HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B4-B5 SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB 1973-1989 PART 3 LEGALTown of Vail T.T,NCTRICAL PERMIT Date of Application.... --..././---.:--,g..2.7-...... Erectricarcontractor-.,t-LE-.%i-fu...:..yA.L+dd- APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Received By 498 $-.----..--.................. $....................-...-... $.439 PlaD Chcclcr Data //:. ?-.:..27 Date4lfu-t-,&aL THTS FORT 13 TO BE POSTED 01{ .,OB SITE DURI]IG CONSTRUGTTOI{ 24 HOURS ADVAI\ICE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECNONS .l tr) Uk 'lD) Total Fee ?Hr r. r, flaralat ao,,0rxYat tr0a!, Town of Vail F:I,F:CIRICAL PMMIT Date of Application.... .1.1..:.,3-.. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Received By ts...22....... 497 Erectrical cont ^*or..&6-@-:. VA/-L.-..... /dO" . $..... $.........-..-...-.......-..- APPROVALS; s/a.g THIS FORTI I3 TO BE POSTED OIT JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOTI 24 HOTJRTI AI}VANG NOIIG NEQUIRED FOR INSPECNONS \b\ 1I ,tr Plrn ChcclrGr THr a. f. |l0rcarl ao.. ariYaa rr!43, ESIGN REVIEW BOARD. I I I I J I II DATE OF MEETING: IIEIIBERS PRESEI{T:BILL BUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT; George Fineman - 18 unit development ACTIC,{ TAKEN , BLOCK , FTLTNG- BY BOARD: umrou E{|APIRO SEcoNDED ar, BlEf]o P AGAINST: ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVED: ST]MMARY: CHAIRTIAN OF THE BOARD '-l I I I Oorrrn* ""irrsn B.ABD o DATE OF MEETING: IIEMBERS PRESEI{T: ocToBER 27,t977 BILI RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT, GEORGE.FINEMAN - 18 UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT LOT BT , BLOCK_, TAKEN IIOTION VCItE: FOR:AGAINST: ABSTENTION: FILING LIoNSHEAD zND FILING aCTION APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: BY BOARD: /o1a,E ren,/_4 ,/t 2. ,^(-'^-SUIIMARY: Z 7.,_. APPLI.CANT ,,t IN'I}TION REQUEST 'ro/ru oFl. ( '>-r- ,/DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB AME INSPECTION:MON TUES ------{l'D PM g' APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BU trl trl trl trl ol tr PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL Q UNDERGROUND"- FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - -? ,;,i/r,, ,' INSPECTOR zfi' t'."''{ z z'.'-:t.' - 't:'<.DATE d/e-<l(* Zzer*roA&_:(7io.. ,-,l-rNJElnoN REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME cTto *.o @i-) r* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr ROUGH FAPPRoVED -\,tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: r'--'-d(-.4'-('-' ,P, DATE INSPECTOR ,rCft"roN REeuEsr DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: WED PM TOWN OF VAIL /- 1^ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND /U\ eL4 4,'Y/C4 tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING N SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL t"APPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME --\ .41_ \J.a INSPECTION: CALLER vor.r (jF WED THUR FRI rru#IcrroN REeuEsr ,-\roJ/tlN(- L r.'- VAIL u-) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr UNDE_BFRgUND d ^"uo!"oft.Gfr.tr ROUGH / WATEF tr GAS PIPING O FINAL tr FINAL EL E tr o tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE /NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:,tt / -- lJ LOCATION: .=< --' ( Y_Ab oDl rNsr$roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL (J CALLER TUES WED THUR APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED., coRREcTloNs: '.1: Lt, t) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FiIAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL oo* I /,,i L 7," 7i;" rNSPEcroR R f E'-*-* j,/ ,*Gsftffif R!&tr=tT TOWN OF VAIL {,bo .{".' ..9A\:tMgN r_I.q-rS ^. wED+ 71:THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI ON / STEEL-r;Ff.@ tr INSULAT''n. &t't'-t " ^/' s / €fr)tr GAS PIPING Eernocx xa;1 +),(r, iJ -*{-l*tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,fub Utl U q - l\ifi t t- t /w.i /) . U/ L ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR It S'ecnoru REeuEsrIN JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON 2,;r, /a,, - \,/71 o7 TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI ____@,, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOINDATTON / 1T p4or,*o #-tr RoucH 2 wRreR D GAS PIPING 1r;411 , :- -+ I It r rrtk. rz..[,tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL (,) ./ t-i- r -,i;tt tul , f{ APPRoVED CORRECTIONS:, REINSPECTION REQUIRED {i L:. ,' ELE OT OR trc tr_ tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL DATE -"? ), INSPECTOR O rNsrEt..,N FIEOUEsiT VAIL E orxen fl pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PMMON GOMMENTS: I4 APP ROV E D n orsnppRovED n netNsPEcr ' t] upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSFECTG TOWN OF FIEOUEST / (-l'e ! ornen I panrtnl READY FOR INSPECTION THUR LOCATION- FRI AM PM E nppRovED florsaeeRovED n nrrNsPEcr LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS i.. ,- 'L-,4 t.. .t INSPECTOR lh. Prhl.rt varl DATE Ev rNsr=c{b* rrEcluEsr ,,'. -TOWN OF VAIL i ;'J " i-,'/ /: "'.? 't. t" i - -) DAIE ' ,t. ..' -t JoBNAME i,/ ,)'' ': }:'S^'/-,ffi) ; L-l\r--*r' ftue neceiVeD AM pM CALLER_ ;-"j.,t4 L- n" "{,:.'r^rrt t._ n orHen MON COMMENTS: flpnnrrrl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI ! eppRovED f]orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr D UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DArE / i': i' i, ../..7.:,l--t--_--:- DATE TIME MON COMMENTS: , ! !+i)l +s\'.a2l:' RECEIVED / iAM PM ! ornen JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ." i .l rNs"J?,oN'"iiE3ii;Lr n pnnrral LOCATION TUE FRI AM PM n nppRovED n uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orseeeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR -rNsPEcrr i^E.IJEST DA'1E ."', r' l:- /'.: .'':1' JOBNAME -rrnne RecEfvrD .' AM PM cALLER ,--.TOWN OF VAIL ! orsen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PM ELapp Rov E D n upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS I orsnpPRovED CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rr \ \\)brf (cl^r\r\\ \F c\\ i. \:, \ $"\ rr-! | -l\'4bt 'J \glr) 4"lr! \\i N l (: )t' \ b -u, o INSPECIctN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL rin'r:JOB NAME@fu .o,-.r*.t /r,-/!/,ji..l|4t: E ornen , .-,., .) ' - ..., :MONi E plnrral READY FOR INSPECTION THUR LOCATION FRI APPROVED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED fJ nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR rt o V" ,o"rrrnrure l1'7 INsiPEC(}ctN FTEGrUEsiT WN OF VAIL ,/ ,t ! pnnrrn,l LOCATION CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: / wEDi rHUR| -..r.-)_L'- TUE FRI or (y,'.J READY FOR INSPECTION APPROVED I uporv rHe D orsepp RovE D FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE -rt o rNspeCloN R,EeuEsr TOWN OF OATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED ' . -. AM PM CALLER ! orxen ! pnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM VAIL ["nerRovED E orsnppRovED ! upolv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr DATE rfuspecron ,F-irEr$'':rir- r t'"48! 'ta y.{ArL , -.i h..rt. r OFW l--t CALLER florxen E pnnrrll.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE APP ROV E D E orsappRovED E nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 rNsPE#::t FtEouEsr EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON EJappRovED EI upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ! orsnrrnovED fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ^l DATE INSPECTOR ;rNsr=#o*F|EEUEST VAIL ,t,, t' i i"i4rDATE TIME RECEI E orxen JOB NAME CALLER I panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION APPROVED N UPOT.T THE FOLLOWTNG CORBECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! otsaeeRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE rr\rst=J|?