HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 9 PHASE 1 UNIT A LEGALir Proiect t{ame' DRB Number: DR8050229 Proj€ct DescriPtion: FINALAPPRoVALoFANBfiERIoRCHANGESAMEFoRSAME.aWINDow,S|(UGHTAND SUDING GLASS DOOR PadiclPants: OWNER VAIL ASSOCIATES LLC A5I25IZOO5 5723 LONGBREAK TRL EDINA MN 55439 AppucANT PETERSON, DAVID, GREGORY, AR05/25/2005 Phone: (218) 543-5023 35413 BUTTERNUT PT. ROAD PEQUOT I-AKEs VINNESOTA 56472 ."**i&Tffi#Lo*, DAVTD, cREGoRy, AR0s/2sl200s Phone: (218) s43-5023 36413 BUTTERNUT PT. ROAD PEQUOT I.AKEs MINNESOTA 56472 License: 348-L ProiectAddt€ss: 1145 SANDSIONE DRVAIL locaton: CASOI-ARVAIL UNIT 9A Legal Description: Loe A-7 Block 9 Subdivislon: CASOLARVAIL Parcel Numb€r: 2103-014-1$0{ commentst sEE CONDmoNS dartsKrl4" €t'ry | 6,arhr Vtrj-t uitlI BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Astiou STAFFAPR Second By:vote: DateofAPProval:05/25l2005 Condi6ons: Cond:8 (P|.AN):Nochangestothesep|ansmaybemadewithoutthewrittenconsentofTownof Van stiff and/or lhe appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprova|doesnotconstituteapermitforbui|ding.P|easeconsu|tWith icnrun bt vait gi,ilding personnel prior to constructton adivities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days foltouring the date of approval' Cond:202 Approval of thls project shall lapse and become void one (l) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and ls diligenHy pursued toarard completion. Flannen Joe Suther DRB Fee paid: g2so.oo \ FRtrI : GRIf f ITII TIOODIJffiXING FRX Ml. : 21854361!16 I'las. 23 MS 6.A?Ffl P3 Minor Exterior Application for Deslgn tf|At 't, Locarion or th€ hlFocar, uc. !3*"8$iiq* jo*t*n*, Gtrrfz,rfUp$* Pfiy.icd td.fi€rcr =Frce{ilo.:(Cortrct ftgiecc. .tEs€ssor;t g7S.3lg-gE4S fo- percer no.) Zminq: ilnncds) sf Ournc{f)t Itlriling Adrtrtsl "a'Ovret(eI Itlame of Apllcare H€ilhS fddrers Ernzil l314ygaa; __ Depaftr Bnt sf CGmrnUr:;V Ded€bpnEir:7: Sctth FianiaEe Roa4 Vril, g'io.ado fl6'' tel: 970.+79.?129 r'd.t 970.179.24s2 r{eD: t'lr*A f,B|lBEl.sfrl General Inbrmdtioulx DFDje(s rcRuirtK aies*' fevrevr fluEt rcce-r€ a@fci"l ?rifi t0 susmitffrE a h-4lding F€rrrtt acpj{r60fi. preaEenier u;.1n9 sctiaittar equ.e'-,r:+s fcr rtre rart;i,.,r.:l;;#frii B -€q-€53ec- An apffi.afi1r1 rtr Desgn Revr-qF:lI! E* aseF.tec urttl at req/Jited.tniorftetbe !$ :#eird ov itte o"t*unrv 5"...1;Gil dpr*unr. i.r,"projetl .na'' EKc aeEJ .b ir€ re.iei^c tsy tF l?