls avallable to Eeet thle demand. There vould be little negative impact on. the service abllity of the fi-re departrnent. Some negative lmpact will result for the Pollce Department, affecting thelr response tlue and ability to servlce other neighborhoods. The response less than to There rdll be nelghborhoods E (top of the time to the most distant parcel in the eite ls all areas east of about Timber Fa11s in Blghorn. littIe negative visual impact frou the hi ghway or other because of the slte characteristics; the excePtion ls Parcel ridge) whl-ch is hlghly visible. There s111 be minimal netr perrnanent jobs created; of co[struction jobs wi].l be created. about 700 person-years Parcels BCDE EIS Page 3 THE PI,AI{ * The property belng reviewed lnvolves the annexation of approxinately 77 acres of meadow and hl11slde property, located about lL mil"es west of the nal-n Vall interchange along the North Frontage Road. It ls described as Parcels B, C, D, & E of Llonrs Ridge Filtng No. 2. * The proposed land use is resldeutial and open space. It will lncLude 40 prltary/secondary duplex lots and 87 townhouse unite for a total- of 167 dvelliag units at ful-l buLld-out. The average density ls 5.5 d.u. /net usabLe acre. * The elte includes a variety of land forms ranging from meadows to extremely steep, rocky slopes. * b(hibtt I sumnrarizes dsta about the proposed developnent plan. LIONIS RIDCE F]LING NO. 2 Parcels B. C. D. & E Totel Acres Opeo Space (acres) Ibelling Unlts SI'UUARY OF I.AND USE DATA Parcels BCDETOTAI 3.79 11.03 16.53 46.3f 77.66 acres approx. 35 ac. 28 53 68 18 167 D.u. DesLgn Solutlon * The uedlum density developments (townhouses) are located near exlstlng transportation routes and exlstl-ng mediun density projects. Thls will mlainl-ze the disruption to existl-ng traffic patterns and provlde for more conpatlbLe adj oinlng land uses. * Tte priuary/secondary duplex lots are located near existing low-density 1ots. * A few building sites have been located to take full advantage of spec- tacular views from the area; these are located on the toP of the ridge. Parcels BCDE EIS Pige 4 v_A'-=---l: TOPOGRAPIIICAL PI,AN OF LIONS RIDGE FILING NO. 2 Parcels B, C, D, & E Parcels BCDE EIS Page 5 * Ueable opeD space ls proposed to be dedicated to the Town to provlde area for a neighborhood park. * The negatlve impacts of vleus into the site from other areas have been consLdered and mJnLnized through siEing. TTTE ]UPACTS SOCIAL IUPACTS Population * For purposes of proj ecting population, it has been assuued that alL of the population resuLting from this project ls new to rhe Gore Valley. . * Although all units are classified as "long-terrn residentlaltt units, we have assuued that about one-third of them w'ilt be rented on a short-term basis. * The projected population at full bull-daout and fu1l occupancy ls esti- mated to be approximately 600 p.r.ot".I * The present overnight popul-ation of the Gore Valley (resldents and vlsltors) is estimated to be between 17,500 and 22,000 (depending upon the estlnated nuuber of persons per dwelling unit). * The full development of this site as proposed vouLd represent about 3.32 increase Ln the total overnight populatlon in the Gore Valley, if nothing else in the area developed. At the projected ultimate popuJ-atlou of the Valley, this proJect H"i11 only constitute about 22 of the total PoPuJ.ation.2 * At thls t l-me, no t'employee houslng unit8" (1ong-tern rentaL) have been lncluded, other than the smaLl unit in the prirnary/secondary duplexes. Schools * As estimated by the school district staff3, this project wtll generate not more than 75 studeDts. According to JiB llathews, Buslness llanager for the Distrlct; ttThe School Dlstrict can easily handl-e the increased denand fron a proJect of this size." * The followlng chart indicates enrollment and capacities for the schools serving thls site: Capacity EnrolLment Red Sandstone Elementary School 500 Battle llountaln Elementarv Schoo1 430 Mlnturn ltiddle School. Battle Uountain High School TOTATS 430 0 230 500 342 500 1930 1002 Parcels BCDE EIS Page 5 Flre Protectlon * The 77 acte slte is 4 presently located 1n a flre dlstrlc!. It ls Pre- seDtLy served as a rrcourtesy" by the Vail Fire Protectlon Dlstrict. * Based oo an interview with Flre Chief Gordan Swarrson,4 there is no real problem in servLng the area. He recomended that the area should be annexed into the Fire Protection District concurrent ririth annexatlon into the lortn. IneLusion in the District rrould improve their fire insurance rating. If they continue to be located outslde of a district they rrilL be a class L0 (no servlce); lf they Join West Vail Flre Distrlct, thelr class would be ao 8; and Lt woul-d drop to 6 lf in the Fire Protection District. '* The response t ime vould be longer than to most other areas in the conmunity 'but would not be longer than some areas in Bighorn. (See this page for dl-scussion of "Response Time".) The Distrlct is pursuing the construction of a substation in West Vail that could reduce the response tlme requlred. No additional equlprner.rt or D:lnpower would be required to serve the proposed devel-opment, 4 Pollce Protectioo * The developnent of the 77 acre site would increase the denand on the Val-l Police Department. This could possibly reguire an addltional officer and vehicle at soue point in the future. ) The actual rDanPower deterninatioo should be based on the 1evel of service required by the developnent of other projects in the Llonts Ridge oeighborhood after additional projects come on 1ine. * Parts of the 77 actes would have a long response tlme (see dlscussion at the bottom of this page) and could negatively affqct the response time to other areas, dependlng upon eervice requirements.- * The l.ntersection of Buffher Creek Road and Lionrs lLidge Loop ls a dangeroue intersectlon. It has a bad angle of entry r grade, and sight 1j.nes. At this tlme, the Vall Police Departoent does not respond to accldent calls at that intersectLon, * The Lntersection of Buffher Creek Road and Chamonix Lane ls also a problem area.S It uould not be included in the annexation at this tine. Response Tioe for Emergency Vehicles * The issue of response tiues for energeney vehicles to thls area is important. Of particular concern are the nine duplex lots located on the crest of Lionfs Ridge, Ihe distance and driving times from the.Police Statiou to the top of the ridge (Parcel E) were compared with various Points Parcele BCDE EIS Page 8 Vlsua1 Inpacts * The bulk of the project (about 149 to have minioal vl-sual exposure to road. Thls is possible because of lnvo1ved. of the 167 units) will be slted so as traffic on the interstate or frontage the land forms and elevdtlon changes * The greatest visual impact would result from the development of the nine duplex lots proposed for the crest of the Rtdge. The lots are all vislble for both eastbound and westbound trafflc on the interstate aod fron other areas io Val-l and West Vail The siting and design of the buildings ls critical to their impact. They have the potential to be extremely vlsible and t'loudtt bulldings, or unobtruslve, rrquiet"buildings ' The siting' relationship to the s1ope, colors, etc. will be very important in rnaklng the build lngs as subtle as possible. The lssue of design revlew and controL ls extreuely important. Employnent * The development wil-l- not have a negatlve, on emplo)rment. Only a jobs" ri11 be created to manage jobs provide goods and services provi-de 1ltt1e Dultipller effect significant impact, either positive or mlninal number of new ttlocal service condos, provide maid serviee, etc. (These for econooic actlvlties in the area and in creating other J obs. ) * Teuporary, direct constructLon euployment is estimated to be about 700 person-years of employment spread over the 5- to 15 year buiJ.d-out perlod' Retall Sa1es * At fu11 developnent, increased retail sales are projected to be approxlmately $400,000 annua11y. (This is based on one-third of the units being rented on a short-term basis. ) The follow ing exhibit Presents the estimated retail sales by season: Season Occupaucy Average Expenditure Number of Units Annual Rate by Group/oay (short-tern & Expendi- 2nd hone owners) tures l{lnter (150 days) Sumer (120 days) TOTAL * The gales tax be $16,000 per $ 100 $70 lf this anount were spent . $400,000 in the Town would 50 days (4OZ) 18 days (rs"t) generate year. ss (332) ss (337") $330,000 7 0.000 Parcela BCDE BIS Page 9 Governmental Revenues * The eetimated annual revnues to al.l governmentaL entitles aervlng the propoeed ls (at compLetl-on) ts $800,000 per year. * The one-tine revenuea (from constructLon) for all" governmental entitltee le $558,000. The annual revnues to the Town of Vail (excludlng sales tax revenues) are estlmated to be about $301000 per year. One-tlme revenues for Vail are projected to be $257,000. The follorrlng tables sumarize the calculations, sources, and reclpl.ents of revenues resultlng fron thls developuent: ESTI}'TATED ASSESSED VALUATiON OF LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION Type Number Est. Value Total Uarket Assessed (G $110/sf) Value Valuatlou (222) * * Townhouses' (ave 1400 sf) P/S Duplexes $154,000 385,000 $13,398,000 30,800,000 $2,948,000 5,776,OOO 87 80 ave 3500 sf TOTAI 167 $44,198,000 $9, 724 ,000 Parcele ETS Page 10 BCDE REVENUE ESTI},IATES and SEIJGTED FOR TOI{N 0F VAIL, EAGLE COINTY, SPECTAL DTSTRTCTS, FUMS for LIONSRIDGE SUBDMSION AND TOWNUOUSES Entlty/ Source Basls Annually G One-tftoe Ful1 Devel- Constructlon opmeDt charge TOIIN OF VAIL 1. Recreatlon Fee 2. Vail General Property Tax 3. Construction peraits Sub-total-: Tom of Vail- EACLE COITlinY Property Tax I'PPER EAGIJ VALLEY SANITATION I. Property tax. 2. Sewer user charge 3. Connection charge LIONSRIDGE WATER DISTRICT l. Property tar 2. llater user charge 3. Co nection charge VAIL FIRS PROTBCTION DISTRICT (assr:mes annexation) COLORADO UOIJNTAIN COLLEGE RE5OJ SCNOOL DISTRICT 167 D.u. @ 15c/sf for duplexes & 50c/sf vl a 752 credlt for town- houses 3.43 ntlls 12.78 nllls 8.0 mills $7.4|lnolDv $800/DU 8.0 ni11s $12.50/no/DU $r000/DU 3.25 nil1s 5.35 nills 45.94 nl.lls $ 3o,oo0 $ 30,000 $112, OO0 70,000 15, O00 $ 71,000 $ 25,000 $ 28,000 $ 47,000 $402,000 $ l8,o0o (duplexes) $105,000 ( townhouses ) $ I34,000 $157,000 $ $ TOIAIS $800,000 $558, ooo Parcele BCDE EIS Page 11 PHYSICAL IilPACTS Vege tatlon * Vegetatlon generall.y conslsts of grasses, sagebrush, willows' evergreenst and aspen trees. * The developneat of the project w111 obviously significantly change vege- tation Ln the meadows area. * Most of the aouth faclng slopes, generally covered with aspens and natural graaaes, will be dedicated to the Town as open space. * The moat aensltive area in whlch the vegetatlon wilL be affected will be the cul-de-sac rlght-of-way near the top of the ridge. In thls area' substantial tree removal, primarily aspens w111 be required to construct the roadway. Because of the short distance and relative narroit widtht there wLl1 be no major envlronmental damage as a result of the constructLon of this roadway. Because of the location on the north side, the road will not be vislble from the Gore Valley. Geologic * At l-east seven englneering reports (by four independent flrns) have been completed on the geologic hazards of all or parts of ttris site since 1972. (Copies of the repoEts are avail-able for reviev, but are not included in this report due to their length. They are avaiLable for review at the office of Ronald A. Todd, Architect, Va1l.) * The studies iDdicate that the rockfall hazard ranges from "none" toI'moderate", w.lth only a feu selected spots classified as tthlgh hazard." The most recent report (by Woodward-Clyde Consultants) stated: ...we vould rank the rlsk of periodic rockfalls as no worse than moderate acrogs most of the s1ope. At several sma1l localities where large blocks aPpear to be loosely perched imediately upslope from existing homes we judge the risk to be high. " * The studies agree that the moderate hazards can be nitigated against and reduced to low hazards. * Generally, nitigatLon can be done by manual barring with some blastlng possLbly required. In all cases, the determination of which speclfic rocks are potentially hazardous must be deterrnined in the fleld. Speclflc recomnendations for rditlgatlon of hazards are presented in the lfitigatlon sectlon at the end of this report. * The Hearst reportl0 recomended lhe use of concrete and earthen dams runnlng the length of the outcropplng to contain the rockfall. This approach rras not recomended by any other engineer. In fact the concePt was refuted by the final. report because lt was consldered irnpractleal, Parcels BCDE EIS Page 12 SolLs excesslvely expenslve, and generally. ineffective at stopping large boulders bounding down theslope. Thls approach is not recomended. The developers have indi.cated that they w111 perform the recomended niti- gation measures this surmer. Y * Several soiJ.s englneering reports have been completed for the slte. They consistently concluded that Ehe soils are buildable. Also, that specLal consideration must be applied with respect to slting' earthwork and dral-nage. 20 Construction on the crest of the ridge (Parcel E) was found to be feasible. The residences can be founded directly on bedrock, and in sorDe caaes orl soils overlying bedrock. The engineer recomnended that all foundatlons for bulldings 1n Parcel E be carefully insPected by a solls engineer to determine the flnal design parameters for the foundation.zu Excava.tions for the foundation and grading around the foundation on Parcel E are crirical to ensure that the work does not disturb the massive rock outcroPs on the south s{{e of the ridge or cause excavated material to ro11 downslope to the souEh. zu Drainage and Water Quali,ty * A study and dralnage plan for the site for both 10 year and 100 year events under developed conditions has been completed by Gingery & Assoeiates of Glenwood Springs. The englneers recotmended that a drainage plan that. will collect runoff by means of roadsj.de ditches and culverts within the developed area, and eLther pass it across the County road and the Roost to the lrontage Road or along the County Road once the flows leave Lions Rldge. They recomended that the former be implemented. (A coPy of the dralnage plan and rePort are available at the offices of Ronald A. Todd, Architect, Vail-.) Regarding water guallty from runoff from the site, Gingery Associates reported the following: Due to the 1-arge 1ot sizes and 1ow densities involved, there wlLl be very 15.tt1e Lncrease ln runoff from the re-subdivision and very litt1e increase in potential stream Pollution. A11 of the surface runoff frou streets and potential parking areaa is directed into natural swales which are Presently well armored lrith native grasses. Low flows resulting from 1lght shoverst which typically wash Pollutants off paved surfaces, will nornally infiltrate into these srtales ' therefore, natural- infiltration is provided. It is our opinion that no artificial flltering system is justifled for the subject area,lI Parcels BCDE EIS Page 13 Water * The property is ln the Lions Ridge water District. * The District has the capacity to serve about 900 to 1000 dwelllng units; about 480 DU are presentLy bei.ng served and an addltlonal "couple of hundredtt are belng added this s,rrr-"t. 12 * Jiro CoJ.lins, nurnager of the Dlstrictrs affairs, stated that, at,this time, there should be no problen supplying water for the development. ra Sewer * Ihe property is in the Upper Eagle Valley Sewer District which presentl-y has a capaclty of treating 1.1 nillion gallons of sewage per day. FollowLng the plant expansion (to begin shortly), they will be able to treat about 3.5 nillion gallons/day. * AccordLng to Jim Co1lins, manager of the District, there should be no problen serving the proposed development. &_@]ls * The llest Vail airshed has an esEimated 900 to 1000 fireplaces at this time. Assrming that the dwelling units average one fireplace each (in fact ' the average ls slightly less than one/nu), then the ultimate number of fire- places 1s proJected to be 2,265 at ful1 development of West Vail. * If developed ln the Town, each dwelling unit in the proposed subdivi-sion and townhouse conplexes rrouLd be liBited to one fireplace, wlth external combustion ait, heatilator design, and glass doors to conserve energy. * At full build-out, the proposed developnent would constitute about 7\l of the flreplaces in the West Vail airshed and about 2Z of the total number of fireplaces ln the Gore Va11ey * This project will represent about 52 of the carbon monoxlde ln the corobined Vai1 Vlllage and West Vail airsheds and about 3Z of the nitrogen oxides . and hydrocarbon enissions. 15 Traffic * The development of this 6ite will result i-n about 1000 vehlcle trips per- day and an estimatbd 2000 vehicle-niles per day within the Gore Valley.ro * The maximum capacity of the Frontage Road is a about 14,000 vehicles per day. There should be no problem with the ability of the Frontage Road to handle the trafflc generated by this project. This represents about 7"1 of th'e roadway capecity. Parcele BCDE EIS Page 14 Sone of the traffic fron the proJect w111 lncrease the uses of severalexlstlng realdentlaL roads. About 680 additlonal daily trlps rd.1l be nade on Buffher Creek Road and 150 dal1y trlps on Lione Ridge Loop. Both roads have the capaclty to handle the additlonal denand. The followlng diagran indi_cates the dlstrlbution of the daily trafficat conpletlon of ihe .r"r17, E Lan Cl,anen& ln, +27 Y?p +E5a7uaD tp tfl UFD,llo€thW Fd TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AT PI,'LL DEVELOPMENT Parcels B, C, D, & E Lionrs Ridge Fi1lng No. 2 VPD = Vehlcles per day Parcels BCDE EIS Page 15 Transit * The project is expected to generate abott 277 trips by bus per, day and 30 trlps dug{ng the peak hours. (Thle assumes the same 1eve1 of service as Blghorn. ) rd * With the exception of the proposed developnent on the top of the ridge' development on Parcels B, C, & D can be served by an extension of the Red Sandstoue bus route. This would require an additional 8 to'10 uinutes ln route tine (including stops). A slngle bus during non-peak hours couLd provlde service every 30 minutes to the Lions Ridge neighborhood; durlng peak perlods, two buses would be required, providing 15 ninute eervlce. This leve1 of servl-ce is consistelt lrith the demands Projected in the 5-year Transit Development Plan. ro * The Tovn Department of Transportation staff has reviewed the project aDd the route modificatlons necessary and agrees that the service ls feasible. (This routing could a19q serve the Lions Ridge Employee Apartment Project on the sa$e schedule.;19 MITIGATION MEASURES To improve the insurance rating for the Benerate revenues for the fire district' ttre Val-]- Fire Protection District. The area shouLd al-so be annexed lnto the District to assist i.o paying for some of that lrill- result. residents of the area and to the areas should be annexed into Vail lletropolitan Recreation the additional recreation demand A maJor concern regarding the Project is the visual lmpacts of the nine duplexes to be located ln Parcel E on the toP of the ridge. If these are to be bui1t, it is critical that the design revlew controls be the respon- stbl1lty of the Town, rather than the County. It .is posslble to design bulldlngs that ui.l1 have miaimal negative inPacts -- and lt is equally posslbl-e to design buildings that will have an extremely negative impact. For this reasons, the Tonn should have jurisdiction over the development of these 1ots, uhether that entails the acquisitlon of the ProPerty or sinply the design review control of the buildings and thelr siting. The rock outcroppings ohould be worked on so as to minim{ze the Possibillty of rock fa1ls. The recomendations included in the Woodward-Clyde report should be iuplemented on a time schedule agreeable to the Town aud the developer prior to issui-ng bullding Perml-ts. The following engineer's recomendations should be iuplemented: * Scale most of the loose rocks from the outcroPs and allow them to ro11 harmlessly down the slope until they reach a natural restl-ng place. Parcels BCDE EIS Page 16 + Llgh! blasting may be needed for part of thls work, but manual barring would serve for most. Where bulLdings have already been constructed dlrectly downslope from large, loose rock ma6ses, the disengagement of those blocks from the outcrops must be controlled to prevent them from ro1llng or bounding into those structures. This could be accoropllshed through the use of cable mesh, the use of rrdead men" or.a D-9 tractor, or by blasttng (with m"ts across the blocks). Roek blocks that may be loosened somewhat but that mFy constltute keys to mal-nt a lning the stability of neighboring blocks could be pinned eLther rdith rock bolts or with a conbination of rock boltg and lrire rope. Rock bolting has proven very effective. A contractor skllled in rock excavation and rock blasting should be used for the rock scaling and rock bolting. The work shoul'd be uonitored and the bLocks to be dlslodged or bolted should be selected by an englneering geologlst. + Most of the work should be done this sumer wlth a fleld check of the outcrops and some follow-up wolk next year a1so. SeveraL bus loading areas should be included to facilitate bus loadiog./ rnloading out of the moving lanes of traffic. Their locations should be selected by the Transportatiou Departnent staff. This should be done even if the Torm does not plan to extend bus service to the area for eeveraL years. + + + Parcele BCDE ElS Pqge l7 1. NOTES The actual occupancy of dwe11lng unlts in Vail has not been accurately deternined. The Department of Cosmunlty Developnent and the Growth uanagement study assumed 4.4 persons/dwelllng unit. A phone survey of 550 Eagle County residents lndicated an average of. 3.2 Persons,/DU.It ls bel-ieved that the lower flgure is more representative of the per- manent population and even of the second home owners. It should be noted that, at best, the population projections indicate only a relative number of people, and not the exact or annuaL occupancy leve1s. The present population of the Gore ValJ"ey estimates are based on in- fo:mation from the Department of Con'nunity Devel-opneft (5/L5179). The projected populatlon ls based on a soon-to-be-publlshed report for the water dlstrlcts by the firn of Canp Dresser & MeKee of Denver. It should be noted that the percentage of populatlon represented by the development of the Llons Ridge parcels is eonslstent whether the "per duelling unit populatis j.s assr:ned to be 3.5 or 4.4. The foll"owlng table su'rmarlzes the inforrnation in the Camp Dresser MeKee population study. (The present nuuber of "existing unl-ts' is estimated to be closer to 5,000 than the 1977 f igtr es presented in their report.) SI]MI4ARY OF PROJECTED DEVELOPUENT for the GORE VALLEY Caup Dresser & MeKee 2. Water Dj.strlct (a) Existing Total Ultinate Units (b.c) Units (c,d) Popul-ation (e) Ult. imate Gore Valley Bighorn Vail Lions Ridge Vail VLllage West Vail Intermountain 450 215 2748 365 615 160 1005 626 4184 964 1609 656 4422 27 54 184r0 4242 7080 2886 Totals 4553 39794 (a) Includes al-l areas served by that water district. (b) Based on latest figures where known, otherwise based on Uay 1977 flgures. (c) A unlt ls I residence, or 2 overnight roomsr or 2 employee housing accomodations.(d) Based on Growth Management Sub-Co'r'-ittee Report, and coordinatlon with Vail Planning staff, and water distrlct rePresentatives and engineers.(e) Unit tlmes 4.4 persons per unit, with 100 Percent occuPancy.(f) Iocludes Higtrland }Ieado\rs FJ-lings I and 2. Phone interview with Jin Mathews, Business Manager, RE50J SchooL District' L4 May 1979, Phone interview with Chief Gordon Swanson, Vail lire Protection Di,strict 'lt May 1979. 9044 3. 4. Parcels BCDE EIS Page 18 5. Interview wlth Police Chlef Russ ltotta, Vai.l Police Department, L4 Vay L979. 5. Intervlew wlth Pat Dodson, Director of the Vail Recreat.loD DepartEent, L4 May L979. 7. The construction emplo1ment estimates are based on the rule of thumb that there are 16 full-time equivalent jobs per million dollars of sales value of construction. Given the level of knowledge about the actual nr:mber of unlts that !1111 be built after subdivision, the value of the bulldings, etc., the estimated number of construction jobs created is presented only as an extremely rough estimate. 8. Woodward-Clyde, Consultants, Denver, Coloradol May 1979. page 2. 9. Intervlew vlth Rich Tofel and Ron lodd, 15 May 1979. 10. Report by Arthur Mears, ll, Letter from Elmer Claycomb, GLngery Associates to Terrill Knight' Department of Planning and Engl-neering, Eagle County, 15 March 1977. L2. Phoneinterview wlth James Co1lins, manager of the Lione Ridge Water Distriet, 15 l,lay 1979. 13. The unpublished report prepared for the water distrj.cts by Caup Dresser and lleKee vas used as the basis for the nunber of dwelling unlts yet to be constructed in the West Vail airshed, Refer to the notes on popula- tion for more lnforoation about the nr:mber and location of units antici- Pated. 14. Interview with Dennis Murphy, Environmental Health Officer' DePartment of Coumunity Devel,opment on 15 uay 1979. And from the lglggig-.Inveng.g1for the Gore Val-1ey, Vai1, Colorado, 1978. Department of Cornrnunl"ty Development r paSe IV-14, 15. Auto emissions resulting from fuI1 development of this project are based on an estimated 2000 vehicle niles per day. The unlt emission faetors are from the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division' Conposite Motor Vehicle Enlsslon Factors for Vail; and the Aj.r Quality Enission Inventory, Department of Comnunity DeveloPnent ' Tovtn of Vail, Dennis Murphy, principal researcher, 1978. The table on the following page sumarized the data used : Parcels BCDE EIS Page 19 VEHICLE WISSION FACTORS AND CAI,CTTI.ATIONS for Llons Ridge Subdlvlsion and Townhouses Carbon NLt rogen Hydro Monoxide Oxlde Carbons G 30 nph in ninter) Est. vehlcle miles per day at ful1 . bulld out H.nter dally enisslons for proJect (kg/day) Est. uinter emissions G ful-I bul1d out of Vail Village & I{est Va11 162 2.4 2000 2000 93 49 3888 0.0126 7 413 2000 L2.8 434 228 3888 0.0s86 7 413 o o o o o Present emisslons Present dwelling unlts Emission/d. u. Ful1 buil-d out of d.u.'s Future emissLons 3r72 1666 3888 0,428 7 4L3 3t72 93.4 434.4 Z increase due to project Vl11age E West Vail) fu11-bui1d out in at 5.LZ 2.62 2.92 16. t7. The vehicle-miles per day assunes 6 trips/day/dwe1J-ing unit with aD average trip di.stan ce of 2 miles. This is based on phone interview with Bob Tenney, Traffic Controls Division, Colorado Department of llighways on 14 Uay 1979. A number of assunptions lrere required to project the distribution of trafflc on the existing road system. The folloiwng table indl-cates the number of dally vehlcle trips by parcel , the assumed directional flow of traffic from the parcel , and the resuLtlng numb er of vehlcle trlps made on each road. TRAFPIC FLOW ANALYSIS Parcel D.U.'s Estimated Local Residential Streets Daily Auto Buffher LionsRidge Frontage Road Trips Crk Rd. Loop East West i4 llzlt%Ili(ll 507. 84r5828 TOTAL 18 roo2 679 t54 a4 50"4 84 rcz286 3290"453318 68 408 7 07"285 30i( r22 108 ro01l 108 /Parcele BCDE EIS Page 20 I8. Calculations of the translt, demand are based on data collected and presented ln the Eagle County and Town of Vail Transit Development P1an, 1978-83, ltay 1978, DePartment of Coumunity Developueat ' Towrr of Vall. Ridershlp characteristics have been assumed to be consis- teDt nith those of the Red Sandstone area. Ihe following deflnitlons were used in the calculatLons presented below (page 94 of the TDP): Monthly rl-dership: Passengers carried during March Deslgn day ridershlp: l2th hlghest day of tllnter season Peak hour ridership: Slngle busiest hour of the design day which is 4-5 P.ro. The factors used ln the eal-culatlons were based on historical rlder- ship data for the Sandstone bus route, Populatlon of the Lions Rldge Subdl-vision 600 X Ridership factor for Red Sandstone bus route X 11.28 (ave. trips/month/person) = ProJected monthly rldershlp X Design day factor = Design day ridership X Peak hour factor = Peak hour demand 6768 per nonth x.04I 277 per dayx .11 30 per peak hr. 19. Ueeting and slte lnspecllon w'ith Jon Eberle, Director, and Skip Gordoo' Bus @erations llanager, Vail DePartnent of Transportation. 20. Chen and Assoclates, Inc., Consulting Eogineers ' Denver, Colorado; Geotechulcal Study for Parcels B and E Lions Rldge Subdivlsion, Vail, Eagl-e County, Colorado. Septenbe'r L5, L977. Pdrcels BCDE EIS Page 2l BIBLIOGRAPI{Y il Chen and AssoeLates, Denver.. Inspectlon of Potentlal Rockfall Hazards, Parcels C, D, & E. Llons Ridge Subdivlslon Flllng 2, March 9, L977. Ibid., Prelininary Subsoll and Geologlc Investigation for Lions Ridge Development, Vail, Colorado. ilay 15, L972 llears, Arthur, Gunnison, Colorado. Rockfall Dlitlgation on ParceLs C aad D Llons &ldge SubdLvlslon, EagLe County, Colorado. October 1977. Ibld., Rockfql] Hazard pq Parcel !- tf"ns nfage StUa Coun Colorado, October I Ihe John Ryan Colorado. Company, Denver. February 1974, Ibid. and THK Associates, Denver. EnvironmentaL lmpact Report for Glen Lyon. Vail, Colorado. September 1977. Translt Development Plsn fo! Eagle County end Town of Val1r DePartmeat of Comnlml,ty Developmeut, Tor^rn of Val,l-. 1978. Tayvel Environnental Land Co., Prel-imiaary Subdlvision Proposal for Llons Rldge Subdlvlsioa Flllng 2. May 16, L972. Chen and Aesociates, Inc., Consulting Englneers, Depver. Geotechnlcal Study for Parcels B and E Llons ntdge Subdivision, Vatl, Eagl@. I{tllard Owens Associates, Wtreatridge, Colorado. ation Around Block C of Lious Ridse Filln Ibid., GeoLoglc Englneerlng Study of PotentlaL Rockfall Hazards' Block C Property. Llcins Ridge Subdivlsion, Vail, Colorado' Novermber 1978 Ifoodvard-CLyde Consultants, Denver. Englneering Geologic Consul-tations Lions Rldge Flllng No. 2, Vall, Col-orado. May 2, 1979. Carp Dresser McKee, Deover. Sel-ected pages of rePort to be released for vater distrlcts in the Gore Valley. May 1979. Parcels SGIIE EIS Page 22 Rl'ch Tofel Ronald Todd, TdU OF VAIL Rlchard Caplan DLck Ryan Russ ltotta Gordon $rangoa Pet DodsoEr llark Marcue Dennls !turphy Keat Rose EACIA COUNIT Terr'.].]. t(rl.ght RSsOJ SCH0oL DISTN,IGT Jlo ldathews Janea Golllas PIIBil,IC SERVICB OF COIOIADg Gerry Ha1l INTERVIEWS LLon|s RLdge Associates, Ltd. ProJ ect Archltect/Planner To$n llanager Dlrector, Comunlty Developuent Chlef, Police Department Chief, Fire Departnent Director, Recreatlon Depart[ent Chlef Bulldlng OffJ.ctal Envlronnental llealth Offlcer Dlrector of Publlc l|orks Dlrector, DepartEent of Plaanlng and Bui1d1ng InepectLotr Distrl.ct Manager DlstrLct Uanager Buslness Manager I'PPER EAGLE VALLEY SAT.IITATION DISTRICT LIONS RIDCB WATER DISIRICT k RICHARD D, LAMM Governor C.J. KUIPER State Engineer DIVISION OF WAIER RESOURCES Department of Natural R esou rces '1313 Sherman Street - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 892'3581 Ground Water (303) 892'3587 REcilr'--: JUN Z 8 1!lii June 23, 1977 Dept, 0f Plann,r,g \Pgb tu&ty. Mr. Michael S. Blair, Director Eagle Department of Planning P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8-|631 Re: Lions Ridqe Resubdivision No. 2 Parcels C-& D Dear Mr. Blair: This letter is in regard to the water supply for the above referenced subdivision which we have previously reviewed. The Lions Ridge WaterDistrjct has provided additional information concerning the availability of water to serve the 66 units in this subdivision. The present average demand fon the 400 existing units jn the Districtis 128,000 gallons per day (0.20 cfs). With the 66 units proposed., the average demand would increase to 149,000 gallons per da.y (0.23 cfs). The source of water for the District is Red Sandstone Creek. This water is diverted under water rights owned by the Princeville Corporation. The Prjnceville Corporation in turn sells raw water to the District in accordance with a water supply agreernent between the two entities. The District has the option to purchase .|,5 cfs prior to l9B8 for the needs of the Distrjct. The water rights are presently decreed for irrigation use and no'indication has been provided that the Princevil1e Corporation has initiated a change-in-use proceeding in the Division Water Court; although, the land historically imigated has been removed from irrigation due to development of the area. Red Sandstone Creek has a small drainage area (.l4 square miles) and., conse- quently, relatively low flows in the winter months (1 to t.5 cfs or less). As the District's water demand grows, the adequacy of Red Sandstone Creek to supply this demand may become questionable. The District's manager has indicated that another source may be acquired to meet these demands. Due to the number of units involved in this application and the tjme 'i nvolved to obtain jnformation on the District's capabilities, we have no obiections t0 the approval of the subdivision. lh. lrlichael S. Blair JAD/HDs/pJl cc: Lee Enwold' Dlv. Eng. Princevi I 1e Corporation Janes Collins Enclosurc Very truly yours, . Jeris A. Danielson puty State Engineer -2-June 23, 1977 Hottever, for future subdivisions to be served by the District' we would request that additional infonnation be provided on the proiected tirptable oi.itre-Oitiiiii to obtaln the appropriate water rights bn Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek and convert these water rights to municipal use. nl &. x)lu't-)la*-- O*or"* suPP r.,Y oo^ "uru*? 't',$THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between EAGLE COUNTIY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (herein called 'rEagle"), a Colorado ""rp$)Eiio",}rod LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT (herein called the "Di,strict"), a q.l'i,ii-.-,: ,9"* municipal corporation created under the laws of Colorado {.}' .a .-.,. Eagte is the holder of certain water rights in the Gore Creek water "n"aj+*t S Colorado Water District Nurnber 3T. The District is the owner of a water diatribution system (herei.n called the 'rwater systern") servicing certain land inthe Gore Val.ley of Eagle County, Colorado, which land is specifically des- cribed in the documents under which the District was originally created. The District desires to purchase water from Eagle and Eagle desi.res to sell water to the District. In consideration of the mutual covenants her ein contained, the District aod Eagle do hereby covenant and agree as follows: I. Sale and Purchase l.l Eagle.shall sell and deliver.to the District and the District shall purchase from Eagle all water necessary to satisfy the water requirements of the District for the land presently located within the boundaries of the District; provided, bowever, that: I.la Eagle shall not be required to furnish to the Districb more than 675 gallons of water per minute nor more than a total volume of 840,000 gallons of water during any twenty-four hour period; I.lb Eagle shall not be required to deliver water frorn any source other than from its direct diversion rights located on Red Sandstone Creek tying east oi X the land included within the District; l. lc The District rnay at any tirne when Eagle is unable to deliver water adeguate to meet the requirements of the District obtain s'upplemental water fror r f other sources to satisfy the additional water requirernents of the District. l.Z The water delivercd by Eagle to the District shall be raw untreated water. The District shall undertake and be responsible for the treatment of the water. Z, Measur ernent 'Z.l AII water delivered by Eagle to the District may, at Eagle's option, be measured by a meter or rneters of standard make to be furnished, installed -l- rl o rll lcpt in rcpair by EagIc'. Such nrcLcr or nre tct s slrall bc ar.:ril:rblc !o thc l" Diotrict for inspection at any ti'..c. In case' any qucstion ariscs as to . ii' lbe accuracy of metcr rneasurernent, such meLer or rnctcr.s shall bc ,itcated upon the dcmancl of either party. The cost of such test shall be',, borne by the party demancling the test. ,,i ln caae of a failure of the rneter or rneters, or of an .inaccuracy of the meter i1 or metdrs, settlement for the period of inopcration or.inaccuracy shall be. ,,1 baaed upon the average reading during the first fourteen days after the meter .'0r meters are regtored to accuracJr. 2,2 ln the alternativc, at Eagle I s option, the volurne of water delivered by: Eagle to the District shall not be rnetered, but shall be estimated rnonthly, . rnd the price to bc paicl by the District for watcr dclivercd by Eaglc hers-'i under shall bc calcul:rtccl ancl cleterrnirrcd on the basis of such estinr:rtc. The cstimatcd voltrnre of rvatcr dcliverecl ancl uscd during any nronth shall. be the . product of the averagc nurnbcr of rcsiclcntial units existing within t[e f)istrictnultiplicd oy 7' 850 gallons. For thc purposcs hercof, thc terrrr ,'resiclential ' unitt' shall bc deemed to nlean a cotrstructcd builcting or portion lhereof dcsigned for private occupancy by at least two pereons. 3. Price and Parrnrent ..,1i 3. I The District shall payto Eagie ten cents-($0. l0) for each one thousand(1,000) gallons of raw untreated water delivered by Eagle to the District , under this agreernent; provided, horvever, if it shall provc necessary that the District operate the bleeders on'its water system to prevent freezing oI its pipes, the guantity of rvater bled shalt be estimateJ by Eagle and ino charge shall be nrade by Eagle against the District for that guantity of wate r . ' 3.2 Eaglc shall invoice the District within fifteen days of the cn4 of each: calenclar rnontlr for the rvatcr dclivercd to the Districi in auch.'prece ccling calendar nronth, ancl thc District shall pay cach such invoicc '*ithir-, twerriy days after rc ndition. 