*FIEOIJEST ! orxen n pnnrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 'lt.' FRI ,r 'i :AM PM l'1-..;-ri; WApp Rov E D fl orsnpp RovE D E nerNsPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS / DATE . .'./,' ,' :. /' .' .'< - INSPECTOR t \'llVl\U lnlryn box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47S561s August 8, 1979 Les Douglas Eagle County Bui'lding 0fficial Eag1e, C0 81631 Dear Les: llffI Re: Building Permit Fees f(r Sandstone Creek G'lub (Previously Va'i1 Ridge Condominiums) department of community development -) plans for Bujlding B of the which brought this matter to This letter is in reference to a matter that was brought before the Eagle County Board of Commissioners on June 14, 1978. I have enclosed a copy of their decision on the matter as wel'l as the original request from Diana Toughi11. I have recently rcceived the building abuve referenced Condominium comp'lex, my attention. It is ny understanding that there was a Building Permit issued for this proiect through Eag'le County and that the Permit fees paid for by the developer covered both the Plan Check Fees and the Fees for conducting the inspections. A court order on this project prevents the further co'llection of pennit fees. $ request is that either the Town be given that part of the Building Permit which pays for the building inspections or that Eag'le County conducts the Building Inspect'ions itse'lf.It seems reasonable that the entity that collected the origina'l permit fees provide some use for these fees, either by conducting the inspections or giving the Town the money so that the Town can in some way pEy for the inspections that it conducts. I feel that thjs rntter is important and wou'ld appreciate a prompt response. ,.n* a'^'Lh Zoning Administrator 0a/) Encl s.cc: Temi'|1 Knight and Eagle County Corunissioners AGLE COUBUTY 'p"t.*t rtull.ll ;22ft ' t "^3' \GLE, cOLORADO 8/1631 T/ iSfr?'8lo'*?H!'" 8.6809 )8st$rj;rRArroN {IMAL SHELTER ,9-4292 isEssoR t8-6593 /C"t%$fo" t8€339 LERK & ECORDER itlLl,,tt9r.r% ?YSIil"' 28-6674 NGINEER 28-6337 NVIRONMENTAL IEALTH2a.77la :XTENSION \GENT ,28.6370 .IBRARY i28.7787 ilf'lifai,?ifl" 'LANNINGr28-6338 ROAD & BRIOGE 128.659 | il'"il5z'e-ee r ra.iqlr Q)7-3?44 Eiifiin-E2z:5zs t !Pfl.fib" 328.6328 TREASURER 328-6376 cunV tq, 1978 I Diana loughi'li, Zoning Administrator [Town of Vail 'Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Building Permit Fee - LRB Corporation lots g-a & B-5, Lionsridge F'iling #1 At their public hearing on 12 June 1978' the Board'of County Cornnissione.t'Jit.ttnined that the referenced oermit fees had ufrJuiv'U.in'ui"a io" the initial processigg ffi"'i;.;;;;""-Eusj"-io"univ-'il1 not remit the fees to the Town of Vail. If you have any questions, please contact this office' t'.',/n*A /erril'l Knjsh/ Ritins Direitor of Planning TK/JK cc: Board of CountY Conmissioners box 1O0 rail. colorado 81657 F03l 476-s613 department of community development 26 trtay ]-978 Les Douglas Eagle County Building & Planning Eagle, Colorado 81631 Ref: Building Permit fee - LRB Corp. . kts B-4 and B-5, Lionsridge Filing I Dear Les: As we discussed some time ago, the developer has re-quested, and the District Court Stipulation spebifies that the Town of Vail perform the building inspections on the subJectpr6ject Since the county colleeted both the Building Permlt and Plan Check fees, we request that the county remit thepermlt fee to the Town of VaiI since we will bear the expenseof inspecting. ' If this appears to be a problem please let ne know. DST/!ew -.!F7,!a stncefry, S. Toughill o TALLMADCE, TALLMADGE, IiqALLACE 8 ATIORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS 5I5 WESTEFN FEDERAL SAVINGS BUILDING 7IA SEVENTEENTH siTR€ET DENVER, COLORADO 8O2O2 ARE^, COOE:3O3 HAHN MYLES P. TALIMAOCE IIA66-197I} F09ERT C.TAILMADGE HARVEY P. V/ALLACE ANOREW 5. ARMA.rAS C. THOMAS BASTIEN GEONGE B. f,ICE FAYMOT!O N. SAIIER JOHN W. SMITH JO ANN WEINSTEIN r{Ew trExrco agsocrArEs rCGEL 6 FOYEA, P. A. F, O. 90X 2?e2 saxta FE, l{Ew iagxtco a75ol 425- OZzl 89? - 5999 MR. TALLMAOGE 'S TELEPHON E: 623 - ZZr9 March 23, L978 -, a r\.-t -,rf'.it l',U -/ ;.1 l'.2 /iitlilrll\ .*v lv,, r, Building Department Town of VailVail, Colorado Gentlernen: Pursuant to paragraph 4(e) of the enclosed stipulation and order which was approved by the District Court, we aresubmitting plans and specifications for review by the Vail Design Review Board. We anticipate construction will conrmence as soon as the weather permits. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, "beelL^"David J. Hahn DJHIclp Enclosure cc: Bernard Robin Petry-Vappi Construction Co. 'r .'="i;.1=; IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR . COUNTY OF EAGI,E STATE OF COLORADO civil Action No. 2736 couRcHEvEL, LTD., apartnership, and' L.R.B.,a general partnership, PLaintiffs, TIIIS of the parties. the Court and StiSnrlation is IT IS (A) (B) (c) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER and StipuI-ation records of that the this Court. made DisffiE.@- ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR T}IE . COUNTY OF BAGLE STATE OF COTORADO Civil Action No. 2736 COURCHEVEI,, tTD., a )partnership, and L.R.B., )a generaL parLnership, ) )Plaintiffs, ) tvs- i sTTPULATToN AND oRDER ) TOITIN OE' VAIL, a Colorado ) . rnunicipal corporation, ) )Defendant- ) the Plaintiff , L.R.B., a glener.al partnership, and the Defendant, Town of Vai1, do hereby stipulate and agree: (I) L.R.B. is the owner of that property within the Town of VaiI described as tots B-4' B-5r'and a portion of ?ract'D, Vait Lionsridge Filing *1. 12, The Plaintiff, t.R.q., has proposed to develop seid property in accordance r.rith a site plan and basic unit pLan that was submittecl to the Town Cduncit of the Town of Vail on August 16, L977. (3) After reviewing said submittals, the Town Council a3proved the propbsed settl-ement. (4) The parties agree specifically that: (a) The Plaintiff' L.R.B., would develop the above specified property in accordance with the site and unit p1ans, submitted to and approved by the Town Council. (b) l'here wil] be no more than 84 drvelling units constructed.. (c) The deveLopment' as approved by the Town of VaiI, has been designed and construction shall be done in accor- dance with the Low Density I'luttiple Family development standards as contained in the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Vail-, the applicable provisions of which are attached hereto- (d) The Gross Residential Floor Area shall not exceecl 83r000 square feet, however, the PLaintiff agrces to take al-I reasonable steps to reduce the same. r . " - Stipulation o and t Page 2order (e) The Plaintiff shall submit his plans antl proposals at the appropriate stages of develoPment to the Town of VaiI Design Revierv Board for advice and reviesr. Nothing herein shall be construed to bind the Plaintiff to the advice of the Design Review Board,. (f) The Ptaintiff has previously obtained a buiJ-ding permit from Eagle county for the above specified pro- perty, ancl it need not obtain another permit from the Town. Provided, however, the Town shall provide inspection services for the projec.b to insure that the project complies with the building codes that were in effect in Eagle County at the time the Plaintiff acquired its buitding permit. No additional permit or inspection fees shaLl be required from the Plaintiff. I{I'IEREFORE, in accordance rvith the above stipu}ation, the parties to this Stipulation respectfully pray that the Court approve this Stipulatio;r, digniss that portion of the above entitled action which relates