HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 6-10 SIMBA RUN BUILDING PERMITS PART 2 LEGAL7, briner,scott architects 143 e. meadow dr vail, colorado 81657(303) 476 3038 November 15, 1982 Mr. Chet Horton Building Department Town of Vail Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: S imba Run Condominiumsr/Amenities Roof Overflow Scuppers Dear Chet: Encloseil you will fincl a letter from our structural engineer verifyi-ng the capability of the amenities roof to support accumulated water in the event that roof drains are clogged. Therefore, these roofs (with the exception of the highest roof with the 30'r parapet) will have no overflow scuppers. It is our understariding that the roof drainage is thus in compliance wj-th Section 32O7 of the 1979 Uniform Buildinq Code; if not please contact our office. S incere Iy, T* Klk* lIM KCIIET]n Project Architect BRINER/SCOTT ARCHITECTS, INC. Tr-/rh enclosure ,//---./Z_Fu_ ar cc: Ray Story,/L & M ProfessionaL Consultants Gene Ri sacherr/Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Mark Cormier,/JvA J O HN SON -VOI LAND -ARCHULETA, Consulting E)ngineers November 10, l9B2 14r. Tim Kel lam Bri nerlScott Archi tects lq3 East Meadow Drive Vaff, Colorado 81657 RE: Simba Run; adequacy of roof joists under a proposed "water loading Dear T lm, lN C. w. B. rohnson Robert H. Voiland S- J- Archuleta David M. H olr deshell Fobert B, Hunnes H. GarV Horvell F ranc is t. Wells R. A. tlorton Robert C. Al50n Ger aldi ne M. Huhl at East Building and Amenities area eisht (8) inches and one-half (9*) top of soil to top that the new loading on dry-to-partial ly adequately handle or problems. At your request, I have performed a design check on the steel joists at the roof of the East Bui lding and Amenlties area' Using a proposed rrwater loading" condition consisting of of fully saturated earth and gravel (@ 135 pcf) and nine inches of water (@ 62.4 pcf) (based on the distance from of tallest parapet without scuppers), it was determined condition did not exceed the original design load (based saturated soil and snow). It can therefore be concluded that the roof joists will the rrwater loading" condition as outl ined above. Please contact me if there are any addltlonal questions Sincerely, fl^'t e---- Hark Cormier, EIT Johnson-Voi I and-Archuleta, I nc. HCC : mc 2305 CANYON EOULEVARD 6385 WEST 52N D AVENUL tsLUt Or c COLOqAOO aO3O2 444 1951 ASVADA, COLORADO aOO02 420 2055 t'F-n COLORADO TEST CENTER' INC. 155 sourH NAVruO DETWER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAITY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING INSPECTION Fireproofing was inspected over all leve1s of the north building. Density sarnples were taken from 1eve1s 130' 140' 150' 160' and 170. Densities will be measured at the CTC shop and reported separately. Patching is required at saurple locations on each of these levels. Results of coverage insPection: Level 120 Beams bordering the breezeway have not been conpletely fireproofed. Otherwise coverage accepted' One tube colunn rnarked with paint on line A has LOCATION: Simba Run INSPECTOR: D. GANOW CONTRACTED SERVICES: Level 130 Level 140 Level 150 Level 160 JOB NO: 1878 DATE: 9/21/82 REGULAR HRS: 4.s 0T HRS: EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 1 OF 2 thin coverage south of line 10. Two tube columns on line A need nore coverage south of line 10. NOTE: north of line 10 fireproofing is not conplete on leveLs 150 and 140. Patch required at 15C density sanple location only' Otherwise accePtable Rejects at columns 9-B,15-C, and 15-8, and at bean flanges on line A between 13 and 14 and 15 to 16. 0therwise accePtable. Rejects at columns 16-C, 13-C, and 10-D, and on diagonal straps on lines 10 ' and 'l 2 ' STRUCTURAL MECHAhIICAL AND MATERIATS TESNNG \,, Level 170 fu* COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA'O DEfWER, CoLORAOO 80223 (3O3) 698-1050 DAITY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING DENSITiES LOCATION: CTC JOB NO: 1878 DATE: 9/23/82 INSPECTOR: Dewayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 3 OT HRS: r..., / CoNTMCTED SERVICES: / LexrRA SERVICES:-PAGE 1 OF 1 Densitiesotthefollowingfireproofingsanplestakenfromthe northbuildingatSinbaRunhavebeenneasuredatthecTcshop. These densities exceed UL and ICB0 requirements for MK-5, which are 17pcf ninirnum average density and l5pcf ninimurn individual densitY . Results are as follows: level 130, sanPle 2: 20.5Pcf \ level 140, sarnPle Z leve1 150, sarnPle 2 1eveL 160, sanPle 1 LeveL 160, samPle . 2 1 9 .Spcf 19 . Tpcf 1 8 .6pcf 20 .8pcf level 170, sample 1: 21.Opcf (this 1s sanpl-e 1 only) Refertoreportdateds/zo/szforresultsofpreviouslyneasured fireproofing densities. The densities of the 10 sanples taken from this bullding aIl exceed ninimum specification. For the building the average MK-5 density is 20.Spcf uith a standard deviation of l.3pcf.ThisreportcompletessanplingofMK.Sdensitiesforthe north building. STRUCTUFAL, MECHANTCAL AND MATERIAUI TESNNG Af,f ALBERT KNOTT & A$SOCIATES, INC. 156 SOUTH NAVAJO STR€ET DENVER, OOLOFADO 80223 (303) 69tt-1050 AKA 1878-1181 June 30, 1982 Hensel Phelps Construction Co. P. O. Box BBVail, Colorado 81658-0929 Attention: Mr. Richard Maynard RE: Sinba Run Condominiuns Gentlemen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work perforned on June 30, 1982. Very truly yours, ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. RMR:nc cc Tin i,lcKinney Chet Horton Dave HoudeshellTin Kellan Ray Story STRUCTUHAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 , (903) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganorrr CONTRACTED SERVICES: N EXTRA S JOB NO: 1878 DATEl .6-50-82 REGUIAR HRS: 6.0 oT HRS: ERVICES: PAGE 1 OT 5 Fireproofing coverage on colunns along the north wall, west wall-, and interior north of line., 15, was inspected. The following list gives locations of colurnns where work is inconplete or rejected. Colunns below level 130 rvere not inspected. At sone locations the outside surfaces of colunns, which were previously rejected or not inspected, have been covered preventing inspection today. Field copies of this list were given to Bud Vanhorne, Hensel Phelps LeveL 140: Inside, north end; Diagonal braces not coyered columns F: 16, 17, 18, 19 North wall (1 ti Z0) colunn D: ZA l{est wall columns G: 1-, 2, 3, 7, 9,13, 14, 15 II:15 Outer srrrfaces