HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B2 SNOW FOX UNIT 102 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L.^6,o-iAiAA-.t1.\ \ Sa,-r.r: L< NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0101 Job Address: 1030 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNIT# 102 Applied' ': 0612612001 ParcelNo..': 210301416002 Issued' ' : 07105/2001 ProjectNo:l\4--Expires":0llOll2OO2 APPI-,Ie3Iflf I'RISCO FIREPLACE & SrOVE SIdlOO'/26/2OOL Ptrone: 970-669-3760 P O BOx 1330 FRTSCO, CO I0443 License: 101-M O$INER aTEANNE C. KUELTmU REVOCABLE06/26/20OL Phone: .IEANNE C' KUELTHAU TRUSTEE w315 N7677 HIflr S3 ltNrr 19 HARTI,AIiTD WI 53029 License: CoNTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPIJACE & STOVE SHOO6/26/200L Phone: 910-668-3160 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO I0443 License: 101-M Desciption: INSTALL FAS INSERT INTO PREVIOUS WOOD BURNER Valuation: 52,564.24 Fireplace Information: Rorfricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGa"s logs: # of- wood-Pollet: 0 |||'l...'lt+*l.**|''|*'lt|||||l||||||||t|'||'|t|'||,i't..||||t||||||t*l|||{|FEEsL]MMARYlt*t********|***** Mechanical-> SGo . oo Restuaranl Plan Review-> So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> S?8 . 00 plan Check-> S1s.oo DRB Feq-.-> So.oo Additional Fees---> ($23'00) lnvcdigrtioG.> $o.oo TOTAL FEES-> S?8.0O Tolal Penrii Fe€-> 955'00 Will Cdl-> 93 . oo Payments----> S55 ' 0o BALANCE DLrE-_> 90 . 00 *ttt**t*'r:r***lllat IT,CM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMETiflT o6/26/200L DF Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOIIAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): TNSTAJ.,ITATToN MUST CONFORM TO I4AIII'FACTURES TNSTRUCTTONS Al{D ro CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (Br.Dc.): GAS Appr-,rAlilcEs SHAI-,L BE VEIIIIED ACCORDTNG TO CIIAPTER I AI.ID SHAr,r-, rdnurNllrg As sPEcrFrED tN Cond: 29 (BL,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING TIIE 1997 IjMC AI.ID CIIAPTER 3 Cond: 31 sEc.806 oF THE 199? I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 rMC. (BL,DG. ) : BOILERS SHAITL BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF IIONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNI-,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERIIIIT,PI-,ANS AIID CODE ANAI-.,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI.iI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIAIIICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPLY BOTITERS SmLL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OE THE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. *ttaaltllllaaaaaaaaaaatar***r*:Faraaa DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an acpurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOT]RS IN EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF OF TT{E ]-997 IMC. 2l3E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSET,F AND OWNE TVWNOFU APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #llml-0101 Permit will not be accepted without the Provide Mechanical Room Layout,:.; Mechanical Room Dimeniionsn Combustion Air Duct Size andr: Flue, Vent and Gas Line Sizer: Heat Loss Calcs.n Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Mechanical permit #: 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) A 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 $flfuA tt(z]*lttt ffifl1B.include: Assessorc Office at 97O-32g-8640 or visit for Parcel # iI ! s\ $ Parcel # (Required if no btdg. permitF-slroviAea @ 4 rob Name: J eonnre (uAnaV Owners Name:Phone:7qo7.q*6,^ description of work: J,.n blq_o, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofB|dg:Sing|e-fami|y().Dup|ex()Mult|.fami|y()comlX:iur11nu'tu,@ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 