HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTEPHENS SUBDIVISION PARCEL D PINE CREEK AT VAIL COMMON ELEMENTS LEGALRevised 5/!/92 (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) A. APPLICANT 3 3::, ffi :iIAi:,: 13, 3 ?Stl! rtfu_ieq .IPPLICATION l.OR SINGI.E TAUILY SUBDIVISION CEEPTER L7.25 VT,IL IIT'NICIPAI. CODE F-7 2 (, ,-T- -,---,N/ 4r\^t\_:i ADDRESS "P a' J?>r-,v ) c,1-)=- PROPERTY O owNER'S Sl MAILING ADDRE MAILING {. -,,-L-,v-l(--Ld 0 o {-1- ) D.---'- i I tt{)CHECK # l|.rd sl'/q'/APPLICATION FEE MATERIALS TO BE la ITTED: Two mylar copies and one paper copy, of the subdivision plat shal-] be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall include the following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in 0L India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of tyrenty-four bythirt.y-six inches and shal1 be at a scale of one hundredfeet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-halfto two inches on the teft and one-haLf inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a footfor all lj-nes, angles and curves used to describe 6lg_boundaries, streets, setbacks, a11eys, easements,structurea, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or cornmon uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central ang1e, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions,both l-inear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit. of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic sca1e. C{4 A systematic identification of all existing and proposed K. buildings, unj.ts, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and otherpublic areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shal1 also be shown on the plat. 4t2"r' '/.'.-z'b@J A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall- be shown in this manner as well - q A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of a1I monuments used in conducting the survey.ft Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Tvto perimeter monuments shall be established as najor control monuments' the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. STREET ADDRESS FILING $100.00 Y. *":.A::3l':I..n" Iand survevor exfnins how )rearins base c?v A certificate by the registered ]and surveyo-r as outlined fnChapter l'l .32 of this title as to the accuracy of the surveyand pLat, and that the survey vras performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes L973, Title 38,Article 51. /tK- -A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in theState of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that theowner(s) of record dedicating to the public the publicright-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are theowners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of alL fiensand encumbrances except as noled. gtt_ The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle Countyclerk and recorder. fi- All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town, s approvalof p1at. This includes taxes which have been billed but arenot yet due. The certificate of taxes paid nust be signedon the plat or a statement from the Eagle County AssessorsOffice must be provided with the submittal inforrnationstating that 4L taxes have been paid. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should thecertificate of dedication and ownership provide for adedication of land or improvements to the public, allbeneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on saidreal property will be required to sign the certificate ofdedication and owne_rship in addition to the fee simple ownerthereof . /2c- - n. Signature of owner. [&- The plat must contain the following statement: rrFor zoningpurposes, the lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as .W. lot with no more than Sg dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the two 1ots. " The statement shall be modifiedto j-ndicate the number of units and lots proposed. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to thesubdivision, which shall assure the maintenance of any commonareas whlch may be created. The covenants shall run with theIand and sha1l be in a form suitable for recording with the EagleCounty Clerk and Recorder. ,4,2,, 0. lo Z1t/{ 3. Schedules A and B of a title report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA The burden of proof shaIl rest with the applicant to show that thesubdivision conplies with the zoning ordinance with respect tobuilding location and other aspects of the structure and ground, withthe original plat as approved by the Design Review Board of the Town and the accurateness and integrity of the survey data found on theplat. Upon receiving two copies of a conplete subnittal along with paymentof the appropriate fee, Lhe zoning adninistrator shall route one copyof the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoningadninistrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The townengineer shall review the submittal and return comments andnotifications to the zoning administrator who shall- transmit theapproval, disapprovaL or approval with modifications of the platwithin fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shallsign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat forapproval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of thep1at. G. FILING AND RECORDING h. k. '\:w^. ---7- $1 F. The Depart.ment of Corununity Developmentrelated covenants with the Eagle County recording shall be paid by the applicant Department will retain one nylar copy of and will record the remaining nylar copy wiII record the plat and anyClerk and Recorder. Fees for. The Community Developmentthe plat for their records Revised 5/l/92 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS hffi)g4 'REC'D FTB 2l99l FOR PTNECREEK AT VAIL DrETz, rnc., a colorado corporation (t'Decrarantr') is the owner ofthe real property (the "Property,) situate in the county of Eag1e, stateof colorado, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a parthereof. Declarant desires to establish a planned connunity,' cornmon interestcommunity project pursuant to the Colorado Conmon Inteiest Ownership Actas set froth in Article 33.3 Title 38 C.R.S. as amended (the'rAc!r,)l andto define the character, duration, rights, obligations and lirnitationsof ownership. Single Farnily Resi.dences and related improvernents are tobe constructed on the Property. Declarant does hereby establish a pran for the ownership of realproperty estates in fee sinple consisting of the lot and single farnilyresidence located on the lot. DECI"ARATION Declarant does hereby subject the Property to this DecLaration andpublish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions,easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, lirnitations and obligationsshaLr be deened to run with such Iand, shall be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, its successors and assigns and any person acquiring orowning an interest in the real property which is or becomes iubject tothis DecLaration and improvements built thereon, their, grantees,successors, heirs, personal representatives, devisees or assigns. 1. Definitions. As used in this Declaration, unless otherwiseexpressly provided: (a) The terrn trAssociationrr neans pineCreek at VailAssociation, a Colorado nonprofit corporation. (b) The term rrresidencetr or |thouserr means any of the singlefanily dwelling units located on the Property, and rrresidences'r orrrhomesrr means all of such single family dwelling units. (c) The tern rrcommon expensestr means: (i) all expensesexpressly declared to be common expenses by this Declaration or by the bylaws of the Association; (ii) all other expenses of administering,servicing, conserving, nanaging, rnaintaining, repairing or replacing the mutual easements for ingress and egress provided for herein, (iii)insurance prerniums for the insurance carried under paragraph g hereiniand (iv) all expenses lawfully determined to be common expenses by theboard of directors of the Association. (d) Anendments or Eagle County, The term rrDeclarationil means this instrument and allSupplenents thereto hereafter recorded in the records ofColorado. (e) The term ttfirst rienor' means the horder of a promissorynote payment of which is securea ry a first mortgage or fir3t deed oitrust encumbering an interest in a single riniry dwerring unit.rrMortgagex shall include a deed of trust, and ttmortgageesrtshall includ.ethe beneficiary of a deed of trust. (f) The tern ttguest,' rneans any family member, guest, tenant,agent, ernployee, licensee or invitee of an owner. (S) The term rrownerrl means any individual, corporation,partnership, association, trust or other )-egal- entity, or cornbination oflegal entities, which is the record owner of an undivided fee simpleinterest in one or more 1ots. (h) The terrn rrlotrt means' trl-,otrr as described in subparagraph2(a) and any rradditional lotrtas defined in subparagraph 2(b) herein. (i) The term ttProjecltt means the 1ot or residences subject tothis Declaration, which shalI be known as pinecreek at Vail. ( j ) The term lrunit'r shall mean the Lot and the ResidenceLocated thereon. (k) The tern 'rPrivate Roadrt and trUtility Easenenttt shall rneanthe Private Road and Utility Easenent located within the Project as setforth on the Subdivision PIat for pineCreek at Vail. (1) The term rrshared Private Driverr shall mean the SharedPrivate Drive located within the Project as set forth on the SubdivisionPlat for PineCreek at Vai1. 