of the follor,rring columns are hidden from view on r.rest waIl: G: 41 5r 6, 10r I1 , 12, 13, 14 . I1 : 16, L7,19,20 Level 150: Inside, north end: Diagonal braces unfinished colurnn F: 16 STRUCTURAL ANO MECHANICAL TESTING o AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCTATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 . (303J 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run JOB NO: 1878 DATE: 6-30-82 INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 6.0 OT HRS:, CONTRACTED SERVICES: A EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE U OF 3 l.lorth rvall: coLumns D: Z0F: 20 I\rest wa11: colurnns G; Z, 3, 7, g, L0H: 16, 20 Outer surfaces of the following columns are covered: G:11 H:18 South r.ra11: colunn B-1 Level 160: Inside, north end: columns F: 17, 18 Inside, south end: columns E: 5, I Diagonals rejected, lines: 3, 15, 14, 15, 16, 18 North rtrall- 91ine 20) colurnns: II: ?,0D: Z0 C: 20 A11 Beans IVest wal1: columns G: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-H:2A Outer surface of colurnns covered at: Ii: 18 Level- 170: Inside: columns and diagonals accepted North r,{a11 : all columns and beans unfinished(1ine 22) STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBEBT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOU1H NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba RuN JOB NO: ].878 DATE:-6.30-82 INSPECTOR: Del{ayne Ganow ndCUmn HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: CONTRACTED SERVICES ' T{ EXTM SERVICES: PAGE 3 OT 5-_r_r South wall: colurnn E: 7 Itlest wa11: coLurnn H: 22G: 7, 8, 9, 10r 11 Outer surfaces of the following columns were covered:H: L7' L9 Level 180: Insicle: columns accePted diagonal on l-ine ?? rejected; other' diagonals accepted ilorth end: A11 colurnn anrl bean outsi<le surfaces re unfinished. l.lest rra1l-: colunns G: 7t g, LI , 13 H: L5, 16 , ?0, 27, Note: Studs and fiberglass should be rernoved to complete fireproofing application at columns G-7 and H-16. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 84OO SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80112 (303) 77s.8585 AKA 1878-1181 February 15, 1982 Hensel Phelps Construction Co.P. 0. Box BBVai1, Colorado 81658-0929 Attention: Mr. Richard Maynard RE: Sinba Run Condonini.urns Gentlemen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work perforned on February 12, 1982. Very truly yours, AIBERT KNOTT q ASSOCIATES, INC. RMR:nc cc Tin Chet Dave Tim Ray McKinney Horton Houdeshell Kel1an Story STRUCTURAL ANO MECHANICAL TESTING (3CXr) 773-8586 INSPECTION REPORT OF: LOCATION: Simba Run AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 8,100 SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEWOOD, COLOFAOO 801 12 ONSITE JOB NO: 1878 DATET 2/t2/82 INSPECToR: Pat Collins REGULAR HRS: 3.5 OVERTIME HRS: coNTRAcTED SERvIcEs: vns K r.ro PAGE 1 OF 1 Performed a walk through insnection to ensure a1l" areas of the ltructuraL steel is conpleJed and 4eceltabLe. This inspdction showed all areas narked fol- repair on ear'lier inspections have heen repaired and accepted ex- cenf onc moment ennneetion af elevation 170r on colunn 10B has not heen r,re l ded AKA wi 1 1 rei n-spect this connection uLon comIrl et i nn nf -f he rewnrk - - - Also notel the X bracins on all 1evels has not bgen conpleted and cannotl until warmer weather. This is bv the request of the structulal enginegE. The unconpLeted X bracing Jri11 not hinder the poqging-of the fLoor slabs begause the weLdins can be nade fron under the deckins. need:ing rework of inspection to cg[p1ete the Stauctura]. steel.. the snow coTgr is,Jemoyed. A11 other levels of roof deck are acc.entable. STRUCTURAL ANO MECHANICAL TESTING P CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS cobble-s and occ-asional bouldets.-. No free,water wa; observed in the- chen and associates oi I I €rui rxo Ag toctAttS Conrufllng Englnocn Soll and Foundellon Englneorlng .'_--j-' ' ,-.. Age Tested --+1 Days _- ,_. :.-. Cooprenslre-: Strength (rct) Z6 455{r rgfli-- -6*1. ---2t --=-' --- 43'5U-- :--': Remarka: LGI'{ Professionel Consul+ants CHEN fi{D ASSOCiA?ESi 'rNe. Ilans Froesch I e o c HTN AND ASSOCIATIS o Consulllng Englneere Soll and Foundetlon Englnerlng = Job Loc,i lon-: Sinba ::-=i-=-.-...:-i +.i-..:::e;:;--- -]€ :=:- s1 . '- . 6-4 :", 6-4 28:-,* 1'r fl - Hlr15 Jrr oerchl c- HCN AND ASSOCIATI' Conrultlng Englnaera Soll and Foundellon Englncedng . so80 nD.'l3rl . CLEHTiOOD SP*|rlGSt COLOnADOStGot : _ -: -=i' -Fti"-ro-catf --- -'Dirte--- - - - .i..f{g;' .. -Tesred - ,' -- Days - .:- :--: :'.-:- 94 o-9 .t6 - 4280 ' -'-- ..,.' :-: -i: : ,, ::-_ r-f- e-j ll.rns FloeschIc Ouxrx AND AisocrrrrgO Conrultlng Englneerr Soll snd Foundetlon Englneerlng 5080 RO.15a . GLEI{WOOO SPRI!{GS, COLOnADO 8160r -Unlt l{eight pcf Alr Content Z - Slump 21 tn- -"aj-=:.:" :fg;4: .3t€rreter -*. ,. '' 1':l-.T..j, in.*..:: -Densi tJEi.-: -', :,: *C,E ='":..:ltelgtt::: - pursicar, pnoeErirEs: Speclfled S trength: CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, iNC. Jl-an s Ftoeschle Cylinder-- Dat€ '-, . Age-Tested - Coopre$stve - '-No. --fested Days .sE rength {PsfJ It310 :-- 6-1S 4240 txrx rRo AssocreruO Conrultlng E-nglneerr - ' Solt rnd Foundatlon Englnaerlng s080 no. rs. . GL€NIYOOO S9nlNGS, COLOnaDO 81 601 ' Cvlloder- ' .'..-.. .-!qte...., =- - ARe leSEe{F , 4' - -l''rcAaPr s;'b'!Y'- =l__-'. Tested - =:-. Slfengcn LPsl,, -----4-t4--::..- . - 6-24 .' 28 :€ -,t L&Il' Profess iona I Consultrrlt s llins.lroescirlr . - . El Esffifl?ffio'fiLo. o r.U BOX tsJ 420 Sixth Avenue Greeley, Colorado 80632 (303) 352-6565 :l ._ 34 35 6-zl-a?- Arn / ao/, AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DA]tY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sirnba Run INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow CONTRACTEI] SERVICES: 5- 26-82 HRS: 1 accepted. Two density sanples were taken, 150 and 160. JOB N0: 1878 DATE: REGUTAR HRS: 3.0 OT EXTRA SERVICES: R elCE 1 OF one each from 1eve1s Fireproofing thickness was inspected on beans and colunns along the south wa11 (about B line) fron points S to 1l on levels 140, 150 and 160. The thickness on perimeter coLurnns is typically rejected. The principal reason for rejecting colunn fireproofing thickness is due to wall studs next to or near the colunns preventing conplete appLication of fire- proofing. The studs also interfer with accurate inspection. Fireproofing has not yet been placed on the top flanges of a few bearns to filL the void between deck and beams as requested on 5il-9-82* Otherwise, coverage on these perimeter beans is AI(A was inforned today that fireproofing thicknesses will be measured in the future by Bob Highland, Briner S ott Architectsr field inspector. AKA fireproofing inspection wiLl be confirmed to neasuring the densities of MK-5 samples taken at the site. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING 1v AKA - ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES,ING. STRUC-UFAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING - AKA o ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. t STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKfi ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLOFADO 30223 (3{'31 69{l'1050 OATTY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING DENSITIES LOC.{I ION: AKA Shop Ix-SPECTOR: DelttaYne Ganow JOB :i0: 1878 D,\TE: 6'8-7? REGULAR HRS : ?, , O OT HRS : CONTRACTEU SERVTCE S' & EXTRA SERVTCES: P.{CE--1-.LTF 1 Densities of samples taken from Simba Run have been neasured at the AtA shop. These densities exceed t,tre UL minimun density requirement of 15 pcf . ltrhen additional samples are taken frorn each 1eve1, the average density per level will be compared with the UL requirement which is 17 pcf rninimum average density per f1oor. Results are: Level 140 Level 150 Level 170Level 180 L7.6 pct 21.5 pcf l-9. B pcf L7 .9 pcf AKA ALBEFT KNOTT 155 SOUTH NAVruO o DEHVER. COLORADO 30?23 (303) 698-1050 DAITY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING IOCATION. Sinba Run INSPECTOR: neWayne Ganow CONTRACTED SERVJCES: K rXrN.t o & ASSOCTATES, ]NC. 1878 DATE: HRS: 8.0 OT PAGE 1 OF Fireproofing thicknesses were inspecte<l at Sinba Run on l-evels 140-180. Spray on fireproofing has not been applied to steel on or beneath Level 150. Coverage on perimeter bearns where applied is typical good. A few rejected areas were observed on lor,rer or upper beam flanges and shown to the fireproofer for correction. Most of the fire- proofing has been applied on the east wall (Lines A, B, and C). Spraying on the east walL is inconplete at spots, particularly at the north and south ends, Coverage is rejected on a majority of the colurnns. A connon cause of rejects is the inability to spr4y some surfaces due to the position of wall studs. At nany of these areas, fireproofing can be added by hand. At col-urnns such as 10-8, a double stud is required for the wa1l next to the column north flange. There is not sufficient clearance to moye studs and fireproof this flange. For this core, the stud next to the colunn should be sprayed to the fullest extent possible on fire protective bolts placed within studs. Any gaps between studs and columns should be sealed with fireproofing. Fireproofing on the column web should be increased to two inches at these locations. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL T€STING INSPECTION JOB NO: REGULAR SERVICES: 6-9-82 HRS: 2.0 2 AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 $OUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (3O3) 6sp-1050 DAILY REPoRT oF: FIREPROOFING INSPECTION LOCATION: Sinba Run JOB N0. 1878 DATE: 6-9-8? INSPECTOR: Delfayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 8.0 OT HRS:,f CONTRACTED SERVTCES: \ EXTRA SERVTCES:_PAGE z OF 2 Areas of rejects on colunns have been narked with spray'paint. Spraying is incomplete on the west wall' A majority of the east wall and interior columns have been sprayed. The type of rejects observed were shown to the fireproofer. They were discussed also wlth Bi1L Zynen, Great Northern Superintendent and with Bob lrlaynard and Tin McKinney, Hensel Phe lps . STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES' INC. I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORAOO 80223 r3t)31 698-rO5O 0AIty REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOC.{IION: Sirnba Run I.\SPECTOR: Del{ayne Ganow colirRAcrED SERVICES: K eXrnr SERVICE.J: JO8 lio: R E6U LAR 1878 D,tTE: HR.S: 4.5 OI PACE 1 OF 6-11-82 HRS: I Fireproofing thicknesses were inspected along the east side of the building. Results arel Beams: On all levels, coverage rnust be increased on the prirnary bean running across the building on line 15. In addition' sone smaLl rejected areas on beams were shown to the fireproofer for correction. Columns: Columns were inspected on lines A, B, Cr D and at E-15 for coverage. The following list of colurnn loca.tions where fireproofing has been rejected was given to the fireproofer. Reject locations are also marked with spraypaint on colunns. Level 140: B-7, 2, 3, 4, 6, 15 D-16, 20 E-15 Level 150: B-1, 2, 10, 1Z' 15 D- 16 , 17, 18, 19, 70 E-15 AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 8,100 SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEI TOOO, COLORAOO 80112 (300) 77$8585 AKA 1878-1181 January 29, L982 HenseL Phelps Construction Co. P. O. Box BBVail; Colorado 81658-0929 Attention: Mr. Richard Maynard RE: Simba Run Condorniniuns Gentlenen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work perforned on January ?8, 1982. RMR: rnc cc Tin McKinney Chet Horton Dave HoudeshellTin Kellam Ray Story Very truly yours, ALBER.T KNOTT q ASSOCIATES, INC. . STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES,INC. E4OO SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEWOOO, COLORADO 80112 (3dl) 77&858!t INSPECTION REPORT OF: LOCATION: Sinba Run JOBNO: _1878_ DATE: I/?8/82 ONSITE coNTRAcTED SERVTCEs: YEs X rqo PAGE t OF 1 INSPECTOR: PAt COlliNS REGULAR HRS: 3.s OVERTIME HRS: A visual insoection was nerforned on the roof l"eveL cover- ins ioist welds 252. monent connections 50*. and deckine instal- The ioij;t weLd inspection showed aLl inspected welds bein& acceptabLe. - The noment connections we.re a] 1 found to be acceptable in we1 d si 'e pnd rlrral i fy- - , The decking inslection showed 5O* of the deck installed and the decking ru,alif)L luddle,r"reld sFacing and size beiqg ecceFfnhlc- At fhe f ime of fhi< inspectinn, the seams hpve not heen Clni mFpd - AKA wi1'l inepect thc cr.imFed ccams upon com:- Also noted on elevation 170 the two monent connections on wh were removed. have not been rewelded. STruCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTII.IO s AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 