HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B2 SNOW LION COMMON ELEMENTS LEGALMreTfT, twv' Design Review Board " Ltrws ,,&*T I ACTIOI{ FOT,M U Department of Community Development 75 South Frontag€ Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgoucom Project Name: Project Description: SNOWUON ROOF CHANGE DRBNumber: DR8050534 COMMON ELEMEI'IT-FINAI- RPPROVru FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS.INSTEAD OF INSTTALUNG A STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF INSTALL ASPHALT SHINGLES HANEY, THOMAS P. & T(AREN L.L0lO7l20O5 Participants: OWNER 5845 W 50 AVE DENVER @ 80212 APPUCAI,IT FRIIZLEN PIERCE ARCHilECTS LOlO7l2O05 Phone: 970476{342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001,f02 ARCHilECT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS l0l07l2005 Phonet 970-476-6342 1650 EASTVAIL VALLEY DR" #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001,{02 1O4O VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location:Project Address: SNOWUON CONDOS Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot B-2 Block: SuMivision: SNOW UON CONDO 2103-014-0800-1 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Votei Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt LOl L2l2O05 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuft with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permlt is lssued and onstruction is oornrrnced and is dlligentf pursued btvad @mpletion, Planncr: Matt Gennett DRB Fee PaU: $20.OO \ IOI4Nffi Application for Design Review Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Fronlage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicalion. Pleme refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The .-tproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. t , ff:,;:".r"#:il"T;0rr""1,1,1"0""s unress a buirdrng permir is issued and construcilon commences withrn v ption of the Request: nts*"lo.re' <E^h^ p^:rt! :1nfhrl:::;lT=€'|A::=:{ u FGirHIt :lthllSI\ - hlEEllr€ (UJUn&tlEi\ - -\rrt\T q.rl r=rF ^v, -lLocationoftheProposat:t-ot:BZEm'Suooivisron:@w Physicaf Address: lo4o tln- lhErJ trttE I l$v I tb ffitI I Parcel No.: Zlo3ot{D8Ool (Contract Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Y IZoning: MDMF Name(s) of Owner(s): 5r-.rou. rLror.r l o.. ,r-er I,r,t1..!.1 A<,i--q-r d'\ !.' i-r 491 p\qsg. !!<rEeFrl4.lE C-l . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Conslruction. Addition . Minor Alteration (mulli-family/commercial ) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) y' O: rnges to Approved Plans . Separation Request $50 Plus $1 .00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiors). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Descri Check l'lo.:F3Y | ,t' .' 0r.t-G-01 1l:0{From-VAIL VALLEY F0Ufl0lTlOltt D..crlpdcn ct tn| l.t|;t: T-803 P.0tlot F-t88 Appllcatfon tor Dcelgn Rcvlrw ., OtFnn|.nt ol Co||Thefw g3r.lmor.nt 70 Sqth FurqD frro, Vrt Cab.rao ttgtb[ 970.{7e,fit0 h: t70.i793t6:lrtb; ttr.tlihqllorn Cfrrrd Intbnirtloa: at- ptqcar r..$ri* c..en tY lnl rldtt rporcvrl p.Er .o ashrninrno r c*tshg p.rn,l .pF{uon. pbDr.rr to ur. r.mql nle.ryI gr n" rriajEiiiffir'r..r.r,oqrno ^n,rE;i#;L rbsn bl*anmr b. Eprst uri * nqunc.,nmrrron L E-il f, u. crr,,r,rnru oaihiniin grprvnmr Thcmilcr lrxr *c .D[ o o. rlFll_ll "i'igl" ittJirq ur._Frndne rll Envrnminu cmnrrpn.tr?,LfrrHt1$:l.pr." unhi r iraiiiorffilii rrrc r,o cln.nncum ccrrr.nc.. wrrh Lctticn ctur trepo|.l: Frrcrr ilc': el'lq?ti4aql . toon*r,.sbco rrsrtgT$r*.$r0ror90r9.rno.l&ntDa: lFr+f ,, lrmrlrldArrrr(rl: _t @!tr lt. r'gr-i r ? rr., 'f I tilart3 A|tttrf,f: X Ornrr(r) tbnrrur.l3l: il.fif et^Ddtc-l: Xrllinglddnrr: E-mdtaa.rrr: fyD. of Fwiru rnd F.|: hlft.S pcrrqrrrr horot En t6n.rr. 3 upgucooD at iil h,||..,1|3 q.Fnprr.o.rrcH:*Skg51"-*"ei'1fr t sv cocrr o;nlgp:gJ1?!: eoSrr;r r;r.a'ffirHry ol!!T nt o,,,a,rr.-ini .riiiiiilftllJHH3'-j!':P -".*- ilrd"i:'1;H;il,8 o-|lflnq raa.leo rq rnfto. sni,iF r oudfi|g rld rtrr tnplwtrnt, fldr r.!!?I_c. prmng. rloo, .{frt'r.'-ru6;irril.-n*r runra,nno ra|5, ,tc.f?0 s]:Tq!-{-tF.trrdr TFc.ac by tunitr 3nf or nrolfnnl,n ffi.itFc siflrcorgl.t|l.mr lkA111rrr4orr A.Eitit.l l,haAitifrn (m{llFhm'l}r!gmnrarCil, l|nerAfOrbn (rl|1elo'trr|t/CuPbrl Clutr rApporrtl fuo, SrD|abaRqrat f5oflob lttolto lzto lfurhrl&ldrc: Efs.-?rs*' naaaa**'3*****aalltt**ll***tffflattlaaa*******a++*rl*****{'t*****l*'}'}***t*fftfaaatffaat+**aaaa TOWNOF VAtr+'COLORADO Stabrn€nt aa*aaaa***l*fltfalaaalaarll*tlf'|laaa*!t*********tt+lli***!t*****l*'|altaaaaaaaaaaaafll*tfl++faff Statenent Number: R050001659 Palment Mcthod: Check PIERCE An'ount: $20.00 L0/07|2OOSLor55 AllInit: iISNotation: 13341/TRITZLEII Permit No: DR8050534 Type: DRB-Chg Parcel No: 2103 - 014-0800-1 Site Mdrega: 1040 VAIIJ VIEW DR VAIL, Lrocation: SNOWITION CONDOS ThJ-e Payment: to Appr Plans Total Peea 3 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Pmtg 20.00 al**ataaaal*****fllllll'+'l*******ll*+++af*fattt*+faaa***at****+a*ala++a++a+tataf*t*t*****++++ ACCOUNT ITEM UST: Account Code DR 00100003LL2200 $20. OO Tota1 AIJIJ Pmts: Balance: De6cription DBSIGIU RTVIEW EEES *EN:sfr*s<- 6|ttl.la-F-S lFft>Egi E5-$-soirAisr.sG*-J trL ?g.mSrb (d{rrst-i-t Tb BE A 6HrbE DIGLFG- .,rl l-Esg . ERr,*sFl f( Err:r.x- 3tr^rt-r-g !pfr9:F E=r.oul(rosr TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ;^-f+^^f3-\$ ?>ttt-tottcr"' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES co*tuwrr ..(oo\ ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0171 Job Address.: l0t0 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: SNOWLION CONDOS ROOF Applied...: Wl06l2W5 Parcel No....: 210301408m1 Issued ...: 0810212m5 Project No...r ?i, o6-olb7 Expires...: 0ll29l2ffi-\, owNER IIAMY, THOMAS p. & KAREN L.O7/06/2OO5 5845 W 50 AVE DE![\TER co 80212 APPLICAI{T EAGLE ROCK CONSTRUCTION, INCOT/O5/2O05 Phone: (620) 758--0338 423 S. CIJARK FORT SCOTT KS 5670L License:307-A CONfRACTOR EAGL,E ROCK CONSTRUCTION, rNC07/06/2005 Phonez (620) 758--0338 423 S. CIJARK FORT SCOTT KS 6670L License: 307-A Desciption: SNOWLION EXTERIOR REMODEL. BTIILD NEW ROOF STRUCTI.JRE OVER EXISTING ROOF. REPLACE PORTIONS OF EXTERIOR SIDING. NEW METAL ROOF. NEW ENTRY ROOF STRUCTURE. Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: V-A Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $130,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y f of Oas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pelet: 0 *rt t tttt*tt'il't*****r*tlit***'|1.'l*t{r* Building------ > $1,161.?5 R€suarant Plan Review- > $0.00 Toal Calculated Fees-> 91,919.89 Plan Check-- > $?55.14 DRB Fee---------- > $0.00 Addiaioml Fe€s-----> S0.00 Investigation- > $0.00 Rccreation Fee-------> $0.00 Total P€rmit Fee------- > $1,919.89w'rcatr----> $3'oo i3ililBHi:-::.::l ,,.,i1:3i i?ffi€;;G--:--:---l t'''i3:33 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARITIENT o7/Le/20os ccIrNIoN Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAI{NING DEPARITI{ENT o7/L3/2oos l,tRG Action: AP Building set matchea DRB approved set. Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTITIEITI o8/o2/2oo5 mvaughan Action: AP Item: 05500 PUBITIC WORKS O7/27/2OO5 gc AcLion: AP lll{**l'{'a*****a}*l**l*****t*a*ri{t See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled qrt in full tbe inforsution required, completed an accuate plot plan, ard stat€ that all tlte infomation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cornpty with all Town ordinances and satc laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Buildirry and Residential Codes ard other ordinances oftbe Town applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADB TWEMY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OttR OpnCE rnOM 8:00 AM - 4 PAGE 2:|.*****:&*:*:t!t****{t,*{.,t*'f**:|!***{.:t:t!*:8*:t.*:t*!t't.!t**:t.{t,t***!&:*,*******1.*;f***:t,}:F*:*,}:**{.***************!|(******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0171 as of 0842-2005 Satus: ISSUED :F{.:t {.'*'*,**,*t(******t!*******'t,t {.!t*rt*!t*!t*rt*'t:t'*******,**,i***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07t06t2Cf6 Applicant: EAGLE ROCK CONSTRUCTION, INC Issued: 08/02t2005 (620) 768--0338 To Expire: Otl29l2b6 Job Address: l04O VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: SNOWLION CONDOS ROOF Parcel No: 210301408001 Description: SNOWLION EXTERIOR REMODEL. BUILD NEW ROOF STRUCTURE OVER EXISTING ROOF. REPLACE PORTIONS OF EXTERIOR SIDING. NEW METAL ROOF. NEW ENTRY ROOF STRUCTI.JRE. Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cord: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: CONfi)07343 (BLDG.): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQLJIRED PER NFPA 72 AND VFES STANDARD. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT]IRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0007344 (BLDG.): A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE RBQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES AND EXISTING FRAMING CONDITIONS BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: CON0007379 DRAFT-STOPPING REQUIRED IN NEW ATTIC SPACE PER IBC AT ALL T]NIT SEPARATION WALIS AND CORRIDORS. SEE PLAN DETAILS. +***{'*lt++*t**t+tfaa+*tata****+t{'*****ftt***++*+f***+****t't*ttf*f*t*+*tt{rtttf+t't*'t{'********* TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprinted on 0E-02-2005 rt 13:56:17 08102/2005 Statemelrt *+***+altal"i****++*a*'l**++'i**+**+**'i****f+ft**{'*****r**rrrf***++*t****tt***,t**!t+************ Statement Nurdber I R0500011G1 Arnount: ;f ,2OZ.g9 07/27/2OOS!2:01 pM Palment Method: Check Inits: DDG Notation: Eagle Rock Permit No: Parcel !to: Site Addreee : Location: Thia Pa]rment s BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 B05-0171 2103 -014 -0800-1 1O4O VAII, VIEW DR VAIII SNOWI,ION CONDOS ROOF 9L,2O2.89 Type: ADD/AI.,T MF BUIIJD PERMIT Total FeeE: Total ALL Itnts: Balance: $1, 919.89 $1, 919.89 90.00*tl***t+t*ttaflllt'}l+flll*'}'tl+*+*fff*a'i{r*tifli+f+t*lr+{'l++lfft*fl****'}*****f'}'t+tt+++lt+*t|ff+*f ACCOUNT ITEM LtrST: Accor:nt Code Descripeion Current Pmts BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PIAIiI CHECK FEES VIIIJJ EALI' INSPECTION FEE L,L6L.75 38.14 3 .00 *Ml 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: prtfl{i1s egtrni!.t; 1> VAIL B IT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:fulEffi.b6e-wbr,ltNc Town of Vail Reg. No.:?b7A Contact andtR&^,L- Email address: Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ /ZQm ELECTRICAL: $ /4aao OTHER:$ O PLUMBING:$ A MECHANICAL: $ a ToTAL: $ /A,A& For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit r,b N^,, :gt&#!#ioJ/u n/)JobAddress: ,rff*%"t*N fr ', Phonq4fu, b?42 (*'r WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repairffi Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (2{ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No K) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ffi Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building'. /-g No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 6 Gas Appliances ( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X ) iH.i*******+tr*****:rrfli*:t*i*H*****H****FOR OFFICE USE ONLy******************************#****** F:\Users\idev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 02163nDM **a**+***frafaa++a'}*a*+a**taat***'i'i+*af*f*'}ff**t*****il*a******l'i+**+*f++t*rt**tt+t**+ii**l** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Star€ment 'il*'it**a**l**+++*ff+l++*t****lltt+l't*'}a*********l*tl*+{'++**'tar***ft++*+f++f*****{rt*i++f++*f+* Statenent Number: R050001011 Amount: $?17.00 Oi/06/2OO5O2:51 PM Payment ethod: Check Init: iISNotation: 13152/FRITZIJEN PIERCE PCTMit NO: BO5-0171 TIrI)E: ADD,/AI.,T MF BUTIJD PERITIIT Parcel No: 2103-014-0800-1 Sit,e Addreaa: 1040 \IAIIT vrEY| DR VAIIJ Irocation: SNOWLION CONDOS ROOF ToEal Fees: 91, 919 . 89 Thie Payment: $71?.00 Total ALIr Pmta: $71?.00Balance: iL,2o2.89fft+lf*+fttf****a*|t**'|**'}*lfllatl*t**a+*++*'i***aa**++tt*+1.+i+i+***+a*a+tll*+:l'+f*lt**t****a**{t ACCOI.JNTITEM UST: Account Code Deacription Current PmEe PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AI\T CHECK FEES 717 .OO 5t2/05 To whom it may concem, On behalfon the Snowlion at Vail Condominium Association, I am writing this letter in regards to the structure of our roof. Currently Snowlion has a roof that was built over 30 years ago. The roof has been modified several times and is not up to building code. That said, Snowlion is in the process of redesigring the roof. We are fully aware that the ( O"sign will be different from the currsnt roof. We believe the newly desigred roof when complete will be much more suitable for Snowlion. Thanks, -tt t/ ,/-) /-2WQ_ Mark Fenstermacher President, Snowlion at Vail Condominium Association ,-ffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us ProjectName: SNOWLIONCONDOSROOF PECNumber: PEC050037 Project Description: COMMON ELEMENT.BUILD NEW ROOF OVER EXISTING ROOF ON MAIN ROOF AND RE-ROOF. THE LOWER PORNON AS TO PREVENT FUruRE WATER DAMAGE TO UNITS Participants: owNER HANEY, THOMAS p. & KAREN L.05lr7l2l05 5845 W 50 AVE DENVER co 80212 APPUCANT FRIIZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 051L712005 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EASTVAILVALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHffiCT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHIECTS O5l 17 | 2OOS Phone: 97Q-47 65342 1650 EASTVAILVALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001,+02 Project Mdress: 1040 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: sNowuoN coNDos Legal Description: Lot: B-2 Block Subdivision: SNOW UON CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-014-0800-1 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Viele Vote: 7-0-0 DateofApproval: 06/13/2005 CondiUons: C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 .l A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman ***{<**{<**** P.O. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 81520-1230 Cell 9'70-270-3689 Home Phone 970464-5265 5go9o INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: The Snowlion 1040 Vail View Drive Vail, CO. 81658 LOCATION: The Snowlion 1040 Vail View Drive VaiI, CO. REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Peterman Inspector Manager Certificate No.6601 .i A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing, Project Design, and Consulting INTRODUCTION: On May 4th,2005, an inspection/survey was conducted and 4 bulk samples were collected from the: The Snowlion 1040 Vail View Drive Vail, CO. The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected Asbestos containing materials that might be present in the roof area of the Building that is planned for renovation. The inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado Certified Asbestos Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Wheatridge, CO. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A.Quality Assurance (QA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman A s b e s t o sTe s tin g, P roj e c t D e s i gn, and C ons ult in g The Snowlion 1040 Vail View Drive Vail, CO. BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS: The Snowlion building is a three-story building with a multi-pitch roof system. This survey includes on the roofing materials on the building. The roof appears to have been re-roofed at least three times in the past. There are multiple newer patched areas on the roof, and the roof is covered with several types of shingles, roll roofing, rubber roll roofing, and white rubber mastic. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEI{DATIONS Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicate that no Asbestos was detected in any of the bulk samples. oooozz2z .gttt o.= tttEC.nzbo!, 9Ez F ;t E !EES H -EEEg =otrl|.o lrJ o =u.l5 8888r1 trGEtr = = oooo = !E!!:! trcccv, lu ul uJ l! H EEEE E H Fo|ctri = t8883z 5 oo6o Grrr. = OFNF = 3tt8 va oo G {t o! .g o o$o ig.97{=.O= 9-8g <sr. gD lJiP atf tr ri>'.. frlEE diiE 5:z atG6oJ A .a 8333 ooooz-zzulg Foo orloo !o (, .coo oo U'tttt oz o z o() j _G .9 ai iP'tr :0iE c, Eig -o F.E[ = F 98.9>:d g EESJ: 5 e=EsE E *EI!I o FEJ= io'T rt)."E El99 H $E T' g EssE 6E -J;* q H yt'r'r Eq _? = 3Eg3O J (n .n Fr--ulv UJ C' =9Ei $x== FE o uJo =o C'-o eYlYo\ o333 $x=: fi==s c .9 (!o g oo 3.!E.;E.E E i1o -F = * ^i,Ir'rJD :!Y- ==o. tu )a FNeltoooocrooo ooo6tatl OFN(tl!l++rioooct zIF clzoo JJ e.lrl ctoojJsfi -l-9=6c'-b =zPiE 3, EE be6Hu 7\ l-vrt'.i fiJ-/8e FR6 i ff€# = g oc \J =.9 F ut EE A gA3 d 6 oooo!2849 ==== oooozzzz Ettrg o. .=3('6C*b6(,6>J c8.9 E8gd Osq.'E ==;=9999 =3==9999 gEii Eggg or000 tttlooooattaoooo gE o68 i€ 6 {tE EEg E fig:=zS;<eao3aFFr=i H Eg8E T, EERct E h-io F1 E5F S 5 GC =o ^EE F -fl4.3 X S 9222 ooSo /i .{ -,i -i: :-i,.]^t55 655 54556 --- -.- --- YYY-tF8 88 885 88R8 .-Y!iOo.n t €s$ s€ 5$s dEESr,O r C OO r/r |.r O (\t r.r r.r a6l .o ! c{ @ 6l .'r tl e{ ..r ..1 ott9c{ zzz lo l= I zz <ai !.l 1 lor I I zzz <si o p Ya l" lz I AOAAzzzz <Eioci .l 1 s o oI <Aa TA F O vi v)9,9dla5>e. < i;tz)troI4tJE --r tI'|-<?Eri 01 A:fr2322, E e2 *d,VH3 t 3 H3Ag : s efiS HFg afr HgE SEEr EuH zu vHH rSuuEdd Fd ddd dgdd A T <cid .l T iY ,L l, o6 I n EHEE v)a 9A :rF ,iF 97-U 9491 gF FF x6HZ ho .R3 EFI :F z f;e F-JztugrE xaE5 . qI* EEgd3t -l'rH FgEd32 8J ? & Ftrlzl H:fiEEi .i.^ SETg E>lt: ts .. tri E3s E qEessF HEiE:gEeErB s$; HB 4EBHPE Hz9 i ;EK H F z E v)lll -J q) !r ti <av) zq ziao € z g,t \o 8,-, 6 tEe6l(ai?=e :lni:83 Fz EIt DCl.'l Science Laboratory, Inc. '12'1:1 W.49th Avenue, Unit#6 ',,',rreat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.r ADAT 194 Client Job No.: SNOWLION l-l L,trr Sample Analysis BULI i i;rt'l PLE ANALYSIS PROCEDUR!il :ease 2 ot A DC[r,'] Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the McCr,:ne fl':search Institute and in complrance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agen:'il'r),' :1C0/R-93/1 16, July, 1993). r\./ l" r' l'' crnsists of rnore rL f i ) 'ryer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and r- : r ,il:ri:is are identified by the clrari cierization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism,. : ",':, r.:licf, birefringenc., q- ''i :': -r, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing -'.:r:n sl::ining is al:: ' - - ' rrther aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, :,-r-f,-ious constll.r.- -, .; ;:r-e calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM Lr- . - -:nalysis. ln-house and l'tt ST sirndards as well as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V.' :' r Jcrrrnal of Serj ;r .r I , :r ogy", (Volume 24, pp.229-234, 19SS) provide a guide for '.'ed for six months unless other anangements are made by the . lrleC by the A,lHA (.i ,r . ^ -'). Our laboratory number is l0l526. DCMSL is accredited by .- , r,r i ,,Egi. U i; : :; with NVLAP and A|HA requirements unless otherwise noted. .. ._, :,.:: " r' . r r'i^ arrl'rsis must n.l f e. rr^" -l by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the ; are prepared for analys s ion-free environment. Tlte :,..'r. ^ll\/ tf ll. I i, ' i: ,- iro: t1...;./ . ion Scl.cil Laboratory D reclor r:",i;,: a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides :. , ,,e is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 100X. l. -ihis report may not be reproduced except in full, without the ! '"vas performed by : Ron Schott, Analyst IVIA Er. tf - U T' Date ir',,rAP Lab Code 10125&0 TON'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Gommunity Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.4i9,2139 fa* 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail,co,us Prciect Name: DRB tlumber: DR8050207 Project Descripdon: COMMON EI.EMEI{T.BUILD NEW ROOF OVER BGSENG ROOF ON MAIN ROOF AND RE-ROOF. THE LOWER PORTION AS TO PREVE].IT FUTURE WATER DAMAGE TO UNITS Partidpants: owNER HANEY, THOMAS p. & MREN L.05lL7l2OO5 5845 W 50 AVE DENVER co 80212 APPUCANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS O5l 17/2005 Phonei 970-476-6342 1650 EASTVAIL VATIEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81557 License: C000001.t02 ARCHilECT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHfiECTS O5lL7l2005 Phone: 970-,{76-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 816s7 License: CI)00001,102 Proiect Addrecs: 1O{0 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL LocaUon: SNOWUON @NDOS Legal Descrlption: Lo$ B-2 Block Subdlvislon: SNOW UON CONDO Parcel l{umber: 2103-014-0800-1 Comments: no additional condltions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Modon By: Hanlon Action: APPROVED Second By: Fritzlen Vote: 5-0{ DateofAppruval: 06/15/2005 Gondltions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No change to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Oond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apptutal of thls proJect shall hpse and beoome roid one (1) year followlrg $e daE dfinal apprcnl, unless a bullding permlt ls lssued and construdion b ommened ald ls rflllgeltly pursued bffard compledon. Planns: Mat@rnet DRBFesPald: 125{l.m R.S|.Ad hrFat grb: Tllralry, Orosnb.r 01, 2ll0t' fn g.didrAn : CGSlbA|Ilfor: t0rl0 vAL\nEW OR VA|Lsl{owJ(n coilDos RocrF ffi"ol7l _ Tlpr: A.lF l{^rGY.rlornsp.?,?ffiEffi. .rr lGnhffi0e! AdrftCorSTyri:('Jlin Applcrt Cotfrcbt: Drcfidon: CoflrntCornt|rt Srtr: ES.EDlilpAril'CO E Ot EROCrCOtFtRt Cltoit,tNC EAO|.E ROC|( ColFrn|.cnoil, rl$ hotnitllnro.odoilrl lln: t0 BLDO&ndrUon!b$r*r: EAq.E ROCK Cqi|gnil.c. roil, 11€ Conunailr nnrb!.|lA*n dTo; ;mffiAOofl- Aclhol lim; e0 E|r0+lilR.qSG EA6|.E ROCI(COfFIRIJC'rrcil,$\lc ltn Erp: ffiu'[hlc n€|,l-ADquv|d*RWER TlnrErp: UEER A.dot: COiDAglEEL OK n T OOIITRACTUR IGEDrccePf BtEl5lr:|lil:20a Acilon: SIOEOFIIEWROOF Snb 1\or: Aitthr: V.A Piom: (6aq76Mxn Pfroor: (@0)?38-A36 H.I[D I€W ROOF STRUCN'RE CII'ER EXFTilB ROOF. REPLACE i€WICTAL RooF. iGWENfRY ROOF slRJcN,RE. t TTOEmCTT, FIRE AfrD pLttlc IYORI(S - JgrmfR R.q||rcbdTho:- Plro|r: Enbtldry mq|rc$Ttn.r- Plroda: EnilrdFf ils04fl €aG?0+23t6 DOOr.Eil r l2r00t €46?0+4il6 oootD€ir K COiTEALAIIDCC,t|ltf.C REPT131 lrdon: tlOl,lClTFlED Run Id: 3912' r, ATIIC Contr|t(fCo|mnt g:t7,6Cilrnil 10:16/6Cofi|l|ft r/Eilntlltot{,4}o RNA.ENPFRCE.FORHAttSY,Rq Ee$$Ff Alo .HEDTI31 Run Id: 3912 I Project Name: Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Sror,t l,an@y/5u'l 5*Jos DRBNumber: DRB050207 COMMON ELEMENT-BUILD NEW ROOF OVER E(ISTING ROOF ON MATN ROOF AND RE-ROOF, THE LOWER PORTION AS TO PREVENT FUTURE WATER DAMAGE TO UNITS Participants: owNER HANEY, THOMAS p. & KAREN L.O5lI7l20O5 5845 W 50 AVE DENVER co 80212 APPUCANT FRITZTEN PIERCE ARCHftCTS 0511712005 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C.1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHilECT FRI]ZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS 05lL7/Z005 Phonez 970-476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 Project Address: 1040 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: sNowuoN coNDos Legal DescripUon: Lot: B-2 Block SuMivision: SNOW LION CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-014-0800-1 Comments: no additional conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlon Action: APPROVED Second By: Fritzlen Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApproval: 06/15/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO R36.r.8e C}|ARCoAI GRAY r.rhrel Prolective film must bE' removed immediolely dter instollafion. Oil conning is not o rouse for reietlion. Ior o true tdor reprursntolior; plecso roll or write lor orhol rnotd srnphlrl. * = Prsmiunr (olor * R.60.t./8 Volues ore ovemged minimol vorionce between Aluminum ond Stel Roof Sjiding OtherWall Materials F6da Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doorc Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Bulldlng Materlals PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material M E>4A|tL 2x lZ F'+ 4w fu-rsYt2 N/r N/A r.t/r i N/r K{rJre- N/A Golor (r.lr<crr E*rSTtxl G) r'Ts |-\,(T4H E trrsTt*Jgrl .EL-$tr fr E> (zsorc/X\ H tt tri I NiA N/r Notes: Please speciff the manufactureds name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12lMl01l04 Lynn Fritzl€n, AlA, Architect William F. Pierce, Architect Kathy Heslinga, Busines6 Manager FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAtt, cotoRADo Thanks, / ,/) (_/ (-,^*_ Chet Arasim MEMO Date Monday May 16, 2005 To: T.O.V Frcrn: Fritzlen Pierce Architects do ChetArasim Subject Correlation betaeen original survey and Intermountain Survey (most recent) The lntermountain Engineering survey was used in conjunction with the original sun/ey to establish the correct existing grade. The difference between the two surveys is approximately 1'; So in order to establish the conect height above existing grade the original survey wils updated correlate with the recent suwey done by Intermountain Engineering. lf you have any questions feel free to call me @ 970.476.5342. i 650 tast Vail Valley Drive, Falhidge C{, Vail, Coklrado 81657 ?:970.476.6342 t: ct7rJ.47 6.49O1 [: info@vailarchitects.r:om www.vailarchitec-tJ.com K:\(,511 - Snovv Lion'\Correpondance'\lnternalwEMO - Survey Correlation-doc t- l**+taf*aflf*ataaaalaaafffffalalla**llttl*af*ffaaaaa+*ta**+llltt****'i*ftt'}***ftal*fllftlttaa TOWNOFVAI4 COIORADO Starm€ntfat*+flf'|flflfar'}tarattlaafflfaattfaalalala*+llfla***{'{'*ttlllllllt+t*'}lttfla**'t**{r*'taaraaaa't't statement Nudbers R050000504 Arnount: $250.00 o5/L7/2oo5o8:40 AIvl Paynant llethod: Cbeck Inl.t : iISNotation: 1304?/PRITZITBI PIERCE Permit No: DRBO50207 Tl4)e ! DRB-Minor AIt, Conm/l\firlti Parcel No: 2103-014-0800-1 SiEe Addreas: 1040 \rAItJ VIEW DR \fAIt IJocatioa: SNOIILION CONDOS Total Peea: S250.00Thia Paynent: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts3 $250.00BaLance! 90,00tt*aa+'}'}allll*****t****lllll*++t**ti*tt}a+'l****++ll*af**ftattt*l'**a'+++f+tflfl'}t**************+ ACCOI,]NTITEM UST: Accor.mts Code Deacripti.on Current hta DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESICN REVIEW FEES 2s0.00 L I !i i! i I $ ! 1 0 ,2 $ g z r E i|- :E fi ,$ Ilr iE $+o rt :5 :{ :t {$ \ s\i.(\ \5 : i_ cl tr ouf*F ,.F=:>Tco;o;lx">:o.-.crIo-Lr' o -l al 3l "il? 3t flYl 7t, ili ,/r\* t o _l It Et -'\ .I o EaIl!l v \n ccuIzz -t4 \i\$l I tr.i Ecl ogE*-rO;3P@.".'.''olj t:lrj ' .'.' o:cr i.&itg cl J 1E ig $ ,$ $ :u, Fl$ atod i$ id $ .[ $ l! ,E ${l i! fi I $$ R36.r.8e C}|ARCoAI GRAY r.rhrel Prolective film must bE' removed immediolely dter instollafion. Oil conning is not o rouse for reietlion. Ior o true tdor reprursntolior; plecso roll or write lor orhol rnotd srnphlrl. * = Prsmiunr (olor * R.60.t./8 Volues ore ovemged minimol vorionce between Aluminum ond Stel ,-m ^':Hffifi1*:'",#;"f' ;,', i web: www.vailgov.com i .,."r_f.. General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informalion is received by the Community Developmenl Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revlew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenc€s withln one y€ar of the approval. DescriptionoftheRequest: tjvrr-!-' F.)Eu) 1.:or cx-rrr L'yr't'r..lb R>DF Hohj pFr$ PooF € EL.t":r:rF -l*lF- r.>L,.l-t. I'pg.Ir.'h) A1 To Fceuf ']'i f-7F\nur4f, \.AJA-I E !L t>A+-^ A(rt -(O U.t t-i f \/-LocationoftheProposa|:Lot:bZBlock:-SuMivision:@-l Physicaf Address: /O4C lAli \JiE.^: \x-,vr , Vxr,- C> eiirr't l\l Parcel No.: 3lc3c>l4oEoo I (Contaci EagleCo. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) {--fw Name(s)of owner(s): 5r..1-.-ouor-t /-.ot--.Fonnr*-lror-a A'-'..oc,Nrroo. ) '/o *!t.t]h&- MailingAddress: c/o lo4o Vlru U\t:.,J DfrrrE rxrrT d3o3 V Phone: 33\ - 45b< Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Srt'4 Mailing Address: E-mail Address: eAzAsrFl. € VArr Agcr-tn6cc.corfax: 47t. , 41 O I $so No Fee $650 $300 n 8.l Type of Review and Fee: . Signs. Gonceplual Review . New Construction. Addition Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Plus $1 .00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiom). For minor changes to buildings aM site improvements, such as, gf@. painting, window additions' landscaping, fences and retainino walls. etc. For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plars already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $20 Phone: cl-7o . 4-7t .G342 Minor Alteralion multi-family/com mercial For Offlce Use Onlv: Fee Paid: ?4 =fleeting Date: (, -(s cn*rruo.,t36t(7 Bv: (",Q.t.^ P.tce-of -ongNm qr*--t :il ",1.+F /*t ",i'rft I *",*lrl# {} 'tt#f"i'i.'fl t.*t l\ctLrt* %, v'c:'s s\S\ ('.'.'*- =q-*e-' \i$ b't'S sa. d.- *s -J*; rr>^*s)*; t'-,t',= berzt 476-6;v',l) JI I c lr $ t :I I 4 ,/t t 7iI J 2 oj 3 oI I J ,L 0- \? 5FI Tl, trlIY=>sio;;oFi uJ '' Bf: EP i$ $ :E itr $ ! $ ## tGE s $ i i${ :1 $ ?l 3l H o I tl aJ >. 1I g. ,5 g 7 * iH * F * F n IL.U ) cL \ o I =(Dl-,\-llJ - ,\ l.l- I t.t u.r' Cg. Ll- U,ro il el ?l: 1l ui 3ll ll ?trtll ,lli b I I ss ,1 9l fl TI !\ .E * ij! E 6 d$ .ls I I id \|Rot..5lra i$ lf r6 ]E ,I nld {r (t () Tt-' ''1- tll lJ_] t-'r cl lt, rtF 1\i o ll s 1 LI v g Bvl IF dU !f; ii ; $ .