HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B3 BREAKAWAY WEST COMMON ELEMENTS PART 2 LEGALrovised 9/4/9Ll I DRB .EPPLICATION - TOIIIT Otr 1IAII,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: *l*tt*t*** TEIS APPIJICLTION I|IUI NOI BE IICCEP!EDttNIIL ALL REQUTRED INFORIIIAETON IS SUBrtIllED********** corpRADo .Rr0D $Ep 2Z 4 lzt lqa teel I.PRO,'ECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION.: OTOOTT t.Dt^rcr6 r\G6-f c,snfDb5 - B. TYPE OF REVIEI{: Neb, Construction Addit,ion ($50.00) ADDRESS: IEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision ./($200.00) X Minor Alteration Concept,ual Review BLock ($20.00) ($0) c. D. ff property is described by a neets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. E. F G. n. I. NAI,:E OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTMaitingAddress: NAME OT OIIINERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: .t. Condoninlum Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at,the tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building pernit, please ident,ify the accurat,e valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail rwill adjust the fee according to the table belosi, to. n[\ lrrtensure the correct ree is paid. rne emo, s zo oo Y4^itX{' FEE SCHEDULE: "\\- \ VALUATION0 - I 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over S1,000,000 * DESIGN REIXIEI| BOARD APPROTAI EXPIRES ONE YE;AR AI'TER TINAI. APPRO\TAII UNI,ESS A BITLDTNG PERMIT IS ISSI'ED A}ID CONSIRUCrION IS STAREED. **NO IPPLICITION WII.T. BE PROCESSED TIIISOUT OI|NER' S SIGIIATORE 1 %/ zoNrNG: ffi 6AMy ^fficgrloos LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provlde a currentIot area. FEE$ 20 .00I 50 .00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 NN{E OF APPLICANT:Mailing AQQress: Phone Phone U PRE-APPI,ICATION I'IEETING :II aFA pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff 1s. strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to nake an appointment with the slaff todetermine if there are additional_ submittal requirements.Please note that a CoMPLETE apprication wi.l1 sLreamline theapproval process for your project. In addition to meeting submittal reguirenents, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings. and staking must be completed prior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakinqdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining tinafapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have nocasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such tine as the iten has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearinobefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and simiLar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,. and b. Building addition proposal_s not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submiLted, applicants must includefetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. Bnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theovrner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determj.ne the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For a]l resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans t.he insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. fndicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior facl of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions orrnodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit III A. P n E. IV. o NEW CONSTRUCTION A.Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bva licensed survevor, at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger, on which the foll.owing information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (Iarge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.)rcenterline of stream or creek, reguired creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of40t or nore, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting Point.This is particularly important for height measurements. See Policy On Survey fnformation,for more information regarding surveys. 1. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts' swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact focation of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: cable Tv Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric B. c. Show all utitity meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepermits from the Town of Vail are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. e. AII easements (Title report tnust also includeexisting easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and.a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot, 25 feet out fron the side property lines. SIte PIan 1. I.ocations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2. All existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walle (with Lop and bottom ofwall spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. "t?urrons of top of roof ri odqes (wi th existinq and proposed qrades shown underneath). Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. Allridge lines should be indicated on the site p1an. Elevations for roof ridges sha1l also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unless approved by uhe Tolrn Engineer. Landscape Plan (Ltt = 20r or larger) - 3 copies required L. The following information must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4" dianeter or larger trees, the location, size, spacing and Lype (common and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . AII treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring forplant material following its instal]ation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the sitepIan. Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . A prelininary title report must accompany aII submittals, to insure property ownership and locationof .g!.L easements on property. Architectural Plans (t/8" = Lt or larger, 7/4" ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. L. Scaled floor plans and aII elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-Iined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) nas calculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- L/2" x LL"l for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be reguested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colors shall be specified on the attached materials list. This materials list must be completed and eubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchtps, siding sanples etc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board meeting. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if project is located within the Single-Family, Prinary/Secondaryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. NOTE: D. F H. I. The Zonitrg Adninistrato submission of additionai ;fi:: ::""1h;":equire the specifications, samples and other mateiials (includinga model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will conply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which crearly convey t.he redeveropmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be subnitted in Lieu of the more formal - requirements set forth above, provided all importantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAI, A. Original floor plans with alL specifications shown. T!1ee sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = 1' or larger(L/4" = It is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. fndicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples onmaterial.s list (attached). At the ieguest of the Zoning Administrator you may also berequired to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservj-ce and availability. See attached utilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists al.l easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN B. Once a building permit has been issued, and construction isunderway, and before the Building Department will schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an Improvement LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be subnitted. The followinginformation must be provlded on the ILC: Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a fooL. All utility service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterLal used, and size and exact Location of lines. Dral-nage as-buiIts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvenent survey. A11 easements. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge el.evationswith exlstlng and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. A. B. c. D. E. G. H. VIII A.Subnitta] requirenents: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprinariJ-y for applications more complex than single-family and two-fanily residences. However, developers of single-fanily and two-family projects shall not be excluded fron the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: l-. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feeti 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures i 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with tbe development standards of the zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.)t 4. Completed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipL of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shaLl review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate reguirements of the zoning code. If the proposaf is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shal1 be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submj-ttal materials shal1 be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning coderequirenents. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. B. LIST OF }.IATERIALS VYffiT-NA},TE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO\'ECT: w The following information is Review Board before a fina] A. BUILDING T'IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials LOT SUBDIVISION reguired approval c for subnittal to the Design an be given: COLORTYPE OF MATERIALm;iil:-pi;-Pc''lIYwr ILTffil\l ZN+I' 6TJDFascia -€# Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim B.f Hand or Deck Rails Flues FJ.ashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: nl l+ Phone: PLANT MATERIAIS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Nane Ouantitv Size*eSA v z" x(to-\b') -2Il \ F-0fl''(- gum- t' l(?' cDfruriN6p J- 6M+4t-€t _* _* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininun caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 5 feet. * *na tO Nur- @MalTeF fqJr€-- (eb^€D 4er.toutrns/'lr 6vf r,^.fDv\r vr(€ YovA lrn^rr of{ fio^l TD go S'Oour -nfi6 Artrrorr*t v A€fi,f,t.tn^(? oF \AF6' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ffi(ffi Arrfl<irea - r,nfnr[r TI> h +-t yFftA D AFf vffi'q *rtl-Trr -Rtt5 asE- ftuTt)6 \Nc-! vg5.p.%/,4 PLANT ruernnrt: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantitv Size*ao..o,Q"*. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and Locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of 1i9ht proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walIs, fences, swiruningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of wa11s within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. D. l"rr" LocATroN **r"r.orrO a SUBDIVISION JOB NAI.{E LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by t,he following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Egg U.S. $Iest Comrnunications L-800-922-L987 458-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 9 4 9-5? 81 Gary Hall HoIy Cross Electric 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Heritage Cablevision 94 9-s530 Steve Hiatt Assoc. Laverty T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 416-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction' the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility conpany to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no conments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vaif, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utifitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the To$tn of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * Please bring a site p1an, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagte Valley water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. 1. This form is to verifylocation. This shouldpreparing your utilityinstallat.ions. service availabiLity and be used in conjunction wittt plan and scheduling ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRIC DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block _ Filing ADDRESS: O TS o SFR a I OWNER PHONE PHONE Al-lowed Existinq Proposed Total (30) (33) +425= +425= ARCHITECT **LOT SIZE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE Height ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping 20' 15' 15' (30) (50) / Retaining wal1 Heights 3'/5' Parking Garage Credit Drive: Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No .>.>.> Environmental/Hazards: L) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfalIc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file): Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the al,Iowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.I2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fulI-tine employees of the Upper Eagle Va1}ey. 10 ct = E-t llJo- anlu IJJlt E =E uJo- *s\$ R $$ z F 2 F I I I I I H 6 I I I I I I l- t3 IEiot(t t3 t= llJF c,FLz: =z ou,l F z ozoJ fo .6 (, zz .EI!z3o ulIFoz l!J uJu,:I ts z tlt Ff o Eo5' -9o6 .9 CLct at C]oF o .C o ooac6 .s Eo oE ooc6 oEooo ,E =f .o E o =cl !to Io.o6 '-g o i; €.t iE€: Eg€E :E*E !EEi EE; E ESie cL o cL-SEreo! Eo =€e€ EEEE - o.,Y o --c.A6 0'-.:.E=O0' EE:i ;ffE !E$E an\o (\(rl o\ 4 tr =c, UJc (5z 6I @ Y() u,tE(J z Jo. J IE c, UJJ UJ (9z @ E J J Iz I uJE UJ UJltz9 uJ.Eo uJc, oE oo =lu uJGzI(n UJo F to w L ; llJ o X F !u <t, o IJJ UJl!t =t UJo-J FoF (tzo3to IEFo uJJut ('z aoI)o J g =Eo llJI NOrrvntYA tltl t3l, : lEl=;Jl-Er.uSLl=::llgEer+o<}FZ Z tr->.ooofitr ^ ln zA E a = E:tt o GiiF! E{oq {aEg gE <(!(9h an trl '(Fcl aH Fu) E] FfF FlFl U) & I U) lq .J) zti zo t! CEti oe, u,a F \' E o-gJ J zo F6o x zo F e!!F ; UJz tl tltltl L2 z9nkoo< =PPtr6ct<z F4;9= =F-Itro3E |lJ = IE ov, uJzY 9 F 2 tr oz l 'lrr1lzl zl tl lql_it <(l-t FIill o oi Ffo F(t -Jl<l -l zl zl .. >loulo uJluz :t, =l! z Eo oz Fo 5 (D(o c\l -$Oo z .r9 =ecoo =z dP J :fii ut Eq6o?zo Fc uJY ul dt oF E =fr3do\ ltl 3do-lodof.-2 'lHFreEz6 b GutAt!o EHF;EeIEa9EIE'-t> E Ffr! etE oo3 iuE dEsi ul ao F @ E =E UJo-zoF()fE 6zo C) nr! Fr d) tAdHH r-tZ(.'l \o e.l I\o io- FfH (n - ET.t) ETt H B M 14 IIJ =2 g 3l tsaz ?z H Fl Fl a : E oz ciqJ E ttoz =oF t4 l3 o2 ciluE J- lt z =oF u] e\I F. Io\.+ cn uiJ uJF. .l) I(|')(r) .i z o TJIE t!oz =o F Hv,zo() >r 14FfFl FfFl =Et! & -rO<FcouJ<zEr!F9zo o (,z 6 = -tI F!-o =+E t-o2 o C) Frn o =E =Gulc -.1allta: agoF() Fzoo o utzio tl. UJ lF z(, o z zdo oo E;:EF! E HPE I>s lrt3u S =toN zl ,. >lo u,oul UJzo E =UI J zI =oo ! oo)? z) u a u 0 ) E u L ) L)) I uj, z o9 =<coo =z=Dde DDtr -f -.I1,,,' ,'I f+-t qq i$ ls6l1(5tzo= !L. iN5: n:t-e TJ |l) u, =z tDo rfra I'l {!!4 Hul- 4 I Ill-l I an a,t7ulq)8{Ia- l.$la\ lN l;a g J 6 \ ] I IEq ttl I I I II tdgI ddn{ -o -trl ^ -JY Yt+l zl4dlrl uJlrl .El{l JlJilvl 3-BlfrPl \(\ s I\\(F si dF lqlI l ui ul tlll Jzl -oilurl 5l <l H 3l PI Is! i I IE 04 E] I Ill I Iorll c,li- uJl JI <l>l l|.lq zl Blg FI ut trJ F I I I los$1\*8451 l;ll2l Hil ui l!F I 1.1..1 rl J{lrl.I s =lqrl gl ,Itl .qu.--l ^l"ll--11 , 8lcr.5t\ =lcbl FI E G IJJz3o F C) UJ E oE -rO<Foa()lr, <zeUJF6Z-oo JG 5P =c)F5 8E.ig z =J ) )( )) -J IIJ = ) J )) octigi+EOz <() Eg,.x 6 EYtr<qf€uIP}E.EE =>E JF E EE? iEE 8bP iu.ttr xLE dE !E uto 0F o'st -{ ;l \;l l! o tsEElrlo-zoFo el-ozoo :Eg =sg Egt( rutr I 75 3outh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2i38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED T{ITH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash duurpsterS, portabre ioilet! andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewaik, alley or publicp1?:" or any portion theieof. rhe right-oi-".y 6n att Town ofvar.t streets and.f9a|s is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr be striilry enforc-ed, by the Town of vail _T?ii: works Department. pers6ns found viirating this ordinancewr-rr- De grven a 24 hour written notice to renove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not cornpiy wittr ttre--notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pu[iic works---Department will remove said urateii.t at trr" exp"nse of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance "tiiri-not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a_way. To.review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofY?il Bul+ding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: DATE JOB NAME I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Lrl.\ i1p ({1 l-. WED THUR VkfT. ,.1-M'\ prr,r \------4)INSPECTION:,g* CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT READY FOR LOcRrroru: .r+ |.-l t.tc fl- 21BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING l-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: oor. /* ,/f -rfu rNSpECroR :Lrdl..:.., : j- , ;)*.. ' INSPECTION REQUEST'- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL \ (\r't \. ,r' a ruoo-, /-/1-f' JoB NAME - ,/,,,rx{ PMt CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL E] FRAMING ^ ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr oFTNAL 1:FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ CTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTilONS: INSPECTOR an uJtllu- E =E UJo- SS \\s tlBl*l! iEIE r;13 rgls EgEgt iE*ig.iEee EiEEg iiiiF ItJuro =E Golt GoFc, EF2oo ot iEI llJI llJFI<F =>E 3ur =(! z96q EEang1>9(,t2r!<o1 ^qdEt -ioi zl .. >lo uJolljgJz (t E =tut o- J z E o o- E-tulo- ul Eo @o zo Fc UJY lrl @ o E EcuJ@o.O\rlt;l c) HlrH H u,lekzo =.l uJq ttoEg =F ; EEE s oot0=z; E fd'E E nnn E ] |-r r--Jr-Jr--J E H=I J.9 dEl it E F EI :E=E 5 rl =sHI fi El dd=gi lgs IIJoo @ ts =E lrJo-zIFc)fE azo(J EIcl EIU'z H Fl(tz l! o'l(r) (''l\o Io\.$ o'\ tr IF-\oN cjz ct UT !E J Iroz =oF \o ct\ c{ I\o iG rlH F6 crl.$F X at att IIJG o) , C'z C,lltG J e ttoz3oF oz ctIIG ttoz]oF IEFo UJJ UJ z"g 3Ed6o oEhuri o2 o o =E =E UJo. I I l* l<ro I I I I # z G gIE$E EgE€g:E'.iE:E5:EF iEFiE r;Ee€sE;si iE;g€ igEgF(! O-: -t; o c' E gEi;; gEiEg -o EsEP2389hf Egj.{ {E u,l =u,I I>G |r,3gr I =|ont zl .. >lou,o rrJu,z I =ul 2o F6o jt \,tzo= \ I i \ ,\h a\\ \\\ N{sii =zglo-r N N \t H,l Nq -.,$.\ s FIol l-It I Hctq 3E jd ll fl,1 $$r uJ UJF' 3lotFI I tt GllJ -z =o (, UJ Fr()E -rO<(F0aouJ<zG, rqZ-o() JG69 =()E< ^c;7F;6b. gF =() =Ed6() *6 F3 EE oo.h =o2 o() <() sg Fx U ,, o)? a) Luc uo) : EuL 5W !ili{ Irl:E trtrtr z oP =Ecoo =ziF :xi =trsl 5HR o EgE<&aE9rPD9,=G =o.=>E JFE h=E 3e -: GU'E =*E F63 Eur E EiF-4!E u,t0 o F Ee,lrlo-zoFo :)Et-ozoo -I i-.t ,viJ ,:. 1! \ ., 'd't J {I .'. rl I Dr'i t' 75 soulh |ronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WI:rH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,lARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any ""ir,-r""i, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash iumpste.l , po.i.ui" -toi:."ts andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewairl -;r.i;y or publicp1?9" or any portion thereof. The righr_";_;;;-;n aII Town ofVail streets and.Ig"-d= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be strillry--enforced by the Town of vailPublic works DeDartment. pers6ns found violating this ordinanceyill. be siven a 24 hour written i"til"-ti-;;;;;;"""id rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne =p""iii"a,"il"-;ffiri-c worksDepartment wirr remove said mateii"i-ii-in"--""pli=e of personnotified. The provisions or itris ordinance shall not beapplicable to c6nstruction, riini"n.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in ttre-rlghi-"_r"y. To review ordinance No- e in furl, please stop by the Tolrn ofYlll B"ilding Departmenr to obrain a copy. rrrani< you ror yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Date \\ ?r lr'\a NAME vl"l1 ''/ CalI TOWN OF REQUEST - VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI Gr)AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr o o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ts^nppnoveo . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE dftsgop o Proiect Application lt'., tProiect Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Planner .,, )' l'Date: M st"tt Approval .ta' "i a RICU uir z c ,vot O --"t:tdi/rl r*.{$.s APPLICATION 1ATEI "lit ';/' '.' :3 DATE 0F DRB MEETIIIG' t ', : " : :r,'iifi...*11..,7 DRB APPLICATION ff***THJS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL A pre-application qqgllns wlth.a plannins staff-memb*e: ::-:*llH :Y??ti:tl.:: tiiiUCr.,, j!t4 :r .r!.J ,rir.,.,r,.:*r .,.'tt.rrr-v!r.. i.r -:;;:. 'i':1-- CI:i':.l!.lLI'"| f!I!' '*- sv!,Frr''-'r '5{ - ,nitss it is coirpt'ete (muit inciuje"iii iiems-required by the zoning adm.inistrator). '{.i;i? il'is ttre appiicint's iesponsibi'lity to make an appointnent with the staff to findIt 1S Ene dPplf Canf,-5 rEsPUnSrDl lf I,y EO maKg dn dPPU lrrLrrrs|lL_ r, I Lrr r,..s Jegr I r'v I rrrr. out about additional submittal-riquir.r.nii. -if .li" note that.a COMPLETE.applica- : .,:."fr';: . -i\:.i iion will streamline the approval process for your projqc! by decreasing the numberl,luf l Ytf | | JL. (;qrrrr rrrE e.tr- sirrr vYqr Pr vwr-..) | r.r. Jver -r ::. . .- - - '---_-- ._..- Y oi-ionditions of approvai that the'DRB may stibutate. ALL conditions of approval must '# L^ ---^r..^,1 L^3^-^ - h'.i'l/{i^- rrsi* i. f --',^,.t ' L-'' -.:ibe resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:/12-t LoL t- Addr"r, ,t &o^J- r,u., /''t* f -fr 3 ts Legal Description Lot Bl ock Filing Zoni ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAI'IE OF Address E. NAME OF S i gnature Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : The fee will be paid at the B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: telephone. 4oznd->1t?) /) telephone n 6 -7d)2_ telephone 4o/7>r>5@ tine a building permit is requested. rc,tr 0-$ 10.00 $ 2s.00tqnnn+ rrJ.vv $1oo. oo. $20o.oo $300.00 $ 10,000$ 50,000$ i50,000$ .500,000 $1,000, ooo $1,000,000 .'N:-'.\u \N \-".)qp{ \"r A .r s $ 10,001 - $:.50,001 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ Over. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: 1. In addition to meet'ing submittal requiremeints, the_applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and Ouilding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inartla. ihis work must be completed before the DRB visits the . site. 2. The review p"o..r, for NElt BUILDINGS will normally involve tl'o separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. \1. sir 6jNn N Nv OI.INERS: !> .IIAI'IE OF PIIOJECT: TEirr--besCnt PTIoN: SliEFI'+?3ft'31"* LIST OF MTERIALS ';.ri:z. .:; The folloling information is required for subm'ittal by the applicant to Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING |'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL the Design Review COLOR Ro"f Siding 0ther l,lal'l B. LANOSCAPING: Materi a I s Fasc'i a Soffi ts }|indows llindorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck . Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Rai'ls Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Si ze*PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES T() 8E REMOVED *Indicate callper for deciducious trees.cohifers. . (over) Indicate height for EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RE}IOVED I Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVERS s0D TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swirnrning poo1s, etc.) Please specify. B r 'a Ct l'<--c- Project Application I l"t|,' ,,l, '.)."' o^r" i'r/, . r/,! ,/ Pro.iect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot tr,'-{31\L.' . I Block |'\ / i-. ) \.a ,'-./: at I Filing /Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: /) 1(t(zl'r-. Town Planner A a,"u Approval llay 10, 1988 BeEsy Rosolack Town of Vail 75 South FronEage Road Vait, Colorado 81657 Re: Window Enlargement - Unit 345 Breakaway WesE Dear Betsy: I received a telephone message that the window enlargement has been approved, subJect to the following: 1. Contractor/carpenter wI11 need to be licensed in Vail 2. There wlll need to be a building permit 3. I measured the rtindorts on either side of the window enlargement and the height to the ceiling for all 3 of these windows is within ltt of being identical. ApparentLy, the initiaL contractor wasntt aa accurate as he night have been in measuring Ehe iniEial window, since Itm sure they intended thern all- to be exactly the same distance from the ceiling. 4, llere are copLes of the owners responses approving my request. If there is anything else I need to do please let me know since I am currentl.y negotiating wlth 2 carpenters to begin work on the windolt enlargement. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely, Englewood, Colorado 80112 enc . April 29, 1988 Town of Vai 1 ATTN: Betsy Rosolack 75 So. Frontage Road VaiL, Colorado 81657 Re: Window Enlargement Dear Betsy Rosolack: - Unit /1345 Breaka\ray West You asked for some more detailed information/drawings, regarding the Pella windows I hope to have installed as part of this window enlargement. Let me be as specific as I can be. 1. Here is the cataLog from Pella, On page 16 are pictures of the rrcasement windows", which would be whaE I would be using. on page 20, Irve circled the 2 specific windows which would be joined Eogether Eo form the 1 enlarged window. 2. The enlarged window would be the same size (height & width) as the bedroom window you see south of the window enlargement. The en- larged window would not, however, have the elongated window at the bottom, \thich both the bedroom on the south and the living area on the north do have. There is no space for thaE. I originally thought of having the enLarged window more than 42" high co bring it more in line ltith the bedroom and l-iving area windows, however, I felt the 'rbestrr consistency to pursue was the size of the window itself. 3. I cannot address for you whether the enlarged window will be at the same heighE from the ground/roof as the windows to the north and south, because won't be in Vail again until May 6th. Irm confident, however, the approximate height is the same. Furthermore' slnce the entarged window, the windov to the south and the window to Ehe north are all on different staggered walls. The window to the south protrudes about 8 ft. out from the new enlarged vrindow and the enlarged window protrudes ouE about 4 ft' fron the one to the north. Betsy, I hope this answers all your questions. Feel free to call me, since it is now cl.ear I cannot be in Vail on May 4th and since our Project manager is also out of town, I have no one who can aPpear at the hearing. 