4. Option.to Forchasc 'i[ater Rights 4. I Eagle-n:1"0t grants to thr District the right and option at any time during the terrn of this agrccrnent to purchase frorn Eagle one ancl one-half (1. 5) cubic feet of water per scconcl of tirne frorn the water rights or.vnecl by Eagle.I'The purchasc price for such watdr rights shall be Thirty-seven Thousand' Five l{undred Dollars ($3?,500. 00), and shall be of such of the water rights , then owne.d by Eagle as shall be selected by the District,. 4.2 Eagle rnay at any time prior to the exercise of the optio^ granted to theDistrict in sectir.n 4. I of this agree,^.-cnt, recluire thc District to designate thc one and one-half (1. 5) cubic fcct of watcr pcr occond of tirne rvhich thr: -2- i ".' .l o Diotrict desircs to be rcselved by Iiaglc for the optic)n of thc District. If gc District fails to dcsignatc such watcr righl.s aftcr thirty clays writtcn toticc Irom Eagle, then the engincering f i rnl of PhilIips, Cartcr, l{cister pd Associatc6, o! ifs successor firm, shall upon thc demand of Eagle 6rke such a selection on behall of the District. t, Tirrlt l. I The term of this agreernent shall be {or a period of twenty years from irt e. l, Eorce Majeure l. t Neithcr party shall be liablc for failure of pcrfornrancc undcr. this agrec- nent due to labor controvcrsies, strikes, drought or othcr lack of watcr, rccidents, acts of God, or arry circumstances bcyoncl the control of thc party Iriling to pcrforr:r whethc r of similar or dis sirnilar nature. ?. Mis cellancous ?. I This docurnent contii.ins thc'entire agreenrent of the parties and may not be amended or modified except by a written docunrent executed by the party ,ought to be charged with such arirtndm ent or.nrodification. ?.2 This agreement shall be executed in rnultiple cxecuted copy shall for all purposes be deemed as nent. Executecl this day of copies and each lully the original of the agree- ,lg6g. EAGL}I COIINI'Y CORPOIlAlION DIiV[:],OPMENT :. ATTESl: ATTESTI By LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT Ry -3- lr' | /.i GrhgaryAgoabtcs, tac. t: oh/s u L7-//v G EA/ G /,\/ FEF S SU|TE 2O7, VlLLAGE PLAZA GLENWOOD SPRINGS, coLoRADO 81601 TELEPHONE 303 945-8676 HAA4E OFFIT:F 2A4O SOUTH VALLEJO SIREET EN6 I EWOOq COTOPAOO 80 t J 0 rEt EPHONE 303 76r.4860 Mr. Terrill Eagle County Planning & P.O. Box 785 This letter responds to certain questions raised in the Department of Planning and Development t s letter of March 4, 1977 and the Eagle County Environmental HealthOffice letter of February 18 , 1977, concerning the ref- erenced project. Item 2 Letter of March 4 IYII Hydraulic information is portrayed on the Drainage PIan and in the Drai-nage Report for both the 10 year and 100year frequency event, as required, by the SubdivisionRegulations. This is pointed out numerous times in thereport and noted. on the P1an. Item 3 Letter of March 4 1977 A 4 inch water main j-s more than adequate to supply do- mestic water needs of the residences along the cul-de-sac.It is, in fact, preferable to a larger main in a dead end situation, as water will move more rapidly througha 4 inch main, thereby decreasing lhe possibility offreezing. If a fire hydrant is necessary on the cul-de- sac, a 5 inch main would be constructed from the 8 inch in Lions Ridge Loop to the locatj-on of the fire hydrant. Item 7, Letter of March 4 L97 7 The historic outfall route for surface runoff from this area of Lion's Ridge was directly to Gore Creek. This route has been interrupted by construction of Interstate ?0 and the Buffer Creek Subdivision. Discharge from ,/' 'l?' ASSOC/ATES DERYL W. OINCERY €LM€R L. CUICOMS LARRT A. MUILER March 15, L977 Eag1e, CO Re:1le No. Ssp-77-17 Lions Ridge Loop Job No. 1307.002 Knight Department of Development ctvrt Er{c|l|€EirilG / tAxo suFvEYrfiG / sronl| DBAtf,AGE /stRUcTUfAr. / TBAr{sp0RTAT|0N / WATER & sA il rrA Tl0 N / c 0UPUTE R SE RV ICES Mr. Terrill Knight Page 2 March L5 | L977 Lions Ridge has been confined to t,he historic locationwhich is very welt defined by the site topography. Thedevelopers should not be required to construct any off-site drainage improvements since the flow exits the siteat the historic, natural location. Please note that the discharqe from this area of tionsRidge has been consid.ered in the drainage planning for The Roost improvements, which has been submitted sepa-rately. Item 1, tetter of February 18, l-977 Due to the large lot sizes and low densities involved,there will be very little increase in runoff from there-subdivision and very 1itt1e increase in potential stream pollution. A11 of the surface runoff fromstreets and potential parking areas is d.irected intonatural- swales which are presently well armored with naLive grasses. Low flows resulting from light showers, which typicallywash pollutants off paved surfaces, wiIInormally infiltraLe into these swales, therefore, nat-ural infiltratj-on is provided. It is our opinion that no artificial filtering systemis justified for the subject area. It shoul-d also bepointed out that a man-made filter system woul-d representa continual maintenance responsibility for the County,with associated costs I hope these responses adequately ansvrer the questions. Please contact me or Mr. Dave Burnett of this office ifyou need additional information. Very truly yours, GINGERY ASSOCIATES, INC.{,Lxt4* Elmer L. Claycomb , fP .8. Manager, Glenwood Springs Office rl cc:\ Mr. John Perkins\Mr. BilI SmithMr. Mike CarlisleMr. Erik EdeenMr. Roger Hocking I-- | | ,"': I i, { 'r' \ i i1.\.iii liI \- l::l r ! r--.^;'l*U 30n 3 | 0uNDAIt0x. TXGIHITIIHG ciicn aird CONSULTI ass0c i;lt NG ENG cs, Inc. IruEENS . r rl' >r. .-t.rA,,t z":t{ '! ,'r)t>' 3f 3 r 7.14.7105 307,?34.2126 96 S. .ZUNI .19?4 EAST FIF ST oENVER, COLORAOO 802?3 STREET . CASPER. \\'YOMIHG 8?601 8t657 John Pe rk Ins S,rh inrt' 4'r(-srof Ii.rrch ! , l],-7 l.sncctlon of Pctcnt lal Rockfal I Hazards, P,.rc,rls C, D and E, Llons Pldce Srl.C lr,, lsl,.:n, Fll lng 2, \':: i | , Eae le Crr,..:nty , Cc lorarJo. Jc,b ljo. I Lt , lC5 llor te r /f odd Parinersh ip, A. l .A.P. 0. Rox ll86Vall, Colorado Atcent lon I f4r. Gentlenen: As requested, we_vlsrted the subJect slte on Harch g, r9rl. Thepurpose of the vislt r.Ja s to deterr. lne the F:tontlal of |.oil, f..., ll In par- cals C and D f rom the source outcrop located ln parcel E. lJe prevlouslyperfcrned a prcll.ir.ary englneerlng'greology and solls Investlqatlon fortlre subdlvislon rcported under our Job ilo. 8023 dated Hay l!,lglZ, :!e condltlgn:: --The area of concern iles on the southern sropo of Lrons I'. ldge eas t of Duffer C ree k. Att.lched Flq. I shor;5 ths pert Inen! surfacefeaturcs'ln relatlon to the proposcd devcloprent. The south slCe of therldqe s lof)es vcry steeply dorvn to the south at about 15..-'There;re ::uer:l outcrops of sandstone bedrock at the upper elr:vatlons of the srope.The s lope .breaks tor.rerd the botton to about l5b t., iOn'J""," to the south.0n the flattcr slope,.wJthrn parcer c, there rs a densc irpun nrouu. TheuPper slope ls ccvered by a noderatell. dense qroi./th of saget,rrs5, crassand scrub brush. There are.t'o rcsldcnces constructed on loqs casi of andon the s.1ne s lope as parcel C. c.",gt"fE*fS".!$"g: The southern slope of the rldce ls a valley-cut scarpslope. The bedrock unlts whlch dlp on the order of 30o to the north arepartlally exposed ln several outcrops on the south siope. rnn nost predom-Inant outcrops here arc thln- to thlck-beddcd s.tndstones In the area of theproposed de'elopment at the east end of parcel E end r.,,,a s s tve sanCstonestornlnq a {0" to near-vertlcal rock s lope- that extenCs along the najorltyof. the r/estern end of the rldge, Thls nasslve sandstone outcrop, as dlscussed In our prellnlnary :l9l::"ilng geology report, ls a source of rockfatl debrls. Dornstopeor Ene outcrop r larqe boulders are 5cattered ahoul on the oround srai"ao. r-" l I J .l I I '-l lFr.5 \6r unoo l*l,__--5, ,aool S ,l'-r aat S Alanrl4:,I.\, QI '-l q I I/i\ 3/ al. \- l"' o,'('l:0 o_ F a (3 l t'r lq l*, /g/ e/ -.ra )t I GI tl cr- cui c)oru .- c, xc) o J trJ(J d \l Il,nlz.lotl ,;9 (J J UJ C)d. tJ:.ton -€!--:- out ','F ICrc q? trJ atr/3 r/o'r' / f ,,/ gt /o' "/ lt,,.:l iut;o /-:ifa/, It4' '!oo \ -' o56 ;its I I Hortr-r/Todd Partnershlp' A. |,4. Harch 9, 1977 rage r The dlstance whtch these boulders have rolled dorvnhlll ls on the o.rCer of 20C to 600 feet. The nrajority of thc boultjers are errbeJced so: tei;irat in the sol l. A ferv boulrjer! havlng a legs-l''eathered appearance and less c:rrbecjr;cnt are pr€sent on both s'i des of Lions Ridge L6op (the rc'ad divid- lng parcel C f ror,r D). A resldent to the east of Parcel C reported that abou! a ,lo;err [,oulJcrs irave f allen f r.rt t.lre outcrop in tlre pas! four years' L,:cLf all Potential I Due to tlre orlerltatlon and sprcing of jolnt5 t'rithin tfr??,oTiii-o-"trGr6p of sandstonq and thc very sreep scarp slope south of tlle outcrop, cr)rlditions favoraLle for rocLfall are prcsent. Sased on the condltlons of tlte source outcrop ond the presence of rockfall deLrls on the lo;rer pgriions of tlre slope, tre fcel tlrat iirc 1.;robabilit; of i-ockfall ln Parcel C ls noderate. Rockfallvrillbe nrostly rolllng fron the steeper s lopc on trr tire f la '. te r s loPe . It is possible to mir,iriri2s Ilre pro!:ability of rockfal I rJairage. \,'e recqnrrend the fol lowlng measures be consldcred: ( I ) P,ernove loose and detaclred b locks of rock f rorn the source outcroP and !llc 5tecl)et [,crt ions of the s lope belt'ivi i t ' ilre 1-'q51 lratlrod f or re' moval ls piobably hand scaling uslng pry bars. Sul,sequent scal lnq rliay be requirecl periodically. Elastlng is not recol'lrenCcd because of the potentlal for further disturbance. (2)A high, very heavy-rluty chaln-llnk type fence constructed dlrectly bcl<>rv thr: sourcc outcriit can ald in reducing the chance of sr:ra I ler' bou lders t rave I Ing dor^rns'l ope. (3)lf any future deve lopment ls planncd for tlre top of the rldge lt slrould be kept wcll ar,'ay f rtxr areas that could lea.J to disturbance of the sandstone outcrops. The above precautlons cannot completely el Inlnate the rockfall potential but can rcducc the probablllty of ciattagc. lf thc dcvcloPr,ent of Parcel C and the northern lots of Parcel D is aPproved ' prospectlve buyers sirould bc macle atvars of thc rnoderate risk of roclif al l ' lf we can L,e of f trrtlrcr scrvi p leasc call Sincerely, ci;Eil At,iD ASSOC IATIS , ll:C . By _-*_ --:--=-i----.l1arA;-l: Paro'r . Lnqineering Geolog lst HJ P/ned Rev. Dy: R.C.ll. Encl. C€r RICHARD D LAMM GovERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Director i I COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING -'I313 SHEEMAN STREET DENVER. coLoRADo so2o3 pHoNE {303) 8e2-26.1 r RECEIVED April r, 1e77 APR 5 1977 "";:li:lH:;; " Mr. Michael S. Blair Eagle County Planning And Development PO Box 789 Eagle, C0 8l-631- Dear Mr. BlaLr:RE: GEOLOGIC HAZARDS, LIONS RTDGE SUBDIVISION, PARCELS CANDD Attached is a copy of a letter to the Morter,/Todd Partnership by Marcus Pardi of Chen and Associates, Inc. This investigation of the rockfall problem is an offshoot of my request for additional informatlon on geologic hazards for thls slte. It is apparent that there is a rockfall problem and the investigation by Chen and Associates has outlined this problem. We feel that at this time it ls a serious problem and that other long term solutions to the problen may be available. We have suggested contacting a consultant who has expert knor^rledge of thi-s specific type problem. What other type of geologic soll-s investigations tha! may be necessary will be determined by the type of structures that are proposed for each lot. After the type of structures are determined and thelr l-ocations, then possible slte specific information may be adequate to mitlgate all problems. We reconnend that any land-use decisions on thi-s parceJ- be delayed unCil the developer hag furnished this additional informatlon. Sincerely, L. R. Ladwig Engineering Geologist LRt/ds CC; Chen and Associates, Inc Morter/Todd Partnership GEOLOGY STORY oF THE PAST . . . KEY To THE FUTURE RICHARD D. LAMM Governor 1 JAD,/GDV:mvf cc: L. Enewold Land Use Comm. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Department of Natural Resou rces 1313 Sherman Street - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 892-3581 Ground Water (303) 892-3587 March L4, 1977 C.J. KU IPER State Engineer ll i . {\^ >lln'* :- l,re 'm15 I \ ',-.t/ lr , , A l\o I r,tt/ _1 |{ \ *\ \P4"' I\../ ! u' . --.,_.,r,-\ 4 i ,-,:i i'/ li) t' , ::, -,e1. r.rgle ljou[!y. Cuio" Mr. Michael S. Blair, Director Eagle County Department of Planning & Development P. O. Box 789 Eagle, CO 8I63 I Re: Lions Ridge Resubdivision #2, Parcels C & D, File No. Ssp-77-77 Dear Mr. Blair: This is to acknowledge receipt of sketch plan material conceming the above referenced subdivision. As requested. we have reviewed the data and the following comments are presented for your consideration: 1. From the information presented, it is uncertaln as to what water rights are owned by the Lion Ridge Water District. It would be most helpful if the District could supply a water resource report summarizing the water rights owned by the District, the estimated yield of these rights for municlpal purposes, and present as well as projected demand on the district. 2. We also have no information indicating that the irrigation rights owned by the District have been converted to municipal use in the Water Court for Division V. Due to the above comments, we cannot recommend approval of Lions Ridge Resubdivision*2, parcels C & D, at this time. We would be most happy to revlew additional data at your request. Very truly yours,/l/ A,/br'"u,fu- Jeris A. uty State Danielson Engineer DERW W CITIGERY ELMEN L. CLAYCOUB I"ARRY A. MULLEFSUITE 207, VILLAGE PLAZA GLENWOOD SPRINGS, coLoRADO 81601 TELEPHONE 303 945.8676 ?ElO SOU\H I/ALLTJO STPEET E tGtE @a coroRAN 80t I 0 TELEPHOTVE 303 761 -4860 Mr. Terrill Knight Eagle County Department ofPlanning & Development P.O. Box 785Eagle, CO 81631 Re: File No. Ssp-77-77 Lions Ridge Loop Job No. 1307.002 Dear Mr. Knight: March 15, 1977 tv;^r;i j 7, "ui.r,* r".,,i., ci,..," , L This letter responds to certain questions raised in the Department of Planning and Developmentrs letter of March 4, L977 and the Eagle County Environmental HealthOffice letter of February 18 , 1977, concerning the ref- erenced project. Item 2 Letter of March 4 r977 Hydraulic information is portrayed on the Drainage PIan and in the Drainage Report for both the 10 year and 100year frequency event, as required by the Subdj-vj-sionRegulations. This is pointed out numerous times in thereport and noted on the Plan. Item 3 Letter of March 4 L977 A 4 inch water main is more than adequate to supply do- mestic water needs of the residences along the cu1-de-sac.It is, in fact, preferable to a larger main in a dead. end situation, as water will move more rapidly througha 4 inch main, thereby decreasing the possibility offreezing. If a fire hydrant is necessary on the cul-de-sac, a 6 inch main would be constructed from the 8 inch in Lions Ridge Loop to the locatj-on of the fire hydrant. Item 7, Letter of March 4, 1977 The historic outfall route for surface runoff from Lhis area of Lion's Ridge was d.irectly to Gore Creek. Thj-s route has'been interrupted by construction of Interstate 70 and the Buffer Creek Subdivision. Discharge from OVII EIGIflE€NITG / IAIO $'IVEYITG / TORI ONAIIAGE / STNUCTUNAT / TRAI{SPOBTATIOTI / IYATEB A SANITATION / COMPUTER SERVICES Mr. Terrill Knight Page 2 March 15 | J-977 Lions Ridge has been confined t.o the historic locationwhich is very well defined by the site topography. The developers should not be required to construct any off-site drainage improvements since the flow exits the siteat the historic, natural locat.ion. Please note that the discharqe from this area of Lions Ridge has been considered in the drainage planning for The Roost improvements, which has been submitted sepa- rately. Item 1, Letter of February 18, 1977 Due to the large lot sizes and low densities involved,there will be very 1itt1e increase in runoff from there-subdivision and very little j-ncrease in potential stream poJ-lution. All of the surface runoff fromslreets and potential parking areas is directed i-nto nat,ural swales which are presently well armored with native grasses. Low flows resulting from light showers, which typicallywash pollutants off paved surfaces, will normally infiltrate into these swaLes, therefore, nat-ural infiltration is provided. It is our opinion that no artificial- filterJ-ng systemis justified for the subject area. rt should also bepointed out that a man-made filter sys|em would representa continual maintenance responsibility for the County,with associated costs. I hope these responses adequately answer the questions. Please contact me or Mr. Dave Burnett of this office if you need additional information. Very truly yours, GTNGERY ASSOCIATES, INC..2 f u.4*t 4./ - ?r, L' Elmer L. Claycomb, /P.E.Manager, Glenwood Springs Office J-) cc: Mr. John Perki-nsMr. Bill SmithMr. Mike CarlisleMr. Erik EdeenMr. Roger Hocking -' DTPANTI,IEHT OT TIISHI{INE J1IID DTI|EI.OPHTHT McDonald Bldg. 550 Broadway P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 17 March 1977 Mr. John Perkins c /o Morter /Todd Partnership P. O. Box'1186 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Ssp-77-77 Sketch Plan Lionsr Ridge Loop At their regular meeting on 16 March 1977, the Eagle County Planning Commission reviewed your sketch ptan subrhittal and determined that you may proceed to the Preliminary Plan stage of the Subdivision process. During the review of the sketch plan, the fot lowing items were discussed: 1. Tovvn of Vail Letter of 16 March fgn (appticant has stated that they will work with the Town onresolving the points in the letter) . feet of road not adjacent to the subdivision Creek Road). 1-4-5 and 6. The Commission suggests that the above specific items plus al I other discussion be taken into consideration as you proceed to the Preliminary Plan. Susan Var.rghn for: Terri ll Knight SV./kp Ag4gz", cc: Board of County Commissioners Planning Doptrtnrcnt/Planning Conrmission: Sutrdivision, lkrzoning, Applications :rnd Ilcvitw (303) 3284138 Iluilding Ofticial: lluilding l)crmits and Inspccl.itx, Zoning Adnrinistration {30.1) 32lt-6339 2. Possible paving of approximately 3O0 but possibly impacted by it, (Buffer 3. Landscaping 4. Review of parking and access to lots EAOI.I COUNTT luwtt box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Court House Eagle, Colorado LIONS RIDGE LOOP off ice of the town manager March 16, )^977 .,'l I I !,iYilr ' ' '"1^ 'l9./RE: Gentlemen: The Vail Town Council has reviewed the sketch plan for the resubdivision of Parcels C and D of Lions Rldge Flling No. 2 and wisbes to make the following coruoents: 1) Lot numbers 2-9 and 10-16 of Block D are bunched too closely together; Suitable access to Lots 7-9 and 24-27 of Block D and Lots 4,5, & 6 of Block C is questionable; 3) Some of the steeper lots such as Lots 7-9 and 24-27 of Block D and Lots 4-6 of Block C should be restricted to single family dwelling units; 4) Lot 1 of Block D should be dedicated as public open space due to its proximity to Buffer Creek- Besides the aiorementioned concerns, the Vail Town Council supports the concept of the sketch plan and would request the inclusion of the building envelopes throughout the subdivision process. Sincerell', TOIYN OF VAIL, JAD/j ek 2) Dobson, Ro) TVon, 6.ollinx & Oo., Jnr.- LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 1740 Williams S treet / Denver, Colorado 80218 / Phone t3031 399-7053 January 5, 1977 ' *i" .'.t) Eagle County Departnentof Planning and Development Eagle County Courthouse Eag1e, Col-orado 81631 Re:LIONIS RIDGE WATER DISTRICT, Service to Parcels C, D, and E, Llon's Ridge Filing #2 Gentlemen: The Lionts Ridge Water Dj-strict hasbeen requested toreaffirn its comnitment to serve Parcels C, D, and E of Lion's Ridge Filing 2, proposed to contain L40 units. The Lion's Ridge Water District intends to provide water service to this property. For your lnforrnation, we subnit the following additionaL data on the status of the Lion's Ridge Watea District. As con- cerns physical water supplies, the Lion's Ridge Water District presently draws its water fron Red Sandstone Creek, punps andfilters it through a modern facility and stores it i.n its 250,000 ga1lon storage facility. The District has been concernedfor some time about the long-terrn physical availability of raw water from its present water intake source. In pursuit of l-ocat- ing solutions to this potential problem, the District is engagedwith the other Districts in the Gore Va11ey in studying alterna-tive sources of raw water intake. The District has consummated an agreernent and an interconnection with the Vail lVater and Sani-tation District water system, providing for back-up water suppliesin the event of some emergency. This interconnection could also serve the Vail Water and Sanitation District in the event of an energency within their boundaries. As concerns Water Rights and accompanying raw water supplies, the District has a valid Option Contract with Princeville Corpo-ration for the present unit purchase and eventual acquisitionof Title to Water Rights owned by that entity. Due to sorne anbi-guities on the interpretation of that Contract, litigation isin process to solidify its interpretation. The District is con-fident of its validity and, thus, of adequate Water Rights to serve prospective development. :Eagle Jan. Page Itle hope thistional questions, JPC:ahcc: A11 Board Members Thonas T. Grinshaw Roger Hocking Mssrs. Morter 6 Todd data is helpful to you. If pLease feel free to contact Sincerely, you have addi- u5. ON'S RIDGE WATER D]STRICT Jaires P. Collins Lyon, Collins & Co., Inc. DISTRICT MANAGER Cofnty. s;-L9772: i." i. i I I l. I l. I I I RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Di rector COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SH ERI\4AN STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80203 pHONE (303) 892-2611 March l-1, L977 Mr. Michael S. Blair Depar t-oent of Planning Development PO Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: R"E: Ssp-77-TTlLIONrs RIDGE LooP We have revieve.d the proposed lot layout for Lots C and D and have re-reviewed the preliminary soil-s and geologic report prepared by Chen and Associates in L972. We feeL that due to the posl,ti.on of these two lots on steeP slopes, the cutting of a new access road, the change in drainage r^rithin this area, surficial and bedrock consider- ations and possible rockfa11, that a detailed final geologic investlgation be completed for the prelirninary plan submittal. Sincerely, .lt L. R. Ladwig Eirgirr.eering Geologist LRt/1s cc: Land Use Comdssion IAR i t]97r i, ,i. u. I . ri -' r' Eagie r.rou ll. Cllo' GEO SToRY OF THE PAST , LOGY . . KEY TO THE FUTURE CtrlLclHAtrIC' E,EI'AFITMENT ClF HEALTH 4210 E.11TH A,/ENUE DENVEFI AOEzO PHOf!E 3AB-8i111 EXT. 329 ANTHONY ROEBINS, M,D,.M.P.A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: March 10, 1977 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEW AND COMMENTS Michael S. Blair Dept of P lann ing and Deve I opmen t McDonald Bldg. Eag l e, C0 81 631 NA Ssp-77-77 , Sketch Plan - L ionrs Ridge Loop 16, t977 ls this project consistent with the goals and obj ect ives of th is agency? ls the re ev i dence of over'l app ing of duplica- tion with other agenc ies ? ls meeting des i red with appl icant? A l5-day extens ion is requested. PR0JECT TITLE: File No. STATE IDENTI F lERt NA C0MMENTS DUE BY: March E fl TO: TO: Yes Yes [| F [i [j |.Yes l-l Yes l-l No No No No Comme n t s : Ron S ims ick, ATTACHMENT B Name, S0C-3, Feb 77 P rog ram Admin i strator Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 1',n T -.' ., 'i- .1 r' .. . ...-. -| | '' t 'e.i :t- .,. r C..,.-,;_ I,- r]-. ... .. . . .: . ;3n,i ?i;Q ,.t^..r - '.^-t^--.:. 11 ('.j -'.) 1).. n., i'l ar.'.-ii1"-^ !191i.,i 1.1{', o w gtril, fi.allins & 6o., o &lnr. I,OCAL GOVERNMENT I74O Wi iams Street / Denuer. Ridge Water District reaffirns its statenents January 5, L977 concerning service to this any further questions please feel free to RECEIVED MAR t r 1977 L,.-i. Li ' ilDiiii:l & ,evgl. E gle Coutrty, Colo. LIONIS RIDGE WATER DISTRICTFile #SSP-77-7 7, Sketch Plan-Lionrs Ridge Loop k MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Colomdo 80218 / Phone [303] 399-7053 March 9, L977 Mr. Michael- S. Bl-air, Dgpt. of Planning and Eagle County Box 789 Eag1e, CO 81651 Dear Michael-: The Liontsin our letter ofproperty. If you havecontact us. Dir. Developnent Re: Sincerely, LIONIS RIDGE TATER DISTRICT JPe: ahcc: Ed Drager Thomas Grirnshaw Mike CarLisle Morter/Todd Partnership i. \,i,i, 1'() ij111 -l '- \lirtlllt'rr. ( ,lqr1;;,i , :. 11 1' March 9, 7977 [-'-:- '-:'' l':n li,aii I I 1977 i.i,il,t. r,, I i"itL!r,iJ d i,cvel. Eogl€ Co{oty. colo'Mr. Michael S. Blair,Dept. of Planning andEagle County Box 789 Eag1e, CO 81631 Re:File #SSP-77-77, Sketch Plan - Lion's Ridge Loop Dear Michael: The Upper Eagl-e Val1ey Sanitation District has adequatecapacity to provide sewerage treatment service to the abovereferenced proposed developnent. As you are aware, the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Dis-trict now has excess capacity to provide sewerage tTeatment tosubstantial additional developnents. In addition, we expectto begin wi-thin a few rnonths actual design of expanded seweragetreatment capacity so as to maintain our ability to treat andour high quality of effluent. The devel-oper understands that it is necessary that he comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Upper Eagle Va11eySanitation District concerning the construction of new sewer rnains in the vicinity and the payment of tap fees prior to ser-vice. Upon his compliance, the District will provide service, If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. Sincerelv. ',',//'. ..t--:i Jarnes P. Collins t' District Manager// JPC: ahcc: John V. Amato Thomas T. Grinshaw Morter/Todd Partnership Director Development * O,o(t(D6.6- ot (t{ l: i, o3 c si z> c; Se6, e, 6d I E r; : ss E H,q :Fot=,cO-:'tYq6Ri'6-9EPpF;"4i3et@'- -tsii.v?(r::r!.'-9qi:1'-;'< 599(66::6'0 fl9 ra'f,e Jt += =a- J6 ;'; dii:tEf. i: 6odtO <O oro -- or*= 1: d;.H.+q d€ Ea3.H - :JO O,^f a:: f1 (,Jvt,ed 5* SFrR = 5: .:50'<'r 8* afr'"qiii' sg :d',i:(o *E ':.. J iR ex 9&?q€ o5 o q.l!.& F+ 6'EBd = =. qrQ':* ;9 6a4gO 6. *;qi7 6 55PE E C € .i+4 o- 8i:4q F o,3X;ts - ;eE:.6' E. E; 46 a o o toooll oo 6'l T 0l@o N @ _fl N-O'n o(n! q)N Jq(o'n r Fr=*r a:fffgstfl$rN(, :-Eijo :I*6Ii5*-95(/)+{ -:r1q E:;d-;'-3e1$il ;fiai tiEe;t l'eip;^ 333i ;i;14[ I :-ag pE"g l"l#$os fl -H3; 319* ;13g.r; H B;ii 6;tj !!oE-6;; ?arl fl;**q a i$il lFig ils;l$ r 1s'ig uli" ;F,e ii- t $g 6. H;: s ire ; rE,; lqs a 338 i 89; i;i 6 fia i l'sI a* e Pqi q i3 l" i <g: iri eI ;ls i ';fr d i's Bs q a; q IIl * gt q iliia !' 3. oil 'L "1. ri. !!) t:8! =o 3 o1o tlle :;+;ilil ";;;;=+[g?$qf Etg*r{' ir€;3r;t{nrao ff4q; di qi[ii$iE; egi 3; I gi qsiie$$aq r3.-' ;E I 3s i{ 3qe$3"1 e: tde i3 i ii iil3tg :td3r ;9. o 3b $903;o o'l(':to-=orfo-o=o5ool FiFi[;${ifFi[*iiet4 s 3 Ai riirlfr Ara3' * 3 s; E;tAgi ig5s g iii'isl: !iOXpo'eCcJlXdEi tis qiid tr ^6 : T t 3 ';ci :Xgr *' ,A ;' g! "*3o€ ; * li . tt! A '''-E d 3 1. e' r iiq C'lrrEDl.@,-xst+t4,.{ G'.rt -tl-irt:a! 4, =,g2 3r4.ct EF:!€F:IriG'ttslll =,rl I ft'r| -1 7 *q:nl9J 7) (o{mZ -qoo\-iroa-q=o< -0 5 5' 00 o l i.a 6'f, 3 :t:' p;.+9I iiqg$# :iisilal#:]l ii$t;? [q :i€[fir5:s ;[i;q$ sii;f;rql:$eJ EiiIal "$ E;f*ii$}i :i:l}i 39*{ieadsli fi#il'.i' .i::i ;lqq$ rl:lqi H;:H s;Ei;i <gi;;* qiil; :F;1$ iit:i+ issF " iil9 aad6fE E3+* r d;& !t*d;: 3;gL J Ed" :]5:?dH r'6 * o o o o a -H=- - (6 i*,9 a ggt a+i3l $9f? H gEd F3;+; it;* 4 *i' i,4s* pP;;F q daE;A iP r ' * :*Y -c ;'ed I i o;$1 q.;q ' f, ig t o F toool :loJc D o-'lo 'lt o rlco i;i*ll +*i alF i*$*F i*g i,sii;i i;;$i i ii il ;5 i ls i: a *: i iFg$ili ; *aiEal iii iii g;lai [ii $sE;$il iEl 3g =$l *Al ;3flAi sat *"stEis F re rn ;ii iieii igF F E$ i' ig'gfl'ltli;l'gc$[g* iligt'a;$iesi*i'tl > o.f, 106 =ol .D -.1 O) EAEIE COUNTY o ETABTTfiENT lllcDonald Ill<Ig. 4 ! o I{$AND DElITI.OPftITNTO! II.AI{ilI 550 llroadway March 1977 P.O. llox 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Mr. John Perkins c/o Morter /-foAd Partnership P. O.'Box 1186 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Ssp-77-77 Lionrs Ridge Loop The Technical Review Committee for Eagle County (a group of technical advisers from various publ ic agencies) reviewed your application on 3 March 1977 and offered the fol lowing comments and recommendations to you and the Planning Commission for consideration of approval and use of the property: 1. Building areas should be designated on the preliminary plan. 2. Hydrologic information submitted should be verif ied to determine whether it is based on 1O0 year or 10 year information. 3. The statement in the cover letter concerning the 4rr water main should be approved by thewater and fire districts, or a larger line should be instal led. 4. The subject of potential rock fal ls should be addressed by ageologist. 5. The lots in Parcel C should be renumbered to recognize the existing lots southeasterly of that parcel. 6. Because lots 415 and 6 of Parcel C have severe parking and access limitations, aplan showing parking and access for these lots should bre developed prior to prel iminary plan stage to prove that they are feasible lots. 7. Provisions should be made for the movement of surface water from the subdivision to Buffehr Creek. 8. The road leading to the site should be brought up to county standards by developer. 9. Project should be delayed until the detailed water/sewage treatment report being prepared jointly by the Gore Valley water and sewer districts is available. This recommendation will be forwarded to the County Planning Department and Pl.anning Commission for consideration at their meeting on '16 March 1977.,/ 07 ./@,za-."- Va"26,"_ Susan Vaughn for: Terrill Knight sV,/kp cc: Board of County Commissioners encl . Letters from the File I'hnning l)elrartmcnt,/ltlantring (irnrmission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Ilcview (303) 32E-6338 tsuilding Officitlr Iluilding l'crrnits rnd Insper.tion, Zoning Adrninistration (303) 328-63J9 One Park Cenhal P. O. Box 840 - l5l5 Aropohoe Streel Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) 534-t261 t&rctr 2, L977 Eagle County PLaaning Depsr tment P. O. Box 635 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Preli.minary Plot llqnq Llou Ridge loop Gent lernen : We have exuined the above caPtioned plot plan and find that' €t this time, Weatern has no facilitles on the land to be plotted. Please note that lte are a gas ttanemission utillty and our approrra 1 does not refLect our abillty to serve subject subdivision. Rr,-^---lvED Mi,il ,i 1g/7 !egt. r,; i r;; ;g * 'evolar l.agle CountY, Colo' Very trul"y yours , ,' ),,1 , ,/ ,,i . " , 1' /-,g- Danie1 L. Tekavec Right-Of-way Agent DLT/pp DATE: TO: $ROt{: SUBJ: EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEAITH P.O. Box 61 1 r Eogle, Colorodo 81631 o 326-7718 February 18, 1977 Michael S. 81air, Director Erik If . Edeen, R.P.S. File No. Ssp'77'77, Sketcir Plan - Llons ritrge Loop Morter,/Todd PartnershipP. O. Box 1186Yall, Colorado 3165? t. 2. COMMEMS: Storm drainage system including stolm draioage fi"ltering system sbould be provided f or this project to pr:eve;rt strea'n degradation from street and parking lot runoff. Project sbould develop conculrently with 20i expausion of the Upper Eagle Valley Sewage Treatme,rt Facilities at Avrrn. If you have any questions, please advise tlris office. Sincerely, /fu'zrQ/etuErik W. Edeen, R.P. S. EnvironmentaL Health EWE: sam RECEIVED FEB 2 5 1977 0!pl, 0t P.iannr;rE ,r , ,,,,r Ettb county, .t.,,a. Fq.'" , ,r.r:a*# &-^r^ .'- ."* * .o{o L .i .*' a.+ L-v.s --b I , **U tNc, I3OI GRAND.AVE., GTENWOOD SPRINGS, COTORADO 8I6OI February 25, 1977 Department of Planning & Development Eagle County P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81 631 REF: Ssp-77-77 Parcels C & D, Lions Ridge Subdjvision, Filing No. 2 .r -:l\ lit i : ,,, i,i L.. .. ,... '.., fu:l ll t,,'rurltY, i. "li;" Gen tl emen : The sketch plan of the proposed re-subdivision of Parcels C, D & E, Lions Ridge Subdiv'ision, Filing No. 2, show none of the easements for Holy Cross Electric's overhead #2 feeder line across these parcels. These easements are of pubiic record in the Eagie County Courthouse. Also, since the Solar Crest area is being re-subdivided jn this sketch plan, easements for our underground facilities serving this condominium must be shown on the final plat. Holy Cross Electric will meet with the re-subdivision surveyors and locate our underground l'ines for them so that easements may be described and shown. When the necessary contractual agreements are finalized and Holy Cross Electric provides electric service to the new lots of the re-subdivision, utility easementswill be required on all lot lines. If underground electrjc service is to be provided to the new lots, these easements must be 7-1 /2 feet on both sides of the interiorlot lines, and fjfteen (.|5) feet on the inside of exterior iot iines. If electric service to the new lots is to be prov'i ded overhead, these easements must be at least ten (.l0) feet on both sides of interior lot lines, and twenty (20) feet on the inside of exterior lot lines. Si ncerel y, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, iNC. WDD/ Kcc: File:Solar Crestcc: F'i 1e: L ions Ri dgecc: File:Eag1 e P&Z Subd. Subd. l Doiman, Engineer Baltle Mountaln Jr. - sr. Htgh school Mlntum, Colot'do Mlnturn El.montary Mintum, Coto/€.do Hed Clltl El.m€nlary Rcd Cllfl, @lolcldo Meadow Morntrln El6m6ntary Mlntum, @lor'do EaOlo Vallsy Jr. - Sr. HlOh School dwrum,@lot',do Eaole V.lloy ElEmsntary E gl., @tot'do oooy ElEm6ntary Mc@y,@lo|s,do - krle-b(stz EAGLE COAI{'TY SCflOOL DISTRICT RE 5OT 3264321 Eegle, Colorado 81631 Oltica ot the Superintendent February 22, 1917 TO: flIE TAGLS CqtN11r PIANNTNG COMI{ISSION RB: 55 2 a7- 77 Gentlemen: with regard to the referenced proposed develoPnent. it is the posltion of the Eoard of Educatlon of Eagle County School Dlstrict Re- sOaI that no developments having an impaet upon ttre school system be approved unless such inpact has been asaessed and approprlate Provisions have been made for site dedications or in lieu palments as provided in ttre subilivisLon regrulations. Please place our RePresentative on ttre agenda at the hearing so that we nay advise you of ethat w€ consider to be the School Districtts need cauged by the proposed develoSnent. ,- -l,JLD FLB z i 1977 t'r r ii "1"3 h rjiiei' Eagle countl/' Colo' EIIIE COUNTT DTTATTNEilT OT TTAIININE AI{! DEITI,OITTTT McDonald Bldg. 550 Broadway P.O. Box 789 Easle' Colorado 81631 1? February 1977 Re: File No. Ssp-77-77, Sketch Plan - Lionrs Ridge Loop Applicant: Morter/Todd Partnership P.O. Box 1186 Vail , Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 16 March 1977. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Sections 3.05 and 3.0?, as amended effective 1 August 1976, you are required to receive the plan, and you have 24 days from date mailed within which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and reeommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, please advise this office, in writing. Thank you very much, %/"J/,a2"-Michael S. Blair Director, Department of Planning and Development MSB/ge enc. Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) :12843:t8 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (303) 32E{339 TRANSMITTAT LETTER. AIA DOCUMENT C81O rTerrell Knight II9-ET;, -tion's R'idse Loop HLCIIVED ARcHrrEcrs 1c,o(name, address) PROIECT NO: t oJ(. TO: 77lgil ,, -,1, a, '0. ' " Eagle County P1 anning Commission Box 179 Eag1e, Col orado 8.l631 AfiN: L WE TRANSMIT: ( ;1) herewith ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: FEB Dept. l. Eag j,r ( ) under separate cover via DArE: February 14 ' 1977 lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt ofenclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us.J ) approval ) review & comment )use ( X) distribution to parties ( ) record ( ) information () THE FOLLOWING: Drawings Specifications Change Order Drawing Prints Drawing Reproducibles Samples Product Literatu re () () ( ) Shop ( ) Shop 'v coPrEs DATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACTION CODE ??2 -1 0.-77 innrc Ridno I nnn Skplch P'lan ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted COOE B. No action required C. For signature and return to this o{fice REMARKS If you have any queslions, please do D, For E. See not si8nature and forwarding as noled REMAR.KS below hesti tate to cal I . REMARKS coPrEs AIA DOCUMENT G81O . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE (with enclosures) tr trn D!John M. Perkins THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA TRANSMITTAL TETTER . APRIL 1970 EDITION ' AIA6 ' COPYRICHT O 1970 OF ARCHITECTS, 1785 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., WASHINCTON. D,C.20036 ONE PAGE THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA R':..-l\/[D February 14, The Board of Eagle County, c/o Departnent P.0. Box 179 Eagl e, Co] orado Re: Resubdivision of Parcels C, and D of Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing 2. Dear Sirs: In pursuance of paragraph 4.01 .02 of our firm submits the attached Sketch request for Sketch PlLan Review. a.) There would be no change in the name of the subdivision. The sub-ject parcels (C and D) would be resubdivided into single family and duplex lots varying in size from.34 acres to 2..