HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 13 PHASE 2 GENERAL LEGALto OWNER THOMAS PRINGLE 1980 DISCRTR04/01/2002 Phone: MICHAEL 43 HARVARD RD FAIR HAVEN NJ OZl04 License: APPUCANT Don Eggers Eggers Architecture, Inc. POB 6041 Avon, CO 81520 License: o4l0Il2002 Phone: 926-8126 lo Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Numben Addition of99 sq, ft. each side ofduplex; new metal seam roof; new exterior stucco & paint. TOI1il\I Project Name: Pringle residence Project Description: Participants: ProjectAddress: 1146 SANDSTONE DRVAIL Legal Description: Lot: A-7 Block: 13 Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210301414014 Comments: Location: C.asolar II both sides of duplex CASOLAR VAIL BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Charlie Acevedo Bill Pierce 5-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah O5/ 75/2002 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (Pt AN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO \OO ILl' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us Project Name: Wood residence Project Descriptionr Participants: OWNER WOOD, GLEN E, PO BOX 2895 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: APPUCANT Don Eggers Eggers Architecture, Inc. POB 6041 Avon, CO 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 1146 SANDSIONE DR VAIL Legal Description: Lot: A-7 Block 13 Subdivisionl Parcel Number: 2L03074740L5 Comments: DRB Number: DR8020077 Addition of 99 sq. ft. each side of duplex; new metal seam roof; new exterior stucco & paint. 04/01/2002 Phone: O4l 0U2002 Phone; 926-8126 Location: Casolar II both sides of duplex CASOLAR VAIL BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion Byl Second By: Vote: Conditions: Charlie Acevedo Bill Pierce 5-0 west and south sides of the building. Planner: Bill Gibson Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah A5{L5/2A07 DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.O0 @nd:8 (P|-AN): No dranges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a pennit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond: CON0005290 That additional landscaping of 15 evergreens and 25 aspens be placed at the east oe oo 1146 Sandstone Drive Vail. Colorado 29GA. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF AMEzuCAN BUILDING COMPONENTS MOSS COLOR PORTERPAINTS 7193-3 PLOVERGRAY PORTERPAINTS 7185-2 CATHEDRAL GRAY ROOF: FASCIA: STUCCO: BODY: ACCENT:PORTERPAINTS 7186-2 GRAY STONE BASE:7187.3 AUTUMN BARK WINDOWS: EXIST. ALUM CLAD BRONZE L oo oo T0l44V Application for Design Review DeDatment of Community Development ZS Soutn Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97Q'479'2452 web: www.ci'vail.co'us General Information:fiiffii#iffiffiTli;' review must receiyg 1qor9y!!ti?'.i:.':b::T33"1^t"11':n"^1,il15.'PiJ'ffii?l; JliL;il'tiJ?ltr"""Sfli[:'"'Aiil#:il: i'oi-tinI;ilJ#;;;;J;'ithat is requested' An apprication ror Desisn Review n^.,^r^hm6nt nFnarfmFnt- The:"".lJi;:"":::il:T[ii'5i'l&ru il:#:''#;; iffii-i tr,l".S:ll::Y ?fl"i"inil:3.1P"?Hillin,I'.1cannot be accepteo untll dll re{-lurrcu rrrrur rrro.'rvrr ' -nvironmental Commission. ;;;j;e ;;t;6 need to be rlviewed bv the r.own _council,:i:/:j-:|",0]1T'T#,0,;;"" commences withrneJ:1..,f"T:1,ffij}Tff:,H#;;'i#:.;J#;g;;iii='Lued and dnstrucrioncolences witnin one year of the aPProval'qq I !. i, ([-yu.t I ?<L' Description of the Request: Locationof theProposal: Lot: l3 Bbck: ael*yl vwe; \rqr'-- v'f 1., '1q- 2 i . )e*l€tn6 ttr{'lqu-r ;ot 'j^-1) A Subdivisiont Ctl*ottt* fr physicaf Address: IFk +arJQAnrJE fulE Zoning: A'-tf>o Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of APPIicant: Parce|No.:W(ContactEag|eCo'Assessorat970-328-8640forparcelno') E-mail Address: MaitinsAddress: h bv ha+t NtJ, At SIloZ'o =Phone: of:Lrt,gl?.b $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $65Q For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' lffif ior in aoaiton wnere squarefo-ota99..1s aOfeojg anv residential or \---'l commercial uuiroing (inilildes 250 aidltions & interior conversions)' $250 ioi -no, changes to buildings and site improvem-ents' such as' rerooflng, painllng, window additions' landscaping' fences ano retaining walls' etc' $20 ;;;*;;t changes to buildings and site improvem-ents' such as' reroofing. painling, windoi additions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls' etc. $20 r"i t""Liont io plans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee Type of Review and Feel D Signs ! ConcePtual Review 0 New Construction f naaition n Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) 'Q Minor Alteration (single-familY/duPlex) ! Changes to APProved Plans ! Separation Request q0t/.L]L t$,0{\ oo oo EXI$TING FRCNT [LEVEVATION oo oo EXISTING SIDE ELEVATION oo oo EXISTING PARTIAL REAR ELEVATION oe ol EXISTING PARTIAL REAR ELEVATION It46 Sandstone Drive Vail, Colorado 29GA. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF AMERICAN BUILDING COMPONENTS MOSS COLOR PORTERPAINTS 7193-3 PLOVER GRAY PORTER PAINTS 7185-2 CATHEDRAL GRAY oo ROOF: FASCIA: STUCCO: BODY: WINDOWS: E)flST. ALUM CLAD BRONZE oo ACCENT:PORTERPAINTS 7186.2 GRAY STONE BASE:7187-3 AUTUMN BARK _m D('IIOre|A c - O?,bOlO lll lllt..EtloFr +*r"- --1rI@arl !.! lnE riro ni|lElm uonrorao tat It tl toot L J&-34.-!Cg:-:t- b-lfrc.ao\rlD(ftlt! tEta t-rtiE@vl-oirr.msolEalltD J43ArpO9ro D{rtoii? rlra et tlrrl-E tmroLpIt tY !90! tt @l,ltoti rro9l .|l Ar! tnFg Llg tttEl nr ttt- lal anb€ \alr ra -f* o *-w-- oo oo l*++*++*tl't|+t*.*t**...|*t.'i*++*t+||+.++*.|{'..|.*lt*+.+.|+.|.|**t*{t+||......*t*+|t..|1....+. TOWNOF VAIL, coLoRADO tatqnent + | + + +*+* + + tf + + * I + **f + + rr* {lr*** * * +,tl +t +*+* ++ | tt tt * +a+ +f+ aa**a ll' ta'l**++ f aal+itaa't ''ff f* ..'f rtt statetnenc Nuniber: Ro0ooo2o93 ArnounE: $300'00 04/ot/2oo2o4:38 PM Payment Mettrod: Check rnLt': rrAR Notatlon: 2343 Gten wood Permit No: DRB020o7? TyPe I DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210301414015 SLte AddreaB: 1146 SAIID8TONE DR VAIL IJocation: Caaolar II both gldes of duplex Total Feea : ToEAI AIJ, PMtA: Balance! $300.00 $300.00 9o. ooThiE Palment:$300.00 ar r a*** tr fl at r+++ ++ r a frr*f ta I r,t f*t*+ r+*+**+*a9 rr* rr r++ ttt* r**aaa t+t3*t+ fa*tt'} rtt I l 'ftll *t"* | ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Curr"ent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEt,| FEES 300 .00 {clE/||,}rc!^CrfrD.lllq Rl&ra rrtm@!l-ioiDO?.t.i|EiE|lE lotD&t,gaol'|' f{fio ijt /I^ E@ !ar9Er riFan {t l.lvE g-, l?.a' V. Er sgtF l9ir "ffif ttEa@cm N tat rt !Y a.l iU@O aAo tDE4-llt j.ts'J,4gl4- t- a!!co lror|?Iltrlpara f.,{.-''# EIST. ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATION CAMPISI RESTDENCE REMODEJ, 1145 W. SANDSTONE DR, !0/!0/94 PROPOSA], : NEW I,IINDOI,I, TRrM, SIDING TO }IATCH INSTAIL NEW 8' WIDE GARJ1GE DOOR TO EX I STING . MATCH EXISTING. :t:T,-uf'*,,,- iligntviewAction FCh O TOWN OF VAIL ,"" loll,U I4r:Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Comments: L6galDescriptiont^ 11) Bbck subdivision rl Projec{ Street Address: | | Zone District Board / Staff Actlon Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: U Apploval t/""pp-u^t y' Staffnpprovat Conditions: Town Planner Date: o As technology has progressed, a new type of hot tub and spa has been developed. This new type is esseniially a sell-contained unit with all plumbing, etc., contiaineci within ihe structure of the unit. The only necessary component for his type of unit is an electrical ouget. For the Town's purposes, these units will be considered.moveable/portable hot tubs and spas. The following information must be subrnitted, where applicable, with all requesb for portable/moveable hot tubs or soas: survey or site plan - The building location, all property tines and the proposed hot tub unit should be shown. cut sheeuphotograph of unit - All units must be u.L. listed and must meet the UBC. condo Association - lf a unit is to be located on a general common element (G.c,E.) 0r limited common element (L.C.E.), condominium association written approval must be obtained. Hazards - A hazard letter will not be required unless some other structure, as defined in section 18.04.310 of the Town of Vait Municipat code, is also being added. specific requirements for structures in hazard areas are in Section 1g.69 of the Town of vail zoning code. flaRs indicating hazard areas are available in the Community Development Department office. o R.etl6ca-=- TO: FFOM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM General Public Community Development Department February 19, 1992 Movable/Portable Hot Tubs and Spas iR-r,it u',ri A hot tub may be added to an existing, conforming (legal) deck. Decks may encroach into setbacks, including front, rear, side and creel( either 1i2 the setback distance or 10 feet if within 5 feet of grade, or 112 the s-etback distance or 5 feet if more than S feet trom grade. Please refer to Section 18.50.050, 18.58.060 and 18.58.300 of the Town of Vaitzoning code for the specific regulations. Requests for hot tub/spa encroachments into sehacks further than allowed for decks may be approved by the Design Review Board. Other secticns of the code, which are not cited in this memo, may also be applicable to some installations. All completed applications for movable/portable hot tubs will be reviewed by staff. No approval can be given without all the necessary inlormation as listed above. This review program is not applicable to permanentibuilt-in hot tub/spa uniF. The Town will not regulate 'temporary' hot tubs which are sited for less than a 48-hour period. 1,'ltPft@ /pular'1@ 1uilAqO ,/" & tr. ' ;.;F :i ,3: i,r:sl ltF: tit,|,-U;rF':l;=,,e REtlilcu;: 'U1"".1 sterti': " DAS lpFr,rctlrcl| - {9ml or lBrlr, eoIloRADO :.O.TE APPLICATIO}I RECEIED ;DAIE 0Ir DRB I'iEE|ING: *taiaiitt** ?Htr$ AtlL,rCltIOr nILL {OtE BE ACeEFilGS$urrr r&& RsgulBED rlttonr{rrrog rs sgttsggrp***trtrfr! FrcoJEc 4,, Bmostr{AFloN I A. DESCRIPTION: A, 'fYSE CIF F,.S:VIEIJ: lles {:r1rJ:Etruction (S100 . 00} iddi:ion (t50.00i ADDRESs: LEGAT DESCPJPIIONT trot _ Blnck ')( Po47a#{+ *@ut\gt-.{ -'_!l*i"e-rF-++++r++i.en ( gonc€scu3l Rcvl,sH rtPtt J4U.IJJJ (90) tr- }. Subrltvlslo$ f'3:g^L-$ip -r-r. - If, propsrty ls dRsertbad by e rir++"-s and boun{:s legalclgsosiFtl,+n, plqa:r,e provlCe qn E sepalate sheer. aii.Jlttsuch ti] t"trls *1:rp!lcuc1.on. i0NIt'lG r L,OT BREA: If r'6q'.rj.as4,g-,.gmped survey ghsrri4g lir,',!{E Of APPLJCA}IT: Ma i l.L ng AdCre$ $ : $us: Flovlde a c,Jrrellt.appl icaar Iqt Erea. ?rt AFFI" CA}{T' i frF.PBE.SENtAIilE:l.t*(ir'4,J,0( C.d'r,l$to,4F Fod{" - dn r1{,q,-.,,{;+. **H?l-_ { saqii-:.J.T.MS OF Mai_1}og ltddre€E: Sr/"d #.$4 r.HT.ME OF OT{IJEF.S : Phons "=-.:"stct*rERSts): Ma!.I:ng .Addt'ees: Cttrdomtniurn Appr'o,ral if gj.rpl.icabte. DFts FEE: DiB fees, as sh,lwn abave n elE to be irtr:!(l al.thd tia$ of gubnircal, of, l)RH .3pp1ic3t j.o:l , Lat:r, sfirnepplying fc,c a boliClng &,*:;rrrii, pls*s{i itisrillfy ckceccurats virlUatiort Cf tjle proposal. the Town qi VaiIwill adjust: the feri ac({rfJi rlg Lo tl:e t r*hL* b*lcu, t.osnours eJtc €6sr*c'; tec 1.3 Frt4,rTE PAID: 3 : FF-F $ 20.00 s 50.00 3!00 - 00 gxurJ.00 $100.00 $500,00 ,-.]ons IEAn. I$aEa PxxeL l$suED e,$D colf$rRoctrcd rs P'pE $ggsDqlli vt\tuATtrolls 0 - S 10,000st0,00r-$ b0,000s50,001 -5150,000$r50,0€l - $ 500,0s0 s500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $I.0001 000 Drs:o$ SIvItff 80A,8D aspnovAt *;tprREg lrFFove& g$IlEsg & tgtl/DxNc psrufit rs sttnEED. IPPI.rcArtoN - Tona otr varr., DATE APPI,ICATTON RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: O ".tu slttsL COI.oRADO ,ttlt ,i rl!'; DRB ******r*** IEIS EPPLICATIOX $ILL HOtr BE ICCEPEED nlrTIL AI.L REQUIRED tlfFoRiltrllorf rS SI'Bl{rlrED********** I. A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction (9200.00) foe:tAtL tbut\4'& 6Pt Mi-r!€*LE€ra*i'en ($20. 00)x D. Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: ll'lb NFsf g/kp,0E,ro^/4- n4tUL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot - Block Subdivision If property is described by a neeLs and bounds }egal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E. F. H. NAME OF APPLICANT: ZONING: Mailing Address: N€t"n 'ock NAME OF APPLICA}IT, S M*{rau,q eb',AfreT @L REPRESEI-{TATIVE: /t4lt4a c$ A€-LAS LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing must provide a currentapplicantlot area. lsa Mailing Address: f/- gN ilryT r.\> J. K. NAME OF OWNERS: Phone r. l{A<4L( C-a.*tPt\ r' *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address:Phone 2t/ b?Y - 'Yeo Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at t.he time of submittal of DRB aPplication. Later, when applying for a buiLding permit, please identify tbe accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vaif will adjust the fee according to the Lable below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. 8BE PIID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON$ o - $ 1o,ooo$ 10,001 - I 50,000 $50,001 -$ 15o,0oo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $L00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 * DESIGN RSVIET' BOARD AFPBO\TAI.. E:FIRES OTSA YEAR AFTER TINEIJ APPRO\IAL UNUESS A BUILDING PEnMTE fS TSSUED AND CONSTRUCTTON fS SIARTED. **NO APPLICATION TILT. BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE o lBTr--- 'f,tc'Do0T 1g 1993 SHEET 2 OF 2 IHPNOVNHENT IOCA'IION CER'I'IF'ICATE T,ECAL DESCFIPTION: l'hooe portiona of parcer 13 and tbp comnon Area of caaolar vail,rr' a aubdlvieton recorded r.n ths of,fice of the ragl; c"*rtv,--colorarlo clerh end Recorder,- deocribed ae roliowe:* B";l;i"e eta' p.,inr vhence rhg qgr!_noriherly """*"-"i-;;r;' c"di;;- v;ii iibears N 4'25'96" B bg.o6 feet dtetent; thence cn* rrrriowrne-i"*icouraes around thg. r*?:?.lv_lfl{-qf "l ertaring,' duplexi iiT A-a3"3l-1.8" E 40.10 feer; (?) S"F6"nB-aZ- W So.oS-IE"t; (s) N sa-31-18" tf 40.1o feet,i (4i N 56- 2lJ-42- E 30-06 i""t to the point, ofEegtrurlne, County of Eagle, Stetre of CoLorado. NORTH $CALF l"= ao' rlt+ w trenuapl6 p6. Lro) --,8.F e. ,' ' 'J-r I.l | 4U E* LUER tf / &. \ o), il/ "97' tii'\ Lor A-6 \t\o^ .""" '",'-[.... rol.ltir ,go '01 .$lr'l0lzl 1\ 4 :\\+\\.ti, \\t. r \e"\s ,? .+n,/ SOMtv16N AREA FqILDIFC 6\,Etrt|lANe tt? F"ft'---*1j e l/abQFLFX?Yiffi .,'9 FATTCEL IB /\ ( DEe$ FAsGI{FNT E,!.Eb--i- ( erox {12. FAae "or ) CABOLAK VAIL 1r ,-""y1 NoTe; oUTLINE oF r,qPLHx FoLI.owg A LAI{6 IIAFC EL I.FGAL FEacRI,"rI6N -J REcRE,ATTqN ARe.a''-'-' I I I I wr' ,\t . il"vt^/ ' t'i -.otir{- October 08, 1993 Mr. Tdn Ferfetti c,/o lGximum Ccrnfort IOol and Spa P.O. Box 2666Vail, OO 81658 re: Spa iJlstaLlation aE It46 Sandstone Drive,Canqrisi residence Dear TCIII, Ttris letter is to inform you that as Secret-aqz-T:reasurer and Manager of the Casolar Hdneovwrers' Association, that ]rou are hereby authorized to proceed with tlre installation of the spa at the Canpisi resd.dence located at 1146 Sandstone Drive according to the specifications you, have sutxnitted. Sinr.arolr.r 1175 B Casolar Drive Vail, Cll 81657 Phone 476-0430 PLEASE MAKE CHECK TOWN OF VA-IL D EPA RT;\{ ENT 0F COlvl lvlU'{ITY D EVELO P}IENT' , SALES ACTION FOR}{ 75 SOUTH TRONTAGE ROAD ZCI\'I\-G .d\D ADDRESS htAls0l c€00 4 t5{0 LDIf,rO L\{ B ttl D [."C C OD E UMFO&\{ PLU},GDIG CODE 0t cslo 424 t5 0t 0000 r24 t5 0l 00i042.1)5 .f UNIFoR\';\lECHlI'lCr.LCODE or 0000 J?.ils I uxlron rt Flnt coos N,\TIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE0t 0000 129 t5 or o0oo{24r5 | on.|rncoDEBooKs 0t 0010.1154s B LUE PR,L\TTS 0l 0001.12112 I >:raox coplEs / s'iuDIEs 0r 00c{42371 i PENAt.TY FEE5/RE.r\SpEClloNS 0l coc0.rt332 ipL,uVRgvlsvRE.cHEcKFr-E IS.(0FER HR.l t 0l 00CO 42321 | OF? IIOURS DTSPECTION FEFJ 0l 0003.{l{r2 CONTJ{.ICTORS LICL\S ES FEES SlGN APPLICA]ION F;E 0l G0o0il3:0 .01 0000 4 t4l3 0t 000041{r3 ADDITIONAI.SICNACE;!E ISI,O];'ERSO,IT. 01000042.1{0 }TC A RT PFO'ECT DO.VAI]ON PRE P.AJD DF.SICN Rg\TIE1V BOARD FEE UILDTNG-CONSTRUCTION PER},IIT COI'IPUTER DI 0000 41010 TAX 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATTON FEE (BUTLDTNG) I 'roro, our, ETTERIOR, ALTF IiORE TH.,a"'\t ICA 0000a1!l{) r5 clc00 it330 lz I RECEIPT - ^e Towr/Qoc+ ,,"%N9 45314 Permit Numbers Polj.qe Recdpt Nunrbers --=.==_-- How PAID cash -ch ""{---WA * ia -|- *tnr-{ {:rF -l_|FI I l- i'ii;r':11en**uE f,.-h 1 I .::l'a. r:,i i. .. lt : r. -.i--i l , t 1 .-.. .: !:i ; ' ' ,, ., ...i1 ii .L - r'-L' i:i,;i::;lili'i ::.',ii'ii !ji;:"i .i-'F:[; ir[l l.;rr'..,i .,,. "','i l.;i:'i 'r' l ,r "r:'ri' !lll'11 i r.eiii P-=id Fittrururrt' P:id ':t ..,.:.;i:'; i:..-:.::itiiirr :::,:ri' ilir.l . .. : i;j. irl:; -i-HFf F-{t'i r.r*tJ i,'r.jrj i :.:r:.i!!,.,: i;:'L i:ti'i li:i o Y@ o G The perfect spa for smaller spaces and tighter budgets. It's all the spa you could ask for - with plenty of room for four and lots of hydrotherapy options. And all this luxury is available at a price you wouldn't expecl The Prodigy is also sized to fit through a standard doorway, so finding the right space is easy. Finding the time to enjoy it is even easier. Seatint Capac itla l-lp to4 adults and one child Dimensrons:5'Il"r6' 0"x 29"H WaterCapacityi 295ga ons Jet Configurarion:5lets tcta inc rding I Jetstream tor feet, ca ves and rower ]ack,4 adJUfable hyd roth e ra fy lets Seating T),pe Deep rnu t -leve , bench-tyoe seat -g, carrier-free EffectiveFillerArea: 90squarefeet tcp-oading Hydrojet Pump:figh y effc ent IHP 5 voL, 1.5 kw sta n ess steelt requires dec cated 20 amp circurt receptacle included as standard. Thermosb! S€nsitivity: Plus o- r n.s l dcgree F Electrical Safety: Completelyu L listed Weight:485 bs. ory,2 945 lbs flled .o.o oaaaaaaaoa ANT ACTS I I{VAIIDATING WABMIIIY: This rvarranty is void ifthis IIOT SPRING Portable Spa has been subjected to alteration, misuse or abuse, or if any repairs on the spa are attempted by anyone other than an authorized representative of trhtkins )lanufacturing Ctrrporation. Alteration shall include an-v component or plumbing change, electrical conversion, or the addition of any non-approved* sanitation or water purification device or heating system which contributes to a component or uniI fai]ure or unsafe operating system, Nlisuse and abuse shall include: any operation of the spa other than in accordance with Watkins IVanufacturing Corporation's printed instructims, or use of the spa in an application for v;hich it is not dcsigned. Speciflcally: use of the spa in a non-residential application; damage caused by operatiotl of the spa at $"ter temperatures outside the range of32 degrees F. and 120 degrees F.; damage caused by dirtt, clogged or calcified filter cartridges (sec Spa Care and Maintenance instructions in the Owlcr's I\,lanual); damage to the spa surface caused by the use of tri-chloro chlorine, chemical tablets, acid, or any other spa sanitizing chernicals or spa surface cleaners which are not recommended b_v- Watkins Marufacturing Corporation; damage caused by allowing undissolved spa sanitizing chemicals to lie on the spa surface (no spa surface material can withstand this kind ofabuse); damage to components or spa surface caused by irnproper pH balance or other improper \'.?ter chemistry maintenance; and damage to the spa surface caused by- leaving the spa uncovered while empty of \?ter ard in direct exposure to sunlight (this mai/ cause solar heating distress in desert or hot weather regions) are considered abuses and may invalidate this $"rrant)'. DISCLAIiIERS: \latkins Nlanufacturing Corporation shall not be liable for loss ofuse of the HOT SPRIN() Portable Spa or other incidental or consequential costs. expenses or damages, which may include but are not limited to, lhe removal of a permanent deck or other custom fixture. Any implied warranty shall have a duration equal to the duration ofthe applicable warrant-v stated above. Under no circumstances shall Shtkins Manulacturing Corporation or any of its representatives be held liable for injury to any person or damage to any propertl', hou'ever arising. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the abor'e limitations or exclusions may not appry Io you. IEGAL REIiIEDIES: This warrant,v gil'es you specilic legal rights, and you ma,v have other rights which vary from state to state. CUSTOIIIER SERVICE: For emergency service, contact a Factory Authorized Service Agent irnmed.iately. If you do not know u'ho 1'our local representative is, contact the Whtkir)s lt{amrfacturing Corporation Senice Department at the above listed address or call (800) 999-HOTT, Ext. 432. A. @H'SBrl!# WAfKINSMANUFACTT]RINGCORPORATION @ 1280 Park Center Drive. !'ista. California 92083 Lisled _lrarlinr NlJnul!(er ]:r a!-rDr essrn* nd ' r!.rrei rhe :idt ro .tihotunulrberr;Lrrit,,. -i.rr,irsntr;"rrnDD aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T D Y E KKBTJA s Incoapotltad Conrirl{n9Engtn o.! Foundcra vcnaerH Barfert Palnclprlr i, 1':'i - , t A3aoclal. Palnalprla RoorJ:, !!r.!.j,. ,... ,.n,,1 : - hr,! ", ;:ii?"^?;i"^"-" ,ir"r l',,r. ]i,,]",11,-:,,':i ,:..;r :.:' 3li'-i il-; .vttr ' h,,14i. l]., {:rl tll01 t v,rr.r. 6\rn\e. rgOA-ige7 ) Ctrnri$ ll Ko;ir! Un,ri. S i,ol,r,it -i:r: i", Vil.j l9tr:i JgrO) Jainres il AJ;,,r'5 -rJ!(lll G, i:ur March 9, 1984 Mr. Jim McDonald P.0. 8ox 1290 Homestead, FL 33030 Re: Jim McDonald Duplex Dear Jim: 0n March 6, 1984, I visited the site and found that the foundations for the duplexes were performing satisfactorily and no movement was observed. Sincerely, 0dell K.,Johnson, P.E. Associ ate Pri nc'i pa'l . OKJ:Khcc: Gary Muran, City of Vai l o RICHARO D. HALL PETEF| E JONES RAYMOND J CONNELL POBERT \A1 I{ARRIs JAMES C- PEFTRILL JOHN P MIIZNER JOHN O PHILLIPS. JE| MICXAEL W JONES JOHN I 1RIGG JAMES A RUF: JR. EUGENE O. OANIELS OUNCAN W CAMERON EOII/ARO H. II/IDMANN JOHN C. 'IUHNX^ROBEFI S, TREECE AF|.,CE A. MEN( RICBARO A, FANNEMAN JEFFEFIY B, s'ALDETI DAVIO R BROUGH M FREORIC A. RI-ISEMA S^MLIEL O^VIO CHERIS CAROL M. WELCH THOMAS R EROMBERG JAMES W ERITT THOMAS N ALFREY FToNALO V YE6GE h005,re701 DON R. EVANg lte2s,re76l ROBERT M. sTE'ERT OANI'L R. SATRIANA JR ROGEF P COTfjIUARi G RIFXIN KEVIN E. O'BFIEN WILLIAM F EGGERT WILLIAM JAMES BARBER EU6ENE T, COMM^NDEF AFTFiUFI R. KARSiAEOT III CYNTHIA HOOGE SHEARER R. CRAIG EWING WILLIAM H O'ROIJTKE GOFIDON L. V^UGH^N FTCHAF|O A. VrrAL'rZ .{craE. o. dcw torx ^{oorgrFrcr of colvrll^ aai6 oNrY CHEIS A. MATt]SON FIOBERI \& WAL'TER JOFTN W TRIJEAX JAMES A, SMITH OEANA R. WILLINGHAM KATHARINE J. '(UNZEVAN M ZUCKERT'AN CHARL'5 J, FRIEOMAN' .TERFY L. CHRISTOFHEFI RICHAFIO M. IUCAS FOBERT A.9OIOl!|ON M. STERRENBEEIG.RCSE HALL & EVANS ATTORNEYS AT LAW su rTE 2900 717 SEVENTEENTH STREET ,,-' oENVEFI. COLORADO go20e-3351 303/5"3-5...,-22 August 3, 1982 G. WALTER BOWMAN Mr. Steve Patterson 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: McDonald v. Weber, et a1. Dear Mr. Patterson: Vail, Eagle County, Color occasions regarding this property but itthe last of these conversations. This office represents Crosby Truckin and Excavatingin the above captioned laws or the foundation failure op Tbts 13 and 15,hase TI , ed to you on has been some prevrous time since On September 3, 1982 I will be in Vail- on concerning this lawsuit. I would at thaL time like you and review your files regarding these two l-ots. you contacting this office concerning such a meetingreceipt of this letter. other business to meet with I would appreciate upon your Thank you. yours. B. Stalder & EVANS JBSr/cs a If50A Sandstone DriveVai1, Colorado 816r? June 5, 1982 Mr. Steve PattersonBullding 0fficial Town of Vail- 75 South Frontage RoadVall, Colorado BL6r7 Dear Steve: I wanted to give you an update on the progress of our develop- nent: 1. The exterior painting is proceedllg and should be con-pleted by the end of June, vreather pernitting. 2. The paving contract should be let this week and the work completed by July l!. We have been requested by the Casolar Hone-qfiners Association (copy of letter enclosed) to add a parking pad adjoining our driveway to the West on Lot l). The pad will benefitthe snow renroval process, according to our contractor. The padwill also benefit the water removal process auray fron our bulldlng and onto the wesferly drainage easenent. I did discuss this with Gary, and I think he agreed that the water drainage idea would be favorablel however, I suggest you cover the point with hj-rt. This would help to keep guest cars off Sandstone Drive. After the pavlng is cornpleted ard we have a llttle rain and consequently know the flow of the water runoffr then we will con-plete the runoff swales between the three buildings. 3. The Iandscape plans for all of Casolar are presently being worked on, and Ken Matthe$rs and I are pushtng the entire proJect and anticipate getting as much as possible done this suomeraround the coupleted buildinge. It is ny desire to coordi- nate our landscaplng with the Association and also to get as nuch as possible done this sumner and fall-juat as soon a6 our paving is conpleted. l,lr. Steve Patter June 5, 1982 Page 2 As you probably know, only certalnthis area. A.Inost all of the spruce and been planted in Casolar in the last four we a-re still trying. tr son Should you have anygive ue a call in Vail ator Ken at 476-6056. foliage will grow 1n aspen trees that have Jrears have died, but questlons about any of thisr please 4?5-t+577 or in Florida at 301-248-1200 yours, McDonald, Jr, JWM/1gs Xncl. cc: Town of Casol-ar Vaj-I , Planning Department Horneowners Association .-,t. - ri ti il ti!il L Mr. and Mrs. James W. McDonald, Jr.ff50A Sandstone DriveVail, Colorado 81658 Dear Mr. and Mrs. McDonaldr your driveway paving your drainage and water dispersal . P. 0. Box 3796Vail, Colorado 81658 June l, 1982 pad to As you knowr Lot 13 hasparking, but we feet lot lJparking apac€s. Also; thisthe road which is a serLous I space for additional outsidecould certainly uee these additionalwill elinlnate cars being parked onproblem at the conpleges to the East. Very trlly youre, CASOIAR DEI, NOvERTs 4/* n KENNETH UA?THET|S BOARD OF DIREC?O j :: i r .r|,a i , .,?r!*#gdnflt*i$tfif,F*l.agffi{* q1i, ''tl rl The Association uOufO Iike to request that when you haveyour driveway paving gompleted that you add additioni.I pad tthe llest of approxirnatery rz feet by r8 feet to Drovide fortwo additional parking space pads. -This will as'eist the . .l:1511-,: krcorpoda'tt Coriaohlng E |elnaaaa 7456 V\bsl Filh Averu€ Osrwor Colorado 6@2636 23? 6050 Fo{r|ldaat Mlchaetft. Barrefl Oonavon D. Nicror Mrlo S Kelchum DavidE Austin Sp€cial con solla nl A J Avan E. vernon Konket (t908-i967) {1923.1970) May 3, 1982 Palialpab William I O Neal N€ilF Ounbar oon I Pyle Robert O Scarrow Donald C Wsb€r Howard g Eroianing Lerov € Tobl6. Jam€sB Davrs John K ariqhl Martin S. Oldlord Charles O. Keves a.rocht. Fflnclpala Roger H. Kan66s Rob€n O. Hend€rso.l C. James Erir*son William R. Hantlton Larrv R. S|/eKl John W. Mars David D G lasp|o Rooer H. Smadss James B Adkins Mr. Mark Donaldson Vlctor Mark Doneldson Associatea 1000 Llons Ridge Loop Draser M Vail, CO 81657 RE: HcDonald Duplex Dear Mark: We have reviewed the llcDonald Dupler on site and have had several dlecusslons wlth youraelf and Chea & A66oclates about the foundation settl-ements Ln the tlro outer nost corners on the north slde. We recomend at this tlmer that a caisson be drlll-ed at the northnest corner and northeast corner of each bullding to support the corners of the grade bean. Thls caisson ehould be drllled down to the natural material to a1lon a sinLlar bearlng sltuation as ls iu the remaLnder of the butldtng. We would also recomeod that a soils representative be ava{lable to verlfy the oaterl-al at the. botton of the calsson. I'Iith thts type of repalr, we would be supportlng the corner on the same material as che reoal.nder of the duplex and therefore settleoent should be the saue or very slnllar to qrhat the renalnder of the house duplex ls experienclng. Enclosed are three sketches for this attachment of che grade beam to the baseoent na11. Sinc erel y, 0de11 K. J As soc late oKJ/gb CC: Jlm HcDonald Steve Pawlak/Chen & Assoclates =,#ffi KKBNA Inco.porated Co|irultlng Earglnaaar e,y|tQ 8' ,ttt-t- 1 Y_rq 'l)-.4r1 I .n_\+/ \ oPPul^t p ', €rf'q rou (rut+ I \. rY? V4" u, ft( e,JEE; z LEQ'D l ag*8*v4ot'-?- -.--{ 0e- 64,rtv. UJeuPeDI rt_ al a -'t: '| | ' ""4ft-d'u I wa4 ff E*p hwrw gcPn?uur ]|_F-:tp^L4, A.5 v-€QD fltrruT /u/ ftt frsP H,+/, r/c /l,f grrc-^Tt'E' ;t C .KKBNA SZJob no' tnco.oo.alcd Coa.ultlng Englorc.a )?Ttrre*erz-Z Z,sqo i@ axcrl edtz B l'-t Srreer Z ot ." KKBNA Inco.oortlc<l conr|llthg Enganaa.a t Job rnfe Yl "O o rt a -.D-f..r, Pt-#. "yyy?axq= -DI-+swtS ot3 (- + -u; + xo'-l- &" Qaoe ArvL uJe: rrg .4 t lV\ .,+\\ \.e'& 1+' ?RY 'Px-* Jo rPT %rlulaa* t.,J,rr--r---3 3 4o r*/ xl 6,, WALL ?r,aviDF. z fu? AS ITof" j toT To rt't otr o\t7 {1r z Q'ac-es l/l vl ,rl Yr(l,/ r'l-(>---o t,.KKBHA Conslntbg €n9!r€..5 ,"o,n"fiVoop4.p ,,gp;o^g37gao^". s:bi.*t C?lssa d Ze en a 0J Ch€cked Slreel =rl/Stga lttS ry 2H5/r/!{lq 86, {lt ] CEP EHN /J"E4ZFt< l!y' tltaz ,(tr pF5 rt'a- BdArn ga-rD 46i/a6T Fft &pfafi 2-lz',U c FElilF a Futz- H q I /1 \/ .,t- -,-.\\(:"' ) GONSTRUGI'JON PERMIT lm'ifnfltlZ I r rveeor dep.rtrnent of oommunity dweloflilont TO BE FILLED OI,JTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PEFMIT TYPEOFPERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE \ -,-*uCI1018 nnn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ff:::Lor lJ r /5 gyt\ FILING Ca.salar U;Z & JoBNAME:McDonald CIup. frF. Found, OWNER NAME Kepalr MAILADORE$S ctw PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AODRESS CITY PH: GENERAL CONTRACTOR Great Divide Const. TOWN OF VAIL 8EG. NO. a ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OI]UAI XEGi. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. |ha l.TypE oFcoNsrRtrcTtoN II m tv/V I 2. occuPANcv GRoUP leeu rQrf,t DIVISION 122.34 /.lEAtEoAr nacr.orqathit r1E w'\gL . PERMIT NO. - 2o F 3{ BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUiIEINGfhiJilHli;; F;;;1; MECHANICAL Found.7,000 TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-3 7,000 BUILDING PERMIT 62.50 \ $sNv PLAI{ CHECK 31.25 ELECTRICAL NEW() ALTERATION ( } ADDITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS G.R.F-A. -EEOROOfr,S -COUMERCIAT SYST -COVERED PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. - UNCOVERED PARKING - NO FIREPLACES UECHAIiICAL RECR€ATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT USE TAX 100.00 ( INSULATION TOTAL PERMIPFFES t93.7s FTOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE S,"W{@ts"--s/&tr- --- oNrNG ADMTNTsTRAToR o-irf - - HEAT :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: I WOOO: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the information requlred, completed an accurats plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agr€e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,/esign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanq AND THE OWNER. CLOS lr NO ACTIVITY OR CORRSEPONDENCE ON THIS TO BE RTFUNDED , FiLE. FILE ED AS OF 3/84. J{USU:AN UP DEPOSIT r,r l.* I { $ 7 :,i it'1 I I ;. I n i:,: i.l I i_, t l.'. I { : l .- it' j._t .:l-ji iii il' -:'* lrl "1. 'ili ':- ? .:. i:' _-,: ." , _ ';. ,. a ":) ' ^:':,1 -:l rr , .:; ..: ::' .j i. ;. 1:;;:. Q +; ,.. i,: .-' :,.i \r: JJ :! ''" '.'l,:: .I i: l' ,1.:.:i,r !;r.c :jr I i; I: ':_ q' ..: : :, l" .' ;.- lt: ... . -r:'':'-,,:r I -. .. t rj .ri i'' ..'.':,:,tt .ri i ,t -t, i -1. ':i. r"1 r: .i :ll Iil" t. ...i t1.. '.: . ,, j: ..:. i:r :; ,:' I:: l: X :" - -,' _ l:' 'i ttI i 't .::, ? :-t i t: ir' -**-_.4.. ..-tr. f .a q chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS lotoio. rL oLCHrooE tPi||acicotoR^oo arlol r34.5-ta5r April 22' 1982 Subject: Distress at Front Buildi-ng @rners' Dr4:1exes on iots t3 ard l-5, Casolar Vail fI' VaiI, Colorado. Job No. 2I,135A Victor l"lark Donaldson, Arcftitect P.O. Dravrer M VaiI, @ 81657 Dear Sir: As requested, r,le ha'.re revis,'ied our letter of Apri-l 13,- 1982 vJ:ith res-oect to-use of a pj-er type foundation to wrderpin tlre subject corners' A pier forrndation is suitable for underpinning ard slpuld be designed utilizfig an :'llcr,vable end beari-ng pressure of 4.000 psf' rhe pier should orpletely penetrate ttre exii$5g backfill ald bear on tl1g natural granutar Junsoifs iL an elevaLion equal to or belovr the adjacent basslent ioundalion level Ttre fouldation learinq surface strould be verified by a represantative of the soils engj-neer. setclsrent of tfe foundation uraer tne relatively 1i9ht building loads is erpected to be n-i-rpr and esserrtially occur duri-ng initial loadirtg- If 1ou trave any questions or if we can be of further service, rl a>co ,_=.1 .i Very truly yours, GISJ AbtD ASSOCTJI|ES, rNC. - ./ :.'t tt Ii ffi,tst:fho.;+' --o.i i tszzz i "-Z -r*lt ht-^,."n"-*tffift'bi'# cc: Odell Johnson *1-,*-t./ u Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. OFRCES; CASPEN . COLORAOO SPRINGS . DENVER . SALT LAI(E CITV I P.0. BOX 2574. VA|L, COLORADO 81657. (303) 476.2072 January 29, 19Bz Town of Vail ,ATTN; Steve PattersonBuilding Department Gentleraen: We are requesting the imrnediate Final Electri-cal Inspectionnon Lot 1! Casolar Vatl II, for the third tine which youpronj-sed to conplete on lTanuayy 25, 1982. We are also requesting an imnediate Final ElectricalInspection and C.0. on l,ot 1] Casolar Vail II. Al-l_ workhas been conpleted to the satisfaction of the fnspectorsof the Toxm of Vai-l. @eat f,,iaide &natmetion Very ,trul-y_-rylrs)*--&ffr lhonas P. Weber Great Divide Construction We anticipate Final Inspection by January 2p, 19ge t.\*'\ \\s.N )s vl,, "v \' !r v\ 'sd,. cl-.\- ,'1 Lt K 4|) corusrnucrJCIN p'rnnrr F:x1 lt;,.T[il\l I r rveeor drp3rtmei'lt of oornmunity development TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSUANCE OX PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATIO *,::: rot 17+ tf tsLK FTLTNG (mhtLhl-Z -,oerun"e, il"Qa""/r/ Jyk,, OWNER uaL doaaess ///O &aa9-7d'9 4 c,TY Ud / ,^. f,To>n ARCHITECT ,,*, l/, /41. flo'lol/r".r r"ArL ADORESs '/" x 4'/ - -, . t ftgclTY (/q, f Pa. rt? 7 G EH ERAL CONTRACTOR ,*u 6rroTjt'aiJe,tu{- rowN oF vArL REG. No. - Fa? -A ,ArE -r*=. 1/)6 - ?fi2"'" qL?ro{t ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ==...F5.-* _ TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO- PLUMBlNG CONTRACTOR 7- a TO'.VN OF VAIL BEG. NO. fv1ECHANICAL CCNTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OE VAIL 8qG. NO. OTHER COI'iTRACTOR r lR lr,l TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. f _ COPY OF PERMTT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITENOTE DATE 0010i5 u € nn PERMIT NO. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH DIVISION CENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT FEES NEW( } ALTERATION I ADOITIONAL REPAIR OWELTING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UN G-R.F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST covjlEo PARKTNG rffivEReopnnxrHcHEIGHT IN FT. NO FIREPIACE TOTAL PERMIT FEES & EUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordin eT >fidable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACYOR FOR AND THE OWNER. / )6-dY. -,#g**u;E ffi"a**A,%orl*,3323il F. O- BOX re90 t7000 s. w. 272i!P STREET TELEPHODTE [3O 5) 249-r2OO October 16, 1981 Mr. Peter Patton Senior Planner Dept, of Community Development Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colo.81657 Dear Mr. Patton: This letter is in reply to your l-etter dated October 13, 1981, addressed "To Whom It May Concern" regarding our Quarter Owner- ship Marketing Program. f will be very pleased to meet with you and the town attorney at an early date so as to put your mind at ease on this matter. I am, however, very disturbed at what appears to be a very unprofessj-onal procedure utilized in this matter by the for- warding of copies of the October 13 letter to both the Booth Creek and Casolar Townhouse Associations prior to the Department knowing exactly what it is doing and being firm in the posltion that it is t.aking. This is apparent by virtue of your request to have us brlng copies of contracts. covenants and declarations with us. We specifically request that you forward no communl- cation to anyone whatsoever concerning any of our marketing procedures until such time as there has been a proper €letermi- naLion made and agreed to by all part.ies and,/or a posture taken where there is a difference of opinion clearly reached and each knows the exact position of the other party. We were very careful in the preparation of our documents re- garding this mat.ter and also in the timing factors as to the division into the quarter ownerships and the recordation of all documents. L I Mr. Peter Patton -2-October 16, 1981 The recording of all documents occurred prior to the effective date of the current city ordinances regardlng time sharing. In no way, shape, manner, or f orm, do we eonsider our quarter ownership basis anything suctr as t.ime sharing and I am certain the town recognizes this, and if it does not, then it will be neeessary for us to make the town knowledgeable that probably 30 to 40% of all units owned in the town of Vail have some form of multiple and,/or corporate ownership and division and usage of the respective units and properties. You may also wish to check very carefully the ordinances to whicir you mention. Tirese orriinances make very little sense other than as grandfather type provisions. An example of this is as follows: "The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code is provided in this ordinance shall not effect e4L.tr!@-" our total rights, property divisions, declarations and covenants all accrued prior to the effective date of the ordinances. As our property rights had accrued prior to the effective date of the ordinanee, the zoning change included therein smacks of a taking or inverse condemnation, in which case, 1f pursued by the town, we should be entitled to monetary damages from the town' You also stated in your letter you are sending a copy of this to Mr. Jim McDonald, as you are assuming he is stj-ll the owner of the properties. This is difficult for me to understand when I called Larry Eskwith's office tr,.riee while on my last trip to Vail to discuss this matter with him, leaving messages as to the subject matter, however, f r,vas unable to locate him. I then called him the following Monday and Tuesday and did not receive a return cal.l and then on Thursday of last week I made the 5th eaII person to person to Mr. EskwiLh indicatlng to him that if he had any question concerning these matters to please let me know and we r'.rould be happy to discuss the matLers with him. Tt would appear that you do not have the covenants and declarations which are referred to in your letter, however, Larcy askeil George Straw when we were in attendance before the town on our last controversy concerning acquiring the GRFA for Lot 12, Casolar, to which we were entitled, what type of time sharlng was McDonald doing. This is approximately three months ago. fury'vT::JbD,.,,*afr.Wp**/rp/&r4 gM t Mr. Peter Patton -3-October 16, t98t As we have informed Mr. Eskwith, we presentty own only fiveproperties (potentially B units) within the town limits andour future development plans and properties are elsewhere.Accordingly, this rather small- involvement would not seem towaffant major judicial involvement on the part of the town, Bear in mind that we are totally desirous of cooperating withthe city but we do anti_cipate a proper, respectful and pro-fessional method of handlino truIy, ames w.McDonald, Jr.at IJaw, P.A.Attorney JWM:kb cc: Mr. Mr. George Stralr, Esq. w,/attach. L,arry Eskwith, Esq. &'"."7/f :-,//,9,',*Urt .Mh,*.t4zAq g"M Oct.ober 14, 1981 Mr. PeEer Patten Department of Comunity Deve lopment Torln o f Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear PeEer: JusE a brief note to acknowledge regarding 1/4 ownership in Boorh Dupl ex . I spoke with Mr. McDonald today, week of October 19th. It is his during rhe week. Sinc ere 1y , cRossRoADS REALTY, LTD. Bilt Sargenr BS: pw cc: l,Ir. James McDonald Mr. David Fales Mr. Ceorge Scraw receipt of your October 13 rseno Creek G-4 and the Caeolar and he plans to be in Vail the intent to reet with you eometime PO B$( lztr4\AilColo'rado 8[658 CmemdsShopttgCerter 300-41t6-*300 . vt'1. colorsdo Et657 Peler Patlen Sen|or Pltnnet DeDartmenl ol Communily Developmenl . .box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Crossroads RealtY, Ltd, P.O, Box 1292 Vail , Colorado 81657 department of community development October 13, 1981 Re: Booth Creek G-4 and Casolar Duplex To Whon It May Concern: I rn writing in regard to your lecent advertisernents in the Vail Trail regarding 1/4 orrrnership in Booth Creek G-4 and the Casolar Duplex. The con"""t is that this type of "time-sharingri nay be violating our ordinance regulating tine sharing. Time sharing is specifically defined i-n our fegisfat:.on and is not allowed in the time zone districts where these properties are located. It vrould be beneficial for all parties involved do get together to clarify the rnatter and to reach an understanding' Irn sending a copy of this to Mr, Jin McDonald, as I trn assuming hets still the owner of the ProPerties. Please (.pnt lct ne as soon as possible regarding setting uP a neeting to discuss this. It would be helpful if you.could bring with you all relevant docunents (i.e, contracts, covenants and declarations). Please contact me at the Town offices, 476'7000 x237. Sincerely, - ?'/ .t' ^. ' ,-7 ."; I-A- (Lt L"- A. PETER PATTEN, JR. Senior Planner r_lq APP: bpr cc: Larry Rider, Larry Eskwith, Town of Vail Attorneys Booth Creek Townhomes Condominium Association Casolar Vail Condominium Association Jim McDonald ' fifiFfffA t .Incofpofated Congulting €n9lneer3 7a56 lvesl Fiffh Avenue Denwr Coloredo 80225 303 232 6050 T.ler 45-€70 INDEvCO DVF Milo S Kelchum E lbmoo Konk€l (r9231S70) Mchael H 8atren Donavo^ O Nickel Dstrd E Ausltl A J Fyan (r 90&1967) Pnncrpels Jo\n X.8'€hl AsEoc'are Ptinc'Pel3 Charles O Xeles Doq I Pvle W iam B ONoal Jam$ n OavE Donard C weber No'l F Ouobrt C J8hes Erctson Leloy E Tobter Robart 0. Scartow Howald B Brownrng JuIy I0, l98l Mr. Jin McDonald P,O. Box 1290 I{omestead, Florlda 33030 RE: MeDonald Duplexes at Vall Deat JLn': Your contractor has advLsed us by t.elephone that the back- flll has been placed behlnd both of the duplex buildlngs and that no slgntflcant movement took place. Based on thaf la- formatl.on, lre expect that any future movenent will be negliglble. If you have any further questlons in thls matterr please let us kppw. *wF, ',i4,#Hfrist$ iTlilti. t "" sE rn' u\'r' ____"--.-r$;ttutrtdil"neoEA/eb g:fi +zsr gio.r 'd-,#:rr.^,.*t{$ A,4" ' s fr;t{ |t /'/ JOr-iNSO N _VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. t ('onsulting Enginters W. B. Johnson Flobert H. Vo iland S. J. Archulera David M. H oudeshell Roberr B. H u nnes H. G6ry Howell Frances l. Wells July 8, 1981 Mark Dolaldson, ArchitecL . 1000 Lions Ridge Loop Drawer MVai1, Colorado 81657 Re: l4cDonald Duplexes @ CasolarVai1, Colorado Dear Mark: Please find enclosed the calcufations for the above mentionedjob. As you know, simple frame structures often do not warrantformal calculations unless specific areas require analysis. Our approach is to overview the building plans in order toidentify maximum loading conditions. These Ioads are thentabulated piecemeal with brief calculations dj-rectly on the red-marked work sheets, as indicated by the enclosed building sect ion. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate togive me a ca1l. Very truly yolirs, JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. RCA: fw Enclosure #2305 CAN YoN BOULLVAI!IJ 63A5 !!ESI52ND AVLNUL coLoRADO AO302 444 1951 coLoRADO 80002 420 2055 a()u r ot ft, gl?rx soN-VoILAND-ARcnr|| jll^ Consutttng Enstneen ar FcA s,ns /ar/7r/p,, toL cHKD. Ey- DArE pRoJEcr tWaDa\ltJ1 D DLI?LEL:i t - SHEET EoULDEn arr+ls6l ARVADA 420.266uo/orL PRELIT. i I.l ._l I i SHEET IIO A OFLD^rE bf7 f eD t,77to CII'(D. BY- OATE t tl|cl..+,*.tr;rP Pulf(*X 'Ault3,t'tl FIXAL 6l- I lii &,iluJill 4-7.., ,Ja I-I I -l I I i t. I I 1 I I I I I i R'I I*\\ i(*,, ':'' r'& ' .'.- _*.-.* ,\- b.. *{5 -={ R,\ Illd ,lF -t 5 J a, x. \!o \s\ ; fr\i. qq'i 1if'*qix tt$ l It., [ \ fl.\$ !$s\:\: '-S $ N o '\,A! l I I *. A. (\ $ \ K!t \T\ \t\\{ s\\l I \$\\ $t th {tQ\- :f : --f rJ $J \l u Jhen and associatf in! SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST FESULTS / APPLIED PRESSURE _ KSf lr t LJA Fig 3 7 ir VICTOF| MEMElER *l* A,MERICAN DCINALtr}SON INSTITUTE VAI L FlUN .t'A\FCHITECTS oF sricHtrEcrs ,July 7, 1981 Mr. Jim McDonald : - P.0. Box 1290 l Horestead, FL. 33030 Dear Jim: This is to inform you of the progress of the remedial constructionwork being performed on your two duplex projects in CasolarVail: More-specifically, I am inc'lirding'a iynopsis of ine p"o-posed remedial nork for framing corrections to be agreed upbn bythose concerned parties and to be executed by your dontractor,Great Divide Construction. l.|eb, of Great Divide construction, has been completing the remedia'lwork for both buildings as shown 6n Drawings SR-l prefared byJohnson-voiland-Archuleta, Inc. The excavition, cbmpiction iesting,placement of tie-back rods and reinforcing steef, plicement ofconcrete and concrete testing has been performed. 'Backfill andcompaction has begun and nork should begin soon on the framingcorrecti ons . PuTnq the 'investigation in recent weeks of your construction failure,both J.V.A. and KKBNA engineering firms have visited the sites,analysed the prob'lems and agreed-upon certafn remedial constructionto be perf,ormed. Also, overseeing'these investigative efforts wereMr. Steve Patterson, chief building officia'l and-l'lr. BilI Andrews,town engineqr^qnq myself. Based oi certain structural defiiiencies,as well as deficiencies noted by the Town of vai'l Building Department,the three engineers-have proposld a variety of solutions ior ttreappropriate remedial unrk. Recently, l.leb and BiII Andrews have summarized a ',list', of actualremedial work of corrective action to be perforrned. I have reviewedthis information and am submitting the foilowing for consfderationand approval of those concerned parties prior t6 cormencement offraming corrections, Lot 15: 1. Straighten any bowed studs block at four feet maximum 1000 LtoNS rtoGe Lc}oF oRAW€R M. 303 4 7 8i.1128 (load beaning or non-load bearing) andvertical spacing. 2. Pressure test plumbing system as per Town of Vail. 3. Leyel existing stair construction. 4. Genera'lly re-nail any loose plywood roof or floor deck. FIESOFIT COMMUNITYcoLoraoo E}1657 l Slir'iTl33i".'t Page 2 Lot 13: 1. Add 2 x 6 studs in between existing studs at east and llest endwalls, first level. Install new sluds plumb, re-nai'l fitywoodsheathing at 4" on center and block at mid-height of whti. 2. Add nlw 2 x 6 studs at party wall same. as (1) above and filr1in cripple wall to bottom of garage slab for bearing ds perthe contract drawings. Sheath out side of party uaj'ls with one layer 5/8" type 'X' GllB each outside face with standarddrywall nailing schedule 3. South wall first level to be pulled into plumb by kickingbottom plate out 1" to oyerhahq foundatioil walL- Re-anc[orbottom plate and re-nail p'lywood sheathing at 4', on center. 4. New 2 x 6 stud wall to be erected tight fitting under South enq of garage floor construction. Sicure to eiisting wal'l and block at third points. 5. Remove and rebuild stainrays to level and plumb condition. 6. Fil.l in gap with solid blocking (continuous) between concreteand wood framing at East and Hist end walls,'lower level . Secure to concrete end wal] with 'Red Heads'i. 7. Re-nail all roof deck at 4" on center. 8. straighten any other bswed studs and b'lock at four feet maximumvertical spacing. 9. Pressure test plumbing system as per Town of Vail. 10. Genera'lly re-nail any 'loose plywood floor deck. The above items shall be inspected by the Town of Vail Bui'lding De-partment for final framing approval. Not included jn the "strilctura'|"items above-are any.flooring underlayment, p1 umblng of door and wrndow openings, cosnetic repair or other related ,,finish,, items. This 'letteris being quickly dispatched to those concerned partiesfor review.and conun6nt. oui goii ii oi course to ouiiin ipiiiovalsas required by the Town of vai'l to proceed with constructibir andcompletion of both buildings. It 0 !4r. Jim McDonald July 7, 1981 Page 3 Bob Alson i-s sending Johnson-Voiland-Archuleta's.original ca1 -culations directly to ne by bus today. I will then iorward toBill Andrews as requested by him. : P'lease 'let proposal s. VMD: I rd cc: Johnson-Voi'land-Archuleta, Inc. KKBNA Great Divide Construction Mr. Steve Patterson Mr. Bill Andrews-, me I hear-from-you regarding the hand'ling of theseshall await your response. V'ictor Mark Donaldson, AIA !r7ND AJ OHN SON VOILA ( tt \ulttnE Lngimtrs RCHULETN, INC. W. B. Johnson Rotlert H. Voilah., S J. Archttleta David M. lloudeshell Robert B. H unnes H. GarV Howell Frances |, Wells June 29, I9B1 Jim McDonal-d P.O. Box 1290 Homestead, Florida 33030 Re: Slructural Repair of Lots 13 & 15 Casolar, Vai.l Dear Jim: fn our meeting of June 1, Steve Patterson of the Vail Building Department requested that we provide a figure for the anticipated maximum movemenL of the repaired concreLe walls on this job under backfillinq loads. I have conferred with Steve Pawlak at Chen & Associates and Odell Johnson at KKBNA concerning the various elements of the deadman and tieback repair system. We have agreed that. once the system is installed with the soil around the deadmen compacted and tieback rods tighLened, theposit.ion of the North concrete walIs should be established and recorded.. We anticipate that no portion of these walls will move more that t" when the backfill is placed. If we can be of further assistance please cafl Very truly yours, JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC . By_i Robert C- Alson RCA:nm cc: Odell Johnson Ilark Donaldson SLeve Pawlak Steve Patteison/ Tom Weber 2305 CANY()N A()ULt VAt!f) 6385 W!51 52ND AV L Ntir B()Ul Dl rr. (l()LOflAOll lln:1O2 4.14 l(rr)l AUVAtTA, c{rt()nAD() tlooo2 4?o 2o!t!' ' q<tf.5*' *i&{.rcr.&""* -t+:"| KK6NA C.rrrrling En3;rD.r! ;at5 !i.: : -i :"{ue D+artt '-:.:'zr.a &, 3C3 r..2 ii3L+' 4t4::0 nrDEvCO DVF Foutl{'or. t t|ch.-.t lt. Brr.en Dgnavon g. tir:\el Itr.io S rie::r':rm OavKl E Aust'n AJFr?n E \!ric. XJnlel (190&19671 (i9?3-t9:01 lJune 22, l98l r'--.h*r--d Mr. Jin MeDonald P.O. Box 1290 Honestead, Florlila P.lDclp:lr Jchn li 8.,ohr Alsochr. Prlnctt|.t.- C,rar,es D -Xeins Oon I Pyle !'..lr.a:n I Cl Nrar Jdmes B Davrs Oo,,ard C Webe, Ned F Ovdba. C James Erickro.rLerr': Tobler AJ:1€'l D Scallot . H}nJrd g. S.orntng .-..-.. 33030 RE: . cDonald Duplexes in Vail Dear Jln: Although your previous correapondance with our firn has beenwith 0dell Johnson, r have been in the deliberaEr.ons wlth hinconeernlng your problems ln Vall. Also, I stopped by the siteon lday 14 oo ny way to acother project on the r^restern slope,so I have seer the cracking whlch has been of concern to yo.r.r ara respondlng to your retter of June lg, slnce Odell dli nothave a chance to do so prior to hl.s departure on vacation. Wheu ue wroLe our report of !4a y 19, we undersEood that thebackftll proceilures on the two buildlngs were somewhatdifferent. We und'brsEood, primarily fion the contractor,that the backfill placenenr behlnd rhe builillng on Lot l!tnvolved the use of a large bulldozer, whereas backfillbehirfd the bulldi"ng on tot 15 was primarily placed by hanil.You recently furnlshed us a tape recordlng of your conversatronarrlth the lndivlduals who aerually did the bachfllllng work,whlch lndlcates the backflll procedure uas essentl.aliy the sane for both bulldings. Slncer tn.their flnal backfilled condltion, both bulldlngs areessentlally the sarae, we caonot explaln why one butldlng noved more than the oEhers, We had felt, based on the ore-vlous lnforrnatlon, thaE the differeace nlght be due, at leastparElally, to the different methods used of backftli place_ ment and conpaction. rf, in fact, tbe backfill was placed usingthe sene procedures for both bulldings, the dlfference innoveoenc between the two Is probably due to a dlfferenceln the condltlon of the sorl below the foundaLions. }Je havero way to know what those dLfferences actually are. o It{r. Jin McDonald June 22' l98I tage 2 I{hatever the sol I cond itLons r,rere at the tine the backf t I I lras placedj our analysls has shown thaq the vertlca.l pressuree under the foundations caused by the lateral loadlng fron the backflll would be substantiallt-htgher than Ehe allowable soil pressures glven by the soils engloeer. Tttese val_ueg are refleceed ln our letEer of May 191 indicating calculared soll bearlng Pressures of soroething over 7000 psf, conpared to the allowable pressure of 3000 psf whlch the soils englneer had recormended. I hope these additional co*-en!s wlll be helpful to you. Please call 1f you have further questions. a Sincerely yours, .A/l'\,-.il ( ,4 +-- /UK Lq < ' 4/ o44'vr\ Davld E. Austin, CCE Prlnclpal DEA'/gb CC: Ma rk Donaldson, Archltect Bob Hunnes/WA - Boulder Steve Pawlak/Ctren & Assoc - Glenwood Springs .,i o Bowman lnc. Projec-t 81233 June 16, t98L -I'{r. Robert B. Hunnes Johnson-Voiland-Archuleta, Inc. Consulting Engineers 2305 Canyon Boulevard Boulder, Colorado 80302 In accordance with gur recent conversations, we have completed an analysis of several geotechnical aspects of a foundation problern which has developed in Buildings 13 and 15 (the buildings on Lots 13 and 15), CasoLar VaiI II' VaiI , Colorado' our efforts to date on the project have included two conversations with you. We have also reviewed the following documents: I. Soil and foundation investigation reports for Buildings 13 and 15 written by Chen and Associates' Inc.. dated october 8, 1980. An inspection letter rePort by Chen and Associates, Inc., dated November 10, 1980. An inspection letter'report by Chen and Associates, Inc., dated November 25, 1980. A Letter and. 1og of exploratory drilling by Chen and Associates, Ine,, dated l'lay 11. 1981. 5. a field observation record report dated April 22, 1981, by Mr. Robe'rt B. Hunnes. 6. Letters dated May 19 and May 20, 1981. written by KKBNA. our understanding of the circurnstances surrounding the damage to Building 15 are as follows: nuildings 13 and 1-5, separated by the building on Lot 14, were constructed simultaneously- Excavation for these buildings vras accomplished in Fall, 1980, and the foundation systems for both buildings were 3300 Arapahoe Ave., Suire 204, Boulder, CO 80303 Telephone: Boulder 303/443-1975 Longrnont 303/651'3870 , 143_&1 c. l es ICAL CSL :iate LTING lHNrc EBS rrle oci suL' T ECI INE E ,LTIA :CHN EEBSNhn; 2. ? 4. I. L o oRobert B. Hunnes June 15' 198I Page Two under construction in the winter cif 1980-1981. The foundation systens t'emained unprotected during the Winter and Spring and were backfilled by mid-April 198l_. 2. The backfilling procedure used was to compact, with a mechanioal tamper, the lower several feet of the backfi11. The upper 6-8 feet of the backfill was compacted using a Caterpillar 955 loader operating para11e1 to the wa}ls. The face of the'eut upslope from Building 13 was shallower than that ups)"ope from Building 3-5, thus, in the case of Building 13, the 955 loader operated fully on backfilled soil. 3. We understand that the rear foundation waII of Building 13 has rotated inward at the top and that a footing supporting a shear wall buttressing the back walL of Building 13 has moved dovrnr,rard. The same type of movement has been recorded in Building L5, but its magnitude was much less than that recorded in Building 13 4. Ground water \^Ia s encountered in the excavaLion for Building 13. The ground water was seeping from the side of the open upslope cut and contributed to formation of a soft area near the northwest corner. This area was reviewed by Chen and Associates on November 15r'1980- They recommended that the soft soils be removed and replaced with coarse washed gravel . A later report by KKBNA indicates that the area was refilled with "clean, 4-inch to 6-inch diameter rock". 5. Building 15 has suffered some minor cracks in the foundation wall but the rotational phenomenon noted in Building 13 is relatively minimal in Building 15 and damage. to Building 15 is considerably less- From our review of the sources of information documented above, we understand that the bearing pressure 9f 3'000 pounds per sguare foot recomrnended by Chen and Associates in their original report was exceeded. Accoriling to KKBNA, the calculated toe pressure of the shear wall footing was on the order of 7 kips per square foot, Exceeding the design bearing-Pressure-is a proUtern' but in our opinion it iinbt-the only Problem that led Lo rotation of the foundation vrall nor is it the probabl-e'controJ-ling cause. other problem areas are as follows: L o Robert B. Hunnes June 16, 1981 Page Three Thank you for consulting opinion, further analysis free to conLact me. Sincerely, 1.The major failure area in Building t13 .pp"ars to be ovei a zone in which ihe soil was removed and baqkfilled. This zone was wet during and following exCavaLion. To the best of our knowiledge. the:: backfill'was not inspected. If 4 to 5 inch diameter rocks were used and if the rocks were rounded to subangular; they coul-d have moved into a denser configuration upon loading and thus contributed to the footingsr settlement. We have reviewed the borings. and test pit information provided by Chen and Associates and have concluded that Lhe bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foor which was made without benefit of the test borings was appropriate. Our review of the boring logs indicates that a total load bearing pressure on the order of 51000 to 61000 pounds per square foot eoul-d have been used for this material, 3. -We understand that the foundation systems were not covered and protected from freezing and,/or moisture during the winter. It is possible that the voids in the natural or backfilled soil beneath the footings became fi1led with water and froze during the winter, further disrupting the soil structure. 4. In our opinion, the major cause of the movements in Buildings 13 and 15 was the procedure used to backfilL the rear wa}ls. Using what we consider to be conservative estimates of loading (an unloaded Caterpillar 955 placed on the completed backfill) and soil structure interaction, we have assisted in preparation of calculations which show that the soil pressure at the toe of the shear wal-l footing was in the order of 1L,000 Pounds Per sguare foot. This is a first approximation, but it is our opinion that a more rigorous evaluation would demonstrate that the additive effect of numerous Passes on numerous lifts would have resulted in a bearing.Pressure substantially higber than this. with us on Lhis project. If, in your or evaluation are required, p1-ease feel OCIATES, INC. 2. a CHARLES By ..tg$;ii;..iiiiir.n :1 ;- rz 7 !! i;'--= "ffCCB,/rkk Bowman, {'&t#tt''.t .tI " ft-' .i; i'. "'-: -a ;' .-. ii -.. ,- -- =..:,-.,'- '. ::':' 1' 't trmr 9- t98t Ur- .}Jrr Erbneld P.OL Bs* tgF lfon$terG- ?.lorfdb 3303.* ^ :nnl Jb trs&nf,$c?& st*erai;:#-lir hrr J&,t Sr lrrve rcnlaled rht rrlpd fnnlag srtros !l aniF herrrr thgfollarrlng couqaa!.lt ,i r, lr . ll: t..,.il rl. :' il':' I tlr rrl. 't.,1 Ii: i r.t ' lf l: it, -. r iii t.: fE:, l?,,i .fEt tn:l t:+. sre rrsrc rrtl. hsp.sosil bErrlng_Bnurlg ?r\Bt e*e apl[ortilt"r}'I f?f 6ut of ph.rab- llrie ahoulG nsE €s$gF anlr pobl*nr -- . tc tt". butld[r4; Deseuse of tbr lrt]'rlrofi ahwchtrrg *hteh gs- nrftre! ta ths SBrrfa'. te rradd haxtvrf, rero-tot tlrtc ntr$llair.Ds rcnotlef go th! S r 6 rr,uila. lits rl.D rcrteuri the ur!! oD th* s6uth cfde o{ tho hult&rbg, uhtcTr fs *Irc rgprosbrtq$tr ,. SFrf sul of DSlBtb ltrfc. trlrt.l-tr- rrb8- c $ost bearfng rrrl! sr ftols I att$Btufat rrlerrpoinl, tt .durr not nsrG Gcte ldurbtd; Btacc !t coutrtrr] raCnCiuc aie: , -" {ont}.}arayail ft puoEsElf *hautt ba gbrrbaf. tt eoulG cantft},-: ; 1l {EbeC by rCfilf,ogr thc. bDttol} pfetr our approxfnsrclll l* arJ . :'-:. olc+rg rBs fourilatfon rlall btl rmrorsfrer*ry ;; but tlrct .... . ..:i . shouJG ntB Grur3 dtffEeuttg, .; , . - " 'a... - I! faop hnrr tof qrcEtfons on' thi* uncierr gtrclrr c*tl. '. F r.:i htntlprl r oKIITF GCc lllctar llrh Don*Idesn' bb ltuunrdJ$k ,__, _____, ,FF' ,. r_.7."t - -- --.#:- --;-:-E- ---:- ' ; '+, t .'ririiil ItsttEcrlt* tgr ldrtdd E, rlusrfa} OCE ,l tte J OHN SON -VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. Consulttng Engineers W. B, Johnron Flobert H, voiland S, J. Archul€tr D.vid M. Houd6shell Rob€r! B. H unne! H. Glry Howoll FrrncGr l. Wsllt ,fune 9 ' 1981 Marb Donaldson, Architect 1000 Lions Ridge LooP Dra\der M Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mark: Enclosed are our two Field McDonald Duplexes for your Very truly yours, JOHNS ON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, RCA: fw Enclosures 2305 CANYON BOU LI VARO 6385 wEsT 5?No AvI ltuE Records to date on theObservationfiles. rNc. & !tM Etn -BOULDER, COLORAOO a030? 444 !95r ARVAOA, COLORAOO 800()? 420 ?O55 o J OHN SON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. Consulting Engineers o W. E. Johnron Bob.n H. Vollrrrd S. J. Archu l6t. Osvid M. H oudeshcll Rob.rl 8. H unr.! H. Gary Howoll Frsnces l. Well! FIELD OBSERVATION RECORD -- THE McDONALD DUPLEXES Victor Mark Donaldson -- Architect 5-29-81 Met with Donaldson, McDonald, and webb (Contractor) RCA at Lot t3 at 10:30 A.M. The backfill had been removed from the units and though the framing was substantially' complete, the job hacl been stopped due to building movement problems, Lot 13: Various cracks rrrere visible in the basement walls due to stresses created under backfilling loads. We discussed the deadman--tieback repair proposed by JvA and agreed that the stress would be significantly reduced in the walls making patching unnecessary. The basement slab had cracked and heaved causing the non-bearing stud walls in the mechanicaL areas to push up under the garage floor framing. Several studs in these 'wal"ls were bowed, as were some studs in the bearing walls directly adjacent to the stairs. we agreed that the studs of the non-bearing r/talls couLd be cut free, straightened, and re-nailed to the bottom plates. The bowed bearing walL studs will be bl-ocked at third points. The st.airs which were slcewed by the adjacent ryal1 movement wiLl be re-built to a level condition. In addition, the concrete floor slab shalL be leveled with a neht 2" t.hick concrete topping in the basement storage and mechanical-. room areas poured . acljacent to the existing strrd wall plates. Various stud walls in the basement area were racked due to the garage floor and corresponding first floor movement ' to the south. The knee wa]1 supporting the south end of the TJI framing for the garage floor had moved 3/4"= out of plunb, though the 2x6 stud wall direetly below it in the tasement appeared straigh!. None of these stud # rTE M 6CR z3o5 cANYoN aoL,|.l vaBo 53a5 WEST 52ND AV€NUE ' souLDER, COLOBAOO 90302 .144.1951 aFvaDA, coloFAoo aoql? 420 2055 t Field Observation Record -- fhe McDonald Duplexes Victor Mark Donaldson -- Architect Paqe T\.Jo 5-29-81 (Continued) RCA waII conditions appeareil severe enough to be a detriment to the structural support of the framing. However, McDonald suggested and it was agreed. that for safety purposes a new 2x4 stud waff should be constructed on the north side of the existing 2x6 stud bearing wa1l supporting the south end of the garage floor joists. This wall should "be tied to the existing stud wall and extend to a tight bearing below the garage joists over the length of the uni-t. The double 2x6 stud bearing wa1l running north-south through the basement area did not have a continuous TJI over the top plate on its west side. This condition had eaused the east wall to receive all the load from the double bearing walLs above bowing the studs under compression. Webb stated that he would correct this condition with a new stud bearing wall built tight below the first TJI east of the existing bearing r,rall. The studs in alL these north-south bearing wal-ls should be blocked at third. points and sheathed with drywall as called for on the original drawings. On the south side of the unit, the exterior deck had moved south with the first floor causing the.knee brace supports for the deck beams to slide forward in their angle .seats as they had not yet been thru-bolted. It iwas agreed that. folJ-owing the tieback rePair installation and any straightening of the framing' these knee braces would be shimmed tight to the back of the seat angles and bolted as shown on the original drawings. The exterior plywood sheathing on the east and west walls should be re-nail.ed.below the first floor l-eve1 . The second floor bedroom floor areas appeared to be unlevel adjacent to the stairs due to sLab heaving in the basement which caused vertical movement of the bearing waI1s. Webb said he would .investigate the'amount of floor level change in both units and report the results to us later that day. He found that the maximum difference i over a 20t-0 floor wiatn was !/2$* in Lot 13 and L,/4"* in tot 15. v?ebb felt that these rn'-ere within noimal framing tolerances and we agreed that no additional work was ,needeil in this area. I t Field Observation Record -- The McDonald Duplexes Victor Mark Donaldson -- Architect Paqe Three 5-29-81 (Continued) RCA Lor 15: we found io severe problems in this unit. The only item we discussed was the cutting and re-nailing of the non-bearing studs in the basement meqhanicaL room wal-ls. t T"rtt4'fur*9-' lqTl ( frT""* Qarc-*' PMfreu t ft;Jwf e-'j W tu"lfulAdnzd* " t f&^irs/ s,R'W M""-4 */sa/"''a"a 7 &ffin//'"'&" *"'0 I '"4rt0Wr'* fls 4,,M/^{*rya*^eq 'kry%,ffi://dr/d qfulartcd f* +? A- *Jtf-1 n Ld? / FD r^al il W"i ryrZ U-Wru, ,ri fl'eP sl/r.,rl t4h ,-olLofl + lrrl frg? trT,l ql /*\ \\k aU ,qa---. 7 '!r',1 f. 't 'lt l 5l "r'7 Jo) vy tl.6 s<:J*i e.iql +{-'i*ia +1-b ->\*h f t-..r r-.' >T D>t= F -- t.- .- r.- r'r..l-l >t I-iJ'l -l : fl I I 1 - n '-- ,fI*ytr,t 'rr| l"t! -nl:rt +rt ! 1 \ /-l,- ---.t "#-\,t''. ),, r,3 f +-'":/ ,, *+o',t I . ,r,o,,, ,{$ ? =ryi--ffi r /A/ z)/), ./2,u'-../) ; t;a \ \ =-,-i-'*\ \\'cci \'",t-'^, La, -nr5. 'rd^r"c? :p5:'t ,t3 q\ fl 5-tt'4^l:-'t= .z'io!'ro l't Xtt'/"' t' ai.t i," b t tl,7u F, t,',fr kt+ rc Lr" rifr, ld^a'q -r/{?7",,^n -1 + nlk 2''& aiol, .; lo L*. tftft73fln 7l&.4". e /,'V1/6tu4 /,/ zs o /a'-ao d \{o sln Ilk a7, t %.*L[-ft\ 6 /a.gore a ri ift' r's I .-, al,'i Arlg, {. '.,,r,r..--!. \b| .t 3 rJ t :i.-\ 'D,..'- glc*a- , :*r"1Co- \-oS*'.^- q\r; (l*",t \.-.-i- U..o-e-- ' ^.-r't..^S o-,1 alo-ll^ ." &'') trc""r'€ '---Q l--'--'r ]-'-....l l--\a l--:S O---ir l<: 3-r.+r-t t O-{ve-{v l*<v .r).U e-\|J a- e- G* e t \:t f \*n C!:-: -Bu[r\^."-^Ls qL--\ " C. i\ C r\ d^-s [ ,^,,tLt-.Q \d \s 2,J,*l 'cr,...s C,-.*l.)t \b\ \: fu lar..J.c\^,,r- .^-* a.*;- t.^-o. ct,,-^S- ?\1 Fo1*.s "-.2 "'"-t,\\d,,^.,.-L:., re*-rru **e \'5! \5\ cthu*'- \..4 {"-.- .Q^,.,-L,'--'^^* \: b.^,-," l.*"q-Q- \.* \b , "'rl2-S' [, *='^C a-\'. \o-,- w,.= ."--Q I -ot,.o-D 'roc^t.r'u \.6* \S por, )'& C-^-^.,..-^C \Cs- !B {- 5 ' G -T.*'.-f.-r. 54 q[n d".J -{ { it *t 1,-'- f- f:-.- t:-- t_i5 ,t.L" .t lai n .t -'-ilair^ Ql,/\r /\\t __-_/J\ _ '-i)r,'^^''.{ ,.i \L"" \r*,',.* iot -,-:) / tt- -_r_a__ _ _?Te t_._' \f4 U\ t-- 1 o i r-- i f--- t.:- t-' C.- f-, C. C F C C C F C- F F ,'( C t C C t C C e e ? t t a , ^at \b t't \ .n e1. _^ \- _ : - '--<_\, !-7 \ u \ r,. r*) ,' \.1 Frc-uJ.'J-r ";..'r'r-;fd.-tr,r-;tA " :-.o F r '-trl--, t , t t Rr =rr Gt-" [xt-'-+ .l tttluo .-, ^' L4n tp(N {**, \oD\L tt'L.o {a-* I 1^v,^,t.--,J \oo\.''"-+.;'v-^,-. G-oJ..Q -^$- r'.* "t **\ \S si- \\\,* -\1= ',C\'Rts\ A\,-\"f-- c<..Q-*.a'. r \o. iaT 13 \ t^.rJ -.-^J S latL".Q- \r',f, *o v),?. 2' IU' IJ _\-- ---_____1 ----ri-- \^J ,f .\^ r5-;/\ i\/* ) (l t- \r I /? Itl I I Itl Ir ?r/flI ,f\Ii!r. ,.. l\l f - ---1 o.z'to1" 'i,o11 2,|o'G4!'t6 IJ,f-sL+,, s4 7 /6Z R", 7?5 'tY,. "2 ?'-t t-' '- - ,,(t .l*tlr|[g*..artr||F|Ftar}t 'ltf ar! : r ..- afii ear!*- a?s,a>-lFlaestrr|tfi*a-.1.*.iit$tdsqB.l {nar*;r $a}.r'tt le},$,gil&r?,&, ftrt'rt$:* l+.!r.1 Sf/r. t G,.tr\qra-.{'!t ?trf r rr.d.ib..* !16.19;-{rll*tlto- $rm t, ll[i] *if,rH.* a*do,ihtt* 61Al--B&tltt Jr+.rF A''1|t|rt q.h- G J}!6lr*xr.Rt! ttr D3hi-.ra*rn|tttrr+ $trelal &i\ t rl*.Ort}'ra $fr.-l'?r'6 tlt+- Dcrr Jtc* Ut nls ra*tcnsdt tht. $It rfsr|,.fas- s.dDlttcf 11 Jrltorsr, bl}'i|Cr ifrc$rlthrr &s- ruil tlrsc ttre fcf&,reqg smril*r. f- ni* G.aat{rn$tg, cr lhe rcil lr SFef roil lt. etnrtC grt1;Et. .l firt€ttlr ugtr.tlcr*- sf llls tutlriiqn lg *lll lrce lprll rt* b{lilk'g Daeh tc ltt artgfnrl 1o.fbtor.hsreG*r. R n*omctG thrt fie tuC!&lng Drl' "lctt j &r the lrrlltfau. th0 lt' t* tu?- l* rceornna rnrr t{fittcrrrl r!ctrG** bt g*d. Ificrn clleulf ba lrn flctrchr ekag: Ckrl Itrqtird-gftifr rllll er cretr r!& m! fftia ttc-tnlr darg Itte {0r-Q rrell *fitb e. a*rkrc il||G!ng .il. Gru rt*|rttn3 6f-S lrr f*g* lle Br4 ctlrr r*tl. ft* tlrruirr ertthe l0l-$ *a!l rtnrld }g f-$ t!!n :*G !Sr-S rrelt-rn03-O til fron\$e liF{na!l-L ErIi r.hs ldsltlonll reilr ailferil $re t lftr itrcct€sitGal tlc-!ra& rorls cau&il bc diri! 3tr I lr8t" I Ctrsster f&-trch roih- et tffiq$G rGfiryt to 6fl ft* l*., I. sn! thl tL ?I& r 6 r S-SE]!/ tG. rtilccd tl Ft fi& r l € r 0t-t- Xts; JErrhftnrldF.& ggs Pgnlb,#ilcrir $lo,r&frr ttSS* ilE .!ta lbBnlttlre &4ihxa l4re lt st Ei Itb hoe lmt. nacC*edl a rerrt*rrl SBSrsdql aftsa GfIfE!. rttlr.tta e$cue. trtlfLrtlons tnrlsftrL Bflh Inrrrr crilfffc*icm rrl fel ttnt eolrtrlctlsn .n th 9to:Irci. 3aG gttlnufb lf yr* ltse:rW q$"B3tcrrar gluer call- $tmrnr.lyr. _-" 6r 'ci! $lrrl!, H. $rhcco*r P-E- ifirfrorf,e$Gi .i. ,f r" .e'. '1.':[' c i-f ' , ;--r - Patr|crcd h* E&FfG E* &rrtf*D CGC." f;ilnelgrlri GGr Sletrr Hr,rh Um*ldemllschlGect - toD ltunnnCllts.. BOULDER 444.i951 ARVADA 42S20554, ZcA D^rE 5 -27-l'1 JOB r Z CHKD. 8Y- DATE -' PROJECT {.to ?s6 Fae /n/ Foe *t br-+t : Eet,. /5,7k sprte-r*/e. 15,7/z,u ' 4!b Fat< /h"Q Boo 5frq/e = lo lB sHerr xo / or PRELIH. cueur 'lbxJ4ur>toN Ft AL - -De.steil r€ADMaJ 'TtL EAc*a FoR. xlozt| 4ALL ArSLlrv1E O 9 lMPLE 'PA kI E' ?287 ]sgE=Zlao Fcp 3 pe4i>nelJ a,<J l/ear,q k/ALL 4*e. /o!a snxrLkl. aF 'ftE gqckg e /o:o/se \Lo/]D = 2,2-:(o) = EFP t z,-t-z)*"'"PA,bg(e lF p€nDMP^-t /3 WAD lrl€ J z3/4 .- Pc'F 4 qaryte.p 4o ,.eP : lf- lF @nrc la\ I rR = y'466 rcrr. \ *--T- t.'\ I.)-;e'r-r- t t 1,7a' AKE jLo DZEP: E= fuat nc rr 7!p D#p: E= z4oo P"e 4- L*lerH * trrtJ+rl ? tErrarl Re& = 54 qEQ' 7!g F4 = /!7 eeJtu/L/d'i.3 JOHNSON-Y BOULDEB '4+ARVADA 4IG SHEET ilO Z OF z&ry*) I r i I l pnotzcr h4eDan l4tD D4PL*" eaeut. AaO :',,'.FL=,6ETt ?