6979 South Englewood, ,/)nUttalq Brabec Olive Way Colorado 80112 p,ra { L Aptil 27, 1988 Town of Vail ATTN: Betsy Rosolack 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Window Enlargement, Unit 1t345 - Breakaway West Dear Betsy Rosolack: You requested a Letter forn the Board of Directors regarding the window enlarge- ment, requested by me for Unit /f345. As the President of the Board of Directors at Breakaway IJest and the orrner requesting the window enlargenent, I am sending thie l-etter. The Board of Dlrectors at Breakaway l{est are prohibited by our condoninium dec- laration from taklng a position either pro or con on any project, such as the window enlargement at Unit #345. I{henever a project like this is brought to the attention of the Board, we point them to the condominium declaration, rthich states they must go to the owners/members of their building to obtain approval by 757", or more, of those orrners. Therefore, the Board of Directors is neither opposed nor in favor of the window enlargement, except to the extent they are personal olrnera in the buiLding. Two Board members are onners and both approved the project. I hope this gives you the information you need. S incer Robert J. Brabec Pre s ident Breakaway West Condominium Assoc. Board of Directors 6979 South Olive Way Englewood, Colorado 80112 Brabec April- 21, 1988 Town of Vail ATTN: Design Review Board Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Town of Vail Design Review Board: This letter plus its attachments (project application, DRB application and 3 sets of pictures of the proposed project) constitute an applicatlon for an enlargement of a window in my condo at Unit 345, Breakaway West. Currently there is a window in my eating area about 6 ft. long and 16 in. high. I propose enLargl-ng that window to about 42 in. high' keeping the rridth essentially as it is. I would have a contractor install. Pella windows to fill this space. The windov would be finished, inside and out ' to match the outslde decor and style of the Breakaway West building. The condominium declarations at Breakaway West require me to notify all the owners of Units in ny building to give them an opPortunity to objecE or coment on the window enlargenent. I have done so and only one of che 14 olrners raieed any objection and our condominium declaration requires at Least 75% of the owners approve the project and, as you can see, ir was well in excess of that 757.. Our Board of Directors, of which I am Presi- dent, takes no position on any improvements. In fact, our declaration makes l-t clear the Board is to take no position and, in fact, all project changes muet be subnltted to the building otmers and, of course' to the Toun of VaiL. Since I have completed all the stePs excePt the approval of the Tolrn of Vail, I am so requesting that approval. The project will be completed as qulckly as possible once your approval is received. Pl-ease call me at 773-254L (h) or 837-1025 (o) in Denver nith any questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration. 6979 So. Olive Way Englewood, Colorado 80112 lF11N-v. * lDr.r, J. BRABEc6979 So. Otive Wav Engtewood, Colo.'gOt t2December 4, 1987 Johony L. Bench, Unit 324 c/o Dean Ingram P.O. Box 60906 Oklahoma Clty, Oklahoma 73L46 Re: Unit 345 Breakawav West Dear Dean: Our condominium declarations require affects the outside of our building, must be notified. WiEh this lecter your approval for, an expansion of a This enlarged window would blend in the same window form and shape each harm our building. before any remodeling is done, which the ordners of the units in that building I arn notifying you, and requesting window in mv unit. naturatty with our building and use of us have now and will in no etay Enclosed ls a rough illustraEion of the window $/e are requestlng. Please glve me your approval of this enl.argenent by signing the authorization at the bottom of this letter and returning it to ne in the enclosed envelope, Please call me coLlect at 303-837-1O26 or 303-773-2541 with any questiona you may have. Thank you for your help. B rabe c cJ.. Robert J. request, December 4, L987 Edward B. Phillips, Unir 314 4227 So. Bellaire Circle Englewood, Colorado 80110 Rer Unit 345 Breakaway l{est Dear Edward Philllps I Our condoninium declarations require affects the outside of our building, must be notified. l,Jith this letter your approval for, an expansion of a JEAN V. & ROBERT J. BRABEC 6979 So. Olive Wav Englewood, Colo. -9011A before any renodeling is done' which the owners of the units in that building I arn notifying you' and requesting window in my uni t. This enlarged window would blend in naturally \riEh our bullding and use the same window form and shape each of us have norr and will in no way harm our bui Ld lng . Encloeed is a rough illustratlon of the window we are requesting. Please give ne your approval. of this enlargenent by signing the authorization at the bottom of this letter and returning it to me in the enclosed envelope. Please call ne collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 with any questions you may have. Thank you for your help. Robert J. Brabec I approve this reque s t ' rtltRlt.l (lj"t", . JEAN u?rorr*r J. BRABE. 6979 So. Olive Wav Englewood, Coto. -gOt tZDecember 4, L987 Celeste M. Bradway, Unit 321 Box 2583 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Re: Unit 345 Breakaway l{est Dear Sam: Our condonlnium declaraEions require affects the outside of our building, must be notified. With this letter I your approval for, an expansion of a before any remodeling is done, whlch the owners of the units in that building am notifyinS your and requesting window in mv unit. This enlarged window would btend in naturally wiLh our buildlng and use the same window form and shape each of us have now and wlll in no nay harm our bui ld ing. Enclosed is a rough illuetration of the window we are requesting. Please give ne your approval of this enlargement by signing the authorizatioo at the bottorn of thls letter and returning it to me in the enclosed envelope. Pleaee call me collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 with any questions you may have . Thank you for your help. Brabec 1^ro,ou"this requeet. I donrt approve this request. Robert J. Decernber 4, L987 ll JEAN V. & ROBERT J. BRABEC 6979 So. Olive WaY Englewood, Colo. 80112 Bountiful Corporation, Unit 352 900 City Center 4 1801 California Streer Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: Unit 345 Breakawav WesE Dear Bountiful Corporat ion: Our condominium declarations require before any remodeling is done, whichaffects the outside of our bul1ding, the owners of the units in that building must be notifled. With Ehis letter I am notifying you, and requesting your approval for, an expansion of a window in my unit. This enlarged vindow would blend in naturally with our building and use the eane window form and shape each of us have now and will in no uay harm our bui ld lng. Enclosed is a rough illustratlon of the window we are requesting. Please give me your approval of this enlargement by signing the authorizetionat the bottom of this letter and returning it to me in the enclosed envelope. Please call ne collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 with any questions you nay have. Ihank you for your help. Brabec I approve this request. Robert J, December 4, L987 Margle Smolian, Unit 335 Box 2096 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Re: Unit 345 Breakaway West Dear Marg: Our condominium declarations requireaffects the outside of our building, muet be notifled. With this letter your approval for, an expansion of a JEAN V. & ROBERT J. BRABEC 6979 So. Olive Way Englewood, Co|o.80112 before any remodeling is done, which the owners of the units in that building I am notifying you, and requesting window in my uni E. ft approve this request. I donrt approve this requesc. Thle enlarged window would blend in nsturally with our building and use the same window form and shape each of us have now and will in no way harm our but lding. Enclosed is a rough illustration of the window we are requesting. Please give ne your approval of this enlargerrent by signing the authorization aE Ehe bottom of this letter and returning it to me in the enclosed envelope. Please call me collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 with any questions you may have. Thank you for your help. Brabe c LL ,7/r) (Date) | / December 4, L987 {-E4N_V. & ROBERT J. BRABEC 6979 So. Olive Wav Englewood, Colo.'gOttZ Robert M. Nieder, !lD, Unit 332 6131 So. Geneva Way Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: Unit 345 Breakawav West Dear Dr. Robert Nieder: Our condoninium declarations require before any remodeling is done, which affects the outslde of our building, the owners of che units in that building must be notified. With this letter I arn notifying you, and requesting your approval for, an expansion of a window in my unit. This enlarged window would bl-end in naturally with our building and use the saDe window form and shape each of us have now and will in no nay harm our building. Enclosed is a rough illustration of the window ne are requesting. Please give me your approvat of this enlargement by signing the authorizatl.on at the bottom of this Letter and returning it to me in Ehe enclosed envelope. Please call me collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 wtth any questione you nay have. Thank you for your help. Brabec approve thls request. I donr t approve this reque S lgnature {-EAN^V. & ROBERT J. BRABEC 6979 So. Otive Wav Engtewood, Colo. bOf 12 December 4, 1987 Sondad Enterprlses , Unit 342 c/o Ron Hornig 7265 W. Pineview Drive Littleton, Colorado 8012 5 Re: Unit 345 Breakawav West Dear Ron Hornlg: Our condonrinium declarations requireaffects the outside of our building, nust be notified. I{rlth this letter your approval for, an expansion of a before any remodeling is done, which the owners of the units in that bulldtng I am notlfying you, and requesting window in ny unit. Thls enlarged window would blend in naCurally with our building and use the same window form and shape each of us have now and will in no lray harm our bui lding. Encloeed is a rough illustration of the window ne are requesting. Please give me your approval of this enlargement by signing the auEhorization at the botton of this lelter and returning it to me in the enclosed envelope. Pleaee call ne collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 wich any questlons you may have. Thank you for your help. Robert J. Brabec +t aPProve this request- reortegt.,dr;"t #7'lZ- December 4, L987 JEAN v. tor.*, J. BRABEc 6979 So. Olive WaY Englewood, Colo. 80112 Ron Knox, Unit 325 7184 RusEic Trail Boulder, Colorado 80301 Re; Unit 345 Breakaway West Dear Ron Knox: Our condominium declarations require before any remodeling is done, which affects the outside of our building, the owners of the units in that building must be nofified. I{ith this letter I arn notifying you, and requesting your approval for, an expansion of a window in my unit. This enlarged window would blend in naturally with our building and use the same uindow form and shape each of us have now and will ln no lray harm our building. Enclosed is a rough illustration of the window ne are requesting. Please give ne your approval of thls enlargemenE by signing the authorizationat the bottom of this tetter and returning it to me in the enclosed envelope. Please call me collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-254I with any questions you may have . Thank you for your help. Brabe c I approve this request. 1l aor 't approve this request. /e-r{- f? (oate ) /3i^ ^ Ul/u,* 3 *,* d* 4, nil .p1fr,& r![- /*u .* "t'^t l*z-t'L k*t--rtc'r ttu/-,.,!r opv u/4 e e { ryq-.* j*-ti. o.n a-.,J' a,,-.',t1( e Li"trl* rr& h;*1A-"ou! Gx- December 4, 1987 JEAN v. toeenr J. BRABEo 6979 So. Otive Wav Englewood, Coto.'aOt t g Jin & Joyce l{ilson, Unit 315 18556 E. Long Avenue Aurora, Colorado 80016 Re: Unit 345 Breakawav West Dear Jim & Joyce Wileon: Our condoninium declaration8 require before any remodeling is done, which affects the outside of our bulldlng, the owners of the unite in that building must be notified. With this letter I an notifying you, and requesting your approval for, an expansion of a wlndow ln my uniE. This enlarged window would blend in naturatly wlEh our building and usethe same window form and shape each of us have nolr and will in no rray harm our bui lding. Enclosed is a rough lllustration of the window we are requesting. Please glve ne your approval of this enlargement by signing the authorizatlonat the botton of this letter and returnLng lr co me ln the enclosed envelope. Please call me collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 wtth any queetions you may have. Thank you for your help. Brabec e this request. I don't approve this request. Robert J. S ignature December 4, L987 {-EAN V.torr*, J. BRABEc 6979 So. Ofive Wav Englewood, Coto.'gOt tZ Kathleen Sonnesyn, UntE 333 317 Brose StreeE Longmont, Colorado 80501 Re: Unit 345 Breakawav WesE Dear Kay: Our condominium declarations require before any rernodeling is done' which affects the outside of our building, the owners of che units in that building must be notlfied. With this LeEter I am notifying you, and requesting your approval for, an expansion of a window in ny unlE. This enlarged window would blend ln naturally nith our buildlng and use the same window forn and shape each of us have now and will in no Itay harn our bui lding. Enclosed ie a rough illustration of the window ne are requesting. Please give ne your approval of this enlargenent by signlng the authorization at Ehe bottour of this letter and returning it to ne in the encl.osed envelope. Please call me collect at 303-837-1026 or 303-773-2541 with any questlons you nay have. Thank you for your help. B rabe c I approve this request. I don't approve this request. S i gna ture ( oate ) ,ro* ut?roBE*r J. BRABE. 6979 So. Olive WaY Englewood, Co|o.80112 December 4, 1987 Thie enlarged window would blend inthe same window forn and shape each harm our building. Iloward Fenske, Trugteei llnit 322 Alexa Ellen Fenske 4410 Valencia Circle Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 Re: Unit 345 Breakaway West Dear Howard: Our condominium declaraEions require before any remodeling is done, whlchaffects the outside of our building, the owners of the units in that building must be notifled. With thi6 letter I am notifying you, and requestingyour approval for, an expansion of a wl-ndow in rny uniE. naturally with our buildlng and use of us have now and will ln no rray Enclosed is a rough illustration of the window we are requestlng. Please give me your approval of this enLargement by signing the authorizatlonat the boEton of thi8 letter and reEurnl-ng it to me in the enclosed envelope. Please call ne collect at 303-837-1025 or 303-773-2541 with any questions you may have . Thank you for your help. Robert J. Brabec Y t approve this request.T- I don't ap rove thie re.quest. Proiect Name:,1",, lJ/\ProjectDescripr,on, U"'Y Project Applicalion ',, -.) J2 -i*8e Contact Person and Phone .DS9/ Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Com Design Review Board ,--/ /r-r.,^,. t/ //ft Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: ,/)K/t\) ,.r -{ u t' ; ,,,' Town Plan ner 5/4/88 Date: t] statt Approval F[?,0 /n ? a Tr'-l € T-s/ Df o aCrv-Dct hJ tTH C N A/v6€ o APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I4EETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t^lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED**** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information'is needed. No appl'ication will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's respons'ibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streaml'ine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approvai must be resolved before a building perm'it.is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Address Legal Zon i ng Descri pti on Lot Fil ing C. NAME OF Address APPL I CANT : 3 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: \ Address E. NAME OF Ot,l S i gnature Address DRB FEE: VALUATION r. 5o The fee wjl'l be paid at the time a building FEE $0g 10,001 $ 50,001 $150,001 $500,001$ 0ver - $ 10,000- $ 5o,ooo- $ 150,000- $ 500,000- $1,o0o,ooo $ 1 ,000,000 1. In addition to meeling su6mittal l#equirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2.The review process for NEW BUILOINGSof the Design Review Board, so p1 an People who fail to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republ i shed. will normally involve ttJo separate meetings on at least two meetings for their approval . Design Review Board at their scheduled postponement will be required to be LOCATION B'lock teleshoneJJ!3)S / /La, 837 Jor-6 8o tlz tetepnoneTpN// permit is requested. 4ffiasao $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TMP0RTANT NoTrcE REcfrWi t$rr rp)z DRB: - 4/ Ab//-/ tel ephone 3. 4. The following itens no longer have.to be. presented-to.the Desiqn Review Board' iily:-ffi;;;i,'hiv; io ue iresentea io-in! ioning Administratoi for approval: a. lllndows, skyllghts and slmilar exterior changes that do not alter the exjsting plane of the bullding; and b. Buildlng additions that are not viewed tIoT lnv other lot or qyUllg-1g1e' wttictr trive had 'letters submitted from adjoining property owners approvlng the additionJ-unJlo" ipprovai trom lne-iieni io", oi'manager of a condomlnlum association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEhl CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of s'ite containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. ?. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of il' or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). Avalanche areas, 100 year flood p1 ain and s'lopes 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, e'ither USGS landmark or sewer jnvert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off sjte showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact'locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: 5. 6. 7. cabl e TV Tel ephone sewer water gas el ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot e'levations e. Al I easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, iandscaped areas, serv'ice areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, reta'i ning walis (with spot eievations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determ'ine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of serv'ice and avai'l ability. To be submitted with site p1an. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a1l submittals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees, other shriu6s-afid-iia'tive olants th,are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas with- -- -" the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. i. 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as poss'ible should occur on the site p1an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. E. Architectural Plans (1/8 v ll=I' or larger) 2 copies . l. Must include f'loor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finjshed grades. Z. Exterior surfacing material s and colors shal 1 be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Comriunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Rev'i ew Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addjtional plans' drawings,-specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with des'i gn guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clear'ly indicate what'is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirement! Slvg! above, as tonb ai they piovide all important spec'ifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESiDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Orig'ina1 floor plans with all specifications shown 8. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. S'ite plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addit'ion E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verify'ing location of service and availability. See attached uti'l ity location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, veri fy'ing ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway' the following will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and an91es. B. Building dimensjons to near:est tenth of foot. C. All utility serv'ice'l ines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locat'ions. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map. G. Al I easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: OESCRIPTION OF P The following information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the tlesign Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other t,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts }Ji ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls F'lues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. . PLANT I'TATERIALS:.. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name Size Tvpe Square Footaqe s0D SFFN c. TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. SUBDIVISION I'TILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION - JOB NAI'{E LOT BTOCK FITING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed lines, mlst be approved and verified by the following utilities for the ecconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date ilountai n Bel'l l -634-3778 llestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company. Gary Hall * Ho'lyCross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Yal'l Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Val'ley llater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For nen cons ulease fill ou bt',ached sheet NOTE: Tlrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibllity to obtain a stleet cut permit from the Town of Vail , Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. 4 building Peudt is not a st.reet cut pemit. A street cut pernit nust be obt,ained separately. lhis fom is to verify service availablity and location. Ttis should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block Filing Phone Phone Al I owed ( 30) ( 33) Proposed Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l{ater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng 'rlal I Heights Parking Credits: Garage Mechani cal A'lrl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envl ronmenta'l /Hazards : Height Total GRFA Corrnents: 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50) (1oo) (2s)(so) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Avalanche Flood Plaln Sl ope l{et'lands Geologic Hazards Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: StaF-f-STgnature f 1. PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL COMMTSSION November 23, L9B7 PRESENTJ.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfosssid schultz ABSENTffi-fEele The meeting was caLled to order by the vice-chairnan, DianaDonovan. est to rezone a portion of Pulis Ranch Sunburstat L785 Sunburst Dr rom Lo!,r DensMulte Farn to Sinqle Familv Res dentia zone.Appl cant:Shapiro and Company Ar st for side and front setback variances on Lot L94" Vail das Schone SuEaIvIEIonI rfrld covered parkinq.Applicant: Tonnie Ferouson KristaT Pritz explained.the request and presented the zoninganalysis. She then reviewed the criteril and findingsDiscussion of the structure folrowed. J.J. collins moved toapprove the request per the staff rnemo with the finding thatthere are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions appricable to the sane site of the variance that donot apply generally to other properties in the same zone. Thevote was 6-O in favor. The pEC asked staff to pass on to theDRB their concern that the rnaterials and design of the coveredparking be looked at closely. Br way West Condo ums, and on the south the NorthFrontaqe Road. Applicant: Williarn FlefFctrer The applicant Schultz moved was 6-0. asked to table this and Peggy Osterfoss STAFF PRESENT PeEEr PaEt,enKristan PritzRick Pylnan Betsy Rosolack itern until Decernber 14. seconded to table. The Peter.Patten gave the staff presentation. He showed a prat mapand site.pJ-an and stated that the staff reconmended appioval .Abe Shapiro made a brief statement as ihe applicant. --Bryan Hobbs moved to recommend approval per ttre sliff memo andHopkins seconded the notion. The vote was 6-0 in favor. sid vote Profect Applicatlon e"1" August 21' 1986 Proiect Name: BRADIJAY-MTTHEI,IS l'lIND0'dS Proieci Description: Add one window to south s'lde of iach un jt (2), Contacl Person and Phone Trevor Bradway (476-3264\ Trevor Bradway {#525) and Bil'l Matthews (#5?5) Owner, Address and Phone: P-0. Rny iFA, Vi.ii l Cit R16qA {476-3?64) Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: Units #515 anC , Colo"ado Legal Descriplion: Lot Comments:Sec' attach, j :;ketch. llindows wrll matr.h existino cc'l ors and :;1yle. Breakaway l{est Coridomiriums. Va Block - Fi Glazirrg vrill be fix, tr"i ple-paie. Also see aLtached v'riLten apooval 0.1' Condomi n i unr Assoc i !r ti cri.. Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: , APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: \l\-.('fi,.. '/. E[ statt Approvat \ . trvj i\ % Very truly yours, BREAKAWAY WEST ASSOCIATION Qur'r-rxu-W, 1985 Town of VaiIVaiI, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: The Condominium Declarations which govern the condominiums known as Breakaway West cJ-early provide that the owners of unj.tsin each of the several buildings are tenants in common of the"General Common Elementstr that pertain to that particularbuilding. The owners of two units in Building phase fI*C have proposedthat the south wall of the condominium be modified by theconstruction of windows in each of the two units (one is above theother) to correspond with the windows that were originallyconstructed in other units on the south side of the building. Atwo-thirds rnajority of the unit owners j.n the building haveconcurred in the desirability of this modification of the commonelements The Associatlon concurs in the opinion that the owners ofunits in each of the severar buildlngi in Breakaway west aretenants in conmon of the General common Elements oi their buildingand therefore, can alter those common erements independent of theAssociation, so long as the surrounding premises are not affected.we beLieve that other unit owners in the-buirding, as fellow co-tenants, do have_standing about this matter, but-.we cannot speakfor them. Accordingly, you may proceed with our'acguiescencl in areview of the design requests and, if approved, the issuance ofthe buirding permit to a contractor for Lhe modification. Pres ident CC: Terry QuinnEagle, Colorado BY: *t* 1 ts t $ n o oz tr =e, uJo- rn! (U (r) q, (J au (u o sf sf a o IJJ uJlt- F =E IJJ o- 2ru*-.t 18 e'ote)E h1 T,)(o o(\I Ol I sz, d = d. l9r lo z.g -- =G @ UJ o oF FIz =z Ilrrutq<lo -.tr-l L!<lrIFzcl trF{cHvl€ dt8kl<at 9J =zoZN69 5ldlzl .6 u.]o!za 2 i-l Rq c = t!J uJo =I tI. Fo Fz o uJz3od r!l! :=HofuJFI<FZrt YZ(/r< ---ocE*6.9 a E€:E €E EEE iiil; ggFgE E"; E"g ;$E;sJ €Eis! :EEEH.oo'-E-E;OU'tr etEt€ igiiF (o E =gJ (9zoJ f ao :< UJIoz o- J 9EF q.lJ IIJ z dt =3 o- oz I UJ UJultt-z tr uJ uJ E olo; uJ> IJJ z -an u,l E uJ o- z UJ x F uto at UJ UJu- E =t UJ o- J F F (Jz J eF 4.1 uJ ozo E) J = llJ = it'+)o.P NO[VnlVA {l =l, l: 1(9 " l.i\ :c (', l,9; llE- o €J.h Fr5 6b=F- ^ 6zc H 3 =F:.noE6d f3(JzX<b{ ;rEg ge F.GtO z tr fJ l! cc cfoeo UJ ). o sf x IJJe. J z E6 zI F EutF 3 UJz Lzlz tr 5o o a =zloz fu,io U'l! J o" IJJ tr oz i z FI EI IJJ lJJ (E uJzY iF 2 F .J (t)z C \ \ I 3 i UJ (E o 3 ll| -rt It<t II Et !tztlt--l| -'1 I zl ^llrH Hb:JlH '4 )z Il? <)t> | I rJJ lti lt< ltz Ilo I l/t ()l lo ;ll< al z tru) J ,l I"l -i44IEs '-I) I,l;lr'l IolzlYI <lo. l Id. Fl5(o cvoc) (o r.r)(\, 0r TU Eoooazo Fo- UJV UJo oF tr Euto. LLo o-oo IJJFoz u,F o (5z J TL Y' @ F J FU)lrJ = e UJt ii =z I - uJ =z o o J (f) C\I uJ = -d att F G IJJ o J L F = oz o u,l J 14. z 3 F =tr oz ciur I tl. z3o z F = CL lr & U- =tr Isfat ,.. z q ut( J t!oz BoF Etr o2 n lu J u- z 3 F c .i 2 oruI <l ll.oz3 F ulJulF (ts IJJz Bo F ulETod. t -rO<FE<)IIJ <ztlrlF(42oc) JE<oOF E3 ;iF-,2r (,ozj- =#J t--JZrro ix :IF =3=.2 =8 Eirg b2 o J<()o9.3H z ar92edro>zffJO(L IJ- ifi xE= =Hg ntn ts G.luIt!oulo2 oL 9 o- JFtu-h=3e,O. IJJ>o-Ou9o \ tlJxo-:>HF JJtt u.l.ooF F lb { = lE sE l- d lfl l- o-zo:- ,.bc9Hd,€F€anz'EOEoE -,<'-\- :rHe:\ t-,/fls E\/.1/l+E\</J= [t -€ I r--'r r---r i'<lL,l L__l xl \ l< I I luJ 6 I I N o uJF z z oJf .6 o =zoN F J | -)l I Ji'ri; (n UJ u,t! tr UJ a r+- +J.F ,ttvc gX.F Or ='6o,L+) +rEoro -(,EOOBC)+) 0., <t(J .o (+- ttl (-) Lt1t- L +)+t(u F =lrj J 14- !.1- IJJ t!t!z. t/') z. J.J t! I a.