|r io'ncl-r.,rili-rr rht prannihii ,r,a e;rr*;dfu comfission.DetEn rtviei'' apDroval lapsee tg'hil e ooirotng periii il';ssuca -d €ombucfut cotnr'mes $rturinfic ycai of |tra r pproml F6)o(rl o $ro Yyp3 Of n€triew 5rd F6ei D Slgns ! Ccnoepa* p.eview J irlea Ccnsh uci:.,rF eddit|cfi dni*retvrui^ (:;.tlti-ft ,*krtcrn rercia I Cl ilin-.:- Albqat:cn (sng|Ffa'!it"/i.u-pi€x' ti Chanrcs h. ApglovEJ FlEr4 C Ea,tffiio$ R€qrrest ltlct B,'ruf $st c FeE g€5c s:toJ $2s0 s0 $20 .{o F€€ Srdru:tion of a n+/, bj{i.hg cr d€nr.rlrei*dd_' A'r *ld+$t r$t€.e sqJijFE fc€fiEge A 3dded E efiy rEsF.tfitsi Ert3n}1re,Eat Du;ldllg frNJr.dcr ?S0 addijon$ & irtLrlor aa1t|€rs:crc)_ l.,.'in tr drangF ,r 'JJi(lnfs and eits i$p:ovarlr€nts, fldt c.:?rcafing: pEtnJEE. wlidoN .aqdUa-.s, ianGcapinS, ferres oncraEjrihE lrrrb, eE, illijls' clEngFs r-i bjldings did dte hD.,tlragtrefits, 51,rr1 ?s,r!{ooaing, po:;iti',.g, lrJincbrv dCdons. tardEdilrg. lerrCns gnd refrihlF4 $Aflt, etc. Fr3"T b pors ahdy rpprottd by ptarrnirE Strff tr $c DesignRcvicr. gorrd- Ets $1.09 per s$rrt lcot qf bbt sign lraa.6?6'zg{p, !d s?EElscl.s ;.1.-l}jtc l]ixr,r:u I vr,ttnr-h^rr4..,., FRIFI : GRIf f ITI{ I.II]UJORKIhE FFD( F{]. : 2185435196 Snm( -forSanC' MITO R EfiERIOR ALTERATIOIIS TO EUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVETSEHTS SUBHTTTAL n EquIR Errt EHTS Gcnetal lnf6ftEtion: TiiS €pp;icatian is requirrti rct ptoposa$ hvorvt?g mi.1cr fidcrior alteraiio.:s rnc&r slte trnro.remenE.Pr:,fc{ats Fr rdtl iaflosceritE !9I+ rr:csi'e OR6 app*v" uniess sprr in.vcive the aacuon * pxoe,.rlet€r'caEirEs, €ra.trng. c:'the additisl of atair:inO wilt. L SCEtsT&ILSFAIESEEIEII: 4 zur*o topoqiapfiic $r,reit-rJ sta and Ganii.rE PEn*ud Landscaoe Plani ,,G^,te t,teciu rat ElanL'orsF/#Fr+,\r si.r ir'tc naier;ai sand€s afd $p€dnca$ns.{ -.9 Architestural FioF piansr. \ -k tjghti;E Fln* end Cdfheeqs) b Frpposed finures \EIPqeoG inclurlirE Sch€dul€s.A & 3 !o ve1Fy o9111ersh.h ard easemenb* L54.'.F.jo trme o\jltin? eF end adjraertstructuias, wljere rpp;tcable,Q] lV,rna"r a.frxg'/ai from: Cctidl,:rniun assciation, tendorO, inO jsirt o.*,nai, lf app0crbleA_ Site-sp€ciFK Gmfogkzi :iaeftj taeBort F agr11@g1gxif Th€ Adrnin6t;€mr vd/+: DRB rmy nequi re Fre sub,?ission of additionrl Fians. cFawtngg,specificauans, ral.rles end other materiais {tnciuding a ,r,oO=rl-1". JJemS- n"*-ry ,oseternine wltrher a.prrgjSci.wit lr6i.