HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNBURST FILING 3 VAIL GOLF COURSE TOWN HOMES 1978-1984 PART 1 LEGALL/r1Siiapiro Ccnstruction Compdny April 13th, 1983 fr ,i^i,l-/- v 'ri r. i: c ,' | ., or/fr J Jim Sayre, Planner Town of \tai.l Building Depar:trnent 75 Sourh Frontage Road West \tail, Colorado 87657 RE: A. L. SHAPIF.O & CO. - SINGLE FAMI].Y RESIDENCI] VAIL METROPOLITAN RI]CREATION DISTRICT Dear Jlm: Pursuant to your request, l-et this serve as our Letter of Intent concerning an easement for sewer line and sewer lift station locatcd '. on our properEy upon wl'rich we plan to build a single faml1y residence aod convey same to A. L. Shapiro & Co. Let ne filst state that to our knowl edge no existlng easement exists, or Is of record,for sald sewer servlce and lift station and, Lherefore, the existing facllitles have no solld 1egal rights to renrain This unfortunate situation aside, Shapiro Constt uction Co. is vrilling to cooperate rvith the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District (V}4RD) and is willing to erter into a formal easenrent providing for the cul:rent s er,rer line and lift statlon under the following terrns and condit.ions: 1) VI'{RD sha1l be responsible for che paymcnt of all expenses incurred ingenerating said easement, including the expense of a fornal survey which vrould locate the existing facilities and the proposed easement. 2) Said easemenE shall be the minimurn wjclth necessary to permit theproper maintenance and upkeep of the ser".er line and lift station. 3) Said easement shal-l specifically state that it ls granterJ so1e1y for the purpose of maintaining the existing sewer facility within it. It is noc granted for the purpose of permitting upgrading or: subst.ant jal replacement-. I:urthennore, sinceit is out: understanding that the conLemplated r:efurbishlng or repl-:rcernent of theexistllrg Vail Golf Course Club House alticipaEes a compl ete r-elocacion andsubstitution of chese sewer facilities, any rcf urbishi.rgor repl_acenent of the existingVal1 Golf Course Club House shall terminace tllis eir.senent. The rc.Location andsubst.ltution of the sewer facllitles for the- new Club House shal1 be at the sole expenseof Ehe VTIRD. Suite C-3, Fall Ricige Condominiums P. O. Box I 5.17, Vail, (otorado 81657 Teteptrons: (303) 476- 1?80 - con t lnucd- ba Jim Sayre/T0V Re: A.L.S. & Co/W{RD April 13th, 1983 Page 2 4) Should the exlstlng se\ter facilities be left unused or remain unnecessaryfor a perlod of nlnety (90) consecutlve days or longer, said easement shall automatlcally 1apse. 5) Sald easernent shall provide that. any and all maintenance and repairs required for the existing facilities withln the easements shall be done accordingto the following terms and conditions a) ProPerty or^zner sha11 be properly rrotif ied bef ore any r.zork is done.b) Work sha1l be done with minlmum demage to Ehe exiscing grounds, lmprovements' or contemplated improvements, including but not lirnited to those improvernents shovm on rhose plans presently pending approval by the Town ofVall Building Department identified as "Vai1 Golfcou::se Single Faml1y Residence, 1695 Sunburst Drive, Vail , Colorado",c) A11 grounds and improvements shall be replaced to thelr original condition at the expense of the VMRD as soon as possible.d) A11 work sha1l be done within a reasonable time or Shapiro Construction Co. sha11 be allowed to do such work at expense of VMRD. 6) Shapiro Construction Co. agrees, at its expense, to r:aise the height of theexisting lifr statlon enclosure to the grade of the contemplared improved propercy. 7) Should the easement be abandoned, or lapse per the conditions above, VIIRD shall be entitled to all equipment located rqithj-n the lift station enclosure and VMRD shal.1 be required to reflll the lift station enclosure with appropriate material , sealing same. 8) The easement must provide that in the event that the existing serrer facillties and the proposed easement for them should unreasonably confli-ct with the contemplatedsingle family residence for this slte, Shapiro Construction Co. shalt have .the right, butnot an obligation, to move the sewer facilities and che proposed easenent. at the expenseof Shapiro Construction Co. 9) The easement should provide that all rights and responsibilities of ShaplroConstruction Co. to the easement shal1 be freely assignable and run with the l-and andj.mprovernents. Upon receipt of an easement meeting counsel, Shapiro Construction Co. shall approval. xc: Larry LyBarger Envin Bachrach il36lTown dal the above criteria and review of same with its execute salre if Lt meets wi Cl'r sald counsel's Yours truly, sH^gino CoNSTRUCTION C0. ./,-.<- \/t .,, X,ma'#Jffi--i-(lrs Vicc-Prcsldenc V t-.,r*-***.,{tp:. a Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Motion by: Seconded by:Ar+tv zt J Design Review Board l- o*" 4o/ -3 DISAPPBOVALFtn+4r-@ Summary: '?--=g onrng Aomrn Chief Building Official lnttn 75 roulh tronhga rd, vrll, color.do E1857 (303' 476-7000 November 5, 1982 Enrin Bachrach Shapiro Construction Co. Box 1547 Vail, Colorado 81657 JS: df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 1l-3-82 Dear Enrin: 0n November 3, 1982 the Design Review Board approved the ShapiroSingle Family as submitted. Approval was for'i residence of' ZIBZ GRFA, which brings the Vail Golfcourse expansion to its maximum GRFA. Si ncerely, J{m Sayre Town Planner e Proiect Application (4i Project Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: -/^/ Legal Description: Lot 4, /' ,'G"A"' 'Filing Zone:' zoning Approv€d: Deslgn Review Board Date 3 - y'-tt Motion by: {r/^ second€d o", ftin-'' APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official Subdivision U;tPca-r7e> (ezug.a..t Lot /to7 3 SvNRuesr 3b Ft.'/^Q I -. ? v+!t UA::.-?P@GBl ock Fil ing (Acceptabl e) v/'12. (not qr'':ent - (Al -'-- u'o (B) sirc Y'lan (C) util itY t ' (D) ,." .'-7.1r'u iii 'uodivision Agreenent (if applicable) 2. tnqrneerrng Require$ents (A, Culvert S (B) Dpi"o,u"' ' Sou rce of Uti-r i +'^1 Electri c Gas Se"ler !later Tel eplrorre F) T.V. tr A B c D E F 4. Cornments: 5c2 lFt?lltt3€t Approved: -4 fu : 'rll, b'- Di sapproved: Det;-rtmtffi Bill Arrd:'c:+s ,I -. Il. .-.1- I zol'tE cll[cK- f.;--'.. , sFR, .R, n P/S Z0NE DISTnICTS nerya' f"llqs :" legal Description: Lot - Block . ' . Orner <+t /V/yLO Ca*S.f Architect r. . Zone'District . AD\4F proposed use Ft4r^^up. Frfuh* ' airn'462^;1;.'-"'i "lotnrea. t "GRFA: AlIoned . GRFA: .Primary Al I or.red Secondary fil l or.red Site Coverage: Alloived Oo Z €?, ? Landscaping:.'Required Parl'.ing: . Required Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /llazards: .Aval anche eight Al'f orred 3€.f Proposed *''1 ""'Z -" 6 Setbacks : Front-Requ#;d-Z0r'--iiicijiosea Sidcs-Required l5' Proposed . Rear -Required'15' Proposed .. Haterccur:se-required 'Proposed Primlry . Proposed Propcsed Secondary Propcsed Slope Proposed ZLl 97 8 , ,,--: Proposcd Prcpc:ed ActuaI ..'2-.- Fl ood P'i a in /0r1,;,rot,r.i w 5, 2t '' Shapiro Construction Company October 14th, 1982 The Honorable Members Design Review Board Town of Vail Department of Cotrmunity Devel-opnent 75 South Frontage Road West Vall, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOI,FCOI]RSE TOWNHOMES EXPANSION - SINGLE FMILY RESIDENCE Dear Deslgn Review Board Member: Shapiro Construction Co. has contracted to sell a portlon of the belou descrlbed parcel- of l-and to A. L. Shapiro & Co. and represents it in its deslre to bul1d a si.ngle-unlt resldence of 2,180 GRFA on said portlon of this site, separated by Sunburs t Drlve from the twenty- two (22) unLts now under construction and hereby requests your approval of same. LOCATION A parcel of property located ln the North 1/2 of the Northeast L/ 4 ot Sectlon 9, Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Prlncipal Meridlan containing 5.2966 acres more or less zoned Low Denslty Multl-Fanily (LDMF) with Resldential Cluster (RC) density and two additlonal- units pursuant to Town of Val1 , Colorado Ordinance No. 1, Serles of 1979. GRFA and DENSIIY The orlginal allowance on thls property was establLshed as 53,032.58 GRFA and twenty-four (24) units denslty, as confirmed ln the Town of Vai'1 letter dated February 9th, 1981 (copy enclosed). Shaplro Construction Co. is in the process of building trrenty-two (22) units, contalnlng 50,851 GRFA on this property ln accordance with constructLon permit #00852 with 45,736 GRFA and permit 1100869 with 5,115 GRFA. ( cont lnued ) Suite C-3, Frll Ridge Condominiums P. O. 8ox 1547, VaiL Colorodo 81657 Telephone: (303) 4761980 I DesLgn Revlew Board Menbere Town of Vall October 14th, 1982 Re: VGCTH E:<panelon/S1ng1e Fanlly Page 2 TtrLe leaves an allonance of Orlglnal allowaace: Less, preseotly pernitted : Remalnlng: Encloeurexc! Brwln Bachrach Abe and Ken Shaplro Larry LyBarger General Flle ilal GRFA and DENSITY (contlnued) two (2) units and 2,181-,58 24 unlts - 22 units 2 units ProJect Archltect GRFA, as below: 53,032.58 GnpA - 50,851.00 GnSA 2,L8L,58 GRFA furtherShould you have any questlons regardlng the above lnfornation or wlsh clarlflcatlon, please do not hesltate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, /r,,rA1tL/,./',- Erwin Bachrach I vrrrllFcouRsr T ownuogris Jy,ANs ror'r ]ncl$ r'Alrrly nusrtnNcs llr'l.iii I'III.I S RANCII l'l'( r.,l.i. i SINGLE FAI'{ILY RESIDENCE 't'lr,.r fr, I I r,t.,'i rr;i lJtrltr'd llr'lrrrr: A, lli,ll,l) Ji;(; Rcro f Sidi ng r'''luir',1 1rl ,; r:rr, lrf 11 ivtrr: {.1,., ir r. _Lo.Iglete.rcgf .tlle - Qbe.f-eoal_and_9t9!9__*. Cedar 1 x 8 Channer Ruetlc - Natural Stone - Jolnted Natural ' othcr l":rl I l"lrtcr: j al s stucco on lath Devoe Al2 rApacher Fa sc i.a Sof f i.t s Itlindor'ls Cedar Natural Cedar Natural Wood Terra tond l'li.nclow Trin Door.s Door 'l'rin lland or Deck ll,ails Flues F lashings Clrirrrne ys . Trash Euc,losur:ds I'lood 01ymp1c #709 Wood solid core Cedar clad - Natural Cedar Natural Cedar Natural NoE vlslble Sheet metal Brown Stucco on lath Devoe A12 I Apache t Gl'cenirouses Other: B. ::tAtitoscAp INe Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATIRIALS TREES SHRUBS STIAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. None' None 476-t280 Botani cal Narne Plnus Contorta Pte:1lnglengnnli !&sg-lgg-ens.---. Plnus Ponderoea - P_SpClue_ lCesClgldes Bpl9lgs_]!I}glt_e-tg!9_1la r qlt!p-ef_y! _$-cep9J99 um Sal1x Scoulerlana Connnon Narrre Logse-!e-ls-l-i-le n-lgleneu-9erqse Elge-gP.r,lse Ponderosa Plne Qceki.$€-Aepe.{r 32 Narrow Leaf CoEtonwood 5 tsg_c_Bl-_Y.!.1. ..,1 yn !p e r Scouler Wi11ow !l93g1t-1ty- 9 Si ze 6r-8t 2r - 3l g1 8l 8t 5t 8l ..2_9 9 4l 7.. 0lr(riliii)varlous O I '?,150 Gi;V l- li5 s0n ,EnLHEe-Lot S{itJAltl-: t:00lA0l-Approxinately 8000 SQUARI FOOTAGE 60SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Sprlnkler System TYPE l,f11df lowers Non-app11cab leTYPI OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0tlter Landscape Featurcs (r(f taining r,ra11s, Stone retalntng wall - Jolnted f r-,l,.r,rr , :i\,/ inr:nirill l)ool s, etc. ) Please specify. - Nat.ural , 4t _"_.,&r_M_?L I a .I o Tl. rti{lr,l I'nrlnnr,,1lhr. l,'rnr !t,t,rir.,l l,r ll,, Celo...h l(rnl t:"lnl(. t unhrrrion1s( .tri l,i.-.;r RECEIPT ANO C}PTIOI.I (VACAN I I i''. For use in sale ol VACANT LAND ONLY .,on l. iACl' ; rl ii(i 'i llt:C'1.)tVl':li l ltolt A. L. SllAl'lRtl e C0., ;r l.Jrtrnirt, '' Purclrrs.r'(aFiqrr{a-F-c:,tl ( .itr,,,,t } I0'000.00 r,, r)r,t,,.r,r r,\ SllAl'l lil) (:()NS't'litJt:'l l(rir i , , i.Flch+qe*a=*=.t!!.lr!-:r:=:.=!.*:r.. r.ir, f , . ,, rr \ ;rr,l 1,., I ir(j'l {)i}l:llt 6Efr lli 8?.-. { l, r lor:;rtio general par tnershlp -- -.-,. CH I|CK ,r (:r) l{)r';rdo cof pof aE j-on .**Ce*, , i!,.\ rrrt. ,lr'.rt r.rl,r 'l t.(,irl r.strttc sittrrtte in rlre-.... TOWN OF' !'r\TI. r,(,,l|,r\ | li^(;l,li \\ , A l of whosc Legal descrlptlon 1s lilter to be trs l-irbl ishcltl; Irrir.L vr'r , r()t Llrt' l.rrrrpose of thlscontracC is identif ied as "Vail. ()olf t:ours,' 11i,.;'1111,,111,g l',xp:rnsion - SingIe FamilyResldence, of approlirnatgly I I.,823 squilr(.. l,r.r1 , ..,','1 irirxrrrs to and souCh castof the exisEing'Viril (lt:l f (lorrrit' l':rrliirli 1.,'t". 'J,'l'itlr. slr:rll l,, rrr, r, ir:rrrt;rl r,.rrr ll,, "i., r ,.r.r'g,t ;r'. ,' ,, '.,1ir rrtr,l rtr lrtrt;tgr;r1,1' tl Sulrjocl to pt|yrnent ot tetrrlr| 1.:rb,,r','lr!,,r,1,,1 ;rrr,i , , , : r r I r I r : r r r , . , 11 r!1 ' , .1r,,: " rr,iitrUrrs ltr.tc||ttrlr.t l,v pllrChaaef, tlrc sr,llt.r slrlll ('\'.trt'' i,rrrl ( l i . ; r \ , r ' . r r ' , , , i : r L , l -rllr, r' rr (il'li'llir.\l \\;1r'r':rrlv rlcr.rl tosrirl yrttrcltager o,r __- -APilIl, 29th . lL, tl:J L,j i,\ , ,,r,,,,1 .rr,.,., ,.i !rj,t,,,.,,,,'',,yi,,g srrrri propcity free antf cfetrrof tll t:rrie:.Lr\(cpl iirt.r,.nr.r:rlir\,:r t, rI:r 82.t,jtt.r I lt, 8J, rrrr,lcrct'pl NONE -- --- frc.ellrrt|c|r':rr..tlrllIit,tis|.,ts}|(.(.|lllt||li,jl,\l'l|t..|l|st||l\\ijl\i.r.].''.....r'.irrr'tt.lt;ft.c tltd qncu[ll)rilt)r'r's (.\f cl)t ] NONI,] rnrl rf xc(l)t |irf.( rtl|t|ll l.r'r as r-ecordd(l in the ol-f it t':; (ll f lrt: il;r1ile County Clefk and Recorder, Ea91.e Coun ty, 0o) orarlrr of record I'r'ic{. trr irrr'lrrrl,.: The larrel in i ts nre:i('rrc t:<lrrtl i t irrrr ,^ I 1 ir i lv i.llnrovelne llEs Ehereoll ofEherein. inclutling rrlI nr.luL:r;rl . witLLrr. urilit',,,'r ,,Irrr,'r riillrcs of talue nresentlvheld by che Sel1ei. in addit ion. ttroic i Lt'lr r 'r: r,, rs()r'rirl iropertv relaEbd .to thi)fuEure- developmenE of Elre lun.l . int lrr,lirrx. r\irr ir{:i tirrr iLt:cl' co'. ap'pralsals'. Dre-,llqilafy^CCb{ivisign,pla!s, niriket Ftu(l i6;\ i{'il:. r'(l)i)rt:;, qnf i"nbbrtng repotts, eIneSe ].Eems to be dellvcrcd t() l'urclllrsL'l' (rO rl.rv.. .'r il,r' I', (. loging.l. *qa5a**:t=**r+lc+c:=ia.aqr=rr€=€:arirdiEJnt:=5E. r' ri.if rir f rl l ,r'titlI irrsrrrrrtrc,'1r,'licy itt an ftlloll( orluill to llrr, |)!ir'( Ir:r..,. i,r'rt r'. irl -, li, r'.,,1,rrr :rrr.l .. |,'r,r]r'rl lttr: |ttt|lt;ht'r ',r or bCfOfe ll--Cgy.g prior to closillg, .aF==.fE*!er:l-1r!:::r:..;r,,=::ndililriirr.,':r'c*=.:br*t$srieJu=s{rlterwill il. (ir'rt,'r:r I 1.1\,':. l,,l lcly ltttrl I lr( tr,,,5t r', ' . r,t and,*..---!l0ND ,,t ,ir.r,,l i,:r,.r'rl t", I lrr' lrl'rsI r(:CCnt r ', tr \t r,rr r,rr'rltr I'r'irtir r,:r, if tffry, sltall b,, irI|,rrt r,,r,' .l : upon receipt ol Eirne set tle :-Iny ' ' r i . r : , . ' t , l r r , , , r , , r , i /\ l-ini!l .r,l 'r;i::,',rl Ilrc ;tr'Lrrir I l(.lri r t;r:< hiII rrrr,l I r , rr;r r n ec us li;r'r-\1 r(rir(i jus;trn('IlL. ,r | 1t)tJ l caxc.s slraLl be nade it|)(l lieller slral i. aC Lhat ,& tIull-l 1ii i:'; :,#,,: i; :' i,l,'il u !!"i:;:"::H fi :f ' lllo'i;i, Va11ey llrivr.r, Vail . CO on Friday, April 29th, 1983 irt l() :0() A.il. excepr . P.urchaser-eholl have for the purpose .of-naklnginllmlted access to the property rluI inq the contrilcL rrcri.od [$ffi'qft}ffi$'F,.,F-]]te., {t,.t 1aru- dc vt' Iofmcri t o f t lr er' r ir't' r tv unrLmr"Eeq access Eo Ene pro.ffi..$I'e.,{t 'lii''1''t' ri,i i 'i. In thc ('v(,llI tlx'll'(,tlrstts ir!r' -r,i' I : aSleement ttnd tlrc tlatu of lro$s|,ss,,,r .,' I | , l 'rtlthUoptton of thc grttrtlrlsr.r lr.,t,'rrt. l,r' .t., .', r of ther pr irpcr ty , NONE '.,r;r1'r.,1 i , \' I r r , . ! j , , " ! , i ltt'r I ,-r' 'iti I'r'trlr'r'tt llrl rlirtr'Itf tltis l,Ir''rr,ol ,lIr.,1 si', l', ,, l,r,ill', ,';rtl|ot. tlrts ltgl ('('||lt,tll, llliry, ',,,r1 .rrrrl \'.rlrl :ri,i rri, !, i',' it r'r''r,rrr rr:r,lc sllirll lrr, irnrrrr-'rlirttcly ' rt ;r Iirj nrr.rt .,r ;rlll otlt(,r cott(lition l,,rll i,i' trrrll irrtrl !tritl ;rtrl of nrr t'fft'ct. rl\ rrl:trlr' lr('rr,,,lr slrtrll l,r: rClrrinCrl ott . t'r Ir'r'li'r'||r iln.v cl,ll{lrtion licrr,rtf ns II rrr1rlIi||I'r|. attri iIll lir]'rrr(,trl.s mI|de ' Ir,. t..11 l,:r:.t ' lr.r\'. rtt ltir tilr'tirttt, trclrt tllis .1,,, rlr( l" r I- , , r ' r r r r r r r r ' r , : r r t r I tl it nr rrFt,s. :rrr I r'. r'rll1,r r('lrr'r'rrl rlofttl(s) is gi1.err I'y the Irr. 'rr:,, ir, r, rrr 1,,,,r lrlr',1 ft!r,leli!r't V rtfrlct'rl nnrl I lri'!r ! lr: ' ,,rrIr r! 1, rrt lrttrt lttts|t's oltti|)tt, ,,1'irxI'r,'!rr lrr.r Irrttrier r\n(l tlre pltr-ments i , 'l 'lril l. rl iurl. t,' st.llr,t: l,rrrrirlt,tl, .. ',r,i:(i'i ir ,.,, nun it rn(, n t firr oq'ner's tit lC i'ttill Uc voia and of nocffect anrl clrlr liuli 1,,,i tr;rll niilc hereunrter thall lrt rr.turni (l f.r't lrr'.,r' r, r r. i hiiwever, thot in lieu of corr(r'tirlx $u, lr (lr'lr', | . . ', , inturance policy in the Rnlount of tlir. ;rrrrr lrrr ' r,r , , rnd,lhe Purchastr shnll hrrvc tltr',tpt rr'rr r'r :r, ' i,r I I Therellerrhall pay the full prenrirrrrr f,'r':r., i' .r'', r . . by the purchaaer. ' '9.'Additionnl provisions: ANY IlEAl, liS lA'fE 'IIRANSFIiR f i\il SHALL BE SHARED EqUALLY BY PURC}IASIIT AND SELLI'R. @A. L': SIIAPIRO & CO. a. Nonllee_gAl-gfSdg Gen. Partnership .. _ ,.,. t, r!'r'' I , |l rn Ir,l!itIrl tr, srrCh rlr:firCt(s), Purlhrrlr'- , . '. Abrahan L. Shaplro, Genersl l::ll i Sgllsr rccdptsthe rbovc prolxrsul llrix i,,;r,/ "--9/1\ )/ ,Kenneth E. Shaplro, Vl .,r'rriIrl , I I"u it su( fl trtctclrirnt:rlrl<,tille. 'i. rl I t t;, ;rl'.1 lrrlt. il itny, sltall bo retLlrned AI'I'I,ICABI,E TO THIS TRANSACTION SIIAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. +Fic a Colorado corPoratlon -Pres ldentartn(! 816s8 (476-1280) -.---.., 10.---.. trdrrrsa'#re".r-l."r".,'-. rt .r,,r.n, rr+ rlrnll l,r rlrrr,lFl-f* trr+, rr I l',lr,tll.r'r l tult,rrrr+.1 tlrrlo$llgt. .. ':ti. 1 :i--- -"- '- ' ' s,l' . '::' ,: Piircharer'sArldru*" -.-.!548 SpringhiJ I I.:rne, Vall, CO 8.t657 (476-3577) 'i i:,i 1. .. Seller'r Arltlruss ._._.- P.O. Drawer 141r8, Vail. CO I ,I t, il,. -f ( I /:< "\_. i, bo$(1tX) 75 S.Frontage Rd vail, colorado 91657 (3031 476_5613 The Pulis Ranch, a ColoradoLinited Partnership 3841 South Magnolia Way Denver, Colorado 80237 department of community development Fcbruary 9, 1981 IlE: A parcel of propcrty locatcrl in thc North l/2 of theNorthcast l/4 of Secti,on 9, Township 5 South, Range g0 West of the 6th P.M. containing 5.2966 acres nore or less zoned Low Density Multi-Fanily (LDMF) with ResidentialCluster (RC) density and two addj_tional units pursuant.to Town of Vail, Colorado Ordinancc No. l, Series of 1979. G ent I emen : This letter shall constitute official confilnr:rtion fron the Town of Vail,. Coloradothat the allowable density that can be constructed upon the above- referenced parcelof land is a total of 24-units and a total GRFA (Cross Resiclential Floor Area) of53,032.58 square feet. These density and GRFA nrrmbers have been deterrnined frour thefol I owing : (A) Buildable acreage of 3.9 acres was and the Owners at the ti,me Ordinance l, Seriesthe Planning and Environnental Corunission and (B) The square footage of the new road 40% slope is 7840 square feet. determined and agreed upon by the Town of 1979 was considered and approved by by the Town Council. whjch is not located in an avalanche or (c) 3.9 x 43,560 169,884 ( 7, 840) t62,044 x .30 48,613.20 -22-z7dr:65 x2 1713:38 48,613.20 53,032. 58 acres square feet GRFA factor for LDMF Allowable GRFA for 22 units per un it additional units Square Feet of GRFA un its24 The Town has been inforrned that this property is presently on the rnarket forsale. - In that regard, you and any purchasei oi said paicel rnay rely upon this letteras a deterrnination as to the number-of units and GRFA allowabli forsuih parcel r.urderthe zoning ordinance now in effect. Unless the zoning for this parcel. ii alteredby a subsequent rezoning, you are guaranteed the above-nentioned 'clensity figures. This letter supercedes that certain letter dated February 12, 1979 to WarrenPulis fron James A. Rubin concerning the abovc-referenced parcel . Very truly yours, '/ ,,? Richard A. Ryan Conrnunity Developnent Director Approved as to f,orm: ) r.1.. 't iiiii;t, tvisi ofi .rou N^ME VAllgpl.fiCcr)CsuT{td{+c'riiu! rj - Std.aue {zrmruV &5, ,, t r. r no_ ?u qts_-.f,55tc1{ ADDREss nq6 5f u,{ L\tr csi- .!),f i'r, G t.oT BI,OCK 'The location of utilities, whether they lines, nust be approved and vcrified by acconpanying site plan. be nain t rurrk the following lincs or proposed uti"li"ties for the Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Pu-bl ic Service Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanit,ation District Authorized Signaturc Date rc.l){.1 M+p-- JtA3-v2* it-'"/'' - )-1- t4t s/s > N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Pernit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or eascnent in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit must be ) obtained separately. This form is to verify service avlilablity and location. ' This should be used in conjunction with ptept"ing yout utility plan and scheduling instollations. #. ^8.*.....*...-?.,'l*-^,'.i- L1'"ir '',*-\1.,"\ i':lt i'{ f#;i, . utilJcu *.r-{.r,iir._,. ci 1,... (- *- 1..".w ". i!.f .,.- .. .-,.LL -tr. LLc frtQ"dbTic" wt" -k.*t- -t{,.,-.- . i!*, *r..-5 | (t i 3, i,".-,'L' -'t"-\'"('f,*;flJ}'',._ r-) \ ttCJ (,| oo @ u!, o0(') .r.i Ll,tz $ oub0 >i '.iFl> O. .'{ <'o F+{ z,o I L" Qtr0 Q$ 'q o.J r-l 00 .d F{ * ,(\ Fl.i o0 ,td o F{ OJ (n Ie.l \o o l.a CJ FJ A] : x X '-le{o I tt, oIt q,) '|.Jo F{.! c! !J ! G I ru 'lt a I ,ra \o x .(\l '2o'tu zl4i ,tl Jrl ? I I'l e oF.F() .t tr t!I 6{ 4 .J IJ F{ -i" 1.. rJ lr) x @ (v) o ll (! (u do o o0 rid Uo it-l t .,i{li_ RE: VAIL GOLFCOIJRSE TOWNHOMES EXPANSION - SINGLE TA}!ILY RESIDENCE Dear Design Review Board Member: Shaplro Construction Co. has contritcted to sell a portj-on of the below descrlbedparcel of land Eo A. L. Shapiro & (lo. and represents iE in its desire to build asingle-unit resldence of 2r180 cRl'A on said portion of thls site, separated by Sunburst Drive from the twenEy-two (22) units now under construction and hereby requests your ill)proval r,r f slrnre:. T,OCATION A parcel of property located in tlre North l/2 of the NortheasL l/4 of SecEion 9, Township 5 SouLlr, liungc iiO WesE oI thc 6th I'rincipal Meridian containing 5.2966 a(:res nlore or less zoned Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) with Ilcs i.dcnrial. Cl_uster (ttO) clcnsi ry ancl Ewo additional units pursuant to 'l'own of Vail , Colorado Ordj.nance No. 1, Series of 1979. CRFA and DENSITY The origlnal allowance on this property was establ.ished as 53,032.58 GRFA and twenty-four (24) units densily, ils confirmed in Ehe Town of vail letEer daced February 9th, 1981 (copy enclosed). shaplro construcLion co. .is in rhe process of building twenty-two (22) units, conEalning 50'851 GRFA on Ehis properfy in accordance with construcEion permlt ll10852 with 45,736 GRFA and perrmir //C0869 with 5.115 GRFA, Sultc (-3, toll Rrdge Corrdomurtums P, O. 8ox 1547, vdtl, Colorado 8'1657 T€lephon€t (303) 4761980 Shapiro Construction Company 0ctober 14rh, 1982 The Honorable }4embers Design Review Board Town of Va1l Department of Comnunity 75 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorad6 8L657 Devel.opmen t Wes t ( cont inuercl) r :"-::-'- I o .-4 av Deslgn Revlew Board Menbers Tosn of Vail october 14th, L982 Re: VGCTII Expansion/Slngle Farnlly Page 2 CRFA and DENSITY _- (continued) ThLe leaves an allowance of two (2) units and 2,181.58 GRFA, as below: OrLglnaL 4llovance:24 units I Less, preeently pernltted: - 22 units 53,032.58 GRFA - 50,851.00 CRFA Renalnlng:'2 unlts 2,181,58 GRFA Should you have any queetlons regardlng the above Lnformatlon or wish further clariflcatlon, please do not hesltate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO.././/14*,h{wh/AErwln Bachrach Projecr Architect Enclosure xc: Erwln Bachrach Abe and Ken Shaplro Larry LyBarger General Flle dal 7^ vlrlOlrcounsn rowfttttfi+s ttxr,ANrj roru |xr;r,ti rnllrLy RusrDENcn l.iii'ii, i.i.'iri'' l';:l;(:l: ll'l jl:., trll lr)..lri J'l, |.r ,i SINGLE FAI4ILY PIII,TS RANCH RESIDENCD 'l lr t' l'o I l.,iJ ilil llrrit l'd llr'Jor'l A. lii,ll,lrli;t; 1, ,1 ; r. t;tii l;i' ,l lirr ll lv( n; 'l ;1tr' o' .!) t ,l (. t, ir, r' tltr: llt.:. r, ir l , r, 1,. i,. lloof Sid i nlg Other: i;al I l,latc'r:ials Iascia .Soffits l{indous l'linclow 1'r'irn Doors Door'l'rirn llanrl or Deck llails Flues Cedar 1 x 8 Channer Ru8t1c - Natural _qg_9q99 on l?th Stone - Jointed ..P_":_o_"_ll!-ap-f_"1'_q1 Natural Cedar Natural Natural Wood Terra tone l,/ood Olymplc f709 Wood solid core Cedar clad - l{atural Cedar Natural Cedar Natural Not vislble FlashLngs Chinueys . Trash Dncl osur:6..; Gt'cerrhorrs es Other: B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TRETS SHRTIBS Sheet metal Brown Stucco on l-ath Devoe A12 tApachel None ' None SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. 4 76-1280 Botanical Nanie Pinus Contorta !lc:e_ry€lgggnnlr ElSSfIge-eng_._... Plnus Ponderosa lglC lg_s_lq eEC_l erd e r !Sp_u I Cs_-{laue ! s ! -o_l i a r qg$_ef_qg .$-qgpg_] 95 um Sallx Scouleriana Conlnon I'lanre L"sge_lof3_-lilte Es€lggell--furyse Elge-gPrsee---. Ponderosa Plne Quaki.ng As p-e-n 32 Narrow Leaf Cottonwood 5 llg-C.by--_V.!q: .,I-y.n i p ". Scouler I,l111ow llg-irrt-rly.. 9 Si ze 5t-8r 2,_:J' 4l It gt 8t 6l It ?9 ... . I ,'1,O r5u gOV IRS i s0D Fntlre Lot I SEED TYPE wlldflouers SQUARI F00IAGE Approrlnately 8000 SQUARE FOO]AGE 60 TYPE OF IRR'GATION Sprlnkler System TYPE 0R METH0D Non-appllcable OF EROSION CONTROL . C. 0ther Landscape Featurcs (retajning ual1s, fr:rrt,c:,,:ivrinr:ninlt Jroo'l s, etc.) Please specify. Stone reEalning wa11 - Jolnted - Natural o L li- t 0a 7 v;'tt 1 'I:. I @ X F FJ r- 'H;. rt:IA (:t F Vt -tU 4t- ot+ r .i.i,rl ti 1- I o t\)* 2" | ,o o.la- I 0, 9ri .1.7i + I 4'> ,,2 1 J-o hJ(J) {co (,)x o(' Ft Oai Ft Frt at e. 