HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B3 BREAKAWAY WEST UNIT 413B LEGALctz b =E uJo. o c') U' uJ LrJlt ts =e. LlJ o- \R*SN\ c6o\ \oc! 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J e ttoz =oF Ef,!tr {[ )/\ an uJ UJ E =GIuG rl| ,Fl l.t" st i---J ds\s-l Itl | -rt ,4i Ji 3Yi ffi, q5"r 'll, f3 coF cFta =Io o = u lrJ ozo =oJf .D .! (,z $z!!o u,E oz IH t; t5 NE Er oE o3cqt oDoo olctt=5gt E o =cf do o CLeo!0, E c.9oott g;orcoo c .9 .9.: ..tc.tlto Ittro olcc'o,N -!tc3oF oG o .otc E o(,(, ct o 5 (): ,tl .2.t s|:, ,Il o t'c6 v,.''6 o€, o,tg a0 UIotcoC E o c. 'o =n, E '5 ct Eo() o cg o, .9a ttc G c .9 o E o E oE G ;bo Eo() o oo crt6 :96gc, ct E:()6 -tQ c,rr8g)C.= (!tc SE:o 6c;'6.OtrF'i=gdatt 63'F> EAtsEooEo.-o o.rEC EgEi -o9o(!c?;crCEO '-^ aE FEaevC a9o-. s=d'(r>G= EF ;ra,&6G'-Eo EEOEo6 t E5ct Eco (lc og 6tE t c :o ttg io .0.J =o, CL(tp E t,|! o) o 6 : (tt ooEo]ocJ(,6 tt EoE EI \, tq 8l ^T c{ 'tl r., n c U'./-()' ql "/I .< up;H 0 d -c H ct-oJfct !() UJ (,Id c(, EF(,t! uJ oz t6-D d {9I 6ltI u, UJttzo u,G(,ulc o Eo ao 3u,5ulczIanu,o F6I UJo Gaz 5(J I uto3 /:f )' t Ltl .4 '1 ollJ UJt! E =c UJ4 Fo ?, ) l.ut u 0 0 =oJ =@ {(, EF(, UI lll ('- ao- =d {t) =t(, IIJI NOrlYnlV )u E' \t\ !.-.-- tN.l'A ';l 5+ ts =Et.t : ,di rl 3 F 7 L- la IR l" p t$ tqlJ IE F o Ev 1 t Ij e E zI E3 4o GD e(, H F G o- UJ G, Izo F6 z9 tr 9JF 'llJz Iy) 3 Es6Pt$U;<z 9'E< |j =l!z. d6!EtOI tufJ ?c aD EzII E H F 2o 5f.nz I I l 3t F:xul an 6 ooo3 to Fa' EI zl ., >lo lr,loItlu,z u,F =utG 2o 6o = u,r fi 7lal= o or ll-E-.1*l 9l5ll,'xZ Z \l-ri;letF! ffr, HE #- Gr to-i E4 ,; o E 3 =e5 Cr oO TE =FE I ,.,trtr! FEI c E F EI EEI EEtiH -lt>at ul .oo @ \ia zo l-() :)E 6zo(J tr () 2 -o UJ =rtr @ 9 () oz 4 4 J 4J g z .oq siDIs (-' lJJ c ro attUI UJEoo I tcl N I .9r:s E z -7 6 :g auicoo I E 6 .a)+- tlj rn Ur' * :r E € J I ul f0 oz o UJe J ll-oz]oF FN- fi c rO \d- .5 I s a ui !JF oz ctujG ! ltoz F c o1zop t d -t( lI)S- =ctr ciz o UJE J s ll.oz3oF c\.: I s s =E C'z d CJar ttoz F c UJz3o (-, UJE-C)G E -rO<FGQur<zG,rrlFaaz-oq) J IE () UJ u.t Y ?) 2):, gF 3Ed6() 6E =3EE Eorb =+Eo2 o(J <c)ft8JO '-.t(,<\t( '( t( /EIu L '( 75 soulh frontage toad Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oltlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STORAGE rn summary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dunpsterl, portabre ioirets andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public g1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n alf Tohrn ofVail streets and_roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wilr be strillry enforced by the Toln qf VairPyPli-" works Department. pers6ns found viSlating thii ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said nateriar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLric worksDepartment wilr remove said mateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfritf not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in trre-r'itttl-"-r"y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain - copy. rnanX you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: Date /-lAl /l\yi -_) "---- \1) NAME OF COMPAI.IY: ADDRESS: ?ra Ei. ?€ 5C #. Za qbz uONS+4lQea ,(t PH0NE #: lTtZ - b+1q vNrr 5W CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION PREQUALIFICATION FORM Must be received and approved p.rior to issuance of registrat.ion.**Submit to the Town of Vail Building Department. PLEASE SUBMIT COPY OF AI\Y PERTINENT REGISTRATION I{ITH APPLICATION. 1\- , @ gbel Renewal Cost $ 125 .00 75.00 55.00 55.00 NO FEE 55.00 55.00 Type of registration be'ing appliefl foq Application made by: gnature DATE oF BrRTH pt lZ3 l6q Generar contractor A or construction Manaqement Regular cost (Valuation over gt,000,OOO). .$175.00 General Contractor B or Construction Management(Valuation under $1,000,000) 100.00Plumbing. 75.00Mechanical 75.00Electrical No FEESpecial ('includes drywall, g)iss, masonry, concrete, elevatoretc.... 75.00 REGISTRATION FEES Excavat j on . 75.. 