+ptT n,,iti peSrg5 AiiOet*t q,..f U; i;.itenr gf g-,epfeposd i5 noi cl€ady inilc€ted. Ple4se sahlll,i, {tt (J) copiec cf the mutufiak now! *ith an dsterirk (i* 5*for intericr c.irr.v€-sons with r:o Eefigr chairceg, the slbmlibl €qui:e er..E include e comilere E€t ofexG$nq and groposect fo{r pian3, a btJe feFtt, And wrllten lpprowl ftOrn a cCndcrninir:m asoctetign,lar'dbrd, ard icifit 6.vner. if apolicable, I have |€ad atld und€rstEnd the €bore lFted ,|lh|littEl |€qulerients! PrcJ€ft Date Signed f'1a9. 23 2ES5 B6:B3Pr'l F5 Page 3 cf t3tilti0?l{J4, gd 95'tBEt90lS l.a!l'-l* ll|lll|-U IW\/ F.r'^'l^ F,r ' I aFul FRI}1 : GRITf IT}1 I.f,TIDL[KI(Ils FA){ I'10. :218*1351*l f"lac. 23 ffi WiBLPn PI i. (print naine) JOINT PROPERTY Cwl{ER IYRI]'TEil APPiOVAL I.CTIER dsrcrif.!m) oisridc this tesr ej r rlten iFrcvd of nre pt€r6 ..drF.d .y{n{ - I h++ Zffi- which hare oeen Subrnitled .\o tie Tty*n :f yAil Communit,, Daeiomr?nt D€na.tnre't for tile pfop6ed imprDve!"€fif$ tr be mngleted ai EF€ addreBs &r.€d at$ e. I urdeirtind ihrt the papoted irr|prc1enErts F.clude: i firrfher urdeffuand that .-dinor n*aflfi*ti.ffi inEy be r.ade to the pfans ov'sr rhe cou'e of the revieM, PleCesB b erEure &thpjiers witlr tfr TS*rn! ap$6le cCiles and rcgulaiions, Pege 2 at 13 !iZ,lO2/A4 z'o a tsint orr,'!er cf ?r€pe|ty lffited !t (a{idmsrlegal es?8glsoe$Ltt-i\JlC 'trll\ r".' ' '. rr. FRI}'I : GRIf f ITH UtI]HJORXII..fi FAX Ml. : e185436196 f'las, 23 2gg'5 S5:E4P{'| PB /r.lDar^l e*:y1,uf : Ail btrco^t Jrf4'.z,E 4o..o*" ile+t: fr^tbarlr,;^l Efnr.t21 Ootor- Attl*t^t4n t-t*D fttlrn'{ua (.u*g ilaa.r: i VEc-t a glrED r Uital. oteaee.l ra€rrt4cAp ff\i7t{. eq,tA ?eodsg FPo*ea 5 zyut f*r9flal1 . Su.tlr^tf qcrqr, ,r1,. fu,|5n+tf: 5 ?nilzu, z{.t+tb.Itffi{- cu*o Ep-oerze ' rOC;;r;titDut oice4rr,s ileo : I forrcc;# e-;f;-ij,!,*io.r.ilf *,u, (,.\!tc :t\ttw3!J i rrv rlrl rn :rr'r rr J:ler FR[F4 : GRlf f ITH Umil.lmKtNc FAX N0. : 21854361!t6 l'tte. 23 zeps %iB4ft'l P7 PROPOSEDHATNIALS Eulldina Hetaialg TlDa of l.trtertll Roof *ain9 other wail Msterials F3scia 50frs . windows rn/indow Trim Doors Dcor Trh llard or Dcd( Rails Flues Ftashing Ch,mn€18 Tia'.i ErElogJres Greenhouses Rlbifling Walis S(terior l'ghting 0ther Not?s: ' Please spedfv tlre manulbcb,rel: nang the color nanie anc rumber ard a-..ach a color chio. Pege 6 of r3r,I2/OZg+ z'd ggtge !eu.' gol9r Tut*tz gEe Htp*e,t _ _ lJ,-lElC JA;f\f"1rf 'vr! .a::r',^ t^ '. t-.