HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 12 PHASE 2 GENERAL LEGALRpR 1a ,9a 16:s1 vnrr- |lEy Assoc. AFR-89-1992 11:31 FROI'I TI.ft-\RUDENTIRL ffi3-47ffi?63 GRP re ;'l:"i-t iifrR 1 Eniz+sera 47? e/57 P.1 i 1!i2'Z fuun 75 EPUUI t]onuigc road YrlL oolotldo 8165t (30:t) 47$'2138. (309) {7$21s9 EebruarY 12i 1992 Mr. &arry Agnebetg;7; il;ahui-ti coie nanEe FroPertieE ' 511 LlonBhead MaII . vall7'Colorado 8165? Re: ' Lof..12; .Casolar II Dear I'af rY: Lot'12, Casolar Irr te-aoned.Resldential Crusterr and ig aLso part of, a ptannea-&*viropmelt... iot-ri is permitled a duplexl .or .2 unlts.' Part of the restricttoii-oi casoi"r rr developnenu'ls a restrlsted marlmun GRFA of fOSO';Ir unit. -In addltlonr Ordinance No. 15, of, 19g1r stlowe for an "6iiti.rit zzi squa"e feet Eo eaclt construcEed unit on Lot J.2 ' All lots ln.gasoLar II iaust be constructed within an approved butldlng envelgPe. Please f,eel free. to call if you have any questions' ,/) tf-t hdt.4 T oftir.e ol conrmunlty development CHAPMAN AND COMPAI\{Y, P.C. ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS AT LAW 143 EAST MEADOW DRTVE SUITE 498 VAIL, COLOBADO 81657 fitcfi.tlt't - 4 1990 TELEPHONE: (303) 476-0075 TELECOPTER (303) 476.0078 E.l N. 84-1104400 ARUCE D, CIIAPMAN' DIANE R. LABSEN OF COUNSEL €OMUND H. DBAGEA, JR. 'Also admitt€d in Florida December 29, 1989 Larry Eskwith, Esq. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail CO 81657 Re: Casolar VaiI andGruidel Duplex Subdivision Our File No. 1068.1 Dear Larry: At our last meeLing you asked me to provide you with a copy of the deedconveying Lhe common area at Casolar VaiI from the developers to the homeowners' association. I am enclosing a copy of the recorded deedfor your files. Kristin Pritz has also asked for a letter from the Association st.atingthat it is understood that before the Town of Vail issues a temporaryor final certificate of occupancy on the last unit built in CasolarVaiI, the association will be reguired to replat the subdivisi-on as awhole in order to amend the bullding envelope to coincide with thestructures whlch have been built on each of the sites. I am enclosinga letter signed on behalf of the homeowners' associatj-on by Mr. JackAgee, its president, which should satisfy her request. We have requested from Intermountain EngJ-neering a plat showing themlnor duplex resubdivisj.on for Mr. Gruidel's lot with the understandingthat Mr. Gruidel's application for such subdivlsion can novr proceed. Please call me 1f you need anything further. Very Truly Yours, ANY, P.C. DRL: BDC: rIp enclosures 1042: Itt0 58 Yours, CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOI{EOI''NERS ASSOCIATTON A Colorado Not-For-Proflt Corporatlon 512 South Eighth Street Colorado sprlngs, Colorado 80905 Larry Eskwith, Esg. Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVail CO 81657 Re: Casolar Vail Replat Dear Mr. Eskwith: Casolar Del Norte Homeowners Association aqrees that before theissuance of a temporary or final certlflcate of occupancy for the lastunit constructed within the Casolar Vail Subdivision, the Associationwill replat the entire subdivision in order to amend the buildingenvelopes as set forth on the plat to coincide with the struct,uresbuilt on each site within the subdivlsion. We understand that hre are agreeing to thls in order to avoid amending the plat numerous times toreflect exlsting or future construction which extends beyond the exact boundaries of the platted envelopes. Very Truly Yours, CASOLAR DEIJ NORTE IIOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION JA: r1p 1042t1t2068 \ ?trl ,.rll-l "l t 6lD't'-a DEAIIE L. Ktt0r rnd LEt) pAyilE ! ll ;1f,t lJllp.r,#n-.0.,.fT',r--p"r,., -,,.*:.:i$ | tltlt F'c*rtrlnl ifi: llmdniiil:;"ili..:i:ol3l ffl'['S:,I*lq1,i:l::. ! .ru* ot resr ii1"i llgal'fr:!;Y"".',.i;iJil."":;'c;i;J;"'":' I {aA:Iil "*- ll: ll;.;;il-?'Tffi;i""BillJ'corpo'tron r | --'*':""-*- ll''J li T!:!q$nrh'rrh",rdFri rca .. ":*rJ:*,F*;;m;-..,., li'i ll ' rtr D0trARs ur onirn codo-ruro 'ALUABLE coxsrreiunon- oor,*m il" ll btrorrpri' hs . . oltht tt''r t.n hi-JiiJw,t -rc prrtyorthr rrcona arrr,rtr rccrtF rr,.nortr llli lcrtrinfr-.a.nd rehrortctrrt,.rr.vrr_r.+Liirn.a, roU.rrlrl crnvrld. rrra ry tlerlrrlau ro ll'. ,:iu' l, jrr*,_561". -1t, conrrlr.rnd oair'|, -tofH rafi-p..,, ot,t. ..,:ond Frt. r.r rucc.amll al.tth|rDtbrtnf dr.rrrtod tol ot prpl iLni,-.rio.t . ryr,r. rnd t1nl rn rhr ora r'.t? t rr.a ll.'*. :i ottrtt d Elglc rnd Fr.r. otcol'?.do. t rtr: , iiif , llI iill":l"itl:'[,iil]'.:i:Tfjif''i,lll,l'ilolil.lfil,,ilil'i,'iiiliiTi il' ii-f/ f9rnd 10.(F,*Url iih0a lt ll,'ll rr 1,1s" ii lll',tlllI'illl'lilll'ilr tl ' :, ' 11 rtrr -a<m - rrr.rt rnd oornb"' t ilf il t|Gltnt ..ch rtt rnd jnirtt th. ncr.dtt r.ntr rnd rprn .hrnc.r ttrlrelto b.hr1tni _ r;1 11* j!ll 'ttrt'hlh' ' ' ihc ?ct'rrrlon lrd nr.rrioaar . lidnd.r rid r"tr.lrdrn r.',tl lrua rnJpruttr tr'n* rnd r[ jli:' ll 'b tn'r.' ri'tt' thl'' Inr'.'rt' clrkn rnr arrrrnr J.t o.:.:l:h. -l -r: lltcrrh. nrra,rrt othrt tn r'or ]l' il {cltt' tC in rnd ro rh. rbora bi6h!.d prrrnh"+ rtr tr tir t.?.dlt .rnt .ld r;'d-.rr-.. lir. ll tO n/lVE AXIT TO .IOLD rhr.rtd pr..t-..for. f.rtinrd.rd rtcrcaie{ #fr,h..m..r.n.n-., unfo th. rda ll I i H " !ili1lEru::ffi" * ;:*'.***' ;:hl#_ ",_" ;l*:,*fr i ifi tlr ..|d p'ftv ol th' ,.c"d F.rr. lt'u"c...art rrrd ...trr.. ih.t rt th. ui * ii. ..-.n * rn{ &'vrr' , Jfll tlt. ottttntt' tht, ll1. . rott rri.r orthr f.nr.r rbovr wnrrtrd, .r orFod, rr!r. F"L* rrrtrt ria lj ' rn'r't"rDL "r' ot Inh.dtrnc.. In rrr, rn nr rtnp.i ria rrr vrooa arrrt, ltri r.r., in;r.Jor *hodt, to ar.'t ri " ll Dt.FIi' "n 'hd mnt" thr ||n' ln firt.n r rnd Ln .|rr,rn.rr. aDd thd tha r.na rn frt. rnd cbrr lro|! r! lly ' !j bri.s rnf oth.r |rrEt.. b.r3rtna, .rbr, ffn., f.r.r,-a.-rrr!.it. ||rd .tc.ib"rnc.r .i rhataf,f lld .r art||i il. li 'o.!r. trcept for ersemnts, r.itrlc ons, rnd rlghts oi-!a;;;;a,.d. nlnGrll l,, il cnd prtrnt rlseryrtrons, r;d;;ai ;;;;;iJ urcs ror t$t pryrblc tr t982. i.tl t: , .,. il -i thr rbo" brrfrln'd Dtthl.. ltt llr. qubr md FF ol ,o.r.i.ro! ot th. ,.u p't, ot thr -cord ,*r, &all no-.F .nd ...l{trr rarlxrt-dl xrd .v.?y g..tr, or p.r.on. t.?fqlt, clrlrnlDt o? ro.trtrr, irr lo|. .r ar,, ,r|.t1 - ll "Y:t*::1'j'j-lj-l-tlin-t ".'' 'r"i .na .rn riirrnr ^rn rolrvEl DETEND. i'! il ._- |'i il , ;l , l, iTITD otcolJrtAtx), t ii f! - -ctty rrxr c,runryor gp1y31 l.. l ' il';t!tlilffi:J,::*:ll ;; '*',- 6'r" "qtYf'$i .ii ll , J q / ' | , -.,...Q-- --';.;rn,[i*,-'ll t ;': ,;" ij " :l;'3liJ"l"ffiiffi'ffii''ri-a'Lli.;'"'*r' 22nd dr;or "n;-*-ml'i$r,,' :i lt-rlt.dcn.rrar.r li:T::::::=:: :=:=:.,-_:=-,t-,-.,=:lll]. ..,..=-=r:_*.. ::1:::r=,.::,. =-:$ ff to o..o "...,n,, ??.,A ).rn n- | rDronr,tri ttArt illi --d ..rnr nrJ, I ll 11 rr atut--n DEAiE t . Krror rnd LEl, pAyilE ! ll lf :!H.i,*"-.*,,.3*';1;ffr.t, ,,,",.::i*::i# | In[ r'ryT]ru il ;i il II lj rhr -a+*r t rtret rnd rturntor . il t"r tir rbo" brrfrln'd D'trnl.. ltt llr. qubr md FF ol ,o.r.i.ro! ot th. ,.u p't, ot tht -cad r.rc lb jll no-.F .nd ...l{trt rarlxrt-dl xrd .v.?y g..tr, or p.r.on. t.?fqlt, chlrnlDt o? roctrtn trr iob er .rt rr|.t i..:r - ll t$fi.a, rh. .r,d D.?t I eJth. ltr.r prr, ,rr.it .rra .tn riirrnr rln rOltVEl DtiEND. I',t4 ll ll{tl?fltts tntntrOt,Ttrr..t,l prrq4g orrJn '-p.rtrr.yg !4runro rt the lrh.nd a i.. ll 'nd t'l i th. dt, .nd t..r li,'r rbor. rr itton.i;' fj**--.o., | -/" a/' ..,., li '.'rdtrrrr.pr..c'i.or I A-ffi-,""^u I :4.'' ii-- . -'i:' il J LEorAnt | ffi'll Lt /20 / 91" LoE !2, Caso1ar fn a memo to PEC dated 1/27/81., staff recommended 1590 per unit,and this was approved by the pEC. It appears that Lot L2, Casolar del Norte can construct 1690 GRFAper unr_t . RpR ta ,gz APR-89-1992 tl:31 ";::J:':KTJ.T;T3-476-&Ce GRP tu P.1 1 r,r:r,.t A nd{,'r t(ntzlsen ' 47? a/57 E u,- r.i ir li, I:i Bi * 1'. ..1 ;n?-i. b: 75 louth tronldge rgad vdl, oolortdo 8185? (303).7s'z13r (300 c7s?189 E'ebruary 12i X992 Mr. Larry Aqneberg;7; P;ualnCiir coie Ranse ProPerties. 5X1 Llonshead MaIL.vallr Colorado 91657 RE: Lot.. tZ; .Casolar II Dear L,atry: office ol community develoPment I.at'1?r Sagolar Ifr is- zoned. Residential Cluster' and ig also par' of, a ptanneA-hevelopmelt... 'ilE"ii-i"-permt-lted a duplex' .or 2 unlts. Patt of, Lhe restricetoli-oi caEoitr 1r developnent J's a restrlcted rnaximum GtrEA of, rOSO ;Er uttit' -rn additLonr ordinance No. 15r of i.991, alrows {9r an "EEieiijiii zzi Jquare faet to eaclt constru'cged unit ori Lot 12 ' AII lot's in .Gasolar Ir inust be constsructed within an approved bulldlng enveloPe. Please f,eel f,ree. to call if you have any questions ' Slncecelyr "P/; f fros,rftr1 T Betsv Rog/orack Planning Technician t 75 south honlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Novenber L7, 1988 otflcs ol oommunlty development Mr. Ron Snow One Sherman PlaceSuite 4OO 140 East 19th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Lot 12, Casolar Vail II Subdivision Dear Mr. Snow: On July 27, L981, the Vail Planning and Environrnental Commission approved a request for a density variance for Lot L2at Casolar VaiI II Subdivision. As a result of the approval ,the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area for Lot L2 is 1690square feet for each half of a duplex. Enclosed is a copy of the 7/27/8L meeting. Sincerely, ,&4 ,{", /.,L Betsy Rbsolack Planning Technician Enclosure fr C' PTANNING Al{D ENVIR0NIIIENTAL COMMISSION I{onday, July 27, 1981 3:00 p.rn. .1. Approval of ninutes of neeting of July 13, 1981. 2. Request for amendment in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 1g.66.f60. to the zoning ordinance frorn Residential Cluster to Residential Priurary/Secondaryin order to build a residential unit together with a caretakerts unit.Applicant: Doyle Hopkins. F. Request for a density variance in gross residential floor area in order to Y build a duplex on lot 12, Bl.ock A7" Casolar Vait 1I at 1101 Vail View Drive./ Applicants: McDonald, Catoe, Etcn penion retirenent Trust. 4. A request for a rninor subdivision approval under Town of Vail Subdivisionregulations on lots t,2r4, and 5, Lionsridge #2, in the Ridge at vail, thevalley, Phase rV. The applicatj.on is requested to revise the siting ;f 2duplex units and to allow a nore flexible siting for a single farnili unit.Applicant: The Valley Associates. 5. Application for a conditonal use pennit for a water collection systemand prunp station in and adjacent to Gore creek, innediately belbw theconfluence of Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek, in order to operate snow'. rnaking nachinery. iy1,ii,-o,r..r. 'y'aii issuuiaues, Inc. 6. APPlication for an exterior alteration or rnodification in Connercial Core IIfor the Concert Ha1l Plaza Building to constTuct an entrance to the Studio' fron the easterrl side and to revise the steps to the Concert Hall Plaza.Application is made in accordance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail l,{unicipalcode- The location is.on Lot 1, vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant,:Vail Underground, Inc. Published in the Vail Trail July 24, 1981. CQ cf l.lEI0Rd\DtDl T0 Planning and Environmental Cornnission FROtrl: D.epartrnent of Cornmunity Developrnent,/P eter Patten DATE: July 27, L98I RE: lrlcDonald variance request for site 12, lot A-7, Block A, Casolar Vail II. The Staff has conpleted a considerable anount of research on this natter sincethe last PEC mneting at which the request for a GRFA variance of 2g64 squarefeet was tabled, There are 516 square feet of GRFA left on lot A-7 at thistine and the request is for 2 units of 1690 sq ft each, totaling 33g0 sq ft,Thus, 3380 ninus 516 equals a GRFA variance of 2864 sq ft. The 33g0 sq-ft perduplex is a reflection of the covenants of the property and is the naximua lttowed.The following represents a slu nary of sone of thes! findings: 1. Although at the PEC meeting of August 22,7978 everyone agreed the building envelopes were I'sites" only and not legal lots, the plat which was signedby the PEC chairnan stated that these envelopes were lots 2. The Town considered all along in this natter that Deane Knox was the lega1 representative and spokesnan for all requests (including those for site 12) concerning the Casolar ProPerty. It is now clear that Mr. Xnox uas not the 1egal relresentative speaking for site 12 requests, as he was not the ProPerty owner of that site. However, it is obvious that l!tr. McDonald was aware that Mr. Knox was asking for a GRFA variance on site LZ in the original application in the fall of 1980. 3. Mr. trtcDonald appears to be an innocent third party vi.ctim of extensive nishandlings of the project on the part of I'tr. Knox. 4. there never rvas a clear understanding on the part of the staff as to the allocation of GRFA--aggregate or per unit. At the August 22, L978 PEC rneeting, Irlr. Knox estinated (because the slope analysis was not done) the project would be 11 units of 1400 square feet GRFA each. Later; the 1400 sq ft was referred to several tines (evidently taken as the estinated p"t nttit figureJ, including once by a Town of Vail Staff nernber. The 1400 sq ft figure never reaPPeared agairr, either in project covenants or by the staff, unti.I the GRFA problem arose. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteri.a and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the l'hnicipal Code, Ti' variance based upon the foi lowing factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or tential uses t, The the granting of the varianceinconsistent with the linitationsdistrict. That the granting of the variancesafety, or welfare, or material lythe vicinity, (J will not constitute a grant of special privilegeon other properties classified in the same will not be detrirnenta_l to the public health,injurious to properties or iinprbvemenrs in :perore grantlng a .variance: That the variance is waranted for the fol lor,ring reason : There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances orto the site of the variance that do not apply generallyin the same zone. conditions applicableto other properties .: IrfcDonal<i -2- ,rT. and structures in the vicinity: fire site was to have a duplex on it all along, as platted. No negati.ve effects are foreseen on surrounding structures as they all expected to have a duplex there fron the start. unltormlty ot treatnent anong sites the vicinity or to attain ectlvess t j.tle without grant o special privilege, We feel that, due to our lastest research, that this is a very unusual case and that }lr. IricDonal.d did not inflict this hardship upon hinself. There wereinconsistent actions taken on the part of the staff concerning the project as wel l. ltle do not think that thi.s rrould be a precedent - s et ting granting becauseof the totally unique conditi.ons surroturding this project. The effect of.the requested variance on light and air, distribution of popula- tlon, Ifanspoltation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities; and public safety. There are no effects on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the conmission deens app FINDINGS: i ltcDonald -3- i/2{-Q RECOii[TlENDATION: The Stadf feels that, for the reasons stated throughout this nemo, that this GRFA variance whould be granted. lVe feel it is an unfortunate situation that werre in this Position at this tine, but dontt feel that Mr. l'lcDonald is basicallyat fault.. We feel that due to the obvious 'bxceptions or extraordinary circun- stances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply.- generally to other ProPerties in the sane zone'r provi.sion that we can recorunend approval , providing that. the folloning condition be met: 1. That the ]864 squarefeet rnust 'be appl ied (.5 FquareI ^+ feet, totalling 3380 square A-7, Casolar Vail II. plus 5lto site (.l (; MEI'IBERS PRESENT Gaynor trlilLer Gerly [hite Dan Corcoran Duane Pipcr Scott Edwards Ji:n l.lorgan STAFF PI{ESE!'IT Dick Ryan Larry liskir'i.th Petcr Patten Betsy Ros<.r1ack COUNCIL R!:PRISEN'|ATTVE es i...lcllt iili Dr. Steirrberg 1. ll:ut corcoran moved and Duane Piper secondgd to approve the minutes. votcvras.l-0, unattimous. 2, P.ucst for arncndnt:nt i-n accordance l,rith Sections 18.66. 1i0 thro'.r h 18.66.i60of CLu :ile z ol! 1.1) g or'ce to r-ezonc Iot r:o Prilrary,/Secon ciary for:-Toyt e Hopkins. Pei-er Patten erpi aine<t the nenro and showcd r-(hcre thc project rvas in l.elaiionto Cl iffsidc and Sriar Patcir. D.i.c.ll R1'an :;tated tha-t the staff felt t-he c!:ar:g',c in roni-r):.1 wo'.ri-d iurpr:ove the site pl an and el ir.r.ir,--- -.. l.-^^-..--*.,' --*.:. ::----- j -,.foli.o,'reri as tc' tvhcthcl' or not to allors P/S CP.ITA or rctain the RC GiiFri. ic rgan also poi-nieC otrt that at the ti.ne of anriexat:L'\i1, the ai.ea ru.as ar.bitrarili' liC r.;ith tircknoirlellgc that solne pe.-,pl e r.loul ci uant to cl:ange Laterr. arrrl tliat soirle Lots r.;o'.rl cl be penal iz.erl. Peter felt lhat ali or+ing nrore f lcxibii ity rvas a bcncf it v'il:hout Jre edj.ngto grant adciitiona,l GRI:A also. Ed Dragsl, rcpresenting the or:rrer, statcd ttrat ttr"1' agree.l with c.or,li.ti ors l. anC2, but ot lvith 3 (restricring the alior*cble GRFA to RC), Ho fclt'Llrat sutroiurding. PrcPertics ha<I been'"given" aclditionel CilFA, a.lrd addcd iliat there v,'culd be [rg6crdelsity all arorrnd tlrj-s 1ot. Ile also fclt that tire o'.rner r'roulC be r:nking tli3 Lotlotik bstter lry ch:rnging zcnes. Gc,.-ry lthite r:etttintled-thc applicant t.hat he l,rar:teri to de..,ciop a slope over.l6e;, andthat if givcn ihe pri.vilcge to d.o this, he shoulcl be conl.ent w.ith a ]r--rver. GllFA. Dttrrlrc asl:ed ii' they colrld hlrve asked for a vari.ancc to biril.i on the steep sicr)e, He ft':lt thlrt RC acldr-ess':d the slope problcn, arid. tlut thc site llas vcr.)' ste..p. Dd fclt th;rt the plan as j.t was bcing prcserrte.d ria-s sensitive to thcr s1tc. Scottstat-ecl .tirat lic iral bc<:n pl;rnricd *s arbitrar-,v, r.Jith'.Lhe thougl.rt to lor.rki.:rg rrt-"i"nsite ::cPir'artcl.y as i.t cane in. Hc felt t"\:rt P/S rns a bci.tcr zone for tii" ,rr.,r,,thu* llc. Dick rcrrinrlcrl thcr: ttr,,t pia-cniL\rt r*s -itii)oi-tc;rt, ""e'iitl'r'J,lolrl'03'l-iiittcoul d ljuild a rotrd.' Tiic staf I' l..rlt it rjas jliJ)oj''tit,tt f,()t to ]iavc th:rt r.oa.d. l:;,r, adtlcrl. tlint it tlicy r.rt-'r'c forc,Jd to builC rtc,:r thc tr..r;-r cf t.hc sitc i t r,,otiltl hlrr.c rrncil.lti\'() i ilttlu?); upolr the ne:i tlhboriug rrrrits. i)c'b:'.rc r,oncclniuli rr,hc fircr or not thistr:,* tP:: zont[ti'.. l)ir:]l r-r.'Nirr(l(.ii tlicrri tl:tt itt thc tj.rlc of anncxatioir, iltc.1, liir.tl rlccjtlc4tl:Ji- tiiis 0f cl ccdcrl f.uftitcr sl.lld)'. (l PLA].IN Ii{G A,\D ENVI ROIIEN'I..\L COINISS ION July 27, 19Sl . PEc -2- 7/27/8r {o {o Bill Post rcprescnting thc devclopcrs of 'fhc Riclge. (val lcy Associates) rcqucstedof thc cornmission that if t,hcy allorv a roacl ncirr thc t,,p of the loE, that it berequired (as well as thc' house) to be belorv thc ridge line. Ile stated that allttrc buildings in The l{iclge were required to be within cnvclopes rvith height re-strj'ctions so as not to intcrfcre uij.th thc ridge linc. peter fclt that it appearedthat the driveway could be built so iiiat it *.i'"i;i""rly invisiuie frorn t'cRidge units- and that tha! r'ras the reason thc staff rras crthusiastic about. thesite near the top. \ -"i " scott noved to reconnend to'.ttre Town counsil that tn"/ gr^nt the request to changcthc zoning from RC to P,/s with the ririt two conditidns'as written in the mcno,and with-a change in the thi.rd conclii:-on to read:3/ that they cooperate withthe staff in develooing the site so trre ro"a-oi-;."i ril;aure wirr falr berowthc ridge line. make final decisions on siting, but to rca d: Gaynor seconded the noti.on, and afte that the stated in Scott), 3 against (Duane, Roger and ) with Rogcr then rnovcd thcn movcdwith the thrce conditions as endation to tire Council be for approrralstaf f tnenro . Duane scconiled. 3) thtt the applicant mal..e a belor.r i:he ridge line. the vote rvas 2 for (Gaynor antl Dan and Jirn abstaining. SecondaTy un].t tO r:etlta.! then wi'.hriral.' thdir a 40e; slopc. Dan feLt qit llatlrr^ discrrssion Discussion followed as to lvhether or not to, resrricr rncto an enployee of Gore Val1ey. Ed stated ttiat thcy wor.ri,l Illl.il: c,err1 .reite-rated his conccr.n abour'.building ou :l_1. .h:y.should be able t,o f.ive vith ernpioy.a.t"rriig"ir,givcn P,/S zonilg, andGa1'nor felt that the site r.rith prlS zoni.lg rr,as a,, bettcr. onc. The vote r'ra s 2 for, (Roger and'Duane) and J against (Gaynor, scctt and Gerry,),wit.h Dan and Jim abstaining. Concern about rcflecting the feelings of all thc meurbers to the Corrrrcil rr.e s fert.Gerry stated that he fclt no change in zoning r,;ls needcd, but that a var.iirncecottld be applicd for. .'Jirn stated th+t hc.ri.dn't see hor.; the coiruriissi;;;;;"could havc stated that thcy rr'orrl d consirler lots in t6is orea at a larer date.and thcn nol'r state that it shouldnrt bc recorrs.iclercd. ccrry eerl aii..-ao-iri,r*au " a lot and rezonc didn't urakZ-lEiilE] Dick Ryan lernindccl the conunissicaer:; that-that therc -t'rere special cilcurnstances and thit i.t rl,ir s :;tatc(l that thcy rvou-l rlgo back and reconsiclcr'. Pett:r.suirl that tho staff-dit,iot consio,rr, frri, ,rriazoning. La'ry Eskrvith fclt th.t this r,roul d rrot be cons j.rlc.r'cd spot zo'ing. Tlur.s,no reconnc'd;rtion for cithcr a|P1ovnl or' deriel 'as fo.*r.;:rr.dc,l. to T'orr.ir cou.cil . 3, Rcqucst _for. a clcnsi,ty r,:tr.iancc in gross r.csi<!cnti:rI flr,"irffi,p;f ;fr j*ffi j;ti..f,.u-imi=ririflr:;+'#"H#S jn AppIi-ca,ts: ItlcDonal d, Catoc, ctc, pc;rsion llctircncnt Tr.st. l)(ltcr l)attcrr statcd thaL.thc :itaff hntl tlonc ;r I ot of rcscur.c[ o1 t[i.s fJrol)crtv9:]:t"q.li"k tfu,f!-F iti.r-ni'r'i st'tc(l thrt thc rrr:rfr fclt, trrc cir.c,r,,,,,r.,r"".rrrclc tliffererrt j.n tlrut Dcunc lirro.r lrlcl Luor.rl c.rl1.1c of t.hc Clll:/., and }tcDonaltl ditlnot. l{c thotrg,ltt hc coultl lurvl: ltig0 s<1 ft orr cach sjrlcl. 'i;"org" Strirrr, rc-pr.csc'titrglricl)o'a1cl, dicln't want to rcitcratc rr,lrit lrc h:rt! ncrrticricd at thc last nrect.i'g. PEC -3- t ?/2?/{u (-t Dan fclt that the Tor'n of Vail has not becn rvithouc fault, arrd that there was lots of cortfusi on on both si<!es. llc t.hought that ltlcl)onald ]:rrcru bcfore hc ever'built on lots l3 and 15. llc addcd that it Hls an unfort.unatc situation and agrccd with thc Town of Vail staff that it nccdcd to be put to rcst. llc fclt thar it wasn't just thc fownts fault. Gerry lr,ihitc agreed that enough mistakcs has becn rnadc. - l'lart in Rubenstein, a resident of Casolar asked for inforrnation on thc Proposcd slructurc, and Pcter pointed out that all tJp-erveJ+pcs had bcen agrced rrnn- hrr +!.^ a^-^1^- r'^-^ ---r'.:-c (:u--^^- ^--^ -^l^ -L^.. .-----upon by the Casolar Hone Owners Association, anil if.(chq4 le rnade, they rnust be approvcd by the Association. Martin lras concerll6cl about height.Dick suggested notified as the horneo|ner tlat ire leave his name and phone- with thc secretary and he would bc as to when the project carne before DRB. Itartin stated that as far rneetings were coDcerned, he was notified aftcr the Last meeting. Duane moved and Dan seconded to grant approval to thc requcst for a GRFA varienceih accord rvith the staff meno. iit" vote rvas 6=0 in favor r,rith Scott abstaining. j:__4_f!qqCi!_.1e1 a4inor srrbdivision apploval undcr Torr'n of Vail Srrbdivision regul.atlons on lots 7,2, 4, and 5, Lionsr-idgc fr2, in thc Ridge ac VaiI, thcValley, Phase I\r. The applicanr is requesting to revise the sitJ.ng of 2 duplcxunits and to allor.r a rnore flexible siting for a single family unit. Applicant: The Valley Associates. Peter shorged 4 sets of plats and explained the meno, adding that the request-< did not affect GRFA, as the project is allottcd a total of 24,800 sq ft, atrcl the developer is alloled to allocate that as they Nish. Craig Snorvdorr shovrc<l the plans, Peter stated that the staff felt that abandoning the lot line bcttr'ee lots 2 & 3 wor.rld inprove the siting of thc units and that the lelocation of thclot line betiveen lots :[ and 5 rrould cleatr up those lot 1i-nes. Ga1'nor ltoved and Roger seconded to approve.the requcst as pcr staff nrcmo. Thc votcwab 5.0 in favor rvilh Dan and Jirn l,t.^ibstaining. 5. 1!pllication f.or a conditional usc permit for a wirtcr collcction systcn anclpunp-;ta irrence -of Red Sandstone Creek ancl Gore Creck. Appl icants: l,ail Associatcs, Inc. Dick Ryan reviewed the mcr;ro. Gerry rvas concer:ned vith the min irrtul strcam floir,, arrd Dick -stated tllat thele rr'a s a nini.nlurr stream florr' cstablislicd tor- (iorc Crcck. Jin Clark Tepreselrting Vr\ said that they had prescntcd the recluired cnvjr-ontncntar1 assessrnent, rvith a discussion on rninitnurn strcln flotr'. l{e adclctl thirt nuch wxtcr r{ould bc put back i.nto the strcan. Jin C. statcd that hc bclieved that the lrnxj.rnurn arnount VA r,'il1 takc fron thc strcarn rvi.ll bc l-1.,/2 ni11j-on gallons pcr day tota). for thc first phasc, and wlrcn thc secontl phase is cor:ritlctctl, thc nraxiuturn tot3l r,rill bc 2 nillion. Gerry fclt that thc nrirti.rirur:r florr'hadn't bccn acldlcsscd. Jin said tlr;rt it haC becn idcntjfied in tlrcil rcport'as 7-l/? cfs at thc conl.luurrcc of thc trvo crccP.s. Di-sctis-sion follor',tc(l cottcclnitrg thc use otl thc efliltrc't, rrrclthc schcrdul ing rv iih rcsPcct to mudd)'inll lhc str-r.-.arn. Jirn soicl thalt thc sl.r.canl tvould bc ,livcltcci to thc r)orth sidc, atrtl tlrrt thcy noul cl coot'tlinl.rtc tht:i r c'fforts ort. tltc bi.kc lxrth wjtlt Anclf itlolrj.s wi.th rcsllcct to paving lrrrl acccss. Duirrrc :rslit:ilif Vr\ r,'or,1d r'(rpuil thc bilir: puth j.f t.ltcr. rr r.,r:r'c any rlc.stluctiou, lnr.l Jiur CIalli as:;ur,cd hinr they liould. $:s crr't 1f *; o ''r Of Rofiqa*'t ov f'Lf "l Town of Vai] i.: Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator Towr Council P1 anning Comrnission Casolar Project in t/ajl has run into a prob'i em concerning the GRFA on phase Ii. I would like to review the transjstion of events for vour r'ev i ew. 1.. ln 1977 the tolvn revier^red arrd approved the fol]ovrinq.A. "L-nve'lo1:e" concept for the L jon,s Ricige Lots A-B and A-9, R.C. zoning.B. Vacation of property line thus combinjno tota'l squaro footage and estahlish'i ng a gross GRFA of- iut6o3;i?!'tfui?f;ii'fi 13130i?t{,';u?3i 'C. hfe establ i shed a pl an of 9 dunl ex ,'enve] oDes,, anC one single farniiy envelc'pe. Hoy,,ever, we reduced. the 1775 GRFA per to 1690 GRFA thus p.icking up an additionai g5 s[.ft plus an additional 2015 sq. ft. GRFA or a iotal of 3630 sq. ft. of un- used GRFli. Please note the purpose of this plan was to combine th.i s surpluc GRFAwith Phase II (Lot A-7) to give.us the necessary GRFA for thb plariirerJ elelren units of 1690 GRFA each (four duplex and one tr".i plex). Duringthis term crf, the pi"dr,.ious zoning adnrinistrator i.his vras discussed. Arepeat of the same A-8, A-9, proce-ss was suoqestcd for phasr: iI. Tire same review and suqgestion vras rnade by tlre incur;ban't z.A. when we strb-mltted the phase Ii p1 an in 1978. The R.C. concept in phase II, vrasidentical to phase I, v,,as declareci'i n the plannirrg ccmmissions inirrutesof Aug. 22, 1978. (Exhibit U.) Tl.ic ajjiiroval of Pha:;e II'.vas hovicver riot iililLrr;'i vr: ol'thc ilriil i'lif:tirl GRi:.,\ft otrt [)irase I due the existance cf tlie properLy l'i rre that r,ie rrr:-rr'i cc-ircl -i.o vacate. This uas brought to rny attention by the z.A. Because il..c zoninqof l.oL A-7 js LIJlll-'che GITFA was aprproved at 1400 GR'A per urrit: (inclusiveof arr estimated 401{ slope area). lle requested a slope stucy at.ihat time. In 19"/7 and 1978 the declaration ar-rd restrictive chairgrd, anci fina11y a.pproveci lty tl.re tor,rn crf Vail GFRit per uni L. l{e d jd not vacal.e the A-7, A..8" 9 nurict'ous chanqes. The town in a le'Ltcr to Casolar anri 'iransanrerit:0. suqgestei a.final plan be submitted when all chanqes such as enveiope o.rJ.iusiments r:tc. al'e finalizecl . in 1979 ne l{ere Lcrld velbal !.y tirat Caso'i ar II cculd 1161 y.1ga'i.e the Dropertyline to abscrb the addr'tional fcotaEe to reach our planned 1.6'ji] ttRrA pbr uni i. 0n .,r,rlie 4. r;i 1llll, l.rc f iiiall-v ri:ciivcrl the re-evalr-ratiuii crf cirr lrnq awa.jtcd slopc piln, iie irerrt, i'c:ril,rccci trr airprc,rr.iirrrr:i.ui.,,, i;120 clil ;l i:ri' irnjt'iit Irh,:sc;i" e'i :iiit i::;:,i.'tiis ficl:r.Vairr r"eceip'i tif ;-.i,,tis li)'Riclriird's l.rrrlirrceri n,:i r','t: r'cs1..0ncilr,i w'i iii thi.t lci:ter cl" ,li.ir'lr) 2C, l..q8tl . iL:lhib.i t ''1r,, )" c0venants based on !rt6t.A !.4\'a,i t,,rlr-l I69t-r sc. fl . becausFJiT fti\Page 2 Last year we as Al I zone check approved by the l.le nolr,realize that torvn officials initially concluded that ilre zoningon phase I and phase II were the same thus allowing the merger of thetlo phases. This denial of the original d'i rection. given us'by the town has p1 aced us in an extremely precaiious position vrjth our present or^Jners. 0f-the five envelopes in Phase II, tu.ro are in construction. Lot II, atriplex with 1342 GRFA per unit and lot 14 a duplex with 1690 rr'lus aquest'ionable overace. Duplex lots 13 arrd 15 are in planninq stafis and have requesLeri a 1690 GRIrA per unjt allocatiori. This lcaves lot 12 a duplex r.ritha rednced GRFA of 933 sq. ft. A reduction of zr+47 sq. ft. of GRFA (338n At this writing most of the above is acaclemic, but the factors must be deal t w'ith. 'l'he project ltiis appro\red for" l4(ri! rcr . {'t" enfor"ccd I irrli u. The tot^rn au'rhority after an unrcascrnable delay fur tire,. reducedthe GRFA. This followed town approval of two struci.rrres inexcess of i.lie iniiial limitat'ior:s. The loltn has iqnored th: limitations it has qrantcd on Lroth GRFA cataqcr'i t:s and glante.rd ill)lrr'ov(r't s of stuictures .i n excessof the I irili i.ati ons . 4. The ttrw furthcr apprcved cne tr.iplex anrl four dup'l ex lcts.ii'e rir:t rerrirli.s oi the las,t. sii-c i:;r s 1,..-ir s:;irlezc:l :ii.;:,;rr iirriiis iil:pi'iri:l.ir;,1'i tJ use irs a dltp,ii:,x si t.e. 5. Therefr:re" the entitleinent of site 12 as a duplex h;t: been taken away fron Casolar by the arbitrary granting of excessfloor area'i n iotal disreilai',:1 of the liniiiatjons. rrle .l'ririri' plarirld r^r'i tirjrr casolar a srnall non-spral.;lincl cornnunii..v vrjth ded'i cat;:d recrelsticri a:^ea, a solar concspt, and a larqer coirfroli area. !'Je cil-rn't be'l ieve i;li;rt cur^ request is unr-r.:ascnable ancl ir".t yt".,r.i ncu'i gcnce i,1r 6. 11," .'n,^ ilt i S t,i; i.'.;lCC. wel'l as the town approved 1690 GRFA for phase II units. work sheets show the allowed GRFA as 1690 (Exhibit "F,')town. per urri t atrii tr:as the1. 2. ll^rl Exr-lr Gtr V Deane Knox 1 Downlng Street ,^.r-)- t) 7Denver, CO B{+5.? .\ t " / Iie: Casolar I i Square Ioot:r.ge Dear Deane: This letter j,s to 1et you }<now lvhat squirre footage stil-l ::emai.ns for Casolar II, and how rve'are allocatlng it. If you desi-r'e to have it allocated differently, please let me knorv.571qb.f.o ?g'rT-!- L,ot Area 53'753 square feet $iope over 4O?j 3,*8.? (per Richards Bngineeri.ng 9-2A-79) Net Developable 50r?6& square feet {iiil'A Fac'Lor .30 GRIrA Useci 7 '?bgCarl 1ng 3,732 I(intzirrg 4,027 TOTAL GIr.F/i remaining 7,327 TOTAL Units rem:rini-ng 6-. rorAr, cnra l:-l*-u:'ri:r '.-] ,22o > Unless \','e hear dif f er-ently )r'b-ni you, thi-s is the square f ootage lier uni.t tirat v'e are using f or zon:ing purlrcsijsl" ,... Sineelel y,l'r 'i-, /^ (fl t] ,/ r,'tty-ya 14 .l:L.'-{y'.-"' I t/ l:l l Jarncs A. Rubin/ Z.,on in g Adrni n ist rator i;l-t>/ ' \'z' l Invl box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-5513 June 2, 19BO department of community der,elopment r:1- o Juno 20r 1930 of CasoleY IIr holvovere I &0 on e nunber of ltenco i o f|e naxt*ur $lil"A eri; der-{"gne-tod sor.'rcititl t t1 j.f fcreilt nr; you lin+''v" maxlmum. lLrlet! lL nnendrnent to GillA but rclates ic f'hase I. 1t: T lrJl-1 t".,e up i:r'5cia.yo Ji::'.': 2f 'Lii eni3 w:''I't- stop by posa lbi3-iti.er with l,'-r:tr. 1 doee no'L ctata t-t'r I elvl civ ,S ine eralYs Drli,r.':.t$ Iro Jn"l$iri ;,1.: ,,. .l tt -.. 'l &xArhtf v 1 Jlm Rubln Z onlng Ader I nig tratct' Box 10CValI, C0 316J7 Doar Jlnt Tlrarrk You for Your analYole. et111 coneerned aftcr Your rBPort 2o iie aliproveci Carlin" on r':axin:un J3U0 (Bii:" 2i'':'sa,' i1: ) GRFA, and t.hcre seells to bc e discrepancy whi ch i '';il-] pursue w1'bh Car)-ing" 3, As you ma.y recall, u'a wero to be allowecl a gross J'ot (I'haseif.'l.i)ereaslncevrehavcanovcrairund;:rtceof sqLlarefgo'irllgoorll'hsselands:Llr'ceall.tfrreeioi:s have bcerr ccrcblneC j.lto lni"proi*"t vrith interctotlnectlng roads 'uh:'r;'.:I;irout tlie pro "Ject' '[s 1''ou broug]t- '!? tly ai"';c,;:tie :.,, :i,itere !s n ci;i f f r;r..cncc j.ii i:Oni.;rf, lr(-1":i:-j'..': ;:i;'";:b a_,r.rj A_g vlioh *ouro dJEi:il.J.cw sriy e::uri uo:rb1-rti.*gn I irouLti ltke tc ):6queat a' study enci ;csrlble var"iel'rcc to tii.tc p:.o'bl.cr,, i:.g tt.'i*"i,i-if i. Co*i.iiittot irnJch wac approued',by tlro tvun anci Of "o,tin* -sofJ the lOtc on tiia'! basis" 'ri.l*'sso '- pJ-easo ncto 1;hat'il;;""i-;io iitl,l slo'e \','e.s ev-cavatl.on f'rnn the road that halg becrt -1.'ci:iovtid- Stiuulrl i'te t'c"'tJ'ew th€ Rlc|ta::{tst Englnser:lnii $sFortt ' r G. d,:lelarntl c:r le' I v/rre 1{.':;r DLi(/ls /.lliil- Ltit.l.t\r=x+1r B, r 1-'-. u] LcAal l)crcriirtion: Lot. fi... /:. o,,ncr _'r' :j4!-'4 3-- (\ 7-orre D isi.r'ict --_.*.\t/-- l-ot /rrrra Setbacks : Front--iicr,r,iiro,i- zoi'--pr|r,lsco S.ides--Pcquir'cd'15' Propo:;cd --Reilr - Rcrlr j l'crl l5' Prol.rosc,d Pro po:; ed --'f- g-, -/e-t:-, Grri-A: Landscapirrit : I)arkittg: . Cc;ir'lcrtt-s: Pritiratl, A1 1or,;cd -llr i ill r-y Sccorrdary Proposed Prcpcr;ctl St:c t,nda t1' /il I oried Site Cot,cr-agr:.: /tl I cired P ropos r: d Propos cd l)ro1rc:. cd Ilcrlu i red l?cr1ui rcd hr i rrr' . si I onn T)e l-ni i. t- tec Iri,rii"onnrcn'r-ir] /l'lazar-ds : .Ava'lanc]re Fl ood Pl ain Si opc l>o F-e .zAt)c-SU O,., *, rr r,/s zoiit r))s,T*rcTt lrl l)1ocl: "11 l:i1ing Iirchi tect ['rn noc r,rl l ll, e llci glrt /i'l I olrt:rj -t0' I'r'optrscrl _ __ . __ l,laterccursc-rcqrti rcd *-- . Proposed . /<)taJl.lail ( \,/ Approvccl/ D i sa p;-.f irv;16 i1... Tori ing; : t o luwn m box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476"5613 Novembei" 4" 1977 off ice of the town manager Mr. Deane Knox 800 We.shington Denver, Co, 80203 Re: l.ct;s 8 and 9, li1 ock A, Liorrsri dge Filing l'{c. 1 Dear Dea.:',e: This is to confirm that a1 1 zon'ing and subdivjsion requirements have been met for tlre proposed Casolar project. The Planning Commission and Town Councjl ]::ri'e approved the vacation of the prr:iierty line and easement be- tween til: tvro lots; however, thc plat must he fi'i ed with tag'le County. Design fiel,iew Board has given conceptual apirroval for the entire project and final apnroval for Phase I. Each phase.will requ'i re final approvai from I,1...r: i!rn Rervitl'; llcard. The projt'ct may be condominimizeci or townhoused so long as the land'is not furthrr srrbdivjded. A townhouse approecii nray div'i de the land directly under a uriit if the ba] ancc of tlie land is lrelcl as a conrnon elentent, If you hai,e further questions, please contact rne. 5i ncerely, iiF COl'il'lljlill'Y DEVIi,(j j]i,1[NT S. i'cughi | 1 Arin i ni ltr"r tor I 50C Erst !-iglith ,ivl;luo Tcl. 837-1 ljl'l Dcnvcr, Colcr::Co C02C3 l1l J;;"1' i:',lu";i',3:J;1fj' "llllij; ":;;:",.,,"ff,:: April 61 1978 Errtr&rri'r V"'t-t -'7 ( i\Is. Diane Toughil-1 Torvn of Vail Vaii-, Col-or:ado 81657 Dear Diane: Attached you rvr11. f j.nd a check fc..,:r: 9100. 00 and a plan of the Casol-ar Del Norte site. I would like to outljne briefly the evenLs 1eadlng upto this a1>plica:ion fo:: va::iance. In 1977 .vte had received concepiual approval of the entire projec.L frorn Design Review Boal.rd based on a condomi,;:imj-zcd or townhouse approach (aLtached cor)y) . f n revierving the concept both l.rith Transarne:: j-can Ti-ule, 1.,^,1 -: --,l r\^,,,.^] r ^ ^*^l--r ;. .- r. ,,r-.-;;Lirrul-rlg >Lrrr.r.L-(j>, ci.liq u(Jtiitua* / <i, lJtuIJl(:tlt dIU5u ci, > LU juSL \4.1<.1 L i.l 1-h,. -1ra\qr-)r,.i-.i rrn hr.r,,a'. rnnni,,i r1s_ l.i r:r"r i q ho rtfOteCted and v,'hat are hi. s 1:Lmitr: i.i ons ? Usrng the -Lo\,rnhouse concept \,ie dcvi:1oped site locationsthat \./e shall call Enrrel.opes. The Enveiope \.ras -!o be thesjte rvhich tire buyer vras allotr'ed to design and buj-ld a struc- t.ure . He .,Jas g,ivcn s ix rnonths to subnrt pians - Af -'cr a.;i;r:ovala survcy \..'as to be provid.ed to establish thc pari;i.eters ofthe foundat.ions anc-1 f i nalIy, a dccd issued shol.'j.ng rr'hir: the buyer re.rIIy ):oughi:. (.irttached declaration and restrictive correnant s) . Q9- I The probleuis that li;..rre been created by this fol l ows : form are as 1'hc pur:ciraser oi a sitc does nclt realJ.y o'..,'n anythi.nc unt:.il s:ril-,:nissi ot1 ;tnd appr:oval o,f plans - This may Lake .corsiCcrahl.l' rirore -;ilne than six moni:frs. Tiilc c1:i;-,.;ries in'i l_l not insu::e t'-itle r.:n'ci1 surve:'. r:'11 i-' )-,- a.- -- i- - i-,^ ,.- I .l :- r. l: .' .-. ,-. '- i q ti:t.t-.t-^ ^' -'.-.^.:'^- "lfe!r;L-,LL:\,/r Ur u-.L- P\.r l:J L"tr r ir j. (J u U U u (t Li \-Lrl -rrYinrer.i:0" .)l_' l'" ,'.!.i. I r lJg*"y 2. !9r-L- Fee !/.0bd-3o- .,.,.11ftp"t-pbirri!e - r".o...,, *r,. c :I ;;{q/,I r,,. l)q1 j,. a-..,r,,- -6!h a.r.t Dc€ldar irr1r" *r**. JTHDS g, lacDoft'LD,at LJs, P.4., Pen6ion LtrrcEnt lrurt , cunrl of Drde l'Iotidirr[r ..'. , '.r,r 1 ,., llLLi,'lt Lr. ctToa atlorn.t ara ttat. r'l .- tF) | .!:, rt, : /a)-A I I -n..!, .rri^d.'rir,' l(lt$ S.t. ?tZ Str-e.r. (f.0, lot A0l?). lr{scrtoa, tloride l3l?l C.r.it.a Dad..". -.n t0llif.rr. -.d,., r' *lt'\X\tLll. 1\.r r|. r$a Frrr J ri. tt?l tet t r.ra i fiaa*tai.Cttr ror d tl0.0OtEI i|l|d 0O/ lOO-l)ol.LABt. r I ri .rid F at .f tL ft.n trra ,a hd pra br tL ..ia F t!| .a !t .aqa |..t tt raa..rt rhrr.ol || L."}, ' . nr..{d |'{ a't r.-!..ar. h.. arr.raa !.rr.,nia. -l. ... r*r.t a. .aa tt al* tt -it d!.r F..t. ta}t$a, d l.!4. .ts.r., |'ilta ria -|l r. r,h. . r- r..! . _ .. rt r.'r .n ! ht,i'rbr S.r|d rtonr' ltrivc, Veil, Colorado rrx,ltXtl i,ti rlr .rd i,^a,-,.. h. \'rdrr.--, . .id.a?r, i.r..r, $ rh...t,' Ll6t|nt. 11 6.hrtrr. ipr'r ' ' .,a :r.l rarJFd...aa r.a.srd..r. r.aar. |1.a.. aftd |'r'|f\t. th.h,. . .; r'l r.t .r..'. tatr' q.r. rt.rtr. .i.rFrna&-arlartrarr.v.r.rrtadF.trdlt).1'.t!F.,r ?rah..rhr.ru..{utlt ..1. t.r .r r. .tar. n..t. Fal t]?.rrr-r, lltn ti- r'.r.arraDait arJ rttxr.lri.n(.r l.rflr!1r\lr!.rlll'l.lr1r.u8rrrrnr.'..rr,v...rF!r.aria.rr3.d.r'ri!rh'.i|,r.rrnrtr6.uhao!tr'r.,d rf'r r',h. '.. r.'.a.,. f\ . r.r.. .na .-{r. ..r.r.r A.a ||a aatd Fra, .t !t| trrr!, r.rr, rhr n'F|.,f. nr ;.rr.. .t.\',r!,. ..Jr.:F n,r!!r',.f. o*t t rr..r,it. t.rhl 5..aara, rra ..?i t..Da r lrh..ar.la'.itc',tr}t.i.{rndlrrt, '!..J'. h. r r t\. r,r.,llL....rl.ct .n{ i.li'.rt.a lL- F-F.r.. l t r.ri..,t.{l rtlh: p'.Fr..' .lL . @..r-.J .r 'l|' : rr". Frr.( t, .lr-lrr. a^l :n a.{..alL .arat .t,ilalrtan-.,,^1rr ,n!.r.:Fplr {trdhrr a<..r t t' , Vn-! .!,'artil .!tl.,trlt to air.i l,artt|,n -U .rr,l ,rdr.r th. r.n. r 6rn{rr rFd 'o.n .r , ararr d [l6lf ..d t!.r. rtat fla..:rrrfr ir,rity Io. 4 of th" OrQrrrtet (l/4) Fr.crion.l Fe* Td.rr in C<rrl llf fe1 riqlo intcrcet in andto:h. f,rlt Uiit of tot rnd or prrc.l .od or gitr l? Oltollr Dcl lort. II.r rcrubdigirioo of l,ot A-7, llocl A, Lionr tllar rrldiririon. iccordinl toth. plrt r.card.4 iovcrbcr I, 1978 in boat 2t7.t Fta t26, Vrit, Coloirdo, ..r rt-. .ri...r tr D, al. ,.r*.r aa{ ,tn.. t rn!. !.ra.,nr r.t}i, irtr,i rrr}i, 's lr'.r.rt'lriro' r.rsr. E.r.t ar LaY, | .r l:A l.i 3v'.. 1/ T ltrl Hclel^l.lr, Iru.? er 5\'ll,!.1 t t\i rll tr'(lorrt j.)a tr! tt$trictivr eov4lr&t, J|d Uaar of racord. :uh icc! : , rtxrirr :r'lirensqr, -lf thc ! orrr, of Vait aad tar€, for lgSC enrt r-.r i prop.rt y trx ,r. 5ul, t(( I l{1 :rd,.d* .rl Ir,l1r oi rrcord.r' , |. !t r'1 .r r'. trax..bJ. A,a*arr F I tbe \.'l Dra ' r,, ihr rd.nd Pa,!. rti. rt.rr. r. . :, r...<{r lattulrr rl.r :n.rhol.,[.r,) tr. rh..].,,'. .. . .l .rr.,ir */|&:lAtT Alstl lrrlf,\i.R ttl:}Z\D t| .,^r!r.'.vitrxr.h.i ..4.r. r-c.f rntF.!.r..t.iarr .rpl!..11.,4. rr.,t,'rr | \ r I r \ | r: | { r | | t , | .! 1..-.Frr, !t rr, t. '(r.rrnra.t.un' ri,.i. ;..d|..lti} lrtrr,J '.rf'..' J^Fl, t]. H{:D|oa^LIJ, Jl., Arr(,rnry l'. A. , lltlreifn ie!ir€rc$t Trurt .i11 i . lxtt*i- Fl 'rrda r, t.t !, , < rrr ,tu, ir.r..{. n!'..!t,:.-r"1 t.'t,. i:lii v :|{Ai.I,. Tr' !r,. -{- tsr.',r r lsEAr I Foo I I'i.8t '\15 506 k, ,,.',ra,i !r I0:0G (.(irr t|,"!'f.'r \., Zltl|'l A -. .J.alr|ty I' tgtl &5r.tlr PLillrPr fe" l?. 00pd h...rd.Y. ErBlc Couttty 'l'x r. lhr.t', v,,.,-.",. ?6th '&0 i.,... ' JAte S t. XcmllLD. JR. t Attorn"t .: L4v, ?.A. Pen.i6 tet ir€ri.nt ?ro.t | .{rt! .n Otda rnd Ei|L cl floridrlitrll .' h. t-t l,.rr'.r r AIJ|A JE'II CATOE .', . rrgr r,i,,.,'.!r l42m s.U. 2]2 ttr.et. (P,o. 8or 4017) Princtta. florldr l8l7l llotid.( ornrr .l DrdQ .ndgbrt otlE[lItof th. Econdtrttl - rr lf:it::1t{l;TL. Thrt rh. rrrr Frlr "f!h}{r:t. prrt.for.r4In.oirrc.tltrondatLr{rr(t tl0'00 rfF rnd ryJl l0O- '.',r$rrrtir,r1\,rtrb.trtnt,arrtrtt,.ndpr|dtr)rhaF.rdpdrrtoathr,.aiagatlih!ta..iDtf,h.rtafirh.tab,.,,,r".{"1 rnJ ! trxtd.{|.d. hr. ar!nt.d, t rrr.rn6J. -H .nd.o{v.t.d. rrd Lt ui.. tt*Inl. drt r lt.lt!. l,atfalttr . , , r rr\ lid , ,"rfl.t. uDt. l h. rrrl Pl y of t h. .d.-nd prrl. ha Ltrt rid aa'&lii fon'v''. rll thr tblLrlnt '' ,t.1;,n or prt("l ,'(l.6d ntu.lr,l)rnl.ndbrhatnlh! , .,1rr,, EICLE rrcstrt of ( .,lord4' r" rrt, Priority io' 2' of ti' Oac Qu.rt"r . l /4 ) t ct i6r.l te! Tdrrnt in C*c ly't fGc .ii4fs int.t.rt ln lra to the wrrt lhic of lrt end or Prrcal rd ot sii" l2 Gtrotrr DGl lort' tI, r rarobCiviqioq of Li A-7, tlocl A, Liona li{;r rubdltlaior, aacorainl to the plrt rr'corded lloccb rt !, 1978 in baq\ 277 rt 9.te 5?4 VaiI, Colorrdu. ,t.i.,f lr.cdcr 5.nditon. Dt ive- Vril, Colorado r.x't T||I.B *it|. .|| rnJ 'tnrr!|' !l|. |}( l.d't.Ijlf|:t| :*tt |'|r.'r1t^rn..'| !tt.lflo t'c|0hnn8. In 't.ny?|F.p''r '..nr andti'i 'r:," n..r.FtLnrir' !r'l r.rn4rdrt' r'r':'.''utrlrdptsfrt.'hrr'')f rndrll th' t.trr. r,rtrr.ru..rnr..(.r,trrnr.nd .$r 4$hrr!.{\-t,n:hr..riiprrt\,'ilh.frttiPart.*ith.rrtrl.o"r('l!rt},rI, .f n,' !r'n-l |,.ith!.,' irrh lh. hrtF,lri!n.'.rr hrtrl rPl'rr rtnrrr'i lrrfirll l\ltltrllrrl-lrrh..r-xrr',rntr.',tl.r.'l*tri'n.t,r'd'l.r.r!'*(i.r''lhtn'rpPurtanttr"r'o!'tothr'rr' r,6, r',1 lfi,'.,,{!l}Dr'; rr:1 t:r,t'r,'d.qltl'. l,'r.r}, Ald lhr diil }rt!) ot t|lr tirtt trtl f('t hlm"lf htr h?lrr' il.,r!ri {(*r( \.r'1nl i.r'r: t,rta.rn rrJ{tt"!'.nd*rll'ih"tdprr!!"lrn'*rondP"t' r, f',, {'. 1,-.,rr.'r,.i ,'th.d{liir'rrr,Jd.ltr..\"flh"{ pi.r.ht!.htrirrllt{r:'iiolth'Ptcmrtt|l . . .. ,,t F., { -!rr lt I t. ' .t-,jur.- rr..l rr dalr..'r'h f.t.l. .(rnh}rir.nc?. rtr ,.u (, trr rlarpl. rnd hr. .",,t-tr,,v'i...lrr,tIrlr,rrrlttttrnll.ti'.roatrrtrtr'rr\rttlFirD""nrrnrlrrl1'rfiirn'rr rrr r:rr nbri "!"r. fr-^ "rl t"r r( ' rilt rlin r tr'tltn !"lrinr' !rlrl tl'n! lrr('it :lur'i,'' | '., rll Dcclrrrtion o{ le.trictivc Cov ('tttn t r" and Urer of rccorrJ Sri' irr t r', eooior ',rdinrn.-t of the tout! af ril tnd t!xrlli for l96tJ .nd r;R I pl(,pFrl"_ t!1.a. ( jthlert : , ;!.,'ds .)f Trurt of record l r 'i i r! '|""\: t r" d"l r'rrt-r ' l Lln 'd"nd prr(' hl' , l ,r '!|-r \ ti,t.,r ,.,r{t:,i .. \.rnli.\\l \\rJ t{rlr! r'! ii l1l:tr,\lr rr;r !,"torrt n.tl#r rlr'rl ,, rrl-i.r':r: rt ,.'. I, r. !'t !" rr'r' " rt"llll|rr:ih" t\ r lr\t{i rHt.lt}'t. .. .. ,,i . ' t' | .r!,1 '.rl 'rt drt rnd vr.r tt.rt J,!\lf -i i. qcliOfaAL! , Jn . , At t o.nPy rf Lr, P..A . , P{,rrr.ion l{etir€E!'nt Tiutt tlv I ll Y, iollAl.i,, Tr',otc' l r.lr A Ll t s ]:A l,l l:.i ':l l, i. ' . 'l' .1^i lrt|l Stltlllt f lor rdt L .rrtr nt ilrdt 1", ., tr.r.r ,,. ,r..dt.,,re:.r. ,!l((l I IllA ltclxJNALD, ?rurter {. otr-. 'ilfrr litt( the--qt?\ l. ltlt brrr.aftt{. r.t /..r.. I H 3r5qe [t l0!br--. -*bdrlr--. ., trlro. ri l' r ,i. t {rtlt l. rte tf* rt$ lnrrn a!' tlr..l trd DaLt adrla i*{r r.a{aj* hr{l-idt iaLf. d fi trrirat'd ttt it r.. latat! rtflblllr-r trtrt d tb idF|1t lab .r..arr. ria.alfr gla a-*r:X h| lrt ..d rid, tl{ d ||. 6-aat tii tlr t|.t udt' i.eanrtd*lrl* !t r-r-Ie.tt f a. !!4- t' f-facr Uflm. frll, Cototrao a.r rLr..c Lt-d.{!t, ot tl titdt. rtFr^ rrdaa in- ||a |.'!fr$ t|.'rdl ra.l d$tlr' ..tl.' t!r.r Flt,'ltl|''ti l.r.r r{iltt. "r. rrrh Ih. at'rrrtrFrta,L rnto iFtttl Fltt C rha tlrri pr.r. t.t ||a|':f hii Li'.' a|. . |.Fl r':r rr. -d Nrt|t.atL -fia{?.tt. hi l| r.ll r.".4J C.lF 9r.lrr.ar dt! rldrrrra. -tf -t, rPt'Jil.|rt.a.?, itt ltt. ,t l.ditL ana h.r aod .'rir. ftt f.ra ri blu td lflt'at rb rran rn renolr ani f.lr|. |l| tl'*rrn rld ltaa lta ..- rr fti raa a|'r rr*. bat||t.ra. .aiaa. rcn. r.r", qfirta tl s.|r of racord. d"*tf na tr.a.c for l98o |r|d l r..rhl r-i , {draall.{+tttnf Jrt .ard trtl) ,i th.,{ 'h.r part r,l. trr.dbl lh. -h'rl. r.nt,|.rr rn.?.'l gl'l?l{D. th. tl{tul.r ,,tlftLr thtll lf f lfi aL ttlllll, thr rt tstlt J sh atrr F l- f.r.|xlf$ f Ltr"'J 8''th' 'lrt 'frd trrrfrrit f. Clle O0! qgCr8. tllC., Parrlon - lst,| Lt -t.-U-&- lra^Ll Trurls. ItEALI ttihti*Ia.aclFr*eald.alFl.t.ti'ttb t6th r !O.rr r$q.lll cI!G, ln*ret tt . tni.,.t m) ' -'i g !|,al a !,tt! ci I * e H b,l||l. q:art! -r --ti ttr.rrrF l{rr* t-tilrlar-aE * 'i'-'L' dtt--til a.. rrr|t . rait urh, }tL.tll,dF ftbr.c. to.ll L.br.:l- d( lridrt &Urci to ronla otllmeu rt fil &trrl rtorrtt t4a. hbjcst to Dc{. qt ?n|.t of r.€ott- tlE{ .a Ub blfir! t ', 'l' 7.,lt' . ..1-. ,31 drb ;l -i,trl{ I 19. ! : laMH fl tt ( fien.irr.-....#r|.i.'t*d#cra*H-.ir.,-||'.'rt.t|''' rd..{. *r- ''r|t!.L rr rrr*' r.frhr a reaiiflt*lrrr' H-'lr rnfirrrri t r|d a|l 'loda,rlh*, har*ad.rrrrflrr'drflr*|rilrtrf ttttltt'dltti b- r etlt' ctr r..*.t dfithi.tdiartn3l * .fl'|lUrtt hbj.(t to dl tclr*In cf lirrloch Gt{5e, rad U|.r of rrcerd. grr:c {f/tlt ttrl Irr. d* 6ubrcct to eotoj c,lirtcer of th. til d Ftf -a c.r.. tor ltl0 .odrlal taatrtt t|nl. trlj{rt 30 Dra. d trua ot rarrra4. .|. U. a-a !.{||l!rr*'fr l$r d lap t-a$e tf ut '.i. }'rl} ot 'L rr'n' t"l' h}' b..r.r.|I5.|.*r.o.r.'wplr.'#|.||..[I't..|d.t|.rio|..'..'t.'tth.'tc.. r}. .rl. ptr r rr. h Fd *d ra - ,rafl?il|r FDravar DrtnD' tL rtr'd" 'cratt 'ttdr.d!- lttl|.rl{.lr||rrrqF.rarL f, +f-lt--lh'at$'rd'to'Trr"t'' al rt'lclln'.rb-ll0'lt.arr.al'a!.txr*rt h'r !'nd rt{ -l rh""'r"'rro.tr |lara i.*l|r.Jfl l. *SAA|, t Jl. , Attorn.t rt t{u t.&r. lt|l.ltg .!*-ir4rr.al ltur( ,. lll^Lt jt:-*r..LA,'!/-' .'-:. 4- rgt^LltllA lbEllJ. lrqrt ce _ ttSlr.l br* Dt* L a.{ttat-- q dr.|{J F. f rE J0 ,b lll IcuCLo. lrt|rt!' It*rrar.. r#wrl r..rr.r-rr }--.hiiiilliero t cerr-cr*r-i tl I t tl (, 6 til B r{ E lr ll t: -.-rn ,a.. E{r' Glntt c. :,_ ,:-:91 t ft.Itri.t !!nilqr'g '.:J".. \{ t t Boot 315 lx'..*4.r lagc F0- l'.ruttot \ ' lO:(m .,, t. l elarEl f Juurry 2, t9tl .lolln ttG Phi I t lps Fec t2. or}rd r....,1{_. laglr County "?ii.t/s?t I'nr. I hr:o. r-4.:hh !6th .r. | ,.f o.ca-rr rrr.,F .r!! rad"{. i' lll(It 3.X. 2? ttrrt (t.0. lc 4ol?) lttaccto. ?xcrldr 13lll ,i,,iF co{.rrl D.a. .- t .. aIl$llltl.-c.d tr.rr l|TrEiltltl ttr tb ..i F'rt d rlr 6r'r ,.'r, r'. d{ - .3..ra*d{ Crft !f, d ll0'O0 r ad o0/lo------5--- * t $&aaf rs r!, rrr,t lrtt J ttir llrtt tr-r |. a.aa t ht !t t|r .rfi t*ft of th. .cda tir. rh rrolff *r o, u-fffr* ' ,.,nl.r&d |.l ..tr..lrttd" h. Jr|raa frtrttx3. *,ll rndtqrqoo' art t rtr.- pErir 'd !tli|' tDhr. 'rll s.nt.r rrra {.i{r.a. rttt l!. i.aa F t! of rt ctra F.l. }t' ftl'| 'ra '$rt$ lotcd' d ft' dairt .k.a.!lFi I n .. F dl tJ 1..1. .{.i.- ltloa.iat i*a n :iF L,{n(t r. ,EA .td $rr. rc.Ltd.' r-.,r, lrlcrlty lo' I of th€ ql' Qlrter ('/l) rEaGlt l tr. tGrt ia ccn,ltll fir.qlplc htcrort ln rnd to !h. J.rt onit of bt oi or Fdco! -d cr SitG U qro hf Dal lort3 ll' r rcrcbdivi.ic o( tot t-7. llocl A, Licrr lllic rirbdbir icr. accoadiq to th. ptr. rccorded lorcabet l, 197! in boo': 27? rt Fjc t24 Vrll' Colorrdo' tr lO . '*r.*r. Jltat I. cDal lJ' $toncv .E Lr. P,1.. ?rrlo t tit(rlrt Tnrat r''{rtrr 14 Daae t!aR.t..t Sltri&., rrr rlrcr F.r. rnd YILLIr'| d, c'atct -l-,l. .s 4 r..ltetr tra tt4t ||t fatrdrtonc Drit., Yril, Colortlo 'f.t.ltml .nh ,t t .t '!n(rlrl lhr t!. t'i,t.r''nl' 4{ '!'t{rttbri'et rhtt'rt llolon'|n'' ot 'n rnltr- rt}+r' .l'nr's..|tl.'3!..r|+...{frr.''|6..'.i!,t<!.r.6.|'}rD[}|r'.eitr.|'.|...|n.'.o(!t'ith.le'lrad|||tt. -tr.r. ru,ht, rrr|.- r.ttt(ii. I lirrn .|d.l.!r.$.|-h.(.*i€r r, th. rar'l trrrtalL f\'rt lttt''rrhtr In t|r or '99ilt sf' | ' tn.l t.' | '.r .Lt? brtf$otd gt'Ftt.' rta [ : r'? n F i,r|-'ntr ai' rfl,|tt'ola't' t|'rrt'|t|tttr.oLDltE..|{|'t.!}'.tda'|..*|1i..|ri&r..t!...'||hih.r'Fort.h.h...'u|tl4l|!...|d p.yi., ., rr* r,r'dd ,..t. hr h.rh rna. .r|nr t r.vff. And th. ..rd r'r?r, ct th. fl.i! rrtt lor hrnrtrll. h.| h.ilr' -r. nr,'. .!a .{r!nxlt'rt-tt, 4.r. r. r-rr' rt..tr, ir.nt rn. l'la ra.F ie a||a ith ! ha d P'?tvot th"tcrnd !'rl ' r. '' nr,. - .rn or||| rr. tlr.t .t th. rlrr. d,lh. .n*rlria dd.hv..f ", rhii] l.'fiu ht|' rtll '?rrti o'r]F ]t'ctt'r .|,''',..||'|g.ll,rr.rort'rrlo{'ll.'!rsrtdlod.r.lt|t|..'t.t.{'6li.ftt!n.?.||i||r'|nl.'.tfc...ndhr. r'.., j,. r. ..1 F,r-| rhr, l.rtnr l,rlt!.rrtr r. !...r. b.rtrD. *tt.n.l .nnf.t th"..tn.,r blrnt|.r rndtcrd rr rtr'."., jh{ t}rr rh..rti rt' tt. thl .t.' 4",6.dl f"i.. ond "rtr" ttrnb b'rtttnr' 'd" l|.nr' t$.'' rr". -- , , - rnai 'E.{ebr!n+r d rh.!r t.r \r.i t'. nriu!r e*lnr. $hie(t io all D.clt|rrlion of lortrictirc CwGo!trt r and utl" of record' Sobicct to rmini ordinocc. of thc torl of Vril rnd terca for l9EO rnd r.r I p.o!'rrtt trI3.. Subjcrt to Daodr of Trutt of r.card. :r'.,.r,.,t",\.\it.,t.,n..t'tlntt.lntt*{l.tl.n.l!Fr".bl'Fi"'rr'n'rth"!tdp'rl)uflh'*.{"}'ll"rhlt hr ! :,!r .'.tirr. 'r;i!..t.lr rL.] ,!:1 Ftioh " t'.r."o' trtlulir ' l'"r nt 'r (" 'tt't ti? rh''l ot 'nt p'rr tht?&f ',1 rn. 1',.i I'd't rrtlltn.! et,1 lt.ltll\'I {\lt lt:tl}\tri it!:fIIlr Tl'" r'nfulrr nqruhrt thrrl r,. .i'.rrrl$'ni ',.9i.rt.lb.rtn3!l.r.n.!lf.r'r"i.t'tr'$d"rrlil' r''!l'"f'l' ru'llt'llrltir l\$lf\lJlrIUl?t*t^,'.tlFrr.!lr.xiL."t.rir.r1fu{!.'rit'"rt'"!1'""r'|il"tlthtdrtrndt'rrfltri Ji,lf's g. llcDoa LD' Jl., Attorrcy rt LY, ? ,A. , pfliio{r .Ret i rccrtt Trrr'.t l11 EAl.l Br ..n ,/ , . - .i rsE^Ll TtF^ lt.miAlt, Trutt ac ls llA t,l !'?l!l:||t tMF Il oridd r ounu ot Drdc tr,7.,....,,t,1 fi.otl.df'.| '.,_,, _r' ' l6th rr* ,, TI A [cltrflAu), lrurtre \t. ., r.D,r.r'i .rp'r '6 S. lt:i ttl.\ttr!!lD t 7 '! ,'rF r'/'rr'a t-fra frLtEaAa* Q*.a-.*F| rattt!aa'-L bor ll3 D..r.ar,- Pr3e tOS f.ttal- x' sr.r..Llbat'f}ial,.tc |||i.hrfrlr.l !.zl) .{ rlP "i-'d ttrt, tlt La|c trf,r.. /La rfl tH rarSr.Fiar.ahL hF Llt..na !-ln. tl.r ddlth dt*ti:;b lo* Srdrt-.t Hra, lt*t'r Ot t/taa. L ir r.ll 25th t lt .Iti I tt.n .. i$q!.9 0.1 hr *.coritlla.tdl, co&tsq!. Hr{hr* I |ltqLtjtlF r |[a rdr rH$0sriftr. i I|rr,rrLr ir bYt.rrdHv.; ,i ,r$ h.f| a. .S qd o..iltt IlfiU t i{3 -rdrt.nr tlrbr*g* ttr trrlrr; rr.rrrr-.r i|r r&Illaia Ltu. - tlt n tO. r. llllf ,llf Cd!|, trraa.r It r.rl.Oaa.rr.r r!'itla *a t! rrd.l- |.C tti.rtrf-..ra.r *at'r. ?'.rtt rdrt,rtt.n.r".r..L-dla3x flrr?rlrb ,) t'9i.t ,*at .'A lrrtr cldi&drr 1*ci.rt, lraa ! .'rr. fr.nitrt. n d r-.,.r"r.. FtG,diJ-t rqd rryk {.r! tnerr ral lr*}'!{arF L r .l.,nr.H rd rL. lb trl. t a4".aea,rl'|r tf,qt r' / . .r-.r*rnr. .d r!nr-!nd4ia {t.|hrr*t}ata rastt }'+1r!t- srljrca to all D.cldLt rl Drttlltlrr Crnlcr -' ut'r of rccor{' subircr to n|.r etdtrno. .f ttt EF of, f.il oa tr# for l9t0 md r.at tftatCt r rr.r. t6ts B to D..a. of lt|.t at t ..'td. .ia trr *.td l'.rrr".l rt*r-. fiib fic .d F.rritt F-arot " lht r|1. ,"lt g' lL t"||r' F l f b Lr |'|.r.{|.".a.rhri r! a.rrrt iarFr.r ri*^! bleltrtfdatnat t .lltr.L -trdi.t art r. t th.ira r}' ..i. ,i.lt .t tl' tnt F,t ** t 19 ra$llxt AfD 'OllVit Oltlt'O' tl'* rittr'|" 'utrrtt rb'll iFh& tt fA.td- lr. ,lt ..f ffr.iltdt d rf+r|'. rl.rf frr&r lbll le {tlrt||' ro dl 'arkLtr'tf flU3t* fffll$' *. -ri D.tlt t{tt Otrr F l h.t ltttentn '*r l|' Ln"'i |.r} th" d'y 'nl tit" nrrl Glntft. ItrC. , P.n.ioa $. !r "t' I ttlr.l ItlALl ,.. I t I .. - - lir'tl ia3. tr-artt !-a ty tr-.{r.a. }'i.l-titba' rt---l}- o-t itrtst -{ttt',/r,,-t' ) rt -'l ' Certiticate ,;l Copg Record tt \ I. STATE OF COLORADO ) __coItNTy oF EAGLE I " Johnnette phillips , County Clerk and Recorder in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that tlre foregoiag is a full, true and correct Photq Copy of Plat as the same appears upon the records of my office. Book ZIT .page 5Zb Given tmder my hand and official seat, this ldth day of PM.June , A. D. le 81,1:O0 o'clock Deputy Courity Clerk and Recorder -- I I . & il1.'*1, 21' /r7. l?gfi8tf binn.tt Pttitlx Cadt CS lH {,r,u t, t tt '\r -t \il' ; -f r -..'-:.f#3-' ' -r-1..\., to l nr- |frr r :ff; a-.', qZL.".3 el' tft /Af"lgl r-rbi--.ts- 'f r rr l"r' \l l||l' . -l \ i;.a r ., : /,,7 | t r:,U,. r.-\ . . lcl \, \l' ! \'. s. .::,,rr 1:{;I jI t ifi-' .!,ll, .A"\*, r !.. r, \ Crtrr' .\rt- i ra ! ' .. . i\ nsl'n rr'' l''i:r : 11.fXif..u:rr: . -'I\-r}...' r" l'rt}l i ' . FISII]. :'t -'r:nn' t, : '.lrt':' \. rt'ire'i ' l:, f ..\., i\{31(r1 'l ' r i ltrtt' i\a)\l : ' , .rs ..' ':rt}Atrb.;, t..1 .!l :"'r' l.-tr1 xl 'r .rrr. lr,'. "e.tt. l:)^, \i.l: : : alT r5!. ",: i t:.'t$t /' 'i /:.^ittr1'?: ' --' i.t \ll Lr-l lg .'.r.dur6n At ,77.*l 2t,rr7l &1 g 5rr3,*5l5a - -.iauat **ffitm* j,lr,,I#,s5*il",Ffitr:;-t'rglgit'gi.ft$'m*f, F; .I-6 ti. tbrtuLil, Jr., ',, t.r;; it ilt, ; .A' . r\ ''r' r ': Ii't i r(t't'Ir" I\Ttt ' a"r to *t rfdivfded J 2 {r.nrnl ll] u'(tf,n t: rnt.rn i! JD. *F. . Ita f?9{), }IrEtrt 'ird, Fl()!..r.r F,, l'Gi ni { '., r\: .. , t-rlle $rtL-, r' \,. r' ,E trr\r f |r .. - .{ :!i\.t. J\,]r r... ,\\l, .I.,i .,t.rr,':. , L* '\ ,s.,\' i. ./c -t! F(rt'-S .'li 'j'tur'i.utl' . r^', -"1\rr dr: 'lli ri F.dr,. t . * ir,a..r. ,,. (nry rrfl iJ(rl.rl.: .. , ,tri, I n riii rlr,... ri ll.rrrr i: Stt'\.t 14, .)nr\r ]. .' i ! Ll ,, I il" ,fi. .f. t\-t - . r.rrr_(,\r:.r wl !, '-ir :(.li! ",'r '.:,rl r rt l) '- xr |'ltlr j i r". -t\i.it I r: i.\'.il.\l r'j,l r\t!$trt.l F.^-;-.n,' i .r \,,1 ,,it tr. rtt lpt drd,/or ilrr-\'I .|lr-1,'')r l:l!, .l l, \i!i,lr!t 'l BIod( A, l,rcrri R-rdq. l'Ut-i..'-:il(nt, 'r:(' ri jilr: t 1978 lln h)k 11; rrt irk --'l ft hri,r,n .birtH /i..'i{,.1hi..{ . .lsJr,{.-: I r. r: ;arr '_l' i, r,l J, \ r -"rr.lrirr ., "- f illl , . ., ,rr t.rnt.r 'l ll|. 'a|l|n.nfu||. x.. u!!u*t h $ I ll ,t . tr trrrr-lu. r... ,r.,. - \ Il' ,! ,l*r- Jtfi tco.*tA]-rt j r : It t€nan+-s I:: cs{ E.c,le Eqi Fr]. tlttr., -th l!'a cr.cur.d th.,-ir , ,... tat l9.l *D ot tarrcnty F(rur ?houri.rnd l : \'' ;$!'a r. U. or-f .l 'l^3 | : I ilt - dd!.r. || I DO.rr._ .; ,it !.., &.r !h. drlt rb. ",l ta P€ r t h.: Pror i Ar.D ;lElLA4 tl. di .: ,',, r ( 1: ' it h.;.rd !|L?r.l ol L J r ".1.+ :, , . rlrr rlrr. r P. O, rox 1:!i C4\tal ,,f . rlt," Fi y ntt:t (ir.t.rF.ud l+l .'i- aro.rtrd, d4 l.t.It s,^, i. r.rrri, ', tL l.|l.i'|t dt ,1'-d pror. r!.! r ' ..ir ' CaL'.ac. t! r r! j_,r.l.Al:,r// ' /r! )L/.,R '.' l i, Blr]( ! r, j9'i' llJ.iTTlll;lir \q. r..n.d ,;lr', r: in (-' ':'t't " .., s r,r. rrrt ,lr J v .h.i rrt L. i 'I ii I ao a ao r.,' ! "rtrr. t rt rr.rt a!r..r , , $F EI \/ ( /\PRti .I ,\i . Il llli | . '. i. :,i.lv II l !,f of Cr cordato baIt .h Area ir raa I tOnao' rh..I a clud.pool undar 3TAtt C(lnlrt: of lir, 'll tr|. -r I 3.i',' ' f..1 ,), r :- A ul,.q' , , a i;':r:;!; rll antl thc n ,w_ -?ry4 h l-tl ic- 'l'l'.e sjl .drgen i,' : of Caro,idr !./.t: i :: sr, . ^cord€d a!:d^t!on t(, '...,O be knodt. dl J.rso... r ,. . It ahaI: rr'.cIude d !-or'.-,.t:. Area RgsPlv!'d frrr S." -r .. dfe6 :l0 deAlonate(l i...t.. lr tronal pul"i)ote s d5 lr'cl : o c Lhe trc -o,'i.t t ror. , u . a.l a'Jch lr.e&bers. .i,. . ciude, b.r r rhall t,ot- :. PooI and/or tennl s .:{-,'rr-: e M "i l':'NES S qi,:-lli.,f'. und.rrrgr.€d Lhls /5 _ -, SIATI Ot ( '.)i(,\it' (:ounl t ot l'r,.l t' Ill. ;t'r.!i'rlnl I of ft l.h. r'1 9. ''\' :'' '{ltr|.aa aY ,.;,. ,"1 I I Ily co-l r'.1,'r , )ul'Ir' (l l. . -r( :, .. : : a ':, .J" (): . i. fL!f. ..: , :,, ^.:1.i..: ., I sL/.rur'i tig ,x, ,:.eJ i,y ti.e | ,t ' t, I lt A ta tortrlt:16 {'! Trt-.- ., : t'lco. uy r. rl . rr^r(. ltlil .' r. !\r ar. i,'r.'., .; '"tt^'€Lrr.n tre rr! i .rvr. ," . ,.Ji) 'jst: t !.r r ir".l!.r* rnrfttr '. ,,o' !. I fil r:.'..1 f tll, ( t-lr',LA:l r r, 'l. j : ': l. J r.A:; i vdI ll ,! cr$l c ' at t i,( aud ,#,rrlt r {l} fce t!gt. t't Y f,r* r|in' Pf.otltr, '"'lit , n n i i-:' tettl't. Y. rlortLD,.\ ft.r i. t3dldr.6r Lo d' utl . "1.: r'. ' i,'I.i '. ('lo. ri .? r-ut : r, ( . +. try rdt*fr "grlrrrfry -flrtr _." Li.aat f|rfi, eeab rnd rlt.rr{ be i. i i-t ot tsbe dof arr i d p lir Gl ( f) rkr.,r i.r. t it€ rillr It i' f ti rt'{|ltj.f Frl.r. 1r{ i1r .rc +t.a.ll. "r,ilr,:lJ : Itli. Pk . ; r''' (,.'IqR! I, i rr!1');; l,,Jl. li.h rd{ dfGhrr thgt llrr: rolloui,ril !. r,!5, ,. !inarir., r,,naliti,,nr, t'zrarlof ioltr "*J,.j--,'> 19.r, reaerr.rt i.-'r," I i:,[!rnri,nr .r,,rj ,rbl igrt r.crtr nbtll br. Crilill r; to run ,rrth lhc lrr ' ,{ Ljon tnd ., br:lefit to ptrriOG oYnrrr, r.he ;,,o,,:rj,.. ,t 1 , ,,,i t,.p rirrpi. 17q15a- io-:.ram,,c i)e.l , t"-^f ,.tJ any trrron ,r,qur(r, , , ,., i :' .f,,r"trid pJ9.rc'L, rlict ir \ .:,,r I i, !r+rlrrteio|r,,"*'. .'-ir: 'i ?!: : .dffi6;-t'. tJ.., .t",., fgle: irce.,tor.. ,tt.iiqr|ur' ?.;r -''" ) lati .orr at rilftr, ir.,t. ard Irtrlltah ''', t.rir - \ ' .',rittttt ,-,t :{i. loqt xFal. I ',:-i. \ t!.'yry_;J .l!,lli. t! h,,' b\ I ? t), I .J, ' r1 A thi-. ''I fbur i4l rlrrr r lrn j, a . It) f.c rirr,l,' i l t. :. (,1) 1qu11 rrnd{ v i,J. l r irola. i&rrcr'rlr rr, ,, ,-5 hr.r.'tl tor rh,. t.. tn.r .Vt$! lI*it vh i ch ,, r ,.l .rd .l I cg jti.,t, ,. , ".'ia rhrt(r 9 ecr.rr i' tA oi'* tl v I r,: gonir'on itl ftt i ,r !t.praat* lr r'.rta i(|t rr.rtr) areh lr.r(tionll i, c. r',lr.d faNl rf ttr ', ", t tr i,i .. ;,'t i I- r lrr,, T, )rr:,r In( ?l f DGCIAlAttor oP conr^rrt ArD n8'?tlcrrcrS tol cAsoltn vllt, fils DECTARATI(N, ra& thr I , d.y o( , I9?8, bY DEANE L' frnT rnd I.lO PAlllE 'fr-CreG;Ttci crTFd oe ve l<'pet i il I Tt{EssE'rtl : l{HERELs, Deve}<,F:r degrreg to l'rovida for thc preservttron .f th. valtl g |nd atnenrtlGs rtr the rub- irvrsl,.rr knovri l< 'aioI!t vall, ond, to thrs end, dtarre! tc 6ubject the ri'al ProP{:tty descrlbed .!n Arttcl' Il to the covenants, restrlcrlont, easelEnta, chrrg€l rnd llanr herei,ntfi!r get forth, each rrrd rll of vhrch ir end lrc for tha benefit c,f satd proParty .nd each c'vner thareof; ar. d WHEREAS, DeveloPar h.s dc€rEd rt d€lir.ble, for thc eff.cierrt Irreecrvrtion of the valuel atrd aEnities rn eaid cornuritY, to creatc rn iqFlrcy to vhrch rhould ba deleqatld |nd altignGd t\e pJvara of n!intrlning otrd adrnrnratt:in9 tia eottur' r ty Proiartraa arld ttcilitie3 .nd ddn.inlrtGring |nd .nforcing tha caver,.nts and restrictrcnr rnd c!llcctlng .n6 dlrburarng the lsses6nEntB and ch!tgss hcralnaft"r crcltadt and THERDA-S, DevetoPar h.a rncorPor!L.d undar the lar3 of the state of colorado, aa t non-profit corPor!- trtrr, the CASOLAF VAIL HO!'E o|tllERS ASgOCrAtlo|l. tor the purpoce of r,'xr.rctstt I tha functlona sforcaridt H(I{, TrlEREFOltE, the FveloPcr dcclarar that th. real profrcrty des.rrtxlC In Artrcle II, lr lnd rhall ba held, trrr,!fer!ed, solrl, convcyod rnd occuPlad aublact to the covenan.-s, !('strlctiont, erlGEnt!, chargar rnd I t.:l1a (sonEtttr,.l refrtrred to a9 'cov"nlntS rnd r€:'tf lc- .-1,rns') hcr.rnaf!er ;ct forth. 6ect ion thc Decteri-[T6i-Er the cor. Ltrt !h.l I Datr r nga r AR?ICLE I r)rFtNt?IOt{6 l. Tte fotlortnq sol-d! rhan uled ln any Supplarnr- i I li,clrrrtloo (urlaaa prohr.bit) .h.ll hrt,t the tollovlng (a) "AselJcrrtlorr' ahall tan and raLr to th. C^Sot,AR vAl L H()lr|Ii Cr ?lt ASSC IITION' tII I I Iy otI t.lo PAtat. b lor t!.r. rub'rqd. Oal!.ricl. ll to!a cd I lanaia ard ar.rr tbraol t rlr.blc. urd nqr torra of aoPaatlaa I t^btllrlo8t lng rlr ld rnlrt oqp.'a, Cotgldr tla ttat tlra .Lll !. d roloct .8lra.!da fi:1t31c- adba l!L.rtfcbt .t,@ +.tl- (b) 'The PrgFrttaa' rhtll Fran .nd ralatto all arlrtlng prc,perti.a rubj.ct to thrt fclaratlon, {c) 'Corr.on lraa' rhrl I -an rnd ralar to rll ol tb proFrthr crcapt tlr. po3tronr th.n ot rtthln tlr bourdtalar of rny Iot ra iroyn on th. Sit. Plu, auch tasr ahall lnclud,. rl I .i,Fror'.rnto rlrich .r. rlthtn tlra Cen 1a.., lncludtng rithout linlt tion, rll Prlt t ttaaatr, rll pond and cr.al ryttc.., crtcrlor ll9dltlng, banci.a a,|6 urlks, said .rca. .re intcndrd to ba darotrd to tha s'dDn u.a rnd .nrol-nt of orrnc 13 (tubJact to theptgylalons h.raof) rnd .rG not dldl.catcd for uE by th. g|fr. rr I publ rc. (d) 'Lt' lhrll Ern rnd rcfcr to cach oltha t.n (10) areac indlcrtcd on thc r.t .ttrch.d to tnd lncor?oratGd hcrein 13 Edrtbrl 'A', tl,€ bound.rlaa ot$rlcb ah.Il linlt lnd loclt. e.ch of the gcn lulldi,ngglt.rt (.) 'Dyalling tJnlt' .hall ran rnd r.f.r to.ny roor or group of roorr tn . tuo-frniiy bulldint ylth tltchan t.clllties (brltr.d lor or uaod by onc fanily.. !n indrp.nd€nt houa.ltoGplng unit; (f) 'Parlly' rhall Drn rnd re firr io rniadlvldurl. or tro or srr Frrona rclatGd by blood,rrrrhF, or ado?tion, arcluding dorrtic r.rv.ntr,Ilvlng togrth.r in ! aly.Il lng unit urcd r. | .Ingl,! hourcltcPlng r'r| it, or ! grop ol not rcr. thrn four ur,- rGlatad pcrrons ltving toga th.r j.n r de"lling unit ured rr a rlngl! houlek€eplng lIrlt. (C) '(lr'lcr' rhrll lrn and refer to the racord oher, vhother ona or Frc Fler6on! or cntlti€r,of tha frc rlSl. tltla to .ny lot situat.d upon Thet rp.rtka but, notrithrtandlng any rpplicrblo th.drl of tha Ertgrg.. rha I I not r.n or re f er to thc -rtgr.j€G ,wrlcar and until fuch rcrt9r96c hre acquired tltla pur- tuant to toraclolura or rny procc€drng rn lrau of fora- clolure t (h) 'ltrb.r' thall tE rn rd ratcr to rll thoaa Ovtiara rho rrr r-ar! ol thc AEroc i,atton rt pro- vl&d ln lrticle II!, gectton l, her.of; ( r ) "5tructura' rhall rcar: and rafcr to |ny- thlng conttruc't'.il or arcctcd riLh ,r frxed locrtron on tha grourd, but not !ncl\ding trclea, l:r,es. cablat, or otha" tr|nrriarlon or dLrtrlbution tacl llt iee of grilllc utlll!:cr, or |rat I bor.a or llght frxtures. At tha dlr- cFati.n of th. A!-chrteclural Ccntrc' r. Corlr!crt rYlllng goola rnd t€r,nrr c\)urta r.y bc ur6rpled fro. thla datlnl- tton, l. i .:1 I I ,i r :, ?!irr l,,Il l:'- r : ,:.Ati(;E a la)t (ll.n.!d I '' f,ln ui.thtr The Pr(ip.r!r ), lr{!rcb/' covOnalr(1, nnd cach (!v:rr-l of Nny L{ L L1. ar...e1,t.r.tce of a 'leedth€r.f ot (vhetlt'.r or n( t lt htr.r ll t. :tl er(l,rcEiccl il any such dCcd or . th," Corrt.'r.)an(-{.,. ,.(.\.,...rirtr a^(' .grttea to lr.i)' ta thr' As!.(1(-lat irrr .rr. .rl|r , r,i b6m{'nt ,)r dharge' Se..t on 2, t'ur n(. ,. : ,. , D.j|nr'nt:i. fhe .rrrer6llent; i.''.i.,Tfry il,,'4., . r,'' tro,J l*- ..tr:tril I,rClu6rVel\ L r ',,.l.. l,.L,ri.,!1,. : .:...,.:l; thrj r.'Crr'.lt 1 ,:'1 , ncnith. al|ir'l j .r'rC ur.i ,r, , : ,, '('srd.-'r t i 'rl Tht' l'!();x'rlles atr,t i:i i,!.al . .^.r; , I r ,l j nalilr': anct ':(ra\i.:rtCr -nrrl',r;dr'',, i:,, !r ; tr,l! i.'',s,{' rl i,,c, .ty,. -1 -r.i. ll - r.r.,. r : ,r' ,ir, ltt i lil(.s r., r'l:,.: L l 1':" .,,(.i-trlq.r": ,titt ,,.. '.,t,.rr! i .1: Ll i ', sr': \'rr ] : rtes, l .l i r ' tr 1 " ie,'t, .. . ..1 ; i i,r n 5' -'l ' i' irl :1' r":'\tr'ci r ','ln': i' , . ', ' ' ,' r"dnr hl ) "iss'sBmr'r)l ,:,r i(): 1'.a: ; '-- .''l'll .i I i r''l 'i' /ili i| i'' lr. tl h.ral and rth. tot .t.rLl -tttrt||a (lnrof., .ubJ! Th. r o-?-fi alat. Sact talrllrcct tha rr.h.l Ihl. lth. Itaaoltlon aucca dryr borr rcntn r( to Pi ProF. aaaalIn tr ruch ebovrby tl or f Grtlr tuch t.h lclrnlcl unda;tnt ral I' tltcr, auba PTOP f rol aalaby: L Itto a. ta. 16. tl a 3g alo ad th rl't |af :Lct. lhtrl -ntttr.a- ottio I stul Bt i:F-.-r. ! rl. of r9 slsl tht,lr!.LlI ttcb.ld- haraln ahall olDnco qp 1! r. l+r d.ri' .'t Jan'r.rrY, t980'qa afaf f ba Payrblr rn . w{,lv{ {r(lu.l rnnu!l rn$trl ltEnta. tb flrrt auoh l.lat.lln nt. '|r) ne p6rd on th' Iltit d.y of ilfnu$y, lgl0t aubr"qu"it rnrtr:lnent! to :,e paid on tL tlrlt day ol arch rront.r t.hcra.lt€r. Ann,r.l aaaGsr- l|llta ia rubaa$tnt y.rrB .hnl I be dctertnined on or bctc'rc tha eloa. o? t{f prcccdln{t yr-,ar, rnd thlll te payJbla In Erthly loltal hDntr lr l!'<.rrenpnt rone<l. t{r ittGn notl(:€ of laaaatEnt ahrll th.:rl''.'Dor bi-' tent to cvert Clr.ne r aubract t he reto. Sactlon 6. 81 :e!L ,)l Non-Pryrx.nt of ,Atterttttcnt:tlr po rconfiGii" i i tnn Itril'-" -Gi e' I iFel!;aa-T6rr'fi;i - offi rt't-fo*.';''*;i-;-i?;iriipeTr-in-ini- aaEt f€n (IF(botrrg thr ,l.rtfts JPecrl lcd ln s'"c? t.n .l dn(l sact ion 5 harcof l ' than {uch ttsFsi'tnrnt shal i bccot'!€ drllnquont .tlat ah!lI, toeeth.'r i{ith !-' h int('r*'sr '11cot of eollactlotl ther?(): a! 5' L{ rrrnf te: p:'ovr i''''l' tbalr.,upon baclra .1 :a)tin'-rrnr' l ien on 'he proP'r I y wn!''1 ahlll bt rd alrb trcpart )' l t t.rt. hArtda of '-he i i\r't' ctvtrtr: r hir herrr. devllces. Fr'rraa,tl rcprca{!ntliivot a-rl 'r!919n!' Tbe Prtrron.I cblrgattorr '! r.he tb.'n r.)irn er to P't) srrch raacrrtpnt, holrgGr, rhall l.'trd l:\ hl! pcrlorra (" L|ta- tloo tor tha ttatitcr-v D.'r l2ri .rttrl sh.ll not I ts!' ]-o l-r I a aucfatlo! c in title flnlrs. clpresEly ^ f,5 rt!t1t'"' l)i' l''rtm' i.. I to tho lilr',,^. r{ sJch ' In.l tlilrlir t\, conpl.rnt rn.3uch i.'' ior., dnC r! ':!lq?r.'nt r:r Ltalne.l , 't )n the ,,5.i,, S:;inrt nt JS fr.r, ' b( t rx()d I f the a3..r6 s.,'lr i ir' drYa after the dclrn,lucnt I -r'.'baar lntcraat f roiir !hc l'r' L'' f tcn (10) p€t3"nt pr'r rt n|ri rr, i ln rct io!' 'it Id! .1 r,i r'r c I t f ' to pay tho tail€ ot t r 'i r' prot-!ry, and thtrr. s',.' rttars'4r. t l-he cotti oa ; ' auch iu,j,rllant str,ril ij.. rbove p: . .' i r.le rl antl , bY th€ l"'irrr t(qetftr or tlrtt n()rtgages llr,,i ' j '' . -r' artlat sublact ti, a5s.( E3; t pa rd rrthrn i\lrtY (10) f.e tsles3n." : sn.rl I l:\. i{enc! a- I he , ite ,)i i.s6ocidr-ion i-,r; bt t:: t ir.:r3!i I I!' !)l I |(ltLed lren agsl ,3' fhe { t. ' 11r ri,.} a :'s ()l I llf- r;sc i I ()n llortqr ,r:s. -!TI-Tii t- ;r '-Ffftr-.,.t,otclr:,'r'-, " ,' : .,.:,o;,;',' ;l?5iil.:i1 I'or 5s.* r'^ ' rrry 'ia5' mi I rqdge ' I rt ',) ,,.'\ 'l' Pr(,ir- - ,i, r()LP\'.'f , t|.,tt r ucir lub,,rdtr.at ,," .:r rl i .r . r r frii 4.,si...{:.' ts lor vhlch havr-Lr"com( rr, ,r rilch auch $ort'l{rrlre ' r I' -d{r(r' undar a.if','ree ot 1., rcc , ' in lieu ()i forecloaur.' roltava auch Prolr€! I Y 'i tlrrre a; tcr tr€con nrl J.r.', t ubac(l (. F.,l aala9$s'rrnr 'i,',.'tl": I l' pro4- t y *uEjiit' ii' '' \ ' f ro t tre altattF'r'rlt i ' ''r' {rr !'i i!.i aalftEnt -r! crtnt r in '":' by :hc i.,,'I cul,i 'r i . r I , i:r, l.rr aln '!' rlr)s (rr .r['.rtIr trtic .'. i .t!iy ot f a': i.l -rceotl)'rr'., ,)r 'ran!il(-t ttril nr)l ,, | .t.l) rL:{/,5r,ri^tt{ 'i ri ,-'' ,"ir;'i l' "1 "i 'ilL !r : r" l nlllt tt r..li.||al.rrdl 'Jrta O.clarat ldrrf ColoradG.ttqal '. tl llnsrty rtul I'lrl.t1r9 lraa ||d 6uDDlrrnt lrorrlalona orht h.r.by v latqt by loc.t !tl,ttFrtY, ru€hoblttrd to,t, at tL olt ldri.i .rd ll ,.4.,r-d .ddlt tonrdlt.rl r.al troF.rty,Fro'rl otrl prq|r1Y plxtt 30 I h[. a dlrldr.l a a.lt 3a 3lLf:c rrch a r 0L lot.rt -all cgrt.ln t t6.trrt t.l lYr tto9.ttt ar. rhel I br ol aora€ havltt th. trog.tt Y io f.t|3.tl('.h.llI atb.' t}' tha laaoclriloft. rhrll L'. r i.rtnb.r .r th. Arloal.tl6l, Dtwtaad Lhat Ar'y riu,'h pcr r.,n o! .^t ity a||o holdl ruah Iltlrfrt rrrly ir .t .r:r'rr tt y for tt,-' porloraan6t o? tn nbl lgrt lon. ilr.r I t r',)t 1,. a n ri,hsr ' Seci l()n l, \'otln\r ltt,Jhtt. ft,t. Aiaocl!tlon rhrtl hrvr-fiii 'ilsrior ;t ;i'tlif iinf,c r uhlpr r'i.rl.! A, (llarr A ::tonrber$ ahfll bf all()un.rr ot Lot.r ir' f iro liubdlvirr(}n, Clna. A tr*ara rhrll br .nttt lr',1 tu ooa vo?a tor orch Lot l uhlch thay hold thc rntor*ut .aquirad l(,|r n rtrarihtp by 'q.etton l. llhrn |Dra than .r1|! por l_on hol,la au( h lrrterart or rntafafta ln l[y tlrt, ill luch t€rt()nr rholl ba natr tora and tha vott l,rr tu(:h h|| $hal I L.'r crcr.-llod ar th(y cmng thlnralv... ldterntne, brll ln tl.r dvont rhall rcra than tlna V()l( r,r. /t,it rlth rtr[)..''r ?r. "ny auch L.o,t, r. r.rus il, (lart F rlrlrnl,c,r.r ahall bo th. Ocvrlogrr. 'tf,.' {:.i jcr b rLtril,er rlrol I l.c .rnr ltl.d t.r ot.o And orr.t-hu: I y{1t.h t(lr l.r, l r,(,! r,t bl,tCh lt h.\ld,th! tntrrflt r+,l,rrrad t,ir ntGln!,nr.rh!l/ t'r/ Soctlrrn l, ,,rOVfdad thar I t rr !r,.r !?rir li€l)..cni,ct !9?ll , 1[6Clltr I tn6itt* r 'rlalI tr. .ntII1,6.1 t() .l( r|nrrG tlr.n on6vOtI fOI .o.'lr L' r rn rl rch it h()tdr tlt€ .nt.rolt r.!- {urtld tor n.rnbr-, rrhlJr I.'/ i ". r trtr j . \t'l l i: l,l' I \ Ir Alllr ,f :'Ikl.,. iiji(' Tlrl I r' I l([r ah.l I ! c.ni r dddt.rrard i,l I lr!rrntll tho llrrt thalr rucccat(tr6 . f trrl.'t.)ra ,)l 'ha Arr(ra-'in- ". '".!.rr, hrl I tlts nalFS drr.lIti. ',! !!r,tvr.! ar l)t-c('l ()r n 'r,t (.t lh.. Hrnil,r.I$ ur unt.l ar,,i'l r,r{.!1.}'d 4rtjr l,( a,,! ; f !,. 1 iJ('r{ntnlt i;tro.rt tl, |\,.! r , C(. Iut ad(, l, ,' I dl r'! rU0 tin.lrrrot th loulav.rd i,,rh ( Uoo.l, Colp1 11,1 t,lrrlr rl,t(! )t. I lr,ulrlltg iii ract i,, tl ;..r , i.,,l()ftdo l()rltt ltl Tht tar 'a. f r.r i I I'r' ,1r I I r.' I | 6 .lr.i Jut tvt lct ,t r' i..!si 'fia Ar,d.)r.l4t tun. /rlil l rl ll V (.(.|-v-r l.lli'r i ,rrr .r,l^-l N'lu'!r^li1'f. r8-x-li {*![lu ryTrcI F Ot .rtlrt L, tt l*r€ a|llrlrt orr r.ruqllj:ill, l:sJi.lr!'.1*ft6tli,s?ls**11{!$ $ fror ta:.tidrhe t.rr ald Iarn. no land i I bc exo*t Th. =.-ar !fl -d onlylr€hit.cturt I Jo b'!rr I d lag .tyrt oror rlata.hGd.dditioa torl I ful I actaot I irit.d to,qc, .nd latd- dr r vcrt lor Datar ltl.r,act.r of rll , .nd I rght- vcd rn rriting on t! rctationtnc lrcbl -h. Ccitta.s|d le.tiond rFclf lcatton8rf D ]rlt to ra Eao cc-roval vll I r.ot to hal'a Daanonr r,|d tjrcllotr of tba DOY lra,. ot t.?? - rrPoar ructl Pht|sridar : l4rola-ot rcd to tl|c lnd , e lgh&or lag -l.la to b. i OA tii. oiit I, I 1' .,1 .i tnol. ,.,,rtrl:, rl: lr r,, dlf"jl.tlar'! t.lr : rririlrra'f -, ,, 'rl',' De.'r. '..1, 1c. ProrJlr6e I l;rPr.'. r''|nerlt P1.1!'llol lt ..t 2, rrFrl ". 1.5r.'l; , I l: I r:r i11 .l l.r. '.. rj t ", Lrn : .j:.I \' r.'fir 5tt t,r,' ' .:f \', 1.)l'nunt I t.i l. rld-a-rn,r;, r Ir(, lhrellrnq l-lr,rr. :n 'r1200, n,r. nor. .:,.: ii.,,. f ltxrr art'o. F.: tt:t- i,:. 9r(}36 re! Idcr)t | .r , ' t.., t()tal lrrcd uttli:ti ':,. rnclu.:r:. i closr'r rltntn ..ll.r unlt: , "Sr aabt or o-f l r|ra Yl thlo out of doot I or othar d.'t ba Gglat ructproPcrty osrihc collcct r acratnod ! rr tc rranad (r, ::. nor :arl, ol irr. tho dtval not tlP ccrn I i doqr, a.rlr ., jlr trtml*.r1 r.ir t vrIllGn,ttt[,. .'r by [,.rrr,,l leny nL( 1. rl .irtt.rrbtrr,,,' tho r.rul r .ny I rn.: ..lLhar bi r, i )' I rndi(:!1, , rlrllat tnc.rl :'1.,_l r ', i '' ;'I'J. txt'tr' ' r r'irl r' :1.J"('.) ' \'. .'' l (- I ! | .; , at r 'rc t uren, olvtfilon, i r,r,tt4d .rr. . JOna ! rur-1 r , thc Arch l t, i. at.t ucturo9 ( cqlation,conidttEni raoal$ra thrCqrtrol C6 sa or h.dg. hi.frncrl, rlrrEnt arcopr r€crcat lonaArcLtlactur, fcncrra or virtloaal t.c forcgglng h,ilgl ngrr uporr.rlorrr I y rid.tFl-nt o :i \ il r 'r'\ :. j'.' ., ! ,r, .. . jl.r,: t,: l ( i,: , ! ' 1)1,. .t t l" ri i:r I'rr' i't: rlrr'OrV't','i tr'r t, t. 9r.:l ,Jt t h,, :',,e!, ,: tlItlrl ,rr9b. tait., cortl -!h. r ba !ofnt, lorol l3 l, to S€ct loll t. Tr.)sh arrl Gar!. le, No t, {oh,:.b!. 9r ofF-'iifiro ;t ttrT?i#--ii- j,,rr- r .. .ti lllnd rltttn thc dn aloFmnt. .:.h. ii.r-r,rn.r 1,i r...i,.Out Ol dOOf r ahall not be r,.rr - l t r_Fii. ...; lnellic, Jt r rtor Othaf &vlca lor iht f,..rr,:,, r.,: r!t rse rnd., rri shallba oo[rlruct.d, lnlt,rllcJ i,r rred L] dn! p.r.,,fl. !ric ProFtty oynaf rhall pr.'.,,1d.' .,,!irdbl.: r'Fc".'ptar.lcs l,,rtha COllactron of rcf use - i 1(.jr r.{.j--ei,! r. Laa a}idi i :,,' rcraaftad f roNft publ !c . .{.L, ..,t .l- ,..t-..r,t^r,' ir'!. il^.r; I r.t fcfaaAad ffo$ pubIl': \, l('r, rr,,j r r(.'.-.-lerl !r.rm,1,{:url rncrlli. lrot ra,',roF raa- Sectlon ltj. iie"s. :r\, tr'(! sh..rlI |, trlnd c,r -iGEl76J_Tr.'r ;f , l, .,'l'ut-r't'' , {ir.'; ' - r. f, i,t r, r urlttaa lPPravrl of th' Arcl .i r'{'t..i 'l \' 'Iirr'rl . 'r-.r ir'F or by tlaraont dclir;nat r.,t l-'i i n.r c()t'!- | I | . ,' l \ 'l | .ri! (rt dcny auch approvrl . S€ctron l.l . L.n ls dt)lrL j .!r-11 ,I.l('iriij" AlLi dt r t urbrnciT6-t'Fl *ru r f ,r. .' ,, .'1, .li- ' r'" ,l-.ll'i] i ' 'tha relult of conltru,-'t rr,rr, lhr' rl'tul' :'l r.lr I ): tny llnd, rhall be le,ffv.': j tlrnrltr. l i-!',fti.t |-, erthcf by toplantrnq sucr !.,, i d.r r:. nAt I t(' ,Jr.r ,!q ,,r by lrndrctptng, or lr) f.lr:1r t,.ir,r, ()r 1 ,)th( ' rr:j s lnllar tcanR. $ect.lon l:. !,r,nl.(.f rri-1 !r. ' ,.-,'r. i.ri r.r!y .t.ucturot; iralle-iti !, nl: ; " - --- r!' l , ', r 5. -,: - divl!lon, and ()l ht'r !t'ltli 'r rr - sl r .r, r r' j ilr.ll I i' r..'.- nj,ttad 13 rnay bc rl€er'stary iu:.r: r^ \i: ti i., c€nttfuctron pur'!x)6t's or'1,, , I ),,i, ls .rurr.!)r i,' I : - tha Architr(:tur.l Cor,trr)I " r' , 1 Scct lon 9. hor r.., orEifi?F of rn thc dava I oplr€nt. not b€ conl t r ued to(loqt, crtr and other 6ect r,)n I J. (ic .: ; :rtructur.3-?Efieii'ii r'.it r i, ccrlplatlon and rhall b€ :l].i colnctlDnt, unlaa! a ro,t,t6l tactritaa tha vr I t t..n .unar,.r Cdrtrol C(a.nttt.€. forogolnq ho lglrt t e;tI : trpinga u[xrn t]t. trt "; 'rr I rafloutly lrqrat r rrr, rr "d.trlrnt o( t t.r ::'' ,: i;1r..:c, : . r r' .)r'q , i,, k,';r' .r t.l .;., (l ,fi.r,...,., it.. , .ri, t rri:i.: : ,tlcl- : )t w trltlrlcl . a6 racslt rll-rtra/oc,tI 49.rltLta SGction l{. }lt t I l. .' or h.dg. tfqfi6i-t'lia; tl,'t ti\i, J, frnc(1, ahall lle er..!t.,: ., jurrjrr rr . 1. . r ,,- .rrt'|''f .l( t : rr' ,\i ; rir ! ,! . It'r t ;r,n' i, 1., I!.!1 I:I tIrr l. i1(rr'il r II l\Lrr(: ' , )t![ ],al ,,,ii I 'ia i\' '11 'Int alcaP! lur:h t r n,'cs : facraatlonal ltllltllJ!ror, .,'i.r. Arcl,lttctur.I (:ontr('l (*l1!r!r,. !- , " : lcnc$t or 9.Ilc !ro 't(,rrrl i .. alionol factli.,, ,r,.1 ir r', I ii.,. oftenaive .ny t hr,nq a pub I rc Saction 15. NL r sancca. l{r' norl(tut ot iilT-v lTlii n a t I--}i, -. srired oa not 'hr i I b€ dona or l,ertnrtr{.1 uhi,:h thcll Jonrtl:Jto nu I ranc". ,;,';:t,$':, t ; (s,r'.bC sE "1&eJt!fr sect rt.ln 16. !;\,,.r , - -_ilh! !i.- . Al : '''\t"t lor i rqhts ., st'.I--ii-Tff:.ro'"., i " '. .i' '.--liJiftin i rr'''rr' I (or anY otl|€r iurFoBr. sh,!II i,f I :t' j ,tr!'r: 'rr'r'! ' :th'oldcd ln aolno ()r hcr f Btt,lrrr, .l!: :"' i'rlte l i - "{ '1I -h: rrrc!{rll !()ntloI i'()mtr I t I r.F. l;e"tr(jn : . L I I ri,P.rii iii.it 'li.'"" i- ; t)\lrred iln.l.rgrori:r i -l st r, . ,rs Jearqnal,.,i bY tll' A', hl' :ie(:tron l3' tlt ": 1,r.rw*r lrn,.i liii-at ell-'. r' 'i,'sr,rvice ,lr ,l c, \::.t: |, q r ounl1 li6r,rllat ic,:, ai., : : ;.rri 'I"'i iil 1!da ' -...i,L. r'.r,, \r ',il !".' ' : q,-:v . i :.t5hi.ln '' I -i:rr'' l ''('r" Ir:-::-efr': , I ll. Ali. , --; ;"..1 -: (:: -: ! rrl i .rl : ,,. I l: \','L li r.rllr.r _ .,! .)t.iitr , 'l,L.i ' _ ,t A'r: li :.F trt. i. : ,A.:FI r. l-r,: tt )('J -tlafn - lrte.rl.ltt |lIef lalrl l|rt atrl aarl$rla ri i r,l s \l,r:l I .':.r) I i, rll,tlna. Itt: . : )bnrol t . l+(.:t(,I ' 1...e ,t . i,., -r-tr! I ti,r : , n)t . ,...1 , .l iI t!rb.t,l . \r ' '. r.!1, ii'.1 ',.,1:i'.' i.r.:v.i l,'.i '11 tha ...:,.. .hdr 1 i.ir i, t f r\/.' ir-r",: I I t. l.t! it'li | '- : ' ' :t.,Or.ilr:, ,.,rnlS ,: r-at i. S(.Vent /'- r rr' :. t lagac l.1,? ; a r lor or.:.ldrdturrl 9.. ra l! !4. Irlllr- or aach t rr.t .!.j.'.i ':th. d€valoP.r) a: l-.p9rovrl, thc A$,.. ', rl prrt ltIen, rubdrvr,l.,Co|nn Pr opa rt I . . r) -'Aaaoclatlen tor r:\d I grrnt rn.J of err. ..': ' PuDlrc purpos€r '( ,. auch Colen ProPr'r: r n : f r thln tha F.!|ni n,; ,t: ', the obl igat,ionr, (!:: r!tl. ' nay bc lGYtdd .l:tr:.r? l.: i . Ot attaDdon ajrl barh. -r! : I i'ilj r' i "lli tharcO{, Pcrtdlnln.l 'a : ' d' n '"'. axtortor aPpllrant:r: { i ' !l ''': :, ii rtca of !tf uctutca, r i\d ' I i.lr'I r: I r' Proparti€t, plf i hJl(t, 'rti,t: I I '!r: thc upkecp of l.teni rn ' I I titt ' ,ot r, ,, t!!?.tr I t,.r.. lo3a tu any t<,ql;l.,..f, t. ,'.' raPla(:Jn+nl or !{' .il'':; L c ' I Ert 9r9e.' .;i-l' r'; i thG txlolg ind i '.J. r l i :r,l .r . covarlg€ on ln!u' ,,1)' ' i 'r ' ' r'! ' rcplacehant gorl !n5,': .' r: ( '.: r hundrGd parcant {lar' ( i th!' :r ': ir ' r "''! on curr(!nt raPlac('D1'tr' .'- n' n t nt l!l.d Ira .'1llv. Cst I EG.ra.! t!. ot Slalr Itr.d -ll'{Ftt-,P!F. :i.f ie,i : t )rtg.(;e€ or li5i-l-t,rur (.rr-r,13 PaY trxGr Ot oli1{:i i r I rhlch n Y hlve her t'r' 'Propart rar and Dr r r'., . lntutrncr) PoIlc'r' t:. covafaqc n th' r"'"i ruft|t Paysnt oi Fn'nFj' rar-\rtad to ruch ' L r: tha la: cl.t lon. Sac t r ';ioltrcr grov Gi5fr*i- i t' rlthalandllro ' nrr -\' t rn roaFct r'o t h' - I of lnturanca Prr" ' Yhtch .ta dtrtt rDrir t' .lar ,, r.ll. " r:'r' "t . l t 1 'irr* " - : rtJI : i.'L:r.,. ri ' ' ' .rrAa1'Jl.l '. 'od an, ,. !!.r i' {l:!l:tr".j' . -i'-ely :tii-)l'.. It,i -rr :'ci:,'t|' Ii', LY , ! rJ.l: r : )'.;; t,ii- t:l lr:.' . '| ,! i ^.i lr . . ,itrr',n.;! .: "'.' \tt) . rl -',i- l-rrv noi- \ '!!{ I ri lll l(.ll ' tli? l(lrt .,-::., :.t . r ,,i.h,lt, .,: :.r'. !r' 'hf !*s .$.ri- "t tl, -. - l* j. Subdlvttton, ahall b.. (trtt.rtbuttd tc, ruch l^ot ^' rlr' aubract to tha ll..n (,r rntor?tt ot lny lrrtt 6\ l"alrr or bcnaticl!ty. !s r.ril, llcn \)! rnt(rctt aPPa.(r' Sact ron 6. R.!tcrv. . A..ocrat lon du" od ch.rqer rniTf-liETior, i"--iTeTl u a t c r.'lct\'? lunJ :or natntanance, repaira .rn,l rapl.ccrEnt ot thoa. rla-lit 'rltha Co rtn Propl.rtret ? ".rt ttsri b€ r.plrc.ii on a Periodic ba!iE. A|tessit.lttt lt) rctPcct t() ruch raaafll rhrll Ue t).rd rn reqular inrttllr'.nts rrthet tban !y lPr( l!I ilFsesBtnr!': r'. Secrr..n 9. I , I n-r n_,!,r I r)n .-,.-: t l!gj!-lg!!!!!pg. I f t he arrFi;fT.oi ,', ' ,'r r int .: r'r1 a;roemnt for Pro-fctrionrt Litrretn€n: : t-he !.]lilr\!5ton, or rny coataactyh!.'h provrdcg f or s, r " ,'ca f'; ibt. l('v{ l cri,1'! ' looh aglaa' IttFrr t or contra('t '.rr'rl I , x1';etsiy ; l(tvld.i' t<rr tafatta_ tr('n Dy elthcr i:.rr i,J, -.th?rut c.t\r"c, ')f l)4ytEnt .)l a tertnlnltron f(..., cli r,- :-(tte tl;nn ninlly (901 dryr' wrltt(.n notic(.. ,!.) s r. h -ontracL rhall Lc for a larD of llx]re .f.an .hrer' r r ;,r'art. Alr - I i:l,i l\ I,ROV l:. I o!|S S(r, : r.,rr l. :)uratlon. Tha ca)\'ri,iaDtt lttd rlsrr r,-tr,'ns ,,i t",,r .'-1;-ffl irxr rhnll ruli elth rDd blnal 'i,i' ianLl , .n,i s: .' i I .r r. t.<, t l-' berrr.l i t o! o:ld ba ( nf ,,r r',.dir..! I \' ,f,, ),. 1('l)cr-, 'L{ ABioci.!t. r()n, Or tl'L l)r'nIr (rt rrr'. I r:. 1 ir:i '' r'' t|,rs D,'( I.rr,!t ioti, thGIr 'cr,i,.( l tvcl l, .ri r"r !' ,i ili.rti!'..t, hFl.6, |r ircc,'rtofa, !r'i.: ,r:,rrl JDs. . I r' : r'onttn\r. r' l.:ll tt)rr'c and r':tr'.-i t,rr -t ...rr- ..1 "l i-rra ".)!r ':\e date ()t thrt !)i.i i rr,rl l()n'q rl,({1r ll .l. dl ll1 l.l .li:(' !;.rt.l ,.venntltl sl;.ril lI ituL\rir,tl r..ri,, .\rr':1.:r:J :\! s iL'_,-sgr'.e l,CtrOrJt()l "Ir ,lt)) .."!!t ..i 1 ; ! :l l. I.r-'i ; .irJ('L r L, . ,^ltrl)liil|ir'rt | ,, , tr.r'1rl(rl()nS. ::. ,.r' ,,.t. t',t'. '.(\rlt.rrn.i \r.r. ,:j \1' ,,.!1 bc ^,r..,r('tr'Lrrl,rt('d I r', r.1' : ! , ti L!' i' r)tn!.ri Lrl tlr, i rr,r', 1 .,vr.r.,l l,r:r l l,,lrll(lrt: la!s : I ilr .l ' - trIOli .r!' ' : i)r. ., Olt luna, I '.. rr:1.1 . tvGltantl r. tl,A.,l!)r.|r!r, ,,',., .)rrrrl|\l Of th.r r',\'!:l(.,l . r 1hln tha a .!tl(':t r al,.rl' lr '1,, S.rf .il I\'rslarn, r 1.,i l)Ync! li lll I r'rit'' r ' t hl' !b('tibt.r a ,t t!,, l.tlrv.Li( n!i rl '\'r'r n r' mater l.tIii ,rl:''. : dl vttlon, t hr.i q - unlt,aF ll rP r{ 'ptl ar! 'lt ()l ' ' ,' I t:i : !I.{,5r- i v(,u lit rrlf' 'l rr iiio . 'r'ir.j'!''trt 't rfri 1 r .tttect ,..i:../ ,-r rtirct the ' (r tactlv.'. ,L rrsl)\:, i at r,)n. /ot c{rtl 13 F.ttagt ?..rt. r aFa oJld torr d.-etr otlar.||d sa-trrE tLfi btt n3 lsmtrt lot FaO-r -t G{taaal -. -o .|6..- - Cadr.' '5c ot . Ot aqt.'aaat!r irr r' lUCitJ I ,1 ".., r' r. .ts!. d :: ,i ,,['/.rll, il'l:i ix',-lrrr r' r lr I'l 1;r.||I Vllr.lr llrr, I, ,,! '-,h. 1;!rr. tr -' r,." rds .i f ' Eta .addcl .ra blDdlra!.lt. e thtfl, uls tFll|tllla.fcr -aa ot ttt.a orr.att.alrr ,.tlda. artt4,..I otFatrll-0.5ot-a dtrb tl. ara rLFrral-. ct t\] e *aFr, -Jbtb|t||.cl'rJU*rJ eflrcilrgr lt$, -t lt-, std : I 1r s(, 'l I'raai r' I St' ',, r','f thr',, r'. i : ' ':r I ()r,lcr it I : il, r.'l srj., I I r,.:r,r. I l r:il r J{'r : r iir I ()lttF!:l I I i .! 'f..r.;i r 1 ,r .1. rlrl,t. !') !. i r I'r,I. .rt : l.trAl,(t, ':r,l.i: t: ' . i , ' ,ir ' :: .i: I )y.,r r,.i. . .,. I . ' . r,.rf'r'l lr,v.,:'l- r , l .r 'r't.lr': i : Ai tn{'i ir i : i1."ls .i 1,ll ! I ir t,t tha CottrtEn Area wh t.tr sl;d PAtg trlth the i.t i,' ' to the f,,Ilorli,,l r.,'r 1 i i'L dl-r,rrrteu^nt t! dr il Shrll { ,,1r,'r ' ,Lr !. r, S, l le ^ t I i Jr, ct I ont ,ll r thla .- I.'t., t laY {!lr- Gottrt aa 'f)) ".t r,,;r'' 1 ':lr' ,.19r, - idrl'i i ' '!r" su!_r' reasi ,r):,i !Jlr:. rt ,l r. :l 'rL. r: s rt:'rarrilt"i t:'r' '' ':I the il ,rnm. i Ar€-t rl I'.r i :l s l _"'trr i i-^!' rr 1' ltrtntte r! a:)d 1r'r, t it'rs(rl.-i lll ' .' /! I : ' i'ri_n :i' rlrrllll. tl 9" COlolr t:t., r.,rch *! il l t l'.,' ! lr t I , r ' dl,prtIr, ' ,r' "4 : ' t" - r. l I r'i wl 1':1.: i\l:l I" I ctlri : r' . l. t,'( :r,9trJIr"rr ,r i rCfutad ,1,'t! f [E--' I, (.rtrrx oag t,.) . ta l,'/ t "lg18. tl ttt lrlal aa allr x -luatve l- I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance. rhe application will not"bft"i:ffifff"rlf5+"t"ltt*Jli"n':ftt5"J"ffu,"f#"t"t,,""X' at Lar, ?.A., ?ensj.on Retirement Trust A. NAI'1E OF AppLICAlilT Jean Catoe, Trustbe, Catoe Cqrn.9reterg!_fnq.' Fension Retirenent Trust 9tn -t/1L-72--/ /.r/ t-27 anonsss P.0. Box 1290, Ho'rF HONE--24EL9O5-- George Straw, AttorneY B. NAIT1E oF ApptIcApTrS REpR3SENTATIyq Jaues W. Melonald, Jr.l dCeo. Straw)Suite 1211, United Bank Ot?I HonesteadADDRESS I Denver oJ_o. PHoNE:. 501-85 9C. AUTHORIZATI ROPERTY OWNER SIGNA ADDRESS PHONE 4{7-/90\ Application APPLICA?ION FORM FOR A VARIA}.ICE of owners of all property adjacent to the their addresses, I{artin and Cralg Rubenstein L172O ltillerest Road Da11as, TX 75240 Stephen ChernerJeffrey White ?aradigut GrouPP. 0. 3ox lO D. L,OCATToN oF PROPOgAT, t, <, rf ... ,Itot ua1\'/J; ADDRESS Senr! stone Tln {we* flasolan" . P"'- LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN J-ot--12-p1ock4j- riling CaEgfg.r-IIgiLJ FEE. g100.Ob pfus 18+ for each property.owner.to be notified.)A t^ - l{l1l E. F .\ \\\ \1 ./ \"," \>\ rl A list of the names ,qubject ProPerty and ALfred H. iili1l1ans Dratrer WibiI, Co1o. 81658 John M. I{unPhreYs 50 South Steele St. #575Desver, Cofo. 80209 3ou1der, Colo. 80306Charl-es Gallagher 45f2 So. Vine WaY $nglewood, Colo. 80110 , \r\,lilb\ A varj.anee is requeeted by the I1 for tbe a-11owance of trSAO GRFA. involved is oumers of f.lot 12 the regulation Casolar Yail or ordiaanee Ehe Iswn of Vail staff is totalLy familiar and eognizant of the infornation requested in paragraph II 3 of the application for variance; any additional inforaatlon requested will be supplied by applicants. the purehasers signed a eontract to purchase trot 12 Casol-ar llai1 II on FebTuar! 26, L979 and e].ssed said transactioa and took title to sald property on May 22, L979. The purchase price of the l-ot was $70,500 for whieb tbe pur- ctasers paid all eash at elosing. Ihe Restrictive Covenants of the Casolar lel Norte Homeowners Assoeiation, Ine., provide for an allosable square footage, GRFA, of 1690 feet per unit thus tota-ling 7rr8j for trot 12. fhe orners are inforped by the flown of Vall tbat there is presently an insuf- ficient a.mount of GRtr'A attributabLe to Lot 12 in order to construct a duplex upon said propert3r pursuant to the covenants of the casolar De1 Norte llsueowners Associ-ation, Ine" The intended purpose of the purehase of the l"ot was to construct a duplex in aeeordanee with the provisions as stated hereinabove. -L- the ownere of tbe property are innocent third parties caught up in a oBagFire of coaplleations resulting from confliets between the original d.eveloper of sald subdivision and the Sowa of TaiL. The orrrners of the property are being severly danaged by sueh aetion and eircunstances and therefore request relief on tbe basls of hardship fron the tonrn of Yail . as trustee!IN.0. HeDONAJ,D, I PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA . Mondayn June B, .|98'l 2:00 p.m. ST1JDY SESSI0N Gore Val1ey Water Issues b:00 p.m. l. Approval of minutes of l*lay 26, .1981. ?. A request for a variance to build on a s'l ope jn excess of 4A%, another variance to bui'l d within a set-back on lots A-] and A-2, Lionsridge, between Sandstone Drive and Lions' R'idge Loop. Applicant: AAV Limited Partnershi p. 3. Application for a density variance in gross residential floor area in order to build a duplex on Lot .|2, Block A7, Caso'lar Vail II at 1'101Vail View Drive. Appficants: McDonald, Catoe, etc.,Pension Retirement Trust. 4. Preliminary revjew of CCI and CCII Urban Design Gujde PTan Projects '1. Hill Buj'lding additions ?. Lodge at Vai1, swjrnning pool enclosure and restaurant addition. 3. Casino Building remodel 4. Concert Hall PIaza Building, jnterior and exterjor remodel 5. Lionshead Gondola Building, add office space and convert 3 officesto commercial . 6. Lionshead Study Area No. 5 Published jn the Vaji Trai'l June 5, l98l. NOTICE of Vail Zoning Cot.urcil Is HEREBY atfithat the Planninp and Environgtal Corunission of the Town will hold a fibtic hearing in accordance wittcction 18.66.060 of the Code of thg-Town of Vail on June 8, l98l at 3:00 p.n. at the Town of Vail Chambers'iri the Vail !,fr:nicipal Building. Public hearing and considetation of: l. Application for a ninor subdivision request rmder Town of Vail Subdivision regr.ilation: involving 4 or fewer lots to be naned Grouse Glen At lail located off of Lionsridge Loop on a part of Parcel A, LibnsRidge Filing #2. Applicant: Valley Venture, a CoLorado general partnership. 2. Application for a minor subdivision involving 4 or fewer lots to be locateil Applicant: VaIlley Associates, Ltd., a request under Town of Vail Subdivision Regulation: at Ridge Lane on Lot 5, The Ridge at Vail. limited partnership. 3, Application for a density variance in gross residential floor area in accordance with Ordinance 18.62 of the Vail Zoning Code in ordet to builil a duplex on Lot 12' Block A7, Casolar Vail II at 1.101 Vail View Drive. Apptieants: Tina McDonald, Trustee, James W. McDonald, Attorney at Law, P.A., Pension Retiienent Trust, and Jean Catoe, Trustee, Caioe Corn Growers, Inc., Pension Retirement Trust, and Jean Catoe, Trrrstee, Catoe Corn Growers, fnc., Pension Retirement Trust. 4. A request for two variances in accordan"" ri.tt, Ordinance 18.62 of the Vail Zoning Code for Lots A-1 and A-2, Lionsriilge, between Sandstone Drive and Lions Ridge Loop, One request is to build on a slope in excess af 40%, the other is a front setbeck variance. Applicant: AAV tinited Pa?tnership 5. Continuance of an application for exterior alteration or rnodification in Commercial Core 1, under Section f-A.Zq.OeS of the Vail lrlunicipal Code, to allow an office building to be constructed on the Znd and Srd 1evels of the alley between the Plaza and Casino Buildings, leaving the street Level open for pedestrian traffic. Proposal is located on a part of Lot F, Block 5-C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pamela Telleen. The applications and information relating to the proposed changes is available in the Zoning Adrninistratorts office during regular business hours for review or inspcction by the public. TOI''IV OF VAIL DEPARTI'IENT 0F COI.{I{LJNITY DEVELOPMENT DICK RYAN Director Published in the Vail Trail lday 22, 1981. '! t Pu'rrc NorrcE ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environnental Comnission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18,66.060 of the Zoning Code of the Tohrl of Vail on June 8, 1981 at 5:00 p.n. at the Town of Vail Cowrcil Chanbers in the Vail lilunicipal Buil,ding. Fublic hearing and considerati.on of: l. Application for a rninor subdivision request rmder Town of Vail Subdivision regdlationr involving 4 or fewer Lots to be named Grouse Glen At Vail located off of Lionsridge Loop on a part of Parcel A, LionsRidge Filing #2. Applieant: VaLley Venture, a Colorado general partnership. 2. Application for a ninor subdivision request under Town of Vail Subdivision Regulationr involving 4 or fewer Lots to be located at Ridge tane on Lot 5, The Ridge at Vail. Appli.cant: Vallley Associates, ttd., a limited partnership, 3. Application for a density variance in gross residential floor area in accordance with Ordinance 18.62 of the Vail Zoning Coile in order to build a duplex on Lot 12, Block A7, Casolar Vail II at L10l Vail View Drive. Applicants: Tina McDonal,il, Trustee, Jarnes W. McDonald, Attorney at Law, P.A., Pension Retirernent Trust, and Jean Catoe, Trustee, Catoe Corn Growers, Inc., Pension Retirenent Trust, and Jean Catoe, Trustee, Catoe Corn Growers, Inc., Pension Retirement Trust. 4. A request for two variances in accordance with Ordinance 18.62 of the Vail Zoning Code for Lots A-1 and A-2, Lionsridge, between Sandstone Drive and Lions Ri-dge Loop, One request is to build on a slope in excess of 4O%, the other is a front setback vatiance.. Applicant; AAV tinited Partnership. 5. Continuance of an application for exterior aLteration or rnodification in Commercial. Core 1, under: Section 18.24.065 of the Vail l'lunicipal Code, to allow an office buildingto be constructed on the 2nd and Srd levels of the ailey between the Plaza and CasinoBuildings, leaving the stTeet leve1 open for pedestrj.an traffic, Proposal. is locateil on a Part of Lot F" Block 5-C, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Panela Telleen. Tbe applications and inforrnation relating to the proposed changes is available in the loni-Ig Adrninistratorts office during regrrlar business hours for review or inspectionby the public. TOITITI OF VAIL ' DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMIJNITY TJEVETOPMENT DICK RYAN' Director Publishcd in the ltail Trail ltay 22, 79Bl . Qeqt-'esr -F?t-Ac.ti uS aD 1HE Aqa.:e+- td {laarL* 4S -T k)t L^i- 8a- orn- a€ -f{F--'_ {t:a1a.-\t-e.-/ LJLJT-. (,. irHE. 5I-A- oF TL+#7- I.'la/Jtz{ . -T fiA-/88:: r*e,;l?A<-,F.a &r 62-z * sis?<i ae_'t4€dt-s1=*-l yntl 4rt-a€a_s€1r, tZ.c>q-s=re_ -rv-bn14gr*J/ a 5a - S'l,5O C),'€-*-----e /d'---/ 3/23/81 hlr'. Thomasc.h's ofllice contacted'- :r:';i;ed to reschedule anpeal unt.i"l llay sth Counci I meetit:rg * lett.er to follorv. I{. Caster I Fairmont Hotel Pavilion 555 Scventeenth Slroel. Suilc I(>0 Denver, Coiorado 80202 (303) 623"5520 (,/ 3* b- er DpA€ fY\*\ore SL rer? - LJL t-rrsr+ Tr' AoeeaL 't-+.lE- I)*ssroJ oF -ll,-tc- P.-a:,;"ctg- Cant,tltssto^) os f1 AA-cA 4., tqAt l,-J Qcqapa> lz; C{=.cta,t! ,t*!*JL,, T:orZ V4ra,,A^:c-e- . ?.ea=a. ;*'i'*-1:r'..t g Il, ?:rg ,r-\# .,..r, ^ l- ;': .i ,.';\jft ,. +.'frr,y' f ' -.r" .-;'s-' --\ o.'1? (t\) f3 r2b/ TOII'N OT VAIL APPLICATION rOR VARIANCE c> tElt/ 021 9zA Application Date Publication Dlte 6 F- tl/>;,-...'a z-oPubllc Hearing Date Appli.eant 0wner if different from Applicant Name Name of of Mailing Address ?eleptrone (?rs\ zq '-tzz,.^ , Legal Description: Lot lT , Block A , Filing property unpl"a mtes an ounds descrlptionl-s is I ted made submit for a as ex of the ibit ) Application hereby Variance of the from the provisions Municipal iode forSeetion Town of Va11 in order to allow: l0- tn a L D'htr APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOI\,PANIED BY TI{8 FOI..LOWING: yo 2. A LIST OF THE OIVNERS Otr'TIIE PBOPERTIES withiN 3OO fEEt J.N A Single-3ami1y Residential; Two- Farnily Eesidential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in al-1 other Zone Districts. The owners list shalI include the names of alL owners and the 1egal description of the property owned by each. Aecompanying this list shaIl be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates and Return Receipts properly fil1ed out to each olrner. These forms can be obtained f,rom the U.S. Post Offic 3. Site Plan, floor plan and other documents as reguired by the Zoning Administrator. (This is to be submitted at the time ofpublication ) 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(Th.is should inslude an explanation of the specific hardship. ) \\a -t o7tr I I I i gnature of Applicaft .-i 7-I I) fuov : H " ykle s tu t*-fu / -:-t--L 4 s.g ( a-k J-L-- Q- *^-A.;, Qor,B ,9-, T a,A T t\_ Iltllnttn department of community development rail, colorado 8!657 (3031 476-5613 April 8, 1981 PaviLion Denver; Colorado 84202 Dear Mr. (noxr The Town Oorurcil at their neeting on April 8, 1981 did hear the appeal for your gross residential floor area request and by a vote of 7-0, denied the variance. Sincerelyn T-.-( {tr- DICK RYA}{ Comunity Development Director xcl l,,tr, Thonasch DR:bpr l,tr, Deary'e Kn 1a,l/ DFA4 [rr.laVoe. Surq, {^-la r.ursr-t rD Aoe-,-Ar- T}+E DecrsraJ PrJ+o|-r,.sff b,y.tr4tsstor) o.c ftlAA.A 9, l48t l/ce,qge- ?"4-e .rS c.r) 4s-7 4ilLL- ?,a- orn-o= T4€-e-t,,-rte-7 ur-rTrrT},{€ zaa. Aqa;oa- to ,Veta- I STEWART H. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAl,{ ea3 waLL gTFlgE vAlL, colof,aDo 81657 3O3-r+7€-5.S75 February 17, l98l The Honorable Rodney E. Slifer' Mayor The Town Council of the Town of Vail cc. Deane L. Knox 555 lTth St. Suui te 160 Denver, Colorado 80202 Lawrence L. Rider Town of Vai 1 Gentl emen: Fo1 'l owi ng tel ephone conversati ons between Roger Thomaschn attorney ior l4r' Deane Knox, and-Lawrence Rider' attorney for the Town of Vail, Deane Knox is requesting that proceedings on his petition for a variance on Lot'12, Phase II, Casolar dei Norte be returned for action at the Planning Commission level. The basis of this request is that Mr. knox wishes to submit a significantly changed proposal to reduce the GRFA and the nunber of units in the subdivision which are now being requested. tru1y,_, /(- Ue*,,-- Brown ,\''ttttW d* I4rr .. \r q.v' pc ewart t Fli- t c0PY 7f South Fronrage Road Vail., Colorado 816J7 3 0, -479 -2 1' I / 47 9 -21 t I D epartment of Community Deuelopment June 9, 1992 Ms. Kit Abraham Vail Valley Real Estate Brokers 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 RE: Casolar ll Dear Kit: As a follow-up to Betsy Rosolack's letter of February 12, 1992, I would like to add that duplex development in the Town of Vail is eligible for a garage credit, including the duplexes in Casolar ll. The credit allows 300 square leet of per space, with a maximum of 2 spaces per allowable unit. Please see Section 18.04.130 (N) in the attached ordinance. Thisgarage credit would be in addition to the 1690 square feet per unit of GFIFA and the 225 square feet of GRFA credit, as Betsy outlined in her February 12th letter. When you are discussing this issue with any potential clients, please provide both letters from Betsy and me as well as the attached ordinance (Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1991) which is the basis for the garage credit to insure that your client fully understands the GRFA allocation for this development. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, t/ ^ffi#,,("*L(Town Planner Enclosure * -;)S' T0 Planning and MEI'f,lRANDuM Environmental Cornmission FRoM: D.epartment of Cornnunity.Development/peter patten DATE: July 27, I98L RE: l'lcDonald variance request for site LZ, rot A-7, Block A, casolar vail. rr. The Staff-has completed a considerable amount of research on this natter sincethe last PEC mrneting at r,ihich-the request for a GRFA variance of 2g64,q,-r""" - feet was tablecl. There are-516 squaie feet of GRFA left on lor A_7 at thislirne a1q the request is for 2 units of 1690 sq ft each, totaling s3g0 sq ft,Thus, 3380 ninus 516 equals a GRFA variance oi zgoq sq ft. The JJSO sq ft per \gJ.Plg is a reflection of tlre covenants of the prop"tty u"a ir-ttt"-"la*i.r*r:ffi"r._Ja.rh9-fo]lo1ing represents e. srxilnary of sone of ti,es'e iilaingr, l. .ii:l:lil_il t!"..P:c-me_et1ng of.August-22; 1e7B everyone agreed the buildingenvelopes-were_"sites"'only and'not 1egal 10ts; the plat which was signedby the PEC chairnan stated that these Jnvetope6 ""r"'lotr.2. llhe Town con-s idered. all along in thi.s rnatter that Deane Knox was the lega1- representative and spokesnan for all requests (including those for site12) concerning the Casolar property. It is now clear that Mr. Knox wasnot the legai representative speaking for site 12 requests, as he was not the property owner of that site. HoweveT, it is obvious that Mr. McDonald was aware that !tr. Knox was asking for a GRFA variance on site 12 in the original application in the faI1 of 1980. 3, Mr. ItcDonal d appears to be an innocent third party victim of extensive nishandlings of the project on the part of !'b. Knox. 4. There never was a clear understanding on the part of the staff as to the allocati.on of GRFA--aggregate or per unit. At the August 22, 1978 pEC neeting, Ittr. Knox estinated (because the slope analysis was not done) the project i^rould be 11 units of 1400 square feet GRFA each. Later, the 1400 sq ft was refemed to several times (evidently taken as the esti.nated per unit figure), including once by a Town of Vail Staff nember. The 1400 sq ft figure never reappeared again, either in project covenants or by the staffo until the GRFA problen arose. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18,62,060 of the l4unicipal Code, variance. base-d up-ol the following factors: Consideration of Factors The relationshi of the requested variance to other existin otential uses { F.., )i McDonal <i - 2- I ?/2r(a The site was to have a duplex on it all along, as platted.are foreseen on surrounding structures as they a1 1 expectedthere frorn the start, No to negative effects have a duplex The degree to which relief fron the strict or li.teral etation and en-orcenent of ified regulation isleces eve tibil it andun iformit treatnent anong sites e v1cln1ty Or co at ect ].ves lt'e feel that, due to our lastest research, that this is a very unusual caseand that lrfr. McDonald did not inflict this hardship upon hinrself. There wereinconsistent actions taken on- the part of the stafi concerni:rg the project aswel1. l{e do not think that this r.roulii be a precedent-setting granting becauseof the totally unique conditions surrowrding this project. or rnls tltr.e wr.thout graltt of special privilege, The effect of.the sted variance on li t and air distribution oftlon. tran tion and traffic faci-lfTJes lic acilities and utilitiesand public safety. There are no effects on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the comrnission deerns a licable to the Proposed varaance. F IND INGS: the the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant^of.special privilegeinconsistent with the rimitations on other properties classirreo rn tne sanedi stri ct . That the granting of the variance will not be detrimentar to the pubri.c health,satety' or welfare, oa nateriar1y injurious to properties or r,mprovenen.s inthe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for the following reason: there are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicabre il:ff;]l::i"::" variance tr,at ao-i.,oi apply generalty to-other properties i i -*:,f-,..r ') McDonal d D -3- 7/27Q RECOIV&{ENDATION: The stadf feels that, for the reasons stated throughout this nemo, that thisGRFA variance whould be granted. We feel it is an unfortunate situation thatwe're in this position at this tine, but dontt feel that }"lr. McDonald is basicallyat fault- l{e feel that due to the obvious 'bxcept ions or extraordinary circum-stances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply. generally to other properties in the same zone" provision that we can reconnendapprovalt providing that the fo11or+ing condition be net: i. That the 2864 souare feet prus 516 square feet, totalling 3380 squarefeet must'be appried onty io.ii"-ri, 1ot A-7, casorar va1] rr. , 4 o, tb, q ..:( "'uu' rt 0., rl.'t ,." )t"'nJ ...- (t"4' ,"'\ ',\ NIEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environnental Corunission FROM: Comrnunity Developrnent Departnent DATE: July 24, t98l RE: Jin Mc Donald Variance Request The-staff is-meeting on Monday norning to discuss this matter ruith theapplicant. we wilr have a short rnemo to present after this neeting tothe Planning Connnission, ct 'l'o;I;arry Esklith, /issistant l'own Attolticy FR0[I: Peterr Pattcn, Seniol Planner DAIE: July 16, l98l SUBJECT: rVcDonald GRIA Variance Issue At this tinre, Ird like to get doln in M.iting some of my rebuttals to the argunents r{hich took place on Monday., July 13 at the PHC mceting by George stral, and Jim lr'lciJonald. while not having the opportunity at thi.s point to have spoken with Jim Rubin or Dick Ryan in detail about this issue, I have listerred to the tape of the August 22, 1978 PEC moeting and rn'ould like tooffer the following conxnen ts : 1. Mr. Strar+ argues that the Town created legal bui.lding lots going against our own nrinimum lot size requirement for the LDIS zone, The tape of the PEC meeting confirms rny unddrstanding that all along thebuilding sites were treated as building envelopes ox mere locations ofbuildings. This issue of nininun 1ot size was brought up a-r that PEC meeting and it was agreed by everyone pr:esent (including Knox because he didnit argue differently) th'atTh6se were onl1' locations of buildings simi.lar to a townhouse concept. 2, At the PEC neeting of August 22" L978, Mr. Knox pointed out that Jim Rubjn had been kind enough to rrbox out the area of 40eo slope which would red'rce the GRFA on the site,rt Going further, Knox stated that this irrould rcsultin ending up with "-applgxlrryrjery" -rl unrrs of 1400 square feet each. Thus, Knox knew of the GRFA reduction due to 40% slope conditions and inplied by the word, trapproxinately" that this was an estimate at thistine (realizing that, if anything, the GRFA would probabty be reduced beyond the estimated 1400 sq ft per unit figure). 3. Mr. Strarr'continually referred to ilthe intentionrtof lr{s Toughill an,il that she had|tworked rrrithr![ir. Knox in the development of the covenants, etc. r'The intentiont' of a staff menber carries no weight--only the approval s given out by the appropriate Town Cornrnission. The Town has never been a legal signator to private covenants and if shc hciped Mr. Knox revisehis covenants to agree with some Town zoning regulations that would be her prerogative. In no way did the Town approve the covenants. At the PEC neeting in 1978, they were handcd out for the inforrnation of the PEC 1 and have never been approved by the Torvn. 1 4. The approval given by the PEC at the August 2?, L978 neeting was for a resubdivision requcst. They did not approve a GRFA per unit nunbcr. Thisis obvious in both thc ninutes and the tape of that meeting. Howevcr, at the meeting, thc 1400 square foot per unit figure was mentioned :urd then referred to latcr in the neeting. At one point, Jim Rubin referrcdto the 1400 srluare fcet per unit I'regulationrr. This raises the qucstion of what was actually approvcd (only a resubdivision) versus the nunrbers r'rith 'which the dcvel opcr and staf f understood to be working with. Evcn if a 1400 sgual.c foot per uni! figure is used, wl'ry Eshwith - lrcDoil.p _2_ 7/16/Sr did the Casol:r.r llonrcor*ners' Associlrt j.on continual ly ll,lrr_6.,74 l690 sq f cper un it ? Thc fact r:ena ins that a pcr unit sq rt ilti^u;,c rvas nevcr arprovcrlby the Town and never cnforccd by "nyonu. Norv it's being used againstus. ::"_:1t1i:F Duplcx zone check forn clid list an altowed CRFA of 3380 sqrt per duplcx' but this was becau-se r,/c. r{ere informed by the Casolar Somc-otruetsI Association that they wouid not approve anything above that.. Thisis an unofficial corrununity Dlvelopnrcnt Depirtrnent iorrn io. or. use anddoes not reflect policy. Mr' straw conti.nualry referred to the plat map that thc Town signed offon and related this to the GRFA on trre site, This is a very poor andunintelligent assertion on his part. A plat is a clocunent recognizingland survey-type information .u.h ur bouirdari.es of propel-ty, easernenrsand total lot size. To assert that the signing oe tr,"'fiot infers weapproved that the whole 1ot was buildable area is ridiculous. Throughout Mr. Strawrs- arguenents wcre the words nintention" and rr5upp65s4to". A lawyer shourd know that intentions, etc, are bnry tirat and officialapproval s are what gov ern the property. Mr, Knox was asked at the r7B p;c meeting if he was applying for abandonmcntof the Iot line betreen this parccl ana ihe casorar vlii'i--p"op*"ry.He repliedttnot at this time, itrs sonething we're considering, but itrsnor inportanr at this_ time". No application to abandon this 10t riner!,as ever fiied with the Conununity beveloprnent Uepartnent, The PEC vrished information bn the ti.ming of the slope analysis problern andasked how many buildlng perni.ts were isiued before and aftlr the cleveloperwas a'{are of the probrcn.^ r-wou]{ say that at the August 22, 1g7g meeti.ng,the developer was awarl of the 40% srlpe requirenent ind its reduction uponthe GRFA and the fact that there would'be a problem if ire approved 1690 sqft per unit, because he hirnself stated the units wourd be about 1400 sq ft. cc: Dick Ryan Jim Rubin f,. 6. I, )v PEc -z- 7/rs/8t t , V;. Eequest for density variance f9r'lot 12. Bl.ock A7, Casolar fl \ A idants: Jean-Tnd-Tarn::ffina1d, Jean Catoe, ) et al. Dick Ryan stated that the staff would like to table this iten until the next PEC neeting, because that morning the staff had recei.ved a large nemo from the applicant, and wanted tine to study it. George Straw, atrorney for the applicant, stated that this was the first tine that ltlr. McDonald had had a chance to present his case. Discussion followed, and it was decided that the applicant could rake his presentation, and the request could still be postponei aften*tard. Peter Patten then reviewed briefly the previous neetings and appeals uith Deane Knox, and added that the staff stil1 reconrmended denial for lot lZ, ) GeorgeStrawthen gave his presentation for the applicant: He felt thrt the Town had acted illegally, and nentioned the fact that Phase I qaS zoled RC and then LDMF, (Dan pointed out that this was because-Tt was originally going to be part of Honest.ake.) He added that Deane Knox had talked to Diana Toughhill in planning the subdivision. He pointed out that the plat did not show even connon open space, and yet was approved. He felt that the slope anal/sis should have been done first on each lot. His exhibit G was a letter to Deane frorn Diana Toughill stating that the units could be tounhouses, and Straw added that Toughitl indicated that GRFA was on a per uni.t basis. Dan Corcoran pointed out that the plat refers to protective covenants and are part of the plat and call out the restrictions. Straw then discussed the fact that the resolutions state 1400 GRFA, and yet 3380 GRFA was in the declarations. Deane was advised.t[ffii-t-Fwould be an evaluation l at er. :eter Patten read ninutes showing that the PEC approved resubdivision request, not GRFA. Straw then stated that Carling proposed a Sreater GRFA and received it and then still built a larger unit. He questioned why the conmission assumed (nox was. the spokesrnan for the subdivision. Gerry White responded that Knox had beenr the spokesrnan who responded to their inquiries. Jirn McDonald stated that Knox further understood that sity fron Phase I to Phase II. Straw questioned whether or not McDonald inflicted the hardship on hinself, whether or not the Town violated its or*n zoning ordinance, and whether or not the Town had ignored the true owners of the lots. Dan felt he wanted to know how nany building permits were issued prior to the problem, and were the owners nade aware of the problen. '5cstt nentioned that the Town cannot enforce the covenants which state the GRFA. lle also asked that the infornation in the new ncno be boiled down to fewer pages. L;rrry E. said the events rrust be.reconstructed. Dan asked that the staff kccp in contact with St.raw and McDonald so that both sides would know what would be said at .the next neet ing. Dan noved and Duane seconded a notion to table the iten until the ncxt rnceting. The vote was 5-0 to table. \-___- 3 L lt PLANNING AND ENVIRONilIINfAL COMMISSION July 13, 1981 3:00 p.n. PRESENT Scott Edwards Duane Piper Dan Corcoran Gerry l{hite Jirn Morgan ABSENT STAFF Peter Patten Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Roger Tilkeneier Gaynor Miller Tom Steinberg The rneeting was called to order by Gerry hhite, chairrnan. 1. Approval of the ninutes of June 22, lg8l. 2. A request for d qgtback variance to nake lega1 an existing buitding which of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn titled sundial Phase IL Applicant:Penner Constructi.,,, i,l-,ro!.-,,-,. i.-p iri j . Peter Patten presented the nemo., explaining the error rnade frorn the d.estruction and subsequent re-location of a concrete nonunent. Jeff Spanel explained how the survey error canne about, and Dan Corcoran added explanations regardingsubsequent surveys showing other property corners in the s,rbdivision anJagreeing that an honest eror had been nrade. Tin Garton representing VailEast Townhornes told of his concern of the dyking of the propLrty and ieltthat it would affect their side of the creek. Peter staied that he woulddiscuss this with Tinr. Dan noved and Duane seconded to approve the request for the setback variance. The vote was 5-0 in favor, unanimous. 5. Appeal of administrative decision concerning the color of a residence on Lot Z0Potatb Fatch. Applicants. Larry Eskwith explained that the Collins had had sorne problems with their colotand were told by 'Petcr Patten that their only opt.ion was to cone before the lRB -to appeal for the change in color, or to change to the color that was listedin their ori.ginal presentation. The collinsr did appeal, and were denied.However, he (Larry) uas of the opinion that the pEc did not have the powerto hear this item. Scott Edwards moved and Jirn ltlorgan sccondcd that the PEC did not have theauthority to hear thc Collins appeal. The vote was 5-0, unanimous to accept thc fact that they could not hear thcappeal. 