2. Division of Rea] Propertv into Estates; Use and occupancv ofUnits. (a) The Property is hereby divided into Lot 1 and the Residence thereon and the rernaining portion of parcel D. (b) Declarant may hereafter, at any tirne and frorn time totine divj-de the rernaining portion of Parcet D into four additional lots and construct one additional residence on each additional Lot. In eachsuch case, DecLarant shall file in the records of Eagte County, Colorado, a supplemental Declarat,ion subjecting said additional lot tothe terms and conditions set forth herein. (c) Each Unit shal1 be considered a separate Unit of realestate and shall be separately assessed and taxed. (d) Each Unit shall be used and occupied solely for dwellingor lodging purposes. A11 of the above stated uses and occupancies shallbe only as permitted by and subject to the appropriate and applicablegovernmental zoning and use ordinances, rules and regulations from tirneto time in effect. An owner shall have the right to lease his Unit uponsuch terms and conditions as the owner ruy 6""r advisable; provided,however, that (i) any such lease shall be in writing and shall providethat the lease is subject to the terms of this DecJ.aration, (ii) a Unitmay be leased only for the uses provided hereinabove, and (iii) anyfailure of a lessee to conply with the terms of this Declaration,Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws of the Association, or the rules ofthe Association shall be a default under the l-ease enforceabte by theAssociation. (e) No trtine share estaterr or "interval estaterr, as definedin the Condominiurn Ownership Act of Colorado, or sirnilar interest whereby ownership of a residence shared by owners on a time basis, shallbe established or created with respect to any Unit. 3. Reciprocal Easement. (a) There is hereby created a perpetual non exclusive, reciprocal easement and right of way for each owner andthe Association over, across and through that portion of each Lot uponwhich the Private Road and Utility Easement are located. The easementshall be for the purposes of ingress and egress to each lot and for thernaintenance, repair and reconstruction of the private road as well asfor the placement, rnaintenance, repair and reconstruction of aIlutilities including but not limited to water, sehrer, 9ds, teJ-ephone,electricity and cable communication systems. (b) There is hereby created a perpetual non e4clusive easement,upon, across, over and under each lot outside of the residence thereonfor ingress and egress, installation, replacenent, repair and maintenance of all utilities including but not lirnited to water, ser/er, 9ds, telephone, electricity, and a cable communication system. An easement is further granted to all police, fire protection and ambulancepersonnel to enter into each Lot in the performance of their duties. fnaddition, an easement is hereby granted to the Associ-ation to enterinto, onto, across or under each lot when necessary to perform itsobligations in regard to the maintenance, repair and, reconstructj.on ofthe Private Road and Utilitv Easement. (c) Each owner shall have athe Shared Private Drive locatedshall any person entitled to use perpetual non exclusive easement to on the adjacent Unit. In no event the easement to anv Shared Private Drive in accordance with this paragraph, park a motor vehicle in theshared.private Drive, in such a way aJ to impede any owners access tohis Unit. (d) An easenent is hereby granted to the pinecreek at VailAssociation and any nanaging agent and their respective officers,agents, employees and assigns, upon, across, over, in and under tbeShared Private Drives and the Private Road and Utility Easement, as maybe necessary or appropriate to perform the duties and functions whichthey are obligated or perrnitted to perforrn pursuant to this Declaration. (e) DecLarant, for itself and its successors and assigns, herebyretains a right and easement of ingress and egress over, in, upon,under' and across the Property and the right to store materials on theProperty and to make such other use of the property as may be reasonablynecessary or incident to the cornplete construction and sale of thaProject, including, but not limited to, construction trailers, temporaryconstruction offices, sales offices, and directional and rnarkinq siqns;provided however, that no such rights shal-l be exercised by Declarant insuch ari/ay as to unreasonably interfere with the occupancy, use,enjoYment or access by any owner or farnily members, guests or inviteesof an owner. (f) The property is subject to the easements and other exceptionsof title set forth in Exhibit rrBfr, attached hereto and rnade a parthereof - 4. Mechanic,s Liens; Indemnification. (a) If any owner shall cause any material to be furnished tohis unit or any Labor to be performed therein or thereon, no owner ofany other Unit sha1l under any circunstances be liab1e for the paymentof any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or rnaterialfurnished. AlI such work shalL be at the expense of the owner causingit to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible tocontractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor orrnaterials to his Unit or any improvernents thereon or therein. Nothingherein contained sha11 authorize any owner or any person dealing thoughwith or under any owner to charge any Unit other than of such rcwner withany mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever. On thecontrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge anylien or encumbrance of any kind against any owner or any ownerrs Unitfor work done or materials furnished to any other owner's Unit is herebyexpressly denied. 5. Administration and Manaqement. (a) tThe Project shall be administered and rnanaged pursuant tothis Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of theAssociation. Each owner sha1l, be a member of the Associ-ation and shall remain a member untit he ceases to be an owner. Each member shal1comply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration and of theArticles of rncorporation and bylaws of the Association. TheAssociation sharl have the right to promulgate and enforce rulesgoverning the use, maintenance and appearance of the unit and theProject in general. Each rnernber shall be bound by and shall cornply withthe rures, resolutions and decisions of the Association duly made oradopted in the nanner set forth in this Declaration or in the Articlesof Incorporation or Bylatrs. Failure of a member to conply .with suchprovisions, ru1es, resolutions or decisions shall be grounds for anaction to recover damages or to obtain injunctive relief, or both, bythe Association on behalf of the owners or, in a proper case, by anaggrieved ovrner. In addition, the Association,s Bylaws rnay authorizethe Association, during the period of any delinquency to suspend a nemberts voting privilegesi however, no such suspension shall affect therights of a first lienor. (b) Each Unit shall be entitled to one vote. The Associationsha11 have no vote with respect to any unit owned by it. DeclarantshalL be entitled to one vote for any Unit owned by it. Notwithstandinganything to the contrary provided for herein or in the Bylaws, Declarantshall be entitled to appoint and remove the members of the Association,Executive Board and officers of the Association to the fullest extentperrnitted under the Act. The specific instructions and proceduresgoverning the exercise of Declarant,s right to so appoint and renoveDirectors and officers shall be set forth in the Bvlaws of the PinecreekAssociation. Deilarant may voluntarily relinquisi such power evidenced.by a notice recorded in the office of the CLerk and Recorder of EagleCounty, Colorado. (c) The Associatj.on may ernploy or contract for the servicesof a manager provided that such employment shall be by contract havinga term of no more than three years and each sueh contract shaIl besubject to cancelLation by the Associatj-on on ninety days notice, withor without cause. The Executive Board (the 'rBoardrr) may not delegate toa manager the authority to make expenditures. for capital additions or irnprovements chargeable against any portion of the annual budget, asdefined in subparagraph 7 (b) herein, other than the portion specificallydesignate for capital expenditures. The rnembers of the Board shall not be liable for any omission or improper exercise by a nanager of any suchduty, power, or function so delegated by written instrument executed bya majority of the Board. 6. Maintenance and Repairs. (a) Each owner shall be solely responsible for naintenance and repair of the inside of his residence including, without limitation,fixtures and inprovements and all utility Iines and equipnent'' locatedtherein and serving such residence on1y. In performing such rnaintenanceor repair, or in inproving or altering his residence, no owner shalL do any act or work hthich interferes with any easement. Each owner shallprovide exterior.maintenance, exteri-or rdpair and exterior replacementupon his own residence and the irnproved and uni.mproved portio-ns of theLot incruding, without rimitation, the exterior walls, the foundationand roof, sidewalk, parking areas, stairs, patios, gardens and yardareas, if any, located on the Lot. (b) The Association sha1l adrninister, manage, maintain, Sepair and replace the Private Road and Ut.ility Easernent ana att utilityIines located therein and the Shared Private Drive. The Associationshal1 have access to any Lot, from time to time, during reasonabre hoursfor .such purposes or at . any time for purpose of rnaking emerglencyrepairs. However, each owner shall pay the costs of repairing danrage tothe Private Road and Utility Easenentor the Shared Private Drive caused bvof the owner or his guest. or the utilities located thereithe intentional act or negligenc 7. AFsessments for Common Expenses. (a) Until the Association establishes an annual assessmenEfor Common Expenses for the initial fiscal year of the Association,Declarant shall pay all common Expenses. The Association shalI establishprior to the conveyance of any Unit by Declarant, an annual assessmentwith respect to thb initiaL fiscal year of the Association for thepurpose of.paying or creating a reserve for Common Expenses. The amountof the annual assessment for the initial fiscal year of the Associationand for each fi6cal year thereafter sharr be based upon the Budgetadopted by the Association. The Budget shall be based upon a good faithestimate of the common Expenses to be paid or reserved for the yearcovered by the Budget including, without lirnitation, an estimate of thecosts of the rnaintenance and repair requirecl to be perforrned by theAssociation pursuant to the provisions of section e 111 hereof duringsuch year, an estinate of the costs of the insurance described insection 8 (g) hereof to be obtained by the Association during such year and an estimate of the amount of funds to be reserved during such yearfor the costs of the