to L.R.B., and order that each . party shall pay its own costs ana attg@i f""" in this action. . Respectfully submitted, Raymoffd N. satter#qFjtjl 5I5 Western Federal Savings Building Denver, Colorado 80202 Harlan G. BalabanSuite 1414 Lincoln Center Building Denver, Colorado 80203 Attorneys for Plaintiff ,L.R.B. Lawrence C. P. O- Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Attorney for Defendant, Town of Vail t" r""]:"rcr couRr rN AND FoR rHE COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO Civrl Action No. 2?36 COURCHEVEL, LTD., Apartnership, and L.R.B.,a general. partnership, plaintiffs, vs. TOIIN OF VAIL, a Coloradomunicipal corporation, constructed. Defendant. The Plaintiff, L.R.B., a general partnership, and the Defendant, Tonn of.Vail, do hereby stipulate and agree: (f) L.R.B. is the owner of that property within the Town of Vail described aa .Lots B-4, B-5, and a portion of Tract D, Vail Lionsrldge Filing *1. (2) The Plaintiff, L.R.B., has proposed to develop said property in accordance with a site plan and basic unit plan that nas submitted to the Tordn council of the Tolrn of vail 'on August 16. L977. . (3) After reviewi.ng said submittals, the Town Council approved the propbsed settlenent. \ (4) The palties agree specifically that: (a) The Plaintif f , L. R.B. , wou).d d.-)velop the above specified property in accordance with the site and unit plans, subnitted to and approved by the Town Council. (c) The development, as approved by the Town of Vail, haE been designed and construction shall be done in accor- dance with the Low Density Multiple Family development standarde as contained in the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Vail, the applicable provisions of which are attached hereto. (d) The Gross ReEideritial Floor Area Ehall not exceed 83r000 square feet, honever, the Plaintiff agrees to take all reasonable steps to ieduce the same. Io I STIPUI,ATION AND ORDER (b) l[here will be no more than 84 dwelling units I I ii , I I a ' : t. i:, stipuLatlon and order - Page 4 (") qn" PLaintiff shall submit r'it pQ"" u"a proposals at the appropriate stages of development to the Town of Vail Design Review Board for advice and review. Nothing herein shall be eonstrued to bind the Plaintiff to the advice of the Design Review Board. (f) The Plaintiff has previously obtained a buildtng permit fron Eagle County for the above specified pro- perty. and it need not obtain another permit from the Town' Provided, however, the.Town shall provide inspection services for the project to insure that the project complies with the building codes. that were in effect in Eagle Countl' at the time the Plaintiff acquired its building permit. No additisnal permit or inspection fees shal1 be required from the Plaintiff. 't'trHEREFoRE ' in accorclance with the above stipulation ' the parties to this Stipulation resPectfully pray that the court approve this Stipulation, disrniss that Portion of the above entitled action which relates to L.R.B. r dtld order that each party shall pay its own costs ana ottffir fees in this actl'on' RespectfullY submitted' I ti It :.,I 515 Building te 1414 Lincoln Center BuiLding Denver, Colorado 8 0203 Attorneys for Plaintiff, L.R.B. wrence C. R:.der' P. O. Box 100vail, colorado 81657 Attorney for Defendant, To$rn of vail ofid N. satterdttlt Weqtern Federal Savings ,'rColorado I0202 t. IrI l!'li I-f'll ;o.o C' '5 cto .9d=9'6EA 5.o -l: EES EE 5PE'i =a,og otst.iOo-d".d Ei;;E€iEgeg'i::F.EEE' o ec'! o.9 -:'o ! €r == tll =ii9c: oo :iE iE^EEE l':"eB?-9::*E ?!=E;=*Zil $ z?o,i-7 rEEZ g itllzgl,E11i =*:3E,',3Ejd;E E liiiilii fi?ii ii?lai ili€ia €3::;;as ?:ig5 fisigl ;!ec;F ;E€aaff;E i:;ir;a;u g# €E:iA€i iE:€Ei* ;iiti;1ii aiiiil* qiiEfi: lEi*rg; F:i;;3E ff:aE:i ;Eiii:? ;Eia:3. ;;iEaEEEi EU:eiEg fr-iEftE I;EiHg 5 $= ., .d jjeE 5 "# ur,i*nERt: $ iiE E;r-:E€ qE= ie? 5 X atl E"E,i??4tzi7E'1 H;E E eRseseReBBeRseBsRE -O\ t/ OOCOCeCOCT---:z ;E; EaiZzziillrl ilitiz3 ciO I ,.1 .il':! 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E: 'O€|l,€t Ei eaa'tPcEe; *.eE.i-€ 4*-!i ;Eg€ +;E€ ..EiE€ .= o R= ElEiat9e, Titui F g=E: o EAOTE GOUNTY Q Department of Planning,plevqlopment Box 179 .' \ n %LsTs tfu,+*a .taumMr-te, EAGLE, COLORADO 8lGtl BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsStoNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSE550 R 328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECTI ON328.6339 CLERK & RECO RDE R Eaqle 328.6377 Aaadlt 927-3214 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-6674 ENG INEE R 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 324-7718 EXTENSI ON AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaqlc 328-661IB€aelt 927-3244Gilman 827.575 | socrAL SERVtCES 328-6328 TREASURER328-6376 Diang"'foughil l, Zoning Administrator Tor'd of Vail- Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8165 At their public hearing on 12 June 1978, County Cormissioners determined that the permit fees had already been used for the and therefore Eagle County wil'l not remit Town of Vail. If you have any questions, please lat/.,w'( Re: Building Permit Fee - LRB Corporation Lots B-4 & B-5, Lionsridge Filing #1 t/rfh //|7i/"/tutf . '/z(ah c .u nhzh ' *l P,4't :!?"::i::,'f htu ;il:'i:l,o[3"iiz'Y contact this office. MK,/dferrill Knisht/ Acting Director of Plann'ing Corrni ssioners 03?74 County ^o:3t t-,t-\4,, t, J<,t6\a @ - razrf T-'lz rL +---r^-, ra e*ap'1;U -fFE O@1'n")l- -l't{- f*lzl Bq&t 31s1a--Troe% tnlz>enb w+ ryw24'1 t1+v= A trc:28'4- ('l ) F*'tt-t-z-Fa7 'r-]^e- tn,<:*.itro gv4u*1 iP-+s'-.11 + 1e +,Xl:€- L2.) -F*yt--tza-z lv k',:txre1 *aq'e+'t*<4 I -FiA€ 6 },n-a,O, V\6:eD+aO W =EN7-=D J--)-?ryV Ll+5?a1 e t-22- 1'?1 ?a/v't'1"r 1'+(44hn a*T'T'zt:€tTt (F.vn+- #@ ;-\- \*uzzz' +1'a/O a HENEiEL FHELPS CGINSTFIUCTIGIN CCIMPANY March 29, 1976 !1r. Lawrence C. Rider, AttorneyMunicipal Building Town of VailVail, Colorado 81651 Subject: L.R.B. - Boscoe Ltd. - Ridgeview Condominium project VaiL, Colorado Dear Mr. Rider, This is to advise that our firm has been given notice to proceedon the Ridgeview Condominium Project by L.R.B.-Boscoer Ltd. asper lt!r. A. M. Lutzrs letter to you dated. March 23, 1976. Work wilL begin on site on approxirnately Wednesday, llarch 3I, L97 6. Respectfully submi tted, PHETPS CONSTRUCTION CO. Project Engineer jns L7639cc: Mr. A. M. Lulcz,Mr. Bill Pierce,L.R.B.-Boscoe, Ltd.Building Dept.-Town of Vail OF|At)O BOE'31 aFtEA COc'E 3 c)9 3ltE-l!lElt g2OI RINGSBY CT. 2nd FLOOR DEtfvER, CO 80216 G of Frcl aNo \ /aFtgHo!,aE FI E E L E Y, C c, L A' €IO BIXTH AVENUEW """" otFrcE Gtox o HENSiEL PHELPS Dallas F. BeIt, P.E. Project Engineer jms L7539cc: Mr. A. M. Lutz, Mr. Bill Pierce, GGINSTFIUCTIG'N CC'MPANY L.R.B.-Boscoe, Ltd,.Building Dept.-Toern of Vail 3201 RINGSBY GT. Znd FLOOR DENVEB CO 80?t6 March 29, L976 l{r. Lardrence C. Rider, Attorney l,tunicipal Building Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81551 Subject: L.R.B. - Boscoe Ltd. - Ridgeview Condominiurn ProjectVaii, Colorado Dear Mr. Rider, This is to advise that our firm has been given notice to proceed on the Ridgeview Condominium froject by L.R.B.-Boscoe, Ltd. asper lilr. A. M. tutzrs letter to you dated March 23, L976. Work wil-l begin on site on approximately Wednesday, March 31, L976. RespectfuJ-1y submitted,, coNstRucTroN co. rG. G Ft E E L E Y, C O L O Fl A O O E| O €t 3 1 E alt POBT c|FFICE Bc|X c| ' OFFICE ANc| VVAFIEHc,U€te AT aPO 9lXTl{ AVENI,JE AFTEA COEtE 3Og 3Ee-3!rA6Yj:f|tiflf --/ , \l / -l U/1^^Ja ,-q tl^'v\ CL"3' I l, ?oo s/81 O a.aoo ?o,t 1 cI o {WfL{t 5*, J,rd -a a Ot'^A.&,*(,- hgegrzze 1llo c tl5,F3h' of /, lra%f - "1 tt128''af - -,-f ' F oo% -&t - lf U.r_c{7or IroT.ff -Tb1^ ('70 (0--(< lnun bor lfll dl, color.do 81G57 13031 /0766613 departmont of community development 25 May l97a Ja^mes S. Junge Baeellne FlnancLal Center 2969 Basellne Rd. Boulder, Co19. 