^.F5 *' oF F E IIJo-)' u,'{lo'/, I),r.1 E,i,lo -,'l l,:/lguJekaox = qJ z o- F = tfJ z f O(, .gt.:zt cLP'F oqJ=3 tnctLq-c\t 'lc c NOrlvn]v^ :. lrl !Dn zs9 =<d)o =z dP oJ tr C>ZqrG .a=g=9><o=t}H'EF I r.uEcaF r.d8= ohE5o 8'J.gr^J -tn 4L,Jo- =ul t!o IU F tlt UJ z F tl,l UJ o 3 IIJ zo qJ tn UJ uJt!43 LU J F =|rooltztoof, gJ (o z.o 6-c FPvto4>39la<oo-gri;*6FO <N $ A\): IJJ J z o z B,F 3 IUz I J co >lFI ()l /l.tfl tq Fr 3 3 fl ;lo|H d,hg o2 gF ;() 5Ed6 C) JE<oc)F =c) FE;o <FGC)uJ<zeUJFt,l z-oo Fo uJtr? C) uJ =z cr| Jf I _L /tJ ,qf tl)n.r a LJ r \\ (l \^5 ?*,1r. g) roraT t t_ re-{,":svr :4(*. LouJ Iraro{ev LO+ O++ ot* ".oop Us(,,r*: trra{r u c{ue : 2" II Ero4ytrrc^- ' Ior,t<. Isupp t3 f-t( z-too a!,i1 r P,rr^5r.6..< /nDuel {o.r,rpll(q s,'Jc :.. ,r"1tnl t(:.:: lr" br?ter- ^odcrlot_p' Ll),ll3 balcvlc(\^l t;ctucs' cric{cJ '{o '{ his si5>{evn tSoi t.v R oor"^ r'f?"j,t;!*, t..-i - v.' | " ' I I i .-\ j../.:''.-! ' '\ .rt -' '..|r'l- - '!-- |J'. / ' t'1. l I I i -irt*rt '/-<-I I I j-24 I I I i , .:z t-. l! J-1-i.X I I I 'llr- | : 't It-1-l/F. I Iii' I i I I , i,.. | '/,., >< i : . ;| ),?: ; j / -'</-- +{. '- ci ' |.) *l- .J t./ i,\':.. .- t'" P ' I il \a. . r- ...-.|-J\,.'/\ tlitllr r'1_-\-.. -- . I'\/1-- i , -.. { <itirf lrt'crrtl SPACE HTAIING ONLY i t c0MBINAT l0N SPACT & D0HtS I rC \.UATi,R HEATING II ctt.rrr:i r!l! rtt i rar::r- Pt!3irr t__________:I T----l A-J acri:i.T:a6\ --I at:!s_rI ,1; t:.rtt \t.t I $-t fi !.|]3:r! rr- i[ :l:,r l-- l:'. --;,4 (lrr :rr) !-- lr5E1.;: f| t, 't .:':11: t.e.1;:=.Gt t ;LL, :,j t:f t i i-::!iai -i*y.-'.ta? ,,E. fJ:i-1 A.-yy€r}) Fr.JrDlrCFTi',:j,-F, |i J. 0ir17 M jst;9g{'Ja-\ OyT. LlV 1L8 CA.{!.DA\;-\l 7::..t!t';,eLg,. 1!-5/ (41€) 67i-9.f' 3TEL!\ r:f_ !.__:?3 T: @'q9@@@ ;, l .i t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST ' VAIL 'I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER J.t9E9 l JOB NAME INSPECTION:FRITHUR'l( C BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr E E FBAMING tr o tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB IJ tr tr JI1trB I NL,UA NAIL U D trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: OVED ,'d I, EI,,fiEINSPECTI ON REQU I BEDiy'/t'i INSPECT ,J, cr) $Jc)O IJJ ts!)loo.' zo Fo.ulY ul .0 oF F =E(out ooo- o) l! dlodiRlo.l?blt=l'Igu,btzo :EE 33e.'8il J =fi8 t = o.-lroEE2ZE<al€uE9!iEb9 =EE dLE FEE =*E 66E irE ;-au{o-!E Ho ID - ts =Elrl o-zoF()fE 6zoO !!E oz E =e UJc I I l,, .Ft<ro I I I I lo, IEe IFtaz t= l2 55;FE .ElHeE E UJz 3ocE |! ttl6z-= H6 PH<F7oYZo< 9FrFg lr t!o =T Eot! aE E.E !sE;ei.e*aPF - a9 E.; Go'-.:-E=O(,|Eisi:eY 3ZZtLo ooF^.tZq 5 :9F9 OE ttoEe, fil!<oq +rs g F.NO E >G -E('Etr{3 =6sl Jl<l:-| zl zl .. >loqJ uJ UJz tr UJ z E l"l Jsl ictI(6lolr-l-l(,tz.F-.? JTL rri =z coo-) c.cc +ccI E !! z -J o, ttl o -t cf)c! an llJ J (c (\ I(<t- L ( E tr tn uJ J =^ = stl 1t <l ilI 3l 9tFl = z A ulE J i z3o F =tr d (, UI "l a t!oz3I 'trl 't1 L!F LtJ F L!tn tJ1 =t l! o o UJ 5l <l>l ttl zl3I co (f,rosr I Or<to) N (o(O I N(f) u. ll F e o (' UJ : al tt z3I lllJ l,rjF' t 3B;z- F C) uJ =oE -rO<FCQl!<ztrLll F(42o() J.!.<oC)F F? !i r-ur, 2 .F8 EgP s3]Fd6() ixoX ?3iF s6 Ei\ -ur X*EFt-o2 O <(Jon-'i!nn JLo 5 i+- x x x x \o ss tet VJ Q [- an UJu- F =tu .l )q \(r \IH\to \l I I ss \u uJF F z = z U'Itr Foz oz 6) .O z Blz3o uII F z o ii cJ .Y,'=9,,,iig UE E:-$F.9R€! E; g;t ! 9EEF ice s;c96E.E'- o. -c ^-E = E.E,I iEal s EE ;F€ EiSEbaGa=isE;ei rEig! X(iD.vOO :EEH"- EHEg= :3€Ed E;o(,,tr-eei ge :,!o:= cg 3 39-- E !E;E EEiEt o s N (\ s \ \ E = IJJ (JzoJ @ I() LU z Jo- J 9 F C) UJJ IJJ z = J J oz uJ = u, z tr UJ () uJ olr ; _t! UJ z 6 uJo F oc UJo z 4J)() x F tuo ( N \* s. UJu-t =. tU J Fo F z J .D () F IJJ uJ (,z6 J L c)z tti = C t-- P NOrlVntVA :< ;Z!-oo6zto E C)v,ll,l uJzgJ (S' N =>E = llJ z F-^ <l-eO 1>9(J<)zrJ- < io>(JFO;ai z tr l! CE o ul F z E z tr g, gJ F =UJz II ll v,Lz zyaF rrlkoR5 ="'Ytt3ci<z o =2.. 9z -iF tro =E u,l = a IJJzY9 F z z I I _lq) -l<l:l hl t! o = u) F o F at, JI SI =lzl zl .. >lo u.lo uJ uJzo = lrl o- z E i ,]r-i vrl1l d! z Y G, oF- =ro rn L! .- E O o- lts r-,c5 0_.F (o = rov l:.6 F{ .r O) O-u_vg x d.=Oc.ooJLr- (n l-+)u)Tt oo<t! q) o- - o{J ErrJ -O (u c)Ul CF (Jzoo-c)EotJ'r_O=H E (J +J c5 !(F .z$ o (,g) =L(^Co (u +).-J+JOJ=J.P (, (Oo(t, Lt,i- J <\l ! oF F Eulc ILo o.oo I L!-^^F .-r (\l Hur2Ex lJ. \- N\\z\ EC \ =3UdP\ J..i5 =s36E= tr Gllj u- UJ F EgOGF<.a=9=9><o=tt c'3 ,.1 tr Lrl E= oF EO€'FJ 9u- g LrJ lrJJ t- LDl+J \4 Y sc.oz Dntr t!!l- $ g z tr I J .o oJ l.lJ =z cD -) \{s N\ *\ N ut oo Ja = ...l \\ P\\ \ \ A uJ: z $i Ti NI\l -l .l\)l \llx I>l ol E t! gJ ) o. F- I Iolzl EI JI <lilol zl fl c .to =.1olgJl ((l Jl al>l t!l :l 3lolFI E o (t uJ ) ltoz3 01F = oz. o u,l ? t4o zl 3l 0lFI $\l \ILl\il \^ $l\ = t!l z.l uJl 5l al>l t!lol zl 3lotFI h * s\\$. t\N s N ui ulF {p\l 5\ F C) UJ ET C) E. -.r O<F U<zE I.IJ F(42 tr. L! - oz )) AP =3Y,z =g oF = \JZ <o P' 3'=l \ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE . JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM. PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING o tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oz E =g, IJJo- oo rt) <\l c c (\ anulult! F =E UJo rv14/---\-s9/ slv r 811,q€ +)n ou,F z z 6J o € o =z Lol @'l! QIE ItE,o -l ktdC =ltn'-;= o-l > -:2. <cIo.-lZd,z 3r I .Fr . ir6 -[! =lb n:ol= I I JIut.r-1 X 'l EcIq +,1 dq '-lclalt .9 EeoE;oai -c 8: Egglo.'; clE6.oc;EpF FP .cO 5ENO -3E EEFo ebi€ ov!! PE P€oo8o6oD or .E =o+.'=gdi5 f€ EJ Egp9 cl!o.c6t3 (/D-(D .!E E6g'=9)|,) g8E co6 .tsp 6EPcc,= (! €gE E:F :€Pd'l =c96'- o. -c E s5 E E-g,boo --: o eieg=E o.G o. sEEo- O,E*e E6: E E.Eg t_6 EEE - o.i: 6 6.=5ag gE€ EE; 9 6a EfiE .i6 e EHg (r uJz3 luI Foz E gJz 3o |! !J F eo6 |r) \osf (\,1 (r)r\lr)(\l |r)t\ + st-cf) = =e. UJ z 6 f E uJ z Jc o EFoU IU z =Jo. J oz () uJ UJlUt!zI F- ulE TIJ o.o;g uJEzo ttl F ct!o z u,l o x F ulg, U't!t! E. E =E uJL J FoF <5z 6 =o J g F(J uJ !J oz ao =JC Iz o uJ- NOrrvn'lvA I o,l EI=El>c!l = ; Ieli u.r *;:l = @ <r_l ;e,o,*Z Z tL=o 9 0.: F ^ an ZLi s = Er2 0 qa e ? Eioq iJ E g gF iGlO zI J l! E t!o F ooo (\l c Itl E, J z E z F_ uJ =uJz lltltltl <t> =zfz9ltlE6o< =P <z u) Ez. 9zz--iF r!- (53tr l >* lq| -.1t<t: t8 Irll" lsl9 wI tElol{LStd l'''lH-kl>og lil IlFl Ilzll| --+- l/-=wWwf<lR-'%ld | /l-r I 1l< |lA lol; tl3le :lgl< al @ I I l-tn TI,l ,1 "l:luJlol € ?a t-- z f I d ! Cr) l\l (',') GJ \-JO z '"9z4clo =zffd9 :f;* = ;:'i o dd= IJJ tso c0o-zo Fo-ulY IJJ c0 oF b CE LrJ o- ttlo-l >@lo.\ar tftlY :.-l t-lguJ '^F\Jzo E uJ o- l!o E9E<o'l€ai9rrL 5_EE dLE FEE =9E ub9 iutE XO-t x>t q- €= uJ ao m vJ= ..!! E =Elrl o-zoFofEFeo() EM +,tno = G' =J(! (u IJJ =z dl Old C\I I..o N.+. tr ;lol!l*l utl ol.r- |-l(al(\tlolF-{l d H CI 3a- .tt 0tIxq 3l(tl4q q ulE<l4 z. =Etr sr\cf)sr Ictt I I I I I ctl =.1olull .El *lol zl it +)() =J-+)oc o =I (6 U) =tr q| OI uJlEl JI <lilol zl 3lolFI () !-+,()o L! (U .tt c) =c tr lltltltltlollcl I'Ft I 5elf,l <ilI utlq.El fsl,J tll;, ol1zla;lg9t r! Fl ol uJltrl zl fl I I I ;l 5t al>l aLlol pl i z @ = J(L Fo Lutt C)E E:o<FG() rJr <z.tUJFo3 C) r.b =b2 o EItrtrl Bruce Dalton - Architect September 18, 1985 Town of Vail - Building Dept. Attn: Steve Patterson 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Patterson: o RE: BreakawaY !'le st '*-----/ l.le have been advised that the Town of Vail has enacted an ordinance requiring ipecific fire alarm and ventilation requirements for residential condominiun projects and par*ing structures. Ttr'is letter relates to Breakaway |.Jest, Iocated north of I-70 and west.of Red Sandstone Creek. I, Bruce Dalton, was the architect of record for this project. Johnson, Voiland' Archuleta, Inc., of Boulder were the structura'l engineers. This building has a post-tensioned concrete structural slab separating. the unOeigiJunA pa"-king structure from the commercial and residential uses above. These slabs contain steel cables, under extreme1y high tension, encased in concrete. The cutting or damage to any of these cablei wiil result in extreme structural damage--possibly buil di ng failure. At this time there is no way to assure that the cables were placed.exactly as designed. The design-requii6O cante placement at 12" to 24" on center in each direltion. Spacing- depended upon Oesign conditions. Any dri'lling, coring, or cutting of hoies iri th6 slab nriy resuli in damage to the cables and is not permi ssi b1e. Regardless of the safety intent of the ord'inance, it will be rnore detrimenta'l to the siiety of this structure and its occupants if any s1 ab penetrations are made that may damage the cab1 es. l^le assune no responsibi'l ity for your actions relative to this matter. BD/l I rcc: Johnson, Voiland, Archuleta 1 I 30 Alplno Ave. Eouldor. Colorado, 6O3O2 *!;:;; //o-) L-'/ U";/ 1n/. €/"7 Jos DrgsrpTrCI\i -'8re;rr+urnr Ulusf Ururf-s Flzt-^ 4-F772 I ]il" wE Rr- rKli4rllg 1It3 nR? cr+Av Mp wt$irJq I Jruc(DoU rTV ttlfpdroR_ tl.lr A<g F4+utrq et L c(\Af,€a) + >qqfr Srtrp6 ,^ [brs , D4KtLlq , 'D(y wnllllg3tffiDN | | -' --ttJv -hee KEpLAc{ NU pLL n6;"ts fi-ncns + I ' nrr$v.ce. r r'uff*w KfrTEo\ kvN*tL ftVU UNDEd- {T\E nRq-w{ca It ? INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE "t JOB NAME : // ./(:,i .'F't,--INSPECTION: ,/ MO}*-'|-" CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI -----@'er^READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr ELtfiL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED RE]NSPECTION REQUIRED, - )' ./ a. CORBECTIONS: '.:-/4i DATE INSPECTOR x '-,t ,3,. - t INSPECTION REQUEST ECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION;MoN M TOW BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FOOTTNGS/STEEL _ E UNDERGROUND\ tr FOUNDATI ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB /_..)tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR /uta"f B /4,4 Project Name: Proiect Description: ; --{o * -6Project Applicatlon Contact P€rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on:tot 3 , Btocx ,,F , rttins@ Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL o t- -_:-{- ? s €/ ! s -l(D 'l I I I I ]$ -V1-Fttr+-fra: *- P*gre- #.Dp\ g'VtE?g- 9J1223J3E ;1.o$e Rtvettw __ re:-t. _- N <z\;; 1o_ @ 19D4,:- o 4e=-- -I9v'-'rqxiAllf:- r'l- thc tro't cr.Gh collebo.atiyr, lrchitects group ltd,'thc clock towcr'vail colorado aE57 476-'1175 vl r>tc 6-IEx- gnc'(ps-PE LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: T DESCRIPTION OF The following information is-required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof ; Sidinqt- , 0ther t{all Materials Fasci a Soffi ts t,{i ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT IIIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES oT ueslgner: Phone: Botani'ca'l Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS.r T0 BE REM0VED GROUND COVERS -.o Tvpe PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Cormon Name o- Cormon Name Quanity Size Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION . TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. ctz E =G IIJo- Oq ooo @o oo oo@ Or oo ooo Ol F{ oo Ooo ro$J cq c (\c (n IJJ uJt! E =EIuo- ( dnj-\ h\lsrlq L,L88E +'{D FJ Eo 5(6Ldt y.n+(o ^g z=o.J uJF o E F FIz =o =z tl|,tlot I+)l Iot I U)l (l)1- t>l>l 9l -t ol'rl Ll =t It(rjl(Ul!lot lrrl OlP I (,.'l .uJ .'- R0z- oF =sl- :El;F =.F=xza) I I IcI) EI 'FlqtfI fr .E u,lz3o uJ Foz @lr,to @ o(J.+, ooUT(J!r,cr< 6c! +r.= = (,ru+r o>o=LI o (d(o ==+G'Ng Jr-{ao(oo (l,x,- !Oo 6co lr- uJ .D =.r II o o) oE F o o\ ai,, OX() G .=' A o (! o oo Ot E @ E o =l oo, o.o.(! =.9 11) o) at @o sio tro .9 o lo E G goN oc;oF o o o) € ooo(o E () o .o = .ct E (! tt 'a5 j-ooti (u '=Oo*!og8F C(tlO.9; I69c-.= 6Ffcoxoc-o :gEc96 EsE_E> E FE =EE>oo;E t) E;E;qi c.=- 6 cL(s o- sEE(,)- o.E€: EE:EE Eo (5= ESE U+,c(r' 0'- F-E E't €gE: 9 6a .x6= 6R 6i6e0E o e5g -o6 oo @ Olo<f osf,(\t Oeo Or oo oOt-l o oo 1r) oq Ol-.$Jr-{ o t\ <\JLf)(t F =Et! z I ao :< uJ z J ) E () uJ tr z ) Iz o UJ = UJ uJu-z tr uJE uJE oE o 3g UJ zI uto F6 IllJo z gJ J x F UJof U' LUut lJ- E = uJo J Fo t-- z @ 9tFo uJ ul z =JL J C)z qJ = o c.)(tcz NO|lVn]VA JE_Qo5E = =x9; ^ d>6q 5 : 9LF9oEr66 Eo2s()'Foo9,,ozXo l!<o g ixHT S-i5 fr<NC, >t 2 tr tl cc r.i UJ ;- lr(\ x UJ -z E zo E IJJFJ =UJz aFz:z3n<oo< >E>t! RtL6o<z trz, 2= doBtrOI f ta .. >l UJ uJ UJz <t) = uJ z Eoo ul o(t) u,/zY r z tr Jfoz co cf) oc) @ (\J N (o uJ tr @ooazo Fc uJY r.lJo oF E =G IJJ o- 1!o coo I uJFoz rJ..i5\J !,' =zd.2 Q|-.- - -: LtJ66= E ulcl!o+, ut595.So926E9rra'Er f>E dts: h=o J i'i:E =FE F6E iHE ;TEq €= u,l E =E,trl o-zoF(J -tE 6zo() ltF o z.i OJ('= o =3 g ==E-= d aL lJ- - EEE ll td(")l '-l J:IJ orl@!l l;l lo l5col lotz e# (U o!o .Px Ld +, an (U = (c =v.(oo! ti,i =z coo-) - .tJ vlo = .d =.!IZ(! '. =z sfN Fl x cct ana H = = (o Olr{ <\ll+lc'i1\-<f oC) .d ts J (UoL(-) +) =o!F tr !o =oF _!loo O uJcoo J = (or\ l+(oiN-sl o(J G' =C) 6 ana .t-, ah o) = =(o -v, r|J o)I tr J Ol .i z lll = oz3 F \o Ct) !-{(\l I(o l\sr I i I "l.tol z' t! J a ltoz 3 (J !+Jo(u i4o(lJ = & tr ro !-l<f I Ol<t O! lll EF .Jl -v,Lo =!o+,(5 = Etr ,-lrl Fllorl_J ci =. ut J tl- z3 F @(Y) =fI srOr IJ F (t1 t\(\l(\I (Jo an at v, =o.8,P +.,fo = tr (n N$l(\l z olU J TLoz3oF t\Nort) I Or<fOl 'c,oo =I ct tt) G _lo'rl(ol F-{ j I i .i z tr,q <1 tt ztF (?)sfrJ<f I Or<fo'l ui lltF (d UJz3o F UJtI E E <F(rO r.! <ZE,UJF o JE<o()F =(JFS \2EolL Eqtoz.t =#=FJZrr- o *5 $=F EEE l-E ir UJ *E FOzo J<c)a9.!E c EEN 7 0 0 sl Dq Dq $ a bl'r.l I s $l 0 t\ !l i ol $l il an uJ uJtL E =E r.lJo tl J |rJo = Eo u,z; lro IJ .EDF gIEft :gEEE :F€i€ Pee*e :-€ 8 Fr 3'e s€ 5 flEtif f iSes : E;gg *EE HBl--Fq.S-E; E =E:3€ gd (o 0.-: -€;og,tr egg:= E !a;e gFiEg t:ltli l, 1) ! I { J g 't- ,4rx\ ,l t( ts tq d.' (\$ a\- e,{ \$. t $ It oo\, ou. o(\ s( o N $^f \] F =tu az(f = Y C) UJI C)z o. 9 o UJ UJ 0z = (, z () uJ = |lJqJ z tr ul () LrlE o o =!ut uJ zo an uJ F oo- uJoc z UJJ x F UJ an U' IJJ lrJIL = =,G\t!.L J FoF z (t F C)ll,J uJ z .o E .il$ NOllvn]v^ ll I I uJF I ::,1 3 ur .$ l. I-=::l\-. tE\- a Ei E e = e\2crc\ g : E'\l IF Ed z9F f l! o UJI F I\ rF v)x\ il^il;[< lt$l- t^ti tx l=lol' t:tzlol FI<l EI ?l :l =luJlzu z ,rPz& dro =zd8 DIE E ulo.ttozu,E() =zc.cf€aleYC(b9.EF =>F dtsE h= \ \ lit<t\F4{ Y' tlr'$l l$li.t zoJ $ 6l $$s $dl.)l $gNEJ>Ifl351 t\ {c. -.1sd F .i \lN (il ..,t a iJ9 I .l g >l r!I 3 l" \n \ I $if B\ ul luF JI ili t-a $dEBI5Pl fihdt o b u u 0,\Nt$ d$c N $r rll qJl FI $?; i { ! J<Q(t.3H uJz =oI For! ts?() JO<F tJ,J <zEUJF(rzoo JE<oc)F .*< iii F-zulOI eF 3Ed6o {fiE o gE 6i o C) \\\+i-:f,r I \ \3h $q J.-i5 =E=;HE b9.EE E i*5 fr=(, :J li:r :FE 66t hu.rE i"! ilF ilt -!i Ho Elti-E L 'o,)a,_co v o3 !Dt+ June 22, 1984 Town of Va 11 DepartmenC of Conmunity Developmgnt Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: Breakaway lilest will erect a snow fence along the between Sandstone Creek Club and Breakaway West any landscaping work along the property line. property line before starting cc: Fi Le j BREAKAWAY WEST ASSOCIATTON P. 0. BOX 1743 vArL, coLoRADo 8L657 June 5, 1984 Torn of Vall Building Dc?artment Vall , Go Dear S irs Ihe homeowners of Breakaway West have approved che reconstruction project for Ereakaway Itest, as per thelplans submicted with this applicatlon; This approval was granted at a speclal meeting held June 2, 1984. The pilans have been previously approved by the town.. Please issue a building perrnit as soon as possible. Yours truly .., &2.275.ao': Celeste Bradway Secretery oo 113 6 INSPECTION TOWN OF , t' -l' (2 REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 2 INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION:./' ,-,, " /( -( "- D o ,., "r"t|.) FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB\ NAIL tr k( prruar tr Fl trINAI ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH'tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL f o0 ?n/P tr DISAPPROVED X-RErNSPEcrroN REeuTREDAPPROVED ConRecttolrs: -1- . ,l L4'zi/ (' INSPECTOR i13(,' Q PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: T .; l/ > ,toe . { , rowNlpFVAlL' ),( ,a- { it- l, r. r (. ;.- r_ ,, ,,, ., ,,NAME INSPECTION REOUEST AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR -,EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI AMFEADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr FRAMING T] ROUGH / WATER tr tr B ROOF & SHEER T] GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL q tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT CI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EI FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,-.:-,:EIDISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED '",' , '' ''' DATE INSPECTOR rffit DATE \ ,*il["roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEERtr ijiv-virob6'rrr-iir_rrrrc tr cAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr D tr FINAL ETECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT IIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,*Iit"toN REeuEsr OF VAIL ,, DATE INSPECTION: ' 'it JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI PMAM TOWN BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR I ,*$|E"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMTNG n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH C] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '| rN#ctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME .MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr *8. n tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tl ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FIMAL tr FINAL ' :ET APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ool-tz/tt)bI(- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON f,f*, *o* CALLER TUES oo INSPECTION REQUEST WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL -..(. S, - /h L U ( h tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROV CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR trt-1 ?(I /-" PERMIT'NUMBER OF PROJECT -y I i,-,lf'Sio, *o* lo TOI/VN OF VAIL L )-? DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AM INSPECTION REQUE$T BUILDING; tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr D tr n UMBING: N FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL ..1) ri Li /'tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVd4 D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: (, DATE INSPECTOR . t-'l-.:,j A G. ,/-- oo CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI OO INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA PMAM 11 s6 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT,*, 1f t e/rs'-B NAME E ,.-/ a--u ^ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r- ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL rrl.et A J, l^ r) 6,u t tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -Jt- | /4 b<- < Qv--a,-- INSPECTOR lr 11 s6 INSPECTION REQUEST.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI B ". ^ f ,.,-, ,, PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,rro, --,4.5. l-,.i) (t tu, trF;NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..4,'.--t^ a.4.-,- 4Ar--7a-_- .- ,-)L- INSPECTOR +,, v^t { h"'0.Jxt. 3s- {tt T,3 ,+,-- " 4*tY-\ n'* ,/ " 2-l 3 r/*+-yo ^/7/ts- /'P 4 '// J //A J 5-'L- I J'HNS'N - votLnD - AR.HULETA, lNc. Consu I t ins S t ruc tural E ngin eers August 2, L984 }ft. willian D. Kleinnarur Architects Grotp Ltd. P.C. lfe Clock Tcr$er Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Breaka!,ray West Dear lilr. Kleirmarun: As requested in your nenp of Ju.Ly 27, 1984, enclosed find a cq)y of lE. Houdeshell's letter to l,lr. Don Hentschel datFd July 18, 1984. I harre afso fonarded a oogf to l,tr. Hentschel. If you shculd need any fi:rther infornation' please ca1l. Very tnrly ],ours, ,]OHNSCN-\D:TLANTARCHULEIA, ITC. Hrclosure (1) @: !lr. Don Hentscfrel / Breakavny l,tiesL 1023 Lions nidqe IocP vail, @lorado 81657 Rob€.i H. Voilrnd Robart B. Hunnsl David M. Houderhell H. Glty How.ll R.A. Hgrton Ger.ldino M. Boono Thomas S. so€ll 2305 CANYON AOULEVASO 6385 WEST 52ND AVE NUE sou LoER, coLoaaDo ao302 444-1951 aFvaDA, coLoaADo 80002 420-2055 ME MBE R rr-rlllrlSON - VOIL . ARCHULETA, INC. o AND v (.,, t t s I i t ing St ructural Engineers Bob€rt H. Volltnd Fobrrt B. Hunnct O.vld M. Houdo.holl H. G.ry Howall Fl.A. Horton Gersldin. M. Eoono Th omar S. Soell JuIy 18, 1984 I{r. Don Hentschel Resident l,lanager Breakaway l{est 1023 Lions Rldge Iacp Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Breakaway t{est },hster Plan Dear Don: At your request, I have revisved tlre original design criteria for the post tensioned concrete deck orrer the parking garage and the changes in applied loading t},at r,vould result fisn "Master Plan" constnrction. Oe July 12, I rnade a trip to Vail where will T::out and Bill Kleinman of Tfout Creel< @llaboratirie and yrr:rseIf descri-bed ttre prcposed constnrction, wtt-ictr was already weII urderway. I also rneceiried copies of "l4aster PIan" draw'ings and original constnrction drawJngs at that tiIIE. Ttre slab was origirally designed for iotal sr-perinposed loads of 165 psf in the landscaped porEion east of ttre pool, 250 psf irr the area of the poo1, and 110 spf r-rrder ttre origrinal deck around tlre pol. A seParate analysis of tfie r.est end of the slab nade after my wisit confinns thcse design capacities. Ttre elcistilg pool is approxirmtely tlre sane size and depth ." t+rlt used irr the original design, and npst of ttre earth fill east of the pool is close to tlrc eight inches to one foot assured. &<tensive areas of earfh fill deeper tlnn 1r-0 should be cut dcrvn. llte pro- posed 600 gaIlon hot tulc w"ill rpt inpose orzerload on tte deck. Ttre proposed parking qr 2.5 feet of fiu exEending l0 feet onto ttle slab at the west end qpuld, ttovrrever, inpose substantial ovrerload on the west enl span of ttre slab. Ttre applied ultilnate Uenaing nrrrent dr.le to dead loads and . ttre current required 80 psf sncr,r load woutd be 1.23 tines the uLtimte €Par ity at rnidqgan. This nagrnitude of overload is not acceptable. An additirytal related problam is tlat ro provision has been nade for sr.pporting a retainilg wa1l on the slab over the nor rcofing at the east edge of tne fill. A curprcnrise solution tiat rrould not sr:lcstantially orrerload the slab nould be toeLiminate parkiag over tle slab and limit the extent of fill orer the slab to six feeLeast of the fourdation wall. Itre fill sfiould be about eight 2305 CANYON AOU LEVARO 63A5 WEST 52ND AVENUE BOULOE R. COLOBAOO ao.l02 4/r4-r951 ARVAOA. COLOFADO 80002 420.2055 ffi ME MBE R \./ Ifr. bn Hentschel July 18j 1984 Page Euc inches of soil over light-rrcight sooria fil1. Ttre retaining r.vall at the east edge of ttte fill crculd tlren be treated wood braced baclc to tle pool curb under tlre pool deck. Design and detailing of ttris deck and restraint systecn should be hand.led by you design team to assure stability and proper drairnge. You nentiqed durilg my visit ttnt ttre parking garage r^las not heated during tlr-is last winter. As I poiated out, the cqstruction drarings call for a trcated garage. Iack of heat could result jl frost heave of ttre shallcxr fot- Sngs or freezing of srrbsr:rface drainage water against ttre for:rxtatisr rlralls. I also notic€d that tlE post tensioning anchorages over ttre south entqy fur are erposed. ltrey should be thoroughly cleaned to re!fl3ve loose oncosion, painted with a bonding agrent ard d4pacl€d full with porLland cenent IIDrtar. I ttdnk all of the issrres re discussed harie been addressed; please let nE kncnt if npre questions arise. Very tmly yours, JOTIT'ISOI.T.\DITAND.ARCTITJLETA, I\8. "r, Dr--Jur+L'et W( David M. HoLdeshell, P. E. E!fiIA o boyle engineering, inc 143 e. me.odo,v dr suite rr-'10 crossroocis shopping cenl er voil, colorodo 81657 303/476-2170 January 77,1984 Itlr. Don Hentschel Breakaway West . 102J Lionsridge LoopVai1, CoLorado 8t657 Subject: Parking Structure Roof Breakaway West CondominiumsVail, Colorado Dear Donr As per your request I have made an inspection of the roofsl-ab for your garage. Furthermore, we have run cafculationson the capacity of the slab based upon the plans by AmericanStress 'dire Corporation dated l4ay 31 ,I973 which you provided Basically this roof system is an eight inch poured-in-place post-tensioned concrete sl-ab. The slab is supported bythe garage wafls at the east and west sides of the garage andby two intermediate column lines in between. Ihe columns arespaced at a maximum of twenty-six feet on center. The slabhas not been turned down to create a deep beam over the co]umn.l-ines, nor have capitol-s been incorporatea into the tops ofthe COIumnS. EXtra reinfnrninc' -fgpdgps have been prOvided, however, over the ;"i;il-ii""l-i" order to Eenerate a beampffentor'rsu l,. r : ,j At the time of my inspection this roof was supportingtwo to three feet of snow as well as piles at the perineter areas that were approximately four teet irigfr. you al_so in-forrned ae that thc slab hol_ds a certain amount of ear.th 1oad,I observed a deflection crack in the underside of this slabwhich_approximately follows the centerline of the middle span.The slab spans twenty-six feet in this middle bay. Due to thenature of this crack it was obvious to me that it is relatedto excessive deflection. Therefore, we chose to evaluate the capacity of thesystem to find the cause of this deflection-. -We have ana-lyzed this system based both upon the guidelines of theAmerican Concrete fnstitute and the prestressed Concretefnstitute. We have found that the total capacity of thissystem is 212 pounds per square foot. We must deduct thedead load of the slab itself rnultiplied by the appropriate.load factor to find the live load capacity. Thii'ij 1.4 x'100 pounds per square foot or f4o psi. tiis leaves us anultimate live load capacity of ?2 psf. This rnust also be Page 2llr. Don Hentschel divided by a load factor of 1.? to determine the actual live J-oad capacity. This l-eaves us a capacity of 42.1J pounds per square foot. This is just over one-half of present snow load rgquirements of the Town of Vail. It roughly corresponds to2i fget of snow. 0n the other hand, it roughly correspondsto 4* inches of soil-. Based upon this anlysis it becomes obvious why the system has deflected excessively under the combined l-oading of the snow and the soil. In order to support the present snow load and eight inches of soil- the sfab shoufd have an actual liveload capacity of 1J4 pounds per square foot. Therefore, I have reconmended removj-ng the snow from this area and keepingit free from snow in the future in order to ninimize this jef1onfi nn nr-nlr-l om rnrl lroon 1-ho eil-rrn{i an fnam na+f incr r^r/-\rqaur urr P! E.y r.rrs !f-L !uo. ui-\r-l rr lJlll Ers L UI-II€; YvL'! oc r Otrwi nrrslrr fhic is onlv e tt:nd-:id annroenh tn the nrnhlem: remedial- work would have to be done to the systen in order tobring it's capacity up to present code standards. Please feel free to call me. if you comments regarding this situation or iffor our services. Si nnaro l rr rrr'rrrr.c".J J BOYLE ENGINEERING INC. cc: Trout Creek Col-l-aborative L;,,^ ^.