| acres. All lots wou'l d remai:n a part of the Ljon's Ridge Subdivision, Filing 2. b.) Domestic water would be supplied by the Lion's Ridge District. l,later would be distributed by extending the existinq 8" main, in Lion's Ridge Loop Road, west to service lots fronting on Lion's Ridge Loop Road. AIso, a new 4" main would run east and west the length of the pro- posed cui-de-sac servicing proposed 'l ots fronting on the cul-de-sac. Please note the attached letter from Lyon, Collins and Co., Inc. addressed to water availability for this project. c.) Sewage disposal would be prov'ided by the Upper Eagle Valley Sani- tation District. Sewage would be djstributed into existing 8" mains runn'ing through parcel "0". New sewage mains are anticipated in both the right-of-ways of the Lion's Ridge and the proposed cul-de-sac. AII sewage would eventually be collected into an existing 10" main jn the North Frontage Road right-of-way. If our firm may be of any further assistance involving the explanation of this Sketch Plan, or in answering any questions perta'ining to this project, p'l ease do not hesitate to call. a, Ronald A. Todd THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Representing Lion's R'idge Venture vArL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 1s77 FEBl7i371 Dept. 0f Planntng & tcvul. County Conrni ss i oneFgle countv' colo" Col oradoof Plann'ing and Development the Eagle County Subdivision Regu'lations, Plan with this letter servinq as formal CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 rHE MoRrr*froo ,, Sketch Plan Information VNERSHIP, AIA As.requested in Section 4.0.| , Sketch P'lan Requirements, the Eagle County Subdivision Regu'lations, we submit \he following information: a.) The proposed resubdivision\ of parce'l s C, and D, of Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing 2, invdlves the creation of 33 duplex or singlefamily 1ots. Six lots on p\rcel "C" ranging in size from L6 acres to 2.1 acres. Twenty{seven single family or duplex lots onparcel "D" ranging in size f\om.34 acres to.92 acres. b.) It is the developers intent tb provide a well subdivided area for the development of luxury duplex and sing'l e fam'i 1y homes, resultingin a Lion's Ridge mountain neighborhood. Density for the tota'l 27.5 acres is 2.4 units to the acre. Density for the net develop- able land (16.5 acres) is +.0 units to the acre. c.) The preliminary sub-soi1 and geolog'ic investigation, dated 15, May, 1972, is addressed to a previous proposed development. The current proposed development is as stated'in a.) and b.) above. The following sections of that original report should remain valid to the new proposed land use: Site Conditions Vegetation Geol ogy Subsoil Conditions Foundation Types S'ite Grading Additional Investiqations d.) The attached letter from Lyon, Collins & Co., Inc. dated January 5, 1977, is addressed to water service for 140 units. The proposed development as mentioned in a.) and b.) would result in a maximum number of 66 units. e.) The Town of Vail, with the help of Sue Smith, of the Colorado State Division of t,lildlife, is preparing wildlife information maps. Un- fortunately, these reports are not fina'l at this time. Sue Smith has indicated that deer wintering is thjs area have moved out due to the increased development in the upper Eagle Valley. She further in- dicated that the proposed development would have negli9ib1e impact on the limited wildlife in the area. f.) It is genera'l ly felt that the wildlife, minerals, and radiation are elements that will have no impact on the future development of the subject parcel s. cRossfi3ADS A'i vAlL i:;oX i'lE vAtL, ccLoRADO E1657 ,176-5105 5otl & r0u$,roATr0N E;'l Gli{EEnltlG 2600 IVEST 2nd AVINUE, SUITE 7 1924 EAST FIRST o eSSCCltr:eS, LTING EN:GII"JE=RS o DENVER, COTORADO AO?19 CASPER, VJYOA4ING 826C'I 303/9351397 307/234-2't26 che? CONS i,Qe;i"J (U PR,EL II'1 INARY SUSSO iL Ai'iD c:010c !c ii!vEsT icAT t0N L ION;5 R iDGE DEVELOPMEIJT vA.t L, coLoRAt0 RECIIVED (FrB 1 7 1977 O8PL 0l Plarinine & De'/eL FEgl€ , Courty" Cola Prepa red for: Lionf s Ridge Ventui'e clo Hr. Cab Chi ldrcss 22! Enrcrson Street Denver, Co loracio 8021E iob 1,|o.6023 :'.a'; i j. lJlZ TABLE OF CONTENTS coNcLUs | oNs SCOPE PROPOSED DEVELOP$ENT S lTE COND ITIONS VEGETAT i ON GEOLOGY suesotL coNDtTt0Ns FOUNDATION TYPES OAH S ITE S ITE GRAO lNG AOD IT IONAL INVEST Ic'AT ION . FIG. I - LOCATION OF TEST PITS (\ FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FtG. 3 - SI/ELL-C0NSOLtDATtoi$ TEST RESULTS . -'AgLE I - SU}i.I,iARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS I t I I z- il c0Nctu5 l0Ns . The area is suitable for the proposed deveiopneni. ito. najor geologic pro.blents v,,ere observed. The subsoi I conditions are.quite varied but are generai'i y suitablefor spread footing type foundations. SCOPE This report presenis the results of a preliminary subsoil and Eeologic investigation for t70 acres west oi- Vail, Coloi'acio yrhich are proposeC for cievelopnent as the Lionr s Ridge Venture. The report pi-eseiiis ih.e general ' subsoil condiiions, most feasible foundation ".1,,pes, rarge of soi i pressui'es, geologic conditions and hezards, and other information foi- use ln prei ininai-y planning. PROPOS ED O E'.'T LOPI.IE I.JT I unders tand that the area r.l i I i nio severai oa:-cels r-rh i ncide r.ri ih tne t 'aphy ar':d I be ci iv i deci pa rcel s coi ( rvil I be dcveleqed separately. Thesc the development is i sed only on the flatter portions i..':e of devel oprient wi I I cons i s i. o th lorv dens i ty and rrcffl, ce::s i :'7 cc:',doni n i um type units. The low density areas higher density areas are proporJd p ropo in the valley eiea end the f or-6e ber:ch o:r tl-.e souir. ooi'tiori the property. Some builciings to l2 stories hig be ccns i cered i n area. Roads wil I be r .red for'access to the various po s of the crbted of this i ta A low dan ex is ts at It is proposec the \^res t end of to increase'this Lhe va I ley and pond to 2 to 3 i ts pres S ITE be en COND.IT iONS At the t inne of our made part Hay into investigation, the souih port the s ite ion of the was vacan t. properiy e;i Ore roaci had ihe rerna i nde r O -z- of the access roads were being surveyed.f'I\' The site cdn be charadierized by its topography. The south Portion consists of a relative.ly flat terrace. Thc around surface 'uhen rises abruptly io the pronrinent Lionts Ridge, a narrow ridge running east and west throughout the pioperty- North of the ridge is a valley- There is no stream f lowing in ihis vailey ai the Present time. This vailey joins Buifer Creek, a f low.ing stream, on the r.rest, Northvrai'ci ; i'or the vei lelr tie gi-ounc surfate rises on a S'reep SlOpe io a high ridge be yoi'ld ir,e noi-:l) oi-o.leri'; bounCary. VEG=TAT iON vegetaiion on the site cons ists of srass, sage brush, l.ri lIorv, evergreen and aspen trees. ln ger:ei-al, alu.f lat poriion is covered t;.tn sage brush anci ' the sout6 facing slopes ai-e sparsely vegeiated vriti-, brusi: anC qi-ass- The t north facin.g slope of Lionts Ridge is heavily tirirSereci rvit;r eveigreens' lsolated clumps of aspen and r^ril I oi.l trees occur in the meado\t ai-eas oi' the o val I ey u GEO LOGY Thetopograpiryofii.,esiteiscontrclledcloseiybytheunderIyingbedrock geology. Lionrs Ridge is a scarp and dip siope i-o;'iied by a sandstone formation which is tentatively identified as a mentber of the l{aroon Fornation' Th: becirock dips about tio degrees torvard the nortlr and the noi'ih SloPe of ti:e ridge is formed on its dip s'l ope. The north siCe oi the valley is a scarp slope oi similarly dipping beds. This.valley as v.re1i as the nai;-, Goi-e creel< valiey . llas been glaciated. goir' val leys show a rnarked rturr shape anci many glacial e i'ra c ics. The area south of Lionrs Ridge is a tei'race formed f ro::r giaciai Ceposits- Tl-.is rerrace has been eroded since deposition anci several s aiI swaies occur in it. North of this valley is the steep oi- scarp siope of Lionrs Ridge. Large bloclcs of sandstone rave fallen from ihe exposed outcrops of thi ridge. This ridge rises to 81454 feet, appi'oximaiely 450 feet above the averaEe terrace'level. The top of the ridge has both becj:-ock outcrops and unconsol idaced glacial deposits. The north slope oi Lionts Rldge is essentially a dip slope vrith a shal lor.r cover i:rg oi' either coi iuviun or glacial deposits. The valley north of Lionts RiCge contains ciepos irs de;-iveC fro:i glaciai action and bedrock is no: exposed. iiol'ih o; ti.e vaI lcy isoiaied snai i out- crops oi bedr'ock occur bui in general i:le siecp siope is co've i'cd vrith col iuviunr. Elevation of li:e val ley ranges fi'oir 6, 190 to 6t352. The g:-ounci surface to ihe north rises. io app;oximaiely 8r8i0 feet on i,^,e nortii property l ine, The becrock exposed o:'; Lionrs Ridge consists oi 'iirin io niassive bedc.icci f ine to mediun grained se;'ldsione wi ih soile beds of cong loile;"are. The nrass ive poi.tions of the bedrock are pronrinent c'l iff r,akers and are shorvn oi'l the attached f igure, The bedrock is jointed in oae io ir':o inajpi- ciii'cctic;ts. u;hich have created loose blocks near il':e outcroP a:-eas. l''iea r lhe iop of the i'icise, sor'ne thin beds of limestone occur. The glacial deposits in ti:is area consist of a fer'r large ei-i'atic gi'anite and conglonlci'ate boulders bui f or ij'ie mos t par'L cons ist of deoosits of i'ine to coarse grained soils r.r i ih abundani clay ma^urix. T;-rese soi ls vary f ron cl ays to cla'7ey gravel . Sti'uctural ly, there may be a faul t rvhi ch oF Lionts Ridge. This'fault is probably assoc building of the Rocky liou;ltains- Seismically, r.te do not bel ieve the fault is signiiicant to runs through the vallcY north iaieci uJi tlr tr.e genei'a1 mounta i n this is noi an active area ani ihe proposeci develoPnent. -4- No lnajor geologic hazai'ds were observed. In Eenei-al, iie siopes apaeer to be quite stable and no areas of subsidence nor iiistabil iiy :.:::e observed. ihe main hazard we observed and which is of I ir,rited exteni, is :le rcck fall ihat occurs f ronr the rocl< outcrops . In the area of t'ne h; gh c.-is i ty devel op- nent, sevcral. large blocks vrere noted in.tl.ro areas and are ii,ci:=:eci as possible rock falI areas oi the aitached figure. For :ie nosi pa;'t :tese' large rocks were embeddeC into rhe soi I and appe ai' not io be oi rcce.-.. origiil . One snnal ler area on the north side of the val le;r slso appears :c :e an oid rotk fal l a;ea but similarly the detactred rocks are pei-iially 5u:-iec. liu bel ieve rock fal I in the 6re6 can be easily co;trol led bv a s)/s:3iir o;- obsei'va- tion and scaling rvhen poteitially unstable roc!<s a:-e iou:.'-:. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS The subsoil conditions rvere investigated by observing ;'oac curs anci digging l0 test pi ts in -Lhe area proposed for cieve,) opr:ren: - lhe suisciis ei-q, . quite varr'ed and consist in gcneral of a topsoi | !ayer of organ;c saicy cieys c_1o clayey sands overlying nediunr stiff sandy clay with gravei to ioo:e io. . meoium dense clayey to gravel l), sands, Tr,lo. unci isturbed sar;ples iakei f ror'n ihe test pits indicate the soil does not possess a sr^rel I poi,eriial but wi I I settle moderately under loaci ing. . l.io f ree' water was .encountered in any of the tes t p i is bu-. sone of the . upper soi Is rrrere very moist arid there may be f ree watei- in the iieado,.r areas during certain times of the year.. FO UI|DAT I OI'i TYPES In geneial, the mos.t suitable type foundation ior I ighi struciures r'ril ! be' spi'cad footings placed on the clays and sand belor.r the uppei' :opsoil. I . Maximum soil pressures will range from about ir000 to 4rccc psf. For' I\' heavier 5tructu!-cs, spread footings placeci on the loutei' ncre grenular soils wi I I be feasible. I'lo re detai led invest igat ions vril I be required to Provide . specific design criteria for^ iiese struciures. DAl,i s tTe Tlle exisiirrg ciam I ies in a co:rsiricteci area oi i:e veiiey ui'rere it joins Buffcr Creet<. This coristriction is for;:c bv be<jroci ci ri3 south anci a' I aieral nroraine on the noi'th. lt acpears feas ible -.o iirCr-3rSe 'che size of the dan ancl pond, Additional study is neeCeci io proviCe cie::ils' SITE.GRACII'IG . r,,Je assuine that some s ite Erading r^r i I I bc requ i:-ed boti'' :o piepare bui I ding ( s i ies and ioi- road cuts. ly'e reconrend that a l I culs bc l<er: io ;;iin ii;tum depth, \ on the order of l0 to l5 feei- cut slopes inio the unconsoiidated soils should be no sreeper than ll-:1. .StouEning of the steepe-i' existins cui5 rvi ll occur. cut slopes into the l-,ard bedrock may be sieepcr, up to vei-::cal. iiovrever, J sorieroc|<fallcanbeexpected.|ngenera,|,rockcutscanbestecperonihe souihfacingsloPesbecauseoithedipoftherocl<.Thecuionthevlestendof the site will probably be in unconsolidated glacial soils ro;- ihe iirost Part' Fill slopes shbuld be no steeper than l{-:1. steeper slcpes naY [t possibie but ihey will be subject io ravelling and vegeiation will be very ciifficult . to become i-e-establ ished., Adequate provision si'lorjlC be mace for surface orainage and through the road emcankneni- . tf deeP cuts or fills appear necessarT, they should be studied on an indiv idua I bas i s. ( -5-o IroD IT lOt'lAL I NVEST IGAT l0N We bel ieve the preseei investigation vJas in sufficieni de!E:l to provide general. informat!on for planning and prel iminary ciesig;':s. !!e suggest that further invesiigation be accofiplished to provide specific design cri teria. lf ti:ere are any questions or please let us know. ( if we can provide aciCi:ionei i :-. io rr.ra t i qn, CHEN At{o ASSoC IATES, !t(C. 7,1 RCH/aob Reviewed By Fu Hua Chenr.P. E. dil,-."*-,f iesworti,// ? - 1.'v . S I opes Rock J(-- 0utcropJ TP- 5 a ---<'z- Smal I Rock/f,- - - ---- :i*z- Smal I f//.- .- l=-- -'- it\-Fal I - \- / ..rv.\rJcu nvAu tr\-III-_-]--E--- __-rP-e\'--- - __P I - -- -- :: -.---' {'=-l tr --'..--J'\ \ rP-7 \ x\ a \. or9\\ oT" t .ti rii---\.*--\-\- t-oi ou.,rtrt'- -i-l I I s loPes Down /:. PR Rock Fa I I i 0ld High to ."1---i;-""! \ k g 1---.*-*- \'- -- Sc;ric:lit _ lI--\ .\1 ;io.l' Fall Lorv 9r: ns iry T:T, E; IIIG F.OAJ X I i - li '-1 F-c "l]tj :o7fL--fr, tu l r'fr)i/i {}t/ i i,4VJ .,,/1 Yl IJC=?O .9 Dul-106.7:.-5 lrl .l I'e tr --10 7,o r) lttY)e'V;j i'.i u.ri I I :rI' I It('l\ .- l5 ]'p 6 Y?-1 r;i"A :-; a -/:1 , )(.'.-t i,.1'1, i;414{.la tr I TP8 :P'tl ,-0I L- L IiI iu !I 1. I !- ;:LIrji i-(f,i rt._ ro r' ,'\ ? ? !,-l lr Tdon, CIullins & 6o.,pFr. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTt7-Doo Willizms Steet / Dentnr, Colorado 80218 / phone [B0Bl iRECFI' FEB I 7 1i/7 Dspl. 0f Plan;ting & Devel, \&gln oosnty. coto. Eagle County Departmentof Planning and Development Eagle County Courthouse Eag1e, Colorado 81631 CONSULTANTS Phone [303]399-7053 January 5, 1977 \" r', Re: LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT, Service to Parcels C, D, and E, Lion's Ridge Filing #2 Gentlenen: The Lion's Ridge Water District has been requested toreaffirn its conrnitrnent to serve Parcel-s C, D, and E of Lionts Ridge Filing 2, proposed to contain 140 units. The Lion's Ridge Water District intends to provide water service to this property. For your infornation, we submit the following additional data on the status of the Lionrs Ridge Water District. As con- cerns physical water supplies, the Lion's Ridge Water District presently draws its water fron Red Sandstone Creek, pumps andfilters it through a rnodern facility and stores it in its 250,000 gallon storage facility. The District has been concernedfor some tine about the long-tern physical availability of raw water fron its present water intake source. In pursuit of locat5ing solutions to this potential problem, the District is engagedwith the other Districts in the Gore Valley in studying alterna-tive sources of raw water intake. The District has consurunated an agreement and an interconnection with the Vail l\rater and Sani-tation District water system, providing for back-up r,rater suppliesin the event of some emergency. This interconnection could also serve the Vail Water and Sanitation District in the event of an emergency within their boundaries. As concerns Water Rights and accompanying raw water supplies, the District has a valid Option Contract with Princeville Corpo-ration for the present unit purchase and eventual acquisitionof Title to Water Rights owned by that entity. Due to some anbi-guities on the interpretation of that Contract, litigation isin process to solidify its interpretation. The District is con-fident of its valiility and, thus, of adequate Water Rights to serve prospective development. l II Eagle CountyJan. S, L977 Page 7 We hope this tional. questions, JPC: ahcc: A11 Board Members Thonas T. Grinshaw Roger Hocking Mssrs. Morter G Todd data is helpful to you. If please feel free to contact Sincerely, you have addi- us. ON'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT James P. Collins Lyon, Collins 6 Co., Inc. DISTRICT MANAGER J lr!l OiiqrrT Assutit@, laa SUITE 2O7. V/LLAGE PLAZA GLENWOOD SPRINGS. OoLORADO 8160r TELEPHONE 303 945-8676 2840 SOU.H yAtr€JO Srqf€r ENGL€WOOq, COTORAOO aot t0rtt |PH0 E 303 761.4t160 DRAINI,GE REPORT Lions Ridge Vai1, ,,lolorado DERVL W }INGENT ELM.R L, CLAYCOME LAPRI A. MULL€R RECEMED FEB 1 7 877 oerffi;;;;;;:cr,,ever. Job No. t 307. 002 CIVILEIIGIiIEERITG/TAf,OSUiVEYIX6/STORTORAIiAGEiSTFUCTUBAL/TRAIISPOBTATIOI.I/WATER&SANTTATIOTI/COIIIPUYERSERVIC€S TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. General ...1 Drainage Aspects of the Site. . I DesignCriteria. . .1 Ilydrology.. .z DrainagePlan. .3 Suunary . . 3 Figure I - Vicinity Map (Bound. at end of Report) Figure 2 - Drainage Plan (Folded at end of Report) Design Calculations (Bound at end of Report) S.C.S. Soil Type Map & Soil Type Descriptions (Bound at end of Report) GENERAL The study area is located in West VaiL, immediately north-west of Interstate 70 and the adjacent frontage road. The proposed development includes lots of approximately L I/2acres and approximately 3/4 acre. The topography generallyslopes from north to south toward the highway from a ridgealong the northerly boundary of the subdivision. A smal1ridge crosses the property near the southerly boundary. Parcels C and D were originally platted as a part ofLions Ridge Subdi-vision Filing No. 2. It is proposed thatParcel C be resubdivid.ed into 6 lots and Parcel D inLo 27lots. The location and approximate dimensions of eachlot is shown on the Drainaqe Plan included at the end ofthis report. This drainage study is being submitted in accordance withthe Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado.Detailed construction plans of the improvements will beprovided as the subdivision goes through the final plat-ting process. This study deals only with drainage for Lions Ridqe. A separate drainage study is currently being prepared for The Roost which is immediately downhill of a portion ofLions Ridge. DRAINAGE ASPECTS OF THE SITE As previously mentioned, the site generally slopes towardInterstate 70. The natural drainage swales have generally tended to col-lect historic runoff to a point very near theswitchback. The flows would then have passed across the area now occupied by The Roost. The drainage area islimited in size by the sharp rid.ge along the northern bound-ary. There are 2 well defj-ned drainage paths, which arenot being substantially altered. DESIGN CRITERIA The criteria which must be met are included in Sections4.02.04 (d),5.02.10, and 5.03 of the Subdivision Regula-tions of Eagle County, Colorado. Specific requirements in-clude the analysis of flows resulting from both 10 year and 100 year frequency events, and the delineation of the 100 year flood plain. To meet the Countyts requirments and to provide an eco- nomi-cal.ly reasonable system for handling 1ow f1ows, thedrainage facilities proposed will be designed on thebasis of the 10 year storm, while recognizing the effectsof I00 year storms. The objective of the drainage im- provements will be to prevent any darnage from the 100year storm. HYDROLOGY The rainfall intensities for the various frequencies have been taken from "Precipitation-Frequency lrlaps forColorado", prepared by Special Studies Branch, Office ofHydrology, Environmental Science Services Administration - Weather Bureau, for the Engineeri,ng Division, Soil Con- servation Service, Department of Agriculture, October 1967. The following Table is a summary of these intensit.ies forthe study area: Frequency 2 year, 24 hour 5 year, 24 hour 10 year, 24 hour 25 year, 24 lrour 100 year, 24 hour Precipitation 1.2 inches 1.6 inches1.8 inches 2.2 inches2.8 inches In accordance with the Subdivision Regulati-ons, the 10 year and 100 year intensities have been used to calculate run-off quantities. The 2, 5, and 25 year events have been included here for reference purposes. The method outlined in "Urban Hydrology for Srna1l Water- sheds, Technical Release No. 55", prepared by EngineeringDivision, Soil Conservation Servj-ce Department of Agricul- ture, January 1975, has been used to determine the mag-nitude of runoff flows for the d.esign events. The Soil Conservation Service office in Eagle, Colorado was contacted and the soil types present within the study area were ob-tained. The soil type map and soil type descriptions areincluded at the end of this report. All three soil typespresent are rated in hydrologic group "8". Curve numbers have been calculated for each basin using the weighting procedure outlined in the SCS publication. Curve numbers used for each type of soil are as follows: To meet the County's requirments and to provide an eco-nomically reasonable system for handling low flows, thedrainage facilities proposed wilL be designed on thebasis of the 10 year storm, while recognizing the effectsof 100 year storms. The objective of the drainage im-provements will be to prevent any damage from the 100year storm. HYDROLOGY The rainfaLl intensities for the various frequencies have been taken from "Precipitation-Freguency Maps forColorado", prepared by Special Studies Branch, Office ofHydrology, Environmental Science Services Administration - Weather Bureau, for the Engineering Divj-sion, Soil Con-servation Service, Department of Agriculture, October 1967. The following Table is a summary of these intensities forthe study area: Frequency 2 year, 24 hour5 year, 24 hour 10 year, 24 hour 25 year, 24 hour J-00 year, 24 hour Precipitation 1.2 inches1.6 inches 1.8 inches 2.2 inches2.8 inches In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, the 10 year and 100 year intensities have been used to calculate run-off quantities. The 2, 5, and 25 year events have been included here for reference purposes. The method outlined in "Urban Hydrology for Sma11 Water- sheds, Technical Release No. 55", prepared by EngineeringDivision, SoiJ- Conservation Service Department of Agricul- ture, January L975, has been used to determine the mag-nitude of runoff flows for the design events. The Soil Conservation Service office in Eagle, Colorado was contacted and the soil types present hrithin the study area were ob-tained. The soil type map and soil type descriptions are incLuded at the end of this report. AII three soil typespresent are rated in hydrologic group "8". Curve numbers have been calcul-ated for each basin using the weJ-ghting procedure outlined in the SCS publication. Curve numbers used for each type of soil are as follows: Land Use Description Curve Number l.Natural Hillsides Lots I-6 Parcel C(incl. road) Lots 1-26 Parcel D(incl road) Lots 1-4 Parcel E(inc1 road) Drainage flows for both the l0 year and 100 year events under developed conditions are shown on Fj-gure 2, Drainag'ePIan. Complete calculations are included at the end ofthis report. As a part of the design calculations, the study area has been analyzed assuming totally natural. or undeveloped conditi-ons and under proposed developed conditions. DRAINAGE PLAN The recommended drainage improvements for the portion ofLions Ridge being resubdivided are shown on Figure 2, Drainage P1an. The plan indicates the flows resulting from both Lhe 10 year and the 100 year storm events. The runoff from the hillside above Lions Ridge Loop w111 be collected along the uphil1 side of the road, and car-ried to the 2 culverts by means of roadside ditches. The culverEswill-, in turn, discharge to natural swales, as indicated on the plan. The necessary correspohding ease- ments are also shown. A11 runoff is to be collected at the switchback, design point 3.A 24 inch culvert will pass the flow beneath the road to a channel along the uphill side. The runoff can then be carried alonq the road or, at a satisfactory point, passed across the road and to the frontage road. The existing road and di-tch is wj-thin a 50 foot right-of-way for a County road. The di-tch itself may require mi-nor regrading or reshaping lo be ful1y effective. However, based on a qlope of 12? + oblained from aerlal photo topography, a typical ditch- with 3:1side slopes would carry the flow of a 100 year storm. Velocities in the ditch would be about 5 fps for a 10 year storm, and about 8 fps for a 100 year storm. SUMMARY The portions of Lions Ridge Subdivisioi: which are proposed for resubdivision include a drainage area of approximately 39 acres. targe-lot, single family residences are plan- ned. The historic drainage pattern concentrates runoff by means of 2 swal-es to a point immediately above The Roost. It is proposed that runoff be collected by means of road- side ditches and culverts within the developed area, and 60 b3 70 65 2. 3. 4. I Frqu .-LLft' 0qq -rq U)f- t-- r F o-!o c'l (J il J C ottlYs11Od d*J-l -3$ ) r,-9 ro a u-.. ?x L rirt_ DEIIIN ?O,,,,ATIuNS De sign c d -DIJA- p a 1s- 2- I rc' i'tt Sh l. J^ o f -LChccheol \''t ? Dole -i ,n1Job /l/q. ,:( A.,: ,tJL L oo ct f: <g Ltf 000 t--'{ 0UO c 6') 0- rOrr I q-l fir.r-rtlu< Lr)q {, o r(') d.Cq1 ! r-i] d r: o (o o 4 a; "J:< ,. !){J\t- g 0 q{ trl- sls \-l r. [() ii d) .OJ iin di SJ ri) Proiecl Feol OfuwTAsut*talne CON€ULTIAIG; €NGINIEFS udl d tlt r,N IL un' f'oI ,{ ,t0 sJ9 cJg {qool 0 0 LIIr- (, n.ddf o rii a.l o c.rg tl) ddJ r0 \ < at Oa <eJ ;4 n q1 or $)tl' oo -.1.l fl4 ill 9 A<lg rqodl q .,lt 840 SOUnt yAtl o srREEf Efl6 L E 11000, COI ORA In 80 I I 0 TEtEPHONE 303 761-4860 /f *" irl.'it-t} lt ^)r, al)l, .J\qv L L "-ri fJ ^Y 'Au ox -\J - ,tl /-) .A/"w 1!lUdrv,\-/ c\/7- 'dl U !.r ul 'I L nit fJ 'gt aJ,+-+ '1 d ocqn: TJJ 3 q .-lr j3 IE '.-4F}-^. ,!- 'l}.l'.' E; f' t'/ .4 Sucsira:un Very st.ny sandy loarn, very stony sandy clay loam Unif 1cd/A.f,SII0 Classif 1ca:ion: A-2, A-!+, A-5; l{L, SC ' GC Peru:cacility (below 2 feer) . Rapid - 6.0 to 20 in,/hr. Perccnt Coarse Fragrnents(g;avcI, cobble, stone) z 35 +% Soil Rcact:on (plt) : 7.4 to 8.4 Shr lnk-Sr,'ell Pocentlal : Moderate Porcntlal Fro6g Actlon Co.'rosivJ.ty-Stee1 ; High - Concrete ; Lo* DECRIE 6 KIND OF LIXITATIONS. (o ts S1lght, M 1e Hoderate, S ls Severe) Septlc Tank Abrorptlon Fields Sewage Lagoons ltrD Un!t llo. ?lr 'l: r-| .-_J,.=J_--t:.-__ SOI L CIL\iL!,CT:i :TI STICS Dc p th '; o lleci ro ck Tex: u:c Surface Suoso-i (su rf ace) Flooci llazard liyd ro l og: c Group To psol l Sand Gravel Roadf111 OTTIER SOIL FEATURES . Fi nr, :rqnd -' 'l nam '1 Oam ; Str;ny fine sandy clay l-oan : Moderate : Ncne : j-- : S - s Loniness : S - seepage, large stones ; Poor - thin 11yer, large stones 3 Unsrtlted . Poor . Fair Sanltary Landflll - ?rench ; S - seepage, large stones - Ares 3 S - seepage ShaLiorr Excavstlong 3S-largestones Duelllngs w/basements . S - large sLones w/o basemente' S - large stones Local Roade and Streeta ; M - frost action, 1arg,e stones S on sloDes ovp.r 15* SUITA3ILITY AS A SOURCE OF.... Da1ly Cover for Landfll,l : P()or - se6page, large stones rrADvalcE coPY slrBJEcr ro cHANGs" Nor m BE usED rN pIAcE oF or{-sITE rNvEsrrcATIoN. soIL cit^tu\.cTiiiusTICs Dc p iir to Becirock Tc x: u;.: Surface Subsoll c,,;.-i-.,F, -- i.ln i f lcC /,L.iSll0 Class I f lca:lon Pe:;.eicilicy (belov 2 feec) Percenc Coarse Fragmenrs (gr;veJ., cobbie, stone) SoiI Rcaction (pil) ShrLnk-Swel1 Pocen tlal Potcntlal I;oEr Actlon (sur;'ace) Flood llazard Hydrologlc Group Corrosl.vity - Steel- Concrct€ DEGR:E & :(IND OF LI}fITAIIO}iS (O ts Sllghr, ll ls Moderate, . S ls Severe) ,Septic Tank Absorpt.ton FleIds Seuage Lagoons Sanltary Landflll - lrench - Area Sh;l.1og Excavallone Dvellings u/basements n/o basenente Local Roaria and Streecs SUIT/I:JILIfi AS A SOURCE OF. .. . Da1ly Cover for Landftll Topsoll Sand CraveL Roadf11l OTI{BR SOIL FEATT'RBS De.jf. Cravelly fine s andy loam Siony clay loam l\tony clay loarr A-/., A-6; ML, CL Moderate to mod. rapld - 0.5 to 6.0 in./hr. j+0,',* 6.6 Lo ? .8 I'iocl.e rate lloderate None B HlCh I,otd S - stonlress S - seepage, stonlneso S - seepage, stonlness S - seepage S - stoniness S - stoniness M - shrixk-swe1I; S on slopes over 15{ S - gtoninese, shrink-swe1.l', frost actlon Poor - stonlneas, seepage Poor Poor (unsul.te<l) Unsulted Poor I'ADVA}|C8 COPI SUWEC{ 1tO CIIANCB'I ltOT TO BB USBD IN PIJ\CE OT ON-SITE INVESTIGATIOII.. DEGRIE .I :ii:{D OF LIMITATIONS(O ls SLight-, H is l,!oderi:e,S ls Severe) Scptic Tank Abeorptlon F1e1<is Ser.rage Lagoons Sanltary Landflll _ Trench - Area S j:aLlow Excavatlone u/baserre n:su/o basenente and Stre€ La A SOURCE 0F.... for Landflll Poor Poor - s toninees Fair Fair Poor - large otones OTHER SOIL FEATURES SOIL Cir.i:UrCTi:.-iI STICS Dcp "ir .;o lccirock Tex t u:a li r:i;;o i i ,:, uJ r; i :i:: L:: l.lni f :,:q.:,.';,.,.5i1O Class j. f ica:ionPcr-..cari i i iy (be1ow 2 feet) Pc.'cen I Coarse Fragrnents _ (.qrevel, cobble, stone)Soil llcac: ion (pll) S arl,nk-Sr.'c ] I porent iaIPo:.:':::;l Fros-. Actlon(su::ace) l'Iood llazard Flyd rologlc GrouoCorrosivify - S teel- Concrete De e;., Fine s a:rdy ioa..n ilTr-:io" clay loan, srony sandy lo€un Ier"r |r9ny saridy loain, very slony loangrA-l,, .A-6r A-2; ifJ-,, sc, sM, GM -'., --w'r :(ajr].cl _ 6.0 to 2a.o in./hr. over 35/" 7.t+ to B.t l.ioderate to l_cmr Itiod erate None BTiEi Modrratc S - stoniness S - seepage, stoniness S - seepage, storti.nessS - seepage S - storliness S - stoniness M; S on slopes over I5/. M - stoni.nessl S on slopes over 15f D.relllngs Lccal Roade SUI'.','.JJIL:TY AS Dally Cover ?o psoil Sard C;avel Roadf1Ll ,IADVA.\Cg COPY SUBJECT TO CIIANGE'I NOT TO BE USED IN PIACE OF OI{-SITE INVESTI{:ATION. ;------ CT:RTIFICATE OF IINt.'tiITA L :::T,::t',:;"'"::1'C.orttftcsil ts hereby mndc that o copy of nn uppttf:H:t1T::1,::::":ubmittcd and gi.ven the aboveFlle No' wos cntercd into the u.s- tuails, or hnni rlclivcrcd, on. / ,t .',1-/t /, to r.7 *to the offices/persons as listed hereon, pages_ of_, u" . o "k-$lfiifiiiin ts pt/( , . AAII . Certlfler. s Signatune: Applicstions refored to:,l,a f ..Applications in Eogle-Brush Creek to Ectrarards I 1 . Tourn of Eagle Eagle Senitstion District Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Eagle Val ley Telephono Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School Oistrict RESOJ GApplications in Upper Eagle Valley: 1. Town of Mintum 2. Town of Red Cliff ,r-:>{/t . 1. Colorado Gciclogical Survey fft 2. Colo. oepartment of Heatth Colorado S tate Engineer Eagle County Sanitarian 3. 4- d/i 6. Holy cross Etectric Ass,n {,** 7. Colorado Mtn. College Dist. ,-t// 5. Eagle County Engineer d( n. Cotorado Biver Water C4{. 8. U.S. Soit conservation Service 9. U.S. Bureau of Land 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Management Gonsv. Dist. .-dL,-J1- Div. of water Resources B.Appllcations in Basalt Area: 1. Town of Basalt 3. Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. 4. Eagle-Vail Metro District 5. Other Dist. (none at present lime) 6. School D istrict RE50J 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 2. Planning Representative 3. School District REIJ 4. Basalt_Water Consv. D ist. 5. Basalt Rurat Fire Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist. 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mountain Bell Telephone Co. _10. Rocky Mtn. Natural GasI 11. Gypsum Sanitation Dist. C.$'pTid66ns in Gypsum Area: 1- Town of Gypsum 2. Eagle County Airport Authority 3. Colorado Division of Witdlife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Vatley Tetephone Co. : . _ 6. Rocky Mtn. Naturat Gas r - 7- School District RE50J rDlApplications in Colorado River Area: 1. School Distrlct RESOJ 2. School District 11 1 3. US Forest Service (Eagte) 4. US Forcst Service (Minturn) 5. Eagle Valley Tolephone Co. 6. Yanrpa Valley E lectrlc E.Othsr Agoncies (whcro lppropriate) 1 . Colorado Oept. of ll ighways 2. Colo. gtate Forost Servlco 8. U.S. Forest Servic€ 9. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 10. Public Service Co. of Colo. H-Applications in Gore Val ley - Vai I Area: "a'y ( 1- Western Slope Gas ,,' .il'r' 2. Town of Vail 3. Vail Village West Water & San. A 7. 8. {".,\l s- r-./ t 10. 7-.!,i', 11 . -+l / 12.'{:.:f.t..13. c:/t 4. Lions Ridge Water Vail Village West Fire Vail Intermountain Water Vai I Sanitation Dist. School District RESOJ Colorado Division of Wildl ife U.S. Forest Servics Mtn- Bell Telephone Co. Public Service Co. of Colo. Upper tagle Val ley San. a o EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date 4/z{.---.. rs 7;' AMOUNT ITEM Bu ildinq Permit Fee Application For Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Buildinq)(Zon in9)(Subd ivision) Total Received All items are received for no-paymenl of any item. this receipt sha be N? 2069 ' t" ,ltZY-'z /,' -r-By -'- ,/ - z4' .. -. *- r,.. RECEIVED t-.1_, ir .../,0t15 PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF TIONIS.RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2. EAGTE COLJNTY, COLORADO KNOW ALL l'tEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That LIONTS RIDGE VENTURES, a joint venture, being the owner of all of that real estate described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, in the County of EagJ-e, State of Colorado,,the Plat of which was recorded in said County on Lg72, in Book at Page +7'l 'ffi the Clerk and Recorder, does hereby impose restrictions and protective covenants as hereinafter set forth, and does hereby reserve easements as hereinafter described. t. Genera]. Purposes. In order to maintain a high guality .resffiy, the real property described heretofore is subJect.to the covenants, restrictions' condi- tions, reservations, liens anil charges hereby declared to insure the.best use and the most appropriate development and improvements af each'building site thereof; to protect the owners of building sites against such improper use of surrounding building sites as will depreciate the value of their prbperty; to preserve, so far as practicable, -the natural beauty of said property; to guard against the erection thereon of poorly designed or proPortioned structures, and structures built of improper or unsuitable material-s; to obtain harmonious color schemesi. to insure the highest and best developrnent of said property; to encourage and secure the erection of attractive structures thereon, with appropriate locations thereof on building sitest to secure and maintain proper setbacks from streets, and ad.equate free spac€s between structures; and in general to provide adequately for a high quality of improvements on said property, and thereby to enhance the value of investments made by purchasers of building sites therein. ?- Definitions. As used hereia'. the, following words and t66FGfiE[I--have the following meanings: (a) "Declarant" shall mean LION'S RfDGE VENTURES (b) "Lot" shall mean a lot within the LIONTS RIDGE SUBDMSION FTTING NO. 2, which can be used for residential or commercial purposes. .(c) "Residential Lot" shall mean a lot which can be used for resldEn-Ef5f-luE$6ses on1y, and }rpon which only a single-family resident may be constructed with the exception that one guest apartrnent rnay be incorporated intothe structure f provided the character and essential aPpear- ance of a single-farnily dwelling is maintained. (d) "Commercial Lot" sha1l mean a lot which can be used for coi-d6tiiIuhGl-T[Itiple-family residential purposes, apartments, restaurants, motels, hotels, lodgest professional offices and medical clinics, retail shops2 service shops (excluding automobile service stations). (e) "Parce]" shall mean a parcel within the LroN's RrDcE sunnrvrmi$ FTLTNG No. 2, as so designated on tlre Suhdivieion Plat. I I Uses. (a) ALl lots which are designated on the Pl-at by a combination of letter and number (e.9., G-1), shall be used only as. conrmercial lots. (b) All. lots which are designated on the Plat by number {e.g., Lot 1), sha1l be used only as residential Iots. (c) Parcel A as designated on the Plat shall be used only in accordance with a planned unit development scheme, which may incorporate condominiums, multiple family. residences, apartments, restaurants, rnotel-s, hotels, Iodges, professional offices and retail shops subject to approval as to overall planning and develoPment by the ArchitecturaL Cornmittee a (d) All Parcels other than Parcel A, designated on the PLat shall be used for the sane uses and purposes as a11owedforcommercia11ots,specifiedinParagraph2(d}. 