HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 2 PHASE 1 UNIT B LEGALLb Deeign Reuiew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:97fi-479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com ProjectName: LOHRENTZ STUCCO Project Description: Participants: P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001401 Proiect Address: 1141 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL CASOI.AR DEL NORTE UNIT'B' Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DRB Number: DR8070391 FINAL APPROVAL FOR DfiERIOR MODIFICATIONS INCLUDING STUCCO TO MATCH UNIT'A'; REPI.ACE WOOD RAIUNGS V'/TTH MEATL RAIUNGS ON THE ENTIRE BUILDING, MODIFY WEST ELEVATION WINDOWS owNER LOHRENTZ, MARY LOU & MLUAM0S/I3|aOO7 T960 INNSBRUCK DR ATLANTA GA 30350 APPLICANT PEEVLANGENWALTER ARCHITEC'IS09| L312007 Phone: 970-476-4506 P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001401 ARCHffiCT PEEVLANGENWALTER ARCHITEC-ISOB| t312007 Phone: 970-476-4506 Location: Legal Description: Lot: A-7 Block:2 Subdivision: CASOLARVAIL Parcef Numbe r= 2(O3-OL4-L4OO-{'tl Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Aqtion: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz O8l L6/ZOO7 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 08/16/2007 By: SDH Action: AP All new exterior material textures, colors, and detailing to match those o<isting on adjacent duplex unit. Cond:0 Plianner: Sot Hunn (PW): DRB apprcn al does not consiltute a permit for bultslrg. Please consult with Towt of Vail Bulldlng personnel p|or b consEnction acftltles. Cord:201 DRB appoval shall not becorne valld br 20 days follorlrB the dat€ of appronl. Gond: 202 Apprornl of ttris proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year folbwlng the date of final apprwal, unless a buiHlng pemlt ls issued and aonstnldon is ornmened and is dllpendy pursued byard qnpletion. DRB Fc Paid: $2O.0O Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Revi Crepartnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: AII projects requiring design review must receive approval prior b submittirE a building refer to the submitl,al requirements fur the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Re/iew cannot be accepted until all r€quired information is received by tf|e Community Development Deparunent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unlees a building p€rmit is issued and consruction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposa l= tot:^4/?alo"k 2- Physical Address: Parcet o.: ZlO<e l+t4OOz (contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 tur parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): f (,4 2^nVOr^ enone: _ 1p-7h - 477' 0 ?s43 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 'rtOIOy;,* Ptrfg o(rt { - Mailing Address: - ^+Ic^n $50 Plus $1.00 per square fioot of bbl sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 [::"J:HflT;[:tr{,:#"',ffi ::T:',#$i',*,.,.o*."611&gl? commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor charges to buildings and site improvefnents. , +f$t ii,_reroofing, painting, wiMow additions, larldscaping, ftnces r€taining walls, etr. $20 For minor charEes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re+oofing, paintjng, wirdow additions, landscaping. ftnces and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee D tr ,Y,= D TOWN OF VAIL Subdivision: Mailing Address: F E-mail Address: +l rt-tte.hQ,VAi[.ne-t rax: I Type of Review and Fee: D SigrE n ConcephEl Review E New Construction tr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration ($ngle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separatjon Request Buildino Materials PROFOSED MATERHIS Tvoe of Material Itn a hat' ne\) NA Color Roof Slding Other Wall Mabrhb Fascla SoffiE Windows Wirdow Trlm Dools Door Trim Hand or Deck Raib Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouse Retaining Walls Exterlor Llghting Other I{ot€s: H/A N/A\ -u\ ?V$'r 4e. Please specify the manuhcture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. €kt,un *.' ruafe-.V L'r,titA F:\cd6{FOR!6\Pernits\HanningpR8\&b_minor-alt_1-25-2007.d4 Pag€6of 13 tu23lz00s 11518 Casolar Del Norte Drive Vail. CO i DE'j,ii;'l ni:'JIEV'J u'r-* i'li) F..