^,, ^,,^^+; ^*nave any ques Llons or 'rrorr hrrro frr rthor nggfl President f,il:':Pr'r' '%.'.(j : 14965 : fu,$ I A'._tu- . .., ircrnesntnc cHrlr rrst /r)Subdivision{iog--'u(A,/e-sJ- LotBlock - Fil in9 (Acceptrblct t,,ot' Acceptable)l. Submittal ltcms (A) iopo Hap(g) sitc plan (c) utility Plan(0) Title Report(t) Subdivision. Agreenent 2. Enqinecrinq Require;rents (if applicable) (A) Culvert Slze ' .' ' ( 0 ) ori ver.ray GrrdF{EffiEiffnclTU;Il _ 3.Source of Utilitles AI c D E Electric Gas Sei.rer Hater Tc'lephone T.V.F 4. Cofir,ent:; t --- 6 /L"?.?e Dtntu'tui t^/t/&.F ttlo,.*, A C-tttct ?era kr*re l6.r>t '*, A€ /1.H)veH 2-33azqc &,,r( /,r/e*gtI&tt c#t'^,c<lApproved: Di sapproved: EitI Aldrcus t! TOT'N OF VAIL DEPARTT.{ENT OF COIMI,NITY DEVELOPMENT VAIL, COLORADO Dear S irs The Breakaway tJest Association, BLOCK B LOT 3 LIONSRIDGE FILING 1' lntends to build a timber planter on the utility easment. Located on rhe Sourh boundry line S 88o17'49W. We acknowledge and approve this structure. llpper Eagle Valley llater and Sanitatlon Dlstrict Mountaln Bell Publtc Service Co. Holy Cross Eleccrlc As soc. Herltage Cablevlsion ?OT{N OF VAIL DEPARTUENT OF COMMI'NI?Y DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CoLoRADO Dear Sirs Ttre Breakaway Test Associatlon, ELOCK B LOt 3 LIONSRIDGE FILING 1, intends to build a tlmber plancer on the utillty easmenc. Located on the South boundry line S 88o17'49w. Ife acknovledge and approve this struccur€. tlpper Eagle Valley tlater and Sanltatlon DlEtrict Mountaln Bel1 Publlc Service Co. Holy Cross Electric Assoc. ll,eritage Cablevielon .1+!) TOI{N OF VAIL DEPARTT'ENI OF CO}IUI'NITY DEVELOPMENT VAIL, coLoRADo Dear Sirs Tlre Breakaway lfest Associacion, BLOCK B LoT 3 LIONSRIDGE FILING 1' lntends td bulld a timber planter on the utility easment. Located' on rhe South boundry line S 88017'49I,, lle acknowledge and approve this structure. Breakaway ltesc wll1 repair or replace any pernan€nt seructure placed on the uEiltty easement. tbper Eag1e Valley lfater and Sanltatlon Dtstrlct ltountaln Be 1l Public Servlce Co. Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Heritage Cablevielorr C luwn 75 roulh front ge rold Yrll, colorudo 8165? (3031 47e700o olflce of communftl drnlopmanl November 2, 1983 Breakaway lllest Condominium Association Don Hentschel P. 0. Box 1743Vail, Co. 81658 Breakaway t'lest Landscaping Car Park Revisions Dear Mr. Hentsche'|, 0n November 2, l983,.the Design Review Board approved the Breakawayl{est Landscaping revisions as-submittea- Sincerely, Jlm Sayre Design Review Board Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co. 81557 ,lS/rme andRE: ( t C luttn 75 louth trontagc ?oad vall, colo.ado 01657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty devolopment October 26, .|983 ( Don Hentschel P. 0. Box 1743Vail, Co. 81658 Dear Mr. Hentschel , 0n October 19,. 1983, the Design Review Board approved the Breakaway westrevisions to their parking, lindscaping and.silns. public-works approvalshall be required before i bujtains'peimit ii iisrea.--ioirirr.t .temporary.fence-along the northern'oi-operty line so that no work willoccur on the adjacent property, ttre-triansurar piei.-oi-prip."tv from thehighway department, beforb a 6uttatng plrfrit ts'tiiuej. "'--' t Sincerely, ,,fu4?J'iti Sayre Design Review Board Town of Vail, 75 South Frontase RoadVail, Coloraao 6tosz JS/rme - li I lt Fl,l cv,q^t^e{ }\fo31sff tre bout A.k cokboratire \rl}l -u,}r []*tr,l.,€ |detanIs 'a -^ s s*-<,: \l _lq, WFPs1& rtr a-J5uA-r7€',1 o? "l,,asffi-Ytl t^^4 v>TER- AnolzlJeE'ffi*so *-d uqJseAdvd' fl-6t*-rta-t * e*r-t818- A'JtxP"-xZ *- fl)nrTe< #oM ,\..0$6 R.(VEU''4-Y =-&s_e tt *+t -o" to kf/ ge4 o. *Q,: the trout creet< arctrltecrs irr.'tfie clock tcuer" yail colorado 81657 476-1176 the trorlreek collaborative ,? i I;lIIirliI:trlft!r". -J 'a' the trouleek coihbOrative o lwr]€ -fTt]E {wRD M€Itffi dzrevJAv tB+ ff REUIEA)d2 G,\B-Y Mue-'RA.t^) L.I :4 ,5TK'6 MU{T B,E. F ffi)U^T- Rl€'E FA<weD reE_ Run_s ffit gr-ftvK;(4 utN. To 7/=' r,44x) 77t€ dlO<n st'-t nb^A Tt+€, +fc'T vugffi-AN b6_ No7 NWD A 'TtcKl2 lF tT ls -TA:re\J EY A D<+ LlP€/ A R-ffiVc LtNe /3 o /<\ -7-o AUaET/N6 D/e447^J LvtTf+ A -ne.N". lT, _ryrL*)T Q-a_ €KLA) 1a-To EXE-r D,ffi'qN(oP€t-) nTTeD , o I arehitepts group ltd p.c. 6. Tl+Z OU4.-?I,ey1"J n2s^4ffie ]bT 7.8IS -G ao -b 1+te glNrrtu? S,€l.^JgR-., 1. lTtw-e tr?E lb trttctat€W fugy'ttW-+e, ffiUCA?3,L€ . AY C2D€ -N A"H2W*-78'rfrr(u-(Y - ^ND.77.€ -ro u wF ^ #FJlo ^ sry *,gr€ w . fu :,w Frn '-j.: | -r rz t \tt)Le, . E-;trfrr(u-(Y - ^ND.77.€ Toftaurcte ^T'tB@AKt# lfrau-rY - ^ND. Tti€ -ro u -ffi,,tLlTl6 57't8,@-i\Kfit/JA^f bU6T' Ag'retuFte" No-T " R)Buc: '.' q N%., +trc rrL*,_ *? wav77 "Nl. o.egyqn*:r Lld€r\re. -fo 'fuT JC C,a\TTP.,/\<;HR- rcK- nfl=n€njseu theclock tower vailcolorado 81657 , (3o3).176-tf76 l d,tl Mfktf F aR- eLt€{-f I wrstt To z/.!KNK, afrtLl xt':p -tke -T:o.u gatLDil\E tr€pT.rcR- t Wb#"tsr4ycE ]b u= v ea)tatJt^E itTs ' ' t' '11 l t.urE:fr-: n uu,orr:f/'i z *rt 7"n"( , bc nain trunk thc folloring lincs -oi ProPosed . utilities for-the Date -v a t_e:Jg3 &=--s+- /473- €-/*/33 tr-j-93 Lr:-tf l : '1 NOTE: these verifications do not.16liive the contractor of his ' 'r: ' *^--i + Grnnresponsibility to obtain a tstr"et cut perrnit frorn the . Toun of Vail' Departnent of'Public h'orks and to obtain utitity locations before digging in anl' public right- of-na;' or easement in the Tor.n of Vail'. i building perrnit \ is not a street cut pernit- A street cut.Permit nrust be obtained separatelY. This fonn is to verifl' sen'ice avail abl itl' and location' This should be used in conjunction wjth preparing 1'our uti 1 i t;' pl an and scheduling installetions- aI a il , L'i:. i;, r :T i 0lr : i DE S C,R I Pf, I'ON AF * ^ ;la !l i.. 1.,.r 'r' , 'i : -_LUr: D-) ou0CK: FILING: PRoJt C'r i\: '-. ut l A_l I Lrlr I 'Irc fr' l l r,r; i n1i Io:r rd br.Jrrrt: i. lll, I l,l, I ii( ; lloof Sid ing itrforrr,:.r i iort i:; :r l'i r:a I ;rpprova I l.l.\'l'l!ll J At,S rt-.rlrt i ,'')rl for sulrtai! 1,;r I lr) c:rrr bc llivcn i lYne of iht :J'i r[(b I ttr Othcr l,'all t',latcrial{ccnr.BtorS)E*,=-,U- ,o BF s-r*rv4 ,t-sfG.ED, EXtsrtpe oLrMnL =wu- 7o+ EXISTINC-' RLIM. ltz *.c s7?(tlJ -'70 Fascia Soffits lVindovs Itlindor.r Trin Doors roor'l'rirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinlreys Trash Dncl osures Grecnhor.rs es Other 8. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT I'IATERIALS F*#Y! JYfr@E 4 -ts...: r ; ---" TREES >t ze 5;Ar L'C.2". 7-rz- e.-fiY4t., 'z_ c, c -t;re tEs *r- *-- 0uanti ty?5&-n C 7 'z-4 _13_L ?b __9_tq--Ll.-'-q---L-- Botani ca] Name rP;csaW Rcea:rah{lffi-n/!- ^ dlts-rWr- lr.qj*e rffit-- J EXt"'.>T7N-i A-rMne 37'?k?il - 7o+ *t<TItt5 7i'o/JAi- Conrnon Name :i'it3s r. r':', , LU\. r-L, SEED - TYPE OF IRRIGATION SatrI,P i,")-,t.'/,i, SQUARE FOOTAGE ffi TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0ther Landscape Features (retain'ing wa] 'l.s , fences,swimming pools,etc,) Please sPecifY. nI ',O, t1l:\tl.t,.r | (. IIU.\lil) (.ill.r.i. CONDOH I N IUMN,\t'1i:'Ci: l'!0.t1:CT AKAWAY WEST LLGAL DESCIIIPTION Lo'L_A:_lJLocli. ASSOCIATION F IL ING Prelim. Final Approval APProval ilornncnts Bldg location on sit.e Bldg Configuration Appropriat eness 'with Neighborhood Height I'ta ss Roof Forns Use of Materials Choice of Color Enexgy EfficiencY Site Consideration Disturban'ce of Natural Features Snow Removal Access onto Site Vehicular and Pedes- trian circulation Landscaping Plan Grading 6 DrainaS,e Erosion Gontrol Irrigation SYsten Exterior Lighting Retaining Walls AccessorY Structures c.Miscel laneous Considerations D.Other Cornments -FJNAL APPROVAL gnature o Project Appllcation J Cctohcr 1983 BREAf,.AtrrAY '"JE ST i0ll)ir'1 | l' | "r' qSS0C | 4T i ON Upg,rade of carpark, lanCscape, cor.'!)n Fac;l ities. and r, Don ltentschel 476-21q6 Oate Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Don Hentrchel. rePresentative 476-2196 P.0 - Rox I7&3 vr r I , r.' Rl CSR Architect, Address and Phone: The Trortt f raek inl 't ar'ortt i.,- 476-l176 Archltects Group Ltd pc Legal Description: Lot F-1 , Block R , Filing Iinn< i]la FlIinl fl , Zone -!cd--^Dens. Comments: lO23 l;on<riflac loc|i\ Hu Y isee proposed naster sl:e Flan for cl lent'q f'rotu'am- . Design Review Board Date Motion by: 7n f oV A Seconded by: ffi;iofiD : DISAPPROVAL 3 /.:1, NJ Summary: _ "" EP-ECT Tf-l1qr^,4,2-4 (,-r^J \"t2e<--T:lq,i.t Fcqct't-- E statt Approval I ffi ; * Ure l}ut cred( cotaborative o @\ aE ffts @1JL@ * httet'-t sFN*wnd Af futPaU-.N*A €€clsru, frt< Ne-f frraoty 'C^lau D j{XWil,g= ( P,eutstszrx Wuf) Ey c. ,\ :reK',NgT -ft.1#t/5*V ([o,r z)nre. 3tBtvUStnt,t CK^J E (lutt-ttDpqv:6s a architects group ltd p.c. the clock tourer vail colorado 8165/ (303)<176-tlm iAl t.t :;.* i i:, the Out creek cdaborati$e I 1 MnE BRE\<KAI^-W( u'E=r cta.a,4 eTtA3 dcbess rrorecr Mk'-T€,t< ?$N 'fi EZg D. 51.'4. 6'gPor1ftL. I d 'eLrqeK Ftso x.( BpkgNRl BegRfr<^M ru€f-ffup.J/AJiM JOffAJ ?L4ff''NliZ, DgTaP-W,_,W,:@ athvF lt.J,3. TkKf TIWY cro NoT=*ffi^W(M'#w 6) architects goup ttd p.c. the clock to,ver vail colorado 8165/ {303}47Btfl6 T:O.v'apanT fie bet creek olaboratiue dd3ss P-o. F,roiscr - EP*Krryu V WsT> MAs?eRfr-,.N tobglso nxrrdfirg eP$oeEsS F,EWT z a e qt€€ eqrca Ua,4,Ba'as f a,L.elJ,"€r.yre WJ< v€pY #fg.t77u6&Nst^w-keLe AA/Fsr'p.- fL(fu' A'\D AUaJ{A€EDwcRApl'NG DlViS@ arcl*tects gor.p ltd pc, the clodt touer vail colorado 8165/ (303)47:F'tfrl6 tretctcred( addess P. o. EoX .o.lf. meeting . 1164 61ffieE kN(r. o v zKlc.NILE ta ) s I MsT wtTt+ llM sfr{rEwr) o I Q-wewa wtT4,.J.s tarR A4f-:3@(.frekND AuTTJtg@ T-C,4 ltlM ,fLL T*E IT€AA=INC&-frr@ N fr)R- PQneeqtu, tJ.g. tpDtclt@ -ruKf 'Tke TgT,YL l/t/^4BA<\oF t&s / ttsc.t*onta 'Tka.se. kLor,c, l-toxtg["J"ff'-€ +OoP) NdE- ,p4LuEF 6r ak€ Avrtrc&pftRk tN6 F,g&.u r F.aVB'rZS ftn- ZXX PP^)&T AND MUST @ pgkt^H A-r -rW\T NUMH<-=17,- tt- Wo@58 lLtAg-re- PL+{p'an<ffi&KJNe -b?.TliE Mgr p6vLT oF wt1€ Cxsalsaro^J ot fl€ d^<trt\xx,lr.E E TVXT EJ Mvsr rc.Q/utpE. Trte37TTe fiCfl)N A lf fou WEH -re 6rtE p ie mnt'tekwNe L-t4)s R't'w€ lpoP. J.€ tlso Nam@ TvFf TrE atcfolrcaapr lN@ TtE zc)t PPD|:&TT LtNe =TPrt''F_s€€^,(5 @)84LLY fo Bg ND t4eE TkA'') ^p6)wrft+ T++E T:o U A-r'TotZtl*( ( LARF-V Es,K-wtr{\lkilD rPVtE US lt ltvE Nffi) 76 frtrLY'WR:AvkerrNcE. r J.€i. tDoK- ,\ @Y o? -kE A4{S7B(" PLio.J +KLb A DeKW^E StJt'')rtN5 -711e; etvnrg(^1b)A fO P'EV tet+t N rtrll. , -it|s 'f-AruUlN6 Dfr, sT4+T' T-tt€, tt@. wY (oterc c/Up{tgo arcfftects group ltd pc. Up clod( torrer vail colorado 8165/ ROO47€/I176 F*cI, e.RgX4<*tpXf ttp=T. rmgev+*l. frgZS:o ' I Ute hltcred( ro.U. ddla8s T. D' U. (Alffi, UFSTgK fl*1J .Dgar< nil4. TAte frtla,rNg ls&$ OLITLIN€ f '6,1<- lN@r<Mffiszt: T) ^AZ.'. Yots +tAile Neu) @ttl€h.:& M '/14*36"-. ftS)tltT$ fu< PwvMlE WT skeF Ailq wl-se,eulet/\) l1-A-< AJO-r Rt?€e?2 ANf €@iFtf-.g8d jat'^rs To ffiK PBDfus€r.' M*@ Ql&!'.) o leu tlku7 {,.-so @ttflN& Tkl.s Dee,s4\6 t:r*-T-#e. frK-e D&T (OtcX DuP./t*)] rt?-lD lh< ffi ri*s l.ro Eeqtfle @d&T>vt*' o lov H'MIA NoT TD &rzE Pf^P kl\t'To Fzvteat -Tke PLKN NLrtl TbE- {Do.P-1qs CEYT, oL 6oq dTW- -W6. 6u blg*+@ kutew -t?f?s PB-a,B:f WtAk. \pD U*tE- tt>gl#.GO Zo tr-.te Ttlf\-f T-r+15FP.Agt Cr',r,t Le Soe\ttrc W.- DKBp€vlar,r ktv,o ft?PPdukl- 4Ne ws jolr knvp-e PLA^rN.N€ efiNMtSSasru BE)L'g?a-)oR-'kPPNnv*c- .2 mA-f Z-Hg fr?Ja'spG ATrolAxNS hrduLoBe /M?1os@ ulail Q R E, Arc&ukt-o T*E n:ne*- MUET ee. ApFpw YoVetEstTz /\ND ruo INDK-|'\ &pe- ep fhta, K*t toexr fr7-D W-{Y -a =retn qlJ-.Y "SkNpsT,eNe @- C^T) arctttects grorp M p.c. theclock to$er yail colorado 8165/ @O4?lFff16 tre hftt cred( colaborative o ', t1glrB JrM sK/pE &'21 *7'83.,. -;t f dd€cs T o. v u# tsBryfrlr( tNffi, A'1A51EP-- PLAN 'r,b B Zsao Iqaldiiry D. Q. B, A?PEINKL, , 2 d Z K/IJO{,2p-goltttt tz) 7[tE A qa srlq% gu\t@ 6NDls NoT ks ffi frc-&N[PSn BY gut<. eua'57. D.€,B. twf4ufrL OkN eqfiBTftr J& pp<zgR- To rvtls M6/v|at7uc-4)BUT Soc+t NPPfuJKl- WovLD Be ao$q-r? ftcq/rtttAbv) tr TeflS ,frNO'. , . t14*f W{ WtLt-WVIL€ ffi'Tke tEulsp ,+No frolurc€ o1r< ZrDNtA$ SZAa/'TS ,{NOPe--rea^5%; l'"9 - R.e'fuxtr *te @vL4e^sBY Tke rO-U. utuN ft@uts,naq\) ar TwsqtuP ftq"'tBY TKE T O. U. UTDNA oF =TFt6 LrrND. II.G ()'t t Akue P6vtal.s5p T-|tg l{eUE htru'8.s*A5?\E W\YU srR- e,u€NT ( Dail t'(gx:6C1+1gI.-:e1)'u51<S'pEfPE#^rTSawE w- vx4s Pe-od&-7 (?.,{) Bob ER*B'gc - BOAR.D ]p.5rpOofl . ffi f/kVgl{pursg2 M6 Tp tNwp-^4 YDU t'*e=7 ahlgMe g1n2g7o-G ffi -f?,l ls ilJtoe-/4{a'vdt r?.rc) futuot*ttottts /tNo Wtgbt T.o hrrTNUE 6PFnCm brxu -7: o.v , A-fPpaNes. t H@e ( ffaue Ppo@<LV WF-AguT@ -7715 Nk]irb{ rt?vo Out< g{sd,{JSaozus , I 'WILL Kffiyou l@utgw As UJq- ppelpB Tk6 rueffi-Dfr'6ttrt4 (up^tPrurt4t+-farJ 'trJ PEWr@. rct< b..' R'8. 8u9 MlSSaoa*-.r 1-l+ktrtr WJ VFF-V MVCet W- W< f€&t€ffi JtF. ,. rtrn {Vi,l.{o^., \=C-/F\ l\+tvt1' arctJtects goup ltd pc. thectock tonrrcr vailcolorado 865/ (30:l)47Btf76 Proiect Application Date 26 O.r6h.'r l9R3 Proiect Name:nRFAI(AUAV UFST rnNnnlr t N |lrM Aqqnf l i.T I oN Project Descripl;on' Ca rPark Contact Person and Phone Don Hentschel 476-2196 Owner, Address and phone: Don Hentschel. regresentatlve 475-2195 P.0. Box lTlt? Vail, Co- t'115q8 Archiiect, Address and Phone:Tha Trrrrrt freel, f,rl trharnf I vc 1476-1176 ,^ rch l tects Group Ltd pc The Clack Tor,rcr \l:il, fn 11657 Legal Descripiion: Lot F-3 , Block B , Filing rla''< Pirl$' l'iling fl , lens Marl , renc. Hulti-rari ly Comments: lO?3 Ll,"ncr i.tgo t nnp (See pronosed ca rpa r k, ) Design Review Board A S i tfi.t''t1a'F./^',/ | .l \t lr^t . ,' :r, I Sum mary: Morion by: 14tJY,+ Seconded by A)JA)h)/..-...-\.\ /APPROVAL ) { -./ \_*-.--' ft-.:-- Date DISAPPROVAL ,.|}fXY'JJ 4gsr+'t> E;r i .p"f ^ E statt Approval r 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 November 18, 1983 oftlce of communlty develoPmenl John Rai'lton The Trout Creek Collaborative The Clock TowerVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Breakaway l^Jest Landscaping Dear John, 0n November 2, 1983 the Town Council approved of the encroachmentof the Breakaway l,lestlandscaping onto the public right-of-way. Bill Andrer.chas asked for a "two foot shoulder" of compacted road base and an "adequate" ditch along the road. Letters need to be submitted from utility companies for any permanent improvements--walls--in util ity easements. Si ncerely, /* /L?*^ JIM SAYRE Town P] anner JS: br o cor'lM ISSIONPLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL 0ctober ll, .|982 1:00 Pm Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Jim Morgan Duane Pipert.|ill Trout Jim Viele PRESENT FOR SITE INSPECTION PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Jenny BelI COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Ron Todd Ddn Corcoran Diana Donovan Duane Piper ABSENT Scott Edwards lhn Corcoran, chairman, ca'l'l ed the meeting to order at 1:15 pm. l. Approva'l'of minutes of meeting of September 27, '1982. One correction rade was the reference Peterson had made to the staff regarding the Iruin request. l.lith that correction, Trout moved and Donovan seconded to approve the minutes. Th: vote was 5-0 (Morgan had not yet arrived. ) 2. Reggelt {or a front setback varjance in order to construct a garage on lot 2l iEomas LeRoy ,.a. d that the staff recommended approval of the variance because of the physical hardship. Piper was concerned about soil tests. the garage is in the moderate avalanche zone. Donovan felt that four garage doors might be imposing. More discussion fol'l owed concerning whether or not the garage could be placed further back from the road. Trout moved and Morgan seconded to approve the front setback variance with a zero setback variance. The vote was 6-0, unanimous approval . 3. Variance st to move rkin ces al ons ri eL ia'l'l onto Peter Patten reviewed the memo and added that the Council in a work session explainedthat it was not a town policy to lease parking spaces. He stated that the staff was in favor of the request in order to alleviatb traffic congestion. Morgan ques- tioned exc'l usive use of the parking spaces. Patten answered lhat Breakaway wedt could not have exclusive use. pipir felt that there was no real benefit tb the townto grant a variance which would lessen the landscaped area John Perkins' representing Breakaway West, stated that an additiona'l five feetfor traffic would be an improvement to a dangerous situation. Trout moved and Morgan seconded to approve the relocation of the parking spaces 5 feet onto Breakaway West's property. The vote was 5-'l in favor. Patten stated I shrub and a tree shou1d be replanted. PEc t)t rcz -2- 4. Egquest for varjances to construct a single family dwelling on lot 12, 9lgck 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. The first variancejg_to encroach approx g]X e tion. Peter Jamar presented the staff memo and explained that there were two variances requested, and that they ought to be treated as separate jtems. The first variance requested by the applicant was a five foot variance into the required 50 foot setback from Gore Creek. Jamar explained that the "building envelope" upon the Iot was quite restrictive due to the configuation and the setback requirements. He explainedthat varjances for simi'l ar situations had been granted to adjacent properties in the past, and that the encroachment would not be creating any impact upon the creek which the ordinance was designed to protect. Piper moved and Donovan seconded to approve the setback variance. The vote was .) The second variance request was a height variance to allow the structure to be built 8.5 feet above the a'l'lowab'le height limitation of 33 feet. Jamar reviewed the staff memo and exp'lained that the staff was recommending denial because there was no fgr{shjp experienced nor any positive result from grant'ing the variance. He saidthat the staff did believe the applicant's desire lo have-a 12/12 roof pitch was not sufficjent reason to grant the variance. Much discussion followed concerningthe height of the structure in relationship to the adjoining structures. John Perkins, representing the applicant, stated that the'lof was a "hole" due to the fil'l which was placed under the structures adjacent to the site. Ron Todd, who was the council representative, stated that he felt that possibly the varjance was warranted because of the small portion of the site which could be built upon, andthat possib'ly going higher with the structure to gain more GRFA was a good solution. Jamar stated that there was no useab'le GRFA in the area of the house which violated the height requirement. After more discussion regarding the intent of the height requirements, the method of calcu'lation, and the relationship of the structure tothe-neighboring houses, Piper moved and Donovan seconded to i'l low a height varianceof 4 feet rather than th Perkins questioned why the commission would only grant a 4 foot variance and requested that the item be tabled until the next meeting so that he and the staff could have measurements taken to determine the re1ationihip between the proposed house.and adj.acent structures. Viele moved and Pioer seconded to table uirtii tOlZhouse.and adj.acent structures. Viele moved and piper seconded to table uirtii t0/25/82.!!e vote was 5-0 in favor with 5. App'lication for a conditional use permit for Vail Guides to operate a service Peter Jamar'expla'ined the memo and stated that the staff reconmended approva'l of the conditional use permit. He went through the proposal and explainei'that a'l'l vehicles would be parked along side and behind the building on the lower'level, basical'ly out of sight. He said that because of the natur6 of the scheduling of the vehic'les coming and going from the site, the staff did not feel that any traffic o a PEc Jim Rm representinS Vail been a probiem, and ihat he problems would be created.at the Texaco site had notat the old Tom Shop site. rao ro an 10/11/82 -3- Guides said that the same usedid not forsee any problems Donovan moved and Viele .s.econded. to gpprove the conditonal use permit. The votewas 5-0 to approve with Morgan abstaiiring. - - --"- Patten explained that the only substantive change is to add studios and to ctarifyhorizonta'|. zoning.. Morgan as-kea why l[""e was i proposed amendment if the circula-Elon plan had not vet been approved for the ABC. .Patten explained the difficultyin coming up with 6n access bian ino tire tact or iniJielt-oi ir,i-part-oi'ine-iir,"rproperty owners. lipqt ryyga and Oonovan seconded to amend the zoning code as per the staff memo 6.uest to amend the rmitted use section of the {rterial Business District ev] s 10n roaocas tl n os and o n rteria s lness strrct. Appl icant: Town r.-q.itl|FF._-. -: o Planning and Environmental Commjssion September 27, 1982 'l :15 pm Site Inspections 3:00 pm Pub'lic Hearing Approval of minutes of meeting of Septenber '13' 1982. l. Request for a variance to the parking regulation to construct parking r for a duplex which would encroach into Town of Vail right-of-way located on lot 4, b'l ock 2, Intermounta'in subdivision. Applicants: Dave and Nancy McGoldrick 2. Two variance requests for Breakaway l.lest to move the existing parking spaces along Lionsridge Loop partially onto their own property. Appl icant: Breakway West Condominium 0wners' Association 3. Request for a setback varjance to extend a sing'le family dwelljng I feet 9 inches into the north (front) setback on lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David Lawrence Irwin 4. Request for amendments to the municipal code to revise submitta.l -regulat'ionsfor outdoor display and outdoor vending. App'licant: Town of Vai'l PLANNING AND ENVIRONI'IENTAL COMMISSION (.J Septenber 3:00 27, 1982 pm STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Dick Ryan Peter Jannr Jim. SaYre Larry Eskwith BetsY Rosolack COUNC IL REP Ron Todd PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Duane Piper l.lill Trout PRESENT FOR S]TE INSPECTIONS Corcoran Donovan Piper ABSENT l'lorgan Vie'l e : Edwards The meeting was called to order by Dan Corcoran, chairman. The minutes of the meeting of September 13, 1982 were discussed, and Diana coffected ihem to reaO: "because oi past documented action of Mr. Parks" to her discussion of Cyrano's on page 2 of the minutes. Donovan moved and Trout seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote 4-0. Patten stated that since the on Town of Vajl right-of-way, before discussing the items. first two items on the agenda dea'lt with parking he wished to have Larry Eskwith talk with the menbers Eskwith said that the general view is that abutting property owners cannot use the public right-of-way toi their exc'lusive park'ing, that the PEC did not have the [o""" to illo* any-one thjs right, and thit thj! rvas not a variance procedure. ile added that ttri-s right could only be given by the Town Council. Patten then stated that the PEC wou'ld need assurances by both Breakaway West and Nieoidrict<s that they woutU not iestrict their parking lpaces, but that they would atiow unyone to parfin the spaces that were on'or paitially on Town of Vail pr;F"it:-Witn mb"e quest'ionihg, Eskwjth said that iestricted parking was allowed 6n irrivlte property irovid'ing jt was posted to comp'ly with town statutes. After more discussion, it was decided Breakaway l'lest should go first.to..Council' t6.n to peC, but that the l4cGoldrick request could be cons'idered. The McGoldricks wiirii not iequeiiing itre exCiusive'uie of Fait<ing on the Town right-of-way, while Breakaway l^|est was. 0 1. PEO2- s/27/Bz Request_for a. variance toge_pq$jl9--!"jj4_e!r9.!_!9_-!_q!:lfg9l_pg8-f-L9_19.f a duolex which would encroach into Town of Vail riqht-of-way located on (.,tot 4, btoc t ntermountajn s vls'ron.cants:anry fr66o16rt.0 Peter Jamar showed the site p1 an and explained that there were at present 5 parking spaces which currently encroached upon Town of Vail right-of-way. John Perkins, architect for the project, stated that he could see no problem changing the wall to make it two or three snnller walls, though it would be more expensive. Ron Todd pointed out that a de facto variance was already given to the McGo'ldricks--it was a non-conforming use--the request mak'ing,it less non-conforming. Discussion of moving the parking spaces centered upon the fact that they would be made less non-conforming and would reduce the congestion of the street. Eskw'ith explained that the County had given the app'licant the parking rights for the 5 existing spaces, but that the PEC could not grant two additional spaces. Perkins asked to rernove the request for the tt^lo additional spaces. Donovan moved and Trout seconded to approve the construction of a multi-level wall withjn the front setback area, each level not to be over 6 feet high, and to approve the park'ing with a maxjmum of 5 spaces to encroach upon the. publ ic right-of-wayfor lot 4, Block 2, Intermountain, The vote was 3 in favor,0 against, with Corcoran abstaining. 2. Two variance requests for Breakawav West to move the existinq parkinq spaces glong Liolsrjdge Loop partially onto_their own property. App'licant: Breakaway After more. discussion concerning whether or not Breakaway West should first go to the Council, Piper moved and-Donovan seconded to tabli this item until th6 next PEC meeting after the applicant has been to the Council meeting. Vote was 4-0 in favor of tabling, (see discussion at the beginning of the meeting.) 