'F-r f.) { x io o (D nF 0q o '1 -Ol.t t-1 0J l! N) PX O- tJo co+ xi4 : u|i arD i- a, rrO n Al I rt I I 1-rs 1!'- I I I j I I It+ rA! * -.'it i i l-lg) Q" { Nh o a €zoc)Fnd 4 .. o O. ii.Ft TJ <P goo 0l -ts. t-'t t-t 0qoo oo EPr 7( l-n tt- sZ rgo n Tr" t t(l'll)lllilt 6 Etr , ll' 82* RucDtvlil) llt()u A. L' S ltAP I.Rt) & C0., a Norrrirrr ,' (lilrrrado general partnership---, Purclrnscr taFi€.{{l:e:.*. tlir'<rrr,.t n f 0'000.00 .,r CHI]CK rr,irt,trr.irl i,r' SIIAP ll{() C()NS]'RU(I iI()ii (;ir., ,t O6l,rado corporation CrCe, :ilrhir+se:eg=.sls!.r|t-:r3:t3l3!r*;r: ( lrr'r,, ,, '.l,,rir \ rrll,l l,rit i ' ,,i,,,\ L||tl ,l' S(.l tl,r'rl r('ltl l'stittc riit,uUte Th. tti,rlr,l trn'lt"trr.'l I hr. IDr!n it)l,r,,r.rl tr\ ll'r a:.lorrl},lar;rl l:aril{ I nomirsionrS(-Jri l !.:; ) il. (ir.tr,,r.It tI\,.)i l,,r' tir,. \ ( ,tr ,,t , ;. ). , r. ,j :,ij i , lr'vy rtttrl llrr' rtr,'s1 r',, r'f , irs.! .:'f1'. l l'rL i. r.r r"rl and _.*l!oNE RECEIPT AND OPTIOI.J ;JL}i'r I iACI (VACAN I l /":'rr' For use in sale of VACANT LAND ONLY ,,t ,lt'r.rl lr:rsr.rl "r/ t lrr trlr'st t (rcenl rr):i.lr'il r,t r,ttr'rtIrrI r':Ltr|t,:i, if Aflj', in rtre___- ToWN 0F VAIL (.r,,,.rr !' ,,, liA(;LIi . ,y.i A Loc whose legal descrlpclor1 ls rarer: !o bc' cs;tirb] ishcd; lror.,'t v, r . l ()r Llr(! I)urpose of thiscontracE is identified as "V;:iL (lo1f coursr 'l'cr.,,rrlrtrno-; l,ixptrnsion - SlngIe FanilyRgsldence, of aPpr:ox itn.rLc lv I l,lll j srlrr;rr'. [r',,r. ,, rr i,iuirrrr; C() itn(l soifh cast - of che exlsting'Vrril r;,rii i:,,i,r:,.,.i -t;rrilijril 1.r,1".' I li lritlt rrll r'rls. rll('tll! :trr,l iilltrt ,,1 t!j':, irIl lr' n.r,l lrr,.r,'. . 1,,,r( lr;lf,, r irl'r'r'r..i t', t,,,y ,,1,rrrr tltg lj follorrittg tr'rrns rrurl ri,,rtliti,, r. t',r rlir. l,rr 1 ,i,5, 1,r'r(.,.,,r f 250,Or)0.i)li . r,;,virl'l,.ir:. lril,rx:: $ l0rO00^0011 lror<'by rtr.r.iprt,rl r,,r, g 240'000.00 in cash or certil it'tl trrr:ris; at cJ.osing, plus nornal licloslng ,proraEi.ous. lf li !l ii;ll 'l+rr-ii'tr*rtt|.,.#-'+-.rrr'r-rFni---r-*#.e-i--nr+tt..+: +*---'... -.*'- -:-l-.ffi l i ffiannffillllrl.r-rq1r.t-e-+t-nln;1i.r1rr'=r1111111111.1.-1er-i-+-lr-- e .--.-.- *----- : nr,l lll trrt ilttlr.at ll -Gttt. ft€t l,.r tlit.{-€rl i I'rr lrr'i+rr r iilr. i. ||.irr'],',|l ,-.'"- ----*6 !l @iirnF-nr+-r-n:crrrl*riith.6i!'r-ri-*..--..:r !.=r.-@ i i -.t+'c*-rr*c+ I : h:-A-:rrrre+tr+rrt.rrtr-i-!.rn.t-t -i--'-r.l.rt-.1-+,t'++,.r+-iLr---r*-.. -,--.i:-,'-tr@ il lrcFtlrfii"?fi1{_r_trr{"e.n-++}r*1'tn-}.:t".-e-tr:r rrr.j-ire.,*lrr. I I ii _l'rir.r, lrr irrt.lrr,l, r Th€ land in i ts l)rescnC r:orrtli t irrrl ,. 1 , li ;rny inortrvemcnts Ehereon or litherein, includ!ng ir1.l nrirrr-,r:tl, wlLr!r, uL i I ir i' ,,s 1,1irt''r ifEtrcs-6f {i'tua-p;e3-enifvilnel'd by.Ene-5eIIer. -l11 additi()n, t:lt()sr. lt{'nr:: ,,1 I,,.1-s()nil I DroperCy relaLad.to thi:llruEure development ot !hc lattd, inr:l.uCirtg, lrrrt rr, t li:rr itt'd-to. aDbraisals-. pre-, lillqittafy_subdivlsiqq,p.La!1q, r.n,ri-[er ,srutl iilj.. :i.il , r.r-,1-.',,ii:;. E:nIi[[Eifni-ieioils.'eticrnese ltems to be clellvercd to I)uit:hiiser fi(l rl.rv. r,j.itri. Iii'clo(i p " -. ----, - il'l. A.a5!t*F:{=tti*lc*s::=rlarcoqa:r!.e=er:t! irdlsJr k= *r= 'r,r,,,trrr, riili'i trfF in*rr,;,r'cr. Ir,,licy irr an ll [|llot]|}tc(l||xlt()tltr.1rttrr.lr:r:.r':'l.t('t.':ll.r.|lr.r...lr,;'trr,tr:rrr.|.''l.,.','|..lrr'slrr'r|titc1rrtt.c|tir.r ],-5-day-C Prior Eo closing ,Tt==.*tse{!.Fr'.r..!r:iir.!:!r:i!:d+*t.iElrr!}tet:isrtnrugaertl€s(.rrerwill li llclivt'l l.ltl lrllr'rtrstrrrLrr',. l r , l r , r' l , r l , , r r , l r t , | | j r t t , ' | , . | , , " | | I t , . I , r . I r.r ', , ,Ir,|lL,,tr.rrl ll 'J. 'l'i(ll slrirll |||' |||| | r ' | | i r t | | : r | , I t Itr I|, '.ii, r,,r,r'l,t r...r,r, ' ;.,r;Li,rrl'lr irtr,i rtt |lrrlirKtirlrtr l{. SLrltjcct to ll plrynrent oL t cn(lel irr.:rhor',' the sellcr slr;rll r,\r'ru!{. ;tlirl i,,r --. -APt-{LI. 29th antl clt:rr of rrll t;r:ies. !'\(.r,1)l frce;rnt|r.|t.:Ir.,|.ll]||it.rlst.,,ts1r.'..rlrlrrrl1,rl'\l.|l||'|tlst||!\\lj|\i.|l.'|''|..jrrt'tt.rl;frt.t'lrttrlc|t'irr(f8lllien8 :tnd c ncu ttl lr r;t tl, t's ('\(el)l i NONtI tnd txce ;tt r.its(1rrr.'tr1:. i,rr': aS lrecordcd in the ol'f ir't,s (,i tlitr tiagle Counfy Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, CoIoratlo of record rlr:rll lrr irplrortnrrlri t,,ri:rtr,,t rlrrr,.,rr l !,, 1 A Ii,naI .r,I rIr;l:IIlIrt upon receipl 0l-tlrc irtLual l(i tj I titx l)ill :rrr,l j',,;i.ir ili, t' tlme se!!1e anY Ilccrsrjartll r(t;t(i '] usLrn('nt-. of' 1983 taxcs shall be made ;rnrl SerLl er sh.l1l at that I '_d\L tll(' Sultc (l Va l.1 tty l9tJ.] rr t : l, f ' ;::i,l;:"3*.:ilil#i' l;!,'i;i, l)ri\,c, vail, CO on Frlday, Aprll 29th, l():O0 A.Il . teturned lo pu rclr rs(.r. i,,. 11|, ,i,, I r ' . ' ' , r , . , . r , , ] ' t l ' l l\' r 't ' t l t l r r. r l u t l' , , f l l r i s ,,t ,1, , 'l \, :," i . , ,rr lr. r. I l||\ irtJrr'('tt|r,rI rrirl, i,,r,l irr,l ;Lrr'. J' t,, Lt rr', r'rrr rrrrr,lr' slrirll l,c itntttrrrliirt('lJ- rr,lr' r. l., r,1rt rr. r(,t tttitrlc. t{ttrlcrcrl rtf !r. , , rrt :, ltl!j nrr'|lt or ;rlt! r'!itct t'ottrlitiotr day rt| (:lo.'i ing c_qrt t I il (: L I)cf l.udoI ltre prope r ty , llrr' .' ili r t | " ,.' ,r r except Purchasor 6hau[ have f or: Lhe purpos e ..of-Eeklng ' ;i', ?, Time is of lhc t,qrt'ttcr' h.tr',,1. rt'l r ;,r,. l -l4iformed as herein provirlt',I, tlrlr, :lrrtil !, ! r, r, -freiedfir not mn.l(,, tendt'rr.rl ot l,t't r,,r'rrrr',1 l r r" 'iG;t{i .; ,sitit'both parties lr(rctr) rt'lcrtsr',1 ft'rrrrr ;rl! "l t , ".Ind Dolh partlcts lr(r('tlt rt'lr'!rs('rl ll'r)l|| irl! ,'l l r' 'r' ,,!ehrlf of the ntllcr as lirluirlatr,rl (l;,rrirl:( lr 'l pr5vided heroin, tlrrrtt tltr'' lrttrclritsll trrir\'. .,' i i ; heleundor rhall be t'(,turtr'rl trr tlrt ;rrrtr l,rr.. ' 1 coittrnct ai heing in full forcc anrl r'lfr', t rr r:r, | ' 'i:'t{ij gl te i.opt Ns !rtntod in lrnragll;,lr l!. ,r I 'r, , . iutchhser,r. purcltlrcr's itgr'trt t', I lrr' '.'ll, .. i , tltll not he rentk'rrrrl tncrclt;rtltxlrlr'\'lt l|l rr ;ill,1 , ritilt U" void nnd of no e ffcct &n(l rirf l, pllt'. 1., r | 1,, miitc hcreun,ler rhall bc rr.trnri rl f,'rtlr\"rt'. r, r hoscver. thnt in lieu of cttrrt'ctittg srt, lr rlr'[, , : . , ., Inrirrince policy in tlro nnlorlnt of tlrr' 1,Lrr r l,:r , r'r , lnd lhe purchrst'r shnll havr tlrc o1rt:r,rl,l :r, , i'!:r :' The roller shall pay the full plenrirur lirr' : r;, i, .r'r ,.: l:rl. t,, lr. r'1,,r rr irtl\' (r)llrlttrott lit'tr,rtf its | ! .. ,.I rIIrIt:II..,|. rrrrl rrll I'at'rrrr.rrlr rnarle ,,i1 i,:r.r, I rrr,r,,. itl ltts llr,r'tirttt, tt'ettt tlti$ 'tirt l,' r !,'! r ' r : r r i ' , ' : r r r , I tl:t ntlt11t,s. \\rrr1r,f n,rli( r' ,rt (l('f(,cl{s) rs givctt t'y the Irr,, rrr.r, r r r t , ' , , r r , l , ' , i fol rlr'lirr.r'y ol rllr:rl ttnrl r ll''tr r 1r' , ,'|l1r ir, 1, irl lrttrtlttlsr.t's ttltti0tt, ;rii,,l lrt:r.'. n' lrr.r ''rrrrrl{'r ;ut(l tlte pfiyments lL' rl,'1r rL t. rl iur\', lo s{,lll't'; lrt'ovi(lt,d. .., r'I'i:rIr rr , r, rl rrr it rrrr,n t fut' rru ner's tit lc r ri trt , ir, i r,rr rrl srrlh nr('rclltnt;rblctitle. ,rrr,i I lr, :rl'.,t r rLr.t, if tny, shlll trr:teturned . by the purchare r. g. Additionnl provisi<'ns: ANY llEAl, llSi'l r|l'li 'IRANSFtjR TAX AI'l'l,ICt\BLII TO THIS TRANSACTI0N SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY By puRcltAstiR ANI) SELLER. l0: lf Hrir prrprrrrrF'n rrro l,lpl l,t tl,- *- r 't-rrrrlirrr rrr ,,r I'tt..r' r 19 , r th'trr ffi,", . ,*..rrr.{ I rrrtlrrt:., r nr rF ,i.rril ,rr"rrr t," {lrt I'ctrtfrt rf llrt hqitrl ffiA. L: SllAPlRO & C0.SIIAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. a. Nonlneli_ Qolorado Gen. ParEnership ;lrrnc a Col.orado corporation Abraham L. Shaplro, Ceneral Scllcr nccepts thu nbove propr,rul t lrrs Kenneth E. Shapiro, 1;, - srrtlr I 1' Purchaser's Adrlrcss , 1548 Springhil.l L:rne, ;i:'. Vailo Co 81657 (476-3577) tl l Sclle r'r Arllrcs! ,,.-.- P.0. Drawer 14/r8, Vail "co 81658 (476-1280) / '- Pur( htrat I I\-' \ lut,ln o boao(td) 75 S.Frontage Rd vail, colorado 81657 13031 476.s613 The Pulis Ranch, a Color-ado Linited Partnership 3841 South l'fagnolia Way Denver, Colorado 80237 departrnent of community development February 9, 1981 llfll RE: A parcel of propcrty located in thc North 1/2 of the Northeast I/4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 6th P.M. containing 5.2966 acres nore or less zoned Low Density Multi-Fanrily (LIIMF) with Resident.ial Cluster (RC) density and two additional units pursuant to Town of Vail, Colorado Ordj.nance No. 1, Series of 1979. Gent l emen : This letter shall constj.tute official confirmation fron the Town of Vail, Colorado that the allowable density that can be constrrrcted upen the above- referenced Parcelof land is a total of 24-units and a total GRI:A (Gross Resiclential Floor Area) of --:\ 53,032.58 square feet. These density and GRFA nrrmbers have been deternined from the fol I owing : (A) Buildable acreage of 3.9 acres was determined and agreed upon by the Town and the Owners at the time Ordinance l, Series of 1979 was considered and approved by the Planning and Envi.ronnentaL Conunission and by the Town Council . (B) The square footage of the new road which is not located in an avalanche or 40% slope is 7840 souare feet. (c) 3.9 x 43,560 169,884 (7,840) L62,044 x .30 48,613.20.ta -2:765:69 x2-?;A]3;3E 48,613.20 53,032. 58 acres square fcet GIIFA factor for LDMF Allowable GRFA for 22 units per unit additional units Square Feet of GRFA un its24 rt ,/ul is Runch - Fobrual l 111;1 - pa13f.11 so in'additlon to the approval of the zoning and density by the Planning and Environnental Conuission and the Town Council, it was pointed out to the owner that this proPerty is subject to avalanche hazards and that prior to dcvclopment approval , a complete avalanche study and report will have to be done by the owners. The Tom has been info:med that this property is presently on the narket fotsalc. In that regard, you and any purchaser of said parcel nay rely upon this letter as a deternination as to the number of units and GRFA allowable for such parcel tmder. the zoning ordinance now in effect. Unless the zoning for this parcel is altered by a subsequent rezoning, you are guaranteed the above-mentioned density figures. This letter supercedes that certain letter dated Febnrary 12, 1979 to Warren Pulis fron Jarnes A. Rubin concerning the abovc- rcfercnced parcel . Very truly yours, i .? --1-)' " ./ /' ",".-/'S:;--- -'^-.:- fr' /^--:*u Richard A. Ryan Corununity Developnent Director Approved as to form: Lawrence C. Rider, Tortrn Attorney F- ut l t,|'t Y Siiilt)tvisloti .J0lr NAMI r.oT BI,OCK , -,t II;ll,lNC l'c'r-,(, I r\r.ii.H ADDRESS i?qt duN lit, 13sr . l)t 'The location of utilities, whethcr they bc nain trunk li.nes, nust be approved and verj.f ied by thc following acconpanying site plan. Authori zcd Signature Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas \blic Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District 0frlb\ :_t-<l )Ar.i5,ot..J - Slri€,tG Atvtruv Fcs' lincs or proposed utilities for t]le Date lo l)-iI.) tLlS-s2* .!(-' - /:, . 1-l-- ,/Or/t Sr/S z ttl-(G-l-crr-'d NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibili.ty to obtain a stteet cut Pernit fron the Town of Vai1, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any pubtic right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A building Pernit is not a strcet cut pernit. A street. cut Pcrmit nust b; obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be usetl in conjunction with p.op"ting you" utility plan and schcduling jnstallations. 17'- o 40'-c' ll'' o \ 2c;- c" , *--+---+ - - tO -! :+lI o |s +o o I b r i- o -llt9 I o Ib Ql,t MElo 00 +or0N 6Le6Ge ZT-Z t' 2?" 2 { \9 \9N -.al 4'-o 4'.o $'- b 6'- 4 f'-*-* - GA RAG E LEVE L . r<iar.r No. c-6ooo-rA v Ot rdn ua: wrrH €oLoRAEx, nE€rox arrERrcAN LANo rrrt.E aaaocrarroa{ LolN Frglrcy rgzo (aMENDEo lo-rz-aot SCHEDULE A Amount of Inruranco t 1, 875 , 000 . 00 Policy No. 41046 4 L Datcof Policy August t 0, 1981 Shoet I of -5-2:0I F.M. l. Nsme of Iarursd r TUE PULIS RNICE, a Colorado limited partnership QEo^''CAr.. 2. Tbo titlc to raid lrnd is et tbo dare horoof veerod ia: -'CUf-n -C ^^'L(1^-PrSHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO., a Colorado corporation I in fee simple 3. Tbo mortgrge or deed of lrust, lnd arignnonte if my, covered by thir Policy ore degcriH ar followr: DoedofTrurtfrom: Shapiro Construction Co., a Colorado corporation t to tho Public Truttoc of lho County of Eagle forthousoof t The Pulis Ranch, a Colorado linited partnership tosecuro : E lr875r000.00 clored : July 2, l-98L roconlod ; ,IuIy 2, 1981 in Book 325 at Page 46I IFo.RM No. c-6ooo-2 It UFOR UAE WIT}I COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LANO TITLE A66OCIATION LOAN POL'CY IgTO (AMENOED IO.!7.7O) FOR USEWITH COLORAOO REGION AMERICAN LAND TTTLE ASAOCIATTO'{ OWNER'S FOLICY-FORr| B-I'7O (AMENDEO IO.I7.7O) SCHEDULE A-Continued Tho lond. rcforrctl to in thig policy is sirusbd in tho Srare of Colorudo, County of EagIe , and is dcacrib€d os follows: PAEE!-A: A portion of, the Nlr of the NElr of Section 9, To\dnsbip 5 South, nange 80 West of the 6th P.M., Town of VaiI, County of Eagle,State of C.olorado, more particularly described as f,olJ.owsr:.' COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the N,: of the Nll of,said Section 9; thence N89c23r41rrw 937.78 feet aLong the most Southerly lirnitsof, VAIL, VALLEY TIIIRD FIIJING, as recorded'in Sook 259 at Page 69of the records of the CLerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado,to the POINT OE.BEGINNING; thence continuing N89o23r4I"W 808.28 feetof, the herein described parcel; thenee due North I59.73 feet;tlrence due East 68.71 feet; along the Southerly limits arc of a L08.87 f,oot radius curve to the 36oL8'02" and whose long chord bears thence N61o52|59"E L64.79 f,eet;thence N01o52'59rrE 88.67 feet;tjrence S88o07r0lrrE 396.39 f,eet;thence N32o5I'18"8 93.82 feet aLong a radial line to a point ona curveithence 68.98 f,eet along theLeft whose central angJ.e is S75oL7 | 43"E , 67.83 feet; THIRD E'ILING; thence S02o02r30uE 24I.80 feet along aVAIL VALLEY rXlIIltD FILING Lo a 1>oint on.of said VAIL VAIILEY THIRD FILING, said BEGINNING. ttrence due South along a non-radial line L43.48 feet, said linealso being a Westerly boundary of said VAIL VILI,AGE THIRD FILING;thence N88o21r29nE 70.00 feet, along the limits of, said VAIL VAL,LEY j Westeri.y limit of saidthc nrost Southcrly limitspoint being the POXNT OF FoRM No. c-6ooo-2 ! oFOR USE WITH COLORAOO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POL-TiCY I97O (AMENDEO IO.I7.7O' FOR UAE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE AsEOCIATION OWNER'6 POLTCY-FORI{ B-IO7O (AT'ENDED IO.I7-?O) SCHEDULE A-Continued PARCBI. B A l'ilcn-excluaive easererrt nrtre parEicularly descriSed as follcns: A part of Iot lr'swrixrrst f ifiJrg }ib. 3, a subdivision reorded in the office of tJte pail:.e Oounwr @Iorado, Cterk ard Re@rder, said parb of lot I behg a Urenty foot wi6e strip of fana lying ten feet on each side of a cen@rline described as follows; @inning at a point on tlre !€slprly line of said Iot l wtrence !!q^I?:!-trs!elfy-coiner oi saia iot f uears N 48oOO,i3" w u.I.75 feeu ttrence s 90000'00" E 3.66 feeu tienae 59.76 feet, alons the arc of a 34I.4I footfadius cult\tg to the rightr-having " c*rtraf angle of Uoa2'23"; thence S 78o17'37n E 48.25 fee; thence 60.03 feet along the arc of a 315.0Q foot radius cunre to the left, havtq a central. angle Ji f6oSS'OS'ri thence S89ol2'43" E 1.88.15 feet; thenoe 37.40 feet alnnq^!!q_lr... of a 53.62 foot radir:s suwe to the right, having a central arqLe of 39e57'59u; tlen€ S 49o14r44'r E 3I.32 feet; thene 98.55-feet alonS t}|e arc of a 260.00 foot radius cunre to the left, having a cerntral angle of 2Lo42t5g't, tlEn€ s 70057'43" E 55-22 feet, tlpnoe 80.22 feet along ifre arc of a t2t.fS foot radius cunte to the right, havirrg a o."tril *gle of 38o1li53',; thence S 32045'50" E 39.L6 feeU ttrence 20.94 fet' along the arc of-a 60.00 foot radius cune to the right having a central angle- of 20000,00"; thence s 52045'50" E 75.69 feet, to the point of @rminus on the """tt"ify line'of saj.d log L, t5e side li-nes of saia strip to be shortened or lengtttened to termiilate at the t,esterty and southerly lines of said Iot 1. FORM NO. C-6000-3 FOR UAE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASBOCIATION LOAN POLIGY I97O (AMENDSO IO.I7.7O) SCHEDULE B PART I Thir policy door not inguro ogainat loos or damogc by rcoeon of the following: 1. Taxes and assessments not yetdue or payable. 2. Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be.found to penetrate orintersect the premises hereby granted, as reserved in United States Patent recorded June 29, 1908 in Book 48 at Page 495. 3. Right of way for ditches o; canals constructed by the authorityof the United.States, as reserved in United states Patent recorded June 29, 1908 in Book 48 at Page 495. 4. Easenent and right of. way for water and sewerline purposes, as granted to Vail Water and Sanitation District by Jay B. Pulis, ilr. Warren Kame|Pulis, Jay B. Pulis Jr. trustee and Warren Kamer Pul,is, trustee, in the irrstrument recorded February 5' 1969 in aook 2I4 at Page 6L2, affecting the following described property: An easement 30 feet in width and'lying 15 feet on each side of a centerline described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 !{est of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, thence 50002'30"8 393.36 feet along the East line of said Section 9 to the true point of beginning; thence N6Io09r41"w L92.44 feet; thence 574057 r30uw 448.52 feet; thence S32o04'15"w L77.5L feet; thence S53o19'24"w 220.47 feet; thence Sl3o4I'29"w L79.22 feeti thence s29o53'29"w 200.00 feet; thence s88o21r29'w 183.00 feet; ttrence N56c22t47nW 282.84 feet; thence N64o22rsIuW 480.00 feet; thence S81o17'29"W 482.74 feet; thence S63o19rl-3"W 250.59 feet; thence 568o40r49"W 228.32 feet; thence N88o26'32'tw 647.LL feet; thence s73o2lr19"w 370.00 feet; thence s24o08'3I"w 105.97 feet; ttrence S42o08r51"w 185.08 feet to a point on the South line of ttre NEITNI{k of said Section 9 which is 9.62 feet East of the South!'rest Corner thereof . 5. Easements and right of way for Sunburst Drive and Sanitary Sehler r,itt Station as shown on Intermountain Engineering Survey #v0115S. . roRM NO. €.6000-4 A' lol uat wrrH cgloi^Do o iSCION ATTiICAN -LAND TrTLt AaSoCrA?rON LoAN 'OLTCY re70 (ALat{DED ro.r7.70} SCEEDULE B PANT U Ir .ddit!o! to tho m.ttorr ret forth in Part I of tlrir Schodulq tho ritls to rho o.tlto o: intorort b tlrc lrd dcdbod or rolorrod b i! Scbodulc A ir rubjoot to ths lolloving mrtt6rf, if any ln rbourur but tlro Cotproy ilrunr thrt ruoh nrttcrr alo rubonlinuro to lho lion or cbargo of tho inrurod mortgrgc upoo rald ctrtc: 1{OlrE lndorcement Ailadud To Policy No. lrwd By Transamerica Title Insurance Company Said policy ie horeby arnended by deleting paragraphl-4 of Schedule B. Tho toral li&ility of tho Compnny undor roid policy rnd any cndorsomonts thereto shall nol orcoo4 in tho sggrcglt€, tho foco amount of eoid policy ond corl.r which tho Company ir obligared under the condidonr and etipulotioar thereof to pay. Ihb ondorroment ir rnrde l plrt of mid policy ond ir eubjoct to tho schedulor, conditione ond rtipulntionr ther'ein, excopt u modi6ed by tbo provirionr horeof. Thir endorsenent ie not to be construed ae inruring the titlo to srid estate or intersst 8s of any later dote than the drte of rrid policy, oxcept os herein crproeely provided as to thc eubject matter horeol. Transamerica Title Insurance Company Drto August I0, 1981 Poliay Numbor 4 f 0464 f -r-f*km$ Dndorornont Fonn C-l l0.l By Pt.ddcot . FoRL No. €-!ooo-l FOi Uaa wttH ooroaaoo ilolo alfirc^N LAND TrTLt AraocrATroN owNti'a tor.rcY-aoif, F 1370 l^Itt{otD to'r7.701 SCEEDULE A Amounroflnrunuoo| 2.275, 000.00 DetoofPolloy Auguet 10, 19812:01 P.tl. I l. Nonoof Iuumd: 3. lbc otatc or intccrt rrfctnd to hcrcin ir at Dltc of Polioy verted in: SHAPIBO CONSTRUCTION CO., a Colorado corporation PolicyNo tl10'15{I Sboct I of --5 SEAPIRO CON9TRUCTION CO., a Colorado corporation & Ihs crtalc or intcmrt iu thc l&rl ilccribcd borcir rnd wbioh ir covcrsd by tbir polioy ir: IN BEE SITTPI.E Reagnevce copr FORM No. c-6ooo-z ,- a FOR UAE WITH COLORADO EEGIOII'AM ER ICAN LANO TITLE ASEOCIATION LOAN POL'? I970 (AMENDEO IO.I7.7O' FOR UIE WIT}I COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LANO TITLS AsSOCTATION OWNEF'S POLICY_FORM B-IE7O (AMENDED IO.I7.7O) SCHEDULE A-Continued Tho lanil referred to in rhie policy ie situated in tlre State of Colorado, Counly of Eagle ' und is dcgcrilrcd ue followsr PARCE! A: A portion of the Nt of the NEl6 of Sectj.on 9, To$tnship 5 Soutlr, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., Town of VaiI, County of Eagle, State of C.olorado, more particularly described as follows,:" COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the Nt of Lhe Nt of said Section 9; tlrence N89 o 23 | 41r'!J 937.78 f eet along the most Southerly f.imitsof VAIL VAILEY THIRD FILING, as recorded in Book 259 at Page 69 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, to the POINT OF BEGINNI}IG; ttrence continuinS N99"?3'{L"W-808.28 f,eeL along the SoutherLy limits of the herein described parcel; tlrence due North I59.73 feet; tlrence due East 68.7I f eet; thence N6Io52r59"E J-64,79 -feet; thence N0lo52!59r'E 88.67 feet; tJrence S88o07r0l"E 396.39 feet; thence N32o5I'I8"8 93.82 feet along a radial line to a point ona curve i'thence 68.98 feet along the arc of a L08.87 fooL radius curve to theleft whose central angle is 35o18'02" and vrhose long chord bears S75oI7'43u8, 67.83 feet; thence due South along a non-radial line 143.48 f,eet, said line also being a l{esterJ.y boundary of saicl VAIL VILLAGE THIRD FILING; thence N88o2Ir 29"8 70.00 feet along the limits of saicl V.P.IL VATLEY THIRD FILING, thence s02o02r30"8 24L.80 feet along a Weslerly limit of said VAIL VALLEY tltIRD I.'ILING Lo a poinE, on thc ntosg Southcrly iimits .of, said VAIL VAILEY THIRD nILING, said poinu being the POINT OP BEGINNING. FC|RM NO. C.6OOO-2 ,- rFoR usE wlTH coLoRADo REGldtrAMERtcaN LANo TrrLE a6socrarroN LoAN poEgy tgzo (aMENoED to.t7.7o) FOR UAEWITH COLORAOO REGION AMERICAN LAND TTTLE AAAOCIATION OWNER'S POLTCY-PORM B-t9?O (AMENDED tO.I7.7O) SCHEDULE A-Continued PARCEL B A tlorFs€Iusive easernent nore partictrJ-arly described as follotrls: A part of l.ot l, 'srrnbrrrst Filing t\tr. 3, a srrbrfivisj,on recorded .in tf|e office of the gagfe 6,:nty, @lorado, Clerk and nemrder, s6id part' of Iot f beiry a tlrEnty foot wide strip of land Lying ten feet on each side of a cen@rline described as folLqws: Begixning at a pojnt on tlre $reslerly line of said Iot I rtfience tlre qrst tteste!]Y_ oiner oi saia rot f ears N 48ooo'23" w 11.1.75 feet; tlrence s 90000'00" E 3.65 feeu tlEnce 69.76 feet alonS the arc of a 341.4I footradius cune to the rightr havtng a central angle of 1IJ42'23"r tjrence S 78017'37" E 48.25 fee; tjrence 60.03 feet abng the arc of a 3I5.0Q foot radir:s cun/e to tlre leftr havirg a centraL- angle of 16o55t06"i thence s89o12'43u E 188.15 feet; tlrence 37.40 feet along^tje arc of a 53.62 foot radius curve to the right, having a central. angle of 39v57'59"; tltence S 49014'44" E 31.32 feet; ttrene 98.55 feet along tlre arc of a 260.00 foot radius cunre to tj1e Left, having a central arqte of 2}o42'59"i thenae g 70057'43" E 55.22 teE; tlence 80.77 feet along tlre arc of a D1.15 foot radir:s ctrnre to the right,, hauing a central- angle of 38oI1'53"; thence s 32945!50" E 39.16 feeu tlrence 20.94 feet along the arc of-a 60.00 foot radius eurve to the right havfuq a central angle of 2OoO0'00"; thence S 52045150" E 75.69 feet to tlre poiat of tenninus on the sout[erty lire'of said lot l, t}le side ]ines of said strip to be shortened or lengt]ened to tesninate at the t€s@r. ly and southerly lines of said Iot 1. FORM NO. C-6000-38 FOR UgE WIT}I COLORADO o REOION AT'ERI CAN LAND TITLE AAAOCIATION OWNER'A RM E-f97O (ATaENDED lo-rr-ro'o FOLICY-FO SCHI'DULE B This Policy doer aot iaeuro agrinsl loee or damage by reaeon of the following: f. Rights or clsims of purtiee in poeeoeeion not ehown by tho public recordg, 2. Eaearnonts, or chims of eaoemente, not ghown by tho public rocorde. 3. Diecrepanciee, conflicte in boundary lines, ahortage in area, encroachrnentq and any facto which a cor- roct survcy and inapoction of rhe premieea wouftl dieclorc ond which are not ehown by tho public recorde. 4. Any lienn or right to a lien, for eerviceq labor, or material heretoforo or hereafter furnirhed, imporeil by law and not rhowa by the public records. 5, Taxea duo und paylblo; and any ta:g epecial ueeerernenlE, chorge or lien impoeed for water or aewer rorvicg or for any othor epocial taxirg dietrict. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable. 6. Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and removehis ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate orintersect the premj.ses hereby granted, as reserved in UnitedStates Patent recorded ilune 29, 1908 in Book 48 at Page 495. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by ttre auttrorityof the United States, as reserved in United States Patent recorded ilune 29, 1908 in Book 48 at Page 495. Easement and right of way for water and sewerline purposes, as granted to Vail Water and Sanitation District by .Iay B. Pulis,Jr. Warren Kamer Pulis, Jay B. Pulis Jr. trustee and Warren KamerPulis, trustee, in the instrunent recorded February 5, 1969 in Book 214 at Page 612, affecting the following described property: An easement 30 feet in $ridth and lying 15 feet on each side of acenterLine described as foLlows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.lrl., Eagle County, Colorado, thence S0o02r30"8 393.36 feet aLong the East line of said Section 9 tothe true point of beginning; thence N6Io09r4l"w L92.44 feet;thence 574o57 '30nW 448.52 feet; thence S32o04r15"W I77.51 feet;thence S53oL9r24xW 220.47 feet; thence SI304lr29"W L79.22 feetithence S29o53r29"w 200.00 feet; thence S88o21'29uW 183.00 feet;thence N56o22r47IW 282.84 feet; thence N64o22r51"W 480.00 feet;thence S81o17r29nW 482.74 feet; thence S63ol9'l3uW 250.59 feet; thence S68040r49"W 228.32 feet; thence N88o26r32'tW 647.1I feet; thence S73o21rL9"I1 370.00 feet; thence S24o08'3I''W l-05.97 feet; thence S42o08r51'W 186.08 feet to a point on the South line ofthe NElrNWlr of said Section 9 which is 9.62 feet East of the Souttrwest Corner thereof . Easements and right of way for Sunburst Drive and Sanitary 7. 8. Lift Station aa shovrn on Intermountain Engineering Surve FoRM No. c.6ooo.3c oFON U'I WITI{ COIORADCI N'OION AXERICAN I.AND TITLT A3'OCIATION LOAN ra70 (AxExoED ro-17-40, non ull wltl{ colon^Do Rtolo$a AftircaN LANo TrTLa AaaOCtaTsoN owN:i.3 to|-tcy-Foix }rD7o (ArtItDtD to-t7.7o) a FOLICY 10. SCEEDULE B-Contiauod DccdofTnutfrom: Shapiro Conattuction Co., a to thc hrblic Trurtce of tho County of Eagleforthoueof r Tlre Pulie Ranch, a Coloradg: $ 1r875r000.00 r iluly 2, 1.98I: July 2, l98I in Book Colorado corporatio4 linited partn€rship Page 461 to acgurrc dorcrl rcoorded 325 at !\ Book ragd 34r 143 Fee : 99. 00pd .Rccorder. Ii;tg1c Coun ty and ,19 82 Kxow Arr, MsN By TnrsE Pnrsrnrs, That, Whereas, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO., a Cokrrado corl)orirL i()rrof by irs D'eed of 'l'r'ust ,, dated the 2nd day of July , 19 8t , . i,1 and duly recorded in the office of the County Clerk and ltet:r,rtier rt' , , of the ^County of Ilae lc , in the 11. I State of Coloratlo,6n the 2rrtl tlry of iiilt , 19ltl ,in Book 325 at Page 46I ({ilrn-}&r reception No. 22L825 ) | conveyed to the Public Trustce in said Eas1e County, certain property in said Deed of TrusI described in trust to secure to the order of TllE PULIS RANCH, a Colorado l irnited partnership the payment of the indebtedness mentioned therein. Hffi',lp?rl ,.nri"'lh,,i";T;. ,,i1, ; ;,;;3" See Actached Exhibit A 'a situate, lying and being in the(lCr State of Colorado. ^.*' AND' WHEREAS, said indebtedness has bccn pitrtilllv ;rrirl ;rntl the pur.poses of snid trust havobeen partially satisf ied NOW' TI{IIREFORE, at the requcst of thc legai hrltlt,r' .f t}rr irrtlcbtcdncss sccured by sai4 Deedof rrust, and in consideration of the pren-rises, ud in f u rthe r consideration of the sum of FiveDollars to me in hand paid, the receipt whcreof is he reby irt,k n'vlctlgerl, I, as thcPublic Trustee in said Eagle Countl,, {o hercby remise, ret"a.L antl quit_claim unto.thepresent owner or owners of the property hereinaftcl rlcst'ribctl ;rnrl unto thc heirs, successors andassigns of said owner or owners florcvcr, all tho right, titlt,ir tl irrte rr:st which, I, as suchPublic Trustee h:rve in and to that part:rntl portion ()f th(, l)r'')l){'r'ty, sct forth ;rrrtl described in theaforesnid Deed of Trust, described as follows, to wit: ( lrtr rrty ol lragle lVitness nry hand and seal this .{.nzL4,ry ut Hubert N. PerEerson As rhc STATE OF COT,ORADO, County of tiAgle foregoing instrument wls lcknowledgetl bcfore nrc thisJune ,1982 , by Barbara L Sothm:rrr , Colorado. asthe Depury I'u l-rlic 'l'rustee in the said ,f/ TO IIAVFI AND TO HOI.,D the s:rme, togethcr with rrll :Lnrl singuiar the privileges an4 appur-tenances thereto belonging ftirever. And further, that, as to thc itbove describe6 property, the sairtTrust Deed is to be considered as fully and absolutely relerrst,tl, r':rrrce iled:rnd foreyer dlscharged. ,June '/^"' The ,9-* To the County of r,.,r,' I r, By:_ i ,rr. . Warren K. Pu1 is. 'In counties where book and page numbers havc becn ubolisht rl. No.927. PARTIAL REI,I)ASE OF DEttD OF TRUsl'By TltE ptrBt,('TR(is.ft:E. B radfo rd l'u blishinA Co,, | 5l6J Wc!t {4rh Avcnuc, Cotd.n, Colorado 80,t0 | - ( l0!) l?8-064,t - ,i ilr RECORDER'S (SEAL) corrntrTr figgle ' i)-rr..J* guy og I25 PARK ST. GYPSUM: CO Notar/ Public. '/'. 1 --:*---:-l--: + ( ( !", wr ' ' (';' 'ta general partner Please execute this release, the indebtedness securcd by the above mentioned Deed of Trusthavingbeen partially paid nnd satisfied. ,THE pul,IS nANClt, a Coloraclo limited partnershlp BY: n. ,/i t / ) / .,. t..,.. t,., .(...r. r,..r.. ...,...,!'--,.,,..(.., /,i.r7.., ,:ay n. puTiA:^ 5'i':""'8'p,8;\'e$'a1"ij5{PhEy o*a "r-r^itl' - IJXIIIBII A TO THE PARTIAL RNLEASI] OF' DilIID OF TRUST Building Q Legal Description (the "Building e parcel") That portion of the N L/2 NE I/4,Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 Westof the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle, Colorado, whichis described as follows: Begj-nning at a point on the South lineof said N I/2 NE 1/4 which is an anglepoint on the south boundary of Lot l_, Sunburst Filing No. 3, a subdivisionrecorded in the office of the EagleCounty, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, whence the most westerly corner of saidLot I bears N55o 13' 16" i{ 888.43 feet; thence along said South line of said N L/2 NE 1/4 S 89o, 23' 42" E 29I.62 feet;thence N 48o 5Bt 38" W 266.06 feet to apoint on the southerly boundary of saidLot 1, thence along the southerly boundaryS 6lo 52' 59" W 25.11 feet to a point on the easterLy boundary of Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Association, phase III, the condominium map for which is recorded inBook 332 at Page 509 of the records ofthe EagJ.e County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorderithence the follwoing two courses along saideasterly boundary: (1) N 90o00'00" W 68.ZI feet;(2) S00o00,00,' W 1L0.00 feet; thencecontinuing 500"00'00" W 49.73 feet to the pointof beginning, containing 32,000 square feetor 0.7347 acres, more or less. Duplex Site Legal Description (the "Duplex Site parcel") That portion of the N I/2 tE l/4, SecLion 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of theSixth Principal. Meridian, Town of VaiL,Eagle County, Colorado whj.ch is describedas follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of LoL 2,Vail Vall-ey - Third Filing, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Eagle County,Colorado, CLerk and Recorder, thence alongthe westerly line of said Lot 2, N 00o00,00"E 103.46 feet to the northwest corner of saidLot 2; thence westerly 68.98 feet along thearch of a curve to the right having a radiusof 108.87 feet, a central angle of 36o18'02", and a cord which bears N 75"l_7'43" W 67.83 feet to the southerly boundary ofLot 3, Sunburst Filing No. 3, a subdivisionrecorded in the office of the Eagle County,Colorado, CIerk and Recorder; thence thefollowing two courses along said southerlyboundary: (1) S32o51'18" W 93.82 feet;(2) N 88o07r0I" E 80.00 feet to thenortherLy right-of-way of Sunburst Drive; ( thence the following two courses along saidnortherly right-of-way: (I) easterly 1I0.52 feet along the arch of a curve to the left having a radius of 112.37 feet, a central angle of 560 2lr 14n and a cord which bears S 63028' 00" E 105.L2 feet; (2) N 88o 2I' 29' E101.55 feet to the point of beginningcontaining 13r820 square feet or 0.3L73 acles, tnore or less. Non-exclusive Easement lhat certain non-exclusive easement for acceEs and egress for vehicular, pedestrian,eguestrian, and/or other traffic of record and more fully described in Book 325, Page 461 in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado -2- ,/ November 10, 1983 Mr. Erwin Bachrach Shapiro Construction Co. P. 0. Drawer 1448Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Vail Golf Course Townhomes Dear Eruin: This'letter_is to provide you with our conclusions regard'ing some concernsthat you relayed to Jon Giltner on November 3, 1983. The first two concerns rc] ate to window and door headers at exterior framedwalls. The 3-2x6 built-up window headers in the north wa'l'l of un'it 54'sliving room ane adequate since the roof joists are continuous from a long span to the south of the 8-3/4,,x24', glu-lam beams. Upon further anatysii we realize that there is actualJy_ a smal'l amount of irpljft at the northend of the ioists. As a precautibn a sIMps0N sr9 strai sha]l be instal'ledat each trimmer for each 3-2x6 header. where double trirrners are requiredfor w'indow on door headers due to span and loading, they 3rre ca1'l ed for onthe plans with one except'ion. At the 5r,,k9u glu-iam wind6d-heaaer jn the south wall of bedroom l for unit 52, the doub'le trimners T,ere not calledout. However, you have assured us that they have been insta'l 'led. The last two concerns relate to exterior wall sheathing as lateral 'l oadbracing. The north wall of unit 54's living room doesi't need exteriorplywood sheathing since the roof and f'l oor diaphragms adequately transferlateral load to other adequately sheathed exterior-walls dn the-building,snorth sjde. Apparently, L" plywood sheathing was not installed on the west second level wa'l 1 (as called for on sheet s-5 of the structural drawings)before siding was installed. To make up for this lack of'latera] load-resistance the lateral load capacity of the interior wa]ls shall be in-creased. 2x6 framed wa]'ls running north:south shall be sheathed with 5/8"gyp-board and nai'led at 4" on center with 6d cooler nails along a1l paneledges. At the interior of the west wall structural grade (rea) tHrRmo-ptvby Simplex Industries, Inc. shall be installed under-5/g', gyp-board andnailed at 3" on center wjth 6d cooler nails along all panei edges. Tominimize extra blocking we suggest that 4'x8' sheets be used tnd installedw'ith the 8' dimension vertical. The capacity of unb'locked 5/B', gyp-board U Page 2 November 10, lgg3 Vail Golfcourse Toymhorns, Building p she-athing is adequate at the roft'tever with 6d nailing at 7i on centerat panel edges. Ifyou have any questions regarding this matter, please glve us a ca.'. Very truly yours, NICOL AND GILTNER Consulting Engineers e;!4 aM Oaniel J. packard Reviewed cit€gt o3 Eo CLo @ I C |E (L o =g, Eo .9 oE { { og (- T It5 I -?,rt! ca --IrtIIo It IOIa, oz E =t uJo. Oo oLft(\l af, UJ UJ lJ- F =e. uJ o- zE/L///\qe #y) I $i \-- | i* r1 it I UJF o l,in I|uJ IIF Ito Ixl z I El: Itrl J I =la I sl=l B;fi t /ri iHE;E 1I; Egffr#lH e$;gilla EE!str -W i:i;ttlr, ;E s:;' iei Ei:i #2 ;fr;et ii;;g6o'-.;-5A9'E gE E:5 i;F€F gF$ei oo rtr)(\I 4 oo ln(\l E = UJ ozoI lo : C) UJ ()z o- J 9t o uJJ lrJ (9z =J =(, UJ: uJ UJ zo F ur o uJE Bul UJGzI Iu F at, uJ z ulJ x F tuol U' UJ UJt! E = UJ o- J FoF o =I ao o c,F uJJ llJ ('z .o E Jo. 9z () uJ- NO[Vn]VA Ie !zzu-o ooF-AZq 5 >eF9 OE .noe.z>oQOnezxl!<oq iH6E-R 2'. ': uJF.otO _A )-=,--{- - \-93utN =o(\l l(JlFI U'or E .o zI F J {tl- cr o- UJo- F oo orr)(\t G o- UTE z E z F gJ F-) =ulz tltlllg) EzfzPr<oo< =Hx|r <z o =4i9z -iFd63d lu)J ao at,ulzY iF z tr Jloz Ii ;- :q lJ,, o =o Jl<ltrl-l zl .. >l uJo uJ uJzo E = u'| o. J z Eo ulo z Y z J(D (}1 I&, (7J t I (:l';) ;i) ,-l.) ul ba,q IJ zo Fo. UJY l!dl z oPze coo =z dP 3Ei = l,! ;dd= oF F E uJ o- tJ-lO <'l I>El6\lo-lrlgur 2E F lttcr!oEE9zE<ctf€Ee9?a '9E llr5 b=e dtrE :+i uB9 \urE XO-E X>t q-o-i!i llJ F I li rs VJ= - F =E lrJ o-zoF() E,F CNzo() !nD ! F oa an <5z, J =ccl od, A ttl ii z -) llEI(-l Iflr.l I{-t I HI:l 1dg5 ;7dg1gg I I It_lo. I I.dflddd l> E() I I I c;l EI JI <l>l l!lol zl 3l PI ol Irt I.Pt Iot IOl Lrl IFl lltll sf|I rol.sl -r Iol .l.'--l Ol-l -l ci ol.el uJl.d cEl+l Jls3l -9 q-l =otzlt3l01 o|EFI z oqJ TE l! z3IF ?|ol lrJI :l al>l rLlol zl 3toFI I I I I rl ol IJJI JI <l BI il gol ulFIF E <F(lO IJJ <zEUJF oo oz co = J rlir =+Eo2 J<()q8!E! nl q, IJJ UJIL ts =t uJo- I * | inIt! xl! EI:anl J =t;ot€!t:zt 7, uJF II ut at, Eolr Fo GFzoo .Eo tr IJJz =od Ll!ctz;tarv <F2a,9Z(,< -i- o c6*6.9.: d; 9r ct gEE; E =.e:?€: Ee E;t :E*EF :E:E; :€ FIc6'- O O s =!9-Fog.; Ee €SE;ei :EE€€ iEEgg60'-:-5AP,,S $r;€€ iEgiE \ a\ s \ ti q ==l!.L <,z6J l @ Io UJ oz c J qJJul oz 6 E J Iz o UJ = IJJ uJ 2 tr llJ uJE 3ll,t u, z (a UJ Fo llJ z uJ -J x F ulatf tn IJJ r,lJt! tr = IJJo-J FoF z J o F uJ uJ (Jzo = J 9z oqJ E NO[Vn'lVA ;( E.o llon F\o- E C) ullo JI<r! E\ u zzoqho- I EA =urog9 r!<oq i-o-8 i(\i -t =Lu =O \ ; ti \ \i z tr J t! o-:)oEo H- s n - |lt e, 29 zo F qJ J 3 uJ2 llIItltlaFz zyo <oo< =ft>tExE6o<z F2.. 9=..:F d63tr t! J o!, llJzYII u,l F t o o o3 ( a F o Fa ili-l zl zl .. >l IJJ ululz a)F =G UJ o- z E z Fo cl o =Y UJo $a N 6l Iof l:-t I J I?l tit lil E I I I x i ?t P | ; I H I E cEulo- b E H x F d H=€ g =ia I Ed'E E nnnE i rr r-Jr_rr-J E H=IE ;fr| ti E F EI :E= E AHiqgE fi Fl o\rr > ; r t il\il | ulooF r =- @ FoJ oz J u- h []{v A,\| T\ N\ 9 ui =z 6t .l \ N Y 4l $\{ 2 3 asl q dcJ -E()ctr uJco E 6 =q I olzl ctl Hl Jl <t>lttlol EI $qj \ \,\\r\ \ s N]E E \-- lv \t... .c u = u .\z\c F I I It\+{it N il \" il,, il \ rl $ lil =e. l! oz (J lu J lto z3oF =tr ci oul =>i t!lol zl 3loiH =tr I I ?l sl Crl *l 3r E UJz =o Fo llJ E (Jc G -rO<FG(J u., <zlEItl Fo6 () JE<oOF EEr E 2? E? =E d6() 6F =3gE toFE?+eFFo2 o(J <() sg ) t- 'ei 0) ;o v o3 INSPECTIONTOWN OF /:* 70 REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/ WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL r APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED a INSPECTOR 75 roulh lronlage road Y8ll, colorado 81657 (fl13) 476-7000 May 6, 1983 lrvin Bachrach Shapiro Construction Box 1547 Vail , Colorado 8]658 Dear lrwin: RE: Vail Golfcourse Townhomes In regard to your'letters of April 13 and April 29, 1983: a. Rip-rap in drainage swales. This is approved as.long as the so'l ution wiit nbt allow the significant erosion of the site. b. Landscap'ing. This is approved only in terms of planting spruce trees instead'of-lodge po'le pihes. The irumbers, size and quantity.of trees shou'ld not chaige'. I have compared these drawings against those approved. bt-DRB. ihere iiem to be two lroups of five aspen, the locations of which iie indicateO on itre enclosed Flan, which seem to be absent from the plans You turned in. c. Addresses. Enc'losed are the assigned addresses. Bi't'l Andrews and I changed some addresses in order to make t6em more consistent with surrounding numbers. Sincerely,/*4- JIM SAYRE Town P'lanner JS:br Enc'l . lnltn 75 routh frontage road u.ll, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 March 15, 1983 Kenneth E. Shapiro Shapiro Construction Co. Box 1547 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Ken: In regard to your 'letter of changesI have reviewed all items and found changlng. Gary Murrain Bui'ldi ng Inspector GM:df RE: Vail G.C.T.H., 81dg. "P" you sent us dated March 7, that a few things need additiona'l A. tten (2) partywall detail A 20-11 needs to comply with appendr'x Chapter 35 U.B.C. dealing with round transmission control . Your set of plans are marked for corrections. B. The Vail Fire Department has disapproved your sprinkler plan for the underground parking garage. You should contact Mike McGee and discuss the problem with him. to 75 soulh fronlage road vail. coldrado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 15, .|983 Abraham L. Shapiro, President Shapi ro Construction Company P.0. Box .|547 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Abe: Pursuant to Sectjon .t6.32.040(8) ofthe Town of Vail Municipal Code, this letter shall serve as written notice informing you that the temporary site development sign located on Phase II of the Golf toursi Townhomes ii in violation of the regulat'ions regardii-9-.ilEh-Tlifll6. zo. t oo) . As d j scussed wi th vou on the phone, these signi must be removed within ten days,after an bccupincy permi['is issued and shall be permitted for a period of ohe ybai. The site development in question was approved on l4ay 24,- 1979 and the occupancy permit for the units upon the pr-operty were issued in .|980. Ihus, the sign clearly must be removed. As I ment'ioned to you, you certain'ly have the opportunity to apply for the approva'l t-o erett a temporary site development sign on the Golf Couri'e expansion project now under construction. Failure to remove the sigir within'fifteen days will resu'l t 'in the Town remov'ing said sign at lour expense as provided forin Section .l6.32.040 (B) of the Vail l4unjcipal Code (copy attached). Please let me know if I can answer any questions regarding this matter PUu.lcc: Larry Phase Eskwith, Town AttorneY I I Property 0rvners Town Planner / Shapiro Construction Company Enc losuresxc: Larry Harry 1136/4L ro:.wrl. dal Suite C-3, F.ll RidS€ Condominiutm P. O. Box 15,+7, vcil, Colorcdo 81657 Tclephon€: (303) 47e1980 August 18th, l-983 Mr. Steve Patterson Chief BuiLdlng Offlcial Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road trlest Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: A. L. SIIAPIRO & CO. - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - JOB if36 KENNETH E. SHAPIRO - RESIDENCE ADDITION - JOB II42 Dear Steve: Encl-osed you wlll find Eagle Val-Iey Engineerlngr s drawlngs, Job No. 750 dated 8/15/83, and Job No. 39.31 d,ated 8/L2/83, listing all information and data required prior to our requesting a framing inspection. ShouLd you require any further inforantion, pJ-ease contact me at your earl-iest si-nce it l-s our intent to request an inspection on or before Augus t 26th, 1983. Yours truly, SITAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. Wwffi,Av,Pr,r ProJ ect Manager I Shapiro Construction Company Enclo s ures xc: Job /135/Town Larry LyBarger Erwl-n Bachrach dal Suite C-3, Fall Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. Box 1547, Vail, Colorldo 81657 Telephone: (303),1761980 Aprtl 15th, 1983 Gary Murrain Bullding Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81,657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNITOMES - BUTLDING CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IIOOLLT 2 Dear Gary : In response to your letter dated March 15th, 1983 we have made the rernaining two changes you requested. A. Detail A20-11 was changed. 1) We removed the 2 x 10 fire stop at the top of the party wall and substltuted stuffed rockwool in the alrspace. 2) We show that the plywood flooring is discontinuous to reduce sound transmission, although the plywood is covered with 3/4" gyp-crete. tle are enclosing a copy of detail A20-11 before the above changes were made and two prints of drawing A20 as corrected. B. In accordance with the fire departmentrs suggestion, rre are resubmitting the fire protection sprinkler system. 1\oo copies of a new drawlng, FP-l, showLng a dry type sprinkler system are enclosed. I{e trust that this system is acceptable to the Vail Fire Department. Shoul-d any of the above not meet with your approval, please objections, speclflcally and in detail by letter as soon as lndicate your possible. Erwin Bachrach ProJ ect Archit.ect trul /uL Shapiro Construction Company April 29th, 1983 Jin Sayre Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Val-l-, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCoURSE ToI^INIIoMES EXPANSION BUILDINGS Q-R_S-T LANDSCAPE DMWING AO2 Dear Jim: AlL trees previously designated as t'Lodge Pole Pinerl to assorted Colorado Spruce Trees, are no\r upgraded l,le hope this meets with your approval and if not, pl-ease indicate so as soon as possi.ble. !'le have enclosed two prints of A02 and ask that you indicate your approval of same by execution thereon and returnlng one copy to us. Yours truly, SITAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. trYqff' c-2r( crr:L 'rfiv - ttlJy'e"e e -l F,*t s: snn rt6 fr*"h**Ll_,1 Project Archltect Enclosures dal xc: Larry N. LyBarger It34/4I/43/Totrtt Suit€ C-3, Foll Ridg€ Condominlums P. O. Box 1547, voil, Colorado 81657 T€lephone: (303) 47e1980 Shapiro Construction Company April 13th, 1-983 Jim Sayre, Planner Town of Vail Bulldlng Department 75 South Frontage Road iles t Vai.1, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNIIOMES - BUILDINGS Q-R-S-T I,ANDSCAPE Dear Jim: On April- 7th, 1983 I dellvered to your offlce two (2) blueprints of "Landscape Plan[ sheet number A02 showing landscape materials and locations for the "Expanslon Phase" surroundlng buildings Q, R, S and T. This revised drawing Ls to replace the previously approved drawing which over-emphasized the amounts of rocks in the drainage swales. This new drawing is more correct ln this regard and exactly the same as to the amount and location of plantings . Please review the above and acknowledge your acceptance byprint and returning to us for our files. The second prlnt Should there by any questions, please contact us at once. your cooPeration. executlng one is for your files. Thank you for Yours truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. ,/,/l"//tu /Otz(,/t-c/,/ Erwin Bachrach Project Architect xc: Larry LyBarger Job ll34/4L/43 Town Erwln Bachrach dal Suite C-3, Fall Ridg€ Condominium P. O. 8ox 1542 vcil, Cdorudo 81657 Tel€phon": (303) 47e1 980 ,0/t{April I0, 1981 ul*\r Peter Patten Town of VaiL Department of Conmunity Development P.O. Box 100Vail, CoLorado 81558 Re: Vail Golfcourse Townhome Expansion - Pulis Tract Zoning Determination. Dear Peter: on Aprj-l 1, 1981, the Vail Golfcourse Townhome expansion received final approval from the Town of Vail Design Review Board for 22 units of the expansion to be located on the larger upper portion of the site to the south and west of Sunburst Drive. According to area calculations done in my office, those 22 units contain a total of 45,736 square feet of gross residential area (8 end units aE 21126 S.F. each, and 14 interior units aE 2,052 S.F. each). nick Ryanrs letter dated February 9, 1981, to the Pulis Ranch, a Colorado Limited Partnership, confirms an allowable density for the. entire site of 24 dwelling units containing a maximum of 53,032.58 sguare feet of gross residential floor area. Therefore, I deduce that the remaining density allotment forthe smaller portion of the site to the north and east of Sunburst Drive, adjacent to the Golf Course parking lotrshall be two dwelling units containing no more Lhan 7 1297square feet of gross residential floor area. If you have any questions regarding my calculations, or ifyour total area figures differ substantially from mine (by 100 total square feet or more), please call me at 476-3510, or respond with a letter of clarification for my project file. regards, "/|i6,*- )-J4 Ronald A. Todd I Architect P.O. Box 1753Vail National Bank Building - Suite 307 Vai1, Colorado 81658 cc: Ken Shapiro Shapiro Construction Co. Proiecl Appl i.. v "l ication i.', Proiect DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phon€: /)( - / Z i'o Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zonei Zoning Approvod: Deslgn Review Board tz(-//ffi"*,"2 Summary: Ezzztat+,26/Ey' I)r'{-CVLZ'a>\=- Chi€t Building Otficial Shapiro Construction Company February 8, 1980 The Honorable Menbers of the Town of Vail Box 100 Val1, Colorado Rodney E. Sllfer Town Council 81657 Gentlemen: At the Design Review Board meetlng on February 7th, 1980 che Val1 Golfcourse Townhomes revisions for the balance of the project were noL approved due Lo thTo voCes ln favor and Ewo votes denled. I'le respecEfully request the opportunlty to appeal before the Town Council in order to enable us to present our case which webelieve will justify an approval by the Council. A Eown sEaff mernber, Jim Rubln, Senior Planner, was presenE aE Lhe Deslgn Revlew Board meeting of February 7th, 1980 and we would hope that his reporE to Ehe Town Councit will be available at the February lgth, 1980 public meeting ar which Line r^'e will present our app eal . Yours tru ly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. KenneEh E. Shapiro Vic e-Pr es id ent dal xc:Rlchard Kaplan, Tolm Manager Jim Rubin, Senior Planner rrl I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF T}IE ABoVE LETTER TIIIS 8ch day of February, 1980. Suite C-3, Fall Ridge Condominiums P. O. 8ox 1547, Vail, Colorldo 81657 T€l€phon€: (3O3) 4761480 Title: a I Prolect Applicationt- "r*n'+\tt" Prol€ct Name: Project D€scription: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 3.6 s (. Zonei Design Review Board 4 h a>,-',>'- /- a'J APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL / t 5"*^: ?r' , /,-;" Date: TO: FROrl: DATE: RE: o/ ,.r' Y^aj t" Ttre Design Revierir Board revie$ed tbe proposed revisions-to vail Golfcourse Tornhouses on February Z, fg80. Ttre proposal rvas denied on a tie vote with Ed Drager and l-ou Mesl(inen in favor and Craig Snorndon and Sivertson against. C/izt Snowdon and Sivertson felt they could revieqr the proposal as a nenp project since an additional unit was proposed. snorirdon did not like lhe-rm.s of the buildings, their desigrr repetition and the way th9 ,rt:"t" r'"r. spread all ovei the site. -sirreitson had basic difficulties with the sitl plan and sone specific concerns on l-andscaping' n$ g{ the nenbers qGstioned the rigidity of the buildings desigrr which did not al1ow ac&ss frcrn the south. If buildings H, J, and M had rear access the a.neunt of aspbalt used could be reduced, the existfug a.spens could be used as sc"eening and the retainage for buil-ding along the pnoperty line could be elirninated. MEilDMNDIJM TOIiN OUrcIL DPARIMB{I OF @l[MI]NIT'lr DEVHOPI\ffi{T 2-L2-8o VAIL MLFCOUR.SE TOIVNHOUSS oa 'D(ts rhrr' rh/ra t, %,? e6/'r* /o^rr..k - / 'Iur ,, , ,-71 l. *fu,--: fu"*,-. r/r4fu t,t, z-yazaar- 6r-ty*ye"r,".,/44'd; .