Units in this building: Wood Burninq ( l) - CenvcrTrns No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances let ( ) V/ood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burnino COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHAN RMIT (Labor & CONTRACTOR INFORMA 5b7 a Mechanical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ?70.bbt -3zt,rc rchelt Contractor Siqnature: tag!'il TOV.COM.DEV. * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON Lyx * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 906 :pr un8 ITT,Idffi !EUtJ-He3$l'rf|n-H3:t$l .riv Addns+{l3lil rpcoH ltrl"qx 3+1c3n fmO3HC6:lU 111,14 CllWQAJltOf't f'f1;tg w*lr HOIIVU$IOO. t JlNn o.t AIXI'|3 f"ltvt€lo u"L$N o1r1o3 :$ua0mr')? NOIIC3dSNI UOJ ACI/3C IQil uN .uosal SF.vql irgrqeul to,Ot,Bo'allu p$lool stlAljttoo Uctu| a?qOery $ctt r|lstl to tlollql'|-1;ljl tto isal tInss€JU Dultlld sed.of.l :slusuruloal NoussdsNtrJolf,crvsH.lor.t uN :uo!I..v flus ,r.r*titurgJtibsra 'gtttr'sH'HcfI 'lse o.lnssald Surdd se6 speeu :qtJauiuloS ItB$:it&n coz ;u,r AJOISIFI ||{rBsfOSUl 0* :ut€I 0l€ ;uql 0€€ :utQl oee :q|8l sle0!e :ulcl :urgll (*nr,r-twoo) )t SISOTJCI :trg pestu3 €/e€9*016 :ouoqd nV OOagO :ru11 pqranbcg t=L?p+/ rfclc SU\VCS A3r dn/d doHs S^ors ? 33v'ldlHtJ otguJ tsutc-H9:t$t 08;b 09{0€!F026 :ouoqa 0g/C-8Elgr{rl6 :aucqd i sluol'saosul palg rDeu fSNHng o00M sytoniucl olNl tBssttt svl]wtst{l :ttofidp'.at€cl aor.ls ir6rs C i5fl,liurJ oe$uJ $tsqddv doHs a ols t SSytdSuu oSstuj :ropcsroc - .r-S{lH.t l19d3Oi3H t1'{t{,t"'i3n}1 3 ltNhil#lf ;rou{io OJ o3n88l :aory d:ug;l.lFl8 .di{,edtl'fx/jil.lllnrl adlt ;ssaJppv ellS :EaJV UOBiSOSUI :a19fl liradsul palsanbaH inff@tEitffi udS?TH^,j :u0q3\{ -:ol pdrolasv :glrrcururoat :rollanbou:lrtll z00Bwt&'ole :ls?Fd ;ec I ltt|('St0t0-t0ft n[ryrv,r* iH{, on* e0l f ltNnltv d1 llg<ilu sNon 080! looz 'ie tensnv '{arf;il l!4qt+v I Fl j$r E!-".\- .Y, !r ,irlu A l' €B :r HEhI February 16, f99l Di rector of Co.nuni ty llevel opocnt Town o{ VeiI 75 Aouth Frontage RordVail, Eolorrdo 81637 Doar trri stl n r Re: Snonf ox Eondonl nl uor IOSO Lionsridgr Loop Lrrt ymr I rpplicd for . p.r.it to gler3 .nc I or. tho balcony of unit lO2. Uhtle thie r,rar .pproved by thr PEC, thr pcrnit wec r'rlthhcld for leck o{ rPprovel by the Snowfox Condominiun Arrocirtion(9FCA). Thcy did not wirh to reduce thrtr evrilablr 6RFA. Bi.ncc then, Kit hlilliang trrs born replrccd er mlnagEtr. Hcn'rtver, the osrer of unit 292, diroctly rbovt unlt lO2' hag gl.is Enclogcd thet unit, withotrt bcnofitof PEC rcvier, TtlV peroit or inspoction, rnd withoutpararirsion +rorn the S|FCA, I oust cry D+oul $ ! Either oy permit rhould be irgued f or-thrri th or unlt 292 shotrl d be cited eod rcquircd to rcnove the illegel construction. I{ they treve { ound goaa lrgel rey to avoid rcquiring pcrniraion froo thc Torm o{ Vail end thc BFCA, I would certainly wigh to rlro do gcl. Please do korp m. in{ormrd of y o.rr findingg. Sincerel y yctura, ccg Larry Erkwith \,li,,It j ,,1 ') ) .,i tt/ P. O. BOX 4EA VAIL; CII-ORADO At65E-o4sA (30st 476-4t11 l/u 75 loulh tront g. rold Ydl, cdaldo 81657 (3G'1 a7$213E (3ql) a7$2130 April 4, L99O ottlce ol communlty dlCopmenl Mr. Kit Williansc/o Snow Fox Condoniniuns Box 3585Vail, colorado 81558 Re: Unit 102 Snowfox Dear Kit: The enclosure of the deck at Unit 102 GRFA to the Snow Fox Condoniniuns. would be adding additional Unfortunately, the ordinance that perrnits one to ask for 250 squarefeet of additional GRFA specificilly states that a rnulti-fahifydwelling cannot add any GRFA through the 25O Ordinance if theaddition includes any work on the exterior. (Single Fanily, Duplexand Primary,/Secondary properties can use the 250 Ordinance while changing the exterior.) I hope this answers your questions. MtEo,/-./ Betsy Rbsolack Planning Technician oo "Or^r, frt /'l,U t,rtu,,/1 or-{-,nt*,/ . /--r,,hathtt,Eto.' *"' + ,){orry'('t l1! cpul, ?gjf t tA? 1J- AtrA e€6 -tt ot* Farynttt.oOr D . r ^ | A t, ..