HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B1 TELEMARK UNIT 9 LEGALLo{B\, -B\\.--B Lio-r.-+jei.(.^ t:5o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT Permit #: MM-0377 Job Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: TELEMARK TOWNHOMRS f9 Applied . . : l2l07l2W6 Parcel No...: 210301409009 Issued. . : l2/Wl20/J6 Irgal Description: Expires . .: 06105nn7 Project No : OWNER GIJADDEN, DELPHINE K. TRUSTEE!2/o1 /2006 REVOCABI,E TRUST 2533 I{WY 43 S HARRISON AR 72601 APPIJICANI COTRTOIS BUIIIDING GROIIP, rNCt2/07/2006 phone: (970) 33L-8233 PO BOX 1313 COIJORADO 81658 License: 355-M CONTRACTOR COITRTOIS BUILDING GROI'P, TNCL2/07/2006 Phone: (970) 331--8233 PO BOX 1313 VAIL cor,oRADo 81558 Lricense: 355-M Desciption: RLJN GAS LINE Valuation: $100.00 Fireplac€ Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellel 0 a'l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Mechanical-- > 320.00 Resnlarant Plan Review- > DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Plan Check-- > Ilvestigation- ) WiU Call----- > $5.00 ToTALFEES-----------> $0.00 93 .00 FEE SUMMARY *'**ir'a'*)tr*:+'i't**:i**1.**rr**'*t*'t'l***:lldri.'|.+l|'|l.*a'*a*t'r**'r**:r'r't*,t**** S0 .00 Total Calculated Fees-- > 928 ' 00 928. oo Additional Fees------- > $3?.50 Total Permit Fee----- > S65. 50 Payments---------- > $55.50 BALANCE DUR..----.. >s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI'IENf t2/o7/2OO5 rRr4 Action: AP ftem: 05500 FIRE DEPARIII{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIBLTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BIrDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AI.ID SECTION 304 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIM BY TOWN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): BOIIL,ER INSTAIJIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIIFACTTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AIID CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC, Cond: 25 (BIJDG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SHALL BE VmrrED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHAI{ICAIJ EQUIPMBflI MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2003 IMC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 3L (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAITIT BE MOITNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. IJISTED FOR MOT'NTING ON COMAUSTIBI-,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ TO Ar.r INSPECTION REQITEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOIL,ER ROOMS SHALL, BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTI{ER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING Or IJIQUID WASTE pER SECTION 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requircd, corpleted an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internationral Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RTQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOT]RS IN ADVANCE BY PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE O OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET I]NITESS ROOM PRIOR f+**t**fl*f'il*flt*+*******+l*t***********+********t*ft**{r**f++*******t*****'}****++******'}*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementl'+*a***t**'t'|*****t*f+++l+l*l'l***f,**f+'t'+tt't***************++******t******a**'**'t'if,++it******** Statement Nunber: R060002073 Palment lttethod: Check Building Group, Inc. 7290 Amor:nt: 565.50 72/o7/200603:01 PMInit: DDG NotaEion: Courtois Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese: Iocation: This Payment ! ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code M06 - 03 77 2103-014-0900-9 1O9O VAIIJ VIEW DR VAIIJ TEIJHTIARK TOWNUOMES #9 $55. s0 Description Tlrpe 3 MECHAIiII CAI PERMIT Totsal FeeE: TOtsAl AIJIJ ETNTA: Balance: $5s. s0 $6s. s0 $0.00 Current Pmta ctJ 00100003123000 MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00x00003112s00 CONTRAC{IOR I,ICS{SES MECIIA}TICAI., PERMIT FEES PIJAIiI CI{ECK FEES WIIJr CALL INSPECTION FEE 37.50 20.00 5.00 3 .00 *m 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPUCATIOI{ WILL NOT BEACCEPTED IF INCOMPT"ETE OR UNSIGNED TOV Project #: 97 O - 47 9 -2L49 ( Inspecdons) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Medranical Room Layout drawn to scale to Include:o Mechanical Room Dlmensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Locauono Flue, Vent and Gas Line Slze and LocaUono HeatLossCalcs.o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION /\ou- o 377 "f$i:fl,L"iHl'f-;rcsz) CLl lffi 7 COMPI,^ETE VAIUATIOI{ FOR ilECHANICAT PERI,IIT bor & Materials **********{.**r.{3*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLy********************:t******** Lb/ F:\odev\FoRMS\PERM m\Eulldln g\mechanlcalJrermiLl 1-23-2005.DOC Ofuat or Yisit forPar@I# Farcel # Li O lL tOu++++o nO JobName: 4, touer,lr(,Dffi Job Address: lOPlo \*1ll.-\./1c:r/., bta- #? legal DescrlpUon ll LoE ll Blodc ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:DtU AIWtt lAddress: tono {{?A _ fl Phone: Engineer: il*Address:Phone: Detailed descrlpUon of work:btu Lil6 Wo*Oass: nettV( Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler LocaUon: Interior ( r) Exteriorj$ Other ( )Does an EHU erist at this location; Yes ( ) No ffi Typeof Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplo<( ) Multi-family(,() Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of ExisAng Dwelllng Units in thls building:No. of AccommodaUon Units in this buildlng: L No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: @sAppliancestl t CasLms( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WdBurninq( ) Nofl-ype of FireplacesiProposed: Gas Appliances 9-@) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wmd Buming (NOT AI-LOWED) Is this a conversion from -rood buming firephce to an EPA Phase II derrice? Yes ( ) No ?f' LU?5l200s Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior w6rk. This includes and is not limited to removal and rcplacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact the Development Review Coordinator at 479-2128 for additional information. TheTown of Vail has adofied the 2(Xl3International Mechanical Code and the 20O3Inhrnational Fuel Gas Code. r All new construction within tJre Tourn ...tlt;r! . il .cgghustlop ..4il. iF". lcstiired I "qguiplicnt. ' - l.tr.,' Town of Vail Fir lac rdin In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which rcstricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the oldinanoe has undergone numenrus changes and revisions, striving for comprcmise, yet gffectivgness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: '-': $ wood burning ftreplaces is no longer permitted..' i.i t, 4-1 r-.: I i'r t-, l tl'' ', '' t?, one (1) EF (B vent) OR ifio el sas tos fireptacesand no ici8li- t$a'tzl gasapptianaffiE$*jo$td bent). l. ..' Restricted Dwelllno Units- Each new rcstricted dwelling unat may contain: ' ' One (1) gas log lireplace and not morc than one (1) gas appliance $f?FEt I Accommodatiod units - Each new acoommodation unit may @ntain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance firepllce. If trvo or mo€ separate dwelling units or accomrnodation units are combined to form one latger unit" tlre combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than i gas appliance fircplaces, or may @nyert up to two existing fireplaces Q gas. If during the coume of a rcmodel an existing woodburning fireplace ls altered or moved, the unit must then omply with alt provisions of tfie ordinance. Tfiat is, the fireplace must be onvefted b natural gas or Fphed by an EPA Phase II certifted uniL tL|zsPnS i'.1r. : F:\cder\FoRMS\PERMm\Bui lding\mechanicalJermit-l 1' 23-2005.DOC Requ€stod lnspEct Date: Insp€citlon Area: Slte Address: jpfid"y, January 22,2007 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR VAIL TELEMARK TOWNHOMES #9 SubTgne: AMF Status: Insp Area: ISSUED JRM Reouested Insoectlon(sl lnsoectlon Histow GROUP, lNC./Phillippe Time Exp: Phone: (970) 331-8233 Phone: (970) 331-8233 Reouested Time: 09:00 AM' Phone: (970) 331-8233 Entered By: LTILLMAN K Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assiqned To:- Action: 200 310 315 320 330 3l+0 390 tl ct' UI li ./.''. 14 .. L2' I I I ArP/D lnformatlon Activitv: M064377 Const Tvo6: Oufrier: GLADDEI ADDlicant: COURTOI Cohlractor: COURTOI D€scription: RUN GAS /l l{/{ REPTl31 Run Id: 5288 af Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Date 7"Zz-q7 Project Name: BuildingName: Project Description: owner,Address andphone: 06.7+*tNr CU&lttr-tt/ tro?n l/42 l/ttw #? Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: LegatDescription:l-ot 6 | elock 19 suAaivision /lhrcr(tqu' t / ZoneDistrict flDlaF Project Street Addres s: I O?O Vlic i4ezv #7 Comments: B,oanl-l taff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded bv: tr APProval tr Disapproval X StaffApproval Conditions: Aa-iVq IVt DRB Fee Pre-Paid tzO, I Qucstions? Cntt tttannirg Staff at 479-21 2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign rcvicw mttst rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For spccil-rc intbnnation, scc thc sttbnrittal rcquirctnctrts lirr thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc applicatiorr canuot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd information is submittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwed by thc Towr Council and/or thc Planning and Environntental Conrmission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc year aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOliiNOFVAIL B. LOC:ATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: rlLocK:I/3{ FILTNG: >G D q +1 Ty'p -o c. D. E. PARCEL t:Z.tn +t, | 4.,o4 OO4 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Otlicc at 970-32tt-t'l(r40 tbr parccl #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHoNE:11o *1A ZUS OWNER(S) SIGNATU RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. Includes any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrnrcrcial buildine. tr Addition -$s0 fi nlinor Altcration -$20 Includcs urinor changcs to buildings and sits inrprovcmcnts, such as. reroofing. painting. window adtlitions, landscaping. fcnces and retaining walls, ctc. E Conceptual Revicw - $0 For any application whcrs thc applicant wishes to mcct with Dcsign Revrew Board to dctemrine whcther or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplics with thc design guidclines. Thc DRB docs not vote on conceptual rcviews. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the timc of submittal. Later, whcn applying for a building pcmrit. pleasc idcntity thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town of Vait will adjust the fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL, COLORADO 81657. F. C. H. I I ! t),1 \$ I '...; I I i .. ii* t,l I I I.l Updarcd | /97 BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinurcys Trash Enclosures Grecnhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*'t' Othcr * Please speci$ the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip **AllexteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a sqlarate lighting plan. Identi$ each fixhrre type and providc the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area" and attach a cut $6et ofthe lighting fixhrres. ': 4;q r,r| r^I a,i) f,T H #;f, 'i^.rd "' i ri*-'' ffii :l}r lffif \ \l-i 'h ca +5 " fu +8" tuttom q u:,nilou rylwyr- fi, /loor, Arrynl uy on earcrch trt*t tzorl -b tb ettl wf , bbdt+ afe 1" x ,1,/t", 1,' w,rtlrc A 4{4za *;W qi: r ^;T tuards ga'"frzl +t i"tzt- 3ulzt;..'+n; o/e( 1d461^, urrnAout ib |alil' turkqrri.lro ud.tu frne-"|nbIW- '' wutdao ^ eutktat .{-terall., ut Zzf Arhrrut ,41*zr*s lz.Arwrn U-rLt/ ufi.Lel; a5 lo tt ut lo 1' I 6'tou Iv(- lo. -<2 bl 211rc) -(rn^rpt-vrvtt"."-, 5l^7fu^- h/u) 1W L4lt*t'*( gl n'4 Tllt'*-* f\+u',.,t 4 -f n'"{te4 10 't;',;shMA ^ A^wd!,\ ,;l^tJ ; U U Aattv.t, lnlx,ot->-, I + q Td'!r^*oh o |ry A'{''/l'4"4 Kr,*4 U6'+,fW @'t'a 'fti #ii$ F;iii:gau{. ! .i'l i -'i:..' j{+ nfr l\ ,.,. i3:: !,::+er i, ,:triO'.t'..-.^,ne!n D/e..,61. i9 ^^rc:rif_ J^,: Lr,l.r) iicc:t.5 ,1p, t9'.t(,?i 2i rie ,,.tni .t*ri""(;g ora i- \,1C. I ,t-,nl iiLit'" ..,eCihe.:ri C!teO :Oi,.9.rlr_l!r -),. J,,i.,.,,€r,..t, t; ,9..-illlO I la.a --- :fr.]rg, i,r-;1.. i/f.al ,[,e-,f ,.jt()r tf,;l), .€:i ca,. ,:_.-.jit,,-: - Er?r..,1i-, 1 q:_1-r1..,1-^ .. j;.r-; {_,11,1 ie r,forcej CurngrS "l '' .J€-!J |1€'l,] r^ : r I r). ,..'t r , .i.,jt :. t; -_..,.-;l' :;- ''1 c^..-. ,: .l'.-1,-{g'5 l,--r el:,, ::n{:. i-,.,1 I.t-t '.i!:r:i f ::'!:,r-Jc -.r ,\,l,ii,r a..),..ed i. ,1" SPECIFICAI CNS ' :. .-'liCl'I-F Ii.it1,] -, ., ] ,.:r - ..a,: .' I 't ,-.1.) ,! :h SCr:,, ',:J1€..er: ri,', .0": .:).^.j 5ii,rarUrOrl, Sa..trrl.l-r,' ji.,,t., .,,e.l.rrg..rirC,Cer..r,,r '' -'..:1t i' i,,pe Ct:.',,:, l. ar . /v., .4 rr :-"tl - HotdyygTg. ', j .j. -: l-., !.|'''a'-.-'i'-.lr 9:onCord Srze',in?n X;ojj 6C30 4J 1l 5040 4060 3.1x :Ar/a -7 ' .341'"/' n343h All 4' qnd 5'hlgh unlts hove t?c :retvsg i'x46''z '"- '< ijj/'a -- ,) .n dO j! ' : x 4orrl i) y 703/o All 6'hlgh unlt! hove lhr€e shstye.; ' i2 oeEth r,nll 5Lt I ':i1 l l't :t l ili,! [' . J.]. [. UNION ;ii"'.r'l',. rIrA- (1)::'..r .r i1 .475; '. : t ,l '', ll_ : - ' r../f i i:i u A,,r , 'j t,) /j 1 J9(', '- ,, ii:tL:] rn:Ll3t,.1g q,os: ,,..}s .-, ,. J: F,?r j\'.'