-,$,lNER: P-7- *m ETPNOPIn|IVOWTCT WTITTEf, APPROV|L I.STIER C/*ttltt *1. Scor?- t, wm n o-6tiblEiZ.E*l 3-,. 1o* *J* pro.,., ro..tld ar -(r*focad DEr NoAre, ut tl .__ -,plo,,Eors btcr $ wffrn rrro'ret of t€ DlF dlH whl6 have bcsr t|tilEd ts tfi. Tom oa Y.l commwfty Derrdogmlnt gcp.ttfiirt for th! tropcd lmgroycmcnb u, ba onftsOed rt tle arlltl. noE abor!. I trre'ftlrd tnil 0t Fnp.{d trnpro,tltrntt bdud|!: dX"6gz fdd|ffondl', DL!. clrr* ds rtiUncnt h*nr w dt b |r..f rgpucrtb b yan: 6 I La*And UE? nhw t rdbttct rrnl E rr* b tE P8 ow tlr. au* ol 6b tdt*'tl Ztr tnt&e wfi rE rent affibE & r,d,qtMtE (ltl,/l,,lturr.) E I@ dttrd ntdfu* rntp, qM, )ltfr, llGt t .E to tlt frr a'a- W alu* of Uu rcttr prry b bosglt b ny tutthtt by tls ffi tv fuol qpqol btbrcuwn|MlsrdatblEETwt. @t Jo|llprq.'ty orra Ldrr twbd lo/lt lg06Er FumEnx'lFs[|raPrmrlrloRBlrD_cn Er_b-]rF!\d-Jrh||_tJtr_tol}lq.doc o (I'>E> -c) 5o--ojt ZE IItitiIt tit :5ittf o E o o (- l r\r) ITT q) '- r.-r I nrJ)Yl.1-l olzl -lol -l -l,l ol olal t.qlI L JItl lmltxl tr)l -l4clol'Fl $l>I PI olMI-lNI t-l pt.t -lnl JI 1 tu ; l\\ 'l .9 (! o IIJ olql ulFI +rl .elxl uJl l L I tl.; cc c o t-o oEoz Eo $ o @(It loclc] '.=llR tst=>t'Ol ctrl€ +rl G fla =t b-JE.I r.r El p ,tl5 o ;otc ; ctttr .9,x IIJ oi (!l ol EIol =lBlolEI =lo G o IIJ +,oo =,L.,-,'':. oo'o.ot;'O L\. o- o B ; o)o Lo-a TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R070001500 Anourt: $20.00 O8/L3/2OO7O2:35 PM Palment Method: Check Init : iIS Notation: 7 O 7 9 5 / PEEI.hJA}iIGEIiIWAIJTER ARCH . Permit No: DR8070391 TIE)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103 - 014 -1400-3Site Addregs: 1141 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL L,ocation: CASOLAR DEL NORTE I,NIT 'Bl Total Fees: $20.00Thia Payment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ PmtE: $20.00Balarce: $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription DR 00100003LL2200 DESrGill RturEI{ FEES Current Pmts 20.00 o D o esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Scott (Deck) Project Description: Proposcd dcck cxtcnsion and roof Owner, Address and Phone: George Scott,30lt S. Peninsula Dr., Daytona Shores, FL 32118 Architect/Contact. Addrcss and Phone: ll5l Casolar Drive Lot 2, Blk. 2, Casolar Vail Building Name: Z& Project Street Address: Legal Description: ParcclNumber: 2103-014-14-004 Comments: Colors to match existing Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: staff approved Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 9-17-97 Board / Staff Action Action: DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 Qucstions? O. Planning Staff at 479-2128- APPLICATION FOR DESTGN REVIEW APPROVAL .-lr LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT: U BLOCK: 14 FILING@ o B. WN OFVA PHYSICAL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: NE: qaq-?t\ -q88q OWNBR(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition wherc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. Includcs millor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts, sttch as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnces and retaining walls, ctc. For any application where the applicant wishcs to meet with Dcsign Rcview Board to dctcnnirre whether or not thc project gcnerally conrplics with thc design guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccptual rcvicws. DRBfeesaretobepaidatthctinrcofsubmitta|.Later,whcnappllngforabui|dingpcrmit,p|easeidentis thcaccuratcvaluationofthcprojcct. ThcTownofVailwill adjustthcfceaccordingtothcprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. : :] TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 ffMinor Altcration - $20 E Conccptual Review - $0 Updatcd l/97 APPLICATION FOR PHONE: PHONE:. TYPEPFREVIEWANDFEE: ., . E NcwConstruction-$200 , 'n Aooiiton - $s0 Construction of a ncw buildinc. ' ' Includcs any addition whcrc sf,uarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or r commcrciai building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnces and rctaining ;\ o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Sidittg Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails FIucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grcenhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Othcr * Plcasc spccify thc nranufachrrcr's color, numbcr and attach a small color chip **All cxtcriorlightingmustmcetthcTown'sLightingOrdinanccl8,54.050(J). Ifcxtcriorlightingisproposcd, ptcasc indicatc thc number of fixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Idcntify each fixture type and provide thc hcight abovc gradc. lunrcns output, lunrinous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthc lighting fixturcs. Argust tO, L997 R.J. Eterprises, Inc. P.O. Bo)< 3730 Vail, @ 81658 Dear I{r. ilo}urson, Ihe Board of Directors have of.:thec''@Solar ticmectdners' Association bave r:naninrcr:sly approved ttre plans fhat you sutrnitted for an additiot to the deck ar,ea of George C. Scottts residence at 1151 Ca-solar Drive' Lol- 2E,. If you harze any further questiots, please do not hesitate to call. Secretarlr-TTeasurer Casolar llGorf,ners' A.ssociation 1175 B Casolar Drive VaiI, @ 81657 970-476-0430 o t\ $ 2g F .:lllZ3t:e i5lt3 Fz?=z ?e 2tE. i €sFt5 EE € Edo.- #€3 "1 ..1 : Es *c/t.-o- c.l 3 =,4 tr'Hg? E7ul 6EEutI-rEe.\ H' ooo tn 'l a 5)G Dosg Fir Column T,?. r/t'=1'-O' zg Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.219 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: Minor Alteration DRB Number: DR8010310 Prctect Description: Re-roof both havles of a duple>< with asphalt shingle roofing Particapants: OWNER SCOTT, GEORGE C. & CYNTHIA H09/122001 Phone: 3018 S PENINSUI.A DR DAYTON BEACH SHORES FL 32118 License: APPUCANT SCOTT, GEORGE C. & CYNTHIA HO9|L7|2O0L Phone: 386-07614884 3018 S PENINSULA DR DAYTON BEACH SHORES FL 32118 License: ProjectAddress: 1151 SANDSrONE DRVAIL Locauon: Legal Description: Lot: A-7 Block: 2 Subdivision: CASOIAR VAIL Parcel Number: 210301414004 Comments: SeeC6nditions IOl,t,r\,# BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mo6on By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: Date of APProvalz 09lL7l2O0I Conditions: C.ond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entryt 091L712001 By: George Action: AP Approved per plans submitted and dated approved 9llTlOL Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005006 This approval is conditioned upon both haves of the duplex being re-roofed with the same asphalt shingle and at the same time. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Pald: l2o.oo Questions o ? Call rhe Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF TTIE REQUEST:Remove existing roofing and re-roof with asphalt shlngle roofing TOl[iN OFVAIL B. c. D. E. F. G. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:/see lhltBgt hereto FTLTNG: PTTSICALADDRESS: 1151 Casolar DrLve, Va1l, pARCEL#: See Attached (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:Duplex NAME OF OWNER(S): George & Cynthia Scott william & Mary Lou Lohrentz MAILINGADDRESS: Jo.n' oii8l!3i-liur'o"u-o'uo H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 386-76r-4884 owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAMEOFAPPLICANT; George & Cynthia Scott MAILINGADDRESS: 3018 So. Peninsula Drlve Daytona Beach, FL 32118 PHONE: 3860761-4884 Construction ofa new building. lncludes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 81657. , TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAI LETTER George C. Scott & Cynthla Il. Scott , ajoint owner ofproperty located at (print n me) ff51 /tl Casolar Drlve (attached 1egal description) provide this letter as (addresMegal description) written approval of the plans 6u,.6 (reroof - no Plans)which are submiffed to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements include removal of exlsting shi-ngles, reroof with aephalt Elk Prestige High Definltion 40 Year Dinenslonal shingJ-es. I further understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance witb the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Sept. 5. 