HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B4-B5 SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB 1973-1989 PART 2 LEGALJUNGE REICH HEINZ & M GEE AIA ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION December 23, l98l SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB CONDOHINIUMS Llonrs Rldge, Vail, Colorado Request for Va r i ance Chapter 18.18; Hultl Density, |lultifamily District Sect ion 18. | 8.090; Dens I ty Control The request is to allow 84 residential units of 89,501 sq.ft. of gross residential floor area on an 5.02 acre site. The history of this project was one of a change in land use allowed by the Clty of Vai l, at the time of annexation. The owners had orlginally obtained a permit through Eagle County for a motel faclllty. The land was ildown zonedtt to multifamily use at time of annexation. Fol lowing court action, lt was agreed by the City of Vall that 84 units could be developed at a gross residential floor area of 83,000 sq.ft. The 7.83? increase is now being requested to complete phase four; { phases one, two and three having now been constructed. The land slopes npre than 50 feet from the road on the front of the lot to Sandstone Creek. on the rear, necessitating locating the structures to the rear of the site. Each bullding of the flve building cluster has been designedrrintorrthe slope to reduce mass on the uphlll slde by providlng ar\nralk-out" level on the'lower creek side. The sloped roof of the three story bulldlngs are actual ly below street elevatlon because of the extreme slope of the site. Buildfng setback ls 120 feet minimum and 220 feet average from the road whlch further reduces the scale of the project. ime the square foota was set f des I bui ldlng forn t shape, we prov oft space req ues t ed ln the s pace. upper units,.!4g! This extra area in the roof; thus adding the extra no way adds bulk, mass, footprint or cont i nued 80301 303-444-29873405 PENROSE PLACE BOULDER, COLO o SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB CONDOIII NI UI{S Request for Variance Page 2 height to the five structures. As the second and third phases were designed,approximately l5 larger trlock-out bedroom'r units were replaced by smal ler non lock-out unlts to keep wlthin the al lowable areas. The flnal phase of 20 units can be constructed as two bedroom I condomlniums withln the 83rOOO sq. ft. stipulation. However, the lofts I would not be acconpdated, and the user would not enjoy quite as open a Ifeellng within each unit. // As deslgners of the project, we feel the hardship of an arbitrary square footage limitation set forth to control use on the proPerty at an establlshed density of 84 units is unwarranted with the proposed deslgn solution. The buliding will be the same in appearance with or without the 7.83t slze Increasi; since all of the extri space is under the sloped roof. We respectful ly request your consideratlon of the variance' The project design and consiructlon quality is now established and we desire to have phase four the same. Thank you, I. APPLICATION This procedure is required The application will not be Application oDate__ D.".rbu r !-lr_l_?8 | FORIII FOR A VARIANCE for any project reguesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAI'IE OF APPLICAI\IT VAIL RIDGE PARTNERSHIP c/o JACK PER ADDRESS Sand s tone fntervafs, Inc.-2500 So. Parker Rd. pHONE 7il-3t+43 B.NA}IE OF ADDRESS Bldg.5, APPLICAI{T 'S 3405 Penrose Suite 150, Aurora, C0 30014 REPRESEiITATIVE JUNGE. REIcH- HEIN l!9"", Boulder, C0 80301 PHONE 444-2987 c.AUTHORTZATT OFP SIGNATT'RE ADDRESS S lntervals, Inc.-2600 So. Parker Rd.suite 150. Aurora. C0 80014 PHoNE 751-3t+\3 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI.- ADDRESS Va ll View Drive Vai 1,, Colorado LEGAI DESCRIPTION lots 84 e B5block ---Filing_Li*' t Ridge Subd.ffi owner to be notified. F. E.FEE. $100.00 elus ffi for each property A list of the names of owners of arr property adjacent to thesubject property and their addresses. Please see attached. sAnDsiltNE ct* ,rm 84 and 85 t\ogl() {r]gilq Lims Ridge Filing *1 B3 Brcakaray lfest Association Box 1743 Vatl 81658 B2 SnowLion $fw Fox Unltcd Partnershipt Fox Land and Investoents, Inc. Bor 599 Scottsdale, Az 85252 B6 Drooktree Gando Association 980 Vail Yicr Drlve Vail Co 81657 Aspen Tree Ilo,n AlaondBq 281 Ferrot, Utah 84525 As-I1 Liqrsiaane Cqtdo Ass Box 1669 ':Vail, Co 8165E' A6-4 Hmestale Cqrdo Assoc Box 699 Vall , Co 81658 A-4 not occrryisd Tiacts ArBrC Sandstsre il Cmdo Associatiqr P.O. Bn 1206 Vail 81658 tfi .: lJ \J '1. oo?o ) -) IJ t a: ( D ^3s Or@ FN 6 ./|\lt -N-6'.|r FCt\O rr1 (\l dr l\.C - OOrrr(n ..|\O -.lf rO N T'I N \O -? l'r.rra € \O.fa (\t \o an .t o.+o rtt . .:r.:r .+ ut- t\t.+ so .t rtl or !\ Nco Ft |!.| .\l NF(\aN- -a{-Fttr.+\O qr N .:t FCr oorrlOl ltr \l' -rOrO .:t .:t o tO .f|rn-or rrt g! (\a N-O {t t\ ltt -+Cl\O\OS(n t\\O Fl 3\I FGO (n@Or\O--|r1 - (rt. ro G) tlt\O Fl l\ clt qr+ O\Orfrc'G^ @ Or 3r\t\oo o J.+ r anco @ (n.+oNOO .:f .it llr arrGt € cr.rroGtoo N -O Gt --i ltl otl\qto FF- -c{anr^@@\l' gl t\ l\ ort (rt o or oa'\ o.t (tl .|nt\ts o o dlgj' - - ln C{ .r1 o.t c-| EI bl ;lo.la J t-oFIo5tt t!vt o- J ct Iao-lrl ;=lvrl :E rnlG<l EI JdFFFFIaaae:)JU'tt, -t =la -t u -lE?I E?IEI EIFI )a l- sAr{Ds'rol{E a*fatut 84 and 85 ' Llons Ridge Filing fl B3 BreakanaY llest Association Bot 1745 Vail 81658 B2 Snowliqr S{on Fo:< United PartnershiP t Fox Land and Investuents, Inc' Box 599 Scottsdale, Az 85252 B6 Brooktree Codo Associetion 980 Vail Vicw llrive Vail Co 81657 Aspen Tree Don Nnond . Bot 281 Ferton, Utah 84525 A5-ll Liorsinane Condo Ass Box 1669 Vail,. Co 81658 A6-4 Hoestake Cordo lssoc Box 699 Vail, Co 81658 A-4 not occuPied Tracts A,BrC Sandstqre 70 Coailo Associatiqt P.O. Eot 1206 . Vail 81658 SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III BI.I.IONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT DECEMBER 2] , ]98I This report is issued twice a month to all Architectura'!, Engineering and Consulting firms ai wel'l as to a'l I contractors and major material suppliers for the purpose of keeping them informed of the preclse projeit status and the readiness of the proiect for their materlals and services. A. NEI,I DRAI{INGS FROI,I THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHI4ENT #'I) l. This ls a listing of al'l supplementa'l and revised drawings issued-by the Architect since ihe onset oi'the project. Please examine your files and drawings to make certain they are conplete. 2. This is a Iist of submittals which have been submitted to the Architect and Engineers, but haye not been returned. If Contractors and Suppliers have diawings which have not been returned, approved or corrected but are not contained on the outstanding list, please advise the fie'ld offjce. B. NEEDS LIST (SEE ATTACHMENT #3) This is a Iist of items requiring'dction or decisjons by the parties involved. C. PROJECT STATUS Note: Please review the attached comp'l etion schedule for deadlines_app1 icable to your work. Proiect completion'is stj'll set for January l9' 1982. '1000 General- Condi ti ons office trailer was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 628-0897 (Denver Line )and 476-7264. Superintendent is t{r. Dick Vincent. Temporary power is lnstdlled. Temporary'water is available at the Mechanical Room. Safety is becoming increisingly important as the structure has reached the upper levels. Rain and snow-aie creating new falling hazards. Electric heat is being utilized in the building. 2000 Site Gradinq John's Backhoe completed exporting excess organic fi'l'l from site, building backfill was completed September Znd. Ramp in front of commons building was removed November l2th. Road base and rock for temporary parking area was completed by Eagle l,lest on December 3rd. 2560 Concrete 3rd. 'level concrete floors are complete. West ha1 f of 4th poured November lZth. Final sidewalks wi'l 1 be poured when First,Znd, and level floor was weather permits. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE Bi'-Monthly Progress RePort December 2l , 'l 9.81 Page Two 32] 0 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. Delivered rebar for the footings and dowe'l s on Julyis currently on site. Third floor topping rebar wasllth. 3210 Rebar Insta'llation Contract has been let to Val'l ey Steel & Iron. Footing rebar was completed August 5th. Glenwood Masonry has completed insta'l1ing a1l wall stee]. 3400 Precast Spandeck Contract has been 'l et to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. Second f'loor spandeck was set August 25th. itrira no6i span-deck set september 9th, 4th floor spandeck set September 17th. severaicorners requ'i re minor patching. 3450 Precast Stairs contract has been 'let to Kast-Kon-Krete. shop drawings were approved July9th.- work began september 28th. Stairs were comp'leted Septembbr 30th. One landing in South stairwell requires welding. 4000 Masonry A1 1 masonry work is comp'lete except for exterior c'l eaning and sealing. This work w'i1| be completed this spring. 5500 Mi scel 'laneous Steel '5ll;,3l.lo.3ll.ffi:i Purchase 0rder has been signed with United Steel and lron. Glu-Lam saddles and final lintels are on site. Ra'iling supports were delivered SeptemberlOth. Revised 4th floor'l intels were picked up September l5th. l''lissing Glu-Lam plates were fabricated'locallv. 6181 Glu-Lam Beams Purchase 0rder has been s'igned with General Building Service. Shop draw'ings were approved June 25th. Beams were needed on the job September 22, 1981 . However, beams were not de'l ivered unti'l October l. An e'ight day project delayresulted. 30' beam to replace beam which was 4' too short was picked up 0ctoberlsth. Probe'lm was due to an error on Sheet 5-6. Last G] u-Lams'were set 0ctober 2l st. 6220 Millwork Purchase Order has been signed with Metro l'lillwork. Shop drawings were approved September 'l 6th. l,Jindow trim was delivered 0ctober l2th. Stairs, paneling andcomidor doors were delivered November 2nd. Countertops and prehung doors weredelivered November 9th. 4th f'l oor countertops and closet rods are to bedelivered December 28th. Approximately 28 doors were mis-hung. Backcharges from Petry-Vappi are being prepared. ;+tff:l?ili,'1F55":!i' -:ii:!o' December 2l , l98l Page Three 9255/9905 93r 0/9650 72'10 Bui'ldinq Jnsu'lation United Insulators defaulted on their contract, work is being perfonned by Petry-Vappi crews. All jnsu'lation was completed December l7th. 75'10 Buil t Up Roofins Built up roofing began November 9th. Roof is totally dryed in. Geo rock surface is 85% complete. Remaining rock wil'l be completed when weather permits. Bridge roof was completed December 10th. 811 0 Ho] I ow ltleta] Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Doors and frames were delivered September 24th. All hollow metal doors and frames are stored onsite. First, second, and west side of 3rd. f'loor frames are installed. 8520 A'luminum l{lndows 87]0 Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Cut sheets were submitted August 4th. tlindows were delivered September 23rd. A1'l a'l uminum windows are insta'l led. Please take care not to break them. FJnish Hardware Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Hardware was de]ivered Decernber 9th. 'l st. and Znd. floor hardware is installed. 3rd. fl oor wi] 'l be J nsta'l 'l ed December 28th . Fixed Glass and ltlimors Contract has been let to Lakewood Glass. Al'l exterior glass is instal'led. l'lirrors are to be measured January Sth and insta'l 1ed January'l 2th. Drrra]'l/Pai nti nq Contract has been 'let to Schriber Decorating. Meta'l stud work began September 2lst and was completed December 'l7th. 4th f'loor drywa'l'l is about 50% comp'lete. 4th f'loor drywa'l'l and 3rd. floor texture must be completed by Decernber 24th. Sheet rock on loft level and finishing on 4th floor will start December 28th. 4th floor and loft must be textured by January llth. Painting is proceeding on Znd. & 3rd. f'loors. Ceramic Tjle/Vinyl Flooring Contract has been let to Hi-Lo Tile Company. Materia'l samples were submitted in August. tlork began December l5th. 'lst., 2nd., and 3rd. floor hearths are completed. lst. & 2nd. f'loor bathrooms are complete. 3rd. floor bathroomswill be ready December 28th. Viny'l f'l ooring on f'l oors one and two are ready to start. 8810 SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE IIi Bl;!fllll'l,f'?3[i's Reoort! Page Four .|0303 Fireplaces Purchase Order has been signed wjth Denver Hardware for Temco Fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings were submitted August 4th. Fireplaces were delivered September 29th. A'l I floor fireplaces are set. Cook is up to the 4th. f'loor with flue piping. Flue work is lagging behindl Cook must complete the flues by December 3lst. Denver Hardware must still de'l iver g'l ass doors and grates. 10800 Toi'let Accessories Purchase 0rder has been signed with EMI . Cut sheets were approved September 3rd. Accessories were de] ivered Novernber 9th. Access doors are stored on site. Fire extinguisher cabinets were delivered last week. Shower rods are missing. Please trace. 'l'1450 Appl iances Purchase Order has been signed with Genera'l E'l ectric. Appliances are needed on site January 4th. 'l 1488 Tenni s Courts Contract has been let to Gary l'laggard and Co. Fencing work began ,lu1y 22nd. Tennis court surfacing was comp'leted on August 5th. .|239'l Cabi nets Purhcase Order has been signed wit.h Mastercraft Industries. Cabinets were de'l ivered on job Novernber 6th. First and second floor cabinets are i nsta'l I ed . 3rd. fl oor cabi nets wi I I be 'i nstal 'l ed thi s week. .|4210 El evators Dover has comp'l eted installation of rails, door jambs and car f'l oor. Elevator is completely operational . Final elevator inspection is scheduledfor January 4th. I 5000 lllechani cal Cook is proceeding with waste and water piping on the loft f'l oor. This workis critical to meet the schedule. Trane air handling unit is scheduled to be de'livered today. 'lst. and 2nd. f'loor trim work is underway. Testing and balancing is scheduled for the week of January 11th. '16000 El ectri cal Main switchgear is finished and energized. Loft rough-in began December 'l6th. and is critical . Baseboard heaters and fixtures are on site. Cabinet heaters are yet to be deljvered. lst. & 2nd. floor trim is underway. Instal1ation of Edwards fire alarm system to begin this week. Site Util ities Permanent buj lding power was turned on December Znd. Simmons is installing SANDSTONE CREEK CLUE PHASE tII Bl;!fillltl' I'it[i's ReRortf Page Five a telephone condult between the Comtons Bullding and Building "C". PETRY-.VAPPI CONSTRUSTIOII COIIPANY;,' ,n /./t // 7,' z-LLt/ 4v' {1ut-uz4'/,/t- KERRY O,ltONilELL ProJect llanager KOC:bJc IBIl|u'ffi[ni rr ATTACHIIENT fI SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III SUBIIITTALS TO "UI{GE REICH HEINZ AND I'IAGEE FOR APPROVAL NTRACToR/SUPPLIER DRAI{ING DESCRIPTIoN DATE TO ARCHITECT REMARI$ o ATTACHMENT #2 SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III REVISED DRA}IINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT s-l s-l s-3 s-4 s-5 s-5 Changed Footlng Elevations Corected Door 0Penings Corrected Lintels Corrected Lintels Corrected Llntels Corrected Glu-Lam Beams 71718'1 ' 9114181 9114181 9114181 9114l8r el14l81 ATTACHI'IENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST 3. l. ?. 8114181 121318',1 1213/81 4. 1?121181 DATE ADDED TO LIST:ITEIiI OR Removal of excess :concrete pipe Approval of vanity sink Change 0rder Decision on Textone concrete finish Fa}ryent of [ater Tap fees- DECISION BY: Sandstone Intervals l{ind-River Sandstone Interval s Sandstone Intervals Sandstone Interva'l s e eto LL -or tJ .,ixIJ q, F r rl ,if l .1 lr i. € =NEro =c,gt =6r<o =6ttssl € .-tt=-:E ..r 4 E'e5- o + o cr< 3,o TJB: t? ; ll,tcr g'- o!a c 0 j a a, & 5 a ut Ra =coE-Eg 5He ErE tsEII J|rI3{Eu B61)c-ljg-.i? :i;E .€:-t Elr dEg,, ?E!="l -iil€:E i!Fc ?E : e 5 !g-398"38iFi;:s:isl!=;:E!i-EFl! :i : i E;! E;Ef i?:-si;EE= irEEi iE : = EE; EE EiFE 3 5::;3F=E EE tI . HEE =Jj3e a s E ;arEii: I+ Ottl --cii s I-n t J e B -oI.-ialt: ut!:t! b tot ,rl flr o gr ta ttrN E eig .J T c E E E..t E;B. B ---{cta 3ro =r?IN € -gr3oE-lr--- ra .t=>o oi € ,o DESIGII TEIII: Junge Relch Heinz & !la99e - illm Reich ttrc6t a Gl ltner - Joe l{lcol Reiter Engineerlng - BoP Relter riitotiti Engineering - Larry Ganbrell O'INERS: Sandstone Interryals' Sandstona Intetryal's 'Sandstone Creek Club GEIIERAL GOI{TMGTOR: SANDSTONE PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST Inc. - Jack Perlnutter Inc. - iloe Perlmutter - Nell Burnstein Gerry llcNallY - PetrY--YaPP! Dick Arnnidowh - PetrY-VaPPl Dlck Yincent - PetrY-YaPPl VAIL BUILDIIIG DEPARTI'IENT : SteYe Patterson - Chet Horton SUB COilTRA TOR/SUPPLI ERS : John's Backhoe Sewice - John Philt ips Rlo Grande Co. - Chuck 6radY ValleY Steel & Iron - Joe LaRuso' Glenwood liasonrY - Carl Schieser Stanley Structuies - Bill Hartline Kast-K6n-Krete - GradY GlPson Unlted Steel & Iron - Bill l{lller eeneiat Bulldlng Servlce - Tom Carrillo Hetro tlillwork - Don Flnnigan Irbstercraft - Buss GentrY bfaterquard' Inc. - John Pltnan Hl-Lo-Tile. Co. - Foster PaPl Lakevood Glass - Bob Benson 0enver Hardware - 8ud Kaatz Schriber Oecoratlng - Louie Messina ingineired lilateriais' Inc. - Ed Eornnueller Gaiv llaqqard e Co- - GarY Maggard Genlral-Electric - Dale Luek' Dover Elevator - George Vanderschow ' Cook Mechanical - ltac llarshall Sirions El ectric - Jin Thom-a-s 1;'0T6.6i ieTephone Co. --. Ron Mit-chell Jim Atkinson'- Fairfield Communities MORTGAGE COMPANY: El don llil I er llerchants Mortgage & REAL ESTATE: Jackie MontgomerY Vail Assoclates Real Trust Cor Estate SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III .BI.MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT N0VEMBER't8, t98l This report is issued twice a rnonth to al'l architectural , eng'ineering and consulting firms as well as to al'l contractors and major material suppliers for the purpose of keeping them informed of the precise project status and the readiness of the project for their materials and services. A. NEt.l DRAWINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHMENT #I ) '1. This is a listing of a'll supp'lemental and revised drawings issued by the Architect since the onset of the project. P'l ease examine your files and drawings to make certain they are complete. 2. This is a'list of submittals which have been submitted to the Architect and Engineers but have not been returned. If contractors or suppliers have drawings which have not been returned, approved or corrected but are not contained on the outstand'ing 1ist, p1 ease advise the field office. B. NEEDS LIST (SEE ATTACHMENT #3) This is a list of items requiring action or decisions by the parties involved. C. PROJECT STATUS Note: Please review the attached completion schedu'le for dead'lines applicable to your work. 1000 General Conditions 0ffice tra'iler was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 628-0897 (Denver line) and 476-7264. Superintendent is Mr. Dick Vincent. Temporary power is insta'l 'led. Temporary water is avai'lab'l e at the mechanical room. Safety is becoming increasing'ly important as the structure has reached the upper levels. Rain and snow are creating new falling hazards. Temporary heat is being utilized in the building. 2000 Site Gradins John's Backhoe comp'l eted export'ing excess organic fil'l from site, bu'i lding backfil'l was completed September 2nd. Ramp in front of commons building was removed November l2th. Sub-surface water is creating a mudhole in the Park'ing Garage area. Final site grading is underway. 3210 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. Delivered rebar for the footings and dowels on July l6th, all wal1 rebar ;irfl:l?ili,'i::h:::u *:li:t' November I 8, 'l 981 Page Two 2560 5500 Purchase 0rder has been signed with United Steel and Iron. Glu-Lam saddles and final 'l intels are on site. Railing supports were delivered September 1Oth. Revised 4th F'loor'lintels were picked up September l5th. l,l'issing Glu-Lam plates were fabricated loca11y. 6181 Glu-Lam Beams Purchase 0rder has been signed with General Buildinq Service. Shop drawinqs were approved June 25th. Beams were needed on the job September 22, 1981 . However, beams were not delivered until 0ctober lst. An eight day proiect de1 ay resulted. 30' beam to replace beam which was 4' too short was p'icked up 0ctober 15th. Prob'l em was due to an error bn Sheet 5-6. Last Glu- Lams were set October 2lst. 6220 Millwork Purchase Order has been signed with Metro Mi1 'lwork. Shop drawings were approved September l6th. t'findow trim was delivered 0ctober l2th. Stairs, paneling and corridor doors were delivered November 2nd. Countertops and prehung doors were del'iver.ed November 9th. Ski 'l ocker doors and fixed glass frames are yet to be delivered. is cumently on site. 3rd. Floor topping rebar lvas delivered September 11th. Concrete 'l st.,2nd, and 3rd. 'l evel concrete floors are complete. West half of 4th 'l evel floor was poured November'l 2th. Fjnal sidewalks will be poured next week. 32.| 0 Rebar Insta'l'lati on Contract has teen Iet to Valley Steel & Iron. Footing rebar was completed Auqust 5th. G'l enwood Masonry has completed install'ing a1l wal'l steel . 4000 Masonry A'l I masonry work is comp'lete except for exterior c1 eaning, sealing, and 4th f'loor fireplace walls. 3400 Precast Spandeck Contract has been 'let to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. 