+ tH- J, ;,1-l .r,r>^ ,-{, *y'ep+r'ft, ,,1 al '. 7'rLd /ALl Hlv 'l t ,,,r .l.l . .';:! , ---t '$ "ii t t^ talF at^,tv. r, , -vl ^rr"i. 2a h lr/ an uq b{ $1' ' j' l I l" i <'/ | o C. Dl'L* c 0-'i?4 7"+ r.t L, oCt n fL' [ ,[ s. d. a %'fL- * 1'^'<-Y1 a YL' \ o,Jr"'''4 ' (" t'--'/ o' l^"",- I dt] "t\--- It- \ ,r) z\. -\ - .,../ /-t3 z3)(ry,(L'/,:/ t7 - cy6] | ,o I I I Pella puts it all together in the sunroom. PIJI,[.\' CI"{I) WINI)0WS ANI) SI,II)ING CttSS lX)ORS {Traditional Frettclt l.!rors optional) li)r winter {lnerA\' cfficieno', suntmcr \rentilittion and nrininrum upkccp all y'ear krng. easenrrnts arc shown; dou- blc hung and alvning n'indon's llso adlpl to use in sunnroms. All ol the usunl l)rllir options Sunblock '" and lleatlock Ahs-\, Slrmshade' blinds, I'leatcd Shadcs rir liol- scrcrn " units - can he incorporaled inlo thr sunrtxrmls Vertical un its. 'liiangular l'rlla Clad I.'rames lire glazcd rr'ith ir.rsulating Q)ass, rir a clad l'utrcl carr accorrmridate a thernrostat icallv controlled vent lan. I'tit.L{ sl.0Pf:t) GI,,\zlN(; UNI'l'S havr clad extcrir:r iinish to nratclr vtrtic;rl glazcd units. Standard glazirrf is clcar ','L' ttnr- pcrcd insulating glass. Sunbloek. I leat Iock or special glass is avatlable. Nell in llh9. r\ri()n glrs trlleJ iniul;,titt! d.r.i.: i,.'i yriur Pella Wirrdow Storc " reprtsentativc krr details. PIil.t-{ cl.At) Nlun\t. corll()Nl,l\'fs lir ovtr lrepured roulll Iranrin{ to tnatclt the clad iinish ofglazcd trnits urril nurkt llti' entirc structurr rirt u:rllv nririnttrlrnet titc. l.'inisherl nrttal palts includr all tl:Lsh ing and nrr:llion covrrs: sct ussrnrhlr' .ietail on plgt 5J. Pl'll,l-,\ Sl.MSllAl)li lll-lNl)S conrplttt the eorrccpt by givirrg lr nreans ol controllitt{ liAlrt. glarc and privucr'. Slinrshadr blinds Olster\\'hitc. l)ark lJrortn or (ir rlr,l-1, rt.tt 'llpe ti lre avlilahlc in all doLrhle-fl:rzetl r,"irrdorr"s and drrors. ()r'crlrcld gl;rzcd utttts hlvc Ovstr:r Whitc rir 0old-tont lVpt l) Slinrshl.lc hlirrtls installcd hck,rt thr gl;tss. l'l.l,lA lli | ) St li\l )liS arc availahlt in dr nrhlc gluzcd rlindriu's anJ drxrrs: tlte) ciln irl5() ht rnounted on I lre rrxinr sidt of all sl0ped gl:rzing rrnits lor a lorrelr ol.color;Lnil str'lt. as well lrs light control and privlicv. Opaqut lnd shtsr ctil, rrs :rri: alail;rhlc. Ncir, rn 19,q9, l'rlh Sunrrxrtn c(illstructloll rrtlt ri J t I,. tr' pltirst. llt I I rl' ttcrv rltsiltt. solid wood heanrs supprirt tltc skrpcd ol.tz- ing. I lurvv-gaugr. hirkcd-tttamtl alunri trunr el:'tlditti l)r('\'lJ(5 n)irlntctl;rllf( lr. u extrriiir surfacts. Cul-to llt llaslrilrgs arld screl-dowlt nrulliott cttvcrs lllotl ntttrt tlcxihilitv during the constrtlcl l(nl lroccss. Clr,xrse irom slutdard sizt suttr(n)tr dcsigns, or design arrd build tht sunrrtottt to lour sprciiieatiorts. Ol courst. I'cllli Slinrshadt hlinds and I)lclttd Sh;ides u'ilL hr avlillihle [rir lhe tttrt sttttrtxrttr. irli a \.-J SUNnOOMS & SKfl,IGHTS THE PELLA",SLOPED GI,AZING SYSTEM Here's a flexible syslem of sloped glazing units and clad metal components. It responds to both your requirements and your imagination - to create excitement and shape interesting and inviting environments... in new buildings and existing ones. Sloped glazing units are offered in a wide range ofsizes. Each has a wood frame andT/"" (22 mm) tempered insulating glass for optimum thermal perfbrmance. Aluminum-clad exterior surfaces minimize maintenance: White or Dark Brown are standard colors. New in 1989, Thn