84OO SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 12 (303, 773-8585 AKA 1878-1181 January 26, l9Bz Hensel Phelps Construction Co.P. 0. Box BBVail, Colorado 8I658 -0929 Attention:'ulr. R.ichard i"faynard RE: Sirnba Run Condominiums Gentlemen: Enclosed is the inspecti.on report for work performeclon January 19, 1982. Very truly yours, ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC RNIR: nc cc Bud VanHorn Tirn lvtcKinney Chet Horton Dave Houdeshell Tiin Ke1lam Ray Story STRUCTURAL AND N4ECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES. INC. 84OO SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEWOOD. COLOBADO 8OI 12 (303| 773.8585 INSPECTION REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATI6N; Sirnba Run INSPECTOR; Pat Co11lns JOB NOr 1878 DATE: t/L9/8? REGUIAR HRS: 4.0 OVERTIME HRS: CONTMCTED SERVICES: YES{ 'O.r PAGE 1 0F1 lines 7 to 21. This inspection covered joist welds ancl moment connections. A visual inspection was perforned on level 4 coverin on L2/10/81 3 moment c rewelded, with the rewelded connectlon. beins acceotable. with the e_Iception of the two noted above. _ Also noted, pipe Solurnns on 1eve1 j rvere welded to bS!t_g_[__hggt_1-No holes are in the b_gam so tlie colurnns were column plunbing.wo of the 3 A11 moment conne Inspected 25* of the ioist welds not inspecte All were found to be acceptable. we 1de These c STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING DAIE /'2' ?-d. - 82- JOB NAME -€ATEE,Ir INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR rru#cnoN neouesr AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1-&-s-H.qFn ... tr cAS prprNcu PLYWOOD NAILING u uAU l-l|-lNu tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB t] SHEETROCK NAIL tr nn tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - r'1 r-t tr FINAL tr FINAL d,.APPROVED GEAREC.TJONS: *--./ ,., tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE :' , ' ".'- JOB NAME '\.. - rnr#cnoN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL y:. PMINSPECTION:MON tTUES WED THUR FRREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL E APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR il DATE READY FOR LOCATION:ji. i JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON i" -- "'' -TUES ''WED i ;l "1.--i-/,,., lrtstCrroN REeuEsr THUR FRI CALLER BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICALi tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR TS APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , d, ., t /'. , t' Q\-lf .t :-' ' r! -;INSPECTOR , CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,'' I. . INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLE€ .- TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .,tr DISAPPBOVED ,,"4'*-zs"6i tr RElNsPEcrloN REQUIRED ,*#"roN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON T PM ',,' AMREADY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL @ APPROVED -€@RREGFIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,, ...,., r,=l.-.__ fNSpECTOR .{.-1;,ir;z-:t<i,*t*;DATE ./& - ,'r/- ;i:-. TOWN DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR /2Oe/ ,///o . l? /z /2// ?rr r]/ ci t"cra ( Knppnoveo CERRECTIONS: T1 DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -.11" ,-.... , -- 't lr'|htry'vail ,*rfr"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL *6At#fl* INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE JOB READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr BOUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr u tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr tr B FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORREOTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED DATE INSPECTOR /rDatE ' ,' t 7 /! i L' JoB NAME / rnrJf,cnoN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL .TI APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rN#5/a/ t' PMAM CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oate ?- z* - ,?''z--JoB NAME -€iAtfEFL INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB r-t r-l tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr FRAMING ,-, ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL g tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL @ APPROVED -COFREEflONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREP /-' DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr B SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,/ t rNsft CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES : THUR .' FRI '.,AM.PMWED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL € APPROVED 'cbBREcloNS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ..:- , .,.\4r..--.2,4 -/ ^d-_ DATE /j/ i: ?.-{* JOB INSPEGTION:MON TUES WED THUR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Q-neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o\9RREgfioNs .}- ,, -_,,.i;,.:-_:__ _ INSPECTOR .'L' r-:f,--, : a>'--t *;.:,DATE 7' ! ".," , f L t, CTION REQUEST DATE i ;' li'JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR ,AMPM\,FRI ]READY FOR LOCATION:!') TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr, TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: - tr HEATING tr CONDUIT r] SUPPLY AIR O FINAL _F- APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -1 ('-.t ."*''4a:f '2_ _ INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI gals (i- /.4'. {t JoB NAME READY FOR LOGATION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr ROUGH/WATER n 199.f^&^s-H.EFn...- tr cAS prprNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR otr tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED €ORRE9TIONS: I/' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DA=E l'* / 3' v'2* JoB NAME -'!r-^,*-r.'+ ,,O;.i",.- 5,1i1 f ' €AU=EA-/z READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FRAMING tr tr o tr tr tr n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER r] ROUGH tr tr tr tr tr CONDUIT FINAL tr APPROVED €ORREOT{ONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PM -AM LocATroN: )r' ! :i , . ;' :,, ; :::'L ', r\iy'a;'*Lt,,'?-r: F y' ,'-t."/ /":i ',U01y' rsf,fi t{0-f ./-,,i,!F /?,:17 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tPLUMEING: / tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr u ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED . i , tt '-"DATE / /,i" ''. -' _t INSPECTOR -:l'ilr rN#CTION REOGJ TOWN OF VA]L I :i NAME , ii'L'1-,r 'DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB t1 . ICALLER \i.