2nd. F'l oor spandeck was set August 25th. 3rd. Floor spandeck set September 9th, 4th Floor spandeck set September 'l 7th. Several corners require minor patching. 3450 Precast Stairs Contract has been let to Kast-Kon-Krete.9th. l.lork began September 28th. Stajrs One land'ing in south stainrel'l requires Misc. Stee'l Shop drawings were approved July were completed September 30th. wel di ng. ;itfl:l?ili,'F:5[":!:' -:iiu " November 18, 'l 98.| Page Three 1239.| Cabinets 87'10 925519905 Purchase Order has been signed with t'lastercraft Industries. Cabinets were delivered on iob Novenber 6th. 75]0 Bui I t Up Roof inq Built up roofing began November 9th. Roof is tota'l 1y dryed'in. Geo rock surface js 85% complete. Remaining rock wil'l be completed by November 20th. 7210 Building Insulation United Insulators defaulted on their contract, work is being perfonned by Petry-Vappi crews. A'l 'l insu'l ation materia'l is on site. 'l st. Floor work is complete. 2nd. F'l oor insulation is underway. 8810 Fixed Glass and Mimors Contract has been1et to Lakewood Glass. tlindows wi1l be ready for instal'lation December 4th. 8520 A] umi num l{i ndows Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Cut sheets were submitted August 4th. l.Jindows were delivered September 23rd. A'l'l a'luminium.windows are insta'l 'l ed. P'lease take care not to break them. 8ll0 Hollow Metal Purchase Order has been signed with were delivered September 24th. All stored onsite. Finish Hardware Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware. Hardware will be needed on site no 'l ater than December Znd. Drwa'l I /Pai nti ng Contract has been let to Schriber Decorating. Metal stud work began September 2lst. lst, 2nd, and 3rd. floor meta'l studs are complete.4th. floor metal studs began November Znd. lst Floor drywalI is complete Znd. Floor drywall is underway. Exterior painting is 80% complete. Ceramic Tile/Viny] FloorinE Contract has been let to Hi-Lo Tile Company. Material samples were sub- mitted in August. l,lork is scheduled to begin December 'l 5, 1981 . lst., 2nd. and 3rd. floor fireplace hearths are ready for pavers. Denver Hardware. ho'l 'low metal doors Doors and frames and frames are 93r 0/9660 ;trfl:13ili,'l15['^3i!'*!ll;:o'o November '18, 1981 Page Four 10303 Fi replaces Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware for Temco Fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings were submitted August 4th. Fireplaces were de'l ivered September 29th. lst., 2nd. and 3rd. F'l oor firep'laces are set. Cook is proceeding with flue piping. '10800 Toilet Accessories Purchase Order has been signed with EMI. Cut sheets were approved September 3rd. Accessories wi'l I be needed on sjte by Novernber 16th. Access doors and fire extinguisher cabinets are needed this week. 11488 Tennis Courts Contract has been let to Gary Maggard and Co. Fencing work began July 22nd. Tennis court surfacing was completed on August 5th. I I 450 App'l i ances Purchase 0rder has been signed with General Electric. Appliances are needed on site January 4th. 14210 Elevators Dover has completed instal'l ation of rai'l s, door jambs, and car f1 oor, remain'ing work shou:ld be completed by December 'lst. 15000 Mechan'ica'l Cook will have all 3rd. floor work completed work is schedu'l ed to be completed by December completed by November 19th. Fireplace flues by November 20th. 4th floor 2nd. Roof f'l ashi ng wi 1 I be need to be finished by November 27th. .|5000 El ectri cal Simmons is current'ly insta'l ling the main switchgear and roughing in 4th Floor wal'l s. Bathroom light fixtures have he1 d up comp'letion of lst floor drywall. Site Util ities Electric vault by Holy Cross was insta'l 'led September 26th. Water Iine has been extended into building. Sewer tap was completed November Sth. PETRY-VAPPI CONSTRUCTION COI',IPANY /(*q ( KERRY fMNNELL ProjecY Manager KnC: b.jc ATTACHIIENT #I SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III NoYEI"IBER 2, l98l SUBUITTALS TO JUNGE REICH HEINZ ANO MAGEE FOR APPROVAL DESCRI PTI ON ATTACH!,IENT #2 SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III NWEI{8ER 2, l98l REVISED DRAWINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT DRA}IING REVISIONS DATE s-l s-I s-3 s-4 s-5 s-5 Changed Footlng Elevations Comected Door 0penings Corrected Llntels Corrected Lintels \ Comected Lintels Corrected Glu-Lam Beams 7 17181 e114l81 9114181 9114181 9114181 e114181 ATTACHMENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEOS LIST NO: DATE ADDED TO LIST: . ITEM OR QUESTION: ACTION/DECISION BV: l. 8114181 Remova'l of excess Sandstone Intervals :concrete plpe lllnd-Rlver 2. ll/18/81 Approval of Varpel Vall Bulldlng Depiltment Flre Retardent 4tll -or ao Er\ =rDE .\r =E<o =ol co o !, o-. u, F >=E- =F.E* @ I : E :s = nilr o-lo!o c a o LEI Ia, a rtRo =ooE-Ag 6H!| Fc F (JOa, o-||l Jrr3{Ee lqff'-r-l {fd'- -g 3 oE E; B !r0 Q9.oPT 5E o, & 6 o:;E.s ;€;-: ,tE,F sE+ EE:: F,!ci*." l€ii;ii €Ft" ;EE s Fri . gt..;gi:::;:! -E;! I:s:= te:; =;i;8_; E_E;1fu es EE e E!! I Ery E EE.EE i E gE 5EE i = ;-a 't\:61-- -.Jcro llt l, : : ,gsr- i -- i 316fr61 =d__:'" i 6t-E EI ltc!) o7d: est aG'T? |l, Ec! El e.' til.rr - a aoE I,i: j ; a! - It E5'€ .E tr, r{3i.a !:ta 9= x!d ,.rE Elr,-o 4la-a<E3a !' !ll3 -Jl b-.t g P! o SANDSTONE PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIEUTION LIST DESIGI{ TEAIT: Junge Relch Helnz & llagee - Jim Reich ntc6t a Gl ftner - Joe Nlcol Reiter Engineerlng - Bob Relter eamUrell Englneering - Larry Garnbrell OHilERS: 'Sandstone Intervals, Inc. - Jack Perlnutter Sandstone Intervals, Inc- - itoe Perlmutter Sandstone Creek Club - Nell Burnsteln cEr{ER4L C0[TRACT0R: Gerry lttcNally - PetrY-VaPP! Dlck-Amidom - PetrY-VaPPi Dlck Yincent - PetrY-VaPPl VAIL BUILDIIIG DEPART}IENT : Steve Patterson - Chet Horton sr,8 C0NTRACIOR/SUPPLI ERS : ,John's Backhoe Serrrlce - John Phillips Rlo Grande Co. - Chuck GradY Valley Steel & Iron - Joe LaRuso' Glenr6od llasonry - Carl Schieser Stanley Structures - Bi'll Hartllne Kast-Kon-Krete - GradY 6lPson Unlted Steel & h'on - Bill lllller General EuildlnE Servlce - Ton Carrlllo ilctro l{illwo;1 - Don Finnigan lhstercraft - Buss GentrY UaterEuard, Inc. - John Pitnan Hl-Lo-Tile Co. - Foster PaPi Lakeuood Glass - Bob Benson Denver Hardware - Bud Kaatz schriber Decoratlng - Louie l'lesslna Engineered ihterlais, Inc. - Ed Bornmueller Gaiy ihggard & Co. - GarY }laggard Genlral Electric - Dale Luek Dover Elevator - George Vanderschow' Cook Mechanical - lbc llarshal] Sidons Electrlc - Jim Thomas o UORTGAGE COMPANY: Eldon Miller l,lerchants trbrtgage & REAL ESTATE: Jackie llontgonerY Val't Assoclates Real Trust CorP Estate o 4d* rEItry{ilmitr SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III BI-]'IONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT NOVEMBER 2, 1 98] This report is issued twice a month to all architectural, engineering and firms as well as to al'l contractors and maior material su.ppliers for the-'tdeiiing tiriin' ii-tor-me?'bf thei p-retise proietl status and the readjness of for their materials and services. A. Del ivered rebar'is cumently on for the footingssite. 3rd. Floor and dowe'l s on July topping rebar was consu'lting purpose ofthe project I 6th, a'l I wa'l I rebar del ivered September llth. '1. This is a listing of all supp'lemental and revised drawings issued-by the Architect since [he onset oi'the project. Please examjne your files and drawings to make certain they are complete- Z. This is a'list of submittals which have been submitted to the Architect and Engineers but have not been returned. If contractors or suppliers have diawings which have not been returned, approved or corrected but are not contained on the outstanding list, please advise the fie'l d office- B. NEEDS LIST ( SEE ATTACHMENT #3 ) This is a list of items requiring action or decisions by the parties invo'lved. C. PROJECT STATUS 1000 General Conditions Office trai'ler was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 528-0897 (Denver line) and 476-7264. Superintendent is Mr. Dick Vincent. iemporary power is installed. iemporary water is availab1e at the mechanicil room. Safety is becomihg increasing'ly important as the structure reaches the ulper levels.- Rain and snow are creating new fa1'ting hazards. Tempoiiry heat ls being utjlized in the building. 2000 Site Gradinq John's Backhoe completed exporting excess organic fill from site' building backfill was compli:tea Septbmber Znd. Ramp in front of commons building wil'l be removed itovemUer btn. Sub-surface water is creating a mudhole in the parking garage area. 32'10 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. ARCHITECT SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III fij;!8i]l'I,'T33T"' REP'RTo ' Page Two 2560 Concrete I st. , 2nd. and 3rd. I evel concrete f'l oors are comp'l ete. l.lest hal f of 4th leve'l floor is scheduled to be poured November 4th. East half was poured 0ct- ober 26th. Final sidewalks will be poured next week. 3210 Rebar Instal'lation Contract has been let to Valley Stee'l & Iron. Footing rebar was completed August 5th. Glenwood l'lasonry has completed installing a'l I wall steel . 4000 Masonry Glenwood Masonry comp'l eted a1 1 masonry wa'l ls 0ctober 27th. East fireplace flues, fireplace hearths, cleaning, sea'l ing, and elevator jambs all scheduled to be completed in the next two weeks. 3400 Precast Spandeck Contract has been let to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. 2nd. F'loor spandeck was set August 25th. 3rd. F'loor spandeck set September 9th, 4th Floor spandeck set September l7th. Several corners require minor patching. 3450 Precast Stairs Contract has been let to Kast-Kon-Krete. Shop drawings were approved Julygth. Uork began September 28th. Stairs were completed September 30th. One'landing in south stairwe'| 1 requires welding. 5500 Misc. Steel Purchase 0rder has been signed w'ith United Steel and Iron. G'l u-Lam sadd'l es and f'lnal 'lintels are on site. Ra'i Iing supports were delivered Septemberl0th. Revised 4th F'loor linte'ls were picked up September 'lSth. Missing Glu-Lam paltes were fabricated locally. 6'18l Gl u-Lam Beams Purchase Order has been signed with General Bui'l ding Service. Shop drawings were approved June 25th. Beams were needed on the job September 22, l98l . However, beams were not delivered unti'l 0ct. 'l st. An eight day project de'lay resulted. 30' beam to replace beam wh'ich was 4' too short was picked up 0ctober lSth. Problem was due to an emor on Sheet 5-6. Last Glu-Lams were set Ocotber 2'l st. 6220 Millwork Purchase 0rder has been signed with Metro Millwork. Shop Drawings were approved September l6th. l,lindow trim was de]ivered October 'lZth. Stairs, paneling, and corridor doors were de1 ivered November 2nd. Countertops and pre-hung doors shou'ld be delivered by Novernber 9th. ; iifl 3l ?il i " ?'-[t-E!B' -"?tii J' Noriember 2, l98l Page Three 'l 2391 Cabi nets Purchase Order has been signed with Mastercraft Industries. Cabinets wi'l l be needed on job November l3th. 7510 Built Up Roofinq Contract has been let to Waterguard. Dampproofing began August l3th and . was completed August 17th. Built up roofing has been delayed-due-to local snow storms. Roofing will now begin November 4th and be comp'l eted November 'l Oth. 7210 Bui'lding Insulation United Insulators defaulted on their contract, work is being performed by Petry-Vappi crews. All insulation material is on site. lst. F'loor work is undenray. 88] 0 Fi xed G'l as s and Mi rrors Contract has been 'l et to Lakewood Glass. lrlindows will be ready for measure- ments 0ctober 28th. 8520 A] umi num I'li ndows Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hatidware. Cut sheets were sub- mitted August 4th. t,lindows were de1ivered September 23rd. 90 Aluminum windows are insta'l led. Please take care not to break them. 8I I0 Ho] I ow ltletal Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Doors and frames were delivered September 24th. Alt hol]ow metal doors and frames are stored on- site. 9255/9905 Drywal'l /Paintinq Contract has been let to Schriber Decorating. I'letal stud work began September 2lst. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. floor metal studs are complete. 4th floor metal studs began November 2nd. 93]0/9660 Cerami c Ti I e/V j ny'l Fl oori n9 Contract has been let to Hi-Lo Tile Company. Material samples were sub- mitted in August. l,lork is schedu'l ed to begin December I5, 'l 981 . 10303 F'ireplaces Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware for Temco fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings were submitted August 4th. Fireplaces v{ere delivered September 29th. First and second floor firep'laces are set. Cook is proceeding with f'lue piping. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III Ri;lSilll'I,'1331"' REPoRb Page Four '10800 Toilet Accessories Purchase Order has been signed with EMI . Cut sheets were approved September 3rd. Accessories wil'l be needed on site by November 16th. 11488 Tennis Courts Contract has been let to Gary Maggard and Co. Fencing work began July22nd. Tennis court surfacing was-completed on August-Sth. I1450 Appl iances Purchase Order has been signed with General E'lectric. Appllcances are needed on site ,January 4th. 14210 Elevators Contract has been let to Dover Elevator. Shop drawings were approved June 8th. Shaft hole dril'llng began July 20th. Drilling was completed July24th. Elevator installation began 0ctober 26th. Elevator should be completed by December 1st. 15000 I'lechanical Contract has been awarded to Cook l-lechanical. Shop drawings and cut sheets were submitted August 1st. Waste piping has been completed up to thefourth f'loor. Water piping is now up to the 2nd. floor. lst and 2nd. floor- bath tubs are set. Roof flashing is ready to be installed. Duct work is underway in the 'lofts. '16000 El ectrical Contract has been awarded to Simmons E'lectric. Shop drawings and cuts are all submitted and approved. Swltch gear is scheduled to be instal'ledthis week. t.lall rough-in is proceeding on the 3rd. and 4th floors. Lackof bathroom light fixtures is holding up 'lst. f'loor dryvlall. Site Util ities Electric vault by Holy Cross was insta'l'led September 25th. l,later line been extended into building. Sewer tap fees were paid last week. Tap scheduled to be ,completed Noverirber Sth. has is PETRY.CONSTRUCTION COMPANY / .-'1. '', - KERRY O'CONNELL Project lilanager KOC: bJc ATTACHMENT #I SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III ' N0yEMBER 2, ]981 SUBI,IITTALS T0 ,IUNGE REICH HEINZ AND MAGEE FOR APPR0VAL DRA}IING DESCRIPTI DATE TO ATTACHMENT #2 SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III NOVEMBER 2, ]98I REVISED DRA}IINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT REVISIONS DATEDRAI{ING s-1 s-l s-3 s-4 s-5 s-6 Changed Footing Elevations Corrected Door 0penings Corrected Li nte'l s Corrected Linte'ls Corrected Lintels Corrected Glu-Lam Beams 717 /81 9114/81 e114l81 9114181 9114181 e114l81 IE[[U.||[DIitr ATTACHI'IENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST NO: DATE ADDED TO LIST: ITEM OR QUESTION: ACTION/DECISION BY: l. 8114181 Removal of excess Sandstone Intervals :concrete pipe lfind-River 2. lll2l81 Price on added Cook l{echanicalloft level slnks o D0ttu||rmitr SANDSTONE PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LiST DESiGN TEM: Junge Reich Heinz & l4agee - Jim Reich Nicol & Gl itner - Joe Nicol Reiter Engineering - Bob Reiter Gambre'll Engineering - Larry Gambrel'l OWNERS: Sandstone Interva'l s' Inc. - Jack Per'lmutter Sandstone Intervals, Inc. - Joe Perimutter Sandstone Creek Club - Nei'l Burnstein GENERAL CONTMCTOR: Gerry McNally - Petry-VaPPi Dick Anmidown - PetrY-VaPPi Dick Vincent - PetrY-VaPPi VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT : Steve Patterson - Chet Horton SUB CONTMCTOR/SUPPLI ERS : John's Backhoe Service - John Phillips Rio Grande Co. - Chuck GradY Valley Stee'l & Iron - Joe LaRuso G'l enwood l'lasonry - Carl Schiesen Stanl ey Structures - B i'l l Hart'l i ne Kast-Kon-Krete - Grady GiPson United Steel & Iron - Bill Mi'ller Genera'l Bui'l ding Service - Tom Carri'l I o Metro Mi'l 'l work - Don Fi nni gan ltastercraft - Buss GentrY l{aterguard, Inc. - John Pitman Hi-Lo Tile Co. - Foster Papi Lakewood Glass - Bob Benson Denver Hardware - Bud Kaatz Schriber Decorating - Louie Messina Engineered Material s, Inc. - Ed Bornmue'l 'l er Gary Maggard & Co. - GarY Maggard Genera'l El ectric - Da] e Luek Dover E'l evator - George Vanderschow Cook Mechanica'l - l4ac Marsha'll Simrnons Electric - Jim Thomas MORTGAGE COMPANY: E'l don Mi'l I er Merchants Mortgage & REAL ESTATE: Jackie MontgomerY Va'i'l Associates Rea'l Trust Corp. Estate SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III BI.MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT This report is issued twice a month firms as well as to al] contractors keeping them informed of the precise for their materia'l s and services. 'r0/'r s/81 to a'l I architectural , engineering and consu'l ting and major material supp'liers for the purpose of project status and the readiness of the project A. NEI.I DRAUINGS FROil THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHilENT #I ) '1 . This is a listing of al1 supp'l emental and revised drawings issued by the Architect since the onset of the project. Please examine your files and drawings to make certain they are complete. 2. This is a list of submittals which have been submitted to the Architect and Engineers but have not been returned. If contractors or suppliers have drawings which have not been returned, approved or corrected but are not contained on the outstanding list, please advise the f'le'ld office. B. NEEDS LIST (SEE ATTACHMENT #3) This is a list of items requiring action or decisions by the parties invo'lved. C. PROJECT STATUS 1000 General Conditions Office trailer was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 628-0897 (Denver line) and 476-7264. Superintendent is Mr. Dick Vincent. Temporary power is installed. Temporary water is avai'l able at the mechanical room. Safety is becoming increasingly important as the structure reaches the upper 'l eve1 s. Rain and snow are creating neu fa11 'lng hazards . 2000 Site Gradins John's Backhoe completed exporting excess organic fill from site, building backfi'l'l was completed September Znd. Ramp in front of commons buildingwill be removed 0ctober 'l6th. 32] 0 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. Del'ivered rebaris currently on for the footingssite. 3rd. F'loor and dowels on July topping rebar was 16, A1'l wal I rebar delivered September'llth. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III Bl;l8ll'il,'1331"' REPoRo Page Two 2560 Concrete Purchase Orderwill be needed has been signed with Mastercraft Industries. Cabinets on job Novemer 2, l98l . Contract has been let to Va11ey Stee'l & Iron. Footing rebar was completed August 5th. Glenwood Masonry is installing wall steel . 4000 Masonry G'lenwood Masonry completed walls to elevation 95 Oct. 8th.Loft wal'ls and hearths are underway. 3400 Precast Spandeck Contract has been Iet to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. 2nd f'loor spandeck rlas set August 25th. 3rd-floor spandeckset September 9th, 4th floor spandeck set September 'l 7th. Several cornersrequire minor patching. 3450 Precast Stairs Contract has been let July 9th. l.lork began30th. One landing in 5500 Misc. Stee'l Purchase Order has been signed with united steel and Iron. Glu-Lam saddles and final lintels are on iste. Railing supports were delivered S-eptember_1Oth. Revised 4th floor lintels weri picked up September lSth.Missing Glu-Lam plates were fabricated local'ly. 61 81 G'l u- Lam I eams Purchase 0rder has been signed with General Bui'l ding Service. Shop draw- _ings were approved June 25th. Beams were needed on the job September 22,'l 981 . However, beams were not delivered until 0ct. lst. An eight dayproject delay resulted. 30' beam to replace beam which was 4' io shoitwas picked up 10/15/8'1. problem was due to an error on sheet 5-6. 6220 Mil'lwork Purchase Order has been signed wjth Metro lrli'l 1work. Shop Drawings were approved September l6th. |{indow trim was delivered 10/12/81. Loft stajrsare needed on site by 10/22/81. Remaining mi'l'lwork wi'll be needed November 9th. I 239] Ca bi nets lst,2nd, and 3rd. level concrete f'l oors are complete. 4th Level f] oor is scheduled to be poured November 4th. 3210 Rebar Installation to Kast-Kon-Krete. Shop drawings were approved September 28th. Stairs were completed September south stairrell requires we1 ding. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III Bl;l3!l'il,'1331"' REP.RU Page Three 75.|0 guitt Up Roofinq Contract has been 'l et to !,lqterguand, was completed August l7th. Bui'lt up pending good weather. 7210 Bui'lding Insu'lation del ivered September Purchase Order has been signed with September 3rd. Accessories will be 11488 Tennis Courts Contract has been 1et to Gary 22nd. Tennis court surfacing Derlppnooflng hegan August 'l3th and roofing is scheduled for October 26th, been signed with Denver Hardware. Doors and frames were 24th. Door Frames numbered are needed on the iob EMI . Cut sheets were approved needed on site by November 16th. United Insulators defau'l ted on their contract, work is being performed by Petry-Vappi crews. lst. floor work will start October l6th. 88]0 Fixed G'lass and ltlimors Contract has been I et to ments October 28th. 8520 Aluminum l{indows Lakewood Glass. l.