/,a r-sr ft,t/sr4 44ft1ur7 uAT Tt/EgtDs: ,l1l1l €4 ^t€4a, MaMAJT, a*l_i -q+FE/D€ trA(E d2F W4Ll- A= 8a t/ Jt/o". &:' qzz,s 0o)bz)(4_f ,= :; ffiffi " ""T,L_ri ::;i, <_- chen and a ssociates, i nc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS NLI FOIMAflC EtitclNE€ar c 5080 RD. 154 r GLENWOOD SPRINGS,COLORADO 81601 r 3{lil/94$7458 May 11, 198I subject: ffiffir"rtii*n;, D.plexes qr Iots 13 and 15, Casolar., Vail II, Vail, 6lorado Job llo. 21,135A Victor l4ark Dornldson, ArctLitest 1000 Lions Ridge l-mp, Vail Rur Vai1, Oolorar& 81657 Centlsen: A.s regue-sted, rre perforned o<ploratory dri[inq at tle subject site to ob'tain additiqral subsurface prcfiles for analysis of the obsenrcd st-rustural distress. I€ previ.ously cordrUed subsoil irrvestigations for ttte 2 duplexes reported under Job llurbers 2I,135 ard 21.136 dated OctoberI, 1980. O:r firdings are as follols: Site Corditions: trre sites are presently ocanpied by 3 story dlple<esffi. rtre structr.rres are supporuea-on corrrete waLl and fooLing for.rrdatisrs @nstnlctd in about Decerber, 1980. The rplrill forndaticn ural1 is about 14 feet high. ltre dcnntrill side is at saLkout basenent lerrel. lte backfilt against the Lq:hill fourrdation ua1l was reportedly placed abollt the midd"le of April. 'ItE obsenred brildirq distress is confined nrainly to the WhiIIfourdation wal1 in both urdts. Itre distress aF[Ears to @nsist of lateral and vertical lro\lerent HtLich has caused-verCical ard scne diagornl cackirg in the wa1l. Fl"oor slab cacking, apparenlly frcrn differential settlqrent has ocsurred. Tte distress is nost severe on Iot 13 ard relatirreIy mi.nor on lot.15. I€ understard the cracki-ng was first rpted qr l.ot 13 and progressed rapid.ly irrnediately folloring backfilling procedures. On-s-!g soils tere used as backfill to entry way level. On l.ot 15, tjrc o<cavation width was relatively Danr!'lrr ard baci<fill was reportedly placed frcrn topof the excavation. fri Iot l-3, tle backslope of the erccavation was relatitrely wide and tlee backfill rnaterial was placed with track equigrent.l€ urderstand a porLion or all of this baddilf nraterial- has subseqt-Ently oFFlcEs. o€NvEi, coLoRADo / coloR^Cror srflrircs. colonaoo / casP€n. rYYoMrxG ,r EAL' LAKE ctTY, utaH I hnaldson,Victor l"lark I'aay ll, 1981 Page I\rc ArdLitect been rsrrnred. Prior to refip\.al, ttp bacld1l1 srrrface gfade was relatively flat ard abort 5 feet il elevation belc*r adjacent. Sardstcrte Eirte 40 to 60 fe€t to tte rpr-ttlrest. Ttre residence 6I l.ot 14, located betlreen the trNro subject lots' onsists of a frare stnrcture of similar size and @nstrusticn to tlose nrder onstrrrLiqr. I{e Lrderstard tfe residerroe is about L J'/2 years old. @nsiderable backfil.I settling has apparently ocorrred agairst t]le qphi1l forndation uall wttidl tns caused tle oncrete dritmmy slab to settle abcut 1 to 2 jndes. the naiority of ns'.rqent does rnt appear to have occarred witlr-in tlre tast fery rreeks. l€ rl.derstard that a re€nt visual inspection of the bside rerrealed rn significant tx-lildirq distress. bcploration hogram: Ure to tle rapid structural rflr/srcnt observed, ffif possi5le hillside irlstability. sirc€ previous subsurfae oploratior ccnsisted of stnllcnl test. pitting on the si-tes, one relaLively deep elploratory tnle r.aas d.rilled about 15 to 20 feet off tle north,vest oorrler at eadr of the lots. Graptric logs of tle subsurface profiles enorntered at t}te test tples are ststn on Figure I. As irrlicated by tie logs, ttre suber:rface profile is relatively rniform and consists of a nan made fj-Il depth overlyiag rediun dense to dense graveJ-s ard cohbles w'ith scnre boulders in a silty to clayql sard natrix. lbl-e 1 was drilled to practir-a1 rig refusal at. depth 32 feet. At lble 2, very hard siltstone bed:rcck was enountered at depth 24 feet and exterded to the lrwdmrn depth drilled, 32 feet. Results of gradaticrt analysis cn a graLl diareter drive sanple frcrn the naturaf subsoils are presented on Figure 3. l,lcisture cont€nt of the subsoils was descri-bed as being noist ard no free water was encourtered at tjne of driDing. E]gtt€d Erc pipesas : insta}led iJr hoth test holes for future water lerrel nonitoring. lten checked on May II, ro free wate.r was present. Tb provide .additiqral sr:bsoil infornration, Iogs of 5 elPloratory holes drilled in Janua1a, 1981 for a proposed develoFnent directly rorth of Sardstone Drive rarcre revieqed. three of the holes '"ere drilled withdn about 50 feet of the road*ay. Subs'urface profiles encowltel€d at these holes revealed a ccnbjration of sarxis, gra\rels ard cobbles jrt a silty to clayey nratrix. Ilo free water was encountered to the nuxirn:m depth drilled, 24 feet. rtese 6 holes uere subsequently ded<ed for water develotrrEnt. llcle l, Iocated dircstly across frcrn Iot 13, fudicated no vrater to the present trcle depth, 21.5 feet. GI tle upkr-il1 side of the lot rpar Lions Ridge I"rcp, water was lreasur€d at de-pttr 17 3/4 feel belor existrng @4-1d_,surfacre. Oonclusions anl Reccnnendations: Based on the subsurfac.e corditions les located on-site ard in the adjacent 1ot upslope, the obsenred building distress does not appear to h: associated witfr ni.ffside i:rstability. The subsoils consist predcrninantly of nedii-rn dense to dense granular soits wtrich harre relativety good shear strength Idson,Victor l"brk Donal Arctdtect I.,lay ll , 1981 Dada qahraa chacteristics. kesents of a regionally high Srourd r.ater table utridt could ad\rersely effect hillside stability does IDt appear to eldst. ReqionaJ. bedroc-k dip is gener^l]y dor^rn to ttre rprth r,itrich *oul-d erttarce the fong tern stabitity. Based on q;r observations ard kro,[edge of the @nstn:ctiql, ttrc distress appears to be related to locatized settlsrcnt arrl lateral wal} Itorsrent. A cfibinaticrr of tle folloling soil-related events my have cqrtrilruted to tlE di^q!1isss. (I) Ecessirp rretting of the subgrade at footing.leriel occtrrred during- eraavation irr nid lbr/snber. 1981. The ttettjJtg was ap'parently the result of sncr nett and possibly scne natr:ral [Distilre. tlo soft or *et cc'ndiLions vere reported on lot 15. (2) Report€dfy folloring stabilization of the sr:bgr:'le cn Lot 13, cqstr:uction of tle for-rdation ard franirrg proceeded ttuouqh tle winter. PrecauLicns to pre'.rent freezing of fo:rdation bearbg soils was apparently rpt taken. Additimal netting of tie subgrrade frcrn snorr nelt rmy harre occu:red qr botlt lots. (3) Srrbsequent backfiUing to entry vlay Ievel censist€d of a rnirrirrun 14 f@t depth. of t}is 14 feet, an apprcn<inrate 5 to I fot deptb cn Lot 13 was above tJre origilal grade ard about 4 to 6 feet was abo\re original grade on l.ot 15. Desi.gn dralvinqs irdicate a 30 inch footilg suFports the uphill fouryiatj-on raral.L ard a 58 jnctr fmtjng supports tjre cantilerer.ed erds. Allcpable bearilg Pressure was taken as 3'000 Psf. Backfilling to entry way level r,'rculd have applied an additional 1?50 psf Pressure at foundation bearing level. Thi-s rnagritude of surdrarge applied orrer a Iarrge area r*cuLd have a significantly greater effect on settlslEnt tlun the narrow walJ. footilgs. If ice lenses had forned and subseguently thawed' potential settlsrent wrrld be ilcreased. Mditional loadirg frcrn constructiql equigrent nray also har,re adversely effected the structure. @nsidering tle assr-ured gnanular subgirade, npvetrEnt shouLd stabilize relatively rapid.ly ard replacenrent of the backfill should nct cause an addiLj-ona-l- large anor:nt of settlenent. Tb facilitate resistarrce of Iateral loads, deadnan onstnrction can be used. Ttre dea&nan should be posiLioned beyord an inagirnrlg line o<terdilg tp.,ad frcrn the lq.er footilg level on a 35o angle away fiun the walI and turied into natural- granular subsoils. tJe estfuiate a distance of abouL 20 feet ard a depth of 5 feet will be required. The deadrran can be sized utilizilg a pa.ssive earttr pressure of 400 psf per foot of depth. A safety factor at least 2 stpuLd be taken. Ttre dea&nan stould be poured reat h the erccavatj.on ad backfill aborre t}le r:nits sfpuld be ccnPacted to at least 95t of stardard Proctor density. Backfill against for:ndation wafls can c\cnsist of on-site granular soils free of material larqer tian 6 irrches. Since scne seepage was Ivictor Hark hnaldsot Arcfdtech llay 11, 1981 Page Four errcmtered trt Iot 13 durirg excavation, rre reccrmerd about tte lcrer third of tle wall backfilt ccnsist of r*ashed rocl< conrected to tlE urderlrajn qfstsn. As desigred, tle frwrt oorrer fcotings at eadt unitwill bear cn baclcfill ne@rial ad there rnay be a hi.dl risk of for:ndatistsettlsent. Ito redue ttds risk, the bac*fill sbuld be curpacbed to at leaot 95t of stardard Proctor density adjaent $E outside wall. arrl the foortings strculd inpose less tlran 1000 psf bearing pressu.e. TtEfoudatior ualls stpr:ld.be braced during ocnpacticn. If 1ou hatre any qrestions or if r.e can be of fi:rtler service, please ca1l. Very truJ-y lncurs, cllEN AND ASSmI]ffES, rltc. SLP/jw cc: Bob mnnes c/o Jobnson, Voi.lard, Archuleta O'Dell Johnscn c,/o KKBNA F rl I , 135.\LO(;S OI: LXPI,ORATOR)' IIOt,ITS tlo I e I Lot 1.5 IIole 2 Lot l5 7/t2 so/ 6 3r/12 WC= 6,8 - 200= 19 40/6 29/6, S0/9 s0/ 6 37 /12 s0/ s rs/6 rs1/2 t l0 F I F Fig. I frrta"aone bcdrock, very hard, greyish trecn. E E I Ir LEGEND: Fill, silty to clayey Gravcl (SC-GC) cobbleslcdiul dense to denso, sand € gravel and scattered rcist, rixed rith cobbles, loose. boulders in silty to reddish brom. clayey send Standard Penetretion 10 blors of s 140 lb.srrpler 12 inches. Tejt Sanple. ASTM haner falling 50 D1586 The sytuol 7/tz inches were required indicatcs that to drive the r.S b s Disturbed Eult Selplc lHltnur""."s stottcd lgc pipc instarled to depth shom I I Pratical Rig Refusal. NOTES: (1) Test holes rere drilled on llay 1 and 5, l98l with a four inchdianeter continuous flight power auger. Surface elevation of holes within t I foot of.building No free yater yas "n"ountereil in the test holes at the when checked on tr,lay 11, 1981. l{C = htater Content (t); -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve. (2) (5) (4) entry ray level. tine of drilling or Fig. 2f2l,l35A LEGEND 6 NOTES !I" and associates. inc.? 2'HA 'HRurN 15 MIN 80 MtN. r0 MrN 4 UtH I MtN CL Y TO SILT GRAVEL 30 LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE OF Silty sand u22 OIAMETER OF PARTICL€ IN MILLIMETERS SAND 95 5 1 ,lr stLT ANo CLAY 1 9 * PLAsrrctw rNDEx * FROM Lot 13, Test Hole 1 at 14 6 19 feet(combir '50 'ro'30 'lt 4 z 8.o oz6 Fz I o 4 F!l a( Fz oG G & gravel. 7HR r5 MIN €o MlN. 19 MrN 4 MIN 1 MrN CLAY 'O SILT r19 438 a .oE- 50.. Fz 60() 20 DIAMEIER OF PAFTICLE IN MILLIMETERS GNAVEL !I LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE OF tI SILT AND CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX FROM u s sI f 21 , 13-5A GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig KTBF^ laalttF.tl.a Caatel{Fg E tl6...r 7a5C W.'t F |th AYrtr'J' O.ov.t Co5r.(b $226 ill.Tt8* *t""oo"" foundata Mio S. Kllchu(n ipecid clt$ulanl E rrrmon Ko.*d (r929!9701 Mahrd H. Brrrrfl Doo.Yon O. N'ckel Oavd E. A'rls!!l A J. Byrn (r9olt96n prr,!.rp.rr f"5I; Bi,ftlr* ar.o.l.r. Ftr,nrp.rt Bll.Ti?""... [il"flq"'"3.]""iT!il; 8iJl*,' r.srorE.lobr.' llil,,r";'Jl"JlL l,tr. Jin HcDooa Id P.O. Box 1290 HomesEead, Florlda 33030 RE: Jio l'lcDonaldrs Duplexes - Lot 13 and 15' Dear Jimt We have revlewed the probleos lnvolved wlth the buildtng on Lot 13 and che movenent that has resulted' We have also reviewedthebul.ldtngonLot15andfoundthat'lthasnoved very llttle conpared to the butldtng on Lot 13' Iile have , Ln our report dated l4ay 19 , recotmended thac the bulldtni on Lot 13 and 15 be addtrlonally retnforced agalnst ro.r"r"ni by the addltlon of some tle-backe to deadnen' Tte bulldlngs tn Lot 15 and 13 have had Ehe backfill removed, which sioulcl keep the bulldlngs from havlng any addltlonal roovement. Because the bulldlng oo Lot, 15 had very llitle' lf any, movenentr we feel that constructlon caa proceed on tfrat Luftafng provlded the backfill Ls not placed untll a deaCnan tfu-U"ct systemr or 6ome other addltlonal supporE Ls 1n placq. If you have any questlons oD thts mattert please call' May 20, 1981 Odel l K. Johns<in, P. E. As sociat e oxJ/eb CC: Vlctor Mark Donaldsont Bob llunnes/J.V-A. Archl tec t 6 Slncere lY t oKKENA Coarotu.'g Engt-rr 7.!g F6l Fnn a'..r,. V,.r C<.a.o'r 665 7:2 ra5l.rt ata3:! rfloEvco DvR vro S Xelchum !tacol consui.^l € \6rno.r Koi\.| (r92'r370) il-ay 19 ' 1981 '''*4 6. 7. 8. Mlc|lael H gar.e[ Prlnclprlt Donavon O NEle! Davd E. Auiba D.n I Ptla O,onetd C Webet A. J. Fyan t.roy E. Toult | | 90&1951 At.ochl. hn.tp- J.m!3 F. O.vi5 C. Jarnei Era\Fo .john K. Brqhr Chades O KcyE5 ur! ,am I O Ns.r lrorl F. Ounbaf nobd.t O- Scrron Ho*atd B B.oinrr''! !1r. Jlm McDonald P.0. Box 1290 Honestead, Florlda 33030 RE: Jin IIcDonaldrs Duplex Dear Jio, Since our neetlngs on I'{ay 6th and May 7th' 1981, we have ln- vestlgated the problems lnvolved on yout bulldlngs on Lots I3 & 15, at Casolar VaiI II, Vall, Colorado. We have had ex- tenslve discussLons wlt.h yourself, Ttomas l'lebb the contractort Bob Hunnes of J.V.A. Structural Engineers, and Steve Paslak of Ctren anil Associates' the solls engineer. Ttre inforuatlon we have received from Ehese people ls as follows: 1. The solls rePort recomrnends a maxlmuo sotls bearlag pressure of 3000 psf and an equivalent fluld Pressure of 45 ocf. a 3. The sotls are grartular wlth soue clay and ellt. Ihe soil was not frozen when the -qgnc.rete was cast forii. i."ir - tec r i6i-E-as provlded after the casting. the footlngs a ecerober 1980. 4. D.rrlng the excavatlon for the bullding on Lot l3t water sras encountered on the north-west corner. Ctren & Assoclates revlewed the situatlon and reconmendFthat t I fom aTeu-En-d-iep'IaEe lt. wlth cleau 4" to rffilcated that this was done Prior ;;th" casting of the footings. On t'{ay I and 5, 198I, Ctren & Associates drllled teo addlttonal holesr one above LoE 15 and one above Lot 13, aotl dlil not find ary water at Ehat tine. The foundatlon walls were backfllled Ln rntd April I98l' The backfl-ll was placed for the buildlng on Lot 15 by hand, and hand tanping nethods were used for conpactlon. the bulding on Lot 13 was backfLlleil wlch a 955 cat. After the backftll was I'n place, the bu1 lding on Lot 13 starEed to Eove and develop cracks. Ttre bullding on Lot 15 di.d not develop cracks unEll apProxlnately a week I ater. t 9. Ilr. Jln McDonald Hay 19' l98I Page 2 10. The contractor has been taklng DeasureEeots to EoEltor bulldlng movementa. Tho6e rneasurenentsr and the pattern of crackLng, indlcate rotation of the entLre concrete foundatLon wall and footing systeo on lot 13 away from the backfill. Very llttle Eovetrent, and only nl-nor cracklng I-s evldent on lot 15. The slab oa-grade on Lot 13 cracks frorn the north- west corner at approxlnately 30" for lOt-0 and then back to the north wall at the party wall. Sinllar cracking occurs on the east half of the basernent. The slab elevation at the crack ls as much as 3l4- above the slab elevatlon next to the north wall. The bulldlng on Lot 15 has sLmllar cracks in the slab on grade but only hairline in s1-ze, with no slgnificant movenent. The backfill has been renoved froro both bulldings since the moveuent began. 12. ltre cont.ractor has dug down to the top of the footLng ln 3 loeatlons anal verlfled that there has been no upllft of the out.slde face of the waII relatlve to the footlng. f3. Ttre contractor' lndlcated the placement of Ehe relnforclog'ln the cast.-in-place waIIs rdas as lndlcated on the drawlngs. lle also lndlcated that no corner bars were provlded at the corners. It appears that. the Preosure from the backflll ls practtcally all reststed by the tso 8r ltalls at the ends of the north wallt actlng as shear walls. Applying the loads frora far north vall of the building backftll to these two walls, we flnd an ad- equate safety factor against overturning of 2.0. Eowever, the calculated soll bearl-ng pressure under the foot.lng at the south ends of these walls ls over 7000 psf, cornpared to an allowable pressure of 3000 psf recormrended by the soLls engLneer. l.Ie expect this high soLl pressure caused soEe seELletrent of the soil under the foatlngs at the south end of these 2 walls, resultlng 1n sone bullding rotation and the cracking whlch ls evidenE. In our opinlon, the bulldlng on Lot '13, noved more thao the bullding on Lot 15 due to the dlfference 1n backfll I placement neEhods. Also, sirce the norLh-pas! corner of the bulldlng on lot 13 moved more than the north-east cornerr sone dLfference ln soll condlttons probably exlsted. We suspect sone voids rDay have been present ln the rock flll noted ln f4 above, reducing the resLscance to high bearing Pressure. It. I ru -t ,t4- .o chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENG!NEERS o lErL i FOUTaOAnO ENGINEERING 5080 RD. r54 r GLENWOODSPRTNGS,COLORADO 8r601 o 303/9447458 *Y l1:_1e-'-1- Subjecf: bcPloratory Dr:illirg, Structr:raL Distress of ttpler<es on Iots 13 ard 15, Casolar, vail II , vailt Colorado Job No. 21,135A Victor l4ark brraldson, Arctdte(t 1000 Lions Ridge tmP, Vail R-rr Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentlesen: As requested, r.e perforned exploratory drillirg at tlre subject site to obtai-n addilional subsurface profiles for analysis of tJ:e observed strucEural distress. I€ previously ondrrted subsoil jnvestigations for the 2 dr-rplo<es reported r:nder Job lftnnbers 21,135 ard 21,136 dated Oc'tober 8, 1,980. Orr firdirgs are as follcasl Site Condilions: The sites are presently occupied by 3 story duploces ffi. Ttre stnrctures ar€ suFported on corrcrete wall and footi11g fowdations constl:cted in about Decsrber, 1980. ltre uphill for:ndaLicrr wal1 is abut 14 feet h-igh. Ttre dcrumhill side is at waLkout basenent. Ievel. lte backfilt against the r$r-ill foundation uall was reFortedly placed about the m-iddle of April. lte observed brildfutg distress is confined rrailly to the tphill fourrdalion wal1 il both wtits. Ttre distress aFpears to onsist of Iateral and rerticaL novsrent vrtdch fns car:sed verlica] and scne diagonal crackirg in the wall. FImr slab cracl<irtg, apparently frcrn d.ifferential settlqnent has occurred. The d.istress is nost severe on Iot 13 arri relatively nirtor on Lot l-5. lb r:rrderstard tle cradcing was first rroted on Iot 13 and progressed rapidly irrnediately follodng bacJcfifling proc-edr:res. On-site soi-ls r.rere used as backfill to ently rmy leve1- o:l Lot 15, the excavation '*idth was relatively narrc^r ard bad(fill was reportedly Placed frcrn top of tlte excavation. eI Lot 13, tlE bad<s1ope of the e><cavatiqr was r:elati'uely wide and the backfill material was placed wi-th trad< eqtaiFent. !€ urderstard a portion or all of this baddilt naterial has subse4ently oFfrc€s oEHVtF. cor-oBADo / coroRAoo sPRlf.Gs. co!oR^oo / cAsP€F YlYOI|llvG / SALI LAXC CltY. UrlH o Victor t_4ark bnaldson, ArcldtesL I'tay 11, 1981 Page T\Nrc been rsrcnred. Prior to ranural, tle bacldill surface gfade r,las relatirrely flat ard about 5 feet in elevation belo^r adjacent sardstsre Dri\ie 40 to 60 feet to tle rPrt]wrest. ltre residenoe on Iot 14, located bet!€en the thrc subject lots, consists of a frare strusEure of sirnilar size and constnrLicn to tlpse urder constn:ction. t€ r-l'rderstard tle residerrce is about L V2 years oLd. Considerable backfill settlirrg has apparently @ctrrred agairst the r-philJ- foudation lr,al-l vthictt has caused the consrete driv*ray slab to seitle abcut I to 2 j1rclres. Ihe rnajority of rp\rsrent des rpt aPPear tO have occr.rrred witldn tie last fe9r vrceks. I^le rnderstand that a recent 1ri"u"f ilspection of tlre inside revealed ro significant brilding distress' D<ploration Program: D)e to the rapid structllral lrovellEnt observed' there was a concern-of possible hillside jnstabifity. SirEe previous subsurface eploration cmsisteA of shall-ctu test pitting on t}e sites' one relativefy aeep exploratoqz hole r'as drilled about 15 to 20 feet off t.})e northurest orner at eacih of the lots. C'raprric logs of tle s1.,ls,rrf.ce profiles en@ultered at the test troles are shceJn on Figiure I' es ildicat& Ly the logs, the sr:bsurface profile is.relaLiyely r:rriform and consists of a rn n nrade fill dept} overlyilg nediu'n dense to dense gravels ard cotbles with scne boufders il] a siltlz to clay-ey sard natrjx. fuf. f was drilled to pracLical rig refusal at depth 32 feet. At Hole 2, very trard siltstonsbedrak was encountered at dePtl 24 feel arul &te,6.d to the n&yimJrn depth drilled, 32 feet. Results of gradaticn analysis c,n a snal-l dianeter drive sanple frcrn the naturaL sr:bsoils are presented on Figr:re 3- lbisture content of tlre subsoils was descrjled as b€jng noist and no free \^,at€r v,ras encou'rtered at tiITe of drilljng. Slotted F /c piPe was installed in both test holes for futgre water le'.iel nonitoring' lltren checked sl t'lay 11, rp free water was Present. Ib provide additicnal sr:bsoil infornration, logs of 6 exPloratory notes aritted il January, I98I for a proposed develogrent directly rrcrth of sardstone nrive were revis^red. ltrree of tlre holes r"ere drilled wittrin about 50 feet of tlre roadr,ray. Substrrface profiles en@untered at these tples revealed a ccnrbjration-of sards, gr-rar,els ard cobbles fur a silty to clayey rnatrix. lto free vtater was encountered to tlle Irtaxirmnn aeptir Ariff.d,- 24 fe"t. Ttese 5 holes lrere subeguently ched<ed for water derreloFent. Ible 1, located directly across It* !d 13, irdicated no water to tlre present lole depth, 21.5 feet. On tlle upf,ritl side of tt" rot near r,ions Ridge Lop, rdater was lrEasurd at depth lT 3/4 feL belcrvr existilg grorrrd surface. @nclusions ard Reccrnrendations: Based on tfte subsgrface orditions les located on-site ard iJt t}re adjacent roi ,psr"p", the obs;/ed uuiiairq distress does not appear to be associated with hillside instabilitl . ltre subsoils consist predcrnirantly of nediun dense to dense granular -soils r^trich trave relatively good slEar stre$gth o r^J Vi-ctor l"lark Donaldson, Ardritect l,lay 11, 1981 Paqe Ttrree cf,acberistics. kesents of a regionally high grorrd r'rater table wh:idt coul,d adversely effect hillside itaUifity does rpt apPgal to eldst' Fegional b"dto"f. dip is gereral]y dol6r to ttre rprtJ- dtich lnuld enharce tlle long term stability. Based on our obssrrations ard l<ru^iledge of tie constnrlion, tl.e distress aP[Ear^s to be related to localized settlerrent ard lateral wall noverrent. -i "cr,rUi:r.tictt of t}re fo}lodng soil-related events rnay have @ntrilcuted to ttE distress- b<c-essi-ve r,ettjlg of tle subgrade at footilg l-evel esr:rred durirg o<cavation in n.1a ]Iovgnber, 1981. the r,rettirg \€s aplErently t]e result of sno,r r.relt arxl possiJcly scne natr:ral noisture. llo soft or rret conditions l^ere reported on Iot 15. Reportedly folloriIg stabilizaticn of tlre srirgrade o,n fot I.3, ,orrrt*.tiott of the for:ndatisr ard franing proceeded through t1e wil.Iter. Precauticrrs to prevent freezilg of fourdation bearhg *if" *"" apparently rroL taken. .edditic'nal r,etting of the subgnrade frcrn srcnr nelt r,ray lnve occurred on botlt lots ' subseqr:ent backfiltilg to entry way level cansisted of a miJlirn-rn 14 rot oepth. of t}lis 14 feet, an apprco<inate 5 to I foot depth on Iot 13 i''as above tie ori-ginal grade and about 4 to 6 feet \.,as above origilal grade on Iot 15. C (1) (2) (3) Design drarrdngs irdicate a 30 inch footing srrpports_ the uptdll fourrdatjoi r^raU and a 58 jlch foti1g supports the cantilevered ends' Allovrable bearing pressure was taken as 3,000 psf . Backfilting to entry way level r'suld tane applied an additional 1750 psf Pressure at i"r-h"ti* bearing leve1. tiris nragritude of surcharge applied o'er a large area \€u]d have a sj.gnificantly greater effect on settle$ent than the narrow wa]l footiagsl If ice ferrses had forned and subsegr:ently tlawed, potenlial. settlsrEnt ttculd be increased. Additional loading frun tonstruetion equiE[Ent rnay also ha're adversely effected the structure' @nsidering the assuned grranular subgrade, novenent_should stabilize relatirrcly rapid.ly ard replacorent of t}e backfill sbould rDt cause an additional large anor:nt oi settLsnent. Ib facilitate resistance of iit&af 1oad.s,-dea&rran constgrction can be used. Ttre dea&nan stpuld be positioned beyord an imaqirarT tine exterding rryrard frcrn_tlp lo,"er'f;l||t levef on a 35o angle away frcnr t1.e r.rall ard buded into naturar gr""d.t subsoils. tle estjrnate I distuttce of about 20 feet and a dept} 5i S f."t will be reErirea. Ttre dea&na' can be sized utiliz1ng a pa.ssive ""rtbr pret",rre of 400 psf per fmt of depth' A gafety factor "t le""t 2 stpuld be taken. ttre a-e.Att"" shoul-d be poured rreat il1 tle er<cavation ard backfill above tlre rrrits stould be ccnpacted to at least 95t of stardard Proctor density. Backfill, against for:ndati.on walls can consist of on-site granular soils free of naterial larger tllan 5 fulclles. sil]cte sore seepage was ^ILVictor Mark bnaldson, Arch-itect May 11, 1981 Paqe Four sr,P/jw cc: Bob Hunnes c/o Johnson' Voilard' O'Dell Johnsqt c/o KKBNA o errcrntered qtr IOt 13 during e:<cavation, rre reccrrnerd about the lcrrer third of tte vrau baddilt crysist of wasfred rock onnested to t}e rl.derdraij1 systsn. As dlesigned, t}e frurt corner frcLings at each Lnit will bear o"r baclcfill llBterial arrl tler:e may be a hi$t risk of fotrdalicrr settlsrent. Iro reduce this risk, tlp bad<filt should be ccntracted to at Igrsg 95g of stardard Prrc<*or density adjacent the outside \{all ald the footbgs sfrcr:-td inpose less than 1000 psf bearfutg Pressure. The forndatisr rlal-ls slrould be braced dr:ring ccnpaction. If you harre any qtestions or if r"e can be of furtfier sel:\rioe' please calI. Verlt trul' l.urst cltEN AND AssmrjfrEs, rl.lc. ,*%,^/.4J,,4 Stevert L. Pawlak, P.E. Arctluleta F tJ. I 'f I ,l --'54 o norcJ Lot l5 15 20 2S 30 s7/t2 llol e I Lot l3 7/12 so/6 3r/rz lvC= 6.8 200= 19 4016 29/6, So/9 l0 F I t.o(;s 0lj L.xPt.()ll.\T0RY tloLES o LtsGTIiD: Fill, silty to clayey sand 6 gravel with cobbles, loose. Gravel (SC-CC1 cobbles and scattered boulders in silty to clayey sand natrix, nediun dense to dense, noist, nixed reddish bronn. Siltstone bedrock, very hard, greyish green. L Standard Penetration Test Sarnple. AST?.| 01586 The syrnbol 7/12 indi.caies that I l0 blows of a 140 lb. harser ialfing 50 inches rere required to drive the _f sampler 12 inches. I Disturbed Bulk Sanple E w E -t I lr"ti."r Rig Refusal. lHlrnor."."s slotted pvc pipe installed to depth shown NOTES: (1) Test holes were drilled on llay I and S, l98l with a four inch diameter continuous flight power auger. (2) Surface elevation of holes nithin t I foot of.building entry Hay level. (5) frio free water was encountered in the test holes at the time of drilling or . when checked on lrlay 11, 1981. (4) WC = Water Content ('r); -200 = Percent Passing No. :00 Sieve. 'll,l.i5A LE6E\D G !{OTES Fig. 2 o26 z (,6 *" and associates, in.f u2 DIAMETEF OF PABTTCLE IN MTLLIMFTERS CLAY IO SILT GRAVEL 30 LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF Silty sand .111'L tl S?" 60 MtN te MrN . MrN t trrN 'iO ..0 '30 51 r. stLT AND CLAY 19 PLASTICITY INOEX FROM Lot 13, Test q, a Hole I at 14 & 19 feet(combined S IEVE ANALYSISHYDROMETEFI ANALYSIS GO ? z (JE o .o2_ 50G r) I SANO !l & gravel. 21 45 60 MtN 19 MIN. t MIN T MIN . CLAY TO SILT 'ro '50'.()'30 '16 'r0.'8 297 | 5$ rr0 438042 ?0 U S STANDARO * SILT AND CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX HR ' HR. 15 MlN. = z uE DTAMETER OF PARTICLE IN M'LLTMETERS GRAVEL Lrouro LIMIT SAHPLE OF SANO rROM GBADATION TEST RESULTSr: I , I3S,\ rl ar. {--^U JIM MCDONALD DUPLEXES| Lots 13 and 15, Casolar, Vail- J OHNSON.VOILAND_ARCHULETA, INC. C t,n:rtlt tng Engitttrrs W. L Johnron Rob.rt H. Voll.nd S. J. Archu lct! David M. Houcteih€ll Robort 8. Hunnea H. Gsry Howell F.ancor l. w6lli FIELD OBSERVATION RECORD _- Mark Donaldson -- Architect rt,+,. 4-22-8Lf' --*visited job site at 1I:30 A.M. with Mark Donaldson, Webb, the General Contractor, and Billie, the Project Superintendent. Both duplexes nere fully framed and had recently been backfilled along the north waII of the garages- I was visiting the site at Mark Donaldsonts reguest because of some reported probl.ems in the duplexes on Lot 13. We walked through the dup1exes on Lot 15 and could find no signs of distress anywhere in the buil-ding, either in the concrete foundation structure or in the framing above. I{ebb indicated that this foundation had been backfilled on April 15' and due to the steepness of the existing cut, much of the backfill had been placed by dumping into the cut with a 955 front-end loader and then the backfill was hand-compacted by workmen using jumping jack compactors. This process of dumping and hand-compacting was used up to an elevation approximately 4' below the garage slab. The uppglt! of backfi plag the front-and then it r fo We then r.rent on to Lot 13 to look at the foundation and frarning problems which had been. reported here. In this building, we observed cracking in the following locations: t. There r.rere several sizable cracks in the slab on grade. f made a sketch of these on the floor plan to show the approximate size and layout of the cracking pattern. # UEMEIi 'aou|-oaR, coLoRADo 80302 444-1951 * aavaDA, coLoRADo s0m2 42o 2055 2305 caNYoN aoLJ LE vaRo 53a5 w€ST 52{D AVENUE o Field Observ'htion Record Jim lt4cDonald Duplexes, Lots 13 & 15 Page Two o 2. There was a 3/16" wide crack in the top of the 10" foundation wall at the northwest corner of t.he west stai r, 3. There'were several very tight hairline cracks running diagonally in the north wa]l near the east end of the building. 4. At the northwest corner of the east stair, the' top of the foundation wall had broken off at the corner, and a 1" separation was visible between the edge TJI and the face of the concrete wa1l. The separation tends to indicate that the floor slab of the garage has racked toward the west approximately I". 5. The top of the concrete foundation wall at the northeast corner of the building has a crack on the north face similar to that mentioned in item no. 1 above, but this crack is much tighter' being approximately 1/16" in width. 6. The garage floor slab has a large crack running north-south all along the east end of the garage for a length of about 7-8 feet where the slab is tied into the basement wa1l. This crack is vrider at the north end than at the south end' indicating that it is caused by a bending type of stress. 7. Two diagonal hairline cracks were observed in the garage floor slab in the east garage. The size and shape of these cracks also j-ndicate that this floor slab has undergone sorne bending stresses in the- horizontal direction. 8. The garage floor slab has separated vertically from the top of the concrete foundation wal1 approximately 5,/8" at the west side of the building' and L/4" aL the east side of the building. The size, shape, location and pattern of the cracking in the building on Lot 13 leads me to believe that the concrete wall at the northeast corner of the west stair has settled vertically and translated horizonte-lIy_ toyards the :orfg[ - rn lny o@nt and movement rd-as Eused by a eombination of two things: o Field Observation Record Jim McDonald Duplexes, Lots 13 a 15 Page Three o l_.During excavation, underground se rently orscoverect n ng nd s may hav€__sggsed some soft soil to occ somewheJe-5dlo\^r the footinq leve. 2.In t_was backfilted with a Cat 955 front-end oader which umped t!e_ f il]ewanorth waII i ldin tratioenera te ressures ra ].n excess of those recommended b the soils re On April 20, when I was first informed that there vrere cracks in the foundation wall, the contractor felt that the wall was sti1l moving. At that time, I recommended to Mark Donal-dson that approximately L/2 of the backfill be removed from the north wall using a backhoe so that the machine did not have to get adjacent to the wall. The backhoe arrived today and had removed approximately 5r of soil at the time of my visit- At my reconmendation, the contractor had epoxied some smal1 pieces of glass across several of the cracks of the building in order to see if the building was continuing to move. As of today, a few of these pieces had cracked, but there was no particularly conclusive pattern to the cracking which would indicate whether or not the bui1ding was continuing to move. Several new pieces of glass had been epoxied over cracks yesterday and they did not exhibit any further movement as of today. The contractor had shot levels at several points on the basement slab, and these seem to indicate that portions of the slab may have heaved in the order of L/2". I recommended that the contractor check the north wa1l and the north-south shear walls for level using ah instrument and establish some bench marks which could be rechecked at a future time. He agreed to do this. We discussed several alternativi:s to repair the movement of the north wall. In my opinion, no matter which alternative is selected, the backfill should be removed from the north wall in order to relieve the pressure against this walI. The alternatives for repair are as follows: oo Field OU"u.,r.tion Record Jim McDonald Duplexesr Lots 13 a 15 Page Four 1.A series of steel tie-backs could be anchored to concrete dead men located approximately 25-30 feet north of the north wa11 of the building. rt is possiiile, though not certain, that these tie-backs could be gradually tightened to try and puIl the north wall back toward a plumb position. -Even if it were not feasible to pull the waII back' the tie-back sy$tem would effecti.vely stop any further southward movement of the slab and the north waIl. This sol-ution is probably the least costly, least visibLe, and most effectiwe system for holding the wal-l. A series of cast-in-p1ace concrete counterforts could be installed on the north side of the wall to hoLd the wa}I in position. while this alternative is technically feasible, it would be very expensive and it would not afford any opportunity to try anc pull the wall back into Plumb. Concrete counterforts could be installed on new footings inside the basement. I would expect that this scheme would be fairly costly, and it would certainly limit the use of the space inside the basement to a large degrre. Diagonal steel braces could be installed on new footings inside the basement to Prop the inside of the north waII against further movement. This scheme would also limit the use of the basement space. At this time, the cracking in the sl-ab-on-grade is not severe enough to warrant removal of the s1ab. ft is likely .that this slab cracking could be covered with either a carpet system or a 2" cast-in-place concrele loppinq. The architect' contractor, superintendent, Ena f aiscussed all of these aLternatives and decided to wait for the owner to have an oPPortunity to appraise the situation and give direction on how to proceed. Webb agreed to continue to vtatch the building and let us know if movement is still occurring- 2. 4. [.\ a DATE 12-1-80 PROJECT NO.