and Gray are special-order colors; contact your Wndow Store'"' representative for details. Inside, lvood surfaces can be stained or painted to match the decor. Pella's Slimshade'' blinds or Pleated Shades can be installed just below the glass for precise light control. The eight ventilating skylight sizes open with a crank or extension-pole operator and close tightly against triple weatherstripping. With static air pres- sureof l.57psf {equivalent 25 mph), maximum inf-iltration in independent tests is 0.10 cfm/ft ofcrack. Your creativig and imagination will adapt the Pella sloped glazing svstem to exciting applications like these: o Slglights - the basic application...and the solution t<r the problem of interior spaces with insufficient davlight. Pella roof units can bathe them with warm, natural overhead light. The.v can retain interiorwarmth in rvinter and reflect the suns heat in the summer with efticient glazing and Slimshade blinds or Pleated Shades. . Suntooms - sloped and vertical glazing combine with clad components in a glass-enclosed year-round structure that requires minimum maintenance. lt's substantially engineered and propor- tioned to extend finished. furnished space into the outdoors. The sunroom will enhance any home, new or remodeled. o Other unique applications - innovative, problem-solving uses of sloped glazing units and accessories: Entries - energy-saving airlocks which create an attractive, close-to-nature first impres- sion. Dormers to open up space at the top of a house and make it bright, inviting and livable. Breezeways that do more than just connect parts ofa building...they do it with style, light and a vierv Walkouts which transform under-utilized underground rooms into gracious, comfortable living space rvashed with light. Bays - like sunrooms but more intimate in scale. built as spatial and visual extensi<.rns of larqer areas. GLAZING SYSTEM Standard glazing is %" tempered insulating glass with V:" air space. Interior light of laminated glass optional: Sunblock-" and Heatlock glass available. New in i989: Argon gas-filled units: see your Pella lVindow Store " representative for details. SKYLIGHT OPENING DIMENSIONS To determine openings for single sloped glazing units installed as skylights, add /r'(13 mm) to frame width and frame height. SPECTAL SIZES AND SHAPES Sloped glazing units are available in many special sizes and shapes: )rou can get complete details on custom sloped glazing units at your Window Store showroom. The following frame dimensions are general guidelines: Rectangular Vent Units Max. size:3'9il+" xil'9:%" ll162 x I 162 mm) Min. size: I '9" x l'9" (533 x 533 mm) Rectangular Fixed Units Max. size:3'0:t/t" x7'lltA" (933 x 2 419 mm) Min. size: 1'9" x 1'9" (533 x 533 mm) l}apezoidal Fixed Units (vent units not available) Max. le8i: 7',111/i' 12 419 mml Min. leg: 10" (254 mm) Acute angle: 4l'-49' Iliangular Fixed Units {r,ent units not a',ailable) Max. leg:3'9:/4" (l 162 mm) Min. leg: 10" (254 mm) Acute angle: 4F49' SIZES 2132 2 9 t.l o( ( aa ;8 trE ral$t ntmt 2'|$" 3'W', 3',W" l tst T--------l lf----------------l [=n]s EEEETra?st fit$r. !3ft6[ 3rfi$ $26c. t2llst [- 'llstEfi SL E ta3lst E s s * * rr=E:ir33$t t3sl.t1335r. tr It|tSt 68 l||3$, tg3$. mnuUl 1D29. l|t8tI U ngst u3tst, 'Unit can be ventilatino orfired. All othel unils are fired only. --. Condeflsation gunef installed at sill 0l all units. ilote: Slimshade" and Plealed Shade amilable in allunih: ?2" and 92" glass-width unils require special Slimshade blinds. 3ta[ 54 2$?$1. 3 2St .*t aa lilr-FitI II u t, 0)2,t Lu a u 0) E' uL :sl isrl!urr6 E ETYb l&lo-zo Fofe, 6zoo ,t oz E =0a u,lo, EiEu*{E EgE€il: ig I c E ='gE !EEss €=0)(,,c gEEi; iEiEg ATYo zIbc EEi3E9l!