HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 13 PHASE 2 UNIT B LEGALCONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT I eurLon'rc El D erecrnrcRl I[] MEcHANTcAL I LL46 NOTE DATE _ COPY OF DEC. 12, PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 1990 047i 3 PERMIT NO. PLUMBING FOUNDATION 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DfVfSION L22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : DAMAGER REPAIR DRYWALL PLUI4BING REPAIR/CABINET REPLACEMENT 2,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES 7,600 FtLtNG C4sotAR_IlK_ll_ ]OB NAME:DICKIE RESIDENCE WATER MA|LADDRESS 311 s wAcKER DR ctry CHICAG0' ILLpH. BUITDING PERMIT \o n +1f \\ .n NEW ALTERATION (X.II, ADDITIONAL () ALTERATION (X]I, ADDITIONAL ( ) RE PAIR () DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMOOATION UNITS -- NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING DEMO X ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 168_8 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. _ 926-3202 TOTAL PERMIT FEES MICHAEL WHITAKER DEC. 13, I99O lrtornc orrtcr,lr- 6.nE - ING ADMINISTRATOR & BUILDING NOTES: NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLIJMBING 949-4320 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, UnifortbBtr6flng Code and otherprd,inances oLD Town applicable thereto. BOLES ESI(NX BUILDERS Pobuc \U\\OR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, MECHAN CONTRACTOR FIRM ALL VALLEY CONST. t33-S@ OTHER CONTRACTO t a.v '.- t rr. . e. DATE - / r- -> PERrrfr No- 7 /l > WPEOFPERMIT,-^tt< I buruunc /@dr-umetrlc EIECTR|CAI'fl rounoenorI uecuartcn- E Dtltrtort- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopcrfncm of communlty danlopmcm tO 8E FIILEO OUtOOUPLSTELVPRIOR t1O tStSUAf'lCE OFPCRI|IT LTVPCOFCOT{SltrUgnOil ZOOCI'PAilCYGROUP raexgpr GeilER^r OESCRIP'IO!{ OF IV9FI : l,| owEllfrfculfts z- A@tlnloolno tflFs- HEIGHTINFT. - NO.FIREPLAOES INSULATTON: TYPE THICXN€SS N.VAtLUE AOOIYIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: mt?tAL I hereby ecknowtedge that I hew reed lhls applicttlon. lilled out ln futl tha Intormatlon ,€qulted' iii"Jlei"C "" "ccudte plot plan. and stat€ thaiLll the Intormatlon provided as requlred as correct. I ag1gl fo comply with ttie Iniormation and plot plsn,lo cornply with all.Town otdinances and-state taia, and to 'UtiitO thls structure according lo'th€ Town's zonlng and subtlvlslon codes, design review approved, Uniform, Building Coderand olher g1di Clet'^-'-p d<1x-s,+4o 4' re{ztaed U //rrj AND THE OUfiER. d r r r I x LEGAL Gsc. ELILLOr FrtrNG /itc2 6 St^.dsf"neDt'v' fi)BNAME: DoLi<-_ &&6u-** OWNER xene Deo-r A. D'c\cie s111lpgprss3l t S. uD arVc,.r I)r . c.w c!..,c.-.'" nl tt.=l1.ol-- ARCHITECT I NIA I Stctl PH. r II ADDRESS erw GEN€RAT @NTRACTOR rounrorvettREc.rto. Ig8 B rrrr 3ZL -3Zoz' Q.r.r*,.0.rowiloFv rLFEg-t{O- G(,NIKAUIUT"I PIUMBING CONTRACTOR s-\\ -vTOwr|I OF VAIL FEG. M'.. \ \\9 \ 'FLE q\-\h\\ MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR G rowrrt oF vAlL REg. NO. olr{ER , -t t 75 routh frontrgc rord rrll, color.do E1857 (303) 479-21:8 or 479-2139 TO3 EROM: DATE: su&TEqr: oftlcc ol communlty dcvclopmrnl ALL CONlIRASTORS CI'RREMTLYI, RECISTERED WITE TTTE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COIIMLNITY DSUEIpPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKTNG & UATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soLl , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterl.al, J.ncludlnE trash dunpsterl, poriable ioileti andworknen vehlcles upon any street, sidewaLk, alley or public p1?9e 9r any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofVail streets and_roads l_s approxlnately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.this ordinance will be etrillry enforcid by the roirn of vailPubllc workr Departnent. pers6ns