3.uest for a setback variance to extend a sin le famil dwel I in 8 feet nto the nor 'illa stF #2, ltlrence Corcoran disqual ified himself from the meeting temporarily and turned the chair over to Piper. Jim Sayre showed the site p1 an and survey. He revjewed the memo and explained that'in August the Town had recejved more geological information from Lincoln DeVore, Jay Peterson,.representing Irwin, stated that he did not agree with the staff's description of the problem, and felt that the staff had not done a fair job. He added that he felt that lrwin had been punished by the press. peterson responded to "The relationsh'ip of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses in the vjcinity" by stating that there were few projects that were not in the front setback in the area. "The degree to which relief fronr the STFict or literal interpretation and enforcenrent of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve conrpatjbiljty and uniformity among sites in the vic'inity or to attain the objectives of this title wjthout grant of special privilege" Jay read and responded by.pspslting the fact that there were many other bui'l dings inthe front setback in the neighborhood tle added that the house was in the best-location ot.on PEb-3- s/27/82 and that as many trees as possible were saved. He felt that the central issue was not as stated jn the memo, but was the crjteria set forth in the ordinance. PeteFddn read letters from suirounding property owners who did not object to the placement of the Erwin house. Under "Findings" he stated that since so rnanyof the neighboring buildings were in front setbacks, it was not a gnant of specialprivilege, that the variance was warrented for all three reasons listed'in the rBmo, and asked that the variance be granted. corcoran, speaking as part of the audience, pointed out that a precedent wouldnot be set by granting the variance, as each request is considered on a case by case basis., He empasized that he felt strongly that the method used was wrong,but that the letters of the neighbors should-be. taken into account. Piper requested further speakers' corrnents be specific to the rnatter at hand. Flarie Claire Veers, a neighbor felt the request should be treated as a variancerequest. Irwin apologized to the PEC for his forgery of the survey. Trout askedto see the locations of the other properties that were also'in the front setback. Donovan statbd that she was on the DRB when this house came in, and felt at that time if the survey had been correct, it could have been designed to fit within the setbacks. She felt that it was appropriate to consider this application as a new appl ication w'ith -no bu'i'lding existing on the site, that no trees should be.unnecessarily removed, but there were many more than 4 trees in back. Donovan added that crowding of the street must be prevented due to parking problems and snow removal as they relate to pubfic safety. She felt that the house could have been designed to mjss the trees and stjll r-etajn the slope'if the survey presented to DRB had been correct.and.the problem addressed.and in fact the accuracy of thefron,t, setback was questioned on the DRB site visit. Donovan pointed out ifrat itrehardship was self inrposed for which she could not give a variirnce. Trout asked jf the Town had requested the DeVore report, and Sayre repl ied thatthey had. He added that it was a fairly speculat'ive leiter, wiihout irruch detail.Trout pointed out that the letter mentioneb that the cutting or furthei.rtiing tI ihg slope.may reduce slope stability on this and ad5aceni 1ots. tayre reptieaEnat one could Duild on metastable slopes with proper eng.ineering and propersite planning. ..steve patterson, Building 0fficial for th6 Town, itated'th;t jnhis opinion, DeVore's letter wai talking'about general conditioris, but was noi s.itespecific, and even if it were site specific we ilould have to ask for further geotech-nical studies as the town has done iir a couple of other jnstances. Patten pointed out that because there are some properties in the neighborhood thatare.nonconf?TjlQ was not a.reason to grant a vAriince to thjs propeity, Piper statedlnar solI stability was not a hardship, since a structure could be designed withproper construction. .He was p1 eased that trees had been saved, but poiited out thatthe retaining wal1 had surely severed roots of several trees now standing. piperfelt that the impact to the ireighborhood was mininral. Patten stated that the board must treat this request as though the house werenftthere, then look at the variancu.rit"rl,u. IJ PEC -o- Qrr,r, Trout felt that it was difficult to state the issue as though the house were notthere, and that except for the circunstances under which it-happened, he supporteda va riance. Jay Peterson stated that in order for the house foundation to be a retaining wa1l, one would have to dig four feet deeper, and go back another four feet, in additionto hav'ing a steeper driveway. Patterson said that several months ago'he would nave agreed with Jay, but since beginning the library building had seen other ways ofconstructi on. Trout moved and Piper seconded to approve the front setback on lot 45, Vail V'illage trlest #2, reading the following ffndings: That the granting of the variance wouldnot const'itute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation on otherproperties classifjed'in the same district, that the granting of the variance wouldnot be detrjrrental to the public health, sifety or welfare,6r materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity, and that the variancewaswarranted because the strict or, literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulationwould deprive the.applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same district. The vote was 2 in favor and I (Donovan) against, with Corcoran disqualified as statedearl ier. Trout stated that it should be pointed out that the staff did exactly what they aredirected to do in their job, and that they had presented theirinforiration in inobjective way, and P'iper agreed and added-that ihe board could then explore the gray areas. 4. Peter Jarnr_explained the changes that had taken pl ace sincefurther explanation and discusiiono Trout moved ahd.Donovan reconrnendation to Council for the amendments. The vote was the last meeting. After seconded to approve the 4-0 in favor. Trout moved and Donovan seconded that Donovan be appo'inted to the DRB board for October,-Novenrber and December. The vote was 4-0.' Discussion followed concerning the changed format which was used at this meeting,Patten stated that he had felt frustrated, because he couldn't refute sonre of thefalse allegations nnde, and because the pEC stated their feelings before thestaff had had a chance to have sonte feedback, some rebuttal . T[at it was importantthat the board not take at face value statements made by the applicant, Pipbr pointedoyt lla.t they reaily weren.'t foliowing the fornnt. Corioran rbit ilrat'each'personsnould have a chance at rebuttal at some noint. Egques!..for qmendments Jo the municipat code to revise submftalggglq!.j_gll Io" ortdoo. dirpluy unO ortdo a a MEMORAIiDtJi,I T0: Planning and Environmental Couini'i ssion FR0l4: Department of Conmunity Development DATE: Septenber 22,19Bz SUBJECT: Variance requests for Brcaka'rra.y l,Jest Condomjn'i urtts to rel ocate 14 existing parking spaces. Applicant: Breakatvay trlest Condominium Assn. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED There js a parking problem going on betvteen Vail Run owners and tenants and Breakaway Wbst. Ttrby are Uottr itairning rights to the 14 exist'ing spaces located total'ly in the Town's right-of -vray. In turn, Breakaway l,lest vrishes to relocate the spices so they are S-feet on iheir propeity, They also wish to claim rights to these sDaces for their exclusive use as a result of the relocation. This absolutely'cannot be done, as they yould still be utilizing TOV (public) property for their parking. l^lith the realization that the spaces remajn public, we t,i'l 1 proceed with evaluating the requested variances. One variance is for parking in the front setback in the Medium Density Multi-Family Zone Djstrict, the other for parking on Town right-of-way. This area has always been a "bottleneck" of sorts for TOV p1 owing opdrations, as the right-of-way is narro;ed approximately l8-20 feet to allow for this'parking. The spaces were counted jn Breakaway West's parking requ_irement to meet Eagle County stairdards when originaily approved. The applicant feels the request is justified because jt vrj'l I alleviate a dangerous situation at the intersection. 0bviously, the present situationistotally non-conforming as is the proposal . CRITERIA AND FINDINGS lpgn__trvrew .of. Critqlrg and F uepartnent ot Lommun lf,y uevelopnrenI recoru---__-.:.*iri=--'-__'lance Daseo upon tne To I lorvlnq ractol s :varlajlce paseo upon tng lo.r ro-rvlng la-clol's: Consideration of Factors !9___ol!-9 t"_ql_s_L1g_ o r potgn t j a l--!l!e!The re'lationsh'ip of lhe requssted v_ql'iU_cg ---i*: ---<-.- ---------r;-r_;fand struclures iti the vicinitv. This area has been a perpetual snoul p1 ow problenr for years due to these parking spaces being totalty bn i^igtrt-of-way. l,{oving them 5 fect to the east will g'ive that much more room-for the pl ows. l'he existing shrub and tree'in the area to be parking ntust be relocated o" p."tu.un t o Breal'iavray'rhst -2- 9 /2?./tl2 The physical hardship on the site is that there is virtualiy nowhere locate parking, and the applicant is irnproving a poor situabion which t The deqree to which relief from the strict or ljteral intcrpretation andlr,-@@etrt--"@lrl-l{*li{ry--i"sbr,idCsel{pmlv---ql{gllqMnEllt-_oj-e__:-pg9rf_l_eg_rc9gLat_t!jlll_I_9Qg!:-ru_to qc-jlL.glg_gO!,lPs!.1D,ll_1ty_j!_q uniformity of treatment among sites in t_lLc v]l:t-l-llJ_e-l__to attail] the obiectives _j-'.-_--..-;'-of th i s ti tl e wi thout grailt*of _!"Eqlsl_,pft-tlfSg,_ el se to ex i sts. The effect of the reque5ted variance on I jgh.t- an4_g-L1,_q-l-$Llqg!ion of populati_onn @Ta c rfl-Li e s-,-puF[-c l?iiliTTd- a nii utTITTie s . a nd _ __- pupr'tc sarety. The proposal should be a benefit to public safety, as it broadens the right- of-way by 5 feet. That the granting incons i stent lv'ith d i stri ct. Such other factors and criteria as the c_ F IND INGS The P]41,inq _qqdlryirqnme$ql Commjssion shall make the fottowing fjndings b gtg-l"ttJg j_ va r]3qcr.i of the variance will not constitute a grant of special pfivilege the limitations on other properties classified in the same That the grantjng of the variance will not be safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to the vicinity. That the variance is wamanted for the folIowing reason: There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. RECOI'IMENDATI ON The Department of Community Deve'l opment recommends approva'l of the relocation of these parking spaces toward the east. The proposal should'improve snow p1 ow operations and traffic safety by widening the useable right-of-way. However, norestrictionsontheuseofthespacescartbemade..theyarestjllpub1ic property. detrimental to the public health, properties orimprovements in September L6, L982 TOIIN OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Breakaway West Condominirm Associatlon GentLemen: The Condomlnium Association for Breakaway West and its Board of Directors requests that you carefully consider our appl-ication to the Planning Conmlsslon and the Town of Vail- for the establishment of parking spaces on the nest side of our project. Speclflc plans have been submltted to the Pl-anning Comruission which would move the parkLng l-n about flve feet and provide that thls parklng be re- served and deeded to Breakaway West. This would enab le the street to effectlvely be wldened by approximately five feet which in turn would lmprove the safety on Lions Ridge Loop. Thank you for your consideratlon. Yourl-l notice that our docr.ment s have been prepared and subnitted through John Perkins Architects. Sincerely, Qa,raE'*/<Robert J. Brabec Presldent of the Board of Directors Breakawav }lest PROPEBTY OTNERS ADJACENT TO EREATAWAY TEST on IJot B-3 Bl,ock B Lions Ridge Flling #1 Val1 Run 100O Llons Bldge Olyner: Loop Colorado Federal Savlngs 821.17th St. Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 Snow Fox United PartnershJ-pc/o Fox Land Investment, Inc. Box 599 -.t^NScottsdale, Arlzona E5 ) | Sandstone Partnership Box 1908Vall, Colorado 81658 Condominium Associat ion Box 1206Vail, Colorado 81658 26OO South Parker RoadBuilding 5 Suite 15O Aurora, Colorado 8OO14 Snow Fox and Snow Llon Sandstone Creek Sbudstone 70 Sandstone Intervals ;, f,-v/ \ I.This procedure- The application A. NAME OF APP r. i.i.ctrtio,r ol-j0-jscssl-:.982--- rr i,ICATION FORI'! FOR A VARIANCE is required for any project reguesting a Variance. will not be accepted until aLl information is submitted. B. NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESEIITATM John M. perkins. AIA ADDRESS_BqX 26A Vail. Colorado PHQNE 476-3515 c.AUTIJORIZATION OF PROPERTY OVJNER SIGNATURI: ADDRESS__1023,Li[ons Ridge Loop, #22t D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 1023 Lioqg Ridge Loop VaiI, Colorado PHONE 476-2L96 NAME OF APPIJICANT Breakawav lfest Condominium Owners Assn. bDDRESS no* rzas veil , coto PHONE_4!.fu.219O_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot B-3 block B rfEE. $l-00.00 plus an amount equal to the then current first,-class postagerate for each property owner to be nctified hereundcr. A list of the names of owners of all- property adjacent to thesubject PropeJty and their addresses, FilingLioos Ridge Subdiv. Er F. q{,*eJ { --T STATEUENT OF VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant requests relief from T.O.V. ZoningOrdinance #LA.52.08OA. Parking Standards. The spacesln question were allotted to the Breakaway West Pro- Ject by Eagle County prior to T.O.V. zoning. The spaces wlll alleviate a dangerous situation at theiDtersection of the North Frontage Road and Lions Rldge Loop. By moving the spaces onto the applicantrsproperty the requested 5r-0"r congestion of Lions Rldge Loop w111 be improved. Accordingly, the appll-cant feels that the spaces should be allotted to Breakaway West. /s/,--.zt.Ll7t/a.-- - f1 u -, r S /.,fu r>27/"tL ..,5 c/_..s- 4n, r v tr o v lrepecrroN neoue "r& DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER 4/"o, 4, *r,,ttNseeuto/:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB EL tr tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL ,APPROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR n*r#"roN REeuESr r.i { THUR TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES @"WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING O INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB {..t/t ,-,' 4l ' -; (.' (\- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,/ G' C'\t ciz E =&. uJo- SHlE=;:iri -<9.a9 < :. y z FFi'<9Fie tiX'HFU6o9Eoi!:?!i:e:g;9<E5YFFOo <93=; tiliill:T;:;O> -U)<o it!!,!!<c<'.: I I ' u.t.Ft<to I I I I IEe taz t= lotz >(ts -- =lo z.o FE.to7>-()(J 9ZlI-<oq ^-O;oFO.r C\i I il il$ FEzl!loo {6 z6 = Ff, s$uJlooq HH6l z i;i:< =Gaf6sBdi tr.t -8.i9F<ozl!Zl F*bilP oz F() UJ -loe.c u,F o ts =Elrlo- Jzoz..9zeoo =z>fJo.L TL :H* ;Hg traE ts =E IIJL lt-o ulo- F tro E CLoo Btt .E 5 E E 8 o zo F C)fEFazoo an <n uJ o J = o- E dl f,t4l Hdd:trt = (' =-ttr uJ =z o-) Nag I E ;';, rq lu z Ic =o aha LU e,oo ) a =0aoF(J & Fzo() z I C)ul = t- -r- q; =lE FOz.o )e<o(JF;()l-< :- t--\2 r.u Oc) t 2P E?-c:PF)z(LO l() G <F(r(JuJ{ rn r.u F "AttZ H-o a(() E LUTov nln :ti -1 <: OerJU)e9rI'ir.l ta O( Llt::? o zo2=)< ;:3lce329rl=5i?..,- <rj3 ..r {4 3 r9o=<<'r ,7<FrF :F =F o|aCOtz:<6t,.:XF9<<9 >J ;qe<Llg -F o Ll& ttl F o I I I I ll: t5 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I'I I U'tlJ tIJ IL b =&.ut(L oz F- trJ .1,trtFoz =z.o ot-- GFI =o z z.o J a o(,zo! I I I I I I I'l E r,!, oz c; J 5g! :lo ll-t (J J(L J I(tF(J au UJ (,za f, o- UJ (L z. tr tu(:otu o(E o @ g LUc 6uJo Fao ulo o- ?z.( l,!J Jo atttt!rr.t = uJ J FoF (,z = o o d| a o tu NO[Vn'lVA uJ l,.lu- (L F FIo i c r,JF ..3 J.( ?(L t!,t G z E o zI F CE F) z (,z :<G Got! J oozf, a* E ;gE oz -G:2 lttul=tnoFIalt z .r, :, cE aDXf,:)ES+O '.t, FuJt uJdtc.dt Jbz:tz9F oo: o(J'o zotr Fl! ctU' o-3o(ts(, ulo- F z9F J =az ll,.3) e. ul tt U'v>u,z-I-F sa-t, ) \ \.i ur CT rJ c] ? 's \,lsq \\ \ J(D N z\otro- 5s Ed Jz.o z. ar9z4ctoEz =[:to-F DD N \lN-l ; o = 'l r,t (\l' t\I =>G -TI trt ='@ z96* F8vro1>9(.'(JZrL<oo-rB>(JFOj .\i F-() J JJ<< e6?-ga #5fr c ettr o-o ol c,.lt cPr-c=c2:o:x Lr_,;- o- O lr-.,o or '^"c)- l, a" z9Izo anulFoz Jsoulo.vt F (J rn (Eoo :i(: It lrJc C) ri c Ivt Elcld-q -(il 6-) G a (tzf r-(tot-('dp- (!l- /_\ .t (_l .c -r() ".( | -(ta () F ,-)() Ul Profect Application Proj€ct Name: Project D€scription: - Own€r Address and Phone: Archit.ct Address and phon€: ZoStl t!\ t(O.a Legal Description: Lot Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date r- "- 1q Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 5 3i- Chief Building Ofticial ,rir - r.!5l \&lrL.rri!r!r.. 4,.rrjt4t' \i . r :r!ArlIir'.{.trr. tr:!,.i., "- 1 Project Application /1o^t" /- J' 7 I Proiect Name: Project Description: .LAatL Owner Address and Phone: \ Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block )t', t /r ! , rui"g .(2tArtA,r.(''vt+ 4/.18{- Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board o^r" ?-/E*7? Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chiel Building Official oe^tZ- Alet z F L)f F z (J att J z EA trl Dvr:<..-rb vl *.\4-69H:E<FAirrEr- -i9,1 < '.. ? zIF:" lr#ptaa:i =:2 =^i::so<iJ<QtrJZriEi =<oE9o{:T;ia> _<oi!.1 !0 SE<' a uJ UJu- F =c llJ(L rl lso It\ i-+t H Al= i\ -r I \lt\ l\* (nt! t.lJ lJ- E lrJ o- J FoF t Eltlo-(,z oI co oE o6 =tl, uJtzI <n IJJ NO[Vn'lVA z Ek)zzf;e F-25y',R = [;rEE 3 +oEBSEo?o c.!zf ? t ,?3 l HHFZ &=d A+<H +UE9u=955 zo J f U)z UJt! I,L o- F F 6 z o oa uJF ;) =>E -rc)ru.{ =o(\l zz F^6q5 =EP o.nOz>-oo<)zr!<oq 9UFO ;(\i UJ J z z IJJFJ c' ao C'1z. oz b =e LlJo- oz F() UJ-toto- uJF o ts =Elrl o- z.oz-_og, :-zeoo =z (L I.L co E CLoo oE .E :LE=8F 6u- PO5pE>EF z9F(JfEFazo(J nnn J 9z ? C) uJ = (9z tr 2? 3f JZItO F(J Fz z T U.J = tt; = L,r Z. O (r -rO<Foa()u<ZEUJFa6 O (,c)z-E 35 =LuJ)ouJ Xn oz F =t uJ L- lo I I I I I l- lo IE l(5 tzr6 tJr5 I l., ,Ft<lo I I I I, t?E IFlaz t= lotz liil= rrril-<9"9 rlFl'aFis.-1r!t;l!6o9!cslz* <z '-<oz5ZzzA)>?<e=IFFCo < ! trr z; 'l*iiE=:9: ;<9 <61.,-t9 li,<co>-o<ci33to=<E<'l NOtrvnlvA )<(ts -ZZU- F^AzX l ZYF I of,6aaZ\-(J/'\ t t at7ozXLr<oq ir!-$H Eaxz HNO z =tr J d] F J uJ =z rlrt ut z IJJEo ) a = Io- F = tr g.cc = r(L =e tr Eoo J a =tr L!Eo J =tr IUEoo E rL t/JE o tr LIJ oo -)a2 I o- F (J E UJz = F uJ =I E E <F t!<z.tt!F(rz 5P ESO-A=IO -c) E z. F- =f)zo-O <;YF7C) =#i,z =g E. =-r- tY h-5 o J<oonlrr tlJ:o oz F() uJ-)otd uJF o =z u n )i =<.coo =z J."i5\J \-' = =Ei-ltlvdd= cqt E CLo c, 6' .E tFEt-:=Eavo i'ii o* C rrro;E>EF F =E lrJo-zIF(J EFazo() nnn utr! tFfr-."1rr€sl'itltDr]F?EtF-FBrt4...€ r.ryq-Eq!?llrr; - di{ F.'tBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSFE FIEOUETTT .. {. !F lr f' E pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ruE wED ,1ffl0 rnt ,/ Aqa9) /-^ .^ .--' (, ^- e MON GOMMENTS: f]ornen BappRovED E upon rxe CORRECTIONS D orseppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR oerc /3-t./- 2 F' I rr.rlecrroN REeuEqr TOWN OF VAIL /_. E bN.4/L,DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES' WED THUR FRI LOcArloN: Kz '/t//*t /t'- BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBIN tr UNDEI tr ROUG tr ROUG trGAS F D POOL t-l tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION N SHEETROCK tr NAIL G: ]GROUND H / D.W.V. H i WATER IPING / H, TUB tr FINAL r] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAA N HEATI ICAL: VG {aoucn D tr tr EXHAI SUPPltr CONDUIT o_ ST HOODS Y AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INOECTION REQUEST i !/,..V./1.1_. TOWN OF VAIL oor, , z/z /z I JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER ECTION:WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: 1. tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .,4f 9u-..*t -1 / --) '/ '->r'onte / 4 /t' .",\ tNSPEcroR -=// // D^rE /"/?/Zg JoB NAME // INSPECTION: CALLER:= MON TUES WED THUR IruOECTION REQUEST TOWN F VAIL // tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED E, READY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: Elrrsneenoveo BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER 6uo, - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D- tr FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR // D^rE iL/ //7 A JoB NAME/' INSPECTION: lF:A,'i INOECTION REQUEST TOWN OF AILV 3 (-rJD rr.. wED rHUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING d,/L O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r{oor, /L/ +.,r' 7 /' rNSpEcroR Lt (:t -l- -.'r.1,-4x-<.<-_r, rnOecnoN REouEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI n,D+u e cd0DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED NSPECTION REQUIBED rNSPEcroR fr', f 9"'-*'-DATE a uJF z z o EE az =o zz z e ',t F Ia2 az z t z] F J,l F, > 'l E a F q 1q 4 F Oe a |rJ >I<F < :. Irl tl)a !iz =< ^zz=XF9<<Q :; E?||l9 td a uJ I.IJu- b =Et!o- i\N F =E UJ o-oz 6Jlo (n IIJ uJ LL =t UJ(L J FoF (t UJF z) S C) UJ o S]$ EE{ tt\ H$ 2 io- =><)zlL<oq t()FO -i(\i E tll J z Eo zo F t UJF =UJz zz s9AH6 f-EEee = E;qEE3+oeo 'a tr '. ouJr!<OZco(rrnz= FO? * ,i= < rHF2 P=d el=E !EHg;E H35o9('orza) U' =z =z tr o =(J() z tr ) az UJtu LL (L F F 6 z o .a E |lJt- = UJzY F- t,J =<rr-x=odiEt! alr!l o(lolol<l --{ E ttl lrJlEIol <l Jl al>l F a LU = (,zf Lt- I I Ilrl" I I IqiauJl sj EO ol <l IalE fil <l --l<l>l 9|J ll t\.!ii =z c0 >Y =#fF)z(J-O E F EFzo z - uJ IIJ Ftro2 EF(Jr! J I.IJ F IuF T() <FCQ LJ.J <zE[!F(tZ () i, <.rq8 €3\ olz. oz E =e uro- Jz ?z6 .-OE. Z_Ei E?i \;FE ]lnn E tl '[-'L--rLJ E=ll Fl "eE: Hl =f;=E EI =Hg$ bhrtt oz Fo uJ-)oG o- zIF()f E,Fozoo | '/.-'/)t- \ k-lfls\z/J= rJ-- uJF o ts =E, UJ o- t\ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: PLANNING COI{MISSION DEPARTMBNT OF COIUI{UNITY DEVELOPMENT November 22, L977 Breakaway l{est Condominj.um Association Request for Conditional Use Permit for Seasonal structure to cover Pool. Breakaway West has made application for a translucent pool enclosure to be erected over their existing swimming pool . The proposed enclosure is for use from December 7 to June 7, as permitted by the Municipal Code. The proposed location is Lot 3, Block B, Lionsridge Fi.ling No. I and is zoned Medium Density Multiple-Fami.lY . Upon, review of Section 18.600 "Criteria and tr'indings", the Department of Communlty Development recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit based upon the following factors: L. Relationship and impact of the use of development objectives of the Town. . One of the primary goals of the Town has been to expand the available recreaiional- opportunities in the Community and make them available on a year-round basis. The proposed enclosure furthers this objective. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utiliti'es' schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public tacilities and public facilities needs' The avaiLability of a pool during the winter months could help relieve pressure on other facilities. ? 'Page 2 Breakaway llest Conditional Use Permit 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, autornotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, 'maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. There sbould be no effect on these factors ' 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located...in relation to surrounding uses. Since the pool area is almost totally surrounded by buildings making up the Breakauay complex, the enclosure will create tittte visuil impact on the neighborhood. We do not feel that any negative impacts on the character of the area or on the scale or bulk of the surrounding uses is created by the pooJ- enclosure. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use- No other factors need be considered. 6. No environmental impact report is required. The Department of Community Development recommends that the Conditional Use Permit be approved based on the following flndings: 1.That the proposed location of the use is in ascord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vlcinity. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. 2. 3. LEGAL NgfICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the B""=kr*gy lYest Condominium Associatlon has applied for a Conditional Use Permit as provlded for ln Chapter l-8.60 of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to erect a seasonal structure over the existing swimming pool located on Lot 3, Block B, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No.1. A Publlc Hearing w111 be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Munlcipal. Code on November 29, Ig77 at 3:0O p.m. before the Town of Vail Planning Commission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town Councll for final decision. Said hearing wl1L be held in the ValL Municipal Building. TY DEVEIOPMENT on November 11 , 1977. T.VAIL COUMUNI a S. Toughill Zoning Admlnistrator Publlshed in the Vail Trail , App | | catl on Date Hear I ng Da te F1n61 Declsion date for I (we ) APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE And/Or CONDITIONAL USE PERI"IIT Ordlnance llo.8 (Series ol 1973) Publication Da te Heari ng Fee Counc | | (Lr./o "n(.rn-r-ct44a<-. 'Ua-LL Phone(City) dc hereby request permission to appear before the Val I Planning Commlssion to requesf the following: ( ) Variance f rom Ar*icle-', Sec+lon( ) Zon i ng Change f ro.--to-( ) Parki nc Var iance /J / ?lL-f Conditional Use Permlt to atlow (,t-7HzL&-az. a-/.-hna<-.t ./t ll ln zone. " U " For the Fl !lng f o I low I ng l,l umb e r descrlbed properfy: Lot/tract- - , Block +P, I tl U oJ l(' Ylt'tlh af do you f ee I the bas is f orIs N&,Edttt(Applicaht) (State) Clearly state purpose and intent of +his applica+ion case?.l\l l, n4 tr8' ?r \ti =r rgi F D E 4 ou2P;3d /-\ rlt lrt o149 itt o !l oo B 36 oaox!t a CLo .D 3 {.|T =rts FI Eiel'3 istiiiEEl ;ii:El;;[[;|ii iEiiieeeFaaee; iEE tg*Eli[lEiE iFIEEagiEiEil 1iiLE1l111i?E Vlc)6 l.Elo lnr !r (o lj t o e =I o, .D eI o I 3 !3 { ot lz le F I I Pp lrt ti u, ch F"EsFc)AItot3o8?eg,"' 5 Ng l$gs; aO;s lNs:It9ItFls 3't\\ e € g r lst9ttt tot: t; ir .:T o- tt, &o alt o' zc r! 3q -, trt r.t r F F o F € .D rDr .D{€qt !o !gr -!aao qt3rod, 6'o 'i , EiiAiEl*giillil i lril:, illiliilililiAl rl4rt ESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING! November 10 . tg77 PRESEM: BILL RUOrr LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT: .Bre4kaway West - bubble for pool o D DATE OF .UE},IBERS LOT AC.CION TAKEN.ff BOARD: MOTION , BLOCK_, FTLTNG SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED f. DISAPPROVED: SUITIIARY: DATE OF IIEMBERS MEETING: PRESEM:BILL RUOFF L97 7 LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT; Bneakaway West - Bubble on pool conceptual DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NovenbEn 3 Igr BLOCK_,FILING . ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: UOTION VOTE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED; SECONDED BY: AGAI}TST: ABSTENTION: APPLICANT JOB NAME INSPEC.G'N TOWN ol FIEBUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnRrral. LocATroN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM El npp Rov E D E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr fI UPOT'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS. ,,, .!,., DATE INSPECTOR Htgr FA; LEFIk9i, F^H-- | zEl<Ifrea-.D x faa9Z2- <<a2zzA6<e FFV< (.)oaz:c;*x9?U'9, "iFr.r<a> _<on c<': .1.'t .'\'.. . i.,E ', \\< \ \ s HNi\ tr sI L $r$lt,q \ UI it ! E tr ul o o z -oJ -l E =!J 2 tr o) o ut uJ o(Jz z s Fz UJ E IJJ0 ul ul J l! utE F 9 J FoF ul GE oo iFoF =:> lr€ -, -et- NOttvn'rvA Y 3 z F co uJ a G uJz E-t -.4_ (J0 c, :*o, z<.r 9 -.0t z trcq&.6Fllt4(,F> -z*< d()>9IC;IIIHSBV lrlF F 2 e z z z 'Fi rt F = ,] a F Irtql z Itl o Id F. F. F lrlF F z b t 11 & tr a F E d)t UJ ul oz uJ zgF ll, J t! IJJ F J FoF uJ o Jtt J oF atFz uJ Eul It E r lrl 0. o z I oJ -l o => lre -,-eF I 1t :€-(, 2 -q z tr9* "6Fc(urox> :z =< >o . r,i :'1 "i,' ' l::'- Hry 7, l97l tlr. l,llchlal 3. 0lelr Plannlng Dlr.otorErglr Connty Plrnnlng Conmltslon P. 0. &or 709Eallr, Colorrdo 8l6ll EubJrctr Bfukrrry lrrt - Fhrrl I I Omr lllhrr Ua fa.l fhtr proJect hrr botfr good and bad polntr rhleh tborld b. conrldrrrd brforc lgprov. l lr glvrnt l. onr of thr frr rtrnrtr of rubrfanflcl trcrr In thr rrue It btlng drrtroyrd ly bulldlngr end prrklng. Thc Tora of vrll Rrvtir rtrtf'f6li thrt lf -ihr bui ldlng rurt br conrtiuctrd In ?hlr looeilon, thr trrrt thould br rulocrtld rtthfr thli cst. Onr rolu?loa rould br to rclocatr thl rlght Prrlilng tPrc.t rnd .hltf thr dtnrlty to othor ttruetur.t on thr llfr. 3. Tbr dralargc pltn lr yr?y poor and dcbrlr lron thr prrklag rru rdJacint'te R.d S.Bdttonr Crcrk rlll draln dtrrclly lato thi Grcrh Gturlng I trrlosr rl ltaf lon Probl.n.5, ff ?mor rnd ground c6vrr ln thr ttocprr lrtct arr dllturlld, thlr could crartr arorlon tnd furlhrr contrlbcfr to lfrlri pol lstlonl4. ir fcrl thrt lrchlttefup rnd drnrlty a6 coapallblt rlth trfro|'ndlng rratt.!. Thr gl.ta fra. lr good tnd l. rcrprd to that lt brconrr cngrtbrr, Trulr could b. ulrd6. Uadtrground glrklng for ovrr Yourr ?rrly, TOIN OF YAIL Krnt R. Rota, P. E. Torn f agl nmr dt fcrl lf rbould b. h.!Yl lY lud- rpp.rtlog Placr for r.tld.ntt toviiy qf frcilvcty In ihf l ]lrtr. !01 ot thr rrqulronrnt lr oomrodlblt. CO\4MISSION ACITON on APPI,ICAIIoNFoRl.rArvmG'EAGLEcoIJIITySUBDTWSIoNRxGULAf[oNs fhe Eagle Cowrty Hlanning Comrlsslon has revieved' the Slc'etch HLan For: Reoeor,.y trJe,. I,. ot .l{.