! : J,:r _t -JI-) C r ,::-16.,',On rlg ^C jrs e(/le(]ricc:,l fl (rrnlCnOa Ce CC)1, AILJRES The Gqrden Window Model 5,f 00 duol glozed Model 5,f 00 singlaglozed 4'qnd 5'HIGH All 3'high unils hove one shelf Rough Oper rg fsr Ngw Corrs?: uulton 3'HIGH 6'HIGH f-'Atr)=# cAutr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21iV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 June 13, 1997 Dee Gladden Route 8 Box 9 Hanison, AR 72601 Department of Community Development RE: Garden window requcst. Dear Dee: This letter is in response to your request to place a garden window in the upstairs. east wall of thc Telemark Townhomes, Unit #9. R Oisign Review Board application is nccessary. so staffmay review your proposal. I have enclosed the appropriate sections ofa minor alteration application. The appropriate submittal requirements are as follows: O Photos orsketches whichclearlyconvey the existing conditions. f, Photos or sketches which clearly convey thc proposed or site alterations. O All relevant spocifrcations for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. O CondominiumAssociationapproral. I have enclosed an cxample of a drawing subrnitted for a previously approvcd garden window project within the Town of Vail. I havi also attached the first page of a staff interpretation, regrding greenhouse windows' The six itcms relatcd to greenhouse windows must be addresse4 for the window to be classified as a greenhouse window. Please refer to the drawings I have attached, for an example as to how these six criteria havc been addressed. Shoufd you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact mo directly at (970) 479-2128. Sincercly. Town Planner Enclosures DDIWjT {p rrn""roruo .l I\{E1\{ORANDI.']\T Staff Interpretations Notebook 1996 Consolidation of policies on GRFA - Interpretation #70 il.- Date: Re: N{ay 14, Tbe defurition ofGRFA is anached Inlerior walls ale included in GRFA calculations. For duplex and primary/sccondary structueq common party walls shall be considcrcd extcrior walls. Bay windorvs, fircplaccs, and mantcls shall bc included in CRFA calculations. Greenhousc n'indoss (self-suppo(ing rvindorvs) shall not bc countcd as GRFA Grcenhousc windows arc defrncd according to rhc follon'ing critcria (scc grapbic): l. Disrancc Abovc lnsidc Floor kvet - In order for a rvindorv to be considered a grccn}ousc window, a minimum disrancc of36" must be providcd bcnvcen thc bonom ofthe windorv and the lloor surfacc,' as measurcd on the inside face ofthc building rvall. (Floor srrface shall not includc steps nccessary to mcet Building Code egress requiremcnts). The 36" minimum was cbosen bccause it locatcs the window roo high to be comfonably uscd as a rvindow scal and bccause il allorvs for a typical 4'high gearhousc t'indorv to bc used in a room rvith an 8'cciling hcight. 2. Projertion - No grecnbousc rvindo\v may protrudc more than 18" from the exlerior surfacc of$c building. Thr's distancc allows for adequatc rclicf for appcarancc purposcq witbout substantially adding to tbe mass and bulk of thc building. 3. Construction Charactcristics - All grcenhousc rvindows shall bc sclf-supporting and shall not requirc special framing or constuction mclhods for support, with tbe exception that brackcts below the-' *-- -window may be allowed providcd they die into the wall of lbe building at a 45 dcgrec anglc. A small . roofover the window may also be allowed provided the overhang is limited to 4" beyond thc window plale. 4. Dimensional Rcquiremcnt - No grccnhousc uindow shall bave a total window surfacc arsa Srcater tban 44 s.f. This figurc was dcrived on thc assumption that tbc morimum hcight of a window, in an avcragc sizcd roo4 is 4'and thc maximum tidth for a 4'high scllsupporting wiDdow is bcnrecn 6' and 8' (approximarely 32 s.f.). Since rhe window would problde no morc tban l8', thc addition of side windorvs would bring tbc ovenll window area to approximately 44 s.f, Quantity - Up to two (2) geenbouse windorvs will be allowed per dwclling unit, however, tbe 44 s.f. sizc limitation will apply to tbc combined arca of tbe trpo u'indows. Greenhouse uindows do not count as site coverageT If ....:_::::-:-:J-_-jj:i._.-..:-.- - .. . . . - -. / Pagc 1 of3 Deflnltlon: Crlculatlon: i 5. ?4 I t\' € re{ 69ltx $ ttt ? 3I\l to -t 3o€ ? 3 f,.Co ') !lgl- J l- TAo 2 Jo- it 9E:r ES s}is s rtr $l .-.--, - tt E 't' @rtn ^ruool$^*"r. aLAD UJrrlood 5 qFEetr O Aata$ -t-Eyr9lrNq, 'o_l(21 frr' Ftrgorn S i-1-;i^;;;#a?; ttMt{4il F:dgTrpq'o I Iq?EAP fr\*16''11 -f ..3 ca^,lr$uoo5 @PeF,y',- ' r\^rlruq F\alrtGoqe4ao '$ .vtvl ftt6cr A Fpel' Lroo <2lO$.r uJooo et\1qt.€ Et!q,uN9iowq 5Edwxt 169.1 fSAv rzr.rr.l4ro P &t t4, rr,L ' ,!6ce1 er4. /i,rAt DCr LrNEr .z"rg^w& F|fz-$, ?(h.rr@4eEeN To tt*949^,^t*, 9of FIT: f iq ({,ooo Elorrrq. sfAreear fo ^iA{r-HEXlrTtpq. f 1o*r,rq@q6* ff"oruEg GOX €rIANEo q?eaJ -to Arrytctt*fr. ;r,il: ;';#;- 1o ,r,\ATctt Exuliuq. I I n .l lt,2u:f-o" t-t 5J v N ul R N ,.'s ll--lll:llf:--]t !=-JtE_] RACEPT- I h olrrn iul| tg ,p?? RECBN'EDFROM ADDRESS DOII.ARs, -N9 - toKcb^tffouy. t itu Pcrmit Nrmbon Folioc Rrcclpt Mrmbon DTV PAIL- ) .t '/ i T(}Lft"l (]F LJfl f L Iliscel laneous Cash fJ7- 17-?7 1'f :5,?:43 P*c*ic,t +:?7ii56 $kcor-rntS r:l'i+:3f? T'ELPHII.IE GL!]T'I'EI'i\,TIEF FEE Frr'rc,un t. t,.:!-rder*d l Item paid ft 1Llr:rgB4I f,f, 1E1r:-16 f:h.en,tr* r'? t.u rn4'J .r 28. BB Amount paid ?fl. BB '; " fifl .I-H€F{|< 1/ElJ v,fur cashi*r EEFITHH FILE r'r/Pr TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Junc 13, 1997 D e p artme nt of Conrnuniry Deve lopnent Dce Claddcn Routc tl Box 9 Hanison. AR 72601 RE: Garden window requcst. Dcar Dce: This lc6er is in rcsponse to your rcquest to placc a gardcn window in thc upstairs. cast wall of thilffib 3aff|f A Design Rcview Board application is nccessary. so staff may rcvicw your proposal. - I havc cncloscd thc appropriate scctions ofa minor altcration application. Thc appropriatc submitul rcquircments arc as fbllows: n Photos or skctchc.s which clcarly convey thc cxisting conditions. n Photos or sketchcs which clcarly convcy thc proposed or sitc altcrations tl All rclcvant spccifications for thc proposal including colors and rnatcrials to bc uscd. O CondominiumAssociationapproval. I havc cncloscd an cxamplc of a drawing submittcd for a prcviously approvcd gardcn window project within thc Town of Vail. I havc also attached tlre first pagc of a staff intcrprctation. regarding grecnhouse windows. Thc six itcms rclatcd to grcenhousc windows must bc addrcssed. for thc window to be classified as a grccnhousc window. Plcase refer to the drawings t havc attachcd, for an cxamplc as to how thcsc six criteria havc bccn addressed. Shoufrl you havc any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me dircctly at (970) 479-2128. Sincerclv. Town Planner Enclosures DDIWjT {p *""r""roruro t Qucstions? C'lll tlrc l'l;rrrnirrg Stlff at 479-2 | 21{ APPI-ICA'TION FOR DESIGN REVIIiW APPROVAI, T?lffN 0t^ C EN I]t{AL INITORMAI'ION Tlis lppliciui<tn is lirr lrry pro.icct rcquirirrg Dcsign Rcviov approval. Arry projcct rctluiring dcsigtt rcvi*v tttust rccciyc l)csig1 Il.cvicrv approval prior to srrtrrnitting lbr a lruiltlittg pcrrnit. For spccilic ittlorrttation, scc thc subtttiltitl rctlrrircrlcrrts lirr thc particular approval tlrat is rcqucstcd. Thc rtpplicatiotr cartttot bc acccptr:tl trntil all lhc rcquirctl illirrruatiol is subrtriltcd. Thc pro.icct nray also nccd to bc rcvi*vcd by thc Torvn C'ourrcil attd/or tltc I'littttting atttl Ilnv ir6u rrrc6tul (irrrr rrrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv lloard applovnl cxpil'cs onc yc,lr al'tcl linal appl'ovll ttnlcss a builtling pclntit is issrrcd and constrllction is stnrtcd' A. DESCRIPI'ION OF- TIIII REQUESI': Il LCX'ATION ()l; PROP()Sn L: LOT:- IILOCK:- IrlLlNG: PIJYSI('AL ADDRESS: PAR(:EL II: ZONING: ((lonlact Elglc ()o. Asscssors Othcc at 970-32tt-tl(r40 lbl parccl ll) l). ll.NAME