- lVroro4Z e"tz'r/&r" 4 %'5 fit-Z tu-2,,uAaa**t, tu/4]. ,- U +l ' '+.2 / t-''t /' '-- Vt -ru a-u- r7uz4- r"r4r4, /4t /11 @4//-4'Ary.'.// . k/'Let /*;f"/ /ffi#/*t 5*h -d/*. -ht-/ ry o Shapiro Construction Company Suitc C-3, Fall,Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. Box 1541 V6il Colorado 8'1657 Tel€phon€: (303) 4761980 February 19, 1980 T0: Mefibers of the Town Councll Town of Va1l FROM: KenneEh E. S hapiro Vl c e-Pr es ld en E ** ******tr**rt****** ** ****** *** * t!* rt * *:t **tr* *tr****ik * ** tr)t rt* t< tt r!* * * r.*****r.********* OUTLINE FOR APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DENIAL FEBRUARY 7rh, 1980 OF VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOI4rNHOMES, PHASES III and IV I. REVIEI,I TO DATE A. Began design of the whole projecL in the Sprlng of. L978. B. Attended six or more Design Review Board meetings over lhe Surnmer of 1978. C. Met three or four times with Eldon Beck for special consulEaEion on hls views of slre planning, concepE and landscaplng; lncorPorated all hls recommenda tions. D. MeE r^'i th Council laEe AugusE 1978 to review project prlor Eo final Design Rev{ew Board presentaElon. At Councll meeEing all felr plan was accepEable and accomplished good masslng' architecture and planning lnterface nith extsflng structure and contlguous exisrlng duplex development. Dr. SEeinberg emphaslzed hls desire to keep rnajor densiEy on uPper PorEionof slte vs. lower porEion and rnajoricy agreed. E. SepEerDber 5ch, 1978 - Design Review Board granted unanl-mous approval subject only to a future report being filed ltlEh theD ouElinlng any recommendations of Eldon's concerning gradlng and drainage that r^te could incorporate on Ehe upPer Portlon of Ehe slte. (See Design Review Board approval attached). O lfeoberc of the Town Counci.l Town of Vall. February 19, 1980Rei Vatl Golfcourse Toslnhones, phases III and IV Page 2 II. F. ELdoaIe concerno yere: 1. Bulldlnge stepplng back twlce created greater excavatLon. Mlnor changes ln bulldlng orientations could help olnor road shlfEe pex #2 below. 2. l{inlnlzlng wldth of road and ninor ehlfte could reduce cut and filL. 3. Dralnage and gradlng be restudled after #I- and #2 above were addreseed.. G. ALl theee were addressed and Lncorporated. 1. A local road and drainage englneer was hired ve. a Dcnver congultant, 2. Four more bulldlngs now sEep ln one dlrectlon. 3. Road wldth was reduced 102 and mlnor shlfts tn butJ.dlng and road enabled us to nLnlnlze cuE and flll on road and bulldinge. 4, Drainage and grading was restudied taklng the above lnto conelderation and has been improved aLlowlng the deletlon of three maJor retalnlng wall sysEems and substantlalJ-y lesa cutt f111 and overdlg. DESIGN REVIE$I BOARD DENIAL A. February 7th, 1980. 4 members present - vote was a 2-2 tle. (See Deolgn Revlew Board denl"al attached). B. One desentlng voEe on basis of 54th unlt making deslgn poor. 1. Proposed deslgn neets all Town of Vall Zoning Reguletlong. 2. Zoning allowe 54 units ln 108,000 square feet GRFA. (ThlE should not be an issue for Design Revieu Board). lleobers of the Town CounciL Town of Vall February L9, 1980Re: Vall Golfcourse Townhooes, Phases III and IV Page 3 3. 0rlglnal deslgn showed 53 at approxinately 107,900 aquare feet. 4. Present plan showe 54 unlts wlth approxlnately L07,900 aquare feet; therefore, ln terms of €lte denslty there ls no real change in the number of square feet propoeed.. C. One decentlng vote on basls thaE overall concept of tovnhornes on a hlllside ls inapproprlate. . 1. Our approval exeropted us from the risk that the basie concept wouLd be requestloned. III . CONCLUSIONS A. OnJ-y questlon ehould be: Ilave rie adequately reported to Deelgn Revlew Board on lmpLemenclng Eldonrs suggesElong on upper part of site? ANSWER: We have; therefore, we should not have been denled approval by Design Review Board on February 7th, 1980. Reepectfully subnltted' SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTTON CO. /,e) Kenneth E. Shaptro Vlce-Presldent dal Project Ailplication Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and phone: rl Legal Description: Lot Zone: Block Filing Zoning Approv€d: Design Review Board DISAPPBOVAL , t u"\ q I Summary: Zoning Administrator Chiel Building Ofticial Dats: /. i( , i^ j t "' - \? \.- Project Application /-: f,- ro Ptoi€ct Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and P Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing Zona: Zo4.!n9 Approved: Design Review Board 4hd- /- o\J Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL /til z';L->/.I,,LJ. 4u,,.ri,, - ,.-.-,,r,.L4 s'(l cn,/.( /., fut)iyL l ..r'r'/ Su mmary: ?(.(.[.t.;2 i-l-l.-- - ftvd ./,'/r)-n,:"fr ,a)-:., ttl Adminislrator Dale:__- Datc: Chie, Euilrlino Of licial I mtcn$,IDUM Tt): TOm{ COmtrIL FROi{: DEPARIIIETT OF OMMUNIIY DEVEXPME{? DIIE: 2-42-80 RE: VAIL @I;FWIR.SE IOI!I{Iil]SES Tbe Design Reviw Board reviffied tbe proposed nevisims to Vail Gol-fcouse Tqpnbouses qr f'ebnrary ?, 1980. Ttre pnoposal va^s denied on a tle rrcte with Ed Drager and Iou MesKisrcn in favor and Craig ftordon and Sirrertson against. Sxocdm and Sivertson felt they could reviqrr the proposal as a nenrproJect since an additional unit was proposed. frrouirdqr did not like the rs.ss of the bui.l-dings, their de.sign repetition and the way theunits v,ere spread all over tbe site. Sirertson had basic difficulties with the site plan and solre specifie concerns m l-andscaping. AlL of the rders questioned ttre rigidity of the builclings design wtrich did not allcr access frcn the srth. If buildings H, J, and M had rear access the amutt of aryha1t used cqrld be redrced, the existing aspens could be ured as screening and the retainage for bu{lding a1,og the propenty Line coul-d be elininated. rNsP*roN REeuEsr BEADY FoR rNsPEcrror.r,(ffiil rues DATE LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsPtTroN REeuEsr oor, 6 -4 €A JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MOl,'l-.' CALLER TUES B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Shapiro Constnrction Company Enclosure dal Suite C-3, Fall Ridge Condominiums P. O. Box 1517, v6ll, Colorado 81657 T€lephonc: (3o3) 4761980 August 19, 1980 Town of Vall Box 100 Vall, Colorado 8L657 Attention: Accountlng Department RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOIdNHOMES, PHASE I - CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT Gentlemen: Attached please flnd a copy of the Flnal Certlflcate of Occupancy for the Vail- Golfcourse Townhones, Phase I, Building Pernit /1218, dated Aprll 4, 1979. Pursuant to the Tomts ru1es, please refund as soon as posslble the $500.00 Clean-Up Deposit which you are holdlng in connectlon with thls project. Thank you. Very truly yours, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. 4" /)q-')/'nkL Kenneth E. Shapiro Vice-Pres ident rNsc?cnoN REeuE A ET DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME THUR @ VAIL CALLER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB o O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED i /,hnr/.l,t -//&T Lyt tt)'tL l,n|t Lnn;o, /r- nbnyr) ./tt, \r'kt'IM, ilV Ih,,t t ,)l.l!- LI-z I'/D/'/, h),;.'t i ,qln nlut+ d Q I I1QL+ INSPECTOB oz E =t UJ o- oO(\T r\ Orr\ <\j lJq o cs o(\lt\ sl'r\ (t ul UJIL = =E UJo- 3l "\ tgjrE $ \g\J rlD tt o FI ==o zz vlqJ F z zz \. l-{ s\l \ 4 \ *gry .?r:Y t j' $:ia :i,'-. x illlis$ sii:l;Ni EigifrtD \;l.\- F r\ lr) Olt\ C cc o|J)F\ oo roctt @ oo oocr) oIoo1rl oo t\(o oc\l = u.l z ) -o u.J z -)o- tF UJJ ll,l z .o =f J 7 i() UJ = u.l lllu-zo F UJ C)uJ oE 3 UJ 5 UJEz 6 uJ o UJ f,z IUJ(J -\uJlllt! Fs6 uJ(L J FoF z = CO o F uJ Jui oz to a- J 9z o uJ = NO[Vn'lVA E flol =t ;l J o =zzu-oootr ^ 6zI5 =ei9 of,66 ez.,Qoo !?,(Jzx t!<oq {.'I tri6 6dN(J zotr J ILo clo E. UJo- F oosl r\orr\ (\l : o-ulE z E 2 9 Etu J € =ulz tttttl -l sl l3l $l I2 z -zi E: *3^iEpPesEigE gfEEEgllll-llgS'r- ,2 ;B $ E 3 f ir=FE:ooorz(J zI F J (rtz ul J E or c F @(Y) F u,I u, o >< o IIJJul ooo = J U' p\ S $- S(Ti ; UJ o- F Ftaoi an .a EltlF =J t,utFoz. Jso UJ at, a <nt!zx iF (o q (\l e € olrJl |<: lllo- F .tJ.P aoco ++ nc PP .U coco Ie.o -)asbilP llJ o @\' f,lz. oz F C) uJ"toEG E lg = liE l,lrl r- o-zIF C)fEFazo() rse \ -r /I[E\<r= = sl 3l UJF o Jz z oPze dlo =zJOo- tL z*2o!:r -t-.:UJ6il= tr}nn o E CL -9qt 0,tl .E JF-c'-:=Cavo;-(,; ohqur E>rFo ttt E -rO<F(r(J r,rJ <ZEUJF.42 uJL-I,IJz3 o- = v,ulEo ) a tltltltl|l lllaltotolt<l5Jq<lEil >l lltllltltlTIi{l9AAH tLal<l =|J4atrr = tltlld i lE o. ot x!t ol'Fl cololl(dt I-ct Itnl a sl HH:i4Eo I I I I to- I I ")a4u{ oqqdcJ E(J (Ultnl!lcrl rl(91 =G' (t = vl(u 6- EoF o an! =o(, 9- -o(5 (g uJ = E irr.lJ Y FOz ,-) (,ozr-;() =sJZo-O() (roF C) Fzoo Iz r() LU = J0a<o(JF -< -e -. 1.-) -, lu O SnapdCon structio n Co m pa ny Suitc C-3, Fdlt RidS€ Condominrurns P. O. 8ox 1547, Voit, Cotorodo 81657 Tclcphone: (303) 4761290 v 0c tober lJ, 1980 Btll Pyka Flnance Department Town of Vail Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES, PHASES r, II AND IrI _ TAp FEES Dear BiIl: Hopefull'y thls retter wl11 clarify the confusion which has occurred concer.ingtap fees on Phases r, rr and rrr of the Vail Qolfcourse Townhomes. Phase r tap fees which,were paid on May 2, 1979 in the amount of 921,g25.00 werecorrect when pald based on the proposed fifteen unlts,-tD-..be construcEed in phase I.Subsequent to that payment there were Ewo changes ,"a,e, illpfrase r: t) rhe addlcion or a slnk in a bedroon in uniE )Xi.(.i]brr ^2) The delerion of a jacuzzl in Unir #1. " - )7 The net change belng: 4.25 less uni-ts ar $60.00 = 9255.00, which is a credir due lnconnecrion urrch the phase r taps. at $60'00 = $255'00' thith ; a credit c Phase Ir, covering eleven units (#16 to 26) is substantialry identlcal to phase r.Inadvertently payment was not made on the taps for this Phase. Those taps were justmade in the last three weeks and by our estlmaEion the tap fee at the currenc rate of1487'0 per assessment uniE would be $ao,szO.75 (see our aitached take-off computaclon).According to Nancy, someone frorn the Buildlng Deparcrnent wiLl conf irrn our rake-off inthe next few days and we will be bi11ed the correct anount. Assuming ne agree we wlrr,of course, promptly pay the bill upon receipt rn reference to Phase rrr (Units 27 Eo 54) my take-off (also enclosed) shows the perunlt asses,sment to be $3643.15. Arthough thl butldtng permlr has beerr taken ouE for thesccwenty-ei8hr unlts, the timing of the raps will noc begin ro occur until next fall atwhlch tlne only twelve or sixEeen will be required. I underscand that the cost perassessment unit cannot be locked in until paid; therefore, we understand thag by noEpaying the tap fees for any portion of che units until prior to making the taps, wiIIcause us to have to pay the currenc assessment fee that ls in force at the time ofPaytnenE' Ic is our plan, therefore, Lo pay for che taps on a unlt-by-unit basls el.therlnunedlately preceedlng the next lncreasc or Just prlor to tapplng, wh j.chever is moreeconomical. Shapiro Construction Company ACCEPTIID AND APPROVED: TOWN OF VAIL May 20th, 1981 8111 Andrews Asslstant Englneer 'lown of Vall Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81658 RIi: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES. PHASE I - BUILDING ''I]'' Dear Mr. Andrews: Thls is to confirn our meeting on Friday May 15rh, 1981 aE l0:30 A.M. with Messrs. Ernie Freggiaro, Town of Vail and rerry Buck, shapiro consEruction co. As per our conversaElon, and your approval, we lnt.end Eo replace the concrete drainage Erough on radlus of Lot 1, Sunburst. Filing //3, Va11 Golfcourse Townhomes, Phase I, Bullding "B" with one inch (1") to two and one-half inch (2L") washed gravel dralnage trough as per the attached sketch (Section A-A, 5/20/8L). We have met with Davld Wilson .of Miner and Miner, l{oly Cross Electric Association,Publlc Servlce Company, Vail Cable T.V. and Mountain Bel1 and made every effort Lo coordinate locations of existlng servlces and compleElon of work. It ls my understanding Ehat lloly Cross ls scheduled Eo begin Eheir work June lst, 1981 in the radlus area and be complete ln five (5) working days. Be advised our work will take fourceen (14) actual worklng days to compleEe; Eherefore, iE is VERY CRITICAL thaE Holy Cross beglns thls work the fj.rsE of June as scheduled and complet.es sanewithln the scheduled time so r{e can complete our work and be cleaned up the week priorto the Ford lnvltatlonal Golf Tournament. Thank you for your cooperati-on in this matt.er and ir records and use, would you please execute a copy of same to us. Very trulv is much appreciated. For our thi.s understanding and return yours, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO, t /^ ,l)oce: -S/Z/ /A/ r-+9€! Suite C-3, Fall Ridg€ Condomrniums P. O. 8ox 1547, Vdil, Colorado 81657 Tel€phon€: (303) 47O1480 Enc 1os ure da1 J,l. iiL' EE H rd,g a a mtrl3g W '7, g E H 1l i.J4 ILh si;. S 3 5,ut R LLIo \s\:,o,lu$1 v2 F 9,x Ur It +l zds 4aqe,t> VI Hfi 4P ,"1 POl irgE !H trl C) cl\tdl :f, tgz L- a{olU q, g. Ff,(Jg<ula(r5OL1LJ< I + :; i I.;,I irlq fl ll"l pi utl IJ3llr 19 ztrl ul Cl fi , A/, rd?* l.lj ;Sg<Fooaf,<gjo oes bstr-- o =,E\9 loi tr{tri tnl BI El \9 olrlctaa(n r.9z F_ UI )a {-fl o hun box lfl! uail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&s613 0ctober 5, 1981 Erwin Bachrach Drawer 1448 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Enrlin: At the September 30 meeting submittal for roof materials Tswnhouses was approved with to be used on stained sPruce stained redwood bui ldings. Peter Jamar Town P'lanner PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 9-30-81 of the Design Review Board' Your change fior the Vail Golf Course the following stipulations: tan pebbles buildings, bro.rn bark to be used on t Shapiro ConsUuction Company June 16th, 1-981 Peter Patten Senior Planner Peter Jamar P lanner Town of Vall Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81658 Gent lemen: Thls w111 conflrm our telephone conversatlon of today with Pecer Patten. The prl,vate road going East off of Vall Valley Drlve serving VaiJ- Golfcourse Townhomes, Phases TII, IV and V is to be l-dentlfied as - .r --a---"=---'-----1.''GOIf lerrace . The private road golng West off of Sunburst Drive servlng the Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Expanslon project w111 be identlfled asttcolf Lane". lle would appreclate your acknowledging your acceptance of the above by execution below and returning one copy to us. Thank you for your cooperation. THE By: Very truly yours, Ab raham L. Pres Ldent The above is hereby accepted and approved this ry day of June, 1981. dal Suit€ C-3, Flll Ridge Condominiums P. O. Box 1547, v!il, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303) 47&198o Peter Jamar box l(Xl vail, colorado 81657 {303, 47Fs613 August 9, 1982 Abe Shapiro Box 1547 Vail, Colorado 81658 JS:df Dear Abe: 0n August 4, 1.982, the Design Review Board denied yourfor landscape revisions on Buildings H,J,K,L,M, ani N.denied the application because it does not meet sectionparagraphs K and Q of the Vail Municipal Code. Si ncerely, department of commun ity development DRB Submittal of 8-4-82 appl ication The Board 18.54.070, $ Project Application contacr person and ,nr^" t ,q t,Jnsc .Afrl R,E U / S/ O\L\ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,^r" Aub ,/ Motion by: 'f4,n7//4 Seconded by:F4,<!?f ,a- -. APPROVAL lPPt-tr F ,r-to4 €Pf 3 NoT- HEET- . / ,$Aj y,;1tt,1 /1:la ,tf,"otdou-ir..'\ ,t E Statt Approval Shapiro Construction Company },IEMO FROM: RE: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - TOWN OF VAIL Abraham L. Shapiro, Pres id en t MODIIICATION O[ I.ANDSCAPE PLAN FOR VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES - BUILDINGS H-J-K-]--M-N DATE: August 4th, 1982 tc * * rr * * * 9r * * * * * * * * * >t rt * * * * tr * t< rc * tr * rr * * Jr * * * * * r( r. rl * * Dear Member : Shapiro Construction Co. hereby requests that the landscape plan referred to above be rnodif ied to ellminaEe the permanent planting areas as presently shown on the plan in front of these buildings. With some of the buildings now completed we realize thaE the original landscape plan i.s not practi.cal and is unsafe as shown. Some of the reasons for our deternlnation are as follows: f) Snow removal in EIte wint.er would be lmpractical slnce each plancing area would be at a different grade level due to the el.evation of each Townhome as lt relates to the adjacent Townhome. 2) The snor.r build-up in Ehese planting areas caused by the inability to plow snow, plus the snovrfall from the roofs, would build up to unusual heights creatlng a poor appearance in front of the Townhomes. 3) Due to the elevation of the Townhomes, snow melting each day would drain 1n front of the Townhome entryways as well as the garage areas onto the adjacenE road freezing each night and thereby creati.ng a dangerous situation for both people and vehicles . 4) The subterranean drainage from these planting areas would undermine the existing asphalt driveway as well as the adjacent road because of the elevations involved. 5) The planting areas would infringe upon the access to the two-car driveway areas ln front of e;:ch 'l'ownlronre making it di.f f iculE Eo park two vehicles. Suite C-3, F.ll Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. 8ox 1547, Vail, Colorado 81657 Tclephon€: (303) 47&1980 -con tinued- , a't Deslgn Revlew Board Re: VGCTIi - Il-J-K-L-M-N August 4th, 1982 Page 2 We would llke to bring to your attention that the exlsting, conpleted areas have been accepted by all exlsting Townhome owners who have reslded here throughout the heaW snowfall last wlnter and all ovrners appear Eo be saCisfied with the way the front of these Townhomes are now flnlshed. We, therefore, respectfull-y request thaE the original site plan be modlfied so as to elinlnate Ehe need for these front plantlng areas. Respectfully, SHAPIRO CONSTRUC Ab rahan L. ShaPiro Pres ident dal e : Shaplro Construction Company Sultc C-3, Fr[ Rldgc Condominlums P. O. 8ox 1542 Vcil, Cobrado 81657 Tdcphonc: (303)4761980 August 5th, 1982 Jln Sayre, Town Planner Tonn of Val1 75 South Frontage Road lfest Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Jlm: Pleaee place ue on the Agenda for the Septenber 1st, 1982 neetlng of the Vall Design Revlo Board so we nay present the landscape modlflcatlon for the front of Bulldlngs [I-J-K-L-U-N. Thank you for your cooperatlon. Yours truly, xc: Ken Shaplro Erwln Bachrach Larry N. LyBarger #32lTcl''n daI o Shapiro ConsUuction Company Sultc C-3, F.ll Ridge Condominiutns P. O, Box 1542 Vall, Colorsdo 81657 T€lcphon€: (303) 4761c80 Jul-y 1-9th, 1982 9'+\AL Jfun Syre Pl-anner Town of Vall Deslgn and Revlew Board P.O. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81658 RE: VAIL GoLFCOURSE TOWNIToMES - BulLdlngs H-J-K (units 27 thru 38) Dear Jim: We herein request to be placed on the Deslgn Review Board meeting agenda scheduLed for August 4th, 1982 to dlscuss a requested change ln the landscape design 1n the above referenced matter. In order for the Design Review Board nrembers to fully appreciate the proposed request we feel it Ls essential that the menbers arrange to neet rrith Ken Shaplro or nyself at the prolect site. If you would advise us of the date and tlme for such a Deetj-ng at the convenlence of the Design Review Board members, ne vould appreclate it. Awaltlng to hear fron you for the appolntment lnforrnation. Yours truly, CTION Abraham L. Shapiro Pres ident 2. 5L# da1 Torr-t? "'f*"*o ' 5 z ,q<. 7, u. /8 /,C 22.ro l. 2; 3. 1u <ezttltnt aAt€> (E27 | Ft6o c))€a.E- 1€-776c- otr <-Qe:ol7 a 13;.T;s*rSP Emergency permit after November 15;must also be approved by affected utility, i.e., VI.J&SD--,'tlpper Eagle, Cable TV, Ho1! X,**n"u37 {,"nk*- /4e8'o^ > F:nK 5t75g7'Q''7s ) \a \,, { It) \l (.5 l{U \ srJ \ I PROPOSED STREET CUTIRDTNEN-CE CHANGES Include digging in easements Issue stop work orders unti'l cut util'ity lines are repaired. Require contractor to bond street cut or institute penalties for cut lines. a. -work--r{Pithifi-given $rmher of daJ,s. If ngt compl"t n-l-sSue*fines-at-$fOO@ Show all uti'lities in area on sketch on bottom of streetcut permit. fr#''i,w€ e&.r- AGl O< Bz€t^L9 e&ot<tNG l<<,?S at+>J 6€ f v'trfoct ?@ 6Y /aJ o /ae7-7oa oR lls eep P€ta>-r-q7/ uG - Atc oltt*' {o c/+ a L€r) €:7n/,€?:c'6><'Y <L75 \ 4rzcn Nou 13 t \/ I Date o icationProfect Appl i' Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL R EATTY November 2nd, 1982 Peter Jamar, Planner Department of Cornnunl ty Developrnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vall-, Colorado 81557 RE: VAII GOLFCOURSE ToWNIIoMES ASSoCIATIoN, PHASE IIl Dear Peter: We have reviewed the attached drawing representing the proposed dog run to be added as a Limited Comon Elemenr ro Unit 60, Buildi.ng Q of the Vall Golfcourse Townhomes project. After visitlng the site and assessing the impact of thLs dog run on contiguous unlts, we have no objection to the dog run being given approval. by the Town as subnitted. Sincerely, BOARD OF DIRECTORS VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION Encl-osure dal- Suite G3, Foll Rldge Condominiums P. O, bx 1V7, Voll, Colorodo 81657(nq 4761281 PHASE III Abraham L. th E. Shapiro gt tf ,' , i"' aDate Decenber 13th. f98Z APPLICATION FORM FOR A CONDOMINIUM/TOhNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW A. Nane of Applicant SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. Address P.o. D hon9 47 6-1280 B. Name of Applicantrs Respresentative EAGLE VALLEY FNGTNEERT Address Bo5 1813, Vail, C0 81658 Phone_Jf.$:![lL_ C. Authorization of Property Owner Signature SHAPIRo CgNSTRqeII Address P.0. Drawer 1448, Vail Ab raham L. Shapiro. Presiddrt q R phone rr7 6\_1 ) ga Location of ProPosal : Lot Block a D.VAIL GOLFCOURSE BUILDINGS L and TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION, PTIASE III Q (see attached legal) (),r'.", F '''t fil ing E. Fee $100 F, Nlaterials to be submitted shall include: l. One cornplete set. of the plat including site rnap, floor area rnap, elevations and sections, This can Ue.in mylar or print fbrm upon subnittal . Detail requireurents for a condominium/tornhouse plat can be found in Sectionof the subdivision regulations. 2. One nylar copy of the site map to be retained by the Town of Vail for records 3. A copy of the declarations and covenants to show that landscaping provisions are included. 4. Any other inforrnation requested by the zoning adninistrator or Torn engineer. G. The plat shall include a signature block for the Torvn of Vail with a line desig- nated for the senior planner/zoning administrator for his signature along with a date line for said signature. Revieu Period: Within l0 days of neeting subnittirl requirernents as herein listed, the plat tf,"fi Uu appioved or disapproved.by thc Public ltlorks Dcpartmcnt and the iornnunity beveloprent Dcpaitment. If disapproved, the plat shall be rcturncd "io"g *iif, a wriiten dcstription of the reasons for dislpproval , The plat shall not be revicwecl again until corrcctions oi rnodifications are urade as ifr"i-rff"a" to the t""sons for disapproval. Evcry timc a Plat is subrnittcd or-reiuUmittcd, thc l0 rlay rcview pcriod will apply. Thc plat shall bc rlccntt'd "ppi"r"a by thc Tor+n of Vail if no rction is takcn within l0 days of a corrcct and valid subrnittal . Is tsup/rg I LL/30/82/L64 24J$3 '-, f2.