^r 3t1-d.ay of r 19lf- and finds tbat tJre proposed' d'evelolment ls a Category II Subdtvtelon lttlrln the d,eftnltl.on of the subd.ivlslon Regulatlons andl detennlnes tbat furtber subnltteLe or revielt tbeleof are not regtrlredl' Tbe findtngs anal, detemlnatlons of tbe comiEslon eBplJ only to tbe aleYelop- nent as shonn on tbe sketcb $La.n referretl to beretn antl rnad,ea part hereof aoileballnotbecleene.ltoapplytoaoycl,evelopnentofthesrrbJectland' nblcb d,evlates f,ron sa1d, sketch rr*, Lti*1 t(-r H)Z p\"'rc t{ S*'}.. PiJ bu"frnalr of Eagle Corurty Elanning ComlssLon Ctalrnan of Board of CountY { REOUEST FOR WAIVER The undersigned, Diamond Enterprises of Colorado, Inc.,purchaser under contract dated March 23, 1972 and providing forclosing within 30 days thereafter wherein Vail Properties, Ltd.is sel-ler of the folJ-owing described property: Lot 3, Block B, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision,Eagle County, Colorado; hereby requestsr pursudnt to the Subdivision Regulations forEagle County, \.raiver of the steps otherwise required under such regulations subsequent to submission of a sketch plan and review thereof with respect to its proposal of today'sdate to construct a condominium project of at least 54 unitson such property. The reasons for such waiver are as outl-inedin the sketch plan and supporting documents and the cover letterfrom our attorneys all submitted herewith. Dated this 10th day of April , L972. Diamond Enterprises of Colorado, Inc. APPT.ICAMON IOR }TArvR @' EAGI,E COUIfIY SUBDTIESTON NMI'I,ArIONS Pursuant to Artlcte fI, Section 3 of the Eagle Couty Subdlrriston Regulatlons f (ne) hereby apply for e valve! of f,urther conpllance with salcl regulation6 as to ry (our) propoeecl develoloent knoun as for tbe follonitrg reasong: It ls understood thet €ny €ctlon by tbie ComlsElon valvlng eald reglrlations aIyItLteE only to the protrxceed, development as sbovn on the sketcb pla,:c attacbed C(*.4 heretol |oei..1 *L. f??2 pLaa. ,{ s'*A Ptti*l' (Urst te signerl by alr the record ovuels of the property) Ibt"d otIto s(to t/lc)tO- lrl;6 =ror./t €ooza JE.oqpd il(J bEqz cE q\.o o,^ov.=Hfi 'J=s(9zuJ \. oZolqE ;5z68.; c 1['l): rbg't e County Elanning Coml.sslon SUB.IffI: : I]i.tlng LL-72 Dtanond, Srterprlses of Colorado, fnc. lTrls proJect Ls cmprlsecl, of e proposedl, conclqlnltu tlevelopment onIot 3 Bloch S, Ld.ons Rlclge. Wben cmpleted,, tbe proJect wor:J.d contain ll+ conrlmlntun unltg. lEre d,eveloper baE subnitted, a request for a Cetegory rl.subill.vlsl.on. It 1g anticipatecl that a category II filtng voulcl be approBrl.ate. Eowever, tlxe alElllcant sborrkl be requested. to eubntt tbe follovtrg: l. De'tatled slte pilan including utllLtles, tlraLnage, parklng aoit co@[oD faci].ltles. 2. Enlcl,ence that the proJect ls ln confoml.ty wlth the protectl.ve coreDa,nts of Llon6 R:fdge. 3. A Category If plat prepared ln accordlance vlth the subd,lvlslon regulatlons. RespectfulJ-y, ?qo-= =6U? 9o =6G<ruE5969z'rt!Ro6o GooJul Jerone F. Ganba rE & Ls 5933 o S, OOUGL S M'LAIJOI]IIN April 10, L972 ItIr. Jerome F. Gamba c,/o Eldorado Engineering Co. 803 Colorado Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8l-601 Dear l'{r. Gamba: RE: Diamond Enterprises of Colorado, rnc. EncLosed are the foJ-lowing: 1. Survey dated March 24, L972 of Lot 3, Block B' Lionrs Ridge Subdivision, Eagle County, CoJ-orado' showing the proposed location of the buildings to be constructed in 1972 and subsequent years. Such map also contains a Statement of Waiver. 2. Plat of Lionrs Ridge Subdivision. 3. Copy of letter from Holy Cross El-ectrie' Assoc-, fnc., stating its willing:ness to suppJ-y electrical service to the property. 4. Copy of Letter to Public Service Company of Colorado' showing response indicating that company's wilJ-ing- ness to provide service. 5. Xerox copy of part of a topographical map of Lionts Ridge DeveloPment, showing the topography of such 1ot. 6. Reguest for Waiver, executed by the owner. Our above client proposes to construct a condominium project on Lot 3, BLock B, Lionts Ridge Subdivision. The original phase will consist of 18 units to be constructed in the spring and sunmer of 1972 and the eventual project is proposed to contain at least 54 units within three years. VAI L AFICADE P. O. BOX 653 valL, coLoRAoo 6r657 303 476-3335 MQLa.ucHr,rN & HART ATTORN EYS AI LAW Mr. Jerome Gamba ApriJ- L0, L972 Page 2 The land on which this project is to be located was subdivided Pursuant to approval of the Eagle County Planning Commissionand Eagle County Commissioners in JuJ.y J-969. Such original-subdivision provid.es for deveJ-opment of this property through condominium or similar projects. The adjacent land in thisas well as other subdivisions, is to be used for simiLar orcommercial purposes. Water supply and sewage disposal facilities are avail_ablethrough special tax district lines at the property boundaries. Such facilities are of adequate capacity for the proposedproject. Water is to be suppl-ied by Lionrs Ridge WaterDistrict which is prepared to provide service when thedeveloper wishes connection. Se\,irage is to be provided by Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District which hassimilarly indicated its agreement to make connection. Adequate access is provided by existing paved roads at theproperty lines. Red Sandstone Creek on the East side of theproperty lies within relativel.y deep and broad banks which should provide adequate capacity for any conceivable flood.Natural- drainage to existing roads shouLd aLso suffice.Adeguate parking within the property is to be provided andis required under the T,ion,s Ridge Subdivision covenants. I arn sending a copy of this letter with alL enclosures toHubert Peterson as chairman of the Eagle County planning Commission. I understand that the next meeting of thecorunission will be Tuesday night, April 18. Because theweather has become nice enough for construction to beginat the site, f would very much appreciate the inclusionof this matter on the agenda for that meeting. If you have any guestions or wish any further back-upmaterial , pl-ease contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours, MCI-AUGHLTN & HART RHH:mh Enclosures cc: Ralph SLoan Hubert Peterson DIA!.IOI{D ENTRPRISEI of GoLorado, Inc. P.O. Eox #242Vail, Colorado 8L657 PtblLo Servlcs Conlnay of Oolorado vaLl, 0olorado 8L65? Geatlenent-a Pleaee advLee and confLrn at your utlll.tLee wtlI be eerving or wtll iunediate area of WT fbrr LLols wbere a propoeed 54 unit apartneat auller of L972-77-?4. 27 t{o,tcb L9?2 earliest convetdence tbat Your have aufficieat servicc ln thc lidge $rbdlvLaion, Vailr Colorailol conplel ie echeduled f,or lle tfe would aleo appreclatc, at our expenacr ant plot survc:/lt avallable tha t inilLcatc tour nttll'ty in that tencdLets arca of liloae Ridge SubdLvleion'. If a neetlng ie ailviaablc, plcaac contact ac at VLItr 476-5895cKfu D.Eo of Coloraalor lrrc. fu* 5t "f,- .J.'-* "4q-*t't4'-''! /Lf rn"tn' a-;A;'^,* i-T-r.B. t E ' \-.-_ ffiffillffil rGnpirtr,p'liI*il,fb ,ir)iliefilyeti.ilt{! ' crdfar#(ire{ilialE June l?, 1972 Diarnond Enterprisee of Colorado c/o Mr. Bruce Dalron Penthouse Patlereon Buiiding Denver, Colorado 80202 Gentlernen: We have received the site plan for building 2 of Phase I of the Breakaway Weet developrnent on Block B, Lot B-3, in the Lionte Ridge Subdivision. Thie constitutes approval to proceeo with construction. 'l'he parking as indicated ie partially rernportry. Future building plana rnust provide for perrnan€ai, pave- l;. il: -:,g In giving thie approval, we rnust advise, however, rl,at :. further approval for additional construction on Lot B-3 will be s..r. until a complete and final eite plan for the developrnent is submisted. The final plan muet be definitive and should include all irnproven'rca - and :"tility p1ans, par 'ir.i and grading, etc. Permrssion for ind-.vi.dual build. g plana ':',*-- dr,.,;ecE to approval of the entire project pia.ne. You shourd also note ttrat your western boundary line ruac i.r. the ;enter of Red Sandstone Creek. The utility eaaerneat .r:<ten<i s rwenty feet from the creek line. No construction will be allowed ovet suctr easernent. If you have any further inquiriea, please adviee. Very truly youra, LION'SRIDGEA. VAIL Byl Eagle Co..r.ry ..reveiopment Corporariol WLP,/emc : Mr, Ror Sctrm.i,.er rlr r). 'irx' -,-., tr+ iune 5, l9?2 Diarnond EnterpriseB of Colorado, Inc. c/o Mr. Bruce Dalton Penthouge Patteraon BuiLding Denver, Colorado 80202 Gentleme.,: Wt have teviewed tJle fin.ii s:r[c P; -r,; i'.::a t ai,. sP fi- cations for Building l, on Phase I, of your proposcd condo,ni' lrn development at Lot 3, Block B, Lion's Ridge Subdrvision, Eapi. County, Colorado. The plane anC drawings appear to confrrrrr- uo the general guidelines, reetrictions and lirnitatrr.rns of the Lion - B'-c;, . ;u. . - . i(,,r. Pi'otec tive Covenants, ag arnended. Accordrngly, ttrt ...^oer ,rgn ),,. .,-,- 'itt--,-').-, r under said covenants, hereby givt " )ro, :.p1)r ';va. ,. r( 'ii ir'.;i:r rf .rilding I on Phase I of your development in conforrniry with ci,re plans, drawinge and specifications heretofore eubrnitted, subject to the conditions and reservationB hereinbelow. Since tr^e site plan is not cornplete with respect to the entire developrnent, rro approval is giveo for the construction of additional sttucture s . .\ ; otire r structure s are planned, additiorral plans will have to be aubr,rrcted in order to guaranty cornpLiance wilt' all require- ments of the t)rotective Covenants. In particular, artentron should be given to the neceesity for adequate and convenient parking facilitiea, the rnaxirnum perrniesible uee of tne land and the general layout of the entire development. It would also be helpful if future site plan drawinge corrlained rnore detail with respect to such rterng ae tap sites and extenaron linee for utilitiee, drainage plans, landecaping and grading. /. ? r. .-) 'n -- --\*,t*oitrdFtt".' 'l . Diarnoad Enterprice6 of Colorado, Inc. June 5, 1972 Page Two l'urtherrnore, we reguire evidence of plan6 to rnaintain the buildingc and comrnon eleaa after individual units hava been sold. U you have not done ao, pleaae tranernit euch infciltnation to tlrlr officc E! seon aa poaaible. If we do not receive euch evidcncs wlthia a rcaroaable period of time, permiosion herein greatcd may be rcvoked. -.fiFrtiT F::€-.'-.' o Very truly yours, LIONTS RIDGE AT VAIL, a joint vcoture By tagle Couoty Development ColPoratior RAF/rmc 'u- a * )':, .} itt. T4*l iqut ,{ i ..\ l.larch 3l, 19 72 R. T. Sloan, Preeldent Dlamond Enterprlses of Colorado, Inc.P. O. Rox 242Vall, @ 8L657 RE; Llons Rldge Condomlnlum proJect Dear Mr. Sloan: Be lt knowr that the Holy cross Electrlc Assoclatlon, Inc. ls the certlflcatcdelectrlc publtc utlllty in the Llons Rldge area near vall, cororado. ThleAssociatlon has three phase prinary cables lnstalled to a nanhole locatlonon the northnest corner of Lot B 3 Llons R{dge sub-Drvlsron. Adequate. energy is avatlable at thr.s rocetlon to Berve the proposed ftfty-four (54) unlt condomlnlum proJect. It 1s the developerrs general contractor or electrlcal sub-contractor r eresponslblllty to purchase and rnstalr a uM 1-r4 transformer pad wrrlchspeclflcatlon ls enclosed, at a sr.te location agreeabre to lrory GroaaElectrlc and tno four lnch galvanlzed rigld ate-l conduits from our abovementloned vault locatron to thla tranefoirner pad. Thre tianeformer padmay be poured ln place- to meet our epeclflcatione lf so deslred. Boly CroeaElectrlc Aseoctatlon also selle thes; uM 1-14 tranef,ormer pad and vaults atour cost for $250.00 dellvered to the slte. Thls Aseoclatlon wtrl then purchase and inatall arr hlgh vortage cablee andtraneformera at no coat-. secondary aervlce cable end londult are the responel,-blllty of the electrlcal sub-contrictor. I. would epPreclate your sendlng me a eite plan of the proposed condomlnlunatructure and thereon lndlcate your preference of transforner locatlona. Ifyou have 6ny queatlone on thle nattei feel free to contact me. Slncerely youre , HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC AssocHTION, INC. i.ffi"*r--,V/ry Glemons ll. Kopf, Systen Englneer Encl. lrlt l-14, Facilltlea uapcc: Taylor Ganblln CD|K/ep IrI-- z .. ..=-'. .-_ -, 'r\i o collrrlo raol ..r- t-rlta ar d 0l?6 iSvr3rott a ?uirolc HOLY CROSS ELECTRIG ASSOCIATION GL€XWOOD sPfttcs, COLOFADO COLORAOO 34 E AOLE taticr a ooritr oalli. 3r0tcr00 DETAIL Lrolt'i 3 MAP nrooE a.tttl g*rt r.c.l'l ooLo. EAOLg T53. Rotw. 5l .AREA J2 '6t6-t'ZE---'Eaaorco ai E a.aaaaD ar at!,r, t) suBDrvIsIoN FII:rNG RECORD EAOLE CoUr{rY, CoLoBADO I. GENERAL INF0Bl"lAtIONr Naee of Proposecl Subdlvislon l. I r trille Mmber Aeetgned I I - -7"-- Locatlon Subd.lvtd,er (narne and ad.d.ress) Professlonal Cousultaats ( na,mes and add,resses ) SI(EICH PLAN: Date Submitted Conrolsslon Actlon ff Category II AIIowed - Suemary of Subnlttals: III. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAIV: Date Submltted Cheek lf complete compllence xltb Arttcle fI-C-l of Regula a) (Nane of Subdivislon)B b) (Nanee of orrners! , subotwder E, Plrm Prepattng c) (oirners of Ad,Joing land) tr d) (aceraee) tl e) (Reservatlons & Dedlcatroae) E f ) (koposee Covenants) fl I Snov renovel oa cul-cte-eac E 2 Off-etreet parkine E . 3 Co@lss1on epproval for ternlnattou D Prat E ) al oo c) Erat l)tr 2)E 3) tl t+) Cl Benarks: 5)E 5)tr ConpJ.lance wtth Artlcle II-C-2 of Regulatlong a) b) Weter Supply: Central Systenp , Indlvldual Systenefi Evaluatlon of Submittal: c) Santtary Sewage Di.sposal: CentraL systen D , Indl:rtdual Systensfl Erraluatlon of Subnrittal: d) Dralnage Stud,y - Evaluatlon of Subnittal e) Street hofiles - EvaLuatlon of Subnittal f ) Untlergrounil. WX.rlng - Evld.ence of bcamlnatlon by Utluty Conpanlee {.i_,.v S) Pqrstcal Inforuation - Svaluation of Subnittals 1) Geolory 2) ltant Aseoctatlon 3) Suface Soils Cmleslon Actlon on Prellminary glat W. tr'IML PLAI: Date Submttted, CompueDce rtth If-Dl of Regulatlons a)n b)tr c) tr d) tr e)tr r)tr s)tr b) tr l)tr J) E k)U Renarkg: CompJ-lance ulth ff-E-2 of Regulatlons a)tr b)tl c)n d)D' e)tr Rernarke: Actlon by Comlsslon on Rtnal HLat ''i t I 'a' t.t |."-*f/ F'CR !r:i!1'{1,i:!:: K:qow .\,_- ),!:-t e\ T::ES: iF.rSEti:S, TtL.,.: 'r*HEiF.\S, -- i..:..: :r.l ::ii.erDrt sL,siaaf ter referrei !-a .es "_t.r.iaralt', : seStaee situai.i ::: t-lte Cc::.-_r. oi E...;ir- IDo re l3::icula:-... jesc:::_. : ._; :.r... j:,.. nade e -sart he:e.f b1' :: is re:erer:-.e; .lf Co.cr:rii: , ,:c., .1,-'rr-- E.hLl .1I^ner ': -f.rt :'.-:' , Std:-' of C,:.i .r:do and t A.rt-tachet'i r.'r'..tc-' ,rnd h'}l:'RX.:.S , le-cl,i.:-.::.t ies::os :: estabLi slt .t ;r>;ldonrni.ul Pfo_lec-* i:n je: at:: :.urS,rlai -a aj.l: C.'].--io:,1::.i ur- ,\jre::ship Actof the std--e o: -':lcrad:, -is .i::::i., j: rrci l;:iERL;,S, le:-ara::c has s:::_-.:reC pl,a::s icr c:re construc-tion ei '-wo cu:l ii::qs sn: c--he:- -::c:----'..e:e::ts .1)p'Jr.-enant there- !? 9n tne sub;ec: properE!' .".rhica, .,.':te. conpJ.eted, r,'i il bedivided intc *re 1.,-e s!.:e:aiei.v d,:sr.:natel resiCential condo-ni nir.ur ,.r:rit6, several, i;rdoor parkini areas and certain conmonel,@n--s; and I{EEREAS . )e!-:.arant herebl; estabiishes a plan for (1) oener sl'r r!. cf separate fee si,rpLe estates consisting of the areagt apace conta:::ed in each cf rhe residenti.al, units ir thebuildi::g, (2) si:i]ar fee cwnership of the area or spaceoccupied by ur:Cergrc':ad parkinq areas, (3) co-ownership bythe iadrvidual a;ri separate fe6 or-ners, .rs tenants in iomrnon,of cereaj.i cf the rerainiu_: real" a:.i personal property herein-af ter def 1re,j a::d referre,J :o as the ;er:eral cornmo n elementg,raC ( 4 i *-l:e cdnership by a;: associaticn of such owners ofcertain c:-her real. anC personai, prcr)ert:r, irereinaf ter def ined anC re:erred i-c as the prc jece coiirno n elenents; and !{::ERE'Lc, it is presentll' the iniention of Declarant toe:zgar: g-.e said ccndo;.iaie:i project co additionai buildingsard in-o=.re:lents to be o'.rned in a sinil ar f ashion, :;Ol{ THE?5FCRE, Decl.arant hereb? publishes and declares-jia t --:, e lt),icv !:.q terns, co../enants, conditions, easehent.s,re3trl r'-i?ns, 'Jses, Lirritaticns and obiigauions shi.1f be deemedto r'l:: ,:rh tre iand, shaLl be a burden on and a benefit toDeclara--.t, it.s su:cesgcrs ar-c assigns and any jrers.:ns acquiring3r d,.. i:-Z an i:-.te:'esr- in the sub ject property, tllieir successors,g!i:'-tee.j, 1€:rs , lzec'-.-ars, adninistrators, devisces, and assigns : . tif-::;ITIOI:S. UnLess ehe contexr- sha.: expresslyprc';iie r. therrFe-l-E6l|6i iowi ng def ini rior,s sha 1 i app iy : faj 'IrCi'.'rCuai Alr Sgace Unit' :ieans any spa. e(whexher enclosec "r othenise defined on the nrap) cccu.oyiaE a.)" or :rart of a f I oor or f loors in a buildingsubjec'i hereto, anrl 'e.,Lch in no case extends beyond theperiFeter rai,is, caiiinga, floors, rrindows dnd doorgtj/netec: aa des ig:,a:€'d on tte map. (L) 'Cr-nrior rri Ir, 'iriir-'' or 'Uni C" neans an individual aLrsga,:e unit l-og.-r:i-:.:t .tt i t-h the interes'- in the general a-^4 .:r-i le1 c.,".rr.-,rL e: er,er,t-a- appurtenant- f.o such unir_. lci 'Parl-Ln; Unit" neani gueh bottom floor condo-::i.-^i::r. ,:;:it- ag is constr ).?-ed for vehicle parking frur)oses rdi 'Reridential U,rir" neans an7 condominiun unit azhe I t-n1:, a pa rL l r? un i t . - a E: (e) "clwner" neans ..r Perl;on. f irm, crJrlr,t 4Lr')n, p.rrtnershi-p, associat.ion, Jr (rther Iegirl enci Lr' , .r any combination thereof , n1,'ning (lne or ln'rre c'inri' - miniun uni ts. (f ) "Cornmon Elements " means reaf or or" rsona I property owned (I) as tenants in co rfiro rr by owners of units, which ownership is trppurtenant to owncr- ship of such units, (General eornmon Elements dnd Lilnited Comnon ElenkrrrLs) or (21 by a Condominiunr Association as hereinafter defincd (Project Conmon Elements). (S ) npro ject cor,mon tllements " means property of any kind owned by the Associ..,tion of Unit Oltners 'as hereinafter defined, ;rnd used or reserved for the conmon use of the mernbers of such Asgoci.ation and their guests; such propercy may include, by way of iLlugtration and without limitation on the generality of the foregoing, vacant land, parking areas, recrea- tional faciliti.es, yards, gardens, sidelralks or pathat driveways, b.rrbecue and picnic area6, equipment, materl- als, or other property and easements and rights necesaary or conveni..:nt thereto. (h) "General Cormon Elementsn nEtans alL of the following not defined above as project common eletnencs: (I) The Iand on which a building is located; (21 The foundations, columns, girders, bgan8, supports, main walls, roofs, stairs, sidewalks, and driveways of the building; (3) The installaEions of centr:rl serviccsincluding rdater, heating and utilities and in general all apparatus, equiPment and ma'-erials existing for conunon uge incidental to a bulldlngt (4) AI] other parts of Ehe ProPerty and easements and riqhts necessary or convenient Co a building's exisccnce, maj.ntenance and safety' or nornal ly in comYron use . (f) "Limited Conunon Elements" neans cholte Partsof the general comron elements reserved for the ex- clusive use of the owner of a conConiniun unit. (j. tEntire Pre:nises': "Pret(ris€s', "Pro jecL' or iProperty" means the land, buildings, all inprcve- nents and structures thereon, and all rights' Qaseneits and appurtenances belonging thereto. (k) 'Condoniniurn Project" meane all of the land and irnprovements initially and subsequently submittedto thie Declaration. (I ) "Cotrrnon Expenses" neang: (f) All sums lawfufly ass€ltsed againsc the general connpn elernents or the Project er'romf)n elenents i -2- (2t :xpense:; rf a.lml:tls'- ra!-'rn .,: j :r<r n.lgement , lna I :.:(j:1-;tce, reFair .^- r..-,,1'e ment of the qencr.:i cor.rtno n el ctrre:lts -;y '-ii2 prr.. j ect cortytc:: ,- l.lr:ents i (3) Ev.penseS declared corr;:'c-i, ei.iJ€-r-.ses by the uni t ovrlie.r:s . {l:, ) "Association of Unit Orrners" r:r ''Ass,;c:;.:icn" rrei-rns the Breakaway ',{e't t Asscclatior, z .-:.',ar.'Li. non-pr.Jf it CorPoratio:-,, r-he ArtiCIes c,l l.:t:,,r,,:ra-,-'.?:. and By-i,aws of which snali govern th€ aC;:,: .:..:rl-;tc:: cf this cordorilniui1 -:-: - leci., a:rc ;he ::ertbers c! rrir:chshrrl.I be aII of the o1iners cf ti're cc:'..j.irrl:'! i un iil.):. t'sof chis condominiurn project. (n) "!,lap " or "Plan' neans the enqineerlng surve-vof the subject property locating rhereon ail :f the improvernents, the ilocr and elevaticr p13::s and an-vother drawing or diagramratic plan depict_irE a partof or ail of the irrprovemencs. (o ) "Building' F€ans a builclln.g impro'.'enentoccupying and conprisinq a part of che subjectproperty. 2. CONDOIIiINIUM UAp. The Map shall be filed for recordor, recordedEiorE-G-?irst convlyance of any condominilnun!t. Such I'lap shall set forth and depict (I) Lhe surtace ofthe land and its legal description, ui. th designation of .:ndseparate legal deecription of atry project coxlnon elenents andgeneral corrno n elernentnt (2) ttre linear tneaguredrents and loca-tion, wit}t reference to the excerior boundaries of che land,of the ouilding and all other ioprovements bullt or to be builton said land by Declarant (3) floor plans and elevation plans 9f .ty building rhereon showing location, unit desigmatj,on andll'near dlmensions of each rrnit; sirnilar information uith respcctto limited comliron eLernents; (4) the elevations of che unfinishedinterior surfaces of the floors rnd cei),ings, anC 1inear aensure-nents showing the thickness of perineter ralL3. _ The Uap shall contain or be accompanied by a certificateof, registered arehitect or I icensed professionar engineer certi-fying that such_Hap fully and accuralely depicts th6 iayou:,measurenents and location ef ar} inprovenents, any projict coallo nelenents, general colL'non e:enents, unit. designations, and thedimensions of such unit and the elevations oi the floora andceilings. In interpreting the litap the existing physicalboundaries of each unit as consLructed shal.l Ue ionctusivelypresufted to be its boundaries. Declarant reserves the right to artend the l{ap,frorn time to time, tc confonn sane to the a.tual pfrysicliIocacion of the conatructed improvenents and tc any-changes,nodifications or altera tions. 3. DIVISION OF PROPERTY IMIO C,-TNDOIIINIUII ct\ fTS. Thereal proper@ constructetl ttiEie'.n aresinple esta tes:hereby ilivided into thc following fee -3- 'o .l -'ertai:: number of fee sinple est.rtes , r,:cr)lUch estdte constsEing of cne reildentiaf utri r tr-..-a]].:.sith an alrpurtenant unl:vicec interesf-ii ""a'.., .1 ., - gcDeral co&Bon elenenes ass.:_-iated with the buirii;.n.: r:rrhich such unit !s leest.,.l . such - inlerest beino s:rc,.:: -irIL.hibj.t B, attached hereto .".f heiely-*"J"-.-...,.,r, _., ,: , :. A certain n.::{ter cf aCdi,tionaL fer: ,; ir...rl.. osf .r.Lcr-;c{lch sueh estite consiseir.; of o::e-tarkir; .:nrl i.. :,.: l-.r-r rvith an appurtena'rt u:.ji,"-ided incerest ln rr.-i ae :-;.,, \:rt:ieraicouDn elements associace.r. r^'i. ch the buildin:; :.n wlr icl s..rchuait is located, such Lnierest beino s hcr.-n lc E\nil-:: : . Each such ccnConinir:rn unit sh-ai I tre idert.r f ieiion the !{ap in the sane nanner & "" Exh:.bit t. The general corr.on el,enents shai-. he ::clj incqtDon b1r the oyners of the undivicied conCor.i:riun u:.titsarsociated }'i.th the buitdir:,g in r";hich such uni"rs arelocr-ted - The project corrnc n elenent,s shaii be conveye,ito tbe -lssociation for the use and beneiic of its .ei,be.,f,rc t:te tc LiEe . (j\I?, EachuFi t artd tJlt genera 1coED €1ei.nts shrll ba ineeparable and mayleased, encudered, devised oi inherited onlvsiniura uni t . be conve_ved, as a condo- 5. DESenIpTtON 09 A COifDOyrt:IUM UNIT. Every deed,1o:: rcrtg-F,-GTffiinsrrumenr naylcq'ally describe a condorniniun unit by its id,entifying .rnitaunber {shogn on Exhibit B), followed by t}re words, "gneAXA-l4I llEs?', Fith further referFince to the recorded Deciaration*g_.:"?. Ey"ry such dcaerigtlon shall be denmed good and ar,rf f i,cieat f or al I !rurposes to convey , crans f er , 6ncurnberof o thcriri sc affect thc aeneral c-orrnon elements and theliqi lgd co:Gon e l err.rents reserved for use with such condo-aiai':n uait, and also to ccn.rey the righc of ingress andegress to and fron gaid unit and ttre Linrced common elenentsadJ acenr thereto. 5. sEpAtn:ElssEssltENT A.\iD Te.:{-p.TrO}t - }iorlcE TO$!rys!i. aereeounty AsEea30r of thc creation of condorninium ownership-oftlrit proFrty, as is provlded by }aw, so chat each unit and1tr ag?urtenant undivlded interest in the general conmonaI€B:.:r ehall be dcened a separare parcel and subjecr rot€Prra te assesa!€at and taxation, as shall be the pro jecr_cor.oD el.enentg. 7- !f[E. A condoininiun unit ;ray be heici and ownedby aore tb an-EiE lxrraon as Joinc }_enants or as tenants ineoDn, 1r in any real -?r.)perL! tenancy relationship recog_'rtlzad unCer dte larrs of Coiorado, 8. xgNpAREllI9};ABr:.rTr cF GENERAL COMMOIJ ELEMFtii,s.?tr generat iirgf txro ounels of the unltr in the bullding to ahich suchgrfiatrl c€E rl}n elelEne! rGlate and shail ienain undivicled,-!d !o grrr\cr 5ha11 brlng any aeti.,n for partition or ,Jivisionof t!€ geoeral cogrpn sidrents. ilcthing contalned herein sh,al. l -4- U be conslrued as a limitation of the right of partition ofa cond<r:riniun uni t betrreen the owners thereof , but suchpartition shal.l not affect any other conJominiun unit. 9. USE OF GENERAL AND LII{ITED COTilON ELE{EMIS. EaEh orvner shal l gelrslon of his unit. Each owner has the exclusive right go use thelimited common elernent8 appurtenant to hls untt. Each owner may use the general common e]ements in accordance witi thepurposes for which any such elemente are intended withouthindering or encroaching upon the laufu} rlghts of the otherowners. Each orrn€r of a residential uni.t Day use the proj6ct cornmon elements in accordance with the purposcs for which such elements are intended without hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rlghts of other guch ownerg. 10. USE AND OCCUPANCY. Al] reeidential unita cha1l be used anaE6lGd-]?fiEl$ally for residential purpoaerb]' the otdner, by the owner's fanily or the o$nerrg guert! and tenants. AII parking units shall be used golely forvehicle parking arrd storage of pereonal property. Declaranc and ita enployees, reprorentatirrag,agents, and contraceors nuy on the subject property lEintalna bueiness and sales office, constructlon facllltlcr andyards, nodel unite and other facilitlcs rcgulred during tlrc Construction and sales period. lI. EASEUANTS FOR ENCROACIII.IENTS. If any portion of cne generar afcer e-ncioacnea upona condominiun unit or unite? or upon the project courcn cle-nents, a valid oasement for the cncroachrent and for the naintenance of same, so long as lt atrnds, shall and doerexiat. ff any portion of a unit noer or hereafter encroachat upon the general comnon elcnents, the project coE[on clerltl.'r upon an adjoining unie or unita, a valid €aserEnt for tlrc encroachment and for the maintenance :f sane, ao long aB ltstands, ghall and does exlst. If anir portion of the FroJcctcomrEn elenents now or hereafter encroacheg upon a condonlnlrDunit cr unlts, or upon the ;eneral cormoa eletr€nt8, a valld easenelt for the encroachment and for the naintenance of lg,so long as lt scands, shall and doeE exist. For tltle or othcrpurposeS, auch encroachnents and €aserantr shal,l not be con-sidered or determined to be encr.mbrances either on thc a€n€nlconnon elqnents, the project cornmon elenrent!, or the c.ondaLairnunits. 