000wner/Builder.. ..CS0.00 IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS HAVE THE FOLLOI,IING INSUMNCE CERTIFICATES: LIABILITY - Option #1: $1,000,000 'in the aggregate for Bodily Injury $1,000,000 in the aggregate for Property Damage ,o,ooo.oo 4t tzu. 'n . I{ORKMEN'S C0MPENSATI0N - Show that you are covered in the State of Co'lorado*No l'lorkmen's comp. - Provide a letter stating you are the sole owner &will not hold the Town liable for any accidents. At the tire you hire someone you will prov'ide us with WC. N0TE: If y9u are purchasing an electrical or plumbing registration, you must provide a copy of a Master Registration from the State of Colorado. Thank you, Janei I Turnbul 'l TOV Building Dept. 't I By:tNotvtouftL ..... A Corporation A Partnership An Indi v'idua l princi par orrice , . .?.t? . f. -'. .2L .T:.. nff.79 .t..q{y.,. !"'ly t ooz I EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE (AIA Document Number A-305 79 Edition may beffi l;.,13i.ffi'il,1:lT"ll'ol3l:.?'fllll ;:ll'l.ffi '. I H:iiAfi : . :: . : 2. How many years experience in the proposed tyge .a# .ize of construction work has your organ'i zatjon had? . . .A ,1fi9... . . . . . 3. List the most recent projects your organization has had in construction work similar in type and size: Type and When Class of work Completed Name and Address of 0wner 4, List municipalities you have licenses and current status: .d',t I 5. l'lhat other important projects of simjlar magnitude has your organ'lzatlon compl eted? tlhen Compl eted s&.r.?ftrtnp Type and Class of work Name & Address of 0wner 6. Have you ever failed to If so, where and...Nq compl ete any work awarded to You? why? 7. Name the SuretY ComPan-v, and the name and address of bonding capacity, the local agency you exPect to use: rv l+ 8. What is the construction and experience of the principal indivjduals of your organization and those individua'l s to be directly involved in any project in the Town of Vail. Individual's Name ' Present Pos i ti on or 0ffice Yrs. of Con- s truct'i on Experi ence Magni tude & Type of l'Jork In l'lhat Capaci ty? 9. Do you hold any valid licenses, j.e. Master Plumber, Architect, Electrical? z YAe Mc*nFt-x= Sc,ttoovfYD .l t,, lr 10. List the major items of equipment or corporation own or will be used in ..y.4dr..r.o.ffi.:PetF which you, or your the Town of Vai I : company, 11. List below the Contracts which you, or our corporation were party to, during the prev'ious that were involved in litigation of any type: No^rf company, or ten (10) years, l?. The followjng is for all contracts which you, or your company,or corporation were party to-during the previous five (5) years. A) Percentage of projects completed within schedule. :...Tfr....'...1 i3. 14. How much of the work will you do directly compared to sub-contractors? banKrng ReTerences A. B. Trade References A. B. c. D. E. 15. { a. t t" a.. lr ( 16. Have you ever had a license in our area or any other area under any name that was: A) Revoked B) Denied C) Suspended If so, please explain: 17) If regjstrant 'is Corporation or Partnership, please state appl icant rel ationship/posi ti on : l8) What is your postion in this registration? A) Officer B) Stockholder C) Principal D) 0ther: 19) Social Security #: ... This is lo cerlify that has in force for I cenrncArE oF rNsuRANcE OI srere FARM F|RE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Btoominglon, iltinois n STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Btoomingron, iltinois t \ tocation ol operations f /ft\L cD ab5 the tollowing coverages for the periods and limits indicated below. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PEFIOD (eft./exp.) 123 / E.:,1/23/9t fl Con.Co Un I t " /?3/?'.)