>IJ .C ! $ I nlt 5lro l :> .E d{ q!a ,$ !lR 3lre I $ ,6 ii qld {f; :6 J tr I ',L ! \ t" \ $ C) arlfii i:' 'l li : i..l c( hro ,^ 2 0 E2 $ Itl 'o t ll Jx. .I 2 Fa 2 'r 5d l$i I$ ri ii I EI !I F iE h E iE :f {i :E r- $ fi {! i i$ {l :x rEK n $ l6 fi $ Ft id T l|r $ iE 9 els 3ll 'o t. ll -I>\ I 2I V B UJ g + it f Hg Hit- i $ R ir $ n F *{$,f;jl q it $u i I $i r: 5:liat; Eif 8. + il6 rffi iil i$ F! it$ I z- u-.1 \./ NdF4J iI 6- ,/, : !1- ,42e it:u "J; F .: -t-.r. 1.8 & r2p< irl 6PI rd6() \oladiHK.do b -, tl q tliJ \) tf) zotroluo 5d I I swnlNrwoctNol Non MoNs t rso , r)llord r q9 l8 ooyto]c)1 'ltYA l# 1)i\Ifl1 lfclf,sNorl u8 1()1 Jntd(l A\ltA IvA 0r1r I Ff= efts;ti,! niBIri 6rE' iJ * tuJ \)o oF Foz uiJ o(f) z {J tL Hoz tuV J H Pl{ !llq!o g $h 5lLo ,r[ i3J' t I 1E {l etnI6666ri5tz-nJJrtfr$ $$Jt sl $ Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Name: SNOWLION CONDOS ROOF PEC Number: PEC050037 Project Descriptionl COMMON ELEMENT-BUILD NEW ROOF OVER EXISNNG ROOF ON MAIN ROOF AND RE-ROOF. THE LOWER PORTION AS TO PREVENT FUTURE WATER DAMAGE TO UNITS Pafticipants: owNER HANEY, THOMAS p. & KAREN L.05/L7/2005 5845 W 50 AVE DENVER co 80212 APPUCANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITEC-IS 051t712005 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHITECT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITEC-|S 05 | L7 I 2005 Phone : 97 0-47 6-6342 1550 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 Project Address: 1040 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: SNOWUON CONDOS Legal Descraption: Lot: B-2 Block: Subdivision: SNOW LION CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-014-0800-1 Comments3 seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Viele Vote: 7-0-0 DateofApproval: 06/13/2005 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500,00 TOft'Nffi Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifications) Description of the Request: . Conditional Use Permit. FloodplainModification. Minor Exterior Alieration. Major Exterior Alteration. Development Plan. Amendment to a Develooment Plan App'icar,"",kP,[ao3) Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmenlal Commission review musl receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesled. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: $650 $4oo $650 $800 $1500 $250. Zonino Code tunendment 51300(. Variance $500 \. Sign Variance $200 .'i/ r : . . Li, Location of the Proposal: Physical Address:VNt- Parcel No.: Ll'- r ''al ! (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8M0 for parcel no.) 6L Btock:_ Zoning: M?V F Name(s) of Owner(s): / Mailing Address: !=: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant:l; i't=l -tt' Mailing Address: ''r *'o, 'l-\ . 4:,(." . 1)a1.A Fee Pali:By:Fr.1r.-k^ lf<.^r< Meeting Date: Planner: .Baqb Project Page I of G04/01/04 TON'Nffi Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements GENEML INFORMATION Variances may be granted in order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships as would result from the strict interpretation and/or enforcement of the zoning regulations inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town of Vail. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; fiom topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS e Fee: $500.00 ,,/e Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the property owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall include the owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. e Title Report, including Schedules A & B / e Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. ,/ e A written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulation(s) involved, including an explanation of why the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretation of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulty. v/ e A written statement addressing the following;a. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specifieo regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege.c. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety.d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. ,/e Stamped Topographic Survey (Four complete sets of plans). y'e Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets of plans). llr'e Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of ptans). /he Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor plans (Four complete sets of plans). v o All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' information packets. e Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. Paee 3 of 6-04101/04 *r'I THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwillhold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, VailTown Code, on June 13, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Vanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage addition within the front setback, located at 2608 Arosa Drive/Lot 2, Block D, Vail Ridge Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Brenda and Steve Herman, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlannen Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a text amendment to Section 12-7 A-7 , Height, Vail Town Gode, pursuant to Chapter 12-3, Amendments, to increase the height limitation for a sloping roof from 48' to 56' in the Public Accommodation zone district, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a variance from Chapter 14{, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, pursuant to, Chapter 12-17,Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a retaining wall in excess of 3 feet in height located in the front setback, located at 1837 Alpine Drive/Lot 49, VailMllage West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Seven Vails, Inc., represented by David FlinnPlannen Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12€G-7, Height, Vail Town Code, pursuant !o Chapter 12-17,Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a sloping roof which exceeds 38'in height, located at 1040 VailView Drive/Lot 82, Lions Ridge Filing 1, and setting forth detrails in.regard thereto. Applicant: Snow Lion Condominium AssociationPlannen Matt Gennett A request for final review of a rrariance from Chapter 146, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, pursuantto Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allowfor retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplafted Parcels, a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department and sefting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: BillGibson A request for final review of a text amendment to Section 12-7H-12, Density (Dwelling Units Per Acre), Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-3, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow multiple attached accommodation units within a dwelling unit, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-T,Yat Town Code, to allow for the construction of a temporary skier ticketing office and loading and delivery facilities, Vail Town Code, located at Tracts C and D, Lionshead Filing 1, and Tracts G and H, Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 38, Manor Vail Lodge, pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow for the relocation of an elevalor from the front to the rear of a building, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Manor Vail Lodge, represented by Bob McClearyPlannen Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemplion Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to an existing platted building envelope and an increase of plat-restricted site coverage, located at 971 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 8, Spraddle Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Franco D Agostino, represented by Zehren & AssociatesPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department, Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published May 27,2005, in the Vail Daily. Lynn Fritzlen, A[A, Archilecl Willianr F. Pierce. Archited Kaliy Heslinga, Business Manager Snow Lion Condominiums - PEC Height Variance Homestake 108'l VailView Drive Vail, CO 81657 C-ontact: Association Mailing Address: Send to addres above Telemark 1083 Vail View Drirre Vail, CO 81657 Contact: Teresa "T" Mailing Mdress: Unit #1 5 Sno$, Fox 1030 Vail Vier,v Drive Vail, CO 81557 Contact Mr. Martin Linker, President Mailing Address: Unit #203 BrcakawavWegt 963 VailView Drive Vail, CO 81657 Contact: Association Mailing Address: Send to address above Sandstone Creel Club 1020 VailView Drive Vail, CO 81657 Contact Sandstone Creek Club Asociation Mailing Address: Send to address above 1650 East VailValley Dnre, Fallridge C-1, Vail, Colorado 81657 P: 970.476.tt342 f:97O.476.49O1 [: info@vailarciitecls-crrm www.vailarchitec.ts.cr:m FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO MEMORANDUM full;u J;stt a4-o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 13,2005 A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6G-7, Height, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 ,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a sloping roof which exceeds 38' in height, located at 1 040 Vail View Drive/Lot 82, Lions Ridge Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto (PEC0$0037) Applicant: Snowlion at Vail Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen- Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett SUMMARY The applicant, Snowlion at Vail Condominium Association, is requesting a variance from the required maximum allowable roof height in the Medium Density Multiple Family (MDMF) district of thirty-eight feet (38') in order to construct a sloping roof with a single ridge over the existing double-ridged roof form on the Snowlion Condominiums building, located at1040 Vail View Drive/Lot 82, Lions Ridge Filing 1 (Attachment A). The existing roof is presently nonconforming at a maximum ridge height, including the cold roof, of approximately thirty- nine and three-tenths feet (39.3'), and the new roof structure would have a maimum ridge height of approximately forty-two and four-tenths feet (42.4'). The variance requested is for three and one-tenth feet of roof structure in excess of the thirty-eight foot (38') maximum roof height. Based upon the criteria and findings in Section Vlll of this memorandum, staff is recommending approval of the applicant's rnariance requesl. DESGRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is making a request to further exceed the maimum roof height in the Medium Density Multiple Family residential zone district of thirty-eight feet (38') for a sloping roof by an additional three feet (3'), approximately. The height variance being requested would allow the applicant to construct a new roof structure over the top of the existing roof forms, which would serve to fix the existing leakage and drainage problems while not creating any additional Gross Residential FloorArea (GRFA) or living space (Attachment B). As stated above, the current roof height of the Snowlion Condominiums structure is in a state of preexisting nonconformitybyapproximatelythree{enths of a foot(0.3'), with its highest ridge height point being approximately thirty-nine and three-tenths (39.3') feet in elevation. Twelve inches (12") of the one and three tenths feet (1.3') of roof structure in excess of the roof height maximum do not count against the roof height maximum as the building is presently designed with a cold roof system which can exceed the roof height maximum up to twelve inches (12") above the maximum roof height in any zone district. Likewise, since the new il. ilt. proposal will also utilize a cold roof design, just the first twelve inches of the existing and proposed roof structure will be excluded from the maximum roof height of thirtyeight feet (38'). The proposed, pitched roof form would have a maximum ridge heightof approximately forty-two and four-tenths feet (42.4'), including the twelve inches of cold roof. Hence, the request is for three and one{enth feet of roof structure to be allowed in excess of the maximum roof height in the MDMF zone district of thirty-eight feet (38'). The description of the applicant's request, provided by their representatives, Fritzlen-Pierce Architects, articulates the benefits of the proposed solution and its minimal impacts on neighboring properties (Attachment C). BACKGROUND Original construction of the Snowlion at Vail Condominiums structure uas completed in 1970 and predates Town of Vail zoning regulations. ln 1977, the present zcning designation of Medium Density Multiple Family (MDMF) was adopted. No significant work has been done to the existing structure since its original construction aside from minor projects necessaryfor maintenance, repair, and general upkeep. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessaryto achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic faciliiles, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The DRB has NO review authoritvon a variance, but must review any accompanlng DRB application. C. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or tv. V. overtum the board's decision. D. Staff The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance Wth the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANN!NG DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS ARTICLE H. HIGH DENSITY IVIJLTIPLE-FAMILY (HDMF) DISTRICT (excerpted) 12-6G-1: PURPOSE: The medium density multiple-family dlstricf ls intended to provide sites for mtltiple-family dwellings at densities b a maximum of eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the sane district. The medium density multiple-family dlsfricf ls intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with multiple-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are perrifted as conditional uses, and where permifted, are intended to blend harnpniously with the residential character of the district. 12-6G-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or nansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty fwe feet (35'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildingo sha// not exceed thirty eight feet (38'). CHAPTER 17, VARIANCES (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln orderto prevent orto lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessarv phvsical hardship mav result from the size, shape. or dimensions of a site or the location of existinq structures thereon: from topoqraphic or phvsical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinitv: or from other phvsical limitations. street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinitv. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of stict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, sefbackg disfances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of chapter 11 of this tifle, governing physical developnent on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescibed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid resu/fs inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by chapter 16, 'Conditional Use Permits", and by section 12-3-7. "Amendment" of this title. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Address: 1040 Vail View Drive Legal Description: Lot 82, Lions Ridge Filing 1 Lot Size: 59,416 square feet / 1.36 acresHazards: None Standard Allowed/Reouired Existinq Prooosed Setbacks:Front: 20ft. 45' no changeSides: 29ft. 35'NE/47'NW no changeRear: 20 ft. 105' no change Height: 38' 39.3' 42.4' GRFA: 33,273 sq. ft. 21,343 sq. ft. no change Site Coverage: 45% (26,737 sq. ft.) 13.4 % (7,980 sq. ft.) no change Density: 24 DUs 25 DUs no change Vll. SURROUNDING LAl.lD USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Medium & Low Density Multiple'Family(MDMF & LDMF)South: Residential & Mixed Use Medium Density Multiple-Family and Special Development District NumberS (MDMF & SDD No.5)East: Residential Low and Medium Density Multiple Family (LDMF & MDMF)West: Residential Medium Density Multiple Family (MDMF) vilt. A. CRITERIAAND FINDINGS 1. The relationship of the requested rariance to other existing or potentia! uses and structures in the ricinity. Staff has determined the requested variance will result in a harmonious relationship between the Snowlion structure and its neighboring buildings as the proposed increase in the elevation of the ridge height wlll be nominal while having a positive impact on the building's design. Additionally, the creation of a single, pitched roof with one linear ridge and a uniform roofing material with one natural color will bring the building into closer architectural and aesthetic harmonywith the surrounding structures. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilityand uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinityor to attain the obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Considering the existing condition of the subject building and its inherent structural design traits, relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the subject regulation is necessary to achieve the applicant's goal of creating a sound, waterproof roof form on their building. Part of the Purpose Statement for the Variance chapter (12-6G-1 ) in Title 12 speaks directlyto a "practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship" which results from the "physical conditions on the site'. Staff performed numerous site visits and went up onto the existing roof to assess its present condition, as well as its shape and form. After such assessments, staff determined there would not be a reasonable alternative solution without having to demolish a substantial portion of the existing structure and its top floor units, or performing a complete demolition / rebuild of the Snowlion Condominiums building. The current proposal employs an over-framed, cold roof design which seeks only the minimum of relief necessary from the subject regulation and which is the direct result of the current ohvsical limitations inherent on the site. The Planning and Environmental Commission has granted similar variances in the past when preexisting conditions have created an undue hardship, and this does not constitute a grant of special privilege under such circumstances. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes the effects upon light, air, and other public interests in comparison to existing conditions would be negligible considering the ridge height will rise by a maximum of approximately three feet (3'). The existing Snowlion Condominiums building is currently nonconforming with respect to the maximum allowable roof height, for a sloping roof, of thirtyeight feet (38'), the highest point presently being an approximate thirtynine and three- tenths feet (39.3') in elevation. The only building in the area which may be tx. adverselyaffected bythis proposal would be the Homestake Condominiums structure, but considering its placement on the hill above Snowlion across Vail View Drive, the proposed new roof will not have a discernable impacton views from this building. 4. Such otherfactors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The strict literal interpretation of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty and an unnecessary physical hardship for the applicant. The circumstances and conditions of the Snowlion Condominiums building are extraordinaryand do not generallyapplyto other properties in the MDMF zone district. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before qrantino a rariance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the rariance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zrne. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance from Section 12-6G-7, Height, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-7, Variances, to allow for the construction of a new roof, located at 1040 Vail View Drive/Lot 82, Lions Ridge Filing 1, subject to the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the requested variance, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission pass x. the following motion: " Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum, and the evidence and testinnny presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. That the granting of the vartance wilt not constitute a grant of special privitege inconsistent with the limitations on other prcperties classified in the sane district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or vvelfare, or nateially injurious to propefties or inprovernents in the vicinity. 3. That the vaiance is wananted for one or rDre of the foltowing reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraotdinary circumstances or condi(nns applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to oher properties in the sanc zone. c. The strtct interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other prcperties in the sarne distrid. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Reduced PlansC. Applicant's Request (u (J (n co E-coo ri AAyl t' $i ili !ffiiH ,lil ItI I I t a t: 1l flt JE 'l 0 z $ g z o _t ll ,! l I ic J] qr a I I I I fi d) s lI E If r ry i IF iI $ i i b''t 1A 7 E Byl it:t o _l rl .9 .-\ 1o z2 5 lr,r g '.fr .J ,E .H {f;ix,fd fr.l $ * ;i nlf; F s "|ttll 6 fr il t$ Atu rf) P P Izo E luJtu I g ii fr t1 ls a bi EE lf ? 5 E Iq Pls rJg ,qI{ il|b Elre ][H El[ Fl$ 3lr 5lbeo IJltL $1[ ddu+ Atuo P P I ? 5 &, I ,5 dt *l[$,f ,f $ril$ {$$]$ $]H :i:,1 5ll+l; iiil$ ll.4'Ie :J.l ll { I< i I I L_____l | | swnrNlwooNof Nolt MoNs zo tr \) tuo iiei9lr2l6;ii i1].I i i I r!{l iij I z JL luFoz luV "tla{edIIJJ]J;6E :H St 36ilEEArStT'4.. 6 IlIlEjr:9.{d "F"F& EII E{stFqr 4 2o E,:!t lI|. 5 a a s a t 7i 3 aot, $ a I I t 1 0_ \2 5uj ,I $## .t il"7l'2al 9 flElrt 615 ?tE fla o I u J ::\ 1I & ,l g v $ !R i' j ** irFi." ii ii q$ il!r i i i * H i I * $ I i I +IE ffi m il l\ i ll lri," '\l \ \.llt,\i \1, li ,rrrr I l'i, i,, \ ,lr lr\ tr.:llu fi, ..1ir:;,r, iirr:.rtt, r.r.\irr,t!r r 18' Wide Flat Portion of the Roof Effects the Variance might cause: olb tight n/a Air ry'a Distribution of Population FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Crey Area - Proposed Roof n/a Transportation n/a Traffic Facilities ry/a Utilities n/a Public Safety Snow Lion Condominiums APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Description: SnowLion Condominiums requests a height variance from the Town of Vail as to allow them to repair and existing hardship created bythe original roof design. The original roof has routhlyan 18'wide portion, which is relatively flat, running the length of the building. This flat portion of the roof has created one major problem, drainage. The roof has been leaking for some years now and, until recently, has starting showing water damage on the interior walls of some units. This is a severe problem that needs to be addressed immediately. lf the existing roof structure is allowed to remain serious structural damage could occur to the building. The proposed solution would build a new roof on top of the existing roof and provide the following benefis. The design of the new roof would eliminate the two peak by connecting the existing slopes creating one main peak (as shown in the section on the far right below). The new roof would also provide the following benefits: { Increase the R value of the building, thus reducing the decreasing the amount of energy used to heat the building. *NOTE: The proposed roof would increase the current r-value of the roof from an R19 to an R57. { By building on top of the existing roof eliminates any damage that might be caused by exposure to the elements during the construction phase. / Allow the tenants that occupy units on the upper floor to remain in them throughout the construction phase of the project. 0,o 3o =:? o View of South Portion of the Roof l.iri', l,:ii: , i,..t l l\ i ll lri," '\l \ \.llt,\i \1, li ,rrrr I l'i, i,, \ ,lr lr\ tr.:llu fi, ..1ir:;,r, iirr:.rtt, r.r.\irr,t!r r 18' Wide Flat Portion of the Roof Effects the Variance might cause: olb tight n/a Air ry'a Distribution of Population FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Crey Area - Proposed Roof n/a Transportation n/a Traffic Facilities ry/a Utilities n/a Public Safety Snow Lion Condominiums APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Description: SnowLion Condominiums requests a height variance from the Town of Vail as to allow them to repair and existing hardship created bythe original roof design. The original roof has routhlyan 18'wide portion, which is relatively flat, running the length of the building. This flat portion of the roof has created one major problem, drainage. The roof has been leaking for some years now and, until recently, has starting showing water damage on the interior walls of some units. This is a severe problem that needs to be addressed immediately. lf the existing roof structure is allowed to remain serious structural damage could occur to the building. The proposed solution would build a new roof on top of the existing roof and provide the following benefis. The design of the new roof would eliminate the two peak by connecting the existing slopes creating one main peak (as shown in the section on the far right below). The new roof would also provide the following benefits: { Increase the R value of the building, thus reducing the decreasing the amount of energy used to heat the building. *NOTE: The proposed roof would increase the current r-value of the roof from an R19 to an R57. { By building on top of the existing roof eliminates any damage that might be caused by exposure to the elements during the construction phase. / Allow the tenants that occupy units on the upper floor to remain in them throughout the construction phase of the project. 0,o 3o =:? o View of South Portion of the Roof l.iri', l,:ii: , i,..t l t Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 05-19-2005 Propcrty Address: 1l|4l| VAIL VIEW DR. VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order Number: V5000996f SNOW LION CONDOMINII,'M ASSOCIATION IO4O VAIL VIEW DR. UNIT #303 VAIL. CO 81657 Altr: MARK FENSTERMACIIER, PRES. Sent Vla US Postal Serllce FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 1650 E. VAIL VALLEY DRIVE c-l VAIL, CO 81657 AtbI: CIIESTER ARASM Phone: 970-4?6-6342 Fax: 970-476-4901 EMail: carasim@vallarchitects.com Senl Via EMall IIyou have any inquhla or requlre fitrtlrcr assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Title Assistancc: Vail Title Dept. Roger Avila IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax:. 970-476-4732 EMail: ravila@ltgc,com Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 05-19-2005 OurOrderNumber: V50009961 Propcrty Addrrss: 1040 VAIL vlEw DR. VAIL. CO 81657 BuyerlBorrower: SNOW LION AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO NON.PROFIT CORPORATION Seller/Owncr: SNOW LION AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLOMDO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION Nee{ a mlp or directlo-ns for yogl upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web dte at www.ltgc.com for dlrectidns to any ofouT 5{ oltrcslocadoirs. - ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES lnformation Binder F750.00 If L.td. $tZ. 6!.r.ttaa Cqraay tiTL be cTo.iag thls tleDerctior, .bove fe.t rlfl be cotlected .t tDlt tl!€, TOTAL $750. OO t6n corrtc! o6loa TIIANK YOU TOR YOUR ORDERI tAtTD TITI.E GUARAIITEE COMPAilY INUOICE Landlith GUAR,ANI" COMPANY Owner: SNOW LION AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. INC.. A COLORADO NON.PROFIT CORPOMTION Pmperty Address: 1040 VAIL VIEW DR. VAIL, CO 81652 Your Reference No.: When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. V50009961 - CHARGES - Information Binder $150.00 --Total-$r50.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Title Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schcdule A Property Address: IO4O VAIL VIEW DR. VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order No. V50009961 Cust. Ref.: l. Effcctive Date: May 05, 2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Pollcy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Blnder Pmposed Insured: SNOW LION AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION 3. The estate or lntercst in the land descrlbed or referred to in tlris Corrmitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or lntercst covcred herein is at the effective date herrof vested in: SNOW LION AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLOMDO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION 5. The land refcrrrd to in this Commltment is descrlbed as follows: SNOW LION AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF, RECORDED DECEMBER 29, I97O IN BOOK 2I9 AT PAGE 4II AND AS DEFINED IN CONDOMINIUM DECLAMTION RECORDED DECEMBER 29.I97O IN BOOK 2T9 AT PAGE 4TO. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requircments) Our Order No. V50009961 The followtng are thc requirements to be complied wlth: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or intercst to be imured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be execrted and duly filed for record, to-$'it: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Ilem (d) Additional rrquirements, lf any disclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any form of ti e guarantee nor insurance. The Iiability of the company shall not exceed the charge paid by the applicant for thls product, nor shall the company be held liable to any party other than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMITMEM IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50009961 The policy or pollcles to be issued will contaln exceptlons to the following unless the same are dispoacd of to the satisfaction of the Company: I . Fights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Dlscrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or olher matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or athching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to lhe date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitrnent. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are nol shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 . Liem for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE T}IEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT OF RECORD IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 29, I92O IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 2S, 1920, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. II. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF T}IE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 25, 1969, IN BOOK 2I5 AT PAGE 649 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 02, I97O IN BOOK 2I9 AT PAGE 235. 12. EASEMENT 10 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG EACH SIDE OF ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES, AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF SAID SUBDTVISION AND AS RESERVED TN PARAGRAPH 5 OF INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 25, ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptlons) Our Order No. V50009961 The poltcy or pollcies to be iscued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satlsfacdon of the Company: 1969 IN BOOK 2I5 AT PAGE 649. 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS AS CONTAINED IN CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR SNOWLION AT VAIL CONDOMIMUMS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGTN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMNATE AGAINST TIANDICAPPED PERSONS AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 29, I9?(| IN BOOK 219 AT PAGE 410. 14. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSANDNOTESON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF SNOW LION AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM RECORDED DECEMBER 29. I97O IN BOOK 2I9 AT PAGE 4II. 15. ANY AND ALL ENCUMBERANCES WHICH HAVE BEEN CREATED BY THE INDIVIDUAL CONDOMIMUM UMT OWNERS. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real properg may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such dishicts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note; Effective September I , 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documenls using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of lhe document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulatiom 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entlty shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the tide entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the lraruaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of lhe insured transaction and is responsible for recording lhe legal documents from the lransaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Tide Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitmenl must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construclion on the land described in Schedule A of lhis Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an apprcpriate affidavit indemniSing the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or mqior repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to lhe Date of the Commitmenl, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will lnclude: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and of the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium frrlly executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by lhe Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Nole: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance inshument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and lhat there is a substantial likelihood dnt a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal enerry in the proper$r; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without lhe surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referrrd to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Fo]3n DISCIOSURE 09/01/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidellty National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Tltle Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July l, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacv exDectations of todav's consumers and lhe reouirements of aoolicable federal and glaJe priV-ac-y.laws. We believe that rirakihs you aware of liow we use your non-Dublic oersonal ffiimation ("Personal I,nlbrmation"), ild to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a r6lationshiri of tru3t between us and the'Dublic that we serve. T$s PrivScy Statement pro$des lhat qxplanation. We reserve th6 right to change this Privacy' Statemenl liom time to time comistent with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative;I from ybiu transactions wilh, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, oirr affiliates, or others;* From 6ur internet web sites:* From the pullic recor{g-maintained. by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, oi from our affiliates or otheisiand* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policics Regardtng the Protection of the Confidentialtty and Security of Your Personal Information We mainlain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards lo orotect vour Personal Information from unauthorized access ot intrusion. We limit access tri the Personal lilformatioli onlv t6 those emolovees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other l6gitimate busineds purposes. Our Potcles and Practlces Regardl"g the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may s.hare your Personal lgfon4ltion- with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estale s-ettlemeit servlce providers. We also may disclose ydur Personal Informatiori: lo agents, brokers or representatives lo orovide vou with services vou have reouested: t^o tfiird-party conJra_ctg1s or.service proiiders who provide servicds or perforni markedng or other function3 ori our behalf: and to oih!'rs- wlth whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you mav find of lnterest. In addition, we will disclose vour Personal Information when vou direct or Eive us oermission. when we are reouired by law to do so, or when weiuspect haudulenl or criminal aclivities. We afio mavtisclose vd,ur Personal Information when otherwise peniritted bv applicable orivacv laws such as. for exa"mole. wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising 6ut of any a'grdelment, trlnsaction or relationihip with ybu. Qne qf lh3 important rtsponsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record doclments in the public domain. Such-documentS may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errorc Or Request Changes Or Dcledon Certain states af-ford you tle right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Persodal InformEtion has beei disclosed. Also. certain states afford vou the rieht to reoudst correctioli, amendme_nt or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, wherE permitttd by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6ss incurred in responding to such requesls. " {ll.pguests submitted.to. the Fidplity.Nalional Financial Gmup of Companies/Chicago Titte Insurance Company shall b-e in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacy Compliance Officer [[t'd'g.ilf [??il Fina nciar, rnc. Santa Barbara. CA 931l0 Multiple Products or Services $ we prov-ide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from is. We apologize for any inconvenience tlis may cause you. - Form PRw. POL.CHI tfafa*a*taalaa..alaaaaat*ft*tt*taaraf***tlaaaaaftllltlfl*lftlaafff*t*tattl't*tflrfaitfffa*altf TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€m€nt *+*aaal*aa*aaaafffffaaaf*at}'tarff+aiaf*+**t'i'tt'tt*l*ta'arl'+l'a'fl**tt|t***tflfffaalf**la***aaaaaaat Stateneat lil\rnber: R050000605 Arnount: $500.00 05/17/2OO5O8:46 All Paytn€nt Metbod: Check InLt: iISNotation. 13046/FRTTZLEII PIERCE Petmit No! P8e050037 flE)e: PEC - Variarce Parcel No: 2103-014-0800-1 Sitse Addresa: 1040 VAIIJ \rIEI{ DR \rAIIJ Locatsion: SI{OIIIJION CONDOS Total Feea: $500.00 ThJ.e Paynent: $500.00 Totsal AIjJ Pmts: S500.00BaLance: $0.00**ttttlttftlaaaatalflti*atf*atf'i*tafa********'t**'tt*a't*l*tf++*+*+'l*lla+**a*a*aa*ffaai*alaaaaa ACCOTJNT ITEM UST: Account, CodG - DeacrLptLon Curreng hrEB PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPIJICATION FEES 500.00 'out", 8f rcfet ilt*n Review Action norrl TOWN OF Parccl Numbcr: VAIL Projcct Namc: Building Namc: Projcct DcscriPtion: -I?irYt ,Lr.t, i t"4Crffi ddrcss and Phon c : Lcgal Dcscriprion' t-o Zone District - l'rojcct Strcet Addrcss: Comtncnts: Uour@ Votc: n Approval Motion by: Sccondcd by: tr x Condi Disapproval StaffApproval tions: i , Q', *' Town Planndr oatc: \l1lq1 DRBFeePre-Paid @'*'f, ' ,l v , luwn 75 soulh hontago road val, colorado 81657 (3m) {7$?138 (3(B) 4792139 January 30, 1991 offfce of communlty d€velopmenl Mr. Mike Krohn Rusty Spike Enterprises P.O. Box 1517 vail, co 81658 Re: Snow Irion Dear Mike: I have cornpleted the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) plan check for the proposed caretaker unit at Snow Lion. Because the floor plans show that the existing building exceeds the allowable GREA for the site, the Town cannot approve additional GRFA for the building. I calculated that there are 22, 185 sq. ft. of existing GRFA, and that the site is allowed 20,796 sq. ft. of GRFA. As a result, the existing building is already L,390 sg. ft. over the allowable. I appreciate your patience in this review. If r can answer any guestions for you, please call ne at 479-2L38 sincerely, , ,/,W6-/r\ Andy Knudtsen To!'tn Planner /ab o I S*"-/;^/-z {-e/ 4lou't Qrar^.^-l &--t $:,,tz'M't t bn,s't t44." t tr2'2 6 8qe. t fixt !/",,-,'t43.4 r 642.0 * fo4.2 +82s.'7 t?o2.7 *Ela-3 rQt6.b t8?q.2 bt4z \e-.*a fr". 84t'q t 7t?'2 t wo.( t ttq.L + ?s2,3 + N4?, / * rSS. /1 &g /, 0 fns.s --- 7h"r/ ft',,-'E4i''7 ' ?Q7.2 t ?44,5 + E/{.5 / 3tot zst.? | 25t.3 3 3al.g zz , lke ,1 Exisfi"-6 - hlltn.-t{. = fe-ye-*i*itt6 zz, fts.q - zo,ll{.{ = -131o.4 A*4 t:qo.4 4 oru 6-*',lf ArJpou; /; ^ 14c-Ld's- G,o*,t fr"". bEqt.tsv Fvst {L,* 1to3.tg( 5.."*l ft"r- j'11.,4tv,,VLxo( flrr,- -,t. 21;43 . of T"hl .l c L.l 7-2<-?/ Sr|az <-A (zrf/ /,"\ 6 r\rrq a"'^r l,lrt< .h . C-<lW-t^*t *,Y /or/.s Wfl,*Y &/b + t/?.5 | -?&t, 65 + ?24.q t%,zr + tth.?f * *EV6+ arfr + 7/4 / elg,25- * 7{3.25 + 429.25 tl'l t &of.Or r )?6,25 t E?-3g-+ /oEs.Zf ,r ?24 /L q.o r- 76/ {9.2 g: r t aZ.(o + j/,(# + S6.z &/4,?t + 630.2t J 33.t /out-(L ',',Wv0ill1 ?av'- I ,r f of tsz li,^,, Prrlr* 0^ (rt) ,(rq'ar u) it *l = 2674{.5 snorpliom Town of Vailr Ma,, 29, L990 Our Snowlion Condominium Association woul-d like to try to convert our Community Room into housing for an on-site resident management couple, Tt is not being used and the space is of no use to us at all as it sits. We need decent housing to provide a manager. rt is not a rental unit nor woul-d we eolrect rent. rt wourd be compensation for the job. As you know it is difficul-t to obtain reliable help if you cannot provide housing. This would make a big difference in our Association and the general management of the buid[ng for all resj-dents. Please consider our request, Regard, Affi"C lv..t'*^ Patricia A. Hackmarr President 1040 Vail View Dri-ve Vail, Co. Bt65? 476-3950 office The Snowlion Condomj.nium Association has contracted Rusty Enterprises to do this project for our homeowners. Spike snorpf torEo . Ma',' 29, L990 Town of Vailr Our Snowlion Condoninium Association would l-ike to try to convert our Community Room into housing for an on-site resj.dent management couple. It is not being used and the space is of no use to us at all as it sits. We need decent housing to provide a manager. It is not a rental unit.nor woul-d we coLlect rent. It would: .... : be compensation for the job. As you know it is difficult to obtain reliable help if you cannot provide housing. This would make a big difference in our Association and the genqral nanagement of the buid[.ng for all residents. Please consider our request. Regard, Affi"C tvolr*^ Patricia A. Hacknan President 1040 Vait View Drive Vail, Co. 8165? 4?6-3950 office The Snowlion Condominium Association has contracted Rusty Spike Erterprises to do this project for our homeowners. 1 Projectq ,\/viD -,L.d*oateot@ PEC DF*B --6_87; Tovrn councrr- on€:,,n,r:a roposed eView,,: P ertanen ::::.::'l -t{ j) r':, t'., CLtrtr.,/r'.. /.4 1..' .'. a r\ ,?kJ z?'G &/aL coob lLvt tt Qec /*t c*A Z/ofto /rf aru,- i, t2, zoa I tr,w\ fl* *7-"*.1r" $" f/".. 4,r e-u (fran A^.1 t/, ltl ' f,n Frrr'D^rS/.,"t Wa 6-//-7o ile .^/u;n .L*.f," h /4t4-. /*.1/;*.j . N" "LeE p.t l. /ua/.t d,-t?- ?o F _!-l -.--/.AH.lNL ".-'+ +r4fg qpFl ttt-J lar.uo, .!4, ,,"T,+% e,,4 $tr-tu '*f */ ftt;/. fi-l^k/ 6'^ lL *t*r-*.-J, ,-rtJ ^ /un t- /o-/o A",^,;ff (,t)* fsro,') : Zo?4s zt / 4 )* /a/ o,r. on*olo/./W-b r/*-o t^ /uul;/Lo Q,frell c^lt .l.Z.;,ra e-,-,,-d,u- /6.A/. /BA A.4. J,. nneoctJt *_y ,-r*^,,/ ?I pr'A+ ,o.J /*_ o tu. tu " u":,,r il' :k3,^3: "' ""(k)or-\" 6Ec"t L)-29 . 1t. t r 3G1l,iL4'It. 3 Qucstions? e,. Planning Staff a t479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any project requiring Design Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring dcsigr rcview must reccive Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific inlbnnation, scc the subnlittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. Thc application cannot be accepted until all thc requircd infbrmatiott is subutittcd. Thc projcct nuy also nccd to bc rcviewcd by thc Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmcntal Cornnrission. Design Rcview Board approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWNOFVAIL B. C. D. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:Lor:_ BLocK:_ FrLx{c: /o{a t/a;l U ;*' D c. PHYSICAL ADDRESS:;l v,),-' (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ollice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #)PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: E. F. C. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 p Minor Alteration - $20 da C-a I LS7 PHONE: Constnrction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commercial building. Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc irnproveutcnts, such as. reroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnccs and retaining wallg ctc. For any application whcrc the applicant wishc.s to ntcct with Desigr Rcview Board to detcnnine whcther or not thc project gcncrally conrplies with the design guidelincs. Thc DRB docs not vote on conccptual rcviews. MAILING ADDRESS: [J Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 DRB fees are to be paid at the tirne of submittal. Later, when applying for a building pcnnit, please idmtify theaccuratevaluationoftheproject. TheTownofVailwilladjustthcfeeaccordingtotheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, TsSOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. o \\,r3 mt F3 L:t>-v\- _c r*E!'2--IiF' fr" + O 00 (n]\tJ'' -14 11*' o N\)ra Dr/'sl/, =75 F= ;L'-zt 7 --P'- _s ru tBl; i7bI it' q-X- o.,." Y &fti fF I II l-T \ 7. FJ aoD F t - Do FV +o m Ko-.k(P DRA TPPIJICITIOTI DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ffi['Siuli .4199U J,,*. 4, f {'f O L'4 40J@qi *****IHIS APPI.,ICATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL ALIJ INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED***** r. PRE-APPLICATION T{EETING: A pre-application neeting with a planning staff nenber lsstrongly suggested to determine lf any additionalinfotmatlon is needed. No application rrill be accepted the zonlno adninistrator). It is the applicantrsresponsibility to nake an appointment with the staff to findout about additional subrnittal reguirements. Please notethat a COMPLETE application will streanline the approvalprocess for your proJect by decreasing the nurnber of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALIJconditions of approval must be resolved before a bulldingperurit is issued. Apptication will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: /@ B.IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: aaaress -;''; -) ' ' O Legat Description Trtt 6L Block 9 Subdivision c. D. NN,IE OF APPI,ICA}'TT: NAME OF APPLICANTIS Phone y7t-3"Address: REPRESENTATII'E: Mailing Address: E. NA},TE OF OWNERS aIGXaTURE (8) Phone Condorninium Approval if appllcable. DRB FEE! The fbe will be eaid at the tine a buildlngpernit is paid for. F. G. VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000t 1or oo1 - g F0, ^00$5O,OO1 -s 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo 9500,001 - $l,0oorooo$ Over 91,000,000 FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100. o0 9200. OO 93oo.oo Dtailing ltailinq Addressz /4 447 -4, ?E (ovER) I II. I!.TPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALI-, SUBT'fiSSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal requirernents, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property Iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed nust also be narked. This work must be conpl.eted before the DRB visits the site. B. The revieqr process for NEW BUfLDINGS will nornally involve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Deslgn Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not askedfor a postponement will be required to be republished. D. At the dlscretion of the zoning adrninistrator, the following ltens may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, whlch have had letters subrnitted frorn adjoining Property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval from the agent for,or nanager of a condoninium association. E. You rnay be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. lou should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. I. IIATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED NEW CONSTRUCTTON A. Trro copies of a topographic nan and site plan at a scale of 1rr = 20' or larger, of the site containing the following: 1. Licensed surveyorrs stamp. 2. contour lntervals of not nore than 2r unless theparcel consists of 6 acres or Dore, in which case,5t contour intenrals nay be accepted. 3. Exlsting trees or groups of trees having trunksvith diarneters of 4rr or more one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (targe boulders, internittent streams, etc. ) . Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek, creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 4ot or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchrnark, either USGS landmarkor serrer invert. locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site, showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service Iines fron sources to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer GasTelephone Water Electric c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations 4. 5. 5. 7. e. AII easements (Title report must also include existlng easenent locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. AII existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas' storage areas, walks, driveways, off-streetparking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations of top and bottom of walls) ' and other site irnprovements. 10. Elevations of toP of roof ridges (with existincr. and Fionosed graaes shown underneath) to dete:mtine height of building. All ridge lines should be indicated on the site Plan. B. Landscape Plan (1' = 2Or or larger) - 2 copies required 1. Strow the location of 4rr dlarneter or larger trees,other shrubs and native plants that are on thesite and the locatlon and design of proposed landscape areas with tbe varletLes and sizes ofplant materials indicated. 2. Cornplete the attached landscape materials list. 3. Designate all trees to be saved and all those to be renoved. NoTE: As nuch of the above infornation as possible should be indicated on the site plan, so that the inter-relationof the various components Ls clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existlng topographic and vegetational characteristics may be shown on a separatenap. The applicant must stake the site to show lotlines and buildinq corners. Trees that will be lost D. Preliminarv title report to accompany all subnittals,to insure property ownership and g-LI-@DC!E on property. E. Architectural Plans (L/4" = 1r or larger) 2 copies reguired. 1. lilust include scaled floor plans and all- elevations as they will appear on completion. El.evations rnust show both existing and finished grades. 2. one set of floor plans must be rrred-linedrr to show how the GRFA was calculated. 3. Suburit one set of reduced (8 L/2't x 11rr) floorplans, elevations and site plan for inclusion Ln memos to Planning Comnission and Town Council . 4. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list (attached). Color chips, siding sarnples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board rneetlng. F. Zone check list (attached) urust be conpleted if project is zoned Single-fanily, Prinaryr/Secondary or Duplex. c. The Zoning Adurinistrator and/or DRB nay require the subnrission of additional plans, drawings.specifications, samples and other materials (includinq a nodel) if deened necessary to determine whether aproject wiLl comply with Design Guidelines. II. UTNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the locatj.on (site plan) of the proposal nay be subnitted in lieu of the more formal reguirements given above, as long as they provide all inportant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. durincr construction rnust be tagqed. The work nust be cornpleted before the DRB site visit. c. Signature fron each utilitv company verifying locationof service and availability (see attached). III. ADDITTONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COI,I!,IERCIAL A. origlnal floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Two sets of proposed floor plans (L/4" = 1r or larger)for additions. c. Trro copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed constructLon. Indicate roof ridge elevations nl,thexlsting and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of existing structure. F. Speciflcations for aII materials and color sanples onnaterials llst (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Adninistrator you nay also be required to submit: c. A statement from each utility verlfying locatlon of service and availabitity. See attached utility location verification forn. H. A site improvenent survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A prelininary title report, verlfying ownership ofproperty and lists of easements. IV. FINAL STTE PI,AN After a building perrnit has been issued, and vhen theproject is underway, the following will be reguired before iny building receives a frarning inspection fron the Building Department: Tnro copies of a certified inprovenent survey showing: A. aullding locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dinensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. c.AIl utllity service lines, as-builts, showing sLze of Iines, type of material used, and exact locatLons. Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. AII property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. AII easenents. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elev?tl'ons wlth existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. E. F. G. H. v.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVTEW 1. Subrnittal requirernents: The owner or authorized agent of ant-Fiojecaiequiring design approval as prescrlbed by th-is-chlpter nay suUurit plins for conceptual review bt the Design Review Board to ttre Departnent of Connunity Developrnent. The purpose of a conceptual review Ehalt be to give the applicant a basic understanding vith respect to the design concept and the conpatibiftty of a proposal with the Design Guidelines contained within this chapter. This procedure is reconmended nainly for those applications 2. of a higher inpact than single-farnily and two-fanily residences although projects of that nature shall not be excLuded fron the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. The following infornation shall be subnitted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a nininum scale of one inch eguals twenty feet; b. Conceptual elevations and exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structuresi c. Sufficient information to show that the proposal conpl-ies wlth the development standards of the zone district in wtrich the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculatLons, number of parking spaces, etc. ) ; d. Conpleted application formi e. Planning and Environmental Connission and or Town Council approval if required. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Departrnent of Coumunity Development sha1l review the subnitted naterials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic conpliance with the zoning code requirenents, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code reguirernents, the application and subrnittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation of the Departnent of Corununity DeveloPmentts findings. The DRB shall review the application and supporting material that has been submitted for a conceptual revien in order to deterrnine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. No vote of the DRB ldill be required unless requested by the applicant. The property owner or his representativeshall be present at tlre DRB hearing. LIST OF UATERIAI,S NA}IE OF PRGTECT: L,EGAL DESCRIPTION: IOT_ BIFCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: PTION OF PRq]ECT: Ttre following Lnfornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING UATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trl-m Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other I,AI{DSCAPING: Name required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF !{ATERIAI, COI'R of Designer: Phone: Botanical Narre common Name ouantity size* B. PLANT !,[,ATERIAI6: PROPOSED TRIES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnum calipqr for trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for conlferous trees. PIANT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SHRUBS BotanicaL Name Conrnon Name ouantitv Size* c. EXTSTING SHRUBS TO BE REI{OVED *Indicate size 5 gallon. of proposed shrubs.Mininrum size of shrubs is Trrpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I|IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences' swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maxinum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximurn height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DrSTRrerS DATE: L,EGAL DESCRIPTIONs lot Block - Filing ADDRESS: OI{NER PIIONE PHONEARCIIITECT ZONE DISTRTqT PROPOSED USEI'T SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l{ater course Site Coverage Iandscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parking Credits: carage llechanicaL Airlock Storage Drive: Slope Pernitted Environnental/Hazards: AvaLanche Flood Plain Slope Geologic Hazards Zoning : Approved/Disapproved Date: Allowed Proposed (3o) (33) 201 15 1 15r (30) (50) (300) (600) (eoo) (1200) (50) (1oo) (2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Staff Signature TITTLTTY IOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA}IE IOT BI'CK FII,ING ADDRESS The location of utllitLes, shether they be Daln trunk llnes or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. l{est Communications 1-8 00-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Senrice conpany 949-578L Gary Hau Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892led Huskyr/Michael Iaverty Heritage cablevision T.v. 949-5539 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle valley l{ater E Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE: * P1ease bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley lfater & Sanitation signatures. These verificatlons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut petnl! fronthe Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utilltv locations before dicroing in.any publlc @ent in the Town of vail. Abuildino peirnit is not a street cut Pernit. A etreet cut perrolt must be obtained separately. Thls fom is to verify sernrice avallability and- location. This shoutA le used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scbeduling installations. Des I gn Rev I Date Pa i d ew Foo -%, Common 11- A ^-t-.,- |Jq. | | . , rrL I rJo I Actua | 4t , 1+ q., % --s{. ttLANDSCAP I l.lG: Req u i rea nO fr , PARKING AND L0AD|NG: No. Required 4(t , No. Acrua,'&W*,8 covered Re- qui red No.; Covered Actua I ZON ING APPROVAL d DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL UTILITIES APPRO VA L ENV IRONI/ENTAL IMPACT APPRCVAL Zoning Adm,nistrator Chairman, Design Review Board Da te Da l-e Da te Mayo r D afe SUMMARY pRoJ Ecr sr9owt to ' t ? ; ARCH trEcr '104.4 tt'/, ^+fiteza t LEGAL DESCR IPT lON USE ZONE I ; PRoPoSED USE(S) CdqDd/,..