|indows wil'l be ready for measure- Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Cut sheets were submitted August 4th. l.|indows were delivered September 23rd. 84 A'luminum windows are installed. Please take care not to break them. 8'l 'l 0 Holl ow Metal Purchase Order has october 26, '198.|. 9255/9905 Drwal I /Paintins Contract has been 'l et to Schriber Decorat'ing. Metal stud work began September 2lst. 'l st Floor metal studs are complete. 2nd. F'loor studs were comp'leted '10/13/81. 3rd. f'loor metal studs will begin 10/19/81. Drywall will begin '10/22181. 93]0/9560 Ceramlc Tile/Vinyl F'loorjns Contract has been 'l et to Hi-Lo Tile Company. Material samples were submitted in August. l,tork is scheduled to begin December '15, 198.|. 10303 Fireplaces Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware for Temco fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings were submitted August 4th. Ffreplaces were delivered September 29th. First and second f1 oor fireplaces are set. Coo k i s proZeEdli!-ri t-fr'-Ft ue p'i pi ng. '1 0800 Toi'l et AccessorJes Maggard and Co. was completed on Fencing work began July August 5th. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE 3513!]'il, ol33l"' REP'RI 1 '1450 Appl 'lances Purchase 0rder has been signed with Genera'l E'lectric. App1iances are needed on slte January 4th. '14210 El evators Contract has been let to Dover Elevator. Shop drawings were approved June8th. Shaft hole dril1ing began July 20th. Dril'ling was completed July24th Elevator insta'l'lation wlll begin October 26th. 15000 Mechanica] Contract has been awarded to Cook Mechanical. Shop drawings and cut sheets were submitted August 1st. Underground rough-in for Floor I was completed September 2nd. Water lines, waste piping and sheet metal areproceeding on the 2nd. and 3rd. f'loors. 'lst. Floor plumbing inspectlons were comp'leted 10115181. Dry standpipes were begun 1019/81. 16000 El ectrica'l Contract has been awarded to Simmons E'lectric. Shop Drawlngs and cut sheets were submitted August l9th. lst Floor underground rough-in was completed Septenber 2nd. Core Drilling and slab rough-in on 3rd. flooris complete and 4th floor work is underway. Switchgear wJll need to be operational November lst. Site Util ities Electric vault by Holy Cross was pendlng receipt of tap permit by extended into bui'ld'ing. PETRY.VAPPI CONSTRUCTION CO!4PANY t-/./( n- ft)/\J41! U(n4^01{ KERRY O'CoNNELL rProJect ltlanager v KC: bJc installed September 26th. Sewer tap ls Sandstone Intervals. Water line has been :ONTRACTOR/SUPPLI ER ATTACHI{ENT #I , SANqSTONE CREEK PHASE III 0CT0BER '1 5, 1981 SUBMITTALS TO JUNOE REICH HEINZ AND I'AGEE FOR APPRWAL DRAI{ING DESCRIPTION DATE TO ARCHITECT REI'IARKS ilmmons Electric iimmons E'lectric Resubmi ttal Fixture Type Resubmittal Fixture Type F M 10/12181 10/14181 .ATTACHMENT #2 SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III 0CToBER 't5, l98l REVISED DRAI{INGS FROM THE ARCHITECT 3-l ;-l ;-3 t-4 ;-5 j-6 Changed Footlng Elevations Corrected Door 0penfngs Corrected Llntels Corrected Ll nte'l s Corrected Lintels Corrected Glu-Larn Beams 717181 e114/81 e114l81 e114l81 9lr4l81 e114l81 NO:DATE ADDED TO LIST ATTACHI'ENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST ITEn 0R qUESTT0N ACTIOII/DECXSIOI{ BY 't. 2. 8114181 el17l8r Remoyal of excess pl pe Paynent of Sewer water tap fees Sandstone Interva'ls lllnd-Rlver Sandstone Interva'ls concrete and SANDSTONE PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST DESIGN TEAII!: Junge Relch Helnz t Magee - Jim Reich Nicol & Glltner - Joe Nlcol Reiter Engineerlng - Bob Reiter Gambrell Englneering - Larry Gambrell OI.INERS: Sandstone lnterva'l s, Inc. - Jack Per'lmutter Sandstone Intervals, Inc. - Joe Perlmutter Sandstone Creek Club - Neil Burnstein GENEML CONTRACTOR: MORTGAGE COMPAI{Y: Eldon Miller Gemy McNal'ly - Petry-Vapp'i Merchants Mortgage & Trust Corp. Dick Annidown - Petry-Vappi Dick Vincent - Petry-V1pli REAL ESTATE: Jackie l,lontgomery VAIL BUILDING DEPART}IENT: VAiI ASSOCiATES RCAI EStAtE Steve Patterson - Chet Horton SUB CONTMCTOR/SUPPLI ERS : John's Backhoe Service - John Phillips Rio Grande Co. - Chuck Gradv Valley Steel & lron - Joe LaRuso G'lenwood llasonry - Carl Schieser Stanley Structures - Blll Hart'line Kast-Kon-Krete - Grady Glpson United Steel & Iron - Bill Mi]ler General Building Service - Tom Carrillo liletro Millwork - Don Flnnigan l,lastercraft - Buss Gentry llaterguard, Inc. - John Pffinan Hi-Lo Tile Co. - Foster Papi Lakeuood Glass - Bob Benson Denver Hardware - Bud Kaatz Schriber Decoratlng - Louie l4essina Engineered'llaterlals, Inc. - Ed Bornmueller Gary l|aggard & Co. - Gary llaggard General Electric - Da]e Luek Dover E'l evator - George Vanderschow Cook Mechanical - Mac Marsha'l 'l Sirmons Electric - Jim Thomas ,,% DGltutrDlitr SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III BI-MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT 10/1/81 This report is issued twice a month to all archjtectural , engineering and consulting firms as wel'l as to all contractors and major material supp'l iers for the purpose of keeping them informed of the precise project status and the readiness of the project for their materials and services. A. NEl'l DRAI,,IINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHMENT #i ) 1. This is a listing of alI supplemental and revised drawings issued by the Architect since the onset of the project. Please examine your files and draw'ings to make certain they are complete. 2- This is a'l ist of submittals which have been submitted to the Architect and Engineers but have not been returned. If contractors or suppljers have drawings which have not been returned, approvedor corrected but are not contained on the outstanding'l ist, p'l ease adv'ise the field office. B. NEEDS LIST (SEE ATTACHMENT #3) This 'is a list of items requ'iring action or decisions by the parties i nvol ved. C. PROJECT STATUS 1000 General Conditions 0ffice trailer was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 628-0897 (Denver line) and 476-7264, Superintendent is Mr. Dick Vincent. Temporary power is installed. Temporary water is available at the mechanical room. Safety is becoming increasingly important as the structure reaches the upper leve'l s. 2000 Site Gradi ns John's Backhoe is completing exporting excess organic fill from site, building backfil'l was comp'l eted September Znd. Ramp in front of commons building will be removed October 5th. 3210 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. Deljvered rebar for the footings and dowels on rebar is currently on site. 3rd Floor topping September llth. July l6. All wall rebar lvas delivered SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III 3l;f3il1!i', iiof!5i' *'U Page Two 2560 Concrete 'l st FIoor slab on grade was poured September 3rd. 2nd Floor toppingis schedu]ed for September l8th. 32.|0 Rebar Instal lation Contract has been let to Va11ey Steel & Iron. Footing rebar was completed August Sth. Glenwood Masonry is installing wall steel. 4000 Masonry Glenwood Masonry completed walls to elevation G5 September 30th. Loft wa'l 'l s and hearths are underway. 3400 Precast Spandeck Contract has been let to Stan'l ey Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. 2nd Floor spandeck was set August 25th. 3rd Fl oor spandeck set September 9th, 4th Floor spandeck set Septemberl7th. Several corners require minor patching. 3450 Precast Stairs Contract hls been let to Kast-Kon-Krete. Shop draw'ings were approved July 9th. l,lork began September 28th. Stairs were completed Sept. 30th. 5500 Misc. Steel Purchase Order has been signed with United Stee'l and Iron. G'lu-Lam saddles and final 'l intels are on s'ite. Railing supports were delivered September lOth. Revised 4th F'l oor lintels were picked up September I sth. 6181 G'l u-Lam Beams Purchase 0rder has been signed with General Building Service. Shop drawings were approved June 25th. Beams were needed on the job September 22, 1981 . However, beams were not delivered unti'l Oct. lst. An eight day project delay resulted. 6?20 Mi'l 'lwork Purchase 0rder has been signed with Metro Mil'l work. Shop Drawings were approved September 16th. t.'lindow trim is needed on site ASAP. I2391 Cabinets Purchase 0rder has been signed with Mastercraft Industries. Cabinetswill be needed on job January 7th. 7510 Built Up Roofinq Contract has been let to tlaterguard. Dampproofing began August l3th and was completed August 17th. Bu'i1t up roofing is scheduled for 0ctober 26th. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III 8l;t$I!i"ilof!5i' REPU Page Three 8810 Fixed Glass and Mimors Contract has been I et to October 26th. Lakewood Glass. Work is scheduled to begin Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. frames were de'l ivered September 24th. 925519905 Drywa'l'l /Paintins/Insulation '10303 Firep'laces Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware Cut sheets and shop drawings were submitted August delivered September 29th. 10800 Toilet Accessories 8520 Aluminum Windows Purchase 0rder has been signed with submitted August 4th. Windows were5l A'l uminum windows were installed. 8ll0 Ho]low Metal Purchase 0rder has been signed with September 3rd. Accessories will be '1.|488 Tenni s Courts Denver Hardware. Cut sheets were delivered September 23rd. Please take care not to break them. Doors and for Temco fi rep'l aces .4th. Fireplaces were Contract has been let to Schriber Decorating. Meta'l stud work began studs are complete. 2nd F'loor studsSeptember 2lst. Ist Floor metal began Sept. 28th. 9310/9660 Ceramic Tile/Vinyl Floorinq Contract has been let to Hi-Lo Tile Company. Materia'l samples were submitted by August. Work is schedu'led to begin January 4, 1982. EMI. Cut sheets needed on site by were approved December 3l st. Contract has been let to Gary Maggard and Co. Fencing work began July 22nd. Tennis court surfacing was completed on August sth. l'1450 App] iances Purchase Order has been signed w'ith General Electric. Appliances are needed on site January 4th. 14210 E'levators Contract has been I et June 8th. Shaft hole July 24th. Elevator to Dover E'l evator.drilling began July installation should Shop drawings were approved20th. Drilling was completed cofimence October 5th. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III'3l;l$Hi"flof85i' *'U Page Four .l5000 Mechanical Contract has been awarded to sheets were submitted August was completed September 2nd. are proceeding on the 2nd and I 6000 E'lectrical Electric vault byis pending receipt has been extended SPECIAL NOTICE: Cook Mechanical. Shop drawings and cutlst. Underground rough-in for Floor 'l Water lines, waste piping and sheet metal 3rd floors. Ho'ly Cross was installed September 26th. Sewer tap of tap perm'i t by Sandstone Intervals. Nater line i nto buil di ng. Contract has been awarded to Simmons E1 ectric. Shop Drawings cut sheets were submitted August 19th. lst.Floor underground was completed September 2nd. Core Drilling and slab rough-in Floor is complete and 3rd Floor work is underway. Switchgear need to be operational November lst. Site Utilities and rough- i n on Znd wil l The Owners have requested that all contractors and suppliers refrain from parking in front of the Cormons Building and using the Commons Building restrooms and vending mach'ines. Please alert your employees. PETRY.VAPP I /:. CONSTRUCTION .'r.-'/ \-. i \\_- COIiIPANY. ,/ KERRY OI Project KC : bjc CONNELL Manager ATTACHMENT #I MEMORANDUM SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III 0CT0BER I, l98l SUBMITTALS TO JUNGE REICH HEINZ AND MAGEE FOR APPROVAL CONTRACTOR/SUPPL I ER DRAWING DESCRIPTION DATE TO ARCHITECT REMARKS ATTACHMENT #2 I{E14ORANDUM SANDSTOI{E CREEK PHASE III 0CT0BER 'l , '198] REVISED DRA}II]{GS FROI4 THE ARCHITECT DRA}IING REVISIONS DATE s-l s-'l s-3 s-4 s-5 s-6 Changed Footlng E'levations Corrected Door Openings Corrected Lintels Corrected Lintel s Corrected Lintels Corrected Glu-Lam 717181 9114181 s/14181 9114181 etluel 9/14181 rj o ATTACHMENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST NO:DATE ADDED TO LIST ITEI4 OR QUESTION ACTION/DECISION BY 1. 2. 8114181 9117181 Renoya'l of excess concrete pi pe Payment of sewer tap fees Sandstone Intervals l.li nd-River Sandstone Interva'l s o SANDSTONE PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST OESIGN TEM: Junge Reich Heinz & Magee - Jim Reich Nicol & G'l itner - Joe Nico'l Reiter Engineering - Bob Reiter Gambre'l'l Engineering - Larry Ganbre'l'l OI.INERS: Sandstone Interva'ls, Inc. - Jack Perlmutter Sandstone Interval s, Inc . - ,Joe Per'lmutter Sandstone Creek Club - Neil Burnstein GENERAL CONTMCTOR: Kevin Hurton - Petry- VaPPi Dick Amnidown - Petry-VaPPi Dick Vincent - PetrY-VaPPi VAIL BUILDING DEPARTI'IENT: Steve Patterson - Chet Horton SUBCONTMCTOR/SUPPLI ERS : John's Backhoe Servjce - John Phillips Rjo Grande Co. - Chuck GradY Va]ley Stee] & Iron - Joe LaRuso Glenwood Masonry - Carl Schieser Stanley Structures - Bill Hartline Kast-Kon-Krete - GradY GiPson United Steel & Iron - Bi'll Miller General Bui'lding Service - Tom Camillo Metro Millwork - Don Finnigan llastercraft - Buss GentrY tlaterguard, Inc. - John Pitnan United Insulators - Chuck Skinner Lakewood Glass - Bob Benson Denver Hardware - Bud Kaatz Schriber Decorating - Louie Messina Engineered Materia'l s, Inc. - Ed Eornmuel'l er Gary I'hggard & Co. - Gary Maggard Genera'l E'lectric - Dal e Luek Dover E'l evator - George Vanderschow' Cook Mechanical - Mac Marsha]l Sirmons Electric - Jim Thomas Hi-Lo Tile Co. - Foster PaPi MORTGAGE COMPANY: E'ldon Mil'ler Merchants Mortgage & REAL ESTATE: Jackie MontgomerY Vail Associates Rea'l Trust Corp. Estate box 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development September 22, l98L T0: To Jack Perlmutter FR0M: Steve Patterson, Town of Vail Building Official RE: Permit Fees For Sandstone Creek Club As per our agreement on Friday, September 18' 1981 , these are your actual fees for your project as to costs. As you agreed to, you wou'l d have these fees paid by September 24, tggt. l'Je thank you for your help and understanding on this matter as I'rq sure it was handled professionat'ly by all parties conceined. In addition, if you should become successfu'l in your variance request to the Town for increased GRFA there will be additional costs as is outlined by adopted construction fee schedules. More specifical]y you would owe, if successful , an additjonal $8589.50 plus recreational fees. Thank you again. KKi KAST. KON - KRETE INC PRE.CAST CANTILEVER 6TAIRWI.YS AND RAILS4OO2 N. CASCADE AVE. coLoRADO SPRtNGS, COLO. aO907 303-59g-33 t 7 September 21, 19BI Mr. Chet Horton Town of Vall Bulldlng Departnent 75 South Frontage RoaclVall, Colorato 8L657 Ref. : Buslness lrlcense. Dear Mr. Horton: Mr. Kerry 0rConnel,l , the proJect manager, wlth ?etry-Vappl Constructlon Co., for the Sandstone Creek Cl-ub proJect, advlsed. us the we would neeal a Town of Vall buslness llcense before we could lnstaLl our stalrways. We have beenlnstalllng stalrways ln Va11 and the surroundlng area for the past ten or eleven years and as sub-contractors,dld not reallze ne would neeal a llcense for thls proJect. Our appllcatlon for a llcense, along wlth teh requlred InsuranceCertlflcates and a check 1n the amount of S 75.00, for the Special llcense, are encloseil . We are to begln work on 1,6s Sgndstone proJect on September z8th. so please call us collect to lnforu us 1f you w111 malI the llcense or lf we can plck lt up at your offlce on the 28th. Tours very truly, lre s1dEncl.: 4 cc; Jk Kast-Kon-Kre te SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III BI.MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT 9117181 This report is issued twice a nonth to a'l 'l architectural , engineering and consulting f'lrms as well as to all contractors and major material suppliers for the purpose of keeping thern infonned of the precise project status and the readiness of the project for thejr nateria'ls and services. A. NEbI DM}IINGS FROTI THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHI4ENT #1) l. This is a listing of all supplemental and revised drawings issued by the Architect since the onset of the proiect. Please examine your files and drawings to make certain they are complete. 2. This is a list of subm'ittals which have been submitted to the Architect and Engineers but haye not been returned. If contractors or suppliers have drawings which have not been returned, approved or corrected but are not contained on the outstanding list' p1 ease advise the field office. B. NEEDS LIST (SEE ATTACHMEI,IT #3) This is a list of items i nvol ved . C. PROJECT STATUS requiring action or decisions by the parties 1000 General Conditions 0ffice trailerwas moved on site June 30. ,lob phones are 628-0897 (Denver 'line) and 476-7264. Superintendent is l{r. Dick Vincent. Temporary power is installed. Ternporary water is availab1 e at the mechanica'l room. Safety is becoming 'increasing'ly important as the structure reaches the upper levels 2000 Sjte Gradins John's Backhoe is completing exporting excess organic fil'l from site, building backfill was cornpleted September Znd. Ramp in front of conmons bui'lding wil'l be rernoved September 21 st. 3210 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. Delivered rebar for rebar is current'ly September llth. and dowel s on Jul y I 6th . A'l'l wal 1 F1 oor topping rebar was delivered the footings on site. 3rd. . SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III 3l;t3il#i" i:'f !5i' JoRr Page Two 2560 Concrete lst Floor s'lab on grade was poured September 3rd. 2nd. Floor topp'ingis schedu'led for September 18th. 32]0 Rebar Installation Contract has been'l et to Val 1ey Steel & Iron. Footing rebar was compl eted Auugst 5th . Gl enwood l'lasonry i s i nsta'l 'l i ng wal l steel . 4000 l,lasonry Glenwood Masonry completed walls to elevation 77'-8' September 8th. l,Ja'l 'l s to el evation 86 | -4u were compl eted Septerober l6th. 3400 Precast Spandeck Contract has been let to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. 2nd. Floor spandeck was set August 25th. 3rd. Floor spandeck set Septenber 9th, 4th Floor spandeck set September17th. Several conrners require minor patching. 3450 Precast Stairs Contract has been let to Kast-Kon-Krete. Shop drawings were approved July 9th. Work is scheduled to begin Septernber 28th. 5500 Mi sc. Stee'l Purchase Order has been signed with United Stee1 and lron. Glu-Lam saddles and final lintel s are on site. Railing supports were delivered Septernber 'lOth. Reyised 4th Floor linte'ls vrere picked up September lsth. 6181 Glu-Lam Beams Purchase 0rder has been signed with General Build'ing Service. Shop drawings were approyed June 25th. Beams wi1l be needed on the job September 22, 1981. 6220 Mi'llwork Purchase Order has been signed with Metro l{i'llwork. Shop Drawings were approved September 'l6th. l,Jindow trim is needed on site ASAP. .|2391 Cabinets Purchase 0rder has been signed with l4astercraft Industries. Cabinetswill be needed on job January 7th, 7510 Built Up Roofinq Contract has been let to Waterguard. Dampproofing began August 13th and was conpleted August 'l7th. Built up roofing is scheduled for october 26th. . SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE IiI 3l;ilHli', i:'t35i' ryoRr Page Three 88]0 Fixed Glass and ltlimors Contract has been let to Lakewood Glass. Work is scheduled to begin October l6th. 8520 A]uminum t{indows Purchase Order has been signed with Denyer Hardware. Cut sheets were submitted August 4th. llindows wil'l be needed on job September l5th. 81'10 Hollow Metal Purchase Order has been s'igned with Denyer Hardware. Doors and franes are needed on job by Se$ember 2'lst.- Shop Draw'lngs were disapproved September 11th'. - 925519905 Dr,wal I /Paintinq Contract has been let to Shcriber Decorating. Metal stud work is scheduled to begin September 2lst. 93]0/9660 Ceramic Ti'le/Vin'ly Floorins Contract has been let to Hi-Lo Tjle Company. Materia'l samples were submitted by August. Work is scheduled to begin Januarv'15, 1982. 10303 Fireplaces Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware for Temco fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings were submitted August 4th Fireplaces will be needed on site September 24th. 10800 Toilet Accessories Purchase Order has been signed with EMI. Cut sheets were approved September 3rd. Accessories wi'll be needed on sfte by Dere4bel_lE! 1'1488 Tennis Courts Contract has been 'l et to Gary Maggard and Co. Fencing work began July 22nd. Tennis court surfacing was cornpleted on August 5th. l.lind screen on center court needs to be insta'l led. 