80303 Ref:Commons Buii-ding Dear Jim: Concerning our negotiations of May 18 with Jack and Joe Perlmutter and Al1en Gerstenberger, I bave discussed the outcome of the meeting and your letter of l[ay 22 wi-th Larry Rlder who concurs wlth the decisions reached. Larry Rlder suggeststbat the use and character of tbe Commons Bulldlng be addressedin tbe protective covenants with the proviso that the unit owners each own an undivided interest in the bulldlng, and tbat we have the right to approve tbe covenants prior to filing and any subsequent cbanges involving the Conmons Buildlng. The area uses aud designations meet the spirit of theStipulation and Order and with the area reduction of 2,266 sq. ft. also meet the IO,O00 sq. ft. maximum specifled ln the eorreepondence. If you have any questions, or lf tbis ls not acceptableto Dave Hahn, please 1et me know. DST/gew cc: Larry . Toughill Administrator Rlder, Attorney for the Town of Vail fb4+ C0/r',r-, ''"# ) /'''* g tfort tl^' 0''lfr C84tr77[ f,e*o', C4etTnx-f N,//, A4 . Frl,W' BBo)* Va,Q , Col -0rts-7 ') mft Ozr4 SAGTYlp^l,-&., brr44 e 6UBJECT FOLD ---*:it E s Dr4^ /4As*1a- , I n^tt&-%uw"/ry *# r& , JrtzJ 4,-e* 6'fufrffi -nEffi,e uJ-t&'6@2,*# c,&!.. DEPARTMENT. RETAIN THIS COPY FOR FILE 4 ttay 22, 1978 l{s. Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100 Vai l, C0 81657 Re: Vail Rldge Comrpns Building Area Reduct ion: a. Building reducedz 2116 Square Feet b. Areas now storage and equipment: 150 Square Feet Therefore, net reduct ion is 2265 Square Feet. Area Designation Changes As Follows: 001 - Lounge: el iminated 002 - Ski Shop: eliminated 003 - Recreation Room: el iminated 005 - Game Room: el iminated 102 - Lounge; now Waiting Area 120 - Lounge; now Recreation Area I 06 - Shop ; now l,la i n tenance Shop Lounge; now T.V.; Cards JUNGE / ASSOCIAIES / AIA / ARCHITECIS I PLANNERS t) 2) JSJ./cml -o o April 18, 1978 Ms. Diana Toehill Zoning Administrator Vail, Colorado 8'l 657 Re: Vail Ridge Commons Building In checking therrComnons Bui square feet of usable area, assemb I ed: Gross Area (inside outside wall) Areas not part of recreat ion-assembly use building l. mechanical rooms 2. storage 3. janitorrs repair shop4. covered pool 5. manager's unit 6. model apa r tmen t 4 lding'r size of approxirnately 10,000 the fol lowing information has been 15, | 78 square feet normal to commons 500 square feet 75 square feet 300 square feet 1,745 sguare feet 612 square feet |,387 square feet Items I and 2 are normal ly in crawl space and not attributed to square feet, ltem 3 was relocated from covered parking as part of "Cormonst' building simply for function. ltem 4 is the indoor/ outdoor pool and not a part of the assembly area. ltems 4 and 5 are units #83 and 84; reducing the total "sale unitsn to 82. The adjusted total gross ttcommonsrr is, therefore, 10,434 square to cui it back rhe 434 square ieet, let me know. /pl cc: Jack Perlmutter David Hahn JUNGE / ASSoCTATES / AtA / ARCHTTEcTS / pLANNERS 4April 3, 1978 Hr. Jack Per I mut ter 3333 Quebec Street Suite 3100 Denver, Colorado 80207 Re: Vail Ridge Condos Plans were submitted and reviewed with the variorrs officials atVail on March J0, 1978 as per our instructions from the courtstipulation. The plans are now being reviewed for final determin- ation on the fire sprinkler" requirement for the ICommons Build- ingrr basement; and the rrwet standpipe" requirement for the r,Condo- minium Buildingtr The Vail people were very respons ive to our poten- tial vandal isit concerns and will respond in the near future. The construct ion may begin at once, We are now completing thefinal architectural documents per the contractor, engineer andcity rrinputrr. A pool fence 42" to 48" high is recommended byVail. Vail does require a site drainage run off water filtration pond system as has already heen designed. Vail does not enforce the state handicap law al though we do meet the standards on therArunits. The only question I ing requi rement of ment, al though theywill check further, the eft unanswered is that of the individual meter- condominiurns. Vail was not aware of the requi re- fol low the State Code, The electrical engineer and Vail wiII abide by whatever is solved atin fact, the law in question is in effect. s S.AIA /pl cc: Bernard Rob in Petry Cons t ruct ion Gordon Swanson , F i re Ch i ef Va i I uDlane Toehi I l, Zoning Administrator, Vai I J im Abbey, Bu i I d i ng Inspector, Va i I JUNGE /ASSocTATES / AtA / ARCHITECIS / PLANNERS ETACH AND BRING THIS PORTION OF CARD TO BLDG. DEPT. A? MINICIPAL BUILDING b .Gce of Building Official, TOWN OF V I COLORADO box 10O yail, colorado . 81657 (3031 476s613 James S. Junge, AIA 2669 Baseline Road Boulder, Co]orado 80302 'o department of community development April 26, 1978 o Ref: Vail R'idge Commons Building Stipulation & Order, Civil Action No. 2736 Dear.lim: In answer to your 'letter of April lg, '1978, and also clarifyingour telephone conversation of last week, I have the following comnentspertaining to the proposed commons Building which is a part or tne vait Ridge project: l.) The total gross.lqq?rqfootage,.as we calculate it, i3,closely. in agreement with that outlined in your letter. 2.) l,Jg agree_that the two dwelling units, the managers unit, andthe mode'l apartment (total GRFA'of 2,019 sq. rl.) be deducted from the total square footage allowable in the Commons Building,but must be included in the allowable dwel'ling unit count and - GRFA maximum permitted for the project. 3.) l.Je also agree that the mechanica'l rooms, storage, and janitor's area, may be excluded from the square footage (975 sq. ft.). 4.) It is our understanding from the negot.iations, and from yourletter of August 25,1977 that al't other areas .in the ConrnonsBuilding should be included as part of the allowable area inthe Cormons Build'ing, including'the covered poo'l area which you have excluded. 5.) Our letter of May 11,1977, (copy enclosed) specifically statesthat all comnercial space would be de'leted from the bui'tding, an! thg stipulation provides that the Town of Vail "Low OensityMultiple Family" standards will app1y. l.le therefore feel, that the ski_s.hop, other shops, and any restaurant and bar operation, wou'ld not be perm.i ssabl e. o 'o 4126178 15,178 sq. ft. Paqe 2. .lailes S. Junle, AIA 5.) Sunmary of areas of Conmons Buildinq: . Gross area Dwelling units Mechanica'l , Storage, Janitor areas 2,019 sq. ft. In conc'lusion, it is our interpretation, based on negotiations, correspondence, and the-stipulation and Order, that the comnons Bui'ldingmust be reduced by 2,184 sq. ft., and that the proposed uses must confoimto Town of vail "Low Density Multiple Familyi'staniards. unti'l the plans conform to the requirements, and a reso'tutiLn is reached; work may nbtproceed on the Cormons Building. If you have questions, please contact me, or Larry Rider, Attorneyfor the Town of Vai'l . ft.ft. (2,994 sq. ft.) 12,184 sq. ft. DST/gew cc: Davld Hahn - Larry Rider, Tallmadge,Tal lmadge,Wal'lace & Hahn Town Attorney a ng S, Toughill Administrator box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 13031 47C5613 James 5. Junge, AIA 2669 Baseline Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 department of community development April 26, 1978 Ref: Vail Ridge Commons Building Stipulation & 0rder, Civi'l Action No. 2736 Dear Jim: In answer to your letter of April .|8, .l978, and also clarify.ingour telephone conversation of last week, I have the following corrnentspertaining to the proposed Cormons Building which is a part of the Vail Ridge project: I . ) Tt " total gross .:qq?rq footage r .iS we ca1culate i t, i s..cl oselyin agreenent with that outlined in your letter. 