//^.//u419 _ ., LoT StZE f,o.28l .6(FRONTA GE sETBAcKS: Requtred - Front l(^trrb,.(, sides JA\6 te'+U{ aear IOI + , Actual - Front ?31 , sides l?,(t bl , Rear-; a DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: Reoui rea FJ +6d , Actuut lLl , _; HE I GHT: Ave rage Gra de He i ght A | | owe.d -:gj/t-Rafio., Ailcvrable sq. ft , Actua la qn I sq. ft. ++ , ,COMMERC IAL FLOOR AREA: Percentage a I lowab le_r A I lowab Actua I sq. .f t. ._-..-..--.--.-:; BUf LDING BULK CONTROL: Allowabte maximum length llS I , Diagona I l{4)l ,'g'+ |Required Offsets' lt/5t , Actual length l?'1l , Diagonat lTbl_; SITE COVERAGE: Allowabte 45 _/,, A| owabie Sq. fr. , Act-ual fi Actua I sq. +t. 5'18€b.n; ,tse.rf fc,e-dVnCP-.f--A. rh/Li. rsc>srl .lI td t,uNf, UsEABLEoFENSPACElRequired-sq.ft.,Actua|sq. 6round Leve I Date Submi Date Submi Date S ubm i Extens ion by Sect ion COMMENTS: f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi ng Review gn Review ronmen ta I , Dead I i ne Date , Dead I ine Date tte d fted tte d I mpact Rev iew to d a te B (Series of 1973) item of Ord inance No. Dead I i ne as pe rmi 1'ted 4tt'o€1t'' 2 ?t Aqa,{483- ?z1/-s LY a89t9 8qa ag o / -_lt/b/ oz t =t LrJo o N N u) IJJ UJu- F =Eulo "[f, taeor o7p @ @ H Nts Fl H anz tll liJ J 9 l! o('2o uJF Fttz =o ozz in UJ z = =6 6 =zal F H D PF 14 FT F*f l!J uJ U) =7 l! o zoo Eo .Eulz3vE|ruldz __-_ =Ev luJFE<FAoYZo< X-Eo) i;e*e EEglt =ciEE EEFEE a; t"e g $E;ei :*i€$ iiEgg6 0'-.: -c= 0, o E E,tE g € igiEE \T\'\7 + F E qJ z J 3 .D I |l, ()z J d ocFo uJJ IJJ z c 9z u.l = u.lllt zo F u,E C) uJe. 3llJ IuG z.I l! ah uJ o- z IJJJ x uJol U'Iu UJ lJ- tr = uJo- FoF oz J o J 9(lF IJJJ uJ (,z (o = ) 2 uJ = Fl ts ts a lr NOUVnIVA H ct z F .'li xk ;Fr Z Z tJ,-eO o Ofitr - 6z#I5 >e6E 9 "E390 x&6 d H.(JzX-b{ :3HEF.-o':-8 Z7dNO >E -IlYtltn& =CO6.I H # E zH tsa H E fr'r V) B I M zH FT IE lrrl l*la l"IF IHt! IE luIB l14 l=- IHt< lFrlmlz l- lHt< l- z tr J IL cr c ct UJ N UJ J z E o rqt{x tr G, uJ =uJz tltltltl FzlzOotrul<oo< =ft>(ERtrUo<z F2.. 9z -F tir O3tr Iil tl t"ltoltoltdl lufJ oaulzY - F z F Jlaz I z z I ; 3 F uJ o = rl sl =l zl .. >lo llJ llJulzoF tr uJ.L z Eoo oz tra 5 //), J/ 4)'z .-,t:?,-,1.. ,-f) c) .t) o // ,1,2 IIJF6toolzo Fo- u.lY lrJ c0 oF E fio |!O\ lI- -.{lo.l > 6tlIlo .:lo5ltol Huli-F26 z oP =e =z (! t'|- ..i3 ==i- /\ J- =u1 il6E= F Eul l!o:!{,>.E<ctl€aB9!ir Ed => =uti-5 b=u o.- E =>o-I O r.r-E ooE 5pE 9;6 !:l Fo...|o-!E ul t0 F -I - F =Elrlo-zoF() -E 6zoo !n! F! , (,z J tL 6 F J Iao(, zoH Bo-.A ui z coo (/l z z H B zv) =z t.lIrB a u.l do Ja = o- F1H ;i tr ul - = o- F =tr oz oult J a 14-oz BI H H Fl & H tsH B = tr ii;-l o o UJ : IIoz3I .v Io\.iro\ =tr z out J troz3o F =g t! z ti u,l J a tl.oz3 F =e z o UJE ltoz B F llJ uJF e. uJz3 F UJ E- E t <F IIJ <zEt!F<r=ul )t<o(JF FSqE -. Eol(J 2F s3fFd6 i5 13 E6 EoEhg+tFFo2<o EgI ftfRt-t-.x" t 15 relqsef, Jfio,r- f10-+ >th|HF{r ,JE.E {. FrtsuJnlAJ a6uErlS 66'r' EBSIIIItSSBSIg Pled lrrlo{U pred oell gB.nb ( FaraFual lunor{H rlr'ufd .rsH'J\ rHr .rrrjrr-.,= ,rfl?itllrl*FI!,g#}|:r #runoir6 dsgBIB * rdla:ag 95 :E' !! I 88_e I_s I qseS sEe|-rtIaEIH -lI Hf"t -J0 htfttll I o oz E =t uJo- l9J I I I I I I l- '<t5 IE tzro I I l." rero I I I I I, IFt<tE tbz t= .= 66 Cl ct gEE;E EE g;I € sE:9 -e €!EiEi i; se'- O..C ^+E = E.E'i:*>53 :Eg;H EE gFc E.; t"e tsE;ei €E='g! P;665 :EEH; E6 F:=- o;9; -c= o (') tr s€it€ -U!==tr-5 () >.-!t €* gii EEg;E ; o =ZZD-oootr ^ -ozq 5 =9F9 OE IDOEZ!-Ooarn()zx l!<oq dEF EaXz !-.NO 3 F uJ o.-t!<-og JI<l FI zl zl .. >lo alJ llJ UJzoF uJ(L zI =oo Iu tso @o-zo FL uJ !< UJ c0 F tr =Elu o- u-o o-oo g u'l 9E z /n :1zQdro>z O- tL ifi('(J= =r=-)-i t!6il> = tu IL UJoz ato F E JFuJ-h=1Ed[!>o-O|r9oquXL:>IJFutJJtr IIJ c0 F co Ecto o ott .E t E EoIJ ,AOar la! ol>Ff=E =t=o:tl E =E, lrJo-zIFofEFazo(J !nn a 'i* ^ =.1('l uJl :l <l>l EIol zl 3l 9tFI I I I I .lol =.1olutl JI <l>l ltlol il sOI IIJ I I I I =.1 utltrl .JI <l>l 4l EI ol =.1ol IJJI 1l <l>l (Jz J u- rii =z (Do I IL l" I I a ctcIsj =o ol =.1ol lJll 5l al>l LIol =lFI o F EFz z T t! Eir uJ +8,o2 )E<o(JF;() EEy2 urOo ooz, t- =<ZEf,F --J Zo-O C) F ult <FG()[tJ<zEurF(aZ o D!D .a' e" lr, oF -.-r.-H Cl a-,E( oEu clr, -. .oCl.-r-(5t9 =< o'', -J |J- r,tsHolrh- cl d . =lO c '!lr.l !^ Llo E\',1toalllJD (ulr! c -lZoc-lU EI3e3f cr P,* |7 tr-. a_l 3 L <aIo(ur-)lJ+r cjl_J .r (..) |Q(u I!-J <\, I r.i rs=<r(ltlt,aE =bE=U =^<g=a irdO:=F-F lc). ,9 ::: \ ==>E=H9er'l E6F c-ocJ- F F14il cJ<=t u; -w-oIp * p 0o \^ c4 lrl Fet q1 u, E @oo-zo Fo- uJ:c ula o F EElrlo- z,.o =<(5o =zJOrt tt J.^i5YY:r-q;f BJE F = uJ tl. uJ F DDD e -? iir': {..' r. ou! oz 0 =oJl .Da o =zo an u,l l! F u, F UJ q, u, o 3 UJ z 6qJ ll, uJ ot! z = J c( UJ Y(J (J z tJ) UJ tJJtl- == LU F = ('z lra. t!q o o lc lo lsiz 3oi l! luoz,.,3--O KF 6c({)< I E;€t fBgE:g f €FE; Hsgfsg )IsPIheP\ I : €:;8, J i :EFte li €; s r Enil ,-$3t-: E$l eol-oiE * 'xsSlE >< =*:€i X E;;g5o6f69i g E g€ !:::= - c_: o: 3*: f€EiE;5 E la:gE;E:iii:q! eFgg.g-6;',sE z = e =>l< lr| frr.{ zo qg EP9o5dlrzr!<.ocHA>()FOid it q,l z I tt =zlz9o <()o<OJ = tl: =E61oo<z zl .. >lo UJ UT UJz <t, ==ul J zo t- 6o h J 1 J (Dz <l o (, z :< A z o .3; E cc UJ-\coh t'jol :-{c mlh+r<fg." 2Ex Jcl I F J E?+Eoz oF(J Fzo() :g;C) =t;Jz C) o C) z J EFo UJ -rO<FEC'uJ< llJ l_ o() l'-r r5 T -l ,c 2 3 a \rf E z co -tl ul \0s .iz du,ll EI ilil :ltl FI J YT 1 \J \ frl vl-n-l ll il il cnll stl :ll sll u,llJtluIlFll l I>lFI (Jl ) Jl r{,\H \tl v P {) rl ol z 0 lrJ :iI bl =l oz dI JI 3 tr-lg =t J<c)ov)uJ UJ zoF(J :)EF0zo C) nnr-'r 480 oo rNSA?noN REeuEsr' ROJECT INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL 8? JoB NAME 4o .1t o^){),/DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER utA"zb El.v€- MoN ,r=s (dEil) r"r^__ ti _o" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAT ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr tr D SUPPLY AIR tr /'rAA/o,t-l Zt> FINAL FINAL APPROVED -'2'/u. n DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo* U ,- / 7- trF rNSpEcroR \ October ll, 1988 Dear Town of Vailr Snowllon Condonlniums has authorlzed and contracted W.hlte Rlver Electrlc Company to lnstalI heat tape on our roof. Please contact me if you have any further questlons, Patty Hacknan- kesident Box DVai1, Co. 81658 476-)950 offlce Regards, €fim Q,l'loon,m- Patricia A. Hacknarr Snowllon 101+0 Vall Vlew DrlveVai1, Co. 8L657 ?rn& D Spec'i4'' c t' ^ .-rS ..'v-'' e^-Ic-A:.-'-' (a/=&- ' &.j'.*'t . P(-o ''^ :._ D':", e <\ed-t - ,.ur-, J4- <4 */lo'"-r L' '."-u Q, lqq- t4,o3 {"r- {'' (aJ..4-' {[hl /'s,Y- l4'.'-'i'" Q.aru-r UJ/^,k- Av'L4- LLd-t- '- Iu)ooro= !t o: 5bn rin - o-r =Et-,; ae .a :tXCF Eg = =:! -=!ll, r1tltI - - 3dg9s= gil gBES=l3BE H *=-d'ii X *o Esg i54FE'i F 6l flEs gSsEa $g 'R&.95{ 6-+8:?ri5 g 6.<:d EF 6 E=ag sF#a EfiEiE $ESBES gggg$g$e$,E€cg rg*C3= =88=l R-++xaFRd =oRB i Hsa*E 3ueaa tgg$q€85 e$$Fqg3E'A gx:Hh HB.E-4r^=.x{ Esxi CeqE i aFAilH H^gE6$ H Fs gE€g FF#s a s; Fss FqcE;g.g i fr$;gfgg.i3 dB8.Rseg'-iu* e HEET FEg* e ' Qrd ts g$s $3F x=Bi; €sg ilqB;to EA. HE d 3$3€ E* (li(a d' 66 g3 ro$ b's' ds S.a ;sF.X affifgH sBgfiEg$$EF3gg FasrFE 'qeEf qi gf?fE s r+giaFgEcE$EEE4gEgga$$ifieE;6snesg$gFgF E. b,E*E <o b.9 E.P &E :.ege EEgE ps 6FE* sg gggggEBmi *I tt r€p s EEet EEE fi F:gE€;RPeE $EHEE 9= $E tt €s6*.g **dr:EhiE EE EF Er\ol s€bx>x ATgl! ssiEEffigEg ffiil ItiHlttITIMLlEiit,Ir[t[tli- be f;E oa!=oE Aat x* ;3.sEsc;e6.9 ;Ggt $$- E€b! 8g E'i5 se ! aS€ o ee EE $$ g6 6es: $Eega5 E.E g ERg $EB g asx o aaa q) E g (! = ;E9Y+,'oo EE €E €:EcL _98 .E-p .g u'C)dt I , Fg.# E*EE ep=.Fggg$E *egH ?;HH E EEES sg$rr $g EF:'r'* EBEg$s, EE;$E Fs B *s s Ei$EEEggE€gFg 5$ rit .9tt *F (u 6 otteoo (\l(\I * E le$sfl ies I pel * * Ecl Ecl fiEgEl,sl !tI tE o, Es ,E :fiE g$sE eE ;i*i+ ,f; gileF * rf o ^EEF YLrFsggffiffi*Ee *g ilsslsffi -s 'X o| CLgo qgo o o i c6 co g:4g xooi, E*g< c(ot)= drGo> NF.|-@ e,. 3EE "1gEox<'t :- c08€ €o9=-€i E'-f i rq)e+ eFR 8s9X' oQ ft E: 6b d.E ->>af!>€a E-i(D r\ Ef c(D EcI ltt HigE E$EEE ggsE$g lgEfi* =€(u> €89aaE 5Uff?9Pgd_ 6a E; e€ 8g o6g agxnitiuro ro rD@ |r) @ rt)@ roco If x C) c E'x(! $ (7) $ ni o & tr) o(9 (') IL 9Qou- *gv iD oQ: cg .i-SS = u- (/t;- 8 N oro ol ro o|rJ o E E'* (tr |r) (o C! \tc! N c\,1 OJ o.9 eoo F(' lr)|o ==rc) C\I (\I(o (o ==r (r) (o (o ==r(9 (.J c)3= @olr)OF- === n E z oE (o Y$6EF .!ta $ >>! bq' Pof; =f,tE(! xb:65f Pc Ets =!v!xHj4-Ex95!5s9dv,=(D F(!;;9.u5.: I E€ExoE d .ng 0) s€Eg g€8fl *$flE E$E g ah CLq) t c eEci; E.=o()o*? E*6+c,y .D6fE ec E6 12o E =I G (!o (,tE ec iN LL $ (D E E q)s nt CLgo ll'- o- E ,f,Egii E!' !so-- atarl'd(, --9_9(,vra -!lcg an o F I", EIE = iE=i; S rE Plg ryY/ /[-t/'b gEN SE; ei EEEEWry j-oc lt+ iEEef, l; giii EJt iBiiET ^U '-!!-Fo .ai E:€ g8s;E atr€l ati-l zl zl .. >lo UJ u.l lllza tr |rlu ) zo F oo tl t$ IH l$<clxd =*6cl =TEH fr+:+fid3q('l ZZtr-o ootr ^ 62g 5 >eF9OE.nAe6d fi?z- 5 l L,qcl€lcl 1 dz E =g, IJJ o- N Or!i ct) +.t (l)v) tlJF v,dlo1zo t-o- uJY IJJ CD oF F G LlJ o- TLo o-oo lllFoz ==ul u- ?HEZE<ltf6 <t)te,B9Eir EgE-JF=u:-E FE: :E: ouE 9o9 iutE Xdt x>t q- o-i!ri t! m oF uJF z oPz4 dlo =z>) dP dfi 2""r= -;o--iuJ6il= E =E lrJ o-z9F(JfEF(nzoo !!D ol2l ql <l>l t!lol zl 3lolH I I I I I "l=.1 uJl 3l LIot 5l :Ol uJFI F =.1ol uJltrI il rLlol zl =lpl FI tlIItltltlloll1lI(,lI uJl lcEltJltaltillolt2l!;lE9ru rl tltl 1?lqtlqflTItl lq l:lI rr-l t9l>l =lat olu-t Fl I I I Il-l' I )g\ul o CIsI Eoz J t! lJ-o E I t4JE zo J E =.n ui =z. (Do-) t-d. irL!+EFo2 z =J z T uJ = <o(JF-()-<i:c;F-,2ilo & <F(rOuJ<ZE,UJF(42o t-o uJL-G ! Ftftft .n IJJ IIJlt E = u.lo- I l,, t<t6 I I I I ILG IFt< IFl2z t=n r2 3oF o o (l, E (5 oE o .= = co E o =l o- 0) o ct (E 3 0) 0, o) o ! g;oEo() P:Eo.> -!ttt F (!; ;oF o E ooo(! o o o g, I o o o 6 o 3 G 0 E o6 op o 8Ee =!Er-ooiEo eEetq! f.Y- (! o-(! 0- sEE U,+,O-:*e E6:ee EO$: EE E -., c(d 0'-5ac g:E B6> 9 ca .;FE ;E;9E qr eEg, -4(o IJ o) o co 6 E o o u \) sS E ut z o .D x =zz!-o oo F^OZq 5 =eF9 OE66 Ez>oO(r9lQzXu-<3i igU Erq Gt-. (\t (, t ; ut @ S -E \ t\-d\ lLl z o z F llJF =llJz ^Clrj O co +)<rO(-)g t-t .tlJt- o-x<O tr- (n vc r= @L(4 -(, (Dop (J= o q- o. +t G'v) (\J E LrF o)+)P -.1 F E t! CL C5z, J l! ol! UJ6 lJ.J tJ.Jz. U) 7- =oJJ t!. b \^ \t\ ul F-lC! uJ E at, (Do?zo Fo- uJY uJgl oF F uJF o I ulFo2 z rn !izn =z=fa-,8 Ji5Y2F< r.lJ xil= !n! z o F-]L-J Li rd,2<s 91 t \-/ |!62o EsqE^ <t- -oi-o B:J 9 -F lc .=ur;5f; EF-:r F = -? lll :- E=F E:o > a: .O t! E--.1 o o9E\ utELt- ;i O_ Eue F €ff=JurF:IF** -=I b =E ]lJo-zoF C)fEFazo(J 6 a r (tz u- I I I _l d FoJ \sq rJ|\i 'r s $, 395a) u; =z o-) \ \I \ tl \l! sl\| rl ul =4 ..\\\ \ !s $ uJEoos--f = VIs s o- \3 \\l's E =tr |rl J = Ic F 'i t.\\' \] \ Nf.rl'.*J =l trl T '\^, \ o zJ olull 5l <l>l ttl zl;lolFI \\. \ $ Iu UJ F =q z.l (5l Hl JI<l>l t!l zl 3lolFI E u-l oz ct uJ = IIoz 3 otFI tr ;l EJJl sl t!lol zl 3loiFI tr o lll 1l <l>l t!l zl 3lolFI UJJutF UJz =o F lu E?o E -rO<Far() IJJ <zE[!Farzo() <o(JF trs v2r. r.u- Olo (.'o z, t- =f)zu-o SF =336 G E,h9Xr- i-1,, z <c)o u1.5H '^l x.xxxx.x !! Roofing Specification for 'snowlion' Condos Horth Side Roof Only l ) A1.'ply 7/ 1-6" r,'nffer l:+ard over *:d::tin!. f r:r.ri 2 ) I nstall :itirl+ lr' drip erlge oil irll rr.r,::r[ +tl;-:+s. F ,:: rr.l t+ rriltih +:l:-;trrrg trim 5) eplrty 'Jiffy 5ea1'ttt*t:-r1:rir.tie trr trit.r-ttlirt:+ tri+nit::r:.1n+ t(,'rntire r':i'rf nfen accor'littg t+ rp+riiicirfion': l:ir ili+ rii,'rrrr:i;=r'::i.'Jr+l". :lral ;rl''rr-rntl rr.1l t-t{rf pf otrt-t:liotrs vrith rrra:jtic. {) Apl:17 'Elk Fr+stirlu+ I'fil-r+rg1as::: Fil:ingles ;r.r::t+r'JinE t+ :;F+rifiratrorrs try th+ ttrerttt-ti+ctr-tr+r. f,crlor tn matr:h ::hingl+i ',:rr the sontir sirle +f tlre huil<ling. 5)Pr,rvit1* antl irrstall all hip;rrr,l rrcJ-q+ i1r1d :;tnft*r :-;hirrglf:; asneerJed. ir) AFFIy n+l'r flashing otl ;111 en(:l',r.,'a1t:j, ri;rll+ir5. irti,J rid+wa.lli. r-:[hnterfla.sh. Paint ta nrirt:fi existing tritrr. 7) Pry up ttre ridg+ v+rrt, appl1r :n+nhratL* :-rnrl ihirriles r-ritrcl*r'r".?,t, an,J nail trark iflt+ plilre. , 0) tlleatt the property thr,rror:g|1,1'r-rpr:r1 rr::'rnp1+tl'::1 +f th+ ro+f ','rork. $) Prrr',ricl+ all n*c+ssary p+rtntt:i i1r.r{i irrtr-1ii1rr':r+ ;.rs rellllir+ri hy th+ T+r,'ln +f Va.il Builcling ll+pirrtrn*nf . litj p1ni.i1 i-:r":,ti:-itru(tiotr Lluil.riltt+ei rr:'rliiig itrr I iLhr++) y+a.rs arnd agrees to fepaif, ir.t fl+ {r-rtt tr.r th*.-t"''ryt+fi,, aul.r 1+;11.1; dr-te tn f1irr,.,,':_; irr t',i,rrlttnatrship. Iv ffiowliom September 2' 1987 To: Tovn of Vall hrlldins Departnent P1ath Conetructlon Coqrany hes the approval of the Snowlion Borrd of Directore to conplete the renaining portion(Zq') ot our roof. h/e would like constnrctlon to begia on or around the loth of Septenber. Thank you for your help in this natter. Rg8ardsrlafu O, Nnlrnwn Patricia A. Ilacknan President of Snovlion Condouiniun Association ' . ill"l,' /.1;t:: " i PEHMI DATE T NUMEER OF PROJECT. \ -\\, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION; MON CALLER _ IUES,WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n h rtrunl tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIB n tr FINAL tr FINAL &\PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED +DATE INSPECTOR-.- ciz E =g, uJo- o @ t-{ O)q )<yt C" u..l!utL E =t uJo- )x rt 6 C.-C /,i' #'X' too c! sf LI -JNIF J t- at1ze. llJ gJ l! o z oJ UJF F eFIz o ozz a,utF z =oj d! € ozz tr uJz3 urIF z o o otc(! oE o O) =cD E o =cl oo eo,oo '.9 E o,oq, E oa :- tn ttco otc N at> ;oF o3 o o) Eo o(E EJ o v, ,2 I! o ! 6 636 j-o ox(! '=O(,, gbE €EgF'5 E ;OYtr-o'6He -c?l t:€Pd'i =c9d'- o. -c EsE EEFsOO iEo'gcs .g= E o.$ cL sEEsr-o.E€: E6:EE EO(!: EEE;o 6 E.-!; c) ggE =6>.o (E: €* E 3't e9Eqr eEg -oo o oor tr = r.lJ (Jz :t @ Yo uJ z Jo. J aF C)ulJ u.l z 6 :llJ J oz uJ = IIJ uJl!z tr t! G,() UJ o @ =g ul zI an IJJ F al, o-ul z gJ Jo x F ulo = J UJ U- o uJ uJl! ==t IJJ o- J FoF oz o = @ 9aFoulJ uJ oz6 = J Iz T uJt J F F NO[Vn]V l=tu-IFlv,l>." t/.Yq2 ==e<zO|rtrdll r- ELIoaauJ-:<<r-e..Awz uJ z2ooio- AXD890oo1>E9l!<ogpd-8 j(\i =>E Etl =O z9 t! E o uJc E uJ z E zI ?E uJ J 3u,iz tltltltlI 2 z9o<oo{ =Hx lr-6o<z Q E2.. 9z d6 =o UJ tuzY9 F ))- F 0J o I g)zl ,. >ltr -'1 uJ u,lzo1F1 =uJlo-l <l2lol:- Fl 6 5l < ol -.rl<t -l zl z Fq)) oz Y o. [T-ll"1()11Iuttx t;:t>og1 !,1-) 5 c\.1O C) uJ Eoloo zo Fo-9s LU --O(\ro]F t-_ 7 EeHEbl o- lQl r) ^-ltf,g u,l'^Fvz,o €t z= 9frr=Js< ZtrJ =coti --i<lLR<J J "dq =r'ia;= (.'z (It f Jo- ! tr = Ht!oEqE3€8E9Eir .=lE5t E E;E =gE U6E irE ;t5, ulo-i!i uJ6oF --I E =E lrJGz9F()fE 6zo() oz J l! J6 F U''O z,O(.' z,O J =oz,t)) rii =z o-t tu =z !,ra 3o ;,qIqsl :UIUI oclI = o- E tr a IJJE o = o- E =E o UJI ttlol zl 3iolFI =4 ll-l ci 2.) (t UJ 5l <l>l q zl 3lotH =dtr dz (9 |rl J a ll-qz;oH =g ci o uJ 5 l!o z3I .t) L4 U1 d. CL L!Fz. LrJ L lJ-ltt',lt', co = tr z o llJ CE a l!oz =o FT\ r.o(o I (\l(v) utJ4l E uJz3 Fo UJFr E t -rO<FG()uJ<zt I.JJ Farz82 J o EF() lJ.l -)UJ Y,l)( 2)) z E =J ) I ) 6F =3H= =g Eo E ir =+E t-o2 c) <(Ja y?.3H \ !!n oz t =E u.lL tuJIF lo I I I I I I l- tc) I!tt! t(9,z I I l_ ,Ft<to I I I I lo. teEIF zl-to l(5tz --- o c6*6.9 B EE:E EEHEt E 6P.EE itEtE E i;;eii!g;;*>5 36;: o,N OiEeoE EE;pe t"; t"g g o=-o"(!Po-o if;gs;:|'"ooiio F !.lo E;E gE - o;9; (6 0'-.= -EX O (/) C srE:€E!-=r-5 () >'=EP:459 E; E: i iFsgE ! o =zv-oo6z =ooE a(,) |lJo UJ2\ UJ -Jl<li-l =l z .. >lo UJo uJruzoF 2 uJ z E rl ol IJJI cElrl al>l ttlol zl 3lolFI I I I .l =.1ol lrJ I 1l ;l 5l sol uJFI F I I rl <l>l EIol zl 3lolFI =.1ol :|>lttlol zl 3lolFI ul z o I Il*l- I I )ulultrldd{J><tr =o t-t it 5 l-Oz (_) E,oF(J E z z I IJJ = JE<o(JF -<tiEliF-z;,-1 o E >Y =#f,F =JZrl-o IJJ trooo1zo FI IIJY uJF o uldl o t- tr Elu tto o-oo uJFoz z .rPze dlo =z- o- t.L ifi ?=a = l'i''i () --! -i llJ6E= = uJ lrouloz latL a JF F=iGd!!>LOLoo xo-x>fiFJJt! ul ao co Ello o E!, .E t E Eot ),o -rl=5 -El=E =t:.o -; tl E =E, lrJo.zo F(Jf E,Fazoo ntrtr ) !trn o E,! ac4(J0ct!.F g O o(F +)(5 O-.e rO.' i5v g aqJrts tn-F{ .r Ct, O-LLv C X.F 0,,oa.=oc(d6jl! tn LJJ(,E O,o<r! oJ o-o o+r Eu.l E o, oLrJ CF (Jzoa-(JEO 3 = 3Eo(5 L(F -Z(F O l, . c') lz =Lt,.=,O O +r.r IJ+.,cJ==J+JrraEo o L tl- Lr- J (\t ! O ul-^^t-5 * oF uJF ox ts u.l lJ-o o.oo I uJFoz i \{t )<fi9e= =83 6il> :.1 Hoi E gl s <l eii :l: 5l3 HlE trI? -1.E trI=E =lg: r-lc- =lqE olo9 , ltrE -'i to_t =l>t t- l*Or.rltt 6l UJ .-J =$o= -38".r 32Y:) l\\.-,P- !!F.. rt! N (,z lJ- -)co F J R s "..R ..5 -3 V) ii z -) uJE z x !\ts \Js sa a UJ oo J = T F = E ul = j- ()= LL- ct ul 5 a>l ttlol FI = tr o ul : >l bl z1 3iolFI tr z IIJ J z3oF E ciz dul J t!oz 39 sY \\N :\ $ tr z d uJ = t!oz3oF N t\ r.l { I \\ (v d UJ) uJF LIJz = F ul E f <F t'|-r <zELUF(aZqt J O F LIJJ uJ ) !ro,a t- =ff!zrr- oO JN EF 13 Q2 =g 0'ir =b= )<Oa?-.; ,-\I iElE SlNl- \i= l=rl o:i 6.Y'.=669lci g8E; $ E: g€i E g E;E € s:E-eV giEEN :0. Ee " :EiiEN g"; E"g €o:-o"(!PO-o € t:'g E -E;p9-(,..Oo :EE g?, E6 F:=:3f9d c=o('Eigi:e\,,G ! = c'-E!-=r-5 () >=E9 6a5 Q I*E:3 eg:Eg iE$€E zze-o ootr - 62q'5 > et E P " ETct a E|\ E ! fir3{ ;biH6 E-r z* 6t (5- at)J 3 F al, H-?tog Jl<l FI =l zl .. >loul l! UJzo = uJ(L J z Eo F Lt'.l IJJ \a v. D6.Oz x Snow Lion Condominiums Description of Fire Alorm Sgstem Snovlioo Condominir:os vill be equipped vith afire Alrro Systeo- and vill be moaitme4 using aDigital Commuaicator. srrh that the fire Deprtneat vill be dispatched to the Compler. Ihe STstco yill include tbe folloviag cotDlxxrents : Quantitg I ? , { q. 3L 6 { { l{ 6 Description { Zonetire Alre Conrrol Dual-Actisa llanual Pull Stations 200 @ree Eixed lemperature Detectolis aad Isolated Eeatstat Reverse PolrityRelaF Porer Sr4ervisioa Relays Ramote LED lndicators PbotoElectric Sp'ten Smoke Detectsrr,' vith integral Aeastat Renote IndicEtor Lighrs 135 degree R0R/Ei:ed Teroperatr:re Detcclsr fire-Lile EDBIA +.f{ tir€ Eorns fire-Lite EDZ{ PhotoElectric Smoke Detectors. with lntegral Esro- Part llumber fire-Lile {2{ Eire-Lite S-10 fire-Lite ED8{l ESL *{5 CSE ESL{S0t/m ESL Z0rC fire-Lile SD8OOI w{ fhese itens vill bs installed in accordaaca vith ail epplicable Codes. using tB AVG. psE|ef T-irni1cd. fire Protecrirc Signeting Cifcuit Cable, 105C. 300Y. Cood.dt oa the enerior of lhe Buildings vill be inst8lled, usiag Reintight'boxes End cooneclors. The inlerior viriag vill be 'fished' vberc pmible, and Vireoold vifl be use0 in locatisas aot suitable fc 'fishing'. lll viriag vithin the tire Alarm System is srryervised vith the ercel>tiaa of the landem coaaectiori of the Local Sookc Deteclors, vithin tbe Con<hminiul Units. The Smoke Detectofs which are locared vithin the Condominiuo Uaits a'e a aoa-lalchiag tfpe, &dinclu& m integral floro.to sopad aLocalAla"o- vithin the respectivr Coa&rnlnluo llaif. In Coar&miair.rfo Units ha"iog eaclosed Lofis, asecoad Locel Smoke htector vill be added. The Smoke Detectofs are connected in tandeo- such that aa Alarn vill be soua&d by alt Detectsrs vith:.n the Unit, in the event that either of lhe Derectors serurels a flrlTiciant quafltit7 of Smoke. AdditionallT, thc ialegrst Eora vill souad upoa a Generat Alrm. Tbe Detectors in lhe CondoBitliuo Uaits contarn u isolated Eixed Ter'rperatr.rre Detector, to inidare a General Alarm- ia the ev:nt that the temgeratur€ vithin aConfumiaium Unit exceeds t3l degrees 0). Elmr Plms of Saov Lion Con&miair.ros. utd a Riser Diegrm, of rbe tire Atarm Sntero- are includq{vith tbis descriptioa.o ,o l- O +J -+J!, (s t_ (E(-)+rOPL(l)('){-.(f,<!'+)Pcl+-,oq) (E osc?f Ei 3V- u =l (/) tr [ e.3;E96(sIa3 EAg',FC, LN U'; (D L-.-, -c (g -C -UD +' L)'Q,h; :: F 6d (g rl-, an+J G' c) - o)(') t{-, tGl rF-rrOal+J c'(\l +'oNt-c u-FooEIN +* s)qJ \- g tl (Jq Uq AD qJ qo t,_. s_J- qJ +-q tLJ t* \- a) m co t5 ca lO oo (.) sn !]u a* a-l { t5 a_ E l*._ U \ AJl* tL J-(fo LL rSq 5 O l._(5 c/) E5q E()\JqoqJ qo -*J =Oq w 56c >-ol.l-J-oC CLo- C) .= l! vtJ +,.CCo)o J.ug6(n c(l,aEO- CJ(- N6- E rb a {D .=tL C(l) E+JL(go tnLo)ol G'c(\t (l, (- U'o+J a-, )< o, d.blc !, lrJ C+tOr(l)Fc)E.: 3r1 tf) \O' q mS c;Ea- {Js --_-\*\q!- m'Fu s)t+ m -R ) E+-H P *H(}lT sD{(j+ +- ^ l- q-.O \ o tL,- -Y ot.o+- =#"oE rl - -\, q)..'.sB+-*- ao u5 Snc-t p qfifibE: CJq CD qJ m t+-FA)FErq..o \LJ -St'\. sJ ..S+s Cn qriss(DcQ- q U a_It* U \ q) L- LL 5-.-a () LL '1oqoU qJ w (DIJ q IOEqo (-) q .9 *.-J B(}q w a."3 f,(!ga ov t- C'+)a(- G' .J L- L) L- C,trl +r o)q)t-+, u') o+J C.3oo EI U- c{ q UqF dL- t-TF -.-{* m-- \) ftffi+ 6o\--EI FFSc Fe\-/t\q b f;9PSf r rl_._..1 tr_ oo +_\- --\ s)-'S3lr- en Uo-= c'a g q Qrs-- cD F c") cQ -= o q €l Tq PI T E=ilgd.El .g! Fl H 6'l il elilcJsl:ll+ J -l .:ld H >IYd.:| d $l EHEH EE EEE bEsE'- o9E*-sil b EgE :e$ E.=; ELo =(Dt- u- E.9 J La (D C)€g oo E(Dg tl l-J I It lrlslolE 5 ovB oJCE 19.:EF o)-g(t)- =c"$ (l)w* Ovtt{r ti (D -B-=N=-r 's=r ri+iF-=l\ t-t \ 'q = te\fl!2\l--(-(9 L96Ei; EFo)-6F Etn(/, .@. E.=9-cg, -J.h'; @ EE I o(D SE ES Ft !/'E->. gv)@ g .9 a <t) =o- -oacoE t\ |I\II\I =3_E r$e E r,i EfrE gEE -\-i-l o\-l \*+-t --.1 --1 (.H -\ ,r-\ GGtr (D E(,LO- 7o-(_.C :-,Q oo oo INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUB FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I oz F =G IIJt5 rJ) @(\I an UJ UJ]L E =tl! o- rxTT/ fr8//E/5 4qshn', # y) l., sl3\@l \.trrrl I I -lir or 61 9!t < uAg6.2 El =oto-c<Hotz Iyl \d \l\iA rr,r,rltFJ.< lo tr,l $lP, $N \..- Jt5 ll5 \i: oujF z z_ o = dl ctt z E (U oEO'roE o,c(Y' =3= (Y) co_xEOi :i-'=P'E!' J O- th-5C\rtoE E(-)At6Y OrSO. r- *rcro(oGr- : Pd.e60- *--oc 6 * E.q) AEE: .EEEE E UE:Ec-o> ET:E = gi; c96E.l05o 3E=5 EEE; 5E;E 9; t-e sEasoiE-orsfi:€ E6:F :E€ H fuES - o..!: e (!0'-!c; o (,) d| |l, -.98Ef5gBlE 9 6 -o-5 ;E;E EEgg - o (6= c!oF o o .tt(u() E o oro oo |r)(\I <for oo r.ct GJ oIotl,(\I LOr\ G! t\ F = Luo. z6 = co Y() llt z .Jo- ulJ lll o2 to =J J Iz uJ = UJlUt!z tr u.t g.l e o Co i uJ UJ z 6ut6 F ul lz uJ.J x UJo tt u.lullJ- tr = uJo J F F (,z 6J 9 F(J llJ u,l oz (o =Jo, J 9z our = NOt.tVntVA I16.ltA l-..e - & l"=:€ lIgC 5T;i6 6 b*tr ^ 6 za 3 B = Ft{, o cr{.z ; ()Co ar ncQ z Xtl!< -g : ;-e-r zdAr(J z9 F J {l! uJL l- oo Ooro @(\I o- LuE J z Eoo z tr IJJF 3qJz q trzlz tr 5 ts2l z =J IJJ3o a UI J llJ tr z z I trI t!lJJ tuzY =F ul F z F J oz o 3 il i_-l =l z .. >lo UJo llJ uJzoF uJ J zI tr zF cl I&. l-a o(:) Fr{oo IJJ tr U'oo? zo Fo-ujV ul c0 oF tr G. IJJ o-*l\., Irs6)o<q'\I |rrl Pur'^F\.,z6 z,^o =8ts6 O.r ==EdYL EEi =Hg trtr8 E G.ulo- tl.o uJ z o 9, F CE d.o- JFlu-h= (L IIJ>o-O|!9o 5UJxl:>fiF J Jtr uJ @ oF F Ib E = li sE l, - lfl l- o-z\o:-trbcbsqClJ-98,9F€az'EOEIJE 8zGr/ ix=:I I -iylE!9\ 1.,1 /l-F\<rJ= eE€- ! I I I I I I I ctl =.1olr!l 1la>l ruq zl 3lolFI dl aulcl Jl <l>l l!lol zl 3lg I EI>lItt ali ctl@l<fl.-rl I I cilzl dl IJJI :l <l>l r|-lol zl 3lolFI C) Ptnc c) -cP.l, d tr ml il>l ttlol zl 3lolFI Gl olo)l PIllu, o J z J l! I I IC\t-l 5J lFoo! I(I, Eo J =ocv, i'i =z IDo-) | .llrllol l 6l-l.Fl1r)l>lolI l(fr;lFlli { .'- lto-| .u lr-l=lotollslllol -l"EtatcIt{tJ>t<trlE(J +t IE CL o L.!(5 (,5 =*Eo2 Fo EFz -J EF() uJJ uJ t 2P s3:Fd6o t -,r O<F uJ<ze[!F(nZo C) <o ( t1 0'trir IJJJO tr!t uiF z oz =l .5 oz e. F FIz o tll,lIF I I I I I I t_, rc) IE;ol(,tzro at)Iu UJ l! E =E lrJc o; c .Y',.:6;Rd sbE; $ F.e *€i EE E:f; € EE:g-e :iEiE:0r Ee ? F'=.= o !Ee; e EE;FE EiSEEaEaEic=- o "$Po-D f E ='gI:q''-oo :EE H;, EstE: :-'E3dd o -.: --c= (D (/) q gH;iq 5 (J >,'.oo.0=; o ;TFe3 ;t;Eg ig$ri ouJ uJu- L = uJ J o E = II,J z 6J uiull!z tr uJ llJ =>8, iut.q =Cl 6l x o3ZZtL h r 4=xt>Yi o otrFar=U>OEZt()o iJ !1.<)zxl!<oq i!l-ci6LrJFqt' Hat(, {(! cr E UJ z tr z F uJF) BqJz z F)faz F 2,. 9= -i-tro3trOI \ \ bs \ .) te ()s I\{ \ I i \ \J +. s oz ==t UJL z o=24. ,coO>z Cl! if;=dd= n!tr uJF o uJFa d)o-zo F(L ulY I,IJ dl oF F (r UJ u-o o-oo uJFoz F E UJ(L lr *urE2E<clfo9Q1162B9ecE cdJ:- ='Jt-=uJ:-E h=crr/.|eo Jiir =FE 669 ltuE XIt x>a!;Ftt -io-irri IJJ oF --- E =E, Lu o-zoF() D E,F CNzo(J I I I I el olr!l 5l al>l ttlol zl 3lpl FI =.1 url TI <l>l rLlol zl 3l 9lFI I I I I I cil =.1ol uJl 5l al>lttlolzt ,.t3t :Ol rJJFI F. I I cil =.1ol uJl 5l al>l ttlol zl 3l 9l -l q (51 ull CEI JI <l>l l|-lol 2l 3l 9lFI z Jtr ii z ctto I ILI' I I utl u.4 cld J E(J ZY =<z.t )zrJ-o (J oFO z 2 T LU l-Eir =bi E F Fz J EFouJJtu F IJJt <F uJ<zEUJFt't Zoo <Oo9.:E t I nt]tr an AJI hd" r{i-t3tE'l r< lE t2 jg?rn vllQ+l= n--oc 6 * E.s)'=E639 [EE; E *; gEg F'=E:3 € u;:5 a :EiEE EE; iE Ei:E E fli*; i f E ='gl r€*igo oE'" P i*€;60.-!-!:o(,,c st;et9ilo-' i HaEr *FFeE iE;: g eF$'ei Nd B?d Iz zu_I 90F^.tz E 3 =E2y 5p? s93 i;oG.-q Hr(rl(J zl .. >l6ul I!qJz L =ul J z E o z,r9 --< i66 -z =2,? d P"9 .^i6 =F=dd= F tr,c lr-oE6.22c.clf€uB9rlk.49EE =>E dFEF5I .3frX >o--I o r.rE ooE 5pt :>E q* o-i!i llJ @oF E -€ L 'o)0) -_co >z- Loa'--.-)trtE - t €o ' tl^Jl-1 IIJ-l # ig "dtqJl(5tz ;^J Jl! llI u)v ts7 32a ul =z coo-' K. + \t I 4. = F lt lJ. IH FI 3E ll ld '{q 3;l r 4:l iol ol :r !31 "iE9l trrJ-l Fl Fl ll tl t:| lsl l:l Jel - lltl tl t3I uJllcEllJllsl lbl dfE I I I J olullr(l JI sl H'=c I .l 1lolutl GIrl al>l bl Pl E u,z =o c)IuF -() c, -rO<FG() IJJ <zE IIJ F o C) 5P;s S?F-,2UJO() eoa, l- =sfF.-5 (J <5YF =3E6 Et: =o2'o O J<Oon5H !Dn \ g gv+. Fr gef+rr.S6 -st r' !{ES o'Jet- .E'Tug!t "rEnullUrso0er:1"c*t ,ln tnt**\ llurna€( ) ,.r l . ,\ i . 'JP Ui C[ro..rn"nZXJo Elsrrns 4X lT\\\ q\, r,\ oF Z" %9,-s,{ 1flE": t1orf",'rr i FLASI+u\'v ( k=:'rr' r,-rd Hffit;' t' 4irr*.r-,rtnn Z.IQC. Lti+s' 2XZ5' -l I 'LEfrstrcrb fc^,F rYrrnr Fr,pr 4^l=Lcftnui 0sr rb fn\rtrn^o r^ oF Z" R-estitno (mos.,L< r,rtd qg4 aEK-u-cl (ror 2) CKoi: *rron - G*nrecfi.l1s\\rnb ftnO Kjts*rr\t Oeiak' Crrf o,rf 4}snt"tr RJ,ooO *no 6*frru:sP -Ib Uer\r Cor:g SooF. J'{ ic\ c',,I O ir! -.\I --"' ';'-- --af' Ils ilAI S 0r\cussO ur\t\ Io,^ 1^ lodlGDftr( ft (E-f*e T{ilrr Lug fr(gOrprb Sl Snnrruorr GnooJ,Tl\rg+Cor-ot--Tii€ arNL\r.rt{rr l\ erfiCr.ep o,,. ?ttroe :Fr,r. fr ts StlbllTLY crb*rELr*tn Tilg qAth46. E H,tuE ftTgua;- SctrrCouf Rc rhorotdl s/ztlS{^ fF Tt|ras-B fi"t ifu-^ I'r-u ilarrT tlfiorr 3y noon' Rroltft . (an n bp3el T$oncYr.* , MftotH' Dpro P.frt pLfi{t\ G,.rrb<. 4f h-soqs -/ PRH|TIOUE- IT.,IITI'IIII Meets Federal A dimensional, self-sealing shingle with two-ply construction providing rugged texture and bold shadowlines. The good looks of wood with the good sense benefits of an asphalt roof and the protection and durability of fiberglass. U.L. Rating: CLASS A, Wind Resistant Limited Wananty Period:30 years Specification: SS-S-294a, Type I ss-s-DD1s34, Class A, Type I PRESTIQU E* U LTRA.GLASS *PRESTIOUE* EXTRA DIMENSION Shingle Size: Exoosure: Packaging: 111/a" x36" 43/+" Shingle Size: Exposure: Packaging: 131h" x393/a" 55/s' 84 shingles per square 4 bundles per square 66 shingles per square 4 bundles per square 6 squares per pallet 10 squares per pallet COLORS AVAILABLE (Att Ptants) Shakewood Hickory Barkwood Weathered Wood Sablarymd FIBERGLASS. gX;",A traditional design, self-sealing shingle made with Ultra-Mat'", a superior tiberglass reinforcement developed specilically to meet demanding roofing requirements. The mqst economical class A fire resistance rated roof available. U.L. Rating: CLASS A, Wind Resistant Limited Warranty Period: 25 years Specification : S9S-294a, Type I ss-s-001534, Class A, T)pe I SUN* SEAL' U LTRA-GLASS *SUN*SEAL' EXTRA DIMENSION Shingle Size: Exposure: Packaging: 12" x36" 5" Shingle Size: Exposure: Packagi4g: 13la" x 393/a" 55/a' 80 shingles per square 3 bundles per square 66 shingles per square 3 bundles per square 12 squares per pallet COLORS AVAILABLE (Att Ptants) Cedarwood Sable BlendChestnut Velvet BlackBarkblend Paslel Green Weather Blend Brite White SUN>ISEAf 16 squares per pallet a o t rNsAtoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr o tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr; rtNAt tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ^tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*r#"roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER ,., .'U't. i rueq r-Weo.r THUR .' \r-,- t- FRI AM- I BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING *H I D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr o'?tt i;;1 FINAL 7 PPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED )/' INSPECTORDATE ,.'.7 Own€r Addreso and Phon€: Architect Addr$s and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zona: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator lla tlrLa?Yail Chiet Building Ofticial lnttn box l(Xl ni!, colorado 81657 (3{13} 47S5613 department of community development December 30, 1977 feel free to confact this Mr. Michael T. Vaggalis Courchevel, Ltd. 1700 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80202 '{---\Re:( Snow Llon Phase ll) Clvll Acflon No. 2736 Oear Mr. Vaggalls: The plans submlfted December 28, 1977, are hereby approved as belng ln accordance wlfh Stipulafion and Order, Clvil Action No. 2756. I have dated and signed the plans. The plans must now be submltted to the Town of Val I for advlse and revlew. lf you have further questions, please office. Deslgn Revlew Board for fhe cc! Lawrence C. Rider, Town Attorney . Toughill Administrator uuseecGru rtEeuEsir JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL E orren E pnnrrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR '.' MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM $ nenRovED El upolrr rHE FoLLowlNG GoRRECrtoNS: I orsneeRovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR Town of Vail FX,F:CTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By 517 $.