12.cAtroN. s TENXINATIO!{ OF ITECTTANICIS LTEN RI ANDnt to th€ completlon offiIEaecribCd on the !lap. no labor performed or naterlals furntchcdand Incorporatad in a unit with the conlent or et tlre reouar trporatcd in a unit with the conlent gr at the r€quctof the owner thorcof or his agent or his contr.ctor or rub-contractor shall be the baeis for filing o:f a ltcn agalnrtthe unit of any other oryn€r not expre88ly conronttng to otrequestlng lhe iar|6, or againlt the general cornrcn olanenlr oun€d by such other owners, or agalnlt the project co@nelerrcnts. Each owner shall indennify and hold harrnlers eachof the other ovnerg and tlre Associatlon from and againet allIiabllity arising from the cla1n of any llen against tlre unlt I- .l -5- of any other owner or againit tlre general conjrc n ele!€ntsor the pro ject comron elements fcr c.;nstructr -,n f.erfc:-neCor for labor, materiai, services, or other products inc.'!:- porated j.n or othenrise attribut-able to the owner's cond-.- minium unit at sueh ownerr g rer:uest. IJ. ADI{INTSTRATION AND IL{NAGEUENT. The *:INiNiStTAtiO:: arr(l rnrnagemenE-Af-TEG conaffiGlun property shali b€ gcverned by the Articles of Inccrporatron and By-Larrs cf Breakaway Wegt Association, a non-profit CoLorado corporation, herei.naf :erreferred to as the "Association'. A certified ccpy of t}te Certificate of Incorporation cf such coroorati.n shall be filed or recorded in Eagle County essentraliy sinultaneouslyor prior to t'he recording of this Deelaration. An osner of a condomi.nium unit, upon becorning an owner, shal,l b'e a Bertbe rof the Association and shall remain a metnber for the period of hls ownership. No person sha.l kre a member unless he is an onner. An exclusive Agent for the operation and Banage- ment of this condominiun project nay be appoint-ed by the Agsociatl.on. 14. RESENVATION FOR AC(ESS.XAITfTEHANCE, REPATR AND EUFreENCIES. The owners ve the lrrevocaDle rlgnt,E-F€-ffialeed by the ltanaglng Agent or Board of Directorgof the Aegoclation, to have access to each unit fron tilreto tlr durl,ng reasonable hours as nay be necesgary for tlclnapection, maintcnrnce, repair or replacenent of any of tl|cgeneral co@n elenentg thereln necessary to prevent danaFto tJ|3 gcn€ral or linited co@n olercnta, to anotlrer unitor units, or to the project comon eI@ntr. Danage to the interior of any part of a Bnltr€lultlDg fron the rairteDar.ce, repair, errqeDcy repairor roPlacC!0cnt of any of the general comon eleta€Bt8 oras a rc$ult of etErgency lepalrs rithin another unlt atthe inristance of the Assoclatl,on shall be a co@oa erp€ateof all of the o*ners; provided, houever, that if such d.D.geig tlrc r€sult of the negligence of a rurit otrn€r, tian auctrunit ovtFr shal I be reelrcnaible for all of euch darrEe.R€storation of the dr',aged iryrovecnts shall be to subft-n-tlally thc sam conilltlon as that of grrch i-uproven+ntr priorto the darnage. 15. Oh'NENS' UAIT TENATICE RESPONSIBILITY OT UNIT. Por purpole f-ing, an owner shaU be deered to orn tle rrindowg, door8,interior noD-supporting ralls, tha ntsrlals (euch as butnot lfuoited to plaster, gDrpaum dry ralle, patieling, call-paper, brlck, stone, palnt. rall and floor tlle, aud flooriaglbut not including thc gubflooring) aaking up the fiuicbedsurhceg of the pcrl,ncter yalls. cellings and floorg sithinthe unit and tlre unlt doors ard $lndo$s. Thc crner rhellnot be deeDed to oltr.ny utillties runaing through h"is unit wir ich aerve norc tlran ooc unl,t except ae a ten nt in corenwiti the other orrrcrs. Such right to repair, altar ald remodal shall carry ttre obligatlon to replace sny finl.ahing materials rernoved uith sirnilar or othcr tlpe s or kindr offinishing nuterial.g of equal or better quality. ) -6- Each ovner- sh-lIincluding the f lxrurr-s, cfrcflair. nil. f ixcures andunit colrrencin I nt a oclnc naintain a:rJ \eep Lhe incerior,his own unit in good t.1ste :rndequipnent inst.rllerl wi ch.j n t\ewhere tre ut!).ity Iines, p:pes, ,.. rires , conduits or s).srens (which for rreviil. are hei.:.-r f terraferred tc as ',util,icies") enter the unit sh.ilI bc :r.rin_bined and kept in repair b1, the owner t.hereof . \c sn'ner shal,r_ Cc an\- 3ct cr ary work that wi L lilpair the s--ruccurai sou:.jness or in:ec::iLv of the buildingor inpaj,r an!- casenent or heredita:rer:t. ],6. CO}TPLI.\SCE IiiTI.i PROVISIOI;S '-'\i DECLARATION ANDBT-lAxs- _Easllron8 c! this Decleration, the provisrons of the Articlegof fncorporatioa and B-r'-Laws cf tire Assocration, and thedecislons a:ld resolutions cf the Association adopted pur-ttrant thareto as the saFe nay be I awf uI I-v arne nded f rorn timeto ti"Ee. Fai,lure so to conpl-v shal l be grounCs for anaction to recover surns dre and for danag6s or injunctivenlief or bcth, raaintaina5le by che Uaniging egent or Boaldof Dlrcgtors in thc naare of the Association on behalf oftDe orrners or, in a.proper case, by an aggrieved owner. 17. lglrqcrTloN OR A{E:|D!{ENT TO DECIAMTTON. ThisDeclantion ifre pro-visionr hcrcin be alrpnded unLess (1) sixty-eil and tsolthirdeparctent or Eore of the erners of residential unita tbaeed onqltregate -ormer3hip i.:r the project measurad by one vote for.rch rcaLdcntial utit), (2)-slity-six anC tuo:thirds percentor rno rc of the o$ners of garki.ng units (oased on one iotefor each such sp.ee), if luch anendnren c or revocation willrlfect quners of garking uniss, and (3) all of the holderso!,*y recorded airtgages or deeds cf trust covering oraftectiug any or all unics unaninously consent and igree tocuch rewocaEion or anendne nt by instrljJnent(s) duly record,:d;ltrovided, howener, that ihe peicentagre cf the undivr.ded interest,in tlre general eo?rnon eierents appuraenant to each unit, asstaled 1n Exhilti- t B, sha11 have a perriar.en+- character and shall.not hc aitered rithout the consent of aiL of the unii ownersaa expressed in a duly recorded a.Eendr:.e n t to this Declaration. of C'reetors of the Aseociation frofi! tir:e to line as payable b1t all unlt orrrers, including Declaranc, to provide for theF'ayEnt of all estl[rated exp€naes growing oul of or connectedvith the naintenance and operation of t:re general ccrnmo n ere-Dentr and the project conmon e1enentg. Said sum nay inclu re,aDng other things, the following: Expenses of nanlgement;taxeg and special aesegsrent-, until separately assessed orrith respect to project corunn elener:,rsl fire insurance rrithcxtended eDverage and .randalian and malicious nischief tnsur-ar)ce tlth endorse[entE attached lssued in thc dmount of the!a:si-trn!! replacenent 'Jalue of all units anc simi lar insurance,i.th re3p€et to proJect corGon elenents, casualty and oubllcliablllcy and othcr i.ngurance prerniuns; la;rdscaping und c"reof -grounds i anofl rcuoval; cor@n lighting and heating, repalraatrd teoor-ationr r garbage ccllecti.Jni or^qesi lrater chirges;lcaal aril accounting feet; nanagenent f;es; expens"s uid 18. ASSESSU.EfiT FOR CO!&!!CF EXFEIiS:S. The assessmentsnadc upon t-le -offiaiL be based utrnn caah_ r.quiremcnts estinated by the itanaglng Agent or Board -7- U liabilitieg incurred by the l.{anaging Agent or Board ofDirectors under or by reason of thii Declaration, thepaynent of any deflcit renaining from a prevloue periodithe creation of a reasoDable contlngency or otlr€r rcaervcor surplus fund as well as other coser and expeneea relatlngto the general common elements and th€ proJect comn elo-ments. The onisslon or fail,ure of the Board to fix thcassessnerrt for any npnth shall not be dccncd a waiv€r, nodl,-fication or a release of the owners froo tbeLr obligatlon topay. 19. INSURANCE. The t{anaging Agsnt or Boatd ofDirectors ehAII-;EEin and aaintitn at all tlnor lnrunncrof the type and kind provided hcrelnabove, and protoct!,onfor such risks as are deenred advl.eable by the board otDirectors and are from time to tl.re cuetnrlly conrrcd. rl tbrespect to other apartnant or condomlDlut bBl ldlagr, rtrlltrproject comlcrn elen€nta, fixturcs, cqulprnt end ;trconrlproperty sinilar in constructLon, deslgm and urc, lfaufd blrresponsible insuranco conpanier authorirod to do burlnatr lDthe state of Colorado. The bral.c flre and €xtand.d oov|f.attingurance on condorniniun unltr and the ganoral ooDn rtriirtr .insurance shall t'e carried ln blantct poltc? forn nartng "ti- ..; Association as che ineur^cd, whtclr poUc!:f or poLlclcr .litl ,.identify thc intcrcst of cach unlt-ownci and-rhlch ablf Fro- ;vide for a Btandard, Don-eontributory Fttgag.c ilau$ {a. . .;far,or of each flrgt nortgageo, and rhall furtlcr provlda tbt " tit cannot be caneelled by qithcr ths lnrurrd or t.ha tn]rfi$ '". conpany until after ten dayar prior wrltten notlca to crol{. ,:1first mortgagee. The t{anaglng Agent or Board of Dlractc* .; :f.lf, upon request of any fiist rnortgagee, furnlrh a crltti :'fied cgpy of such btanket poticy and ihe separat€ c.rttflcata ;ridentifying the i.nterelrt of the nortgagor. , ' ^, , o-l . AlI poticies of insurance ghall provl.dr that ti. ;Arr lrLrrrsres or I'nsurang€ lnalr provroa EnaE EII f"insurancethereunderehaIlbelnval1datedoisueDradodon!s in_ respect to the interest of any partl.eular aair gufltll df ia breach of rarranty, act, onigslon, negll,gcnce or non-6oF -pliance with any proviaiona of euch poficy, inclsdlag payrratprlance.wtth any provlaiona of euch pollcy, inclndlag payrratof the ingurance prernlurn applicable to thit ownlrri intcr|lq,o5 wfro paite or faile to prevent the happrnlng of rny €iaxtt,whether occurring before or aftcr a lorrr-yhieh rurder-'thcproviaions of such poltcy would o thervicc LnvrlLdrtc of ana-pend the entire policy, but the inaurancc undar rny tIGbpolicy, aa to the tnteregts of all o thrr tnrurcd ornrrr retguilty of any such ace or onrlsslon, rhrll Ft h tnvrft&tritor suapended and ghall renaln ln full force,.nd oftact. DF"tennlnatlon of nrxlnum replacercnt valuc of all condotatraunits for ineurance purpoaeo shaU b€ rrde eanually by one 9r m-.rrg rrritten appraiaale, copler of utrlch lhall ba turtrkbcllforthvith to each mortgagec of-r eondoel,nfun unlt. In rddl,tlon,each owner shall b€ notifiod of, cuch appartgalt. 20. LIAaTLIIY FOR ASgtSSt{EttTS. AII osncr6 shrll bcobligared toffintr imposcd by theBoard of Dlrectors or ltanaglng Ag.nt of the Arsoilatlon tomeet comnon expenaea. Except for lnourancc prealrne forbaslc fire and extended coverage lnaurance on condomlnlununits and general coluon elernsnt!, ars€ildonts rhall, bo nadepro rata agalnst the ormars of each unlt barcd on the rattoof floor area of such unlt co (f) the floor aroa of all unltcin the lndlvldual buildlng, ln thc orle of expensca for gcneral connon elements and (2) to the floor .rrea of all units ulthin t-' 1 -. -8- the project existing at the tfu€ such assessnent thall be due ' in ti'r. iase of "*p"ttt-" for project corurcn ereloenta ' excepE that for the purPos"-n."i"f,'p"iring units shall be deened to coneist of one qi";t"i-;;"-ictu.i oeaeured nutber of. square feet thereln. e"",i""tt nlg for insut"ttt"-9t*ti9t: l-"t-ge basic fire and ertended coverag€ ingurance on cbnaoninitl units and general cotnon ef.;;a;-ihafl be Uusea--upon that Proportion of the total preniuns -tiiit Ut" insurance cairied on a unit bears to total covcrage. -Asseggnents for the egtiruated colrElon ax- penses, lncluding fns"ii"ce, shatl-be cue raonthly in advance ;; th"'first dav-oi';;;n rcnth, and ghall drarr interest at eight Petcent (8t) Per aBnurt-it not paid vithin fourteen (14) daye of such duc ala'te. !l'he llanaglng Agent "t-P:d.:f*Directorssharl prepare aad iJi""i--"t naii t" eich osner aa iteoieed gu.rterly ttatecnf "tt"rittg ruch ownor's 8h'are of actual er- penles for coren ;r.#;;;;; lt'croainq tareg and aaaessn€int!' rrtlr reape". .o ptiir;l-;;i;;-;icicr' rnd rlao. itenizins acqnulations fot ;sb"t"d iuture erpcnrcr' g""tst!::i"- for Dootlrrtt .ece"";ta rhrtl ue proiltco tf thc owtrrehip of a unit co4rrcGa ";-Lt;tler tiraa tlo gtrgt day of a rcath' iothtng hcrein prolldcd rball Prentent tJle^tbFgiDg lr'GntolEoardolDlrcctor'fro.tr..ci'g.at8e3|EDt'.forrrr|.-ffii"i';if,-.]l p.;irDs ,rrits "cp.ritciv. rf tlcy .tec' lt advlmblc .o to co]--tlry-ray "1ryor-tlon e:pcneee attribut bi. to parklry unltr "S".lli E"t ilc cncn of rrrch -nitg ' dc- drrctiag ".r"u "tp"ie"-iitiru"irlrc to -pu*iry uatts tro tbc e:qEnoe! to be attPortlonod aFng otmcri of realdcntial t'nltr ea abovc Provided- lly ltrst DrtgalF, - qtoD reglE"g' "tl-f^be^tlvcnyrltten notl; W tbc essociatton or tlanaElDg Agclt .9.rny tie ltt rcrtg.gor faill to pty any cucb ilregsrDt uitlia fourt Gn (ll) dtyt of the duo d't€' No oYncr nay srdtlt bUsGIf, frm liabtltty for bll contributlon toralr(ls tfrc c'omn GrPGnrGs by-vaivcr 9{ ,S".*?;;';;l;y*"i "t ;;-"i tb.:gqt";i'c'opn ltcreatr or Projact coruoi itensnto, oi uy abandoannt of hie unit' "' "'"o'od I3Hffif'-Pi StH EH"SiH:".^li"ff*"assessed buffil I oonetttute a rlen ttrereoato oty unit, lncluding- latrrestr .ahal ""p"ii"i- tpir".r to'-irr otrrcr ilcnr rna encrrDbrlaces cscePt: (al Tax and rpeclrl rgr3ent ll'eng Ln favor of any asseerlng ulltl rrd (b) All suD! unpald on a tirst Dortg'ge or firBt decd of-truac Lf rccord' ioctuding all un- pila ourr.g"t"rv "t^ rg uy *-provtded-bl-119incunrbran&, aid inctudlng- cddltional tdYances rnade there"" [f"i--to tirc'arlrtrrg of cuch a licn' IoevidencesuchalientjrcBoardcfDirQctor!orlianrglnE Agent r-y,-Uot snafi-not-be requircd. to pr'p'rc :::i:t"o;li;. "Siting forth the ano"nt of such unpaf9 in&btcdnesr 'the nanre of the o*".r "i tnc nnlt aad a dercripLicn-ot --tbe,iii..-"i,-r, ;-.oli;;-"urr ue-Jtsned bv one of ttre Boerd of Directore or by ttro thnlgiDg l€ent -"D9 *y be recorded in ttre ;;ii;-;i tne itcrt ""a nrircir of thc eo\rDtv of- Eaglc ' state ii-c"i"ii.f". suctr li.aa for ttrc comn arPan'Gl rh'll-lttactr frorn thc date of tn"-ilfictc of payr-nt oi the altcf3*nt' and nav be enforced UV-i"i."fisure oi., ihc_dcfautting owaer'* unlt l;'d: ili"iiiii"i tt rlx. DaDn€r as tor€crosu$ on r tbrtsreo or dced of trurt o"-L"f--pt"p"tty' Ia rny eucb-foracl91o*' rhe oyner shalt b€ ril;lr6e-i; p"y .f" coits "ttd cxPon'c' of -9- sucA Prcceedin\-:s , ::le -'.sts .:::l expeliscs f t-'r f il j.nj t;tc notrce or cl!arr of L i,en ..,'..1 al I re.:..)r.rblc' -itr.'rt)c\'rs fr'€s. 'lhe owner sharl aisr: be req''i:-leJ t'r -oa:'- -'hr) ':''is'ci''tti'on a reas'rnable rental f:r the u::it Cu:-.::.': the pc'ri ).: 1': :oreclosure, .rnd che Assecl:ti.-rn shai l, :e .'::tit],€d L' .r receive- Lr c.llect :he srne. T:.e ,\sscc:,ii:'-n s::;,.1 i h..r'.''.: :he po!'re r to i:i:l in rhe unj,'. ri f.rec:.'.;:rre s.:1e .and L. .ic;-,rire and hci.i, ic'ds€ r rrortgage :nd ao!r'.'a:.' sa:ae. The a:-. u;rt of u:t- L- a::Lr--'.o:: cr\!rc:lses asstlssed against e:cl u:::: sn.:ll :.is: be: ie!:c of che cwner thereof at the titr the ,issess::eiE is nale. Sulc to reccver a rnonel' judg- tr€nt f3r u::pa:.C c.::iron cxpe!'.ses sr:li ':'e raintainable witho'tt foreci'--1sr::g ,1!: w3it'r::r t]re lien sec'.:ri.:: t s.rle. \i-r' eni--urbrat:cer lci.-ling .r lien on a unit nay pay ar-v urga:3 :arno:i exle:ses ,oal'abl: witr resgect Ec such unit-, anci upcn such pa1';-e--t such e::cumb:-.:nce: shall have a ]ien on such unit for che 3:iou!1ts -oaid of the sane rank as the lien of hi s e:rcu-:b:ance - 22. LIiBI;i?Y TCR CO}i\:::; EXPENSE UPON TRANSPER OF Co!:Dol{IsILt}l ffi of a reaso;rable fee not to -r-if--ra -rexceeo rlrEeen oorlars anC upon tlre written requcst of any ouner or any mortgaqee cr pr;spective norr-gagee of a.unit' tlre Assocj.aiicn, iryr-its Vanaging Agent or Board of Directors, rhal,l issue a rririen state:n6nt - setting forth the arnount of tlre unpaid coFEnon expengen, if any, with respect to the sub- lect uiri.t, the ar,o'.rn t of ihe -'urrent :nonthly asses,sment and ihe Soce such assessnenE beco;'€s due, any credit for advance palFdents or for gregaid icens, !;rcludinq but not Iimited to ingurance p reriu:ts lnd such !l ca telrent shall be conclusive upon --he Aiscciation in favor cf atl pergons -who re':'y thereon in good fai:h. I! such statenent of indebtedness is not iss:rec rite:n ten Cays cf the regues:, al1 unpaid cotunon ex-eenses with respeei co the subject unit due Prior to the daie of sr3:1 regu€st shal.l be subordinate co the lj'en of the 9€ rsoD reg':es ti,ng such s tatenent . Tlre qrantee of a unit shai i be jointly and severally Iiable fi.:h the trantor for all unpaii assessments against the late€r for h:s Proportiooate snare of che conmon exp€nses uP to the lire cf the grant .r ccnveyance, without Prejudice to tlre 3iran"-ee's right to recovet fron the grantor the arnou;lts paid b1 ;-he ?rantee therefor; proviCed ho'tev€r, that uPon Pay- irent o: a re;sonable fee not rl exceed f j'fteen dollars, and irpo:r 'rritte:. reguest. , any Pr.s?ecti'/e orant€e shall be encitled to a starere::r- fror t*he ltanaging Agent or Board of Directors, s€t'. n9 !c::r the a:'rou:it of t:le unpaid assessments, if any, uich ris-oeet !. ehe subject unit, che amcunt of the current ronthly lssessnent ar,C Lire date chat such altgeasment becomes a:e-, a)l credir- fcr aCvanced paynents or for prepaid itens 'irciuiing bu t not li:'1iced co insurance preniums, and such gtate*e:ri shail Le cancluslve up.n the Association. If sueh statenent cf indebteiness ic ncl issued within ten days of s:rch request, then such ?rantee shall not be liable for' nor sirail che ::ni! con.reyec. be subject to liens for any assessnents a?ainst the subject unit rinpai.d at the date of the reguest' tfip ?tc-tistoa -,7 r-his paragioph shall not apply upon Che iniCial lrar,sfer u f ;lnrtg b7 Declarant. -r0- encumber his interest-by ieca of trurt, nortgag€ or other security instrument. A first mot'tgage sh'lI bc one shlch has first uno paro.o""t pii"iity una6r applicrble law' The owner of a unit nay create junior mortgaiits "l !l'e 5"-lL?"1"Sconditions: (l) a"V-"".n j""i"t nortgaics shall alvays be subordinate to all oi the tirmS, eondielons, C€Venantg, trG- siri.ctions, uses, tilnltattono, obligatLonr, llens for cou.on exp€nses, and other obligatlons created by thls -Declaratlon'the Articles .,r r.,io6;;;;i;" and the sy-l'aws,of the-Arsocla- cion; Ql The mortgagee under any junior tnorcgage lnarr release, for the p"ip5se of restoiallon of any inprovemnta ;;;;-;;; mortoasei-pi"ii".", arr of hie-rlsht' tl:}"-ill interest in ar,d t. in"-'pi..eeas unaer all insurance policiee upon said premises whicir insurance Sollcles were affected iira pf.cea'upon ttre ioiig"gea preniica.by the Asaoclation' such release shal} ue fuinisheb forttrrltlr !V a junlor rcrt- g"g." "po" written requ€st of the Agsoclatlon' 24. RrGHr oF PrRST EE4JEI!-!L qtilEEg.. rn tbe ovcDt .r,y o*r,!i'of=-ffi@1i rirh to selr or lease the titoe,-i'ta ihtrt natrc received a bona lidr offer therefor f ron _i-prospcctivc purcharcr or tcnant r- ttrc ;;."i"i;; orn"t" shair-G iivcn rritten nottce thcreof to- qether with an "*"t"E"a "ofy ol grrch otlor and th€ t€li!3 iiJ.l-rl--i";i; ;;i;;-""a-ii,pv Enan ue deered elven to-all """n "*""ts if deltvit.a t"'tf,e Board o! Diroctors' All' or less than aII, of-ttrc rernainlng oirtcra tlrrough the Eoard of Directors, or " p"ii""-""rea uf lt, ghall-havc the rffht io purcr,"ee or leasl the eubject- uni! upon- thc -eane terE ancl conditions as ".tl"r*t in the offei thercfor' Provldcd wricten notlce of such election to purchaee or leage la glwn l"-irr" selling or reierng onner, ani a natchlng dotm Pay[cnt or deposit rs pronidea t5 trre selling or leasing oun€r durlng the turenty-aay peri;-fmJlitely foilowins -tho dcllrrcry of - the notice of the ;;";iG-"ifei and copv thGfeof ' -Thc right of first refusal herein provided shall not apPly -to lea!" or sub-Ieases having i-t.rr'of lesa than one hundred and tftnttr- one daya. In the event any olrDer shall atteqP! t9 sell. or lease hig unit witio"l-"Jtir.te compllance with tlre rlght of iiiet refugat hcreln provlied, Euch sale or lealc rhall br ,t"ii'-n"il and vold -ana anati confer no titlc or l.terc.t whatsiever upon the intendeal purchaaer or l6ttec' The subleaeing or subrenting of any-lnterest rhall be subicct to the sine rimitations as ire.lppl:9!!l:,T thrl i"."Gg-"t renting-;;it"or- --conpliance vith- theso right of iirgt iefusal provieione chall b€ nandatory in cvcry-c?se' notwlthstanding an orner's prior lease or rental of sald interest as Provided herein. rn no case ahall the right of firrt refugal reserved herein "tiect tie right oi at oener to s'bJect his irrcei"st in the ptoj""t-i" a frust decd, nortgaqe or othcr security instrunent. The fallure of or rcfulel by the Eoard of Directorg toexercisetherightofflrstrefuralthallnotconacltuteor be deenred to be a i.iu.t of such right wlth reepect to any sub- ""q"".t-b"na fide offer fron a prospecclve purchaecr or tenant' - ll - r The right of first refusal , as Provide'l \crein, shall extend and run for ttre life of Ralph T. Slo.n' P:'ug twenty-one years. Except as is otherwise provided in paragraPh 25, and except upon a tranrfer of title to a Prrblic Trus tee or to a first, mortgagee, each grahtor of a unit, uPon trans- ferring or conveying his intereEt, shall lncorporate ln such instrument of conveyanco an agtreerGnt that the grrane€c carry out the provisions of the "right of first refusal' ac provided in thls paragraph. 25. ET(EUPTION PROTT BIGHT C'F TTRST REPUSAI. TN thC event of anyffi: Tfn?miflng-Glivery of a deed to the first mortgagee in lrcu of 6uch foreclosure) upon default on the part of any orn?r, sale ehall be rudefree and clear of the provitlonr of paragraph 2{r but tlre purchaser or the grantee under such Ceed in lleu of fore- closure, ahall be thereupon and, tlrereafter subject to th€ provisions af this DeclaratioD, tbe Articles ald tia By-Lut of the Associatlon, except that tf tlre purchaler gn such foreclosure gale, or grantee unilcr gucb dccd ElvcD ln lieuof forecloaure, ia the holder of tbe flrst @rtg:rge' ot ltrr noniuee. the raid holder or noninec lay tlrerarftcf scU tod convcy ttre unit free and clear of tbe provlsion8 of gera- graPh 21 , but its grante€ shall thercr4ra and tbcreafter bc subject to all of the provlslons thereof. lhe following transfera are also erqtt frq tbe provis ione of paragraph 2l: (a) The transfcr by opcration of 1., of tjoint tenent's interect to tlrc surrrivlng Jolnt t€nant (a) t (b) The transfcr of a dacaaccdr g lntcreatto a devisee or devigees by stll or hte beircat law under intest cy lalrs t (c) The transfcr of all or any Plart of rpartnerrg lnteregt at a reault of vitltdrlml, death or othenise, to the renaining partEra carrylng on the partnerehip businese anVor a pergon or peraona beconing partn€$ t a trau-fer of all or part of a partnerr! or Partncr! | lnterests b,e tween one or moFe ParcnerE and/orto p€rsons becoming partners t (d) The trangfer of a corPontion r eintcrest to the p€rsona foru*rly orming the stock of the corlrcration aa the rcsult of adissolution. A transfer to the resulting ' entity following a corporate nerger or coD-solidationr provided, however, tlrat at leattfifty percent of the stock of the resultingentity is ovned by the stqckhoLders of tlrc corporation forrnerly owning the unit. If the ovner of a uni. t can establish to tlrc ratia-faction of the UanaginE Agent or Board of Di rsctors tbr! a proposed transfer ie not a sale or leage, or a sdclclflng 9lsubrenting. then sueh a transfer shall not be nrbJect to tha provisions of paragraph 24, -r2- ?5 . \-'Fl.TiFrcATr r)r .',..rytlI ANcF - \T{;HT a'.. F rRsr $lFl-'sA!. i'ri:iTilT[Ei--ie.-,u,'i;t .ny,'i5Ep*J'-';.' Tr.r,.s-fe-or, Fura:l3ser, ten.r:r: sr:: €sistir,; or i'r.-.r'J.-.:ti','cilortqagee : f try uni t , th(' \:3:: lo ino Aqent cr !.,- a:'ci .r:Direc:!-\rs ;f the Asscr-r:ti.or shali f .rrthwrth, or rr'hr-l r€ti* is specif ied, ic tle e:r.i of the rine, r:js.rir .ir'ritten and .:ci no-*l,eil|;ed aerti:icRt.L. rll fnCoItlrrb"ie iUr-ril , eviden-- Ln9: (3) lli t.!1 re-sp.,-ct tc d i)r.:cse,,i Le.ese ,-,rsale 'J;'id,e r paragrap!: Ii . th:t prots--,r n.-.ti --r.uls o:ve.a by the rena:::!rq c.,r.:tc:.S lu: Ci.'i ::ocelect :o exercise.-heir rit l.:: :-- ;)urc:l3secr Ie:.se t (b ) :Jith res_oect tc .1 :iee.i in I ier: c ! iorecl.c sure tc a fir-<: :c:!:-;.iaL'e .:: :-ts not'li.iee and a deed iror such r-irst . ior:tgaqeeor its noarinee, pursu3:rc to garagra-Dh 2: ,t:la: Ehe deeCs $ere ]'n fact given :.n lieuof fcreclosure anC t'ere :ct s'Jb te.: t. cheprcvrsicns of paragrach 24; (c) I{i th respect -.-c anlr contenFlatedtransfer rftich is :iot in fact a sale orlease, that the t:ansfer idi.l.l not besubject !o the provisions of paragraph 24. Such a certificate shall be conclusive evidencesf tlre factg contained therein. 27 - LSSOCIATfOX AS -r.TTORliEy-IN-FACt. This Declaration he::eby nates intrnent o f anattorney-in-fact to |real i-i":h the property upcn iEs destructionor obsolescelrce. titl.e to any unit hereunder shall. be expresslys'rbject to tbe cerc and condi.t.ions hereof , ani acceptance by eEy grante€ of a deCd froin t:re Declarant or frcn any ctrnersha1l cffect appoint$ent of the attorney-in- f ac'- herein pro- vrCed. AII of the oners irrevocabll,' const.itute and appoi.ntErealaray $est Association, a Colorade non-prcfit corporati)n,tieir true and lavful attorney in their name, place and stead,for the purpose of dealing with the property upon its destruc-tion or obsciesceace as j.s hereafter provi,ded. As attorney-in-faet, tlre issociation, by its duly authorized officers fronti e to ti:e, shall. have fuli anci compiete authorization, right and po'*er tc nake, execute and deliver any contract, deed or:ry other i:].s trunent necessary or appropriate to exercise EhegcuGrr herein ?raDted irith respect to che interest of any unitc'rrne:. .Repair and reconstruction of the ingrovements as usedin tJte succeeding subparagraphs rneans restoring any sueh improve-Bents to a canditicn subseantialiy the sare as prior to the da:ra,ge, u:i-h each unit and the general and linited conmon cLe-lientg baving the sane vertical and horizontal boundaries asbefore. ?he proceet3d of zn7 insurar:ce collected shall beavailable to the Associai-icr for the frurpose of repair, restora-r'-ion cr repiacenents 'rnl.ess ti.e orrners of the i.l'-rilding iif fected and aii affected first rorr?agees agree not co rebuild in accorCance rj.th the prct|sions set forth here af tc-.:r. I -i1 - rtt (a ) In Ehe ouun g c,f des truction due to f ire or other disaster, the insurance proceede, lf sufficient to reconstruct the improvementE, 6hall be applied by the Assoclation, as attorney-in-fact, to such reconstruccion and the inProvements shall be promptly repalred and rFconscructed. Thc Assoclation shall have full authorlty, rrght and poerer, as attorney-i:r- fact, to cauae the rePalr and regtoration of the improvementa. (b) rf the insur:ance proceedr are lnsufficientto repair or reconstruct the inprovetEnte, and lf such damage rendered not nore than one half of thepreviously exisEing residential unlCs destroyed or seriously danaged, upon the unanimug approval ot con6ent or every first mortgagee alfected ' rrrch darnage or destruction shall be pronptly rePaired and reconstructed by the AsgociatloB' aa attorncy- in-fact, using the proceede of insurance and tlre proceeds of an asaesaDent to be ENde agalnac all of the affected onners and thelr unlts. Such def iciency asseasrnent shul1 be a co@n er(Penae and made pro rata according to floor area ratlolin the manner provided hereln above ln paragraph 20 (wherein parking unicg are decd to contaln one guarter the actually rnealured equare fcettherein), and ehall be due and payrble stthl,nthirty day"r 6;g"t rritten notlce thcrcof. lta Association shall have the authorlty to cauet tlrarepalr or reatoration of the lq)rovcnts u3lngall of the insurance proeeeds for euch lrurpo!