4. Architectural Committee. No building or other structure s@, altered or maintained on any lot in the Subidivision, nor shall any addition there- to or change or alteration therein be made, until the complete 'plans and specifications (including, but not linited to, the floor, elevation and grading plans, the specifications of principal extgrior materials, color schemes and the lcrea- tions, character and rnethod of utilization of all- utilities) 'and plot plan showing the location of building and trees have been submitted in triplicate and approved in writing by an Architectural Committee composed of Phillip H. ?aylor and Thom'as J. Taylor. or by a representative designated by the two (2) members of said Committee. In the event of death or resignation of any member of said Committee, the remaining member, or nembers, shall have full authority to approve or disapprove such design and location, and to designate a suc- cessor member !,rith like authority. In the event that, by reason of death or resignation of Committee members, no mem-. ber is acti.ng on behalf of said Committee, then successor'members of said Conunittee shall be designated by the owners of at least fifty percent (50t) in area of all'of the pri- vately-owned land contained in LIONTS RIDGE SUBDMSION FILING NO. 2- In passing upo.n all such plans and specifi- cations so submitted, the Architectural Committee (or its. representative duly appointed) , shall take into consideration, among other things, the suitability of the proposed building or other strdcture, and the rnaterials of which it is to be built, to the lot upon which it is to be erected, the harmony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of the building or other structure, as planned, on the outlook from adjacent or neighboring Jots; provided, hoqeve!, that refusal of ap- proval of plais and s$EETETEtion-s by such committee may be based on any reasonable ground, including purely aestheLic grounds,,which, in the sole and uncontrolled discretion of the Cornmittee, shal1 seem sufficient. Whether or not provision therefor is specificaLly stated in any conveyance of a lot in the Subdivision, the owner or oceupant of each and every lot, by acceptance of title thereto or by taking possession thereof, covenants and agrees that each building or other structure (or addition, . change or alteration thereof) r shall be constructed, erected and maintained only in strict accordance with the plans and specifications so approved by the Committee. In the event said Cornmittee, or its designated representative, fails to approl'e or fl j.s;1ppr.\ve su,:lr des.ign and location witltin t lrirty (30) clays after said l:l.rrrs and specifications have been suhrni tte'i to it or, irr ;rtty event, if no suiE to enjoitt the erect i-on nf sueh trui lrti.ng (or tlre making of such addi tion, glrarrqe or altcr.lrtiorr tlrereof ), has been comrnencerl prior to -a*- the comp't etion thereof , such approva'l sha'l I not be- requi red ini tt ii cov"nant sha'li be deemira to have been f ully com- p'lied with. 5. Heiqht Limitqlligtl:. No buildins qr. structure shall be plaffirgq oI permitted to remajn oli-iny-ioi';hi;h exieeas a heieht of forty-five (45) feet in elivation measured from grade at the midpo'int of the s tructure. 6. 0ff-Street Parking. There shall be no on-street oarkinq. parkins-nTTi-5?-l6fritted on'ly 'in those areas and in thoie ratios described below: (a) Vehicle parking shall be provided on a ratio of : ti a'l I ot; ea ch dwel I i ng uni t or apartmenti in a hotel, motel shal'l not 7. (2) 0ne and one-hal i n .a mul ti P1e-f ami 1Y f parking units for reii dence, condomi ni um ( I ) Two pa rki ng uni ts 'f or each res i den- (4) 'Three parking units for every--1'000 square feet of f'l oor'aiea devotbd to iustomer service in a retiil or service shoP; (5) 0ne parking unit for every l00.square feet of floor area devoted to customer service in a restaurant or bar; (b) Each parking unit sha'll contajn 300 square feet, includinS'drives tretween parking rows and shall be I ocaied enti reiy wi thi n 'lot I i nes (c) Required vehicle parking may be wholly 9l grade, partlv'nit", s"9ge or whollv'bel9ry sfSilq', All parking units not within i Ouretling struct-ure and itt driveways in the Subdivjsion sha'll be Paved (d) tilobile homes and'large commercial vehicles be parked withjn the Subdivision' (3) 0ne parking or lodge; uni t for each rental uni t Structure to Land Atqq-39!g-rc ui rements. (a ) l^li th respect to Commerci al Lots ' the are9. 9! which structure, ur*-.oni['ructed sha'l 'l not encompass more than ;i;;;;;;;;;; iioii-oi-ir'" surrace area or the lot on which such- imProvements are si tuated. (b) },|ith respect to Residentia'l Lots' the area on which Structures are constructed shal I not encompass. more irtun tnirty-tlu. pu.."nt-iisu) of the surface area of the ioi on whittr such'intprovements are situated' 8. Telporary StrVqtures.' No trai'l er' basement' tent' shack, garage, barn, or gttrer ouibui I di ng shai I Pt- perml tted ;;-;;i iot in'trt..sruaivision at any timi'. nor shall anv structure of a titpitu"y itttracter te usei for human habita- tion except wtreri lrtftoiized for a.period of not.to exceed ;h;;"-ii)"on*'s-b;-;";;;;i;l permiI s"anted bv the Declarant' 9. Construction Period' All buildings. or other struc- tures .o^i,"niit=ffi;t16-T-TnTtre subdivision shal I bP prose- ;;i;d ai tiguntlv tn riru,plet ion and ln any event shall be ;;;;iei"a itr.frtir t*"ir; ait) nrorrths fronr comnrerrcenrpnt of -!-- shal-l be Permitted. o construetion unless approval of Declarant is obtained in *iiii"g extending extenaing such twelve (12) months' period. 10. Trees. Ttees on any lot, except to the extent ,r""*""tiy.ro;;6;"truction purposes' as aPProved in writing by the aichitectural Commitiee-, shall- not be cut, trirTuned or i'emovea from any lot, except that Declarant, from time to time, may approve some thinning or.trirnming if it seems desirable. 11. 'Fences. No fence, wal} or similar tyPe barrier of any kind EIEE-be constructed, erected or- maintained on any 1-ot, except such fences or \^Ialls as may be approved by tfr! ercnitectirral Committee in writing as an integraL or, decorative Part of a building to be erected on a lot' ?,2. Signs. No signs (including "For Sa1e" or "Rent'l signs) , biltEo;;-ds oi o*16r advertising structure of any kincl sniff be erected, constructed or maintained on any 1ot for iny pttpose whatsoever, excePt such signs as have been ap- pi'"rLa Ly Oeclarant in'writd-irg either for identification of iesidencEs or places of busindss or other uses' 13. water. Each building or-structure deslgned for occupancy or use-by human beings shall connect with water faci-iitils made ".tiil.bl" at any time by Declarant or water district serving the Subdivision. 14.sewer.Eachbuitdingorstructuredesignedfor occuPancy.or use-by human beings shall connec,t with sewer faciiitiis made aviilable at any time by Declarant or sehter ai"iii"t serving the Subdivisioir. No.private septic tanks for disposal of sewage shall be allowed in the subdivision without-written permission of the Declarant' 15. Trash. No trash, ashes or other refuse shall be .thrown "i a"*p"a-on any land within the Subdivision. Each property ownei sniff piovide suitable receptacles for the temporary storage and'collection of refuse and a1l- such re- cepiacfe's shal.I be screened from pub)-ic view and protected from disturbance, ".td shalL be in complete conformity with sanitary rules and regulations. No girbage incinceration 16. Animals- owners and lessees of land within the subitivisi"" rn"f5-"" oidio"ty household P9!s belongirg to. the household so 16ng as sueh pets are disciplined and do not constitut" tt utio" ant,oy.ttce to other owners and lessees ' The Architectural Conrnittee shall have the power to require any otvner or lessee of lands in the Subdivision to remove "n| hoo=*ho1d pet which is not disciplined or which consti- tutes an undue """"yi""" to other otn"ts or lessees of ]and in the Subdivisi"".'-ift. Architectural Committee may authorize the keeping of horses in the Subdivision so long as there are' it ttr" 'opiiion of the Architectural connittee, suff ici-ent fasture ina appro""a-eu"ifities for equestrian activities' inaintained in i neat and sanitary manner by the Grantor or PropertY O\ntners Association. 17. trlininq. Mining operations of any kind, or guarring sha1l ""t-U" p6rrftt.a rpoi oi in any of the.Iots in the Sub- airri"io", n6r shall tunnlls, mineral excavations or shafts be permiited upon or in any of the said lots ' 18. Lighting. Any light used to illuminate parking areaFE-T6? any oth"t PurPoses, shall be so ;;-;;' ;"ir;;L ih" lieht'awav fr-om hearbv residential "iti"" an.l away from 15e 'riiion of passinq motorists 19. Setback Requirements. There shall be no general rufe for Ul.--TiiriaTl;i iiT T'ii[F-"e.merTts wikh relaLion to prop- erty lines, lrrlt alJ at-'trraI cotrstrtrction sites shaII receive [iro't.i bterr al,r.rrrual rrf F.lre Arehitectura] Committee' signs 'arranged Prop- o . 24. Landscaping, AlL surface areas disturbed byconstruction-EFafT-TE returned promptly to their naturalcondition and replanted in native grass, except where such areas are to be improved by the.construction of gardens, lawns and exterior living areas, which shall be permitted only after the plans therefor have been approved by theArchitectural Committee 2I: Easements. Easements and rights of way are herl- by reserveil .i-f-EEETgnated or described on the offiiial recordedplat of the Subdivision. Other easements are reserved forwater and al.I utilities and maintenance thereof in the rightof way of each road. 22. Underground Utility Lines. All water, 9a9,electrical , pes and lines withinthe Limits of this Subdivision must be buried underground and may not be carried on overhead poJ-es or above the surface of the ground, except such electrical or telephone lines as have been previously installed overhead prior to the filingof the Subdivision plat fo{ this Subdivision. 23. Duration. These conditions, restrictions, cove- nants, reseriE€i-66F] easements. liens and charges shalL run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and aII'persons claiming under them untiJ. January I, l-999, at which 'time said covenants sha11 be automatically extended for suc- cessive periods of ten (10) years unless, by vote of the O4,rners of more than f ifty percent. (50t) of the privately- owned real property within the boundaries of'the Subd.ivision, it is agreed in writing to change or modify said covenants in whole or in part. NoLwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, these conditions. restrictions, covenants, reserva- tions, easements, liens and charges may be changed, modified or arBended at any time prior to January 1, 1999 (but in no other way), by the written consent of the Owners of more . than seventy-five percent (75C) of the privately-owned realproperty wittrin the boundaries of the Subdivision, provided, however, that no change, modification or amendment shall be effective without. the prior approval of the Eagle County Planning Commission. 24. Validity. fnvatidation of any one of these conditions, iEETrfEtions, covenants, rese-rvations, easements, liens and charges or any part thereof by judgments or Court Order sha11 in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 25. Violation of Covenants. Violation of any of the conditio@ants. reservations, ease- ments, liens and charges herein contained shall give the Declarant or its agent or assigns the right to enter upon the property upon or as to which such violation exists, andto summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the ownerthereof, aDy erection, thing or condition that may be orexist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the pro-visions hereof t and Declarant or its agent or assigns shallnot thereby be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. 26. Rieht to Enforce. The provisions contained in . tbis Decraraffind inure to the benefit of andbe enforceable by Declarant or the owner or o\^'ners of anyportion of said property, or their and each of their legalrepresentatives, heirs, successors and assigns,. and failure by Declarant, or by any other property owner, or their legalrepresentatives. heirs, successors or assigns r' to enforce any of such conditions, restrictions or charges herein con-tained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so hereafter. Enforcernent of the covenants or restrictions conLained herein may be lrad at law or i.n equity against anypersonr partnership, corporation or entity violating or at- - tenrpting,, to v.i.olate.any such covenant ,or.restricEion. o 27 . Assignment of Powers. Any or all of Lhe rights and powers affilarant herein contained rnay be alsigned to any other corporation or association which is now org;nized or wtrictr may hereafter be organized and which will assume the duties of Declarant hereunder pertaining to the particular rights and powers and reservations assigned; and -upOn any such corporation or association evidencing its cotsei1t in iriting to accept such assignment and assume suih duties, it sha11, to the extent of such assignment, have the same rights.and powers and be subject to the same obligations ancl dutles as ar-e given to anil assumed by Declarant herein- EXECUTED ttris 2a4 day of sePtember ' L972. LION'S RIDGE VENTURXS, a Joint Venture By TAYVEL EWTRONMENTAL LAND CbmeeNY, a Joint Venturer ATTEST: L STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle ) ) ) ss. The foregoing instrument was this .ji i--i day '\r seFLernber, L972, Vice-FiEE i,larr 1.. ,rrrrl JAFI|;lil P . SWIfT, TAYVEL ENV'TRONI'TENTAL LAND COMPANY, VenTUTET Of LIONIS RIDGE VENTURES, WITNESS my hand and official seal . Itty Commission ExPires: ' ,lrzt t- VicE-Pres$!eht acknohrl-edged bef by TIIOMAS J- TAYLOR Asns*stant SecretarY a CorPoration, as a .foint Venture ' . ' t t.r r F'{ r'. , t / ,J o NO. 2 ned. Th&t LIONTS RIDGE VENTURES, a Jolnt venture,the owner of all of that real estate iescrl.bed in iA attached hereto and Lncorporated. hereln by refcrtn.tle County of Eagle, state of Colorado,--thg platrhich was recorded in sald County orr - +,if-6;J;Ze1912, In Book 22_{_, at page l+44 ot, rhe recorthe Clerk and h6iiEer, doel frei65!-inpose restrlc t .. PNOTEC?IVE COtE}IANTS OF TTTONtS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING E"AGLA COUNTY, COLORADO XNO$ ATL TIEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: belnghtbtr nce, of ' [ii:-..{:.j::'r.;... tlrereon., $ith appropriate locations thereof 'on bul 1i..,:.';:,::-'. ;... siteei to sequre and maLntain proper setbacks from F:.;1,r 't . -i.,". and adeguate free spaces beewein itructures; and I ,li,l' :.;,,;..'r.i,'to prov-ide adequately for a hlgh quallty of lnprov ;;,i ':.t'i., .., ..::' on aat'cl property, and thereby to enhance the valuei- ; ',.' .; sv e..!rq.rr-s---,..',,..,:,,. .i. lnvest$ents made by pqrchaserg of buildtng eltes, ,Y.- ;-..-:.;.;, ? 'i.:;'-''.;; . I ':': ' -' ' 2.-.' Deflnltlons, As used hereln, the foll and protective covenants as herelnlftei get fbrth,doea hereby Eeserve easements as hereinafter deecr 1. General Purposes. In order to mal.ntalnquarlty regtctential cor.Irrunity, t}re real propertv d';'.,,... ;-..::, ,i quarlty residential cor.rrunity, the real property d :, .:,,...-.:; .,. .... heretofore is su.bject to the-covenants, ?estrtclio'; ..'. . ..f -,:il ,ri,.'.,''l: 't' ll:1": reservations. lien_s and charges hereby decl iJ'.i',.l.'.,1..'..; ,. insure the best use and the rnost apiropriate-devel ;:ir, I : 'r,::: ''.1 - --.-:. ' and irnprovements 'of each buLlding iite' ttrereof i to+.1 .i..ir-.':. r'-.-l rt-^ ^--^--t'i]; 11 .;r. .:- :i g1s ol.nurs of building sites against such lmproper '-'.':'i.:\,t:..-,. surroundl,ncr buildlntr sr:lteq aq r.rl't I dr',,rpr.i.e+". +i..,':..;:;; r1..'-t.-,.. surrounding bullding sLtes as rrlll depreciatt t}re?'.:r; J i."::i,': 9-f their property; io preserve, so fai as practlca :i.',1::,.f;,. i.:-".iJ'.' tlre natural beauty of said property; to guird agai f,;,-it,;._.,-,.'i...i erection thereon ir poorty ih"tqn.i-or pioporrton ii,,r:.;";.;,:. '-i. ,-' .. structures, and structures built of imniooer or uil.;:.;"; J 1..'..: _-,, structures, and structurcs built of impioper or un'ilir',,'i;' , . .::.t': materials; to obtain harmonloug color ichemes; to :-;.,1,::-:i'.':r,-.ii F" highest.and best devel:pment of sald property; ,-i''::' -...-. ,.. i ,1r €ncourage and secure t}te erection of attractive s,!f;:.*.1;"ii'ii:ij." thereon., with appropriate locations thereof 'on bu -j:-=::=-::j:: ..s- r r.. t:: :i;r,... ;- ..l;.-',,words and' terttrsJEElfhave the follorlng meant nger .i:'., :',' .'," RIDcu StrBDrvrSroN Fltrlrc NO. 2, rhlch can b6 uged f...':; ..,..'*,,, ,,' residentlal or corrnercial purpoeelr...,..,::t ,:i.r.,.'::'.r.,... r.;:r': (c) ,Resldentlal Lot. ehall mean a lott,i,,.-,t.,',',',: .. c'l be uaed for re3'ftGi-Efl.flT@eee only, and upon parc6l ag go crt thldesl go lons uha bed, a high scribed 5 r condL- pmenLprotect uso of .. ..alue .le, 'tthe... ttable :' . sUreo;: cturea ng treett tgeneral ntg vhlch vhlch the lnto appear- t-€r.rr rrs \rl'e(r rctE rest(IenEl'a.|- purpoAeB only, ancl Upon',. i. .; ' only a_aingle-fanrtly reeldenl rniy be coniiructed-wI .. '..,, 'ercept,ion that one gue4. apartj:rent nay be lncorporat''..1 ;.'. tbe structure, provided tire characte-r and esgentlal (d, 'Corrrercl-al Lot' shall mean a lot'I . can be uscd for coi?16fr[iTIFEl-Tiflttple-farnlly roald'l .' purpose8, apartJnent8, restaurantg, motele, hotole,,i ' profeealonal offlcee and medlcal cllnlce, retall ahaervlca s:lpa (excludlng automobllo sorvieo statlo t__ - LIOTI I g RI i-::g EUBDI TET6JI TILIHC 'l ( 3. Ue€g. (a) All lota whLch are doslgnat€d on the Plat cornbinatlon of lotter and number (e.g'r G-11 r ahall ba only aa comnorcLal lote. ,T (bl AIl lote uhlch are deslgnated on the Plat '- "r" ..-'by nurnber (o:;:r;;t ii,-"tiir bJ ueed oily ae resldentlal i, o'.,-'j tite. "i-" r: bya ueed 'l: ' (d) All Parcels other than Parcel -A1 deslgnated i , .:'.i on the plat dtralt be used for the same ueea and purpoegt..g ,. ....,i.'altowedl for conmercLal lote, epeclfled ln Paragraph 2 {dl , ' ._. ii bo .rsud only'ln accordance wlth a planned unit-development '. . ,' acheme, wntifr may J.ncorporate condomlnlume, multiple famlly '- '", resLdencee, apartments, rastaurantgr motels, hotele, lodgeel i orofeeelottil ifgt"es and retall shope eubJect to aPProval - .,::.:. ' ;;-a; overall plannlng and development by-t{e Archltectural . .. It. 'Archltectural Comrnittee. No buLldlng or olher etructure sffi, altered or maLntalned o. "tty lot l-n th€ subidlvtet6nr nor ehall any addltlon the51; - : 't' :,:' (c) Parcel A ae derlgnated on the Plat-ehall j:' t; ;;'"tti"g" "i alieratlon thcreln be made, un!f] the complete ;i";; tta ip".ificatlons (tnclutllng, but not ll-ntted to, the .?l.oot, elevitlon and.gra<linq plansl the epeclficatlons of '-,.:prlncipal exterl-or materialsr color.schenes 9"d-lho. 19:?;^-,',ii;;;;-;h".""i"i-ita method of utllJ-zatlon of all uttlltlesl r and piot plan ahowlng ttre locatlon of bulldlng and trces have been eubmltted ln trlpllcate and apand approved ln wrltlng ed of bhilllp H. Tawro'an Archlt c il-tfre event of death of atl of the Prl- upon all auch plane speElfl- r3 'tr 1-t ',,(! 'tI ffio,"lt.:l:"iil:ch'representative duly appoin ,ah a al Conunlttee or lts deration 1 harnony reo tldt fueal of, a and uncontrolled dlicretlon of tteer eha1l geen €ufflclent. Whothor or not provlslon thorofor la epocLflcally rtatod ln any conveyonio o! a lot ln tho Subdlvlslon, tho o$nor or oc"-upanc o? coch and ovory lot, by acccpEnneo. ofo$nor or occupant of aoch and ovory rot, Dy accePEnnsl, e! tltle theroto or Uy-taXtng poBsession thercof, covenante and !Ion o clflcat in tfre ovent AA tto cntatlve?.I1ff:. loapprovo or dtoapprovo such 6oa1gn and-locatlon.wlthLn thlrty (ibt aays aftor- iold plano and apoclfleatlona have bosn iurrfttia to lt or, fh any oventr lf no sult to enJoln the orcctton of ouch Uultatng- (or tho maklng of cuch addltlon, 'changc or alteratlon thoreofl , has besn conrnonced Prlor to 'l -.f{A*.-. ,t #tttfi;'t*tk$il;":,.t::5ixi'":lnoi::il:"t, li :3ll*ltuoll'*. 10. Trees. Treeg on any lotl except to the extent'.il' neco"sary foi-E6Fstructlon purposes, aB approved J'n wrlting ... i.- . bf, the lr.rchltsqt,ural Comnlttee, shall not be cutr trlnuned or .,:. .-..' rer:roved frorl an!' lot, except that Declarant, from tlme go : ; . I i ' time, rnay approve ssme thinnLng or trlmnlng lf rt seems ... : -,,.,1 .r:.. time, rnay approve some thinnlng or trlmnlng 1f rt 8eeflls ,. ;i .:' -':l ,. 't deslrable.a ..: l :"::- !' ' - r't Fencqq. No fence, walr or glmllar type barrlor . ''.ii'. ' .i r;, of any ktnd iEfffte construcied, erected or natilatned on ": : '.' i '-ti." --,- ri .t-^ -,--^--^J $*.'i i:t any l6t. except. such fences or valls as may be approved by . r: : l:.,r- ihe Archttectural Coimnittee in writlng as an lntegral' or r.'.. .l;' ..; ji- decoratl.ve part.of a buildlng to be erect€d on a lot. ', ..-__l.,. '1 :i-"'..'i:i'' :.'li?i. ',:,i ,f .., 12. Signs. No signs {l-ncludlng 'For'Salel or 'RenLr -. ," I ,:,i!''' sisns),-[irrffifrr ".-"GEi-"ivertlslns structuiJ oi-"tty trna . .,j .'ii ii.' shall be erected' constructed or maintal.ned on any- Iot for ' : - .' ,:..'l t,... any purpose whatsoever, except such sLgns ag have been ap- |...r- t-... anv purpo6e whatsoever, except such slgns as have been aP-^ : I'..:lt, p.-o.ria Ly Declarant Ln writlng etther lor identification'of , ,., i, -,,T l.:i: residences or places of business or other us€Sr : ,' .' . jr'.".'.il.:. .......'.-:i.: . .**;1 "',i i.': legl(lenGeS C}r PIaCeg Ol Du9:.ness or otner USGSr ' ' .: .-)l,;.I l'' ' ;' ,..'.' ;.:i i-,,.1;i .- 13. Water. Each building or sLructure designed for . . ',:' { ;': .:";i. ocsupancy or-Eidly lrunan beings shall connect witlt water :;,;.g:' tj 1,,,;,',. - facillties nade avaLLable at any time by Declarant or nater ". .l r 1i; i,'i- dtelrict servJ.ng the Subdlvision. ,;i;,i'i'"i .j.ir r; n ,l:- {; 1{. seuer. Each buildLng or structure deslgned ,ot ':i" ; ' ;:i ':.'.: I'. occupatrcy or-i6-by htrnan beings shall connect vl'th sewer 't -i :,:ri;i. factlitiLs made avillable at any tlme by.Declarant or ae er '. . .ri ]iiil:,, distrlet serving the subdlvision.-_No privalg s9p:19 :alks .. ,,,i, .::: t'11.; r',l.: - 13. *ater. Each buildinq or sLructure designed for . . :'* l' .i for dl.sposal of seffage shal1 be allorred in the subdlvLslon . i . .l i.: ,'.t:i il.. trlthout rrritten perml-sslon of thF Declarant. :''i :i..I l; :ti.;' . ', i' ' I .., i;:'.1 X.' ,' 15. ' Trash. No trash, ashes or other refuse shall be ' . -. ''ji ..1i.: IJo .ftar:'Il. LtLt r-{altlat aritllgS (JI (Jr-IaEl ..r;rq-'s '1 , l: i) : tfrronr or du@flon any land vtthin the Subdivlsion. Each .j :- i' i.' -__ ---Ii';lj i:.', proper ry otrer shall provide suitable receptacles for the ,. . i:t, l,:,:. te'opor r:y storage and collection of refuse and al-l such re- -'' -.-)l''i:., l,:: te'ooor r:v storaqe and collection of refuse and al-l such re- -i' ';-1...j;;;.;il;;;;;;ii.;";;';;;;-i'"'pub1rcvtev"na-p'"io"t.a ',:.r'!.' frora d -sturbance, ald shall be Ln cornplete canformlty wl tfi " --' ::t' j. jeanitary rules and regrulatidns. No garbage lnclnceratlon ^,.r. -.1 '.t'.: i'.'-: thall oi penqitr-ed. :ri',r '. 16. Aninals. O{'rner5 and lessees of lanil wlthin the. '.;t , .--' , r:i;,: subdlvisicn n"allffie ordinary household pets belorgtrg to the :ii:l i.:l housebold so long as such pets are di.sclpll.neil and do not,. .., 1. , . ..vsr ..i:; f t- congtitute an 'undue annoyance to other cr.rnera and lessees. '::,r,:t' The Architectural Comit-tee strall. have ttre-Poarer to requlre -: ''.;;-" ; anv clrrner or lesgee of lands 1n the Subdlvlslon to refiove .;,.};i,an.yhousehoIclpeErrh1ch1snot.dl1sc1p11nedorreh1chcongtI-...':.i' any hougeholal peE rthlch '.!t not cl1sc'.p.tl'ned or rtnl'cn consEl- ':. ,i;.,"' tui"s an undue annoyance to other o+r-ne r e or Legseeg of land .'l:.' ln the Subdlvigion. The Architectural Corrrlttee ma'/ authorlze :..r1 '.: the keeping of horses Ln the subdlvlsion so long as there oror ',"i. Ln the oplnion of the Archltectural CoflrTrlttee, eufflclent .j'i. pasture ind approved facLlltLee Eor eguestrlan acElvl.tlesr. : rraintalned Ln a neat and sanltary manner'by th€ Grantor or. : EUrlnEalneo :.n a neag ano gan t :::'..', Proir€rty Ornera Asgoclatlon. L7. Hlnlnq. HInLng operatlone of any klnd, or quarrlng '. shall not be-p-FfrTtLed upon or ln any of the lots ln the Sub' dLzlsLon, nor ahall tunnelg, nlneral excavatlong or ghafta be pernltted upon or ln any of the said 1obs. 18, Llqhtln"t. ADy llqht used to lllumlnate algns t t' parklng areaa-F6? any ithei purpclresr 1Bha11 be so airanged'ar to refleet the llght asay frcm nearby'resldontlal prop-crtl j/-- 19, Setback RequIr, nentg. fbora aha1l ba no ' rule for tho locitlon of I provomontB relth rolotlon.€rty llnos, but all cctuaJ constructlon altor shallthe grttton apprwal of Cf ' Archlteetural Ccnrcnltteo, goneral io. prop- rocolvo 'l 20 construct condl,tlontrea8 are lawns and I. il H f:lln H Fllo, I ,rf -'t; -!.1. -' t,. .f-'lrrr\rF _ -- r I . Landgcaplns. Ir11 surfaco areaE dlsturboil lty lon-Efii-ff-Fe-Tcturned promptly to thelr natural and roplanterl ln natlvo glase, excepL whero suchand ropranceo ln naEl'vo grass, excePs wn{:rs |Ju to be Improved by the constructlon of gardenoT exLerlor llvlng iroas, !,hlch shall be permlttod ; onlv aftor tho plane tleref :. Arch I t ec tu r a l--Cotre+t{s;- od by the dqround UttItCv tlnes. All ltaterr gaar ifune eald covenints ahall be automatlcally extended for suc- ' 23.- Duratlon. These condltlonsr reg'irlctlonsr cove- nanta, reserGrff6f iaeenente. llens and charges ehall run l'iwrtn ihc land and shall be btndlng on all Parties and all 1i q9rsoy, ?riT1r? -:f :I - ll.r-"r:ll{i?liiy..1:* }lll:,'lJn1lI l^cesslve perloda of tcn (10) yeare unlese, by vote.of the iqrnerg o-f rore than flfty percent (50t) of the prlvately-.-i-^'noa real property wlthin the boun<iariee of, the Subdlvleionr i"'tu ts agrcei tir wr]-ttng to change or nodify-said covenante itn rchqle or Ln Part. NothtlLhstandlng anything to the contrarf': iihereln, these condltions, restrictlone, covenantsl t"t?TY?;..' lOtd"r ahall ln'no way o?flct any of the-other provlelons .rlhlch ahall .remaln ln fult foree and effect'. litlons, easements, llene and charges may be changed, modlfled , : . ,v-or amended at any t.lrne prlor to January 1, 1999 (but ln nO i. '...... ;!:-;. . .i ^z 7r.^ ^f, xa*a :lijother wavl , bv tire rvrltten consent of the ownera of rnore "''i,':,.iiltfran ""rr'er,iy-ilve percent (?5t) of the privately-owned real' . 1r- "ii'Gopeiiy wffurf" thl boundariea of tho slHlvislon, provid-ed; : " ' iror"Lver-, that no chango, modlflcation or amendment ehall bs : I -,:." effectlve without if,"'pifoi ipptov"f oi trt. Eagle County r .t; '..:, Plannlng Conunlsslonr ,Ii..";!i t1, : 24.' Valldtty. Invalldatlon of, any one of these ' ; - l'i.", "::, z{.' valldtty. Inval'l'clac'.on or any one or Lrtcl,e |'acOndttton", ao6ffitions, covenanta, reseivatlons, eaeemente i .' ': iltena and chargen or any part thereof^by Jydgments.ot Court . '', '. ,I \ rh I'ch aha],l . remaln ln tutl loree ancr erfesE. ;., f: 25. Vlcrlatlon of Covcnantg. Vtotatlon of any of :' tho condttloffilffiants, resorvatLonsr ease- jjnents, lft:ng and charges hereln contalned ahall glvo.the ' .,;;;;i;;";;-;; rt; .;;;i or asersns ihe rlsht to eiter'upon -';.;,'j.the oropertv upon 6r ae to whlch guch vlolation exlsts, and .'.'l- ::,:to sinonirlli, abate-and remove, at {g^g"p"l:e.of the,owner '''.'';. i:thereof, an| erectlon, thlng or condLtlon that rnay be or 'exlst thoro'ot contrary to the lntent and neanlng of the. pro-exlaE unereon concrary Eo Ene InfsIlL rtlr(l lrrEctrt'rrry u! ur's t/av-;vlalone horeofl and Diclarant or ltg agent or aeelgne ehall ;i not thereby be decmod gullty of_any mannsr of treepaea for ;."i i. $ euch entrfr abatement .or removal f .,li,-' '.A 6. 6r-L! !^ ir-!^-^^ aL- -rarrl alana u.r'nl:r{nod lrr.f 26, Rl.rht to Enforce. Tho provlslong contalned ln :.' thte DecluraFfoi-GTilfl-EGii-and Lnura to the boneflt of and temptlng to vlolaBe lny such covonant or rootrlotlon. :. .. . do 'l I HoLr cnoss ,$eefnrc lss0clArl06, RTOIIIL.OFL'AY TASEI.IilIT Fr0t AIJtr lStXsI PRIS-EImS. fhat tbc ualter'lgnod.l E. Wr ur I s Noi--] J''r'ji ., -. .:' ..:, ..!, :. ; for a fieod. antl vslu^rtlo conskloratlon, lho rocolpt '*horoof ls horobtr aclsrov- :-..'.lotl6ort,do-|roroby6rcrrtuntoIIoIJc!ossEicTnIcAsscol/\TIoIItI,lc.|BooqD-l--. ' ., ' --.ir-- ..^1.^'+r rr ^- ulr^-. *^.r^fflra n,rAsra rr rll rnr:arl atar.rr-- a^t^s6t^ r-,|'' -' , i eratlvc corDoratlotr, vhoso postoff lce atldroan ln Glowooil Sorln6e , Colorrdo. andl r,r .;;..::' to ltc ouecosaors anil oealgnu, tba rlght to ontor u'ron lanilc of th6 uatlorslgnedl .'t,. ,.',1 .','..' sltuato lr tha County of Ercr r , Etato of Colorado, aDA nors parttcrrl- .;rr"': : j.' ' arly ilo6etlbadl as follorlt . ,. ,-. ..'t., I .. ;i,,:','. A.utr,re ExrENolNc. t* l HoRTHEAsTEqLy otREc?lox FRof' rHE. sourH - .l-; ;.:'-.:'.i; :. ...- B.0UNDARY'oF TltE St4( or _rrrs Ntf,,{ oF .Tvp. 5 S., R. gl W.-oi iri '.':,ir:J' .,v...} ,:.-., ;, 6tr P.Pl', Acno-ss rHE si'fA oF rHE ftvy'; ecnoss ixe-SrF.oi irr ll-*t, ,,., ".: :.',',.";.,,;, Eg r.rr,t AcRoss rHE 5'.0dr oF THE NWlt i ecnoSS THE. SFF .or rxe N.*1r ..f .:'j.'i,i...' AcRoss rHe til,Ji( oF rHE NEI{; eLr. rn' Sec. 'ta; T,-5-5'. R, gi-w.i' ' ,':..'i. ,i.i::,.;. I".:9.,,"o::n:l:r:1.: AcRo;s rxr SEIor-r*i'ni# -or-3.c. {, ;:'5 s.r ;:r, j,..r' ,i...,rrR' 81 W. .oF rH€ 6t! P.N, .^._,. :.-... . Vrrt|LFri'tUraLU ;J:l:i.":: aod. to constnrct, operate entl unlnteln on tho aboro doscrlteil lan<lr an{t/or la':li1:i.'. ^ia -r--a- -^-r- ^- r.t-r..-*- -rr-r4tr-- -^a, .r--r- -r -.r^^&-r a &-.r- :l i. ,t.l-Jr;i lj:,,i1't,,,1* ?gltrDERArror FoR lr.t€ GRANrrxc oF Trrrs EASEfiENTT Houv cnoss ..::i'iil:?..,,- TLECTF lC AGnEES tO nELOCAtE SucH poLE OR pOL€S THAT HAy TNTERFERE .. '1_-_1...i -'.. yllH FUTURE 0 €LOpHENT OR us€ oF ?HE LAflD; A{ ALT€n}r^T6 LOCATION ._:: ,.-. . ...',; ..:.... r ,r !! ^ G :--i.l i.l'f].. ALOTIG THE CETITER L t ?,rE OF r'H E povEn L I H€ TO BE pROv I DED By TltE i..l.'.:',::..:-.' U Ho E R S , c hE O 1;.:_..;' ... or opon al-l strgets. roads or h16hr:aya alutttng eatcl lande, an oloctrlc t;nns- , ,, :- .i.'.,.']t ' alssion or iltctrltrttlon llna or s.yntolrr a-:ril to sut aadl trln trsee r.nrl uhnrot.aqf . " -....i:1., v. o.'.,]q'!r .{sr orrr!.\'.'q.. .. it:..-j,,' . tc t\e n:rtoet Dccos sa{,' to koep theu clear of galdl cl.ectrlo llno or aJf,ten sndl . ., . l;.;-1,:. . - to crrt d,orm. froq tfuno to tiue all deail, rroak, loanlng or dlnngoroue treer tbet . . . ... :liil .;: . are tall enou6b to strlko the n'Iror ta falliugr '... ''::i:i',*,;..: ' ' .:',,i:'r 1i.-:;1,:.:i The unilenl4nod agreo s tbat a'll poloe, rli-a aaa othcr fscllltlacr lnolrrllln€ 1i'i. .-: -. :,:.. nnv nnln eerrlce entrnnee aottlrrncnt- lnrtallad on the ebovc descrLlcil lmrtll:-;-,-r.':,1 ,,, . snJr rurln eerrrlcE entrtrnee oortpoeat, laatalleit otr th6 above ilescrltctl lmrill .. ''.']l.i:': qlthor r*ho-liy or rrartlsllv at the rllrlnnnA of thr rnlil Cooneratlva. rha1l n''..,i;!, t . sltber t*ho-.riy or Trartlslly at tho oT)oDBo of thr rnld Coqnoratlvo. tha1l mnoltr ..1 'r.r';1'':',!... tbe prooerty of the Goq'romtlvo ar,it gball bo ronovablc at the otrtloa of the ." r, ,!.. f'lortrra r*tl ra tr+rnn l-a;tl rvrt{ an a€ carlr.r l-ti ^t rtn rrlld l-nnr|r- ;..',.. '.j:.i:,,,, Coorrorstlve rrooa terrtlnattoa of serlcc to or on rali!. lalrda. . rt,t,,.i, ;.t:;i:i'' thc ulderel6nod covooaat5- that -hc--1g the ovDce'- of thb atovc {larcrlboit-i.'-:.,:._ Inc unconrlcnod. covoorurt,jL lrraE _ac_ J! the ovllcr'_ oI lnc eoo?t uclcuDj-;- :',:' . lancls natt tlrat the rald lnrdg are froa antl clcnr of encuntrtrooer rld, llonr of - : i'--:_ii: '. . . vhrtaoeyor 'cJraractsr oxccpt tihorc halit b' tlro follorlogt ., 1.._' l . IF.VITI;SS lt9.m0i. tbe und,trefua6{. br s/92/t d4y ot 'Zi'., .,.t1-- , 14 . Stgrsdl, eeelcil aart ilallvcroilln the orosencc olt . ' .-.: t''- ' (r.s.t. :'': r-S*.tl$P''ff?4*-i "'': : l'ruft,r: .ffii11,;{,yftt foroqotng lnr-tmmnt *nr achnorloil6ed tgforc na.gry thr;.: :: $j,!,ffiiH;dg ; "H:flJffil#ita,"tflh."F,:n Eiit$.L\nlror nil Lommis3ion troiret lloy- f, 19S9 _ '. 1'...5Tflctnl roal. c->-t ,, - .t , t '. ' l6TAr,t O? CsLOnAlo c@t'rr o i ..' lltrc abovc and fo ro5olng lnttmnent sar th. (l^^? of I acklovlcd6ttl bcforr' nc ol A.I). 19_r tf thlir ' .' , !'y CoBnlrclcn }tDlrcaYIT''Jlg nl| ofltoial meL i . ---r-.a--*+^r4..r*&J -.ir.rr r-.,.-.' -,1-,*.-.r.r.r.--. -l-;,,,,...ii ----: , ,. - .-**- L | -..-4rr- .ra tl a :a i It 1C643G 't Tayvel Envircnmental Land ComDany Box 763 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-2412 303 / 47 6-2 2 57 November 13, L973 Mr, Robert Barr Eagle County Planning CommissionP. O. Box 789Eagle, Colorado 8i631 Dear Mr. Barr: Enclosed please find. the covenant change we discussedtoday. If you have any questions please conlact me. It is my understanding that theon the agenda for the Novernbertime I r,vill present the signed matter will be placed 21st meeting. At thatpetition. Very truly yours, TAWEL ENVIRONMENTAL IAND COMPANY Peter AlexanderVice President PA/g3w Enclosure RECEIVED NOV r ,, rQ7?" IJI J Oept. 0t Pla,ifl:l ,, l Eagle Count/, tl.rl,t. AII4ENDIqENT TO PR,OTECTI\rE coVENANTs OF LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 i EAGEL COUNTY. COLORADO The ProtectiveNo. 2, EagJ-e County, a.tAdd Paragraph: 2 (c) (1) 3 (b) Covenants Colorado, Iots d.esignated as Lots 1, 2 and,3 shai.l be used. onlv as d,oubleresident,ial lots, aid the Lotdesignat,ed as Iot 4 shal_I beueed only {a residential_ i.ot. of Lion's Ridge Subdivisionl Filingare hereby anended as follows: "Double Residential Lot', shal1meanffiusedfor residential- purposes only.and upon which not more thanone building cont,aining notmore than two dwelling units,together with not more thanone garage outbuild,ing, maybe constructed. De1ete paragraph 3 (b) and substitute therefore: RECEIVED NOV t r Et3 Pla|ili'i Coun;i, Dept.0f Eagle a joint 'i ' Chamonix Cha)"et, a partnership Bv yartner Charles H. Rosenquist Fred Erb W ;2.-,1 tl t:"-i? $qrrett Mourrr Ster,rart, H. Bror.rn Jerry Muth PARCEL OR LOT OWNED Parcel B Parce1 C Parcel D(part of) Parcel E Lots G-2,G-3, G-5,G_6 Lots 1, 2 Parcel A ParceL D(part of) Lot G-7 Lot G-8 Lot 3 Lot G-l lot c-4 Exhibit A i /'!r.1F r ^F1\\-IttAtr.E J. / 6y4 LL.0237 I2.4882 46.3075 9.3025 1. 8878 6L.254L ).u4 , L.+4JL .7947 .7070 ,8808 t.776L PERCENT OF PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY IN SUBDIVISION '> 8 29 6 1 1 u.5 59 By 0.5 By By RECEIVED NOV i 4 1973 Dept. 0t Planning & Devel [agle County, Coto. 1 1nn CONSENT TO AMEND THE PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. Z EActE cOuNTY, CoLOMDO We the undersigned owners of real property in Lionrs Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, hereby consent to the amendment to the protective covenants of said subdivision as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. RECEIVED NOV t 4 1973 Dept. 0t Planning & Devel fugle Coung/, Colo, 1:'J ,, A'!rllil e;:.n ,l t.ti i,:I )ir; ' :: h; !{,;r'ffi t,:'r ta r'j.qf ([ i: o !11vIl in !!ir 0firrilI ;'\J -,7',1 ,t f yl' :l -/: ,-:-fl, A JJ. L\/.go NiT t, U ?l \( I .o.9. ut \ lcI $Pni. , -var/|It ll 7 vr tn w rfl r\ 7-n r \i, -i t CONSENT TO AMEND THE PROTECTTVE COVENANTS OF I,IONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO.2 EAGLE COUNTY, COT.,ORADO . We the owners of real property in Lj-onrs Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. Two (2), hereby consent, by signature on Exhibit, A attached hereto, to the amendment to the protective Covenants of said. Subdivision as set. forth in Exhibit B attached hereto. L-ig"]r Ridge Venrures, a joint venture Charles H. Rosenquist fred hrb Stehrart H. Bronn $1 Pareel A Parcel D(part of) 5.04 By PARCEL OR LOT OWNED Parcel B Parcel C Parcel D(part of) Parcel E Lots G-2,G-5, G-5,G-6 Lots 1, 2 Lot G-8 Lot 3 lot c-4 A r/r'1F i ^h*tt- ltEALr.e 3.7894 11.0237 72.4882 46.3075 9.3025 L.8878 6L.2547 t.4zs2 .7947 .7070 ,8g0g L.776L : PERCENT OF PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY IN SUBDIVISION .1 8 29 6 J9 1 U.J 0.5 a partnership Exhibir A I. J.UU AMENDMENT TO PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO The Protective covenants of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2,Eagle County, Colorado, are hereby amended is follows: Add paragraph: 2 (c) (f) "Double Residential Lot" shall mean a tot which can be usedfor resjdential purposes only and upon which not more than one buildjng containing not more than two dwelling units, together wjth not more than one garage outbuilding may be constructed. De1ete paragrraph 3 (b) and substitute therefore: 3 (b) Lots designated as Lots I and 2 sha1l be used oniy as double resident'ial 1ots, and the jots designated as Lots 3 and 4 shall be used only as residentia1 jots. EXHIBIT ''B,. EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COURTHOUS€ E"91", C"lo*J" 8t631 'Deeernber 27 , Ia??. Board of Cotrnt.rr Corrnlssioners Eagler tiorrntv near Sirs: It r,ras the declsion of the Eagle County Plannlnu Cornrnlssion that a.n exernDtion be granted to Lions Ridee Ventures on Pareel- D of Lions Ridse Filin1 * 2, subjeet to the fol-lowing recomrnendation; 1. That there be no rirther exernntJ.on s on Tract D. 2 . liro devel-oonent on land ..ri th j04 or more slooe. 3. That an;r clevel orment on land tnLh I54 or more slope be rerrl er^red by the Plannins Corunis sion. l+. That it be understood that the 1an'r ruas still subjeet to its orisinal . eovenants and. repr--sentations. 5, Tha.t drainage and utir.itles ease'rents he rerrier,ted btr t e olanninq cornml s sl-on r:rior to further develonrnent C,h etrrnan APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuant to Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Sub- division Regulations, our proposed sale of a portion of Parcel D, tion's Ridge Subdivlsion Filing No, 2 located in the west Vail area and comprising 5.04 acres more or less divided into 2 interests for the folIowing reasons: 1. The 5.04 acre parcel is proposed to be sold to Byron D. Brown and Louis F. Livingston doing business as Chamonix Chal-et. Messrs. Brown and Livingston plan a develop- ment of mult,i-family residential units, the exact nature and characteristics of which will be the subject of an additional Subdivision Application,as such time as actual development plans are formulated. The sale of the subject 5.04 acre parcel should be excluded from the definition of the term "subdivision" as set forth in Section L.08 of the Subdivision ReguJ.ations of Eagle County because the purpose and intent of the Subdivision Regulations will not be contravened by the sale of such tract. 