-.....................-..-.*ffi $.........-.............-.... $............................ rov Nan*-fu.e Jr{altto_d Electrical con r otor - - -. -r,%S - -.. -Z A^C-.- Applicant--.--.- SlSnrturt APPROVALSI TIIIS FORM Ig TO BE POSTED ('1{ .IOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOI'RS ADVANCT NONCE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECIIONS TXa a, t. rcarrrr ro., orxvat r1!452 DETACH AND THIS PORTION OF location Date Office of Building Official, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO (- S-.x\ \-Qrl \-=>-.--- z a Irl p F z Pz<:FF p + F = I F at! 2 FIa O o a F F F ql F F. z F F uJc u,l z uJozg F2 u,l E UJo IJJ o F t gl o IIJ F J J F F uJ G Jlt J F F Itl Oz z z>r ?, JJ F, 6 I Et ul F xr! =Y 4 F t! z ) io IL tt tr E u, (9z 6 llJulrtv IJJ Ioz J Cq lu zo z 6tt UJ(r, F z o uJ uJ o IIJ G t! ulF = z gl Ftt z F u,lI u,c oz .(o z F 4 ut ut o uJ lJ- (J ulrtn o ql JYz Iu G, II z F u,l F =ulz t0 tt o IJJ thlt z o =z oz f rto z NOIVn'lVA Y 3 zo F4 o u,lo J G N z lh l-lt/ tt ut o o 2 trx=n6F(cqo =>xo:z:< >o ;.i z 9 I) tt tuF t Er lrj o o z -oJ -l o = lre = =ol- 'r'r ,; '*^ " .'i .i, ,l l.ii'. 6gpfvtlir r.r.r ''E4o"u cop\rY , : OF PLANNING AND DE '1,.\ rti\ COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 ?7 September 1973 e Phone OPMENT L'328-6338 - J', -.,ts" '. Mr. Mlchael T. Vadgalls Unlted Bank Centor. Sultr 20O2 17OO Eltoadjvay penwr, Cilorado 80202 ' Re; Flle No. Se-3O-73 ,. , Cowchevd Ltd. €xerrPtlon . '. .:. : Thlg offfce has been requested to notlfy you that at tholr epeclal , meetln0rorr 26, Septamber, the Board of County Commlgelonere' denl4d your recpeat lor Exemptlon lrom the Eagle County Subdlvlslon Ragulatlons based upon a flndlng and dctermlnatlon thot thle dlvlclon of landa lc withln thc purpoeea for whlc*r ttir Subdl v I con Regu I at lwro ubro"adoptrd lf yotl havc any cpattlonr pleaae cor*lcl thelr Secretary - the County Clcrk, or thfr offlcc, at the Courtlrouee. '1 i' ,t o tulrn box 100 rail, colorado 81657 13031 476-5613 .office of the town manager Septenber L3, 1977 Jim Darby Snow Lion Condominium Association Box D Va1L, Colorado 81657 Re: Coursheval Proposed Building Dear Mr. Darby: To conflrm my telephone conversations with the managerof Snow Lion and several owners, the Town Council wilL consider a compromise for development of the subject property at 2:0O P.M. Septenber 20. ' As you are probabLy anryare, the Court ruled that the building permtt j-ssued by Eagle County is va1id. The Eagle County permit is for 27 units and approximately 3O,O0O square feet' The Town then appealed the decision and started negotiations with Coursheval . A compromise proposal has been submitted that wefeet is acceptable. It proposes 2O units and aprrroximately 15,000 square feet. A copy of the plans is available in ny office. If you have any questions, pLease feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator DST/dicc: Larry Rider ITY DEVELOPMENT - .t. 1,'8 rNsPEcloru FIEOUEST JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrral. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED florsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr I upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDER 2570 So. Delowore Phone 744-1096 Denver, Colorodo - FllE,7.tG,ffiJUbn CONTRACTOR lluly 2, L976 Vail Building DepantmentVail , Colonado Attn: Mn. BilL Pience Re: Snowlion Condoniniunn Mn. Pier:ce: Reganding the-list of nate:riaLs we instal_Led, as perour convensation: Two #3036 fineplacesFour #3930 OffsetsEight #913 chlnney sections (3 ft. )Five #9L2 chinney sectione (2 ft. )Six #925 Pine Place Caps !g wiff P.. up next week fon a final waLk through.rr you l|'t].sn to inspect befone thisn eee Mn. King themanager, at Snowlion Condominiums. Sincerely yourls, /!+,"rzd ,C8,h)*n Donald D. WalzVice Pnesident' DDW/jn tNsPECToN TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orxen E penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM E nppRovED E orsnpp RovE D ! nerNSPEcr I upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTlONS DATE INSPECTOR : tNsPEcraN FTEGIUEST READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI o*,.til.,,MON COMMENTST i TUE ,B.App RovE D E uporu rue CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr tNsPEcraN TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE E panrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM n appRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: fl orsnpp Rov E D E nrrNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Town of Vail EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT .,ou Nam;j t-uA lAl -(**@- :............ .. ..1 Dateof Application-..V.(JNF.=--...-....[..C=$7..b........ Erectricarcontu"tor.E.l-ffi.d1,.{"*.gN.leE^... APPROVAI.S N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 269 $................".....-..... s..!m..... 8..fu-?-.. THIS JOB "s4!.42 /zV:' BE POSTED 01{ SITE DURING COI{STRUGTION 24 HOIJRSI ADVAI\ICE NOTICE REQT,'IRED F|OR INSPECTIONS ,.h:: Received By.-.......-..-.......... ?lj,l!,{1, R\Y F,z c frlz, !l F. z !l > !r)iE:igiD EP?iH',rbEll 222<az ezEFr6<oqfd z iEeiE'9ot Eqr<o> - ^<9Hc<}: z o J oul ul (,z uJ z Fz !,1 Eulo ul o F{ G tllE ltlE F J J FoF ult llooJIt J FoF I N ,N Itt ! .E =n I =ulo Lr-eU -?=oFJl 0 ot : 2 F t at2oo tto u, te (9(il ttN ul? ozo9 atot<6 o t 2 ot(,oo .i I ,t I Fr )f I .T jl{s,sr$ & B $aaa_16, €a \x 1>( <I2 o) -Z_ t { =ss* l/ :' '€11 6---* I I ts LIObI I S Suite 2030, MANE CONDOMINIUM Western Federal Denver, Col-orado ASSOCIATION Savings Building 80202 September 19, L973 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle, Colorado Re: Phase II, Snowlion Lion's Ridqe Subdivision Gentlemen: As a mernber of the Board of Directors of the Lion,s lllane Condominium Association I am writing this letter onbehalf of all eighteen condominium owners who comprise ourAssociation. Our condominium building was among first to be built in the Lion,s Ridge Subdivisi_on. $te have, sinceconstruction, watched the further development of the sub-division with great interest. From all outward appearances we now seem faced with becoming a part of the most densely developed subdivisionin the whole of the Eagle River Valley. This, needless tosErlr is greatly disconcerting to us. Although I cannotspeak for every ohrner, one of the reasons for purchasing inthe Lion's Ridge Subdivision riras to get away from the hustlebustle and terrific congestion of the vittage of vail itself. Our future fate lies in your hands. We und.erstand that you no\d have before you one more condominium development to go into the Lion's Ridge subdivision,that of Snowlion, Phase II. prior to your passing upon thisproject or any future projects, ws, as a condominium association,would like to let you know that we are concerned over the final development and projected densities of the Lion's Ridge Sub-division. EagJ-e County planning Commission September 19, 1973 Page 2 our Association working with the condominium Associationsof snowrion and Brooktree are activery negotiating with the Townof Vail for annexation of the Lion,s Ridge area so that we maybe provided with adequate police, fire and other services. As presentry planned, there is inadequate parking throughout, theLion's Ridge subdivision, no fire protection and, a water systemthat causes concern to us. These are J-ong range and permanentsituations which ought to and shoul_d. be corrected before anyfurther development is approved. On the short run, each time a developer moves intoLion's Rid.ge, we are faced with the usual problems of themstacking building materials on the County roads and streets,J-ittering the construction site with beer cans, paper and othervarious debris, d.igging up the streets without ad.equatety re-pairing the damage done to them and otherwise conducting them-selves other than as we would consider good citizens andneighbors. We were under the irnpression that, upon the adoption ofthe Eagle County Master plan and with the hiring of a build,inginspector certain protections would be given the residents and.taxpayers of Eagle county from unchecked development. we perhaps r^tere hrrong in our thinking, however it w ould not appear thatyou, as members of the Eagle County planning Commission, havethe opportunity before you to once again look at the totalityof d.evelopment, not only in Lion,.s Ridge Subdivision, butotherwise throughout the County. We realize that growth isinevitable, but it shoulC be done in an crderJ_y fashion. In closing we would suggest that this project be tableduntil such time as the developers take the time and effort toassure others within the same subdivision that their projectis a viable entity and will- not further congrest the subd.ivisionbut will in fact be a fine addition to it. We just learned. ofthis hearing at 8:00 o'clock on Tuesday evening, the lSth ofSeptember. Given more time, we wouJ-d ask members of ourorganization to fully inspect and review the plans so that we t Eagle County planning Commission $eptenber 19, 1973 Page 3 could make concrete objections or constructive suggestions aboutthis projeet. Very truly yours, I.,IONI S !,TANE CONDOMINIUITT ASSOCIATION EED:ps cc! Eagle County Comml-ssionerg Septenber L9, L973 Eagle County Plannlng Connlsslon Eagle, Colorad.o GentLcnenr Thls Letter ls 1n refercnec to the ErcnptlonAppllcatlon of Courcheval Ltd.. tlonrs Rld.ge Subdlvls1onF1lc No. Sc-3O-7), The appllcant has stated. that erlstlng parklngat Snor L,lon r1l.l provldc parklng for a 26 unlt sondorlnluron thc basls of 1.1 ratlo. On revlewlng the orlglnal slte plan prcparcd forthe DcvcLopcrs of Snow Llon by And.erson, Barkcr, Rlnkcr,Archltects, L?42 Pcarl Strectr Deilv?rr Colorad.o, we would.notc the followlngr Unslng a I.2 ratlon (as requlrcd by Protcctlve Covenants Llons Rldgc Subd.lvlslon, thc sltc plan ldentlfles4/ parklng spaces. The arlthlctlc applylng to the Courcheval appllcatlonlsr Snor Llon Courehcval 54 - L,2= TqTAI, The arlthnetlc uslng a l.J ratlo 1sl Snor Llon 2? x L,5*40.J requlrcd47 erlstplus 6.5 Courcheva} 27 x I,J= 40.J rcqulred -1!il avatlable )4 rcqulred CONCLUSIONT 2? Unlts (lncludce Ugrs. apartlent) 2?.,||t,rf 54r &,,8 Spaces rcqulrcd4?,O Exlst snorp - CONCLUSIONT 18 ADDITIONAI $?ACES REQUIRED Thc Couaty requlrcnent for a ratlo of I.5 ehould bc used. ln all futurc developrcnt sinec crpcrlcncc has provcn beyond d.oubt that 1.2 ls lnad.equate. lrAvId P. O. Box 634, Vail, Colorado 81657/ (303) 476-5880 Colllsslon Septcnber L9, I97) Page 2 Should a 27 unlt bulldlng be appro"cd., thcre lsno aeccas to any grountl to provldc addltlonal above-groundparklng. Should Courcheval Ltd. not agrcc wlth thesc flgutet,thc Snor Llon Condlonlnlul Assoolatlon stand.s read.y to sharethe orpensc of a rcglstcredl survcyor,/planncr to prcparca pa.rklng plan for subrlsslon to thc colllsslon. LIc would onLy rcquest that such a pLanner bc d.eslgnatcd by the PlannlngConrlsslon. I'tc urgcntly request that the Erenptlon be denlcdon the basls of lnadequate parklng and. other naJor problerato bc d.lscussad. at thc 1! Septcnber Plannlng Connlsslon rectlng. Slncercly, l\.- (^\ /1'7p t ""o-4 /\- Ct\l.tl-!-- / /lares A. Darby \ { / Prcsltlent, Snow Llon at Vall\/ Cond.onlnlun Assoclatlon f snorph=Avrl@ P. O. Box 634, Vail, Colorado 81657/ (303) 476-5880 7 EAGLE OOUNTY OF PLANNIN{G ANb COURTHOUS€ P. O. Box 789 Eaglo, Colorado 816:ll 28 Auguat 1973 ) DEVELOPMENT Phonc 328-633t1': Mtctrarl T. Voffcllr Courchwrl Ltdr Unlted Batrk Centcr Suftc 2002 l?m Sroadrray Dcrrvrl. Colairb' 80202 Rr: Fllc No. s.-g)-73., Courchovel Exrmptlon Thla offlce mr qocn /lcir.stod to mtlfy you thrt at trelr apeclal ' rrnctlng on ?6 Awurt, tho Board of Cowrty Commlealonerr tablod your rrqtnct lor Exervrptlon lnom tlr Eaglo Oounty Sr,,Odlvlglon Rogulatlom wrtll tholr rneotlng on 26 Scptcmbcr 1973, lf you have ryr.y cnrettlont plea!€ mntact thalr Sacretary - the Cotnrty Clork, or thla offlco; at the Courthouae. Rcspectfully, Robert H. Bsrr Plannlng AaalEtant RHB/Kt cc: Bocrd of Gonty Commlealoncra ; tr'. ?. . .... -; ,r' +, . t' i' 't{.i^'r. . l<i + r'r" t,'r. .$ ;, d !..:" :! . ,, '{ r''t.. ',lt \1,. LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL T. VAGGALIS SUITE 2OO2 UNITEO A,qNX CENTER - ITOO BROADWAY DENVER, COLORADO 8O2O2 AELEPHONE 286-O3O3 August 23, L973 Mr. Robert H. Baff Planning Assistant EagJ.e County P. O. Box 789 EagJ-e, colorado 81631 In re: File No. Se-30-73 Courchevel_, Ltd. Dear IU,r. Barr: Thank you for your letter of August 22, 1973 regarding the action of the Planning Conunission at the continued meeting on August 20, L973. We wouLd respectfully request the opportunity to dis- cuss the proposed plans for Snowlion II with you and the Bechnical Subdivision Review Committee at the earliest possible moment. Cou1d you kindly notify us as to the date and time that we may meet with you and that Committee? Cordially yours, Mfi/:keo RECEIVIiD AUG 2 4 1973 o.etOnmt',g& -",,{,SOFdy. &t4 - , EAcLE couNrY *DEpARTMENT oF pLANNtNG nno oe$eLopMENT COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phono 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8r631 22 Auryuet 1973 Oourchcvel Ltd. Unf ted Bank Centct Sulto 2002 17fi) Broaclrray Denvor, Colorado 8}?fl2 Rc: Flle No. Se-30-73 Courchavel Ltd. E><amptlon At thclr contlnued mcetlng on 20 Auguat 1973, the Eagle County Plannlng COmmltalon recommcndcd that your appl lcatlon for Exemptlon from thc Eagle Cormty SubdlvlElon Regrulatlone bc donled and that you eubmlt a Prcllmlnary Plan. lt wag also recommended by the Commlsslon that you confer wlth Smw Llon Cordomlnlum Aseoclatlon and the Telemark : . Torrrnhouacr, adfacent property, to work out eome of tha problema that wcre brought up at the hearlng. Thc Commlralon alao rrcprcated a 15 day mtlce prlor to bclng heard. Ploase rtte that the 15 daye requlred ls auperceded by date afflxed In the Subdlvlclon Regulatlona. ,Tho recommcndatlong wlll be prceentrd to the Board of County Commleglonore on 28 Auguet 1973 bcglnnlng at 9:00 A.M. ll you have any qucctlono, yourfe' welcomo to qentfct thla offlce, ., I 1 i'i' \r f.. t ' ,. : ,. ,., '". , ' 1 Borpectful lyr. i Rob€rt H. Barr .,. PlannlngngEldht , , ? " t RHB,/Kt cc: Bord of County Commleglon€rg ?ATTNETS ALAN C. F. DILLE' '6" PE ROLEUM CLUS IUIIDINE DENVET. COLORADO 8@O lml cnta. WM. R. FRASIEI ROUIE l, IOX 613 MOIRISON. COLOTADO 80aa5 (ra) 6''-8S6 MICHAEL I. VAeGALIS UNIIED IANK CENIER. SUI'E 2O1 l7d SROAI WAY DENVER, COLORADO 80202 (3031 2a4{Xt3 C"u*fit"tt, It/. A Pcrtnership UNTIED EANK CENTER. SUITE 2OO2 17(x) IROADWAY DENVER,. COLOR,ADO 802(n 13031 265-r,303 August z}Et:r. L974 Eagle County Pl-anning Commission P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Gentlemen: Reference your number 3. lr'le feel v7e are regulations of The reeorded condominium declaration in book 2L9t page 4l0t the public has been apprised that a subsequent building was _to be a part of the Snowlion project. .Reference sections ofthat declaration: Page l, Pai.L.LZ; Page 2, Par.Z.L and Z.Zi Page 15, Par. 15.1; Page 16, Par.L6.2;. These declarati.ons recorded Decernber 18, 1970 were prior to the adoption of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. Additionally, atl improvements in the projectrincluding the second building, comply with the covenants and restrictionsqf the Lions nidge Subilivision as recrrded JuLy 25, 1969 and amendment to same recorded December;2, L970. tr'Ie also wish to point out that the install-ation of physical improvements beybnd those required by the first building serr/e as evidence to prior plans for a second buildingo ie, swimming pooL, parking areas, and locations of landscaping, as well as overlot grading for the second building. Letter of August L0, L973, specifically item entitled Lo an exemption from the subdivisi-on Eagle County for the foltowing reasons: Respectfuli-y yours, el, Ltd. General- Partner T t $cptcrbcr L9, L973 Eagle County Pla^nnlng ConnlsslonEagle' ' Colorad.o Gentlemcn l Thc Snow Llon at ValL Condonlnlun Assoclatlon heartlly endorses bhe connents concernlng the Courchevel Venture alrdthc trcnd toward hlgh dcnslty condonlnlun constructlon at Llonrs Rld.gc. t.lc Joln wlth the Tolenark Townhousc Assoclatlon,Llon's lilenc Assoclatlon and the Brooktrec Townhouse Assoclatlonln rccomncnd.lng to thc County PJ.annlng Conmlsslon bhat the approval for futuro d.evelopncnt ln Llonrs Rldge be d.efcncd.untll such tlnc as wc havc thc opportunlty to lnvestlgateanneratlon. If thls ls not fcasLblc, we rould rccomend.that thc County Connlsslon lnvoke a a1r nonth el'ergcncy zonlng whleh wc understand can be dlone wlthln erlstlng authorlty. We can aaaure you that re can provlde you wlfh norc than asubstantlal naJorlty backlng by the resld.cnts of Llonrs Rldge. The total square footagc lnvolved. at Snow Llon lnc1udlng the Courchevcl Venturc Ls 62,484 squarc feet. Consld.erlng atotal ot J4 unlts on thls ground, the arlthncttc shors that we wl1l- bc uslng lltl0 square fect for each unlt lncludlng thcauenltles and parklngl I{c d.cplore such d.enslty and urgcntlyyg66nncrd that the Courchcvcl appllcatlon for erenptlon be denlcd. Slncerely yours, [*,v-'^Q -\ (i- anes A. Darby orp p# sldcnt, now Llon at Vall Cond"onlnlun Assoc lat 1on .\ L( ot" .,tg1t'l > -,-.61{v -0 r' sn P. O. Box634, Vail, Colorado 81657/(303) 476-5880 )bgl LION.S Suite 2O3O, MANE CONDOMINITIM Western Federal Denver, Colorado ASSOCIATION Savings Building 80202 September 19, L973 Eag1e County Planning Commission Eagle, Colorado Re: Phase II, Snowlion Lion's Ridqe Subdivision Gentlemen: As a member of the Board of Directors of the Lion's Mane Cond.ominium Association I Erm writing this Letter on behalf of all eighteen condominium o\^rners who comprise our Association. Our condominium building was amongl first to be built in the Lion's Ridge Subdivision. We have, since construction, watched the furthqr development of the sub- d,ivision with great interest. From all outward appearances vrre nor^r seem faced with becoming a part of the most densely developed subdivision in the whole of the Eagle River Valley. This, needless to sEllr is greatly disconcerting to us. Although I cannot speak for every owner, one of the reasons for purchasing in the Lion's Ridge Subdivision was to get away from the hustle bustle and terrific congestion of the Village of Vail itself. Our future fate lies in vour hands. Vfe understand that you now have before you one rnore condominium development, to go into the Lion's Ridge Subdivision, that of Snowlion, Phase II. Prior to your passing upon thisproject or any future projects, we, as a condominium association, would like to let you know that we are concerned over the final development and projected densities of the Lion's Ridge Sub- division. Eagle County Planning Commission September 19, 1973 Page 2 Our Association working with the Condominium Associations of Snowlion and Brooktree are actively negotiating with the Town of Vail for annexation of the Lion's Ridge area so that we may be provided with adequate police, fire and other services. As presently planned, ttrere is inadequate parking throughout the Lion's Rid.ge Subd.ivision, no fire protection and a water syst,em that causes concern to us. These are long range and permanent situations which ought to and should be corrected before any further development is approved. On the short run, each time a deveLoper moves into Lion's Ridge, we are faced with the usual problems of them stacking building materials on the County roads and streets, littering the construction site with beer cans, paper and other various debris, digging up the streets without adequately re-pairing the damage done to them and otherwise conducting them- selves othe: than as we would consider qood citizens and neighbors.$ we were under the impression that upon the adoption of the Eagle County Master Plan and with the hiring of a building inspector certain protections would be given the residents and taxpayers of Eagle County from unchecked development. We perhaps were wrong in our thinking, however itwould not appear thatyou, as members of the Eagle County planning Commission, have the opportunity before you to once again look at the totality of d.evelopment, not only in L,ion's Rid.ge Subdivision, but otherwise throughout the County. We realize that growth is inevitable, but it should be done in an orderly fashion. In closing we would. suggest that this project be tabled until such time as the developers take the time and effort to assure others within the same subdivision that their project is a viable entity and will not further congest the subdivision but wil-l in fact be a fine addition to itt We just learned of this hearing at 8:00 o'clock on Tuesday evening, the lSth of September. Given more time, we would ask members of our organization to fully inspect and review the plans so that we Eagle County Planning Commission September L9, L973 Page 3 could make concrete objections or construetive suggestions aboutthis project. Very truly yours, LION'I S MANE COIIDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION EHD:ps cc: Eag1e County Commissioners o fqle (on*y Plduiry @nni"oa'ion fglt, (olondo M Siru, 44 neridd* lth4et ol *\e funt*tce (odmainhtru, UoL. fufn Cqlz co.ot*th ad apqlary {o" fu A4euh*,itn o{.1nen, I wuld lil?e rt q,Ptea{ i i.o* ui*t dte poicdd deveJopw* pldu in *iE UnLd R.alga dre._ Tlw perctr'rdt iy.t* t4 lnda#dz {o" tln ry Pqzd6' The indqde tt^a pdectton @v"tqLe a/fudd i^ €qk (omly b alndy *ilsd, in oun rudz hZ/tett in'au^dl& tol-"a. Coru.ile^bt* $c pcaad, dila&th plnz pzotefian' u'hLle avAldlet ia rut dryAe ad aeldon viaibLe' The",oe pabtau a,bte atu auff'aci'a* PaflQrarJat fio anpleie/y aAp dwelopa&a of *et rttlgte fdnilr! fuetbza"a u'fi'l P'uf^li nealvd' yer' ue &,.e qPval ol tuigh daaif7'rulf'L {dnll# mi'*'a in a ana. o{ bfall* lndryaie facibil-ez. lle anp ,or qaitai fuvihz^ developw* in *j@ tin Ridgz ana, but pld Aor au& Fo;al,a DrLur {itat 6e vi-aud. wi-#z at eye tantd. tQeltttion o{ o*\zn kcih-ilea {llal Tk ar?ptu od neAlnta o{ Uoru Ridgt dlte euae*lywnhing on dulqation Io $p CUy ol VaiL ltoryptln il,i.a eot 6e acotnPLiahd' wilh- in *Le ,nudrfFeruang tine l^&e. hnad,,bn i. tte {int a*ep *ah/d nenlving ou indqnte umtet ,dryptth {i^pparaditt ad phce Po6ldn4' &p*4 ar *tn tutwn o{ ddiilaul W dsuu7 fuel'lhVA wiil o"^r.'irrty *o d&y *he anpq,Lion irdefin&'el\ d'd funil'e^ @t'Wnd' ou eiAtttg pobl,qu. tlle ala !wf, apptoval {on all au& {dtutl* dtell*g pieda rct aldg mdca wafraudist in Az Uen Rld*e ana, be nli,l dlfen tlu ouranrc ol anaatim pldld. Gltufibl@e S$abert n, mi E \ c) zo zc o a z I G' >< @ __.1(o 5 f-on o O)(.rr._l 'ed, tlhtqq Bnooldnee Septerbcr 20, L973 Eag1c CountyEatlc County Eagle, Colorado Gcntlcncnr Llonr g l{ane Phaee II ln bcconlng anncrcd the organlzcd futurc Slnocrclq yourB, L Ac1- lohae1 E. Dareon Devclopcr Plannlng Colllsd.on and Cornlssloncrs anil Llonr I llanc Phasc III ls lntcrcstcd to the Town of ValI ln ordcr to lnsure of the cntlre Llon's Bldgc Subd.lvlslon. Scptcrber L9, L973 Eagle County Plannlng Coulttee and.Eaglc County Corrlssloners Eaglc, Colorado Gcatlcncnr I havc bccn approachetl by scvcral of the Telarark Townhouecowincra regardlng anncratl0n of our arca to thc Town of val}. Slncc we havc not had a reeent Townhousc Assoctatlon lcctlng,I request, ar Dlrcctor of the Aesoolatlon, a Celay ln conglil-cratlon of any proJect ln the llrred.latc arca of the TclcrerkTornhouses untll guoh the an wc can d.ctcrllnc our poeltlon on enngtatlon. Slnccrcly yours, l.n,r*71 t#"q/ Jancs W. Kough U I I I o WoopwnnP-ClYor I Assoctnrrs ,COIJ SIIJjFT NC 5O.IT ENCINE.ER5 AND GEOLOGISTS AgOg 1/VEST 5EWENTi AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO AO2O4 TELePHONE 222 - 913a SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION AND CONSULTATION ON FOUNDATIONS FOR 24-UNIT CONDOITIINI UIYI CIF SNOU-LI OIHT.-Vfl I L LIT]NS R IDGE DEVELOPIVIENT vAIL, C0L0RADo Prepared for DOHRN CONSTRUCTION COIVIPANY .A ttentton : llr . Kenneth Henk P. 0" Box 634 Vail, Colorado 81657 f,ob No. 12495-11975 March 3, 19?0 I I ''t I I ro*land.srnJor..LorAn!6lcr.otrnea.sroDireo'Danv.t'Krntr3ctly'slLo!i!'Pltilttttlpni"oitloo'NraJ"..y't{'wYorkcilv TNBCE OF''COMIENTS SCOPE S UIYIIYIAR Y SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED EONsTRUCTION SUBSCIILS FOUNDATIONS FLI}IIRS l RETAINING UALLS IJETTING OF FOUNDATION SOILs LI NITATI ONS FIG. I - LOCATIT]N OF TEST PITS FIG. 2 - SUIVIIVIARY LOGS OF TEST PITS SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEIVIENT OF COI'IPACTED FILL wooDwARD - cr,vDe & lssocuTe9 . .... , -. ;.- r PAGE t I I I 2 2 2 3 ? 4 a i I: -.i i l l T t t I t I t 3- I a : 5C OPE This repo"t o""""nts results of a subsoil lnvestlgation and cons u ltrt lo'n" vn' {iounrJstfbo ns Ps r the pr crpo s ed 24-uni. t ecrndomi n i um of snour-Lion-at-vail in Lions Ridge Development, va11, Colorado. The etudy uas made to assist in determination of the best types and depths of foundations and design criteria fol them. Factual data gathered during the field uork are summarized on Figurgs I and 2, attached. No laboratory tests uere made nor ar€' they neces- sary for thls investigation, in our opinion. our oplnions, based on the results of our investigatlon and our expsrience In the arear area aummarized belou. SUIIIIARY (I) Firm silty sands and graveLs uere generally found ln the test pits belou footing leveL. (Z) Ue belleve the best foundation for the structure is eontinuous spread footings on the sands and gravels belot^r frost depth. SITE CONDITIONs The buildlng is preEBntIY under about 500 feet r,leat of Red Sandstone PROPOSED CCINsTRUCTION A 3-story frame building r,rlth no terior footinge and foundatlon ualls filled before our investigation. The on a 42-Lnch uide contlnuous concrete constructlon in a flat areat Creek. basement is envlsioned. Ex- urgre constructed and back- foundation uall uas resting footlng. Ue understand total deaign soil pressurea beneath these footlngs Le 1r000 to W@DWARD. CLYDE & ASSOCIATES il I t I I I I I l T T I I t t I I II -2- Ir500 psf for the long ula]1s, and about 350 psf for the shorter end Ual.Js. Interlot columns and uaIIs r,li-Ll rest on contlnuous foot- ings about the same uidth and uil-] exert a similar pressure on the soils, as the long exterior ua]}s. The live load to dead load ratio is approxlmately 2:1. s uBs0I L5 Our test pits shor^red medium dense silty sands and gravels uith eome cobbles and boulders extending to at least 5 feet belotl Foot- ing bottoms. Test Plts L and 2 uere excavated through f.oundation r,lall backfill into the natural sande and gravels. No free L,ater uas found in our test pits. FOUNDATIONS ue belleve that sprBad footings Bxerting the eStimated design maxlmum soil pr€ssurss (trOOOI psf maximum) arE appropriate for the structure. The use ol contlnuous footings about the same uidth throughout the structure should reduce differentlal settle- mBnts betureen adjacent footings. Foundation ualls for contlnLlous footings should be rainforced both top and bottom. F LOOR S The natural soils should supply good support lor slab-on-grade type floors. The ueual free-draining sand and gravel layer'for breaking caplllary uater rise may be pleced beneath elabe on grada. Flll placed beneath floor elabe should be compacted to 90t6 density WOODWARD. CI.YDE & ASEOCIATES -3- (Asrr*t D698-66T) . 'ie attached. RETAINING UALLs A suggested guide speciFlcatlon flor cornpaction The combinatlon foundation-retainlng ualls used for the : gatage area ahould be founded as diEcussed above for the buildinq ptoper. In this case ulhere the r,lalls must function uith restric- ted movenent, they should be designed for rrat restn earth pt'eseure of 60 pcf equivalent fluid pressurB plus hydrostatlc preseure and surcharge, as appllcable. Providl-ng a fro€-dralning grave1 drain behlnd the ual-l connected to a positive discharge r.rould be helpful Ln rellevlng any unexpected Uater pressurea r.rhich could bulld up bEhlnd the uall. The ualls should be backfilled trtth granulai soils conpacted Lo 9D1( denslty (AsTt'l D698-55T) . ue suggest that r^lalI foundation tesistance to lateral loads be calculated ueLng 150 pcf equlvalent fluid prBasure for natural sands and a friction factor of 0.5 on the base of the footlngs. UETTING OF FOUNDATION SOILs Uetting oF foundation solIs alulays causes some deqree of volume change in the sol ls and should be prevented during and aFter construction. Normal methods of,doing this includ€ compactlon of impervJ.ous backflll around the structure, provision for rapld runoff of surface L,ater and discharge of r,later collectLon systems r.lell beyond the llmlts of backflll and the building, ln addition WOODWARD - CLYDE& ASSOCIATES t t I I l I -4- to other usual precautions r..rhlch may be indlcated during design and construction. LI IYII TAT I ONS Although test pits urere epaced closely to obtain a reasonably accurate foundation picture, variations in subsoil conditions not indicated by the borings are aluays posslble. lJe beLieve that excavatLons not completed should be inspected by a soil speclalist to assure the subsoil situation is as indicated by the investlga- tlons. Placement and compaction of backflll should also be in- spected by a soil specialist. The investigations and analyses for this report have been made under the supervision ol lYlr. Frank l. Holliday, ulho also prepared .the draft of the report. Information on the structure uas provided by llr. John Anderson of Anderson, Barker, Rinkert Architects, and ltlr. Fred Hendrlckeon of Jorgensen and Hendricksonr Ine.r structural Engineers. This report has been revLeuled and approved by the underslgned Princlpal oF our firm' If r^re may be of further servlce ln discusslnq the contente oF this report or in analyses of structural featuree from the soll and WOODWARD - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES -5- foundatisn vJ.eupolnt, pleaae feel free to call on us, FJH:m (2 copiea.aent) cc: Andereon, Barkerr Rinker, Architects Attentlon: f,lr. John Andereon 1?42 Pearl Streat cc: Jorgensen and Hendrickson, Inc. Attentlon: llr. Fred Hendrlckgon ' 315 Equttable Buildlng 730 - 17th Street Denver, Colorado 80202 U. A. Clevenger ExecutLve Vlce PfEaldent I It*! I WOODWARD. CLYDE & ASSOCIATEE f-otzFlCf -z.