found vi6tatinq thl.s ordlnancewi'lr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-sald naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotLce within ttrJze hour tiroe specified, the puLtlc WorksDepartnent will remove said nateiial at the elpense of, pelaonnotified. The provLsions of thls ordinance sfritf not beappllcable to construction, nal.ntenance or repair proJects of,any street or alley or any utillties in the r-ight-a-rray. To.revl.ew ordLnance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Iown ofVail Building Departrqent to obtaln I copy. tLani< you for youreooperatLon on thls natter. Read and acknowledged by: [, PositionTRelationsbip to projecil(i.e. contractor, owner) Date o rN#rtoN. TOWN OF REQUEST VAILEB OF PROJECTi \,>.tt' - ''. JoB NAME \,.,. CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: MON -t-'' THUR 1fi],\:r.-.-'e) BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Voot rn".rA/.r,-: Foro* / wArER -L N GAS PIPING - ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION ','POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rN toN REeuEsrl Tovry{ oF vArL i READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED AM PM BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V- tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL tr D O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u tr FINAL tr FINAL (netoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED {loerc // 't f .{r,i rNSPEcroR The ltens belor. gLvlng a pennlt Please check off FINAL PLI'MBING Or* rusPlcrron's aeed to be couplete a flnal C of O. ln the box provlded. COMPLETEI) before n DATE! FINAL MECEANICAI,tl DATE; []IUPROVS,IEN? SURVEY RESID. NAMEI DATE: FINAL ELECTRI,CAI IZ FINAL EUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: pgtB2,t'z/-72 TXMPORARY C OF O ItiI1 DATE: []CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA}ICY DATE: LANDSCAPING DIIEI DATE: PEC -2- 7/27/81 Bill- Post rcpresentjng thc devclopcrs of 'fho Ridge (Vallcy Associates) reclucstedof the connission that if thcy allorv a roacl ncar thc top of the lot, lhat 'it oerequired (as well a-s the house) to be below the ridge line. Ite stated that allthc buildings in The Iliclge were required to be rvithin cnveropes with height re-strictions so as not to. intcrfere with the rirlge li.nc. petei felt that it appearedthat the dri'r'eway could be built so that i.t was- virtual ly invisi-ble from thcRidge units, and that that r,tas the reason thc staff was enthusiastic about tlresite near the top. scott noved to reconmend to the Town Council that they grant the request to changethe zoning from RC to P,/s with the first two conditio;s as written in the neno,and with a change in the third conclition to tera:ij --irrat they cooperate wir6the staff in developing the site so the road o, uny structure will fa1l belowthe ridge 1ine. Pctcr pointed out that the staff doesnrt nake final <lecj_sions on sitjng, butthat the DRB has that juliscliction. Scott then changed the thild condition to rcad: 3) th:rt the applicant nakc aconcer:ted effort to placc the road and structur-e belorv the ridge line.Gaynor seconcied the notion, and after discrrssion the vote rvas 2 for (Gaynor andScott), 3 against (Duane, Roger and Ger'y) r'ith Dan ancl Jirn abstainirig. Rogcr then rnoved thcn tnovcd that the reconrnerrdat j.on to the Council be for approvalwith the thrce conditions as stated in the staff menro. Duane seconcled. Di-scussion fol lowed as to tvhcther or not to Tc-qr-ricr rnc seeondar-y unrE to rentar -to an enployee of Gore Valley., Ed stated that they woulrl then rr,itirriraw thcir.request' Gerry reitcrated his concel'n about truil<ling ou a 409; srope. Da:r i-eltthat they should be able to live with ernployec housing if given p/'s zonipg, an4Ga1'nor: f elt that the sitc r.rith p,/S zoni.ng