'l 1450 Appltupel Purchase order has been signed with General Electric. Appliances are needed on site February 10, 'l 982. '14210 E'l evators Contract has been 'let to Dover Eleyator. Shop drawings were approved June 8th. Shaft ho1e dril'ling began July 20th. Dri'l1ing was completed July 24th. Eleyator instal'lation should cormence November 'lst. SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III B I -M0NTHLY- PROGRESS JgnlSeptenber 17, l98l Page Four 15000 Mechanical Contract has been awarded to Cook Mechanical. Shop drawlngs sheets were submitted August lst. Underground rough-fn for was conrpleted September 2nd. Water lines, waste piping and are proieedingJiThE-Znii:;rnd 3rd. f'loori 16000 El ectrical and cut Floor'l sheet metal Contract has been awarded to Sinmons Electric. Shop Drawings and cut sheets were submitted August 19th. lst. Floor underground rough- ln was completed September 2nd. Core Dri'l1ing and slab rough ln on 2nd. Floor is conpleted and 3rd. Floor work is underway. Switchgear will need to be operational November 'l st. Sl te Uti'l i ti es E1ectric service by Holy Cross is needed by 0ctober 26th. Sewer tapls pendinE receipt of tap permlt by Sandstone Intervals. llater line has been extended into the Building. SPECIAL NOTICE: The Owners have requested that all contractors and suppliers refrain from parking in front of the Conmons Bu'llding and using the Comnons Bui'l ding restrooms and vendlng machines. Please alert your employees. KC:bjc ATTACHMENT #1 II E14ORANDUM SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III SEPTEI{BER'17, l98l SUBIiIITTALS TO JUNGE REICH HEINZ AND }IAGEE FOR APPROVAL CONTRACTOR/SUPPLI ER DRAI{ING DESCRIPTION DATE TO ARCHITECT REI'IARKS Denver Hardware Cook Mechanical Slmmons Electric Fi repl aces Fixture Cuts Equipnent Cuts 815181 811118'l 8/19/81 Need Need Need on Job 9124181 ASAP ASAP ATTACHMENT #2 II EMORANDUM SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III SEPTEIIIBER ]5, ]98:I REVISED DM}IINGS FROII THE ARCHITECT DRA}IING REVISIONS DATE s-l Changed Footing Elevations 717 181 ATTACHMENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST NO:DATE ADDED TO LIST ITEI'I OR QUESTION ACTION/DECISION BY 1. 2. 8114181 el17181 Rernoya'l concrete Paynent fees of excess pl pe of sewer tap Sandstone Interva'l s }{ind-River Sandstone Interva'l s SANDSTONE PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST DESIGN TEAM: ,Junge Relch Heinz & Magee - Jim Reich Nicol & Gl itner - Joe Nicol Reiter Engineering - Bob Reiter Gambre'll Engineering - Larry Gambre'll OI{NERS: Sandstone Interva'l s, Inc. - Jack Perlmutter Sandstone Interva'l s, Inc. - Joe Perlnutter Sandstone Creek Club - Nei'l Burnstein GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kevin Hurton - Petry- Vappi Dick A,nnidown - Petry-Vappi Dick Vincent - Petry-Vappi VAIL BUILDING DEPARTIIIENT : Steve Patterson - Chet Horton SUB CONTRACTOR/SUPPLI E RS : John's Backhoe Service - John Phjllips Rio Grande Co. - Chuck Gradv Valley Steel & Iron - Joe LaRuso G'lenwood Masonry - Carl Schieser Stanley Structures - Bi'11 Hartline Kast-Kon-Krete - Grady Gipson Uni ted Stee'l & I ron - B i'l 1 ltli I 'l er Genera'l Building Service - Tom Carrillo Metro Mi]'lwork - Don Finn.igan llastercraft - Buss Gentry l.laterguard, Inc. - John Pitman United Insu] ators - Chuck Skinner Lakewood Glass - Bob Benson Denver Hardware - Bud Kaatz Schriber Decorating - Louie l'lessina Engineered Materials, Inc. - Ed Bornmueller Gary Maggard & Co. - Gary I'laggard General E'l ectric - Dale Luek Dover E'l evator - GeorEe Vanderschow Cook Mechanical - Mac Marsha'l 'l Simmons Electric - Jim Thomas Hi-Lo Tile Co. - Foster Papi MORTGAGE COMPANY: E'l don Mi'l'l er Merchants Mortgage & REAL ESTATE: Jackie Montgomery Vai'l Associates ReaI Trust Corp. Estate A. z4- SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III BI-IIONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT elll81 This report is issued twice a month to al 'l architectural , engineering and consulting firms as wel'l as to al'l contractors and major materia'l suppliers for the purpose of keeping them infonned of the precisg proiect status and the readiness of the project for their materials and services. itris is a listing of all supplementa'l and revised drawings lssued by the Architect sjnce the onset of the project. Please examine your files and drawings to make certain they are complete. This is a'list of submittals which have been submitted to the Archltect and Engineers but have not been returned. If contractors or suppliers have drawings which haye not been returned, approved or corrected but are not contajned on the outstanding 1ist, pl ease advise the fie]d office. This is a list of items requiring act'ion or decisions by the parties i nvol ved . PROJECT STATUS '1000 General Conditions 0ffice trai'ler was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 528-0897(Denver'line) and 476-7264. Superintendent is Mr. Dick Vincent. Temporary power is lnsta'lled. 2000 Site Gradins John's Backhoe is completing exporting excess organic fi1'l fromsite, building backfil'l should be comp'leted September 3rd. 3210 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. Delivered rebar for the footings and dowels on July l6th. All wal 1 rebar is currently on site. 3rd. Floor topping rebar should be dellvered September 4th. 2 B. c. SEE ATTACHMENT #3 . , SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB- Blli5'+'ll r rnonnrri Qro*t e11l81 Page Tro 2560 Concrete 1st Floor slab on grade will be poured September 3rd. 2nd. F'loor topping is scheduled for September l7th. 3210 Rebar Insta'llation Contract has been let to Val'l ey Steel and lron. Footing rebar was completed August Sth. G'lenwood Masonry is installing wall steel. 4000 Masonry Glenwood l.lasonry comp'l eted foundations to elevation 50'-24" on August 11th. Wa'lls to elevatJon 69'-0" were completed !y August 24th. Wa'lls to e'l evation 77'-8" are to be completed by September 8th. 3400 Precast Spandeck Contract has been let to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. 2nd. Floor spandeck was set August 25th. 3rd. Floor spandeck is scheduled to be set September 9th 4th floor spandeck is scheduled to be set September l9th. 3450 Precast Stairs Contract has been 'let to Kast-Kon-Krete. Shop drawings were approved July 9th. llork is schedu'led to begin September 28th. 5500 lili sc . Steel Purchase Order has been signed with United Steel and lron. Glu-Lam sadd'les and final 'lintels are needed on site now. Railing supportswil'l be.needed September 1Oth. 618l G'l u-Lam Beams Purchase Order has been signed with General Building Service. Shop drawings were approved June 25th. Beams wl'll be needed on the job September 22, 1981 . 6220 Mi]lwork Purchase 0rder has been signed with Metro Mi'l'lwork. Shop Drawings were submltted August l3th. 1 239] Cabi nets Purchase 0rder has been signed with Mastercraft Industries. Cabinets wi1'l be needed on job January 7th. 7510 Built Up Roofing Contract has been let to blaterguard. Dampproofing began August l3th ;fiI3:'Iii CREEKCLUL BI.MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT e11l81 Page Three and was compTeted August 17th. Built up roofing is scheduled for NoYember lSth. 7210 Insu'lation Contract has been 'let to United Insulators. llork is scheduled to begin October 'l6th. 8810 Fixed Glass and Mirrors Contract has been let to Lakewood G]ass. Work is scheduled to begin 0ctober l4th. 8520 Aluminum l'|indows Purchase 0rder has been slgned with Denver Hardware. Cut sheets were submitted August 4th. l{lndows wi'll be needed on iob September l5th. 8'110 Hollow Metal Purchase 0rder has been slgned with Denyer Hardware. Doors and frames are needed on iob by Sgltembeil_1'th._ Shop Drawings were submitted August 4th. 9255/9905 Drytra]'l /Pai nti nq Contract has been let to Schriber Decorating. l'letal stud work ls schedu'led to begin Ocotber 'lst. 9310/9660 Ceramic Ti'le/Viny] Floorlnq Contract has been let to Hl-Lo Tile Company. Material samp'les were submitted by August. l{ork ls scheduled to begin January 15, 1982. I 0303 Fi re p'l ac e s Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Harduare for Temco fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings were subnitted August 4th Fireplaces will be needed on site 0ctolJr 1st. 10800 Toi'let Accessorles Purchase 0rder has been signed with El'lI . Cut sheets were received August 4th. Accessories will be needed on site by December 3lst. 11488 Tennis Courts Contract has been let to Gary tilaggard and Co. Fencing work began July 22nd. Tennis court surfacing was completed on August 5th. ;l[3:'?Ii CREEK cL'i5 BI.MONTLY PROGRESS REPORT sl1le1 Page Four 'l'1450 App'l iances Purchase Order has been signed wlth General E'lectric. Appliances are needed on site February 10, 1982. 14210 Elevators Contract has been let to Dover E'l evator. Shop drawings were approved June 8th. Shaft hole dri'lling began July 20th. Dri'l1lng was comp'leted July 24th. I 5000 l4echani ca'l Contract has been awarded to Cook Mechanica'l . Shop drawlngs and cut sheets were suhnitted August 1st. Underground rough-in for floor 1 to be completed August l8th. 16000 Electrlcal Contract has been awarded to Sinmons E'lectric. Shop drawings and cut sheets were submitted August l9th. 'lst. F'loor underground rough- in will be completed September 2nd. D. PHASE IV I{ORK 'l . Earthwork - Earthmoving operatlons are 95% conplete. ilohn's Backhoe Service has conpleted access road. Building site was ready for soils borings August 21st..' 2. Uti'lities - Fire hydrant and 6" naln have been postponed until spring of '1982. ATTACHMENT #'I MEI.I 0RANDUM SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III SEPTEI.'IBER 'l , '198] SUBMITTALS TO JUNGE REICH HEINZ AND MAGEE FOR APPROVAL Denver Hardware Metro l'lillwork Englneered thterials Cook l'lechanical Simmons Electric DRA}IING DESCRIPTION Hardware Schedule Fi repl aces Alun. Doors, lf lndows Hollow I'tetal Mi'l I work Toilet Accessories Fixture Cuts Equipnent Cuts 815181 8lsl81 8lsl81 815181 8114181 8l5lel 8/'n /8r 8l1e /81 CONTRACTOR/SUPPLI ER DATE TO ATCHITECT .ATTACHMENT #2 I{EI{ORANDUI',I SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III SEPTEI{BER 'I, ]98] REVISED DRAWINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT DRANING REVISI ONS DATE s-1 Changed Footing Elevatlons 7 /7 181 ATTACHUENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST NO:DATE ADDED TO LIST ITEM OR QUESTION ACTION/DECISION BY 2. 3. 8114l8r 8/14181 8/1418'l Payment of Holy Cross Servlce fees Remoyal of excess concrete pi pe Wa1lcoverlng Pattern #l Sandstone Intervals Sandstone Intervals l,|ind-Rlver Flnishlng Touch of Vail F-.-./L ru[l|wilDpitr SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE III BI.MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT 8114/81 This report is issued twice a month to all architectural, engineering and consulting firms as we'l'l as to all contractors and major material suppliersfor the purpose of keeping them infonned of the precise project status and the readiness of the project for their materials and services. A. NEtt DRAWINGS FRoM THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHMENT #1) l. This is a listing of all supplemental and revised drawings issued by the Architect since the onset of the project. Please examine your fi'l es and drawings to make certain they are comp'l ete. 2. This is a list of submittals which have been submitted to the Architect and Engineers but have not been returned. If contractors or suppliers have drawings which have not been returned, approved of corrected but are not contained on the outstanding list. please advise the field office. B. NEEDS LIST (SEE ATTACHMENT #3) This is a list of items requiring action or decisions by the parties i nvol ved . C. PROJECT STATUS 0000 Genera'l Conditions 0ffice trailer was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 628-0897 (Denver line) and 476-7?64. Superintendent is Mr. Dick Vincent. Field Engineer is Mr. Dennis Lightbrown. 0'100 Site Gradins John's Backhoe is completing exporting excess organic fill from site. Building backfi'll began August l3th. 505 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co. Delivered rebar for the footings and dowe'ls on July l6th. Remain- ing rebar will be delivered on site August 17th. ;ltffi lgili'''1i55-!!!tFBfli" " Page Two 525 Rebar Installation Contract has been let to Va11ey Steel and lron. Footing rebar was completed August Sth. 600 l,lasonry Glenwood Masonry completed foundations to elevation 60'-24" on Augustllth. Walls to elevation 69'-0u to be completed by August 20th. 222 Precast Spandeck Contract has been let to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were approved August 3rd. 2nd. Floor spandeck to be set August 2lst. 0223 Precast Stairs Contract has been let to Kast-Kon-Krete. Shop drawings were approved iluly 9th. l{ork is scheduled to begin Septenber 23rd. 0550 Misc. Steel Purchase Order has been signed with United Steel and lron. First lintels will be needed on the job August l8th. 04ll Glu-Lam Beams Purchase 0rder has been signed with General Building Servlce. Shop drawings were approved June 25th. Bearns wi'll be needed on the Job September 29, 1981. 0432 l.lillnork Purchase 0rder has been slgned with l.letro l,lillwork. Shop lhawings were submltted by August l3th. 0450 Cabinets . Purchase Order'has been signed with Mastercraft Industries. Cabinets will be needed on job January 7th. 0750 Built Up Roofins Contract has been 'let to lJaterguard. Dampproofing began August'l3th and wlll be completed August 17th. 0720 Insulation Contract has been 'let to United Insulators. Work is scheduled to begin october l6th. ;lril8l?ili','Ff 5[-!igtFlfli" " Page Three 0885 Fixed G'lass and Mirrors Contract has been let to Lakewood Glass. l,lork is scheduled to begin 0ctober l4th. 850 A]uminum Uindows ' Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware. Cut sheets need to be submitted by August l. lJindows will be needed on iob September 2lst. 810 Hollow l.leta] Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware. Doors and frames are needed on job by September l7th. Shop Drawings were submitted August 4th. 870 Hardware Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware. Hardware schedule was submitted by August 4th. Hardware wi'l'l be needed onjob by November 6th. 9201990 Drywall/Painting Contract has been let to Schriber Decorating. Metal stud work is scheduled to begin 0ctober 'lst. 9301970 Ceramic Tile/Vinyl Flooring Contract has been let to Hi-Lo Tile Company. Material samples need to be submitted by August lst. l'lork is scheduled to begin January .|5, 1982, 1030 Flreplaces Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware for Temco Fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings were submitted August 4th. Fireplaces will be needed on site September 23rd. 1080 Toilet Accessories Purchase 0rder has been signed with El4I . Cut sheets were received August 4th. Accessories wil] be needed on site by December 3lst. .|315 Tennis Courts Contract has been'let to Gary Maggard and Co. Fencing work began July 22nd. Tennis courts surfacing was completed on August 5th. ll90 Appliances Purchase 0rder has been s'igned with General Electric. Appliances are needed on site February .|0, 1982. ;iHI?ili,'lf 5[-E!!tBfl i" " Page Four o 1420 Elevators Contract has been let to Dover Elevators. Shop drawings were approved June 8th. Shaft hole dri'l1ing began July 20th. Drilling was completed July 24th. 1500 ilechanical Contract has been awarded to Cook Mechanical. Shop drawings and cut sheets are needed by August lst. Underground rough-in for floor I to be completed August l8th. 1 600 El ectri ca] Contract has been awarded to Simmons Electric. Shop drawings and cut sheets were needed by August lst. lst. Floor underground rough-in was started August 11th. D. PHASE IV I.IORK 1. Earthwork - Eartlmoving operations are 80% complete. John's Backhoe Service has completed access road. Building site will be ready for soi'ls borings August 21st. 2. Utilities - Fire hydrant and 5" main have been postponed until spring of 1982. M[ru.Uilillr CONTRACTOR/SUPPLI ER ATTACHI'IENT #.I MEI,IORANDUM SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III AUGUST 14, l98l SUBMITTALS TO JUNGE REICH HEINZ AND MAGEE FOR APPROVAL DRAWING DESCRIPTION DATE TO ARCHITECT REI',IARKS Denver Hardware Metro Mi'llwork Hi-Lo Tile Engineered Materials Cook Mechanical Hardware Schedu'l e Fi repl aces Alum. Doors, l,li ndows Hollow liletal Mi I I work Tile Samples Toilet Accessories Fixture Cuts 815/81 8ltl81 815181 815181 8114181 8114181 el5/81 8/r r /8r ATTACHIIENT #2 .tlE|..|0RANDUli'l SAHDSTONE CREEK PHASE III AUGUST 14, 1981 REVISED DRAUINGS FROII THE ARCHITECT DRATII{G REVISIONS s-l Changed Footing Elevations 717181 mtff||amitr ATTACHMENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST 1. 2. DATE ADDED TO LIST 7l?8181 8114181 8114181 8tl4181 8114181 8174181 8114181 ITEM OR ESTION Panelized Roof Framing Details Decision on Phase IV water line work Payment of Holy Cross Service fees. Approval of Slump Block Sampl e Remova'l of excess concrete pi pe Quote for revised plumbing walls Reselection of vinyl wallcovering pattern #l ACTION/DECISION BY Ni co] & Gl i tner Sandstone Intervals Sandstone Intervals Junge Reich Heinz & Magee Sandstone Intervals l{ind-Riven Schriber Decorating Junge Reich Heinz & Magee 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SANDSTONE PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST DESIGN TEAII: Junge Relch Heinz and |tlagee - Jim Reich Nico'l & Glltner - Joe Nicol Relter Engineering - Bob Reiter Gambrel'l Engineering - Larry Gambrell Oi{NERS: Sandstone Interva] s Inc. - Jack Perlmutter Sandstone Intervals Inc. - Joe Perlmutter Sandstone Creek Club - Neil Burnstein GENEML CONTRACTOR: Kevin Hurton - Petry-Vappi Dick Aunidown - Petry-Vappi Dick Vlncent - Petry-Vappi VAIL BUILDING DEPRATMENT: Steve Patterson SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLI ERS : /lonn's Backhoe Service - John Phillips Rio Grande Co. - Chuck Grady Valley Steel & Iron - Joe Peat //e -'Qlenwood Masonry - Car'l Schieser /Stanley Structures - Bi'll Hartline Kast-Kon-Krete - Grady Gipson United Steel & Iron - Bi'|1 Miller General Buildlng Service - Tom Carrillo Metro Mil'lwork - Pat Finnigan Mastercraft - Buss Gentry l{aterguard, Inc.-- io-rrn'"pitrun -y'd United Insulators - Rudi Fisher Lakewood Glass - Bob Benson Denver Hardware - Bud Kaatz Schriber Decorating - Louie ltlessina Dale Andrews & Associates - Ed Bornmueller Gary Maggard & Co. - Gary Maggard General Electric - Dale t{ek /over El evator - George Vanderschow 1,$ook Mechanical - Mac l'larsha'll r'Simons E'lectric - Jim Thomas --Hi-Lo Tile Co. - Foster Papi v ,a TO Va j'l Bu i l ding Department 1480-00Job No. ......,...............i.1 137 S. Frontage Road West Date.,.......,...........,....:ly,i,tt-..,1.1.:....:l991 . ..... . .... ....V-ai..1.,. ..ff ......91.6-q2.. . . Steve Patterson Job Name ................Sandstone...3.... ATTENTION MR,Location ..................-Y.9.i..!.'...4q................ ..... We are enclosing [| nenewrrx UNOER fl ttfdfdflt rHE FoLLowrNG FoR:I reenover- ffi voun use I ronmnotno 2nd & 3rd Floor Precast Calculations 4th Floor Precast Ca] culations Grouting Details 'ruonx' . . ....1it".-Ly*1.::i.gt ...es.l. -qmP"!9t 26 "9I ll'g UBC. ';l cc, ...F.i...l.9....................,..,....,.....;.,.,.. ,.,.-t-.r----,-. ",, _..... -,,.i I|lI3EI{GER Stanley $tructureO A SulBrttiary ot The Stanl€Y Works Job Trtlc 2?\yv,q vv'P By - Date - Job No. Checked By - Dale - Shoet -Ol - SrNDs roNE Ctt l( C ruu FrAsE 3 5,J,Joa *07+l REVIEWED FOR GENERAL COMPTIANCE WITH STRUCTURAT DE SIGN REQUIREMENTS. EXCEPT FOR.CHANGES SPECIFICATTY AUTHORIZED, REVIEW DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONITRACTOR FROM CI)NFORMIT{G TO ;HE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. NOT RESPONSIBTE FOR OMISSIONS, QUANTITIES, OR DIMENSTONS. NICOI AND GILTNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS ,r.............. 11 r.,?*DATE. UUL z 2 lest surt'. AF'; , ilo9ton Stanley Structurel A Suqsidiary ol i}e Standy Works Job 'litle ev -I9-- oate 7-8.t/ Checked By 8 ,,,'., T.EE J7a,,t4ccz E- oo. s loAzzalg :/Fz.ac. s z 1O /of L.L. 4,pzroc*.t , 5z.l tzs,, y'v1ttc flrrcss : /OO7-s Roors : 7S *f l./., Zy',sc. O.l. (C../.r,/"-/};.-r) / €Vs f 2 Ta//tu e i fgar,Esr Fzoaa 4t -r4tce fcp4csT 4/ ztaox nE.,rdce Lo ^tae s r B4zco"tJ 4e .naee 2tz x/So7,f ' 2 5 Vs f = Z3'-/o% - 23 L ,o%" = zzr73z4." ,,lorc t 8"/.0.J t>tca,tlt>s. a-I tu/"'.r/ /b rof ./nJ;7 of' 7€lnf a.^/ 4rr. or€ vo:J $;llJ -tli,/. o,r,^1, ."/ /i1. ft. /rrrr.", d 4"--rZ . s7n.,2/ J.,g' F.. ft,'.r cr." d;l;r- , iso f/- s.r't. tf-o^J 7.lf'-" fA^* ,, ur.! C- /7' qrri/o., -;fl /oo vsf o ., 2 "1//;z -/:, .-/ /r/.f at' ():rta4 234 'co-|J rr.. --/, 2cs,1 . /,.a/7t. 2s!3", -/ 22:f," OTlc. SA44 AE&t6-.7/ls ,,trzC 44."r,^.1"!1 ttsE fl- /-*"* sl--^J 1.#.-^ (@ ) f"- o f fl. ". /. ^r/7t ' 2V!l?, I7?.r' iot No. O 7y'/ Subiect streer / ot- f z. L. a.z. ot t2!4' 17L3" ,// 3l< L o7 >y'1y7"lvv) 4/ llob Ttlle t4 7'E-lL -lotuo.Checked By .-- Date / )= 0. L'10 = 3=3.l= 501. FLB= 96. tlfl l{C= S.0D I't. =STUHE U=E.35 rC F'CI= 3.5 TITET LIFTIN6 YY=6S.0 HI= 0.90 , STR.LEV.= 1 ;TRRHD LUC. 1 END ? EH! fiIFgEt'l {trt{-cuf'lP. ! lIIfF. 3 {I]TE: SUST. SPFN= e3.67 SE= €.30. SBC= 874. TFLB= 1.50 HC= 1fl.00 TP6. =STtrNE EDSH= 380.E-6 P/C F'C= 5.0 TEII:IIEHIIILi IrS I 1:lq- ft RC= tl.0D ST= 766. STE= 3E47. BSHR= el.Ofl STtrNE trlT=145. ESHU= Bes.E-6 TPE.F'C= 3' 0 RELEFTEE h.E I I iF-,. u DESERIPTION uF BEFII-- T]F FEFI'I-- Lt]FIDS CH/FT} F: ' {FT} 0.00 e3.67 F I I{FIL+ l.;5 t 1+7, '3 HSTE 'iIH) 1 .37 1.3r EEC. (:I N} 3. CIt 3.01 IrLB= r1.456 FT RELEFSE I:SUET' UR IIYH' = lt' [tEtJ DLl ER TEPPING= [.8']I:I n[2= 1r.leD DL3= r]. [Llr] TtrTRL LL= 0'331t LL RETIB= 16.r-r ?; UF FILL LI\"E LEFiDI. rluRE t'tFtT"L= ll.e1tl) P./5 LE55 l(. + I 41. 1 ++THEPREEFiSTSEETISHHIISFLIEHTIiIEI|5HTEE|I{']RETE BgTTtrI,I. TXE iiCTTEH PPEPEETIES FRE TRHNSFT]EI"IEII Tg TIEERESPIIHn TE THE gTUt{E TItrHEEETE t4EnllLUS EIF ELF}STITIIT''I' Et]TTt]l,|sTREssEsneerxeFiDTuHLSTRESSESIHTHELIFHT- I.JEIEHT CtrNEFIEi- EETTOI'I. THE EFTIEI EF LIEHTITIEIL;HT TE gTEHE CEIIL:RETE PIUDULU:i EtF ELll-tTIrl:IT'/ = r:r.6il STRF|IT STRESSES I:BFISED 0N F'ilI= -1.5rlr-l KEI FlllD F'tl= 5' DBr:r F'5I] {FT} ! fr!:r Stanleg Siructureil) t SutsOiary of The Stanley works ;!:ibiecr . D c sreil ;EEFI'I 1r1gg t19 JUL 31 11:34 7! + Cn! l,lEl'tEER IESCRIPTISN! 