<'\800K-.1-!ll-_ ?AeE i^ <c) JOHNNETii: i lir-i-:PS EAC LE cTY. i::. i:'. ;. ',J I l n-^ l: "1 ,._:. , iFrRsT SUPPLEMENT To coNDolt{rNrutt{ rJiu li - ' DECLARATION AND ANNEXATION AGREEMENT rOR THE VAII GOLIIOURSE TOWNHOIIES ASSOCIATION, PHASE III TTIIS FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION AND ANIIEXATION AGREEMENT is nade this 16th day of DECEMBER L9 82, by SHAPrRo coNsTRUcrroN co., a colorado corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant"). KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, WIiEREAS, Declarant executed and has caused to be recorded a condominiun Declaration for The Vail Golfcourse lownhomes Association, phase rrr (the "Declaration,') on November 25, 1981, in Book 332 page 496 of the records of the clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, Coloradoi and wItEREAs, in Articre xxxvr of the Declaration, Declarant, for itserf, its successors and assigns expressly reserved the right until December 31, l9gz, to annex from time to tine certain real Property to the condominium project, as that. term is defined in the Declaration, and to subject such additional property to the terns and provisions of the Declaration; and WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of and desires to annex that certain real property situated in the county of Eagle, state of colorado, together with alt buitdings and inprovenents rocated thereon; which property is described on Exhibit !,A,r attached hereto and incorporated by reference hereini and is depicted on the First supplement to condominium Map for The Vail Golfcourse Townhones Association, phase III; and WHEREAS, Decrarant further desires to subject a portion of the property hereby annexed to the Declaration to the addi- tional terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth. Nolil' TIIEREFORE' Declarant does hereby publish and decrare that the following terns, conditions, covenants, ease- rnents, restrictions, uses, linitat,ions and obrigat,ions shall be deemed to run with the rand and sha1l be a burden and benefit to the Declarant, its successors and assigns and to any person acquiring or owning an interest in the rear property and improve- ments described on Exhibit "A., r their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, administrators, devisees or assigns: 1. Annexation of property. pursuant to Article XXXVI of the Declaration, the property described in Exhibit nA,l attached hereto is hereby annexed to the condominium project, as defined in Articre rr-E of the Decraration, and is hereby Bubnitted to condominiun ownership and sharr hereafter be held, sold, conveyed, encumbered, Ieased, rented, occupied and improved aubject to the terms and provisions of the Decraration. The ProPerty described in Exhibit 'Au sharl consist of Ten (ro) additionar and separate condoniniun units as identified on Exhibit nBtr attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Limited Conmon Elenents. A portion of the corunon elenents described on the First supplenent to the condominium Map for The Vair Gorfcourse Townhomes Association, phase rrr, is reserved for the exclusive use of the owners of the respective units and such areas are referred to as "limited connon elenentsr. Any balcony which is accessibre from, associated with and adjoins a unit shall, without further reference thereto, be uged in connection with such unit to the excrusion of the use thereof by the other owners of the conmon erements, except by invitation. 3. supplenent to condoninium Map. pursuant to Article xxxvr of the Decraration a First supprement, to the condoninium Map depicting the rocation of each unit submitt,ed hereby, both horizontally and verticarly, together with such other information as is reguired by the provisions of Article rr of the Decraration sball be recorded prior to the first conveyance of any of the units shown thereon. such Map shal1 be termed 'First supplement to condominium l.{ap for The vait Gorfcourse Townhones Association, -2- Phase III.' After the First Supplement to the Condominiun MaP andtheFirstsupplementtotheCondominiumDeclarationforThe vail Golfcourse Townhones Association, Phase III have been filed forrecordintheofficeoftheClerkandRecorderofthecounty ofEaglerColoradoreverycontracerdeedrleasetmortgage'trust deedrwillorotherinstrumentmaylegallydescribeaCondominium Unit as follows: Condorninium Unit No. ..----, -Buildingrsffi!"3ni,FTTII3?! I ;:.-;lll"t; : Declaration recorded on NovriMBER 25rh , I9-g1-r in Book 332 at Page g9!-- ,. 9t -1-ended and supptefrEi-taa, and the C6ircl-ominiun t'[ap recorded on _I%'' -tgjJ-, in Book 4 at eagele,-s amended ariii-supplenented,- in the otiicE*ot the clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Each such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherltise affect not only the Unit but also the aPpurtenant limited common elements, apPurtenant proPerty and property rights and incor- porate all of the rights and burdens incident to the ownership of a Condominiun Unit and all the timitations thereon as described in the Declaration, and supplements thereto, condominiun Map and supplements to Ehe condominium !tap. Each such description shall be construed to include a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress to and from an ownerrs unit and use of all the limited conmon elements aPPurtenant to said Unit as well as all the general cornmon elements. 4.Interests.Upon the recording in the records in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the county of Eagle, state of colorado, of this First suPPIe- nent to the Condoninium Declaration and Annexation Agreement and of the First SuPplement to the Condoninium Map for The Vail Golfcourse Townhones Association, Phase III ' the undivided interest in the common elements appurtenant to each Condominiun Unit in The Vail Golfcourse Townhones Association, Phase III shall be modified in accordance with Article xxxvl of the Declaration. The undivided interest in and to the conmon Modification of -3- elenents appurtenant, the Declaration, and forth on Exhibit,rC" this reference. to each Unit subnitted to the project under the First Supplenent is rnodified as set attached hereto and incorporated herein by 5. Easements. Each owner shalr have the non-exclusive right and easenent together with alr other owners of units at rhe vail Golfcourse Townhomes Association to use arr the general conmon erements, open spaces, grass and landscaping areas and all the other areas in the project which are not herein specificalry designated to the use of less than all the owners. This easenent shall be irrevocabr-e and sharl be for the purposes of ingress and egress' recreational and social use and shalr apply to atl of the ProPerty hereinbefore, hereby and hereinafter committed to this Condoninium project. In addition to the obligation to pay the connon expense assessments to the Associa- tion, as provided in the Decraration, the ohrner (s) of each of those condominiun units in Buirding o described as condominium units 55-60, inclusive, on the at.tached Exhibit 'B' shall be obligated to pay to the Association as additional assessnents (i) aIl annual assessments or charges and (ii) special assessments for capital improvenents, which are revied against any of such condominiurn units by the Fall Ridge community Association, rnc. (the 'clubn) in connection with its maintenance, repair or operation of those certain Recreational Facilities, as described in the Declaration of protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Farl Ridge Recreationar Facilities, recorded Decernber 9, L977 in Book 2G3 at page 429 of the Eagre county rand records, as amended by docunent recorded January 25, LgTg in Book 255 at Page 986 and on october 5, rgzg in Book 276 at page zB3 of said records- The additionar assessnents provided for herein shall be considered "assessnents" under the Decraration and sharr_ be levied, corlected and enforced by the Association pursuant to Article xxrr thereot. The Association shalr be obligated to pay 5. Addi t,ional Aqsessnents. -4- all such additional assessnents revied by the crub, together $rith interest, costs and reasonable attorneyrs fees in connection therewith, to the CIub, and the Club shall have the right to enforce its rights against the Association; provided, however, that any interest, costs or reasonable attorneyrs fees paid by the Association to the crub pursuant to any enforcement action of the club against the Association shalr be the joint and several obligation of alr owners who are in defaurt in the payment of suctr additional assessments to the Association, rather than a conmon expense of all the Owners.Additional terms and condit,ions regarding the Associationrs obligation to pay additional assessments to the crub are contained in that certain Recreational Facirities License Agreement, dated septenber L9, 1982 between the Association and the club, the terns and conditions of which are herein incorporated as if set forth at Length herein. A copy of such Agreement is on fire at the office of the Association. 7. General. (a) The provisions contained in this First supplement and Annexation Agreenent to the condominium Declara- tion for The vair Golfcourse Townhomes Association, phase rrr shal1 be in addition and supplemental to the provisions contained in the recorded condoninium Decraration for The vail Gorfcourse Townhomes Associat.ion, phase rrr. Arr provisions of the condo- minium Declaration for The vail Golfcourse Townhomes Association, Phase rrr, and any amendments and supprements thereto, except, those specificarry modified herein, sharr be appricable to the real property described on Exhibit 'A,r and incorporated by reference in this First, Supplenent. (b) If any of the provisions of this instrument or any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or the applica_ tion thereof in any circumstances be invalidated, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this suppre- tnent, and the application of any such provision, paragraph, -5- sentencer clause, phrase or lcord in any other circumstances shalr not be affected thereby. (c) The provisions of this instrument sharr be in addition and supplenentar to the condoninium ownership Act of the State of Colorado and to al1 other provisions of law. (d) That wbenever used herein, unress the context shall otherwise provide, the singular number sbalr incrude thetPlural, the pturar the singurar, and the use of any gender sharl include all genders. rN wrrNESs *HERE'F' Decrarant has dury executed this First supplenent to the condominium Decraration for The vail @lfcourse Townhones Association, phase f f I, this rorn day of DECm{8ER , A.D., lg 82. SHAPTRO CONSTRUCTION CO.,a Colorado Corporation i L--r, \ i LC' )) ss. ^.-Ilg_ fo.r.egoing instrument was acknowledgedguDIrc, this t6rlday of DECEMBER before ne, a , 19-82 , by EAGLE resident Notary and of Witness rny hand and of f icial seal. 10th. 1983 1,"-'--""'ary Pu ddress:Box 3566 -5- EXHIBIT A TOFIRST SUPPL,EMENT TO CONDOT,{INIUM DECLARATfONAND ANNEXATION AGREEMENT FORVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES ASSOCiATION, PHASE III LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAECEL A: (BUILDING Q) Those portlons of the N1/2NE1/4, Section 9, Township 5 Souch, Range g0 llest of the slxth Prlnci.pal Meridtan and Loc l, sunburst Filtng N;. 3,a eubdivlglon recorded ln the offlce of the Eagle county, coloiado, clerkand Recorder. which are described as follows. Beginning at a poinr on rhe sourh line of sald Nr/2NEl/4 whtch is an anglepolnt on the south boundary of sald Lot I whence the mosc westerly corner ofsald Lot ! bears N55'13'16"w 888.43 feet dlstanct thence along said sourh llne of said N1/2N81/4 Sggo23',4z"E 29L 62 feer; Ehence N4g"5g.3g"W295.44 feet to the easterly boundary of Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Assoc-iaclon; Phase rrr, the ccndomlniuur l1ap for which is recorded in the offlceof che Eagle county, colorado clerk and Recorder; thence the followingthree courses along said easterly boundary: (r) soo.ooroo"w 3l .10 feel:(2) N90"00'00"w 68.71 feet; (3) s0o'oo'ooi'w ll0.oo feer; rhence continulngS00o00'00"W 49.73 feet ro rhe point of beginning PARCEL B: (BUILDING L) A Fert of Lot 1, Sunburst Flltng No. 3, a subdlvlslon recorded tn the offlce ofthe Eagle County' Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, belng nore perclcularly described asfollore: Beglnning at an angle polnt on the southerly botmdary of Vall Golf Course Town- hones Assoclatlon, phase rrl, the condominlum map for uhich ls recorded in che offlceof the Eagle County' Colorado, Clerk and Recorder ln Book 332 at Page 509, whence t.hemost lresterly corner of srld Lot I bears N54'o5r3l"w 715.74 feet dlstanc; thence thefollowlng four courses along the southerly boundary of said Vall Golf Course TownhonesAssociatlon, Phaee III: (l) N00o00'00"8 93.59 feer; (2) 30.93 feet along the arc of acurve Eo the left having a radlus of 1,380.00 feet; a central angle of lol7t03r', and achord which bears N85"54'10"w 30.93 feet; (3) Ng6o32'41''w 54.30 ieet; (4) Ngdo4l'43'\{40.81 feet; thence departlng said southerly boundary SIO'13'26"W 63.14 feet; thencesOl'34tlo"u 47.67 feer; rhence N86"32'oo"E 13g.56 flet ro rhe polnr of beglnning. EXHIBIT B TOFIRST SUPPLEMENT TO CONDOMINIUTT{ DECLARATION AND ANNEXATION AGREEI,{ENT FoRVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES ASSOCTATION, pnASE IIrTHE Unit No. 39 40 41 42 55 56 57 58 59 60 Building L L L L n o 0 o a EXHIBIT C ,,Rsr suppr,ElrE', - aT"oornrNrrr' DE.LARATT.NIXD ANIIEXATION AGREEUENT El)RTEE vArL colrcoursE TqfNHoltEs AssocrATroN, prrAsE rrr Thc corton cl.enents Ehall be held (in fee sinplel incoren by th9 oencrs, each such undivided -i;teiest ueing ippurte-nrnt to cach of -twen_ry-two 122,t UnilJ. -Da;G;;nt ddes'hJieUyastrbll3h each undivided interesi in the connon Ji"m.nts appurte-nrnt to each of thc unit6 initialry and heretofore subnitGed andrubnittrd hercby as folloss: Appurtenant UndividedInterest ln ConnonUIIT IT'IBER 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 3l 35 36 37 38 39 r0 {1 a2 55 56 57 58 59 50 BUILDING H H H tl J J J J K K K K L L L L o a 0 o o 0 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 L/22 Shapiro Construction Company xc: Ken Shaplro Erwln Bachrach Larry N. LyBarger ll32/Toum dal Suite C-3, F.ll Ridg€ Condominiums P, O. Box 1547,vdit, Colorcdo 81657 T€lephon€t (303) 4761980 August 5th, 1982 Peter Jamar, Planner Depar tment of Cornmunity Development Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road hlest Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOI,INHOMES - BUILDINGS H-J_K Dear Peter: Thts wil-l confl-rm our telephone conversation of today wherein you have extended the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy until November lst, 1982 to enable us to prepare and submit to the Deslgn Reviev Board a modlfication of the landscape planning for the front of Bulldlngs H-J-K-L-M-N. We are working towards presentlng thls modification to the Design Review Board at the Septelnber lst, 1982 meeting as we discussed. Thank you for your cooperatLon 1n thls matter. AND RovED r'rs &^*ACKNO!ilLEDGED of Augus TO}JN Yours truly, Abraham L. Shapiro Pres ident By: 82: Profect Application ^v 4- c e>t_.-/ _ (J<Date / / A tt- (:ocF ( gr.tF 'Toul l^0lL'lProject Name: Proiect Oescription: [.' rt t' lir,'1tr 4 Contact P€rson and Phone Stii:lr'iln r/Rit Cc:"/7h- /)ttoOwner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:i! ,11 {Jra c, 't!' Legal Description: Lot Comments: t'i ' t,r ,€'ct N.t-' t Filing i t€ oti ( 7.i ^t A !> 4 /i,7 ), Date Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ., {."n Approval -:-:-T- Proiect Name: Project Application Project Description: Owner Address and Phon€: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Oat€ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chl€f Building Off icial ,{4 I / box 100 vdl, colondo 81G67 {30$ 47e56r3 September 7, 1982 Enrin Bachrach Shapiro Construction Co. P.0. Box 1547 Vail, Co]orado 81658 Dear Eruin: 0n September 1, 1982, the Design sketch plan for the planters for sketch plan should be submitted Si ncerely,r Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df department of community development DRB Submittal of 9-1-82 Review Board approved a preliminary buildings H,J,K,L,M, and N. The flnal to staff for approval. I Project Application o^r. 8- 13-82 Project Name:\,/A i i- b CtcF rlct- [ 5 i, -Tc'ut* tl irttvt t+'. contact person and "no* € F i., r','u ..,il A cl i F'A,- Fi 4-7 (c - lD1o projectDescrip,i"" l\bDtD I)tA/-{?6lls lD &-,\'?5 i-l r"r' '.F rL, M Owner, Address and Phone:5f iA{2i t.rC, (-'f.t t,:,1 i'. (.;i"-!'r'cd (" t) ,1"1(, izhi> Architect, Address and Phone: t | \,t' ',:'r.i r { -.)( \i_-Ail ,^ rl)'' l.-' r-i Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: ,lr 5-,:bd',i r'<,9 r',?a,J Design Review Board D*" 'f,EPT l/ /?8L DISAPPROVAL FqaFr^- Summary: -sdo tt tt'Irt-> E statt Approval a 75 south tronlage road v.il. colorado 01657 (303) 476-7000 ottice of lhe lown mamgar February 10, 1982 Ur. Abe Shapiro Shapiro Constructi-on Co.P.O. Box 1547Vail, CO 81658 Dear Abe: This is to confirm our recent telephone conversation regardlngyour parcel on the south end of tbe Golf Course parking lot.After considerable deliberation by the Board of Directors ofthe Vail Metropolitan Recreation District and the Town Councllof tbe Town of Vail the two entities are not prepared to acceptyour counter offer for this parcel. Furthermore, after revlewlngother priorities within the Golf Course area the BecreatlonDistrict is not intending on pursuing this acquisition anyfurtber, I want to thank you and Ken for your time spent negotiatingtbis matter sitb the District Board and myself. 1y yours, Richard Caplan Town Manager cci A1 Knoblock-VMBD Pat Dodson-Becreetion Dept.atrk Ryan-Comunity Development .rd"'"ffi Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Com menls: Motion by: Design Review Board ,^,. /rlrK,/tr z DISAPPBOVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL tE/,t'T-ntrz .l o Date Project Application l?- to- a 1 projectName: VAI L 6ocFcoc.r / Se *l6u-ir-t l--lon,1e s ELDcr' P t Proiecr Descriprion: 4 UN ITJ c-f .^ f) . conract person and,no"" f,€cd t N br\ cH i-tA c H A -'1 / tf>.),4 /l^ - | t/ t-\ /-- | t v/ | \-. c'/ \--/ owner, Address and phone: jif /R P r Ho cov sT [) Jcl jarJ Ex l4*B VAie co gtc,sa 476- rzao n Legar Description' 1o1 [i/ri qF L"f, ['o"*rtring S.rrJGJr?57 (ie iPt)31 comments: JH r'S t5 4 Re- ArruicA'r ro u Ea Bu,'z-o ir-ltz 'P' azr.rt:y. T[tE cor.r 6-r'6<-,134-T rot oF T+le 3r:ir-D;lo HAr cllOu6*D. UTiuiT ie(, LAtt:ScA7iru(r, rt\ATec,'Au< Ar.rn cor-oas CL^,| LiLt L< OFL'/ in,)<t 'J AQ'i> t"..'r/trn Design Review Board Art t 'a .- Architect, Address and phone: f\) l\ L)Otl t'; Date Motion by: Seconded by:I7c K\?A6L) APPROVAL /4<. DISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval 75 .oulh Irontige rd. Yrll, colorudo 81657 (303) 476.7000 January 12, 1982 Erwin Bachnach Box 1448Vail, Co]orado 81558 Dear Erwin: At the January 6 meeting of the Designfor Building uP" (4 units) at the Vail approved as submitted. department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of l-6-82 Review Board, your suhnittal Golfcourse Townhomes was Pete Town PJ:df - ?tD6 l'p' f rur r-)(r 3 {oue7 L{-X .: . t^l-i U tUef-G t..-o.-l*r D_.?AFKinf cn 'i'hc foI lr,r. itr1', ilforrnut.i orr j:; lloartl bclrrrr: a final lrIprovu I A. lllJll,trJii(: 14'fnRIALS Poof Siding Other l,Jal I l"latcrial s Fascia Soffits Windows Itlindow Trin Doors Door Trirn lland or Dcck Rails F lues F IashS.ngs Chinne.ys Trash EncI osures Gteenhorrs e s ' Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanica'l Name TREES >Tu.gco oN LATH_ DF\/oe A.le '/ Sppucq . o4 !1re_ hooo * Do,,lSce G 6\/06 A-tz- Conrnon Narrre Qlanti ty Si ze rcr|t i1'.11 fot' :;r.rlrr;r it.t;rl by titc irPPl it:;rrrt to thc llc:;illr lt,vi r:w cil| r l)c ljrvclt: _lf-p-q.u t .ll''.t t::.1! f IBSA GOA'gS .5H;N6"LE9 l{s \/ FusTr. 5Ht?LAP or-ym Pfl Sern i 726 Color \o Do STgcc.o D.e\/og 4- e NonrE SUIP, eo ;oc\sTrSue-T ieidW 1ue ?Euv;ouStY A,pf,eousD (,4u0 Se{/A ?rn u' ( I DFrroe S?nuqe -Do- ouJ { 'lzc SHRUBS A. u/, F o ,_ .-!z o €1 ?nl ,funtfl - 4uxtE : ezrk 6art"u"* Torl{ tbt4ues 5a6 / r)f/4gr -/, uml7s eFry &ffi iE - aY. u,YrE {V Zgzt - , eNrE . ?z;?eo' J' 6ba -f4a",6o€ / 6 - // //u/75 FtH Leu€cr -- 6/flrf / /ftzZ 2rgc 7 233// azsz@ilwd*-wlL {tsq (b,?/4.Dv fley t't;779 fr 6,&.€Trry- oo f6as fo MMS; - ,tAf oF dZ 4'rvS AY '/ e F/4 k/r:'" -)Lte, rt*{ '- ,tzterr62 f -,4/tf i fTre €@/t6/^'(45 -- ruffr%r+*S cJsf J 6l1r/*nt //t€ /y fu at' fu/o't*t-' / ilot h)/Lc'6€ kcrWA Af 4 Lqv<a ?Frr- %oF L4+Pzt+t- ? t - f"€ t/ lnt : natT rz/ro Zp 6arb,'ri; fr,* /*h,,r. /r,-,o 'y'' 1 Qil,,8 2q,9zo f" Al f7s (tts" ry'a/ar t6 4ou,6aL /Y 6lrn frat 4/b,ft*c,e- fu /orn 6/ Al." 4. ufurl u,, pw ht"9 pnr L,k 4i,o't - otdl-*,k e / 116 n/hs { [tE ?^ /-rJ.,/ /7 t/- [ -dtt L^t7/ dw &n*2r),./ /r" , /2tbffifsh,u/4cF #p: a? ttfiili? &t*tt* /c7 6 to46*y'-h*b'f/B/g,4h_ flWat - Ivs4 Y lt,'-r Lu":t- S, f,v $ (+ N ura& h./ 6* '/'' 7'roo l't' )ooS Z3 (07 215b @ /*ft o#"'7 3'{- -tr 6tz 6 /,ar (it6' /6a/Ul Tol fur.-,- ,>7, Gt *r 5^!z l,-. &9 ,s() fioqofelOuat To fa/ v1 t n frrt/u,VJ pP tllerb7 r' y' '^ //X?tt,'hn c'";S A 77 ,-gJa[ ' '26'27* -;- ? ho v Tutt-Dtxt a b '1r' f ... . '- ', GeqA- J.^ata" e*loria' G" o'o.11s| - sl r'_r,1 i: _u'nr,r,"Fr ". ':. ?9,0 x 15,5,.f 4f x 30' t ^-.. l- tr n4-lgt, .o {L I - a'**fu* Z F 4=_ tl I trur1.5z '. . 64,5r Vb = o ztoG 44 x 73= J"bla_ -*.--., . s fttQ JL.11 VO,b* l> : 3o.S *73 = lo.. b riq= loYsr.e)> l- 6+ /l= ' llSl tnwn u box 100 vail, colorado 81557 (3031 476.s613 April '16, l9B0 fil, To J @l $"--"^^{o =- deparlrrrent of community development Mr. Ken Shapiro Shapiro Construction Company Box I547 Vail, C0 81657 Re: Recreational Fee for Phase III of Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Dear Ken: In Phase IIi of the Golfcourse Townhomes, there are 28 units at'l ,998 square fee each for a tota'l of 55,944 square feet. The Recreatjonal Fee jn LDMF is 25 cents per square foot which results in a total fee for Phase IIi of $.|3,986. From the $.|3,986, $2,038 can be subtracted from what had not been deducted from the swimming pool credit. The total $2,038 represents 50ii of the $4,076 which remained after Phase ll. This leaves a Net Due of $ll,948. An additional 251 is then deducted as is allowed by Section 3.36.080 Tax Credit-Additional. This leaves a total net due of $8.96.l , the arnount that appears on the Building Permit. The $U,96.| can be further refunded by the placernent of further recreationa'l amenities on the site. The further refund would be based on 50% of the costs of the additional amenities 'i nstalled on the property. The types of amenities that can be considered for further refund are spec'ified in Sect ion 3.36.060. Please check wi th rnr': bcf ore jnstal ling any additional recrerrtion amenities to nrake surc' that they are refundable. Sincerely, James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator cc: B'i1'l Pyka, Finance Director ,\ 'l ! frld t(t) (lepartment of community developmentbox 100 vail, colordo 81657 1303) 476-5613 September 20, 1979 l'1r. Ken Shapiro Shapiro Construction Company Box 1547Vail, CO 81657 Re: Update on RecreationaL Fee Credit for VaiL Golfcourse Toirnhomes Phase II Dear Ken: In Phase II of the VaiI Golfcourse Townhomes, there areII units of l,998 square feet each for a total GRFA of 2Lr978 square feet. The Recreational Fee in LDMF is25 cents per square foot which results j.n a total Recrea-tion Fee for Phase ILof $5,494.50. fn the building permit for Phase fT, you ,hrere given a75t creclit of the recreation fee due. Of this 75t,-50tis attributable to the cost of the rccreation amenities,with this being figrured on 508 of the actural cost ofthe amenities provided. For Phase lI, another $10r989is subtract,ed from the cost of the rccreation amenitiesprovided. This leaves a total remaining credit for subsequent phases of g4 ,076. Sincerely, n irfl il '. tFl4,-r$ fr!, lf,dt47' \... L3"."" A. Rubin Zoning Administrator ll| \r, I ti :?/.'-r.) lulqn n IflI bor 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476'5613 Apri l 30, 1979 Ken Shapiro Shapiro Cotrstruction ComPanY Box 1547 Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Recreational Fee Cledit Denr Ken: Per our I igrr res Srvimrni n g In a letter d:tted APril 13, rvith the srvimming Pool wlrich Lllcrie costs, I f ind Ll'tetn to corlversation last Wedne sclav, l-hese ott 1.ltc r:ccreati.<ltre1 f cc: c: t'ctl i 1' f or Pool . departnrent of community development for 1.hc Fallridge Swimming Pool are the revised the Fallridge ).g?g, thcre were costs associated totn.llccl $55,035.99. fn reviewlng bc lcgi. l.imitte. I have decided that the credit for the pool will be distributed o,'^po'"ellLagebasisbctweenthcl..ltl.lridgeBuildingandthe 53 Golf course Townhomes. The perccntirge will be determined bytheexistingsquarefeetatFallridge,whictris9o'350'square fee.L, lncl tlrc: poi"nti*f square f c'r'1; .f the Golf Course Townhomes rvlrichislOs,606squarefeet.Thisresu].tsinapercentage allocation of the iwimming pool gi'en to the Golf Course Town- t or". of 54 .6'/" f or a total hol lar vrtl ue of $30 '050' llor. p61sc I of tlre Golf Coursr.l 'l'otvttltomes, there are 15 units r>1..1,9f)ttsqulrrofcel-oIGIiFAfrlr;rt-rl1,iLlof29,970squarefeet. Tlrcrecr.cationalfecinI,DMFis2ljctlntspcrSqualefootwhich rcstrlts in 1r to1-al Rc'cre:rLi<.rtt rct: l<tr l)h:rse I of -$7 ,492'50' Ir.r thc bui ldjng perrnit Ior Ph:rst': l, i bave given-you a 75X credi t oJ t.lrc recrezttion fcr-' clrtt:' of' this ZS/"' 5O7" is attri- blrt:rb1r: t.o the cost of the rccrt-'itli()llal amenities, with this pirrt. of the ..eaii f igured on 5()ll ol the actual cost of the :rrni:rr j l-ics ylr'viclrt6. iror LhC I j 'st. lrlt:rsc, there, therefOret must'be$I4,985inr(]creationlr]:tntr,ttit,ir:storeceivethisS0l cri:dit.. {tt o{" AGENDA PLANNING & ENVIRONUENTAL COI.IIIISSION JuIY 25, 1978 NO llOItK SESSION -'Site l4spection at 2 P'Il' Public Hearing 3:00 P.M. f. 1 Cofa Stream Amendment to SDD4 Postponement to next regular meeting' 2.) IIedel Inn Rezoning ----.rr--' -,--i;aeiinite poslponement requested by applicdnt.' 