periodic refurbishing and replacement of thoseiterns which are to be maintained and repaired by the Associationpursuant to the provisions of Section 6 hereof as such items wear out or become obsolete so that the costs of such periodic refurbishing orreplacement may be paid through the annual assessrnents. instead ofspecial assessments, The Executive Board sha1l establish the annual assessment for the initial fiscal year of the Association without a voteof the Owners. The annual assessnents for any fiscal. year after theinitial fiscal year shall be established only after a Budget is adoptedin accordance with the provisions of Section 7(b) hereof. ThAssociation may adjust the amount of an annual assessment during thfiscal year covered by such annual assessment from time to time asAssociation may in its'discretion deem necessary or advisable, butsuch adjustment shalL be based upon a revised Budget adopted byAssociation in accordance with the provisions of Section 7(b) here{f. \ (b) After the initial fiscal fear of the Association or inthe event the Association desires to make an adjustment to an annual assesslnent previously established during a fiscar year, the ExecutiveBoard shalL adopt a proposed Budget to serve as the basis for theestablishment of the annual assessment or the adjustments to the annualassessnent (as the case nay be) . Within 30 days after the adoption ofsuch proposed Budget, the Executive Board shall mai1, by ordinary first-class mail, or otherwise deliver a summary of such proposdd Budget toaLL Owners and shall set a date for a neeting of Owners to considerratification of such proposed Budget not ]ess than l-4 nor rnore than 50days after mailing or other delivery of the summary. Unless at thatmeeting Owners holding B0 percent or more of the total votes of theAssociation reject such proposed Budget, such proposed Budget isratified, whether or not a quorun is present. In the event such proposed Budget is rejected, the Budget tast ratified by the Owners shall becontinued until such tirne as the Owners ratify a subseguent Budgetproposed by the Executive Board and the proposed annual assessment or adjustment to the annual as3essment shall be based upon such. continued Budget. (c) In addition to the annual assessments authorized above,the Association may establish at any time a specj-al assessment for thepurpose of paying or creating a reserve-for, in whole or in part, thecost of any expense which the Association is entitled to incur pursuant to the provisions of the Declaration or the Bylaws and which is not scheduled to be paid in a Budget adopted by the Association. No special assessment may. be levied by the Association unless such special assessment has been approved by the Executive Board and by the najorityvote of the owners present in person or proxy at a meeting called for such purpose at which a quorurn was present. (d) A11 annuaL assessnents shalI be payab.le in equalquarterly installnents. Each quarterly installnent of the annual assessnents shdll be due on the first day of each quarter in the amountspecified in the most recent written notice frorn the Association untilthe Association notifies an owner in writing of a different amount. Atthe option of the Association, all special assessments may be payable in a lump surn or in quarterly instaLlnents. Each special assessment shalI be due 30 days after the Association gives an Owner notice of the amount of such Owner's assessrnent. The Assocj-ation may charge and collect interest at an annual rate of 24 percent on any annual or special assessment which is not paid when due. (e) Each owner shall be liable for all charges with respect to such Owner or such Owner's Unit as set forth in the Declaration. For the purposes of this paragraph the term I'chargesl shall mean the. costs to be reimbursed to the Association by an owner pursuant to theprovisions of the Declaration including, without linitation, fines andpenalties for violations of the Rules as described in Section 16 hereof. Any charge shall be due within L0 days after notice of the arnount of such charge is derivered to an owner and, if not paid when d.ue, shallbear interest at an annual rate of 24 percent. Any charge collected bythe Association shaLL be used by the Association in furtherance of itsduties hereunder or to defray Cornrnon Expenses. (i) The liabitity for annual and special assessment of the common Expenses is hereby allocated to each Unit in the followingpercenE.ages: Unit L l-00 Percent (ii) The arnount of any annual and special assessment andctrarges payable with respect to an ohrner or such ovrnerrs Unit shallbe a personal obligation of the Owner of such Unit and such Ownerrsheirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors and assignsand, if there are multiple Owners of one Unit, such obligationshal-I be a joint and several obligation of each Owner of such Unit.Except as set forth in Paragraph (g) hereof, a party acguiring feesirnple title to a Unit sha11 be jointly and severally liable withthe former olrtner of the Unit for all such amounts which had accrued and were payable at the time of the acquisition of fee sirnple titleto the Unit by such party without prejudice to such party,s rightto recover any of such arnounts paid by such party fron the formerOwner. No Owner shall be exempt fron liability for payrnent of suchOwner's share of the Common Expenses either by waiver of the use orenjoyment of the Private Road and Private Drive or by abandonnentof such owneir's Unit. (S) The transfer of title to a Unit pursuant to a foreclosureof the lien of a First Lienor or pursuant to any procedure in lieuthereof shal1 extinguish the Iien for annual and special assessments andcharges against such Unit described in Paragraph (h) hereof as topayments which become due prior to such transfer except to the extentspecified in Section 316(2)(b) of the Act. A First Lienor shall not bepersonally Iiable for any assessment or charge payable by the Owner ofthe Unit encumbered by the lien of such First Lienor, but theAssociation agrees to accept any payment of such assessment or charge made voluntarlly on behalf of such Owner by such First Lienor. (h) The Association shall have from the date of recording ofthis instrurnent a Iien against each Unit to secure payrnent to theAssociation of all annual and special assessnents with respect to suchUnit and all charges with respect to each Owner of such Unit togetherwith interest thereon at the annual rate of 24 percent fron the due datethereof and together with all costs and expenses of collecting such assessments and charges including, without Iirnitation, reasonableattorney's fees. The Association,s lien sha11 be prior and superior toall other liens and encumbrances on a Unit except: (a) liens and encumbrances recorded prior to the recordation of this instrunentt (b) the lien of a First Lienor with respect to such Unit except to the extent specified in Section 316(2)(b) of the Act,. (c) liens for realestate taxes and other governmental charges against such. Condorniniumunit and(d) nechanic's and rnaterialnan,s riens which by law rnay be priorto the Association's lien. The Association's lien shail attaclr frorn thedate of recording of this instrument and shall be considered perfectedwithout the necessity of recording a notice of default and cLaih of lienor as disclosed on such rienor,s deed of trust or other document ofrecord noting a change in. such lienorrs address. Nevertheless, theAssociation shalJ-, as a condition to enforcement of the Associationrslien, record a notice of default and craim of rien which shall beexecuted by an officer or director of. the Association and which sha1lcontain substantially the forlowing information: (i) the legaldescription of the Unit against which the lien j-s clairned;. (ii) ttrenames of the defaulting owners as indicated ry the Association,srecords; (iii) the total unpaid arnount together with interest thereonand the costs of collection as of the date of such noticet (iv) astatement that the notice of default and claim of lien is made by theAssociation pursuant to the Declarati-on, and (v) a statement that a lienis claimed and will be foreclosed against such Unit in an amount equalto the amount stated as then due and any additional amounts thereafterbeconing due. .The Association shall- send a copy of such notice ofdefault and. clain of lien to the Owners and First Lienor of the Unit agai.nst which such lien is clairned at their addresses ]ast known to theAssociation within 10 days after the recording of such notice of ciefaultand claim of lien or as disclosed on such lienor,s deed .of trust orother document of record noting a change in such lielnorrs address. TheAssociation's l-ien may be foreclosed in the manner provided by Coloradofor the iorecl.osure of rnortgages encurnbering reil property. At itsoption, the Assobiation may recover any amounts clained to be due in anotice of default and clairn of lien by an action for a money judgrnent. In any sush foreclosure or action, the Owners of the Unit subject tosuch foreclosure 'or action shall. be reguired to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings including, without limitation, reasonableattorney'S fees. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary containedherein, the foreclosure of the fien for assessments as set forth herein,shall have the effect of giving the Association a priority clairn for monetary compensation to the extent of the priority of the lien clairnover that of the First Lienor, but shall- not extinguish or foreclose outthe lien or lien position of the First Lienor. Th6. Association shall beentitLed to purchase the Unit at any foreclosure sale, and to acquire,hold, lease, mortgage or convey the same, subject to the lien of theFirst Lienor. In any such forecLosure or action, the Court nay appointa receiver to collect al1 sums alleged to be due frorn the Ohrners prior to or during the pendency of such foreclosure or actions. The Court rnay order the receiver so appointed to pay any sums held by such receiver to the Association during the pendency of such foreclosure or action to theextent of the unpaid annua] and special assessnents and charges. (i) The Associatibn shalt furnish to an Owner of a Unit, a designee of such owner, a holder of an indebtedness secured by a deed of 9 trust, mortgage or other security document encumbering a unit or adesignee of such holder, upon written request, deliv"red- personally orby certified nail, fi-rst-c.1dss postage prepaid, return receipt requestedto the Associat.ion's registered agent, a statement setting forlh thearnount of the unpaid annual- and special assessments and charges, if any,with respect to such Unit. Such statement shaIl be furnisnJa witnin radays after_ receipt of the request and is binding upon the Association,the Executive Board and every owner. If no statement is furnished to therequesting party delivered personally or by certified mail, first-classpostage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the requesting partywithin such L4 day period, then the Association sha11 have no rigirt toassert a priority rien upon the unit for unpaid annual- and specialassessments and charges which were due as of the date of the request. (j) Upon the determination by the Executive Board thatsurplus funds of the Association remain after payment or provision for Conmon Expenses and any prepayment of provision for reserves, theExecutive Board nay decide either to distribute such surplus funds tothe owners in accordance with their respective interest in theAssociation or to credit such surplus funds to tne owners in accordancewith their respective ownership interest against their respecti-veliabilities for future common Expenses. 8. Insurance. (a) The Association shall-, on behalf of the ohrners: (i) provide and keep in force, for the protection of theAssociation, its officers and directors, and aL1 the owners and firstrienors, general public liability and property darnage insurance againstclaims for bodily injury or death or property danage occurring upon orin the Private noaa -and Utilitv Easement and sharLd Private -orive inIirnits of not less than g1,OOO;OOO for bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage.to property, and if higher lirnits shall at any time be custornary toprotect against possible tort liabiJ-ity, such higher l"inits shall becarried. (ii) carry j.nsurance in such amounts as the Association rnay consider necessary or advisable against such other insurable hazardsas may from tirne to time be comrnonly insured against in the case ofsinilar property in sirnilar locations elsewhere. (iii) carry dj.rectors and officers liability i.nsurance insuch amounts as the Association mav consider necessarv or advisable. 9. Amendment or Revocati-on (a) This Declaration may be ahended or revoked upon thewritten approval in recordable form of 75.0? of the owner.s and 75.0? of 10 the first lienors, except that the provisions of this paragraph lL, theprovisions'of subparagraph 2(al , e(") and 8(a) herein may ue amendedonly upon such approval of all owners and a1l first lienorl . (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph l_l_ (a)herein to the contrary, (i) Decrarant may amend this peclaration asotherwise specifically set forth in this Decraration, and (ii) so longas Declarant continues to own one or more residents or 1ots, no right ofDeclarant contained in this Declaration rnay be amended, rnodified orrevoked without the prior writ,ten consent of Declarant. L0.Each owner shallregister his mailing address with the Association, and, except formonthly statgnents and other routine notices which may be sent'regularmail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at suchregistered nailing address, all other notices or demands intended to beserved upon an ohlner (whether by the Association or another owner) shal1be sent certi.fied mai1, postage prepaid, addressed in the narne of the owner at such registered rnailing address. A11 notices, demands or othernotices intended to be served upon the Association shall be sentcertified mail, postage prepaid, the address of the Association asdesignated in the Bylaws of the Association. 1l-. Duration of Declaration. Each provision contained in thisDeclaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimes referred toas the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonablerestraints or alienation shall continue and remai-n in full force andeffect for the period of 21 years following the death of the lastsurvivor of CarL Dietz or until this Declaration is terminated ashereinafter .provided, whichever first occurs. AII other provisionscontained in this Declarations haLl continue and remain in fu1I force and effect until January I, 2O2O, and thereafter for successive. periodsof ten yea'rs each, unless at least one year prior to rfanuary L, 2OZO, orat least one year prlor to the expiration of any such ten year period ofextended duration, this Declaration is terminated by recordedinstrument, directing tennination, signed by all owners ahd all firstlienors. L2. Architectural Control . No building, fence, wall or other improvement or structure shall be comnenced, erected or maintained uponthe Unit, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration tothe buildings be rnade until the plans and specifications qhowing thenature, kind, shape, height, color, materials, and location of the sameshall have been submitted tq and approved in writing as to harmony ofexternal design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Board or by an architectural committee composed ofthree or more representatives appointed by the Board. In the event the Board, or its designated comrnittee, fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within 30 days after said plans and speci.fications have been submitted to it, approval wilt not be required and this 11 paragraph !ri]l be deemed to have been fulry conplied with. Afterreceiving the approval. of the Board, the ownei shall thereafter obtainalr other approvals as may be required by the Master Declaration and byany ltovernmental or quasi-governmental entity having jurisdiction overthe Project. L3. General Reservations. Declarant reserves the right toestablish and grant easements upon, across, over, under and through thePrivate Road to the extent necessary or convenient (as deterrnined inDeclarant's dole discretion) to provide access and/or utility servicesto the Property. L4. Regtrictive Covenants and Obl_iqations (a) No frnperilinq of Insurance. No owner and no owner,sinvitees shall do anything or cause anything to be kept in or on theProject that night result in an increase in the premiurns of insuranceobtained for the Project or by any owner for his residence or whichrnight cause canceLl-ation of such insurance without the prior writtenconsent of the Association first having been obtained. . (b) No Violation of Law. No owner and no owner,s inviteesshall do anything or keep a4ything in or on the Project which would beimmoral, irnproper, offensive or in violation of any statute, rule,ordinance, regulation, perrnit or other validly inposed requirement ofany governmental..body. (c) No Noxious, oifensive. Hazardous or Annovinq Activities. No noxious or offensive agtivity shall be. carried on upon any part ofthe Project nor shall anything be done or placed on or in any part ofthe Project which is or may become an unreasonabLe nuisance, disturbanceor annoyance. to others. No activity sha1l be conducted on any part ofthe Project and no improvements haII be made or constructed on any partof the Project which are or night be unsafe or hazardous to any personor property. No sound shall be enitted on any part of the Project thatis unreasonably. loud or annoying. No odor shall be enitted on any partof the Project that is noxious or offensive to others. No Iight shal1be enitt,ed frorn any part of the Project that is unreasonably bight or causes unreasonable glare (d) No Unsiqhtliness. No unsightliness shall be permitted onor in'any part of the Project. Without }initing th.e generality 6f theforegoing, nothing shall be kept or stored on or in nay of the general conmon elements, nothing shall be hung or placed upon any of the general conmon elernents, and noth j-ng shall be placed on or in windows or doorsof the Project, which would or rnight create an unsightly appearance. (e) Restriction on Ani-mals. No animals,poultry of any kind shall be kept, raised or bred onunit or within the general common elenents, except Jivestock, horses or any 1ot, within anythat dogs, cats or t2 other donesticated bousehold aninals not to exceed twokept by an owner -as household pets so long as suchnuisance to any other owner. in number may bepets are not a (f) Re.strictions on signs. No signs or advertising devicesof any nature shall be erected or rnaintained bn any part of the Projectwithout the prior written consent of the Association. The Associaf,ionshall pertnit the placing of at least one sign of reasonable size anddignified forrn to identify the project and the units therein. . (S) Trash and Unsiqhtlv Uses. Unsightly objects andrnaterials shall not be placed upon iny part of the Froject and no partof the Project nay be used as a dumping ground for garbage, trash orother waste and the sarne shal1 be disposed of in a sanitary manner. TheAssociation shall have the right to enter upon any part or the project to remove such refuse piles or other unsightly objects and material atthe expense.of the owner causing the sarne, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass. (h) Parkinq Areas. No commercial type of vehicle and norecreational vehicles shall be stored or pairea on the project(including, without linitation, on any lot unless parked within anenclosed garage) except in areas, if any, designated by the Association.A recreational vehicle shall include fbr purposes of this Declaration,motor homes, notor coaches, buses, camping trailers or trailers of anytype- Parking spaces shatr be used only for parking autonobiles andnotorcycres and not for any other storage purposes. Motorcycles sharlnot be stored on porches, barconies, decks, patios or yard areas locatedon any 1ot. (i) No Violation of Rules. No owner and no ownerrs guestsshaLl violate the rules and regulations adopted from time to tine ty theAssociation, whether relating to the use of units, the use of general comnon elements or otherwise. Determination with respect to whether or not a particularactivity or occurrence shall