<P3 Eg -i Gl n u F \t l\ n J J q. !r '4 )l-l J<l l-l zl zl ,, >lo LrJolrlul o E: UJ zo troo t \) IL .l 2 \') ii =z |.cl ->l v.t t\) a UJEo = .t \ll t-_Yl' o- (,JJ: I\ t n' -).: 4 <l -q lrl zl ol f, : -sf. I .\o T_ aFI I I Iol 1l OI lr.rl .El JI f fl fl, G -rO<F uJ<ZG arz-o() *F =Ed5 (J rb =o2 o C) Dntr z cr9 =<coo =zff Ets EEE ffi: o EgE<ga l9 '0EEE ttF EE* 9".'E 8bt iurE qi$ I-rrE u,oo taII E \I 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durnpster-, poriable toilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any street,, sidewaik, alley or public F-1?9" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n al] Town ofva:.r streets and.fgaqs is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be stritlry enforcfd. by the Town of vair._!yllr: works Department. perslns found wiilating this ordinancertJ-J-r be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterial .rn ttre event the person so notified does not compry with th; - notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the p"iii. worksDepartment will remove said mateiiat at lhe expenle ot personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapprlcabLe to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. G in fu1l,Vail Building Departrnent to obtaincooperation on this matter. Read and acknowLedged by: please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your iili Date A^u{o< 1<le-ec| to*t^wlLra4 o L\/ 7o* DnC-t Y\n, u ?Vrt-oloL - ou+r "d-4o,- 2/15 Kristan, I took thle deck encloeure for llarv Simon at snow $85n through DRB lrlthout condo approval. I aleo did not have a condltlon on the DRB apgroval that condo approval must be obtal-ned. The Saow Eox Condos do have extra GRFA, and the condo agsn ls reluctant to give approval for thls. I aeked Larry lf we could nlthold the pernlt till we receive condo approval, and he wagnrt sure--wanted to talk wlth you. Project Name: r',- Project Applicationt',2 Projecl Description: i"t / Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -=, - , Block Comments: Filing . Zone - Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL a -- '-,-. Sum mary: ,/.1 ,/ i.' .'l '-r.. t I r Town Planner o^r.' l''' " /''l''/ El Statt Approval Project Application a./,,( t)r. /'{ -c)v i'i Project Name: -,r Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: / r't // Design Review Board Date APPROVAL Town Plan ner E statt Approval q 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 LO 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 .a 18 enhances the -- because hiIl, would increase the A No. I'm value of the building. it's enhanced because it's on a value of the land? saying it would not decrease the Hos about -- There is onl.y one bui-lding above tnat, ana that's right over here. Otherwise, there is nothing but BLM land up above there. So therefore, if this building were taller, it would not obstruct other buildings, except for thiE one. It would not appear strange to have one tal.I building among rnany short ones, which I think would decreage the narketability of the units. tfhich would decrease the marketability of the units? A If it were not consiEtent with the buildings around it. Since this lot is almost set out by itself, there is only one building here, having a tall.er building does not decrease the value of the units, and therefore, does not decrease tlre value of the land. Okay. How about the cost of building.Do you know whether or not the fact that a sing1e building as opposed to spread-out buildinqs would be less cost effective to build? Do you have any opinion on that? A taIler building rather than a smaller building? A 4.0t )q -\lJd3 /q /zYt = .dg- ,gt |.ol v32V ,,z,gl ,,*,€) ,v 4L>-= ' :,r-. ,, [- /sq tI ff**TTHI5 APPLICATION WILL APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF ORB I'IEETIIIG: APPLICATION ' NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORHATION DRB IS SUBIIITTED*ffff I. A pre-apprication qeelils Ti!!.