2. The primary subdivision developer, I-,ionrs Ridge Ventures, has completed the rough grading of the road on which the 5.04 acre parcel fronts and has brought water and sewer collection lines to the road at the edge of the parcel. 3. The parcel is subject, to land use covenants restrictions previously approved by the Planning Commission the time of its approval of Lion's Ridge subdivision FiJ.ing 2. and ct t- No. 4. The PLanning Cornmission will be presented with a further proceeding by Messrs. Brown and T,ivingston doing business as Chamonix Chalet at such time when the actual deveJ.opment of the parcel for a condomj.nium subdivision or other subd,ivision defined in the Subdivision Regulations is proposed,. / a It is understood that any action by this Commission granting said request for said Regulations Exemption appties only to the sale of the parcel as shown on the survey map and description attached hereto. I,ION'S RIDGE VENTURES BY: Dated: By: Board this det,ermines poses for therefore RESOLUTION The foregoing has been sonsidered day of , 1972, which finds that this Division of Lands is not within the which the Subdivision Regulations $rere adopted said. Application is Granted (Denied). by the and pur- and BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY -2^ Decembe r box r oo t972 vail, colorado sl6s7 303.476-5613 A TO:COUNTY PLANN I NG COMM I ss t0N COMMISSIONFROM: TOV.IN 0F VA I L PLANN ING RE:RESUBD IV IS ION OF L ION I S R IDGE BLOCK C Pursuanf to Eagle County Subdivision regulaiions, the Town of Vai I Planning Commission submits fhe following evaluailon and recom- mendations pertaining to the resubdivision of Lionrs Ridge, Block C: L Water (Seciion 5.04) a. ln conformance with this section, adequacy of water. supply for the tota I deve lopment must be documented. The deve loper has not submitted adequate information about the water supply system based upon the entire Lionrs Ridge Subdivision as it wi ll be affected by the higher density for the re- subd i vi s i on of B lock C. b. The existing 6tt water line which serves Block C appears to be inadequate based upon the density of the resubdivision. We recommend that a larger water supply line be provided. 2. Utilifies a, U+i lity easements have not been provided by the develoPer, b . Based upon obse rvat ions by the Town Eng i nee r, d ra i nage i s not as represented. The deve loper used ca lcu I at ions based upon four concrete culverts when in fact, only two cor- rugafed s+eel pipes are provided. The Town Engineer points out that the drainage capacity for the corrugated steel pipe is less than the concrete cluverts used for calculations' We suggest you require resubmission of calculations for drainage. 0pen drainage easemenf of l5r is shown on pla-f; a 20t easement is required by Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. P rotect i on 0nly one fire plug appears on the subdivision plat to serve a one-half mile distance. The Vail Fire Department recom- mends that one fire plug be provided for every 500t with a maximum of 150 I to any bui lding. The Planning Commission feels th at the Vail Fire Deoartrnent recomnendafion be adhered to end that the one f ire pluE provided is grossly inadequate to serve fhe subdivision. The subdivision has nof signed a fire protection agreement with the Vail Fire Protection District, which we strongly c. Fire 4.. F"S County Planning 0ommi ssion DecembeF 6, 1972 Page 2 ! recommend for adeq uate f i re p rofect ion . We fee I th i shou ld be done before any construction commences. 4. q Noi se Pol lution state Seventy wi and that the noi i ng and berms. - We fee I that fhell have an adversese pollution shou ( See attached) . close proximify fo Inter- af fect on the res i dents,d be lessened by tree planf- Dens i ty - The deve I ope r hasfor the' resubd iv is ion. Wepopulation to determine the will have upon fhe existing f ac i I i t ies . not stated the proposed densitY must know the dens ity and projected impact the density of ihe subdivision mounta in facilifies and recreational 6. Green belt or Common Areas - The developers have stated *hai they do not feel they should provide open areas as this is merely a resubdivision. We f eel green areas should be provided by the developer. We also feel *haf amenities should be provided so as to lessen the pressure on town facilities which would be created by the development. An alternative to public green areas would be to allow a maximum coverage bf approximately 50S by buildings and parking, thus leaving open space, 7. Covenants - Under Sectlon l4 of the Covenanis, we feel fhere should be a specific period of time stated for returning the area to its natural vegetation and existing condition. Architectural (Section 5.09.03) - Building design should be compatible with existing structures in the area. We recommendthat an effort be made fo design structures in such a way to provide a view from each dwelling unit, and that no structure be so high as 9. .l{e recommend deve loper to t0. We recomme n d 0rdinance. il. 12. to block anothe r I s view. that a performance bond be required from the assure the completion of public improvements. that all signs conform to the Town of Vail Sign A letter of approval from the State Highway Department on frontage'road access should be required. We also suggest that a collector road be Drovided to serve thc subdivision as required by Senate Bill 35, Section Xl-2. The developer has not indicafed setback requirements. lt is highly recommended that a minimum of l0r setbacks from fheproperty line be required to provide for fire access and some green a reas between buildings. feel the subiiivisionr d5 submitle.i , should be disapproved. $'r Telco Tayvel Environmental Land Company Box 763 Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: 3031 476 2412 November L0, 1972 Mr. Hubert Peterson, Chai rman Eagle County P'lanning Commission County Courthouse Eagl e, Col orado 81631 Dear Hubert: Enclosed, as you requestedr are the fjfteen copies of documents pertaining to the proposed app'lication for exemption from Subdivision Regulations for a 5-acreparcel in Tract D, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Fi'ling No. 2. If you need any further information, or if I can be of help in any way, please let me know. S'i ncerel y , TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COMPANY Thomas J. Tay'lor Vice President TilT/dr Enclosures P.S. Jerry Gamba is forwardi ng f ifteen copi es of the p'lat. t\ € I', YlI (Y)o ,^ cf) E.O:. UJ>11 t/} co za -f ,..\\JE 11L., Ld- (J l--AY: 16 -Y. <- [J. H-o\.o lj= r.,J tr.l 2-J ea -zuJ \, / r't Zai- toa(o J/\ Z6r 8o, o:\\ 0ctober 27, 1972 A tract of'land in Parcel D of Lion's Ridge subdivision, Fi'ling No. z, !99tio1 12, Towns.hip 5. south, Rbnge Bl tJeit of the 6th Frincipi't tteri-d'ran, as recorded in the office of the clerk and Recorder, coiinty ofEagle, state of colorado, more particurarry described as tieginningrit tnesoutheaster]V corner of said parcel D; thence N 23oll'17" l,l 337.95 ?eet; thence ?50.67 feet along the arc of a curve having a radius of l03i.7zfeet and q-long chord bearing S 64"29'02,' W ?50.05 feet;thence S 7]"26'39"'l,l 14.5] feet; thence 192.83 feet along the arc of a curve having a radius 0f glg.g3 feet and q-jg1g chord bearing S 6EoZ6,AZ" l.l 192.47 feet;thence S 59026'04', l,/ 217.74 feet; thence S 30033'56" E 324.73 feeti thence N 64o29'0e" E_ 631.48 feet'to the point of beg'lnni.ng, containing5.04 acre,s, more or less. Z ,,, =4x>\J<o^ZY -lJa<wElrl .\zJ(.'Hz\)iJ rqo(JGO LJ tro ttJ L triEtti r-frEal!IE-ELTI TEE i i-\'".,- S-r'.u.r"t\ ivl.,*, Novenber 29, L972 Hubert N. Petersoo, Chafumaa Eagle Valley PlaDo{"g & Zonlng Commlselon Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: 5 Acre Parcel Llonre Ridge SubdlvisionFiling #2 A portion of parcel D Dea! Mr. Peterson: I an in recelpt of and agreeoent wlth Mr. Byron D. Brownrg proposalto eetabllsh utiJ.ity easementa nhen they have completed their Maater PLan for the abone uentloned 5 acre parcel. Ife hereby withdraw our request tn uy letter of November 15th for an easem@t along the uestero property 1lne of above eaid parcel. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS EI,ECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (.&n -, o.,-.' 72 r,, #l-,/-A- Clenons M. Kopf, Systen Englneer cc: Thooae J. Taylor CLareoce Rasoussen Byron D. Broron CMK/ep '''s , r.'u..,Jll i -it;: '/',9: +\,_i. t. &r:lF ffisf,\4.:'t ${, ^- \",oJ,/--u. ..Slii::av}-,*2' Novennber 15, L972 Hubert N. Petereon, Chafumaop.egle Valley Planntng & ZonLng Cmiesion Eagle, Colorailo 81631 RE: 5 Acre Parcel Llonrs Ridge Subdtvtsion Filing #2, a Portlon of parcel D Dear Dfr. Peterson: lle have revised the application for erernFtion fron the EagJ.e County Subdlvlsion regulatione for a 5.0417 acre parcel which is proposed to be solal to Mr. Byron D. Brown and Louie F. Livingeton doLng buslness as Cbamoolx Chalet. We requeet that a teD foot wide utl.lity easenent be dedlcated aloag the western property llne of above eaLd five acre parcel. Said weeteroproperty llne bears a course of south 30" 33 I 56rt east aad a dlstanceof 324.73 feex. This easeoent can be elther flve feet on either elde of the ment Lonedproperty Llne or ten feet l-nsl-de the flve acre parcel. Sincerely, cc: Byron D. Brom Thmas J. Taylor Clarence B. Ragmusgen CMK/ep BYRON D. BROWN Box b47-vArL.coLoRADo Bi6s7 oFFrcErELEpHoNE.. 476-2211 REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridge Street & Gore Creek Drive November 20, L972 Mr. Hubert N. Peterson, Chairman 8ag1€ Valley Planning & Zoning Conuri ssion Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: 5 Acre Parcel Lionrs Riilge subdlivision iling #2 I a Portion of Parcel D Dear !lr. Peterson: I have received a copy of the letter written to you by !tr. Cl€nons Kppf, Systens Engineer for Holy Cross Electric tssociationl Inc., reqJueating a utilities easenent along the west property line of the 5 acre parceJ.. Since the receipt of said lstter, I have hacl telephone discussions with Ur. Iblrf , nho r€quested that I nrite this letter to you. We hereby state as purchasers . tha!, it this tine, it is very undesirable to grant a utility eas€ment where we are not gsre the utilities will be going. tfhen re have finished our naster planz it will have been coordinated with Holy Cross Electric. Utility easenents will be established and we will grant gaid util- ity easements rthen we file our final plans. These utility easements will be coord- inated wj,th all utility ccmpanies and will have the approval of the planning comris- sion. very truly yours, rt d'"-* Brown Presidentl Chamonix Chalets - ':,,r'';'. cc: flmmAs.lgaflor clemons Kopf Clarence Ragmugsen I€uis Livlnqston Hubert weinshienk Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Novomben 16, 1972 Eagle County Planntng ComrlssLonEagle, Colorado 81681 Gentlemeni The appllcation for exemptlon from eounty regulatlons oftlons Rtdge, Percel D, concernlng tbansfen of land fnomElons Rldge Venbur€s to Chamonlx Chalet was refe:::red toEagle Counby So11 Conservatlon Dl*trlct fon nevlew and. comment. ff the ner owners wllt be requlred. to suhlt Flans totho commtsston for neview prlon to startlng a-ny constru.c-tLon, we have no obJectlon to gnantlng bbls exsmptlon.llno plens should. lnclude eroslon and. sedlment oontrolpIans, plans to savo natLve vegetatlon and revegetatlonplane. fe wouLd. also llke to r"econunend. tlrab no constnretlonbe aLlowed on slopss of more than 3OS and. very llrrlted eonsbmetLon on slopes of more than 15%. Your.s tnrly, f "fj Rogs E. Chambers Pr.esld.ent IJNITED g-TATESt.- SOIL CONSERVATION F.0. B9x 586, Eaglo,Colonado 81551 : Novemben 15;1972 Ross Chombers, Fre$ld.ent Eagle Counby So11 Consenvatlon DlstnlotP.0. Box 386 Sagla, Colonado 81661 Dear Ross i The appllcatlon fon exemptlon from county regulatlons of'lions R[d.ge, Parcel D, ooncornlng transfer of 1and- fnomLlons Rtdge Ventunes to Chanonlx Chalet was refenred tothe Soil Consenvatlon Servlce for revLew and. corunent, Muoh of thlg a:rea ls, qulbe stoop and has. a sovelre llmltatlonfor' buflcilng constmctlon. Any cons.tructton should be conflned to slopes of less Ehran L5fi as much as possible.A goodt pLan fon enoslon gnd eed.luent control, as te.ll agplans,tg save natl^vo_vqgetation and revegetatlon should . be developcd. and follored.. U copy of, the applleatlon for exemptlon ls attatched. Slncerely, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 47G5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 MEb{OiIANDUI'I Date: November 29, t972 To: Eagle County Planning Conrnlssion From: Erik W. Edeen, Ii.P.S. il.e: Lionrs,lidge Subdivi sion Filing f 2 Proposed resubdivision of Parcel D. I,Ie have reviewed the plans of the above referenced subdivision and subroi t the following conrtrents: (1) Confifinatlon fron the Lionrs Ridge Water District was not inc l uded. (2) Confirmation from the Upper Eag!.e Valley Sanitation District has not been provided. la, nr Ita ' t-/ EWE/bw cc: Eagle County Coruni ssioners State llealth Department tnwn Decembe r B, 1912 box r oo vail, colorado 8r6sz 303.476-5613 PLANN I NG COMI4ISS ION c0r4r4lsst0N TO: FROM: RE EAGLE qOUNTY vntL pl-Rttt'tit'to GENERAL COMMENTS - RESUBDIVISION OF LIONIS RIDGE BLOCK C It is the position of the Vail Planning Commission that the proposed resubdivision of Block C into l9 separate lots is an inappropriate design for this parcel of land. We do not feel that motivation for resubdivision should be based upon providing flexibility for the'developerrs sales prospeets. The developer has maintained that the proposed lot conf iguration gives him sales f l'exibility. We take issue with this concepf, in that once lot lines are establsihed,the developer will be severely limited in the placement of structures with the smaller lots. Furthermore, the developer has not made a conclusive argument that the existing platting is not the best con= figuration for fhe land. He has failed to define what the proposed uses for the property will be and what the projected population estimate is. Due to the location of the subdivision, we feel all of these considerations are exfremely important. We would, in general, like to recommend that all subdivisions of a similar scope be held in abeyance until such time as the Couniy Planner has an opportunity fo review each subdivision request. Since Mr. Blair will be assuming his duties as of January l, we feel it would be a regrettable siiuation if he is not permitted to review and comment on these subd ivis ions. As further evidence of problems that we foresee with this particular subdivision, please see attached evaluation and recommendations for the resubdivision of Lionrts Ridge Block C. Yours tru ly, TOWN^OF VAIL PIANNING COMMISSION O/z/A' ffi'4 Robert R. C lark Cha i rma n J-!UI ri_ ///a/=- APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGUI,ATIONS Pursuant to Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Sub- division Regulations, our proposed sale of a portion of Parcel D, Lion's Rid.ge Subdivision Filing No. 2 located in the west VaiI area and comprising 5.04 acres more or less divided into 2 interests for the following reasons: ' l-. The 5.04 aere parcel -is proposed to be sold to Byron D. Brown and Louis F. Livingston doinc; business as Chamonix Chalet. Messrs. Brown and Livingston plan a deveJ-op- lnent of multi-family residential units, the exact nature and characteristics of which will be the subject of an additional Subdivision AppJ-ication as such time as actual developrnent plans are formulated. The sale of the subject 5.04 acre parcel should be excLuded from the d.efinition of the term "subdivision" as set forth in Section 1.08 of the Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County because the purpose and intent of the Subdivision Regulations will not be contravened by the sale of such trac^t. 2. ,The primary subdivision developer, Lionrs Ridge Ventures, has completed the rough grading of the road on whi.elr,- the 5.04 acre parcel- fronts and has brought water and sewer co.LLection lines to the road at the edge of the parcel. 3. The parcel is subject to land. use covenants and restrictions previously approved by the Planning Commission at, the time of its approval of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No.2. 4. The Planning Commission will be presented vrith a further proceeding by Messrs. Brown and Livingston doing business as Chamonix ChaLet at such time when the actual development of the parcel for a condominiurn subdiv.ision other subdivision d,efined in the Subdivision Regulations proposed - by this Commission Exemptlon applies the survey map and It ls understood that any actJ.on grantl-ng sald request for sald ReguLati.ong only to the sale of the parcel as.shown on description attaehed hereto. LION'S RIDGE VENTURES BY: Dated:Received: By: R.ESOTUTION The foregoing application has been considered Board this day of , L972, which finds determines that this Division of Lands is not within the pur- poses for which the Subdivision Regulations were adopted and therefore said Apptication is Granted (Denied). by the and -2- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY . '- r!.+ ChI|orfot f6o (,,)(n EOr. ltJ;5 =@(n€ zo JEoqHdiloh.ui =(5a.z-*tr -o-th f0: Eagle County glannlng Cononlsglon SUB,IECT: Fillng IO-72 Lions Rld,ge Flllne #2 Etrts gubmlttaL ls the sketch plan for the poroposed ftling of Lions Rtdge #2 subrlivlslon. lbe proposecl progran includ,es a planned, unLt develolment over tbe rralley ancl nountain a,rea behlnd, the rltlge. The ba].ance of tJre lantl vorrltl be divld.etl into 9 cotunercial lotsr l3 tluplex lotsp and, 2 la,rge comercial 1nrcels. Ikre roacl can be designed. and, constructetl to confornr to corulty sta'ndlard.s. In sone areas speclal treatnent uay be reqrdrecl to ellmlnate large cuts and. f111s. Comunlty xater and sefler systems are proposed, to serve the tlevelopnent. It vould. Bppear that this proJect canr be tl,evelopetl in sccortliance fllth the crlterie of the subd.ivlston regulatlons. It i6 rec@end.ed. that this cLevelopent be considlered as a Category I SubdLvleion vith all subnittals as reqrdreal by tbe regulatil.ons. Jerme F. Gardbs EE & L,S 5933 ..\ oopg Hfi =dzul \\ ozoti- (or;.o-xtnOz6 8c; o- ?qo-=<z- =uJU?o^ =6(r<lrl E29 >QUJPo6o OLooJ UJ Respectfi.rlLy, o)ItoItot (Ytot,o O:. IJJ)6 =(o(/)€ zo JtoqHd uJ \r' ia tll =(9lr. z ffE-o-o--oo .;= d1t! u{ 2.J =ozlrl '.\ hy 76, tyn tor bglo Cowrty Plannlng Cod.crLdr gubJcotr Rll3ng ILO-TZ - I!.on's mdgt Stibdfdaioa' hc]ldnrrgPlrtl Crtegor'5r I Dnr{ng thc skctoh plrn rcrlcr of thlc drvrlopntr tb dcvcLopcrrlmr erkcd to rtrtc Llrlts on thc s.ltt.nto nub* of ultt F*r porcd ln tbc drvcloFent, thtc rubrtttrl lneludoal tn rddttton tr tho reqtfu'rncnta atl'lcd for ln thc rcgulrttonr r trcrl.'dorn of FDoPocd doultlcr o uten $r.rsr bark. oZo\:-G'I(o-xtnOzco 8c; o- 4u =z= trlY> o ,-.zxc<UJE29EOzQuJ (')o3o tooJIJ Respectfi{lly.;;:spz-e Jerone F. Ga,mba PE & LS 5933 o)Il.. cnOl r'5o oOn O-. UJ;6 =(ou)co zo nOuJ=ffu hr?azIrt -At-o-q --- o p= -,2tr rr.l i, -)oozuJ '.\ Z o:. i(o-Xooz6 8c; 1u =z=tdH> o ,-. =6t"<uJ(lrJ oz.J >nuJ .4og (Y oJlrl w L6, L9T2 TO: EagLe County Planning Comnlssion RE: Sehate Bll-L 35 - Concernlng the Divislon of Lancls lnto Sltes, Tyacts, or tots and, Provld,ing for tbe Regulation llhereof Gentl"emen : Drrtng tbe week of l.fay B, 1972 Senate 8111 llo. 35 was epparently sLgned,into l-av by the Governor. /\ copy of this biLl 1s attacbed for your re- iriev ard enlightennent. Uporr read.lng tlris pleee of leglsLatlon I found nyself confused. concern:ing vhat effect 1t nay or nay not have upon the exlsting subcLivlsion reguJ-ations of Eagle Courty and. on the actlon avail- able to the Plannlng Couuission or County Comlssioners. I suspect that the Board. nenbers of the Fta,n::lng Co@ission may flncl themselves in a similar quand.ry a.fter revlel,,ing thls d.oculent. I therefore recormend, that the county attorney be aseigned. the task of revieving this docu- nent Ln the light of its effects on l-and. d.eveJ-opment in Eagl-e County. fn ord,er to stay wlthin the l"aws of the State anil tbe Courty a report sbould, be wrltten by the county attorney erplicitly stating whieh clo- crnent takes precedence ln each iten of the regulatLons. ft is firrtber recomneniled. that the county subdlvlsion reguJ-atlons be revised. as soon as posslbl.e to conform vith any confl-ieting artLcles in Senate BfI1. 35in ord,er that the Commlssion anal devel-opers in the county nay be apprlsed, of proper proceilures for developnent, submlttal"s, and. reviev. It is felt that ln any revlslon of the subd,lylsion regulations rerrlslons shouLd be nade for speeiaL eonsld,eration of conilominiun ancl tovnhouse d.evelopment, rather than atteupting to flt them lnto a d,ocr.ment sin:ilar to the present subcLivislon regulations. DIN!8L t EOPnU|IXAI A. E.'sUd' lflnaA lri.lrisl lfo, I Di..rict No. t The Board of Gounty Commissioners , Ea$le Counry Golorado Phono 328.6377 Eaglq Colorado 81631 9 l(ay L972 Eldorado Engineering P.O. Box 669 Glenwood Springs, CoLorado 81601 Dear Mr. Gamba: Belatedly Ehis wil-1 confirm my previous oral, opinion Ehat any division of land into more Ehan 4 parcels would be category I subdivisions and it is up to the developer fo apply for variances which the Commission may or may not grant. Divisions of l-and into 4 or less parcels can be handled as caEegory II subdivisions in which case Ehe developer may apply for a waiver which the Cosulission may or may not grant. Regards, County Attorney HRII/gs cc: llubert Petersen CIAUDE L CITrfD Diet t llo, I IUCE V/TADER - Corrg A.ror&t !a...is! of Ec.ld . Fir.r U.odrt .f Lortl lllllVEtt n. EdUt . Coutt ClrL May 2* L972 The Eagle County planning CommissionEagle County CourthouseEagle, Colorado 81631 Attn: Mr. Hubert Peterson, Chairma.n Dear llubert: Thank you for setting-up the site tours of the two subdivisionproposals. It always helps me to g:et out on the ground andhave most questions answered at that ti-me. However, a fewquestions remain t-n my mind about the Lions Ridge second filingprellliinar:y subdivision plat: ]. Due to the general steepness of the topography, it isobvious that many special considerations are necesslry withrespect to road construction and ali-gnment such as the t.imbercribbing suggest.ed by the developer. It appears from thepreli:ninary plat that the utility corridor is paralleling orwithin the roadway. I wonder if the utii-ity companies cinlive with the criteria proposed. perhaps a-meetlng should beheld by the developer with the six utilities to resolve bhenarrow corridor question. It might also help the utilityengineers and the commission if the planner provided an overlayshowing lhe percenL slopes (e.g. 0 to 15, 16 to 25. 26 to 35.and greater than 368 slopei and another overlay sliowing theproposed utility corridors.35r2, Quite a few dwelling units (500-600) are proposed onthe upper dead-end road. fs this a safe and hrorkable nunrberwith the potential for stuck vehicles on icy roads, and wj_threspect to fire eguipment. ambulances, etc.? 3. The developer's geologic consuitant stated that aminimal rock fa11 hazard is piesent on the site. It appears -2- to mer'howe..,er, that a significant rock fa1 I hazard. may bepresent during the road, utility, and building construction phases. 4. As a director of the Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict, I do not feel that the UEVSD can unequivicablyoffer sewage treatment service due to plant/line capacities: a. During the Easter weekend, L972, the Avonplant was at about 3/4 af the theoretic capacity b. The UEVSD has an agreement with the Vail Water and Sani.f.ation Drstri.ct tc) treattheir excess effl_uence, but aL t.his point in tjme we do not have auy estj.mates of . how much effluence Vail will be providing.' Also, the UEVSD does not have the datato predict effluence from lhose subdivisionsalready approved within the UEVSD. 5. As v/e all know, the Denver Water Board has a proposeddiversion on Sandstone Creek. Therefcre, the commission willneed specific stream fiow i,tratet: rj_qhL analyses to judge theadequacy of the p::oposed systen. Ine rhcuLd also he caref:_r-lif an Eagle County subdivision helped to dry-up a creek, we may anticipate considerable public and private reaction onboth sides of the Continental Divide. 6. Apparently the total population of the proposed sub-division rvil1 be about 3,500. Some offsite impact is probable and I suggest that we should solicit the school- boards adviseon potential st.udents, school bus routing, etc. A1so, the employee housing situation should be discussed. WiLh respectto the fi-re and police protection, we can anticipate about10r500 resident and guest beds wiLhin the Gore Vall-ey by thiswinter. About 7,500 or these beds v;rii be within Vail Villageand served by the existing police and fire protection. Howeverrabout 3,000 becis will be outside of the Vail district. This may cause t.he Eagle County sheriff's department to be understaffed,As a practicaf matter. requests for emergency fire and policeservices are provided by the Town of Vail. However, they arestaffed to handle the Vail population demand only. 7. I am quite concerned that we provide the opportunityfor public information on planning Commission activity. Atthe last few meetings you wil] note that attendance is primarilyby developers. I fee1 that we must publish commj.ssion meetingdates, agendas, and other nervs releases to provide the public and interested agencies the opportuniEy to participate. .t -3- Publlc information is going to be particularly rrecessarlzwith the proposed road and utiJ.ity construction on BI,Mand along the vrater and travel influence zone of BuffehrCreek. Very truly yours, Chan CWW3 ss cc: J. Ilitchell Hoyt Rod Slifer Eldorado Engineering Gerald E. Brown \-A-.h- Telco Tayvel Environmental Land Company Box 763 Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: 3031 476 2412 Eagle County Pl Eagl e County Eag1 e, Col orado anning Commlssion August 30, 1972 Gentl emen: This is to inform you that all supplementa'l information furnlshed wlth the pre'lim'inary plat of Lion's Ridgefiling number two is valid for the final p1at. Si ncere'l y, LION'S RIDGE VENTURES TTlat Thoma s TfuHffi@ Tayt €l Environmental Land Company Box 763 Vail, Colorado 81657 Teleohone: SOgl 476 2412 Eagle County Planning Comnlssion Eagle County Court House Eagle, Colorado 81631 May'16, 1972 Gentl emen: The enclosed lnfonnation outlines our plans for LJon's R'ldge Subdlvision Filing II. The preliminary subdlvlsion plat and the supporting information required by law to be submitted is i ncl uded. Thank you for your conslderatlon and cooperatlon. Sincerely yours, ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COI4PANY PHT: eas Encl osures ELEONADO II'iGiNIEIIING COM;>ANY P. 0. Bcx 669 803 Colorado Avenr e GLENWOOD SPRIIiGS, COLORADO 81601 Ptrc|rc 3oil g4l5.gtttl Ta;rre1 E::rlrornental lan d Co. LET'TER @F TRANSNfr IT'TAL o^tt - .r -, rt.', l'o" no -rr . l, c)-r_1" l.:. I lJ-J-1) ATTENTION Llonrs Rl'J.ge the following items: TO 5ox ,r.63 'isj,1, Coloi'a4o 8f55? GENTLEMEN: WE tr ! ARE Shop copy SENDING YOU drawings of letter E Attached n ! Prints fl Change order Under separate cover via E Plans E Samples ! Specifications tr coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 s/blr':Idont r lStia;c li,ih,rll.:'nicn lio.i - t'j,rter ijystero THESE ARE ! tr trt tr tr TRANSMITTED For a pproval For your use As requested as checked below: ! Approved fl Approved n Returned as submitted as noted for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit-cooies lor distribution n Return -corrected prints For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE ! 19- I] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO tD,n ?4lO |rr t rlrd 36i6t Sftirr tE., hrna, r|rr ,t encrorures are not as noted, ktndly notitf t,s ,t oncc. !-?9m3>m<t =TD ?.5N: ct r-i IJ. a)6rXm{ m .)()t,t-oc>c@t, ll :ffiH ofi ^rt"'-? @_m-r ooct.: t D: >(,5-< m-m..l-c)ooct-tr>(,,ttmo gr t€, Poo lr.l ! H rrl Ffl Fl FF o -.z Fl o I f'lFot l.rl tr :< (, .-a { il ** ils6;' d E*:[9i oz-,t In _ - Cl-' -am_T ze oqo-tt tr{: H;- @rll ! m!tlot3 m0 -2 Dooo!o zo m =J I Fl ro! Doo otrl D . mz{ orl =oI{ U' U pJ -l'o r 1- {o f,tx It mo ; mo {o oozu,{vca){ Eo2-. {v, 1IoO9Dt- C'mA P3OJI9 Il|2{ ru!-ooD 0a 1' ,€)aOI.rr =;e lo-3 6gI rrlo|/r> <1' tt i^eq: 6zdg 6):, 't I; <t a,D f- T rl m m -l (f (rr o o_ I o --r ,T'l I I I Tq -l.:I ll l Io lr'llI U 1'o al \-a !o 'tt oroc|_o m- otcU'rFIo oID mr m n o o October 20, 1970 Eagle County Planning Cornrnis sion Eagle C ounty Courthouse Eagle, Colorado ATTENTION: Mr. Jerorne F. Garnba Planning Comrnis sion Engineer Gentlernen: Enclosed please find three (3) copies of the Lionts Ridge Road Plan and three (3) typical sections. These roads and their rights-of-way have been dedicated to Eagle County by the Lionts Ridge Subdivision filing of Jrfly 2,5, L969. The roads have been designed and constructed in accordance with County requirernents of alignrnent and grade and the Colorado State Highway Departrnent specifications. Included witlrin the property are 72Q0 linear feet of biturninou s surfaced roads. On Wednesday, Septernber 23, 1970, the road systern was inspected by Mr, A. E. Marks, Mr. Bernard B. Ginther, and the undersigned. Discrepan- cies noted at this i.nspection were: (l) five rnanhole covers project above the paved surface high enough to interfere with snow rernoval operations; (Z) t'riro subgrade failures were noted on the West Loop Road at stations 90+06 andt0t+12' These were caused by excavation and poorly cornpacted backfill at recent breaks in the water lines at these locations, and has resulted in slight depressions in the pavernent. The rnanhole castings are being reset to grade this week by Tiago construction cornpany, and the paved areas removed by this operation will be brought to grade with concrete. The depressions at the water line breaks will be corrected next surnrner by ECDC, as the'y present no problern to snow rernoval this winter. W'eather at this tirne is detrirnental to the proper re- construction and patching neces sary. Eagle County Planning Cornrnission ATTENTION: ]vlr. Jerorne F. Garnba October ZO, 1970 Page #2 If, in your consideration, the roads are found acceptable to the County, kindly indicate your acceptance by signature in the space prowided below. Also, please sign and return one copy each of the two attached drawings for our records. You rnay retain the remaining copies for County records.trAs-Builtrt drawings of the Lionrs Ridge utilities as they affect the roads are being prepared, and prints will be forwarded for your records when cornplete. BEH/sa Plannin g Comrnission: ED FORACCEPTANCE BY COUNTY County Cornrnis sioner s : ED FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE I t ln' a !: NI{ s.{h\_irl i$fr,l t I! qT il{ _{ ={ t I I !1 'n('lft'lfla ii i t rli ,{ I 0 n1:a I ot . 7-e'n z0 0o N [rl 1l 7 Dr xrI {:t 4 4 q FI ( tlt 0I -:3.t rnI olr'ot! an 4n4f7m-r !* "5 ii 1 llr NIU4't,z llo -f'' d ^ znru0 0,:ofl fl, |'ntZ frqii 3 9[ rB ^') z<!: v -g0 i o,;'r(/- f zNP -t II:ilell suBDrvIsroN ryrrNo REcoBD , EAGLE COUNTI, COf,oRAlO I. OENERAI, INI!8I'{.{TION: Name of ProBosed. Subdivislon file Muber Assigned,/o -7> Locatlon Subd,lvld,er (narne and, ad.d,ress) Prof eselonal Consultant,s (nanes and add.resses) .-- L/./-fr V.mu c.s+a Stoa-,:1 ,- 4re Box "42 (*zo-2-,,t+*t rI. SIGICE PIAN: Date Submitted ConmissLon ActLon If Category II ALloved - Suamary of Subutttals: (Ovners of AdJolng T"ana) fl,-/ (Aceraee) EF (Reservatlons & Dedications) f (koposed Covenants) I Snov renoval on cul-d.e-sac F 2 Off-Etreet parklng { al 5) e),L] 5)v .:'.\tr \..'l ' I ColipLisnce vtth Article II-C-2 of ReguLatlons a) b) Water Suppl-y: Centrai- Syeteu K, Erraluatioa of Submlttal : Indlvid.ual Systeme E c)Sanitary Sevage Dlsposal: Evaluation of SubnaittaL l Departnent of Eea1th Actl.on: d)Dralnsge Study - Evaluatton of Subntttal . e)gtreet hoftles - EvaLuatton of Subrnlttal f) 6J Physical- Infornation - t) Oeologlr EValuatLon of Subntttale a) ffant Assocl.ation ,ialL Oe--z s 3) surface Soll-s Comniseion Action on Freli!ilinary PLat IV.FII{A! lf"Af,: Date Subnitted. Conpliance utth fI-E-l of Regulations a)n b)E! e) n d)il s),[] Renarke: b) n l)H Conpliance tfitb II-E-2 of Be'gulatlons b)n c) E,r \ tlt,a)tr Renarks: Actlon by Coroisslon on elnal'Plat j 6t lhysicaL lnformatLon - Evaluatlon of Subnlttals 1) Geology 2) ?[ant Acsoclatl.on J) $urface Sotls Coonisslon Aetlon on Prellnl.nary Plat FINAL TLAT: Conplla,uce a)tr s)n Rens,rks: Date Submitted, b)n h)tr utth ll-tr-L of ReguLatlons c)tr r\l-Ll LJ ConpS.lance a)tr Rernarke: ltlth II.E-2 of b)n ReguLatlons c) E, d) B"e)tr Actton by Connlsslorr ou trtl)xal HLat '''\?a 4n4rl**',t'€r'. LION'S RIDGE FILING II Tayvel Environmental Land Company has purchased and proposes to subdivide l7l acres of land located approximately one and one-half miles west of Vai'l Village on the north frontage road. The land is between the existing Lion's Ridge and Bueffer Creek subdivision. Tayvel retained the p'lanning firm of Bissell/August Associates, A.I.A. to master plan the 1and, and the sketch plan being presented is the product of their input and the philosophy of the principals of Tayvel. Tayvel proposes that the 'land on the south and east of the dominant ri{g=e- be-rtbljvided into cormercia'l sites (i.e., condominiums, lodges, etc.) and that the valley which'ties behtnd the ridge be developed as a P'lanned Unit Development. It is the determjnation of the developers and their planners that the above wou1d constitute the best use of the land, consistent with good planning practices. Tayve'l proposes to insta'l'l al't utilities underground and pave all roads to county standards. The principals of Tayvel fee'l that the nature of the Lion's R'idge 1and, its topography, esthetics and'location within the greater Vai'l ski and recreation complex places a responsibflity upon the subdivider to employ professional planning techniques in order to retain and enhance the character of the land. Tayvel's goals are, as the company name implies, to develop'land in harmony wlth the envJronment. !'le do not believe that concept in any way conflicts with the profit motive. With proper regard for the land and environment comes increased profits in the long run. To prove this point in Lion's Ridge Filing II is our obiective. DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR LION'S RIDGE TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAND C0MPANY, a corporation (herejnafter referred to as "Grantor") is the owner of all that real estate described in Exhib'i t "C", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which real estate inc'l udes that parcei described in the Purchase for Sa] e Agreement of Real Estate of which this Exhibit "8" has been made a part. Grantor hereby makes and declares the following limitations' restrictions and uses upon and oisuch real property, described in Exh'ibit "A" and Exhibit "C", as restrictive and protective covenants running with the land, and as binding upon Grantor and upon a1i persons c'l a'iming under Grantor and upon all future owners of any part'of such real property, so long as these restrictive and pro- tective covenants shall remain in effect: l. DEFINiTI0NS: As used herein the following words and terms shall have the fol 1 owi nffiEE'fr'TfrS: SUBD IV I STON LOT COMMERCiAL LOT - - Lion's Ridge, - A lot within Lion's Ridge. A lot which can be used for condominiums, mu] tip'l e- family residentjal purposes" apartments' restaurants' moteli, hotels, lodges, professional offices and medicai clinici, relail !nops, service shops (exclud- ing automobi'l e service stations) RESIDENTIAL LoT- A lot which can only be used for a single-family residence with the exception that one guest apart- ment may be incorporated into the structul^€, --providei the charlcter of a s'ing1e-family dwelling is maintained. 2. GENERAL PURPOSES: These covenants are made for the purpose of creating and keeping-ffiET5iilTiCl6i- desirabl e, attractive, beneficial and suitable in arcnitebtuial design, materials and appearance; and guarding against fires and. unnecessary interf6rence with the natli"al beauty of the subdivision; a'll for the mutual lenlfit and protection of the owners of lots in the subdivjsion. 3. AppR0vAL 0F CoNSTRUCTION PLANS: No bui'lding or other structure sha'll beconstrucny1ot,norshal1anyadd.itionthereto or change or aiterat'ion therejn be made until the complete plans and specificat'ions (including, but not limited to, the floor, elevation, p'tot and grading plans; irovr'sioni for off-street parking; the specificat'ions of prlncipal exterior materials, co]or schemes and the locaiion, iharactei-ana metnoa of ulitizalion of al'l utilities) have been submitted to Grantor and approved by Grantor in writing. Each building or other structure shal'l be constructed, _erected and main- tained jn strict aciordance with the approved plans and specifications. In passing upon all such plans and specifications, Grantor shall take into consideration the suitability of'the proposbd building or other structure and the materials of which it js to -be bui'lt to ttre lot upon wtrictr it is to be erected' the harmony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of the building or other struct"ure, as planned, on the outlook from adiacent-or neighboring lots. -Grantor agrees to use reasonable judgment'i n passing up_on a1'l such plans and,specitlcatlons' Uit grantor shal'l not Ue iia6'l e to any person ior Grantor's actions in connection "iifr suOtiitted plans ana speciiicatioirs, unless it be shown that Grantor acted with malice or wrongful intent. ri 1. 