-/23/)\.i EXCESS LIABILITY Umbrella Olher Workers Compensation n and Employers Liability POLICY NUIIBER 5-0 4-2't 4'l -4 The above insurance includes (applicable il indicated by El ) 86-C4-2747-4 F PRODUCTS.COMPLETEO OPEFATIONS OWNEBS' OR CONTRACTOHS' PROTECTIVE LIABILITY CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE BROAD FORM COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY LIM]TS OF LIABILITY n Dual Lrmits for: Each Occurrence A99regale Each Occurrence $ Aggregate' $ f] Comoinea single Lrmit lori PROPERTY OAMAGE aTnn! BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY OAMAGE Each Occurrence $ Aggregate $ CONTHACTUAL LIABILITY LIMITS lll different than abovel BODILY INJURY Each Occurrence $ Each Occurrence Aggregale ! ComUinea Single Limit lor: Each Occurrence Aggregate PROPERTY OAMAGE $ $ BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE $ i,itilO c00 $ i,{)0ir,00fr Part 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY Each Accident Oisease-EachEmployee $ Disease-Policy Limit $ 'Aggregate not applicable if Owners. Landlords' and Tenanls' Liability Insurance excludes structufal alt€rations, new conslruction or demotition. THE CERTIFICATE OF INSUFAT{CE IS NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRMATIVELY NOR '{EGATIVELY AUET'DS, EXTEI{DS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED BY AI{Y POLICY OESCRIBED HEREIN- NAME AND ADORESS OF PARTY TO WHOM CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEDr --'l 'l'cwr. of Va r I 75 S, Irron t.age ild. Vail, CC 81657 Signalu.e ol Aulhorized Representative iL_:;'nt 1676-06 Tille .'r!no ?i. .(,liq _ (558)F6-991.9 Rev. 1.86 Printed in U.S.A. June 19, l9e9 MARK L. HALSTEAD 313 E TEth Sracf Apt 28 Nclw Yo*,NY 10fl21 (2r2r628-6479po^l ftchrr€c.r-tb-L- Dear Ovner r The .condornlnlun bylrra of Bretkavay tfcat Aseoolatton requlroyour rpprovsl for thr eddltl.on and rep.l'acenent of eeverelvlndore. Ae haa been done to several other unl.te atBreakaray, I am remodellng unl.t *4L3. and requtre your approval on the external lnprovemente that Bre propoBed. I Lntend to replace three exJ-etlng vindove vith nev Pellavlndove, or rJ.nlhr quell,ty rlndoue, vith the rarne extern.Ioaalngel edd onr nrv vlndor to the llvl,ng roon on the certvall not to exceed 4x6 ft. (facing Lionghead), and edd a 4x5tt. flnlrhcd opcnlng to thc eart vall of. the vood deok. Seethe dl,agram attached. In totel' (l) nev vlndov openlng la propoaed; (3) replacenentvindore for exleting locatlone, snd (11 nev f,rened openLng onthe deck to unit *413. Theae improvementa vlll allgv me to lncreage the neturslIlght ln the llvlng.room2 lrnprove {neulatlon and reduce the drafte f,rorn the unlte exletlng vlndove, .and replace broken avntng vlndore aird leaky ellla wlth top grade replaeenentt.Naturallyr the entlre expenae of the proposed proJeot le rnlne. If you have any addl.tlonel questione regerdJ.ng the propoeed external ohangee, pleaae glve rne a aall at my Nev York number, or ln Vatl at (3O3, 476-2939. I vould be glad to ehare any lnformatlon regardlng replaalng rlndora lf, any other ovnera vieh to make el,mllar lmprovenente to their propertlea. Pleaee sJ.gn belou, and return thiE letter to me by July t9r ln ttre poetage paLd envelope encloged. I do need reaponsee from the ovnere in the *4@O butldtng before proceedlng vlth the Tovn of, ValI bulldlng permlte, so please respond et the earlleet poerible date. No recponse to thJ.e lettcr by the 26th of July vlll bc aonaldered approvsl of the propoeed ohangee. Thank you. Sincerely, 7VzdfrrulW llark L. Helgtead Approve Lr * -Y-d-L D at e - -2,/*!ft?- - - Dleapprovet------- ---- Untt*------ Date otl tI E E , EXiS'rtN€F - wo-@DECK sPAC€ BREA\<AWAY WEsTgLe6. 400G'ffRR&t Qo.,'.de l\r*"\-'"-\INIT +4I3 (*\ pe,ffneD curour- perro B\-pcn 4Do. JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '# ./ i -J"j PECTION: CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:7i\ ,-r rr o,. WED ,THUR-+ L-l t/t+- Il- FRI R OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL / D.W.V. / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAq \ POO.I ING O INSULATION O SHEETROCK . NAIL tr FINAL ELFCTRIGAL: tr'TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR Ieeenoveo CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niGs'rop