consCitute a violation of this paragraph L6shall be made by the Board and shall be final. L5. Effect of Provisions of Declaration. Each provision of thisDeclaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to conprywith each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception orreservation or grant of tit1e, estate, right or interest to effectuateany provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated ineach deed or other instrument by which any right, titre or interestwhich any townhouse unit is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or notset forth or referred to in such deed or other instrurnent; (ii) shall,by virtue of acceptance of any right, titre or interest in any townhouseunit by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared asa personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be t3 binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives,successors and assigns; and, shall be deemed a personar covenant to,with and for the benefit of the Association and of each owner of anvtownhouse unit; and, (iii) shalr be deemed a real covenant by Declarantlfor itserf, its successors and assigns, and also an.eguitabrl servitude,running in each case, as a burden with and upon thJ title to each andevery townhouse unit. l-6. Enforcenent and Reme,dies. Each provision of this Declarati_onsharr be enforceable by the.Association or by any bwner by a proceedingfor a prohibitive or mandatory injunction and/or by a suil or action torecover darnages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection withthe rights of enforcenent and remedies provided in this Declaration, theprevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses inconnection therewith including, without limitation, reasonableattorneys' .fbes. FaiLure by the issociation or by any o"n.r to enforceany provision, covenant or restriction herein contiined in no eventshal-I be deerned a waiver of Lhe right to do so thereafter. L7. General . (a) If any of the provisions of this Declaration or anyparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or the application thereofin any circumstance be invalidated, such invalidity shall not affect thevalidity of the remainder of this Declaration, and the application ofany such provision, paragraph, sentence, cLause, phrase or word in anyother circumstances shall be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this Declaration shal] be in additionand suppremental to the condominium ownership Act of the state ofColorado and to all other provisions of ]aw. (c) Whenever used herein, unless the context shalI otheirwiseprovide, the singular number shall include the piural, the plural thesingular, and the use of any gender sha1l include all genders. INthis WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has duly executed this Declarationday of , L994 DIETZ, INC., a Colorado Corporation By: Carl M. Dietz, President 1A o STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) of The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before ne this _ day , 1994 by Carl M. Dietz as President of Dietz, Inc.,a Colorado Corporation. Witness rny hand and official seal. My Comrnission expires on: Notary Public The undersigned holder of a certain deed of trust upon the property covered by this Declaration, recorded in Book _ at page _ of therecords in the office of the Eagle County, Color-ato, ClerhanEEcorder,hereby consents to the foregoing Declaration and subordinates itsinterest in the property described therein to the rights and obligationscreated hereby. Notwithstanding such consent and subordination, all therights of Declarant in and to such property shall remain encumbered bysuch deed of trust. (SEAL) By: STATE OF . COUNTY OF ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ne this _ dayof, 1994 by as Witness my hand and official seal . My Comrnission expires on: 15 Notarv Publ-ic EXHIBIT A (Attached to and nade a part of theDeclaration for pineCreek at Vail) THE FOIIOT{ING PROPERTY I0CATED IN THE COIINTY oF EAGTE, STATE OF COLC'RADO: Parce] D Stephen Subdlvision According to the Anended plat thereof recorded,March 19,1985 in Book 409 at Page lGO as Reception No. 305440. 16 1. EXHTBIT B (Attached to and nade a part of theDeclaration for PineCreek at vait) EXCEPTIONS TO TTTLE General taxes and assessnents for the year of the Closing and forall- subsequent years. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district,or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. patents, or in Actsauthorizing the issuance thereof, recorded April l_8, 1934 in Book123 at Page 3 reserving 1) Rights of the proprietor of a vein orIode to extract and remove his ore therefron and 2) rights of wayfor ditches and canals constructed under the authority of theUnited States. Right of way for the uninterrupted flow of Gore Creek. Map and Ditch Statement'for the Ruder Ditch filed for record onOctober ).2t ,L9O5. Right of way of Easement granted to Western Slope cas Company byAIIen J. Stephen in document recorded July 27, 1966 in Book L97 at Page 37L as Reception No. ].O444i_. 6. 1 Right of Way Agreernent between TeJ-egraph Company and Allen J.document recorded November 28,Reception No. L070l-8. Right of way granted to the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Districtby Allen J. Stephen and Marion L. Stephen in docurnent recordedFebruary 1-7, 1970 in Book 2L7 at Page 96 as Reception No. Ll-2653. The Mountain State Telephone and Stephen and Marion L. Stephen in L967 in Book 211 at Page 670 as Gas System Utility Easement granted Colorado by Allen J. Stephen andrecorded June 27, :".978 in Book 271_ 1-67934. to Pub1ic Service Company of Marion Stephen in document at Page 534 as Reception No. l-0. Gas Systen Utility Easement granted to Public Service Company ofColorado by Marion Stephen in document recorded June 27, 1-97A in Book 27L at Page 535 as Reception No. 167935. L7 l*l-. Easernent Deed between Allen J. stephen and Marion L. stephen andthe Vail rntermountain water District recorded July 2g, LgTg inBook 272 at Page 8L4 as Reception No. L6g2Lg. L2. Teiporary Easement granted to the upper Eagle valley sanitationDistrict by Allen J. stephen ana I',tarion L. stephen in documentrecorded January 22r L979 in Book 28L at page 99 as Reception No. L77507 . L3. Easements, restrictions and flood pran as shown on Amended prat, stephen subdivision, recorded March L9, l-985 in Book 409 at page L60 as Reception No. 305440. t4. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and as contained inconveyance of Easement recorded February L7, L984 in Book 378 atPage 789 as Reception No. 27SLOO. 15. A Deed of Trust dated June 3, Lgg3, executed by Dietz, Inc., aColorado Corporation, to the public Trustee of Eagle County, tosecure and indebtedness of S2o0,ooo.oo, in favor of FirstBank ofAvon recorded June L4, 1993 in Book 6l-l- at page 2Lo as ReceptionNo.507288. 16. Assignment of Rents and other.Rights recorded June l-4, L9g3 in Book5l-1 at Page zLL as Reception No. SO72B9. A1l recording references are to the real property records inthe Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado. NOTE: L8 oo TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT NO. DEPARTMENT OP OOMMUNITY DEI/ELTOPMENT TAX.' 0l 0000415.!0 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0m0 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $s0.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE i36.00 0t00ffi42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE i30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (NfYLARS)s7.00 010n0042412 XEROXCOPIES s0.25 0I0/]f042412 STUDIES otffi0042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE t$40 PER HR.'I 0L00w42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01 0000 41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNACE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ.FT.'I 0L0nrl042440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 00m 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0t Owo 42371 I}.IVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 31 0000 45110 TOV PARKINGFUND 01000022027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 0t 0000 21112 TAXABT*@ {7o (STATE)i 0l 0000 41010 TAXABId@4%GOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER 01 ffnO41330 ADDITIONALGRFA "250" 01 00m 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIICB ALTEBATIQN ILESS TFI,AN lOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 00m 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERAfl ON IMORE THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 01 0m0 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI $1500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND $1,000.00 01!0004133L SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND $200.00 aol Q000 41330 SUBDIVISION <- ;nt,-r,/o 'l-r't-a<, /,-/u) 0100ur4r330 VARIANCE <--'- " O $250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 01 00004130 R,E:} rc|lNlE $200.00 OTTIER F t' I -'.i. OTHEB" '"1tt ea ITOTAL: COMMENIS: a r .9 (b e-tr MO.#l ICK#I DATE:_/_/_REC. BY:- oo lz(.E# t)6 ' ?t3lr r lt?,o ?? gz's TOhf]-{ 0F lJFt I L_ l"liscel laneous Cash ff:-8f,-'-;'4 13: 54: 38 Eeceipt * 14Fe:46 Flcfr'Lrnt # t:li + C'I ETi! Jtlt:".5UFrtriU Frritr un t tend* rFd 'ir Item ptsid F t. 0frfrB4 L 3f,EJE1firJ llh.:,r'n.*. r-F tl Ii-rrpil 1148 1881. OB fuiumt paid 188,68 6.08 .I-HJAH|< \|E1J Y*ur rashi*r EEftTHH ZONE CHECK PARCEL D, STEPHEN'S PARK SUBDIVISION Updated: October 19,1994 Zoning: Residential Cluster Lot Size: 1.99 acres or 86,684 sq. ft. BuiHabb Area: 65,036 sq. ft. Allowed GRFA: 16,259 sq. ft. + 225 credit per/unit or 17,384 sq. ft. Allowed Site Coverage: 21,671 sq. ft. Allowed Units: 8.95 units Height: 33 slope/30 flat Unit GRFA At Permit Site Coveraoe Unit A' 2,338 sq. ft. 2,773 sq. ft. 2,194 sq. ft. B*' 2,338 sq. ft. 2,521 sq. ft. u;lztlq 2,194 sq. ft. C 2,339 sq. ft. 9{-9rF.gifiI. z4tq 2,194 sq. ft. D 2,338 sq. ft. 3?+ga sq. ft. -2-4zL =1tl{ kfr}ffi' ft.?