2.) lf9 agree that the two dwe'l l'ing un'its, the managers unit, andthe model apartment (tota'l GRFA of ?,019 sq. fi.) Ue deducted from the total square footage allowable in the Commons Building,but must be included in the allowable dwelling unit count and - GRFA maximum permitted for the project. 3.) l,Je also agree that the mechanical rooms, storage, and janitor,s area, may be excluded from the square footage (975 sq. ft.). 4.) It is our understanding from the negotiations, and from yourletter of August 25,1977 that all other areas in the Cormons Building should be included as part of the allowable area in the Conr.mons 8uilding, inciuding the covered pool area which you have excluded. 5.) Our Ietter of May 11,1977, (copy enclosed) specifically statesthat all conunercial space would be deleted from the bui'lding,an! the stipulation provides that the Town of Vail ,'Low OeniityMultiple Family" standards will appty. l,le therefore feel, that the ski_shop, other shops, and any restaurant and bar operation, would not be permissable. Page 2; 'Jame's S,. ,Junge, AIA 6.) Sunrnary of areas of Corrnons Bui'lding: Gross area Ilwelling units ilechanical , Storage, rlanitor areas 2,019 sq. ft. 975 sq. ft.f,$!-4 5q. 61. 4/26178 15,178 sq. ft. (2,994 sq. ft. ) 12,I84 sq. ft. In conclusion, it is our interpretation, based on negotiations, comespondence, and the-stipulation and 0rder, that the conrpns Buildingmust be reduced by 2,184 sq. tt., and that the proposed uses must confoilnto Town of vail "Lov Density Multiple Family" standards. unti'l the plans conform to the requirements, and a'resolutiiln is reached; work may nbtproceed on the Commons Buildlng. If you have-questions, please contact me, or Larry Rider, Attorneyfor the Town of Vai I . DST/gew cc: David Hahn - Larry Rider, Tallmadge,Tal lmadge,Wal lace & Hahn Town Attorney S. Toughill Administrator Ef O -#\, August 25, 1977 l1r. BernY Rob in Robin ComPanY 1660 Lincoln Slreet Suite l4l2 Denver, Colorado 80254 Re: Floor areas, 84 unit Lions As the Project norv is designed have been estabi ished: Area Unit 768 sq. ft. 1080 sq. ft. 1296 sq. ft. Ridge Condominium the fol lorving maximum floor areas Gross Area 27,648 sq. ft. 38,880 sq. ft. 15.55?- sq- ft. 82,o8o sq. ft. 15,000 sg' ft. 97,080 ,q. ?i . lO,O00 sq. ft. io7,o8o sq. ft. Type Unit A B c TOTALS No. Units 36 36 -12 84 tlallways, stairs' elevators and maidsr rooms Total area of 4 condominium buildings Area of Recreation building including lobby' offices, cornmon sPaces ' etc' TOTAL GROSS'I AREA f.Basement storagerservice and mechanical areas are not included' Junge, AIA cc: Abe Lutz Bob Lanari Ben Perlmutter Jack Perlmutter eDlana Toehil I TS I PLANNERSARCHITECS/AJUNGE /ASSOCIATE rA / il il box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town attorney May 11' 1977 Mr.'David Hahn 315 llestern Federal Savings Building Denver, Colorado 80202 Dear Dave: This letter is to confirm our L.R.B. and the development of LionsRidge. The Town Council has stated that it is agreable to.She proposal ofl . (I) 84 condominium or 6 + acres. (2) That woul-d inctudebut the commercial from the proposal. (3) The parking would be The condition would be that th LDMF standards. . A copy of thais enclosed. After reviewing these, please with questions or comments. Regards, Enclosurerj conversation concerning Lots B-4 and B-5' townhouse units on the an area for manager, etc. sDace would be deleted uncovered. e development would be at t section of the ordinance call me or Diana Toughill il' o 'o IS !,EE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE CQT'NTY OT EAGLE irere or coLoRADo Civil Action No. 2735 COoRCEEVEL, Lm., apart*ership, end L.R,8.,a gerreral partnelship, vs. Pl.aintiffs, SAIPULATION AND ORDER l{nf OS \rAIL, a ColoradloEtricipal orEnratiou. Def,esdaat- ll&e Plainti-ff,, L.R.B. , a general partnersbip, and trre D.sEe.nida[Iti, g@,'E. of Vail, cto hereby stipulate and agree: (!l I"-R.B. i.3 the owner of that property nithin llc ltoeFr of, VaiI- dleGcsibed as Lots B-4, B-5, and a portion of tacc D, Vaj lL r..il?"rcri.+g.e ftling #1. 12! Ehe Pl,aLrttif f,, L.R.B., has proposed .to develop raid guqrcrey i![ renda.Ece with a site plan and bEsi.c,.unit ELaB llftat lras scEeitted to the Tovn council of the Town of vail oo lrlTsr L6, M77- ' (3) Afteir rcrqier'ri.ng saicl submittals, the Town Council qftcra,sd tEe geopsed settlement. t4l 'me parties agree specifically that:. (al lhe Flaiatif f , L.R.B., would dtevelop the 'abose !'eebifnd E rqrertf. iu. accordance rrith the site and unit rr!.om, offittsii to aEd qSrroved by the Town Council. &t l&ee crill be no more than 84 dwellJ.ng units Go|r.+'rn',rtcit- (cD The dcelopinent, as +pproved by the To!,rn of Ei.tr.' bas figr) lir4€iE nrct ald construction sha1l be done in accor- d-u-e rrlj.tb t&e lrsw Dellsntry lrlul tiple Faririly development standards as @lbail'€d ii.E tS€ '.o$$+1.!n Ordinance of the Town of ValI, the q{Dl-icablte pmilsims of rftich are attached hereto. (d) lbe ctross Residlential Floo! Area shall not rrocd E3"(DOO stlu'L7tne fetgE, to$tever, the Ptaintiff agrees to take rll ll tlnsEe[Dlle s@rs to rrcdu,a.e che same. Stlatfon and Order 'o Page 2 (e) lhe plainbiff shall subnit his plans and Proposals at the appropriate stages of development to the Tolral of Vail Design Revier,r Board fo! advice and.revier*. Nothing herein shall be construed to bind the plaintif f to the advice of the Design Revien Board.. (f) The plaintiff has previously o'btalned a building pelnit from Eagle County for the above specifled pro- Perty, and it need not obtain another permit fron the Town. Provided, however, the Town sha11 provide inspection services for the project to insure that the project cornplies with the bullding codes that were ln effect in Eagle County at the tfutte tbe Plaintiff aequired its bullding permit. No additional Petmit or inspection fees shall be requl.red fron the plalntiff. I{REREEORE, in accorilance with the above Etipulation, the parties to this Stipulation respectfully pray that the Court approve this Stipulation, disroiss that poltion of the aboye entitled action !,rhich relaEes to L.R.B., anal order that each Party shall pay its oerlt costs ana attg6-1s-r f ees Ln thls action. Respectfully submitteCl, !i{*ill. X;,''il5El ;i+di"'"" "P. O. Box 100vail, colorado 81657 Attorney for Defendant, Town of VaiI Lincbln Cente! BuildingDenver, Colorado 80203 Attorneys for plaintiff ,L.R.B. LIONSRIDGE/SANDSTONE NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION December L5, L977 Dear llayor Slifer and To$tn Council Members: il4- rt'' The undersigned represent a majority of the owners of the pre- sently developed property in the Sandstone/Lionsridge area of the fown of Vail. We have formed the Lionsridge,/Sandstone Neighborhood Organization in order to present a united front to the Town Govern- ment on matters of interest to our neighborhood. one of the rnajor objectives of the organization at the present time, is to secure the purchase of 84 and B5r in order to prevent its development and preserve its present character as oPen sPace. The property represents one of the few areas left th:rt lends itself to use as ofen space within the Town of Vail . It is centrally located to the Lionsridge Neighborhood, is relatively flat, and has an advantage, the Red Sandstone Creek fj-owing through it. We have had Don Walker Associates of Boulder' prepare' at our exPense' an outline of the procedures necessary to acquire this propertl''. ' I{e come to the Council at this time to ask f,or your help in attaining this goal . we are Prepared to co-operate with the Town in any manner you see fit. We believe that the Town of VaiL is the logical entity to purchase the property, and since Mr. Walker is presently working for the Town on other preojects, his talent is well kno*n to the members of the Council. The Town is also the logi- cal entity to form a special Assessment District if that is deemed to be desireable. fn conclusion we ask the Council- to initiate the Process of investigating the purchase of the 84 and 85 property. The Lions- rid.ge/Sandstone Neighborhood Organization hereby pledges its support in whatever manner you see necessary to bring tbis acquisj-tion to a successful concilusion. ames B. Rea Pres. e Phase I Siqcerely yours,'.