{3NOul -2. Z.H EclNEH "E EIJJ' :f trr oEE (D t-- oEOot,J C] Ft!t! l- (J [r. [rJz, E 4n naO L^J F (D F{t! H f,-l4J LJ CL cn l-cl(E!T F LJ U.:4 O a (r CJLJ Z, UJ 'fD t-2It Z ar (f :tr E O L.J fF Z, (EJHX=(J3 0 cf, az Oa LL HCf =o-(nFo 3 z2tl LrJ H < UJ3 F Liz(n a Z. . = J l-rF OF{ FHHtJ O- F T,J LI E2<E EF >:l rr- EJtN LJ (-3 EO.LJ JH O :] ><F Lr.,l tL Z. (I) LrJ .1 Ntts a |flq ; F. :\(\\?Glo (, l4J C JOO.g <,.o . , -t- |Ut JF Fa-t,u) ttrJtrl (/)FF(9t(r =39Foooo4z Lr- < <^ uJJr- 5o)az =; g: wr-F5vt, I(J<JEH3; 6doqF Lo F -..1 HaH= |nI() tZ U) r,! (9AZz- -F<o =ouJ u- &uJ tl-Oot ONF!tF 8b {q|.rioron o! (D s t) tott!o\ \ \\noo|r)G,lr)|r|$J Io' rt) o rr) ('| (\, P14,oro\\O t')- r',,- r--r.t t) i[ 'F] |n |r) @ E.O I trJZ, LLJ T- =ELJo=o(r)<| <r<m30 F-l T.Ztr- LJ Froz I H.{a =ctr<J IrJ[DL'>zH0tn F{ E tJr'.)JA:trJ(Jut<ozlr, L- F ]-rF<Eoo(J I..J IrJ NF-{EE OEr<5z<f,c)F.rf:Cf,E oN*i\.r I N ON ln fe lf) ra) FJ (') F- >-oo=z (nE IJ6o I.J J zar.J co GJ o=z=<H OLJLJ J /"\EID=OCJ- C: \../ J(Jr! z.>LJ=<EQ(rCf,E(JO(D N o(o z. = EJ.O F LJ JOcr(') >LJZ. E IJJ (']F tl(raz, u)a. r-{ F{ Z J t-, !JJEO O(JHZ.HL- -= E F:<>o :f,@UOt! H<42. OJtD < (J) Ll A-\(t) H E EJ E >U7J -CO (f, J \-/<FT! FF3JO -2t-r \./ lrJ CJ =z. u) (')HoO T OJtrt{ O.z\ O (') (DFFJ . J O>- €! ->.FZ.- - 6F('Jf JEF- z. )ts|oH(')*d <Hc:)LcDvQ- U)(/,)= N !)I @ |o 9 @ slryIPo.1 F|lJ loN Irpo.: Fr! (\t Nr9o.: l-- ul t9o.i Fil :l fl a o NO t .t vA :l-13 J trJ lrjJ ll!oo YU u_s l-- O(,U -Da.l- - NO lLvA3'13L33J or!3 Fvr<6, (Joo6rn c,tL <2 zeO_o E@- b Hi 3 ..5 Jd3: rlr.lo'o OoGc<: ==o6q5x" o :(LJ h.*<trl ']-F |!o z60o:JJ s=EEo =v)E v, ,l -l'l ;a !t (U .Z(.tq, E(J rO t,- g I n d)\l CV <iz .cro') =l;a !tql t' CLc, o- SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACETVIENT OF COIlPACTED FIL sHoRT FoRm) The 5o1l Englneer shaltpect to placement of fllls. o f "plecer,rent .and corfipactlon,;the completed fill meEts the be the Ounerro repreeentatlve ulth ree- He ehalL approve the solls and the methodshe shall give a urltten oplnl.on on r,rhether requlrements ofl the epeclflcations. lnorganlc goils havlng 100% finer than G inches, 45 frof mlnus No. 200 al.zeg and plastlcltlTnaex or' 7-X' uaed ln backfttl around striffis end baneath froor srabe.havlng t00F fin€r than s lnchesr .g % -------of minug No.€lzear,:g[al!. be uaed ln]FiJ.le beneatt foundations. No brueh, sod, frozen materlar or other perlshabre or unsultabrenaterlal ehall be praced in the fill. Lengee oF eoll dlfferlng aub-stantlally fron surroundrng materiare ehalr not be arloued. !Fver Th.lcknass Each layer of flrl ehall ba epread approxlmatery horlzontally toa thlcknees not greater than g lnches before bagtnnlng c6mpactlon.compactlon eharl be a separatiTperation, utltizlng proper compactronequlpment for the solls invorved, aB approved by tha soll englneer. Com,pactlon lvlolsture Llater shall be added to the eolls, or they gharl be drled untilthey contaln betureen 3 % belo!, and z S above optimum mol.stura,dtetributed unlformly throughout each-Tayer. llolsture shatl be addedin the borrou lf proper and uniform moisture does not result from add-lng urater on the flll. maximum ehall be SolIs 2gg ' tlhen the condltLon of each rayer ia satlefactory, the aolLa shallbe compacted to at leaet 9J- IE of maxlmum denslty for backflll aroundstructurea and beneath fl.oor elabs, and to -- % for flrl beneathfoundatlone. compaction testg ultr be perfifred on typtcal fltraarnples, and moleture and denelty teste uirr be taken ln the pill eenEceaaary. The laboratory compactlon standard to be utlllzed to de-termine maxlmum denerty and optrmum morstures re Asrm q€gt:66T ,llethod A , uslng 12.000 Ft. pounds of conpactrve errorT-ffiu6rcfoot of soll. WOODWARD - CLYDE& ASSOCIATES .: \] o ' P..O. Box 789 Phonc 328-6338 10 Augrlst 1973 Mlchaol T. Vaggnlla Courc*rval Ltd. Unltcd Bank Center Sulte 2002 - 1700 Broadway Donver, Colorado 8f.?f.z . :, Re: File No. Se-30-73 Tho Plannlng Stalf , aaglrtcd by other local agencles, haa revlerlred your case and hava formulated the lollorlng recommendatlone and llrdlngs, whlch shall be preconted to the Plannlng Commlsslon. The llat la no way cornplete hrt roproednts only those ar€as dl8cuEsed at our meetlng. 1. Tho Upper Eagle Vallcy Sanltatlon Dlctrlct obfects becauae no tap loet have been pald; 2. the requeet naJld qause an exceedl4gly dense parcel; 3. the appl lcarrt d6e* rrqt glve ctJc car.lre.irhy he Ehould bc ercmptcd; 4. parklng would approxlmate 1:1 ratlo. . ,' ; lf you have qny queotlonsf please con!?g! thls off lce. ;,...,, ._i,. ; ,;., i.. ,. , , '1 '.,, . :.i *r . .i': Reepectfully, Robcrt H. Barr Plannlr€ Acaldant RHB/Kt PAIIXETS AI.AN C. F. DILTE' ' t60 tEtRoLEuM CLU! EU|lo|NG DENVER. COLOTADO tO2@($l sr2tm wM. t. FlAslEt ROUTE t. lOX At MORR|SON. COLORADO t0465 (3(El 07.t0t6 MICHAEL I. VA€€ALIS UNIIED IANX CENIER, SUIIE 2(r'2 r7m snoADwAY DENVER, COIOTADO 8OA@ 1303) 2r&0303 4,""*k"tt, ItL. A Pcrtnenhip UNITED BANK CENTER, SUITE 2OOE I7@ SRdADWAY DENVER. COLORADO 8O2O'I (3031 2664303 July 3, L973 I{x. Dan Koprivnikar Ivtr. Al Orlosky Mr. Claude Gerard Board of County Commissioners Eagle County County Court llouse Eagle, Colorado GentLemen: Enclosed you will find the Application of Courchevel, Ltd. for exception, variance and exemption from the re- quirements of Subdivision Regulations, Eagle County, Colorado covering certain property owned by Courchevel, Ltd. in the tion's Ridge Subdivision of Eagle County. Your careful consideration of the Application is re- spectfully requested, and the three general partners of Courchevel, Ltd. welcome the opportunity to discuss the matter with you at an appropriate hearing to answer any questions you may have. CHAEI-, T. "oo" -- , / /, / , /affi"/'-' vAccFlLrw l"fIV: keo Enclosure .tj .,, so Eagle County Gmleaiooera P. O. Box 635 Bagle, Colorado 81631 Re: prelininaly plot plane , M€adow Brook Condoe Llons l{ane No. 2 llomestako III Condos ione Rtdge Sub. Lots 81 & 82 Gentlenen: lle have eranlned the abovef,lnd that at thlo tlme tfestern has noto be plotr€d. Pleaee note that se aqe a g end our approval doee not reflect ouieubdlvlelm. Wesrenru Slope Co, ?. 550 1sth STREET DENVER, COI-ORADO 8O2O2 July 10, 1973 the land salo'n utllltyty to eenre eu! truly yours, lel L.Tekavec Rlght-of-Ifey RECE|VEDi lete DLT: SJ JUL 1 7 tg73 0r . Ol nanring .q Dcvot ItSh Ceng, eoio,. ..a a B^Trt E .. ltOUlnAIN JFS! $ICi8 8cg@r r' 'M&tfuBlf. coroEADo ' ll[rlllrB]l . ELEUTr{TABY UTITI'BN, OO I}RADO, . ngO gqtrp nr,r|rrnt{fAiy aED CtJtt, @taa^rro VAIL II,EITEIITABYVln C'OLRAI'O EAqtE .- iiF l, E40r.E.V,AIi.EY Jr.Sr lllof, EACI.E VAIJ.EY EI.EIIENTABY ' AACI.E, COI'RADO IIC{OY B!.EI(EIITABY !IoOOY, @IORADO ,PECIA'. EDUCATION AVOX, @I'BADO tl t'-t t rr tt( F tt I I-r-, -t 2rJCOUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 328{it2l EAGIE, GOT ORADO 8t631 Office of the Superihtendent Juty 12, 1973 t'lr. Uffe Blair, County Planner Eagile County Plannlng Cmnissioh Eagle Ccunty Courthouse Eag1e, Cclore,alo 8$3f Dear Mr. Blair: tlre Boarrt of Education of Eagle Corrnty School District Re50J has exaeinedl the folloring applications for exemption fgon Subd.ivision Be gu.lations : f. ilomestake III Ccndcniniurns Appllcant - F. Blake Lynch '.-. P.O. Bcx 9Vail, Coloraao 8t657 2. FiIe No. S-6.73 Meadolr Brook Concloniniurus Applicant - Rcnald I. ZaIL Wesiern Fetleral Savings Buikling. suite 8oo Denver, Cclorado 8O2Oz 3. Cor.rcheveL Ltd. (Snow L,ion)-.^.' The Board of Ed,ucation has aLso exarnined the follor,rlng preltninary plans: 1. . Plne Ridge Townhouses AppJ-lcant - Eddie MilLer Construction Co., P.O. Box 91L''VaiL, Colorado 8L657 REEEiVTO JUL Dcpr :r; to each of the applications listed above. SincereIY, L.A. i{annock ."-Superintendent 3 i: sn O pue" a I4r. l,like BLalr Ju\y 12, Itfl 2. ,.Iions Mane II Applicant - Miihael E. Davrson ldarcus Realty and Invest'ment Corp. .0. Bo< 216 . ltrail, CoJ-orado 8t557 The Board of Education of Eagle Ccunty School District Re5QI recomends thet the Bcard Policy adopted lnlay 16, L973, a copy of vhich has beiin -transmSbterl+-Fr,; to yoru of,fi.ce anil to the county conmissioners of Eagle Coqnty, be applled ' "'-fc'---"-'''. o Yail17G5613 Res ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle Cormty Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 July 11' 1973 Exemp tion from Subdivision Regulations Applicant: Courcheval Ltd. United Bank Center, Suite 2002 1700 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80202 We have reviewed the plans and supporting information for the above referenced subdivision exemption and have the following conrnents: state HealEh Laws: A11 Plurnbing, including water and sewer, conform to the Colorado Departmentof Health Plurnbing Code. Example: vrater and sewer lines should be separated by 10 feet. Stat.e criteria on water and sewer line crossing points musc be adhered to. Countv Subdivision Regulations Section 2.01: It appears that the major part of the sice will be covered by buildings, parking lots and walkways. lle recornrnend thac, before this site is approved,all surface drainage from these areas be collected and treated to removetrash, silt, oil, organic and mineral matter prior to discharge into CoreCreek. This office may be contacted for design criteria. Plans for the above should be subrnitted prior to final approval. Sanitarian I s Reconmendations : Evidence accumulated in the first half of 1973, from air sampling and moni.toring equipment in Vail, draws our attencion to the future ambient ait quality in the Gore Creek and upper Eagle River Valleys. We strongly reconrnend decreased density .of land development in conformity with the Master Plan for Eagle County. A maximum overall density of 10 units per acre and/or ,25 floor area ratio in the upper limits of the high density areas is advisable. An alternative to limiting the densicy would be regulatory control of all point sources and limitation of t.he use of hydrocarbon combustibles in the area of concern. ^n /WnvWJ Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. Environmenbl Hea l th E'WE/bw cc: l1r. G. T. Ilisbach, P.E. State Health Department Courchevel Ltd. RECEIVED JUL 13 1973 Drpt, Ot Pl.onirg & Dwd' trSls C.!cr, cc6 ot Treasurer , DeputyCaah BooL Page l, Katherine certify that c he 6th day of July mai led by cer, '>d mail the submitted to the off ice by uourchevel Ltd, to the fol lowing aeancies: material Colo Dept of Health EXD6)OSXA(D(X Colo State Forest Service Colo State Geological Survey Colo State Engineer Erik Edeen Kris Moser Holy Cross E lec Publ ic Service Co. Western Slope Gas Co. Mountain Bell Tele Town of Vai I X)€KXFdSXAUTXItXX U.S. Forest Service Soil Conservation Colo Mtn College School District RE50J Lions Ridge Water Dist. Upper Eagle Sanitation DistrictVal ley z;/ ..::r{ .''.:of EAGLE COUNTY Re: Exemption PLANNING COMMISSION COURTHOUS€ P. O. Box 789 EoJ.' Glo.oJ" El63l 5 July 1973 from Subdivision Regul ations no2 Applicant: Courchevel Ltd. Uhited Bank Center, Suite 1700 Broadaray . Denver, Colorado &n2 ' Encloeed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle'County Planning Commiseion fof review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 15 August .197g. , In accordance with C.R.S. 1O6-2F, 106-2-93 and 106-2-34, 1968, as arnended and Eagle County Subdivision Rggulations, Secti6n 6.00 1972, .yoq have 24 days within wf'rich to respond or the request will be deemed. to kmve baen approved by y.our agency.' The Ptanning Commission would sincerely appreciate your co?nments and-recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire - add]tionq|informationortime...pleaseadvisethisoffice. Thank you vgry much, ! Miehael Planning MSBIKT S.. Blair Director 45 r,!P'.6" o C0lu,{-ttr\li.U DL(IL iR .. I i(1\ 9.oR SNOR LION .{'i \ All. t'r)lrl}OUlNl(rfts lllllt DtCLARAfmN :a e'rdr rhrl.i: l{as .r .'cc;cbor IXSLR.{I|CI miltA\'!- r llir. ',.'.'t.r .orp(rtr!i, ,: I DEMiTTFTTS. lul. hv .\oRl tr \i'LSTFR\ N.{rroNAL LlrE l.l Drclr.rl *I)tdlrrfl ' rr}$ni NORl !19. f rrERN NAIfOl.rl r;i f' t\St'RA\Ct. COtdP,\:{Y, toFr|Gtrtb 6l.c.tion d rd![s. 1.2 8ad ?ro|t"Cy. "Ra.l troF:tt-v" tr.1t:\ lb,r| "cnar! ral t{r)p.n r hait{J i! ErtL Counl!, Colot'&. Crdtrd fo FrhAr I 'ttdrcd herc{o. l -t hj&f "Edcirt!" Fr$! rRy buildint .rodructcd - ahc Rcsl ftoFny- l.a Tf. ffcft.t -hDFct" tra tL. Rcd FoF lt -d |ll h.tildi|r3r rnd ot lrcr rmp. ovcro.nt3 o! tt n *.lla.rtt. . tJ tlfQcu frd ?roprty. -$tacqucnr lcrl ltopqf'rncrns rn! Rrrt ProFnt bdsd h [.tG edF.rJqq .-.f *t br ab'G€.icd lo rhl CodoDi.orm DGd8rhan by I SuppkDenr.l Dcchrtrotr (as ltrrt{r|f,|.lt{r f I *fcr 3dd|j. '$b.q{Go Eeild.".1 Elai ny budditrS corutructcd on Subc{oaol Rcrl ttoptty. f i l.bgelr nog:cr. -sutcqcrt ?rdcct- nrr ti. Suh.cqu.n! 8.c.t hop.ltt :d .ll trb.{|rt|t Ndiefr ||d otbcr lnpfovceotb on rhc $hlucai Rcrt hogcrtl . l.t !bhc.d. lt it cofrt3rnpldcd tht 6.rc ry b. da or rnorc Suhr.qucnr ProFctr, lld in tt aat tbr -a ma'! Oa oE SlbtDqll.fl hoFcl, th. .': lhd t rh*mt d by rhe lcrm! "tccond". 'third'' rd t|t Itr; fl r d |l.*Frrio[ 6dt rpply, btcric, to Sul|!$|ctlt R?!' ! rotarty rnd S|lbrcqu.nt Eujldre!: t.9 D:rdaea- "Dcvdop,ocat- rtrcear tbe Prqcf .nd eli sut|tlqucat Prorccu 16 nrt hdrattr bc naaa llicd ro rir Doclrrtfon bt Supplccirrt Drcbrlior rad Supptcmcntrl (ondomrnium ftpo (r batli|dLc(lHL l.lO Dcd*br ud Stfplcrltd D';cbrrbr. -D!.tration" shell rncer, th:, /- ondominium tx.clantlon rr{'*S|tFf*a;rd hd*rtior- drall mcu rny Doclrruiol nppkrrcotd bcf,cto rcrordcd u provrdcC for rn Anklc IYbto{, prtdlCd. Lrrat dlcf, t srrpp|.t rntrt Dcclrrrlio(r lhrl t& bc.n Fcordcd, thc rcrrn "Lxchrrtion" rbra ltd l.l I Cordotibr IT. '('ondormniurD Uap" nerir the Condomrnrrur Mrp for Sno* lba at Vd - Gcdonbim I f{|''rrtlttJ i! lhr rc€otdr of th. Ccrk rnd Rccotder of t rt r ('('rnty, ( lorrdo. m 8<rc1 ol llffa'.i'', rtd 6dl dro inc-ludc my S!ptrem3ntd c.rnd(/ lniutn Mspi I herGin (rurd '.Supt| carad . J Q'l-cinb; X.F't tEodad in c')nn"clion ?rth Srrt'iequcnt ?rotcct\ ir h€r"ln ftrr pfovrdcd, l.l2 Uaf "Ut$r- m.!nt .t ttdividud air rplrc unil, conlrtlrl of cnckx..td trx)n6 ocqupying prrt of | la[dal'. t sot-qlratt }||tdur8 ead trouridcd by th. intcnor rurfrcrs oi thc wallt flo.rrs. ceiirngs. *indowr, door eqt bulf{l n'tD||.aa, tr rat. rtoq I6c tanmclai bor).daricr .ri lhc arr rp.cc .t tlid boun&nrs 2re tholl! on thc (:o!do|i!f Irt, rcFt{' rrlb rl! fittuttt md imFovrmrnt$ rh.rrrn lontrined. f,i..rr wr r hr trnding the ta(t thr! ahcy mrt ba fllf . tL bo6datbt ol ruct' rar !p7 - f lhr lnllowtng rrr t'lt plrt of r tln;t rmolti rsth€t rtc ncccr.ary for thc fgtcal q d oa. |rd c''pJment of anothcr Unrt. brrring bill'. tloo[. caln3r and r,h,irfcxcspt thc lntarior rurf&- lLfaCo. tenCaddnt, tcc. b".amt trlnrprrrcnt rtrd ceotttl $rtel hctttnt r ,:tpmc t it rny, ltrrls, pumF, ptprr. vc-r{r, ductf, tttt, 0gar, chgtst, aofidurt!, ?116 rnd othct utii:ly rnglallatlori. elctFr ilic .luilsis lheE.rf rhct! hcllcd;lftrh fi ln lba rfrioa rurfr:cr (,1 3 'rtnd'r* ot d.xrr rr.rnr ihc p,)i.itr dt .,!nr(l' iuch :urtrc6 lrc l()Lftcd rh- rllch tfut ot ih*tt rrc ( i,!.d- I 13 CCa.6 ELttcnrr. "Comm.rn f l.nicr,ts mri,D1 rhi r,)rrrrr\ | r l'ror,. i or Subs',.(l!cnl ftr're('t GtccFl al lhu h.rir. l-la CcJdrbl Onir. "(1.-rodonuntu or !nil' mc.ri J l. r t r" thcr wrth lhc trndrvrtlc,.l rrrtctal ln ltt Co-6dr gLnadr .ppurtinert r(, tb.t Uorl. ];15 *nalfirx Connrol f,lttn"rtt, "App,,rlcrianl (i,rr.;r 'rn I rr.rfltnr,- *hin rlr(- rtr (,'rndLfirlo gilh antl t df .ih4 b t* caf of tbr hs|tct. tntra tba nrltt'rrird rtrlcrrll r. I i,( ( r,i',ni,,n l i' ,!r,nt { rl}purtgranl t,, ruch lJtit t t " df tof.S in t: tltrl'it i rftrchcrl bent,r and ntlk . 9e|/. E .'tl . 1r', :;t ce ,r",:4 rr: r?tncrJf;;i i'lh , f 'ttl !t I S{lbflrqtlcnl Propct, rlrrl n*rn thr gndird({ ral(Gtt ur lta ( oBrrlr(.n I -ir.:r,fl -29t.ttt.:\aaa !.: 8.1' {-ett 3 |ct t{tl: :at tbc SrpplcsrlBtrl Drclrntjor rchtint to rucl ssbrq.:(tt heFlr l.l6 Orrncr. "()rn"r " m€.nr .nr- pcnlr, .ir f,nlltt. [rri'J,lr: r ll.!t.rt&n{, ,? .fr, t..:. ,}-nt \| t (-'rt.j.:] r:'.-,.,, t:: t,'nil. '[hr lsrxl "O||nc"' thall rlrri tefcr lrr rnj, l{t'tljtlte 1r'rr, .!...1- \ut"i'bq,,- :,tt r.', -.:ctl ?rtit f;r,.,a:' : fortc!rrurc or rny 1.:rrccadiry r! lra! {rt {:ir€c'1'rrr4 ' L'th<" x. --!li; ,' r.D:-ittl: i''; t . l' .l .t?ri,: t :.rtil.:. J:-] r..rrj.: t&-y r-1 ..1,,!, ' ]i:. 'tair1' .r:L i<i!.-.i uq1"l --l.i l.!9 A$oc|rlioo 'rL!.,,,rtron" nu:ar$ 5r.o* lrur! ,\' \r:l ! -|.i t:.,t, r;:: i.*-_ (.rfpor.l!on not fJr Pr!)'iit,ll1 rri,,( r\r|(rr,r.trd lat|gnt, (tSrrrued t:, \. 'qt" t !-]: Jt:.)r: rrt?:'r':r' ; l.:u Gat-'eral Cr}nuroo Elcrac::tr "(;6cirl Corrmoo [ 'g.:.q;.'1 i." ir\:ELr i. i, horccl tDcinr all Commo; l:l{-mcrtj !:(..pi tlnitc.l a,rniRli}n I lrr,:.,,- l.2l LiDir.d Cornon ELo at 'Lrrit?d (irn.ro<rq l'.:':r::, ' 3 ra rcl:'.i: t , r" ..i.f .)r Sr$.,:-ed r hrrcet merE an) { om8on Flcncnt5, Ctsrsoatcd lot erilmr+t .J!. '.i (Jricr. ! .:'1. .,.tt , .r,.: F:--;ur{r Lt).:J- lilnctutll tGpaJrtion3 bct?ec! Uaits or tlr rplcc rhrch ro$ld br .,1!'J.;r:c i , . -t. rrrr. r:; ,. \!.i..ti ,.,r.. :r,e! h.,. -.-r Linilcd C<rnmon Flcmcnli fot ?hc ea -'iusiee trrd of tht ()tr-e' ,-r (,r ?-":'! J ':!'l -;i. . "r- r'i-l. ?::.- - ,e providcd in the &clion bcttof 4rtitlcd Xrdt. !o C.onrbux (.'nrtr 1.:.,' !j.,.-r:<) . a;:.:a ,.l.. r'r lltElitrd ..- :i.. Condoruiniun illg rith l[! s3m. n',r.nher or.-rrbe dcrianrlroa l''. rrr'., . 1 .,{ rl ].:-.'.!..,1 . '* Lrartcd Co':r:i. -'r Eb'lco&forthccxclusivrL:aoith?(}sr,drot()rst:s,flhcLrrt\:.r'r'r.t5<!.r:-:-.-::.:,:',.J,.(;riJt'J'!:. l.2l l.lrlctod C*no Elccatr "Reilrict(d Cornmon Fi:::!-r: ' . th r!ri(.; r ,x.. P' ',(.1 er Sntt!f,q.r.{ ttqiaCf mcer|r rr|y Cormon Et€rncrts dGinrtcd frr crclurie uid 5\ (}lfi'- !\ of L,6I1r sr \.r. !i F<,f. r ar6 {frX ir:cltd: ttatily, rtrch Corna{d Elcncntr t hdttryq lobbllr. betncr'\ ,.rd !.:rtrr rt"rt dfl:arrcd f'r st !t:i,-cu;rn$ :' .i .' F ddbt EuilCial c fitregucr.t hildbs ody. 1.23 AddfH ti{naG.. "Ad.lili tt FtoniE- rlti nt,u rtr b&.4 dc!'ir.h{d & I rt}t!! | lrrdr3{ bGr'r |'d ltrdr I Ft L6ol, fqda] Stl tl. hi|(tift d iittsrwrtr rhcrlo:l. ndud:13. rrlt{rur !n,.ltioa. Fd51; r<cr: . Orl Ablrf Fol a+ rPF la-..l rhrct Addrab.d Fr-ilrtrr & 'ro. dai iirb!.r;t !$ liir Dqt|'$i.or rn l !'. . lrtcty rfccifieff .tffibnrfto|1 :'. -;r d ra €aliba B .r't|si:d h.cmo |']d ?rrd. r -.;,1i -- ,r;a:- t" ry+t:.!:.{otd aefGrtr" tdl E'r'', -J v l.l7 fortgrS:. 'llortgaje" m?mi sJrV r",<'ntrtr ,,j1-. '.1 .: 'i':: . Crrnd()rnintum tltit ,x.ny pitt thrt.c'l D <c.,,rrtr{a..1 l.,l'i Uod1rirt "lr{.rrrti.r1.".-" 'n(rr;1 rnr ;r3ftoo &!1.(.r ''- ,:' trndtr whtch thc inltteil ()t Jny r!an?r r! cll.'rmi}ct3d. .,. .:rt' ,.- :('./ {,)rtgrid:. Et NATUnE.$|D U{C|DENTS OF ColrtrxrmNlur orTrEn$tt. ,.I Eafl:af ! Orrs. Tb ltota.t b b3tt}' drrt hd rnro Grn l.rmiaiurn tciu. tr.l . -t:.;!$!-a i)l' I tr. n*!lc 'bl.fltf ir r ltf lld ro..lodrnfi\o tiala:(di.l frr ritFk infltcrr r' th. C.rrr6.t! ts.+cmr .\i :l',. F, +!.a:t lttt frt''th l! S,rlibif E. rlich tototctt ir frcnby rhctrrcd to L qrp$acrrar ttl \.dr Ullr. f.i Srhtrlu*at Fn.+. t rldl, ktarlrt. fc &rtql iato Codoarfuu Unin, t|r'h co.{f|t d r fcr $ Ft l'trrlrct }i r t.ia *l ra unar r&d Frl,oltx.arl ta. drnph in tbc Cornntrr Eloncnt. ('f rtch. Satt$f ftoicr $ rt r.{h rn rhc $fi}crrar r; I\.1r:rtt(|. rtt.-ti{ tt ?cto. fibl intc'rrr L hrtr+I rrf,!'h'r{ to lc |?eBtitl|d to {rr(h t'dr. srbrrir lo ttx hnrrrrr.r* .:.-r.|.jned rr r}.rr t)tct{ ton, rnt Olnct thdl tr rl tb. craqdfc ritit lo ura rod irrl(: s} l.iadc{ Cor*.x. tlse.n'r r}n& nrey b. alcderrtciJ frr erdudc E bv rtl r(lrd. d fte or|r.ro ot r!,y fx-tRl or S.lr;q.}.r.r h..x. a rl..8, d doFnxrr, brv? tbr. rrr{usiet ridtt lo thc ns. Td C|fotFf,e{ l.rfd.,'tcd {trrtrrY| fkrDcn|r ri n|ih fr.t... ? .r :Sa\c.at h.tic|'l, ri (hr cr$ nry l*. l t-tfc c"rditnn |! cxstqt plror l'J 'J.n...tc Art|rtunlr owtf,g br r)rl|('r p|'nsrnt hcreto ftll -r c.'I!g.d Vy (b Atr\rrti.rn by lxstnrnl gurrurrt !o ih,. lr<cl.rttnn. -1 l: Ownar'r Rght to Injrcrr ..vl l.tr.tit |'xf Suppo?t. Fa"h tr;,cr sl-ali r,rrt lhi r{,}:t to ittrcta aod tr"aovar utor' rltd rc")qr lir {'o;ntnoJ: i t?n,(.t. irrl'i.ir'nllrnrmf)n El<rrrrrtr other th.r 3rt!nctcC G,( Utrr ad G)trr!p! h-hm(.nl' r,i (!lber lttotr(t3 ,)r 5ui*rqu(n' f'r..rr(rlst f,.{.{s!.ry li,r .rcrt,r t,, hri tlr,. ,., t!€ -lCdiii.rnal FEgfi+ra, ttld to lny Llrl,:i!'d C.rmmc,, f lrrrcnt. dri4rr,;tcri {(|r -r: tn ;(rnirrclto-a 4llr h.l Ltirr, and rifl, }.r+ 6a talt tO t} hori/ool,.t rnd lltrrrt >rl.prrri .; irr: Lr, t. rr::! ...t rll1hl! rlri; r_i, ,i,r:..;1:.1115 .rld plil *i{b fha tltk fO afft ConJr.rnr,. i,rm Unit. 3-ll t ssrrrrrtir,rr'\ RiBh{ l{, l-rv ol (onmon f lcfic.rls. 11. ,i:.o.:a.;j:r rha:l h:.,e I r.: otf r.Jusjr, 3{',j6c-rrl Ll mrkc t{lch u"a ol thc ( ommori l krrrrots r( rnrr h r., !-.$ary or rnFr,'r,. 4;. | , -.-4..-(., tl:e dutit rnd fqtrtnoJ ri-l l1 troblt4lcderpctttlltadl,perlorrrrfLrrtxntt.)lhrrl).(l!rrlir,t rr,.:,]d. t lhc rBi '{r .onfrir.t 1r! tratrlt:n it lrta(icncrd (ommon Fler.'enlr ma'r(cn!ni.. ai,J 5r.-'.a;€ i:.criltrcr fo: .\. t j lt:. asroci.troo. :nd to r$tta tartrcuEttc{t factrifit!: f,tl ,rst by iht Ownrrr (,f part, .rlrr llr!it\ I'i li:. p. :.-: or Srh!.q!.nt pr<rrcctr rr .brcS ttfai rcrpcctiw Unrtr rrc |rc.r rcd Lt3 OflcrEuncatr.Frcntirnctotin:c,irthcr:,lu"ri,r!i.(!irr!i.,..i..A,.l.^-lsrionfiallgtttttt.,h?Ot'rC\ rorllaF.r. lttrNnl! end oocuP.nlr of thc propcnv lonrBucrl ri. ri.. lt..t Propertr .-tr Subtquen Rc.; proprtty 6contlfuolt to m! pt',Pctty bcneiitlcd by !n t.s€roenl lhrrctofors !rJ;trcJ F'ir:uint igt(:o. I oot-Grai&9rr ctttlaltfot Fdr{tbn lrrffic ro, o'| o}er rnd rcros. that perf ot thr f)tv..i:,f.r,c,rr rncludrtd AdJrt|.}nrl Fecdnrr, upoa rAiclt|o buil4i{, tmpto}trrenl. rt:tcnlty or perting arcr ls n,_rw or he r,:irf tr, ._,,r1\li,J!t!d ,r s,arrtrr}ed. pro1.iat?d. tttri st i CarcIncnl dtall bc rutonarrcdll rcrmtnrtcd erth rcsp(.t I(.1 rny f,, iir ,r.ri !trc Dev.lc!rn.rl upDn ?hx!.ny bldqtlmfrotelttl, r't|cnr|y ot prrkht .ter mry hrrcalter bc .rccted ,.r r. ,..tiiarrEd. rnd iirr Asro{Brbn. on brlrlf o{ tttO]nctr, Ilt rccopt ud rcquir: hkc eltmrnts otcr any prop€rt! 1 la Ua of Adaltbcd Frtifas. At dl t1m6 thrt rhe menrbcrr i,t t,lc Arrocution !.brll h.rc rba r*tt ro tl3 rarod cn oyctlt of llc Aldlrblal Ftcrlilirr, whrthcr by yirru. of lhr Facitnicr A8rtcrn"nr ..r fontl in Artidc XV, abt tinEa H lhc oooYcy|nrr of th Additbd] Frcilitirr to thr Ar.r.rclrrlon .t hsrcrn.trcr gir-rvidcd iotr or grt Frii.c&'tr owt.' of r Coodomiiun udl la thc hruocr oa rny Sutcqu-nr Protcct rrd thcrr r6p€lrirr tcntr.ra t.riaslirll hrte lha rltfu lo tb * rnd.&lsr!t of tbc Additbnrl F.;rl rr upon ruch rcrrnr 11td prrra1;r ro lclftB{tlttitor ! ttrry bc lt ttiil|fada orlt mry bc pmrulrrtcd frorn rrme io timc bt rle As$chion: prfiiLat rftrta,-t lrl lta Arnci..bn tI pt dirctbine?c bctrre 0r&r| (oa rhc b.rb of rbctkr rl|cb ovrrr or,l cododrulitt in rL bGGt orbaf $brQ*rt Projccr, or olirrrir) ia rhc ur of thc Adfrrionat Frdti* ' :-":. J.lt SfrrCe &Aa Cifd- tlt o6eyuarr.o, Condorniaium Ur*r her"dt , ardc, lrLrtd. t,y !f ry : "||.a:? t* b cqnrcd to tfinr .nat rrclltrc ruch recrprocd c.-!cau.r at gror$cl lfo trrrqr,:,".cr- ftr]ql E tcclk tjdlac| io rrct "EE"[tt .ppcrE in Jry a|ch convryrncr. ry. DErltnoilof A cllitDottF{uil uittT. . :, _ &:.a {DTtq C Ulir- rror.cr hrr ro f!i1 of Ccrdrriu IT. Ei.O. €orrrr:r fc. tL rLof : Cor{'+bb {8 3 thc ?n*rf ?rtti.n 9rrq io tc fJtni f!r( record of t}e Condoniliult f4 rary $f[ydcrsribc r Codoobirrlt Ltris bt' ht a tfyrq ullit nrrb.r. rnd rb. undirr&d brcrti in lo.t to tb aoib!Gb|rttl .ttthllt fB. r{a r trt d Lor :. lfocl ! m Lloc'r Rr{r Subdivinos, F4h Cqlry, C,.4..'te| Lb. ra VJ ftdodirt-, b *Gfibcc rtti. phlr' lnrt rFtr6c.tinr Dt Arrfoit.Ea ^-..t!.bhicr-Rt*rl. ,rtot 6'ere of rhe Ctadodrira Xrp for rtcord tn l tde Ccunry. Cotcr&, rrci d€criprb r! concbarrly b. f{q.r.d rb rdrfr b t|l comrpotl.t&l uitt rloc<,o a 2 t.rlod ol Dcaftl d tffi t ft.tcct Ara.r Fltirs d condo|rbi!! I+. tfta rh. condoeh,t@ ltrtdrdl b|. ba! ftaa totrt odd ir Cr$e ('ormty. Colorrto, cr?r) conrlcr {6 rt. lL o{ r €oadornniro U$ tdcwry olhal in|trurFDl artcdryifth to r Cu.rd.loriniu'r Unit mrJ, d.r-nbc thn CoDdorninrun Unjr try tta nutltCrhoit cn ltr Ca||doliniutu llel rltb llt rpptuprierc rcfercn.-t ro rh. {'.:.doq}mrum \|rF.rd to rhi DtdrntD!. ||csch.F ?1'r on rha r€oqdr o{ fia Co{trb ftrl ud Rcrrrrrtcr,.rf f .rjic Cornrl. Coloado, ls rtrc f.'ll.Dril f|.!,pr: Co&'l|aua Llur . SrD? LD.rl Al V1l f6j6.;11niumr. rc€o.',iira ro rhr CqrataalrOr I|'lFF. lt b thc rtoond. of tlre Coun.v (l?t rnd lecor&r of f lde Court!.. Cotc,r.do. ir loot oa.MrF |t Flc . rnd r <tcfincd .rd atr$nhcd m thd Ct,nlrotllrnrrlr Ocdmti$n for Slc Lba Af VrICoodonuiuu, appc.En! rn s.ch ?ctcr.t! tn bf,l !: lttc Suc-lt dctcfipti$n sdl b. corltdrur{ to dqlr.nlt tb t]rarr. (ol.rh.. r rrh rhr .!?itnrnrnl undrrtl{ irt na b tbconnon [lcrncnls. aid l.r rnrtr'xrrrts rll lhc rfiri na'rdenr t, ,,5 n<rlhtF of i ( .]n&.r!ot!t||rt uEtt t- d tL limitrtiDns oi rr'h oryEr:htp ar .Jc$rib.rt ro l'lltt ttcclarrttofl 4.-1 ifllhod of Dtt.rprkra of lir r ir Sub*$rir ?to1..trr. t clru.itr rrt lhr .ilt of ('cndo:liriur tttitt i!trch Sut'ttqucnl Prt)je!'t, $tittto Pti{r. to or rfl€r tll irtrna t'ix rf.(r.l ,.t l$r Srll'll.nr.rltl Cdr}doirb.il{a ll|P ddha l(r tu{h lit '|.qr|.ot ft{i"cl *.1-l b. d"rcritad rn rs{r l|r:ntr' r! mr\ r'c d.rqnrrc{ ra rit SII !|tlMEtll Frirat|riraIt|lllnt to $uch Sul'$qucnt tr$rcl V. ilECHANTCS UEN RrclfTS. 5.1 f.cbtdat Licr. No trtnr prrfcxmrd or nl.tedrb furnirbr{ frr 913 in iunnacti6g r11f r lt5 sirf a1llottcnl or '!l th{ raqrrclt.ri xlr ovnc. or hli rt"nt rrr xrlrarrraniror d1rll ...r{r rny nl|rf to fk r *rtagart clmcch.hit'r lrcn t3rtatt th{ unlr of an} oth.r (}*rcr t^('i r\ rrrslr (-oetcntnf to or itqu''tln} tho rma { |.-|![ qt lntt r"!I In lh( ('u.l non l-lctrrrntr c{c<irl rr to th. sdrrrdcd Intrtcst\ ?,,,.rarlt .ft,utt(nrnl nO lhr ttsf af tb f}TF faf oo {r I tltotddr.nl o! .\htril .{G.13 fjlr ' ! "S.l.M B .: \etr'lf lrl irr ,lr '-,,icd .rd :t': 'rr ':rrJ - r ' { rl fbc fi'rtt alqual rctrnenl riti rcq|tcl ic tl|f, P' rt n|rrua3 eflcr thc 4at ol fihn! oi th15 De{l.trtron' tod i( ii -1i ..rrr:rl.r rr' !!i;:rfl\I! ,j llr \'*,,.:' r' : 1r)'' rt;rr{,, J(q lFt Frpr*rz, i.llocrbir e,,!... ii: r F!itr.r,tilf }"oraci nr sut't .luant frojc; t (b*'rcrn !:ll(rl "Pto!(cl t..t:cltsdq*,'ldrrdrlr'Ixjlnothnl.','j.()'tercsrldspc.:rlslq'jJr':ntjulilllhtcoacofi|numUntt5ll}ri,rh l+'!.'{-1 or s'.|*aueo: I 'r'l!t ltt r'i:!'riii4! 'l*<r'd an irotrd'd h-'r"in' rnd th' co't of qrbttrotfll icprrl r:ld 'tPilccaxsturF'li:i.jPro'ecl..;111.!|tlll(,1:|rotc.rrhrllbcr|kx.ilitd.3pP(lnr|ncddnd|r*.std|nl(lntoryrrr o{ ulitr o{ re{b Priicr-t r.r sui{fq|}car Prqcct rn lcc.fdatitt r"ith thrit tclgc'lrrc inlttetl! In th{ Ap!il!: t ctlg e? Coaqn'r Lktrrni! ln lun'h P'r*c. I ')t Suhalu'nt Ptot{]cls Alfi'|qrrolr olrrh' Putrur|rt t{t ul|! Sacti.i r i -31b) gc bcrcrn -!l.d 'Pr.1).-i lrtcNn(Ilt" t!, le tb aytnl lt Ir dtfrL:ull !!r .laadrrn rhllhir r patticuhr GrparE rt t c"oarrl ErFonra or I Prgr€ct E:Farc, rt rhia tt dcrnaC tc bf, r Cctetrl I iPcolt' t{ lforrc o{ Arnud A-art3 lnd lb. lm ?ryrear Tkrccf. Annurt rsrmantt $r[ bc mrdc on r f w1. I rhloulh D?--. nt r I I fBsrl t-.r, b.ri - :hc Aso(trt$ Jrdi grt ]trltrD notK|! lo crct ornsr lt to tlrc uoi "f lt: ernu:l r.Fi.rnrnt (r'rciudrol both tb Gcc.r{ Atsclt |I|d |!y ?roFci Ac$tttcot} ?iur rcrtcct lo t &ododlron|a ljnt sn q bclerc lrnugy t crch ycar frr tic fncrl ycrr cmo.ecinj oa ruci dttl. s[ch rctt cnr tJ bG d. rod F,nDl. cittr<r la r rnirnrrull iart|finr, pyrtb a Jrneul rnd Juty t|t .|ch yc.f. i6 3|rb'|mllrlly cgt oootl$ $.t.llD.nls pryeblc oa th. llt d:t of .r&ih tr|ontb ahlllint th. y?|r of otha'li'c, ri th3 Attoctrlion m'y &E'Eitr ofl aosic to c!!