4. PEc -2- zttstiJ- 7) Dick Ryan stated that the staff would like to table this item until the ncxr PEC neeting, because that morning the staff had received a large rneno from theapplicant' and wanted tine to study it. Ceorge Straw, attorney for the applicant,stated that this was the first tine that Mr. McDonalcl had had a chance to-lresenthis case. Discussion followed, and it was decided that the applicant coulinake his Presentation, and the request could stilI be postpon^ei aft.erward. Peter Patten then- reviewed briefly the previous fteetings and appeals with DeaneKnox, and added that the staff still recomnended deni.al for loi- 12, GeorgeStrawthen gave his presentation for the applicant: He felt that the Town had acted i1lega11y, and nentioned the fact-ihat phase I was zoned RCand then LDMF. (Dan pointed out that this was because it was originally goi.ngto be Part of Honestake.) He added that Deane Knox had talked to Diana Toughhiil.in planning the subdivision. He.pointed out that the plat d.id. not show even -corunol oPen space, and yet was approved. He felt that the slope analysis shouldhave been done first on each 1ot.- His exhibit G was a letter io Deane from ___:ry?nLTlgCllU_fgefiUglirqt_llr-e_l:4it5. could be townhouses, and Strary added thatToughi.ll indicated that GRFA was on a per unit basis. Dan Corcoran pointed out that the plat refers to protective covenants and are-?art-of the ?lat and.call outs t+le-restrictions. -Straw thejn discussed the fact that the resolutions state 1400 GRFA, and yet 3380 GRFA was in the declarations. Deane was advised that there uould Le anevaluation I ater. Peter Patten read rninutes showing that the PEC approved resubdivision request, NOt GRFA. Straw then stated that Carling proposed a greater GRFA and received it, and t.henstill built a larger unit. He questioned why the conmission assumed Knox viasthe spokesrnan for the subdivision. Gerry White responded that Knox had been-the spokesnan who responded to their inquiries. Jim I'lcDonald stated that Xnox ,f.urghqr.u4derstood !haL,!e csuld.txansfer dgns,itf frorn phase I to phase II. Straw questioned whether or not McDonald inflicted the hardbhip on hirnself, whether or not the Town violated its own zoning ordinance, and whether or tro. . the Tovm had ignored the true owners of the lots. Dan felt he wanted to know how many buiLding pernits were issued prior tothe problen, and were the ourers ande aware oF the problern. Scot-t mentioned,that the Torvn cannot enforce the covenants which state the GRFA. He also askedthat the information in the new memo be boiled down to fewer pages. Larry E.said the events must be tesonstructed. Dan asked that the stbff keep in contactwith Straw and McDonald so that both sides would knou uhat would be saicl atthe next neeting. Dan moved and Duane seconded a notion to table the itern.until the next nceting.The vote was 5-0 to table. Applicant: Doyte Hopkins. . After bcginning discussion, it was discovcle,l that there were some adjaccntproperty owners on the Ridgo who werenrt notified of the meeting. Ed Dragerasked to table the iten until the Dext neeting, Duane noved and Jiur secondedto table this until the next regurar neeting. vote was 4-D (Dan had left.) 6. A minor subdivis_ion request to vacate a lot line between lots A-l and. A-2., Peter Patten explained the nernci, and Dave Green representing Architerra saidthat this was real ly overlooked at the previous meeting whei the project. hadbeen approved. Gerry white stated that, whi.le rre *ar -ipposed to i.he-proiectitself, this point was a ninor one. D'rane noved and Jim seconded to grant the request to vacate the lot line.The vote was 4-0 in favor. 7, A {equgst for a! exterior alteration and modification in commercial Core IIqnder SeC! 5,950 square feet of office space to the Lionshead Gondola Building, and a requestfor a variance to Section 1s.i6.150 to waive the requirenrent of iniiuding onehalf the parking within the rnain bui.lding. Appricarit: vaiL Associates. Peter Patten explained the request, including an explanation of the number of' ParKlng unlts that Vail Associates have for their ernployees, r+hich the stafffelt was,adequate. Torn teonard of Vail Associates eiptainea that they did not' have suffi.cient office space for their ernployees. or. steinberg of t'he TownCouncil wanted to be assured that the patl.ing lots were zoned fir parking only,and Di-ck Ryan assured him that they rveie. scott was coneerned thai in rir,rreyears, it night not be rernenbered that this varj.ance was granted on the basisof the existing sPaces. Tom Leonard renrinded therir that vR naa f+o extra-pu"ting PEC -3-7/r3lBp rgguc.st for anqrldnent in a-c.cordancc wilh scctions 1_8-€6.1.10 through 1tt.66.i60 :: :T^:":l"#..?i.::il"l:c.frorn Rc,iidEntiil-Tlli yin order to build a resitlcntial unit togethcr with a caretakerrs unit. spaces.Discussion of the one condition, that the applicant agrees to paati-cipate in and not remonsrrate against a speciar improve,nLirt ;i;ir;;;-;h*;".;;is forned.for the Lionshead arei, follow"i. iin noved and'duarre seconded to approve the request as stated in the staff meno -of;{ulr- 6".1991 includlng the condition described above. The vote was 3-1,Scott opposed because he wasnrt cornfortable rviif, ifr"-iurti.ng situation. 8. r iqr. 4lteration and ruodificationrequest in Connercial Co a.1_able glass enclosure over the existing swinming pool at the t;dge "t vaii.--Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. Dick Ryan explained that the applicant had decided to ask only for the restauranraddition. Ken Wentworth, architect for the applicant showed plans and statedthat the restaurant addition would require z io 4 more parkin! spaces. He ' eutphasized that his firm felt that nothing is happening-around tiris edge ofthe open area and that pcdestrian activity woutd'fe infr"osua. Duane"agreedand added that his conccrn was with quality instead of quantity. Gerry lrrhite 9, A.r st .for a roval to replat Hishland el opment o:-s tiIET-Til--TE6 l"leadols, lots 26-42 theapproval is requeste to allow felt that there was already one major cntTancc to the Lodge r+ith a lajorwalkway from lrrail streetl Ken stated thar he fclt they wJrc enhanci.n! whatwas alrcady there. Gemy felt that while it seens rikl a small encrol.nr"nt,it was not, and that the space was valuable. Duane moved and .Iim seconded to approve the rnodification of the rescaurantsubject to condi-tion #? of the stiir meno, that the appricanr agree to parti_cipate in and not remonstrate against a speciar improvenent district l+henone is formed for the Vail Villige area. The vote was ? for (Duane and Jirn) and z ag|inst (Gerry and scott). scottr'{as against rncto"ch-i's__ugo", op"1rp".^". terry rlrninded the applicantthat he had l0 days to appeal io torin Councit. PEc -4- z/rs/ar p nevr road dedications and vacations and lotsubdivision requested under Chaptu" ii.O+Applicant: Sun Tech Builders, inc, line renovals. Thisof the Vail Municipal is a najor Code. Peter Patten exprained that -this replat was a nere technicarit y after apptovaL.91PP i1:- gh; -app_Liq'_nt aiq ""i-ipp""r.l Dave and r"rri.- eaeen appearedto voice their concern.aloul-a aiii"'iie probrern they were having, with waterrunning off of Highland park onto ttteir rana. They'rtri"a tir*t they hadbeen washed out severar times in _the past weeks. bi"r. nyr, stated thatthe new plat wourd take care of drainage with the redesign of the road-*:ll_::gl:sted they use a nethod to divert the water tenporarity as wascenonstrated by Architerra. Larry Eskwith statecl tr,.t u"it,'rernporary andpernanent drversion of water would be a reasonable condition of approval. scott rnoved and Duane seconded that the reprat be approved on conditionthat tenporary rerief of the drainage probren that exists for the Edeensbe solved, harer musr u" ai-"""i"l-;; ;;" drainage systen iho* o' the pratwithin 15 days of final approval oe ifr"-pf"t. the vote was 4-0, unanimous approval uith the condition stated. 10.i1 Municipal Code *:::::{-t:..l:.:lit*t"*.the-nuinber "i-""rir-rir"''"i "'' ;;;";i;;Ti ;i:"H; t:n:.".::.::in 11{.fennis club, o, "pi"ii"t;;;; ;; ;;r-;;;";;"il;,i; construct z addii ionar units r-ove;il;;;";iilr1;pi.#:i"oi'ilrH".3ff lr: 1e et- Peter Patten present-ed. the neno stating that the staff reconrnended deniar.Chuck Ogilby, one of the appLicants,-lfro*"a the plot plan and explainedthat 1,6 acres in the centlr of.their-fiot was considired flood plain. Heexplained that he fert the ? units *o.rid fit *"rl il;;-;i,e-i, ptot pla,r,that they wouldnrt be adding more unit blocks, "o,rrJ.,oi "ii""t the parki.ng,and they felt it would be a preasing addition'ar.r,ii""iu."iiy. He addedthat they felt thev had praciic"i-Jirii""rtics, and m"".i.""a that theyhad looked at other sitei up ana ao*n-ine valrcy and felr that theirs wasunique, because of thc srr.vey error, among othcr tfri"Sr. - - PEC -5- 11. A request under Ordinance 13, Series of 1981 , for The Vall Phase 6r rnal or Tevisions to an approved site plan.e proposal stan colc addcd thnt r13 ot their totai lancr was affcctcc.l by the frood prai.n.Dick Ryan felt that thi-s was simiiry a circunstance. cerry irrhite;;i;-r;;;iliythat a flood plain situation tnus'not on" upon which to grant a variance.Discussion followed concerning whether or not the ftood prain r,ras-a-iiu"a.r,ip. Jirn noved and scott seconded to deny the variance request. The vote was4-0 in favor of denial Gerry white reminded them that they had l0 days in which to appear to council . 7/B/l ? ll.:^.u.:t, u:lg, I ocal i.on.s. ana i,nit a""i e,., r,' "i""e "iirr'"";;il"; to re- of the design road Peter Patten showed the nodel and site plan. John Wheeler, representingthe appl icant answered questions. He explained that the cul de sacs werelarge to accomnodate laige vehicles. Jim Morgan expressed concern aboutcut and fills being largely visible, He wanted to rnake certain the inpact'was downplayed -s.o that the-units didn'i give a walr-rike facade. Gerryfelt that the tennis courts were alnost necessary to soften and add interest..scott wanted.to know what will rrappen when this proiect ""r,t rnto DRB ifthe DRB decided there was too much visual impact, and Dick repried thatthat was the reason the DRB uo.s in"ii"J on tire ri"ra trip, however, theDRB could stilr suggest changes. Dr. steinberg asked if it were possibreto narroi" the roado and was tord it was necessan- t; l;;- tri;;-. tiiai r^.lri.to acconmodate larse vehicies.. The clustering and redesigning of thebuilding Iocations were discussed. Jiin moved and Scott seconded to approve the revisions. The vote ?ras S_0*ith Duane abstaining, in favor oi'"pprou"f of the site plan. layout. Appticant: !turray nrop""tiJr-p;;;;.;r;'^"; ;;i;;. scott noved and Duane seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.m. , io Ilocrrsraur. SrRAw & Srnar;ss, P. (',, A'TORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW SUITE tzII UNITEO gANK CENIER l r!' t) ,}) iIAFJOFII E J. PLAIT |I|ARX E. HENZE ?o: FROM: RE: DATE I ITOO BNOADWAY Drsven, Colone.oo aosooJOROA|{ HOCHSTAOT 6EORGS M. sTRAW FrcHArEl 5. SlRAussi TELEPHONE 639-EAOg AREA COOE 3O3 VARIANCE REQUEST FOR SI?E :-2I LOI A-7, CASOTAR VAIL II,BY TINA MCDONALD, ET AL. JULY 9, 1981 THE MEMBERS OF THE PLANNIN€ AND ENVIRONMEN?AI COMS{ISSIONOF THE ?OWN OF VAIt, COLORADO (herinafter referred to asThe Town and pEC Respectively) rINA I'{CDONAID, tRUS?EE, JAMES I{. UCDONALD, ATTORHSY ATLAW, P.A., PENSION RETIREMENT TRUST AND JEAN CA?OgITRUSTEE, CATOE CORN GROWERS INC'., PENSION RETIREMENTTRUST, (hereinafter referred to as The Applicant. ) Jty -d 'L-vE..,per .,y rnorvlouar owners and the bal.ance of the ground ist -Jf statutorily designated coinmon open space to be oh,ned ui-air ttre{ resPective owners via an associition-. The difference between a ou{line of the events [hat have resurte& in the variance Request .., which has been praced before you for consideration. To the best lf^::::!i1l_.1 rhe facrs ser iorrh herein are as we know rhem rcoe ano appropiate.citations, when available, are alsomentioned. citations to Exhibits are those exhibits which haveleen previously lettered in information "uppiiuA to you by the,?own or Dean Knox (Knox) unless otherwise siji.a. 1. Casolar Del Norte (Caso1ar) lras conceived by DeanKnox and Leo Payne (rater also Donald carpenter) whereby a tractof real estate rocaied in the Town wour.d be deveroped in a styletypicallv known as a pranned unit neveiop*ni--ipuol which puD's. :5:' f5*:.t"9_qur":.unr to. rhe powers conrained in c.R.s. (1923 | 24-o /-rur et seg. The -typicar puD contains buitding sites'wnicir areqach- separately -designlted and are then prr.nuila frorn the '" developer-by individuar ordners and the birance of the ground is PUD concept. and the coND0'trnrur'I concept (c.R.g. (1973) 3g*33-l 0ret.seg.).being that the puD pernits each owner t.o own the real::tale directly beneath his iurchased parcel and upon which isconstructed the horne (as in tasolar) aia in a cond6miniurn therear estate directly beneath the units and arl-of the other realestate in the tract is designated a General cornnon Erement and isowned by all of the owners each as to an undivided interest astenants in common to the others. The cornrnon-ol"n spu.u in a puDis deeded to the Association. Both puD'" ira-i""doniniuns use anAssociation to govern the respe"ii,r" rig[ti--or-in* o"n"rs as rothe Generar comiron Erements oi-io**on open space and to othermatters such as insurance, etc. rhe CoiOomiiiurn concept isalways used for the subdivision of real estate when one unit, will I I I I I rl rfr t) McDonaId Letter Page 2July 9, 1981 be superirnposed uSron the other; it is sornetirnes used when the pUD concept could arso be used but such a mixing of concepts resultsin Legal difficulties which can be avoided 6y the properapplication of the right statutory seheme. in exairpli of theproblerns of mixing the concepts o;curs when a basement under atownhouse begins to leak but the condorninium concept has beenused and the underlying grotrnd including. the foundlcion has beendeclared a General cornmon Element such ihat the entire nembershipof the Association nust pay for the repairs as opposed to theindividual owner of the Lownhouse. Casolar If was pLanned to be, and was subsegently addedto casorar r. The real estate constituting casolar ri was zonedLDMF as opposed to cR on phase r; however, both parcels of reaLestate are.gover4ed by the Declarat,ion of Covenants andRestrictions for casolar DeL Norte recorded in Book 2gl at page634 (the Declaration or iovenants) and Book 2g3 at page 2g.L (irresupplemental Declaration which annexed phase rr to phise r) therecords of the crerk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado and .$ the cornmon open space was later deeded to the Association.Townf-s -first error' was made when casdlar'rr wirs-Detmitted : C a s o l i r - I*?r E;Trf r ch-t h a t l da t edbn t*-.t h e -?o{iri I s, . ac t i6ii s niA i drigqlrs iFt gn ! *!ri th t h d'tR . uoiit"ndtnotr{i r h s r a n d i'ncfith atifihie€t 2. On Novembet 4, 1977, Diana S. Toughill, Town ofvqi], Department_of connunity Deveropment, zoniig Administrator,advised Knox by letter (Exhibit c) that rhe zoniig andsubdivision.requirements had been met for the proiosed casolarproject.-.f_ina! approval for_phase fI had not !et-been given.Ms. Toughill- also advised Knbx that-the projec-t could becondcrniniumized or tobrnhoused and ,'A towiho,ise approach rnaydivide the land directly under a unit if the balince of thE landis held as a conTglr elgeng".(Emphasis supplied) Based onparagraph offif tha differeiie between the tvroconceptsr it is obvious from the quote that the two concepts werealready being confused and mixed Cogether by the Town. 3. on November l,l9?g the plat map for casolar rr wasrecorded with the cterk and Recoraer of eagle county, colorado(our Exhibit 7) and previous thereto, on october soli:gzgr theVail.Planning Comnisiion approved the,ctocurnent. The pJ,aispecifically located parcels lt, lz, 13, r4 and r5, i-ncrusiver bymetes and bounds descripEions. No nent,ion is found on the plat - nap of what constitutes the common open space or General comrnon McDonald Letter Page 3July 9, 1981 Elenents. Further, no nention is found on the plat of any GRFArestrictions or ability of any entity or party Lo parcel out tneGRFA to the subsequent owners of the parcEls ottrei than the fact f!ut. the _platted tract contains 53,796.60 square feet. Finally,it should be noted that each parcer (except Ll) contained 2400-square feet of land surface area and was configured identically ,with the exception of one singLe fanily lot, ai Casolar phaseI-.. Further, the Town approved, by issuing building perinits, theability of each or.rner to change tte plaLtld conf igirltion asoriginally deeded and t,o move the site off the plitted rot site. Based on Chapter lB.16 of the Vail Zoning Ordinance,al.I persons would be apprised that the maximum numbei of dwellingunits on phase II could be eleven dwelling units as nine dwellingunits per acre are permit,ted and 1.235 acies perrnits 11 units.However, it is immediately apparent that t,he lot areas as plattedhave.not complied with Section 18.16.050 as the project is; inreality, being treated by the Town as a pUD with lol dirneniionsbeing as proposed by Knox and approved, nothwithstanding thezoning requiranent contained in section 18.16,050 (lot irea andsite dirnensions), by the Town. irE presumed to ,{},5;p9,qS rherefore,Buildable area". The the f irstsentence of Section 18.15.090 discusses GRFA as opposed lo'density" and frorn the plat the total GRFA appears to becalculated at 30 square feet of GRFA for each-one hundred squarefeet of buildable site area vrhich, -again, is not shown on ttieplat but ean be extraSroLated to be'53 1796.G0 as the maxinumdensity, eleven dwellingsr was perrnitted. Therefore, the GRFAalloped on the entire tract (which wilr be shown to be not theway to calculate the GRFA in a LDl,lF zone) as per the zoningordinance, which obviously had not, been adherld to by the iorn,is_16,138 (53,796.60 x .3 = 16rl3B) or I,467 GRFA per dwelling' unit. This information is of interest to Mr. xnox in the eveithe developed the entire tract as his tota] GRFA on a tract basiscan be calculated. Unfortunatley, the Town failed to realizethat Knox was going to selr off each separate lot and that thesepersons would then become sub-developers of their duplex andtriprex lots lrithout the fown imposing a GRFA timit on each unitconstructed on a lot and without the sub-developers being advisedof the improperly calculated GRFA being depleted. In fait, theTo\.tn continued to treat Knox as the developer knowing full werl t McDonald Letter Page 4Juty 9, 198L that he was no longer owners of the parcels records. in title to the pareels and the recordwere readily available from the County 4. On August ZZ, 1978 at a pEC PEC unanimously approved Casolar, II "forduplex lots and one 3,200 sq. ft; triplex Ii-11. be 1400 jrquare feet GRFA' (l :.tigfggage-g+Sl and advised thaiurdlnance recfulrements- Nrr mont- neeting (Exhibit B) Lhe(four) 2400 sq. ft.lot" and "the unit,s made at that time of a the applicant purchased Lot l2 and Space was deeded to the Association. 5. Onat that time the 6. Onof Vail (Exhibit on Casolar fI wasposition that the t{ay 22, 1979 Common Open June 2, 1980D) that the 7321 GRFA. GRFA iS Dean Knox bu ildable The Town the Town remaining the he .7. On June 20, 1980 Dean Knox wrote a letter to JimRubin (Exhibit E) stating that the GRFA was to be 1690 per unitmaximun a.s per the Declaration and suggesting that an agreementhad been naQe-.that -.excess GRFA q.n phale r wal to be allowed to beused on Phase fI. 8. On October 23, 1990, an interdepartrnental memorandum (our Exhibit 1) was circulated reglrding a GRFAvariance request fron Dean Knox. This neno iets f6rth that the1400 sq. ft. (GRFA) was considered an estinate with a srope studyto be conpJ.eted before the actual sguare footage could bedeternined. Note thaE casolar rr had already been approved for amaximun density as explained above and which-indicateb that artof the real estate was "buildable area', and Knox had so1d, bythis tirne, all of the lots in phase rr to purchasers who had-noknowledge of the Town of Vail's reguested slope study, and; infact, were relying on its approval of the project as shown by theapproved plat which was recorded in Novernber of 1978 and wrrilhcontained absolutely no reference to slope study requirenents or was advised by square footage lras nohr taking McDonald Letter Page 5July 9, 1981 that Knox would be the party entrusted to'act as agent for theTown and arlocate GRFA which had not yet been deteimined. As aside note, it is suggested that such ln ex post factodetermination by the Town would be contrary to Brown v. countyConmissioners, EagIe District Court Case NumbefEg. The memo further states that the Covenants were not lpproved by the Town yet the zoning request approval for theCarling duplex (our Exhibit 5) shois "Allowed;-at 3390 with anProposed" of 3510 and the memo further substantiates that theTown was relying on the covenants requrement. of no more than 33gb 9ll1 q"a ignoring-their own August 22, 1.978 Resolution imposing2800 GRFA per duplex. The town should have been aware thalpurchasers of the parcels (1) did not know or have any reason tocheck with the Tovrn with regard to sone aggregate number of GRFAavailable and (2) that the GRFA being appioved by the Town wasconsurnming the available GRFA on a non-prorata bisis such thatthe last parcel owners would not have any GRFA left based on thenaggregate theory,, Final ly, the memo suggests that, Knox was aware t,hat afinal GRFA wouLd not be known untif the slope analysis wasapproved and yet the Town lras approving building permits forpurchasers of the parcels, after approving phase 1r in the firstinstance, knowing full weLl that some parcels could be deprivedof-alI rights to build if nore 40* sLope was determined t6 "Ii-"t:_ Again, there is nothing in any zoning resolution or filedwith the Clerk and Recorder of-Eagle tountyr-Colorado thatreflects these requirements by the Town and the ability of the In fact' and again in support of the thesis that, thefown was treating the projeci as a-FUo, the definition ofiBuildable area" contained in section 18.04.045 uses the termisite" or'lot" or nparcel" which, if the LDMF zoning had been.follored as per the ordinance, would have been appli6d to eachgePaFate lot. gE subdivided by Knox to ascertain the ennE-oFE-per.tot basis. This conclusion is reinforced by the CRITERIA ANDrrNDrNGs which states that the "sguare footages of buildings arechecked very closely with no varijtions permittedo _ By the tine that the June 20, l9B0 letter (Exhibit E)was written carling and Kintzing had already receivea uuilding-pennits and the Town had sanctioned the covenants as written indapplied to phase II. McDonald L'etter Page 6July 9, 1981 9. The interoffice rneno of November 21, l9g0 (ourExhibit 2) confirms that the Town had, wit,hout zoning auihorityor proper notice on the plat or the individual parceis, permit-tedKnox to allocate the GREA. 10. On-January A,I9gl ,(our Exhibit 3) Diana toughil1,the zoning Adrninistratoi at the time of the inception of Knoxrsc-oneepts, vras requested by Jim Rubin and peter pitton to rememberthe details of the discusiions. The important points shementions as an agent of the Town are as-foLlovrsi a. This was a t.otalJ.y knew concept and alsothe first project proposed under the new Rc zoning. please notethat Phase flr:L,DMF,,was permitted by the Town to becorne part ofthe casorar project the balance of wiich, phase r, was "o-".a-ni. b.' the plan hras a better one than what mighthave resulted under the standard RC zoning." plar and proposed nii"",';;l :i$"$: l::":::5 :::r:::tl:'.:t:1.covenants and the saLes contract. To make sure the Town wasprotected against illegal resubdivision and excessive GRFA, rrequired several changes in the documents, including a statenentabotrt the maximurn al Lovrable GRFA per unit.n please note aspreviously mentioned that the plat approved by the vail planning cornrnission failed to contain the lanliage thai l,ts. ?oughillrequired and Article vrr of the neclirafion calls for iot lessthan 1200 or nore than 1690 sguare feet in GRFA. rn one case theTot*n failed i.n its own attenp€ to warn purchsers fron Knox of theGRFA reguirenents and then actuarly appioved the L690 GRFA asapproved by loughill via the_ covenants in both phases of casolar. d. 'rln order to allovr the requested GRFA, allproperty lines were to be vacated." pl.ease note that the linebetween Phase r and rr has not been vacated arthough the town wasreguested to do so. 11. on January lZ, 19gl another neeting of the pEC washeld (our Exhibit 4) and the forlowing are irnportint pointsbrorght out during that neeting: rown had resuired .i;. 3n'lT.:f:?:tllr::;l:i:"'B:n;.,I'rlnli"'n'covenants so it courd enforce the GRFA and not "end up withproblens laterr. a McDonald Letter Page 7July 9, 1981 -b. Diana Toughill advised (page 1) that the Purpose of the review was such that the rnaximum Gi,FA was appliedby the unit and "that there was a unit nax rather than a tolalnaxt. c. She further confirmed (page l) that extra GRFA on one unit did not autornatically come oti ine the lastparcel to be developed. d. The Town attorney, LarLT Esguith, Esg.neatly summarized (page 2) what the Town had perrniitea to tddone' "rt seems to be a zone that is imposed on an existing zoneinforrnalLy thru legisfative 'action.', please note that it isexactly this inforrnality of the Town that has caused theapplicant his difficulties beeause the Town violated its ownordinances and legislated, without being ar,irare of theconseqences, a PUD. e. Dan Coreoran correctly summed up theproblen (page 2) as follows: "This is an oaE suoaivision. rt isthe only one we have. Those rot sizes arenrt even legal size ina duplex zone.n The net effect of that adnission is Etrat tneTown approved a project. based on a concept it did not ful lyunderstand' a PUD, and pernitted the enel to become unspecifiedexcept as set forth in the Declaration. The Town furthercompounded the error by approving the initial buildings basedupon the Declaration and its reliance on Knox who did not evenown the sites. .:i :: ' - 'r-." :f ; -Knox-advised (page 3) the pEC that Mr.Rubin had "estimated" the 40t srope whicn brought down the GRFAto 1400 (Exhibit B) which is the lmount that wis previouslygpproved notwithstanding the Ddensity" requiremenl that would nothave permitted l1 units on the entire par-et. 2, le80 letrer (Exh?;i.t;T ffi[n3l"i'3x"i"[t::".il1.ttfr: F*."$l:now looking at the aggregate GRFA; the point is well taken butignores_two inportant points; (1) one duplex orirner had alreadytaken 3380 GRPA and the tri-prex ohrner hld taken 4027 GRFA whlchboth being consist.enL with the Deel.aration which the Townrszoning Administrator adrnitted was approved and (2) the letter wasdirected to the $rrong party, Dean nnox, who was not an owner ofany parcel in casolar rr and it lras a problem that each ownershould have been made aware ot. McDonald tetter Page 8July 9, 1981 rh e -rown, s re s pon s, I i t r ti', I"ifl l:t ilf i: :t;fr.i"Jfr:":i:i"i:"ei" : ]t-n ract r reguested that they (I(nox) put a map of the cnra int6the covenants, it was nOt in the covenants at first.,r pleasenote that Lhe covenants as recorded do have the GRFA rnininun andnaximum stated and that the Town has, untir th; issue of Lot 12app_eared' approved arI plans that were within these parametersand attempted to deny plans that were oversized. (pase 5) as rorrowsl',,f"fff"ltl[:3"i""'""X1ffi1.'3rll;.f:::tT,isn't one lhat would set a precedent for oth6r developemntsbecause it was an experimenl if you will in that kind ofdevdlopnent at that lime." l-z. on February 17, IggL the vail Town Council heard acasolar appeal (our Exhibit e) whereby Knox requested that theduplex proposaL be cut in harf for lot 12; Knoi had no authoritywhaEsoever to make such a proposal and was not in titre on theproperty at that time. At that neeting, the Townrs other abrecounsel, tarry Rider, Esq. statedr,t,.lftrs a very screwysituation and r don't know whether Dean Knox got irimself-into itol $te helped hin get himserf into it or what it is." please notethat Mr. Rider never mentions that the Applicant caused any ofthe hardship. 13. The Toy{r,-through Mr. peter patton (the zoningAdninistritoi, tlr. Rubin's assistant) disapproved'the pLans ofthe applicants on tots 13 and 15 on two occilions based on thefact that the Townrs calculations of the G,FA was excessive inthat each unit was norg than 1690 GRFA and accordingly had to bereduced to 1690 per each dweriing uniC trri"ir-"u"-o"ne and theplans were then approved 14. The Town also rejeeted the plans of otherdevelopers in casolar for the r6ason that iome proposed dwellingunits lrere over the 1690 GRFA or that the duplei was over the3380 GRFA. CONCLUSION: A Variance has been reguested by theapplicant pursuant to chapter.rg.6z of the Town ordinaices. l.ti"5 to applying the criieria as set forth therein, a suMMARv ofEne tacts are set fogth below to better enable the pEC to applythe eriteria. 1r HcDonald tetter Page 9July 9, 1981 l. The Toun has enacted cornprehensive zoning ordinances"to promote the coordinated and harmonious developmenl of thetoq"n in a manner that will conserve and enhance its naturalenvironment and its established character as a resort andresidential community of high qualityl. 2 Pursuant to these ordinances, the Tovrn established'that the real est.ate tract later known as the Casolar phase Ifproject would be in a zoned district designated LDMF. 3. LDMF rules are found at Chapter 18.J-6., page 328.This district is "to provide sites for single-family, two-familyandrnultip1efani1ydweIlingsatadenSitynotexceedingnine dweJ.ling units per acre'!.. The lot areas lninimun is to 6e tenthousand square feet of buildable area and each site sharr have aminimun area frontage of thirty feet. Each site shall be of asize and shape capable of enclosing a sguare area eighty feet oneach side wit.hin its boundaries." pLease note that not one loton Phase II and located within the LDME,District remot,ely neetsthese requirements. 4. Lot is defined at Section 18.04.22A as ,,rLotr or .'site' neans a parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupiedby a use, building or structure under the provisions of thistitle and neeting the miniunum requirements of this titte. A lotor site rnay consist of a single tot of record, a portion of a lotof record, a conbination of lots of record or porLions thereof,or a parcel of land described by netes and bounds. " Thedefiniti.onal quality of the lot being not how it is physicallydescribed but that it be occtrpied by a building (not-buildines). - - 5. From the above definitions, it is obvious that thezoning rules such as Lot size' frontage and a minimun of eightyfeet.per.side.4re to apply to the lota as finally subdiqided andnot to the entire psubdivision as, at that time, no buildings were located on bhetract. 5. Knox applied to the Town for what should have been.aPUD under the state of cororacto laws or perhaps an RC developmentpursuant to the town ordinances. 7. ?he Town approved Knox,s project and the approvalwas completely contrary to the LDttF zoning in that no lots uerecreat.ed that, met the zoning requirements and, in faet, the Towntreated the separate lots as an aggregate project uhen, under the e HcDonald LeLter Page l0July 9, 1981 zoning, each lot should have been separately verified to meet therequirernents as to lot size, etc. and then as to GRFA based onthe lot,rs buildable site area. 8. Notwithstanding the above, the Townrs approvalpernitted four duplex buildings each rcith 2400 square feet perlot and the understanding $ras, per foughill, that the GRI'A was ona per unit basis and not to be aggregated against any totals of GRFA. 9. The Town further approved or adopted the Declarationor Covenant that the maximum GRFA per total duplex unit could be3380 GRFA and proceeded to enforce this naxirnum againstindividual property : owners. . 10. The Town, notwithsLanding notice to the contrary,directed all notices and inquires to Knox knowing fuLL well t,hathe was no longer an owner in Phase II and further (1) pernittedall other owners in Phase If to buitd units up to the haximunpermitted in the Covenants and (2) denied to owners any requestfor plans in excess of 3380 GRFA. 11. The Town violated its own zoning ordinances withregard to the LDMF zoning by its Resolution approving the the2400 sguare foot duplexs each unit to contain- laOO Gnfa and thenpermitted each owner to build up to 1690 GRFA per dwelling as perthe Covenants which the Town not only approved but sanctionedrepeatedly with each separate building pernit. fhe GRFA whichshould have been calculated for each paicel was ignored ae thecal.culations required to deternine the GRFA were impossible to make due to the snall size of the parcel as approved by the Town. 12. The Applicant has been denied the issuance of abuilding permit based upon 3380 GRFA for his duplex on theargunent t.hat all of the GRFA. except approximately 500 sguarefeet, has been used by all of the other owners and that he,therefore, cannot buil-d his duplex notwithstanding the fact thatthe'Town has approved his building site with the expectation thata duplex would be built on the site at, sone tine in the future. 13. Using the Criteria set forth at Section L8.62.060it is submitted as foLlows: a. The relationship of the requested varianceto other existing or potent.ial uses and structures in thevacinity is acadernic. The site was intended to be used as a e McDonald Letter Page 11July 9, 1981 duplex and the requested GRFA will sane size as the other buildings in envirorunental inpacts have alreadyprior to the approval of the Phaselot. result in a building of the Phase fr, AII of the been addressed and resolvedII which included the subject b. No special privilege will be granted tothe Applicant as is set forth above; the site has already been approved for exactly what is requested to be built on it.Conpatabillty and uniformity of treatment anong the sites in thevicinty will be conplet,ed as t,he present *hole* in the developrnent will be filLed in as contemplated by Phase II andapproved by the Town. Strict enforcement of the Townrs positionwiII deny to the other honeowners the cornpletion of the plan uponwhich they relied when they purchased their sites. c. The requested variance wlll have no effecton light, air, distribution of population, etc. as the sit,e hasalready been approved for the construction of a cluplex. el . To quote the Townfs able council Mr. tarryEsquith, Esq. as stated in the pEC neeting of January 12r198I,(Exhibit 4 at page 6) "One of the key principals of variance lawsis that a hardship can not {sic) be self inflicted. So I guessthe determination is is it a real hardship, was it selfinflicted, and are you granting a special privilege. nThe Applicant submits that the deternination should bethat he is an innocent third party suffering a real hardshiprwhich has been inflicted by the Town not fully conprehending andco-ordinating its development concepts with the applicableordinances and therefore (1) violating its own zoning ordinances,(2) violating its own resolutions regarding the allowable GRFA,(3) ignoring the true owners of the property and permitting Knoxto act as the Townrs agent to dispense GRFA, (4) noL mcnitoring ! Proje'ct it co-authored (5) issuing building permits knowingfull weII that the inproperJ.y calculated GRFA is being treated asan aggregate amount and that some unknowing owner or oqrners whobuild last, such as this Applicant, will be denied equalprot,ection for the requested GRFA when all other o$rners eguallysituated srere given repeated privileges for the maximum GRFA aleet forth in the covenants and (6) by denying to the AppJ.icantthe GRFA the To-wn has taken his property by unwit,ting andunknowing legislation equival-ent to illegal downzoning. L l, I'tcDonald Letter Page 12iluly 9, 1981 The Appl.icant, for the reasons set forth above,respectfully requests the rnembers of the PEC to grant, to hi.n 3380 GRFA sueh that he may build his duplex and conplete ttre Casolar Phase II plan as it has been historically augrnented. RIDER: Submlt a srE,llrl' r!,4rr &-r v"F"ee ;:1"!:t.lif"f or units ln the subuivrin rvhich are no* I wouLd assume that would require a motion on our part to^ send the matt'er back to the Planning Commission as requested by the. applicant or by the appeLlant' Mr. Ilayor, I rvould saY that what I got a call YesterdaY afternoon Dein Knox. He indicated that lre the matter of this variance and 'occurred In this case was'tbat from Roger Tomash rePresentlng hail discussed $ith his cLient said that rvhat they were going to do , or informed me tllat what they rvere going to do tonight t ronosal in half m i sinele-f lirement request L he CEffiEl-would not ffils-wiihout Pl'ennjin Cornni elt that luas a sign cant change an ffiey had no objection to Planning Commission i;;.;i;A: Tnen r c;t a call from ,-tuem tbat. lh:Y Y:i:going Io te here,-.then I got a call at noon today indicating. ih*t-fre rvas having some dilficulty in getting out and at that' time I informed hfm after discusslng the natter with Eich that tbere should be a written application to have it sent back to uS. Since that appeared to Le appropriate that the Council would consider th'ai tonight. The issue being the significant ehange and it appears to be a very significant change' RIDEN:lfell, r ruould state tbnt I told I'lI. Tomaslr exactly rsltat noU tras inclieatcd, but, if tllo Cotltlcil turned it dtrrvn lrc can comc f:actr ltrd hc could do llt:rt ir.nediatcly on the.r'l:rrclr $tlr agen ivitlr the pr'opcr advertisinl; . l'lte orrly bcnefit in turning lt dour i*friaf, itr"f inOicatctl tlrcy ..rou1d do, , t u'ottlrl be to Eet irnot,h('r appf icntion f ilcd lrceausc tboy n'ortld c()ne ltaclc v.'itlr the s:rntc i.irinfl . I 1;ucss my f ecl i ni: :ttrd tlrc l'e;r;on I advised tlrt'nr i t .*Jufii prot>rit:ty go back tt:r:; tlt:rt th:rt \ins going to hlppc'n lnyrrali ancl tlcy'rni.ght as well {:ct i! donc' Et,b lr' i vdr rl'oln. ist\t,tirry'Pagr...3' ,rr,.oo, RIDER: Currttc r I 1?, lF81 Tlre next reed into o Item on the the record agenda ls an appe:rl "Gentlcmen: Tlre follorving telephone conversation between Roger Tomash ;;;t;;;;-iot-r,rt.-;;; inox and Larrv Rider'. Attornev for ;;;-i;;; oi vait,-n""n xnox is requ-estins. that^proceedings on his petition ior variance on Lot fZ' Phase 2' Casolar Del Norte U" ".tiin"a fo" actioh at the Planning Conmission level . The basis of this request ls that !rtr' Knox $ishes to submit a signiri."nifV- tf'one6a proposal-to'reduce the GRFA "nI ifr" num6". ot untts in ine subdlvision rvhictt are now requested. I' I would assume that would require a motion on our p'art to. senrlthematt.eruactrtothePlanningCornmissionasrequestedby the. applicant or by the appelLant' rvould saY that what yesterdaY afternoon He indicated that he a Casolar aP1real. And let me a letter that ,we received todaY' 'occurued in this case lvas-that from Roger Tomash rePresenting had discussed rvith his client said that rvbat tbeY were going Mr. trtaYor, I I got a call Dean Knox.the mattertodoror was to a single-fam he Coun of this variance and informed me that rvhat they rvere going to do tonight oDosal in half and ma m-e-TE:ffEqniremqnLl uest a Fffi'offi wifhout Plertrt-i! ffiey had no objeetion to Planni'g Corunj.ssion i;;r;i;t: tiren r got a eall irom --tlrgm that- -- 1l:{^::::ffi;;";; b;";;.;. . rhen r sot a call at n6on today indicating it"i"t" rvas bavine ";t" diificulty in getting out and at that' iir" i-i"iormeo hfm after discussing the matter.with Rich that ih*t" should be a written application to have it sent back to us. Since tfrat appeared to-Le *ppropriate that the Council would consider thai tonight. --Thb issue being the significant "fr"ng. and it appears to be a very significant ehange' RIDER: can do that. lfell, I rvould'state tlrat I told l.tr. Tomash exnctly $hat Uof, h"S incticated, but, if thc Corrncil turned i t dcilr'n lre c:rn cornc- fracX lrt1d he Could do I ltat ir:rlerl j n t cl y on t'he I'l:rrcb 9t lt agen iritf, tt u pr'()pcr irdveltisitr;;. l'he olly bcnef it in turning it don irftilf,-ift"y iirdicatctl thcy nr:uld do, il rvottltl be to Ect nnotl'rcr ;;;il.;iil' f ilcc! becartsc' ttttry trottld ('()n:e b:rcls r'.'ith tlre s:rntt: iirinfl .. I gucss my fccling :rrtrl thc t'e;tr;on I advised tlr.nt it ..1;;ili-p""rriirtfy go btck tr';r:i tltltt thllt rurs gcring to h:rpl:ctt irnytsay on.f tl,'.1' rnigtti is well tlct it donc' Fx-u i!r 1I Tt !'r l;rua r Fnle 'r T ILIO: RUDER: IYILTO: RUDEB: I?ILTO: RUDER: TODD: SLIFER: TODD: If I I,TO: - TODD: .n-Courrr:i.l meu'fr8 t 77, 1981 V f don't have any Problem sendlng Commission. ' lt back to the Plannir; The reason, I guess, that it bothers me is that we have two ways ln this town of allowing densities and they're pretty cllarly explained in all. zones and that wefre really opening up Pandorats Box whcn we allow an increase ln gross rls.tdential fLoor area in one of the zones and that's what this application would do and as I ut:derstand it, reduction of 60O or 7OO feet or the changing in units that rvas going to be the new proposal would,still be an up-zoning of the property in respect to 6ye5g residential'floor area and I think that we have to treat up-zoning gross residential rfloor area in this vblley very carefu.lly and, i f am one ;p€rsor who would be yery in'favor of doing that and I think that this would be a way of us telling this applicant that, you know, thi rules have been very clear through aLl of these proeeedings ..,..';' \?e can't act on what he's proposing now, a]I we could act on rvould be ... the Planning Commission .... That rs right. It bas to go back to them anYrvaY. That's right. But what we're telling the Planning Cornmission by upholcling them that rve, Vou know, we agree with thc rvay they' treating these kinds of situations when sometlring ls brought iu. f,ront of them wq ag'-ee u,i!h lle rvay they treated that. As soon as we send back to them rvithout, you know, without good explanation they may sit there and say, "IVel1r You know, maybe the Council does want us to consider giving additional gross residential floor area variances, I guess it rvould be,and in isolated special cases." I don't know how they rvould read rid sending it back and I think itrs a very touchy situation because'itts one of our two gui4elines in all of oul'zones to zon ing. I have a question. As far as rrhat u'as said to the representativ of the people ruho rvere appealirtg to us, because it rvould seem to me that if rve were to proceed and consider the review a it was originally scheduled, that that requires that both the Torvn and the applj.cant rvould nrake a plesentation tonight bec:ruse wetd necd to see wlrat rvas prescnted to the Planning Commission and if the applicant \ras led to believe that this rvould be a mere formality and therefore js not here rshich I assurne the appltcent isri't here,' attd lte was led to believc that tltis lvas a normaL t;hing, it rvould l:o bacli to Planning Corrmission without tlre applicant being h()re and for tl)at reason I rvould pieier to send it back to Platrlring Cornnission which is real.ly an option it seems to me that's open to him anyway and that he would be rvitlr<trarving'lris appell and just going back rvith a his rcvised plans. Could you make that a nrotion? I so rnake that a motion It'ould you lilie to :rdd any ins{:-:ctiotrs front tlre Corrncil to the Flann ing Cotrrmi ssion? I tlrint< ttrat tlre rnirtutes of t lr i s mcet j nG should be j nclrtdctl so tlrat llclbts conccrn nrc voi(:e(t:tt tlte llllrnnintrS Conunisr;ion nnd thrt :rtty otlter conccrtl thitt c()llllcilnrr'ttrl;urs ttould lilic to cxprcss nlong tltosc lines. I Tu'lJ.1own Iibru.trY -Fagc 5 ITILTO: council tofie't7, 1981 . made up prettY well " i\1 SLIFER: Larry, could we Send it back to the with the understanding that we IIILTO: SLIFER: TODD: BIDER: SLIFER: Planning Commission with, did support their decision? and SLIFER: Ol<ay, a motiott by Ron Todd arrd secot:tl by Bill lfilto. All . understand that? If thilc's lto otl)()r discrtssion, all in' favor of the motion vote by sayirrg aye. Those oppose. Ron made a motion and I'Ll second it" Do you want to restate tbe motion? The motion was to return it to the Planning Commission, but rvitb the minutes of the coucerns and commcnts of the various Councilmembers as they have spol<en tonight - Bob, Tom and anyone else that has addressed it. Turo oppose - Steinberg :rnd ltuder. Just for clarification. You nant the transcript verbatim of the comntents cnclbsed? Of that portion of tttc minutes. t \ L, o t vrould ltke it to be expressly said somchow that, w<r do aplrrove thedr declslon - prior decision. $TEINBURG:\{hy don,t we just table it for tonight and lrave the lawyer here next time and make their presentation so lve can vote lt do.wn? TODD:That would be good too, as long as they're fairly representcd and haven't been misled thinking they can STEINBERG:I feel with Bob that - I feel strongly that we should concur with the Planning commission in their turning it down and I think if they want to come and plead their case, that's fine, they oughr to bave their day in court, but I think my mind is RIDER:f don't think, I donrt think that this case/as Bob has eluded you've got this whole packet.of things - this Casolar I and II is a proverbial bucket of worms, I mean it's a, it's a very screwy situaticin and I don't know whether Dean Knox got himself into it or rve helped him get himself into it or rvhat it is. I don't think the Planning Commission in any way feels- in Jeopardy beeause of Councilrs consideration of thls, I think they feel pretty confortable in their.decision on the GRFA. ['e have received various corffnents in the packet,''yourre not in any rvay questioning their deeision in sending it back, and, you knol, I don't Jrnow rvhat you, I guess maybe I stepped outside of my prerogative in telling them tbat you'd proUaUiy send it Uact< if-yor. came j.n rvith a proposal ,but at the same time rvbat have you gained by putting it over for two wecks and turning it down and they just turn right around anrl repLy, Probably what they t'oul-d do if you tabLe it for two n'eeks if they rvould ruithdraw their application and their appeal would be fine. You don't gain anything witb the Planning Commission by playing that game. ,'.1;rlttt:'rr1' .'' TO: 'i.:{OF\.i!. t., 1NNINGjt) E.\\'ili0,\IIUNTAL f?i\f.llsst0N l-ltolt: ; \NA TOi':llILL RE: r T.SOLAR .{,tiDhtIStON l Sincc tl'crc has Lrccn so Inuch confusion about thc GRFA and intent for tlre C. .olal srrl,.livision, Jin Rubirr and Petcr P;,tton rcqrrestcd that I attctrrPt to rr :nljcr :;o, ,e of tlrc backgroun.' itr forrr.r t j on and discussions. Deane Knox, tlrc '!. r'cJopcr, ;rl>|roachcd the Tor'n rvith a totally ncrr' cotrcci)t (also thc firsl pro.i i l.rojro, C under tlrc lrcri P.C .'oning). Tlre irri.cnt iras to dcvclop a rcs ;cu1.ial sr, .ljvision tlat wo:-l:cd bettcr than rnj ght be al loued rrnder tlre cor':n1:iorral ;.,ring. ticc;rrrse lre plan rrac a bett.cr' one iltan r.lr:rt r[i !hL have 1'c9'ultcd rurclcr ilrc r;i-::niard IiC oning, I tri.ed to r:ork riitll thc <lcvelr,lrcr to niz:lle tlre ltl an fe.rsilil (:, . As I rc;r11, I 'r'r:r,icric.:rJ nc,t onl)' i.hc subri j v j sion pla'1- a:tcl .Irrt:i:osccl PJ.all: . l,:,i: also i -: pl'ol'(1s.cC rlccli.r';ii !olr-c ::rrd. covc'i;:rni -s itird tltc :.:r les r;otttt'act. To rrr.:tl: r: -curc tlre '!.'rirr u:r:i ll1-otcci,,.-i! agailsl. i.l !crgal lt".','.:Uil i v i':;.i ri: atitl eltccs- sile 0iil,,fr, I :'cquii..<1 scr.'claI cl:--rr..:cs jn tlrt, tiocur;rcni-s, ilcl rrrl jlt;, a st:r1ci.l'.rnt aborr! '!,lic uaxilnrrrr a l1or.:rrh1c CIll'A 1:c:i ru:it. lJie le;r-scrn J. t'cnir'.,'uL i::" iiiis so vividl)'i:; tlurt Stu l;ror,,:t a:rd I lr:rd sorrrc t,iolcnt algll:'.lr'rrts abcui. ilre rtot'rlilrg, irnC tirc lxrirt:'s ittt('r';'c)' tl i.lrrrt I j::c the rc:'tii<:i i.vr lrirr;;rrr;;c c jt1.lr. (l think tig'tr:lr'1lr',1-uI co1'rics crf thc.origjngll). p)'oi)o:'.r'rl (locu:;lonts r'(; jr: i.lrc iilc). t 98l . l':lcil1 . .,1 , 'flr i .': t.';l S 1!:e :rr'i.i.;ir-c.nt- I fl:.lF cr.lrr..:l:.,'J)'. l'lrlr lr tltl i :r-illtl r! rlcl Itl ;td.!<'rl trlt i lr:'et: I c,1't ri('r'c l6'1'f i nl1-d 1 lr:r:r uir:ti: t.';ii. plolrt':.1:tl --'"'-)-'jt"'-) ,../ ,/ .. t f -. ' -,;:.-- t ''t '- .: ''' t""'-(. /;' tli rl!. r' 1 :rC (:llyCl(llrir, t: :lltrl :'.() J '{' MEIiIORANDUM TO: Plannirg and Environrnental Conmission FR0M: Depart;ent of Corununity Developnent/Peter Patten DATE: June 4, 1981 RE: GRFA variance request to build a duplex on site 12, Casolar Vail II for Jin McDonald. This is a request for 2 units of 1690 GRFA each, very sinilar to Deane Knoxrs original req;est for this parcel , which was denied by both PEC a]rd Council . Mr. McDonald, the owner of the building site now wishes to apply for the variance on his ornn behalf. llle requests relief from an "irnocent third Partyrl point of view 3s the aggrieved owner of the building site' CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteriq qnd Findings, gection 18.62-060 of tlgJqic$tl requested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors As the issues have not changed at we refer you to the Previous nenos al1 from the previous aPplication, and inforrnation enc I osed. FINDINGS: The Plannin and Environnental Cornnission shal1 nake the followin rtncl That the granting of the variance witl not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on other properties classified in the same district.. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to ProPerties or irnprovernents in the vicinitY. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the followirg Teasonsl The strict or literal interpretation and enforcernent of the specified regula- tion would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshiP inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions apPlicable a McDonard -2- June Ctt.,f, to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propertiesin the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regula-tion would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by t.he or,mers ofother properties i.n the sarne districi. RECOITIMENDATION Although the staff can sympathize with l.{r. McDonald's position, we cannotchange our stance on the natter. T?re issues and situaiion behind tnii requesthaventt changed, and we continue to reconnend denial . (o 1l i)?) rJepartr-:rli:t of communi'iy de:'clrFit:entbox 1CJ tail, colorar.f o 8165? 1303) 47ii-5S13 March 6, 1981. I0: Planning and Environmentai Com,nissjcn FR0l4: Dcpart,':i::;tL of Corrnunity Devel opnent IiE: G.R.f /r_,--!gf ialce f or Casolitr II. t_o'; 47 Spgl kg[t_L_D"*' L:-Rfr " [- !$gl]jti -:_qil of Vqri Clig*leg$: Ed A ccl.i -.'.rf t.he desc:"il-lTicn of thc varirrnce being reqnestedis e:iclcsr:li . The Shil'f i;culil lillr: 'i-.rr recep va; ious -i :;:;lirs Irh'ictr ltilve 1ed up to tirjs rcciuest. 1. Coirlr.i 'i:hr-- loL'l .li"iLi: l-,:,tl.ler,:ii,,r.7 i:.1:!i iig bri tr.i:;itq.,it, -tsbeing L;,:c;iar I anci /17 l;tin:,r Cis;clirr.i. I. l,,lr. ltrox llrisnotif iecrby J'irn Rubirr ihat they could not be vacated.In rerric:,r'i tig the P-[.C, taPe of Az't.tti.::rt7, 1gg0 J-irn pr:Lrin iniifcatci tn t'lr. Knox that he r.;as tclcl thai he coulci nr,tvacitc i-lre property j-ini:s and tlius h;: irirle to t:ransfei- 3500 sq.ft. crf G.R.f .A. plus or rnjnus to Casolar II. I,I..lfuor sr,'iri" "I gues,s I ilitin't <io nty irci:tciiork and I ui.xlt:-standthat this cannct be cone.', Thi: rcilrr:.:..i: of. appro',,a.] of Caso'lar" II rrerrel coitta.iitcri :iiiyrcfereri;c to the lefi; over G.li.i;.A.. .irGr Ca,-solar I. 2. Thrr 1,400 sq.'fri. (G.R.f .;\.) per uirit h,as alr..,ays corsiclereclas an e-.,.;;-;rirate a1 lowal',i I lier utrit.. Tiris was b..iscci :o'l c.ry Upon a;.r t:ti[rate dorre 1,1' Jinr llul-rin r,,-jthout the ajcl of anetrgilici'i' ir:t:r'lysis o.s t'i:l;ucsted. Irr r'cvit:,:i:l:l i;lte P.[.C. iaJrcs erf ltur.,;:;i: ZZ, ].9?8 l.l.'r:t-r: t..'as Ap1-rl',u\,.t'l 1; i',,i:11 1gy 11 iin.i i.:: tl.i i:il a tt;.;lir,tlnt rrf 1400 Sq.f_1:. OfG.ti,i,.A. I Page 2 3. The owrter (Mr. Knok) has stated tlrat thc Toun of Vail did not control the C.li.F.A. linritatjon of 3380 sq.ft. oieTT./i., or 1690 sq.fi. per unit. The fact is that the Torrn does not en'force co\renants arrd 1690 sq.ft. (33S0 sq.ft. ) was not the total G.R.F.A. aqreet to, l4r. l(nox, on several occasions. r.ras told that ihe total G.R.F.A. being sub:nittedfor on pro.jects prior to agreeing to a final G.R.F.A. figure would bc clcducted fro,n the total. The.total of usable G.R.F.A. lr,as as 1'ol I orrrs : I,ot area 53"796.60 l4inus area o,tcr 40% 3,485.00' Net usable 50,311..60 G.R.F.A. usebJe 15,093.48 G.R.F.A. useC tc; date (3-6-81) 14,767.00 Renaining G.R.F"A. 926.48 Based on l'he usabie G.R.F.A. after receiv'ing infcmation on slope thl 11 unitl prcposeC i:y Knc>: ucuid ortly be a'ilov,'lri 7372 sq.ft. of G.R.F.A. per unit. /rt 1690 sq.ft. p,:r itait this project vrould liave far excceded the allotvable G.R.F.A. Conclusicn: Based on a'll the i.nfornation revieu'ed both by dccunerrts and by revierving tlre P.E.C. tapes, it is tl:e cp'i nion o'F the Stnf'F that: f{r. Knox uas never lcrl to hel icve that; 1. lle r:orr'ld transfer G.P,.F.A. fron Ce::olar I tc Cascr'l :r iI2" 'l i'ii;t'iilr S.R.F.A. t'lc,ulcl ei'e:r hl a:'lrr:trecl ..t l6til sq.ft. per' tilri'u3. l'hat j.he To'r;n of \,/ai.l hard acccp'icC his ccvenatrts t;irich inCjceted 1690 sq.ft.4. Tlrtit the Town of Vaii tr'culC conttol the anount of G.R.F.A. used or that tlrey ttould eniorce a;iy provisiott cf the covcilarrts It is also our finding that t4r. Kncx did not ful13r con;:]y to the rc'quest of the Ccnrnurii[y Dcve'i opirri,:nt Deparimeut to coinpiete a glspe erial.ysis r..nd l:-y c!c'i rr1; so, col'rcct thc ar:tltal alJoi^tahIe G.R.F.It. 'in the ccrveilinl:s. The Sta{'f bclieves tliat thcy havc bncn very up front'.';ith l'1r. l(rrox nnC llllie,res tirai; iL r.la:r solc'l;, i:iie respoirsibilit.,; of l"ir. l(nox to r;oritrol the usagc of trsi:Lrle G.R.f,A. in Casolar II and thal; ari.y lrarrislli p il;rs licl:n toba'l i;" sclf-i;rflicteri. Tlrc Staff rccolrlircnds i:llai: Iir. l'.ttcrx's .rppiicatjcn for'llie variance as 'set 'irr11-h in thc ait:clrcd applicalion be d{--nicd. ,.) ?o) . tl. PR[:;I]NT Scott Edrr,ald:; Gaynor l.lil ler Dan Corcoran Gcrry t'lhite Duanc Piper Jin llorgan 4qsrNr Roger Tilhencier PLANI{1NG AND MINUI'I'S Of [NVI R0iii.lil]{l'A L COl':,iJ. SS lOI I'llili'f lNG l'!\lrclt 9, t9$1 STAIF PRnSI:l'|]' Dick Ryirn Pctcr I'atten l,arr:i, llbod).r.:y Larry E-skvrith Betsy Rosol;rck CCiUi'iCIL Rll'nlSlllilqT lif : Bud ljcnedict 1. 4pprov?l .of .t}]yt.es of me Dlane P5.pe:: nToved arrd Scott ldr''rl:ds scconried thai -i.i:e ninutc:i be ua:i 5-0 il fa.,,o:r. (Jin i.icrgan lradnrt y'.'t irr.ii.ved.J 2, 4npfg:g] -q.f rnr".j_t-! rf n""L* o 3. Deaire L.'Knoi\".i.t,rnr:i-r:l. Iloor Area 4r.* -....., -,.1 1,'n1-a Scott Edwartls noved and Dan Colcoran seconded.thai- the nitlut es be ;rpirrovcd. Vote was again 5-0 in falo::. \fur.j.ini:r: :icr: Casol t:r II a I'.t:, su}rli rr j-i-i-on of i,ot .4.-7, -Lion:rlidgu I:;i !ffli--h:-g.: It11 ict LzL.ry grr th;u and girre lr little bacl',g','cr.::ril, 'nui: .s-irrcc fiiu!y of us \1cl'n ttc:t he'rr: or tli'.' stlff at tire ti::,c 1:his r.;!io-i c subcl-ivisioit i,,:.,t s aiJFt:ov.,d, J. asi..cd I,;l.i'.".,.- ir() gc 1.: r.r';..k i.ri r-l L i.si:e'tr to r;-i- 1 ilr'-: i.3;'r;5. of tl'': .ilJ::'inil.r: l.lc::tti..I:.ic:: -i:s:,.' .,iig 5r-',qr -ciir':'.sioir and ;,t19o for tho applovz.ri.s of tir.; l;ones .c;r diffclcr:i: I ots i:i t!:c sillr,:ii\r j s i.oi). I thinli hetli go thlcugh arrd give you a rlui.ck ove:'rrj.er,r of tlie sit.ltali.o:r:*d sii'.ff 1. .'c.ot,tr.t uD d at j t'n . !it::l!ptf.Cl-el: I thintr. in'r!ic Ktrox sj.trr::tiorr, ihc'r^e ar'e vsliolrs qucsricirs i.iilt hlve ar.iscrr duli.ng this rr'hole problcn. No. 1 r.rzrs, r,ros tltc lot lirre bet..:er..n A7 aitil ,\S LrciirgCasolar i and Cos.olar II cblr: to lle vrrr;i:Lcd, rdriclr uculd thrr: al lou t.:,..ansf cr.iit11 apPioxi.-Iilstc])'5500 r'or'-. sq ft to Cn.sol.al ll. In r:cviciii.ng thc ttpcs, alll d.iffor:cnt 6ocu- ments florn Ji.r; P,ubil.t, ftl'"ri: cl r:o ,locurnerll:l i:icll lr'hai- s.:i, o..re:: thr,t thi-s t:,as e.:..cr.' a: I o.,l:tl.No' 1. Casoli:r I tle-s rrrtdcr RC zone, Clso-l.iLr' 11 b,":i:tg LL,)li:, a.rrri you c:r'rr.,,rr){.: i.:'irn::icr. tlctr:; i.t1' f.'rtirtr orrc :.clne to :rrio lher z,olrc, :',o this :j.it)0 sq ft , ar- no pi i! r.:(r I.r:ts thcrc alll/'docirr:rt'rrt liotr that rr'orrld I cati us to l'rcIi_cvc thlrt thjs uas i,li..-rr:d to a:rti v.'u.s trbJ.c tobc iloitc. A1so, thci'c', lic-s ttcvcl atry for':rur1 l-c(iuesi 'chat I c(lrJd fiilri i:l::rtj J:l:,,iLr t::r t c{ t1n}' tr'.insfct' of (lon-q i.L)' f, i:on Clrsolar I to Casrll.;:i. Il.. 'lllL- .'iccott(l r|rcstion w:rs tlte :rl lorr'rblc Clil'.\ ou th<r ii1'1f i1'q1.. .Jirn iiub.i.:i lrad (l(,11c li()ure pr'.ilii;lt'1' Sl oirc ;1111111'sr:; ti)1.'tl tltil }1o,ja6i. t,:lricir lr. i..:rox \':ls l olrl hc ci.r,,r Itl ir:rrc liDlulii- ni;ttc i.l()t) st1 i.t ol' (ililli\ Fc.:' r:rril.. Ln t:lrc [,.] lrrrniiil; 0,.::il,,r i..i:; i.l;r Ol: AU];il:il, 2i, l:i;S.Ih', lirrcx strlri:iltirtl iltt.. ::l)ir )'o\,'il .l I'crr ll n.i.1:; H.i 'ih J.iit'J srlf 1. oi' tlliii.f,. r.'lr.i-{,.ir t.;,:r t jrr.rn arl'!ll!'!:t'c(l lr1, , 1'," I'Jirrttr ilrli Csli6.t.i:;:i j.otl. f'rx, - l)irllr) L - Jl \-t / i\ ! .AI so, thc otrncr, lrlr. Ii.ltAIso, thc otrncr, l'lr. Ii.nf tirtcd thct thc.i'orvrr of Vail I'irt (i3s613p IJ al lorv jrrp" vilriorrs unit:t; to llc brril L that cr 1400 sq I t. In.9cvera1 of tlrc' docuiiiul!t:s lnd convcri;rtj ons rvitlr Jirl llubirr, wt:: fj.rt<l that hc H.ls tol(ltrt th;lt tinr'-: thaL i)lt)'Lr1'clir[{c olr tlrt: l4f)0 s(l ft of GIiFA wt,rrlrl bc dc<lrrct,ed I'r.r;rrr t]rctcltill alrtoililt of GitI;A whi.ch was allorvcri on tlic r.rholc Casol:rr lI becausc thcrc harl not l::l_" slolc rnalysis dcrne by an engincci:iug firrn r.rhich harl bccn r-cqtrestcrl scvcllrltl::ics so r,'c cou]d dctcl-;nirrc thc actuai ,lmounl_ of GIIFA which wrs ali ot,,cd on t]rc Pr:oj cct_.After rccciving that slol>c analysis, it r,.as founcl actually, tlrat 6-I/2 t6 of thc;rllor,..ar-r-lot area ltas over 40t r'rlijch rr'orrld acr;ually girre hin a fci.,l sguarc i.cet beloy 140u sqfr. Based on the useabLc GRFA aftcr receiving irrforrnation, the total allowablc (GRFA)t'rould have been 1372 sq ft. AT 1690 uq ft pcr unit, ihc projcct rr'ouLd have rar cxcecclccthc alLol,'abLe GRFA. Conclusion: basccl on all the inforl-;raticn antl viclrc:<l both by docu:ncnts and rcvi.cr.li.ngtJrc tapes' it is thc opilj.on of the st;rff t]i:'c r\ir. Kr:ox r{as ne\!(:x Lead to bcl. j.evctlrrrt he could transf cr CilFr\ fi:ora Casclar: I t,o Crsolrr II, tira-u tlic GRjrA rroul ci cverbe -appr:nveci ;tt 1690 sq ft per ulrit, tirat thc 'lbr,n ctf Vaii ha.4 acccpted correnants ttrat.ir'clirated 1690 sq ft, arrd ihat tlre-Tor..ir of vail would cont,rol the anount of Giu.A used()1' 'that thcy r';ouJ-d c:rtbl'cc plovislons of cove'ns.nts. It j.s our fincitngs tirai: l"!r. Knox li::?:_:ttlli'::ltj]tf r:ii:l-r-tire rcqucsi ci'l tho ctnir,uni-,:j'Diver.cpnent lt+F:lrure4r to con;:Jc;I:'lc slope anal)'sis 5-n ;; tiri:ely ncnn?'j, uird in doirrg so, coti.olt thc aitual al LcvablefiilFri in the covenants. ]'ire staff be.r-i.cves that thcy irave bccn vel)' up front rvithl'ir:' Knox' and belierrcs tliat it was solcrlX his r:c:;ponsi.bil.it/ to ccntrol t.lrc u.sageof the GIlI",/r" and thsi -"1:e hard.ship has been totili t sclf ilflictecr. The s1afrrecolnlonds that l't|. Kno;:rs app].icition fol the rotiorr..c as scrt for.tlr in thc zittachcdapplicatiol be dcnicd. IiQj.'r'-Jli-o;:litsi.i;: li;' naa:r: i,s Fogc-i: T!.,o,r,r.. sr:l r erli rJ I a:ir nir attor.!.:ei, l:c,p!*(:scn1: ing. i,.l::. Kliox,anrl l rr'otr J ri l ille an oi ')'r-.:::tLi;r i:.:; i:o s.. :':! jr to LJrc (,'c:,::.,r:.:;:: j-tilrc.:: if j co11c, lir: conebr')i-jf ie !cu 1!,ris ai'tar',.';,lr: artiirg {o:: a r.';,r j.i,rrci, r.:j.l)r i.x5ipe r:u lo lJi,,-: {;;r.Fi\ cr1 g:rsolarrI. l'hc -sir,uaticn irr * :'ri;':-:hcti is this : 1,1",- itrc ci,:1* ,; cu: firrrl. ,"rr,oirr:.,rj- t.ut:,n i.:,C Sr:i.rilj:r:i-Sion , iC'i. i?-, aii<i ti.; Ct r: i1 :,,.::,.i Cf Gi.;:,'. :r.:::_),.::t i:irr :.{ j.S j:LS:,:lr.jrl..r:,1."t,o:: ti::.)1i<:i ilo ilu5 iri ;loi'th! tt r,; ,.'.i ';:';. t"t ; ut. 'j:ir:.r.r.rfoi.e , i.:.{.:t i1,ii:l a1 tej.,-i.1, r,::.ir.r:,"b}e'i.,-i ece:oi land uiricli j.s usclcss trnless rie, r.,.i.tlr y.,ri iit"r"tion arc gr.anici:- ue,Jili,.',,,,rl crunS(, 1-llat fl unj.i- c a1-r l)c l!r.lt on thnt. p:occ Ob prc;,111..,.. ?hC ;...,taopclrt..t/ rs zOnetl i,!)i.ii:- :lstirc' pspx1" l:,es inclica'r:cii. Iie t','j.11. irr:., -t r*a-s-irot, l:i,i l.lr. liirox. r,:a:; l.rcfcre thi.g Cor:r"-rj.s s ir::I, t.lrink on .iui:uarj' 112 cf t:his 1'ei.,_r*. .1...1 th;lI ti;:c, ,,,i;ii- l]ri:.i (,il.i; (:(i ;r, r"i<rrres,i:. cr..irq.cln j-l;this rot asking fot a virlitince atrrl a.s];i.rig you to give hl-i,r c:rough atlciitio:raL l;JllrA fortl.iri lot io irt:1rnit hirl i:cr bujlri-a d:tp1r:>:,.a.b;rrt 27i0 sci fi:. i,lJi,,, 1:rcviousll, i.,ir. KuoxIrr'sentcd l)rPcr's to you r.:skir:g fo::, I Lel-i-cvc 3i8c sq ft oq t.hat 1it. Th.t'*aLrer,Irll 1:olc{ tvas l.rb1etl. }lc rcconsi.d.r:rc<i, ;rrd crire l::rr!< i:r aslling fo":icc-s,t ff to t'.,ir*;:. rJt,ple-x ori tl.,.lt l.ot. . Yc:;: had a li*,._t l.j_irp Jl J:mi.:r:.:cy clll 1:il:!t n:1i.i:cr, i:ird tl:i: I,c{;,.re_rffcr- r' \,itt'ia)lce l'a.s dcnj,t:ii . l,ir. Iilo.'; ioilor''eil t;:i.tI a1 e1>]:r.:;r.l t,o tj]e ,r.,olr,.ir Courrcil.Al that tir:ic. hc cotlsrrltcd ltith c, ll<l nl'tcr' r'cvic:vi.rg 1L.r pr;r"ts, ai:.tl bclitrvtrtl iturs jn (lver),(rllcrs llc..;t :.;r1.,-:l.c:jt if tr.e coL:lcl tt:y to u,nr,i.. a,,,i. :r c o;:ri:l,c:rt.i s c , J t t...orr Iria.i 1i.,.' Ilorl r,lct- i.i,c lr:;c (iJ: tlii', ltri.rd niid llc cctr:;i,;icI)f '.riil.i tl," "on.".1r, '-i,i-f , tl,i* fru,i"ll;r:;, I cLrntlctcd I'lr. [l.iclrrr lrnrl thc '.1'cvir Courr(:j.1 trnil ch;r'i:.t,crl rri1.h lrin anr] tol .l'h;;r'"t1-'1r1 1 t'tottlll r.'c'cctillil crt Li t () lir'. Krro:: r:lr::t ltc at Lcli:i)'.. 'to (:o:ilc l,:rr.:1- to 1,o* rtn<l cllir:.:,.:i.t.lrf 1).rcilr'ce _ltis 'r'c,:iric:,t. j.nstcrirl of a rlu;rJ.rrr, hr. rr:;lt*s ,,.i-fr,iiia lL sir:glc faaril.y t.!.jjtl(rlce.iu:....at1 o1' a:rliing', l:or. l7i-,:) sq 1.t., asi :i,i3'ilr r, ::.iu:lrly itir)0-sri .i t.. so l:hnt (r;i th;:r |.i.gg.Jtri' I.rttri. jltsii",:iiI of lrlit'.it:;: !.t 1:,o to ',ii]::i i-', llc c..,irI,i :rt l.ir,it llirvr-. ;t lgr0r] 5t1 i.1,ix,;i e 1'lrlrj l)' Jic -.; _i.1!,..11111. ;.ir.. l{ itlt.:r, ii i ;:, .., (.:11. c ( I l.o }:rr .r. j,;1.1. i.lt,rl t.,,.}.J so il ::tli).st:}1!t ji} Iit t'j,;;it:.lc j.rr lltr, lrlipi ir.r' j (1,r, th:ltt r.., cor,,.r l;:tr.-li i.c tlri.:: |o.;,,, I-;r. ;,;y.1 1.1^-. tlr,al:i,:r. Iir.tit:rtrl'\':' 1 fo llll 'l'r'rtlt Cult'rc i l, lr'h i.r:h is t;l:l'' i.(l :rr.(. l:lt, I jir.:..t: -,r..,! .,;,. IJi:r,,, 1.1,,. t,(.(1rr,,.,;L'i lr --,:. t.lt i. rr',.r lii'c::.,'nt. i.,.r \'ri! is ili:,i. r..l l!,r. l.l , c:i:..rlrrr. j.r, i.;. liri.,::. L:il pe.r.l::il i.,,,1 l'ljc - ))l!tc 3 - 3/l)/DI . To collstrtrct a t.rr.t",,.f f a1tinll no nor'() thnn i900 sq f ,,r tt," corrdj.tiqrr r-lr:rr- it-' bc a si-rrglc l-';rrrrily rcr:itl.-'ircc. Norv, I thirrk thc lrl:;teily o) tlri:; lrattcr is krrrrr,rn to . $11 of you, pr.obably illrrr:lr bcttcr thaD jt is knr:un to nc, lrccltrsc I aur a larc e<;lur:r.antl cl'.-uttt scc a nccd to r:clrash :rl I of it iur yorr, b',rt therc rr.c a corrplc crf ob:;r:i.vitir;1.''' I l,,otlld 1j.kc to nirke, in that thcy go. to, at lLrrst irr ny nrincl thc consj.stcncy oi: thisrcquL'st and tlrc objcctivcs that tl:e zoning r:cgulcliorrs seok to achievc ancl tirc objcctiyc:that you try to adnilj stsr, Fi-rst, Jtr rcspect to clcnsity: I think it is i,rlportlnt to l)otc that, at lca$t as Iittterp:rct thc 26;1in* ]'s1;rrlations, in that l.lll'lir ionj.:lg catcgory, the fact- that thcrcare 1.2 acres ilrvoLvcd irr Casolai'rI, undct tirc i;r:rtlriiatics as I understand it, thereare 12 units per acre. Tircre could have bccn t4 turi.ts in Casolar IL I get tlato)l the basis of urrdcrsta;tdi.ng t-hat you ciur put up 12 unj.ts pc'' ecre, l,!r. Knox onlyaslied for 11 units atrtl iirat rs r,ihat oras app.i*ccJ, so tlrrt lrc startccl of f aslling youfor thrce units less i:) that arca thal he- r:'oul ri iurve lr:lthrna ti.czlly becn cntitlc;l toif you r"i-11. u'der t.hc p'::,posal that ve ril:s nolr aslring, r*ith 1,crur ruscreti.on, r.,,e' t'rould reducc that b1' )r'et; olle nore unit, l!cc:..lrr$e toe rrorl,l repLacc; l.ihat userl Xu be anapprovccl duPlex rt'ith a sinl;,lc f:uni.ly. I'le r'rotr i d bc noiv in a sj.trration ultct'c dciisit,vwould be only 10 units ort a piece of land unier t.lie zoning regula1i.ols, at. lcast,it r'ould aPpcal to sl-rfpoxt 14 units. So I think as to dcn.sity, it's a confortiLblesituati_ otr, Iir :'cspect to GIIFL: I rlirntt want to get bacll al.lin to the crrt-ire pr-o'::lcra of thc slopeanalysis oD uhich botl, sj.des have their ol..1r r.ric'i,.,s, but I thir-,Ji thai rthat is gcrl:rarreis that about 1c00 fer':t of GIIFA tl)at the r1cvelolrcr- thourllrt hc lratl ya.s lost i.l r,r.i.rlstrcanuheu it cievelopl:d tlizri.: a substanti.al. po::ti.on of- the lanii hact a slopc ovcr-40%. Thcslope j-s nr-inut.c1y cve:: /:!.1%, and I sugp:esl to ycu, trct tlrat i:lrcr:c w-as anythilg ur.pngsith- the slope ana11,$ j_s, t,r: that 1,ou *err: so;::clii;t.r nc,t e;ntitlcri to take i.hat porr-rionof thc lalid ar'ra;r fronr tlii: CRFA. I o:i11'pojnt. out to'Ior.r Lhirt a sul;stanti.al p.i r,ceof Lhat lantl .is tiot- c1ci,c:l opcd ai:C j.s noi- sol-d lrcci:.Dic j.f i:; cl j.i.}.lrtl1' r-r.;cr 40i2,. Con-S(:qr:c:-rLl)t, I 1.ltj,i-;ll thatts a fai:to-r-. llir; i j:c ;::o5t j.ii.,-,or.t ar,;'( !:,,(.tt)j:, ili a.: Irl.L c:l cisc. utrtltj.s, l thitik t-hrt the cri;rsi.stenc1. (lu\rst j.rrli oic:"a1i i.ritlr, r.;l:lrt. 1 r.,,oulcllrtlsi'3t s1':lnd )'cur co:lcor":;s' Lo btl. i{oli. th j:; j-s a so}.i;r proj.. { i tl.,l.t c*l."ti r.111rrc }ots.I'i: c:ilrcl's ioti) A7, iril a:',1 .,ig. I'iiri.;:e J l;lrici; ii r'.r-,'c ':;',e i.,lri::,r ,,lci.,.c ili::i1...1;i, 1;;_.r.1,call cd A[] atiri A9, as Ji. i:r-!i et'stir),J -jLt, se't'cr*,'i1 yc'-.-': ll..1o i;:. i.. n o.r. s,-iggr,:,t r-,cl a ii-:rl](l ofllch? conccpt in RC zonc ci j stri.ct invo-l-r'ilg i:rr t'nvcloire <l,ev cl opirt-.:rt . Ilc r.;crrlleci v;j.tirtire Toi'ar on i't, tnd .gcrt r-t apllr-ovcri. frr pir.-,,-c,., I, ai yo; ha.,.i: l,rriir..d :r. ic.,.i r::c:::rnLs ilgo.As it r'".'rs Cel'elollc.1., lie u:" c.'il 56S0 1,'r:ts Ciliri ;..:;,1. tl:l;: i;a.r .zljrpl-i)v{:r.1. Su l}ri,sc .l Itr.:;3680 lcss i-cet- Lli.Lit hc corrld 115v1; 11."' g,1. l{i:r,', I rj0;rri. ,,.,i:n1.- io astctt tc] ]'oil r,rllr i. {orsottt reastll r'te ought t() car-ry t.ltilt ovel to Pitase J.I, bccausc tlrat is oJ.il Lusjlri::;5, i1t.t <llrre r't'e Irccil ot'rr it, alrl r.:e jrrst |ea:.d tl'.c c-c.;:u:g:t:; rr:t 5.t, Lui: l do tliirrl.: thllt r;ircgyou ale cxersizing 1'cltr cliscrctjorr or) the c{rrc-stion <lf rrrlrol.hor- or not it 1roul d ir 1-. ln('rvcrl' oncrs bc-st interc:;t. to 1et. hilr: usc 1;l:is errlcii.ti i,:rrrl. j:)a1'(:c1 , tthr:n )rolr lic,e') i.n rrirrtc!nclic f'itct tliat th j.-s i: :.r t,rri..f ic<1 <lci,c.! o1::i:er:1" , [,.'r:rsc L airci i']nsir iI, 1h"' r.oa(is j,11i:orconrc.; rthelc is only oitc sc'L of lrincnitics, thc:..c i.:i 6;1s col,.',oiiiirr irr;i, ,.,,.ao.i*ti,r,.,. If ycu vj.c,lvrt'hat. 1'lr:i.s litln ltiis tlOnc l,s' a rr4iolc, irc rlocs lu'.r,u rrvcr. orr tlrj.s t.i,r", u-pr.,,scd .lcvcIo;.,i cntthat i-:: i(r80 {er:t lt':$s it;ilrr lrc coul d hlr'c tltrrri,iiJ-.ccl, l,r,iri I c .l I.no' tir,rf. sS it }lili:t.ct: ofright- lic oulitt to l;c si.r.it: to t,tlie tlr:rt ovcr. ;.:nt1 1,1; r.-. j1: On tir<. u<1ioj.nin,l !roiuc:,.. Ovcr;rj Irus! ill'c t:tltt:;itlt:rin1.i t.lt,-' i.>Lrr:tlctt ort lrhc l:rnrl lr;rcl tlrc btrr.ilcn orr llir r:r)r,jrtrrrr:re1t. I ::pl:rlL\stto ),(lir t.lr3t it is llcr:nl,.ir, is ,r tl:i.-ccru.ti r,:rrD.1, ..,,to Loo\ lit rtirr: Jlirct ti:irL Lh j.sclltir'(: tlr:vc) oiliul'ttt r'li. J i, t.ir:st ol- :rlI, r:s{r I t:s:; {litl;i'r ir:; it rqll.-r.lc, irrtd sccori<ll"v rLi.i I bc .r,ol;:i"-\ l'Q:li. ultj.i.s ilt tlcr;.r i.t)' ttndr:t' t.ll:at .i. t crrr''lrl i:tiur: i.rt:r..n. I :,rr1q3cst to )'orr i lr;.i i.Jrclc.ist\.t'|..Y:ii'l:}'|.il.i't-ltlll':l,,,t..i:i|t.i1rllr,'r'r:.ll.'1,.'l.l!..:l'\:il:iJr..tli,r,i.lt,l,'..i.'ii1:thirr:lg I titirrk tll:r'r. il:'. llttof i i:,.:tl:llrt tlrr.l 'llrtr'ti r-i;r:; lr:i'.ilij.;;1; Itr:1.: frr:,l lr.r rr,;rs rr^s..i iig rl:,: ti,:1;,\,tht..i.lrl.ltti'irtitr.:1lrt'|ti.:tllll;t..;r{.,t:it;llil'j'0)lil,;itr. ND f('lrir' (;(I.Jt i(i ir tlilrr.:l ii,ir ttlr..t.rr U(: lllt\,(, lr lr.i i.,:rr (,il i:r tl lclt lr tl f.hi:r.t: .ttt:;! l:.it,!():)\.)il:l.l] (illFA lt:j't irL lrr: lri rrtt. l';';, 1',,g r-' 1 r ; I . ; r I 1 , I 1 . i ; , 1 I 1 | ilri:. ilt.,t:ri ir, 1..11..1 t: I rttirt!; i:;;,,r:rl.:;rrJul.,.. I .l)ljC-pagc4-S/g/8) ) rrIn i In'.li:l, pToj cct.thc land, hardshi.p l90C squrrr.c fcct Itts c requcsti.t rr,oul tl lrot. bc in a.vcry uniquc il' a rnodcr:rtcJ), :;izcrcl hor:rcr r.rcr:c put llp, it wclrrl d rrot burtlcnan undnly dcnsity fact.or :rrrti it r.rorrl rl lclicvc i! sLrl)sttntialsituJtiorl . If thcre at.c al)' (llcstiolls, I can arrswcr thc,il,. .lSgL: .A,re thcre any qucsijotts from tlic Cornnj.ssion? One quicll responsc to onc tliingtirat yorr said. If- islr I t irr the bcst intcrcst of tlrc Tor*n o.i. v;ril to ijrlnt a varialcefor any kirrd of fi.tr:rnciai hrrrclshilt r,,,hich is the stateircnt tlri;t you just madg. I coulch,I-et that pass rithout naking that comnent. It r,,oul cl ccrtaillly bt to cornlrrorlj.se the'dcvcloprncntstalrdir1-d5ofthcTor,rnofVaj-ltodoso. ll, "JatS+ I appr-eciatc thirt, and I didntt ncan to inclicatc tiret only a firrarrcial irard-sirl^P, It 's a pJ an:lect cotrr,lrr:ri.iy trhere tirc co:;t of ca::;-;,i;rg thc ccrn:ron amcrritics issi)!'ced t'tilcung tirc hone olrnorfs. Thc peoplc r.;h o l;ou.,l,t'thJrc botr;:Iri tltcrc thinl<.in1; thcyItere gol''ng to har''e a colrr:iirni-ty of a Ceriai.n .';ize. I ttrink thcrc are cnorrglr of ha::.Jsh.i.pfactols. to just let one piece of j.and not g.o totally urrusetl, and r think it goesbeyond just a financial irardshil> of develoi>nrcnt. -(;"':t"J:i ?harlc 1'ou. A"c 'r:hi1e alt)' com:iren ls o:: qucstj.Jl)s fnoiji tl,c l)ir.l.rn--i.iig Corr;r.r:s s ioir ? Eg*: . It seens like each tine we re'rrier,r tlrj.s sonething ner.r cornes up to changer'ty thinking. I liear:d t'he statenent earlJ-cr by staff trli;t Ih:. li.r.iox r.i:rs told ti-rar a1y 9iicess of 1400 feet Siver) to the lncirriclual envelopes r.;culcl bc.r"Jr,aar-r"i,,o'fi,., aoao:.(iitFr\, antl that,s the first tinre Irve Jrcar:cl th.tt 5.ca1;s1,rr:nt th;r.t ]re lr,as actuully told.l,Lai:. Do we have sonc goocl veij.f icat.ioir of that ? 2j-* I thi;rli to t!re lcttcl: of Ju;te 2, 19s0,,..,hcn Jii:r l,iont throliFli a-nci c:x,trl.lrj.rc<1 r.:h::.ttl:e sqlrar,,r fCotirgc hrrl j:c(:n us:e<1 j.tr the pa.st_ alr:l , , -.!ir S in tl,r 1,:.i];1.,1 und::. r,S, ;.irr!'ii: t'ta 's v''hat tJte Plarlling Cci;,rtij.s -s i oir re,.,it:rr'erl lrrst t j rr:r,: in rrili:i,ii1i :r, cicter..r:r-ir-..t j orl j.n8f'antrng ol: not P'r:atlting zi vari.iiiice, anri it is tirc f ::i., -t iu;; o.f lilg staff .i-li:r; it rr,;rsrtrdc, yr ei.ty' cl oa-.,:lrr, and ;-.i::i.t tirer:c r,r:.:; 1-ili.s irliiciiii i c::i ::iri;r::r: irocl:rre s-i-.:i.i.r :.r.:rr:r i..n.:.i-i!lj-rr the uirj.ts, e:irl. lie corrr<i usc j-t rri:, or: j.i: c.r.ru J. i1 i:r;. i...1;j riir ir, l;,1. riay r rr,-: iicvr:.iole;Ii':int ed to see it bc used r-'' each lot. Do you irave tiret letter, scott? rr;rrl a si.n;i1e furrri ly rcsidcncc.I th j.irll ovcrall j_L's a sorrnd I read the r.:hr:rlc thi.ng., jt tallic(l irbout theii!!_1.":: ltn noi. su::c h:hj.clr o:re it uas,squir.r(.! fcotalle :l:rti i.lllrt r:as; I eft. . C ro:':y t. Arc tlrerc ariy otll(:r (iires.;icns or- co:t:r,tc;tis ? _ --.-.-.- Yes, Larr;.' (8. ), cl.itc tO tl:',: uni r.lr'^ ltetrrr:e ? rlc ).ou ic eL thi..; rr'ou J. d sc:tLrlrl' [. : l:l.lat. tyirc of . . . clo yor.r i"eel. tlr j.s is Jrr:oc.j(lcnt scttin,lIf tircr.c licic a. r'a.r:iaricc p.i:i.rnitrci jloi the e{(lit.io:}liI Ll{,F.1 ,a prcccilcnt tlr.]1: yot,t c(;ujcl .irl_: (r tor.l;;;.,t1-., tliet c.bjci.l ..,. J"i.'1 l,-1'orr krt<ir+, {-ltc v t:j ill(..c provLsi.qrn o.lfi_ t.lr,_-. zr:r:!.r:1; c.,ilc ,1 llt)li.q :.,cu t.o il.J11: \rirr.j.lrlcesiirr' fiRI:,\-. so {-116, tlliid ltlur i.l;;i' i.:; thcrc. I l.hi.rrl.; "*...1, i,,,,r" lr:,s to lre loolictl at i_nriivithra11,r.L'nl;cd o;t tlrc pcrtitrcnt fa<:.t.S, iurtl lrn n t :.iut,c thirt 1ir:irtrr:in1l it. r.,at.,j. ,.,cc j.tt onc l)ittiicul t.cils+ lltlc')5:ierill' scts ir l);'i cc(i('rlt Ito:' :lrr1' o'ulrr.t' crtr;c 't.lr:lt r:oi:lr.s Lrej:511c tllc ,I'!)lr,11. .Il ltink -r"'h:rt Yott Ii:tl't' t0 lorrl; trt :lrc thc-' 1:1j.11,r'5 tj)it ;D.rl srL J.o: tlr i.il tlrc o_rrJjr;;urr;citscll- iit tlct.(rrrliir ini,, t,,ltr:t.ir,_:1. l vu:r,i;rrrcc slri,lll rl lr,, 1,r..,,,;1,,,1- jrr r.;tc)r .i_nrtir,.i tiuil I .irrsrr,rrr,.t:,i:tcltril.irrq thj s otirr. - I {otr' " }:.}1o1 liot,, ci)i,.- to :lr:.iiij(:I.. (ic:':'r': Itl t-ccrlr''ttt :;r'lll.i:tll., i{l I carr l'rr:iiio;l(l 1(} t lrirl. jir..:i 1-',r,. :r :i(:\:c:ndr t,l'rr}rl lr.: to::i:i ii'iit;ric iirt' clit,rt'itt ili,,i, 1'rrr, ;r ,';. il- ir:ll irr ;lri, l)i).i.i.j.r..l: I r:). r.,;l::rr:co, ar;{l I Jri:l ii}lt!;l:'lic r,'L'.i l.(,,)'iil c()'.llr.i llc .l t,rrl,r ri :.rt lrt. lrr:ot l;r:.r, tlr.Vcloi)(.r __iit)(r1 11r_:r. lr1.:rliclItt.. .::.-pase5-s/e/B- t t"Jrtli- Antl obviously uri"lcr diffcrcnt circunr:;thuccs witlicorrsidcrably tliffc'crrt.situaL.ions 9:gy-i..A|nost always- llor'rqvcr, the crj.tcrj.a i.t is vcry import nt to ar.ticulauc--tlrc c.itcriii for grantirrg a 'ariancc, if you arc g.irrg-io-g,,''t it. !Sg-gj- -Thcrc arc actrtillly tHo itcnls of <lcnsi.ty control that gorrern the situationthat t'rctrc conccrrrcd t,,'j.th. onc br:i.ng the cRF,{- and thc othcr bcing the nurnbcr of unitsl{clrc undcr thc numbcr of ur:its, but",,re do c,rcccd, rrith ihis variancc, thc GlitrA, r,nteally rrot in favor of r:ry situation r:l.rcrc r.,ic ncgociate thc situation to cxcccd ej.therOf bOth Of tlroSC COndi.tiOnS. "v1'vv:e ev r'r'v rr-Lu"Lr'Lrjl L(-, c'{cc( !gg. Thanll ycru. Are ,i !:c-re ar\y laf,t co;i'iic.'i-s fr.on the dcvclopc;.,? Thomasch:_ No thanks. C-grl.v: l{orrJ,ri l:n1,srre lille tc nal;e a i.,.::tjon? Bgrrgi IrIl nak.e a rnotion to deny ,rl:e variance. Gg,rryi l'loiion to dcny by Duane pjt:cr,.Is thei.'c a sccond ? _i1il-Lil.!:. Di.<i i'r,"r:, uh. {)rir:-1so f:iIrii:1i'! iirrr,: j rr tili.t li::,i, tij _SZ:gf: Seconcl. .c-g.lfr- Seco:id i:','G:-:yr:o.r l'ji.tLcr, .rr.ii i.hrise is i.avor oi thc ri3tion, and tl!ci lr,ouLdbc i' a-c,:oI'cilu:c: nitl: tiia ..t.iit:f )i.i.?:uc, ./:rrt.l :i i_ i.s r.rricr:.il.rrus o-\cef,i fcr lii' .or.cci_;;iiald I;ccti: Hci'.;a,:il.:, you i::..i.: ciil3:-,r:(i. i.lic lr:Jtr.olr ce::,-.c:i, 9fy:l:-i f dontr knor.r r,;liat to adct ro 1.his rlat -a colipio;iri.tc to l.Jo1.ii out e probl cxr. I rn afra j.<ibackgrotnd in this thi.irg tirit sayi-he-ha.s auout Pi:t 1. Tlrc f in<i.;:gs, r crLr: 1.Ir(i tlntllligs. Lr;.:)' E: 0-l(.lt'eli, lYgg1 Tl:c titc'Liori r,'as J.(.. L.rl.L!. o.i{. -C-i]"t-.. Thcre arc 10 cla1.s to(lort,-rc.il. hasnrl bcen saiC befcre, It lco!,,.s Liketlrat I still fcerl that thcrcls cncugh 90C squar.e fcct lefL in dclsitv, Il i lttrt'c:; r:rrrr{ i.ltrrr.r,l statc tl: i',: Lcfot-e tlie r.a::j.atcc is gr;::rted, r.:e !lr,ist ni:, iie tiroy should be r,:;rrie in lhe ncgatirre, then. - t o d.",iry thc variancc {ls pcr- t hc st:rff nr;no rr,hic}: r thinl, cove}s appcal the nroti'n .f thc PIa'rrirg ctlinrnissi.cn 1.o tlrc 'i'c.,rrn rt:r Jllt l,(: (, .I S:onrH & C. ltrritlY lro,A'r H r\ CttAt{l Ei' I tr|r[OA )BnEoa,r., c.t }tAfi GLD S. DLOO"I gN'I.IAL |.orlLu L. !iALL lfoc f. trl L. Ror'Enr'' J^Y Vr. gl.lYARI JOHII H. ISIR'( !: LANO Fro6LR P.'tr.iorJiaS(:H EOW^nO B. BAtrAo rr. 5't gt,rr E{ Mc GUlr!rE JACF I/. O:RNYHILL nOf,LAr E, XEhDIG RO(]Cnr c. KAU rl'{Ar.l oA\,rD v,/.51Ar,lK KEHN ETH O. V./ILLI9 5}UAFIT II. I! ENH ETT HeRRrcl( t(. Lt9glor{ E, Jn. a r{oi aJxrit€o rn colot Aoo !rr"wlr t: il c l: n. 'rw^llTz n l-Vllr tlri:rlAlL 'llC4 evf M. trtnfloulgT HoPt al Jo 3 3 EaraNO MtC|r./r-LL T. rl4u(jN r.l € LL 6HE 6ORY L. GUlLroRo oolrAt-D s'.\LC r'rO Lcar lr: ,J, troos * JOfrrr t4. w( lNI:ln(3 a Fn Eo clllcti o. sl(ll.LERN ATTORNEY5 AT 'LAl^/ ll()O wRlTL:F{f-i' C ENTEFi lV 17 z.o 1'(3uT t-t t-l ELL,l\'F?E 5'r'Rf: t:T oENV F:lr, coL()HJ\DO goaae (3O3) 730'54oo "ELEx:45'OZse OUn FILE NlJl'iEEn tlarch 2, r98l- Iral,tr:enee C. Rider:, l-ls.'q. Town Coungcl city lrall Vai.r-, Col.orado 8L( :>'! Re: Ca so.]-a.r -T-I Di.:ar tr"lxily: ;i..9 Ycu ano 'r- hal'e r'l1 r''*i-1".i !-icd I'r]t Le"l'cpl:c;::, 3' ::epie;r;er-r'i: i)::ar: Ii:rc;l 'tflh-r :i. r.-'r tlic r'i.:,:r,"ct lC}:-':.:i: cf Cacoi.l.i:: .IL. It .i- l-i r;llr uittl'-*l'si:rl1;1i'' j'ni; tirr'i: th{,\i;..lj..:l'iJ.-,.''',',,'.,'.....,..':'.l.ra.i:.i'l;.;,i.:;il"'i,1;;1i.il.l.1,.]-:li;-1.|T,.3:.];-j'.:.:l-t..;::::.ll:::l:.i-er] tlr: vir:c:i ;ir r(,.:3 ,ie(ir.-,,r i :i j? 3.:: i-. i1.:i.l:i.l-; i; i",-i (..,:i,{l i,:::i" :i- -i iIi'.tl:ii irt i;i:: I'i:; l:il:;-l-'E Cc-.;i'Ltni.:; s jr-crrr s.c tha i-: cc,n s ider:ei'.::i-otr c cr-ur" ''.ci ;e ;ti'ven t'c a r:cviserl :f (j(j].r{j rjt l:i i:]j' . J.'.rri;:' r:i:j.ch (I1:C;,r''i-l.y r':,clricc:r t'l-l e sllr':'-iL"-'' i:cciartc errct c1r:;isj by r':ir.:i-r:).: lrac l :.'i-'';'t l:€:quc$rrs:r'i a'L rjre (;:ij:lj-e:rl 1'ea:ri-ng b::fQ'r:e. |.:ile f:.r,urr:.i:g Ccii;Jrri::is::i.{.;:;" liL i.l; A.:-sj<r l,ij/ ti:1.iir: l': i:;:t:rci.iril tlr.;".i:.;;'ire rerri r';c'l var;Lance l:eq-Jest i;:-i.-r-.{. l)r} herrrd by ttr..: PJ..i:i'rni.ng Coilmis$:i.on at it$ nri..:Li.t1clr Orr i.j:e af'l t:.!.'t'!ot'ij:r of !i:;'r1il5'," l.iarcl-t 9, l-93-1-. ltf thnt j-S inr.:i:rreci:, i wouicl. epprecj-ate i'c if .{ou l.3cul,cl Le'c ure l':.rlot+. Ar--. 5r6u rq.-i-:1.j. recal.i r ']:h: ::c':ql'.r:si: t;li.'it::1.1 1;''*'..1 r'iiei'jei!i:ed '.:O i:hc i'"Li-''n-' tripi Crrnriij.:.c.;-Crr lri 11.,-. l(nOx ;.'L: ti:o f.lirrrl:!-.'.::::i.On's iAnt"a::'r't l-2 r l-'"'{"il-, m*,ri:ing sou<-ilrt a l;,:';:i.atrcc r'qirir:h r,'c)uld per:rrrii: consl:rucLion on Loi:12 of Casol-ar:i:i of a rlui:ll,r,.'; "cot-.*Li.n91 a',pp::ositiratcJ.l'3.ifl0'$qL'.arc fee.i:- r1it:ii,:;::gir. ttrcr cons-r1,rLr.Ji:.ir;tr cr'I i:t c1u';ri'J): \',):;jl': pc-:l'ri'ri.ir". l;i.tr:c r:ndcr thc cx:!.ri.-.:i.ng zoni.ngr im j-ncrr:itse il f-itt': ]rerrniLt(1fl G11LU\ uA$ necr.li;:L,:!.l:i'. 5.ri ja.; Vilfi-AIl(-'c: l:ii"i Ll'--: r' i \"""s <ic'ir't't':d' Th<.: etitgr-riir-'.i r:eqlul:;l:. r.,1::i-Ch '',.tj.11- l.;: I::.:r:::,-'t-r"r.6t('1 Oll Iii'r'.fCl'l 9, l9G1' wi.iI *r.i.,',t1r.t r' ::cqti, :,i: ; i-;]ri'rirr;:l. j-cr' [:lii,: cr:li;: i':r:trc [-'i ():r oD ].,rrL 'Lil t'':ll a irl_iqf ., t.i,r,,.i.-l.f i11iy-:-i ,..r .:itr.i c,-t:r."-:: j.i'i pc 1., :rilil f.i('.lo1-i; r'-:':'1.- Ci- .1-'.:gs. ,l,ittr5, t!rt.l:t: t:ott.l.ci l,:' l.()ii:i ti\:llrl:i.1.)' i:ir.'-lt f 5 Dl'cli(rJj:'i1' '-t til:iio'i:j':ll -1 , a:lil t--llr,t llc:(,rf".iiIlt:cril ':.]'ir;\ \ii)l.1].cj i''-.: r,-tti-:l'i:';:tl:':lil i-'i li i-t.'' jticc(l'' La'rrerrce C. Ridcr, Ilsg. March 2, l9BI Page Ti{o I{oarn & bnEoa,'. ".? I.:ff/lsru DicL:it:.eri ]::tt not re;;.f. I r..'oulcl hope that ttre application and, accol:il-.anlti.nq docttit":nt.r'Licn vrlrich r'ras filecl i1 connecti-on trith the January 12, 1981, h+:aring will fuLfi.ll the necessary formal.ities required for placitrg thc m?tter on the Coi:rniissj.on L-alencl,r.r. All:e::tra-tive1y, rte g'i l-l- be trililpy to cr:npl.etc t-.i1c necessar)- foi:r,rs or 1);:y any ;rddi-tic-n;11 i:ees at the tirne bf thc hearirrg. If there is arny problem in tiris cc,:tneci:ic,n, pleasc 'l et lr,l lirro','1. I have not contacl-ed tlte PlanniriE Comrnission directiy airrl assume that you will forvrard this letter to the Cor*m.ission if you feel il: is ;rppropriate ror them 1:o have i'i: i1 aivi:.r:ce of tlie hear-i..tlg' 1i'irlrn,l;. you very rnuch for :'cur ciJspe::atic:il. Sincerely, l7p o,. - 6{r r', **'el'/Lr r{:!"'o* I.togcr P " lii;ciiiasr;Lr [" IVIINUTES FIIOM 'ItlE January L TNVIITONT{I]NTAL COTMISSION METTINC p.n. PL/WNING AND 2, fg8l 3:00 ir MEMBI]RS PRESEI{T 6erry lthite Scott Edr'rards Roger Tilkencier Gaynor l'li1Ier Dan Corcoran Duane Pi.per Jin l"loqgan STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten lletsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRE$ENTATIVE Bill Wilto hhite, Dan moved to applove, seconded bY The rneeti.ng was ca11ed to ordcr by the chairnran, Gerry 1. Approval of rninutes of Decenber B, 1990 meetitrg. Roger, votc h'as una:rintous. lincr: dcrrsi.;ontr1'oJ v;r r.r-anceJ, Casoi a1' I I I{estrb Lct A-7 Lionsri dt c. Peter Patten explained that this was first brorrght to a PEC neeting in Octobcr, 1980. Tite cvents were cornpl icatcd, and there r:as a. basie ilisb.grernent in the sccluencc of cvents betr,reor the Tot;n of Vail. -staff and I'h'. Knox. He ex}lai.ncd that Jin Rr:bi.l had r','ritl-err a mernc..,:hich Peter read: "he (linox) clcarly ulclerstood the 1400 sq ft pel i;nit and the nct for the slope arralysis. lle knos that it viss up 1:o hirn to al locate the square fcotage fo: Casolar II. Hc }ra.s neve.r told that he corild tranfer cxtra squ;rre fool-agc fronr Citsole.r I.' letcr cxplaineci a 1eTidr-ironr Diana Touglrill d'ted Jirntrary B', 1981 distriLruted jus'c befo.' the rrcetinfl. Diana: As I see i.t, part of thc tlisagrcnciit j.s uhcthel thc To'.n hacl thc respon.sibility to cnfoi'i:e tJie cot/en:,:,ts rjT t?h '.e1rg-r, JrcLi:e.i,t J-i1g to thc 6IiFA.. :i,s I ::ci,'li;l!)er 1.he ullcle tlring e,s it- ucnt l-irru 'rirr: ori.girral apill'o\'r1., is that ;lie 'j'oiin in fect lciirti]:cd tliat celt' things be put in the covcnants, and in sirlcs coatriicts and a nunber of other thi.;tg-s, so tlrat the Torr'n could it f r;ct, enforce the GIIF/I sc, hre l!:ouldntt cnd up t'ii.t h problcns later. Gerr'y: h'irat 1'ou are rcfrlrf irlg to arc thc rc s'dri c'r: j,or, s itr t el'll'.s of total size. irer unit. I looked beck a.t some of the fj.lcs, atrd I think f ind nry ori.g.i.lal. notes oil thc covcnants ' tnaliing ccrtai.n reqn- the co\tenil 'Ls so that tle::e l'ras a rlla):i-mlln Gll;A 1:el tulit sta' Da:r: As yor.r rccall, thcrr, tlrerc was a unxiuiur*, and cven though thc Tol't revietrcd evcry buildir:g that c or;rcs tl:r'or;lli, cvcn if an.)' orre or t r..'o or threc of thosc lrui.lditrgs vcre o\tc ald r'rclc a1:,p::ot.ccl a,s bcirri.,, ove]", thcy l.'ul'eilitr bei:rg i:ppro','ctl ;rs iutiiv j,tlui l., tltl:y htirrc 'qt uol.kirrl; a!l j-11:itr thc gritrrci total ? IJi:rnn: 'fhc r.,'lr;' I rclrr'rrl.,i:r' it, it lr'as on l lr ir!' Lul it thing bcclusc it I'ls tliv itll,rl il)to Io ct r' ]riu'('rli -,{ 1n(l i:lr:.rt.tiro :::-xj.r;lrru Cli|A li:plicrl by trnit, tcr cltt:,rt ttttit, atirL l.hlli l itct''.} t{as ;r tttril: ;ir;tl r.';tLlrr.i' tlr::n ti i.otOl n13)i. i)in; iiri 'irl thc l'orin ir])i)';'it!c-J 200 cx1'i'il {('(ri: o;.t Pi:;'ccl 12, oi- iiltel'c'\rc;', tltc tttrt llrsrl; ;11s, tlti:i: tl i ti1 rr. r.)rlrr itrrl.gtiiti.lr;:l1i.y c(llllqr (rf i: c,i' 1.lrr: Llllf p:t1r'.tt l. Lo lrc 1lg1'1;i t"irtrql'i lt. t:ilc:h oi)c rt:ts .irr.i i..,iiltr;tl11, ri:rricr....:ii.lrir,l .if irPyrlo,,,cil , tiiilf 1,'iili tLc,'i: .tir::ir;ll tcr l:l'fct:t lllc I il:;1. llll.i.L ,ll()t I irj: irrr il1.1' Diana: No, the inaxirnuirr CllF/r, if 1'ou look at that, yorttll nen t s in t clns of chan Ac.'s j-n in the covena t s. llilriu,: 'l'lr;rt rs tlrc rrly I lc:nr.rtbr:t' i.t'.. ,P';C-2-L/LT|BI l,arry lislitrith: I just r{,}nt to point out sonc lcgal problcrns tlut secn to bc prcscntctl.here. I'lt a littlc confusccl as to tJrc facts, antl I thirrk ir lot of pcoplc arc cotiJluscd. f trn not suTc exactly vrhat did go on at thc injtjal. and subscqucrrt confercnccs bctr.rccn thtstaff and the applicant. I dontt knbr,r, but I thinli thcrcrs a cprcstion in retlarcl to the,covcnantS--a lcgal. qucsti.ou, Because lre nay hrvc been engagcd in sornc of the discussion .suggcsting certain rc<luircntcDts to t.lrc applic.irnt, are lrc in a position rctrcre vre havc to.etrforce those covenants whcncver anyonc co:ncs to the PEC or Toirn, and in fact, clo r.re havc :a lcgal right to enforcc those covcnants? If rre lrent to court and said,"lletrc going to .sue on tlre covenantsrr, thc court would say, "l(cJ 1, too l>ad, yorr cauit suc on thc covcnantyourrc not a sigrratory to tltc covena-nts.tr Legd.7y, wc canrt becatrse \.Je t/ere not a party'!o the covclants, 'Dan: 'Then, on the squauc lloot question, those intlivj.dual little pirrccls tiere on an appf,cplan" and tlrel'are subdj.vj.cie..1 picce-s of-:1an.d, e:r,en though thcy uoirlrlnrt neet mininrunr lot'sizes fcr tlre Tor"n for a dupLci. So rny question stilL is, I guess, trcre thcre so nany. ]alr9 fcel a,pprovcrl per pnr:i:cl, or l.rc:i:e ther:e so Dany square feet fo:r thc cntire thing?ln15 1s an rrcd -sui:divisio;r; Itts tire on).y'oncr'r.;c liarrt: . l'hosc lot si,zes elrcntt even,, lege.size in-a rhrpl ex zone. If lie had s'uarrciarcl sie.crl lots, it urruld be vcry easy to look atevery sitrgle one and say, t'o.K.; yourve got ]s,000 sq ft and thatrs it-" Larrl'; 'l-n e lirobln.rr is, I dorrt knou r,:l.,at r.le i:avcrchat so::t of gituatir;I v;e r .ie in. l i: sccils to be eone .j,nforirial ly tirru 1 egi-s lat ive act j.or-r. .Per:cr: In Jitn Rulr.-''nrs nenc of 11/23/t)a, it staics "llhe staff bei<.:'r'ns that they harrc beer:up fTolrt .i.ri th.is rthole sequclse of e1'ents*el'olt j.J: tlc l(i00 squar-e feef per ur:rii (pre slolalralysis nuril;:er) is used, thj.s v.'ould on13' penni-t the ::eirainir:g'nit to be l.Z3r4 square feet,l{e bclicl,c, Llor that the auplicant r.ras totalli, elliiare th:rt t}re fjria.-t nuni:er: coulci lo-tbc det errlrj trr:ti until after tlte, .s1ope a.nalysis hari bc:en co:;pJ eterl. " . arrri #,'; orc this ne::iostates: !r'l'jic l'cttsn sta.ff leqticsted c1:) :tr::ilsroris osi:as:.o',r: that ,;ho siope si....: ci;r be coin-oletr 60 th*t: 1'-l:.e Iqita.ic footage r.:cirld brr ricterirj.ircri . i'li j-s sloi,c study IIu.B itot g.i:;ea tc, tiresi:aff fo:: (.'\'i:u one year: follcirinla t,he appr.oval. of C;rsr.i;r::- II. Ilecirlsc of thc slopc anal;,frct b ei;':;; co::.1-.1et-e, t-lie cr:ijcit::tt.S ft;j. i'Ji;,sc I-t. i,."!a.a r4,r'ijt: i.t.)pi"('r,: e(j. bv ,;j:C ?birn_ r' No. 5 sti:lc'.: "'{'lir; a 1.'1: }.:.;:tiii-l: !{:.s fui 1.y a,*o.t,, tira.l '-IJ ir}+1;i' an;rJ 1';,,, rr 1::,-., .io be colr:a; e+.:s:i'l'he st;,rff rr;is never asl:e<j. t<i figurc the squai-c fo;;age. r? r.ras fina].J.y cene as;;;.;;;1:o ldr. Knoi:. " T;?,, l:cre e):actl)'. f ci'i'r t {: llnoli exactJl' a :ioae that is i.iripc;cd.crr ar existirlg 'ill"::;". rnako thc ,O ,]".rrion on cni,^ ir yo, u".rpgrc Gru,A from thc ri,,r,r ^: Jot;'in this ,nur,,rl irrojcct? Thc toun aliovs """t'\ig0 i' onc case l)cr urrit tirnes' tt^'o' that's 3'330, i'ht'''l'oln aLlovlcql 352 st1 ft ovcr thc n,"ximum allor.rcd i' PhaseI'-n91 llltasc Il, ott;r l'hrtsc Il 1ot. 'l'hcy dci<lucr:ecl it frorn the last lot whiclr isJ'<tt LZn and so thc grry vrho owns the lotr'rr,'om ltrn basic:rrry hcre to 'rotect hisintcfests js stuck with a lesscr atlount of property, undcr the rninimun as statedin the dcclarirtirrn, so he is stuck r+ith a goat pa.sture. , Gerry: You madc a stutcncr)t a minutc ago- about_ thc 40 % slopc analysis not cominguntil late' l'Jhat wcrc you refcning to thcre, because your enginccr diclnrt gef,it il unt:]l late? Il.);_ I*:::l-.ltt:..I: l?t,into the 40%,srope just at the time that your or<li.ance\:: i:t.;,1?1",,1?"ii.j":l-:.:j *i: ::'-r':uti;;-ir'"'--;-J""j"pr".": Ti;.'ff: il;il: '!'u r rruur.r rr'1\'e ro ger enlllneering, and.the sarrc clay I called J;ff spinel , anilr even paid liinr in advalrcc. t'lr:. iluuin"'inforned *" arting tiris per].od that r,re rnai.teri,that he al so callcd Jeff spinel. ir"t. r+oo rtas aftcr ari Jstimated detluction of40% slope' Then it came out that there &,ils nol'e 40? slope than lnlr. Rubin had estiinatin his firsr rcn::d.. lile rrar] r"".il.i,.l a}p..c,r,al on trre project subjcct to, but itttas alread; 'iallen oui a::d estirrrtr:<i <lr:irn to L4c0 sq fi. " I thinh r^;liat yourr lcoiringat right :rptr, is a lreevaLuation ,a'hich czrnre :rfter our Noveribe:: neeti-ng of thc uLFAdeternri natit'rtr ' sone things camc rlp r.lhich r h,as unai,ra-re of and. playing ar:oun4 with fii,ur"c,s so-ircng and cane up- roiiri tiiir, rna Itn ba,sjcally reevalrra.ting the GRFitr"otn t lat I c<-rnsider ruas ihe "orr"at'on". 'i'herc L,cre Lo,*u *t"o", in tlrc or-igJna1..I have a ntaxinrtn of 1690 pe.f sq_ ri-i,, pr-r"=" Ir in the l)ecli:ratio:r r*hj-ch calrir:stl:rougii the :;u1,,plenlcl)-r (ln the.lihase lI. ItIs 1200 inj_nirlun to 16g0. A;ttl i.f 1,1;11rcarl the eir;.rl u;iti_on of l.hc Gi.l.FA de L er.:liuiai ion, .I t\ink so,,re of tle cluestion.s j.rrltere arc airsi'rlecl. rt sJtoti's ttrc aorrr --rorlir!g to a cert-ain (]xtcnt. so r.fiat J.,irr lcqucsi::,1"1-1.'." 1{r:)$o lrnt r.'e<t::estiti1L r3't2 c,n -tl:c,i 1a:r: ioto r,rhicli I aJ.ie:r.iy irarrc sc;r::: oftlrat GRlih alicttcd' rt r'.s bi:en r.ocli.rcr':cl clcl.;n hy or.t'',rr" it"r.i,r:rcs tar.i:.g arr,;r), flr,il tJreg.io-.;:; {i RF./t alJ.crred rne,. airi thc;:c,s :.!o .:_}1.o 1: ec.t: j-t_rn fi.,r E}}a.c l_a$i: l.ot .l?.. arrd so j.i: }rastre,:rt t.c'di-i,i.:< ;l .;i:rrsidcril,) y. Jinr l'lorganl lireii what hai;psng4 r'rl:tu tlris i.ctter of Ji:ire.2, 1960 lrcnt out rr,hen JinIlttbi-n tras itrfor-:;ting yslr iiiat t-here r,rci e 6 u'its left .rrd th*i ncr{ )rorrr sqirarefooirrgc: lras (l;r'o:rFed to j2?.0 per urri.t? yoli ltiust hurrre realizcd tha.t ol;vir:usl). ,r,our-squill'c fcotr'.:;c lriis on a It'oss unit besis. At least tlle 'I'cr.;n at tlrj.s point tr,a s t,rorkingon that ba-s j s ntl they i':er<+ just <ietlirctirrg units by rr,Jrat wns being usecl pcr tr'-it.Anc yet, sincc tlrat tine, 4 ino** u"ir,i have been uit:lt oui, to br.j.ng rirj-s tling dorrnto s)68 pe' r-"trr:lc>:. r do*ri understerrd r':hy, rray t""i-;; ii ;,., ,aogo, prior to corlstructi2 oj; trose d::i;r c:ics lrcr^c . '1t ' "a) u&-r'/\ Lv Lrrr-: Kno'x: llut in the nrcarrtin", b"tr.,.r*u th at t-i ne, a pL:oj cct l.j:r $ aulrovcd for 16g0. l'lorgan: Il.i $lrt . li'hat rrm .s:lyin3 I ;lrress is t,1rnt j.t scc::rs 1;ir:.cr trrjs 1t:f r31 riou _r_,-i r,,avena tl r: i t cl e'r r'r'r 1',,,,-.--i.a r,,"o,r i1"ori 'f o );rc--that rre's saf i.nlr trrat ),our h11rc, rr:ic.(r th-islltuc-h, 1'ortrvc 11qi, this, t;rr.rcli left. ::' )rc'!i rloi., ltir,",e 6 ,_,r,.its' tlt11 .rr" .rr'l]..1tll thlrr: 1. t__i-rorig'irt;rjll' har'i. so tlrcy lrr:e 12i[]'s. /rricl ;,t i:, oi,r"* r,ir.r,,, -1 g,,r:,r., th,rr ruolc, r.rir jt:; rravceatcil ltp lr r'llttl'l + Lrtrtrclt lr:or',, of t.l)irl, :rriri .\'riurrc (lorf!] to tl,,rr.., yo,, ciarrtrt hovc lrrr.),.r1: jtr;t :i'J(:ril:i t!'::r ii. :,horr.r rl lii\r,.r r,c..:r'r ..t,..,,,. "r tr,,,i i.'"i"a that tir... .i.o:,:n uirs .rr1,u:roil r'r(1:;s rr'r:('r! 1!r'i. rl*; J.r.:1.L "il <iir,.i.rri r.1r, .i i. rr,,,.;rrl1l ,,1* i.f -got a_.;cd r:r.r, i:hr: a.ir()i'11.Pcr-" uii j l. riirs jrr::.1- droi_'1i i,1,g. t:; L,\ c..-.!.(.:i. 11,,1,r, 1x1i1;1; ,.:ir,.''iUilO lllrt r{()rs irr y.rrr. coircn;t}loI soti'i,.'thittt: . .l i. st.c.r.::; iir.l. nlJ tiri: r.,:ry i,;:.. ll .il Jiitrr, oi. l;,l:r.. \.,.:.tt tli:li. 1.hr:;_ ,tr,r.).t) jrrslr!.i.r'-i ,:t.i.n1'. l.lr.li,.lr-l r-. I'il,-ri'1,,j lrj) i,y ,":,,,: :l;r:: .tr..lt ltrrtl 1,1, l:rrr irrritl. triti.1.l, t..:lTc JcJ.r,. I PIjC-4-t-t2_Bl Jirn: But I thinl( the thing could ?lave been czruglii r+ay back. Roger: But r.*ry didntt rve refuse the building permit? Somc.of thcse-figrrp,U; ou"" thc (;t{FA cvcn atto"qfi chc Architectural Controfcor'Trittec of casolui' rwo urrits a'c ovcr thc 1690 iltbwca on rlrrasc r. Jim: Yorrrrc saying r,rhot rvas set Lrp in your covcnants Roger: It secms to nlc that from thj.s conversation, .Iim you tcfcrred to yo.r. whiclapparcntly neant Dcattc, but r tlrjnk tlcanc hacl sold thosc lots rvith covcnl-,-rls on thelots that wcre workcd out witll thc Torm of Va.i1. fiie had those covenants, thcoreticat{c can tt cnforce cov'illants' but noncthelcss, that was fron a practical itanclpoirrt,}rhen thc pcrson rvho bought the lot frorr Deanc crme in, with an ls00 sq ft house,or a 1600 sq ft hou.re, it would seem to me that rrrrcler this special scr of circunstan,:that ^ere,-the Town, then should have said, t'llcy, 1,6u canrt do that.r, if r*e reere goii-r.to'.in thc final anillysis, tell thc last orvner of the lot that hc could oflfy-Uuifa900 sq ft because these other gu1's carne in. T'ake, fcrr instance, rr,hat if Dc:rneHasnrt llcr:e. lle sord the properly, arul he rcsignid. so you r,ou" i-very u"ry-un"r,r.-fortable, and r thilrtrl unfair lituoiion r*here the first builacr can cc;ne in arid builcianC progrc;s sively pr.cvent the la.st: (rrrner fron blrilding a reasonably sizecl pLace. La'*ty: f ti:r not surc li'l:ai lrolJer J rt lta,J to c1.* ,t.hat, Rogcr. Peter: r think sornc of thc stuff is bcgi.nning to be a little not'e clear to nc. Fj.r.,:,of a1'1, thc Tol'n had, I think the Tor"m i.ad a Jertairr obli3at.ion to not go above tl:ar1690 in apl>loving xhat, becausc ,,ie hrere r,ro::jii ng very cl.os;Iy rrith tire Caso 1iL.r.. ho*rot'Tre1's' board. I thinll that j.t is very cl.cal il Jiin Rul:,iirrs riocu::entation that theTol':t na's ner/ar- goill[{ by any l':.ind of a ira.rd liDe pel unit, arrr! }i's nerer cio, cxcepr c.: ra sirrgle fai:rily r'r clul'rla.r J.oi:. r:'e nere nevee gcrlng by a 1400:;q ft. llri.-s r.:as asirictly esi:i:late ti:et borh L'\eale rrr': cl Ji.lr ur.'r tic.rs i: oor', that it rrls an estiinatc.l','e uer:c noi: Leiri to 140c. 16gc is l.,lr;rt r:,crve i,.J_i,.,:rys rgo:-lii,d r,.li-ch. J:.n lra-; -",e.id inhj-s.ne:,:o prcvlou-rJy tlr;rt tire carL j.ng rir.rirlr:;i r:,r $ rccalcul:i,;cd to be rdg0 a;id cvcr:j'f it r'ras 301) f:t o\rcr. lrc have g:r,cii irjnr that r:o;r:riCeultj,o:r. Ar:Lci.i:c-r: Point i:; ilr.:i.l'j:L'. llnox rias i,;; tiii .;r;r.i:j-i rrll l,''l:r;;: 'il:e r;:i-r. j.;rg i.ir.,j o;: ,urr, "i,p,r.-,,-,, *il :;-r:-. ,;tlp:r.c",:i::l> ?.1:ihe has a-Lso;;p1ri6ved.'i:i,'i.r drrp,'.er:c:; sincc tllii alrpiicatior, ol r.lrc sq ft, scr tlrc 1690t''irs actrtally r]ever rr:i-olated. 1'lri,5g n1-* the oniy things. I thinli tt,at ihc i'o*nl *u"nthough t;e arrrnrr- Iegir.iJy tierl to j_.1, r.,.c lraire uplls16i tiiat cnci nf it. l(nox: l'le lravr-: 2400 :q {t we ca.r.l cr,lr{rl opt: .5, Tl:is is r,,,h at tl:r roi,;r rcque-\ted :re3:ut things irr. No o',';ner can buj..i-cl bcyr,rncl thcsc 2400 sq ft, T1c Toirn cnf.r'ccs tha:.Jf thcy r'Jan1: to cantil.cver e tre r:l:, et.c, l'.r\<:y rxust lnsrie a s1:ccia-1. sr-:b;rission. l uasbrcttght in on thet ncetirrg with cerl.:init lorcirj.lit that he asiicd fnr. 1690. ,lr,n.J n1so,it -s su,ur.i.ng th:ri I rtrs .1;oi.:rg to ge1: !!i,/ rcl jr:f GIL|A fr.cr.t pha.:;c i" .,.,.,r:i ch I stil.l. h;rle air.cr.:i{-S03 o,, ft tutt!er, 'l'h:r-t \.ra-s ruy- .rr' .,r,,. I clj.cl rici- heye g6crci cllLr:1c:i I on tha t . Iilrs iCal. J.y.on Ca:'ling:, ) ssn his-o:riginil pll;ns thet li,c):c il. rrri::ror j.rrr.rfc Llf his i,irst prcj+ctotr Phasc I' Tl'ris rr'as for })htst: lI. E>lcept for: crrsnr:tics, tircy u'"r* ".,pp,,r...'J-io trethc sane. llc r,'eu t over: SS? sq ft r.rlr j_ch ii not <;n i..l"rnt ta|c. It r.,,a.s ntii. sr.,t liroirgh:oltt ulltil triy ai:t()Li.llr.cl, r.rnl: i.l I htii .iiottcn thc I ct.tc:t: of .lr:rtr: 2n ilSC thlit lrc r.rii solcr orl h j s (;ll'llA. I t. 1:ook ntc f(ruL :,roi:', Its cli lcrrsl:in1i tr,ith .).i-rl lluo i.:r 1ho !,rr,rir1t! ngttclt-'asc tltilt axtxo :-,(iiriu:c f<lotltgc, i,,oulrl ncrt (:oirr r-rf f ol: j.i:. li,,:r.rl tl not_ 1:1ri,p 1111,r 1r..c.it' l'hc ()rrrtcr of lo{'s l2r. }3, & il, t't,,, llci)orrtld, hrrs 1.1rr:nl:trcir..:tl srri.t'. rrnl.r::i:; lr:^';;;..his l0tllt' I ',i: -s-t:ot (,rr i.irL' lrir::r:ri, sjr:i:t, i,lri: <ici:c:'ni:rrrt icrir t,i t:hi:;. lic r::: i I r..rl llcr br:of ir r:!{)*l)cll' 1) :.'t.r,rpi )i1.1 c,lli. t:f t.lr... }ri,:l:.rl *l: .ir1io..:Jir}', lli: ir::lirlil 'lc i,f I i*o.,i,i ,,;,i,.,,n',r"his pl illl:i J"o 1lt:ti lrt: r't'ril rl F(rt i)-;:i iurri:rlll ioits -Lri tiris {;rl1., J: lorr(rl, si i',rr,-,,.i .i t, I8l'\'c 't:r{r:lI lr,'t:ii:;:r i,r', I :;1..i ll li:,\,(:irrt- :i*r)t -i.1 , di.ri:trt r{.r)L a I;rr; -c,,it. liir,r j5lc:rrrrrll',.i lrlci fr,r lirc (ilti:r\? ti 1;:11,"il'l;Tff;iil':lfu'*,1';::""1i,.:;1, :i"{l'ui:,fll":li H"l";llll"l":1";lt l'r':I- cnvclol)c, rnstcild of .tlte ratlgc sit.u:rLion, bccattic sorrrcbody shntr!d havc sat <.Io,;fi,and figurcd ort, that if you 1'usi kept p,oirrg 1690, yuu """*-t6r"g-i.-g;--;y";;*". Knox.: No, I rrasrrlt, not a.s long as I had Plrase I. Anrt f rvcnt thr'u a nunber of chan *:"1"t:-:"t;u'r_lf,l:rr9j'ne1,. variJus pta'.in11 cornmiss.i.ons, "r", -ro- i ai,r,,i.-Jrul. *yDasc' an(l I rcalize tliatn but doi,'ri at thc cnd of the line, I bclieve that lot 12should-be protectcd, ancl Itn-not asking for 16g0 on both sia"s. I cut the triplexdown, by the rray, those people clonrt hivc 16g0. I got thcm dorrn to lJ00+ anrl tllc Toiapprovcd that and thcn this letter for 1220 came irr. I would like t.o have thisstuclicd by thc 'Iotrn ancl see if f tn accurate on thc deternination of llp.FA,If ve got it dor.in to .1572, not 16g0, Dan: This is the footpr'int concept is unique, btt is it stil1 has alr+ays renainedResidential clu-ster, ancl under thit zone, t-he Torcr ncver atlirrirristrates any furtherthaD^tlre total square footitge on a clensiiy p::oject, I clontt belicl'e. Anrl even n1ththe,footprint c-oncept, you do have a condonj.niun a-ssociation of sorts hcre. IItondcr if n1' prcviotrs qucdtion, vre shoulclnrt have just working again,t the totalas far as the Tcl'n gocs, bccausc- it is liesirJc;nt j-al [].uster there a:re ai.lri]ys goidgto l)e toi'/n houscs or cottcionin iuins, ho;eever they liantllr it, and the Torvn rloesntt sticl ln 91, -say, Tiuber Falls, it gets dor.1'n to horv nany bl-;.ldings are lef-", rt is stiltResjdential Clusier, so doesnit that rireiru that thc Tc.rurr only acinij.ni.sters the totalSqlral 4 fOOtag,: ! Pct.er: Thatts eorrect. Roger: can r're 7r:gar)y allorr hiru r'372 square fcc.l: lilcer. the zaning "cgulations?Larry E, lVel 1 , he 's asltiug fo:: a. r'ir-l:iancc. You carr e.J J.o,,.r a v3r:ience as long as itdocsnti: uelait+ to use. IJe rs not aslling tc; clta::;c lirc stat ute, Ge::r;': i{et s noi: a.i}li-rrg fei: a clilil5rc .ir-i rin j i coriilt , Petc:r-: fhe lrll:tcn line i: Lhat there is tii<Z sq ftfo:' ;rrl:ii;i-on:._i .] it00 :ii fi--. Gerry: It tr'oul-d secnl as iii tlre f c;:r1rs re1eii-ronshil is --solcly uith the rlcvelopc::Thai t'he inclir'.i ci-r.ral.s trlro cone j.rrr.o "chis Fr'ojcct es 1l,--i:J buil.iers ar-e uor.king iri*"hthe devcloper, r,'ho is r+orliing wii:h trie Toin. Triey eie not .rioi.l:ing a:_r.ectty irithtJie'llo',r'n. l'hr:rr': foi:e, i.I j.s thr: clc.,rc1c]rcrrs re,sli;:sjbility to !..tr<,r* the toial sriuarefoot:rgt: al lo',teri.. and tvh e'l sonleoiirj or-.,"eull, that, irc *ci,.ucts' it f ro4 h.is total . Knox: 'l'hc ol'ne.r. Itclks rr'lth thc assilci.atio , Itl e d.,:r:cied the coiimon elelrcnt of- t.heproj cct t.o tl'.c, iissociet j.or:. Ger::y: hrhat l.t:'; sayin;1 j ""' thrt Ll:c squal'c llootlgi:- 1..; epprorre,-l lias approvcd ir.i ti: y-ouas tllc appl-icarlt atrd_it i'Jiis a total figr,r:c', fron rili-i clr "i,rr'), lrroJ";t that r.ra-s builtyas d(rtlrtcted, llitti all tliiti: is lcft::orr, j.s g32 sqrrar..c ir:ct to ie itcv'elopea,riihc,uta Yl li.:',n cc . tinox: It -'-r't. j.l. l stilIe.s irr 1'or:r- i.rl'']ri.,\.ilJ of ./,.tr1irr..:t 22, Mg, l.icrn l.,od:l r:tr.ie tlrc liltrtiOnto :t1tir1'q1.''g Clts.oiur Il ttrlrrc:;t to l-J:irlL)ri i t,-i-:; ion o1: ltrr- i, lliocii A, Lio.n:;r.idgc lilas j.t. j.rr ;l cc(.!l'riiu !1: !1 tt j.ttlr i:j.;c clrr:;l:,::,. lrorr:,: i.:rli conr.,(:lti.. ,,u.1 f ,,,,, l)ecl t.(..c oruir,.li,l c.tl i.ryIt]';1::'uv:li l.r1'tl.l lt,'.irl: (l 1' (loil::;rtrn:1.)' r).r'.,-rJr:|:rrtrrri. 'Ilr:-,i.r. 1r;.1rgr;;::rir i.s fo1, 2200 :;t1 j,'t tir.:1r1e-..r lc'ta", lrr.tl o:ril li.'0{\ l.:.i1.rlcr 1r1 , .1.)rr, trrrii::i i;ilj irt:' }ittt) ::.(i l_ i: fijil)i ;1:tlthe Li'::i:;ii t lntlili:l titc ;:o'tilil orrli:r::'ir: ) i.(rrri.l.c,lltiri-:. ,rs !l llLc,i l)). .]i;:: liul;.irr,'I'liC Ct'V r-'n;rrtt S l;lt t' r: ir I'c lt.i I r:rt Ll.lr.:l J C ( r; l;,:1.(, I . r\railabIc, anri Dcarie is askirig tlrtrgc us thcy cirt;rt-: l:ltl.otrliii'J Pltc-6-I_12_Bl ' Kno*: lvclt, ycs, 6'J.ur"rly I resigncct as\, a.ycar ago, Septc,nllcr 1979 ]decdod ovcr thc lust onc t. Jjm: So basically, l Jrc boarrl of tlrclrnselvcs on hor.r n*rch they gave soon directors of tlrc condominiun association rcvicr".ccl thcntsclves. Knox: 'l'ltatrs true. lJere on the r,rorki.ng papers thcy proposcil 3510, and actrrally wcnuP to nruch lrore than 'tllat, aud ruas alreacly iedrrcted' 3i2 over. lifr. Rubin saicl toscttle this with itt. McDonald, and he said (I think Irm corrcct) that he rroul4 ovcrlthe 40-% slope, and g;i.vc us that aclditional ,qunt" f,oota2c if rve could work crur so,rerr'drere ltlr. lrlcDonald wculd be happy with less ihan rooo iq ft. which lrc yrasnrt at, thet irrre , : Rogcr: I)iana, refrcsli m/ nlemory, rvhen 1'ou rrrero jnvolvcci in this, discrrssing it withDeane, di'd you anticiPntc that |he Torrn r,ror:1cl cxorcise sone conirol over tlose squal:footagcs ? IJiane: Ycs, in fac.t I ::equcsted t!:at.ti:ey.pui a nap of the GIIF^ j.rito the covcnailts,it nas not in thc cor.'cnanis at first. Rogeri l'Ir' Chairnnn, I tirink rvc could discuss this and <Iiscr-r.ss it forevcr, a$d. It'rottl cl lille to tnaktr a- nstj.o:r appr:or.ri.:tg a :la-ximu;l GR.n.i\ of I3i0 per sltie, arlrt ] makethc trrotion i-n fa\'o:: oj: tlre rro.tian.* t."a*u" thi.s i.ras o rrn!,;ills s,-:t:::i':.siort, a:tr.l onetl)at I'Jas *+otked oil i-1. gr:eat d.cal, a:id the appa:.cnt j.n tcr;-rre t ation s cf rhosc ivlio r,Iereinvolved in it at ';l:c time did anticipnt. iilot tlie Tou,n r!,ould be inyolvctl irr thepolicing of the sqrjer() footage, a.nri tirat I thi-nk it,s an unrlr.re h:rrdst,ip-cn-i1cl:ist olinel: to be J.cfl: ltj-th a Lot that he purchascd uirdcr- that suldj.r'i.siol: for a clup-]. riot' to hai'c 900 -sq iec'!' I think this is a uniclue situation. rt isnrt orrc tr.,oa-*'"Bclrl6l 5s1 a precedr:;lt fcr other deve1.Op:rrcnts bciause it ,r;ars an e>pc::j.:rrcnt, if you r,ti.in that llind of dc.,,c,lo,;inctrt at r:lrat li.,tre. Jini: La.rr1., ru.ou1 t1 .l lij.l be seti:ing ;r p:-e cc<.lcrrcc.i Lan:1' E': I ccn ' t . l:ltirrl'. amy va,::izr:rce is a prececil,nce, yo:r looli et cach ir-rd..ivicl,-ralin:;t;.::cc i.s in il':<li t' i r:;rc-l- si:;uat -.i_r,;i a:;d ),cu r.:ei.i't: tl:e f:c.ts o:t.d, :.,..-7.:;.\:;.;r.l s tltl.i: r:i.?set forth iri ihri or.',,;.i:,;inic, ar:d jurigc r:!retlrer:.i.i:i frct each si.iuet.i_,;a a;rcl ii_s f:rctsnects thoec -starrci:rt.r.1s_' The kcy lta;rrlald is is it a hardship? one of thc ilcy l:r,.inci1of trariairie iaws is t]i e-'i: a ha::clship can not be scit infl:ctc.J, S: I guess tlredet-crmii:er;jon is is j,j: a real trt,ra'!t,i.p, i;;. i; ;;;if i,J;i.ied, onc:rfe you tr;r.iut.in*a special ;;ri,vilegc? Dau: Anctber iter:i -cj: our agentia rr:r$rilc:; anot!]ex GllFd y;11j.3qce j.rr C;isolar \rail 1.-I,so has tlrat rrrunber Jras been corrsi.derlerl? Scol:t: I sccond t.h.-. :.::,ti(rn. In.n;, rrt:r:ci, f rve .r,...')1; - it boj.ic<l dot.:n t,o t.fiat Larry justsaic1, 'rl:cIc j-s no .i;:-ll'ri in my rr,iiii.,'tlrlrt thc].e i,, u-guy'tl,:,t iras a i.,:,rct:.r1jl, l:c:.,c,,r-r.ihc is goirr;] to slrc i:lrc llile oirt of soncbi'-rcly, h'as it se,tf inflictcd.? The irrly t.hi'gI hrrr'c in tn,v plckct s:,\'$ tltat Dcanc Knor a.ppl,i.crl i.'ol 22100 sq ft. lots a.ntl li2i-ti.) s<l ft' ' tlii'ls'1 lols a:rcl lir.rn ',1'r: ti cl. rrredr' tltc r,roi iol iir..t tl,,-- r.crqu,r:i1: be 1;ri;i:tcli aiir-l j t. l\,i1s griiuttttatrilrottsl)', so thc o:r11. I scc hci:t: j.s tltat r,,c :r1.,1.1o1,J,I ,;c,;:c lots rrith a cleJ.f1ql.i.g-.i(lua t'0 fooLlllic pct lo{-. f:.t, Ilul ai: titc-|rr'!rlir: irclrr:in1i lrirr:rrt i.l , ,)i:1 lSrl,itr s;lr.iri 1l);.lt ),our,t,,.: 8ot l; ,i;. ofliotl:ll'c l'ct't , 1o ltltr":: i.:llt r;.i.t:h it, 'lirc l'lrr;yiirt:l (1.,:, r,r i..s -.; i.r.r11 ,,;1yq, h:i.::: .l,lt)() sr1 1:t. rr;tl licr:;t' dttllls"': lots. 'l'l:;ii.r:; 1]t11 jl:r-zo {)j' 1-lic e'rtyrrli:lr.l i.li:ti. ir,r.'s gr;r::r j;r,r;. ,.1'lr1.,rl r{":-9lic 14I(l , !tt','l:t hitl.'r,:. \. );i). (rf_ :;t1 f t:, s/.'!: ).o\r lllt r..l.rr:' or: .r{;,.rr ;rc c,tru;. ,(: ir..(r}l i r), .ilirl i;atjtrtll:tt tlr.:rr: l,iis l l-; n;i .1 il 1.lrtr ii,.,. 'o:i- s11- ,f t. lbr. t.:r.-ir ctlvt, l,,irr:? Iit'i..: 1 1lrirrll I'hr: Ii:,ir. r,jits ('rtt)t ililc t'rl' 1lr,,r l(tit r.;;l:: (ryur. - PIC Petcr: 1- l2- 8l thc 1400 sq ft pcr.ruit was indccd arl cstjnt;ttc, tlr:rt l)canc unrlcrstood this, ilnd ltc undcrstood thc nccd for. thc slopc anatysis to cornpJctc, 'fhc ntirtrttcs of thc Plartnitig Colunission r.ray bc soner*hat. ionfusing in thrrt tlicy arc basically lninutcls, and,th:rt i! rniglrt havc bcen a pl'cscntation sn)'int tliat this is about what wc havc j.n nincl, art<i j-t concs to about 1400 sq ft. pcr unit glving thc l)llrrrring Collunission a gcrtcr'al feclini for what is going to t:uilt, rathcr tharr irpproving tbat nuntbcr Per unit at th:rt point in tinc. I thjnk it is totally, clcar, and if you rcld il3 again, it says 1400 sq ft !,as alr,/ays considercd an estimate h'ith ttre 40% slope. study nccdcd to bc cotrlllcted befolc ti:e actual sq footage could be cleternincd. Wc have ncver, irr the Past, l'/orked off of a per unit squarc footage, llC z.oning, you ltavc a gfoss scluaxe foot;rge, if you havc 5 units and want to put all that into one uDit, thatts your Square focrtage. As far as I knon that is the vlay rvctvc alrvlrys uorkcd, and that is the way Jim related it to me rr'h en I asked about the first duPi.ex thaf c euire before ne to do the zone checx. Scott: Cenerally, you have a devclopcr coming to you, he otlns the 1and, he takes out thc pcrrlits. Buc in thi...: case, trel'entt.these irrdiviriual peoi:J.e cotling tc you? Roger: lt'c set it rrp so that'h-e Lould sell thc }ots to individ.uals atrd thcy couLd' do the building, and I tliink maybe tlris lr'as an area where wc t{el-e lax iu v,'orking out thc deal. Jin: Tl'r er..e rr,as a za1't!r,X changc, 1-fi6r3h, ilre fcotegc hastrtt chr.;rgctl, that is tlic bi.ggest probl cm. r,.*o onc was catching iL. . Rogcr: 'Ihcir I gr,rr:ss thcn, our respoltiibility vrasn't o111, to trite Dcane l(riox, it l.ra.s to ncltify the inrij.r,idual olr:rrers anrl the associtti.cn that t'tas fortncd. I thi.njl :ira r,;c have a very rrnu..;uai circunstance j.n thi.s particrrlar irtstance because of thc vay that it Has st ru{:'i.L1r'ed. Gerrl'; I Co too, a d retiier tha-n let this rlr:ag or], i{e iirc goi.ni: 'to havc to votc' I thinl( tlti{t evet"ylhi-rig that r+e do riith Iegirr:ti to "chj.s k j.ncl of cie r, e,'. oiriitoi t is p;.'ccc^ dent sctting. It: -i.s ys11. i:li1:ortant to ackllorflcri3c that- ils l{c g.) ahead, anil I fee} vcr}/ strc !lL.y't.\:aL jr: i-s t.h<: Ccvcl<;prirs r-esi;rruij-bil.iiy to loti.:1 )n ctt,:1 i:tt t'ro::k i':j.t-h the b'.:yers. Dick: r h:ve a qtrestiolr. The Plalni.ug cor'inissi'on trroti-on is that a vir'iiallce of 2744 sq it.'! Roger: No, total 1i{72. Peter: Jt r+ould be a GRI:/I va::iancc of 1312 sq ft, s'lri,clt is(1372 x 2)'932. (t roI think itrs-pl'ctty clcar fron i:oth of Jitn'sttcmos, he strqnSly statcs thet I Votc t:o P,r'llt'ehe rcqltc):it aud tlrc otircr .l altiri.rrs';. Gcr':'y rcnirrrlctl lino:i t:hl:t fo:: tlre vari.r.ncc: p.olcr z,rtrll Scott ir: f:ivo::, Dan abstl ir:cC, l'lcrt ion tlr- i r -i cd. hc had the r:i3,ltt to ;lFpeai tct Iltriilcl !turlrl.ri'r:,h i jl f::on li 1. rr I' the Cotrnci.l'rvithj.r:. 10 da1's. ltt:::tllct's. Itctttr' ltl:tl t rit:tci-t l t,r( Iii,-) rr)i1).!. n in i.tt1l tlri il{-'crl ili,d :.'r.:i! !;oir:;. Illttt l,io'.ttl, (il)':ror.' s!)(:.,;!idr.J to r:!'r (iu!r:rll,i tltrr r:lrr:,ilt. irr si.zc t(r 1.liJ Jirr.;rr Colrirci l . \'c,t o ltit:r t::lilri ri:otr:', .1 , llclr',i';i I 0!' 1 i rlir ::]r;l-r'i rr:I {: lortr (li,i:r;ir.-. r'r: ! lt I (10 r'c .[ irlril i:i)ilir]lr]T'(:i.n I tit:t'c, I ! l'ti.r'!. Ii.t'rrrr i.rjrlr ir:r'rl ilrr. ),r"ro, irt (ltllI (rr:,d ;rrl,it:tl , rrl:;o t.ltt-. .ir! l.j.!)))l,lir:.lrl, \tlt.il [i] ir tll:'. tltir r.rrt ly ]rr.i1',r..;1ql1l.j ;1r1 t)r:ri. Iirt::. irrrr ), .' ...):rnrriry 8, 198.1 p ?) TOz 10h'N 0F vAIt, ',LIOTNING ANIJ IJNVI.RON|\IIJNI'AL CO:\[,IISSION fltol'l: DIAitA TOUCMLL RE: CASOI.IR SUE,DIVISION Since therc has bccn so much confusion about the 6RFA and intent llor tftc Casol.ar subdivi.sj.on, Jirn Rubirr and PetcT Patton requcsted that I attelllPt to t:erirctnbcr solne of the l:ackgrountl ittfolnati.on and discussions' Dearlc linox, tlrc devcloller, apfrroachcd tlrc Tor.'n with a totally llci\t coricci)t (also tlre fir-st projec,t proposed. utrcler tlrc rtcr+ P.C z.oiiing). The intent t{as to clcvcloP a residclltial subdivision that wo:'.rrcd better t)ran :ni.ght be aIlor';ed under the conycntj onal zon ing Becarrse the plan was a bctt:el: one tllalr r''hat rriight have rcsulted rttrder tirc sl.lndat'rf RC :crring, J. tricd t.o 1.'oli', riith thc <1cr'<')opcr to ::ral:.c ille ))Jan feasibl.c. /ls I rcca11, I Lct'icttcr! not orll;' r-lrc subr-ii.r'lsion Plat a;rd Irlriirosed yrLans. lrrii. also ilte prol'rosgC rlr:c l.:: r';i i. Lols lrtd. covcilants 8nd the siiLcs cclltl'act. To rrurl:c su1.e t.i1e Tor..n r,',as plotccteC against illcgcl lcsrrl-rcliYisi ci: and e):ccs- sivc Glii:r\, I rcqui::cd- scvcral clai!:ics in thc tlocuritcnt s, includin8 a statcitl)r,t abor.it the inaxinrrn allor.lab1c 6RFir l:cr unit. TIre reasou L rcntcn:bc:' tiris so trivicily is th:it Stu B::orr':r aird I Jrlrd ,solle Yiol crlt arsltt)c)rts trbcut ilie rr'o...rling :;nd tiie blnkts rtt(rrD(t), tli.lntt -1.:i:r.e thc rc:ii.ricti-vc lal.qtrlge ci t!re1'. (I think |n1'lrrll]lcd-tilrcopicsofl:hcorig.irrallyF].olrc}s!