* ..' ..- "r l. I ES yED rHUR [l], i3]y.t, PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.-' ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL u tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING 6 nouon tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr B tr FINAL T] FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ',/ j. lDATE ; -- JOB NAMEt1 IN READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: l' :L,^--. CALLER TUESMON t"|i' rHuR FRI PM CTION REQUEST TOWN VAIL l:. {J BUILDING: PLUITIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEH r-1 ROOF & SHEERtr rywiobrir.railrr'rc - o GAs PIPING tr INSULATION - T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ii lI APPROVED ' OoRREcTIoNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR :.7 ,"#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE l- - ,:-. ,.JOB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: r] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER Fr /r A 6 nr nrrr/\- PLYWOOD NAIL|NG _ tr GAS PtPtNG tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr nrr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL! MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATTNG tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - f'l n tr FINAL O FINAL T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDEf.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: '- ,:: -./ l.,-. DATE INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE eilg 9-7-82 u011q1 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICALE E| elulrranc LI FOUNDATION tr 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DfVISfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : cr.rinrmi nn nnnl and Plrrmhinn PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILOING 15,400 ELECTRICAL 1,000 PLUMBING 4,20n MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 15.400 BUILDING PERMIT 116 .50 A DO I (.\ I Eo(r A-q*n a/-d PLAN CHECK 75.75 ELECTRICAL 35 .00 NEW( n ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING 50 .00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- G,R.F.A. -BEOROOMS -COMMERCIAL SYST -COVEREO PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. - UNCOVEREO PARKING - NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECR€ATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD 25.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 .00 USE TAX 150 . 00 INSULATION TOTAL PERMIT,,fEES $552.25 FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE Weffib-7-:{e---- NING AOMTNISTRATOR D-ATE_ _ _ HEAT )NING A BUILDING NOTES: ELEC; I GAS: SOLAR. IWOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanceD and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Tolvn's zqing and design thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and AND THE OWNER. tvrsron HIMSELF MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR plpy Hensel Phelps TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. fta 9rloi.rylvail /i -) coNSTRr..lETf or{ PERM tr ['---],X;rl - l5fl'[iTdll97 | '.r"eor NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TOtr uarl- 7/4/82 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ()0LLLz departt-nent of community developmont TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PEEMIT TYPE OF PERMTT 15 BUILDINGI elecrRtcRt- [f MECHANTCAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DFSC. LOT BLK FILiNG foB NaME: SrqAq Z,ud -owruEn NAME MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT en'o WtrUg.e gof MAIL AODRESS CITY PH: GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u hb,l:gt- PleltDS TOWN OF VA|L R ECr- NO. EL€CTRICAL urRAcToR FIRM iOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMSING CONTRACTOR F!RM -fowl't 8F vAtL REG. NO MECHANICALflo* FIRM TOWN OF VAI! REG= NQ orxEE'tuaL CONTRACTOR rnirAlaealcuDtHs TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO 'rE-:.7€'2 &i=-(el6 lli pi.n.ryrva'l xIT 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION L2?a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTIOJ'I OF U{O8K : _-_-+--<t . L/t,Jt ,ttt,/./- l2/)A ^/ f-/J././t /A/rI PERMIT NO. z F- J BUILDING --=- ELECTRICAL / aaa PLUMBING 4ze MECHANICAL TVPE GROUP SQ-FT. VALUATION PERMTT FTFESz '/t;4aa BUILDING PERMIT ---//t ,.fo PLAT'i CHECK >-t 75 ,., /l ELECTRICAL .7*rao NEW ( A/ ALTERATION ADOITTONAL REPAIR ()PLUMBING 50, ea I owEtLrNG UNrTS _ ACCOMM0SATION UNTTS e.R.p,r----'--]- BEo Roo MS COMMERCIAL SYST -COVERED PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. - UNCOVERED PARKING - NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREAIION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD JLS- AO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT /oo'c7e USE TAX /€o . oo INSULATION TOTAL PERMIT FEES 55J. "ef FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF THICKNESS R.VALUE iuTr-d-rr,,rdoFFrd-nr-f, *yr* -Q4re-tor'rrqG-ADM I N rsTRArO R At tl'/'lT HEAT IONING & BUILDING NOTES: ELEC: I cAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filted out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that ail the information provided as required is corr€ct. I agree to cornply with the information and plot plan, to comply with ali Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Builcling Code and other ordinances of th€ Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNEB OR CONTRACTOA FOR HIMSiLF AND TI.'iE OWNER. DATE .: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr tr FINAL T] FINAL tr APPROVED GOflRE6T}ONS: tr DISAPPROVED : ;t' . ;.. . _:t. . ''..q1:. r1o'.-.:1. ; d:-!" ./;/*./:i":l }'r,,'-,ti i= "+,' :, .J ,"'' ,-',-(--,. T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: WED AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING r-l ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL cl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING JtRouGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT t] SUPPLY AIR E tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESINSPECTION:THUR tt / {0 BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL E o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL T/APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION i ,] I -.t";i:r::{t:;/ oete f - 3t" 8t- JoB NAME INSPEGTION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL --cAttER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr nu tr FINAL MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - t-l tr FINAL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL EI'APPROVED T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION R IRED Ye1-i'. INSPECTORDATE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr 199.f^&^slqFn...