OF OWNER(S): MA I I.,IN(; At)DITIJSS: PIIONIJ: owNrlR(s) sr GNA'IU r{li(S): C;, NN N4E OI? APPI,IC]AN1': MAILING ADDII.L]SS: Pt-toN[: H. ]'YPE OF REVII]W AND FEE: E Ncw Constructiorr - $200 Constntction of a ncrv bttilding. D Additiott -$50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcrl to any rcsidcntial or connrcrcial building. [] N,linor Altcration - $20 Inclutlcs nrinor changcs to builtlings and sitc irnprovcnrcnts, such as, lclooting. pairrting, windorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs antl rctailring walls, ctc. fl Conccptual Rcviov - $0 For any application rvhcrc thc applicant wishcs to nrcct rvith Dcsign Revierv Board to dctcrnrinc rvhcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplics with thc dcsign guidclirrcs. Thc DRII docs not votc on cotrccptual rcviovs. DRII lccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying fbra br.rilding pcrnrit, plcasc idcntily thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTorvnofVail will adjust thclbcaccordiug to thc plojcct valuation. PLBASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRENIENTS AND THE FBE TO THE DEPARI'MENT OF COMMUNITY DBVBLOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGB ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 8I657. 1t I]UILDINC MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED I}IA'I'ERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Uf'd rc(l l/9 ? eQtQ.R:* Roof Siding Other Wall Matcrials Fascia Soflits Windows Windorv Trinr Doom D<lor Tlinr l-land or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinurcys Trash Enclosurcs Crecnhouscs Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Othcr * Please specify the nranufacfurer's cotor, nunrber and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, pleasc indicatc the nunrber of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan, Identify each fixhrre typc and providc the height above grade, lutnens output, lurninous area, and attach u.ut $fl ofthe lighting fixhlres. I II. PlT[,.A PPI- IC'ATION CONITI R ENC E A llrc-irpJrlicntiorr corrfcrcncc rvitlr a plarrrring stalT nrcrtrbcr is strorrgly cncouragcd. No applicatiotr can trc acccplc(l trrrlcss it is corrrplctc. Il is tlrc applicant's rcspoDsibility to ruakc iln appointnlcnt rvith tlrc stat'f to dctcrrrriuc urlditiorral sLrbruiltal rco u irc rrrcn ts. TIMI] IIL:,OUIREMENTS The Dcsigrr llcvicrv l-loarrl nlccls on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach lnorrth. A conrplctc applicatiou lbrnr and all acconrprnying nratcrial ruLtst lrc acccptctl by tltc Clotutnutrity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcl)itrtnlcnt a nrininrLrrrr ol'tlrrcc ancl a lralf (l l/2) rvccks prior to thc diltc of'thc DRB public hcaring, rvitlr tlrc cxccptiorr ol' corrccpltral rcvicrvs. REVIEW C]RITERIA Your proposal rvill bc rsviovcd fbr conrpliancc rvitlr tlrc Dcsigrr Guidclincs as sct tbrllr in Scction I ti.5.1 of thc Muuicipul ('orlc. NO'I'E 1'O AI-I- APPI-ICAN']'S: A. ll'rr propcrty is locatctl irr a rnappcd hazard arcrt (i.c. snow avalanchc, rocklall, lloodplain, tlcblis llorv. rvctland, clc), il hirz;lr(l study tlrust ttc sultnrittcd itrrtl thc owncr nrusl sign an allidirvit rccogrrizing llrc hlz;rrd rcporl prior to thc issuilncc <rf a bLrilding pcrnrit. Appliciults iuc cncouragcrl Iu chcck rvitlr llrc plitrrrrirrg strrll'pliol to sutrrrrittll ol'a DIlll applicatiorr to tlctcrnrinc thc rclationship ol'tlrc propcrty lo all rrruppcd lrazaxls, B. lJasic Plan SIrccl ljolruat. Fol all survcys, sitc plitns, lnrrdscapc plarrs and othcr sitc inrprovcnrcnts pllns, all ol'thc lbllorviug nrust bc slrorvn. l. Plan shcct sizc nrust bc 24"xf6". For lurgc plo.jccts, largcr plan sizc nray bc allowcd. 2. Scalc. l'hc rnirrinrunr scalc is l"=20'. All plans nrust bc at thc sarnc scalc. 3. Craphic birr scalc. 4. North arrorv. 5. Titlc block, projcct nlnrc, projcct nddrcss nnrl Icgal dcscription.(r. Indication ol'plan plcparcr, addrcss and phonc nunrbcr. 7. Datcs ol'oliginal plan plcparatiorr and all rcvision datcs, tt. Vicinity nrap or locittion luap at l scalc of l"= 1,000' or largcr. 9. Shcct labcls and uunrbcrs. l0 . A bordcr rvitlt a ntinirnunr lctl sitlc rnarsin of 1.5". I l. Nanrcs ofall adjaccnt roadrvays. 12. Pliur lcgcnd. C:. For ncw constnrction and additions, thc applicant nrust stake and tapc thc projcct sitc to indicatc propcrty lincs. proposctl buildings and building corncrs. All trccs to bc rculoved must bc tapcd. Thc applicant nrust cnsure that staking donc during thc wintcr is not buried by snorv. All sitc tapings and staking must bc complctcd prior to thc day of thc DRB mceting. D. Applicants who fhil to appcar betbrc thc Dcsign Rcview Board on thcir schcduled mecting datc and rvho havc not askcd in advancc that discussion on thcir itcnr bc postponcd, will havc thcir itcnts rcrnovcd fiom the DRB agcnda until such tinrc as thc itcm hhs bccn rcpublishcd. E. lfthc DRts approvcs the application rvith conditions or.,(dditi.utions, all conditions ofapproval Inust bc rcsolved pfi-Of to thc issuancc of a buitding perhrit. III. IV. o1r u o o o o MINOR AL'I'ERATIONS TO TlIE EXTBRIOR OF BUILDINCS AND SITE IMPROVEMIINTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applics to changcs tnnds to a sitc or cxtcrior altcrations ofa building. Any altcration in rvhich additional building squarc footagc is addcd will rcquirc an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or skctchc.s which clcarly convey thc cxisting conditions. Photos or skctchcs which clcarly convcy thc proposcd. building or sitc altcration(s). All rclcvant spccitications for thc proposal including colors and nratcrials to bc uscd. Condominiunr Association approval ( if applicabl c). lfthc intcnt ofthc proposal is not clcarly indicatcd, thc Adnrinistrator ntry dctcrnrinc that additionol nlatcrials trc ncccssitry for thc rcvicw of thc application. ^0WN fiFVltIL // *f- t I I\'IEnlOR 4'NDUII Staff Intcrprctations Notebook ': Dominic Mauriello, Planncr \{ay 14, 1996 Consolidation of policies on GR-FA - Interpretation #70 To: l .t,L From: Date: Re: D cfl nltlon: Calculatlon: The defrnition ofGRFA is anachcd Intcrior walls arc includcd in GRIA calculations. For duplcx and primary/sccondary sulcrures, common Party rvalls shall be considered crtcrior s'alls. Bay rvindon's, fircplaces, and mantcls shallbc includcd in CRFA calculations. Grccnhousc n'indorr.s (self-zupporring rvindos's) shall not bc countcd as GRFA. Gre cnhousc lt'indorvs arc dcfincd acconding to thc follos'ing critcria (scc Aaphic): l. Disrancc Abovc Insidc Floor Lcvel - In ordcr for a rvindorv lo bc considcrcd a grccnhousc s'indorv, a minirnum disrancc of36" must bc providcd bcnvccn thc bonom of thc *'indorv and thc floor surfacc,' as mcasurcd on thc insidc facc ofthc building l'all. (Floor surlace shallnot includc stcps necessary lo mcct Building Codc cgrcss rcquircmcnts). Thc 36" minimum rvas chosen bccausc it locatcs thc rvindorv roo high to bc comforrably uscd as a s'indorv scal and bccausc it allorvs for a qpical 4'higb grccnhousc s'indorv to bc uscd in a room tvilh an 8'cciling hcight. 