3.) Tallridge Torvnhouses - Shapiro, Request for Setback on Lot 1, Sunburst Filing 2. 4.) Lionsmane Phase II, [{arvl.n Simon - Request for.GRFA varlance for Units 23'and 25, Lot' 5, Block A' ' tionsridge Filing No. I. 5.) Currents of Vail Jewelers, Buikling Bulk, Parklng Variance' ' Postpone Indefinltety, requested by appllcant' 6. ) Tim.Garton - Higbland Meadorvs Flling No' 2 lreliminarY P1ans ngr .--*? MEMORAN'DUM TO FNOM DATE nsF PTANNING & ENVInONMDNTAL COIULIISSION DEPARTIIENT OF COII\IIINITY DEVELOPIYIENT 25 JuIy 1978 REQUEST TOR SETBACK VANIANCE, SIIAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. tr54'r UNIT TOI9NIIOUSE PROJECT, Lot 1, Sunburst Filing No. 3. Shapiro Construction Company has requested a variance to allow a Setback of zero feet along the rear property line. using an average building height of 35 feet (the maximum allorved in LDIIF) the required rear Setback rvould be.2Q feet. The Departmdnt of Community Development has revierved tbe criteria and findings provided for 1n Section L8.62.060 of the Uunicipal Code and our conclusions are'as follows The relationship of the requested Variance to other existing or potential uses and structures ln tbe 'vicinity.. The plans for the proposed structures ior which the variance is proposed would have little adverse impac' on existing or proposed structures in the area. The Land that abuts the rear property line of the proiect, where the setback is being requested, is Forest Service land rvhich gannot be developed. No otlrer existing and potential structures in the area rvill be affected by this Setback request The degree of rvhich rclief lrotl tlre strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified reguJ-ation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unilormity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives ,ofthisorclinancervitl:outgrantofspecialprivilege' TheVarianceiSbeingrequcstedbcc,auseoftlresteepness of the sitc and existing roatl cuts on the site. To minimize the anrrunt of nerv cuts necessnry nnd to al. lorv mo1.e wor.lcable roa'd dcsi'gn ' v*.. ../age 2 MEIIIORANDUM - Request for Shaplro-"54" o PEC Setback Variance Unit Torvnhouse Project a 7-25-78 the applicant desires to move the southern part of the road further up the hill. This rvill also lessen the average grade of the road' rnaking it less hazardous in the winter months' lloving the road further up the hill al1ows for a bettcr siteplanbycausinglessclisturbancetothenaturalterraj-nand vegetation.Itdoesnotallorvfortlrcpr.ovisionformorettnits, but pernits them to be better located on the site' T,he effect of the requested variance on light aild air, distrlbution of population' transportation and traffic io.iiitius, ptttt'it facllities and utjlities and.Public safety . I,le 9o not foresee any adverse effects upon these factors' The Department of Community Development finds that: thegraatingofthevariancewj.Ilnotconstitutegrantot speciai-irivifege inconsistent with tlre limitations on other pr'opertiei classified in the same district' That the granting of the Variance wiLl not be detrirnent;1-t; t6e public healtlr, safety, or welfare, ' or t"t""i"iry injurious to properties or improvements in tbe vicinitY' ThattheVarianceiswarrantedforthefollowingreasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation-and enforce- nent ;i tbe specified regulation would result in pt".ticaf 'Oitficttlty or trrlnecellaty physical bardship j.nc()nsistent rvith the objectives of this titfe. b.'Thereareexceptionalorextraordinarycircumstancesor conditions -applicable to the site of the variance that <1o not apply generally to other - ProPerties in thc sirnte zone.' This property has consiclerably less units on it norv than .wispreviouslyapproveclaspartoftheSutrburstDevelopmentPlan. ThepresentSiteplanlrzrsbecnrcviervcclbyEldonBeckrvlrohas given it conccptual a1:1tr.r,*]. Iu orclcr tcl f:rcilitatc tlic gel)cral F- : ,ges U| ' dEuonANDIJu-PDC' Request for Setback Varinnce lb*plro-"54"Unit Torvnhouse Proj ect I 7-25-78 layout of the. site, by minim;irzing the amount of new cuts, and reducing the average slope of the road, we feel that this request ls warranted and would recommend approval . _rtF -l ? a- {i;lfii,iil: * ;lli',',i:,,'i3+!, corilinssroN COIIIIISS ION Miil,{tJERS :Gerry lyhiteRogcr Ti lkenreierucot t lJopnatr Dd I)r-lrger, ChairmanSIAF}': i l , I 3:?ii.l;;9,,i11 ffi f ' lii;J I ; I i r i I : i' ir :', i i i i : r 5' I I L : ;, fi *.],#,,'=#+*ffi lrto-po"ipn;; ";;: lilf:ii::;,,?Jl,l;,,"ff.iJ l'$U;"lfll iiT l,31j""L:5',rfr;';.;i:3ijf ;,u:: ;1}," ri:i: :j;ir3r"i:co'dec, tr," -,roiion iii' ili:idl'liHi';:lii i;*:iil' -i*Frffi : r .!{ r'r"tion''i"i"'i3'";;fii::1";"jl:uiiilff:lr' i;jlj,nii5 JMiu.n -..l" t!9 commissio.l--sI.li'r't;,r;;i''"li.li":l-.1:_ltF Enerr- presentatiorrresult i; i;;;^;i l:ii!:' ii::,,,3t,i:l;$i1i1l5:{f:";i:lhi",:nil".ii:i:"ilffi T.f";^ in'i J"".pin*. "'ni.. shap j,',, -.rniJo,re varj ance l * I yli i ";" ;;;",,i1;i, :l-9ii" :i";;;;it, I F:i:#. ;lr"F;,:;i i:; ;i:1.wrr-[ pernrit a mo.e,rtn-t*niri."r'"ii"rocation in ter.ms or grade.i-l"i'i*olil'lnil"lil,:lll-ll:'r::;ry,f;.,.1; ,?:,,:nf;"::raig,it sections Gerrv IVhitc asjccd about plrrliing. Franl< Dalton stir.tedthat'rc'e ruiil uc z-i'"i:-rirr"gij ir'rir:r- tr,., ""it", i.nLr-r L'c rrilrsides.Gerrv l|lhite_ rnaclc the Notiorr..Lc_r ilpplove the request for aii:!::if Xli'if,:i-pn. !or.i, -s'",'i,Ji"l_L,,ri,,i'no. -ei oorr.idge rsrvnhouse,conrmtrrrity o.u.rort" the statcnrcttts .seI fo'ilr i' irre. uepa.rtmcrrt ofseconcrcrl. tr,i.r,IJIi",ent nrr,.rrrr;r:rrr<rrrrn l::1.,!_J;,i; iii, "irrzs. scott Hoprna'o' :rn<l .L'c C<-uunissl.,r' voti,t u,i.,lrrous a'pr.oval ._ The Corrunission then went . to i t cnr f ivr: on the agencl:r.i#,rrt-'i*,t*+,ffi:,. as l'r,(trr.r;t.d ;;'i: or V:ril J.weler's, liui.r,rins-iuii , -parl<irg Variance "r,,r ti,u.",,,,,-,i,r,1Ii._.j1,lll';;ijil;,".1:,1;l;l;;;;;;;i,,;";r,cc,,.y rviiii"-^*.. q t\ 5't ,.. D. \AV QLOI' c r""t'v\ a HYDBO-TBIAD. LTD. March .l0, l98l Shapiro Construction Co. Drawer 1448 Vail, Colorado 8.l658 RE: Vai 1 Gol fcourse Tottnhotrtes Expans ion Project - Schente A Gentl emen : Pursuant to your request I have revjewed your revised site plan denoted as "scheme A" showing two five-unjt buildings and two six-unit buildings wherein the most westerly buildings, as shown, have a portion of the two rnost southerly un'its in the moderate hazard area. After reviewing this site plan I have confirmed the following: l. That the'location of the high hazard line and the moderate hazard line for the wet spring avalanche are accurately reflected on the site plan; 2. That the two easter1y buildings, as shown, are out of the moderate hazard area and, therefore, can be built with standard construction and do not require any ntodification to withstand inrpact pressures for the avalanche hazard on thjs site; 3. The most westerly bujlding would be subiect to risk of occasjonal moderate 'impact from the avalanche hazard. This building can be bui lt as shown in a safe manner provided that the southeast wal1, perpendjcular to the avalanche flow, be designed to withstand inrpact pressure of 500 pounds per square foot across its entire face to a height no less than 9.0 feet above fjnish grade; 4. The second most westerly building would be subiect to risk of occasional moderate inrpact from the avalanche hazard. This building can be bujlt- as shown in'a safe manner provided that the southeast wall, perpendicular to the avalanche flow, be designed to withstand irnpact pressure of 470 pounds per square foot across its entire face to a height no less than 9.0 feet above finish grade; Given the constraints and the potential natural hazards associated with this sjte, the sjte planning as shown by the schenre seenrs to be reasonably responsive to the s'ite l imitations. S i ncerel y, HYDRO-]RIAD,nLTD. .) , /t--/ / / .\' )'^tht.( I '/ \' Ronald L. llal ley, Jr. Pres i dent /t,//, 7-, P.E. / RLH/mfg 12687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE - SUI'TE IOO LN KLWOOtJ. COLOT]ADO t]0228 PHONE 303-989- r264 HYDBO-TBIAD, LTD. March .l0, l98l Shapiro Construction Co. Drawer 1448 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Vaj I Gol fcourse Townhotnes Expans ion Project - Schente A Gentl emen: Pursuant to your request I have rev'iewed your revised site p1 an denoted as "scheme A" showing two five-unit buildings and two sjx-unit buildings wherein the most westerly bui.ldings, as shown, have a portion of the two ntost southerly units in the moderate hazard area- After reviewing this site plan I have confjrrned the following: l. That the location of the high hazard line and the nroderate hazard line for the wet spri ng avalanche are accurately reflected on the site plan; 2. That the two easterly buildings, as sholtt, are out of the rnoderate hazard area and, therefore, can be built uith standard construction and do not requ'i re any nrodification to withstand intpact pressures for the avalanche hazard on this site: 3. The most westerly building would be subiect to risk of occasional moderate impact frorn the avalanche hazard. This building can be built as shown in a safe manner provided that the southeast wall, perpendicular to the avalanche flow, be designed to withstand inrpact pressure of 500 pounds per square foot across its entire face to a height no less than 9.0 feet above finish grade; 4. The second most westerly building vrould be subiect to risk of occasional moderate impact frorn thb avalanche hazard. This building can be built_ I as shown in a safe manner provided that the southeast wall, perpendjcular to the avalanche f1 ow, be designed to withstand impact pressure of 470 pounds per square foot across its entire face to a height no'l ess than 9.0 feet above finish grade; Given the constraints and the potential natural hazards associated wjth this site' the site planning as shown by the scherne seenrs to be reasonably responsive to the s'ite lim'itations. Si ncerely, HYDR0-]RrADl,!iD. ),, /./)4wr.t 1 ,\ Roiiald L. llalley, Jr. Pres i dent / , /,7' /,/, //, t r// , P.E. / RLH/mfg 12687 WEST CEDAR DHIVE . SUIIL IOU LAKLWOOIJ, COt.OI]ADO t}0228 PHONE 303-989-r264 HYDBO-TRIAD, LTD. March .l0, i98l Shapiro Construction Co. Drawer 'l448 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Vail Golfcourse Icrtvnhotnes Expansion I)roiect - Schente A Gentl emen : Pursuant to your request I have reviewed your revised site plan denoted as "scheme A" showing two five-unit bujldings and tr^ro six-urrit buildings wherein the most westerly buildings, as showrr, have a portion of the two ruost southerly units in the moderate hazard area. After reviewing this site plan I have confirnred the following: l. That the location of the high hazard ljne arrd the nroderate hazard line for the wet spring avalanche are accurately reflected on the site plan; 2. That the two easter'ly buildings, as shown, are out of the moderate hazard area and, therefore, can be built r.lith standard construction and do not require any nlodification to withstand itttpact pressures for the avalanche hazard on thjs site; 3. The most westerly building would be subiect to risk of occasional moderate impact irom the avalanche hazard. This building can be built as shown in a safe manner provided that the southeast wall, perpendicular to the ava'lanche flow, be designed to wjthstand inrpact pressure of 500 pounds per square foot across its entire face to a height no less than 9.0 feet above fjnish grade; 4. The second most westerly building vrould be subiect to rjsk of occasionai moderate impact fronr thL avalanche hazard. This building,can be bui'lt. I as shown in'a safe manner provided that the southeast wall, perpendicular to the avalanche flow, be designed to withstand inrpact pressure of 470 pounds per square foot across its entire face to a height no less than 9.0 feet above fjnish grade; Given the constraints and the potential naturai hazards associated with this site' the site planning as shown by the scherne'seenrs to be reasonably responsive to the site limitations. S i ncerel y, HYDR0-''RIA0,,LTD. ).' / t '-.--/ / / .\)'tw./ 1 ,'\ Rofald L. Halley, Jr' Pres i dent /t,//i7- , P.E. / RLH/mf9 I2OB7 WEST CEDAR DI.tIVE - SUIIE IOO LAKL.WOOIJ, OOLOIIND' 80228 PHONE 303-989-r264 Project Name: l'?J,hl Proiect Description: - ru /'lt\5tr\pTlN Owner Address and Phon€: Architect Address and Phon€: L€gal Description: Lot TWJ Af \/I\1t, Deslgn Revlew Board Motion by: Seconded by: 2 -/- rt DISAPPROVAL Date: Date: LlSl' Ol: l'1,\'l l;li l r\l,l; . tl. nNAME ol: rRoJncl. VAIL-. GoLrcoursE TowN.lgg-E-- A S.ACRE IJNP'LAITED APCEL C'h ITOOLY l,[,cAL DrsCRlP'l'IoN: LoT l]LocK l;ILlNc -9I,-V^n;"?,#"F,fil:l' DESCITIPTION OF PIIO'ECT rur Ti The following infortnation is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding other Wall l'latcrials Fasc ia Soffits Itlindor.r s Window Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rai Is Flues Flashi ngs Chinurcys Traslr Ilnc I osulcs Grecnhotts c s Othc r PI,AN'I T{A'II]RIAI,S (Vegc:tative, L,andscapi ng Botanical Namc Io..,u v nom Devsr-re'n 7 requircd for submittal bY can bc gi.vcn: the applicant to the Dcsign llevicw color (ffi,k *..) A'ATIJZAL Ty!.e .of I'latgriat SAAtsT3 ll(6 \/-Geoo.tE P,NE WPII OLVmprc F 1?3 rl ,.T.A^,3PAPE\,T 37A,U D oLlr'rr"tL ,'r?Z AlD.,tlr€nT 70 pl pg ( T.4 ercau ---Ee:g.ry--!gl5rory)- - zx .R_,-s-Crcee.&LtO <bt4l ao ,'|a-f<u Errrvr€p 6.qLrytl_.s_. Svto totat- f6 tna'fc/l t." ot-,r ra'P'd *1?l -uaNA Matelials inclrrdirri3 Common Name Loegeeot-e Prrua 'l lccs, Slrlubs , qrraltity_ Grountl Cover) Size 563-z'au. 5 e 8'-ror Tbrr- Egll:-t-3.'taLL 4@ 3'-1' rou- 1@ Q'-to' taz*C.JiIl- ar,t. !3@c'q'tlt't-tB@lo.r1'.7ar&rrrC r{. lt' tanr 3 @ lo-'ra' Tor-r- te tl - lo' tttt' 5 6aL. 5 eqc. and _. l-5.__ -lz q1 P6r<,rv. r-oerv761t, 3t}lo-gTA Sr?!:-^-!"- --_Auarrre cu'R^ot\rt 1 6 O'-ge\, CUereorut t-Eiffi- cr",o[iFo;;J ' w Jsrerr^r- <.,o;;; ;; v? !OeqnrO,_._la_r,414._._. . _ J .-7E _ 2t d5. +5 .t*_ - 229 s.Y. l.loo S.Y 5 Gqu -S-cP, I eqL. EvoE s-lj -BAr.las!EE Rcea' Pr-.:,ceru.C"-..oeees--eggJfgu-... Bvos €ol.lfgz.r.a Llrr ror-rr Rreuuurs Tcgrt cLo r ag 6 urr.rNc \spgrl--= AI l--oPu r,us /\rcuszl Frrurl A/accowu4r' Qlagri, ,'ro-o co.4a^oo R.aos tqL Ca crrr us- 5& uo rv r r .a G q c.ao WJgz +oe)--Peg Clo-CE P,rtrs Gulseo Cls rtroarnryA €t tes \r-erNvrvr -gtaE--Ag8Eg-,--_Potat7, cr-r Fn rrf , cosn Pga.,Ar?g Vt 16,lrrrArrA D r'.r:sl SeNqr__Vu!4.e!,s. _- 5ep-"-n1- -- U&rlasoz- flleraru Buveocnss Auave @2 mtl l gD 't I c.oTliliR I,ANDSCAt)ll I;liAllllllts (Retaining WalIs, Fcnccs, Swinning Pools, ctc. )Pleasc spccify. b.-oz Ncrre-: Tie. Ow ruera- FRe FC.s 7o rJ6t Tlrre s,5-= <4t4e<. oN TarS,ExPetus ro.rr oF taE G -s1ou2E-E TOqrUnorrrgs As wEc€- usgt'o^, tue. ??gttous FF\qseS ;7ue. 4 taec ^ror@ oN Ta€ ?PEa.pt NGSltEET RE:FrE<r Tar6 pREFEParc€. F{cnn,ever, u)e wt.J_ tR,\rGAt:r*.ruaq yg <-oLoF. <o rnB, Ara.rr o^ts T:o rAe. Destaru Re,vro.,r Rooer>nrEg,N6 Foa- Dt3cus,E I cil B\r fue Eonca tF 7l{E!/ so pE6lRE. lt^A' L' EA' UATuRAI- cEDAa, srtr, ^rG u/ srarc<o zo f?Eryr A,N Tt-It sA-.e1o toc- os pEglrous I,H A|5 es. D, Pecltoclrlo s, DrrJc 4 OLlmpr6' * 1tO Sl@vrt- 7fan rvsae€rw sT^rN t/)/ S'( U.e fo Rla,yl A, N fAe, gAm€' As FFArrorJS Fr.tFsgs. C.srcr^rt 7o Rervr qrp tAE SAryt E. A6 pREl,,, o US FJA6EK, ,/ LrcXa-,CZeY.!|-t sT $cza c-ot4e-, q trt ; I hooil) 75 S.Frontage rail. colorado 81657 (3m) 47es613 o department of community development February 9, l98l ? Rd The Pulis Rangh, a Colorado - 4llftutr?frt-nershiP . 3841 South l,lagnolia WaY Denver, Colorado 80237 RE: A parcel of ProPerty located in the North 1/2 of the Noitheast L/a oi Section 9, Torinship 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M. containing 5.2966 acres nore or less zoned Low Density Multi-Fanily (LDMF) with Residential Gluster (RC) density anil two additional lmits Pursuant to Town of VaiI, Coiora<lo Ordinance No' 1, Series of 1979' C "nt t "t"n , This letter sharl bonstitute official confirnation fron the Town of Vail, Colorado that the allowable density that can be constructed upon the above-referenced parcel of land is a total of 24-qnits and a total GRFA (Grols Residential Floor Area) of 53,032.58 square feet. These density ""- GRFA nulrbers have been deternined fron the following: (A) Buildable acreaSe of 3.9 acres was detemined and agreed upon-by the Town and the Owners at the tine Orilinance l, Series of 1979 was considered and approved by itu pf"tttittg and Environnental Counission anil by the Tonn Co'ncil' (B) The square footage of the new road which is not located in an avalanche or 40t slope is 7840 square feet. (c) 3.9 acres x 43,560 square feet 169,884 (7,840) T6;' '44x .30 48,613.20 -22-r@:6, x2n,drg:fr 48,613.20-TF:6n.fi GRFA factor for LDMF Allowable GRFA for 22 units per unit additional units Square Feet of GRFA units24 Pulis Ranch - February 9, lggl _ page two App;oved as to fora: In addition to the approval of the zoning andrdensity by the planning and Environnentalcormission and the Toun co'ncil, it was point6:a out io irt" "r"r .fr:,i li,i"liip"".yis subject to avalanche hazards and that-prior to developnent approval, a conplete _avalanche study and report will have to bi done by the oi.r"r". Ttre Tor+n has been inforned that this property is presently on the narket forsale' rn that regard,.you.and any purchaser of-said parcel nay rely upon this letteras a determination as to the nunblr of units anal cRFA aitowabrl f;;:[-p;"iJr *au"the zoning ordinance nou in effect. lhless the zoniag for this parcel is alteredby a subsequent rezoniaS' Iou """ gL,"t"rrteed the .bove]neniioned density figures. This letter supercedes that certaia letter dated Februarr L2, lgTg to lgarrenPulis fron Janes A. Rubin concerning the above_referenced parcel. Very trrly Richard A. Comwrity Developnent Director Rider, Torm Attorney l)t Shapiro Construction Company TO: FROM: DATE: MEMO Abe Shapiro Ken Shapiro June 15th, l9Bl m(:(:ting - Dick RyarL, Dlrector of CommuniEy Development/Tom of Vail , B11l Conley, Supervlsory Forestry Technic ian /Unl ted StatesForest Service and Ken Shapiro/Shapiro Construction Co. June l5th, 1981 The purpose of thjs mceting was to review the loca;lon of Eheold hiking trail, the new hiking trail, planned building locaEions for EheVail Golfcourse Townhomes Expansion and any posslbLe conflicEs which may exist between the above. The above named parties walked Ehe site revievring the stakedsouthern building corners of the proposecl four buildings and then walked the new lccation of the hiking trail. rt was confirmed that the hiking trall islocated south of the properry 11ne cvcrywhere along the Expansion parcel exceptat che far easE end where it switchbacks sharply down the mountain Eo the trailhead at sunbursE Drive. A11 three pa.rties agreed that this new locationpresents no confllcts whatsoever with the proposed development of the Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Expanslon. However, the following comments were made3 Blll Conley: Bill- ':'ointed oLrt that the Frrrest Service. VeilAssociates and the T o\^:n;? \-arI as -j.-'-^ri Spu-rrS€rS ,-ri lle l:aii iave no incerest in expanding the slze of che Erall sincc foot craffic or runnhrg ls to be encouragedand any type of mechanical device on the trail, i.e,, bicycles, ls speclfically meant to be discouraged or prohibited. Bill made it clear that since the new tra1lis est.ablished it is everyoners inEention that no further use of the o1d trail bepermitted. gil1 Conley and Ke" S : Bill and Ken dlscussed thaE Ehe onlyp1aceanypossib1ecoffindtheproposedprojectmayoccur is where the trail crosses behind the exlsting VaiI Golfcourse Townhomes project where the trail is withln 10 Eo 15 l=eet of the southern propercy line, Bill indicated Ehar che grade in that area was reasonably level and if a conflict did develop due to the proximlty of the trail to the proposed development that it could be locatedfurther to the south, thus increas 1n1,, thc, cl lstancc fron the bLri ldlngs. Suite C-3, Fall Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. Box 1547, Vall, Colorodo 81657 T€lephon€: (303) 4761980 -con t -inued- Meno Abe Shapiro Re: 6/L5/8L neerlng - Dlck Ryan/8111 Conley/Ken Shaplro Page 2 Dlck__BEg: Dlck pointed out thar sre may vranr to dedlcatethe east portl-on o f-EEEEE where tire trail does , in f act, cross our properEyto the Town of Vall to elinlnate poEenLiaL ltablllty associated with publlc ueeof the trall. Ken Shaplro advised thls point would be looked at furrher in theneer future. xc: 8111 Conley Supervleory Forestry Technlclan Unlted States Forest Service Box 190 Mlnturn, Colorado 8L645 Dlck Ryan Director of Comrunlty Development Town of Vall Box lO0 ValJ., Colorado .81658 Ken Shaplro daL Project Application o"," Sg ic t\ t{B I Proiect Name: {/r.i,,-i_|twL Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block Filing , Zone Iic- l"pr- d- o e Sext a )!, e oo sutLDiUbs L, /ylrN, q q, Rr5rT n/ /,"" V/30/rZlt/ DISAPPROVAL Design Review Board APPROVAL Civil Engineering Land Development Construction Management \ Colorado Nevada California Bruce M. Trela, P.E. ll8ro3 April 3Or 1981 The Tor.m of Vai'l P.O. Box 100 Vai1, @ 81658 Attn: Mr' Ernie trbegglaro, P.E. Re: Ilydrology, Drainage and hosion Control Report Vai,l Golfcourse Tovnlon es Expansion Dear Ernie: This letter is intended to clarify sone particular iteurs of discussion nenti.oned in the above referenced report. In the introduction to this the existing drainage problen at the corner of Sunburst Dri-ve opposite report, the roadVail Golfcourse Glubhouse i.s nentioned. The vas at one tine intact. The instaLlation of dlsturbed this drainage pattern and the slral_e clrainage pattern along the various utility facilities was not correctly reconstructed. As engineersr ve can reasonably assume that the ponded wat er undsmined the adjacent roadr.ray resulting in its curent deteriorated condi.tion. Responsibilityfor the road cannot be placed upon any one person or conpany, in particular Shapiro Construction. There are a number of other factors contributing to the roadt s present conditlon in addition to the problem referred above. In any evente the report does nention that the proposed project rdIl seriously inpact the eonditi.on of the road arrd reconrnends appropriate rneasuresto mitigate further deterioration. Final construction details for this area lrill be included r.rlth tre site plans for the new phase and will be sub- mitted to you for your revietrr Also nentioned in the introduction is that the portion of the exi-sting storn sewer systen affecteil by the nev development should be evaluated for its existing capacity and ability to handle the expected increase in flous. This was acconplished in the report and the result of ca.l- culatiorg were included. The hydraulic capaciti-es of the culverts and expected 10 year and 100 year flows are shown on the drauings attached to the report. Thls indicatesthat no problerns are expected. and that the system is adequate as constructed. If you have any questi-ons regariling this letter, please do not hesitate to ca-11. Yours trulv.n,"*"n-Azb Bruce M. Trela BMT/nj scc: Ken Shapiro Shapiro Construction P.0. Box 1547 ^11./^valr, uu oJ_o)at Post Office Box 260 Avon, Colorado 81620 (303)949-5797 Shapiro Construction ComPanY Novenber 24th, L98L Peter Jamar, P lanner Town of Vall Bulldlng DePartment Box I00 Vall, Colorado 81658 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOIINHOI{ES' EXPANSION Your Bullding Permlt ll00852 Dear Mr. Jamar: Durlng our meetlng on Noveuber 23rd, 1981 between Larry LyBarger r yourself and It yo,, "ip."""ed concern regarding the possibillty of future ordners of the Townhomes to convert the spaces behind the garages lnto 11ving areas' please be advlsed that the design of the Townhones 1s such as to exactly discourage euch additional construction. The drawings clearly show that the spaces w111 be backfilled to a helght of 4t-2", leavLng crawl spaces for utillty connectlons only. Each space ls surrounded (on all- four sldes) by 8" block : walls with a single 3Ot, x 10" servlce hatch located 4t-8" above ground. (Refer to drawlngs A03-A15- A21-SO1-S02-S03-s04-S05-S06-M04) . we fulLy support your concern. However, after assuring you then and now that Shaplro Constructlon Co. will strictly adhere to the drawings, we understand that yorri .oo""trs havd been all-ayed and you have stricken your stipuLatlon of total backflll and zero access. l{e thaDk you for your attentlon to thLs matter. Very truly yours t da1 xc: Larry N. LYBarger Ken ShaPiro Suit" C-1 Frll Ridge Condominiums P. O. 8ox 1547, v.il, Colorudo 81657 Tclcphonc: (303) .17e1980 SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTI0N C0. //' i,i / / / uLt-u, ,"t,.) lt ( !r,, /1- t ?tz Erwin Bachrach Project Archltect CE i1+lrr 75 soulh lronlage road vail, coloredo 8't657 (303) f76-7000 office ol lhe lown manag€t November 11 , 1981 l[r. Ken lficTaggert 3575 Cherry Creek Drlve North Denver, CO 8O2Og Dear Ken: This letter ls to confirm our telephone conversationof November 10, 1981, regarding engaging your servlcesfor appraisal. Tbe appraisal shall be for a certain portion of thePulis Ranch unplatted parcel located northeast of Sunburst Drive in the approximate size of 13,823 square feet. The parcel ls presently owned by Shapiro Construction Company. The owner may be contacted through Mr. Ken Shapiro, Vice President, Suite C3, Fallridge Condominiums, teJ-ephone 476-1280. You may get further information from the Town on this parcel through Mr. Peter Patten, Department of Cormunity Development, of the Town. Per our discussion, the cost of this appraisal will be for time spent not to exceed a total of $50O.Furthermore, the appraisal would be submltted inwriting to me by December 9, 1981 , lf possible, andin no case no later than December 11 , 1981 . Thank you for your prompt attention to this project. Sineerely yours, -'l t/ /l/, - Ricbard Caplan Town Manager cc: Pat -podson-Recreation Dept.ry€6r Patten-Couununity DLvelopment Dept . l^) .tc..!