- tr cAS prprNc" PLyWOOD NAILING lJ uAit r-ll"lNu C] INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILryyo11qilffi JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: FRIINSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR*G.l) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIRzT d ,.n.w^ "/r-, ' ', "tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . - /t ,15,,1i7 |,j ;>r4i...r-j-ii---.-sE F(:-ftf ItYr I b!7 r !v TOWN INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON IN TUES WED THUR FRI N REQUEST OF VAIL -f PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH/WATER FOUNDATI ON / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POO L/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:iIECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER C] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED €eRREGfi€t{€}:- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -' .:/2. t:' DATE INSPECTOR u/ oate F- z-+l- g e- JoB NAME l TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL .--GAtt€P INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUilBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:IIECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT _tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED GOffffEGFI€I{S: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , rNsfrg;'-o5,, ggguisr DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED, THUR FRI AM PM LOCATfON: .. :. ,, , , '. n+,-^a* "' ,t'.,:.,- ,;,,_ ,: . : BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr Dtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICALT tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL E FINAL -,F APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ssp f,* zZ- ffi..-.. INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR PMAMFRI BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUlTIBING: - tr UNDERGROUND - trROUGH/D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER - tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL/ H. TUB -tr rl _ tr FINAL MEGHAI{ICAL: _ tr HEATING . tr EXHAUST HOODS _ tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL ! neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECT N REQUIRED INSPECTOR *t'' ./:..{d-f,-.6 6.asn@j DATE fr. 9|lrtry/v.ll 't-a.-r SPECTIO TOWN N REOUEST OF VAIL PMAM OATE F. 2 7* g';- ,. JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES IN WED THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr E tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS I STEEL tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V, FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS tr POOL PIPING INSULATION / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL d APPROVED €€fiRE9HeilS+ DISAPPROVED NSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ;f . ?'4. :*L--' |NSPECTOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME 'geD CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION:I l-,t / | t: t: .rr7 ,rfiAeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: / - / tr FOOTINGS / STEEL B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING d RoUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E'CONDUtT tr_ tr tl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL t.:--"' TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPEGTION:WED THUR FRI I ,?.f .{ PMAM CALLER MON,I TUES''--/' ;, BUfLD|NG: "/ / i' 't PLUMBINGT ' tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: F reue. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ts ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ r] SUPPLY AIB rl tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I OO16 F- r'(j,. ?-., JOB NAME -€'A,EEER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED ru#cnoN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER Fr ra^e r'rc,rrr^- pLyWOOD NAtLtNc tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB r] SHEETROCK NAIL tr nrr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB - f'l n tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER Fr ra^e r'rc,rrr^- pLyWOOD NAtLtNc tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB r] SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDEI APPROVED €eRREeflOr't3: 1", /r,'A 4 ,i /r' ' ' li.9d[ary/vail ./U4t-/ r- INSPECTOR ' K' t INSPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,/''- -.-: TUES I WED)'.--_..2. JOB NAME MON CALLER /-.\,' AM \ PI!4'-'--.-/THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB r-t tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr_ D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL EL tr D tr U tr CTRICAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH ?)^"1' FINAL O FINAL ;{neeaoveo/ coRREcroNS, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*#"roN neouisr _*aTOWN OF VA|L*.:-:i -" ),b- lt t,.DATE READY FOR LOCATION:l{l JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:TUES &D THUB FRI E 2 .5" ,'lt-7 irlc -, -"'') ,^l<\ AM PM & tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL BOOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION - T] POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'i2t i/ DATE INSPECTOR .. -: ./; ':' ht t| ry'Yd rN# '1 /i:t L-- ro' CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME li't{DATE ] READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION; tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR .{ i ''; !; tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED COHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,rt ".-/' - 11 DATE INSPECTOR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMAM PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE '. rlFe 18'6 CTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE ?-4- s'z--NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES JOB READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECTIANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr DISAPPROVEDEnppnoveo EOFFECTTOT{S: tr REINSPECTION REQUTRED *-rz , ' -*P)/i""3\ l.