2. Projcction - No grccnhouse s'indorv may protrudc morc than 18" from thc cxtcrior surfacc ofthc building. This djstancc allows for adcquatc rclicf for appcarancc purposcs, rvithout substantially adding to thc mass and bulk ofthc building. 3. Consrruction Characlcristics - All grccnhousc rvindorvs shall bc sclf-supporting and shall not rcquirc spccial framing or construcrJon metbods for support, rvith thc cxccption rhat brackcts below tbe ' - "-" -. - " --- -'tvindorv may be allorvcd providcd thcy dic into the wall oftbe building at a 45 dcgrcc angle. A small . roofovcrrhe window may also bc allorvcd providcd tbc ovcrhang is lirnitcd to 4" beyond the window plane. 4. Dimensional Requirement - No grccnbouse u'indow shall bave a total window sr.rrface area grealer than 44 s.fl Tbis figurc u'as derived on lbc assumption that tbc maximum bcight of a rvindow, in an avcrage sizcd roonr, is 4 and thc maximum sidth for a 4 higb self-supporting rvindow is bctwccn 6' ' and 8' (approximately 32 s.f.). Since the window rvould protrudc no morc tban l8', thc addition of . side windou's would bring tbe overall window area to approximatcly 44 s.f, 5, Quandry - Up to two (2) greenhouse u'indol's n'ill be allorved per dwelling unlt, however, tbe zl4 s.f. sizc limiution will apply lo rhc combincd area of tbc two u'indows. Pagc I of3 1;4o s) +."* CBlt} x$ ttl € '! 3u a 'al ?oa ?f rf.co ') d 'CP e.t-Irlo z J(L ii 9Ef* Efi gse \ll .n $l .r\ 43f ?**f i$$ /i I IIriqr-||'.-ta t-t'' r. (aptuua.r s Z4fyhl-. F!+srai ui F,\l(i,O qcev-+r ID /}r'(V$ {r.tgc I A 2tls" t.)e.o frQ-r4. ei*tp@C$f+N To ft.4-T-ttFtrtstt%. f F\T: T {., t,loco gtorrjq. Sfnrpeo (o ^1ft(4ilEXtSTtpq . f 1r.rtu u11e/ C|A* C,.LAA t JuJoorJ 5 F\.o,,r€g GOx Fl.c1. {.,0 ooo 6to':q UJooO {'tl!51E5 l t- 5t' ./6cer gre(. rfoo rjfu r-sN-Et . +I I o 9\,npeo a"e.ar -ro /tirA'(ad 61rlI. M^gorjp.ll4u-. 7\.t51' Couoa.ScFFt 1'. -T t q (.),oo I tOrrJl . 91.Y.lrEO 10 4MLl+ Ext'Trut...t' Ip PYr>1. 5EaTtoNr ft+?lj f5A.,-( U,yoo.., - t',r"=f-on g.zA.1+ /,///,. - { 1t ,,:)O .\q*c-E* Lt tE----1(r-::lt lr-rl lE_] 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Cotnrnunity Development COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAI, SHEEI COMPANY NAlvlE: FAX TELEPIIONE NUMBER: FROM: -*T: rF( zZA8,erw DATE: 6'lz ^22 TIME: # oF PACES rN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT TNCLUDTNG COVER SHEET)----8-- RESPONSE REQUIRED'I SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX#: (970) 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMLiNITY DEVELOPMENT TET,EPHONE #: SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: -D ee ., I lra..t ao. e.'..r..9 5.^ ' €J[., ,n j".J.'3 ?-*,,'e.^J 'B.,a,S ^qpA;...-*,- A '^e6*''xJ ' ^l&'.r 4., 7,o.&o* c^r''"So,|r .^e6.^,*,*.*s. +^apl,uI @, q4o,l!r (.,^rs\L.,.s . 'il, gq'rJ,^ -f 'o< o^Qs o I.ut c''kc ..r,'^c{"..,. 4 A fut,t".' oA"4e/ )"/o.**,_ .fa"n o^ e^^,-/& 4 .-n{ *'K on1/"onl<*, c-DtFr<' Cr I o.^.^,\ {g rnro"orur* 7l.o S 5 du gloddcn f 090 voif vicw ddva #9 voil o 8t657-{52 n0.${"|26as -cblPhlne k glodclen raull C-dlq q o nfrson or728l--81o fi tttl'S49'1, .*i* arc 141- ?+42 ff2, t1t|1 tfut ?l" twa (esurrw' irgrtvt' * A. ft6<-u? 6 g-t & yl^. *'o1flato 'r^' frt u-p**r,s e$Y rr,e'Lr (Uzft"*-S f--TZWn*"h u-nk +q $4o t/^l tl,:att V t/ul , co 8t651 ' Thi "rrr^y wlt finth'u ofkul -t-t-lt",nnr h-- eail+t^ wwtAc"ps ; "iF * 6,*8 , *r5 o'^8 hfl- 40" W*t 4 bte'lor' q hY- cP^Ao fu'@''A''* spproal tir^ tiup roa i"nf Utud'' t *"vete\ ilft *-/, -i-ow^ 4 'lt"-P *.IL AD 5D aL'ac E {w.{t o"\"lhu A"W uPrh Wr)de I c,un w\bia-l^ 1('ru ^uyen &"ilr '7 QAun t airrt* f' ry arb&^ail uf,atu*'t -{n=M r s=; r oFr *=={- JUN-12-97 ll t22 lD:97Q4?92452 t< )< iD< .JOEI I{IJT,IE EF: r I\IFOFa},IAT I O I\r C CtDE TELEPHONE NU}IBER NA}IE ( ID NU}IBER ) START T I }IE PAGES TRANS}II TTED RESOLUTION SECUR I TY IIACH I NE ENGAGED x><i)< TO!'-COu-DEV-DEPT. 544 ctcr=, 9re?f,74t3492 JUN-12-9? l1:22 gog STD OPF og,gQ TRANSI{ I SS I ON I{ODE REDIALING TII{ES }IA I LBOX G3 o5 OFF THIS LAST ISSION }'AS NOT COI{PLETED.PLEASE RETRANS}I T T. SUCCESSFUL PAGE ooa TOWN 73 se.tat Fr-ort ae- LoadYaaL Corera& 81657970-1 79- 2 t 3 ty1 7e-2 t t 9.FAX 970-179-2152 Dcparon at etF Car..E zaiOt E a"jer-,prrrcrta colttfrl t l\rr-rY DE\ZEr_OPritE|\r.rFAv 'T'Il.l\|\tst\/t t.I-rA r - Stl|tE-r r<>: -E:-e- ,z ,..^ - , c<)t\tPA,I\'Y Fr\>< 'rEr-Eplrc>FlE rrrtrnaBqp.: 8fu2 - ------.t - -<n,ze- -) FR-O\': ---t-\ r-Fr< ?24,-=.--L. D,/\'TE: €:/4 -?n -rrrvrB *t <rF PA,CES tr\r Elc)c(-,\rE3hf-r(s) (No'-r- lFtcLUOrN<; COVEta Srreer) F .|raES Pr(]'l\ISt t* F.'lr f rp Fy.r.r_ SENA- E}Y 'rO\ /r{ OF !'A.IL- co^/r t\,tIJI{ ITL DEVEI-o|t>l\'EI\f- FAr< #: (rr7(\\ a7a_24s,2 7-OIVl\r Op v.A,rL, co^rrvf (j}tlr-v I>E3\/E[-OPAz|ENT -t-Ef-Elpr{or\rE #: (a7o\ 4.7q_2r>,<.4 sPt3cr,{L COt\dI\,tEht a-s AtlD r{o:rEsr -'-D +- aE A-q -1.-r-.-re :,s_- B,-a.- -r-.a-.,'12.--,'-- <c.q,s aftz -.,--*- A- ^r6*ra<4. & +- 2---&^ .*. ',-Jo.- ,..o*.k-ts - 6- A c----ri\3 <.*rr, r.EJ qa, Zr-\.r<-:L - <_-=>t-<, +--**** a{- 7-<- -..^dL- _ -4 * *.,i4 -/"- -Q.,- --.4e ).,,4---.4_ -.2'-- cq. f-a -^ e-a -_r,1 I'?Z--- <c-Q-< .-.rr../< -^!<t \}-=. \.L-.i. . J.:' :.,? i-,t: ,,rr+,;TLiii ''/ , FTATUR ',,The Goden- j{,llne* Goroen winoow:ornes ovariobre rrr. MOdgl 5'100 lTo?!,n'"t"o Qr i,Fe ene/gY soving duol or':rec MOdgl SrlO0 li0 3fl8-P Wlndow duol glozed singfe glozed DuoJ grozed ,nsvlotiig gtoss units in your home meqnsiower heof'ng ono oir condition'ng gosts os wel osr€ducgd moinrenor ce costs. Surr-Sc:eeno soior scr,een mesh orevenls sccrchingcf plsn15 Blocks up 10 7C% ol lhg 5x6'5 heot ondglore Mavrng v9ni,g fu1ly ursgtherstriop€d top venloesrgn glionys exce!ler i r e.rlriOlrqn --{r Sivrf y qr3nl lype operolor teolures p65ir..r€ ' OC k r:)g - Ertruce,J ote tnrnr-tm I'r,fme wrfh re,nforced corners IC: supCOr' - Ertrqnded metor sle! ,f riows tor propef Oir {low Ondfequtres Ilflle Cieo'];ng, - Ad,usfoc,e sh9i1 6'oaL"is for eosv shelf Oosir on --{' Dr.i'q5 e bronzecr whrte poinled fin,sh SPECIFICATIONS !--' GOnerql: Goroen ,y'Vrndows ofe OvqrJoble ra fwo otflerenl ser'es 5'?9Ser;es gror€d w th s.ngie oon€ gtoss. oro JUuu Je.res gioaed with rf|sulotec gloss - MOlc?iol: All lrome ond sosh rnembers mon.rfocrureq or9xtru6s6 oi.,,mirur 6063.t5 oiloy lntermediole shelv,rne r5moqe ol /usl.prool exponded oluffinum metot, for -cir crrc\rloticn with three supEror.ts Fe/ srerl Bcncm 36911 ,,,.aprgce Sorrd OlU.ni"rr, OOn -- Contlluclton: 3r^ l,/ootror.Fe Fixeosash rne,-peisgre Cu'fs/oe giOZ€O ,orned \^,irh scfew losie|^.ers rOprOv,gg weotFe'ttghf Ond slruCtUrolly sounO ?crners Operoole sosh rs iu y,weo.he,stripped \,/tlh vtny L - Hordwgre:.cperolor rs cronk lvpe, oosrlive tockrog wilhexrruded lif1 orm -- Screen: Scrgen ,obrrcoteo o, fubulof .ciledql!m n,ln trome wilh sun.Screen goior Screen rneshonq o vinvl sptine. - Finirh: All erposed surlqces, except tor expondeq sbeiv;n ggre lurntsned with qx gteclras:oticcf f V qpc.,lieJ pornte(llinrsh. Inrlollolton: units 51-rq.1a aa set plu mb. svoight onqrrrre ond sho;ld be secUred In occcrdorae w fhTloaJtoctJrer s recornmendotions tJnll rs lo be f toshed qnd courked to provide ,.Meother trghl seol 3'H|OH I \ ? :-TJt€Bi a ^{ ,.I lal\GI.) .