lias a bettc, on". The vote was 2 for. (Rogcr ancl Duane) 'nd s against (Gai,nor, scott ;rnd Ger'y),ruith Dan and Jirn abstaining. Collcern about ref lecting the feclings of all the rnenrbcrs to the Cotrrrc-il lrl s felt.Gerry stated that -he fclt no change in zoning rr,as needei.l, but that a varirDcecotrld be applied for- Jim stated that he Ji.,in't ,""-i ol., the co;ru;is. sion erscot-tld have stated that they tvorrl d cons j.tler lots in thi"s ar.ea at a later clate,and thcn now state thl.t j-t -shouldntt bc reco;rs.i<lerecl. Gr:rry felt that to j.solir.t_c.' a lot and rczonc didn't mak?liciiE]. Dick llyarr remj-ndcct the conurissiorer.s ttratThat therc rvere spccial cjl'cuustances and that it rr,a: statcci that thcy woulcigo bach ancl reconsicler. petcr said that thc) staff-;iJ riot con-.tidcr this spotzotring, Larly Eskrvith felt tlrirt this woultl not l)e con-siclclcd spot zoning, "1.1.,.,r,no recor'ullellclirtion for cithcr allproval or cleliai rvzrs foi'r.ri*4e,i to T,orrrr Council. l'.l) Rcqrrc-st for a dclrs j ty v:rri:rncc .in ilross lcsi.(lcutial floor arcr.r iu or:clcr toj '. biririf;-rwi.\ on lot-n;Tro..r-rreti;i# -'r;;'iii.fri'or-mrivrt;*triTi;-- Appl.i cants: IrlcDonal d, Catoc, etc, pcnsi.o;r Iicti.r.crnt:nt Tr.ust. Pt:tel Pattcrl stiltc(l llt.:hl$:;taff hatl clonc rL lot of lcscnlch on this plopcrrydating.!1tk tdL,!',S4g2,.{> l)igk Il;'11,t1 .stiittrrl thxt thcr:;t,irfi'fclt thc circrrlrsrancestrclc rli{'fclcnt l'_n t.hit Dcrnc i{no_x hlel lrror.rlc-clgc of thc (;i rA, tnd lrlcDonaltl dit[ LlL: ^ft: tl],]t:sll: ltc cotrlil hiLvc 1690:;r1 ft on <rlch sjrlc. (tcolgc Strarv, r.cplcscrlt.ingIticl)ona1d, ditlnrt want to rei t c'ri-Tillrlt hc lr:rt! uicnticnr-.<-l :rt thc l:rst nreetiirg. rrL -3-7/27/Brc Dan fclt that the Tor'n of Vai I has not bccn rr,ithout f lul t . arrcl that therc wus lots of cotrfusiort on both sj-clcs. Ilc thought that iilcllonald kncrv bcfore hc cver built on lots 13 and 15. lle addcd that it was an unfortunatc situation and agrecd with the Town of Vail staff that it necded to be put to rcst. lle fclt f,hat it wasn't just the lownts fault. Gerry l{hitc agreed that enougl-r mistakcs has been made, ^ Ilartin Rubenstein, a resident of Casolar asked for information on thc proposcd slructure, and Pcter pointed out that, alf tls.-en+e+epc,s had been agreed ttpon by the Casolar Home Owners Association, anA if_lclg4.g,ss-a1g_nadg'_lh€I4ust be anproved by the Assocjatio!. lvlartin rvas concerned about height. Dick suggestedt-ha_t'l;_1'aV@withthe5ecretaryandhcwou1dbenotifier1 as to witen the project carne before DRB. lvlart in statcd that as far as the honeowner neetings were collcerned, he was notified after the last meeting. Duane noved and Dan seconded to grant approval to the requcst for a GRFA va.riancein accord rvith the staff neno. The vote rvas 6-0 in favor with Scott abstairrinfi. -1,.1_:gtqg*-lg1-.u-Jqgor__=.rbgiri1:.",f-erufo_L+_1_I!q9l 19I",_gf \tail Srrbdivisionregulation(;n lots I-7,- 4-, lreValley, Phase IV. The applicant is requesting to revise the siting of 2 duplexunits and to allor,r a rnole flexible sitj-ng for a .single family unit, Applicant: The Val1cy Associates. Peter shotged 4 sets of plats and explained the nerno, ndding that the requestsdid not affect GRFA, as the project is allott-ed a total of 24,800 sq ft, and the developel is allowed to allocat.e that as they wish. Craig Snorvdorr shovred t-he p1ans. Peter stated that the staff felt that abandoning the lot line betl,'eelots 2 & 3 would inprove the siting of thc units and that the relocation of thelot linc betrveen lots 4 and 5 rvould clean up those lot I i,nes. Ga1'nor ntoved and Roger scconded to approvc the requcst as pcr staff nrcnro. Thc vorewas 5.0 in favor rvith Dan an<I Jim lri.