*. Otrtrt; grorr,ltd' hovwor. lhet rh.rll bc for thc b{brl(.c ol thc l:,.r1 lcrr (b) Tb ft'st .jutu.l rscsrmcnt yitl rr.lpc'cr to..rcb Sub-quant hojcct 'hrll bc nlldc trlrbly riih rlr?cct la rbc balrnc. oI tb. )r-{ tcElrititla Itr.r tbc ttrtc of rlc filut! of tlte Sugpksrdntal Dccbnli'on *ith t6F!l t, tuch Sub:quvnt Prejecl Ertt rner.rr! afrc|rttncit lbdl tEtr .nl?!6t tl tht rltt ('f Tln Pcrccnl t l(fr | f*r antum f lom tht drtc tt b'omer dtrt aod Day.li.. rl Dd pdt Lrl. ruch drtc. Faluic of tlE Alt(rlal |ort to SiYG tirncll- noticc ot !n! rrr.Lfr.lcnl 't pmviof I b3rria sldl rf, .fhct tbc ilrbtlily o{ thc oryncr of rny condomulrtn i'ntt fcr ruch trrssritnl, ttut lhc d'le whcn pTr:or $rll bccomc due ur rr,tlr c|.a chatl ta dcfcrrrd to . datc tolrt) (fol deyr eftet tucb n(,1:cc tlrll hevc bq';n Ctr"a. 6 5 SFii A-arnstttt for crgtrat IntPrurerlintt- ln addrttrJn tr tltt .nnurl itrtsmfn?l Nthoflrcd bt lhlt -rrnrcta, thc Arg4rrttott rt'7y tev-y in at.' G.c\<t:ie 11 ; ;er r spccial als'trncnl q'tth r.tpgct lo lb? D?Yalotnint "r I rlol. or t'irh rrrlccl 1o a psrtlcullr P.It|c.t r,r Suftr.riuf4l Prr4tct. peyrhlc or'ar tuch r pcttod rt tbc Ar'oc[ltoLrny darttgljrc, lor tb' purpo€ oi dsfirtlng- ln whck or rn gJil lir'i -('11 cl Jny 'ohttrvcllun of 'ciotltttulltoo' uncr; d ,?Frr or E hcldrcnt of rh" Jtci.rl,1rmcnl !! ! ihl-,ic .rr irlr pntttdrilt Pt.icct ot Subrtqufnl Pl{iccl. or tot rnt i tl " cttatla l$cwcd ot to br rncurred as prit,ded rr thr( l)cllirrtrt i Ttl! S.(it( 11 slull nol b' conilrri'd !r ''n ir&Fndrnt surcr of authonty lor rhc {rru"ratron to ln.ur . ( i.c:rri, but rh.rll hr -(rn tucd td ptttcttbc thc m'Jlnct Of Etnj lc cx'nz!g'- rull:q-lzCd bt ctlrl Scclions hc.t(f \ni anrosnt! $re!6.d Pullualf helrto thrll bc rgcrrd |3 r C<tr'rl .lrctsicnt m lhc m.nncr ;:rgvrilrd rn Se clirrr 3 1t .r t hrrer,{ rn th. jsr of rpctrti a*tt'lmcnlr rffcclint tl|c "?fiUc D"GloP.tictt ot ln ti.r muner grolt.ild tr Sccl,t'l '( l{ bt hc'?"f in '-3t' of \t'r(rrl rci'\rm''llt dlectlng J gf'tdurar ?t< ect or Subrcqucst PttJt-t \ot'v:thrrnn I :lt rnylhln8 to !h' cotlrrr'Y h'rcl'r !onlr&ed' rpccul I|rtmcnlr rtlcctrtd s tttllcultt Prt4c.t r,r Suh"e.l r':ol l'ri:rltr-t sh'rll rirll trc "''ca\' d \}ltttuut lht rfftrmrllv' tDte ol Jtillan c6r*r,l of I mai(-iity of lhc volc: o! lh( V. mh.ttlill ('llsi derlvtnl thctr m(rllt{t<htp fr()m tht' Frtller'ltt Prtcct ol SJlxa{ucrtr Pi.rrccl- \,Jlr;4 In ,rntlr;l -t 'h' r!r,i.rrt.t of !r,. i! rp(!trt 1t'.\t,il€nt! trd tht llnr( ft'r p'|ylncnl tbatt,f. !&ril bc lrvro ptonlptl) t) th': O?ncr' !rrh:': thctclor 'r'jC ni p;']'rncnl s|"ril tt rtuc i' r' lhiltr thrtly t l0ld'yl rftcr .uch Dotrae tbaii hl!'j bacD tacn A rptaEl r'(>cs\''n€^l thru b(al l'lcr?tl ll tltr r'lc "l fln P(r(€nl {lOt) F|cr frDtlj t..2m ttc d|'c it bc{omcr duc and i..!lfJt r! ..-l i t d rrll','1 lhr'' 1 ' ii}! J't\ '!lf' I \rl"h drlc i.a, L*! ffrr l@nb. All ruit\ ,,'rlt{rl t . ,r; i :,r:rli,r-,i t rnr tJnrr Flrr'tirlii t(l ihl! \tllflt l"tclhiT tth iraarrtt lbcrcofi 6 gt.:rlt&d harlrn. rhrl! bt rsr ur{llt I ' .,i'. iln ili!h (-'rdrlrrnr.ntul:' itil j| 1l,lrrt l lh( A\rfir'ltJ'i gfcf fTlrtr *rtl ft anper:,r lo all othcr tlctS ittd &nJrrtr:'r:r' t" ': rrjr:h ( tn&*tt rr" I r''l rt(i t'l {JnlY l"r (ttvtltd 'n, d#d lscsglr.rl lrrl on thc ('Qndfmrnlrr': t'nrl 'rr r r!"t /'' '1rlYg:r' Ii'41r lli rl J 'r'sllnt rulh'r'lty'!|!dlbtr tbf<rrri|tud'u^P.tj.J!:|'l'rtVort1,zgc'.''Qn}|i|'Vl'rll;rgfl!'i,eri|r!nl.1|t,1.rr'.'td.d||1.}itl.rflc(,ounly' Lfuatb ltrt ?ttrtc lc'' ','dl. 'nrludtnl atl:lnpaid 'rblrq"';r)' r''l'rncc' l" l' rtr''Jr f'||r!'rdr'l lo 1Lt(h yr)fllttr rnd dl aF-t! ,drttU td 9{rtl.rat}l lf' tlr(h Vr'rt&'"' znd :,t' t'trd bt thi itft th(rr 0t i rt' 'tJ"rn'c 'tllh llr' trtrlr{ ';l such iSrucrcnr. Aii -,rliar lr€no'r .{qulr|n| l:.1,, ltll lnt (.rrnJ ;11n1';6 Urijl llr.'l lht| '|f 1||'.rtt.ln (lr :!ny \!|'lFi1!'lCnl|l DaCatttHra |bt,; ttzt.- h':ti t':!"t&d tn "ald rccrrrdl rhrll t" decmTl l'r !l'll!'rtl lhi'r ''r h jre nr rlrell .Ar- rtllcrlol t(l ,G{r ll'n, lor rrsr*.crr. !3 prorr4?d h.r.re. rhcth.r (r nol rulh c(,nlarrt irc :pc,'rlr''rll) 'rt i lrtth rn tlrt lnrllulnl nlt cttat{ 1r/h l-n| A lclcu? uf |toltr ol licr riall bc cr<( ul.d by al||lc rcaordr. upon Ftttc||t o{ dl rumr r.curcd b} liGn. not'b oo.dltaa lo !G . vldrii of ti,i3 cotd}|nl. fo rl&nuc r licn fot rurnr r Gd pursrralt to thn And?, thc A!txr.li.]n |rry Prprtc | - thtah dlc" of b" srttin! fortb Oc rmoint of lbc lrc, .,,ilnctl, thc datt drrc. lhc .mount ltmarntnt unpatd. tbc nanc of tlc Ot|rr of 6C (]onrlom|ni$& Utlit |nd r detnptkln oi ih1 {'o|ido'tl t4i'jm Untt. Srrch r nol,rr rlu! bc rSncd t,y tlc ^sbti,. tr$ ,:r.y ht rc{rrdcd ii llt" offt{." 01 th. ( ouqry ( itrt and Rt|.otdet of Egtc { 'r"nl" colcndo lirr notkr of licl rhdl bc rccorJcd unlii tl3ra lr r dciuqu.n.ii tn rrynr.:nl ol thr ie.'t|!lcnl such irn 'ltry ha cnld!.d trr i dicnt fo|Cda.J| b, tlrc ,\rrocrrtlon in th. sr6 mr$r4t tn,hr(.h nt(,rtratrs o rtrctl grctrz-rty mry hc lorcdorcd n Colotrdo' ln ant rerlr to|,ocl,:sr^r?, ri9 oyn€f ahafl ba ttgurr.d to Ft tbr c6tr rnd Grpctt r ot 'trh p,.r'ocdi4' thc c6tt 1a6 21pc ol runs rhc notic of l|.n r'td dl rraronrbrc ltrornrts' focr. All ruch co.tr rnd.xt J)!.t shell bc rccurctl by tbc li.t t"l forcdt'cd. TL Oftct rtrrll al'5 b. r"{uir.d lo P.y tr, rhe Also.latiotl .J}/ .rrcalmcnlr |trr!t! the f:t}ldotntrfli l}it rtici |[.I tccoma dur durial rt pcnod ot fotecbqrte Thc Alscirr,cn $ril hlvc tbc tlhl rltd Dow"t l(t bil tt & fqpdogn aalc or orbar l{J ralc rDd Io acqurrc, lnirl. rcorcy. L|ra. rtr',t. rtrluttb.r, uts .nd olbcra'rst llGd r[t tb t.ac r tic Orocr tlrnof- ibr Atr{)!-utiot rr,C r'.'.rrdcd rD thc Lrtjc Co|rory, C'lot'do trJ r lien rhreh bls lEr:. ntdc th. grbt"ct of r rccor&d to'kt d -,;' .Adyencunrbrrlrc.'bo|dtn'elicnclrCondl,rnniurpUertnlrlP|'b{rtthdlnol'E'cqui'cdtop'y.g| |no|lla ,c|lrtd bry rla liaa ctcatcd bt lhn sactro6, lrrd ,,rpoo .ut! peyment rur! ?nqumbnt:tr $dt bc lub'otld ro dl ltlrls of tt? llo.altt(tlt uilh tcrF:ct to tu{h llcn, intiudint priotltt Thc^rc|ti'a.b.ll'.'onl4ln}cncumbEnccrofrCondomtnjun|.nitrnlunpod.s.Gnr.atsreld|r snDdd !d| bnr.t t|r dtrty 190) deyr rftcr thc lrmc rhrll hrrc hccoac du. provirlod' bowtrt' tlrl .|GI cncl|0h.Gtffls'.tllbrrclurndrdtollrcA.ocl.ltontri|lcnrcttctoj$.b"8cutobnnct. a, rd ott6r ot orl. llc lrrunt of uy rnrn[l cr rpccrel st*'qt"tn |3rid tt c'orirhl- Ur! a{ f.6c '|ml obl5tioc of ti. OrEr th.rcof to lh. Allod.tion suri to tecoYet r tct jl{i'r' ta rffr f,gcf oUfioq.-d b ndlriefHc tt tlc Altocittivl lithout forcloqtrt or rrrvilt tL lia r'crfr 'L.c. l{o orIt a''|Toad ol ahi-a tet Fd ouirtron by urrtsr of thc ur rrd craoycat of eoy dr} co&mc Adrrlt r-d- .tl lr ItrX d-D A'ddililrl Frilirrc or by 'b'tdooncnt of hi Go!&'inioo ltfi- 8J.$lilt.c'|;.u9a'q*afrrrgrbkfceandupolrnttc'l'tqurttofr'or€C'd 19,1}.,t;F-ifir q, t!.Fb ldtl*t of r cordoni unr t'n:t' tlc Ancitb iJ 5a r ;F;;r db fod-ttrr .ri.n-*,ta ,."e.te Eat ecnrt. u rsl, rilh rctp€cr to eu.i Co.&ri-- (ffr: ilI.iFC.I;.-;; -;;.* * c.. ri.r e.cn ."r.''ttm.n, It".on,.t or bc.Daa;.-!- ;d;; - rri *,-, ionar. br qo( liEitsd :o. ec or:c:'r lrrrr of p:tDril Er€? t|||+F - rtrnirir ad I erldr rrlc |ll Arcrrtloa il lrYor of persols rbo rclv ffid L Fd trd{il- =;;;:riliia,."rr*.sr cotl rid frth frrhf. r$crtv crvr-, T_-rd rl=.{-t{l fgi at fi- 5 fi dtl. of r.rb3tA tr+d idl bc rubo:linett to tbc t'rl o{ | Io?t8,1,. :lict *f fr ' ffi ;d.t .t ro 1j1g11 rr:r ;6d ?h r progccrrtc Fo'drr* m-.' E t !Gq!'i' rdl t bla'' ra-a4d q--rb ta1 de..t .l ot1i;1f.r.4rlhe pesles srril b. rdcrrd..loricrly t h*1j5c'-l |.* |3*a rtr tc tr|4' &t tcila Fit*C h<tlir rad ttrcrtrflcr e dditi"lrl ttlta t'S.|r -,.*: ;o rrcb* rcf ot codbd ,ih riflr.t"! dryq rn{ ti. purch.!.r 3!L$!rrtt rcqdtr lE ljorFr lt*. .. : i.f ,. l*rdffft', rf lbirr{a A-mb. Suh.cr to tbc pro*'r of S.ctitb lJ . try'Iitr' l ' Coo,fcnilrr Udt li[ DG i.irrtt rd .G.i.1y rruc .ni rh. r.f<r fot rtt E da *r* liirli ' ,;E|d; u* w a rt rr o{ th,sr or oonEy.rr., x heur tlr rcd! ro rh. pqctrft r*to {rfrC . hodr S t& C. 'Ilolllt trl ly & rrurAr-r lol :trlt Gtltrcttt' A. USEOFCIEIDOTfrXRJX UNITS 9.1 Ldaf.arid. Eri Cordo|ria,aa UII iirlt bc u*d for r6ilt'orid Purpolca onlr ' sd ao irrdc t hii.| . . c fry lld :aor ba 6t'a{ 6 &.r€i!, Lsc or rtntd of r condoiiiuo uerr fs lodgnt oq rli&dtaF ry' fa 9.! llr of Goora Gfrr.rrr TheI. rbdl bc n''' obctrucrroo of ttc Cotnll:E Efa:rrs o( q 'tfqiccr c sib.aqucl trcict. no, sh.[ .ti]:tbre t lcpa or {oFd d tnt pan of tltc c.'rnma EFnca *rol ll' rri' -- -- " --i--l l-il;][ffi'11*-;;1]oi-Lri * l*.t*lr ;rJ; hcrrn. f'lotrdrl t u b' $G5.d or' qrfrir*'r' -'L--..rEitb'b-il:;;;:*" i"il"'-rrnr.*r o[ ray rtri"cl c,r srlr$q.."-nt h<T ecr crcpt lpc itr prirgrtulg 4 c( |!r Ar-dirion g.3 prolD|lor of ur{f, d c.rtril .tclirirlr. \othr4 lhrtl t'c dorr rrr Lrpt in rol lJdl or i rb 6*{ E|fncntr rx |n! ,urt thertof rn eny hojcct ot s hs.qu€nt h$i.dt {'i? n thd Add-lKEl rrcfititr rtkt rtrd| tgd I' ;";;fi;;;ilt" il;;; oa thc D'\cLr0rn(irt rx rnt Pert tDct'"'rr' or in!'t'* of dc rrrr o{tt'ilcc ,-- -:-i--J-il ffiff;':";;;;;;';;; ; ;;;d; le1 i*r ru.'! ''riri'|t ' todlt rv- *nmt rit rdor ,- -- ^ r-r.!A.l;rt;HT; ;;".i;;;". otiiu rhru br' rtont or Ltet n rq $th trait c cotrr.. Ftsclt e rsLl il;;;1;;;'l;;;;;, routd br In rro{rrxln oi my srrurc. rurc, (.^lir.t'.'r. rpr$pa. fqr3cff ;' ilil;;; ;;;;,.;; ni--,- ,o*rn -,rr rrorly. Nd 1rn{B ro. o! r13r. o{. r.s {dr.616s €b!.di.{ - tr.--- -t ^.-rl'.:T"lK'iil:; il;;";H;'ffi; ;ilJ;;';;' o'o" * rn) r'rrrtt r''l rov oi*r'iiirti i" ilil;Jil;; ;fi rh. Aritci.ri{n.nd lhr orttcr (}e.ncn h*mlfrs rttinit fl ron rflftn{rorryrd ;#;.T::;;fu; t^-* * "*,,.o: ptotrtcd, horrt*. rlra cnv nrrtot of tht Dcttrrrrt rii! tol +11?:- ^ i..r; *J lrilil.*]i;il "ffi.i',J'* ." invl6.,t ro).orhcr orrur. !{o rx.xrrrs ,tr{rucliw or offtarirr r'Aotr'$, :H'JT;,; ffi; ;; .l'.;;; ;;:^;::;',;; iJn'-'' F'|ilir-.s ot "'i1 T" ,r*{'a t:* ;;"r-;;;*;;hr.* ;.;';';, ;., i*...u,* {n *,.oor.r,',i oE ri!..,.!r .,o r.n-\' arir.s (}'r-r'.r a? rb ''r.} Fcrb! *.ry tlr lrllullr rr'gdl|lt In lh. Dcrtlotrrtnt. ,! . l.S fr|hi f. ?ffi* Ab O;E rht ridrrr li. ,uls rrlll rrtsld$nr foi (:..: ur ol thr I ^.it' rnd of Oc drafff**|blhttct r,l Subiqutl|l h,o|.crr ul thc Ad,Jitionl Frcilitrr r\ rd.'ptcd f 'o,rr lrnr. trr lralc t*I-rffi fa- '|h- aa bff|j Ersl Orncr $d lA $r i*tnor of hu Urul, tnchdlD|, rrlhout llnitrno., h**, *.|ra.E, qfh|} fl6 rad gcrtrrr flrEr? ..rd rtpsfi.r|nc,. llrttrto. hr . clr.n, r.ltrrt |trd *r* r5n, dld rtrtc d r+rlr gt $f,ra lHf N(r 0tnr{Enl dlrrttirr F rat Unlt .|ll !r arrdr. .ra s pbrihrlr., cbortifd of * fr{f rft tb b-.oa Flar*tr of rnr Prqo.{ or Srt*qrcnt ft{tl $ria tr &r b rrv Oracr ritiod th |:ts rc crr.of ltc ArFinrbr Rr&rre. ftal tt||l C tf|ll|:. Tlc Arroortton ||{ !bl.I! |trd l..p itr fuu t{cr.rd dtrcl rt rll tttnet lh. fotrotit hE €.dt Fda t oq'ra.| auly .r$orlr.d ro do b.r$rs r! dElondo. Tlc proruor ot fik Atud. ..r a ts qt!td r'tH r|. lDar d $rrbdflrt of aa AFaitlDr to otui! |.d Drrdlb rnrrrlcc cot tlr. tfi fr fr qt ilrlnrF €;a+ llqpta LrrGlrdat. h rcl rao.ttr ud ra rr*t fcc r 6r Atrlirlidr 'try d.car #.ltilr*Ft. ar' G-t hc. Ib Ardrtb ir0 oDtrb nrnrd. or Oc !!tt.l rod orch S$tq.GJ tllF(t b rf lhrtt r lll pr!,vdc for S rrdrcr:rr rlr.ot b & rr"nt o( drnlc or dclntclioa fta C. c* fd {C rll Errcc - oha... I lr 6r rm I rhi.l r oaF.ltltr otdt r.tnS|t ; . lltua td didj tfit - rL \isinit d lta Hotnaaf rcclt. rr t|r sr:rrcl ot Ftudli bu$nos .. ,lrEr-( oh- FA iEe ict inrrE ll idr& flr. ad crt!.d.4 corfil|, tltrddrl|' .nd -fr.tr,*fl re { rr*bb ri i ao.'rc o'po*b ly Or A-cbr5r,.trd . .( " . '' l|lr d b.3 li. n.| d Arc:rrol a|l -ra k t .!|'.i.ta ro '|adi hl|loc ptor .l ioa ' h ' Affi t c|tdlttorc rrqrlrrc- u lg t grdre dbfrt co'ql ud rrr !.'il ,... I t f3da|'trt rln t|. lmdorl ofdcr r erdrrmr ti6 tood kar|r F-tlct. (l) f* LIQ rl tt|Fry Drfr h-. Th Ancrrtloc a.ll 9urci|'. btod fofr .E.[fthii hl3'' qr i rcfr .a* ra f -.f lorrr a I denr rffrtlc to ptorilc rdGqutl! FCdb, Oqt fl i:t!,*. rlbt tinlilo. mf tl frrrd llrtc'. oFf,lirt o{ .uto|tlobil?| on fa|r d L /tdr. t* o( rjE AaEf tdth rad dvb n conBcctirt nth thr ornrrdrig, er-rb, l.LF ra d.r : or L DGbt|!-a I.l Jl.rfiml FaEiti.r. (c) llbcnl Ollrab rr,.l t-ltlrrt l,llry tmcr. Tk Aioctetion dtdl Durclc aortF r co.l|rid.. ud criotcr'r h-fitt it'c. rrl rll ollrr |rnLt lfxutu€. rn tt Prc{ lo . ..datt . d fi ADcIha b tl. .tosiB rrd b lic fomr aor or hct rftr rtqulrd bv law. fl) l*f lg-... Ttr ArEt tion |lr0 pEtlG, tr trch rr|or|ntr tnd rn x|ch foflttr d rt drdl d"r|h t''J('.fra, cilfF Sixt frorx{y of atgloy€ar, dratuction or dottcrtrrr. ol Eon.y ot Ecutilt a, ad l*tFt. (a) Ob.lb Ar{.bo art obtrn utarnlr.r ||tbst frch ocbt ,trb, of r rrtir or dLttnilE n.lrt3, ! il O{ rfa! |,''oFAa ||io r'?.cr ro thc Dav.roticnl, ia.tsdrlt |ny par5n|t pto9tn y of thc Altocttiotr bcafa{t O.rrc. x. .' lC2 [Lnd h.'.rff Cdl tmnce . Tt Alo.i|lbc Ery m rtr d{cr.lio6 Glccl lo obl.in ,Dutrrc. at li. Fd ''o'F t, rd fi*rf. Utlllf plrctd n itc UnrL o{ Ovr.rr tt D.clrnrt uron congl(lion of conrttnctbn . d lL tlojEf or try 3otrqrrat f,iorcra rr iuch rmzlurtr - ||.ll nro$id. for thc full rpb.crncnt thc?cof ti lh! sttFt Cduf c &rabo tloo cadry frurl chici rysl uoraacc r oHrc;d. lO.J f [!. Cdtt irrl|'a' rhdl bc crri.d I r forr or formt nrrnrna lh. AnctrlEn rht tn$tGd. r t'ul!. tr A O''3o rd for D.at|f||rt. rictltcr or n,.4 lt r rn Orner, rhrch polrcy or golk|cr rhrtl rtrc!:ify tl|c lat?rrtt of -f Cdaaotraurn thit Orrr (Ovrr'r nrme. Unit nunb?r. Prot.cl or Sohr.eurnt Prt(gt d.!€rpt$o. tit tttE-El uodrvi&d bterl'r rD thc Prorcsr ot Subcqs.nt Pr<1ccr Comnrxr Fl?|nerttl. rrrd rhrh p()|tcy or pollckl A! pridr t rtar' futd. monuibtory mortlaac. cLuac In t.tor of trcb li,rl llorq:3. c rhxi lron lito3 lo titlt? ad tt! pf-. fo tb" A|E.btioo of r{.ch tirt Uontrt! !.rch t.tt(y rt-.', rhell prrrrr& (l|lt rt (.nnol tr crocdrd by tltb * brrtcd ot ttc lrg'.cc @rnDany untd .ttar tcn dryt' pr|.rr rritter n{'rr.c tr fitit ttttn to cadt O?fE , to D'trt Ea ao ?ac! fa'l llglt!|rc. tlc AtrocElion drell lzrnrrh t'r cr( h ()an t . l.u. ulrpt o( n'ch Potcy lo!!llr'? rial a arnillar& aattltld tbc intrrcrt of Ihr (]racr All pol!. '!'t ,rf rnlurrn'"c 'lrall cr,rvtdc thrl lh. lmqlng? t Edrt Aef De rmlitfod t,r rlpcndcd ordy rn rcngt\ r t4 rhu ilttcrrtt o!.rny prrtr< rhr Or'|1'r gutlry uf bcrcl of .attaay, |{l, odoc. q3tlf'nca or aoocomplirnce *i!h tn, provr,r,rnr,'f ruch p,'lri), rnchrdtru prymctt of thc b!ts' pr:dn rpdicf,lc ta lh:t O$.cr'r int"rlrr, or rhq irrmrtr or farir l,r lrcvcrt th! h!9pr'rihg ol altt 3YGnl. lfattGt oocrttH bciofc or rftct r loo. nhrch rrrrdcr thc pr,rvrurrDr rrf iu,.h I^'1r:, ^('uid olhlrvtrt inrrldrlc oi l!;|.a Or r!fi: toltCt. All poliicr o{ im'rrrnrc rhtl pro',dc fudh(r rh,tt lL- !nwr.rr( | uo(ltr ,ny .e( h Oo]h'y. rr lo lla Hc|l]tl of l| COa fDlfd Orr"n nd tullfy .d tny ruth .( I .rf .'r!r[*,n. rli.ll lr{'t l|.' rt}trltd.tiid or rulpcndcd td ad nrlb b (d {onr rad cflcct. pruk lutrtrtt .tt y'.o|ottV dm.fc ,n.r,::rnrt tlru .|'Dc :hc Ats(Lrl Flr ihc itrrnrd,.J lllcr ta tL OtS[ rnd for D*hJ.nl. eh3trl?r 4r tlot rr r! sn Owncr, ard {lt Pnrtr:t .xh 0* acr .'/ Dtcl|'rst {tisf lirb&!!y to' ,ctr of ths AFcirtiun in .rlnrl.ction wilt' ih. ?rrBbl9, otcLticn. ta38ttrdffi! ')t 'rihct lE of tb€ D+acld'P','li at' q rnd all p,.tlt thlfr,)l rt'l thc AiJditionri t.r :ittlLr l(,4 o!'n"?! icTonlulity l' rirl;r' r' Lr'tenF on tfi' f"rnuh)nl1 rtltraltt pbctd rn thc Unir by Dc'b'n' .rclpl (o lhc r rt"rrt thst t i|. Art|!b, I , i. . ri \r: r nt lo 5.( trfir " O.7ltctc,:I f ;.ctt lo rttrotg tot q$alry ir|xrre;a. dd' ro''rdlcr of !b. ,..$.)cr.tloD'r clrltro' :rn!!',\.'. e 6racta|i, .lrid' llx! Itom tl^'tr on all PqtDnrl PtoF t'. ua lntsrnca coartlt€ rlb trcmr ol p:tron:i i).{r!rnt ptxad tn rhc tlnr( br Orn.a, ld sanrltfy atd Frblk lt$illt i,rir rttca corar{a nthia cach rndrvrd,., j I i,ri |.nd t.rr a('cr rt}rr of lha t)qoat ttot .c!.rtl|! by tlc AraociltiJa. r1ll rc(pa.jl ao th. Coglrton t l?r.r.or! ,,f ri,r' P!(,;d,.: rn.I Sotrtsq.rt nl ftep-.o end l!. Add]tlood Frcrtiticr i8 t'c Oc tcitt<roribdttt of tb" tcrpc{'liv! Orn-rr t0.J laf,|rira ?]oc.rad.. Tht Arr,-,i,a;,,r.. dr]}l !6c"t!c lhr pro(ardr (,f rrt caurlly iniutltlc€ tlta"ot, t"o?li!a oldcr goliclca oblriicd rrd mCflbrnad pttt,.:1' lu tbt' A rrrdc lo d?,: crt. rhat tcaoolttuc{ioa r fllqutrd b'tcit. lha pto(ard3 drdl b urcd lot ruct, pu!F).r !.' ttr rrlcnl th:l t\'cotrtlttt(troo r aof tcquu"d hatdo rtd f.b3te k, dctcrrrinrlbA tlnt r Pr<rir, t or Sotl{4\tu.nt l'r.:acit r&r! r,'..t b. t3bJdl. fiq Plo{ctdr irll b" d-rtitutad io lbc a.dc n|n|It lFrc|fi plorr&d in lh. ctcnt o{ glt 'l t} i'(i?tG li.ritt ir: e Prorrr I I' S{br.quaaf }t'qcct lof Orr't Orr lrfcc. ltor.rrbrrradhl rla Dr!.,Dr.ottr br.'!. t. rrch Otact rDai obtao rn.!|nncc rt hir o?q cxpcor. F9tr11nl rovcr.t: upon bu r,irn.&rtrrnun Unir hir F.rx.,ort trrqallt, {ct hr Frloo|I lu&iliry' rd corrhl rrh (,th.r rrb r! b€ glrt &cm rtpri,firlc, blt trih rrrh t./t!.:v Oall Ptovdt rlr|t tl d(rt bt dlsln|'h tlr" It11taicc curtt'r gtt€tla: Jc lbb&t yirr:t ','i.lcr i&uraxt poltlr! bhrJr t}3 lrt(xte?r-'!n obtJrri FtttlJ|tt to iib Arficlc Alt tch inrurt!.a ol r Oncr'r ( on&rnm.sn UBir lrdl rlrrc rh" nlqr?lnct roerp:nl'r rigir of rit{tlin {ri t lhc ADcrdbn. rtc ofh Orrfr. er{t tha |.rtantr, at"rlr. i{lr.lr lf ecl ot lhctn, tl ttrh tntur.Doc rrn bc oDldlaa in af|c lo al prl-tia. rlth.r dd,rr,nrrt prcaiua clalF to? Itt tivrr ot nfhtt ol rrttoali[- XI, CASI'ALTY DAI|ACE C DESTTI'CIION. Il.l Alci.rSt -arF itr| AI o( t|3 Ornc'r irrcroobry rrQrartutc a{rd:ptd|tt rr. tcfitbo rtcir rna rid brtut dro|I|.t i! r.a b s3! rarc, plrc |nd r"rd tq tlrc PuF.. ot dcri4 ril |l. :tti.( &d G..l s$taqu.d lrtriccr rpor ir r'-'t' ol &l.lrti! - t t icdt.t Itt'vdcd. AccpLacc bt 'l) tr|L' i r d'€d irm tb! tltctrr|lt g' trcfi ai or*t i|! cor'titelG reF|.lrcar ol ll. r]tdt t ir frfl h.tan pmca.d. ll.2 Grnt A.f.ry.t /frEf-. Ar .trorrt ir lrt. thc ABrErr. r}'.ll brr. (r8 od cnCac .utlsir.tio!, ranr .ra tai|c It r*a.rierl|. ard adti .rt (*rcr. dd. o. ol!3t a..nr6.it tll tt?Gr to tc rntcrcrl gf, I Con&aiirr| UJ &rrr rlidr Ei' tc x.ccr.'l d rF?tcDaLl. lo ?r?tcfr tt!. gort!! t 'tb tr''iad. R?prir lld Fcq*tcrioa o( tl trfor?nefr I rJ |. lh' -'. t'.it Sc€ttooi tr.t!! tlafiriqt tL lhqFcr ot I sutrq|r rtqcct ro n|lda|' l* |.tnt cd&r b \ ': .!,'at(rt pn. ?.r .jr:11{F, *ii cr.l tbr |'d |l" Commn EbDc ! .ptuttGi.ot rtt.'tto lartat !..!.h|i. ii- .-!oc ,itr:iJ .rtrJ 'r' ;r: - I .; ttot|aaatrct ar bcfat ltr prorrcdrOtartall'rrraEas{fcct.drLtlI'c.,.irtl!ol'..\v.,.;Jr..r'rtot':,.'t'rr.*'.o:!t9rcoriFdlrrsnoa unlcr tbc otrt| 'r' J ttt rqrr't r-ri'at lF :i- i''r' - '''-'*'Jiirn' *tlh ih' t'oriirrt i.ltb hc;c5rtl.'. h t> crc.t ul tlorfr of r Uri tr.ry !fii.€ of Srtqsr ?rtir;l rlould not ttt( trca io 'tbnL. :5(' \t oli.tb|t {dl bt3 rb orab. lo rrtr|.c a'Gl lo.llrt It tl.t'ct '! t||! o' tlc rao|rr sqld lLt*t tt lh' Orr:rr of lc,b haloct c Strqc.rt ttEi.cf r! a --tl-rr i't.rtrr 6f to let.r$. Ib,fEi b dou.- thc tuldt d lcl portc Dy +di dltcdr il Oa ldEr of t'(if,r trGsrlcrat |r rLr rb [l.t]rtti-. ll.3 trii||. ..C-. Asr6. ! F$rrrll rft-- cr.rt,rrtdrs{r to,o. h*ffr d, a4 Drf of . rtqcct € S.t n$|.!t tlri.cf . Oc Aj\irtio.r td obti co.!,*t ti rcliet'lt G{irnat of r} c.Cr oa tct* cl ?ft'omtructmn of th|t Fsf e d.al.'al or .ltitroyr{ {D.tt- d.{ th. -fu'r{3d troFrtt''l' I l.a l.t f o' k--rsthl Ar c... 'n o prrtE-rfrl. rttrr rclttrrtl tl"t scrtftg rlc /Glrire tl .lilifcntty puf$r to c|,|ltactidr tbc rt?.rt !'. recornrdior of rtrc llr{alr{ ?rof.att!. T* AE-a5o naD taa ri nccgtary oa tpfropfifta rotb! a{r alk r. sr! (u ra!'orStBctl$, ld anqr}- iB frr't lo( tt Or.ttr. |!d pccrd oa othcr &iion lt any Olrr $elt bc r.;rsrrn il coorcCfix lif,t(l..ilb- Su.f ?tl.i ol r? -rdrx,rifi adt lC il rccord:ncc r|li tb. o.$!d pb r!.t rl\'.frrtFr c{ lt tr|rr,.'d .t Sutr$* ?roFcf gl rhll lle Dratad propcrty n lo\-rr.d oa rr.) b" ir rc{!rd.n.'. trt| .!t otf,cr d|a6 .rd $s;i&siiotlt * -lr\'|rrro liry TPPI(FC. protidtd thrr in r,ucb l.|rcr crcrl lic nunrlrr of flrl.c f?"1 rnd lL lrrritbrt gt lraf fclr Gf S t;itf lQ 661 rrrl tD nrorl thrn Firc Pt,rscnt (S*) fmrn th. ruurb.. of cDlti^,' Iccl !r{ tt trr'$.r of +ta farl d rci trdl - o.idy cor*trucrd purs.nt lo |rr:h oa8Dd p!rn. .rnrl stt rfN.n.rtt. ,na lh( i'x.tror of lb. b{alo! rFa.rt t-.r'r SJ !a trb3trntidb tht r.mc t Pt^)t lo JrmJSf (r dr\l tr!--tis. 5 turdr tor laarDrt|!(rtor. l hc t..\rqlr \rf rnt rsb|frar .nltarra{ $al t,. tr$ttt{. ic t}t {g\htEs Ax thc FltrF! (tl lcp{rt (tr rfr\rn$ruflt(,n t! th( pri)';*-di o{ thc nuurrr:.,:.lt? tnlrffislm tr) Fry fl|? dladra or ItIl- .r)\t of ruch rtpa.lr ot r.r\)|rrtnr.lh)f . rhr. A\{\ l.r|h|ti nr+ kv} n tdvrn<r r rFCd lF'lal i't- d 0'r{t o( I nrB in th,r' Pt.xt.'t lr Suir*rirrlr. l:oN*.: ':' \rhxh rlt. lbr..tl"d rtni.rl; it L\rtrd sticr"rtt toFElt frt'b F Flt sq(h (rt imrlart (.t ra lutl ar)it' ol te j.:rr .'r '(, rr.r{fua t !r-n- fu. \ ai\c\.'acit sblt tT t lktr'rtr-l rrl .lri nnl $ r 4ccil gi.$mcnt l tl(, trrtnr\. .r! r Prott rt \f,$.rf ,r.. r Fufllcr lerrtr lltr tx n*!t ir l*c arr.nct rf rba aalrtr 'lda.firl pr,,rc rn'r,ffr.lirrI t(' r()tndClC th.' rtF rt' irr tl'. rrnsltrr In'n. i | .. lrr'hnr$nntl .r{ ;r.rlr to, R.lr|' or lasrrd.ruflil.. llrl riitro.t ptrrdr hcli lly t}c Ar\tt|oa 'J thc amounlr rc,,.i!r.l I teol lDa r!.d-r^rna r' t i prorrC.,tt i.r rn Srtlirrrt l t ! $xiltttut. r fturd fcr |}G ?aynnla of "'ol o' np.rir.rnd rr.ttnstnr.:i{u rtrer rr.r,rlr. lr O rll nr &r!|id lh:t tL fitrt alt{r4e d.}utrd r! taf![-'8r fq sd o( tFf .,+i ; il... ''^:;::",ri .. .:-. - ".'.''r'.j t=L '] c ndlfr St) ta I- tDt btuoa ltaocalds ir t hcrr l r hrlr;r.;";tli': frlrncnl c.,f rl; rt'{ri Df qr,'h rtp.rr f fn*r{lb. nal f-F fil Dc lirf 'lrutcd to t]r., (hnrn uf lhe f^roei t .,r 'irri::,iq!h cr f'runcct rn *.trrch l]x Orn+f flo;Ob bcdtd h C<opcrtroq t,\ x:rltnbu1ronr cr{ h OBorJ rollr put:,lrnr r.'thnrrr!\ln nr!icvr.(l bt ihr AsarrYi,r- Il ? Ddf l|lf fc trblL lf rll Orrncn rnrl all hotdcn oi t;J. I Uc.rttjgf r (,n i i,ndumbninl Llnrts rn .l h*C f heql ltQut gc crl t.! rcbrrrli. rs pr'. : lcrl hcrtro, sr,e h Pr:'rerl or Strhicq',, dt PrqFcr slrall trt .,rid UtIffift&ffittlc6raOtrrlc:ruulrrhctrrnprc,.isJrrrlhcrr..:,,r:.ir.rlLrh\{.l'!, tr r. &Ils(xNcf,. ll.l A-tahl al a tb. Tlo Ornen rsr,(c!( nlr.u rh ittrrlt.lc o*lrq -rhrF ur!rrfrl ot I 4h!v-f Ic Pcrrrnt trt%lc llaa nf fi lhat b r ht**t or Subs.qucn r I :,r r ct rrr! r&Jsr th.rl \urh Prorelr ur Srb3l u.!r PruFlt || C,hsJlrtc d illa r rdit€E tlD for tlra rtx\rt lrd r.!'u{nrct}cn r,,hrch gh:r hrr ii:c unrnmtd,{rr rtpmvll of :ti ft'lt Loafi- of fat lEcct ot Subqurn: P.ar<jl of rcccrd rl thrfrnr.")f thr ldopriod of ru( h pha- ?nti.D notr(( (}{ ttdF J fC I gltn rlrll tc Shrt t., sll (.ls r<.re rn rh€ | }f*lopmirr rirl r.! lhe tro.-rrtir,.. :21 l!-rl for Rrrrl rd ncclGrlrrarbl. Tlrc ergcnrc oi re ocr rl or raa.nrtructrc'n drrll tr rt.yabt€ by rUd llr &rcn ort U|{ll b rlc pr'tfu:ut:r Pmicit or Subalqs€nt ?rotcci .r Pro'e,J ,\taalrrnants .Jruul thcrr rlrp.ctrva "randfrlF Ulir Ilaa cncrt{ rhrll tre lcricd rD rdtrnct.nd thrtt ti< rllocrlerl urd tr)Urcald rr praridcd in b t.t{b}. F3rfar kvi.s mry bc mrd. in lr\G alln r if tb€ lDoratr roikctcrt prorc ir$ti'c|.at to c()srplrtc tbc Ed tod rtcoagscrb. la 6r cwnt rmounrr coLl,ectcJ p!rn.r. lrrtt, r ert rn crrca of thc ltloutlr rlrqsr"d fo, [.tal d raar)rgtrictbo. tb crclr,r rbdl b. rsrwr.d fo qtcb Orrtr ty r\. AEcartion h)- s didr|'utbo to crch rct Olr b u ru'unl ptotoalbort? !o ttc rrqrcfliw ernouar rrrllcclcd froat cr€h ercl Orncr. . lat D5rtn n tb- AtOrrEof I Urut irI ftq.ct o! Sublrqlit Piicct rlo rhrtr tbt rjre to ruch r 1b tc 'rrd c rtofnctbrr rry tiv" rrltgr sri.! of Oir to rbc A.Garir rioir f iftccn dryr rftd rer"'ripl -* of r&;br ol r!: dnr, lL Aicir'i^n $.! ttrcl dv. rritt D lrtD. o( adi d!*olr lo rlt rhc Ovncrr in , d lta..f a Srf{lat hq€ riliE thc dryr dt?r rhr crpirrton of tldr fiftcrr ( t 5) d.y p.rFd. Wititn frftcca {ltt afr o, ia*a a( a.l Fair tD3r Ua Aro,.,.ti)n t|c o*a.tr r"r|t.crri* t' ralrc.'r. .,rrr*i ol Dor. th|n .;.,: tlh t-rf {ltD d lt Lb t rrl Prot cr o( Subqrrt lucct -t crcd &. tb Lt ndl'yrna thc , fr bqoa|l*ht ttthphnF 'rol . rGff lhcn tL Caddrr t rof r*! dtr.otcr io lucfi.QrF c SA|nl Ft{.cf -l D. Frctrsrd Ead['3 rc lt. fo0oebl D.oc.CEr. tf tL Orn€r &d rhc /bdd. c..lr. ot tb n rtt l rrtr tlcrcof. tbo rnc! r& md ccrcns tb[ L 6l9Ltrd rrthir $rr] l|r tbrJL. tr tL p-ti. E dt to €l.". th: drt. rh(n .ithfi P|rty aotifE tl. otLr th.t L q it i uirblc ro lE till |l3 dd 6at bc lb 'c-rcocia! dat3" trDrh rhr.| .ji pcrio3 ol tl'ra BEatrc.ad hcr';rn drrtl bc --!a. Stl.l r- dryr follairj D c€or|.acrtrt d.t...d .h..,' romit ,la I ql|.httcd apo{.rr hy rntt.' aEfrrdioc !d ab! 3vG oolrta of rct noornrricn to ttc odLr. ll lricr pfty frlr to mdc '|al lotlrisrtion. rhc t-t E-r- |!dl, ritb 0c &yr ettcr dcfrult by tl3 oilrcr p.ny, rppobi rad .r|trtrt3 :itl h.itn .nrrhct Saa ftdr. lt Il. tto rtg|ttt d.aitDrt.d by thc p|'ticr, or rlccicd por!l|'t bcrdo ir thG.raal ol dcfr dt ,rl I rat, !! u!6b to {!c., tlrry ddl tpoill arotlcr qurlifild r9pr.r.r to b. uEpr. bctrcca tl.rt. rf thcy crn llr c lcl pcalc. LC tbl e r..Hc to rttG. utoa act uEpatr, thcr csc$ rFCr.iE p'trloruly r''|om|3d il'r' E tro |Fdfltaa PFfata. ad froc Uc nrm.. d tlc foru gcronr ro lomin.r?d 6c rbll !a a'tr! hy trlr . nE { -, calr o{ tcot{ ir Colado. .rrC rb. pcrroo rborc trrac b to drrrr rldl ti. 6. utrrtrrt. Ila aomrnrtr "rh mf rlb rlc lro of tlc rrpne ir to tr dnrr. by lct Orlt br rubmnt.d rlthn r.r. Uryr o( tl frdur ot rh. tto !F-F b lt!c. rtrch, b -y cvcnl, dtrll not b3 ll1.' drrn ta3nty drtr follovirl th! rgrobtncnt of rtc d 49ni','. Tb rlcEioo of t|. rpgoircr as lo tbc t.' B.rtGt v:lue, ot lo tlc car of tlcir di{tc.ncni. th. B ol rrrf aa?ilt *J bc fbd rnd bindlrj Thc crgcnn rnd fccr cf ruch rgFrirrn rhdl lF lcnc equ:llr trr i. AGab (|la dla lrocirt-a'r .D.r: rhall bc r hrrt"ct Erpcnra rl!,rc.bL to tlF prrtr(dar fr(icat or Sth'$q{rnl l!+ct Stotttir |.d Sc Orscr. Tta lrk lbrll b€ ccrJurtr.rrtcd rithlr! $rty d.yi dtt?r itc.ldor oltbc rpgrair'( and fb lGifi(r r .ttorry ic f.d thrll drbur. th. ptrxccdr fint r!, i|{nori rn thc oricr of th" parqltt of th(., !).m d nt' l-g '3ritiry to tta Coodominrurn Unrl Ovn?r. Thc or,irtrtion ol thc AroCLtDn ru mrh lucb p ,,e* }! ba caallioaa c $c [dr nartar t.luc of rbc ('ondon*nlrm |.,,r1 ercccdht thc oblirrtimr *corc{ bg i*.,,, rm rcl C<tJdb Uat. !!d upc tbc rn.tl"trbilrt) of thc trrle r,f tbc Cr?ncr flrrrrr rhrll fumirh tlt Arlor'i.rrr\,r. m tPtofdaL Scl of titL ot co:nDlrnrnt for tttl€ rr$uftnrc endcncrnt mrrlctrbrlrty of hn tttlc oot ha $ln frttcrn i'ryrfirl,lb,atw Ft lor cqoplcaioo ot rhc rdc. A.[ at'tcalr peyrblc by t[c Arnrcrrtv,n ptlrlufnt r(, the rmmcdr.r(l] prlccdnt prr.frlph $rll bc Propet Eryr| lrlill tL ?rdscr or SuDrqurnr Pro,c{t rn *hrch lhc p ur h.ircd ljttlt r.. locrr(d. rnd thc A$odL or mry Itra. rG! Jd col|Gct trort cach Ovncr m rrlh Proic{;t or Sul.y,iucnt Pmicct. r Prot!.,jt AEltacrr |t|tticrst to l!'o'lc I& E gq Jot tlr Ceodornirnuo L,nr:r oi tnt drscntcn. rnd thc c(r?t el rpprllrtl rnd rlk. ptrrnded thrt acf, -rt'3ntr rhdl tof ,Wty lo st bc lcsred rtarn3! a,,.y .l rhr Osn+lr wi,r itc d,\i.nt..rt rnd drtll not hr trnr 3ia tic footlortriuln Ulitr of erch drr*catrir. Condt,n:rnrum t nltr r.qtrrcd by li. Arr.r(lrtion i|t rfonrcnt *rli b! fdd bt tta A.lFcittlott in !b o*.4 ntlnc or ;n thr n.:.n( .l irr ir^iir,rrc [ ]t lor rh{ erlc h.nctit of th" O?as'r qh(} 'li| f'|t Cotttihtad tic PutCbaE pfr( that€t()r. rn prgl, 'rt t^ t(' rh.tr trrpciiltyl r,,rnttihrrttrin!, rtd thr -trio<trtion ilt nAt l*3 |.y 8c?roo rlth rergcct ih(fclo lcrlrpr r.rrons pe ,rlltled ,rr rcqi,rrcd tr, b{: ialcn hy tbr.Aiifxrllt()n lh GE?t)tbn ttli dl Usttr ro d: Prdoct or subr4r.rrr!:t Pr''t. -t ,.,r rh': 1., r.:uprncn: grrrerrllyt, lrrthor.t thc !,'n. n! ,'! J ri|lay ra rltcrc't ot rrt or!.n. 12.1 * d o|nir Unltr. llrc Ornqn rci,r.rrn | | f :t rn ri.,{r.latc olrncrrhrp m t f rert r}t l'rghr y -F rvc ltrrcal ( r .' ; , aa raat! o,6a tit| rr tlc lHogttrcnf fi|.y{tc.thtllht{ ,nd.n|nt,. ' ttil|'r tn tl,{ lr..v(l,,irr,cnt arc oh!'h.tr $,)d fee tir Dfrt'ccttl and rrt Arao.irtron r|tclr. rn(ludrnt &. Additronrl ljr..rli,rrr rhould tr: i,td SuDh tn rtrc|.r|l.nr lit! va- fr rruinorl t?gtotal ol wery firat M,'rltr|.c ol qrr',,J rt ?hf rimr 1,rr:h rEft-rl;cnt is 'nrdc. In .u. h F ca tL Ar.ridlo! shdl loafhtth ta(otd I n41r(. latftn8 totth 1|r|;h h(t or flrtr end rrron rhc rc.ordinJ ot .r: .h &ia W |la L.r+rrti4a, tb Dcrt|oParctt rtd all Asr)ctrlpn Arltr rell bc roftJ hy the Ar,rx rnn{,r, at .tl.rrn.!. rn tl I fect "for tll ot lhr (r.rncrs frtc ,^l ,t-^. ^. .-- supplcmcntcd t)., t"r.r,,,n. "lT1.ead. crrrr ot rh. pro'ior,r . f"hc rrlc procccrlr ,h.,r b. :d-( tnd"'n'n-"' Htl;t ;;; 't'alun"d rt rbb D?cl"rtrotl tb'. ( '[do||unir' rrr ll*' i ,liq,-i,ri j:ift'Hii':r jff L'f "t*tili!;t:rrrr:]ri;#ffi remajn ln tt. n.r" lri in, ;-::":-|.1 ta ir '.'eh " o,Dl .ptttcDr irr, t,D. ( t'ti,.,r,.-.r!n', r1i:iprrrc of rbc ovncr I r,,n, .":i:::,.",", st'rll bc tunhir idcnoti..r nr *.-"."*,""1"1";.t#T*;::"llXnrtnc of tbc ovncr I r,,nr rrch rurn'? tocnltlEd lrt u:r r .,rdk,;,r,ru,. unr, c.rry*g.,., "aa Jrmounr of -"r, o..oun,r',,iinu*rot " ,r f ourn !ie A'.,r,.p11q rr..$m?nt tr€nt oi thr , ,,-,,r1'lt"tdl'""" ;;'; ";;;;*- " 'rr' jnc) 'r' lect 'l-ei 'rr"nc d'Ebur5t llc to?d :=.*.* mrdc pu,,!,r,ri ," ;,:r::j,1j:j*;j;*1",s..:ii:i1ff:..''