-. pllring-'i1ll^1*oil li.ilHHll;liiT:':.::A ore-appliCation neeting wltn -a plannlnq SIilrr ttretttucr ..D Je' v"rrJ --JJ- determine if iriy uariiiii,i,ui irirorhuiion i.-iii,i"J.-_1' li,pl*.:::,1;:tll,"1*rl*:?::1ffi:T.'li l: ::il'i:il'i#i;;i;;i,H'';;i ii.ii='i"o"ifl.:I-:h:,i?'lp it1l?ti:'?H:)' '. it' il'.il ii'fi ::;;[ #;;";i;; ffiy'i; ilil-.1. 1iryi igi":"yl.l llfi ,i:+l'"*, {::1ii.'lollii lfiiliiiiir-si,o'iiiii-'"qui"*.ni'' -i;1"i'i-1?ll.'ll,',1.::T:1;F'ffiol*il' : ' ll:.T?li :#:iliffi : #"ilfi":ilil#i!:iil.*ll.i"'i :il :L:iifiH' l? ili,3lll"il,.tion w] |I sLredltllllle Lus crvPrvvq' PrveeJr 'v' JY-' :bnditions of approval mustii-iioiiaiiions-or approval .that the.oRB mav stipulate' ALL ( 6e reiofuea befo.re-i uuilding permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:-J-p e 4tez B. LOCATION OF le ta l,- ('.-g Address Legal DescriPtion Lot Zoning tgeec t<et **tD€ 5 Bl ock Filing APPLI CANT:C. NAI'IE OF Address Addres s E. MI'IE 0F tel ePhone. D. NA|\IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: OI.INERS: tel ephone tel ePhone Si gnature Address F. DRB FEE: The fee will be Paid VALUATION at the time a buiiding perm'it is requested' rr'E $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $1oo.oo. $2oo.oo $3oo. oo $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150'000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000'000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO,THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the-applicant must to ind.icate p*p.iiv"ii;;;'";;;-;"iiiins .orn""r. Trees that will should also be marked. This worr mrii"u. completed before the DRB . site. z. The review process for'NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve tl''o separate meellngs of the gesign nJui., bolrl,-so-piun-on at least ti',o meetings for their.approval' stake the site be removed vis'its the 3. People who fail meeting and who republ i shed. to apoear before the Design Review have'not asked for a Postponement Board at their scheduled wi1l be required to be '\t.. . .r .?t= ,.4 "F- "r:.'i"{ .!.'.tr ..-,,'{4 4.The following items no longer have.to be presented-to the-Design Review Board' They, however, nave to U" pi.slnted to ift!'i6nin' Adm'inistrator for apProval: skylights and similar exterior change.s that do not alter the plane of the bui'lding; anda. l,li ndols 'exi sti ng b. Building additions that are not viewed rnictr nive had letters submitted from ihe addjtion; and/or approval from the assoc i ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies ii!.ri-niit, a Town Planner before proceeding' from any other lot or Public space' adjoining proPerty owners approvlng-iient t6r', oi' manager of a condominium .i on your property. You strouia I. NEI.I A MATERIAL TO BE SUBI4ITTED CONSTRUCTION topograpnic map and site pian of site containing the following (2 copies): ' 1. Licensed surveyorrs stamo. ;'s 2. Ctiirtour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consisi: of 6 acres more, in which case, 5t contour intenrals will be accepted' .:. 3. Existirig trees or groups of trees having trunks w'ith diameters of 4" or nore one foot above grade 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturai features (large boulders, i ntermi ttent streams , etc. ) . Avaianche areas' 100 year fiood plain and s'lbpes 40% or more' if app'licable' Ties to existing benchmark, either uSGS 'l andmark or seler invert. .Locations of the following: site shorving size and 'uYPe ofa. Proposed surface drainage on and off culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of al'l utiljties to include existing sources and pro.lcsed iervice lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to inciude: 'tt,E ..' i\:f or E o. cable TV Tel ephone sewer gas water el ectri c c. property lines shiwing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driver^rays with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8.. Exist'ing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas ' Servjce areas, Storage areas, nailS, drivevays, off-streer park'i n9, loading areas, retaining waiis (with spot eie'rations), and other site improvemenEs. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of buiiding. B. A statement from each uti'l ity verifying jocation of service and avaiiability' To be submitted with site Plan. C. Prelirninary title report to accompany all' - and al.l-. easeqlents on property. submittals, to insure property ownersh'ip D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger).- 2 copies . 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larger'trees, other'lhiubs-ani'iilitiVe-olants th are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas wrth the varieiies and approximate-iizei of plint materials to be planted' N 2. Complete landscape materia'l s list. :3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost' NQTE: As much of the abo're information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that ihe inter-relition of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be , i.prrui.. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate mab. The appiicant muit siale ine site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be iost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the ORB site visit. E.-.Archjtectural Plans (1/8" =1' or larger) 2 copies ".i': =i.::*.r,l appear on comPletion. a .. and al 't el evati ons as they wi I 'l existing and finished grades-i. Must include floor Plans E'l evations must show both Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specifjed and-subnitted for review on'1i," matirials tist ivaiiiui" from the Department of conrnunity.0eveloo- ment. Cofor-cirips, siding tun'pi.t-.ti., should be presented at the ges'ign Review Board meet'i ng.'r F. The Zonirii Administrator and/or oRB may require the-submission of add'itional plans' drarvings, specifications, sarnples and other materiai (including a modei) if deemed necessa!-y to Ceterrnine whether a project will comply with design guideiines- I. MINOR ALTERATIOilS TO THE EXTERiOR OF BUILDIIIGS photos or sketches that c]early indicate what is prooosed and the'location (iite plan) oi-pioporui may Ue subnitted iir tieu of the more formal requirenent:9]vql above' as .long as tney proviae all important speciiiiuiions for the proposed including coiors and materiais to be useil- :i . AODITIONS - RESiDEIITIAL OR COi'ii'lERCIAL A. Original f1 oor plans with ai1 spec'i fications sholn B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies c. site pian'showing e,xisting and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color sampies on materials list available at Depari.tnent of Comnun'ity Deveiopment At the request of the Design Re,riew Adrninisirator you may also be required to subrnit: G. Statenent fror,r each utility vepi fying lo-cation of service and availabiljty' See attached utility location verificat'ion fom' H. Site improvement survey, stamped by regis-'ered professional surveyor. I. Prejiminary title report, verifying o|nership of property and lists of easements' IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been jssued, and tvhen the project is undenvay,' the follotving wi.lt be requirei [;;;;; in, Urifatng reieives a framinb inspection from the Building Deoartment: A certified improvement survey sno"{lng: - .A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.