-iIt}ocrrnlctttsnrcil;tlrefi}c). . hr ordc} t o :rl I oi; 1)rc rcrir:c'a.t cd Clt,l.4, :rI 1 ]>rci:cti.)' 1i ncs ttc:'c' i.o bc \':ttntt'rl' Tlris rtes l'cq":clitecl so tlili lrritl i'l it-rttal ttttiti colllrl ttoi' lrl ad'lcd ol: tire tijiceltt LJ)i'lF Jo1: ;]t. r Jiitcr ili,l c i,t){l ..r o 'rir.tt: irl. l tlrr.cr: lcts t{e:'c dr-ll'cioltctl ct.hr'lj'.'r:l)", Tlr..r l,ltllF 1,.1r1itri; n1lr,l.;;l il)'c'ir1('r-.,,{ii,'ll:i jtt' ilr:r:t tr'lt;tt t',';i-s pl'o|o:;od /l ''-r.,7rnrrl,-.r 1lli cnvel(,I)\r, clrr';i.r'r' corrcr.j,':'. // / , .1,, -.,2' .r' -, /ri t' ../ " .- . r -- (.^ --"''t':--')-ii .4-{--- {.. ,1/ \r" "- ' ' ' ';:' -/'t\'-'/' .-';' '/ /" '/ opPLANNINSAND BNVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MBETII{G Honclay, Decerrlrr;r g, l980 3:00 p.nr. Scott lldwards Gaynor t{iLlerGerry T{liite Dan Co::cora.n Duane Piper 'Jim l-Ior5ia,a STAFF PITJiSSI{T Diclc l?yan Petet: ].?attenBetsy itosolack COIrNCIL I'{EI\'&ER PRESENt Roger T,illiernejer . Gerry I'?hj.te called tl:e tneetiiig t"o orct:r:. l-. e Dan Corcc:rz,.n mo"red tJ.ir: ruinu,cqg i:e apl-)l: oy.::clr seco;rcleii )ri, g,.,rnu".\tote r,ta,ll L'-n ait :ilitcii g , (j- 0. ,I:-lr ;l;1.rgi--a3. il i-- q " 2. . 5ng:_-4e"Si!y c_$:.,!:jiol rrar:i.i;nce Casolar If gesulr Lot A-?I,icxsri cioe- l ] Bill ltilto Ti:e appli-c;int e,sr(ecr Lc havo th:is t;rr-rlr:d for the thi::d time. Danlrroved' th.iL thi-s -i-tc':in ]:e tabrccr--r-rt.{:he r:c,quu*i -"r:r-he *pplicant,Roger ,$cco'clerl . ar:i{ t--he ""1" "rru-in favo::., Z*0. unani-:,icus.3'ffi iffi:-.fif'!itl*.i1.,!H;ir;1##J€,=r''ika-t-n:.:i jr,!.r T:i:.'e n:i ::: }t::c je:<: l.-:i ir:ir:+ -r::v"-i.r,:.,;..-.,r1 i,;-i.,11J1 _.;r1.,a .,::pr:1. ;_,.-rr*s i.,ijil ccn:.!a_,1! 1:Fj\''ere nii:'j' of i:]re -ci-.af i. l:,-:rti j.-r.i ,:in s a,'rl ".r,,c,Li-rri orur., .=,.,rirre sscd botrr.fr:* !lr: tci't of . v.i.eri "r- 1r,., urjrrSr] Design Grri.de plan ard froinEne zo*i.r:g reryulal-.io:r,r. uec;, ap',ri"",ri*ui;i"*iiriJ.*o.r of theseconcclns. The meet-',-ng r{as adjorri:ned aL S;45. pDc -lI-24-80 - 2 Deane xnox def.*-l - conErol variancc "."ofr*- r?r 3. ridgg {t1t Rcsub Lot A-7 Lions time- :.tiJlle ni::'lr:: (:The applicant ask"ed to have th:;.s tabled aqain. Roger morrecl that tttis+lu* be {:ablcd at the reguest oi: the appricant, bon corcoran scrconcreclJ"tr ano tne vote was 6-0, unanitnous Lo tab1e. 4 . _ __8e q!ge!lo_:_! o r:d!r. r_qng 1 U I e p,@s_tru c -u i on o ta proposea neii libraTi-mllEllyJjn Lot 5, Btock l, a Resubdivis-ion ofLo',: J-, E1'ck t, Vail Li.o'sheaci 2rrrl Fili"g (by-llJ r". Aren.r). Dick Ryan presented i:he-memo, emphasizirrg the con,rnunity room ancl theetn;:J-o'yec units- scotL Bciv;a::cs l;ir:ilerecl if t-Jrere hacl b6err any i-mpul frornprol;e::ty oi{ners to the east. L)zrir;lssured him l-jrae they rr*..*ar,,,iie ofthe j'ibrary plarns' Roger: wantecl. to malie cert.ail that Lhe Tortn off-iciallyo:.i'rrod Trr.rct- l). Craj-g Sno.,,.'d.en shoi.,,ed pJ.r>.1. p-t-411s, elevatjols. flocr plansancl scctions, anC ensl,'erecl quest:'.onc.: ctal-g expiailred theL i:ari.-5.1g r.rculrlbe.in the loi: next to tl:e rink;;nd in the yiJst iior:sheacl parking Struiturr Creri.g estirnated const::uction cc.,i_t-<l begin ne;zt t:uirrr,rcr ol: fall, bui thatar;:'.rl,J-j-c j;cnd isi:uE luust f:::r.:i' l,-:,: p3s-sg, LTr: ai.Ls;o asl;ed.i:j.r.at he no.l:be'biei1 tlo',vn to a c1;;f-i11iir" o.ta,.,r,* foot-,arge, tirat fluci:uai-.icins irr i.l're tiorlijldril.rings coulci result i1 a t'.-er" cfiing;]-' .-- _ f:n:I^*:yif _t1:e cc:'nt:lssion qr:.11i: the concl-j.ticnal- Lr.se perxr..Lt as p.r.e.sentedrn tDe sjEatf merno vrii:ir the p::ovj.sj.on of a l.t*2?; fluctuatj.on, selondeclby Sccltt -ECr,,rardirr an.j i:i-re vitc o,i,;,; una-njr::.rr:ig c E-}r.r,;ith Da;r C. alr:;t_a-i_ning. l,: - -.o*ntt:st- -i.q-t-.11-...?T::,;-4ttl!_*!q .l..lit,._.{on j.nE. a:istj|..rgqe__t_e_-;;eliro,trcj irlllp-..e:-q-';n!-9--!.ll:l.t-.:;'.,*:ir-'ac!.r.-qfgr.}_ ,i.;,r, rrni,;c rrne -t-j-lie:;6;ffi-fj-ce-t;;r:.r..{ (j tjs.,:iire un:t_r-i; i_,.*:f j. qg.!ir_.-.c.:ti.4_ .,:.i,:,1 _rlii_ir;c r;"nd tj..l..r,e*ehaf e l.-i_ce-lli::ti o;ir Cire criiEli .iJiri r-uiie.i" se'l',.,.,-i,rr",'rri"tr:; i',...,;.:iattio;;*tai;..f;;;;- D-.l(:].:].}.:'i.'i'I):!^-esen,c<]il.l]-r-c:''..;1:i.,--''.i::'i].all.Iit:i1i.:l.i:]:.le::l-l::lr!-g}rt]:..:..{'t.l,.']-.3i;e:lLerj.:l, tl::r t ::l:lu,Lc{ i-''e cc.::rl::i ciercC . pr:i.,.,1 f:crl.t tJi::.i: i:r j_n f.enra.l. C,.,.,I:?f .tiii:.:F.s,, rei-r.it.uni-ts wer:e inportatrt, anci tha't r:enLal un.rl-'.s tu*.t., nnitl fi.l"'ir""o*i" ,n.r,peollc Lruy fcr j-nve,gtl:icir.'L pu::p+s,:s. e.ncl rr.:nL tirei:: t:nit or,t. c.rii'"'r"lirit*V;as j-n favr:r oE 1-.he pi:ci)orrel , i-r_,.r: |re fe.l.L: ccnc.jrrl al:ou.L tl:.: ava:i_labj-lityof rtl:ii:li f c;:: t'-l:c .y'-r-ii;.t-:i.c ()n a n.i.::. el..V baLsil_;. ijiscu,ss j-ou sf ii.tr.:r.c<i on rrhrtl:eror not there woulcl,l:e a less p(:llsoDal s;errrit:c if Line s:r,rring-;ci:e involvcThe ftleL.i rr5 ab'oirt {:h j.s sceneri u j.'.rj_cled. C;,:i::i:y 1ioi.r.ir"a oir,a.: ,lhai: ti1<,:rcrvrcre verY fet,r bttil-cjings; in the i:i\ Zone. Dua;in;;sliecl if ihere slroulclrenain zr reneryal pJroi:r;iis. Rc'lGr ruoi'cJ Lo 1:eccjjnji'lenC t'.o'i-jrc Council- Ll:i.,t... llicr st--aff ai:,.i1. t-!:e.r.).t.a:.rning.auci Environnenta.l- Colit;nj.ssion Cu fur:ther st.udy aircl come u1> llj.th a<lclitionafcri.te::ia for t--i.i:re slrarirrly in tlre f.r\ ione. tic.rcr r.iec no neconcl . D;:n norred '['-o rsr11.',61gt an a;ire n c],n::::,,-. to the Zon:iIg O.r:d. j.naucr: r.s stat_e11 inth't tticr,r.o, socoii,:ic:ri i-.,y !icgcr " llr.l,1r:::, C,itii,1i1.rrr, Gci:r1, anit ]-)i::t r.ro.tc:d inf atto::, Dlr:lne anci Sco i.:i.. voted erqir.l,..i-rse. Tlre mol:ior] li.r,sseii_ , 4-2" lic,tle.:: tncr't-rcl i:.!"r e tger:i:..irrg irt: .rcljolr.;.:r.i:-rr.l., a::{ i..,::-i: 5(:rt()1cleri j.f_, lfect_.irr,J \.,,;, satl jr''.rr-trt-'ti :;t-. ,1 :4lj. \....'. .r 'i,q, _"iirri Qg llDf'tolu{{DUi'l T0: tt,\.\t'IING AllD []lv1l\0ll]'1El'lT L COitlliSSlc'ril FLOI.{: J 1l'l RURII{ tltrTE: l'k;r'ernbcr 21, I9S0 RE: GRFA Variancc for Casolar IIr' Dearre lirtox 1.I{cclcarlyunderstooct}re'l,400squarefcctlrcrtrnitandtlrsnced f.o-.'." tTte sloPe ar:alYsis. 2. ne l;rrer.; that j.t Has uP to h.i,Irr to al1ocn1.e the square footag'= for casolar II' 3. Hc tras nerrct: told that he coulcl t.ransfc:: extra squaxc foo'cage frorn casolar r' fl Dicli RyanPeter Patten Betsy Rosolacli cotn{crL tlEI,lBER i-rnrsnliT ,- '', " PLAl{}l Il{G Iat{D MBI'!BT'RS PRES-EI.{T Gaynor Miller Ed Drager John Perkins .Iitn liorgan Ron Todd l. ADpr:o\,'al of min!!:-,:i gf, 4ieeti.no; cf 10-27-80 Af te? -<iiFcu;slon;6out Jolffi]air:L vrr Gaynor moved for approval, seconded by ,Johnr and voLefo:: approval . Density Control,'' was 4-0, unan.imous 2 . Kn o r: . _ cl<ri1S a!r:_g.9il;:S.1_vg r r..Q;l.c_:iJ-_e pp I i c a.r: t mcet--ing of 1.{ovc:rnl>er 24. John Perkins rnoved to a::ked to tai:le till thetable and Jirn l.lor-gan seconcVote r.ra s 4 -0, unani.mous. ?G:rrt Ga::arrte front setback vat:iance, Lot 1,2 lllock 7 V.::il. Vil1.tcle lst Ireter presenteii the rnemo and sai.cl th;rl there stil l rernaj,ns ba"sj.cally nchairdsirj.p, a-i1c1 thct the::c !,ras nc'i: riruch chi..nge f::om lhe first rlerno sub-mittcd for: tlte Octobc:r 13 rneeti:ig, rcccimrend:i-ng ciet'r:_aJ-. Je:.ry Gart e;:plaii'red tha-t there !,'ere cir-l-y 2 trnits in thc biijlclilrg, noL 3, e'n 11 ';irii'i i; r..: 1t,. tt ttsiirr; ;i.'1. als a s:i riqLe f lr',-i-.r:.r h,rrti',;: . Iie e<ti.derl i:iiaL the::e lra.i tieen a. g:rt:;.g(:, 1>iit 'tl.:::'; 'i:lie ij.r:ile',.a1' \.;a,.; tclal t:i-.cep ;:rr:1. r.'::.r L,.r j:dgi(: iriti L;et:t ch;:tnged j.nLo tlrc- secclriiiry unit" I{r. Gart des,:c:rj.bed nej-ghbo:'s: qn eit}rersj-de of his hotise trho !r,,.rre closer to tli:: st-ree.i; Lhar: his r:ecr.uesi-.ec] -qarager.roul-c1 J:e. IIc: -iell: that the ga!.iige r','ou1rf arld -to Lhe apl.rearance of thc.: hou.se r.iiri.-l-e ltiCi:rq the t-::ash. Jitit l"lo::cJan- tr.oirr:cJ. to app::cve thO \,'aliance, ancl Johl1 Pet:l<j.rls seconcl"ecl it.voi:e IVao urr;l::.i:u1ous, 4-O in fetvor of approval. Vai.1. C;tii.d*s Ccnrii.'i-.:i.c::al tlse rig-iLt_!-tt-f.:.-.--:'l ,rippJ-ica1i.. asl.;+tl to Lal1le ti 1l;r vrr rrrther Vote fit()at i.lt(. ci: was /i -0 , i.i;::;;i,t:.', -- ' ;i ;---- :;ti.-_Ir r.) v ,:::IrsL;.r. zq. uurti! iiloveci 'to cit):ric, ,.;e r: c..lt ril-:rf l;tt ttiranit.norrs. Pe:l-er llattr:n tlianl:ed- Ji-,htr perlcii--s for se::rr j. nr-j orr t.lte Ccr.-.m.i- sr,;ion and- forbeing srich a b:-g irol-;r o;r'the Dlll . Jollrr rnrei$ mr.lving to L::;.:gls-\raiI antl itwiis lris laui u:r'ct::-ng. l:)rc rai:c1:.i.11(j r:;il: ir('i joitl:ti,l(:t ert 3 : 35. cf BNVIRONI{]Jh1TAI., CO}II.TI SS ION I.TtrDT ING MINUTE S Monday, Novembe:: 10r 1980 3:00 p.m. .STATF PRESENT (lr .: I"IINUT]IS OT MEETING PLANNING AND ENVIIIONIIENTAI-, COIVil{ISSION I"londay , Octcbcr 27 , t9B0 3:00 P.l'l. STAFF PRESE]'TT Jim Ruhitr Peter Patten . tarry Es]:wj-th Betsy Rosolack cotri.:c rT' niEi'i]ER MEMBERS PRESEIqT GerrY t{hite .Iim l'lorgan Dan Corcoran Gaynor l"liller Ed Drager John Perl<ins Rogei Tilkemeier 1. Dan Corco::arn moved tirat !ne: rninu-tes of the be approvecl , seconded Lry Ed Drager. In favor Dot yet arrived). 2. Datr moved and Ed gecotrcled ti:G appoj-i:.';!i1:+n.{: member to aLtend DRII rneetings. -ttl favor, 5-0. hc rr'oulC t'e the aftcrnaLe. J. Ron ToCd meeting of Octohe:: 13'19.80 5-0 (Johur and. Roger had n.F Dnrrer- .i'.i'l '{ rr1'r..ticr as\,! f \v:, v; Gaynor lliller said J:r"rn I'icDo:rald to move the bttj-J-ding 1r.Sicie Setl:acli envel(-rrre en Varie.:nee requei;"t fcir: Casolar: Vail- l>r:ter Peitten prc::en{:eci tl.re er:p1.,lrrei'i:.-Lo:'r cf the rreno maril-ed to'che menbers. .fin Rubj-n,a,liieci that r+i':en the or:j-qinaI C;;scll:: subCit'i,l.a.c:r \'ic-r..cj I\.1:escnLed,j.t v.'asu r i: co:ri:ctiq-'-L ai-,cci tha'c Lirc iJ.ocj;..s r,ric; r'-t j- cL ,':o l,o clc':,e ';ogetn::r " I'Iarlc Donaldsop rc:pr:eseni:irri] Ji.rn j:il<:ircnal-c expi-ained that 'Ll:e );uiJ'ctitrg envelOp:,:s a::e tigllt:, arnd tl:at- -ti-:: c.lll'-r= ic r'.'ii.l:ln5J_ to r:is:k hi:ll.c'l--ing ttear tirc: r.ri:i-f i{:'y --Li-iie' ]t-i-:;cus:r';i'c:'i f c'r-i''l-c;''';'ecl- ;il';'1111 hol'j i-tiliji: i'-c :italie certaip th;rL. futut:e ol.rners woul.<i al.so ]:e r.:jsirolrsij)Ie. A cieed waLs 1elt to be itrltpi.lropriate by l]r:ian o'I-lc:j.}ly, ui:o felL Llrat a rec<:lc1ed not.ice of thi.s varialrce r','c,uld bc nrore aFprop::olr::iaLe" John perli:i-:'rs tnoved that tile s.r'-ile setbacl< rrari-a:nce be airl:r:oveC rvith the staff recsomnenclatiou tbat the ovne.r of enlrelope ll-> r,;or-r1.cl be respcnsib fcr solviirE any probleils tha'E occr:r \'rith fu.ture sel'rer litre r'rorii in the eas;eLt:.,it, Lrii r"rj.th a recr.>rd.cd. noL:icr: crf thls varianc:e" llo6;r:r seconcle'i the r,ioti-oi.: " ar-l:cl {:i:e rrc.Le r,las 4-.1 in f avo:: (Jirrt I'icrgan ;:.E;rinr';; elt:d Dan arid. illcl- al>sta.i).!i-i'lg. 4 . GRF/r \tARfAt\lCIl for Casol.ar If - !)eane L. I(nox Jiin Rr.rbirr er:plaine<l l:fie nir::to ancl sonre of tlre vcry coniplj.l:.".1-ci-1. evc!l{:s; tltirt t::;.ipr:pj.ict1 6rrc:: Ll't.l 'plrst sr:,t"C.ra1 1'c,:i:r--s. :t.d<1:i-ng Lhar; t:ite :t'cqlles'[: r,ias fou et. 2!,.44 / 5q f {: r,al:iance;Ds;:ne lino:r gatve ir:i.s poin'c of vicrr, adr)ing thr. l'. jir Illr:rse I l-h{lrp. rl'.fs le9;s cic;:sij-t-y t:hlin pr:::nlittecl, irirr-l tl,l:t: Lhcr:c tlc::c lg uili t; -ii:l:tt:;rcl of 20.l)cr.'rn (: arrci,fj.nr rlj.:-:,1!ir:ctc1 ;:]i.:ril- r'lhc:tht:r ()'j'not. thtr lfo"rn hncl rij.ie:n Cir:octj.t> otr t-l re a!,,-rl,.rli..:i of G:'.Ir.'\. /\1so itr (i:Lr.iilil:r-:(:Ifr,15i-rl v:;r:; thc 1r.i'1;;'' l-j9,11 Of lQL J.in<:s, rr'i;rri-hcr r)1: rloi: jillo:l ai')l ),':(lii'-:d ljo:ll.l tll 1;lir: cltrl-r1c::lr:s; ' ltoi',' ii\iill:(-l oll t'.| C.r t.'a:t;'i. f i-C:t.i.O:.s; 1:.rro:,. \laS. ul-:i:. 'Jirr: JI l)pl.;.('. iiii I arsliCr:. LO hl:,Vt: t.]r.!:: l]c(tu!)s t'- tiii-rJ.ccir ;rncl j. i: ,,':;ls; titl:l.!.i:';,. lly f lli; if i:rj. 4 t.'.' ..t'- " O MEMOIIi\{nUM TO: PI,ANNING AND DNVIRONI'IDNTAL CO}WISSTON FROITI: DEPARTJ,IENT OIr CO,YIIUNITY DSVDLOPMENT DATE: Oc t"ober 23, 1980 RE: GRFA Variancc for Casolar II APPIICANT: Deane L. Knox gpsw.qTrg{ oF VARIANCE A- copy of the iescription of the Varizrnce tcing reguestecl is enc1o..-recl .The staff find.s several discrepancies in tiris dcsciiption that Lhcywanto to address. l'. The applicant rvas informed befor:e Casolar II r.ras app::c*:ed that theproperty line betveen lots A7 and A8 could rtot be vacated because thetrvo Jote !;ere in trto different zore distri.cLs. 2. The request for approval of Casol-ar fI rrever conterinc:ci any rcferenceto the left over GRFA from Casolar I. 3... Tbe 1,40-0 square feet per uni! was: ahrays considere<l ;is arr esl.-inrate,with a 40t.';lope s'uiiriy i:":eding to be coc'plctctl l:cfcrr:e.Lh..::rcLu.a.l- s:quaref,ooLage could l:e detcrarined. covel)ants for Phase II .,vere Dev€:jr apprcvei b 1. Tlte Tc';:rti S'taf.t- r:er;r:es*ed on nnli:cl:olr'.+ ccq;L5j.cns I'j.r,:.1.: l--lr..j Slol;e stutlybe cotnpJei-ed so that l:ire'squarc foc.t-.illie c(lu.t,r_i bc ric:,ce::irr:i r:r.:ii. t.hls S-l.oi;estudl' tras not given t-.o tire Stalf for o'vcr .o:re yeatr foll.crr,';'r-ng the a;:proiraLof Casolar If . Bes;,.ul;e of the slolje analys:i.s iot .bcing c.,r,,11]_ei_=, i-.ire 5- The;ippLicat)t tr'as ful1y areare that the slo::e analysj.s ha<l to bc cora-pl-etecl . Tl're Stafr- vr;rs ncvi.r asl.-ed, to figure t.ire Srluare ltool:;.gc, It l.rasfinall.y done as a courtesy to l"lr. Xno>:. 6- The Tcrr,.rtr S!"af f ha-r reeal-cul.ft'.ed thc-: Srlri;-i::c: Focl:alJc c:r cl:c Ca::J.j-ngDtrpLc:: a.nd hirs rlcler'nrj,n<:'ct that its gquarc Ir()Ji.i!{tir 1$r (;.:.r,i'rl.:' r..irlr. c}re3,380 tirat r.ras orj.gir-raLly proposed. 7. Since Lhc f:iliug of this a6.rpli-cai:ion. tr..,o rno::c clrrtrrlc::c; herrea1:prorred by lir:. I(llox wii:h a GttIrA of 3,380 s<1u;rr:c f c-et. Tl.ris docs933 cqugf_e fL-ct for-- tho rernain.iing duirlex site. 8. T!14 sLaff hal-ier',:s t-l:irt they harrr: ).r.:<:n 'r:p l'r:o:rL in t.hisof e vcnts. IJvcn if tbe l, 400 ..:,luarr., f c:,-t pei.' urr j. L (the 1.,.r.t.,trunJlc'i) -i.r: u:;ed, Lhil; rr.r.'ul.cl onlyi 1'q:;uii.,; {rht r.,rll:r.i.rri r.:g rr:i:;.t. J> c.c: t t I c:ave tr:)icrl.c s\.quc:lc t;).tii,1-','trrlrJ 1,s.i, I c !:c I ,:f.l 4sqtl;rr:c lcr:t.. I r\.ri'VuI, bcli.rve t:lr;rt tire ;!!'.I'l j rlent \r:s f .i.:ral-liur.: S.lrlilC;ttr@ Cot", l7 c s t lr.E,rt'tBrT I vli| 3 Paaef .^ t glLI!.lr$AIID FINDINGS square footagc -i.rr a multi_farni.l.y zone rvoul.d ina_spec--1al pr:i v:i _'. c ge - The eff.ect of tbe re __ _ -j_:-::_:r qrrv, -y(rr-rr.tu !j,DIetJw. ti, u _t''r r i " *.SE!.riiE.tlgh--el'.]l:Ji f actor.s _anC r:riteri.a g.g-Jhe-r::--,::.1L1il.9-.1_gesr.r,--9.Epli_9-lF_Ls*le Thcre are r:o otirer factors deerned appr icilrl.e. y*3+1":+ts*_ol+** gr:r| g n.l_{.rT giry.e, r}_ce r i on 1 8 . 6 2 . 0 6 0 _ o f_ r t r c r.., u rr i c i Fa l'"erusJcEFlBWt"-r,''.:.r'tr*i.'ffi,ffi a;ff;ii"l_!,f -ry t Consiclgr:ation of Factors !E-de., ;reffi 9m the - s ! rl_,1t,_er-Ulg re.lj n t e rp re ta t i onm,, ii3ii#ji#,ffi g An inc::ease in allor,r.rbl-eour _o1::itu:.on be a grarr.t c.,,f FII{DriiGS: {b-sJr-eil:r.1n-{-a!d;gr:-r.rcrr:Il-!fl-s9l!.r',-u.-g.ii}'-: ..,.:!all--q{Is__!l:_c. ror loi.irrlg_ =-ltS_]" tl-+_.,t "t9.s__qi!-1tt1,Jl*t_11r]'tr.:1-r. That the g-::anti.'q of the var:iance **iLj. noi: ccrr:sti.tute a grant.f:i:::llr:I'Ii' ;,t ::;:,ji :iililf d -ir,",, i J,,fr:iili"", on or iier pr:operr.i es 'Ih.r! t'.1:,-r !Jr'ar)JLii:E oJ. {-}rcr ..:;:r1i;r111;.. 19-i .! -r :.r.,i. be (.r.:t:-.i.nl.::rl:;._1 t cr. t.he 1:,ubI!-.:.he.'rltilr s;afetY, or se1fo.., o._ nratcri;rtJ.y i.iijui:i...,rr" to pr:rr;.r6",5ti<:s orrmProvemcr:Ls jn the viciniiy. r'r.J.,r-, ririt ttre \'.r::ia;rcc is rrar:r'rrtccr for o.C (,..r;,:or:e or the f...r l<>rvj.ng r:easons: 'I'itc stricL or l.itcral .i.trtcr:prcrt-.-rt:i.rr rll.r.., 1.,:)f:ors(liii.1rrt of tl:c .s1:ec.if icorr:<1u1a1:ic;r r.:orrJcl r-r.:s*li-.i,, 1ri-;,".i ,l:, 1,.t.; ::..i,,ii.it,,r, u1)t.:.r(:.rii,r:;,r:1, 1:'ys;ic:.:lh;it:cislri.ir i.rrci,ril:.t:;l:ct:i r.,i{:ll lir..,-i.,rJ,r".L r v.:, i,J. t-lt_.;_t.; titl.t.,. 6, Knox Casolar II - 3 - L0/23180 "irtrr*uttP i clo not apply or conditions aPPI!.ca- generally to othcr of the specified enjoyed bY the lrtrele are .btA to tha" propertics excep tion "f'o*rtaord inarysite of the variance that in the satne zolle't*.,' 'The strict or lit-eral interpretation and enforcement regulation vroul<I deprivc the applicant of privileges owners of oLher properties in the same district- STA}'F RECO},:'!:ENDA'IIOI.I S : The DeparLment of Co**orrity Developrnerrt reconunends denial of tlri-s rcguest. tte finh the applicatttt's c1elcriptioi to be j.n error an<l fincl no grour:d for a;rproving it. + I (.b(-o'l t. - l(i TO: FROl.l: D/tT[: PIANNING AND Jl}- nuBIl{ Nor'ernbcr 21, 1980 ltEf.olt^l{l)url Eltv t no:if.leNTnt cci.Nl sst 0N RE: 'GRFA ltariancc for Casolar lf, l, lle clcarly undcrstoorl the fo:: thc slopc analysis. Dconc l(nox squarc fcc'. Pcr unit and tire nced1,400 tfc tr'as nel'cl' told tlrat he could transfcl:cxtTa sqtrarc footage fron Casotar f. ne l:llerr tlrar j.f was rrp to him to allocal c the s.luale foot'-eg.e fjt tggtg:-+ I --.tr x h f B tT l^\-r .' )r.<, .1.I ti o o .if. 't II fr Juno 20r t9E0 Cesolc-:' r,-Io ho'novorr I en a nunber of ltcng. 1o The maxlrnur $SI'A ers des.t-,cne.toC ln our C:elnrqtl'.r:l 1e s<.'mcrrirst d-'iffe:c.nt is yofi hnou. Iiheeg J rtus 15i:0naxlmun. I:hir'ee 1I nnendnrcnt io i,hgse I does not atatc Cill'i\ but rclltes tc i'huse f. 2. iie approvt:ri Carlir:.' on r:axin:un 33C'0 {Oiif , )jZ sc-. l't. } GRFA, tinri i;herc seef:ls to bc e diecrepancy 'rhich i rrill Pursue r';1th Carl.inf, . 3, ,1,c yoU n:a.y tecalll r';6 usre to 5s a|fqlred a gross J.ot(l'hsse i & -1:I) ereo slnco rre lrave Bn ovcr abu.nda:rcci of sqluere ft'o'i:;i;e on J.hese I trrd sirrce all three io':s have trcetr c.,,:r.bln..rC lr:to or:c 1>rojcc'; nith intct'co:inectlrt4 rort<l:r '.1g6ir;-.!rout ijie proJect, As .ygs brought to ny&t'i:trr:'iiorr, i:ircr.e lt r: cii.ffr,]-'ancc i.ri ?,onl.i:i: bf-;rrn..riA-7r n-B e.:r.<i .Ir-9 rzlioh vrou-l-ci cil.sal-Lcn ar\y &:'eir ccnl.r.ln!.r:6. I ir,311 trc uT.l:'ldeJr Jii;:,,r 2fth end wi-l.l- stop by {:o lsvlcnposslblLi'i1c:j rrttlr J.()u. \- a study and pcsnlblc -r'a-t1s--,',ce to dec.la::o'blsn lrf .!.clt r*es Etpprovcd. bythd lo'cs on tlia'l basieo i3.s3r j ' Ito.1 sl.olc Hirs ev-cavatlon frc:r the Shoulrl es re'r'levt 'lhs Richard':'l r\ Sfureoroly3 ,. Dotr.no Io l3'r&:i l. I;J.ll' .t lrl! ,i 'l !f,l,l:./ln E'.ilrbtf ''*" Jla Rubln Z onlng .Adn I ni{, iratcr. Box 10CYal).; C0 316j? Dcar Jlm, -Tharrk you for your anul3'o1a ofBtllI concerned sftcr yoqr xoport orr ' I irouiri llke tc )-oquectthlo pi:obJ.cr, aa rre r::.'ota thi"tlro b;'.rn trnd of coursc so].dpleairo nstd thet pn;-"i: of theroad that h::c bccir :,.c;rovrrti.Engincorln;i leport? r ( i .: aa--\.,*.-.. !/'i l1.,p*) t'r ttTr" 1latluun n box 100 rail. colorado 81657 13031 476.5613 June 2, 19gO department of community developmcnt ! . ,4 ttig\ "t- Dcane KnoxI Dorvning Street ,^.r.1 -D 7DenverrCOBa€S7.Jr- / Rc: Casolar II ,Squere Footage Dear Deane: This lettcr is to let you know rvhat sguare' footage still rcmai.ns for Cas;olar II, and lrorv rve' are alloeating it. If you desire to lr:rt'e it allocated dif f ere:rtly, pJ ease let me knorv. 5V ]rr[',Lo ?9ltl"'2 .Lot Area 53,753 sclrtare feet sinpe over 4O'l 3,391 (per Richrrds trngitreeling 9-20--?9) Net Dcve.l opabl t-r 50, i(;g scluare f eet(iilr'ri lra.ctor' . 30 GIllrA Uscd ?1759Car'lirrg 3,732liintzir:g 4.,027 TOTAI, GIiI'A reme:'ning ? 132]- TCTAT Un it s rerno in in g 6- - 1'OT,1T-, GiiFA pcr rrnit i 1'220 >\ Unless t'.,c bcirr dif felent.ly ffin... you, tlris is the squa:'e f otrtagc i)e:' unj.t that ruc are using for zotrj-ng prll'Ircsi-r!-:. ^ Sirrcclely,ti'..\.-, A f0 r] /.i,-4^,-/ ( I .V.t{/.-- "". i ,.'lrr:;r's .1,. lirrt''irrV ilotr jng A<hnirrLstrttor . .lt{s11t3tnt 22, f g?g r'"0," lg. o o;Er.+lr rs,TtT3t' ?.). cor'f'Jnlr and {eers trre rot is too crosc to thc creek. ?'he 4th item.on "ortu,"iirl Drager trren ques.troned whether there st:our.ri be a strcanrsrdo t,".,,,rl,tJ"fi]lliil,ffi:"'j;l:"'l;:"l3f,i.-,d;;,3l,'l|i,nl,T';il; Fcl:rtltrr'ly schedulcd nreeting. IIj.s l,rotion is to tablethtr lttL Bn'nR of vall ".qrre;t for-a ponditionoi u=. perniit andr'nrk r tt E variance-,unti r tt "-pr"nnlrg' ! nr;iior,run t"r conmissionrrrerrtJ.rr! schcdulcd ror setierrrJi rzl isis.^-;;;;y r?hite sccondcduro l't.tion and the cor"arnil"i"n-u"t"a urr*rri,"";;i; to t*bre gris rnatter. lrubl J e /lccommoda.tion . the agenda, lTcclel frrn _to ccl has beEillliTlEFavrn Rezoning from -.--_-i__+-by tlre appli cant. Tl:e Conmi.ssigl requested tlra.t itern 11",':':":o 3l^lfli: tiTu. - ssaqrll rail rrt - ^!!.9!i9-9!-{gl--!g_qqbd i v i s i on nr:rr',Jrer six bc . Dcane Knox ancl Harol. Ung"lf?m lvere pr-csent to spc:a!: tot!rc corrunissio'- Tr:e1' sxpr"ir.ih their prop'o*Ii_uhieh ib basicatlyrr to"rnrrouse co'cept. rr,Li.. niopos._r. ir i6i-'2,400 sq. f i. auprr exlors anct ona 3,zob. =q. -;;:''.Iioi"* rbt. .ir# J,iit" r'it1 .iie r.aoo$rl. tt. Glt,Tn" arrcl t'e -acnsitv-;;;i; irrr. z"r_'t,ri,.or.l.,rnhc.c r_eeuirer:rc::tsrur state.-r by J5nr lrubirr-. it,iir';rcccss rvill tre rl.o;r sa-n,r:;tone Roirrltt:tl \t;rir vicrv Drive- rrt" ."*i"a'ts have i".lrit"*tur:r' contror.s. -. P.ou Tcrrlii nlade thc tictlon t-o irpp.l.r\:ij .Ca.:.olLi. Va.il .il requcsi.i'or Rcsubdivi sicn .of Lot Z, -nio.f,. A, . Liorsriclgc );ilin;1 )r.o. I!" tt is in accor(anco-*iirl iirl cr.ster rrousiiig .on."1.ri andj]t't l'cen r..conuner..r.o.-f9r-.rrrrt".I"r rrv -ir,.,"iju.jri r:i,,,,"nt- of cor::rnunityif ;::i"Xil:Xl,;,,,1.I,1;":llii:-;i"J",r.a-ir,."ii"iiI"' ,i.n <1 thc. cc,n,::ission EUff r?fHffi#+r**'l+- j+;'riil=#'LZ9:r_.rr: j"io|zff Io l, " ll o I li,, i *;.1 f ", x1",. l l:r.- 3 i,1 cy q.1: ed . -cggler .. Lbtsfor l*e,sg_ .r. rill_ _l ,.rj:: 'r1..,.--. '''hc ou''er rva'is;'to rvork r,;i.th th is si.r,c as a rullolc.*,i,,. ""*'f 1,i1 l:'""11;;il;,1:i1,1 ;lnl:: ':jifl;;"lrilit"-";;'il,,iitr,.a, Gt,(:t I. {:(; ' ;.r-. f''.'-. : - 'l'lrc 'conrnrrss:i.on asris ior- ilrc orirrs-r,r... l-c::sori.ini: orr i.i,i= ,.,rq,,,.,ut.-.'r!i ('.\pl:rirrcd dur.i.rrg aira":;ri"n 1 lr:r t i 1: r1:i-\, l)(-. ,1c)t,e f<::rsr:.blci'"'tt(u tlre Lc,t l:,r.,in"Iiuii""".,',,rrrr,, lc si1-. r;o 1.t)i]t .i.l,i,t: "^"tllI' h:rve to rr:r*r:'orr.r crilii..i"*r, ti,c l,t:,::r.ril;'1.o ttre 'r.c.,.iect.i"i, rl.1'e1l that t.lrc. rtriii, i;r'i;"i;,,.',.u. r.).t,r.ii otr i.!rc sitc r.r;. rr:-rrir;,.i *ii'"" 1t[)nf'''s rit'r:rrttrr lbc CXir:1:iu1; ti'.-r,r,,. 'li,* -rr,,i,,,;irt rrt:vjt-,,..., t].:rr-rtt,.l.l't"t.vt"t t'is p.r:rrr. r'r," c"r'ii ;r;:.:it:rr.fr...r ,,.Lrrr:1rrrl) :i:t l;irr;,,).,. rii !t gooi! jrli;:r :utrl iJit,r:s i.)r,, 1rr.,,.i,.:c:i; ni,rr .... f l(,.\j l:: I itv. . - 111.1',..r. l'j. l.licrnc j cr rnaclu l.lrc l,lrrt. i {),1 t() r,rrrrr.,.,a.,-. t:ltc \r:r<.lr.l_ iott Roger: ED Rubin Gerry: Rubin: Planuing and Partial [nvironncnta.l Commissi on ninutes fot" 8/?-2/78 Ed Drager:Deane, go ahead with whatever is ready. Xnox: Lot 7, Block A Lionsridge Filing #I to cluster housingordinance. We follovr the same approach with this site as we did for thesites AB, A9 which are nor"l part of in ir'hich we have dividedthe ground and we have platted envelopes indicated by these squares, and uh,this is what we are proposing,...actually, we subdivided {coughing) intofive building sites, that r+ould actually be 4 duplex sites of approximately,well, 2400 square feet each and one triplex site of 3200 square feet. The,I think if you follow the area of zoning to the letter, rve would have been allori'cd "'to have built 12 units on this site, and in evaluating the actual proper use ofthe land and the. .and everything else, we are proposing to drop that back to 11 and then, Jim Rubin has taken the tine to kind of box out an af,ea thar would be reduced greater further in GRFA due to a smal1 area in here that is in excess of our 409o slope grade report. So, taking all those factors into cons ideratilon ue will end up ttith a project that will al1ow approxiraately 1l units of 1400 squarefeet gross residential floor area in each. Are you asking for a vacation of lot line betlveen lot 7,..,.ok xnox, Tfi9tairtltfi"ttTfiA that rve are considering, bur that's not irnportant at this presuu ua uiurr. Rubin: What theyrre asking for is a resubdivision of this property and this is the sarne concept as the Casolar project on A8, 49 which you have seen before where theyare 1ega1ly defining building envelopes, and thatts why they were required togo through the subdivision process, and they are not changing the lot lines atall, theytre changing any easenents, theyrre just putting the building sites orbuilding envelopes onto the 1ot and the density and the no. of square feet arewithin the confines of the zoning ordinance, so that itts just the placeurentof the envelopes on the site. ED ED This' if I recall, on lot 8 and lot g was first implenentation werve had of ourcluster housing ordj.nance. And I think wotked quite closely wi.th Di-ana and Irn not sure who else down-stdirs in attenpting to corne to a deterrnination of hort' rde use that clustcr housipg ordinance and rnake it work. Will each.o$mer have an undividcd interest irr the entiTe lot? That is true less the building envelope In the connon space. The zoning is low density multi-fanily and this was a lot which was suggested for down zoning last Novernber to Residential Cluster, and it was kept LDI'{F. (9 units per acre) How does that rrrork with ninimunr lot area? This is an unrrsual conccpt here, because cach one of thcse building sitcs is no- where close to nin imrrn lot arca, but thcy arc not being expressed as in<livirlual Piic -2-s/22/7s( a More I ike a townhouse A totr:rhouse gith a postage staurp lot, My oniy guestion, and maybe we did answer it on thewlnls ro add on beyond the 1400 sq ft of GRFA, howof land that he ohrls, or can he not then add on? first pass, is what if soneone does that relate to the anount ' lots, thcy arc bcing cxprcssctr :rs buii<Iing sites trrr-.rrrscrvcs. fitl: You have to re.id thc clustcr llousiirg provision which allorvs so rnany ranitspcr acrc--therc are ratios in there. Thi-s is a ncthod of impl cmentfus-"u,i 1 thinkat thc tinre that you originally dicl this, this-Diana fclt ""s tl." p"-i*rrirL* mcthodfor imp)eaenting it. Ilrtbin:'rhis is liasically the sanc thing as developing the site as a whole, a$d it hasto do with the sane restrictions, the onry aieference is that the j.ndividuallots are- being individuatty owned, which is similar to a condominiurn agreenientexcept that they are owning the land underneath the units. Roger: LO Sandy: F,t . Sandy: nox : Irbin; Edl KNox: Sandy: Xnox Rubin ? Itd: Knox : First of al 1' theytd have a GRFA variance problen on the entire site, secondry,by the way theyrve drawn the envelop"i, ""i"r" the guy builds on lessthan his ful1 envelope, he would be puiting hi.s privaie stTucrure on conn'nityor conmon land which he couldnrt do without everyone t s consent, so hers boxeddoubly. so itts a fixed Droject then, in that. sense. That's kind of what we. Any bui.lding expansion wourd, have to go tnrough the zoning department. And wehave _the regulations as to the naximui size of the unlt "io tni, would not besomething that we r,rould permit. Plus, if he got outside the envelope, hers going to have to contend with all theother owners of the cornnon ground. ,... r.,...,a townhouse condonini.um concept fairly restrictive. Jim, did-you_say it is,. an LDMF ZONE was left there--! rmits, however, we,reusing this cluster. O.K, (canrt hear).,,..acfes Itihich would permit thern ll I move for approval. units, and thatts what they have designed for, Your access will come through your road cut off in g and 9? Access.-to-the uppcr 3 will come off of sandstone Drive and accessroad. Vcil View Drive, will involve,..,..,we feel at this tine asort of follows this contour...,.,,.. Do your covenants address this problern of expanding? frorn the I ower driveuay that 6crry I 'prc -3- B/22/7s Q id: We havc thcrn in front of rts . Knox: . . - .You mean beyond r'rhat the cnvelope ' . ' ' Gerry: Yes. Knox Yes .' velY clear' Gerry Itrs totallY sPelled cut. Knox: I believe our covenants and our declaration....approved by Cowtcil ' Ed: Did you use the same covenants for this aS you used for the othe1.? Knox: It is the same, in there, it allows us to expand to adj acent Plopelty on the east and west within the addendunn and that addenilum Jin and I r.Ient over' a couple of, things herd like to see in there, and l agreed with that this mornin5., uh, but it covers it in the first reading there, and the addendurn wi}l follol now as. we rve got recolnnendat ions . . . Ed: I think one thing that rnight possibly happen if I remenrber this, if a guy bought one of these buiiding envelop'es ancl bnly-iruilt on half of it, he could expand up to the permitted Cnpn U" 'was granted plus out to the edge of the buildi-ngl envelope. 'In other words, if he bought in 800 squarea building envelope and put 800 square feet on half of it today'.. Knox That would be under min imurn requircmcnts ' Ed: Oh, youtve got ninimum requirements, O.K' Jirn T::,:attt have to abide by the distance between builclings ancl at1 ot'hef lequirerBents Ed: It,s conceivable, and I think the answer to Gerryis question,-itrs conccivable a guy could get hinself into a position he could leave himself an expansion space later on and might not"need variances at all' , -- '... :-: Knox Thatrs true, that rs tTue, of course we have in our restrictive covenants thc arch- : itecturai-J;r;;;i.:.;::':: ;; we rropefurry witl do some of this ...work... Gerry lt,s assunable som:ol-e would steam off a way to defeat your best intentions' .Jim: .?he covenants you have in front of you is for the first Casolal proiect' it?s ''not for t5e Znd bn-e, Jim: "Right. And I just wdnted to give thi.s.to you' you ktrow, if there orc itrly qucstions ._ arrqqt easement;. -ol Tyth:.lc ;lr,:,.it.1 all covered in the covenanf,s' Gerryi I still have one minor question, I suppose Irm thinking ncgiltivcly' I tlonrt knot'r why, but suppose soneone owneo'z unu"iop"u, what coul6 he do? in tcrns ot' rr Ed: 'ih* 2nd one woutd just be added on by arnendrnent' : - , project? _.:j:r.:.j -,,r .;*: : ,, ::-:: :l1i 1. . ..:: . . : You mean tie them togethcr? (yes) There ' are setbacks, Gerry ' 'l'Tiie c'rv" l t,lie's ' ' ' Do the covenants adrlress the setbccks f {'"rl each envelopc, so thnt if yott ouncd .'-..Gerry: . -' PtiC -4- S/ZZ/75 two' it wouldn't tnake any di.fference, they r,ioul d still have to have setbncks. Jin; They canrt build i.n be-'tween. Thcy canrt :rttach the buildings. These are..building sites, sim.ilar to lots and the lsay the covcnants are hrrj-tten, they woul4not be ablc to usc thc land in here until they had the entire agreenent of theentire land or^mers of the association Ed: That calls for an additional rcsubdivision, too. Gerty: That is my questi.on, suppose he di{ have the approval of the other land owners? Ed: I think hetd have to be back here for a resubdivision. Knox: ......back for a resubdivision nuch noi se Gerry : That I s the answer t.o my quest. i.oll . noise buy two of these and put then together to do that the would haveto go through their board, and then go thxough this board. 'oger Mr. Chairman, I would raove for approval of the request to resubdivide lot 7 inaccordance with the plan that !s been filed because it seens to acconmodate thecluster housing concept and has been reconrnended by the Departneng of Conrnunity Oev el oprnen t Ed : lte have no tnerno on this , correc.t ? O. ii . Gerry: SEcond. Ed: llotion by Roger Tilkeneier, second by Gerry l''lhite that'we approve the CasolarVail II request for resubdivision of lot 7 Block A Lionsridge fifi.ng #f. Al1those in fayor? Unanimous a L; '_a Town of Vail ft s cv'tf*; o'T ut[o6"e*-r (t Jim Rubin Zoning Adrninistrator Tovrn Counc i 1 Planning Connjssion Casolar Project in Vajl has run jnto a probiem concerninq the GRFA on phase II. I would like to review the transjstion of events for your revi ew. 7. In 1977 the tor.m reviewed and approved the follor,ring.A. "Envelo1re" concept for the Lion's Ridge Lots A-B and A-9, R.C. zoning.B. Vacation of property ljne thus combiiring tota'l square footage and establishinq a qross GRFA of. 35,740 square feet or 7775 sq. ft. per unitx 19 units (Exhibit A Toughill is note).C. }le established a pl an of 9 dupiex "cltvelopes" anC one singic farnily envelope. Hovlever, we reduced the 1775 eiP.FA per to 1690 GRFA thus pickinil up an additional 85 sq.ft plus an add'itional 20i5 sq. ft. GRFA or a total of 3630 sq. ft. of un- used GllF/r. Please note the purpose of this plan was to combine this surplus GRFA urith Phase II (Lot A*7) to give us the necessary GRFA for i;he plarri:ed ele'.,en unjts of 1690 GRFA eaclr (fou'i dupiex .tn,l one trip'l ex). Duringthis term o'F the prerrious zoning adn:iriistratcr i:h'i s r,ras discussed, A repeat of the same A-8, A-9, process t,/its suqclestcd for phase II. Tire samo ret,iew and suggestion l,ras t.rede by t.lre'incuthrrnt Z.A. tlhen r,le sub- mitted the phase Ii plarn jn 1978. The lt.C. concept in phase lJ, r,ias idcnt'ical to phase I, lras declared in the p'l annirig cr:nmi:;s'ions Lninurlesof Aug. 22, L978. (fxniUtt U.) Tlie epproval of Iihasr II was lio,,icver'. nct 'i ni'l u:;ivr' ol' tire iidii'i'lirirrj GRi,rt front l'itase I cjue the e,.listance of the prourrty lirre that,rie ncgicc.l,:d tovacate. This was brouqht to n.v attention by tlie 7.A. Bccause the zoninqof l-ot A-7'i s LDI1F thc Gli,FA ivas ailpr()ved at 140C GRirA per urrit: (i;rclr-rsive of an estjnrated 40ii s'l ope area). [{e reqiresteC a slcpe study at'ihai iirne. In 1977 and 1978 the declaration and rcstriciivc covenanis ti'sre re',,'r:iy;cd, changed, and firallJ, airproved by the i.ovrn cf Vai'l based an i6g0 srl - fi;. GFRii per unit. l^le djd no'b vacate the /r-7, A-.8, g lot line bscausc or" nunicrous changcs. Thc toun in a lettcr to Carsol;ir and Tr.irn-sat:rcrica sugtocsted a fjnal irlanbe subnitted when all chanoes such as cnvelope adjustmeuts (,'tc. a)'e firralized. in 1979 t'ie t{cl^e tolcj vo'bal1-y that Casolai II coujd not rracate tlie propertyline to abscrrb the addit'iona1 'foo';agc to rench orrr pliintrc,l 16g0 GiliA pcr tuni t. Otr Jirue 4, oi .Lli0, r.rc fiirall.v r i:ccivcrl tlte re*er,tt'l uation rrf o;r 'l i'lt tltvdited s1o1l;: plan. l,k: rrr.:rc I'c,tiltcccl to nl)f)t'o;iji;i;ri.t l.y 1:120 Clil.'A pcl. urrit 'i tr I'h-r:;g ii, eirllrt I::ti:ills 'i't^ol;r .yq;1'1' ,'..r,, 1nt. t:f 1,i,':rl !iy iiir;h'rrci rs [.irgirrccrirtrrtic l'i:5ltgnd3d r.r'i Llr't.liu lc'Ltel'r.,{' .,rrrre il0, i!rij0, (l:lhiirit,'["). 't l; 'Page 2 Last year r.re asAll zone check approved by the $le nor.r realiz-e that tor.rn officiats injtial'ly conc'luded that tlre zoning on phase I and phase II were the samc thus al'l orvjng the merqer of the two phases. This denial of the original direction, gjven us by the tor.rn has p1 aced us in an extremely precarious posit'iorl r,rjth our present oteners. 0f the five enve'l opes in Phase iI, tl.ro are in construction. Lot II, atriplex with 1342 GRFA per unit and lot 14 a'duplex wjth 1590 plus a questionabie overace. Duplex lots 13 and 15 ar.e in planniiri; stace and have requesteri a 1690 GRFA per unjt allocat'ioir. Thjs leaves iot 12 a duplex r,.rith a reduced GRFA of 933 sq. ft. A reductjon of ?.447 sq. ft. of GRFA (3380- e33) At th'is vriting most of the above is acadcmic, trut the facto:.s must bedealt with. 3.. Tli': prciect li.is app.lo\red for'140ii sc; . ft. pglq_tr'!; arrd i.;ls the -enforccd Iiriir. 2. The toun au'clrorjty after an unreasonable de'la-y further recjuced the GRFA. 'i'his fo'l 'l or,recl toun iinproval of tvro structtrres 'in excess of the inii'i a'l limitat.ions 3. The talin lras iqnored th: linritaJ;ions it has granted on both GRFA caiagor jc-:s and grantecl a;:1;rovais of s'curctur es 'i n e)icessof the 1 irt-it.at.'ions . 4- The tor.ln furthcr apprcrrl-'c! cne i:r'i plex enrl four duprler: 1cis. Th0 rif:t rel;itlts of the lirst sitc li;rs !-r':rii s.:ueczeii rii;;iir tind i s ilrpi';ri: i ii:r','i tc use i.is a ditpi e:: si ie. 5. Therefore, tlre entitlc;nent of s'i tc 12 as a ciuDle>l hi,.s been taken .rt'ra3r froirt Casolar by the arbjtr,rry granting of c)ices-s f I oor ari:a i n total d i sregai,ii o'l ihc i 'imi taii ons . l,le hai a p'l anned r,rj tlri ri Casol ar a srnal i non-sprai.i1 i ng con'nuni ty vri th dedicaled recrcrst-ioir ai ca, a solar conccpt, ancl a larcrer coimon area. lJe don't believe tit.'it otir request is urlrcasonalrle.rncl l;eg 3,our indulllcnceto cons'icicr this variiti(:c. t well as the torrrn apprrivcd 1690 GRFA for Phase II units. v;ork shccts shol the alior.;cd GRFA as 1690 (Exhibit "F') totrtn. (|J -t' .t I,' f;a-$19,t.: E" box 100 . vail, colorado 8l 1303) 476-56t3 l{ovember 4, 1977 . S. Tuughi I I Atl'rinistr.rtor off ice of llre tol'*'n marrger 657 Hr. Oeane Knox 800 l,lashington Denver, Co. E0203 Re: l-ols B and 9, Dlock A, Lionsriclge Fi)ing I,ic, I Oear Dcare: This is to confirm that al I zon'ing and sul:division requirenrents hrve beenmet for tlrc proposccl ca-solar project. The planning coi;nissicn anct 'foun C':unci'l - i:.rve .rpproved the vacation of the l,!^i-;pe rty-linc and c.ascncnt be-twcen tl,c tr'ro lrrtsl however, thc plat nust-l:c fil;Jd h,ith Eagle couniy. Design li,-'r'ien Board_has-given corrceptual apl:i.ov;r'l for the cntire project a.nd fina,l aporoval for Ptrase I. Eath prrase'.,..ri11 require fina] apirui'atft'o:n l,t.:.;: i1;rt llc'tii:ri !)c;rcl . The pro;'c'ct may be condominin'i zeci or tor,:nhcused so lonE as the land isnot fttrrit:,r srrbdivided. A tclurrhouse approicii r;ray ciiviie the.l;rnJ directlyunder a unit if the birlance of tLe tanil'is liclct i,s a cor,nion elr:rii:nt, If you hai'e further questions, please contact tne. 5i nce re1y, Cl: C0i'il.illliIl'Y Di:Y[1.(]:i rlNT {'r .Julr+ 20r 1930 J.ln Rubln ' fr o nLn g /idi! I ni3 iratoi' Box 10'J Yal1, c0 31657 Dour Jimt Tharrkgtl1t conc 1n fI-e naxl.ulr Glil;'"{ zt''j .t! 0 tric:Y irl t tt :i. f f c:: e:i i raaxlmumo i:itse lf $iilrA but l'clates ic .you for ;*our anu.l';ale . of iaaoLt'g Iie he:"otroro : I'n eln,cti aftlr ycur r"rrport on c nllnbsr of !'ccsso de:i-.ryne-aicC tn cu:: i:elarqtlll 1e t""r-i;"^iritt" - i'i,tci' I r';ne l'5';:o oi.iiiion:i 'io r']tssc J- does rct e ia'b: i'hi.::;e I ' ' I i'rouli.ti ltllc '1,:c ):Gqucst t)t).4 p::olll-cn er.s rrc r:-':ctc';i'lc tlis tc'.1:r :lnd of cotr.r'r:e sol-d p)-ca:'c notd that pa:t't; of the f oad 'iha'i: itl:g bce.:'i :'.'cito'ru i " 2 o iie epprovt:ri Carl- j,r'r" on traxi-r:un.J3l'0- !1i::'. ?-ti' sc ' i't" ) G[.iF.fr r sl'rd 'i.]rerc se(-'r']s to bc e discrei'o''t]' tni"1 j lri1l pulr$ ue v;J.'Lli Car l. i nfi " 3' As you sia.Y l:eca1.)-1 t"''3 r';sr'o to 53 Bll'g"rcC a grcs: Iot (l')rlse i f; l-I ) ert"-l s lnccr '(re ha"'{) 8ri ovcr abuuci:ri:e of srluilre fc'c','.,,!c . oi l'!Pse l- urrcl 5':rtir:? a-l--r' 'ihree io':s have bee:r conbin*C 1i:.-uo rlila i"o i".., t ';:i'lir lnto.f (:r'jin€ctJ'ritj' xoa'J3 'rt.,.,1 1,!inut t::e ;:r:oJect' .ri-s,;/r'r't blrcY:clt-...!:. i'j:{ r,i'iuri,ri"rr, il,e::"e i;i gr.ti-i.:i:il,].'c;-'cc j-)i z,oni;.il LlB-i':1 :rt-!: ;-i;';-tr r.ro'iig *.i,:.c;., i,roulcl <ii.si:-:--i-r';; argr rlt:cr cr:li:.{'-n1.r:e-Jc s. s'lucly and 't','-',f $1):1c trarla:''t:3 -toJ,,"ii.t:i'i.t611 r"h,: clt \{r.3 apn'i(,.; e:i. by tiri l-ott on'ilirl basj-c" jt"'s":u .iiOl s:.opc T.,ii:i eleEv;l-il.on f:--cn the ili;ltulrl ite rc'ri t r; 'iirc 11!gi1'3 :''ri t'"1 Eng i:ru o :: ix:; !: e pori."i'vur,.r.1.ait : It I I lri.l-i i:c up i:'$dey* J',:;',,r 2!'Lli r':rrd wi--l''L stop b'y'i:cr i-evict{ rrnc'.* ! }.,{'; { l'i,,'r r':'4'l-lr ' a"rIJU:Jij J-l,Jt:-,- |];uU li l, L:l Ji. lta ij i-:rirsvcllj". :.ii:,i;.1::i-; li,' " li-l-iO::; + I-l t:ta DI.,li//.'J.s t l> t,ttT?" lnltti t* depertment of cornrnunity devclopment r';lrat squa.re f oota ge stiJ-1ve are alLocatj.ng it. If dif f ere:'ri-.1y, pJ,eal;e 1et rne t Sin :iZ"/t i ; ''l a''\/ zo'n ,-,rt rt ff.,Q/,--.- c j i; A. Ilrr'l->:i_n tr;; .[clrrri n.i strator ljil box '100 vail, coloradc B1657 (3031 476.5S'.i3 June 2, 19iJ0 Deane i(nox L Dorvning Street -.., 1- D 7Dcnvcr, CO 8.).€57.J -' .- ,/ Re: Casolar Ii Square.Iootage Dea.r Deane: This lettcr is to let you Jrnotv rcmairrs f or: Casola.r II, and horv you desi-::e to have it allocatcd kuon'./s71/r("-{-o ?u+:'rn'-,2 I-,ct Area 53,?5ll squa-rc f ect $iope over 407j 3,485 (I;er R:ic.hards Engitreering 9-20-79) l{e't. Itc.'rr:1orrabie SO,:i(itl sclna-re f eet tiiir,'ii lac'L,or .30 GItlrA Used "l ,'759Cai'Iing1 3,732li'intzing 4,AZV TO])-lL Glil'./i ::ernai.iring 7,32I TCll'AL Un i.1; s renia-J n in g .6- -TOTAL GI{FA pcr urrit \ 1,220 )-'::-:=::5 \Unless r'.'e hcar-r differen1-ly )]1j5*nf 5'ou, l:his is the squarefootage 1>er ur:it tLi:"t \ie are us:'.rt1g for i:oi-r:i-ug pur:t-lc$es, ele1y, / tl.-.-\- t-. t L.; fi,tfirttcs-PdC'i i1g11rin t 22, 79?B Pg, 6 fo Col. l,Jn,r and fcels the Lot is too close to thc creeh. lid Drager then questionecl tr ct lrtl cl{ . vrhethcr there slroulrl be a strearnsicle re1;rr l irt'1y schc9u]-",]_ nrceting.His ilotion is to table .J'he 4th i-tem .on Irr>ger Tilkcmeier fert thttt to .rnsi'icr a1r. the qucstions brorrtilrl. up today_this rnatter sbculd be ?abLed irntil tlie next ( a tix*{r r*,r'Ti" nuirber six - Rc:oitest ttr'-, lr;L Bank of va-il.request for a condj-tional. Ltse perrnit ancll'r.rlrJ.irti vtrlaa;nge.until-, the Plar:ning ii, l:-nvironmcrr'i,al corrrrnissionf:rL-rrLJ.nti.scll.rQulcg 19r septcrnl:cr 12, \g?9. Gcrry li'llito sccorr<.lc.dtho l'fotion and tbe comrnj-ssion votei rnorj.,nourj.l,-to tabl-e tl:is rnatter, l,rrlr'l J c .4ccomnode,tion---::i- 'Ijie Cornnission requ.cstcd tha_t iteiriCi.r;cussccl at this tinie. Ca-s;olar \rai. 1 I-t .g_t J,"t 7, Ifl""k A, . tlre_agenda, 'll'cclc1 f nn _ Itczon j,ng fromto Ccl- has been-i;itna-iatvn tty tircj:appl:cant 1'n fo:r liesubdivision ' Dee*ne xnox and iiar.olrt Engstrom r'rr.ire pr:esertt to s1:ealr totlrc conunission. 1'he1' expJ.air:ed their pr.cpi:sa1 r.*r.ricir -ii basica111,rr ro'.vnhouse colr?glt. Tbej.r prcposal. js f or- 2,400 sq. it. -J"pi"" J-oLs'' ancl .;re 3, !o0. sq.- ft, t:-ip1ex lot. r'r.ie .,u j.ts rui1L i,,* r , ioor::{i. it - Grir',rr arr d !he dens:i1y nieei.s t;li<: Zon j-uFi o...-cr:inanc.r: recu j.rer:lc'1;srrrr sta.tc:d b)t Jim RtlLrin. 'Iheir acccss *'i ,[ I lre ir..o;r san.ir,l"i,.' non,ltrr:r-l \r;rir \r1'.s1v |vjr,rs. The g61,ena:rts have;;.r.-chi,tectura_l- conirols. J?rirr ?<-r-! il rnadc ti;c l,ict,''.on .i,i.. app-r::r:e ce:s-;c-!.i-r \rail .r l. ,,.e*uc-sci''or" tlcsrri:di.vi.sion .oi Lot .'/, Blocli A,' I-lorsricg"-i:-riri is;..';"*"&rr Jt is i.n acc'rdance rvitli the c1u::'t.. l.,orr=iiif concelit andi:t"$ bcen recomn.iende d f<;r: a1>pr:ovaJ. .by. tire o"1rririu,1""t of cornnrrni-tyllc't't:lolrtlent- Ger:ry \i'hi1;e iecor:dcci the irloti.b;r ancl ille {lcrditissiont"';l t.cc! uu:rttirnous alrprorrirl . :1r!_ 1 . I*:"lT^5^"n_ the agcnC;r tyas tbc;r rliscussed. Cc>glle:r. _ .--*:jt j*:Fi'J=Ig:;*1-t#=?g).ljrsr_isr-q_s_.&rii:,-J=rr*ei;r?r Lbts t>.ir. cJ. I ot _l-i!:__)r1frii-.en t;iri.sC-r\.iAlCir. .t.ir::.5c I_ f.'() I {)1:ti 'l'lrc .r'r'ic. w:lri:s '1 o rvo::Ji *'i.t!r trlisl si-te as a *.r:o.t e.,l i"""t lrt'c- tr'o *csicreirti-ar cJ uste:: si"1.cs, f) rr'i'Ls*oi].''nl.."iitted,t.t"' rrt'.'llL,:r- is pui.,t:1;rg .c>trly ? rrrri,t s on tiie s:lte. - 'l'lic'C<.iniririss:j.otr al;ks fclr. tht: crwncl.,:-: r-etso:ritrg oti .Llris r.t:qucst.'.rr!i ('.\pl;rirrccl 6lrrritrg. <lisc,rr.ssj.olt l, lr:rt i.i: ru:r.1, bc, riloro fr_,::siLlJ_cr i"l:l:1..: il,l loh .t:ir:r-'r.rr)r-iiril c-\rlc r;:rrilJo sji.r-- ..-;c> 1.1:at i.)r::;;. .'rrl.l ]' lr;r1'c to lt.r \zr: c)!r{) d )...i r.rlir,:r y jr:l ;:c(:trl.::; 1.tr 1;1.:c ;rr.c:,jccr... il,i,tJ:11:::l_,,1]:ll ]l:c F)irir j:,:'1:c',.'r,.r'c i.r.r.:cr.; r-rn'[,hq: rii,rc l.r;.rr.:.r:r.ni1iiri1 ,,,,,1 .l ,',r])i,:;_:i:'orrrrti 1.hc cxjl:1._ri.rr1; tr.r-:t:r;. ,l'ht: l)rri:.i lirl liirvjir,,, li9,rr.ii1.,t'\\)\'cit l.j) 1.._\ l)-1 ;r!t, .J'l)(] Cotr::u iri::;.i itri .i^t.lt.1.st .i:ll{_-.' })l.an ;rl; :t lli.tt1,;JerLIt' I i :; li 1';.-'rri .iil.::i urrrl 11.i.,,'r:s -i lr,.) p:.i.i.ii)ci: lri{} r':i J. l.cx.i r,.-:- I it\r. ll1r11i::r' 'J' j..Uicrnl: j,r:1. rnildc 1.lrc l,itlf, j <lri lt.r ili)Irr,:o1ij -Llrc \,:ic1r.{r,q1rr.l Ic, r"i l. . i\, i ... I ,t: 't I 50 iJ 800 Av. I cl. ui/ - l e'-r I Tdl. 831.7C1:] Tci. 25-93-97 L,;.:rrYCI, ti)ii.:I;:(:O i,uiUJ uurrtiiJr. O ,,-o ,,rru, Gu::illlajcrf ll,. t.'rex ico\ \y April 5, 1978' -'--::---a' . ':!, i': l' t .-i'L -)' -.:rrcicra JuluirPln. r-r Fr-r+r&rT'6:-tt V-?2 -7 { lls. Dj-ane-Toughi11 Tor.'n of Vai-l \rail r Colo::ado 81657 Dear Diane: Attached ],ott rvi1l find a cl:eck fo.: $100- 00 and a pJ-an of ti:e Casolar Del i{o::tc+ site. . I rsoul&.Iike -to outline brierLy ibe everts leadfirg upto this applica:ion fo:: variance. In ]977 r're had recej.ved conccp'.-ua1 app;:oval- of ';irc en';ire proiccL f::o:r Desicn Rev j.crv Boa:'d baseC on a condoiirir:iirrized' o:: i.oi';rrhous.e approach (ai'cachecl co;)y ) In rcvier+ j-nq thc coltcel)t- ]>oi-h i"i:i: . Trarrsai:e:: j.c;in 'li-u1e, lcndi;:g sour'ccrj, ari:d Cou::ci-1, a probl-r,:,r atl:ose as io jr-,si: ul'rat:j-s tbe prosi>ccti.vc iruye:: rcccivii'rE. Iior..r is i:e protecied anC itha'u are h.i.s linitar.ion:;? Using the to\.inhousc concept r.re Cerreloped site loca-uiong tlrat r.re shall call Enrrel r:pcs - The Envelope rras -,-o be thesii:e rohj-ch i:he bu1'st vt;:s; allor.recj tc; de.sign and buj. li a struc-{-ure. He r'ras Eiven siil n.:ti1-h:; t'o cubnit: pia:'rs- lif t'cr .ipplcvala survcy \..'as to be provirlcd t-o csr:ablish thc parinciers ofthc fonndaiiol:s and finally, a dccd i.ssucd s]-"'oi'rj.ng r*ha; tirebltyer really bougl:t. (,rrt-.i:ached aecfa).atioD and re.si-::ict-ive -*r-^1(- \,, \, \: I i c,I I t_ > ,, . The prolllcjiris tl)ai: l:irt,e Jreen c::eatcci b1' tlris fo;:n axe as folLor.rs: 'Ilrc prrrciterser of a s:ite Coes not rca1l.y o'..::: aiivtlr:'r-r:cl uni:il. r:lti::in j-sE j ot'l ir:td at:,1:r:or';:l- of i>lairrs. ':lhis nay 1-ake .co:-rs;iccral-:).f iito::r: tir.i: t,l'r.itr sj.r: r,torjLtrg 1. :i. r: gt,.::c {-- i.'; .}-c rtn -l-- i l- s u rivc l:' .i ^ rr-..,,-,^,. ..r.r'.-,zl /lr'.-.i.\-- tl\-l-f j., tlr,; / i \-'!-\.1, r_\.\r ue- rr.Y .b ll tt -..d 1 Hl;1.-4i t flr -f" tmvsn q71.fiI{il r(nii i,,tilt . box 100 . vail. colorado 81657 . (303! 47$-s613 'Ncrvemirel' f+, 1977 <office of the tov,.n menager .Mr, Deane Knox '800 l{ashi ngton Denver, Co. $C203 Re; l-oi;s I and 9, Dlock I\, l_'ionsridge l.i1f rig iic. 1 ,Dear Dea.:ie: This is tc confirnr that al 1 zon'ing irnC sui:llivjsiorr recJuirerrr:nts hai,e becn met fori;i:t proposed Ca-sclar pr'oject. The Pliinning Conmission ancl Tclrrn Couucil jriive approved i:he vaca';ion of the p!,.-'ilEi^ty l jne and sasclr:rnt be- ttieen ti;i: t';ltr lr;ts; hci.ie'lei-, thc plai ilust b.r f-i lsd h'ith Eag'le County. Design lterrier'l Board has givcn crrncepi;ua.1 appi.l,;irl for the entire project and 'i'inir'i epprcvEl f-or Phase I. Each phase.rviii require final i'piirov.alfroil Il,:,1 iiin Revjt:ii litircl . The projc'ct. may be condornininli:1.-:d or tov:nhcusea so long as the'l and is nr:t fut'tl::.,r subdir,'itjcci. A tc+nhor-ise a;rproacii ri;ay ciivide tlie lanC ciirectiy under a unit if the balancc o'l'tile land is lrcirt as a cori:iton clen:nt, Ii" 1,grl hair: further qucstions, please ccrntact rrie. Sincerc)1', DEf/ii'l r){:,'-i L:l: COlliiiii:il| Y Di:\'':i (ri;iIIlT /// , {'4 i //^/ /. " I / -4:-r.,-.e,,/.' . t.!/ / t,, . - ., ?. _ r --, t --,.,-*,.".:r/i q]. / L --t- + [r/i ltria S. i';uohill / Zcni r:q /t,1,.' i tris tr.r tc'r \ (l Inwn 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3(F) 4792138 (3(ts) 47$2139 February 12, L992 Mr. Larry Agneberg c,/o Prudential Gore Range Properties 511. Li.onshead MaIlVail, Colorado 8l-557 olfice of community development Re: T,ot 12, Casolar f I Dear Larry: LoE !2r Casolar II, is zoned Resid.ential Cluster, and is alsopart of a planned development. Lot 12 is permit.ted a duplex, or2 unlts. Part of the restrictions of Casolar II development is arestricted maximum GRFA of 1690 per unit.. In addition, OrdinanceNo. 1.5, of 1"991, a1l-ows for an additional 225 square feet to eachconstructed unit on Lot 12. A11 lots in Casolar II must be construcLed within an approvedbuilding envelope. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, 8'{,,{ PLanninq Technician fl(lr \l I tv CTC-I PTANTTING AND ENVIRONI"IENTAL COMMISSION ltonday, July 27, 1981 3:00 p.rn. l. Approval of ninutes of neeting of July 15, lgglr 2, Request for amendment in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 1g.66.160. to the eoning ordinance frorn Residential Cluster to Residential Piirnary/Secondaryin order to build a residential unit together with a caretakerts unit.Applicant: Doyle Hopkins. f. $equest for a density variance in gross residential floor area in order to >K build a duplex on lot 12, Block A7, Casolar Vail II at ll01 Vail View Drive./ Applicants: McDonald, Cat.oe, Etc, penion retirement'Trust. 4. A request for a ninor subdivision approval under Town of Vail Subd,ivisionregulations on_1-ots_1,2,4, and 5, Lionsridge #2, in the Ridge at vail, thev_alley, Phase rv. The applieation is requisted to revise the siting ;f 2duplex units and to allow a nore flexible siting for a single fauily unit.Applicant: The Valley Associates. 5. Application for a conditonal use permit for a water collection syst,enand- puurp station in and adjacent to Gore creek, irDnediately bellw theconfluence of Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek, in order io operate sno*'. naking rnach inery. Ayyii*o,.':. i'aii AssusiaLes, Inc. 6. Application for an exterior alteration or nodification in Comnercial Core IIfor the Concert HalL P1aza Building to constTuct an entrance to the St"udio' fron the eastem side and to revise the steps to the Concert ttall Plaaa.Application is nade in accordance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail ltunicipalcode. The location i.s.on Lot I, vail Lionshead 4th Fiting. Applicant:Vail Underground, Inc. Published in the VaiL Trail July 24, 1981. (.Q c5 ME[0R{\D$l T0 Planning and Environtlental Commission FRoM: D.epartnent of Corununity Developnent/Peter Patten DATE: JuIy 27, l98I RE: llcDonald variance request for site 12, lot A-7, Block A, Casolar Vail II. The Staff has completed a considerable anount of research on this matter sincethe Last PEc mmeting at which the request for a GRFA variance of..zg64 squarefeet was tabled, rhere are 516 square feet of GRFA reft on 1ot R-7 at thistirne and the request is for 2 units of 1690 sq ft each, toraling 33g0 sq ft,Thus, 3380 minus 516 equals a GRFA variance of 2864 sq ft, The 3390 sq -ft per duplex is a reflection of the covenants of the property and is the rnaxirnrm ltlowed.The following represents a sunmary of sone of these findings: l. Although at the PEC neeting of August 22, 1978 everyone agreed the building envel.opes were "sites" only and not legal lots, the plat which was signedby the PEC chairnan stated that these envelopes r,rere lots. 2. The Town considered all along in this matter that Deane Knox was the legal representative and spokesman for al1 requests (including those for site 121 concerning the Casolar propertF. It is now clear that Mr. Knox nas not the legal rePresentative tpeaking for site L2 requests, as he was not the property owner of that site. However, it is obvious that Mr. McDonald lras aware that Mr, l(nox was asking for a GRFA variance on site 12 in the original application in the fal1 of 1980. 3, Mr. IrlcDonald appears to be an innocent third party victim of extensive rnishandlings of the Project on the part of Irk. Knox. 4. I'here never was a clear understanding on the part. of the staff as to the . allocation of GRFA--aggregate or per rmit' At the August 22' 1978 PEC neeting, I'tr, ftnox estinated (because the slope analysis was not done) the project would be 11 units of 1400 sqwre feet GRFA each- Later, the 1400 sq ft was referred to several tines (evidently taken as the estinated per uni.t figure), including once by a Town of Vail Staff menber' The fAoO sq ft figure never reappeared again, either in project covenants or by the staffn until the GRFA problen arose. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the l'tunicipal Code, _ = : : = :I ]the Departnent of Gonmunity UeveloPment recoiNnends aPprovar ol Ene requeSted variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the r '... ,.- | -- - tenti.alsted variance to other existing or lrlcilonal; -2- :-i r'(!(5 and_structures i-n tle f icinity: The site was to have a duplex on it all along, as platted, No negative effects are foreseen on surrounding struct.ures as they all expected to have a duplex there fron the start, a The degree to wlich relief fron the strict or literal int,erpretation and en- ulifgilrity 9f tregtment among sites in the Vilinity oattarie$-the, oEjcril;esof thi.s title withgut glant of speci.tl piiiilege. -- We feel that, due t.o our lastest research, that this is a very unusual case artd that l.Ir. I'lcDonald did not i.nflict this hardship upon hinself. Tlrere were inconsistent. actions taken on tbe part of the staff concerning the project as uel 1. ltle do not think that this would be a precedent-sett,ing grant-ing becauseof the totally unique conditions surrounding this project. The effect of.the requested variance on light and air, distribution of popula-t1ql, lransportation and traffic facilities, pubiic facilities- and uEilities, and public safet,y. ftrere are no effects on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the conrnission deenrs applicable to the groposeo vanange. FINDIN6S: l g findingsDerore grantlng a.variance: % The the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilegeinconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in tr,"'s"*u---di strict . That the granting of the variance will not be detri;Denral to the public healrh,safety, or welfare, or nateria]ly injurious to properties or .mprovements inthe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for the t'o1l.owing reason: Ther.e ar9 exceptions or extraordinary circurnsrances or conditions applicableto the site of the variance that do not apply generarty to other prlie;;i;;-in the same zone. i . .J llcDonald -3- ?/zfl REC0I'fIIENDATION: The Stat'f feels that, for the reasons stated throughout this neno, that this GRFA variance whould be granted. lVe feet it is an unfortunate situation that werre in this position at this tine, but donrt feel that, Mr. lrlcOonald is basicallyat fault. We feel that due to the obvious rbxceptions or extraordinary circurn- stances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply -. generally to other propertJ.es in the same zone" provision that we can recorunendapproval" providing that the follor+i.ng condition be rnet: 1. That the {864 square feet plus 516 square feet, toralling 33g0 squarefeet nust be applied only to site 12, lot A-7, Casolar Vail II. ) (I PLfuryNIi'IC ANO ENVIROiIEN'IAL COI.LIIISSION July 27, 1951. MEI''BER.S PRESENT STAFF PITTSE\IT Dick Ryan Larry fisk:*ith Peter Fatten Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL R!:PRESIN'IATIVE Or, Steiuberg 1, SrFfoyai of ninutes of meeting of July_LS, 19Bl . llrm corcoran noved and Duane Piper seconl..cd to approve the minutes. votc uas 4-0, unatrirnous. 2, F.e ucst for arcndr,rcnt in accorda:rce lrith Sect.ions 18.. 1i0 thro';'rh 18.66. i60of tjre zoui.ng ordinence to r.ezone -Iot esi.r:lcntial '{,; Gaynor llilter Gerry I'ihite Dan Corcoran Duane Fiper Scott Edlards Jint lJorgan I I L C 1 u r','r" nr r:'o Pr ihary/ Secon da ry f or'r-Doi 1 e i-lopkins, Peiet Patten expiainecl the ne o acd shcr,'ed rghere the project rlras in r-elationto Cliffsidc and tsriar Patcl. Ilicl: Ryar: st.ated ttra.t, *"he staff fett r.he circt3e in aoni.l11 t\'orlid itlrpr:ove .the site pJ an aird cJ ir,r.ir,*-- *.. I.-^^-,.-*-.;-'*-;i. ll-,;--l-,. folloi'red as to nhethcr or not to allor" P,/S GlltrA or retain thc RC GliFri. i.r r''rs also poi,ntc'C out thai. at the tir,te of arlriGXiriuiil, the siee rras ai'bitraril)'ltc u:.th thc knor'rl eilgc thai sorre perirJ o rr.oul d r".ani to ci:ange \alier,. il.nd tliat soiirc loi:s trolri d bepenaliz'.:tl. Peter felt that.alLor{j.ng luore flcxibiiity rvas a bcncrfit l;ithout ir+edj.n.q,tc gra$t adcii.tional GRI:.\ also. Ed L:rsgsl'n rcpresenting the or,rrer, statcd that they agrccd with cor..lj.tio:rs L and2, but llot tsith 3 (restricring the aliorr'sbLe GRF'A to RCJ. Hc felt tlat suriorndingprcperties ira<i been'"given" additional GRFr\, arrd aCdcd tlict there lrcu1d be hrgher density all aror:nd this lot. lle also fclt that the otr.ner uoulC be trtKing t!:e lor Laok L.ctter by changing zones. Gcrry lt?rite renrintled thc applicant'ttlat hd uarrterl to de'rciop a sloFc over r[0ed, gndthat if 11iven the pri.vilcge to Co this, he ilroulcl be content with a ]orr'er. GllFA. Dttatrc asl:ed if they ctruld hlve asked for a vai'i.ancc to build on thc steep siope, He felt that llC acidlessrd the :Iope problcnr, nrid. that the site \?s lcly itetp. Ed fclt th;rt.-tlre plan as it rsas bcing preserrted rias sensitive to thr: sj.te. S.oatstetcd.that IIC ira'l becu.planricrl p-s atbit311',v, r'rith'.the thcught to lor.rhiag at caen :,lt*::p*t*l::y i:.il :*1n: in.. He felt tr.\:rt P/.s.r.':r.s a bcrtc.r.zone for tiie pr.o,,tr1ytnel .nf,,,?i:k :",1in,1crl tl'.c:::..thilt-Flaccni(.,rt rr", -ir:ii:ci;tllirt, "n,t itt"t-",i,f"i:-Ri'l'ir"y could build a ro:rC,./ Ti;.c stefl. f.rlt it' i.:as it:1rortirlt li(rt t-o liave th:lt roa(1. D..rrrad.l()(i thilt if t)'cy lrr':r:c forcu(t to builtl ncar ihc tep of t,hc sitc j.t r.;orild ttcvc:r f,c'!r,n t iv{} ).1'r.r:s cfr/ ultotr ltre ne:i}:irborirrg trrrits. Dcblttc r:c'lcer.rri1l: rr,hcthrr or not |.l. i - rtas -spol zorrjy'U:. l).icll 1-r_.nirl(lcii tl:crr.. thirr.irt thc ti.tirc of anllgxxt,ioit, thc)' !:ir-tl tlcci.rletltltrt ti:is lrccdc(t f-ur'"ilcr- sl.trdi ). -.. . l. PEc -2- 7/27/sL {c Bill Post rcpresenting thc devclopcrs of'fhc Riclge. (vallcy AssociatesJ requcstedof the connission that if thcy alior,r a roacl ncar-thc a,,p of the lot, that it berequircd (as werr as the housc) to be berow thc riclgc line. l{e stated that arr :l:,::l:1:":: ^'l ll: Ildg" were required. to be rvithln "uu"l"pu" rvith heiglrt re_strictions so as not to intcrfcre with the rirlge rinc. p"i;;-;";;"an..'ir'.on".r"uthat the driveway courd be buirt so iii"i it *u!-,i;ir-rry-invisible from trrcRidge units, "and that thal r,ras the reason thc staff r.;as e/thusiastic about thesite near the top. \ -- -" / ' l;:.;.1?::u*::*"::.ll"lg..:=:ll.,lown.council tnat. the/ srant the request to changcthe zoning from RC to p/s with the ii;;';;; ""ijriffir";;";r$;";"H";;"";;::ill :,t11.".:hT.q:, ]l..tl".thj.rd condiiion to read.:J)/ that they coopcrate wirlrthe staff in developing the site so-ir,""r"ra-"i-"ni ,il;.;;triii"iiii"olili.lthe ridge line. Peter poi.nted out that the staffthat the DRB has that jur.isdicti Scott then changed the third condj.concertcd effort to place thc road Roger then moved thcn movedwith the thrce conditions as esntt nake ,final decisions on siti-ng, lui on to rbad:3) thst the applicant rnake a belor.r the ridge 1ine. the vote was 2 for (Gaynor and Dan and Jim abstai"ning. d structur-e ) with stated in t staff menro . Gaynor seconded the noti.on, and afteScott), 3 against (Duane, Roger and discr.rssion that the nunendation to tire Council be for approval Duane scconr-led - Discussion followed as to lvhether or not t resrricr tnc seconciary un1t, to rental -to an enployee of Gore Valle1,. Ed stated t t they rvould therr nii.hrirau thcir:request; Gemy reiterated his conccrrr about ilding on a 40e; slope. Dan felthousing if given P/S zoning, anrl a'. bett.cr onc. that they should be able to f.ivii with ernpfoyeGalnor felt that the site with ?/S zonl.ilg rias .i The, vote rt'as 2 for (Roger anrlryith Dan and Jim abstainingr' Duane) and 3 against (Gaynor, Scctt and Gelr1,), concern about refle:aitg the feelings of all thc neurbcrs to t.he coturcil rr,es felt.Gelry stated that he fclt no change in zoning r*as needed, but that a varilncecotrld be applicd for. ."Jirn stat6d that hc <ti,lntt see hol.; the conniissio'e::scotlld ltavc stated that thcy nould consider locs in tlis ilrea at a laler d.rte,and thcn norv state that it shouldnrt bc reco;rsicl.r"i,--c""ry felt that to isolare'- a lot and rezone didn't m:rkFGiEI Dick Ryan :-enindccl irrl "onrniriior"rl.r-ii,o.that therc tvere special cilcurnstances iurtl thit it hn s, siatc(l that thcy h,o*ldgo back and reconsider. Pecer' siritl that thc staff-IiJ irol .onsi.t.:r: this srrotzoning. Larry Eskt'rith fclt th:rt this would not be consitle.r"a rpoi-rouini."'ifu,",no recomnlelldation for cit:hcr ,,ltp"ouii or clenial rvas foir.rirrclcd to T.orr,. cou*cir. ?, Reqtrcst_{ot a clcnsi.ty var.ii.rncc in gross rc,sitlcnt:ial flr,"ir. r* d, *?fi#jlii#: r* v,;iiif,iTinFh#H,#**qApplicants: IlcDonal d, Catoc, ctc, pcns.i.o. llctirer'cnt Trust. Pc:tcr |attcrr stntcd that--qf,c'staff hatl tlonc n lot of rcscarch on illis prot)crty 9:l:i"q.l:"t .du.!l:!_ i,i.i-ni;,"i st.t:crl thxt thc :;tirfr fclc tlc, iir.c,r,u,,t",r""*t''t:t'c tliffercrtt in tlrut Dcurrc iirrox hrrd Lrrovir.tlgc'Jf thc Clil:A, and }lcDonald ditlnot. lh: tlrought hc coulcr hrrve 1690 sq ft orr cuch sjrlb. Gcor.gc str:rw, rcl)r,osclltingI\icDonald, didn't wctlt to rcitc'ratc r+lr;it lrc h:rt! urcrrticr:u,l at thc last urecting. a PEC -3-7/2?/{? Dan felt that. thc Tor'n of \rail has not bcctr without fault, and that thcre wuslots of confusi on on both si<lcs. tlc thought that itlci)onal d krrcl before he cverbuilt on lots 15 and 15. ttc added that it was an unfortunatc situation and agrecd with thc Town of Vail staft- that it nccdccl to be put to rest. llc fclt that it wasnrt just thc'fown's fault. Gcrry lr,lhite agreed that enough nistakcs has been nade. - lrlart in Rutrenstcin, a resident of Casolar asked for infotnation on the proposcd slructure, and Peter pointed our that al I t@en+e-I+pcs had becn agreed ttnnn hu tha t-oc^f a* [r^-^ n,,-^-- A--^^.:^-:^- ^-:J ":-c [;L^-^^- ^-.^ -^J^ -L^., .-..--upon by the Casolar Home Owners Association, anU "if:(chan te madc, they nust height. Dick suggested would be.notified as to wireu the project cane before DRB. Irtart in statcd that as far as the horneorvner rneetings were concerned, he rvas notified after the last rneeting. be approvcd by the Association. lrlartin was concertrET abouEt wirh rhc secrelary and hc Duane moved and Dan secondcd to grant approval toin accord rrrith the staff neno. Thc vote nas 6-0 the requcst for a GRFA variancein f avor rEit-h Scott abstaining. lt A requcst for a ninol srrbdivision apfrloval under Tor.,n of Vail Srrbdivisionregulatlons on lots L,2, 4, and 5, Lionslidgc fr?, in the Ridgc at Vail, the val ley, Phase IV. The applicant is requesting to revise the siting of 2 duplcxunits and to allor,r a no1'e flexible siting for a single fernily unit, Apirlicant: The Valley Associates. Peter shor'red 4 sets of plats and e.xplained the meno, adding that the request.s did not affect GRFA, as the project is allotred a toral of 24,800 sq ft, ancl the developer is allorved to allocat:e that as they r*'ish. Craig Snoudorr shovred the plans. Peter stated that the staff felt that abandoning the lot line bctlr'eelots 2 € 3 would improve the siting of thc units and that the relocation of thclot line betrveen lots 4 and 5 r"'ould clealt up those lot I i.ncs. Ga't'nor lloved and Roqer seconded to approve.the request as pcr staff mcmo. Thc votcua's 5-0 in favor wiih Dan and Jiru I't.'iSsrarnrng. 5. ApFlic.ation fo.r a conditional use permir for a r{atcr col!$g!gn_q.:!glLaldpump-lEf iuencc- of Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek. Applicants: l,ail Associatcs, Inc. Dick Ryan revierved the mctiro. Gerry was concerned r.rith the minirnrrn strcam f 1o',,r, ard Dick -stated that there tra s a miniarunr stream florr' cstablished for (iore Crcck. Jim Clark represetting Vr\ said that they had presentcd the re<luired cnvjlonl[enta]. assessmelt, $tith a discussion on ninintrln stlcan floh'. lle adrlccl thrt nllch h'ctcr'$tould be put back i.nto the strcam. Jinr C. statcd thlt hc bclieved that the lrexj.tnurn amount VA r.'ill take from the strcan rvill bc l-l/2 nillion gallons pcr day totalfor the first phasc, and r'rhcn thc seconcl plrase is col:rplcted, thc nrrxirllun totll .wi11 bc 2 million. Gerry fclt that tltc' trtirti.rrur:r f [or" hadnrt bccn acklrcssccl. Jirusaid ihat it had becn i.dcntjfied in thcir rcport c,s 7-L/2 cfs lt thc confllruucc of thc tno cre'cks. Di.ccdssion follor.rotl r-oncclning thc use or- tlrc cfflucnt, arrclthc scherdul ing rvith rcsPcct to rnuddf inil thc strcarn. Jirn saicl thct thc sl.t.eanr wotrl<l bc .livcr-tcri to thc north side, antl thrt thc), nou].d cooltlj.nntc thrri r cffor:ts orl. thc bik<: plth wi.th Andl' Nolris rvith rcspect to paving lutd acccss. Dtrirlrc lslicdif Vr\ riorrld rr:pair thc bili.rr pltth if thr.r'ir rr<..r'c rn)'dc.st3uc.tio1, and Jiur Cl;11 us:illrcdhirn thcy r{ould. t AG:11-;I:i1I:l,lT Ol' pUliCli;\:i'i AND SiLE C.\SCI,AR DIJI, IJOJi'I'E Vail, Ccloraoo AGiil-;.11,!EN? cuLcrcd inl-o t:1.rc, l9 7 B , lre trr,cen CASCLAitCol oraclo, hcrc j,n;rf ter rr:f er-red l-o ds , hereirafter re 1l:rred i:o the Scl1cr, and rofas thc B|.ryer. .iCe r: a l- ion of tire terr:ns Agrcernen i:, Lhe par:ties day of ASSOCIAi'ES of D.:;rver r lo se-.1-Ithe Sr:11_cr rll) -rl <r u .l. e t{}lE!.,.iAS, the Se11r:r i.s the o,.rner of cei:tainprcirerLy in Eagle Coun ty , Coloracio, and l.;itEltEAS,, the SeIler clcsircs to se i._1. anC theDuyer dcsircs {:o buy a Burl-di'g Sit:c I oca{,=d r:n Scller, spioi:c r Ly ,. NOI,i, ?HEiiXf ORE , in con sand ccndilions contai.:red. i n t lt..i shereto agree as f ol L o,..,,.s : 1_. DEsCRIp,IIoN. Tlre Se l,1,:i: ag:-ce:,-;t-o thr: Buy,:r:, ard the Buyer ;iE.reLrs; {-o bii1., f romre:i1. prop.,e r:Ly hcreinaf tei c;il ir:ci thc Irr:of;,:r. t1, ,C'or:i-rLy, Coior:ado, de.scr:ibc,l irs.; fo.l_.i.o\r:l : ., i pAt(tii), ]!: !ui. J-<ii.rrq S i i.c ilo" (here.i.n._.iii.l aftc. ca1J.r:cl t_lLe "Builc_i.-rng Sj.tr:,,): /ij'{'' pol LrOIl r:f T,cl A-fl -.r rr,jl r/r.r- ^ _..i r.i^-.r^ .IIt,: drLCr catl-cci Ll.re "llililc_i.-rng Sj.tr:,,): /i.r . I r''---"*_33{_qi!l}--,rf*I,-o_t*}--B anrl Loi rt-.9 , Liorr ,s i: Rrr]!.t: r-)rrbcl j vi s jrr;r..Lo J->..: rrr,:;r:,_ ibccj i:r rnetr:s. . I an(l i)oltn(,:s, i.n nccor:.j;ncr: t", i t-h prcc-_cclurr:s\ q.r 1- {rr\ r- t, l- l- --. .t .- - -sr'1-.. 1'or-t.5 bc.i orv, s.r..ici po.rtiorr to fe sii:u;:Lcrlt':r)liLrr:.ly r+ttliin, aId 1.:o L,c e part cf lluilr_1*].ng lJ,:rcJi:iorr lvo " as sltown ar:d .[rrri-hcr-dcricri i:rcl c-in Lhr: riip of Casol,ar Dr:1 Norteal-i:aclrcd ire r:ct.o ;.tr-: d lreclc a 1;;:l{: h,-,r:r,.,f ;t ".;ijxlr-i.)tjt- :,A,i, se iil lliri. lci_i.:rq i.i_t,: io 1,.-oi-.rnai:cit no rlor:c i.h;rn 2x [)0 :;qr.r.rr.c f ,.]cl_ f, tircbr:i:lrrl.irics o.f sai_d llrri l,lirrq S:f.tcr t_o br:i, 1,, i i':;;':,'i';,!'l,lo'.l.il;i,l;l;r:,;',:"::i:I.,lill,,',,,,,,, .t.:. ' r-r\ \ ?:l):'l1""'.J (i'rv('ir;:lrl:i, rr':il r..i cl ;c:r:; ;1r:(r\ l.c,J'- / i'.. , ,- ,) \ J AI:i.ii'l:j ll: r-cSpe(:; I o :ie tl).i.:!::, et.c. :;._1t ,,. , r, | / LC\): Ll) rrl f lrc ::cst: t.-it.i.! ,",e c,)v()rr,tnl-:: 6f t i :. l-, , /\ ( (l,r:;c i.:l- I)cl lior-l ,: .:r:ri i_llc {)).(l i.;t,.trri..r..:i of l.llc ,1.., ' i i. rlt,J .'.i:.c llrali 11,.: ir,:.iL(,r.;.ri.ri(;,..: ..( i. f-1, t lr,.r 6,:l_*i ,,I i I :.:,r;,-tti,]i:'..,'1- rlr,: {,,i:,:.t,ri: i.::r ,..,i tlr irui)rli;;g I t'.<t 1,.' lt)r:.'.r i.,- rl Ll),_, 1-,,().), ..j i i. ..' .t,;-'- ....! "i.iL{rpt 0uildiirr; Silc ii o. 3 rririi.li:;!r,rli i:r: of nn dre;lt{) ii){_1 }"(j l}ran 2il ii () 5q11 ,1 i.g fr.ct" L pAItc}lL B ! (lrclei.nrf tcr rc f (-.rred to as"Il;rsr:nent Iti,;hts") consisti:rcJ of thefoi 1o',vin<;: a) An easr:rnent. for: e;:clr,r:;ive use of ion of Llrc Co;r::,on AI(,,r, $,rjrl I)orL jon lrtcle an .1ron nrl jact:nt t.o anrl !;urround- e Ertiltlj.ng Sit,e, Llrc )-lorrnrlarics of shal1 1-:e paral, IeI r+iLh the fr:o;rt,nd rcar bourrtl;rrics of tire DrriIc'lingoc:ted a dist_.rncc of Lrvelvc (12) fcethc f ronl- .-tncl sidr: l>orrrrr'lari.r_-:; of theng SiLe, anri t,iiirry ( 30) f eet f rom the ourrclary of thc BuilclL:.rg Site, withnents requireti by, or appropr:iate to,tr and exi.s'trltg roatlv;ays (provided no such adjr-t1;1"',r"1t shall siglificantlye the .rrca of 5nitl r:a:rr:r;rcni as such Iral I lr,.' dr-.t-r'rrni,r.1d i-l ,^..,n f C:..tl,i:,,,' ,.r j th rn^ni nn r'1nt ,a'-,^i - b) An caseilrenl for par:ki:rg :;pace ofa of no ntore trhan thr:ee hunC::ed (300) (c) Al ca:;crncn t of a(:ccss bcLtvcen the Btti lr1ing Site and t'-))e cent:raI rc-acir.'ay of t-hesubclivision.. {d) An casencnt fcr ut-ilitic:;; of the forcgoing easet:e;tL*< to be desc:r:ibcd in and bolrr-rds in accordance '.. rih L!'re 1>roccdttres setbetor^'. i -t- -, .{ ^ .. * .,..- 4, ),-.,-.A.2.,"'. ')':-l ' t ,-tt -, !.s..)-,f i']URCtlASIi PIIICI'. Tire pu::chase price for ( a PorLto inc ing th which sidc a Sitc 1 froilt t Btri Itli re;r r b adjust- tel-r. at that, en l. a I g -1" arrlil i; f.!i the J,o,,,f Ir'l t, { an a}:c lsguare each nct-es IorLh +-LA Dr^r,6rJ \t i:o be pai.d by the Bu,ver I;hall be i-he sutn , payaLrle as f ol lorvs : (a) t-he sun of $ on t.he exccr-rt- i on of tlr:r-s Agrecmcl.tt , r:cr:ci.1:t of rvlli ch is !tcrcby acllrov.'1cdr".;cd . (b) the balanc;e in caslt or ccr:ti f iecl f uncls aL clo:iing 3. T|ILE Coil-\1 1't'ti]'lN'| . l'li. l-l:i.n Lhi rt-y (30) davs :rf i-cr l.hc r-1at,r: of t-h j.s trgr r:cttrcnt t-hc 5c] I c r.' slla11 crrl:;c {'-o bc i)}:cDar:ctl i,,y ?ii.,\N:.lir}.i11}tICA 'lI'l'L)i 1}lSllltANCJl COl4l)A:'lY anr.l clr:L.ivcrilci a,, 1111t'r)[ 3 t].it'-li'' cct ,irli.t ltltlllL. Arly il-cats 'r:xccpt-i oitt; r.rr contli l-iotr:: 1'tlto'.{rt Oli t:lrc tit-lc co:ri;ni lrilcnl- rrot 1..,1. j r..:ct"cd t:o by ttl){r i.lrt)'(lr j.ri l','rit i :rtJ 11c I ivr-rt'ccl t'o t-ltc SolIt:r: rvii.lri;r i: if t-r-r,n (t:;j tl;!\'r;;tflrrr: r:ccci'[rL of srrr:]'t t iL) C coi:r;Ii. I ltrrrtrr; l:y t.itr-, i]rri,,,r. :,itA'l l, ).rC dr:c.titrlri .rcc:r:1:Lt:tl lry i-)ti: ltuyeJ: altrl tirc lirryr.r: l;l^rit'l I l:irtr:c;r1. 1- t-i r: lrr-: r'lct:tiitltl t-t'l 1r;vr: r+ai-vci1 drtl objtr<.:t.iirr irr t'r:l;1:cct- t:o al l ::rtcll itr:trt:;, c xr-: n1:t..!.otr l; or: t:r.r:tri i'l: j.ons r-'oitt.:irlr.-:d j:t sttc:Ji (l()lllllli Ltrr:ttL ' r 4. SU:li[SSiOit Ci.. r)L.li,t. .ttit hin six (6] in()nt-hsof t.he d.rr.r_. of .:\:: -.lr1.:ir*""t^ lo, ,1, 1r.!r i,n srrt;h r:xLn:rrtr:riPLlrio(i ,-,:t. t l)rl l)ilrttrll; r;lra I I rltrl rtag.r'(-,f.,n{rnL) it slr,itr l;c ,re or, I i,rt.:l ]l]: tr}j r;u1rpl cm{)nrr,rI strbmi t to tr,. i. r r cr thc ror ro,ri,lo r.;r of tlle iiuyer to - (a) .trr ,rr.ch i t_cr:rc"rr anri r;i.de cir:vnt iotrs of f:l.i;to e.r{rcr on L}:e BrrildlrJ iito.'- (b) prcl:ni;rarv 1:J.rns for such builtling.inr: Ir.rd i,n g 1:ar. r_icu i"ri;-;-;.il.dIr" of e:<terior ma Leri.r 1 s. (c) . A -srrr,,',t:y.:rl plot p);rrr .shr-r,,ri;rq the:i::i,l:"1;i1i.:j :';", i,i"ll1il;J i'ui r.ii:r,r siLc, oia u,. thc ease;r"ai -i;;-' "' Lr/.- (-'J5ujL'tj jr L- rur L)'\L: iuslvtl use 'a'd rhe o.-=.,,no,,t i;:-ji?r;ii;l: urc cas;r:,r,,.;r-i;;.'acc{rsjs L,ts,. l','r.)rle1-in,J r:f Lhc liro;rt,Dul l.(lrng Ru i,e r Proloscs \* . ,.t-'t rt.l*',1.vl ,' f ''' ltU'| ,, lJ''' d) \l''"\ Thc failur:c of l_l;e Br"rycr to comply rvilh the'f orcgoir.rg provisions- to =rir"lr"irron= a;rd sper:if icalronsas requircd lrcrein.slrclt consilirrte a breach of thisAgrce*ent,. The faiture ";-;;;;;,,I of Lhe serier ro appr:oveor d-i.s;:po::ovc t]:c plarrs uitfrin.-tlri.rl,y {30) ciai,r; afteri:;:i!;,.|'ili"irsl;11 u,'_.q"i"nrc,;-rr to oi,i,".,,lr ; proviclcd, I :y,, r".r,Ji"s';"lni;:"ii"i;:,;'i;o.fl ;:;''o:?t;:rl:.i;:;r'iroL have l;r_rss1 16-.ssi'ed_,luiin,f-r"la thirLy (30) claypcrioC, Lhcr.r tlrr: l-irne fc-rr Seil.er to app]. ovc o;: <ii-sap1>r:ovcthe pr'rns sh.rr--1 be exi-r:nrrca-to"n"a incrr.rcring t ire day onwhich appr-ovar sl-ral r uu ,Jio"i.c1 by sur.:h pubric authoritv. If the. Seller: rejccts {-he pJ.ans the SeJ_Ier shaLlr;pr':cificiillv st-atc in wrj uinf -tir,, reasoirs thcrefor, ar-i<iif sur:h o):icct-ions .rrc rciir;o.;irrr-c and cor-rs i:;t,.-,nL rviththc pr:ovis jons of this Agr;;;.;;;;, r:hc covcnanr:,i ofCa:.:ol-ar Dr:l i,l<.irl_c, or L.lrc orc] j.rrarr<__cs cf ,che ,Iovrn of Vail.or the ::u-f i'gs of the ro,un -oi-v,.,ir ,rt iL.s inr;rr:u;:lenL;r..r i.ti.espi:r:;ua.t i_o such,ortlitranccs, titr:' t.lre Bryer slt._r i I irave.en aclcli-ti.onal thi r:i_y (30) rlays i:r r..,li i ch ,;o aiur:lcl i.Ls,:,1:ii:_."n ..;pccific.rii;;s' ro'-i",r.' .r.,o objccrioirs of ,;'e J. r;;i 1 g 6rf 1'116., t!1. t,l r (.'rl'-i....r.... ..9 JlJl,J( (. \-limit;rtion:; tltc Ilrry6'7-; \/;r i l. ; l)rt l. IJo;.-t r.r i. {. l: o rr t- 'I'JTl,i] ltX(_.tiPUIOilIi rii.tD lUtiitil{V.4i.IONS. ThePt-opt-.1'[1y i)u.]-.tjl.l;tt.] l- l-r-> L]r i...; Agr.ct:rncrrl: 1., s Lo ltcLo Llt'.: f c>l Lo'.v.i.nU. r-,:i<_.r,IrLic>lr:1 , r c:;c.r..rraLions ra:rtl cotrrlitions v;ij.clr .,,.o fr"r"fry a<;ccpt-ecl by (ir) 'i.hc zor.rirrg <tlrl .i.n;rnce of t:lrc .io,.vn of (b) '.t'lr,:c (r.,lr i c;h c<,ri t .r j lr ir l)i)r'(rvn.1. r:f Llrc lic:;t-r'ir:[. i.vr: (i<>vcirilr L:; ct t' Cl:.;r:l;tr ^ i (-':jl.r'i,:t-i ()lt:;,l(.l,li n:;l: ).,tr i.),1.i ;rg./t) (:l)l.t.r.,r-. l.ril.tl C6trl.t.6I Cg::urr i t.t.,i,,) ; -.r:. " t (c) Rcrl ti:rtntc t.-ri:,ls ftlr I9?9 ;.ra.,'rblein I979; (d) Ct;r'cnan i:s t.'el; t t'i r-.1.. i Lrlt s of t..(l(tot-il; , conrliLj.ons, o('tsciliclll:s .tnd (e) E.-t sc ler.rl-sDel I'lortc attached as E:r!ribit: (f) Tcrrn.: oftlrc closing. 7. CLOSINGthe follolving: sllown on thc map of Casolar f or,_-mentioned; and tlr i-r; Ag r.'t-- cnrr,,n t- r.rhicir srrrvive 6. FOft.i OL. DeliD. Ccrrveyance,ol the prc.rpr:r;ysha11 be rnaile i:y tr-,e serr-er Lo trre Buyer by rvarr-.-r'ty ticccl:':L j':c3 5c .:::;:1- l:.1,i- r - <.-sr._ir, zi L-l-.,,r-, I _i,,, i L -.-. L *..' r, s .:,,r,lcc-ndit ions set f orth in paragr:ai:h 5 ebove. ' , i.l: ^,,.t" ,J .r rf i , i-'i" i,/)r" r/ \tt'- v \ Y (a) Thc conveyaitce to tl.re Ituyer of goodand nar}letablc title. to t-irc piol>crt-_y, as evide;rced by ast.rndard f o; i. tiLle insur.;,ircc Ir;1icy'in t_he f r_rlL arnor.rnt 1f l-!re purr;hase pr-i ce j.ss'.rcd uy riii..rlsrrilruRrcn ?rri,H rNSUrtA\cEcoi'iP.\: j'Y sr-rb ject. only to enr:uirbr-rrnces, cloucis anrl oLhertna';tc-'rs - as rilct! alrpcar on the titlc c<-.l.rrni t:nen t_ anci have not):c-cn object_ed t-o by t_he Ruyeri (b) Completionof thc survcy of the propert..y 4 ic) of t-]r j.s Agr:ccmcnt; Clo.;ing shall bc condil-io,rcd unon and sr-ritnrissi on t.o Sc.ll.er ;1** ;1-rlr.r j. rc<1 itr p.rra5r;rplr (c) men t: of: tlre ['ro1>crt_y agcnc j-cs r:eqrr i i:ecl tograph 4 (a) ; Fin"e1 ;rpproval ofby thc Seller "'rn<lapprove thc s;.,.rnc t-he 1;1.an for cleve 1.op-;l I qovL'rr.nr{jltLa l PU r_-5U.lnL to J);r I'a- (d) Il.rymcnl- 1;1' 11't. fJp.r/{l r of [.5c srrnh,:re j.n;rltovc reqr.rired to bc p.ri,d at c.l_osil-rg; an.i i rrg t.lrrce ( 3 ) sLul i_o'bc rlcl. ilo;nc 0r.,'ll:rsl (c) PaynerlL by Iluycr of g150.00 nonl-hs I cst.ina t_ecl rla.i.n [.cnenct: fcr: i,vr-..rr-.r1 t.o arrtl l: r--- lrJ i;y tlrc Ca:;o l ,r.rA:-isoci.tLion as .r rcscrvc f ulr] . CLOSI N(l lixi'llti:ji.Il " .i''lrc cxlr(lrtsc-!lj i n t:hc llol. l_o,.u'i rrr.; r:r,rr:nct. : rcpl-()a:c:1L- , l;a id IJc 1 I.lt> r Le of cl.osirrt_ysi:a L l. al . 1;. r i cilt r: t (a) 'fhc St:1. ltr: r;lra11 r>lv: (L) Tlrr: fu11 <:o:;ts of s,rcuring t:hrtitle insur,rncc policy dcscril_rr:d in p,rr,rgr:,iph 3 of ,;lris .qgf cjeinent; ilnd (2) The full cost of prcparing,ciiccllting and ac.knorvl.cdgi:rg airy <lrtcrls or otlter ins{-ru-nenbs rcqtri;ed Lo convcy good and nrarketable title tot-he P:opcr-iy t-o thc Buycr. (b) 't!:c Buycr shaIl pay: ciicci:i:i::9., .icl:ic.,;1,,Jj1lt ::: i:l:r:::; :,1rt;::,:il:3:,note or deed. of trust; and (2') ?he cost of reco::c] inq Lhe 9 . ENTRY ON pi?.CpDllTy. The Brryer, hi_s agencs,einploi'ccs, se1: vants or nonilcei;, are j]Lrreby granLed tlreriqht t:o imrnctliateJ.y cntcr on t-he proS.rcrt_y for thcptlrpose of nrnking thc survcy pr:ov j clccl f or i n th j s Zrgrce- nen l- and SuCh furihrrr r.rcli n,-r.ri,- jr gLtOlOgiCal Or SUf * vt:y i.s r.,or-k i.,', '.;;' ;; ;;;;;;;;t;"r Lrrc r.ircr;arrr-icrn by thcnof plans and maps f or thc dcvelol-:;lcn L of tire property. I 0 " ajOSj'I'S OF SUltVEy " A.1.1 c:ost s , e:ip(tr"!se:j ,1ia1;ilities or cirargcs incur-r:ed in cr relatcrl to the r;.ek i.nq of tl-re survey pr:ovidt-.d f or- in th_i_s Agr:cement, Lhepcrf ornancc of any enginccriirg, gcoloc;ic;rl or sr-lrveyingl r..'ork on t-hc Propert.y by the Br-ryer, Lhc prep;r:ai_l_o;.1 by t--lte Buyr-'r o1- arny p1:tns or naps for t_lre c'ievel opncnt oftlrc PropcrLy, and l-he co.sLs of fili.ng, rer;or-dinq org.eining ;ipprova)- l>y any c;ovct'nircnLal .irJr:rrc--ils oi anysuch surr.'crys, r.eL)orl:s, plirns ou nlaps shalI be paid byt!tc ))rrycr- 'l'ltc Ili-tyc r her.,:l>y a('j).-ces to .i.ndt:rnni.J-y arrd ho,l.<l irar:nrlcss t-he Scllcr:, t-hr: pr:oir._:rl-y of t-lrc SeJ. Ier.ancl tirc pr()ircri:y subjcct, Lo f_h j s Agr:ccncnt, from anysllch c():;Ls, ciipcnses, l- j.ab j_ j.i t:ics <>r char:qc:;. Tir'cIluycrr furl-lrcr-' :rgrces i-haL slroLrld this .^.gr-eerrei-i t_ bcl-cr:ni:raLcd or cancell.c<l fcr any rcal;on not Lhe f ar.rlt ofl:hc St:.1 l-cr at .rn:/ Lii'rc bcJ.or:c glrocl ;utr1 r,irr:kc:tal,.:1c tri {:l c LO tht: l-) rt>ir'3 y. Ly Iras l;ccn corrvr:ycd Lo l-hr: Iltryr--.r, l-lreBuyc.r :,;]ral1., ;rt- thc rvritt_c.n r:cqt.t1-jst of l_h<: Sel. l.r:r,, rc: 1:;'r i. l arry c:l trrr:r(Jc r,lortc l-o t.lrc 1)!:()lcr.ty 'lJy ;rity cngiirccl jng, c;cc>1ogi r.:;r 1 , o]: ::;ur.'vcy j.rrg w,:r k pr:r:llor:mc:cl l.hcr:con by Lhc Jluyr:r ;r:rrl Lo l'r-':;i-orc Lhc F:_-opr_:,ri_y ;rrrt_l t.hc i_ j_Ll.c Lo the )rt.-opct:t:1' 1-o Lhc s:arnc r:<tlrtlj,t: j otr t_hcv tv,'r c j n l!i of t-ho d,rl.c: oJl t:lr j l; ArlrcLlnl()n1,. Il. xll!:cu,l.Ic)i o!- Diivi_,-Lop:it}i,1 pLA)Js. TheScllcf egl'ccs to si,Jn arr<l i-::xccrrtc, at t.he cor;t :nrlcxl-'e::sc of t;tc Ru1'r-rr. il:)y ;irC ;r Il d'cr.:,nc'tsi th..tt rr.ry l:ei:'?rjrl.i1.-{-rd- Lo rt,r it:. rppr<>va I by ,rn}, gr)v{. t::tlrtnlti I .t(J1)n(j r.csof l-ire p1.r::s <tr in.ir:s rcqrrir,:d fJr-rlc'c--lrtp:ir.:'L oi tlr"Prol:crl-y r.-.r1u i t:,--d to br: :;rrb:litt-,:d to g()vcrnrr1lLal.a,t(rnL:ios by i-hc Buycr I)ursrlanl- Lo t:hc tcrnr:; of thisAg rcciir,: n L . {c) An aderlu;rle clra j l.rage syst_.:rrn; f , , ... i-,,:1. ^"u=,fff.i.!:Ki.tr e-ccorda:t{re ,turii:h' tl.re mi:g:,. of C;,r:,:oi..rr Del ljortt: arf or..e_nr:tr L i.ored. 12. POSSnssroN otFroi;ert-y fr::e ;ind cl<_-ar of acxccpt thosc herein prov itlerJat closing. 13. SUBDIVISIONagrccs that it wil1, at itsi.n; inpi-c;Ji :.: tr iri Casol;1.compleLed on or before thc !;rr i-J 11i nc; to the t: lr <: port.i on:; oll t. ir:l; 1.y1't-1 r:h ;.:rc , A r:r:it ]:c t.',.tc{]n t:iirt ;r.ra i.1.altl.e rjoii r c.-) ;irtl t.ic:; l.c,:r.l ilrrI a v;t i. l..rlr.l c t;()li r. cLr t-lre Bu)'c': ol: t-lrr__. PltCPEP.i'Y. Pcsscssion of tl-rell uscs and rnr::. cacl-,ncnts :;lra Il rc tlcl i.rcrr-'d Lo Bui'cr ISPROVElliiNTS . .Ihc Sel ler orrll c j{pcn:jc , cau$e l_lie f o} }ou- l*l i;;-J i:c L., l.: .i;.1- ;.i,1 | I st day of Se ptcmbe-r, I97 B : ta) Adequ.rte wat_cl- "-rains connecLed t-o aproper \./atc]: supi:ly; (b) Adcquat.c scrvsrs connectecl r+it,'t apropcr se\{cr sysLcm; The Se11er_ agrees Ljrat it will granL ;:dcquat:ccitsernrinLs fo:: elect--rical po1.Jc j: li:re:;, tcl epholc I j.iies.:nd Lelcvi siorr caltlcs, ana thaL it wil,l clo- al.L r:lssi.i.'IeL(rrrr\_:r, .r.r I L1 LitcrL lL WJ_J,.L CIO ci,t-I liaSS-l.J-)i.o f.:ci-li tat'c Lir,: ins;t-aIl.it j on of el-t:r:i- r-i.,:;r I poir,:r tiI ncsby tlol.y Crc:;s Electr:ic Associ.aLi r.r;r, Lcl cirhcrle 1i:tcs byI r Lrrt, L!:t LjI)rlU:ttt I-I:!CU uy'i'1our) taii-r lll-'11 'j'.,:.1ephone ccrnp.ny, arrtl Lcl.evis j_on cabl.r:shy Vai 1 Caitl.e TV; provi,ric:<i, - ho,l:,.,vrr:, i,irat Lhr: Scl-].crdoc.'.; irc:t gr:ar.-nt:t.ce l_hc i_nst:a.l..l at..i on of :;irch l_ i.r,ri_.s urr:,rlrle.s 'i-lte 13rryr_:r sh;rLl ):c rr:s;irc;irr;il:l_c ilnr i, rl :; t.. 1 1. i . ry ].., 1:-l:1 l.irrcs, il rops, fccrlc:rs eni i:j.cs ll.c.,,tinf iitrn r,he,:sl-ab1i_:;lrcd uLi1i.Li.r::i :;cturccs, i.nr:lrrr.ling :;t-t<:lt 1;rLr:r.al- I i.n,,'s r .lr-ops. f cr:c'icr-:; or-o,-. Inily bt:, Icrlrt i r-.r.ld t:o c.t. OSs t;llr-- Colull{ln Duyc r ' :; pr-t>pr_. I.-i:y I i.)te atrr.l tlrr_: nc;1 rcl,; tl. St-rclr l.at..r:i ;r l l..i ncs, cl r:,.tp:;, f c._,('ir.: l:t;j'r:rltn l),rr\,<tr' :; 1.ru i ) ri i:r3 t-o t_lrr.: nc;r1.-{)s l_ :;iral. l. br: in:;Lal.,ii.rcl ;{, thi.: .,1}:i)cn$ij ()f ui:il i(-y, it:j t-i:r: ,:;r:;c tr,ry l:r:. i ,3ad r:ontlit-ic;ns r>f _'_-ecor<l ^l-t I , t, I ,- Il . SURDIVIillo)i l)t,ri'. wj.thin a r:crs()n,:l-r1e ll i pcr:icd. of _tiinc fo11o'"'ing Llic saf e of al1 of the bu:-lding {' i sitcs i n Casol ar Der N.,r-tc r,br: sc.r 1cr shar.} cause to bc ;,,. L \, riiatlr_- a:d t. rlr:ordcd a pl.dt sho!/ii.rc; tl"re loc;tt j rJD crnr.l l;ounC_ .^L[r | .:ri cs o! cac]i ]-'ui l.dirrg si-tc, e.,.ir ,Jrirr{lvay e.rsement, rl. / e.:ch utility ca:icncltt, cascrncnt,s for vr;rLcr, :l{r,/,,,.. r aj1.l \ "fility nrain:, r,'!icli p1.a1- bi, .J_,1>r:o1;r:iatc nrarl:ing sl-ratI \ crrr.i r--1.y drsLiuguish e.rch buil-,-li;rg siLe ar)d thc ion,non Arca I lld :;!rail dtl lin,:ar:e r-hr: l.;ourcl.r. j.cs of ,chi: c()nnon roacl'.vay. I Tlre ?yi'g. hcr:cb1, ci(jrccs {-o acc{)!)t and sign such plat\ 1::-ovir,lc',1 sucil p'l.c'.t- ucr;r.r-ir Lr: r y rcpi,-r jyri:s f lie t-ruc lc:ca i-io;r::i z=, ci:l_cnt, J,i.nrits ant.l ]rorritcl,tr:i cs ol' circh of thc 15. (l()t..'\.'i.t!.:rtiCIt O!. (jL:..j)iOi,i .\.il.ljr ?o ;ir-t:,1i.:OlilililisrA:iSLrtIiYl'lOli. 1{j.t.itit.1 l.i_1,-lson;rblrl ir(:Li.o.i of Li:ne folicw-inq r-114 sale c>f .rll t.he l.lrtilrli":rq sit.-,:s in C,:r:;oI.rr DcliJor-1.c. thc S,r ) ler slraI l r_'onr,(r1, io t:irc (l;r:;ol irr D,lI :i.;rLe ll():lL-'ci{ne.j:s t .,1s soci,tt: i.on (; Crt1r:reilo ;roit-1-,r.o1 it corpoi.,;t: j.o;r exisLin13 rrrriir:r arrt.l by vl..i.'Lu{: of t-hr: Ii.:sLi-i<;t:ir,'rr Cor,,ilrantsof Casoltr D.tl. ljr:rt:e) Lots A-B ;incl .1-9 T,ir:ir,s RirlrjeSubtlivisior, ni:(lcpt lor Blri1.1 i;r,; iji.;t::t No. L t-!rr.r:,gh )lo.10, incluslve (said I,ots .\-B irrrd A-9 r:xr:r:i-:L for auilai"gSiLes t'Jo. l tirror-rgh \lo. l0 j.rrclu,;ivc ltcr..-l.,..r,,f t er rc-f c.:rred Lo as t-he "Connon pi--<-ri)c rL!', ) , r;rr)>j,*-,r;,g t_o ea:;enlcnts3pP'-lrt.crra:r'L tc buildinE siLi:s a f orcrrr:nt. j.or,,:cl for cxclu".sive u:;er p.rr ki,ng spact:, ri :- i !,oi.r, t ), s anrl ut_ili.tir:s, sr_rb-Jcct to .j <-t r; (lnc tr [. s res,.:rvccl b1' L]rc .,je.l-l_cr fo;: utiliLy rnainsand rca,-lrq.rys, a'd su!: j cct. ,co tl:e Sel ler's riglrt rc:;erved.i.n p.rratSl apn l3 bclow to cnl.,rrge ancl expand [.irc develop-ttcn1., .rnd srrb jt:ct t.o casc:nLtnt.s, rc:; Lr:icti.c..,ns, covcnau-rLs f c;rt rrrr:s tlcp:.ct-cc) l-l-ic::r:o:r. fjr.rr:!r l)l ai- slrall- ,ll l;o i,:-rc,rr,.1:o-r.;rl-c t-hc rcl;t-rict:ivc covl-,'.j.nt_s of Casolrr Dc). Nori-e, .co1;y of rvh i cli is a l- t-ar:hc<1 ]rcr-cto a:; li1li j bi L ,, I],' - TlrcllLli'(l'. hr:rc).,y ,r.(trL,ies Lo .tcct-.1:L and si.gn suCh r:csLr:-i,ct, -iveccrvslllants provi.ded tirey are j-cleni--i ca1 , or sr:bsLalLi-;.1l1ridr:n Li caI i:r stibsl_ance ,co tlrc rcstri_cLive covenar.rLSat-tacitccl her:eto as E>:liibit "8". rl, is undcr:st-ooct tlrat the s.i gni-ng l-ly thc Iluyer of l_hc pl at a:rd of the ::est--ri.cl:i vecovcnanLs a:; l', e r_ r: i n;1].)ove proviclcd i.s nlercly by way oir:at-il-i ca{-ion c-rf Lhe .rgrc,-.,l,rLs cor L,l i:-recl hir:,ri.,. alrl s}r.r1lnoi: be clccnrac'l 1-o be a nchr u;rclr:-.-l:aking by thc lluy-Jr. TheSell.er nralz i f j-t det-'ns it rruvi:;.r'b1e cauu" a pJ,at Lo bertaclc ancl rcco r.clcd of C.r.-;ol.a:: Dr:L ilorl_r: pr:i or t.o l_).rc s.rl,cof .:lr of Lhc brril<iinq siLr:s, l;r,rL l:]rc mlking arrl rccor-ilirrg.of ;r'y such 1>arr,ia1 pJ.aL shal. I noL rel.ieve ihc liell.cr: ofhis o):l i.tlat i.on Lo rnake .r.cl r:ccor rl a Pr.at of t-hc cnt-i r.:(lcvelol)rircnt al.L<rr thc r;al.c of' al-l of l-lrc llu i triing diLcsl-r..s bccrr cr-: rr1;1. c t.c 11 18. crul^,tl:oN ctr Al)Dl,lr0IIAL llulr,r)llJG sITlisi.l'hc Sel.lcr cxlrr:u:;sl.y r,-r::;r:rvi--s l:lrr r j.<ilrt- to r.:r.rl-;rrricCar;ol..rr l)r:l Ilrrt t,r by cr:cirl:i;rg .irltli-Ljorr.ll, l:rrj. l.tliri,] :;i.Ll::;on s;{.rpit}:;} l-c ;rrl_j r: i.ni.ng l:L-n..1_ i)}.olj(l j:t.y., :;rrr:h cnl.arqcr:i(lnc rif rt;rcli-,r"t-;rkr-'n, i o bc i-r:r,-!,rr. t..rLL:r', ,r,,'r::;t1,it t: Lo ,cllr: t'-ci:rns, cirtrtl i- l- i.o:r:.r i!lr.l l-rlst.t;it;t- itt:rs l;r,t: J-<rr:t.h iit nr:Li.c:l"c ol' { Jic Iic:; i-r:i r:t. j. r.'r,: Cr)vrl;:..rr: l.: r: li<.r r_- C;r:;r,, l.ri:,- j)r:l }Jor l.c ;ll_l-;lcjrr:ci Iri.r.r-:t o a:; li:rlri !, i'c ,'lJ'* 19. sl-tI,Ll:R, s'tli:.t!'',.)1r..n,ny Ri.lt;itFlvA'i'IC,l,lil*he :;a1c ,rn,l con\'(t),."tncr) of al l of t;lic br.t i, 1.i1.r-,,_, bL'.1:1 ccri,plcti.:ri t-he Sr:ll.er shall havr: thr: t xclirpo5:;c1;SiOn, u5e .rrld co:lt_rol of t_hr: c(lnirron ArrlJpossrrri$ion rnr-l use lty the Bui'L)r r.; i t-,lri n llui't.:r,; .)f (t.l S(l:natn t_ S. . t.inLil s i- i:es ir,l s s ivc sllbjcct ho (]a:; (:n{tn t 2A . DIi!'AutT Ai.lD ,ti.lt{r-tI}1.\,1'ILrN. ing cvc-'nts :;l'r;rll cons;tiLrrt_c ;rrt cvelr l_ of E.rch of tlre f oI lo,i- dc f;lrr I i: horcrrn<lr:r: (.r) or l)() Lorc t.lrr: clal-c m.rde to Sel ler; Brrycr :;hall on r;hjs!1 i. I i f a i 1 or omi l- t-o i:',;rkq , on s Lltl{--, any PJ.yrnrtn l- t-o bc r-1 --.- a\ ri -,\-_l _- sha I1 subrni t s r.r 1:s t an l- ia I Agrccmcnt,' (b) Buycr shal.l- ^.ifi^-!.i^-- pl;urs or r;pcc j.f j c.r t: co;npliance with Lhe f ai. 1 or omit to sui:uri I .. t- :!i .r'Ji! l:r\\\jttr- \; ions.,vhich ar:c not i.n rocrr: i rlnr,.nf s of f-h j.s acts 'iO of i-hi:; (c) Buyer shall. f ;riI to pcr f or:m an1' otherbc 1:crf or:med by Buyer pur:sulnL to thc pr:ovj_pi.o,rs n g r(l c::r( j n L ; (cl) Any pct_i. i-ion sh;rl I be f i lcd aq;: inst:Buyer in any col,1l:t, ii': any banllflipLcy, rcorqan i z a L i.on ,coriiposi{.ion , exl-cnsion, altr.trrg.jn/.]1t , or j.lr:;r;1venc.v procccriings, and Buycr shall th:reaI{:cr ire ricl j udi c.Ll._cdharnkrript, or such petitr-on sl-rall be approved by the ccurt,or thc court. sital l assll e _.i ur is,l j.ct j,on of tlte sirb j cr;1,maLter, or su(ift procc:di:ngs shal.i noL l--., e di smi_ssi:r l !. i-thin90 d;-.- y:; afLcr tJ-re insLitut-.i.on ol' sancr; or ar)y pct j.i:.i .)n sha j I l:e so f i.]cd by Buyer; (c) In atry pl:o(leeL'li..ng a recci.vcr or.- L ri15l1--6. shal 1 be ;rppcti.rrt.r:d {.or: ;rII r) r: any por t_i on ofRl:i'oIr's 1;r:ogrc;.'Ly, a.nr.l :jrrr;h l.l(_'ci v:_-rl;lr i.p or t_r r.rl; [-cr.r:;)r i 1rs;h;rl. 1 not be v.rc:lLed.vr.i.i:hin ninr:t,y (90) ci;rysl afLcl: i.he :r1;pc-li rtt;:rtn1- o1= :;L.rc)'t rcr:r:. j.vr:r o r_- l-t.usLr:c. f n Ll:e evcnL of dr: f aul-t_ Sc.l. l er sirll l l.ra.vJ t-_lre . r:i.glrt, at i l-:; c1r:ct_i on , t:lir:n o,_. al_ any t- j.nrc wl.:rcli :: r.rr-:hcvcllt crf <lefitr:.i. 1: shall corrt j.nrrc, 1_o cyivc lluycr ncl'c icc t ir;rl- c.r-r t_lrc rllt_r: :;pcci.f ird in sLrcl.r nol.ir-c., r..,ir i.<:h d.li:c slt.r l-1. nc;L bc rirorc t-ltiin tcr.r (f Oy cl.ryr; af t_cr tlrr: gi_vi t:q of:;riclr rro'L:i cc, .r.l I of lluycr's r.:i.<1h t,s urrder l.lti:; Ai;;:ccjliirnl_:ilt;rI I l:r:r'r'rri,rr;r Lc I ;urcl oir t-lir: cl;rl c spr-lr;i. f. it:<l i ri rjuc'li :i,-.1 ic.c ritll r-tf ]lrti'cr:'s; i.it;i:,cs urtrit:i: l-hi:; A1i:.-.tenrcnl, slr,t.l, l l_r: i.;ili.n-irLc anil coilc Lo art cntl rrllclrs !rich d,l l-;ru.l. l- is cui;i1'..,,.1 ar'r11 i.s iii Iar- [. r--r:r-r:d i,'i. 1.!ri]1 t.l).: Pr:i.irrrl:;1ir_.<;i.fi<,:tl il::;trt_:h:tr;t'iccr ()f lt:) I !-ti;:; sr)cll rjr:1rrrrl.t (rri lit-r: {:irln tlrr: J...t j l.ri.r.:lC: 1r;r1' l!:Oncly or: l-jte f ,r i. l.rn c t:O l;,.r1r;tr.i l: t:o lir. l ) r:ri <r;:.,tlc'vr l olrrnfllt 1t),:rrr r"ri.Llr j n t1r,: :;i:< {6) :rtcrr l.l.r 1r,,r.i rr<1 1_, r.1.,, i t1..,tI t in 1;,rssr;:'iiirir .l ) is r;trrabLc bLrt_',vithin Lcn (10) d,rys nf t_r:r thr:Bu.,''' r con,i:I,-\r r (-.rr s wiiirin s1c:l t_r.:1 strr--lr ,.re: ilr: l. i- ancl pro:;r:cr.tte.s .l_lte rrl,l l; () n, t b 1r,. r i i. L i,-;,1;.1q6 . c.111i1o t be rc;r:;o:rably cur'cd ,l iv itrg of :;ue i: not icc .rnd ( 10 ) cily 1:c: r. i od Lo cr: r e 1;i:lll() t,O (:OjtC I rrS i<>rt r"i l_h . f tl Lllc L1v(-.11 t_ ()f ;|lty rlr._, l-,ru l. L by t,!ri: Ilrry,_.r ,;rir ichLcma j.ns l-r:rcrrrod. or rvh icir is un(:l) r;b l..l , t,hrln a1i- noncysthat shalI lr;rvc bt:,.-.n ;;,-1 iri licrerrncjr:r shall l:e r3ta j.neCby the sel.Lr:r as titluidaLcd cr.:rr:l.gcs, and tliis /rgrr:crnentshali be at iln crld al,J, rreit-her prir.ty shall 1:,lve "rrryfrrr,'t-licr li abilit-1' or: obligat_i_o:rs hr_.lcunclcr. 2T. COS,| N}]D ljxI')i}:S}JS OF LIITCA'I*ON. If EiLhCrparty shall iLrsLit_utc lcgal pr.occcriings aqain=t theother bas,.:i uiron a cause of a_ction orisiniy out of thisrigr --r-ii'i;ri, - Llie p..e\.: ii;rg pa_r1.iy itr sr-rr;ir pia,r"a,ri,,g"sh"rl1 rccov3r f ::'n Lr're oir',,-.'r p.rrty arl cosrs a.d c.rircrse.sj.trctrrr.ed i--y it in such prccrr.:;ir.rg;, irclucli.ng relsonablea{:torney's fccs to be f i:<ccl by the ccilrL. 22. CO)tu[: jN",\.IfO\. If any act-ion is f ileti ina colr] L -c)f co;nr)rl tcnt jnrisdicr:ion r'or the cor-rd.*nat:i on or: l,:* l:l:i f or a ILri:l ic ,'.c of .rr;y l,;nd :;trt_., j.:<:L hcroLo pr j orto ltjs cilil',/f_-ya:tce by Lhe lje ,l lcr_- lrer:c_.un,.lcr, Lhis -\gr:ee_mett :;i:al 1 br: clc.:med rc:;cinclccl; in r;uch e'ent t-he Sel 1ershal-I rc-trr;:n t,o tlle -Br.rycr rllt! inor,.tlf y:airl !rcrer-rnticr byBuycr to Sc1_)cr, antl .i:]re Scl-l.er sba11 h.rvc lhe r:i_r1!1 g 1qpu]::luc or to :;e i-i1c such acl,ion on sulcl tc-rns as 6cllerc;-cc'r; r. c;rsorr,-rb) c., i'c1udi'g lltc riglri: to c.r,lv,:y Lo theplai:r{,if f ir: such acLion t-ie FroperLy rvl.: ich is thesub ject her:eof frce artrj cle.ir of anlr r,i.ghts of the Ruyeruncle r t l-r -i s Ag i:eclnci"lt - ?.3. I..oRC'lt it,\.ltiut1]i. If l,y ,,-casuir of AcLs ofGoti, f lor>rls, :;l'_olns, explos j.ons, fji-cs, 1.-r!_ior: sLrrkc.s,in.',,t-tr:-r.r:ct:i.o:r, rir.,,1-s, act-s oj. llrc pul:)-ic cltclly, fcrl<:r.aJ.,:l{:at-c or I o<t.-tl J arn', orclcr, .ru1l: t;l: l:i.rg\tl at ion , ei. Lircrpit::Ly hcr.c1_o i:; prcvr:rLt:crl llroit col;1p1.1, i-ng wi t_h'ariy ,;.tl_cli t,r'.on of Llr j s Agrccncnt, or f rorn ccirpf !ir-rg witir'anyc.ypr:css or irnp):'crl covcn.r:-ri- lit:rr ci.n, tirci vrli i 1.c so pr.c_vr:tll,tlr'l r:ltclr cortrl i.i' j on slt.rl l_ i;:,- :;u:;ltrltr-rl:<l .t;rrl l;ut:lt p;rrLysiral.l- lrr; I'g1 icvcd of thc obl j tl.rL j oir of co,,i1',Lying r,._it:l_r:;irr:h cc.rvon.rn L and s!rar1 not. rrJ r iairr{l f()r ir.,.ul,-,.;Js; f."l-ailrrr:<:, lrr_crltirly Llr,,trr:rn,iLh, ilnd arl), cl_rIl_t3.rti.ot] of ciLlicrp.rrLy :;har]1 ]-r r: r:xtcndr:d fot: .rs 1o'q a,, s ni.,l., p;rr:ty isllo I)r.vrllli t:rl Jl rc.riq c';lrirlyi ,lg r.,'i l:)r arry cov.));.i11t, or c<rnrri-- tr i on l.rcr:c i.n . ?.4. )iD'l'Icl.:s. Al.l_ rrr;Lic(.r:j r(_\(llrir.r:cj or: t_,cr:_nti. Ltc:d Lo l>c c] i.rrr:n or dcl.ir,,i:r.el.l lrcr.t,:u;rclcr s;h.r11 Lri: jn\"rl-1.-l irrj ;rrrd br: :;i.::t1- l;y c.:t-t. i f,ir_.rl Li r:;t_r: l,,.i:.,r; 'tail,l)()l;t-;l(J{l Irrttir;, irl , ;r t l cl ;- r: :; ::; i.l t l l.<> .i l:r: 1r..rr.i.y j nt:r,rrrll:ti aL j {_Sitr.ltl rr-rt;:; l;r:l: f-o''ih ltr: J_o,,.,, .,r: :;rri;)l .,t.irr:i: itcltlr r,:;:; ,rli i t ;iiay<lt::; !,1lr.rLr: by rr<;t i cc Ai vr:rt l o l-irc c.rt.lr,-.r: Pal.t.), in l_itcl:1,-rlt;)r'r .r fQIt:lt.r irl - t 'l. O :)L1 ! Ir.lf : To Buyer: 7t1r sllcl:givr.n and tlcl- j.'"'cr:ed Sl-at:cs l,lai 1 in the :.at'..r:': :!:.:1. I i>r :lc:::r:d /2 hours aft-cr dr-'03;;j1narlner hcra j.n 1:rovidcd - in la-r.- t-,.^.. Lire Ur:it-ed ']5 . TIME O-lf TIIE ErcSl),\-CE " Ti,:nc is e:rprcs:;1yd*:c1art:d to bc l-he c:;scnce of tl.ris .\grcr:nenL. 26 - t.lAi1,'iii. Tlie rraivt:r: by any party to t:.his Agrr.:ciirt:n l: of a ltr:each of dfi1r ,.,,.,r,,t s j.o:rs of t-his Agrcr_.;rcnt_ s!ra I I not- bc dc'-:;red a conL. j,nu i-nr; ,v.r i vr-,r cr a v,,a j.rrer ofat-iy sr-rbseclucnt br-cacll ',t!r r-. Llicr f or the sar-te or anotherprovj-s j.on of t-his Agrcr:rlerrt. 2B - n SSlCNtll.li.l'i'. No a:ti.;i!nlrrrr)t 2'l . t:tNTIRIi AG:ilili}llii.JT. .Thi s ins{-::n 1-hc cn l-i-;:c .'igi:tlcl-,cnt bet_i..'ccn Ljtl: 1,rr.r):cr ztrrd thrcspcct.i ng ti're irropcrty .?nd ;rn1r ag::ccl,.rcr.rt ortion r:cspecLiirg tire propcr:ty oi tl:e <luties ofcr Sel. l-r,: r in rel.etion tiret:el_o JtoL cxDt:cssf v st-lrj-:; Agr_ecneqt is rrul_l and voi(.1 , i;rcn L cont a in s e Sel i.c::- rcprcscrlLa- the I.rtrycr et for:th in :renl- cj: of .r:iy r. i.qhl_ ;,rccruing rltrje r l-h i:;be lracle, i.n wholc or j,:-r I)iirL, trlr 6rirt',oa pr--i o:: v;r j-ti-en cr'1lsent of LItt oL,h{jr L)nrL}f c; f- t-lr i s Ar,l r:r:c- Ag rt: crnen L sl-ral, I t1.ir'r'\r r.ri l I-rnr,f l hnl-'-' 'J 29 . SIJItVJ.Vn L OI.' Otjl tcA'l.l Ot,lS, Al I rrrrricr:t-ahi l<1sof Lhc S.icllcr and Iluyci: rvhich al..c L'':<cLrut:ory i.n !tn.turc aithc t-iree o!: l.-lic rlcl j vrl:V ol- l- )rr dcr.:rj lrr.. r-crr:rrl,- r: :;hrr I .l.l sttr--v i-vc sr;ch cicr l. j.r'cry. r\11 un,lr: r-l-irkinr-1 :; ..rlid obl!t3,rt'i.ol:; p:.or,;.i rled in L lt.t t'Csl-r: j.e;t_ i.\-rc Cit\f(r1;1t)t. 1; $ (,1 l_ { rlr-t.lf in l ; r: lr i l.r i tr ' " 11 " :;lraIl J_:c rl,-,eirc:d l-o l:,: i.rrl..l, v :;,:l_ l.()rt_11 .rL ).cng l,lr hcrt-' j,n " 30. 1]ll'ltllil(; Iitrlji:lrl't'. .1 il. r.i,1lrl-r; ;riir] r_rl.rl.l.jt'':)i;;ri.i:;ir)g ()ut: of t.lri:; Aql.(\(,rit{rr,r l;ll;rl. I i.rtrrrr._- t.o t-('il- t.l t r,: t0 t l:,lrrr: f j.i of ,,n:l br, hi :,,'i i,r,- rr..,r.r r h.rnd JS:ii r:11s "r ..;ou;:l.llr"il:]i.rlll t""t'r:cti.vc :ruccLi:r;oi"s . IIJ ir'I.'r'i,itiSS l{tiil:ii-:Ol , Ll.rc p.1 rLit-,s l.it-,r.et.o ht-:reunroh.rvt-' s,lt- ilrr-.ir h.rrrrls .rr)c l;r-,r Is on t.l.rr: rl:r_r, f ir:st ,rr;ttr:n .r'ir o i' e SIJI,I,i]It: CA.SOLNR DEL h'OiT?'E By BUY ER. : BROI{ER: VAfL ASSOCIATES U,rrrti:rl, ESTA?E, l:l{C" B\I: i1 I t DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR cAsol.\R DEL l.lol{'fE AR'J]]-CI,}i I DDiT-I.N,i 'IJ,ONS - Scct-.j. t.rlt 1... 'ille fo.l 1 orving uor. cls tu-hcir r'tr;r:d itt i l1c Dcr:1.;,rr:lit. j-iji1--'cjr: atry li,tp1r'1 r'::t,'1, i-;.:.1- Dccl .)]:atio'1 (tlnl.rrr;$ tlri: c.irt-t-:xl- sh;il-l 1>r:,rlril-i Li :;ltirl..l. 5a'c t 5c J.o1. I<rvr'r-rrE tiic,.r t) i. n (j s : THIS DECLARA'-rlOll , made this day of 1978r by CASOLAR ASSOCIATES, hereinafter cal1ed oeveloper, and by Deane L. Knox and Leo Payne I herein* after cal1ed Land Orvners; I.iITNESSETI]: wilBREAS, Developer desires to Provide for the preservati.on of the values and amenities in the sub- di.ri=ion known as Caso];;r tlel Norle , ancl , to this end, desires Lo subject the real property descr:ibed jn Ar:ticle IT to the covenants , ::esl-r:ictiolls r easements 'charges at-rcl liens hereii:af ter set forth, each and all of rvhich is and zr::e f or; the bcirc{ i-t of said property and each owner thc::eof ; and IiIIEREAS, Developer ha-s deemed it desirable, for the eff icier-rt preserjvation of the values and arrrenities in said colrununi.ty, to create an agency to rrl-r ich shoulcl l>e deleqatecl and ass-i.gned Lhe powers of mai.ntaini,ng anci adrni nistering tl-re corlrrur: ity p::opert-ies and .f acil ities antl admj.nisteri-ng anrl enf orcing the covenant_-.; and res1,r ict i_or-r s and col-lecting an.f rlisbur:sing the assc.';snenLs ancl cha.r:g=es hereinaf ter created; and WIIEI{EAS Deve1oper }-ras j ncorporated under i-he l- at^rs of t,he Sl-al-e of Co].orac1o, i:s a noll-Irrof it corpora- t.i.on, tl.re cASOLAR DEL I\*ORT]I ilf.)1411 OI{NEIIS ASSOCIATIO}I, for the pui:1rose ol c>lerc j.sitrg the f utrr:L j-otrs; aforesaid; NOL{, 'illlllillllrORlt, Lhe llcveloper decl-ar:es that Lhe- re;t1 propel:ty descr: jbed in Articl'e If , j-s -and shall be heJ.cl ,- trarrsf er:r:e,] , solri, ctlit'eycii ar-rd octcui:i ed sui:ject- l-o l'l-tc covellailt--s, rr-:str-i ctir-rns r ca:lclncllts, ch"rr:9es and licns (Sonreb j riics rcf errcrl tO .'t $ "covcnants and l:est--r-'ic- tions") hcr:<-'inaf Ler sel- l orth. I I t I (a) "AssociaLion" shall- mean and refer tO Ihe CASOI,AR.DI'L NORTE I]OI.{E O!-JNERS ASSOCIATION' (b) "The Proper{--ies " shaIl. mean and refer to aL1 existing pi:operties subject to this Declaration; (c) " Comtnon Properties" shall mean and refer to those areas of land shown on any recorded subdivision plat of The Properties and intended to be devoted to the common use and en-loyraent of the Owners of The Properti,es; (d) "Lot" shal. l mean and refer to each of the ten (10) arcas indicated on the map attached to and incorporal-ed herein as Exhi.bit "A", the boundaries of which shall lirnit and locatc e:rch of the ten Building Sil-cs; (e) "DrvelIing Llnit" shall mean and refer Lo any room or group of. :-oon.s .; 'r a Lwo-f amiJ.y lruilding r^;ith kitchcn f acilities dcsignct f or or used by o:re family as an independent i-rousekec'ping uniL; (f) "Fami,Ly" shal1 ntean aud refer to an 'i -.1 i "i ;l11.1 ^r { r-Luu!.r, v! -do or more persons relaLed by blood, nrarr:iage, or acloption, exclucil.irg domcst j-c servanLs t Iiving togeLhcr in a dr^'ell,ing unit used as a single housekeeping unit; or a grorlD of not nor:e t-han f our un- related persons ,Livi,ng t.oge'bher: in a dv;cll-ing uni{: used as a s j.nq l.c horr;ckccpl ng r-rn i t . (.J) "owner" siral. I mean a]ld refer to the rccord o\i'ner, whcLlter one or lllol:c pcrsoils or cnLitics, of 1-he fce simple Litl,e t,o any lot s j-tu.rt-cd u1:on The Proper:tit:s but, notvrithstandi Ilq any appl i-cabJ c L:lreory of trhe mortqiage, shal-l l1o1- mean or ref elr to l-he mortgagee 'unless an<1 until such ntorl-g.igee iras acqrtircd LiLfe pur- suant l-o foreclosure or .rny pror:eeding in lieu of fore- cfosure; {h) "l'lc:itiber" slta1l mcan atld ref er to all those o\^rners r.,'h o are mcrltl)cI:s of the Associati.on as provi.ded j.r-r /rr-L j-c1e IIf , "icctiou l. hei:cof ; (j.) " Stt:LtcLut:t:" sha1l rnc;.ln att,i i:cf cr to ;uiyl-'!1i nr; con.jLructcd ou crected r.'i.Lh a { i:ied location on the gi:ottncl , ):lrt uot itrcltr{ j 11r; 1:o1cs, lincs, cablcs, oi: oi..l'tr:r Lr:an:;t',tj.ss jotr o.t: r.iist:r:.i.lruL j.on f ;rcilit j-es of pr-rll- 1j-c ut-j-l i'Lir:s, or rnai.1 boxc:; r.rr l. i..qht I j.xtttr:cs " Al: l-lttr di.scr.ct i on <>f 1.]'tc At clt-i.t:'t,-'t:t:tt.raI Cotr t-r'o1 Conrni tl-ce stl'.i ntni.i.trg i)r){)l at :rtrd Lctu: i.5 r::ottt. 1..:'; nray }:e t:;ictnpt.cil f ront t:hi.s dc1 .lni L i.on, o ARTICI,E II P}IOPERTY DIISCRIPTION NND RESERVNTTON TO ENLARGE Sect ion I. !:tg!i"g_Pr-op.gIty_. The real property wnfctr is, and- sh.ii,r ije, he ra, -t.ransf erred, so1d, conveyed, and occupied subject to this Declaration is local:ed in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and is nro::e particularly described as follows: "Lot A-B and LoL A--9, Lionsridge Filing No. L, all of whi,ch real property sha1l hereinafter be referred to as 'Existing . Propertyt. " Section 2. Iteserr'.r{i.on to Enlarge and Sgeglglgn! s ubcl ivi s ion . rio with s t andi,n.J-ilry oEGf pr ovEonF o Efils DeaG?ation to 1:he coirtrary, Decla::atrL hereby reserves t-he right to enlarge this Sul:division by locating other lots on separat.e adjoining real property, such separate adjoining real prolrt: r'Ly to be submitted 1-o, a;rrl Lo be rr,;.ilc a par i: ()f thi s Si:bdivision r ai: the opt jon of Lirc DevcLoper, and sucl: sli]:,;rriss ion, when and j-f made, shal,l be expressed in a.nd by a duly recorcled addition to the plat. hereof filed for t,he record, arrd by a supplernenl- Lo this Dcclaral-ion. Ad joining r:ea1 properLy, as {:he term is used herei-n, :;hall ncan a pat.cei or parcels having a comt:roil boundirry with real proper:ty cles c r: ibed. abo ve. In form and substance' the Supl:Iement Lo this Declar, a.tion shalf provicle f or locat--ion of acld j-tiona I 1.ots of a si::e ancf a::ea sr-rbst-anl.ia1.l,y the same as lhe lcl-s cln Lhe ljxistinE i'rcpert-1", sep;rraLed f rotrt cacl: other: by sul^,slantial-1,y the sane intervals as the lots on l:ire ilxistinq ProJ:ert-y. Such Suppleincnt shall contain prt-:vi sion fo:: creal--ion of C<tm:r:on Propet:ty substantial-ly the sarle as l-he provision crc;il:lng Conrmon Pronerl-y on Lhe llx j.sting Propc:rt1'. Tl're provis.i oirs of Liris secti otr sha.i I be of no ef f ect unl css the DcveJ.olrct-. or ot]:rer person haviilg the powcr to .i(rilvcy, conveys all, s:uch Coml on ProperLy to the Associ"a{:.i.on. Al i. of the provisior,s in tltis Declarat-ion shall be ai-ri:1i.caJ:.1.,:, t.o such .rCclit i ot't;:.1- llr-r:i-1di.ng S j-Les. A)r'''lCI,li Ii.i Lrl,ril.Lillli:1r!rl Il-.'JliD -v,qi:],i!q-3,1,i,r1:'-j-lJ :tl!F.-ll.'19q.L\!{qt.r fict:i:i r>tr 1.. lJrtttrlrc i:';iri.p. r"rlro ir: ;r r:i:<:r:;r:r1.'"'olvlir:r: iii. ;r- ii,,c-il: tvlt:i r:i: i.:; :;rrl.., jr:ct-- by r;onrrc:ir.ttt1-: :; of livr: ry pcrs.rn or etrtil-Y t-r:r i'rjl- .i n ;iny Lot : r:c:ot:d t:o ilsl-jcsf int'-:ilt- by the Associationprovided that anyinterest merely asobligation, shall- , sha1l be a member of thc Association, such person or entity who holds sucha securj-ty for l-he performance of an not be a menrber. Scction 2. Votinq Riqhts. The Association s lr a 1 I h av e-Two-EfEFs e s -6T--vo t i;e mernb e r s h i p : Class A. Class A rnembers shaIl be all Owners of Lots ii-EEe Subclivision. Class A membersshall be entitled Lo one vote for each Lot in which they hold the inLerest required for mernbership by Section 1. I'Jhen more than one pcrson holds such interesL or'inter:ests in any Lot, all sucl-r persons shall be tnembers and the vote for such Lot sha1l be exercised as they among Lhernselves determine, but j.n no event shal-l rriorethan one vote be cast wii-h rcspect t-,o any such Lot. Class B. Class B members shall be theDcveloper:. fhe-eJEds B membcr sJrall- be entitled toone anii one-ha1f votes for cacir Loi: in which it ho-i.dsthe interest ::equired for rnemberslrip by Section l,provlded that from and after September I Ig7B, theClass B member shall be entitlcd to no more than onevote for each Lot in lvhich it lroLds t-_he interest re-quir:crl for mcnrbership by Scctibn L- ARTICLE IV BOARD OF ])I]1I]CIICRS The Tnitial Board. of t)i.::ectors of the Associa-tion sha1l coi'tsist of t-hree rncrnbers. and Lhe names and addr. csses of the per:sons who are to serve as; Dj.rectoi:s unl-i 1 tlre f i,rst annual rne-.r:tir:g of the i'lelrbcrs or until-thr:ir successors be efected and clualif icd are: Deane L. Knox Leo Ilayrle Iiditir Iiudsorl 1 Dor+ning St'-r.eel- Denver, CoJ,orado 300 \{aclr;worth Roul evard Lakeivood, Color:":ldo I Dor.rning Strcel* Denve::, Colorado T'hr: iloarcl shal l. lrar,'c tirc lro\rcrri ;,rrd dui:ic'.s set, f or l-h -in the Ar:t j.cles and l-i1r-T,;1rus . of the /i:;sc_rc j.at j.on . AilillICL]rl V !-oj{llN..::,j'iI_l!).L il.l-!-ulli:j.rr.'^liql:__lii-,:,',rrririlIl!,1'F- i'il'rr1. 1.,rtt ,. (lrc-.;rl.ion t,rf' tlro .). i.r'n ,rrtrl l.rr.i':;onlrl()lrl i': ri i.rrlr rli. .A:;:;,.':;r,rirt iil r;. tl'1,,' :r,,r.',,1t.ri,,.r., t,,r- ii,ii;lt I Lot owned by him within the properLy, hereby covenanrs,and each Owner of any L,ot by .rcceptance of a deedLherefor (whet-her or not it shall be so expressed in anysuch deed or other conveyance), covenants and agrees topay to the Association an annual assessment or charge. Section 2. purposc of Asscr;smcnts. The assessrncnts lcvj-ed by the Association shall be usedexclusj.veIy for the purl:ose of promoting lhe recreation,health, safel,y, and welfare of the resident-s of ThePropcrties and in particular, for road maintenance,road diteh maintenance, irrigation work, professionalfees, archiLectural conti:ol, and for any other objecl:or purpose in keeping with the object and aim of thesecovenants and contributinq to the maintenance andpreservation of these covJnants in full force and effect. Section 3, lSasis of Annual Assessments. Untilthe year bagl-nlfrng ,lanuary, f gZ-g, tl^reshall be I'ifty Dollars t$SO1 per monthBach Owner of a Lot. shal1 be requir:ec1month reserve as se s srnent corrtribution. Frorn and after January 1, L9.i9, the Board ofDirecl'ors of t-he Associat j on slrall , a f tcr considcrati<,,nof culrcnt main t-enance costs and future needs of l-heAssociation, fix the rnonl-irly assessrncnts based on actualneed. !,iri-tten notice of each sucl.l ilont-,hly asscssmentshall be rnailed to each Owrrer subject threto, and payrnentsl-rall. be due within ten clays of the naiJ.ing of suchnotice. ]lach member,s r:esirve sha_l,l l:e adjusted i.naccordance wiLh the monthly assessment so cleter:rnined, Fron and after January l, 1g80, the Board ofDir:ectors of Llre Associatic,n slrall , af t-er cons j-tlcring currer:t maintenance costs and future needs of theAssoei-arLion, fix an annual. ass;essn)ent_. baserl upon acLuaIneed, and, in m.r)<inc; st-rch dei.ermirrat j on, sha11 consi<,ler.and shaL1 give primary considcr:ation Lo, thc preccdirrqyear's ;rctu.rl cxpcnd j-turcs. l:lac:h me mber t s reserve shal-li:e arljusl-e=d in accorclance r"rj. {_!r srrch clt_-ternitrai_ j,on. Such atrnual ar,;r;cs;sncnt: s;ha11 t-rot be changecl l.rlrcreaf terrinless'cliange j.:: ln.rde l-n comlrl iarrce wi-1-.h ,secl- j-on 4 below- - geql-iCp-i. glll'fCg -.il:-!asl.s- I95--3-ll-1lylr Assess-mc]rt. From ;rnd after J.rnnary j, ItB};-l.tic aijlsdcl;fl t;-iiiiy--charrqe Llrc basis cf {:he ,1.o,.c,no,nont's f j xcd bvllr:cl-ion 3 hcreof , pr:ovic1ocl t_lral- .tny r:rrch c:h.;rrgc slia1lh;:ve tlra ass(ltt of .scvt:nLy-f ive perccltt (75e") of thevol-cs of cach cl;.tss of :ue.r}:or-:; rvho ar:c vclLi.trg i_n nersonorl by pi.'o-\:y, at a inceti.ng dul v caJlcrJ j or i lre pLlrpo:;e r.rvr:i.ttclr' ;io1,.i.ce of wh.i cir ::hal,l, l;e sent- to alI ni<:,tnbr:r:s .-r l- I r-'ast t-lrr:-il-y (:01 c1;ry"s irt :iclv;rnce er.r<l slr;rl1 :;e1_ f orl_ht:lrc 1>LrrIc'st: <).11 l*hc nrr:*ti.ng, lnonthly assessmentfor each Lot.to maintain a three- llet:t i.orr 5 . l);t Lc o l. llr,j9 j:"ittill.tt t,'s . tiiij-li'j r :: t -;inn 1,, i l. (.lr:titnlr:nClnr:ni- Of AnnrraI .rrj:i(t:;rint(.llL pr.<:r.z i.tlt:d J r>r herein shall commence on the lst day of January, 1980,and shaLl be payable on the first day of Ivtarch of sai6year. Annual assessments in subsequent ycars shall_ bedetermined on or before January 3l -in ealh such subse-quent year, and shall be payable on or before the lstday of March in each such year. WritLen notice ofassessntent shal,l thereupon be sent to every ovr'ner subjectthereto Section 6. Effect of Non-payment of Assessment: The_ personSl*oErffitiomnE LIer-* RerneaTes -€ I-s:r q cEEl-o n - -E-EE e a i. s e s s me n t;;a- n o t---p a'i a- on -m eaate-tIA;-aue-lleing the datcs specified in Section 3 andScction 5 irereof ), Lhen such assessmeltt sha11 becornedelinguent and sha1f, Logether rvith such interest andcost of collect-i.on thereof as hereinafter provided,thereupon becorne a continuing lien on the properl-y whichl;hall bind such property in the hands of the t.hen Owner,his hcirs, dcvislesl pei=o,',al represr:nt ati ves and assigns.ll'i:e personal obljgation of thc then Owner Lo pay suchassessment, hoivever, shal1 rcmain itis personal ol:Iiga-tion for the statutory period and shal-] not pass t.o hissucces:lors in til-1e unless expressl.y assumed by thein. If i-he assessment is not pai.d within thirty (30)days after the delinquency date, lhe assessmcnt sha11bear inl-erest f r:om the date of rlelinquency at the rate often (10) pelceni- per annlrm and the Associ.ation may bringan action at lr1\,r' aga-inst the Orvne,r pel sonally obliqjaL.ec1t,o pay Lhe saire clr to forecl-osc the licn against theprope.rl-1r, and thcre sha1l be added to t_he amount of .sut--h dljljcS,glli'-)rrt Lltc COsl c .)f r-\r /\:'1:tr i,r.r and f i I i itcr f lrr) r-r-rnrrr'i ri rrfi' scich acLion , u"J"i i' ui1"' ;;-;;i'""";"ag*.""'r i""nilj X;;;"'.sttch judgment. shal, l- i ncl'r1e intr:rest on the assessmeltr ase;l:ovc provided ard a rr:sona]._rl e a btornr:yt s f ee Lo be f ixedby t.he Court togcther wit_h l_]re cosLs cf t-jre act_ion. Scci,i.on 7. Sul:oi:di n;rt_i on of tl-re Lien t,o i,{ortr;acres.---.-_-----'l'lrc 1j-en of the assessjrnenl-s prorzided foi ltere in shJll-tre ----- subordinate to tl're 1ir:n of any ntortgage or rncrLgagcs nowor hercaf ter: p1.;rced upon 1_l-rc propci:Lj_es subject to aisliessmcrll-.s ; 1,r 1, ov jflgcl , frowevcr, t:hat srrclr gtrbor.-cl-ination r;lra,l,1 .rp1>1y onl.y to t.he a::scss;r.,crrts rn,hi ch have l:ecoinedur: ancl pay(rl)le pi:ior t,o a c-lecr ce of forcclosurc, or anyot'her 1:r-ocecr'l i nq in I j cu of f or-cclosure. Such sale ortransfcr shal.l. i-roL relicve sur:h p):ol.lerty f r:orn l.iabi.lityl.or .rr-ry ilsscs.!rncnt..; Lhert:a f t_cr: L:r.:con.i r-r g dirr: / r)ol: f ::onr thel.icn of itny such subseclucnt a:;sc::sment. Sr:ct:.i rrt B. L)rol)ct' t1,,;fiiiJ.