#,'ij.1,;,if:#,',;rrcm. rnd lhc brle '. c ri"ll.rlrlrra. i! tny . t,, ". ; ;;;;:r;;'il';:,'tcr'r t!' r,rhtr leron rn (h. rrr., or pnir:r). oi ?!e,, xut. (0iaDEUNATloN. l l.l Colraquanctr oI Gordrmretxl- l( !: rr! tro?n'r*rip punnrrn. ro rtrrr orcbnrr.m. r;i;; :;,r";;:'^r':i:.:i:: d!,'o* ri,. ..,.r.n J,'ic c,l rt,c (ri.o']:nruo'by thr At$('..ion ".u *t.ltott"'n' trl ol tt' o-i'"tit"t or lrtt. d!r'o* lir' "''t-n e.orden*,hrJ;-;H.,T*#ffi :;i:;I[:ff ff :1i],1':1"-.'JJilH:.;i:.i# 13: trocrcd.. Atl crh. -condrhn !!)" i;:HiTrlilii;j';-Tl,o;:*o, drrr.r',,''r irt rrn r ,' rh,cl irrir"r<,i::iie, ..!,rd -l1.3 Cooy'crc Trdi of D?r.bFrcg1. lr rhq 3y.rr, ,or otharrb? orrpocd .rfrc'min rG. rr. co,,co-"-tlt" * -_."-.'"**'. ilH'1il1..j|A;:J.-::;;i'n o' !ori6t"tt!d ir.or.il r.,pccuv? rorht rtlrr bcrh a'.d *dt bc rplort,<nco ."'"n.,i. iri,,.,:"::;;;;'Jil" Prrtn''". rb"etc Grr rre,irrorfr ''''*.*'H':*ffi1::i..'l.:::::l'li:;"*,fi !T,"J,il:'ffat."l l0|c-n{orbrtor, rr,.drl rrccrcc, ;;;;.Tt''t f' I rholr ir r::ii N-).d r, rtGnnh,r.db.i. *,."r,iirr--r.rrdrrc.ur. 3f! m dti.rmrnrr{ rc.} qhart .;ff.tT.l1*H;T "-...r "t,.:"?Hn;=.- -h::t - r'lq..rr irs... r,, rL. eEnr !h.r rr :n!E? ?rqccr or sobrcaqc.r::'.q, or *i#ffiffi;ffiI-: ,: ", - ," "",u"",]'L.r. *.{,ndo:nr.are{L 6. Orur d rAltrF$Jffi*ffi;frdfl:l.ffi'.'ffiY'lbi' hdicid caq l oo;;;;;;"H l| 'taP'bl rd lo s|ct'ine rt. codG't8nstir ^*." t''r.*,-, n"i--,-.iff' &"n i! -r"'tttf o.cr &.ft. ". .r.-1r.lo'.ta.l h.-Dro,!.d ro ric - ItJ D$rrrrert Otldt r_ ooo . ;G;T il' !8b ot rt' rrtrDcPbt rt fo3rl rn sGflFor | .l j rrd I J a ti.o{. rlc Asrroc*..or lr * or-*ilri'l*tr th rl.,t or tt. Gnd r:.a o, &l Drdr.r,or --""" .re i-t"ivs"cmt|?lol A'od ro rir! crcl oqa n -ed;.ooD at taari(ablc re rL t.e. mrner ?tEri!_ li SGctEt ---,..f J 5 ?rtl Trh] h tt. .t ar of ,r-y ltitt o, d ffiffi[Iaff eor concrtd;;;;- rnr p'F r'" itrc DcrelcFrn:eet or cc rtc Addrrrosdd*c,!r,r.,n*-*,;J-,$-;"#*m":":[:T"'i'#:i;J:il::HT:H (rl lL rotd Er'|oi dr orrrn b LaloNrnr ruocrl€{ to Srlurl o{ or It vorirf rii. rn tr. ^-o}to*;;;J;#utl re '.*h l4'n*.d srilrrE r'! t.. $pori'-'d rrrrc n Er ronb ir Scoron rr ,;::; " tbcrr rtrptclrrc rcrq rgt b.rl ro rh. rord ft) Ihc tord rasutqucnr t-*iiiPt {k\'rlcd to ?h. l.tur ,t-", ?:n :J rr,. ( onmo,. t lraanr oa.-r ho,cr.r o?:Trd.*. rrrtr thGB 'PFon'oo'd rDoo3 orncr 'rf r':cl ho." o, *n**n. ff* o.or*.o-* .rruo*. ''--" ' rq..stwc uldlvrd.d 'nr.".srt r., :he corn<n a";il;:i_* of $r!&era! (cl Thc aotd ra( .pPorltondd ro rhor al1n1 *"* l(' lttrrr'*'c crtr' prorortnnrrcl). on * n.fllTt'unt utri. ' ,r'lt "*{r$ '|r! r'rpn't lrr lddtFn:l f r'lrrx: nlcl -u bc ur or rb.o r."p..:r;:. ;,,;,.[..'j,.lilIr,r"*n rc!. Fr r.r,.r o? ..a&,,,!d. (dl Th. rotd urhojccr or s;b.";; ilFlt .nlttt'o 'o rt'*rncc dd'nd*.,,i.*-,,i.;i5_il*.o*^**oli,"r:iii.i:il"lH*:,TH*"*l,il"* comr'm ure,"earl. -- nl'n ol cottdrrno'd ' Fntro.,xirltt.'rt '. lhc hn,r * ,no,, liaa-. u"r"?e*i rrt n..i (r ' Tbc rrrrcrlrc tn owner r,a, n,aao'*itro r.oounls dlo\lt'{ t(r lh( lrlrtt ol (1t uuur} ro i Frrtr.-!-ltr r.otr *d t - nlf ,.rrrma,oltllu rrr.rr l nt? rhsii h* rp1t.711.a111 t\r ihe p*t:duLr t !:"1 rntrlrtd (t) lhc lotal rmoltlult b€ .oFonronad - ,ia 'ot al&rr:111'1 1tt ionrqeo,ltql '!ir.oculidr *;;;;;T;;ffi:jfr.:ll:T:,'-.|1*' * drrn{^ 't r{*ir lf rn rllocllion of lhc condemnrtitn. {t..d ts 'ln'rtv *rrtrtr{Bd m rht r.-5otrrrr.n5 }bdlc'r dacny.,r orrrrir,lbcn, u! dlo(.lrint d* Cood nriun Ar.rd. rh. ;;.;.;L rnpt1,r \.r. h .lt\.J:i\ I !(r Ur crrcnr rr ri rlkrr ,1i' , nY. t{lP'{t^|F.Ttrplol*lro.9.^"*XIVrJrrnco$rtutott.F.cilitisAlrelnrcDt|roll t|tr b r-{ l.dr d ,* 'o"*", *rot oat ,.j-inlo,r r-...'.a ctlrcl iol tho nc nod (h'Ein call.d ffiilt 1trrbf! *.;.;; *i.r f f.,n or rtrn& for rccord ol tl! Drclcrtr:l md c.'nttnur4 u''t[ tl' * oa - -a. d o..y; I o. frc-r r*" -tJ^tt"ro' ! prorid"d tot in s'drcn l''6 t"xtt' c 0, arrr c !'Ft.|lur d t- lrrr o{ eat ut o".r-rriw t -"ol tDG aEfitatlon'r &frull r| grovl&d ir SiNr l..t bt-f. tal (H f-t-r'.S8Li"' lo ttt i'ar 'rodaoa'' coedtir|. ttd r3'rticrioar hcr'illfttr t"! '"ir' Dfu, 6c orrd tlc ilari rranr, xr* ga. o oo Asd&n' lof tL u* 'nd btt|.fil of ow"rs . C orani-p uc lt *ilF -o "t-i-lt* -l t*o rr.,orrctroatr ttd tuc'rl r' '*ird a ao,i. or ld *., J 'rt C'to t!' E "'loE; trt ^dari*l F|f{iti' tlg;in3 fi Doduritl rrd, rroytr, tu oc c.*r-|t |od r$tr F.rt r;F r- r..*r tf-d-,i bt iD conrnoi riri' ld . *L* rgar a#r .rrir. ! c|!.r.nt ., "9oo..Jl .t'- o. roraul Frilitic rnd tlr r||!t 6 thc , ir! sr||.d c rr. tdad.r r.cgti.l rrro o.*-,- J - r.o.o tca&rr rld r!'dt i|ictudtr3' ?irlrol h; ,,,ric ftil E to tb odr' rcolon d'ql;id f"ttl"- * 6? tord Pt*rtv trt cooFird fl;.;;of^F; p"a.q -,i. etc.i"arFdfr.. F dbtt try r'onn tinr' to dac dcdruro' rdliil of ud b cocidcnrio' for tb SrDtt' t||it' rdta, t|rf 4 qlldr d l*$c" rl.eot .-.r3 fra 4 &; -tb encirrpe tr s.*.-rai r.."r, tt. A-"'r|on i'!' .rd b hccbv &mcd ! Ir €a'd r. grd ro& Id,ldco' rt irr ola * -''oa.'p.-. th. |oll.or|.urid.nd oh|.8|ti,o6 r* rafa a I g56ir*r,."o3 ro -.. cra drr s t*rctrlos nrosScd for to prorllc fundr i'r tht ?qrr.a! of ru d rit .'; -;,.a oe,.rt; lr6.J orcr or r c.,*ominiun unit' t'r Lb rrccptrr< of E; ;;fl b ioar*v ec'{" tu ba€ {F d "d ..or*a&d ltt"lo: (r'.tbmI-'!rlttFstthrtr-otoGAddibidFrdcirrobtyforllcaurgo"or:atc6&d.fij ,bs d. Jb: ral ,r" trt. L.trDf lor tny p||rlcrr fb&b t tauldc:r b)'rnv trr, odiolncc or rosiid*{drb rfut$.tat' o''r'-r#.iFtrhrl|procurc.tccaudodnt.i'.tc.'itllo'caudp:vr!f.c|:'ldchr'.3|ln €!d!.|rBgdr!ti=nrcs,Fnuitrrod|i|odit.tta'.cqubrdb'.nytpE'nnr.trtrlrttnc,ol ffiil; tz J*,;d";, .€lutrtion o, -0.r. ro. rr. uttd oFtrtbt of thc Addloonrl Frcilitict' (9tbr-dfuo.trtrltkcrptb.Addlrpn.tFrci|iti'aordrrcr/Prrtrorc|crt,r.hot.go'|G,'.f..ad @ adb f * trer' l|' As|rtlon 'foff not c'tot' *rffct or gcrrrit to hc crcrtcd ot lD'intlird' ' fu !9- & ^ddfu|' r.o iie' .rid |hc ^scirtios ssr[, 't rl| tlrn.r, fu|ty 6'op|y rilh rny cd i|l blo. rffif{t !d tolrcc tttr' orditroctt ltd rttut'tbnt' {rt|T}rruc.irtion.hr!tftdttl'|crkccpth.Additli,n|lF*tricsandcvcrygr'l.t'e'?o||nf|'{.c|!. ldfierdrr'rr'r&lodconrf,tion;rndlhcA3rod.tror.Jrrl|orkcrur*qu|'"d'?d.(.mrntt'lcFa|k, dtltrb,Jrr|ttio.'8dr"'rn(ltdu{titrt$Lh'3mi'ftotulrmt.lolitt':-::::t:tobyh*fulru'hori'vor lI*nrthrdcmrybtlDt"tofnclligcnctonlhcp'irotthtAE)ci:lrt'notrnyotb'rp"t$n'Psbli' cr p'trrc) b @ Addlirad i.a*aar, r of yirch dull tr son rdc,ed l!!r?rt4nt lr' tl|( Addrlpnd FrcilrliEr' ead ntl.tl.'cro,|Frilbtdr,c'linDcc||'r!t.!lt}icc'lol\.(as(mtnl'.rfulrghlllflordtdt(,theAls{'(l!ty'n t{il.d to S.cifoo tl l herg:f' (.'Tt.tsdrilo'!hrl|t'olco',lmit'rufftrolpclml|rr'iwlJ!|eri|..rtl,onth,Ad.lll|Ua|lF|(illlt.s' |.r,kirlrr&moodzl44ealhtttlt.A&lll:.rllrlt.r.-riit;':.ll|llt'tlt,.ifi|.t|i|'(,|hrt|hIntt'lrwlmmtt,S ',o|gl_rcrird{r.|ictcr|nd'y|tb.'ulltr:-.tttngth,:f:dn|'rii'!rrfan1.llhcl.|,|(}v|ti(,ti.)|thuscft|onlhcntbcirtbq t'I fGP rucb rgigr't|t'rit Pool in tuch trr::rltt:e'n r" mrr hr drt''!"i'' t I lt"\(tw( thc r|l!c lr')m drfte3r, l'atr.di{i t.cPr'' rh. rrrnt fiHat |n4 hc|1.4| (lu,ll|t .i; crliLi nlrr.,rlr. i.,. 't|lir:' th. rJt.l. (ol't.l!d Jurug xrri stcr dl oc n 461 in uJl' n.l tccrhi nec*+l *r! * ur'Oo br *\' t\f Prt'lJ$ i(\ntii r'i ltrt I 'icctirc Ogber: rffiTg(ll T.{fl!.'Tt€S' TAflUTTES AGNEE}IEIIT ,|.rtD CO{IIYEYANCE OF ADDI. ffiir. mcurues ro AssrrtATr)ft' ,l io'!dnd't!.ll&Fles(rftll:ibtro.rir]jn{{|.t?}yd.tdi{o.c.!&rrni[rot|acityn|rctrlouti|l!'llre iirirtrtorrplddtrcdlti!'i:ltti:iqr?rl|'tltitlt[fitnit'adt'tu$h*rityll|ll'rorrllpurP<-l't''' ;*;;frdldi. ttt"-*" t iae o,rtrr ttc Utrt E ttL! "f 'ddtottrt' l) Eod{y lr:3rrry. (rnc P.'ron Altrc!.te Plogeny Dd[r.a? Onc Accidt nl (i, Tho Ardrtbn tdl lor do ,uffr c , .cncllba a t rnlt |.y li to .rI lon rlc Ad{irr.a o6a{via -u 5 500.oo0 3 | .000.000 1l i.ro.0OO in'. J.t ot' Jnll|sto., : r.l *bicl lbal lr ry q ., , r,.: \^ l'.thd: b! cpdr.ti'-- Lrf hr A !f Od lt) -fh. .^rcc'.rflon rfult, ttld r.r.r"r.y *.! hulJ. ,r1-;, 3n4 .,.- D..:iarrot, Watarrd ra Vd( oDdoerinioir ,r,r|nl lrrnrsrt, I iqlt v(r;t!;. scr;rorl)fd .;[ i)<c\ar'tt::.. p. lrb;l llor[afc $,J F fij/.t4(o'!);'r'f t ri,l aDd nrlrrer R- ot'hra, rnd itr rnrj r?r.rr t)r$!.J}!!.. or!!..:rrr .. ,.a cnrptoycrc Er:'|r)q arr6iarrti[fr'jr rt tll l.nFr rg3inrl anr' tJ8,djr''r.ij€, !(r,:,1 -,Dcnla r.rr lubiirr] .':r:.)it:itt.j ir:y prtr)n o] rry prorcrryby icaron cl lrl) rlj g./hri.a: me} tc taldi,r:ifir Add,t:rrr,iti Ft!'ilrtrcrorlny .. .t.it.. ,f ,.,rby:c"y):,o, rrD !(,or lh,n8 donc r,; .'mi'ed ru ix donc in cl'n or rlxrrli 1r,.. ),ddrt,on.l F r. :.1,r ;: ,.:. {,r} orfl lbcr.l:i .,.d tiri\tsctf ti'on rhell rn I litrrht t)':x:r xtt, h"ld .,nd kccJr t)c 'o,.' f , *cl*,n..| ;i I ir ,'.: c,,r.,rnis' Jo,;,i !,'t.ar,I Jolt]f rcnt'Jt? contpr$:'1 oi frcchtrni. prrly U r.,r \l rtrrft ar,.l f rnar,.. I ,r,!!,ri. !i, rrd Cr,.ricr;( Dohrq,ttdttrrndtirsirpnncllrd5..rlftr_rr!.4..r:,,r.d"r1gi",,..,-,ndlhr.qcdrltorJr : i:,tr-rt,. ., iriTrlcrs rnd rndcmAi/icdrnd ttaf dd '-icet of er.rj frorn .r:v and .L clalrj..r, d-:_.a.,.l.. ir.r,,ltir:,, lr_I,i. , r,.rc.. . ti- .u{!r u\.1 expcrtar.Inctudirl rrilcorblc a(oJnr t5 tcer, trunf rn (!1 1.tr::. ti rrtth ar( uy ; ,i, i.jdrrioaiai Frdbtjct or ,irt co'!r'C{tiorl silh t,ltc CtrCaroD r I n rtdlll l, ,,: ,. f rnr adj,, ,,.r ,r repatr tc) ihc ii:_!.ir...o ircrh,_icr. {h} Thc Agrcirt:on $r0 tccg .:: i"rr, l,rr,. rr,J ..1:,. j : ., l;.i( :: _.!,r .. a; Dr-tarrt,t rd ttaArsci'lroa' t'o€rar pabirc rirbrrrry inrer;r:.c ;rglrr:rr r:rar'r: ii,r pcroner rr'ua 4.dtb o, Frop.rry drri6rroccumo3 ln conn?ction vilh thc ut€ of ?h. AJdttl')ini 1 :, lr,er q :ln i !: -:t. , r! ir r riir . r' r3rou.ir! .rol L- lbrglhc follorint. Tlc Arri.ric rtdl rb p?dilc rd lcrr,r in lorce rn u:r nrmc ,rf ra,i for th. bcncrrt of tt Ddr'-t rad tbaADGrdoa' !!l"lttc! rDirtt h8t. d|mir. atiBry nr ddtrurrror to or of dl Buld|nrs. rrructurtr rod irnFlyccrra!r0or lL A'l[tlo'td Frcfliticr r6u|3ira fmm firc. erpkrior or .]rh(r hazard rncludcd in the rc-trllcd c:rrcrd.d cof,Grrc" 'o'EHr' ncf lelt brur ca to bc h emotrnts cr;url to rhc lutl rcphoGmal rduc ol improvc6.;ts, Eaa! F.rtcyot h-'et 'an b. b fcm end rrir..r by .o-p.nd *"p,.btr ro Dect nar. cech polrcy oJ b.bili!! lrr|:r!? a.lt'r' D'dtrlt rd h.!hd n Yd ceadot|llnjum Jgint vcnrurs. r ,oirt vcntuR corrpt1tGd of Dcdrrai tlrqrh Iortr rd hcr cor'qrtb. rd Clrla t. Dohrn, |Dd thcir rcfccrirr prhcryt. orTEl lc.rd '!t'o'3l " bd t*; .rA poliry of hrerrd ilsunnct arlt providr for lo+.cs to bc a.y.ll io Dacanrt:arl polkv of irnr|s '3 c- |l lltccsa Dy tlc insum lhst nrci polrcy *rell nor bG cgc.lhd t|.00r rllaface(f0)d|'r;|oitft$cttgdc!todltD.d-;lndclih:.,.^fioflrrrl{.er,fccrrrificrtcu*.'Grorb.Cb'' ih lerrs rlacruda.&l f fQotC rilh rir Dcclr|nr. 0) Tfe Atociriroa rlrn try ttaflV, rh{n duc rnd payrbtc, rny rad r erFn-r. ctrclr r- tatts !o. 'lrtrk tfirt- t$l, rrt. rtcrm, tttct, tatst rnd oth.r p,rbtrc utiliay rrtl.6 r::currld In co Etiro rfth tircr&rcrF, oFt.tloE rt r3Fir Ol tL Addiuoad Fr. rtbs .nd evcry prrr thc..of . (f) Th ADdrtio! rhdl Fy, bator. th. |rme rhrl! bccornc delmqrrnr. arrl rld ag ar.+ __ r'hptir ol cnqrr. tan?nt ot tlccid, ordinrry or c\traordinr.v, ncludina !-irhour u|ntrila ua t Fttuy oftb fclol4. '{r od |0 ttal ctttta tare! .nd ars.lsrnrn r r. p"nonrl pmp.n-v trrcr rnd aErrl1ar3, !r.,.,.ar'lf clns' ra lt tiL rttich ley nor' or her"rfte from rrnrc !o rrmc bG lcried c !-d larn .taA..lad Fadlirb !,I eay gorcnmeat.t bod), or l.r\irt .uthont) whrrt.|ert,. FqrfivirD rFr rc..rt.' DcchD. ''l ftrtlll rrci hr HL u lbc Asrcirriur: rrd. rf |n! btlb rctrunt r. tti Addirbnd F.fjliti illcotcr 'dlierd PoPcrlt' 'I b Ulb 'l..tl b. Gqoit.bti .rp;rcrtioncd on lhc b.rs:-r .f rduc. uro! g46lt" ttcA.od*b til furrl bnrt (pgi.s of F.*l trr t rlh l''' Drchrr'r hrfqrcr of Arclrrbe'r otlirtior:r. In tr-: cvct|r thrr rh? Aar,.u{roo d.a (ril d o!$a todo my .Gt c rlll rornd patit .t to sactlJo 14.3 to tr done end pcrfotrncd try ttr. A$(.rtoe, rb Dc.{*rott'ry' it in dt db"odtr rid ll iB tolc optton, :l!c!f do (r crusa to trc don tu('h all or thlns. irchrdrr* rigD.,tliDilltt lho tatdrty of lh' forcaorta, rilh pD mrnt of rn1 rnd rf, brcr. $rrs,iln.lrrs. q.rrc. tdttr. lrrrrlaaitdcttt'r' trriry ct'fts. rrarmth rnd liccnsr fcer, prrmiurnt on rnrJnnr,rt end lhc prl nrcnt of rny c||rar c Licn uFoa tbAdtloDrt F|sfthr. ,{!y rmountr etpcadcct by Decbrrnr In c(xrrEcticn l\.r$.lttt shrn bc rl'ply|bb by tlrA-riltpn leon da|D.nd_ t" T;lbrloe For Dctrutr' lf llrc Aita.''rdrlr,,n shnlt ,refrulr rn th. nrrformJrrs( rn,J obs.rten(-r ot !q,.of thclcanu. gloridot! lld rarc(.m.nli on its Frr] lo tr p{rform{d rnr,l ohs,.ntd nuFu.lnt io Sc. tri,r! j,t i hrrl,oi. tir?n, tiDcclrllnt rMll iYf *ritl.n nolict lo lhc Atsrxirtion :pccrfvtn3 th. nltut! of ;u.-h defarrlt |,ht if tlk, &.o.;btirr sldrnol cutt ruch dcf"r'dt u.tttrn l.n ( l0i drys rfle. tha rla?e ef su. h noti,T. t[rn, Dcclarerti rnr!., !\ ,nsrrutrnt ,arx{din lhc Offl"t of tbc R('cordtr of Dccdt, Feglc (.ountr. Col.,rrdo. tcrrnuutc ihr r[his rnJ .rrcqcnr t rnr€r, to ttaAsoci.tion.nd to th. Ow'tcrs of t:nrtr pursuint t() Scrtl,.n l.l. -' htrt..f. ead :n su.h itr., ih.|8rt+rnrnt.rf Defllnnrlo !'onvet lhc Addil|ontl Frciltlrcr ti t trc Ar|(l{ratron 15 lrt'viil€d tor rn s<crKrn | 4.(r h,,fr,.'l sh.rti i.< or no forc :d c fli'i I l.l 0 AfaaD.nt to Conwy- Subjsr-t ro tdrnrin tion !\ pro\rlcij for in S..tlan i{ S hrrn,r. fr.{hrtr|t har$t y '\ercmnlt rnd ltrecr lhlt on or pnor to . drtc *hi,h crrii l'. [rfr..r tl-(l ) r.rrs inrr;r i!:r det< ot ,tcDtqhl of uilDe(lrt!li{!n. lkchrrnt rlr ru!\lsorr or lsrilF" shrll .nnrcr t(r th. A.soailthrn. rrllc !., lh" Ad$tx\d Frcstb |r lr o FltnaC Fqffid !a tfa A$d*bo !n!}|ludO{ Arr'\,.ui,r! s1 f'..'.1,r 1p' ,r,;r,l' ,otir(}n/(.r J ,.; ':..rt,)$'r{d t()i -l.3|Ia -h c)a\|!falF fd te i*a |rd h.!ad flr* AdAti',:,.t l.rrrlrri,s for rt.. i..rr. .rfili i,urr,, ...r l(t r.,riir ir| rhis #c. Tirlc rLI l. rvnreytd fu t$" i.'r.lcirls ruh(.r 1,. ri; i r.,rithi.',: iir,tr.i..)r.)rrnilr'.ana:ri)1'.rilci.,nd -a l d$a ol tL Ita(tO|Rf o! l|t! fkrfu -:i'nt {tc.Fnn3 onl} r!., '.. n\ ..( !:, ::i ..r( plt rn./.- ( r i'lr)niv. tnd {r1l ryih b? SUCI b AS BlGtr!, i"Crtitiorii or ttlrrvt?io::! .!:(,rlr: ' ', - ..r'i( di.,'. . <r.llcrr..l l.y r . i.rr- r.,'.,r- d |ldt!: br tr d lhe fuorfurrot t.r ,.i.1 {rd Drrlc,r!, rF! r'r ,rlt! 1.r,!r(. I :!,, -\r ris .rnd coniij', n'rn ihf ftafabf Fn to ba F toanad atrJ .t,(l.i!?d pLtrrunt te :r.riur' lt ,l h<rir>i erlr.i ,rrir rh3!i rii( lx sul',cc: tL jc\ tal, * coa{hloaaiot o{ { O? rny prF .'! rh. A&ifiqrrl lrr( ' r).1. !,r to anv drdr ',rtr '. i madr $r lo rnt rasLrlc[16 -. mf- critd p nid to rnv o{ 'l\: i}r{'nnFnr hrtot ft? l* hfahr. ln, lhc trcnl .ll frdrrr of (hc .\sr.', ,.rr r,.rn to pcrt.rr rrr rqd ob;Crvc an).' :,i thc trrfii, F'l}I |ll |||aff: d itr Pa?r to ta F.rto{m?d ind eh*rv$j lruniurnl !{l Scitton lil. i l..crcol. DacLr.na's tf.ir *t* tDr ba bftd lO lcftniBrt|()n ol tba :iilrl prcvrrierJ f rr r| !..gspn tJ : h6'?of aDlj r.rrnr![tro[ of th. {!--t tr.Frovc! - fo$! io !a.{r,n i{.1' haEot. but rn addltroli (li.rto. Delid'art urty cnforct thc dutiar 3ird atrylol. cf .|nrFilg|' bl r5-J| otb.r rrti(m. |r|tb{at|l rpa.ifi. p(,itT,nariir, rr lr\{ or io rqurrt or otherwi- !i'-FOA lf,y dnrrd- lnd |!ry rnf!"ue lnt JrC$atnt 'Briort thi Aalor'ir{ron. Any no}"rction b} DccLnnt In -f-c{- tlh t .l:{{|it br.' fh. aooclrirtn Sdl nol hq rtcomod r s,rire r or ruch dcfruh or o{ rn! ('ttEr dcflull - aad d crt fttcdl rrriteUc lo D"clrnat oo rocount of ruch tlefruh mrt tlc r xcrtird c(rn$rtctrii! ot in rurh dr|t Dcd.rg aay &tc|!ria- r. XV. TI'iXUII.TETIT I*O'ECTS. SUF?I,EilENTAL DFCI.ARATPNS AND SUIPLEIIENTAL COT{. OUNtr'I IA's. Car* d $F-a lfrla. tlrclar|at horcby crprcrdy r.5rJ\er tbc rthl. bt tht rEdordrnt ol Ocffi na Spftrrcd Cord.r:ninrn llpr er hcrcil grorlt.d for. io cnlat!! tllc D€rllopmcnt r:r r tt.aa t'triocr rtil rletr bc ..ooprbd of S{br.q!c!f Bundh{r crcclcd uDoo Sube'qucnl R.J 'irf Ed rO Stnft ltdet tdt bc r Codmh ror BuiHil and orlcr inprowmrrrls desincd for l- , . . :.. . . ltJ ff|lnC 1ffi, Tlk SupDk!.trtrl DccLrrlrcn ritlr rGrplct lo .|cb Sulxcqacnl Prot€ct ri.ll { IqE ll*f to t r$r.cr?d to rhir Dcchrtlra ! p.rr of tL Dcv.!op*nl. E €h ruct Sugplcmentrl Dq{!d+ a.r Fo'i& fr lia ai'trbi t'llo Urltr |nd Cor|lon Et?mcrlr o{ lhc Ssb.rqcnt Euilding :nd Subequcnt fd llrU cocd ticntT. bctr Sut?i?rnantd Dccbrrtix! mr.v eonreln rtrch othcr informrlron rnd pmvisron! not '*aritltlaral|tdptoriaitlaotlhirDGcla.tiorrtfr.{ll'rrtrraydc.3|rpproptirlc.WhGnrccordcd.c|.!h . ", f|tb|3d Dcafaraair ad b. d.rrEd r r|rD?Llo?rtt lo Lhir DrchrrtbD rnd lhb Dcclrrelion rnd all cudr ld-ttd lbd-Iiir a.tr tc tG.d roa.rher rd dccncd to b. onr .nd thc '.me inruunrcnt. lt,a tttardj Codeq*r hgr. ln sou3cti'oa $rh cr,;h Subcqucnt D.clrntion, Dcr.larlnt \hrll .'aurc b b O.d lr r:*J, r S{tdGr.ilel ('ondomi0u$ r|.t *ha{r drrtl dcaicr rftd *oy rt lc.st tho followrn3. (r} Tlrc S laat|tr*tf C fr $h4..d t.8t ?roperty reldro3 thcrcro, and r rurwy thcrcof; (bl the los:tron of thc far|El lea qta |l. $er.$rcil lcr, ProFrty, (ct thl f krq rnd clcvrnon pbnr of thc Subr.qu.nt Buildir6. " {ll t* locdn. d aA Ud rllb rbc Sirb.cqu.nr luiurrlt. both ho.irontrlly aod vcakrlly: {c) thr rhrckn"s of ihr . 6i i* h - ?frtfS ?aai Urut. (t| t|!a locrliDn of ,nv rtruct.r..l componcntt or ruFlvrrtint cle rncnt ' C f* S-GSt!3 t{d8 locrtca rr|ljn I Unit; (t, Urrt darqnarionr for elch Unrt .nd rh. buildlrf dcrilnrbon 4f L'tafa- ry, ErC r:! S|fpk$'trrt Cordoniorum t{rp rlell contrin tbc eiiftc.tc ol . rcartc'cd l|,ordfj r|ha? d t4a rfEH or both. (.rrttyrrt rhrr thc Suppl?mcntrl ( ondomrnium llrp substrolidly l.||E Oa aa& d fi fo.!o-j at'td rq'nrcrl rncrt|rramrnt!.f thc liubE{trnt Buildrm, thc Unitr, the tlnit d.ii+G tJ fulittr d * lldar ( includiru lh3 aumbcr ol slu.rc lcct and tltc nunrtrcr of cutric feet conteincd br-t Utill, tta aLtab €f tlo.)t erd cc8iqr a {orrfrucfcd lnd f urth.r ccrtrfyrnF ihrt (uch Srrpplcmcnld €q*tq-rt lt{ rf F Gi rhlql.'rt tu r{brirrrd ( )nptrtion ot thr Sub.r-rlucnt Burldi4. Lrrli supplcm.nl.l futoib It g- b:-raailaa a rptbnlnt t..r tbc ( orxtr,,r',,,rum Mrp ;rnd thc Condornrniun llap end ruch , *lt*CiCfO*rfo IF aad |t rc!.| tolrrh"r end d.'eme.J rj h{ ,'n,.nd rhc lrroc inrfrrrnrrnl ItJ Dffff iJ fccodl. fech 5upplcmcntal f)cclarrlr,'r .inrl drr'li SLtllrrn€nlil (!"rd{rmlnrrnr Vep rhrll V ''ttd. gaAd nd Ja@'&,A h/ I i,. lle. rrr.nt or itr .Jul) a,.,1ir,rrir. d ;,gt l r rntt n., i, onrnl. r xccut ri'|| ,,. lrlhct rdt -a! L fa$l gl Gf 6W p.rr$.,, !Ln. ludrn!. ertl..,r.it llrl':lrtr,)Jr lh. A$,ujdrr{tn rrr rny tlirt ()aost, rn Hldbtl|gW6 ar€flf.t thc tcflrircltionr l'l tbc suppltir,clrr! ai:l(l,.rnrr,iurii llap rclctrt.l l,',c !,'(tr(rn l5 4. Fq. . ,5.(t ttfcFl'd ffilJ ttadtrflDrr. tllDn th? F{'')rrtrni r,f ,r turplernrnt d llcci.thttan *rlh fcrFr.l lr) | tat'qafi ftSrFf, rUgt fuhr1stt holctt rbelt bcccmr pirl ,.,1 lht lJ:r. k;n;r,,,ol an,l -:l of lht lrrn1, pt,rrl\trrnr and W#tl'*l *tffi'b flir Dtdtalion rhell bc rppl[able to !rr(l '),rl"n'rtu.',! pr.,j.,-! anrl rrrrh Srrhrcrlr;cnl Pnlte(t J t AaGt il €daotFat Ull'r ursr?rn Jl.ll b? cntltbd t., sii /,f rht ritht ,. l,sn(irt\ lnd prtvrltxcr rr,,l $rll bc o j I5 - I ''..'. XVl. \lISCI:LLANI( )t S. l6l Amcndmeof ot Rc!/r,-rtron Ih! i)c.rrt,li)..1 r\ \'fri', trrrirrJ " \.j;^ "r''a:!l lli !?trll4n' $rU to' X tcvc*rd n!,: rhall irny of !l.i lr.,'r.rlr,ns b.::,:,n t< drir.nde,- ur,i(!\ th! lr,rrlj.j ! it" r'r',!:it rr 4tt"tlt( of F ifhy-FiA Pcr.rnl {t-\ r (}t mot?.,f lllt t, trli} tr*lrll ttr lil! A;ri)-rii,,r. at;d },' 'frt! l,' l':-':-r t'J":l<'t mott ql ttlt totrq rrltt3 ol ciiJh Mfn.l'frrhip (-i.r.< :rnd :rli ..'t itrr tf iJ.-'r\ 1.r e|l! \i;iil.8' rficrrrng rny 't dl'rf tha Condominium tr;'litr tr th. l)ivcl rF'|tc,rl (.lrc.i! dtld ait,'? 1., t.i I r t.t,:zl,r,:'.,i ,:::t,:dfirtnl ht grlartE tsddt rccorUcd, ptovtdcd, thrt lh| prrwtstr,n: r:f rhts Srr' 'r lr i .h :ii 1 :;; 11 ' "i \'iPplctn<nlt fltclral'.'a tl SsPplcmcntal Lrrndqminiurr \i..;' t(i t)( ft(-r,trC "r ic'!,id.d p,;r'r.!r! I \:'r(ic \\ n.Fot. llt.! Gcla''rl Rcscrtltrrnr DsllJtartt ..tt.Ye! rit' r;y'r':ilcI | : I .t .r,iJ l!' p\.btld ula r&d lt i;cttrst tgdt mrttciptltt' a31y rc.erl ro!.1\ Jrd rtrcct\ scrvrnt th'- liL!rir,.l'r€,. ;. i. l;:'3 ',17r:111 of rh. addrtroltd t *ittrar. DlcLnnt funh.l r. -{'ry(.- th, l|si!' 1,, t,<!,rhhsh r.r., r: r\ r,\.;ir'i rlr . r.{illr,-: .iC arclrrfvt ,l{t!'ratf tith tlc C.rndomrnlum Orn.r ir,f' ol lh, [)r'vclti.!fi(;il i'ni1 !,,r lll'/ ts( 'i .'r::'.s: ')i lht ( .'':i,{^nin}!l$ Lnit Oa octr fid lic Adocirttotl. Dccl.r.nt fttnher rrr<'rv|s thc nght .rr:': tdr'r'fri'o' - ' '! "i! 'n. tht"uch !::'{5 rnd un&t tl|c AdJJst'l frcihtir |nd thc Rrd Prni(rlt .,nJ c.ch pat!!'l ol \rrl\aqrur,r '? 1, Ptof:r't lirr :hr puritot of -frpFat c'o-- "cornccting to'' rrt olhcr* trc ut tlt:1rnF utilitt rnqmi, llt1cl rri..i i ,. ilt: r r i; x ri.'d tir-', .,r.' ')t {} :li.r'i b. rEcc$|t' rd t?ncl rch utlhty nurm, hncs and lal'tltti("r not l(r'atc<, lhere.on i:,f th( i -ri.,.it rtdl bcnr':! ol Ih< ttatccl |!d SrAaaql8a }ioiacta ?hcttGr oomplclc.l or ln tht ioorsc .)I c()D\lr,r. (ion .nr.l l)r. r',ni res.rtes tbc ntf.r .'o i.P or. corlnact lo -utlirc aly utility |nrrrs, lncs rnd lJcililicr lo.stcd rbcrcon $rlh.'ul i'l 1.nr of rn1 tr9 on coarcio" atft fGtr c clflf t. porthd -.trryi, thrt thc Dccbnnt shrll rf'torr to it,, tnor '..-nd.ir'on. rn' 91o!r ltt dstutaa. di$tro! c d.'|lt!d lh.Fhf . t0.-t Durrrbr. Tbc condonrrniun orncrdrip crc.a.d b\ !hi\ Dc.l.r3te., rnd th. CooCordn g! I? -l sontinuc unt thtr DccLtrti,on ir rcvo&ed or tcrmima.d rn lhc .nrnr€! ptotidd tn Afficld l4ttn ata€ fifl .)t$irrcanar. l;ordr|. eal ion ot natocrlron. t6.4 Cort6ro. fith ftort|rr cf Dcdlrtbn rad By-Lrrs of rlc fi.ociain. Er;b Or-cc .rll;oily rl thc f*Twitionr o, tl|- t>cl|'rfioo, the Articlc! of ln€o4torroon r;rd th. Bt-l-"| rs of tbc .{socLtidr d tba a:aiF - J 'trolutionr of thc Agochtlon rdopt?d psrrqrni lhcret!., .s thr r,un( mry b. hrlulli rtD<laad flt[ tiE lc* l'dtrrc lo cornpt' *ith rny of lhc tr Jh:lt hc a:ounds for rn er;tioo to tE!'orcr luml dua Id !c dlqr c rqrrftir. rcl|Gf or bott\ a.i|ttdnable by the Aseittion on behrtf of tb€ Or"tcrt. tir. i! ! F{ot\rt c-a' It r -ad(}rrlc ot bt D.ctatrnt. 16.5 lqidtrti.n of lldirt Addrc*. Frch Or ncf ihirrl reg,rtcr hls Erihr.J aJdttt' litb dtc llscirtiO rd I mtlg?t q &rnrndr inlendcd to br rrwd upon an)' Ovn.r shrll ht !.rt bI eilhc? rqr$t"t?d or rcrtrlllrl rl, ldut ptt?rd, dd;3taad in thc nrrnc o{ ahc Or rrr al ruci rcrirfcrcd ::-:riint r&ttttr \tl :tolir'rr or daDrtG iEldl b f'" tGwed up6n rhc ArsociJtion dratt tt( gwcn h!, R!$lerrJ ,r ctntirad !|t.lt. Frsrr!. p169ai!. to tb rb d tf Asrsirri,rn 6 &r3{n.t!d in thc By.L.w3 of th. Asorl!:ion, A.}i noir!-cr or 6"E.tdt f.t b. *F.a cr l|oqan pr|t.|uaol hcrcro rL.ll b. r.ol by. cilhcr r':Fislcrcd or !,rl:freJ r:rxl. In<tEF pr(ltd, rrtffi in tlr uc cf flc Uorf;f6ce at luch rddrcls aJ tha Morltra.e ru:/ hrr. I urnrth(d t(\ ihc Aro('lalkrn r|l t'fil|la- Unht fL tlorg turni$61 thr ArDcirtiDn ruch ddrrs. Ihr Uert&r;e i' dr.rll tx cntrtlcJ l.) r(..:\. ttolr of lh n.d,(rr Afitaat ld - lib Dc.drretion. Any notica referrcd to rn th s S€r1ron {hrll h. &crnrJ;. , -i.,'n dcporirGd t! thr Uaifal gaflr d tt thr f()tln J.rortrlt.J lot ln thls S!..t:on. Itr.6 T?rDr{Gr of Declurnt r Ri3iar. Ant ri8ht or rny in::rr'rl rcg:nc.: :r(:tby to tba C6dtftl r.t bt tr|t|lfc'rtd or lt(r!rr.d bt thr l).'(l,rrant. crrhcr taFr;llcl-\'ot rrrth .i:! ut more r-i . ,.tr :it tr c? htcr{stl fO S F rt ot rnltl). 16.-l Q*pcr'r Obligrt irrtrl Continue. llt r,rhtUerxrnr rra lh? ()*ner undcr rnd l,e 116j 'r{ 1b3 psli-r *drl rn lhir flcctrrrtrrn sllrll lonlrrrc, r{r{ * il htt.ndr{U ihrt h( nlrt h.1. iertfil or FEtFrl sd tntcrfta s tttdad }t|l, brrt thr Otncr ot r ( dn(1,':rrni\rnr t:nit shlll brrc tr(r obt|tttN4 lor c\Fntct {rr ethfi otlSltrott ta:rui.!3 .,t6 fl .on}cl s cu{h ('oodotnilrum tltrlt lo \ tunbcr tnd Genrltr \\ i,r ('\cr us-d hcrtl]r 'r: ,F lil\ \upilc!)!'r1t!l lk.lt!.a!i,1n, udars lltf .rofirctt atl .*haru ri. p; rtrdr. thc $!\:rl:r! rr: r:r 1\ r drrll r 'r!i||d. tltr !'ir[li. I i', pturJl tlre {a!:r iit. tD.l t hc uda of ls^ F!4at taJ rnchrrlc .' ll rt. nrit'1. i(,.) SLrrrrhtlilr. ll .r' \ ''t '!r* Frorrlt.rrrr ol lhrr lkllrra!1.1n Lr. ol lnt i{tfnielntntJi Dc{ira|t6 o? lQ p.111pr11.| \1 r:lrr!((. .l.r,r-, r').iJw. ..r |\oiJ ir rhr i[rfii.Jtnlr l\rtf'.rt ir Jlrr (:.\str.trtl !r I't rn;rlrrirtt{. rflt Inr,tlrdtl\ \h.rll r'. | ,rlt.!t t!1. r.rlr.lrt\ irl rhc r!.mtlndet I'f th. I\'.i.rrslrl'il :r< \\r..:i'fr{.:i(lrttrl ii.l th(' epdjc:rfioo i{ Int- tu.h iit{,\!\r,\1. tur.ii.:l.r;,lr \.irrLtrir'. r,'l.rusc. piiierc ,,; ror.l in ll\ (rl5r: .:i ' {t'.l3ltllr'r'! fbr'.| o.rt !f ftfC;lfd tlre r.'h, ll. r, Sldti,rr lfir iirrrr,:,'nr .'t tttls l\'('l.triiit,rn .h:l't i.. r'r .rdJ:rrrrn rr,1 .L:i'ftr}!l:ca!r' r. Lk {.'tt{otDilJt ()nor.nih!l' \. i , ; :ha \l.rtr ,'! ( {)l(rrJd() atkl 1.1 Jll r:thfr til{trti:\'rr\.11 rl\a f*r Dechrrti,on Ir 8,.:.rr, i,. \t !|. rlTt'rf; .1-i ->1 -n. " -i t_-_ 7' -' i .'' "':4. 3lr. rE cF rt|}alrBsrr4 , I riscot|rftY ot luIt\JLFl\ ; ,ra)'br,l irsi rrGl rfirr,rittcn. iiOR iI i!i.!II.ji:i f{l ,r,:\!i R,i.j( L r ,- jp/ !y -:4:.r )(tl.tUl :. \i I '' I -:i.;- ,i. ficrrq.pur)lic i rli{ ,. tt ...,,,,'. r- I J.; , r,. -.- ,' -'. ij , .: ,,t .' <i t rrtia! rji \ Lt-< !-(-.'-- :! la -- I. EXH|E'T A The hgfl dci.ripriofl of tlte Rcrl kopcrty. as thrt tarm rturrd rri tln frrreg(nnt I oo(j,:.'n!nr!1t l)rcltrtlrJt rs ;r fullowr, ('ommrircint .t lhc mrvt Wcltcrty cor,Er L't t.,,t tl.),rf bon's Rr.lt( Subdr\t$',n, (],)uDly ol t "d<,stal.,"i Colorrdo thcni ttt0dlflftii&Itt{t{il 11. 'i!. rrr< t.1tt {rl l..1i,nrinr, (l.crr.rr li.'l.{"::': "'8..,93 ia; &rt, lh?ncc li .ti'o4'O?"W {5.30 f.sr t., . i .rii -r, lirt liort!:*ot:rli }.ne ,I !.r;d lrt g.: rotnlc,,n .ti a4tr to thc rith( of t6"43'33" rnd riong r d l,i,rrfrrtsi.rly;;flr rr,.i.l.)nt a.u:rc lo lb. lctt h.lurnt a bdiur o( 4O6.J3 fcct. I ctttral .n!lc oI $"3q'!)", !n er,. dtg'ancr :ri 7.C. tecl thcoc< S.4J r'1'Q:"1,, rf5.96 fect: thcnc. N.+t"55'5t"f... /tO.tO lcca rhcncc 5.45'C1'92"t.. 116 t{r l.cr. ihcnrc S44-55't8'tl !.30 fect; thrncG S.{5"04'01"f . :{.3C fctr rh"nr- S.44"i5'5t'b . tt)1.10 ':.t. th.n(e \ 4r''{r4'02"} 24,J0 fcct; thcncc s.a.lo-.5'5E"T . 12 50 frrr. rh.nic \ J5'04'01'tl 6{, 1!t ".e1 {r l,rt rn.i. rrorrlr .}f batinnltt: cdltdning 0.3!i4 ,r< re r * S.74028'32"E., 66.64 r'eet EXHIBIT B Thc uodiyidcd intcrtit ol caclr LIrut rn lhc Prolsct end rn !h- .rirrlr!.' rlol C{'rnr.=,,rn Eicrrrnti rs a5 lollort IrDitIs tol r03 lo.1 l0a t05 t08 20t P"rc.al 3.35 2t' 3.: t66 1.1500 i.4 583 1.J347 1.5{}33 3.5060 )ti ) :01u lo5 2(}6 l0? 208 f.Jgr,1 -1 49t l 3.4640 , o05 ? 3 3|]7 3.l:s I .1.t0:s l.l7 | e ltl: t { l.:l JC'4 305 .]o6 !"r*.f.i 5 5'rfr r _< 6-rb i ,i.I6i,: :.tr96', J lb4 -' -l l:f 4 L:rii \o- Pc'crnt I irlUuit !ro. 3r); 3.1799 ](r8 I i:J?{ot .r.at09 ,lO I 4 Oill3jot a 116:5 .r04 { 1957 l l _l EXHIBIT C Ifo kDl dc*riptioi o( tic Additkrnd f acilitr6 ! tlilt t nn ir u|.{ |r dx lorcgoint C,,ndomratul|r lFcirnti.]a ir l folorr: Oo|lnancin| rt tlc mst Scatcdy colod <)f t,ol 8-: ot fjon! nitr? Srbdrl'!..oi, Couiry of [rdc, Suac of Colcelo: th.rcc s.?tol2'25''E. ?t.5O fcrt; tbcnca S-a3o{X'o:-E- 55.50 fccr. rhs!.s ft.4.l"5s'5t-f., 32.tO fer; OGoc. saso(r'ql"E- 2a3O fta ro &. p<ir of tcrireirry: $G. N.l.|"55'5r"f., loa.7o !rt; tlac N.itS"Of'O2"?., 24-g' f..t; rhcnc. N.a4't5'5r"t : I rO fc.t: tttaca S.afoa'O?'T- 13.90 fcct: tb:ocr Saaos5'5!'?.. rt.ao fGra: ttaoc! s.aso(N'n: I :ri l: tcd. i''!r(e dt|" Sornh fl5il f;a: thcrc. &4a" 55'58'T.. 3a.7{ f.rt: lb.c 3.t:'32'(x"t 3:' 'rr ic ..nrn.c \ r(' 40:"s.. X}.dl fca ro lh. poill ot be&mniq: conrJniot 0.101 .lxc<. lqlnnint |t lhc m()3t Erctqty dq!.r of l..ot B:. Lirn'r RiCgr : .ir.r.'. .-nt} of E!|c, Srra. ot (}lrrdo; tb.nc s, I J"06'4E'T. ed alont thc Sostbc.n rry hm od Ed t t 8-l. l@.m f"<r to th. Et Soutb"rly coraer of raid l.ot F:: tbcna. oa rn r'dc to th. r{|nr of 9O"m'OO" |nd dotlt rhc Soqrit'lv htt of r.idl-ot&2rnddorgecurw!otbfcA|||rlagerrdiurolJO?.S?fr.l.rctoanlsnC.o{99'lt'f9".||r e|c dttrnc? of 5O.?? fcrr: tlF c. !{.1loo6'.lt-8.. t2l.OO fecl: tic|trr duc \6rh at.i3 fca: tl.rcc N.45"(X'O2'T, 26.12 fcc:; t!.s. N. a4oJt'5t"E- 4?.1a5 fG.r ro. potrr on ti: !i;rlbF.g.rlv lic of ..rd'Lot &2; .b.!cc S.5?pao'42"E. {d r!ilt rdd liovth.$rcrr.v hnG 6l.c: ,ccl to th. pc'r of brdrril: cdntrlnlra O.2?3 rrt , EXlilOtT D ThG l?trl dcs4'riplkri of thc Total PNpcrrt .r rhJt acr is u*d ro rht focgrra3 CondoailtiBn Dlclrratioo i- follorr: All of lot ;?, Uon! Ridry Sutrdiviri<1. E!tl. County, stri. ot Colon{o. ld r F?t of l'rt }1, tion't l:dtg SuHrrirlorf EdG C('$ntt, Strtc of Colol!d..), n|o(r lrrrrcultrl\ .h6^'?*\.d $ fnlL'$r lcainninf rt tttd ttlo3l [rJtctt} cofllcr of Ltx B-1. l-ion'r Rrdg SriNrr!\r!)n. Ccunt! .if F*i. 9 e of (blondo: thcncc S.73"(H'alt"W. rnd rlont th. Sourbrrl! hnc ot tnid tot 3'l.6000 faat. tLt\t N.O2"|4'Jl"F.. t0t.0o f.ct to I poini on th" [!rlc{l\ llrd \ri $rd l.'r lt-1. lh.n.. S.I}':S'10"E...t'.j rloaa rrkt Fritrtly linc l05.OO tcrt to rh. p.rrr {rt r.r*lnning. r,.ntrrarntO.O?O ltt* .\isi -- -\a i -*;i + .: i-l;.\' < J-l 1:-.rI I ;.- 'l- h !': i-.N i 3s :.. f.' 9 {.: ir{l *-:* x; t'5!-b )l-. l-lj.=l i' S\ . ^ *-.:-'::i,e.-.. \ a lt]tt':Lri: f ,..: (\ 'a'. i. (.'.\rj i*:i :rri r. '.1-tr\..r\.:-\.-j-i t.\t'-F.\i..,!\ ir : :>'N{..'J silr ll '{*