{tF 4'ond S'HIGH All 3' hlgh unlh hov. onc $elf Stondord Size' 35x347. 47 x3Ar/t A[ 4' oncr 5'hrgh untf! no".*o ,n;]t *to* 35xy'6t/, 47x46./t li:ft:(; All 6' hlgh unll hoy. lhrcr rhrlws4060. ... . .47x70t/t '12" de Orh unr! Rough Openrnglor New Construclion 3030 4030 3C40 4040 50d0 6040 I .iKrr f f Y A L r.'ii I:.li- ' P R..l S rJ ai i- l |". ! I i, UNION FOI"JE R ROA'J ili'/If{fi, TExAI ;9061 (!77)A3!1 -.4 757 cols r(:, 6'fltct{ CAUII -JT_ r(.€txaFg'!?{t It NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT Mi l/urtD PERMTT permit #: 895-0284 APPLICANT BEAVERS CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX ?07, INDTAN HTLLS, CONTRACTOR BEAVERS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 70?, INDIAN HILLS,OWNER GLODDEN DELPHINE 1090 vArL vrEvt DR, VAIL CO Description: BATH REMODEL 75 Sowh Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX970-47%2452 Occupancy: R1Tlpe Construction: V 1HR Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi rcptacc tntornations Restri ctad: Job Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DRLocation... : TELEMARK #9Parcel No.. : 2103-014-09-009Project No. : PRJ95-0L77 804s4 80454 81657 Department of Communiry DevelopmentSt,atus...: ISSUEDApplied..: 0e/os/L99tIssued...: 09/08/L99r Expires. . : 03/06/L99(, Multi-Family Not in tabLe! Phone: 303-687-0971 Phone: 303-68?-0971 Phonez 476-2665 105 .30 .00 105.30 105 .30 tot tfood/Pat l..t: *t ffi** FEE SUI{|IARY ff*fi****ffiffiffiffi**r****ffift#*ff 1, 850 fof Gas Appt irnces: Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs: ,OO Total, Cal,cutated Fees--->.00 Additionat F."s-------->.m Totel P.rnit tcF------->.00 Paynents*----- Bui Lding-----> PtEn check-> lnvcstigati on>tlitL Catl,----> Restuarant Plan Revi era--> DRB FeF------ 62.@ 40.30 ,00 Rccreation Fc"---------> 3.00 CLcan-t p Deposi t-.-----> TOTAL FEES--_-ffi**ffi*****ffiffi*****ffiffiffi**ffi*ff***tffir*#(#***ffitff***tffiffiffi**** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: IteI!|! .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT99/05/L9_95_DAN ecEion:--ADFRIte{ri'.0s400 PLANNTNG DEFARTMENT-09/05/L99s DAN acEion:- AFFnItetlri'.05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT --- -- 99/o5/L995-DAN Acrion: AppRIte.!r!'.05500 PUBLTC wORKsO9/05/L995 DAN ection: AppR ffi *********fffi ffiffi *r*******ffi ffi **t*****iffi *f ffi **ffi ****t**t**t*tt See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l. hcr.by .acknovlc{ge th"a-l-h?Y: f:!d.this appt.ication, fitLad out in ful,t thc infor06tion rcquirrd, conptrted an accurEtc plotptan, and strtc t[,Et alt thc inforD.tion provioed as riquired. is correct. i i9."" to compty hrith thc infonnation ana ptot i[an,to.conpty vith !tt Toun ordinlncca_and statc_trwsr.and to buitd this structure-accordi ng iotha Townr! roning and subdivisiincodcs, dcsign revicw approvcd, l,rniforn Buitding C6dc and othcr ordinances of the Town afpIicabl,c thcreto, REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS ltl ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21* OR AT OUR OtFtCE Fno E:m a s:oo pr.l Scnd Clean-up Dcposit To: GLADDEN AT 479-21* 0R AT ouR orFtCE tRott E:m A 5:00 {; rt"ourr "o "*{reil}{0F*1ffi (******************i**[**************************************** t *WAi4?9_2tl$$7yy39************************************************************** FAX 970-479-2452-p-6-rrniu ry-tel ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applicant : BEAVERS CONSTRUCTION 303-687-0971 Job Address:Location: TELEMARK #9Parcel No: 2103-014-09-009 75 South Frontage Road t&dpaolbr&a &tr0*0284 Description: BATH REMODEL Conditions: 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED IN OF THE 1991 UBC.2. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED3. FIRE DEPARTMENT TO APPROVE FIRE CONDITIONS DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment as of 09/08/95 Statuss ISSUED Applied: 0e / 0s /!995Issued: 09/08/1995 To Expirez 03/06/t996 ALL BEDROOMS AS TO CHECK FOR CODE ALARM SYSTEM. PER SEC.1210 COMPLIANCE. {Sr*uoru"r .vv **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * statemnt Number: REc-006? Amounts 105.30 09/08/95 10:59 . Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *L967 Init: LRD 895-0284 TIpe: A-MF 2103-014-09-009 1O9O VAIL VIE!| DR TELEMARK *9 Total FeeE:105.30 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *i* * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * ** tl * ** ** * * ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 105.30 105.30 .00 Amount 62,OO 40.30 3.00 Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees: Location: This Payment Account Cdde 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P9 5-013 6 AT #: 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR FAX97O-479-2452 Location... : TELEMARK #9 Parce1 No.. : 2103-014-09-009Project No. : PRJ95-0L77 APPLICANT BEAVERS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX ?07, INDIAN HILLS, 80454 CONTRACTOR BEAVERS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 707, INDTAN I|ILLS, 80454OWNER GLADDEN DELPHINE 1090 VAIL VIE!{ DR, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 De partment of Community Deve lopment Description: BATH REMODEL Valuation: l,l0O.OO *t* rl* FEE SUllllARY ******ffirtt*******ffi**ffi Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 09/os/L99tIssued...: 09/08/L99! Expires. . : 03/06/L99C Phone:303-687-0971 Phone:303-687-0971 Phone:476-2665 Phone: 3039 4917 47 P tunbi ng__)' Ptan Chcck-> I nvcst i gat i o{DIi L t Ca t t--> 30.00 Restuarunt Ptln R.vicrr-->7.50 ToTAL FEES--- .00 3.00 .00 Total crtculatcd F.ca--->/.0.50 Additionrt [e3---->' Total Pcrnit Fcc-___) Payrents---------> 40.50 .00 40.50 40.50 FRo 8:00 A 5:00 Pi Item: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO9/O5/L995 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: *ffiffiffi **********t*tf******t*****r***ffi s***ff *ffi ffi *ffi ff ffi **ffi Hffi COND]TION OE'APPROVAL ****t*******ffiffi***titt*****t*****ffi****l*ffiffiffi****ffiffi*t**#**ff**ffi*ffi*ffiffi*ffiffi**ffiffit**ff* DECLARATTONS l - hcrcby .acknorrtldge thlt I hlvc r.ad thi3 rppLic.tion, fitl,cd out in futl, th. infornation rcquired, corpl,rtcd an accurate ptotplan, and stat. that alt th! infortEti_on providcd as required is corrcct, I agree to compty riith thc iniornation and ptot pl,an,to conPty Hith att Tovn ordinancca and statc tavs, and to buil,d this structurc according io-thc Tovn.s zofling .nd subdjvisiLncodes, dcsign revieu approvcd, tniforn Euil,ding Codc and othcr ordinlnc.s of th. tonn appl,icabtc thcrcto. REAUESTS FoR INSPECTToNS SHALL BE l.lADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE By TELEPHONT AT 479-2138 OR AT OUt OFFICE L- lllo.t''- {g*""t"uoruo ******************************************************!t********* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt *****************************************t********************** Statemnt Number; REC-006? Anount: 40.50 09/08/95 11:01 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1967 Init: LRD P95-0136 Type: B-PLMB PLInIBING PERMIT 2L03-0L4-09-009 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR TEL,EI"IARK #9 Total Fee6: 40.50 40.