2001 $*'^"o (date) o ffi Questions? Callthe Planning staff at 479-2138 ffi MrNoR ALTERATT.N' ro rHE ExrERroR oF BUTLDTNG'Tfiltil0tU,{[ry AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or elterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITIAL REOUIREMENTS '/d Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. tr Condominium Association approval (if applicable). tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. tr / , TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co,us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEI{ APPROVAL LETTER (print name) / /€/tt (oso /a. l, *T , provide this letter as written approval of tbe plans dated (addresMegal description) which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Developmeni for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address A,r above. I understand that tbe proposed improveme nu rrrcfude li(eP/aaa- /-o€ h"tq *ft, o' | .1,^) L - I furtber understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of tbe review process to ensure compliance udth the Town's applicable codes and regulations. {9"*"* ffiMrNoRALrERArro;;"":':ffi;- ' ruhN 0f HItffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional buiEing square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITIAL REOUIREMENTS g Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the existing conditions. tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. tr Condominium Association approval (if applicable). ! If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. O usroFPRoPosEpMArERrO EPE-QESIEBAI: Asphalt Shingles COLOR: Weatheredwood BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materiab Fascia SoffG Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimne)6 Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Odrer .r 1' * Please specify the manufiacturer=s @lor, number and attach a small color ch ip 4u4/-"tt 2''-'t'*-"- ,r.,i All e!(Erior lighung must nEet the Torun=s Ligtrting Ordinance 12-11-51. If oCerior lBhting b propced, please indiote the number of fxtures and locatiors on a separate lighting plan. Identify €ch ft<btre type and provide the height above grade, lumens ouFut luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fDftures, NOT APPLICABLE q I t\ PRoPosEp r-ANpscAPrNG i" I t" Botanical Name: Common Name: OuantiW: SjZd: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper confferous trees - 5 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. MAY 1,2001SCHEDULE NUMBER CONOO: C,{SOLAR VA|L UN|T:2 DESC:EAST BK j0271 pG-0215 BK{328 pG.0408 BK{402 p Q{641 pTD 12-1$84 BK-0416 pc.O7E2 SWD 04-2585 8K{606 pG.0739 WD o4_21-8e SCOTT, GEORGE C, & CYNTHIA H. 3018 S PENINSUIA DR DAYTON BEACH SHORES FL 82118.5912 TYPE OF PROPERTY PARCEL NO. 2LO3OL4L4OO4 ao PARCEL N0. 2103014140003 FfltEElr*d:li DArE: IVIAY 1. 2fl)l SCHEDULE NUMBER TAX YEAR TAX AREA CODE LEGAL DESCR|ffON OF PROFERW (t\itAy BE tNCOt\rpLETE) m05509 2001 scl10 CONDO: CASOI-AR VA|L UNIT:2 OESC:WEST BK {P91 PG{X7€ WD e1G79 BK{X128 PeO lm BK{HE PG{I|5| OCO 04{B-€xt BKd) 6 PG{I|580C-Do4{)cet P Ro P E R T w N E R LOTIRENrZ, MAFT LOU &WI.IJAM B. -JT 7U) INNSSRTJO( DR ATLEMAGAqBSO4iN TYPE OF PROPERTY fiOR YEAR ACT1IAL VAUE + OR - CHANGE IIXff.BRESIDENIIAL3683E094710't00090 368380 34710 ,los(Fo GEORGE C. SCOTT 301 8 So. Peninsula Drive Daytona Beactt, Fl 321l8 386-761-4884 Phone 386-3M-V222 Fax Consulting Engineer September 6, 2001 TownofVail Dept. of Cornmunity