HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTEPHENS SUBDIVISION PARCEL D PINE CREEK AT VAIL COMMON ENTRY SIGN LEGALoo Design Review Action Forrn TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Pinecreek at Vail Homeowner's Association Project Description: Subdivision Entrance Sign - 20 square feet, plywood, Black letters Owner, Address and Phone: Thomas Sorenson. Homeowner's Association President 7745' Flanders Aurora, CO 80016 (303) 699-8357 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Madelaine Kleinman, 2675 - 2 Kinnikinnick Vail, C(81657 476-7936 Project Strcct Address: 2675 -2 Kinnikinnick, Vail Legal Description: Sign Application - File under name Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: Pinecreek at Vail Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Planning Liaison: Kathleen Dorram Date: December 30. 1997 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approval F :\EVERYONRDRB\APPROVA L91PINECREE.D30 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $40.00 A. B. c. Qucstions? Call thc Planning Dcsk ^t479-2121\W This application is lbr zuty sign that is locatcd within the Town of Vail. Spccific rcquirenrcnts are availablc fronr thc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrntunitlr Dcvelopurcnt. Nanrcof llusincss: fl^tLc^t fi;l( frT y'fttt l+onaOup{rcs 4ttr- Building nanre and Nanrc of owncr:Phonc: 3a 3'tS1'e3d7 Mailing Signature of owner: Narnc of pcrson subnimng: HftwtnN{ lLtEtNHrl! phone: 470 - q7t- 7?3t (lf dift'crcntthan owncr) Adfuessi AL?.9-a lqpNilq!^Jtclc th+tL (o tuLg-7 Typc ofsign (see back for definitions): d Fr""standingtr Wall signtr Other, spccify: D. E. F. tr Hanging sign tr Awning TOlflN OF yAIL &oatL Sign 6u l( | 5f I n'r:dc rtLz, D Sizc ofsign and sizc of lcttcring for cach sign proposcd:Lgrrfas lf -t o" Hlc'* t.'\R G. H. L J. K. L. Lcngth of busincss frontagc: Hcight ofsign abovc gradc:0' Numbcr of signs proposcd: I Nurnbcr and sizc of cxisting signs: O Location of cach sigrt (aftach a sitc plan and an clcvation drawing or a photograph clcarly indicating thc proposcd location): 5E{ RTT.n c\tlj D ?ffr{o5 : I r.\-r l:retj c'Tto, aF r{,NN\KtNr,Jtc-|( RD. Dcscribe lightirrg of sigt (existing or proposcd): tIo r,.J€ M. N. 'N5' stt-N Matcrials and colors of sign (attach sanrplcs): 5A( fiTrfic*f > >utscRrenott O, FEE:$20.00. PLUS $1.00 pER SQUARE FOOT OF SICN AREA. Mofetaitu I(tehman Decenber 30, 1997 Department of Comnunity Developmentrown or val_IVail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: Pine creek at Vail consists of five homes on a private drive offKinnikinnick Road in Intermountain. AII the hoires have theaddress of 26'75 Kinnikinnick Road. Commercial delivervcompanies, as werr.as personar guests have difficurty iinding ourlocation as there is. no sign to indicate that our prlvate roid is a- part of the main Kinnikinnick Road. To all-eviata this problem,the honeowners have decided to have a sign installed to directpeople to the 2675 Kinnikinnick Road homes. I have attached theapplication form, as well as the other pertinent. data that ther-i f rr rarrrli rae rFlra ar'r. l i ar+.i ^- ,-,-presidenr or our il:-:3*i::3!':3"[:i"Ef3;:':3 3Yt13il"3"5?";fl:'homeowners' associations approval of the sign. ff_ there is gny other informat.ion that you might need, pleasecall me at the number berow. Thank you so much for reviewing ourapplication. Sincerely, l*-i*@ . 