-'t ' -// . ,,4(At" Q4"a-' Toni Berns President isoc WY#D.ffi2Doh Heri3chel Pres. fr69r. Telemark o/) ) -D- Ivlari jker Brofos :iF' Don Wal r&Co o ke Consrlirnts Rorl Estato Sunshine Canyoo Boulder. Colorado 80302 TO: MEMORANDUM Ms. Toni Berns Snowlion Condomi n i um Vai l, Colorado Don Walker & Co. Donald V. H. Walker October 3l , 19'17 Prel imlnary Analysis and Recommendat ions: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: gperty,/Snowl ion ConComi ni um I have outlined below the results of my preliminary investlgations asto the above captioned properties. These investigations were conducted in an effort to determine the potential of development, present statusof the ownership, Town of Vai I administration positlons as 'fo any potentia I development and./or purchase, and the posslble methods availableto you for retention of fhese properties as open space and f lnally a recommended process to follow. Af this polnt In our Investigation, tho owners have not been contacted, nor has any determination been made as to expected or poiential acqui-sition costs of the properties. PROPERTY INVESTIGATION A. COUSHEVEL LTD.,6 limlted parfnership ownlng allof the land surrounding the Snowlion Condomin ium, more particularly described as follows: Parce I swlmming pool area: .108 Acres parking lot area: .273 Acres small lot on Lionrs Ridoe Loop: .070 Acres Vacant - South of Pool .962 Acres Vacant - East of Buildino .l4l Acres B: n. Fr. EZ: T0TAL: 1.554 Acres Don Wa a lke r&Co.Consultants Rsal Estdtg Sunsh ine Canyon Boulder, Colorado 80302MEMO: Toni Berns October 31 , l97j Page 2 Parcel D is a small parcel of land separated from Lof 81 Fr; The mlsslng parcel A is the rand upon which the snowlion condo-minf um ls constructed which bui tOihg is surrounded, alnost tothe building walls, by the above parcels B through E2. As far asI can determine, Snowlion has no yard or excess land outsideof the bullding except a 7 foot walkway to Vail View Orive. Parcels B & C: These parcels are unique. The Condominium Declaiations forSnowfion at Vail Condominiums, recorded l?-Zg-70, Book 219,page 410, at reception number ll50j4 of the Eagle County records,s'lales on pdge two, paragraptr l.Zj Additional Faci lities: "rAdditionaI FaciIitiesI shaIt-mean-JnE tana oes-cribed Tn Exhibitc attached hereto and made a part hereof,r' (Exhibit c is parcels B and C), "together with all the buildinqs and improvements thereon,including, without limitation, parking aieas and swimming pooland appurtenances which Additional Facilities are not subject tothis Declaration and are hereby specifically excluded her6from.rt Then, under.paragraph 2.2 Subsequent pro.iects, the Declarationsfurther state that fne@ (but shail not berequired to effect) the construction and erection, in phases, ofsubsequent Projec*s upon portions of the Total property not includedwithin the Real Property or the Additional Facilities . . .', In my opinion, stated therein is an intention to construct addi-tional buildinos on the land identified as parcels D, E1 , E2, butnot on B or C, There are addifional paragraphs concernlng parcels B and C;gsp?9i?lly appropriate to this discussion is lanouaqe as setforth ln Article XlV, section 14.6 which states'i. . . Declaranthereby covenants and agrees thal on or prior to a date which shallbe fifteen (15) years from the date of recordinq of this Declaration, Dec larant, its successors or assi*qns, shall convey to the Association,title fo the Additional Facilities as hereinafter provided. . ." This section, tooether with the Grant of Easemenf, Article Xl\,,sec+ion 14.?, wh ich easement is for the use and enjoyrnent of the Owners of Snowlion and "each Subsequent project" coniemplates thatthe pool and parkin6 areas as describecl in Farcels B & C, wiil not Don Wal o ker & Co:Con$ltant5 R€al E3tat€ Sunshine Csnyon Boulder, Colorado 80302MEl40: Ton i Berns October 3l , 1977 Paoe 3 be subJect to further developmenf. I hasten to state here thatI am not an atforney and am not rendering any legal opinlons Inthis report, but simply stating my observations and concluslons. A legal opinion would be advisable should you decide to proceed further. In sumrnary, it appears that Courchevel Ltd., as subsequent ownersof Dec.larant, who was, Northwestern Natlonal Llfe Insurance Company, would have the right to construct additional condominium units on Parcels D, E1 and E2. As a practical matter, the construction would be entirely on D and Eg which contain a total ol 1.032 acres or 44,953.92 square feet. In my conversatlons with the Town of Vail Zoning Administrator,I was informed that a total of twenty (20) units could be constructed on these parcels. These units would have a qround coverage areaof 15,000 square feet. lt is my understanding that this is per- mitted by virtue of a court stipulation. I have nof confirmed th is court order. B. 84 - 85 PROPERTI_ES, owned by a limited partnership known asmEmsco-TTa;-TG property consists of two lots, zoned LDl.,tF. Lot Size: 84 B5 TOTAL: = 3.6f9 Acres = 2rJ7B Acres 6.017 Acres (262,100.52 sq.ft. ) !{hile this property carries a low density residential zonine which permifs construcfion of 12 units/acre, I was informed by the Town Zoning Administrator" that this property has a density permitted, also by court stlpulation, of 84 units. ANALYS IS A. COURCHEVEL/SNOWLl0N: From my preliminary investiqation, it is apDarent that as many as 20 units could be constructed on Parcels'D and E and that such construction would impact the exisfinq Snowlion units. Further, thaf the owners of the new units would have the same rights as present Snowlion ovrners, to the swimming; oocl and park i ng area. Don wailer & Co.Consultanli Seal Estate Su nshine Canyon Boulder, Colorado 80302MEIIO: Ton i Berns October 31 , 1977 Page 4 ' p\ It is rry opinion that it would be very desireable to the present owners of Snowlion and to a lesser deqree the owners of some ofthe nelghboring developments to preseive the present open characterof these parcels. By the development of these parcels, the viewsof a number of unlts would no doubt be obstructed and the presentparking problems greatly exaggerated. These are two of the more obvlous lmpacts. lt is my oplnlon that these impacts are primarllylocal and specific to Snowlion owners. I have contacted Mr. GaryFlanders of Colorado Springs, who owns some other properly in theSnowlion area. l'4r. Flanders indicated to me tha.t he would have some interest in purchasing the subject properties. His Interest would be in the maintaininq the property in its present open state,possibly developing some addifional parking. This indicaiion ofinterest and his intenflon to Dursue this acouisition would beconditioned upon being able to transfer the densify (number ofunits) that could be constructed to his other site. Obviouslya further condition of his interest would be his abitity tonegotlate a purchase of the property under favorab le terms andcondltions. In discussinq density transfer or transfer of develop- menf rights with Town officials, I have determlned that they wouldnot be opposed to it, but have not done it and have no grocedureto accomplish it.. Suffice fo say that it has potential, but wouldhave to be studied in detai I as to any specific requesf. 