flevelopment 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Judy Many tbanks for your phone he$ to me regarding ths filing of the erclosed application It is always a pleasure to go into City Hall at Vail. Unlike most other towns and cities, all of the people are always very courteous and helpfuL If additional infomr,ation is needed lvith this application please do not hesitate to let me know. Thankyou very much. )wnurvwY-)5,^l.Q/'**-- George C. Scott GCS:cs enclosures '|**tt't'tt**tll**+l+f*'iatliat*tl+**ltf*lal*filtlf+rlaaa*laaf'lat*a*ll++***al+**laaafaa****tt+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO stateoed +tt*fttt*****t***'ttlllt*'l*'l*ll*'3**t****tlt*l**lllla**ftlgtall*l:iaaa*+*l*l**lal***f++tal*|ltaa Statcment Nuniber: R000001389 Anount: $20.00 09/L7/?O0LLL:10 All Payoent llethod: Cheek Inlt: JAR Itotetion: 2L26 Pertnit lro: DRB010310 Type: DRB - inor Alteratlqr Parcel No: 2103 01414004 Site Addreee: 1151 SANDSITONE DR \rAIL Locat,ion:Total Fees: 920.00 Ihla Pa)ment: 920.00 Total Al'L Prnte: 9?o ' o0 Balance: So'00 *+***t'lt*t*ftt*atlt*a*ttt******t*tt*lt*tr*****f**l**aaf*'t**a*ltar*l***ftl**'taaf****lr'|at*fla ACCOIJNTITEMLIST: Account Code Descrjption Current Hfts DR 00100003112200 DESIG0I REVIEW FEES 20.00 OERIRI HBC COLORADO LLC A HORN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION GROUP COMPANY dba Hom Brolhors Ftootirg ' tl tt wesl6lh Ave lln/l I I akewood. Colorado 80215 6001r BoOU.o"* ErcETN i;eratd Steet lloohnq Sales & hBlaUalou '. Bus.ness Snce 1984 ofilce (970) 218-0556 Fax (970) 218 3290 Toll Free (877) 898 1996 www gerafouSa com Bccause thc addition of Elk shingles is one of the best ways to irnprove the visual appeal, and market value, of your hornc. Their rich, dirncnsional appearance makes a real statement. And they have many more advantages over comtnodity shingles - wirhout costing a lot m.rre. Did you know that up to {0olo of your home's exterior may show as roofingl So your choice of a shingle is no small detail, indced. That's one rnore reason to go wirh the natural, high-profilc look of Elk shingles. Elk givcs you four ways to upgrade, with four distinct roofing products - in a widc range of colors, thicknesses and options. So if you're looking for the perfcct roof for your climate, your neighborhood or your home - look no further than Elk premium roofing. . aaaaa INAilS'ERABI.tu$tlr! tfttttilY All l)restiqne slrirrgles lrat. e Unlnella Coveruge l n the first [A,e rcars - a limrrgd u'ananry tritir initidl nonlrr;nlrtpd coietdg( !,- l^hor a shingbs, plus an rprron /or lmrrtd trans/erabi[t-'-. Prodnct limitcd u'rnranti es can he "htained frL,n th'e discributor or r44c.c!rszr4r-{rl]]. I-imited u,unonties rnal b. rcgistcred onJrne ,rr thragh th: lruril. Cover; Prcsrr4ue i'h.s High Definition it Anti4ue Sbte. Opprrsite: Prestirpe Ph/.s High Definirion it Weatheretlv,ood. Presri4uc' Pl's H i gh L)efinirion' in Sobleu,or.,<1. Our flagship p-trcduct, thesc prenr o lum c()mp()sition shinglcs appeal to thr-,sc * ho dernantl the best. Thc1, have our I ligh Definititn look, u'liich gives thcm an irnpressivc tlimension:rliry that is unsurpasscti ir-r the inclustry'. I'rcstique Plus shir-rglcs have the thickncss and visual appcal of wood, plus thc safety :rnd ilurability of fiherglass - and are backt'c1 by a 4O-year lin-rited warranty. I'restipre Pltc High Definititxr nr Shaketro,,ri ()fn.rsitc: Pr,,rtiqrrr: l'hrr High [)ctiniti,rn in Forcsr ()rcen. Pr,:sn,p l'lus I ligh [)eirnirilrn ir L]arkrrrro,i. o esThcse premiurn comfr()sition shillgl hiive our Lligh Dcfinitkn look, u'hiclr crc-irtcs natural visr-ral dcpth untl sha.lorvs mrrch like thirt oi wood shir-rgles. Tllrr-rgh a prcnium roofing prorlrrct, Prcstiqr.re I shi n gles are su rpri si ngly irl'fortlahle irncl backerl by a.lLl-yeilr limitcd warrirnty. llrunmtLill[M, ;;;,;; i". 'tr.f i i I Ii :lr l)(lrrr,rr.,r) r" i L, L,- l)11,r"ite: l\i'rrr,Iir I IIi!lr I)etiniii,n) m.