2'? '-attt :SI6H DFTF Bl"l. LEHFTH= 33- 67 LOUp LIIERTIUN= 1.5tt FT. FREI'I YE= 4.35 YBD= :.76 EFLT= 9b.I]B El,t. LTtrlT lrtT=110. VOLTSURF= 1.5 Ef'l! STR.TYPE=STRESS EEL. Lu r-gnn FFETUR= 1.7 DL LERn FRCToR= t'4 EFF. PULL=rl. ?0 N9= 5. 1e - l/e IH' Illll' FP$=0' 7S39 t= e?6F. I rl= 5036. TFLT= 1.5CI TPE. LTtdT lilT=1 I 0. ot- Stanley Siruciurel ,A SubJidiary ol ihe Stantey worts :flf'FL 7Yi:1vvf Job Trlle ay-4--oate 7- 9-e r Sul'i€ct Checked By FIHFL ETRF}ID STRESSES IHCLUIIE ELFSTIE RE6FIN TITIFL STRESSES rIL EEFtt + ttrEE I'IFTERIFIL {IF HNY}r HE SUETIIIIJ BR tlYllrlt'll[ EFFECT X IP 1P + EIl FUH'STEEL FT. Tt]P ETTT. TT]P BET. FREF/LOCFTIENillEI 18. +.18] e.'B _t=e. 206. Se. St4. r:r.0r 11.84 -154. ?l$. 5?7. 11F. tr.{0 )!L BEHFT + EUEE I'|HTERIFL tIF FNY) + SUCTIEN trR I'YftFl'.lIE EFFECT BFSEI) Ul'l FtrTURL STRIPPINE LEUF LtrEftTION= 1.5t1 FT TEI'FORFRY RE&UIREI} RELEFSE=FDE1'1F/0.65= 35I]f.I. FSI TEHPtrRFIF:Y T'If,H. TOP TENSIT]N HT H= E. OS FT : -96' FSI IHfiL STRESSES Joo Nc o 74/ sneetiot- FF + EI'IX TtrP BOT e.$8 33. 4Ee. t1.E4ER 366. e13. ILTIHFTE |'IT]I'IEHT (H.I H) FP + FLL IIL TtrP FP + FILL TPE TBP IIL+LL Et]T 31:{. -e50. TP6 ?t. 66. 117. 631 . Et]T 3Ett, -44. 77. e+l. 156. 78fi.L..'-t' 14 11-€4r:R :+{EFE EEINFT]RCINF REQ'D 1. E+HERt4u (.Fc I 18, 8. 3) t37rJ. 1+19. PRI]T/II}ES I'IU NEU.LENETH IF BUER- STRFIN- LiI"IITS REITTFERCED EBFIFBT. {FrriI 1e.1[] {:ltEr 18.8.1} 1561 . --- F;EEU I RED REI HFt]Pf, I I{L; 'F. FT. E.4e 1. 1g e.37 3.5= 4. t3 5.9e ?- 10 E. EE 9.4P I tr.65 11. S.f uu PSI 1e1. 113. 1fi8. FB. ?q E:]. 58. 3C 13. '1. VEI PSI E+9. +ge. e44. th4. 1e+. 1e11. 1e E, 1e r:r . 1411. 1eCI. 1E rl. ?lllrl FSI Ebe. EBg. 3E+, 3:li. 348. :15?. rlriE. 311. :1f 5.'-.f? -.,:€, f.r . r-lu|] t-1. D Ll l-1 U. Ll Lltl L:1. ':l U l:l r-r. 110 r:l rl.0nlj |]. t][tu D. rJ rl tJ rJ. l:lrJ l:l 0. ur.lI rJ. rjuu r:r . r:r Lr l.',f 0. 'J lJ rl rl . rJ t:r t] ':r. I L'l rJ B. tltit:l rl. r:r t:t rJ rJ. DutJ rl . t-rt:r t:t rl. I t:r r:r u. Ll t.l u Lt. [il1] B, 'J3?t] . rJ3'-+ ':r.833rJ. Lr3? 'J. B3:J rl. B3'3 r-1 . r:r:l'-1 0. L1:19 u. u:l'-? rl. 'J:l'.+[. u:3:{ ULT.D SHEFR IN. KIPS s.6e 18.6e F.EE 17.378.6e 15. +4E.6e 13.=lE.6e 11.58 g. €,e '.1. 65 8. E,E 7.7e F. 6e 5. l'-1 ,9. be t. sb i.l. Ee 1 .'.1:1g.6A -':r. 'lrl FtrP FEIE Ft]E Fr'f't: I tth'f:td Flt/l'l I l{ 1g*'frFT IH^a.."FT IH^e./FT Stanley StnuctureO ,f, Sub3idiaty of The Stanley Works 5. J'/"'.Lt.- 3 9?4PPl{zvV o^r 7-oo-t/ uono. O7{/ oare - sheet -f-- cr - .tob litl€ SrJbtecr Fl"",t EFLECTIO}TS {BFSED ON ELERSE3 PS+81't EST. CREEP RECTIEH: PS+8H: PS+DL: PS+I}L+LL EST. CREEF'INffL : PS+DL 3 FS+!L+LL szJ F,CI= 3.5t-10 K$I FND F'f:= 5.0fiCI HSI] I'IIDSPHTI POSITIT]H (IH} -0. 11 -0.04 -0.15 {RT + ttlEEKS} 0.04 0.le 0.30 B.3r 0.4e :NITIBL PRESTRESS= 148. KIPS FINRL PRESTRESS= lPP' I(IPS IELEFSE STRENETH=3S00. PSI FINffL STREHETH=5I]OB. PSI IEFT'I IS STO}IE CTIHERETE :STII.I.SHT]RTEI"IINE BETUEEN SUPPI]RTS FT EREETION TII'IE: FT D.6. CURV.EFFECT TtrTRL TtlPr.r.15-0.030.13<{{LE}iETHCt]RR.t{t]TTI]EXEEEDTHISVFLUEc.G 0.15 0.00 CI.16 BIIT n.15 0. 03 0.19 Co,az raop,De src") ;sBEfil{ tdED 08 JUL 81 1l!e7 .EJB + HEI'I8ER DESCRIPTIOH! EESIEiI DRTF \o.) ;C= 0. tt0 f,= 353. BE= 501. BFLB= 96. rlCI HilE= e.00 EfI. =STONE uaJ=P.35 F,J'C F,rlI= 3...5 FIETE: LIFTiHE E-b'U-l n - fl SPFH= e3.67 Ef,= tl.0rl S8= 530. 5T= F66. SEE= EF+. ETC= 3847. TFLB= 1 .58 ESHR= 81. DI] HC= 10.00 TPE. =.5TEHE :ITEHE l.rlT=1.16. EIISH= 3fl0.E-6 ESHU= 885.E-ti P/f, F"|]= 5. r] TPt5.F't-l= -?. t-l LUUF LUCIITIOH= 1.5'l FT. FPEFI :?TF- TYPE=I:TFE-q' FIEL. 8H. LEH[-TH= 23. €,F Y8= 4.39 l= e?65' '/Ef,= =.I€, Itl= 5036. EFLT= 3b. tr rl TFLT= 1 .5 tl El'f.LTtclT IJT=11 tl. TFL;.LTldT tclT=11r1. t/il-..r![ftf = l. $ EIIII Stanley Struc'tureC A Subsrdiary of The Stanley works ioo 'lille <rrz\ S!oiect Q.-' J.. 4-t ..t.Checked By STE.LEV.= 1 EFF.PULL=8.7D H5= F. IB -1/'e It1. DIFI. rRFND -Bf,. 1 EHDE EHI] TIFT]RI'I 7-8 -8 / eelPYt I99V .tooNo.-Q-4!- sn"",E,'- FPS=1. CI71F HSTP ECE. ( It1) { I1"l)DESDPIPTIO}I oF EEFI{------ uF BEFI'I-- LgFtrs (H/FT) X TENSIONINE RELEFSE :'.: {.FT} rl. LIB e3.67 3.01 3.81 llt-cot'lp. : frLF= 0.456 FT RELEFISE (SUL'T.IlR DYn. = tlt. tlBlt DL1 ER TT]PPIHE= N.EI]O IHp. : DLP= 0.1e0 [L3= 0.fl8r] TUTFL LL= lr.Elr0 ATE: SUST. LL RBTIO= 10. tJ Z trF BLL LIVE LOFII]S. o THE PRECFIST *tEETIT]I'I HRS F LIEHTIdEIFHT '::T]NEF:ETEBETTT]I'I. THE SECTIT]N PROPERTIES FF:E TEFINSFI]FI"IEB TT] CI]RRESPT]IIN TE THE STT]NE f,OI'ICRETE I'IT]DULUS I]F ELFSTICITY. B[]TTI]I'I STRESSES tlEE THE FCTUFL STRESSES IN THE LIEHT- IdEIGHT EtrN|-JRETE BOTTOT'I. THE RRTIO EF LIGHTI'JEIEHT Ttr STOI1E EUNCRETE I'IUDULUS UF ELHSTIEITY = 0.5?1 TEFND STRESSES {EHSED EH F'EI= 3.500 l{3I ltliD F"E:= F. CIr:rrJ l;sl) FINflL+ KSI 1+*.5 153. e REFII I TI 1 .37 1.37 HU"-:. STEEL FIRER/LOEIlTIEN irlc I 18. +. 19) 11.0[ B. 'l t:l ETFEL I IIORE FlFlT"L= [.318] P/S LUSS KSI *+,5 35. B (FT} e.08 11. B+ KSI t8*.0 199. 0 IPTgP EBT. -e rl5 . 951 . KSI 173. E, 175. B ELffSTIEFINFL STRFND STRESSES IHf,LUDE I'ITIFL STRESSES }I]L EEHI'I + E[]RE I,IBTERIIIL (IF RTIT)I HE TUITIT]N ER TIYNFII'II[ EFFEf,T Fi FT. e.08 IP + 811TOP EgT. e9. ;16 '1 . 1 1 . Sif -e 08. 964. 5e3. :-?E'i. }DL EEFN + LIT]FJE I"IRTERIRL {IF FTFIT} + EUDTIT]N T]R DTIIFII"IIf, EFISED gT{ FETUI1L STRIFPIHE LIIEP LEIL]RTIEII= 1.5'J FT TEl,lptlpFEy pEaUIEED RELEFSE=Frl0l'tPr'rlr. 65= _15rlll.r. P9I TEI'lPtrRFlEY l'lfi!:. ToF TEHSiEII{ FtT H= e. EEr FT : -14?' FEI :lNFL gTRES.qEi 14 g. 'lL+ FF TT]P -1 'J. +8N BIIT 661. FP + I1LL IIL TPE TEP EET El. F5. 5i9. FF trE 16e. IlLL IIL+LL TDP FET t 7t:t. 41::r . Stanley Struciurel A Suttsidiary ot Tne Staniey worr, . Joo 'lille Sublect LT I I"IFTE }'IEI'IEHT {K-I N} yvEl ?9:1vv"f Checked By I|EV. LEFIGTH IF T]VER- STRflIH- LII'tIT5 REINFtrRtrEII EBnpHT, {Ft|]I 1e.1r]) i.Rf,l 1E.B.U e09e. REAUI REII REII'IFTIEC I I'16 gu--5!J--0"'"z-s-t /,oo *o.-O-Z-t-/- sneet 6 ct- PROUIDED I'IU X 1 1. 84CR ;HEHR PEINFT]REINE REB'D l.ETNCR FIU (REI 18.8.3:' e 056.t?60. X FT. [.44 1.18 e.37 3.55 +.73 5.98 7. 10 s. es 9.47 18.65 11, 84 r/u ' PSI 181. 169. r50. t3e. 113. 9+. .75. 56- 38. 19. fi. 8+9. 5?5., eBg. 193, 144. 1e0. 1e0, l erl. te0. 1ef. 180. VCIJ PCI e65. e98.. 339. 35e. 36+. 373. 381. 387. 39e. 395. 395. Fl{t' ULT.D SHERRIH. KIPS 8.be e7.93B.6e 46. CI6s.6e e3.16B.6e ?9.e78.5e 17.378.6e 14,49s.6e 11.588.6e S.698.6e F.79E.6e e.90s.6e -0.00 FT]R HVCI IN^.8/FT D.1l0rl B. OOB 0. CI80 0. [00 rl. Dr10 O. EOB 6.0811 0. rl00 0.0rlD 8.000 CI.8tlrl FtrR FVChI 15^grFT 0. rlCItl 0.000 tl.800 0,0fl0 0.800 rl.8flrl 8.000 0. E rl l:l 0. rl[fl - 8. rl00 0.0rlD FI]R RVI'IIN 1laf.rFT rl. [5+ 0.0-q4 0.054 0.054 0.05+ 0.054 0.05+ fi.054 0.054 CI. CI54 D. rl54 ucI PSI 0EFLECTIENS (EFSEII Otl F'CI= 3.500 KSI HIBSPFI{ FI]SITIEH {IN) F't)= 7.0tr0 HsI) EELEFSE3 PS+EN EST. EREEP ERECTIOHI PS+EI'I: pS+DL : PS+DL+LL EST. TJREEP FIHHL : P5+8L! PS+DL+LL -0. e5 -0.18 -0,4e -0.e6 rl. CIe rl. ee -fl.04 '1. e3 II{ITIFIL PEESTRESS= PDi'I. IqIPS FELEHSE ETRE||ETH=35Llr:r. FI:I EEFI,I IS STI]HE EOFII.:EE.TE IiT f,. E. I:URL'. EFFEET TIIP rJ,1E -8. t-lE ESTIl't.SHERTEIIINE EEThIEEH EUPFORT:5 FT EREI::TIEN TII'1E: S. -Jr1.. fn\\s/ {FT 4 lrlEEHg} FIlltlL PPEETPESS= 184. l':IFg FIHFL ITPENT-iTH=F'J':r rl . FI:I TT]TFtL fi. 1p r:.titil-Ell6TH r::EFlF.llOT Ttr EH|:EEI| THIt '"'FiLUE St'anley Structurel A Subsidiary of The Stantly Worrs ',''n,r\1,p? ozl/ Job liUe -lSub4ecl 4 a'e-t- " <es'4'Checked By szJ 7-8-6|Job l'lo. st'eet 7 ot- Bat 0B + l'lEt'IBER DESCRIPTIOTj: ESIEN 1'BTR B stGl u r7/s7,e4,/4 P+veZil f,= B,Otl = 35?. FLB= 96. Btll'l[= fl. t-]D H. =STENE U=3.35rf, F'CI= 3.F ETE: LIFTIHE Y'./=t5CI. D 'HI= 0.9t-1 ' STR.LEV.= 1 :TRfiND LtrC. tuFl-rlBl'lP. I lEl'lP. ! {OTE: SUST. SPffll= ee.{e EC= [. t]lt :!B= 630. ST= 756. TFLB= 1. =t:r ESHE= el. Btl HC= 6.flt:l TPE, =NIINE STUNE hlT=!46. EDSH= fi.E-6' ESHU= BeS.E-b PrE F'C= 5.ft TPF.F'E= 3.fr LUtrP LIIEHTIBI'I= 1.50 FT. FRIIl'l STR.T?PE=STEESS REL. LL LIIRD FFCTUR= 1.7 DL EFF. PULL=0-?B NS= 7. rJt) - I]ESCRIPTIEll El'l. LEf"l6TH= 83.43 YE= 4.39 t= e765. SFLT= 98. trrJ TFLT= 1.5r:l El,l. LThIT hlT=I1[. TP6. LThIT tilT=110. t/fl-r$lJPf = l. $ END LgflI' FFf,TUR= 1"1 t/'e IN. I'IF. F|PS=I. S717 :< (FT) rl. [0 eE, +e IILB= O.5OF FT EELEFSE (5UCT. t]E IITN. = IJ. BEI.I I'L1 IIR TBPPINE= t'. rln{ I|LP= B.lErl trL3= 0.f.r0B TtrTFrL LL= B.6tltB LL RFITIT]= 1O. t] :: T]F FILL LIUE Lt]}105. HSTR(IN} 1.37 1 .3i ECC.(IN) 3.01 3. CIl 1 EHT' t]F BEFI,I- E ENN OF BEFFI-- ,HIFIIRl't LEFBS (K/'FT) >+ THE PEECIIST $EETIEH HFE F LIEHThIEIT-'HT 'IEHCEETEB[]TTOI,I. THE SECTIT]N PEBPERTIES I1RE TRFTT:JFEEI'IED TT] ItrF:PESPEI.! Ttl THE STEHE CnNERETE I"IEILULUS gF ELBSTII]IT'/. BtrTTtrT{ STRESSES FIRE THE ITETUFL STRESEE:1 IN THE LiL;HT- HEIEHT EoHEPETE BBTTUi.|. THE RFTTIE nF LIEHTITIEIEHT Ttl ST0NE EEFICRETE t{trDULUS 0F ELH:ITIr-IT'I = n' bl1 1TRFHIT :iTREE:Eij (:FFrgED Ell F'rlI= 3.5Llr-l k.:I lil{Ir F'rl= 5. Ir:rr] li:5I] EEEE I'lFtT,L= r'-r. liE] F.,'S LEI:S F.3 I .{E I 38. 3 @ X ,TEI{5I[]NII'IL; {:FT] e. rJE 11.e1 KSI 1.q'-+. U 1L1'-+,0 RELEFT:E t{5 i 17:1. ? 1F5. B FI IIFL+ 143. '.f 15 Lr. I ^ E?N&t .iTEraFrn .rTtrtr.a'ttr'i ? l{t::l ltntr trl Fr:.iT Tl-: FtrEFIl'{ Stanley StructureO A Subbidiary of The Stanley Works vrrnye4v9'/ o z4/ Job Title SoJ'A^.7 -8- el Job No. Subiect Checked By Date NITIFIL STRESSES )IIL BEFTI + f,T]PE I'4I+TERIRL (IF HHY) T IIt] EUf,TIT]H T]R DYNFFIIE EFFECT H IF IP + EI'I I{U}{.STEEL FT.TI]PEt]T'TEPEtrT.FREFI/LI]CFTIIIF|r.Ff;I 18.+.18) e. rlff -e05. 95e. el. 767. rl. L][ 11. e1 -e08. 954. +64- +18- 0' Dtl }!L BEFI'I + CT]RE I'IHTERIHL (IF FITi?} + SUI::TIEFI OR DYHFIHIC EFFEET BffSEI) trN FCTUFL STRIPPINE LOBP Ltrf;frTIEN= 1.50 FT TEt'tPgRflRY REAUIREII RELERSE=FCIIFIP;0.65= 3508. PSI TEFIPORFRY ;,IFI{' TOP TENSItrT.i FIT H= E.IIB FT : -158. PSI II{HL STRESSES szJBy sneet 6 ot-. FP + BT,I>1, TT]P BgT e.0B -e. 651. 1t: elcR 3e1. +18' ILTI I'IFITE''I[]HENT (K-IN} FP + HLL DLTT]P FIJT 38. 519.+39. 3ee. FP + HLL IIL+LLTtlP Et]T e37. +56. 1030. -168. /' PRtrUIDED PIU H 11.ercR REQ'D I'lLl 1+31 . 1.a.HCE(FCr 18.9.3) 1+37. STRFIN- CT]PIPFT. 1533. I}EV.LEH6TH L II,II T.5 {FEI 1e,1fl) IF B!'EP- REIHFBRf,EI) r:FtcI 18. B. 1] |HEHR EEINFT]RCIN6 REEUIHE! EEI|.IFEREINF H FT. 0.33 1, le e. E4 :{.3E 4.48 5.61 tf . f-t 7. 85 6. FF 10. rl9 11.E1 B IN. 6.5e d;.5E 6.6e 6. be 6.6e b. 6E 6.6e 6. t'g E. r5e ' 6.68 ri'.6e ULT. SHEFR KIPS e0,6+ tq tq 17. !e 14. E? 1e.76 1 rl. h4 8.51 Fr.3B +. E5 e.13 -tl. t'rj VU PSI 175. 1E e. 1+4. 1e5. 1trs. 9t:t. 7e. 5+. 36. 1ij. lJ. VCI FSI 843. 5g+. e'-49. P L'le. 15e. 1e1. 1e D, 1e i'. 1e '1.1e '1.1etl. e6s. 31P. 379, :{3 tl. :lEl. :18e. -18+. ;:t-q+. 3115. --,,3q FtrR H"/EI IH.4e/FT 0. rltLl '1 . r-l8'l rl. rj tl tl 'l . r:r 'l L'l rl . tr till lJ. tJlD tl. l:t Ll l:l B. rt tJ Ll t:|. UBrl D. r:rCI'J r:r . Ll tr t:l FER FVClrl 111"rtrFT 0. IlJrJ 11. rJ r:r I [. B']tJ r:r. Lr D r:l 11. rl r:r r.1 rl . Lr[lJ L'|. BUI rl. rl 't B 11. r:r B ll rl. rl[1,1 rl. 'l 'l ri Ft]R HVI'IIN 1p.rflrFT 8.051 '1. 061 tl. rJ61 '1 . 1161 tl, Br51 t_t . t:rF, 1 rl. 0b 1 tl. llb I t:r. Bb I 0. t:t6t tl . L]F, I vctd P5I F,\i1l Stanley StructureO A Subidiary of The Stanley Works Job 'litle i.6iect ]FLECTIOHS (ERSEI} il-EFSE: PS+Bl'l EST. CREEP ?ECTItrHr PS+8t't: PS+!L 3 PS+IIL+LL EST. CEEEP II..IHL : PS+DL' r PS+I}L{L EN F'CI= 3.500 KSI FNN I'IIDSPFH POSITION {IH) -[. e4 -0.1+-0.38 -0.3e -9.08 -0. n3 -0.34 -0.05 sQ)D.* 7-8'g/ ,toono.-fu- streer 7 of - F'E= 5.0110 KSI) (FT 4 IdEEKS) ,vn ?7n',1u9v {ITIFL PRESTRESS= ?03. KIPS FII1RL PRESTRESS= 161. I{IPS ELEFSE STREHGTH=35['0. PSI FINFL STRENFTH=5BII0. PSI ERII IS STI]IIE COI'ICRETE STII|.SHtrETENIN6 BETTdEEH SUPPT]RTS FT ERECTIgN TII'IE3 RT tr.6. CURV-EFFECT TBTFL rEP O.I7 -0.05 O.IE {{<LEN6TH f,T]RR.TtET TB E}1CEEI} THIS UFLUE D.6 CI. r7 0. fro 0.17 BUT 0.l7 0.06 0.P3 itanley Structuresa Su!6f r"ary ol, Th€ Slanley.Works iil CPe e r - Pltse 3,, 54) o"t"-fuuo*'A-d-- Span-Oeck Strand Pattern Sheet Ch€cked By-Oat6- Sh€d-LOl - Top Side (5 Strand Maximum)I l/2" Form Side (12 Strand Maximum) Nomi na'l 1 3/8" Lt t,||t CONCRETE PROPERTI ES - E nt t stone aggregate Xt-t Wt lower flange -"t..* t,*.t,t (-)o lAl3soo LJ - Final Strength (psi ) -llals000 LJ _ Top( )L/2"6 ( )3/8"6 Form(7)L/2'6 ( )3/8"1 ,iT#HR @ (7\ Pu'l'l 1,/2" 0iameter 270 Gr Strand Each Strand to: 28.9 Kips _ KipsT , , 3/8" Diameter\-) 270 Gr strand Each Strand to: 16.1 KiPs _ Kips Pul I Tr ,/- or r /-onas oil j/^ F.ooz n....-.-.-..4.. -?,..' -/ tt e (,e,r,'rzz Tl. 4ft f/oo. a/€ 2or Q/. ,4a o /7 ",. 6 Zu^/ s Ho'ra f7. a*/ 4 4./ ,L 4 s:?r!ac.r (r^t.5. tat z.1fl) o^t n6,-./ f/oi". LoJ,'-7 Pzus:J A.o /-f z-L. //. Bts)c Coaz,aol fii4 g | - |JUL 2 2 lgel DATE....................-' JIT]3 * I'TEI'I8ER TIESE:RIPTIT]N: IES1EN IIFT SPFN= e3.67 SSEEFII ' I .FFI 1TI JUL 8I LC= 0. 0tr. # 353. lFC= 5CI1. SFLE= 95. lrtl FfiC= Et. EO ?1"f . =STEllE [:lt=E.35 iP,'C F'CI= 3.5 {qETE: LIFTINI]' Ft,'V=60.0 flFtl= 0.9rlr * STR.LEV.= I 133 49 . SF= 6311. ST= 76€,. SEE= 874. STE= 4e47. TFL$= 1.$fl BSHF= a1. Fr:l HC= 1tt. B0 TF6. =STUNE STUHE tqlT= I 4€. . EITSH= 3l:rl:t.E-6 ESHt-t= 8e5.E-h P./C F'E= F.t:t TPF.F'E=:{.0 LOEP LOERTIIIiI= 1.5[ FT. FFBt'l STR.TYPE=STRESS FEL. LL LtrFII FFIT:TER: 1.7 I'L EFF. PULL=ll.7L:r N.5= 1fi. ':[J - TIEST:FIPTIETl . .r j7 RC= 0. 0(t' El"l. LENETH= e:+.67 : l' rl | ';--,flru [i L't t-- YB= 4' 39YEE= 5.7€, EFLT= 96. l:lll 81.1. LTlrlT lrlT=1 1 lt. i/EL/S:UF]F= I . F ENII LBFI FFf,TEF= 1/a It{. I'IFt. l: t.FT} I = e7€,5. I C= 5 tl:{6. TFLT= 1.5r:l TPG. LTIilT hlT=11B. 1.4 :$TFfrfiD LUC. 1 ENII E ENTI gF gF FEFl,l---- EEFTH rl. rJ r:l c.-r . }f r HS:TP r, I l.'l) 1. 37 1.37 FPS=1.531r1 ECf,. I, IN} :?. ttl 3. r11 ,,-rt!T1l_:EFrrS {ti/FT} -cy'lttoecz/' fi{trh-t:ol'lF. : IrLF= r:r. 45b FrT FELEFTS:E,:::Lll:T. EF It'/N. = IrLl IlFr TEFPINT-;= r:r. elll:l rEotsP. : IrLE= rl. 1E,r:r BL3= [. l:-1r:r -. TI]TFL LL= 1.I nlis <. \loPtLo.J D{nTEs SUET. LL FFTTIE= ll:t. Lr :{ UF FLL LM LEFtIt::: . I|. LrE r:r t::UFiE 1eI,\ I a Or,;;& I'f Co?.;i- t Loil l.lFtT'L= l.t .e1tt) Stalrtey Strr.lctur$ ;A slosidiary ol The Stanley works H .TENSII]NINF. FELEFISE(FT}.- FSI KSI yYm 7rF479r' .Job Trtle Sa"/sr$".Al.'- 3 ,, sZJ o^," Checked By ++ THE PFEt-FST SEETIT]TI HFIS F LIGHThIEIFHT EEI{T:FETE ESTTT]I"4. THE SECTITTN PFOFEFTIES F'FE TFFNSFT]FI4ETI TE cDFFESFtIt'lD TII THE STIINE f,tlNt:RETE I'I0I'ULUS UF ELFiSTi|::ITY. ENTTOTT STFESSES FFE THE FIE:TUFL STFESSES I}I THE LIEHT- H€I6}{TC:I]NEFETEEt]TTt]H.THEFF'TIot]FLIFHTI'JEIEF'TTI] STtrNE ET]NCRETE I,IT]IIULUS T]F ELFISTICITY = IiI.671 E:TFFfrII S'TFESSES {BFSEII trN F'CI= 3.5I]S KSI FHII F'I]= 5. ':IT'II:' FS:I} 7- /0'8/uoxo 0 74/ sneer -D--o | - F/S LESS k s:I 58,3 39.9?.tta 11,84 189. [ '169.9 189',CI'" ',t7?.L FINFL+ KSI 138.7 149.1 + FINFL ETFFHII STEESSES INCLLIDE ELFISTIC FEFFIIN JIIqITIFL STFESSES CI]RE FIFITEEIFL.- '.lP - TtrP '(IF FNY) r Ntr SLtf,TIUN IIF IP + Bl,t BET.' TtrP- EgT. IIYNFI,IIE EFFEf,T }lUH. STEEL FFEF/LT1[:FtT I ON {tttr I 18. 4. 1E} fi.blL EEFl"l FT. e. BF -eS.-.' 1338. -5?; 1139' t'' [t] 1r1-. E4 -e90. ' 134?. .$)IrL FEFtFt,+ f,IIRE ;IFTEFIFIL (:IF FINY) + SUETIIIN IIF IrYNi:fHIE EFFEET SFSED EN FICTUFTL STRIPPINE LtrUP LBCFTIEII= 1.50 FT TEI.IPOFFF,Y F'EGUIF'EII PELEFSE=FCEI''F/0. 63= 35I.II]. PSI TEl'tptlFFFy t"tFl:. TIlp TENSIOB FT X= e.0E FT : -Ei+[. PSI FII{f{- STFESSES TPG 44. 137. FP + E].1 t1 'TtlP EUT E. $8 -74. 95.:. []lLTIf.tFTE tlUt'IENT t F -I 1.'t] FP + FLL TIL TNP FT]T ?7. 846. 56e. 41?. FP+ TPE e4t. 751. }lLL IIL+LLTt]P EO.T 161. 981. 0 614. /-- -3lJ4. PFUVIITEI' r,tu X I I . e+C:p FE6', It 1 . e+ht: F I'lLt (.FtEI 18.8.:-r) ftEr/. LEI{tl.TH STEFIN- LIHITS r::Ilt'1PFtT. fFt'lI 1e. lrl) ef76. --u "' IF TIVEF- F.E I NFT]F'CEII rFrl: I 18. F. I ] e65r,.EE7E. Stariley Structur4 J\ SJblidiary ol Tho Slanley works u*r* Su *Jt /r^. PLo"n 3 ay-54-o","7-to-8 /Job No. ,99rrhl,2y Checked By 07 4/ street-4-ot- SHEFF FEINFOF'CIH6 x FT. CI.48 1. 18 4.37 3.55 4.73 5.9e 7. l0 8. a8 9.47 10. €.5 11.84 E.6e 8.6e 8.6e 8.6e 8.64. 8.6e 8.6e 8.6e 8;6E 8.5e s.6e s49. 713. 356. e35. r73. 135: le0. 1e$. .1e0. leB. 1P0. vchl PSI 47fl. 311. 3€,3. *t r'b. 388. 398. 4tt7. 413. 4L7.' 4€0. 4e1. FTlF' FVCI 111^32'FT rl, f 0rl fi, tl tl rl 0. rlBfl 0. frr:rfi 0. CIl:trJ fr.0tilil 0. flfltl tr. 0trtl tr.0trtr t]. Ir-]t'] tr. t:ltrlt FT]R FVCIil 1p^grFT fl. frr:lE r1. trfltl B. CIF0' E. rlfifl 0.0r10 F.0[0 tr, tltr0 rl.0r:ltl tr. Ir]t] 0. ffrlCI[. DS0 FTlR FUI'II N IH/-glFT 8.077 0.077 0.077 [.877 0. s77 0=.077 tl. tl77 Q. tJ77 fr, CI77 fi.877 tr. s77 VCI FSI D IN. ULT.SHEFE VUHIPS .PSI 36.ee e35.33.79 e19.30.04 195.e6.e8 171.e4.53 146,18.77 .1e4. '15.04 98.11.86 73.'7.51 49.3.75 E4i -fl.0O- '' "0i - NEFLECTIT]NS {.EFSED EN F'E:I- 3.50tr'kSI FNI| F,E= 5. Lil:r[ FSI) -I,IIDSPFN PTTSITIT]H.(IN} FELEFISE! PS+B]'I EST. CREEP EEECTION: PS+EH: ps+fiL : PS+IIL+LL EST. EPEEPFtrNFL 3 PS+BL: PS+IIL+LL (:FT 4 hrEEh.::) tt. l5 -0.4g'' -ff. 119 . ITIITIFL FFESTFESS= ?89. HIPS FELEFSE STFENFTH=35FfJ. PSI T€FT{ IS STENE CENf,FETE ESTIT,T. $HT]FTENINI5 EEThIEEH SUPPtrFTS FIT L].6. EUFV. EFFECT TI]TFLTEP rl. el -r:r. 10 fl. 11 c. f, r:r. el tr. 0rl 0. eltrruT tr.e1 t-r.18 0.3:{ FINFL PFESTFESS- ?E8. F.IPS FIHFTL STFEITETH=5t:il:rfl. PSi FT EFECTIT]TT TIPIE: T.{{.LEI{FTH I::EFF.HET Tt] E}1f,EEII THIS VFLUE Slanley Structur A &/bidiary of The Slanley wotks oes ,*nn S'rat r, rt o /l*t- 3 av 54 oate 7-/ b-8 / uono. D 74/ s4;iect /cP* 1,-J @ 4/a F/*- checkedBy sne"tEot- Y'g PP,Yu9Y 1 =10 IIFTF 3r I 1.671 1.5r 1 FsO DFITF 5.18 €,80 IrFTF flr Br [rr flr I r 0r 1 FLIF ssFEFFl FRI lrl -lUL g1- 13!53 ULTIT'IFTE p1nttENT (:F:-IN) . FEo',D l.e.HcR " x I'lLr (FCI 18,8.3)' 5-83CR- ,+ NETE: PF,BV.]"{U } A+EEO'D HUr lccz /Z /"7 sz.*G ,do.,zt ed 7 Ciz4<zrJ 6ove.^t" /o-r Zo4a cutTH 0e s,o rl pFUr/I trE[r l.ill IIEV.LENFTH IF OVEF- STFFIIN- LIHITS PEINFBFtrEII ctrt{PFT. (FCI 1e,10) (FtCI 18.8.1) ' 1561. 1383. / + FIII 18.8 FESUIFE]'IENTS CFTFI EE IENEFEI' {:FrT 4 trlEEtlS) PFFE:TFESS= 116. kIPg tTEENi5TH=5 |:tt:rlJ. F5: I ,^ F /@ /2 5L,165 IIEFLECTItrHS iSFSEB El{ F'CI= 3.50tr FSI Ftf{Ir F'L= 3. rlr:rr:r lc.SI) 1'I I DSFFFI PESITIEN {IN}@ F€LEFTSET PS+El',t EST. f,F.EEF EFEETIBFI: PS+EIYII PS+IIL S PS+IIL+LL EST. EFEEP FINFL ; PS+DL: FS+DL+LL -rl. 0s -11. B€ -[.15 -tr. l4 -t.18 -r.1. t]? -t.15 -tl. 14 It{ITIFTL FFESTFESS:= 148. HIPS FINFTL FTELEFISE I:TF]ENI-iTH=35r1[. FE: I FIFFIL EEFiI'I I5: 5:T[]NE T:EFL]F'ETE @C /a /" (J sr: Stanley StructureO r Sslgdiaty of Th€ Stanley Works oono.Silo szrrtu Czcep P*te 3 eve-o"te Span-Deck Strand Pattern Sheetiuotoct Chcck€d BY - Date Top Side (5 Strand l''taximum) Form Slde (12 Strand Maximum) Nomi nal 7- to -61 771 ,na*&- snnrj9-ot- I l/2" 1 3/8" Lt t{t \I t-l la I\t-l \ CONCRETE PROPERTI ES Entt stone aggregate Elt-t wt 'lower flange Release Strength (psi) Elroo tl- Fi na'l Strength ( ps i ) Top (-) L/2"6 (-) 3/8"6 Form (t9'1 112"6 (-) 3/8"d ,il+ilR o 1/2" Diameter 270 Gr Strand Each Strand to: 28.9 Kips _ Kips Uo) Pul'l I r --l 3/8" Diameter\ t 270 Gr Strand Pul'l Each Strand to : f],u.1 Kips | | K]ps qnlD oK DIMENTION Lll.lB ln{gl AFPRCVAI-JUL O 9 IgfiI DATE ttttop FLANqEe va& LocKOt4T S LAeS BE FO,<€ W4 Lt- ra ERecrzo, (Vt*t1") ffi$roeSxqb.o'i .'j -- '--'* { | er_L q_ru ) ',Frfr'rlvAnq 1=oltlffil-f CONT, bOND bL{M + DowLLb t). cTFrEKS Gao,-r ABav€ '\TvRo Fonpr' Dntt " t3t t, (. LPtnui- rusrnuLED) nll( wroe t< Laltrf, 63*re tT lle',r\E- t i.) t, :{IYIJEDE$ giqEBAL coMplrANcE wrrH STRUCTURAL DE- sIGN REQUIREMENTS. EXCEPT FOR CHANGFS qDF.IEI' I t \./FOR CHANGES SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED, REVIEW DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTORgF_ARNqFROM CONFORM|NG To THE CONTRACT DOCUME|..ITS. NOrT(6PONSIBLE FoR oMISg.cNs, QUANTITIES, oR DIMENSIoNS. NICOI AND GIITNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS iluL 2 2 lest DATE.....*.....'....-,.-r, ,IND3TO N'- 6.KELK CLl,lD PU \9L a' JO-B No. a-tyt 't3Y PROJECT: SUBJ ECT: SECTION / DETAIL ORWG. 8Y: OAIE ICHK'O 8Y: OAIE .irsililli,l ' :1t;A tt STD. SECTION / DETAIL ORWG. 8Y: OATE €t+f{b'l; 7isl3t ..,'. /-R-=-:(. aYUb F'\Agi5PROJ ECT: SUBJECT: 1Y?, Jcrur nr E'hJ W'quL: TOPPINq A"bEcK +\ot.D- bMK e VOtb6 b'a oF{LKS GRour 9unas BeroF.g WALL AgOVE I9 ERECTED'tbY o-rHgg^s" y''w,0. r couT. 6=1 i eti B€ARI irq 5TR.IP5 (ov 5,S,) CPNT bOND.DFAU Forr.r,l DnMs BV i,3. LPtnur rNsrAlLE{ fi t orrtr 3'BentrilQ +DoWEtS bg oilEts JOB No. 11 ,', SECTION / DETAIL oRWG. 8Y: oAIE PROJ ECT : A\NDt'rNF (4r='v= 4'43 F$"- 3 ggg.1E61' fYP. ei ! r::,. ',',,. F2;'''i' '': bY OTEKS DONb bENH + Dott'/eLb bY trfiL(sr JOB No. 01A\- SECTION / DETAIL CHK'D. BY: 0AlEDlwG. BY: DATE e+r:i !!91 pROJ ECT : 3[ND€foNE Cr'.-aK all] 7+l{ 3=-3 ggg.jg61.TvP' DEL LtNrigL nr DaaRS 4n raP bAC( FLINGA +ALD-e vorbs r 6ROUr ?L-Ab9 b!.FaF,E zt Wnuu +bovE 15 =RacrED/ (uu +,a)tl t- - - - -{---rl rl I: - - ----l.- - -.--1ToFPrNq { netnn. bV OTl{LR5 I s" lt9A e"D6E AT MroSDau ouerN6 gftEcrr od f"wro? t' Coror. toSsFeur Beaerr4 :,;Tr?tp Cet S.9) I t--- tlrl t---c-l'lI Illt:-----Jil tAl v- T0 Pt(elEi{T ConPRg€: lou 'lde'(urua o€ a t')dLz,'J. 'snreoFons'Dnn ?ul pr lNerALLeD BY -INqLL SUPPLiED + IN5TALLFS OV ATHESS JOB No, a+NI I I:lsi I Anrop rtfiNcEe vorbe . --- - l our+,oqrl_ g" l.f?.J g'i I --rJ,,/---T- rl I t- - - - - -T t! ,..aaFo'lT 6LAb3 bElr2RE WAII abovL 15 EREsrEb ior:.s) "51Y*o toAm otrtt iuv 5,5) [Puu r.r lu:inr-r-:l) W -e*AFE etlPPLllD + INET..NLLED bY OT{IERg C'r,oe " Ca"r. bsrFzLT BiARNcl liRrP- [ov S.5) SECTION / DETAIL OIWG. 3Y: 9AlE JOB No. .'1L ETEFUN noK LLEV @ f---:-----1rl Il==::1I' Ip'\--i 1_____li- - - -l 5e" oer^,t@ TOFPINA S1 I =l 4'lwrDE r 65t re:l Srt rp. Cor.rr, 6 EA RII'J tor s.s) \ W Ap.?L' 6UPPUEu \N3]ALLEb UC AT+IERs '#rv SECTION / DETAIL OiwG. 8Y: OATE ICHK D. BY: OAiE I +NL1' " if4&l'; - sr-- . -- p RoJ ECT : sANg-Cti=- 43EE( 4LXb o*dSl 3 SUBJEcT: 7?P J or NT've': S]EELB JOB No. a1!, I SECTION / DETAIL Rarr- t FmrroaSeu T INbRLIIbBY gr'ilERS - <zae P[fI " FA{ ELLT. l'tur- ourEA votD FULL LgN&74 'D. 8Yr DAIEDlwG. 