-441 stll'it E +2.338 sq. ft. l{H-s'o'ft' z&t1 "1614r +2#o' ft' zo+r tlQet rorAL: 5 11,6e0 sq. ft. tffisq.ft4ryg#,ffipq.n Required Parking: 12.5 spaces Proposed Parking: 10 enclosed + 5 exterior = 15 spaces enclosed 10 spaces at 501 sq. ft. = 2,505 sq. ft. .Totaf GRFA for Unit Ais 2,773 sq. ft. as of December 13, 1993. Includes 340 square feet of crawl space area in excess of 5 feet. **Totaf GRFA for Unit B is 2,421 + 100 = 2,521 sq. ft. as of October 19, 1994. This includes 100 sq. ft. of crawl space which exceeds 5 feet. eM,(Mffil4n Site Coveraoe 2,194 sq. ft. 2,194 sq. ft. 2,194 sq. ft. 2,194 sq. ft. +2.194 so. ft. 10,970 sq. ft. 12.5 spaces 10 enclosed + 5 exterior = 15 spaces enclosed 10 spaces at 501 sq. ft. = 2,505 sq. ft' .Totaf GRFA for Unit A is 2,773 sq. ft. as of December 1 3, 1 993. Includes 340 square feet ol crawl space area in excess of 5 feet. ZONE CHECK PARCEL D, STEPHEN'S PARK SUBDIV|S|ON updated: Zoning: Lot Size: Buildable Area: Allowed GRFA: Allowed Site Coverage: Allowed Units: Height: Unit Unit A* B c D E TOTAL: 5 Required Parking: Proposed Parking: GRFA 2,338 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. ft. 2,339 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. ft. +2.338 so. ft. 11,690 sq. ft. 21,671 sq. ft. 8.95 units 33 slope/3O flat At Permit 2,773 sq. ft. 2,421sq.ft. 2,433 sq. ft. 2,433 sq. ft. +2.433 sq. ft. 12,493 sq. ft. June 3, 1994 Residential Cluster 1.99 acres or 86,684 sq. ft. 65,036 sq. ft. 16,259 sq. ft. + 225 credil per/unit or 17,384 sq. ft. t-rl! n!! Pi i,t7l" kJ ZONE CHECK , STPEHE$qRARK SUBDIVISION toZl+ ') Residential Cluster 1.99 acres or 86,684 sq. 65,036 sq. ft. 16,259 sq. ft. + Date: Zoning: Size: Allowed Allowed Site Allowed Units: Height: Unit TOTAL: 21,671 sq. ft. 8.95 units 33 slope€O flat '-ttj sq. tt. credit per/unit or 17,384 sq. ft. Site Coveraqe 2,194 sq.ft. 2,194 sq.ft. 2,194 sq. ft. 2,194 sq. ft. + 2.194 so. ft. 10,970 sq. fi. .'u z?7 (Ss "ty' 5, Unit A* B c D E 5 2,338 3q- ft. 2,338 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. 11,690 #*.n. 2,433 sq. ft. sq.ft. r Lz:'t2i€5 sq. ft. .@sQ.ft. 12.5 spaces 1<3 Required Parking: Proposed Parking:10 enclosed + 5 exterior = 15 enclosed 10 spaces at 501 sq. ft. = .Total GRFA for Unit 2,773 sq. ft. as of December 13, 1993 fntA,iu Stct ',o, k I :/ ttt..i( 'J)q,{ /i./r.,< trll; -tr*'li iF$li iHil ffi fil,i ,t 'l'' r-\/) n, JJe4z l-il{- ) ZONE CHECK PARCEL D, STEPHEN'S PARK SUBDIVISION Residential Gluster 1.99 acres or 86,684 sq. ft. 65,036 sq. ft. 16,259 sq. ft. + 225 credil per/unit 21,671 sq. ft. 8.95 units 33 slope/30 flat Zoning: Lot Size: Buildable Area: Allowed GRFA: Allowed Site Coverage: Allowed Units: Height: Units Unit A B c D E TOTAL: 5 Proposed Landscaping: Required Parking: Proposed Parking: GRFA 2,338 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. ft. 2,338 sq. ft. a-\uI @-(rvvtt - site coveraoe Z*+2 2,194 sq. ft. ZL+?9 2,194 sq. n. ,4?9 2,194 sq. ft. ?q7"2 2,194 sq. ft. r*72 2,194 sq. ft. ,.-1 , / -/ 11,690 sq. ft. lTvf=. 10,970 sq. ft.' .hnftlu, . .q,7.)qw 12.5 spaces 10 enclosed + 5 exterior = 15 spaces sl=4,,"ry, 1v enclosed 5 spac @ 4ssq. ft. = 2,465 sq. ft. I Project Application Pro.lect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone \)'1\i.f;rutil3 Owner. Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot gn Review Board VtiLr ,APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL i.:L;trALi;t 16' O E Statt ADDroval ffi*t .l 40 " zlrzz^I' u b, ), ruK U 3 KHt" F trt l{otr, p, _--o u, o oo :'trt a t{ rtl o ,. },U(7 Frrj(,a lolz UIHo FH E or{ o e trlF tr{o c)It F3Hoz otll ru Fo C-.|f'lc)Fl U trtvtoFHrorl Hoz o trt rd o C{ trtr) F3 ..; I) ,J f z , P€rU iErd Fl EiH rTtooPrrzLlFIO€rU F-lFZH6)oF t-tzr-l F{ooFHE!t Ittrt Fl HidovtzoCH Erl u, U' "lHcElo I'J lCHIHztFo lEr,luaoqlIqO trr i0(,c(/)FCtrt fDt3 Htr,€trt|lq|Por.7trt utK}l:c€t{ iItrl(t trt U> H c)z IrF H trtrou €nFto(n trtcro Or'JnPc)H FFl€ U Fr FilZHoo\z trto}- T'JovrJr;E fn HZ@C)HtroQZU\rlt >€az HHaz rrl rtH ad Pz(, Hzo €P l-rF Etrt(n l, 6) P \. 2 fri 4 ,) I 8_az6? { \atrat '-,l rd ro i0 l-to l--c{5lrl rtoHO Fl IE l9 l'\, t5t;t |l-lt4 lotvIt Irdlr{ PlH rdl9FhtHlHoloFlzdHoz C'P FJ trt r;l rdo (- rrA 'a, at/,) -i (' t/ @ TE H|'t Fl Hzo l-lt-l'it{.,lvl -.tl I It," l'\-/ ro oz trt L,; ql i, 1- ir Gj ,r ,_,.{rl, -\ ,N -Di \3 4.\\ r,\7 rl .l r]-'e L) oz Itl J.v<) r,, .^j a C' o€zI'l rir 4I e-' : (r ri1 CD a Hoz F FEz Hz s},|l rrl H F o 6H \,\f C.:'/ - Frl --o-El RO: "-J' tr,tF v tr{l{ Lrr (t H 6Jz (n HNItl orTt H E{ FJ }J rll Hzo ttz(' .1 ir trl c' (';Et'r trrtnHC)6) 'oiEHFI tdtrl or{t (n H 6)z v c0 L'J c) P trt r{ H 6) Fl Hz xHoFl Hz 6) oF iu '))oroott, trt(f - Ir' :EoqtaP. rA Fo H.acf F 0)cto H tr{ rr,z 6)€ orrl Hc Hz trt @tn rrJ oz€Fc) trl r{}l ru ql o)' I'J Ol-{ Etl Zo.. oo<r, tN)HoZl.Hloql'3lrovlr.(tct/,oco oicoFl {r HoF. PX. FJ OHZo ooz.rdI t'l lvlntdl- xtlo oIF FI'!trIEl;ltEt(r- It}'o l€}l F'l lFltrl lJtI rn la)I r--{ rT:tri tzltt tlJl t.l l\- I |.- | \.,,\) - Il'l l-t t ;.Y 'b(, N|- lF ItrJlIt EoE0) trlu, lPo:t€ PP- lFlpo J O rt ltdo rt P-< o lFFJOSO.l IHolotodh0 lPoFJ P.H ltrlq|oo!, lc/)(/)u 5 5l Io:t a lu>lroct lCP Ja llooooit l<:rolHoo tt€ l"lFr€dP- I'tp, P. r.' 5 lqtdPP'Q lOP.rQ 0. I5 ts-o l€iAl5 5 X lHnQq, lHooliErdcrlo llt|oProooltoQ,OItrIg, lHHrtlc)o P- l)'ooldOSlHcr loP'olz OHIp R i;-etQ --iJF'coq.. FJ I I U'q, t 'l'Ho oHl o BoEoaoo 5 rro FJ H. g, Fa 3 I tr.t aroq Epj ! o Fn (, P.ta P. H! o, q, P. P 0Jlf Po \€\c tr E+) 3 Pr g, 3F, .9 . o E s, (I'' oE .42 - 'P.C q'rJrJF ? tJ+r croFn,r tr r rJ bt! t!.C -A a 7 O rd O (tl{- z -l tl{ t{ o c oo tr>> 1c o >'r o o t{ F c o (d +Jd bnJJ . c, .1; i-O .-rEO(o C O (o c)(('rr ''r rr a C (U-OCo t{Ei.c t{ '-l 3c 0) ..{ oo otl'!5 o F q- -pro .crtl ro oE ootrro loool-rgd E Z$$ g t+r.rr ; fi o{.lqq) (/) Ur E 3'.to(!oo .Cq{>OOO11 .r o.o t) p 4 -r5OO. '-l tC! +JEOpA oEE$ q gq{"{ J.E, Cotroo b ci pd = r{ tr.{.rr o tr o.-r (! c 0J o+rrJ v?.dd .-{R 6pi;Hfn., i 3 E.933 €'H* 3.ib:,.x3.'gEErqEA.rr oQa d cE n A (!-l 9(0 o. o(u o3sg'.r-cc+r 5()15(0 O glr6tr O r+.1 OJO1.r -o O{ "i-Xho '.q() C !l C Cr{-r'd! O. cpo oHq.d ; A ?t-o r'r o Lt >o tH ooo{J>>!oo .c Eo c o __t +j o t .,.1 tit o -- a> -r o cot{ +r(Dl{rrc('oo-.1 '-lo3o(o.q..Fr .N 3O EC,4 -.o Et ---: .oo 6q{o(l) c t -'{ o (o E q 1c lr lr 'c ! tr o o..r ro o ol .60S q- o Bttt'uc 'r'{ l.l oa'atjp okroo+r' ci .6O ;uj rr o.6 .6O--.ro 9 oOo "l UtC "l EtntI '-rrr E rU o'-r co!>t o .a o-'{ -EoI- oqr rd 'i -o"o coop Q'''roru5c 3'-r o..r+.l ."l cJ;rf A@ tI'1J O ._{._r tr o.lr n E >F.OC -.r.-t O C O l{ OEqrk-rEoptr Aa ,_t G rr o1+r .-ti-_. -z c.J fr o 3orJ[i >pco{r -l l.r ocEooo.o dtrqrcq..{ ^.,r t! -.r c :ilOol 6 Eo Er t{ -oo rd(do c oo>-{oo rl{o.ohtSoB3 B q1 .6 E-Ao B16qe..l q - - F N'd r+{ O.oOrOd >Crd5oOr-r rs Gorr Oo -AO>O .e C.-t - - iif -l .F{ \ f4 O,.trlOO ..{P.C () OrrEO -lC0) qdCOCoE-IF{ C rJ (d.{ ,7 {JiroCrr qC F !q- rJ t'{ 'i o lr'Ft OO lOOt'QoO oko oo o..r r, t{{ .p E E -{ O. .ic - tr!.Q E O. ttr O.O..o. >t{JJ '.{ o E.'rlDJr o o-c.c o r._t o r (D.-t lrql!o, _-o6 H (! _.; l{ tI' cA .rJ o -..1 oO6-r CO.aXplr uro o.qc -6'-J --. q -aj'i k Q.q'd-r o o oc'(d ''1 c'rr (do (o'c o) oFrqcUl orrS o..{ +r-r >b] ]Jdsjo _- gqgl u .{ o.-td c o 5 qi 5 > o -c o . ! rr .-l oh ({ t!.-f grq o o coo(uqc ':1 - -o o urEt4$ .O.q lrO t (4 Eq oJJ-C u)-l 'tr''{ -r Clr.Q ..r (r..r.-r oc, .A qoE..r ('rC t{ ai Fi _.trqo> '-lp k E EsE(d ''l ! '.atr7 q{td-'{ >ijiii,i il Erre !g,._i *63i E .ufl"E E*3.i' 5o3fi8!rH*gE"6sl8.-.t o 0, o o.qp;.r rrHr.r r{-c.rr 6i;6;6 f.,'oio b g?qqo.4 ooro> qJc EuSo.tro.p 3d'.t ooou o.B .-t ..{.rt al .avt'i -o qEcrr A qE! -. d o c {r E d o I t{ o c ! o o{ ! 16E16 o F Jcoiij q 4l ri arq-r.6 E nq';o. inotoEo o-r.c3t6oEE 16 ocEi 16 x >E-.r olco "!;E=i Fl 9io- Vt .Co-. o oro '-r15 E rro-qo'd(lJoQ.oErd oo Crqr qor -.1 CS q-{'Fl'-l u|rr !1l >6-q-ro(u(6o (6 o 3+r Ut-'-{ , Zl i-rd r'l tt>.Q !'d c€q - qq \o o'-l o rr (d'-r'c qr O or.{-.{ or 'o --ii,f g Fl tStd- E 0q'.nE o'|{o5g. >bro.|J'{rco'-t.tr Otp-{'.r O+r 5n t+-{ qBc CC6.l"6 9l '.,6> at '- iq-{ t{ -Qo A A'i dq-{ o E Jr> to ..-r lr !r a -o--r .,roo 66.ic - Al c,5bO 4 ,gt -o .19 ,orE6"1 '1 !0.1 c.Qtac>6o 6.;€r:ij c,e - ;;J! .o '_l o- n(o ;i crnqoa -{o+rq).Q ooo{r+,+r-{ Ea oo-Qcq _{-rooo 3 or pjj"6oi el o a.,t |1 od4o -too }.r oE(J ot!oo+rEcq{o (,l o oco 16>c E6--it; 6l a.Ee B -1 .urro aloo .-{ E o.l'l o.cc o.o ro ${ 0()43p{(/) 'r-rr 'i'iooloit{ | -o6'6cp.o ri i;;;it <nl c.i -rr r,1 gF9o0, oxtt.Qd 0lc-.{-c3-r (g'{{rccl,tc 16o.-{ 6.;;.;;1.l 2l 6,Ho,+-r t'r qH.!tco oo-.c 15ro r-too.pr'{ ororo!r{oo o..{ 6cCiut1-: 6l ;.;-i' tr .iarG.-ro {r t{Oo ot-lo+rg.'-r c,+r>oo 5o> ab- o15 q-r*: qj6tEt{r l-.l1 ogr-rcl _ d!_ 4 qq +r q'..1 d d lco--r''roo"{oJ3 .:.: Fihj.A 6566.4; E1l .a,-n Z g-o,q> (d'do q qqrdoo ' l!o'{'-r+Jc-r1l sl 6*ila 9; 3*.99e'fi';b-3 .3'l,3t5:':3.3'BB"'1 EeZl o';(d ts{d rrrr"3 '-r s q+J.p rr ttrq-{ (d 6(d ''l! d(!''{ o€(r); *; El sssegt:;gdFF:gEglaeiiai!$iee&Eet 6l '.fE +r r-r -l-i C o-t -.r .-t o'.{ o o'-l o =urJcqrp.d6l ili E .oo.> o'.{ o.o.Q g>otrd>q>oE. og rt El Cb tH +.t 9.. o q:r Ftc"ET qd o60ro r0 -c o+i >to x >r'-l Al .{N (n Ae rr <D io't{ o Er B (op O. d .q ((' o E t{ o O +r (J o n .Q r'l .?3 tttr\.-t c3UlO '-lEa) a)o OJJ.A P(Hoo bcAUI0) '-l U'tnoco.rtE.q) .r{ Ot ! A '.490 tA r-'1EO -A Co (g(o(I| -tJoooo oF{O .Ql{ .q.,1 o. oo -,-l.AA Eo.d 3 Q r-.,oll{.] tt-{ C.-f O '.'lB O.O tr "fit..{ o ol.|JJ 3tr(u d oO O O-l{J O .1 eio.{ (d OE o ll-l0.o o .<IA d! 4 (0 (r-) str e ol.,{ a, c,,E O! +JCE.-l O C).3lt{ooo ruar-trJ3orJr+.r .d CoO '.tEC{J+JOO ..1 (J\]JoOtd.-roo+J ..{ +Jl+J r-{ Ol.-r 0. (0lEO.xl.a(0ol oU|o,e?o ..{ +Jr{G(U3o'(oq O\'r{'c c BdU| ut oo)-.{ .. ..1 A +)o.o tt 06oot{l.t O qO<n O-.i O ld.{E< q{a P Az cr o o.o14 tao -l .au ct{ o. oH O E +JOFl ..t @ O '.|+JA 4J.'l O q)a(d(a4 ()q 4 4..r..{ oZ A.A(9 O. +JH g.(o.n toE .{ Nl{co" O $'{O ECEr B -'{ n .9.oIz 9) 3o ! o oo EE oqt =ot 6' l-t o c) -j_i, =. i I I -Sa /" ul \\.? o l !to !o; o A) ! ofo € o o qtl 1' olI lr-|| ',t\ -l,\ l+t\t- \*iv' 3,-T l.I >' o;ooj- o !t3 l,Joao t-o(o D oo o 3 Io N\ \C/r T- ooo. Clt To s.o € Eoo CL o olu)l>tn 'lo,l< l>tI- @ f Jo oqt o I.\{ -J t\ T..) -. (h-r-- q i\.\.. | -, t7 -'^'--. w r) wruFF' ,o y '': 'rO Z.o 4' '::fr F.- i.ru Vtrr-l:i'E *',:Hd . .,(t @ l('|*IH]a5lq, oIP P.IPOto p, 15 rtI.o a P. No o FN c) ocz(, c)o trtF @ o F:t cn, 'ar4K tr| Ord t'l U.FTH t, FH c)v4Hoz .trtF'i,. F t<' oto(,tr! .H ooZF oKotrlZtl|liEFOOt, tr{o'E: ,l' r-tord o p. a r-l Cttg, (q o tso t<r-t 5 P-:r y9' (QOZorr:t{ (,o !t rt (no P-rr c)0, 5 !t !,SPQOrd9.P- trt co lJ 5rtrtPd trr< A'3H,u tt5 tt6)oo. o:cH I-,' Boo H r-n € Ho ZoFn6)PO OP'3 5 Filq octF-H5 P.X Fbrt It Flt rtI't K 6 (DEO FIXFl<oodo P-p., o ou oo r-Jo o 50, P-o Doo rt F||o, l-toitP-. O X l-Pcf o P-{ c oQ0, t-t 0, :tctorfdrr P. p. A, FhO PtQ B 5'qooos3 P'oln!rrf5o!r uP. O !' t-lao!t}JoUcr F.o oQrJ O'..