84 - BS PR0PERTIES:It is my opinion that construction on fheseproperfies, to the 84 unit density, greaily irnpacts fhe area and surrounding condomini um developrnents. The present character of 84 - 85 as natura I open space, Including the meandering stream,is a valuable asset to not only the adjacent condomlnium units, butalso to other units in the immediate vicinity. lt can be demon-strated that the proximity of park land and open space adJacentto and nearby residential development qreatly enhances fhe valuesof the resldential units. In Boulder, Colorado, vacant lofs,single family residential, have sold in the $40,000-$50,0C0 rance adjacent to Open Space Lands while interior lots in the same subdivlsion were being sold in the $15,000 range. An indepth study made by doctoral condidates'in the Boulder are further i llustratedthis fact. It is my contention that while objective evidence can be submlttedto support value increases caused by proximity to open space, thesubjective values are eoua11.7 inoortant and need to be recoonized. ..,7 Don Wal a r&Co. ;:li:ff8;'iHl" MEl4o: Tonl Berns 80302 October 31 , 1977 Page 5 It is my opinlon that this property should be preserved in lts open characfer and natural condition. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The above discussion is a general overvlew leading me to sorne conclusions and speci f ic recorynendat i ons: CONCLUS IONS: 1. That the Courchevel property impacts the Snorvlion Condominiumparticularly and is of major interesf to the owners thereof. That any development of this property would not be of interest to the Town as a whole or even a maJorify of the unit owners of nearby developments and therefore Preservation of the present undeveloped status would be the responsibi lity of these Snowlion unit owners. 2. That preservation of the undeveloped status of Courchevel properties would involve the purchase of the property (or developmenf rights thereto). 3. Thaf development of the Ba-85 propertles impacts all the condominium developments adjacent to and nearby this property and certainly affects enough units In the enti re area to conclude that preservafion of this property as open space would be of cornmunity wlde interest. 4. That preservatlon of B4-B5 as open space would necessitate the. acquisitlon of the property and that this might be accomplished by the combinatlon of funds from the affected property owners nearby and the Town of Vall. A possibility would be the formation of a special assess- ment distrlct. RECOMMENDAT I ONS : GENERAL: That the properties not be considered as a sinqle "packaoer',but be separated into individual projects, each being considered by the appropriate affected property owners. SPEC I F IC: A. Courchevel/Snowlion: That a meeting be held by the Snowlion Condomi n i um Assoclation to determine: l. lf there is sufficlent interesf to proceed with negotiaiionsto acguire the property, connnitting funds for appraisal work and neqotiations; or o Consullant3 Beal Estai€ Don wal?e, & Co.Consuliants Roal Eitat. Sunsh ine Canyon Boulder, Colorado 80302 I Ir', MEl.40: Ton i Berns October 3l , 19'17 Page 6 2. lf there is sufficient interest to commit funds to facilitaienegotiafions by Mr. Flanders ln his attempts to acquire theproperty as outlined above, and lf so, to what degree of f inancial commitment, 1.e., a. only for further study, orb. further study and financial subsidy in acquiiltion orc. no financial assistance at att (Posslbly include association from Telemark,/B1 owners) B. Ba-Bq: That a preliminary meeting be held by the presidents,/ chairpersons of the associations of the condominiums affected to determine if they have su{ficient interest to commit funds to procoed with further sfudy and negotiations, I would suggest thatassociations represented should be Snowlion, Telemark, Homestake, Lionsmane, Brookfree, Almond Apartments, Sandstone 70, Wesfview, The Printery at Vai l, and Breakaway !,lest. should there be sufficient interest, a formal committee should be, established and empowered to commit necessary funds to pay for:a) an investigation as to price of properfy; b) investigation asto structure and potential Town involvement; c) estimates ofposslble per unit assessmentl d) structuring of a final purchase proposal to be taken to all property owners; and e) negotiationsof an option, if possible, with the owners of B4-B5. It is imperative that commitments be made by property owners to par-ticipate and be involved prlor to any presentation to Town of Vailofflcials. I have had some prelirninary indicatlons that a co-operativeproposal would hold some Interest with rown officials, so all the back- ground work must novr be done as outlined above with the property owners. o Don Walker & Co.Conarlt|ntrR-l Enrt $rn$ina Canycn Eoulcbr, Color8do 803oa ocToBER 30, t977 JOB: Courchevel/Snowl lon 84-85 Property Vall, Colorado STATEI4ENT Expenses: One trip to Vall: 233 nl les @ $.15 Principals Tlme: 10.5 hours e S3l.Z5 $32g.lj Assistanfs Tlme: 12.5 hours @ $17.10 Zl3.7i M'ea I Thank you . TOTAL DUE: 34.95 2,94 s579.77 HENSEL PHELPS cclNsTFrucTrc'Nf;oMPANY t )b'';rt' il'An - ,,jf'vyMarch 29, 1976 !lr. Lawrence C. Rider, Attorney Municipal Building Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81651 Subject: L.R.B. - Boscoe Ltd. - Ridgeview Condominir:m ProjectVail-, Colorado Dear Mr. Rider, This is to ad.vise that our firm has beenon the Ridgeview Condominium Project byper !,1r. A. !t. Lutzrs letter to you dated Work will begin on site on approximately L976. Respectfully submitted, PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. F. Belt, P.E.Project Engineer jns L7639cc: Mr. A. M. Lutz,Mr. Bill Pierce, S2OI RINGSBY OT. 2nd FLOOR DETWE& CO S0216 given notice to proceed L.R.B.-Boscoe, Ltd. as March 23, L976. Wednesday, March 31, L.R.B.-Boscoe, I-,td.Building Dept.-To\,rn of Vail G R E E L E Y, C O L O FI A O O B O E 3 1 EN PoE" oFFIcE EoX o . oFFIcE ANo WAFIEHoUaE AT 42o siIxTH AVENUE ARIA COOE 3 c'3 3EE.EI'A!'\FF o ,A Aprll B, t9T6 Mr. Jim Lamont Town of ValIVall, Colorado Thls memo is to serve as a verifieation of our co:rver"satlonon Apr1l f, 1976, relatlve to the proposed Ridgevlew Condomlnlums in Lyons Ridge Subdivision at Val].It 1s my understandlng thab you would requlre thezonlng of the subJect property to be persued underthe planned development method of contract zonlng. The four mqJor areas of speciflc deslgn conslderatlonsqrg to be (1) a rrmid-heightI townhouse appearance,(2) "some"'commerclal spfce, however deslgned for'dlrect use of proJect tennants, (3) compllance withcovered parklng requlrements of the exlstlng zonlngordlnance and landscaplng requlrements of the exlstlngordlnance. Naturally as an archltect, I can comply with bhesedeslgn dlrectlves; however, 1t wilt substanbially change the use lntent of the proJect, the overall_buildlng area w1lL be cut back substantlally frolnwhat 1s now deslgned and the econonlc value of the new design wlLf be far f ess than v,lhat ls now conternplated. Thank you very much for your review of the proposedproject. f w1ll- remain in contact with you as tiie need Ft L.$es , //.*- fu9,92L'V7 James S. Junge AIA JSJr/cbJcc: Bob Lanarl Tom Cumrnlngs Bob Ruyle Abe LutzBernle Robln JUNGE / ASSOCIATES / AIA / ARCHITECTS / PLANNERS { \4,, - r'.arg .+---.,*^Y ArED4 74rr1 3-T*i.c-'-1 Ta.=1 .*tA-21 )r P-, *.7 roe%ar4- Tv*1 r' t{2 ^futr1laewr w+ ei26-1 t4+rs= A 1/r/1 L- 1-- ?'%WF- I (f ) Fn't*a? F4*t+ 412y1-re *vt-oAA -+>esyTt'f t tz) -7<f utt-/".tu'<) ae qntA' .-Zz'v'.'*'-'1 APY-e-v ^1 -I-1A= lyt-2,o. vra€D+ao W eeret->+r ]-I"=?.TY{ l.r+ffi e Lz?