3Y: OAIE :d{u:\ 7613r sue;Ecr: Rqr urNG cot'Jt.r' SECTION / DETAIL PROJECT:341{p6-ro\ri CRe=( aLrA R\{tE' ilt/SJECT: fir€p 4r BALCO\Jy TaPPtNq 65 o,r+{ERa 3EE PLAN FoR 112P 9P*NDE4K ALLV, JOB No. a\-1 /t I SECTION / DETAIL PRoJECT: -a{ua@ ioRwc' 8Y: t::: - | e-r , rr-T 'i I il --..- -"ecr I r rr.tf6 r ;1? lr)tNlD'e1/.1 | -?-i';1-'-593.1gg1. T!P, LINTEL AT LoltrJDOtrf ,l4To? rL{NqE bLqAoUr @ vrlDg Ir l=::--1 TOPPINq O! OTI{EK5 4gour ^^b3 DEFORE w{LL +bovL tb ahLcrED pY e.b) 'L"wroE r CotJT. 65r Peur BEAR.rlJ6 rri?iJ [Br s.s.\ Fo rlrq Solaci AT l^llN0OILt OPEAJ'N6 4 *'L-o Dot.lgt TI,D€LD TO I- A7 IPANbECK )o1pr1-(r<avlulv) I I - - ---lI I l=---:----t =---==l II I I i I tt I 7v6"ACTV{L SECTION / DETAIL PROJECT SHutrioNg cAELt cl',\b :'i1i\9E i ORWG. tY: OATEICHX'O. gY: OAIE| ':?vt|\ 7i3'6i t ella 1tr.r. TIP. ^i ipA.NDg(K JOIU; \, \J IJl, bv UOrar?EL II-AN FOR LOCJTI'N CFqR\b 0( DrHEl.i?lON LINE e- LbgE 0R CENTER 'F U]{LL 6rcur BY oTr+€u> Z* , (orr. 6€ Fetr SEARIN]q ETRIP (ev 5,3)#4 * 8"0' CENTERED 8..{ oTH€its, @ lo rrur5 OUE,{ WALL 0lr rev,r,rv) | ..JotNT4 rivwlv FTLLED i_.., a3 irLLovvg ( bv 9,3J I , w*uu ,\ t. qsour roR l!'ot uN, g ,' rocaNTKot- D\rFEF,aNIAL CAI'45E (' ), b KLMTNDEK l5A tANb-/ C:UE\IT M\XitiFe FoR ' rrRErRooFtNG * --zr.l'uS 't1 3\jTKOL ONLI4, JOB No. !t q !?rt 3n5<? I4z SECTION / DETAIL TOPPII\JG b'1 OT+IER,S 6IlPLAN-ol Foi il.ev. ll-L WIDL caNr, (ov r,:,;b5 FELT 4 5'?'/t,7or4''4' - 6ITPPULD } I NSTALLED bY dTitERS DRWG. BY: OATE PROJECT: SUBJECT: 1'AN DttfrNE Cff.eEK 6LtlO irA€E: JOB No. REVISIONS -.\ hwn box 1fl! rail, colorado 8167 13031 476€613 department of community development August 28, 1981 l.lr. Allen Nelns Ttre Town of Vail has been linited in dealing with the Sandstone Creek Club because the building permits were issued in the Cotmty. There was no grading or landscaping plan as part of the permit, Ttrerefore, we are liurited in our action' Sincerely, ;/ Comntmity Developnent Director DR:br 'c: box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 l,!r. Joe Perlnnrtter Sandstone Intervals, Inc. 2660 South Parker Road Bui.Iding 5, Suite 150 Aurora, Colorado 80014 l, We need i site drainage see a drainage Plan in two Andrews . 2. Complete the corrected department of community development July 28, l98l Dear Mr. Perhnutter: Last week I nade a site visit to sandstone creek club and noticed several probl"r, with drainage fron the site and landscaping' The nost critical 'area is by snow Lion and Breakaway west. walking this area, r noted several areas where site drainage fron your property is affecting landscaPing and structures at Snow Lion and Breakaway West ' With. the amount of rain we have been receiving thie sunmer' there has been almost . "onrt"rrt problen for the two abutting ProPerties' I would like your innediate att-ention to the drainage and landscaping problen. olan that will work for the site' I want to weeks to be reviewed by staff engineer Bill drainage before the end of August' 3. Suburit a landscaPe plan for the site and have the area by Breakaway West and Snow Libn Lompleted this fal1 to insure runoff is controlled' 4. Meet with Don Hentschel of Breakaway west and Al1an Nelms of snow Lion to resolve the damage to landscaping and structures' IknowyouareworkingtodeveloPaqualitydevelopmentandthatyouwant to see it be a ,rr"""r!f.rl projeci. I would appreciate your innediate attention to the problen, SincerelY, _,,?-J44"- DICK RYAIts-J Commrnity Devel opnent Departnent DR:bpr ,//t'.\ r ,1 / -///'-{ -Ji'4 J ,.r--*( .2"--.,- .{2a- ---J /az- e7" cft- ;, y4 cott - n /a / (/ -/ r-'-- /-'<:"2+-''t'442 f .' 'e'ZA'- /V f,tt/'-'' Sandstone Cree \+.---- nlFuru[n$l|$&r{{unmppmgilffi ,@,D * ZJ-'" Tr-*!!*'ou.nu..o.N*.coLoF^oos,?o..pHo*, _ffi.6 Job No. 't 480-00 oate . ...!91I...1.9.r. -1-e'-8J ........Y-q:!:! . .9slgreis .9l.997 Job Name Sandstone III ATTENTION MR.Steve Patterson We are enclosing [f xenewrrH UNDER fl tfd,iflt rHE FoLLowtNG FoR:I reenovrl llkvounuse [-.l ronwenotrc -r/ ........-T0.1tN.'0r...-v-att..9u!-.LD-LN.Q....g.Ep-r_....... llest l{eadow Drive nemnn xs.....Fi03i.ns...H.l.s.yn t i.q.n s..ha.y-e...he_en.-n a i.s ed.,..... F.k"z,ry@,.',.,...,..,'F-.''.*,.7-...'.&. a I serr By,n uessercen ff uerr- SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB PHASE IiI BI.}IONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT 7-28-81 This report is issued twice a month to a'l'l architectural, engineerlng and consulting firms as we'l I as to all contractors and major material suppliers for the purpose of keeping them informed of the precise project status and the readiness of the project for their materials and services. A. NEI{ DRAI.IINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHI'IENT #'I) '1. This is a listing of a'l'l supplemental and rev'lsed drawings issued by the Architect slnce the onset of the project. Please examine your files and drawings to make certain they are complete. 2. This is a'list of submitta'ls which haye been submitted to the Architect and Engineers but haye not been returned. If contractors or suppliers have drawings which have not been returned, approved or corrected but are not contained on the outstanding l'ist, p1 ease advise the fie'ld office. This is a'list of items requiring action or decisions by the parties i nvol ved . C. PROJECT STATUS 0000 Genera'l Conditions Offjce trailer was moved on site June 30. Job phones are 628-0897 (Denver line) and 476-7264. Superintendent is Mr. Dick Vincent. F'le'l d Engineer is Mr. Mike Braden. 0100 Site Gradinq John's Backhoe Service has completed excavating and exporting organic fill materials encountered in the excavation. Structura'lfi'll was completed July 23, 1981. Footing excavations was completed July 25th. 505 Rebar Fabrication - Rio Grande Co, B. Del ivered rebar for the footinEs ing rebar is pending approval of be needed on the job August 3rd. July 16th. Remain- l,lal I steel wi'l l and dowels on shop drawings SEE ATTACHMENT #3 ;fl ff 31?il[.''F[5[*3!3'oF3ti" " Page T*o 525 Rebar Installation Contract has been let to Valley Stee'l and lron. Work began July2'lst. Footing rebar wi'll be comp'leted by itu'ly 3lst. 600 lrlasonry Contract has been let to Glennwood l,lasonry. Concrete b'l ock foundation wal'ls should begin August 3rd. 222 Precast Spandeck Contract has been let to Stanley Structures. Shop drawings were submitted to the Architect on July 'l3th. Production ls scheduledto begin iluly 27th. 0223 Precast Stairs Contract has been 'let to Kast-Kon-Krete. Shop drawings were approved July 9th. t{ork is scheduled to begln September Znd. 0550 Ml sc . Stee'l Purchase Order has been signed with United Steel and Iron. Pro- ductlsn 'is pending approval of shop drawings. First lJntels wll'l be needed on the Job August 7th. 04] I Gl u-Lam Beams Pruchase 0rder has been signed with General Buildlng Servlce. Shop drawings were approved June 25th. Beans will be needed on the job September 22, '1981 . 0432 Mll'lwork Purchase Order has been signed with Metro Mi'llwork. Shop Drawlngs need to be submitted by August 1st. 0450 Cabinets Purchase Order has been signed with l4astercraft Industries. Cabinets wil'l be needed on job January 7th. 0750 Bu i'l t Up Roof i ns Contract has been let to Waterguard. Dampproofing is scheduledto begin Ausust lOth. 0720 Insulation Contract has been let to United Insulators. Work is schedu'led to . begin Spetember 28th 0885 Fixed Glass and l4irrors Contract has been let to Lakewood Glass. l{ork is scheduled to begin September 24th. ;tr33l?il i','iF5[-!!!LFlti" " Page Three 850 A'l umi num t,|i ndows : Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Cut sheets need to be submitted by August l. l,lindows wlll be needed onjob September 2lst. 8'10 Hollow Metal Purchase Order has been signed with Denver Hardware. Shop drawings need to be submitted by August 1st. Doors and frames are needed on Job by September 'l7th. 870 Hardware Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware. Hardware schedule must be submitted by August lst. Hardware will be needed on job by November 6th. 920/990 Drywal 'l /Pai ntJ ns Contract has been let to Schriber Decorating. llletal stud workis scheduled to begin Qqtqber 1st. 930/970 Ceramic Ti'le/Vinyl Flooring Contract has been let to Hi-Lo Tile Conpany. Material samples need to be submitted by August'lst. llork is schedu'led to begin January 15, 1982. 'l 030 Fl repl aces Purchase 0rder has been signed with Denver Hardware for Temco Fireplaces. Cut sheets and shop drawings are needed by Augustlst. Fireplaces wil'l be needed on site September 2nd. '1080 Toll et Accessories Purchase 0rder has been signed with Da'l e Andrews. Cut sheets are needed by August 1st. Accessories wi1l be needed on s'ite I December 3l st. 1315 Tennis Courts Contract has been let to Gary Maggard and Co. Fencing work began July 22nd. Tennis court surfacing started July 24th. 'l 'l 90 Appl i ances Purchase Order has been signed with Genera'l Electric. Appliances . are needed on site January 2l , 'l 982. 1420 E'levators Contract has been 'l et to Dover Elevators. Shop drawings were approved June 8th. Shaft hole drilling began Ju'ly 20th. Drilling was completed July 24th. . SANDSTOI{E CREEK CLUB-PHASE III, BI-ilONTI{LY PR0GRESSIP0RT Page Four 1500 ttlechanlcal Contract has been awarded to Cook ltechanlca'|. Shop drawlngs and cut sheets are needed by August lst. Underground rough-ln to start thls week. 1600 Electrlcal Contract has been awirded to Slmmons E'lectric. Shop drawlngs and cut sheets are needed by August 1st. ATTACHEI'IENT #'I ME!,IORANDUItI SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III JULY 28, l98t SUBI,IITTALS TO JUNGE REICH HEINTZ AND MAGGEE FOR APPROYAL CONTRACTOR/SUPPLI ER DRA}IING DESCRIPTION DATE TO ARCHITECT REI.IARKS Rlo Grande Lla'll Rebar 4th Floor & Loft Leve'l s 7lnle1 DRA}|ING ATTACHIqENT #I J{EMORANDUM SANDSTONE CREEK PHASE III ,JULY 23, 1 981 REVISED DRA}IiNGS FROM THE ARCHITECT REVISIONS DATE s-I Changed Footlng Eleyatlons 7 17181 't. 2. 3. 7128181 7 /?8181 7 /28181 ATTACH}IENT #3 SANDSTONE PHASE III NEEDS LIST Pane1 ized Roof Framing Details Decision on l.lasher/Dryer Del etions Approval to Delay Installationof Fire Hydrant Until 1982. Quote for Reyised Foundation llal I s ACTION/DECISION BY Nicol & Gunther Sandstone Interva'l s Vail Fire Department Gl ennwood ltlasonry4. TO LIST ITEM OR QUESTION SANDSTONE III PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST DESIGN TEAM: Junge Reich Heinz and Magee - Jim Reich Nico'l & Glitner - .loe N'ico] Reiter Engineering - Bob Reiter Gambrell Engineering - Larry Gambre'll OWNERS: Sandstone Intervals Inc. - Jack Perlnutter Sandstone Intervals Inc. - Joe Per'lmutter Sandstone Creek Club - Neil Burnstein GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kevin Hurton Oick A,rmidown Dick Yincent VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT: Steve Patterson suB CONTRACTOR/SU PPLI ERS : John's Backhoe Servjce - John Phillips Rio Grande Co. - Chuck Grady Val1ey Stee'l & Iron - Joe Peat G'l ennwood Masonry - Carl Schieser Stanley Structures - Bil'l Hantline Kast-Kon-Krete - Grady Gipson United Steel & Iron - Bill Miller General Building Service - Ton Carrillo Metro Mi'l'lwork - Pat Finnigan Mastercraft - Buss Gentry Waterguard, Inc. - John Pitman United Insu'l ators - Rudi Fisher Lakewood Glass - Bob Benson Denver Hardware - Bud Kaatz Schriber Decorating - Louie Messina Dale Andrews & Associates - Ed Bornmueller Gary Maggard & Co. - Gary Maggard General Electric - Dale l,lek Dover E'levator - George Yanderschow Cook Mechanical - Mac Marsha]l Simmons Electric - Jim Thomas Hi-Lo Tile Co. - Foster Papi o box lfl} Yail, colorado 81657 l3o3J 4765613 TO}J[.OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY IS'PLANNED FOR department of clmrnunity development l.|AS FINALED. .t t.l/ Wood \\l AT THE '( ', - , &rr( ( / .pRo;Ecr r,,As FrNAI-ED. t' . OCCUPRITCV IS PLANNED FOR /- tr/ , box IOO vail. colorado 81657 Bo9l 476-5613 TO.II{ OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT oN /-t/s&.. TIIFf NUMBER }J/ bloodlElief eui'laing lhspector m[ru.||ilrui cilt$tru0[m c0iltmru - r 1114 WESr SEVENTH AVENUE . DENVER. COLOBADO 80204 . PHONE (303) 892-1600 |J ranuary 6, 1e81II't El *fr// ---U"',/fu' City of Vail Building Department 137 S. Frontage Road west Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attn: lilr. Steve Patterson Re: Sandstone Creek Phase II Gentl-emen : To conply with your request that the Sandstone Creek Phase II domestic water heaters be inspected by the State of Colorado, we have contacted the nechanical contractors, Cook Plurrbing and Heating. Cook was informed by Mr. Frank Heel of the Colorado Boiler Inspection Department that the Sandstone water heaters could not be inspected because they were under the minimurn size required by State Law. please see the attached letter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Heel or mysel f. Very truly yours , PETRY-VAPPI CONSERUCTION COMPANY ,1,75q A**,"fr Kerry O'Qfi{neII Project Manag'er KOC:mr Attactment ,7 --|EF-t Al6q lo?A 'l7tz-Zec (=gz 7o9-- thzo ,f Slrce frz o^l7 * . I s?k€ fu- lte (oo C 6cfi4 -nPtl1Q.'i th- vlgtT -l./ Ll 'r>t tf1 ?re lt- sAd\DseNe @k CLJ)F.'/rlo ufinF S(/1r0,e0, T6AL t( tNnq r*2,<psf,O 6er+- No( TO €fcAe O 99rooo fi fthsrtc . de'orlrrr @ lolus ' 1"rg c" on,ffi Q roza zr4 rtttl. t'bn oalrl5 e lo79 af d{q- A'N(r c1ouq Q toza -=-i_--rri--ry qlatc"' oa-rls Q lotj 2\crc^o,rrr @ @zg $rt^ .( g ttahfJ e ,o,S9 ?- "8*tr?rr,rQ '126 A&,t; 2(gO l 't-rrfiRr- ?-?p7O I a l t) ,,(M. E Sr+psrcr.r t', LDtvtF 9TO5, 4 v ?" c" lgSt 3 .. c *€Q lola I tl'gn I t'b etr" I ?qO-t,ntg ? s/r,fst ',ffi4lr-----=--.-,,, lt, lZrJf,l- l..cr, @ ld, Z" Ckfrr, loZTl 3 'ic'- l6t ? "gt&i" tai leJT tZ.lo -16ft\L tor.t Z€. gz41 7o*l 3z{? bt! .lzzp ltYo /V Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Loi Block Zone - ,: -. "'i Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: /-firffi\\- 'DISAPPROVAL dWltuoor Summary: t "-, JUNG EE ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION April 27, l98l Town of Vai I Des i gn Review Board Box 100 Vai l, C0 81657 Re: Sandstone Creek Club We are hereby submitting for your reocrds, Architectural Plans and Specifications for Phases lll and lV at the above referenced project. Construct ion on Phase lll will proceed this Spring as site conditions al low with occupancy by the Christmas Hol idays. Phase lV starting dateis uncertain at this time and will be dependent on both marketing andfinancing. lt is hoped that foundations for Phase lV can be constructedthls Fall with the completion of all construction during 1982. lf you have questions or need clarification, please contact rne. J&"44 b- James A. Relch Project Architect JAR/cml Enclosure CC: Jack Perlmutter REICH. HEINZ & M 3405 PENROSE PLACE EIOULDER. COLORADO 8030I , (303) 44+2947 TO mtruilnmi &$|I$ftFil$$ftm ffiffi $E?ffi&ffiffql- 11r4 wEsr sEv€NTfi av€NuE ' oENVER coLoFAoo oo2o.. pHoNE (3o3) 092.r600ItIt .*i*r,t....a .Ljnr,'v. Ih*gxtl-ca F*.r nano. ffi>.*oD .. [lb.:]...........*r.......F-.Fs:*JT.[df,........F-.?-AD-.\td.*r Date ....FrN............12-..t....n.6.A .........Vai.u...... ....,..Ca... . ..... ..... ...AI(#:7' ArrENrtoN Nn.. .......... €x.9.V..k-........... ........-P-.na.r.f.p-F,.,*J. UNDER We are enclosing fl nrnewrrx I ttidf#t rHE FOLLowTNG FoR:n nennovn- flvoun use fl ronmnonc SEt{T BYr ! uesser*ce"fi urrr- arr e levator companY MOttNE. tLLtNOtS Er26s monlgomery DENVER BRANCH,3 INVERNESA DFIVS EAIST ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO 8Ol t2 PHONE: (lolt Tat]laat January 2, 1981- Petry-Vappi Construction Company 1114 West 7th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Attention: Mr. Cary O'Connell- ProJect Manager Subject: Sandstone Creek Club Phase 1I Elevator Installation t"'Eco cP-43872 Dear l"Ir. O'Connel-l: Please be advised lhat subject elevator was manufactured and instal-led Ln accordance with the American NationaL Standard Safety Code for El-evagors, Drrnbwaiters, Escal-ators and Moving Walks ANSI Al-7.1-1978. Yours tru1y, ) MONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY 3-*/4,/,J*f Ben Malmberg Constructlon Superlntendent ds .JAN 5 198il. .c. dependable elevators and escalators t Fotia tot a MONTGOITERY ELEVATOR Co., llol inr, ll l,'.. ,lfl 3/- tro I nrtolbd bullding, conl.oct ond wc occcpf thc clcvolor under thr l'rm3 ond euotonl'c! nol commanc. until lrcc sorvicc pcriod rpccified in thir confroct hor lnrfructionr for thc oparotion ond corr of fhr clcvotor hovc bocn givcn fo , .' ., (Enginccr or Oprrotor rign hcrr| Ororm nNAr AccEPTANcO Dror Sirr: Wr hovr- by you In tho rrominrd clcvotor No. /o20 ond find romr tolirfoctory ond in occordoncr with thc of roid controcl. By rnutuol og.r.m.nl, logol limc of lirn tighfl will bocn complclrd. Noticc ir hcrcby rcrvcd thot lien vill be filcd if poymaot3 or. nol modc in occordoncc rvid! conlrqct t..mt. Controct No.c P.lstaz n$unn[ni sumx&p*f; *ffi *$ #ffi $E&#ffi ffiw , - lf rr,r wEsT SEvENTHAVENUE. oENv€A coLoFADo 8020.. pl1oNE r3o3)8ez.16oo dfic{......-cr.... -(J*ru. .. ..F.r.ur'rulrq... -H:C.,. rob no. . ..... ..}.-SB Q-.,-..Q.e. oate ..... - SAt*. ....../st..... r....tLnct- ArrENroNmn...........**g.J.E . F-.*w**zel*.. . UNDER We are enclosing I xenewrrx f] tfd|flt rHE FoLLowrNG FoR:fl[ neanovrl fivoun use f] ronwrnorxc Job Name . €fir+.s,arph*e R#t5F If Location PARED BY R EMAR Ks..............,.... .....h#" . .......-V.c*:g Rmr'.,ra;r..-....*R'"9:s9"'''4D-$lt=Jg-......- Me;. ......r.F ...........ffi;sx}kgF-i . . Ei tia.Jr$ffi* .,LbJSP-KT,rftLS.,........ HHndffifim Accuratc 7414 SENT 8Y:l-l uessercen I r*rnrr- ta monlgomery DENVER ERANCH I INVE EtS DRIVE EA3? ENcLEWOOD. COLORADO AOI 12 tHOnE: (logl 77raaz, elevator companY LoltNE. ttLtNolS 61265 ,JAN 5 1981 January 2, 1981 Petry-Vappl Construction Company 1114 West 7th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 AttentLon: l'!r. Cary O'Connell-Project Manager Subject: Sandstone Creek Club Phase II Elevator Installation MECO CP-43872 Dear l{r. O'ConnelL : P1ease be advised Uhat subject elevator was manufactured and installed l-n accordance wittr the American NationaL Standard Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalatorg and Moving t'laIks ANSI A17.1--1978 Yours ttuly, MONTGO}IERY ELEVATOR COMPANY2 /U/ /4a* l'ta-L*..#L.tztz Ben Malmberg / Cons truction SuP erintendent ds dependable elevators and escalators December 29, L98O 'DBtMn[[itr VAIL Building Department (Steve patterson ) Items to be completed by Tuesday Night, December 30, I98O 1. Secure ductwork rnechanicallv. 2. Clear out drain under bridge. 3. Install caps on siamese connections. J 4. Demolish and rernove temporary panel at end of first floor hallway.,,\\- 5. Bridge inconplete - fj.nish carpet and painting or close off. ;l. 6,rLlt4> / 6. Install door closers on four doors- 7. Clear mechanical roonr of 1 piece of visqueen. 8. Fireproof 6 exposed beams in storage and mechalical rooms withwith 5/8r' dr1nvaIl and tape. Igt[I.|ltmi ]r Decedber2s'1s80 rtems required by Mr. steve patterson of the Vail Builtting Deparunentto be corE>l-eted by January 14, l9gl. 1. CompJ-y vith alJ- fire department regu*iements per letter ofDecember 16, 1980. 2. Landscaping and paving-rencve snow in 4 places. 3. Boiler inspection. 4. Laundry roon -dryer vents. 5. Elevator certi.fication. box I o o vail, colorado 8r657 3.O3.4r6'56r3 GJt. December 18, 1980 Steve Patterson Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vail Re : Sandstone Creek Club Phase II Dear Steve ; The following itmes need to be corrected before the vail Fire Dept. can al'low a full Certificate of 0ccupancy i O fir" Dept. connections to the standpipes on Bu'i.1ding l-t-2-need Ue ibtocated so as to be accessable as per U'F'C' 10'301 e' .O The bridge between Building I & 2 shall be completed' -+( 3. X4' (s' ,/(s. Xt- x8. zq \s' Xto- '('.t{tt. All temporary electrical , gas, ljghting and-storage of hazardous nateriai.s shal'l be ienoved. U.F'C- Article 11 All plastic coverings on windows and doors. shall be'removed. All stairwell and exit lighting shal'l be operative' All fire extinguishers shal'l be-installed in extinguisher cabinets with a ninimum rating of 2A 40 B C . All rnechanichl ventilation shall be ba] anced and certifjed complete' All fire seperat'ions shall be intact ie. verticai-and horizontal iire stopp.ing between the boi1er room and mechanica'l roon, the e'levator shaft. The'l ocation of the smoke detectors shall be as per the u-F.c. and N.F.P.A.72. Al I e'lctri ca1 panel s shal I be 'l abe'l ed - All fire place assemblies shall be complete' All egress shall be clear an-d doors operable. t o box Sandstone Creek Cl ub too r vail. colorado 81657 ' 3o3''4'6'56r a Page 2 /@ A full test on the alarm system shal1 be reqqired and certificate of operation from the manufacture shall requi red. a be 14.All parties should be advised as per U.F.C. Artisle 10. in " bridges " in effect creates to-fore recreation buil ding' bui l di ng. Sincerely, - - n-z' .z:7-Z-.- j-zii+--.- -/ Capt. l'lichae'l l{cGee Vail Fire-DeDL -, ..,t.