- abstaini_ng. 5. Applj-cation_tqt a .."diti"t"l yr" p !cl_qn4p'rlrp station in and adiacent to Gore Creek. imnrediately below the confluenccpump statiotr in ;Lnd adjaccnt to Gorc Creck, inr,rcdiately bcl o r.' the con-i lucncc of Red Sandstone Creek ancl Gore Creek. Appl icants: Vail As-sociatcs, Inc. Dick Ryan reviervcd the nerno. Gerry was concerncd r.rith the min,inlrrn stream f loiv, and Dick stated that there rvas a mininluur strean f1orr, cst:rblisircd for (lore Clcck. Jim Clark I'epresenting VA said that they hatl prescrrtcd the reriuircd cnvjronrlcirtaL assessnellt, tvith a di.scussion on ninirnurn stlean florr'. Ile addccl that nr-rch h,ater rvould be put back into the strean. Jin C. statcd that hc bclieved that the riraxirnurn amount \iA will takc fron the stream rvill bc I-l/2 nlT lion gal lons per- ciay total. for thc f.irst pirasc, and uhcn thc seconrl pirase is colli)1cted, t.lrc nraxiurunr totirl rvi1l bc 2 nrillion, Gelry fclt thst the njnjtrur:t florv lutrlnrt bccn lcldrcsscci. Jirn sai.d tir:rt it ltad bcen j.dcntjfied in thcir lcrrort ts 7-I/2 cfs at tltc conlllr-rcrrcc of the tr'rc crccks. Djscr-issj.on follorr'r--cl colcclning tlre use oi. r:lrc efflucnt, rrrclthc scltcdttl ing l'r:itlt lc:;pcc:t to rnuddying t.hc stltran, Jiur saicl thlrt thc s1:t'canr tvortld bc rlivcltcd to thr: north sidc, anrl that thc.;' uouJ cl coolrliLntr.tc t'.hc.i r cfforts on, tltc irjkc Prrth with Antl;' i'lor:ris rvi.tir lcsllcc'-t to I)av.ir)B lntl accc.ss, Durrrrc lrslicilif Vr\ uorild rcplrir: thc bilir-. paf_h if thcr.t: rscr.c an1. destluct.iou, lrncl Jirir Clrr.il i.l j;:;tr:.(!d 'h.i nr thcr, \./ou1 d. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE Nov_ ??, LggT -40+j+t- dop.rtmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Exeutotr.tc EkEuecrRtcnl MECHANICAL #nn LOT IJ BL JOBNAME: BARNHART RESTD. #B r.mue Barnhart urtmoness 380 Gaylord rrnu Kuudson Assoc. uo,rooo*..a 3080 Broadway ctry BouldOr pH. FrRM ICA SERVICES TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 423-9L64 DEr{ GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM GASH ELECTRTC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 420-3040 DEN TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO.MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR 1. WPE OFCONSTRUeTION I ll lll lV v 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M DIVfSfON ,22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :TNTERIORREM PERMIT NO, = F J EUILDING 6-noo ELECTRICAL 1 nnn PTUIIIBING 3 -noo MECHANICALTUB ROOM. TOTAL s10,000 nTYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 'tf R-3 10,000 BUILOING PERMIT IL7 \.\ E* cn sa s $ PLAN CHECK 59 ELECTRICAL 44 NEW( } ALTERATION O{T ADOITIONAL REPAIR (PLUMBING 30 DWELLTNG UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT, - NO.FIBEPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100 EXr.wALLs I I I USE TAX L00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES s 450.00 GARY MURRATN NOV. 25, 1987 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT -oTne orrrcni - oAT= RrcK PYT-,PIAN NOV. 23, 1gg7 ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE {ING & BUILOING NOTES: !t rt T\Ir\ FvmErDT CHAI{GESNO EXTERIOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that alt the information provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and ptot plan, to complylwith all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's and codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ord of the res, oesrg thereto. OWNER CLEAN UP TO:Z(A fxey'cg.s P.o, Box lZ41 t 4or.D{,r1, Cou,&'loZ AND THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF tta prlntary/vall CONSTRUCTION PLUMBING r.,oslrDATtoN NOTE COPY department of community devef opment*****pLEAsE FrLL OUR WHERE'THE (fj'-lin'nrs nnr 'O 8E FtLL€D OUT COMPLETELY P"IOR rO 'SSUO|.I"E OF PERMI'] ].YPE OF PERMTT ft eurr-orr.rc El elecrnrcnl [ +rftt|.AffieAl Eunil: P ERMrr x:;:: ;"E,WiRM'r r() BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE V/ Z I THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FTI 'NC DtrDMIT. IT r. rypg or constRucloN , ,, ,,, ,v@-- z. occupANcy cRoup aa e x ren otvrsroN .'