- :I hm atr T m m m BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT trtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY i TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lv 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H (yM DIVISION , Z 2"fu GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK . New Duplex PERMIT NO. z tr l) BUITDING 225.000 ELECTRICAL 8-500 PLUMBING l0 -onn MECHANICAL 3,000 TYPE GROUP SO- FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 3380 2?q.o|J.o.BUILDING PERMIT 745.50 PLAN CHECK 372.75 ELECTRICAL 53.00 PLUMBING 100.00 MECHANICAL 30 .00lrew(Xr arrrnarroN( ) ADDtTtoNAL( ) REPAIR( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- G,R.F.A- -EEDROOMS -COMMERCIAL SYSI -RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING -UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE 507 .00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 100.00 CLE.AN.UP DEPOSIT (ffi;; ) rqtAl PERMTTIFES [2.108.25 ,/ INSULATION N|NG ADMTNTSTRAToR , UATF -./L \ FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE TH ICKN ESS R VALUE ZONINGNoTES:# Batt 6rl 10 ll 6"19 ------S: li:- r,.\\\ tl 10"38 \r__1 H EAT -,,f 6t f^ r'//e4,6,^ I HERt-trl ;\cKN()\'l.ED(;t 'rllAT I l{,\\'E RllAl, TlllS APPl,l{iATll)r" AND STAI E Tllr\ r 'l llt: AB(lV!: lS C()Rl(l:(il AND AGRtr: l() (:OllPl,Y wtTIt t,r, T()wll ()ltDlNANcEs A:! t) 'II,DIN(]N S'1 s t 'l-l' ELEC: X I CES. SOLAR IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN DIST. TAP FEE SPEC IAL NOTES: LOT 13 BL FtLtNG Casolar Vail II LEGAL JoB NAME: McDonald Duplex MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. OWNER MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT rrnrr,r Great Divide Const- MAIL ADDRESS GEN ERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS LECTRICAL ONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESSPL UM B ING CONTRACTOR Iu AII ADDRTSS M ECHANICA CONIRACTOR \,tAIL ADD RESS OTHER CONTRACTO th6 prinlery/vall ru oo chen and CONSULT associates, inc. ING ENGINEERS ffi SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 5080 BD. 154 . GLENWOOD SPRTNGS,COLORADO 81501 o 303/945-7458 Novsnber 25, 1980 Subject: b<carration Observation, Proposed Residence, Lot 13' Casolar vail II, VaiI, Colorado. Job llo. 2L'135A Great Divide Cons truc t ion P.O. Box 2674 Vail, Colorado 8f657 Athr: 1,1r. Tfrcrnas l,iebbe.r Centlgnen: As requested, l.e met witl you on Novsriber 18, 1980 to observed tle subgrade corditions oposed jn the excavatigr. We previously corducted a soil ard foundation jrrvestigation at tte site, reported urder Job No- 2L,L35, dated October 8, 1980. The excavation was near design foothg visit. We wderstard tlnt seepage frcrn the nraterial appeared to consist of rer^orked on-site silts- the frozerr, disturbed soils encountered at extent excavation stpuld be zed to prevent urdendnirq of grade at the time of our site deeper uphiIl cut face recently began follcnring srpvr-nelt nrnoff. fh. witnin tle northwest'portion ol the_o<Savat4-but very IitLIe free starding area tal frozen- Ttre frozen the toadjacent residence. A perinreter fourdation drain stpuld be j.;rstalled der,.,rater tlre e:<cavation ard protect t}re Lq,er Ieve1 agiinst vetting- Ttregravelbacl<fill should octerd several feet in elevatiqr above the An auxiliary drain pipe placed high to intercept seePage. Otlrer rec.qrnerdations presented iI the origilal reporL vihich are acplicable strould also be observed. any questions or if r,e can be of firrther se:rrice, please call' Sincerely, GIEN AND ASSOCTATES, rlc- fourdation into intercept potenti,al seepage. the bad<fill could also be used Steven L. COIORAOO / CASPER, TIYYOMING / o chen and associates,, o r nc. Subiect: E<cavatiott Obser'ration, Proposed Resi-dence, Iot 13, Casolar, Vail II , Vail, Colorado. Job llo. 21,135A you on Novqnber 6. 1980 to observe the sub- &cavation. We previously corducted a soil ttre site, reporLed to you wder Job }qo- 21,135' At the tjme of or:r site visit, t}re e:<cavation \,tas near footirg grade with- in the deeper front portion of the lot and daylighted Lo- the soutl. The o<cav- - .U* f,ra not. been f-irnl graded, The soils exposed in tlle excanration consisted . of si1t1z to clayey sards irC Aravels_witlr-i.n the deep sut area transitioning to ;h-;f: sandv silis. and qranuiar fill towards ttre south' The fill n'aterial a4natfra1 sandY ts,ana grantiar fill towards ttre south' The f:]L9!95!gl-$ SOt L & FOUNOANON ENGINEERING SUITE C-7 VILLAGE PLAZA 'GLENWOOD SPRINGs, COLORADO 81601 o 303/945'7458 Noveru:er f0' 1980 Great Divide Constiructl'on P-O- tsox 2574 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attrr: Irlr. Ttrcrnas I'Jebber GentlgTen: As requested, ve met with crrade corditions exlrcsed jrr the ird fo*nttion irrvestigation at datcd October 8, 1980. silts were a tivelv hiqh noisture cordition ',vitldn the excavation area are suitable ior ttte e)<cava should be agail when reccrflnenoac]-ons presented in ttre original report v*tich are also be observed. anv questions or if we can be of firrther service, please call- Sincerely, cIE\t AliD ASSOCTAIES, nic. SIP/rIaf @ z Jolrrson/Voilard/Archuleta Attrr: tr4r. Bob Alson The subsoil conditions exposed irr tle excavati-on are sjrnilar to tlat errcr.mtered during the original irvesligaulol -4 srritgblg=for sYeEg. * of ,!E irnl graded- applicable slpuld If you have OFFTC€S OENV€R COLONADO / COLORAOOSPNINGS COLORADO / CASPER'WYOMING / SALTLAXECITY' -rrr - TOr MEI"IORANDUM PLANNlNG AND ENVIRONIVIENTAL COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COM},IUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10 /23/80 RE:sid.e setback variance request for Jim wlcDonald to move the building envelope on site 15, Casolar Vail II qEECRTPTION OF VARIANCE The reguest is to encroach 5' into a 15' side setback. There is a 10' utility easement-""""iitoting the remainder of the setback' The reason fnr rha rpcrrlelr-t- is to *o.r" aiuy from the adjacent duplex to the east' The ext:erior clecks of -uhe two building's, wilhout the veriance, lroul'd be 5 feet aPart, due to the proxj.mity of the building envelopes' .Thus' the i"qu"ut is to alior,r ro,o. i'br"athi-ng rocm't ancl privacy between the sLructure:-: CRITEP.TA AND FTNDINGS Iqg-:-nil":-e!-"f -Cr:i-t-er-.1a ald-Fi-qdfnqs;,-- sr?-S.!lgl- #r,,!2 ' 060 of Lhe Mgnrs.1pi:l-codc,, tf-;;A$;ffi--li:-ar-aAnrru;:!i'-linc -e$-ie*'ry€+1g a-r>pr:ov;rl of the "*qr*;;'t-"a "qt]&qe-li-*"FtrFb"'-tEA fc>ry'''{jJql ft"tq Consideration of Factor:s As described. above, the building envelopes on this parcel are in close pi""i-*ity to each other. A settlemenL iu.= t."*nLly reached with. regard to the vriclth of the duplex to i:he easL, the dispuLe being over the actual size of the decks vs vrhat the approved plaus showed- 'Ihe owner to t-he east is cutti.ng back his decks 4' lo allow some room between the structures ' and this request i" t" move another 5' away. This allows some visual lines through the d.e'sity on this lot and lids in the reduction of a fire trazara betw6en the two dlcks. No structure wi-Il be built on the western side. rhe dec{ree to whiqF relie{ -fr:9m thq, glt-ilt, ?'= 1119!?fj+!+f+9+*19-!"and entorcement cF a s@ necessa-{y* po asllevg.-qglL nufi:w ";a r.n -+c vlgilitY, of to attain Lhe obicclives this tj tT6 *itho"t is the insufficient distance variance i s harmlcss and isWe feel the structures ment. physical hardshiP here and the granting of the between an improve- The ef f ect of the :r:equeqted v+rialrce on liqht and air:, dist-'ri.bution of oopulation, transportation "".i trt;; [Eil j-uics , and publ ic: saf el: There i.s a l-ocation of line needed servei line 4' the building work in that off Lhe ProPertYfounclati.on. It I area Lhere could li.ne, 6' from Lhe ProPoseds possible that, if tire sewer be problems with the location llcDonald -2-Lo/2)t of the! house. In the event the locai:ion of the due to the granting of this variance, the owner responsible for solving the problem. foundation became a problem of the house would be Such other factors and criteria as the the proposed variance. None exist commlssaon qeems licable to FINDING9:- The P1a-nning and Environmental Comm.ission shal1 make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of t.he variance will not.consLitute a grant of special privj.lege inconsistent vrith the limitaij-ons on other properties classified in the sarne disf:rict" That the granting of the variance will not be cletrimental to the publ.ic h-.-1+l- -.- F^t--,rrL:.-.r.(.rrr D{1.r.Er-y, iir welfare' or materia..l-l-y injul ious to propercies or 'i mnr. ."':',"i..,r, F c i r.. l-i'r. rr.i r'.i n i 4-rrJlri!/Il,/v\:.lr-Ilt-J .LlJ Lt.i(; vi.\?IrrJ-LJ. ThaL the vari ance is warranted for one or rnore of the fo-i-lowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretaLion and enforcement of the npecified regulation would reslllt in practical- difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wit:h the objectj-ves of titis titl-e. RE.COMI'INNDATiON The Department of Corp$unity Development feels there is a harCship involved in this case, and that the granting of t-he variance has a posi.tive effect upon fire safety, privacy of the homes, and sight lines between t-he buildings relieving the dense feeling one gets vrhen vier+ing the Iot. Thus, r"re reconunen.d approval with the fotlowing conditions: If, becau-se of the granting of this var:iance, problems occur with future sewel: line work in the easement, the ol.iner of the structure on envelope 15 would. be responsible for solving the problem in a mutually satisfactory manner. ir+ _ \-,, --...-J- - -'L- -..- SOI L & FOUNDATION ENGINEEBING SUITE C-7 VILLAGE PLAZA . GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 ' 303/945'7458 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE, tOT 13 CASOLAR' VAIL II' VAIL' COLORADO PrePared for: Victor Mark Donaldson, Architect 1000 Lions Ridge tooP Vail Run VaiI' CO 81657 Job. No. 21 ,135 October 8 ' 1980 I l I TABLE OF'MfiENIS cc{cLUSrcl{s SCOPE SIIE CO{DITICNS SUBSOIL CCft{DITICF{S FCI,]NDATICN RECO.IMENDATIO{S FIMR SI.ABS UNDMDRAiN SYSTET.{ SIJRFACE DRAI}IAGE MISCEII.ANECIJS FIqJRE 1 - TOCATIG{ OF E(PTORAIIOFS PIT FIGIjRE 2 - @AHrC lff, LmEID Al.lD l.Ioms FIE RE 3 - S?{EX,LSTSOLIDHTTOiI TEST RESI]LTS t .l o CU\ICLUSIO{S The proposed residence can be founded with ryreadfotings placed on the up4>er natural soils with design details and precautions as discussed below. SCOPE this report presents the results of a soil and forrrdation ilves- tigation for the proposed dr:p1ex to be located cn 1ot 13' Casolar' Vail If, Vail, Colorado. The report presents the reormended type foundation ard allo^rable pressures, general subsoil conditions together with cther soil related design and cnnstruction details. SIIE CCI{DIfiOIS At the tine of the field investigation, the site was vacant and overed with grass and r+eeds. the ground surfae is sonrewhd irreg- ular and generally slopes dor^'n to the south-southeast with ryroxi- matety 12' of elevation differential. across tlre blilding envel-ope. During a previous investigaticn on adjacent lot 14' t@-lso indicated to have been filled. l'taximrm fill depth logged durirg this investigation consisted of about 6 feet qr tlre &vmhill side. A por- tion of the lot atrpeared to have been graded witl shall fill. SUBSOIL OO{DITICIIS The subsoil conditiorrs rrere investigated blr excavating 1 test pit within the central porticn of tlre b'rildirry area as sLrcnm on Figure 1. fhe graphie )og of the subsoils sroountered at the test pit is sttolvn o I -2- on Figure 2. In general, the subsoils ocnsist of a onrbinaticn of granular fill and nediun stiff sandy silts overlying a silty to clayey sand,gravetandcobblemixeddepositbelcnaproximatedepth6feet. Occasional boulders v,,ere a:Iso enocuntered in this 1or'uer layer ' Re- sults of a crcnsolidation test perfornred or a sanpJ.e of the sandlz silt inclicates a noderate to high conpressibility r4nn toading and wet- tinS. Moisture ocntent of the srbsoils was descibed as being roist and no free water was enoounterd at tine of excavation to the nrax imr.un depth investigated' -gj[gg! FTIUNDATICN RECOFIMENDATICNS I{e understand the duplex witl consist of a 2 story structure hav- irrgawalkrcutbasenent.l,laxinr.rncutisanticipatedtobecntheor- Construction will be nainly of vood frarne' Considering the subsoil cqlditions enoountered at tte erplorato4r pit and anticipated onstruction, r'e reonnend the use of q>read footings olaced on tlre natural zubsoils fcr su;port of the structure. Tbe fol- lcning design and construction details s|rould be observed: ( 1) Footings should be placed on the natu ting fiu and topsoil and designed for a naxjrnn bearinq presstr'.e If fotings ate extended do,n to bear entirely ang' theoarsegranul.arsoilsranallowablebearingc'oacitvof3'000' psf cdt be used. Initial settlenents durrrg oonstnrcticn slpuld I I -3- be relatively mi'nor (1/2 inch or lFts) a@r [pvelrEntontheorderof3inchisindicatedifttresubsoils were to becore uet ' Tbe greatest risk of differential novement is for footings placed on the uSper silts' ? (2) lrlinimusn footing width slrould be taken as ]-g--inches for walls and ,.tj' 2 feet for colurns' (3) Fourdatiqr walls shouLd be reinforced top and bttom to *an an unsut4Drted}engthofatleastl0feet.Basementrvallsactirgas retainingstructuresshoulda.]-sobedesigredtoresistarregtriv- alent lateral- earth pressure of 45 psf per fmt of depth' This pressure assulles a well<onpacted giranular fill having a slrface gradient sloped aw4g frcrn the structure' (4) Alt topsoil, existing fill and any loca1 soft pockets of soil forrndatt}rebaseoft}refotirrgexcavationsshculdbererrcveil arrd the footirrgs extended down to the lower' firn soils' (5) Perinreter fotings sbould be placed belop frost depth' FIOOR SIABS The rpper natural soils beLovr all topsoil and existinq fill are suitable to su!ryort slabtnnrade construction' In the buildirg area' allvegetatiqr,toPsoilandexistingfitlstroutdbererrcved.Required backfill should consist of ncn"e:<pansi''e granul- or silty soils orr pactd to at least 90t of stanilard Proctor density at' a noisture cpn- tenL near optimn. Itre on-site soils shoutd be suitable fcr use as t I -4- backfill rnateriaf provided all organics ard oversized material are renpved;riorLoplac€{rEnt'Tbreducetheeffectsofsonedifferen- tial rroverrrent, -a11 slabs strould be separated fr.crn bearirg rembers wit}r a positive expansion joint and aCeguately reinforced' A mj'nim:m 4 in- ctr layer of free-draining oravel should be provided innediately be- neath the floor slabs. I,]NDMDRAIN SYSIE!'I Although free water was rDt encountered at tire of exploratory pit excavation, it has been our experience il areas such as this that localized seeps crr perched water can develop at ti:tnps of r--L -ur'-'fr ' Therefore,thelq*erleveloreacirlevelexcavatedintotbehillside should be protected by an underdrain system' lhe underdrain should consist of a perforatd Pipe ernbedded il1 a gravel-filLed trench placed atleastlfootbelowadjacentfloorslabqradeandslopedtos:itab}e outlet.Thegravelbeneat}rt}eflorslabshoutdbecrcnnectedinto t}e underdrain sYstern. SURFACE DRAINAGE Thefollovlingdrainageprecautionsshor:ldbecbserveddr:ring<pn- struction ard maintained at aII tines after tl.re britdirg has been com- pleted: (1)Excessiver.'ettirrgorfryingoft}refoundatiqrexcavationsbould be avoided durirg construction' \. o -5- t'tiscellaneor:s bacicfill arourd brrildings should be ncistened and oonpacted to at least 95t standard ProcLor density- the grourd surfacre surroundirrg tlre buildirtg sLrould be sloped to drain auray in all directions. lde reconmend a minfurn-rn slope of 6 inches in the first 10 feet. Rmf downstrnuts and ftains should discharge r"e1l beyond t]]e IiIIF its of all bad<fil]. l'{ISCELLANECIJS this report has been prepared in accordance with generaIly aceep- ted soit and foundation engineerirg practices in this area fcr tle use by tJre client for design trtrposes. Ttre <onclusions and recormenda- tions submitted in this report ar:e based upon tlre data obtaired frcrn the exploratorly pit excavated at the location slrcrr,rn ql the exploratory pit p1an. The nature ard extent of variatiors across the site may not becqne evident untiL excavatiqr is perforned. If during cDnstruction' subsoil conditions aFPear to be different flsn tlrose described bereinr this office slpuld be advised at ollc€ so tlrat r.e-evaLuatiqt of the reornendations rnay be nade. I& reconnerd cn-s ite observaticn of ex- cavatiqts and fioundation bearing sitrata ty a soil enqineer' CHEN AND ASSOCIATES' INC. o (2) (3) (4) hn #2fu,1-- Steven L. Pawlak' P.E. I I 02?00 Earthr,ork t. 2. Clear{nq-- All areas under bullding and to a polnt l0'0'beyond sarc, walks, and driveways to be stripped to a polnt below the or3anic silty c'lay topsoll. Stock plle all such earth for use as top soil in the finishlng grad{ng. Extrem ctr€ ls to be exercised ln the preservatlon of existlng conditlons and neigh-boring property. This includes all trees, ponds ond othernatural elements. Excavation - The excavations for foundations shall be large enoughf permit-forming both sides. Bottoms of all footings'muit Ueievel and cJeared of loose naterials. Leave a'l'l botloms open forinspection. No footings shall be poured until inspected ahd approved !y tne Architect. All footlngs to bear a arinirrum of12" into bearing'strats. AII naterlali loosened or disturbed by the excavation process to be removed from beneath foundation areasprior to pouring concrete. Dewater as necessary with drainagetile or pumping. Fill and Backfill A. Backfill materials at up-slope foundatlon and retained wallsshaii be granular materlal wlth stones no 'larger than 6oin diametir. Salvaged granu'lar materlal from-the foundaHon excavations may be used for thls purpose, if processed to remove the stones larger that 6". Granular backfill behipd foundatlon ual'ls shall be llghtly compacted to between 051 and 751 of relotive dry density for cohesion'less free drafnlng solls. Over compaction wlll-be avoi ded. Backfill in utility trenches and 'locations other than behlnd foundation or retaining walls nay conslst of cormon fi'llmaterial compacted to 921 of standard Prdctor denslty andwithin 21 of optimun moisture content as per ASTl.l 0-698. B. D9 not proceed with backfilllng until walls are adequately shored or braced. Prepare ground surface to receive f{ll by removing vegetation, debrls, frozen rnaterlal or other un-satisfactory noterial. Scarlfy as requlred so that flll nateria'l wilj bond with exlstlng surface. Place flll naterlalsin 'layers not rnore than 8" ln loose depth, conpactlng erch' layer to 951 maximum denslty. Do not p'lace materlals on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or that contaln lce or frost. 4. Gradinq - The Corltractor shall provlde rll rough grades and flnfsh grades as shovrn. A1l ditclres and ruts are to be eradlcated. The slope away.from the buildings shall ba not less thcn I to 10. Flll, as required to bring the area up to flnfsh gradc, rEy be cornnn flllplaced as specified above. Rembve all erceis naterlals fron th€ slte. 2 '{ _,__a '' 1i' i, , i.,,t.-a,i. . ..f,,,. - 5. Rock Exqavatlon - A't'l ercavatlon requircd In connectfon rlth cofitruc-ffi'n'under thls contract l3 pnisured to belcomron €rctyE- t{0n,..|.e.. earth and other uaterlalr-that.crn be remved xlth+ l{ll;ii'.ffiffi,:l}'l,fiilliiH;ifill:fli'lil.liulilli3[:';, 11.,,,* for on the p'lans and Inthe'ipeclf.fcatlons, thelContrrctor shrll irrrediateiy-stoprvorkandnotifytheArch|tect,and;thro*ner,and shall not lrocebO further untfl-agreemnt ls'reached.and rpasure- r gpnts n'6de for the Durpose cif establlshlnE the volurre of rock required to be excavatbd and the cost'of iuch excavatlon.' Rock ls'deflned as any stone, concretir.boulder, or'ces*ntltlous materJal greater than one'cirblc yairl'ln:volurn.that, Clnnot ba renroved b! power equipment vltho-ut-the use of contliuous drllllng and exptolfves., - .': ', 'i. .l;..r rj;*U:i:*-l:;;*b.Y1.i!,1 ' :' ' 1.,''.-, ,... : .. .'-id;"!. , rr;-,i.''-rE ,ll ..*' l t' 6. Footinq Drifn - At port{on-of butidlnri'birloetei. shorm on thc,'ffifigs,lnntall pblyvinyl chlorlde (pilC) aratn, t!le,pltchlng srrc ]"/'10 ft. to otttfall.- oriln tlle to bc ninufactLr{d by Advanccd: Drilnage Systems (or approved equal), gpsh coveredi:{];-- i: dlomtEr.. - -, ' -::-J i:, I . .."- F-.r. t]-,lfF.:{;. Ft:. -' . !''. !- Jolnts to be uuitea tod"in.i Ji;i rii.'i;ii t{t*i ir'ii-in..,oo' Jorn,. Surround sare.r+f th s/{]. gr31e-! as-. showil-oii.p.i*i1!1.,.-'*,_,- "H i' l''.'ft$;i,r'i' ' : fiti;il' :;' .. The last l0'0o of lensth at the-outfilil'shall be cigt-iron i{ttr ttte end of sanc set ln concrete splllxay l8'wlde,35'.'.lon0t'4" thlcl. (Unless,otheruise noted on.Dralrings.[ '+. 'oi-"1',... . t' l*; H'i*'.; "l:l"Iffi'ff :',i[:'i tia''a tert at' tra s!t'r.o;l:,'.1'* '' l 02600 Pavlnq and Surfaclnq l. PrepardtJon - Coordlnate the preparatlon of the subgrrde-l.ncludln9. tn^necessary cutting, ffllln!1, tompactfng to lnsurl r 92t stlndard Proctor-density of the subgrode. .r : llhere fil.l ls required to brlng the grade to lts proper e'levatlon, furnish and p'lacd crushed rocl-basa 6' thlck conslstlng of rord base naterlris compacted to.gSt.standard Proctor 011sJ!f; At a tlnre, approximately 24 hours prlor'to the laylng'of asphalt concrete, thb-Contractoi shall appiy to the entlrt tF! to b9 paved HC-l llquld asphalt prinfng guteiir'l .rt a rate of no! lcss than 0.3 galions per square yari. Thls pr{m coat shall .bc rppllcd. -.unlf6rmly ani only wtrerithe Sase Coi.rrst surface ls dry or slfghtly ?. damp. Asphait Coicrete - The Controctor shrll placc a hot hld' pltnt rnfxEd, aspEfoncrete nat, hro Inchel Lougacted. thlclness. Asphalt concrete nlxture shrll br prtprrcd vltl thr. folloulng' spec{fled naterlals: ,... ': . . =1. ,i' A. llineral Aggregate: Shall conslrt of. crushed roct cocposed of hrrd -.#F. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DATE 1-7-81 PROJECT NO.- of community development [' tt Bdd hrtn TYPE OF PERMIT D autorrlc X pruMatNc B ElecrRrcnr I FouNDAnoN oNLY I MECHANICAL T 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2, OCCU PANCY G ROUP AEEHI DlvlsloN t z za@ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : New Duplex PERMIT NO. z tr f BUILDING 285 .000 EL ECTRICAL 8.500 PLUMBING 10.000 MECHANICAL 3 0n0 TYPE GROUP SQ. FT, VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 3380 22q noo BUILDING PERMIT 895.50 PLAN CHECK 447 .75 E LECTRICAL R3 nO PLUMBING 100.00 MECHANICAL 30.00NEW(X) ALTERATION () ADDITIONALO REPAIR O DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS c.R.F.A. 3-380-eeoRoots COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. -- BATHTUE/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING RECREATION FEE 507 - 00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 1o0.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT ( zoo.oo ' TO"TAL PERMTtfEES ',tiat.zs', ,/'{fuffi% ,He INSULATION !ING ADMIN ISTRATOR FTOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALU E \ING NOTES: Batt 6 19 Batt 6 Batt 10 38 HEAI'fno/t e&4.- ry,6 :,*t^ furtn"t/ 'F.Rr-br n, orrro/nrr,,rr.. rH^,r I lrA\.r. RI]AtI THIS APPI,ICATII)\ AND STAl'E TII.'1'I TII!] Aa{tvU lS COITI(t'C'I ND AGREII 'I(} (rO}1Fl,Y wlTlt At.t. TowN ()RDIN,1:'JCES ,1ll) Sa'\lt; ELEC: I GAS: soLAR lwooD: VAIL WATER & SAN. OIST IAP FEE SPEC IAL NOTES: LoT 15 BL FrLrNc Caso'lar Vai'l I I JOBNAME: McDonald Duplex OWNER tu CITY PH, ARCHITECT rrnu Great Divide Const. MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS LECTRICAL NTRACTOR F IRM MAIL ADDRESSPLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIP[,/| MAII ADDR ESS MECHANI CONTRACTO OTHE R CONTRACTO MAIL At]DRESS LJi_-rTl el -e o l-r ft-< :t-: o =lolno l-o .) t;3l-3| -"1 C -; o o 3 (D.oz U' -{ncoJoz Tmn =-{ -mo=r.- ;=Y'7=Z =!/rJ./;P- _ .]I || i!lL ll l Or- z<om >,= =Oz zt- t-1 m (- m I z. m : zo oo = --r>; moI z o ooz--l () o C) Zt- I< --1 z -mc)--l o l- oz--ln -{on o^zr) nz>m --r > c)- =m --l o €zm z m rmo r _Tl t-z oo, l<l>l- lc ln l<t> ;a lnlm l* l< l> l3 I l< lnl:lrrl<|>Ilo|al I'lltI ltri -o .)t z -t z € --l m )J z o -l mm m tTlo Tfl.x --ro€x'n>; z <J'ct- i z oomOat =-6=;'i*R= fi >F-OP2A =XAr; ;nHz4<n9=z6(,o --r qt>mC) o=9<so<.4 O = 2 c 4 CZTDTzo>tn.)ac4.?0)i HTT;;attZ a; zzoo zm€ --l 4 =z o =oz ! -l-o C :1 z c) r.J ;o-i =-l,, x 4->L nln ;; o .1-o<2 4Aa !- A n ^<s=2A06 o'nzz €on cur ;o< = -o m c >=85t:a> a:- ?;li > a>= :^:":Er't^:! ' ir,.. -.- 2' t V>..2; '. 1t:r.= 1 a- :- a'= / Ol =lol"nl-nt 0r I I I I I I ol ;l z 3l ol =lz -.1 lldr "l I I I I 9lll-l I I I 2 z --t -l --l t- m :-r mm U) (-) m 7c ! mToI 0m2oz 4 TN fr€ 4 4 I z_n m .)I o r -0 c Ez fi m c)--l o -a z Im a) @c oza -D TN = mu =_Tt mm(, VALUATION moI z o _o t-c @zo mt-mo--l c) q,c Iz \)i \) b.. Ix I -) ar.v \o CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ess 1-7-81 PROJECT NO.- pERMTT No. [' '' 6 d dI department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT mtr D D mn BUILDING ETECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2 OCCUPANCYGROUP AEEHI DlvlsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : New Duolex PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SQ, ET. VALUATIONLOT 15 BL FILING CASOIAT VAiI II sUILDING PERMIT BNAME: McDonald Duplex MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH DWELLIT'IG UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNI G.R.F.A. I80-eeoRooirs COMMERCIAL SYST HETGHT IN FT, NO FIREPLACES COVERED PARKING - RESTAURANT SEATING BATHTUB/SHOWER NO. TOILETS - UNCOVERED PAR(ING FIEIM MAIL ADDRESS ^rrv PH ARCHITECT DESIGN REVTEW BOARD rrnu Great Divide Const. MAIt ADORESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOTAL PERMILIEES ING AOMINISTRATORMAIL ADDRESS NTRACTO INSULATION R.VAtUE FIRM MAILADDRESS .PLUMBING CONTRACTOR E!8M M AIL ADORESSMECHANICA CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO |rlLR!-ul ,t c x I t t rr t/r t x I t: I ltAl I ll \\'! R t: Ir Ttl ls APPt,lcATltrN ANI) !lT ',l l- l ll \ I llll Alr()v! ls ((tttfi!:(;1 ANr) AORt:f 'lrt (lllllrll' $lllt At.l. TtIAN l)Rl)INAN( 15 \l'il' \l \|1' MAIL ADDRESS VAII- WATER & SAN. DIST TAP FEE . SPEC IAL NOTES: \- _:l t il-'lt.r .jj' :, :i; '-"\' ;i l: i'r I I t;,' :), 1'!ijll;, l,:l t::i"')(.'t.:.irr l,li ;.i":\z" :! .!t .- l\., \ r? /.t: !:,.. ltr <> t'-:'.. 6 tt., i,)l ;i ^'- -)-'' r- l,'J ,i tl,; J rI.ll-li.l i, ' : lI, l'n 1r - r Cr r'- o-c(: t!7- 1:i (D r cli:) ; I>' '-1 1J1[; '] tr) "' c,.=z ;l C),-zl .i **'*il i r r. '"..'lI I l;t c il :| | lr;i ii ill.l li' ti ij | :i I lrr li;llll!: e.9l ! | l:, !l:;1| | l.ic' ii;JII l-l :,;- c;it(Jil+lii';ii:.ill4rri? 91,,, i Ic{ ji lliiqr lli I t.1' tli lj i ;: :; _llil\l ri ," -llllr$)b:;ilI l*l " s\R{| | $.-l .-l'\)l :p, lFl - li!| | ll l*| | | | lq l_. "l_i._-L . ._ .-,--.-,.r ----;i,l;;;:,----i ,. -r--r---r- - i- -'i i l;,, |)li lli I,l?l:, lr;ll,i Ili:|"'l l::l I, l;ll;, li l,'l I -lj:-l- l:'l I illlll.,,:llllll| | | | I :-I lltil:i |-.N ksl fi tsNI$Nt Ittlltt,.-'ttl||t,llllll,,I I I ttt\tltitt,,ttltlltlttl .....!"-...1" r . |,l l() r'lrn lrl lt" t:l lt' l' 1.., l;: ir lr;l t*Nil\I ll$1,,lt i: lls l li: I JNI l"--i:'- h=\lil\ ltnrI'll r--l I\3 l* l'uil' lxt l,l F_'lt-t NI: H'lijpt'FI'.=:=:::l .. 1 il:l 'it I ',1.l 'l'u | 111 | -\l | '-:I --l. . I rr Tl-iii dr\ rl .lql al ..-J I I iJ; s,|$lt NNilo il\ ii$N'NNIN,t I Nl\ lNta.*-'^"- , .-.*'-" "'o ,-tii--t "i^'f"-. il_L 1_Di:ll I | |til llFrtll | | [+.' ,ll -i I l;.1ll | | l\'jll I I b' ;: ii '--l-- l--T---,ll llN rii llE' --:: ::::.'-::.:---i.- ; -::: ::.= :; iiiilll:lll "l.l'i-llll'llll-l i il-l nlNl[$Hl r ll ir i{l?j o2:lo()()i() () til () 'r1 :; i.;i. '.' rt :: '" i. t ifinl;"t'i: I'ul;|iii;IXIi:js, l'i 'r X i; |,ir I ir$r I| | | | lTt I(:i:-o))ir>'l;:,9ii;lti 8i?d'i::d:llit:;siii sii lr li z :. :.i I() r) !:. 1-r !:(1 |||tli I__l_ I.""|"...r . r_. I iiiii.lli'i ili i: li l. l;i i llililrll.'llli'-,th-"it*i l-l lll{ N Ni$l lFL l: P l-vl ilql lrlt lr l () . '/ lll "ll r ,1, ,'(,.. () 't '.r" tll D ti . I. 1:' -* ,-._),' C'(-", ":- -^.t ai(:: :i \.._, 7: .(; 'i fii| -r'| ,- -' | ..- l| --:, tlI '--i .)t, ): !i z t/l(' -)r ai ,I "t'Ji (, ;':. 2. c):' () (,) () I I I t ,,,1'i I I I I I !ll ;.il I I I I I i' :i > i,.r'. :: :f ): n:_ - :::: :r : ::. -: .l :'l:-:'i r: :. " -r r::l:..>i:,:i- :: .', ."1:: . -).-:ii i';:. ^ '.: ;, .. :, l'? ] "i.. l::...,...'.. t' .: i :-'.j..:: ". ::. " \ 1) alio :? /, C) :.) 2:. 'tl) -r t-;;r|' .t.'t\ (.) -t :() "t'(,-t c.) (t :<.< l :.t''j- a)..1llr t,l: ,l " Kf{gffA Df-----" zt-*Dy, Consulling Engin€ers 7456 We3l Filth Avsnue Donvsr Colo€do &226 303 23? 6050tsbx {5-{3?0 INOEVCO OVR Milo S. Xelchum E. V€mon Konlsl (1923r970) Michael H Ea,rert Princrpals Dortavon O NEkel Davd E Ausln Oon T Pvle Donald C \beb€t A. J. Fl!,sn Le.oy E Toble. t19OE-1S64 John X Irghl Asso6i.le Prlncipalg Chenes D. KEyes Wtliam B O Neat Jamei Fl. Davis Neil F. Dunbar C Jsmeg Er'chson Fobert D Scsrrow Howard B Brownrng July 10, l98l Mr. Jin !{cDonald B.O. Box 1290 Eomestead, Florlda 33030 RE: McDonald Duplexes at ValI Dear Jin : Your cootractor has advlsed us by telephone that the back- fill has been placed behlnd both of the duplex buildings and that no slgnlficant movenent took place. Based on that ln- forrnation, ne expect thaE aDy future movenent wlll be negllglble. 1f you have any further questloas ifl thts matterr please let us kuow. /1 .a ,4*#&(".i^.ffi =----'t-$,tiriif1,z Principal DEA/g$ !*ig +zst !;'ti!?-fr.h" C:ps;radi;;tr,,*N I I MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMfSS]ON Monday, October 27 t LgB} 3:00 p.t'l,MNETING MEMBERS PRESENT SfAFF PRESENT Gerry l{hite .fim Morgan Dan Corcoran Gaynor Miller Ed Drager John Perkins Roger Tilkemeier 1. Dan Corcoran moved Lhat the minutes of thebe approved,, seconded by Ed Drager. rn favornot. yet. arrived). 2. Dan moved and Ed. seconded the appointmentmember to attend DRB meetings. In lavor, S-0.he would be the alternate. Side Setback Variance Jim RubinPeter Pattenlarry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL IVIEMBER Ron Todd. meeting of October l-3,1-9305-0 {John and Roger had of Roger Tilkemeier as Gaynor l.tiller said request for Jim McDonald to rnove the buildj-nqCasolar Vail II. : variance be approved withof envelope 15 would be responsiblefuture sewer line work inof' this variance. Roger(Jim Morgan against and Peter Patten'presented. the explanation of the memo mailed to the mem]:ers. 'Jim Rubin added that when the original Casolar subdivision was.presenteC, it wasn't_contemplated that the decks would be so close togetlrei.Mark DonaLdson representing Jim !{cDonald expi,ained that th6 buiJ-dingenvelt:pes are ti.ght, and that the o'rrTner is witting to risk buirdingnear the utility line. Discussion followed about how best to makecertain that fut,ure owners would also be responsihle. A deed rqas felttg b-".inappropriate by Brian o'Reirly, wtro fllt that 4 recorded notj-ceof this variance would be more appropropriate. I.ohn Perkins moved Lhat the side, setbackthe staff recconrmendati.on that the ownerfor solving any problems that occur withthe easement, and with a recorded noticethe Dan 4. motion, and the vote q/as 4-1 in favorand Ed abstaining. GEFA VARIANCE for Casolar II - Deane L. Knox were 19 units instead of 20. seconi.ecl. Deane Jim Rubin explained the memo and some of the very complicated eventsthat-tranrpi{gq ove-r the.past .severar years, addi-ng t-hat the requestwas for a 2,447 sgftvariance.Deane Knox gave his point of view,- adctingthat in Phase I ther:e was.less density thin permitted, and that there and Jirn flisagreed alout whcther or not.the Town had gdrr(r ir1rn {r.lsagreeo afi)ut. wncther or not'the Town had given directi_onon the amounts of GRFA. Also in disagreement was Lhe vacation of 1vacation of lotlines, whether or not Knox approved some of the duplexes, how awareof ttre restrictions Knox r,,ras, etc. The appricant asked to have thisreguest tabled, and it was tabled by the pEC.. PEC - 2 LA/T1/BA 5. +mggAlpnts-t"o zonjnq-or -c11gr-.!L-slg .Wate:r QualitL ,]im Rubin suggestcd. thilt Section II. Hillside Development puidelines. be removed from consideration, that it vras bet-ter a<ldressed in Desigtr Review Guidelines and Lhat the Design Review Section vrould be rewritten in the upcoming months to j.nclude tbe hillside regulations among other changes Density Contro] B. (fast page). Discussion of this section included remarks by Stuart Brown, Scott Bdwards, Mason 'Ihomas/ Dean Canada, Stuart llollander, Jim DeMartin, Mr. Caroselli, l"Irs, Thomas and Frank McKibben, all of whom objected to it. --. - Using the September SNCTION I. SECTTON IT. Approved. rvith be changed to "Proposed Changes to thc Torr.n of Vail zoning Ordinance" dated 25, 1980, the members d,ecided thab: HEIGHT reeeived unanimous. approval . HIj,LSIDE DEVELOPMENT GUIDDI,INES; It vra.s decided to use the exj-stjrrg l.Iazard,o::dinance, but change slope in the $pecial Restriction Secti-on from 403 to 308. SECTION 1II. GROSS RESIDENTIAT FLOOR.]\REA - hlBI,J DEF],IIITION Approved. as proFosed. with 6'6" head room rathcr than legaL headroom, anO inctuaing affowing 25 sg ft aj-r lock {not incluoing it in GRFA}. SECTION IV.OTHER CI.IANGES TO ZONE DISTRICTS JNVOLVING PER!{ITTED AND CONDITIONAT USES Unanj:nous approval . sEcTrON V. WATER QUAtlTy RECOT'II{ENDATIONS following changes: C.?,a. and 2 acres. and paragraph D. B. 7. C.B.c. 5 acres shall is removed, SECTION IV.APPE]\L PROCEDURES Unanimous approval- SEETION VTI A CITANGES TO DENSTTY CONTROI The vote to approve the revised GFRA factor as proposed was taken.,fohn Perkins had left, just before the rzote. The vote was 3-3 withGerry. Jirn and Gaynor voting against the proposal, while.Ed, Dan andItoger voted for. NEIT SDCTION VIT Bb.rli ot ttrc pEC Option C. Thc PEC was presented r,rjth 4 opt-ions (sce next page) . menrbers voted for Option B, with Ed Drager favoring B. D. Proposed. in Handout with Changes I. Same as A, except that 408 slope areas, 100 year flood plainareasr and high hazard avalanche areas would only have a soareduction in calculating all-owable GRFA, vuu-3-trJ-?7*Bo OPTIONS for Section A. Proposed in Handou! 1. Elirninate 408 slope, high hazard aval.anche, and 100 year flood-plain from affected rots before ealculating GRFA in single Familyand Two Family Zone Districts 2. Lots vrith l-ess than 81000 square feet of buildable Lot areatb be allowed 21000 square feet of GRFA. 3. Allowed to build on 408 slope in accordance ri*ith special Re-strictions Section O vrr B. 1. Parts of tots in single farniLy and two family zone districtsin 40? slope, high hazard avalanche, and tOO yeai flood plainare counted in calculating alloi.rable GRFA. 2. No development allor,red in 100 year flood plain or high hazardavalanche. Development alrowed on 408 slopes in accordance withSpecial Restrictions section. C. Froposed in Hand.out with Chanqes l. Same as A, except that maximum si-ze of a unit all-owed on alot affected by 40? srope, r00 year flood. plain or high hazardaval-anch is changed from 2,000 sguare feet to either 31500 or.4r000 square feet. Existj"ng_in Current Zoninq Ordinance *ffii1: 6. Amendmglts to Conditional Uqe Criterj.a oL Eoning Or{inances 1"8.60.060 Criteria - Findings Peter'Patten had just returned from a time-share study trip' and stated that he had much to share later, but at the moment feltvery strongly that I00t of the orners rather than 758 (as stated in the memo) should agree in lrritinq to the proposed time share use. Ed Drager moved that this amendment be forwarded to the Aown Councj-l vj.th the 75* changed to read "1008". Dan coxcoran seconded' and the vote was unanimous (6-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. ,,PEC-+- L0-27-80 t a I o MEMONANDUM PLANNING AND EI{VIRONMSNTAL COMMISSION fRol"l: DEPARTMENT OF COMI'IUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT DATE: L0/23/80 TO: RE: DESCRTPTION OF VARIANCE REOI,IESTBD The reguest is to encroach 5' into a 15' side setback. There is a l0' utiliti easement constituting the remaind,er of the setback. The reason for thL request is to *o.r* aoray from the adjacent duplex.to the east' ite "*t"ti6r aecii of the two Luildings, wilhout the variance' would be 5 feet apart, due to the proximity of the building env-elopes. .Thus, the ieq""st is t6 allow some i'breathing room" and privacy between the structures' CRITERIA A}lD FINDINGS Consideration of Eactors The relationship of- the-requested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicini!5 As described above, the building envelopes on this parcel 1re.il close pio"i*iiv to each other. A settlement was recently reached v/ith. regard to the width of the duplex to the east, the dispute being over the actual size of the decks vs what the aPproved plans showed. The owner to the east is cutting back his decks 4t to aIlovr some room between the structures, and this requeit i" to move another 5' away. This atlows some visual iitt*" throu{h the density on this lot ana lids in the reduction of a fire fr"r"ia betw6en the two d-ecks. No structure will be built on the western side. Side Setback Variance request for Jim McDona1d to move the building envelope on site 15, Casolar Vail II The desree to which relief fro4r lbs slEjLgE or literal in retation enforcement of a s requlation s necessarv to acnt-eve com- aiiuitity and uniformit of treatment amon sites in the vicinity or to atta e obiectives OI'is titfe wr ut qrant of s cla -i.,i 'l we feel the physical hardship here is the insufficient distance between structures ai-rA-the granting Lt the variance is harmless and is an improve- ment. I'he effect of the requested variance on liqh! ?nd air, distribution of d utilities, and Public safetY- off the property.line, 6t from the proposed foundati6n.- It'-rs possible that' if the sewer area there could be problems with the location There is a Iocation'ofline needed sewer line 4' the building work in that upon re.view of criteria aqd Findings, se-EFip! 19;62...Q50 9f !he^-,^f Conunu4itv oev9toEmgPt {eco+menqs -t I /80McDonal-d-2-L0/23 of the house. In the event the location of the foundation became a Pro5lem due to the grantj-ng of this variance, the owner of the house would be responsible for solving the problem. Such other factors and cqiteria as the comlqission deens apPlicable to None exist FINDINGS: The Planninq. a$g 4nviron$enL That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of specialprivitege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties slassifiedin the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propert5.es or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance. is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the sPecj.fied regulation wbuld result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical ',\. hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. \-,/ RECOUMENpITTON The Department of Community Development feels there is a hardship involved in this case, and that the granting of the variance has a positive effect upon fire safety, privacy of the homes, and sight lines between the buiLdings relieving the dense feeling one geta when viewing the lot. Thus, we reconmend approval wi-th the following conditions: : If, because of the granting of this variance, problems occur r,.rith future . sewer line work in the easement, the owner of the structure on envelope l-5 would be responsible for solving the problem in a mutually satisfactorymainer. i. : * , PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN that James and Tina l"tcDonald have applied for a setback variance in order to move the buitding envelope on Site 15, Casolar Vail ff, a resubdivision of Lot A-7, Lipnsridge Filing 1. Application has been made- in accor- dance with Section 18 .62.A2A of the VaiI Municipal .Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Seetion 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on October 27i 1980 at 3;00 p,m. before the Town of Vail PJ-anning and Environmental Commission. The applicatiorr and information relating to the proposed change is available in the Zoning Administratorrs office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the public. JIM RUBIN Zoning Administrator TOTIN OF VAIL DEPART}4ENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVE],OPI'{ENT Published in the VaiI TraiJ-, October 10, 1980; t o Application Da I. APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. rhe application will not be accepted. until- al-l information is submitted.. NAIIE OF APPLICANT SDrcS$ p- o. Box 1290, H HONE 305-248-12 00 NAME OF APP]-,TCANTIS REPRESENTATIVE Ross Davis, JT. ADDSSS p. o. Fo* 190 vair irour 47 6-24L4 C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER A. B. October d Tina McDonald SIGNATURE ADDRSSS CASOLAR DEL NORTE IIOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. c/o Duane CarlingP. O. Box 2266Vail, Colorado 81657 licants,/Property owners pHoNE 476-24L4 o^r D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI. ADDRESS site 15, casolar vai-l rr, a resubdivisi-on of Lot A-7, Block ar. LEGAI DESCRIPTION lot bLock Filinq November l, 1978 in sookTT-;F- page 947-Eag1e c6@ E- FsE. g100-00 prus 15f for each property owner.to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of arl property ad.jacent to thesubject property. Attorne Ross Davis, Jr. Attorneyatl-aw Telephone: (3o's].476-2+r4 suire307 Vail Nalional tlank Bl'dg. P.O. Box tSO vail.(lJlora(loat657 October 6, l-980 Applicants seek permission to encroach five feet into a fitteen foot set back variance imposed by zoning regulation. The purpose of the change in location of the building is to move the structure approximately five degrees from its present site location, this will result in moving the building fi-ve feet to the west and away frorn the nearest structuie. This structure is currently five feet away from the proposed balcony of the applicants proposed residence' ttt" it""tical difficulty to be avoided is the loss of privacy betw-een the structures; if the variance is denied. The granting of the variance will reduce the visual density and proximity of the buildings to each other- RD/dd enclosures 7_, . .21io chen and CONSULT ./.12 8 \ {:,,7-jl!.,-iassociates, inc. ING ENGINEERS $OIL A FOUI|DATION ENGINEEBING SUTTEC-7 VILLAG€PLAZA r GLENWOODSPRINGS,COLORADO 81601 SOIL AliD IDUNDilrIoN n\tllESfT@mSI PROPOSED RESTDB@, IIII L5 CASOIAR, \AIt IT \AIL| @LORAm kepared lbr: Vietor ttlark Dmaldscn, Architect 1000 l.iqts Rtdge Ioop VatI &rr Vail, Co, 8165? $0it/94$7458 Ocbober 8, 1980Job ltc. 21,136 TABLE CF' @TflE[i}TS CCIICUISICIT{S SCOPE SIIE CIT{DITTCI\IS suBsorl, cchlDrtlors E OUIDATIO{ RECODf'{ENDATIChUS FIPOR SIABS T]NDERDRAIN SYSIEM SURTACE DRAINAGE MISCELIANMUS FIfi]RE 'I - IfrAXSCN OT EXPINRAIDFg PIT FIqtRE 2 - GSAHIC IUG, IJEEIiID AllD lplEg FIGJRE 3 - S'!iIEX.'.IT{NSIJDAfiICN BSC nffiULTS 1 I I 1 2 3 4 '4 5 l @NCiltSro$F The pnoposed residencre can be fourrted with spr.ead footings placed m tle upper natural soils with design details and pnecautions as diecussed be1or,r. S@PE ltris report presents ttre results of 'a sil md fourdatiqt inrres- tigation for tie prpposed duplex to be located ar lot 15' Casolar, Vail II, Vail, oolorado. The rctrnrt pres€nts the rccarmended type foundaticn ard allorrrable pressures, gereral s$€oil srditions together with other soil reLated design and onstructim details. SIIE CCI{DITICI\IS At the tire of the field investigatiur' t}le site was vacant sd overed with grass and reeds. Ihe grqrrd surfa€ is smrrfiat irreg- ular arrl generally sl.opes dCIrn to.the soutlreast with afppximately 12 feet of elevatim differential across the buildirg envelope. D.lring a prwious investigatior ar a*jaoerrt lot 14, scrre site fiU.ing had or curred. Haxfutun fiJ,l depth fogged durinS this investigaticn srsisted of about 5 feet crr the &lrnhilt side. suBsort ccl{Dlrlcl[s Itre s.rbsoil onditiors vere investigated by excavatlrq 1 test pit within the central portio of the buildkg area aa ehorn on Figure t. the gnaphic lo9 of ttre EubsoiLs €n@unt€red & the test pit is sltoetrt -2- on F'ignrre 2. In qereral, the subsoils srsist of a ondcinaticn of topsoil and nedir.sn stiff sardy silts orcrlying a silty to clayey sand, grarrcI arrd mbble nixed deposit belcn apptoximate deptb feet. Occasional boulders r"ere also en@untered in this loner 1ayer. Results of a consolidatim test perftrmd an a sarple of the sarxly sil.t indicates a rcderate to high onpr.essibility tpon Ioading and wetting. l,bisture sntent of ttre srbsoils ms described as beirq mist std rp free water sas enorntered d. titrE of excavaticn to tlE rmximm dteptlr investigated, 8 feet, FOUNDAgICN RrcOI4-TENDArICNS I* r.rrderstand ttre duplex will cnnsist of a 2 stsry structur.e harr- irg a vralko:t ba.serent, I.{axfuirln cut is antieipated to be m tJt cr- der of 12 to 14 feet. Csrstructisr wilt b nainly of rrcod fram. Considerirg the sr$soil conrtitiqrs enountered at the e:ploratorlz plt and articipated onstructior, r,e reecnrnend the use of qnead footings placed cnl the natural. subsoils fc support of the structure. ltn foL- lowing design and constnrctior details drould be &eenred: ( 1) Fbotirgs sLrould be plaoed qr the natural s$soils belcrv aryr exis- ' ting filL and topsoil and deaigred fior a rnaxim.m bearirry Ireesure of 1500 psf. If fotings are extenled dcnn to bear errtlrcly a! the coarse gnanulu soils, an allonabLe bearing etrnclty of 31000 psf can be used. Inltial settl€fiEnts dlurirq srstructicn EtDrJld (21 (3) -3- be relatively mirpr (1/2 inch s less) a&litiaral differential npverrrent or the oraer oi 3/4 indr is irdicated if bte subsoils were to beore rtet. the greatest risk of ditferential rcvenent is for fmtings plaed on the uSper silts. lrinfum foting width strould be takerr ae 16 indres fior mlls md 2 feet for mlunrs. ' Fourrlatisr mlls strould be reinforced top and bottcrn tp qlan st unzupported length of at leaet 10 feet. Basenent walls actirg as r-etainiry strustul€s slmulcl elso be desigred to resist m eqriv'* alent lateraL earth prfssure of 45 psf pen foo't bf depth. ltris pressure assurEs a rcIl-@ilpacted granular filf havirq a srrtace gradient sloped anay frcm tlte struqture. A11 topsoil, existing fill and any loca1 sft pock€ts of Eoil fourd at $E base of the fmtirg excavations sfrould be remved and ttre fmtirgs extended &trn to ttre lorcr, firm oils, Perineter fotings shor'ld be plaoed belcrrr firoet depth, FIMR SIABS The uSper natural sils other t}ran topsoil xrd ary existing fill are suitable to supporb slab-orjrade mstruction. tn tle building area, all vegetation, topsoif and any oristing fill sholt1d be renoved. Required baci(fiU should qrslst of rurcxpansive grranuLa c sllty soils mrpacted to at least 90t of Ebardad hocts density at a rots- ture content near optimm. Ihe on-site soils sttould be sritable fcrr (4) (s) -4- usie as baddill naterial p,rovided atl o:ganice ard orrersized rnaterial are renrcved pnricr to pfacrnent. To reduce ftre effects of src differ- entiaL ttoveltent, all srabs stpu]d be separated frun bearirg rrE nbers with a positive e:qxnsicn joint md de4j:ately reinfcrced. A rninim.n 4 incfi layer of free-drainirg grarrcI should be prrovided irmdiately beneath the floor slabs. In{DEADRAIN SYSIE!,I Although f:ree vater ms nct enotrrtered 4' tim of erpJoratcy pit excavation, it has been our e:qlerierm in ares iu*r s thi6 th6t locallzed seeps olr perctred mter carr de\relop *. tiJres of peak nunff. Tlnerefore, the lcnrer Lerael c eadr level excavated into tle htllside shoufd be Frotected by ur urrierdrain systam. rhe underdrain *rould qrnsist of a perforated pipe snbedded ln a gravel-filred trencfr praced at least 1 foot beJ.ow adjaent ftoor sl.ab girade and sloped to sritable outlet. rtre grarrel beneath the flm sLab should be wnrecbed into the under&ain systen. SURFACE DRAII,IACE The follcryirg drainage preeauticns strorrld be cbsetrrcd drrlng con- struction ard maintained at arl ti.ueE after tte brilding has be€n srF pleted: ( 1l Excessi\re rcttirr3 tr dryfug of th€ fiowrd*,isr exenattqr Ehould be avoided during mnstructist. 12) (3) -5- Misoellaneous backfitl arourd hrildings sttould be ltIristernd and ccnpacted to at least 90t standard Proetc denstty. llte grouilt surface surror:nding the hrildirg sttould be s]oped to drain army in alf directiqrs. !& resnnend a ninirum slope of 5 inches in the first 10 feet. (4) Roof &tnryouts arrd drains *rould disdrarge relI beycnd the Linr its of all bacicfill. MISCS.,I,ANErIJS This report has been prepeed tn accordsrce witlt gerally ecP- ted soit Erd folrndatiar engirnerirry prractices in this'are fcr the use by the client for design Flrposes. llfie onclusions grd rcslwlda- tions sr-dcmitted in this report are based r4on t.he data obtained frcn ttre expl.oratoL:f pit excarrated at the locatisr shonn cn the exploralcy pit plan. Ttre natur€ and ertent of valatiars acrrrss tle slte nalt rpt beom evident until excarration is perfcrred. If furirq sratructlqt' strbsoil curditions appetr to be differert fisn tlrcse dea€ribed herein, this offic,e strouLd be aalviged at qrc so trbat re-valuaticn of the reonrendatiurs nray be urade. !€ rresrmrd ryr-elte obsenvatlcn of, ex- cavationg and foundatior bearing strata by a solt engireer. cItE{ Ar{D ASSCTAmS, rNC. * Q- JILI^L -@ A /|\ I I N IIt I Sca.le = i'; - ,--/- l/ ,/ay n;7 azJ6// ,r:x, {(,:) Xt- !'i rrrrrro 1 Sandstone Drive ./ ,f >-*.__ ,/ ,.t/ \/ /t 9'x,/ ,/ .t' ' . ,{"tt nl- { Ar{.//.// ,' ,/ ryfu2/ ./ bvi;l //,1'/ trT,;r7,,/,7 Yt +?l 1?( \ Location of E:rploratl\t I€geryl sest Pit #1 El = 8214' .E|r{ I g' !€ = 11.? DD = 104.3 q 10 +J $ I d 8. l0 F DisUdad. hrlh Sqle 1. lbst pit ves e*cavated a 9/24/8O xith a baehoe. 2. ElenraLicn is ry'ruri:mte ad r*as tahesr ftfir contours cn pJan prouided. 3. No free lMater tlas en@un&aed in t*e test plt at the {- ira sf eE@rBtitrr. 4. !E = lhter C$tecrt (t); DD = Dig Decrsity tpsf). m ftpsoil silt (l{,) Sandy [€diun sLiff, rcist, brq^tn cl:areI (S-tr) Sarxfy V odblee end bcuJders, si-: gP alrfltg?r rdlrn dgrtee xp 'denc, mist, brmr Ilard Flrnrr S!4l1e #21, 136 Gr4hic log, Iegend & Itotes Fig|rrce 2 qA-14-79 ]tren and associates, i"0 . 21,136 swELL-coNSoLtDATloN TEST RESULTS Fig. APPLIED PRE$SURE _ KSf t chen i,. : l.an0 assoctates. ,r ti : i\ . . a I nc. sor L & Foui|DAnoN ENGINEERING SUITEC-7 VILLAGEPLAZA o GLENWOODSPRINGS.COLORADO 816,0t .30:l/94s-?458 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCS, LOT 13 CASOIAR, VAIL II, vAlL, COLORADO Prepared for: Victor MarJr Donaldsonr Architect 1000 tions Ridge toop Vail Run Vail' Co 81657 Job. No. 21 ,135 October 8, 1980 H I TAELE tr MfCESTTS ctr{cutsIcNs SCOPE SI1E CTIqDITICNS STJBSOIL @NDITICbIS FOT]NUArICN RrcOO.{ENDATICNS FIOOR SI,ABS TJNDERDRAIN SISTEIII SUREACE DRAI}SGE ItrSCEI,IANEC['S FIq]RE 1 - TOCArICN OF' N(PISRLIQFS PIT FIqiRE 2 - GRAilC IOG, LEEEND AI\D tgIES FIG[,]RE 3 - SI{EUT&NSI,IDAIXCN Egr FESULTS 1 I 1 1 2 3 4 '{ ) / I ctr{cutsrcr{s "he prrcposed residenoe can be fourxied uith pread footings placed on the utr4rer natural soils witlr design details ard precauticns as discussed below. SCOPE this rreport [resents thre results of a mi]. md fotrrdaticn inrres- tigation for the proposed dr-rplex to be located cn lot 13, Casolar, Vail II, Vail, Colorado. 13re re6rcrrt pesents the rcorrended tlpe fcnrndation ard all.cnnble pressures, general subsoil aorditions together with dher soil rclated design and oonstructlm details. STTE trNDTfIC}SS At ttre tirre of tlre field inrrestigatiqr, the site rcs vaant and overed wittr grass and lreeds. the ground qrrfaoa is scrmnph* irreg- ular and gerrerally slopes &lrn to tbe muttr-southeast with pproxi- rnalely 12r of elevation differential acmEs the buildirg envelope. Drrirg a pr"evious inrrestigatian cn adjaoent lol 14, this anea ms also indicated to harp been filled. l{axirmnn fill dleptn logged durirg this investigation onsisted of about 6 feet sr ttre dbvntrill side. A pan- tion of the lot appeared to har€ been gr*d with shalt fiLl. STJBSIL M{DITTCNS The subsoiL oniitions rrere investigated by excavating 1 test pit withia the central porticn of tle buildiry al€a as shom on Figure 1. lhe graphic lo9 of the srbsoils srountered at the test pit is de'rt l-. I -2- on Figiure 2. In general, tlre subsoils srsist of a orbinaticn of grranular fill and mdiun stiff sandy silts overlying a silty to clayelz sand, qrarrel and cobble mixed deposit belcrr apprrxinate depth 6 feet. occasional bulders r,lere also enmuntered in tJris lo*'er layer' Re- sults of a crcnsolidaticn test performd qr a satfpIe of the sanciy silt irdicates a ncderate to high onpressibility ryorr loadirg md wet- tirg. lbisture ontent of ttre sbsoils lj"a8 descibed as belng rcist ad rro free rdater was enounterecl at tille of exsavatiqr to tt|e marcimrn depth investigatedr 9 feet. FCUNDATICII RE1X&{EIiDdTIC}1S $b urulerstand ttre duplex will srsist of a 2 stcry structure harr ing a vralk-out baserent. Manimm cut is anticipated to be m tl.|e or- der of 12 to '14 feet. Constructicn Ydl1 be nainly of rmd frale' Considering the subsoiL cqrditions enountered at the elqplorato4a pit and anticipated onstructisr, se remnmnd tJ]e use of ryread fiootirqs plaed on the naturaL subsoils fc support of the structur€. 'Ite fol- lowing ctesign and onstnrc'ticn details sltould be cbserved: (1) Ftrotings strould be plaeed cn the natural subsoiLs belan any exis- ting fil1 and topeoil and desigred ftir a mximm bearing ltressure of 1500 psf. If fmtings are exteniled down to bear entirely an the oarse grranufar soils, an all'anahle bearirg caPacity of 3ril)0 psf can be used. InitlaL settlementa dlrrirq csrstructifir thc{lld I (21 (3) -3- be relatively rninor (1/2 inch or less) aditisr,al differential rpvenent on ttre order of 3/4 indt is indicated if ttF sttbsoils r,,rere to becllfie vJet. Ttte greatest risk of differential novenent is for fmtings placed on the upper silts. t'lininum footing width should be taken as 16 inches for walls and 2 feet for m1wns. Fourdatiqr rvalls sbrould be rreinfqced top and tottot to Eran ill unsupportd length of at least 10 feet. BaseflErt walls actirg as retaining stmctures should also be &sigred to t€sist ar equiv- alent lateral earth pressrre of 45 psf pen fmt of dePth. itrie pressure assunEs a ve1l-aqnpacted granular tiff havirrg a s.rrface gradient sloped al'ry frtn the structure. AI1 topsoil, existing fill trd any local soft poeket's of sil fourd at the base of the fotirg excavaEiorc should be reuoved ard the footings erterded alown to the louer, firm eoils. Perineter fmtings strould be plaoed belq,r frcst dept5. FIPOR SIABS The tpper natural soils below all topsoif and otisting fill ce suitable to suF[brt slahnirade onstruction. In the buiJ.ding area' al1 rregetaticn, topsoil and existing fiLl strould be rerpved. Required bacftfill strould consist of not-.expansive grarula or silty soiLs coltt- pacted to at least 901 of stardard Prcctor density * a flDisture con- tent near optinnn. lte om-site soils sbould be zuit'able fc use as (4) (s) I -4- baclcfill naterial provided all crganics *d oversized naterial are renprred prior to Plac€$Ent. Ilo reduce ttre effeets of smn d'ifferen- tial rpvenentr all. slabe stpuld be separatnd frun bearirq lde-re sitfi a positive e:rpansion j,oint arcl dequately reinforced. A ninfusn { in- ctr layer of freedrainirg gravel should be provided fumediately be- neath tlre floor slabs. UT{DERDRAIN SYSIETT{ Al.though free tater was rot enmuntered at titte of orploratey pit exeavation, it has besr or e:<trxriene il areas ercfr s dtis that locaLized seep6 or perched water can derrelop at tfures of peak nupff. iberefore, the lcrrrcr level or eadr level excavated into tjn hillside shouLd be p'rot€cted by an uderibain system. lhe wrderdrain should cansist of a perforated pipe elreedded in a gravel-filfed trerdt placed at least 1 foot beLor adjacent flor slab smde and sloped to sritable outtet. Tfe gravel bereath the flm slab strould be oonrectedl into the under&ain system. STIRFACE DRAB{AGb I?re folloring drainage precautians shanldl be Ssertred dlrirq ort- structisr arrl rnaintained at all tirrcs afber tle buildirg has been sr pLeted: ( 1) Exoessive retting c drying of ttre foundaticn excavatiqt shflrld be avoided durirg srstruction. J I (21 (3) -5- Misce]laneous baci<fifl arond buildings sttouLd be rnisteneil anal @rrpacted to at least 95* standard Proctcr &nsity. Ite grourd surface surroundirg the builiting strouLd be sloped to drain away in all. directions. !€ reonnrend a ninimn slope of 6 inches in the first 10 feet. Roof dorrrnqouts and drains strould discfiarge rielJ. belud the lfun'- its of all backfitt. MISCSJ,ANEOIJS This report bas been prepared in acco,rdance with gererally acep- ted soil and foundatioar engineering practices in ttris area fcr the use by the client for design trrrposes, The onclusisre and reollmenda- tions submitted in this report are based r:pcn tJre data obtained frcnt the exploratory pit excavated at the locatisr *rcmr cn the exploratory pit plan. !1re nature ard extent of variatisrs ac'ross the sib tnEf not bectnre evident until excavat.iqr is perforrmd. If durirq qrstrustiqr, subsoil canditiqs atpear to be different frm tlrose described herein, this office shoutd be advised at cnc€ m tlat re-evaluatict of the re@firEndatiors nay be made. lS recsurerd cn-site cbservaticn of ex- cavatitrrs ard fioundatiar bearing stnta br a soil srgineer. CHEN AtD ASSOCIATES, INC. *%/.fuJL Steven t. Pafid.akr P.E. (4) / ffi:ih '.-3^'"---$'-T fu.'*;r--& I / ilIr\l ,,.- , ilt,z tSCATIffi OF ExPilntTORY PIT - Fig. 1 / I i r\/ ,' / t ,/ /t1 *z{,rcs / / | I A - TEST PIT EL=8210 LEGEND: Fi11, silty with cobbles to clayey sand adn boulders . F I -0 -5 -10 SC=l2.5 DD=111.0 F t T t- Silt (ML-SM), sandy to silty sand, scattered cobbles and boulders, nediun stiff, moist brown. Gravel (FC-GC), sandy rlith cobbles and boul.ders, silty tr clayey, mediun to dense, noist, blovn. 10 F Hand Drive 5rqple l-' F, Disturbcd Bulk t *t: NOTES: t1) Test pit was excavared on 9/21180 sith a backhoe. (2) Elevation is.approxinate and nr$ taten from coatours on pl.an providcd. (5) No free ltate? was encotrntcred in the tcst pit at the tlne of excaystion, (4) $C . llater Content (t); BQ,* Ory Density (pcfi. ,27 1735 GRAPHIC tff6 & tEgB}ID € ItrTES f|g. 2 J O FTDAN I,IOCHSTAOT GEORGE M. STRAW FI ICHARD S. STRAUSS M,A.RJ ORIE J. PLATT Ilocrrsre.nr, Stnlrw- & S:rn-russ, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND c'OUNSELLOTS AT LA\/v SUITE I2II UNTTED BANK CENTER ITOO BFOADWAY I)ENvEn, cor,onA'po gozoo October 8, 1980 TELEPHON E 839.5AO9 AREA COOE 3O3 Ms. Gail Wahrlick Land Title Guarantee CompanyP. O. Box 357VaiI, Colorado 81657 Pa.Escrow Instructions Regarding Carling/UcXeeSale of Lot 14, Casolar Vail II Dear Gail Regarding the above sale which I understand is toclose on October 9, 1980, p.lease be advised as foltows: 1. Enclosed please find a Stipulation and Order forDismissal with Prejudice properly executld by the necessarcyparties to Civil Action No. B0CV299 2. As set forth in paragraph 3(a) of the Stipulation,a $10'000.00 letter of credit is to be delivered to vou-which isto be attached to the Stipulation. 3. Pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Stipulation, acheck or cash in the amounL of 92,513.00 for 1eg-l fees payableio the undersigned's law firm is to be delivered to you. With regard to the above documents, when you havereceived a1l three, you are hereby authorized to append theletter of credit to the stipulation and tender it la the EagleDistricL Ccurt for ciismissal of t.he lawsuit.. be forwarded to this office. please advise the unclersiqnedwhen the conditions of the escrow have been met. Yours truly, GMS/1kr Enclosurecc: James McDonald Gail--the $2 ,5I3.00 referred been delivered to this to in No.office. HOCHST T, STRAW & STRAUSS, P.C. P. S.3 above has alreadv POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE t IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND COUNjrY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO civil Action No. 80 cv JAMES HcDQNALD, et a1., ) ) FOR THS 299 STIPUTAITON AND ORDER Plaint iffs, . vs. DUANn CARLfNG, et al. Defendants. Col"lE NOW the Plaintiffs, by and through their counsel George M. Straw of HoCHSTADT. STRAW & SfRAUSS, P.C., and the Defendants, Duane Carling and Thomas McKee, individually and doing business as Carling,/Mcl(ee construction Partnership and Carling HcKee Construction Company, and stipulate and agree as follows: l. That the above-eaptioned lawsuit be dismissed with prejudice as to att parlies, and atl partiea to pay their own costs. That, with the exception of the below set forth stipulation, the above-named parties do hereby release each oLher from any and all claims either rnay have against the other arising from the subject Iitigation. 2. That notwithstanding the above, the parties agree that the stipulations set forth below shall constitute a contract between the parties and that the District Court in and for the County of Eagle shall retain jurisdiction, pursuant to the Complaint and stipulation, to enforce said stipulation in both law and eguity and award such damages as may be incurred as the result of any breach of the stipulation by either party. 3. That the stiputation is by and bettdeen the Plaintiffs and Duane Carling and Thomas llcKee' hereinafter referred to as the Defendants, and is as follows: (a) At e:(ecution of this agreenent the Defendants shall have obtained at their expense a slx (6) month $101000.00 cLean, irrevocable letter of credit pursuant to C.R'S. (1973) 4- 5-10], et seq., payable to the order of the Clerk of the Eagle District Court which shall be appended to this stipulation. UPon iL D=TEIiTESAL WITH PRE.]UDICE WITH RESERVATION OF motion of the Plaintiffs setting forth a default Pursuant to this stipulation, the Cterk of the District Court shall cause the letter of credit to be paid into the Registry of the Court and to be held there pending further orders of the Court' (b) The Defendants jointly and severally do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Plaintiffs from any and all damages, ineluding reasonable attorneysr fees incurred by the Plaintiffs, for failure of the Defendants to fulLy comply with this stipulation. (c) The Defendants specifically agree that the Court shall have the Power to enforce this stipuJ.ation in law and in eguity and to issue such mandamus, injunctions and contempt proceedings as nay be requested by the Plaintiffs upon motion therefor and as approved by the Court. (d) The balance of the agreement shall be as set forth in the below paragraPhs. 4. Within fourteen (14) days of entering into thls agreemente lhe Defendants at their sole cost and ."pett"! shall cause to be performed the following! (a) Remove the sewer line from the Lot 15 building envelope and place same outside any Portion of the Lot 15 envelope and the overhangs for decks as Per the approved plans and as approved by the Casolar Homeo$tners Association' (b) Remove the water cut off valves in front of Lot 13 and place them reasonably eguidistant between Lots 13 and 14, and remove the water line to outside any portion of the Lot 13 envelope and the overhangs for decks as Per the approved plans and as approved by the Casolar Homeosrners Association' (c) Beduce the size of the west deck on Lot 14 such that the deck does not extend' in width. more than four (4) feet fron the west foundation wall and parallet to said wall to the deckrs southern extremity and parallet to said wall to ltE northern extremity where the said deck meets the greenhouse' but allowing adeguate sPace for opening the greenhouse door and exit therefrom. r2- o (d) Remove the electrical lines and electricaL ditches from Lot 15 (and refill any cuts) and replace same to the same specifications as set forth in paragraph 4(a) except that the lines passing between Lots 14 and 15 shall be reasonably equidistant from each building envelope and as apProved by the Casolar Homeowners Association. (e) NotlrithBtanding the fourteen (J'4) days set forth above, the Defendants shalL within a reasonable time and with good faith efforts cause EoIy Cross Eleetrlc to move the transforner, electrical vault and related equipment from the Casolar common Property and relocate same on the road and utility right of way reasonably equidistant between Lots 14 and t5i and ulnn the reasonable reguest of Plaintiffs to be not later than nine (9) rnonths from the signing of thls agreernent' return or replace all dirt and fill removed from Lot 13 as directed. 5.Withinone{l)dayofenteringintothisagreement' the Defendants shall pay to the Plaintiffsr attorneys the Plaintiffsr legal fees in the amount of $2r513'00 6. The Defendants or by and through their agents' assignsl servants, employees, attorneys or friends shall hot in any nanner cause or attempt to cause an aPpeal of the Town of vail p.tanning comnissionrs approval of the building plans as submitted by the Plaintiffs for Lots 13 and 15 and as previously approved by the Planning Commisslon. T.Itistheintentionofthisstipulationthatthe tis pendens previously recorded on tot 14 be removed therefrom and that all of the Defendants and the claims against them be disnissed with prejudice saving and preserving the clains as set forth in this stipulation against the DefendantEr Carling and UcKee, for further adjudicationi however. it is tEe further ardi a) the removal of a rtion of the west deck loc;tgq! intention of this stipulation that the agreement set forth above on Lot 14, Casolar Vail fl', a resubdivision of lot A7, Block A tionsridqe subdivision, aceording to the Plat recorded Novembe -3- l, 1978, in 277 at Paqe 524 of the records ol,:!g-ggrk--ang Recorder of Eaq1e Countv, Colorado, (b) qle-€9ggE--ling appurtenant to said Lot. 14 and crossing Lqt Ifu and (c) the water rtenant to tot 14, as defined in the Corqplgjnlr--ehe]! run with the land and shall be binding Ulen the heirs and assi of the Defendants to the title of said Lot 15- This agree sewer and $rater line agreement have-not been complied tltlth to insure such agreenent iLcomplied &,ith. The Defendants also agree to execute sugh nemorAndun if requeste{. Subsequent to completion of the stipulation by the Defendants, the Plaintiffs shall cause to be filed with the Eagle District court a motion and order for disrnissal with prejudice of any claim pursuant to the stipulation. 1980. wrTNgSs our hands and seals this Znd day of Octobert PLAINTIFFS: By! raw,, agent and record DEFENDANTS: attorney therefor doing business as Carling/McKee Construction PartnershiP and Carling MeKee Construction Company STATE OF COLORADO CITY N{D COUNTY OF DENVER Carling FtcKee Construction Company )) ss. ) I, Linda K. Reinkingr in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that George M. Strartr agent and record a memorandum thereof mav be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderrs Office on or after october 20' 19q0, if the deck cKee, indlvldualry an doing -business as Carling/McKee Construction PartnershiP and -4- attorney for Plaintiffs, who is personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing Stipula- tion and Order for Disnissal with Prejudice with Reservation of Jurisdiction Regarding stipulation set Forth Herein, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed' sealed and delivered ttre said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth' Given under my hand and sea] this 2nd day of October, 1980. My commission expires MaY 51 1982. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ss. r,, in and for said CountY, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Duane Carling, individu- ally and doing business-as Carling/ltcKee Construction Partnership and Carling McKee Construstion Conpany' who is persoirally known to me to be the person lrhose name is subseribed to the within and foregoing Stipulation and Order for pisrnissal with Frejudice with Reservation of Jurisdiction Regarding Stipulation Set Forth Herein, appeared before . rne this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and Purposes therein set forth' Given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of October, 1980. My conrnission exPires Ah?--'^'n STATE OF €€&ORfr.Dd EiS. couNlY or T,, in and for said CountYp in the State aforesaid,'do hereby certify that Thomas llcKee, individually ) ) ) a. and doing business as Carling,/McKee Construction Partnership and carling McKee construction company, who is personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing I l -5- Stipulation and Order for Dismissal r*ith Prejudice with Reservation of Jurisdlction Regarding stipulation set Forth Herein, appeared before me this day in person, and asknowledged that he signedt sealed and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purPoses therein set forth' Given under gy hand and seal this 2nd day of october' 1980. lty commission expires {4-t't-t: ORDER TITIS I'IATTER coMING ON to be heard this octoberr 1980' and the Court being fully advised DOTH ORDER, as follows: day of in the premises, l.Thatthewithinlawsuit,v'iththeexceptionofthe reservation as set forth in the stipulation, be dismlssed wlth prejudice 2. That the Defendants, Duane carling"and Thomas MCReet are hereby ordered to perform the stipulation as Per'it6 terms. 3.ThatthePlaintiffsareorderedtorsubaequentto perforrnance of the stipulation by the Defendants, tender to the court a further order of dismissal with prejudice as to the stlpulation' BY THE COURT: DISTRTCf JUDGE I -6- ,&06tr77 0M/o GaLP"f /q7 J,ao rd.6ffii^ : tr;4;;4,r@ P}"WD, t'd.,-e *,,hfATEOFCOLORAyO | __ firsrnrtr d p- crrY & County or DEN'ER lryp$ MqDoNei.n, -tu.i4 tlcoQrtaLD,_JE4N 5{ ttcv }QQCATOE. Trustee-for !J.H. CATOE-CORN I ev' GROWERS, INC. PENSION RETIREMENT TRUST, _ t'tcDONALD, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAw, P.A., INTHE ----..- -. COURT LIS PENDENS Plarnrrlf s ally and d/b/a CARLING/McKEE CONSTRUC- $I8xroR8$ofi Bod' o$$ERE*IE$ocit$r oN'CASOI.A,R D.faodrnL S Notice is hereby given that an action. suit or proceeding has been commenced and is pending in the District Court in and for lhe County of Eagle DUANE CARLING and tYfttiues McKnE. individu JAMES McDONALD, TINA McDONALD, INC. PENSION RETIREMEM TRUST, McDONALD, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, in the State of Ctrlorado, where tn JEAN CATOE, Trustee for W.H. CATOE CORN GROWERS, and TINA McDONA-LD, Trustee for JAI1ES W. P.A., PENSION AND RETIREMENT TRUST, plaintiff s , and DUANE CARLING and TtlOl,tAS llcKEE, lndividually and dolng business as CA-X,LING/ McKEE CONSTRUCTION PARTNERSUIP and CARLING McKEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LEO PAYNE, DEAN L. KNOX' DONALD R. CARPENTER, and CAS0LAR DEL NORTE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION, defendant s , r tha( the object of said action, suil or proceeding is to enJoin a tresPass via sewer lines crossing Plaintiffs' property and in favor of Defendant Carling McKee Contruction Companyr s property and to require the removal of a four foot portion of the east and wesE side decks of the property, a1L as described below. tn'Hfi{dd;lthtd#qCr*PnVdmhrNlef ffil$*tFlWMlfPtlrlfil,llg$qq.F4rrffbt9qsl.firtgil I and tha( the following is a description of the proprty affected thereby, to wit: Lot 14, CASOIdR VAIL II, a resubdlvislon of Lot A7, Block A, LIONSRIDGE SUBDMSIOII, according to the Plat recorded November 1, 1978, in Book 277 at Page 524 of the recordsof thc Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colora, llocHsTADT, STRAW & STRAUSS, P.C. Attornevs for Plalntiffs' l7(X) Broaduay, Sulte 1211 ./ _@nver. Colorado 80290 (303) 839-580e 'l re.c rl fnc.l hy rh. d.(.n.|l.rr 'l I r,\c 'fl'l."br thr d.'nr'fi ."1-' CONSTRUCTION '--t By OF OF JA!iES IICDONALD, TINA MCDONALD, JEAN CATOE, Trustee for W, H. CATOE CORN GROI'IERS, INC. PENSION RETIREMENT TRUST, and TINA MCDONALD, Trustee for JAMES I{. MCDONALD, ;TR. ATTORNEY AT IAVI, P.A., PENSION AND RETIREHENT TRUST, Pla intiff s, vs. DUANE CARLTNG and THOMAS MCKEE,individually and doing business as CARLING/MCKEE CONSTRUCTION PARTNERSHIP and CARLING !.TCKEE CON- STRUCTION COMPANY, LEO PAYNE, DEANt. KNOX, DONALD R. CARPENTER, and CASOLAR DEt NORTE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION, COMPLAINT Defendants. CO${E NOW the Plaintiffs above-named by and through their attorneys, Hochst.adt, Straw & Strauss, P.C. and as and for a Complaint against the Defendant,s and each of them allege as follows: PREFATORY AI-,LEGATIONS l. Plaintiffs James McDonald and Tina McDonald {"HcDonald") are the owners of the following described real estate located in Eagle County, Colorador to wit: Parcel 15, CASoLAR VAIt II, a resubdi.vision of Lot A7' Block A' LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION, acqording to the Plat recorded November Ir 1978 in Book 277 at Page 524 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Plaintiffs Jean Catoe, Trustee for W, H. Catoe Corn Grovrers, Inc. Pension Retirenent Trust and Tina I'lcDonald r Trustee for James W. McDonald Jr. r Attorney at tawr P.A., Pen$ion Retirement Trust (rrTrusLees") are the owners of the following described real estate located in Eagle Countyr Colorado, to wit: civir Action N".10 e V 7-tQ ) ) ) ) o ;ti:3 /../ T. ' :)4.$J. .-. . I tr. rN rHE DrsrRrcr couRr lrr AND non rHr_..-cr)al.rclcr_sclnyr,,, COUNTY STATE EAGLE ,d,ID COLORADO Parcels 12 and 13, CASOLAR VAII-, II,a resubdivision of Lot A7, Bloek A, TIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, accordingto the Plat recorded November l, 1978 in Book 277 at Page 524 of therecords of the Clerk and Recorder ofEagle County, Color;:.1o. 3, Defendants Duane Carling and I .mas McKee doing business as Carling Mcl(ee Construetion Compan- a partnership ("Partnership") is the ohrner of the follor"ring c scribed real estate located in eagle County, Colorado, to witr A Portion of Parcel 14, CASOLAR VAILII, a resubdivision of tot A7, BlockA, LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION,according to the PIat recorded November I, 1978 in Book 277 at Page 524 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 4. Upon information and belief, t,he above-described Parcel 14 owned by Defendant Partnership has been resubdivided into two separate parcels and improvements in the nature of a duplex dwelling constructed thereon; that the North East side of the duplex has been conveyed by the Defendant Partnership to a third party allegedly named Rubinstein; that the South West side of the duplex has not been conveyed and renains in the name of the partnership. 5. That Defendants Dean L. Knox, Leo Payne and Donald R. Carpenter ('rDevelopers") are the developers of the project known as Casolar Vail II consisting of fifteen (15) parcels and Common Properties of which the properties described above in Paragraphs lr2rand 3 are a part. 6. That Defendants Developers executed and caused to be recorded in Book 277 at Page 524, Book 281 at Page 634, and in Book 283 at Page 2BL of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of EagLe County, Colorado a certain Plat Map, Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar Del Norte and Correction to First Supplernent to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar Vail, respectively, which are incorporated herein by this reference. -2- 7. That Defendants Duane Carling and Thomas l"lcKee doing business as Carling/ltcKee Construction Partnership ('Construction Company") acted as General Contractors for the construction of the irnprovements situated upon Parcel 14, Casolar Vail II as is more ful ly described in Paragr ph 3 above. L fhat Defendant Casolar Del Norte Home Owners Associatlon, ("Association*l is the owner of the Comnon Properties in Casolar Vail II Subdivision, as described on the recorded Plat Map. 9. That Defendantsr Knox, Payne, Carling, McKee Carpenter and Casolar Del NorLe Horne Owners Association, are or may be charged with the duty of granting and or locating ease- ments in and over and across the Common Properties to the diverse parcel owners in such a nanner so as ndt to affect the rights of the other parcel owners. FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF 9. That Defendants, Construction Companyr Partnership, Developersr and Association negligently caused or aLlowed to be constructed upon a portion of the Cornmon Properties adjacenC to Parcel 13, owned by Plaint.iffs Trustees, a certain htater Iine and r'rater shut off valves, as is rnore f ully described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and rnade a part hereof. 10. That as a direct and proximate resuLt of the negligence of the said Defendants, the said water line and water shut off valves were constructed and located in such a tnanner so that Plaintiffs are not now able to construct the anticipated improvenents upon t,he Parcel 13 all to the Plaintiffs damages in an amount as yet undetermined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to amend the complaint when the damages are fully known. SECOND CTAIM FOR RETIEF 11. That Defendants, Construction Company, Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or allowed to be constructed upon a portion of the Common ProPerties adjacent to Parcel 15, owned by Plaintiffs DlcDonald, an electical t)*r't Lt slQ' Ele' t)nnl+ -3- line, transformer and vault as is more f u.l-ly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 12. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the said Defendants, the said electrical line, transformer and vault nere constructed and located in such a manner so that Plaintiffs are not now able to construct the anticipated improvenlentsi including the dwelling, driveway and parking facilities upon the ParceL 15 all to the Plaintiffs damages in an amount as yet undetermined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to amend the complaint when the damages are ful1y known. THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF 13. That Defendants, Construction Conpany, Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or allowed to be constructed under ParceL I5r owned by Plaintiffs !4cDonaldr a certain selver line serving and appurtenant to the entire Parcel 14. 14. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of t.he said Defendants, the sewer fine was constructed and located in such a manner so that Plaintiffs are not now abLe to const.ruct the anticipated improvenents upon the Parcel l5 a1I to Lhe Plaintiffs damages in an arrount as yet undeternined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to amend the complaint when the damages are fully known. FOURTH CLAII'{ FOR RELIEF 15. That the sewer line and eLectrical line constitute an intentional- trespass upon the Parcel 15 owned by Plaintiffs McDonald in that Plaintiffs McDonald neither expressly nor irnpliedly acquiesced or gave permission for the tresspass. 16. That as a direct and proximate resuLt of the tresspassr the sewer Iine and electrical were constructed and located in such a nanner so that Plaintiffs are not. no!, abLe to construct the anticipated irnprovements upon the Parcel 15 all to the Plaintiffs danages in an amount as yet undetermined. Sc,u't -4- 7*r Plaintiffs reserve the right I o amend the conplaint when the damages are fully known. FIFTH CLAII"T F'OR RELIEF L7.. That the sewer line 'as constructed by Construction Company or Partnership \ serve the entire Parcel l4 owned by Defendant Partnership. 18. That said sewer line enc, aches upon Plaintiffs McDonaldsr Parcel l5 which encroacbment a., ' tresspass constitute and unlawful taking without rightl title or interest. 19. That unless said encroachnent is removed Plaintiffs McDonald will suffer irreparable harn and there is no adequate or speedy renedy at law. 20. That Defendant Partnership by constructing or allowing to be constructed upon Parcel 15 said sevrer Line have created an appurtenance to ParceL l4 which is unlawful and without righb and if not enjoined will create an adverse possession and/or an estoppel contrary to the right, title and interest of Plaintiffs McDona1d. STXTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 21. That Defendants Partnership and,/or Construction Company have constructed upon Parcel 14 decks not in conformity with the site plan approved by the various governmental and l quasi-governmental authorities having jurisdiction over ttre said Parcel in that said deck is I feet in width on the east and \.rest sides of the improvement constructed on Parcel 14 but were approved to be no more than 4 feet in width. 22. That Defendants, Developers and Association negligently approved and allowed to be constructed said side decks. 23. That as a direct and proxinrate result of the irnproper const,ruction of said side decks by said Defendants, Partnership and Construction Companyr and the negligence of the Defendants Developers and Association, Plaintiffs McDonald are not now able to construct the anticipated improvements upon the w4s -5- Parcel 15 all to the Plaintiffs damages in an amount as yet undetermined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to amend the conplaint when the damages are fully known. WHEREFORE, Plaint,iffs pray as follows: 1. For danages as are ascertained, 2. For interest as allowed by law, 3. For an Injuction requiring the owners of Parcel 14 to remove the Sewer Line and Electrical Line fron the Plaintiffs McDonaldsr Parcel 15 and to rernove four feet of the exteri.or width from the east and west side decks of the duplex dwelling constructed on Parcel 14. 4. F'or Punitive Damages as allowed by law, 5. For Attorneys Fees, 6. For Costs Expended herein, and 7. For such other and further relief as to this Court may seenr just and proper in the premises. HOCHSTADT, STRAW & STRAUSS, P.C. By: Attorneys for Plaintiffs L700 Broadway, Suit.e 1211 Denver, Colorado 80290 t303) 839-s809 Plaintiffs I Address: 2875 it{anns Ranch Road Booth Creek, VaiI , Colorado 81657 -6- I ! 4"J7'06"8 -?'<+ os4 I I 't:,lit I I i lt * I PARCEI,t ,! i l . RECREATION UNO€R n €T'i*[{ | ".. ",.t:Iilr 'l' t,li I' I IIt I I I ao< {armcl PAFCE ( l 'yffi'g--vx--- r*fl - l.' ,.fr*u F'.'.. i, ,-. I , {).o/....i . /|!,,,ni, y.9t'.y' r I (,r ilra i7_-c( t \a ,?!4 !.r|r-: If,r€P,1O|J( l:1 .- r|l i /: -seotember 5, 1980 r4r Eci kaJer-, Jr.At:toi'ney- at-Law Va;. I tiational Bank tsullriinqVaiI, Cclcrado gIS5? Dear Ed: - we are qulte coneerned over havr ng a number of r.rregrrr..eritresand impro;'erties c-orrected as soon as possible *hich havebeen eit:her c.aused or precifit"i*a oy |our.ii.ni."the carling,/McKi:.:i:o::*qtruction Conrglny--wniefr_is preeenlty constructing a rtu;,lex'rn Site L4, Casolar ValI If . You are advised that ne are deslrous of resohring thesematters at- an early date on an amicable basis, ii possinfe,but the seriousness of certatn oi the foltowing-issues i.ssuch that barring an early resolvemer.t sirr result r.n h,.hateverI'egal action is deeane(t n"L"""ir' wilt be taken. ite are additionally shoclcd as what has been caused,Janaged or precipitated-upon .ur various rots was apparentr.ydone so by the presicent Lr ttre casorar aer uorie Hor(e oe/ners;\s-soei.ation and as a partner and developer^ ot-tie CarIing,/McKeeconstrtrc_tion company. rt ts llkerrse inconeeivable to methat either you or Don Chapltn uould trave any-frrorfuOq". ofc: would have lent any.forrn of aoproval to,such harm, damages, :;::3"t".itie6 and cr tndeecretirns to an adJoining property J'|e-yqper cut gfq. valyqs for .sire 1.4 are instart-edru reet east of slre l4,s ruirainq-ent;LD;;;-;;-;;"sL.'uet.ri.The.closest pornt between Sjtes 14 and .rui !j.t.. itis 15 fet:t. ?herefore Carlino set the water cutcff valves over in front cf our orlginally d::signar:ed.:,ite by 3 feet and under our antlclpated iiecfs ,ie;nay buj ld and then @nstr:ucted his water linr: to*-n!r east in front of Our envelooe to prrt gome u.rC€|,:oll.r 3l.Lteipated de.:kc ln a totai dlsreqard fo, .i-t,u.". 1. September 25, 1980 Mr. Steve PattersonBuilding Official Town of VailP. O. Box 100VaiI co 81657 Dear l{r. Patterson: The irregularities and possi.ble code viol-ations andCasolar De1 Norte Declaration violations relating toLot 14, Casolar Del Norte Phase 2. owned by Carling- McKee Construction and constructed by the Carling-McKeepartnership, are matters which the Town of Vail may wishto consider in determining whether a certificate of occupancy shoulcl or should not be issued for either thewest or the east side of Lot 14 until all issues andmatters contained in these enclosures have been corrected and resolved. I^Te are informed by staff that the Design Review Boardwill apparently not approve our plans for Lots 13 and 15until the issues contained in these enclosures affectingLot 14 and our Lots 13 and 15 are resolved, accomplishedor corrected. Enclosed are copies of a lawsuit and Lis Pendens which have been filed against Lot 14 and the Carling-McKee companies and others. The lawsuit and Lis Pendens areself explanatory. AIso enclosed are copies of letters written to Carling- l{cKeers attorney, Mr. Ed Drager, explaining in detail al-lirregularities, improprieties, possible code violations,Casolar De1 Nort,e Declaration violations, and damages toour adjoining properties, Lots 15, 13 and 12. It is very questj-onable in my mincl that an administrative body such as the Town of Vail would issue a certificate of occupancy to a building or owner involved in all or part of the items, issues, violations and improprieties con-tained in these enclosures until all such issues have been corrected and resolved. continued Mr. Steve PattersonBuilding Official Town of Vail September 26, L980 Page Two cc: Larry Rider, City Attorney George Straw, Attorney Casolar Del- Norte llomeowners you for your cooperation in these and other matters. ctfully submit! Jim McDona1d Association Jvi/fb a .-,v ..--.fl,-,.,:L,* .-.-r OLra f.(-,&. U.r,*,/(aF^#.^ydJ.* .1...{ ' Mr. Ed haleq Jr. Paqe 2 September 3, 19B0 2. ? Everyone ls havlng to rearrange to aome extert therrbu:)dtng envelope but ytth th6 reloeatlon of Siie14 and the extendcd decks to Uolt east and west seare apparently forccd to rearrange.our aite considerably.Aceordlnglf tne englncers and architects j.nfo"* ..t.hat ne should both rotate the envelope "; ;;ii ;"rDve lt sonerhat fonrard. ff not then Carlirrg^{-X.ehas deprived us^91 tl" same rlghts to our pioiertya_s they have utlllzed. Theref6re the locai.i";-;ithe water linc and the cut off rnrve" iiii"-"iri".into our buitding envalope or ao close to lt thatwe cannot build and or under our front decks. Th".r,if sueh had to be repalred at a l.ater date (or as1s the case today rilh ttre present repair) therewoyff be.no rray f9r a aubseiuent property ouner toqet to hrLs r*ater line. I am informeb tfrit therehave been no easemcntg nelther requested by nor grantedto Carling,/l.tcxee for the water and serer tines-aiconstructed and regulred. thig sltuation a_oparentlyhas'only one resul{. The sewer line fron Slte 14 either comes under ourbuilding sl,te 15 or eo crose to lt that durint constructlon :!--T"I tr 9ur:s99. _ fualn the sewer could .rerf easirt - --- have been lnrtalled- to cornpletely mlss our enirelopeand anticLpated deckr. The electrical'dltch yhlch has been dug to the westof Site 14 was made so flr over as to be eornpletelywithin our bulLdtng envelope and therefore mirst bemoved. Further, the dltch should have never beenmade any further_ayay from the butlding envelopeof slte 14 than 7ll reet (t, of the distince beriieenSites f4 pndt l5'at thelr Clogcst polnt - what ls _fgir for one ie falr for the other) . 'Thereforewnen the ditch is rmved-ii lr.,ouja u" eqiiilisiintbetween tbe tro hrtldtng envelopea. Sueh ls necessaryto eliminate a hazard- to all paities aE any subseguentdiq up for repal,r rourd be dangeroug if nol so ac6ompliebed. lir. i'.like Kintztng lndlcates hls total cooperatlonin thi; natter and Lndlcates that yhen thi ditchis dug next tlme .that lt rnuat go tn the eorect rocatlon. ^-..-v y),)r,,,, //'. t/' ! ''orrr,/r/rf ,ri(,n, "'y tt,/ -./,t,.'. , /." . / l\:r. Ect Drage4 Jr.pa.qc 2 Se-ptember 5, 1960 ). t 4. The exterior d€cks shlch have been eonstrircted on the Site 14 duplex exteno out to the east and west approximately € feet, There is only a dlstanee of Il feet between the buildinq sites or envelopes at certain lines. ff we construct our decks the sane as on Lot 14, the decks fron both of our Site lJ ancl 15 will overlap onto Site 14. Mr. Carling says that we should move our building envelope to acccrnodate hirn so as to not cause hlm any problems and that he really doesn't care what or how re build. A roadway for construition vehieles and trucks was dug and nrade by Hr. Carling aeross our buildinq envelope t3 and part of our land actually duc out, up to 5 feet or more and used for fill by Mr. Carling on his Si-te 14. f just do not unders+-anC t-his way anci nrethod of doing business. I had told Duane tha.t he could store lumber and suoplies on our Site 13 but definitely f did not glve him pernission to dig out fill. or make a roadway. Site 14 i.s overbuilt its maximum all'otted G.R.F.A- for the Casolar Vail Daclarat-ions by s52 sq ft- The Tonn of Vail has officially nof-ified Mr. Knox that said squafe feet Ytll have to be deducted from rryr three building sitec. uy reply is of course -- NO WA,Y: Part of our Sj.te 1.2 hac been dug i.nto by a tracLor, 1n addition the excella flll loeated therepn for e'-'crvone's use btts going to be renoved by Mr. Carling and as he said prt ontb our Site 13. We obJected to this Drocedure !s we would llke to have at least whatil- ieft-of-our shat€ of the exeess fill for our neeoed construction. Furthcr, rhat he would refili would not be compacted. 'Agll.n, we cannot understand allYone doing such to someone elses property, unless this is the way business la done ln Vaj.l. A 1 Mr. Ed Eager Page 2 September 5, lgg0 ::"1::,..' : ^ *.*. ^ 135:". :-:_ if ii {g$ -;fr #Li', ili " Tli"i"*:3"?t:ntty. ceuscc, aurrns;ffi;;;il; B. Tbe electrteal trantforrrcr la locatcd on tbe Casolarcqunon prop€rrr, got rn tre-rdi-iifr.Iir_ray, andr'nstde 6rrr- srtl' ri-eaiiitnE "nd drr.v'r:ay earGrB€nt.rt ls my underatandino iror ur. carrh! in"t n" asstet€dand,/or dtrcetcd trc rLii.gl';i fi;-il:;rorner,ae well as thc clcctrtcal dttch. - I explatn"at^_!9 UT:- Glling lart ycck tbat t yant to betotally cooperattve ,ain-iif-ill ictgnboru and that r.uantedno tr€re than r ras entttfed tJ hrt tht vgry deftnltely fwould settle for 1o fcsa thi-fAg entLtlcd to. ne havewronsed no one but we rrave ccrternry-6ici-iil;;u and takenadvantage l,n rhat appcara to bc tn e ncr? .Irnprudent tnanner. we 'rc o"otn!^1_Tlvet-rnldc lnunedtately ao aa to deterrnlneaa accurately aa poearbre ihc elrccttlc abiiirs-oi-ttre lnformatroncpntalnad hereln-. 9ur Archli".[, _r.r". urrk Donildson vtllhave a copy of the auncy and rtil bc able to drrcuss theaematters utth you. An honest ntrtalc can be undcrctood nany tlrnea, hoveverl^ Tl ! lpl I cltv . of . r rresurarrt t"I,' rnpropcrtl;" ;; darnaseeElecome! veqz dtfflcult to ccpr-iena. By thta f"al:I_* are bccgbf.plactrg evcryonc lnvolncdon notlce that there_ BttGrr ruira ue riaorvci-ii tr,"t, entrretyno later than seotT-:_Il-fieo]' otherytrc-*t"tLr"r tegalactLonr' are deernid,I:::!?"Ty-bt ouruetws and orrr coloradoattornlea vlll be lnplemcntlf i,,niqfatcllr. 11pthcr, tn theevent the rater an! cre1 ffaci rna eutoff valvec are notrecolved and/or relocatcd Fi;; il_ oo, crcavatlon and construetlonrn the next reu *iL?: :9_F;un-i.f"i iii-il;;""t"a purres:l *:rf: :I-l 3!_pur. eontaei-lolcrther-io;;;-#" nners 6"G; i;;t;' ;-;,fi;d;.iffi ;H||s[ifi:$.ffi"Ii"damage thereto andTor-to ti-d:ffifr "rr';;tf,g"-J[ .n"rt expenac. It, grrEg |f, JtDONALD, ilR.Attornay at tev, !.A.Jltl,/ds E6c OmcrF Agsoclatlon )Edf-&o. ,/./fr September 10, 1980 ffi-raAlff^Z- J1AJ( P O. toi 'aaoItooo s. w 272rtp srtrEET TELEPHoNE (Jo s) a4a-t2oo Mr. Ed Drager, Jr.Attorney-at-Law Vail National Bank BuildinoVaLI, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: fhe damages and problems caused to us by the Carling,/McKeeconstruction partnership and more particulairy Duane caiiingby virtue of his actions continue to mount. edditionaL inf6rmationreceived in the last few days is as follows. 9. A telephone conversation with Mr. Ted, Husky, Engineerat fbly Crosg Electric results in our beinq informedthat lt!r. Carling not only instructed and determinedthe location of the traniformer but actually dld.part of the excavation and,/or constructlon work relatinothereto. The tactic and resurt of moving the transioim6ras far away from the Carling,/McKee site 14 and actuallyplacing tt within the antlcipated driveway and parkingeasement for lot 15 ls both inexplainable and inexcusible . especiarry since carllng was fully aware of the d,istances'between the building envelopes and upon the placing' by him of the location of the transformer he eitheiknew or had to know that such loeation put the transformerLn front of our building envelope, whether it bein the road right-of-way or not. As indicated fromthe survey, the trangformer has been placed ontoCasolar cornmon property and in the space to be utilized as the parking and drLveway for our Site 15. The lmportant questlon therefore raised is why was thetransformer no! placed equldistant between the two buildingsites and in the proper location lnstead of being placedso far west of Site 14 as to create the problems-and hazardswhich lt does. I $ t D t p l * ii{ n 1,1r. Ed Drager, Esquire Page 2 September 10, 1980 lO. Regarding.the plans for the CarLlnq,/t{cKee duplexon Site l_4 we are informed that neither the floorplan, the square footage nor the decks conform tothe plans which vere approved by the casolar HorneownersAssociatLon andlor the Towne of Vall. We have beeninformed that the Sfte plan drawe.ngs for Site 14indicate and show decks of 3! to 4 feet instead of8 feet. If such is corect, then we must take thepositlon that the improperly built decks on Site14 would have to be made to conform to the plansas approvedr specifLcatly tbe site plan. The confllct of interest posture in which Mr. Carlingpresently finds himself poses some very ihterestlng pointsof raw, especLally in vlew of the probability ttrat the individuarmembers of the Homeowners Associatlon Board is well as theBoard could be held_personally liabtel for their acts of negligenceand,/or intentional damages caused to our properties by amember of the board, and permitted and,/or allowed to happenby the other members of the board. It does appear that theextent of the damages courd not onry be the specific resultof the costs to reetr,fy the various problems caused by carlingbut also any loss in l-ncome and,/or plofits resulting in ourunits when constructed not belng able to be sold at marketand or at as hlgh of prices as they should be by viitue ofthe appearance of the Carling,/McKee duplex with the extendedwings and,/or the lmproper and unsatisfactory location ofour building sites which may have to be moved. t{d also have been Ied to believe that Mr. Carling iswithholding and,/or reJectlng the approval of our buildlngplans and site locations unJustly, as a member of the boardas a proper determinatlon affects the Carling/UcKee partnershipfinanciarly by virtue of the lrnproprieties and problems causedby Mr. Carling and further that he has indicated lhat should we pursue these matters contained in these two letters thata boldup of the appfoval of our plans would be a tool or weapon whtch could be utltized by him. Ed, I am certainthat you recognr'ze the implications of such aetions by Mr.Carling in the event such happens to be true or correct.Prease be assured we will look Lnto this matter in substantiardetail. tt $ ff :-r1 * # "l ,](tl ?1 **frd H ffi ffi J"t*Y-egbrr-ef .:fu-'.-Sn,t-4n. Jlg " Y.. Eq Drager, Esqui,rePage 3 September 10, lgg0 rn furtherance of tbe conflict of interest issue andsituation, I was astontshed to ieceive tbe notice of theannual meeting, which r understay F" pi"p"i"a-iy yoo, appolntingand/or naminq Duane carling "r-[-r," proxy. r was furtherdisnayed at iaragraph I ""i""""i"q the ncrnination of fivedirectors oy- a norniir-atrng-;oflunrlt". which eommittee doesnot exist and never rras 6xrstld according to my knowledgeof the Homeowners Association- iarJ-lng even being nominatedbv vou, or hirn, wrth the .""iii.i. "i-iit"i""tlii.". staringeveryone tn the face r.s a further travesty.- ge-Jrrourd bothresign and be disqualifieO tiom-any furthir connectton, actionor vottng rrth the Board. one of the Board Members was notconsulted nor was there a speciai meetlng.of the Board todetermine the proxy._ you miy *i*n to reconsider your orvour cttents approach to certarn "t-t'.r"-ilIi;;;r:"s' vr The locatLon of the annual neeting_bgIng in Mr. Carli_ngspersonal home may prove to be somewhat difii;uil and awkward. There further appears to be a posslble professional confl.ictof interest if vou are representlng the Hqneowners Association asr have been informgcr bv d: -a;;i;ng and yoo .r"-iiro ,"p."senrinsthe Carling,/Mcxee conslrucif""-p"rt""rship in these veryserious matters. !9, "" you can well lmaglne these types of Lettera arevery distasteful to have to irtte especiiity from one attorneyto another and wheretn and ttreie-may be certain expranationsfor soqre of the ilems .""i"i""A-in these two 1ettera, thecontinued multinrietty of confricts of intere"i -"na improprieties"f l't5. carling,-assuming fr" wi"-i"ting alone, an outside memberof the associarlon, sucfr as *y""ir, #";;;-;"iy lrrious andwary of what is aetually qoini on. r have discussed this rnatter again with Don chaplin overthe telephone this afternoon i"J-r indr'cated to Don thatf was certainly desirious of having his unCersianaing anasupport ln this maller especlally since he is the real estatebroker havinq the property riste& and the uiorcer-tirroughwhom the sales are-th!:re-f6r"-pr"".eding. r have known Donfor many years and like rre ant-i"ib"r.-p"rsonariy--very mueh,and r have trieil to-buy gl"flity-inrouqh him as i broxer,even in Casolar, and niedleli to say, I would be absolutelyastonished- if any sales of the caifing/,tcKee Site 14 duplexwere to take place wtthout notice ot [iie pi.ni",i" ;;";;i;:e &T*g^-4/f," art:.t-(-*; ,:l"* " .tlllt,/ds P.S. Aqain, pleaae any of these be protected Mr. Ed Drager, Esgulre. Page 4 Septembcr I0, 1E80 of hopefull.y responsl,ble peoplpuqpose of resolving and fy t will intervene for thethe overall situation. in these lettere, and-othentge, whrch could affect the ownershipas well as the fl.nanctal posttton of a subsequent purchaser.r rourd not nant -to see Don Eet hurt ln thiEhattei whatsoever,especlalry tf he hac not bccn knorredgabre of the natterscontalned Ln thcae letters and nor havrng knorledge ia taklnga deftnite posttr.ve courae to rerolve and cure th6 defects - as cbntained Ln tlie l_etterc. - l y"ty_?arly resolvenent of th.ls rnatter, I feel certaintould beneflt all lrreons, bo*everr' frou stroutd know thatupon dl'scuesl.ng certaln of these mtterE which were knownto me whtle tn Vall ylth Carllng that I receLved very cooland irreeponalve replles and accordingly it has resulted1l .y having to take the afftrrnattve iclrons taken includLngthe survey, discussione wlth Holy Croas, discussions withothers l,n order to brlng the rnatlerg to light ln the views rely, 7 {/ // JeuEs tr. Attorney I,iCDOTALD, JR.at Law, P.A. r that we have not causedproblerns, bnrt re rmrst inslst thatand be equal to aII other property or precipltated our righte owners. cc: Duane Carling Thomae McKee Donald Chafilin Mark Donaldsonw.u. Klntztng George Straw David Fales Dean Knox Casolar del Norte Horneovners Aasoclation Town of VaIl David WhisenantBill Sandler o ,:i ,:/''/rt ttt t:S,',/)t'. ,i|:.,,,,,.,/,,. f//no,ry nl Jo<", "lj,:/. ,//' (,!<,rrrt/.r.' ., /, . 11' ttrli ,1.?t '. ! r)tl{li)9() lrOA .i W .:7?'!p:i.pf tl rl : i.'.ri)NE jOS) 2.aa ,a,jC September 19, 1980 l,lr. Ed DragerAttorney at LawVail rtlari-onal Bank BuildingVail, i.lolorado 81657 Pl-ease be advised that the requirements necessary toresolve the damaqe issues perpetrated by various partiesincluding the Carling,/ItteKee Construction Company and MessersCarling and McKee, individually, in connect.ion wilh Lot 14and against our properties, Lots 13.and 15, are as follows: I. The furnishing to me and the other loard Membersthe names, addresses. and telephone numbers of aII rnembe r s of Casolar de1 Norte Homeoldners Associationto whom you mailed notices of Annual Meetinq andProxy. 2. The removal of the transformer, electrical linesand electrical ditches equidistant between Lots14 and 15 envelope and out of the Casolar CommonProperty, 3. Remove the sever line from Lot 15 building envelope' and place eane at least twelve (f2) feet outsicle. any portion of the Lot 15 envelope. 4- Remove tbe nater cutoff vaLves in front of Lot 14and remove the waterll.ne to at Ieast twelve (I2)feet from our Lot 15 antieipated envelope per thedrawings provlded to you. 5. Reduce the size of the east and west decks by four(4) feet and remove the atrium and the improperwalls relating theret,., pursuant to the site plansubmitted by Carllng and approved by the city. 6. Provide fifty thousand dollars (950,000.00) to beheld tn escrox rritb.an escrow letter to cover boththe cbst and good faith for the performance of allitems of lssue contained 1n thls letter and to providefor the acconrplislrnent of all items of issue contalnedln thls letter to be eompleted within 14 days. t;,--/J,r$ fu'fla-{,U-*A4E.,ofu-*'g,*-fn gtd - Mr. Ed Drager Page 2 september 19, 1980 7. Return aII dirt and fill removed by Carling fromour Lot 13 to our Lot 13 when and where lve so indicateand said fill to be compacted to 951 standard proctordensity. 8. Close off or plug up the 352 square feet overageG.R.P.A. built into Lot 14, or provide us with writtenconfirmatton fronr the city that same will not bededucted from the G.R.f.A: for Lots 13, 15 and 12. 9. CarlLng to restgn frqm the Board immediately, notpursue re-electl.on and restgn as proxy, and ior Carlingand,/or hIs agents or ansoetites to ofier no obJectionto the proposed Stte 13 and 15 SIte plans as piesented.Assuming the complete compllanee wlth this lelter,re would then agree to move the Site 13 as far eastas possible (approxlmately three feetl and south(approximately three feetl and to rotate the envelopeas drawn by the identical eight (g) feet whlch carlingreadJusted Lot 14 envelope. Thf.s moving of ourenvelope is stilt detrimental to us beciuse of theadJoining parties and we would still be four (4)to fLve (5) feet back of Lot 14. 10. We will attempt to move the Lot 15 to the west asmuch aa posslble over present zoning ancl set backlimitations. 11.. We would not pursue the improper floor plan with . the city on Lot 14. L2. Aasuming the complete conpllance with this letterwe would not seek further damages against MessersCarling and McKee and,/or any associates of theirspersonally for malfeasance, misfeasance and otherimproperties and irregularities so stated in ourprevl,ously Etated letters. The above and foregolng ls a written statement of wtr,atwas_stated to you by me Wednesday mornlng, September 17, J-980. I h9g requested an irnrnediite response and agreedthat I would call you back before l2:30-p.m. that day, whichI did. f also atternpted to contact you two (2) addi€ionaltimes by telephone that sam€ afternoon and at 20 mlnutesto 5, I rrent to your office. Our prevf,ous correspondencestated that a resolvement of the matter from our polnt ofvl.e$ must be completed by September 15 which has i.rot beenaceompllshed. We fited sul.t in Eagle County and fi.led a l Mr. Ed. Drager, EsquirePage 2 September 19, 1980 tis Penden against Lot 14 on September lZ, l9g0. I have remained in VaiI slnce September l?, and I amavailable at any reasonabre tr.me to biseuss tn! accomplishmentand settlernent of the above and foregoing. vfe rrould ippreciatehearing from you and,/or lttr. IqcKee,s ittoiney at the earliestpossible date. Thank you for your cooperatlon in these and other matters. Very truly yours, JAUES t{. MCDONALD, JR.Attorney at Law, p.A. cc: Thomas MeKee Donald ChaplinVictor Mark Donaldson W.M. KintzlngI'tr. David WhisenantCasolar Del Norte Homeoyners AssoclationDean Knox George StrbwDavid FalesBilL Sandler Duane CarlingMr. Jim RubinMr. & Mrs. Don GruidelCharles Bonniwelltand Tltle ,x'-i tr*aU.fl,^L Jt2tl),fdru9.,.4i8 F O lOX t230 rTooo 3. w 27?rP 3fREtt IElEFHOXA €O5) 2.a- ra OO 198 0September 19, ilr, Ed Drager Attorney at Law Vail National Bank Butlding Vail, Colorado 8165? Please be advised that the requirements necessary to resolve the damage issues perpetrated by various parties including the CarlingfttcKee Constructlon Company and MessersCarling and llcKee, indlvidlualln ln conneetl.on with Lot 14 and against our propertfer, L,ots 13 and 15, are as follows: l. The furnishing to rne and the other Board Membersthe names, addresses, and telephone nrlmbers of aI 1 nembers of Cagolar del Norte.Homeowners Association to whdn you malled notices of Annual Meeting and Proxy. 2. The removal of the transformer. electrlcal lines and electrl,cal ditches equidistant between Lots 14 and 15 envelolr and out of the Casolar Common Property. 3. R€move the serer llne from Lot 15 building envelope' and place sune at least twelve (12) feet outsicle. any portion of the Lot 15 envelope. 4. Renove tbe rater cutoff valves in front of Lot 14 and remove the waterlLne to at least twelve (I2) feet frorn our Lot 15 antlcipated envelope per the drawlngs provided to you. 5. Reduce the size of the east and west decks by four(4) feet and remove the atrlum and the improper walls relating thereto pursuant to the site plan Eubmitted by Carllng and approved by the city. 5. Provide flfty thousand dollars (950,000.00) to beheld ln escrorr rltb.an eserow letter to cover both the cost and good falth for the performance of all iterns of issue contaLned in this letter and tq provide for the acconpll,stment of all itenrs of issue contained ln this letter to be ccnpleted wlthln 14 days. I J t r' il o r,, r,.,rt' H' :.. li( !,lrrr r.r/r/r rr* . i1f ,'ra -" ,.r' .,/rirr., . lt ,./ i"lr'. Ed Di.ager Pt;1t:2 Septexnber 19, 1980 7. Return all dirt and filt removecj by CarJ.ing t-romour Lot 13 to our Lot 13 when and where we so inriicateand said fiLl to be compacted to 95t standard oroctorCensity. 8. Close off or plug up the 352 square feet overagec.R.F.A. built into Lot 14. or provide us with wrj.t"tenconfirmatlon from the city that same will not bededueted from the G.R.F.A. for Lots 13, 15 and 12. 9. Carling to resign from the Board immediately, norpursue re-electlon and resign as proxy, and ior Carlingand,/or his agents or associites to ofier no obJeetionto the proposed Site 13 and 15 Site plans as presented. Assuming the complete compllance'with this lelter,we would then agree to move the Site 13 as far eastas possible (approximately three f,et) and south(approximately Lhree feetl and to -otate the enve.l-ooeag drawn by the identical eight (B) feet whlch earlingreadJusted Lot 14 envelope. This moving of ourenvelope is stl1l detrlmental to us beciuse of theadJoining parties and we would still be four (4)to five (5) feet back of Lot 14. 10. We will attempt to nove the Lot 15 to the $rest asmuch as possible over present zoning and set backIimitations. 11.. We would not pursue the improper floor plan with . the city on Lot 14. L2. Assuming the complete compliance wlth this letterwe would not seek further damages against MessersCarling an{ ucKee and,/or any associates of thetrspersonally for malfea3anee, mLsfeasance and otherj"mproperties and irregrularities so stated in ourpreviously stated letters. The above and foregoing is a written statement of whatwas^stated to you by me Wednesday mornrng, September l?, 1.989. I ttg9 reguested an immedlite response lnd agreedthat I would calr you back before l2:30-p.m. that day, whichI did. I also attempted to contact you Lwo (2) additionaltimes by telephone that sami afternoon and at 20 minutesto 5, _I went to your office. Our previous correspondencestated that a reeolvement of the matter from our point ofvl,ew must be completed by Septenber 15 whieh has not beenaccompllshed. we ftled suit in Eagle County and filed a fu'Y-/LZ,--tarT.cb^o"tJi-". (.?/. Mr. Ed. Drager, Esquire Page 2 September 19, 1980 L,is Penden against Lot 14 on September lZ, 1990. I have remained in VaiI Eince September 17, and I amavairabre at any reasonable time to dLscuss tbe accomplishmentand settlernent of the above and foregoing. we would ippreciatehearing from you and,/or Ur. McKee,s ittoiney at the earlieEtpossible date. Thank you for 1rour cooperation ln these and other matters. Very truly yours, JAI{ES W. McDONALD, JR.Attorney at Law, p.A. cc: Thomas McKee Donald ChaplinVictor Mark Donaldson W.M. KintzingMr. David WhisenantCasolar DeI Norte Homeowners AssociationDean Knox George StrbwDavid Fales BiIJ- Sandler Duane CarlingMr. Jim RubinMr. & Mrs. Don GruidelCharles Bonniwell Land Title l7 September, .l980 Mr. Jim McDona]d 2875 Manns Ranch Road Booth Creek Townhouses Vail, Co'lorado 8'1657 sites 13 and .l5, Casolar Vail Victor Ma Di rector ps: Your submittals haveorigina'l subdivisjon that a written letter I a1so been revjewed and approved by the developer, Mr. Deane Knox. He advjsedof approva'l is forthcoming. Dear Jim: i We, the Casolar Vail Board of Directors, have recent'ly reviewed your submittals for your proposed duplex residences. As a Director, I hereby grant preliminary approval and suggestthat you proceed through the Town of Vai'l Design Review Board process for their approval . Upon receiving approval from the Town of Vaii, p'lease submjt to us final plans and specificationsfoh our final review. . l.|e have recently had one of our three Directors resign and another abstain from reviewing your projects. Therefore, I shall discuss your projects with the homeowners at our meeting this coming Saturday. To prevent any furthers delays, I advise thatyou obtain approva'l from the Town of Vail as soon as possible. s i ncere rk Donaldson I,- tru*r Ff. Dn acER, .r*. O .ttton xgi- J.ri D couNri[Ltrn P.O, BOI ,6r|A vaIL corlrR.tDd ar661u ! .\.(i1r * llrlirr {}f-l$t{ September 12, 1980 James ll. McDonald, Jr., Esq. Attorney at Larl Box 1290 Homestead, F'la. 33030 Re: Casol ar Vai 'l Dear Jim: i acknowledge receipt of your September 5, 1980 'letter relating to sone concerns you have with relation to Building Sites i3 and 15 ovrned by you and/or your client in Casolar Vail II. t.le have carefully reviewed your letter and your severa'l points, examined the site and are endeavori ng to deve'lop a'l l.relevant information relating to your concerns, I'le too, are extremely desirous of working out a fair and practical solution to the issues that is in the best interests of and advantageto all concerned. I have also discussed this matter with Dean Knox and George Straw at'length and we are all hopeful a resolution of these issues can be reached very shortly. I will respond to the severa'l pointS in your letter jn the same order as presented: 1) The water shut-off va'lves are 17 feet East of the building envelope for Site 14 and approxinately 3 feet outside your Site13. It is our intention to relocate this water line so that itwill $e 8 - 10 feet outside the boundaries of your present bui'ld-'ing site. ?) I,le have atternpted to determjne the exact 1ocation of the sewer line running West from the property and jt is presently under one corner (Southeast) of Site 15. lle will have a survey Monday, September 1.5, 1980, locating all utilities adjacentto Site tr5 and wil] determine whether it is best to move Site 15 to the l.lest and how far, and then determine whether the sewer line needs to be moved. If necessary, it will be moved , so as to be 8 - 10 feet outside envelope #15. 3) The electrical transformer between Sites 14 and 15 was in-stalled on the road right-of-way by Holy Cross Electric. Mr. Mike Kintzing. ran his electric servJce frorn the transformer tohis job site and has agreed to move those lines, if necessary. Fi&{ I )). }, tsi,x, ri vAlL t,\ J rl I \1. I|.tNri tll,lii, i:3p-rf.gnlbgr 1.2, 1980 irage 2 ol 4) The exterior decks on the duplex built by my c]ient ari] as sho',rn on lhe origina'l bui ldinq plans 'approvea by Dean Knox,then representing the Caso'lar Homeowneis Association and b.y' the Town of Vail Design Review Board and'town of Vail tsuil.l-inq Department. i) l'!". Carling agrees that you gave him penn,ission to storebuilding materials on Site 13. it was necessary to do someminor earth work so as to make the slte usable.- l'le havelocated a topographic survey done by Richards Engineering priort0.your acquisition of the property an( have requested theyupdate that survey.to shory any chairges in elevation. lle w-ouldtlel, !f you desire, restore Slte 13 to its oriqinal contourswith clean filt of the nature orlginally (at time you acquiredit) on the slte compacted an 75 --95fl rite. 6) The GRFA was approved by lilr. Knox and noted by the Town ofVail. Mr. Knox advised trlr. Carling, at the time of approval ofthe plans, that he had plenty of GRFA left over and Duhne was welcome to use some of the extra, which Dean approved for Site14. The Town of Vall zoning ordlnances are spbcific in lot tobuilding size ratios and in this case (Casolai^).the Town merelyadvised Mr. Knox of the maximums pennitted and told him theallocation was his, but he would be bound by the total maxinum GRFA a] I ored . 7) lle don't really understand your conment here since Mr.carling has acceded to your wishes and done nothing with respectto the dirt pile on your sltes. sorne of that exceis fil'l is'still on the cofimon ground, but I understand the triplex site has alsoused scme. 8)_ I have been advlsed by Dan Corcoran, who originally assistedHoly Cross in sitting the transfomnr, that it ii enti'r"e'ly inthe rfght-of-way, but Dan also advlses he made a survey error and that a corner of the transformer is off the road right-of-way. I will have to await the improvement and uti'l .ity surveypreseht'ly being done by Dan's office. Jim' by this letter, I want to assure you of our willingness to reviewyour concerns resolve the mes that are clearly wrong and work towarda mutual reso'lution.of those others where we can be-of assistance. ;,' r !1 1:l |1. ,s rl .f, i ''''i )!., el I I'j ilrl F] 4l.'tj t *{ltiI # lalr{ $ l1l*$ n it ta TI Tf it ,l il $ & $ h ${ rs George Straw, Esq. M . Dona'l dson IrtI Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: il 'l. s |(:r Legal Description: Lot .l 3 / /J Filing Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board '/ - r-l lyuDate Motion by: Seconded bv:*,n't., /ht-n DISAPPFOVAL /4..1, l. t . - r,r..,: t,,r, t L :z-- Chief Building Official ' 7.. a- ,. -r=.' i:4f' jt Proiect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio nt tots--/-3.i.15 , Btock Zonel Zoning Approved: Filing Motion by: Design Review Board ,^r. 'AilfO DISAPPROVAL / ,Xaa7x7y" "6lrr! art, 't h /t 4"r.( 7.-r,, t,,;i.ol,/ ing Adininistrator Chief Building Official R ,/_\', sFR, Lg,/ zoNE cilEcK for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS .o nl5 legal Description: Lot l-'" Block - Filing tl0nner /Yr Da..lALD Architect i Zone District LDIL/ f proposed Use;,i' Lot Area'Nk -gt.*f,lv.' ueight Alloried 30' proposed Zffif ,' Setbacks: Front-ilequiiea z0i'--Fioijosed Sides-Required l5' Proposed .4 .') Rear -Required l5' Proposed 4/4 GRFA: GRFA:+n-ael+Ue,-ea - Landscaping: Required { b Parking: .*imar)-freposed Proposed Ptnop c: ed Corrments: llaterccurse-requ'ired Ui+ Prop AI I ot'ted Secorfuf*ttomed-- ? /./Site Coverage: Alloived Qlc Proposed -1 I /'lRequired L/ UP/T ' q- (-.-.'ODrive: Slope Permitted b -/a Slope Actual Environmental/Hazards: Ava'lanche Flood Piain Si ope Propo:''ed 1^,r,,/1,,'i, tt {t . D;t.J:Z0:r'inc : iipl:'ovcil/Disi.ppro''lci Date LIST OT MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DBscRr prror_;flr,on BLocK &c l*eUmT DEscRIprroN oF pnwscr -Tt@ Wl_ UoaL dte*+4 FI LI NC The to A.) following lnformationthe Design Review Board BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wa1l Materials Fascia SoI iits Windows lVindow Trim Doors Door Trim fland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enc I osure s Greenhouses Other ts required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color --a- ltTuw l*" # frpsf {toorL -P-c*di +r r\Ar{tJ" o.orlo*l D. ) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegecative,^Landscaping l'larerials including Trees,and Ground Cover) Botanical Name ?rpulul fFa^,'.| ^rhl- Common l{ame gg3!!!!.y. Shrtrbs , Si ze a lot't?,1 Itl 5 qpl, fqp{, hcr* SFF4FT' 6"ldrdar.Ar4df te.rtdui Cu{r"rA rd.% -tb to Lxto lz.Alrr,), Att dt!+q$.t Afil'lr {" bq saeJn{ u.*t.btnqqp, ilRnrc{ tlJrrdso&. DaEe LIST OII MATARIALS NAITE OT PROJECT LEGAL DESCRTPTTOU l3 r,Ot I el,ocr DESCRIPTION or pnO.lnCt frtt.rg3 .S{el dJooA &-A,*i,e - FILING The following informationto the Design Beview Board A. ) BUILDING MATERIALSI Roof Siding Other WaI1 Materials Iascia Sof fits 1{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other ls required for subnittal by the Applicant befoie a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color Rah C("* - Bc.o.rzz. Pr'*f L nt{tlu U0rCls[r---_- including Trees, Shrtrbs , E.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping l'laterials and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Common t{ame ?oP.r.\u) Tirruorlorlcr Ptctr' hrruFanJ B,lcnr A"na"rr-.. tFfatrr. _ Quantity 1 e -lo Si ze ti:tt tol -lf ,t -{,1. Atl o\rr*.rbt 4&Ar $rr{}soA Btuelas. S [e sr^Jn{ *rr*l* Arals'.l t LIST OF MATERIALS T{AIIE OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPT€N 15 IrOtr oere f $. lr ri&o ,FILITG DESCBIPTION OT PRCIIUCT The- fol_lowlng lnformatlon ls requLred for subnltteL by the Appl.lcantto tbe Design Revles Board befoie a finel ;tpr;fii-.ri u"-slffi;-- A. ) BUII,DING MATEBIAL$: Roof Type of l[aterlal Color S{zt{r-ar, lf- a e La ^- ,erl l3 0ctober, l9B0 Ms. Gail l,lahrlick Land Title Guarantee CompanyP.0. Box 357 Vai I , Col orado 81657 Estoppel I information Lot 14, Casolar Del Norte Dear Gai I : ' The Homeowners Associationof each building envelope as a The solar colIectors must functioni ng. is now requiring an "as-buiit" survey requirement of good standing. be in place and capable of proper The Association dues presently owed for lot'14 are in the amountof $87].71 through October 14, t9B-0. The per diem thereafter is $.|.67. comp'l iance and completion of all nratters pursuant to the setilement-Lipuiation with McDonald properties'lots l: aho 15 by 0ctober l6;.l990. Casolar Del Norte Homeowners Association :--u{Ee LIST OT MATDNIALS NAME OF PROJECI LEGAL DEscRr PTrou_J5_r,cyq BLocK C4s" lea Unt 1 DESCRIPTION OF PBO.IACT FILING Tbe to A.) fo1Lowing infornationthe Deslgn Revierry Board BUILDING IIATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials l ls required for submittal by before a flnaL approval can the Applicant be glven. Type of llaterlal 'Color 2,xrc lrJ.uc,LFascia :" Soffits Windows Window TrLm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other uw& fa. -* *o ndolr or.rlo,rrf including Trees, Shrubs, B. ) PLANT IT,IATERIALS(Vegetacive, Landqcapins Materialsand Ground Cover) Botanical Name hpulul.fP-,.lqrlrfhcra * lS ro-. rt' SFt'.rr#6"ldr.t r ' Cb&trlf F lpl,Ids%- t1 Db*z Att" dtr*uabr.L ARgal S h s4FJ&l bh1p1p, - frtsl {*de Pqsrnol .b ,rrp|l srfi,q Palln CIA - &aee.c -ft"tt {" r*rtj" '$rdla$s Common l{ame Quant_i.tv Size \r.+L F&sor.l {lrrr{rq61 o -LISf oF MArEqrArq NArrE oF n"o.tscr M"bo{4LA \.^€le t( -- PrFoN 13 L(n :uitrr Cllpoue UAat tr ',frLrxc or Dete I,EGAI, DESCBI DESCRIPTICN PRO'ECT The foll.owing infornatlon is requlred for subnittal by theto tbe Design Revler Board before a fluel approval can be A. ) BUILDII{G IilATEAIAL$: Tvpe of Uaterlal Color Boof Stding Otber f,aL1 liaterlals Appllcant glvea. ioo) dLt- Fascia Sof fj.ts Ylndows Tindos Trlm Doors Door Trim Eand or Deck Rails Flues Flasbings Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.) Pr.ANr MATERIALS Jcl\*- CgA &,6,.fen - A..r.rL co La na srlourl o* (Veqetative, _Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrrrbs,and Ground Cover) BotanLcaL Nese EouItel hg*rto,drl Prcr.e. Size roitzl lo' t lol f 1*1, 9uantitv- Z6- F- J A -t-_ Sp,o*.*6tH..'t Cormon Nemb rur-Odsda Z xl1 D.linool lalb CL*I ho^rae Att du+"nl*J- Aa,e-r t bg $,r&l ur,*L Hcpr.r.l 0{l,dlrorl BL*f{Usr. E .l,.'ue o aLIST OT MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT The to A.) LEGAL DESCRT Prr oNJ3__ror_l_ DEScRTPTION OF pnO.iucr -frr*r* S-lsel dJo.A &-Onn. B. ) PLANT MATER.IALS(Vegetauive, Landscaping Macerials incLuding Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) Type of llateriaL 'CoLor P*1ot-4 -4 4,1 rrd, !Pcfll c;Ld- - Bn,an.cz SizeBotanical Name Common Name ?oP.r\'r$T* 'lotAcr B,lc*r Anrrt*. 3r'{.I.6;llsl'Caf,frff taauurgufua sad Onrr.t '. Alt alur{"rh{ AeeA} {. [0 &rrf{ *,{" Rrs!,"t Qualtity C{pt5 f6 *1 (ol 51*[ -.rlla q-tt followlng informatlonthe Deslgn Revlew Board BUILDING I{ATERIALS: Roof Sidlng Other fall lleterials : I'aseia Sof fits lYindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Bails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other is requlred for submlttal by the Applicant before a final approval can be glven. LD 3.rl lct .l?' Prc.'r Nr(AsrA S[ua$al. 7 I Date LIST OT MATDNiALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCBIPTIOU IX rcN I DEScRrprroN oF pnotEcr frr*nr s{e.l ilra.& &-{*ra The to A.) followlng infornatlon the Design Review Board BUILDING I{ATERIAL$: Roof Sidlng Other lall ltraterLals Fascia Soffits tfindows Window Trim Doors Door Triur Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other ls required for submlttal bY before a flnal aPProvel ean Tvne of l{aterial 'Color the Appllcant be g1ven. i Cosunon Name Size ti -n' 9Drr&n6;udCud*f? Att otrr{.,r"bl. Ane.Ar Jr h smfat \A*L t,trflor.] tot ls i*L -at t- aIff NrdsoA bhr&FArr. g. ) PLANT I'{A?ERIALS(Vegetat,ive, Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) Eotanical Narne?"pffi! --tlrrmrtardcr Prct* Quantlty Ctp]s - llb *4 t trhr A,"ncr^^. t I LIST OT MATENIALS U NAME oF pnorucr .Mc.SprrA(A b\n$ler T,EGAL DEscRrprrox l me nr.w &*lrclnttr -FrLiNc The to A.) DEScRrprroN oF pnotwr 'Tt*@, Stt,iul , (!Q6/' fu is requlred for subnittel by the Appllcant before a flnal approval can be glven. Sype of llaterlal I xro |rrLlroJ" P1u',ol la ,nphl s,luq Palh clA - Enoezn -Pr"di t, "att .,l\dlo,l! following infornationthe Deslgn Bevleu Board BUILDING I{ATERIAL$: Roof Siding Other Wa1I Materials Fascia Sof f its Windows lfindow Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Ratls Flues Ilashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Othef 'Color B.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative,^Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) Botanical Name ?.prrkrl -fta-. Lorlor Common Name QuanEitt Si ze Ur& * lS lsl nl llt P*brt a"rr.r^at SFf 't'o 6"ld*.terr{tll?5 ldl, ler^nrul Cu{+.e Id% *tt dn+unh,l ee$ S h s4F{*l '-1,*b :- *.2 f,lp|, frpsf {uuz b\s1'u.$ H{a.u'l rtJrdrd- v U,r13 | TTL&o'a'ra' t)-' It V6 Sa^-'4= NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit #: E95-0148 75 Soath Frontage Road Departmenl of Community Develapment {i'}-fr'f;ffifif!ri', i::-lg::""": @oRrE DRsrarus. . . : rssu'D FAxe70-47e-24s2 i3i35i"fi;. . I lror-014-14-o0s ?33i#:: '.i 33ll3li:"'ZProject No.: Expires..2 02/24/1996 APPLICANT WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX 1712, AVON CO 8l_620 CONTRACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX LLL?, AVON CO 81620 OWNER Phone: 3034734236 Phone: 3034734236 lnvestigation> tli lt ca L L----> .00 5.00 Ite.m: .O6000 ELECTRICAT DEPARTMENTo7/L2/1995 DAN Action: APPR DepI: BUILDING Divj-sion: *****ffi*tr*****#*****t*ffr********trt*fi*ffi************fi*******ffi**************t*********ff**i-t*******ffi*iffi******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi***tr***ff*ffi*ffi*ffi*#ir*ffi*ff***t**#**f*****ffiffifi****ffi*****tr******ffi**tr**tr*ir*firrffi*tr****rr****** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that I have read-this appl,ication, fil.!ed out in fuL! the infornation required, conpteted an accurate ptot P[an, and state that att the inforration provided as rcquired is correct, I agree to compl,y g.ith the iniorration and pLot pl,an,to compty trith atl Town ordinances and state [aus, and to build this structune according to the Toun,s zohing and subdivisibncodes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabl,e thereto- REotJEsrs toR lNSPEcrIoNs SHALL aE IADE TtTtENTY-FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY rE[EPltoNE AT 4 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO'.I OR CONTRACTOR ffii:i?ll 3-, DALLA' rx 7s230 Description: ELECTRIC PANEL **tr***fi*ffiiir*lck*i:**tr**rtlrrrr**trt*#r**iritrt**ft******ffi E[ectricat---> 50.00 DRB Fee ToTAL r€Es---> 53.00 H**ffr******#ffi***ffrt**lrffi*#*tr**tn!Hr*J.***#ffi*Hff******ffiff*********fi***lr**ffi*ffi**!H*******tr**********ff Valuation:2, 000 . 00 FEE SUHI'IARY ffi ir*rt*ffirtrt*******f*htr#r**fbt*fi ******f*-ffrffi**#*Jr* Totsl Calculated Fees---> 53.00 Additiofial, Fees-----> .0O Totsl Permit FeF------> 53.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- {,p*,no*"*o o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL IIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Peilnit #: E95-0148 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 11s0 CASOLAR DEt FAX97O-479-2452 Location...: Parcel No.. : 2103-014-14*008Project No.: APPI,ICAT{T WIRE NUT ELFCTRIC PO BOX 1112, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX 1112, AVON CO 81620Oi,fNER SCOTT RUSSEI,L T 5716 MEIJSHTRE DR, DALLAS TX 75230 Description: ELECTRIC PANEL Department of Community D evelopment MORTE DRStatUs... : ISSUED Applied . .. o7 /!2/!995Issued...: 08/28/1995 Expires. . : 02/24/!996 Additionat Fees--------> Totat Pernit Fee----> Phonez 3034734236 Phone: 3034734236 .00 53 .00 Valuation:2 , 000.00 *rr**rt*#*#*,tldr***#*tttrtitfr}*lrtrHrtffr*ffi*****##********* FEE SUlll,tARy #****t**H*|.t******r|ffi*tnt*J*,t*****t******ffi****** Etectricat---> 50,00 DftB Fee Totat Calcutated Fees---> 53.00 Invest i oat iorD .00 l,,iLL CaLt----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES_-> 53.00 Payments------ BALANCE DUE-_..00 ,.***rrr**********ffi**ti*trffi*ffi*ffi*f*ffiffi'*ffi***ffi***fi****ffi*ffiff*****#r**ffi*****tnHr*rt**tr***rt*r.*** ITem: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO'l/!2/1995 DAN Aetion: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: ******ffitt'**#ffi*************************rtJi*tr**!t****#**fi**rrl*l***t******lJ.i****rh|*it*#r*htfirt********tt*U****t*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **trffi*rr****ffi**#***ffi#ffffi***ffi*ffrtlrf,rl***trl**ffi*ffi***icttr*'H#*t****ffi*-t*#r;**ffi***t**************Jrtit*** DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknovLedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLt the infornation fequired, compteted an accufate ptotplan, and stat! that aLl the intornation pfovided as required is correct, t agree to conpLy vith the iniormation and pl,ot ftan,to conpty lrith aLt Town ordinanceg.and state_taws, and to buiLd this structure according to'the Town,s zoning and subdivisibn ' codes, design revieu approved, uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appLicable thereto. REQUESTS TOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-TOUR HOI,IRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 38 OR AT OUR O'FICE FROII OR CONTRACTON {p*"otto'uo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECfRICAT PERMIT Permit #: E95_0148 75 South Frontage Road Departmerrt of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1150 cAsoLAR DEt MORTE DRstatus...: ISSUED FAX970-479-2452 Location...: Applied..: O7/L2/1995Parcel No..: 2103-014-14-008 lssued. ..2 O8/28/L995Project No.: Expires..: 02/24/1996 APPTICAIIT WIRE NUT ETECTRIC PO BOX LLtz, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR ?IIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX LIt?, AVON CO 81620OV'NER SCOTT RUSSELL T 5716 MELSHTRE DR, DALLAS TX 75230 Descript,ion: ELECTRIC PANEL .00 3.00 rLem: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07/12/1,995 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Divisionl Phone:3034?34236 Phone: 30347 34236 Valuation:2, 000 . 00 *lr**lr**trrFi**tl{rt.tr****rr*******#thJr******ffi**tri**#r,t*** FEE SUI]|ARY *******ffi**lr*********t**tr***Hot**********rrff,*#** Etectricat---) 50.00 oRB Fee Total calcutated tees---> 53.00 lnvestigation> tli tL cat t----> .00 53.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Payments----*- BALANCE DUE---- cr*lrt*i**#****thitr*****ffiH*ffi*ff**********lrr*ffffrt*rr***lr*********ffi*#**rH**ffi*****fiffi**"Hfi*****ff*******ffifi**** Add.itional'Fees--.---> Total Pernit Fee------> *rti*******rr**f,f,******t********ffi*'|jr************f***f*s*********i**************R******ffi**ffi*fff#*****i-H****t**ffi** COND]TION OF APPROVAL tt*i*ffitffit**tr******iffi#tJr*lc**Jc***tff#rJrrr*ffi**tr**#***t*****t*i**t***.t**#tlrittr,tr*ffit*rt*t*******ffi**ftfffi**"t*ff* DECLARATIONS l- hereby .acknovLedge thgt I have read this application, fiued out in ful,L the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and stat! that atl the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty vith thc iniormation and ptot il,an,to compty uith att Toun ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure acconding iothe Toun's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review aPproved, Uniform Buil.ding Cod€ and othen ordinances of the Tovn applieebte th€reto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIOTS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY {P'"n"uo'no* fti-pLo t'to. za'uzo ScaTf NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES APPLTCflNT I CON?RACTOR OWNER E tectri ca l,--> DRE Fee lnveEtigation> Ui l.l. cat t---> TOTAL FEES---> Job AddressLocation... Parce] No. .Project No. 50.00 .00 3.00 53.00 WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX LLL?, AVON CO 81620 WTRE NUT EI.,ECTR]C PO BOX tttzt AVON CO 81620 scoTT RUSSETL f 5716 MELSHTRE DR, DALr.,,AS TX 75230 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1150 CASOLAR DEL MORTE 210 3-0 L4-14-008 Permit #: 895-0148 DRStatus...: ISSUEDApplied..: 07/t2/Le95 Issued. ..t O8/28/1995Expires..r O2/2a/1996 Phone: 3034734236 Phone: 3Q34734236 53.(n .00 53.m 53.00 .00 Description! ELECTRIC PANEL ** FEE Valuation:2, 000.00 SUI{ ARY Tota[ catculated Fees---] Additionst Fees-------> Total Permit Fee------> Payment s------* BALANCE DUE---- IteM: O60OO ELECTRTCAI, DEPARTMENTO7/12/L995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divieion: *****hr*i**i*****ffiffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffnt* DECLARAT]ONS I hercby acknorrl,edge th€t I h6ve rcad this application, fitLed out in futl the information requircd, corryLct.d an rccupatc ptot ptan, ard state that aLl the infocmation provided as requi red is correct. t agrce to conpty rith the infornation rtd ptot ptan/ to compty vith al,t Tolrn ordinances and state [aus, and to buil.d this struoture according to the To nrs zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH aFproved, Uniform Bui Lding code and other ordinances of the Toun applicabte the.eto. NESUESTS FOR I]{SPECTIO}IS SHALL BE IIADE T$ENry-FOUR TIOURS TN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPIIOilE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROfi 8;OO A 5:OO P[ SIGNATURE Of O!'I{ER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HT'TSELF AIID OII}IER r o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POS?ED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: E95-0148 t TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frantage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 E lectri ca t--) DRB Fee Invest igation> tlitt CaL L----> TOTAL FTES---> Department of Commanity Development APPI.,ICANT I{IRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX t7t2t AVON CO 8L620 CONTR.ACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRTC PO BOX 1112, AVON CO 8L620OWNER SCOTT RUSSELL T 5716 MELSHTRE DR, DALLAS TX 75230 Description: ELECTRIC PANEL Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 50.@ .00 .00 3.00 53 .00 1146 SANDSfONE DR 2103-014-14-00I Status... AppIied.. fssued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 07 /L2/ree508/2e/wes 02 /24 / Lee6 TotaI calcutstad F!es--> AdditionaL tees---------> TotaL Pernit Fee------> Phonez 3O34734236 Phone: 30347 34236 53.00 .00 53.00 Valuation:2,000 .00 * *lt|t** FEE SUlll4ARY *#.#*#!i**ttffi***Jri#n*tffi**lrtn!*rht*lntt*trrhttn* Payments------- BALANCE DUE--- 'rff***ts*lH*ffi****#t**#rttffi****ff******tr't't***jdrf**'t*'***t*ff**#H#***trffi'r*****t**** rIe.m:,06000 ELECTRICAI, DEPARTMENT07/L211995 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: lr*rHrffi*i*tffirrrffi***ffi****-,t*ffi,H*H*************tr**ffi#**f,ffiffiHfihfr#rtr******ffi*rl*****t****rtffirt*ffit****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *tn|*J<**{rbtrt**fffi*t*r***rcrrJr'(l(}*,r*r.**ffi***lrtritr*tii*trjr*.**ffi***l**i**H*ln$*f***rHrintf#rSt*}ti-**rn*****tf***lr********* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, tit[ed out in fuLl the inforDation rcquired, conpl.eted an accurste ptotptan' and state that atl tha infofmation pnovided as reguired is correct. I agree to coDpty with the inforoation and ptot ptan,to compty lrith al,t Tovn ordinances and state teus, and to buitd this structufe aecording tothe T€/Lrn, s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN IDVANCE BY {rs **o,uo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * rt * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * ** * TowN oF vAltf coLoRADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0058 Anount: Palment Method: CKI660 Notation: s3.00 08/28/95 tLt52rnit: l4MC Permit No: Parcel No:, Site Address: This Payment E95-0148 Type: S-BIEC 2103-014-14-008 1146 SANDSTONE DR EI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT 53.00 s3.00 .00 : Account Code 01 0000 41313 , 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:53.00 ?otal ALL PmtB! Balance: Description ELECTRICAI PERI'TIT FEES WILL CAI-,IJ INSPECTION FEE **************************************************************** Amount 50.00 3. 00 1- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL PERMIT POSSED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #; 895-0148 BE TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR FAX97O-479-2452 Location... :Parcel No.. : 2103-014-14-008Project No.: APPLICAN? WIRE NUg ELECTRIC PO BOX LL12, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX 1172t AVON CO 81620OWNER SCOTT RUSSELL T 5716 MEIJSHTRS DR, DALLAS TX 75230 DeScription: ELECTRIC PANEL Depaltmefi of Community Development Total, Cal,cuLated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee-------> Payments------ Statu6...: ISSUEDApplied..z 07/I2/L9es Issued. . .: 08/28/1995Expires.,z 02/24/1996 Phone: 3034734236 Phone: 3034?34236 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 Valuation:2,000.00 *ffi**J*l.*lktr**ff(ffi*** tEE SU HARY *Jrf,tt#*r.frrffffi**fffi****f*iffi*ir*****t*ffi*** Etectri caL--->50.q) oRB Fee Invest igat ion> l{i t L Cal.l.--*> .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES-_> 53.00 BALANCE DUE--_ ****ffi!t**t.*ffitrff.**rr****|t*ffi**#rtt"/r,r|t***-Jt******fi*rt****:l**th}lr*rt****ftffffiffi#*ffi**f*#*#*******f,***fi*****f, Ite,m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07/L2/I995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: rt*rt*tffi*!t**|t**ffi*rr**ffirh*ffJr'.*tr**lt|tdr:t*tr*ffirffiffi**Jrrr*ff.*#ri'ffrir*,dci*****#rHr*J*fffi*ffi*Ht*f,ifi*****tffi**i** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **rrlt*,l'r**t**lrffirrfrl****ffi****ffits**,***f***t*#r********lcr(**ffi**i****ffi*i-*****ff,******ffi#*tr**ffi****ir******** DECLARATTONS I hereby acknoutedge that t have read.this apptication. fiLled out in futt the infopmation rcqui red, compl.eted sn accurate pl,otptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is co.rect. t agpee to co$pt y vith the infornation and ptot p[an/to comPty vith atl. Town ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure according to'the Tourn's zoning end srlbdivisibncodes, dcsign review approved, Unifori! Bui tding code and other ordiMnces of the Tovn afpticabl,e thereto. REAUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ttA'E TI.IENTY-TOUR HOUNS IN ADVANCE 8Y {p*"*, t q*- Permit No: 895-0148 Tlpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-014-14-008Site Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR Total Fees: 53.00This Faynent 53.00 Total ALL Pnts: 53.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Anount O]. OOOO 41313 ELECTRICA', PERMIT FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO T t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DRLocation...: Parcel No..: 2103-0 14-14-008Project No.: APPIJICANT WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX LLLZ, AVON CO 81620 CONSRAC?OR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX I1I2, AVON CO 8L620owNER 9COrr19,. &u8$seL r 5?16 MELSHTRE DR, DALTAS TX 75230 Description: ELECTRIC PANEI, o .fOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES Permit #: 895-0148 StatuB...: APPROVEDepplied..: o7/12/r9e5Issued...t g7/t2/L995 Expires..: Ol/o8/1996 Phone: Phone: 3a347942:,6 3fi47t4z:,6 Valuation:2, 000. 00 * FEE SI'IiIIARY Ete€trical---> 50.00' 'oRB Fee Tota I catcutated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Totat Pertnit Fee--*----> PaYmcnts----- BALANCE DUE-_- 55.00 .00 53.00 .00 53.00 Investig.tion> Iti tt catt----> TOTAL FEES_-> .00 3.00 53.m Dept: BUII"DING Division:IteM; O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO7/L2/I995 DAN Action: APPR *****rcH********rfi***r* CONDITION OF APPROVAL **r**ffit***tff !htrl******|h***#ff *trffirtrttr$#:h*ffi ffi frrr**ffi*ff***f DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknowtedge that I hav! read this applic€tion, f i l,l.ed out in futl, the information requifed/ conpteted an accurate plot ptan, and statc that at[ the inforDation provided as requi ned is corrlct. I agree to corpty uith the informatioh and pl,ot pl,an, to compty vith aLt Toyn ordinanccs and state taus, and to buitd this structurr according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiev approved, unifor[ Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto, RESUESTS FOR II'ISPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIAOE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO AI{ 5:OO PII SIGNATURE OF OI{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ANO d,INER APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I.fAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI .-- vua \,va'lF!r.Cr L .!:,J-JL tr/I\ !* l'Lll lI\'rI .9.gr llrvry.cl.trrlE|rt !* * ****** ******* ** ** * *** *****'t't pERMJE-TJgg)RI.{ATr9N ***************************** 7Y /t -\-ElectricaJ.[ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing l-Mechanical I j-Other Job Name:fehfi essr ,//fQ &rolnr. 0r Legal Descripti onz t,oE1fuL Block_ Filing ov,'ners Name: f"tr<Jl T fe;\t'Address: //fr (nrofan 0.Ph. g7( -za,?ql Architect: Ccr Address: /ion77a h|rtutu Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-New i7J-att"rution [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair I J-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units: ^ {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas App}iances_ cas Logs_ Wood/pelleL_J_It trr* **** * ** *** * * *rr**rr*** * ****** ***** VALUATIONS *********************************rl BUILDING: $ELECTRTCALz $ 4, oo(5 OTHER: $ TOTAL,: $- INFORMATION ********* ****************** Town of vail Reg- N-o. f 9/-6 Address:Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Address: Reg. NO. ....-F'__ a ELectrical Contractor:neg. uo.9.?2-6-+x qe7 c Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor : Address: ******************************** FoR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PTUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: EIECTRICAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: lown of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUI,IBING PI,AN CTTECK FEE: MECHANICAL FI,AN CHECK FEEI RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: '? BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Cornments: CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFITND IO: o 75 south tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 4?9-21.38 or 479-2139 ottlce ol communlty development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\rELOpltENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, ro"i, sand, debrisor rnaterial , incLuding trash &unpsterS, portable toilets andworknen vehictes. upon-_any streetl siae#aircl -;ti;y or publicp1?9" or any portion rheieof. The righr-"i-;;t ln att Town ofVail streets and.fgags is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordi-nance wirr be striliiy enrorcie by the ror.rn of vailPubric works Departrnent. perslns found violating this ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour written i"ii""-t"-;;;;;'".id rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified d,oes not cornpJ.y with [il---notice r.rithin rhe 24 hour tine ip""iii.a,-'il"-;;;iic worksDepartment wilr remove said rnateiiai it irr" -""p""se of personnotified. The provisions of tiris ordinance ;ffiii'not beapplicabJ-e to cinstruction, r.ini.t.nce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the iitni_"_"uy. To,review ordinance No. 6 in fur1, please stop by the To'rn ofJlif su|:rding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknor*ledged by: fi.e.contractor, owner) 75 south trontage road vail, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlce of communlly deyelopmenl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If thi:s Peryit requt:res a Town of Vail F.ire Department Approval,Engineer''s .