HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 6-10 SIMBA RUN UNIT 1201E LEGALI rt4 -&6G5 -eqill!€->-- /Yg5sT tt T'7 €4f sffr 7r Home Occupation permit Application General Information: Business Name: g5r,6ffirn.ffi6';g7s />ot c; A home ocqlpaton is a use conducted entirely within a dwelling and is incidenbl and secondary to the use of theclwelling for dwelling purposes. Home occupation permie must be reneled on an annual basts. Approvals for homeoccupations shall lapse if not pursued within two months of approval. , Vail, Colorado 81657 axt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Location: Loh_Block_ Subdivision: Physicaf Addrege: t 16 rv Frz , r-c r?.f- , Parcel l{o.: Zoning: Name(s)of PrcpertyOwner(s): f?rg,;n- 6. S,lrnr+r<t< Property Owner(s) Signature(s):,_=_s Nameof Appficant(Buslness0wner): f?resz 4 _ 6.qzlt,rA r: P.o. A:>r 3tl8 |ErG phone qzo- *-Z - l5l2 Email Addresst fualrllo<fun*t, C.t :.-, Fax €,crr€ HOIIE OCCUPATION IT{FORIIIATIOII Number of employees: . Hours of operation: Equlpment/vehicles (includlng number) to be used: c/.tt e,N? Where are materlals/equipment to be localed: Will cllents be ooming to the home: Estlmate number of client visits per week: F : \t sers\cdev\FoRMsudmintstrawe_Actions\home_occ_2004.doc Mailing Address: Phone: laq- 4a> I AI^l Mailing Addrcss: Page 1 of 3 03l24lM "' ' ir l HOiIE OCCUPATIOT{ PERI'IT CONDITIONS All h,ome oaupations must €omply witft the follouring rcgulations at all tineg; If any condation is violated at any time, the home oocupauon permit may be rcvoked. 1' The use shall be conducted enUrely within a dwelling and carried on principally by the inhabitanb thereof. A home child daycare facillty shall be o<emplfrom this requi[meni toattbw outdoor play areas, 4' The total floor area used for the home occupation shall not ooeed one-fourth (V4) of the gross residential floor area of the dwelling,.nor orce€fr fivd hundred (S00) square'fdet. Home-child dafcare facifities shall not o<ceed one-half (Ll?) d the gross residen$al flfor'area of the dwelling, noi one thousand two hundred Rfty (1,250) square feet. 5. There shall be no advertising, display, or other indica0on of the home occupation on the premises. 6. Selling stocK, supplies, or products on the preliiisds'shall not be permitted, provided that incidentil retail sales may be mqde in connection,witLpBrer,pennitted honqopcupauoni. 7. There shall. be no.o<terior storage on the premises or matiiiil uiddin the home occupatton."' " 8. There.shall be no noise, vibratlon, smoke; dust, odor, heaQ or glare noticeable at or beyond theproperfy.llne, as a rqsu.lt of $e honp gccupattgn, A lQme child dayiare facility shall be ocerirpt from this requirement to allow outdoor play areas. 11. A home occupaHon permit is valid for one year and order for the home occupation to legally Ue confnri*f. - i mpst Qe.rengwed by the Administrator in q/.re/a4 (Date) ..\ :ction,wit[o$rer-permitted hqryq opcupaUons. F : \Users\cde\'\FORMSlAdministatve_Actons\home_occ_2oo4.doc Page 2 of 3 o3124104 All home occupations _T_T* *T.prv_ with $re bilowing rcguradons at ail times. rf anvoondition is viorated at any dme, tie hd;'di*oon permit may be revoked. 1' The use shall be conducted e-ntirety within a dwelllng and carried on principally by the inhabitanb*Ht A home cfrild daycare ru.amv titiii G &ernpt from rhrs reguiremenr to arory outdoor pray 2' Employees, other than inhabitantsbf thi ilwelling, shall not exceed dne person at any time. 3' The use ;triil be it""nf in.ia"nt l ana secona",y b the use of thedwellingfor durelfing purposesand shat not chanse the resadenuar ct'iriG oil-# p.i"rtv ""J*ighd,illfu.4' The total floor area 1sj9r.s" home occupation shall not exeed one-fourth (v4) of the grossresidentiar floor area of the dwerins, '* o;;; d;=;;;ryr*liqffiff+ar. Frome chird daycarefacillties shall not occeed one-jralf iilzl "rirt" d; resuentilt n6or'area or tne dwettrng, nor onethousand two hundred fifty (f,250) ,q;r"i*t, -' 5' There shall be no advertising, display, or other indlcation of the home occupation on the premlses. fu,ffi1ff,#5;"'."lL1T:T-ig$_ql" pl"Tlre. shail not be permftbd, provided thatirrcidental reCil sales.m'ay be mqile ln imnnectlon wittr-o,g_he_J;penT.titted llgne occupati6ni, 7' Thqe shall F noe*erior storag6 on the premises or matent Gedin the home occupauon. .. .. 8' There shatl be no noise, .vibration, smoke; dust, $or, heat, or grare nouceabre at or beyond theproperty line' as a result of 'the ttotl.re ec*eauon. -[ fur" child daycare facitlty shall be o<empt fromthls requirement to allow outdoo, pr"i i,o3. ** 't' 9' A home occupauon *:1 lp.t ,gene|aF signrffcant rretrlcutar traffic, In o(cess of thal.tydcailygenerated bV residbntial' (welurigf and irt"rr'"noilnt"rr"re with parking, access or other normaractivities on adJacent nronekes., .or wiu, ou,ei ,nie i"'". ,."1rffi1irilil{:,qiije"flopnent. ;:,H#A:lXXi[:3,8:" or commercial vehicles in association with a home occupation permit shatl 11' A home occupation rrePit is.valid for one year Snd"must,he,rengwed by the Administrabor inorder for the home occupation to legally be;;H,bi,i. & Es I agree that the home occupation wilr be in comptiance wigafl ofthese"*;o,uonr.I' F:\.Jsers\Cdev\FoRMsr6dmtntsbadveJcfl onsvune_occj0o4.doc Pag€ 2 of 3 03l24lM 9/23/2004 To whom it my concer4 I, Don Hancock, Managing Agent for Simba Rrm, 1100 N. Frontage rd., Vail CO, 81657, give my permission to Roger Satnick to run his business under the name of Kintas Consultants out of unit 1201E. He will abide by all the rules and regulation goveming Simba Run and the Town of Vail Home Occupation. Sincerely, Managing Agent Simba Run 9123/2004 To whom it my concern, I, Laura Bell being the owner of unit 1201E at Simba Run, 1100 N. Frontage rd.o Vail CO, 81657, give my permission to Roger Satnick to run his business under the name of Kintas Consultants out of unit 1201E. He will abide by all the rules and regulation governing Simba Run and the Town of Vail Home Occupation.