€notwithstanding the fatlure of an otrlter to pey thc assessment. the aaaoEamnt provldcd for hcretashall be a debt of each orner and a llen on hlrunit and mry be enforced and col lectcd rs k pro- vided in paragraph 2l . In addition th€retor thaAesociation, aa attorney-in-fact, rhrll havc tlrcabsolute right ard porrer to sell tlrc unlt of any owner ref ueJ.ng or failing to pay such d€flclcncy asseaanent wlthln the tine provided, and it not so paid, the Aasociation rhall caurc to bc rccoraoda notlce that the unit of the del lnquant c'rDcr rhrll be sold by the Assoclation. The procecds dGrtvGd from the sale of such unlt shall ba ueed enrl dlr- bursed by the Assoclatl.on, as ateorney-in-frct, lnfollowing order: (f) For payment of the balanca of thc llca of any f irst rnortgage t (2) For payrnent of tax and splclal a5!6trnntIiens in favor cf any aeselalng €ntt,ty t (3) For pairr[ent of uapaid corcn axP€neat, (4) For paynent of junior licnr and Gncn!- brances in thc order of and to th€ cxtant of Ehelr prlority; and (5) The balanca renrlnlDg, if any, shall bcpaid to the prior unlt owner. -lr- (c) If more than one haif of the ;'reviously exlsting residential units in a buildingl are ce- stroyed or Seriousl:' damaged, and. if the owll€l's of one half :f the residcntial ':nits, or more, do not voluntarily, vithin one hundred dayl thereafier, adopt a Plan for recorstruction, r.rhich plan must have tlre unaninous approval or cottsetri of every affected first rnortgagee' the AssocLation shall forthrtith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts ' and upon the recording of srrch notice b;- the Asaociaclon's preeidenf,, the entire rernai.ning' prenises shall Le sold by the Association' as attorney-in-fact for all oi the owners, free and clear of the provisions containecl in this Declaratioa, the trap and the By-La\.,'s. The insurance aettlement prbceeds shali be callected by !h9 Association' ind such procecd! shall b€ dlvided by the Agsociation according to each unic osner'8 int€rest (ag such iniereat aPP€ars on the- P9]19y or poficlis), and such dlvid-d proceeds shall be palb inco a aeParate accoult rePreeentinq each irnit. each eulh account sball be in thc rrane "i tfre Aseociatfon, and shall be further identi- fied by tho nldcr oE tlrc unit and tlrc nane of thg owrrer. Fron each SclErate accou.ot, the Arsociation' as attorDey-itt-ftct, ahall uac and dj,aburse the total anrnt of each of 3uch funds, ittfrout contributlon fror one account to another' tortard thc partlal or full p.yclt of the Iien Ji ary f lrai nortgagc ryainiC th: un-it rePreseqted ty ruitr separatG ic&ul. ltere .hall be added t6 cacb account thc al4nrtioned eurnt of the procoods dtrived froJ thc cale of the entire lrotrnrty. Such apportiount chall be based utrnn ifoir aiea ratloe-le provided in Paragraph 20' Itre total funds of ealh account Ehall be ueed and disbursed, vltbout cootrlbution fron one account to another by thc Asrocbtlon, as attortley-in- -frct, tor thl stre PurPoses and in tbc salp order ar provided in subparairaph (b) (f) through (5) of thiE prragrtph. ff thc ovDera of one half of the affected realdential unlta, or Dre ' adopt a plan for re- oonatruction, *hictr Pltn has the unanirpus apProvaf of aII first lortgrgaei ' then all of ths osDera ch.U be bound Uy-tfic tctoas and other provicione of such plan. nny ealcrnent nade in connegtion with euch ptan shatl bc a cqren exp€Dse and nade pro rata iccording to floor area ratlos ae provided In paragraph 20 and shall be duc and payable as provided by the terDs of such plan' but not soonar ihan thirty dayr after rritten notice thercof. ?he Asoociatioir strllf barrc ttre authority to cauge the rcpalr or restoration of the inprorrcnent using aII of the lngurance proceede for s uclr purPose not$ith- ttarding the failure of an ovner to pay the asgeos- tent. ihe asJcsrrent provided for hereia rhall be -15- a do!''. of eaci: cl.'it:: lnC J I rcn on his uni t and F'ay be e:rforceC s:r: :cIlectc,.l .rs is protiiied in paragraph ?I. In ,rdCi.--ion thereto, the lssocia-tion, aS ati-ornel'-r n-f acc, sh"rlI have Che .ebscluceriqht an.i pouer to sell Ehe uni t of d.r1\' owrl€r Fc--fusing or f :i.i lng tc pay sr:c;r :lsscssnent ,ri chi,ntlte titn€ provided; enc i f not s: p"r!.d , the .Association shall cause t!- be recorCei a n.'ircethat rhe unit of the lei inque;'.t .-wner --:r:l L beso:i' bl' the .:.ssocl.rtic::. T!:c pr:.-eeds i:.r ive!-1fron t}re sale cf such unit sh.rLl le us.-d -r:-i(1Cisbursed by t-he .i,ssceia-rian, ds atiornel'-in-!act, f or the s a:rr: lur:\.-ce and i:r the sane c-rderas pr3vid.ed in subpara:r-.:h.: lb') ij.r Lllrc,-:.:h (5) of thrs -oaragraph. id) i)rdners o5 three ;udrters cr :-r-1re of the res:.Ce:rtial units aifect-1, upon Lhe unanimous apg:oval or consent. cf alL affected first mort- gagees, na!' agree that the qerreral conmon elenentsof tl:e property are obsclete and that the same shouid be renered or reccnstructed. In suchinstance, then the exgense thereof shall be payable by all of the orrne rs of such general co:nmon elements as co@n expenses; provided, holrever, ehat any o{ner :lot agre€ing to sueh renewal or reconstructionuy givc uri tten Dotiee to the Association thac hiE uoit shall be pr:rchasedt by the Association for the fair roarket value thereof. If such owner and thei.ssociation can agree on the fair rnarket valuetherecf, then such sale shal.l be consummated with- in tbirty days tlereafter. If the parties are unable to aEree, the date when either party noti- fies the other that he or it is unable to aqreerith the other shall be the "coEmencing date" fronrhich all periods of titne rEntioned herein shall be measured. 'di,ahin ten days following the conunencingdate, each party shall nonlnate an appraiser inrriting, and shall give notlce of sueh noninationto tlre ottrer partyr any such appraiser shall be arealtor and qunlified co rnake appraisals of condo-alniu:r alrd siliila! .oroperty in Eagle Count?, Colorado.If either party falIs to nake such nomination, theappraiser noninated ghrll, within five days afterdefault by the other party, appoint and associatesit:: bin ancther sLnj.larly qualified appraiser. Ifthe 3. appraisers designated by the parties, or sel,ected pursuant hereto in the e'.'ent of the defaulto! cne party, arc unable to agree, they shall appoint another sinilarly gualified appraiser to be arbitrator be trteei. thera, if they can agree on auch person. Ifthey are unable to agree upon such arbitrator, thenthe natter sha1l be nettled pursuant to the rules ofthe An€rican Arbitration Asscciation. The decisicnof the aporalsers as to the fair nrarket value, orln tae eaae of therr digagreerrent, then such de-clsion of th^e arbitrator shall be final and binding. The expenses and fees of such appraisers cr arbi-trator or both shall be borne egualLy by che Associa- ti-rn and th€ ourer. The sale shall be congurqt'nated i.. i' l i i i:' -15- -T coilt{oN within flftecn days thereafCer, and the Assocla- t.ion, as attorney-in- fac t, shall diaburSe such proceeds ae le provided in subparagraphe (b) (f) through (5) of this paragraph- (e) Onnera of three quarters of the affected residential unlts nny agrGc that the general comrnon elcnents of the property are obgolete and that the crt|E should be sold. such agrcemcnt nust have the unanimous approval of evsry affected first norlgagee. fn such inatance, the Asgoelation shall fortfnrittr record a notlce setting forth ruch facts, and upon the recording of such notiee by the Aesoclacion, the entire affected prcni'ses shal)' be sold by the Associatlonr aa attorney-in- fact- for all of thl affected owners, free and clear of the provlsions contained in this Declaration, the llaP and the By-Laws. 'Ihe salee proceeds shall be apportioned betveen Such owners on the bagis of elih ownerre percentage interest in the general connon elenents, and such aPportioned proceeda shall be paid into seParate accountE repreeenting each unit. Each such rccouDt rhall be ln the nane of the Agsoelation, and shall be furthsr identified by the nunber of the unit andl tlre nanre of the o.mer. Fron eacb sqParatG account, the Ascociation, at attorr|ey-la-fact r lhrll ure and disburge the total arnount of auch rccount!, wi,thout contribution from one accounC to anottrer, for the sarp purpoeee and in ttre BarE ordor ai Is provided ln aubparagraPhg (b) (1) through (5) of this paragraph. 28. PER-€ONAI, PROPERTY ANO PRqTICTolrEnt Progaa! no I6-njrraffi@IG the use th:reof , Declarant lhall trarufer to the Aseociatlon all itmes of Pargonal ProP€rty located on tlre preml.sea and furnlshcd by Dcclarant, wtrich ProPerty is -tntqndld?or the comrcn use and enJoyrent of thc unit orn€re and occupantr 'The Ascociation ehall hold title to such property for the ulc and enjolzrmnt of the unit ow,ne rs and occuPant!. No orrner cbrll have eny other lnterect or rj.ght thereto and all rrrch right r.d lnteresl shall absolutely terminace upon the ovnerrs tcrrlnatlon of osnership of his unit. Ees€ntially slnultanoourly wlth the fist conv.taloaof any unit, De'claranl shall executa and dellvrr Protrer lnltru- trEnts to convey the project co!@n el€nent8 to the lrlociatlon. The Association ahali fr6ra tltle to cuch proDerty for tlrc urc and enJolzra[t of thc unlt owners and occupantt. No orner ehall have any-other lntcrest or right tlrereto and ell euch right rd lntcrest shall abaolutely terrnl,nate upon the oun rr! trrrrlmtlonof or*nerghip of hts unit. The proiect cor|on elcn€ntt ehall be nanaged Uy the Aseociation or lte designated tbnaglng Agent and all nanagetu€nt dacltlons with r€spect th€reto rhrll bs nade by the Agsociatlon or its designatcd Managinq Agent. Co6ts arrd expenaeg, taxea and asaeg3trEnta, lneurance procccde, aale Pro- ceeds and otber proce€ds eith respect to the proJact commca elenents shall bc apportloned betueen the ornerg on the baeis of floor afeaa, aa hersln above provlded. -17- ,. .- ;',Lt'.).- a U 29. rIAILING OF NOTICES. A1^ noti.ces, de;cands orother notices-iiE6FGF6-66-Terved upon an owner ghali besetrt by ordin,i'ry or certif ied :.,oi1. postage prepai.d, addressedin Lre nahe ol such owner in care of the unit n'.rr$e r andbuikllng address of such orner. AlI ncticea o denan,js or otheanotj.ces intendi:d tc be served upon the anaglng Agenr- or theBoard of t,irectors of the Associai_lon shaLl be gent by crdin-ary or certified nail, postage prepald, to Raiph T. Sloan,P. u " Box 242 , Vail, Colorado A76.,'l . '! Any f irst norEgagee, r-rpon reqirest, shall. be er:-tiLled to notice lrom tl.e Associ.ation oi uanaging Agentunder the 6anr.e circum6tances as its nro r t?agor. 30. ARBITRATION REQUIRED FOR ANY SIATU HEREIJI.IDER. Exce D t a s o t EE;;IE;TAEffi-EoiliiAA; a ny -FiI!5TE?E!-EFc ia il.arising out of or relating to this D€cla:ation, or the breachthereof, shal.I be settled by arbi traLion in accordance riththe Rules of the ..\merican Arbitratiorr Association, and Judg-nent uPon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) uray beentered ln any Court having jurisdiction thereof. 3l . PERIOD OP CONDOl.tIli.rUM OI{IJERSSIP. The seDarat€condoniniuD a ion and the fepshall eontinue until. this Declaration ig revoked pursuantto paragraph 17 of this Declaration or until tertDinatdpurauant to aubparagraph! (c) ancl (e) tf paragraph 22 ofthis Declaration, (a) Declarant expressly reserwes the righr toenlarge this condominiun project by coastructing additicnalcondorniniun buildings and other inprovenents on separatereal property, which units nay frorn tilne to ti&e be s'ubmittcdto this condoninium project by a duly recorded supplementto thi8 Doclaration and by e suppletnent to the Hap filed forrecord. (b) fn foru and substance, any such supplettEDtto thit Declaration shall provide for the division oi sucttadditi.onal real properly and Lqrrovements into condornin i r.rnunlts in forn eubetantially similar to that of thi. s DecLara-tion. Each unit shall be i.dentified by nurnber. and eachbuilding eball be identificd by a synbol or derlgnationdissinilar to any other bu!-Iding under thls Decliration andthe lilap. The undivided incereses in and to the general counonelements appurtenant to each sueh unit ahall not be a oart ofthe general cormon elements of tlre coodoniniun units dircribsdin-and initially created by this Declaration and thc l,lap, p!o-vlded, horrever that projeet c-o@n ele$€nt8 ,nay be crealed-forthe use and benefit of all ownsrs Ln the project. Ttre undividedinterests in the general corlron elerEnts shal,] have a pern ncntcharacter and shall not be altered withrut the c-onsent of allof the unit owners affected, which agreenent shall be expressdin a duly recorded Anendnent to this Dcclaration. (c) Except as is provided in paragrraphs 3 and {of this Declaration, all of the provisions contained in thisDeclaration shall be appl j.cable to such additional co ndorni ni uounits. Conn|on exlrenses of such additional units sh.tl besep.arately assessed, and aIl insurance policies shall co-,reronly such additional condornin i um unit.s, execpt as nay be 32. RESESIT/AIION TO ENI.ARGE CONDOXINTUU PRO.IECT. -18- t4,. b.. F" I i i ca:':v€ni€it 'jich respe!-t :. -9:cie!-! ca |l.]:.lo:1 el rtintr;)iS. tl! Ref er"::r:g t.. :--..iraqraph i: of Lhis Der-.i ;r..,_ai an rel eir::ii Eo iiestrucile:: rre ibs.' .-.r"r,ncr), .nl l rtr()cFners .1nC first :rc:i.Jay^ees -.f the unr t_s af fc.:t..t.i -iiit::.r.;cJ, d,estro;-ei 3! .-\rsoiete r shal l re enti ti e.i te vc,.e ui)i-:r thelhappenj.ng cr ocJurrence of e:.:1. of t1.," .-"..i"'..."aJ",.,.i"o*i"t. anc by. the prcv:sions sit :-.=1., i"-""i.i'"".".-r..ir', z,1::-:l: s'rbpira.lriphs rherrof. ?he inrcialll, cc,nst:-uctedccndoElnru:r i=prove-1ents and an-v .rcldi srcnal cond,,nrnluni:nprovenents sialI-be a parc :f ti" *n,le prc;e:c, bureach s'.:c:: separat.ell' ccnicr"cted a;-..1 sJ:rniite-l .. :.n.lonin:ur..lnProveneni, Coqether -*ith .t-is sJneia.l. cor..:no n e.e::ents,shal i be cons:Cireci . r"po.i.- ;;"j.. r r i :,rn f r-. - -.:., r:rrn,oe saia-pai.ei.ii.-z:, erc --ie rn"r.n.lf'il.:;;=;;".,?":::;" ::_:1.: sep ar-stel y consErucEeC '-ondcr:::!.un inpr^\,er.enrsgoa-tr 5e ccnslCered one hundred percent fcr sucn votincrpur!\)s e s (e) Except ;e is irrovideC rn subpa:.agraph (d)of chis paragraph caih unit orner sharr be entiElec co vorenrs percenCage or fractional. interest in and !o the generaloqt:ltr n elec,cnts and project cotrrcn elenents, and the rggreJateof alr of the und:.vided-interests ""b;i;a;;'t.""ri"Lrii-,g opthe tot.I condoni::i up. project shal. l be consider one hundredp€rcent for such \roting Eur)oses. 33. ?h'NARSAIP OF PARXING m{fTS. As parking unj.cs areprovided roffi chis iondorniri"".-pro-ject and not for che-pnrbllc at laige, o!,rnership of suchunits shal] be restrllted to ornrreri of resi.denii"r ""it"in tlig condooi.ni,',:r project as constiruted hereby or." itnay aereafter be anendcd. 3,t. GEXSRAL. (a) ff aolz of the provisions of this Declarationol lly paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or theapprication drercof in any circunetance be invaiioitea, suchinvali.dlty rhall not affect the vali(iicy of che renain6er oft'ttj,s Declarat:on and the application ef any suctr provision,paragraph, seneence, clause, phrase o*ori in an| cttrerci rcuus cances shall not be afiected rhereby. (bi The provisrons cf this Declaration sha.rIbe in additioa and _supplcnenial to the condominiurn onnr:rshipAct of tl:e State of Cclorado "" orended and co all otherprovl slons of lar. (c) whenever used herein, unless the contextshall-ocheruise provide, the singular nunber shall incl ude =-l1"Ilil.qe pl:r.I_-,_he singular, and rhe use cf anyltnalar ahall inciude ali genders. .?rrtip,Sr z{+( J..1.S fi6.r.,..f.q t9?2, lil',},w-|: ' DrA!{orJD EHTEReRTsEs crF coi.opnDo, r}Jc. i,tr t1 :t'.. .^ ' - ,.i3,-,';.Byi ,W#Ei ,,'#ri:d -L9- U STATE OF COLORADO )) ss ' COUNTY OP EAGLE } The foreqoing instrulnent vtas acknowledged before re :h:s ZrIR q;y "i- UQor.rLlr=,,,\e12'.bl-fl*^r'sloan asEEide;t of-ETEffil--n'@rlree of cororado, rnc' Witness ny hand and official eeal . tfy conunission explre ., [bpql+; V, ll? f, .; ;-t':.+: i -20- I f I aJl .e ' '' ''1 :.,{ -i I .x EXHIAIT A tb CODIDOI.TINII'I{ DECIARAT ION for BRE.AKATAY WBST lnr.r! fqst or 0.351 acrea Fr'! or lcgt. Th.lt part of Iot 3' Eloct B, Lion'g Ridge Subdivision, county of Eagle, st te of oolorado, deecrib€d as folloru: BcainnlnE at tlrc llortbF6torly corler of saiil lot 3, tlercc-S 80"a5r13' E along tic Horticrlt lot linc of rald tot 3 e diatancc of 75.17 leeti tbocc s 13' 06' 18'Ii dirtanco of 211.35 fset to a ?oi!t olr the fortLrlyrtgtt-ot*ay line of Lion't Rtdgc LooP' a dcdicrtrd-golu|q . roid, bciao alao I polat orr a survrlt thcDee rn arrc dlstrac oC f4.76 !-ct atonE a curv! to the left having. rriiur-o!'- ,' 30?.56 ta.t, a*r . eantnl aagls of 1l'06'51- .!d ! 6otdthrt berrr N 69019116'lt 75.5L fect digtant, to th. EoqtDe I t r€lt eornsr of aald Iot 3t tJrcnce f, l3'06'al'I r dirtc ot 20O.00 t€et to the potut of beginalagr ccntlirlry 19'ltl t nl : i. ). I t, ;tl{ l: ;.. .j j' .-:. EXHIBIT B T! CONDOII I NI UM I,ECIAP,AT IOT{ Recidentlal Unit No. POR BREAKAWAY WEST Bul Iding On€ Buildinq 1\ro Appurtcnant Undivided Interest IIIlr2 12r L22l3t r32 13.5r 13. 5r 13. 5t 13.5t 19.0r I9 .0t 92 .0t 2.Or2.0r 2 .0r 2.01 8.01 Building One r 3.51r3.5t r 3.tt r 3.5r 19.0tre.qr 92,0r 2.01 2.0r 2.0r 2. Ot 8.0t Bu{lding nro Parlrinq Unit No. p-11 P-I2 D-l3P.I' nattdsntial Unit xo. . 211_ zt2 222' 23r' 232 . Pa{kinq Unit Xo, 92 .0r . t.0r 100.0t 92.0t P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 l€a .-. a SECOND SUPPLEXEM TO CONDOHINT'V DECLAMTII-)N IoR BREAK ''.ir' I'IEST KNOU ALL MXN BY THESE PRESENTS, ThaI: WHERF"\S. Di,amond Enterprlses ()f Colorado. Inc. Rs Declarant has heretofore caused to bc recorded certain Condoni niurn Declaratlons ln Book _"3e at Page 742- of Ebe records of the office of tl'e Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Coloradot SHEREAS, Dcclarant desires to (onstruct other inprov€sents and Condonlniun Unlts on Real Estat€ hereinafter descrlbed, shich unltt and Laproveoente shall foro a pert of the Condonlnlun proJect conC€liplated by sald Culy recorded Condoniniua Declaratlon6, OH, TFER"SFoRE r Declarant hereby declares the folloulng to be a Suppleo€at to the Condmlnftn Declaratlon for Breakauay l'leet: l. The Real Ealate sh:lch ls the Eubject latter of this Supple- aeot ?o Coadoolofiu Declllatlon For Ereakaray Hett ls descrlb:d ae fOllossi A Percal of lend belog a Portlon of Lot B-3t Block ttBt', Llonte Rtdg€ subdivlalon, accordl4 to the plat flled Ln tbe offlce of th€ Cletk and Recorder of Eatle County 'Colorado, beint Dre Pertlcularly deacribed 8. fo11ov8: Bctllrtltrt et e Polnt of latersectlon of the aortherly rlgbt-of-v.y llne of Lloa'e Rldge Loop A 60.0O foot dcdiceted road lu eald Llon'e Rtdgc Subdlvlllon, che rosthern Eolt conter of eald Lot B-3r ard r Dolat otr tbe Uesterly rlght-of-sry llne of U.s. Itrtstatale Eigtnay Xo. 70: thetrce N 59057'06" E along tbc Westerly rlght-of-rray llle of 881d U.s. Interatate ltlghvay llo. 70 aad thc East.rly bourdrry of cald Lot B-3 a dlstaDce of 70.09 feet: th€oc. !l Olo42fl1" ll I dlstrnce of 69.90 f..t .lolg aeld batctly bouodary of said l-ot F-3; Qqngct &o4]-'ta" H a dlstnce of 187 .78 f ect; ThGacG t 13oQ6r48x U a dlstascc ot 6t.09 fcct to r Polnt on thc !&oreb.rlt rl3bt'.of-rry llar of srld Lloo Rldge loop A 60.00 toot dcdlcst€d ro*d betla a Polnt on a curte; Thencc eloog reld Iortberly rtght-ot-ray ltoe rhe follonlng trc (2) cot tFe€I (1) L76.32 fcct'along th€ arc of s cutvc to th€ riSbt bavlq e ccntrel angle of 32050'52", a ladfug.,of 3O7.5i fcet and a chord that bc8rs 3 46032'29" E L73.92 fcet; (2) S 30('07'06' E a dlgtance of 0.30 feet to the point or begiur{og contalnlng 1699O square feet or 0'39 tcrea gtr€ or leea. 2. The Real Property and lnprovements to be con6truct'd thereon are irereby dlvtded ldto the following fee elaple Estacea: A ccrtain nunlicr ,)f fee ;;ini,..lt es!a1.,,s, each su(]i estatof one residcnt j.al Un jt Lor<.,Lir,.:r witlr ;,rr /r;)l)urLer)a:il rlr.,rjvi 1e.l tnto the general conrn..Ju clements .tssociated rrlth tile bLri t<1 in,, irr whls located, sltch lnter!st belnR sir..rwn on Exhlbrr .\, attacirec hereimade a parl hereof. Eacb such condonlrriurn uuit shall be ldentlfied on the ya manner as on Exhtbit A. The general .o non ele[ents shall be held tn comnon by tthe undlvlded condominluin unlts associated ulth Ehe bull,.iing 1n whare located. The proJect co&on ele&ents ehall be conveyeC to thefor t.he use and benefic of lts Ecsb€rs t roro tlDe to tl-Ee. IN WITNESS WHERSOF, Declaranr has duly erecuted rhj6 secoTo Condornlnfi:m Declaratlon For Breskal,ay west, tnts 2L6 a." :;;797i. DIAI{OND ENTEnPRISES OP COLOR.A.D( ST.\TE OP County rf of COLORADO f< 48. , 1973, by Ralph Presldent and ---=*-- s€cr etary, Colorado, Inc., a Colorado Corporation. The foregolng iDstrueent rras before ne thle.ac knorledged T. Slosn aDd re!Peet lvely Hy Ct oml.rrlon of D lahond Enter o EXHIEIT ,\ TO SUPPLE}'ET{T.TO CONDOI{IN I UY DECIAR\I'ION FOR BRLTXAIIAY WEST BI,II.DIIiC PHASE II-C Res ldent laI_Unl r o. 501 502 503 504 522 532 513 523 533 514 524 534 515 525 53t '.)- .. 4pe@ 6.02432 6.02432 10.23042 3.56E52 r.92287 t.92287 5.10462 5.104E2 8.59501 5. 90421 s.904?, LO.39241 6.4612t lt.. 01422 1t.E240it ffi- f :$1 'r/ \*'' l'( ) C()\l)( )\11,..\'lt'\l Dlili,\K,\i''.\\ \\'l:\'l- I lti\ l' st lI I.L\lt-)\ I I)t:cl \ll,\t't()N r'()li KN()\\ ,\l I \il.\ D\''fl it.\1. I'lillSl:\'t'S. 'l'ir.rr. \'lll:l(1..\S. l):.rnrtxr.i l'.nt. rpris. - rti ltits h,- l'r-'tolr)r'. c.tuSr'd ttl lrr' r,.cot'Jrtl .. r't,trtt (' ( trltll'.ttlt,. lttr.. .lr ll clilfitttt , )r(h)ln i,rirrrtr l\'clrr rrttiotts itt \ l]rck 2?b itt I).tg,- llzof tll!'l'L{ ()rt1> rri lir, ofiitc',rf tht (-'lcrk and Re corJ. r ()f l'-.r{lr' Courttr . Colorlt.kr. \\'ltl--ltL.\S. l\'cl.rr:rrrt Jr-sir'. - t() r()iljtruct otltt'r tntprovL'nlcnts anti Condonriniunt ['uits tln lic.rl lj:;tJtr li!]re ilriift! r de'scribcd, wlticlt units anLl inr provL I':r e tlt { slr.lll fornr rr prrt 0f tlr. Crntlonriniunr proj(}ct contcmplated br said r.lulv recorded Cor rtlotn irt iunt ILclarations, NOW, TtILREFOIIl:. lI'clarunt ltert bv tleclares thc' following to be a Supplcmcnt to thc Ctxrdornirriunr II'chration for llrcaku',vity Wcst: l. Th.-'Rcul l:stittt'rvhich is tlte suhjcct lllcttcr of this Supple - nrrnt'l'() Condominiutn ll'claration l:or llre'akawav lVest is dtiscr ibed as follori's: .\ Rrrccl of lancl lf ing cntir,-'ly rv illtin I ot B-l], lllock "i]"' l-ion's Ridge Subdivi:icn, Tou'n of Vail. l:aglc Count.v, Colorodo, mor(' FXr rticularlv dcscribttl as folkrys: Ittginning ilt tllL N()rrhrast cornLr of s.tid I.cx l]-i], a fxri rt on thc Wcsturlt' ilrnk ol Rccl Sanclstone Crcck, thcncc S (XP;]0'12" lV along tlrr: l:astcrly linc of said I-ot B-3 irnd alrmg tlrt Wt'sr bank of Rctl Sitndstonc Creck a distrncc of li2. {.i fr-I: thcner'S 8tto17'ls" W a distancc' oI l21.6i fect' th(ncc S 0lo {2'l l" I'l a dis- tance of i.lI fL{.t: rlrcncr: N 6-l() {l' 51" W tr distrtncc of 187.78 feet; thcncc'N l:Jo (Xr' "18" H ir drstancc of 146'7t| fcct to a polnt on thL Nortncrlv linc of said l,ot l]-:]; thence S 8fp {5' li}" L along said Northcrly linc a dis- tancc of :]37. 0l fc'r't to thc pnint of bt-'ginning contn ining -19;2l.l.i s(luu rc fcct ()r l.lll7 acrt's nttrrc or lcss. 2. Thc' Real Prrtptrty itnd inrprovt lll!:tlts to bt' cottstructcd thcre on arc lrcrcbt'dividcd into the folltlv'ing fcc sirnple Ijstotes: \ Ccftltitt tlUlltir,. t ol' lr r Sllli[)lt !-i.tl! -. it] -Lit:r ..,til{r !'(,|rl-ting ()f on! r( sidtntiirl ut)it trJllctlrr r \\ ltlr rt ,r|rl)ul t( 'li tl r!IIriI,. I(|,- (! litt!.1-,. it lll trj t() tll! tILll('r.ll t'olllttrrttt t lt'Illr'Iltr ils^-()('i:ri.ri i\ itl fii, i rrii.ljllg in ,r'r'ierr -L,.li ullrt i: locrrt,. tl. :-u( ll illt(l-..:.t bc irrg :.lltt\t n rrr'r l:rliil,rt \. .rttli,. l:.d li.r'-lo.rrtri lr, r-,i.r' lna(L l p.r rt hr'f ('(.)f . ,\ cc'rtain ltunlbc r of atltliLionrtl f.,.' titttprll cstirl\ r. r''tr'!r slrr'lr r:-tir[r' cotlsisting ()f (ne Frrkinq unit togethcr \A itl) Jn .lppurttlrirnt urr,livi,.i.tl rrttt rt'st in and to thr' gcncritI conlncln elemcnts ilss()critte'(l \\'itrr rhL burlrl rn!. rn \\ l]lch :.uell unit is l<rirrcd, sLrch intcr('{t bcing sho\\ll ()n l-xlribit ,\. l:.tclt suclt condolniniunl unit sllJll lii-' idt'ntif iccl on tlre \lrp rn th.' sanrc n).rnll(.r as on Lxhibit A. 'l'ltc general common clcmcnts shirll be lrcld in c()nrmon bv thc' ouncrs of the unriividcti csdominium units associatcd with thc builcling in rvhich suct: unils arc l(X'atcd. Thc proje ct c(,,rnmon ('lclncnts sha ll bc con\'('\,('d to th( ;\ssociation for thc usc anr! r,.*-rrt,fit of its llcmb(rs fronr tinrc to tinre . IN WITNESS Wl{liRtOlr. I}-cLrrant has dulv exccutcd this l:irst Supplcmcnr To Conr.lominum ll'clilration l;or llreakawa-"- West, this 299rlrrt' of itOot-t97:i. I)IAI\4ONI) ENTER ln ISES OI: suAt_ AT'f L,ST: t' STATE OF COLORADO Curnty of futE, Thc forcgoing of ,fu5ucr ) ) ss. ) in st ru trte n! rvas a c ktttnv lt'tlgr'tl h( irlt'L ttt,- tltir ?! I do, [}csidcnt and Colorado, Inc., a Colcrrldo (lorlxrrltirxt. My Comnrission e'xpirt's: Slmn, -2 rn\l d tc.EtsO 4.PtE 7- l \rllt;lt' \ l'( )l-lliti .i( [,1,] t.\ti.\.l t't) ('tr\t'trr\.1\l( \1 l)t (.1..\lt \.t l()\ i '( )li irli| \\ \\\ \\ \Vt.s'l :;i li i)l\(; 1li,\St: I l- \ llcsirl,, Iri r,l I L'nrt \r\ ilz i2r iil :l {.i :ii:l :i l{ ,) l,'l : t.) :i2i .'! ).'t :lJ2 .l {.3 1"r I Rr:s J-sDtial L'nit \cr. Bt 'll.l)l\G ljl l.\Si: I I- ll -\pptrr't. rr.rrtt I r1.lrvr.l. rl lrrt. !,, st s. l()' 5. t(islo S. I{) 5. il) s. l(l - i. -to - 1. _10 - ,r. -l() .i.lo. 5.lo - ..lo . i. l0";.to, 5.l0 :2.ro- .\fpurt,. nir nt ['ntlividcd Intcres:, l{.ti; . +{) - .to,: -f(l:' l0- l().- +(,'.. +or .\oDurtunant [ 'nd iv itlcd Intcre st 3. {{ti.,i :t. J{tJ i :J. JJIT,: 3. -U8/a, :1. l4g.; :i. {t8.;l :r. -l.ltii :i. J-lft'- ;.t. 14tt.; '1. 118,/) {13 - {.).} {{, +)z- , :12 , .t2i' . . 't')-tzz t . 12:; t. l. I :. .a- :. IJI l't't Farkinc Unit \o. I 2 i ., ! h I l() i ll.r rkin{ [;rrir \r,..\PlLll!.!Il.!L!I inilivider'l lnt,-'rr; st il t2 l.l tl l5 l() t; t8 Jq 20 2l 22 2:i 21 2-r 26 27 28 29 :l {{gii ;1. 118;,: 3. {t8rl, :1. l-18)- :i. 4"18 , :1. a.56:1, ;t. {.lti;i, rJ. {{8if :i. 148)1, :1.4.18)l :i..ll8% tr. .t.t8:i :i. +J8,': ,r. {{8;"i :J. JJ8,,; :i..t{gx :i. JJ8)i :r.1{8% :J. {{8)t, 2- F Q F2 a z- Irt F z !Hltr;:gT; - k I .a9 < -.. I z ?E?F <AFir'r.-iHb;li 6izzZzi<ozdAzZA):9<453!50:<Ul'lZ:;iE3E-a?u'?:=9:EIir<c ?3e9atrE<( < ;:,1 z fvl d(J E z ut z s z u,l |llv, ul F <tu lt a lreO =?=ofJll- r' !-f o + E llt J E Y ll,/ I z o uJ F .J J F F lll o E J oF t .E=r=H NOtl.VnlVA v B 2 ulo u,z re>(9(t \l!N z<.r 9 z tr Y=i6 c4(J -> :2:< o- (J>oFO I