\| 2 2{}t/4 FEN$SAL D_E:cR'PfloN oF woRK : -'-?4,tTF p I a Z EFthr.tArratt rrtr- 1. Letter2. 2 Sets from condpf compl e o assn. (IF AppLICAt#ruPlq LE) r'ntt zI l EUILDiNG @o ELECTRICAL '1Do,* X PLUMEING <.U Zp,ete, X--)lor -T1 ',a Rr--MECHANICAL TOTAL /o,now -JIEE-----9E9!P c.B.F.A. vAr uanoN PERMIT FEES'ry''('-?fuooo EulLptNGPERMrr I tt1_.o PLAN CHECK 24* SE-"o ELECTRICAL (4- 'o NEw ( ) nrrennrroN(-499[]9!4- ( l- REpATR (-PLUMEING 36''u DW€LLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMOOATION UNITS -- NO. FIFEPIACES THICKNESS R.VALLUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS TYPE OF ADDITTONAL PERI\,|ITS NEEOEO: N INITIAL ST, CUT SLASTING PARKING MECHANICAL -e RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT LaC. " USE TAX t n4 c<)/ (.' (- ' q so-" TOTAL PERIAIT FEES / fur=<=-.-%ruIotrpqrrrc# - -tl.UIONING ADMINIST ZONING & BUILC ING NOTES: . -.'-,t:]d- Y,.i:---......-&(ue-sa ryI-I ljil::ffi"jf:lJ::"'s xlll :,::":j:11"1:':j??1i..1,r",1rj,ne9 o,t in rurr the inrormarion ,.qui,"a,COmpleted an aCCurite plO. sPr'"wquvr r' rrrrcu oll( In lull tne Intormation required, asree to comptv with rhe 'lf.l:*;?iit"t"t3:tjlllt:,1]h:l"Jormation provioeo as-iequired is correct. i ilnJ:" ",:,.?ll1y,,y,ll,,1ng.llqlT-arion r;J pi"t' ;r.;, io comprylaws, and to ,U,jifJ if,is.Jtr,,,_,,,,..,",, d,ru prer pran, ro co.mptyralith all Town ordinances and state review annrnvar*n;rn.- g::yj:-9":grding to the Town,s ,g6lng ^ia,rUoiiirion codes rtcsianreview approved, U n if orm eri roi n g CJju' "'n jitill, oro, ""ot the T icable thereto. OWNER OR XX ANO THE OWNER. ACTOR FOA HIMSELF ix :rX il i*l LEGAL Iorsc. I uor / 3_ BLK__ 4---- FILING L4a s *a*opfb*-.JOB NAME: OWNER crrv fi6r rr.>s? pn.4y')_<aa> ii V,\ .vri' ';, ,\ : ,1, I.l *t ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR ]:ELE,}r-invto -42 e-gt t-4 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR aau (-A3t1 Ft €C ,or" oruo,a ^rn. "o,.-NEIELE- Irrzr p - {Stl-<ar/n PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, MECHANICAL CONTRACTORT 'I OTHER coNIRACTOR tRM t// A .OWN OF VAIL REG. NO. .ELE. ,.i.f t, ,\ !.' i !- ] ! PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT i : !../.-)gxlp / ;- J r ": .t .t JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED ' E --- '^,r ':: ., THUR ro INSPECTION REQUEST ,FRI I'-1,AM tr, -, i, rLtl ) (:r BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr LI tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER CI GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION CI POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING b noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I INSPECTION:ruEs -rfu-ro) r*u* INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL :- c. I f t -----OD PM JOB NAME FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FTNAL ;HAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT\'. \ i-'\ INSPECTION TOWN OF .! REQUEST .. VAIL NAME CALLER TUES .'-i -' READY FOR INSPECTION:..WED.THUR FRI'tt., L9CATI9N: \t..\'.'"'i'i."'...;\. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEF tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,ir;O1. 'tl ',',:.*.'.- - '.i\.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER tr HEATING B ROUGH tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED / CORRECTIONS: INSPECT FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. P'lease check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL TLECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMPORARY C Of O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: