HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B2 SNOW FOX UNIT 203 LEGALREtrT I31 as/et /99 Q723tr REGUESTS FOINStrECTION WORK SHEET5 FO*/et/98 =============== ==r-- - - - ---t- -- - -===========JI======= TOWN NF VNIL. COLORADO F'RGE AREA: Mg8-6116 A/eI/99 Type: B-MECH $tatus! FINAL IOSO LIT}NS RIDGE LF' 1036 LTONEiRIDBE. LF, (FNEWFOI eO3) e r 63-0 r 4- 16-OO7 CI]NVERTING WOOD TO GAS FIREF'LACE . ROD HALL COMPANY LLEWELLYN LINDA D RT]D HALL COMF'ANY Occ: Aetivity: AddreEs: Locat i on :., Far.ce I ; Descr i pt i on : Appl icant: Owner r Contr.act or: Inspect ion Reque st Requeston! I inda 'Req Tiner O8:OOItens Fequested to OO390 ,ltl€CH-Final Eonsrtr: AAtrT Use: Fhone z 3t/t3-777-77Et?r F,hone: Fhone t 3Q3'777*77oO Infornation.., Couments: r-rnit be Inspected..Ti me Exp F,h on e r EIDS snowf ox, keyf at, Aet i on Com m ent s 3A3-777-77QV bnandess, pFudentJ I nspect i on Hi st ory. . . . .It em: ra0e00 MECH-Rough 07 /eL./98 Inspector : JRMItem: QQ?4A FLMB-Bas F,iping Itemr OO3lO MECH-Heating Itemr O@seA HECH-Exhaugt HoodsItemr OUISSO MECH-Sr-rpply Air.It em : o,034Q t{ECH-Mi sc.Iten: OO39O MECH-Final 07/ell98 Inspector": JRM Iten: OO53B FIRE-FINAL C/O 13- 4,F Lrt- -n(L''/ L,*' pL p V, Aet i ion: AFFR SO*AIR TESTOVE AF.F,ROVED REPT 131 87 /?r /98 TOWN UF VAIL, COLORAD0 67;?,? REQUESTS FOR INStrEETION WORK SHEETS FOR: 7/el/94 PA6E 9 AREAI trD Activity: M98-Ol16 7/eL/98 Addresst 1O36 LIONS RIDGE LPLocationr 1CI30 LIENSRIDGE LP Fareel : P1O3-OI 4-L6-A@7 Deseri pt i on r . trONVERTINE I^IOOD TOApplicant: ROD HALL COMFANY Owner: LLEWELLYN LINDA DContractor: ROD HALL COFItrANY Type: B-MECH (sNut^JFox eo3' GAS FIREtrLNCE Status: ISSUED Conetr: AAPT Occ:Use r F,hone; 3Q3-777-77QQ F,hone: Fthone z 3Q3-777-77QQ Inspect ion Request Requestorr ELARA Req Tine: 08:O0Itens requested to frA?OA MECH-Rough €10390 ltfECH-Final Information.... Eonrents: SNOtd be Inspected... --( R;D-. LocQ Fox ea3 Act i on Box trhone r 3@3-777-77@Q (ROUGH/FINAL ON GAS AtrtrLIAN,; Comnent s Tine Exp Inspeetion Hlstory.....Item: OOIOO !IECH-RoughIten: Agtee5 FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGHItemr AAe4?t FLMB-6as FipingItem: O0310 I4ECH-Heat ing Itenr tnrdgo MECH-Exhaust Hoods Itenr GO33O trlECH-Supply AirIten: etQ346 MECH-Misc. Item : OO39O fttEtrH-Final Item: OA53S FIRE-FINAL tr/O I TOIOI{ OF 1TAIIJ 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArIJ, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARITI,IBI{T OF COUMT,NIIY NOIE: TITIS PERI4IT MUST BB POSTED MECIIAI{ICAT PERIIIT DB1IEI.,OPMEIIT ilob Addres8...: 1030 LroNs RTIXIE LP L,ocation...... : 1030 LIONSRIDGB LP Parcel No..... : 2103-014-15-007 ProJect Number: APPITICAIIT ROD HAIJL COMPAIIY 255 !{:fAl{DO[ ST, DSTVER COT{TRACTOR ROD IIAIJIJ COMPAIIY 255 I{':fANDOT ST, DEM/ER StaLus...: ISSUED (SNowFOx 20Applied. . z 07 /08/L998 Issued. ..: 07/09/L998 E:qrires . .: OL/05/L999 ON iIOBSfTE AT ALL TIIIIES Peml-t, #: M98-0116 Phone: 303-777-77O0 Phone z 303-777-77O0 co co 80223 80223 OM{ER DeecrJ-pt,lon: COM'BRTING T|OOD TO GIAS FIREPI,ACB tl!.ptao. InfoLugl,@! R..ttlcc.dr *Of Or.Atttrlhnc.r t trt 6rIt{ARv tl.ch|nl,crl---t Plan d!ack---> tnvatclgrtlon> HllI crll----t LLBI{EI-,LY:N IJINDA D 267 SIfl{BRIJAND DR, TOROT{TO OI{TARIO, CAI{A'DjA M4G1iI4 Valuation: {lof Or! I'og. ! .oo Tolrl cllctrh!.d !...---> . oo Mdtt'Ionrl h..---------t 53.0O Tots.l Prt[19 t..--------> PryBtntsr-'------ BATANCa DUI---- 1, X00 . 00 *of rooal/Prl.l.t: 40.00 R.rtsursrnt, Phn R.vlar--, 10. O0 mB La-------- .oo rctf,Ar, taag-- --- 3 .00 5t .00 -53.00 .00 .oo .oo ITEM: O51OO BUII-,DING DEPARIT4EIIT DEPE: BUII.,DING DiVISiON:M/6e/i996-JRtl Action: APPR APPROVED il$r -.iitm;'d5660-FTns DEPdRm,cNi - Dept: FrRE Division:61/66/7-996-.rnt'l-- AEEion: APPR N/A 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8.-ENrAInrue HEATTNG oR IIQE:wAEE-R PFED_WIMI_A PT.OON DRAIN PER SEC. TO CHI\ TER 9 AND OF TIIB 1991 I'MC.WIIII SEC.5O5 AIiID coNsr. lancrlAurcar., Y19 0F !t**************************i******************************rl**tl****************** FIEIJD COIIDITION OF APPROVAI 1 CIIECK FOR CODE EO!'PI,IAI{CE.- 607 0F TrIE 1991 [JMC.I.EiURES INSTRUqIIONS AIID IN MUST DBCI.ARATIONS I Ls.by l.l(nc.fldfo tbrt f h.ar tr.d thl. qDllcrtldr, ttU.d oue ln full rh. lntotrrtlO r.qu{r.d, oq)1.r.4 ta r.ousrt Dto!Pl.tl, r|rd aG$. th*' rll th. trtoraGts Dcsrrtd.c r. !qul!.d lr 60r:r€t. I rgn. Eo coqrly dth t!. lnfc8r.tj.6 l.d prcr ir.a,to coqrly tltb rll lorn cGdhl|6.. ua Grts hr., Ea to butld thlr.ltllotsur. rooosdflg !c th. rlo|rt,. tilflt Ed .ub{i.rd.tgtoodar, Lalln !.al.r +tttsqn{, lht,l€ luifaf{ ccd. ]rrl oEb.r oadla.n .r of tlr. rc[n.Dgll€tbl. Ur.t !o. tlffitfr ftt' tlttlcttq! InlB !r nE ltlarr-xxn rcrrr rr tD\nrcl !t lll a?9-2114 On lT m, Ottrel flfi ltoo ll atoo fl atolttltnt ot on|!i c @otltrcBfl totr tttlrrr tr|D oi[me '- ,ry ns"e""offfi."9fcontact Eagle counry n"""""offfi.", Gtg Rgceivedrj,clErs \,LrurrLy ASAeSAOUZI f lce -a,| f \.t I lv'lrv! ' rt trf! ar 970-328'8640 r9q fa.qce^r lt. ror"rN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN JUL 0? lgg$ pERr.rrr IPARCEL t. 4lOZ Ol4 tFOorl -piiurr AppLrcATroN F9RM' V r\t r'nir - ./a -\ ,-- d . t APPr-'rcArroN MUST BE uLLED our coMPLETELy oR iil-i6fi;6m;c"nrroUr****************************** PERHTT TNFORMATION *****************************rl -[]-Bui1ding[]-PlunbingJJ.E]ectrica1J',fecnanIbar[]-other rob Name: (nnrO Fo- llfr,{70-2 rob Address: IO31O ltnnkr,ant 1n^tA Owners Nane: Architect: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Ph. Ph. ceneraL Description: Work Class: t l-Ne$r ffi-Alteration [ ]-Addirionat [ ]_Repair [ ]_other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Address: Address: qlbtuq-3W VNnmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances l(* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS / wooaTpellerGas Logs 7 ********************************* EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL: f *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: . Town of Vail'Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. tl'Reg. NO. ******** FOR oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWEING PIAN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES! EUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: BUILDING: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Itlechanical Contractor :Address: **** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE! PLUMBING PERMTT FEE3 MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: contractor: CLEAN UP DEqOSIT REFUND T0: o 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: In sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states :l_1t it_ is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track "--a.prJi.. any soi], rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including t;;r;-5;;psters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicres*yry"-:"v-;I_;;i: sidewatk, atley or publicilii."::":lg ffI.ron.theieor.--rtr. rishr_of_way in art rown of rnia ;;;i;;;":' ;ii::S: $"i:iil.:m::i!"';;.;;:'i:*jflii,"'Pubric works o"".iir""tl ,-i!.il.,l rouno ,il,r"Ii"q rhis ordinancewirr be siven a' ze hour-rri;;;;";otice-to-;;;;;:'=.id rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the 24 rrour-timJ-iieciried, the p,rtri" worksDepartmenr wirr r"no*r" ""iJ-tiltliiur-it-[nJ"!*i]i=e or personnotified' The nrovi"i"n"-Jr-'iiii orainance snirr nor beappricable to cins.truction]-diii:ll"9e gr repair projecrs orany street or alley or any utifii:.es in,,the right_a_way. To review Ordinance. No. 6 in full., FJ.ease stop by the Town of:::i.::ii:i'g"Tf,i**:lt"::"J;;i" a copy. ri,.,,i you ror your olllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI^IN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC I{oRKS/CoMMUNITY DEVELOPI,TENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE acknowledg f 6;G ?' z' "8 (i.e. contractor, olrner) Harvin 3. 9imon PnI1frcefur,2E.3 Av on, Col or odo 81620 -2753 Deoember2T, 1996 Ms. Susan Connelly, Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Fron0aee Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Ms. Connelly: Re: Del Patterson, Snow Fox Condominiums, 1030 Lionsridge loop, Unit #203, Vail, Colorado This unit was "red tagged" S the Town of Vail in the past for enclosing the open deck with glas panels and thereby incre..rsing the GRFA of this unit. The panels in Unit 203 were then removed and further prosecution was deferred- The glass panels have now been reinstalled contrary to lhe agrcement with tlrc town When I owned and lived in Unit 103, I applied to the town for appropriate approval to install similar glass panels and was nol approved. Sincc I would not cnclose my deck without approval. it was not donc. Do we have selcclive enforcement here? I would appreciate you're kecping mc informed of your enforoement in this rnatter. Thank you. Sinccrely yours, ffi,.