4. EASEMTNTS: Easements and rights of way are hereby reserved as shownor describelF[frE-recorded plat of th6 subdivision. There are in addition eassnents reserved in the right of way of each road for water and a]l otherutilities. 5. FENCIS: No fence, wall or simllar type barrier of any kind shall beconstructedF6teO or mainiained on any 1ot, Licept such fence! or walls as may be approved by Grantor. 6. SIGNS: No signs, billboards or other advertising structure of any kind sha'l 1 be erEffid-', constructed or maintained on any lot for iny purpose whats-oever, qxcept such commercial signs as have been approved by Grantor either for identi-fication of residences or places of business or other conmercial uses. 7. IIATER AND-IAIIfAIIIN: Each structure designed for occupancy or usebyhumanbeffictwithwaterandsanitationfacj.|itieiprovided by Grantor. 8. T&ASH: No trash, ashes or other refuse shal'l be thrown or dumped on any land wiffithe subdivision. There shall be no burning of refuse out'of doors. Each property owner shal'l provide suitable receptacles for the temporary storage and collection of refuse and all such receptac'les sha'l'l be screened from public view and protected from disturbance. 9. LIVEST0CI: No anima'ls, livestock, horses or poultry (except dogs, cats and other pffiTsh-aT] be kept, raised or bred in the subdivision except in those areas as may be set aside as equestrian areas for the common use of owners and residents of residentfal port'ions of this subdivision, and that are maintained in a neat and sanitary fashion by the Grantor, a corununity association or simi'lar entity. 10. TREES: Trees naturally existing upon a'lot shall not be cut, trirnmed or removed ffim-ttre properties without the-approva'l of the Grantor. 11. StT BACK REQUIREMENTS: There sha'l'l be no general rule for the]ocationofimprovemffiproperty]jnes,butallactualconstructionsites shall receive the advance approval of Grantor. I2. CONDOMINIUM DENSITY: a) Tract D & G: Dwe'l'ling structures and required parking who'lly on grade shal'l iomFiffifr6-fr-6.re than fiity (50) percent of the area of the parcel exclusive of the utility easements b) Tract E: Dwelling structures and required parking wholly on grade sha11 comprise friifroE than thirty-five (35) percent of the area of the parcel exclusive of the utility easements. i) Vehicle parking shal'l be provided on a ratio of: * Two parking units for each residential lot;* One ind oni-ha]t parking units for each dwel'ling unit in a 13. a) No structure shall exceed four stories or forty-flve feet in height measured from grade at the mldpoint of the structure; b) There shall be no on-street parking. Parking will be permitted only in those areas and in those ratios described below: multiple-family residence, condominium, or apartment;* One parking unit for each renta'l unit in a* Three parking un'its for every 1'000 square devoted to customer service in a retail or serv'ice shop;* One parking unit for every '100 square feet to customer service in a restaurant 0r bar; hote1, motel or lodge; feet of f'loor area of floor area devoted ii) Each parking un'it sha'll contain 300 square feet inc'luding drives between parking rows and'shall be located entire'ly within lot lines; iii) Required vehicle parking may be whol1y on grade, partly below grade or wholly below'grade. A'll paiking unit! not within a dwelling structure and all driveways in the subdivfsion shall be paved. iv) I'loblle homes and large comnercla'l vehlcles shall not be parked rlithin the subdivislon. sha'll be and power cabl es. 14. ROADS AND UTiLITIES: pI ace-d underground-. lines, gas and water Al 'l roads sha] 'l be paved. A] I uti'l i ti es Uti I j ti es shal'l be def i ned to 'inc1 ude e'lectri ci ty mains, telephone 'l ines, sewers, and te] evision '15. LANDSCAPING: All surface areas disturbed bv construction shall be returned wITfinTIxty days to the'ir natural condition-and replanted in native grasses; but Grantor may approve construction of gardens, 1awns, and exterior I i vi ng areas. '16. TEl'|PORARY -SIB!!ML!: No temporary structure, excavat'ion, basement,trai.Ierorffitedinthesubdivision,exceptasmaybe determined to be necessary during construction and specifically authorized by Grantor in writing. 17. C0NTINUITY 0F C0NSTRUCTI0N: All structures commenced in the sub-divis.ions@1ytocomp1etionandsha.|lbecomp.|etedwith.in twelve months of commencement unless some exception is granted in writing by Grantor. lB. NUISANCE: llo noxious or offensive activ'ity shall be carried on within the subdivJFfrTf,-fbr shall anything be done or permitted which shal'l constitute a public nuisance therein .I9. EFFECT AND DURATIoN 0F CoVENANTS: The conditions, restrictions, stip- ulations,dherejnshallbeforthebenefitofand b'inding upoi eactr tract in the subdivision, and each owner of property therein, his successors, representatives and assigns and sha'l I continue in fu'l I force and effect until Januiry .l,.l999, at which time-they shall be automatically extended for five successive terms of ten years each. 20. AMENDMENT: The condjtjons, restrictions, stipulations' agreements and covenants;oiG.TnAI herein sha'l I not be wajved, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by written consent of the owners of 75% of the privately owned'land included within the boundaries of the subdivisior,. 21, ENFORCEMENT: If any person shall violate or threaten to violate any of the provisT6-nTtJ-ifiTs instruireht, it sha'l'l be'lawful for any person_or persons own'ihg rea'l property in the subdivisjon to institute proceed'ings at 1aw or in. equit! to en?orie t-he provis'ions of this instrumentn to restrain the person violating or thieatening to vio'l ite them, and to recover damages, actual and punitive' together with reasonable attorney's fees, for such violations. 22, SEVERABILITY: Inva'lidation of any one of the provisions of this instrument by judgmenTET6llEi-rder or decree sha]l in no wise effect any of the other orovisions which shal'l remain in ful'l force and effect. PROTI]CTIVE COVNNANTS or LION'S tlIDG[ , ITILING II LAIIII"IDR COUNTY, COI,ORADO KNOW ALL MEN BY T}IESB PRESENTS: That LIONTS RIDGtr VENTURES, a joint venture, being the o!'/ner of all of that real estate described in ExhibiL A attachedhereto and incorporated herej-n by reference, in the County ofEag1e, State of Colorado, the plat of which was recorded in saidcounty on I L972, in Book , at Pageorffi lerk and Recordfffld'-oes herebyimpose;estrictions and protective covenants as hereinafter ietforlh, and does hereby reserve easements as hereinafLer describgd. I. General Purposes. In order to maint.ain a hiqh quality residential community, the real property described he::etoforeis subject to the covenants, restrictions, conditions, reserva-tions, liens and charges hereby declared to insure the best use and the most appropriate development and improvements of eachbuilding site thereof; to protect the owners of building sitesagainst such improper use of surrounding building sites as willdepreciate the value of their property; to preservef so far aspracticable, the naturaL beauty of said property; to guardagainst the erection thereon of poorly designed or proportionedstructures, and structures built of improper er unsuitablematerials; to obtain harmonious color schemes; to insure Lhehighest and best development of said property; to encourageand secure the erection of attractive structures thereon, withappropriate locations thereof on building sites i to secure andmaintain proper setbacks from streets, and adequate free spaces between structuresi and in general to provide adequately for ahigh quality of improvements on said property, and thereby to enhance the value of investments made by purchasers of buildingsites therein. 2. Definitions. As usdd herein, the following words and. terms shETTTFe T6-e following meanings: (a) "Declarant" shall mean (b) 'rlot" shall mean a lot F'ILING II SubdivisiaT-which can be used commercial purposes. LIONIS RIDGE VENTURES. within the L.,roNrs RTDGE.for residential or which are designated on the plat by number (e.9. A-1) shall be used only (c) "Residential Lot" shall- mean a l-ot which can be used for residendEf$ffi6EEE-En1y and upon which a single-family residense may be constructed with the exception that oneguest apartment may be incorporated into the structure, providedthe character and essential appearance of a single-family dwellingis mai"ntained. (d) "Commerciaf LoL" shaLl mean a lot which can be used for condominiumF. muTEi$16:Tamily residential- purposes, apartments, restaurants, motels, hotels, lodges, professional off ices and rnedical cJ-rnics, rci:a!-1 shcr-s, eervicc e hcps (exclur-i.- ing automobile service stations). 3. Uses. a combinati-on as commercial (a) AlL lotsof letter and Iots . (b) A1l- lots r,,'hi.ch number (e.9. i,ot 1) shall be used (c) All lots which iioman Numerals (e.9. Lot I ) shaLlIot.s in accordance with a planned by the Architechur:al Committ-ee. are designated on the plat by.only .rs residential lots. are des:ignatcd on the plat by be usecl only as commercialunit developrnent scheme approved 4. Architectural Cormnittee. No buildinq or otherstructure sha@ altered or rnaintained on any1ot in the Subdivision, nor shall any addition thereto or changeor alteration therein be made, until the complete plans andspecifications (including, but not limited to, the floor, eleva-.tion and grading plans, the specifical-ions of principal exteriormaterials, color schemes and the locations, character and methodof utilization of all utilities), and plot plan showing thelocation of building and trees have been submitted in triplicate and approved in writirrg by an Architectural Committee composeoof Phillip H. Taylor and Thomas T. Taylor, or by a representativedesignated by the two members of said Committee. fn the eventof death or resignation of any member of said CommitLee, the remaining member, or members, shall have full- authority. to approve or disapprove such design and locationr or to designatea representative with lj.ke authority. In passing upon all suchplans and specifications so submitted, the Architectural Committee (or its representative duly appoj-nted) shall take intoconsideration, arnong other things, the suitability of the proposedbuilding or other structure, and the materials of which it isto be built. to the lot upon whj-ch it is to be erected, the harmony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of thebuilding or other structure, as planned, on the outlook fromadjacent or neighboring lots; provi.ded, however, that refusalof approval of plans and speciETcaTions 6t- suEfr' Corffnittee may be based on any reasonable ground, including purely aesthetic .grounds, which, in the sole and uncontrolled discretion of the Committee, shall seem sufficient. Whether or not provision therefor is specificallystated in any conveyance of a lot in the Subdivision, the owneror occupant of each and every lot, by acceplance of title theretoor by taking possession thereof, covenants and agrees that eachbuilding or other structure (or addition, change or alterationthereof) shall be constructed, erected and maintained only instrict accordance wiLh the plans and specifications so approve<lby the Committee. In the event said Committee, or its desig- nated representative, fails to approve or disapprove such.designand locat.ion within thirty (30) days after said plans andspecifications have been submitted to it or, in any event, ifno suit to enjoin the erection of such building (or the makingof such addition, change or alteration thereof) has been commencedprior to the completion thereof, such approval shall not berequired and this covenant shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. 5. Height Limitations. No building' or structure shall be placed, effi permitted to remain on any lot which exceeds a height of forty-five (45) feet in elevation abovethe finished grad.e at the mid*point of the structure. 6. Off-Street Parki.nq. There shaLl be no on-streetparking. raffiitted only in those areas and in those ratios described helow: (a) Vehicle parking shall be provided on a ratioof: lot; (2) one and one-half parki.ng unl-ts for each dwel.llng unit in a multiple-family residence, condoniniumor apartment; (1) Two parking units for each residential -2- a hotel. ,noa.i.'lr ?ffi'!?totns unit for each rental unl"t in reer or rr oor (11..':]ff:.Ei'tl"l":il*:,r::,iIEIori,:ol.;$i." . or serv j-ce shop; reet or rroor':|."o1:"Bt:l'lg :ili.'i$ ;:ffI":01,,=H"'*restaurant or bar i (b) .Each- parking unit shall contain 300 squarefeet including drives bltween-parking rows and shalr be locatedentireJ-y within lot lines (c). Regui,:ed vehicle parking may be wholly on9r19e, partly below grade or who1ly-berow-gra-de. erl plrkingunits not within.a. dwer-ling structure and alr driver*yi in tfresubdivision sha1l be paved] (d) Mol:ile homes and large crrmmercial vehictessha1l not. be parked within the subdivision. of the surface area of the iot on which "";h-iilp;ovements aresituated. 8. Temnorary Structures. No traj_ler, basement, tentshack, garagffibuilding shalr be permitted onany lot in the Subdivision at any time, io. sha11 any structureof a temporary characLer be used- for human habitatio-n exceptwhere authorized for a period of not to exceed three {3) monthsby a special permit granted by the Declarant. 9, Constructlgp_pgriod, A11 buildings or other struc_tureseommen@eSubdivisionsha11beproseeuted diligently, to completion and in any event. sha11 be completedwithin twefve (12j months from commencement of construct,ionunless approval of Decrarant is obtained in writin; ";a;;;i"gsuch twelve (12) months' period. 10. Trees. Trees on any lot, except to the extentnecessary for-E6frFtruction pn.po!.*, as approved. in writing bythe Architectural committeel sirall not be'Lutr-lrimmed or removedfrom any 1ot, except. that Declarant, from time to time, mayapprove some thinning or trimming if it seems desirable. - 11. Fences. No fence, wall or similar type barrier ofany kind shalTTF?onstructed, erected "r **i"l"ii'tla "" any 1ot,except such fences or wal]s as may be approved by the Architec-tural corunittee in writing as an integr;.i or decirative part ofa building to be erected on a 1ot. 7 . Strqcture to Land Area Ratio Requirements. The areaon which "ar ur.nstructed shall not_encompass more thin fifiy iercent (50?) 1?: qlqE. No signs (including "for sale" or ',rent,,:*gl:t,1^bi11!?"F or orhei adverrisins"srru-r"i" "r any kindy-i"t"i"r-"iyput:pose whatsoever, except such signs as have heen approved b!Decrarant in writing either fo:: identification oi res:-aences 6rplaces of business or other. uses. 13. Water. Each building or structure designed forgccyplngy or Gd-6y human beings ifratt connect with waterfacilities made aviirabte at aiy time by necrarint or waLerdistrict serving the Subdivisioi 14. Sewe::. Each builcling or structure designed foroccupancy or [-s---Ey hurnan beings shatr connect with sewer -3- facllities made available at any time by DeclaranL or sewer district serving tire Subdivision. No private scpt,ic tanks for disposal of sewage shall be allowed in the Subdivision without written permission of the Declarant. 15. Trash. No trash, ashes or other refuse sha11 be thrown or dumftT-5n any land within the Subdivj.sion. llach property owner shall provide suitablc receptacles for the Le$porary storage and collection of refuse and all such receptacles shall be screened from public view and protected from disturba.nce, and shall- be in complete conformity with sanitary rules and regulat.ions. No garbage incineration shal-l be permitted. 16. Animals. Owners and lessees of land wiLhin the Subdivision mEf-fiETE ordinary household pets belonEing to the househofd so long as such peLs are disciplined and do not constitute an undue annoyance to other owners and lessees. The Architectural Corunittee shal1 have the power to require any owner or lessee of lands in the Subdivision to remove any household pet which is not disciplined or which constitutes an undue annoyance to olher owners or lessees of land in the Subdivision. The architectu:ia1 Committee may authorize the keeping of horses in the Subdivision so long as there are, in the opinion of the Architectural Committee, sufficient pasture and approved facilities for eguestrianactivities. maintained in a neat and sanitary manner by the Grantor or property owners association. L7. Mining. Mininq operations of any kind, or guarring shall not be pEiffitea ,rpor"ot'in any of the iots in the -subdivi- sion, nor shall tunnels, mineral excavaLions or shafts be permitted upon cr in any of the said lots. 18. Ligirting. Any light used to illuininate signs, parking areas or for any;ffier purposes, sha1l be so arranged. as to refLect the light away from nearby residential properties and away fromthe vision of passing motorist.s. 19. Setback Requirements. There shall be no general rule for the @nts \dith relation to property lines, but all actual construction siLes shall receive the written approval- of the Architectural Conunittee. 20. Landscaping. All surface areas disturbed by construc-tion shall be-GEuFffiil promptly to their natural conditi6n andreplanted in native grass, except where such areas are to be improved by the construclion of gardens, lawns and exteriorliving areas, which shall be permitted only after the plans therefor have been approved by the ArchitecLural Committee. 2L. Easements. Easements and rights of way are hereby reserved as d&T!?F[Ed- or described on the official recorded plat of the Subdivision. Other easements are reserved for water andall utilities and maintenance thereof in the right of way of each road. 22. Dura-t_l_qq. These conditions, restrictions, covenants,reservations,-EEEEt$ts, liens and charges shall run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming irnder them until January 1, l-999.. at whj-ch tirne said. co..'cnanlsshall be automatically extended for successive periocls of t,en(f0) years unl-ess, by vote of the owners of more than fiftypercent (50?) of the privately owned real property within the boundaries of the Subdivision, it is agreed in writing to changeor modify said covenants in whole or in part. Notwithstand.inganything i:o the contrary herein, thcse conditions, restrictions, covenantsr reservations, easemenCs, J"iens and charges may be changed, modified or amended at any time prior to January 1, 1999 (but in no olher way) , by the written conscnt of the owners of more than severty-five percenl (75*)'of the privately ownedreal property witlrin the boundaries of Lhe Subdivision. - 4'- 23. Valirlity. fnvalidation of any one of these condi-t,ions, restriFTi6iElovcnants I reservations , easements, liens and chargcs or arny parL Lhereof by judgment-s or court order shallin no way affect any of the other provisions which sha1l remainin full force and effect. 24. Violation of covenants. Violati.on of any of theconditions, rffi, reservations, easements,liens and charges herein contained shalL give the Declarant or its agent or assigns thc right to enter upon the property uponor as to which such violation exists, and to summariJ.y ahrate and rcmove, at the expcnse of the owner thereof r dny erection,Lhing or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof; and Declarant or its agent or assigns shall not thereby be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal . 25. Right to Enforce. The provisions contained in thisDeclaration sffire to the benefi-L of and be enforceable by Declarant or the owner or owners of any portion of said property, or their and each of their lega1 representa-tives, heirs, successors and. assignsi and failure by Declarant,or by any other property o\^/ner, or their 1egal representatives, heirs I successers or assigns, to enforce any of such conditions,restrictions or charges herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so hereafter. Enforcemenl of the covenants or restricLions contained herein may be had atlaw or in equity against any person,, partnership, eorporationor entity violating or attempting to violate any such covenantor restri-cti-on. 26. Assignment of Powers. Any or all of the rights and powers anffiIarant herein contained may be assigned to any other corporation or association which is now organized or which may hereafter be organized and which wil-l assume the duties of Declarant hereunder pertaining to theparticular rights and powers and reservations assigned; and upon any such corporation or association evidencing its consent inwriting to accept such assignment and assume such duties, itshall, to the extent of such assignment, have the sanre rights and powers and be subject to the same obligations and duties asare given to and assumed bv Declarant herein. EXECUTED this day of , L972. LION'S RIDGE VENTURES By By -5- .f The foregoing instrument was acknowledgerl before ne this' dav of I Lg7Z, by ptiILLIp H. TAYLOR andtiroFffis r:i 'rnvffi, repr:esenting LroN's RrDcn VI:NTURES, a cororadojoint venture. STATI] OF COLORNDO COUNTY OF IJAGLE SS: WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Comrnission Expires; I -6- R-qr hepARo Bvr LISI'S RIME FI II OwEn: hottt's Veurunes Tnwer- Ewr ru lrqnp Col4Pnw ELmRAm hG NEERTNG Cotqpnnv Brssgr,AssocrerEs G, Gsetr CH Assoct*mso \ l' I P'::d EIn@iln(mtJr\d!d\M$d Tayvel Environmental Land Company Box 763 Vail. Colorado 81657 Tefephono: 3031 476 2412 Eagle County Planning Conmission Eagle County Court House tag1e, Colorado 81631 l4ay 16, 1972 I Gent'l emen: The enclosed information outlines our plans for Llon's Ridge Subdivision Filing II. The preliminary subdivlsion plat and the supportlng information required by law to be submitted is i ncl uded . Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. Sincerely yours, TA{VEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COMPANY f\$[*\w.'k Phillip H. \ay1or tPresident PHT: eas Encl osures INDEX I, Aruncerur Phopenw Omrens II, CoverunmVCoNrRoLs III, Ururtres IV, Srls V, R-qrur ftorcev O BUFFHER CREEK SUBDIVISION 0wner P.0. Box 3-643 Anchorage, Alaska Jess Sekey Vii'l , Col-oraao 81657 Fricken Edna & Claus P.0. Box 692 Vail, Colorado 81657 0wner Lion's Rjdge Ltd., A Limited Partnership Eag'le County DeveloPment CorP. '1860 Li nco]n Street Denver, Co]orado 80203 -, -12 Selby, 5e1by, SelbY & Tofel Vail, Colorado 81657 LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION tlnefficcst r& Box 978 Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 476.545r May 15, 1972 Mr. Tom Taylor Vice-Fresident, Tayvel Environmental Land Co. Box 763 Vai1, Col.orado Deal Tom: This letier is to eonFlrm our applova1 , enthrrsiasm, and interest in your second filing of Llonrs Ridge Subdlvision. As you knou, the partnership to uhich I belong orrrns lots 9, 10, 11, and 12 tn Buffer Creek Resubdivi- sion and has a general partner interest ln the l-imited partnership, Lionls Ridge, Ltd., t'lhlch presently oL,nB blockrCr, also located in Lionrs Ridge Subdivlsion. As ournets of land contiguous to your propoeed develoFment, our partner- ehip ttishes to support your application for approval ae a subdivision.ln Eagle County. hle feel that thls area urill be developed urith high respect for the environment and the surrounding axea. Your eommitnentto producing a firet-class subdivision in the Gore ValLey ls conflrmed by the preliminary plans and ideaE ulhich I have eeen and discusseduith you. Best of Luck in your future plans and development in the area. Sincarely, The Rosst Partnershll: . REAL ESTATE T (303) 476-2446 SC:eas REA BOX 276 Stuart Canada General Partner o CANADA'S OF VAIL, LTD. L ESTATE . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 lvlay 16, 1972 Mr. Thomas ,1. Taylor Vice President Tayvel Environmental Land Company P.0. Box 763 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Tom: Lion's Ridge Ltd., owner of Subdivision, approves of the known as Lion's Ridge Filing adJacent to Parcel "C". t{e fee'l that the development enhance the adjacent area. finest accommodalions... ALL sEAsoNs ,r. r/-//+r!-._i4-*,- "4..a...-..vm;r-2F Parcel rrC' of Lion's Ridge deve'lopment of the proPertY II which is immediately wil'l be desirable and will Si ncerely, LION'S RIDGE LIMITED o RENTALS . (303) 476-2448 t Mr. Thomas J. Taylor Tayvel Environmental Land Company P.0. Box 763 Vai 1 , Col orado 8'1657 Dear Tom: It is my understanding that is subdividing the l7'l acres at Buffher Creek. tlay 29, 1972 Tayvel Environmenta'l Land Company directiy adjacent to my propertY to your development and wishI 'look forward wlth enthusiasm, you we'l 1 in your endeavor. Mr. Thomas J. Tay'lor Vice President Tayvel Environmental Land P.0. Box 763 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Lion's Ridge Ltd.r owh€f Subdivision, approves of as Lion's Ridge Filing II of Parce'l rrcrr of Lion's Ridge the development of the ProPertY which is innnediatelY adjacent May 15, .1972 be desirabl e and wi'l'l Si ncerely, LION'S RIDGE LIMITED Charles Gersbach Genera'l Partner Company Parcel t'Ctt. lrle feel that this deve'lopnent will the adjacent area' known to enhance o C/h,/"- &t*I*J -/*7 Mr, Thomas J. Taylor Tayvel Environmenta'l Land Company P.0. Box 763 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Tom: I 'look forward with interest Lion's Ridge Fillng II. .I believe it wi'l'l benefit the support., May 31,197? and enthusiasm to your subdivision' Buffher Creek area and it has mY Si ncerely,I r]llS: eas . PROTECTIVE COVBNANfS OF LIONIS RIDGU, TILING II EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: f' upon which a singJ.e- the exception that onethe structure, provided I KNOW owner hereto Eag1e, county ALL ?hat LroNrs RIDGE VENTURES, a joint venture, being the of all of that real estate described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein by qeference, in the County of State of Colorado, the plat (of which was recorded in said on t 1972, in Book ,, at Page otffilerk and RecordilGes hereby ,l ffie-restrictions and protective covenants as hereinafter set toitfr, and d.oes hereby riserve easements as hereinafter described. 1. General Purposes. In order to maintain a high quality' residentia].@a1propertydescribedheretoforeis subject to the covenants, restrictions, conditionsl f,€s€rv&- tionsr, liens and charges hereby declared to insure t\e best use and the most appropriate development and improvements of each building site thereof; to protect the owners of building sites against such improper use of surrounding building sites as wilL depreciate the value of their property; to preserve, so far aspracticable, the natural beauty of said property; to guard against the erection thereon oE poorly designed or Proportionedstructures, and structures built of improper or unsuj-table materials; to obtain harmonious color schemes,' to insure the highest and best development of said property; to encourage and secure the erection of attractive structures'thereon, with appropriate locations thereof on building sitesi to secure and maintain proper setbacks from streets, and adequate free spaces between structures; and in general to provide adeguately for a high quality of improvements on said property, and thereby to enhance the value of investments made by purchasers of buildingsites therein. 2. Definitions. and terms shillfAffi-ffie As used herein, the following words following meanings: (a) "Declarant" shall mean LION'S RIDGE VENTURES. (b) 'rf.,ot" shal1 mean a lot within the LIONTS RIDGE, FILING II Subdivisi6a--which can be used for residential- or conunercial purposes. (c) "Residential Lot[ sha]1 mean a Lot which can be used for residendaTffiffi-dnly andfanily resid.ence may be constructed withguest apartrnent may be incorporated intothe character and essential appearance of a single-famiJ.y dwelling is maintained. (d) "Commercial Lot'r shall mean a lot $thich can- be used for condominiuffifriiTHpffiamily residential purposes,.apartments, restaurants, motels, hotels, lodges, professional offices and medical clinics, retail shops' service shops (exclud- ing automobile service stations). 3 . Useg.r ; A11 lots tr,i"i are desiEnated on the trfjeqra eombination of Letter and number (e.g. A-I) shal-l- be used only as commercial lots lJ I (b) A11 lots which are deeignated on the pLat by number (e.g. fot 1) shall be used only as residential lots. (c) ALl lots which are desLgnated on the plat by Roman Numerals (e.9. r,ot r) shall be used only as commerciallots in accordance with a planned unit development scheme approved by the Architectural Comrnittee. 4. Architectural Committee. No buildinq or otherstructure sh@ altered or maintained on anylot in the Subdivision, nor shall any addition thereto or changeor alteratLon therein be made, until the complete plans ancl specifications (including, but not limited to, the floor, eleva- tion and grading plans, the specifications of principal exterior materials, coLor schemes and the locations, character and methodof utilization of all utillties), and plot plan showing the Location of building and trees have been submitted in triplicate and approved in writing by an Architectural Cornmittee composedof PhilLip H. Taylor and Thomas T. Taylor, or by a representative designated by the two members of said Committee. In the eventof death or resignation of any member of said Corunittee, the remaining member. or members, shalt have full auLhority to approve or disapprove such design and location, or to clesignate a representative with like authority. In passing upon all such plans and specifications so submitted, the Architectural Committee (or its representative duly appointed) shall" take into consideration, among other things, the suitability of the proposed building or other structurer drrd the materials of which il isto be built, to the lot upon which Lt is to be erected, the harmony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of the buiLding or other structure, as planned, on the outlook from adjacent or neighboring lots; provided, however, that refusal of-approval of itans aid speciiTatEffins Fy suffi committee may be based on any reasonable ground, including purely aestheticgrounds, which, in the sole and uncontrolled discretion of the Corunittee, shall seern sufficient. Whether or not provision therefor is specificallystated in any conveyance of a lot in the Subdivisionr the owneror occupant of each and every Iot, by acceptance of title thereto or by taking possession thereof, covenants and agrees that eachbuilding or other structure (or addition, change or alterationthereof) shall be constructed, erected and rnaintained onl-y instrict accordance with the plans and specifications so approved by the Committee. In the event said conmittee, or its desig- nated representative, fails to approve.or disapprove such design and location within thirty (30) days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it or, in any event, if no suit to enjoin the erection of such buildi.ng (or the makingof such ad.d.ition, change or alteration thereof) has been commencedprior to the completion thereof, such approval shall not be reguired and this covenant shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. 5. Height Limitations. No building or structure shaLl be placed, effi permitted to remain on. any lot which exceeds a height of forty-five (45) feet in elevation abovethe finished grade at the rnid-point of the structure. 6. Off-Street Parkinq. There shaLl be no on-streetparkinr;. Baffiitted only in thoge areas and in those ratios descri"bed below: (a) VehicLe parking shall be provided on a ratio (1) Two parking units for each residentiallot; (2) One and one-ha1fdwelllng unit in a mulLlple-farnilyor apartmenti I pi r:king units for each rr.:sidence, condominium of: -2- I I (3) one parklng unit for each rental unit in a hotel, motel or lodge; (4) Three parlting units for every 11000 square' feet of floor area devoted to customer service in a retailor service shop; feer of f r.oor':l..ol:"5H5'i3 :ffitJ:: ::ff{.:'?,,"3*"'*' restaurant or bar; (b) Daeh parking unit shall" contain 300 squarefeet including drives between parking rows and shall be locatedentirely within lot lines. (c) Required vehicle parking may be wholly on gtade, partly below grade or who11y below grade. All parking units not within a dwelling structure and all- driveways in the subdivision shall be paved. (d) Mobile homes and large commercial vehicles shal-L not be parked within the subdivision. 7. Structure to Land Area Ratio Requirements. (a) With respect to Commercial Lots, the area on which structures and required paved parking spaces are constxucted shalL not encompass more than fifty percent (508) of the surface area of the lot on which such improvements are situated. (b) With respect to Residential l,ots, the area on which structures and reguired paved parking spaces are constructedshall- not encompass more than thirty-five percent (358) of the . surface area of the lot on which such improvernents are situated. 8. Temporary Structures. No trailer, basement, tent shack, garagmbuilding shall be permitted on any lot in the Subdivision at, any timer ror shal-l any structureof a temporary character be used for human habitation except. where authorized for a period of not to exceed three (3) rnonthsby a special permit granted by the Declarant. 9. construction Period. All buildings or other struc-tures commen@e Subdivision shall be prosecuteddiligently to completion and in any event shall be completedwithin twelve (12) months from conrmencement of constructionunless approval of Declarant is obtained in writing extending such twelve tL2) months' period. 10. Trees. Trees on any lot, except to the extent neiessary forToEtruction purposes, as approved in writing by the Architectural Comrnittee, shall not be cut, trimmed or removed from any lot, except that Decl-arant, from time to time, may approve some thinning or trirnming if it seens desirable. 11. Fences. No fence, walJ- or similar type barrier of any liind shalffiE-donstructed, erected or maintained on any lot, except such fences or walls as may be approved by the Architec-tural Committee in writl-ng as an integral or decorative part ofa building to be erected on a lot, 12. SignF. No signs (lnlluding "for sale" or rtrent" signs) , billbdm; or other advertising structure of any kindshall be erected, constructed or maintained on any lot for any purFose whatsoever, except such signs as have been approved by Declarant in writing either for identification of residences orplaces of business or other uses. -3* L3. !,[39er,. uach building or-structure designed for occupancy or usil5y human beings shaLl connect with waterfacilities made avaiLable at any time by DeclaranL or waterdlstrict serving the Subdlvislon. . 14. 9gyer. trach building or structure designed for occupancy or [s6-Fy human beings sha]-t connect with sewerfacilities made available at any time by Declarant or Eewerdistrict serving the Subdivision. No private septJ.c tanks for disposal of sewage shall be al-l-owed in the Subdivision withoutwritten permission of the Decl-arant 15. Trash. No trash, ashes or other refuse shall be thrown or dumpE-6n any land within the Subdivision. Each property owner shal-l provide suitabte reeeptacLes for the temporary storage and collection of refuse and all such receptacl-es shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbance, gnd shall be in complete conformity with sanitary rules andregulations. No garbage incineration shall be permitted. 16. Animals. , owners and lessees of land within the Subdivision m1]TF6 ordinary household pets belonging to the household so long as such pets are disciplined and do not consti- tute an undue annoyance.to other owners and lessees. The Architectural Conmittee shal-I have the power to require any owner or lessee of lands in the Subdivision to remove any householdpet which is not disciplined or which constitutes an undue annoy- ance to other owners or lessees of Land in the Subdivision, The Architectural Committee may authorize the keeping of horses in the subdivision so Long as there are' in the opinion of the ArchitecturaL Committee, sufficient pasture and approved facllitiesfor eguestrian activities, maintained in a neat and sanitary manner by the Grantor or property owners association. 17. Minlng. Mining operation5 of any kind, or quarring shall- not be pffiFttea upon or in any of the lots in the Subdivi- sion, nor shall tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted upon or in any of the said. lots. LB. Lighting. 'Any light used areas or for an'f-o-Edr pur!or"6, shallthe light away from nearby residentialthe vision of passing motorists. 19. Setback Requirements. There shalL be no general rule for the @nts with relation to property line.s, but all actual construction sites shall receive the written approval of the Architectural Committee. 20. Landscaping. A11 surface areas disturbed by construction EEff'G-Gturned promptly to their natural condi-tion and replanted in native grass, except where such areas areto be irnproved by the construction of gardens, Iawns and exterior living areas, which shall be permitted only after the planstherefor have been approved by the Architectural Committee 21. Easements. Easements and rights of way are hereby reserved as d&T!i6EE'or described on the official recorded plat of the Subdivision. other easements are reserved for water andall utilities and maintenance thereof in the right of way of each road. 22. Underground Utility Lines. AL1 watet, gas, electricalt telephone, an within the linits of this Subdivision must be buried underground and may not be carried on overhead poles or above the surface of the ground, except suchelectrical or telephone l-l-nes as have been previously instaLled overhead prior to the filing of the Subdir ision plat for this subdivision. to illuminate signs, parking be so arranged as to reflect properties and away from l -4- I 23, Duration. These conditions, restrictions, covenants, reservationsrGi-ts, liens and charges shall run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and a1l persons claiming under then until January 1, 1999, at which time said sovenants sha1l be automatical-ly extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless, by vote of the owners of more than fiftypercent (50?) of the privately owned real property within the bound.aries of the Subdivision, it is agreed in writing to changeor modify said eovenants in whole or in part. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, these conditj.ons, Sestrictions, covenantso reservations, easements, liens and charges may be changed, modified or amended at any time prior to January l, 1999 (but in no other way), by the written consent of the ownersof more than seventy-fl-ve perEent (758) of the privately ovrnedreal property within the boundaries of the Subdivisioni provided, however, that no change, modification or amendment shaLl be effective without the prior approval of the Eagle County Flanning Commission. 24. Validity. Inval-idation of any one of these condi-tions, restriEEl6$-?ovenants.' reservations, easements, Iiens and charges or any part thereof by judgments or court order shal}in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remainin fuIl force and effect. 25. Violation of Covenants. Violation of any of theconditions, r@, reservations, easements,liens and charges herein contained shall give the Declarant orits agent or assigns the right to enter upon the property uponor as to which such violation.exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, dny erection,thing or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to theintent and meaning of the provisions hereofi and Declarant orits agent or assigns shall not thereby be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal . 26. Right to Enforce. The provisions contained inthis Declaratffid inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by DecLarant or the o\^rner or or^/ners of any portionof said property, or their and each of their legal representa-tives, heirs, successors and assigns; and failure by Declarant,or by any other property owner, or thei.r legal representatives,heirs, successors or assigns, to enforce any of such condit.ions,restrj.ctions or charges herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so hereafter. gnforcenent of'the covenants or restrictions contained herein may be had at law or in equity against any person, partnership, corporationor entity violating or attempting to violate any such covenantor restrictLon. 27. Assignment of Powers. Any or all of the rights and powers anffiarant herein contained may be assigned to any other corporation or association whieh is now organized or which may hereafter be organized and which will assume the duties of Declarant hereunder pertaining to theparticular rights and powers and reservations assignedi and upon any such corporation or association evidencing its consent in'writing to accept such assignment and assume such duties, it sha1L, t,o the extent of such assignment, have the same rights and powers and be subject to the same obligations and duties as are girren to and asgumed by Declarant herein. day of , L972. LIONTS RID6S VENTURES By - ',-'.. o I EXECUTED this By I STATE Or COLORADO )) ss: COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foreqoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisday of -_fETffis r. tavf,ffif@fiEing r,roll'3 nrocs vENTUREs, a coloradojoint venture. WITNESS my hand and officj.al seal My Commission Expires: t'ttTaEy o I I g cabell ctrildreee aseooia'tee DESIGN PROGENITORS/LIONS RIDGE. WEST g oabell €PATIAL LINE -HCIF lzc,t{ Mamrpaw +@{='El.\{ aabell ohlldreee aegoclateB. ffil @6ltt6 &pP CONGALMENT Fusr*tr*a lN Al*lP c[Jf oF NEll/rats\'- VILLACE g aabell tr tl |})At*- Tlzs€ HjruPrNe @8)F L€A-rE r-rhllTS t^ -ra 1fl4' I vavv 1- L Wro g cabell -,8 TErEElTgraEArL) G3L:CGAL GEA(j|F€ 'nz^\rc6,|- ^t..JT. FIE IFre q5p61*1 Fi36 E.JF*I Trastg THraJ €EO(JPS g ea'bell otrildreee a,eeoolatos -flr, r3()ILD1N6 trsC €OtrfEt.{ 6EN=E OF 6E,N€E OF t. 'jtt,i,r,n..ii-* BO tLD rk) \N-Tb A€PFI\\ PLACT coMMoNr-n? IN A NAf,OEAL Oo oo LiON'S RIDGE I,dATER DISTRICT The owners of real estate within the boundaries of the area described in the attached Exhibit I organfzed an improvement and service district under the provisions of Chapter 89, Colorado Revised Statutes, '1963 and 1965 as amended for the purpose of purchasing, extending and improving an existing water supply system situated within the boundaries of the area described and to supply water to the inhabitants of the area, The water district is known as the Lion's Ridge Water District and is situated west of the town of Vail, Co]orado 'in Eagle County, Colorado. (See attached Exhibit) oo 'o DESCRIPTION SECTION II THE DISTRICT AREA AND BOUNDARY .A. AREA. The area proposed to be included in the Lionrs Ridge Water Dis- t"i.t ie "itoated in the S-B f /+ of the SE Il4 of Section.l, and the North one half of section 12 lying north of Interstate Highway ?0 in Township 5 south, Range 81 West of the 6th Principaf Meridian in Eagle County, CoLorado, and includes the Lionre Ridge Subdiviaion, a rnap of which is on file in Book ?15 at Page 648 of the records of the County Clerk and Recorder o{ Eagle County, Colorado' B. BOUNDARY. That part of the sE ll4 of the sE Il4 of section I and of the N l/Z of S*"tio" l2 in Township 5 South, Range 8l 'W'est of the 6th Prineipal Meridian in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of section L which is z8l. z2 feet west of the sEbo"n"t of said section 1, said Point also being on the Northerlyright-of-waylineofU.S.InterstateHighwayNo.T0;thence along aaid Northerly rig{rt -of-way line ae followe: s 88' 1?'49" W', 139.05 feet; S l" 42'l. lrr E, ?5.01 fe.et; s 59' 5?t06't w, 297,04 Ieet;: along a curve to the left whoee tangent beare s 57'30rz9rr w' : having a radius of 5900 feet and a central angle of 6c40r00r'r on arc distance of' 686.50 feet to a point of tangeat; S 50' 50re9'r W'along said tangent 1666:30 {eet; .S ?Z'58t35't W, 319.53 feet; , S 5Zo 501?9tt W, 300.00 feet; S 4l o 31r43'r W, 101. 98 feet; S SZ,50tZ9'i W, 1100.00 feet; .i S 33.33t04tt W, 236,95 feet to a point on the South-tine of the NW 1/4 , of said Section l2; thence S 89'24123" -W, along said Souih iine, 1385' 13 \ ' feet to the W l14 Cornet of said Section 12; thence N 1o27t03" E' along the west line of said section lz, 2688.98 feet to the N'w corner thereof; thence N 88' L',l)4g,t E, al0ng the North line of said section lz' 4135'5j ' feet to the NE Corner of the Nw 1/4 NE 1/4 of said Section 12; thence N 0.03'Z5n E, along the West line of the SE 1/4 SE L14 of. said Section l, 1379.7? feel to the NW Gorner thereof; thence N 87'48t35'r E, along the : North line of said SE l/4 SE Ll4, L377'58 feet to the NE Gorner thereof; . thence S O.O4r45r' \rI along the East line of said SE f /4 SE Ll4, 8!.-35 feet; ' thence S Ig.Z6tl4'r W, 14?.58 feet; thence S Z?"19'49" W, 190. pL feet; thence S ?.19r29" W, 86.95 feet; thence N t6'58'11rr W, 87.50 feet; thence S f ?o00r49r W, 436.00 feet; thence S Z"ZLIIlrr E, 469.00 feet; thence S !'AilZgil W, ll?. 86 feet to the point of beginning' OF a Containing e35. 0?8 actes. II- I -. - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LION'S RIDGE WATER OISTRICT Description of Existing System An infiltration gatlery on Red Sandstone Creek. A 'low head raw water pumping station having a capacity of 500 G.P.M. consisting of two pumps equ'ipped with automatic controls to maintain a predetermined water leve'l in a tank. A 250,000 gallon water tank. A ch'lorination facility with all appurtenances. A pumping station consisting of two variable speed pumps-eq!ipped with automatic controls and having a de1ivery capacity of 500 G.P.M. against a head of 250 feet to supply the water to the dis- tribution system. 6. 2,274 feet of 8-inch cast iron pipe. 7, 4,260 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe. 8. Four 8-inch valves. 9. Twelve 6-inch valves '10. Six fire hydrants. I I . One bl eeder-b'lowoff . i/')tt, f '",',--, ( f , .n s n.f --\-.: 1 liilf,:liiil, i:i{n icl,li,: i:it' i'i u rl fl a o +a t\- O'lrro |rtq Oldo(n oro € oo oJo(J ut(, z o-q t,tro LlJ f,th oz J o trJN UJF an (t tlJtr ir. .r ,,,1i., I ,I I I i LroNrs rumE $EDr\iTsroN No. 2 - tl|Arm gtElEM TirLs ileveloguent ulll be provtd,ed trlth donestle uater fron the facttttles of tbe Ll,onrs Rtdlge Vater Dlstrtct, (l[ote:) Htstortcel d,ata fron Valt Vtllage lndlcated, sn average conslut-ptlon of 80 e.p.A./p.E. $ltlr pea& day d.emand belng approrctnatety JOO$ of, average day, Thls alata nlLL berueed to conpute vater fegul,renentsfor l,lonre Rldge Rtltng #2. lfhe topographlc extremeE of the Foperty requlre tbat lt be operatedtn tmo naJor pregsure zoneE and on6 sub-Eone. Zone One encmpasses those Lsntls ad,Jotnlng I-?O eud Buffer Creelc Subdlvleton. Servl.ce to thl.s areairilll be provldterl by the ertensi.on of erclatlng Lloner Rfuige Water Dtstrlct facllltles, The main stetic preseure ln thle area vlLL rrary between 80 and 130 p.s.t. tlepend.lng upon elerratlon. Sone tndlvlahral Eervlce llne BreEEure red.uctl.on ne,;r be dleslred tn the htgher pressure drdas d,ependlng upoa private equlf ment ltnltatlons. lftre proposecl na,rdnnu denelty of, zone one area f6 553 duelLtng ultts' at flrll clevelopment.Based on a populetlon of 3.2 people per dvelllng unLt the eetlnated xater reqlrlremente rorrlil be aa followei , , \.oopg u1uJ t4did .-2,uJ \- (tZ6r:- t0I(o .,ix60z@ Uci o-\\] (653.o.u.)(3.a r.r./o.u.; - aogo P.E. Average Day Zone One(ao9o-e.r.)(8o e.p.a./p.E.) = 16Trafio glB.d. Peak Day (16Zraoo)(S) = 5or,6o0 e.p.d. Feak Hour - ,+TO4 of average flou of average day ., (r+.?)(tqLaoo +p.L,) - 1b1,.T s.p.n.r4&o mln/day At peak hour demandl the ex16t14g 6 and I incb plpeltnes vlll deltver the 516 g.p.m. to the zone ohe area sueteLntng a f,rlctl.qu bead LosE of M.7 p.s.l vhlch uouLcl provld,e a worklng $regflue to the area of 33 to8l p.s.l. dependlng utr>on the elerret!1on. Zoae One Storage Regulremdnts: DoY =Equeu.zln' storage = ?Iloit#$i, , r67,no IrJfz LrJ oo toJo(J G':o co z o_ o(J o 4 E, LlJ td:l ozttl oo t: --/IJ lrl , .t o Rav Hater Punping Capacity = IOO'g'p'tB' (5oo s.p.n.)(t+)(60) = l4rgp g€iLLonE i6t rrr" $toiage ' 228ttfr. : Ehergency Storage: = 2r* ot totaE of al! other otorage nsuelfzfns f:61'?f/oFrlre t ,#ffi1 (,eil i o8'920 lorAx, slonAGE l9b'6oO i Use lOOrO00 gallons The lnoposed ma,:d.nrm d,enslty otr the Zone ll!'o and' sub-zone aree ts 3BO dvelltns un$s at *ti"iiiii'*"itt'. 1"i11,3-:-f*111"1."t""3;3tffi*. ;Hfi:irffilLii ii;."trr.t"a wargr res'irenente nou]d be aE f,olLonE: (380 O.)(3.e ru/o.u.) = ra16'p.E. Zone ftlo & Sub-Zone' (eo e.p.d./P.E.) = 97r?ffi = 3m4 Average Day b) = 2glr8lo e.P.d. (rtrfa)(t+)(6o) = 3l€'l8o sallone Average (146 P. Peak 3)(n, o a t zonelHoencoE{p&s6esthoselandlsontheeasteniloftherld,geanalnil;"il;"-;"1i;i. w"t"r-rri:: le Bu!,I1rea to thle zone tbroush a prep statlon d'rau{ng t"t"i-i"ot zo"u o*iiod puopl-ng rtllo zo13 lho storage ;;';"hH;{"T iai-r..r above tbe 1runp -"t"hon. The na''n llne statxq ptreasure tu fbts "on"-tiri vary rroi-lro-to llro p's'l d'epend'lng upon elevatton. f,1.e area-ai-tfie foirer erla or-ine .t"it"y wtll be- seperated to a sub-zone tv " t"ii ;;;;;;-";41"t* val're to reduce what wourd "t"ii""fry be a-151 p.5.1i area to 90.p's'1' Fealr fiour = l+?OS of average flotr average day (l+.7) 9?,zBo e.,t.a. = 3r?.51 14{o rdn/'i8v The frictlod loss at peatc hour.flLovi 1",!E-Bl tgly:P1-:":*t^::"1The frictloi 1o"" at pealc hour flovr ln.the U" na].n llolllc resurt rrt ." preesure lose of ru""Ttttt]U i'l.r'7ioor'r' of ptpe and are coneld'ered' . 202.L 8.p. ,.,r,i.:.- o ReguX.red Ftre Elor ( Q = L02o $ (r .: .or P = I22 lP = 1'.X Q = 1121 g.p.!I. (ual)(h)(60) - 69), Iese prnptng cepeclty (220)(r+X5o) = ,z g|rzrtr- gqllons @ requlred, fl.re flov less punplng calnctty tonal Boarii Plre Undervrttere) ) p ='loprtsttd tn tooo ?J:6rZIn gallone triLre Storage = l+ Ebergency Storage * Equeltzlng nr?€f,Flrc a5:6,2b ZONE IITO & SIJB.ZOI\IE use 40or0O0 ga,Llone ,tr I I{agER, sEt.IrR & RoAD ESIIIi{AltEl WASER SXSTEM DIOrage Upper LOoTOOO gallon Iower 5001000 galLon Pr.up Statton anil Controls Plpeltnes lncludtng val B" 6200 r.f. @ ll.oo 6" 32OO 1.f. @ 10.00ntreltdrante 12@$600 Estlnatetl lota]. Water SEIIOE CoILKImON SIISIEIIf 8a3o 1..f. 8n ee$er llne @ 31 nanholeE st $550 Esttnetd lotal Serrer .t0 iblng a6i .@/L.r. 78r185 1?.080 $9i,gs ROADS' Surfaced, to asghalt wtth Road BSoo I.f,. @ average reqlrtred, $6arooo The lfater ancl Sewer LXonrs Rltlge Etllng o o)(o tf'<t O) c'lo cr) I o(o € o (f oJ (J Ui(tz v, n t-t =z IrlJo Olro(o xo tD o o. IJ:)zIJ o trq Jo(J (ooo V, E.o Itl (n z J oul E. UJFul (9 UJE oElrl trlz rE z FJ oz (J >z (L Q(, =K, IJJ trJ =zld oo -r_l-x I lrl I Wd,rologlc Report on Ll INSRODIJCTION The naLn channeL in the {hich is a tributary to whieh in turn ls a tr1 toward, the south aniL west shrubs vlth a feu tlnber SI]I4'{ARY OT CONCT,USIONS L. The mar<1mun magnitud,e unnanned. clraw ls llr0 c.f.e begtnntng of the etorn. 2, Snov neLt vil]- be the but a sprlng or sunmer CCIVIPIIIA$TOI{5 ADN DASA 25 year freguency storn watershed, area nar(lmun elevation mlnlnun elevatLon S.ength of channeL runoff curve number Q run off TLne of ConcentratLon Storn d,uration 6 nour To = .7O Tc - .133 To = 3.9 Tqr/T, used = 2!m .11 4eL qcp = Lfi6 I"larctmum Peak Rrm off, = IltO Ref: U.S. Soll L9T2 Developrent nea.r Vall, Colorado onrs Ri Develop.ent ls an unnaiued channeL , r,rhicb is a trlbuta^qr to Oore Creek, to the Eagle River. The watershed. slopes and, Ls \,,ith a nountaln grasses end, the upper reaches of the watersbed. of the 2S year frequency flood, from the whtch oceur about 30 ulnutes after tbe roost' of the floods ln thl.s area, eccount for the larger floods' 1.8 inohes ratnfall 22o acres 98oo+ M.s.I,. Baoo+ M.s.L. 6350 r.r. Bo L.44 lnehee .19 hours revised,) 29.32 .I)o ml2 f06? c.f.6./inch of run off, .na)c. O.f,.S."f,'2J yeat frequency stornr U.S. Departnent of, Agrleulture t L958 rw L6, tti iftsoln lto,wer $utiilldiitig 1860 Lincoin Street Denver. Colorado 80203 Llon'I I sqRI Mr. Tom Taylor Tayvel Environrnental Box 763 Vail, Colorado 81557 Dear Torn: We have been a preliminary plane for the Lionrs Ridge Waier Distr Lionr s Ridge Subdivision. sed by develo cornPany ol youlf ent of land wifhin th€ ct lying st of the present This letter is to a District has sufJicient wa units and that the Distric The District also is agre through the projected d corrrpany and subject to and specifications and to District. RAF/ba e you that Lionre Ridge Water er to su y the planned I,150 1S to eupply such water. abl.e to e extension of its linee loprne nt t the expense of your e Distric 's approval of the plane rule s nd regulations of the y your B, IDGE WATER DISTRICT Very tr LION'S Ricl Pre dA.Francis ident UPPER EAqLE Tayvel Environmental Land Co.Box 763Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attn: Carl- Ne1son Gentlemen: This wilL confirm that the UpperDistrict is ready, wiJ-J-ing and sewer services to your clevelopmehave informed ug will involve acompletion of ileve3-opment. The provisl-ons of the Rules & Rebe applicabLe to the constructiowhich you wiII need in your devethe procedures for desJ.g1, approestimates and the obtaj.ning of bDistrict folLowe the alternativeileveloper to construct ttre linesitself construct them. Shoul-d you need any additional- icontact usr .IVA:bjs t o VALLEY SA, P.O. Box 487 Minturn, Colorado May 1-8, 19 ATNON 81645 DISTRICT do not hesitate to truly, VALLEY SANTTATION DISTRICT Eagle Va1ley Sanitationle to provide sanitaryt at Lions Ridge which you oximatel-y 1100 units upon l-ations of the District wii-lof sewer line extensionst. Section 6 sets forthaI by the Districtrs engineer,ds. In most instances the rovisl-ons of alLowing theather tJran having the District ormation urs very PER EAGI,E V. Anato,President I. I UND ROUND UTI ITIES The insta'llation, by has been approved by the companies. The planning as to execution has been erground PVC conduit system and tel ephone uti'li ty en reviewed and agreement Tayvel , of el ectric, and deslgn reached. anu 9ds, has Advantages. A. Ease of access for repair. I) Manholes every 500 feet. 2) Line can be repilaced with B, Safety and better coordinati three. C. Less impact on environment D. Contributes a great deal to problems for utilities. ut digging. n -- one ditch instead sightl iness. 'lving narrow corridotr h Tayvel Environmental Land of I I. D'isadvantage. A. Expense -- considerable, Company will bear. ?t Col-orado Springsl Colorado May 10 t L972 Mr. Carl Nelson, ManagerTayvel Environmental Land CompanyP. O. Box 763 VaiJ-, Color.ado 81657 Dear Mr. NeLson: This letter is in regards to theat VaiL, Colorado, and to the agr Nelson, Manager, Tayvel EnviroMr. lI. G. Catron, District Engin Company, for providing telephone Environrnental Land Company pro Ridge in the northwest area of Vai Mountain BelL wiLl extend deveJ.opment as the growthfacilities will be placed provided: 1. The Talnrel Environm have placed an entire undergroundthe deyelopment at no qost to 2. 'Mountain Be1l wil-l- specified conduit. in perpetuity at 3. Mountain Bell wiLlfor the construction of this cond A. i{ountain BeLL wil-l- aspecifications of the conduit syst 5. Mountain Bell wij-I p the conduit system ;is being constr Mountain BeLl is willing to perfo present and proposed tariffs on fi Corunission. I{o\,reverr in the event changed or modified by the Commj"ss obligated to assess such charges We do not anticipate any changes b materially affect your company. I I [frlot4,/ Mountain Bell telepho and deveat no fing held May 3 ' L9721 ts made by l4r. Carl e1 Land CompanyI and , I{ountain Bell Telephone ce to the Tayvel Located west of Lionrs , colorado. f,acil-ities into this opment justif,y. These t if the following is taL Land company willuit system throughout Befl. ve no the right to use the cost. asslrme any Liability system. sist in the design and no cost. an inspector whileat no cost. ^t-ctu t {- ovide cted, the above, based on its e with the Public Utilitiesthat these tariffs are on, Mountain Bell would be the Conun'ission might direct. the Consnission which would t Mr. Page May Nelson L972 Carl T!"o 10, If you need additional Springs at 636-4645. Very truly yours, II. G. CatronDistrict Engineer please cal-I me in Coloradoinfornatio o I Esglc Co. FLann:ng CourirtsgLon GontLcmear thtc Lcttcr ls to v6t'1fy thet' of Vall. colo. bes sub'rd.ttod a 4eq PubLlc $crvieo 0o. of, Co:Lo. A dct by Publtc Servlcc Co. to sorve thl's ds a.rrd eest of t'hc Errffor Cnook area, r*uo lbtn Trylor CarL Nelson ch/rb I public Servtc'e gaglo Publtc Servl.cc @lP ,.\ !ry x0, 19?2 vcl !$d Dcvrr.loPucnt Co. f,or natrrall gas to tlrc atudy lu now lJ| Progf,cBs lopnont located nortl ot tlrc **, og Vall.. Dlstrtc? !tgP. . of Colo. VAIL trABLE TV P. O. BOX 336 . VAIL, CtrLtrRADO 81657 . FHONE 476'€.3'r'l L ,--l Llr. Carl lleleon .r I Tayvel llnvironmental La,nd Co. vall I i'cy 9r!.972DATE L'ie und.erstenC tl:r:.t you plan putting an uncl rlrret syeten for rtlI utllitles ln your Fuffer Creek aree Cevelopement. In tlre past, thls, rnethorl hl,s proven the safest means for us in nost ceses. r"e vill tre gJ-ad to heip in e,n1' r,ey lrlth t):re enr"ineerlng e.ncL pS-annlng of such a sy,ttorn. !,{anager 1,,. rrq/ln,rhc Drd,i.e Boord, ln<., Bor 50.t, Do rdr, Trrat SIGNEO o 'j ': ffiffi_ffi - F-' _ql o ..-. ., . . - ._ lii! !r! .a . .;..t ..,,,:;..,,.. . . . . ; , , .. ,, .. ,. ,. ; , .. :.. , ,!;..:.--.,.: i*.i**-:l*r***i*d,/. d-, .. I e. .'ir.iii?..ri;* :{,, F; i'i'" l{ay L, L972 Carl Ne1son Tayve1 Environmental. Iand Co, P. O. Box 763 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Underground ELectrie Power Lions'Ridge Subdiv{slon, Zone 1 Dear Carl: We have completed a deslgn and cost estlmate for Zone L of Subdivision" Thls estimate is for a looped, dlrect buried single phased primary underground system. This systern has as located on the encl.osed drawing. v:t:.f l ,.-. - -i:i. g'J.t\ v&-,{r. the Lione Rldge 14,400 volt, trane formers Single phaee l2O /240 volE three wire service wiLl. be avallabl.e at the tran6? former location. It is the deveLoperts electriciante responsibillty to lnstalL secondary cabl.es and conduits to meet nationaL el"ectric code epecifications from the transformer Locations as shor,rn on the enclosed site plan to the service entrance and meter stack for each buiLding. I beLieve the transformer locatlons as shown balance the cost of primary and secondary systems to glve you, the deveLoper, the most. economlcal power distribution system available for this density as lt r"ra s related to me by l.tr. Tingley of E!.dorado Engineetlng Company. IE wiLL b6 necessary that the road right-of-way be dedlcated to utllity purposes. Easements wiLL aLso be required along the lines that extend anay f,rom the road right-of-way to the transformer Locationso This last easenent is to be granted upon completion of construction for the faclLlties as Ehey exist in the fleld. A surunary of the costs follow: $34,946.60 5,940.92 7,850.00 $33,037 .52 This is an estimate and the final assessmeot or refund wtll be based on ao engineerlng fleld survey upon comp!.etion of constructiono Cost of Underground Cons truction Engineering, I,,brehous lng & Overhead Less Credit for Overhead Net Prepaynent Required -;: +t-*i#i ,'w;4.n .4. ,;':;'*7r,=-,!i. I l"lr. Carl Nelson May L, L972 Paoa 2 For your plannlng purposes it is estinated that burylng the^ exlstlng^overhead main- feedlr through your property wouLd cost apgroxirnately $44,669.43. Our contractor wilL arrive in the ValL area on the L5th of May for approxlmately eight weeks of construetion. Upon recelpt of your check in the amount of the prepay*ent required four weeks prior to beginning of conetructlon and a signed copy of Ehis lerter as soon as possible, we will proceed ltlth the field engineer - ing, seheduling and construction phases. S incer ely , noLY cRoss ELECTRIC ASSoCIATLON, INC. CLemons Mo Kopfr System cc: Taylot Gamblin Houard Tingley Encl-. Site Plan cuK/ep ACCEPTED FOR DEVELOPER: TttIe By o :_:-== = chen and associates, inc. 3 -:3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS s0tt & t0uNDAn0N TNGINEERING 2600 WEST 2nd AVENUE, SUITE 7 1924 EAST FIRST . r DENVER, COTORADO 80219 CASPER, WYOMING 8260I .3031935-4697 3071234-2126 PREL IHINARY SUBSOIL AND CEOLOG IC INVESTIGATION FOR L ION' S R IDGE DEVELOPI,TENT vAtL, coLoRAD0 I Job No. 8023 ' Prepared for: Lionf s RIdge Venture e/o Mr. Cab Childress 22$ Emerson Street Denver, Colorado 80218 TAELE OF CONTENTS CONC LUS I ONS SCOPE PROPOSEO DEVELOPHENT S ITE COND ITIONS VEGETAT ION GEOLOG Y SUBSOIL CONDITIONS FOUNDATION TYPES DAI4 S ITE S ITE GRAD ING AOO IT I ONAL I NVEST I GAT I ON FrG. I - LocATtoN 0F TEST PITS FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FlG. 3 - SWELL-C0NSoLtDATtoN TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SU}4I'4RY OF LABORATORY T€ST RESULTS I I I II 2 2 4 4 f, q 6 I coNcLus toNs ' . The area ls sultable for the proposed devefopment. Nonajor geolo$1c problems were observed. The subsol Iconditions are quite varled but are general ty suitablefor sprea.d foot ing type foundat ions. S COPE This report presents the results of a prelimlnary subsoll and geologt c lnvestigation for l/0 acres west of Vall, colorado which are proposed for developrnent as the Lionrs Rldge venture. The report presents the general subsoi I conditions, mos t feas ible foundat ion types, range of soi I pressures, n:t":tc cond,ltions and hazards, and other lnformation for use in prel imlna:ry planning. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT We unders tand that the area wlll be divided into several parcels whlch: will be developed separately. These parcels coincide with the topography and the development ts proposed only on the flatter portions. The type of development will consist of both low densiry and mediun density cpndomlnlum type units, The low density areas are proposed in the valley area and the higher denstty areas are proposed for the flat bench on the south portlon of the property. some buildings up to 12 stories high may be cons idered ln this area. Roads will be requi red for access to the various portions of the slte. A low dam now exists at the west end of the valley and has created a pond. lt is proposed to increase this pond to Z to 3 tines its present I sma I I s ize. I S ITE COND IT IONS At the rlme of our investlgation, been made part way into the south port the s lte lon of the \ .l was vacant. 0ne' property and the o -2- of the access roads were belng surveyed. The slte c€n be characterized by its topography. The south portlon consists of a relatively flat terrace. The ground surface then rises abruptly to the prominent Lionts Rldge, a narrow ridge runnlng east and west throughout the property. North of the ridge is a valley. There l5 no stream flowing in thls valley at the present time. Thls valley Jolns Buffer Creek, a flowing stream, on the west. Northward f rorn the valley the ground surface rises on a steep slope to a high ridge beyond the north property boundary. o VEGETAT ION Vegetat ion on and aspen t rees. the south facing s north tac Ing s lope lso I ated clumps of ..^l I ^., the site In genera I I opes are of Lion I s aspen and cons ists of gras s, , the flat portion sparsely vegeta ted Rldge is heavily t wi I low trees occur GE OLOGY geo I ogy . whi ch is bed roc k ridge is of s imi I has been errat ics. The area sou'th of Llonr s This terrace has been eroded formed from glacial deposlts. several smal I swales gccur Ridge since is a te rrace deposi tion and o o -3- ln it. North of this valtey ls the steep or scarp slope of Llonrs Rldge. Large blocks of sandstone have fallen from the exposed outcrops of thlr ridge, Thls rldge rises to 81454 feet, approximately 450 feet above the average terrace level. The top of the rldge has both bedrock outcrops and unqonsol idated glaclal deposits. The north slope of Llonrs Rldge. ls essentlally a dip slope with a shal tow covertng of either col luvlum or glacial depoglts. The valley north oF Lionrs Rtdge contsins deposits derived frorn glacial action and bedrock ls not exposed. North of the valley isolated smal I out- I steep slope is covered with colluvium. Elevation of the valley ranges from 8, 190 to 81352. The ground surface to the north rlses. to approximately 818$0 feet on the north property I ine. The bedrock exposed on Lionrs Rldge consists fine to medium grained sandstone wlth some beds of portions of the bedrock are prominent cl iff makers figure, The bedrock is jointed in oDe to two major crops of bedrock occur but in general the created loose blocks near the outcrop areas. thin beds of limestone occur. The glacial deposits in this area. cons and conglomerate boulders but for the most to coarse grained soils with abundant clay cl ays to clayey gravel. Nea r lst of a part cons matrix. Structura I ly, there may be Lionts Rid9e. Thls fault is i lding of the Rocky Mountains. do not believe the faul t is si a fault which runs probably assoclated Seismically, thls o cif bu we gnlficant to the I I I i :4- . No major geologic hazards were observed. In general, the slopes appear to be quite stable and no aieas of subsldence nor instability were observed. The main hazard we observed and whlch is of limlted extent, is the rock fall that occurs from the rock outcrops, ln the area of the hlgh density develop' ment, several large blocks were noted in two areas and are lndicated as possible rock fall areas on the attached flgure. For the most Part these large rocks were embedded into the soil and appear not to be Of recent orlgln. one smaller area on the north slde of the val ley also aPpears to be en old rdck fall area but similarly the detached rocks are partially burled. We believe rock fall in the area can be easily control led by a system of observa- tion and scaling when potentia||y urts table rocks are found, SUBSO I L COND IT IONS The subsoil conditlons were investlgated by observing road cuts and L quite varied and consist in general of a topsoil layer of organic- sandy €lays to clayey sands overlying medium stlff sandy clay wlth gravel to loose to medium dense clay.ey to gravel ly sands. Two undlsturbed sarnples taken from thetestpitsindicatethesoitdoesnotposses5aswe||potentla|butw|ll . settle moderately under loading. . No I ree warer was encountered in any of the test pits but sorne of the upper soils were very molst and there may be free water ln the meadow areas during certain times of the year,. FOUNDATION TYPES In Eenera.l , the most suitable type be' spread footinEs placed on the clays digging l0 test pits in.the area proposed for development' The subsolls Are' foundatlon for and sand below o -- v o -5- l'laximum soll pressures wlll range from about tr000 to 41000 psf. For heavier structures, spread foot ings placed on the lower nore granular solls will be feasible. ldore detailed investigatfons will be requlred to provide specific des ign crlteria for these structures. a constrlcted area of the valley where it Jolns lon is formed by bedrock on the south and a It appears feaslble to. lncrease the size of study is needed to provide detalls. DAM S ITE The existing dam lies ln Buffer Creek. This constrlct lateral moraine on the north, the dam and pond. Addltional S ITE GRAD ING We assume that some site gradlng wlll be requlred both to preFare bufldlng sites and for road cuts. We recommend that all cuts be kept to mlnlmum depth, on the order of l0 to 15 feet. Cut slopes lnto the unconsol idated soils should be no steeper than l|:1. .stoughing of the steeper existing cuts will occur. hard bedrock may be steeper, up to vertical. However,Cut slopes into the hard bedrock may be steeper, up to verti some rock fall can be expected. ln genera!, rock cuts can be steeper on the south facing sfopes because of the dlp of the rock. The cut on the west end of the site wilt probably be in unconsot idateil glaclal soils for the most part. Fill slopes should be no s teeper than l|:1. Steeper s lopes may be posslhle but they will be subject to ravelling and vegetation wllt be very dlfflcult to become i'e-established., Adequate provislon should be made for surface dralnage and through the road ernbankment. . lf deep cuts or fills appear nu"*rrrrr, they should be studled on an i nd iv idua I basis. . o -5- a; ADD lT loML I NVESTTIGAT t0N We bel ieve the present Investigation was provide general information for planning and suggest that further Investigatlon be accomp I des i gn cr i ter ia. lf there are any questions or lf we can please let us know. i.. in suff'l cient detail to prel lminary des i1des lgns. V'le ished to prfovide specific provlde additlonal cHEN AND ASSoCIATES, rNC. I R CHlaob I 'I : o IIL Urrutrtrs A, I^lnrrn Svsrell B, SEweR SYsru4 C, UmeReRouruo Urtutrtrs A, Wnren SYsrs'1 oo oo LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRiCT The owners of real estate within the boundaries of the area descrjbed in the attached Exhibit I organized an improvement and service district under the provisions of Chapter 89, Colorado Revised Statutes, .|963 and .1965 as amended for the purpose of purchasing, extending and improving an existing water supply systern situated within the boundaries of the area described and to supply water to the inhabitants of the area. The water district is known as the Lion's Ridge Water District and is situated west of the town of Vai'|, Colorado in Eag'le County, Co]orado. (See attached Exhibit) oo .o SECTION II DESCRIPTION OT' THE DiSTRICT AREA AND BOUNDARY A. AREA. The area proposed to be included in the Lionrs Ridge w'ater Dis- tri.t is "ito"ted in the Sp f7+ of the SE I/4 of Section.l, and the North one half of section 12 lying north of Interstate Highway ?0 in Township 5 south, Range 8l West of the 6th Principal Meridian in Eagle County, Colorado, and includes the Lion,s Ridge Subdivision, a map of which is on file in Book 2L5 at Page 648 of the records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado' B. BOUNDARY. That part of the SE L/4 of the SE I/4 of Section I and of the N 1/Z;Su"tio" 12 in Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the 6th Principal Meridian in Eagle County, Colorado, described ae followsl ' Beginning at a point on the south line of section I which is 291.72 feet 'west of the sE corner of said section l, said point also being on the Northerlyright-of-waylineofU.S.InterstateHighwayNo.T0;thence along eaid Northerly rigtrt -of-way line ae follows: : ' S 88" l?'49" W, 139.05 feet; S L" A?tlltt E, 75' 0l feet; S 59' 5?'06tt W, 297.04 feet;.alongacurvetotheleftwhosetangentbearss5T.30'29''w"' . having a radius of 5900 feet and a central angle of 6040'00r'r on arc dietance of 686.50 feet to a point of tangeut; S 50' 50'29rt W along said tangent 1665' 30 feet; S72'58t35rr W, 3I9.53 feet; S 52' 50129'r W, 300.00 feet; S 4l o 3lt43tt W' l0l. $8 feet; S 52'5OtZ9" lfl, 1100.00 feet; S 33'33'04 11 W, 236,95 feet to a point on the Southline of the NW l/4 of said Section 12; ihence S 8g'Z4tZ3trW', along said South line' 1385' 13 r feet to the W' l/4 Corner of eaid Section 12; thence N 1'27'03" E' along the west line of said section 12, 2688.98 feet to the N'w corner thereof; thence N 88.I?r49'r E, along the North line of said section L?, 4135.59 feet to the NE Corner of the NW' 1/4 NE l/4 of said Section 12; thence N 0o03r25" E, along the west line of the sE r/4 SE L/4 of. said section 1, f3?9. 7? feet to the NW Corner thereof; thence N 8?'48t35'r E' along the . North line of said sE 1/4 SE L/4, L377,58 feet to the NE Corner thereof; . thence S O"04r4Sn W'along the East line of said SE i/4 SE L14, 84.35 f.eet;. thence S 18.26'14" W, 141.58 feet; thence S Z?'L9149" W, 190.91 feet; thence S ?o19r29" W, 86.95 feet; thence N 16'58tl1rr W, 87.50 feet; thence S l?.00'49" W, 436.00 feet; thence S Z'ZI,Il'r E, 469.00 feet; thence S l'46r29't W, ll?.86 feet to the point of beginning. Containing ?'35. 07 I acres. u-l o LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT Description of Existing System l. An infi'ltrat'ion gallery on Red Sandstone Creek. 2. A low head raw water pumping station having a capac'ity of 500 G.P.M. consisting of two pumps equipped with automatic contro'l s to maintain a predetermined water level 'in a tank. 3. A 250,000 gallon water tank. 4. A chlorinatjon facility with a'|1 appurtenances. 5. A pumping station consisting of two variable speed pumps-equipped w'ilh iutomatic contro'ls and-having a defivery capacity of 500 G.P.M. against a head of 250 feet to supply the water to the dis- tribution system. 6, 2,274 feet of 8-inch cast iron pipe. 7. 4,260 feet of 6-inch cast 'iron pipe. 8. Four 8-i nch va'lves . 9. Twelve 6-inch va]ves. '10. Six fire hydrants. 'l 'l . One bl eeder-bl owof f . fl*' "?:iqnitl"*d f;:, "fl llii, i I i lrll'l.t rr,iillzi 'iXDti l;ilg tl i{i n'r1fr I', i'11 l;:' /r -q''{ ,i ,., ir :fl N ll.il r'' t4ls I'l,ll,i ililt E, 1',l/' E': r \ {iL-! ,' t,lll-'r,.,:i llli i ri l; 'rill" ,ril, I tt i t ,i'tr 1r 1+,,-il/iI ill//ii rl,ll/i/i/ilii'illi1rtj lil{\r,.itl.. .i,: I +, r I \ ,, :' 3liF,!i.'9 \g .Pl orl\al,-1 E lPti i "l,.til : tln l;ld;l; TI ,L:l3 lz:lir IFF IE !g\](')() ol. llrr tn , I'- trr l'1141 ,,' Ir,,?rtr!i;: ,, I isE:s;n I;ilIifi: r Ienc;;a il |Za-7=. gn (/!{(D-oo i 9UtOIZ-.tt i dEI- ilpBt-< \-__- r-j-.-- )--'-.--z. -;a.J I 2. ,, .: F 'trr{ "$.f 8r... /4 :\,,*irSi o o or(o 'i,{or rl5o {Y' oio @ oo tro o(J Uio 7 OC o ooo =z ltJJ(' .5/,L6/72 IJON'S RIIEE SUBDTVISTON NO. 2 . WAtrER 5IETB4 Thls development wlLL be provld,ed wlth doneetlc water from the facllttl.esof tbe Llonre Rttlge l{ater DlstrLct. (Note:) Iltstortcal tlata fron ValI Vtllage lnd,tcated, an average consutr- ptlon of 80 g.p.A./f.E. wlth pe€k aiay d,ena,ntl betng epprorctEately 300$ of, average dlay. ThLE d,ata vlLL be used to corqute uater reguirenentsfor Llonre Ridee Etllng #2. The topographlc extremes of the property requite that lt be operated, Xn two naJor pressure zones andl one sub-zone. Zone One encmpasses those lancls adJotnlng I-fO and Btffer Creelr Subd,lvlslon. Servlce to thlE area wlLl be provLtled by the ectenslon of e:dstlng Lloner Rldge Weter Dlstrlct facllltlee, The maln statlc pressure ln thls area vllI rrary between 80 anri 1J0 p.e.l. depend.ing upon elevatton. Sone lndtvldlual eervlce ll,ne pressure red,uctlon nay be cleslrecl ln the htgher pres{rure erias d,epenill.ng upon prirrate e$dp- nent llnltat{ons. The lxoposetl, na,:dnun denal.ty of zone one atrea te 553 dvelJ.lng rurlte at fulI tlevelopment.Sased on a Bolnrlatlon of J.2 people per dwelllng rnLt the estlnateat uater reqldrernents votrld bE as followg: (553.D.u.)(:.a p.e./o.u) - 2o9o P.E. Average Day Zone One (aogo ap.)(Bo e.p.a./p,n,) = t5?raOo g;p.at. Peak Day (r5?reoo)(3) = 'ot,600 e.p.d. hak llrur - t+TOfi of average flov of average d,ey o (1.7)(lfT,aoo e,f.a.) - fl+j.t s.p.n.fl+lrO min/flay At peak horrr demand the erclstlng 6 snd, I lnch plpeltnes vlll dlellver the 51r.5 g.p.m. to the zone ohe area suetatnlng a f,rlctlon heait los\ of M.7 p.e.f wbich vould p'rovl<le a vorklng lressure to tlre aree of 33 to BJ p.s. 1. dependin6 upon the elevatlon. Zoae Oue storage Requlrements: Eqnartzlns storese = flf.ifrff:bry'' L'v,m tt o UJ (r Q z J o IJJE lrlF .r1 o LrJtr tt E.lrl UJ -7 -.r-zLrJ z o o() oz E. UJ IJJ,l z IJJ o --.IJJ lrJ oZor-ror'; .o -X60zg)f.i o- TIJlzt! o 9o(J (v,oo -,v Flre Storege = b hours @ reguXred f,tre flov lese pruldrg capacity' Requlred E[re f,lov (Nattonal 3oa'rtt El're lladenrrlterg) Q = 1o2o ff (f - .oI {F) P = polnrlatlon ln looo i = z.og {F = r.l+\5 q = tl+!a g.p.n. (1t+52) (l+)(60) = 3l8rlr8o saltong Raw Water h.uping Capactty = l0O g'p'n' (5oo s.p.n.)(t+)(60) = 141990 gellone r6t Trr" Storage = zzstlJfn hergency Storege: = 25* 6 total of o1I other storage Eeuallzlng 167r'200nrre -' .egrtff.