- q, !l 0, o'Ucr F g,' o P.qr -<5rt.r orQ oEtsrtoPO'0, (,5(D P-@{u o(t 0ro€r-tHo !t6O PPtrI .a.aaF-F'|rt..'.o. rro oD,ct 3:r+ Z. tpro(,O'X. U,X P." OP.3 },3d hdg 3 ru I'J3Plto trt:t o ar trjo P.o PP.rQ O dta!t c/craFrf rc, tr'oo(,o tnoFN P.^{ Ft t-l€ or< o0, P. rtPH !'P(llHP.a 55€ o P.'o P.P-5tJcroq(/! it 0,o P.ri {€!ro0,jts (D rt !tPl'l 5(D (,ooP-r.a O Ft !t FtlDHTTOoo5rt5 c)itrro oo, l-t o.(,5(Dr-tB t-ro oot'rr€|lJ0r9rP. o o P.3n 15 5r" P. P-K P.5 5orqq |r .3. (1 -5 A' '5 'j-' Rh 'F*F ?E "TrF gt ili:Er 'l"li:T iiH :ili iil? lr a0 -\ rF ii c\ -1 6; Fllin T 1 /) 5 -r - !) r' b' ;ltilt$ F ls "F{ s tw ur g 4 a 3P. P. l5N 3) rn(.P' rt N $,,J9sl'"o @' F t'a P.a $I (ln ::): t-: E 9_c ooa3o5 z 0,3o ,'l* t F"l- c&t'|o-Fl Fl(/)ooc)o o.ctJ o JJ q o, o,t{ +J ,..|- .oo+)-01(' .crc)t{ ''{. +JdaOH:.4oa.l15ol.,{ olo.Gloolocl.rtlHIoNlq{l .nl.. tt -.{lc, IAol.. .-t olrfll, *rl ool fi31f: o5l:. .-l !l.d'.tlcol'F{ Ol.:* !l.r i:) i-.- " '.i i'- . i. :. U'Fl (ad rrlH tr1&&!l Er- EJ40EFlt r.E{ O:ztui{oA&p{A :;-: i, t{oqrccoo|.c..t p{ttoo q{ o o E(!z. (9z:HAdO U'oz'4 F] .i ,qi i o6l oEi FI& tn:gl : I I f{ c).c .lJo i .J' o)tiaoOulAOooaaril o ECoo(d(l,trHF{(9 vtu|(oqx.AO .iE(t '.1-tAtr. (), u, _.1, ..{ (d & A1o 0)EA.Akf{Fr,o:otl o:oocaOttt-lOEftr U' Hooo i i E..1 HHoqclrJ.B3.rl .-l: O Ooq{ltd(/)q{ q c(l O .rl ..1ft{ (4l'E E v, F-l ,o.'lt{ ..o., +)(t FI -l(, B H 0, E i:l+)tO ;.'' ':- : :..: '4:i i, tnd.Aa -.1 U' ltdH& lrl Frdt tllo F] tuts Fr ;;!t4H& 14 E{ at (,zHoFl q{ HODOAfi A.(d ..pc +J0,.'-t >E.A.Qu|,u, 0) ,clt{ocrHo oo0)-{t{(s._t >50 Ct l{OO{l.t g. (0q.rl Fl(!ccO'.1-.{ lH .tJd(I' Ellooglt{ oqq{.rt o ,a U|CE..{ t{3(,ooFr4 FIo3q{ o,..1 0r.>.qo e1 d -.:i F(J frlbodp{ fr.lo zoH E{AH&oU' trlo zoH cH Ha mDU' }<()oFl€ _lo '-l zoHH(')o.u)F{ Tdil&()oU'Qr{4o;E{Fl tl4rdofrtn e'l)l. u, : ErO f'lr)oil P{ !qo f'l az ,' o -.1 mrrl -l ].' |-n rJ1 l./1 U1 arr --{ = ),'u '(1 :c l:'-' C) 3 =ll . m lJr (;)2 -{ m n 3o ct .T o o, o ot -fi) rDct lo{-r.: a,/1 a+.J o .D O,l (D t- -q = OrnO- =>:t' ril z c)3z rr|- -{>ot- an al-m-{ FZ. -)> rn-m -u (/) -<'u 1l\-l -.u CJ C,c)o z rrlt< lJ' Ez,> ,.> C) (/r H -l|--- - Hm<> 42.>< -<iHrr.|r- --l l- @ Oric) r'-l lt1om H-{ =z zm3 U't O zrn F@r+ (-, rn mirn l-'< -{ -l o<-zC, rn )Dm(f, l= m> >(,t- z. t-lo(t .- ={ Fr FHm= F1 a = ct .o z. c) H-{(, >' tJ-m-{ Tnm >(J VP I'm -l uJ -11 lf = -< 'tJ cm :omZ, Llr O L/1 -{H .< -le C) )r" \l> (,ur -lC ],i Orn Trr H-{ u) -:rf mirn (-)--n -l TqmzoC, t<oio <-oz, z, mF-l 90>{ . -oc)- rnm:i ntJl -l,J (f \-,\o 'oTt\ = 'tto=u oJ' c)o'n(Dl- o> .DFI'Er rl,-tg (D a+ TI -t .D ct rD q,-t r|. =(D ct' T'c o € -t 7< tDD(+ c)o 3c5 a+ rD o IDt =o =-l = mrr tJr al".J fDrt 3 !'EFDoo!'omrnFF-t -l oo rn n] a){ oz. m ma-{m (-) mz. TNlt,tlt o'tt L/)mo Frlul a.f, !o -t EDs \F tt e.m att G,.t- rrl oc)a./r o =O-l'Tl-n rna)=m rl-t cnn1z,c) e, t-l z. m ap -r an t- o'oa- 'o Frr|ou't c)aJl r,m rilrtrla) r- Frn (-t E l,/1 -lL/1 nl {9 O Lllz, -l 2 \,c CDr a) (h mn (-) rr1 (.) z, mFr.nvr -.1.-lm 6) Z,Itt.u,c)r @'Ermm z,o.-{ :T gA| CO .-+ (1 -tt -{aD ur J.5 :tO J.=< -r.D 5 -r (Do € -..< ',.DO- -., t, C-O {.r -r J.O O, J.O Onr -.O:t O O O d:f .D ir(: o.53=1, uloo 'Do 5-rc oo.at |/t C O l, o, -{i5'il l: -J:]-h(1qr(l)5<O<-t O -, -t a A,o 5 -rJ. -(J G -,'.3-h nOOs-, -r= -t(/^ !, r.+ J. o' o. .t -h= =-(.l < O r-+ rD O c(D.+fDln=OT:' -r.o 3 J.<O qr(o O r)a, -t 5 f or J @r.o, O_ C! -r(1o,.-lO.dJ'q,o -, -r. .i :i -r -,Tl:'o o rD (D o- J.-ti =J (, J.(-) '1 CoJ.lr!5O(i t, a -5 (cl CL.I,= (,o oo 'ttru.3 arDc+ArC(()J.O-J'15 = JJ': (, O- U.l0,o-E c|'. rDfD.-t J-o .. o.+E C! |/a . -l f\)3 -r l - :.: rD.rD J': C J)5 3 C d )tt1 e, -r.r-tOr:lC.tl-tJ.f-,t n' 13 r. '1 -tork 5 J I ri) lD o,.+ J.O -hrD t, OOr (.l X O,cl' c)5O- ::i ctoNJGO C J.:1 :'-,'1 .1SJ(:(t)CL:io r'K f o,rD Vl:.t Ct O, :5at cvr aLaD .lf r).+. 3. :.: iIt .DrD aD(^-:!: -1 rl,J o<rD ).r r!: J(]nAt J.gJ O-.l dr.:t..t r+o- o- J u, J'=() - O.OtO -J o,{ .D .D.} vtt -. ct clV, VIJ rD=.o|, r.o |, o fD-1 (O -t:to o,J.'c) :f r9r 5 ()-C< -ro -r-rci o-5 TD O, c+ -/.-t1 1 J.o.O-r.Fcl/D-b - g o 'o (t l, vt o5rD=.Di-rut5 _\!a!3P t -to,:iEr J. 3 c o |, J'(Dl': o, (")IJ t^ cru < =9.:'r-o .i:: kn).cL \i 4'fr<t t _5 -tt b ?4 F t i:' ht" \ , m U'{ mz utclr,l H U.l HEz E mT DT:orzo^ ^{ E ;EGJCd .:)eeoou C., tJ O' O €ootdD+$rOf-\DoDx!llu HooofuzcF$ {m{o Forulo@PHozruoo EasLqfLTFFF!-f*F(liX'S|s|s'5'SETSXUIx:{x:rxx*n \- .i- a Lq LI Lti ,- f'.J r-. F* r-. L4 Lq [., F (,J Lq eN :r X E! N 's 's'S >r :{ .\t frl X X Sx :{:{ x }r ul .o n F. l.j Ltl '5'x:i 5 tt c.{tr t0Ett <ztrFT'IrD trla Zr'tt u+ nots1, F(oJ D.t! o c.Jo-o g) =to F{ rJXr: ..o rEr lt fuF r,n Eio. tr < { n tt gJ t T o r H o t'D f0 E 311 n trj tE F{ (D E!, r-,.rD F,D o i o $ J :rrsrj|l ts.r-a o o :rfp.J '.-o1 o. O. !, t, o ! -t -t a o t T |E r tr1oa1o.o it't .< O 't <i F. o r '-' E o o o O Jotoo.p.JriO BT 'r t! J O rt ', .< J P1l ct3 P.E -t, aOE {!r $ 1a!! J 1l o f t, a a $ 5 rc lp. <f m.ra atr 6JF.U< O r.. r..tE 'll 1jE F.r< F. lIroqr$p.E :lgrtroTlltt trA OE tn D tsX P.F.m rJ O O F.:EP.8- F. 9'r F.o. 'Jr tr tt Tlq o n f tD r-ts JG '<D .t:IIAtr.tOlDrE ('J}J|J .rJ $ O O.< Ir O ltr l, Ftr P. 'ir ItO (tm = B n +1.td$ !, r- J"< o m .B Er tr l tr i.tr tOD O trtD -tU .'|D (9 ttr -t 4tJ E o !, -no tr g,D :f 3 tn o |'tr'- r ' x tnst ru o N r]('9t=JOcro.<E F'qrJ lDturoDt trlrD D ul tn ILI t.j Ltl G'NN ETo t'l,t !, a o , ,Jtt ul D T Fl ..t tt '11 oo a o -\iB\:E );n/,5Y:ull<J tzl ;t\; H \:c \cr J= =\-JI\ IF1'J! :\;\ r. l 3Ys\ n\ 'l+tl 0 (* vaoo E v .P2$ fr 3 $ H ffllgs$5l+n I f H :l--4 7 a r .v (t .. irlN/N PD, tr oo€onE f f,f Hf FilFFFFPP ev,pEe ooEi?'r,.'p" iSfif IHH FEgFH "3';rv' gf u, gFf H- i,F-EF 3g;.8v fig o Ff F."v' E 7G)tno"2*5-;E r';6qF!.ilDiD3'Z ,tthP7Ef;HoH o(4 FN r0 rdF t-rot,,ozO|lv,trrg(f> H'F: trlFNttl a{EF(/) t-ra tr,XHv,EtrtHtrl2o7trtHZFobr<r{trj o)U Flo tl{p 0,F.ot,fto o F,P l,r-bort ln 'o ,Eooo t-r-ocoI @ rt Flooo rtrtooo H5oF.o!,rro fln Q15 =r lP.rft5tc Fr 13 Bl" .,lE gH $F Ern l\l)!N Nt\ \ illl 'l N R IN lsl $l uootd l.-3rqo55(DoFl N * N N $ ll tl I I $ IK F ulutoq C ''{ >.-r .-r pE cJ1 l{E-.{ o Q)-.{ (t 6 0.B +r -Q otaO+Jt{t{Og.\o u} tt{ oO O {r.qo q+Jtr(aoQpt{cqr .c r+.{ oo| - -.t o 0,q! O.c t{-{.C+JO-lt(d(l)c3 B rJ -Ft (u c, .c oOOP-lq --l --t o..{.t5 BCC ut.Fl H O .-lt! -l .{ lJ .-{ (tt O >rrtl 3 l.{ q{ B tH o rt-{ o0.ioot'] O. {J&o$.cD .CU'Fi 0J bt..r4 o ..r (u h ot.-{ E14AE5A PE{ E -.r ut ^.,{ xu).xoA o6E .ZrJZ +, '{o o "t .o-'pq{tvrsta El Fr Fl 0\gtr O .-r q{FrO(d u,o A3(')-.t oco('O-lOg. -lg.o btotrc>- td --l OO t{ +J.Qo ('.q tdO AENO O .r.l .lJAoFl .dooll{ rd O-.{A .qOq+rtoo-Fr g.ooou|q H u'tr orH (I'-A.A +J +J lJ O+J.c(0l{(0U|o 5 3.r'l O +J-{-{ x o ..,.t.q ,lct{dq{+Jooc g,.d o.q o ot{ oO Ooo(u-_to+r(UO>|{Xf{ O p..o 5 hg.tJ r'l-l 9.{Jq-{ x..{ EH ..1 tr .o ('lq-{ q G..l" (l) (d,-l(9qr1' Z OH B rl{H ooEi tt -lIqO.OO)(9A C.Q O.HE(!Fl ,-r.tJ{Jc a(')&] ..r 15AOb,_{C4l c ('(J .P'-l q)@ +Jg oO 3.q +r€zou| (! d.C -.{ C t{Fl O.r O Ut c; t!o Flooo&EErttzrnoEO &zooH trl (,l o{O >.t & Fr FI z \JH E-{4(9 H* .! O ttl Hfrl Alsl > f4o E{o oc U) i|fl E| at, .a2t{ a) ooooo.oloolr{ >lA F{l q-{ o o N .F{ U) o.l+r ql(dol O -{l.-l -ll1'olcblHl*1r)l $l U) lr{ oo zDo o lt)oDOfiFlE>@oE(,142&HF trl(/' TQ HxoFl E:r tulzl .{l 3l '31 slxl dtoacnFlm{DH& trl @ Fr40Ern <t)E{OZA.{0F] &AA o o 7 o CD 2 a 2 7- 2 o o '7-\o\o /rl 9,^l.fi/ /a\v - -t\zio: t-.rlr--1 .. -l h. rl n1 -]av, c) l,^l UI Eo(J tl ElrjFz UJo ..1s -) ID JuIy 6, 1993 Deai: Carl, In response to your letter concerning the planting of trees on Meadow Creek property behind the 'rB'r Building, the Board of Directors feel that it will grant you permission to plant approximately five (5) Evergreens and three (3) aspen trees on our property and we will do our best to maintain those trees that you plant. However, due to the fact that there is no sprinkler system at said location, we cannot and wiII not be responsible if any of saj-d trees should die. A1so, if the actual planting area must be noved appreciably one iray or the other from the site plan you have shown us, we would appreciate being notified of such change. We are looking forward to seeing the lovely addition to our neighborhood. you! Bobi Salzman, Itleadow Creek President Condo. Assn Sincerely \ Retum to I}ITER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEAR]NG COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: tr 3F"0/V\wwLll W\p**-l PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by:Date: 5- t ''-a < Comments:+-, Tnl.-t.. l.\ -tr" 6 uL^^ wu ||!rgr |ttr. tin , // //,\ .ilt.nt t o(/i(\a-l' 1ac"'a'<4( a<laep , N*J l)a.^X F,X6e,/ML46 14 Aaa;# "Lu,-U 3/"/ 1 4-,'-. a7-@.,N -(q@ 4^-ZGf, g) ? ^a( osz/ / /" yJ t u oU y'-re " I a-(,42@ ZdzJ*,q -7.44-4p) 116, 5) ,.r.-,a@,'q *oJ* u,Jr/ {)n- az"'a e",*r/ n tA 'r) fu,n ,42-a G b. 9/ *z- Gu " ) utJ! **-l /" ru^".^ aH* azzea e'J ' lD ) (Pq "Iz.ed/ to /wtaa^a Tn-f 's.d f)4-t . n rt ,,i il*l t p e_H, &;*;9, X ffiffi ''fupf L&/ ,\ 6,4 3ig h -78) ,/-n ^lt Retum,o -li* tV Ir* U,Or' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: br-{v1/w nN.^JH- WU Vt r."J FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:.4.,6.i--{Date: 5--r 8'ZjiF] Commenb: z) Fr4a 7z7.12a;/S a.r_ zr.,n.7 ,arzO;t : .4/o 7-4n25'Q rVl"v Zt": /'\ 5 ) 4:o'7'-W-'^l /.4/' -d4 '\ 'F::- :t ''' 5 V tS- e z y' - ;./)^rJ - i.,/ t l-'/^t-l' ,./1', 2ttt-2,, <,. .'/./'"/ t' K. " ,A.1. '.ad ll,lez o DRB .EPPLTCATIOIT - TOI{N.OE' IIAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEI\IED : DATE OF DRB I.'EETING: ****lrl**** IEIS APPLICATION WrI.IT NO:! BE I|CCEPTED T'NIIIJ EI'L REQUIRED INFORINTION IS SUEMITEED*r*t****** PRO.'ECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIFTION: Construct six (6) single farnily residences for re-sale revised 914/eL cor.oReDo 'RMTilAYIOPq' I. B. TYPE OF REVIEI{: fuNew Construct,ion ($200.00) Additlon ($50.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00) c. D. ADDRESS. Kinnickinnick LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT SUbdiviSiOn Parcel D Stephens Block If property ls described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: RCE. It LOT AREA: If required, st,amped survey showing NAtr{E OF APFLICANT: applicantlot area. g1"tz Inc. provide a currentmust 86 580 ft G. H. Mailing Address:P.O. Box 2072 Eagle, CO . 