\rrtr,1rr. \Lrt.'. Prestique II laminated shingles perfect way to upgrade for a modest price. Though they have our Raised Prolile* look, which gives them the rich dimensional appearance of a more expensive roof, they cost little morc than ordinary three- tab shingles. And they are covered by a ?5-year limited warranty. Prcstr4lz II Raised Profilc in Sabler,r.,ood. Ct)posite: Prer[iqle Il Raised Profile in Fnrest Green. o are the Prestique lI Raised Profile in Barkwood. Jrrst as firliagc irncl l',rril.ling tlatcritls virrv frorrr regii'tr to tcgiotr, sir tlres the Ircfcrcnce ti)t' ccrtain r,,rtfitrg c,rl,'rs. Ttr .:rt i.ll |rrul t r( !l(,l-I'\ tlllirltl\' I rqtlir('ll)L l lt5, Elk hls crcate(l this scrres of sclcct PrestirlrLe cohrts. Sce tl.re "Protlrrct Avnilahility" clrart on pirgc l1 fi,r tlct;riLs. h$i r16 :6El-I!: lirri/rrr, ual \\.'JL1tur,i \.rnJ.rhr,, ,,1 1C Designed for homes with more steep roofs, Capstone shingles arc the newest premium roofing producr from Elk. C)ffered in three uniquc color blends, Capstone shinglcs creare an indelible impression of deep shadows, parricularly on homes with stceper roof profiles. But the word "timeless" applies to more than Capstonet classic looks. In fact, we're so confident of its superior performance, wc back Capstone with a 3O-year limited warranty with non-prorated Umbrella Coverage for application labor and shingles for the initial l0 years, plus an option for limited transferabili ty. o promlnen mllllra-lEm" 'i.i.i,.i.i Not uvailable in aII Western smtes. See thc product auailahility chart on page 1 3 for deniLs . Ir- E- Capstone in Granite. Cdps[one in Moss Ros€. Capsfone in Fossrl Crc.v. For best results, your new roof should complement your home's exterior color scheme, blcnding with its brick, stone, wood and/or paint colors. To sclect the best colors for your home, view five or six shingles in natural day- light at a distance to get the full impact of the blending of colors and patterns. Remember that a shingle color on the roof may vary depending on conditions and timc of day. For instance, it will appear differently in direct sunlight as opposed to ovcrcast conditions, and rainy, wet weather will affect its look as well. The photographs bclow demonstrate h<-rw a color may change based on various conditions. A Veatheretlwood Pre stique I ligh Definirion roo/ illuminated b1 direct sunligJt at tnitldal. The same roc'! in lull stn'L dtuing the late afwmoon. The identical ruof on an overcast dl\. We mnkt cuerl attempt to relnesent our product colors as accurutell as modem lninting tcchnology allows. Nuretheless, we aLwuls recotnmend you uiew acnnl shinglzs belore making u firnl color choice. l7 ( Not all products available in all colors - check chart fot availability. BircAu,ur.d (Prcsri4re i ond II onh) CepsroN E Fr.,rsil (irer CHoosrNG A Coron Anti4uz Slntc W:atltcredruood .Shalerroorl Sableu,ood Hrck,,n A.Jpcn V/hife Barkv,ood Fotlst (,-rrcn Vedgetuood (Prestiqrrc Plrrs and I onll)Sundaltlood Moss Rose (iranire o ABIPnoDUCT Averl LITY Area ONE Area TWO Colors me auaiWb in all three PrestiEte lnoducts unless other- wise noted below. Area THREE Antique Slate Shakewood Hickory Sandalwcxrd Birchwtnd Aspen Whitc !ileathercdwood Sablcwood Barkwood lTedgewcxrd Forest Green Capstone (All Colors) StirinGuardo Tieatment Zt ridge Hip and Ridge ( CAecl /.' A, alabil,.r ) I Pr{xirrir AraiL il,^ ANarouy Or Chcrnicallr-inert granlles for protectitn from the elenrcnas Uhra-Mat' /iberghrss base rc'sisrs f()tutrg, uLrf pilrg, curlirg utd firc (Ptuniw I !,!llI O^b) (&erd!! ll Chl_,-) (Prcstrq!! Pll'J dnl i Chlt) (P'csnau t MiII (}tl.\) BI BJ FI ts! FI E{ E{ tsT E{ F{ E{ E.' F' FI BJ FI IU ru (g B Et-x RoorrNc Seal-A-RidgeB with FLX"' Hip and Ridge I-avT of thick as1thah for supenfi uaterproofing (Prcsu,rre Pl.6 dnd I (hh) Tuo lalns of fiberglsss- reinfcnced asphalt arc Iamhatetl ito a sir'gk unit Erclrait'e bortorn layr of gtctnules (Presrique Plw only) for exceptional thrckness an<l ttautt 13 (Clurcl /or A0dlabil,'l) '()upstottea+'aihbleirrUrzrh,W1rrming,()oLlodo,NorthandSouthDokoa,Nebruska,Karas,Mtnnesoa,Ioua,MisstnniutdtlwDronces andAIbernin()arlia.'.StainCuardtreatmenttuniIlbIeinTelas,oklahoma,Louisif1l,7i:nnesseeandKcntuck1.Produrtseltcii,n:anl.coIatoennpore subject to change without ruttice. c{ trJ E{ U g FJ E{ tsJ BI EJ u RidgeCrest., Vented and Non-Vcntcd Hip and Ridge {Ch.c* for A(uLbiliry) THr LaurNATroN Pnocuss Second. hyet of thick asphah for your assuruue of outsanding yo uc tiotr THs BExEFITS Or FEATU RE The Iliglr Definition kxrk of Prestique Plus ancl Prestique I shingles o Er-K PnErttutr,t Roortx Wuv I r's Brn'sn o G More rmpressive,iefinitiorr tlran ever, enhances a horrrc'.s appearance antl value. The Raised Prr.file look of Prcstique ll shingles A rich, cJimensional look without the harstr, unnatural shadow lines seen on many c()mpetitive products. The traditional look crf Capstone shingles Excellent limited warrantics with Umbrella Coverage and an option firr limited transferability Premium laminated fiberglass-rein{brcecl asphalt construction Slate-like dimensionality and an impression of deep shad,,w., especially on steep ror.rfs. Pcar:e of mind from superior protection and possibly better resale value. ln the everlt of a clairrr, Elk pays based on reasonable rcplacement costs of application labor and shingles. Years of exceptional performauce, scaling out clamaging rain, sleet. ice. snow and wincl. UL Wind Resistant and Class "A" Fire Ratings Highest ratings li)r pr()tection against wind and fire rlanrage. Ral)J{ )rn-cut de\ign A distinctive, natrrral look - and easy installation. Wind(iuarcl" sealant Elk vs. Ordinary Thrcc-tab Shingles BEF( )RE: ( )rdinarr rhrec trt r/rorglcr cr. flar, thirr anl cll,,rr rool d.c/i nnlttlictt,ns to rh,rrr L ft)Ltg, Elk vs. Wood Shinglcs Le/i: \\irr,,1 rhrrtgl.,,rrr nrore c-rlrirr:iu,: anJ con yrlit. rrarp, clrl arll brrnr. L.rno.atr:d uirril nai r1r, 1{.rDil)tt\ rll (lll. t4 Extrir protc( I ir)r) againrr bl,rw-offs. AFTIIR: T/t,: adJiri,rn,f /\c.slrpr,: P/ur itt -{nti prr Slrtr, rr ith rhc Hrgh f)ctiniri{n lrr}k. letrdr thc hr,lse o nt,rrc rlirtinctir'.' l,ro/r. Riglt: Elli shrrrgLr are nur.l. rlit/r rtn [:ltra-\'lrrt /i/,. relr,.' 1',rrr a, ,n,,r.l th. prrrirl 'rnr rrf r, rtl. .Alv '. Ell shrlgls rnrrr ,r I l. ( llrsr '.\' /lr rrrurrg ,r' t,'lits iirnit,:d t,nnntics r/ rrlr to 40 r.ros. StainGuard Tieatment. Certain typcs of algae can discolor the shir-rgles on your rrxrf. That's why u'e'r'e devekrpcd our Staincuard tre:rtment. +Av,rrlahle in rre,r' I anJ J,'nlr. ('hccL t.r ,rvarl,rl'rlrrr. Ser p.tsr I I i(Jr Ll( r,ril\. Frx rsHrNG To uc o HE How to keep what's over your hcad from looking old hat. Just try Z ridge premium hip and ridge shingles - their unique, multi-laycrcd design adds a clistinctive finishing touch tt, your roof. It will put an encl to boring rooflines. RidgcCrest Vented and Non-Vented Hip and Ridge RkigeCrest adds dimension to any roofline. Its unique shinglc-ovcr structure and tapered RrocuCnrsr profile create a urore imprrcssive appearirnce. RidgeCrest is matle u'ith Forrnula FLX and is availahle in both vented ancl nLrn-\:cnrcd fbrm. Vented RiclgeCrcsr can be an rntegrirl part of a roof 's attic ventilation s1'stenr. A few dry facts about Seal.A.Ridgc with new Formula FLX Seal-A-Ridge hip irnd riclge sl'ringlcs provitle extra nrute( t lur l SEAL-A.RIf'GE TiXagarnst Leaks and u'ind bkru'-olG. Thcir 12" x 12" si:e rs l.erfect for stanclaril or mosr shingle-over ridgc vents. Fonrula FLX nrakes Scal-A-Ritlge shingles very u'orkable antl casy to insrall, and helps thcm retain their fbrm once shapcd. Roof Accessory Paint Elk Roof Accessorl, Paint is clcsigncd to help vcnts, flashing and other accessrlrics blcncl in with yor-rr roof. It's specially firrmulated and designed to complement the subrle hues of every Prestique and Capstone shingle. Scal-A-lliclgc titl ForrnaLl FI-X rdds a Jisrincritc ulcnrurrr ar r/ris r,r,y' ,rf Prrstr.prc Plrrs in filrr:t Grlrn (--raltcd in nr.'taland ir,rn.l pnirrr,'d. rhri ,/r.r)i. rr, rr,.rr/r,' r.ur. r\ (r r,rl.o15 piect Ltl urt.ll,,,rcicr one /or-r,,rl homr, osk ,_,rrrr contr,lrrrr or call Elk ar (888) 4Cl.4.ttrlr 15 J rrJ1. .r'rJ I\. 