(39r,ffi)(.2t) . -J-bH- T0III, s$cnAc:E 2?8r\gg l+9br500 \ naln worrld result tn a Use lOOrO00 gal3.one Zone T'wo eneompasses those Ia'ntls on the east end of the rtdge and' ln theuppervalley.w.t""_"irrbesupplledtothlszonetbrorrghapulop station cLranlng ""t'uiJ"ot-2o"" onu-i",A },urtr)ing Xt tto Zone 1ft{o stolage li-Jr lir.i'.iffi 360 feet above the sup -"tJtro"' The neln llne static pressure in this ,o".-tiff-o"ty croDt-l+o to llro p's'L d'ependlng upon elevatlon. ttre area-ai-ltre roi'er encl of tbe valley vtll be separated toa6ub-zonebyanal.npreseurereducl.ngvalrretoredlucerhatvorld "t"ti"*ffy rc a f6f p.e.li area to 90 p's't' The proposed n€,>d.mun denslty of the Zone ftro a'na sub-zone a'!ee ts 38O dwernng writs at niri-I"".i.lrent.' Dased. on a populatlo-n of 3.2 people per duelllng unlt the esttnatld' water requlrenents tould be as foJ.lows: (3Bo D.u.)(3.a m7o.u.1 = u16&8. Average DaY Zone T'wo & Sub-Zone (iAA'p.E;)(so e.p.a./p.n.) = 97'28n Peak D€y = 3@dp Average DaY (S)(gZ,-2Bo) = 29l,Bl{o s.P.d. Feak (l+.7) g?,a8o e.,pra. =I4rO nln/alay llhefrictlonlosgatpealcborrr.f!.orrtntheB''nalnwouldlresulttna pressllre loee of r""rTil""r"5;u ill.i.7ioor.r. of ptpe a,nd are consld,eredl iif*ll"eenand 1111 be euptrfiletl rrcrr sra\rltv etorase rl 1l' taDhs' n " p,rtp Etettoa *p""i[v-[iiea on pgday usage le qs folrors: DaaI PrqPE at L!0 g'P'n' ff+rffi&5 ' 202'L $oporo carscltv resuLred' average daY 3r?-51 o Storage Zone Two Equallzlng Storage =3ofi ot Peak hy =(.3)(29r,Bl$) =9Ttfu 8a1 lonE -@.1$Q saltone 391r90O gallons Flre Storage = 4 houre @ reqrrlred, flre flow less purpl.ng catrnclty Reguirerl, Etre ELor (trattonal Soer{l E[re Unrlemrttere) Q = 1o2o E tt - .o1 f!) P = 1.22 lP = l'.1 Q = Ll21 go.p.Eo (rrar)(4)(60) = N9,oln Iess pnptng capactty (2ao)(h)(60) = (2.Boo ?f6ral4o &elgency Storage ='2J$ ot Tota"l of aLL otber etorager4usllzln€ 97r28oI'lrc 2L6,2Wffi(,2il zor{E rwo & srJE-zoNE soxll, sroRAcE Uee l0Oro0o ga,Llone P -'lopul"atton Lu 1@0 ' 2J:6rz!o gallone j i; o WAfm, SEIER & ROAD COI{SIRUCTIoN CoST EStrnIAtES }TAS'R STSES{ storage I Upper I+OOrOO0 gallon Iorer 500r0OO gallon Rnp Statton and, Controls Ptpeltnes includlng valves anil fttttngs B" Saoo 1.f. @ ll.oo 6" 32OO l.f. @ 1O.0O Ei.re l{ydrsnts 12 @ $600 Eettnated Sotal.Water . SDTAOE COII,MTION STSIE,I balo t,f. 8n eeyer Ilne @ 9,50 31 uenholee at $550 Esttuateil Sote.L Sever ROADc' Surfaced to aslha-lt vltb, crtbblng ae requlreal Roail BSoo r.f. @ average L5,N/L.f. 96rooo l2orOOO lbrOoO 68reoo 32rOOO T.no $33?,400 ?8rr85 L7,Ow $9ir23i $132rooo fhe Water and Sewer Syetens to serve the ultlnate clevelopent of Llonrs Rtdge ELllng ifQ wfII be conetructed tn pbases as tbe ]-analls developed,q [[atn plpellnes and pmp etat'toa vtll be Elzed for'ultlnete reqriirenents. Water rtorage wlll be constructeil X.n lacre- . bent6 to paral.lel tlevelolment lequJ.renents. i I tJlt lrJ f tJ1 oz J ot!E tu|-VI LllE oEt! UJz -ul (,z FJ (nz I o| to.to) c'5o(t) o(o @ n tf J C) (,'o =E. q o 3z LlJJo o)ro X c0 .i o- wy L6, L972 {yd.rotogLc Report on Lionsts Ridge Devetopment near Vall, Colorado II{IRODIJCTION The maln channeL ln the LLonrs Rld,ge Develognent is an unnamed channel uhlch ls a tributary to Buffer Creek, vhich is a tributary to Oore Creek, vhlch Ln turn is a tributary to the Eagle Rl.ver. The watershed slopes touard, the south anci west and. Ls covered, wLth a mourtain grasses and shrubs vith a fev tlnber standLs near the upper reaches of the watershed.. SUMMART OT CONCLUSIONS 1. The ma.:<lnrm magnitud.e of the 2J year frequency flood. fron the unnamed, d,raw is llro c.f.s. vhich wiLl occur about 3O mlnutes after ihe beglnnJ.ng of the storm. 2. Snov melt vil1 be the origin of nost of the fLoods in thls area, but a sprlng or sunmer rainstorm vLll account for the J-arger fLood.s. CCS.,IPLITAgIONS ADN DASA 2J yeax frequeney storn watersheaL erea maximun elevation mlnirmnn elevatlon length of channel runoff curve nurnber Q run off TLne of Concentration Storn d,uration 6 hor.rrs To = .70 Tc = .133 1.8 inches ralnfall 220 acres g8oo+ M.g.L. Saoo+ M.s.L. 5350 r.r. 80 I.l+lr lnches.lp hows z ,.,<q <z- H> =6d<trJ d23;io Zw,UJPo6 LJ o J ltJ To = 3.9 TerlTn used = 25 Tn (re'dsed) =. r>o q..., = lr84 (area) !St+ (.:kh mr2) .,n.rp(revJ.eeaiff=Lo57c.f.s./inchofrunoff Q{p = Lfi6 Qnr.-*- = ora 9p t*. To/Tp conputed 29.32 Maxlmum Pealc Run off = IIo c,f.s. fov 25 year frequency storn Ref: U.S. Soll- Conservatlon Service, U.S. Departnent of AgrlcuJ-ture t 1958 hepa,red, by, 7) ."'\ t 4t3*^1.'' ' <t'z<aE--2'------.. D,rane R. Jensen tLlne(olfl 1 (rlr'{er f.:,r,!ilidl:D€ 1860 Lincoln Stieet Denver, Colorado 80203 LEosr'smEdqe WaterffiustrilCt M:ay 30, 1972 Mr. Torn Taylor Tayvel Environrnental Land Company Box 763 Vail, Colorado 8f557 Dear Torn: We have been advieed by your cotnPany of your preliminary plans for the development of land within the Lionrs Ridge Watet District lying west of the present Lionrs Ridge Subdivision. This }etter is to advise you that Lionrs Ridge Water District has sufficient water to supply the planned I' 150 units and that the District is willing to supply euch water. The District a!.so is agreeable to the extension of its lines through the projected developrnent at the expense of your corrrpany and subject to the Districtts approval of the plans and specificatioris and to the rules and regulations of the District. Very truly yours, LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT Richard A. President RAF/ba o o o B, SEWen Svsr$l ol(o 'Ait Or oio(o rw 30, L9T2 The proposed d.evelopnent on Llonrs ld.dge Fillng /ts wflL be ' cerved by a cormunlty sevege collectlon system. Sewage efflu-'. ent fron tbe developrment vt1l be treated, 1n tbe Upper Eagle vaIley Sqnltatl"on Di.strtct Hlant at Avon. This developneut le flbe entire collection systen w111 operate by grauity fJ'ov' IBe , ( ' .: i 'development In the draluage area of the back valley vlll be .- LntotheU.E.V'S'D.LlnesintheBufferCreeksubdlvislon'T.Xe'r''. \', d.eveloment on the east face of the rld,ge v111 be served by 9l'' .::,,1'., nr"fnlvlfcft v111 connect to tbe er<tstlng l^lonrs Rlclge ftiling #l' collectlon systeD. I ', \ 'rr' ,l i ' i i fn. front valley dlevelopment vll-I be served, by naklng -cotmec-tlon to tbe U.E:V.S.D. rqalne on the froatage road, and'r/or ln'' : Buffer Creeh $rbd1v161ou as d.Lctated. by develolmeDt Locatlon. AIJ. constructlon riLL be eccqtlshed, tn ascord,ance wltb the IEper Eagle Valtey Sarttet'lolr DI'strl'ct. q tr t! IJ, oz{J UJIY ulFIo llJE o E. UJ lrJz C o rO € o LJ oJo(J uioz E. vl ooo3z UJJo oZot:- loIro-X60.268.; o- LrJf,ztrl o toJo(J (no€ '.,'.,,'.;;'.,...1':..,..' '',. ,; ".. .. t .", , ;, ., ', ;,;'i...": .l,' ,., "l i:: .rj::: z (L o C) = UJ LLlzaz UJ oo .E -) -lrl 2 - Sewerage Systeg o UPPER EAqLE VALI,EY S.A.NITA.TNON DISTRICT P.O. Box 487 Minturn, Colorado 81645 May I8 | L972 Tayvel Environmental land Co.Box 753Vail, Coloradto 81657 Attn: Carl Nelson Gentlemen: This will confirm that the Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict is ready, willing and able to provide sanitary sevrer services to your ctevelopment at Li.ons nidge which you have informed us wilf involve approximatety l-100 units uponcompletion of clevelopment. The provisions of the Rules & Regulations of the District willbe applicable to the construction of sewer line extensionswhich you will need in your development. Section 6 sets forththe procedures for desigr-r, approval by the Districtrs engineer,estimates and the obtaining of bids. In most instances theDistrict follows the alternative provisions of allowing thedeveloper to construct the lines rather than having the Districtitself construct them. Should you need any additional information do not hesitate tocontact ua. ours very truly, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT Ar^plLu"r Ulohn V. Amato, president i|Tt/A:bjs o o o C, UmeReRouln Urtutrtes UNDERGROUND UTILITIES The installation, by Tayvel, of an underground PVC conduit system has been approved by the electric, gas, TV and telephone uti'lity companies. The planning and design has been reviewed and agreement as to execution has been reached. I. Advantages. A. Ease of access for repair. 'l) Manholes every 500 feet. 2) Line can be replaced without digging. B. Safety and better coordjnation -- one ditch instead of three. C. Less impact on environment -- sightliness. D. Contributes a great deal to solving narrow corridor problems for util ities. II. Disadvantage. A. Expense -- considerable, which Tayve'l Environmental Land Company will bear. j, o Mountain Bell Colorado Springs, Colorado May 10, L972 Mr. Carl Nel-son, ManagerTayvel Environmental Land CompanyP. O. Box 763Vailr Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Nelson: This letter is in regards to the meeting held May 3, 1972, at VaiI, Colorado, and to the agreements made by l4r. CarI Nelson, Manager, Tayvel Environmental- Land Company, and Mx. H. G. Catron, District Engineer, Mountain Bel-L Telephone company, for provid.ing telephone service to the Talnrel Environmental L,and Company property located west of Lion's Ridge in the northwest area of Vail-, Colorado. Mountain Bell will extend telephone facilities into this development as the growth and development justify. These facilities will be placed at no cost if the following is provided: 1. The Tayvel Environmental Land Company will have placed an entire underground conduit system throughout the deyeLopment at no cost to Mountain Bell . 2. 'Mountain BelI wilL have the right to use the specified conduit in perpetuity at no cost. 3. Mountain Bell will not assune any J.iabiJ-ity for the construction of this conduit system. 4. Mountain Bel1 wil-l- assist in the design and specifications of the conduit system at no cost. 5. Mountain BetI will provide an inspector while the coniluit system is being constructed, .at no cost. Mountain BeIl- is willing to perform the above, based on its present and. proposed tariffs on file with the Public Utilities Commission. Ho$tever, in the event that these tariffs are changed or modified by the Corunission, Mountain Bel-l- would be obligated to assess such charges as the Commission rnight direct. we do not anticipate any changes by the conmrission which would materially affect your company. I Mr. Carl NelEon Page Xhro May l0' 1972 If you need adclitional Springs at 635-4645. Very truly youre, 72/wH. G. CatronDigtrj.ct Englneer inforrnation, pJ-ease cal-l me in Colorado o public Servic'e Company qP Collorodl@ l'Fr 10, 19?2 - Slncercl;r,tHt,Svaa'( P"'fi/ryfnes+' flcru.-Yt U Ea{ijlc Co. Dlotrlct Mgr. Publtc ServLcc Co. of 0ol-o. Eeglc Co. PlsDntng OonmLseloa Gont'lenent thla' lctter le to vcrlf,y 15a1 5q1rcl lfnd Dcrclopnont- Co' of Vall. Colo. has subrd'ttcd -a 4agucet for naturEl gao to thc zuufr" Eorltfci 0o. of CoIo' A dctaiLcd sturff le now ln progrcsi' iy-Fuurrc serrrlce co. to ser:vo thLe dovc}oprnent locatedrrorur "irA "aut of thc Buffir Creok araa, rnst, of t'hc To16 of VaiL' lbm Trylor Cef,l Nolsm eh/rb VAIL trABLE TV P. B. EOX 336 . VAIL' trgLtrRADO 8T657 . PHtrNE 4765,AT, DATE llr. Carl itrelaon Tayvel ErwLronrnentat land". Co. lta1L SIGNEO @ fEE caa16x.niaci. o J ',,!ey 911-972 'te und"erstenC tlrat you pl"an puttlng an under duct systen for rr11 utllttles ln your Buffer Creek area.Ceveloperoent. In the pastr thls met\od h.l.s Jroven the safest rneans for us in nost csse6. t'le r.,111 he glad. to help ln any v;r:y t'rlth t):.e englneering s.nd plannlng of Fuch a systen, BY '',,tr rr c/-'n lhc Druwn! Bodrd, ln(,, Boi 5Ot D6rlar, Tcro! May I, 1972 Carl Nelson Tayvel Environmental Land Co. P. O. Box 763Vail, CO 8L657 RE: Underground Electric Power Lions 'Ridge Subdivlslon, Zone ! Dear Carl: We have completed a design and cost estirnate for Zone l of the Llons Rldge Subdivision" This estimate is for a looped, d{rect buried J.4,400 voLt, single phased primary underground system. This system has transformers as located on the enclosed drawing. Single plnas e L20/240 volt three wire servl.ce will be avallabLe at the trana- former location. It is the developer's electrician's responsibility to install secondary cables and conduit.s to meet naEional electric code speciflcaEions from the Eransformer locations as shovm on the enclosed site plan to the service entrance and meter stack for each building. I believe the transformer locations as shown balance Ehe cost of primary and secondary systems to give you, the developer, the most economical power distribution system available for this denslty as l-t rra s related to me by l,Ir. Tingley of Eldorado Engineering Company . It will b! necessary that the road rlght-of-way be dedicaced to utility purposes. EasemenEs will also be requlred along the Llnes that extend away from the road right-of-way Eo the transformer locaEions. Thig l-ast easement iB to be granted upon compleLion of construction for the facilitles as they exiet in the fleld. A s uarnary of the cosEs foll-ow: $34,946.60 5,940.92 7,850.00 $33,037 "52 This is an estimate and the flnal assessment or refund wiLl be based on an engineering field survey upon completion of constructiono Cost of Underground Cons truc t ion Engineering, trIarehous ing & 0verhead Less Credit for Overhead Net Prepayment Required O llr. Carl Ne1son l"lay t, L972 ?age 2 For your planning purposes it ls estimated that burylng the exlstlng overhead nrain-feeder through yo.tr ptop"rty would costt approxitnately $441669.43. our contf,actor ryill arrlve in the vail area on the 15Eh of May for aPProxlnately eight weeks of conetruction. Upon receipE of your check in the amount of the prlpayment required four weeks prlor Co beginning of construction and a signed copy of Lhis letter as soon as possible, we will proceed with the field englneer- ing, scheduling and construction phases. S inc er e ly, HoLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATIoN, rNC. Cl-emons M. Kopf r SYstem cc: Tayl-or Gambl-in Howard Tingley Enc1. Site Plan CMK/ep ACCEPTSD FOR DEVELOPER: Tirle Date By o L IV, $rr-s = ==:flaat 7 - = cnen and assoclates, lnc. = ---: =: - = CONSULTING ENGINEEBSo solt & fouNDAltoN ENGINEERING 2600 WEST 2nd AVENUE, SUITE 7 o DENVER, COTORADO Eo2l9 . 303/93s-4697 1924 EAST FfRST o CASPER. WYOMING 82601 o 3071234-2126 PREL IT4 INARY SUBSO IL AND CEOLOGIC INVESTIGAT ION |.un L ION' S R IDGE DEVELOPMENT vA tL, coLoRAD0 Prepared for: Lionf s RIdge Venture clo Mr . Cab Gh i I dress 22t Emerson Street Denver, Colorado 80218 Job No. 8023 Hay lJ, lJlZ c0NcLUs roNs SCOPE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT - S tTE COND ITTONS VEGETAT ION GEOLOGY suBsoil- coNDtTt0Ns .' . FOUNDATTON TYPES DAM S ITE S ITE GRAO ING AOD ITIONAT INVESTIGATION _. FtG. | - LOCATTON OF TEST PITS -= FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS TABLE OF CONTENTS FIG. 3 - SI^/ELL-CONSOLTDATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUHI4ARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS l l 4 5 5 6 c0NcLUs 10Ns o . The area is sultable for the proposed development. No.major geologlc problems were observed. The subsollconditions are.quite varied but are general ty suitablefor spread footing type foundations. I SCOPE This report presents the results of a prelimlnary subsol I and geologlc investigation for l'/0 acres west of vatl, colorado which are proposed for development as the Lionrs Rldge Venture. The report presents the general subsoil conditions, mos t feasible foundat ion types, range of soil pressures, geologic conditions and hazards, and other lnformation for use in prel imlnary p I ann ing. ' PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT We understand that the area will be divlded into several parcels whlch wil I be developed separately. These parcels coincide with the topography and the devel opm€nt ls proposed only on the flatter portions. The type of deve'l opment will consist of both .low density and mediunr density condomln ium type units. The low density areas are proposed in the valley area and the higher density areas are proposed for the flat bench on the south portlon of the property. some buildings up to l2 stories hlgh may be cons idered ln this area. Roads will be regui.red for'access to the various portions of the site. A low dam now exists at the west end of the valtey and has created a small pond, lt is proposed to increase this pond to 2 to 3 times its present size. 5 ITE COND IT IONS At the time of our investlgation, the slte was vacant. One road had been made part way into the south portion of the property and the remaindero -2- of the access roads were belng surveyed. The site can be characterized by its topography. The south portlon consists of a relativety flat terrace. The ground surface then rises abruptly to the pronrinent Lionrs Ridge, a narrow ridge running east and west throughout the property. North of the ridge is a vatley. There ls no stream f lowing in this valley at the present time. Thls valley joins Buffer Creek, a f lowing s t.ream, on the west. Northward fron the valley the ground surface rises on a steep slope to a high r.idge beyond the north property boundary. VEGETATION Vegetation on the site consists of grass, sage bruih, willow, evergreen and aspen trees. In general, the.f lat portion is covered with sage brush and the south facing slopes are sparsely vegetated with brush and grass. The north facing slope of Lionrs Rldge is heavily timbered with evergreens. lsolated clumps of aspen and willow trees occur in the meadow areas of the va I ley. GEOLOGY The topography of the site is controlled closely by the underlying bedrock geology. Lionrs Rldge is a scarp and dip slope foflned by a sandstone formation which is tentatively identified as a menrber of the Maroon Formatlon. The bedrock dips about 40 degrees toward the north and the north slope of the ridge is Formed on its dip slope. The north side of the valley is a scarp slope oF similarly dipplng beds. This valley as well as the main Gore Creek valley lras been glaciated. Both valleys show a marked rrUrr shape and many glacial errat ics. The area south of Llonrs This terrace has been eroded Ridge is a terrace s ince depos i t ion and formed from glacial deposlts. several small swales occur o -3- In it. North of this valley ls the steip or scarp slope of Llonts Rldge. Large blocks of sandstone have fallen from the exposed outcrops of thls ridge. This rldge rises to 81464 feet, approximately 450 feet ebove the average terrace level, The top of the ridge has both bedrock outcrops and unconsolidated glacial deposits. The north slope of Llonrs Rtdge is essentlal ly a dip slope with a shallow covering of either colluvium or glaclal deposits, The val Iey north of Lionrs Rldge conteins depos its derlved f rorn glaclal action and bedrock Is not exposed. North of the valley isolated smal I out- crops of bedrock occur.but in general the steep slope is covered with cof fuvium. Elevation of the val ley ranges from 8, 190 to 81352. The ground surface to the north rises. to approximately 81850 feet on the north property I ine. The bedrock exposed on Lionrs Rldge consists of thln to masiive bedded fine to medium grained sandstone wlth s orne beds of conglomerate. The nasslve portions of the bedrock are prominent cliff makers and cre shown on the attached figure. The bedrock is jointed in oDe to two major directions, which have created loose blocks near the outcrop areas. Near the top of the ridge, some thin beds of I imestone occur. The glacial deposits in this area conslst of a few large erratlc aranite and conglonrerate boulders but for the most part consist of deposits of fine to coarse grained soils with abundant clay matrix. These soils vary from cl ays to clayey gravel. Structural ly, there may. be of Lionrs Ridge. This fault is bu i I d i ng of the Rocky Moun ta ins . we do not believe the fault ls s a fault which runs through the valley north probably assoclated with the general mountain Seismically, thls is not an act ive area and ignificant to the proposed development. o -4- No major geologic hazards were observed. In general, the s lopes aPpear to be quite stable and no areas of subsldence nor Instability were observed ' The main hazard we observed and whlch is of limlted extent, is the rock fall that occurs from the rock outcrops. In the area of the high density develop' ment, several. large blocks were noted in two areas and are indicated as oossible rock fall areas on the attached figure. For the most part these large rocks were embedded into the soil and appear not to be of recent origln' one smaller area on the north side of the val ley also aPpears to be an old rock fall area but similarly the detached rocks are partially buried. We bel ieve rock fall in the area can be easily control led by a system of observa- tion and scaling when potentially unstable rocks are found. SUBSOIL COND ITIONS The subsoil conditions were investigated by observing road cuts and digging l0 test pits in.the area proposed for development. The subsolls arq, . quite varied and consist in general of a topsoil layer of organic sandy Clays to clayey sands overlying med iurn stlff sandy clay wlth gravel to loose to nredium dense clayey to gravel ly sands. Two undisturbed sampl es taken from the test pits indicate the soil does not posses$ a swel I potential but wlll settle moderately under I oad ing. . fJo free'water was encountered in any of the test pits but some of the upper soils were very moist and there may be free water in the meadow areas during certain times of the year,. FOUNDATION TYPES In geneial, the rnost suitable type foundation for Ilght s tructures wiII be'spread footings placed on the clays and sand below the upper topsoll. o o ')- Maximum soll pressures wlll range from about 11000 to 41000 psf. For heavier structures, spread footings placed on the lower more granular solls will be feasible. More detailed investigatlons wil I be requlred to provide specific design crlleria for these structures. DAM S ITE .'-.Ine exrStrng Buffer Creek, Thi I ateral mora ine on the dam and pond. dam lies in a constrlcted area of the valley where it Jolns s constriction is formed by bedrock on the south and a the north, lt appears feasible to Increase the s |,ze of Addltional study is needed to provide details. SITE GRADING We assume that some site gradlng wlll be requl red both to prepare bulldlng sites and for road cuts. We recommend that all cuts be kept to mlnlmum depth, on th€i order of l0 to l5 feet. Cut slopes Into the unconsol idated soils should be no steeper than ll-:1. Sloughing of the steeper existing cuts will occur. Cut slopes into the hard bedrock may be steeper, up to vertical. However, some rock fall can be expected. In generalr. rock cuts can be steeper on the south facing slopes because of the dip of the rock. The cut on the west end of the site will probably be in unconsol idated glaclal soils for the most part. Fitl slopes should be no s teeper than lf:1. Steeper slopes may be posslble but they will be subject to ravelling and vegetatlon will be very difflcult to become re-established., Adequate provision should be made for surface dralnage and through the road embankment. . lf deep cuts or fills appear necessary, they should be studled on an individual basis. O -6- : ADD ITIONAL INVEST IGATION We bel ieve the present lnvestigatlon was provide general information for planning and suggest that further investigation be accompl des i gn criteria. lf there are any questions or if we can provlde additlonal informat ion, pl ease let us know. CHEN AND ASSoCIATES, lNC. ln sufficient detail to prel lminary des igns. We ished to pdovide speclfic By RCH,/aob Reviewed By Fu Hua Chen, P. E. TPI TP6 WC=20.9 DD=106.7 -rP 2 'tP 7 TP3 TP8 TP4 Tp a IP5 lE.Q$lr A Topsoil, sandy clay to clayey sand, moist, roots, dark brown' II -V Clay (CL), sandy to gravelly, sof t to stif f, nroist to very moist, lz1 brown to red-brown. some porous zones 71 Sand (SC-CL). clayey to clay, sandy, medium densc, moist, brown, f;j sonte gravel-cobble sizes, Fn Sand (5C), clayey, medium dense, moist, brown, with gravel V:!,'."1 and cobb I es . ffi sand (sH), sil ty, nredium densc, moist, brown, with gravcl. v.':::l ffi! Gravel (CC), ctayey, mediunl dense, ntoist, brown to red-brown. lL(iln m Gravel (c}4), sil ty, nredium dense, moist, brown. D4 ..1 i7-L.. YJ Hand orrve Point of O t wc=i18.9 -2a1a+6 FIrl UJtr: I IFo- lrJ i- t!L! I t-o- rrJ o F'tu UJ tJ- I Fo- lrJo t I II0T.ES I (r) (2) i3) practical rig refusal wC=z1.4 DD=103.2 F LU LrJ Lr- I t-- UJo Test pits dug May 12, 1972 witlr a backhoe. Location of test pits approximately to scale. l4ore porous WC= Water Content (/.) OD=Dry Dens ity (pcf) -200=Percent passing /1200 sieve -2-. "z-- 'Z- I 5 ,' / rP-6 OND High to Hode ck 0utcroP ----.-c__L Low De ns i tY ?Roct rat l LOCATION OF TEST PITS \/ i /" sropu. oo*l I / -;:i.*> { Fl ,/ ;l ,/:F-aq-sma" Rock -s/ /// ,F:N--*itr'h-^ 'i.'l o.^',..r-' -iialt // t S I opes Downft \==- riYI ' ::---=-=_-Y-=-- \\ I . \ s lopes uown\\. I rp-ro'\.\.. I r \ --** , PR0POSED RoAD I\\rl- -+-*-*".*- rP:? EX IST ING ROAD \-..*.---- Fl9. I ,) ,i\':' Rock tf8023 'ir!r+.!q .' Fra.lt z c Ee4 I o!l bo .a c(]^o-u X I;sl .l c ,-l !-3r 4 a Ii.. .4t;i;)l-l,4 lL'r ':,;! i ; r ' i rr';: ' r,.'li. ':rr1 *ti,{ltl '"" 1A3.2 9.cti . i , : t ,r,r +4o .rt.r!i .. rrrrrl ,- 2.|.4 garclnl: :,.,,-i.-'.- ]' ;.ir,;r +.lr .;!..:rt i'3r,tl4l ,- 2.|.4 garclnl ii Itiitl iss I on un rgttin s5 WE f rom Prr I to wetting. . \o ;! ,*i.n..., . .,...",..,..:,",i-.',,,';,j FF u4F a FJfa td tr Fno:uJTFIXG X -oo tuF : rIzFO {frr Ellu o, tr > Efo e@ o2, @,o .> ? STATE OF COLORAOO tJohn A. Lov6, Governor OEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF GAME, FISH AND PARKS Harry R. \Moodward, D lrsctor 6060 Broadway Denver, Colorado 40216 . I{ay Ll1 J-972 Taprel &urironmenta]. Co. P.O. Box ?63 Va1l, CoJ.o. Dear: Sirs r It has cone to rny attention that lou would l-Lke a statqnent fron rns concerning the tnpact 6a stfri'l{fe of Sorrr denelop,nent ln the valley behlnd the Erffher Creek sub-dlvislon. It is my opinion that the area in whlch ycu plan pur development and the rnanner tn which tt ls plarured lnill- have littLe lf any impact on rnlldJ-ife. There seems to be no er{dence of deer or elk r,rintering ln t'his area and no rrlgratS.on pattern w111 be di.srupted. ltrere are a fer deer nhloh srunner jn the area but rui-th trour open space concept of dev- elopnent', 1lris suurer population might be nalntained. f appreclate ]rour request of my oplalon ln thls rnatter, OEPARTMENT OF NATURAL FESOURCES Richsrd T, Ecklss, Dilector GAME, FISH AND PARKS COMMISSION Orest 6erbaz, Prssidenl Floyd Gelz, Vice President LeRoy Robson, Secretary Harry Combs, Member C, M. Furneaux, Member John E, Holden, Member O. K. Niess, Membef William W, Robinson, Memb€r Ford Strono, Member Dean Sutile, Member ffi_z W].ICLL].IC nservation Offlaer- Vajil , All road cuts will be revegetated by the fo'llowing method: Hydromul ch i ng Ferti'l i zer - Ferti 'l i z er - - '1,400 lbs. per ni trogen 50 1bs . acre per acre super phosphate 50 1bs. per mixed fol I ows: 5 4 J 1 I bs. Climax Broom bs. C1 imax Timothy bs.Orchard Grass bs. Kentucky Blue Grass b, Alskie Clover Thi s mixture was recommended Colorado Deoartment of Forest Service Soi'l Conservation Highways t o ADAPTS TO LANDSCAPIruG by KEN ARNOLD Landscaoe Aqronomist Lexington, Kentucky FfYDROSEEDING, hydro-grassing, hy- dro-mulching, hydraulic seeding, aqua- mulching, power. mulching - all are terms being used today to identify the new technology that applies in one step any combination of water, seed, mulch, fertilizer, Iimestone, and pesti- also as the moisture for grass establish- ment. The addition of fertilizer slurry saved the labor cost of separate opera- tions at the time of seeding, as well as simplified maintenance operations such as watering and adding additional fer- tiiizer. Good germination and rapid growth of ground cover have resulted in the expansion of the hydroseeding process to many types of landscaping. Large areas can be covered quickly, the rate can bc varied so tlat the coverage is thick or thin as needed, seeding can be done after the plants are in place, and soil stabilization can be elfective regard- less of the time of year. We believe there are other advan' tages of hydroseeding that result from the method of application. The water- soaked seed starts germination promptly. Thq.abrasion of the centrifugal pump' Reprinrcdlrom.., ' sides, using euipment designed to spray the slurry under pressure. The equipment was initially develop ed to solve the problem of applying erosion+ontrol materials to roadside banks and other newly constructed . areas where mechanical equipment could not travel. Agitation could be pro- vided in the water tank to keep the materials in suspension for uniform coverage. Nozzles were developed to spray the particle sizes that resulted from the various combinations. The mulch gave immediate soil sta- bilization to the bank; the seed aszured pernanent protection. The water served not only rs a carrier for the mix, but la [aNotcApi 'tDutrty/rrrnuAry+€heurnt 1u7o |"-'**'*.*,...**+P|i*f/rF:n.'r'i+ii'Fei$-d,?rw:''Fll-......' o $hndo*pu '.*,,., l.r.o tn most equtpmenr to Keep ,.,e -slurry in suspbnsion, scarifies the seed . coat and assists germination. In addition' : the seed is driven into the soil unddr hiCh pressure and is placed in an en-' vironment suitable for rapid growth. The chemical action of the fertilizer'' in direct contact with the seed tends to : soften the seed coat. Also dry fer-.' tilizer,and especially the new high nitro- 'gen organics, are put into solution and '. are available immediatelv as well as . during the period the grass is becoming established. My first experience with hydroseed- ing was in highway construction and. maintenarce on cut and fill slopes and on medial strips. We have used this technique to establish grass for road-' side parks and camping areas. fve observed its use for soil conservalion. programs gf watersheds, earthen dams, and levees and for esta$ishing grass on military installations, at airports, on school and institutional lawns, and in industrial plant areas. The photographs show where I re- acently used hydromulching in the l,ex- t#:,ff ff "i,:I#";",'i ;T::ty $:f lawns for sample houses, and to com-.: plete the lawn area of an industrial land- scaping.. "Conwedl' hydro mulch was applied to all areas at tfte rate of 1500 lbs, per acre. These new wood fiber products, are better than straw used in the earrly days of roadside work, Containing a harmless, temporary green dye, the "Conwed" wood fiber product covers the ground uniformly, resists soil erosion by water and wind, absorbs and retains moisture to pro- mote seed germination, provides an in- sulating blanket to protect seed from extreme temperature fluctuations, and slowly breaks down after turf estab lishment to supply organic material to the soil. Thus, the lawn is both in- stantaneous and permanent. To fertilize the seedbed with t}re hydromulching operation, we recom- mend a 5-2G20 at the rate of 15 lbs. per thousand square feet and "Nitroform" organic nitrogen 3&GO at the rate of J'!l ffif:;:il$illTi ltil;". *" manhours were cut as much as two- rhirds and a better job was done for soil stabilizing and for gass estrblidi- ment. i , - a. Hydro-mulcbing Permitted ths seed and fertilizer to be aPplied as soon 8s i the trees and shrubs v$s* . planted at this new site for WKYT'TV in Lexington' Kentucky. Singer Gardens were the landscsPe nurserymen. b. The green color of the "Conwed" hydro mulch gave the visual effscl of an instsnt lawn' c. The hydro mulch- stabilized thesoil and sided seed germination on the 18 golf greens at Greenbrier Country Club and Golf Estate6, Lexington, Kentucky. These bentgreens were seeded with Penncro6s. d. The green color of the vvood fiber was an aid to good coverage. Good Seed germination was aPParent in two to two and onehalf weeKs. a, Harclto-reach trees were stabilized for the winter with hydromulching at Greenbriet seeded with rye, zoysia will be plugged in the spring. f. Unsodded areas ar.rund model houses at Greenbrier Country Club and Golf Estates were hydro-mulched to prevent soil erosion and to 8id seed germination. Mulch, seed, and fertilizer twre applied in th8 slurry. u||D5catf lNoB5rrY/JA]lUltY.f$lUAlY lttO -,"ii* , i i ili' t IINIIEDJ;rAms SotL DEPAR$'ffiB OF ACTRICUI$IfiE Conser.ratLon Servlce Col'orado RA}{GE SITE NO'2l+L ni mE. @. MMBr MqiNI+]N ]fr'ADcH U.IIT RAI''IGE SIIE Br Larrd Reso:rce Area b. Iand. P.esource Un'lts --;: ilir, riiit" (code No')- ^T Tnrri rp{t 3o PreclPitation ranges the erlstence of the natural J-rigation' - Southern Roclqy l'torurt'1in1 (L8)r llasatch and Uirrta Muuntal$s tl+{/' ff*la*fl't 2. a frcmr nine i-rrchos site i's natural uu*a:d' but the keY to s,ul::lrigatlon and/or and Parks. ELe- b. the optlrun gror'ring perdod for the sito ls Jrrne I to Septea'nber 3w4gs-llP, nsqrroN NearlY lwel to fairlv steep va3'leys' stflaLes' vatlon ranges rrortt d]ooo to L]'500 feet' 3. lr. gOtrj!. ao Moderately.deep to.d.eel:Ji3^ffk":i*ya"Sffl"l T:' :ffi H'Tff HriiHl#tf {il"ti"il'r""i-rrisorormed layers "p "o*Eoin";;" ihi;L. at' tome locations' foll's are geitera[v t'd#:ffid;-'u"" "'ii*ed roui'*tc p)'ant cover loss. I l.r.1- ;v l nAliGE SIIE NO. 2lr1 b. July, 1963 Pege 2 . I Ihs eoilLs Lu thls stto eres ,. X{-Ac ,, (.r, _ .rrj i ;., Iz 5. P0TtsmIAt PLAI{T C@{I[firy , '(uf I x /z "4c- b. 0ptl:ffii dernsity Ls ?Cf. . Gr Herbage productlon of thl'e slte l,s per acre (*fr OqY). 21000 to lrr0@ Pounds !' 4']t',i)) to 1\Lfted hal:Erassr slondor wheatgrass, alptne tinotfty, NebraskE- sedge, ovalf,ead iedge, and BaLtlc rrrsh fcfiq a meedoir aspect' WIlIo;g a* a part 6f'tire plarrt corrmur-ity. Other shnrbs are bog bjxch, sirri,Uty cinqlref;il. and sj.Iver sagebnrsh in sniail. prdporbto;s. Forts tuciude AnErj-cen bistorL, nonkshood, i::<itUp narsh marigold, sa:C-f,rage, sedun, !Tt?*u{l shoottng- star, ini:mose, guitr"ir, $c€rbi-ar elephanthead pedicuJaris, and horbaceous cl.nqmfolJ.. In the sroarrpy ar€as assoclated atlth thio slte, cattallst bulnsheri aird other rrater lovlrg plants bEcsue fupor"t'ant' 6. SIECIFIC IYIB LOCATTOII . dr Wet areas ln CrU rorrria Park, nerrtt Count'y, Colorado' b, East of Montment' ln Elack Forost. cr West Cre€k Area, Ieller Curnqr. NA}IGE SITE SO. AlT MqJNTAIN I,IEADCTJ .tuly, 1963 GUIDE FOR DEf,EM4INT.;O R'I{GE CC{DTITON .---.-"r<7ffi lvulu.|ru$ INCREASEN.s AIIo'IASIE IltVLOrnS 1. 2, 2.. 3.'l+. l.t. 9. DECREASENS Slender r+beatgraso Nebnaska sedge Thurber fescue Ligusticun (osha, cerery/ Cor parsnlp A1plne tirootiry Ovalhead sedge Baltic rlsh Canada bluegrass FoxLalL barley Richarrison mtrly Cottonsdge I^Ioodnsh Reed,grass ( caknragrostis ) Clorrers Iarrore Amerlcan bistorb Aster Irrdca C'roundsels ( genecios ) Herbacoqug cinquefoiLs Water hemlock Falee heLlebore Monkshood HLks] { p marshnarlgold Sa:dftag€ Sedwn RLre$eed Shoot'lngstar Prirnroes Genetlan Srrertla (g.m genti-an) PedLcularis (Elephant head) W1il-svm SllvEr sagebrush - Bog blrch Sh::rftW einguefol.l " Cattail.s * Bul-nsh "Reed ./ lamotl4y $nooth bnsme fiedtcp Keotuclqy blue- ' grass Onchard grass Canada thlstLe and other irtro- duced species, both deslrable and undeslrabLe for f,orage L> 10 T T f T ) 10 llirdrr{m requLred fon eccellint.- 59fi 20, rrlth a llni.t of 5S for angr one speolee \ L0 T qr , >c Tf TLE: VEGETA IVE INI0:?i';ATI0i':- LIOI{S RIDGE IOII: ELDORADO E}IOINI]EI?S BY: ROEERT L. HO1'',T,AI{D .DISIRTCT CONSENVAT] il\fST IN CO0PERATION !',TTii: EAGLE COUN'fY SCD I tl f i; 1i.";r;i: .i ::i;, I :l ;ii'13'"1.1t.,;.;1'':;i..,i..!.1,.'''..i il .;:...1.' i. i': ,. ' '..= . ' ..: i:r : , :. -..., .i'._... ., .i l:, Lr l:,:. il .i.,.i.,: ,', il .r.,: , , ...i ^.;.' .:'.,.l: :.i I . '.. . .. .: :t, ...r a ,:';..;.-.1..., i.. :;t, i:,::l'':.:.i::':ji'.ijl..:r-.i:lii;!1i.ilr:;.l,l),l1,.i.l:i;]1j1.:..].i]':,i:;.i'i';].l;i'..^;,..'..',i"],].1):'i.:l I irit' . 1 i, ,:! t;i, i.::lj jii .;\r1.,:r,,,.:' i.': l;1, .:.:t'; t;irl..f. 1,.,;.,ri,- r..i;-:.,i,tn f :g.r-Ut)N5.5 2.r0 FttE coDE cof{s-r&5 l\o r,r------_r--_t@!YrruaL/ !K J GROUP'l I\ UNIT OF GOVERNMENT REQUESTED BY lilCoi.:r,1o Flngl rreens LOCATIO{ Hovrard Tingley lc Ed fhomas ASSISTEDBY liobert L. lIor,"rland DATE * Ci,.lc rpFolrirte crtc3ott. natl v€ shal-1orv. gras s ,lieb-er. primrose y, 'smoo *--, ci pta.iii on mo]"s I INVENTORY & EVALUATION on Lions r"1dge for developers. fhey requeste r, plants & cllmate, sirnllan to a range survoy. SUGGESTED SOLUTI Or.l.(S) :facing slope. The soils are nrr i ta rannlrrr Sone native plants aner TUfted. hairgrass, slender whea Thunbens fescue. aloine timothy, irisrasl(a sedrff. 'Ih'rnbers fescue. af pine timothy, iris, as Ov'lS. lnVAd.ef S ]-nC IUO.G trl-lno brome, ro'l to.or kentucky blrregrass, & d orchard grass. grass, bluebunch whea.tgrass, l'tles tern 'r,vtreatgrass, June prlcl<1y pear, Elevat i on bluebells, gilia e: some smaLl areas of a rannes from about 8.000 to 9.500 ft. Pr nches, with about h e erl ec Elve as snow. the opblmum growlng season i s. l/i s rr 15 to Jul;i u'ooer reaclles o a property are cc pi ne. Stnce seeiings w111 probably be made in subsoll material, an ap,ollcatlon of 20-301 Nibro6Sen & 50t/ phosphorus should' be considered. Avoid companion crops. 1\iulchlng should be consldered. Followlng is a llst of ad"apted species. 0n the most critisal slopes, double the neconnnended rabe. Specl os F,unch adapted a'\r11/\ <r1tlav4l/ v v *r v north s outhr Pure Live ^ ^ ^aD('\;LT acreass Bnornegnass(manchar) Bnomus lnenmus Pubescent vrheatrass Agropyr.on brichophorum ",€stern wheatgrass Agropyron smlthli Bluebunch wheatgnass A6ropyron spicatum X Intermedlabe wheatgnass Agropyron lntermedium IYelloou sweetclover Trief ilotus of f iclnalls 11u1 bi f lora rose Rosa muftiflona Serviceberry Amellanchler alnlfolia Cholrecherry Pnunus Virglanlana t\la t-:1 rta n tllm Pn:nus amercana Pondorosa plne Pinus pondenosa Sod former x ( legu:ne ) ( shrub ) (shrub) ( shrub) ( tree ) lbs, X x x X x Y JL x X X JL x x t, 11 I 7 l-Use wlth mlxture of grass 't:1