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Palanent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 40.50 .00- Anount 30.00 7 ..50 3 .00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0192 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2Bq/479-2139 Job Address: 1090 VAIL vIEw DR FAXg7A47g-2452 Location... : TELEIIARK #9Parcel No.. ! 2103-014-09-009Project No. : PRJ95-0L77 APPLICANT BEAVERS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 707, INDTAN HTLLS, 80454 CONTRACTOR, EEAVERS CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 707, INDIAN HILLS, 80454 OWNER GLADDEN DELPHINE 1090 VAIL VIEVT DR, VArL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VALLEY VIIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L620 Description: BATII REMODEL Department of Community Development Status...: ISSUEDApplied..z 09/05/L99!Issued...z 09/08/L991Expires..: 03/06/L99a Phone:303-687-0971 Phone: 303-687-0971 Phone '. 47 6-2665 Phonez 303949L747 300.00Valuation: Totat Catcuht.d tccs--> 45.m fr ffr*|| r,r'rt**ffi FEE SUl,lilAnY ff*ftffi********t*ffiff**fffi***ff*****t***ff**i E |'rctri cal---> DRB f c! ->Invcsti gltion> t,i Lt Cat t---> IOTAL FEES_-> 42.fi .00 .00 3.00 45.m Additionat F4s------> Tota[ P.rrit t!r----->.00 45.00 45.m EALANCE DUE__________> .00 ffi *t****ft*****f**ff *t*H*ff **ffi ffi #***ffi**rH*ffi ffi Ite.m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT09/05/L995 DAN Action: AFFn Dept,: BUILDING Division: ****ffi*******t***t***ffi**r***ffi***f**ffi#ffi**#***tllr**ffi***ffi*ffi****fi****iffi*ffit*:tffi*ffi*******ffi***t***t** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ff*f****t*tt***ffi*ffi**t**ffit******t*tffi*ffi**t*ffff**ffi***ffi*****ffitffi**t***ffifffr**tffi******t*** DECLARATIONS l. hcreby .ackmrtcdge that I h.vc rcld this appl,ication, fil,l,ed out in ful,t the inforr.tion rcqui rcd, coryt.tcd .n rccurrtc ptotptan, and strtc that .t[ th! intorrti.on provided as rcquircd is corrcct. I agrer to corpty rii ttr tirc iniornation and ptot iten,to.conPl'y rrith .tt Tovn ordinanccs .nd state [avs, and io buitd this st ructure-according io'the T*'n's zoning and subdivisibncgdas, dcaign revicv approvcd, Uniforn Buil^ding codc lnd othcr ordinances of the tovn aipLicabte thareto. REOUESTS foR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TtlEt{TY-FoUR HoURS Il{ ADVAT{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT otR oFFIC€ FRolt E:OO A[ 5:OO pi OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HITSELF AND OI'NERSIGNATURE OF {j*uoruo o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArr,, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0067 Amount: Palrment Method: CHECK Notation: *L967 4s.00 09/08/95 10:59rNit: LRD ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees: 45.00 Total ALL, PmtE: Balance: :k*************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 895-0192 TIT)e: B-ELEC 2103-014-09-0 0 9 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR TELEMARK #9 45.00 45.00 .00. Deseription Anount ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 42.OO WILL CALI-, INSPECTION FEE 3. OO T [ ]-Building f,..1-Fturnbing I J-Etectrlcal I rob Narne : %ar4 6b/&,/ (:{{fk"",J-I'lechanibal I J-other Icgat Oescription: Iot ock-tl Flling Ohrners l,lane: Architect: General Description: work class: [ ]-New ft3-Aft"ration [ ]-Additional ft4epair [ ] -other Number of Dluelling Units: I Nurnber of AccoruoodatLon Units: contractor: B coUTRAqIOR TNFORMATTON ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * Phone Nunber: ************ #*"t ,"u ,**if"+;;r_":i77=t Gas Appliancea - cas Loss - r{oolVpetlerx_ J[***************r* **4tc{ti*i{******* vALUATToNs ********************************* a:urlDrNc: i ysbf Er.EqrRrcAL: t J669 orHER: I \E;,Lr6ErNGt W neqrAx-icdila id;i; t-f.e^z--lil*nuuc2 | [1O^''> l.tEctnNICAL: $_ ^;: :: i . :#:: :il: :. ?:: :.::i "oxI.RA_To" lNFoRr'rArro:fi;i;;;,--..!-sve.Jr: L,€arr,.r< | J c.str.! cf,iGr\ I:I1^"S- ylll R:S: _N* fD,y; Electrical contractor: ua)l*y LrJi4$0.-,= ,,=. Town of vair Reg. no. )tY'(Address: phone Nunber: (Jr) flgnUine. conrractorr O*l\"..,. (ri dg Town of vail Reg. No.Address: .An- nr---^,-oo. _ t/f,J4 -()lzG Phone Nunber: ffil:3::'r contractor: pIT-"l yrf_r_ Ree. No.- Plrone Nurnber: ********it*********************** FOR oFFrcE usE * * ****** * * **** * *** * *** *********BUILDING PERUTT FEE8 PLT'}'BING PERUIT FEE: !.IECHANICATJ PERUTT FEE: EI/E TRTCAL FE8: OTHER TYPE OT FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AI| CIIECK FEE3 PLII.IBING PLAN CHECK FEE:I.IECHAI{ICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATTON FEE: CLSJAN-UP DEPOSTTs TOTAL PERI,IIT F BUTLDTNG: STGNATUREs ZONTNG: SIGNATI]RE: oz-P cr.EAx E rrPosrr xEPItf,D I0:bd phrxe- G(nA"(u-, ' 7e aJ-aL\!'A/r arnl*- ?- s- TO: FBOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'.IS REOUIRED I J_ob Name: !* =ej")A.nDate: 1- I -?< Please answer the following quesitionnaire regarding the n€ed for a 'Pubtic Way permit : YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ot the right ol way, easemEnls or public prope(y? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting lhe right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NO v1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) eg X / v r ^ V lf_V9u_ a19wer9d yes to any of these questions, a'Pubtic Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's offics or at C.o.ry1u1ttf Development. tf you have-any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townol Vail Construction Inspector, at.4Z9-21* I have read and answered atlthe above questions. Job Name Contraclor's Sig nalu re -l-r( ?5 routh front g. rcrd rtll. colo?ldo 91657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 TO: FRO}T: DATE: su&TECt: ottlc. ot conmunlty d.u.lopnrnl AI.L CONIRAETORS CURREIflTIJYL REGISTERED WITIT TIIETOWN OF VAIL TO!|N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI|MI'NITY DgvEIppuENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE rn sun*ary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ;t;;ir]-"J.i, sand, debrisor naterial, rncluding trash iunpster3, po*"urJ- toilets anaworknen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp)'ace or any portiin tulieoi.--irre rrgnt-of-way on alr Tovn ofvail streets lnd-roads is approiinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr be ;tri;ii;lnforced by the Town of vailPublic works Deoartment. --p"i=lns found vii,ritini this ordinancewitl be siven a-ze hour rriir;;';"ai;;1;-;:;;;"'="id mareriar.rn tbe event the person so notiriea-aoes-";;-;;p1y with thenotice within .n:_-, I noui - tirne -=p""iii.i, "ii"-ililic lforksDepartnenr uirl renove said mate;iai-;i-ir," Er.i#=e of personnotified. The provi=ions-or-trri3-""ai"J; ilIii not beappricable to c6nstructioni-r.iti"rr.nge or repair projects ofany street or atley or any uCiiiii"s in the rit[i_._r.y. To.review Ordinance.No. 6 in full , please stop by the Town ofvair Building Departnent t" -"utii" a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged e^&*,Jf,'-.