<jr r_o f i'ont. t.hc asscil..illrlnts Ii-xr: nr;r l: Ir )'o tl c t11: V ,.i.--'::---*il_Jr r 5 tjcc l itrrt L.t olt , char:gc ;rrrd L j-en 'l'lre L o.l lorv i.ng :rlral- I l;r: cxctrrpl-.cd crc;iLed l:e re i.n : t'o l-]rc rrxt,cnt of arry r.lr: rl i.r:,rt-t:d ;)lt(1 ac(,'rtl-)t.(ld tlcvol:r:d t.e p11]1-l-i q' 11..1--'. (;,r) ilI -1. 1;r."opi:r:t:i cs ciis()lnclltL or r.rt_hr:r' -i.n1:crcs i- i. lri:r.t:i.nlry Llte .l.ocrl. 1:rrltl.ic aut-lror_.i.1:y iritrl J - .S.tci-ion 3. Clil.crj.a" ..) 11 p;rssi.r'tE upon srlch plans arrrl si-r,.:c i t. i r:a Liorrs, Utrc 'Co"ilri Ll-r:c shal I considcr: : (b) all properties exempted from taxation by the laws of the StaLe of Colorado, upon the terms and to the exl-cnt. of such legal exernption. l{otwithst-anding any provisions herein, no l-and or improvcments devoted to dwel1.ing use shall be exempt. f rorn said assessments. chargcs or liens. ARTICLE VI ARC}]ITECTURAL CONTROL COT.$TTTT}IE . Secti,on l. Committee i.lelrbersfrip. The members of the aoal-cl oflTFectc.,rs-rjr tne nssocf atli-on and ottly such member:s sl-ra11 ser\re as r'renbers of t-.he ArchiteeLural Contr:ol Colinii ttee Section 2. Review by Committee. No buildinE, fcnce, wall-l-en6igy cor.i6rvatt;i;:ioil;e- dr system or olher struct-.ure sha1.l- l-r r-: coi'tmenced, erect--ed or nai.ntainecl upon The PL:operl-ies, nor sha11 .'iiry exterior addition i-o or change or alterati.on t]lerein be made until a ful1 set of plans anC specifj,catj.ons i,ncluding, but not f .i.niited to, the f loor: elevations , 1:-i.ot , grading, draittage . and land- ^^-..--i -.- ,-'l -,-->(-<ryrrrV F-1.1.{rD, sr)oW retloval p1-trn, entry ilnd df ivcrvay plall , thc s1:e<: i.t j cations or pritrc.i-pa1- exLerior tratcrials, including wi ndolv casings, locar;ion and charactcr of a1l utiliL.ies and fu11 description of all fer.rces ancl light-jrrr;, shall ltave hccn sri)-:rriLtcd Lo and approved in writing as to harrirony of exterrral- design and Local-ion in relation L'f sul-r:o1]rrtti.ng sLructur:cs and l-r-r1-,og:: aphy by the Ai:chi* tec--tur:a1 Corrt,::o1 Conrrni-i. 1.?€. J.n i-irt: evetli- Lhe Cornnrittee f.i il s Lo r1:1rs6ve or di sapprovc luclt design ond Lor:ation wi.th-i,n tirirty (301 days after s;aid plans ;rnd specifications h;rve bcen submil-tcd to "iL, or in any cv.,'rrt, tf no suj-t to en j oin thr-: 'rrclditi on. a1.i,erat i ori or: changc has beetr com- tn..trced pr j o:. to the c..-r.rL1>i ctiotr Lltcreof , alrprov;rJ. rvill lrot be r:cqui.r-ecl and t,h.i-s Ar:ticl.e r+j 1-l- be decrin(ld 1:o hlve been lril-.1.y cornpl i.r:d rvit-h. lllilns and snecif j-c-;rt-ions and t-he subtrrissi.on Lhercof shalI ctrnpl-y rr' i 1-lr rciltriremenLs of the Ar:chit,c-'ci,ur..rl Contr.ol Conm j. l-t-ce a:; the :jante no\,/ i'lt:e, or hereafter shaJ-1 be s;et for-'l-h l.r.; :rai<l CointuitLee. (a) '.lltr: r;r.r j tal:j"1i.ty of tire inpr:ovctnent and nrrrtcr.ill s of r.rhi ch ,it i.s l-o )-.c constr'uc{-ed t'- o t-he si Le rrpon -i.'lr j-ch i.t is i-r:; l-le I o<:,:1,i:d ; (i)) i'1r:,. ul'.t-trr-c ui. i: 11 jar:ttit- aitr-l ttr- i ghlror.i ug I lili-\ rOVC)lll{: I ) i. ri ; I i1 (<:) 'lh,: r.jualil..y,.rf t-lrc lui.rLer:i.;rl-s t.o lrc ;-rtry 1:r-ct1-rr)l.,rtr.i i jrrl)l ()\'('!1i('JlL; ;ttirlr.r t- i. l. i. :z c<l (d) The effect on Lhe ouLlook .of any adjacent of any proposed or neighboring improvement Property. ft shall be an objecLive of the Comnittee to make ccrtain that no improvement will be so similar or sodissimilar to others in tlrat vicinity Lhat val-ues, mone-tary or aesthetic, wilJ. be im1:aired. Reasonable judgrncrrt shalt be used in passing upon all pl-ans and specif j.cations., but neither theDeveloper nor the Committce shal-I be liable Lo any pet:sonfor the CornrnitLee's actions in connectioll tdith subrnlttedplans and specificatj-ons, unless it be shown that Lhe Commlttee acted with malice or wrorrqful intent. The Arch.itecLural Contr:o1 CommiLtee or any mcml:ers thereof sha1l have the right to enter upon anyLoL in Lhe Subdivision and in or upon any improvementlocated on such Lot, for the purpose of i-nspecLing anyconsl-ruction, alteration, reinodelingi , or ivo::k which hasreceivcd the approvaL of tl're Architectrual Contr:ol Conurit--tee. providing such r:ight- of entry be excrcisedat reasonable l{otrrs of tlre dav, AR'I]CI,E Vl T IAND USB Section l. . Resr-rbdivi.si on " Lots nurabered I ,2, i, 5 , 6-, 1; b',^T, and f O r,ay-be -sltbc1iv ided or Civ j dedinto two (2) , ivith no nrol:e t_h;rn two (2) <;wrlershipjn|er:ests, or the iniprovertcnl-s locat--ed on any of :raid Lots may be diviclcd under a scheme of multiple ownershi.pso long as the Lot itsel,f j.s not divj-ded t'nto rnore thani-wo (2) scp.irate ownersh i,p j trterr:sts, and so l.or:q as l-he Lot contains no not:e Lhan two (2) Drvcll.irrg Units.lol, nurnlrcr 4 may :rot be su}ril ividcrl or divicled and rro irnpr:ovcirenl- loc;rLcd on sa id Lot i:rny be d j.vidccl -i.n1-o $epara L-e ort,nel.:lhip i ni:eres1.s . S<:ction 2. Rcsi-clr:nt j al Usage. i\o nranuf acLuri llg or coinrercl.al---e.nt-eipri se -or ;;;fer-prisJS of any )ririd f or 1:i:of r.t siral.l be nt,:i-rrt;r j.ncd on any of 1,he pr:operli-es norsiral} any of The Froperl ics be usr:cl for ot:her tiran s;tr:.i.cLly r:r::;jclr:ttt i;tl pur:1:roscts. Fcr:: tbe i)lll:posc of con.- si-r-r,ring t:1-r5- s provi sion, t-he l-er--m "cori1rn,.:J:ciaJ- cnter:pri-se " r;]'ral I i:e r.1c<:ncd to incl-r.ri.lc, but uoL ucccri:;.rr. ily I j inil-t:rlto, ri:f collrncrc-i.rI .Jar:agc o:: parki;:g l01- fol: storage of .rtll otitrtbi-1es, iiny sl-ol:e r .1))r,r lioL:r:1 oi: l odgirrg lrcu.,:e, atly l:r.]titilt))-. l't i- ctr bar:, ally c>lpr:si.Li<_rtr, c;.ri:triv;r1 or circu::, r.rJrc'..]rt: r.' :lriilr:or r; oi: outrlor:r. s, ;rnd nnyt-lii.ng i,n thc r-ral-rrre r..' f a tty of t:1tr: ;r f.ot.'r-.ltcnt'.i orrrrr:l " i'Io llt-rtrct.ttr:c r;Irirl l lre cr.cr:1..r:.rl r>llrttr l"h,rlr for: 1rl.'i.v.tt:<: r:cl jrlr:trl.i.tl 1 > t t r.' 1i r I : , ( ) :.1 ()lt arry 1,(JL jn tllo 1l(jvo l.()1>rn;.rrr t. ,.lttrl r,rnIy ot){t li[.]'l)c:l.1lj:c I)()r .l ,r){: r,'i I]. }rr: 1,,'r,trr i.i-t"cil " N<t lll r'trt'lu)'L-\ Iilr.ll I r:orrl;r.i n lrlli: t..llril i:r.,,o \2t l)\\ro1. l ilrg t)rri.t s" -s iaI paragraph, to be thewalls of llwelling Units,total area T . :9!!lgnl, FnelEy_gglsery_e$on-. systems. Noburldl-ng shali_ be approved by the ArchitecLur:a1 ControlCommittee unless the plan for such bui.tdirrg jncludes asan integral part thereof energy conscrval-ion measures,the design and suitability of wh.ich shall be subject_ tothe approval of thc Ar:chil-ectnral Control Comrnittee- F_gg!i"_4j. coggff_lfepgrsy_grsqe,. cornmont.,roperLy, excr:pL f or Cornnon propc rLy sub ject to eascmenLri-ghts gr:ant'ecl i.o Ov;ners of j_nrii.."'j.dual. f,oLs, shall bereservcd for use by all Owner. s " No s:tructui:es of anykind shall be erectecl on any portion of the Comnon prop- erty vriLhout the prior .rpproval of Lhe ArchitecturalCont-rol Comrrrittee. the f orr:goi.irq provision a1:p]iesin rr:spc:ct Lo Cornmon property wlrich is subject to ease-nient righLs vested in Ovrncrs of I,ots / as r,Jell as to Comrnon. Propel:ty not subject to sr;ch easernent- rights, Section_1. Signs. i{o signs, house identif ica-I ion signsl-rlralf-Eoxes,lor;t,.r l-roar,is , i)i f ]bo,ri:cls or.rdverti.sinq structure. of any ki.rc sl-ral,1 be er:c:cLed or lna j.t-tta- ined on :rtry Lot., Comrnon Irl ci)el ty, or st rucr.-r:r:ervhaLs;oever, exccpt such sjgt-is ir s-r itavc been approved bythe Ar:chiLccl-rr.ra1 Contr:ol CoLilnitt'ee as reasonablynccessai--y for ti-re idenLif ,i cat.i on of r:esitlcnces. Secl- jon 6. i,Jatcr:. Ii;rch st_r:ucl_ure desi-gnedfor occupanCy -or-uEe bf hiiiiian br:ir:gs shall cor.rrrect wit-.hthc rv.rtcr f acj. 1j-1:ies of t--he i,:i.on ';^ 11i. rlr.1e t,iatcr Di.st.ric:t. No pr:ir,zai:e r.,'el.l. sital-1 bc usccl a -:; a sout:cc of wal_er for h urnari consunrpt i 94. Scr:i--ion 7. Off-Sl,:-co.i: p;rrl<rnq. Off-strei:tparkinq spac?r-- -.;ii iilT be !r o- Lrii!ci- roi c ir L-h-=bwe 1 I i ng un i ras Iol--l.ows: No l-cs.s l-han two (2) p;rr:kl.r.rg spaces per Druc1l-i-ng Urri1,, cach sp.rce t.o l.'r: iro 1.,:s:; Lhan ninc (i) fecl-vicle ;:ttd n'i t'lolr ccn (l9) fcr:L .l or-r,1 , ;rnd i. i: cnc l_osr:rl ,-rncl/or cr)vcr-c<i , irot lr.'ss t:han sjcvcn (li l'ceL lri r;h. At l.c.rritonc piir.-k j.ltg j:rPrlcc 1-rc:, I)wCJ_1i trrr I_i:r i t :;itirl l br_- I cc;.rt:crl r.;iLl'r irr l.:lrc lr;r jtr );rriJriiniy .rr- u.'j.ii,; ir ;ur .r(jc(:s;:j(.)t..}/ q(lr-aqc '.\'l)(:n(.rv{r}' j:iLlch dcvel<:ir:t',',11 1, i ii ||.r,-.r)}r.i})l r-. an(l 11:frr:t>1,r:l,i-lr:l:or: t'.iri: :;it.c ;rncl is r:crqu i rr:d L'y t itc I)r-':; i,gn ]ir.:rri-r:rv ito;rr.-dof Lhc 'for,nt ol V.ri_1. rt- . g$g$on 8. Trash and G.arbjrge. No trash,ashes or other refTse niry -6e-TIT::own oi_durnped on anyland withi.n t.he dcveloprnr--nt. 'Ihe burning of refuseout of doors shall not be pe::mitted. No incineratorsor other device for the brrrning of refuse indoors shallbe col)structed'. jnstalle<l or used by any peLson, Eachproperty owner shall provide suitable receptacles for t-he collcc{:ion of refuse. Such receptacles shal} bescrecned from public vier,y. Such reclptacles shall bescreened from publ-ic view and protected from disturbances Section 9. I-,ivesl-ock. No arrinrals, livesLock,horses. orJouftEy-of ailf-I;;a*st'ra1l be kept or raisedin the development. The foregoi-ng resLriction sha11 not- be construed to prevent Lhe keeping artd raising ofdogs, cats and other household pets. Sect j.on 10. 'Irces. No trces shall be cut, trimined or-rem&eE-Trom-the clevelopnl.ent except with priorwritten approval of the Architectural Control Committeeor by persons designated by the Committee to grant orderiy such approval. - Fe-ql&n_l! " !"l4Sggg:.,!sjllq_tg-q9f:Lg_. Any d-i sl-urbarlce to t-]re surfacc areas of the Subdi.visi.on tl-re rcsult of construct j-on, or the i:esult- of wor:k ofany kind, sha11 i:e removed or eJ-injnat-ed promptly,either by repl:rnt-ing such surface in nal-ive guass, orby i.anrlscaping; or by gar:clerri,ng/ or by other andsirnilar r;ieans. . Scrr:{:i.on* }2 . j_,:_'t5.lolq.y-_:! !.ry_glgIqs. Tempo::a::y s 1- r'u c t-. u re s . tialliii s tchp,Si;rT r y--Lo -ateii' Ti {:he sub-dj.vj-sion, and other t-etnpor:ary structrrres shall be per- mi Li.cd as may bc neccssar-y durtnll c()nsL.ru<:tion , f.cr cc'i)..;tr:uc i'ion prrrposes only, and only as auLhoi:i zcd bry tl-re A::chi.te c {-ura l Contr:o1 Cotlni.ttce. Se ct i-on l.3 s1-l:'JL-- Lul:L. s cclinc rtccd comp l.e t-.ion ancl slr;r1l cLrluiicncc;lent, trn l c..; sreccives l-hc ruri,tLen Cont-rol Ccnrniltce. 991L:in-rL1-L]:*_oJ c_o1iqt51p!i9n . A,l 1 sha l-1 l.:r-' pr-'ir: :-:ucd cl j- Iigent1y to bc.l c-r.'inpi-cted wiLhin l-2 nont-hs of a lorrgi:r pcr:i,oc1 of cornpletion consent of t,hc Arch-itectur al SectiqlL_]4. lir-.i-gl'rt-_ of irL.t'rce. No fcnce, rva11,or lrcdr.Je 1,j-flre1: i-lian fi.rc ir:,,:t,, an<1 no chain f-i.nk f cncr:r:;, ri)r,.t)1 be gt:crctccl or: lna j.nL;lirrr_.rl in tlre <lcvelop- nicnl"- cx<:cpt- suclr J.crtcr:s for: |enni.s cou]:t_sj irnd other: l-(lcr'.',-:1 j.on.,i1 j rrst,al. l.at:l'oirs iis may l.: r: ap1_rr_ol'r:d by the-Arr:hil-cctirrral Con l,r<;I Cclrini.L l".ee r flr{_tv.iCcd :.;uch J cllri-'cr; rl r.' ',.,'e.l l.s ;rr:r.t n().t.ti\;!1. 1.y r:r:riu ir,,.:r:1 lor-- l;ur.:h t:cCr:c.- .rL.i.orr.r.l i'.tt:i-.1 i Ly, ,rrr11 pr rir'.i rlr:il ..in (rr.:c:llll)1. ion f r.-On t,ltc:for:egoitrg lrrri girl, r:t-l;t..r, -i.r:l ion {:rl: :;Lrr,'lt prrr';,os;r: r'locs :tot int1,i.11<,y1-' rrlion f hr: I) r.'oi) L-r -i- i.y (J1.' .lir(rt l)r-r l.' (),,\jr)c1:, !)yl;r-.r:iott:;ly -i.rrr1r.1 jr.irrg )r i-s; r, ii.,i..r, rtr.' ot.h<:t vJi.:;c, tcl t:hc rlct-i'i,uroDL oli l: lrt: .u:;(] ,: r(l r.rr joyrrr{.irt: of hi.r; pr:<lpr:r.Ly. I 1] Section 15. Nuisances. No noxious or of fensive actavTty-strafi. -Iie carried on nor shallanything be done or permitted which shall constitrute .a public nuisance. Sect-.ion I6. Exterior Licrhtinq. All exlerior 1 i sh t s u scE=ToJTfIfr in ai;-;T s;;;l;;Ef;; a re a s or f orany ol-her purpose shal1 bc ):uried underground. or shieldedin some otlrer fashion as des.ignated by the Architectura] ControL Conrmittee. SecLion lT. Gas and Pr-opane Tanks. A1I gasor propan elanfG-To ca te d-f n-TE-e s u F.tItGf on--s ha I I be burj-ed undergr:ound or shielded in soine other fashionas designaLed by the Architectural Control Committee. Sccti on IB. Elcctric Scrvice l)rons. AtIpower t ine J-Io-EaEEE--i n tl,c' r; Jvc r ofir'ienEl--tnc iua i ng a I Iservice drops. shall be concealed f rc-m view by under-ground inst-allation along their entire lengths. ARTICI,!'] Vl I I I'{ORTGAGEE I S JTTGHTS Section I . Applic.rbil itl'. 'ihis arl-icle* applies to arif-morlqaqee u.,riiei-a--tiL:st niortgageef tlr:any berrcficiary undcr a first decd of trust, r+hichmorl-agc, or which deed of tr.rrst, ent"ai 1s any Lot inthe Subdivision" Sec'Lion 2. Notice ol- Def ar.rl.t, Any iir::r;. trtor t g.r gcc or t,, :ne iTci ary,IrpoLi-ici; ucFtl slr a I L bt: r:n t i Ll crito wr j-tten notif ic.:tion fronr tl-re Associ ation of anydefault l.u i-he perfori:rance );y an indivjdr.raf Lot o\rncrlof any ob1,i-gat-i on uncler this Dec Lar:at-iolt of Rest-r.i ctiveCovcn;rnis, Lhe Ar:ticles of :ir rcbr:por: aL ion / By-T,alrs or .r:ules and rcqulations of Lhe Associitt j on which is t-rotcurcd rv j.tlr j n si.xty (60) cJa1,s, Sect j.o:r 3. ilxerll-rt-iorr !l!_ol _{1l-l!_E:1llLLf!Rr:frr.s;r'l . i{ny riist rcoit<.i.rgL'E r:r: l;,.:irJI l,;i.,i:y-riho o6to.i nsEl[fE to a r,ot- pursuant to l-hc rcmcclics provi,lcd ih the ;ltor i-gacte or dccd of trr.rst- , or: 1ir)rec I osu r:e t.hcr:eof , cirpursu;riri- to a clced or assi.grirnc.n l- jn I jc,tt of foreclosLlre, s:1'r;r.1, I bc cxcnrllL f rc-rur ;rrry "r:i glrt of {. ir-st r:cf rrsal "conl-aii-rcd i.rr tlte Dccl.trr:at j_olr r: J_ ll r_: s t. r: i r_: l .i. ve Covcnantsor t.he Arl--i cl_cs of f ncorporai-ion, lly-T,aws. r>r rule$ arrd r: r: g r"r -1 ;rt-ions o j-' the 1\ssoc i.ai_ j,on . Sr,:t;t ittt"t 4 . Arnc-ttdili:nt::;. tjt'rl-csifi ;lt 1r.:.:*.; r: :io\r(,ul1-v-- f ivr: 1ri,r.<:ciiL- lTtt{) -ot tirc* j. i L'-r.tr: hortglrlc('r:i or )ri.:nc.. f i.c-i.Ii. j.t:r; (bi-is,,rci l1L)on oll{) v()t.'.: for ctlrch 1- ir:st- nrori'gl.-.;et: il. or each fir:st deed of trust owned) or owners (other than the develolrer) of Lots hrtve given their prio,r written approval, the Association shall not be ent-itl-ed to: (a) by act or omission seek Lo abandon, partition, subdivide, encunber, sell or transfer the bo**on Pr:oper:ties owned, directly or indirectly, by the' Association for the benefit of the Subdivision. The gr:anting of easements for public utilities or for other public purposes consistent wj-th t-he intencled use of such Comrnon Properties shall not be deemed a transfer within the meaninq of Lhis clar.rse. (b) change the method of det'ermining the obligations, assessrnents, dues or ot-her charges which mav be levir:d aqainst T,ot owners. (c) by act or omission change, \'raive 'or abandon any scheme of regulati-ons or enforcenent Llrcrcof , pcr:ta-ining to t.hc arcl-'i Lectrrr;rI dcsign or Lhe ^.,r ^*.1\:,aLc:!,L..,r, <!1,t.,!-rrooce of s;lructureij r the exlerior nainten- ance of sLrnctures, the inainlenance of tl-re Common Properties, parl-y walks, conlmon fcnces and drive\'Jaysr or l-lrn rtnkr:r'r.r nf l;rr.'-a -...1 ^l --+ i nu'cLlr\- trt/r!!:ug rJr ruwllD <1LLl 1,/!aIrr Ll.ll:Ji- r (d) fail to mainl-ain f ire atrd ext.ended coverage orl insurable corunon 1:roperty on a current r:e 1:lar:einen 1- cost basis in an anoilnt. noL less than one hurrdr,-ed per!).lnL (1009) of the j-nsr-rrable value (krased on curi:en.t replacernent cost). (e) u.ce ltazarcl insr,rrance proceeds for loss t-o any Com,'non Propcrty for o{--her Lhan Lhe repairs, r:e1.:1;,ccrnen t or reconsLrucl.icn oI sucir Corrnton Property. Ser:l-ion 5 . Ex;rrtina Lion of llook 9. Any f ir:st mort-c;agce oiLrcnd?iTciar-y'_-i;Lar-f-lL.ive-T1t6 -11 fr.r.irt to exarnj.ne Lhc l'oo\s ;utd reeords of t'lte As:;ocial-iorr- Scct.jon 6. Cur.ing Dcfar:lLs. Any fi.rst mor t:qaqce l,l-- liaiib-ifciaiy i'r,ry, -citl'e r -jo j rrt:1y or singlY, p.iy talics oi: other ch;:rgr::-; r+]rich ar:e in clefauIL ar-rd r,'trii:t ;nay )r.rrre bccomc a char gr: :r,;.ri.nsl- l:lrc Cotnmo't Froircr-t.,i.cs a.lid nt y I.)a)' ovcrcirtr: pi,'r:tuiurns ot1 haz.lrd irrstr-, ,rncc 1,tr1 icies, or :le {lLrlc l'rcv.' h;rz,.rrcl i.ttl';ur:rrnce covcr:aUe i n thc cvrrnt <-if t:he .1.ap:;c of zr pol.icy and any su<.:1t irayrrr.)nL or [)aynlo]li:.s :;o tnadr: s:hal. I i:c -i tr:rnetli-.ri'-ely r:cinrbr-rfl;c:d 1:O s;uc;h fir:,;'.- t;tOrl-tJiir.jce Or beIl(rfj"Ciary by t'.lrc A:-; r;oc-' i.a t -ion, Iii.'lcl:j.on'/. A1:l11.1..ic.:rtri,,.;ir <;{: P).()t.:(:(lds. Any ot:irr:,r:: plc,r,.i r;i.rrii dl.--t:tri r; ;jiii.;L;rit,rii: iijri -to t.lrc t;iJIrtr.iry rlot:.- t,i{-lu;t'.:rllcl i.'it,i. i}lly [)] ()('(:r](l lj r:r.r:i-li.vcd 1,ry l-lrc Assoc j;rti.on in r:r.:,;1,,-'1:l: I r) i-lt,: (l{)iitlro}i llr'olre:t'{. i.lrl:, t,li.i lrcr i.tr t.lte l-r-: r'tn oL i i I r; t t l.' , t r I (.) {.1 L)}:()(-'(" (ls, ir',\,,t t'(l:i j }l (if)ll(l('tlltt;tt-- j rltt, rlt: ol-ltr:r, rr,lti,,.:lr ll l rli r;1.r:.i l;trt oti t o I li(] ()\,i]){'r.':i (ill l,!)t l; i.n i itr: 'I ') SuLrdivision, shal,l he distributcd to such toL owners subject to the lien or interest of any first mortgagee or beneficiary, as such l-ien or j.nterest appears. Section 8. Reserve. Association dues or cl-rarges shafT-Tn*c-ITde an--iioeQ-uaLe rcserve fund for t mainLenance, repairs and replacemcnt of those elenrents of the Common Properties tl-raL must be replaced on a periodic basis. Lssessments in respecL to such reserve shal1 be paid in regular installments rather than by special asseg sinents. Section 9. Terrnination of Management LS-Ige4g4!.'rf the associatlon enters-TnEo arily .rgi:bcinent for pro- fessional managemenL of .the sr-ii:d j,vj-sion,. or any contracl- whj c)r provi.des for scrvices by Llrc deve.loper, such agree- mcnt or cont::act sha1l expressly provide for ter:mina- t ion by eiil:er: party. rr'j.thout causer or payment of a terrnirration fce, on no more Lhan ninety (90) daysl wriLten notice. No sucir contract shall be for a term of more than t--hree (3) ycars. ARTTCI,E TX GIINERAL PROVTSTONS SecLion 1. Duration - The covcnani-s and rcstric'Lioni_-of -t,Ffs oeclaratTon sira]1 r:utr rvith anC bind the l.rrrd, .rnd shall inure 1-o l-he benefil- of and be enforccrtble by Lhe Devcl-oper / the Associal-ion, or the Ov.,nc.: of ,rny 1;rrc1 subjccL t-o this Dccl:traLion, i-hei r res;pecLive 1eg.rl reprLrsc.jrrt;rLivcs, l-rei::sr :tuccesS().rsr and ass j r;ns, ;rncl sira11 cr:nLinue j n f trl-1 force and ef fect f cir a term of 21 years f r-om the clal-e of th j.s Declar:ation' $ l:cco::ding, at rvhi ch time s;a j.d covenants shall be autonial-i,ca11y cxtrlnd.rd. for success j-vc peri-ods of l-en (10) !e c1r.s each. Section 2. Alnenclmeni-r:, 'llhe cor-rtlit j.otrs, r:es Lrict-- j.ons, -st-Ipu: at-Iijii?, agii,j,rncitts at.rcl covcnatlts c<>ntarnecl l-rcrci.n :;ha11 l-rot be rva i-rred , ab,:ncloned, l-ernrinal:i:d or aurended cxccpL ):y ",'ri.t-t-en con:;cnt of the Or,;trers of the privately oivncd lar.icl includcd ivi-thin' tlie boundarics of l-he Sul:rlirri.sior) a.s foL1or.,,.s: (a) f f Lhe a tt'tcnrltitc t't t pr:opos;ed woultl ;ri f ccl- or chanqc: Ll'rc r,r:rc.r clr l.rsos pcrmi t 1.cd i r-r Llre Sub,,livi-:;i()n , ol: t-'iranqe or af iccl- l-lrc oblig;rtions of the Owi)cr-s i.n. r.cs.pecL l-o ar:r.r,..risi)lcnl.-s, or r:itatrge or af f cct- tlie nr,-:rrr.|:r:r:s oJ; t--hc A:;:;oc i.;rL j-on , or: cir;ingc or a{f e-r:l- Lhe yr:.ovi.si(.))rrj go\r1.)l-ning 1--hc ill:chj-l.,rcl-ut:itl ct:tttrol, or rti\1:{)r i.;r 1. 1.y ;r.l'.f c'c:t o:: chalgc [.]ir: .-:lrirract-r:r of l]lr-' lirtb- rlirri:;i.on, [.1ir.rti ::i:ch .rtnoil,i;nr)trl. l;.lrl i-L noL ])(t(:oltc r:f llt'cLive tinl,r'l;r,; i. l- r--r:c:t-..i vr::; l-hc ()o)ls(ilr t: o ll :,icvctr'{-y'-1-itt.' (751) P()r:ct:r)t of lhc t,r>t:ittg rir.':rili{rr.:l)r'i 1-'l of 1:hr: A:;:;or:i;tt,jon. t ,ffi rl. (b) If the amendment proposed pertaine to malters other than those mcrntioned in subparagraph(a) above, and vrould noL materially affect or change the character of the Subdivisi.on, then such amendment shall noL bccone effective r"rnless it receives the consent of fifty*one percent (519) of the voling member- ship of the Association. Section 3. Notice. Any notice required to be sent to any-llEfrE6For oilfrEr-under Lhe. provisions of this DecLaration shall be deerned to have heen properly sent when mailed, postpaid, to the last known address of the person who appears as llenber or Onwer on the reco::ds of the Association aL the time of such nailing. . Section 4. Bnforcement. Enforcement of these covenants -and restrictions r-.hETt-ne by any proceeding at law or in egu.i,ty agai-nst ariy person or persons violating or attenpt ing t-o viol,ate any covenant or restriction, eiLher to i:es train viotat ion or to recover damages, and against the land to enlorce any lien created by these covenants, arrd failure by the Associatit>n or any Owtrer to enforce any covenant or rest-riction hereiri contaitred shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so the.reaf ter. Secti on 5 - Sevcrabili.t.y. f nval-idation of any onc of tlrcse--t:ov6iints-GF rbEt?-iit-i-orrs by judgmcnt or courl- order sjrall -in no wise affect any otl-rer 1:rovis-ionswhich'shall remain i-n full force and effect, IN I'JITIiESS trriiEFEOI , tiris 1'rrr f lrrr rrnrlr'r.: i ._ynr\,:r +1^; .' 'l -.'!J-l r J. vr r\:L.l L-'| | .L > (rdy ,l.n stl:urien L i,.g exr:cuLed of , J.97 B CASOI,AR ASSCC IATf,S By i]NANE I,KNOX, Landowner Deve l opcr LBO PAYNE, Lailcluwner 14. I PLANNIN6 AND ENVIROMENTAT COMMISSION July 27, 1981 ME}IBERS PRESENT Gaynor MilLer Gerry $hite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Scott Edwards Jiin Morgan v\,IY \t ,Vr\v \ ri\rV nV\ Y' STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan tarry Eskwith Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESENTAT}VE ( !. r)\Dr. Ste inberg 1. 4.pproval of Jninutej; of rneeting of .July 13, 198.1 . Dan Corcoran rnoved and Duane Piper seconded to approve the minutes. Vote was 4-0, unaninous, uest for amendneirt in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 thro 18.66.160of the zoning or e to rezone 1o rom Resi.dential Cluster to Prina::y/ Secon rlary for le Hopkins. Peter Patten explainerl the merno and showed where the project xras in relationto Cli.ffsidc and Briar Patch, Dick Ryan stated that the staff felt the chalge irr zoning worrld irnprove the site plan and el iur-i-r,.,,- *.^ l,u;,-.,.1-*- --;.1, i.i.;-u-r*-,. followed as to r.,,'hether or not to alloiv P/S CRFA or retain the RC GRFA. It was also pointeC out that at the tj.rne of annexation, the area was arbitrarily RC lsith the knouledge that sorre per:pl.e woul d i{art to change 1ater, and that sone lots vrould be penalized. Peter felt that allow:i.ng rnore flexibility was a benefit without needingt0 grant addi.cional 6RFrA also. Ed l)ragg1, rcpresenting the owner, stated that they agreed with contli.tions I and 2, but not with 5 (restricting the ali.owable GRFA to RC). He felt ttrat srrrroundingprcperties had been "given't additi-onal CRFA, atd added that there wculd be hi.gher density all aroun<l this lot, He al so felt that the owner would be rna.king the lot Jook bctter by changing zones. Gerry ilhite reninded the applicant that he wanted to develop a slope over 40e,i, andthat if given the privilege to do this, he should be colltent with a loi'rer GRFA. Dttane a.sked i{' they coul d have asked for a variance to bui.ld on the -eteep slope. He felt that RC addressed the slope problem, and that the site u,as vely steep. Ed felr that the plan as it was being presented rvas sensitive to tire site. Scottstated that RC irail been planned as arbitrary, with the thought to looking at eechsite separatel y as i.t, came in, He felt th.;rt P/S wa-s a better zone for the proi)err,y than RC. Dick renindcd thern that placemeut ltas important, and that under RC thcycoitld build a road. Tiie staff felt it r,ras i urportant not to have that roari. Dan a<idcd that if they tterc forccrl to build near the ton cf the site it would have a:rega.tivc i.npa ct upon the nc j.ghboring units , i-Jebate concerning lvhether or not this l{as spot zonitrg. llick lr:rn.indeti thern lhat at the ti"ure of &ntrexation, they hirtl decidedthat this area treeded further -study. PEC -Z- 7/27/81 :' \.". Bill- Post representing the developers of The Ridge (Va11ey Associates) requestedof the comnission that if they allow a road near-the top of the lot, lhat it berequired (as well as the house) to be below the ridge line. He st,ated that allthe buildings in The Ridge were reguired to be within envelopes with height re-strictions so as not to interfere with the ridge line. petei feri that It appearedthat the drivevray could be built so that it wai virtually invisible frorn theRidge units o'and that that was the reason the staff was Lnthusiastic about thesite near the top " Scott moved to reconnend to the Town Council that they grant the request to changethe zoning from RC to P/S with the first two conditions as written in the memo,and with a change in the third condition to read.:3) that they cooperate withthe staff in developing the site so the road or r.,y structure r+ill fall belowthe ridge line. P-eter pointed out that the staff cloesntt nake final decisions on siting, butthat the DRB has that jurisdiction. scott then changed the third condition to read: sJ that the applicant nake aconcerted effor:t to place the road and structure below the ridge line.Gaynor seconded the notion, and after discussion the vote *u, i for (Gaynor andscott)' 3 against (Duane, Roger and Gerry) r,rith Dan ancl Jim abstaining, Roger then moved then nroved that the recornnendation to the Council be for approvall^tith the three con<litions as stated in the staff meno. Duane second.ed. Discussion followed as to vrhether or not to rcirricE tne secondary unlt to rental -to an employee of Gore Valley. Ed stated that they would then withriraw theirrequest. Gerry reiterated his concern about building ort a 409o slope, Dan fcltthat they should be able to live with ernploy"" ttor'rilig if-given p/s zoning, andGaynor felt rhat the si.te nith p/S zoning r,ras a bettei on". l'he vote was 2 for (Roger and DuaneJ and s agai-nst (Gaynor, scott and Gerr1.),r,rith Dan and Jin abstaining. Concern about reflecting the feelings of all the members to the Councll was felt.Gerry stated that he felt no chz rge in zoning was needed, but that a variatrcecottld be applied for. Jirn stated that he didn't see how the conmissionerscould have stated that they would consider lots in this area at a later date,and then now state that it -shouldnrt be recons.idered. Gerry felt that to isolate "9. lot and rezone didn't makE*ieillEll Dick Ryan reminded the comnissioners rhatthat there -were special circunstances and thit it u,as stated that they wouldgo back and reconsider. Peter.said that the statf-ilJ nol consider this spctzoning' La::ry Eskwith felt that this would rot be con-sidcred spot zoning. Thus,no recolnnendation for either approval or denial was forlarded to Town Council. 3' Reque-st fol a ggJ{y.-y"ri.aace irl gross residential floor area in order totui t Applicants: McDonaJd, Catoe, etc, pension Rctirenent Trusr l:llt_Plra:n staletl tslo staff had donc a tot of lese;nch on thi.s propcrryclatrng.?1tk t$ugg:l-l9Zg> Dick R1'rLn -statcd that the staff felt the iir:iunsion"eswel"c d-tti'crcltt in that Dcnlle Knox had knovicdAe of thc GIll;A, ancl McDonalcl tli.tlnot ' Ile thoLrght he could havc ltrg0 sq ft on iach sidb. Gcor.ge Straw, rcplcscnt.ingItlcDonald, didn I t want to rei teratc rvhiit hc hlcl nicntionccl ;rt the Last rneeting. ['* 't" PEC -5-7/27/sL)t Dan felt that t.he Town of Vail has not been without fault, and that there waslots of confusion on both sj.des. He thought that McDonaLd knew before he everbuilt on lots 13 and 15. ile added that it was an unfortunate situation and agreed with the Town of Vail staff that it needed to be put to rest. t{e felt thar it wasntt just the lownts fau1t. Gerry White agreed that enough rnistakes has been made. ^ Martin Rqbsg.s:lein, a resident of Casolar asked for inforrnation on the proposed structure, and Pcter pointed out that alI t!:-srrrretop€,s had bcen agreed upon by the Casolar Home Owners Associ.ation, and ifrchanges_arc_n4de, thsy ngstb" ,ppt"yg.d by= th" At Martin was concernEd about height. Bi.ck suggestedthat he leave his nane and phone with the secretary and he would be notified as to when the project came before DRB. Martin stated that as far as the homeowner neetings were concerned, he was noti.fied after the last meeting. Duane noved and Dan seconded to grant approval to the reque$t for a GRFA variaricein accord with the staff memo. The vote was 6=0 in favor r"rith Scott abstaining. 1. A request for a rninor subdivision aplrroval under Town of Vail Subdivision regutationl--on -Gts-t,-7,-q', T6II-lEe Valley, Phase IV. The applicant is requesting to revise the siting of 2 duplexunits and to all-ow a nole flexible siting for a single farnily unit. Applicant: The Val1ey Associates. Peter showed 4 sets of plats and explained the neuro, adding that the requests did not affect GRFA, as the project is allotted a total of 241800 sq ft, and the developer is allowed to allocate that as they wish. Craig Snorvdon showed the plans. Peter stated that the staff felt that abandoning the lot line betwee lots 2 & 3 would improve the siting of the units and that the relocation of thelot line between lots 4 and 5 rr'ould clean up those lot I i,nes, Gaynor noved and Roger seconded to approve the request as pcr staf,f memo. The vorewas 5.0 in favor with Dan and Jim M,- abstai.ning. 5. Appiic.ation fol a con.diti"onal ]rse pernit for a water coll!s!&L:I:1gA3ng_pump u6rrce- of Red Sandstole Creek anci Gore Creek. Applicants: Vail Associates, Inc. Dick Ryan reviewed the merno. Gerry was concerned with the min imum stream flow, and Dick stated that there rr'a s a rninirnum stream flow established for Gore Creek. Jin Clark representing VA said that they had presented the required envj.ronmcntal assessment, with a discussion on minimum str:ean flow, lle added that rnuch water would be put back i.nto the strean. Jin C. stated that he believed that the naxinum anount VA will tlrke frorn the strean will be 1-1/2 nillion gallons per <iay totalfor the first phase, and wlien the second phase is completed, the maximun total will be 2 nillion. Gemy felt that the :ninimun florv hadn't been addressed, Jinr said that it had been identified in their rcport as 7-ll2 cfs at the confluencc of the trvo creeks. Dlscrission follorqed conccrning the use of the cfflucnt, andthe scheduling with re-spect to muddying thc strcafi. Jirn saict that the strean wottld bc diverted to thc north side, and that they woul.d coorrlinate their efforts on, the bike path with Andy Noris with resl:ect to paving and access, Duanc askedif Vr\ rtould repair the bike path if there wcre any destruction, and Jim Cla.rk assurertlhim thcy r"ould. .. PEc -4- 7/27/81 I l' t I I Scott moved and Gaynor secondedfirst two conditions listed andfor repairing any damage to thea maximin noise level be given. The vote luas 4-0 wj.th Roger, l)an to approve the conditional use pellnit with thea third that says: S. Applicani is responsiblebike path, and a.4th: 4. A stateneni regarding and Jin abstaining. ... 6' $Ppl Lca,!idn for an exterior alteration or nodification in commercial Core llfor the Con'iett-H futhe eastern side and to.revise the steps to the Concert I7a1I plaza. Applicationis made in accordance with section 1g.24.06s of the vail Ntunicipal code. Thelocation is on Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Vaif Underground Inc. Peter- Patten presented the nemo, and Bill pierce described the retail spacesand the new ent?ance on the east side. Jeff Selby said he had talked with Montanerosand that it vras highly irnprobable that the entrance pf"nnea on the east willbe affected. He went on to discuss how rnuch of the irew space shoulci be countedtoward required parking spaces. He went on to explain the ag?eenent r,oith vAon the use of the North day parking lot. Gerry felt that it was i*porirrrt r_ohave a letter from vA substantiating ther parking agreement, 'because' vn i, u*p.nrro1of the Gondola Building was arso baied on-the pirklng avaiiable at the Northday lot. Jin Morgan pointed out that other buildingi in Lionshead also use<lthe North day 1ot, but also pairl a parking fee. ttruJh disagreenent between selby and the Staff ensued regarding the correct additional comrnercj.al square footagl being added to compute parking spaces required. Gerry felt.that the conmj.ssion would accept the staffrs recommendati-on. . (Peter said that they would refigurethe parking spaces.) Dan nove{ Roger seconded to approve the reconmendation to the council forthe alteration with the two conditions of the staff. After nore discussion concerning the arnount of space being counted for additional cornnercial area, Dan moved to add an amendrnent to the reiommendation to add a defiaition of whatis going to be counted be reviewed by the planning staff and the Town attorney. Roger seconded this motion, and the vote lvas 6-0 in favor. (Duane had left.) Roger moved and Dan seconded to adjourn. The neeti-ng was adj ourned at 6:00 p.m. , TO: Larry Eskwith, Assistant Toun Attorncy FROM: Peter Patten, Senior Plannet DATE: July 16, 19Bl SUBJIICT: McDonald GRFA Variance Issue At this time, Ird like to get dor^in in w'iting sone of ny rebuttals to the argunents which took place on l,4onday, July 13 at the PEC rneeting by George Straw and Jin lrlct)ona1d. l{hile not having the opPortunity at thi's point to have spoken with Jirn Rubin or Dick Ryan in detail about this issue, I have listened to the tape of the August 22, I97B PEC nweting and would like to offer the following commcnt s: 1. Mr. Straw argues that the Town created 1ega1 building lots going against our own nininu l lot size requiTenent for the LDMF zone' The tape of the PEC neeting confirms my understanding that all along the building sites were treated as bui,lding envelopes or mere locations of buildings. This issue of nininun lot size was brought up at that PEC nceting and it was agreed by everyone prescnt (including Knox because he didnrt argue differentty) TE?E-TfrEse were only locations of buildings sinril ar to a townhouse concept. 2. At the PEC neeting of August 22, 1978, Mr. Knox pointed out that Jim Rubi:r had been kind enough to Ibox out the area of 40eo slope which would reduce the GRFA on the site." Going further, Knox stated tha! this would result in ending up with "approxime.llely" 11 uirits of 1400 square feet each. Thus, Knox knew of the GRFA reduction due to 40% slope conditions and irnpli.ed by the word, 'rapproximately" that this was an esti.nate at this tinre (realizing tirat, if anything, the GRFA would probably be redueed beyond the estimated 1400 sq ft per unit figure). 3, Mr. Straw continually refe*ed to "the intention" of Ms Toughill and that she had I'worked witht' Mr. Knox in the development of the covenants, etc. t'The intention't of a staff rnernber canies no weight--only the approvals given out by the aFpropriate Town Cornrnission. The Toun has never becn a legal signator to private covenants and if she heiped Mr. Knox revise his covenants to agree with sone Tor'in zoning regulatlons that would be her prerogative. In no way did the Town approve the covenarts. At the PEC rneeting in 1978, they were handed out for the i.nformation of the PEC and have never been app-rove9 by the Town. 4, The approval given by the PEC at the August 22' 1978 meeting was for a resubdivision request. They did not aPprove a GRFA pea unit nurnber. This is obvious in both the minutes and the tape of t.hat neeting. However, at the neeting, the 1400 square foot pel unit figure was nentioned and then referred to later in the meeting. At one point, Jim Rubin referred to the 1400 square feet per unit t'regulationrt. This raises the question of what uras actually approved [only a resubdivision) vcrsus the nunrbers with.which the developer and staff undelstood to be working with. Even if a 1400 square foot per unit figure is used, why w" Eskwith - Nlcllon -2- 7/16/81 t did thc casolar llorneovmersr Association contirluai ly approve 1690 sq ftper unit? Thc fact renains that a per unit sq ft f i.grrte r{as never :rpprovedby the Town and ncvcr cnforccd by anyone. Now it's bcing used againii. us. 5. The carling Duplcx zone check forrn di.d list an allowed GRFA of 3sg0 sqft per duplex, but this was because wc were inforrned by the Casolar llorne-ot{ners' Assaciation that they would not approve anything above that. Thisis an unofficial coinmunity Devel opment Department forn for our use anddoes not reflect policy. 6, Itlr' straw continual 1y referred to the plat map that the Town signecl offon and related this to the GRFA on the site. This is a very poor andunintelligent asserti.on on his part. A plat is a docurnent reiognizingland survey-type information such as boundaries of property, easementsand total lot size, 'ro assert that the si.gning of ttre-p1at-infers we approved that the rirhole lot was buildable area is ridiculous. 7, Throughout Mr, Straw!s arguernents were the words t'intentionu and rrsupposecl to", A lawyer should know' that intentionso et,c, 'are only that and officialapproval s are what govern the property. 8. Mr' Knox was asked at the t78 PEC rneeting if he was applying for abandonmentof the lot line between this parcet and :he casolar viir r property. He replied "not at this tine, itis something werre consiaering, but itrsnot important at this tihe". No application to abandon this lot line was ever filed with the Community Developnent Uepartnent, The PEC wi-shed inforrnation on the timing of the slope analysis problen andasked how rnany building pernits were issued before ind aft-er thi developer was aware of the problern- r would say that at the August 22, rg78 neeting,the developer was avrare of the 40e" slope requirenent ind its reduction uponthe GRFA and the fact t.hat there would be a probtem if he approved 1690 sqft pea unit, because he hinseLf stated the units would be alout 1400 sq ft. ce: Dick Ryan Jin Rubi.n al do 5f_ t O PIAIININC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COIvMISSION July 13, 1981 -<:00 p.n. PRESENT Scott Edwards Duane Piper Dan Corcoran Gerry White Jin Morgan ABSENT Peter Patten Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Roger Tilkeneier Gaynor Mi11er The neeting was called to order by Gerry hhite, chairman, l. .Approval of the minutes of Jrlne 22, L981 . Ton Steinberg 2. A request for a setback variance to rnake legal an existing buildins which encroaches 4r into the side setback on 5040 l{ain Gore Drive which is part of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn titled.Sundial Phase II. Appiicant: Penner Construction Managernent, Inc. Peter Patten presented the neno, explaining the qrror made from the destruction and subsequent re-location of a concrete nonument. Jeff Spanel explained how the survey error came about, and Dan Corcoran added explanations regarding subsequent surveys showing other property corners in the subdivision and agreeing that an honest error had been nmde. Tin Garton representing Vail East Townhomes told of his concern of the dyking of the property and ielt that it would affect their side of the creek. Peter stated that he would discuss this with Tin. Dan noved and Duane seconded to approve the request for the setback variance. The vote was 5-0 in favor, unaninous. '2, APpeal of administrati.ve decision concerning the color of a residence on Lot 20 Larry Eskwith explained that the Collins had had sone problens uith their color and were told by Peter Patten that their only option wls to come before the DRB to appeal. for the change in color, or to change to the color that was listedin their original presentation. The Collins' did appeal, and were denied. i llowever, he (Larry) was of the opinion that the pEc did not have the power . to hear this iten. Scott Edwards moved and Jiur ltlorgan seconded that the PEC did not have theauthority to hear the Collins appeal. The vote was 5-0, unanirnous to accept the fact that they could not hear the appeal. PEc -2- 7tL3/8rrr 4. Request for density variancj_for lot 12, Bl,ock A7, Casolar II at 1101 Vail Vi.ew Drive. Applicantsl Jean and Jarnes llt. McDonald, Jean Catoe, et al , Dick Ryan stated that the staff would like to table this item until the next PEC neeting, because that morning the staff had received a large nemo frorn the applicant, and wanted tine to study it. George Straw_, attorney for the applicant, stated that this was the first time that Mr. McDonald had had a chance to present his case. Discussion followed, and it was decided that the appllcant could nake his presentation, and the request could still be postponed afterward. Peter Patten then reviewed briefly the previous meetings and appeals with Deane Knox, and added that the staff still reconunended denial for lot 12, GeorgeStrarthen gave his presentation for the applicant: He felt that the Town had acted i11egally, and mentioned the fact that Phase I was zoned RC and then LDMF. (Dan pointed out that this was because it was originally going to be part of Hornestake.) He added that Deane Knox had talked to Diana Toughhill in planning the subdivision. He pointed out that the plat did not show even co$mon open space, and yet was approved, He felt that the slope analysis should have been done first on each lot. His exhibit G was a letter to Deane frorn Diana Toughill stating that the units could be tovrnhouses, and Straw added that Toughill indicated that GRFA was on a per unit basis. Dan Corcoran pointed out that the plat refers to protective covenants and are part of the plat and call out the restrictions. Straw then discus"ed +h6 recr rhqr- tlle tesolrrtions state 1400 GRFA, and yet 3380 GRFA was in the declarations. Deane was advised that there would be an evaluation later. Peter Patten read ninutes showing that the PEC approved resubdivision request, NOt GRFA. Straw then stated that'Carling proposed a greater GRFA and received it and t.hen still built a larger unit. He questioned why the connission assuned Knox was the spokesnan for the subdivision. Gerry ltlhite responded that Knox had been the spokesman who responded to their inquiri.es. Jin McDonald stated that Knox further understood that he could transfer density from Phase I to Phase II. Straw questioned whethe" or not McDonald inflicted ths hardhhip on himself, whether or not the Torrn violated its own zoning ordinance, and r*hether or not the Town had ignored the true owners of the lots. Dan felt he wanted to know how rnany building pernits were issued prior to the problen, and were the owners nade aware of the problen. Scott nentioned that the To n cannot enforce the covenants which state the GRFA. He also asked that the inforrnation in the new meno be boiled down to fewer pages. Larry E. said the events must be reconstructed. Dan asked that the staff keep in contact with Straw and McDonald so that both si.des would know what would be said at the next neet ing. Dan moved and Duane seconded a notion to table the itern until the next meeting. The vote r*as 5-0 to table. PEc -3- 7/r3/8?j 5.A reguest f_or arncndment in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 thrgugh 18.66.160to the zoning ordinancc from Residcntial Cluster to llesidcntiat Piimary/Sccorularyin order to build a residential unit together with a caretakerrs unit.Applicant: Doyle Hopkins. After beginning discussion, it was discovered that there were sorne adjaccnt property owners on the Ridge who werenrt notified of the neeting. Ed Drager asked to table the itern until the next neeting. Duane noved and Jirn secondedto table this until the next regular meeting. Vote was 4-D (Dan had left.J .A minor subdivision request to vacate a lot. line betwecn lots A-l and A-2, Lionsiiage Peter Patten explained the memo, and Dave Green representing Architercra saidthat this was really overlooked at the previous meeting when the project had been approved, Gerry White stated thatn while he was opposed to the projectitself, this point was a rninor one. D:ane moved and Jin seconded to grant the request to vacate the lot line. The vote was 4-0 in favor. 7. A request for'ar extetior alteration and modification in Corunercial Core II, n 3,950 square feet of office space to the tionshead Gondola BuiLding, and a requestfot a variance to Section 18.26.150 to waive the requirement of including onehalf the parking within the rnain building. Applicantl Vail Associates. Peter Patten explained the request, inciuding an explanation of the number of' parking units that varr Associates ha-ye-fof t.heir enployees, which the stafffelt was adequate. Torn Leonard of Vail Associates explained that. they did not have sufficient office space for their enployees, Dn. Steinberg of the Town Council wanted to be assured that the parking lots were zoned for parking on1y, and Dick Ryan assured hirn that they were. Scott was concerned that in futureyears, it tnight not be remembered that this variance was granted on the basisof the existing spaces. Tom Leonard reminded then that VA had 140 extra parking space s .Discussion of the one condition,. that the applicant agrees to parti-cipate in and not remonstrate against a special improvenent distriet when oneis formed for the Lionshead area, followed, Jfur moved and Duane seconded to approve the request as stated in the staff neno -of July 6, 1981 including the condition described above. The vote was 3-1,scott. opposed because he wasnrt confortable with the parking situation. 8. "Pul.l.ic hgaling. and cgn+iderati:rn of an exterior altj:ra.tion and nodification request in Conmercial Core I for the addition of restaurent space and a retract- able glass enclosure over the existing swirmning pool at the Lodge at Vail .Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. Dick Ryan explained that the applicant had decided to ask only for the restaurantaddition, Ken Wentworth, archi.tect for the appticant showed plans and statedthat the restaurant addition would requiTe 2 to 4 nore parking spaces. He enphasized that his firrn felt that nothing is happening around this edge ofthe open area and that pedestrian activity would be increased. Duane agreed and added that hj.s concern vras with quality instead of quantity. Gerry White 6. sr- PEC -4- 7/13/8Lt felt that there was already one nnjor entrance to the l,odgc with a majorwalkway from Wail Street, Ken stated that he felt they were enhancing whatwas already there- Gerry felt that while it seens likl a srnall encroachmenr,it was not, and that the space was valuable. Duane noved and Jirn seconded to approve the modification of the restaurantsubject to condition #2 of the stiif nemo, that the applicant agree to parti_cipate in and not renonstrate against a special improvement district whenone is forrned for the Vail Village area. The vote was 2 for -(Duane and Jirn) and 2 against (Gerry and scott). scottwas against encr_919h;L1S upon- open_space. Gerry reninded the ,ppfi"rntthat he had 10 days to-appeat io To-tn Council. 9' 4 rgqge.st-f-or-qpprovar to replat High-rang Meadows, lots 26-42, th_e Highlardo*tt to"ei equested to allownew road dedications and vacations and rot rine removals, This is a najorsubdivision requested^under chaptet 17.04 of the vail l,runicipal code.Applicant: Sun Tech Builders, inc, Peter-Patten -explained that -this replat was a nere technicality after approvalof sDD 11. (The applicant did not appear.) Dave ;;-Ni;r. Edeen appearedto voice their concern about a drainige probl"* they were having, ,oith *"t",running off of Highland park onto tireir iand. mey'siaieo that they hadbeen washed out severar tirnes in the past weeks. bi"t ny"r, stated thatthe new plat wourd take care of drainige wi.th the reaesi'sn of the road.scott suggested they use a nethod to dlvert the water iernporar:_ry as wasdemon,strate4,hy Architerra. Larry Eskwi-th stated that-bottr ternporary andpbfinanent diversion of water wouri be a reasonabre cond.ition of approval. scott moved and Duane seconded that the replat be approved on conditionthat tcnPorary relief of the drainage problern that exists for the Edeensbe sorved, water rnusr be diverted [o. iir. arainalu ;t;;; shown on the pratwithin 15 days of final approval of the plat, The vote was 4-0, unanimous approval with the condition stated. 10. A st for a variance to tion 18.14.090 of the Vail Municipal Codeto allow the appfican--To--iiE!rr\, cpt, r. J.Ld.u L Lo rncruse tlood platn area in calculating aIldensity in determining the number of units allowed on rhe sire nr +haal.lowed on the site of the Int 1e er-nountain swin and Tennis club, an unplatted parcel in v"ir-i"te"mountainsutdivision. ,Appricants: rntermountain swin and Tennis club who wish toconstruct 2 additionar units over the previous upprou"i-uy iagre county. Letel falten presented- the nemo stating that the staff reconunended denial .chuck ogilby, one of the appricants, sfrowed the ptoi prr"-""a exprainedthat L,6 acres in the center of-their plot. was considered flood plain. Heexplained that he felt the 2 units *ouid. fit welr into it"ir piot pr*rr,that they wouldntt be adding more unit blocks, r+ould not "ff""t the parking,and they felt it would be a pleasing addition arct,it"ctu*aiiy. He addedthat-they felt they had praciicat aireicurties, and ,nu"iionua t.hat theyhad looked at other site; up and down the vatley and felt that theirs wasunique, because of the ,rr"uly ;;";;; .;;rg other things. 7/ts/Y T stan cole added that 1/3 af their total land was affected by the flood plain.Dick Ryan felt that thj-s was sirnply a circunstance. Gcrry h'irite felt sironglythat a flood plain situation was not one upon which to grant a variance.Discussion followed concerning whether or not the flood plain nas a hardship. Jim noved and Scott seconded to deny the variance request. The vote was4-0 in favor of denial . Gerry white reninded thern that they had l0 days in which to appeal to council . 4 regugst undgr-Ordinence 13, Series of 1981, for The Valley phase 6for rna] or revisions to an approved site plan, The proposal is to re*desi-gnthe building locations and unit desi.gns" along with a portion of the roadlayout. Applicant: Murray properties partnership of Dal las. Peter Patten showed the rnodel and site plan. John Wheeler, representingthe applicant answered questions. He explained that the cul d.e sacs werelarge to accommodate large vehicles. Jim Morgan expressed concern aboutcut and fills being largely visible. He warted to rnake certain the funpact .1a1 doynnlaled so that the units didnlt give a walt-like facade. Gerryfelt that the tennis courts were alnost necessary to soften snd add interest.scott wanted to know what will happen when this project went into DRB ifthe DRB decided there was too much visual impact, and olck replied thatthat was the reason the DRB was invited on the field trip, hoivever, the DRB could still suggest changes. Dr. steinberg asked. if-it were possibreto narrow the road, and was told it was necessaly to have them that widthto accornmodate large vehicies.. The clustering anc rdaesignrng'of tnebuilding locations were discussed. Jin moved and scott seconded to approve the revisions. The vote was 3-0rith Duane abstaining, in favor ol-approval of the site plan. scott rnoved and Duane seconded that the neeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.n. -5-PEC 11. 'U-- t Planning and Partial Environmental Conrnission ninutes for 8/22/78 Deane, go ahead with whatever is ready. Knox:Lot 7, Block A Lionsridge Filing #1 to cluster housing ordinance. We follow the safiIe approach with this si.te as we did for the sites A8, A9 which are now part ;f in which we have divided the ground and we have platted envelopes i.ndicated by these squares, and uh, this is what we are proposing,...actually, we subdivided (coughing) into five building sites, that would actually be 4 cluplex sites of apProximately, we11, 2400 square feet each and one triplex site of 5200 square feet, The , I think if you follow the area of zoning to the letter, we would have been allowed to haire buiit 12 units on this site, and in evaluating the actual Pxoper use of the land and the. "and everything else, we are proposing to drop that back to 11 and then, Jim Rubin has taken the tine to kind of box out an area that would be reduced greater further in GRFA due to a snal1 area in here that is in excess of our 4020 slope grade report. So, taking all those factors into consideration we will end up with a project that will allow approxinately 11 units of 1400 square feet gross residential floor area in each' ED Are you asking for a vacation of lot line between lot 7... ".ok rnox: $fi$tatrt8tfi"tfiffig that we are considering, but that'!s not inportant at this presentation. Rubin: What theytre asking for is a resubdivision of this property and this is the same concept as the Casolar project on A8, A9 ruhich you have seen before where they are legally defining bui-lding envelopes, and thatts why they were required to go through the subdivision process, and they are not changing the lot li.nes at all, theyrre changing any easenents, theyrre just putting the building siteg-or building envelopes onto the 1ot and the density and the no. of square feet are \within the confines of the zoning ordinance, so that itts just the placenent Iof the envelopes on the site. .--r Ed Drager: Roger: ED Rubin This, if I recall, on lot 8 and lot 9 was first irnp l ennentation wetve had of our cluster housing ordinance . And I think worked quite closely with Diana and llmnot sure who else doun- stdirs in attempting to come to a deternination of how we use that cluster housing ordinance and make it work. Will each owner have an undivided i.nterest in the entire lot? That is true less the building envelope In the corunon space. The zoning is low density rulti-family and this was a 1ot which was suggested for down zoning last November to Residential Cluster, and it was kept LDMF, (9 units per acre) Gerry: How does that work with ninintrm lot area? Rubin: This is an unusual concept here, because each one of these building sites is no- where close to nin inun lot area, but they are not being expressed as individual PEu -z- stzz/71) lots, they are being expressed as building sites thernselves, Ed: You have to read the Cluster Housing provision which allows so nany units per acre--there are ratios in there. This is a method of implementing and I think at the time that you originally did this, this-Diana felt was the preferable methodfor implementing it. Rubin: This is basically the sane thing as developing the si-te .as a.who1e, and.it has to do with the same restrictions, the only difference is that the individual lots are being i-ndividual ly owned" which is sinilar to a condominium agreenent except that they are owning the land underneath the units, Roger: More like a townhouse Ed A townhouse with a postage stamp 1"ot. Sandy: lty oniy question, and maybe we did answer it on the first pass, is what if someone wants to add on beyond the 1400 sq ft of GRFA, how does that relate to the anount of land that he owns, or can he not then add on? Ed: First of all, theyrd have a GRFA varj.ance problem on tbq_eqqrg--gl!€.--:9.99n9]J2_-ffi than his full envelopen he would be putting his private structure on conntmity or conmon land whi.ch he couldntt do without evexyonets consent, so hers boxed doubly. Sandy: So it's a fixed project then, in that sense, Thatts kind of what we. Knox l fairly restrictive. Rubin; Any building expansion would have to go through the zoning dePartnent, And we have the regulations as to the maximun size of the unit and thls would not be something that we would pernnit. Ed: Plusn if he got outside the envelope, hers going to have to contend with all the other owners of the connon ground. KNox: Sandy: Jim, did you say it is ,, an LDMF Z0NE was left there-*9 units, however, we're using this cluster. O,K. Knox (canrt hear) , ,...acres Rubin Which would perrnit them 11 units, and thatrs what they have designed for. ? I rnov e for approval . Ed: Your access will come through your road cut off in 8 and 9? Knox: Access to the upper 3 will cone off of Sandstone Drive and access from the lower road, Vail View Drive, will involve.....,,we feel at this tiue a driveway that sort of follows this contour.,,,.. -,. Gerry: Do your covenants address this problen of expanding? PEc -3- 8/22/7Y Ed: We have them in frorrt of us, Knox: ....You rnean beyond what the envelope.,., Gerry: Yes. Knox Yes . . ,., t.. very cleat. Gerry ltrs totally spelled out. Knox: I believe our covenants and our declaration. , . , apptoved by Cowrcil, Ed: Did you use the same covenants for this as you used for the other? Knox: It is the same, in there, it allows us to expand to adjacent property on the east and west within the addendun, and that addendun Jim and I went ovex, a couple of things he'd like to see in there, and I agreedwith that this morning, uh, but it covers it in the first reading there, and the addendun will follow now as werve got aecoffinendations. . . Ed: I think one thing that might possibly happen if I remeurber this, if a guy bought one of these buiLding envelopes and only built on half of it, he could expand up to the permitted GRFA he was granted plus out to the edge of the buildingl envelope. In other words, if he bought an 800 squarea building envelope and put 800 square feet on half of it today.. Knox That would be under rnin irmrm requirements. Ed: Oh, yourve got ninj-mum requirenents, 0.K. Jim lTl,:tatt have to abide by the distance between buildings and all other requirenents Ed: Itts conceivable, and I think the answer to Gerryts question, itrs conceivable a guy could get himself into a position he could leave himself an expansion space later on and night not need variances at all. Knox Thatrs true, thatts true, of course we have in our restrictive covenants the arch- itectural control .. so we hopefully witl do sone of this ...work... Gerry Itrs assuruble someone would steam off a way to defeat your best intentions. Jim: The covenants you have in front of you is for the first Casolar project, itrs not for the 2nd one, Ed: The 2nd one would just be added on by anendment, Jfun: Right. And I just wsnted to give this to you, you known if there are anl questions about easement s or anything e1se, itrs all covered in the covenants. Gerry: I still have one minor question, I suppose ltn thinking negatively, I don't know why, but suppose sorneone owned 2 envelopes, what could he do? in ter:ns of a proj ect ? You mean tie then together? (yes) There are setbacks, Gerry. The envelopes... Getry: Do the covenants address the setbacks from each envelope, so that if you owned Jin; Ed: Gerry: Ed: Knox: Gerry: Roger Ed: Gerry: Ed: much noise Thatr s the answer to nolse buy two theirto go through Mr. Chairman, I accordance with cluster housing Devel opnent, We have no nemo SEcond. Motion by Roger Vail II request those in favor ? PEc -4- 8/22/78l'- two, it l,ouldnrt make any difference, they would still have to have setbacks, They canrt build in between, They canrt attach the buirdings. These are..building sites, sirnilar to lots and the way the covenants are written, they wouldnot be able to use the Land in here until they had the entire agreenent of the ent i-re land orrmers of the association. That cal1s for an additional resubdivision, too. That is rny question2 suppose he did have the approval of the other land owners? I think herd have to be back here for a resubdivision. .....,back for a resubdivision ny quesf,].on. of these and put then together to do that the would have boardo and then go thTough this board, would move for approvaL of the nequest to resubdivide lot 7 inthe plan thatts been filed because i.t seens to accornmodate the concept and has been recouunended by the Departnent of Comnunity on thiso correct ?0,K. Tilkemeier, second by Gerry White that we approve the Casolarfor resub<iivision of lot 7 Block A tionsridge Filing #1. A11 Unanimous. flnNN.lNG ANIJ i:NVlli0Nl{l:N1'Al, (;OIIMISSi0N lD, Ju.ty l .,, lg*l :l:rto p.nr, I Approval oil ninrrtcs of Junc 22, L98I. A reque.st for a sctbir.ck varilrncc to nrake I ctr1al an cxisting llrilding wlticli encroachc.s 4' into thc sidc sctback on 5040 l\'lain Corc llrivc which is palt of an unplattctl parccl in llighonr, titled Sundia1, Pha..;c II. Applicant: Pcttttcr Construction lntanagerncnt, Inc. 3. Appeal of administrative decision concerning the color of a residence on Lot _ 20, Potato Patch, Applicant: Jonine and ,1 .J. Collins. { a) Rcquest to tablc density variance application for lot 12, Block A7, Casolar Vail II at 1101 Vail View Drive. AppLicants: Jean and James W. McDonalci, Jean Catoc, et aI . A request for anendment in accordancc r,rith Scctions 18.66.110 through 18,66.160 to the zoning ordinance from Residential Cluster to Residential Primary/Secondary in ordcr to build a residential unit togethcr with a caretaker's unit. Applicant: Doyle llopkins. A rninor subdivision request to vacate a J.ot 1i.ne between lots A-1 and A-2, Lionsridge.Filing #1. Applicant: AAV Linited Partnership. 1. 2. 5. 6. 7,, A request for atr extcrior alteration and under Section 18.26.045 orr lot 4, Block to add 3,950 squar:e feet of office space and a reqrrest for a variance to Section - of .inclrrding one-half thc prrt:irg r''it\rl Vai"l As soc iates . modification in Conrmercial Core II, 1, Vail Lionshead lst Filing, to the Lionshead Gondola Building, 18.26.150 to *aive the requirenrer:t lhe qrin building. Applicant: 8. A r-equest for an cxterior altel'ation and nodification in Commercial Core I rrnder Sect|on lE.24.065 on Tlacts A, Bn C, Block 5C, Vail Village lst Filj'ng, 174 East Gore Creek Drive, the Lodge at vail, in otder to add a 618 square foot r.estaurant addition and a retract.able glass enclosure over the existinS swinning pool . Applicant: _ Lodge Propcrties, Inc. g., A request for approval to replat Highland lleadous, lots 26-42, the Highlai,d park Special Derrelopment District 11. The approval is requested to allott uctr road dedications and vacations and lot line rcnovals. This is a najor sub- division requested under Chapter 17.04 of thc VaiI l*tunicipal Code. APP1icant: iurr Tcch iu ii ricr's. Inc. 10. A reqrrest for a varinncc to Se'ction 18.14.090 of the Vail ltunicipal Codc to allor,'the applic:rnt to itrclrtde- flood plain llca in calculating allowablc clcnsity in dctcnnining thc numbr:r of units :tIlor<cd on the site of thc Inter-mountlin Snim and Tcnnis Club, urr url)Ilttcd lllrccI in Vail Interruount:rin Subdivision. The appl icants arc .the I tclnoutrtlin Swim and Tennis Cl r.rb who wish to coustrLlct 2 additional units over thc prcvious approval by Eagle County. ll. A rcquest undcr Orclinance 13, Serics of l9Sl, for Thc Virllcy, Phase 6 for rna j or. r'cv isiotrs to :tn :llrprovcd si 1c llan. 'l'hc ploposal is to rc-desig,n thc buildirrg Iocitt trrtts. rttld trttit dc'signs, along with a portio]l of thc r.oad lrryotrt . lhrrr;l)i l)rupc}t ic:; ltartlre.r'ship of Dal las. Fublished in the Viri I 'li'ai I July 10. I !)$l . ,ffi- el PIANNING ATID ENVIRONMENTAL COWIISION Jrme 22, l9B1 PRESENT Scott Edwards Gerry White Dan Corcoran Duane Piper later Jim Morgan ABSENT Roger Tilkeneier STAFF Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack lhe 't Dan was Chair:nan, Gerry Mrite,called tlte meeting to order at 3:15 p,n. to approve the urinutes of June g, lggl . Vote Block A7 McDonald, Dan moved the next table this iten rmtilin favor o tabling. l,_ +ppJova_l. of ninutes. of June 8, tggL noved and Duane seconded4-0 in favor, st to table densit variance lication for lot 12Iaticaats: JeanJean Catoe, et al , and Scott seconded to grant the request tomeetjng on July 13, 1981. The vote was 5-0 of administrative decision concerning the color of a residenceon Lot 20, Potato-FatCF. EiIcanA and J,lins. 4.- $ requestjor_1 gstbatvaria]rce to nake legal an existing building wnrcn encroaches 4' lnto the side setback on 5040 Main Gore Drive whichis part of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn, titled Sundial, phase II. Appl icant: Penner Construction l.{anagenent, Inc, sob Pollack of Penner construction explained that there were problens withthe adjacent propefty owners agreeing to this request. He asked to t.able theitern to July 13 so that both parties could meet and resolve the differences.scott Edwards inquired about the dyke the sundial project had installecl Peter Patten explained that the applicantsr architect, crai.g snowdon, couldnrtbe here until tire July 1i rneeting','andlire appricants wanted to wait untilcraig could attend- Dan rnoved "na puanu seconded to grant the request t;table this itera rurtiL the next neeting on July rg, 19g1. The vote was s-0,in favor of tabling. PEC - 6/?.2/8t -|b along the creek bank, because several nearby prope"ty owners had expressedconccrn to him. Peter replied that Hydo-Triatl wis cuTrently doing a studyto determine if what was constTucted was the sane as what was originally ipproved.The study would be in to Peter soon, he said. Peter also stated ihat sunaial ,s C of ors Bere being held until the flood plain issue uas resolved. Duane movedand scott seconded to grant to grant the request to table until July 13, 1981.The vote was 5-0 in favor of tabling. Wendment in accordance with Sections fe.e_!:l!9ll:gg! 18. 66 . 130 1 ing 2 to changethe zoning from Residential Cluster to Residential prinrJry,/Secondary in orderto build a residential unit together with a caretakerrs uni.t. Applicant:Doyle llopkins. Peter Patten stated that the applicant and the staff were requesting thatthis be tabled until July 13, 1-981 so that nore access alternatives could beresearched before rezoning. Dan noved and Duane seconded to grant the requestto table until July lS. The vore was 5.0 in favor of tabling, The rneeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.rn. a PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June 22, 1981 2:00 p.m. Study session, Valley Phase 6 ' 3:00 p.n. 1. Appro'-lal of minutes of June 8, 1981. 2. Request to table density variance application for Lot 12, Block A7, Casolar Vail II at 1101 Vail View Drive. Applicants: Jean and James W. McDonald, Jean Catoe, et al . . This reguest is to table to July 13, 1981. 3. Appeal of adninistrative decision concerning the color of a residence on Lot 20, Potato Patch. Applicant: Janine and J.J. Collins. 4. A request for a setback variance to make legal an existing building which encroaches 4' into the side setback on 5040 Main Gore Drive which is part of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn' titled Sundial , Phase II. Applicant: Penner Construction Managenent, Inc. 5. A request for anen drnent in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 18.66.160 to the zoning oxdinance for lot G-1, Lions Ridge Filing 2 to change the zoning frorn Residential Cluster to Residential Primary/Secondary in order to build a residentialI unit together with a caretakerrs unit. Applicantl Doyle Hopkins. Published in the Vail Trail Jtme 19, 1981. \.TTIlocrlsrnor. SrR^$- & Srnlr:ss. P. (1. ATTORNEYs; .A.NO COUNSELLORS AT LAW SUITE I?tt UNTTEO tsANX CENTER t-" JORDAN HOCHST OT GEoRG|E M. STNAW FTICHARD S' STRAUSS H^.RJORIg J. PLAIT MAR|( '. 'IENZETO; THE MEMBERS OF THE TOWN The Town and RE: DATE: rToO ERoAowAY Desvnr, Oor-oRrno aozoo TELgPHONE 839'5AOE AREA COOE 3O3 OF THE PT.ANNING AND ENVIRONI'IENTAL COMMISSION OF VAfIJ, COLORADO (herinafter referred to as PEC Respectively) FROM:TINA MSDONAI,D, TRUS?EEI JAMES W' T'ICDONALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. P.A., PEI{SION RETIREMENT TRUST AND JEAN CATOE, TRUSTEE, CATOE CORN GROWERS INC.., PENSION RETIREMEN? TRUST, (hereinafter referred to as The Applicant. ) VARIANCE REQUEST FOR SITE 72, LOT A-7, CASOLAR VAIL IT, BY ?INA MCDONAID, ET AL JUIY 9, 198] The following disertation is provided to you as an outline of the events that have resulted in the Varianee Request which has been pJ-aced before you for consideration. To the best of our ability the facts set forth herein are as we know them to be and appropiate citations' $then available, are also mentioned. Citations to Extribits are those exhibits which have been previ"ously lettered in information supplied to you by the Toi./n or Dean Knox (Knox) unl-ess otherh/ise stated. l. Casolar Del Norte (Casolar) was coDceived by Dean Knox and Leo Payn.e (later also Dona1d Carpenter) whereby a tract of real estate located in the Town wouLd be developed in a style typically known as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) which PUDrS are created pursuant to the powers contained in C.R.S. (19?3, ?4- 67-L0I et seg. The typical PUD contains building sites which are each separately designated and are then purchased from the developer by individual owners and the balance of the ground is statutoEily designated Cornmon Open Space to be owned by all the respective owners via an association . The difference between a PUD concept and the CONDOT'IINItM concept (C.R.S. (19?3) 38-33-101 et seg. ) being that tbe PUD permits each owner to own the real estate directly beneath his purcbased parcel ancl upon which is construceed the home (as in Casolar) and in a condominiun the real estate directly beneath the units and alf of the other reaL estate in the tract is designated a General Comrnon Elernent and is owned by al I of the owners each as to an undivided interest as tenants in common to the others. The Cornnon Open Space in a PUD is deeded to the Association. Both PUD's and Conilominiums use an AssociaEion to govern the respective rights of the owners as to the General Common Elements or Comrnon Open Space and to other natters such as insurance, etc. The Condominium concept is always used for the subdivision of real estate when one unit wil 1 \ McDonald tetter Page 2July 9, 1981 be superimposed upon the other; it is sometirnes used when the pUD concept could also be used but sueh a mixing of concepts resultsin legal difficulties which can be avoided by the proper application of the right statutory scheme. An exarnple of theproblems of mixing the concepts ocqurs when a basement under a townhouse begins to leak but the Condominium concept has been used and the underlying ground including.the foundation has beendeclared a General Conmon Elernent such that the entire menbershipof the Association must pay for the repairs as opposed to theindividual owner of the townhouse. , Casolar II was planned to be, and was subseqently addedto Casolar I. The real estate constituting Casolar ti was zoned IDMF as :opposed to CR on Phase I; however, both parcels of realestate a,re governed by the Declaration of Covenants andRestrict:ions for Casolar Del Norte recorded in Book 281 at Page 634 (the Declaration or Covenants) and Book 283 at Page 28I ('the Supplemental Declaration which annexed Phase fI to Phise I) therecords of the C1erk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado andthe Common Open Spaee was later deeded to the Association. The Town's first error was made when Casolar II was permitted to join Casolar I ag, fron that daLe on, tlre Townts actions were consistent with the CR zoning (notwithstanding that Lhe Phase IIproperty rdas LDMF) which has nany chacteristics similar to the PUD concept previously discussed. 2. On November 4, 79'17, Diana S. Toughill, Town ofVai1. Department of Community Development, Zoning Administrator, advised Knox by letter (Exhibit c) that the zoning andsubdivision requirements had been met for the proposed Caso1arproject. Final approval for Phase If had not yet been given. Ms. Toughill also advised Knox that the project could be conilcxniniurnized or townhoused and "A townhouse approach maydivide the land directly under a unit if the balance of the landis held as a common element".(Emphasis supplied) Based onparagraph offif tha differenie between the twoconcepts, it is obvious fron the quote that the two concepts were a).reaily being confused and nixed together by the fown. 3. On November I,1978 the pLat nap for Casolar fI wasrecorded with the Clerk and Recorder of EagIe County, Colorado(our Exhibit ?) and previous thereto, on Oetober 30r197.8, theVail Planning Cornmission approved the docurnent. The plat specifically locateil Parcels 11, !2, 13, 14 and 15, inclusive, by metes and bounds descriptions. No mention is found on the plat map of what constitutes tbe Common Open Spaee or General Comrnon \, MeDonald Letter Page 3 July 9, l98I a Elements. Further, no mention is found on the plat of any GRFA restrictions or uuirity of any entity or party Eo parcel out-the Cnra t" the subselu"n1iowners of the-Parcels other than the fact rii;t ih"-piutt.a ir."t contains 53'796.60 sguare feet. Finally' it should be noted that each Parcel (except-11) contained 2400 =ou"." feet of land surface area and was configured identically I ;;;;-in"-."."ption of one single family.lot' as-casolar Phase il - rurif,er, ihe To,.rn approu.i, by issuing _building permits' the "Uifity of each owner t;-change the platted configuration as'. "iigirlfiy deeded and to move the sile off the platted lot site' Based on ChapLer 18.15 of the VaiI Zoning Ordinance' al1 persons would U" "ppii"ed that the maximurn number of dwelling units on phase tf coult-be e1even dwelling units as nine dwelling units per acre aie-pernitted and 1.235 acres permits lI units. ;;;;;.;;-ir is imme-aiately apparent that the lot areas as pLatted i;;;;'r"i ""*pri"i *iitr se|tiSn 18.16.050 as the project is'.in i..illy, u.ii,g tieated by the Town as a puD with lot dirnensions being as Propos"a UV Kno-x and.approved' l?tlTlllstanding the ;;;i;g-;.quiiett"nt -contained in Section 18,16.050 (1ot area and sitedimensions),bytheTown.Nomentionismadeontheplatof what the "Buil'dable areao is and the definition thereof with i"!"ro to the p.rritt.a number of sites becomes rneaningfull as eleven parcel sites have been approved notwithstanding that only ;.in" d'welling units per acre of buildable site area' are permittedper""'*uu.persectionl8.l5.090.fherefore'theentire "."u ru"L b" pt'""uted to be "Buildable area". The first sentence of Sectio.t ig-15.090 discusses GRFA as opposed to ;;;;",itt"-ind riom the plat the total GRFA aPPears to be .if*f^tua at S0 -quut"-feet of GRFA for each one hundred square feet of buildabte "'it" "."u which, again'- is not shown on the piii urt can be exiraporated to be'53,795.60 as the maximun'density, eleven dwellings, was perinitted. Therefore, the GRFA allovred on the entire tiact (which wilt be shown to be not the '"vt"calculatetheGRFAinaLDI4Fzone}asperthezoningoiiin.n.., which obviously had not been adhered to by the-Tg"t' is f5,138 (53,796.60 x .3 = 15,138) or 1'467 GRFA per dwe11in9. ""i1. Thi; information is of interest to Mr. Knox in the event tr"-J"""i"ped the entire tract as his Lotal GRFA on a tractbasis can be ca1 culated. unfortunatley' the Town. fajled to realize that Knox ,u"" going io seff off Lach separate. 1ot and that these p"i"on" would Lhen-become sub-developers of tbeir duplex and I;i;i;; iot",itr,our rhe Town impotiirs.u 6RFA,lirnit on each unit consLructed on a lot antt without the iub-developers being advised of the improperiy-cafculated GRFA being depleted' In fact' the ?own continued t-o treat Knox as Lhe devetoper knowing full well 1..t lilcDonald Letter Page 4July 9, 198I a that he was no longer in title to the parcels and the record owners of the parcels were readily available frorn the County r e cords. 4. on August 22, L978 at a PEC meeting (Exhibit B) the PEC unanimously approved Casolar If "for (four) 2400 sq. ft. duplex lots and one 3r200 sq, ft. triplex lot" and "the units will be 1400 square feet GRFA' (no mention being nade as to an aggregate GRFA) and advised that the density met the Zoning Ordinance requirernents, No rnenLion \'tas made at that time of a recalcrrlation of "buildable site area' and it must be presumed that the Town considered the entire parcel a buildable site area as it approved the acreage for the maximurn density number of units. There has been some evidence that the ?own made an initial'guess" as to the amount of 40t slope butrin the end, the maximiurn number of units was sti1l approved and then sold by Knox. 5. On ltay 22, 1979 the apPlicant purchased Lot 12 and at that time the Comnon Open Space was deeded to the Association. 6. On June 2' 1980 Dean Knox was advised by the Town of Vail (Exhibit D) that the buildable square footage remaining on Casolar fI was 7321 GRFA. The torr,n was now taking the position that the GRFA is in the aggregate notwithstanding the earlier approval ' 7. On June 20, 1980 Rubin (Exhibit E) stating that maximum as per the Declaration had been made that excess GRFA used on Phase II. Dean Knox vrrote a letter to Jim the GRFA rr'as to be 1690 per unit and suggesting that an agreement on Phase f nas to be allowed to be 8. on october 23, 1980, an interdePartnental rnemorandum (our Exhibit f ) was circuLated regarding a RFA variance request froin Dean Knox. This memo sets forth that the 1400 sq. ft. (GRFA) was considered an estimate with a slope study to be completed before the actual sguare footage coul.d be determined. Note that Casolar II had already been approved for a maximum density as explained above and which indicated that all of the real estate was "buildable area" and Knox had'soldr by this time, all of the Lots in Phase II to purchasers who had no knowledge of tbe Town of Vailts reguested slope study, and' in fact, were relying on its approval of the project as shown by the approved plat which was recorded in November of 1978 and whictl contained absolutely no reference to slope study requirements or t, McDonald Letter Page 5 JuIy 9, 198I e thatKnoxwou}dbethePartyentrustedtoactasagentforthe Town and allocate GRFA ;hicn f,aa not yet been determined. As a side note, it is suggested that such an ex post facto determinaiion Uy th6-Town would be contrary !o ggyl--Y:--q9lq!-qf Cornrnission€rsr Eagle District Court Case Number 3459' ThemernofurtherstatesthattheCovenantswerenot approvecl by the Town yet the-zoning r99Y9st approval for the iiifirg-a"if.* (our einiUit 5) shows "Allowed" at 3380 with a ;;;;;;.;;-"i gStO ana the memo further substantiates that the, -.r"*n'was relying on the covenants requrgmglt of no more than 3380 aRi;;;; ign'"ri"e their own August 2i, 1978 ResoLution imposing ie00 cRFe 6er A"ifex. ?he town-should have been aware that p"i.tri"..siof th-e parcels (1) did not know or bave any reason to 'crrecX with the row-n with regard to some aggregate number of GRFA a.riiruure u.a (2) that the Gnra being approved by the Town was consumming the available GRFA on a non-prorata basis such that trr" i""t iarcel o\dners would not have any GRFA Left based on the "aggregate theorY" Finally,thememosuggeststhatKnoxwasawarethata final GRFA would-not be known until the slope analysis was approved and yet the Town was approving.buitding permits. fo1. ;;;;h.;;.s of"the parcels, afte-r-approving phase rr in rhe first i;;i;;;;;-rnowins turr ""ir that =ome parcels _could be deprived of all rights to build if rnore 40t slope was determined to .-i"i. alain, there-is nothing in any-zoning_resolution or filed with the dterk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado that reflects these requirements by the gown and the ability of Lhe Town to restructure the GRFA. In fact, and again in support of the-thesis that the Town was treating the pr6ject as a PUD, the definition of "Buildable area'-contained in Section 18.04.045 uses the ter:IB ositen or 'Lot,' or "parcel" wbich, if the tDt{F zoning had been follorved as per the brdinance, would have been applied_lo each separate lot as subdivllle<l D1Kgc3! to ascertain the gllt-"1--1 ptt forced bY the CRITERIA AND FINDINGS which states that the 'square footages of buildings are checked ve.ry closely with no variations permitted"' BythetimethattheJune20,lgS0letter(ExhibitE) was written Carlint anct Kintzing had already received building ;;;il" and the Toin had sanetioned the covenants as written and applied to Phase II- t, McDonald tetter Page 6 July 9, 1981 a 9. The interoffice memo of November 21, 1980 (our Exhibit 2) confirns that the Town had, without zoning authority or proper notice on the plat or the individual parcels, permitted Knox to aLlocate the GRFA. 10. On January 8r1981 ,(our Exhibit 3) Diana ?oughill, the Zoning Adrninistrator at the time of the inception of Knoxrs concepts, was requested by Jin Rubin and Peter Patton to remenberthe details of tbe discussions. The important points she mentions as an agent of the Town are as follo't,rs: a. This was a totally knew eoncept and also the first. project proposed under the new RC zoning. Please note that Phase II, LDMF, was permitted by the Town to become part of the Casolar project the balanee of which, Phase f, was zoned RC. b." the pJ.an was a better one than what might have resulted under the standard RC zoning." c. ' . . .I reviewed not onl.y the subdivisionplat and proposed plans, but also the proposei declarations and covenants and Lhe sales contract. To make sure the Town wasprotected against illegal resubdivision and excessive GRFA, I reguired several changes in the documents, including a statement about the maximura all"cryable GRFA per unit,. n Please note aspreviously rnentioned that the plat approved by the Vail Planning Conmission failed to contain the language that Ms. Toughill reguired and Article VIf of the Declaration calls for not less than 1200 or more than L690 sguare feet in GRFA. fn one case the Tclwn failed in its own attempt to warn purchsers fron Knox of the GRFA requirernents anil then actually approved the 1690 GRFA as approved by Toughill via the Covenants in both phases of Casolar. d. "fn order to allovr the requested GRFA, a1lproperty lines were to be vacated." Pl.ease note that the line between Pbase f and II has not been vacated altbough the Town was requested to do so. 11. On January L2, 7981 another meeting of the PEC was held (our Exhibit 4) and the following are important points bror:ght out during that meeting: a. Diana Toughill advised (page l) that the Town hacl required that the certain information be put in the covenants so it cor:ld enforce the GRPA and not "end up with problems later'. It l.lcDonald Letter Page 7 JuIy 9,.1981 b. Diana ?oughi1l advised (page 1) that the purpose of the review was such that the maximum GRFA was applietl by the unit and nthat there was a unit max rather than a total maxt. c. She further confirmed (page 1) that extra GRFA on one unit did not autornatica). ly corne of f the the lastparcel to be developed. , d. The Town attorney, Larry Esguith, Esg. neatly summarized (page 2) what the Town had permitted to bedone, "ft seems to be a zone that is imposed on an existing zone informalLy thru legislative action." Please note that it isexactly this infornality of the Town that has caused theapplicant his difficulties because the Town violated its own ordinances and legislated, without being aware of the conseqencesr a PUD. . e. Dan Corcoran correctly summed up theproblem (page 2) as follows: "This is an odd subdivision. It is the only one we have. Those lot sizes:renrt even legal size ina duplex zone." The net effeet of that admission is that the Tovrn approved a project based on a concept it did not ful lyunderstand, a PUD, and permitted the GRFA to become unspecified except as set forth in the DecLaration. The Tor+n further eompounded the error by approving the initial buildings based u;rcn the DecLaration and its reliance on Knox who did not even own the sites. f. Xnox advised (page 3) the PEC that Mr. Rubin had "estimated" the 408 slope which brought down the GRFA to 1400 (Exhibit B) which is the amount that was previously approved notwithstancling the "density'requirernent that would not have pennitted 11 units on tbe entire parcel. g. Jirn l4organ argued (page 3) that the June2, 1980 letter {Exhibit D) put Knox on notice tbat the Town was now l-ooking at the aggregate GRFA; the point is well taken but ignores two important points; (1) one duplex owner had al'ready taken 3380 GRFA and the tri-plex owner hacl taken 4027 GRFA which both being consistent r+ith the Declaration which the Townrs Zoning Administrator admitted was approved and (2) t.he letter was directed to the wrong party, Dean Knox, who was not an owner of any parcel in Casolar II and it was a probLem that each owner should have been rnade aware of. Roarn &noroo,* ') Lawrence C, Rider, Esq. March 2, 1981 Page Two I would hope that the application and accomFanyino doctrfiisntation vrlrich was filed in connection with the January 12, 19Bi-, hearing wil} fulfiLl the necessary formalities required for placing the matter on the Comrnissicrn calendar. AlLe::naLively, we vr', 1-J.- ire happy to complete the necessary forms or pay any additiona.l fees at tire time of thc* hearing. If there is any problem .in ti::s ccnnecticn, please let me knoiv. I have not contacted. Lire Plar:ning Commission directiy ail(i assume that you will forvrard this letter to the Commission :i-f you feel it ie apprnpreate for them to have it irr advance of the heai:i.ng. t']ten]; 1'ou -rrQr:f rar.rgh for ygur ct)aileratio:ir " SincerelY, flf-/,{**n- Ut*awwz4ru {-e&r-{Roger P. Thorrrasclt PPf/1srr Dictated buL not ::ei:rl. t McDonald Letter Page 8July 9,.1 98I h. Ms. ToughilI further reinforced (page 5)the ?ownrs responsibility in this matter when she stated, oYes, in fact I reguested that they (Knox) put a nap of the GRFA intolhe covenants, it was not in the covenants at first." Pleasenote that the covenants as recorded do have the GRFA rnin.iinun and maximum stated and that the fown has, until the issue of Lot 12appeared, approved alI plans that were within these paramet.ers and attempted to deny plans that were oversized. i. 'Roger Tilkemeier sumrned up the problem (page 6) as follows: "I think this is a unique situation. ftisnrt one that would,set a precedent for other developemnts because it was an experiment if you will in that kind of development at that time.n 12. On February 17, 1981 the Vail Town Council heard a Casolar appeal (our Exhibit 6) whereby Knox requesteil that theduplex proposal be cut in half for lot 12; Knox had no authority whatsoever to make such a proposal and was not in title on theproperty at that tine. At that meeting, the Townrs other abte counseL, Larry Riiler, Esg. stated, ",..ft's a very screwysituaticn and f donrt know whether Dean Knox got himself into itor we helped him get himself into it or what it is.n Please notethat Mr. Rider never inentions that the App1icant eaused any ofthe hardship. 13. Tbe Torpn, through Mr. Peter Patton (the ZoningAdrninistrator, Mr. Rubinrs assistant) disapproved the plans ofthe applicants on tots ]3 and 1.5 on ti{ro occasions based on thefact that the Town's calcuLations of the GRFA was excessive inthat eaeh unit was more than 1590 GRFA and aecordingly had to bereduced to 1690 per each dwelling unit which was done and theplans were ehen approved. 14. The Town also rejected the plans of otherdevelopers in Casolar for the reason that some proposed dwellingunits r?ere over the L690 GRFA or that the duplex was over the 3380 GRFA. CONCLUSION: A Variance has been requestect by theapplicant pursuant to Chapter 18.62 of the Town ordinances.Prior to applying the criteria as set forth therein, a SUMI'IARY ofthe facts are set forth below to better enable the PEC to applythe cri teria. McDonaId Letter Page 9 JuIy 9, 198I l. The Town has enacted comprehensive zoning ordinances 'to promote the coordinated ancl harrnonious clevelopment of tbe town in a manner that will conserve and enhance its natural "n"ir"n*.nt and its established characCer as a resort and residential community of high quality'r ' 2 Pursuant to these ordinances, the Town establishecl that the real estate tract later known as the casolar Phase II pi"j".t would be in a zoned district designated LDMF' 3. LDMF rules are found at Chapter 19'16., page 328' This district is oto provicle sites for sin9le-farniIy, two-fanily ana murtiple family divellings at a density not exceeding nine a*"f iirg 'units per- acre". itre lot areas minimum is to be ten thousand square feet of buildable area and each site shall have a ;i;i;;; are'a rro.tiage of-thirty feet' Each site shall be of a size and shape ..pu61. of enclosing 1 square. area eighty feet on "..t "ia. wiitrin its boundaries.n Please noLe that not one lot on pf,""" II and located within the LDMF District remotely meets these requirements. 4. Lot is defined at Section 18'04'220 as "rLotr or ,site, means a parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied UV-u-r"", building or sLructur. un-der the provisions of this title and neetirrg"th. miniumun requirements of this title. A lot "i-"itl"i.v-""";i"t of a single t6t ot record, a portion- of a-Iot of record, a conbination of lots of record or portions thereof' ", .-pir".r or land described by metes and bounds." The def initionar quaiiiy or the Lot being not -r-tqY it is physically. A.".iiU.a Uut-tfril-it U. ocorpied by a building (not buildings)' 5. From the above definitions, it is obvious Lhat the zoning rules "u"h u" lot size' frontage and.a minirnum of eighty feet per "iau .tu [" ipiiv to.tlte loti as fi4a!!y-:gbt!!y:it]e<l and "Ll-tb-tne ent-ire parcer owneo o@is subdivision as' at that tine, no buildings were located on the tract. 6. Knox aPPliecl to the PUD under the State of Colorado pursuant to the Town ordinances' Town for what should have been a laws or PerhaPs an RC develoPnent 7. The Town approved Knoxrs project and the approval was completely contrary -to the LDMF zoning in that no lots were created that met fne zining requirements and,. in fact, the Town- treated the separate lots is an aggregate project when' under the MqDonald Letter Page 10 July 9' 1981 a zoning, each lot sbould have been separately verified to meet the requiiements as to lot size, etc. and then as to 6RFA based on the lot's buildable site area. 8. NotwiLhstanding the above, the Townrs approval permitted four duplex buitdings eaeh with 2400 square feet per iot ana the understanding \{as, per Toughill, that the GRFA was on "-p"i unit basis and not to be aggregated against any totals of GRFA. 9. The Town further approve.d or adopted the Declaration or Covenant that the rnaximum GnFA per total duplex unit could be 3380 GRFA and proCeeded to enforce this maximun against individual ProPerty owners. ]0. The Town, notwithsEandi.ng notice.to the contrary' directed all notices and inquires to Knox knowing fuLl well that he was no longer an owner in phase II and further (1) permitted all other owners in Phase II to build units uP to the maximum perrnitted in the covenanLs and (2) denied to owners any request ior plans in excess of 3380 GRFA. ll.TheTownviolateditsownzoningordinanceswith regard to the LDMF zoning by its Resolution approving t.he the. 24-00 square foot duplexs each unit to contain 1400 GRFA and then pernitied each ownei to Uui.td up to 1690 GRFA per dwelling as per th. Co.r..rants which the Town not only approved but sanctioned i"p".i"afy with each separate building permit. The GRFA which sh-ou1d have been calculited for each parcel was ignored-as the calculations required to determine the GRFA were impossible to make due to the small size of the parcel as approved by the Town. l-2. The Applicant has been denied the issuance of a building permit based-upon 3380 GRFA for his duplex on the urg,r*urr€ in.t "tt of the GRFA' except. approximately 500 square fe6t, has been used by all of the other owners and that-her tberefore, cannot buitd his duplex notwithstanding the fact th3t. the Town has approved his buil-ding site with the expectation that a duplex would be built on the sile at some time in the future. 13.Usingt'hecriteriasetforthatSectionlE.62.060 it is subnitted as follows: a. The relationship of the reguesbed variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vacinity is acad6mic.- The site was intended t,o be used as a 1 McDonald tetter Page 11July 9,. rrtt duplex and the requested GRFA wiLl same size as the other buildings in environmental impacts have already prior to the approval of the Phase Lot. result in a building of the Phase II. A11 of the been addressed and resolved II which included the subject b. No special privilege will be granted to the Applicant as is set forth above; the site has already been approved for exactly what is requested to be built on it. Cornpatability and uniformity of treatrnent among the sites in the . vicinty will be completed as the present "hole" in the development will be filled in as contemplated by Phase II and approved by the Town. Strict enforcement of the Town's position: wilL deny to the other homeowners the conpletion of the plan upon which they relied when they purchased their sites. c. The requested variance wiLl have no effect on light, air, distribution of population' etc, as the site has already been approved for the construction of a duplex. d. To guote the Town's able council Mr. Larry Esquith, Esq. as stated in the PEC meeting of January 12r1981, (Exhibit 4 at page 6) "One of the key principals of variance laws is that a hardshiP can not (sic) be self inflicted. So I guess the determination is is it a real hardship' was it self inflicted, and ale you granting a special privilege. "The Applicant submits that the determination should be that he is an innocent third party suffering a real hardship which has been inflicted by the Town not fully comprehending and co-ordinating its development concepts with the applicable ordinances and therefore (1) violating its own zoning ordinancest (2) violating its own resolutions regarding the allowable GRFA' (3) ignoring the true owners of the Property and permitting Knox to act as the Townrs agent to dispense GRFA, (4) not monitoring a project it co-authored (5) issuing building permits knowing fulI well that the improperly calculated GRFA is being treated as an aggregate anount and that some unknowi ng owner or owners who build last, such as this AppLicant, will be denied egual proteetion for the requested GRFA when all other owners equally situated were given repeated privileges for the maxirnurn GRFA as set forth in the covenants and (5) by denying to the Applicant the GRFA the Town has taken his property by unwitting and unknowing legislation equivalent to illegaI downzoning. a McDonald Letter Page 12 July 9 r .I981 The Applicant, for the reasons set forth above, respectfurly requests the members of the PEc to grant to him 3380 eRr.i such t-hat he may build his duplex and complete the Casolar Phase II plan as it has been historicatly augmented. t4 T\ ,q \h \. r /trPlanning and lnvironnental It Connris sion lvlce! ing June I, J981 PRESENT STAFF PI?ESENT Scott Edwards Gaynor Miller Gerry White Dan Corcoran Duane Pi.per ABSENT Bill Witto Roger TiLkemeier Jin Morgan The rneeting was ca11ed to order at 5:00 p.m. by Gerry White, chairnan, 1 . _ Apploy+1_o! q'inule ,2!.,J 981. Scott moved and Gaynor seconded to approve the minutes. Vote was 5-0 in favor. 2. .-{..r-gguesl_fgr a_vgriarlce jo b-til.d on e qlgjre. in excess ofr40% iga ResiSettial_ Cluster Zone District and review of the Environment,al Inpact Report for Architerra at Vail on lots A-1 and A-2, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing #1. Peter Patten presented the information in the memo, stating that there were two items to be considered: the variance request and the ErR. Gemy white wondered if they we?e to be granted a variance on a steep slope simply becausethey could build--had the technology. peter answered specifically becausethe tffi6togy would help stability'of the hil1side. Girry felt th^t no devetop-nent would be better in areas above 40% slope, Gene Poutell of Architerra presented slides showi-ng construction sequence, appli-cation and incorporation of design into Architexra concepts, uses, methods, elernents used, and energy conservation, Gary Larson of trlatthews Associates showed the landscape plan dernonstrating erosion control and revegetation. t]e showecl the use of clear water diversion, sedi-mentat.ion control wj.th a stormwater retention on the bottom of the site, heavy equipment grading with temporaryscars' erosion blankets, and use of a jute rnaterial with rnulch (though he statedthat this nethod would probably not be used here). They would need ForestService or BLM pernission to temporarily divert water aLove the site, He add.edthat they had a $100,000 landscape budget, that they would hope to seed andsod this falln and that possibly-would be able to piant large plants this fall. Discussion followed concerning the vacation of the lot line, the height ofthe retaining walls (10 feet highest), the grade of the road to be s%. Geffystated that 13 units could be bui.lt and not go into the 40% grade at a1l. upon looking at the model , Gene rerninded then that the upper floors were tobe mostly glass. Gerry felt that the inpact visuaLry on-ihe valley uas notin keeping hrith the best interests of the area. Dick Ryan felt that, this use Dick Ryan Peter Jamar Peter Patten Betsy RosoLack COUNCIL RHPRESENTATIYE -ffir- _ PIC -2- Junc S, lll It of the hill was a more sensitive treatrncnt of the land, and added that the developers had a right to use the land. l{e felt this use would have less irnpact than a conventional development would have. Gerry rcpeated that the inpact on the va1ley would be enornous, and that he did not like building on a 40% slope. Oan Corcoran felt that 10t walls on the entire west end would not be hidden by aspen trees, and added that this would have more impact fron across the valley than a lower building built on the lower part of the site. Scott and Gaynor felt that if this project could be done safely, that it was better than conventional construction, and that they liked the overall plan, Duane asked why the units werentt buried more as they had been originally been presented. Neil Wood's reply was that they wanted to reduce the amount of walls and wanted to have cross ventilation. Duane felt the txeatnent was fairly sensitive, using existing contours and blending into the swales, He was concerned with the height of the walls with Tespect to the Town of Vail restrictions (the 61 limitation). Peter P. said the intent of the regulation was visual i.mpact, and that he would have to consult with an attorney regarding this issue. tester Cufaude {n the audience stated that he was fairly knowledgeable on earth shelters and felt that this was handled nicely. The six concerns listed in the memo were addressed, with the 6th one still not resolved, Gary Larson stated that he could work with the staff or the DRB to solve probLens in greater detail. Dan Corcoran rnoved and Scott seconded that the staff approve the EIR for Architerra at Vail with the inclusion of the 6 concerns listed in the nemo of June 4, 1981. The vote was 5-0, unanirnous for approval of the EIR. Discussion of the lot line vacation followed, and whether or not 13 units could have been constructed if setbacks and steepness had been considered. Peter Janar stated the nunber would have been 13, the only question l{as whether or not l3 would have been possible physically considering setbacks and steepness of slope, Dan added that with the height restricti.ons, steepness of toad, spaces betir'een units, i.t would be difficult to get 13 units. Peter felt the question was whether the lots were best developed as 2 lots or as one Lot? Duane said one reason for vacation of lot lj-nes is to improve the use of the 1and, and felt this project was better without the lot line. Duane noved that the variance to build on the 40 % slope be approved contingent upon three itens: 1, that the lot line between lots Al and 42, Lionsridge Filing #l be vacated; 2, that a variance be considered for retaining walls over 6'; and 3. that the findings on page 4 of the staff merno concerning variance criteria were found by the PEC. This rnotion was secondedby 6aynor. The vote was 3-2 in favor. Dan and Gery voted against the motion. The rnotion passed. Gerry was against, building on a 40% slope, and Dan felt the i.mpact of the wal1s would be too gteat. DETI -3- June B, tnt)l The applicant asked to table this item. Vote was 5-0 j.n favor of tabling. Dan moved and Gaynor seconded The neeting adjourned at 5:00 Dan moved and Scott seconded to table. to adjour the neeting. p.m. Vote was 5-0, oo 3. . Application for a".{-ensity variancc_ j-g -g-ro-ss resi.dential floor*area jL llggfto build a duple.x on lot 12, Block A7, Casolar Vail II at 1101 Vail View l-trive. Applicants: McDonald, Catoe, etc, Pension Retirernent Trust. IU: FROM: DATE: RE: l'!;i'loR{li tluM Pl anni--g and Environrnental Corrnission Depart:ent of CoB:run ity Developnrent/Peter Pattet Jrrne 4, 1981 GRFA lariance request to for Jir I'lcDonato' DESCRIPTTON OF VARIANCE REQUESTED CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Uoon lgview of gflJSrr3 and Findin , , S*.tr'1 t8-r!2' !4 of the l'lun ic i build a duplex on srte !2' CasoTat Vail 11 ' :'3:"f,*:1'"i!ll"I"ii ;:f i;"L3"l:L:lii'' HF ;l i:"x f l; ii":1"",n?ill " l'r'I}# i"* i;,'; t* A ;tin: :'" " :i':1" n " " " ::l#:;' :1"f i';fr "":Hli;'"'i"'fi::':; enial of the e Itnent o ornnun it velo t recommen t"qnE!T"_-a-:eil"E9- og9 on the Fd.-f t ""*in g factors : Consideration of Factors e As the i ssues ;lave not charged at ;: ;;;"; You to the Previous mernos all from the Previous aPPlicatr.on' '"na- iiiottatlon encl osed' F ]NDINGS: ft" Pl""" it8 "na E"tit"n*ffifrIaiifrs t varitnce' rhat the cr"":11?-::,:';r;i'1f,:"i,;ii'".i;;":l':il::"n""i:1ll':t'in'!!i?l"' privilege tt:?l::::: i" tf-t" sane distrlct' rhat the c'.^,':.i'g*o:"11:,::':X";:Jil:rl;'r:;"ii:li'::Tl";:'ll:'o:1"' health, safetY' of * ;;;;;;:';"'s in the vicinitY' That the variance is warranted for one or lllore of the followilg reasons: 'r'rre strict "'-ll:"I:"i::;lo.:;'ili?i"3itr'::"ffi::::':l"i;':T:itiixuliii"-t-ion would resulr t: P1::::;;i,-.-^r this tit1e. l"lo.rir.""t vrith the objectives of tnl ritions applicabte There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conc lric0o:.:-.1 d. -l- June ftt to the site of the ;'ariance that do not apply gcnerally to other properties in the .-sa,--e zone. The stTict or l iteral interpretation and enforcenent of the specified regula- tion would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the otmers of other pro?erties in the same district. RECO}:'JEJ.;DATI ON Although the Staff can Synpathize with l'lr, l'lcDonald's positi.on, r're cannot change our stance ot the natter. The issues and situation behind this request haven't changed, and we continue to recomnend denial . ? PUBLIC NOTICE N0?ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Cornrmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance dith Section 18,66.060 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Vail on June 8, 1981 at 5:00 p.n. at the Town of Vail Council Chambers in the Vail Mrmicipal Building. Public hearing and consideration of: 1. Application for a minor subdivision request under Town of Vail Subdivision regu- lations involving 4 or fewer lots to be naned Grouse Glen At Vail located on a part of Parcel A, Lions Ridge Filing #2. Applicant: Valley Venture, a Colorado generaL partnership. 2. Application for a density variance in accordance with Ordinance 18.62 of the Vail Zoning Code in order to build a iluplex on lot 12, Block A7, Casolar Vail II, Applicants: Tina McDonal.d, Trustee, James W. McDonald, Attoxney at taw, P.A., Pension Retirement Trust, and Jean Catoe, Trustee, Catoe Corn Growers, Inc., Pension Retirenent Trust. i 3. Application for a niinor subdivision "eguest rmder Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations involving 4 or fewer lots to be located at tot 5, the Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Val1ey Associates, ttd, a lirnited partnership. 4. Application for a conditional use pennit in accordance with Ordinance 18.60 of the Vail Zoning Code in order to have a vending buslness. Applicant: tee Strakbein. 5. A request for two variances in accordance with Ordinance 18,62 of the Vail Zoning Code for Lots A-1 and A-2, lionsridge. One request is to blild on a slope in excess of 40%, the other is a front setback variance. Applicant: AAV tinited Partnership. Infomation relating to the "equest is at the Cornmtrrity Development office in the ldunicipal Building during regurar business hours for review by the public, TOflll oF vAIt DEPART!,IENT OF COMMUNITY DE1GLOPMENT A. Peter Patten, Jr. Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail May ?2, 1981. PLANNING AND MINUTES OF ENV.IIIONI,IENTAL COM}4ISSION MEETING ltAiict-t I, 1981 PRESENT Scott Edwards Gaynor Mil.ler Dan Corcorarr Gerry lJhite Duane Piper Jim Morgan ABSEN]' STATF PR-ESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten Lar:ry WoodJ-ey Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack C0tii\iCIL REPRE SENTATIVI Bud llenedict Roger Ti llteneier 1.roval of minutes of rneeti_n of Februa 1981 Duane Piper noved ariC Iicott Edw;r_rds seconcled thal tlre v,':r:; 5-0 il fa.;or. (Jin }{crgan hadn.!t yet arrj..r/ed,) 2. ASptgr.l ..f *i"yl"r .f nejting of ltarch ?, -l98l_. Scott Eclwards movetl and Dan Corcoran seconded that tltewas again 5-0 in fai'or. minutcs be ninutes be aq'rir:.lvcd. Vote L: l oor Area Variance for Casolar II a i{esitbdivi s ionof Lot A-7, -l,ion-sridge fil s . 1. !icl:--&xaa: I'11 let La::ry go thru and gi.ve a littre backgrounrl, br-rt since many ofus l'Jel'e ltct here on the si:af f at the ti.me this rt'ho] e subdivision tJa.s alrl.)l:oved, I asiiecll':rr:'y i;<.r go back atrd Listen to a.l. i ;1rc 'iape s of tl'e i)J.+rin jng Connj,s:;i r.::r- -lor tiie suil-dilrision and also for the approvals of thc hones . on dif fercnt lots i.r1 thc sul.,clivision,I thinli het1] go through and give you a quick orre::view of the situatio:r and staffrecornnendat i on . !3"Ill-l!po,1lg:: r think i-rr r;he Xrrox sitr-ration, thcrer are various questioris i.hat iraveari.sen during this whole problen. No. I was, r+as 'Lhe 1ot- line betr..'een .4.7 a1d Ag beingCasalar I iind Casolar 1I ibte to be vac.ai:cd., irir i ch rtroul d then allovl 1.lansfering approxi-nately 3500 + n. -. sQ ft to Caso].ar II. In rcvicrr'ing the tape-s, an:i riiffet..,i do.r-nent-s fro:n Ji.rn P.ubi-n, four:d uo documentation rshat soerrer thet ihis ,r*.. rlri,r::. a_i1owc:cl.No. 1, Casol;rl I liras lrncler i{C zone, Casol.ar I1 being LIJFtr, and yolr c'.r,-rr',ri)i Lr:ansfeldensi.tl' ft'ott'. onc zone to atrother zone, so this 5500 sq f t, at no placer l,ras there anydoctrncnti'.t ioir that would leacl us to beiieve that this ivas'agreed io a rcl wa.-s able tobc doac. Also, there tr'as ne ver any forrra.l requ.est t.hat I colrld f iirci ti:zrt: rcqucstccldny transfer of densitl' frorn Casolar I to Casolar JI. 'lhe -secotrd cltiesti,on h'i1s the allowable GRI;.4 on the proj ect- Jim Rtrb in l.i.a C donc someprimary'..s1opc aral1'scs thr:u the project v,;hicir Mr, knn* ror told he r:or.rlcl hrr'e airproxi-nlatc L4()() sq ft of GlLF;\ per:.nit. In tlrc Flanni'1; Conirissioir of Alrer:st Z?, 1gll,i\{r. }iltcx st-tbr:t.ittc:d arr ;rp.ploval flol 11 Llnits with f .i00 sqft of GIr.F.A. r.,,h:ic jr t.,;is .t-irr:n :qrprc.red iry ehc [)1anr.tjrp. Coi:rmission. nn*" L.' rnJ\esiciential t PEC-nasc?-31918L, A Also, the owner, rrrr. H* stated that the Town of vai.l?a not conrrolled the GRFA'in Casolar II allowing various units to be built that exceeded th€ 1400 sq ft. Inscveral of the documents and conversations witl-r Jira Rubin, we find tha.t he was toldat that time that any overage of the 1400 sq ft of GRF.{ uould be deducted from thetotal amount of GRFA which was allowed on the whole Casolar II because there had not been a slope analysis done by an engineering firm which harl been requested severaltimes so we could deterrnine the actual amount of GRFA which was allowed on the project.After receivlng that slope analysis, it was found actua11y, that 6-l/2 % of the allowablelot area was over 40% which would actrrally gi-ve hin a few square feet below 1400 sqE+ Based on the useable GITFA after receiving information, the total al1owab1e (GRFA) would have been L372 sq ft. AT 1690 sq ft per uni.t, the project uould have far exceededthc a1lov,'airle GRFA. Conclusion: based on all the infornatj-on and vicwed both by docunents and revier,ring {-1.^ l-^-^- :a .:^ -l-LJr.! Laye:', rL rl Lrrc opini.on of the staff that lrlr. Knox was never iear:l to bel ievethal he coltld transfcr GIiFA fron Casolal I to CasoLar 11, that tl:e GRFA wculd everbe approved at 1690 sq ft per unit, that the Town of Vail had accepted covenants thatindicated 1690 sq ft, and that the Tourr of Vail would control the anount of GRFA usedor 't.hat they irould enfcrce provisions of covcnant-s. It is our f incitngs tl:at l,{r. Knox r..'ij rl nat fu,l.!y gsnply i,:i-th the ieguest cf ilie Con;nuni_t1' Devclopment j.t.partment to conplel-c l:ilt', slope anai.ysis in;i ti.niely nanner, and in doing so, cori:ect thc ait.ual al1or'rableiiiiFA in the covenarits. f ire staff bei j.r.:ves that they have been very up front withl'i.r, Knox, a:r d believes t.hat it was so1o1y his r:e-sponsibility to coirtrol the usage or: the GRFA" and that the hard-ship has been total.ly self infli-cted. The stafr reco:nmends that }tt:, Knoxr s application for the variance as set fortli in the attachedapplicaf-ion be denied Bggel-.Tf}onascit: NIy narne is Roge:: Thorra.sch and I arn a.n attorney re1:rresenting Mr. Knox,and -[ wou] d like an oDlL'r:tunitv to -str r:.r.1'. tc] the Conlri. s s irin eL:s if I coulC. l,io cu*"bt)fi:'re you tliis afterr-,oon asking fol a varianrce rrith respcct to ther ORFA on CasolarII. The si-tuation in a nutshell is this : lve are cto ',rn to our f inal renaining, l otjn i.i:e siibii lv:i si r:r " Ic't. i.2o a.rrrl the ii rli.,r.:I.i.L-_ of GF.FA :rcilainj-lrg j.s j,l.:.::,f j: i iien t_ fo:: Mr:.i.:;oii !:o buj..l<i. :rirythini: t:a that iot, T'iier:erfor:e, L.ef t r.;1th a faj.rl.y v;li.r-rable 1:j.eceof land rvhi.ch is useless unless we, ruith your discretion are graniecl additlo;al GRFAso that a unit can be Fr.rt on that piece of pToperlj.y. The property is zonecl LD},|F asti're paper has indicated. We will Le".I was-not, but },,ir. Kirox-r,ras bcfore this Cornrnj.s.sionI. think on .lai:uary 12 of: this year. ,irt thab tiiue , .e{)u prescnted a re(luest concerningt.his lot asking for a vriria.irce and askirrg; you to give hiin encugh additional GRFA fortliai lot to Jrcl:rlit hin to bu-i ld a cfup,).ex, airout 2,rifl sq ft, Now, p:.'cviously l"lr. X-nox Jrresented papcrs to you asking fo::, l- Lclieve JJBO sq ft on that ler. That matter,Irn 1.ol d was tabled, He reconsj <lcred, i,!.$ d canne b:r-ch ln asliing for 27(-C -sq ft to brrilci e" dl]jplex on tliet Lot. Ycu harl a lica.r j.rrp; i-n J anlt:.ry on that nlai-i:er, and the reqllestfor" a var:ian(:e was dcn.i_ccl . l,il , lirox f,;l,lowcd with air appeal to the 'i o,,..n CounciL.At that tilte, he consultcd lvith me, and after revie',+ing ih" popers, atid betieved itvr1; in everyonets best j;ttcl'est if r*,e could try to in'o rli out a c onpLo:n"i- s r,t. It r,,,oul tiailcili ploduc-i:ive rise r.i f the Lanci and be consis:lenL \rith tlic conccir-,.s w]r:icir this bodi,has. I contacted l'{r. Ri C<:r and the 'Ior,iir Council and chatte C wit-h hi.i:r and told himthat I rtntrlri ::cco,.'unenci to IJr. Knox that he attenrpt to conc bach to 1,ou lnd dla.sticallytcd'-:ce ltis r:cqttest.. Instead of a dup1.cr, he asks to build a single {:amiiy resjdcncc,inri earl of asking J:or' 276'J sq ft, a,sking fr:r sinply iii00 sq ft, so l:l'iai orr this piecci'rf l;mci, ins'Lct:d of hav ing it go to wast:{:',, he coulci art leasl-. }u\rc a tSj0() sq f:tsintl * tian:l.11' ::esirlcncc,'. id::. l{iclcr sug.?.estcd 1-o rne i.li&t i-h;,rt was s,i a sirbstsnt je j. a clr:inllc ln tJre app1i.r'.a.i-i.oir, that wc c.oulc back to i:ir i.s bouy for ::cvieri rilthcr tir;tn ap1-'t:;r 1 lo thc 'four Courrc j 1 , ',,Cr j.ch is wh), lrc ilre back hcre toda.1, . lJow, the ue(lucst 1:it:::1, thltt i.ie ]rrcaett lo l./ou j-s tiliii. c.ir 1*{. 12, Cii:.1,1} a.r jI, l"ir-", lirir-,: 1.' r: permift.crl rE\.--oageJ-J/rr"rt to construct a residence totalling no norc than 1900 sq ft on the condition that it be a single fanily resiclence. Now, I think the history of this rnatter is known to a1 I of you, probably nruch better than it is known to me, because I an a late comer, ancl donrt see a need to rehash all of it for you, bui there are a couple of observati.ons I would like to rrrake, in that they go to, at least in rny mind the consistcncy of this request and thb objectives that the zoning r:egulations seek to achieve and the objectivesthat you try to adninister. First, in respect to dcnsity: I think it is inport!1nt to note that, at least as I irlterpret the zonj.ng regulations, ln that LDMF zoning category, the fact that there are 1.2 acres involved in Casolar II, unCer the mathmatics as I understand it, there are 72 units per acre. There could have been 14 units in Casolar IL I get that otr the basis of understandj.ng that you cfln put up 12 units per acre. N{r. Knox only asked for 11 units and that's vlhat was approved, so tha-t he started off aski.ng you for three units less in that area than he would iiave nnthnatically been entitle<i to if you vrill. Ur-rder the 1:roposal that we ar:e nol, aslling, rvith your d5 scretion, we r'rould reduce that by yet one more r-rnit, because !{e uould replace wha'c useti to be atr approved duplex with a single fanily. Ife would be now in a situation where density woul.d be only 10 units on a piece of land uncler the zonj.ng regulations, at least, it rrar-rld appear to su"ppolt 14 units. So I think as to den.sity, it's a confortable situati on - In respect to GRFA.: I clontt want to get back ap.ain to the entire problen of the slope analy-sis on rrrhich botir s j,des have their orrrn vier.rs, but I think that r,,'llat is germane is that about 1000 f ee t of GI{FA that the delrel oper tirouqht he had v;a..s Lost in midstrearn when j-t developed tiial,: a substantial por:tion of the land had a slope or,'er 40%. The slope is mi.nutcly ove:: 'i0%, and I suggest to you, trot that thcre was anything wrong with the slope analysis, o:: that you wele sonehcr.v not entitled to takc that portj-on of the land ataay from the GRFA. I only pojnt out [o you tha.t a substantial pi.ece of that La:id is not dcve:.i.cped and j.s not sold bcca.usc i.f is slightLy oyet 4090, Con- sequently, I think thatls a factor. llut the rrrost j.rnportant factor." and Irll close on this, I thirik that the c-onsistency question overall r,ri-th, what I would undclsl,and )rour concerlr-s to be. Novr, thi s .l:s a sc) ar pro j e ct tha.t ccrlrers three lots .Il: cotrer'-s tot:: A7 , A8 airrl A9. I'hase I t",'h ic.h i: :'!rt i:lie pha-se vretre i.li:a.l .iug l'-ith cali.cd AB arid Ag, as I r,.LJcrst:,ltd it, seve::al yei;::s lLgo r\{r. Knox suggested a kind of ncl^, concept in RC zone district involr'ing an enve./ ope clevclopncnt. lle vrorked with the Totrrr on it, and got it approved " In Pherse -[, ag you ha're heard a, f ew nonents ago. A-s i.t was developeci, hr: used 3680 less GRFA feei- lhan was approvcd. So Phase I has 3680 less feet thatr hc could have used, I,lot,,', I Ccnti want to asseft to you ttrat for some l'eason l^Ie ought to calry tllat over to Phase J J, because that is ol.d busj.nes;, and wctt'e been over it, arld r,.'e: just heard the c.))ri:lent s orr it-, but I do think that whcn you are exersizing 1'our discreti on on the qucstion of whether or not it rr'ould be in everl' cxtcrI :; bc-st inte].e:i L to 1et him use th-i,s rrrld:iti aJrral parcel , tr'helt you keep in mind the facl tl-iat this is a uni.fied c1c.rrel op;nent, Pirasu I aircl Phase II, the roads int.cr:conner:t, ther-e is only one set of ancnities, ther'e is one cotrcloinirrium associatiol . If you vi e r"r'what this nan ha.s done l.r--s a whol.e, hc does ha.ve rrricr on this side, a. phased developrnentthat is 3(rB0 feet le-s,s i.it;ur he coul.d harre clevcil,ped. Ithile I know thr.t as e rna.tter ofright. Iic ought to be ab.l e to take that over and nsc it on the ad joi.nin;: ]rones. Overal.l, 'r-e rl'e consrciering the brlr<len on the Land a.ird Llte br"tlclen on {-he envi::onii:ent. 1 su"",gestto yLjil that it is gerrnl;r,; is a discretiollary ..,.to look at t-he J:act tirat thi.s entire developrncnt roili" first of :r1 1, lrse less 6RI,'A as a r^rhole, and sccondly will be soine f otrr units in derr:, it.yr undcr rvitat it cor-rld i:ayr: been. I suggcst to you tlrij.t there is a vcly s j.gnif i.c:ant l;ar.'Lisiri.p lrt'r'e. Sorrr.:whcrc it, i-hc devcl oplnent" tirings r.rent .lrJr)r'. I tiriirk thiLr i.ll. l{nox t1:r;ught the 'l'orrn w;r:; ir'aic.hir;g hr;n fast .ire rras u:;j;rg the t,}l!/r,, the 'i'olrn thougirt ltc w:r:; l.;a Iching lior it, anij for :,rhltcver rc:rson arrrl Lrir wiioeve;:rs farrlt. !'Jc co$c drll;m to r si1.tt;-:1-.1 otr r.iherc lre h:rve I pic-ce of i.ancl lcl t and therc ju.st i.til 't cno:-lgh C)iFA 1c.f t to bu.; I 'i r-rn. Hctve (:ot i)r.r-ruii:r cr-i tlii.$ dow) to wjr:it I llririk is an ilbsfilute PEC-page4-3/elsl ninimun, 1900 square feetproject. Itts a request l:he la:rd, i.t would not be hardship in a.very unique and a single fanily residence.I think overall itrs a soundif a noderately sized horne were put up, it would not burden an unduly density factor and it would relieve a substantialsituation- If there are any questions, I can answer them.. ,!gIU.: Are there any questions frcm the Cornmission? One quick respon$e to one tliingthat you said, It isnrt in the best interest of the Town of Vail to grant a variancefor any kj.nd of financial hardship which is the staternent that you just rnade. I couldn'tlet that pass without naking that corr,nent. It would certainllr ba to conpromise the' developnent standards of the Town of Vail to do so. 'Ihonasch: I appreciatc th;rt, and I didn't nean to indicate that only a financial hard- ship " it rs a planned cor.,nuri.ty where the cost of carry ing the connon ameni.ties is sliread amoung the home or,,'l1ers. The people uho b ougirt-. there bought ihere thinking they vrere going to have a. cornnurnity of a certai-n size. I think there are enougll of harcishipfactors to just 1et one piece of land not go total ly u:rused, and r think it goes beyond just a firlancial hardship of developnent. -tgt:.J: ll'h:::rk you. Are 1'.hc::e any comneftts r;1" qursi j.cns frorrr i-he Piarrn-i.irg Conlaission? Scottl It seens like each tirne v/e review this sonething new cones up to change nr1'-"thTnking. I heard the stateinent- earlicr by siaff l.hat Mr. Knox rvas told thar: a.;ry cxcess of 1400 feet given to the individual enl'elol:es wculd be ctcauii6ri from the tota.l GilFA, and thatrs the first time ltve heard that statemerrt that he r.ras actually toldthrt. Do we have some good ve-riification of that ? llj-ck I thi:lk to the letter of ..June 2, 1930 when Jin went through a,nd explained rvhat'iifie *square footage had been used in the irast a:tC . . It t s in the patltet urrier tf 5, anilj-t was what the Planning Corrrnis -q ion reviened last t i.Dte in. making a deterrninatj.on ingranting or not gTi"nting a variance, and it is the fee,l.ing of the si;aff that j.t was nlde- Prel:t3r clearl)', and t.hitt tirere was t;ir.i s arncurr i cf sriuar:e {<lrr'1.:r 5s -st ill rcrtnaj.nlng -i-n the uir j.t-l, arrd he coulci r.;se it up, or j.t cr..lr-ri 11 he u:ei up il ;r*1' r.;ay tlie developer viirnted to seo it be used on each 1ot. Do you have that letter, scott? Scott: Itn not sure which one it was.lit.*te footage and r,rirat v;a.c left. . I read the krhole thing..it tatked about the _[?lly, Are there any 611l.t q esticns or cor.$e;rts ? -,-*--. Ye.s, Larry (E.), r,.hat tlae of ...clo you feel this is preccclent settingdte to ti:d ux.ique nature? If thcle weie a. varialce g.ranted for the a'Jriitional GRFA,do you feel this sould set a preceiieni that you couj.cl use touat:ds thai object..,.I*r:lL' .1".'1 1, yorr kri<irv, tlln v3rj;lncc provLsi(in of thr. zcrr j.l!g code nl jo.rrs ,r,cu to Ut:-lnt va:.ianccs'fct CRFA, so tirc nrechani-sir j s" there. I t-hirrit cach case has to be looked at j-ncli vidi ra.l1ybased on thc pertinent fact s, and Itn not sul:e ths.t glranting a va,r:j.arlcc i"n onc part j.cular clrse neces:;arily sets a prlccdent for any other case that. conles befor"e t|e 'I'own. .1thj.nk rvlrirt 1'ou have to look at arc thc clitcria that ar^e set forth j.n thrl ot:rJinanccii:sc1f in tletcrtniting rvlrctlrcr a varjance shoulci l:c il;:a.:iterl in cac)r inclivj.dual irrs,-l.pce ,includilg thi.s one. I dorr'i. know haw c"l.se ro it.lr siret.. -9li.i y,, I'r'cccrient setrtinA, if I can rcspr:ird io thr.t just for: ;r secr:nd, tr'ou.l,d trc toi r:i:-ililf atc i:l-rc ci-itr:r'i a i]iat you are usi.ng .i n any 1,,ait.ri,.u:l 3r inr;tancc, rld then th;rt stiriic cril.rjr,i n could be I or.rlie,.l at by :rnotlrel 'clcvclope r'**a.nothcr e i:,;,1icunt. PEC-pages-r/e/dt- JiJn: .- And obviously under different circunsrancessituations. _CS rty_. Alrnost al ways. However, the criteria itt.he criteria for granting a variance, if you are -p:gt*- .There are actually two items of densi.ty cont.rol that govern the situationthat we're concerned with' one being the GRFA and the othcr Lleing the number of units.Herre under the number of units, but we do exceed, uith this varia.nce, the GRFA. I,nrea11y not in favor of any situation urhere ue negociate the situation to exceecl eitheror both of those conditions gey:-g:i I doirrt knor,r rr'hat to add to tlris rhat hasnrt been saiC before. It look-s likea cornpronise to rsork out e" ploblen. Irnr afraid that I still feel that therers encughbackground in this thing that says he has about gOc square feet left in aeniiiy. $S:fU Thanlt you, Are 'rhe::e an.r last cor*,ients f:.a;n the developer.? Thonasch: No thank s . eryf- l"foulil anyone 1:kr: tc nalie a lrrltj.rrn? &ig15 lrll nake a notion to deny the variance. t_errli Motion to deny by Duane pip.e::. Is there a second.? Gajirnor: Second. !gl-: Second by Gayrrcr. Mj-l Jer, AlL thosc is favor oi the notion, +nd that woulrlbe itt accoldance with the ::taff uerno. Arrtl it is unariinous except for Da.n corcora'anrl Scott ts-drr'a::tls, you r,1"{) opposcd, ,i,he lrction carties. Ig:ff*!. Ilid you, uh, f jldinl:; tlliri: j.n rrct Dick: Thc iindirrss. I'tTd-Tj ndinss . lggf E, O.K" ll"ell, tirey shoul.d be nade in the n€gative, then. "?:UOg.:. l-'lie nioticir r'-as to <1en1' 11l" variiince as per t.iic staff n:emo which r think cor,.ers Lerty E. 0.ii. t""tfy-. There are l0 days to appeal the rnotion of the lrlanning couxnission to the .lown Llourrci 1 , with considerably differcnt is very important to articulate--going to grant it. - excu.se ne" Gc::;:;r, di.<1 yo* cai:r.i' tlie Iroticil n;iri i,r.: lqe {.he .ecessnryli::ii to be r,;;rdc _iir 1:ur.ruarrl .t,;i ti.,: staff *e:::.::r._,.;,i.ilu.? c.9-n state that before tlte varjance i.s granled, wc must nralie L I,{intttcs i:.r)lit irrrrr_rtl o,r p;lge 6 ,e."-"1 Inwuur bsx 1C0 vait, colorado B'165? {303} 47G"5613 March 6, 1981 departrfi e*t of community tlevel rpment II lrever corrta'iirci ariy i'r'bm-Casol er I . r-iirit was alrr,eys considered I'lrjs was baseo :;c1 e1y rvithout the aid of an T0: Planning and Environmental Commissicn FROM: Departriillt of CornnurTity Development RE: G.R,F.h. \tariance fcr Caso'l ar iI, l-ot A7 Descr.jAtion of Varjance F.equeslsd A cop.y of the descripticn of the variance being requestedis enclo:ecl " The Staff i.iculd like to recao various is:ues which irave led up to tlris request. 1. CnLtlci the. loL l'irr:r Liili"lr'een A7 i rrri i\8 'os vacaiqii , ,'i-q being t;r:olar I and /i:/ ba'i ng Cascl;ir LI. I4r. Krrox r,;as notifieC by Jim Rubin that they could not be vacated.In revi(:,r'; ilg the P.E.C. tape of OctobeFz7, 1980 Jim Rubin indicatrti tc t4r. Knox that he was told that he could not vacate i;lr* propelty iinr: and thus h* able to transfcr 3500 sq.ft" rrf G.R.F.A" plus or minus to Casolar II. It{r. Knox sai<J, "I guess I d'i ctrn't do my hriirer,lorl< arrd I unriei'stand that this cannot be done." The rcqu;:;,t Lrf appro',lal of Casolar refepetrcc to the i e{'t over G , R. F.A. 2. Tire,t.,{C0 sq.ft. (G.R.F.A.) per as an esiinate allcwahle per urrit. upon ar1 r::tinrate done by J jn Rubin enginacr i;ralysis as reqursted. In rev'isi;iirq t.he P.t.C. iapes of August 22, I97B tliertl was approvai gil.en for 1l unils with a rrraximum of 1400 er;.ft, of G. R. F .4. Page 2 3. The owner (Mr. Knoi) has stated that the Tot+n of Vail did not control the G.R.f.A. limitatjon of 3380 sq.ft. of 6lR1T:7-., or 1690 sq.fi. per unit. The fact is that the Town doei not enforie covbnants and 1690 sq.ft. (3380 sq.ft') was not the total G.R.F.A. agreet to. Mr. Knox' on several occasions, vtas told that the total G.R.F.A. being submitted for on projects prior to agreeing to a final G.R.F.A. figure would bb cleducted from tlie-total. The tntal of usable G-R.F.A' r{as as fol I oivs: Lot area l.knus area over 40% Net usable G.R.F.A. usable G.R.F.A. useC tc date Rema'in'ing G.R.F.A. 53 ,796.60 3 ,485.00 50 ,311.60 15,093.48 (3-6- 8l ) 14 ,167 , o,l 926.48 Based on the usable G.R.F.A. after receiving infomation on sloperthc 11 unit:; proposed by.Knox-l'iould only,be elloled. 1,372iq.ft. of G.R.F.A. per unit. 41- i690-!C.fl: pr,rr^uni'c this proiect would have iar exceeded the allowable G.R.F.A. Conclusjcnr Based on all the i.nformation reviewed both by documents.rnd by revietving the P.["C" tapes, lt is the opinion of the Stuff that: Mr. Knox bras never led to believe that: 1. He rorild transfer G.R"F.A. from Casolar I to Casolar iI ?. firr'..l"lha G.R.F.A" u'ould eirer Lrp airproved at 1690 sq.ft. $sr" u i'r'i t,3. ?trat tne Town of Vail had acceptcd hjs covenanl;s wh'i ch indicated 1690 sq.ft.4. That the Town of'Vail woulcl control the amount of G.R.F.A. used or that they vtouid eirforcc ally provision sf the covenarrts It is also our finri'i ng that Mr' Knox did not fu1 i.v comply io the request of the Community Deveiopment Departnent-to-compiete a slcpe analJrs'i s and hy doiig sa, cgirect the at:tu'r1 allol"lable G. R. F . i\. i n the covenrnt.s . The Staff believes that they have been very up front with Mr. Knox ancl i:elieves tlrat it vtas so'] cly 15u responsitrilit.y of Mr' Knox to control the usage of usable G.R.F.A' in Casolar II and that any hardship has been 'lctaliy se'lf-inflicted. The Staff recoilmends that l4r. Knox's appiication for tl:e variance as set forth jn the aitached application be denied. tl lu I >--' ' "- . rLl4\ 1{:"4.i Roanu & Bneoa t ,tl c. C. HENRY ROATH CHARLES F: EREGA },ANOLD 5, BLOOM ENTHAL LOR EI'I L. MALL ROBERT L. ROBCRTS . .JAY w'. ENfART \,OHN H. BI R K ELANO ROG EFt R 'THOMASCH COWARD N. EARAO U. STEPHEN MCGUIRE {,,4C I( W. BEFFIYH I LL RO 9 EFT E. KENDIG ROBCRI C- RAU FMAIJ DAVIO W. STARK KENNETH D. Vr'ILLIS gTUART N, tsENN ET.l HERRICK K. L1OSTO N EI ',,R' * ,toT aor{lll8o lN coLoRAoo LAWTENCE B. sWATTZ KEVIN TIIC HAEL 9HEA EVe i'r. llE:RNoul9T HOPE C J OS5 ERANO M tc. l-lAE L T. MCOON NELL GAEOOFY L. OUILFORO D O!tALO s.\LCITO L€9LI E \'. ROO9 * Jc,H Ti M. WEIN€EFO ? FRED ERICK 8.3t1I!LEFIN ATTORNEYS AT I.AW tteo wRtrERS' c F:NTER lv I7A O !C)UTH tsELLAtFiE STRIlET DE'NV ER, G()LQRAOO AO2E2 l3o3) 7g,e _5aoO TELEXI 45_ 025a OUR FILE NU H BER March 2, 1981 Lariirence C. Riderr l"r:F".fl. Town Counsel. Cii:y Hall- Vait, Col-orado Bl-f,ii'l Re: Casolar lI Dcdr Larry: As you and 1- have cl:i.scussed b1' teJ-ephoneo r r:epresen'L i-tean I(nox' wlio,j.s tl:c ci,evelopft:: of Casolilr: Il-. lt.is rny understanC:i'nq that r:h,:liail,. 1lli,:t.ii finr:.t:rl:i^.j-" a,{-,:i.t-r; il,u.,i.rrt:al:y 1?. 1'981. Iiieei:i-:'i',i, rurranded thc v;rri-i,*rc.:e reqr-:r:i.,r. ierLa,inin:l i-.* C;ricl.,:i.l .i^li i:ac;li' tr: i'i.''r': Fle-nni-ri9- Commissi0rr s;c t[ai: consideration coulcl bc grven to a revisecl request by i'ir. Iiriax irhich greaLllz rccluces t"he square foofage and densi.ey wii.ci. hacl l-'.;:r.:n reqrleste.l at the €iarlier liearing before.the firt,iiii-tg Coi,;,rnissj.c:l;. i.t is ais6 iiiy u*de;:ri':irancling tha{:, L'he reviset1 variance requesL n-;.-i-I- be heard by the P)arrning cornmissj-cF at aLs meet:1.ng o,. {Lre af{..,):':rioon of l'ioncilly-. March g, -1981" If that is incorrect, i r.roulC, appreciate it if you vr*uld let me kliort ' A$ yOU r.r-i-,1-i. reca.1.1..o l-.he t:eqr:iesl r+hj..uir i'ia-s: iir-c.r;ei].L-ecl '":C' i-he PLa-n*' iii"6-Co*.nj.ris:ion b], lr:{:. Knoi a'U Lb.: Cclr,nig:;:i,On' s t-} ani-ieii:ir I2 ' 19ti:}", *e*iirrg sou.gSt a ira::1apcc which vu'ould per:nit construcLion on Lot ,1-2 of Casolar I3 of a dupl-r,>: totalj'nq approximatc+L1' 3'380 '. square feet. AlthrlgLr the cotrstructicii ,-,i a d.up.].ex l!"i':.j:i 1:crmis- sil-rl.e unrier the ex:r.si.ing zoningr alr j.ncrease irr the P*l'isitted GP-rA was nece;;5arl7. :lt!fi: \ra.Iiance r+'fuest we's <lietrleC ' The arnencl+i reque:;l:. r.,,hich wj,ll- he presen'ierl o:r l"la.rch 9, 1981, wi.ll :;impfy req;i.;1.-'auptorza-]- fcr tge corr:ig1rlction on l,t:rl -12 c''f a sin!ii* 1.eri,l,1y ies:i,.l ;:ircl cont-a j"rr'iirg 1.,900 :ii-i!'la-lle feet aij 111::s" Tir.uS n Lhe l--r: r'lott--l-cl Lr.-: les;s ciens:i-'t--y lhan :l s 1:resc:n i'J'y aiii--lic;:i z cJ o aild the regoesL€:d i.:lllf,1\ vJoulil. he riubstr-:n.Lia1-iy reduceti" Vail T<.rwn Council February 17, 1981 Page 3 SLIFBR: RIDER: SLIFER: BT]DER: RIDER: t The next item on the agenda is a CasoLar appeal . And'let me reacl into the record an appeal a letter that 4{,s rec€i-Ved today. "Gentlemen: The foLLowing telephone conversation between Roger Tomash attorney for Mr. Dean Knox and Larry Rider, Attorney for the Town of Vail, Dean Knox is requesting that proceedings on his petition for variance on Lot, L2, Phase 2, Casolar Del Norte be returned for action at the Planning corrnission level . The basis of this request is that Mr- Knox wishes to submit a significautly changed proposa.l to reduce the GRFA and the number of units in the subdivision which are now requested. " I would assume that would require a motion on our part to send the matter back,to the Planning Commission .as'reques.ted by the. applicant or by the appetrlant- Mr. Mayor, I rvould say that what-oceurred in this case''was-ttrat ' I got a call yesterday afternoon from Roger Tomash representing Dean Knox. He indicated that he had discussed with his client the matter of this variance and said that what they tpet'e going to do , or inforned me that what they were going to do tonight was to propose to cut ttre duplex proposal in half and make it a singtre-family redldence and drop the GBFA requirement request by 60O or ?00 square feet and I told hin at that time that tire Council woul-d not hear the proposals u'ithout Planning cornrnission input. I felt that was a significant change and he said, we1l, they had no objeetion to Planning commission.r hearing. Then I got a call from them tbat they were going to be here. Then I got a ealL at noon today indicating ifrat-tre was having some difficulty in getting out and at that time I informed him after discussing the matter with Rich that there should be a wrj-tten application to have it sent back to us. Since that appeared to be appropriate that the Council, would consider tfrit tonigtrt. The issue being the significant change and it appears to be a very significant change. Any commments? t{ould someone like to Mr. Ruder? Yea, I'd like to iust .... we got in our packet this many, many page, maDy, many year doeument relating to this proieet and I tnin5 that our zoning laws in the area are pretty c1eg.r as to what is allowed on that particular piece of property and, I think that as I read all of these many, many documents that the owner of the property was advised at that time and tbat he just, he didn't lake good care and caution in planning and in*n-it got down to the last lot he had some problems and no1 he's trying to find a way out and I rvould be, I think we should act and uphold the Planning Comrnissionrs ruling' - Otherwise I think werre kind of passing the buck if the applicant wants to come back and reapply to the Planning C|mrnission,...that's. part of the democratic proeess and he can do that. well, I would state that I told lrtr. Tomash exactly rvhat Bob has indicated, but, if the council turned it down he can- come back and he could'do that immediately on the I'larch 9th agenda with the proper advertising. The only benefit in turning it'down which they indieated they rvould do, it would be to get another applicati6n filed because they would come back with the sante tirlng- I g'css my feeling and the reason I advised them it would probably go back rvas tlrat that was going to happen anyrvay and they rnight as well get it done. ^/ e, Va11 Town Councll meeting February 17, 1981 Page 4 flILTO: RUDER: WILTO: NUDER: I{ILTO: BT]DER: We can't act would be ... Thatfs right. It has to go TODD: SLIEEB: TODD: WILTO: on what he's proposing now, aLL we could act onthe Plannlng Commission _ - back to them aEyway. I don't have any problem sending it back to the planning Commission. . . The reason, f guess, that it bothers me is that we have twoways in this town of allowing densities and they're prettyclearlyexplained in a1l zones and that wetre reallyopening up Pandorars Box when we allow an increase in grossres.idential floor area in one of the zones and that's whatthis application would do and as I understand it, reductionof 60O or 7OO feet or the changing in units that was goingto be the new proposal would still be an up-zoning of theproperty in respect to .6ress residential floor area and Ithink that we have to treat up-zoniag :grosa residential -.,.^floor area in this',vblley vpry carefu.lly and, 1 I am one ,person who would be yery iuj favor of dolng that anfl I thinkthat this would be a way of us telling this applieant that,you know, the rules have been very clear through all of theseproceedings .....'.' Thatrs right. But what werre telling the PLanning Commissionby upholding them that we, you know, we agree with the way theytretreating these kinds of situations when something is broughtin f,ront cf them wc agFee witt the way they treated that. As soon as we send back to them without, you know, without good explanation they may sit there and say, "Ife11., you know, maybethe Council does want us to consider giving additional grossresidential floor area variances, I guess lt would be,andin isolated special cases.r' I don't know how they would readds sending it back and I think it's a very touchy situation because itts one of our two gui{ellnes in all of our zones tozoning. I have a question. As far as what was sald to the representatiyesof the people who were appealing to us, because it rryouLd seem to me that if we were to proceed and consider the review asit was originally scheduled, that that requires that both the Town and the applicant would make a presentation tonight becausewe'd need to see what was presented to the Planning Commission and if the applicant was led to belleve that this would be a mere formal-ity and therefore is not here which I assume theapplicant isn't here., . and he was led to believe that thislvas a normal thing, it rvould go back to Planning Commissionwithout the applicant bej-ng here and for tbat reason I wouldprefer to send lt back to Planning Commission which is realJ.yan option it seems to me thatrs open to him anyway and that hewould be withdrawing'his appeal and just going back witb ahis revised plans. Could you make that a motion? I so make that a motion. I{ould you }ike to add any instr-.:ctions fron the Council to thePlanning Commission? TODD: I think that tbe minutes of this meeting should be included so-- that Bob's concerD are voiced at the Pfanning Corunission andthat any other soncern that counciLmembers would Like to express along those lines. L- T{ILTo: I would like it to be expressly said somehow that, we do approve thelr decision - prior decision. qTEINBERG:T{hy don't $e just table it for tonight and have the lawyer here next time and make their presentation so we can vote it do.wn? That would be good too, as long as they're fairly represented and havenrt been nisled thinking they can Val1 Town Council tu.Xng' February 17, 1981 Page 5 TODD: STEINBERG:I feel with Bob that - I feef strongly that we sbould concur with the Planning Commission in their turning it down and I think if they want to come and plead their case, that's fine, ttrey ought tir have their day in court, but I think my mind is made up pretty welI ,. ' :,1 ,1SLIFER: Larry, could we dend it back to the Planning Commission with' witn tne understanding that we did support tbeir decision? eluded you've got this whole packet of things - this casolar I and II is a proverbial bucket of worms, I riean it's a, it's a very screwy situation and r donrt know whether Dean Knox got himself into it or we helped him get himselJ into it or what it is. I dontt think-the Planning commission in any way feels in jeopardy because of Council's consideratlon of this, f think they feel pretty confortable in their. decision on the GRFA. We have received various conments in the packet, you're not in any way questioning their decision in sdnding it back, and, you know, I don't know what you, f guess maybe I stepped outside of my prerogative in telling them that you'd probably send it back if you came in with a proposal' but at the same time what have you gained by putting it over for two weeks and tursing it down and they just turn right around and reply, Probably what they would do if you tabLe lt for two weeks if they would withdraw their application and their appeal would be fine. . You dontt gain anything witb the Planning Connnission by playing that game' IIILTO: Ron made a motion and Ir11 second it. RIDER: I don't think, and I don't think that this case/as Bob has Do you want to restate the motion? The motion was to return it to the Planning Commission, but with ttre minutes of the concerns and comnents of the various Councilmembers as they have spoken tonight - Bob, Tom and anyone else that has addressed it. sLIFER: Okay, a motlon by Ron Todd and second by Bill Silto. A11 undLrstand that? If there's no other discussion, all in favor of the motion vote by saying aye. Those oppose' Two oppose - Steinberg and Buder. BIDEB: Just for clarification. You want tbe transcript verbatim of the comments enclbsed? SLIFER: Of that portion of the minutes. SLIFER: TODD: i.- , ,):rrttrirry 8' l98l TO: FltOiU: DIANA T0UCIIILL RE: CAS0LAR SUCDIVISION si.nce thcre has bccn so nuch eonfusion about the GRFA and intcnt for the Casol.ar subdivision, Jirn Rubin and Petcl' latton 1'equested that I attenrPt tO rerrrr:nber soljle of tl:e ba c'r-.5grout'rr: j.ttforniat jon and discussions. Deane lhox, thc cleveloper, approachcd tlie Tor.n with a t}tally ncl{ conccirt (al so the first p].ojei:.! i:roposeC r:ltder: tllc neri'P.C zo;ringJ. ]'he inierrt t{as to dtrvelcrp a residential sul:divrsjon that worlli:d bettef. than migJrt be a11or'ied under the convcnt.ional zoning. llecause the pl an h'a6 a bettcr one than r,'lrat nlight havc rcsulted under tlrc st.anclard RC roning, I tried to t,'orli riiLlr t ]rc dct'cl of cl to nralie the plan feasilil c. ^{is I lecall, I let'ict''ed not oni;' :Lhe sub<ii"'ision plat and ploposed p3-an:r " l)r,i: also tlre prolloscd dec,l :tii!i IoDS and. covcnants and the sales colltract ' To nate sure the To.,,n uas p1'otecteC against i.licgal l'csubdivisicn and exces- sive Ciii:A, I leqr.rir:ed scveral cli:n;ies in the clocuncnts, inclriding a Statclrlcnt abcut .|-}ie inaxinum a1lor"at,1c GRFA pcr unit. l'ltc r-cason f rcntettiber. this so vividli, is that Stu Erov'ri a:ld I h:id sorue violent aTglrncltts about ihe rt'ol.ding aud f.irc lrank's at1-ot:r"tc). t-lidntt l.:l lii: tl-rc rcst.rictive languagc citlrcr' (i think ny rrlr.lic<1-up co1:i.cs of thc origirral ly ploposcd clocttmcttts a1.c il the file) ' In oril c:: tn ui1o,, i.he ::eq,-rc'::tctl C)li;/1., ,i1l 1 Pl'ol)crty lincs toe::e i'o bc !'tL'a:crl , Tlii-s l''as ]'equcsfed so t irnl' atltlil- i c)n31 llnits cotrld not be adtlcd on t'lre lirijrcent i.lllif l.ot at-. a J lil-cr d.rlt.c ll tr,.1 so tilitt lr11 thrcc lots neTe clcvciopcd gq;irt':I.:cI-y. Tht l,DlilF z.cxiitrg ;rllc:'i:d grcr:tt'r;ticnsit)' tl)an t"hrt rtas pro}ost:d Unrl{tr: tllC crt,t'C1o|i:, clttSl:r:r conc{:iii. TOI{N OF VAIL I'LANNINC AND IJNVlIIONI1IJNTAL corx.lISSl0N - : -F6:- MINUTES FROM ITIE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL January 12, 1981 3:00 p.n. COMMISSION MEETING STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan . Peter Patten tsetsy Rosolack COUNCIL RTPRESENTATIVE Bill Wilto hhite. Dan movcd to approve, seconded bY MEMBERS PRESENT Gerry White Scott Edwards Roger Tilkemeier Gaynor Mi11er Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Jim Moqgan The meeti.ng was ca11ed to order by the chairnan, Gerry 1. Applgyg!_of__ninutes oi Dec.r,b{ 8-, Roger, vote uras unaninrous. Kncx cl.sris i contlo1 rrariance Casoiar II Tlesub Lct A-7 Lionsrid Peter patten explained that this was first brought to a PEC neeting in 0ctober, 19.80. The events were conplicated, and there was a basic disdgrement in the sequence of events . betueen the Tor,rn ot' Vail staff and Mr. Knox. He explained that Jin Rubin had brritten a meno which Peter read: "he (knox) clearly unCerstood the 1400 sq ft per unit and the need for the slope analysis. He knew that lt uas up to him to allocate the square footage for Casolar II. He was nevel told thrt he could tranfer extra squat:e footage from Cascla:: I." Peter explained a letTeffronr Diana Toughi.ll dated January B, 1981 distributed just before the neetinS. Diana: As T see it, pa::t of the disagreraent is whetlier the Town had the respons-ibility to enfc'r:ce the covenerts o-r \{hcterrer, Fe::ta.in:r:g to the GRFA. As I reliictitber t}re whole thing a.s it wett tlrru thr: or!.girral approval, is tha'c lhe Tor,rn in fact r-equir:ed that cel:tair' things be put in the covenants, and in sales contracts and a nuinb et of other things, so that the Town could in fact enforce the GRFA so we wouldn't end up with problems later. Gerry: lVhat you are rcfr:rri.llg to are the restrict j-ons in tern.s of tota.l. size. Diana: No, the naxj-mun GIIFA pe:r trnit. I looked ba.ck at sone of the fi.les, and I think if yotr look at that, your11 find my origi.nal notes on the covenants, trnlcing ccrtain reqlrire nents in terns of chaniles j-n the covenants so that tilere was a nraximurn 6RFA per unit stated in the covenant s. Dan: As you recall, then, thcte was a nraxirnunr, and even though the Toitn revietrecl every building that cones through, even if any on6 or th'o or three of those buildi.ngs were oveli, and we re appror.ed as be-iiip, ove1." they were;ltt ire iilg apploved as individuai, they t{'cre 'rtil1 notking against the grand total? Diana: The way I remenher it, it !{as on a per unit thing because it was divided into lots or parcel s and that thc niexirnun 6RI;A appl ied by un j.t, to each unit, a.ncl that tircre tla s :r unit niax tathcl than a total ntax. Dan; So if thc Town tppigved 200 extra fcet on pa::ce1 12, ot: rnrltatever', thc nuntl.rcls irte, tllat d i.tin 't th.rlr automat ic:rl 11, colrc of f of thc last p:uccl to be dcvelopcd? lf cach one nas j"ldividually revievli:t3. ard i.f ap1:royed, that w:rs lrcl- goilrg to affect the last ttrlj.t gctt j n.!.; built'/ lJianrr : 'l'ltat I s thc wav I rcmember it " larry Eskwith:- I just want t.o Point out sone legal problems that seem to be presentedhere. I'n a little confused as to thc facts, and I think a lot of people are confused..Irn^not sur_e exactly vrhat did go on at the initial and subsequent conferences between thestaff and the applicant. f donrt know, but I think therers a question in regard to thecovenants--a lega1 question, Because we nay have been engaged in sone of the d,iscussionsuggesting certain requiremcnts to the applicant, are we in a position where we have toenforce those covenants whenever anyoile cones to the PEC or Town, and in fact, do we havea legal rlght to enforce those covenants? rf we went to court and said,lrwerre going toSue on the covenantsrt, the court would say, "l{e11" too bad, you can rt sue on the covenants,yourre not a signatory to tlte covenants.'r Legatly, we cantt becarrse r"te wexe not a partyto the covenant s, Dan: then, on the square foot question, those individual little parcels r.rere on an approve, p1 an, and they are subdivj.ded piec€s of land, even though they uoirld:rrt neet mininrun Lotsizes for the Tom for a duplex. So my question still is, I guess, krere there so many :qY"": fcet approvg9 t]ut parceL, or i,.rere there so rnany squarre feet fo:i the sn1i"" thing?'this i-s an odd subdivision. Itts tire onLy one we have, Those lot si-zes arentt even legalsize j-n, a duplex zone. If we had standard sized lots, it would be very easy to look atevery single one and say, r'o.K., yourve got 1s,000 sq ft and that rs it.,, PEC-2-r/r2/8t Larry: 'fn e problcrn is, I donrt knc,r.r ljliat we have here exactly.h,hat sot:t of situation wer:i:e .in. It sccms to l;e a zern.e that i_szone informally thrrr legislative acti.or"!. I rji:rl t t l',noia exact 11' itrpr.: c.d orl en exi-sting Peter: In Jiln Rubinrs n:enc of 70/X/8a- it states "The staff beie-.rcg that they have beenup front in this whole sequence of,events-even if the 1400 square feet per unii (pre slopeanalysis nurnber) is used, this r.iould only pernit the reuaining nit to be 12J4 square feetlI{e believe, tho, tl'rat the applicant l.;a s totally aware tirat the firi.a,r. number could notbe deterrnj.rred until after the slope acalysis ha-rl been co:npleted.I aud #4 of this rnetnostates: rrTlie Toum staff requ,ested o:1 numercous occ.asiols ihat the siopc stu(Lv be conpleced +lo tl]at the -sQira.l'e footage cculd be deterrnineri. Tlii.s s-]"oi:o:,tudy.r{as not giien to thestaff fcr .iver one year follor'ri.ng the approval. of C;rsolar II. Because of ihe slope analysisnot bering cot..:p1ete, l-he c()v€.nxrlis fr,r.r irhase Ll. per'.j l.t.i.irct: app_.,:or,,cri. bi. t1:.e Tortl. "No- 5 staies: r'f itr: app 1" ii..itli. 'ies fu.i f.i, liia;c tlrc': :kj si-ope anal1,:i:, ira ci. f,r-r be conLDj er.t{:cl"T'he .staff was never asked to f igure the squart: f oola.ge. t't was f irra-1. J.y done as a courtesyto Mr. Knoli . ,' PEC*3-1-12-81 l--oru froin the rtnarhtro does make th ' 1ot,'in this unusual project? T\e tolrrr allows over 16g0 in one case per unit tirnestwo, thatts 3380, The Toivn allblred 352 sq ft over the rnaximun allowed in phaseI, not Phase II, on a Phase Ii lod,. 'I'hey cleducted it from the last lot which isrot 12, and sa the guy who owns the lot, whom Irn basicalry here to protect hisintenests i"s stuck with a Lesser amount of property, under the rninimum as statedin the declalation, so he is stuck with a goat-pasture. Gerry: You nade a statenent a ninute ago about the 40 % slope analysis not coninguntil late. lfhat were you referring to there, because your lngirreer didnrt getit in until late'/ (nox: First of all, we got into the 40% slope just at the tine that your ordinanceon 4A9u slope carne" just as I was requesting ihe secon<l phase. Then l,{r. ltubin,so we could get this through, on the second phase, estirnatecl the 40% slope on theproperties as he saw it on the Town,s aeria l: phot ographs . He estj.niated and cleciucteclwhich broughi us dortrn to 1400 sq ft GRFA per unit, and then subject to, he toldme l would hs.rre to get engineering. and tie sar:re ilay r called J;ff spinel , anilr- cven paid hinr in a<ivance. Mr. Rubirr informed me iuring this period thai wc waited,tirat he aiso called Jeff Spinel. The 1400 was after an estirnated deductir:n of 40eo. s1ope. Tiren it cane out. that there was more 40% slope than li{r. Rubin had estinatedin his fi.rst ror.:*d" I{e had receivc.rr at;:prov al on trrc prciect s*b,i631 to, but ilr''as already.[ali€n out and estinateci dor,n to 1400 sq fi. l thj.nk rihat yourr lcokingat ri-ght now, is a reevaluation wh:- cir came after our }iover,rber meeting of the GRFAdeteratination" Sone things came up which r h?s unarvare cf ancl playiig ar:ound withfi-gr.rres so J.ong and cane up with tiris, an<i I'r ba.s j-cally reevalua.ting the GRFAfloin what I consider: vras the corrrcct one. There were ,o** e""ors in the original-.f harre a ntaxitlrrll of 1690 per sq ft iir PHase fI in the Declaration which carriesthrough the :;u1;plement on thc phase :.r" rtrs 1200 mininurs to 1690. And if youread the erraluation of the GRFA cl e{: erini-n iat i-on, I thinli some of the cSrestions inltere are anslrered. It shons the dorm zoning to a ccrtain extent. So rrhat Irri request.ingi-s not the 1690" Irnt requestirry" IJ't2 c,n thai ia.st .l ot, idrich I alreariy have sope ofihat GRFA a119tted. It "s Lrcen reduced. do'.r,ri by othr-'r itructr.rre-s takin.g away fron theg::o..;s GRFA rl-Jorrred rne, aird thei.e r.s no nrotectj'crrl f.rl- that Last l.ot 12. and so j.t hasi;it':-r 1.,-i:',,.:.- ;:,..-irs.i,lcraL,ly, Jinr Morgan: l'Jell what happenecl rhrin this letter of Juite 2, IIBA lvent out rr,hen JimRubin was inforiaing you that tliere wer'e 6 units l.eft and tha.t no!{ your squarefootage_was ti.rropped to 1.220 per unit? You must h:.nre reali zed tha.t olrviourly ,r,*ur.square faotagc was on a gToss unit basis. At leas; the Toisn at thj..s pr.rint was r,rorkingon that ba-s j.s and thel' were just declrcting units by rvbat was being ur;lr1 per unit.And ;ii:t, sitLc'; ihat time, 4 inore units have been built out, to bri.r1g thii thing ciortnto 968 per dritrlcx" I dontt understand vky, way back to this stage, prior to constructjon.2 of t h ose dup l exes lret:e . Knox: But j'n lhe nteantinc, between tirat tirne, a proj ect wr.:l a1-rprovecl for 1690. Idolgan: R-igi-ii' . What Itni saying I grri:ss is that ii secins lj.l.lc r-his letter r^rou I d havenat{o it clear tr: you--it scerns cl_ear. to ne--tllat irers sal,ing that you. harre use<i thismuch, you'vc gol- this- nruch left, so you noi.r lia.,,e 6 urits tirat are sn;rl.ler than youorigitrally had " So thcy ate 122(Jts. y'.r:ri )'et, since thcn, J guess tr\'o nore unit.s laveeatell up a l,4t o.l- e bunCh nOre Of t.hat, a.nli l,ollrt* cl orr,n tO r,ih er.e you cicr:rt haVe Any.It just sectttr t|at it should have bei.-n r:lear: at that point that the 'I'ox,n was gcingon grcrss arca t-ilat was l.e:ft a.ltd divitljrrg; i.t Lrp, anrl ars it got usecl up, the anrorrntper t:rtit ulaii jLSt drol-'piug, ils c'\'er) i., rc kcpt t,akilg tlie 16g0 that weie i1 your colenantsor sonc:thing. Jt seexs tirat all thc w:ry back i.n June of liLst )'eal that they rr,crc 1us1dirt-iC".ing al lot;.r1:'1c foctagc ui: b1, uhat ii'its ie,ft ;.rnd It1. 6ow rna11,' r.rn j.ts ri,cte JLft. . .,::,.r _t I PEC-4-l-12-81 sone of trrese figurf" ou". the GRFA even allowe.iln" Architectural contror r comittee of casolar. Two units are over the 1690 allowed on phase r. Jim: Yourre saying what was set up in your covenants. Roger: It seetns to me that from this conversation, Jin you referred to you, whichapParently neant Deane, but I thj.nk Dcane had sold those lots with coveniit-s on thelots that were worked out with the Tor,rn of Vail . We had those covenants, theoreticallywe can rt enforce covenants, but nonetheless, that was fron a practical standpoint, when the person rvho bought the 1ot fronr Deane carne in, with an 1600 sq f,t house,or a 1600 sq ft house, it.woul-d seem to me that under this special set of circumstances.that we, the Town, then should have said, 'ltley, you cantt do that. r' if we were goingtor'in the final analysis, teIl the last owner of the lot that he could only build900 sq ft bccause these other guys ca.nre in, Take, for instance, what if Deanewasnrt hcl'e. Ile sold the property, and he resigned. So you have a very very unccrn-fortable, and I think unfair situation rnhere the first builder can cons in and buildand progrr:ssively prevent the last ourner frorn br:ilding a reasona.bly sized place. Jim: But I thi.nk the thing could have been caught way back. Roger: But uhy didntt we refuse the building pernit? Larry: frn rrot sure r*hat pohrei t-ijl_t harl to c'li:r l:hst, Roger. Peter: i think sone ,:f the stuff is beginning to be a littl e more clear to ne. Filstof all, the Tol'm had" I think th.e Tor^m had a iertain obligation to not go above tliat1690 in approving that, because r{e }rere working very closely rvith the Cisolar homeounersr board. I thinlt that it is very clear in Jirn Rubints docurnentation that theTom was never going by any kind of a ha.rd line per unit, a d rire never do, excep! or-ra. single f;Lmi1y cr dupiex 1ot. lle riere never golng by a 1400 sq ft. lhii was astrictly estinate t.iia.t- both Deane arid Jin understootl that it nas an estimate.r'ire we1'e not he1ri to 140C. 1690 -is lr'hat r+etve al.lvays r,rorhed rtrith. Ji-n has sai.d inhis meirto prcviously tha.t the Carl-ing duplex was recalculated to be 16g0 and evenj.f j-t was 30{} f:t ovc:r, we have given h j rn tha.t consid.eration. A:iother point is thatl{r:" }.nox !'ra s 3'i: thc t.ti:cli-ng i.tLc:i -ii-,e [-iarl i;rg C,, ,: c>. i", "pprot".l "',,r-r.s ;.rppro'.reJ, e.rrihe ltas also ;:-pp r.'o v ed tlvc CLrrrJexcs s j-n{:c rhi q Ar,rl-t icrriorr wa-s actuarly ii"u.,-Jio;;.;:'"ii;;,; ;;: :i:'":iit;;ili3"r'fr,jiioj;t.tli" i:,,ll'""ili''though we ar.-lntt- legaiiy tied to i,t, wc have upireld tirat encl of it. Knox; l^,'e l:ave 2400 sq ft tse caLi 6-l1vslspes. Iiris is what tl:e To'wn reqrre-sfed rveput things in. No ol'ner can bui ld bcyond those 2400 sq ft . Thc 'Iown enforces tha.t .If they tvant to cantilcl-er a deci.., etc, 1.irey ntust nake a spcciai su.bnrission" I r,.,i:sbrought -in on that nreeting with Carling knov;irrg that he asired for 1690. /rncl arso,essum-ing thii-: I tr r'rs ;rring to get- r:..r relief GIIIA f::on Pha.se i, iih.ich l still hnrre abar.rt35CC sq Jt urlder. J'h3.t t{a-s rur c:r.:'l:i. I clicl nol liarre goori counc-i I orr that. Basical-iyon Car'l ings. I saw his -original pl.ans that uiere a. rnirror inagt: crf his first proJ ,,qgon Phase I- This was for Phase lI. Exce.lt for cosmetics, they were supposei to Lrethe sane- IIe r'ren t ovel 352 sq ft r''Ih lch ii not on tha,t tape. lt was not evelt broughtout until t'ra1' aften;a.rd" until I hati gottcn thc lcttcr of Jrure 2, 1gB0 that hc l.,rasovcr on hj,s GRFA. It took me fotrr ri,onttrs di.scussing, uith Jin Rubin tr,ho lr'ould, norrele:rse that extra, sqriat:e footage, r'ould not coinc off o.f it. !,rculcl not even alalyscrit. I'he Otrm er of lots 72, 13, g 15, Mr. l"lcDonald, has threatened suit unle-s-s he gcishis i690. I rr':: -s not orr the boaid, since the dcterr:iilation of this, He cirllcd rne becat:sof a tre:nhcr tlropping ottt of the bcal"d oi: (lasoslar, lle a.sked ne j-f I would i;l,rprorrchi.s plarr-s so th:rl hc cor:1cl gei h j.s fcuntlrrtions in this fal 1. I nover sigric<i .it, .1.glve verbl.l' pernis:;ion, I st:i11 h;;irr::ntt sccn it. clj.<In't l\,i.in t a lati s".r.it. h,iro isr c s1:ons.i b J. c: for tirc GIil:.l\ ? i;li,"i:':i-;H;;i"flilfo'1i,5'il11,,'13.":ll, ::":ry.lil.,gjl";l: H,3";::1"3"1i";3"pcr envetope, rnsteau o1 the range situation, becaus-sorncbody should have sat down,and figurcd oirt, that if you just kept goirrg 1690, you rrrere going to go way over. Knox: No, I wasnrt, not as long as L ha<l Phase I. And I r^rent thru a number of changesin this tow:r of personnel, various planning conrnissions, etc, so I didn tt cover nybase, and I realj.ze that, but doitn at the end of the line, I believe that lot 12 should be pfotected, and Irm not asking for 1690 on hoth sides. I cut Uhe criplex down, by the way, those people donrt have 1690, I got then dohn to 1300+ and the Tortm approved that and then this letter foy 1220 cane in. I would like to have thisstudicd by the 'rowr and see if rrrn accuratc on the determination of GRFA,Ifve got it do*n ta 7372, not 1690, Dan: This is the footpr'int concept is unique, but is it stilt has always remainedResidential Cluster, and undcr that zone, the Town never adninistrates any further thatr tlre total square footage on a rlensity project, I donrt believe. Antl even with the :footprini concept, you do have a condominium association of sorts here, r tron<k:I if ny previous que:;tion, we shouldnrt have jr:st working agai-nst the total a-s far as the 'fc'/m goesr hecause it is l{esidentj-al [].uster ther:e are allvays goingto lle tolrn hou-ses or condonini.urns, however they hancll i: it, and the Tor\ryr doesn't stickin on, say, Timher Fa1ls, it gets down to how many bui.ldings are 1eft, lt i_s stillResidential Clust-er, .so doesntt that- ruean that the To rrrn only achri.nisters the total .sqr,sre footage ? Pet-er: Thatts correct. Roger: Can t.ie le:ga11y allow him ,i1572 square fe ei- under the zoning regulations? Larry [' We1l, ]rets aslting for a. va.rj-ance. You ca.n allorr' a variance as long as itdocsnit r:elate to use. l-{ets not asking to change tlle statute. Gei-'r;': lle t s not aski.lg for. a clr;rngc in uni.t counl,. Peter: T'he hottcn i in c j : tllat there is 932 sq ft i,vi+ilab le, ancl Deane is aski,ngfo:' a,irliiLioa:"-1 ll00 s,l f't. Gerry: It would seem as if the To;nrs relationship j-s solel)' wi.th the developer That the incli'rri ciuals who cone into this proj ect as i"rone builders are working with the devcl,oper, t,tho is working r+it,h ihe Toi'n. They are not 'working directly withtite To',*r ' Thcre fore, i t j-s the clc.rreloper's re spor:s-ibllity to ltnor{ t-he total square footagc allowedn and when soneotre cxceeds 'chal, he rl.eih:cts it f.ron hls tntal , Knlx: 'I'he otmer v;cr:ks h'ith the assocj.ation, lrve d*rr'c1ed the comnoa elenent of theproj ecl t-c; the associatioit , Gery: hhat I rri saying is that tl.re .-cquale footage a.:; approved liias irpproved rv.i.tir youas the appl.icant and it ura-s a total f igure, fr:on r.riri.ch every proj ect that rras built v,'a s dccirrcted, ald a1 1 that is lcft norv is g32 square feet to be rl ev'e loped rvithout.a voriance. Knox: It- -stil I .states i.n your app;:oval of August 2?., 1978, Ron I'od. iI nade the ncti.onto itPpr-ove Ca-solar II rcquest to re,subdivision of 1o1: 7, Bloch A, Lionsridge #1. as it i-rt ;tccot'ii;tnr:e with the clusf.'ll hou,sing conccp1,, and l"la s been recr:uutended by app:r.:va i b1' a n., l)ept of conimunity D;rrelopmcnt,. Ths j-r- prolrosal is for: 2200 sr1 f tdupicx .Lots, cnd one 3200 r.riplcx J.ot. 'fhr-- units uill be 1400 sq ft Gi{trA andthe dci;:;ity nicot tj tllc zoni-ng ordirr.:.rr:ce t:c(luircmeltl .s .rs statcLl by .Jirn Rubin. Titc corrcnants havc irrchi i:cctura] ce,,::t:-o1 . 'Ii;it: h'ilich l';as ,--orr, Al'citrt you ti;:' c,rre rcvicr,ring rrl l thesc as they c:rrte throtrgir? _ry"T PEC-6- Knox I a .year 1- 12- 81 well, yes, uftu""rly I resigncd as soon t""a"a over the lost onc ago, Septernber 1979 Ji.m: So basical 1y, the board of d,irectors of, thc condorniniun association reviewed thenselves on ho|, nuch they gave themselves. Knoxl 'l'hatts true. l-lere on the working papers they proposed 3510, and actually r{ent up to rnuch nore than that, and was already deilucted 352 over. Mr. Rubin said tosettle this with Mr. McDonald, and he said (I think Irm correct) that he would overlookthe 40% s1ope, and gi.ve us that additionaL squa.re footage if we cou.!.d work Lrut sornethin trrhere Mr. I'lcDonald ivculd be happy with less than 1690 sq ft. which he wasntt at the t irne. Roger: Dlana, refresh rny inemory, when you were involved in this, discussing. it with Deane, did you anticipate that the Tortn worrid exercise sorne cont.rol over thcse squaxe footages ? Diane: Yes, in fact I requested that they put- a rrrap of the {lRFii :.nto the covenants,it was not in the crvel)anis at ftrst. Roger: l,!r. Cbairnan, I think rue could discuss this and discuss it forever, aarl I t+ould l ike to nake a- ilction approvi.r-rg s. maxinun CRFA of 1370 per side, anci ] nakethe notion :n fav,rr ti the r,ariance bccause tliis l'ra s a uni-que s',rLi:ir,iisi.on, and onetirat was tvorked on a. great deal , a;id the aptrarent interpreiations of those rvho wereinvolved in it at tile tine did anticipate that tlie Town worrld be involved i.n thepolicing of the squerr: footage, a.nd tiret r thj.nk itrs an unciue hardship cn thc 1;-tst ovntel to be leli: r.!'ith a 1ot ttat he purchased uider that subdi-vision for a duplexlot to ha're 900 sq fcet" I think this is a unique situati.on. It isnrt oue that t'rottl d -set a precedcnt fcr other de',rel op:rrent s becau.se it, was an experinent, if you will,in that kjnd of develi_rpnent at that ti.ile. Jirn: I"ar:T),, rcould i-L:i..s be setr:ing ;r p::ececlence? Lar:::1' E.: I donrt t:hink any va::ianc.e is a precerlcnce, you look at each inci.irriciualingtancc :".i an ii'ld j rr;,clir:r" s j.1-ual. j-...ir :i,;ri ycu i.lei;-;)i l,l: e faci:-s trr(j. .!1::trldefcig tha r:: ai'+set forth i.tr the cr:r,1.i,.:r.; nf. e, ;lnd j ucigr;, i,'hether .i.rr f:lct each si.tua*,:i-eir-r and it-s fact.smeets those standarrl:;, The key sl-ardard is is it a hardship? One of the key l:.rr:3.ncipallof variance laws i-l; 1.ha'i: a ha:::lship ci:r.l not be seLf infLjcted. ljo I guess thedeterninatj.on is i-s j-1- a real hcrii.slriir, was it self inf .l.j-cted, and ar:e you grantinga special pri.viJege i Dsn: Anoihtl-i iten oll our agc::.de 1'r.:qui-r'cs another Gll.!-A vari:rnce j.rr Ca.solar Vail II,so has tha,t-. nrrmber l"ras been c._oncideried? Scott: I s econd tlre iir:liicn, Iii ily nj-ld, Irve g.r.t it boiled do:.rn to I,hat La;:ry justsaid, Tilerc is no jcrriyi_ -i.n my irii.,irl tltat thel:e i-s a guy tliat has a liardshi.p hei.e anclhc i-s going to sue thc fire oul of somebody. Was it self inflictcri..? The lnly thingI f.ta_ve in ny packet:iii\'s that Lleane (nor applic'd for 2400 sq ft lo'r:s a:rc1 3200 sc1 fttri.plox 1o'L-c and I{on 'l'odd- nrade the llot j.c)i1 thirt. the request be grar:.tcd aud j.t rvas granterlunaninottsl)r, so the onLi' I see irere i.s that we apnroved some lots \':.th a clcfinite square fooLage pe:: lot, Sct: But at thc ptijll.i.c hcaring atrout i.t, .Iir,r llul:il sai.cl t.hat yourvc got )i no. ofsqu LC feet , gci llavt: f irn vliLh it, 'fiie I,iantring Co:rmri_-tsion gave hj-l: zq00 sq f t onthose duf 1r:.\ lots. T'i,;;tt.s tlte sizc of tirc crrrrclopc that iiers gr'a.r;ting. Th r-,1 washc told, ")'ou have x r;o. c,f sq ft n scc you liltcl."! or u;is ire eve:: ;ivelr any .irrdicati.onthrt t:hcr"c uas a 1j.rrj i: {:c thc nc. ci sq ft for clih ernri:lope? [.tir:k: I 1.i.,ir-rk t]rc 1i:r:,il ,,rrrs bascci c.: I cent;.lie of 1:lio jot rrras cver 409e. l.lctt-ing thrt sur\.cy i,lhii.h shorr,ccJ how rrlrch pc.r,_ -1v::: i,iji-7-i-r:-li ^ -, pet.er; r think tt,r!!?ty clear fron both of .li*', #!, he strongtv. rtot", ttut - the 1400 sq ft per ,rnit "as indeed an estimate, that l,eane understood this, and he understood the need for the slope analysis to cornplete. The ninutes of the Planning Cominission nray be somewhat confusing in that they are basically ninutes, and tliat it rnight liave been a plesentation saying that this is about what we have j'n nind, and it cornes to about iaoo rq ft per unii siving the Planning Corumission a general feeling for what is going to buift, rither than approving that,nunbcr per rmit at that point' in time. I thini it is totally, clear, uni if you read #3 again, it says 1400 sq ft was alrvays cons j,dered an estinate wit-h the 40% slOpe study needed to be cornpl eted before the actual sq footage couicl be cleternined' -We have nevea, in the past' worked off of a pel. unit ,qrr"r" footage. RC zonirrg, you have a gToss square footage, if you have B units and walt to pit all that i-nt-o one unit, thatts your square footage' As far as I know that is the way t,terve always worked, and that is the way Jim related it to me when I asked abcut the first duplei that canie before me to do the zone checx' Scott: Generally, ),ou have a developer co;aing to you, he owns the land, he takes out the pe1m1ts. Bui'in t1j.s .ra.se, *"r"itrt .these individual peoi:le corni-1g tc you? Rogcr: lle set it up so that he could se1l the lots to indivicluals ancl they could do the building, and t think naybe this was an area where we were lax in working out the deal. Jin: 'fhete was a z(tLt:LrtLI cha.nge, Lhotrgh, tlie fcots gc hasnt L cha.nged, that is the biggest problem. No one was catching it' i{oge::: Tiren I guess then, our responsibility wasn't orrly. to vJr ite Deane Knox, it *nI to notify the j.ncljvidual cr,rneri and the associat.iol that lias fortned" I think that trc have a very unusual ci.rcunstance in this paxticulal irrstance because of the way that it was st lu(:tllred . Ge::r;, I I do too, antl rather than 1et thi s rlrag or1, ite al:e _goin.E lo harre to vote' i think that €veriything that we do with regard to thls kjnd of derreloirtiient is prcce- dent sel t ing, 11, is ve::y ir,portant to acknot\'led.ge that as we go ahead, and I feel vc1), si.r'-ollgi.y ttia.t i.L i-s the devc,lopeir s .r.cspousi-biiity to not:rl:l1r atrcl l.cr wcrk -v,'i':l h the bu;uers. The Pl anning Cor'unis s ion lrlot ion is that a va::iancc of Rcger:: No, total 1372. Peter: It would be a GRIrA variance of 1812 sq ft, ithich is(1372 tr 2)* 932' for the variarice : Ro3er' a-irrl scott i l" fatroi:r Dan ab sta ined, l'lotion dr:ni.ed. he had the right t-o appeal to the Counci.l'within 10 days' 3. .Ch ing Dcsi.gn Ilc v,i. ct",r Board tncnirershi frorn5tcTnemtlers Peter hatl v;rittelt a ncnlo t:xplaining thc necd and iea.iions. Darr lulo"red, Gaynor st:conded to recclt,rcjrtd the cl1arige j n size to tJre J'own Council . Votc was unanitnotts 4., Rc;ttottal cf t i.nc shai:i tt fron Conmrelcial Cirr:c I antl Conuner<: r-a I Corc II Dilk liy,rin t:xplri:icd tlrr: nrc.o', adrling titilt i.r Liotshr:iIti, Va-i1 C1o wa:i the only lr:dgc in CCl. I ilnd atiried, al-co thc EnzialJ, Ilick: I havc a question' 2744 sq ft? Votc to 3r'3r1t t.hc rcqrtcst and the othci: 4 agailis| " Gelll' rernindcd Knox that It PLANNING AND Monday, }.IEMBERS PRESENT ENVIRONMENTAT COMMISSION MEETING Decembcr 8, l_980 3:00 p.m. Scott Edwards Gaynor Miller Gerry Wlrite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Jim Morgan Roger Till<emeier Gerry I''Jhj-te caIled th.r: rneetijlg to or:der:. STAFF PRESENT Dick RyanPeter PattenBetsy ltosolack COUNCIL -MEMBER PRESENT Bill Vii-Ito I. A Loval of minuLes of mectin I980. vari ance Casolar II Resuh Lot A-? of Noveml:er 24 nan ccrccra-n moved the minui:ec be aFpro*ec1, secondecr by Roger.Vote vrarr $-t1an:tirliJ..!s, 6*.0. JJ-rn ;:ihs.i:aining. 2" I!foy,- density c_i1lEqlLion::rldqe 1. The applicanf askecl .t-o have fh:Ls tabled. for the third time. Danrnoverl that this i-tem be tabled ;rt the request, of the ;,.ppricant,I{oger secondedo ancj. tire vote rt";+, s in favcii, ?-0, unanj,rrrous. 3. Prel-i:nj-narv re-vie_v,,"-Se.sLiqn on_qn_p];.!eii-ot!---{gg_Sj.:fq {o_S exterioL:Af.e$r, il -! r_L_t!:jii-.ffii-5ci1" coriime:.:c i_. r c ord -f''i,rfr't r ]==:.a- ;:.i'ir-j,.6",,",L11 i*-i-l-h i:1,:r ;Lp;:r J. -i-c: arr t;a itt.ir.:1 c oll.l::.li-:n L sPrc-il:'.t.eits and ccncrerlls were *:,;pressecl bothof the Urban Design Guid.e pLan arrd fromBach applicarrt vras informecl af fhese i{:lre n:i i:: p:;oje<:.i: .i !ji.T!} vte::e rnaCr: of t.he s-L-u f :[. "from the point of vievrthe zoning regula.Lio-rrs; "concerns. The meeting wai;adjoul:ned at ll:45. t... I.IEMOR.4NI)UT,l T0: PLANNING ru{D ENVIRONI"IENTAL Ccl{\tiSSiON FtOl'!: J l.l'1 RUBIN DATE: Novembcr 21, 1980 llE: GRFA Varian ce tor Casolar LI' Dearie i(nox 1" t1e c}early understoocl the 1,400 square feet per unit and the need for the sloPe analYsis' 2.tleLnewthatj.twasuptohintoallocal:ethescluar:efootaSeforCasolartrI. :4.ilcrrasll--9]Lc-ltoldtlrathecoulcltransfc::cxtTasqualefoo,r.ilgefromCaso].arI. / PLANNTNG AND MEMBERS PR4E]ENT Gaynor Miller Ed Drager ilohn Perkins Jim Morgan Vote vras 4-0, unani.mous. 3,Gart Gara e front setback variance ENVIRONMENTAL COMIIISSION I-{EETING MINUTES Monday, November 10, L9g0 3:00 p.m. STAFF PRESENT ];. &o-n-foVa:.-S€--ttU!g-q o-f meeting gf t0-2?-80ArE,er oascussl-on aboue John perkj.ns' vote on part VIIGaynor mo'.zed f or approval , seconded by John, and votefor approrral . 2 " SlSxr- _ €el.g5[y_ rorr1.!"o 1 va r j_ a nc +__*a_pp I i c eii tmeeting oi NovemlGr-2-4. - John pe?trins moved t,o Dick RyanPeter Patten Betsy Rosolack COUNC TL I{EI,'.BER, PNSSENT Ron Todd Densii-y Control, was 4-0, unanimous asked to tai::"c titl thetable and Jim Morgan seconclec Lot l-2 Block 7 Vail Vil1a e Ist fol serving on the Comnii ssion and forJohn was moving to Eagle-Vail and it Peter presented the memo and said. tlrat there still rer.rai:1s basicall.y noliardshj-p. and that there was not much change frorn the first rnemo su5-mitted fo:: Lhe oeiober 13 rneeting, reco*'rnrettainq deniaj-,. Jelry Gart e><plained h.hat there were only 2 rrnits in t.he bui.lcling, noL 3,and thal ltc v,?i:, sr using :i 'i: as a s.ingl-e f am-il,y hcril+. lie r_t-.1.1,=tec,l i:j:at .fitej:e hacjL;eeit a Cliilr:'!lfe. l:u| -Lir:r'1. the Criveliey \.,ra B too riteep arr:i ;i:er o;..j.;:age hatj heenctranged int'o t;he- secorrriary uniL. Mr. Gart descrj-bed neighbo::s on eitherside of hi-s hoiise ",,rho vrere closer to the street rhan his requested garagervould be- IIe'f,elt that the garage would acld to the appeara_nce of Lhehouse r,,,hi"l-e hid.ing the trash. Jim Mor-qarr ni)ved to approve the variance, ancl .Tohn perJcins sc:conded it. Thevote r,ras urrairirlous, 4-0 in favor of approval. 4' vail- Gu-i'cl:+s ccndiij-q,:g1 use perjgl!*-&gva-g-t Applica;:L .L:ij,;+rl to tabr-e til1tirer ile6EfiE-cl'No\rtm6;:7a;--- moved to table, secci*ecl l::, Gaynor.Vote was 4 -0, unanimous. Peter ltati:en thanked Joirn perkinsbeing such a b,i_g help or: the DRE.rvas ltis 1as,; nrr.et_ing. Tire neet: j-nq r,i-,3 s ad j our:ncd at 3 : 3 5 , PEC-LI-24-8A-2 Deane Knox dens cqntrol variance Resub Lot A-7ridge The applicant asked to have this tabled again. Roger moved that thisitem be Labled af the request, of the applicant, Dan corcoran seconded.iL, and the vote was 6-0, unanimous to table. 4. . Request foF conditional use permit to allow the construction o€a propbEea ofLoi: J-, Block 1, Vail Lj.onshead 2i:d Filing (by the lce Arena). Dick Ryan presented the memo, emphasizing the community room and Lheemployee unj-ts. Scott Edwards v;ondered if there had been any imput fromprope::ly owners'to the east. Dai: assured him t-hat they were aware ofthe library plairs. Roger wante<l to make certain that i.he Tovrn officiallyowned Tract D. Craig Snowd.en shoi.Jed ploi p1ans, elevatj.ons, floor plansand sections, and answered quest:i.ons. Craig explairrecl that parking wouldbe j-n the lot next to the rinl< ;;nd .in t.he West Lionshead. farking Structure. craig estimated construction cc.i.i-d. begin next :ru$mer or fall-, but thata;rullli,c ironc iscue rl'Jsi'; fir:st L:,i: passed. I:Tr: aj-so askeci thai he not.I:e tj"ed cl-oun tn a definj-te sql::r-.rc footage, that fluctuat:ioag in the vrorkingdrawings could reault in a l -*lB clrange. Roger moved. the cornmission gf,ant the condj-tional use permit as presentedin the slaff memo with the provj-sion of a l-B*2g fluctuat.j-on, se-onded.by ScotL Eclrvards, and the vbte r..'as unanimous, 5*0, with Dan c. abstaining" 5. ftsqr:e st for an funendnent to the Zoninq 0Drdinance to remove time-o the Zoninq'Ordinshar:e esLete unit-s f ::acticnal- ue: .?Ouasolat: II ur:e unit.s and trme*share ]-icense units i.ciu in the Fnb,l.j-c Accommo;.-.ations Zone D I fron the Ccndit:i.onal Uses sect:'.ciu in the Fnb,l..rations Zone District D:ie :l; -r'y;111 rr::eeen'cc:d t.h.e l.:'r=:):ir,.'-rc l:':.i:l alsked :! f {-.lie:,.:i.: rnj. ght i,e *ib.e:: c::rterj-a'i;l-::: 'r: shoui.'j j::e cc:nr::i.iierr:d. rjc i-,.:ri tel t 1-!rr: i: i.:r i-utervall. c;-,nre::..;hips , ren*a.Iun.i-ts were important, and thatrsntal units were built in, because manyper)ple huy fcr invesLnent purpo:;es, and rc+nt Lheir uniL ou!" Gerry t^Ihitewas in favor of t-he pr:opo-eal, f*:: he felt Ccncern abou.h the availo.fiitityof unit--s ft,',::-L-.he publj-c on a n-it.e-l]'basis. Discussion *c-t"iter-.ed on wht):riror noL there would be a less pe::sonal service if time sharing vrere involved,The feelirrgi ah'oirt .ehis scemed dj.vj_rlecl . Gerry L.ointecl c.,rrt ihit therewere very few buildings in t.he FA Uone. Duaiie asked if 'Lhere shouldrer:raj"n a, renewal proces$. Rcqer rnovcd to l:ecorfl'flend to thc Council- i:]rir,.l.' Lhe staff an':1 i--he planning and Environmenta.l- Comnission dc further study a.nd, come r"rp r^4ith ad.ditionalcriteria for tirire sharinq in ttre pA zone. There was no seconcl . Dan llotred Lo request an amendment'. to the Zoning Crrlinance as stat,ed int:he n',emo, seconcled ;:y Roger. ilu.jer, G Lr..t 1i9r, Gerry and Da:r voted infa\ror, Duane and Scot.t voted agir:-nst. The moLion passed o 4-2 Roger: rnove:rl the neeLing ile a<1jo:r::ried, a:rcl Dei"i seconcierd j.L" Meetir:rg wasadio:rrncd l.t 4:41. el MINUTES OIT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING Monday, October 2i, 1980 3:00 P.!',I. MEMBERS PRESENT cerry White Jjm Morgan Dan Corcoran Gaynor Miller Ed Drager John Perkins Roger ?ilkemeier 1. Dan Corco::an movecl thai: the ninutes be approved, seconded by Ed Drager. Innol yet" arrived). STAFF PRESENT Jin Rubin Peter Pat,ten tarry Eskwith Betsy Rosolaclc COUNCII, I\TSI4IJER Ron Todd of the meetinE of October 13'1980 favor 5-0 {Jo}u: and Roger had 2. Dan mo\red and Ec1 ceconded {:lri; appci-ntmen{: of Roqer Ti"lkerrc+ier as mernber tcr aLtend DRB rneelings. In favorr 5-0. Gaynor Miller said he woul-d be the alterriate 3. Side Setback Variance request for.f:"m McDonald to mc,ve the buiJ.ding envelope on site 15, Casolar Vai-l- II. Peter PntLen preeented the explanation of the memo mailed to the members" Jim Rubin added that r+hen the orir.linal Casol;ir: subdiv-is-i..on was presented "i'b wasn't conterrrplat.ed tl"iat. the decks rrouid be so close together" Mark Donaldson representing Jim l4cDonald expl-ained that the building enveloFes a"::e tightn iind bhat- the oi'.'ner is r.rj-j.ling lo risk httilding near the utj-li{:y liire - ll j"scus$ j.olr f o -l- lcvir:cl, ;ii:out. hovr ;-;:st: tc rnake certain thah fut.ur:e or.iners would also be responsible. A cleed was felt to be inappropriate by Brian O'Rei1l1', who felt that a recorded notice of this variance lrould be more appropl:opriate. fohn Perkj-rrs moved that, the side setback variance be approved with the staff reccommend.alion that the owner of envel-ope 15 troul.d be responsible for solvinE any problens tha'b occur vrith future sewer line work in the easeni-:nt, and with a recorded nctice of this variance" Roqer seconded. the motion" and l:he voLe was 4-1 it"i favor (J1iii l,lorgan aEeinr-'t and Dan arid I'lo abstairririg. 4. GRFA VAR.IANCE for Casolar II, - Deane L. KNOX .lim Rubin explained Lh.e memo and some of the very complicated events that Lrauspi.red over tire past several years, adding tiral the reguest was for a 2'447 sq ftvarjance"Deane Iinoli gave his point of view, adding that in Phase I therer was less de:isity t-han perrnitted, and tliat there r"ere J.9 Llnj.tsl ils.bead of 20 l)eane: anrl Ji.m ti:rsagreed alout \rrhether r::: not- tire Tor,,r,n had. given ilir:ection on fl"re aliiouni:s of GRtr,\ . Also in <lisagrecment r..ra s the vacaLicn of ]ou lines, rvirether or not'- Prno){ apprclved sonre of Lltc dlrplexesr horq aware of uhe r:est.rj.ctions lirro:t was" etc" The appllcant asked |o have tl:is regues{: tahled" and it l.'as tableci by the FilC" t }gMORANDTIM TO: PlAl'tNING AND IINVIRONMSI{TAL COmMTSSION FROMI DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPI(ENT DATE: october 23, I9BO RE: GRFA Variance for Casolar II APPLICANT: DCANE L. ITNOX pElc,BrPTI QN,qF -VASTAI{C q Egqult S-TED A copy of the descriptj-on of the Variance being requested j"s enclosed. The ilaff finds several discrepancies in this description that they l{;rni:o to adilre s s . 1.. The applicant was informed before Casolar TI was apFrclved that the property 11ne between lots A? and AB could not be vacaLed because the two ]ots were in two differenL zone districts 2. The request for approval of Casolar t-o the left over GRFA fv:om Casolar I. If never contained any reference t'3. ?he 1,400 square feet per unit was always considered as arr estimate' rn'ith a 40% slope sbudy ireeding to be conrFleted before the acLual. square footage could be determj.ned" 4" Ti1,r: Tcwl Starff re.j,u.es.ied or! nuliterous ccc:,sions l:hrt: i:"i.re Sj-ope sLudy i.re coirip1eted so that the squarc foof.age cou:l{i be deter;inined" Thi-s Slope study r,;a-s not given to t-he Staff for over one year foll-owir:g the approval of Casolar II . Beciluse of the slope analysis noL )reing conlpleie, t'he covetrants for Phaee II were nev€rr approvec by the ?own. 5. The applicant rrras full.y aware that the slope analysj-s hacl Lo be corn- pletecl . fhe Staff was nevel a..;l<ed to figure the Sguare Fso{.:,t.ge" It vras finali.y done as a courtesy to Mr. Knox. 6. 'Ihe fci+n Staff hat y-'ecalculatecl the Squa.re l?ootaEe c:l the Carling Duplex and has clet-ernined that its Sguare l-ootag(J doas cc-',rrrply l.,'i.ih the 3,380 Lhat was orj.ginally proposed. '1 : Since the flling of this appli-caLion, two more duplexes have ]:ec":n approved by I'tr:. Knox wi1:h a GIlllA of 3,380 squaLe feet. This does leave 933 square feet foi: tlre renraining duplex sii-e. B" ?he staff hel-ievcrs that thly harre been up front in i:his whol-e siique}nce Of events, Even if ther 11400 square feet pe.i: unit (the pr:e slope analyg;is numbc:::) j-s nscd, this wou1d only permi.i; the rernaini,ng unit to bq 1'?-34 sguat:e feet. \,{e, however. bel j,eve that tire app13-cant wDs to'La1.ly itirr<?irc tjiat the iinal nurilb.er l,;ould r:ot he determined until tlfter Lhe r*qucst.cd s1-ope arraLyriis was conipleted. I(nox Casolar II - lll'0".,'o $ry9-fe"feg:-€-triteria and FindiryEz*qgg[ten 18. 62. 0q-0" of l4q*lcjpgl.,@' jhg DuPe,tll'.nt fl trr*teque-te s, Considel--ation of Factors rr=li?trt and air, distribution- of R8P++g!Ion' qansport_aL traffic faCil-.-i-€ies@utj"l-iLios, ane- pu6fic Eafet\1 CRITERIA AND FINDINGS There are no effects on these factors. SC.ch olhelfaqtols 4 d criteria as f"he eor:llnission deerrus variance to other exi.stin tentaa sguare footages of buildings are checked verypermitted. tire deo::ee to which relief from the st::ict or: literal in retationenforcement of a spec fieel re atlon i; neces to achieve comrrati*br fjty and unif onnliF-of-Trealmenr amonca :;Lte"s in t e vici"nit:y or :o attai.n:ectives of this T tle wi ut q'ran'b cf s rivileqe " An increase in allowabl.e square footage j,:r a nrulti-fan'rj.1y zone r,roul-d -inour opin.ion be a grant of a spec_i-al- pr.jv:i-r_cgc" The rcl.ationship of the re ested u_lieE and structures in the vici^nil Under ?own of Vail zoning,closely with no variatj-ons the prorcse var-rance " Iicable to There are no other factors deerned applicable. F]I{DINGS i - $ts-!.tei:uilS--U{*En:grgl megl*l-qemp}siii on 5!1a 11 make the f o 1 rowins€$g:*C_g*h"f"r" qre ;r{'-" "Al:T""s:qi *-* fhat the granti.ng of the variance wilJ.special privilege inconsi.stent r.rith i_heclassif,ied in the same d.istrict. no'l constitute a <I::ant ofl-:i-;ritatiorrs on oilrer prcperties Th6l t-h..! granLJ-irg of tl:e lrariar:ce r,r:i.l-"1 r::c'.,t. he c-ietrirneir.i:j-.I to'i:he publj-t:health, safety, or selfar€r or materially injurious to proper.b.ies or.lmprovements i.n the vieinitv. fhaL the variance is lrarrranted for one oi: mo::e of the fr:llowing reasons: Tlte striet or literal inter:pretation anr-i ei:forcement of the specifiearegulaticn would resuit.in practical rlif fi.jul-ty er unnecessary physicalirardshi.;: incorsi stent with Lire objecti.vae.: of e-his titi.e Knox casotar rr - *rr23l8oIl"rg are exceptionEi[ ext"raordinary.ble to the site of t,he variance thatproperties in the same zor).e. l c i rcrrrnst tf,c e s do not apply or conditions applica- .generally to other I The strict or literal interpretat.ion and enforcement of tbe specifiedregulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed bI, ah"owners of other properties in the same clislrict. STA]TF RECO},II'1ENDATIOITS : The Department of Community DevelopmentI{e f j-nd t}re applicant's cleEcrirr{:-ion t.ofor approving it. recoRmends denia1 of this resuest.be i.rr error ancl fi-ncl no qroun.; I MEI'CIRANDUM- , . Pli.nning and Envirorunental Cornrnission . ::: Depaxtment of Cownunity Developnent,/Peter Patten July 27, 798I variance request for site 12,Casolar The Staff-has cornpleted a considerable anount of research on this matter sincethe last PEC nneting at which the request for a GRFA vr.irnce of 2g64 squarefeet wa) tabled, There are 516 squaie feet of GRFA left on'rot A-7 at thist:ine anq the request is for 2 units of 1690 sq ft eaeh, totaling 33g0 sq ft,Thus, 3380 ninus 516 equals a GRFA variance oi zgoq sq-rt. The 3380 sq'ft ier9|prex is a reflection of the covenants of the ptop".ty and is the naxinun allowed.The foll'owing represents a srunnary of sone or tiresl e:.iraings: 1. Although at the pEC rneeting of envelopes were trsitesn only andby the PEC chairman stated that August 22, 1978 everyone agreed the buildingnot legal lots, the plat which rvas signed these envelopes were lots. actors: McDonaId -2-7 /27 /8L o.r'..,...::,., 1..'. , .Tt6 site was to have a duplex on it all along,, . are foreseen. on surrounding structures as titey' there from'the start. The degree to which relief from the strict or l iteral int tation' and en- orcement ofr a specified re ation is neces toa eve co tibili andunifornity of treatment amons sites e vic or to atta ecc lvesis title out rant o ec 1a vile I{e feel that, due to oux lastest research, that this is a very unusual caseand that Mr. McDonald did not infliet this hardship upon hirnself. There wereinconsistent actions taken bn. the part of the stafi clncerning the project asu'el1" Itre do not think that this would be a precedent-setting gTanting-becauseof the totally unique conditions surrounding this project. i The effect sf.. the t"qt urt"d uiri".r.u on light "nd air, dirttib,rtior, of pop,rlu- and public safety, , - There are no effects on these,.fac.tors. Such other factors and criteri as the conmissi-on deeurs propos.ed v?r1.ance, licable to the i: F IND INGS : Crrrmmis sion shal1 make the fo]l ' -.: The"the granting "f:h:.I?:ianc-e wirl not constitute a grant of special privilegeina^-^i.+^*,1- ,,.: +L +L^ I :-:---: ---: The Planning and Environmental. wariance: the vicinity. 4' inconsistent with rhq. timitation$on other properties classiri"a"ii:it; !]fr;"'district. li That the granting of the variance'titt not be detrimental to the public health, :ll"-ll:=:l-welfare, or naterialll *rj,rrio.rs to properries or i.nprovements in RECOMMENDATION: The Staff feels that, for the reasons stated throughout this'rnerno, that this GRFA variance whould be granted. Itte feel it is an unfortunate situation that i+etre in this position at this time, but don't feel that,l'lr. IrlcDonald is basically at fault. I{e feel that due to the obvious 'bxceptions or extraordinary circura- stances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general ly to other properties in the same zonerr provision. that $e can recorunend approval ,-providing that the following condition be rnet: 1. That the 2864 square feet plus 516 square feet, totalling 5580 square feet rnust be applied only to site 12, Iot A-7, Casolar Vail II. PI"ANNING AT,ID ENVIROMENTAL COMMISSION JuLy 27, I98L I\ffiMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Gaynor Miller Gerry $lhite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Scott Edwards Jin Morgan Roger Tilkemeier Dr. Steinberg Dan Corcoran noved and Duane Piper seconded to approve the minutes. Vote was 4-0, unaninous. 2, Request for amendment in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 18.66.f60 of t iaf Cluster to Primary/Secondary fon Doyle Hopkins, Peter Patten explained the meno and showed where the project was in re*e9ion to Cliffside and Briar Patch. Dick Ryan stated that the staff felt the change in zoning would inprove the site plan and eliminate an horrendous road. Discussion followed as to whether or not to al1ow P/S GRFA or retain the RC GRFA. It was also pointed out that at the tine of annexation, the area was arbitrarily RC with the knowledge that soure people would want to change Later, and that sone lots would be penalized. Peter felt that altowingr nore flexibility was a benefit without needing to grant additionaL GRFA also. Ed Dragern representing the ownerc, stated that they agreed with conditions 1 and 2, blrt not with 3 (restricting the allowable GRFA to RC). He felt that surrounding properties had been "giventt additional GRFA, and added that there would be higher density all around this lot. He also felt that the owner would be rnakilg the lot look better by changing zones. Gerry White reninded the applicant that he wanted to develop a slope over 40%, and that if given the privilege to do this, he should be content with a lower GRFA. Duane asked if they could have asked for a variance to build on the steep slope. He felt that RC addressed the slope problem, and that the site was very steeP. Ed felt that the plan as it was being presented was sensitive to the site. Scott stated that RC had bieen planned as arbitrary, with the thought to looking at eachsite separately as it carne in. He felt that. P/S was a better zone for the property than RC. Dick reminded thern that placenent was impo?tant, and that under RC they could build a road. The staff felt it was inportant not to have that road, Dan added that if they were f,orced to build near the top of the site it would have a negative inpact upon the neighboring units, . Debate concerning. whether or not this was spot zoning, Dick reminded them that at the time of annexation, they had decidedthat this area needed further study. Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE 1. PEC -2-7 /27 /8L Bill, Post representing the developers of The Ridge (Valley Associates) requestedof the conmission that if they allow a road near the top of the 1ot, that -it berequired (as well as the house) to be below the ridge f.ine. He staied that allthe buildings in The Ridge were required to be within envelopes wi-th height re-stri-ctions so as not to interfere with the ridge line. Peter felt that It appeared _that the driveway could be built so that it wai viriuafly invisible fron theRidge units,,and that that was the reason the staff was Lnthusiastic about thesite near the top, Scott moved. to recomnend to the Town Council that they grant the request to changethe zoning from RC to P/S with the first two conditions as written in the rnemo,and with a change in the third condition to readl3J that they cooperate withthe staff in developing the site so the road or any structure will fall belowthe ridge line. Peter pointed out that the staff doesnrt make finar decisions on siting, butthat the DRB has that jurisdiction. scott then changed the third condition to read: s) that the applicant nake aconcerted effort to place the road and structure below the r:.dgi tine.Gaynor seconded the motion, and after dj.scussion the vote *"s i for (Gaynor andscott), 3 aga'inst (Duane, Roger and Gerry) with Dan and Jim abstainin:g. Roger then noved then noved that the recorunendation to the Council be for approvalwith the three condi.tions as stated in the staff memo. Duane seconded. Discussion followed as to whether or not to restrict the secondary uriit to rentalto an enployee of Gore Va11ey, Ed stated that.they would then wiihdraw thdirrequest- Gerry reiterated his concern about building on a 40% s1ope. Dan feltthat the Toun- was gaining because of the fact that there would be empr6yee housing.Gaynor feLt that the site with p/S zoning was a bette. or,". The vote was 2 for. (Roger and Duane) and s against (Gaynor, scott and Gerry),with Dan and Jim abstaining. Concern about reflecting the feelings of all the menbers to the Council was felt.Gerry stated that he felt no change in zoning was needed, but that a variancecould be applied for. Jin stated that he didn't see how the comrissi;;;;,could have stated that they would consider lots in thj.s area at a later date,and then now stFte that it qlqqldntt be reconsidered. Gerry felt that to isotate.,a lot and rezone didnrt makeGsdl'Dick Ryan reminded the comnissioners thatthat there_were speciar circurnstances and th;t it *", .t"t"j ;il-;h;i--;""rj*go back and reconsider, Peter said that the staff--Aid not consider this spotzoning. Larry Eskwith felt that this would not be considered spot zoning. Thus,no recomtnendation for either approval or denial was foruiarded to Town Council . 3. Request $or a' density,. valiance in gross residential floor area in order tolr.ri t Applicants: McDonald, Catoe, etc, pension Retirenent Trust. Peter Patten stated that the staff had done a lot of research on this propertydating back to August 1978, Dick Ryan stated that the staff felt the iiriunsianceswere different in that Deane Knox has knowledge of the GRFA, and !,lcDonald didnotr He thought he could have 1690 sq ft on 6ach side. Ge6rge Straw, representingMiDonald, didn't rrtant to reiterite what he had nentioned at tie tast meeting. PEC -3-7/27/81 Dan felt that the Town of Vaj.1 has not been without fault, and that there was lots of confusion on both sides. He thought. that McDonald knew before he ever built on lots 13 and 15. He added that it was an unfortunate situation and agreed with the Town of Vail staff that it needed to be put to rest, He felt that it wasnrt just the 'Ior,nr rs fault. Gerry White agreed that enough nistakes has been made. Martin Rubenstein, a resident of Casolar asked for infornration on the proposed siructure, and Peter pointed out that all the envelopes had been agreed upon by the Casolar Home Owners Association, and if changes are made, they nust be approved by the Associati,on. Martin was coneerned about height. Dick suggested that he leave his name and phone with the secretary and he would be notified as to when the project came before DRB. Martin stated that as far as the horneowner meetings were concerned, he was notified after the last neeting, Duane rnoved and Dan seconded to grant approval to the request for a GRFA variance in accord with the staff nemo. The vote was 6.0 in favor wlth Scott abstaining. 4. A request for a ninor subdivision approval under Town of Vail Subdivision recuiatlii Valley, Phase IV. The applicant is requesting to revise the siting of 2 duplex units and to allow a rnore flexible siting for a single family unit. Applicant: The Valiey Associates. Peter showed 4 sets of plats and explained the meno, adding that the requests did not affect GRFA, as the project is allotted a total of 24,800 sq ft, and the developer is allowed to allocate that as th-ey wish. Craig Snowdon showed the plans. Peter stated that the staff felt that. abandoning the lot line betwee lots 2 E 3 would improve the siting of the units and that the relocation of the lot:line between lots 4 and 5 would clean up those iot lines. Gaynor moved and Roger seconded to appTove the request as per staff nerno, The vote wa-s 5<0 in favor wiih Dan arrd Jim M.- abstaining. 5. Application.fol a conditionel use permit for a water col@ pump of Red.Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek. Applicants: Vail Associates, Inc. Dick Ryan reviewed the memo, Gerry was concerned with the nin inum stream flotd, and Dick stated that there, was a minimun strean flow established for Gore Creek. Jim Clark representing VA said that they had presented the required environmental assessment, with a discussion on min inuur strean flow. He added that nuch water would be put back into the strearn. Jin C. stated that he believed that the maximum anount VA will take fron the stream will be 1-1/2 nitlion gallons per day total for the first phase, and when the second phase is completed, the maximum total will be 2 nillion. Gerry felt that the rninirnurn flow hadntt beeir addressed, Jiin said that it had been identified in their report as 7-l/2 cfs at the confluence of the two creeks. Disctlssion followed concerning the use of the effluent, andthe scheduling with respect to nruddying the stream. Jin said that the stream would be di.verted to the north side, and that they would coordinate their efforts oni the bikerrpath with Andy Norris with respect to paving and access. Duane askedif VA would repair the bike path if there were any destruction, and Jin Clark assuredhin they would. .- |-.. _:l (i PEC -4- 7/27 /81 Scott noved and Gaynor secondedfirst two conditions listed andfor repairing any damage to thea naximin noise level be given. to approve the conditional use permit with the a third that says: 3. Applicant is responsible bike path, and:a',4-th:.. 1-,',,:,4, A statenent regarding The vote was 4-0 with Roger, Dan and Jin abstaining. 6. Appli.cati6n for an exterior alteration or modification in Comnercial Core 11fbr the eastem side and to revise the steps to the Concert HalI Plaza. Applicationis nade in accordance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail Irtunicipal Code. Thelocation is on Lot 1, Vail Li,onshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Vail Underground Inc. Peter Patten presented the meno, and Bill Pierce described the retail spaces and the new entrance on the east side. Jeff Selby said he had talked with Montaneros and that it was highly improbable that the enttance planned on the east will be affected. He went on to discuss how rnuch of the new space should be counted toward required parking spaces. He went on to explain the agreement with VA on the use of the North day parking 1ot. Gerry felt that it was inportant to have a letter from VA substantiating the:,parking agreement, because VArs expansionof the Gondola Building was also based on the parking available at the North day 1ot, J J.rn Morgan pointed out that other buildings in Lionshead also used the N,orth day Loto but also paid a parking fee. Ituch disagrgg,ment qetween Selby and th. siaiF ensued t.gaiding-The correct a-daitional ioiruneriiar s{uare footage being added to conpute parking spaces required. Gerry felt that the comnissi.on would accept the staffts reconmendati.on,. (Peter said that they would refigure the parking spaces.) Dan noVe{, Roger seconded to aPprove the reconnendation to the Council for the alteration with the two conditions of the staff. After more discussion concerning the amount of space being counted for additional connercial area, Dan moved to add an arnendment to the recomrnendation to add a definition of what is going to be counted be reviewed by the planning staff and the Town attorney' Roger seconded this notion, and the vote was 6-0 in favor, (Duane had left.) Roger rnoved and Dan seconded to adjourn- The neeting was adj ourned at 6:00 p.ut. t tt/20/9L Lot L2, Casolar fn a memo to PEC dated 7/2'l/8L, staff reconmended 1690 per unit,and this was approved by the pEC. ft appears Lhat Lot 12t casorar del Norte can conatruct. 1690 GRFAper unit. lbt .:,-...-..4--vrt -F , l.--4,^4-C tTe L.,"L.o^ f L"'+- | 'r-1" l- (tt- \: '{-o I'n'.,o* ltW*y.., nf n/f r l\,,0 otr cku - ,"o "L.-sf a, .i (,- +) fl llu. rtior^ j ,. o r' /fnu ce-r'gft | t (,r . -.'-:irL Ll.,L/ "- .. ^S]-a fL ./,3 LD;*- ^".,:Q. f Et e,n r N I tr qA ,^.o-?(:.< UU .-s1 no{ I 3J8;s 6t,! u, { "'(, ) D 4 ,f*:r I ,{t //,3 f-tr iA -- cr ) >4< :. !' '7'7"^\-- ? i J , rl$'t ! , -fD r'4 -\ t ^ c-4;p. {. * rX t.- /)( i.1 fiy =iTe- tu o'\ l,l. . n /ti':t* /'/ 6t. L,l ,l("/), . . /t. " lh oe--f ". ii )U*\b* % a -t/+ /rr lnu oi*h *^,.8 ffi)4- tG 2 6 ru DvLt zttr) -" {^n I rf br tl j\Lt QLrr"fhr-w + > v:rY / s Qt -z3h (teeon.) {rb + A c*-{-'r-) r?d '.1 va^?' .Revised 512192 3:::, ffi ilI. S.3Xfi8,,3 ?*""'.' i % 6-1fI A?PLICATION TOR DUFI.EX SUBDXVISION REVIEW(Chapter L7.24 VaiI Uunicipal Code) (PI,EASE PRINT OR TYPE)A. AppLICANT CANIiIEST VENTURES. tNC. MAILING ADDRESS 245 Pa11 Ma1l Street at Richmond tond.on, Ontarj-o, Canada N6p Lp4 HONE (519) 673-6091 APPTICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Arthur A. Abplanalpf Jr.Suite 300, VaiL ADDRESS 108 South Fronrage Road Wt,VSif FROlrr (303) 476-0300 B. C. PROPERTY O CANWES?VENTURES, IN OWNER'S STGNATURE s6sB(519) 673'609L ,, !,reslcren / MAILING ADDRESS 245 Pal] Ma]l Streetl at Richmond D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS Parcel 12, Casolar Vail, Unj-ts 12-A and L2-B 1.121 Casolar Drive East tor|L BtocKjx-suoDrvrsroN_tl:ll s lidse FILING F. cHEcK #_3 b"l plat shalL be submitted Lo the Department of Communit.yDevelopment. The plat sha1l lnclude the following: The final plat shal} be drawn by a registeredsurveyor in India ink, or other substantial PAIDAPPL]CATION FEE $1.OO.OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: a. c. d. solution, on a reproducibLe medium (preferablymylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-sixinches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet 07<to one inph cr larger with rnargins of one and one-half to tho inches on the left and one-half inchon all ot.her sides. b.AccuraLe dimensions t.o the nearest one-hundredthof a foot for all 1ines, angles and curves used todescribe boundaries, streets, setbacks, aJ-Ieys, easements, strucLures,, areas to be reserved ordedicated for public or common uses and otherimportant features. All curves shaLl be circulararcs and shall be defined by the radius, central 61Langle, are scored distances and bearing. Alldimensions, both linear and angular, are to bedetermined by an accurate conlrol survey in thefield which must balance and close wit.hin a limi-tof one in ten thousand. e. /12 W {,. nfit- North arrow and graphic scale. A systematic identification of all- existing andproposed buildings, uniLs, lots, blocks, and nanesfor aLl streets. An ident.ification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown onthe pl-ac, and a dedlcaul-on thereof to the publlcuse. An identification of the easement.s as shownon the plat and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for fuLure public acquisition shall af so be sho$rn on the plat. A written survey description of t.he area includingthe total acreage Lo the nearest appropriatesignificant fJ-gure. The acreage of each lot orparcel shalL be shown in t.his manner as weII. € s.la-:il':iiln"5":l'.i:T:Lu'T:":?' .13'n f ound subd.Lvision, and a description of all monuments used in conducLing the survey. Monument perimeterper Colorado st.atutes. Two perimeter rnonuments ,/shall be established as rnajor control monurnents, ;./the materials which shall be delerrnined by the t.own engineer. A slatement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor asoutlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to Uhe accuracy of the survey and plat, and t.hat the survey was perforrned by him in accordance with Colorado Revised StatuLes 1973, TitLe 38, Articfe A cert.ificale by an attorney admitted to practicein Lhe State of Colorado, or csner:ate-,tti;kle-iqsrrer, that the owner (sTnf recoid-t-edicat,ing to.--:.he-fru6fic the public right-of-way, areas orfacilities as shown thereon are the owners t.hereofin fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. h 1 I k.The proper form for filing of Lhe Eagle County c.Lerk and recorder. ./n. Signat.ure of owner. v/ The plat must contain the following statement: 'rFor zoning purposes, the lots created by this plat with the ,,/fta flc lk nt- Certificate of dedication and ownership. Shouldthe certificate of dedication and ownershipprovide for a dedication of land or improvementsto the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will berequired to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple ownerthereof ALl current taxes must be paid prior t,o the Town'sapproval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The eertificateof taxes paid must be signed on t.he plat or astatement from the Uag).e County Assessors Officemust be provided with the submitLal informationstating that all taxes have been paid, subdivision are to be treated as pne Lot with no morethan two dwelling units allowed on the combined area o{the t.wo lot,s. rt The statement shall be rnodif ied to v indicate the number of units and lot,s proposed. " ^4-A copy of the declarations and/or covenants retating to Ur the subdivision, which shall_ assure the maintenance of /any common areas which may be created. The covenants t'/ shalL run with t.he land and shatl be in a form suit,ablefor recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. ScheduLes A e B of a title report APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA upon receiving two copies of a complete submittat along withpayment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrat,orshalL route one copy of the site map t.o the town engineerfor his review. The zoning adrninislrator shall then conductLhis review concurrentry. Ttre town engineer sharL reviewthe subnittar and return comments and notificalions to thezoning administrator who shal] transmit the approval,disapproval or approval with rnodifications of- the platwithin fourteen days to the applicanL. The zoningadministrator sharr sign the prat if approved or iequirenodifications on the plat for approval- or deny approvaL due Revised 5/L/92 H il'ili3"i:":,l} 3;nll'l"lli.:;'fl:liilI"t:"i? fil"oiI. . FILING AND RECORDING The Department of community.DeveropmenL wir.r. record the pratand any related covenants witn tfre- Eagle County Clerk andRecorder. Fees for recording shalf Ue paia by'theapplicant. The community Development Departm6nl wirl retainone mylar copy of the plat for their rectrds and witl recordthe remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/l/92 L If -thl-s application regulres a separate revLew by any local, State orFederal l9-ency,other than the Town-of vair, the appttcation fee shaLr beincreased by g?OO.OO. Examples of such revJ.ew, rniy include, but are noteltmited to: Colorado Department of HJ.ghway Access permj.ts, Army Corps ofEngineers ,{04, etc. The appricant sharr be responslble for paying any pubrishlng fees whlchare in excess of 50t of the appllcatlon-fee. If, at the applLcant'srequest, any matte! is postponed for hearing, caus{ng the matter to bere-publLshed, then, the entLre fee for such re-publlcation shalL be paidby the applicant. Appl5-catlons deemed by the Communl-ty Development Department to havesignif,icant design, land use or other lssues which may have a slEnificantlmpact on the conrnunit,y may regulre revlen by consultints other than townstaff. Should a determ-inatl.on be made by the town staff that an outsideconsul-tant Ls needed to revlew any applJ-catlon, the Cornrnunity Devel"opment may hire an outside consultant, J.t shall estl-mate the amount of money necessary to pay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the app3.ieant at the time he files his applicatlon with the Community Development Department.. Upon cornpletlon of the review of theapplication by the consultantr drty of the funds forwarded by theapplicant for payment of the consullant uhich have not been pald to the consultant shall be returned to the appLicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid tothe ?own by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. L PARTY Y9ALI, AGREEMENT AND DECLARAUON OF COVENANTS, CONDItrIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR PARCEL 12, CASOr-,AR VArL rr PARCEL 12-A AND PARCEL 12-B TOI{N OF VArL, EAGT,E COUN1rT' COT,ORADO RECITALS 1. cAN!{EsT INVESTMENTS, INC. ("Declarant") ls the oldner of the real property sl.t,uate ln the Town of Vail' County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, descrlbed as Parcel L2, Casolar Vail II (the,'Parcel'r), ldenttfted by a map recorded ln the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder ln Book at Page (the "Map")r_together with a perpetuat and nonexcluslve rlght of way $deaiement for the purpose of vehLcular and pedestrl.an acceE st to the property as creatbd |n a grant of easement recorded tn the records of Lne ragle County Clerk and Recorder ln Book 499 at Page 996. 2. fn accordance wlth documents previously of record, Declarant ovrns both halves of a Bulldtng constructed on the aforementioned property whlch has been dlvlded lnto two partsr each designed and lntended for use as a resLdentlal dwelli_ng, designated heretn as Unit or Parcel 12-A and Unlt or Parcel L2'8, which are sometines referred to herein separately as "unit" or collectively as t'unlts". 3. Declarant desires to and does hEreby establish a plan for the Olrnership of the Parcel, by establlshlng separate Ownership and rlghts and obllgatLons related and appurtenant to Parcel 12-A and Parcel L2-8, as ldentlfled on the Map. DECLARATION r. ESTABLISHMENT OF COVENANTS AND REPEAI, OF EXTSTING COVENANTS. DecLarant does hereby publish and declare that the followingterng, covenants, condLt.Lons, easementsr regtrictionsr us€gr reservations, Iinitations and obllgatlons ehaLl be deemed to runwlth the land descrtbed hereln, shall be a burden and a benefit to DecLarant, its personal representatives, heLrs, successors and assigns and any person acgulrlng or ownlng an interest in the real property which ls descrlbed hereln and lmprovements bullt thereon,their grantees, personal representatives, helrs, successorn and assigns. II. DEFINITIONS. Unless the cont,ext shall. expressly provlde otherwiser the following terms shalI have the followlng meanings: A. "The Propertles" means all of the real estate legally described as ParceL 12, Casolar Vail II, Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado, accordlng to the map thereof recorded in Book 277, eage 524, of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. B. "Parcel" or "BuildJ-ng Site" means Parcel 12, Caso.lar VailII, also Town of ValI, Eagj.e tounty, CoLorado C. ilAccess Easementil meang the a perpetual and nonexclugiveright of $ray and easement for the purpose of vehicular and pedestrlan acc€sa to the propef,ty as created tn a grant of easement recorded ln the resords of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder ln Book 499 at Page 996. D. "Common Property'r means the property ldenttfted herein to which the Owners share rlghts, lncludlng but not ltmtted to the Access Easement, E. 'runitx meann either Parcel Lz-A, Casolar Vail II, or Parcel 12-8, Casolar Vail II, together wtth the lnprovements Located upon each respectLve dlvlslon of the Parcel , the lmprovements thereon, and rtghts and obllgatlons appurtenant thereto. F. "Ordner" meang a person, persona , f Ltm, corporatJ.on,partnershlp or assocl"atlon, or oLher legal entlty, or any com-blnatlon thereof, ownLng an interest ln the Unlts. G. "Map' means the englneerlng survey of the Propertles, recorded ln Book _ at Page of the recordg of the EagLe county Cl-erk ana ffiFoer, de-plc-mnd locatlng wlth speclflclty'r- thereon the Unlts, the Comnon Property, such land and lmprovements being hereby submitted to thls Declaration. III. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION. Every contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed,Wfll or other lngtrument shall legally descrlbe a Unlt or realproperty lnterest as follows: Parcel 12-A or Parcel 12-B (as the case may be) ' together wlthan undtvlded one-half (L/21 lnterest in and to the Common Property according to the Party WaII Agreement and Declarationof Covenants, Condltlons and Restrlctions for ParceL L2, Casolar Vall II, recorded in Book _, Page _ of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, State of Colorado. Every such descrlptlon shall be good and sufficlent for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encunber or otherwise affect the Units and all appurtenant rights, beneflts and burdens thereto aB created by the provlslons of thlg Declaratlon, and each such descrlptlon shall be so construed. Thls provlslon shaLl apply to the properttes as said tern (the "Properties'r) is defined in thls DecIaratlon. IV. PROPERTY DIVISION. A. Declarant hereby establ.lshes thls plan for the subdivisionof the Propertles lnto two (2) Unlts for Ownership tn fee slmple consLatlng of Parcel 12-A and Parcel 12-8. B. The parttes, if more than one, having the Ownership of each such Unlt shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obllgatlons of such Ownershlp; provlded, however, that if a corporatJ.on, partnershlp, association or other legal entity shaLl become an Oerner or the parties, of more than one, have the concurrent Ovlnershlp of a Unlt' then such entlty or concurrent Owners shall from tlme to tlme deslgnate one lndlvtdual who shall represent such entity or concurrent Owners ln all matters con- cerning all rights and obllgat,tons pureuant to thls Declaration. C. Any such entity or concurrent Owners (the "SubJect Owner")shall glve wrltten notlce to the other owner deslgnatlng theindlvldual to act on lts or thelr behalf and such notice shall beeffectLve untll revohed ln wrltlng by such entlty or Owners. In the absence of such deslgnatlon, the other Or^rner may treat any offlcer,partner, or other repr€a€ntative of the Subject Owner as theauthorized representatlve of the SubJect Olrner. Any act or oml-ssl.on by such deslgnated lndlvldual shall be blndlng on theentlty or Owners havlng desLgnated htn In favor of the other Owneror any person who may rely thereon. D. Each Unlt shall be consldered a separate parcel of realproperty and shal-l be separately assessed and taxed. V. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of the Lmprovements associated wlth Parcel 1.2-A 3 or Parcel 12-B which now encroaches upon the other parcel as aresult of the constructlon of any bulldlng, or lf any such en- croachrnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or movement of any bulldlng, a valld easement for the encroachment and the malntenance of the ltame, so long as the bullding stands' shall exLst. In the event any butldlng shall be partlally or totally destroyed as a resutt of fire or other casualty or aa a result of condemnation or eminent domaln proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachmente of parts of the building on the other parcel, due to such rebulldlng, shall be permltted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those prevlously existlng, and valld easements for such encroachmenta and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the buildlng shall stand. VI. PARTY WALL. A. The common wall placed egually divlded on the conmon boundary separatLng Parcet l2-A from Parcel 12-8, the fgotings underlylng and the portlon of roof over such wall !s collectively referred to hereln as the "Party wallr'. B. To the extent not Lnconslstent wlth thls Declaration' the general rules of law regardlng party walls and llablltty f,or damage due to negllgence, wtllful acts or omLssLons shall apply to the Party wall. C. The Ovrners of each Unit shalL have a perpetual easement ln and to that part of the other Unlt on whlch the Party WaIl is Located, for party wall purposes, lncludlng mutual support, maintenance, repalr and lnspectlon. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Party WaIl from any cause, then the Orvners shall at Jolnt expense, repair or rebulld satd Party wall, and each Oryrner shall have the right to the full use of eald party waII so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstandlng anythlng contalned above to the contrary, tf the negligence, wlllful act or omlssion of anY ownef,'his famtly, agent or lnvltee, shall cause damage to or destructlonof the Party Wall, euch owner shall bear the entlre cost of repalror reconstructlon, and an Owner who by hls negllgent or wlllful act cauaes the Party Wall to be exposed to the el-ements shall- bear thefull cost of furnlshlng the neceaaary protectlon agal.nst guch elements. VII. ACCESS, LANDSCAPINq, SERVICE FACILITIES A$D PARKING. A. Each Owner shall orirn an undlvlded one-half interest inthe Access Easement, and neither Owner ehall use the Access Eaaement in such a manner as shall Lnterfere with the right of theother Owner to acceas the Untt of that other Owner. Parklng on the Access Easement dlrectly adJacent to each Unlt shall be limlted to the use of O$rner of that Unlt, B. The Owners from tlme to tlme shall undertake such Iandscaplng and general outdoor Lnprovements including but notIlmtted to drlveway and parktng areas as they may mutually and unanimousty deem proper for the harmonlous improvement of bot'h Unlts 1n a common theme, and each ovrner shall be solely responsible for all expenses, ltabtlities and general upkeep responsibilitieswlth respect to such landscaplng and outdoor lmprovements on the Unit of that O$rner. The Owner of one Unit shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Unlt such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but bot,h Owners shall nake all reasonable efforts to pre- serve a harmonious common appearance of the Unltg. C. Common uttltty or servlce connectl-ons or llnes, common facillties or other equ.lpment and property located ln or on either of the Unlts but used in common wlth the other Unlt, If any, shall be owned as tenants ln common of equal undlvided one-half Lnterests by the Owners of each Unit and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negllgence or wlllful act of any Ownerr hls famlly, agenl or .lnv.ltee, whlch shall be borne solely by such O$rner, all expenses and llabilttles concerned with such property shal} be shared proportionately with such Ownership. The O\,tner of the Unlt on whlch such property ls not Iocated shaLl have a perpetuat easement ln and to that part of such other Unlt-onta i n I n gL-sr€b*propef tt -dF*ts-reas o!-S! ly nece $$ry f or purposes o fEW malnf,efiEnce, repalr and inspection. VIII. ALTE AND RE A. r--eciintlon to matntenance provided for, the Owners shalI, at their own indivldual expense with respect to each respectiveUnlt, provlde lor lepalr upon the ULlts ind the unlmproved portlons of the @e and the roof houstng the Unlts; repaLr, replacement or cleaning ofexterlor wlndowe shall be consldered lnterlor maintenance. B. In the event an owner, at hts or^tn expense, falls t" \maintaJ.n, preserve, and replace as needed, the trees, shrubs and \gra6s (the Plantlngs) wlthtn the property boundaries of his UnIt \commensurate wLth the standards set by the other resldences in the \subdlvlslon ln whlch the property ls located, the other Osrner may,after 15 days wrltten notlce to the Owner, 1f such failure continues and lf wlthin sald tlme the offendlng Owner has failed to make a good faith effort to brlng hls Plantlngs into substantial conformlty wtth hts nelghbors Plantlngs, contract wlth responslblepartles to bring to standard the offendtng Owner's Plantings and charge the offending Owner therefore and such cost shall be added I to and become a charge and llen to whlch such Unlt ls subJect. The offending Oerner hereby grants to the other Owner, lts agents and asslgns, an lrrevocable easement to perform the aforesaid work. C. Each Ovtner shall be solely responslble for mal.ntenance and repalr of the lnslde of hls Unlt lncludlng fLxtures and improvements and alL uttlity lines and eguipment located therein and serving such Unlt onlyi window glass and frames shalL be deemed interior malntenance. In performing such malntenance and repair' or Ln lmprovlng or alterlng hts Unit, no owner shall do any act or work which lmpairs the structural soundness of either Unlt or the Party ltaIl or which .lnterferes with any easenent granted or reserved herein. D. Utility or servlce connectlons or lines, facillties or other utllity eguipment and property located in, on or upon either of the Unlts, whlch are used solely to supply a service or utllity to one Unlt, shalt be owned by the Owner of the Unlt uslng such utility or servlce and al!. expengee and Liabtlttieg for repair and maLntenance shall be borne solely by the Owner of such Unit, who shall have a perpetual eaaement ln and to that part of such other Untt contatnlng euch Property as ls reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repalr and lnspectlon. Such utllity or servlce connectlons or llnes, faclllty or other uttllty eguipment which serve both Unlts on the Comrnon Property shall be the responsibittty of the Owners of both Parcel 12-A and Parcel 12-B and expenses assoclated therewlth shall be borne as provided under ALLOCATION OT EXPENSES bEIOW' E. No Owner shall make or suffer any structural or desLgn , elEner emporary an of any type or nature oever, jlpon a flor written co to The Unlts shall be palnted in the same color shall cause wlth due dlltgence the Unlt to be repaLred andrestored, applytng the proceeds of lnsurance, l-f dny, for thatpurpose. Such Unlt ehall be restored to a sondltlon comparable tothat prLor to the damage and ln a harmonlous manner to promote the cotnmon theme of both Unlts. IX. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of landscaping, service facilitLes,parking, alteratl.onr maintenance and repalrs, except as caused bythe negllgence or wlllful act of an Or"rner, shall be allocated inthe following proportl.oner I I Parcel 12-A Parcel 12-E X. MECHANIC'S s0t 50t LIENS: INDEMNIFICATION. A. Except for ltems lncurred as a conmon expense as provided for herein, lf any Owner shall cause any naterlal to be furnished to his parcel or Unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other Owner shall not under any circumstances be llable for the paymenU of any expense lncurred or for the value of any work done or materlal furnlshed; all such work shall be at the expense of the Owner causlng it to be done, and such Oerner shall be solety responslble to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnlshlng labor or materials to his Unlt or any improve- ments thereln or thereoni nothlng hereln contaLned shall authorlze either Owner or any person deallng through, lt1th or under elther Ohrner to charge the Unlt of the other Owner wlth any mechanlc'glien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notlce is hereby glven), the rlght and power to charge any llen or encumbrance of any klnd agalnst one O{ner or agalnst one Ctwner's Unlt for work done or mat€rlals furntahed to the other ovrnerrs Unlt ls hereby expressly denled. B. Except as provlded below, lf, because of any act or omLsslon of any Ortner, any mechanLc's or other l-len or order for the pay'ment of money shall be filed against the other Owner's Unlt or any improvements thereln or thereon, or agalnst any other Owner (whether or not such llen or order ls valld or enforceable as such), the O$rner whose act or omisslon formg the basls for such lien or order shall at hls own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and dlscharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably adaptable to such other Owner, within twenty (20) daysafter the date of flllng thereof, and further shall indemnify and save the other Or"rner harmleEs from and against any and all costs,expenses, cLalms, losses or damages, incLuding reasonableattorney's fees resuJ.tlng therefrom. XI. INSURANCE. A. Each Owner shall keep his Unlt and al.l flxtures therein lneured against loss or damage by flre and extended coverage perLls(lncludtng vandallsm and mallclous mlschtef) for the maxlmum replacement value thereof, whlch amount shall be established bymutual agreement of the Or,rnerg. In the event the Owners cannot agree upon the replacement vaLue for purposes of establlshing theIevel of lnsurance to be obtalned, any O$rner may on thirty (30) days' written notice, at any tlne one year or longer after the lastappraisal of the Units, obtain a wrltten appraisal of such Unlts from a competent appralser, and the cost thereof shall be aLLocated as set forth ln Sectlon IX. Such appral.ser shall be adislnterested and Lndependent thlrd party who 1e unrelated ln any manner to either Owner whether through Joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each Owner shall provlde and keep in force, for theprotection of hlmself, general publlc llablllty and property damage insurance against claims for bodily lnJury or death or property damage occurrlng in, on or upon, hls Unit owned ln fee slmple and the improvements thereon, ln a llmlt of not less than $3001000.00ln respect of bodity inJury or death to any number of Personsarislng out of one accident or dlaastet, or for damage to property, and lf hlgher llmlts shall at any tlme be customary to protect agaLnst posslble tort llablllty, such hlgher linits shall. be cinled and each Owner shall name the other o$fner as an addltlonal insured party under such poltcy. C. Each Ovrn€r shall dellver to the other Owner certlficates evldenc.Lng all Lngurance regulred to be carrled under thls paragraph, each contalnlng agreements by the lnsurers not to cancel or nodlfy the pollctes wlthout glvlng the other Owner htrltten notlce of at least thtrty (30) days. Each Owner shall have the rlght, upon hls or her reagonable request, to lnspect and copy all such lnsurance pollcles of the other Owner and regulre evldence of the payment of lndlvldual premlums thereon. D. Nothlng provlded ln thts paragraph shall prevent the Owners from Jointly acqulrlng a slngle pollcy to cover any one or more of the hazards required ln thls paragraph to be separately insured agalnst by each Or,rner. XII. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEITIENTS ON PARCEL. A. In the event of damage or destructLon to a Unl.t by fire orother dlsaster, the lnsurance proceeds, Lt sufflcJ.ent to reconstruct the Unit, shall be deposlted lnto a bank account whichshall regulre, for wtthdrawalg, the slgnature of both the Ownerst unless otherwlse requl.red by the insurance carrl.ers, ln whLch eventthe regulrements of the lnsurance carriers shall establlsh the method of dlsbursement. The Ownera shall then promptly authorl-zethe necessary repalr and reconstructl.on work and the Lnsurance proceeds wiLl. be applled by the Ordners to defray the cost thereof. "Repair and reconstructl.on" of the Unlts, as used herein, neansrestoring the lmprovements to substantlally the same condition in whlch they exlated prLor to the damage wlth auch Unlt havlng the same boundarles as before. B. If th€ insurance proceeds are lnsufflclent to repatr andreconatruct any damaged UnLt, such damage or destructlon shall be promptly repalred and reconatructed by the Owner using the lnsurance proceeds and the proceeds of a speclal assessment agalnstthe Owners of the damaged Unlt. Any such assessments shaLl be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstructlon or repair of the Unit exceeds the sum of the lnsurance proceeds altocabLe to such Unit. Such assessments shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after wrltten notlce thereof. The special assessment provlded for hereLn shall be a debt of each owner and a lien on his Unit and the lmprovementg hereon and may be enforqed and collected by foreclosure proceedlngs ln the Courts. C. Notwlthstandlng the above, the Owners and flrst mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or danaged Unlts may agree that the destroyed or damaged Unlts shall forthwith be demollshed and all debrls and rubble caused by such demolitlon be renoved and theparcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and demolltton work shall be pald for by any and all Lnsurance proceeds avallable. Any excess lnsurance proceeds shall then be dlsbursed to such Owners and thetr flrst mortgagees Jotntly. XIII. RIGHT TO LIEN. A. If an Owner, at any tJ.me, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay hls share of any obllgatton required hereunder, the otner Olrner may, but shall not be obllgated to, after twenty (20) days wrltten notice unless the c.lrcumstances required immediate action, make such payment or, on behalf of such other O!'tner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obllgatlon includlngr buL not llmlted to, the Pa!'ment of any .tnsurance premluns reguired hereunder or the undertaking of any work reguired hereunder for repair, restoration or malntenance, and such other Ownef, shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting Owner's Unit as ls reasonably necessary for guch repal-r, restoration or malntenance. B, AIl sums so pald or expended by an Ogtner, wlth interest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per year from the date of such payment or expendltures, shall be payable by the oltner so falltngto perform (the "defaultlng Oqrner") upon demand of the other Owner. C. AIl sume so demanded but unpald by the defaultlng oltnershall constltute a llen on the Farcel of the defaultlng Owner ln favor of the other O!,rner prior to all other liens and encumbrances,except: (l) llens for taxes and special assessments; and (ii) thelien of any ftrst mortgage or flrst deed of trust of record encumberlng such Untt. The llen shall attach from the date whenthe unpaid sum shall become due and may be forec.losed ln like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recordlng of anotlce or clalm thereof executed by the nondefaulting Owner setting o forth the amount of the unpald indebtedness' the name of thedefaultlng owner, and a descriptlon of the Unlt' The non- defaultlng owner may collect any such amount due elther through a foreclosure of the llen created hereunder or through any other lawful collectlon proceedtng. In any guch foreclosure or any other collection proceedlng the defauLtlng Owner shaLl be requlred to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedlngs, lncludlng reasonable attorney's fees. D. The llen provided for hereln shall be subord.lnate to the lien of any flrgt mortgage or deed of trust' lncluding al} additlonal advances thereon. Sale or transfer of any Unlt as the result of court foreclosure or a mortgage foreclosure through thepubllc truatee, or any proceedlng ln lieu of foreclosure, shall extlnguish the llen of such assesEments as to payments thereof whlch become due prlor to such sale or transfer, but shall not relleve any former owner of personal tlablllty therefor. The mortgagee of such Unlt who acgulres tltle by way of foreclosure or the taklng of a deed !n lleu thereof shalt not, horrtever, be liable for future assesaments on the date lt becomes the Oltner of such Unlt. No sale or transfer shall relleve such Unlt from llabllity for any assessments thereafter becomlng due or from the llen thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a Unit with respect, to which sums shall be unpaid by a defaulting Owner, except transfers to a flrst mortgagee in connectlon with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in Ileu thereof, the purchaser or other transfer of an lnterest in such Unit shall be Jointly and severally liable wtth the selJ.er or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. E. Upon i{rltten request of any Ol^rner, nortgagee' prospectlve mortgagee, purchaser or other prospectlve transferee of a Unit, the Owner of the other Unlt shall lssue a written statement settlngforth the amount he ls owed under thLs paragraph' if any, with respect to such Unlt. Such statement ls blndlng upon the executlng Owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for auch statement shall be complled wlth wlthlnflfteen (15) days after recelpt thereof, all. unpaid sums whl.ch became due prlor to the date of maklng such reguest shall be subordlnated to the Ilen or other lnterest of the person requesting such st.atement. XIv. ltt, ovrners RESPONSIBTE - ULTIMAIIE CONTRoL RESOLTIIION. Eoth Unlt Ownera shall be nutually responsible for the admLnistratlon and management of the obltgatlons created hereunder, However, ln the event both Owners cannot mutually agree when adeclslon ls reguired by thts Declaratlon, the lmpasse shall be resolved as follows: 10 A. DecLsl.on requlred Ln year f993 and every second yearthereafter: Parcel 12-A Ownerrs decl.slon ls blndlng. B. Declslon requlred ln year 1994 and every second year thereafter: Parcel 12-B Owner's declsion is blndlng. XV. OVERRIDE. In the event any Owner beLLeves, based on the standard of the reasonable man, (f) that an lmpasse declslon has been made incorrectly or contrary to the Declaratlon and (il) t,he Owner ln ultimate control is gutlty of mis-, mal-, or non-feasance wLth respect to thls Declaratlon, then the aggrleved Owner may petltlon the Eagle County D.lstrlct Court for a Judlctal determlnatlon of the controversy, which decislon shall be binding upon both Owners. The Court may assess costs and any reasonable attorney fees as may have been Lncurred by the partles based upon the merlts of the case In favor of the prevalllng party. XVI. USE RESTRICTIONS. A. Each Unlt shall be restrlcted to a resldentlal dwelllng as a permltted use and such use' as well as conditLoned and accessory uses, shall be defined and permltted by the Town of Vail zonlng regulatlons. For purposes of calculatLon of use rlghts, lncluding but not llrntted to gross resldentlal floor area, each Unlt shall be entitled to one-haLf of the use permltted to the entire Propertles. B. No exterior mount,ed radio, shortwave, television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any klnd, elt.her elevated or burLed, or clothesllne or lncLnerator or any kind whatsoevel or outslde storage of any personal property shall be permltted or maLntaLned on elther Unlt without the prior written approval of both Ovrners. C. No animal-s shall be kept or maLntaLned in, ortr or uponelther Unlt, except that each Or.rner may keep and malntaln wlthlnhis Unlt one domesticated dog and/or one domesticated cat. Under any clrcumstancesr €rDy and all such domest,lcated anlmals shall be kept under control at aII tlmee, shal} not be permltted to presenta nulsance to the other Owner and shall be kept control-led Lnstrict compllance with all ordlnances that may apply to such anlmal . D. In additlon to the parklng restrlctlons set forth inSectlon VII. LANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING subparagraph (c) above, parklng of boats, lrailers, campers, motor homesr all- terraln vehlcles or recreatlonal vehicles on either UnLtIs expressly prohlblted with the exceptlon of parklng of such l1 vehlcles by the gueatB or lnvLtees of an Oerner for not more than a 48-hour perlod. E. No "t.lme sharl.ng" r "lnterval Ownershlp'r or simllarinterest, whereby Ownershlp of a Unlt ls shared by Owners on a timebasis, shall be establlshed on elther Unit wlthout the prior written approval of both Oernera and all lienors holding a firsU mortgage or flrst deed of trust of record on any portlon of Parcel 12-A or Parcel t2-8, whtch approval shall be reflected ln a document of record. xvrr. NorrqE. Each Owner shall reglster lts malllng address wLth the other Owner and all notlces or demands lntended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certlfied mall, postage prepald, addresEed ln the name of the Owner at such reglstered malllng address. In the alternatlve, notlce may be dellvered, lf ln writl.ng' personally to Owners or lf no reglstratlon occursr to the address of the Owner on the records of the Eagle CounUy Assessor. XVIII. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provlslon contalned ln this Declaratlon wh.tch is subject to the laws or ruLes sometlmes referred to aa the rule againstperpetultles or the rule prohtblttng unreasonable restraints on alienatlon shall contlnue and remaLn tn full force and effect for the perlod of 21 years followlng the death of -, or untll thls Declaration le termlnated as herelnafter provided' whichever flrst occurs. All other provlslons contalned in this Declaration shall contLnue and remaLn In full force and effect untll January 1, 2013 A.D., and thereafter for successlve periods of 10 yeara eachi unless at least 1 year prlor to January 1, 2013A.D., or at least I year prlor to the expiratlon of any such 10 year period of extended duratlon, thls Declaratlon ls temlnated by recorded Lnstrument, dlrectlng terml.natlon, signed by all Ownerg and all llenorg holdlng a flrst mortgage or flrst deed of trust of record on any portlon of Parcel 12-.4 or Parcel 12-8. XIX. AMENDMENT OR REVOCAIION. ThtB Declaratlon may be amended or revoked only (a) by Declarant so long aB Declarant olvns both Parcel 12-A and Parcel L2-8, or (b) upon unanlmous wrltten approval ln recordable form ofall Owners and all llenore holdlng a first mortgage or flrst deedof trust of record on any portlon of Parcel 12-A or Parcel 12-8, t2 XX. EFFECT OF PROVISIONF OF DECLARATION. Each provlsion of thls Declaratlon, and agreement, proml.se, covenant and undertaklng to cornply wlth each provlsLon of this Declaratlon, and any necessary exceptlon or reservatlon or grant oftitle, estat,e, rlght or lntereat to effectuate any provision of thls Declaratlon! (1) shall be deemed J.ncorporated ln each deed or other instrunent by whlch any rlght' tltle or lnterest in anyportlon of Parcel t2-A or Parcel l2-B ls granted, devlsed or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to ln such deed or other lnstrument; (il) shall. by virtue of acceptance of any rlght, title or .lnterest ln any portlon of Parcel 12-A or Parcel 12-B by an O$rner, be deemed accepted, ratLfled' adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such O$tner and, as a personal covenant, shaLl be blnding on such Owner and hlg helrs, personal representatives, successors and assignsl and, shall be deemed a perEonal covenantto, wlth and for the beneflt of €ach Or^tner of any portlon of Parcel 12-A or Parcel LZ-B1 and (111) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for ltself ita, personal representatlves, succesgors and assLgns, and also an equltabl.e servltude, runnlng' ln each case' as a burden wlth and upon the tlt,le to each and every portlon of Parcel 12-A and Parcel L2-8, XXI . ENFORCEMENI AND RE!.TEDIES. A. Each provlslon of thls Declaratlon shall be enforceable by any O$rner by a proceedlng for a prohlbltlve or mandatory lnJunctlon or by a sult or actlon to recover damages. If court proceedlngs are lnstltuted ln connectlon wlth the rlghts of enforcement and remedles provlded ln thtE Declaratlon, the prevalllng party gball be entltled to recover Lts costs and expengee ln connectlon there-wlth, lncludlng reasonable attorney fees. B. Each Owner hereby agrees that any and all actlons inegulty or at law whlch are lnstltuted to enforce any provlslons hereunder shall be brought ln and only ln the Dlstrlct Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. C. Fallure to enforce any provlslon of thls Declaratlon shallnot operate aa a walver of any such provlslon, the rlght to enforcesuch provlalon thereafter, or of any other provlsLon of thls Declaratlon. XXII. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exerclse of any rlghts granted hereunder by one Owner wlth respect to the other Owner'g Unit lncludlng but not ltmtted to the use of any eas€nent granted hereln shall be exercleed Ln a mannerwhich shall not unreasonably hlnder, lmpede or impose upon such 13 I I't t il l I : other Ovrner'a uae of hls Unlt. XXIII. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provlded herein, thls Declaration shall be btndlng upon and Ehall inure to the beneflt of Declarant and each subseguent Owner and the helrs, personal representatlvest successors and asslgns of each. XXIV. SEVERABILITY. Invalldtty or unenforceability of any provlsions of thts Declaratlon Ln whole or Ln part shall not affect the valldlty or enforceable part of any provlslon of this Declaratlon. xxv. cAPTroNs. The captions and headlngs ln thls instrument are convenlence only and shall not be consldered ln construlngprovlslons of thls Declaratlon. XXVI. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construct.lon, the mascullne of any word uged ln thls Declaratlon shall lnclude the femlnlne or neuter gender, and the slngular the plural, and vice versa. IN wITNEss VSHEREOF Declarant has executed thls Declaration tlaLs I l1il day of alpe ntoc<tt, 1993. CANWEST TNVESTMEISIS, INC. STATE OF COLORADO couNrY or &*6v( i The foregolng document was acknowledged by GIen E, Wood as PresLdent of CANWEST INVESTMENTS, INC. on xtl.e lt3,! day of December, for any By: ss 1993. My commLsslon explres ! /.^f Nye-, n ,n J?Q 0 Notary Address 2 SlN /.f7 w4 t3&ar.ro ,'l I +;ir.# Wltness my hand and offl L4 lrtr t RATIFICATION Vall Natlonal Bank, as holder of a first encumbering the Property, hereby ratlfies andforegoing PARTy rfALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS fOR PARCEIT 12' CASOLAR L2-A AND PARCET t2-8, TO9IN OF VArL, ValL art By:Tit STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF was acknowledged bV}^7.of ValI Natlonal Bank. on the My commlsslon explres:l4oorffitt#ts$fissfflggL tlltness ny hand and officlal seal . deed of trust Joins in the OF COVENANTS, VAIL II, PARCEI, COI..ORADO ))ss ) asof si fra.&ua-/g lz 1r/*-/ ta ?/cg 7 nal December, 1993. t5 American Land Ti:le Association Commitm€nt . Modif ied tOl73 t COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY . ,f:t_. '.;,, iilj.... ,:l;:,., STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY. A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, forvaluable consideration, hereby ccmmits to issue its policy or policies qf title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in qch-edule A,qr funer or mortgagee of the estate This commitment shall be effective only when the idifhv'of the proposed Insured and the amountof the policy or policies committ-ed for have been i\t\in Schedule A hereof by the Company, or when the policy or policies commitl failure to issue such policy or policies is ,r shall i tfau valid or binding until countersigned by.an Cou ntersigned by: Authorized Signatory Compsny City, Stat6 $tewart Title ol Eagle County, Inc. p.0. Box t000 STEWAFTT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY or interest covered hereby in the land des( rdi or referred to in St\51\le A, upon payment of thepremiums and charges therefor; all subject to nd B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. 'of_ the proposed Insured and the amount- either at the time of the issuance of this endorsement. This Commitment is preliminarv to ine isSu,of or policies of title insurance and allliability and obligations hereunder and term after the effective date hereof whichever first occurs, provided that the Company. This Commitment shall not be r or aqent. ;. I Commitn or aqent o Vail, C0 81658 seriar No C.1601. 2. o 1. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deecr, or other security instrument. lf the proposed lnsured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting th" estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment other than those shown in schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the company inwriting, the company sharr be reriwed from riabirity foi any ross or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose suchknowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any zuch defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter,the company at its option may amend schedule B of this commitment accordingly, but zuch amendment shall not relieve the company from liabilitypreviously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these conditions and stipulations. Liability of the company under this commitment shail be onry to the namedproposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in theform of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon iovered by this commitment. Inno event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in schedule A for the policyor policiee committed for and zuch liability is subject to the insuring provisions andthe conditions and stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form ofpolicy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part ol this commitment except as expressly modif ied herein. 4. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arisesout of the status of the title to the estate or interest or ihe tien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim. shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. STIE\^/AR.T TITLE GU.'|RANTY COMPANY All -notices required to be given-the company and any statement in writing required to $jrulnife!.the company-shail be addres*d to irui p.o. Box 2e29, Ho"uston, Texas :!-.:2,.1y rcrentrty this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERTAL NUM-tttr .' wnlcn appears on the bottom of -.he front of the f irst page of this commitment. 3. Page 5 ORDER NUMBER: 93009856 1. EFFECTIVE DATE: OctObET 2, POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE A. ALTA OWNER'S POLICY PROPOSED INSURED: B. AI.,,TA LOAN POLICY PROPOSED INSUREDi C. ALTA LOAN POLICY PROPOSED INSURED: SCHEDL],I,E A 29, 1-993 aL 8:00 A.IvI. ISSUEDi ]\MOUNT OF INSURANCE $ TBD TO BE DETERMINED 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LA}{D DESCRIBED OR RETERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN TS FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE THERETO IS A1' THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: CANWEST VENTURES TNC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRTBED AS FOLLOIIS: PARCEL 1-2, CASOLAR VAIL II, ACCORDTI{G TO THE PLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER 1_. 1978 IN BOOK 277 AT PAGE 524. Together with a perpetual and nonexclusive right of way and easement for purpose or vehicular and pedestrian access toSubject property as created in grant of easemenL recordedFebruary 7, 1989 in Book 499 at Page 996. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO t THIS COMMI?MENT WAS PREPARED ON NOVEMBER 1.0, 1.993. FOR QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL TRUDY MATARESE AT (303)949-1011. PREMIUM:OWNERS: 180.00 to:Kirk VanHeeArthur Abplana).p STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUN?Y, INC.P.O. BOX 2000VAIL, CO. 81658(303) 94e-r.01r- SCHEDULEB*SECTION]. ORDER NUMBER: 93009856 REQUIREMENTS THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: rTEM (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR rHE ACCOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF THE FULL CONSIDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED. ITEM (B) PROPER INSTR{MENT (S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR TN?EREST TO BE INSURED MUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY FTLED FOR RECORD, TO WITT L. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return to Stei,'/art Title cuaranty Company. 2. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Cornpany of payment of al-l outstanding taxes and assessments as certified by The Eagle County Treasurer. 3. Execution of Certificate - Entity Transferor/IndividualTransferor and its return to the office. 4. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title cuaranty conpany that thereal estate transfer tax assessed bv the Town of Vail has beenpaid or that the transaction is exe-mpt froin said tax. 5. Paynent of any and al] Homeowners assessments and expenses asrequired in the Homeowners Association of casolar VaiI Homeowners Association and certificate fron Casolar VaiI Homeowners Association verifying that such paynent has beenreceived. 6. Release hy tfre Public Trustee of Eagle county of the Deed ofTrust from CanwesL Ventures, Inc. for the use of Vail National Banl< to secure $235tO00.O0, dated October 4, 7993, recordedoctober 22, 1993 in Book 622 at Page 728 as Reception No. 518795. 7. Ternination Statement for Financing Staternent fron CanwestVentures, Inc., debtor(s) to VaiI National Bank secured party, recorded october 22, 1993 in Book 622 at Page 732 as ReceptionNo. 51-8799, givingi notice of a security interest pursuant to the Uni-form Commercial Code. 8. Deed from canwest Ventures, Inc./ a CoLorado corporation,vesting fee sirnple title in grantee(s) to be deterrnined. Continued on next page I CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NUMBER: 93009856 NOTE: NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OT THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 AMENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS CRS 38-3s-1.09 (2). NOTE: STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COI'IPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADD ANY ADDITTONAL REQUIRET{ENTS AND/OR EXCBPTIONS IT MAY DEEM NECFSSARY UPON LEARNING OF THE GP.ANTEE(S). NOTE: For an additional charge, Stelrart Title of Eagle Countywill.provide any copies of exceptions as shown on Schedule B -Section 2. SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTiONS ORDER NUMBBR: 93009855 THE POLTCY OR POLTCTES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO T}IE FOLLOI{TNG UNLESS THE SAME ARE DTSPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY: 1, RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTTES IN POSSESSTON NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DTSCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS rN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTSI AND ANY FACTS WHTCH A CORRECT SURVEY AND TNSPECTTON OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHTCH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR, OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOI{N BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. DEFECTS' I-,fENS' ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS,IN ANy/ CREATBD, rIRST APPEARING IN THE,PUBT.,IC RECORDS OR ATTACHTNG. SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUI PRIOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUTRES OF RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THTS COMMITMENT.6. UNPATENTED I,IINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHOR.LZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF,' WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER.. NOTE: TIMECHANfCTS LIEN'1 AND/OR r?cAprr PROTECTION (EXCEPTTONS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) MAy,BE AVATLABLE WrTH AN OWNER,'5 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ON RESTDENTIAL PROPERTY UPON COMPLIANCE WITH STEWART TITLE GUARANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS TO THOSE SPECIFIC REQUTREMENT (S) NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessnents and any unredeened tax SAJ-ES. 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, -soil conservation or otherdistrict or incluslion in any vrater service or street improvementarea. 9. Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. patents, or in Actsauthorizing the issuance thereof, recorded December 29, I7ZOin Book 93 at Page 42 reserving t-) Riqhts of the propriitor of avein or lode to extract and rernove hi; ore ttrereflon-and 2) Continued on next page CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 93009856 rights ofauthority 1-0. Drainagelot lines way for ditches and canals constructed under theof the United States and utility easement ten feet in width along the sideas shown on the recorded plat of casolar vail II. l-l-. Restrictions as contained in instrument recorded July 25, 1969in Book 215 at Page 649 as Reception No. 11L1-57, and amended in Book 219 at Page 235, as Reception No. 114853. 12. Covenants and restrictions as contai-ned in Document recordedFebruary 7, 1"979 in Book 281 at Page 634 as Reception No.I7Bo42, and Amended in Instrument recorded March 21, l-979 in Book 283 at Page 281- and First Arnendment recorded August 3l-, 1981- in Book 328 at Page 408, as Reception No. 224769, and Second Arnendment recorded January 10, 1990 in Book 520 at Page928t as Reception No. 4I7O97, and Anended and RestatedDeclaration f,or Casolar VaiI, recorded December 11, L992 in BooL596 at Page 495 as Reception No. 492588. 13. Terrns, conditions, reservati-ons, restrictions and obligations ascontained in Easement. and Riqht of Wav for ElectricTransmission Line as cranted'to Holy iross El-ectric Association,Inc., recorded September 2?, 1978 in Book 275 aL Page 834 1"4. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in Easement and Riqht of way for sewer line asgranted to Stewart H. Brown and Deane L. Know and Leo Paynerecorded June 26, L979 in Book 287 at Page 34L 15. Terms, conditj.ons, reservations, restrictions and obligations as:sontaj-ned in Perpetual and nonexclusive right of way and easement for purpose of vehicular and pedestrian access recordeclFebruary 7, l-989 in Book 499 at Page 996 as Reception No. 396186. L6. Easement granted to W. Scott Mclntyre and subsequent owners ofLot 158, Casolar Vail, through the common area, as recordedFebruary 7, l-989 in Book 499 at Page 997 as Reception No. 3961-87. 17. Any loss or damage by the reason ofsaid property described in Book 499396L86, not being properly located, the easernent appurtenant toat Page 996 as Reception No. Continued on next patle o CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SNCTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 93009855 Pursuant to Senate Bill 9L-1-4 (C.R.S. 10-11-122) Notice is herebygiven that: a) The subject real property nay be loeated in a speciaLtaxing district; b) A certificate of taxes due listing each taxingjurisdiction rnay be obtained from the County Treasureror the county Treasurer/s authorized agent; c) fnformation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such distri-cts nay be obtained from the board of County Coramissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the Countv Assessor. Pursuant to Senate Bill 92-L43 (C.R.S. L0-11-122) Notice is herebygiven that: A certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained frorn the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurerts authorized aqent. Project Application '^'" l/tu/uj N ame:-/,1 Project Proiect Contact Description: Person and Phone Archilect, Address and Phone: owner, Address and phone: H *afl Z/t ' ,'i z': , '* ' " ./>o f<r r,. < /rJ- /ztr) zzz- z,16 9 /'7 t.* ftPza.'r#n -Legal Description: Lot Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board ,^" ,/n/qs Motion by: l/' 4 T seconded o, R Fzrl'r (il*fio-"DISAPPROVAL S um mary: O Statl Approval ,yg1o,a La/\tsl O wrttlA"yl\,'{Mu ,,,t{frIt) x]lffi ' tN " - .n. l\t.' '' .ANLV l' r rrll.lH' tPl Y- ,nNLl2 l\ Wt tPPLlearrow ' This procedure :.s ."qoyk"ivariance. The applic/tioninformation is submil{ted. Application PEC MEETING A TZTRIIACE for any project reguesLing awill not be accept,ed until alL CANT a,Ad - iADDRESS 'f,u1, ZI. O APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE "ca164- azab I VAru, eo'bLb6b g+ lJwz&,*oNa-84 - Q/? - 6 ?'l l Pt?rer..rB.NAI.'E OF ADDRESS 6ele*,jpr-nB"'N' !{,J, tp t\ fi,/*' a i 1" iv /\ A1 NAME OF OWNER(S) (type or print) owNER (S) ADDRESS SIGNATURE (S) Fr'l I - ?L/(pb D.TION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIP t,4 BLOCK rrLrNG 6pt,+*fl ADDRE t2l AMa'e, rBy THE FEE rHE COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT PROPOSAL.DEPARTMEN? Stamped, addre opes of the names of owners ofall property ad PROPERTY BEHIND to the subject property INCLUDING CROSS SrREETS, and a list. of theirnames and mailino dTCssEs. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBIE FOR MAILING ADDRESSES. out about a tional submittal requi III, PLEASE THAT A COMPI.,EIE APPLICATION I,L STREAMLINE THE APPR PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY D ING T$E NUMBER OF ITIONS OF APPROVAI THAT THE PL.A,NNI ANDAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULA ILLcoliDrrroNs oF AppRovAL MUS? BE COMPITED WrrH ORE ABtl4LDrNG PERMIT IS TSSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOL],OWING MUST BE SUBMI A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF VARIANCE REQUESTED AND IHE REGULA?ION INVOI, STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: L. The relationship of the requestedother exi-st.ing or potentiai usesthe vicinity. variance to and structures in t_ PAID_.ICK BE PAID BEFO i g. E. F. IV. TIME c. D. 2' ittl:i'i:.::"::i:i'ffi'l:3 :;il:;.;t'l;"o'specified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformj.ty of treatment amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the object.ivesof this title wiLhout grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, lranaportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request conplies with VaiL,s Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least. l" = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor includlng locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, tandscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least L" = 20t showingexisting and proposed buildings. AIl preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient'to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A prelirninary title report. to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is Located in a nuLt.i-family development which has a horneowners' association, thenwritten approval from the association in support of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said associati.on. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning adrninistrator. For interior modifications, an inprovement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conpleteapplication forn and ali. accompanying material (as described above) must be subni.tted a minirnum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as ddLerrnined by the zoningadministrator) wilL be accepted by t.he planning staffbefore or after the designated submlttal date. AII PEC approved variances shafl Lapse if const.ructionis not conmenced within one year of t.he daLe ofapproval and diligenLly pursued to completion. If this application reguires a separate review by anyIocal, State or Federal agency other t.han the Town ofVail, the application fee sball be increased by$200.00. Exarnples of such review, may include, but arenot linited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. lhe applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are i-n excess of 50* of theapplication fee. lf, at the appLicantts reguestr 6nymatter j.s postponed for bearing, causing t.he matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publlcation shall be paid by the applicant. A. F, A.v. c' 3:3:filT"t:T:o"?;"lli"::flH:fr'I:i:nil::'",otber issues which may have a significanL impact on the conmunity may reguire review by consultants other thattonn staff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff lhat an outside consultant is needed Lo reviewany application, Conmunity Development may hire anoutside eonsultant, it shalL estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shallbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the timehe fiLes his application with the Community DevelopmentDepartment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by t,he consultanL, any of the fundsforwarded by the applicant for paynent of theconsultant which have not been paid to Lhe eonsultantshall be returned to Lhe applicanl . Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. (303) 949-4121 FAX 949-0304 March 5,1993 Town of Vail Planning and Enviromental Commission - -,Vail,CO. 816s7 /1 t - .4 t/ / f,lmrc'r'y lccn> 7 RE: Casolar II Parcel 12 Dear Members of the C-ommission. My Client, Can-West Ventures Inc. would like to at this time to formally request a varience to thedifieBinterpatation of tlre requirement concerning private road standards to allow a lM grade upon a private road that we are proposing for ll2l Casolar Drive E. The road in question is currently at a slope of (at times) 2W or greater. It is our intent to improve the road to the best possible gfade available, however the requirement of 8% grade maximum is physically impossible, due to the fact that the existing grades from the end of the road to the street are a fixed difference in elevation as is the length and Lffi is tIrc least arnount of slope possible. This certainly improves the existing condition but does not comply with the standards. For this we seek relief. The improvements has no effects upon the light,air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic,utilities,and public safety,and is not in conflict with the town's comprehensive plan. Le$;*{:i".iltii>q-q: Regards, James Riden A.I.A. MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. uus nctrcufov cL{+ltt d*tLPry-*V I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 22,1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. Indian Creek Townhomes - A request for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, Lions Ridge Subdivision/1129 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. 2. A request for setback and wall height variances to add a garage to an existing residence,located at Lot 10, Block 1, VailVillage 6th Filing/716 Forest Road. Applicant: Neal EricksonPlanner: Tim Devlin 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow lor an "employee housing unit" on Lot 4'1, Glen Lyon SuMivisionll2l? Westhaven Lane. Applicant: Larry GracePlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request lor a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Rd. Applicant: Steve Gensler/Parkwood RealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a wall height variance to allow the construction of hazard mitigation located at Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filingl2039 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Mike GrisantiPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a variance to Section 17.28 to allow the construction of a roadway which exceeds the maximum slope permitted by the subdivision standards which will serve as a duplex to be constructed on Lot 12, Casolar ll/1 121 Casolar Drive. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Go. Shelly Mello W. Scott Mclntyre Tim Devlin 3/51q3 - or%crcrrlss rncLd-rol a-Lr Qt"l Daniel M- Galbretlr,Truste c/o John W. Galbreth & Company 180 E. Broad Street Columbus,OH. 43215 Evan Friedman 40 E. 83rd Street New.York,NY- 10028 Steven Linstrom; tvlargret Forken P.O.Box 1152 Vail,@. 81658 llarry Eugene Lockhart Jr. 29 Kensington Gate London W85NA England Telemark Townhome Association clo Larry Agneberg 1083 Lionsridge Loop Unit 17 Vail,CO. 81657 Martin Rubenstein ll48 Sendstone Drive Vail,CO. 81657 I' George & Jeanne Liss4 Glen Court Pompton Lakes ,NJ. 07442 $#ffi#ffiJl,Ar$o,,* Ctricago Financial Asset Management'Inc 1035 Pearl Sreet Boulder,CO. 803O6 {i i o <.gtt FPH6EEOFPx 3Efio\ (,' !4er uoT B E I E PLEASE MAKE DEYELOP}IENT S,TLES ACTION FORM ' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD D EPA RTi\{E.\T OF COMMUNITY frr; colonanoj arosz 0l 00004r540 ZCI\T\O .d\D A D DR-FJS [.lA]s 0l 000042415 UNTFOR\{ BUILDbIG CODE 0l 0000 {2415 UMFO fu\{ PLUI{B I,.,.'G c oDE 0t 0000 424 I5 UMFOF.\.I !\{ECHANICAL CODE 0t 0000.{2{15 UI\\'IFOR,\I FIRE CODE 0l oO0042q15 | N,TIONAIEIECTRICALCoDE 0l 0000 42415 OTIJER CODE I]OOKS 0l 0000.11543 BLUE PR,INTS (\'YLARS) 0l 0000 i2412 I xeaox coplEs / s'ruDtEs 0t occo423Tt i t'uxat.tyrr,Es/RE.t\spEcnoNs 0l o0c0{!332 i pr-,r"v RgvrnvRE.cHECK mu 1s<d nen Hn.y 0l 0000 423?x OFF HOURS I}ISPECTION FEES 0l 0010 {l{ 12 CONTII,\ CTO RS LICE\S ES FEES 0l cr000{1330 .01 00004r113 SICN APPLIC,\TION FEE 0r 00004t4t3 ADDITIONAIJ5I6NAGE FlE ISI.OO i'ER SO.IT. 01 00c0 424{0 VTC ART PROJECT DONAT]ON 0t 000041331 PRE PAJD DESICN REViEIV BOARD FEE *.0r 0000 41010 T X 0l 0000rr330 0r 00004r330 0l 0000 .u 330 RATION IIIIORETHAN IOOR,IOR ALTI;RAT]ON IIIORE THAN IOO SO.I.T, SPECI L DEVELOP.\ 0l 000041:130 SPECI.AL DEVELOPT DISTRICT tli{h'oR A]\{EVD SUB DIVl S ION 0l 0000.t1330 IZOMNC CODE,t"V ( ,9*jy r-- -tv r€dt€d Wlt,corp*ADo JAN Jan,10 1993 I t99jDBBnPP&rctTroN - rotfN otr t/etL, DATE APPIJICASION RECEIVED : DATE OF'DRB MEETING: t***t***** TSIS IPPLICAIION NIIJ, NOtr BT UNBIL rl.r. REoUTRED INT.ORUIIIrOr***tr*t*** PROJECT INFORMATION: ts to.( 'lu 4 ACCEPTED A- -DESCRIpIION: Conetrution of a Duplex at Casolar II Loi:12,Val1, B. TYPE OF REVIEW; lE llew Const.ruction ($200 .00) Addition ($50.00).ddition ($50.00) (-$on"eptual Review ADDRESS: 11?1 Casolar Ir LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot t2 Block Subdivision Casolar II If property is described bydescription, please provide at,t.ach to this applicaB.ion. zoNrNG: qqplex LOT AREA: If required, applicant must a current stamped survey showing lot area. NAI,IE OF APPLICANI: Canwest Ventures Inc. Mailinq Address 2 229 St.George StreetEal--LJ.ng Aocress a- aat Dr- -r.tl, London, bnt ar i o, Caffii5i5idiG APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: STEVEN JAMES RidEN Address; P.O.Eox 3238,Vai1 ffi MinolAlteration ($20.00) ($0) c. E. r. .I . K. a neets and bounds legal on a separat.e sheet and H.NA}4E OF Mailing NAIT{E OF OWNERS *SIGNETI'RE (S} :Maillng Address Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB 9ES: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplylng for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adJust the fee according t.o the tabLe below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: $ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150r 001 - $ 500r 000 9500, 001 - $1, 000, 000$ over $1,000,000 DESIGN RE|I/IEW BOARD EPPRO\TAJ, EXPIRES ONE YEAR EtrTER TTNAL APPRO\TAI, UNI.ESS } BSII.DIHG PENMIT IS ISST'ED TND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION I|ILL BE PBOCESSED WITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE a-_ L FEE .s 20.00 '$ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 Phone rI. PRE-APPLTCATTON MEETTNG: n pfg-?ppLication neeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to deternine if any additionalapplication information ii needed, rt is ine alplicanttsresponslbitity to make an appolntment with the Llaff todetermine if there are addilionat subnittal requirements.Please note that a coMpLETE applicat.ion will streamrine t,heapproval process for your projLct., TTT A.In additlon to meet.ing submittal requirements. the :applicant must stake and tape the prloject siii, ioindicate property lines, UuitOing iin6s a"O Uuifaingcorners. AII t,rees to be removed must be taped. Alls_ite t.aptngs and staking nust be conpleted piiJ, to theDRB sile visit. Th. applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone durlng tbe winter is not buried Uy snow. - - The review process for NEtrl BUILDINGS normally reguirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review S-oardj aconceptual approval and a final approvat. Applicantsshould plan_on presentJ-ng thelr dlveloprnent iioposal ata minimum of two meeting; before obtaining fi;;iapproval. AppJ-icants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on thej.r scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance that discussion on their it.em bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such tine as the itern has beenrepublished. The,foll.owing items may, at t.he discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComrnunityDeveloprnent Department staft (i.". i formal hearingbefore the DRB nay not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and sirnilar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition.proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeLetters from adJacent proberty owners and,/or fromthe agent for or rnanagbr of any adjacentcondonlnium assocLa,tion stating th6 associationapproves of the addition. If a property is Located in a mapped hazard area (t.e.Bnow avalanche, rockfall, flood btain, debris flow,wetland, et,c), a hazard study must. be-submit.ted and theouner must eign an affidavit recognizing t.he hazardrepoft prior to the issuance of a-building pennit.Applicants are encouraged to cbeck with a-rown pianner Plig-r to DRB application to det,ermine the retationsfripof the property to all mapped hazards. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insioefaee of tfte exterior structural wa1J.s of t.hebuiLding; andb. Indicate with a dashed 1ine on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior facl of thebuilding walts or support,ing colunns. If ?!p approves the application wlth conditions ornodlfications, att conditions of approval must. b;-resolved prLor to Town issuance of- I nuitOing peirnit. B. l\ E. F, 2 G. IV. NEte CONSTRUCIN o A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bva Llcensed survevor, at a scale of 1" = 20, or Larger, on which the following information is provided: Lot area. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or nore, J.n wtrich case, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. 3. nxisting trees or groups of trees having trunkswith dlameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant nat.uralfeatures (large boulders, int,ernittent slreams,etc.). Hazard areas (avalancher rockfall, etc.),centerlLne of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of40t or nore, if applicabJ.e. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS Landmarkor sewer invert. lhis information should beclearly stated on the survey so that a}l measurements are based on the aame starting point.This is particularJ.y important for height neasurement,s. See Policy On Survey Informatlon,for more information regarding surveys. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts. swales,etc. must. be shown. b. Exact location of exlsting utility sources and proposed service lines from their sourceto the structure. Ut.ilities to include: 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. '1. Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric B. c. Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to t,he site. Revocablepermits from t.he town of Vail are requiredfor improvement,s in the right-of-way. d. Property Lines - distances and bearlngs and a. basis of bearing must be shown. e.A11 easements (Title report must also ineludeexlsting easenent }ocaLions) 8. Existing and finiEhed grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side ofthe lot, 25 feet out fron the side property lines. Site Plan 1. I,ocatlons of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spotelevations must be shown. 2. A]1 existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and botton ofwall spot elevationa), and ot.her existing site improvements. and nFgposed qrades slowffierevaLlons and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. AlIridge Lines should be indicated on the 6ite plan.Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedon.the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades.may not exceed gt unless approvedby the Town Engineer. L,,andscape Plan (1tr = 20r or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following infornation nust be provided on thelandseape plan. The location of eiisuing 4'idiameter or larger trees, the location, 5ire,spacing and type (conmon'and Lat.in name) of allexisting and proposed plant rnaterial_. All treesto be saved and to be rernoved must also beindicated. The plan nust al_so differentiatebetween existing and proposed vegetat.ion. 2. Cornplete the attached landscape materials lisr. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwaterinq systens to be enployed Ln caring'forplant material following its-instaflatioi. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify t,he int,er-relation of the variousdeveloprnent proposal components, please incorpoiite asmuch of the above information as |ossible ontb ihe sitep1an. $iqn. gff fr_om, geqh utilifv companv verifying thelocation of utitiry ser-viEeJidEairaUiiiti (seeattached) . A prglininarv title report must accompany aIIsuDrnrtEats, to insure property ownership and Locatlonof all easements on property. ArcbitecquraL_PLqns (L/B,t = Lt or larger, 1/4" ispreterred scaLe for review) 3 copies required. Scaled floor plans and aII elevations of, theproposed development, Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be ,,red-l_ined,r to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFA) r,rascalculated. 3. Reductions of aII elevations and the site pJ.an (S_7/2n x LL"l for inclusion in pEC and/or foinCouncil_ memos may be reguested. 4. Exterior surfacing malerials and material colorsshall be specified on the attached materials list.This naterials list. must be completed andsubnitted as a par! of DF{B application. Colorchtps, siding samples etc., Lhcul_d be presented tothe Design Review Board rneeting. ?9"F=!!F!4 ]+lF, (arrached) must be comptered if projecrls tocated within the Single-Family, primary/Sec6nAiryor Duplex zone distrlcts. Photos of the existing site and where applicabte, ofadjacent st.rucEures. NOTE: D. H. T tne zonrf o*r?".raror and,/o. onelv ,.qlr" .r,"subnlssion of additional plans, drawings,speeificallons, sarnples and other rnateiials (includinga model) if deerned necesaary to determine whether aproJect w111 comply with Oesign GuideLines. v. Photos or sketches which crearJ-y convey the redeveropmentproposal and the Location (site-plan) of tUe redevelbpnent,propoeal may be submit,ted in lieu of the more formalrequJ.rements set forth above, provided aff impoiiintspecifications for the proposal lncluding coftrs inOmaterials to be used are subnitted vr. A. Original fLoor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/gr = Lr or larger(l/4" = 7t is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. rndicate roof ridge erevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. EJ.evations of proposed addition. E, Photos of the existing structure. F. specifications for arl naterials and color samples onnaterials list {attacbed) At the reguest- of the zoning Administrator you may also berequired to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. Sie at.raihei utilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by reglsteredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists alL easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN once a buirding permit has been issued, and construction isunderway, and before the Building Department. wirl. schedule a [ram11g inspection, two copies oi an- fmprovement LocationCertificate survey (If.,C1 stamped by a registeredprofessional englneer must be submitted. the folJ.owinglnformation must be provided on the ILC: Bullding location (s) with ties to properry corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearest tentb of a foot. All utll.ity service line as-builts, showing type ofnaterlal used, and size and exact location-of-iines. Dralnage as-builLs Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. AIl easements. Building floor eJ.evatlons and all roof ridge elevationswith exlsting and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. A. B. c, D. E. F. G. fl. urrr.ro*.rrt" ort* *uru* A. Sub$ittal reouirements: The owner or authorized agent.of any project requiring design approvaL as prescrJ.bedby this chapter may subnit plans for conceptuat reviewby the Destgn Review Board to Lhe. Department of Conmunity Development. The conceptual revLew isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibiliLy of their proposat with ttre Town's Design Guidelines. This procedure ls recornmendedprimarily for applications more complex than slngle-famlly and two-family residences. However, developersof eingle-fanily and two-family projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be subrnitted10 days prior to a schedul.ed DRB neeting. The fol.]owing information sbal-l be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a mj,nimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual eLevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposedstructure or structuresi 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complles with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, sit.e coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.)t 4. Completed DRB applicatj.on forrn. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Cornrnunity Development sha1l review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. ff the proposal is in basicconpllance with the zoning code requirements, theproJect shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance wlth zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a writ.ten explanation as to whythe Conmunity Development Department staff has foundthe project not. to be in cornpliance with zoning codereguirements. Once a complete appJ.ication has beenreceived, the DRB shalI review t,he submitted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order todetermine whether or not the project generally compliessrith the design guideJ-ines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. ,l, o" *r"*ro", NA}{E OE PROJECT: LEGAL, DESCRIPTTON: LOrl!_ BLOCK SUBDIVISION STF€ET ADDRESS: Casolar II Duplexx,ll2t Casolar The following Review Board information isbefore a final MATERIATS: required approval TYPE OF for subraittal can be given: MATERIAT to the Design A.BUII-,DING Roof Siding Other vlall Materl-al.s Fascia Soffits Windows lfindow Trirn Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Stucco/stone metal clad L,AIIDSCAPING: Name of Desisner: Pfione: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* wood wood netal nla colar coded metal B. 67vr-e b " t*'' lb lo'lz: . z.-"Jt 6 noneEX]STING TREES TO BE REMOVAD *Indicate ealiper for deciduous trees. COLOR trees.Indicate PLANT l"*roO Boranicar Nane ;**"" t" PROPOSED STTRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Ouantitv Size* It> td - -!#l-g.l *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND CO\TERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRTGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OT EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. TVpe Minimum size of shrubs is $guare Footaqe C" LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lightingshor{ tbe number of fixtures and Locationslighting p1an. Identify each fixture from is proposedr please on a separaEethe J.ight,ing planheight above D.oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaini.nE walls, fences, swimmingpooIs, etc.) Please specify. tndicate heights of'retaininiwarrs. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximurn height of wal..l.s elsewhere 6n tEe propertyis 6 feet. l^ww #tv- W,ga, tc ttwtql+ 4' r++x AWnll - UTILITY TOCATION VERIFICATION /^,( "t&ot4,t J ,:tPOt atS'r rctJ LOT />BLOCK ADDRESS U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-5781 Gary Hall SUBDIVISION JOB NAME Holy Cross Electric 949-5892led Husky,/Michael 6F FILING Authorized Siqnature Date Pts The location and availabil-ity of utilities, whether they be main!.r""I ]lr.i or pTgqoged tinel, must be approved-anO verifieA nV - the following utilities for tLe accompanlring site plan. Assoc. Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water& Sanit.at.ion District * 4'16-7 480 Fred llaslee location. This shourd be used in conjunction witrrpreparing a utility plan and scheduliiginst.allations. 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a completed utility verificitionform. 3. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representativeshourd note directly on the utirity vlrificat.ionform that there is a problen which needs to beresolved. rf the issue is rer-atively complicatedrit should be spelred out in detait in an ittacrreJ'letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keeoin mind that it is the responsibifiti bf tneutirity company and. olvner to resorve- identifiedproblems. 4. rf the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and nocomments are made directly on the form, the Townwirr presune t.hat there aie no probrems and thaithe development can proceed. 5 - These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a srreer cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to d-ioqinq in an@ or easement inthe Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not as!.regt qut permit. A street@e' obtaj_ned separateLy. *. Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining upper Eagle valrey water & sanit,ation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. kl=/z' ///A a>- /r- 2)- 77 D^at-?? r*/z- NOTE: 1 This form is to verify service availability and o ILTF ! coP y TAWN OF VAIL 79 Soutb Frontage Road. Vail, Coloraila 81657 3 0t -479-21 1 I / 47 9-21 19 Sincere$, ,/ ffitut Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Department of Conmunity Deae loprnent January 20, 1993 Mr. Art Abplanalp Dunn, Abplanalp, and Christensen, P.C. 108 South Frontage Road Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 BE: Casolar ll, Lot 12 Dear Art: Atter many discussions about the amount of development potential available for Lot 12, Casolar ll, the Town of Vail staff has come to the conclusion shown below. I have reviewed the file, discussed the information with our Town Attorney Larry Eskwith, and discussed this information with the planning staff. We believe that the June 27,1981 Planning and Environmental Commission variance approval allowing a total of 3380 square feet ot GRFA for this lot is still valid today. I have attached the memorandum from the staff dated July 27, 1981, outlining the issues and clarifying the recommendation and have also attached the minutes from the meeting documenting the decision. As stated in earlier letters from the Town of Vail, each side of the duplex will be entitled to an additional 225 square feet as well as a two car garage not to exceed 600 square teet. lf you have any further questions, please call me at 479-2138. ,/p,/-q/f['2,/ I / ([,,' 4'n (Y*/ - Fq A, Casolar Vail II. '--- ---:-*-. I _--:-- I t' t. -t, ..FL^ ,r!^. * ^^-^: r^-:^l ^;, -.,:; :_ rr-r -. ,.. z. The Toun considered all along in this matter that Deane Knox r,ras the legal ..i.]',:].''; :...r;::-..-i::-:":,, . representatit6and spokesnan for alL xequests (including those for site.,-' , -,..,,- representafiV6and spokesnan for alL xequests (including those for site --.'=.''.--...12)concerningtheCaso1arPTopeTty.rt.isnow'c1eat'thatMr.Knoxwas t...''...:.'.::::l:1l911-;.1"{T::'l:':I:.'Ti1*c''T-:..::.".}2.:u^qll?l'l:T^lu"':":, ' .'-.'r,:: i'' h^+. -:...:i..i,:,i:i;:.- .. ,,-. the property owner of that site., However, it is obvious that l,fr.''. .,':,:,'.;,i-, McDonald was ar,i'are that Mr. Knox was asking for a GRFA variance on.site ,...-.-,..,i,,,-' 12 in the original application in the fall of 1980, : " .: -:-;',1.: t1.....:', -...t I ' : :;lt'] ,l:.S.,ll,ff-. McDonald appears to be an innocent third party victirn of extensive ..".!.,'$]li:,l":i.-.l..:.r-',-loibhan<l1ingsof.theprojecton.thepartof}dr.Knox.'''...:'.]'].'.' The Staff has completed a considerable anount of research on this rnatter sincethe last PEC nmeting at which, the request for a GRFA variance of 2g64 squarefeet wag tabled, There are sl6 square feet of GRFA left on 1ot A-7 at thistirne ana the request is for 2 units of 1690 sq ft, each, totaling gsg0 sq ft,Thus, 3580 ninus 516 equals a GRFA variance oi zgo+ sq-ft. The 3380 .q rt iu, 9Pprux is a reflection of the covenants of the prope"ty and is the naxinurn atlowed.The following represents a sri$mary of sorne of thesi: findings: 1. Although at the PTC neeting of August 22, 1978 everyone agreed the buildingenvelopes uere 'rsitesrr only and not 1egal Lots, the plat which was signedby the PEC chairman stated that these envelopei were lots. j,?{ro9ac1ol_ ot-GKfA--aggregate or Pel unit;.At the'Augugt. 22r.IY7-B PIU : ,i .::t'l;:rneeting, I{r, Knox estinated (because the slope analysis was not done) ... ...,..... ,..the'project would be lL units.of 1400 square feet GRFA'eachi,;Later; the .:-,-'., ii1400 sq ft was referred to,seve:al tirnes (evidently taken as the estirlated::' : ,":':ir : i.,.;i. irrulsnanor 1ngs or Tne PXOI ecE on tne PaIC o! fvlr. ^nOX. :.'- -':-*.1-^ i :-i . :1+...:r!:i'.^,- : - r-:,i .-.i.+ .'.:.::: -:'::".i' ';--,.fhdib never was a clear understanding on the part of the staff bs to the ''', .ai,.-,i.:...+ ,-, qllocation_ of -GRFA--aggregate or per-gnit. .ni: ttre August 22, 197.8 PFC. : o lle feel that, due to our lastest research, that this is a very unusual caseand that l'1r. McDonald did not inflict this hardship upon hirnself. There wereinconsistent actions taken bn.t.he part of the staff cbnce"nir,g tte project aswel1. l{Ie do not think that this would be a precedent-setting granting becauseof the totalLy unique conditions surtounding thi.s project. The e1!g which relief g:gq._4g__:E4gr Sr literal interpretation,and en- orcement a specified regulation is necessaSE-iEEIEvE tibility andunifornity of treatment sites in the vic or to atta ecttves The effect sf. the r sted variance on li t and air distribution oft10n an ties an LIL and public safetyuand Dublic safety. ! There are no effects on these iactors--- constitute a grant of special privilegeproperties,classified in the sane o That the granting ofsafety, or wel.farer. the vicinity. That the variance is be to detrinental properties the public health, improvenents in to OT warranted for There are. exceptions orto the site of the vari,to the site of the variancein the sane zone. McDonal d RECOMMENDATION: The Staff feels that, for the reasons stated throughout this neno, that this GRFA variance whould be granted. We feel it is an unfortunate situation that wetre. in this posi.tion at this tine; but don't feel that lr{r, McDonald is basically at fault. lfe feel that due to the obvious 'bxceptions or extraordinary circun- stances or conditions appl.icable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone" provision that we can xeconrnend approval ,,providing that the following condition be met: 1. That the 2864 square feet plus 516 square feet, totalling 3380 square feet nust be applied only to site 12, lot A-7, Casolar Vail II. o' i PIANI,IING Al.lD ENVIROI{ENTAL COI'$IISSION JuIy 27, L98l I{EIIfBERS PRESENT Gaynor tr{iller Gerry lthite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Scott Edwards Jim }forgan Roger Tilkeneier 1. Approval of ninutes_of rneeting of July 13, 1981. STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack COUNCIT REPRESEMATIVE Dr. Steinberg Dan Corcoran noved and Duane Piper seconded to aPProve the ninutes. Vote was 4-0, unanimous, 2. Request for arnendrnent in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 18.66.160 o6 1 ar Cluster to Primary,/Secondary fon Doyle Hopkins. Peter Patten explained the uremo and siroi*ed whgre. the project uas in re*ation to Cliffside and Briar Patch. Dick Ryan stated that the staff felt the change in zoning would inprove the site pla:r and elininate an horrendous road. Discussion followed as to whether or not to allow P/S GRFA or retain the RC GRFA. ft was also pointed out that at the time of annexation, the area was arbitrarily RC with the knor+ledge that sone people would want to change later, and that sone lots would be penalized, Peter felt that, allowing: more flexibility was a benefit without needing to grant additional GRFA also. Ed Drager, representing the olr'ner, stated that they agreed with conditions I and 2, birt not with 3 (restricting the allowable GRFA to RC). He felt-that surrounding properties had been t'given" additional GRFA, and added that there would be higher density all around this lot. He also felt that the ornnet would be making the lot look bett,er by changing zones. Gerry ltrhite reninded the applicant that he wanted to develop i slope over 40%, and that if given the privilege to" do this, he should.be content with a lower GRFA. Duane askecl if tf,ey could have'asked for a variance to build on.the steeP slope. o PEC -2-7 /27l8l Peter pointed out that the staff doesntt rnake finalthat the DRB has that, jurisdiction. Bill- Post representing the developers of The Ridge (Va11ey Associates) requestedof the cornnission that if they allow a .road near the top of the lor, that, it berequired (as well as the house) to be below the ridge 1ine. He stated that allthe buildings in The Ridge were required to be within envelopes uith.height-re-strictions so as not to interfere with the ridge line. Peter felt that it appearedthat the driveway'could be built so that it r*al viriuatiy inuiriuru-iro*-if.t""-- Ridge units',and that that was the reason the staff was enthusiastic about thesite near the top, Scott noved to reconnend to the Tor,,n Council th;t they grant the request to changethe zoning from RC to p/S $ith the first tNo conditio;s*as written in the neno,and with a change in the third condition to read:J) that they cooperate withthe staff i"n developing the site so the road ox any structure will fall betowthe ridge 1ine. decisions on sitirg, but scott then changed the third condition to read: g) thar the applicant nake a concerted effort to place the road and structure below the ridge line.Gaynor seconded the nrotion, and after discussion the vote t*.a s i fo. (6aynor andscott), 3 against (Duane, Roger and Gerry) with Dan and Jin abstaining. Roger then moved then moved that the reconr,nendation to the Council_!_e_-for approvaltliththethreeconditionsa5statedinthestaffmenro.ouaneseconaJJ Discussion followed as to r,;hether or not to xestrict the secondary unit to rentalto.an enployee of Gore Valley. Ed stated.that.they would then rvithdraw thdirrequest. Gerry reiterated his concern about building bn a 40% slope. Dan felt lll"_ah: T9*,ttf gaining because- of. thp'fact::that, tiere would be eorpfbyee housing.Uaynor felt that the site Hith p/S zoning rr,as a better one. was 2 for (Roger and Duane) and 3 against (Gaynor, Scott and Gerry), and Jim abstaining, The vote with Dan Concern about reflecting the feelings of all the nrembers to the CounciL """'f"Ir.Gerry stated that he felt no change in zoning was needed, but that a variancecould be applied for. Jin.stated that, he didnrt see how the;coruoissioneiscould have staied that they would consider lbts in this "."*. "t a later daie.and then now state that it shouldri tt be reconsidered.- 6erry felt that to isotate\1lot and rezond didnlt makETeniEl.' Dick.Ryan rerninded tlrq coromissioners thatth'.t there-were special circurastances and that it r,ras stated that they woufdgo back and reconsider, Peter s'aid that the staffEd. not consider this spotzoning. Larry Eskr*ith felt that this would not be considered spot.zoning.:Th.rr,no reconmendation for either afprovat or denial was forwarded tl Tor,n cou""ii. o PEC -5-7/27/ Dan felt that the Town of Vail has not been without fault, and that there was. lots of confusion on both sides. He thought that lrfcDonald knew before he ever built on lots 15 and 15. He added that it h'a s an unfortunate situation and agreed with the Tourn of.Vail staff that it needed to be put to rest. He felt, lhat it wasnr t just the lorr'nts'.fau1t. Gerry lVhite agreed that enough nistakes has been rnade, lr{artin Rubenstein, a resident of Casolar asked for information on the proposed structure, and Peter pointed out that all the enveloPes had been agreed upon by the Casolar Hone Orners Association, and if changes are nade, they nust be approved by the Association. l'lartin r{as concerned about height. .Dick suggested that he leave..his nane and phone rvith the secretary and he would be notified as to ir'hen the proj ect came before DRB . I'fart in stated that as far as the honeotvner neetings were concerned, he was notified after the last neeting. Duane noved and Dan seconded to grant approval to the r-equest for a GRFA variance in accord rrrith the staff memo. The vote r"as 6=0 in favor with Scott abstaining. 4'. A request' for a minor subdivision approval under Town of Vail Subdivision ;esuiatlii Valley, Phase IV. The applicant is requesting to revise the siting of 2 duplex units and to allow a nore ftexible siting for a single farniiy unit, Applicant: The Valley Associates. Peter shorsed 4 sets of plats and explained the nerno, adding that the requests did not affect GRFA, as the project is allotted a total of 24,800 sq ft, and the de{rel6per is allor,red to allocate that as they wish. Craig Snowdon showed the plans, Peter stated that the staff felt that abandoning the lot line betwee' lots 2 & 3 would inprove the siting of the units and that the relocation of the lot.. line betrieen lots 4 and 5 would clean up those lot lines. Gaynor_moved and Rog-er seconded to approve the request e€..per staff nemo. The vote wa-s 5t0'in favor.with Dan and:Jip l'1.'lbstaining. 5. Application for a conditiona! use permit for a lrater collection systen and pump of Red.sandstone Creek and Gore Creek. Applicants: Vail Associates, Inc. Dick Ryan reviewed the nemo. Gerry was cbncerned with the'rnininun stream flow, . and Dick stated that there,rwas-a mininun stream flow.estabLished for Gore Creek. Jim Clark representing VA said that they. had presented the required environnental assessrnent, with a discussion on rninimun strean flow. He added that much water r+ould be put back into the strean. Jirn C.' stated that ho believed that the maximum , amount VA will take,from the strean will be 1-1/2 rnillion gallons per day total for the first phase, and when the second phase is completed, the naximrn total will. be 2 rnillion. Gerry felt that. the rnininurn flow hidn,t beeir addressed, Jim o 8i . !._F PEC -4- .7/27/8r for,repairing any darnage:tb the vrt 6"r Y r'rr ' '-' :'lt'li ' 1: a naximin noise level be gibe given. The vote was 4-0 with Roger, Dan and Jin abstaining. 6, Applicati6n fbi an exterioi alterat.ion or modificatioir in Co:mnercial Coie 11for the Concert. HaII PIaza' Building to construct an entrance.to the Studio frornthe eastern side and to revise the steps to the Conceri !IaLL P\aza. Application is'rnade in accordance with section rs.r4,06s of the vail l,funicipal codii The location is on Lot I, Vail tionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Vail Underground Inc. Peter Patten presented the merno, and Bill Pierce described the retail spaces and the new entrance on the east side. Jeff Selby said he had talked with Montaneros and that it was highly improbable that the entrance planned on the east will be affected. He went on to discuss holr nuch of the new space should be counted toward required .parking spaces. He went on to explain the agreemenr wit.h VA on the use of the North day parking lot. Gerry felt that it lras imporcant to have a letter fron VA :substanti.ating the:,parking agreemeot, because VAts expansi.onof the Gondola Building was also based on the parking available at the North day lot . Jin l'{organ pointed out that other Uuif angi in Lionshead also used the North day l"otr.but also paid a parking fee. I'hrch disagreernent between Selby "nd th" Stafi ensuea, '.eg.iling'the correct idaitional-colruneriial squdre footage being added to conpute parking spaces required. Gerry felt that the cornnission would accept the staffrs reconulendation,. (Peter said that they would refigure the parking spaces.) Dan moved Roger seconded to aPprove the reconaendation to the Council for the alteration with the two conditions of the staff. After nore discussion concerni.ng the amount of space being counted for additional comnercial area, Dan moved to add an anendment to the reconrnendation to add a definition of what is going to be counted bd reviewed by the planning staff and the Tom attorney. Roger seconded this motion, and the vote was 6-0 in favor' (Duane had left-) to approve the c-onditiona.l use permit with the a third that says: 5.' Applidant is. responsible bike path, 'and:a 4th:..i::;t, 4;...A statenent, regarding Roger rnoved and seconded toDan adjourn. The nreeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.rn- JOH N W, DUNN ARTH U R A. AB PLANALP, JR. ALLE N C, CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAUB DIANE L. H ERMAN T9LEPHONEI (3O3) 476-7552 TELECOPIER: (303) 476.4765 mc'ut *ll LAw OFF|cEs DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRTSTENSEN, P.C. A FROFESSIONAL CORPORA'IION VAIL NATIONAL BANK BU ILDING surrE 3OO I OB goUTH FRoNTAGE RoAD WEST VAtL. CoLoRADo 81657 ',/TERRYW' HANNAH 4 January 1993 11 lv\ ._tMr. Andy Knudtsen f l, ,, L,i" iTown of VaiI i\i F r \Department of Community Development l- . L'"Vail, CO \' f" r HAND DELTvERED I y\, - |fl \t' ,rr'// Re: Parcel t2, Casolar vail II 'L L'1 "' \P \J .*.--: r , Dear Andy, ' i' 1t.! As you are ar^rare, this Office represents Canslest Ventures, A ,,!ul)Inc., which is the prospective purchaser of the above property.*i la-"' , In mid-December, I requested, on behalf of our client, ; ^ t"confirmation of the GRFA limitations affecting the above I-J-"-\property. After clarification regarding the amount of square l\footage permissible in lieu of a separate calculatlon of mechanical space, I forwarded to you a modified request forconfirnation. You then advised my office that, because of the nature of the request, it would be a couple of l,\teeks before you could give me a response. f understand that, you desired to review the question wlth Kristen Pritzr who was Uo be out of Town, and to review the file, which I have also found to warrant review. Two weeks have now passed since our last conversation, and our client still needs the sonfirmation, clarification, or contradiction, as appropriate, of the Town of Vail relating to the information which was contained ln my most recent letter, a copy of which is attached. In view of the apparent lack of certainty regarding this property, we ask that the Town of Vail's response be characterized as a certification in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section we have requested one extension of time of the seller in order to permit a response to our inquiry, and that request,ed extension expiresthis week. For that reason, an early response to our earlier inguiry, in the certificate form, would be grg appreciated. ry trul DUNN, ABP xc: Canwest Ventures, Inc. ur A. Abplana JOHN W, DUNN ART H IJR A, ABPLANALP, JR, ALLEN C, CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAUB OIAN E L, H E RMAN TELEPHONEI (303) 476-75s2 TE LECOPIER: (303t 476-4765 LAw OFFIcES DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHR|STENSEN, F),C. A FIIOFE65IONAL CORPO'IATtON VAIL NATIoNAL BAN K B U I LoING surrE 30() I 08 SoUTH FRoNTAG E RoAD WEST VAIL, CoLoRADo at657 JERRY W. HANNAH Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Depart.ment of CommunltyVail, CO I{AND DELIVERED 18 December 1992 DeveLopment Re! Parcel L2, Casolar Vall If Dear Andy: This Office represents Canwest Ventures, Inc., which is theprospective purchaser of the above property, On the 9th of June, L992, you direcLed to Ms. Kit Abraham aletLer relat,ing to the above property. A copy of that letter isattached. Your letter was lntended to follow up on and clarify aletter which had previously been sent to Mr. Larry Agneberg fromBetsy Rosolackrdated the L2th of February,whlch ls also attached. In reviewlng the potentlal and the timiLations affecting the above property, a question has been raised regarding theapplication of the space permitted to be constructed on theproperty. I would like to summarize our client's understandingsof the posltlon of your Department, and to confirm thoseunderst.anding, specifically:1. Two dwell_ing unlts mayafter which the parcel2. Each dwelling unit maya. 1690 square feetb. 225 square feet be constructed on the parcel, may be subdivided for sale; have:of GRFA;of GRFA credlt related to mechanical;c. two garage spaces with a total of 600 square feet. If our client's understanding of the Town's posit,ion in thisregard is correct, we would appreciate your confirmation of thatfact beJ.ow. If that understandlng is not correct, please advise me of the position of your Department at your earLiestopportunity. Thank you for your aLt.ention The foregoing 1s confirmed: Vail Department of Community Development Byl Ve Arthur A. Abpla this matter. N, P.C. o I.ilovenibe:: 30, 7992 l4r, Glen E. Idood 329 St. ceorge St- Iondon, Ontario Canada N6A3A9 Dear Mr. V,lbod, At the November 27, 1992 Board of Directors }deeting for Itre Casolar Hcneowners' Association, tJe Board unanimously approved your preUmjxary building plans for Iot 12, contingent upon your not requestjng a variance in noving tte existing building envelope for Lat 12. Ttre Board wittrholds final ap,proval until you bave presented ccrq)lete buildingplans for Iot 12. Sineerely, , Secretary-Treasurer Phone 303-476-0430 APR 1A '92 APFA9-1932 tt:31 lotttt P. 1 fgEe ls l.rz'' [i: r.i iib: a:8 p k 8 ict;ll 'i.: .i L h i $ '' 75 touth trontdgr rord Ydt' oolotsdo 015$7 tlryslfii'ult[. (40s) {t$11s9 ' E'dbtuarl. 1Z'r 1992 Mr. Larry .ltqinebarg;i; Ptna6nt'iii Goie nanEe Propertieg . '511 LlonEhead MalL .vaifr Qolorado 8165? Re3' Log'12; Casolar 1I otlice of oom|nunltY developmenl Dear LraffY: l,ot'12r Casolar If,r lE^zoned-Residential Cluster' and iE also part, o! a pranned hevitoprnent.. 'iIE"iI-i"-peirniti,ed a duplex' or 2 untts.. paru of the restricttoilI-oi-Ciioitt II 'developnefiu 'is a restrlct,eO maxirnirn"i[re-"i-rOSit'i;Ir-unit' In add'itlonr Ordinance No. rs, of 1991, arrows for an "6Eiti'J"it zii square feet f,o each ionntriicted unit on Lot 12' All lots i'n .$asolar 1I 'must be con$truct'ed within an approved bultdlng env€lope. Please f,ee1 f,ree. to call if you have any guestions' t{rcftz DEB #,m rJ*r{se D"erylt4*e : /Daf -fr^yi +lt, k+t?" {r:tfrh,* 4fu. ,/ /rffut a-J ,*y' rut^ ill H7e4.V b**L )*.i' ' // o77rtuol, lf;retf,ra,vs irl r) '- -u"t* {EFn G//4 -zz'^-) -/ Vor,l .,i - z) - /uL-/,e, l?+/s r -fu o&V*y'*r'"/ qyrat*l y iii&c&7 + *,k /4*- ii, fD- ia**ta",z, ^, V*1../ ,j , ,iE - /q o 'rii"l*s sthc? // pEB no*<15; - - [ ilL FE- *.*k . &t;zD.*t *#., - brc,,.* fu pEE OErS r'e,k'fr*- - 6"L rftal,'*' /- T't t* 7h Ert '"rrt-.^e/ 1/4 12. 24 ,s".f.o,2 O lr;,(j a&+ ,A"& :ft ?A aral ry O favf7//ftTar INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW {to*, Dtwtl DATE SUBMITTED , Zh/qg DATE OT PUBLIC IIBARING fJ COMMENTS NEEDED BY: I/b/qV BRIEF DESCRIPTION OE' THE PROPOSAT: ''*oru fr- E.IRE DEPARTMENT nv(, 2t-P Reviewed or, \\n*,q,',",Date: 2; 1 - *' \ Date: DaLe: Date: comments z (tc7t,S Snsa-.*--, 5\- .rE . {tj..^-\--, \.'Nl Cea;creo -l -Snro''u-) A<-4!'w-Lvl+ft.t ar.L eltdl5 / *._'-r'-tal*g rif ,+-fino1 (iu,es) Jif4.ull. r ^;,8" i x,^';:::J\ \'y;;" o/#"' i; "r p-:,b/ct.-fi-ht r-c'-" 'n&\ 'gc-.<s5 tr.-sr-.,I'. : Y.::n,l tL"''y r\ - \J\\ r\.!_s 3 ?. iw\<1r r_ Bs/-;:_,..POTTCE DEPARTMENT /yr.,,u @ (BUf,6*rr/ys) Q tE/ &*qf[, PUBI-,IC WORKS Reviewed by: Comment.s: Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DF;PARTMBNT Reviewed by: Comnents: -\,7 - I ^,'r\( \\v'\/ \\\ pno,lnd Reviewed by: Comment.s: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DBPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comment.s: fo t fah*/futr INTER-DEPARTMDNTAL REVIEW frud*. Datu/ lva,u W" (BHf , &rrrlgts) A //zr &*quI ,u-,:Jlt'" dre.,no I ,pu,- 4- +6-.' t Eo,t - VtA DaLe: f^4 f L 'rl ,E ?lh o[vue- i: sr% t Ave,rny, ' #4^##*ffi"nk*" tt ns) es,z^e-r 2,.( lw*ruf, DArB SUBMTTTED : 47/79 DATE OF PUBLTC HEARTNG// COMMENTS NEEDED BY: I/P/q7 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLTC WORKS Reviewed by: /2Y' A/"^ A/-4tl Dat e: Dage: Date: I L *;p';Jfff7'r';"2c (ttrf ,oru f, Daawru4s /"F/tH?t/ €e*T fa /or) Date: INTBR-DBPAR?MENTAL,NEVI BW DATE OF PUBLIC IIBARING I PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: ,. coMMENrs NEEDED BY: elGlqg - BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ,rrora ooon* Reviewed byl Comment.s: POI,TCE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Commenes: RECRU\TION DEPARTMBNT Reviewed by: Comment.s: DAEE: Date: T'IRB DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:46{Date; comment's' I) a.,A-'e-,u;r r?R'z<:;7s;a4- &C', 4.to)- fv4'--,'o '^'/ ,/52.r--o- 4 C--<-.-,J' '-) cn'n* "-n7 7n/ c.*zn,.nda/ c-/re,-e''''-07- o,q-r'iZ ts S/<.o-J @ 7/ 'a2'''-{'z - . .-2. .{ ZtZo'- '4"ir<'t /u'}u ' aoZONE CHECK a FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS t \ IDATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lot Lz 112L Casolar BLock Filing ADDRESS: O[rrNER W.Scott Mgtntyre pI{ONE 20L-228-2463 ARCHITECT Steven Jannes Riden A.f.A.pHONE 303-949-4121 ZONE D]STRICT PROPOSED USE P.U.D. **LOT SIZE AlIowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed g- %j6 TotaI Height Tota1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping + 425 + 425 20, r.5, L5' (30) (s0) Retaining WalJ_ Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 3'/6t 4 n"qro (3001 1essl 1999, 4 A ft200]l (m Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope frTn No ', ') .) **Note: Under Sections 1g . j.2.090 (B) and 1g .13.0g0 (B) of t.he Municipalcode' Iots zoned Two Family and primary/secondaiy which are less t,han15,000.sq. fr. in area may nor eonstruat a secona dwerring uniil Thecoryu1i!'y Deveropment Deplrtnent may grant. an exception t6 thi;restrictiol Provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth undersections ]-8-72.090(B) ana ib.13.080(B) of the launicipai coa.-i""iudingpermanently restricting the unit as a rong-term rentel unit for fuLr-time employees of the Upper Eagle VatJ.ey. * Dat.e approved Yes by Town Engineer: Vielr Corridor Encroachment: EnvironmentaL./llazards :L) Flood ptain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic flazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wel.Lands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition?How much of the arrowed 250 Aardition is useffiiEis reguest? I 10 FpR 1A '!la 16:31 VAIL \iJiy A5E0C. 383-4?6-8e63 Fm-.89-1q92 11131 FRu4. . r+rlFfruoesrrnL GRp ru ' P.l r..-_-*. t ^^ .r;r;ilAff{ I11g,g? A na{q 7Y'a1a4sert '47q x/57 ' 75 south tlgnHgs rotd YdL ad?tsdo 81667 (gosl47s'?138. (Eosl4?s'21s9 ' FeDruaty lei 1992 Mr. LarEy A$reberg;7; P;nahtiir Goie nange Fropertles. 511 Liorrshead MaII . vallr'Cotorado 8165? Be: ' luot.'XZi .CasoXar II Dear La*y: Lot'12, Casolar Ifr lE zoned Residential Cluster' and ig also pate of a ptanned-ileve1opnrent,.. 'ili-'il"fs-Pe.mttted a duplexr .or .2 unlts.' Part of tslrg;esuricgioii-oi casoiar rr developmenc ls a restr.lct,ed maxlnumdnre or lqsi'';Er-"nit' rn addltlonr ordi'nance No. ls, or tggti'*Jr'iffit3"H-LfiEiti'i""i zii iqua=t fdet to eaclt constructed unlt oq Lot 12. AIl lots in.Casolar rI inusb be construcued within an apprsv€d bulldlng €nv€Iope. Please f,eE1 f,ree. to call if you have any gue$tions' ottice ol community develoPmenl Ey. !4.v.. /.i |!.F; D F i. E t.:t' s t:,i 'l I + T GRANT OF EASEMENT \\ THIS EASEI"IENT is granted this _l5ch day of =JqnrEal=- ---, 198 9 , -Uy cAsoL/\R yAIL ItOl,IE OWNERSASsocIATIoN, a cof6-rado - not-foi_profit corporition( "Casola;tt 1 . RECITALS A, Casolar is the fee sinple ovrner of a certain realproperty l0cated i'Eagle county known as the connon Area ofcasolar l,rail and casoiJr r,rair rr' as def inea t y oecrarauion ofcovenants and Restrictions ror casorar vait recorded onFebruary 7, Ig7g, in Book 281 at page 634 of the pubticrecords of Eaqle c_ounty, Colorado, and-which is a portion ofLots A-7, 4-6 and e-d,' ii""l=-nias", Filing IIo. J-. EagleCounty, Vail (the rCornrnon Area,; ;. B' w' scott Mcrntyre is the contract purchaser or ownerof Lo! !2, casolar vaii !r, """ of the residential unitsserved by the Common Area and. Casolar. c' No residentiar structure has yet been constructedon Lot l_2, Casolar Vail II. D' Vehicurar and ped.estrian access to Lot L2 across t,heCommon Area may be necessary. GRANT NoW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises,prornise and covenants co'tains- herein, and other goodvaluable consideration : 1. Casol.ar hereby grants and conveys to the fee sirnpleowners and successors in -interest to said LoL 12, ancr theirguests and invitees, a perpetual and nonexclusive right-or-way and easenent. for purpo="" or vehicular u.o ped.estrianaccess to said Lot 12 across the Conmon Area. 2. The easernent .granted herein constitutes an easementand covenant running witrr trre- jano. t!() \J a{ l! F the and + Ltl -r>F L- .e- Ltl -,1\(fi\() .. ul r-r | | (rl -rJt\ [n D. 0- lF{ir I I 0't"{il- -r I .-t-*1 ttl Ltj Z-.2 cr. cl : . |., IN I^iITI,IESS WHEREoF,effective the day and year (CoRPOFATE SEAIJ) STATE OF COLORADO . - Ownere ..C,s$-odlatlon. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTI OT'EAGIE this Grant of Easementfirst above set forth.is executed CASOI.,AR VAIL HOME svrorn to and acknowledged before me this ) ) , lgg g, byas Fresident of casotiT-vEfr lt6mE 't ''rl -!: t .:.: :a i-! .u t.) )) ss. ) .,.r'ltb*lf..tb::, s\.norn to and. acknovrledged. before ne this --}f}=_*,Qdif oi Janrnr]' , I9gg, by@ - as-Eecrerary of 6asorEFvEfT-nGEu\,iners Asscciation. Witness.my hand and official sea_.My commission expires: tititii ASSOCIATION Attest: lorado Springs, -2- ( r''o o o o-L.}$D TITLE GUARENTEE CO}IPANY DfSCIOSURE STATB,IENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subJect real- property may be located in a special taxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of taxes Due ligting each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the CounLyTreasurer,s authorized agent. c) Ehe information regarding speeial districtE and the boundariesof such districts may be obtained frou the Board of County commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. RequJ.red by senate 8i11 92-143 A) A certificate of Taxes pue listing each taxing jurisdiction shall- be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorized agent. SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Exceptions) our order No. V20221 15. DRAINAGN AND UTILITY BASEUENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALOI{G TNE SIDE I.OT I,IIIES AS SfiOI{I{ ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF CASOIJAR VAII' TT. 16. TERI'IS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECI,ARA:TION OT RESTRICIIONS COVENANTS AND USES FOR THE E.LST TINIT AND IHE I{EST ITNIT OF IJOT 12 CASOLAR DEI.| I{ORIE II RECORDED JUtl 17, 1980 rN BOOK 305 AT PAGE 559 AND AttENDMENf THERSIO RECORDED DECS,IEER 22, 1980 IN BooK 315 AT PAGE 170. ool ALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 4 SCIIEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V2O?21 Ehe policy or pollcies to be issued rrill contain exceptionE to thefollowing unlesE the sane are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Companys 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet, 6. Taxes and asseEsments not yet due or payable and special assesaments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs offlce. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessraents against said tand. 8. Liens for unpaid nater and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRTEIOR OT A VEIN OR I.ODE TO EXTRAC" AND REMOVE IIIS ORE THEREFROM STTOUI..D TTTE SAI{E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSEqT THE PREUISESAs RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PAIENT RECORDED December 29t L92Ot fN 8@K 93 AT PAGE 42, 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DIICEES OR CAI{ALS CONSTRU TED BY TfiE AUTHORTTY OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RE9ERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT BECORDED December 29, L92O, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. 11. RESTRISTIVE COVENANTS, I{IIICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITTJRE OR REI/ERTER ctAUsE, BUT OMITTTNG RESTRICTTONS, Ir ANY, BASED ON nACE, COLOR, RELTGION, oR NAIToNAL ORIGTN, AS CONTAINED rN INSfRrr!.tENT RECORDED JuLy 25, 1969, rN BOOK 215 AT PAGE 649 AND AS AIiTENDED IN INSTRTII.fENT RECORDED DECEMbET 02, 1970, IN BOOK 219 AT PAGE 235. 12. RESTRICTM COVENANTS, WHrCH DO NOT COHTAIN A FORTEITURE OR REVERTER CL,AUSE, BUI O!{ITfING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL oRIGIN, As CoNTAINED IN INSTRUI-IENT RECORDED Februar! 07, L979,IN BOOK 281 AT PAGE 634 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUUENT RECORDED UATc'h 21, L979 | IN BOOK ?83 AT PAGE 281 AND AS AI.TENDED IN fNsTRtttdENT RECORDED August3L, 198L, IN BOoK 328 Af PAGE 408 AND SECoND AIr{EI{DUENT THERETO RACORDED JANUARY 10, 1990 It{ BOOK 52O AT pAcE 928. 13. EASEMENT AND RIGIIT OF WAY FOR ELECTRIC TRANSl,trsSfON LINE As GRANTED tO fiOLy cRoss ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, rNC. IN INSTRUT'IENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2?, L978IN BOOK 275 NT PAGE 834. 14. EASEUENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR SEWER I.,TI|E AS GRANfED TO STEI{ART H. BROI{N, DEANE L. KNOX AND L8O PAYNE IN INSTRUuENT RECORDED JUNE 26, 1979 It{ BOOK 287 Ar PAGE 341. PAGE 3 ool AIJTA CO!!lllTllENT olo oALTA COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirenents) Our Order No. V20221 The fol.l-oving are the reguirements to be conplied ryith: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or intereet to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured mu6t be executed and duly filed for reeord., to-witl 3. EVTDENCE SATISFAeTORY TO THE COT.IPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOW!.I OF VAIIJ ?RANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. SVIDENCE SATfSFACrORY TO THE CO}IIPANY THAT CANWEST VENTURES, INC. rS AN ENTITY CAPABLE OF ACQUIRING TITLE TO SUBJECT PROPERTY. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM W. SCOTT McTNTIRE TO CANIIEST VEMIIIRES, INC. CONVEYfNG SUBJEST PROPERTY. THE COI'NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUTRES RETURN ADDRESSBS ON DOCUI{ENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 oo oALTA COMUlTMENT o SCHEDULE A Our Order No. V2O221 For Information only - charges - AIITA Orirner Policy $600.00 $2O. OOTaxRe'ort--*oroo-- $620.00 ****STITH YOUR REI{ITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V20221.**** 1. Effective Date: December 03, 1992 at 8:00 A.U. 2. PoJ.icy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTArr Owner's Poliey $115, 500 . 0O 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: CAN!{EST VENTtRES, INC. 3. The estate or interest in the land deEcribed or referred to inthis Comrnitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the eEtate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: W. SCOTT UCINTYRE 5. The land referred to in this Cornnitment is described asfolloss: PARCEL 12, CASOLAR VArL rI, ACCORDTNG TO THE PLAT RECORDED NOVEUBER L, 1978 IN BOAI( 277 AT pAcE 524, COUNTY OF EAGrrE, STA?E OF COLORADO. I PAGE 1 I ,tt oo @ A-2- \Q s,' *,9:?t" . ,1 .o) t'RIDGE TILING NO. SUBDIVISION ......'....''...''.. : 'a+ re_"*-*\., @*, ) e-e t/ ",, '!*.F lrm EA.LE 'ALLEY "onl,oor.OWATER ANO. SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST R0A0 . VAIL. COLORAOO 01657 (3031 476.7444 I{ATER A!|D/oR SEl.lER LINE IOCATION 7<*rl err44. TOCATORS NA}IE:AJ,;-L DATE: LOT: lE BLOCK:PTLTNG: LOCATING FOR PTIONE NO:476 -Sa t( LOCATION to be sketched or deseribed in space below. Indicate paint or etakes and nunber thereof. Indicate North IMPORIAT'IT: DO II0[ COilNECT I{ATER OR PAID, UI{DER PENALTY OF EINE. sEl{ER SERVTCE UNIEIIS IAP FEDq HAVE BSEN Party reguestirg locate: Party locatine for UEVCSDT (nane of conpany); ,,9<w /Uao-! ar* u'- >'--*-'t'1-4=^ Upper Eagle Yalley Gonsolidated sanitation Dietrict (UEycSD) vill locate water and/or gener servLce lines as a matter of convenience does not "guaranteeil the locatlons designated, nor sha1l UEVCSD be responsible for erroneous locations and the consequences thereof. attempt to only. UEVCSD held N PAiTIcIPAflnrc ctlgrilcT' _ ARRowHgAD tl€TFo WATER . AVoN E Bo yyAT€R . BEAVER CREEK METRO WATEF . BERRY CREEK *',"O 6 /l tl wArER o EAcLE-vAtL METRCT WA?ER . EDwARos waTER I LrrKE CREEK ME^DoWS waTER . UPPER EAGLE vArt"t "^",t t,Jn'r-'. il GFJ rl VALLEY coNSoLtoATED war€R o vatL wATER aND SaNITATIoN COMMITMENT TIVEI />4/gL-__2J 3 6 TIME COUPLETED: SUBDIVISION: ADDRESS: Nane 1ffii1;;'- I O 'i- -':'ri ll;a1,, " The Staff-has conpreted a considerable anount of research on this natter sinceEne last PEC nneting at which-the request for a GRFA variance of 2g64 sguarefeet wag tabled, There are 516 squafe feet of GRFA left on rot A-7 at thist.ine ala the request is for z units of 1690 sq ft each, totaling J3g0 sq ft,Thus, 5580 rninus 516 equars a 6RFA variance og zgo+ sq"ft. The s380 "q rt i",duplex is a reflection of the covenants of the property and is the inaxirnun allowed.The following represents a suflrary of some of tilesl ri.na:.n!s: 1. Although at the pEC meeting envelopes were t'sitesrt only by the PEC chainnan stated of August 22, L978 and not legal lots, that these enveloDes everyone agreed the building the plat which was signed wexe lots. actors : McDonald -2-, 7/27/8L o and structures in the vicinity: there from the start, na.r:iielai ive effect s to,.have, a duPlex .. literal i-nt and en- to achieve iTitv and or to at ective s Itte_f*l that, due tg.oyl lastest-research, that this is a very unusual caseand that Mr. McDonald did not inflict this hardship upon himself. There wereinconsistent actions lakgn qn. the part of the ";;; ;;;;"rijle tiru projecr asl-e.;".i"s';;;;;"of the totally unique conditions surrounding-this project. The ef.fect sF, the i variance on li t and air distribution of popula-tion. tlan eda c tacll rties The t 7 ic safe There are no effects on these t i-es an util ities factors . Such other factors and proposed v comnission deerns a licable to thee- title without grant of spec 'The Planning and Environmental, a waliance:shall make the foll to the pubJ.ic health,or improvernents in RECOMMENDATION: The Staff feeLs that, for the reasons stated throughout this nemo, that this GRFA variance whouLd be granted. Itre feel it is an unfortunate situatj.on that iretre in this position at this tine, but dontt feel that l.lr. McDonald is basicall.y at fauLt. We feel that due to the obvious'bxceptions or extraordinary circun- stances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zoneil provision. thet we can reconnend approval ,,providing that the fo1lowi.ng condition be rnet: 1. That the 2864 square feet plus 516 square feet, totalling 5380 square feet must be applied only to site 12, lot A-7, Casolar VaiL II. a. ' ,;.t',tl-ri-,; ,' ,; ,' ' ,r'- ,.'r: - ,tt-'..;..,1gt.g*' , I Pt AIINING AND ENVIROMENTAL COI'{MISSION July 27, 1981 MEI{BERS PRESENT Gaynor Miller Gerry hhite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Scott Edwards Jim l',iorgian Roger Tilkemeier 1. Approval of ninutes of n,egting of_July 13, 1981. STAFF PRESB{T Dick Ryantarry Eskr+ith Peter Patten'Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESEMATIVE Dr. Steinberg Dan Corcoran rnoved and Duane Piper seconded to approve the minutes. Vote rvas 4- 0, unanimous . 2. Reqgest forgaendnent in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 18.66.160 oft ar Cluster to Prirnary/Secondary fon Doyle Hopkins. Peter Patten expl.ained the rnerno and showed where. the project was in re{-at*on to Cliffside and Briar Patch, Dick Ryan stated that the staff felt the charrge ill zoni.ng would inprove the si.te plan and elirninate an horrendous road. Discussion followed as to whether or not to allow P/S GRFA or retain the RC GRFA. It was also pointed out that at the time of annexation, the area was arbitrarily RC with the knowledge that some people rvould want to change later, and that sone lots would be penalized" Peter felt that al'lowingr nore flexibility was a benefit without needing to grant additional GRFA also. Ed Drage!, representing the bwner, stated that they agreed r,rith conditions I and 2, b'vt, not with 3 (restricting tlre aLlowable GRFA to RC). He felt that surrounding properties had been t'givenlt additional GRFA, and added that there would be higher density all around this lot. He also felt that the owner would be making the lot look better by changing zones, Gerry lVhite rerninded the applicantlthat he nrnted to develop a.slope over 40%, and that if given the privilege to: do this, he should be content with-a lower GRFA. Duane asked if they could have asked for a variance to build on the steep slope. He felt that RC addressed the slope problein, and that the site rr'as very.steeP. Ed felt that the plan as it t+as being presented was sensltive to the sit.e. Scotttsd telt tnat tne plan as r.E. was oe].ng Presenled was sensltrve to tne sLte. Dcott stated that RC lrad been planned as.arbitrary, with the thought to. looking at. eaehsite separately as it came in. He felt that. PP/S was a better zone for thethe property, than RC;',"Dick aeninddd:then that,placement was lnpottant;r'ind,-that under o I PEC -2-7 /27 /8L '-, Bill Post rePresenting the d.evelopers of The Ridge (Valley Associates) requestedt of the connission that if they allow a .road near the top of the lot,, thai it berequired (as well as the house) tb be below the ri.dge line... He stated that allthe buildings in.The Ridge were required'to be within envelopes rvith.height.re-strictions so as not to interfere with the ridge line, Petei felt tttat it appearedthat the driveway could be built so that it waI virtualfy lnviiiUie-iroo, ttuRidge units o'.and that that was the reason the staff was enthusiastic about thesite near the top , Scott moved to reconmend to the Town Council th;t they grant the request to changethe zoning frorn RC to P,/S rvith the firsg tir'o conditj.ons as written in the nemo,and with a change in the third condition to read:3) that they cooperate withthe staff in developing the site so the road or any structure wilL fall belowthe ridge line. P-eter pointed out that the staff doesntt make final decisions on siting, butthat the DRB has that jurisdiction. 'Scott then changed the third condition to read: 3) that the applicant nrake aconcerted effort to place the road and structure below the ridge line.Gaynor seconded the nrotion, and after discussion the vote r.,as 2 for (Gaynor andScott), 3 against (Duane, Roger and Gerry) with Dan and Jirn abstaining. Roger then noved then noved that the recor,imendation to the Council-b-gjeor approvalwith the three conditions as stated in the staff rnerno. Duane r""snd;d*. , Discussion follorsed as to whether or not to restrict the secondary unit to rentalto.an enployee of Gore Valley, Ed stated.that.they wduld then niihdraw thdirrequest. Gerry reiterated his concerD about building bn a 40% slope. Dan felttha.t the Tor.n rias gaining because-of.the'fact,that there r+ould'be enpfbyee housi:rg.Gaynor felt that the site with p/S zoning was a better one.. ?he vote r.as 2 for (Roger and Duane) and 3 against (Gaynor, Scott and Geryy),with Dan and Jim abstaining. Concern abouc reflecting the feelings of all the menrbers io the Council r+as felt.Gerry stated that he felt no change in zoning was needed, but that a variancecould be applied for. Jin stated that he didnrt see how the;conrnissionerscould have stated that they would consider lbts in this ar"u. "t a latdr date,and then now statelthat it shouldiitt_ be reconsidered. Gdrry felt that to'isolate\1lot and rezone.,didnrt nak6GEfrlGll Dick.Ryan remindea tnl corninissioners tharthat there r,rere special circunstances and thtt it was stated that thev riouldgo back and reconsider.- _Pet-er said that the staff-?-id not consider ihis spotzoning. Larry Eskwith felt that this would not be considerua spot zorritrg.-'Th.rr,no reconmendation for either alproval or denial'was forwarded to Torr,n Council . ', 3 o /8rPEC -3-7 /27 Dan felt that the Tor"r, of Vail has not been without fault, and that there ttas. lots of confusion on both sides. He thought that .MqDonald kner+ before he ever built on lots 13 and 15. He added that it was an unfortunate situation and agreed with the Torn bf. Vail staft- that it needed to be Put to rest. He felt that it' wasnrt just the 'Ior,nts'.fault. Gerry.White agreed that enough uristakes has been rnade. tr{art in Rubenstein, a resident of Casolar asked for infornation on the proposed structure, and Peter pointed out that all the envelopes had been agreed upon by the Casolar Hone Orcners Associationr'and if changes are made, they must be approved by the Associ.ation. lrlartin rr'as concerned about, height. .Dick suggested that-ire leave.his name and phone r+ith the secretary and he would be notified as to when the project came before DRB. l*{art in stated that as far as the honeouner rneetings were concerned, he was notified after t.he last neeting. Duane rnoved and Dan seconded to grant approval to the request for a GRFA variance in accord r,rith the staff nerno. The vote t{as 6.0 in favor with scott abstaining, 4.. A request. for a ninor subdivision approval under Tovn of Vail Subdivision regulations on lots L,2, 4, and 5, Lionsridge #2, in the Ridge at Vail, the Valley, Phase IV, The applicant is requesting to revise the siting of 2 duplex units and to allow a more flexible siting for a single family unit. Appi.icant: The ValIey Associates. Peter shoued 4 sets of plats and.explained the neno, adding that the requests did not affect GRFA, as the project is allotted a total of 24,800 sq ft, and the developer is alloh'ed to allocate that as th.ey rnrish. CTdi? Snowdon showed the plans. Peter stated that the staff felt that abandoning the lot line betwee .' lots 2' & 3 would inprove the siting of the units and that the relocation of the ) lot;line between lots 4 and 5 would clean up those lot lines, Gaynor moved and Roger seconded to approve the request as.per staff nerno. The votewa.s'5t0.infavor'wiihDanarrd.JimI.'|..ibstaining. $. Application for a conditional' use perrnit for a ry4ter collectioq system and Puof Red.sandstone Creek and Gore Creek. Applicants: Vail Associates, Inc. Dick Ryin reviewed the neno. Gerry was concerned with the n-ininun stream flotr, and Dick stated that therei:wasla rnininum stream flow.established for Gore Creek. Jin Clark representing VA said that they had presented the required envirsnnental assessment; with a discussion on lrinirourn stream flow. He added that nuch watet would. be put back into the streamr Jirn C.. stated tbat he believe<I that the naxinurn , anount VA-will take.fron the stream will be I-1/2 nlllion gallons per day total for the first phbse, and when the second phase is completed, the naximrn total r"ill be 2 nillion.. Gerry felt that the nininurn fLow hadntt beeir addressed. . Jim said that it had.been identified in their leport as 7-L/2 cfs at the confluence effluent, and , "ia tn"t they would coordinaie their effortser'eY er'vJ . onl tnei b].keiiPatn:. Witn Andy Nofr1s with: fespect t.o Paving and accesS;. .DUaJre.asl(ed, . ...'..''.:|I...Vf,.-I9"'1*.ii.P'''1.##9i.9ikenat}.f,.t}9I.u."'ti9le:an}|{q:l.1u:'!'igl,...41d'.Jin.!l.a'l&s9Ie4:;::. aI . !_ {i.!: ;'.- J':< r'i. - '< :! "'i'. R ,;r i; \ VJ -l c.t "ff'#v tv"ffit 1r .x' t-- F- J' q t* Ft: 3 vas, rz'' \-r- ' 6lq('o ' Llt>+- '-11c cvff1 @oa>D. Ctrr r8?.t78l April 13, 1981 Mr. A. Peter Patten, Jr' Senior Planner Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Peter: Thank you for your continued effort to cooperate with our Casolar vail Homeown"", nrrolii;;;;: I-have reieivea vour 'letter'dated Apr.i.t 7, 1981 ""gu"iini"it.'euirugr,.r Reiiaenci and submjt this i'tli"#it-"i-position ior you" consideration' Firstly, the dwelling unit has been acknowledqed to be larger than allowed in our te;i;;tii;";-irom the besinnins (352 square feet larger app"o"'imiilivt' it'it statement iomes from previous ieti".s ient ?iom Your office' Secondly, the extra square footage being applied for is an liiiii.""it violation of our Declarations' Thirdly, the fact that the administratjon and enforcement of these Declarations'["t;;d;i tn question, *" the Board of Direc- tors, are .,,t""*"ly'ipil;;';; i"v'ittr' "ipansions for fear of diminishing ilre riinii'oi other Cisolar Vail owners' In the past' it has been stated'init"inl-o;inil;t developer and the zon'ins administrator for tn.i'io*n-"i V;jf jo'intly. p"epqryd-!!.lut::" ;;;;;;;-bv.wrr.ich-we tiil'l op"tu!e' . In these documents ' rs clearly stated the 1'690.scua19,f9ot..iimitation for each dwe'l1ing unit. UntiI we u.e a61e to'reach a mutual agreement for.the usase of tne squarE;il;t;;;iiilt; in casolir vail' we feel it is very imporrant i"'iiiiE-uv'the origiiii-conaitions under which the eniire' subdivision was developeo' a direct response to your letter of April 7' 198L' we the-Board Directors of casolar 'v;;i i;;;fu9rs-isloiiuiig1 u"" opposedAs of to so Pl eas know i f ;il;;;;t;i oi *'" uu"iun"" bv the Town of vai'l f anv further assistance' I would lic "hearings regarding this matterlike let me be ma can be aware perl tivelY rePresented- r Va'i l.r -B Box 3796 Vail, Colorado 81658 CC: Directors , D'i r-ector rs Association tu;$:'ii ri'tTtll} c!r:; r::r I rrtcnt oI cot rtt rrutrity tlcvelol rrltgttt Jirne box 1ft0 r,:ril. r:olor;,do B 1657 (s03i 476'l;613 2, I900 ))t:ir irc )itr o:i I Dcr"'t:ritrgl J)<:n t'ct: r CC) llc: C:rsol ;rr' I I liclua lc lir:lrr J)r:at: o : Tiri.s-; Ir:[.tr:.r- i:: 1o ]c1. f cina j 11s; f irr' (l;r.r:<i J ;t l' 1 J Jrou <lcs:i lc 1.o )t;Lvt: i. t h rror','. Lot A-r'trlL iilcipc ()\'(rl- 4():11 N<:t l)r,r'r'l r,lrlrli lr.: (iliJrh .i;'l r c1.or GIIF./t lls:t:rl 'J'O'J'll, l::;i.t.s r-,.'ri:,. i.tt.ittl. 'l'Ol'hJ, (,it.lii't ;rLtt' itir.i t. i .'.1 ;irnt'..t /r. iirtlr.i tt/ 2k.,lring r'!riini rt.i s;1 r':r {-ol ltiriii o*l lroot:r J;c )'ott !"irr-r',1' r', lt;.ri. r-ri,t;,i.'r; J 66'1:tgJt: :; Li J. 1. , :ttt{l ltoii rti: i11-v2 it-.1 I <.r<:;'. 1, in1:; j t. 1i' al.l"o<:ii-'Lrrtl <l:i J {', t'r'trL-l t' , lrJ.trilr.;c -l r;t rnrr 12i 1trt.t tt lt.t'."ir'Ot- 5:l, 7i,:l {r(ri,ilr'{r J',.:(.'1. :t,ll':, t1,,: ,i j.il1rt'ri:: 'li;r;;i11611'f irr;.1 9-:lO-'ili> SO , ;)l' li ij(lri ir:: { r 1 {.'c l, r \-r'-rt) , ilt i:.r i t: l.lr(t ,'-;ilt:t i C) ,irril .l r,t' )r(iltj.t I: jltlr-,i)ot-iL:j,. lij rrt r',i nr: I'O'J'Al, (ill;r,1 r'r t'::r.i ti.i ttJ', :1.. -'.'' I AFFIDA\ IT STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. KIRK VAN HEE, of rhe Town of Vai1, Countv of Eagle, Stafe of CoLorado, being duly sworn on his oath, deposes and says: 1. Thert from approximacely the Sprirrg of 1977 to the presenE date, he has worked as a real escate salesman i-n the offiee of Ilrandess-Cadmus Real EsLal-e., Inc. ("Brandess-Cadmus") , in Vail; Colorado. 2. That on approximacely August 10, 1980, he mer I1r. Charles P. Gallagher as a r^rall< in client .in rhe Vail offices of Brandess-Cadmus 3. That on approximat-ely .A'ugust 10, I980 ' he f irsr drove Mr.-Gallagher pasc the property (the "Unit")' commonly known is 1148 SarrdsEone Drive, Vail, Colorado, being the westerly unit of a duplex building being constructed at that time ou Parcel 14, Casolar Vail II, ;r resubdivisioL-r of LoL A-7, ijlock A, Lions Ridge . Subclivision, Town of Vail, Countv of Eagl.e, Goloradc, with the Unit being locacecl on the approximaEe \,resterly half of said Parcel 14. 4. Thar he checlted on the Unir- and found thac ic qlas lisEed rvicir Chaplin & Conpany, Itic. , fot a selling price of $310,000.00, with the ear;terly unir (uhe "Easterly Unlt") ol said duplex btrilding being lisced for a selling price of $250,000.00. 5. That betrveen August 10, 19E0, antt August 16, 1980, he showed l-he ULii c t o l{r. Ga L lagher and at the time of sttch on site inr:tirrctioti ( l-iie "Inr: ';ection") Mr ' Duane Car 1 i rrg, a tlrinci 1;,rl r:f C;,rlini', I:lcKee Consf-ructiott Comp:rn;r (thc "Ov;ucr" and lruilder lf the tlnit) , was prescnL al- Lhe Uir j i., 6 . Tlr.rt at the time o f tire I trspec L j-orr , l'1r. Carling represerited t.he follor,ui,rrr: t.o IIr:. G:rllagher concerning' the roour (the "fLec Roor,r"l Loc:rt-eri i-rr the approximate notherly onc-tralf .,f the lorvest..lc've1 of the Unit:(i) chaL the clif f c,r.ence i rr price l\e t\^teerr rhe Unit zrnrl tire E;; :1..cr1,"' Iir;it t;as bttst:d rltr t-he facc t-hac the Unit. iucluclecl t-ire P.,ec liooi;t, which rv;rs lat:ge and exl]cTrcive to buiLc] ; (ii) Lh;rt Lhr,r Ilec Roorn had elecrr-iciLy, he;"lL r.rnd i.-<:lr;llr in plr.unbing; and (iii) char iL rvas 1.1r. (J;.rr1.in1t's int-drrt- l-.o nal:.e the Rec Room with a sirle door irrl.ci a sCl)crdL.' :rparLmcrtt, buc that the Rec Room could easily be i,ncorporaLed into Lhe Unit. I. That at, the' Lirne r-rf Lhe jttspecl.i()fr, l4r. Gallagher expressed lo l'1t:. 0ar:lin5; his inl-cr:est irr rnaking the. Rerc ltoonr a cornbirr;rt,ion L,rl:reat.ir:rr room, sleeping Ioft arrd tla t hr oom a r e;l - 8. 'IhaE at- rnceLj.r)l,s ;lritongtjl. lir. Grrll:rgher, l'1r. Carling, and hinsel i srrtrsc.,lurcnl, t () tlre Irrs1>cction , Mr. Car]ing reprcserrt-ed Lhll- t-here ',vcrrilti btr r:'vin5_1:; l-o his cons t-r1lrr f i r''rr cornP;rrry il. l.lrc t.lni 1 r.'.'rs purchased artd closing, conrpleLed with t hrr liec l{i r'.iin being unf irrished. Mr. LO the ) ) ) Tha'L ;rt. r'ro time durinl; I lrt: 1rr;lrect.i.olr or aE any subsc.qttenL trteet-irrri ill.. \.,'lri<:lr lrt.' t.:ir! present. did t)ar:1j n.