HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B3 BREAKAWAY WEST UNIT 515 & 525 LEGALoz tr =E uJo- oo o an uJ UJt! E =e, IJJo- /\) P4-t gW> ?3/l€/,' r.o srGj f I -\ = d d. = d C5 llJ (O x<-<f,(\I ,=e< Eo ?=ZY6r- J uJ 6 F F2z =o =z in UJFoz ozo! o .6 o =z ltJ uJo i II ^ Eo ottG .9 a6 'kG-c 6 tl)a G Fto oE o ltc a! oooo ot ==o E o =cf lt c) o o. CL C'; .9 rDx(g.:, B; E} .EEE: 9EP:4c-o> e$:E Egi;c96F]oSor 3 E;-5 E E-s; EE; F EIteo- (5 cL-$EieoiE-or :*:€ :EE s !6ES_o,yo (!o'-!.c= o (,l ef;E r * B'-=9 daE I; E;9Eo - eEgg -o6= lo no Otr) F C\lr t =c uJo-ozoJf ao :<o UJaoz o- J F llJ.J uJ 0z ao =lJc 2 Eoul uJ IJJ z tr UJ o uJ oE o(o =uJ uJ z -oul F6 o- llJ z |lJJo x F uJo (n uJ UJlt tr =(E uJo.J FoF z ) ao F uJJul z tot Jo- J Iz o llJ- NOtrvntvA f E c I (1 s E2 F -Eo3 z tro-a a uJ J tr,Jz uJo e/ .-=- > tG) .-r\ - (Y) 17u dn =o6l- o() zzoo F-ahxf=EP o ato7t6:u-<oqHdEt ;$j z9 F t! ulc F oo oorf) r{ o- IJJ J z E ><xz tr UJ J =UJz ll at,Lzlz9.n <oo< >rExr!6ct<z tr2,. 9z -iF ur- O =EOI ut f E U)q) lrJz iF 2 tr J loz - JJ =F UJ o 3 _l Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >l llJ uJ UJz (t) == uJ(L J z Eo 2 F(t) JqlH Id F 'I ul tso.oo1zo Fo-ulY uJ c0 oFt =c uJ o- ll-o o-oo I uJFoz a 0 I : ,A ,) 1Jo ,l 4 F d =u- a/, =Iz. =U' =UJIt-g = d. cct ii =z d)I I I i ; ) : ul =z arlttutoo I E (\l F.l I(o I(L .o E g tn an UJ J = n F(-) E. Fv)z,o(J J d. LrJz,td LU ttr z.l uIl rl al>l ttl zl 3t Fl tr oz o uJE J l! z3 o1F e l! z (9 uJ = l!oz3 01H Eg .ilz ciuj CE J t!oz3IF Eg z 0 uJ CE ttoz 3 F ltlJ u,lF L n) 0 oz T C) uJ =uJz Bo Fo Lu ? C)E E -rO<FCQuJ<ztrl1l F(qZoo <oOFF()FSqEL o =(D =Jo- I =z oz () UJ ? J =7 Eir uJ+EFl-o <() Eg Dtn r z oPze coo =zl)d8 J (,OZF = lJ.J ot! ts = UJ t!ol!gJE9E<al€uE9ttE 'e.EE :> =uJ:-E b=o dtrx >o-I ou-E oo9 \ruE XO-E X>t q-€i uJt0 F I-I €lF-tlJ(\F\-<.t ts =E ltJ o-zoF() EF(nzo(J trtrn E;€F i;E:g fE gF€ *rEgF =Ei; 5:'i=9F>.ocJ:o l5tt!lu> t* l6 l'|r oFo Fzoo o I I I tn UJ UJ tJ-F l! l=\5-3E t sf$* S3ae p oo o-- =.oE a e€ f ;-'8F iE Fgs :E5 gB >-rv.r!(d c F -= -qYo: E3e; s B,gif €. E i;;5 ElaEs;FF"g.sp 6_, *}.*o-,s*o= -.'- > iF$E$ -e\dr ..F 'l)vc cx.F0J =.o C,l- a-,E(U oJ O_..J EoJoF(J o= L,| +' .:- |llgul UJ .-g--.^F = .o. -J la- lr- r-- Lr- ./| o< IIJ z.ol(Jt - -\^.F5N oF F E UJ o- *ly .olaEl RRI"\Il=l tuF!!oE4O Xt IFt-i> LU u-o UJ >lt-l LJ t/l:z = x H F. l IUI rlJI IFI =lol I-rl lJ_ li-l3,a, I r4lJ E o q, .it o(J o q' t? q,= 1\ tt t! IJ- F -t FoF (,z UJ i |rl 3 uJ z gJ UJ zo rr, 9z UJ = Ot,gl i<rncL-rJ .- Oqr3> a/t ctLq-ClE c: a/, '-. Eo =tF o 0.,_J +J -J +Jo(Ul! -l u,z-o6 a! u,oz.,,I r.* O;o fl! kiz^ qr< cFt4z =o J I F C)t! !r, = IJJ (.)z F E rlJ z NOtlvnlVA l ,r6 tl(troET #'P ,l oof l'$Fl:$ft | ;frF Etr- outF z oz' J 6 € 0zzoN t E .9 (! E .. >l .Jul allu,z v)F UJr J zo F dTU(lr!io t2 F- z v, () tr z t^t-let< IuJ l"l^l:l<lzlou Ftl otlotl<tl lz t;t<ls l9Ja : 31:t z tr i= ]€ !, -=.'lQ* * =e-N-*\3 ]Lo a,rt J ; F o:u,o (, zE c o =F 6 oF() zo oF() EFzo () z .4-() E :30;o =tJZ () cv il I(o F\st trF (\j Ito F!sf+ II I t.pI l3 _l;6g lErl-, l..t