-, . that a fire lane is required that the construction of the one building out of the here- the first building and the second SorB of the items shall be required prior to the issuance of a partial or temporary Certificatd of 0ctupancy- Approval by the Fire Departennt is required. t/"./ UttT o t' er D-r o LOUIS COOK PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. .6I LIPAN ATREET DENVIR. COIOA^DO AO20t PHONET EO!.!7t'l3OO Deceober 24, 1980 Petry-VaPpf Constructioo Company 1114 $f. 7th Anrenue Denver, Colorado 80204 AtteDtloD: Kerry 0rCoone1l Re: Saadstone Creek - Phaee II Dear Kerry; In respoase to your letter of Deceober 22, 7980, I contacted Frank Eeel q'f the Colorado State Bol.ler fDspectlon DepartDent concernl.ng the lnsPectton of our domesttc water heaters at the abqve referenced Job. I lras toLd by fir. Heel the bollers have to.be rated at 2001000 BTU oC syer before they requl.re ao lnepectton. Slnce our uater heatere are 54 Ktlr rbl,ch ts approxfuately 184rO00 BTUr they are not requlred to halre an Lnspectlon. Lf you would 11&e to contact lrlr. Eeel, hls telephoae nuobe, ts 289-5641 ' SLncerely, Louls Cook Pluublog and l{eatlng, Inc. i r^ti I *'1'7,/^r/./'t Md'c L. I'tarshalq td1o1..t l{aaager uLec- MLM/sn MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS SINCE I92c) tnttn box r0o r vail, colorado 816s7 . 303.476-5613 December 18, 1980 Steve Patterson Chief Bui'ld'ing Off icial Town of Vai'l Re : Sandstone Creek Cl ub Phase I I Dear Steve ; The following itmes need to be comected before the Vail Fjre Dept. can allow a full Certificate of 0ccupancy ; 1. Fire Dept. connections to the standpipes on Building 1 & 2 needto be relocated so as to be accessable as per U.F.C. 10.301 e. 2. The bridge between Building 1 & 2 shall be completed. 3. All temporary electrical, 9as, lighting and storage of hazardousnnterials shall be rennved. U.F.C. Article 11. All plastic coverings on windows and doors shall be removed. All stairwell and exit lighting shall be operative. All fire extinguishers shall be installed in extinguisher cabinets with a minimum rating of 2A 40 B C All mechanical ventilation shall be balanced and certified complete. Al'l fire seperations shall be intact ie. vertical and horizontalfire stopping between the boiler room and mechanical room, the elevator shaft. 9. The location of the smoke detectors shall be as per the U.F.C. and N.F.P.4.72. 10. All elctrical panels shal'l be labeled 11. Al I f i re pl ace assembl i es sha'l 'l be compl ete. 12. Al 1 egress shall be clear and doors operable. 5. 6. 7. 8. lum box roo .vail, colorado 81657 r 303.476-5613 Page 2Sandstone Creek Cl ub 13. A full test on the alarm system shall be requjred and certificate of operation from the manufacture sha] I requi red. 14. A11 parties should be adv'ised that a fire lane is requ'ired as per U.F.C. Artiele 10. 'in that the construction of the" bridges " in effect creates one building out of the here- to-fore recreation building, the first building and the second building. SorB of the items shall be requ'ired prior to the issuance of apartial or temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Approval by theFire Departemt is required. Sincerely, '2144-4----2--1//;-2.--,- Capt. Michael l4cGee Va'i1 Fire Dept. a be I 3Gl I / 62&5150 5150 FOX STREET I DENVER, COLORADO 80216 November 21, 1980 Mr. Steve Patterson, Chief ,Building Department Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado We appreciate your understanding, your of this unfortunate situation. Again, we wilL do whatever it gakes to avoid S incere 1y, We are an equal ! LTNOO|.X, r{E I Olt^t{a NE I Oe^[D tStAND, l{E I Ara€s, tA I 8r. JOSEPH, tao I fi{tEnDR SYSr€Mg I @ftlMEFClAL I FES|OEiIT|AL I REITOOEL RE: SANST0NE CREEK CLUB ADDITION Dear Mr. Patterson: 0n behalf of Great Northern Drywal l Company, Inc., I wish to apologize for the unfortunate and totally inEolerable conduct of one of our employees onthis project on November 20, 1980. I want to asaure you that any comnents or gestures by Mr. Beagley do not repre- sent any conduct which is becoming any craftsman in the trade and by no meansis condoned or tolerated by Great Northern Drywall. tr{e have reprimanded, Mr. Beagley and will assure you that his services will no longer be sought out by this conpany. We trust that you unders tand that this is an isoLated incident with one indi- vidual on one project. I{e trust that you understand that Great Northern repre- sents itself as a professional organization which understands how to construct conunercial jobs in fhe proper maffler, and that vre are wilLing and able to com- pLy wittr the requirements of the code. trle also trust that you understand that we do have an abundance of exceLlent personnel thaE do know what they are do- ing and wiLL do their best to assist you to make sure that any project that isbuilt in Vail meets the high standards that the owner and ultimate user degerves. We wilL do our best to continue to upgrade our personnel so that we meet the goals that we have. patience, your even-handed treatment accept our apolggies and rest aseured anything reseurbling this situation again. opportunity €mployer. I OEa MON€S, rA t OE|{V€F, @ r oilANDo, FL I SIfUAOT . F!- I FOBI IAUOEAD IE, iL t€Mas.tor^.colotaoo L t|alOUAl . FIOFDA r IIEJ : ps atuF z z S. T N- d! %SHIerI:=ri_<Ou)(J+(J fk- <-vtLFE"o!*;Hr;q::i: "<oz6=zz^)i::siQ<o ,1<uaz: EdgiE-9,,,t!t lF" <c O> -C,<oi'!r!0=<c<'J an UJuju- E =E uJ o-U' lrJult! F =E uJ J FoF t = LU oz I z UJullt-z tr UJ () lLl e 3 LI,J uJEz 6 uJo z o o tr,J IJJl! o- F F oi oa E uJF =Ja ulF z J () llJ ll-:6 - -alY) =Elcnet 6 zz. tr^6q5a-90 vtOz>-oo<)z l!<o* 9UFOj c.i - o- Ltl z Eo z. tr UJF.J z Y uJ LU z e- fi ,==3 i rHF2 3=d P =<g FUEgb6g55 c]oorzQ F UJJ oz I I z '4 IJJ|IBoo aZ(t =S--;s =O.ttruJ tucocro z:)z 9F o =zo F -Jaz a.t(Q olz. oz F =g. u,lo- oz F() lll -iloG o- \:lulF E =E,lrlo- zoz a., 9zed)o, =z\ l>\;ebrrLl =l , Hl "39bl =E=EI =REnnN go Eo -9o ott .E t E Eot) o zoF()fEFazo() Irlt td _lEfigz +lj11 g-tz.t--i-r J Jl! oo{rI t\Nw dJ urt =Sii =f u E V Ll l IIJ =z <n(t) uJl = F tr <na u.l o I =tr LLI1 = g uJ J = sl sq FII\l $q q =tr \ oa LU oo = = o. F tr rn uJ E.oo ) E E tr o tu o J = o- = Eulz =o F(J UJ F :E Ot E --.r O<FCQ IJJ <zEr!FtqZ <oOF H#YFs E,(tozt- =ffd6 C) J 9z I C) ITJ z t-E itL! b2<oaq3H oz tr t uJo "lll=<FA,J IL:..F_<9,r? <:92r.. -ffiqFa:,drrwa::?sj<czd zzA')zy-()YFFCL <oaz: "i5i::85;;:<tJ < li"<cO> -Uj<c*-oro =<tr<'r E 3z. !- ^ 6zi 50 ; "itaa>Ji *i6sXz NO z iiiY;e6f6seai u.t *iPFkoz@23 z =tr J d) F J IJJ 7).IV u] =z t!Eoo = -o- F O tr LIJEoo J I =tr coo = =d tr t!Eo Ja =g uJ oo Ja tr TJJ oo ) E IL !J o J -o- =O UJz = F ul =I E <FC() TJ.J <zEt!F tr], z <oOF FS l;,i F G E(rozj- =#:zr-L o <^ ::F 43 Eg E t-t i, b2<Q sg oz F() IJJ-)oEo- uJF o E =E UJo- Jz z..9ztd)o =zJO O- rL ..i5!., 1,, = =Eeoh- A;H nnn co E Iq, o1' tctt-E-:=Cno;ia)^ o lJ-tPO5HE>EF zo F C)f E,F@zo(J ntrI .. ",,..:'": I i ?""": i& ; \'."J'J""1? ff tr$:' ff lTi : ! Lx" 3 : "# :i T ilu s, H loN :sxuvIt38 o3frssl AcNvdnc9o Jo llv3rJ rtu3c :o3svlt't3H ro3nssr ulouo dors tJl.| u30uo NotrctauoS uorSfdsNt ol 3l8tss3Jcv oNv:tlts tuo!taecltu! rol perlnber ar!lou e5u9^pp slnoq tz (Ipg as1 tuaurtrudeg tog) ouocSH NorrSSdsNl 'tvt{|l 1ll 1llo t .t 7 HONOU tcltvurttt3 33tAUf s lVNIJ ! c3Izo nltls^s ut1)tNluds olnv s3dldoNvJ,s 9NrlNln :tlsvM a Nrvuo 'rsro I Alddns 8:t1vr 'tvNll Ittl -<z 6' l,r3lsAs tcNvrlddv .IVNIJ Eg I2o uNrl l, rc3^of, .|'rvM s:t3v'ld3u H NO|lV1tlt{3^ nOOU CNIJOOU 3WVUI 1'tvt Notrvo noJ -r33ts :)Nu.ooJ )SVSI'fS tanlvNgls Nollvcol / stN3nwoc 3J,VOIV OUddV uol'3tdsNl'lvtc3ds 'dsNl 'o3u sor No osrsod ra or sl ,uuorsrHr lueurdore^ep il':ffi'J"1"r"Ji"".r4n tt fft" August 25, 1977 Mr. Berny Robin Robin Company 1660 Lincoln Street Suite l4l2 Denver, Colorado 80264 Type Unit Area Unit No. Units A 768 sq. ft. 36B 1080 ss. ft. 36C 12!6 sq. ft. t2 ToTALS g4 Hal lways, stairs, elevators and maidst rooms Total area of 4 condominium buildings Area of Recreation building including lobby,off ices, comrnon spaces, etc. TOTAL GROSS?t AREA :tBasement storagerservice and mechanical areas are not included. Junge, AIA cc: Abe Lutz Bob Lanari Ben Per I mut ter Jack Perlmutter rDiana Toeh i I I IA o ,A qK4.B{ ( -' 8'1 Gross Area 27,6\8 sq. ft. 38,880 sq. ft. 15,552 sq. f t. 82,080 sq. ft. 15,000 sq. ft. 97,080 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft. 107,080 sq. ft. Re: Floor areas, 84 unit Lions Ridge Condominium As the project now is designed the fol lowing naximum floor areas have been establ ished: s JU NGE / ASSOC TES /AIA / ARCHITECTS / PLANNERS 4 ]-Jf'",', a PTnn:i'/c r..'tr 1.1r6..'n, .'r-"'- I :..nrn ri) (rn Seltpmher 29, I9??, in th. \rai 1 Ilp,, :,c,n1er.or,ep ',?/-\()4,, so,r,r,^' the rF.:i dent ov.'ner's fron the Li on's Ririqo /iand Stono area l''r.-l f :r neeting to discr-rss thn possibl p .t'..3["..e of Db and ]l_5 (theraSt si flo of 5!n nv"' l,j r,.r tO f,ho t,'o^+ ^i 1: n ^z- r:r-ant,trap f o the C!^e,.t. \ .'n t1r'. c^ l I i.t th^ |.n34j6-.^. T+ i S n.n..,-o., j.,na+..'t ,r (: Aet^ a.:. 1r/ha*. .r ..,'r)',1r' I i lu c-r f I 1.ro i s pltrghage thc t.6irlou.:.' 1.1 ql,,i1 r,.i th tho T Ov.rr,.,{'V.i1 .:}i: t'r-h it into a Fl)blie lrrk v.i-tt, .., r.iijr, n.rth 4ri ?jnf'I,,it" :,,th. \',/e also diseussed the 1'r;1"5ase .ri the frri.-'rr e siteof Srr.' I iorr lT. That pjece of proDert;; sits right in f-or.t ofl'.e e v j s+i n,r- Snow I i,on and goei: r j ght next to Te.l enark, Ri iht:'o,,r', thc ? cr,.'r r-f"V'i.r- f'eo1s thrt small niece of nr.opet t.'t ir not,\yorth nr.r-eh?si ng as thero i s not to nrreir J/oll ean tlo- with r't. Thera i s j.ntorp-t j.n thc '.'n:qi i,i t j t;rr 6f lryr-ph=sir.3 the MeadovrS rvh i. ch r,r'o'.rId .1-''. a jojnt p f i'ort r,ri tr fhe residr.nt-- owners of the Lion's Ri r!rrr',/sa-c Stcne area an,J the Tov- o-f r/.:ri -t . .l,t the rneeti_ng most ^f the oy,'he: 's that <li<i attencj tool a interest jn possible pur- ehrsF of the Meadows. The orrcst j .)r.- thrl rt j'l'l nped to be ans-v'r: ed at e the expet prtrehasi'nfl pri ep enrl rvhaJ; our. tares vrorrld beprrer-1. lrea-r , Diana Toughi 1.1, 'a'69 j.s the Tovri of \tai.l Zonjn'- AC- nin-i st-ato1^ , gp.yg lls so'te os'f i 'yqpios [r;t-, dirj st.' thp1.e v'o')'l .j need to bo sorne adrj i ti o.'a1 rese2rgl r,'671. i nlrn'l r.rod . 17d ilt'r i^-, nl.'rt i onerl to IrS the possibi I i t3, of p,5i1j ng l\"r, lto- ,ia.l ,.:.,r .orre.lrl ^^r', Col Of ado tO COmc Up tO \tai l anf worlr .,^:i th uS OF the l"r.s-ci !'1 c .e4liiditlon of the l,-eadows and see \{hat rrye collld do vrjt}+h. {'r,tl'1.r, :-'i te rtf -Snovr I ion If . I,ir. Walker has done thtr oten'I r*1.' ..;r111i ri ti ons f ctr the Ci.trr of' Rorrl der. a.nd has been verl' r. , , e rr !: .. .. ', r l ",hr, rF r. lrjentS at thC neeting were i.n frvor 6f |rr.:vi;1r'.'. ". "-r {ol cor,)o to Va.i.l anct heln r:s v,i 1. 1r our probl e.'n:-. lr soqrn es' \..'e fra'"'e enough in f orpat j o- T wj 1-'l )rr: r'.4 f f, jnrr jn I /,1)/'.1', f i t!-, vsu 1o-.rrri i rr, .ttr- 1e7f rlcetir;, Thep," i^ ,'r- r. rdditjOna.l y.: .i-t.r', r v'.,rrr,: I i l:e to adc anr_r t,hat i - in rrde-. {'r:. 1.,- -t ^ r.. ,'o onri ac ,.,r O.,1- v,.'... 1r.+f,p1..r- 1,r w.11.6'n .-.r -.'Fa -,!1 tC -nf : .1,:'- +. n,.,.1r,r.c. r.rL, -r d', Frt 1: rro 116'*" z'l I ..rp-r- f,.ltrnd Ct(j. . i t rr'i .'!_. r-'noi. rr.: r,rnOlr,. V/h?+ 1,. "iL -:ai_F: i.: 2,:. l, jn1r 1..aah COne o-.i-irr- /.-.--o.,i ^a: r,F to CC.rtf il.r_rtO .:i 1 , OO J /.1r .\r,Y . Yl.nSeS ?n'-- W.. r^'.\rll.i: ^. i 'rt .: -' - ,,i "-. ^^^a1th'l {.F tho '{'rr-,:-, Thi S AmOrrnt \.;O,'l r'i r,r: in- 1.no ir1 ^,-, r..,"r\.11- r,'. \.i,Ortl.l h.'t rr.? it a1'l , irut, it is better 1:o lrc .:pf n r'r, .r c.\rn" h,i, .i vrant: f o thank yor a.l I for ?ttond jnr- tirr' ",r v'i 1l hrve more clwnr:y's at tne nel't rnpnti-*r'.Fnrf ',.,c Can have jt r1-OteCtir.:r lrtr n.'i pit i.'rf i..-. Tr 116r; hRve nr".,t nrra.:r-i ^y.:6 /,^'1" i ct-, T ...'-; r 1 lrn rr1 ad tO trrr ^F-\..'nFl ' lar..., e,rl'1 "-i q+ l:.o/ -<n! r O:- d-a.n f. - n6*c '+ 'nnl rr'h^nr.' .'ntt L11 lo:, in { 6r^ r'nrtt. gllnrr.|, r"...!'i-i n r:" ?nd '.o nopf 61 I1 do hclr' the sttn- ,t lt tt /- -6r* 6r"r* to Fz a Irlz = !l p F z 3H!nzf::TE_ < c t,a+.') - < :. J z t-E;;.? HiHfi3a::*: =<ozo^zzA);9<45Y F !- Oleo<b<Ot'lZ; FiEiF;<Q*9siH- i .. < c Q>-.,<o*'a!aE<d<;J +;E !\:tc a-oz)d 2 ilu Y4 -occ z Fz ll, =ll,l IJJ F llJ J tt o 2 s uJ J l! J !J J a . t E trt! 0. o z I o Jl n -l< lre = =eF NOtJ.Vn'lVn Ytr Blt 2o F ut ulzul tr-t ts >oot -tlN 2o= z tr9*i6 2tt->:za< >o -.i ot SHlt= Il.EiF -<Qa9 Il,E?5Fir.^3ih;;,i u le?E:-'<ozEi zzA):go;5I F r oea<O<oaz: "iiiiEiEE1+39i3lF" <cQ>-(,<ci'ol!!<q < 3|,r F\o E+ CJ' I I l.,., .Fl<td I I I I l. '9l? Ittz t=to lotz. (n UJ uJII E =Et!L I.IJ uJ lJ- F =E uJ(L J Fot- t co =g tll z 6 uJ u.JllJl! F 6 z ca E LUF B)a an UJ z .J UJ z Est3C,O5dozl!<o* i-o =oFO -iai z -k J E UJ z E o z tr uJ J 3t!z zz sEAH6 f-2Eqn =f;qeP 3 +paflnEo2cD(rf!zl ? 2 ,?3 i EHF2 3=d njq= icsiEEHSEoooxz<) tsz z tr o oo z tr 5az oJ *<!LXlo JF= UJ GI trt olz. oz E e llJo. oz F(J uJ-)oto- \ uJF o z z FtxJ =f\.J.f,. tdI- ulY trE z co =l n F = uJ o- Ito UJo- F co Ee -9o BE .E t E Eo C, o F =Glrl o-zIF C) :)EFazoo :E* = uJ;dd= ol luJl 1l <l >l EIEIol 1l <l =l ta| (ttI LlI toll<l =iEl <l ElF-i JLL I I It-l' I I ")EI ol<lj<t tr =l (J El Jlv>Et <t =trl =l o FJF 'ds n! z Fa F z 2 J z I'l ' 3H:T<Fci-r-Ei-k9"r.Elo< :. I zFl-< Hi!frio9E[1Z t <7:2 7i::3a<o<oazriiF!?E'tt 9 o {1E;ia>_<O:r tr<3 a LIJ IJJu- ts =E UJo- lJ I a p h --9 (n UJ UJu-t =&Iu CL J FoF F =lljoozo d) oE oo =uJt uJEz 6lu 6 o- UJo o- z uJJ NOTM]VA L., UJ o- F FU)oi ca UJF =Ja =>E -f.r) =l!6i =El $l YE 3zz!-oootr ^ 6zI5 >eFe of, v>oEZt-()oo9.ozxrL<o* i-urxtgXuJaXz i{N(, zo F fJ I.I,Jo- E uJt J z E o z tr uJ J z =E u.l ax uJ z :f 'a U, Z. =-aoY= l EHF2 3=d e =<g +EEg[=955 o9(,o-za) F UJJ oF oz (Jz 2LDd=oo aza=s;-.ES F6'0trUJ UJcog6 =z. z tr o =()o z tr J =az F uJI .D o o1z, ctz E =g. lrJo-h>t sl oz Fc)lll-.|oEo- uJF o ts =Elrlo- zoz raY =< =z O- tL EEi =HE n!trF =oa IJJ o- u-o IJ.J o- F co Ecloo BT' .E 5 E EI o z9FofEFazo() n uJtsl =l<l >l alr!lcl 8l<I --l<la r{o _--.) I Il.la I "l<ruqq q AEE() el q I E t t-t 2r l,rJ LJZ hn 7 oz F =t |lJ o- l$r I I I I I I t..., rc) IE ;ol(9,z ,= | 3.' lE | 5<l z 3H!i:=;:iri -<Q.! <-. I z .t- =l-<g'< !,1 -:i!t;_;jri:?is '-<czl^zz^:>9<43YFFClaO<O<utaz: 'iiiitiSi;;<(.)FlciHlF.u oc O> -(,<3 *-rd!c=<E < '.1 NOrlVn'lVA t; =zz!- h o- 4=x r zYr9 of,66 EZ;Oo o !.-r.(JzX lL<rr=a uJ :-isxr!aXz'. : u-lia\la =zz= e +, ; = B: F<F+^*Oaz6<nl,9> * >[E20==-Ju]FE!-iPi (JUJL!<Qz<coEd)z= z =LL J(D F ) u; z ^I! uJ z LIJ oo J a - F E tr ul oo = o L t a LllEo ?s a Eoo a tr u..l o )E uJ oo Ja =E ulEoo J -(L =O LIJz )3 F()ttl F;' = E E <Frro r.u <ZEL!F(rz c) <o(JF i.<i:trT >Y =#)zr!o O <^ =t-><) =siz =o-c) !- = \JZ <(Js?.trt tlJlo oz F(J tlJ-)o oa(L uJ F o z z rn !l =<d)0>z rO CL rJ- J..i5I \-.' = ==3- ltl v 6il= (l' Eoo 6t o ,e ==Ewo i'iiC'^ o* C rrroiE>IFocloT' ts =Elrl o-zoF C)fEFazo() TtrN -€NDtr |lr; t.INsiF'ECTIclN FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL IME REcArvEo "' l, '-' arvr)ppr ! orHen ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED TH URMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI -AM PM fl aeeRovED ! orsnpPRovED fl nrrNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS o Town of VaiI TX^T:CilRICAL PEIDIIT 24 HOUruI Iu)VANC:E NOIICE nEQT,TIRED FOR |NSPECITOIIS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permlt Fee Total Fee Received By 550 Erectricar con,u*,.. f,. ilJll- d"! A- Lh.. e tA il-................... Cl|d Dulldht (Xtlctd Dat. . ,t 4uv, THIS FORTI Ig TO BE POSTED 01{ .,OB SITE DURIilG GONATRUGTIO]I $-.....-..--................. tHr a. r. faatral aa., crlvta ltaa!, 6a UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE and. relest of .existing plumbing systems shall be based on lhe number of plumbino water heafers, etc., involved. in. relocated .buildingsflxtures, gas syslems, When interceptor traps or house trailer site traps are insfalledat the same t;me as a building sewer on any lot, no sewer permitshall be required for the connection. of any'such ,rap to anappropriale inlet fifiing provided in the building ,u*ul by thupermiitee constructing such sewer. . Wfun a permit has been obtained to connect an existingbuilding. or exisling work to lhe public sewer or io connect ro a 1:-y qliu,ul: disposal faciliry, backfilling or privare sewagedtsposat taciliiies abandoned consequent to such connection isincluied in the building sewer permit. Schedule of Fees For issu.ing each permit ...--.$ 2.00In AdCrlron- For each plumbing fixture or lrap or set of fixtures on one trap (!ncluding warer, drainage piping and backflowproiection iherefor) l.5O For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer ...- 5,OO-- Rainwater syslems - per drain 2.OOFor.qd+-oetspo€l..- ..-...,rlhtq8- fqrqfh-*riva@ --.--..-.,...-..-. tff& For each water heater and/or venl Over five (5), each For each gas piping system of one (l ) to five (5) outlets .l .5O For each gas piping system of six (6) or more, per outlet .30 For, each industrial was.te pre-ireatment interceplor. in-cruotng rts lrap and vent, excepting kifchen typegrease interceptors functioning as fixture traps .......-.. l.OO For inslallation, alleralion or repair of water piping and/or waler treating equipment 1.50 For repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping ".--...... For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter includ- ing backflow protection devices therefor ..-_..-..-...-....._ For vacuunr breakers or backflow protective devices ontanks, vats, elc. or for inslallation on unprolected plumbing fixtures including necessary water piping _ one (l) to five (5) .....-...., lAn l{n 2.00 2.OO .30 Sec. l.l3 - All Work to he Inspected - All plumbing and drainage syslems shall be inspecled byAdminislrative - Aufhority to insure compliance 'with all'requiremenls of th is code. the lhe Sec. l.l4 - Notification It shall be the duty of rhe person doing the work authorized ADMINISTRATION by the permit lo notify the Adminis in writing, that said work is ready for shall be given not less than twenty.. work is to be inspecied. It shall be the duty of the person by the permit, lo make sure thaf the prescribed elsewhere in this code, notif icaiion. t It 1.!l!LqAL_.!l JII 1.1-l -i, Ill ) II llil' r {: I l1r ll- .JJ I S- T'AGLE COUNl'Y Itliiiil-t ll - -f Fr.ri;icr-l-r.i;f rfrt SCIIEDULE - 3i] ELTCT|I1CAL r.'Al LlAT l0ll !t Ito 301 to 2,001 to' 3,001 to 4,001 to 5,001 to 6,0C1 to 7,001 to 8,001 to 9,001 to 10,001 to llrCOl to 12,00i to 13'00] to 14,001 to 15'001 to. 16 ' 001 t:o 17,0C1 to 18,001 to 19,001 to 20,001 to 21 '001 to 22,0C1 to 23,0C1 to 24,001 to 25,001 to 26,0C1 to . 27,001 to 2B'00i to 29'00i to 30,001 to 31 ,001 to 32,001 to. 33,001 to 34,00i to 35,0C1 io 36,001 to 37'001 to 38,001 to 39'OCl to 40,001 to 41. , (lCl to 42,001 to' 43,001 ttr .44,001 to 45'0Ol to 46'001 to 47 ,001 t.o 4{},001 to 49,0c1 to 50'001 tct 51,001 to. 52,001 tc' 53,001 to 54 ' 001 tr.r ---' ' 55 '001 'to 56'OCl to 57 '001 to. sfl,(;ci ro 59,001 to 60,0(tl to 6l , f,r01 l.o 62, 0i)l to 63,001 to 64,00] to 300 2 ,000 3,00c 4 ,000 5,000 6 ,000 7 ,000 . 8,000 9, 000 1 0,0{r0 l l ,000rt nnn 13 , (r00 14 ,000 15, 000 16, 000 17 ,000 1ii , occ 19 , ooo 20, 00c 21 ,000 ?2,000 23,000 24 ,000 2 5 ,0C0 26,000 27,0c0 28,000 29,000 30,occ 3l ,000 32,000 33,000 34,0C0 35, 000 36 ,0C0 37 ,00c 38 ,000 3 9, 0C0 40, c00 41 ,000 4 2 ,o0o 43 ,00c 44,OCC 45,0C0 4 6, ()0C 47 ,000 49,C03 50, c00 51 ,000 52,000 53.' 00c 5rl ,0C0 55,000 56.000 57 ,0rl0 5il .000 59, 000 60,000 61.000 6:, ii00 (i3, c00 6.1 ,000 65,00r) 20.00 20. 00 20. 00 20. 00 ?0. 00 24,40 28.BO 33.20 37. f'0 42.00 46.40 50.80 55.20 59. 60 64.40 68,40 72. B0 77 .20 Bl .60 86.00 90.40 94 .80 99.20 103.60 l0a. 00 11 2. 40 116. B0 l2l .20 125 . 50 130.0c 134. rt0 138 . B0 113.20 i,i7 .60 t 52. 00 156.40 I 60. B0 I 65. 20 r 69. 60 174.00 178.40 lB2. B0 1B7.20 191 . 60 1 96. 0C 200.40 ?04 .80 209.?0 2r3 .60 218 . 00 221.30 224.6Q 227 .90 231 . il() 234.1i0 ?37 .80 241 .10 244 .4 0 ?q7 .7 o ?51 .00 ?54.30 2{i7 .60 ?60.9t1 ?bt,,7O 267 .li0 6. 00 B .00 12.00 16.00 20. 00 24 .00 28.00 32. 00 36. 00 40.00 44.00 48. 00 52.0C 56. 00 60, 00 64. 00 6U.00 7 2.00 76.00 80.00 84. 00 BB.OO 92 .00 96.00 I 00. 00 104 . 00 103 . 00 i12.00 116.00 120. 00 124 . 00 I ro. \rv 1?2 nn IJU.UU 14 0. 00 144.00 148. 0C) 152 . 00 1 56. 00 1 60. 00 164 . 0C 168.00 li2.0c 176.00 180 . 00 184 .0C 188.00 I 92. 00 196. C0 200.00 203.00 206. 00 209.00 21?.40 2l 5. 00 218.00 221 .CO .?'?4 .'..)O 221 .00 23 0. 00 21J.00 236. 00 ?39. 00 24 2 . ()() ?45.00 26 .00 28 .00 32.00 36. 00 40.00 4tr.40 56 . tro 65. 20 73.60 82. 00 90.40 98. B0 107.20 115. 60 12!t .40 132 .40 140. B0 t49.20 I 57 .60 165 .00 174.40 1B2. B0 191 . 20 1 99. 60 20s.00 216.t;0 ?24.84 233.20 241 .60 250.0c 258.40 266.40 27 5.20 233. 60 292.00 300. 40 303.80 3t7.?O 325.60 334.00 342.40 350. B0 359.20 3i;7.60 37 6. 00 384 .40 'ta .6u 401 .20 409. 60 4lB . 00 424.30 430.60 436.90 443.20 449.5(l 4 55.60 4 62 .10 46ii.40 474.70 4Bl .00 4lli .30 493.60 4 99. 90 506 .20 512.50 TDI\{POR^ ltY SIIRVICE - $10.00 4,/./,ry-*Z--Z /77z L-/-r''L4'U ---t-// y' '/- non 2---./-ZfZ (,2 rt<t / 2,,+- ,/'-'fa *- '/ (a*t+) tt_r cTRIc,.',1. v^t uA'Il0H. 65,001 to 66'001 to 67,001 to 68,00I to 69,001 to 70,001 to 7l,001 to 72,001 to 73,001 to 74,001 to 75,001 to 76,001 to 77,001 to 78,001 to 79,001 to 80,001 to Bl,001 to 82,oCl to 83,001 to 84,001 to 85,001 t0 86,001 to 87 '001 to BE,00l to 89,001 to 90,001 to 91 ,001 to 92,00L to 93,001 to 94,001 to 95,001 to 96,001 to 97,001 to 98,001 to 99'001 to 100,001 to 101 ,00i to 102,001 to 103,00I to 104,0C1 to 105,001 to 106,001 to 107,001 to 108,001 to 109,001 to 110,001 tc 11i,001 to 112,001 to 113,001 to 114,001 toll5,00l to ll6,00l to l17,oo1 to llB,001 to ll9,00l to 120,001 tol2l,00i ro l?2,001 ro 123,001 to 124.001 to t?5,001 ro I ?6, ()01 ro I ?