{I e\/cf irr ;rn \,' nt;}r)r)t'r ', !rrr l.:j('r'vc-'r itttlica t-e t'lr. Girl. laglrer thaL. i1r. t;l I lrr;,hr - r:ottld lrr.rt use Iicc Rot:m f rrt: ltis c:.[)1.'csi:j irr t ctlled [)itrposes. o 10. 1r. 1a 13. 14. 15. 16. ThaL on or about /rrrftust 16, 1980, Mr. Gallagher submirL.ed an offel Lo the 0wner to purchase theUnit for $250,000.00 That the offer of Ar-rgusL 16, 1980, was rejected bythe Or+ner iLnd at rvhich time Mr. Donald Il. Chaplin,a principaL of the listing broker Chaplin & Company,Inc., informed him thar the Easterly Unic (also owned by che Owner) had been sold for $230;000.00,that the Owner would sell the Unic for $280,000.00and that rhe differenee of $SO,OOO.00 in rhe purchaseprice between the Unic and Lhe Easterly Unit was based orr the fact thaf the Unit contained 2700 squarefeet and the Easterly Unit conl-ained only 2000 squarefeet, and thaL such square foorage differenr.ial wasreflected in the appraisal values of Che two uniEswhich appraisals Mi. Chaplin had obuained. ThaC Mr. Gallaghcr rnade :r new offer to purchasethe Unit at a price of $265,000.00, which offer wasagain rejected by t.he Owner, and E.he rejection wasexplained by Mr. Clraplin as being based upon the same rational as set forfh irnrnediately above. Jhlt by Receipr and Oprion Conrracr, ciared Augusc 22,1980, IIr..Gallagher made an offer to purchase fheUniL for $280,000.00, which offer was accepued by rheOwrrer, and l.ir. Gallzrgher on November 5, l9ii0, dillpurchase the Llnit pursuant to such cont.ract, as arnerrded in certain respecEs by the parEies EhereEoprior to closing. ThaL at no time rviratsoever did Mr. Chaplin everexpressly or impliedly represent or stite to him or Lo ar,r)l other party in his presence including, buEnot limiced to, llr. Garllaghei: chac che ful1 2700squirre feet of the Unit corrld not be used for anv cusLom.iry residencial use or that fhere was anylimiration or resLriction in any manne.r wlratsoeveras to the use that rnighf be rrrade of any parc ofsuch 2700 square feet. Tirar l'1r. GaLlaglrer expressLy told him that he waspurchasing the Unit based on the fact of tlrepresence of t.he Rec Room and his ability to completethe Rec Room pursuant fo his int.en.t as staLed }-rereinabove. 'rl. ', r ,,,. e .i 1 -,,L ^ ^^Lr-J- nLruoe\1uerrt ro cl.osing-; of f.itLe Lo t,he Urrit- by i'{r. Gallagher neilher he nor to Lhe best ofhis krrorvledge and-belicf did I'1r. Gallagher have any lino',.;ledge of atry resCriction r"rhat.soever on the useof Lhe full represelited 2700 square feet of the Unicfor resident.ial purposes including, buc not limitedEo, the Rec Room. 1981. (SEAL) Subscribed and sworn before t 'YLme this /,,, "" day of January, 1 lly Commissiorr expi.r- es, _,-*.1 2:g"!.'._L_rt_/ j; J___ t,l Witnes.s my trand and off icial seal. 1 //, ),-1,^n-'//(,ii.rt, --Noti-ry l,utj11-c- AFFIDAVI'T STATE OF COUNTY OF COLORADO EAGLE ) ) ss. ) PATRICK W. BRESNAHAN, of t.he Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, being duly sworn on his oath, deposes and says: 1. ThaL from approximately November 11, 1980, through approximately December 5, 1980, he was ernployed asa carpenter by Carling-McKee Construction Company, a Colorado Partriership ("Carling-McKee") . 2. That during such period of employment, he worked onthe construction of a duplex residential building being constructed by Carling-McKee on Parcel 14, Casolor Vail fI , a resubdivision of Lor A-7, BlockA, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Town of Vail, CounEy ofEagle, Colorado 3. That the residenLial ur.rit (rhe "UniE") consEructed onthe vresterly half of said Parcel 14, contained in the approximate notherly one-ha1f of rhe lowest 1evelof the Unit a mechanical room (Lhe "Mechanical Room") and a workshop area (the "Workshop"). 4. ThaE the Mechanical Room and the trnlorkshop were seperated from each ot.her by a wall ("Waltr No. 1"), and such Lwo rooms were seperated from the remainderof the lowesE 1evel of che Unir by another lrall ("14Ia11 No. 2"). 5. ThaL at the direction of Duane Carling, a principal of Car:ling-McKee, and prior bo building inspections by personnel of the Town of Vail Building Department, he did on rhree seperate occasions frame over andseal up a doorway iocared at Ehe t/est end of l,lall No.2, rvhich provirled access from the Mechanical Room anri che l{orkshop to the easterlv half of the lowesC levelof the Unit. and did on thc same occasions reduce(by framing) the size of the door located in Wall No. I, which provided access beLween the Mechanlcal Room and the Workshop, 6. ThaE. at the direction of Iluane Carling and prior tothe inspect-ion of the UniL by Mr. Charles P. Gallagher,the present ol,nrer of che Unit., he did on Ehree seperaE,e occasions unseal and frame in said door in Wall No. 2, thereby providing access from the Mechanical Room andthe WorkshoD r-o Lhe east.erlv half of the lowest level of the Unir, and did on the same occasions increase(by framing) the size of s;rid door in i^1a11 No. l, thereby providing access beEween the Meehanical Room and uhe Workshop. 7. That the Mechanical Room and the Workshop until immediarely prior to final inspection by personnel ofthe Torrrn of Vail lluilding DepartmenE, vras wired forelectricty and hearing and rough-in plumbing was in place. ---ra52/4L 8.That to his besE knowledge and belief Mr. Gallagher had no lcnowledge of the alterations made in said doors locat.ed in \,1a11 No. 1 and Wa11 No. 2 unril some Eimeafter he had purchased and become t.he ourner of cheUnit. January, 198f. e r My commissiorr expj-r "";frfl- t /ffZ - WiEness my -tlSubscribed ancl sworn ro before me this / )) day of (sEAL) -2- official TO: l'dll'1t) I tir 1.: l rtl i'i PIJANN IN G /il'l D UitV I ROI'Il'1UN'IAi., (:(ti{i'i I 5 5 I Ctl{ IrROl"l:Dl'].)nRTilENTorCoi4l.lu}lITyD]lVDLor'l'il]NT I)ATE: OcLol:er: 23, l'9t']0 , )ill: Gltlllr V;r::iLucc 1c':r: C;rs:o'l'ar: l'l' APPLIC2\I']T: Dealle I" lill())l DDSjCRTI-'Ti CL\,!l:',!, \nlfllqll l?Jjg!.ri s lrrD .: 1.,:::i..rttl r-r:r.1tter:te<1 :i.l: crrrclosed' t.hi.n iic:s.:r: j.1r1tiot't tirat" titcl'A copl' cr jl {-.}lr: 11r:sci-' j'i'tj'o1 . of l-}re \/i':' j."t'.:t' rli'r"-lotnir f .i rrr.l s ticvor-'d 'L dir;c'r:epanc:L(:ii l;1 vtanto Lo acldrcss' [: r.la r,; i.n f orrnccl. ]-,ef t;t:rl Ca-t;oJ-al: Il' ""'itsi n1-rprcvcd' thart bhe proilcr.Ly I ir.rc bet-"rve(iii :l.oUc nZ anci'';'i;'-tt"iii-ti lrc'rL l-rc vt'ci'tiLcJ l:'r.:causc Llre ttto f c;'Ls \','er..o 111 Lr'rc' <l:i'Ifeue:rt z 'tte clii i:::it;i'r'r ' 2' ?llo t:cqrrr-:st' fo'r;rpproval of-Cirl:olar I'J' to Lllc lci=t over G1tli'l\ fl:onr Ctrsolar: l' 3.Tlrc:1,400'";cluarr:fcct:frc::un-it't''i'!:a'l-"ra1'l;c:trvtr':j'clercdttgauesLj'til;rti:' r..'.iLh ir 40?, s-1o1,c-'"li'.;y "'tt'i'i''g tto'l-'r'- "t""1:,:'ul"tf irt:fr'rc tlte acuual' sguare i""t"lru coukl be clei-(jr:lrtj'ired' l. llhr: lforrn sl:af-f r^r:rluei;tcd c)r1 nll)ri.r]:or1i'l o.(j:)i::i oirs t"l:;rt t']rc $lope Study lrt: ccrnrl:l.e l-e,f :-.. it.,,,i r.i,,, sigu^i:e r:ir,;f ,,,r., colrl"'rl i-re <';r'Lel:rrtiur':ri' 1t'iri-s slop: l;Lut1y \.,as *()t tI ji;;;;'-t,it,--ttt.t tit;rf f , j.()i- (tr'':l: ori": )'{li't-- rol'l'o"":i ;rcf i-1c ar,'l:ov :r} .of caso.l ilr- II. n"",rir".: of tlir: s.r-o;.,,,, .tral'c;:i.:r rroi-. i.'e:lng cornl:lC'be ', tlrc cover;rllts fo!. ltlt;rse .ll' 1'r€:rc Llelgq ?'p;"tt.)uc)it l:y Lttc 'I'oi'"'n' 5. ,J,lrc airl-r:l :i r:arit r.:tir f ul1-i.' a1.,,Ar:c 1-lii:.i-, l-br: :''lcl''r.r a.Dirlysi'l )ratl to l:c cottr- 1>let.c.cl.. .f)rc lli.-irff \,...r:l 'cvc): its_i',;,ii tr,, li,,1t't-c i-irt: 5(1uar:t: i'<'r'i;agc' lL lta'5 'iirtufly iiot.re as el cotrrl:osy to ]!r' Iii]()r;' n()'u(:t: cc;nLirittccl atty referr')nc(r . rn1,-. .F.\...n qt-.'r f f 1,:rr; l'trcal.ctrlalr"i { rr.' 1l:;r};'-':c I'o()til tr. .\rr!- rv"" """-- f ffi orr Lhc CarJ. .? 7 . S j.rrc:tr t:lrc {'il'i-rlcl oJl this-:'tt:?1j r:41 j otr ' l'vro rivrr'r.' r'ltrPit-:;;cs; )tavc l>ccn ,n*'v6'.rir1! I'' Iit:.'i(;"ti tr-i-L1 a Gllt:'A of :i''li] () ::r.lr\r:t:() fer:'c' TSis docs lcilvc / 933 5;ulta]:c f l](,1- ro,. ir," r:cittlri:ritr!t tllt;, Ir-':.: ::.i.t..r'} \ B:5,}resl-aJ.f})C::l.icV{jIlthatL)rc',,1r;lr'ti}rt:ctttr)rJ't:t>t,t:i.ntlrisj''.rlto]-cf.;C(1ll(:l]C' of cvt:rrl..l;. Ii,.rr:rr i1, t,i.,., 1,400 ri(Ill.'r1-{.: I:r'ct' I'r.:f utri l'- {t:hc ;,1;c 1;l.trPr:- erllitl-}',5i' nunrb<:r) j.s rrsc.cl , llris r.,.ou1cl-,r,.,t1; ;,r.ri ',rlii.*tr,i.) r:cr:riai.niriq unit- to )r<: l''234 -l r;(lriir. l crr:t . '. , -ti.rt.r.lirr:, hr...1 i i')': :" i,i,,;i i'i,'; .i'1'r 1';irrrL r'tirt; t'o{:a11y art'ar.r I t.lrirt-. l.lrc: f .i.rr;.r1. ,,uu,it,,t ,..: o rr.l-'-l ttoL ]r'': <it'i L:r:rrr jrlt"t' rt":ti t'f L"t i-):'-t i:"lcjur:l;t;cd- ! uiofr" ;rttall'l'i j s \'J;l!; crcttrrlrl-c{:eci" Itr ,. ii'o I(no>:Casolar II - 2 - I0/23lti0 CllL't'll)ll'i.\ /'tJl) J'Tllil l'l{(;:; !Ip,.tl'.q.'''.'.-cr.l*of.-Cr:i!l..1..'i..e.:1r-r1{-.lritrtl-irl.::;,.'i'.].(.:.!-.i.,''tlJ-i]-.[?...!.8-Qf-.!:!l: 9o-{s,--1.t'!-_]:jj]?rL]i:l,i]li.-.cl-|:-.c-91t111-I.!].i.!'.]-.1::.V-!i''|.j.,].,']ii11!-t...-1;1:11.t1ty1l.<!._t:j:,]].'l.L-cl.Lr-cSrI::.Jtcql'atl.ll1g: -]l:ltr_jl_lU{}Illfe l j).J lg11.,_,jlj!,f.!r:!: Con s i.<1c,1:a tion oJl Ir;r(:t:or:l Ilrg--t-c-l.iilr19nqlu.p-c,lt- l,l,.l:-tg.qr-u:,:..'.*l!-.,'rti-i.tiriq--!.J, gllli.i cr: j- jlt:.i u rl or_11g!+ngj1! u s e,.; _ar : I d_ : ; t. r-!g!l!3jl- ji.-l 1.. I l r:.__y.!gLlp_|y_ : Undcl: !.Fo',.rn of V;ri.1 :rr>iri:rq, rjquarr.: 1c)(,i:agc;, or: brri.l.clillgti itr:e clrcchc:<l very c].osc15': u j-Llr rro vlrr-i;:t j.ori$ l,.,cl:niLt..:d. .T!e_dtg:g:+_.._1i,9_trlUClL..t.^c._1,.y:-f:_J,:gl_-ilti:_.iifr.i,ti lrl. l.rtlq:tL+.1--t.Cip-._.:f.,;:.1.ipn .4t1r].9111i'-t1t'.t11ililll!._C]!.ill:l,i'1.-1-i..r.1't-|..j-j.-:'li-1.':|--..|1':..i]:'I.j''; J>.iJ.i'i.i',ritcitrtri.jtll...tni.i.''.r':tJ:.cli,li.ll]|ji;|:{.i'l..ri]|J:':j'i'].jj:il:|}lr:1r1.1;'i;1j-1'., l-ll:ij,l>J!L-l'i.:l'.ir_g_n_i _r -i r: t.j.L.l_i:._.!ijl:ll_!t:.!_r-.'.1i.;,;.1_i ,,.1ri_-irr:1,.:ll,lL jl,..i,:r_,: l: j.r:1 . V Atr ir:cr-r:irr-:g j.t"r .-.I-Lo'.::'bl.r: grllri.tre t(i(-)Lii.-tt: ln it rnul.Li-f anr.J-1.y ::onc would in our o1:i.rij.o;r bc a grirl'L of a s1>ecj-;r.1. p1;i1r!J.cgc:. 'l'her:t,: at-o l'ro effec;,i:l c'r uhel;,-': faci.<r::t- Such oLh..'t: .j'eet.c;:-:; ;,,,,1 Cli j-',:4.rj-;i ,'rr tlro c(rtit,t,i.;'.;l: jc.tr (1..:(t;r1:t;;.,1.'rr.l-j.<:,:rlr1o t-o !.1-te-!l-!'r o =! !,*-v-:i.ti!l-. -' )..- 'iitc::c: ill-c r)o ol-hcr j.,11'j tor-c clt: c;,tccl i:j)i'r'i- j r;;11'. 16.'. ult?:uiqqi. .4:t .ll:!.i, it't]-r-t.cl- iirt g- llt :'.;f ititl:i.ri<; s Jriri'r:1',.-l (lt'irJ'r l: 'iiitat t.l:o ijt-;iii1:incl of i:lrc r'.r::i.,:itri:e rr j ..l. l- rrr-rf r-.r irs i: i trr Lo o c;l:alr.l- of spcc:i,;:.! P;: j i.'i j.cr1;e .i.lr,.:O:rs-: j-g1,"rt1r rr j i:lr Li;:: l.;-1p,.i. i..;.: L.ions .rl'r oi.ircr pr:operi:ics classif ierl in {:hc .,rir:rr,-: di.s[:rii:i;. t: c,irllen1'.a I Cr-)]:r,rti:,: l',.i.r.r1) l;l::r.l I rr;i1,.o 1:])()__i:(1.1 lov ig_ Thirt Llre qr.'trtrt.iug o1 i:lic var-i.ance ir'.i.1'.i. :rr.ri. llc..r-l i.lr, I.:;rf r.L:)', (,-.' r l;i..1. .i_ ,.i rc / ot: nri It:,tli;,. 1_.i.r,' j.lu1i.1:1;1',11',t,rnt. r; .i, lr {:hu',,.i.C ilrii-i' . Tirat t hc rrar:iirncc i.l; r,,arrarrt.ed for ol)c ot' 'l'lrc sl-::.ic{: trr 1_i1-r:r.-n.1. i.nterP::el:aa..ic,rr ;rnti r:<-'gl.lJilt.joll iror.t.[ cl r.'crir.t-l.t-- ip Jr;::rci:jc,r.1. r.r'i.,;.J. lraf cl t;lr j.p j.tr r:On si :; l-r:ir [: vi j. Lh t-l rr: ol.r J c.c'l- j v c l; l-'l dc.:l-r.i in,--n L;rJ i:o Llrc pul>1ic i.:r.] r-rr::i .,)urj {c) ll;:()l,,r:I-t-ies or: rio:-'c Crf. i'..lt<r foll.cluing t:catsons : of tlrc r,;pcc.ifii:11 lllt l1 i'ra:c :.: i;iif y irlrl'S:'.CaI 1, j. rlc. I 11,,,,,Uiili()j.,rr. .l l. - 3 .- Joi lJ/uU c')',copL j.on.Qt "r, r rltc;r:d-i, r; r r ], r: j t.,,,,' r, t- uil.. r;.i.t-.e r.rf t:lrr: trar:i.ancc ,. irir{- r.lo not- .rl)i)l.y -i.n the ..i.irrrlc zonc. 't'l'li6rt,,.,r:c blc. Lcr Lhc p::o1:cr l- j.c s or conriitions al,plica-gcn(jrally t-o OLLr:r af Lhe spee.ifj-cd enjoysfl l:1' 1no 'I')rc l;ti:i.ct or: I j tcr:;rI i,rrterl>r:ctiri: it,rr arrrl r:nI.ot-cornont rcguJ ation v,,ot.r.1d dcir.r- j.\r(. tlrc appJ..i t.,.rrrL oJl 1.r:: i.-,,.i J cqosovrncrs of oLlrc:: propcrLj.cs j.rr thc r;ilnrc clisLrict, sr^Il:_.ljlj!gr_i!iri:: 1 r:::Lr_ gl1l, 'fhe Dc1',;rr:tnt'Jtr l- of cottlr.itittr'i.{-.r,r 'l-)sr,7,r.l.q)Ir,\'r.-r}'i L t:c(j(,-\ilr:u{:ncls <1cniii.l of Llris r(}qLlesL,Wc firrd tirc ar1,iI;licattl-'r: dcscription tc: b.: irr errorf ;rnd J.i1cl rro groulclfor .aSrprovillg j.L. .t \ ,{ luwn box l ) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 March 6, l98l T0: Planning and FROM: Department of RE: G.R.F.A. Vari department of community development Envi ronrnenta'l .Conrni ss i on Cormunity Development Lot 47 I t lesglption of Variance R A copy of the description of the variance being requestedis enclosed. The Staff would like to recao various issues which have led up to this request. 1. Could the lot lines between A7 and AB be vacated, as being Casolar I and 47 being Casolar II. Mr. Knox wasnotified by Jim Rubin that they could not be vacated.In reviewing the P.E.C. tape 0f October 27, 1980 Jim Rubin indicated to Mr. Knox that he was told that he could not vacate the property ljnes and thus be able to transfer 3500 sq.ft. of G.R.F.A. plus or minus to Casolar II. Mr. Knox said, "I guess I didn't do my homework and I understand that this cannot be done." The request of approval of Casolar II never contained any reference to the 'left over G . R. F.A. f ro,m-ta-sol ar I . 2. The 1,400 sq.ft. (G.R.F.A.) per unit was a'lways considered as an estimate allowable per unit. This was based solely upon an estimate done by Jim Rubin without the aid of an engineer analysis as requested. In reviewing the P.E.C. tapes of August 22, L978 there was approval given for 11 units with a maximr:m of 1400 sq.ft. ofg.R.F.A. G.R.F.A, Variance for Caso'larffi Page 2 3. The owner (Mr, Knox) has stated that the Town of Vail did not control the G.R.F.A. limitation of 3380 sq"ft. of 6]R-nF., or 1690 sq.ft. per un'it. The fact is that the Town does not enforce covenants and 1690 sq.ft. (3380 sq.ft.) lvas not the total G.R.F.A. agreet to. Mr. Knox, on several occasions, was told that the total G.R,F.A. being submittedfor on projeets prior to agreeing to a finai G.R.F.A. figure would be deducted from the total. The total of usable G.R.F.A. was as foJIows: Lot area Minus area over 40% Net usab'le G.R.F.A. usable G.R.F.A. used to date RemaininE G.R.F.A. 53,796.60 3 ,485,00 50,311 .60 15,093 .48(3-6-81) 14,167.00 926.48 Based on the usable G.R.F.A. after receiving inforrnation on slope the 1.1 units proposed by Knox would only be alJowed 1372 sq.ft. of G.R.F.A. per unit. At 1690 sq.ft. per unit this project would have far exceeded the allowable G.R.F.A. Conclusion: Based on all the information reviewed both by documents and by reviewing the P.E.C. tapes, it is the opinion of the Staff that: Mr. Knox was never led to believe that: 1. lle could transfer G.R.F.A. from Casolar I to Casolar II2. That the G.R.F.A. would ever be approved at 1690 sq.ft. per unit3. That the Town of Vail had accepted his covenants which indicated 1690 sq.ft.4. That the Town of Vail wouid contro'l the amount of G.R.F.A. used or that they would enforce any provision of the covenants It is also our finding that Mr. Knox did not ful1y comply to the request of the Community Development Department to complete a slope analysis and by doing so, correct the actual allowable G.R.F.A. in the covenants. The Staff believes that'they have been very up front with Mr. Knox and believes that it was solely the responsibility of Mr. Knox to control the usage of usable G.R-F.A. in Casolar II and that any hardship has been totally self-inflicted. The Staff recommends that Mr. Knox's application for the variance as set forth in the attached application be denied. "w Roeru a enEce,L ci XEI|RY ROATH CHARLES ':, EREGA HANOLO 3. EILOOX EN]HAL IOnEH L. tIALL irOEEFTT L, ROAERTS JAY W. ENYART JOHN }I. BIRIT ELAHO FOGiER F: THOMASCH EOWAFIO N. 6ARAO r,.5TEPH€N MC6UIRE r,ACt( W. BERRYHILL ROBERT E. X ENOIG R6gERT C. KAU FI'AN DAVTO W. sTAFIX XENN ETH D. Y'ILLIS S'UAN' N. B'NN ETT HERRICX I(. LIOST(fNET JR. * arot aor4l.rtE0 lr{ coLorraoo Itl,arch 2, l-981 Lavtrence C. Rider, Esq. Town Counsel- city HaIl Vait, Colorado 81557 Re: Casolar II |.awREt'tce F. swaR'fz I(EVIN MICHAEL SH EA EVE 1"I. HERNOUIST }IOPE E JOSSqRAND l||cxaEL T. ttcooNN ELL (iFEGORY L. GUILFORD OONALO SALCITO LESLI E J. ROOS i .,OHN M. WEINBERO T FREOEFIICl( B. SAILLERN A,TTORNEYS AT LAW IIOO WRITERS CENTER IV ITZO SOUTH BELLAIFtE gTREET OENV ER, COLOR.ADO AO?ZZ (so3) "59'34('0TELEx: aE- O?54 OUR 'ILC |tU|,lBER Dear LarrY: As you and I have discussed by telephone, I represent Dean Knoxt who is the developer of casolar II. It is my understanding that the Vail Town Council-, at its February l]r 1981, meeting, remanded the variance request pertaining to Casolar II back to the Planning Commission so tliat consideration coul-d be given to a revised request by l4r. Knox whictr greatly reduces the square footage and derisity w-tri"tt had been requested at the earlier hearing before. the ;i;;$s Commission. It fs also my understanding tlat.the revised varianc6 reguest will be heard by the PJ-anning commission at its . *"-ting ott €he afternoon of Monday, March 9, -1981' If that is incorr6ct, I would appreciate it if you would let me know' As you will recall, the reguest which was presented to the PIan- tritti Co**ission by Mr. Knoi at the Commissionrs January L2, 198I, ru.iing sought a irariance which would permit construction on Lot 12 of Casolar II of a duptex totaling approximately 3'380 square feet. Al-though the construction of a duplex vtas permis- siUt" under the exisfing zoningr arr increase in the Perrnitbed GRFA ltas necessary. The variance request was denied' The amended request, which wilL be presented on March 9, 1981-r wiII simprv request'approval for the construction on Lot 12 of a si"gfe fa*ify fesidenci containing 1,900 square feet or less. . Thus, there woul-d be less density than is presently authorizedt and the requested GRFA would be substantially reduced. Roern a BneceO.. r Lar"rence C, Rider, Esg. March 2, L98L Page Two f would hope that the application and accompanying docurnentation r,rhich was tiled in conne|tion with the January L2, l98L,.hearing will fulfil-l- the necessary formaLities required for pJ-acing the matter on the commission Lalendar. Alternatively, we will be happy to complete the necessary forms or pay any additional fees at ii-r" time -of the hearing. fi there is any problem in this connection, please l-et me 'know. I have not contacted the Planning Commission directl-y and assume that you will forward this letter to the commission if you feel it is apiropriate for them to have it in advance of the hearing. Thank you very much for your cooPeration- Sincerely, F71- RPT,/l"sw Dictated but not read. i _ -.!!!EIF fur'/-b Roger P. Thomasch 'ry {] gng!-_Ic:\'1sy_-g.f_cj-L!-qrf:-t_+Ig_t_1nAl-trtr', sSq.t_.j.9lllB._61-9f !_-9!-5h:J1g1:.crf: 9o(l1,*Ut!,_ll,;p_a"'Ujt!:Lql,l_9gl,f"ryt]i_J,':jyj,4o!tlslj:-J;g:99!tggll!i_glr nis!_of tirc equclit(-'d virr j.Arrcr: irl*:;ccl ulrorr Lfrc t.t.rl l.trrl j.rrq Lacuo:is: Considcr:ati.on The :re1q-tio:rship of thc requested virritnce- to other exigt-.ing or, p.otqnt: uses ancl s';ruetures in Lhc vici-nil.,r: . Under fov;n of Vail zoning, sguarc fooLages of builclirrgJ rr. checkecl ve:closely: witlr no var:iat,ions permitted. The'deq.ree to which relief frorn the strict oL Ut.erat-inteln.re:tjrtionirnd enf or:cenent o:i: a .snec-i-f ied rc:(tLr-1i.,. i: j. on is ncces.sary to acjr;c-.'e cot..irn9 enfor:gernent o:i: a .slrec-i-fied rclfr-r-Lai:j.on is nccgi.sari' to acir;?-.'e con!:i f:p-.].it.y and unifc::rnj.ty of creatrncnt aicclncr sj-tes in the vic.i-nitv oli lo er.:.r+---_.._objr3c6lvss o:, tlrj.:; titfe rvith'-iut qr:ani: or s;'Jc:c itr.l. pr.i-vi. l-cclc. An increase in allowableour opinion be a grant of square fool:age in a multi-fani.ly zone vould ira special p::ivilege. The effe:cL o! ihe r?.'he effe:cL of ihc reqtested r.'ari.ance on liqht- ancl air Penu.f_i_!-._S-tl_L,!i_9r,,-?_-io_r:i!ar,Lell 4id !t:afj_:lc r:;:ciLj-'ij_eg, pu rl.t-.1 -l i r-: -.... -.*-i ;.4:-. -r;:-:==:--:-uLrJ..r.L-,-u:-;, cr.l tLl piin*.ic saf et)t. There are no effects on these facto::s'. Egq!__g!h"r fa"t"r" "nd.tl:e FlrrrJ>-cr sr: ci. v a r j. an c c . There are no other factors deemerl applicable. F]1{D]:ITGS: g}ej]_g I i:lg-_elA_tlr::' :. rqnn?nta l con the fo1l.or..'i.n phat-Lhe granting of the variance vri1l not constitute a grant ofspeci."rl privilcge inconsistent with the limitations on other propertiesclassified in the .same d,istrict. That the granting of the variance rvill not be dctrimental to the publiclrealth, scfety, or selfare, or materially injurious to properties orImpl:ovcments in the vicinity. llat- tfle variance is r.sarranLcd foi'one or ruore of the fol-lortring rcasons The strict or rite::a} inte::pretation and enfor:cement of the specifiedreglnlatiotr l;ottLd r:L,stllt in practic;r1 ciifficuli:y or unneccssary physicalhardship itrconsistent rriLh the objccLives of tiris title. di.str:i.bt:ti.on cf l_ar Iac-11-J-r.Les al fttt-ditlsls bs;ore qrenLinq a vaiiance: ffrcre, ;rrc cxccptions oi extraordinirry circumsLanccs 3iSr:l.ll: ii'frJ":ffi ;:f::'"" rh;rt do n{) a'nrv Thc stricL or l.itcrar interpretation and enfor:ccrnentregulation would dcprive thd applic;rnr of-fii"ir"g"uolrners of other propcrties in the sarne clisirict. or condiLions ;r1 pligenerally to olhcr of the specifj.ed enjoyed by the L .- -"+F; i}-lgf I I PUBLIC NOTICr NOTICE IS HEP,IBY GMN that Deane L. Knox has applied for a density control variance for Casolar II, a Resubdivision of tot A-7, Lionsridge Filing Number 1. Application has been made i:r accordance lrith Section 18.62.020 of the Vail Uunicipal Code. . A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on Octobet 27r L9B0 aL 3:00 p.m. before the Town of Vail Planning and Entrironmental Comrnissior-r. and inforrnaticn relating i:o the proposed the Sqning Administratorrs office during for review or inspection by the public. . '.The application change j.s availabl-e in regular business hou_rs inll RUBIN Zoning Administrator 8O1,IN OF VAIL DAPARTI'IEIIT CF COMI'TUNITY DEVETOP}IENT Published in the Vail frai-l, ./ !.,.1 y'/;/t j October ]0, 1980. -w" '' Fgli:lic FCc':lce ', rfrrce rs trsnE-6v-Gr.VEN tr'iii fil,1l; ,w$$$ffi ffil;ii rl iry,;q*;;i1;x; fl i:,lf1r:i, #il:'i:; l,'.i.il'i;i;.;;"..i"-",1.::l :11 J1,,. MBl"loRAnDrilI TO: PLANNING AND DNVIRONMENTAT COI4I-IISSION FRO!.I: DEP|RTMENT OI' CoI"MUNTTY DEVELOPI4ENT DATE: October 23, l9B0 RE: GRFA variance for Casolar II APPLLCANT: Deane L. I(nox DESCRIPTT ON O]i VARIA}TCE- REQUESTED 3. t'he L,400 sguare feet Per unit wlth a 408 sloPe studY needing to footage could be deLermined' rvab alrrays consj.dered as a.n estinaLet be completed before the actual square is enclosed. r- !- -l- &L^i' LI IC1 L LTTE:J any reference wanto to address. 1. The appl-.i-cant vras informecL before casolar II was approved that the prop.rty iine iretr,reerr lots AT and J',8 coul-d not be vacai;ed because ihe two Lots vrere in t'*ro differenL eone ilisLricts. A coPy of the description of the Variance being reguested rhe -li.aff finrle seveial discrepancies in this descripti.on 2. The reguest for approval of Casolar II to the left over G.RFA frorn Casolar I. never contained 4. Tlre Torrrn Si:aff reguested on nu-r'srorrs occasions that the Sl.ope study be cornpleted so that ihe squale fooL;rge coul<i be d.eternine<1' This Slope stuciy ri,as not given to the Si-aff for over one year folloiu'ing the approvai of Casolar II. Because of the slope analysis not beirrg complete, the csvenants for Phase II r,rere rrever approved blr the To\'rn' 5. The applicant I'ras fully aware that the slope analysis l:ad to be com- pleted. The Staff *ao ,revir asked to figure the Sguare Footage. It vas Sinally done as a courtesy to l'4r. Knox. 6. The Torr'n Staff lras resalculated the Sguare Footage on the Carling Duplex ;rnd has deternined that its Square Fooiage does comply rvj'th the 31380 that was originally proposed. ?. Since the filing of this appli<;at-.ion, tr''io more duplexes havg been approved by l,il. Iinoi r.rith a cftFA of 3,380 sc;uare feeb- Ahis does leave 913 square feet for the retrraining dup)-ex sit'e' B. The staff believes that they iraYc )reen rip froni: irr tlris whole seguenc of evcnLs. llven if tirc 1,400 cquat:c fcet FL-r uniL {Lhe pre slope analysl nuniber:) is usecl , lfrii rrooid onl.y pc::init thc remaining unit t" !? I,234 Sqatut"'fget. l.le. hov,,er,,er, bclicvL tl,;rt thc ;rpplicant gtas Lotally al{nre tliat Uhc fj.nal uumJ>cr: woulcl noL be tletcrminccl unLil after tlrc rcquesled slo;rc arnalysi.s was coruplcLed. Considerati.on of Factors Tbe-Iglqtiorrshjp ol Lhe*fequgsle4 varitnqe to otlrer existinq er: .potentiauses and structurcs in the vicinit.t I Under Tovrn of Vail zoning, sguare footages of buildings are checked veryclosely: with no variations perrnitted, The degr:ee to whieh relief from the strict or litegal intelpretrtiot Pnq.enforcr:raen5 oj: a*snecified raqt.-Lat:ign is necej:sarl' -to acitie-..e compat: bj-l.ity and unifcrtli.tV of t'reatnsnt--;ilrc)nq sj-i'es in the vierniiV or: Lo at{:i -e-- the o.bisct.irres or thi.s titlo r\ri.LhouE qrai'it or spL:cia.1 priv-ji]lrge. Atr increase in allowable square'footage in a multi-fami.ly zone would inour opinion be a grant of a special prirzilege. Lhe-effect of thc refirresteC r.'ar-i.ence on f iqht anci air, di.stribr:ti-on cfpopLlLetio!1 , irar-istr:::tatj-on ernd tra!;-jc facil,j-i:ies, irujrlrc i'ac.iij-"c-i-es andll l-_.-i-.-i-i---ut,].J. -i !, j_er; / .=ind*etiirl-ic sa_re{:\'. ?here are no effects on these facto::s'. S-ucli other: factors and eriteria as the commission deems appLicabl-e to-_-::-f,lle F IOI)ost(] varl.ance. There are no other factors deemecl applicable. FrNrrj.IGS: -f,he Flannj.nq arrd llrlvironnental Con,ni.is.sion shall rnalle tha follovj.nq-;-;--i;--*-:-f,lndj.Dg$_.bcr:ore gra,lting a varj_a;)ce: That the granting of the variance wi]1 not coDstitute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent r+ith Lhe limitatiqns on other propertiesclassificd in the .same district. That the granting of the variance will not be d.etrimenta.l to Lhe public l-tea1th, s;-rfet-v, or selfare. ox materially injurious to properties orimprovcmcnts in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted. for oltc or nrore of the following reasons: The strict or literal inte::pretat.ion alrd enfor:cement of the specifiedreglulatiou rrould l:usult in practic;r} riifficuli:y c'r unnece.cjsary physicallraudship iuconsisLent. vriLh the objccLil'es of tfris title ,nnox r*d5(,L.LL LL Lv l lJ if ov CNITI}RIA AND FINIGS'---t Upon rr:v*ier'r qF. Cr:i!.crj-a ancl Fj.ndj.l.l!r_ isgqi.on_lg._92.06O,_-of thgjtUlfg1ps-l 9gd*-r_!.1-tg__ll,:pj1_{_Uj}i-'ng__A.L_qej1lg3.llj4rv-,n!gEjlgt!_ l:gCgIunelgj1_delt-e_l__9lrequestc-d l"r.crriance bgl;gd ufion the J:o1lcr..tirrq f.l!:t_rrrs: '4. I(nox Casolar II - I - LA/fil8O ' rh.r.. €rrc exceptit oi. "*ir..,ordinary rir.r*t,.,.o"ble to t-]re sitc of Lhc variancc that tlo not applypropcrtj.es in the same zone. The strict or l-itcral interpretation and enfor:cementregulation. would deprive the applican{: of privil_eges ovrne.rs of other properties in the sanre clistrict. STAFF RECO_Ird-aEITIDATI eN S : The Department of Conrmunity Development We find the applicantrs descrj.ption tofor approving jt. recommend.s be in error or conditions appLicigenerally to oLher of the specifj.ed enjoyed by the denial of this requesl and find no ground rr\ | ^UAScv'tPrf i o'zt l.r Town of Vail ,lim Rubin Zoning Admjnistrator Tor+n Cou nc i I Planning Conrmission Casolar.Project in Vail has run into a problem concerning the GRFA on phase iI. I would litle to review the transistion of events for your .re-vi ew, c. L977 the tor'rn reviewed and approved thc follovring. "Envelope" concept for the Lion's Ridge Lots A-B and A-9, R.C. zoning Vaiation of property linc thus combining totai. square footage and establishinq a gross GRFA of .35,740 square feet or 1775 sq. ft. per unit x 19 units (Exhibit A Touqh'il'l's note). l,le'established a plan of, 9 duplex "envelopes" and one sing'le famjly envelope. Hovlever, we reduced the 1775 GRFA per to i690 GRFA thus p'ickino up an addit'iona1 85 sq.ft pius an acidjt'ional 2015 sq. ft. GRFA or a total of 3630 sq. ft. of un- used GRFA. Please note the purpose of i,his plan r.ras io combinc this surp'lus GiiFA with Phiise II (Lot i\-7) to give us the nccessar-y GtiFA for the planned e'leven units of 1690 GP.FA each (four dupiex and one trip'lex). Durinq this tcrn of the previous zoninq administrator this nirs djscussed. A nepeat of the same A-8, A-9, process v/as suggested for phase II. The sanle re'liew and suggestion vrar,rnade by the incuml'ant Z.A. ldhen we sub-njtted the phase II pian in 1978. The R.C. concept'in phase II, vras identical to phase I, nas declared in tire planning cornmissions.minutes of Au-q. 2?, !978. (Exhibit B.) Tho approval of Phase II vras hot,,cver not inclusive of the additional GRFA fron Phese l due the existance of the pro'nerty l'i ne that r're neglecteC to vacate. This rvas brouglhi to my attention by the Z.A, Because the zoninq of Lot A-7 is LDi'lF the GRFA was approved at 1400 GRFA per unit: (inciusive of an estimated 40?i slope area). l.le requested.a slope study at that time. In 1977 and 1978 the declaratfon and restrictive covenants r.refe reveiled, changleC, and finaliy approved by the to'rrn of \ta'i j based on 1690 sq. ft. GFRA per unit. l^Je did not vacate the A-7, A-8, g lot line because of nunrerous changes. The toln in a letter to Cascilar and Transamerica suagested a final pian be strbrnitted when all changes such as enveiope adjustments etc. are finalized. In 1979 h'p l(ere tolC verba'lly that Casolar II cou'ld not vacate the property line to rbsorb the additional footage to reach our planned 1690 GRFA per unit. 0n June 4, of 1980, we finally received the re-evaluation of our longt al'aitcd slope Jrlan. l,/e lrere rcdrrced to approxirnatcly 1220 GRFA per unit ln Phase II, eioht rnonths fronr your rcccip*" of p)ars by Richard's Enginccring h'e rcsponded rvitlr the letter of June 20, lSrS0; (Exhibit uE"). 1. In A. B. --!tr -last ycar 1,Je as wO aS tne Aoh,n approvco ltrtt, Cffior rnustr ]r unrcs. All zit'c check wor[shects show thc'allor.tcc.l 0RFA as-1690 (Exhjbit "F') approvcd by the tot'tn. lle no; realize that tor.rrr officia'ls'initially concludcd that the zoning on phase I and plrase II vlere the same thus allovring the merger of the two phases. This denial of the original direction givcn us by the tot'tn has placed us in an extremely precarious position vtith our present owners. 0f the five envelopes in Phase II, two are in construction- Lot II, a triplex vrjth 1342 GRFA per unjt and lot 14 a duplex vrith 1590 plus a que'stionable overage. Duplex lots 13 and i5 crre ifi plann'ing sta!'e and have. requested a 1690 GRFA per unit allocation. This leavcs lot 12 a dup.lex t'rith a ieclrrced GRFA of 933 sq. ft. A recluction of 2447 sq. ft. of GRFA (3380 - e33). At thjs writing most of the above js acariemic, but the factors must be dealt with. 1. The project lras approved for 1400 sq. ft. enforced I imit. pelqnt! and tns the 2.: The toi{n authority after an unreasoirable cleiay further reduced'the GRFA. This fol1oned'tottn auprcval of tvlo structures in excess of the initial lirnitations 3. The to'rrn. has ignored the limitations it has granted on both. GRFA caiagories and granted a;rprovals of sturctures itl excess of ttre I in'itati ons 4. The tovn further approved one triplex and four duplex't ots. The rret results of the last sitc hirs been squeezed dot'tn and impractical to use as a duplex siie. 5. Thereforc, the entitlement of site-12 as a duplex has been' taken arr'ay fronr Casolar by the arbitrar3,' graniing of excess floor area in total disregard of the limitaiions. $le have p1 anned rvithin casolar a small non-sprat'r]incl commun'i ty r'lith ded'icated recreastion area' a solar concept, and a larqer conmon area' 'Ne don't believe that our request is unreasotrable and beg your indu'lqence to consider this variance. I '--tctr/ Jt/.";t''.'r'-"t1h1;,' /'-' .',' ": ^' ":' :' : 7 o / xz, -5- { t'-' n)ll^ = ad"?q' aot,,-n-( ' e'a.r /' / .alt zJ /r.,. f J3.-{- /i-rf,,.r', /t,'L,*,. --1,.-ti 1. /d'f -;y*- /*Vt/= o.?a'4,-., - . s f&f.tt -+J.*+L; -. 4 ' t< -/6 7or/tt/rz a. {. c..*.- - .-4{tn-- t J- z-,'4*!{7'a..- 4#, '.+!!G!llF.". Ery+lrgtf t/o"nl L-eu A {h, E-noZL*--- J'^fu a&---' kr.*d., [llrrutcs-F[C . htlytrrit 22, 1978 I'Pg. 0 o Col,l.Jn:r and fccl.s the 1ot is too cl.osc to thc creek. tid Dragcr tlren ques.tionerl whethcr there should be a streamsida AcLlrttuh. t{()ger Tilkemeicr felt that to anslvcr a1l the qucstions Ironlrhl. up today this rnattcr shoul.<i be iablcd ur:til -the ncr,:t fc.i;rtllrr'ly sjchc9u]-.9_ntccting. His lrlotion is to tablcth;; r,i[ Bank of Vail request for a corr'critional use pernrit and J'nl.lrJ rri var-l.unce utrtil tlre Planning fi, _Envir:onrnental Com.rnission ftrc.I J'ri. sch:gtlr-:9 f9" septernber J.2l r9zB. Gerry 1,/hite secondedtho tJotion and the Coramission voteri unanimousfy to table this matter. ,l'he 4th item.on the agenda, i'/edel Inn -Rczoning frornl,ubl J c Accommodatioll to CCt has bcEilTiTIliarvn by the applicant. The Commission requested that j-tem dlscussed at this time. Casolar Vail II<rr J,ot Z, Rl,ock A, Lionsri?El-iTiiB-ll CoopeI - Lbtsfor_- I)eanc l(nox and Harold Engstrorn were pr.esent to speall totlre commission. They exprained tbeir propbsal u.hich ii basicallytr torynhouse concept. Their proposal.. is for 2,400 sq. ft./dup}"{lots ancl one 3,100. so.. ft. triplex lbt. The ,-,nitr rui1l be( t,zog)Etl . ft, GRFA and tlle density mects the Zoning orainan"u-.*\ff."ments&'$tated by Jim Rubin. Their access rrilr be fron sandsrone iloaclnrrd \iai1 vie' Drive. fhe covenants have architectural controLs. Ro. Tor]d made the l,rotion ro *oo"ove casolar vail rr requestfor Resubclivision -of Lot ?, Block a,'i-,i-onsriag" riring No, 1nri I t is in aceorclance rvith the cluster. h"u"iffj concept audlrlui bcen recorfiencled for approvar -by the Departnient of comnunityDcvr').opment- Gerry Iihite s^econoed ihe }lotibn and the Conmissionvutcd unanimous approval . nurnber six be - Iiequest for Resubdir.isio: ,.r r Item 5 on the agenda rvas then discussed.:c.n:lF#?#ffffi#f Fi*t'**"- Tt r,.... 'I.ltc orvner rtants'to rvork r'ith this site as a rvhor.e.^. -'r: ilrG t\\'o Resi(iential cluster sitcs, g uni,ts ape permitted,tsdr tt1vligr1- is put tirrg .only ? units on tire site. ti 1,,..'I'lrc'Cornnrissiotr aslis for the o$ncr's l'easoning on this requcst.C* ..il:].. 1'.rPllinccl duriug rliscrrss ion 1.h;rt it nra1, be.rhor.e feasibLegl t f '.,ii {Lr tl)c lot Ljrre mal;irrJ1 onc single sit:e so ttrat thcy . f.l -".,".1-{,.,]tl,'g to'hnvc onc dr-ivcu,lv for :rcccss to t.}lc projcct. .I;.1: r,,,,'Jlllll]^tltat t.ire llan is to s;tvc tr-ecs on tha s;.rt r:y arr:ruring' I:' n,,.1 .l,,t D!IS. irr'()urr<l tlre cxisting tr-ccs. Thc Dusi 1;n ncyiiu, Iloard . fnt.. t,.i.l"'ovcttt tbi.s pltn. f irc Ccrruruir;sjr>n fcels t.hc j>lar: asi a sipg;le i;... 't rs n good i(le& llrd givcs thc ])t-oicct nrorc ilexibility.. i.,1: - r,i::- rrr\ll(,r Tillicnrcier tnatle tlrc ltotion -,o :rppr.ovc tlre v;rcationi-3'' ; iil ..-rr I "p,, Dear Deane: ge sti1lThis fetter is to 1et you knolv 'r"']iat square foota remainsforCas;o].arII,andhorvl'..eareallocatjngit:If you <tesire tr: have it allocate<l Cif {erent)'y, please let tne knorv' ov lqb.LD ?Ynf! Lot Area 53r?53 square feet . * slope over 4oZ q'*g;' iper nichards Engineering 9-20-?9) Net'Dcvelopable 50 ';ili4 sqraare f eet' GRIrA Factor .3O GiIFA uscd 7 '1bgCarling 3,?32 Kintzing 4,027 TOTAL GRFA rcm;ti,ning 7-,321' 1'OTAI Units remaining '6--,-' TOI'AL GRFA Per unlt \ 1,220 )'\.\. ilnless we lrear differently-IT6;il- 5ou, this is the square footage per unit that rte are usitrg for zoning purposes' Exr-tr ?ztf box 1O0 vail, colorarlo 81657 {3031 470'5613 June 2, 19BO Deairc Knox .A1 Dorvnirrg Street r-'t'1-O 7Denver, CO 8+657'J- - / Ee: Casolal II Sqrrare Footage department of comnrunily development w \ I ,t &*rer,T "9 Juno 20r tg30 JLm TtubJ-n ?, on1-ng .A d n I nigtr:at cr Dox 100 :ValI, CO 31657 Dear Jlm, Tlian!; you for your itrlalyslc of Cecolar If 6 ^lto:revoro t an gtlLl concerned after youx roport on s ilulber of !te$s' t. fLo r.axlsrtrn Glll',L ers de:3-gnated ln-oy:..d?t,1::"ll:l t"'l'I.tt U.rr,,l-ui(l!l r.-rr,! cr., \re J-.-u"' ---:rf,gSg I Wt,S 15?Csoncghrt dlfi'crari ::.q iou -]in/) o GitfA but rclates ic i'huse I. 2 " ite al,provcd Carlin{' r,n.t:axin:ut:t.??!9^!?1::'.-,ii:"t3:,,,1'li ) ;;r;i";;;'i',i?i-= *r',rr"to-ii'lu"'ai-=er"r'ancv which I r;i11 3n in oou may reca)-lr ua.t;ero to. ba "11o::!-"-fl::::-1:tir1'i"- ;.-i ;;i";.1' 'i"""-vre.have T-?YuI'.:::"f :::" or l'q;;;; i"tri6 ""-n."ie-r a"a "11!? 3.l1,^tl:::,.1:;:;l;:';";;i"J"LiiX"o' i;;;'"*"i'uJ'ct'r;ith- il::"?:':ectlns;;;.;.-ir,iougllcut-tir; Fig Jcct' i-s.*"ou ul?lgli*]:-:vr 9<,.\r!' v,,ri,- !/u{>rrve lii z,onln6 bc.,rn:eenattcntior:, the::e 1g e differencc ..;:;:'i:["L;';:.;'i'i":'-"""rd' d isa rtovr sr\v trrea conblni.*' f rrouid Ilkc to rsquest a studv ?nd p9?E:b1:-"H:=:-:^tll- WUtl-Lu I.!,J!(; Vv J. lJ\lqee tlrlg problcm ag rtc wTots the, dec' ,*^r- .r-^-r d t t cn-;ii;"'J;;";;c ; ;;";;;-"oiJ-tr.o lots on that b1"ll; -All?:;i:.; ; " ;"tii" tti.'i#; " " i" i; " "ii g: - l l;l : :i:.. l::':' iIit *?1,, 1 ::T* tholilu(Iiru rr'.rr,L' !rr!r (, J.,.rl- v 1,.. ",'uic-1" revlew tjre ilchardlsfoad t'hat lias bcett rcnovoC. Sbuulg Hs rc'rre\-t ltt pursue uLth Carlin3.. Engtneerl&5 report? up FrlCaylglth you. June 2?th and rvill stoP bY 'eo : Sfuicorci3lo Lo Knos t revi ctv\.' .I .l Doeno '.I t ;'l.i I.,\l\l .i.l tl ti I , wf \DU(./1s ' , o'u.,,,, ': ,,/1"10,,, ',,rr,,,1 !:1':Jl't '' Lot 14Lcgal Dcscri'Ptitn: .--tllucl: r/!- l:il ing n^A^r^ t' }.atIIt/L3 v f at rL 1 FF.--.-_!_-.._:-:d -- --------0,Y,l)lirciri tc'c t Tolrc Dis'r;rict I'roposcd Use Lot Arr:n - -- - lleiglrt Allo:'rt:d lfaterccut'sc-rcqtti t"e d . Pt'oposcd Sccc'nda tY lil 'l crr'ted Site Covcra 9e : /ill o'r;ed .10' f'roposed SetSactrs: Frorti."llc't1u irctl 20' -Pi"irJio3cd ------ : - . S.itles"Pequi red ) 5' Pt'opoicd . Rear "licqrli rctl 'l 5' Proposcd Propoied Prirnrtl' ProPosed Sccprrda rY Proposed Proposed Pr-'oposeilLandsc.i'P'i r rg: [arl:irrg: .. Dri-r'e: SloPe Perrnit{'-ed linvircnn:ntir1/llaz;rrds:'Avr'lancl:e -' Fl ood l''i ain Sl ope Itcriui red Requi red }r:opc:.ed Slo;-re Tici:uirJ- coiiiirents:- - --:-llg- Sb,--eA--6c--9(r t Da1.e:Al.rprovccl,/D i s a 1'Provcd' i:I.l Zor'ing: ;Zon iply /tii::ri tti s t t::: t.ot' ta' --'-lt t .- r'',dto P '- i') ir I z4-ne- /C y 7f,.{ x'/L' ' 2fi'5it--= &tv 7's-: co xcP : 7vd = rZ"zf t{ '5b zB ?z,zr- .l t.,I o''l r ,i: ..TI 'q<m F*q+.}a|ll.*..-r%^.:ai' !rft ?ti..'.!iiiilnnil n I a tfir-+'., qi, rl "f office of ths town maDagerbox 100 vail. colorado 81G57 {303} 476-5613 Novomber 4, 1977 . . litr. Dcane I'.nox 800 llashington Denver, col sozol Re: Lots B an<i 9, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1 Dear Deane: This is to confjrm that al'l zoning and subCjvision relu'i rements have been net for the proposed Casolar project. Tlre Planning Conrnission and To';rn Council have approved the vacatiop of the property lipe and easement be- tl'reen the tlo lots; horievero the plat must be fi'l ed wjth tagle County. Design Revjer.l Board has given conceptual approval for the en't-ire project and final approvai f,cr Phase I. Each phase vliil require finaj;approva'l from Design lieview Board. The proiect may be condomininrized or tot,inhoused so long as the land is not further subtjivjded. A townhouse aPproach may divide the land djrect'ly undcr a unit if the balance of the lano is held as a comilon element, If you have furiher questions, please contact me. 5i ncerely, OF COi'li'lUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT S. Toughi'11 Admi nl strator . ,l- .-..'i r. \ .. ---/ I .*_.: - -,) ; :i'.'.rrcior3 Juluap3n. Lid, SoC gist Eigtrlh ,'rvc;iro lTJ1fit';i,:;;;' Tcl. 337-1:igt 1'cl. 931"7[1t Tcl, 25.!3.9i1 Dlnrlqr. ColcrrCo 0ClC3;c',,f C;;r,;::.,o [0p03 Gurdi:la j:ra, Jat.. t,icxico lnr i I E..E...^v'r978 . -J'r"..)V-z-z -'? ( -*'l - ,-1^*qAru, ar lJJ.ct,lI Ec+r hfff'r ... )ds. Diane Toughii"l Tor"n of VailVail , Colorad.o Bt65 7 Dear Diane: Attached you r+i1l fj-nd a checll for 9100.00of the Casolar Del Norte sitc. r r+oul-d ]ike to outrrne briefry the events reading, upto this applica;ion .for variance. rn L9?7 r..re had reciitldconcepiual approval of the entire project fron Design ReviewBoard based.on a condoniniilize<l or- to-.];nho"uu oppror6h rottu"n.acopy) rn revierving the concept both rn'iih ?ransamerican ?ii.Je,lending sources, and Council, a problc;.l arose as .io jus: \?hatis -the prospective bulrer receivinq. liorv is he protectedand uhat are his liniitarions? using the tor.rnhcusc conccpt r.re icveioped sitc focairansthat rre shall call Envelopes. ?he Enveloire ,.ru.s ro be thesite r"hiclr the buvei uras.lro'...'ed to desig.; and build a struc-tu:re. He r'ras given siii nonths to sub:nit-prans. After approvala survev r.ras to be proviced to esi.allish the pari:reters oithe ioundatio's a*d finally, a i,eed issr:ed shli.ring whai, thebuyer reeJ.ry bought.. (Atiached decLaration and restric-.ivecovenants) . ' The problems that have been createcl by this form are asfollorvs: ' the purcllaser of a site docs not real)y or\,n anvthinguntil subnrission and ;:1:proval of plans. fhis iraytake .co;rsiderably nrorc tine than ij.x nonths Title_conpanies r,,ill t:ot, insure title until su):vcy.?lrere:=o:ur --he putchescr is unp::o,cegtei during theintcrirn. l. 2. F PI,ANNING AND ENVIRON I4EETING MondaY, October 27 | L980 I'{EMBERS PRESENT the minutes of the Drager. In favor co},lMrssroN 3:00 P.M. stAFF PRESEI{t .fim Rubin Peter Patten Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack cou$lcrl MEI4BEB Ron Todd meeLing of October 13'198( 5-0 (John and Roger had MINUTE oso t MENTA' cerry White Jim Morgan Dan Corcoran Gaynor Mj"ller Ed Drager John Perkins Roger gilkemeier l-. Dan Corcoran moved that be approved, seconded bY Ed not yet arrived). 2. Dan moved and Ed seconded the appointment of Roger Ti"fkemeier as member to attend DR-ts meetings. Ia favor, 5-0. Gaynor }lifler said he rn'ould be the alternate 3.$ide Setback Variance request for Casolar Vail Jim I'lcDona1d to move the building 4.RFA VARIANCE for Casolar II - Deane L. Xnox .Iin nubin explained the mem6 and some of the verlt conrPlicated events ttrat, transpiled over the past several years, addj"ng that the request was for a i,447 sqttuariance.Deane Knox ga're his point of view, adding that in Phase I there was less density thcfn pernitted, and that there were 19 units insteacl of 20.Dcane and Jim oi_sagreed alout whether or not the Town had given direction on the amounts of GRFA. AIso in disagreenient l{as the vacation of lot Iines, whctlrer or noL Knox approved some of the dup).exes' how aware of the restrictions Knox was, etc. thc aPplicant asked to have this request tabled. and it qtas tabled by the PEC. Peter Patlen presented the explanation of the memo mailed to the members' Jim Rubin aaded that when the original Casolar subdivision was presented' it wasn't contemplated that the decks would be so close together' Mark Donaldson rLpresenting Jim McDonald e:iplained that the building envelopes are tight, and that the o'rrrli€I is r','i]ling to risk building near tire utility 1ine. Discussion followed about how bcst io make certain t,hat fulure owners would also be responsible. A deed was felt. to be inappropriate by Brian O'Reilly, who fe:lt that a recorded notj-ce of this vliiatce rvould be more approPropriate. Iohn Perkins moved Lhat tlre side setback variance be approved with .tfr. "tiff reccoriunendation that the o-r,rner oi envelope 15 would be.responsj'lor solving any probiems that occur vith future seeler line work in the easement, anO i+ith a recorded notice of this variance. Roger seconde ttre motion, and the vote was 4-] in favor {Jim Morgan against and Dan and Ed abstaining. I ENV IRONDI-INTAL COIqI:TSSION MBtrTING }TINUTES l.L .!7 PLA}INI}TG AI{D MondaYr November I0r 1980 . 3:00 P'm' FTAFF-PRESENT: Pick RYan G1y1or Miller I"l"I :i::?:^-.-'r::- RosolackEd .Drager '. -. 'BetsY John Perkins nn' ilim l'lorgan -ns ' coutqcrl= -nelterR PnrsrNrt - Ron Tocrcr r ^ ,r -r O,11. Approv+l of minui:es of 'mgetinq gf--1Q:22:89 ------the meei-inq of Novenlucr z{ ' Vote was 4-0, unanimous' iir.P a':L Vtr Densltv contro)- ', Gaynor movecl for approvar, t*to"i"i by-;;h"; lnd vote was 4-0' unanimous fgr apProval. 2. 'Knox, densit'r co3lrol-Ygfillce' apPlicant asked to table till the meiting of Novemb er 24. John pdf.ifi"*oved to table anrf J'im Morgan secor Vote tris 4-0, unanimous' .r..GartGaraqefrontsetl:ackvr.an'.,Lo12,B}ocki,Va.lV.llaqeIs.i PeterpresentedtLrememoandsaidthattherestil}remainsbasica}lyno har<lship, and tnai there was not [r".ir-"rr""se.from the first meno sub- ffi;;;;-;;r-u"-d;;oi,=i' rr meerins, recommendins denial. .Ieriry Gart explainecl that ther:.,*ttt only 2 units in the build'ing' not 3 and that he rvas using it as " rtrit" r-rnirv trome- IIe added tha{- there hi beeu a saraeie, b;;-;h"; tr'* ati"";;; ;:" Lb:^:l:"p 1nd fh9' s-f'?' had be' changed into the ""ro"J"iv unit. l.li. eart descriLed. neighbr:rs on either side of his l.rouse-irf.ro *"rL closer lo the street than his requesLed garag would be. He teit Lirrt tne garair-i""lO iaa to the appe;rrance of the itottu. whilc hiding the trash' Jl.rot'lorganmovedtoapplove.thevariance,andJohnPerkinssecondedit.'vgte was unani*"""] a'-b i" f avor of approval ' Use Permit -Revi-ew Applicant asked tc table John motreq uo table, seconaed by Gaynor' Peler PaLten Lhanked John Perkins Ueing snch a big l:elP on the DRB' *as his IasL meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35' for'serving on the Coinmission and for-J"n"-ti"--f,oving to Eagle-Vail and it a -tFr I I.{SMOIIANDUII TO: PLAJ'INING NiD ENVIIIONMENTAL CO'NIr1ISSION FROl.t: JII'! RUBIN DATE: November 2I, 1980 RE: GRFA Variance for Casolar II, Dcane Knox l. He clearly understoocl the'1'400 square fcet per unit and the need for the sloPe analYsis' 2.|Iel..ner.ttlratitwasuptohimtoallDcatethesquarefootageforCasolarll. 3.l.ler*asnevertoldthathecouldtrarrsferextTaSquaTefootagefromCaso].arI. PWINING AIID ' HondaY' ENVI RONI4TNTAL I'lovember 24, : t COI'IHI SSION I'IIETI NG 1980 3:00 P.m. .STUtlY SESSI0I{: 2:00 P-m- l. Continue discussion of activating a studY-arc1..:11 STond*ent to the'- tail Village and Vail Lionshead Urlian Design Gulce vlan' 2. Discussion of horizontal zoning for vail vil'tage & vail Lionshead' REGULAR SESSI0ll: 3:00 t\ tll l. Approval of minutes of meeting of 11-10*80' 2. Revievt of Vail Guides conditional t:se permit'. (Pri.nterY Bui lding). 3. Knox, densitY contro'l variance-: i]iioiu" II, ilesub Lot A-7, Lionsridge lll 4. of a proposed new , B'lock i, Vail 5. Reouest for Conditiona'l Use Pennit to allorv thc ccnstruction i;t;;; uririi';s "n"i"i s,-si"tk i, a-Resubdivision or Lot I il;;;i,'"'"Ji'i' iiritsl-[nv'ti'u Bobson Ice Arena) Request for an Amendmen*u to the Zoning Ordinance to remove tinie-share fractiona.l fee uni,I ;; iir"-ii,"ru iicenie units from the Conditionai iit' lfl--Ftlt'ic Accomriodations Zone Disirict' estate unit Uses secti I pr,ANNrNnND EN'JR'NI.IENTAL cor,rr.rrsst MEETTN. Monday, November 24, I9B0 3:00 p.m. MBMBERS PRESENT Gerry tlhite Gaynor l,lilier Itoger Tilhcmeier Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Scott Edwarcls STAFIT PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten Betsy Rosoleck 9OLINCIL MEI'IBER PRESnI{T seconded by Roger. The vote vras 2-0, Todd t.1orr4J of minr:.Les cf meetin of I1 -10-80. Gaynor movecl to epprove minutes,all of the others abstaining. 2.Revier.r of Vail _Gqides conclitiorral use permit Peter Patten expJ-ained that therc lfas no nemo. and that the lettersreceived froin the sandstone ?0 cc:idominir-::n associationr. and. fron vaiiGur'-des, and copies_gf the original Planni:rg minutes and merno e>rplainedthe 'problem- He adcled that eicessive vehicles and. not adhering ;o theori-gina1 agreement by vail Guides not. to gtore any vehictes irr6re, seemed.to be the majsr. problem. rlim Rea, o\rner of VaiI Guidesr.,rInc., ad,dressed. the Comnission to poj_ntoulr that until he recej-vecl. a copy of the letter from Sandstone Z0 tothe P-lanning Commission, he had not been aware of any problen. He adrnitgethat sorneLimes there hacl rreen too many rrel-ricles, and that he plannedto rnoclifl' the empJ-oyee manual and malre clear Lhat this is not to happenagain. He explaineC that drivers parll to-corne in t,o get their instructior:perhaps 10-15 ninutes : Bill Piercer Presiclent of Sand.stone 70 Condos read from the letters anilminutes ti:at Peter referred to, adding that the vehicles block the gouthaccess. He stated that Sandstone's agreement, eith the printery Buildingwas that 9 parking spaces rvas for the printery f::om B-5. Ted l{artin,ari orrner in Sandstone and a vail fireman stat6cl that the number of vehi.clefrom vail G*ides present,ed a pr'b1em wi.th fire access.I)atr Corcoran added ti)at some of the Vail Guide vehicles hacl been observedparking on tl:e Frontage F.oad. as well . :severar commission mcnbers suggested thai the two parties shourd getb?"Iig5 tg try ro-.sorve the piobrem themserves. Birl and Jim agreed,and Bill- Picrce askeci to ireve the mattcr tableo unlil ,,fanuary 12 r*henthel' 1^"o,t1d b:ing baclc a mutual agreement ccntaini;rg cold:i.Liois agreedto. Roger T I'loved that tlre issue be tabled, Dln seconded it, and the votewas 6-0, unauinous. Iton f . (.-t {\ : The applicant asked to have this tabled again. Rogcr movcd that this j.tem bc tai:led at thc rc.quest of the at>pJicanL, Dan Corcoran secotrded itr and the vote was 6-0, unanimous to lable. 4. . Request for Conditional _U_se permit tq_a]low the*construclion ot a proposed ner'r library buil<iing on Lot. 5, Block 1, a l{esubdivision ofLot 7r Block I, Vail Lionshead 2nr1 FilinS (by the lce Arena). Dick Ryan presented. thc memo, emphasizing the communiLy room and the enrployee:units. Scott Bclwards vrondered if there ha<l been arry imput 'from .property owners to the east. Dan assu::ed hin that thcy we::e aware of tlre Library plans. Roger. r.ranted to nl,ri:e certe-in that the lfc-,.ra officj-a11y owned Tr:act D. Craag Snovrden showed plot plalrs, elevations, floor plans and sections, anC ans-vrered guestions. Craig explaiued that parliing uould be in the lot nexL to the rink and in the i,lesL lionshead Parking SLructur( Craig estimated constru-ction coulC begin ne:{t sunner or'fa11", but thata public bond issue musL fir.st be passed. IJe al.so aslcecl that he not be tiecl dor','n to a definite square foor-age, that. fluctuations in the \,rorkil clravrings coul.d result 1n a I -28 cirarige. Roger moved tJre commissicn grant the conditional use permit as presented in the staff rnemo with tlre provision of a L?-2"d fluctuation, secondedby Scott Edrvards, and the vol:e was unanirnous, 5-0, with Dan C. abstaining, 5. nequest for an Amendment to the Zonhng Orrlinance to remove tj-me- share estate uni.ts, fractional .,fee units and time*share license units' from the Conditional Uses.section irr the Public Accomrnodations Zone Distri Dick Ryan presented the memo, and askcd if the::e rnight be other criteriathat shou.ld be considered.. Peter feIL that in interval ovmerships, rentalunits were inporLani:, and that renta] rinits r.:ere built in, because manypeople buy for invesLrnent purposes, anci'rent their unit out. Geruy White . was in farvor of the proposal . for he felt concern about -the avaj-l-abilityof unils for tlre public on a nitely basis. Discussj-on centered on whther' or no'L ttrere would be ;r less personal scrvice if tiine shar:ing were involv€fhe feel.ing about this seemed divided. Gerry pointed sut that thereltere.very ferv buildings in the PA Zotro. Duane as)<ed if there should remain a renelal- process Roger moved to recomrnelrd to the Counc-'i.l that the staff and the Planning and Environmental Comnrission do fur{:}rcr study and cone up witit additionaleriteria for tirne sha::itrg in the n1. rono. ffgre was no second. -Dan ntoverl to request an amendment to Lhe Zoning Ordinancc as stated. intlrc nremo, secondcd by )l,,rger. Rogcr,, Gaynor, Gcr:ry and f)arn t'otecl infavor, Duane ancl ScoLL -,,roLed against, Tire rr.ot:ion passed, 4*2- Roger movccl the meeting be rldjourned, and Dan scconded it. lieeting vasadjnurncd at 4:45. *{rilI ilql tJtJI rail. colorado 81657 13031 476.5613 Deane L. Knox 2030 East llth, Apartment 70I Denver, Colorado 80206 Dear .1.1r. I(noxl Enclosed are the minutes from the Comnission of Decernber 8, 1980. Please be informed that if you are . the J;rnuary 12, 1981 meeti.ng, the Environmental Commission vill deny SincerelvM PETER PATTEN /,/,V,- Senior Planner PP/br and l{cDonald I department of community de';clspment December 9, 1980 Planning and EnvironmentaL not present at Planning and y'our request. ccl Catoe .lantrir rY TO: 8, l98l TOI{N OF VAIL PLANN]NG ANIJ ENVIROI{:UENTAL COIAIISSION FROlrt: DIANA TOUCIIILL RE: CASOLAR SUBDIVISION . since tl.rerc has bccn so rnuch confusion about the GRFA and intcnt for the Casolar subdivision, Jin Rubin and Pctcr Patton requcsted that I attempt to renember sornc Of the background infornation and discussions' Deanc KnoX' the developer, approachcd the Tor,n with a totally ncl{ concept (a1so the first project proposed under the ncrv RC zoning) ' Ihe intent was to develop a residentiaL subdivision that worked better than rnight be alloued under the convcntional zon ing - Because the plan rl,as a bettcr one than nhat rnight .have rcsulted rurder thc stan<lard RC :oning, I tried to r.,ork liith tllc de|el oPcr to make the plan feasible, As I rccall, f ret,ieried not onll'the subdiYision plat and proposed plans, bqt also the proposed declarations and covenants and the sales contract' TO make sure tlte Totm tlas p]'otected against i.l lcgal resubdivision and exces- si'e GRFA, I required several changes in the docuncnts, including a statcncnt about the maximum al1orr,able GRFA per unit. The rcaSon I renember this so vividly is that Stu Brorun and I had some violent arguntents about the rr'ording and the bankts attoTncy didnrt like tlre rcstrictive language either' (I think my ruarkcd-up cop:.cs of tlre originally proposed tlocrrncnts are in the file)' -, .In order to ailor,r the requestcd GRFA, all prolclty lines t"ere to be v;rc:rtcd. Tttis r.'as rcqucsted so that:rdrlitionnl units corrld not be addcd on the atljaccnt LDIIF lot at a latcr dstc and so that all thrce lots uele develojrcd cohesitely. Thc LDIIF zoning allorvcd glciltcvdcnsity than rt'hat was proposcd undcr tltc cnvclolre, clustcr conccpt. urHuiosrrnof"t r:t$ l*or$l coutIISSI0N MEETING i- 'JNVIRON|!I[N'INLP. 'n. MEMBERS PRESI\T Gerry ltlhite Scott Edwards Roger Tilkerneier GaYnor l'lil1cr Dan Corcoran Duane PiPer Jin l'lorgan The neeting vias called to order by the chairinan, GerrY STAFF PRESEN'I Dick Ryan Peter Patten BetsY Rosolack . COUNCIL REPRESI]NTATIVE Bill l{ilto hjhite. Dan noved to apProve, scconded bY Pcter Patten explained that this t^,'as fj.rst brought to a PLC meeting j-n October' 1980' The events ucre ccnpl icated, and therc r';a s a baiic disagreriietlt in the sequence of event betrseen the Toryn of Vail staff and ilr. ]inox. lle cxplaincd that Jim Rubin had written a neno r.,'hich i)eter rcad: "he (linox) clear'1y under-.tc,id the 1400 sq ft- per unit and thc n fOr. the slope analysis. lle knel that it iru, .,1, to hin t() allocate the square footage i Casolar II. Hc was nerrcr told that he could tianfer extra square- {oot a ge . fron . Casoi ar I Peter cxple,iiled a feit"r f.o,n Diana Toughill dated January Sl fgSf distributed just bef the neeting. Diana: As I see it, part of the disagr:cnrent j.s rghether tire Totr'n had the responsibility tO enforce the covenaltts or t{hatever, perta.i"ni-ng to thC GllFA. As f renenbel the whole thing as i1. i.tent thru tire original app]:oval, is that the 'Io':'tt in fact requircd that cer thilgs be j)tit in thc covcrra:rti, and ii salcs c-olt:-acts arld a nuinbet: cf other things' sc iitr.t''lfr* rirr* couro i' fact "nior".'c1e GRFA so t';s vrculd'.tt end up vith problcrns latcr' Gerry: 'lhat you are referring to al]e the restrictiols j-r: terns of 1-'ctal siz'e' Diana: No, the maxiniim GI1FA irer unit. I looked bacli at some of the files, and I think if you looll at that, yotrrll find rny or-iginal notes on tltc covenants, naking ccrtain req ments in terl:ls of changes in the Cover'1il;ts sc that there traS a ma'xil::r:n GRI;A per unit si in the covetrant s. Dan: As you recal l, thcn, there rr,as e lnaxi;uil, a,'d even- though the To"rrr reviel'red everl' brrilding thst ccnes 'tiiroug,h, eycn if any o1c tr1' ttio or three of 'cltosc bttildjngs i{efe 01' and r,,ere applovcd as beini ovcr, they \r'ercntt. being approved as individual' tircy wcrc s uurl;.ing ail:rinst thc gt'and total? on a pcr rrrrit thing bccausc it was dividcd into l all,) ic'rl by unit, to cach unit, and tlrrt thcre h-as Dln; So if t he Totvrt "pirrot'cd ?00 cxtr':r f cet' on P::rccl I ? ' or h4rstcver' tht: ttttnbcrs att that didn,t thcn arrtor:lticolty cornc off of tlre l;st Psl'ccl .to bc tlevclopcd'l - If caclt or wns iutlivirltrrr)ly rcvicivcd ant)' j.f applovcd, th:rt lirs rrot goirrg to affcct thc lilst uoiL Sctting built? Djnla: Thatts tlrc r"ly I rcrnenbcr it. i. Apr;rol-al of ninutes o.t Deccmber 8' 1980 nrecting' Itoger, vote l{as unanlmous. l(nox dcn s.i cont:.ol variance, Casolar II, tlcsub Lot A-7,-Lionsrjdge' Dianc: The way I re:rr':rbet it, it rvas or parcels rurd that the nrasintu:l GIIFA a unit mrx trthcr than :r totirl nlax. Larry Eskwith: I just^want to point out somc lcgal problcms thet seern to bc prcscntcd l?;;;";i;1,: li::ll,"ti';luT"':"'l: Ii:';;'ll:"Jnl'l"ill"l'"fi?:::,,::: iltlxil'; staff and the applitant. I dontt know, bul- I think thcrc's a qucstion in rcgard to thc covenants--a lcgal question. Bccause we nay havc becn cngagcd itr sornc of tltc discussio suggesting ccrtiin rcquircncnts to the applicant, are wc in a position r,rhcre we have to enforce those covencnts whencver anyone ioncs to the PHC or Town' and in fact, rlo wc ha' a legal right to enforcc thosc covenants?. If rvc went to court and said,'!l'Jcrrc going to sue on the covenantst,, thc court vrould say. "l{c11, too bad, you cantt sue on thc covcna yourfe not a signatory to thc covcnants.tt Legally, we cantt because we werc ilot a part, to the covcnants . Dan: Then, on the square foot question, those individual little parcels wete on an app plan, and ih"y *r" subdiviriccl pieces of land, even though they uouldrrrt nleet minimutn 1o i;izei for the Torun for a duplex. So my qucstion still is, I guess, werc there so nany square feet approvecl per paiccln or were there so nany square feet for thc entire thing ttis is an odi-subdivision. Itrs the only one r,re have. Those lot sizes arenrt evcn 1e size in a duplex zonc. If r,re had standard sized lots, it wouid bc very easy to ]ook at every single onc and say, t'0.K., youtve got 15,000 sq ft and thatrs it.tr Laryy: The problern is, I don't know what we have he::e exactly. I donrt know exactly what sort of situ:rtion r!'efre j.n. It seerns to be a zone that is irnposed on an cxisting zone infornrally thru legislative action. Peter: In Jirn Rubints meno at l0/*/SA, it states "The staff beieves that thcy lrave be up front. in this r+holc seclur,rnce of evcnts-evcl) if the 1"400 square feet per unit (pre sl analysi: nunrber) is used, thj.s vrould onl,y perrnit the rerneitring nit to lre 1234 squale fec l\'e believe, tlrt, that ihc ap1:licant was lota}ly auale tha.t the final nurabcr could trot be <leterrnitreti until iiftcr tht slope analysis ]ratl bcen co:itpleted,rt arrd lr4 of this ncno statss: ,rThe To',,ryr staf f reo.rrestcd on rrrnerolr$ occasions that the slcpe *strrdy be compj.c So that thc square footage caul<l be rletcri;rinecl. This slope study r':as not gj'vcn to tire staff for over one year follorving the approvat of Casolar 11. Because of the slope ana not be ing corrrplete, the covenants for Plrase II nere nevcr approvccl by the 'I'otrnl . " No. 5 states: ,'The applicant was fu1ly ar.rare that tfElTope anaLysis had to be conplct The st:aff lJas neYcr aslied to iigure the square fcctagc. 1t tras fiuaL}y dotre os a coll]ft to l"$. Xncx.'t ''%_ ' l{hor docs makc thc final dccision on GRFA if you dcduct thc GIIFA frour thc final. lotr.in this unusl projcct? l'hc town nllows "uftO:lO in onc case per unit timcs . two, that's 3380,- l'hc Town'allowed 352 sq ft ovE thc maximun alLowed in l'ltasc f, not Phasc lI, on a l)hasc II lot. Thcy dcductcd it frorn thc last lot which is tot 12, and so thc guy r,rho out-s the lot, rr'horn Itrn basj.cally hcre to protcct his intcrests is stuck with a lesscr amount of propcrty, undcr thc nrin j.mun as stated in thc declaration, so lrc is stuck with a goat pasture. Gerry: You rnade a statement a ninute ago about the 40 % slope analysis not coming until late. lt'hat r,/erc you referring to there, becausc your enginecr didr't gct it in until latc? Knox: First of all, we got into the 4O% slope just at thc tine that your ordinance on 40eo slopc came, just as I was requesting th e sccond phase. Thcn l'lr. Ilubin, so we could get this through, on the second phase, estimated tlte 4O% slope on the Prbpertics as he saw it on rhe'Iowrr's acrial photographs. lle estirrrated and dcducted which brought us dor.rn to 1400 sq ft GRirir, per unit, and then subject to, he told ne I uould have to get engineering, anC the sarne day I called Jeff Spincl, and I evcn paid hin in advance. l.lr. Rubin j.nforned me during this period that',r'e r,taited, that he also called Jeff Spinel. The i400 rvas aftet an estinated deduction of 40% s1opc, Then it cane out that there !i'as morc 40e; slope than 1.1r. Rubin had estina't in his first round, i{e had received approval on the p:rojcct subject to, but it was alrcady taken out aild estj-rnatcd do','nr to 1400 sq ft. I think 1,'ha1 youtr }ooking at right now, is a reevaluation rr'hich crrnre after our Novenber rneeti-ng of the GRFA deterninzrtion. Soine things came up r.,'hi.ch I Has uDaware of and pla;rint around with figures so long and cane up with this, :Lnd I'n basically recvaluating the GRFA fron rr'hat I consider l{as the correct cne. Tlrere r'iere sonie errors j.n the original .I have rr maxir,unn of 1690 per sq ft in Pllase II in the Decl.aration rihich carries througlt the supplerlent on the Phase II. .11:rs 1200 rninirnwr to 1690. And if you read the cvaluation of the.GF.FA deterrni.niation, I think'some of the que-stious in here are ensr.rered. It shorvs the dor.tn z.oni-ng to a ccrtain cxte t. So t,llrilt Irn requesis not thc 1690, Irm requesting 1"572 or1 that last lot, which I alreariy have soine oftjtat GRFA a1lotted. Itrs been reduced Cc'."n by other struc.tures taking al{ay froin the gross GRFA allorved rne, and therers t)o protection for that last lot 12, and so it has been recluccd cons j.derably. Jilu l.iorgan: llell rr,hat happened r.,hen this letter of .Iune 2, 19E0 vent out ruhen Jin llubirr t,,'a s ilrfornri.ng you tlrat thcre uerr: 6 irnj.ts lcft and that ncli l)tir scluare foof,age i,,as d::o;-rpcd to l22A pcr unit? You lrust Jravc rcalizcd th;rt oirviously your squal'e foota.ge r{as on a gross utrit bas j,s, At least the To$n at this point was ttorkin on that basis and they !.'ere just deducti"lg units by what rva.s bcing uscd per urrit. And yet, since that time, 4 morc units hevc been built out, to bring this thing down to 968 per duplcx, I don't understand rr'hy, r*ay back to this stage, prior to constTuct 2 of those duplexes lrere .. Knox: But in the neantjme, betueen that tir:re, a project was approvecl for 1690. ' llorgan: F.ight. l,hat Irn saying I gucss js tlrar it seeins like this lctter r*ould heve rnadc jt clear to you--it scens clcar to me--that hcts sc1,ir1g that )'ou have uscd this nuclt, ;'ortrve sot this nrrch lcft, so you norv havc 6 units that arc snrllcr thal you.originally had. So tht:y arc 1220ts. r\nrl 1'ct, sirrcc then, I gucss tlr'o nlore units have eatc u!:r a vhol c bunch lnorc of tlut, and 1'ou t re dcr.'I} to rvhcre you cioir I t havc atry.It jttst :;cclns tltat it sborrLd havc bcetr clclrr at that point that tl:e'i'ct,'ir tu'as goirtg on 8ro:i:\ area th3t wils lcl't anrl di.vidin3 i.t trp, tncl ;rs it U.ot rtscd ttir, tlrd ar)utlnt per tutit ttas jtrst droppinli, as evcryonc lic'pt trking tlrc lo9t) that ucrc in your t:oveni or sorilc'cblttg. lt scc)ns thnt all thc r',:r1'lrlrck in.Iurrc of lost ycar thst tllc)'rt'erc jus dividirrg allounblc foota&e up by nhat r.lrs lcft and by hor,r nuury t$its r.rcrc luft. Sonre of t,hesc fig155:s arc over thc GRFA cvcn allorqd by thc Architcctural Conttotr connrittcc of Caso!. Tr+o u0its arc ovcl'the logJflowcd on Phase I. Jin: Yourrc saying what was set .uP in yottr covcnatlts. Roger: It secms to mc that from this convcrsation, Jin you referred to yo-u, nhich apparcntly nelnt Deanc, but I think Dcarrc hacl sold those lots with covcnarlts on thc tots that. rvere workcd orrt with thc Town of Vail . tVe hacl those covetlants, thcorctici $e canrt enforce covcnflnts, but noncthclcss, t.hat r'ras fron a practical standl)oint' when thc persolr who borrght thc lot from'Dcane came in, with an 1800 sq ft hou-se, or a 1600 sq ft house, it would seem to mc that under this special sct -of circunstat that we, the 'l'or*n, thcn should have said, " ey, you can I t do that . tt if we were goir tor.in ihe finat analysis, tell the last or',.ner of the lot that he could only build 90b sq ft because thesc other guys came in. Take, for instance, I'rhat if Dean'e wasnrt here. He solci the propcrty, and hc rcsigncd. So you have a very vcry uncon- fortable, and I thj.nk unfair situation rJrere the first buildcr can cotne in and builr and progressively prevcnt the last owner fr:orn building a reasonably sized p1ace. Jimt Brrt I think the thing could have been caught way back. Roger: But r^rhy didntt we refuse the building Permit? Larry: Itn not sure what power you had to do that, Roger. Peter: I think sone of the stuff is begirrning to bc a lit.t1e rnorc clea]r to filc. Fil of all, the Torun had, I tilink the Torun had a certain obligation to not go above thal 1690 j.n approving that, bccausc lJe vrere r'roricing veiy closely with the Casolar honre owncl.st bbar<]. i tt'titttl that it is.l'ery clcar in Jilr Rubints docrxlienl:ation that the Toun lr:rs never going by any kincl of a hard line pel unit, and we nevcr do, except or a singlc fanil1. or duplex lot. l{e r.rere nevcr going by a L400 sq ft. This tlas a strictly estinr--te that both Deane and Ji:n u,rderstoccl that it Nas an e-stinate. tfc r+erc rrot hcld to 1400. 1690 is what rietve always wnrkcd r+ith. Jira iras said in his ncnro prel'iotrsly that tire Carling duplcx was rec:alculated to be 1690 and even if it rr'as 300 ft over, l{c have given hi.rn t:hat consj.deration. Another point is that l'lr. linox was at the necting rshen the CarJ rirg duirlcx I'Jas approved t';as approved, and hc has also ai:rirrove,J tl.r<.r duplexes sincc i:lri-s applicaiion of 33E0 sq ft. So the 169( tqas e.ctua1ly ncver violatcd. Tirose are tire oirly l:iritlgs I thinii Ll\ai t}ie 'foln, even though l'.,e arerlrt lega1 ly tied to it, l','e have upheld thet end of ii. Klox: l:'e have 2.100 sq ft we call snr;slppc-s. This is what the Tom r-t:qucsted tr'e put tlrings in. No or,,:icr can build be1'onri those 2400 sq ft. The Torr'n cnforces that, lf tttey' \'ant to cantilcver a dccli, etc, they nust nalie a special subi:iission- I was brought in o1 ti.rat ntectilg nith Ccrling hncr,'j.trg thot i:e aslied for 16!{.). And also, assuni.ng that I r,'as goiug to get ny relicf GRFA fror;r fhase I, rr'hich I still hal'e ab< 5500 sq ft urrrler. That t{as ny error. I rlid not iravc good council o:: that.Basicalll on Cariings, I saN his original plans that h'ele a nrir:ror inrag,e of his first project on Plr;i-se i. This r+as for l'hase lI. Exc.c:pt: for co-srtg-tics, they ner'c :;tlitposcd to be- the sarnc. He r.:cnt over 552 sq ft ri'hich ii not on tlrat taPe. It r\ta-s not cvcn brougi out u1tj,l r.rr.y afren..ard, unti! t had gottcrl thc lctter of Jrrne ?, l:ltl0 that he t*as ovel on his i;RlA. It took ne four monrhs tliscussing uith Jitn Rubin rr'ho would not relcasc that cxtr:t squlr:'c footegc, hould rlot conc ol'f of it. ltbuld riot cvcn attall'st it. Thc Orrn cr of lots l:, 15, & 15, lrh. l.lcl)onald, has threatcned suj.t t:nlc-ss l)e 8el his 16g0. I r.lirs not on thc boar.l, siuce tlrc <leteuilj nrrt ion of this. il* callt:d c bt of & li,..rlber clloppinii out ()f thc board oi: ciisoslitr. lir-- trskcd ure ifl Il..luld ilpF!'ovl; }is plirns so thii hc could Bct his fourrtlirriuns in tlri.s fall. I ncver sigilcrl it, I gave vcrbel pct'rnissi.on, I still hrvenrt scc:rr it, ditln't htant a law suit. i{lto is respon:;iblc for thc Glil:A? PL:C-5-llIzlEL Peter: . Thatrs correct . Roge:r: Can r,re 1egaL1y allow him 1372 square fcct Larry E. Ifell, hers asking for a varj ance. You doesntt Telate to use. Ilers not asking to change Jim: Unfortunatf, bcing the first ancl only tfomc through and bc dcsignccl in: fashi.orr, it probilly should havc bccn not only cnYclopc, it should hitvc bcctr footal pcr elrvclopc, instcad of thc range situation, bccausc somcbody should have sat dotl and figurcd out, that if you just kept going 1690, you t{cre going to go way ovcr. Knox: No, I wasnrt, not as long as I had Phase L And I went thru a nurnbcr of chi in this t orr/n of pcrsonnel, various planning conni.ssions, etc' so I didntt covcr iny base, an<l I realize that, but doun at .thc cnd of thc line, I believe that lot 12 shouid bc protected, and Itm not asking for 1690 on both sides. I cut the triplex down, by tire way, those pcoplc donrt havc 1690. I got thcrn dortn to 1300+ and the 1 approvcd that and then this lettcr for I22A cane in. I rriould likc to have this siuaica by the l'oun and sec if lrm accurate on the determination of GRFI\. Itve got it down to 1372, not 1690. Dan: This is the footprint concept is uniquc, but is it still has always remained Residentia 1 Clustcr, and undcr thit zole, the Totrn never adnjnistrates any furthe: than thc total squarc footage on a density project, I don't believe. And cvcn i'tith the footprint conccpt, you do have a condominiuut associzrtion of sorts hcre. I vronder i? ny previoirs question, we shouldntt hat'e just vrorking against the total as far as the- Tor.n goes, because it is Rcsidential Cluster there are alrvays going to bc town fiouses or condominiuns, howcver thc)' handle it, and the Town doesnrt st. in on, say, Tinber Fa1IS, it gets dorgn to horrr many buildings are left. It is still Residential Cluster. so doesntt that nean that the Tot'rn only adininisters the total squale footage? under the zoning reguiations? can allcrw a \rariance as long as i' the statute. Gerry: tlers not aslling for a change in uuit count. Petcr: Tiie bo^uioin line i,s that there is 932 sq ft available, and Deane is asking for additiolral 1600 sq ft. Gcrry: It r'rorrld scc6 as if the Torinrs r:eLationshjp is solely with the developer Tha1- the jritlivj.duals r.rho co:rc into this projec'c as ilonre buitders are rrorking rri'i:h tlre rlevelopcr-r h'lro is rr'orking with tlrc I'or.,ryr. Titey are not rvorking clilectl y rvith the Torrr:. There forc, it is the {evelopcrts rcsponsibility to knotg the total squa: footagc allorved, aiirl Nheu soiteol'le cxceeds that, he <ieducts it fron his total. Knox: 'I'he or,iner r.rorks nith the association, Irve deeded the cornmon element of the proj ect to tlre association, Gerr;,: lJlrat Iln sal,ing is that the squarc footage as aPproved was apPrfovccl trith yr as tire applicant urr-C it rr,as a total fig,trrc, frorn t/ltich everl' proj-cct_ tllct ',tls buil' uas dcrlucied, and all that is left nor'' is 95? square fcct to bc dcvelopcd nitltout a variance. Knox: It still statcs in 1'our applcrv:rl of i\rr;.,'.r5L 2?, 1978, Ron Todd madc thc motir to tppr.urvc Crsollr I I rcqrrcst 16- I's-.:ui)divis j o:r oi: lot 7, Illocll A' l'ionslj tllic nl as ii'i1 accorrllnc(, h,ith tlrc clustct' irousill; concLlpt, lnci has bcctt rcconrrrun,jcd [rI apPr.ovll lrY thc DcPt oll ConilItrlrity llcYr.lol)rlcnt. Thcir proposal is for::00 sq ft , duPlcx ,lots, llntl onc -i100 triPlcx lot. i'hc rrilits will bu 1400 sq ft CllljA ilrrd the rlcDsit)' mccts thc zorring brrlinlrncc . rt'tluircments ils st0tgd by Jin littllitt. Iltc covcn;rttts h:rvc :tlchitectur'l1 coutrol . Jin: h'hich w;rs y,orr. Arcnrt you thc one'rcvjcving nll thr'sc as tltc'y catttc thr:otrglt? Knox: Wcll, ycs, lgt naturally I rcsigncd as soonAs I dcedcd over the last one a ycar ago, scptcf 1979 t Jin: So basical ly, thc board of clirccto::s of the contlominium association rcvievred thcmselvcs on how nuch thcy Save thcmsclvcs. Knox: Thatrs truc. tlcrc on the working Pai)ers thcy proposed 3510, and actually Wenr up-io *".f, inore than that, and was alr.eady ilccluctcd 352 over. l'lr' Rubjn said to "lttlo this with irlr. llcDoirald, and he said (I think Irm correct) thct irc would ovcrlr the 4o% slope, and givc us that additional square,footage-if lvc could work out sometl uhcre lr{r. l*lcDonatrt r,rould be happy with i"r, ttan 1690 s{ ft. vrhich he tr'asnrt at the ti me. nenory, wlren you were involved in this, discussing it v.tj'th that the Town would exercisc some control ovcr those squar' Diane: Yes, in faet I requested that thcy Put a naP of the GRFA into the covenants, it rsas not in the covenants at first. Roger: I,lr. chairman, I think we could discus-s thj.s ancl discuss it forever, and I rr'ould lilic to rnalie a notion approving a lraximum GRI:A of 1370 per side, attd I rnake the motion in favor of thc varianc* bccause thj.s r'tas a unique subdivision, and one that uas rr.orked on a gteat deal , ancl the apirareni jntclpretatjons of those vtho were involved in it at the tirne did anticiirate lhat tire Tor'in r'rould be invoived in the frofi"ing of the square footage, and tirat I think it's an undue hardship on the last orrncr to be lcft r.rith a:1ot that lre purchase.J under that subdirrisj.on for a dupl lot to have 900 -sq fcet. I think this is-a un:.quc si-tuatioD. It isn't olie that uoul d set a prececicnt for other dcvelo1:tloilts becausc it was an c'tperintent , if you t+i in that ltind of derrcloprnelt at that tinc. Rogcr: Diana, refresh nY Dcanc, did you anticiPate footagcs? Jin: Larry, woul<i this be setting a precedence? Dick: I thirrk thc liruit wls bascrl on gct:t i- .. Lhlt c.etrt a l',c of thc lot nlrs qvcr 40o,i. Latry E.: I donrt thinll any varj.ancc. i.s a precedcnc.e'^you look at each.individual instance as an individual sitrration and you ueigh the facts and standards tirat are .-sct foytli in the olriinancs, ar:C j uige rrjrcthe:: in fact eacli sitttll-ion anri j.ts facts neets those standaids. The key itaidara is'is it a har'<iship? O^re of the l:ey pr'tnci of var:iance lat.ts is that a irar<lship cnlr llot, be self iit:"1j-cted. So I gtrc:s the dcterrninaiion is is r-t a recl harriih:it, rras it self inflicted, r.iid,.:i*e )fo:i glantiilg a spccial privilcgc? Dan: Another iten on our ag.encla reqtrils5 anothcr 6RFA variance in Casolar Vail II, so has thet ntrnrbcr has bccn considercc]? Scott: I second the nption. In my trrincl, Irvc got it ltoiled rlor,n to h'hat Larry just said, Tlrerc is no jcirbt in ury rnini t|at thcrc ls a g1,y that has a hardship hcre and hc is going to suc the firc out of -scrncbod1,. h'as it sclf inflictcd? Thc only tltiltg L havc iD u,y pa.ket sa)rs that Dea:ru }inox nfplicrl for 2J00 st1 tt lots -an,J..i3Lt0 sq ft triplc.x lrrts and lio Tocltt n:r<le thc nrcrtion i-irat the r(:qltest be I,ranted and it-was gra unaninrousll', so tlrc onl1' I see here j.s thot rtc approvcd somc lots uith a dcfinite sqrtarc footage pcr lot. Sct: Brrt: ilt the ptilrl ic hc'aring about jr-, .lirn Rubin s:ritl ttrat you't'c 1lot x no' of squarc fcet, !:o hirvc frrn r.;j.th it. l'hc I'lilrnirig', Cctrr,rissiot: gat'e hinr l'it)0 -sq. i:t on tliose elrrpicx lots. Th:rtrs ths sizc of 'rhc cui'tlopc tlurt hels g,r:rr\tin!:' .1ll<:t]--tli:_..-. he tOlcl . ,'.\.ou h3r,c li no. rlf Sq ft, Scc )'ou littcr'r'? ol' l{3s ltc et'CI giVctr attl' rtrdlcxtl. tlttt thcrc nas a linri.t to thc no. of :;q ft for cach ettvclope? :iurltcy ilhiih shorved how nttt:h pcr- a "-"i!il pctpr: i tttilt itrs prctty clccr fron both of Jimfs menos, hc stronSly states that if,"-i,ioo-tq it p"f,,it "ar indced an-cstjrrutc, tl. l)crrnc., undcrstood thjs, lnd he undcrstoocl tlrc nc#l'or the 3lopc analys)s tro comlltlEtc. 'l'ire minures of Lhc lllanning Corunissiol may be sontewhat confusirrg in that thcy arc basically nintttes, alld.that it night havc bcen a prcscntation saying that this is about wlrat we have in nlind, and it corncs to about 1400 sq ft per unii givjng the Planning Cornnrission a gcncrrl feeli for what is going to buiit, rat.hcr than approving that nunbcr pcr unit at that Point in tinc. I iirint it is totally, clear, ana ir you rc:rd ll3 a8ain, it sa1's 1400 sq ft uas always consi.clcrcrl an cstimate r,rith thc 40% slopc study needcd to bc conpletcd before the actual sq footagc could bc detcrr,rinc<1. t{c have ncveT, in the past, worke off of a per unit ,qror" footage. RC zoning, you iravc a 8,TOSS square footagc, if you have -5 units ani want to put all that into one unit' thatrs your squalc. footage' is f;rr as I Lnotr that is the way r.re tve a1way5 v;61kcd, and that is the way Jim relatc it to nre r"rhen I asked about the first duplex that carne beforc ne to do thc zo.ne chec scott: cenerally, you havc a developer coning to you, he owns the land, he takes ou the perrnits, But- in tiris case, . r,rerentt these individual pcople coming to you? Roger: l{e set it up so that he could scll the lots to individlrals and they could do the building, "ni I thittk rnaybe this was an area whete l{e wele lax in working out the deal. Jirn: There v;as a zoning change, though, the footage hasnrt chalgcd, that i5 the biggcst problem. No one was catching it. Roger: Then I guess then, our Iesponsibility l,laslltt only_ to write Deane Knox, it r,,"i to notify the inclividual omers and the association that was fornred. l thinli tl we lave a very unus.ual circunstance in this particular instance because of the tvay that it l'Ja s structul'cd. Gerr1,: I do t.oo, and rati.rer than 1et this drag on, we ate going to have to.vote. I think that everytiring that we;do with regard to this kind of dsvs|ePncnt is prece- dcnt setting. It is very inportant to aclinotr'ledge that as we go ahead, and I feel v.cr), stnong11, that it is the clevelopcrts respontiUifity to notify ancl to r"ro::k rEith thc buycrs . Ilick: I have a qr:cstion, The Plann|ng Co;i,nissictr trotion i.s that a variance of 2744 sq ft? Rogcr: No, total I572. Peter: It nould be a GRFA variance of 1812 sq ft, which is (1372 x 2)- 932- Roger atrd Scott in favor, Dan abstaine<Votc to gt'arrt tlle requcst for the variance: and the other 4 agairlst. I'lo-r-j.on denied- Gerry rcnirrded i{trox that he had the right to appcel to thc Cciurrci! rr'ithin l0 days. . Chan Desitn llcrri er+ Board ncurber-shi f rarn S 1o 7 slplnlrcrs. Pctc.1. h::t! rrrli ttgrr 1 ncno cxplaini.ng thc ncctl antl :.'easons, Dan ilcvcd, Glryttor sccondc to rcconnlcntl thc changc in sirc t.o rlte: Tonn corrrtcil ' votc t'tas utlittltlircus {.Renov;r I of tir:rc :;hn:-inq f rorn Crrr:u:rcr-c i ll I Core I nrrd Conurtcrcinl Corc I l. Dick llyau cxIl:rirrtrl thc rnco, addin;1 thlt in l.iottslrc:rd, Vail Glo wcs the orrly lor.lge in CCll (lnrl otltlcttl, ll so tltc linr,iln). .i B I .l I a ', I l ),1G?.}:t::1i:t? Ql' PU:ic:i..ii;i: tr:;D c.r\sol,nR DSr, :,lot{'r.t: VaiI, fnlorario ,1Gi5r;:.!C:i'f enLr,rcri int.o t.lre . . 1978, bcLtir.3n C.lSCLlp.Colorado, hcre-i-:raIier refurred to as , hereireft-cr rcf.:rr.:d to day of A.S:iOC JlTtiS of D.::1,..?r r dJTLr the gel).cr, and tafas tlrc tsui'er. $}*.H tr,iJLlriii.\S, Lhe Sel. ler is the ol.,ncr of certainpro:rer:ty in Eaqle County,.Colo::.a.jo, end Hi;:l:iI.qS. the Se11er de:; j res to sel l crd theF.i,yer r-1r..;siys= to bu1' a Bu.i_J,3irg Sitr: lor:;!.t.J or Sc:1lr-.r, s!-\ -- .... .-, ,. | . r .l/l .,}-u. L-l , : t!a\!r l--r,r-*--^^-.Y\,J:r, : t:i_,;r.i-i Lj:\l:, ln cL),,-,3ard cc;:iitions contai:ted in tlris]rEreLo agrcc as fol I c,...-s: i,-lcrat icn of ile ter=s .i.:c r33;:err t , thc parties 1. DFSC:ipTlO:J. .f)-.e Seller acrr:ees Lo sellio the'tsuier, a:-:d t5e St:1.'.-5 a,'t-ccs to buy-fr,r:,' the Sclicr fo.1,, pr-operiy hc;:c-inai'rei- c.:l jcC tl-,e pr.c.i.rrr.ty, in i.rg1eCouirty, Colo!:aio, Cescri.bcrJ es foi 1o,,...s: ' P,lliCEL .A: Duilrli:rg Sir_e.i:o. (ir-rcin_ _ll, i after callcd the "ltuitcii:rg SiLe,,): a _, .l l" -' pot-tion of 142!_al, _9 an4 t-o..- A-9, Lion's d 'l ,.,..,_7-Flaf,e S.rt-,i-ir,r.rron)to bc tlcscribcd in met_csn/. ,l' ,! end bounds, in accord.incc r+i th proccclurcsd ;li,fliin"ffi?x: :,1;q.:",::':",,1i1.":,=illiltuing Lccr:.tion No- es s)-:ol.rn and furtherdescr.i,i:cd on the n;p of Ca.solar Del Norteatt.rr:hcd ]rc r:cto iu:d rrec'c a p,Jr L }rcrcof asExlri.!rit "A", saitl Drrilr.i ing iite to bc of an , - . ; / Ior:aLc'd rr:rd <icl-r-.r.::rj.;rr:d i rr i.:cor,liilr:e r..,i t.1 tL" - ,..t, \ 9o\'.-'t'lrirrg covclr;rr)1.s, r-c..:;tr:ictjo:rs i:prl ycr;u- ,.,. "' , f !; \ ]atio:rs in rcsFc(:L Lo:;t-tbricl:s, cLc. :;L.t ,r: , t/ , I fcrl Lh irr t hr.: r.cslr.ir-.i. j r.c cu\.4!r.-r6L:; r>f [. | .t, "./ < f.11rrll rt' f)r'! ;:Dr't e .:rrrl t ]rc $l-tl j;t,rrrt:r..:! of t_!rc , . r- , t. l 'Io..*rr ol \rai l. f.trt: l-,orr:rrl.rr.ir_,s of rrrcl nui Id_l'l-'! r.: - | irrg .!it.i-' :;l:.rl I !:c e,ft.cr:rinous r., j Llr the out_I r' I | | siclr: lta)'rs o[ r lre fr:irrr,i.,l ir::r of t:1..r bui)ding.' | [ to tlo lt>ca t i-,1! f ]1,_.1.p1r;1 ..\ rfx(('pt Buildirrg Sitc !lo.no r.lol'c tharr lZ?0 5qu;l.a 3 r.'h iclr rlr.r I I befcet.of an area I PiritC$1, B: (lrr:rsrrr;r "E.ts(:,:icJ!lt llights" )fol ) r:',"'ing: I flr:r rcfr:r cor)sisting rerl t o asof tlrc : ,' n"; J'il,. :? :;;.'il:1,:,1";.:::':::i;",,;i:,:j to in<:]rrtle in nrei ;r,lj;rr:r:nt I o .rrrrl :;rrr.uormrl-irrg tlre llrril,ling S;it.e, thc l;r)'r:rrl.rlir:s ofwhich shall l.>e par.rl lr-, I t'it-!r t ire !'ro;rt,sidc and rcar boun<l;rtjcs of t.lre ilrrilrlirrgSil-c loceted a rlist-,-':rr:c of 1..;el ve (12) f r-'etfroin l:he front and-:;irle Lolrn(:.rf;r':5 of theBrrilding Sitc, ;ind thJ rty (10) fcet f rom Llicre;rr bou:rciarl' 6; the 3uiJdi.ng Si.t3, withaJjustrrents rc.r;uircd by, or i:pprol,r:i.rtc to,terrain and existing ro,,d*iiys (provicled that, no such adjr;5{---r.ni: sha}L significanilyc.nlarge t'he area of gairl r:ll'r.riirnt-- as such p araa :;hn l l lr,: r11rl'r:.rr'.ti n^r1 i-1 ^an.{er::.i':i" .', I t t . t-t, the forcgoi ng <leL,-''r'rni;i;.nl-s) ;. .L,'< Il-.L't.iV€ fltD ) i t ,:1 (b) irn caseiie:rt for r:a r'i.i:tr1 s?a(ie ofv gt,' ., ,' { an al'ca cf :-:: :.,c:'r i::. -,:_. '..ir:tc }:r:::i:ed (100) f'1", r'-,t" I square feet; t /t' ;\t U {c) /}n ees.--':rc.;.r t of accr.rss bctuecn thetsuil.Cing S:te e;rd tlre ccntral rceriii.:y of thes'.:bCivjsion; {d) r\n crse-i:t:it f o:: uti I j.Lics; e.1ch of 'ci-:e f c,re'.;oi:',<r r--;sc::.,-':.t.s Lo !:e clcsc::ibetl ln i-,r-''. c s ani l.:crrnis jn ecccrin:,ie lit.h tirc 1rr.-qcc<1ur9s setI . -r t - - /J. -,1*t'Ji tUt/"" r '-/-)r-, /n-f*':/'*= i fr.L.;' J'-*-: 't-zJ-r r't, 7Z 7 f or'.-h be I o';. z.PURCIinSE I'}nICE. Tbe pu::cllase ilrice the Propert)I to be paid by t-he Bui'er s]:al] be l-he trsr 5Un ofS , payable as f ol lorvs : ' (a) thc surr of $ on the c>:ccution of l-lris.4greencllt, I'cr:cj1>t of r"'hich is hercby ac}lnoulecigcd. aL closing (b) tlre balance in cash or ccrLified ftrads 3. TI'i'L: coiiill'l'iil':ii'f . l':i I llin tlri r:t-y (30) d;rys af t r:r: t lr.:. t'late of lltis h9r:-'c::rc1rl- l.lrc :;cl I er :;'haI I c.-1rl:;e t:o l.tc prclllr'c'd l.ly Tit\i{Sir}:}l!tlCir'i'11'l,li l }lSlJ:ll\:JCl: CCt::l)il:lY and tlelivcrcd t.o t!.rri'cr a tiLlc cc:rir:ritrur:ttl-. Iilty iLc;:ls, c:rr:cpt i olrs or contl i L ir.,trs s-'trr'.irt o1 tltc t itlc ccnuiti l-nrenl: troL i:bjecLctl t:o by Llrc L'lt])'cr j tr rvr:iLing dlcl ivcred to tlre :;c) ler \.,j tll j,r f i f tct'n (15) tl;r5':; af Lcr lt,'ccipL of sr:ch title cotr::tiLttir-'trL l.1y l-lrc Btry':r l:ll;rl I l>c c'lr:ctiir-'d .'lccul)tL'd by the Iltrl'g. atr<l tltc lirr;'(}r :;lt.rII-l llcr'c;tf Lcr l:c tlcct:'ctl to h.'rve r.'a ivctl .r1y ob jccl- ion i t't t'Lrsp'JcL l-o at ] srt<.'lt i l-crrts , cxcel)tions or colrtlltions cotrt;:irrcd in strclt,colrtniLlrcttL ; o 4. of thc dat.e of p..r'io,l ;:; t ll,-' n9l'(.,r':t(rtr:- ) i t sr:!rmit. to't.lic (.r) .'1rr ,u'e lr i I r.,-:t':; !'c.:rr .'rrjrl :; i tlr-. ::l r:v;L ir.:tls of .t.lrr: l:ttiLo c !'':cL r:r i.l:e p,rr i l,l i ng .S i Le . 5U:li:l tSiO:l Ol' l,L..i:t, tii I lrin s j.x (61 ;ir:nLtrstlris .::'Jr,:rrl:ler.rL (or rit.lrirr :.,rrch oxLe:rrlr_.tllritrl:i r?i; !;h.1rl I rlr.l .:r';ri!l(: l;y l;r:p:>! r.,rirr:nil Irtlt;rl L l>u' tlre ol;l i,-:.tt. iort of t!:e iiu!.,:r t:ojie I I cr tlre f ol I o:..i:rq :.- 1',';lrlr'f irrrJ of l.he frr:rt, I rl i:ig t:,uier proiro::es 0)) Pr'cl ilri:r.rry irl rrns for such l)u i lcl in9,ir:t'Irrd jng }nr-ticularll' e sclr+dir:.e or e:rtcrior fiaterinl s. 1* i, It'.v'cl:i,€r rocaticn j?'.,,'l ;::;:l:: fl?l-i,1;",:i::t:lu';t;".'v,1.'l- i al 1:-:.:ii;:: c-' ,-1... r:i:>r:j,,g,lrL iur t_:..,rjius lvc uge,the easena-.nt for pr,rki;rg s!)nrl61 , tl'tc ea:;elir::.!t f <tr ;rr_.cl::isanrl the c;'rscncnt f cr utilities. ?irc f ;.i-Irr:.'e oi t_hc lli:..'r:r i-o (:{--:1:1:v rti t-h Lhefo::egcing 1:'rovisjors to s'.:)::rit i,).i::c .:::;l s;9,--jlj-ca.i:jcns as r-equirec3 i.:e5eir'sJrell cc;lci-i'!i.:i:c a l,r-e,:ch of this Igr:cen.::'rt. T,'re.failr:i:e or rci.:sll. of ti',c SelJer to epirror.eoi dise;g:ove tl:e pli;ls r..'i,"1:i:.r i.,:'ri::ty (jC) dai's afterrcccipt L|,c:'co'i sh;l1 1).j.-.(jr.:rf i'! r-.:ii to apPr^ci'.rl; p:-or.icicd, lic:.'cve r, th.:t if .r;:pra'.'a1 r".:..1.: !:'r-'ci l:..' an5, p.cl,) !c auL!.,c..'r-iLlv, i.;rc lrrri::-.1 l:.i.rt :r-rl i j:.i t i,l i:o ..11.: ?o.,in of Vail, slai]:ioi: hevc bccr l:,rcci.,":d ci:::i::c s.aid thir-ty (30) riay i;eric.C, thr'3;i i];s t;::,e lor Scjler-',-o .iirl):-(:)\'e or Ci.i;lpprc...cibe pl an.s slrtl l i:c c::l,r:t:tlcil l-o and in<:1r.:.il:1g thc da;r on r:'!r jch aDp!'ov.ll shalL l,e gri'ntcd b1, =u"n Publ ic autlioriLl'. If tlre Scller rcjcct-s l-)re p1.r:rs thc Sel. ler sl:.t11 ppcrcif ic.el ly statc in r+riting thc rc('lsons thcrcfor. and if sqch o)rjectjons are rca..;r:n;l>Is an<'l c<>nsisr-cnl- r+ith the pf gvis ions of this n9)-eci:rcitt, tlre covenants of €Aso.1af Pq1 l.{orl,c, or tlrr-t ortljrr;r:rccs cf t}re for.;n of \rai}, ?f the rtr.lir.rgs of the Tor.'n of V;:il or i.Ls instrr.rnentaLities I?Ursqa+.L f o strch ordinanccs. tiien the Buyc-r shal I have e.a. aricliti,cnal Lhi rLy (30) <1a1's in r';!rich ';o amcrd i.ts plairs.rrrd..:pcciIic.rtio:-,s to nrcel- the objccLio;rs of t]regcl ) er. So'fI'i'Lt-l !iXcuPTlo)lS lilD lil;51:]t\'l:'rc:ls. Thc f.i.le of I ltr: l'r-opert y lrrtr':;rt;rlt { o tlr j li Lr_;r ct:i;r<.rrt il; t.o trc !:l...Ul'*' :;,u.l)i( (il- Lo Llr,: foll.orving cri(.'r:l)L j<.,:r:;, rcs(,t'\'.rLittlr5. \ ini t ;r.[ lpn.r;; a:rcl <:t-nrl i L iorrs v;li i ch .'[re ]:crjc,bg r-\cce i)t cd by t'itq lrqys.r. i lt i-rdc;:".-. -:'-:' . - €rr ! a':i rl' +r n4* -*-"qr:.. -' -A. -1.-,I. ....; (a)$rc. ?r,rrrirtg or;.r,l1r:r,.t.lr(:o o,l9 th,c. torr:.nt oftsi) i lic.:;t u ic t ivc' Oovcri,.t.n,t:r, o,f, ea5ol,1 r l;r- :.;.1; r; i c t. I or:,:t, ;r t ;r, i: rJ,:;,li br.r i LtI i;,;r g At'c!r itr.:t: trr.i;.r.! Qr:n.|, r'u.I qpr:rrni ll l.r'n)' i 3. F ''ffi o (.r )'I'ltc Sr:ll::r rhall pn)': titlc insr,:l'lnce .\gt'crncnt,. lrnd ' (l) Trrc IuL lpol icy de.scribr"rd c{)r;ts of slcuring t.h:in 1;.rr,rgr;ph 3 of tl:is clirrc,)ting anrl ".,,no.-.,(31o,::;',,:;t,l,,:l:];t.,:t"l];:';"1;:l;"-i:iet)Ls rcgrri::cd to co;)vcy gor:d and ..ari:ei-;:!:lc tiLlc lothc P;opcr-i:y to thc Duycr. (b) the 3u-vcr shal). pay: futrl cost of ]Lr-u{r!_Jr.ll\J <rIr, trrl'cpa ring, l.,r vr,'155{rr J r:^- \.s r.r-!.Ai t! : .:',r{:{s t-: {\_J r"!;.: -. 9. EiiTi,:*,O:i p?:CLiaTy- Tl:e ti:;.er, his agen{:s,eir,plo;'ecs, se[va]its c:- :ro::,i1ces, a:.c lrer.ely E:-arted- th.-uight t<> il.-f:'c(tiat,eLy ,ent,et ,o-:r the - j:ci,crty for 1iep,ur:ro:se of rna-v.ing tl;e surl.cry proul-,i,ed for .i.n this irc:r:c- il;i.;Y-;i":,'::;";: :;:;? ; ;:'?3;,i;:':::::1.:;,;";; ..,._of,- plr.i.ns a;iri .m..ps f,o.r- :-l.',i e or.ro;.'i,";;-";- a;,"-B"rir";i,. -"'-'' . XO. CyOS'"S .0i sc;ilry- -hll-,c.osls, (3::I?e:ises/Xi"*nli.tic-s io,r clrargrl:s j-::r,c.rrr,.:,i ig[ cr r,el"ated i.o t-trr>rn;rking of the :sur\'ey pr::,ovi,ri,ed {tor iin thi.s ,1,grr:c,e;:cntn the grer'f,,ornr;,rn,c,c of *uy ,en.ginecrii-}.g|" g,cro.Logic.al ,or s",rrveying l9"k @n tlne !llr:r'r.:lper[)r by ttrre E,uy,e1"" e.h,e preparation fry " tlhe Elay,er ofr any pllnrns .or rnap:s ifor th,e clev,enoprrent of,tltre Froperllyo *r;nd [h.e tcros,ts ,of f,in_i.olE,, rc,cor,rli-nE olr gliA iJ r.'Ilin(g iappv:ova t iily .a,ny rgro\re unfte;D il,a L a.g.e.lrrc i es rof, an)jr su'r,e}h sulrv,e11z:s1, lf.GpDrtls, gll;e:srs {tlr: :r,".;ltp:s ,s:t:,aln" be paid 6y t":hg Xlry,er- 'fl'lb,e Rit';:c[ hcr,ribl' .rg,r..tes llo j.:r11,C,emrni.fy a4d- lhe.,ld h.au'nrXe:s:s iLlhre lsellnrer, illhu: -pno;2e.r'{Ly rof [,]hre Seln_ter-n atr,rd.- Uhe prrOprel'l!'-y S'ub2,e,ctt it,O jl:l,hi|; ;ug:r:,c<rnc,,r':tr", f;n.6r:a any rsnarctn rso:sf,.s a ie:+llctt::irc:s rr Il i,albti 1 ii :L ii re:s ,<arr ,c.h,ar,Ecrs - ,!I:hr.e iBruy,er jit::ultlli,er :r.g$e(e:s illln.afl: :s:ilould tlhi16 .ag,r-.ee:nerntt trc [rerr:lnii::r":ill-'crd or ,c;i;nc,e]ll-<rd. f<or .;jr:r:), s'e..x:r;rDn :rl,ort tlllle f,,a,rnltt. ,of, [:!!ile :5r:]ll'err .'.utL *arny iLii;lre ]txsff,o;rie gioorl .:.:l:nd rrl.irl-rl:tet,a]bllc [.ff[Ljl,e fuq rtlhc F;r: o;>*l'lty lh.as lbcy.e,,;rr .corrrrcy,r:-'dl tLco .L'lr e 'Brur;,,e r,n [lue !Bu;'.t14' S.h.a ll 1,, ..iitL iL)).]'c rwr"iit lt_,c-.irrr n-,crfji.u.ss;if ,c,rjf :l..lr,e :S,,: L n,er, ric- lr.rriiri',.ir:r:ry '.(ll.;rr;r',tc,clorr,r.c {lo ttilre il'rrio,irer. lt)}'rby "n.ily {cj:i),g!iiii,oerlj:1,;r,51, rg c.ro .\ rrrr; ii,r:'.;tl z rolt: :sjrur;r. 'r!c\,ii jo(g ,i,.rttrr k lreu lf<.),t.rtil.ld tl.:1,\en.icron lby tLllre rBur*;',::c (:r;r,d-l llrrl t'u.",slL,orl'rc {lll,rc it);r:,qi>.e!Ltl}f .,s:rrl,] it]he ,tLiittlrc tL@ ll]]:r,e IPntcu>er:['ry itrtl ttlhe :s.itirrB (cr$ri^.-Ii'i tl:iircln ll$,rc]r rrii,,';rre iirn n:s oit illhe<dllrllrc,of tl-lhiis; ;\!irr-rc:(u:r{\D.tll.. t Il. i:):gcuTIc:i oi D;i\:i:Lon..it:1..'t plAlts.. The Scl lef ic::ecs to :si,3n ,1rrrl f xecui.3, at t-he cost rnd c:r:':c.,'rr: of t-lre Brry,-t r, dn)' i,r)C r I I ,Iocu.rt,,tts thJtE, il:y beir?.irti t'r-''ri t-O <t;rin :tI)prr)!'nl Lly .t;ry .J()vr-,r:;Ir:..rnl arl i!!enL.ir.:tjof Lile.Pl.::ts or li,-rr)s ro(lrrirod for rjcr..cloij:ii..tnl- oi thcFroi;rlrt)' t'-.(;tri:-,:tl to b,: :;rrl:lilt,:o to,:orri:rnirr:rtt.rln..;rlilt'i{ls by t hc Dul':r r)ul.s\rrnt- tO t:he lcrnrs uf this lrrj t t:t);:i..'ilt. 12. POSSESSIO:t OF PRCPI:itiy. Pcr;sr-.ssion of thcPro;rerty frcc end clcar of al1 uscs an<l *art:cichncntselicci)t those hercin provided sirall i:c ricli,rcr,:d Lo P.u)'erat closing. . 13. SLiFDivISIC:'l IilpR0vEt.iia;i,ts. 'the seller agr3es l-ha t it" r*'i I I , at its orn. l]l:il:itsc , c;use tlre f ol i'-- i -- -L- 1 ". ...rt.) r...r e-.LJ :,L ed.'vrsr J\: l. ^rv! Lc' Lv yv ccrrp'letcd on or befor-e tile lst da1'of Sel:Lci-.J:er, 19i?z o I c',i - t i'r) idc,;.: -, L-; Ilr:etir:t'.r; ttr sui.rl;i1,, ; {b) F-cequatep::c'iier sei;e r svs ien; ;1.-li;rs a-'Onii.iCi-Crl io a sc-i.'3rS cCi':l'reci-.:d'..;ith a . tc) ,r-.;'g ('i) Airr a<:corclance '..;ith the riie!i t- ion3d. -.,'1,-,-,,..r .- :.-- :.- *,. I.14 ) t-4 +- --'graC:-d r-o;rd:'cd s=:t'-r=#:---.-.:-.," :i nap of C.isol-,rr Del :lcrLe afo: o* /tr,/4, ; . . / The Sell.er agrees that it r+i1} grant aCcquaLe' U, 1n. ;( casciic$ts for electrical pot'er 1incs, tclep!:o:re Iines nkl' -"'\ and l-elcvision cables, and that it will do all possible/ v ., I ll to facj. litatc Li:e inst,allation of eler:l:rir:;tI po..,'er lines f.. , -t{\ .l:1, iiol,y Crcss EIecl-ric Associatj.orr, teleplrone li::cs byr.l | . J'r1- ;-l'rl.:cur:tain EelI Tclephone Cciipany, and tclevision cabl.es \, Al- i ," I by Va iI Cal>Ie TV; provid*d, hou,_-ver, that tlre Sell.crj.'t/ I l.t' ( | clot:s irot gr:ara.ntce .Llrc irrst..:Ilation of sucir Iinss or'". LJt ,r { i'l , c':blcs I t,- .. ' rr. l. ,\\r r'll1. > l.r( -lr, I .. 1'. , t l- | The 3tr1,6.1s sltal L'>c rr:sl>crrr:i il)Ic for install i ng I t { )elr:::rI }itres, r1.r-oi>s, fc,--tlcrs arrd Lir-"s lr:irJirrg frc;n tfict | !:rri. ldiilg to l-ire rstrbLiri'hcd rrl-iliLjc:: iiout'ces, i:rclrrcliur; I Lhu 1.:orLi otts of ::trch Jr'ltr-r'.1 I I ! rr.-.s, rlr-ops, fcc-tie rs r.r r I Li,::; r'.')ti t:!r nre, or rn;ry be, i'c(jn i rccl to r'r'{)s:i t,'rc Ccr::roa | .\rt.;r_ !j(: L'..,,(rcrt t.l:e Iitrl.r.:r. s 1rr <.r1;i,r.t.y I jrrc ;,rrtl Lhe nclrrtriL | ;tv;ri'I.:blc sou!"cc. iuclr l;:r.ci.nl ljn<:s, dro1::;, fcr.:clcrs I arrtl-t:jcs lc,:tiin.J fr.o:n p,rr1,cr..rs l-lrri1<li:r<; to Ltrc ne;r-,:r:st- \ ;rr'.:il;rblc ltor)r:c() :;irall bc insLal l,c.d ai. ilrc cr:pen:;c of \!rc l-1rry.;s or t.lrc. uLil ity, as Li:e ci.l.se ,riry l)c. ''! tr' ' .':'1i .',' ..::::' .:,:Ai*:'r""' ' : .. tS I I?. St.:ji)I\,:SI(r:: i,:..:..?. i.'j,;hi:i a r?.rs.,:-1:rle r;-r;.rij c.ri ti:,c f cll,-...;i:-.q '-i Jj :.-.-. 1 ., ' : a'-]1 ';l :'itr' :'':: lr:':-':: :;i 1,..,s i:': C.':sol iir- ::;'-i lir-::: i: '-i. ':. ?", ' l "t- ::::'r I I 'l iij'.;'-' "2 -' ': ::;;rl,-- alrj r,:cc,t'd!c ; .:t-1.;c :i:':':.'r j.i,; :-i,4 lgc:'-:'* j r;1 ':t:-r t-i ";('"'lr'j- iirics of e;ch buiiL:ii:g si.te, ca{:l drir{l:"'i1:/ c<-::ji::li'-1i11 cic\ r:ti1i';-v c i: ::- '-j::c !) t. , easc:'.,:lrl-s for ''.'';Lcr. s'-'r:':'r ':i-tti t.,tif;ti, najis, riricl'rrlat l-:"'a1:;::'c.'ii:'iat.c nar::itlg sl:':ll clr:';r-l-i di-sL1:r,;uisll c:,ch !:tr:lt.ii::'-i sitc in': t-ile Co;::9t 'r:r-r-"f i:;':d :;1.:11 tic i- i i'-ra':e tl',c l:r:i::'. j;r j ':s r)f ihu' c onurro'-'l rr:':^ii;':" ' ?he li'.:1'cr lier-e1-'r' rrjl'ulr)s ':o ;cr:c;;'l: e:.'d si !:'t such plst i-,:.,','ici',: ,:i:cl-: i.)l;': ;:c,.'-: j'.'rL!li r" :'"i':"-'--'c-': Ls the l-::r':e 1oc"'i':t'l' .tiz.e, ei:': c':-,t, 1:-:iii-s in'i i-i:::lr-i''', r'; u:s of t'rc':r t>f t'lre ic;,'i' l:rs (1ci:ict t''l Lrlilr-i-.1:'lt ' strr::} :)l it r:l)'1 1i ''ll:;o' ! l'crl:':'o- r.: Lr: '-he ):c:j'r-r.ic'! ivc coi'l-'l:a':iLs ol Ca";'ol:j r 'DcI Nori:c ' ;r L-o:)j' of ii.:r i ch is .: i. i..-.,:l:i'ri ,'1,::-cLo 'rs ll:'ll'r jbiL "il" ' Tl-'c iru!'ir ltt:rcLry nllrt-ar-1s Lo.lci.;rj:;l-;;:rl siutr:juch rcsi:rj-cLi'"'g coi-e:rr:rts p.-orriCoa tiit:y are iicntical, or subste:rtialIi' irjr-!1 tical 1;r stl])slerlce l-o tlie rt.rs';rictive co\tena:'tts aLtachcd ]rercto;is E.':iribiL "ts".- I1- is unccrst-ood thaL 1-l:c sigrring by Lhe Buyer of Lhc 1:Ial- a:rd of tlle restricLive covcnants as trer-einairove Provi(icd is nerely by uay of ratifjcation of L,'re agrcc',i,-'rrl-s colll-ilincd ircrcint arrl shaII noL be dcc'ned Lo bc a nci{ urclcr:triling }ry Lhc Buy:r' -'l'tre S"f f ot i.iay if iL det:ris iL .ruvi:;ablc caure a pl at l-o be rrtada.r!)d rccortl,:d of C.r:iolar Dcl ilor:tc 1>rior to t'hc sale of all of Lire burlci ing siLcs, buL tile in.rkin,J nnd l-'ccoI'(ll:19- of any such Fe.rti;rl- p).at shaIl rroL lelievc Lhc 5cl ler of f,i= "i-.'f i9lt:icrn 'co rrale rtttl rccor-'1 a 1l) iL of . t5c crit-ir:e .lcr,,, lol,:r,,--.rrl- aILcr tl:c sJ]c of al] of l-llc l'.,ui1tling sitcs lr;' s bcen ccrl:li)'l c Lr:d . I B. C!ii':n'l'Ic:l cF ,11'!nl'1'l C:':.1L llu-r !,1)t:lG sl,t'lis ' '!he Sell<.:r r:r:p:'.':;:i!y r{:ii{rr'\'r.as,t1,'-'-1-i'3lllt-l'9t:ttl.'1trgc C.r:;ol.rr l)cI iirrrtu- by cr'c.rt.i;r1 .r,ltlitj<:rr::I LruiItlirrg sit-l's Oll r;ep;rr:nLe ati;cinin13 reir.1 pr oirr:i:tYr strclt <:t:lilr9(-\l::Cnt. j f rr:rilc rl::rllr:t't, Lo lre llll(l(]l L:ri"r:tr lrrlt'::lliltlt: t'o l;lrr: terttts, cr:rrrjiti<::r:; tr:rtl t't':;t.ricLit-its :;r't ftrt'lh i 'r irrl-icIc of l-!re iiot;trict.ivc covc.:":anLs f or c,:.:.;.1 ilt' l)rrl htorLc aLt rc)rr:tl hcr'eto .rs !'lxlri!)it "l]" l6 . {l()liUi'li.:rijtjl: oi. {:c'":.':oli 'rr'ili jr 'il() i.ii'l::l:l"i::!:'l''5 | ,is$tltI;r1'!O:i. lfj t-:li;l .l l'n;:::r)t:"lhl'l :)(:rioo of ti;:l'J fol jc']l'- in,: l:hc s.'rie of .rl1 t ]rc l;rri lrli:lg sites in Ce';oI'1 r D?I :foi,.o, the S,rl lu-r .siral I c(r|rve)' l:o t.lrc (:;i$ol;rl. D'-'I.::ort e. tllr;','y1;*'nrtrs t ri:rl:or: i,rt i.r:n ( '-i {-'r>1rlr';:'io ion ''i)t r:f it ''-c'r:'o:'nL i o;r "iiii i;:'J ttrr,i,.'r .r:lr-i l,v vi;', rrt: of t'l:': il'::;l r ir:l'i\''"] C':'\"-':';rntr; ri-i.'ttt,ri.,r D:lJ- l.r-,rf':i i,'rt:s i,-3;'tt11 '\-9 i'ir>;r's Pi'l'je ir:l;.ij..,i::i,-rr. L-i:crjltr- !-or 3,r:i 1,1 i;r,g :l;'*(':! ::o. I-Llir'r;r:';ir llo. i0; irr,-'1rr:;lvc (saia Lots .t-8'r':rci ;-9 (-'i:(:'ll): fr:r 3t::'ltiinrJ Si'.cs::o. l Lilr-oi:rji.l ..Jc. }0 jlrclll.'i'''e ]rt::..:.ill.rf|...,r rc- , fcrr-.':,1 !:rf .rs l-lle 'lCoi.r*)n Pi:():r()rLi'" ) , t;t:l: j:'r;t t-o rli':ir-';:'r':rrl's ipi):)f tc'1r.'r:ri tc i:uilrii;r9 :i'.':s afurt:-"ll:t ir;r":rl for a;<clu" sit'c t,:.,'c. Pill':..ing spac.i, ririr'ci""r)'5 ;nrl ttLi li tjr:s' sub- Ji,tt to.tn't,:',.*itti rts.'rv'r:'1 1i1":5c ljeller fo'r utility::';j..:s !nd t:c;r,irv.r1's, a:rd sr-rbjcct Lo L1:c 5cllr:r's ric;5t rescr-vcd ir't ptl'aL:::ePtl 1B 1;"1c.'t Lo e,trL;r!c ald cr:i;;rrd t-ire Ccvcloi:- tat i, .-,i'.d sirl;;c'ct l-o e'rsc;i'l''ri-s ' r:csl-rict j cr;rs r ':o"/cnenLs I Url;td cotiJil-ictrs t)f -'--tit:orcl . {., Lrl \ I \ \ I l \ ."\ ,' ' .t.t Irl l g. 5i:I,I.!:3 ' 5 rtt:...t!,(r:J..i:1y ni:l;!.:i\,,ri,ll cltS . tin r: i It-5Lr :i,'rl r) .r;rrl cor:r"rri,';111:,: rrf .r I I ot' r:llc !i,r i'l ,linti , i.i".'iroal:,:o:l cr::::i:!ctcti 'tl:rl S.rl l..:r r,'!:,r] I h.rv,: t i,,: ,.:rciisivciror.;cr;sion, rr:;c .rrrd. co)t.t ol r:I i]te C,:,1:,:.,rri.r ;.rci srrb jr-,cL l: opotli.f:ision rnrj r.lsc lli, t irc ilu-r't_,r r,.ithi:r lirr),crr j r.a:.,.tni}nt t)f ra.1 :;L'\:Xl:lt S. 20 . DJ;!'iULT i\i.:D 'j'i;1.:'.t I l,l.rr,t't r.ri,t. i n.j- r-'v,'..lrl.:; :;\;rll co;-:::L i trrt.c .r;.1,.ir,,,.itli- rrf llar:h rrf tjre foll,_;2,.* rlr-. f .'1r; I i: h.j,J-{j,lil,:,., r: : (a) oI br: f or,: l.trrf tiJ r-e rn;rdc l-o Se11cr,- fa:l or cnit to sriir.nil '*o l.l: i; .',1 :: c c.;..lii L r.r l. i or: s '.'.,i r :. t:h a rc !!ot i n gr-.q ;i :',_.:-,.:.n.;s of lhis Iirryc.r :;hal1 f;il rrr,i:,riL to:i..,1..,1 , 111on ',.tlri<:!r it j s tlrr,l , .1y.,.' l,,jyJ:i::,:.!l Lo lig 'ini'petit'ior shc1l l:e filr_.d agri:,st i- .-.-.. '..,-.'.r-\r..r - Q1, ; I :: -:: i, ::-.i'.,-: l'! t . Of j.f :,r ,-;1 ',,C:-r L- y ':r' s.'-;:l I i.lr,::-r:.::f t:+r l-c ,-,ijur3ii,,:t,:j:iiic:: s:elI be al,;::-,)'....r1 f,i, the c._,ur-E,ssi::^e jc:i,.c jc-: jc;: of t]:c su!:.i cc:ccii::gs shell noL i:e riicni:;scii l.;it-hinsiitution of sane; or ani, 5;cLitir:eiilrrrrar rrirstcc sl:a1 l 1,J".1,,,r:?,,ill t;:;:':ii'i: :,,;";::l?I""LI*r1',rr'rs Pr:o1rcr:ty, a.rl sr.r._.h r:rj<:i,.iv:lr.:;11 i; ;.'irl,,rrter:s):ip 'sha] ] not bc vac.rr-c'ri r.ritlrin r:i ncLy (loi crays af ter Lhe$lli)ojtrl rncnL of suclr rccr_. j.vr:r or Lr,Jstcc. fn [:hc c'r]ilt of d.f;r,rl.t _sclIcr slrall lrave thcl'i.glrt., at iL:; cJr:cl-ion, l-!rr:n or .:t apy Li;r,: ulrj.clr slrcl- cvc;ll- of rlef ;rult- shcll conl_inue, l-o givc nrri..:r noLicclh'rt c^ r-he r'r-rte sj;i,si f ilrr i^ :,irclr n<it.:.<-,r, ,lririctr cralcr;i:al I rroL lrc r;rr)..e l_ir.:n {cn (ttr) d.ry,:; ;if Lcr Llic t;iviirg of?;rrcir :lrrtice, ;rll oil liul'cr's ri,;lrr.s'rrrrtr,:r t. lri i;-a.;::r.,cr:it:11 tslt.rl I l:r.r r:,irr.rte; a:r,.l ,:i l. lr,_, tl,ri,: :;lr,:,:i f ir_,rl in :;rr._.lul(rt i._.c,a 1l ,I llrr;'r-'r '.:; rigi:Lu urrricr t]r i:; i,jr.tro,,....,i i ,'i,.1r tcr.;:;i n-atg ar)(l coi'|rc Lo an c-nd *1 rL-s:; cr;clt dtf;r'l-r- is crrrirbretncl js in f;rr_-L c'.:retl r.,j t:hirr tlrc 1r,,rio,i ,.;ii..,,riiicrl in r;rr.:ir:lot icc'r o!' u:rlcs:; :;trt:!t r'rc f ;rrr'l t_ {oi lit.r t.lr.1tr Llrc f i:i Itryc _\:..f.tiI liori::y or: tirc f .ri lrrrc t.o ,;,ih;rrit- Lo Sol lcu eny(i(:'.'r-. lol.,rr).-rllL 1r);lt r..,iLlrirt t-lrr: si;<- {6) l,,r}ttl}r 1rr_.r.irlri 1:i:ovitlt.tl (c) D'..r'.'er .in .:::;,' cct...rl, (-'.1.-.iicS :- '..: cr , e:t L i t: S ip-r'1;,1g;1iii;s, enC Su'..be.::li-l:pt, c,r sr.:ch ;.1or thc court shail a::liLter, o[ such :troc90 ri,-.1.s aiL:r t..c i;rshall l>e so f i)r-,ci [y (c) D::1'6,.r sir.:ll f:iL Lo i,r:rfor;i axy o,, lt,?racls '.o bc i:c r [o:;;.rd by iui.cr :)l)r5L:.lnt to f lrc provis!c,rsof this ig:.rlc'.re-n-. ; ,I in i;'rg;i';:'lph 4) is r;rrrebl,: brrt: ..ai t hi n t(-':1 ( 10) '.ia1.s .r fi.'-.r tha Bir'.',1 1' coj:,:ii,-'nct:s ',rithi n :il!{::1 t:(::'t 5rt,-'!l ,i,: f Crr I I ;r11tl 1'.rrO:;.:cul ,:s t-l)(l r,:.r:r.ril.'r!)1,: ri i I i,;,1;1,1g. t c.1n;'ro: l.'s re.rseribly cr:r'*d,;i..'irr,y .)f :;rrd:t notic,: .::rd ( 1 0 ) ii.r'J t>f-'r' i.O'l Lo <.'r: r'': :iJi:C i.O (-'OilC I rrS!on '"' j lh I..r.rI 21. CCS'I' l1ND pXPD)ISES Of LI'f iC;'J':e:..r. If ei r.hr,,lr p.1 rty sl:l:l I i:rsLituLe 1cg;:I 1,r-ocr:3,jiri';s ar:;in:;t theoLitcr bas.:i u;:Dn a cause of .'.cl j.o;r arisjng out of t j^.i s ri,,: r r.r-ii;i;rt, 'L!:e !):'.-ir'.- i i i:tg ..)^t-Ly il.r sirr:!t Pirsi:c,1.,-ri.,,rss\.:11 r:c.:o\'::r f :o;r tlre e_t't'f.:: t i),rrii' ..ill cosl-s i::-rd c:.:r,,::i.:,:s'ilrc:r:ir r.ci l:;' i l- i:l sr,rch i)j-c.j,r't::i;.:s, ir,:1,;,j jl:,r :-i...::r,:,:.:;-.') _-: e: : i;r..-.':'.,' s l.'r-,:. io be i j i:,:,.1 i: .. 1..11,2 rcl:: ,; , 22. CCliiji-i:t.-tiii;:1 . If ari' ;:ction iE fiie,i irtt rlgu].t of t:c-,:i>,: t- c.:-rt j u r i. g.j i c:. i ,in for the cr;r-rr]:::,i.f t ic.:, t_,r t..r!: i:r,; for : :','-ii>1i c r:::e of ;::i' l.;:,j :;i_'|j.:rr_.L t-,,7 i r:';o r,f .,.,tto i,,_ s- c.r;-1 '..'-,:..;:rc.c 'I):' tli,: :-l c- i I i..l :,,: r a:,-: r.: I I rr :: , r_lris ..:,;: r::rc * nellt sh,lll be clc::,ti r:sc!;-.r-:-i; in;;..:ch c\.(:.nL the Sellcrsl:.':ll rL-tuin to 'rJ;e 1.,-t..'rt.f r--.:;..' i.i,::c,.. :'ri'.,j 1-,r.::c.,r::,j.. r i_...;-:;.'er t.o Sei lc-r, i;r.i '-l:e i:,:jl,:t: :>:-,:11 1.;,,.-e i.i:.: :i,3i.;- -c puI's'-ic or 'ac sil'c1:1e sr:ch .',:,:icr c:.1 ..;ucjt ,Le j-!:s as S! j I -: i- (ic::.r'.rs rc;1::ct.-:l)l-c, -irrci i:,.i i:1.; ll-.c r:i.:l-ri tc cr,:,.,.1)], to i..:..:pla"i;rti:'f ir such action Ll:c F; c::.r:-r-L..- ....1;:ch i s ti.esubj.-:ct !;c:--cf flce arld clL::i:: a.i er-v riEi.Ls oi- ih.: F,,.:_..e: ut'!ci,-lr th i s i,.grcc:xent 23. FORCE }:.\JI.:URE. f f by icar-;o:t of Acts of Gotl , floods, sl-orjns, er:1:l.osi orrs, f ir-es, 1a!:or :;l-rikes,in:-.rrrr:ecl:io:r, riots, ac,;s of Llrc pu!:Iic olt{-'nty, fctlcral,state or loc.:i1 I;ru, order, rrrlc or r:e,3r,rlation, eiLirerpa:t1' ]rcrr--l-o is prcr'cnLctl f ro:n coi:plyi ng ui t.ir frrry con-di tion of i:!r j s ,\grccinenL, or f rcrn ccrrl>lyirrg uit_!r any c.YPr:Lass or i np) ied covcne:r!- hc r c i n, t j.:cn r..'t-r i 1c so Pr.-c-ve!1l-c(1 strcJr cr)nrlil-io:r sh.t I I irc :;ur;P,lirdr:cl a;rr,l l;r:r:h lr;trLys!:al. I lrr: t-cl ici'cd of Lhi irbl ig;rt io:r of <:on1:tlyirtg 1{ith l;ur-'!r covnn.lnL .rnd s!ral I !1ot l)c Lial>lc for c;r,rrarJes forfaiItrr'c to corniliy, tlr':r:t:r''ith, arlr.l iiry ol:1i<;;rLi<;n of eiLi),ir 1>;rr'l:y slr.rl I bc c:ttcndcd for as long as :;uclr 1:ar:ty is:io l)t'()vL\.t'ri rrrl i t'l)ll co;:rplir i rt c_r i,,,i t lt ;rny cor.'i::r;rnl- or: co;l<l i .. t i 6;l lt..'t:'l j n. 2.1 . iiO'l'lCliS. A] I lrot. j c(ls I c,1u i r-r.:d or pL:r-trittcd to l)c air',:n or dr:lir,.:r'o:! lrcrr-'u:-r.'!c,r shall lre inr+ri t j;r<; arrtl lrc s<.'nl- l:y c.rrt i t. i,.,i f ir;r;L-r.:l;sri nrri l, txll;t.;)1_:* l)r'::l)..i (l , .rrlrl: cr;:;ilrl Lo I *,1 p,r t.(.! i DL:.rrr.l..,cl :rt i t_:; n(l(!t'(,r:;s !;(r [: folLlt llelow ot: ::u(:1, ol irr:t Jr,]tlr r,l;:; a:; i L ;t.-rydc:i!.rjn.rLe by:roticr:9ivcn to Llru. oL!r,:r [)nrLy jn tlrc fitilr)])t:r af orr-':1.'r i tl . 'ffi:,'' j " ulr":- : I ?C Sc, llr.rr: To lir..;-vcp; t 1:l sL'ct',. :^ar:1::': ::l:.:l I j:: ll::;cd i3 h:r.': b,-c;-.give:r end rle1i,.'cred 72 hours nf'.c:: Cr:1:csit jn t-lre t-'ni:-t-.d .Steles llaiI i;r t!:c iri,:l-:r't9r 'ii: r., i.:r rtr-ovi,-lr-'.i. 25. Ti:':3 Ci: Ti:i i:sS.::Cil . Ti.:".c is c:i:.::(:::,-.1-.; i':cJ; !-c-C lc) be l-iic ess{:ltce of j-'i: i 5 i, r; 1-r-.;-';;1-.:;1 }-, 26. ii.r:I'JiiF.. 'l]:e ....';:.'.',::; 1:'., ',:-,'., :.;r'L!, Lc lri s Agrrcn(rnl: of a i:r:c,-:cir cf an!. !)tor., j:;i,:::s if - t h! i i,g,-c.:ii-;:L ShaIL:)nt i-',e ii.:;reC a cortjnr:!:'.t;'..;;',i-^,'it; c--.t',t'.rt'.'c:: of a:-, -v s;i':s:ir'.:cl,i: bl'caclr ulreLhe:- f r.: the s;l:..: .-:!: er:,f,..-her pr'c','i s j c.-r of il-,is lr;rcr::uni. 27 . i::i?IIrH l'|C:i::.]jiil:j:. Tltis ii--strrrnc-'rt ccnt.ii:.!s . tlre r:rrtirc ng i-?r.:.-.nt br:'-irccr: L;tr lrri'cr r.rrd thc Sejler 1'g5ircctinq t-he ircgrerLy ,:nd enl' ntrecr.cltL or rrprcsc;:ta- ti.on respc.--i- inrl tlre Fropcrty ()r.- ';:lrc ciui:ics of the Bu1'cr or ScIler in rclation tl:cr-cto riot-. eyllrgssly set forth in this Agrectr,ettt.:.s nuIl arid vojd. 28. is.SlciitlDl':T. No as:.:1.,3n!:.'r-'nL of t.lris Agruc- ,::ent or of a;ry ri.ght acct:uirrg tr:rcler Lh is lc;rccmcnt shalI bc t'u:Ce, in r..ltr:lc or j.n pal:t, l>V ei Lhcr: pariy !r.iLllout tl)eprj.or rvrj-Ll,cn collsc,tt of t-hc ot-lrr->r par{-y. = or r,he se, i: ; .:3"XJ;;:ll ll'iii''::i:'l:;;:", "']l;', X,.i: i::l;' ::= tlle l- jtnc of Lli,t dqI jr'rrr:i, 9f | \': tlcr.'rl li,-'r'ctt:t('1.-:r slr;rl I :iul'vivrl srtc!t.lc'li'''ery. AII ur-:,1,-'r'tirl:i::gt:.rrrcl Cl>li.girtir:::s 1>t r-rl i rlrltl. in tltr: rr'$l:r i r-.t i.r'C C()\',.'lt.-l1t.i :.(-,t l'c't't.it j.n lii:lrir-ii :;lr.'rll l:c <1,:c,::,'r,l t.o l:,,: frrl.'l y l;,_. 1. fortlr;rl_ lr::rgL!r licrcin, 30. llll:l)til(: l;f'l"iic'.I'. .\l). r;i,1lrl.:; ritrl r>l>liga- l. ir::r:; irt:i liirr<.; otrl- of t-his .\glr:r-'r. r-,rrl- :;t:.rl I irtur:e .to tlrt-. ' ;rr It' '.: ' - .i.. l0 "61' t I i'o r 5t, I 11 I I be;r*f i.t of ind cr bin(i in.-: rr,:,:n t.lic r.-,r;ir,:cf iye i;ucc;ie:iDl-s.rlrd as:;jrr:lri of Lllc p.-rft:ii,; i:.:roi;o, : Iil "t'i.':-.';Jiss'.i1":i'::ii:(j}', tlre .t).1 tl. i t:5 It -i..'r'! ir?t ';];.ri r h.-ltris .rirc :; r:.-r l:; r;;1 r.lt,: rl.ry irir()'.'e. lrl t'r!t_O lt,i f r: rt tl i O fil'Si Hr:,{.trjn $!if,r,irn: c,isot,nR tiil'. tsy_.-*_ rlSbUCrrr j i= ?,=-t-.L tS:;Tn, f :iC. ! .! a-\ :."' '| L' SFOiiiP.: \'AIL BY: ,t luwn As you d,re aware,witir ur. carrinjPatterson, Chiefhis attorney, Ed box 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development ilanuary 2, 198L Mr. Charles GallagherVail, Colorado 81657 Dear I{r. Gallagher, This letter is to inform you officia4f that your residence recently purchased,frcm Duane Carling is in violation of both tie Building and Zoning Codesof the Town of Vail. The area in violation is the recieation roorn on thelowest level of the house. we recentry had extensive discussions at the Town officesconcerning the space in question. At theBuilding official and f specificalLy told time, SteveMr. Carling and i1 Drager, that the space was illegal as it existed. ea (GRFA) and the workshop and o far as economics and ignorance of past pr6ciedings,__I_pqnnp!__a.!bwlhe srr Lrt lJq'-L Pruueeqlrrgs,-_Alignffithout a proper approval ffi The gist of it is that Mr. Carling $ras fully aware of the illegalities ofthe space and of the restrictions that we ii,posed upon the are;. understand-ably, r was shocked to hear of your circumstince in that the area now is afully completed recreation room. while sympathizing with youri situation as to continue to exist as a varranceThis proeess o you.of fill-ing out a variance-Fguest foim in the Community:oevetopm.nt otfi.".The variance is a GRFA Variance and we will reguire previously-approved plansfor the structure, proposed plan, and a writteri statlment troir y6ir concelningwhy you feel the variance should be granted. If the planning aid nnvironmentaComrnission denies your request, you may appeal that d,ecision-to ttre tovl"nCouncil r look forward to our meeting this Friday and hope r can be of furtherassistance in finding a mutually agreeable decision to this probrem. cc: Duane Carling, Ed Drager, Steve Patterson, Larry Rider. I'tark Donaldson Sincere Senior Planne t 'ft,r,::,:*,ft ,f*-- L'. r:/ !/...kf ,/,)a.ttn . /,, l)l,n;i, .iS(J,i' o boi t.9o. Itooo 3 w ?r?!, 3ra.E, I tttCt..OxC rJO 3' t.gt-rrO,O Septenber IO. 1980 !lr. Ed Drager, Jr.Attorney-at-LawVail National Bank BuildingVaiI, Col-orado 81657 The damages and problems caused to us by the carring,/McKeeconstruction partnersh.ip and nore particulaily Duane caili.ngby virtue of his actions contLnue to mount. eaoitionar iniirmationreceived in the last few days is as follows. 9. A telephone conversation with Mr. Ted Husky, Engineerat Holy Cross Electric results in our beini informedthat Mr. Carling not only instructed and d6termi.nedthe location of the traniformer but actualfy aiapart of the excavatr.on and/or eonstruction work reratingthereto. The tactic and resurt of moving the transformeras far aY?y fIgT the Carling/Mcrcee site i4 and actuallyplacing it within-!h9 alti_cipated-driveway and parking'easement for lot l5 is bohh inexplainabre and inexcusible . especiarly since carllng was fully aware of the distancesbetween the bullding envelopes and upon the placing'by him of the LocatLon of the transftrmer he eitherknew or had to know that such rocatlon put the transformerin f,ront of our trullding envelope, whether it bein the road riqht-of-rray or not. As indicated fromthe survey, the transformer has been placed ontocasorar common property and in the spice to be utilized as the parking and drlveway for our Site 15. The important guestion therefore raised is why was the.transformer not placed equldistant between the two buildinq'sltes and in the proper location instead of being placedso far west of site lrl as to create the problerns-and hazgrdswhich lt does. T,4No ,1"* nt^ ,/'r a .'h,'-*t/ -/J;-, ./.d Mr. Ed Drager, Esqulre Paqe 2 September 10, 1980 IO. . Regardlng-the plans for the Carlingr/McKee duplexon Site 14 we are Lnformed that neither the iloorplan, the square footage nor the deeks conform to, the plans which \rere approved by the casolar HomeoHnersAssociatl.on and,/or the Torrne of Vall. We have beeninformed that the Flte pla_n drawings for Site 14indicate and strow Effif ]b_Sea!-'-1[-ee,r instead ofI feet, ff such ls'eorrectlTl-en-:il6must take thepositlon that the improperly built decks on Site14 would have to be made to.conform to the planeas approved, specifically tbe site plan The conflict. of interest posture in whieh Mr. Carlingpresently flnds hlmself poses some very interesting gioinlsof law, especially Ln view of the probabllity that the indlvidualmembers of the Homeowners Assocl.ation Board as weLl as theBoard courd be held_personarly liable for their aets of negligenceandlor intentional damaqes caused to our properties by amenber of the board, and permitted and,/or- aliowed to iralpenby the other members of the board. ft does appear that theextent of the damages could not onry be the specific resultof the costs to rectify the various problems taused by carlingbut also any loss in income and,/or profits resulting in ourunits when construbted not being able to be sold at marketand or at as hlgh of prices as they sbould be by virtue o,fthe .apoearance of the Carling/McKee duplex with- the extendedwings and,/or the improper and unsatisfactory location ofour building sttes which may have to be moved i'-e alsb have been led to bell.eve that Mr. Carling iswtthholding and,/or: reJecting the approval of our buiJ.dingplans and site locations unjustly, as a member of the boirdas a proper determination affects the carting,/ltcKee partnershipfinanclalry by virtue of the improprieties and problems causedby Mr. Carling and further that he has indicated that shoutd$e pursue these matters contained in these two letters thata holdup of the approval of our plans would be a tool orveapon which could be utflized by him. Ed, f am certainthat you recognlze the implicatlons of sueh actions by l{r.Carling in the event such happens. to be true or correct.Please be assured re w111 look into thi6 matter in substantialdetail. F, :.: : //. : - /,4 gn,, * 1/, 4E,:/rr,,*.r *J.i-., ?,{ - . The location of the annual neeting being in Mr.personal home rnay prove to be somewhat -arrfiiuil .no Mr. Ed Drager, EsquirePage 3 September 10, l9g0 rn furtherance of the conflrct of interest issue andsituation, r was astonlshea-to-ieceive the notice of theannuar meetins, which r understalu,:"; ;;;d;;;"ly ,"9. appolnttnsand,/or namino Duane carring "" itr proxy. r was furtherdismayed at laragraph I "oi""i"i"g the nornination of fivedirectors by a nomin_atinq *o,nritt*r which committef-d;;"not exist and never has ixiste.d according to my knowledgeof the Homeowners Associat.ron.' carling even being nominatedby you. or him, wrth the ""nrir"t of iiterest marter staringeveryone in the face-is a further travesty. ge shouLd bothresign and be disqualified from any, furthi, .or.,""tion, actionor voting with the Board. One ot ttre e""id;;il;r" tdas norconsulted nor was there a special meetinj.6r--thJ-eoaro todetermine the proxy.- vo" ,ly-rish to .u"orr"ia"; ;;;;'.;"your clients approach to ceriain of these *iti.r". CarL ings awkward. There further .appears to be.a possrble professionar confrietof interest if rrou ail r"pr."o.ritng- the H"*u|"n.rs Assoeiation asr have been informed bv ui:. i"riinf ana y";-;;;-;lso representingthe carling/McKee constructron-parlnership in irrese veryserious matters 9q, as you can well j.magine these types of letters arevery distastefur to have to irrie especiiity from one attorneyto another and wherern and there.may-be "".iuin expranationsfor soroe of the items contained-rn-ir,ese-I*"-i"ti"rs, thecontinued murtipltclty of confrrets of intereit and improprietiesof Mr' carting, assumins he was actinq ;i;;;;-;" outsrde memberof the association, such as-rqvself, bicomes-;"il curious andwary of what is actually goini on. r have discussed this matter'agaln with Don chaplin overthe telephone this aft.ernoon and r indicated to Don thatI lras certainly desirious of having his unCersianainq anasupport in thls matter especlalry iit,ce t,e is-ite rear. estatebroker havinq the property listei ana the brokei throughr{hom the sales are th_erefore proceeding. f trave known Donfor many years and like he and Barbara-p".ron"tiy very much,and r have tried to-buy property througir hi; ;;-; broker,even in casolar, and needreis to say, r would be absorutely _1:::r::hgd. if any sates of the Carlins,/McKee site l4 duolexwere to take place without notice of frre pr"Uiems ;;";;i;;; "'rrfr'nnt of hopefully responsible peopl t will intervene for thepurp.ose of resolvlng and yirfg the overall situation. JWU/ds P.S, AQain, please any of these be protected I]AMES W. MCDONALD, JR.Attorney at Law, P.A. have not cau sed must insist that mber that weproblems, but we and be egual to all other property cc: Duane Carling Thomas McKee Donald Chaplin l4ark Donaldson. w.M. Kintzing ceorge Straw David FaIes Dean Knox Casolar del Norte Homeowners AssoclationTown of Vall David I,IhisenanttsilI Sandler .l /r?,'x.t ett,,Ui,n., t? .{ Mr. Ed Drager, Esguire Page 4 September 10, lgS0 ln these retters. and otherrrlse, whlcb could affect the ownershipas well as the fr.nanclal posltlon of a subs"gu"rrt purehaser.r would not want -to see D-on get hurt in t.his matter whatsoever,especially if he has not been knonletlqable of the matterscontained in these letters and nor_traving knowredge is takinga definite positive eourse to resolve ani cure the. defecte.as contained in the letters. _l y"ry early resolvement of this.rnatter, I feel certainwould beneflt all persons, however, you .should know thatupon discussing certain of these natters which were knownto he whil"e in vail with carling that r received very cooland irresponsive replies bnd accordingty it has r"r,.tit.d-- ll mv having to take the affirmatl.ve iclions taken incrudlngthe survey, discusslons with Hory cross, discussions wrthothers in order to bring the matters to light in the views or precipitated our rights owners. ftpt,rnber :, l9?0 l.lr. Ed t-tat_;er, Jr. A.ttom.,'-at-l,al,r Vail Na*-rona] Bank BuildirgVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Eci: l4e are quite mncerned over having a nwricer of irreErlaritres andu:rpronerLies caffected as sooo as possible v*rich have bcan eitter causdttr pq:cipitatcd by your client tlre Carling,/l.bKee Construetion Oonpanywlrr.h is presentry construcLing a drplex cn site 14, casolar vair- rr. Yort ;r:r. advi sed tjrat r*: are desirous of resolving ttese rgtters atan earlY cirte on an arnicable basis, if possible, lut the seriotrsnessof eerta r n of tte folloraino issues is such tllat barrino an early resolveryentwill resrrlt in whaterrer legal action is desred necessary wilt bre taken, l{e are acldrtiona-lly sltocked as what tus been caused, dflaoed or orecipitalc.'d r+)on cN-tilrarious lots was apgnrently done so by ttle kesident of the casolardel I'b'rte llcr,e c\^mers Association ard as a partner arxl developer of ttlecarrinrulk'tiee constructicn oreanv. rt is rikevisd incrcncervabre to retlnt eit-he'r l'ou or Don Ctrapl in rnould have any lo-rcru|aloe of or wqr ld have.Ient any form of a;prova I to such trarm, danages, lrrernrlarities ard orirdeseretions to an adjoining prorerty o^,ner. t. T?e r+ater cr.rt off valves for Site 14 are in:;tailed 18 feet east' of Site I4's trrildirrg enrelope, as constn:cted. Ttre closestpoint between Sites 14 ad our Site 13 is 15 feet. Ttrereforecarlirr; set tl-e water cr:t off .varves over j.n front of our originally'<i<:sj-qnated Site @ 3 feet arrrd urder our anticir:ated decks we nav bui,Ld and then @nstructed his r,rdter line to tte east i.n fr-r;n t of our enrre lcpe to pnt scne urder cur arrticipatcd decksrn a total disrega-rd for others. . F.rcnrcne is tnvi ncl to rearrange to sone extent ttreir buildirr; e.nv':Io1:e but with tte relocation of Site 14 ard the o<tsrded cl:cks to both east ard west r'e a,re apfErentl y forcred to rearranoerur -site oons ide rab)-y. Accordi rqly tfre errreneers ard architects rnform ne tlat rnre strculd both. rotate tte envelo;:e as well" as rrove it scnevulnt forward. If rpt t lren Gr I inqlt'lcKee tras der:r j. ve.l u.; of the sane rirthts to cur prcperty as they tnve utilrzed,'Ilv.''refore tle location of the uater Line arxl ttF eut off valvesIalls eitl-rr into our b!]d.1pg envelol-e or so clcrse to it that r",r,' cannot Luild ard odl-fi,riile"f 'cur front deeks. Ttren, if such turrl Lo t:e repaind at a leter date (or as is tte case torlay wrth tltc rrresent reoair) tl-rere r"nuld be no r"ay for a sr rbsc'cFrent. propertl' trr,rrer to get to his vrater line. I arn inforrp.J tlnt there'trave lxan no easenents neither requested bv nor <rranted to (}rL j rn,4ldieefor t l-re water and ser,er }ines as @n.s+- nrted arrJ reqr:ired. Ihrs situation aprxrently tns only one result. 2. 'llr: sr-rr,er line frorn Site 14 eitter csncs r-rnr]c,r our trrrlCirg Sit,.'. I 'r or ric close to it that dr:rim oonstruct ion it r;ay be darraged. ,'irain the scrver Qrtld lery easily tnve been rnstal led to crcr:roletelv mlss cur envelope ard anticigrated dccks. 3. The electrical ditch which tns been duq to thc vrst of Srte 14 rorirs riude so far over as tc be cu",pletelv wi thin trrrr bu j ldr rn t,'nrelo;r and tterefore rrust be ncved. Ftrrth:r, tle ditch should lr.tve ne\rer been nade any furtter away frcrn the Luildl"rq envelopeof Srte 1.4 than 7i feet (!: of tle disla-rlct betureen Sites 14 arxl , l -.r at ttreir clo.sest point - wl-et i.s fair for one is fai r f ortlp ottrer). 'llerefore hfien ttre ditch is ror,'ed it should be erpidistant lr:lr.,rrn ttre truc btti lding envelo;:es. Srrh is nec\essa ry to eluninate a h:rzard to a1I parties as any subsequent dio rp for repair muld tr-' <la rr;erous if rpi so accarqpl isH. tlr. l.ti ke liintzrrrl irdicates his tota I canrrration in ttri.s matter and irrlicates tLrat r*ten tte ditch is dug next tfi€ that rt rr*rst rrr in Cle @rrect location. 4. 'I1r.'r:xterior dec*s which tnrre begr cronstructsj on tl"e Site 14 t_ |i chrnlex ortend out to the east an i rvest aFproxirately I feet.Ttere is cnly a distance of 15 fr:,rt betwr,en the tnildirn sitesor enveloFs at c=rtain lines, If we constnrct our decks the sare as on lot 14, the de*s frcrn bo,th of cur Site 13 ard 15wiII overlap onto Si.te 14. It. Grlinq says ttlat r"e strculd m:ve cur h,rifdirq erruelcne to' aecurodate hirn so as to rxot cause him any prroblars ard that bE leally doesn't care wtrat on hclvr r"e hrild. 5. A roadway for onstrrrtion vehicles ard tnrcks was duq ard r,nde by t4r. Grlirrr across cur buildirq envelcre 13 and frart of ortr Iand acttrally dug cut, up to 5 feet or rrore ard used for fiII by f,,lr. Carling on his Site 14. I just & not r-rrderstard this uay ard nethod of doirg hrsiness. I had told D:ane that he ouldstore ltmber and strpplies on cur Site 13 but definitely I didrpt gi'.rc trim permissiur to d-iS cilt fill or nrake a rodr,ey. 6. Site 14 i-s overbuilt its naxirnnn allotted G.R.F.A. for the CasolarVail Declarations bry 352 sq ft. ftre Tb,hrn of Vai] tlas offieiallynotified Mr. tfrox that said s(Fare feet w'ill tnve to be deducted frcrn my three hrildirry sites. lty reply is'of corrse - ltO WAYI 7. Part of our Site 12 has been dug into bry a trastor, in additiontte excess fill located ttereqr for erreryone's use r,ras goirg. to be rsrored b/y Mr. Carlinq ard as te said put onto our Site13. we cbject€d to this procedure as we would like to tnve at least r,vhat is left of our stnre of tlre excess fill for olr neededconstnrtion. Furtter, what tre wculd refill r.culd not be ccrrpactcd. /k1ain,. ve enrpt tnrderstand anyone doinq zueh to scnreone elses property. wrless tii.s is the way hrsiness.is dcrre in VaiI. 8. Ttre electrical transfornrer .is located on the Casolar trnnrn property,rnt in tte road right-of-way, and inside over Site 15 prkirn and driteway easenent. It is my urder st ard ing frcrn l'lr. Carlirrrtlut he assisted and or directed tte loeation of the transforner, as r€11 as tte electrical ditch. I ercplained to Mr. Grling last week ttnt I want to be totally eooperatirre t+rth all n4. neighbors and ttrat I vranted no mcre ttran I was entitled to but that r"'ery riefinitely I rrrculd settle for nc less than I was entitledto. tte txve rvronqed no one b:t rrc tnve certainly been daneqed ard taken adv"antaqe in wl-nL appcars to be in a very rnq-rrudent rnanner. !'t-' are fnvl ng a survey rn:de irrned iately so as.to determine as aecrrrately as possible ti:e specifJ.c detaj-ls of the infornration ccntained herein. Our Architcrt, Mr. t4ark Donaldson will tsve a cofry of tle survey ard will be able to discuss these netters with you. An lnrnst mistake can be urderstood nany tirrres, tr:lrevrer a m.rlticlicrtyof irre,cnrlarities, inproperties ard'danages becsres rery difficult to orprehend. lly t.his letter vt'e are hereby placing everyone involrred on noti c.e ttraL th:s<,' rrat t ers shculd be resolved in tteir ertiret-y no later th1:l Skrpt.tr:Lrlr 15, 1980, ottrerwi se wlrater,er legal aetrons are de€r.Ed ne(r.rssarv bn' rlrsclvcs .rrd our Colorado attornies will be irrplerrented imnc-.li a+ el.r. F\uther, in t.ix: evenb ttre rnater ard ser"rer lines ard <rrtoff valves are rrot resol rrxl and./or relccated prior t-o our exca\rdtion ani cf)nsLnrct ron in ttE rr-,xt f(nr wreks, we tereby plae all interestc.l frarties on notice oc a 24 l'nur <rrn ta ct to eitler )lcu or tte C)wners of l-ot 14 that oa:acc tr: r,h,:rr wrter alrd :;er'-'r lines rray be inadvertently caused, Crrrrrq cur const rucL ron as srrh l-rlve Lreen lcrated in inproper and illcr-lal arc:as ard tlcrefor any danaqe t}Ereto ard,/or to ttrerr property wi}l be at ttx?i r ex-oense. ,.twt/ds cti L\:;rnc C:rrl ino '[1r r:n s l.i:Kee I trnaltl ("hrplin I trrk fnn.r ldson Grrtrle -Strau f. rvr (l I'ir I os r-1. rl .' t'l rl .tl.' ltr.f. rr".^ r.'f S Sinc'erely, JN1ES 1{. lhDtillrut, JR. Attorney at taw, P.A. a t RgOEH O. COHEN JEFFFEl !.9MITH FRANN A. BFAME E gHARON L.I'IAW(E PERFIY 5.I{ISSLEF JOHN P. COI{GDON CHARLES C. EONNIV'ELL JAMEE V. DALTON LEE W.IIEFOTH LANCE FI VAITZANT Conplr Bnaur & Surrrr Very truly yours I Cq-*.:-- Charles C. Bonniwell CCB/dLr Enclosurecc: Charles Gal_lagher *"..^::'""s:J:-*'o*',"REeElvED rr jl3 3 tm 15ta LtNco|.ir cEmeR Eullqt o r6eo LtNcoLN SiReEr DENVER,qSLOFAOO 6OAE4 303-437-AAOO February 19, 1981 Mr. Larry Rider P.O. Box 1"106Boulder, Colorado 80306 Dear Larry: Please find encl_osed two affidavits from Mr. Gal_lagherrsreal estate agent and one of the workers on the house which aresel-f explanatory and shovr what was being represented to charlieGal-lagher by Duane carling. These affidavils are obviousryconfidential since they form an integral part, of our lawsuitagainst Mr. Carling and I would appreciatl them not beingshown to third persons or discussed without my prior appiovals-o_that_the potenLial witnesses are not harraised ny Clrting,McDonald or others. I am also enclosing two letters which go into variousdetails on the problems on tot 14 which became the basis ofMcDonald's l-awsuit against carling et al . r have underlinedthe one reference about Lot 14 in total having 3SZ extraG.F'R-A. which was never part of McDonal-drs lawsuit or other-wise_deemed a problem because the town apparentJ-y recarcul"ated.the G.F.R.A. and deducted the 352 ssuare ieet. EFFtgtEfiCYo ltNE N0..47!5 AH AilpAn PRo0l'cI lltrd fuht||hrit. | | l6l $iri aarh lr Gm|t, (iold.r. C ,, . -....; , r' -r i!. , No. l!7. l.|\ D-\lrl t\.- Errdhrrd Puhh t!0ll:tr oftaa * t.lo STATEOFCOLORADO Icrry& DENvER ltt..=_-County of - J IN TIIE DISTRICT COUNT J4IEI MqDoNALD, -TIt'lA McDONALD. JEANCAToE, Trusree' for W.H. cAf6E'cbnil-, CROWERS, INC. PENSION RETIREIqNT TRUST, DUANE CARLING and rilbu*s llcKEE. individually and d/b/a CARLING/trcKEE coNSTRUc- TIqry:TBTNERSHTP-nfficoNsTRucTroN collpANyr LEo pAyNE,-DeAN L. LIS PENDENS $Hfl 'noR?Ho*8'#. ofi$$fl 5*[E$o.it$r6$?om Noticc is hcreby givcn District Eagle JAIIES llcD0NALD, TINA DIcD0NALD, INC. PENSION RETIRE}IEM TRUST, McDONALD, JR. ATTORNEY AT I-A,W, that an action, suit or proceeding has been commenced and is pending in rhe Court in and for the County of in the State of Colorado, whe rern JEAN CATOE, Trusree for W.H. CAT0E CORN GROWERS, and TINA IIcDONALD, Trustee for JAIIES LJ.P,A., pENsIoN AND RETTREMENT TRUST, plaintiff s . and DUANE CARLINC and TIIOIIAS I{cKEE, individually and doing buslness as CARLING/ HcKEE coNsTRUcrroN PARTNERSHTP and CARLTNG MeKEE coNSTRUcrroN cottrAry, LEoPAYNE, DEAN L. KNOX' DONALD R. CARPENTER, and CASOI"A,R DEL NORTE HO}|E OWI,IERS ASSOCTATION. defendanl s.'th:rt theohject of said action. suit or proceeding isto enjoin a crespass vla 6ewer lines crosslng Plaintiffs' property and in favor of Defendant carling McKeeContrucfion Comp3nyr s property and to require the removal of a four iootportion of the east and r"rest side decks of the properry, all as describedbelou. | *hI lltddJlhl',t *r,'y firtt l,tvrht t(rld fttttl,tt trl We/ct$*'pl Nfrlt i{i(qq.Fptttt nWe|ftrgtt / and that thc following is a description of the property affectcd thcreby, to wit: Lot 14, CASOLAR VAIL II, a resubdivjsion ofLor A7, Block A, LIONSRIDGE SUBDMSION, according to the plat recorded November I, J978, in Book 277 ar page 524 of rhe recordsof Elre Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. HOCHSTADT, STRAW & STRAUSS, P.c. L700 Broadway, Suite 1211 pg4y^er*_t)olorado 80290(303) 939-5ss9 r I rr{ r1(,lrd hr ti. drlrrJ.^t I l.rr. , t.l.d l.r rr. tl.'^',tl 'ltl It. li tl I .a.il-{TrNlW, McDONALD, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW; F.A; orge ll./ Strar*, fl07 - ..-t IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STAfE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. FOR THE COMPLAINT of are the owners of the following in Eagle Countlr Colorado, to wit: JAI,IES MCDONAID, TINA MCDONALD, JEAN CATOE, Trustee for W. H. CATOE CORN GROI'IERS, INC. PENSION RETIREI'{ENT TRUST, and TINA MCDONALD, Trustee for JAMES W. MCDONALD, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, P.A., PENSION AND RETIREMENT TRUST, Pla intiffs, vs. DUANE CARLING and THOMAS MCKEE,individually and doing business as CARLING,/MCKEE CONSTRUC"ION PARTNERSIIIP and CARIING MCKEE CON- STRUCTION COIUPANY, LEO PAYNE, DEAN L. KNOX, DONALD R. CARPENTER, and CASOLAR DEL NORTE HO},IE OM{ERS ASSOCIATION, Defendants. Retirement Trust ( " Trus tees" ) described real estate located ) ) ) ) ) ) COf{E NOW the Plaintiffs above-named by and through their attorneys, Hochstadt, Straw & Straussr'P.C. and as and for a Complaint against the Defendant,s and each of them allege as fol I ows : PREFATORY ALLEGATIONS l. Plaint,iffs James McDonald and ?ina McDonaId ( "McDonald" ) are the owners of the following described real estate located in EagIe County, Coforado, to wit:. Parcel 15, CASOLAR VAII II, a resubdivision of Lot A7r BLock A, LIONSRIDGE SUBDMSION, according to the Plat recorded Novernber l, 1978in Book 277 aL Paqe 524 of the. records of the Clerk and Recorder Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Plaintiffs ilean Catoe, Trustee for W. H. Catoe Corn Growers, Inc. Pension Retirement frust and Tina McDonald, Trustee for James W. McDonatd Jr., Athorney at Lawr P.A., Pension Parcels 12 and 13, CASOLAR VAIL II,a resubdivision of Lot A7, Block A, LIONS RIDGB SUBDtrVISION, accordingto the Plat recorded November I, ' 1978 in Book 277 at Page 524 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 3. Defendants Duane Carling and Thonas McKee doing business as Carling McKee Construction Company, a partnership ( iPartnerslriptr") is the orrrner of the following described real estate tocated in Eagle County, Colorado, to wit: A Portion of Parcel 14, CASOLAR VAIL fI, a resubdivision of Lot A7r Block A, LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, according to the P.Lat recorded November I, I97B in Book 277 at Page 524 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 4. Upon informaLion and belief, the above-described ParceI I4 owned by Defendant Partnership has been resubdivided into two separate parcels and improvements in the nature of a duplex dwelj,i.ng constructed thereoni that the North East side of the duplex has been conveyed by the Defendant Partnership to a third party allegedly named Rubinstein; that the south West side of the duplex has not been conveyed and relnains in the name of the partnership. 5. That Defendants Dean L. Knox, Leo Payne and Donald R. Carpenter ('Developersn) are the clevelopers of the project known as Casolar Vail II consisting of f.ifteen (f5) Parce]s and Common Properties of which the properties described above in Paragraphs 1r2,and 3 are a Part. 6. That Defendants Developers executed and caused to be recorded in Book 277 at Page 524r Book 281 at Page 634, and in Book 283 at Page 28I of the records of Ehe Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Countyr Colorado a certain Plat Hap' Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar Del Norte and Correction Lo First. Supplement Lo Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar VaiI, respectivelyr'which are incorporated herein by this reference. -2- ., ao i:.4 . That Defendants Duane Carling and Thonas McKee doing business as Carling,/ltcKee Construction Partnership (iConstruction Conpanyn) acted as General Contractors for the construction of the improvements situated uPon Parcel 14, Casolar VaiI II as is more fully described in Paragraph 3 above. 8. That Defendant Casolar Del Norte Home Ounerg Association, ('Association") is the Owner of the Common Properties in Casolar Vail II Subdivision, as described recorded Plat Map. 9. That Defendants, Knoxl Pdyne, Carlingr McKee Carpenter and Casolar De1 Norte may be charged with the dutY of ments in and over and across the Home otrners Association' are or granting and or locating ease- Common Properties to the diverse parcel owners in such a manner so the other parcel owners. as not to affect Ehe rights of FIRST CTAIM FOR RELIEF g. That Defendants, Construction Company, Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or all'owed to be constructed upon a portion of the Common Properties adjacent to parcel I3, owneci by Plaintiffs ?rustees. a certain water line arrd water shut off valvesl as is more fully described in ExhibiL "An attached hereto and made a part hereof I0. That as a direcL and proximate' resuft of the negligence of the said Defendants, the said water line and water shUt off va.Ives were constructed and located in such a manner So that Plaintiffs are not now able to construct the anticipaEed improvements upon the ParceL 13 all to the Plaintiffs damages in an amoung as yet undetermined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to amend the complaint when the damages are fulIy known. SECOND CLAIM POR RELIEF lI. That Defenclantsr Construction Conpany, Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or al,lowed to be constructed upon a portion of the Common Properties ad3acent to Parcel 15, owned,by Plaintiffs McDonaldr an electical' -3- line, transforrner and vault as is more fully described in Exhibit iAt atLached hereto and made a part hereof. 12. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the said Defendantsl the said electrical Iine, transformer and vault were constructed and located in such a manner so that Plaint.iffs are not now able to construct the anticipated inprovenents including the dwelling, driveway and parking facilities upon the Parcel 15 all to the Plaintiffs damages in an amounE as yet undetermined. Plaint,iffs reserves the r:ighb to amend the complaint when the damages are fully known. THIRD CLAII,I FOR RELIEF . 13. That Defendant.sr Construction Company, Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or al.lor,'red to be constructed under Parcel I5, owned by Plaintif f s McDonald, a certain ser{er Iine serving and appurtenant to the entire ParceI L4. 14. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the said Defendant,s, the sewer line was constructed and located in such a manner so that Plaintiffs are not now able to construct the anticipated improvements upon the Parcel 15 all to the Plaintiffs damages in an anount as yet undetermined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to arnend the conplaint when the damages are fulIy known. FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF . 15. That the sewer line and electrical line constitute an intentional trespass upon the Parcel 15 owned by Plainfiffs I.tcDonald in that Plaintiffs McDonald neither expressiy nor impliettly acquiesced or gave permission for tbe tresspass. 16. That as a direct and proximate result of the Eresspassr. the ser.ter line and electrical were constructed and located in such a manner so hhat Plaintiffs are not now able to construct the anticipated improvements uPon the ParceI l5 all to tlre Plaintiffs damages in an'amount as yet undeLermined' -4- Ilr ^o *1 Plaintiffs reserve.the right to amend the complaint when the damages are.fully known. FIFTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 17. That the sewer line was constructed by Construction Company or Partnership to serve the entire Parcel l4 owned by Defendant Partnership. 18. That said sewer J.ine encroaches upon Plaintiffs IulcDonaldsr Parcel 15 which encroachment.and tresspass const,itute and unlawful taking without right, title or int,erest. 19. That unless said encroachment is removed Plaintiffs l{cDonald wiLl suffer irreparable harrn and there is no arJequaLe or speedy rernedy at .Law. 20. That Defendant, Partnership by construcbing or allowing to be constructed upon Parcel 15 said sewer line have creaLed an appurtenance to ParceI l{ which is unlawtul and wit,hout right and if not enjoined will create an adverse possession and,/or an estoppel contrary to t,he rightr titte and interest, of Plaintiffs McDonald. , SIXTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 2L. That Defendants Partnership and,/or Construction Company have constructed upon Parcel l4 decks not in conformity wiLh the sibe plan approved by t.he various governmental and guasi-goverrunental authorities having jurisdiction over the said Parcel in that said deck is 8 feet in widt,h on the easE and wesL sides of the improvenent constructed on Parcel 14 but were approved to be no more than 4 feet in width. 22. That Defendants, Developers and Association negl igently approved and allowed to be constructed said side deck s. 23. That. as a direct and proximate result of the improper construction of said side decks by said Defendants, Partnership and Construction Cornpany, and the negligence of the Defendants Developers and Association, Plaintiffs McDonald are not now able to construct the anticipated improvements uPon the -5- A(l 'r',O Parcel 15 all to the plaintiffs damages in an amount as yet undetermined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to amend the complaint when the damages are ful ly known. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray as foll.ows: l. For damages as are ascertained, 2. For interest as allowed by law, 3. For an Injuction requiring the owners of Pareel 14 to remove the Sewer Line and Electrical Line from the Ptaintiffg McDonaldsr Parcel 15 and to remove four feet of the exterior width from the east and west side decks of the duplex dwelling consLructed on Parcel 14. 4. For Punitive Damages as allowed by law, 5. For Attorneys Fees, 6. For Cost,s Expended herein, and 7. For such other and further relief as to this Court may seen just and proper in the premises. HOCHSTADT, STRAW & STRAUSS, P.C. By: George M. Straw # 107 Attorneys for Plaintiffs f700 Broadway, suite l2lI Denver, Colorado 80290 ( 303 ) 839-5809 PLaintiffsr Address: .2875 Manns Ranch Road Booth CreekrVaiL, Co]orado 81657 o IN TIII OISTflICT COIIRI IN ANI) c0t,NTY 0r LACLT STATT OF COLORADO C'iv'il Action No. B0 CV F0n Ilt[ Filed In lho Dirltlet Courl Fltlh Judlcldl Dlslrlcl, In 8nd lot 299 Eogto County, Colorado JAf"ltS McDONALD, et al . , planti ffs, vs, DUANE CARLIIIG, et al. Defendants. THIS MATTER filed by the Parties tion arrd being ful1y the parties have been OOTH ORD[R judice; and Paqe 497 the Eaql0 1980. Nov 31980 ORDI R FOR DI SM I SSAI, . cominrt on for hearing upon the Stipuiations hereto, and the Court havino reviewed said Stipula- advised that all matters in controversy between settled, compromised and resolvedr that the withjn action be djsmissed with pre- FURTHER ORlltR that the Lis Pendens fiied in Book 309 at is released and that a copy of this order be recorded with County Clerk and Recorder. D0NE AND SIGNED IN 0PtN C0tlRT this y'day of BY THE COURT: "- " .-.' "" "".--"t :pua7 C!,:. i Judqe -t IT-'- I aL I I i iPt I P;,tcf .,1 I I I I ,I .t. ;l,' ',' t i I ,. ,I / I \ L\r I l ' /$"i iI i I \ i ,r"ryiar*i"\ -7 \F+ | -. ,.. _.i l lrr .i. liI ;nl -1 L/\' t I I Iirn ,l Il!lltl'\ I I I I I UA'OER tofisrRUcrto.R BcE L l4 t I I I lTroNlort IJ- h I , ', -.:)._,ffifrt, IiUtIIN Novenibcr 2I '.I YDU GRIIA Variairc c for Casolar undcrstoorl tlrc analysis. pcf s(lul.: f cti) I' l'lrliuTljs OF o I'LAl'il'l l l'lG /tl'r I I riltVI lioll i'l[llTA],I'rti].L;)i,Ivl'l o ' .l,urUTIt'lG l.lonriay , Ocl-o)-r. : c 2'l t I9tlQ 3 : 00 P.Jt ' PRtr.S1:lllT 3. Side Strl-.b.'rck \/a,L'iaircc crl\'clrol)o oi"r _t; j. t r-) i 1l ' llon Tod'-l ]. t' Dan Cor-c<.r::ittr tnov(:d t.l:at the m.iilut'e$ crf tl:c bt': a1:1>rovcii, sccolrricd by Ed flr:iiger. In f.r'.'or rlot yet arfived) 2 . l)an nicv <:d atr<1 ntembcr 'u<,1 .t'i- r-rltrd he r..'ould bc Llre rnr:ctinsi of Octo):rer J.3, 19805-0 (Jol.ul and Boger had 1. '.rar r i.] c {- f a'' r_ Casol;rr V.-- i.l csf J-i.t:r i.lcDc:ralc1 .l r: . (tD to r,iuve tlre build.:.ng r Pai:gen pirer;':1-'ceci t)re explatrlrLj-c:r of Lllc met:ro m;ril.r:d to'thc mcmbcrs. , .Jin llubin aclclcd i-iiat t',']rcn t-he oriqj,narl C;tsolar sr.lbci-ivir;:L<:tr !r.1s tr/l:eseuted, .,: it vasnrt col:';em1-rlirte.cl t)r:rt thc dt:cI:.s trr)tl'''-rJ be l;tr cI'os;e Loltetirc::' ,,. l.!ar'll DonaLrjson re;:::ss*r., l.ing Jini J.'jcfx)lriiJcl e):P1irj.,te(1 i:haL tlte buiJ-ding ,.':. s11y13fgpes clt:e t-ighl:, aird Lhat tl:e o'..,ire-r: i.s iri-1.1,i:tg'co nisl; bul.Idi-ng' . neal: the utiliLv l.incr. Di.scussion fo-llov.'eci about. horv bi:st. to rra]ce :l i.cert,;rin thirt futu):c o',{rrc.rs lrou.l.cj;r-ll;o J'>e )-'esl)orrlj.iJ)lc. j\ ci.r:ed vtas feli ,,1, to be inapl:r:o1:r-i;rLc ir',' i,1,1.-r'r'r Otiic:i,lJ-y, r.rlro feli: i:]rat a, r;r:corcled troLice ,- of this vaiiairce wr:ttl<1 bc rrrorc epl-)roproprj-ate.,-, of rthis variancr! wol)ld bc rrrorc epl-)roProprj-ate. : :. '.. . .Jol)n ye:'.t1r)s rrrovr.rcj thitt'. Lhc s iilc.,' irt:Liraclt rri.,r:i-att(:r' l-,c ;rlrp;6'7c.d wi.th , - tjrC. sLaf f ):c.(:c()r0rlenciiiLion that t-1rr (r\rltrjt: r,f enlelorrr: Llj l{cuJ.i be responSi}>l !.,"r- fof I"toIvit)g a::Y Prob.l-.-:ius Ljtill-'cccut rs-ith i-r;t:;i::e ll(l',."-!r -l-.i-lre worl< j-rr . r," tl)c'dase'ncrr'l-, and r.r:Lth ar recorclr-:cj. r,.-.it.jci-: c>f Llris ';a,:iitt)cc- Ror;er secon.deq',,'l t-lre moLio11. alrcl 11!.rC voLe rvas 4-.1 irr J.avEr.r t,lir;r I'io::gan,irgaj.rrst alld ,' .DilD and ]jd a^l:Lai.tt:i-:rg. ' rt.: . Giii,'n V.AIi-t.\itCIj J.()]: Casol.ar f I - l;i:atrrr J,. iit:r':: .,1 ':: j Jim. Rul>.i-n c s;':r.l- it i.ll cd tlrc rrrenrr: and lc;r': of i.)r.,: \:i':,-',' (:()tlti.'l i r-'i:i-.ed crrcll Ls . tlritt t.rlnl;lr.i-rt-:ii ovt.t: tlt.: )'ilf;l- sc'rrc-'i ill. '.;')i;:::, ;.:.',i.i.li<1 r-liiii- Li:l r'(-'(jtl(rrit trras for a 2rl,.i7 s<1 l-L vlr-'j.attcc.l)clir'ill llr)()ll r;iiv/.; ]i:i:: p<:jnL r>1 v-i-crt, adrlit'lg tlriri: .i-n. PJr;:rre l. tlrcrc uas .l.ess cio:il.i1:1' t.il:rl) :)cJ.-tiij.i:1.,:d, ;:.nc1 L,11at tl)cr3 h'crc 1.9 u;rj.t.s .i-r:r.-'t-r:aii 'f 20 lJcetnc and J,ttn tlr'.sirr-il'ct:d.rllrrr'r: r.,'lic:t-.Jrcr or- rrot-. Llri:'.ilc>i.t.rt I:li'1 9J-vcir tlil.ection Oir'tlre ruollnt.S of i;li]r.lt'. All;O itt clj S;l(lr:"'(.:lt.-1lf i:. v.'.'tl: Lltt: V;rC:irtiOn t:t lCrl: Iinc:;, t.rllctlrt:r or- t:o'c l(tto:l tr1;irlsf i;tl l;s;)tt':r r-).!: i"-il(: riu;rIev.c':, l:(r.., al\./al rt'c Of ,.:hc ::e:it t:ir:tion1, lil)c_-:i t..,ir:;, cl-c. !.lr61 ..ir;r.l j_g;r11 .l_: I l;]tc:c-r. tO )ravrr tli.iS llcqucEL LabJ.t:ti, ;rncj it r'ra.r': ti.rb.l.ec1 );' i-lri: l'J'iU. a PI..IUIN ING Al.l D UIIVInOl{i'lLX'lTnL CO;'ii'iI SSIOI'I DEI]NRT}.1ETIT OII COMI.IU}IITY t-.lte clesct:j.Ptj-on of 'che var'tancel::l"l-Ilfji-t:,:::* t:;:.,?t:l:;"O''i'fi.1'::l;l'iii."litll,,,;;;";;;;-',." ti'i" dc''sc::ipuion 'urraL trtev rt;'!; a}';lay s; l;c.l coi,iPJ-c Lcc1 Lhe Sgttarc lroo'iage orr l-hc C?:]ilS Itii,"n"'Jrlrefage iloes coml:l:y vriuh.rtlro. ?. ; Sincc thc fil-ilrg t>f tlr.is ai-tplit:ati'orr' t-vto )il'): ,aFi)rovcd l''!y [i]:. ti;;* r"j'ttr a GRI'-A-;f 3':l{j0 ::1)\t" fcot' T'}ris docs leave Gfi- lqi,oto' ro"u i"i -Ll:c rcnrai:rittcl drtl'-1 c'x sj-tr') \ B. rhc sLaf f l:clicvc:; tlrat tlcl' 'l:l):""'j::",illl ::?it,i'il"tll,il :ll:i: fi:il::: Xt "i'lllt::";";;-it.";il"-;;a'oo- oq""": f:":,.r1":-.."",11i: , ,1:":"',";".i'i]l]" .rlr!'i'Lr 'r ., nunrbcr) j.s r,tsecr, Lriis t';.ur<1. o''ri"i'*'"'11-ll:: ::ll'ii::i|i? "",1';t.:?"!!.r,t;iril"lnunrbcr) j.s t'tsecl . LtiIs \rourq o'"r',rlr-i,i',,if, ii," ;;;ri;;;,,1, vrag t<.rtaIl.)' arva::e I i;ilt't,,:"il;,.rttlJ,,,,l]::-"1::lliuol;1""u; ricLernri.'.u ,,,,lil",]f l;; t;" ';:cl1ur:r;tcd I i:.opr., ;rnalysis lvas cotrrplctcd' . .Xi:ri"'i. r '- '.,tr, t-I ''.!lt Knox Casolar a 3{ rr of F;.rct:ors ve[y .r;.,,, sl:cc:ia1. ;r31j.v.i.1cge -i.rtco;rsistcnl:. rrj-i:lr the Lirnii-aL:i<.rns crll oi;irer' 'l: ^f ir-.-.i G.: ^.1 .:.- r,t-^ ^-,.,-- -t.:t.. classified in t.lre .sirrur-: districL. -;,'1.' i That tile t'Jt:ant-.itrg of l-he val:inncc vill- noL )-,c del-r,i incnL;rl. {:o Lhc publicI ii Jrc:rltll,, sirf el-y, or scrl-fare, oJ: nrii!-c.r.ial.lf i:t jurj.ous to l:ioi'rcrt.j-es or inrprovcrncnt.s irr tltc vicirrii-i' ' : Tirat t'hc trariance is trarranLc.d for'orre or mor-e of thr: fol.loging r()asons:..:. ': I 'J'hc nt::.i-ct or litcral. i.nterl;retati.on ancl <:ni:or--ceurcrrt of t:)rc s;peci.f i.ccl ':.:. l:egul.i)t:'ion r'rould r:cr;LllL in pr:aci-..icirl. oj.if jt:'.rlt:r' or lrnnrrccrjr;ary plrysicalhardslrip inc-on.sistcnL viil-ir t-lrc objcct-ivc:; of tirj.s Lii:1c..r.rrr:\:rrrr>-l.sLUltL \.Jlt-lr Ltru LrIJJ L.t- L_t vL::t (JJ- LrrJ.) t-ILI\:- L/'l-:. ? aV' i o drrr irristrator llt '^-:-/ l)l annirrg Conrlni ssi on Projcct in Vail has rrrn inlo aI vlr.rul d like to rcv'i cvl tlrc The apprrrval of from Phase I rjuc vacdtc. -[hi s r,rasof Lot A-7 is l-ttiit:of an es tirriatcd 402 'l'ovrrr o I' Va i I Jjrn l{uhirr Zoninft A Tovllt Courrc i I o T rirn s.,;inrt r i ca sur!(lo::tncl r'lS cnVCl opc ndjtrsl.r:ients t), :.. '. The tor'rn in be suhni ttr:d a lcttcr tvlrt:rr al I to Casolor ancl chan5res suclr a firrrl p1 an etc, arc finalized. : In 1979 I'jo tvet'c told vertral ly I i rrc to absorb thc .rdcli ti onal urrit. tltat Casol ar I I foo l.a!rc i.o rc;rclr corrl C rro'L vncale orrr pl anrrcd l6-q0 the propcrty GRFA pcr 0n.lunc 4-, of 19110, t.rr-t finajl.y rcccjvcrl tlrc rc-evalrritt.icrn of otrr jOnrl attaitt:d slOllc ltltrrr. t.lc r.rerc rcrlrrcctl trr ri1rp1.1r;1j111;rt.c1y 1?20 CIit:A pC' iinitin Plrasc II, cittlrt. nit,nt.lts frorn your rcr:e'i pi of ;11;r ns l'.y lticlrar.rl 's En<linrcrinq.lte r'csporrrlcd r.ri Lir thc ie ttcr o{' Juu0 20, 1g$0,([;'.ir ibi t "t9$0, ([xiriSi t uf") Last ycar Al i zorrc approvcd r,re as r.re'll ,,l. torvn approvcrl 16!0 CRIA I l'hasc II units. chcck varrll shr:cLs shovr thr: allor'rccl f.;ltl:/\ as 169() ([xlrjbit "Fu) by tlre totttt. l.Jc no,rr rcalize thirt tor",rt officials initially conclrrdcd that tlie zotting on phirsc I and lrlrase li vrcre tlre sairrr: tlrtts allot.rintt thc nrerger oF the tr.lo phases. This dcnial of l.lte original cl'i rcct'i on 1t'i vcn us by tlrc tolrn has placcd. us in arr cxtrcnrely prccarious position r.rjth our prescnt owlters. 0'l' i.ltc f ivc cnvel olrt:s trip'lcx rvi llr I342 (:llIA qttest:i onabl e ovel'fi cl{:. i'equcsLc.rl a 1690 CillrA a rc<iuccd (illijA of 9ii3- e33). At tlrjs r'rriting rtiost of the abovc is aca<lcntic, but tlic facl.ors tttust be deal t vri l.h. 1. l'llri l)ro.jccL r,r;r:; approvecl for 1/100 sq. l'i.. llcl' utti t anct tras tlre enforcetl I itrti t. 2, '[he tolrn autlllrt'i t.j, aftcr nir unlci,sofr,'rl', ic clc'l ;1.1 frrrther rcdtrccd ' the GItl:A. 'illi s fol I or.rerl 'tii:rrr nirirrovai ot' tr';o stt'uc Lurcs i n cxcess of tirc initial lim'i tatiotrs 3. The tor;n. hns irtrrorr;d tfre'l 'imit;:1.'i ons it has clrantcd otr llotir. Gll[:A ca.i aqot'.i cs orril c!rarrt.crl ,'t1i1rt'ova1s of st.urcLut'cs in c,'.ccss of thc I itrli ial. ious. 4. 'l-hc l otlrn irrrt ht:r' approvctl onc 1.r'i qt1 r:x ,i:t,J f our clttnl o>l 'l ots .'l'he riel, rcsu'l tr; of tlre last s j i.c has lr<:cn squc,czcrJ dot'tir anil i s iurpi'acti cal to usc as a ciulrl cx si tc. 5. Thercioi'e, t he entitlerncrtt of s ii,.t 12 as ;r dt;p1cx ltas l.ra'crr' tai:cn ar'rir.y ir'orrt Casol,rr b,y'ulre ariritt'at't'ttratttin<l (rf exr:cs:l'lloor airca irr total disrcqi:t rl oi thc liriritations. l'le have 1r1 arrnoci r'rjtlrirr C.rsolar a snr:rll ri(rir-sDl';tl'rl irrrl. cr.ttr:inittrity r'lit.lr tiedic,rter.l i-cci'cesi:'i r-rn arc.-i1 0 So'l c1f (.r)nc'::l)1., anll ii l alt-ftCr cotti 0n ill'eil , \',lc <ion't [,clic','t: Llnt. (]ut'reque:;t i:; unrtrarutral;lc irLfi lrc(l yc,uli tiiu'l rlcnce 1,o cortsicler tiris var iancc. jn Plrase II, tr.ro ar(: irr corrsl:ruction. Lot II' a grr,r urri t and lot. 14_a_-rl.t11r.lcx..r,ri tli-.1590 pius-a itir1,1 r-,x I ot:; 13 "-irrjri-iii -ir;e-i ri' pt al;ni n,l stalye arid have pr:r'urli t allr,cltion, This lcavcs'l of 12 a <lu1i'l r:x srs. ft. A reducl'icin ol 2447 sq. ft. of GIIFA (i3R0 i- / /. i!(io . 4 -7 /,'/72- !.' '/. /{ //,/{ 3.,t/'z- *(,rr,-/,f ,,.tt,/I('.t-( = /7.1t/ /t ?'/<'^'' trl tt'" 1'' ,.'rA ) r,. t.r /'/:, +/,'i :'rr'r// )( .22-:: Js)'/lio a((t., ' ,,'( .:lt-t ,./ ^ ,..'t ')/t-. . '/' .(.-,'/t, .2. .'tt,t'z- ' ,l( '/-' :- V* ',(, ,./:,,.^ltt:K ' / z.'./-,. /r-:r'-- zlL-.t-t) t..i. / ( .'.,..*1 . t t' Cri;! t .1,' i't {',i' i;l:.' tt j"'l'.'i!,' ,, al/,' lt .. O.r ,2 Z.,f /t/ /-',r"/'-t.2.:;'- /1 Jj-' 33 -ll-,L,u.. -/,,.t',.', ,.2. 7:f 't- u')'n-. ,/,.2, a,a/--' o?€',.r,.-,../ 1/ t2' 1".; -.r,-./, ,^" :.-r -. J -,/... r-/...,,. -a ,!- -,rt./. r//*r,.t.t / ,* ( . .-.i, ij'.. .(. '/'. , a. 1. , , .,.1 r',,.,, -.t -/-,.fi, tCc' r.-,.r / /iJ ','l ^.1.. . t rrf .r./ ,r'' ,/-,, ! ( ,./ // / - 'l .,/J-c.-< f " / ' a' 21 /(t / ,- ,':- -.;?.n. y' y' , ,l/,- - :,-( tl--' ,,,.,. .-,C (:., 7 , [1, ,r1 ,. ..--. I ,, r-27i,|.1,qr1,,. .l!, ;', -,it .,.t-.,.-.. ..1 - r/-? ii rl c .;'-/ liy/_,,- ./'/'//t' u (' / 7-t:o a) --11- ,1) I.ty'.. ; -- ,t ,/i s-('2. :/ ,./ ( .7 ,, ,.. c r t{ -r. 'ldi,/ (:;a -- / r'' .j r, , ,n .. c--'t- , L/ '/ ly't/ z? - -/-*-- /.,/ 2- a, /a. <:,- 4,.-!/i.1*72.-.-' a-r!,r/.,,, ,;.1 111ilLcs-i)liC /rrt11ttr;L ?'2, 1978 l r,, ti l'ltc Conrirlirir;i_()lt r.crlrrtls,;1;rrd tlr:r | .i.ir.;,1 tl J r.; r: r r s ..-; cr r-l trt 1.lt j,..: t j r:ir:, (ln.:;o_1.L;- \r:r i I l. I lt J-:,lt- '/) l] l cr-<Ji /r, __Li_l: |..it_f ,l i _f _;j-l _, ffllt. Cot,l,Jrrrr and fr:cl.s tlrc lot is too cJo:,;c to tlrc cr.cclr )'ltl ))r;rgcr tllc:tt rlttc:;.ti ont:cl u'lrctlrcl. tlrcr-e slroulrl bc a strcarrsicgtc{lrrrr:ll . ,rotlcr' r'j I I:crrrr-r j r:r' f clt .Lrrlt 1 9 rrrri;).,...:1. :r.l 1 t.rrc r;ucst jorrs ;r'rrf:lrl. rrp 1.Orllt' 1-lr j.:l rrra L1.ct' slrotr lr! !r<: i_;tlr't t:rl rrlr.f.:i. I tl:c rrr:>;1; t.r,1;rt I irr,Jt' ..:r:lrer.l rtJ-c:ri_ rrr0c:t:i rrg, ll:i r; 1;,.,i.itrtr .irr; i.p 1:e,llIc 11,,' lr;r. )tilrrll <r.( \t:rj.l. r'cr1ut'l;t /'o:l;r. corrrli1.ior:ll'r. ilr;c Pr.:r-r;r i,;;rrrd l,rrt.JrlrtlJ \':tr't:l11 (:c llllt;i.l tlrc l).1 arrrr,i.rr11 ll: l,irrr..j).6rrr:ri_,liLlL,l. Cot.:i1;j.sr;jr,rn .tr11..1r1. Irrl;.s<:ltt'rltt.l ctl fr;r i:lr'pLc:rrrlrc:;. lji, lSrill . (ir:r.r.1/ \i'lr.it:c:,,c<;.rrrlcrl.Llr<r l,l.1.icrrr irt)(l 1;llLr c(ri;rirri.l::;i.clrr ', 1.(l uirrrr,i ir:i'rr.; .r 5- 1.o t;rblc rir; tnattc:.. J'lre 41.11 :i lent (rlt.ilre n1,,,,,,1,'., l'.,r,rlt,i lrrrr - llr-:ron i,r;l ir.a,r, !lrrl,lJ-r:_ri.c!Jll1,:1,(L(li'li-llt_!1...._(JL. l,;::; lrq,crr--i,,;.j i.irrl.r:1.,,,ri lr1,'-{,}''"----,j.i.",,,rt. \> ' iir.: o u c.. ; 1,__t::_L..Lit_lU'l ;d j v j .; i 1.1- (--itcr;i31' - j,r-rt:; 1. lri:; l:il.c :r; ;r rt'lrol"e. :; j t.cl;, !) rrrr j. I l ;rt'r_: 1lc:r.lrri1.1.cttl ,olr l. lrr: .";i.tc. 1. )r i r; r'r:11 rr<:l:t_ ft:.r:::il:lc t l t r':.\' 1rr'o,jt <:t. t.c l15' irrr':rrrJ1.i lrJ; lit:','i tttt' ] itt:r t'r I Iri) :rr.; :r l;i tt1;J cr(jxjl)j.)i1.1'.. :l_o J)caDc lirro:s irrrcl ji;rrol d Irrrilsl::-r;lr) \t,(_-r.{f J)r.c:;(_,,r i.. 1.o :il.)c;: }: to' 1.lrr: C)orrunj::ti i(,ll . I'ltt:1' 6'..,, .la:[trc'd 1.lr1j t.- J,,.,;,rr,:;:r | *,lrj <:]r j.i; i.,^l;i.c:lri. l.ytr 1.o\1't)l)()il:;c) (:()l)cr'lr'i: . J'lrt:jr. Jlt-crJ)()r;;l l. .i l; ior- 11 ,t} 0() ::ti. rr,. ii.1,fi.,,*Iot..; :rrrrl rrrrr: ll ,i) (..t0. r;r1 . f L. tri.P.) c..,1 loi. .l'jrc: rrri it.r; il..il l. l.rc ) ,40or;(l . it. (i)l.lr./r :rrrri i.]ir-: rlr:nsi i..,' llcr:1.r; t)rr: '/,t.ty1j.11i", l-t:.tj::l rr;incc r e(ju i:lclr:,:r:i.stltl j;llt1.cd lr''' .l -ill liirlli.ir. 'I'lrr-'ir' ;it:,.rt:: :: ui.l .l t,l i.:.r_rlrt lj;utci:;tortc Jlolr.tlI[rd \I:ri.]. \rj.c'$' J.)r'iVc. 'l'ire cover);r.rr [.i; lr;r\,(? ;..r.(jir j i..cc.[.r:r.1] co1tl.(,1jj. fit>tr 'l'oii cl rir;rllt' t lrc l,icltirr,, t.o ,l).j ) j.r)\r(, |;r::31:.rt. \, lr j.). J I rcrqpcstfor Jlr.:.rrr'l.rtlivi.r.;i.c'ir c>.[ l,ot ?, tj]ocll A, l,j i;:,:rr.,i rl,1r: .r,'i..r irrl; llo. :l 'tJ I t i s i-rr r!(i(.rt->r'(jrLrirL' \',':i, r.iI.r.rrr..: c.r lri;(..,. i*;r:; i ,,,:; .,..,,,,r,,;rr. :r;rcllrttri lrCeti :l'cL'.()nt;itLrr)ticcl Jlo,r- ilpi)1.111,;1. 1 1r.,, t j;,.: l)<:l.rlt,.it,,t,t,t o.[ Cg:t;:;rrn j t1,l)-'r't'it ()l)il)(] l . Gt't-r.i \ilr.i.1.o. l;c,c:orrrtcrl l lrr-: il,,{.-i r.,l a)irl 1.llr: (lor:,::ti.t..;j orrl'utcd un:rJt j.rr,c.rus al)l)).c)\,it:1 . ri,l _. 'l'l:e ott'rtt,t. \::.1)) i.:; . 1.()j i':",,' ill.o t\,,u )it.:;j 116,111 j 31.r ra' t)rtll cr. i s 1r rr L t i rt J; orr 15, rvor'l< rr'i1.]i CI rr:; t.r'r' 7 utrits fr Ie' (."t Iir. 1r Ii .r- f'-..1 i -' ;.:. 'j ".: ' ll1r1lcr"j'-i.l licrrrr:i (-.t. nxrtlc i. lrc i,!rrl.i.o,r i.() irl)l)J.()\,c tlrc \,:r (:;1{.j,,,., o o t'4i-tl l/r,b(( 1ni.L';r'a'Lcr a / tot.t,J) / a? Ct:.uol.rrr If o -on !r llLltJitt: Qt ho',r'or'oro I l'tegts n - in <rur 1)).(' e,. I wlll.1 bt:w.r r-{'l'hposo lbl15.tlcs 5 illgr:,rc)-1'p t' i .l. tr \l .i.l , |\ Dc:t-ilr0 !e ):Jlor DLifr/1u Prin.rt';' /il l ot.lctl . ,,.] , ' .'t l;,rrrl,.c;ipirro: llcqirirt:d - - ::' j J1 ,:r', ;': ' .'l -!' :r 0o;,irrcltt.s:-'i} ,: r. l,()iliilgll t':' lii;',.:' PI'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEPEBY GMN that Deane t. Knox has'applied for a density control variance for Casolar II, a Resubdivision of Lot A-7, Lionsridge Fil-ing Nr:nrber 1. Application has been made .in accordance with section 18.62.0?0 of the vail launici"pal code. held in accordance with Section on October 27,1980 at 3:00 p.rn. and Environmental Conmission. A Public Hearing will be 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code before the Town of Vail pJ-anning . lThe application and change is available in the regular business hours for JlI{ RUBI}I Zoning Administrator TOIIIN OF VAIL DEPARTP1ENT CF COII'UUNTTY DEVEToPMENT Published in the Vail Trail, information relating to the proposed Zoning Ad.mj.nistratorr s office durinqr review or inspecticn by the pubJ-ic. October 10, i980. i' p"nn"-*otice HieTTil,:d{l$'Tfr$$triffi #tF[li**:,-i'"'.if,1n:'*t"** ,[lrt-i;$:*+,4;::,Ltii:,i*"r,9*, I''- -JqHit?'.Yti o IIEI',IORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND DNVIRON}'IENTAL COI4I4ISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT Of COMI'IUNITY DDVELOPI'IENT DATE: October 23, 1980 RE: GRFA Variance for Casolar II APPLICN,IT: Deane L. Knox D,ESCRIPTION OF VARIANCA REQUESTED A copy of the description of the Variance being requested is enclosed' The slaff finds seveial discrepancies in this description i:hat ihey wanto to address. 1. The appl-i-cant rlras informed before Casolar 1I v.ras approved that the property iine betweerr lots A7 and A8 could not be vacated because the two lots were in two different z-one dis'cricts. 2. The request for appr:oval of Casoleir II to the left over GRFA from Casolar I' never contained anY reference consj.dered. as an estimate, before the actual square3. The 1,400 square feet per unit was always with a 408 slope study nee<ling to be completed footage could be dete.rmined. 4. The Tor,sn Si:aff requested on nu.merous occasions that tlre Slope study be completed so that the square footage.could be deterrnined- This Slope stucly \^ras not given to the Staff for over one year following the approval of Cisolar II. Because of the slope analysis not beirrg complete, the covenanLs for Phase II were never approved by the Town' 5. The applicant tras fully aware that the slope analysis had to be com- pleted. ttre Staff was never asked to figure the Square Footage. It was iinally clone as a courtesy to Mr. Knox. 6. The Tor^rn Staff has recalculateil Lhe Square Footage on the Carling Duplex and has determined that iLs Square Footage does comply rvith Lhe 31380 that was originally proposed. 7. Since the filing of this application, Llio more duplexes have been approved by Mr. Knox with a GRFA of 3,380 square feet. This does leave 933 square feet for the remaining duplex site. B. The staff believes that they lrave been up front in tl:is rvhole sequence of events. Even if the 1,400 tquare feet per unit (the pre slope analysis nunrbe::) is used, this rvould onlf permit the remaj-ning unit to !9 L,234 square feet. I{e, hov.retrer, bclieve tLrat the applicant Was total}y alt/are that the f.inaL numbcr would not be detcrmincd until after the requesied slope analysis was comPleted. ;'| : ,1r: Knox Casolar II - 2 - ]-0/23/80 cRrrrlRrA nrso Frr.rnrts a Upon revielr of C::.it_crj,a and Findin-qfu_ ies_t=1_o-11_19.62.060 of the Code, thc Dcpartrncnl- of Comrnun:Lt\' Itcvr-:-L opnen t recc)rrune!'lds deniaomrnun:L tV Ijcvr-:.l opinen t rccorrunc:':ds tlen ia l- $gqi_srps_lof ttreCode, tnc Ll()pgf:tri1.:nL ot*-Comnun:Lt]' Dcv-e-lopnent fgrrequest'cd varlancc basqd upol'r the rol.lowirrg faitors: Consideration of Factors The relatioriship of the requested. v;rriance to otller existinq or.potentialuses and sLructures irr the vicinitv i Under Tovrn of Vail zoning, sguare fcroLages of buildirrgr .r" checkecl veryclosely: with no var:iations permitted. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation E4q-ri- and uniforrnitv of trcatment aiiuong si-tes in r:.he vicinitv o:: i-othe objectives o! ttrj.$ title witiiout qrant or sbeEfr:j. pr.ivilEqE An increase in allowable square footage in a multi-fami-ly zone would inour opinion be a grant of a special privilege. The.-effect of t.he reqrrested. .r,'a-r-i.anee o. 1;qht- arcl aj-r, djstr:j.blrtion of PgP-!+sl=9if1-!fs!lj3:c'::te.ticp and traf::j_q_&giu:ieE_Lpublic facj-lj-ties andutil. -i trc s , ;.lnd prilr.i i-c saf c1:y . There are no effects on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the corrnission deerns acrrl-icable tothe propose:ci variarnce. There are no other factors d.eemed applicable. FIND],NGS: !!e Pl.qnning and l:'nvironmental Commission shall rna]<e the follor,rinqfindi.ngs before granl-ing a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitutc a grantspecial privilege ineonsistent with the limitations on otherclassified in the .same district. That the granting of the variance will not be d.etrimentaf to the publichealth, safetyl or selfare, or materially injurious to properties orimprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for olle or nrore of the following,reasons: The strict or l-iteral interpretation crnd enforcement of the specifiedregulation woul-d rcsult in pract-ical ciifficuli:y or urrneccssary physicalhardship inconsistent v;it.h the objectives of this tj.Lie. ofproperties " xnox casolar rr - | LO!2Jtgo I There. are exceptions or extraordinary ci.rcumstancesble to the site of the variance that do not applyproperties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcementregulation would deprive the applicant of privilegesowners of other properties in the same dislrict. or conditions apptica-generally to other of the specified enjoyed by the denj.aL of this reeu€st.:and f,ind no ground qTAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : The _Departnent of Community. Development rdcommend.sWe find the applicantrs description to be in errorfor approving it. lDaS cv',1p *: o -t OO R"y'ae** Town of Vail Jim Rubin Zoning Adnin'istrator Town Council Planning Conmission Caso'l ar Project in Vail has run into a problem concernin-q the GRFA onphase II. I would like to review the transistion of events for your .review. l. ln 1977 the torvn reviewed and approved the follovring.A, "Envelope" concept for the Lion's Ridge Lots - A-8 and A-9, R.C. zoningB. Vaiation of property ljne ilrus combining total square footage and establishinq a gross GRFA of 35,740 square feet or l77S sq. ft. per unit. x 19 units (Exhibit A Touqtrill's note).C. hre established a plan of, 9 duplex "envelopes,, and one single fam'i 1y envelope. However, we reduced' the 1775 GRFA per to 1690 GRFA thus pickino up, an additional 85 sq.ft plus an addjtional 2015sq. ft. G|-(FA or a total'of 3630 sq. ft. of un- . used GRFA. P'l easc note the purpose of this p1 an rvas to combinc this surplus GRFAwith Phase Ii (Lot A-7) to give_us the necessary GRFA for the planned eleven units of 1690 GRFA each (four duplex and-one tripiex). 'During this ternr of the previous zoning administrator this r'ras discussed. Arepeat of the same A-8, A-9, process !,{as sugqested for phase II. The same revieur and suggestion vras made by the incumlrant z.A, when r.re sub- ryi.tte! the phase II plan in 1978. The R.C. concept in phase II, urasident'ical to phase I, vras declared in the p1 anning cornmissions mjnutesof AUSJ. 2?, 1978. (Exhibit B.) The approva'l of Phase II was hovrever not'iriclusive of the additjcnal GRFA frorn Phase I due the existance of the pronerty line that rve neglectecl tovacate. This was brought to my attent'ion by the Z.A. Because the zonjnqof Lot A-7 is LDMF the GRFA uras approved at 1400 GRFA per unit: (inclusiveof an estimated 40?l s'lope area). l.le requested a slope'study at that time. In 1977 and 1978 the declaration and restrictive covenants r,vere reveir"red, 9!11'geA, and finally approved by the tor,rn of Vail based on 1690 sq. ft. GFRA per unit. t^le djd not vacate the A-7, A-8, g lot line because of numerous changes The toln in a letter to cascilar and rransanrerfca suggested a final plan be submitted when all changres such as envelope ad.iustrnents etc. are finalizecl . In 1979 vre were told verbally that casolar II could not vacate the property'line to absorb the additional footage to reach our planned 1690 GRFA pbr un'it. 0n June 4, of 1980, we finally received the re-evaluation of our long awaitcd slope plan. t^le were reduced to apnroxim.rtely 1220 GRFA per unitin Phase II, eight nronths from your reccipt. of plans'by Riclrard's Engineerino rve responded with the letter of June 20, ig80j (Exhibit uE',). Page 2 Last year Al'l zone approved we as wel 1 as the check work sheets by the town. town approvcd 1690 enrn?o" Phase II units. show thb'al'lovrccl GRFA as 1690 (Exhibit "F") trle now rea'ljze that town officials injtially concluded that the zonjng on ohase I and phase II vtere the same thus allor^ling the merger of the two phases. This den'ial of the origjna] direction given us by the tot'tn has btaced us in an extremely precarious position vrith our present owners. 0f the five enve'lopes in Phase II, tvto are in construction. Lot II, a tripler. vrith 1342 GRFA per unit and lot 14 a duplex r,rith 1590 plus a . que;tjonable ovcrage. Duplex lots 13 and i5 a1e ]n planning;stagle and have. requested a 1690 e[FR per unit a]location. This leaves lot 12 a duqlex wjth a reduced GRFA of 933 iq. ft. A reduction of 2447 sq. ft. of GRFA (3380 - e33) At this writing most of the above is acaclemic, but the factors must be dealt with. 1. The project was approved for 1400 sq. enforced limit. ft. pe111[ and was the 2.: The town authority after an unreasonable de] ay further reciuced'the GRFA. This fo'l lowed'tovm approval of tvro structures in excess of the initial limitations 3. The torrrn. has 'ignored the ljm'i tat'ions it has granted on both GRFA catagories and granted approvals of sturctures in excess of the limitations. 4, The town furrther approved one triplex and four duplex lots. The net results of the'l ast sjte has been squeezed dovrn and is impractical to use as a dup.l ex site. 5. Therefore, the entitlement of site 12 as a duplex has been taken ar^tay fron Caso'l ar by the arbitrary granting of excess f'loor area 'in total disregard of the limitations. }le have Dl anned vri thi n Casol ar a sma'l I non-spral,tl i nq comntuni ty vli th dedjcated recreastiOn area, a Solar concept, and a larger commgn area. l.le don't believe that our request is unreasonable and beg your indulglence to consider this variance. '.rrry,',F.+- *-@ -9' Jr/.,, t., ..,f*",.5ri, /*',, = ^ .'.:' :, : 7 .rr:i 3'iar -J--rzJ-,-.;'"- r.',l(/a r':4*x2-Z ,_r. / o7....._".1/ c-)'v -,.c--: -r ) -: tia L 4':t (--' ./ ;/v A{-4 A 1'-t4 /L,ro/tr/ zz d.,1 c---.--AA*- - ZtG-- /J" 2- /z-:{*-2.-- "4#-,:./1 t -At.-z -Ctt*'l-'ea"-7't lllrrutcs-Plic IAqlnnt 22, L978 PE, o Et"*,t, frt -r-B- Col.l.Jntr and fcels the lot is too close to the creek. lrd Drager then ques.tionecl whether there should 6et l,,l cl{. t be a streamside ;.roget Tilkemeier felt that to ansluer al1 the qucstions brorrl/.hL_up today_ this matter shoulcl be iabled until the next rci:rr I rrrJ y s;che9"]....1.. meeting. gis UoJion -iu to tablethi; lrL BanY' of vail.request for a conditional use permit andI'nrltJrr1; varieLnce uDtil the planning & .Environniental corffnission rnc<r[1.rrJ1 .schedulel f9t september rz, rczg. - c.r.v vhite secondedth' I'tol.ion and the corrrmissj-on votecl ;;;;ir";;iy-'t" tabLe. this matter. The 4th item.on . th9^legnda,.lt'edel Inn, _ Rezoning fromto ccl has b6en- withdru*rrfficant.l,ubl J c Acgqrylodation Deane l(nox and Harold Engstrom were pl.esent to speak to'rre commission. ' They explained tbeir propi="i *,hi_ch ii basical. ly& torvnhouse concept. Their proFosal. ii tor Z,aOO-rq. -it.fa.p.i*rors and onc 3,200 sq. ft. tiiplex rbt. Tiie ,-,nitr,uftl u"{ i,zog)E(l' ft' GRFA and the.densitv m-eets the Zonins o"ii;i""."i.t#umcnrsarr stated by Jim Rubin. Their access rvirl be fr-orn sandstone Roacrand \tail Vierv Drive. The covenants ha.ve architecturar controls. Ron Tocld rnade the l,rotion to approve casorar vail rr requestfor Resubdivision -of Lot Z, eiock_.q, I_ionsriclge f.iling No. Ie'', It is i"n aceordance *'ith the c1uit.;-h;;;i;i concept ar:dhtrri bcen rccorrunen(red for "pp"ou"i try the Depar-imcnt of comrnunitvDc'r'<'lo1'rment' Gerry lfhi-te !-econaeo it. I,lotii"-a.no the conirnissionl't)tcd unanimous approval . Dr 'l'lle orvner rvants'to .rvork witrr this site as a rvhore.ii'""t ilt'e trvo Residentiaf cf uster sitcs, g r,niis are permi.tted,Do-" 'r\r'uL\r- is putting .on1y ? ;;iis on tire site. Seepqr -Lbtsreqrrest for !r .,,,.1'lll fconrnrlssion aslis for ilre. olvncr,s reasoning on this requcst,G., ...1 'i (\.\-pl-ilincd during discussion 1.hlr.t it na1, be.inore fcasiblegl,i"l:iltc the tot li'e u.,oii,,g onc si'gle sir:e so ilrar they..pB ",.. ,,.]' lt:rve to have one drive\rlr.\r for access to tlrc project.$8' :"i lt.tecl that thc 1llan is to s;rvc trccs. on-- the sitc by arrlr'ging' ['** "rr I I tlirrlTs a.t-ru'<-l tir" "*isti;g";i.;.;l ""irr* Dcsi l;n Rcvicrv r]oard.Ft'rlfil"'1r]co this piari.-- ii,,, cornrnissjon fcets tnc plan as a si'glei:, ' ' rs a good idr)& rnd gives tlrc Pr-ojact nrore f rexibirity. . ij5. ll.llcr Tiuicmcicr rnadc ure llotit-r,, to approvc urc vacntion *"t* .....- {i.!/;1. ., \. -. :-" _. . .., . I @ taurt s June 2, il;tI lr t! I box 100 vail. colorarlo 81657 (3031 476-5613 r9B0 Deane Knox 3.*:ll'ao'3i331 ss't- o ) Re: Casolar If Square Footage tln-, r l departmbnt of comnrunity development Dear Deane: This letter ls to 1et remai-ns f or Casol-ar II you. desire to have it knol. Lot Area Slope over 4O/. Net Developable GRFA lactor .30 GIII'A Used 7,759 Carling 3'732 Kintzing 4rO27 TOTAL GRIA rem.ti.ning 7 '327TOTAL Units remaining 6-.rorAl .ooo-l?1_Il* ^.1]'22o i UnLess wc hear dif ferently}f-om 1ou . footage per unit that rve are using ,.. Sincerely, !i fo^vA(oa'*^i iJames A. Rrrbin/ Zoning Adurinistlator . you knorv $,hat square footage sti1l , and horv ri'e are allocating it. If allclcated dif f erently, please let tne jV 1qb.LD ?yn:! 53,753 square feet 3.485 (per Richards lJngineering 9-20-79) so,?OA square feet , this is the squarefor zor"ring purposes. I JLm Rubln Z onl.ng ACi',lnigtratcr Bor L00Vall, C0 31657 . 'r.C" &*1r(zff Juno 200 1P30 Dcar Jlm, Tlianll you for your analyslo ,of Cr,:ao)'ai II' howevorr I arn stll-l conceineO aftlr youl roport on s nunber of ltecs' . l. TLe nriaxlmun GSl A ars rie:lgnated ln-our deelnratlcn le soncwhat dlffcrcr" "o Voil"itio'o" - I't'"s('- I wtt: 15t0 . maximumo Fhaea tt araeniioni-t" Phssc 1 does not statt 0:?I1 but rcl-ates tc i'Lase I ' 2. iie approved Carlinr on rlaxinrun .,1JE0 (0ii f ' ii7 sc-' i't' ) cRIrA, air<l thcrc ser-'.rls t;' b; e <ii!cre;'ancy whic;1 ' ttilI pursue v;lth Carling. 3, As you may recall, wa-ytere to ba allowed a gross lot (I'hase I & II) erea slnco rre have nn over abundanoe' of square footaga on I'hcse l and since al-I three lots have bee' conblngC fntc, onl"p""i."t I'rith interconnectlne roads throughoui the I'ro.lect" 'is.you brougjtt.to ny attcntioir;-?i;;;; i"-s' diifercncc th r'onlne bllr't111'-. ^, -A-|1 n:6 o-trO e-g phioh r+ould dlsallor': Br\y area conblnlngr ' I wouid ltke to roques! a siudy and posslble vari'ence -to thla probtcm as rqe ,*rote tni aoci"iitio" vhlcir lrBs approved. by tho i;;*n and of cour'e sold thc-Iolt" on that basls' A1so1 pleaso nctd that pari of 11" -iio,l-f lolo vtl:-, excavation fror the road that heg becn ronovcd. Sbuuld gg rcvlev' the ?.lchard|s ingi"u.tir:.greport? ,.i i "i ' ,'' I wlll bc up Frldayr June 2fth nnd wiII stop by to reYic\e posorutiftles wlth four . + I i ! r: :lr.l!tl \: i .l.l.l .iI $lncorolYo i. Doruo I,o Knor t;. t\.\\ -._..-..-**-::i*::r-:::.---:-.- -' DLX/la 70iiI clll:cll Er+tr o s ,,llulu',, ,,,rr,,,tlill, -J!--Bt.clr -rA- l:il ins /irclr'itcct Zorte Distrjct 0 l'rclptrscrl Use Lot Arca llei glrt A1 I tr:tt:d 30' l'roposcrl ll, ll Lcgal l)cscriPtion: Lot . f\ lt o..rncr -fr-?UJJ-'4+ --.-),t'' J t'iC t Setbaclrs: Front-lit'r1tr ircd 20' Pro;icscd --.--_---.-- S.itles'.P.cqu'ircd l5' Proposed Rcar -'Rcqttirctl l5' ProPoscd l{ate rccut'sc-reqtli red . Proposed GrrFA: ' At1or;ed -i 3i-S. 9- .Propc:;ccl -S{ie-t:-i.rrrf 'r. 7--- . a -. GIIFA: Prirnaty /i'l'lor'rcrl ; Prilnrtl' Proposed . Scccrndaty lil'l ortecJ --------:- Scconda rY Propo:'t-.'tl Site Covcra ge.: Al l o'rred ProPoqcd __-'Landsci,Pirrg: licquit'ed --- '- | b^,.u j red . Propc:cd il'itf lflng: r"sq Drj-ve: Slopc Perrnit{:ed -Slope ?:ctuaj- [nvironntsnta'l/l'lazards: Av.-.'lanclte .' Fl ood l'l a'in Sl opc Co;'ilents:6 <-9(r Dr.t.c:A;:prot c tl./ lt i s a 1''Provi:d i.l 7or'ing: ;Zonirrg /ir|l:ri tti :; lt:ii tot' ! ':il*_ $' lc't r r 1 -tr* 27.( Urztd t tZ x 6t'5 :: a 8'{'.g- /t,fy lQ,{ :'zt2,d (bx 5g = bc\ G rQ i 'SA- 7#= ,28 -- ?2, z r" l, ul' '-*3+jri!!-i4lF:-:1."!rrtt!r'!q1F! r'i1i , lr I ffi,.-1., ?rt'V'l lnttg| s 1IffI box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 of f ice of the town manager November 4, 1977 Mr. Deane Knox 800 llashington Dehven, Co.80203 Re: Lots B and 9, B'lock A, Lionsridge Filing No.'l Dear Deane: This is to confir'm that a'l 1 zoning and subdivision requirements have been met for the proposed Casolar project. Thc Planning Cornmission and Tol'tn Council have approved the vacation of the property line and easement be- tween the two iots; hovtever, the p'l at must be filed with Eagle County. Design Revfew Board has given conceptual approval for the entire project and final approval f,or Phase I. Each phase will require final,approval from Design lleview Board. The project may be condominimized or townhoused so long as the land is not further subdivided. A townhouse approach may divide the land directly under a unit if the balance of the iand is held as a comnlon element. If you have further questions, p1 ease contact me. Si ncere ly , DEPAR OF COI'II'IUNITY DEVELOPI"IENT S. Toughiil Admi nistrator -il.. na Zoni ng ::: il:i,;f,:'.',"#" Av. V;rtl:rrta 1153-102 Tcl. C37-1i;91 ;cl. C31-2C13 Tcl. 25.93-sZ "?;::L""::;',,:'.";,nTGuadal:ijara, Jal., t.iexico (9 April 6t L978 r-\LJ Ltd. Er.*r btTf,'r V-z-7-'7 { Ms. Diane Toughill Tor!'n of VailVai1, Colorado 8I557 Dear Diane: - Attached you r,/i11 find a checlc for gr.00.00 and a planof the Casolar Dcl_ Norte site. I wouLd like to outllne briefly the events leading upto tlris application for variance'. rn 1977 r.re had ,e"6i_,rlaconceptuar approval of the entire project fron Design ReviewBoard based.on a condomininized or- townhouse approach (attachedcopy) - -Tn revier,ring the concept both rvith Transanerican Tj_tle,lendi-ng sources, and council, a prcblei.l arose as to jusi 'hatis-the prospective buyer receiving. riorv is he protectedand v,'hat are his limitacions? using the tor.rnhouse concept 1..,e ,jeveroped site loca-..ionsthat vre shall call Envelopes. The Enve1oi. ,oas co be thesite rvhich the bul's' r+.s il-rorved to desigi and buird a st.ruc-ture- He r'/as given siii months to submit prans. Aft.er approvala survey \'/as to be proviced to esiablish the pari:neters otthe foundations and finalry, a ceed issued shl.-ring rvhat rhebuyer really bought. (Attlched declaration and restrictivecovenanLs). ' _ - The problems that have been created by this form are asfollols: The purclraser of a site does not really oh,n an:/thinguntil- subr,rission and approval of plans. This i.raytake.co::siderably more line than ;ix months. ?it1e .conpanies rr'i11 not insure title until .survc],.Therejore, ;l:e purchascr J-s unprotegteC cluring theinterim. 1. 2. I OF t RONMENTAL!,lINUTES PI,ANNING AT.ID ENVI MEETING MondaY r October 27 , L980 }IE}IBERS PRXSENT Gerry White Jim Morgan Dan Corcoran Gaynor Miller Ed Drager John Perkins Roger Tilkemeier I. Dan Corcoran moved that be approved, seconded by Ed not yet arrived). COMMISSION 3: 00 P.!{. STAFF PRESENT Jin Rubin Peter Patten. tarry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COITNCIL MEI"IBER Ron Todd the minutes of the rneeting of October 13'1980 Drager. fn favor 5-0 (John and Roger had 2. Dan moved ancl Ed seconded the appointment of Roger Tilkemeier as member to attend DRB meetings. In favor, 5-0. Gaynor Miller said he would be the alternate. 3. Side Setback Variance reguest for, .fim t{cDonald to move the buil-ding envelope on site 15, Casolar Vail II. peter patten presented the explanation of the memo mailed to the members. Jirn Rubin addea that when the original Casolar subdivision was presented, it wasn't contemplated that the decks would be so close together. Ilark Donaldson representing .Tim llcDonald explained that the building envelopes are tight, and that the owner is willing to risk building near the uti)-ity line. Discussion followed about how best to make certain that future owners would also bd responsible. A deed was felt to be inappropriate by Brian OrReilly, who felt that a recorded notice of this variance would be more apProPropriate- /ohn Perkins moved that the side setback variance be approved with ..the staf f reccorirmendation that the owner of envelope 15 would be. responsibl'ior solving any problems that occur with future sewer line work in the easement, lna with a recorded notice of this vari-ance. Roger seconded the motion, and the vote was 4-1 in favor (Jim Morgan against and Dan and Ed abstaining. 4.GRFA VARIANCE for Casolar fI - Deane L. K494 ilim nubin expl.ained the memo and some of the very complicated events that transpiied over the past several yearsr adding thaL the request was for a 2,447 sqftu,ariance.Deane Knox gave his point of view, adding that in Phase I there was less density than permittecl, and that there were 19 units instead of 20.Deane and Jim di-sagreed abut whether or not the Town had given direction on the amounts of GRFA. Also in disagreement \^ras the vacation of lot Iines, whether or not' Knox aPProved some of the duplexes' how aware of the restrictions Knox was, etc. The applicant asked to have this request tabled, and it was tabled by tne PEC. tffi' PLNqNING Gaynor Miller Ed.Drager John Perkins ilirn l'lorgan itim llorgan moved to'vote was unanimous t AT.ID ENVIRONEMNTAL COMMISSION MEETING I'IINUTES MondaYr November .I0' 1980 3:00 P'm' STAFF PRESENT OicX nY.t, Peter Patten.. 'BetsY Rosolack eouqc rr-, ME!4BEI-EBEEENI plicant moved to Review APPlicant asked tc table ti Gaynor. a 1. epprovar or milutes=o5--m*elinq ?f 19:22:89--* After cliscussron aFE-Jorrn-perkinsr-voi:e on part VII Density control' Gaynor movecl for approval , """oni.i Uy-Jofttt, -and vote was 4-0, unanimous for apProvar- asked to table till the table and Jj-m l"lorgan secono€ .f. 'Gart Garage froni setback v r'ance' Lot 12' Block i' vail Villaqe lst Peterpresentedthememoandsaidthattherestillremainsbasicallyno harclship, and trrJ!-Jnere was rot-n,,1"r,-"hu.r,gu from the first memo sub- ffi;;;-;;r-ti,.-oli";;;-is ;eetiner reconrrrendins denial JerryGartexplainedthatthere.wereonly-2unitsinthebuilding'not3' and rhat he was using ir as " ri;;i; ii*hv rro1e. He added that there had been a sarase' not-li.! tn" ati't'";;; ;i" 96g s!1ee and the' sal"?: had been changed into the J""""a-iV ulit.- i'ti. Gart descriled neighbors on either side of his house-rto *.tL cl0ser to the street than his requested garage would be, He tett ttrat the garai"'i""io iaa to the appearance of the ii"""u while hiding the trash i approve the variance, and John Perkins seconded it'' T alb i" favor of aPProvar' ."' 2.'Xno2lr-jlen,9.i!Y-gsn!rel variance, a .l'ohn Perkinsmeetliflot November 24' Vote rrras 4-0, unanimous' h" Vote was 4-0, unanimous' Peter,PaLten thanked John Perkins being such a big heJ-P on the DRB' *as his last meeting. The rneeting was adjourned' at 3:35' for'serving on the John was moving to Commission and f,or Eagle-Vail and it I l'r O\-- : IIEMOMNDUM T0: PLANNING AI'ID ENVIRONMENTAL COI'&{ISSION FROM: JII{ RUBIN IAIE: November 21' 1980 RE: GRFA Varianee for Casolar II, Deane Knox 1. He clearly understood the 1'400 square feet Pel unit and the need for the sloPe analYsis' 2.HeknewthatitwlsuptohintoallocatethesquarefootageforCasolarll. S.HewasnevertoldthathecouldtransferextrasquarefootagefronCasolarl. PI4NNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL Honday, l'lovember 24' P-m. c0Ml'tIssI0N l9B0 3:00 I'IEETING p.m. amendment to the Pl an. Vail Lionshead. l. 2. Continue discussion of activating a study area and V"ii vitlage and Yail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Discussion of horizontai zo4ing for Vail Villarge & REGULAR SESSION: 3:00 P.m- ' l. App.roval of minutes of meeting of 11-10-80 Z. Review of Vai'l Guides conditional t:se pennit (Pri.nterY Bui'lding). .': 3' Hlll.i'lil"*"::il'i:l x:i:"i::",.idge #1 4. Request for conditional use Permit to a'llcr,v thg constructjon of a proposed new library building on Lot 5, B1ock.i, i_n"rruaivisjon of Lot l, Block 1, vail . Lionshead Znd F'i'ling, (by the Dobson lce Arenal , ampndmpnt t-o the Zoninq ordinance to remove time-share estate units,5. Request for an Arnendment to the Z fractional fee units and time-straie',1i.;;;;;;iis from the conditiona'l uses section in-if,e Public Accommodations Zone District' --G AND DNVIRONI{ENTAII COMMISSI; MEETING Ncrvember 24, L9B0 3:00 p.rn.lr PI.ANNTN Monday, MEI'{BERS PRESENT "*rt t** Gaynor Milier Roger Tilkemeier Dan Corcoran Duane PiperScott Edwarcls STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack gOnNCrL ME$BER PRESENT foddIton 1. Appr"""I ot ml"ute Gaynor moved to approve minutes, seconded by Roger. The vote was 2-0,all of the others abstaining. 2.Revie* of Vail Guides ccrnclitional use Peter Patten explained that there was no nemo, and that the lettersreceived, from the Sandstone 70 cond.ominium association,. and. trom vaitGuides, ancl copies_of _the original- Planning *irtrrt"" and memo explainedthe'prob1em. ie added that eicessive vehiJles and not adhering to theoriginal agreernent by vaiJ- Guides not to store any vehicles there, seemedto be the major problem. ilim Rea, olqner of Vail Guides, Inc., ad,dressed the Commission to pointout that until he.receiverl a copy of the letter from sandstone 70 tothe Planningr commissi-on, he had not been aware of any problem. He admitgedthat sometimes there had been too many rrehicles, and that he plannedto modify the employee rnanual- and nnkl cl-ear thai this is not to happenagain' He explained that drivers park to come in to get their instructionsperhaps 10-15 minutes. Bill Pierce, President of Sandstone 70 condos read from the letters andminutes that Peter referred to, adding that. the vehicles block the southaccess' He stated that Sandstonets agreement eith the printery euildingwas that 9 parking spaces was for the pr.i nrarrr f ran owner in sandstone and a val- "li:*fi':::il.tlffi.8#; "m.f::tl;nr"r."from Vail Gr.rides presented a probl"em with fire access.Dan Corcoran added tilat some 6f the vail Guid* ""rt:-rf.s had been observedparking on the Frontage Road.as well . several comnission nrenbers sugge.sted that Lhe two parties should gettogether to trv to- solve the piobtem themselves. sitt ano .rim agreea,and Bitl Pierc6 askeci to have'tiie n.atter tableo untir January 1.2 rvhentltel' 1','orr1d bri:rq bacjr a mui:ual agixeement containing col.Jitions agreedto. Roger T Moved that the issue be tabled, Dan seconded. it, and the votewas 6-0, unarrimous. -:!r'fi ( '; Tuc-LL-ZA.-WJ-Z 3.Deane Knox dens control variance Resub Lot A-7 e The applicant asked to have this tabled again. Roger moved that this item be tabled at the request of the applicant, Dan Corsoran seconded it, and the vote was 6-0, unanimous to table. 4. , Request for Conditional Use permit to al1ow the construction of a proPosed new library building on Lot 5, Block f, a llesubdivision ofI'ot L, Block 1, VaiI Lionshead 2nd Filing (by the fce Arena). Dick Ryan presented the memo, emphasizing the communS-ty room and the employee:uniLs. Scott Edwards wondered if there had been any imput fromproPerty owners to the east. Dan assu::ed hirn that thcy were aware oftlre library plans. Roger r.ranted to mai:e certain that i:he Tc-rrn officj-a11y owned T::act D. Craig Snowden showed plot p1ans, eleva'cions, f.Loor plans and sections, and. answered quest,ions- C::aig explained that parking vrould be in the lot next to the rink and in the l^lest Lionstread Parking Structure. Craig estimated constrtr-ction coulC begin next sunmer or'fall, but thata public bond issue must first be passed. Ite also asked that he not be tied down to a definite square footager. that fluctuations in the vrorkingdrawings iould result in a I -2E change. Roger moved the commissj-on grant the conditional use permit as presented in the staff memo with the provision of a I4-2* fluctuation, secondedby Scott Edwards, and the vote was unaniiaous, 5-0, with Dan C. abstaining. 5. Request for an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to remove time- share estate units, fractional- fee units and time-share license units from the Conditional Uses.section in the Public Accomrnodations Zone Distric Dick nyan presented the memo, and aslced if there rnight be other criteriathat should be considered. Peler felt that j-n interval ownerships, rentalunits were important, and that rentat units were built in, because manypeopl-e buy for investment purposes, and ient. their unit out. Gerry Vihite was in favor of the proposal , for he felt concern abouL the availabilityof units for Lhe public on a nitely basis. Discussj-on centered on whtherpr not t,here would be a less personal service if time sharing were involved The feeling about tl'ris seemed divided. Gerry pointed out that there were. very few buildings in the PA Zone. Duane asked if there should tremain a renewal procegs. Roger moved to reconmend. t.o the Cowrcj.t that the staff and the Planning and Bnvironmental Commission do further study and come up witlt additional eriteria for time sharing in the PA zone. There was no second. Dan moverl to request an amendment to the Zoning ordinance as stateit inthe nemo, seconded by li,Jger. Roger, Gaynor, Gerry anrl Dan voted infavor, Duane and ScotL voted agair:st. The rnotion passecl , 4-2. Roger moved the meeting be adjournedr orrd Dan seconded it. lileeting was adjourncd at 4:45. a'-', I rall, colorado 81657 13031 476-5613 Deane L. Knox 2030 East lIth, Apartnent 701 Denver, Colorad.o 80206 Deal ,l{r.. Knox: Enclosed are the minutes Commission of December 8, department of community development Decernber 9, 1980 from the Planning and Environmental 1980. lnwn u PETER Senior PP/br P1ease be informed that if you are not present at the January L2, 1981 meeting, the Planning and Environmental Commission will deny your request. ffi-r*- Planner cc3 C:toe.and McDonald .'".,-+,.-..!."*;:\*...t*'''...,-"'",:-..-'*.'."..'-#]:-.4'l'5tF..'-e9"4..*.'.?r*| uat J:rnrurrl' 8, l98l 'r0:TOIIIN OF VAIL PtAi{NiNG AND ENVIROI.{TIENTAL COI.$IISSION FROITI: DIANA TOUGIIILL RE: CASOLAR SUBDIVIS]ON since there has becn so nuch confusion about thc GRFA and intent for the Casolar sub,ilivision, Jin Rubin and Pctcr Patton requested that I attctnpt to remember some of the background infornation and discussions. Deane Knox, thc developer, approached the Tor,n with a totally ncl'I concept (a1so the first project proposed under the new RC zoning). The intent h'as to develop a residential subdivision that worked better than might be a1 lor$ed under the conventional zoning. Because the plan was a better one than what rnight have resulted r:nder the standard RC zoning, I tried to work rsith the developer to nake the plan feasible. As I recall, I reviei.,ed not only the subdivision plat and proposed plans, but also the proposed declarations and covcnants alrd tlre sales contract' To nake sure the Totrn was pr-otected against illegal resubdivision and exces- sive GRFA, I required several changes in the documcnts, including a statement about the naxinun allor.,able GRFA per unit. The reason I remember this so vividly is that stu Brorsn and I had sone l,iolent argunents about the r"ording and the bankrs attorney didnrt like the rcstrictive language either' (I think my narked-up copies of the originally proposed doctuncnts are in the file)' In order to ailo, the requested GRFA, all property lines rt'ere to be vacated. Ttris r.,as .r.equestcd so that addit ional units could not be added on the atljacent LDIIF lot at a latcr datc and so tltirt all thrce lots Nel'e developcd cohesive!.y. The LDlrlF zoning allorved grcateldensity than h'hat was proposed ulrdcr the ettvclope, cluster concePt. MTNUTES,FRO1 l*ry*rNG AID ENVrRoNullNrAL COI.USroN I'TEETTNG JanuarY 12' 1981 3:00 P.m. I'IEMBERS PRESENT Gerry White Scott Edwards Roger Tilkcneier Gaynor Mj.11er Dan Corcoran Iluane Piper Jim Morgan The meeting was callecl to ordef by the chairman, Gerry hrhite' l._. Approval of. ninules ol.Decenrber B, 198_0 neeti.ng. Dan moved to approve, seconded by Rogcr, vote r!'as unattirnous. Knox dcnsity control variance, Casola! II Resub Lot A-7, Lionsridge. Peter Pattcn explained that this was fj.rst brought to a PEC neeting j'n October' 1980' The events were cornplicated, and therc lsas a baiic disagr:eurent in the sequence of events between the Torrm of Vail staff and Mr. Knox. lle explalned that Jin Rubin had wri-tten a nerno r;hi.ch Peter read: 'the (lcnox) clearly understood the 1400 sq ft per unit and the nee( for the slope analysis. He knew that it *t. .tp to him to allocate the square footage for Casolar II. He was nevcr told that he coulcl tianfer extra square footage froin-Casolar I." peter explailcd a t"iT"i-fto* Diana Toughill clated January S, 1981 distributed just befor< the neetinS. Diana: As I see it, part of the disagrcnent is r{'lrether the Torm had the responsibility to enforce the covenairts or h,hatever, pertaini.ng to the GRFA. As I remernbel the I'lhole thing as it went thru the oriSinal appr:ova1, is that ihe fown in fact required that certa: thinis be pr.rt in thc covena:rii, an<i in sales ccntlacts a'ixl a truiaber c'f Clher things' so that ths Toli,n could 1n fact "niorce the GIIFA so.r,;e vrcuklurt end up r*j-th probleTns later. Gerry: lhat you arc refeminij to a1'e the res:rj.ctioi'ts j.u terms of tctal size' Diana: No, the naxinurn CRFA per unit. I I'oolied back at some of the fi1es, and I thi'nk if you look at that, youtll find rny ot'iginal notes on the covenants, making certain requi: ments in te::1s of changes j"n the cover-la;ts sc that there tras a rnaxililun't GRFA per unit statr in the covel)ant s. Ilan : As you recal I , tlten, thcre tr,as e naxitirun, and evetr- though the Torr'n . revierved every building ihot .o*"r-tirrough, even if any one oI tr{o or t}pec of thosc bui}dings were over and Nere apptoved as being over, they lr'eTenrt being approved as individual, they werc sti .uor}:ing against the gland total? Diana: The way I rem<:nber it, it was on a per unit thing bcccuse it r*as divided into lot or parccls :rnd that the naximum GRFA applici by unit, to cach unit, and that thcre was a unit mrx rnthcr. than a tota I Imx. STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten BetsY Rosolack COUNCIL RSPRESh\TATIVE Bill Nilto Dan; So if thc Tonrt rniltovcd 200 extrlr fcct o)r that didnrt then atltotnatictlly cornc off of thc was indivictrrnlly rcvicircd :urd if apploved, tltrt gctting built?-(;' Diana: Thatrs thc way I rcnenbcr it. ;' utrccl 12, or h'hatcvcr, thc llunlbcrs are, last palccl to be dcveloped? li cach onc ,o"s trot goin8i to affect tltc lltst turit PEC - 2. Tlr2/87 . Larry Eskwith: I justJ,a'ao point out somc lcSal profms-that^seen to be prcsentcd hcre. Irn a little conlirc.l as to thc facts, and I thita lot of people arc confuscd. Irm not sure exactly what did go on at the initial and subsequcnt confercnccs bctwccn the staff and the applitant. I donrt knorv, but I think thercrs a question in rcgard to the covenants--a tcgll question. Because we nay havc bcen engaged j-n some of thc discussion suggesting certain requircments to the applicant, are we in a position whe-re we have to enforce those covenants whcnever anyone iones to the PUC or Town, and in fact, do we have a legal rig,ht to enforce those covenants? If we went to court, and said,t'Wc rre going to gue on the covenantsrt, the court would say, Itbiell, too bad, you cantt suc on thc covcnants yourre not a si-gnatory to the covenants.'r LegaILy, we canrt because we wele not a Paxtyto the covcnants. Dan: Then, on the square foot question, those indi.vidual little parcels were on an apProv plan, and they are subdivided pieces of land, even though they wouldnrt rneet ninimun lot sizes for the Town for a duplex. So my question still is, I guess, were there so lDany square feet approved per parcel, or were there so nany square feet for the entire thing? This is an odcl subdivision. Itts the only one r,ie have. Those lot sizes atentt evcn legal size in a duplex zone. If rr'e had standard sized 1ots, it would be very easy to look at every single one and say, "0.K., youtve got 15,0rJ0 sq ft and thatls it.r' , Larry: The problern is, I dontt know what we have here exactly. I donrt knotr exactly what sort of situation werre in. ft seerns to be a zone that is inposed on an existing zone informally thru legislative action. Peter: In Jim Rubints me.no of 70123/80, it states "The staff beieves that they have been up fTont in thi.s r'rholc sequence of evcnts-even if the 1400 square feet per unit (pre slope analysis numbcr) is used, thj.s uould only permit the renailing nit to be 1234 squ;rre feet. We believe, tho, that the applicant r.ras total.ly anare that the final nunber could not be determined until after tl'rc slope analysis hiicl been conpleted." and lJ4 of this nemo statcs: I'The Tow:r staff requested on nunerous occa.sions that the sloPe sttldy be conirletei 5,o that the square footage could be dctermined. Tliis slope study was not given to tlrc staff for over one year follorving the approval of Casoia:: II. Because of thc slope analys not being conplete, the covcnants for Phase Il i{ere nevc-r' approved by the Tottn. " No. 5 states: t'The applicant was fu11y auarc that thi'ilope analysis had to be completed- The staff \{as never asked to figure the square fccta-ge. 1t r+as fittally dotle as a co\r}tesy tq llr. Knox , I' *,.:---l- ' 14.* Knox : llho docs nake the firrl decision on GRFA if you deduct thc GMA fron thc final lotr.in this unusuaJroject? 'l'hc town allows ou".]O in one casc pcr unit tincs two, that's 3380, l'hc Town allowcd 352 sq ft over-thc nraxinun allowcd in Phase f, not Phasc II, on a l)hasc II lot. Thcy deductcd it frorn the last lot which islot 12, and so thc guy who owns the lot, whorn Irm basically hcre to protcct his interests is stuck with a lesser anount of propcrty, under the glinimum as stated in the declaration, so he is stuck with a goat pasture. Gerry: You nade a statement a minute ago about the 40 eo slope analysis not coninguntil late. l{hat werc you referring to there, because your engineer didn't get it in until lat.e? Knox: First of all, rve got into the 4Ov" slope just at the tirne that your ordinance on 4O% slope ceLme, just as I was requcsting the second phase. Then l-1r. Rubin; so we could get this through, on the second phase, estirnated the 4O% slope on the pToPerties as he saw it on the Town's aeri.al photographs. IIe estimated and deducted which brought us down to 1400 sq ft GRFA per unit, and then subjeet to, he told ne I uould have to get engineering, and the sane day I called Jeff Spinel, and I even paid hin in advance. t'lr. Rubin jnforned me during this period that we waited, that he also called Jcff Spinel . The 1400 r.ras after an estinated deducti.on of 40% slope. Then it cane out that there rras norc 40% slope than I'lr. Rubin had estimate( in his first round, IVc had receivcd approval on the project subject to, but it was already taken out arrd estimated dor,,.l1 to 1400 sq ft. I think what. youtr looking at right now, is a reevaluation which ca.:,'r e after our n"ovenrber rneeting of the GRFA determj-nation. Sonre th j-ngs came up rr'liich I l.ras unar./are of and play'ing around h'ith figures so long and carne up rvith this, and I'nr basically reevaluating the 6RFA frorn vrhat I consider l,Ias the correct one. There nere sone crrors i.n the origlnal .I have a naxinum of 1690 per sq ft in Pllase II in the Declaration r,ihich carries through the supplenent on the Phase II. Itrs 1200 minimum to 1690. And if you read the evaluation of the GF.FA deterrni.ni.ation, I thj.nk sone of the questions in here are ansr.rered. It shol,rs the down z.oning to a certain cxtent. So r,rhat ltm requesti is not the 1690, I'm requesting 1372 ol that last lot, r+hich l already have sone of that GRF.A allotted. Itts been reduced dc,,'n by othcr structures taking away fron the gross GRFA a1 lowed ne, and there's no protection for that last Lot 12, and so it has been reduced cons ider:ably. Jin l.lorgan: lliell what happened rvhen ttris letler of June 2, 1980 vrent out wherr Jin Rub irr r,;as info:'nring you that there r'rero 6 nnits l eft and that ncl.r i,rrrt square footage nas clroppcd to ).220 pcr unit? You nust ha,r'c realj.zed that oirviously your squaro footage was on a gross utrit basis, At least the Tou'n at tiris point vlas rrrorking on that ba.sis and they rr'ere just deducting units b1' wha.t was being used per unit. And yet. since that tirne, 4 morc units have trcen built out, to bring this thing down to 968 per drrplex, I donrt understand n'hy, way back to this stage, prior to constructic 2 of those duplexes v/ere .. Knoxr But in the neantj.ne, between that tlnc, a project was approved for 1690. Itlorgan: Ri8ht. l,trat Itnr sayi-ng I gucss j.s that it seens like this letter rvould have made it ciear to you--it seerns clear to ne--that hets saying that you have uscd this nuch, yotrrve got this nuch left, so you nor,, have 6 units that arc srnrrllcr than you originally had. So thcy are I220ts. And yct, since then, I guess th'o nrore units have eatelt up a wholc bunch nole of that, and 1'outre do\r) to rvhe::e you dontt have any. It just sccms tl.tct .it should havc bcctr cl c.rr at that point thst tl:e 'i-or.;rr rr'as going on 8r'os-s arca tlrat was lcft and dividir)g it r.lp, and as it got uscd tr1>, thc anotrnt per unit uas just dropping,, as evcryone kcl)t takin.q thc 1b90 that wer(r in your covcnant or sotnc'.h.il)9. lt secns that all the r',i.ry back in .]unc of last ycar that thcy rverc just, dividing allorr'lblc footngc up by wlrat rr'as lcft and by lrow many units wcrc lcft. @ I L\, -.tl - ttttt -f,. l:fii,rf"lnl;".1*i:p;il"Hi.:n:":o:1":-":il""11il"i4:l"iTll::"1:"' control Jin: Yourte saying uhat was set uP in your covenants. Roger: It seems to me that from this conversatj-on, Jin you referred to you, which apfarently neant Deanc, but I think Deane had sold those lots with covcnants on the lois that-were workcd out with the Town of Vail. We had those covenants' thcoreticall we cal.rrt enforce covcnants, but nonethcless, that was from a practical standPoint, when the person who bought the lot from Deane carne in, with an 1800 sq f,t- house, or a 1600 sq ft house, it would seern to rne that undcr this special sct-of circunstancc that we, the'l'orvn, then should have said, "Iley, you cantt do that.t' if we were going tor.il ihe finat inalysis, tell the last or.'ner of the lot that he could only build 90b sq ft because tlrese other guys came in. Take, for instance' r'rhat if Deane wasnrt here. He sold the property, and he resigned. So you have a very very uncom- fortable, and I think unfair lituation where the first buildcr can cone in and bui-ld and progressively prevent the last owner fron building a reasonably si.zed place. Jim: But I think the thing could have. been caught way back. Roger: But why didntt r{,e refuse the building pernit? Larry: frm not sure nhat Power you had to do that, Roger. Petcr: I think sone of the stuff is beginning to be a little nore clear to me. First of all, the Tor.n had, I think the Town had a certain obligation to not go above that 1690 in approving that, because rrre ?rere r,rorking very closely with the Casolar horne ovnersr board. I thillk that it is very clcar in Jir,r Rubin's docunentation that the Toum vras never going by any kind of a hard line pel unit, and we never do, except on a single famj-ly or duplex 1ot. We vlere never going by a 1400 sq ft. 'Ihls was a strictly esti-rnete that troth Deane and Jin understood that it rgas an cstinate' $b were not held to 1400. 1690 is nhat r.,etve always worked r,;ith. Jirn has said in his memo previously that the Carling duplcx was rec'.alculated to be 1690 and even if it rr'as 300 ft over, h,e have given ]rirn that considcration. Another poi-nt is that Mr. t(nox was ar the meeting when the Carling duplex vras approved nas approved, anri he has clso apirroveci tvro duplexes since'ciris applicaiion of 3380 sq fi. So the 1690 rsas actually ncyer violated. Those are the only things I think i.hai tile Town, even though we arenrt 1egal1y tied to it, l're have upheld that end of it- Knox: l'ie have 2400 sq ft we call envelopes , Tltis is rvhat the Tov;n tcquested we put things in. No orvncr can build beyond those 2400 sq ft. The Tot'.'n enforces that. if tn"y r!'ant to cantilever a deck, etc, they :nust nake a special subiirission. I was brought in on that neeting rr'ith Carling knor.rirrg that he asked for 1600. And also, assrrning that I was going to get ny relief GRFA frorn Phase I, which I still have about 3500 sq ft untler. That was my error. I did not have good council on that.Basically on Cariings, I saw his original plans tl)at r{ere a ntirror inage of his first Projcct on Phase I. This was for tthase lI. Ei:cept for cosr:r.:tics, tltey l{erc :;ttpposcd to be the same. He went over 352 sq ft which i-s not on that tape. It rvas not even brought out rurtil r,ra)'aftensard, until I had gottcrl the letter of June 2, l9S0 that he rr'as over on his GRFA. It took me four month-s discussing with Jirn Rubin uho would not relcasc that cxtra squal'c footage, rvould not come off of it. lttould not cvcn artalyse it. The Owner of lots 12, 13, & 15, Ifu-. l,lcDonald, has thrcatened suit unle-ss lte gcts his 16g0. I r.ras not on thc board, since thc deterniinltion of this. l{e callctl ne bec: of a n:crrrber <lropping out of the board ol' Casoslar. lic asked me if I h1)uld :rPP)'or/c his plans so thil hc coulcl gct his foundltions in tiri.s fall. I ncver signcd it, I gavc vcr-bal pernission, I still havcnrt sccn it, didnrt want a law suit. i{ho is rcsponsiblc for thc GRI;A? PEC-s-l/r2/81 Jirn: Unfortunatf bcing thc first and only tofn" through an{ !c dcsigned in thi fashion, it probably should have bccn not only cnvE[opc, it should havc becn footage pcr envclopc, instead of thc range situation, becausc somcbody should have sat down, and figurcd out, that i.f you just kept going 1690, you we1'e going to go way over. Knoxl No, I wasnrt, not as long as I had Phase I. And I went thru a numbcr of chang in this town of personnel, various planning cornmissions, etc, so I didnrt covcr my base, and I realize that, but down at thc end of the line, I believe that lot 12 should bc protectcd, and Itn not asking for 1690 on both sides. I cut the triplex down, by tire way, those people donrt have 1690. I got them dotor to 1300+ and the ToH approved that and then this letter for L220 cane in. I would like t.o have this studied by the Town and see if I'm accuratc on the deternination of 6RFA. Irve got it down to 1372, not 1690. Dan: This is the footprint concept is unique, but is it still has always remained Resi.dential Cluster, and under that zone, the Tovn never administrates any further than the tot.al square footage on a density project, I dontt believe. And even rvith the footpt-i-nt concept, you do have a condoniniurn association of sorts here' I uonder ii my previ-ous question, we shouldntt have just rt'orking aga.inst the total as far as the Tor,'n goes, because it is Residential Cluster there are always going to be town fuouses or condoniniurns, however thcy handle it, and the Town doesntt stj-ck in on, say, Timber Falls, it gets dor,rn to hoiv rnany buildings are left. It is still Resirlentjal Clustcr, so doesnrt that mean that the Town only administers the total square footage ? Peter: Thatr s correct Roger: Can we legal.1y allow him 1372 squarc fect under the zoning regulations? Larry E. li'eLL, hets asking for a varjance. You can a11ol a tratiattce as long as it doesnrt relate to use. Hets not asking to change -r-he statute. Gerry: Hers not asliing for a change in unit count. Pctcr: The boitoin line is that there is 932 sci ft available, ancl Deane is asking for additional 1800 sq ft. Gerry: It r*ould sceri as if the To-,.*nrs rclationshj.p is so1e1y with the developer That thc ]nrlividlals rr'ho colrc into this project as home builders are r,'orki-ng rvith the developer, who is working r.rith thc lbrrn. They are not worki.ng directly with the Totcn. There forc, it is the clevelopcrts rcsponsibility to know the total square footagc a1lorved, and r.'hen soneone e.xceeds that, he (ieducts it fron his tota}. Knox: The orsner works with the association, Irve dceded thc cornmon elenent of the project to the association. Gerry: lrftat Irm saying is that the square footage a-s approved was aPproved with you as the applicant anC it rr'as a total fig,ure, fron rvhich cvety projcct thst '.vrts. built r,'as deduticd, and al 1 that is left nor,r is 932 square feet to be dcvelopcd without a variance . Knox: It still statcs in your approval of Aup,ust 22, 1978, Ron Todd nndc the notion to appt:o1,c Ca-soll:r II rcqucst to i'c-strbdivi-s j oi: of lot 7, Block A, Lionslitltlc trl as ii- in accordancc rrith thc clustcr horrsirrg concept, and ha-s bccrr rcconlttendcd by apptoval by the Dcpt of Connmrnity Dcvclopncnt. Thcil proposal is 1'or' 2300 sq ft airirf cr .lot-s, lnd oirc 5100 triplci lot. 't'hc units rvill bu- 1400 sq ft GliFA.ittld the clensity nccts tfic zoping orrlinnnce rcquir'cncnts as statcd by Jin liubin' lhc covcnunts hlvc architcctural control . Jirn: l','lrich was yor,r. Arcnrt you thc onc rcvicr.ring nll thclsc as thcy cnrrrc thlotrgh? PDU-O-I-lz-ol $:;. Xill'rlii;'tl3;;""tt I resigncd as soon aI deedcd over the rast one Jin: So basically, thc board of directors of the condoniniun association rcvievrcd themselvcs on how nuch thcy gavc thcnselvcs- Knox: Thatts truc. Hcre,on the.working papers they proposed 3510, and actually went up to nuch rnore than that, and was already dcducted 352 over. Itlr. Rubin sai.d to settl" this with i'lr. IlcDonald, and he said (1 think Irn cortect) that hc would ovcrlot the 40% slope, and give us that additional square foot.age if wc could t^tork out somethj where Mr. trlcDonalcl would be happy with less than 1690 sq ft. vrhich he wasn't at the t ime. Roger: Diana, refresh my menory, r+hen you were involved in this, discussi.ng it wj.th Dcane, did you anticipate that the Town would exercise some control ovcr those square footages ? Diane: Yes, in fact I requested that they put a nap of the GRFA into the covenants, it. was not in the covenants at first. . Roger: IrIr. Chairman, I think we could discuss this and discuss it forever, and I would lik. to nake a motion approving a naximum GRFA of 1370 per side, and I nake the notion i.n favor of the variance because thj-s was a unique subdivision, and one that was rvorked on a great deal, and the appare:rt intcrPretations of those vlho were involved in it at rhe tir,re did antici.pate that the Tortn would be involved in the policing of the square footage, and tha.t I think itrs an undue hardship on the last owncr to be left r,ri,th a 1ot that he pulchased under thal subdivision for a duplel lot to have 900 sq feet, I think this is a unique situation. It isnrt one that vroul d set a precedent for otlrer dcvelopnent.s because it was an experiment, if you vrill in that llind of derrelopnent at that tine. Jirn: Larry, would this be setting a pr:ecederrce? Larry E.: I donrt think any variancc is a precedencc, you look at each individual instance as an indj.vidual situation ancl you rt'eigh the facts and standards that are set fo::th in thc ordi,nance, anC juige r..trlrther in fact cacir sittr:r1.i.cn anri i.ts facts nreets those standal.ds, The key standard is is it a haldship? One of the key princi.pi of varianr:e laws is that a hardship c:n not be scl.f .inf i icted. So I gtrc:s the deteriniDation is is it a rcal hardship, uas it self inflictecl, a d are you grantirrs a special privilcge? Dan: Another iten on our agenda requires alother GRFA variance in Casolar Vail II, so has that nunber has becn considered? Scott: I second the n'otion. In my r,rind, Irve got it boiled dor"n to what Larry just said, There is no dorrbt in rny mind that there is a guy that has a hardship here and he is going to suc the fire out of soncbocly, l{as it self inflicted? Thc only thing I have in nry packet says that De;urc l(nox cpplicd for 2.100 sq ft lots and.i200 sq ft triplcx lot s and lion 'l'odd naCe the Dtotio:l th$t the r'oquc-st be Sranted and it was granl unaninrously, so thc only I see here is that v.'e applovcd some lots with a dcfinitc sqtnre footage pcr lot. Sict: Brrt at thc pr,$I ic herljng aborrt it, Jjrn Rubin said that you've got x no. of s(.luolc f cet, go trat'c- frrn r.;ith it. f'hc l)1::nnirig Ccrr:ris:;iot: gave hinr 2'100 sti ft o;r those drrplex lots. Thatts thc size of thc cnvclopc tll:lt hets grlrnting. 'Iltctr tr'as hc told, "you huve -r no. tlf sq ft, scc you lrrtc:'"? or t\'its he et'et givclr arly i[dicatiol that thelc r,ras a lirnj.t to thc no. of sq ft for cach envclopc? Dick: I think thc linjt r+as bascd on getrti:'::. Llrat survcy ilhich showcd hol rnuch pcr- ccntot:c of thc lot w:ls ovcr 40%. .PEC - 7 - r-r2-81 ' . peter: I think itOpretty clear frorn both of Jimlnernos, he strongly states that r the 1400 sq ft pcr.r,rit ""r indeed an cstjnatc, thaFDcane understood this, and he understoocl thc necd for thc slope analysis to complcte. 'l'he minutes of thc Planning Cornnission may bc soncwhat confusing in that thcy arc basically ni.ntrtes, and that it night havc been a prescntation saying that t.his is about what we have in mind, and it comcs to about iOOO rq ft per unii givjng the Planning Connission a gcncral feelinl for what i,s going to buil-t, rlther than approving that numbcr Per unit at that point in time' I thini it is totally' c!'ear' ana ie you r:ead #3 again' it says 1400 sq ft was always considered an estimate with thc 40e" slopc study needed to bc complctcd before the actual sq footage could be deternined. Wc have never, in the past, worked off of a per uni-t square footage. RC zoning, you have a Sross square footagc, if you have -5 units and warrt to put all that intc one unit, that rs your square footage. As far as I know that is the way perve always worked, and that is the way Jirn related it to ne when I asked about the first duplex that carne before ne to do the zone checK, Scott: Generally, you havb a developer coning to you, he owns the land, he takes out the perrnits. But in this case, werentt these individual people coning to you? Roger: IIe set it up so that he could sell the lots to individlrals and they could do the building, and I think rnaybe this was an area wirete we were 1ax in working out the dea1. Jirn: There was a zoning change, though, the footage hasnrt chatlged, that is the biggest problen. No one was catching it, Rogert Thcn I guess then, our responsibili.ty wasn rt only to write Dcane Knox, i-t rr'"i to notify the indiviciual orn'neri ancl the association that lras formed. I think tha. we have a very unusual circunstance in this particular instance beca.usc of the t'ray that i.t l.ras structured. Gerry: I do too, and rather than let this drag or1' we are going to have to Vote. I think that cverything that we do rvith regard to this liind of developnent is prece- dent setting. It j.s very important to ackno!,rledge that as we go ahead, and I feel ver)'strongiy that it is the developcrrs responsi.bllity to notify and to vrork uith the l-,;uyers. Vote to grant the rcquest and the other 4 against. Dicli: I have a qucstion. 2744 sq ft? Rogcr: No, total 1372. The Planning Co:ii.,nis s i,cn tnotion is that a variance of Perer: It would be a GRF-A variance of 1812 sq ft, which is(1372 x 2)- 932. Gerry rcrnirrded lilox that for the variance: Roger and Scott in favor, Dan abstained, l''lotion tienied. hc had the right to appcal to thc Council within 10 days' 3. . CLlnging Dcsign Rcvjcrv Board rncurbcrslrip fJorn 5- to 7 mcrnlrers. Petc'r hi:rl rvri ttcrn a neno e.xplaining the ncctl and ::easons. Dan lIcv,,'<i, Gaytror scconded. to reconrnlcnd the changc in sizc to rhc Tortn Council. Vote tlas unanill.cus 4. RenoVa I of t j nc sha r.i ng f rorn Cor:wcrcia I Corc I and Conuncrcial Corc ll. Dick l{yan cxplairrcd thc nco. adding thtt in Lionshcad, Vait Glo was thc otlly lodgc in CCI I (and atldcd, al so thL' En ziirn) . E- l, t C.ITSOLAR D5I. :ioJi.I'E Vail, Colorrdo rlG i !:li! E)i'l .3nlL,rL.(l inLo l-lre , I9 7 8 , bc l_r.,.cen CnSOLAitColorado, here.i-naf ier ref,:rrcd to as 5crei:ra f tcr rcf ,:r:r.*-d to : l'.\ r.lr.r\_/.i , : nI- j\-a-J Llj\l:, I n cc);l sa:'ld ccno'itions contai!:ed in this]rEreto agr:ee aS f ol I cus: -t AGt).tit.,':!-iiT ot' puticti..\si: /1:{D 5.1L8 J -.. ^eu.J la Lr I ,\S5OC I.,\?E:; ef )r_';.1r,'2s., rr'irLrltE.AS, the ser rer. is the or1'ner of certainproperLy in EaqIe Countyr -Colorarjo, and !;ii!i:iUAS, the Seller cle::ircs to sell tnd theF,u..,er r-r,-.:sires to bu1' a Bu_i. l,iing Site Ior:;t-.:j c,n Sr.:l l,:-r, Y1 _'ri' ._,r-1 .t' r+._!_L r Ll ' thc Slellcr, and ,ofas t lre tsui'er. ir'lc:.at-ion of r-he ter:rs .r-c rcci:ent . the parties , P,IRCEL A: Duilcli;tg Si.t-e ):o. (herein_ .ll, I afLer callcd the ,,Building Sjt-e,,): A- I. - , por-L j on of Lot A_g and Loi a_S, Licn,snl 'l ,..-,,ffi.i i,.'i.i""-==-)to rr"-JJ=cribeci i' metcs,/ J'- ,! and bounds, in accord.incc r.ri-th procciures d r' sct fort:h be_lorv, said portion to be situatedenl-ircly k'i.thin, arrd'to l:e a part of Buil.d_ing Lcc.r.tion No. as shown and furtherdcscrj.ircd on the nap of Casolar DeI Norteattacl-red hcr:eto arnd nadc a part hereof asExh j.bit ,'A., said Brrilcling Sitc to bc of an I. DESC:lTpTlo:I. 1'he Se11{.r ag:-ecs to selLto the '3ui'u-r, and the _Bui,cr a t:ces to bu1, f rcn t_he S,:1. icr, :..1, prcperty he::einaf ter cal jed the p:,.rircr,.cy, in iagleCou,rLr', Col oraio, Ccscr j.l:ed es fol1o.....s: arca nc:r:orc thun Z/r00 sclrrar.e fectl t-hc , borr:r<!arics of sa jd Du j l,.ting SiLe to be / LocaLctl and rlcl-r-.r::rr j.:rt:cl j 1 .i':cor63ilcL- tri th \ 9""?r'ning cor,rcil;:ltl s, rc:;t.r-.jcL:o:rs .:))(l r<rgu_ \ Iati.ons in rcspec l_ Lo srttl:ii!:1.s, etc. :;ct i for'l-h jlr the rcstrir:i: ivc covc!l.1nL:; <>f( C:rltol.rr- Dt.tl ilor'l.c ;lrrrl l.lrc ot.(: j;t.tlt(:(..:; of Llre \ To'.r'n of \;ni l. Tlre l..ou:rd,rrics of :;uch Auild- I irrg Sit:e :_rl:al I !:c cr/t-cl:rincrrs a,il-h the out- I lj.l: r+,rlls of the f<ir:rrl.ri.ir::r of thc builcling I to bc I oc;r t. cc! thc r- rtrrr .\ l- I tw1 t/iaII tl t'lz ,'/ , t- i ,- Irrlli. l 'fxccpt Buildirrg Sno Inore than 2220 itc llo. 3 r.,lrich slrll I bc of an areil SQUtIl'G fcet. I ":; a P;iiicl:L B: (hr:rcinaftrtr'rcfr:rrctl to as "E,:rsc-,ncnt l1 i5hts") cor)5isting of Llrcfollo:,'ing ' (a) An car;r.::nel t for ci:clrr:;ive use of a port ion of Lhc Co:ri:'on ,irc.r , ::;r i rl i>crL i on to jncLttrle ln Jr'c;r irrl j.-rr-'r:nt I o ,rnrl r;urroulrd- irt<g tlre lltril'ling Sit.e, tlrc b,J'r:rrl.rrir:s of which :;h,:lI l-rc .p;tral.lr':l with t ire f ro;rl, side and lear bouittl.rrjr-.s of tl)e ilrrildirrg Sif,e local-ed a tlisLi:rc:r: oi Li"'elve (f2) ft:et froin the front and :;irJe l>oun,l,rr:ic:s of the Building Site, ;nd thi rty (10) fcet from Llicre;rr bou:ria11, of the tsuilding Site, with adjusLtxcnts rcquired by, or epi)rop]:iate to,terrairr .rnd cxisting r-oad',.'ays (provided that, no such ad jr-11;l-'r.1-1t shal I si gnif icantlycnlarge the .rrr:a of. sa i<l ,:a:,,:'r:lent as such arr:a shal I lr'. r1r''l r:,rm i n,'d. in ^^r !e1'::".iti' ..'ith the forcgoing clct:-rni;'ran{:s) ; {1e l'- (b) in easciirj:i': E i't EicJ: of nr .,a. = .I. square f cet; r:a:.i: j ::.; Spa._.e Of :rrc irt::rd:'ed (i00) 1r:r e ;: i:11 f c'r'.-h (c) Ar ces'::rc.n t- of access !:c l-'..:een theBuilCing Site a:rd tire ccntral r<--ac'r''ay of the <'.!rrl i rr i c i n- (d) rin ease';:.c;it fcr uLjliiics; of tire f c'rc'.jci:rg La;sc:li{i;li. s Lo !:e clcscl iL'eci in a:-ri l:oirrcis jn eccord.iric i''!th tire 1>:.-c.ccciu::es "_;_,/"_; ._^Atj ..t,'* sc-t 7 Ior ,l---. , . \'.- r,L !.;-!- lf z.PURCII;SE I'jnICE. The purcllase price tlre Proper:ti' to )re paid by the Buyer shall be t-ire of$, payable as f ollorvs: ' (a) the surn. of S on the cliecut ion of Lhis Agreenctlt , rct:ei pt of rch ich is hcrcby acknoul-eclgcd. (b) the balarrce in ca:;h or ccrtificd funds al- c).osing 3. TrTLt co:-ii.l1'f il)':ii'r. 1r'it lrin tlri r:Ly (30) da1's ;rft.r:r: Ilr.: <!aLc of Lhj5 Ac;t'r:c::rcnl- l.ltc Sc'l Icr shalI ci\l:;c to l.rc PrclrJ rccl by Til\h'S/if.:l..lllCA 'f I'll,li 1|lSlJlr,\ilcD CCti'l1'i\llY and dr:Iivr'rctl Lo lr,iri'cr a t it-lc cc:lrr:tiLlrltltll-- /rrry it'cirs, c/.ccl)t i otrs or cond ii ions sllorilr on l-lrc t i l- I c ccnu':ti l-nrent r:ot ol:jected to by l-he BrrS,cr j n r+riLing del ivcrcd l-o thc llc'llcr rviLlrjn fificr,n (15i tl;r1':; ;'rfLcr rccciPL of strclr title cort:riL:rir-'ttl- l;y Lhc Btry':r slrall bc clccmr:d 'rcce1:tc.d by tlrc Ruycr.rrr<l tirc Brryer:;ha1I t:lrcre;rfLcr bc rlctncd to lrlvc rvaiv-d ,,.,,.ry ob jcction in rcsP,-'cL t-o al. I suclr il-crrrs, cxccptions or lonrtitio:rs conLajrred in suclr cotnrnil-trettt 2 li t1. of t-he (1.'rLc of p.'r' i o'l n:; t lr,-- ag !'r-'r';r'ln t- ) i l- s;r:!:mit. to'thc !lUf i:I5SIO:: Oi' PI-.:':I . lii t h Lhis .\,Jr'*.'rtilr4ltt (or ,,"iLlr j.n 1:;r rt. i r:s sh,r I I rlr.t.r) r';r i rrt-- l;.y slt:rl I l;u. tlrc o!: I i c.rt.it>n of Sc I I u'r tlrc fol I or,'i;:q: - in si.x (6);rr>nths ltrcit r:xt c;trlr:rl :; t:1r;: ! uln.l n t- n I tl:e ilrri'.:r to ,: '\Iri- ,-lt: 'l x. ,Li" r. l'i t ,,'l'/v l,f r--. \ /r-l,- l'.\ (c) -4 sur-vey..:d plot pJ en slrc,,;i;rg the c>:.':r:t loca--icn of the 1;r-o1:o:-;e d bui Ii j.:rr3 site, and ther,v;1r'l- i a.. r:-:.:ii;:: cf Ll..; t: a.l > r.j i ,<j.r ! L ior u,.,uiusrv.J u5e,the easencnt for p.,rki;rg space, the ca:,r_trjrt:tt f <)r ar_-ccgsarrtl l-he erscircnt- fcr utili.tics. . ,ihe fi.,i_Lrlr-e oi t_)-.c iii;-..cr .Lo (:(:r :;,ii. r..-i!_h t::c fo;egcing pror,'isjo:.ls to s,:]-.:rit :,li::s ;::.C s;..:-'-'il:-catic:-;s as requirei irege jr s!ri-. 11 cc:ls'. i'-rj'de a l;l'i--.ach of thisr^r^rr,-...rrr* 'i. -r,c f ailrrr:e Or r.cf .-:s; I of t !-!c Sel ler tO an-;ro.,.e or Cisa?p:o'.'e tlle pJ e:rs '...'j'. 1:ir t i'r i:-',-y (j:) i;','s after rccc-ipi Lhct'.:of s;l:;ll ,') r-. ;- r:r::...'.'' I i..:-.i 'to al.prc'',.r I; providcd, !ic:"ev,: r, thnt if .-:i-';s6i'aI r',--..:': !:-r-'d b1.' anrr pu|.r1 ic aut!:or- iilv, i;rcl'.:cl:,:'..; ):'iri-:to'. rj:ii,--,i t.<.r tl-,,:'io,.:n of Vai1, shaLt :ro: i'ir.yc i)cc.:t r:ecci'.,ed iu:'i::c said thirt:r (10) ciay ;,cr!oC, th,:n t,):c i, i;:,e for Scller ',-o apt-rrr.rve or Ci sn:-.-prc..'e the i:l nns sltrI I bc c):l-c;r(lcd to and inclr:.li:rg thc clay on ',ihich app!.ov:iI shall be grantcd by srrch pub) ic auLhor:iLy. If the Scller rcjccts Lhe plans Lltc Sel ler sirall spccif ical ly statc in writirrg Lhe ECtrso;rs thcrcfor, and i f such ob jccL j ons are reasonal>le .rnd cons isLcnt with tl'rc provisions of this Agrccnent, tlte covenants of Casolar Dcl, ilorte, or tl)c ord j rra:rces cf thc To',+n of VaiI, or the rulings of the Tor''n of Vail or its instru;renLalitics pursuant to sr.rch ordj-nances, then the Buyer sltall have .en .-rcldit i ona I L!'r i rl-y ( 30 ) days in r.'hich io amcnd itspl.rns and s1:cciIications to mcel- the objcctions of ';]:e Scll.er. (;r) -lrr .r rc':ir .-tr,rl :; i clc cl r-'v;t iurrs t.o crr..c:r- c>r i_he .qrri l,lin9 (l)) Prclir:t'Irrtling ir;r'Licu1 ar15' a 5. sale of tl)c tr.r'lc sul) j (..ct: I i rni tct iorr:; thc Brryc r : _VniI; (b) 'I'lre Dcl llorLc (rilri clr c()r'r Ln i n {ii:tliorrE hpiir.or',rl .of 'tlrc: t'r-'lt i 1,,,,-:L':i r',';1111r-i rrg rtf t,he f ro;rtof the builrli:rg Ilu;'er proiir-.rscs Sii:e. :::rirary 1:jans for such brrilding, sch.-.rlu1e of e:rtc.rior mat-eri al.s. Tt'I'l,Fl nxcEPTIOil.S Ai.lD IitiSI.I{\'A']'rOt.tS. T}re Pr-opcr-t.y prrr':;llall- t r> tlri:; L,_1 r (.cj;r(rnl- i:; l.o lic Lo Llrc followirlg tl:ic(:l)tio:l;, r c:; c t-t,ir l- i ()n r; , a:r<l ct-rrrlil-ions v;J,iclr.1rc l:cr'cby accL'ptcd by (a) 1'hc z.ortirtg or:(li rr.rircc r>f Lhc Torsn of'r,:,a- :'='.. n t.- Rcst ricLivc Covr:n.',.!)t.:i of Casolar rcsLrictions a9;r i rr:;t- btri-I:<I.i;rg Fr clri t e t.' l- u r' n I' Cotr\l i'ul" lec*,t(t)ti11-i' {-. ) ; tu T0 Larry Rider, Town Attorney FROM: DATE: Peter Patten, Senior Planner 2/L8/8r SUBJECT: Carling,/Gallagher Issue The carling Duplex was building perldtted at s7s7 square feet GRFA. However,recalculations necessitated by the Deane Knox issue have shown that only 3380 squalre feet were actual ly in the plans. l,tr. Carlingts illegal recreation room represents an additionar 22r square feet of GRFA. Thus, the total of actual square footage in the duplex is now 3601 square feet. As I stated yesterday, I feel strongly that we should not sinply rrgiveawayil this space by throwing our hands up in the air. I realize the inconsistenciesin some of the GRFA calculations, and that the plans should never have beenaccepted. I have inherited this problen and have worked hard along with JinRubin, Steve Patterson, Larry Woodley and yourself on this issue. We feelthat we acted properly and honestly all the way through, but cannot say the sane for the fraudulent and dishonest behavior of the developer and subsequentowner. rt remains iLlegally converted space which the developer has knownfron the beginning. I don?t know if itrs fair to subtract the 22L square feet fron Deane Knoxtsrenaining 952 square feet. However, r wouLd see no difference between anyoneelsets conversion of illegal space in a basenent or loft area and carlingrs. When we discover these, we sirnply cannot let it ride, especially after allthe discussions, red tags and lies fron the developer and present owner which have taken place. \