26Z5-2 Kirnif@tni&re1i . ,I/ai[, Cobradn 676i2 . (920) 426-29J6 . ,a//P/b )q7?) ,-) .J \"0 f L\- 2s 142tit cil.a {"n z .IJL tAit :{. 2F \/rnrm IJ.J r&J trJ =ffi {n\9 -,..t) t UL. l-u l -'t't' V l:5€, Pm H T GHTECH 9I ']HS 9?ct 4b7r-l'i-r9o DATE FROM CLIENT ATTENTION PHONSFAX REFERENCE PROPOSAL oclobcr 7, 1997 Drnny Pednick Krittcn & Tom Sorenson Krtstcn DESCRIPIiON OUANIITY stzl MATERIALS OESIGN/ART INSTAL,JNON OTHER BUDCET e4 upon wh€ther the ground is frozan. upon your review of thio ectimate. Avon, CO tl C20 Ph: 970 919.15G Fr: 970.e49.r1070 flq Noltinghrm Ford Avon, C0 tl6?0_ Ph: 970.9€.45+5 Fx e70 049.4070 Wtrl.rfl Olqp. Gltrn{ood springs As!an Ph. 970.945 6695 fxi 970,949 1670 ./url Sc.t''-(u) cfu/*t -/ // ,/ft 77 GP Using oversized P and C with font simit:r lg CHENANGO end reviscd copy and totter(€-.tO llgi anO4S" trigiltariing at words pri- vltr dfiv!- Copy ls: \ P, e! nt.aee.atst/32/, ?+Lf Hi Kristen, ThE following ie s ret of revlsed ligures for the 4 x 5 foot wood sign that wo prGvlously discussed for th€ entranc€ to Pine Creek, The intormg. tion is brokan down by components so you msy build your own rign. The pricc of the sign includos thc lrtwork nrccJsary to lay out the sign to your s.tisfection. lt do.6 not include.permil fees for th€ Town nor th. timc involvcd in processing e permit, if ii[6'lh](me ls to be lnvolved. POSTS: 2 Log Posts, 0" in diamoter and 10 f6et tall 2 Rcd'vood or cedar posts SUBSTRATE: 1 x 12" ccdar panets 1 x 12" pins panels LETTERS: Pine Creek //uner Privqte Drivc tot 2ilTSKinnlckhnlck +rr/++ / -; > lnd errowherd Acrylic lrttrrt rnd enowhcad, flat cut osts includlng in glaUatio.lr-fulls f hickness lrom 1 1 4fi 2 lndt Alumlnum lrttrrr rs above co tion l$ $150. $300 depcnding /qo 'lyl"/ Saj HOV- t8-9? gB:19 PFr DATE FROM CLIENT ATTENTION PHONE/FAX REFERENCg DTSCRIPIION' auANftrY srzE MArEttAts DES,ON/ART IN9IALLATION OYHER BUOOgT utr"" srGNs e7oc3 4€."8 PROPOSAL Novcmbcr 1E. i9g7 Danny Padntck Krist€n al Tom sorunson Krlctcn 3ottxs32/,7/ il Pins Creek Hi Kristrn, I understand that you heve seliled on the revlsed layout that Kflston 1"j:-l:I"^l I?, r.conuy. lt inctuoes 5 tog posts of 0; diameter Inctuding ..^"-:i?:: tn€ top, Tte sign will bc ptnc prncts beckcd by MDO ptyrlooi 19 |'"tar.9 wsrping. Tha lettsrs will be 3/S, thick il.t e.rt out lctteru mrdcof ecryllc and paintBdtsFrt$c!rn or anothlrfl/art7< zzzozT:? v' 'w't"v 'Itu Patnwe '.nrt&*2;iry!y:,lor ol vour choice ]l^"-oj::-.llf9 !gipi.l: risn ir $1zeo. is;r,ii6riw discussed rh€ lY, ljj,**J*Syg eitrc.r-ingtq!$ieli, pelq.1ipre."$tu, pcrmit fcas 9l-!_i !ry Instaila$on wilbsi6e6v' ffidepcnding upon thr timc invotvcd.^i tiirr"iffion"n norr. Pleacc call ma upon your review of this lettor end sdvisa u9 to proce€d. Sinccrely, Danny :f.-tr r P.O. 8or !125 Avon, CO t1C20 Ph: 970.9{g..t56itfr: 970.9a9.€70 Produollon Canraf 9t0 Noltlngham Rord A\lon, 0O tl€20 Ph; 970,9rt9.4565 Fx 870.949.4670 lc W.fl.m 9lcp. Gbntrood Sprtrgr Arp.n Ph: e70.94g,rco5 Fx 970.e49.4070 / t1t,w ','l l),"t"t f,&lr,, J ft P.Ol HrotlfEcnstGNs