zr-- Jl! J<c)au)uJ uJJO o (9l sl <I:l 6l zl FI ol ;l UJI 5l alil 9l3l FI-E oFo J o F C)ul Jt! "J f J 0 tn 1 I d { t A Ilfr'lit- iL o t Qumx V -W, tgae Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81557 Gentlemen: The Condominium Declarations which lJovern the condominiums known as Breakaway West clearly provide that the ohrners of unitsin each of the several buildings are tenants in comrnon of thettGeneral Common Elementsil that pertain to that particular building. The owners of two units in Building Phase II-C have proposed that the south waII of the condoniniurn be modified by theconstruction of windows in each of the two units (one is above theother) to correspond with the windows that were originallyqonstructed in other units on the south side of the building. Atwo-thirds naJority of the unit owners in the building haveconcurred in the desirability of this modificatlon of the common elements. The Association concurs in the opinion that the owners ofunits in each of- the several buildings in Breakaway West aretenants in common of the General Common ElemenLs of their building and therefore, can alter those common elements independent of theAssociation, so J.ong as the sirrrounding premises are not affected.Ile believe that, other unit owners in the building, as fellow co-tenants, do have standing about this matter, but we cannot speakfor them. Accordlngly, you may proceed with our acguiescence in areview of the design reguests and, if approved, the issuance ofthe building permlt to a contractor for the modification. Very truly yours, BREAKAWAY VIEST ASSOCIATION CC: Terry QuinnEagle, Colorado President a)? j t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: (l INSPECTION REOUEST VAIL(,'"yL": wED rHUR CB, 2 : * nrur @ l. uocRrtoru: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER$gnerr,trruo ,-, ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o#rrunr-tr FINAL 2 z ltPPRovED cohRecrroNs' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOF.. i\t. I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF' .\\ .\ .. .\ REQUEST VAIL r.\ \r -I i\.DATE .JOB NAME CALLER TUES AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED , THUR FBI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI U FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL oZ./., --2,,i4 , -,.tr ROUGH / WATER ; BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION BEQUIRED / /-....i:' DATE INSPECTOB ) 7/',l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT/- t,oare *'lLl)JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ('',(, ,/,,s l,a t,,t 1-.2 TUES WED THUR FRI AM CALLER INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION:'t.O-l -' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o d rrrun. a/tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH - tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FtrAL tr FINAL ,PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED cTtoNs -?r"-\ 4.,,{,,.. '/ r-,;. . '\ l I IL-3! L*,, '|.;-7 onre 7 -.r -- E) rNSpEcr@6:.