/ ,001 ru ll?rt,00l to 129,001 !o 66,000 67 ,000 63,00c 69 ,000 70,000 71 , 000 72 ,000 73 ,000 74 ,000 7 5, 000 76,000 77 ,0C0 73 ,0C0 79, o0o g0, 000 81 , 000 82, ooo 83 ,0C0 84,000 B5,000 B6 ,000 87,000 88,000 89, ooo 90,000 9l ,000 92,000 93 ,000 94 ,000 95,000 96,0C0 97 ,000 93,000 99, 000 100, 000 t0l ,oo0 102,000 103 ,000 104,000 105 , 000 106 ,0c0 107 , 0c0 103 ,000 109 ,000 ll0,0c0 lll,0c0 112,000 u3 ,000 114,000 115 ,000 1 16 ,000 I l7 ,000 I t3 ,000 119,000 l:0 .occ l2t,0c0 l ?2 ,000 123 , 000 I ?.1 , ooc l ?5 ,0c0 126,000 I ?/ ,OCrl I ?il ,000 l2r,0c0 l.t0, 0u0 270. 80 27 4 .10 277 .t0 280. 70 284 .00 287 .30 290 .60 293.90 297 .20 300. 50 303 .80 307.10 310.4 0 3i3.70 317 .00 320. 30 323. 60 326 .90 330.20 333. 50 340.10 343.40 346.70 350.00 J5J. JU 356 .60 359.90 363 .20 366 ,50 369 . B0 373. 10 376 .40 379.70 383 .00 386 .30 339. 60 392 .90 399.50 402. B0 406.10 409.40 412.70 416.00 419.30 42?-60 425 .90 429.20 432.50 43 5. g0 439. l0 442,40 44 5.70 449 .00 452.30 455.60 /i53.90 c$2.?.0 ri6 5.50 463. f0 4i:1. t0 4i5./i0 478.70 4t)?r.00 248.00 251 .00 254.00 257 .CC 260 .00 263.00 ?66 .00 269.0C ?72.40 275.00 278.00 281 . 00 284 .00 287 .00 290.00 293.00 296 .00 299 .00 302 .00 30s .00 308 .00 311.00 3i4.00 317 .00 320 .00 323.00 326 .00 329 .00??, nn 335 .00 333. C0 3rii.0C 344.00 347 .00 35C.00 353. 0C 356 .00 359.00 362.00 365.00 368 .00 371 . 0C 374.00 37i.0c 380 .00 383 .00 386 .00 383 .0C 392.00 395.00 39 B .00 401.00 404.00 407 .00 410.00 413.00 416.C0 419.00 4?.?.OO 425.0C 4:ts . 00 431.00 434.00 4 37 .00 44(l .00 5l B. B0 525. l0 531 .40 537 .70 s44.00 550,30 . 556 .60 562 .90 569 .2C s75.50 5Bl . B0 sEB. 10 59,i.40 600 . i0 607.00 bIJ.JU 619.60 62 5 .90 632.20 638 .50 6/i4 . B0 b)l.ru 657 .40 663.70 67 0.00 675 .30 682 .60 633.90 695.20 701.50 707 .80 714 . l0 720.40 726.70 733.00 739 .30 745.60 751 .90 758.20 764.50 '770.e0 777 .10 783.40 l.JJ,tv 796.00 802 .30 e08. 60 814.90 321.?0 827.50 s33 .80 8d0. l0 B46.40 352.70 $59 . C0 855.30 87 I .60 877,90 tr34 .2C 09c.50 s96 . B0 903. 10 901.40 915.70 9:l,l.0c -/ TLTCTRI CAL V.|'LUAT IOII a. 130'001 to 131'COC' 131,001 to l3? 'OCC' l32,00l to 133'CCIO 133'001 to 13'1 'CC0 131 '001 to 135'ccC . 135,001 to 135'Cl0 136'00i to 137'0C0 137 '001 to' 133'CC0 l3[t'0Cl to 139'oCC. 139'001 to 140'C00' 140'001 to 141'ClC l4l'C0l to 1{2'CCC 142'001 to 113'Occ' 143,001 to 1(1'0C0 14ri'001 to 145'0c0 145'0C1 to 11'6'030 146'001 to 147'0C0 l47,0Cl to l4S,0c0 148'001 to 149'CCO 149'001 to 150'0C0 150'031 to 151'0C0 151,001 to 152'0!0 152'001 to 153'0C0 153,001 to 154'0C0 154'001 to i55'0C0 155'001 to 156'000. 156,0C1 to 157'0C0 157,001 to 158'000 158,001 to 159'0c0 159'001 to 160'000 . -:,:,o.rl. l 160,001 to 161,0i0 161'C01 to 162'0C0 . 162'001 to i53'0C0, 163,0C1 to 1[''4'0t0 165'0C1 to i56'030: 166'001 to 167'occ ' 167'oo1 to 168'030 168'001 to 159'000 169'001 to 170'CJC 170'001 to 171'0C0 171'001 to 172'C00 172'cCl to 173'0c0' 173'001 to i74'030 174'001 to 175'000 175'001 to 176'C00 176'001 to 177'0C0 177'001 to 176'0C0. 178,0C1 to 179'C:C 179,001 to ICC'030 l0o,00i to lBl'CCo lBl ,001 to 1t]2'CCC 182'001 to 183'CCO 183,001 to l84'C00 l84,00l to i35'CCO--'---lB5'001 to 196'000 186,001 to lB7'0C0 l37 '001 to 1[l!1 'CCC-lttB,00l to l89,CC0 lE9,00l to l9C'000 190'001 to 191'(]00 l9l'001 to l9ll'CC0 192'001 to 1ir3'CCC 193'001 to 1!r'i.C00 194 '(101 to l1)li 'C00195'0Cl to llltl'000 t'Ltlfill r ! [ Y L,J. JIJ 934.60 940.90 947 .20o(1 (n 959 .8C 966 . 10 972.40 978.7 0 9B5.CCoal .:'\ 997.63 I ,0c3. 9l I ,010.2J I ,016.5: 1,022.t3 I ,029 . 1C I ,035.4C 1,04 i .7C 1,048.0-1 1 ,054 . 31 1 ,050. 63 1 ,066 . 91 1 ,073.231 n70 E1 1 ,085.611 no2 ll r nqn el 1 ,104 .7 1 1,111.Cjr 117 "^I,123.61 1,130.91 1,136.23 .t r l'ia. -- 1,149.€3 .1,155.i31,16i..:i 44 3.C0 446.00 449 .00 4 52.00 455.00 458.00 461.0c 464 .00 /i67.00 470.00 : 473.00 476.00 47-c.r.00 482.00 485. 00 /rBB .00 491 .00 494.0C 497.00 500.0c 503 .00 506.00 509 .00 512.00qlq nn 518 . 00 521.00 524 .00 527.00 530. 0c 533 .00 536 .0cr."o nn 54 2 .00 545 .00 548.00 551.00 55{ . UU 557.00 560 .00 . 5trJ. UU 566 .00 569.00 57?,00 57 5 .00 578.00 561.00 584.0C 5E7.00 590.00 593.00 596 .00 599 .00 602 .00 605. 00 608.00 611.00 614 .00 617 . 00 620.00 623.00 6?6.00 629.00 63:r. ()0 615 .00 633 .0C 485.30 4S{t. 60 491.90 495.20 493.50 501 .60 505. t0 508.40 51r .70 515.00 518.30 521 . 60 5?.4.90 528. 20 531.5C 534 .80 538. 10 54i.40 544.70 548. C0 55i.30 554.60 557 .90 Stll.zu 564.50 567 . e0 57i.i0 574.!,0 577 .70 581 .00 584 .30 587 .60 59C.90 594.?0 597.50 600.80 604.i0 607 . 10 610.70 614 .00 6i7 .30 620.60 623 .90 627.?O 630.50 633 . e0 637.10 640.40'643.70 647 .00 650. 30 653.60 656.90 650.20 663.50 666.{i0 670. I 0' 673.40 67'('.10 6ri0. 00 G83.30 636. 60 689 .90 693.20 6'.t6. t0 69!.Il0 ,174.C-' 1,180.31 1 ,186. C 11 lo2 ca I , i99.2l t,205.53 1,211.a3 1,218. :l 1 124 i.1 1,23C.;l 1,237 .C1 I )t4J,: J 1,249 .aJ f i( :1 I ,tua . !-,)r ?^Q .1 t,'t'14 .t;J 1,281. iC 1 ,?.87 . t') 1,293.7C 1 ,300 .'- l I,306, ic 1,312 .43 t 11() '.'\ 1,325. ?C 1,331-:o ! ,337 . t.t 0 I I I I l ,_D '' uLLcrt:tunl YrrLu^r tufi 196,001 16 t$f,000 197,0cl to 1911,000 l9B,00l 'to 199,000 t99.001 to 2001000 NOTE: For corputatlon of fccs above $200,000, the follorYing formula shall be uscd: .: PER.!4IT FEE: l. Use basc flgure of $218.00. a) this figure reprcsents a base for 350,000. Z. Subtract'S50'000 from total valuation' 3. l4ultiply renalnder by $3.30 Example: Valuation $120,000 Base..... ......$218.00 120,000 -50.000 Efo--000'r 3.30. 231.00 5f{9;0o II{SPECTION FEE: 1. Use base flgure of $50.00 ' r' a) This figure represents a base fee for $50'000. 2. ltultlply total valuatlon by $3.00 ' Example: Valuation Sl20,oO0 Base. . . . 120,000 x 3.00........36c.00 S4lfim. T0TALS:. l. Permlt fee.... ...$449.00 Inspectlon fee..... ......... ..410'00 TOTAL FEE S859.OO o IITOeCTION REQUES &T TOWN OF VAIL S A^t"/s 7az t) " ('ok (/, /DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBI - AM LocAloN: f * t r r APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL oo',. f'fl'J'(D rNSPEcroR Ir,rircTION REQUEST ,:./r, / ,1r)r,{, {)6rowN oF vArL Srn r-/1r. ^r, ,'.'rr." n.,/ .'/;, /DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr D SUPPLY AIR F" FrNAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF VAIL ,'tt l' 'DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ..t t- -.i WED , THUR.J FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATI tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n t-1 E FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR - trE tr FINAL tr FINAL ON tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INEECTION REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED ] THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FBAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL n_ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT l-r O FINAL D POOL / H. TUB o tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL q'hppRoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr-+IEINSPECTION REQU IRED DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED.T THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7;;l |.' ,' .. ,11 ", .. INSPECTOR ruiecrroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:"o" 6uro L BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATER INSULATION GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rr.rtrcnoN REeuEsr OF VAILK'- r-1- 1aonte t) | 1 /./JoBNAME ,1rt_ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr tr E SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS D tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL ROUGH CONDUIT ,.dPPROVED CORRECTIOFIS: N DISAPPROVED ) D REINSPECTION REQUIRED lNSpECT6R ,.-'-r,-:"'' ..if'-r-,- - - ,.---.--.. e-',,,DATE rNs"=t,oN FIEBUEST VAIL'rlo q -,"f :s- ; T9wN OF DATE TIME tb' JOB NAME RECETVED i__.AM PtVl CALLER Eouen I plnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR, MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E nppRovED ! otsapPRovED I nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR .:.,;:|- ',- 'i\ ' .\. DATE /,-tQ zq rr.rilecrroN REeuEsr G-)(cil''.\-_// \_.'INSPECTION: JOB NAME rt4Or.r ([iE6),,,rHun FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E INSULATION _-@r epwd '''" *;i'.''"lt,l'"tr"),|tl -i t ^i tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED COBRECTIONS: IN'ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL --'.-...-.... THUR DATE i :)> -y',l'\- | , - /t l I/l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER +UES WED j BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr o F. FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o o FINAL ,5 APPROVED (xlffiF9iflDr*s: -'''!"'il-r'* tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB d!w/F+r[iq]T:exi a rrulecnoN REouEsr oarc b /,r /+3 JoB NAME ,GINSPECTION: (ry CALLER TUES THUR FRI o'@READY FOR LOGATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING o<6uro'o*tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr uFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-r, 1'' /2- 77 INSPECTOR DATE /. i,'/19_,JOB NAME lruJecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ------@ PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WE tt- D THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E}fOUGH ", ,' a EXHAUST HooDS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL AAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rru$ecnoN REOUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB E FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /, D^rE //23/?'? JoB NAME/lt (Jr,-',, , er.-.,.,r (*rt*- O-us I II.r*CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL cotter'rZi} * a#-w,r \ /fl t, ,.-----r\ , .7, 4ruFl) weo {nu1,) rnr -_ -/:= AM PMREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB ELE trT DF uc D- tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED i_-t,/2.)- rI.r*CTION REOUEST TOWN VAILOF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PMFRI LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRlCAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATI !> l',t ,,11 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND q'{{ucrlz D.w.v.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr lNSULATION tr SHEETROCK N GAS PIPING NAIL tr fl EI POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr D D HEATING n tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,-2',*ar."-o*DATE ;) ,\:4.2 7-Jr'a-a7z@ //-,c rj 2r/ DATE - JOB NAME ,, lnctefloN sacrn"d,,orsr,rr- &z{Lr$*ftLfr REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFIOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH .tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INS}CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOB LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION - D GAS PIPING -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -f-1 n- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR -nr]- tr FINAL tr FINAL tr tr tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB rr.rlecrr.oN REeuEsr ---J-';C ztC/ro/Clz<. - . r-. ,i- ,!trrE t-'for,iiru vm ifulq flOF oor, 3-/5-J?JoB NAME t/ &a-( INSPECTION: CALLER J MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr FINAL EL tr D tr tr EGTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL /aeeaoveo/ coRnEcloNs:rr 6i-..ri -. i-'' .-/ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED l& l.;* ^p.<*r-. gl. ..tr tO 2 QeA->ui Q,.'..1-ilsr:o .rtrt,)o.n ,- . -. -.a ...4INSPECTOR 3 a-7Q JOB NAME rlrOecnoN REeuEsr THUR FRI ---------------_.@ PM REINSPECTION BEQUIRED., ,*:'. 1/./-, DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: C APPROVED CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED 1',a )/' Fr'.,'/ - 7 ao..., /,. MON TUEg/ WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION i STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB .] FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DATE 1 -.,INSPECTOR rlrilecrroN REeuEsr cnr-lei' l.; ' .si=.' .:i, TUFS WED r THUR.I FRI DATE 3-/5-7?JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIQN:MON LU.t-" PM tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTTNGS / STEEL _ ,rF UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL - O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT..tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINALi,*o,- 1-cZ ' N DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED --) DATE INSPECTOFI a\-,.- ' ,*l="roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAII-// oore 3 /? /79 JoB NAME///, READY FOR LOCATION: ECTION: \ ',nu^ {'i) ? <C) e,,t ' tJt: ,!)lt.'?: li- l'^-'REINSPECTION REOUIRED\APPROVED ORRECTIONS: t/t G;t ) tr DISAPPROVEDd/.( ')Ai i-;- /,. i,')c t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB t-lD {zzt-.' ^'- { ttL 1/'< tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL : e*a, INSPECTOR -'=: rnOecrroN REeuEsr TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB d: E-LEvnr?L E O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED Xrsnppnoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TNSPECT9R" o-rNspecrlru FrEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL ./.,.i DATE TIME 4'./,/1t/-t-LIJ----ji-----/- A'ne eCetveo xvt prvr NAME ! orxen n pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APPROVED LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS f]orseppRovED fl nrrNsPEcr ..1"4.r<-./DATE I NSPE CTOR rNsr=.ti* rowrrr oF FIEOUEsiT VAIL JOB NAME n orHen CALLER ! panrrll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM ! neeRovED florsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coFRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS lh.trl.L,r'va'I INSPECTOR oo JO8 NAME E panrrel LOCATI ON READY FOR INSPECTION TH UR INSPECT?'V TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: APPROVED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE rNs"=atG* FEGruEsr , JO8 NAME TOWN OF )IAIL L-I OTHER PM CALLER f]pnnrrnl LOCATION ,r' =5 ^16) FOR INSPECTION SottBovED E orsnppRovED El upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR rNs"=.ti* TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL JO8 NAME PM CALLEH I ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrral LOCATION , REAOY FOR INSPECTION WED AM PMTUETHURFRI ! neeRovED ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS f]orsnpPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR specrC" JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED j clt len FIEOUEST OWN OF VAIL tb-r E panrral READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: ----ffiaoveo fl orsnpp RovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG conRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr DArE T - =-- *,-- ' .o FIEBUEST .:..rf,. , - .' INSPECT'EV : , TOWN OF VAIL )"' 't-. t ') ! orxen ! panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON i,TUE 'WED THUR FRI :- AM ]PM COMMENTS: flappRovED E orsnppRovED t-t , '-'L1 UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR ,-*="=??,oN FTEOUEST F VAILTOWN O erveo fvr..frvr CALLER E pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,'i ; *) r*, iii4'rt n orHen ,/ MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR F{,ott Rov E D ! orslerRovED fl nerNsPEcr n upou rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECIoNS: CORRECTIONS r!! DATE INSPECTOR -tt 0.-)J6t-/ -/.zt/ lruseecrrG HEtluEsr - / -,TOWN OF VAIL, /^ -,)\ / /.1 ,JoBNAME ' '/'i '," ( .?,'"€ L/.:r' ' )DATE TIME E ornen CALLEB f] pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED ) @,*te RovED C]orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr LAUPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS:'-) connEcrloNt ,rD fi-r- .- _r . , ., /-'; z- --.) _-.r. =FDATE t2- - d L< - OR ,/-' ;INSPE I NsP=.ti* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHrn n pqnrrqL LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUBTUE FRI AM PMMON COMM EN TS: E nppRovED f, uporu rHe CORRECTIONS Ll DTSAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I IREINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR IN=iPEC FIEGIUEsiT IOWN OF VAIL ! orxen MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTIONT.\5o/' THUR E plnrrnl LOCATION tlFRI APPROVED ! uporu rxe D orsnpPRovED ! nerNsPEcr FO L LOW+fqG 9p R R ECTr ONS:i \, .-_-.'l CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTtlN TOWN OF FIE(lIJEST VAIL AS uN ,L :), /"- n ,4\ , ( ( 7 \ -a --' ! orHen MON COMMENTS: ,:IUE ,i flpanlnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR /l/FRI / AM;PM /t, ,,, .fl neeBovED n orsnppRovED a r-rLI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS I nerNSPEcr 'ir' INSPE CTO R ,l-. .a.. i. - -/t ",. -'. - r. , INsiPECT <"r-r€ c II'h.r--Y, FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE. 19 1 / JOB NAME \' z'' '--TIME RECEIVED6 IJ AM PM CALLER fl ornen I pnnrral.LOCATION @AM,TUEMON COMMENTS: E nppRovED ElorsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E upolu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNst=.tl* TOWN OF FIE(tUEST VAIL E orxen E plnrrer LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ./ '' ,/^ "rn ii,' l' an,ldm l*-1MON COMMENTS: TUE ff eeeRovED E orsnppRovED ' \ E uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr II OF --ala-;:$--i .! r!{: f:t- l FIEOUEST VAIL /'.,,DATE .-JOB NAME . TIME RECEIVED n orHen E panrrnu LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED t THUR AM PMFRIMON COMMENTS: r) '..., - I nerRovED E otsnPPRovED , . .. t-iL-l UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTO R siPEcr,"al REouEsr N OF VAI I ornen MON COMMENTS: @ I panrral. LocATroN READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR PPROVED ! orsnerRovED D nerNsPEcr ! uPoN THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS , ir' T,,, :; rt*{iji .r',..r1 , :r 4..; i..\ FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL oo',r -{/3r TIME RECCIVED JOB NAME PM CALLER E orxen E pnnrtal. LocArtoN . ---" ----- --*.\!.., TUE READY FOR INSPECTIOTUre.)MON COMMENTS: E orsnpp Rov E D D nerNsPEcr n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS rllrsPEcTOR DATE o JOB NAME PM CALLER -tNsPEcrronf) FIEBUEsT V.A I L. E ornen I pnnnnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIIUE )AM PM GOMMENTS: ffotr RovED E orsnppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE 'tNsiPEcflclnf TOWN OF VAIL FIEGlI.'EST DhTE TIME RECEIVE E orsen f] panrrlu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE AM fM APP ROV E D E uporu THE FoLtowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ' -t''t" O rNs'eSLru FIEBIJEsiT VAIL,0 Qi,:*N oF fl orurn I pennnl LocAnoN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION / WED THURMON COMMENTS: EfeppRovED I orseReRovED ! nerNsPEcr f] upor,r rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: COBRECTIONS .lNSPECTOR DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME PM CALLER ! pnRrrnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR :-.1r. lN, REEIUEST l#"1fr1',t*' 'irr, - A' .i-''" '-*.f-.i,. ;. r. . . !. ' ..; -r ,-.I n ornen MON GOMMENTS: ..i'rF "- \ 1'I rue ' ,.FRI AM PM INSPE APPROVED E uporu THE FotLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED El,fi'erNSPEcr INSPECTOR DATE /r"k zVz..,-r &/.1 27 o 2-6?/ DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES /WED C*D FRI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL / l,'0o \----'u#a/ /1 (/ ,+1,t /Py 11, /',4 1 ILL Lo9,tT|oN: Xk *-L..\' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION I] SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDU tr EXHAUST HOODS IT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAAPPRgyED 66(ft(froNs'27 9 --2tt ...-,?- 6 !g -J,i,5"-- oarc& rNSPEcroR INSICTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /tr/,l ol;.e // i / l/ 7 I JoB NAMErlt' f '/ READY FOR INSPECTION: 6,rOr.r \rat\_) r*l.'--..CALLEB \:*__ '-L--' t ..// -/r' WED THUR FRI PMAM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr D tr tr D FBAMING o tr tr tr D D tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELE OT OF oc tr_ tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ;Xeeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,-7 . -=t- -/--?-,tDATEINSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P.O.80X179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsPEctp_N FrEouEsr _EAGI E:-{ ,j ,''/ .) \,- F-€st+r*TY EIpnnlel.LOCATION frl nppRovED READY FOR lNSPECTION WED THUR E orsnppRovED FRI-AM D nerNsPEcr fl upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR t :f-r, ' f .*rrn, Project Application Proiect Nam€: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ! / , Block fiting . 'l ,.,, ' \. I i Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Zoning Administralor Chief Building Oflicial Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Project Application -o Legal Desc.iption: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^," b/f/zr DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL '1rr e. ca-ii ci, fir/A &l "',1 W,*rP Motion by: Seconded by: Zoning Administrator fe '4;,+u+*a{ li'e v8*fr(T*+ BUILDING DIVISION P, O-3Ox'179 PHONE:.328.6i139 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsPEc{lclN t.. - 1ri;EAGLE COUIITY FIEOT'EST E ornen MON COMMENTST ! panrral.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E epp RovED florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: DATE INSPECTOR