- l'le-vJt'n 1v $czT"e1n a-6 14t4€f'P t 3 IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COT'NTY OF EJAGI,E STATE OF COLORADO Clvil Actlon No. 2735 ,?bh couRcnEvEt, LTD., apartnership, and L.R.B.,a general partnership, Plaintiffg, va. TOWN OF VAIL, a Coloradomunicipal corporation, ORDER Defendant. THXS MAlfER, coming before the court on the StiPulatlon of the part:les. Upon review of the Stipulation, the recorde of the court and statenents of corrrr"Lf, the court finds that the Stipu.lation ls proper and should be made an order of thie Court. IT IS THEREFORB ORDERED, tITAt: (A) The Stipulation ie hereby approved and made an Order of thls courtt (B) The portlon of the above entitled action which relates to the Plaintiff, L.R.B., is hereby dislnisseil i and (C) Each of the parties 6ha11 pay their otrn co6ts and attorneys I fees in this rnatter. DOIIE IN CHAI.{BERS thiE day of L977 . By the Court : disE-lct iuclge It.' i[, il ocq I i t. ;F 5gff,i€ a; ;;, #g f 'u** ,i **f ffi €*ff ,i € s:u;iifi;s s:Ei,€es##ffif isgfg gj ,aEaaEe:E d b EgEEgi:Eg E E ;€E :€;Et: i ;* iEgEigEgF, FsgiE ';EiiffiEii ;?EiEEi ;::EciiarE? ;fEfsi$ ;= 1: E;€ BA€E ;"::;'t g Eo Ir. +; ="c3.;i EdO!. .9 P 'id:g frE .s =d € z .gali'rIEIF, sl ,ig,d4 E e 'g E g:z; * * .te F ;E;E.-t 5.9.95 g.:€; Ei grs.si"E'F*; FE;Ii;EgE=;gEl 9 oooooocE :crq'!-o-8883R99 = ..9 O O O O O O O c); - -; Hf .d si $ {t \c €i si U \.i ci <t d vt sj n .:.ri ct od ad ad cd od dd d ed od ./i ad qi - s-a htJa 't/) o l& o Fl J Ju t-: p b?nz I ! I I i I I t :l il I E u'ffii;ff .Fi& iffg* ifggru* fi,;s si*e3g ;s, u# sf#ffiifil ffii$ ,*ru 6 ;j; iriiigi:5;$ i*E;g i+ig' I F €EI* EiEFfiii; E iE€g AgiEli= i;ii? ,EiEiilf:€u E FiE* E;i3ii: u i*is Eiiiiigiiig c* 3eiE, iif:iil EIilgiEiiiiiiiigiEii:iii?i3iiiiii 'I 'I ,.. Se$g.sTo,l)E c-lEEt--. LLvr3 i ,. LIOH-I A)O6E FtLtqte NO. 1 ,. LoT 6lz&'. , B? 3.671 gtzEs 6g z. a? g Ecz-5 g 6 , ot 7 tQ <-atJ- g (ZUz, loo.€z .le. Ff.) ,,. 4,,wu1r16t'8 No- uerrTS ! 8.1 ,, AtLow,g4l-E 6afpt t. ' g3rooo 6Q. FT. . CsEe +nryc^rtso rauuzo c ) ,?.oNE. otsT,.ztcT: LoLD o64strt HuurtpE- ,. FrlMtt-.) PETTTz- H4t 4SR6O HE TD LoDq A)TE 7HE .,atttuo,qgLE 4a84 aF fHA 344As7v)E ., (3€gl< z-t-v$ ; OEFtHtrtor-t oF &ttuaa'&E ,foa+ ., 4fitt-s R)A " OESI,NATEO FLooetotAr4, ,. R@ S,QEOSToNE- <.,a.EER t1/45 NE4/E-4- A&s^t4b ..4s 4 ttno6tP4t5 tA /?7-f HYQ/2O -1r2r4o 67-rat1 ..a)T '*r7oT' 7r+d NE^J FEA6;/L4L- 4<tu.4g48- t) Aonn lsT,an rtoA n$.os oo o&,t(,t.,).aTe A BASE FL-OM Pt-c)tA e*)oE a) @ s4*JAy a JE aa€.El< . 6 o t THL c-/,EEt- trJ ELF /5 : zbZ r ,oo z-43 r grD X,3o 73, t{ , i\nn(: ,J' (a.zoss stTE 4+84.' se.PT) ( 4.zFA oF rz€A S+tcas2o5 ( 6uuo4ELL 1nE- 4zs.a C 6&trA F, eToa- R>tt- teryC )L 4Un.t.*AuE bAt a LwQ;y a)a4-EtgT R&o,ot-A n"* ) *i fo oHtB .JuaQAk-E L,*)6fl}' lpHt- ilsign Review Action FOm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ox" t^/ tt/94 Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: .(Ls. tr*. AnW Rrcnitdfonffidress and Phone: .,On->-r'> . -t'r\ . 6t ' .1 1-- ' .rw', ') Legaf Descripti on: ut8'4 Bbck 6 Subdivision L-r)n p<,t-'a .-*,/ , - zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: f] Approval ! Disapproval KStaff Approvat Conditions: t--1 '.3fL o un.-- '(u t/t-- / *,/ Town Planner o^t", 4/zz/qy' DRB Fee ere-paia 4-\. (e .r+:tJ. xK6 'bq + 6s-,/'rh, d _ 34 t79,_ : .D 1^ {, I t I7a->s l) go n. &: 9to- a o ' Lobby A.ea.S lt 6ers'-.--yI ,l vc'r. -- -. A.ounfc fl'reas - ll , t6. S Boru Aneot \{CA-O Lou^^. frr^no5 -to1)t)/ fl ,t ' .'\bqv htrea, - Y6a-C) Ar.r. /ct t -,. ()hFicq b--1 /_d-s Meultr,..1 frooans - S7A.got..n K1 *.[^ "u /1 ,ru ot ? Atl. S-i li Ct-. C/ t-? rr1-l5k; St^ou slY-?-t i.l , Olhnu SGi(s - 3 17- a-r/ I l -'i \, ,, (r2r,*,*)$"*Gv-oouu--, > tl 3t- )s | ' C le2;aq Ano^ j7e - o 0 -Io{- I a I l, A ge-o I -T" (^A 5 t"tz; w1 cr,t'1 L...1 /f f .z ot () f-. o. Kew lfl ao vvzs R e.v..l i o,n K oorn, I 6vary1- / R".- Aa.si de-1l' I fne.G,, 1 Sbi"s, (caFA) V"no6e - ron ol Toa t .6 7cl.5.. nbqX,,u, u"ri- ---'--- Suuryl rurih q ?-"1 A?o"l RYg'-. LlyA-' P"olt l+1d"" Poolg V+sii hut* ?5aqn4 )*carrn Roo,*., 71.9'X 2.3.s =23.tx '6 = l, o'l st7,s I 97L a.> x l3 -- 7X t7= 8x1= 6.5 x lLs : al-sx(-S: te7., iit 72 '7 </.7s 6t.7, -a--l'-- ' ' l7i*" I | , E?2';s1,\ /!qn', Alerl M-r.at .-U9a-\,., l'1,/o".r^\ VO,e,rC-r, lt/o,.-c^r, Aoo r^ R o" vtn Koo ,a^ Rno r,, _4. o ".^ ftn. ,n^ 2-s h /o-sx 1,s x lo x ) : l3.sx 8-s: 2s x lo : /Ao , eo_:), 7( <1 O / Sr-as 2g o f e = lf--f= Q'= 4 o,s X t-s:-r,- a s Vtrn, r-',Ro o .-,..S,sx o?rl 8 g'1,A.s _ cdwd Rnc, Ro-.. lAoo r.u, R" " ,*., R-oo,-n /8,s)r tss 2t-s x dt--s > lz X 8 7.s x tl-s= 7>7-s 9(q_._?_-r_ l5_ a 13- ?tRu.-Ko o 1^ R"" * - i-lrrt J.Xd-s= at,-ri 6..r = ,3,t47i-R.r. f"bhy G 9ryr-c. Go "n. R9 o g,,-,, Aoa.r,,... gfr' J_[oF .'- -- 1'2 , aV ta-7at - 6--vX t-si - l-t, a.^t l6 --s V I t-.s = jg )Jr ln X /S-5= a _1 v- t }€:-*-;r= Al x Y>- Aars x l>s =3 Y8. >s loa- 5r;54.p 5K: S!""f -17 X < =i^l-Ta ?'r\11 v v .Aare:.o.aL (C",^'t J ,i tx,_7s x 13. ?s- c,r ,1!4e.1n El.ri . 8-s x 1 =' 76'r_fi jl:r -. rU - c <-9 ,Fbtavqtow E4-ip SS X ? = >X-S _. ^. lI , --- ' -I | ' ErYE tavaV t 4,-:1p 3. s X A -- 7n'tr=, . lJ r t' ? t 5-r t^. --+^ ^ _ a- F t- r4r t__ I I -r\, QlcveTou. 6-SA 7.S: er..r Ill T-lauato-- n-s x I -- ot.9 . l'1 7\ .f. ..-.. hA r > t^ r- ' / zlVz-h Fr.-;p- lo.tf 6 = (D 5- L_tl _fvlc.r,, E{=i[_ 7X.t:__ eEI r-+ --uf-)nti*ol' 6-sxc: j1 t--,L S*.i-.r t[.' sXto= /rS_ _ 9f'; -' li - ----- -Ll_ f of-l 6S_a 'l l ; I ;r1-- ---.-. .. ti :-7 il rl il I l ti I l , l' .. ri il rl ll_ti I- i -- .r,r / i' 7i \-. Iji I. ,-t \: i \-' \'.rd \ i 2 I , I b) lo-'fra - ?5-s A l6-e= ul )L)s t..gofu,ioo-5- iAx 16.-sf5r.as) : el9l-7f /v1n'|-,u2 foo*".5 - 2s-s x 3s : 8?a.9 O(6ievc\ 2,6X ty= 36't H.tluloy- a?-sx tl: aYTs B"ll ury- l3.ri ? : 71,r l)"llWoy- /ox a -- €o HT lr'*to'y- lT.sxts lLob t( (( /t (1 t( (t H"tlv"y- 11" tl anl FL rl .^l - ,'?.,\ tA3t -- a T v | 4-t =/\ L t/ L-s x 8 : l0-sXts= ta x ( : lY,sl f-!s= t1 r- v ( -| / -> A ll,sr | - '-f-I oI-, ( .,t6 r 6ia-s sa fi;4.{" e ?1 - 9tvvi(e- ?q" F '!"r - h"tr- ls z> 7a ? 2..%)-f8t | 1,.' 313o* Ma-C. Rnoy*- E l",z c<fo,- - foXl\ /ox"l lao flo 16 x 3 Slsx 8.r x c- fr- q-- t>8 9o-ag 8o-? f -T.+'I '(Y1-o o t t L- I tag I rA - L_ e-tst_. I - L o,-,^lS.sxAs=1 6 7,9 osll6e- -- - Ll X 5.s --a l.f - -$ow l'5 X-l\o :90 -19-e:- -- .- -- a] x /6 n}.^ -rllotql Lala.-aE-7 llg'_+ _lo.I X _i, ,--1Y_ s lo.-s x aB =-71 ./ l7 t,s f S,s x 8,s=I3 I. ?S _ Tb+^J '7 I s- >-t 2oX P"u- Li,,l ,-l'fo-s2c8 -- - - =_- a'/ Ur,;,4 /a.sx. 17.s=3\1 3- >s U"i*9t. a5 Uu"'* Un,1 |ll,Sx ?.s -- xt7 ?,1 ,i x At =- Lo-( 04 aTsx f,l-s:_- -i I 6 -.as lbtut_ lo.'9 x ? --(? tY: La_n X 6-s--58-s +-,J, o_aa :1 i l,rt 7 0 k rr t, iltl (. g t^ 61 /.i ..' (' q) ;.,) / la _ ;i l5: .'\- 3 r:Y)_ l>r t,;. I \ I \ I I t, 2^t r/ ?/7,?_r t"lr-.,t' 6 : ? &'rs- h+r^-f Q- | 64'6e ta5,7t- h//.f Ji.13 A*tO_- A4l/# //.e.c-x 27 Jl't-x 2-f to -zrxt-r (6,2r x t.6) 11 - J.t:c'X trat (f,to'x e'tr) ' d/ t",r4 lz' -Uf.rx /l-At (/,tx z) (?ac*/2,?t = ,/?/,ly' (ro,7 ) f //, c-V ,/*-n - 3a t4.d- j/.c /7.s r/.o- 4 & t1.{ y'/,f <3 r7.c- e/ = y+3.r/z- -- 36.qG fu:* * -z.rt o/ Jt -zor'tz-rf u/L2.-- 2/ e' rf7b: ' ' La-24t ^-t'-7'J , (g.z'qx * .) 3a7 ' 6e a_r4( q.?5- 4 Jf, (J.as-^ " ) lfl. 2s- = 7/7 '7c- /.c-144. tog.6t \ \ -> ta.R5-x 3'/ q1? :' '5-) /4.:?-.:tf (t.2c-x2.5-) t,23 ,/, - (t3. ts) \i 13-2c-x ti.zc- 12acl-t.7r) . 1/7,2;!a5,7c- 4r7 '/ 3 ?o'at - (6'zt). //xa7 n.t-x -t/,2f (/,n-x t).7llzs 3 - 4n,.*&. e-, ?gq.az 11'3 x 13.j ' ; t- 4 u^'fr- @ qE4'63 s -f f u"*ta. A 7/2. lc-' -f Q ,.nuh Q. lrL/'63 ' I t &-*.-f 8- 7y'7't5'= 8- f/7.lf = qq2-l,61 ? ?23. ts- / ? 7t'' 5c /?4, t t- 2./?, 2c- \ ?62' tr I 0 u*-t e- ?L-t'z>-= ?tt'tf - -r t r// G - lf o2,5-z'- Y'a7'tQ d -D or'ta- J. *+d-, /ltf,s z- - J7'1/, c.'l \ ./*/J t8''924 e2/, yfl, d/