'rrg',. I'|,' r'r \h.r/.. r,,,,,/. Ridgc(.rest oil,l. .r)r r\hir rlnnprl\irn to thLs rtx\ oll)rcst;./rr I'lrrr in \!lorirr.'Jurr,,,l. THE Er-x LtNr Ar o A Glnxcp Pntsrrpur Plus High Definition The attranive shading of our thickesr -shingle offers an impres-sitre dimensionnlitl unequnlr tl in lnminated shhryLes. Backd by a 4)-year Iimited warrontl. C oupent soN PnusrreuE I High Definitkn Shatling creates a risual deltth that goes be'tond its c onsiderable thiclness. Backed b1 a 30-1ear Limited warranty. Pnesrreur II Raised Profile A drrrrnrrlic sttl) uI) from futt-Lcx ing thrrc'tabs, t/re-se rlirnt rrsiorurl shingles ,rre backccl by u 25'year liniteri u'arrarr rl. Pnrsrreur II Raised Prrlile CepsroNr This traditional-Look shingle cr,:ates rrn indclible irnpres-sion o/ dcep shad, ru's. Backerl b,- a 30-y,:rrr lirnited utaTTatTtJ. C e I'sroN rPnrstleur Plu s High Definition Pnrsr rr.2ur I High Definition Limited \dhrranrr Thrcknr:ss \l'ind Resistnnt Fir.'Raring Llpglade Ftrrrr Premium Roofing \\'\\ \\ (lki,rrl \',, lll Deepest Shadows Deeper Shadows Deep Shatltrws Slate-like dimensionality 40-year limitecl sarrantr penod, non- t n'ratcd covcragc for shinglcs and applicatr,.n labor f,,r the initial 5 rean, plus ar, option for transferahility*i prorated coverage fr)r appli.Ntil)n labor rnil shingles for talance of limited rfarranty pcriod; 5-ycar Lmired wind warmnty. 30-year limite.l *,rrrantv rri,rl: n.n- proratc,l covtr';rgr i rr shingles an.l rpplitrri,,n lah'r f,x rhe rnrtral j rcars, plus arr Lprion ior rrrnsfcrahilir,v'r proratcel covcrrgc ttx application labor and shinghs li,r bal,rnct' oi limLted warranty ncriod; 5-yr:ar' limirt'.j winil san,urtv li rrar lunrteJ n,rnmtv perri :non. proratcJ covcragc for shurgles anJ rrpplicrnon lahrr ior the initirl 5 rer.s, plus irn opti,,n 1,rr transfenhility*; trorirc,l colcrr'.r f,r.itrfli(Ition l;h,r lrrl Jru,glcs l.rr balancc of Luritcd warranty pcriodr 5.year limrtcLl NinJ uarrantr: i0-r'ear limiteJ s'rmnr; pnod, nonf rr)r ireir f ' rrerrgc r(rl shingls aml applcatrr,n hhor lin the rnLtial lrl ,!cars, Flur an optron frrr rr:rnsfirabilitv'r prorater'l coverrrge ior shingles only rlter l0 v.'rrrs; 5-vrar limitcrl s iml $rrrant!. Thickest Thicker Thick Thicker UL Rated UI- Rated UL Ratcd UL Rated UL Class "A"tll- C-lass "A"UL Cl.rss "A"UL Class A ' lleavyweight shinglcs Midweighr shingles Ctlunrt ity thrce-rahs Miclweight shingles *Scc acr!.rl \rnnn l For changes and updatcs in this information, visit our website at www.clkcorp.com. Presriqrrc-Plus altl Prcstique I shingles comply with the tcquirt'urt'nts t,f ASTM I) 3462, and in ICBO rcgtrlatrrry areas, neet the acieptirnce crireria of'ACl2?. The ICBiI Evaluation Sen'ice approvirl number for Prt'stitluc prrducts in these lttcations rs ER 5414. Prestique Il slringl,:s are optionally irvirilable to comlly with thc rerluiretttents trf ASTM D 3462 an,l the act:t:ptatrcc critcria of ACl27. Capstone shingles meet the t erltt ircrrt'uts oi ASTlvl t) 1462' Residents..rf|)a.ltl'Martirr,Brou'arcl'lrndl)almBetrchctluntiesirlF|trriilaslr.,ttlc1c.rntacttheirElkdisttibutorf(]fil-lti)rlrriii()n or.r pur Capstone :ind Prestique shingles whicl-r :rrc spccially 1,rt,.lrtce,.l to meet all the latest Metro Datlt' b'-rilJing codes. Prestique irnd Capstonc shingles meet the Canirdian Stat'r.lar,ls Association (CSA) cttde A123.5'98. ELKru 'lcrnle. AZ s00-i9l.s54t l)rrlrrrh, (iA f'0C-91i- t 5 5l Ennrs, TX tfr\ lls 67fi9 \lrcrstorr rr, I)A s00-944.+l+4 lrrrli,urepi'Lis, lN sff-lt6-61 l l Dclls'uc. WA :,7i S4tr-76Ji arc padernar/<s l)cndirr{ regisrtatron Prirrted in U-\A BR15 116l\l