€. distances and angles' B. Bui'l ding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot' c. A.ll utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locations' 2 coPies 0. Drainage as-bui'lts- 2 coPies E. Basis. of bearing to tie to section corner' F. All Property P'ins are to G. Al'l easements H. Euilding f'loor elevations be either found or'set and stated on map. t and roof ridge eievations LIST OF I'IATE?.IALS {rAtlE'0i: Pllg.l!9T: lEceu oEscalPTIoll: The follorving Eoard before A. BUILDIIIG 5 rso,p fs< d laz ';'-z !il?ir-ioonEss, information is required for submittal a final apProval can be fiven: i'IATEIIALS: TYPE 0F MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review- COLOR Roof Si di ng Other l,la'll Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts lrli ndows ll'indorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues F1 ash i ngs ChimneYs Rai'ls Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical NamePLANT I'TATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO 8E REi'lOVED Common Name Quan itY rlndicate caliper for deciducious trees' Indicate height for cohifers' ' (over) ,oq7lA t L) t..H 3 S i rp* PLAitT iIATE.RIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI.IOVED Eotani cal Name Cormon llame Size Tvoe Qnr r: ro gnnf :! rlP trKUUlrU anl, trD q s00 c. I IHL UT IKKltJn t I Ui{ TYPE OR I4ETHOD OF ERO5IOII CONTROL OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retajning wal'ls, fences, swimming pools' etc') Please specify' o ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOIIE D I STRI CTS ,, /r- /ronll?r. a1 te' / u 'L,''a. -- ==?7ffiffiiE;ri@Block ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE lor.FJzE Hei ght TOTAI GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/Retaining 'rlal1 Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Hei ghts Filing- Al'l oved (30)(33) Prooosed t+L / 20' 15' l5' (30)(so) Mechani ca'l Ai rl ock Storage So] ar Heat Drive: Sl oPe Perm'itted Envi ronmental /Hazards : ( 300 ) (600 ) (soo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (25)(so) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche F'lood Pl ai n Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic tP,?11"-'-- ARCHI TECT Approved/0i saPProved Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Date: 3. . j<! UTILITY LOC.\TIC:I VEP.IF:CATIC:I SUBDIVISlON JOB NAITE BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The locacion of uclllcles, whether they be rnain Erunk llnes nus! be approved and verified by the following uEilitles for sice p lan. Author:.e ed S lznacure or proposed ltnes 'the acconPanYiDg Dat e Mouncain BEll 468-6500 Western SloPe Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 llarry MoYe s Public Service CourPanY 949-5781 Gary tlalI Iloly Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael LavertY I{ericage Cablevision T.V. 949-5 5 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle ValleY Wacer & Sanication Dis Ericc 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verificacions do noC relieve Ehe concr3cCor of his responsibiu'ly to obCaln a slreeC cuC permiC froa Che Town of VaiI, DePartnenc of Public l'lorks and co obcain ucility locacions before diggi:rg in any public righ:- of-way or easenenc in Che Tosn of Vail. A builCine Pernir is not a stlesE cuc oerrai!. A scteec cu! perni! nust be obcained separacely. Thls foro ls to verify servlce avaiLability and locaclon. Thts should be used 1n conjuncclon with preparing your utiliEy plan and schedullng lnstallarions. t' *(Ptease bring a slte plan when obcalning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanicaclon s lgnacures )