---tlf,Qf r,n*{"^Jo" '- 3*-+"t-tr (i.e. contractor, oldner) I ?.r I lown 75 aouth tronbgf .o!d u.ll, colondo !l85z (3os) 479-2138 or 479-2139 c'lllcr of conmunlty d.u.lopmtil BUILDING PER}IIT ISSUANCE TIIIE FRAI{E If this permit requires 1Tow1 of vai'r Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensineer3s (pubr ic ttltt review ana.ipi,"ouai,'i iiiiiirni'bep."tmentreview or Health Departmint review,-"ni'a-review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estinated tine to"'a-totar ;;ilr-;,ai"Li!'i, rongas three weel(s. All comnercial fraroe or smail) and ail nurti-fanily permits wiilhave to foltow ttre iuove ffiii6r;i;iimum requirements. Residentiarand small projects shou'rd ta[" i-iesser''amount of time. However, ifresidential or smalrer.projecis irnpiit' tne various above nentioneddepartnents with reoard' to-necessily-".ui"*, these projects maya'l so talte the three-week perioa. Every.attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermi:t as soon as possible. - -v !^ree' r's e'' I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check prrcedure and t,ime Coranuni ty Development Department. "- Al^ ProJEcT-Xanre j ,_: :r:n 41}- - s_ Gign Review Action rOt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone --":'r ,/l tr: \-)+e (., lal[,."t," /o?o <.r;.9, u....--- ],aa Architec@Bg!.Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -L I Bbck 1l ! Subdivision L'c,., c P,.t.n t: /.;c Project Street Address:)o?o l) r,,-l (): ,,,- -Dr t 7 JJ zone District t/lTntr Board / Staff Action Motion by; Seconded by: FApprovat n Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner Dare: J^ tC - f g DRB Fee Pre-paid .r1fl 26* t .l JtI J.{I C.,' I r+l.lu.?l Dr ql ).1 A1l ,1 f* '*l;1 QI .rR il]o lFu ft:'.rlOt': :u il cJ: ,I H E{7'::9 {l 0>!'r'i gl )oU'Z H rr)Fer-t d sf,9-''='c 'U' TBrn(f trtIm $i * $F Ei $ $[E sI exa{rid T\,- r*e- t{ .o Fzzm !b,a U ?$ :e gi$ ol't *: s o, *r ? qr "'{ $'l $l Hf t il * pi F! Hl Hl $ flt iiqi i,i .r+O O ? l; ,. r{- -Gai oh RJl' t -;:-- oG'a ::. .,) ,.o -. ul C vl 4. ,.1- -i. ^S 'o.J \. F| fJ'(D \ $ fl $ \-/ | '.1 ) bo !:' J 1l 'al,o 'tilu, \ 'oo'\ .'iYr.) t.. o.\5 ') toa.+' ..\ Li ^\,\ i-j / -r' / I ^i ' ) ,i'' l- ",. : d' \"'i',1.l\/ (+ o t{'frtr; d' q BI H bc''", -.,,5*o t": q," \i''t{ r 'ou $^s3' :9- 1.!6 rst!\/ - t-' t n. 1 '.S,k .5 't. DESTGN **-lBoARD ********** BE********** I. A.il|:PT PRO.JEC? INFORMATION: pnsdntprrou: B. D. TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsEruct,ion ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) Minor AlEeraEion ($20.00) ConcepL.uaL Review ($0) c. ADDRESS, lolova^Avuz,JW.{1 VqA't h,&U5} LEGAL DESCRIPTION: tOE Subdivision Bl-ock ff properLy is described bydescripuion, please provide Eo Lhis application. ZONING: a meeLs and bounds on a separaEe sheeL Legal and attach E. F.Zrn rth,ovr"es %r^/rJNAME OF Mail-ing APPLICANT: nddress: G. It. NAME OF Mail-ing APPLICA\IT'S Address: REPRESENTATIVE: f't Vaa;(v-o*s @t I. J. NAME oF owNER tsl , Nz Oladde,n frI ( 't'76'ucS\ OITNER (S) STGTVA?UIE: Phone APPtrTCATTOffS WTLL NOT BE PTOCESSED WITHOUT OWNER' S STdl\'TTUf,E Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, arc uo be paid at the Lime of submictal of t,he onn applicaEion. LaEer, when applying for a building permit,, please ident,ify [he accuraLe valuat,ion of the proposal. The Town of vail will adiust the fee aecording to the tabl-e below, Eo ensure Uhe eorreeb feeis paid. Mailing Address: q'a/4 - gtuLs art a'|+r-"-Yr FEE SCHEDULE: VAI.JUATION $ 0 - $ l-0,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001. - $ 15o, oo0 $L50, 001 $ 500, 000 $500, 001 $1, 000, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPR0VAL tNL,Egg A BUILDINO pERl,fi[ IgIS STAREED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED fi[D EdfigfRu€flToii 1 liltE*uTY,RW IOV.C0tllltvl. DE\T DEN ':, il I t{l 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 July 5, 1996 Meg Bemet Telemark Townhomes Board 1090 Vail Vierv Dr. #8 Vail. CO 81657 RE: Cottomood tree rernoval D epartment of C onmunity D evelopme nt Dear N{s. Bemet: The trec removal application appeared before the Design Review Board (DRB) on June 19, at such time the DRB requested the applicant present a mitigation plan before receiving approval for the removal of the coftonwood tree. The mitigation plan is to be review at the next DRB meeting. This letter is a reminder to submit a mitigation plan to Community Development staffby Monday July 15, 1996 for the July 17, 1996 meeting. A mitigation plan must indicate the location of existing trees and the location ofthe proposed tree(s)to be mitigated on the site. The cottonwood in question is approximately 40 feet in height, therefore, a total of 40 linear feet of mitigation is necessary. According to Section 18.54'050 (D) (l) of the Design Review Guidelines deciduous fees must have at least a two inch caliper. If any additional information is needed or questions arise please don't hesitate to contact me at 479-2150. Sincerely, Dirk Mason Town Planner {7 """uo'uu oz tr =e, UJo- o fr) ooo (f) v> (n uJ uJu- tr =E uJ /s/#, seob,h rnv 1.. cco (f F 7F E ( I I ,l It 'l 1!!t:? lo ir lr I I it ltJr,<ir6 IE l,z ri i15 tuF F FI == zzo oul F z oz J o0 1z z3o UJ? F z u-) IJJ = F (r Fz o tro IL uJ F z 6 (/) o FI c,) d,EFHraz4oOXo 'JmH40>p,' F p.' zdt{ FlU .93eoE stq8! 9-9 E$'aa.;A EI\q, o!pl- F.e o)-CO'eo Rg/oEcc 3pFo eb!5oo -EolccO E€oo 3oG€D #=gd fig(/)o 1'l ;gq9 EO.c(!-3 zf@t';.!E '=9o;iEg8F 5:fr EgHFfc O YT'c-o e:5-60 =PFE >=c96 d.E 3 EEA =Ftr,ioo ;Eo eosF= c.=- (5 CL(! CL sEE l,10_E€: E;616-'-EE EO(!: EE F -: C6 0'- f *-c 3,*;E:.E '6>.Y=E ;Eg96ar eEg -o6 t!F.-(\Lr| F- r..l t< r.{ cc oo rO <t! tr e. u,l o- z ! 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Laf:.,?:-l loli4 't?.itol4 *r r-t tlaT (A LVrl4TA c;F (zuTr$Q la -'--.,bf ttTul^asda\elg ApLv rlril.o : tt -.4 -' tor b-lafo Ayt *rl'," f o';'1 4.o /,,' .q ,inCH .i ttl. b ,o ..,(yeiw Saeat/2b-cltort ) :rila(? i'' )1'vrt1 aF A1-VV h4 t>tt4 rI Vf TEVV' 7upr1 zflvftT LlFl1t V sLrf l6 (aU?VV. -. t*+ .1,,,; o ?Vl AVLN '"-i'ru? ^hrL lN +' *NVr-"i Pt||.lL ruL,t", ui1, 1lY1e.. |h;? ,)ottlT- 13P,L i../ 4 | Lt Lr t4 a; Lt.-L7lli..- ! rlTELEMARK TOWNHOUSES 1083 Lionsridge LoopVai1, C0, 81657 tt l$ rt l+ t+.tt rf tf ltlFt*lt xnltl{-.tf .rEre,r Town of Vail Building Department Vail, Colorado Sirs : - 0n Septenber 21 a Tel-emark Board and permissionr,r to Mari j ke Brof os granted to excavate her basement. drawings by Boyle Engineering for Sincerely, John Kwapil, President Telenark Townhouses MB / tno cc: Board of Directors Jordan Construction Marijke Brofos November 18, r87 re: Telemark # 9 of Directors was he ld , Telemark unit 9, lras Bnclosed please find the above job. ., , ,{i,i[.i; I ) a I ' lt\ ','41:; 'illi{lit"'t' tt I CJ I co t- .J .- --- :-"-,/ .-< -_ jsgie)'lD ,JJ'$;;,"_ b trl bre ilE RFz I I I l- I *-F+'n[$., ,oo'sc 'ttkoqtr tr t- R&