(.P_ubl ic lrlopks) review and approvat ,' a piinntni-oepr"t entreview or Health Department review, anb'a review by the duiiiringDepartment, the estimated time for a total review itui i.le'as t6ngas three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits willnave t0 follow the above mentioned maximum requ.iremlnis. Residential ll9-':r.ll proiects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresrdential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 9:ryrlm:nt:,.with regard. to necessary review, these proje.ii"ruyalso tal(e the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s,eon as possibl e. I, the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and timeframe. fe-off 'tnl*,nl Communi ty Devel opment Department. 7 'nEtr?r3t f|4/\VlSh 6,6t44 o REOUESTS TNbJN DF VFIIL, CCILORI FOR INStrECTION l,lORK SHEETS FORr 4lIglgh trAGE ffREA: EG flctivity: Hddre ss : Locat i on ; Farce I : Description: Appl icant : Owner: Esntract cr: E95-O144 4/lQ/96 Typer B-ELEC 1150 CA5OLAR DEL FIT}RTE DR e103-o14-14-A0S ELECTRIC trANEL T.IIRE NUT ELEETRIC SCOTT RUSSELL T !,IIRE NUT ELECTRIC Statusr ISSUED tronstr: ADUtr Occ: Use: Phone = 3834734E36 Fhone: Fhone: 3G34734236 Inspeetion Request Inforration,.... Requestor: BRENDA./NIRE NUT ELECTRIC Req Tise: Ol:OO Corrents: ,'i >'ftere requested to be Inspected... 80190 ELEtr-Final ' Fhone z 476-4?36' Tire E Inspection History....,Iter: O0llA ELEC-Terp. PowerIter: g0leB ELEC-RouqhIter: 60139 ElEC-f,onduitIter: 46146 ELEC-FIise.Iterr BOI9O ELEC-FinaI 4'tr' ' Fl ' .att +r CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE D^rE JL3/24 t 6560 Irn rlrilllT dcpartme,nt of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT I eurlornc D pr-uruerHcI elecrnrcll I FouNDAnoN F[ urcnlnrcRr- n I 146-A sAND-sroNE DRlv*'=- 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR U DIVISION 122a34 GdAERt ftFEc fl filo [85 "88$ rrn-rrmrml PERMIT NO. - z tr fJ BUILDING ELECTRICAL PTUMBING fFRm$s*xxxlXRfl rijlQlilfi xQexRe*Exfi {EeX I"iECHANIC,r $5,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.F,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL rpEsc. tot L3 n eLx----j BUILOING PERMIT + o6xl= rfr a 4-Ltl'/ri-,>U FTLTNG. ( 'gsotgJuf,i- PLAN CHECK lOa runur' CAMPTSI ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME CMPISI NEW (X ) ALTERATION I AODITIONAL O REPATR PLUMBING MA'L AppREse ll46-4 SANDSTONE 1 DWELLINGUNITS T ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL $100.00/$25.00 Pc clrY VAIL, C0 PH476-5586 RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT nnu IVe INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO MAIL ADDRESS CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT crw PH. Exr.wALLS | | |USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A T{ILL CALL $3.00 TYPE OF ELEC. "ro, "ot^"wooo TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES $128.00 DAN STANEK I/4/94 ]urcrnrcnr- CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED' Y N INITIAL ST. CUT urlorlc orprcr,el- -oATE - }NING AOMINISTRATOR DATETOWN OF VAIL REG. NO BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: .AS TEST, ROUGH MECH FIELD INSPECTION IS RE TO ENSURE BOILER MEET PLUMBING FIRM PARKING T''IWN r)F VAII E|FG N')ANUFACTURERS spEcs llr@ CONTRACTOR NSfEU'rroNS ARE REQUIRED By THE TohAI 0F VA MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F|RM JERRY STBLEY ! & H, L\C I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat6 review approved, Uniform Building Code and other orri licable thereto. SIGNATURE OF AND THE OWN s of the CONTBACTOR FOR HIMSELF rowN oF \/ALL ne6. po. I 34-P TELE. 827-5736 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TQWN OE]VAIL REG. NO. TELE. -'-- -- 14 - -j'_.' ,aJa.4 - .51 -":_ .' -F-]-l:.: OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE departmgnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT fl eutLorr.rc n pluuar.lc CONSTRUCTION PERMIT I elrcrnrcRt- f FoUNDATToNI naecl4gt-c1,r*Srn,*u o*ru, NOTE DATE _ COPY Liile4 0j hm II.TO-A SANITSTOi{E DRIvE LEGAL d)ESC. taEU | /-, ,. . ttLn_.l_---i--------_*rtlittc +----,--_.--r-.* Ioe NnMe, ca4Prsl OWNER NAME cAi'tP1s1 I146*A SAND$?OI{E l MAIL ADORESS .,r, vAIL, CO PH476-5596 ARCHITECT rrnu N/A CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM L.i/ A TOT/VN OF VAIL REG.J.IQ, .: }r-ecrnrcnr- CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. iitECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FrRM JERR'{ SIhl.iiY }r ,$ ii, lilc TOWN oF VA1L REG. No. 134-P rFl E 8?7-5736 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. 1. TVPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll I V V 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M DIVISION L22a34 c€ [SRt flFEctRilo tfl EwBBt izmrvsrrmnrror PERMIT No. u'J - z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING !fis*sfs0t :rn<llflftdf:$trxnnxrfi &{xrfi &ex HECHANIC 'L $5,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT ..# PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW(2r) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS I MECHANICAL $190.001$25.00 Pc HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIBEPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO '.oo^ | | |CLEAN,UP DEPOSITtl EXT. WALLS I I USE TAX FOOF IdILi, CALL $3.00 TYPE OF HEAT SOLAF GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $128.00 'AN STANSK L/4/94 .ADDITIoNAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur | | | utLotNG oFFtctAL DATE )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING pN tt{q Af u I L 9l tl.9.ft Q T-eQ' FIND IhSPECTION TS RE.'*^^" I I I Pr(-r r!Dr, r\rj(;Lin t"ltLir tLr llN,\Lrxt $oILEi( riLET e I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of thgAown applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF AND THE OWN l(L Legal DeEcrLXrtion: Iot-_ Block_ glfhg florrners Naret (-xr*pAi tddrere; .1@ :t * :l * rl * * * !r * * ** * * * !r * r* * * * * r. * * CONIRACTOR II{ rORMATIONeneral Contractorz Lt/AI -r-^- -E! , I $lectrical ContrasLqr:Tsi{n of Vail Phone Nunber: Toun of vail Phone Nunberr Reg. $O. Contractor:Reg, NO. Sutlottrc pERMTT txE! PTUI.IBING PER}TIT FEE: 'qECHANICAL PERI{IT rEEi SLSCIBICEIJ TEE! SIHEB IYEE 0F FEEI ffin FEEI'' U./t/ | lnLL ,.-/ao, 6a 3'6o Ph. Architect;Addrrss:Ph. tGeneral Description: ..t'$ork Class: ffi-rew t l-AlterEtion I l-Addittonaf [ ]-R€pair [ ]-other EIECTRTCAf,: f OTITERI IttEElrruficerr,W.1€TArJ!W *:t!t* ** * * * :t* * **r *** ** * ** **** Town of Vail Req. $O. Phone Nurnber: Address: Irlunbtng $ddress: iNurober of, Duelling Unitss /Nunber of AcconnodatLon Unl_tsr and ,!I1pe of, Fireplacest Gas Appllances Gas Logs_ Woodr/pellet * * * il * * *t * * * !r * * * ** * * * * tt * * * * * * ** * * * VA!'{TATIONS * ***rr ****'* *** ******* * $!r**** *****t ;t- " lovn of Vall Req. No. /34-P Phone Number: ft?-r+€;- {*i*****i*******+**t************FOR OFFICE USE ***rr**********i****t*****rr**rr SUTIJDTI'IG FI.AII CHECK TEE: PIIIUEfNG PLLII cEEeI( FEEI CIIEi[!{.UP DEPOSIT: INOEAI. SERIIII! FEES; BOfLDINC! STGNATI'RE! BONINGT SIGNAIURE: 6,/fr///4(FzL'a < t/t/. I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT! ... ,: (,/I .'I JOB NAMEDATE INSPECTION: CALLER T,UES ..- WMON 7.a READY FOR LOCATION:li i i' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI C FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING EGAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr o tr o POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr o tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL EI AFFROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'l DATE INSPECTOR I PERMIT NUMBER OF.PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: \. . tl. tl n nl'L Lili {{ ('a u4 X , CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL'"'irn-|.r ^'-r',)2 - 5, 3L Pl\4,. JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED D,1LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL .dtr,"o. ELECTRICALT tr TEMP. POWER . MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL t1r,"o. , ) L,,/ PROVED DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ! 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D o tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: ) T] TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D q FINAL D FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rfLE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 so3-479-21 3 8 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 November 17,1994 Depanment of Community Development Mr. Bill Pierce Fritzlen Pierce Briner Architects P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Bill: After speaking with Susan Freedman today, I am withdrawing the Campisi250 additional GRFA application. I understand Mr. Campisi is interesied in finishing out the large downstairs room, but will not apply for a building permit until somelime in the Spring of 1995. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please contacl me at 479-2138. Sincerely, FI!. T COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30i-479-2I38 / 479-2I se FAX 303-479-2452 November 10 , l'99 4 Department of Community Development Bill Pierce Box 57vail, cO 8L658 FAX 476-4901 Dear Bill: After walking through the Campisi unit yesterday' the following conclusions!/eremade.Tbelargeunfinishedroomdownstairsisnow counted as 6RFA. It is my undeistanding that thjs additional floor iiei-*oura pug the uniu over its maximurn allowable GRFA. However, this overage does nor i*pu.t Lhe use of a 250. The applicant can add up to 25o additional square feet of floor area if all upp:-i..Uf. zoninq standards cJn- be met' The applicanE can also ii^rri."n o..-tt Uhe l-arge room to Ehe extent allowed by the Uniform euildinq code. aa.q,tut. natural light and ventitation must be provided as we discussed on-site. However, Section 18.?L.020 of the Zoning Code requires an applicant io mitiqate the 1oss of enclosed parking when ugilizip.g a tt250't to converr. garage "pjce to living area (6RFA). This requirement is ;i;.;it !t,at6a in paraqraph E of Lhe above referenced secrion of i;;-a;4":--rrr""l r cannoL process your current applicaLion,until revised plans are received. Please also refer to my earlier l-etter dated October 19, 1994 for additional submittal requirements' If you or Mr. Campisi have any questions, please give me a cal1. SincerelY, Randy Town Planner Jr!-i !JEI -CJ3!d u.lZ?!JJ FHtzlenPlerceBrlner ARCHIT€CfURE PLAIININ6 INTTRI ORS ro: (atto1' 6vaDflr4 Enota: fu*ni{ '' frfrDrnnt') 6t*^'{ ,:J-,DnN'r /falO arbJ' *rfu dz- T f)* €ct'a'*^t 303 4766342 tAX 303 476 4901 I}.i;' i --' t/ 47" DAIEI tr'N(: PRONE: PACE I. OF v& t/.7' Z p*czs bO' tooo t-tgtlsntoce toQp vAtL coLoRADo 8t 556posr oFFtcE 80x 57 rE' j r a6+9lfegE 'I'o: F'rom: I)ate: Subject: Randy Stoudm BillPien e t, GRFA allowed= ExistingGRFA== Prooosed GRIA= I a6t9LttBt eb).-!a l,-lztl )! lilLE copy MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; Bill Pierce Randy Stouder October 19, 1994 Campisi 250 application Biil - 1. ,/ -{ 4. Need to confirm GRFA of existing duplex - both halves (supply red-lined version of existing duplex - bolh halves). GRFA allowed = 1 ,690 sq. ft. + 225 sq. ft. = 1 ,91 5 sq. ft. for #1 38 Existing GRFA = ? Verify utilities (all) are underground. Landscaping along Sandstone frontage is deficient. Add a couple shrubs (5 gallon) and possibly a group of trees (mix of one evergreen and two deciduous at 6 leet high and 2 inch caliper respectively). Need Casolor ll Subdivision Association (Owners Association) approval letter. See Greg Hampton for this letter. 6. Title report (verify ownership). fI rg|ri3.d ZJ E3 Date of Application Oate of DRB Meeting Date ot PEC Meeting 1it necessary) APPLTCAflON FOR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) TYPE OF BEQUEST Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 rx"1f ocT 1 0 i334 A pre-application discuss the understood that this GRFA. Rather, the ilt. ;f'U,*^tr\ ]: t{ fi [:: #;lh" #il:::til'A Ff 'ffi s :ffi f ;Tff,g m$ffiffit'$ E pt does not assure each property an additional pSO square feet of allows lor up to 250 square feet if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or 18.71 of the Town of Vail code are met. Applications for additions r this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. PROJECT DESCRI B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address / /t/6-S. Legal Description: (L^,wtr ga^ay (r6^7d-7r) k {ft{/+ /noo.,** '/e {7 ltl'uY Filins c4So ffrurH /3 /brrtf C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address --DdrJ)t9)#A D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTA Address E. NAME OF OWN tt slg Address F. Filing Fee of 9200.00 is required at time of sub Ar/ s7 4;t,]N# request involving an EHU, The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submittal: fls. Verification that the unit has received a linal certificate of occupancy. stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This informalion is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). 1. #. -r'A. H. 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of strucUre. Your proposalwillbe reviewed for compliance with Vait's comprehensive pran. ffiq t# -* lf this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request;any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire lee for such re -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require revia'rr by consultanls other than town staff. should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonryarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds fonrvardeci Oy tne applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultani shall bb returned to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. (\ L.r n 6o*'Pryff*y;^t}.4hv [z th(u +"r( htld* l:rdT 1r3 a t,i?' d?4F81 )i'N 'gdl 1b: E3 I '. IUPROTE{EIIS IOE.ATTON CBRTIFICATE sHsEr 2 aF 2 LOT A-6 Ir'r$. I,EGAL, DES0RIPTION: Tboee port'one of parsel rB and the^connnon Area clf caeor.ar vqirrr' a eubdLvier'on-recorded tn ihe oeftc" ;f ;h; iagre co*ntv,C.J.orado Glerk ana Record;";1;;ribeJ ""-ioir-o*i: BegJ-4.nins ara pol,'t whence *h: tst"l-"""itr"iri corn€r of eald caEolar vair rr*=:iI 1l;zs'q8.;- s ss.oe--i*"t-iii,t*,t; trrence-I[e fot]owtna fourcouraea around t'hdi.-Geglgrly hatf gg,an ;;i;r";'-iupte*, (1) s aa"31-rB:' E 4o-1o f,eet; t(z) i-se;i6.,az- w so.05-i6rt; (a) N sa.31"18" w 40_10 feeri ltt !f be,i6.cz.,f eo.os r"*i t. rhe potnt of&;gtnrring, county "i fi"ir",-st"i" of Colorado_ $ I NoRrH jgffil_p l,,tto' lt+6 w jA*srrt NE o*..-"nr, tu !*b,,v,t. '+\ 'o \u+(" "dfbr -/ f4\k't offiE&^i s,ei.+w1;,('4o* -11,6 tjt \ .9t \ \-"\$ ,n? " .ad -/tt'l/7 ";9 w (t\ ,+.\ q $ coMM6N AR*,a EutlDthrc .q,/ts.eH$tO c4s4 LAK vAlL Ttr NOTgI OUTLIAE c)F PUFLts t FALLdW6 Ar /rN6 ; ( eFc.K F,csEMEN r DEBuRa ( bo€'R 46.7. , Pl,*. 1 og FecF.FATroH ARaq.--'-'- PAblc,Ei* IE e t/2.DUTLgX h4R4 EL LFCAL t?F6c.FtPTlc'H .-\ l5t 'o I \/ rltfln" t-,,#t Leland Leclrner P.t'.s" 235oa Bov ndFn r/ar 1 r.A rar\.,\ .\,- FAAh t SI{EET' I 0F 2: IMPROVEI{ENT IOCATIOH CERIIFICATB I.,EGAI., DESCRIPTION : Thoee portione of Pancel 13 and the Comon Area of Caeolar VaLlr If, a subdivieion necorded in the office of, the Eegle County' Coloredo Clerk end Eecorden, doecrlbed as followa: Be8iilning at a point whense ttre rooet northerly cdr'nar of sald Caaolar ValI 1[ beans N 4"25'58" E 59.0S feet diotant; thence the followlng foup courEeq around the $ddtsrty ha.If of an exieting duplex: (1) S 39" 31-18" E 40-1O feet; (2) S 56"28'42- $I gO.0S feet; (3) H 33" 3L-L8" W 40-L0 feet; (4) N flA"?'8-42" E 30-05 feet ?o the Point bf Begl-nning, County of Eagla, $tate of Colonado- I hereby certlfy that thie lnprovement location certtflcete wag prepared for Charlee and Geraldine Campiei, that it ie not a land survey plat or lurprovaftont aurvey plat, and that it ia not to berelied upon for the eetablishnent of fenca, buildlng, oP other future lmprovement l1nee.I further certify that the improvemante on the above describedparcel on thie daten .Tanuary 4, 1093, excaPt utilify connectiong, are entj-rely within the boundarieB of the parcel except ae ehowp, that there arB no encroachments upon the descrlbed prenieee by , inprovementg on any adjoining pr.ernlses, exeept aa indlcated, anF t,hat there are no apparent evidence of any eesement croeelng or burdening any part of eald parcel, Except as noted. /-/-f 3 Date and Lechn*s5 2,, d.lzl'..,..,,.,.'^ !l Record eaeement Infornatj.on waa resoarch€d by Lancl tif't-#;1,l,,lll$'1(luarantee Co. and the easenents lieted on Comrnlt*rni bto."'t/2bubo-s that lie within the Eubjeet propdrty are ahown on the drawinE on :heet 2, According ta Firm mapplngqrithin the 100 year flood the above deesribed Farcel does not lle Flain of Gore Creek. Note: Accqrding to Colorado law, you muet oommence any leEol action bh6ed upon any defect ln thie cErbtfleate within three years after you first discover such dofect. In no event nay any action baeed ulon any defeet in thiE ce'rtj.ficate be comrnenced more than ten yeare f,rom the date of certiflcatLon ahown hereon. Lelarrcl Lechner P.L.S.23506 Box 3463, Vail, Co' (303) 949-5387 'tJ TOWN OFVAIL f,ECEIPTNO. /, | """*--/!. 1/-'-Z- CHECKI MADE PAYABI-E lO IIOWN OF VAIL 0l 0m04154t)ZONINGANDADDRESSMAPS $5.00 0:0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 0l 00fi)42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 Oc[n 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRI CAL CO DE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 0r 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS OVM-ARS)i7.00 01w0042412 XEROXCOPIES ;0.25 ot0[r]04?412 SruDIES 0 0f,rJfJ424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 aL0n/.l/J4237l PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS ooffi41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE t$40 PER HR.] 0 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0m041413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 0 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ.F|.I 01 00cn 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 00m4t331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 01 000042371 IIWESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 31 000045110 TOVPARKINGFUND 0 000022@7 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 01 0000 21112 TAXABLE@4% (STATE) * 0l 0fi)0 41010 TAXABLE @ 47a (TOWN) 01 000042371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER 0l 0000 41330 ADDITIONALGRFA "250"tll,t/' 0r 0m041330 CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TFIAN IOO SO.FT.I ;200.00 0r 00m41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORE TT]AN 1OO SQ"FT.I i500.00 U 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENry s1.5m.o0 01000041330 s1.000.00 01 0000 41330 SPECI,AL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0t 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $2s0.00 0l 000041330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER -r5 I lQ lA'L:-< Llv -4{n f ' ttttt ,/ 11as" for //f (, SAtWr^"-Jr, B CASHI 1cr*,^np,AA ;;',",/{//U I ) -rtf E'lr-l t:lF r_-_rF= I L !*! j. scE j. l.ane*r-r_-: f.31:!-1 il:l-!. i -'1q 'i ;: ,. 1:a'" .1': j1*',: s i. r't. + iii';iij:j n-r-.r.,,r , :ji i.::ii ,* :r: i,] .-.q.jtr'r i':: ,-;i,rn i.:. I l--i.:i -,-i_. { F:tr!:l ijt,i':"'r :t' i. 'i.1--11=ir:,,1g1j ., I .r-*r* tr.ai d 4i:i. tj-:i**ri i. f f ri!.r:lit.-: l.:h lnt,: r,? r.i ri. -rer:,-i .i -!-Hf;t-iF_: r,r*tj ';:'r"rr.j t- i.tl-ii: t! ,:lt. .ii i!-j1l t:li1E ,, !.:!ft ffrrC,r-rrr ,f. *.s i ,J .::!::!il " tii:l I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN lhat the Design Review Board willbe reviewing the tollowing application on November 2,1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a fanllY room remodel at the Campisi Residence localed at 1 146-8 Sandstone DtivelLot A?, r Block A, Casolar Vail #13. Applicants: Charles and Geraldine Campisi The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 14, 1994. jUt . -_ ,,,,,,, )t,,l,i)tl'[, -l_J-r- Di I toirz lq4 fsct-rlrs tsrr'rr 6l-Lr.ifki C.+Vn/& pow,4ffi*r 2 yo /en'<"ratv-- /l/6 *Jd"l) sp p 4r\^ IOF4 E, DC^ N A*'/ I o t a --rvt /e4 rc A,t i{ V{- g \i{*sra! i lL, 6azo>- il4tr-56t-,b >vo^re- Dt. bs"rruc t'14, cx< Sfvvt {t,tI i\"/ o{Pit 4 @ ,D sofi./ ,^l , G 4r-.&pd.*yr1 q <a, B @ tQ r -ftJ t{o*L"6Foro{ sn , (uL(r*tdulraN. r-l 3>rs- nrl*t&ul vC,C#tg ft<rt€tr sVAa t[,'(f -t6{\ $N!& Dp , ,V At t-, eo - t14,s 7 IS.D @ ,lo -8, y3&-5y- /il€^, 7at-K , N,/, br- il",h^\d8//Se 'u" b/_. o 6enA rt4#^J lud2tr // fo fr^\s-or:L d*)f" q\A-"i il8 L, t I I t< Fs^o eo. f/Bt7 4 t#ec. -ffi,ecf-fl" Dfd'V* r t-A ,4,@ lle 6\_)/ @ l,-l )l I *Jo ,"Lsln/e,^{e rac-sd A/€/-l 14 JJae- /ftUen rfi<e- co n Dd a,7p14nJ 1of I* / *t t r/ rs-.l \ / , l/,+r t, / Nb ,,ae op,a*-rd4ld6^^Al f-o 6ox s/t/ Vntt, Q. ftas? "f/D).&c)z- 7 = tr) lo3{- pi Ea4r.bLg P**e", e.,ueP JvlA*4-"f p Y-F"XI 5F1"4,( Lfttt> l tJ 5of8-i StS^rp {- 4sJvlq6l&r e+, fo,ufr Iap L/.3 - N f " 6)UL/u il yl -)f*r F =yo / e_ b/ . >cdfY- 6uy?a! r.luo\ Oa , 6 l1t -&v,o rr p4" 15e>7ejro (ut^< sVF*b vr tt-E- Pp 'tm,/f /tn nrl,g"(-r6tn'\ \' --'t r,\5 a , n1 7_r' \JI/q-4" " /eY- 4 y6 . L 5V. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREtsY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on Novembsr 2, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a family room remodel at the Gampisi Residence located at 1146-8 Sandstone Drive/Lot A-2, Block A, Casolar Vail #13. Applicants: Charles and Geraldine Campisi The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular otfice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 14, '1994. " 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMITn"ffifl tc; NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE olreMAY{**llt!|t 31, 1989 003899 !. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lV V 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIR DIVISION 122d34 GENERAL DESCRIPTIOI{ OF wORK : - ELECTRIC BOILER CONVERSION TO GAS JOBNAMF: EowELL RESID. BoILER ulrmoness 1146 SANDSTONE Dl ctry VAIL p6. 5-0769 ) ALTERATIOI{trXI ADDITIONAL REPAIR DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. - AC@MMODATION UNITS - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES JOE NORRIS MAY 31, 1989 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information r€quired, completed an accurate plot plan, and stats that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordlnances and state la-ws, and to build this structure according to the Town's z6ning and subttivision codss, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other TUFE OF AND THE OWNER. OR CONTRACTOB FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 76L-3240 GLOW GoRE COLORAD, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NO.PERMIT Ideprtmenr of oommunity dorrolopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D eurLorr'rc ! pluuerNc n elecrRtcll tr FoUNDATIoNfi MECHANTCAL n lm dopertment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION !tr! !nn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 'i-:tir-' PERMIT NO. DATE r. wPE oF CoNSTRUCT|ON lll lll lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM OIVISION 122a34 GEITERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : TYPE GROUP G.R,F,A. VAL 4i ,t]' ALTERATION () AODITIONAT REPAIR ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: TOTAL PERMIT FEES I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all th€ information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buitcl this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision cod€s, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Towqapplicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTBACTOR FOF HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Ntrf E - Wltf I Vf |.EnMll llJ EC f\C,r I \rlt rJterc\>l I E DATE 5-3\-91 NO.l.Tr?€oF@ilsrRucTloN ZOCCUPATICY GROUP tttn w@ ovfsror{ | 2431 tnO?l OE IYORI( : ---a ''z ' owEl.t rNGulfJTs - Accort oo^ro wrs- lGtoltTltFr. - No.FnEn c€s INST'UTION: TYPE IHICTNESS F'VALLI'E ADDMONAL PERMITS NEEDET} Y INITIAT I hereby acknowledge that I hatr€ read thls application, lilled out in full the informataon rcqulred, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as requirecl ls correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinance3 and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Townb zoning and subitivision codes, deslgn roview approved, Unlform Building Code and other ordiqances ol tlp Town lher€to. OF FOR HIMSELF L-A.a:' -TT- yrtr mnnrss /146 5^. /slE {Dr. crw I p.-)1- plr. +?? TO$'N OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ,,",, 6 ta- Coa.e f.,fe,aJo.I+i' TOU'N OFVAIL FEG. NO. I \6-A roum oF vArL FEG. No. dcprmrnt of community dcvclopment TO AE FLITDOUTGOUPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOTPEAUIi WPEOFPERMIT ! euttotNc D pluuetHc D Fucrntcal fl rounorrton E/mecxrurrcel tr -..\ 75 3outh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 ofllco of communlly developmanl TO: FROM: DATEs SU&TECT: Read and acknowledged by: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArrJ pUBLrc woRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn suumary,.ordinance No. d states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, aelrisor naterial , incruding trash dumpster-s, poriable toileti i"a - workmen vehicres upon any streetl siaeiralx, atley or publicpl?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n aII Town ofvarl streets and.59ads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirl be strtitry enforc6d by the iqwn of vailPYPli.c works Department. persons found vi-otating this ordinanceln-rr be grven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not conply with th-notice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the pultic worksDepartnent wiLl remove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sUiff not beappllcable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any utilitles in the right-a-way. To revLew ordinance No. 5 ln fulr, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain i copy. tLani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Re at o Pro (i.e. Contractor,owner) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME H o.^-, *-\\ Ca rr-''. -Bo\-,** CALLEB DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM "3Bqq ffi* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB INSPECTION: MON TUES WED \ \qL 5l*r.r,..\:-\.,^. Br-, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING {@eemc tr INSULATION (-.- tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL Q,l6eenoveo \_dORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR... lool lts Prtc toj h-iaa !r.t- f.. TrrrDtro. rr: rhh ?5th atd D.c-fr 'r Eo . h.r" Jllltl I' lls$lfla' .t Lar. D.l. . Prorim l3tir-l lttat er(',. C.flt.t !.aa tltli$i,,*r,,..-'. d ',,^ J.. 0rr[ l!tJ'- -.--- ,1., ttlorrcrl I -.b&lr I I I rt- Lrat.dr...'. l4l0o 6.y, tt? ttFna f!.O.lor {Ol?) lir r.!a.tst ' ?ll , iaa t1t7f .,rtn a|d'tt.- D.dr ... h.tllfifct\. r.'6rd r'tr- -lt'T t claL lr.l r-..a tatrt.riLtr!! F " r. ra |..ifr'' i;'tt 's- 'f gI0'OC Ttl rnl o0/ l0O- r! ih. rn t rlt J tL fitr Fat . hrl Faa t tL aa ,atrt a lb a{rd F'l' !L ?idtrtr tttr'3f I '||t ..nH rna ..lr.r*f . b. at .r.a L.Drr.., ral L rrrrfd. . ia lt ib ttt-'!"-' arr | ' t'rr' ..tl Fltrt .,,d .rnn.r ..4. th. ..4 t trt J rb ..-- ,.t' ll f.|i .d trta.r f"a'. 'l 'i ' r' .lad.rr{r|..trlidba.rh l>. r..'rto{ f,Acll: .ra tt.r. ,crh..a., tdr Priqrirt :o. 2, of ?h( t'oc qu.rier 1ll4) tractioorl Fc? l.ndtt io fm lfa"frc dtgh intcrcit ir) .nd to the l-r.t i,'rrt of Lot rnd or t.-ccl end or''Sitr lt Caa"l rt D.l loltc lI' r rcrubdivirioo ^f loa A-7, lloct A, Li<nr lft} dllvirloo, rcsordinl to th. ttrt rccordtd lovaber l. l97t io boot ?ll .t Prtc 514 Vril, Colorado. .l* lr&rn .t rttt t ...i n!ib.r Srndrt.rrp tlr ivc. Yril. Colorrdo lrx:ttl-l lrh .lr .n.t rr't !... tl, t r.art..$|. .rJ {tetr.r.n". (ltittlo Llocoia rr '' "!trr" '}Fr' 1..n6a ..ra tia ttrtrrro..n t?lttttt r.. i.t.r.aat ..a t.ra!t&t. 'hd 9'etit' rlrtr'$l 'nrl 'l! t\t .rta!. rthl t.tL r.l.r..t rhnrhda.ta.a-iarr.rrttdall.ataFtrto,irr.frt'lP'rl.otttrttrn'rt"'{'rrtt trl 'n rna r! tk aLr. Lrt.r!r.a 9t.li '.ta. ttth tl, hairatLr.Gaa atd rr! f l.n.h'f ' llttlll; lin?OI.)l l) 1t...d tt..r'-. rlor. !.tadrad.ti' a'*trH 'ltr rht 'rturt'r|t"L 11?t16'r{ rtkr t nr rr rt ...r-d F., h,. 11,h rrd...{r! l-.r.t A.a lL |.ra r.ttt el lbt llrtt latl ftt h|r-lf hrr htrtt' ..krlldr ana.|tr|'r.rr.irh rl-r..ran.rt alarr,L,aar.,a,ra{|'..er.r'.lrnlirt.{aFt!tolih'-ronilP"t. 6rr irrrr.ir'l...ft. th.l .!il.tr-.Jll..na.alaa.':aalr.ttoath?..?r..tnla.||.itrtllttr"'flh'9rt'rt' .i.t.(on..r.a,..of3,da..Jr..Frf..t.r.cts{,.Dart:.i...r*...tt'r!"al''?rt"r.' rrtl'r '^ ""'artl'' rnn hr' t.."1 r.anl l$! P.tr r^. lr.ill rull*{ttt to ltara. t.'3||. !.ll rba 'anrtt lhr "-' rh D'n|t" 'n rottn rr .n,,*.:rJ ^rit thrr th. .r...r. trr. rna.l'., tr.r dl |Lrr?.nd dn.t r.ar., ||tt.'ht .alt. ll,nr t'rt' |r..rr.r ' r .n! .n.r.ilrt.., t. .a -tat !.t lr6a.t r.aut..-rita S,rf.rr:.t 'i all Ltcclrr.rtr.tn,)i testtictivc Crrvrnan!. rnd [';e. of tP.ord. .Lri'i. t t,r rorrrrrg urdinrncer r!!l \l 1rp(.rty trrX.r. l,rbi' ( ( !., De,.dr ,.f 'lrult ',1 .^{ ltr. rd,!.a b.tat.6.{ ,r.N;r.. In t,r {utl lna Fa..alL r,.-rrr"' .t th. '.|il p"l} !l tlL' r"'o^' p"t hr' Ir,r:*.nd.'.rt'r!{r|nrilrl.61,i.,rr.t-'.iF:r..rla.lbllt.larErnf or l, 'l.rtr lht rl"r' ot 'nt P"l tl .'t'l !t th. l'".. t..r .hrll .ia itt t^llllft A:ll' tlrlIt '-l t,.tINl' 7t' I r'aul'/ aun't'r 'hr'i 'Elr,l. rt.r.lvtrl lh.|"rut.lrlFr,qarhr .nlllt.urtsf .tt 3tltl.t.h.i! tr .,ttl''.h't r"ll !'' ""t\rlt\l$rfltll(,lrir{..'rrlFrrr.ttt!rftntt{tth.ti+..etlr;* h..r.nd.ndt'i :}'" l"'r't "rlrtil P.1., ?|Pnrion llpt i '('tcnt fruit By rlli s.Yrlrr r -,t! - -.. e./u-.'.-*.-' - '-. $TAtl rrTlgalDD f I"r!'ld C...rtd i-rrrl. I ir.....t 'nl r^alr!.r.ot t.' rln€lr aFl Lfa.. n. Ihtr 1 l :i.i r'5 : {)t rh.. to|.n ol Vril rnd larc. fdr lrr{}.nd I, .ta tatn.rt't.' lh l^ r.r.rrr utr t ! tlr.-...r a... .hr.ba rs,q t- rbr-.- (- (-*-' frV"u /02 *et a) ---- DOLL tla. JATGS S. IdD(nAl.D, Jr. , Attorn,'y nt L.r. l'lCl--- - -far f2.0ea i.!-rr. Etl" Fttt *. $f il tr PF d{ B oa:i'l o )a 7 7 a : F * It |.n l3 f,at-l l! .A t,r i -.1 n I rr. l,lrr r,. rr.., n,. . ll rJ r*rror..t L.u, P. A. l'fn.ioll frcfbol .1lS Page ft0(, ,lk{ld',, l**j,.&1lo ' ., n.r -, f).de ,\L{A JtAta cATOa 26th rrgg DcccrScr ^JATCS l|. ltc mi.l,lD, Jt., Arr.onrc,L'.t tr.iant ?rutt iir,[ .!,... 114,;1 fg ,, ,l\ .l igEt t /o2-q2q1 Et |: t I aa I , a I Ft il F t it il E g e 8 d t.' Ii ! a ! E I il !{ I !ta e! c ( ..,.,,r.r D.d. .^. j..,.. rll$i*d rh. Fon{ r.?r.\lt\r{itlll. Ih.r,n... p.rtr,trtrr,,rrrFrt.torrlratr....ri.rurrdl tfu|..or of ,lO.OOTen .nd r.XJ / l.)0- -----__---qrL!Al!." :'- -'" ra'r- r1 rr'. rrrrr Dar( rh h-rd r.'d bv rh. ra,d Frrt of r. .-odraar. rri. .r<ur ,rr.,.cr - tarrr, '/ j " "{ ''i : r' r 'er rroFd hr r 661.4 r...LJd.a, -ra a.ra .cr.q.a. .nd bt rraaf, t .rnt. do.. tr.rt, barFrr.I n/rrr unl. ahr..rd t.rt, 1l ilF -..ia F.t. ht, ,!r,ri t^{ .rrrfrr ,or.vo. ,ll lh.,cllertnf..r.r.,ndi,,,p....i oflrna.r,ti.r(..tr|narndtr,narnrhr "'^ .'! t-ACLr .n.t s|... dc.to...to t.,,r priority Io. !, of thc hGqulrt.r {l/4) Fr6cr ionrl Fce T.n.nt iD Colon l/l faa rirrle iacarart in andto thr llerr l'nit of Lot rrrd or P.rc.l and Ot Sit. lt G.loirr t.l lorta lI,r rcrubdivicion of Lor A-7, slr,ct A, Lionr litga .ubdlaiaion, rccordinj toth*. plot rccorded !tov!rb. r l, l97E in book 177 rt palr t24 Vril, Cotorido. . r.r.;r,i.,,,.r,, I4?00 S,lJ. 2[ Stro€t (t.O.f,or 4Ol7) princcto.r, Ftoridr ]317t JrtXlS td. HcmlAl,D, Jt, , At r orncy rt Ltr, P A P"nrito tat ircnt ltutt rr3All r, t., ..' ./ tllr :., DOtllL:), Trurr." \r \Tr ' rrriliLti, Fl,,ri4. I I o.l().r :ladr f|\?'ra,,rr'n.rrrrb.L.rr..ln .:.darn|./... n.rh. . .\,t .. .,r{: il , . s.nd.i on. Drivo, Vril, Colorrdo llxtrl|lll'rh,il .r -i .r,r^' t'i. n.rr-t,tl-ir..ra attr.i.n.n(r. rh.r.(o t r.ntrna. !r .r../rFrrr.i.t, It r'1 . .hr,,r,;r.-n. r.6.rid.r.d.?..trd.?. r.r,r )..{,r rnd 9r,,fttr rh.?_a:.nd alt tLl.r.r.. '.arrr r , tr.r..l l.,a.,.td.n.!,/.tr.tra,.yotthrr..dr..rr,ttlit.rrt,,.rr.,trfb?Inl.r,r?nst!. ,l,.rr,.i..!".r.,f.rr.,.rdtr.n.r.rrrhrh.h.,..ltrrr.rt.and.rro.trnan(?r tr,}l tl l r\lrlrrllrtLlr.),"-r,ttr.r,*.alorrbarlr,tnaa.rad.qhlr<t,rrrtrrh..9trr!rn.n.r..gnr.thr.r,o l r. r.! n : r.rr h,r r..rr .nd .,rJt^. ro..r.r Aia tL ..!d t rrr o, th. ,r?rt ,[rr. ,or h|.ru hr. n.r.r. ,.-. .o,.^.nr r..t t .||tr, aaa rr?a. ia rnd,trh rh...ara Frr,,t I hr Fora rrartht.,.'., .r,:r,i..tt}rr....rhn,.raaatrr.,,orii._Fri..i..Lrr.alFrt.a.t!t.prvrrr. afi!' " I r' 4r Fii 'l !Lr' F.t*t. .h-rul. .i{ ridr*ra.lL ..a.r. ol riLfiraa<.. ri t.r, .n fra .rrrtle..nJ |taraq{ . t , . r.llr .xrt r:rr i. trr.t bartt r, r.I .id rerv., th. .._ t. ..nh,r .nd to., .t 'lrtt'f r ' -1 1n. '.,.'.i t'. a.d a^n.r.ar troa a! taai.? an{ oata. lrrnr.. tarjFrar. rarr. lr.|ir, rar.a .r,4 rr, .rnh.r,'.'. Jf rhar.r.? lrnaor tlrra-r.,Subi..ct to Jll D,'. Irrir ion of n€rtrictice Cov.ntnt. and [tr.r of racord. Srrl'i.ci lLr r,)oin8 {r.trn..rcei ,)f tl,c t oen of V.il .nd trrc. for 1960 .ndr-{l pr.iprrlv t arcr, Sub i,,, I t. lrr., J,r l)l T.tlct o! r?,-ord. n, , rri "..t o..r:,,.. .. ih. _.Jrt ..d F.._La F.&..8 n ,, !h. .ri F.r, of th. x.oFd r.rr, lrr f ''r'!"lr"r 'rtirn.t.rl .nlt t\.tt Ft'4 rr rarrn.)adtalt t.rhrnlo?!r{tr|naha.lroLorairFrrtiaf-trr, ,. | !.,,, ,.f (| , l.,r: r..r .i.I .n.t r,tt tall^I? axl! l(rtLt.f,.t t f,7BrD ft. .rn3rr., .u.a., a.{'r'!'.",r,,,.irt!|tr,..j,h.r,,lrji..arnrt.s-.tanrF.a.,rn.rtn.t$.aU.r..ttar.alrr. l\ tt,\l.iF rlla} l 'rr rri,r {rrr otrn,trrr. r.rr trrr h.?rsi ru er hx, i.na .nir !.t t h. i.r .nd t..r 6..t trlrtl Irr/lr.t lr'th l., tf L ttl.. l :'" .. +-,i+*lr eL rtn 2,J&.u nlD l. lt talil r. 'ttr'' All; . rlAl,l i ;.' :ArfijL:l;l" t ll' !1tr ' :lilN .ln L , iv141p I ta l{ ' h ' -rr.r -irr- iY. ^:r.,:\tritr 4't ''rfi-'lt lT''s1.'. " .]'"*ri' ,^".. .-. .t*-t' .'crlrr ,ltr"'"sl ' f,ri '; :'t!' tt:r}'-. 1 -{'.. I i .rE. li. rt tr"rrd, :r ' ' At't F-te: ;.'-'..:€t,t .':' l'r't!Pnr i\^rst ' l.'" r' tdl 'i'rr: clr-- t'*+.s't-tr. I ll l\r, \t t!l' 2 rli. . .{fl.ri& ,, ., , 21,'7r.d3#.-, tir 'iy2/'lln 4.-/ v Ji r- v..,- 'lt; *-, rn r--'inart rrt'{l*. , t E . .r'|' trn..tr{i, !'l.r . !r r.1 l. r-rr: f! rlrt r ttrJ tn' 4 'l lir_rr'i]t :in:!!l: ltl l: |; . ,rt ,:. . "rr> ttar":9,.a., r1 ,l{, b ' . -'l :'\i lr;t- (.rAIl. I i, r t'b.t!;i. '15: r 'l 'r' ;l-?' ! ,.'r illlt.i ''. "!t pl,lt r'''rllrir': \i"\'ill' l i ' -t.' , : ''r. '. tr:-, .rr- (,'int'-''f -|'i i '')f - redr)rd' nrrr-rdl i .' , 1: , L.. f" -rr r'l " t{ tdjo::l' l(x i'!?'l l^r' ill)l!: u1 i J81)' .tirrL::'- 1^{ t-glrirII\JI,:". lqrq r'..'.r..{ _retr.it ' rr'aL' rdr b'e (*'Lr"tl'|l -'i r} ',i'4/;t / Ll,0AL DI * (_=( e{4 0lrt)t-R Nuli8fR: ADDRTSS : BACKGROUND: I NS TR. ,(L A''4"\- NAt.lt: : I HIST. UPDATE FICHE DATE: RECEPT. BK. !ECr.PE.._BooK DAIE1 RT, OF FIRST REFtlbFTlirr rlr.qils. _.N0- J'IQ" NO DATE . Br)OK BTGIIORINIOTT /a3 nIr4ARr.s 'z FI RST s/ FROM REMARKS ,4 | f,.l r-__i_