81631- NAI4E OFMailing APPLICA}JT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE:Carl and Matt Dietz same as aDove Phone T NA},IE OF OWNERS:Carl Dietz *STGNATURE(S): Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Lat,er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwill adJust the fee according to the t,able belor.t, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 101000$ 10,001 - s 50,000s 50r 001 - $ 150,000 9150r001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000I Over $1' 000,000 * DESIGN NE\'TEI| BONRD APPRO\IAI EXPIRES ONE YEAR IIFIER FINAII IPPRO\TAI T'NI.ESS A BUII,DING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED AND CONSTRI'CTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WILTJ BE PROCESSED 1 K. FEEs 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500 .00 wrfsouE -\-'. O9INER' S SIGNATURE Iv II. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a menber of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to rnake an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional subnittal requirements.Please not,e that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building Lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed nust be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking rnust be conpleted prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant nust ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The revield process for NE$l BUILDINGS normally reguirestwo separate meet.ings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting thei_r development proposal ata minimun of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled neeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has been republ j.shed. D. The following items nay, at the discret,ion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or frontfte agent for or manager of any adjacent condoninium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. Bnohr avalanche, rockfall, flood ptain, debris flow,uetland, etc), a hazard study must be subnitted and theonner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building pernit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Tordn plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to aII mapped hazards. F. For all regldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance frorn the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the appJ.ication with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. SUBDIVISION parcel D StePhens .'OB NAT.'E LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS Kinnickinnick gtreet The location and availability of utilities, whether they be naintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. west Cornmunications 1-8 0 0-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-5?81 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage CablevLsion T.v. 94 9-5530ii; Cg3 /htel 6e*urs sle )q z .f-s.93 Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * .--_A/475-7480 ( /1 )1/ Fred Haslee dA-G6-93 NOTE: 1. This forn is to verify service availability andIocation. This shoufd be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a compLeted utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with Lhe proposed construction, the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no conments are made directly on the form' the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of Pubfic Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq pernlt is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water e Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. t(2tlcS O ltor Fze'-o lAa+n e a o s DATE: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR FR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRI Block _ Filing o cTs Dietz Inc. ARCHITECT Robin Molnv ZONE DISTRICT Rc PROPOSED USE six (6) sinqle familv units **LOT SIZE .3g-5gq;sS.. rt- Al.lowed (30) (33) PHONE 328-5600 PHONE 92s-7404 Existinq Proposed TotaI ' 26r -4" 1890 (3bdr)2II5 \4ULr) 2433 50 12015- Height ToIaI GRF.A Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks -2248- 425 425 t + Front Sides Rear llater Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaII Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Haz ards : (300) (500) (900) (1200)- 3ei__ To be Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope Determined Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No--L_ ??? 1) FLood Plain 18,820 sq. ft. 2', Percent Slope 4ot slope not in flood plain 27163) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow AvaLancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow4) Wetlands t"n. 20' 15' 15' (30) (s0) *o/ 'I 5r 3' /5' 2.5 Regrd 2.5 Prevloue conditions of approval (check property file): not known Does thle request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: under sections 18.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the MunicipalCode, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less tiran15'000 sg. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. TheCommunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections 18.L2.090(B) and L8.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code inctudingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for furL-time enployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 oo V;VL V"bq- qW-??zzfit, Retum to IiITERDEPARTI'ENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: IqRTEF DEfqRqpeN OF rHE PROPOSAL: Wi<"tU.. VlP"t (An wq.e" t'= E 6*Jfa I FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviared by: Comments: .46.*-Date:{ Ct-23 t') 24, <ras.-z"z/ 6V-tz2-'/:j"-- Z '3a /r./ ,. t'// ' /'??.//'4 ,l Z "...', '^1s- 7rr, '/'''fzzt"/Z) .t--,'t-7 E e1.f I ,nu.if -zt tl ,'1 'ao''-1o J) y',,*' ,zf.1,a.,"rs .zzz ,-,o'- l'L"^'l ' r#tlrtll Qsw-ryrol brut +VLLIi - 1ft,1-- 'ZlhD I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: RetJm to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW effi oF THE PROPOSAL:Ylar- , , I ^,-<-\e + (O*-1= PUBL]C WORKS Revieu,ed uy, 6^+ ll".[[ oae, bfzslQ3 Comments: D zo'L or*, I , 40, apc--f ts *- (io"Y, L'5 t''o-JzJ, ?L* , 1..'/J*^ns zJ N"zJ lira,Jzs I ia-_, ",tt J/u /" L.^nn."t.^;-L z) tlrt J-U-r..,Ju.. t- f.n -/. . l, tt'.ffi"|,"?,uJr;L {"rt J,*,-,,V, sl-,*T t l,^,,, 4) sho.r 6noe tbtrA.-..) firtr^ 5) u; ll Jk *^u- c.,^--L do,*n . uf.t-rt- 6) l, \n *tl ,1,L. J i l:lsrs c o -.:-g l, "-- FIRE CODE and storsge and firc shall fire and or other I9OI UN|FORM FIRE COOE Dfvlsfon fl F'RE APPARA Generat \TUs ACCESS BOADS ."if;"11ii.h,i1fi.'XflT?::: access roads sharr be provided and mainr,rined in Pfans dni"'":?:;ff ['f;lT#,:Hffi Tl"':ffi fr ,:?,:1."*bmiaedtotrerire ,.#',11:iilffi :i*l',,,,I"f ,TT:'::#li#f,'.H'.'*'ff ::ilffi'fl;LgE"rr"'"r," ","y p.il",l"filiffjfi il ",T,",j "r an erterior watt-oi od manner. [ot be used rys which tilprohih. fsvrrhtn luclr oe bed and lrr id€ and rnd IV thrl be Speclflcailons. i I l #'H;#?#{,.H,,,#.,IH,{;;l",itr"*--.-; 'tffi ;:ff"{?.il;h:;ffi:*:'m,ms,':r:,m;"_G 5;:*T:*y,";"i;;;;"il;- diliE:T;t#:rins consuucrion, ,rtJodon o, d".oririon of s buirding, sec |fi":C,fi'mt [:r;rx j::ff::: yd, ,na, have an unobt"rr rtan lt r"eioinii"etffi :l".li,j,,[:, ;il ";ffi fr ;xr#ffi;:trffifi :i,,JJ,:,:ffi? :il] 3,i:.'fi l':|i",Y#h'"'ff lll,lT"i***:::symaybcreducca,#;l#,uk**fr lffi ."#i:Th,;Tiii,j,,l["i#iffi xffi "g:ffi n a manner ftnmediately ! ctearty are insrarcd and ma-in"rrffi",;:::T,r#;T:,,,,,r;fft :r#j$.fi5jiff w' FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL DECLJ\RATION FOR PINECREEK AT VATL 559526 8-663 P-500 03 / L7 /95 04 : 20P PG 1 oF 2 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder )j RECITALS l-. Dietz, Inc., a Colorado Corporation (rrDeclarantrr) htas the Declarant in that certain Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Pinecreek at VaiI recorded on March 2L, L994 Ln Book 635 at Page 357 of the real property records in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (ttthe Declarationtt). 2. The Declaration established a Subdivision on the Property (as defined in the Declaration). Pursuant to the Declaration and Final PIat Pinecreek at Vail Phase I, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, Colorado, the Property was divided into Lot l- and the Rernaining Portion of Parcel D. Declarant has built a Residence (as defined in the Declaration) on LotL. In Section 2 of the DecLaration, Declarant reserved the right todivide the renaining portion of Parcel D into four additional Lots andto construct a Residence on each additional Lot. 3. Declarant has divided the Property into two additional Lots and the Renaining Portion of Parcel D and has constructed a Residence on each Lot. 4. The Declarant now wishes to subject the additional Lots andthe Residences constructed thereon to the terms and conditions of theDeclaration and in accordance with the Declaration provide for tireallocation of liability for the comrnon expenses (as the same are definedin the Declaration). DECI,ARATION 1. The Property is hereby divided into Lot 1-, Lo|- 2, Lot 3, the Residences constructed theron and the Remaining Portion of Parcel D asset forth on the Final Plat, Pinecreek at VaiL Phase II, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. fn accordance with the allocation formuLa setforth in the Declaration, the liability for each of Lots 1,, 2 and 3 andthe Residences constructed thereon shal1 be 33.333?. (&Pf \"'t' REC 10 .00 ,.9 F- + 2. Declarant continues to reserve unto itself and its heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns the right to divide the Renaining portion of Parcel D into two additional Lots and to construct one additlonal Residence on each additional Lot, as set forth in Section2 of the Declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Supplenental Declaration Declarant has rfrrlly executed this Firstthis /(F day of Mf*r-l , Lees. DIETZ, INC., By: STATE OF COIORADO ) couNry oF EAGLE i tt' \,, The foregoing was acknowledged before ne this Afu uu, ot [Y(fi\%L', 1995 by Carl Ir: Dietz as piesident of Dietzl--Tnc.-, a -6%?aao Corporation. l{itness my hand and official seal . lly conrnission expires on: s)tp f'r UT 1 Mlf \ et-z, Pres 559526 8-663 P-500 O3/L7/95 04:20P PG 2 ol' z