\ ) ,/1qtr\u.' 7o Shapiro Construction Company dal Suite C-3, F.ll Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. Box 1517, Yait, Color.do 81657 lelephone: (303) 4761980 Novernb er 4th, 1981 Planning Commission Members Town of Val1 P.O. Box 100 Val1, Colorado 81558 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOI"INHOUE Ladles and Gentlemen: Please grant us a postponement of hearing of Item 2 of your Agenda for November 9th, 1981. We require addltional tlme to prepare some drawings as requested by your staff. We would like to be on your new Agenda for December 14th, 1981. Please advise if thls is acceptabl-e to you. Very truly yours, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO.LeW Erwin Bachrach Project Architect o PIAI.IN ING A.\D ENVIRONIIIENTAL CO!$4IsSION Novenber 9, l98l . ...: '' t:00 p.n. Continuation of review of the view corridor rnap and design considerations for Vail Village. Applicant: Town of Vail.. . ..-. 3t99-p.T. t. Approval of ninutes of October 26 meeting. 2. Request for a ninor subdivision to vacate and resubdivide lots 2 and 3 of Cliffside Subdivision. Applicant: David Cole. 3, Request for conditional use pennit to operate a pet shop qn the noith side of the Vail das Sthone shopping center' lot 5, Block l, Filing 5, Vai.l das Schone . APPlicant: Catherine G. Street. 1' Request for a variance fron side and rear setbacks to allow the construction'of a duplex onlTit--oE-thE-PuTIs Ranch, an unplatted . parcel located between lot 3, Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Shapiro Construction Co. (Requested to be tabled.).. 5. Request to anend the zoning code so that it includes definitions of |tAmusenent Arcadett, Anusement Centertt and Arnusement Devicet'. Also a request for new ordinance to regulate Anrusernent Arcades and Amusenent Centel. Applicant: Town of Vail . Published in the Vail Trail November 6, 1981. Application Date tober 14th, 1981 APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIAIiICE I Oc This procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is subnitted. A.NAIIE OF APPLICANT SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. ADDRESS P.0. DRAI,{ER 1448, VArr,, C0L0RAD0 81658 PHONE 476-]-280 B.NA![E OF APPTICAIiIT I S REPRESENTATIVE ERI,IIN BACHRACH, ARCHITECT ADDRESS c/o SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO.P rroNE__4-7 6 _.1?t!0__ c.AUTHORIZATION OWNER SIGNATURE l'^l' vflI,l-#!' ., r. Shaplro Kenneth Cons truction Co. vi $\. , o,lo ),trt \\\ ADDRESS P.O. DRAI,TER 1448, VA1.L, CoLoRADo 81658 PHONE 476-1280 D. L,OCAEION Or rROiOSl; ADDRESS lffi lulrs NCH PROPRfr, VA LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot block Filing PER IUPROVEMENT SURVEY AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ENCLOSED. FEE. $100.00 'plus 18f for each property.olvner to be notified. CHECK rN THE Ar'{0UNT 0F $100.36 ENCLoSED. A lLst of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses. E. r. 1) Grant E. Marsh d/b/ a Turnmar Development 10 Inverness Drive East Engl-ewood, Colorado 801f2 3) Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 2) llarren Pulis 1979 Sunburst Drive Vall, Colorado 81657 4) Vail Metropolitan Recreation Distrlct Box L00 Vall , Colorado 81-658 ., Shapiro Construction Company Suite C-3, Frll Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. Bo( 1547, VriL Colorudo 81657 T€l€phon€: (303) 4761 980 October 15th, L98L Town of Vail Planning and Environnental ComrnJ.sslon Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81658 RE: Appllcatlon for a Varlance Dear Commlssion Menbers : Our ApplLcatLon for Varlance covers a change of set-back llne location as Lndl-cated on the enclosed drawing. The reasons for the appl-icatlon are: 1) The trapezoid shape of the lot does not accotrmodate a reasonabLy deslgned duplex buildlng. 2) The narrow north end, wlthln the now existlng set-back 1ines, denies a panoramlc view to one or both owners. In our opinlon, relocation of the set-back Llnes will not interfere \rlth the adJ olnlng property, namely the Golfcourse parking Lot and service drlve. Respec tf uJ-ly , Erwln Bach Ar chi tect Enclosures daI 3) FE nr* r z/ra (Xi" 6er-F &o836 .' ' l;r"t- A+cede2 o^ 5,'7E) 7e*' /,2 /* /, fo';t ft,el 2q h,"T Et* fte q 4rn,/ un y'zr {"tl- /- ,t" EL'fre" i,* B, /h"t, 47r / t: tf E/. //s, /eru,/ t Pggz ,6oJ q, 1 rv7 ,totf /./a/ersy" fi't4tu* - {-tfrlst''rt f."a, 70 t/ /rs/ - 24 onik ,f 3. oilz.58 f ' /oV 6u 2Z ,;?+45 tru. !e,,..2'.-,-; y, A ,;rt fe4/ bw ,h EX Fu fr**bw '/ EX Ftt ft** To/ Ea.l^'^"- .th* 7p(a''-^wTo/, Ea ,/ '/t ' r ltz'+' 7" 47,. /t"rQ6r /J*l\*r'-)- -a.it ( 4"a^"-\fr^/k t FA..--A.t){v14 2r_,_ ./ ,_tgL L7>'c.t./ ,|r.,a" /l*'k r/s' ir" -*A u-4 ?)7 zrL. Ja: L-tu-<LS -fr!C 5q2 l2o" #?-1217,l1f? 55o5 tr 72? 7ir ls dtnto 17',4 Z6t'*rt{Nt,zl8Ttt GpFA BF Jgsil)e 1)rurT z/elzt T t'a sa TLaa.r. - IlV[gr-. J: , - -..: € tF, 5o.fB A(2e/\ \o.4tb1 3* LL,'t9q = (. at s . zqz .4L 2e, s? 4,5 l{lr'P ,- . a f.a.l; t I - a, tB toL I 'AtotJ lty l4Lr- 7',- o 1 '- 2,r- 16t- tr * zbt-qln 3* * qt-1tr X*?r!+ Tv.! t? l^rc? L' DR/rOAr-u I + + ?v5'ar"., . 5.1-t.L 7'r+i '4 Jr.:Jr L; I;iu I rJ Sir^-rs A?rFL: lof a r< 2b|lty = lo,zs i Zc. 3-t 9'-a'- 2 ? x {. 4*!7 v z l)^) ! | Tr('('t r'ir)6 g D€Yul*r-t-. I r':,f ' 2L7.78 27 ,x1E 1,r_ 300 ,t ,, 4,' 2'7 ' .655 >1t-l = n t-po LtJ;15 tF! I ', bqr.,:t 3.9.t-a'-Qs t4ii flr: , . atau' ''.?$' " lnwn n llil box 10O uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Ron Todd Box 1755 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dcar Ron, This lettcr is to cotrf i r.tn Vail Golfcours Townh orne s no nore than squarc departnrent of community development Apri l lb, l98l that thc rcnrr j rr irrg dcns i ty ul lotment for shal I bc two dwcl! irr11 rrrrits containing fcet of gross rcs i.tlcntial f loor arca. -> \ Sincere I v .-2- l1' -?-,',tr-rl tta i '-, PLl'tsR J.AirV\K Tor'n PI anner PJ : bpr I-l | "".'-- .\ 2u/ Profect Application O -i1,,,: _.tJ Proiecl Neme: Prolocl D€3ctiPtion: Ow.lot Addt333 snd Phone: Architocl Addrsss and Phone: Legal DotcrlPtion: Lol --- . Block , Filing Zons: Zoning ApProvod: Deslgn Review Board Molion bY: Date DISAPPFOVAL Seconded bY:t' AI'FROVAL Summary: Drle: Zoning Administratot Dale: Chi€f Bulldang Otficial April. l-0, 1981 Peter Patten Town of Vail DePartment of Cornrnr,rrri. Ly I)cvr:Ioi>nrcnLP.O. Bcx 100\:aiI, Colorado 8I658 Re: VaiI colfcou.rsr: Townhome F)>:;...rn:;ion - pulis TractZoning Dc Le r::uj.nat-ion. Dear Peter: On ApriI l , 198Ii tlrr..-. \ra i I Go l f cour:se 't'lr.rnhomc expans ionreceivad f inal appr'.rv.tI f r:om Llrc .Iolvrr r-,:. V;r jl Design ReviewBoard {.or 22 ur: j.ts o f tirc e:<1:rans j-on tc: l:,r' I ocated. on the . J.arger upper port:ion of uh': :; j tt-- Lr; t.lr,, :;orrth and west ofSunbursL Drive. r\ccor-.l.iltg Lo arca c:rl.e ulat ions done in myof f ice, those 22 units c()rltlirr ,;r tr,' ;r l ,. [ 4'i,736 sqtrare feet t.. f gross resi(.lcrlt.i..r.l. ;'r r. r,.r iB r.nrl rril j,.r .r :t ,ll: i, Ij.I'. cach,and 1.1 irt'-r-.tiir-rt ilitil:: .-rl :r,t)r;:.1 li.l'. ',.;r). ,rick llyan's1c'ctc:'iiatcd i:ci.r:.t:tlv il , l.-,:ii, t,) :..' , i:r llarrch, a ColoracloLinrit.-d Par:tnrtrshil:, conf i)'rns an aI lr-:l;;r1.. 1.,: rtc.ns.ity for theentire site of 2.1 rlr.rcll i rrrl lrni.t:; c()!rt.r i.rr ilrrl a nr.rximum of53,032.58 square ft-'ct oI gross resi.cjcrrt;;rl l'loor: area.Thereforcr f d,: l!ucc that tlrc rr:nrairrirr<1 ri,':r.,; j ty allotnent forthe sl:raIler. portiorr oI. Llrt: :;j t.(! Lo l. lr,' iro:'tfr and cast ofSunburst Driver;rdjacent to ih<: CioI{ t',.ru:'se pat:king Iot,shall hg twO dwell j ng l,rr) i. t s corrEaln i ;ic: :ro more ,than 7, 297 squar:.1 llceL of gr:o!;5 r-r-:sirlelLi,.rl ti.or,r';:r'()r1 , I-, If you have any clucsLi-ons r-cgar:r'l ilt.: ::r.,, r'a.lcrrIaLi.ons, or ifyour tota1 area f igures cli f t'cr srrl-ls:;rrn. i;rl.)y f r:om mine (by 100 tccal square fect or nrorc) , plei,sr-. \:ll-1 nre at 425-3510,or respond with a lettcr of clarif ir:;r1. iorr for my projectfi.Ie. Rcnal<1 A. 'Ioclril'.O. iiux f i53 Va!.1 i:aLionaI va i 1, Coloraclc> - Arciri t, r:c t Ilenk IluiJ.elilrr.y -, Suit-c 1,0 t- $l65{.i cc : iir.'n Siial: !. r-rr ::lt.'rt;iro \:():t:il- t'll(:!. i(,:: ('(,. lli l|flI bDr.{Ifi) lS S. Frontagc- lld vail, colorado 81657 13031 476 5613 The Ful is Ralrch, a Col or-ado Limited Partnership 381 I South l'lagnolia Hay Denver, Colorado 80237 (Jeparlnlent of contnrunity developrnent Fobrrr;rr,v 9, I981 lnun u 'RE: A purccl of l)r.()pcr.ty locatt:d .in thc North l/2 of the Nortlre;rst l/4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 6th P.lt. containing 5.2966 acres nore or less zoned Low Dcnsity r\lulti-Fanilr, (I,DMF) with ResidentialCluster (RC) dcnsity and trvo ;rdditjonal units pursuant to Totrn of VriI, Colorado 0rd.irrencc No. l, Series of 1979. Gent I emen : This letter shall constitutc official conl ilrrr;rt.i.on frorn the Town of Vail,. Colorado- that the al lor*able density that can bc constrrrt:tcd rrpon the abovc- referenccd parcel of land is a total of 24-irnits :rrrrl :r toral tiltl:A (Gloss Rcsidcntial Floor Area) of 53,032.58 sqrrarc feet. 11rcsg dcnsjty and GIU:A nrrnrbcrs have bcen deterrnined fron thc foll owing: ' . '- (.I\) Brrild:rblc crcagc of 3.9 aclcs r{lls rlclcrrnirrcd arrd agrccd upon by the Town -,iurd the Or..ners at thc time Ordjnnncc l, Series of l!)79 was consideled an-d -approved by " - tlre Plannirrg and Enr.ironnental Conrlission ;rnd by t.he 'l'or.n Council . (B) 'l'he square footage of the new r-oad which js not locatcd in an avalanche or ' 40t slopc is 7840 srprarc fcct. 3, 9 n crcsx 43_,560 sqrrare fect t63,8.q4 h1,l ;1 r { -!2.910) l'cs I'ni:' 162,044 .30 GRFA factor for 48,61-i.20 Allouablc -22-Tmr:69 per rrnit x 2 atlditional LDI-{F GFIIA for 2? rrnits url i t:i 4,419.3S _ 4-8,6t 5_.2.9 53,0:il.5E Srlttrtrc l;cct ()J (;:ltl;r\ ?4 ,.rlri ts ln arltlition to tlrc lt)lrl.ov;tl oj' tht, zorr irrl; irnrl tlcrr:ij tv by tlrc l,larrnirrg :rnd Invironlr(lntaj Conrnission and the 'li*rr (lourrci I , it w:rs point cd oltt. to thc owrrcr tlrat thiS proJrcrt),is subject to avalirnchc ltirzalds and that l)rir)r to rtcvclopmcnt ll)t)roval , a conpicteavalanche study and rcj)ort wjl I ir;rvc to bt <loirc b1. tlrc nrr,,,"rs. Thc 'lburn has bccn irrfornrcd ttrat this pr'()l)crty is 1>rc:;cntly on the rn:rrket forsale. _ In that rcgard, )'ou ar:d ;rn1' 1:urclrrscr oi sairl irrriccl nry rcly upon this lcttcras a detcrmination as to thc nrrnl,cr of rrnirs ;rnd CIIFA allovebli for suih parccl underthe zonjng ordinance now in cffc'ct. Unlcss rhc zoning for this l)arcel ii alteredby a subsequent rezoninB, yolt ;rrc Srr;rrirntcccl thc :rbovc -rncn t i oncd icnsity figures. This lcttcr supcrccdcs tlr:rt ccltain lct.tcr clatcd Fcbt.u|ry 12, 1979 to lfarrenPulis fron James A. Rubin conccrrrin13 thc trlrovc-rcfnrcncerl l)itrccl Vcr)' 1.nrl1' yorrrs, . I I'ul.i s I:rrlrch - l.'cbr.tr; a Approved as to forn: Il)r,I - l)., 1:(' twp .4ttorrrcy ' 1 ..'/'!- <-. - -tz- ^- -' Richard A. Ryan Corrunttn i ty flcveJ ','* , (- ':.i '-"-- (__.j opnent Director t r, .^l ,l t-, | , c-,(: r*"'. : -: i ' i-" L /'t i' r I t, k"I I - t' !y't \ I lmn box lfi} Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 47A5613 departm€nt of community development April 16, 1981 $hat the renaining density allotnent forhall be two dwelling writs containingfeet of gross residential floor area. Ron, Todd Box 1753 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Ron, z, tt 41 /)( 1ufr4 "lt"/ & fL cl Town Planner PJ:bpr 6tter is to confi Vail Gqllcourse Townhone no nore than 7297 square Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architecr Address and phone: F' t cr <ra "t-r 8 t'{ L€gal D€scription: Lot / , Block :J , Filing t/( ttf Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board DISAPPBOVAL Chief Buildlng Otficial Shapiro Construction Company April 22, 1981 Peter Patten, Peter Jarnar, Town of Vall Department of Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81658 Gentlernen: Confirmlng our meetlng today with our Project Manager, Larry N, LyBarger, enclosed please flnd the sketch you requested. The "red" lines outline the area the trucks will use to carry the fill. No preparatory work vill be done to create this roadway, except some rnininal grading; otherwlse, the land surface wlll be used as is. We will be placing the fill at "A" in preparation of the bend in the drlveway at that point and 1t will be compacted and kept approximately level with the exlsting terraln. Should there be more fill then is needed for ttA", then we will place it at "B". We shall not remove any trees from any area that would not have to be removed during the construction of Ehe project. Should any portions of the fill area be too high, we shall lower same Eo your satisfaction. Your cooperation ln this natter is appreciated. For our records, would you please execuEe a copy of this understanding and return same to us. Thank vou. Yours truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION Senlor Planner P lanner Cornmunity Development i Abr aham L. Shapiro Pres i dent Enclos ure BY: Dated: Suite C-3, F.ll Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. Box 1547, v!il, Colotado 81657 Tclephone; (303) 47e1980 IS ACCEPTASLE ANDTHE TITE , 1981 APPROVED: I 2:00 p.n. PI,AI{NING AITID ENVIRONMEMAL COMMISSION AGENDA l'londay, l,larch 25, l98l Study session to review the consideration of Hig[land Meadows lots 26-42 as a'possible Special Developnent District. 5:00 p.n. l. Approval of ninutes of l,tarch 9, l9g1 . 2. A request for a 16 foot set-back along the North and west property rines for -a-S-acre unPlatted pa.rcel , connonly known as the Pulis nanin iaiaient to vailVillage Ttird Filing on Sunburst Drive for the Vail Golf Course-Tomhones. l Applicant: Shapiro Constnrction Conpany. 3. Ananding the conditional use criteria...Findings section of the 7$rLng code toadd a new criteria regarding personal service i"a r"p"ir shop tocai-a-o"-irt"flrst floor in the conrnerciar-core r and rI zone disl.ricts. 4. Aoending the Floor Area, Gross Residentidl definition of the zonirg code dealingwith.storage areas. -Y"r'E I5. Fresentation and Discussion of Eagle cormty ldaster p1an. Published in the Vai1. Trail lt4arch 20, l98l| IG MEI\ORAI{DUM T0: PLANNING Al.lD ENVIR0NMENTAL COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT/PETER JAMAR DATE: !,larch 16, 1981 RE: Request for a setback variance to allow the relocation of two buildings which are to be constructed as a continuation of the Vail Golf Course Tolrnrhomes developnent. APPLICAI'IT: Shapiro Construction pEscBrPTroN 0F _VAR.TANCE REQUISTED Ihe applicant, Shapiro Construction Company, is applying for a 16 foot variance on the North arrd West property lines of a five acre unplatted parcel, corrunonly knoun as the Pulis Ranch, adjacent to Vail Val ley Third Filing. Hardship is evidenced by the inpact of a wet spring avalanche run-out area located to the southeast of the proposed buildings. Relocation of the two buildings down the slope a distance of sixteen feet would remove then fron the rnoderate hazard avalanche zone. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the l"lunicipal Code, theSt pl'oval;1-T[e rqueslG?lEil;rce-6ased upgn gs lgli 9y1ggleg!9r:: Consideration of Factors The rel.ationshi.p of the r.equested var ira_nce to ot-her exist-ing or potent_ial uses and structures in the vicinity. Itre adjacent property owner at each of the requestcd setback encroachnents is Shapiro Construction Conpany, and the adjacent pl'ojects are previously approved phases of the Golfcourse Tovmhornes, of fifrtich these units are to be a continuation. The proilerty 1o- cated to the rear of the developrnent is i:orest Service property. The rnovement of the two buildings into the north and west property li-ne setbacks would result in the buildings being l6 feet closer to the adjacent Golfcourse Townhone buildings. The resulting distance between buildingswouldbe 30 feet for the building on the west side of the Property and 135 feet on the north side. The deAree to rrl-r i ch rel j.ef frorn the strict or 1j.teral interpretation and enforcement ffinecessarytoachievecompatibilityarrdulriforrnit7of treatmcnt anonp. sites in the vicinity or to atto j.n thc obj ectives o is title without grant_of special pjivilege. l'he moderate ftazard avalanche zone constitutes a physical hardship. The buildings could be built without the setback 'variances by placirrg a pofLion of the two unj.ts j.rl the npdcrate haza.rd zone, l{owever, the relocatic:r of the buildi.ngs provides a better plan for thc site by renoving the buildings flon thc ha.zard area, rcducing the ilnpa.ct on the hillsj.de, and pror,iding mole opcn "spri:e adilrccirt to thc hiking trail. The st.aff feels that this solution will bctter n(-'r-,t the objcctives oil the zoni-ng code and will not constitrrtc a spcciirl privilege. t Vail Golf Course Townhones - page 2 - 3/16/8L The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of_pojglation,. trgnsportqt ties andutilities--and publ i.c safety. Moving the buildings into the North and West setbacks will create a positive influence on light and air to the rear of the buildings adjacent to the trail and will not have any significant effect on transportation, traffic facilities, or utilities. such other factors and criteria as the conmission deens applicable to the vatr.ance . There are none. FINDINGS: The PlanninB and Env!:onmental Cornrnission shal! 43ke the fol.owing findings before grantlng a varlance : That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege in- consistent with the limitat.ions on other properties classified in the sane district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety,or welfare, or rnaterially injurious to properties or inprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons i. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcernent of the specified regulation wouldresuLt in practical difficuity' or unnecessary physical hardship inconsislent with the objectives of this title. There ar.e exceptions or extra.ordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to thesite of the variance that do not apply genelally t.o other propertie!- in the same zone. STAFF RECOI'i.''ENDATIONS : The Department of Cornnunity Developnrent recornnends apprcrral based upcn the existenceof natural hardship. Moving the buildings from the moderate hazard area would reducethe potential for avalanche darnage to the srructures. e puBLrc Nor,rcr O NorIcE Is I|EREBY GrvEN that the pl.anning and Environnental conrnission \.., of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with the Zoning Code of the Vail Irttunicipal Code on l,larch 23, 1981 at 3:00 p.rn. at the Towl Council Chanbers in the !,t.rnicipal Building. PubIic hearing'and consideration of: 1. A request for a 16 foot set.-back along the North and west property lines for a five acre unplatted parcel , couunonly known as the Pulis Ranch, adjacent to Vail Village Third Filing subdivision on Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Shapiro Con- struction Company. 2. Anending the conditional use criteria..Findi.rrgs section of the Zoning Corle to adtl a uew criteria regarding personal service and repair shop located on the first floor in the Comercial Core I and II zone districts. i 3. Arnending the non-confo:ming sites, uses, structures and iurprovenents section of the Zoning Code to add new sections under purpose, continuance, sites, uses, strsc- tures and site iurprovenents, naintenance and repairs, discontinuance change of use and restoration. 4. Anending the sign code of the Town of Vail to have a new sign code section for Comnercial Core III zone district. 5. futending the Floor Area, Gross Residential definition of the zoning code deatingwith storage areas. Information relating to the requests is at the Corununity Developnent office in thel,lunicipal Building during regular business hours for review uy ihe publi-. A. PETER PATTEN, JR Zoning Adxninistrator Town of Vail Conununity Developnent Department Published in the Vail Trail on Irlarch 6, 1981. I.This procedure The application APPLICATION is rcquired will not be IAlry.rlis.1-ir>nJte_ laarch 2.. lq&l - FOI$I FOII A VARINNCE foi any projccL requcsting a Variance. acccptccl until all informa.tion is strbnitted. A. NAI{E OF APPLICANT Shapiro Construction Co. ADDRI]SS Suite C-3, RaIl Ridqg_qelgSn:Irr\img P.O. Box L547, VaiI, Colorado llA-l'lE OF APPLICANT I S RDPRIISEI'ITiVr-IVI] Ronald LDDRESS P.O. Box 1753, Vai1, COlorado PI{ONB 47 6-L280 B.A. Todd - Archilect Prror{E 475-3510 C. AUTIIORIZAT]ON SHAP SIGNATURE ADDRESS SELLERI S LocArroN on prtbb .ll:-i)t (CONTRACT)., a Colorado Dravrer 1448, Vail , 'Col iado 81658 PHONE 476-1280 ted Partnershlp D.s, Gene ar cner ADDRDSS Pulis Ranch, an unplatted 5-Acre parcel adjacent to , a Colorado L vaar varrey 'jlnrr(l !'l- I rn g LEGAL DDSCRIPTION lot block FEE. $100.00 1;lus l-5f for each proJ)erty ownor to.be notif iecl. A list of the names of or^rners of al..l- property adjacent to ttresubject properby Shapiro Construction Co.Suite C-.3, FalI Ridge Condominiums P.O. Box I547VaiI, Colorado F.i.ling ?1, E F. C,olf Course parking lot leased from the Jay B. PuIJ.s , Jr. 3841 S. Magnolia Way Denver, Colorado 80237 U.S. Government (Forest Service Land) Pulis family. February 27, 1981 Town of Vail Planning and Envj-ronmental CommissronP.O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention:Gerry White Dear Gerry: On behalf of my client, Shapiro Construction Co., I respect-fu}ly request that the Planning and Environmental Commissionconsider the granting of a sixteen foot variance from thereguired setback of twenty feet, along the North and Westproperty lines of a five-acre unplatted parcel, commonly known as the Pulis Ranch, adjacent to Vait Valley ThirdFiling (see attached drawings) . Shapiro Construction has retained my office to prepare asite master plan for the property for the construction oftwenty-two additlonal units as a continuation of their VailGolfcourse Torrrnhomes Development. I have developed the siteplan using a six-pIex and five-p1ex concept to reduce the number of i.ndividual buildings on the site from six to four,allowing for more open space on the site and greater distances betr^teen buildings. Hardship is evidenced by the impact of a wet spring avalancherun-out area as indicated on the accompanying drawings. Thesi-te plan can be developed without setback variances, byplacing a portion of t.wo units in the moderate hazard zone,which is permissi-bLe through satisfactory engineering mitigation. However, it, is my opinion, thal relocatj-on of the two buildings down the slope approximately sixteen feet, provides a moresuitabLe solution in that it removes those units from the moderate hazard zone, and reduces the impact on the hillside,by moving the two structures in question away from thesteeper portions of the site. The requested movement of the two buildings would reguire avariance from Section 18.16.060 of the Municiple Code of the Town of Vail, requiring a side and rear setback of twentyfeet in the L.D.M.F. zone. I have enclosed a drawing showingthe adjacent developments. The adjacent property owner ateach of the requested setback encroachments is ShapiroConstruction Co., and the adjacent projects are previously a Town of Vail February 27, 1981 Page 2 approved phases of the Golfcourse Townhomes, of which these units are to be an interrelated continuation. llherefore, I do not foresee any adverse impacts or conditions that wouLd result from the gianting of this variance requesti I do feel that the granting of the variance would result in an improved site plan solution. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Respectfully subnitted, D --.4 ./ Earlelt( h.Jelo{rrl Ronald A. Todd - Architect Vail National Bank Building - Suite 307 Post Office Box 1753Vail, CoLorado 81658 bor 100 hun department of community development reil. colorrdo 8185? Fo:il .r7s5613 April 6, l98l Ron Todd Box 1755 Vail, Colorado 81658 Golfcourse Ibar Ron: At ths April lst neeting of DRB, the above project was approved for 22 writs. The color of stucco is to natch chanpagne chip, Olyryic *718 sn reduood siding, and that conditions of Ptrblic l{orks Departnent urst be eet prior to receiving a building pernit. With this approval , you By Dove on to working drawings and plan dreck subnittal. Toun Planner PJ:bpr t Project Name: Owner Address and Phone: Project Applicatlon / Dab 3-23'{f,/ Architsct Addr€ss and Phone: ,/." Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Date,4 Motion by: h" seconded ov, hfuft'alQ *3--+-Wl DISAPPROVAL Summary: KA, E2 rhE 'To btrb mf Administrator lz tuz Chi6f Building Official Er4'&a/ AA. gNtS bNe.: tJuF &srra6n lhd/ft 6.7 ,@ :Al fur6 /tzbYvz? -A2 /aaftqt 6Zf,q frazspytE/.' fSrOSZ, 52huea, /4;76F ,%*7' 38' o< t 'l-lh GEt&: 7si{ nWr/6: ? u^-,/ ; o< - Q., t*JJt f)1,;,,).!rt'r-t' i. .-/ Fer Shapircr Sllapiro Oonstruction @. Box 1547VaiI, @ 81657 AMOUN'r' owNlitt $___ MOR'r'(;A(:E $._*.-_ -._ Al)r)t1'r0NAt, 0HAtrcps COST OIT TAX CT'IITII.'TCATE '' I suRvIrY cosl's I,irrm 1 10.1 N/C CC'.s 'l'o: TOTAI,S $ Your Referencc 4r04641 th-Denver,/Jim Starrler Slurp.i-ro,/l(en Strapir.o Pcncileton No. Sheet 1 of -4 -- coluMl't'M EN't"r'O rNSU lrrl Transarlterica Title Insurance Conrpany, a Califorrril ((,r'l)olation, hcleirr called the Company, for a v:rlttablc lorrs ir k:rntion, hcrcb.y r:onrnrit.s to issrrc its lxrlir.v or. lxrlicics of til"lc iusrrrnnce, nn identified In Schedule A, in favor of the proposed insuretl uanred irr S<.lrerlrrlc.A, as rnvrrr:r or nrortgtrgcc of the estate or interest covc;'ed hereby in the land described or lefelrerl to irr Schcdulc A, upon paynrent of the pr.emiumr and charges thclcfor'; all suhject to the yrrovisirrrrs of Sr.l,,,,lrrlt':i r\ irnrl R lnd to thC corrditions and rtipuln- tiorts sltorvl orr thc in.sidc of thc covcr.. CustonrerContirct: Sara I'la]-V-slt liv ----g]ra tlall Phone: 476_5 22_AUtHOattlo trcxatuta Theeffectivedateof thisconrmitmentis,Jarrrary 12, -.,19 ELat n nn a M. At, which tinre fee title was vested in: IllE PULIS RAtiGl, a Ool.orado Limited partnr_,rship sclrur)tjr-,rt A l. Policics to be issued: (A) Owners': SHAPIRO CONSTR(ITICI! COMPAT{Y, a Colorado Corprration (ll) Mor'lglgue 's: 11.18 PULIS ItAI'lCll, ;t Coloract; Lirnitr*l parlrrr.,r.r;lrirI l\. i, 'iFi r I r',rrn No. C.lll,l la.v. ?.1.?0 SCHEDULE A-Continued 2. Covering the Land in the State of Colorado, County of &rgle Described as: A portion of the N! of the NEk of Sectlon 9, Townshi-p 5 South, Range B0 wesL of the 6th P.M., l'own ol VaiI, County of Eagle, State of C.olorado, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCII:G at the Southeast corner of Lhe NL of the NL of said Section 9; thence N89o23r4I"W 937.79 feet along the most Southerly limitsof VAIL VALLUY TfiIRD ITILING, as recordetl in Book 259 at Page 69of the records of the Cl.crk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, to Lhe POINT Ot' BEGINNITIG; thence continuing N89"23'41"W 808.28 feet along the Southerly limiLsof the herein described i>arceI;thence due North 159.73 feet; thence due Easc 68.71 feeL; thence N6Io52r 59"E 164.79 feet; thence N0Io52|59"8 88.67 feet; ttrence S B8 o0 7 '0I" 8 39 6 . 39 feet; thence N32o5LrI8"E 93.82 feet along a radial line to a point on a curve; thence 68.98 feet along the arc of a 108.87 foot radj-us curve to the left whose centraL angle is 35ol8'02" and vrhose long chord bears S75ol7 r 43"E , 67 .83 feet; thence due South along a non-radial line 143.48 feet, said line aLso being a tlesterly boundary of said VaIL VILLAGE TI{IRD FILING; thence NBBo2L'29"8 70.00 feet along the liniits of said VAIL VALLEY THIRD F]LING; lJrence S02o02'30"ii 241.80 f cet al-onr-1 a Westerly limit of said VAIL VALLI:Y TllIlfD l:ILIN(; l-o a 1:oirrI r>n thc nrosl, Southcrly i.imits of said VAIL VALLEY TLlIlr.D FILING, r;aid 1,oing bcing the POINT OF BEGINN]NG. SCHEDULE A-Continued REQUIREII{ENTS g. Tlre folowing are the requirements to be complied with plior to the issuance of said policy or policies' Any other instrument rr.oi'ded subsequ.nt to the date hereof may aDpear as an exception under Schedule ii "? ifr" p"if.v m tr" issued. Untess otherwise noted, alt docutnents must be recot'ded in the office of clerk and recoi'cler of the county in which said property is located' A. Deed. from TltE PULIS RANCH' a Coloraclo Limitecl Partnership to SUAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO' I a Coloraclo Corporation' B. Deecl of TrursL from : to Lhe Pubtic Trustee for the use of : to secqre SI.IAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. , a Colorado CorPoration of the CountY of Eagle-tHn pUf,fs RaNCn, a Colorado Lirnitsed PartnershiP $ r, 875 ,000 . oo t; tct Nc. o.l.t, SCHEDULE B THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUDD HEREUNDER WILL NOT TNSURE AGAINST: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public r.ecords. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public r.ecortls.3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundaly lines, shortagc in aren, encroachments, and any facts which acorrect survey and inslrcction of the prcmises would disclosc and wlrich are not shown by the public records. 4' Any lien, or right to a.licn, fol sct'r'ices, labor', ol nrltcliitl helclofor.e or hereafter funrished, im-posed by larv and not shown by thc public recor.ds. 5. Taxes duc and lxrylblc; and any titx, spcciirl iuscssnrcnts, t:lurlgc r-rl lien inrlrosed for.watcr ol.scwerscrvicc, ot' for any other slrc'cial taxirrg riistr.ict. Righ l- of Lirc . Propric l-o j: ()r: .r Vein or Loclc to c:<Lract and removt) his orc: t-lrcrcf rorn slioLtl-cl tltc s atttt.: irr: t.or-trtci Lo Pencl-):a Lc or intersect the premises irereby grantod, irs reserved in United staLes Patent recorded June 29 , 190 B j.n Boo]< 4A at Page 495. 7. Right .of viay for ditches or canals coi)si-l:ucl-ed by Lhe auLhority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patent' recordeC June 29, I90B in Book 48 at Page 495. B. Easement and riglrt of vray f or w;rl-c:: .LnC scvrerline purposes, as granted to VaiI blater and Sanitation District by Jay B. Pulis, Jr. t{arren Kamer Pulis, Jay B. Pu1is Jr, trustee and I'larren Kamer Puf is , 'crusi-ee , in the ins trument rccorded Pebruary 5 , L9 69 in Book 2I4 at Page 612, affecting the follor^ring described ProPerty: An easement 30 feet in width and lying t5 feet on each side of a centerline described as follows: Comrnencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 9r Township 5 South, Range 80 t,lest of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, thence S0"02'30"8 393.35 feet along the East Iine of said Section 9 to the true point of beginning; thence i.l 6l'09 | 41"l't L92.4 4 f eeL; thence S74o57'30"i'l 448.52 f eet; thence S32o04'l5"hl L77 .5I f eet; thence s53o19'24"ii 220.47 f eet; thence Sf 3o41'29"1'\i I79.22 feet'; thence s29o53'29"vJ 200.00 feet; thetrce sB8o2l'29"I'l 183.00 feet; +trence N56o22t 47"tJ 2A2.84 feet; thence ll64o22r 5I"w 440.00 feet; thence Sgl'l-7r29"t'l 482.74 feet; thence S63o19t13"ln, 250.59 feet; thence 568"40r49"!''l 2?8.32 feet; thence N88o26'32"!{ 547.11 feet; thence S73o2I'19"W 370.00 feet; thence S24"08'3I"t\t I05.97 feet; l-hcnr-'t-. :i42o0{l'5I"tv ,i.rj6.0tl l.cct l:r-.r i.r 1,oi-nt- on Lhc Sciuih I j,nc of the I't.Lll:iNl{!i of said SercL.lorr 9 wir.r.cir i.:; 9.62 feeL [iasu of Lhe SouLhrves t- Corner thercof . Basemants and right of way for SwiburstSanitary Se\^rer Lift Station as sfoern ()n Drive, VaiI Trail Hikilq Ilail arri InLenpuntain frgineering Surrrey |lV-01]5S i,'rnr H'r. C.lll.{ la0v. {"11.?0 .t,l i;'l' tilt t.tA'r't.:tt I nt,ll ;, dr -'i.--,!..i.. lfAl,il; 01,, ),[(),tl.l(i,t',_ l.Ji(iAl, l)lif.i(:ltl 1/j'J ol'l l)lil.KiltJ )"f lOIl 0,i' ltliO.l )':(-:'J' 'Jlhcr tc> 4.) J'oJ J tl'.v:i it li j rr l'trt'tttit (: :i ott t:llc l)r::.; j ilrt llcv j.<:rv licxrltl llul Ll)Il.lc ilA'l'lili IAI.S : Itoof Sidi.ng" Odicr l','al.L. Lla{:clj-:r1s 5 ::l l'r.:rgtri t'crl J'rlt' l;ttlrtrt i. l.1,lt.l. by LicJ:orls :r J. j.tr;r.1. :tlrllJ'()\':l l cirti. 1:hr.' Appl .i r::ttt t bc gi.v<ltr. .tfvtrct of l.!;r t:cri l..l.:J.-r---_- --- Co.l.<tr Fascia Soffits lf i.ndovs IYirttlorv Tlim Dciclr:s Door llatrd Flucs 'l'r'im ol Deck Ilails Flaslt:i.ngs. Chirnueys 'Iras;h'Jlt:cI or;rt::c s Grect:houscs Ottrcr D. ) .' tiurllt lt\Tlll.l i.LS . .:' .:''' (Vr:gct:ntivc , J,:irrcll.;cep j-ng )*tc:: j-i1s irrclrrcli:tg 'l'rcc.s, Slt::ttbs, anrd Grr>rn:d (lovcr) l)ot:rrr i.c.rl i'l;rnrr:Cou:irritr I l.rr:lc: ^lw I -,+.F-i r' f , I 'Yl'1 'rsq l:oAlit, (:llt,;r:li,,l i.i'l'o NAI'll'i or I'lio,J l':(l'l'. ,Diit;cttt.tut'r.o;,t oir I'llo.Ilic'J.'.. ' Pl'cl. i.ttt A ltl rt'(rt':t J. .-J.._4_- .Di lt:r.1. Atrtrt'rir':rl.Cotrrtnett ts 6 . !t!-i.-L!i,li'..--Cj,'f111!t;t'Ir 1: i ott ! l}rriltli.ng I'oct'rLj.ott on ' $i.tc Buil.dirr f.: Con f J. gurat i-on :. ?. AirDrcrpl: j.;rtcn cs: s " rvitti Xc.t1;hbo.r:hood tleight ; - I'lass Boof Torms Usa of l.la.tc:-'i-al.s ihoi"o of Color j i/J f v.. vv 'ihtc"gy Df f i.cicncy ---TB. Sit:e Corrr.;itlert:rtion Distrrrliarrcc oI l{atural qi, - r--- -- ^ -- -: - /rcccss oirto Site a Sndtrr l'.ci::ova1 \tehicrtlar and lede s trian . C i::culat i-on landscaping ?la:r i'...-z- Gradirrg Plan I:rrigatiotr S.ystcm r_- . litita5.:rirrg i'totts -=. Accr.lrso::.y $t:'uc tru::cs C. lti.:rccl.l :r'r1('(!l'r!: corrritltt::.'ll:iotrr l). 0t lr,,t' (irrrrirut,rtl'li |}..-*b|.'-.--d.-.t. .t, ,'r lr , l lll',,rtt lrr i l r.rlt,t T't' SuMivision Lot Bl ock Fil ing , ENGINEERING CHECK LIST /ont reol 3{to (Not Acceptable)1. Submittal Items (Acceptabl e) r'---v- (A) Topo Map(g) Site Ptan *r aA<KS ot< (c) utility Plan (D) Title Report (E) Subdivision Agreement (if app'licable) 2. Engineering Requirements E'lectric Gas Sewer hlater Tel ephone T.V. 4. COfmentS: O 4,A tr-\ (-€ t)trcA ALo,|,c s.n,4l s/o? oF GLo<,s. lt <u.e€E.7 o^'o.ri|- Oatvcl)at dp-€ ao^r€ EFo 2E ALL 67UA mAJ6. <oNSTRvcTtc'* 41 fu4attG 5 @ ':tail,ai, nzAw,rr1, oF ,r+ tul,NrN(, t,.tLL| nzc A PPaOvEn R' def cM, (S &rep-ra€ tF /7cr" I tp sc,'t€oe.€ I q. 7r7Le c€rne 7 ,4lFF€(.1| ,rt€. A B c D E F Approved: Di sapproved: &v€ S7tp.qrto.ts Bill Andrews t ;. AMOTJNl' PII,DMIUM ()wNrilr $ _,. $_l(en Shapiro Slupiro Construction Co. Box 1547 MOII'l'(ir\(ill $ ... Al)t)t'f t()NAt, cilAttclis $ Vail, C0 81657 cosT olJ'rAx cltlt'l'Il"lcATE $: SllllVli\' (lOS't'S $lbrm lf0.l N,/C TOTAIS $ t \, s I(|:Your Referencc 4104641.'IA-Denver,/J jm Starxier Sh.rpiro,/lGn Shapiro Pcr.rdleLon No. Sheet 1 of. .4 ... coMlil'r'MDNT',I'O rNSL|RBi Transanret'ica Title Insurance Conrpany, a Califorrril eor'lxrratiorr, lrereiu called Lhc Company, for a v:rlttnblc crttts ir lct'rtiott, ltct'cby conrnrits l,o issrrc i[s lxrlir.r, or' lxrlicir:s of til,lc insrrr.lncc, ius identifie(l in Schedulc A, in favor of the proposed insured trarrrcd in Sclrctlulrr A, ls on'rrcr or nrortgagcr: of the estatc or interest co\rcl'ed ltet'eby in the land desclibed or l'efen'e(l l.o in Sclrcdulc A, u1rcn payment of the prcmiums and chnt'ges tho'cfor; all suhjcct l,o l,lre provisir.rrrs of Sr'1r,.,lrrlt':i A turrl R rtrtd to thc corr{itions an{ rtipulu. tiorrs showlr on tlrc insidc of the covcr. Custourel Coltlct: Sara tlaLV,Sb ljy ---,-Saraial[-AUTHOttZIO 3tGt{A?UtlPlr<rne: - 476-5922 Theeffe?tivednteof thisconrmitmgnlig .ramrary 12, .,,19 .gl_at_ R OO a M. At which time fee title was vested in: TLIE PULIS I{ANOI, a Colorado Ljndted'partnr:rsl.rip sql0r)uLD A l. Policics to be issuecl : (A) Owncrs': SHAPIRO CONSTIIUCTfON COI'4PAI.IY, a Colorado Coq)oration (13) Mortglguc's : 1.118 PULIS RANCH, a Colorado Lidtql partnershjD c :-,rrn No. C.lll.l lkv. ?.1-?G /4 SCHDDULE A-Continued 2. Covering the Land in the State of Colorado, County of Eagle Described as: A portion of the NL of the NEk of Sectlon 9, Township 5 SouLh, Range 80 West of the 6th Ir.M., Town oll VaiI, CounLy of Eagle,State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows:. COMMENCIIIG at the Southeast corner of the Nl of the NL ofsaid Section 9; thence N89o23r4I"W 937.78 feet along the mosc Southerly limitsof VAIL VALLUY TfiIRD FILING, as recorded in Eook 259 at Page 69of the records of the Cl.erk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado,to the POINT Otr BEQINNIIIG; thence continuing N89o23'4]"W 808.28 ;eet along the Sout,herly limitsof the lrerein described parcel ithence dug North I59.73 feet; thence due Easc 68-7I feet; thence N6Io52159"E 164.'79 feet;thence N0Io52'59"8 88.67 feet;thence S88o07r0I"E 396.39 feet; thence N32o51'18"8 93.82 feet. along a radial ]ine to a point, ona curve; thence 68.98 feet along the arc of a 108.87 foot radius curve to theleft whose central angl-e is 35o18'02" and vrhose long chord bears S75oL7 t 43"E , 67 .83 feet; thence due South along a non-radial line I43.48 feet, said linealso being a ilesterly boundary of said VAIL VILLAGE TI.IIRD FILING ithence N8Bo2]'29"8 70.00 feet along the liniits of said VAIL VALLEY THIRD FILING; thence S02o02'30"8 241.80 feet, al.ong a Westerly limit of said VAIL VnLLllY tltlllD ITILING Lo a point: on thc nro:iL Southcrly iimiEsof said VAIL VALLEY TllIP.D PILING, said l,oinc being the POINT OP BEGINNING. ) orm No. C.lll.l SCHEDULE A-Continued NEQUIREMENTS g. The following are the requirements to be complied with prior to the issuonce of said policy or policies' -- eiv otfr"r in.t"u.ent ,-"orded subsequent to the date hereof may appear as an exception under Schcdule it;i 1h; poticy to be issued. Unless otherwise noted, all docurnents must be lecorded in the office of clerk and lecoi'der of the county in which said lrroperty is Lrcnted' A. Deed. from TtlE PUIIS RANCi{, a Coloraclo Limitecl PartnershiP to SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO" a CoLorado Corporation' B. Deed of Trust from : to Lhe Public Trustee for the use of : to secure : SIIAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO., a Colorado CorporaLion of the CountY of Eagle-fgn puf,fS ner'rCH, a Colorado L,,imited PartnershiP $ r, 875 ,000 . oo lorr Na C.lo.l o SCHEDULE B TIIE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED HEREUNDER \ryILL NOT INSURE AGAINST: 1. Righte or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public r.ecords. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encr.oachments, and any facts which acorrect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or riglrt to a lien, for sct'vices, l:rbor', or nratelill heletofor.c or hereafter furrrished, im-posed by law and not sllown by the public r.ecor.ds. 5. Taxes due and Pnylble; and any tax, sgrccial :rssessrncrrts, clr:u.gc or lien inrposed for. water or 6cwerscrvicc, or for any other spccial taxirrg distr.ict, 6. RighL of Lirc. Proprietor: of ir Vein or Loclc to exLract and removcj his orc thcrefrom shoulcl thc satne l.re fottrtd Lo peneUragc or intersect the premises hereby granteci, as reserved in United StaLes Patent recorded June 29, 1908 in Book 43 at' Page'495. 7. Righc .of way f or diLches or canals collsL):ucted by Ehe authority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patent recorded June 29, l90B in Book 48 at Page 495. EasemenL and right of vray for watcr arnd scvrerline purposes 'as granted to Vail Water and Sanitation District by Jay B. Pulis, Jr. warren Kamer Pulis, Jdy B. Pulis Jr. trustee and Warren Kamer Pulis, trusLee, in the instrument rccorded Pebruary 5, 1969 in Book 214 at Page 612, affecting the following described property: An easement 30 feet in width and lying 15 feet on each side of a centerline described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast. Corner of Section 9, Toetnship 5 South, Range 80 l,fest of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, thence S0o02'30"E 393.35 feet along the Easi line of said Section 9 to the true point of beginning; thence i'161o09 ' 4I"t'l l-92.44 feet; thence S74o57 ' 30ut'l 448.52 feet; thence S32o04 t l5ul'l L77.51 feet; thence 553o19 | 24"i.i 220.47 f eet; thence S13o41r 29"1{ L79.22 feet; thence s29o53r 29"vl 200.00 feet; thence s88o21r 29"i{ Ie3.00 feet; thence N56o22'47"tnl 282,84 feet; thence li64o22r51"W 480.00 feet; thence S8Io17r29uI.l 482.'l 4 feet; thence S63o19r13uw 250.59 feet; thence 568o4O'49"I{ 2?8.32 feet; thence N88o25'32"1^1 54?.11 f,eet; thence S?3o2I'19"W 370.00 feet; thence S24o08' 3I"w l-05.9? feet; thcnct: l;42o08'5I"I'i lt,b.0t| J.ccl- l:o.r lroitrt- on Lhe South linc of the N.!l\Nl{}r of said SccL.i.on 9 wiri.clr ir;9.62 feet llarsI of Lhe SonLh'.'rest- Corner Lhercoi, 0 Dasemants and right of way for Sunlcurst Sanitary Seuer Lift Station as sfprn rtn Drive, Vail Trail Hiking Ttail ard InternnunLain Bqineering Survey lV-0lI5S roro No, C.lll,l ltcv. a.ll.?0 C*,t cc(a.e"ts.,,., il i c( (c ( DEsrcN REVTE* 4 F.6 7n BOARD DATE OF MEETING: MEUBERS PRESEI{T: Febrrary 2, 1978 8111 Ruoff i4 ili!t Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro SUBJECT. Shapiro Lot 26 Townhouses Lot.-, BIocK ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: , TILING IICIIIION: VO([E: SECOMED BY: AGAINST:FOR: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUIIIIIARY: z j c 2 El 'J eh F. 2 gl I2 2 I\R R$i I<N Ut-st olw-l Rl.c\[ i { \\rt z ltH3 I nl EI olI Fl If, s) Fo ul -r?=z € llr f;;"V "rf 2 _n6-\J: zo FY=i6 9ox> :z:< UJJo-()>oFO ; c,i It I urI z ) Fr> FAr.E <v F6 t{FF _.<ti 'ur C 2<<ozzo< F, F.<(.) ': ,4EcAO{o2o FEo><otrl E!l< E E uJ z '- lt):*d6 ul ul ozl uJ zgF ft llt tt u,c F J a qlt t o t! J F F atFz uJ =uJq ul t Er ltl o u z -o Jf o = l+o =, =eF Et oooo or 2 - -7-=QDATE ./ / /JOB NAME CALLER . READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: TUES ;''wioi' tNsffTroN'deouesr TOWN OF VAIL. THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED fI REINSPECTION REQUIRED --7- 77DATE INSPECTOR oo JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON ,,--...\( *t-, t- 1-- ' .a-;t .; /t L.x DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PMAM INSffTION REQUEST TOWN OF CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ,))-/t/- 7 /)o,-t .&4t ft ,otrr-a --1,t-- * i- , It4< t ..t)t I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE +NSPECTOR oo rusPE.OCt"FTEOTJEST VAIL -i,!'', !//,*h tl iDATE4JOBNAME -lME BEcEtvEo ,"):g(liheru cALLEF ,, N TOWN OF ,if '' .l i! l." n f', ;i {.r,'ti E orxen n pnnrrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION D orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcrI nneRovED .E UPOI,I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR D' oo rNsPE.?,Ct ''.EeuEsr TOWN /.:' ":-. -.-' OF VAIL E orsen ,.r.-5:n\, i:y::. 'THUR ,'I-: l.1U entt ! pnnrrlu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION t.n t FRI COMMENTS: E nppRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoltowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .t,.-.j :li-t'... t ..1-"'- oo rNs"="OC* JoB NAME ltF, TOWN OF DATE TIME REcEf vEDj- Attf.lld*:> 9ALLER --;".'a':'':- +-;-ti'F /zz-- ' 't rl FIEGIIJEST'-: VAIL I ! orxen E pnnrrnu LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRt AM PM Elhpp Rov E D E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE OF MEMBERS IIEETING: |t|r11:[' l_9f e PRESENT: erLIfOr OO LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SEAPIRO SUBJECT:Gol f Course C'lubhouse - ref ri gerat'ion uni t IO,T ACIIO}I T/[MN BY BOARD: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: , BLOCK_, FTLTNG ABSTENTION: -to bn t i- toJ 1l^t s ir *i,a rNsPEhoN REeuEsr TPWN OF VAIL ert wED rHUR / ,or, {// JoB NAME / a'6 -. CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H- TUB tr {r'"o.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL t APPRovED ]ORRECTIONS; tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIHED INSPECTOR /DATE t( ./ t/ JoB NAME / (, INSPETIoN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .': ( r.. -' CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON {,TUES / WED THUR FRI\/ LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERtr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr 1r'*o,-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr E FINAL D FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ./. .//, INSPECTOR o n\\t/tJ.T-rVare*f%-*A ? G/t,((?? o -- 9/-A \nuh- lerz- (*, O*d e-"H,,T Wc-{?*- ( l'l oan*. ,1r.1^* A.t* ,tu///x /-4,*"- It&r-t^-|l tJ,le ftF C..4,"*- n*;/* ; r2/&" ;[e, N,6 ,/,J"L*- 12"-2 ,l UT (t o"lr, li t1 i V A IL GALF C LA.B! t ----'' Proiect Nam€: Project Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Prolect Applicalion Lll o^t" 6- 7- 7? Architect Address and Phone: L€gal Doscription: Lot Block Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 6-/4-7?Date DISAPPROVAL Zoqing Ad Chiet Building Off icial V a Town of Vail FI.ECIR,ICAL PERMIT Erectricar contracror..-.- ........tl)r.p......"2..t."-.r.*",r...,.-...4s.,........-...... APPROVALS $...7-./........... ". N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 349 $.-.......-..-..--........... $..."Je.,.4......... t..... J. !. :.9... -....... Date Paid-...-.- ks=n THIS FORM 13 POSTED ON JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 24 HOI,JRTI ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS THr r. r. [ca!trr ro,. orxYrl rloa5r Jolrl^at" A. $'l1*1*t*l*ffi*ffil,i:: i\If11ldlrirQ:<ll tl:li.r;$Fl Ei alUbl { r.< tr>loE iNl 6 \.1:\lel 8.9E€9E Eg66€() €i9ar "a$ b€ ${sr i < I I I I I 9t?l AIIr{\lt-t u,1 rj-l I .EE II.l ^1t IFI -tI I .9 GI E v1 .sl-l c'or ?F{r , (l)a.tr<.9 l6tl.c I JO1rl e9i'-E -:l| 31lNl eGE\\'l =rY'i )IrT iEE GI 5r.:E* A-AiE,sl-.9i-+t -:Bn = ?..!i.s.;q oo(€) ct3.9 l8 6_Jg i-ea>l - *C*| r.! 4t '-€?lsBl E ! i\rl q, =FH.? at ttr*= ;;Eb E go qrBc.le.9 VE;ite rt (l)E E" t E:E::?€ E I; g 3!e:;;gu ;J 11*ffifi a13 la:e:i;;3!.t3 F IA IiE;?:liEiE iEe lq aEi€E+A ^^' Ec.SEli:iEtESi EiEfEIi;:;iiias;ei d: 3nl i:Eils:ili g ' ". 6 +:i t;sE-*;E€i : :o r l;l '.;;E:E;i:. ; rtq 7 lSEEE=n1s+rEI ? ',, 6 8 j't'ast*e;EEEEE; \ t 1l1l Nl t. I I I I I\rl\l I $ I q) 'a xil) '.4 E E t NOTtcE ls HERcIJY GIVIil ]1"-t,.11i' Mervvn'|.uql:..'::orosentlnq Cross- roads of var I nui-ippii"o for-trui iointr !"ll''"il':1.:3: :::tiil?99 :filli::"it l:i;;;ll:;' ::-:r:l;i li'.i ^' 3;ll;.?le" i ;;;- "" ro d Li'na' buil<tins In non.oir.ri"^." ,lt!.tilti;";' 10.602 ano- ro'606 on Lot P' ;;;;k ilo, vutt Vtllas;o Flrst Flllng' NoTlcE ls ||E'REBY GIVEN f l?1 f ' Charlos 0sll?y tunresentlns Apotlo park has appl loo'?or-o conoltton"r-ilt. Fo.rnit in accordanco wlth Arttcre tB, secrroi'ri.ico-"t.o.ii"l.l" 6 tsutl:: ot't9731 In order roeermltfou:'t;;'i";-ipo"o'r"'u''iiiiisool^LlolloParklocato<l on Tract D, vat i'iiii"nl'-First Flllns ln an HDMF zone' NOTTCE lS l'tEREBY GIVEt{ that.,Val I Metropolltan REcreatlon Dlstrlct has apptlod for':-;";lit19""l uss'Permlt In accordance wlth Arrtlcle tB, sectlon ra'16o-oi-otolnun""-i i;;;itt'ot-igz:l ln order to permIt an ado,'ill ;;;;;'dorr ciuu-trouuo ln an AgrIcultural zone. A Publlc Hearl!9.11tl be^hel.d In accordance 'wtth Sectlon 2l'400 of 0rdrnance lto. B (sorres of.rpz!i in-o"u.uo!t,,it , lg74 at 2:00 ; :':' ii'iii" v ": i, T,t::illi.;;: i:i:;,,.*'iil ";ilt l: I ?"F i "l:i "i"i:l:'and varlances w mlssl<.in and ttndings wl I I u" ttjlt!*i+;"; to tho io'un councll 'for the Town of Vall' JarruarY 28, 1974 TO',"|i'i OF VA I L NOTICE OF PUALTC HEARIIiG Dlana S. Toughl ll iontng Adnlnlstrator '._-_<)- Zonlng Varlanc,es.Thus requlrl-ngFlrst F1I1ng. ;*'a APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR I ANCE And,/0r COND IT IONAL USE PERM IT Ordinance No.8 (Series ot 1973) Application Hearing Date Date J'anuary.25, 1974 Feb rua ry 2l , lg74 Publication Hearing Fee Date FeQluary l,1974 Wa i ved Final' Declsion date for Town Counc i I Ma rch 5 197 4 D i str ict (we ) Va i I Metropo I i tan Recreaf ion of P. 0. Box 100 (Applicant) Colorado Vail (Address) phone 476-56 l3 (Sfate) do hereby request permission to Comm iss ion fo req uest the fo | | ow Variance f rom Arti Zon ing Change f rom Park ing Va r iance P lann ing Section +^ low Addition to golf club (ci aP pea r ing: ty) before the Vail r'l a Conditional Use Permit fo al house fn Agricultural Tone For the fo I low i no described property: Lot,/tract_, Block Filing Number Clearly state purpose and intent of this application addition to the Golf Club House to provide additional dining space, and of f ice sDace. A Conditional Use Permit is necessarv to construct the proposed What do you fee I is the bas is for hardsh ip i n th is case? :/"o.;.-'-'- ; '' " ,r-rfl;l-[1r, ,r*,, Qo* .LUB H'usE -- *rror*J*n"dt* The conditional use permit is required to expand tlre golf clubhouse . structure -- which is in an Agricultural Zone. P'lans were presented by Bill Pierce; criteria and findings were reviewed fron the zoning ordinancei and the Zoning Administrator indicated that the structure meets all technical requirements. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve a conditional use permit for the golf clubhouse, and to recommend same to the Council. DS/nmm 4 J'-a*"{ /e' aa-'t^-'-'At- -2- rNsPECTttt TOWN OF FlEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE E peRrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE I NSPECTOR tNsPEcrtfN TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE E penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED fiUR FRI AM PM E appRovED ElorsappRovED fl nerNSPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE