HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 7 PHASE 1 GENERAL LEGAL: ,,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Fmntag€ Road, Vail, Cplorado 81657 te[ 970.479.2139 fax: 97A,479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame; Uhley/Bigsby Remodel DRB Number: DR8010199 Proiect Description: 2 gable roof additions & re-roof Padicipants: OWNER UHLEY, JOHN DAVID 07116/2001 Phone: 1180 CASOLAR DR E VAIL CO 81657 Ucense: APPUCAIIT Rudi Fisher Architects, Inc.0/L6|2CfL Phone: 949-5624 -Rudi or Kevin PO Box 641 Vail, Co 81558 License: Prcjed Mdress: 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: A&B Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: CASOLAR VAIL Parcel Number: 210312101009 Comments: BOARD/s'TAFF ACTION Mouon Byr Action: STAFFAPR Se€ond By;Vote: DateofApprovalt 08/06/2001 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C,ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB apprcval does not constitute a permit for building. Please mnsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C.ond: CON0004928 Easement must be established for the addition in the private road Cond: CON0004929 repaint must be for both units Planner: Allison Octrs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Jt-{-.1e.zBS1 3:39Fr4 Descritrion dthe Locationafftcpr"Dwil: r*7 A Parcd Zoningl Xam{s}d0mr€(s,}: Ourog{c) SignabG(s)l I{en€dADpliGarU ilaillfig 16665u; EaSle €0. Asessor Et 9?0-328{810 frr pard no.} eP FelH{ Fcconstlrctin of a new buklhp ordErcfr€hdld, For an dc|ition t|hcr? rryec futrp ir addld b rny re$dffUal 0r conrG,f,ral htiHhg (tf,ldGs 25{, adlttrF & fSeftrEmt t'Sdl3). fur flftor cfwE€t b htiLfngs .nd et! i'rp|orrsnents, $.rh 6, reroffit4 pehfiE wittdor adtithnsr fanascaplng, tsfcs and r€bn['19 r,tp$, ek fu rwFhns b pbrE alrEaq qprqrd Ey plaff*E $df fi $e Dedgn Rarieil Boaftl Drve TYpe of R*ri.ur ald Fee:tr f{ew &n$r.rilontr Adriltlm { r.uroEfanmn tr ftangcstoAgFrE'vcdphrs ED I,0.461 P. LtB *m ^'Tffi"*$ wtD: wryw.ci.€il.@.us Gesenf Inftrmaffonl II"l'!tr$*. b.br ily p{qect rc$JtrfiT Hrt Reder approrat. fty troFEt rEqJftE desBt rg*tlf ,rrsrr€eft,e.+F.€td prb b s8nhng a hrtfirg pemat alFtmn. pteaec nttr U, fu s{.tnffit railrlrnrgrE 'r Ure mk_ryl tta! i!.r!$i6d. A'| ddidrbri'tu Desi$r naielr cernt be aftEed'rnut *t rcqrreCnrwmacn ts nftfurrl by $,G cofirffinty 0ererrnent Departnern ne FojGi fil.rr rto ricel o ue nvixil uysre. rorvo coufrcll and/or tje plililng nnd Erwfiorrnatat coffirl*tm Dertgn Rark soa11 agpiltd 6gp3mhee r hrildql fsrft b igr.d-drd .llrrfrr.tcn ccoragrca rlutricr yrrr * ur +iiwrL $200 fso @ s20 nEnsE aJ8!uT'IHI5 AppucA?l0ll, fi.r sjBilrrAt R8gxn$fafis Allo THE Fe€ TO lHE DFAFTIT/|EI{TOr COUUtnnv oaiaoprerr, 7s SqrIH mo$rAGE KlAo, VAI| CCI-mAOO 816S7, Plryskallgnss: JUL | 0 2001 IOITITPR@ERIY(MI{CR UruTTETI IPPROI'AL I.TTEE a tshtsrlner dp,roperty locakd at (oddr€s$lk$t ds$ffi) ptori& ttri: kttrr as wdttm agpronal dSE ptans dated whk$ hare been submitted to $e Tewn of Vait €ommunity D6€@ment DepilUnent ftr tfre prcpced imgDv€fiFiliE t0 be cprnpleted at $e addrEss notett above I undlrstafld ttrat fie prspsd impfiorcmefiE hdudei I futtlur underdard that minor rnodifi€atioris may be made bo &e plans ov€r tfte ourse cf tln raierre pt@ b €nsu|t compllarE wlth [re Torn! apgtkabte cod€s and Ggulations. z/lo lao"l -{Dah) | I0l|l\l I,(mrtnarn'e)h)\- -|C . IOITIT PRWERTY OW?IER WRITIEII IEPROVAL ETTER €r5ts Dn,'i. a jolnt owns of eqeerty located at {addnss/hgal (,.re:f 0Jrfdescription) /l8o Cnto* proddethis lesErir writHr agpoml dtfie pldnedated whirlh haw been submttred to tfre Tarn of Vail Cornmunrty DerebpE€|t Dcparur€nt tu tfre f0p6ed impronemnB b be Esrpleted at &e addrEss rrotsd aborc" I undersbfld tfBt tre propd imtrtwenenB hdu(h: I fuifier under$and that minor modificrbbns may be made b fie plans ner fte murse of th€ rsrieilv t0 ers,re campliarre wlfir $re Torn! applkabte cod€s and r€grlEuons. July 3, 20Ol Mr. John Uhley 1180 A Casolar Drive Vail- CO 81657 Dear John: The Architectural Committee of the Casolar Del Norte Homeowners' Association has reviewed your plans for the roofadditions to cover your entranceway ofyour residence at 1180 A Casolar Drive, and find them to be in comptiance with the building guidelines and covenant restrictions of the homeowners' association. Secretary Treasurer-Casolar Homeowners' Association 406 Peterson St. Ft. Collins. CO 80524 JUL.l?.a881 3:41Pr't PROFOSEDTREES A'\ID SHRU8s N0.461 P,Aig FROPOSED t ilrtoSCAPIilG Eotanical llemc Gonmon llame QqenUtv $E ffi[ffi ?l/*&fl)Wfl\v-,F"t tF zffityq_| . 4q-, Hinimum Requiremmts ti0r unds€ping:Deciduous T|€es - 2" Cdip€r Coniferous Treg - 6' in heiglrt Shrubs - 5 6al. Tyng $ouanFggraoc GROUNDCOYER so0 SEED IRRIGAfiON WPEOF EROSON €I{TRO. Please specitY o$er landsapc fertures (i.e. r6ining warts. ftffies, swimmrng omrs, t.) JLf- . 1A . aB61 3: 4€tPt't Euildlng ltttertah Roof gldrng OtherWa[ l@fiats Frscir Solfits Windows WindowTrim Doots gmrTrim l{and or Deck Raib Ru6 Flashing chtmneys Tresh Enclt6ur6 Gnentrruses R*aining WdE ffiorLightinq Other tlob: LIST OF PRoF(FCD ilATERIAUI nrmdtll|Erial M].461 P.Z4 Co[or A€&++rr ++lNdLe W Tr wtfi+ F'tt14 'u ro 1v,*ir:Qfr_wt+rr= W LWN 4#4N Pl€ase speclfy the manuhcbrer's o&r and number and dffir a color chlp. All exbdor lighting ms$ nld $e Ttrrnt reguhtions ltgaftling llgftttng (see Tiffe 14 - Dssprent stardants). lf exMor li,gttting is proped, ptece irdfae drJ nurnUcr .if rofirres ard lootians gn a sepanE lightry plan. tdentfy ecfr futrrre type and proyide Ste hcEht aborc grade, luncns o*puq, lsminous arca, a$ atbch a cut dlcrt of ttc lbfit ffrtuRs. uilJw r-ocfllofl vnmceuoil ftis form is b vrltry servL? a\rdlattllv and locauon for new €m*udon ild stsuld be rsed In coniyndiol with prlBirE rrur utitiry pFn and sfi€duting ir|sElla0orE. The location and availrutity d utilldes, whcdur utef ate main trunk llnee or propqsed lines. mrrt be rpprornd ard wirted by $G follovring utilatics fo. tfieaEompaflying siF ptan. Autlror!*dSfiunaurc Egre QvuESr 970.:184.0?38 (tet) 970.384.02t (fa) ConbcL Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGfi PRESSURE 970.458.2528 {H} Contad: €nree{4ike B^ias r.tolY cRoss E.eoRrc NSOC. 970.94e.58S12 (FU 9?0.919.,1566 (ra) conEtu Ted ttusky o(CEL EFIERST 303.571.7s18 (ht) 303.t1.7877 tfad Contact: Paul Kdbgg EAGLE RIVER, WATER & 5*,914n6'u DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (Et) 970,476,4088 (fax) Contad; Fred Ftaslee AT&T BROADSAND 970.9a9.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (frx) Conta$: HoW Salauar See olk<frgD p"oPora\ $n-c'v' 6vce\ '.jv\tars3 cr,,\!,i $as \s qO G€..1 or,<.5 . Q2-Lr \ soro5 tV*q u.t4 suye^.t or:?n errsFn r+',n ls nca,a ci \i",,e. I *e Frr,ry-t@ FAY --T@ NrN-fw 4\y1^asw rItrl1 t. *Please prwidl a site plan, ltoor phn, ard eler/atbrs whcn obEining apgtral ft'orn tn Eegts Rirnr Wrtrr & Sanibtion Disklcl fire flow oeeds fiust be #'ls6ed. rfoTEs: If tite utility wtificdion form hr dgnanrrcs frorn eectt of ftc r*ility conpinies, ild no srifitnts are nude dircdy on he ftm, thc Torvn wilt pnsura trat $rere are no trode$s and src @ebpmert can pfllcee{. If a utility cornpany has @ncems with dre progos€d cenetrdiDn, tftg utlity I€r€sentetrde snail noE dir€ctly on the usltty '/€dllcatton brm $at &erE is r flootcm whldr needs to be csdrnd. Th€ issu€ should tren be d€bil€d in an sadred htbr b the Torn of vail. lol're'g, pleese @in rnind tlrat it b the respon$hlitr sf rre utllu company ard $€ rmlkirrtt b rEsfiE ifuttfidl pmblefiIi Tnesa vertftations do nd rdiew ttte mntacbr of ttu r€spoflsbfiiV b obin a RrilE Way permit ftmr the Dcpartrnentof Publk Wods atficTor,n cf Vail. tftitibe locatbrE musilJE ortaioerl btfors ^d!sg.Os in any prbNic right*f-way or E|ser|€nt wiurin the Tovn of r/ait Afuild.lo !G.f- Public mv peflrttand m$t bc obbined sEpafetelv, r'.r-- #fuif, ' t$f t ntni.S3'Ht. o HOLY NE'I o Ttrr9?6 l.,|o.49S 94E 4566 P. 1?,wE wcRoss v^rLg?as4s,€a UTLfiTI TfiDill'E[lEfffiil Thl! lbril is 6 .riiry gniil seitbHtr trd l*r Sr $w {ltet'dtil lt! ltlqdd E uild il coniundiqr tiilt F toffu driffi'gd-a'il dtqryStrsrrtffi'a rtn Har:d rffil or uilftlcs, whdic rr"r tr nf,'dfr[fi E';;itnFil nilnrr* n *rac rrd rrtrhd bt itE toilruxing rgl*litS fs'ttle fCrilWilvittl sltl f,alt {nffistrc.$Eil4! Ee qwEsr $70.38$.0&t8 (H) 970.3E*,e57Gr) Contsct lffir$erF PUEI-IC SEM/E TIGK FTHilFE 970..t58,2S8(ts|l comacl ln*r'lf,fl€F triu r{gLYCTOS A.GgnrrctSC 97q.s{aj892(Ul 970.s{9.qi66 (fb) ConuEl TedHdry ffi-$B6r to3J?L7518 (Et) 36.5tr.tffi (rdd Cs€tt tuull€lo$ ii,reue nwn, mrs, r srilIfalrll DISrrufir 970.4767180(Erl r?0.+?6.{0€9 (frr) Cdttts t F|ldl{tElE ATATSROTOEAI{D 970.tH9,1lil4r U2(Hl 97o.9|rsur(fi$ c0nta6: Fls6 Salur ilt fEs: I rsc l{iliryl,Gilt€Ean Hnhlt slgmur6 f'gtn €[ttt otltEuultlv ornrirr, ilc.ts ciltrtlllt aru nrrdc dinrly trr uE *r;;E-iiln nll prrurru ur* ui:ru ut no grod+u rtl{ !E tlEr.€b$rsttclfi F(€d. r a dililr ottttrtlv tnNi 6!ilt15 wltr tre Fugqtid crgrer' uG qnt Gg€F6ltt $trn nse d[rErdr crt urc u[nr nrirffir tsrn fta8lu r a;Fildtt SS H-9r nr*ud' ilG;-tdrb-ilrg l:'-e#d in rnailair rrCn u UriTun dVrf ltmct, Crc rll in nird tlst it h utc rEm;'J dtG-,tditt '6rrtfnv lnr m lnnrt u Esfc iffi*c pm-aitltg Thes wfift$tlr (r nqt nfdt $! GotlE Gbr 0t uts raosr b otlrh r Frffs-ltlrr PEnftm,r."wffiffi 9upliE Wrl, ilrilil td.ERh dbElincd3E qF[Fta N-oT\ff*fwffi i- qr+ctirrar P^aPcu\ $fua +Yc4l t\Alr'{ 1.\\q $al \l dQ $aer' a.a.g. 9a$\ -'t''+s d*ri q5 i.*v:f r*,rn amtt'*q't r" n*r'a g-\igg rFlse prur{dt I gE Blilr, tlcp Can' rtd eEd|s "fren oEani"tg l|nlr'at fiun tE ErgE fi5tr'ner & SanrErlon ilGttGL Fr!lbw tIG tnrstE Ltils!' e XcelEnergy"' PUETIC SERV'CE COMPANY Iuly 10,2001 JohnUhley I I 80 Casotar llrive #E Vail, Colomdo 81657 RE: Roquest for new Nauxal Gas Service Service Address: 1180 Casolar Drive #E & \I/, Vail (01 GR 5003) DearMr. uhley: Thankyou for rnquesting service to the above referenced location As your primary cortact pqson at Rtblic Servico' I'ill cornmitted to providing the coordination ad sll[)on needed to sati$ your energy needs ard meet your poject schd{e. Based on the iofomrdion pu have prwided and the service rquirendts r€quested, I have compleied the engineering design and cost estirnate to provide Gas seivice. The cost to pluvide C:as service alowing P6lic Selvice Compary to do all nenching; rcad wod< and asphalt repair is$1608.00. This unount includes $984.00 foryour contnhttion to the nain oce,nsion This amouril does not include ary remedial landscape qra'*. Please rerrit a total payment of $1608.00. Rrblic Service Cocpany will not be respoasible ftr the repair or replacemurt costs rcsufting from damages to "IFigation Systems" which ar€ not marl<ed prior to begisning this installation- This estirnate is v.alid for 120 days from the date ofyom request or 60 days ftorn the dale of this lger (whiohsv,er eucmds further) aad is srbject to price hcreas€s theafier. To minimize any posstle delay in meeting pur mnsmction scbedulg it is impoative that ycu sign and ryhrm all agreenerss and retumyorn consnuction pdyment promptly. Plcase have tre pafy r*ponsible for your job site coordination review the li$ of Standad Cortingencies mrl pr,oposed installation drawing rnd notify me of any problems in comptying with &ese requiruneuts. Please slgn tbe enctosed Contingency LiS and Consrrrence Drawing and return witl yor con$nrclion paymcnt C.onstructiot camc be schefuled uuil they arc rcc€ivd. As your prinrary contact for this pmjecr I may be reached at 970-26?4470 or you may FAX information to me at n0-949-3289 . My business hours re ftom 8:00 AIvl to 5:00 PM Monday thmugh Friday . If I am unarailable ard your need is imrediate, you may contact Jim ONd Planno at 7194864514 or Terry Sullivaa Manager Gas Operations aty70-262444 . Should you have any qBastioru or concems with regard to this infonnation, please contact me af your earliest oppoftmity. We look forward to being your mergr provider. Contingency List Concunence Drawing P O. Box 430 Minturn. Colorado 81645 I FORM (H) 4 | 0"tU43 76 o fl V cA+ .-_Q_. Nlo Scau{- egY \e \ to\ St d- CONCURREITTCE TOI Foutq MEter Location,Point of Delivery andContingencies. By Date Titla Phone 3ra.l-az?-rrvl l(Bo C;..:oLprfl. a R lrq0 ,*L Present Gas LtCT,HD Telephone Phone Electric Phone Steam Phone Westem Unlon Phone TV Cabfe Phone Plpe Prot€ctlon hoposed 6as - - Range- Llnes Water Phone Sewer. Phon€ Clther Phone ttess, System Testl n"tnro. 44t .-414 orcrerNo. Ol \ SOIO cREcNo.OtGR5nO3 DrawnBy +\.4m7-f Appv'd t'\ n a F\lDate d\'4\f LJ I Tle{n lnformatlon: WFTY? rEptp- @A-6 HOMESTAKE AT VAIL TRACT B @ SNOWLION AT VAIL B-2 @ G-5 CASOLAR A-9 LION'S RIDGT SUBDIVISION VAIL uNO 11 oV The as-built drawinge contain only general informa- tion as to the descriptiory nature and location of any and a.ll water and sewet facilities. Pursuant to Section *1.5-103, C.R.S,, and veith reBpect to such water and sewer lines. the drawings alc only intended to Pro- vide general irrformation to any Person desigping or requiring excavation, Ihe Districts and Johnson, Xuirlet, S Associates, Inc' expressly disclaim and assume no liability for the location ot existence of the water or sewer matls depicted on those drawings inclding, but not limited to sewer and watel main linea and sewer and watef stub-outs. ATCH oLD 024 SIMBA RUN CONDOMINiUMS FH OlO t /@,@ soLAR ffi:8 S+d,- TELEMARK TOWNHOUSES 4-g oLD o23 VAIL @ G-/fi;\\: ":,/ f,NOft AIit, ltBN 8I TllESE PRESENIS ' t]rat'the underslgned, CASOI.AR VIII, (hereinafter call.ed rcrantorn), for a good and valuable consideration' the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgedr does hereby grane- unto BOLY cnoss ELEL*1IRIC ASSOCIATION' INC. r a cooperative corporatLon whose post office address ls Glen$ood SPrings ' Colorado (hereinafter called ncranteeol, and to its successors and assigns, the :ight of lngtess and egfeas across Iands of crantor r situate in the county of gagle, State of Colorado r described as follons: A resubdivl.sion of lrots A-8 and A-9, Block A, vail Ridge Subdllvision, to$n of vail, as platted arne recorded in Book 2?t at Page 215 Ln the Eagle County courthouse r Eagle r Colorado - And. to construct, reconstruct, repai!, change, enlarqe. re-pha$er operate. ind'rnatntain an underground electrliE'-transmission or distribution liner or both, t ith the undergiound vaultsf conduit, f J.xtures, and equipment used or useable in connection therewith, together nith assocj-ated equipment required above g;ound, within the above nentioned lands. upon an easemeRe descri.bed as follows: gunnoiChobiib niirin-or-wAv EAsitltel rrL/f 3l An easement ten {10) feet in width' the centerline for easement being electric potrer facilities as installed, appro:<irnate locatlon of rehich uPon the above tuentioned property is shonn on Exhlbit A, attached hereto and nade a Part hereof by referenco. Together rtith the right to renove any and all trees, brush, vegetation' and obstructions vtithin saLd strip oi land nhen such is reasonably necessary for the imPlenentation and use of the rights hereinabove granted. After the exercise by Grantee of any of its fight-s hereunder, Grantee shall promptly restore the suface of the ground to its forrner condLtion, as nearfy as is Practicable, andl shall' prompt.ly replace any and all trees, brusb, and veg€tation removed or damaged by Grantee. Grantor agrees that all facilities installed by Grantee on the above descrlbed-lands shall remain t}|e proFef,ty of Grantee, and shal'l be renovable at the option of, Grantee. Grantor covenants that it ls the o$ner of the above described lands, and that the said J.ands are free and cleal of encumbrances and liens of rhatsoever character except those held by the follo!'f ing: To IIAVE AltD TO HOLD said right-of-lray and easement, together with all and sLngular the rights and privileges appertaining thereto, unto Grautee' j.ts successors and assigns, forever. saiil the IN ltITNaSs HDEREQP, Crantor ha;i caused these Presents to be duly Pal,ne STATE OFS:TATE OF COI]NjIY OF achnowledge d before ne tllg 1ffif,day of bi ifr n lJCOI'NTYOTW Tbe foreqoing- instrument tas ) ss. ) acknowl edged befgre me this ,1978, W day of tb{r+fu'A' , L9'78. by DELN L. xNOx' :-i\ ..' a''i i;-i;j,.H::;.ir.-s " ;t? seal. , EXHIATT A f3 |llt J s N casoLlR vArLA RESSBDIVISION OF L TSA-8 and A-9r BLOCK A, IJIONS RIDGE SUEDIVISION, TOVIN OF VATL. o I (Casolar vail : Job*?8-7 190 s areaf 51 -58 : 9./13./7 8 ) SCATF: ln = 100' SPLICE VAULT PAD t'iOgNTED ITRiNTSFORHAR TJNDERGROI'ND POIIBR LIIfE I ffiraffi3 SrATE OF COLCRAOO 1.. Countv of EAGLE t -'I hcr:[r ccrtify t]':i ti.'i i':::rrtrnt m: fihd frt rs:t'J 'i\ ''' ' sEP I ? 1e78 ?aYry Return to: HoIY Cross Electric P.O. Drawer 250 Glenwood SPgs' ' CO' Assn. 8L601 to ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectiou2 @xceptlons)Our @er No. VCn3225 The policy or policies to be issued wiU coutain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNIJSS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER II,7992IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 495. 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF CASOLAR VAIL ruNE P, I9l.r IN BOOK 27I AT PACE 215. 14. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1'8 IN BOOK 275 AT PAGE 834, Ca-f,I)/ 15. EASEMENT AN RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO STEWART H. BROWN IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JUNE 26, 19?9IN BOOK 287 AT PAGE 341. Io LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real prcperty may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding spocial districts and the boundaries of such districts rnay be obtained from the Board of County Commissionen, the Couaty Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, Dn, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recordiag or fiIing ia the clerk and recordet's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, rigbt afld bottom margin of at least ooe half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to rccord or file any document that does not conform, ercept that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documefts using fo|ms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matte$ which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closfurg and is rcsponsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closedn, Provided that Land Title Guaraffee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents ftom the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the knders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typica[y by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent foom the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditiotrsl A) The land described in Schedule A of this commiment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Conmitment within the past 6 motrths. C) The Company must teceive an appropriate afftdavit indemnifying the Company egainst un-filed mechanic's and material -men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been constnrction, improveme.nts or major repairs undertaketr on the property to be purchased within six months prior to Oe Date of the Commihent, the requirements to obtain coverage. for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain constnrction iaformation; financial infomatioo as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premiun ftrlly executed Indemoity Agreements satisfactory to the conpany, and, any additioml requirements as may be necessary after ao examination of the aforesaid infomratioa by the Compalry. No coverage will be given under any circumstaaces for labor or material for wbich the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay, Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-123, notice is hereby given: A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estat€ has been severed, leased, or otherwise couveyed ftom the $urface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all hterest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such miaeral estate may include the right to €,uter aud use the propedy without the surface owner's permission. This notice applies to owner's poliry corrmiments cotrtaidng a mineral seveftnce instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are firlly satisfied. Form DISCLOSURE oo JOINT NOTTCE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fldelity Natlonal Financial Group of CompanieslChicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July L, 2001 We recoguize and respect the privacy expectatiotrs of today's consuners and tle requir€ments of applicable federal and ltate privacy laws. Wb believe that makiirg vou aware of 6ow we use volu noo-oublic personal infoimation ( "personalInformation"), and to whom it is discloseil, -will form the basis for a rblationshib of misr between us and tbe-public lhat we serve. This Privacy Statetnent provides thar explanation. We ruerve thd right to change this Privacy ^ Statement from time to time consistenf with applicabldprivacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: | lron applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative;* From ybur uansactions with, or from the services being p6rformed by, us, ojur affiliates, or others;* From bur internet web sites:* From tle pullic records $aintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entlnes, or rrom ow alntlates or others: and* From consumer or other reporting agenbies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Contidentiality and Securtty of Your Personal Inforrnatlou We maintain physical, electrouic and procedurat safesuards to Drotect vour personal Information from unauthorized acoess or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal ldfonnation oolv tir those emplovees who need such access in cotr!€ctiotr with providing products or services to you or for other i6girirnate Uusineijpurposes. Our Policies and hactices Regarding the Shariug of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information wilh our affiliates, such as inzurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlement service provideB. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: * to agents, brokers or representatives to provide vou with services vou have reouested:x to third-party contractois or-service pro'viders who provide servicris or perforni markrlting or other functiods on ow behalf: and* to othprs with whom we enter into joint marketing agreenents for products or services that we believe you may find of ioterest, ln addition, we will disclose your Personal lnformation when you direct or eive us oermission. when we are reouiredby law to do so, or when we susDect fraudulent or crimiml acfivities. We al-so mav disclose vo'ur Personal Information when otherwise peniri-tted by applicable privacy laws such as, for exainple, whd disclosure is needed to e oroe our ngnts ansmg out ot any agreement, tratrsaction or relationship with you. Qne qf t$; important responsibilities of some of our affrliated companies is to record documents fu the public domain. Such documentC may cotrtaitr your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Ermrs Or Requcst Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the rieht to access your Perconal Information atd. under certain circumsBtrces. to fitrd out to whom your Persorial laformatior has beeir disclosed. Also. certain statei afford vou the risht to reou6st corection, amen{rne-nt or deletiotr of you{ Personal lnfornaation. We reserve the rii'ht, wherd permiftal by law, !o charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to sucb requests. - All.requests submitted to. tht Fidelity National _Finaocial Group of CompanieVClicago Title Insurance Company sball be il writing, aod delivered to the following address: Privacy Compliance Offr cer Fidelitv National Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220' Santa Brb8a, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services {we pm-v_ide yog qrth more than one fi-uancial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this rray cause you. Form PR I V. PoL.CHI r\ t'-"oll_!_r,,. it*J. *L"h:-'t-.&4J21!-- l-{---- xm t'r!;. irtnlrr ts i/o2 d,'l-' ',, I EAS E14ENT Tl! Is AGREEl,lfl{T, mada and enteied into thi t !-'/i' ,iny of $,''t"- ,19i9, btr and betwcen DEAti E L. Kll0X and--i-f,O*il['yltE, blr'tliT'-of the first part. wh{ch expresslon shalI include thelrheir:, i-.Iecutors, a d rn i n i s t r a t o r s , a!rents or assiqns where th'l co,ltext so req ires, and STfHART H, BR0"'lN,0arty 0f the 5,?condpart, which expression inr:ludes his execulors, adminjstral.trs, agents, or assi gns where lhe cont.ert so requirr:s or adniti' }lITNESSETH: \.lllEREAS, the paf ti es of iLe f i rst part ovln real property 'i n Eaq le County, Col orado, descri bed as foj I ows: CAS0LAR VAl L(a ilesubdivision of Lots A-B and A*9" Blcck "A" Lion's Ridge Subdivi si on, Town of Vail, Eagl e County, Col orado ) accord i ngto the plat thereof reconded in Book 271 at Page 2)5; and l.,HtREAS, the party of the second part 'i s the owner' of adjacent real properf,y in Eagle County descrif e<i as foliows: L0t G-4, Lion's Ridge Subdlvision Filing lto. ?, recorded in Book 255 at Page 444; and NHEREi S the party of the second part desjres an {.:asemcnt across the property of the parties of the first part .rf i'ordinq access to seurer I ines in Vail View 0rjve uhich is located at the eastern r:xtrenity oi'said prope'ty owned by partiet of Lhe f i r s t pa r t ; n- The ldnd affected by the grarrt of this r,rscnent and rjqht of way is located jn the llounty of Eaglc and Stnte of Coio, ado and is r;rore particularly dr:scrihed as f ol lowsr a ut-i1ity nase ncnt tvrenly feet in width as partially shown on the plat of Casolar Vrril a f o r e nr e n t i o n e d , Iaballed in sairi plat "20' Utilit-v tasement" thc northwesterly extrenrity of whictr is shol./n .1 dj.rcant to the northHe!!erly houndary of the subdivision.:nd r,rhich ex tend s in a northed sterly dlrecLion )o ;,nd entirrly throrroha cu'l rJe cac also shown on ttte plat, ( f urthcr--ijll-,itiiTcri a's-"fhccui dc s0c r horvn adj;rcent to btri ldinq :itos 1,4,5,6,/ and B) thonc-n alrrnrl ;rn ,:n:,r-lrircnt ,trea lahallod "20' Priv.'in Ro;rd .rnrlutility [.'tscneni" which conmenqos dt thr rrortheasterllr ljde ofsaid cul rle sac, as shown On Said plat, and r,x tc'ril s in a norilte.rstcrly dirr3.-lion to Vail Vjcw Dli ve, ,tlro i\ntvn on ,;rlid nlat nt UA r Ir€ ll0H, THEFIEF0RE, tlte par"ties of the first part for and in consideration of the taynent to them of the sun of S100.00 receipt of which they do hereby acknowledge, do hereb', g.ant, assign and set over to the pali,y of the second part a perindne non-exclusive easement and ri ght 0f way, includjng the perpel rj ght tt enter upon rea I estate hereinafter descr i bed , at lny time he nay see fit, to construct, naintain and repair under- qround sewer lines and/cr mains for the purpose of conveying sewerage over, across, through and undcr the'l ands hr-.reinaf te descri bed together wj th the r i.t ht to excava te and ref ill ditc a nC /or trenc hes for the Iocation of said sevrer I inrs and,/or mains, said parties. 6f the fjrst Fart also.herctry qi:,inc and granli ng to the pa rty of tfie s econd pa rt the r iqht to conncct uj th scwer 'l l nes and/or nains I oca ted on thcir proper ty herei above descr i bed, rr T0 IIAVE ANU T0 ll0LD theright of rray unto the party Or assigns fOrever. EXECUTED ANU DELIVERTD above. the'da.y and year fi ^st ment{oned aforelald easement,of thc second part,r{ ght i ,rnd hl s succ,rgsors STATE OF C{]LORAOO }\:'l CounJy'9,f.;,liagl e ) -+').ilt;'ir//*o.o,,d s,,o :r'.d^,qAi4.tfiiitlf, si, ,rART H ,"t r,lfFhi,nirl i t i on ex p i r r n me thi, 27^J lq7 STATE OF COLORADO)\') County of Eag'l e ) Subscribed and sworn to before rne thisJune, 1979 by LE0 PAYNE I' l4y Corrmission expires: llotary day of day .: f STATi Count June, oF c0r_0RAD0) )y of tagle ) Subscribed and 1979 by DEAIIE liy Cornnission svrorn to beforeL. Kil0X '7/ me thit/t''. ^..t '.1 1 -or ^ .,.1.:.:.:..'.-'J . _. ." "'r' ,t - , f, -:i -,-. \.'"i, i ;: ^i ;r.-.-:. c.- :,: i' , ...]:...,,''n . . ., l' ' ,, day to before BR0t.|rl _ ,/ t,r,cxp ires',. ._bLo ''l''(.rn( - - - )W {ti: V.-:=::- .. -.--llol:11y 1,,.i Land Title Guarantee Gompany CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTIOTT Datq 07-31-2001 Property Address: CASOLAR VAIL PRTVATE DRTVE Our Order Number: VCn3225 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE FD. VAIL, CO 81657 Afin: ALLISON OCHS Phone: 90479-2369 Fax: 9704'19-7452 Senc Via Fa.x tom DEIIVERY to Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUR GOiITACTS Datq 0?-31-2001 Property Address: CASOLAR VAIL PRTVATE DRWE Our Order Number: VCn32?5 Buyer/Borrower: CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION Seller/Owner: CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCATION, A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION If you have any inquiries or require further asslstance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Closing Assistance:For fitle Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Karen Biggs IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD. W, NO3 P.O. BOX 35? VAIL. CO 816s7 Phone;97U4'16-2251 Fax:. 970-4'16-4534 EMail: kbiggs@ltgc.com il;$ffiffitffi.,ryrTj"id:1{Sffiffi1"sing? checkout Land fifle's web site at www.ttsc.com THANK YOIJ T'OR YOIJR ORDER! fnr frr nf n.r. lll nfflna lnaaiiaia E$TIMATE OI TITTE FEES Alta Owuers Policy L0- 17-92 TBD TOTAT 9o .00 Fom C0ilfACT to Chicago Title lnsuatrce Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Oder No. VC273225 Cust. Ref.:Schedule A Propcrty Address: CASOLAR VAIL PRryATE DRTVE 1. Effective Date: July 19, 2001 at 5:G) P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and hoposed Insured: "ALTA' Owner's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION 3. The estate or intemst in the land described or referred to itr this Commitment and covered henein is: A Fee Sirple 4. fide to the e$tate or interest covq€d herdn ls at the effectlve date hereof vested in: CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCATION, A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION 5, The land referrd to in this Commitment ls described as follows: PRIVATE ROAD AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL PLAT OF CASOIAR VAIL RECORDED JUNE 19, 1978 IN BOOK 271 AT PACE 215, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. to ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionI (Requirements) Our Order Na. YA13225 The followiug are the requirernents to be complied with: Item (a) PaymeDt to or for the account of the $antorc or mortgagors of the firll considefation for the esiate or hterest to be insured. Item O) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be iosured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessuents levied and assessed agaiast the subject premises which are due and payabte. Item (d) Additioual requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILLBE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. L__ tI ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VCT3Z2S The policy or policie to be issued will contain exceptions to the following uuless tle same arc ilisposed of to the sstisfac{ion of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not showtr by the public records, 2, Easenents, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records, 3. Discrepancies, cotrflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroacbments, and any facts yhich a correct survey end inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4' Aay lien, or right to a lien, for serviees, labor or material theretofore or hereaftef, furtrished, imrosed by law and not showr by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, eocumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appeariag in the public records or attachiug subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the pro,posed iosured acquires of record for value the estat€ of interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitrnent. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer chmges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RICHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TTIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 15, 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 15 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04. 1918. IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI, 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RBSERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 15, 1918, IN BOOK 93, AT PAGE 15 AND RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. I1 . RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORICIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EJ(TENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER42. SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 25, 1969, IN BOOK 2I5 AT PAGE 649 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 02. I97O IN BOOK 219 AT PAGE 235, 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. _l I v1/7t{ FINAL PLAT CAfiOLAR VAIL A K:ESUEOlvl$l(cf{ OF LOTS Ltoil's RlDGE su8otytstoilr, Toutl l-g e a-9,oLocl('A' oF vArL, EACLE COTJI|TY.COLOnAOO r' '' r r:!'!Jr.,'!!!!!tutl!q_q:9lg4!-0t' rr4 at! |it, tt tn .. t,.-nra, ii.l .tr !.r.].lli.a ..4..a n ta1. ru rt tolldr{ a.F.tLa !.ra... tn. tlatt.a lata.: llt ot lta. l_a . r.t. rtGl .^'r t,lr{tl iloc! tlilolvrrlol. rdr.ilt l aelD. |.ia. ai r..r oa trr arrri ttlFrprl n tLl... td cl v.l!. Conlt c, l.al.. It.r. oa Cole.r!' tt &, rl*l .r (clldt (!-s!'a .! li. ir"ils$ f6rh. .l ola r-t r-tr .lE ,t lgtn.ltlt t|!.t.. r arlot'lt' l,!!.Ca ,'rr tr,rr_ct'"t trt "::f 'r"' l- rlt.ll t"t .)onl th.....1 r ltt at iol tnrD. .ntr. r. tt'rttal'.ta dEr' td.r rr,ta r'.r. t o.'ta'rr' i. dt.r.nr ol lrt.ot a{1, u.E I r.it.cl{.r lln..l lldr. llat. lr.} . ,ernl ot ..tt.!r!., tll... In. .t..1 . aaa.tr l4r r.dl.. ara. ta rn. l.rt eh,r,.ni..l .'|lr r. ta'ra'Ct .., $... r..i cEa r..r. i trrlf'r,'r ro,.tt t{t t.. foln. ct r.ia..al ab-. . t rl.a.tra't rnl.ln tdlr ri.e. lar,aa t-3.1-l r|a {t ot . trl.rl to rrr. .rth tlt. €df,t.l attr r. !a.rt'rt' ..4 rh,.. l.il .leta !..ta a tt'll'ar't lat.at ,{r .o rn. .o{rn-.t d.n, ot ..!a 1.r r.lr .r.r.. afat'lt' a aor,t. rdr r. . D.|r o. rr. ,..tL.l, rlaaa{t-tt ll-.4 r.in.r.d !.1r. a!rc[ r. .lts. ,.ht.l .tr*r aL5 laa.ta rd .l ri. .r, .! . ta,ao r-r r{l{. c$r. r. lt tdi rhd....tr.l .nlt. rr llralrta' .ra ii.aa !a.t ataaa L..a . ..!rorrI r rlr.l, l..i rLnr. t,a'llral' I lla'aa,-t . Dr ca {ra bi r.} tr ..l !l.at'ti. I ,11.16 t'.t !o.||. t llr.a r.l16li' .. .r.lt a lalLa.ta l.tlla rta.. nt. q !....' ti.t t- t.t oitrri.l!!j.-ql[I:g {: rr.( rr r.i.rt'€r .r lit r-r. .rra.:r-=!.=l!!_..'-:-!!!!!!: or.'.y " rco'.r .'. n..a !, i;i_;;t.'!lr. !||.. r. l. .i. i'r doi ;i-ira-e1Ar.6 t.r'.. teh .. r.r r'r' rclt*t to {.-it .d rrtrr.t-.,{.t.t t.?.t4. tr'.a L.. t.t@ .ri nr..r l. rn!!' l.t tn-..lrr a6 i.t.!t l.r.dr, tl.. .ri .{i6trl'L ti. }l.ttd l.rar l.r. or. .. trl. rl.r r.- th...-.i. .rrr. or-8!gEll4!&- i.i} t.tF.'a 0r.{ l. tR!..r.rft.r\..4... .n t .n rtrrr.a lrrL.!rl ta roila.t ro rh. t.olF$w ,r..a.a l. hl - .. .- .r t.|. - -- .t tt rea.aa ot tb ctsl rd l-.ra.t .3 !.1!. cstt, cal.i.i.t thki.tr iKr' F..r.a t..tr lt t.t..rE..!rrti.r, ti.t r- t.rr..trll i.rr{. 1.. tlll. u*.rtirt an. tnr a.llslnr a.Grrh!.itr,t 3r ..t tqlh q rh tlfl tl.i ol a.&1.. v.tl r..all ,rrd l, t..a lar xa.. srdlraa.a l.t r$t ra t i.dnt li E6 eltn tb.D t,. rd rr tll. tr .11 lr a.5l.t vall. . t .tldltl.l.n ct Lt. r'a .ia ^-l'al.al 'r', !!6a tliir. 5{arkl.;6! :.4.1 ".r!. f,al' aorlrr a.l6{.. h, l|'iht tt r !tt.r !. r.o rl.ll ..r.rn .alt r. r! Llrarrta d...tlh.d .1t...t.tt ,!rri I' rh. ti..l tlrt .t C...t.t r.tl t tltl ,rr.. l, r, r, a. ' t'd a. .d.n starvl,| a _ '. '", ' | 1.1.t... i ld r' ':' In r r. ,! .tt r. G...Lr t ll. . r.rrLlrtrl{ t btr r_t 'n ''i.alGl 'rrr ttr rraf. a.ta|rl.lor, tor otJ.rl, ...t. Gr..ttr c.lo..a., , ,,a. 'r '. 'r'-Tilll*-*rtt Lt-r[trld' cclct'tb I ataa]aa,aat t2 { +na. tLr af lllar rlt 1.., l- ..r r. rt.t,'.r{,I.Ittl#+lnt ttall r!r+;.n liiraat.r ,'-A,/14 (tqa!t !..!!!.r., rrrrgnr. ll,lllf |,r-q.s-a ll.ilrar. . tsr.rar- trtt.Fr.-t l-lr.r .!t r.d t!.r.t.r. htlr(...{ rrac rt l- dl r- tt.r. d a.l-.F, a. tsr.}r ...rrty r|r.l th. nrr.t ot Crr||al far& r. -L -a- ? .r.r.l.l- .d ti.r .r||. 9r.r Gdr.t lt.t-. ra ,rtl|rt d -lrirrr6.r -.rcrtotll vrI!. ttr. lo1 .otrr. .{ b.,rt ',tl'. Li b ..rr.td r. -tt!|.x. rllt.rtlr..!|. r.trlatto- l-.ril4 rb l|lltaaa-.4 !. rttr.. n.l-a I r.r. ..r e td d $r un 1Q! tt1.t J?a f-, r.r, rrrr. rtra rl'ra al qaa tla l. -rQ t rl !.i cd-rr i?ttt 0a od4|l!0 Ilrr c<l'rrr o7 DEYIa t '. tb lataarl, laatt-t -. a.t-tt-a.t r"-t r' 'll' -.a.t.a ---, r.D. lttar |' !o l' E d t rtlrrt t' ta.r. i*. F .l ..r-r{' lr r- t"-' rlu... I L.a .t r.l. t G-rr.r- ..ra&:=-5]-r-dr ., r- r- .ll l.rl, aa rb rH|-.r,t- {|I {- ,\5 r.rr. r. t .l .ilri t rb lF { bll. nr- 6 Ert !t ttt |l't c rrtS r.--:-,* r.ra,::c:-,.=:-_ t L.- {' t1' Denven Investm€nt 3033124991 ;Aus-3-0U:40AM;Page 1/1 TRANSMITTALc@- Nome: Orgonizotion: Fox: Phone: From: facsimile Fox: Phone: Dqte: Subject: Pages: Allison Ochs Vail Department of Communify Developmer f 970-479-?452 Todger Anderson, President Cosolar Associotion 303-312-0750 303-312-5058 August 3.2OOl Plcns for John UhleY Remodel Per the Rudi Fisher Architects Dncwing A-1 1 Allison: Per our phone conversatlon today, this rnemo is t) assure you that Casolar *iif u"gin the process of creating a tegal easemer rt for the John lJhley remodcl, and atl necessary paperwork rvill be filt d with the county' F|orn lhe desk of..- Todger And€Ison TV/O PANELS As Pictured: BRACKET 5272 14 q12, 17r,- 5232 2L 5242 24trz 10 1,2 74 10 72tr+ 15 L7 WALL #H 5211 74 522'1 17rtz 5231 2r qrll )4r'^ P 5 6r t.t 9 52L3 'I6trz I 5223 20trz 10 5233 25 1,2 5243 26 14 w 8 10 7Z 1i POST sq. sq. sq. sq. 5214 14 5224 L7,r, 5234 21, 5244 24ttz I sq. 10 sq. 12 sq. 14 sq. CHAIN #H 73'.t1, 12 1327 15 1331 18 L341, 27 As Pictured: POST WP O J)/6 7r,, 5 96 1.0trz 7 IJ-IJ t3z3 I JJ.) I J'tJ kr qrx 15 6 sq. 18 Tttzsq. 22ttt 9 sq. 26 l0rt2sq. WALL CHAIN 1374 '1,2 L324 15 1334 18 7344 21, 6 sq. Trrzsg, 9 sq. l0 t z. sq. a I t t Note: Baled upon my general knowledge of Casolar Vail, the intent of the plat was for each dupiex to lie within a 60'x40' parcel of land. Most of the platted parcels have been redescribed to rellect the asbuilt iocation of each duplex atd this intent. This location survev rellects the relationship between ttre existing dupiex and the platted parcel. -"""% F ^r$$t",."10' ^^"u*' .'.+o' *$s*;" n"*,**,,1)/ .// lt l/ Site No. 8 duplex ' x luJ.r deck (/ X YO,U x 103.0 //Scale l"=10' Location Survev Legal deseriptioa: East 1/2 of Site l{o. 7, Casolar Vall, Eagle County, Colorado. I hereby certify that this location $rrvey was completed under ny direct supervision and is an accurate represeniation of the i.mprovernents locations strown hereon. e/" - zt'2ozr' Date lechner PLS 23506 Address: 1180 A Casolar Del Norte Drive The improvement locadons shown are based on original monuments found along the southerly line of the Common Parcel. NotG: According to Colorsdo lar, you mwt commencc any legal actioo bascd upon any dcfcct on 0ris ccrtificate within ttlltc }lafs aftcr you lirst discover such defcct. ln no event may sjry action bascd upon any dcftct in this ccrtifie.te bc cornrnmccd mort tran tcn t'rars fmm thc datc of ceniftcation shown hcEon. kland kchncr PLS 30946 County Rd. 356, Buena Vist4 Co, 8121I { 719 | 395-9160 / .,Ps / ^*- ...:'ii;\';;,,'?/. s,oe -__._..:+:-$iIr'W'/ z:itiscs '!5j ""mi:i A'\.'eo0?.,r t.. 9'.q.. Common Area Q \..r s7.0 {spor elevation} ( s\ "E+" K ,4"N', i,n* *tu f*fr,, ulrLd fu / ,I(nn kvu"n) 4 /_5-/ 6,1t f h^*u A*"L 46z rlt/,..-,- +7 s?zSrg> ,hz^L &* @'ryft fao^ri>Jc; / Q>t , I oyl 3e7f2/ = na.-g, o / CONSTRUCTION PERMIT trtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY ilI! hm tr En BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I.EGAL l orsc. lor 7 elx_-.A FTL;NG Liottgddgg_Sg_b Lo a nervr e : iii;;;;J"i:.i i"lli"loo j tii, OWNER NAME Unar leS P. Ga I lagler Box 5.|70 MAIL ADORESS clrY Denver 719 0747 ARCHITECT rrarr,r Tim Clark-Beck Assocl MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnnr Duane Carl ing-Beck MAr ADDRESS Box l4l3 4rr"t*'.o,- CONTRACTOR F'RM l^lhite River uo,.ooo*ur. 2608 Arosa Dr. .,rv Vai I ptr 2055 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM Bailey fls0hixs- MAIL ADDRESS 949 5045 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAII ADDRESS CITY PH OTHER FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH' o^rE 4129181 pRoJEcr 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP eerHr@r,l DrvtsloN | 2 2a64 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - remodel basement storage PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SQ, FT. VALUATIOIT BUILDING PERMIT NEWO ATIERATION I AODIITIONAL O REPAIR RECREATION FEE OWELLING UNITS - ACCOUIMODAIION UN S G.R.F.A. lL!-10-eEonoo*s COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTATJRANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT, VATiSS-EATHTI.$B/5HOWER NO FIREPLACES -N{}. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - [.UI CSVEREDPARKING I }IEREBY ACKNOWLED(;E TTIAT I H,\\'E REA D THIS APPI,ICATT oN AN D STAI'I] TII A T 'Tfl I] ABoVE IS CORRECl' AND AGRtiE'I'I) COIIPI,Y WITH ALI, TOWN oRDINANCES AI\T.' S'I'ATI: l-r\ws RFcARDtNG Lll.4,l,{)' NG C()\51Rlrcll()li VAIL WATER E SAN. DIST, TAP FEE : NO.- CONSTRUCTICIN PERT.4!T departnrent of contmunity developmeirt l-l ru,rEcHANtcAL X DATE PI?OJECT NC fStaton;c ,.deuuMB:NG -..8-e le c-lnlcel E rounoertcN otllY ?E?:,tir l;: --t--i ,t ') 3)-a E r i"'.;-: :C ]r i5! CLSiGli R EVr !'.! DCAi!): Ct E AN.U P OEFCSIi /a ! ltl:ll!:31' .\aKs,ilvl.l.l)(;l: Ttl tT I ii,r"f: Kt:A D Tllls ^f?l,ic,i Il{rs ^.\ D sL..1 t- a;i i r Tlll 4ij()vL ls (()trRf.l:'; A\i) A{-:tli-i ',tt . ()\:Il'\' h,jiJt ,1i,t, lt)w\ :)trt)t\rrr(;,i .\\i) 5l',':t LECAL Drsc. LOT 7 BLK- d FiL|NG,ltoztrz.tpc.f--5tta2-a5v: c/]50/n^ u, //. I/ - /2ecf / tq-'s!n a r.ra ttc.i\,/;, ,\.\,vii-. Gr|/tA6Hr I R{5tlt-t !1 : l:lit-)Ar') CWNER xt::.t (4A'4'ti< P. Cil)/,lt/i.r)P !tl!lp-a8Es c-!:=Q':z:AL:YJtr:!L ARCH ITECT = '<',17t/n ttet<.,- ji,(8.:4 e-0- -/lssdc /l\.rt J /' ( :r { '_ ADCRSSS f. n - BC\, I rJ3 crrY UA r t PH <lY- ;%, b L. I\ E. l( |rL COi.ITRACTCR FtRu Dlaattt'l' t A'1./ il, f,- '7r / tW/',' i nstd?.'i7FS, itL', LlAll ^DORISS Lt- 2,+t tt/t z --- cr:v /rl /,t pn 1,27- S91r' Q,-urr*,.o,- CONTRACTOR 7 2. : --l!fuE- r?t /,;A - "&ft ,i/ 4 ^,'rrL ai-::;pEss-1669 l6'f/ sA l-dt tlf cl: y YA/./ pv 421'J(,r< Pt-u lv'lD!l':G COI.:TRACTOR F, R,! EAttEJ/_-,&/I/rd /&$.-, "'AtL ADDRi S> lq,:r----_ eeifr-!q4{ l.l FCuAN lcAL \corlrnrcron F r :.1 .J 1,, ..rt ADDRiSS [,-:.- FIi\I r,1A:'- A.iDRESS CITY PH L Typ€ oF coirsTnLjcl loN i rl ill rvo 2. occuPANcY GRouP e e r r: t@id ol'/lgloN t z zuQ.t RAL DESCRIPI ICN CF V/OiIii : 9U It DINC El-ECTPTCA!- PLU I,I AIN C MEC}]AT,I!CAL PERl.4ii FFFS -'cRouP so. FT. vAi. uAilol'l gtJ lLOll\ G PE Ril lT Pt^ri CiiECK ti.ECTR;C/rL Pi. uti BitiG M :CliA|.r ICA!Nt\,v( ) ALTiR.\iloN( ) ADDIT|Oi.IAL( ) ilEPAlir{ ) DWEtLTNG tjlllrg Lt .aco v r,r l,'glrlc li utlli5. c -- 4b-u=o*oo*, COMIJERCI/TI- SYST ' R€ST'\URA\I SEATINC tlErcili tN FT. Lhll; .- BAn"iTUs/S|10!.iE R NO FTREPLACES {. XC. tOtr-gts cov5n;D pARKTNG / .. ut'c,t r:iED FAR(:Nc ;NSULATIOI'.] T!.'p: i Ttl iC (ii f SS R.VALUE FLOOR E X1. WATLS ROOr VArL ttvATER & SAN DiST. Tr'.P F!E : SPECIAL NCTE S: TOTAL PEi?MiT FEES aoN .lG NOTES: i.\\!s &Iri/\K:,!\(; 5( il.:4.id c(;\\:rti r'll,,i' ct tltutt { s f, €/t/ t../ <'4 rr4,, ,4l/,a - ., 1 n' ,'. , Yn ' CONSTRUCTION PERI.4IT DATE _._- PRCJ:CT i U ;ll I v,.{:i/ AaE/t(gu i z z:,Ot NO. ----PE 3 r,t lT C epartnre n t of conrmur,ity developmelrt r. TYPE Oi CO |.iSTi. tiCT iO N 2 OCCUPANCY G RCUP DivlSic N RA'- DESCRIP: I JI.I OF WOR( : z l PERi,,1IT F[55 GS N ERI,L COI.ITRACTCR Pl_ u r,4 tli'rG COi.]TRACTOR ARCh iTaCT ;SiAa-tuPl-=-qi r:iv r i-iu-i.l r--ro v ilforriorar- t ) R€pArii i, Dli€Li-lrlirlii:TS L ..iCOrlr.tOCATlCll(il',iliS, G.R.F A. .." --5EDROOr.1S a COIViIJERCI/rL SYST O NgST,TURA\T SEATING -3_ ij::c:-:ii\;T. Llj:i'-se:r;tuD.,sr.1cY/Ea J- NO F|Ri?LAC:S i XC. rOtr-rrS J- ccv:n:D PARTTNG l- Ur'C ),'-iE3 PApK:tlG iNSUi-ATIJT.] nL.\i Mgcr^r]rcAl i i ctEAli.ui,0aFcsrT ,/'., L: e 5 5 r : .'1,"r-S, J z.'.u', -1ilr1-Q_3, SS r' ,. .'... u /, rJ t ,t, i, ?,.: !/H1ZE--E|EE-'9!.|. y il,- ^t :tj-as-,:i:9.-t EzSd_-a.tlE_ lr{ YF} TCTAL PERMiT FEES l-ilLDlNG C FFIC IAL DA'TiQ,-u.r*,.*. COi.iTRACTOR !.!AIL ADDRiSS ?/n- l.lEC!-'|ANlCAl- COiITRACTOR OT F{: R co f\TRAcTo L/I litliEIJ\' \cxtiliwl,f I)(;t: Tll '!T I ir,li t; R!:,1 O TtI lS AtPi.lC.' ft(j\ n;\_ D rrT,t.i |- TII \'f T l1i f.;.ia)!E ts ('t)trkr-(:-r .1s;' /'r.;3:t 1t) (o\lll'\' utill ,11,1. Tl)*:i r)RLI.\-A\t ES '\\l) \ii':! ' ;b';h i ) i ! "' i' cT)l liY,P " " "'" " " rni 7 Rl F|LING //0218t rci__1a245-!t! L EG A'L JO3 f,tAtil!:Grt//AeJi I f d{"t /)r// c : l2!} -i&/) O\VNER x;.':.2 L",tltt 1",! i r p. '!.?,a 1s '.'K;;.:-.9 ,nt'P -e'?72 9U it D iil6 E.ECTRICAI. PLUI,I AiNG h,iEc:Ar.ltcAL TYP: GRCUP SQ. FT, VA|,UAT|OII 'rj U lLDll'.r{l PEil ll lT PLAN CHECK PLUMe$,iC R.VALi-JETHiCKf.i[.SS FLOOR EX I , "V,ALLS ROOF SOLAR: | 'I"OOC; "/AIL',.,';T:q & SA\ E'ST. T;P F!E . cr\ri'rG ADllllil9TR;TCR 10 i.r lr.l c No;5s I r,1,\:l- ADC r 5SS AND ASSOCIATES BOX 1413 . VA|L, COLORADO 81657 . 303-827-5960 June 2, l98l To: Town of Vail Building DepartmentAttn: Steve PattersonFm: Andrew J. BeckRe: Gallagher Residence - cracks Steve: Enclosed you will ffnd the pictures I took of the Gallagher foundation cracks as per your request. Thanks. And Beck & Associates, Inc. Encl osure aj b/km /; /h{try,** Ko, f/t.WN OF VAIL INSPECTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SlrE) NAME o!1",, *o. I CONTRA TO ontracto r: Lrc. No. Owner: General C Excavator: Foundati Plumber: on: Electrician: Mechanical: Framer: I nsu lator: Dry Walli Painter: Rooler: CONTFACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS Excavation Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Uti lities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Waler Rough Electric Gas Piping Rough Framing lnsu lation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire lnspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building THE ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING APPROVED UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 FEPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 23s OR 247 24 Hours ln Advance Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED 4.-#f5za.28Dcs 111 n Daio Pa --Ft10i tc'r LEGAL DE llovlow f'oo ld zoN ll'lt] clitcKL | 5T S U MMA tIY ; t\iiCtiiTLCT sctrlt''t l0N , S ides , S I des tg',. Acf ua I /a Rear /O_ Rea r , INGS: Reouired U^ight Al lowed G.R.F.o., /UA7o Ratio,'Atto,rabte sq. ft. Actua | _;1 sq. t'33)51, Actua I f a cn 1+C0MMERC IAL FL00R AREA: Percentage a | | Actual so. ft. BUILDING BULK CONTROL : Allowable rnax mum length tLf , , Actua length 0o' owb b Diagonal D i agona IRequired 0ffsets S ITE COVERAGE :ahte /(tO tr, Anowabte Sq. ft.>ryOO , Ac-i uat/OD fr I sq. r+. 2t/a p+ ; Requirea -K *sq:*+; sq. ft., Ground Leve I -fi, common Requi ,"a (o %, fu-$4{ fu P.r+#f _,"'3 QlFa'.rt PARKIIiG AND LoADll'JG: No. Requi ,"a 4 , No. Actua t )- , covered Re- qui red il"trZff'ffi; DES IGN REV lEti/ BOARD AppROVAL ES APPROVAL Aliow Act ua USEABLE OPEN SPACE: LANDSCAP ING: q. zON I N G APPRoVA L- Ot\J*{:dr'4L UTILITI ENV IRONI.lENTAL I[1PACT APPROVAL e/she- -.-Date Cha i rma n, Des i gn Rev iew Boa rd Da te Town Engineer Date llayor Da te usE zoilE Fq ; nnonoseo usE(s) LOT S IZE S ETBAC KS Requi Act ua D ISTANCE BETI,'EEN HE lGHl : Average red - t- BUILD Grade Front Front ; FR0IJTACE Date SubmitJ'ed Cate Subnritted Dale Submi.tted Exlens ion of Zon ing Review Des ign Review Envi ronmen ta I for for for Dead I ine bead I ine Da te Dal'e lmpact Rev iew to Dead I ine of 0rd inance dale No. B (Series of r97l). o i tem f as pqrnritted by Secl lon COMittUNTS: Prolect Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Date: E Statt Approval cornmunity development ;YP:0F PERlllT ./.r,,-rt* 6*MBING4i:ciarcru CI rouruonTtoN oNLY ir:. FIL!NG ./, r.r I" a iip Ess r,rA!t A0tR ESs },1:CFIANICAL N r.'.i rL ACCA ESS ,.1{r ADOP ESS Ctiy PH I I r, TYPE OF CONSTRTTCTION | |. nt tV 8// z.occueANcYcnouP e a e " '@r,l DIVIS,ON t z za@ri OENERAL OESCRIPTION OF \YORK I- e PERI/.IT NO. JJ.: F l J BUILOIIIG />1Po EL ECTRICAL o PLUI,I BINC 6 oo MECHANICAL IYPS GROUP SO. FT. VATUATION PERfulITFE€S; 2 bt/?-3 3 732 /l r. aoo SUILDING PER[IIT q 75,/O t. U /1)Itl- I //o o A aao PLAN CHECK )?). 74 ELE U I N ILAL 13,70 PLUI.IBING ){'o o !IECHAN ICAL a \ .:l ov/ELLrNc uNrTS -4 Accor,4MoDATroN uNrrs-la ?-t? - /G.R.F.A. J_/J -B€OROo|{S (2 coMMERcTAL sysr -RESTAURANT SEATTN c '6., / HETGHT rN FT. U#^,"or^ru8;/sHowER -Ir-^t/No FTREPLAcES --4,-No. TOTLETs b covEREopARKrNc-AuNcovEREopARKING € RECNEATION FEE OESIGI{ NEVIEV/ BOARO / oo. OQ CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT )'oa, ai? TOTAL ,ffi -4_= _ J_a INC'OFFICIAL ZON ING AO[,lINISTRATOR -t d,ffi -6riE-- INSULATION FLOOR E XT. WALLS ROOF Yvo g TH ICKN ESS R.VALUE U.\ I E Enrr /'t P-/7 ONING NOTES: Rn,,tl K-/? E*n /a"p-{a I IIERECY ACt(NOr{LEDCE TH^l I H^l't R EA D T'IIS ^PP LIC^?IOT ANO 5T^'E TII^T IH8 ABO\,E lS CO^,t(€Ct ^n-D ^6nfC TO COtlrLY wlfll ALL' Tt)w8 0aotN^HcEs ^r{D 37^lt l-^.ws nFc.rl.nlrJc ttlit l't\_.: anr:<!ll rtr'trri|j H EAT GAS: SOLAR: verrwrTsne sAN.olsT.TAp FsE: 4t4# aJ to 2, PAsRg{T lst rt-mr ao FLooR .P O [0X ltII .^_- -vnri, cci-oiirtro 3l6Y .FiLlr16 Pr/$| o€cKrmstr{ filrlt. ]' Ttrt & saGR TrlP FEE Olljl! tI c Lor Ellttm romESS l.FASREIIT]sr noon Ox Iro rlocr - '?D FLffi - Jx /x ,fiD FLOOR q. 5. '6. 7, 8. 9. 10. = ,€O APAqT}€NTS l. ?- t,rtt 4. 5. . 'x' .51 X1.B= 41,daPOINIS DATE .r'. rou-o{|ltcTl€cor?LETl(lloFcG:STRLcl|${oF^l.LsnlrTul€s,nEDlsTRlCrslhL;{i;ofri; iiilsiul-il,;,'rcirc'r or. r,U- friijllsss io nETii;'Ulic Ir: trurtflt cF PolfiTs ro llE ASSESSSD ACCLlulis io n.,: tl',it ir 't:o s'q;'cR Tt'r r'*E' i'j:u F,\TE S;IIILIE' '\Sjri"iiirii,"^:,, n,r-ii.;;rlrcr irlrLr- t'.'.r:.E ,'JrY l.IUUjI;;itls riic[S5"1Y lN lliE c;tlGl;i^l- TIU f rc r^lD. nrri r;,.,,ucitcr-i-sii..[ lucJ DCIotlt;lE l]!- DUlt-Dtrs o.llul's I'tATEil i;qo sotrn slnvlct ot lidE' D0AnD OF DtncrmnsvAll !rtYr.r .'{r s^'rlTAfln'l nlqTplff PltfslcJ\L -/;uturf oF tr:€ G.::eR 'srREEr iortts 3r Mss€NT Isr rrccn ?o nma JRD FL@R -r.---- g,\snt & TDILET- (GtE THLF EATTTJ D$RA SIIIi(s RI-l- 3A1H '(srs,',a oR TtB, BASTIT, TOTT.ETJ RCO'S ben lcE I'A(?III{ES Sdtfins wnrm coc&.s 8 I.{ATER FOU{TAIIiS s1{ll'i{lis3 JAOJAI(x'TSID: }:A o,tlltL'll'l IDE WA'TER (it'ltxc rm*s, rp, cr;tces, JdX 2* J-J 2x --'e2 x 3.m x'Lm 1.50 ,E 5.m Lm=,, oa. 2,n {, aO 1.=lffia =- /, AO ,E ,E ,E= \x ,,SCHEDUE,E To'"rn of Va:'l Building Code hhs been completed for Unit i4B Caso'lar iI. The part'ies agree that Car'l i ng-McKee Construction. C.ompa,ry, Seller shal'l by dbposit of-Sl"500.00 into ihis escrcw satisfy. its obligation for a piv.-,i'drivev;ay for unit 148 Casolar II with respact to Purcirasers named herein. Said fundS held pur"suant to this escrow sha11 be paid to Carling-l.lcKee bj'Escrorl Agettt upon receipt of an ihspection report from the Toin cf Vail Building-Deparlment that the drive'lay as required by lorrrn Ot Var | tsUI ldlng UOile nas Deen COflpleEeO TOr UIllL r+o r.d5u ior Ir In the event said driveway has not been'comp.leted and said 'i nspect'ion report delivered to Escrcvl Agent, on or before llovernber 22' 1980' Escrcl Agbnt shall pay to Purchaser herein all of said funds held in escrow and Ciiiing-lic(eb -shall be relieved vrith respect to its obligatjon for said dri veway. Project Name: Project DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:/"j 'l-'{,r/t.t fi:,i1, A> bb n Legal Description: uot / , Block -_-, Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: t9t > tao P, ---1 , &i , t," S^oru',io rn Seconded by: OISAPPROVALAPPROVAL aA',-r I.utDU ) .^u u-*.Llo I c^b,,n;7 5 io'e o*/ Su mm ary: 'ao +-.a(lo ^ dgr-(.,^ bdiui>i o Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Build ing Of ticial €ou^ I i CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DATE PROJECT NO. -- PERMIT 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION I22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BUILDING PLUMBING PERM IT FEESTYPE GROUP SO, FT, VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLU M BING NEW () ALTERATION ADDITIONAL O REPAIR O RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. - ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVEREO PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES ING ADMINISTRATOR ONING NOTES: INSULATION THICKNESS R,VALUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF I HEREAY AOKNOWI,EI)Gf] THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE TtIA'f 'I'HFJ ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL T0WN ORDINANCES AND STA'I'A LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTR UC'II ('N VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT n eurlotNrc E prurr,tarruc I elecrnrcnl n rouruoRroN oNLY T MECHANICAL tr tt'LOT BLK-- FILING 8 NAME: OWNER NAM E MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH. ARCH ITECT F lR l\il MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR --- FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH -EI EAf DI'\AI C!'TRACTOR EJ RM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR f lR l\4 M AIL ADDRESS CITY PH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIR i,l ItlAlL ADDRESS CITY PH. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS c rrY PH a'| lnun box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 47ffi613 depsrtment of community dwelopment August 30, '1978 Duane Carling Box 2266 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 7, Casolar Vail Subdivision Dear Duane: This letter is to jnform you that the plans for your proposed duplex have been approved by the Bui'lding Inspector and meet a'll Zoning requirements. The only reason that a Building Permit has not been issued on this unit is that a final Landscaping plan needs to be submittedto the Design Review Board. This is planned to happen on September 7, 1978. Si ncerely, A A/)}ilM!' /+.h,/atuA tl /- James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR/di Project Application Architect Addr€ss and Phone: ir Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: L)l \u/c.tr- .\ fl\.9$3 Zoning Administrator Chiet Buildino OfJicial /L . J, ' .-.1,i6r /ao /,?,v 7 7E'- Project Application '',.1 t. , ..i.,..fy'''-,'t', i .'.1r .,.r,.: '-:... -' ,-^,'. ^--,t, -- ,1 .l: | ."",-' ,Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 4 Legal Description: Lot / , Block Zone'. Filing Zoning Approved: Dgsign Review Board Motion by: seconded ou, S^ outld o 'n APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Uqaqtuaou) Sum mary: a o <-t a'( at ttivo 9^ bdiu i >i o co e(+Jla ubrni)5io-, o'/,^u lo^d Chiel Buildino OfticialZoning Administrator RESTD€I{ilAL }jATER I SB']ER TAP FEE CAr3.[-ATlo'r PI{YSICAL - Pt lll C}€Cr Nfl€ 0F rf€.STNEET LOT Bll,ll!6 l.EASE,lE!fi '"'"H*ilflil;rsIRIcr O'a bo dooq JfiD FI-OOR lsr noon ilio rlooc ___--gAsrntrcrrlr. 2x Lfi = 3,O (OIE MI.F PATHJ 4xl.U =' /7,D l.m = R.b ECRA SINI(S FUJ- BATH(srran oR TtE, BASTN, TOIISf) Ro.s (Lt.rtwe Roor''s, BEmrE, oFilcEs,4 xSifrOlOS) (r x.75- 2, BAsRENTlsr FlooR 4\O FL@R Jf,D FL@R 5. 6. 2x2,fi Z X I.Cfr Lx .gl rcE lrAci{rNEs x' .25 = 7. ISABITENIS- 1. 2, 3. q. t FLOM FLOOA Ft-00R BAS H JRD 3, q, 8. 9. 10. DlsflA$€RS UT.NDRIES Gen msra) FUt EAllS Rocla KITC}GN DISfr.&SrER Ln-roares CN'TSITE WATER 5.m LM til .q) 1.m x x x x x' YW= TllsPECTOR FOuot{IilG T}E @i|?lEtlctl oF ccr'tsTRLcrloI oF ,LL SIRtJcTr.nES, TtlE DISTnICT SMtl- ;aFmrl I prristcl,r- ulir'Eclloil 0F ALL f-Ralllsss To DETEnll l'lE nS ItuBER oF Polt:TS r6"ire ASSESSED ACOJIUti:'i TO 1P3 tt\teR ffiO Sa'r.i:R TA' FEE, ;;iD MI€ SCtEDiJt!, ,\S Fg|\o€b, lulu nre DtsinlcT sFt/\LL tiJ€ ,\ity ADJuir;'i.rTs NIEESS,.TY tN_n€_gRlct;l/\L inF-iee-pnro. rHrs t;tsPEcrtcfl st'lr ,'cst Dntiilt,'tE nc EUlLDll'G G'NER-s l{r\TER llto sgiER sERvlcE Ot^li6E' IOTAL R}INTS ' 10.fi} polrcrs = l.ff) .rurel. tNlTs /o Ua DOARD OF DIREflONS'rrd $nr c^^rl TArlnrl hlqTIrlaT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO.N9 070 department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT dlutotruc ffplut*rer.tcE,rlecrRrcnl E rouruonloN oNLY E uecHnrurcnl n GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION 7 ? BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO.FT, VALUATIONLor.,>_rF'--/_BL FILING LEGAL DESC.BUILDING PERMIT JOB NAME: CITY \IA) J, PH. PLUMBING NEW( ) ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIR ARCHITECT owEluNG uNrrs z AccoMMoDATroN uNrrs - ^'r.c.n.r.e.33?S. Z- 9f tronoor',rs COMMERCIAT SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER No FTREPLACES 2 No. rotLets covEREo pARKtN6 2- ur'rcovenED pnnxtuc Z DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CONTRACTOR TOTAL PERMIT FEES @-Ela->j ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MAIL AODRESS INSULATION NING NOTES: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Eratl MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS MECHANI CONTRACTO I I HEREaY ACKN'*LEDGE ""^t, "^*tffi11READ THIS APPLICATIO\{ AND STATE TIIAT TIIE -[T I ], TiABovE rs CORRECT AND AcnEF To coMPLY d6 tl$ WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE -'I 'NI6'ITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE }1 'NI LAws,aacn RDtNc BUILDING coNsrRUCl'roN Ii\OMAIL ADORESS crrY PH. OTHER CONTRACTO VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: o; box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Mr. Duane Carling 1885 iT. Buffer Creek Vail , CO 81657 Dear Mr. Carling, I haveditions for $3ii'fi,?13fr1u"" Building Permit #O7Q-79 lnun department of community development July 3, 1979 This Conditional Certificate of Occupancywill be issued on the West Unit of the Carling Duplex with the understanding that all paving and landscaping be completed by August 31, 1979 - Your cooperation in this matter will beappreciated. If there are any questions, please contact the BuiLdlng Department of the Town ofVail. Thank you. read and understand the above con- a Conditional Certificate of Occupancy. SEAL D /.Asworn to before me this \1 ' day of Inspector 1.t/t,-- o.',./' ( ---,-r.4 arling__DUillex t t ." / '//.ri, .t " / l WILL{. L4 L Notary Public?fiy fiammissicn expiros GePt' l' 1981 Scbt ]O?Prjr 79r r.. !2.O}Jat'qh Cc-t,y iiTrrir llleo. r,.re tl'" 3 dtt J ll? ,.'..o" Jo{a I. Cc$rrr l\Utaa c*re or COl ll!httt lrr. - flt J.E--.tr- irl|.|i-ro trllr, rra a-arl . cor|.tN ,s tO r, John t. I' .qi1,.),r.r,,,. , | ,- snt fl.dr f. Ccglr*ot |trd'-r 2fO 3GCr Il, UbLt tatrarrrr ra:b?nb crrr., lfl(filtt ?lFlrrrrrslrrrt, ltll5lt ltr r|| .da r.rt t drb rrr farr.lr .rr i.caaa.rat ra h ltdtc/l6----. ------.--(ll.$]-----16sur.rrb..it rltl r(!n ,trfl I| lbhit.rraft-irF tt dtL -...a F ! rf. ft.ritt tt|.?..f L h.rti c.rftara.rd -Lrrl|.ia. iaa |'-aia. botr|r.a..|..d(!rrfd, .i L' lh. t .t rttd. aa Ji.t" Lrlr,r. -I .r r,.r .t{ foarira. t,r& tb r.a F r t .t tb |.da tf,r" h/jlr.r rd rrior t+ . . .ll rb thrhoa a.i.rrhllta cr Frd .tL.t, {tc-r Fra r.d ldra ir th. conrrror llll , de.s{(ob.*,|.qn: A Ftln-.a tlt I' C.roL" ?rll, e lrddlvlrla of Llt t-l ndA-f, tl*t l,,llir rrt &-dfd [o, bbj Dt. Frrlcrrl.rltdrrcrlbrd lr follur-.lEtnlE r. tir sEbrtf 00- Y. t6.t0 f..r: ?slFl I' f ta ir3r. OO' OOF 3r 22.55rO.00 f..t !o th. polnt of Colordo, eonrr of roc t. 1ffi8 E 56 drr. 0O' 14 drrr. la' 0|f ft 40.00 f..8, llllc?f:et:-|flflE! E :L d.r.. 00' 00f' I bcalnnln3, Cora3y of E gt., Scar. of .h.,lxrri rr r'r.'r .:'4 n ;!rti r ItualtR?lrrrhrn.rd.,rybrthrrr'rdr!rD?nrr.ndr,?..tnrrft.th.r.loh.lcntlnt.o',nritrr-rPt.' !r,nrna, rr.l lh. r.r''tI). .nn ri.i?..$n |t$rha.r r|\,1 r.'..triiLl', ttl,t.. t...t .n.l Proftt. (lrra.l and rll thr .rr.r . rid! "tL. Inr-ri'i , h6 tnil d.tr.r{ r .l*v.r ,J'-.t 'ai{ t rt t oj rh. l,.'r p.?1..nh.. It irt ot .q,|rt. ar In .r, L llr.,r''. ba.tr6..l tr.tr..r. rr?h tt. n??rdl..,in|. rnd atpqrt?n.nr... tO i^l': lllo l( Iatl.l) rl,t. ..,,1 b..r'3|..d .r,1 a.v nb.a r.r t ih. .ppr,'1"h.n.f, qor,, rt!( 'r'd t'..1 y ol {|.-s ad prrr- |t.3 l.r. .na r .4.t lnr.r.r. And rt- sr.l t.trtf of tf . fttrr t'.7t ' htf' -,f ,"'f.'.r .r*er.'.. .ri.a-{:.rt..l{tt, a' aa .!rc..nt. rrrn:. r'r.rrr.r..nd {t.. ro |'|d r r, 'h4 1s,,jr,r't ,rn..-.onrlFrt. hCf r'r,n enl I. frr.,lh.r .t r' ,,rn.ottt|'.n...lr.ttnd.hllt.r, . "'.e'.-ar. [p t5 r.t:|.ri.<|,':fi.tr?drr.r.hoic.r.v.v.d .,.ntrcd.+ur..Dr?i"(t rhf,'lvtt rtrd . r.r..n,hr.r ..,,1.,..1bi,1 r,,rr.ra,t .r6rb.',lhr t trl t|tlrt, rv ll pd rr. .trrl .l' irtt't] r .ir r . -: '& 'rnr.r ..4 n'ri {.Lr.r.rl .n{ rhri li. (.&. rto t r* ..'n.l.r. ...,,.t, "i. |r^.t4{'., ar:nlr. rBrJ!"t, r.i.. ir.b. !.rar.|'atlDrnr...!r^rn-tr.n.rDfrhrl!.r'\n.l I ars.pt. Gcn r.l lel.| for thc yrar 1979, tnd tubr.quant yeerr. rnd rubJre:. to rartrlcllooa, !!a.!rvat lqrr r artat ntt md covtnsrta of rccord , ,,1 n' {, ,tl.rt, ..,', ......,1 rDrry '.lr tl irlrHlltt''' . ..r,.r;r y '. .l '1 |l.rrrn.tl.rd. r: trXll\tA\l't.rRl\1,1. l').It\ll ,t.,\t b,-illLtlE'ibi-i-bd- rri.r.L'. ?-r,. t -'r- -.!!h- t-.5:tetr! -94 ' V/ab ur l?ro :t;i.'r-i-b TL As nar r.o S"r/ra+ Rrc{rrr J*rtt PilUtF ncoptloo ro. ltlltl! Rernrld .t jls o'cloaf _l! r.tsl.lr+r9|t Boor tO[ le3r 52[ m lttl | .Ar t&) .cO._ tttS D!!D, lrd. tbl. tl'iby ot trrch, 1910. b.tt .n ?r.d. l. C-.gyr at tt- Cocntt ot tlclrlt., Ird 8t.t of Tlrar, ot thc llt.t Part, .od c*glr.-lborn thy cnp.ny. rlro.. 1.9.1 .ddre.. l. Ed t?9, Arcfi.r Ctttr, t t .' ?6!51. ot th. County ol Archer rnd Strta of ttrra, of tl|. Sadd Part t rrt!f,strrH, ?trt thc arid Party of t-h. fir3t Part, for rnd in con'idcrl- tlon of th€ r|| of o$€ Doll.r (St.oot a l othrr good and vrlu$h cqrr l&r.tion, to tbo ..ld Prrty fo th. Flr.t Prrt in hend olld by the r..ld Darttt of th€ gccltd Part, th€ r.caipt ,hcroot 16 h.reby cotctrcd rnd acknovtcdgcd, HwE GiAtffED, D RCAINID, tOlO xlD cotwEYED, .nd by thcce prr|sntr do€r grrnt, berqein, rell, conv.y and coati rn unto thr rard Part't of the Second Part, th'tr hatrr rnd atal,gnf, forever, rll tbc tollouinq dctcrlbcd lol or 1gt2 , parccl of land, .itu.t d, lying and beint r n th€ count-y of 8-h rnd strte of Colondo. to-Yit: A portrdn ol ifie 7, CASOLAn vAtL, A r€s'rbdivltion of L'tr r-i and A-?. fLct A, LtOtlS RtIX':r SUgDrvISIoN, bcinq nore partlcularly dercrrbed ar fol lowc: laginnrng !t tha Southcrrt c'(,rn?r oi l,c t i, Thcnco S 560 ooi oo'i- 26.10 f.ott ?henoc H 3t" lc' 09'r aQ.00 frct; ihcnce tr 560 oo'o0'L. 22'56 teet; Thencc s la" 00'00' E f0.00 faat to tl.€' ftolnt of beqinnin'i, count:r of Elqle, strt€ of color.do. lrcl. Conty Lcordar \ lt' ,u, 'r0 r|lrallr xllrFt t Li ' Ir- ' llI-i. nDl t t lOGEtHfn ytth .ll and singular: thG h€reditnt ntr and .ppurt.t tacat tbarcun to and rr9'arslon|, balonging, or ln tnyv ls€ r-ainder tnd releinderg, rpperta i.n1 n9, the rovcr. rentr, irrucl rnd pr)ll -- I.f or .qsl ty, ot, ir d to thc -or. b.rtaliar prct..r, rd dr th. [".4] t-ttr {rd att[rtft.rsr. tO IwA llD lO FtD tlr. rala prit r.a bi laFa*a .- d$crlDd. nttr tba rDpurt-.riGra. cDto !|t .ara tart, of tjr. SG(and P.rt, t[.tr Lls. .d ..al{n. aorrrar. f.J th. crld ?aftl/ ol thG ?1r.r P.rt. lor t r..ll. h.r blrr. aLGotor.. and rlrt r- tl.tora doGt cd\..n$tr €rlnt, bargaln drd atsaa tO ard rtlh ttf r.rd P.rry o! rh. s.cond Frrr , th.l, brl re ai .aalFr . ti.i rt tt{ ti.r ot thr .nr.aling rnd dclivcry of th.r g$raiattr lr |.ll t.tLd of th€ pr.alr.r abovc conveycd. rr ot 9€d, !c8a, par fact, eaaolrta . and rndefottlbre rrt.t. oi lnhorltrnc., in ltr, ln tcc at?I., rDd h.r q6d r ight . f ui I pcrc r and tftf ul .uthorl ty to 9r.nt, brrgaln r"ll rnd @nvcy the ralr rn D.nn.r .nC lolr alor.arld. .nd that tha !.F .rr traa rnd r-l.Gr frfi all foraGr ar,d othcr qr.ntt, brr{rlnr. s. L.'s , I 1ciri, / taxas. attarahnt rnd cnrrlbrracrr of yhatavtr llnat cr :1a t urc a.tcyer. Suhi€ct eo rcll Frearty tar.r for tho yoar t9?c, rnd ,ibmqrrant r'.rrrs, rhrch lurchaaar ItluErr and lgreet tc, p.y: l. S, patcnt R..tr,r!at ld!ra, e!!eients. re3trrctlona, (.ov€ntntr rnd rrqhtl of rett)rd. AXO iht' ati.r., |,trqri ned prattter r:. thc quici anat paacaabla l:()re.'rrtcn ,.: tlr,' sard Prrty of thc Sacond prrt, thair halrr and .rr.$ i lnr ag! I nrl ,r I i rnd cvGry ocraon or p€rronr lrrtu L l;- cf afdng ; ,)r . clr!:n t5c yhc,l. or dnt' ptr? thrraof, the tar,d prrty of tia i lrrsr t'ai't .ihrl! .rnd ytlt t^i.nAtfr ltD fOFrvEt Ot?AtD. no rlryrlei r,\lr,rbcr lhall inctudG th. plurrl. rha plur.l rhe .ln{uhs, rnd ttn i usc t'f lny .t€nder ri.ll bc rpFlic.blc to all gon&rr, E rt ..tf l*s .f.ff b Slfc.lb tc dl Fil-rr. rr I'illt E!ot, tL r.lt hf|t o( ttf "1r|t h$ tlf '' f.G.rarto ..,,t br h-a .ra ...l tl|| ary d tal att't 3t rI t"tlt c rlrl, (uilw t l (ttb1?' |t. t.tQDlI h.trfrt E .GIPHI ! t tolc r tff:6j , by tfiL f. CFt - rrtrr rt IrD lD c?Icllt, fl& ry"", a|?ira: ,t2 ' t"' tlIFll,La.rb EUr i. ct!.r (b.a lll.'l.E r. cffiao i: lblrd.a--bt' i, "irl.- c*rb..{lh F-aF r , c-.dr.t Lala 2art t{ nfi ,r, tt drb d ..& dOraral,.a ah ltttl D.ti. tid ffic.frrr Cut Ll lLl.,&.t. nr ltf|wa .ra lL ra ; nfXl.tf ff..*-IFr t rtbirtlc at-atc.-.*C i:tn nD trE! llff .r-: lD to/t0Or-----{l}ull , rtb.JFt1 t Jtbhtrtf ba FLlt.da ttt t Jtbrr"F r. rb trr'l*rJ b " frrl..: frrrf .if..kdiraf a F-. 1.ir.a rta rrtcrr* d 51 rfr t *- aa r-" b.rt-. f, carq I*r r-tDd F! t af ab ar- t*1lta blrt |.a -lF l+ rr.t, ..rb t}qa-iUlb t!t-l .'Lra. rls.!& liaFabha }e tb Y -al- Job..l.r, t 'ia: l foGtLr ..t llt ,r glI.A YtIl, A Lrxttll4 ot Lt! ulcf r, LfG lgi m.trlcr Llra rt t stLrri.rtt folld! ?xril$ il.tfiHri fi5,::.::I:H.;.fi:r;:;hrl.-c. t ro3o'od r ao.o l-t tc tb. Ftrt ol t*L-t!a ' co{ttt t tL. 8trt. cl Cobdtaao ab LDJ|! n - .at.al a- !-aaa loc-t'na rtr .& -' ri'arL' rt' rtr.a..- t "d {titLo'r"r lb;tt' LL"ttrt' tt i' 'itt}' 'fF}!6rrf. .||a rl| nt'a.|.r aaia t rr'td-l! raDxraaa .!a l-alt!-t|! ard+ -6 rtt ttatatr iharaaa, atra aI tb .{,rar. nln3. r|tt.. |.t iat. .|.r. ad r-.$d rhr.-r.: e, rb. -d tan t c rh. li*rt F l" ..lLt jr bt aa ..|r4t. .{. 1|r r.a t l} .f.'r b.trli.a ?.?r.-. ttth !h. Lt aaaDir. d .tt alaraD.n' n'lrtl^st0tt|,|h..l.Fr.tt-rtrrl|rrrr|aJrc.dbdr{hth.rP'[l|,t.|.....t||'t.ur ..|. r.rr t d th. -rdxt |.fl. h.L lt rtr .ad sr.||r. taarar. .d ll'r t.i F t t ef th' ntrl t"t' r* bb rl f bttLrra .t..5ra a.a rad}rrrllnrr" 3 aa.or.r-.. 3fail. L?a.lr, a.d rtta. lo ||rd ri!;tt rrid r.n t .frlo -c..4 F i. blf trin raa .-Atha.t tL ti- ottlr rudral rai dd'vrtt .rth.r rrr-rar, ha lt ral ra|.l .t th ,..it .. ale r...rrrt a, r. .t t[.a, .trr.. r.t f*r. .bftloL.r{ ||' tnnr. b.rtrri, -l .na aarv.t !h+ raF Ir rr|Fr .ra Joar aa a6a-ar,l. r|ld fhar th. itn|. rr. ft.r did tLaa Irrr. rll l,r-r ala .rh.7 atrtt'" b.rft|rr. .d... irtn|. trrlr. .rr.rr-.ta. .!d 'lruhbt'ix"t of vhtttv'r lrnd ot c.et Ccrd t.r.. tot tlr. t.r 1979 ud rrL.i"'t -t"sr 'nd sujboct to raat;tct1.r!a. r.r.rtrt 168, aaaa4:ltt |!d ctaaata ot rrctad ' l.rHrlt, .radtJ r.h.tnr .tr. |i bt, t L. -rpL. rrrd l. a F.l nthl. I'.|ll ;a:.t .id .rttlotrtt dr.! ' | . .tl,r ertt.' tFd }.rr.rirs ,n . i- qrat ..a . ..r.rbh Porlrton ot I h. .rr{ P.t t t oflh'i'(onlFtt hlt ts?,.rn4.i.rtn?{|,nirrll.n.l..'rtt t-. * rrt r lr:fgllr clrii|ntoa (o 'l'rn llt' ihol' "r r''t 9.'l th.Ht |t..1?t Ftt t oith. i..i D... r-rn.tra'r fAllANT A:\ U t'(ltl]vSL ltE] UN D' a-t 6a a-t I da.crlb.a aa Isrdar tsrtl\EJ.slllFtl:.rf ,\?....rrrrr y .lif*l[.rt |l.{h. I lt ].urlc.rt hlr l.rnd !h. a.r rtll !.rt t'rrl . \TATt | 'l tltl.!!t ri|l, | !s'.r\ ,, Irtl. I 1 r.i r',, .G--'ha " rr..>n' ..r 3 | cor irnttil b-lL" rt ?t f.. DllllE Xt,. '.r.r .r!,t rir.r.t 3. Crr[.lFSaotat€r 17 ?6th rr 83 rjf r ---{'t4i.t : {d- E*u t rr l!l,i .frz/l^.r Ini HTIUI L llDtif t.arhE-b-. -rY-ryo' aats-b.C lDt$ !t I ir ii ri :i :i ii,t aiil,{ll t lli;".ll i li I 26,40t..ti ol bok ?9? ?|.l ea l-I-.-.|4: lrff,u.|I. l|l 5.-rI 3. CLtn -. &tb .!r. c-rJ tstlf ra-Jt rn-rtr-Ftr-rr anl r. CEl. l:;tll ll .h. l..al f5b ttb t-ra (|ad..{t-dF! , ltl-||t 6tblI' rab. rtrItlD.. -rrdt .r|b -. !(--. 4,1. n rEw l'lf, FyrI -t .lrlr t Jrbht eaEa-atJtr t lra -!at.l rb te Hr *.rf-ad--f{a,bl trial-a-^lra.rQ-dll-F-,-a -.r qfr ,.{!. 6.t ..a .-1 -t dF.r t .,rb-tr.nbd*.} .e.ar-,-a{lh-!r. !t5-r J-a.El|fdHaft --t-a !;;b titbdsbr--I rrrrr t 3lL t. oL llt. I l-afrfr.t l,J:f l{ d }r. ll..l A.Uil In lStllll. }|trr frilrrlrtr thtll|l iollct: 3 :l' [' ot tn ttSt Gt't rt li t. thor t f C'I I, ll.fo fxti la' 6r r l|e.o tht: iLD I lf'f T :. t'.l3 t rtr :luEt t.I ftd tr tl Flrt cf Ltlrltr Cnl'.l tfl., St L ot -b-a-a...a-a-I r| -l .| rta <!b t|. tr*-.rr. ! a Fq.-n tm L-l!3' - | -rr'.4 !F t€. -a '4. .or.- rE .Fa'it- .--tb" d r .r-a||.'.-, .!- rat| ,.fr fftf-' ra a fb rr-4. r{r rrt ..a..d..-- -ra --{.Ll--tdl-d r.r t d-HFlalttlt- a.t. d--aJa.$.aln l€Fat--'rar tblr..-.--t--n^ t Fttt alf t lrtr.dF.--"lt!Fad-a.a..rl .ltr*a -t|. l, -,Frt -:ll.-a p. lll n-a-.D}rF lt.b -r,., Jtbii..tt b ll- r l. /Tll.r.re. .- !-ttt-, - I rqrL S'r'.5-r.d llr r ta lrr lr-.a F ;l .rrt.-rr1 l|- Lrr rtr4r.U - rY- Jt--*a -a -a'J-t ti .rrnlrn^ b lt d--a1rl-tr.br...raFa--r.a.f'Frt.G||-h.ra .. !r-. lrrF. -l -a.-. r, rb * . * -a Lr - -ra. ta ab iL F 6 ltr d'-.'.'' n- rl l-t ra .tbt t-la, l-tth, -b. lt-. rF. -a ad dl'o. 'a tat t t bta qt r.ti3 h.rl ?I. l? tn f tttf - rfrf!.. tr| ta t.|ltct trsd{ctlr, i!-.r,||1c1, -n3t d ccr-tr fl lul. -, tr!. -r. r.rr.d.atrr-. -rba-l -F r- F-.-.Jl-..ta tra t .,rr.e -l t'..t, blt i..r...a -ii! tr,r.t .8..a.t.rt tr6..l.'r.a tatl rrrat- L.b.. tlt r 'r.ar.r -t l a.r ri.'.{..i. t a r..r t 4.rratrF r A.a..a- talfltat ^ID t'Oltfal D'tll{D r\altt3t f l.tlI.tl. rt..i F'r t otrbtrnrFn r.a r..-!.d lll b.a -r.od ''r.b.a-b.r.t ab. .f.----b I rr. a.t ..a t... tt. a-...'rlrd a-. . tlrt l it -a db'af' ,tt,ALl i ttAL' .l^?t lrt {rrlrrllllt Il- Clty .nC r'', .h tr D.nrnr | -;re i!'...,.r,fr.'.-r! 'rr rr.-. \.,aia r-t "r r. tr . - ?nd - - <t trt Octdtf .7t ", -tn r. IEI- Utrr c |lird Er- Ir ($-..,-dntr'|'.. lPrtl a, , rr !t J';*tt'r t'.'j "' {t'r'ri ral/.^f". A-*-,- B4*r-' f, t 'frlt | - t ffir. gS* -rtrer.cot*r.l*brr.r.r't" I I '%t,l/ ' rbr-i..l-r I .a rb Ct* ra fff' "|. '-': L - -' -- -- C,r....r 'rrb c.J F t: ffimdsHi5iffi5fi"#- Fd'u' -rr..r.-'t t ..r:rrFt;J;;J; t Jtr-'!*rhr!'tdr' t r.rr-bl -ib.'E t.' irtti l.tcr.llt|l i:tqtt'f rbtriL- 'l .r...- r..rd;..n" !-r., - Jl,Ei-{f^f":*.*?lt b'n r" d'r t' lttr ttatr, r...tr- 1l!| ary J ttrb ilttls f,tlc TIT :;H;;;i,tt-- ;;; --**i*t-r{rrbrt' Colo"r-. tl ll il il !i tl il il it tl ti!lrl ffi n"f,3g,luHf.fffi#i :$.:llili^;: ili'rl: lrc'l r' !.et iorrc rt tr. Lrtr.r-3tgt:l ol-b!-7,1 $;rrg.s,S'r1rrT. l;"ll l|.l!lt'ffi ' f J: tr #"i:ft l,-!6;t,igl?' --.:,3';?',::i:: !m':T:'r5. t' ; .ffi r:i%T:' Jlffiif; r .ii',el'co;ri oi t'q :'' st'te or ,l il d- l-- a. rri{ r'i r"}' trellEt ttl rt a.a Latrt rr' l"drrr-a' '' rtF t'r'r"' tl'r'L Lbli.3 " ii "ttt- 'fF i i..q! ., aL t r.t.,"t ^"f ""ttttn' ero'rr ol r.-erat'3' t"!t' r'- 'r' trjttr th'?'.l' '.. '! rL .r.-. rttl. ralt. lrr.*, c.- tt't i5orl-rlt' a 15 1e ;oa t 'i L 'lr't F r' tttlrt lf, Lt tr ' J"T, a-r. * - a- r|'n r"atri"' tt"'r rrrh tL btd'r-'tr r' '1d"""'' D trtt llt lo nrf t- rr'o'F rrtt rtrrl r tof "t'5' rtr rtr 'F"ttr"''' rrlt ll' ;: fil'-- -;rur-:l J'j::-*:;lT'.H;'*'-" J,'T.5"11 l|rttb-!dF.l y r.r *t"r Jtr' ltll *tt"tf tt{-' Slrd "lb llti"tlL"tdi" tr' -tr'rl't or rr.! rec-rr.' h ll -;;;'';;'ari'rn"vri'r..r!" "tt' F lii' 'l-Lr"d -a.r-!!t ..,t.1. oa Ini.at."n' ri L'' t "t rl'' r'' t" t' I ftt'?{S' tult P"t 'r' .|rrt-'trf t .r aaa Ltlr|t tlt ." 'a'Et th' r'r'! tr irtrrtt t|!' &tr " '|-'|r'"' 'n' th'] rh' i'r'r' rl. ll.' ld 'L" lt . .l kr;? | tl rrhtr li'tt D"tr'nr' !'16' t|,r'' trrtt' --r'nttit' 'rl 'n'url"rn'''r ot !lt:tr.' I'rn' " ffii-i.t r !.r.3 tc t|rr trrr lttg til rr't'crrt.tr'l'3 f,€ rdJ'ct to rratrlctlar, trrrnutrc,r,-Slmr- rlt'l G'fitt of rrcord ' a.a rh, revr rarr.,n.a rar.rd. r. ri r.r{ .i., F-r.b}. Fi--|.n_ot rh- |..a t rtt "tL'<t"t"l' hlf f'ro r,rr ...'1" .'"o - Jl"tt trrr or r;rrro lrrloit tL-^trrnro' lt'l''D i h,-li'L 'r 'nt trtI r[.'r.t. r\..r/ Frr , Jrr!. ft"t et'r *'rl rnd rrl tlllAN? A\tr ] OlE\.ti Dffl:fu lxrltsl'3ll.Il3t''''.i'r.t{Fny''r|.'lr$'|rttr.l|r..lnt.rd;lrh'". tt^tf. t)7 ollt )l^l"' I - CltY frit r..r1"r Drourr I ,, ;i;i; *iil n titJl/i,";'ffi '"1L ***"' "' " r, '.-1,*-. '.r."' tgrtl 6' /^ rrll I rtu ' ' b' ':J ' t"''/J lt|Lal I rllAl'r octobar r. ' .n.l ti.j"l'61.1 F'l ) : \'dlt ft/ 1.' brtlrrr,|rt'l-- -E!}b- | rrFt-t- ts- --1'4tl I rr SJatt rer+rrrb. O..{tl' r,+.r{or. lbtt Ih;D. r.r. .',,.u,ll . rr..-r fl|ffi rLil!" lt: ...b., d at'*I[lC Trtf, Jf r,....." e)7, 7o*Ita.Usttat^l? r )r?ft?b I-r ..'::t;;' "91t, ( llr .{tlr ..*.a}.a .rd thar..t C,.i.,'.Jr .! rb n.a,atl" alut[ tf m t|!| iln ra- hor.d,. ,! tll L|lt bllo ?ltcaC.Ri. lodl.i. re i I L tTlXtLltl.rl- r f. -.a F.gf -.1tt trrr r..t. toi..a ,t.!..at ar* ralh......cI tm,9 cla|'l ln nqBt0 s€E iltrED flFTr C l0 rtlls-------.,s., bl|.-aF tt ra.bA.tF.l.b.aFlal] !h".d Frr.rr.!| . i-a '..t.lL r.a.tt *t "-,|'frraal.il}.-a.r.a.L.-Lar1 h. I t't.lra l'..trrtF{..L .n{.....t a ana It rbr't|'?ed.rbll ,t t a,L"Dr.rli..-r.t..a..aatiurt,Ih.rrld,.rtr'o(rb.,.dir.rt.th.rr;.16.4a.-aar.'.lrr.r.tr-lr' |'.!*trt.'-a-l--lrrr...it.rIti'f-l!'-6aa.!r,h.drd...F.r'l .a l.na r!..r.. Itri ..4 ha L tfu c...nrr of tfgl. _ .sd s..r. C t'!|.r..t . .o. rl I ftrtlar of tb t3t '|t p.rt d tot 7, cEqlf fAlt. Tm ot rrtl.otlof.{b. Et ,.rtlcllrly ircrll. rr follonl J.b ldlur r.ri*rl5bl rtr...-aF t: E tI. h.t Iglrrtq at tI lorhtl Coarr ot s.ld Lotl3.S foti frq 3l|o tt. t5" € rtO.O ft.tit.at; tincr I llr O'@' I $.([ fr.t to rhot ETl.. 3t tr of Colondo, .t& Itri*r..t dtct |ra..r-t.r 7i throtliica tpolnt of rsco' !5o m.O. b.gliilq, o'tr tt.5lcstt ' ,' t'lall y'i(l - rt.rrt Ti{;Etllf,l It} rr, .na .,nar'.' r?F t''..l,trndt! rra {rFrt-t.hr'. t.' r.gir. LLr{rit. € |n .rrurt IrFrl.rh,r.r r h. 1.r.F "..r ..{ r,r., rlr. ..i,.r^}, lid , --. .&'. .*l} r.,F..nd tr,ltrrr tti.t d..rarllrh -l.l ..tf.l.lrtL.:nr.'6r.ri.D.nd{?a.rnit,.rri.'..r.r,i.dtrlJr ,t r. firrl ,rrt. {nh.. rr l.r or .3gn)..1..ii*{r.th.ti,-..}urirrrr*dtr-r,...' r t, !r. 'rr'arl.--hl..hd.|,| tf| BAI'l: !|lr li I lll rl lt rh. r.'. Dr-^'i. .1,..?.!..s.-a.n.l.l'-.'.r.<l. r'rh rh. rarD.rt".d{., !nt} !h- ..,,t F .Fr.,f rtr' Fr.,na t{!r tt,-,. rr.ti i:,,t ...rn, tor.r.. Arari. r.ia rrrlrf ..llh? h..i Frt. fot h|l er f alld r|.'ri ri.!.t.,'1 .h{.nn } r.,.r...r{..t't 1,.'..,6 ..a {|r- i...a rri h ttl n.,aFri-r-f rtr .r 'aF.l :r.i, ',r '.., r..r.lt! rr.t.rrtrrlrr.al!h'.na.:rra.l,dat:rt.rt 'l ll|.r. r''otr ll ll ..tl ...,"n iti.'- -n!:r,a .r.( r,{a ..r'. Frr.!t. .h..lnt' .rl rt'drLr.rll' ..rri'rlr.lrt'r.n,. , ,.r .r l* .it!il. .' ,, tbt a.r{ r{lrl lnllt tt.nd,.rr- rutl'-rtrt lr.l.^1,l,r?trrn, ,rl r.rd r!..,?) ih. r.i. h r.nn., .^d t,.G .t.!...rd ..n r',^t ttt {-.7}'r?r rid.|.rr tt-it.li n,trtr .nd il*ttrtnr..l,.ra.\,. .rnr lt.r rl.n,xibtrn.-.drh.rP\rtl,ad!ttt.luh rtt.t .reapt to" hrar. I tr.r tor tl: J.o.r l9t9 ma rr5..qrcr|t to.rr .nd rubjact toitttrlcttc|r, nt|.rratld|s. oat-iti rd coraiants of rtcori. .natf*!''..f,r.a.,r'.r:r,r'-.,-,1.rh.,)...t,.tt-.r-.r,.r.-6|sdlh..a..lttr.?i ll\r *r.'hilPrrl,{h.rr r'rrr.tra r..rar,. .'i.' .r .l'.D{ -.... p - . t1*.'s.:.t1cllr,l.,r..rtl.r7','...,btf..hsl,tt.ntD..lthtrrol. !l* -,! r..rt -r,l\. 1,.r r..r' ir,r!. lr r ..lr r rttll\l ^\&tlrl):Vf, l ltf,,f l \ll :I tttJt.$t lltlll,rtt .n. ...! F.,') ,l In. rlrr rulr |r.i t...,," .ihll n.nd ral -a; rn.d.t tn.t r..r lrtrt ' t lu *,n ,1(;.t ,, t,i" l tt ril..r.l' nr(I6 ELs, nc(tt l+ , '-(..?,' 1. L, t, t /n'i 4,/ / .'l r.Tlt|- ' 't ( {L'r&ll'(' 1.. I inr, -r t4lr l . fr' rrp{iu, u-n, r...,rts,.:'r.6 ' t't!'r h. '. . Znd rrr I JUly l, llrr of (F,lE .ttori.t- | n-f.ct for Th(llAs lltLscft nrt[ 'a ' B#;t*h.t tlt '' ''*.'"'rrlr'!|,.n ', ''r'' / '/)- J - -..- L al r.-rrtr -.|, ...-. r.d. I V / \'^0' 4', 4 li, -llr r r,. ,r . :fi C!t\',tl'!i Tr: ": :.'(11 i I i.:: :1t'10 i ?0rb9 ' rr,i o'-hcr qocrd .lnd I,, rg 2} l??t hFrill R Ltr sufficlc'rrt 1u"i cons rdera t ron ll'. '' n . | 1l l\.. \l tlaf $dt Lattnltl l|[ l,,li 25.'?' llt r.', A{urt DNANI| L. XNOX Drgnva.r r, ,l 'r ''" .ITIOI,iAS NELSON MCXEE -:tl$ir 5t\ Avonue S('.rtLsd.rlo, .\r rzon.t 852i1 ll-i-::,- "dm. \1.\rr \'..\IL, .r nosubdr'.'ision of LoLs A-8 L#ir".. ':, tr',--sut.: lr/ I sron, a'-corci rr)q i '' i'i': 5.-ses--i..-1 ...:il! i9, l9?b rn laQok :ii 'rL i-':;' 2li' and A-9. ;1;11 r,lr,'rr'of -- .','i,,n.trrlq. r.'strlct-ions .fn(l r-irht-s ci ii't'''trf rccorC ' "i::"i:il-.:tr,j-ra:.cnf re-'scrv-tiotrs, rnd rc'rl pr-oi)c::ti t'.1x*s ::or 197! rr-.'.iiri., rn 1919. j .s eB ,|I.'d !ltlifi I i Uc!? llr! , -i.='. ','4 X n(, x . o 1.-;.. Easeoent Exhibit Lclrl dcrcdgdon: Prtt of thr 2o Privd! Rord erd utilig Earccn eLo loort o crrder Dcl Hortc Dliyc, nDd EaL ..a. r..va], A Rcartdirici@ of tas A4 rndi9, srdi A, E*r,"-tddp $ffi-To*;ilf ffiG#.'-Colcado, rccudiag tD te rcon*a pU tar:A*-t * drtcl|-V-d;Hb.d; nffi- --.-' Ee8lrqcnt A BctiloirE at e Fin: o ths urtbElyliD deH omb Dct lLrc Dd!! ntc!.r tb rsdiu! Eitrt of tu .rd dc s hdsfl ft'{806'W, gg.AQfigt; 'r'."-a!rr8dd arnbtybAth."dE *-:idg f,f,.l"ora ffff q,Tf,[H l#.ffi Hb*'tr F-T,H# i,H HS"j;;s rt.:4, lcst ro lhl Fnnt of bctjnnmg cmtainint 6 t aquoc ftct rrc c tcr, &&srcnt B ?d"ng"g "t " gin! m or outbcrty line d ""id cs,lar Dd NdrE I).i'- st@ tbc radiur miut of thc arlde cc brErE- -of.tz45. E, 35.00 ftct ; b!r,.?,1*.9 dl sfiEfo lirr dot tul dc *c 14.:9s bct at lrr Iotrtc o 9re lcftbrrttge ctcrrl -'rgl. df 2a.3l46.,l tdiDrd35--S b"t d iinid 6rr bcriil --- $'-Tg-E l4qz ftq t!e.t drprltilr8 nid ult.dy tia N Or.ssl0 w' 6.t9 e.q rhlrs s SS.0{SCrry rJ. r.E Er to uc Flnt d bgiffiing @tsiniry $l rqlar fta uc clccr. F,8- o1- za) Dstr EaF::at B [.4.t fa.ldbs ! Ot!.rh Lr, Fs q ff3c. b Ertrlr, -rdc. \ \ P.O.B. s{!d26":llr F.35.&lrllfL15.!f lA./ I-lr Es sllri Scalc l'-1O ""ft,,vo'd3) I --erori 1d| dri rrr AE {-. co. tuu lrl9lts4li! tla t.t. o 4e o - oBd -*{ol\- -- $ato o\-- ao)t\ a6 o_o -. -e ---a=--- r-- -8 -a -t- a - ttt - -i-t-- ==!=: Are. g? ml @:3*ll F2. Fd{ fll, :