^ DATE INSPECTOR |.tryvjl 'N,#"toN neouisr T'oWN OF VAIL,' ," 1'5A= t tl .i.'iDATEJOB NAME /"r*READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED 1,.fO ru t/a-)-, 0X -. / tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND ,, / lq o , iqo it /+il B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ^ ROOF & SHEERu pLywooo NATLING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H,TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR / ,*#"toNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON ': ! ,''( : : CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION u tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED f';' INSPECTOR !..!:i].n.}].;j DATE TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL IDATE ;:: ^ ?_ /. ,_--JOB NAME MON {',.,r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR AM BUILDING: PLUMBTNG: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNQATTON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r., ROOF & SHEEH Fr ^ o c Eri.r^- pLyWOOD NA,L'NG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr F]NAL ELECTRICAL: IIEGHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - n r'ltrt - tr FINAL tr FINAL FAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED C-OFtRECTfgNtls FRI PM tr DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR t|l P|lrlry/v.al ,*#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: iq i.! INSPECTION:TUES ,IWEV-.rH. -".:z-- .;1-l-".' ,i{"/ ri-.' , i'{[4r 44i*., . -ntrt' n,::t 4 JOB NAME MON CALLER UR PM ,:i/t' ..Aneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr n tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t INSPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES -i-.<\AM {.y.)FRIURTH.UFDl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING p, noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E] \tr FINAL \,tl \/ XAPPROVED 'coRnEcrroNs, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ri INSPECTOR \ rNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ol;e 7 - z g- 8z--' JoB NAME INSPECTION: -GArl=,bER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL t] FOUNDATION / STEEL PLU}IBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER -:- tr GAS PIP|NG tr POOL/H.TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL T] FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr tr tr CONDUIT FINAL 7:3 DATE ,j - Z ?- li-t tNSPEcroR t*,;-d --#*-* 4*",.7/ /*€ / ?a/ t ':l t'1 ,,' ,' r',l , r;- , ,Vhr- t.Z_-ht frt/'tal CTION REOUEST CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME READY FOB, INSPECTION:(Lt9 ! n,-.t" /*l-- LOCATION: 4 -"r11\ ,a\ iPMJ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr BOUGH/WATEB n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr,TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Cxrx exo AssoctAt o It EL Conrulllng Englnccm Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 5oD nD. 15. . GIE'{WOOO $PilNGS, COLORAOO otEol CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Date Cast :7 /20182Job No. : 22,802 Job Locatlon: Simba Run, Vail Sanpled By: Field Engineer - Steve Speer Locat ion: Mix Data: N. Building Wall D, between 10 Cont rac tor : & 15 Lines Hensel-Phelps Concrece Suppller: Mtn. Batch Out Tine: PHYSICAI. PROPERTIES: Unit l,leight Helghc Concrete Temperature Spectfted Strength: CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott JVA LGI,I Professional SupplLerrs Ticket No.! Ti6e Cast: 1:30 pn 11044 Truck No.: 152 Slunp Denslty CHEN AND ASSOCIATES' INC. Mobile Mix 4000 in. pcfla. o1, pcf in. oF Alr Content Dlaneter Alr Teroperature Cylinder No. Da te Tested Age Tested Days Compresslve Strength (psl) t27 8-17 28 4400 128 A-17 ?8 AJAi Rematks: Consu I tant s psl at 28 daya Hans Froeschl e I REOUEST VAIL oete 7-/4-Fz- JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: CTIONTOWN OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL B UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER " BSrou[oLtJ"=iL,*n tr cAS PTPTNG tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr nn tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FINAL p neenoveo €gFFECTTONTb '' /_ /L.tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7 fl';r/ ,'fi'n ) (-a: DATE INSPECTOR Cxrx exo AssocrAtrr Conulllng Englncen Soll urd Foundatlon Englnccrlng 5o!onD. ita . GLE WOOO SDn|NGS. GOLORIOO tlEol CONCRETE Job No.: 22,802 Job Locatlon: Sinba Run, Vail TESTING REST'LTS Sanpled By: Field Engineer - Steve Speer Locatl.on: Wall Line 15-17, Elev; 130 to 140 ltlx Data: Date Cast :7 lrsl82 Contractor:Hensel-Phelps Concrete Supplter; Mtn. Mobile Mix Suppllerrs Ticket No': Batch out TtDe: Tioe cast: 3:30 Pn 10983 Truck No.: 154 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt weight Helght Coocrete Teoperature Air Content Dlanet er Ait Tenperature Pcfin. oF Ln. % Slulp Density 614 tn. pcf Speclfled Strength: - 4000 CC: Hensel-PhelPs Briner 6 Scott JVA LEt'l Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES' INC. _- Hans Froeschle -=- Cylinder No. Da EE Tesced Age Tested Days CoDPrefislve Strength (pst) rz)8-12 28 4420 t26 8-t2 28 4510 Reoarke: p61 at ----2-E- days I rN#CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON QALLER rYEs THURWED FRI PMAM tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND r] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ;#,neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .;,INSPECTOR ill F R o M ill WK *frl:ALL €LE(:?it{C gO. ,152,f f orsriirt ii;r:le E.tlt GRAti$ JUf.{':TtUi'l,,COLORAi}O &t"*Ol (303i ial';r,"52 PRIOFITY N URGEI{TI F€oo a8 roseELE E ro nelv EEDEii.. ,' ,. .,' " jt!t ( SIGNED: RECIPIENT: WRm REPLY. REruRN WHITE TO SENDER. KEEP Ttlls PINK COPY. rt w tcB k, .: Cxrx ANo Aisocrlrts Conrulllng Englnecrs Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 50!o Ro.15a . GlEt{wooD sPRll{Gs. coLonaDo Er60l CONCRETE TESTING RESI,'LTS Job No. z 22,802 Job Locationl Sinba Run, Vail Sampled By: Steve Speer - Hensel Phelps Location: D line between 7 - 10 lines Date Cast:7/t2/82 Conlractor;Hensel -Phelps Truck No.: 154 Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: Mtn. Batch out Tlr[e: PIIYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt I'leight Helght Concrete TeoPerature Speclfled Strength: g6; Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott JVA LGit Profes s ional Mobile Mix SuPPller!s Ticket No': Tirue Cast: 5:45 pcf in. or Air Content Dlaae t er Alr Ternperature in. oF S l urnp Dens l ty 4r4La.pcf 4000 CHE!i A\D ASSOC1ATES, II;C. llans Froesch I e Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Compres s ive Scrength (psl) t23 8-q 28 a77 0 8-9 L8 4880 Remarks: Consul tants psl ac ?8 days CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oltre '7 't z - Fz-- JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E] tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED trDl tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r F 'il PJ i'; I "f.U& Cnrx lxo AssocrArtt Coneulllng Englneen Soll and Foundetlon Englneerlng s080 nO.l5a . GIENWOOO SPRII{G3. COLOnAOO E|601 CONCRETE TESTINC RESTJLTS Job Job No.: 22'802 Location: Sirnba Run, Vail Dace Cast | 7/8/82 Sanpled By: Steve Speer - Hensel-Phelps ContracEor: Location: N. Building ltlall Line D Mlx Dat a: Concrete SupplJ.er:Mtn. lrlobile Itix Suppllerrs Ticke! No': Batch Ou! TlDe: Tine Cast: 1:50 Pn Air Content 5 Dianet er Air Teroperature Hense 1 -Phelps liugk lg6.; 152 Sh:mp 7 Densl ty cHEli lL\D ASSOCIATES, INC. Ilans Froeschl e PI{YSICAL PROPERTIESI Unit Weight Helght Concrete Tectperature Speclfled Strengthl gg; Hensel-PhelPs Briner [' Scott JVA pcf in. or in.q ln. oF 4 000 Cyllnder No. te Tes t ed Tg-Tested Days Coopress ive Strengch (psl) 1.2L ?8 4440 122 I--q 19 4330 Reoarks: LF.rlrt l'rofessional Consul t ant s psl ac 28 days Cxcx exo AsrocrAr! o t ,42 Conrultlng Englneen Soll and Foundallon Englneerlng 5o8o FO. rs4 . GLEI{WOOD SPnINCS.COLOnAOO 81601 CONCRETE TESTING RES1'LT5 Job No. | 2?,802 Job Locatlon: Sirnba Run, Vail Date Cast: 7/7/82 sarnpled By: contractor - steve speer contraccor: Hensel-Phelps Location: funenities - High Walls Mix Da ca: concrete supplier: [ttn, I{obile l'!ix supplierr s Tlcket No. : Truck No. : 152 Batch Out Ttoe: Tirne Cast: 3:30 P}IYSICAI PROPERTIES: Unit Weight Pcf Air Content Z Slr'unp 6 ln' Helght in. Diameter 1o' Denslty Pcf ConcreEe Tesperature oF Air TenPerature oF Cy ]in der No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days. Conprecs ive Srrengch (psi) 11v 8-4 28 4540 r20 8-4 z6 4650 Reoarks: Speclfted strengch: 4000 psl ac 28 days 6g. Hensel-PhelPs Briner & Scott LGM I'rofessional consultants cH[N A\D AssoclATES' ]NC. Ilens []roeschie TOWN OF VAIL PMAM DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON EALLER TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEERu ptvwooo NA|L|NG tr GAS PtPtNG tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FI n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL O FINAL tru tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .. , .,.. .)-' , '' DATE INSPECTOR lta dnart/vail ." li t,. ' rlr#cnoN TOWN OF . !-. r REQUEST VAIL DATE '-l INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES 'WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr BOUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr d tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL ,EI APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE I l* Cxcx exo AssoctATt o s Conrulllng Englncen Soll and Foundntlon Englneerlng s{tNO RO. 151..'GTE WOOO SPnINGS, COLOnADO 61601 CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No.: 22,802 Dare Cast:6/L6/82 (HPCC) Conlractor: ltlal1 at arnenities Job Location: Sinba Run, Vail I Samnled By: Field Engineer - Keith I II Locatlon: fr WaIl Racquet 6 Pony "r Mi1 Datg: TI Concrere Supplier: Mt. Mobile Mix II Batch Out Tine:III PHYSICAI PROPERTIES: Supplier's Ticket No.: Tine Cast: L1622 Truck No.: -100 ' Unlt t{elght Hetght Coocrete TeoperaEure Pcf in. oF ALr Content Dlanet er A1r Tenperature Shmrp 3 in. . Denslcy pcfLnor Rernarks: Speclfied ScrenBth: 4000 psl at - 28 days CC: flsn5s1-Phelps Briner & Scott .tvA l.$itl Profess i.rnal Constr I tant s ciiFN .\ND ASSOCIATE:-" I lic. llltns [rroe'sc]llc Cylin de r No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Compresslve Strength (psl) 7 -t4 t6 4310 r12 t6 4540 I O '1t*'\A'Cx:x exo AsrocrArts Job No. t 22,802 Job Location: Sinba Run, Vail Sampled BY: Contractor Locafion: Racquet CDurt Concrete Suppllei: Mt. Mobile Mix Suppllerrs Ticket No'l 11568 Truck No':151 Batch out Tlne: Tiue cast: 3:00 PITYS]CAL PROPERTIES: Unlt treight Pcf Alr Content Z Slunp (|e ta' Helght in' Dlamecer to' Denslty pcf Concrete Teorperature oF Alr Ternperature oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed (;olrpretis lve Strength (pst) 10q ?enn t-t 0 7 -25 4S 4260 Remarks: Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at - 28 days CC: HenseI-PhelPs Briner 6 Scot t LEM Professional Consul t ant s CHEN AliD ASSOCIATES, Ilic. .llCnE _Floesclr!e- ,- -- t fl I chen ano atiates, inc. lliz I coNSULTING cEoTEcHNrcAr ENGINEERSIgI o""*""uoo3?ll;ll3o'uo' Hensel PhelFs JO8 NO.DATE 7115182 DA.LY REPoRt *o. 65 s"eer2 or SUBJ€CT:Sinba Rln TO: PO BcD< B8 vail- co 81657 Attn: Tirn !&Kinney WEATHER COI'IDITIONS ANO TEMpERATUSg clear, win4r, 81o at 4:O0 p-m- CONTRACTOR'S EOUIPMENT t CoNsTRUcTtoN AcTtvtTreS Conbractor requested @sts ql NE entrance ranE) of tlle parking gaEqe. T\ests J. & 2 !€re taken at, ramc qrade. Contractcrr stated that apprcp(irrBtely 3l of cn-site fill then tlre tras been l-00t stanrCard cbserved alorq cohfin line 50 ahd frcrn 51-53 Llnes. AIL naterials \^,ere natlra1 san+t gravel and c&les. _ _ VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT, OWNER Dan Berta FIELD REPFESENTATIVE Briner & Scott J\A G g,hM Professicnal Ccnsultants APPROVED BY ,g fl o tl(It Em5 c $ q, 9 o n E ro!l r{ o E l-{FI..1 tll c 9 t!) o q, E o 3 E o lf, cl LI l o I J,Ft€ 4r ds .gh q" I t 0t E, g t!o b, >l st .r.1t A c a6o lE ,-locoo- cn H''r :l*[i"(EF{(r; o(It Kq{ o.9 .9vn* -o E=vf rqo q) 0, E Q) q) a ll r'. Dng9 !o ::.Y,t!E19EI!'; t.Eoloolnt5IE; t.e.g f E =t9I l=Yt(,B IE xt- d)tx -lc GtcoloctoolocDltt -t-: l-_ctc .=-.=3:r tsfo 60 tro q) E= ?! E,Plo;:5 $*:_ci !-= c, e,, l.raj4ad l:56 E!E. _:: ! i -. .::-^;is;E6:o (!Fy) ii:- :E 3i : E 3.: :8i.1 .- -=U::: Y{nrE;= Fis6i: d d-:: ! !:: ?;: i- ?6;9:": o C O.- w= l=lbi;:: ,q--;Es- \,, c: {.c= F{o c ::: -ni:sii: t sCcC:_ O ..{9:s::,H !li::-: -' X(ilEBi.a rlY:: at A:!i:= tr E;::s3 (u A. 3;;Ei-fisa?::-:9 CbFl F OAD ' q, h11 a EE LlI u tr H .3 *, UJ dplll 01 ) s trJ .6 F c\:o zq |- o tr 6 o 'o) 9 =-JO i,EE9E: 22 c E c E:c c = c E g! q) E !c G' q, iuat 2-o E ris 6 3 t/) l+,u.lz. (Jz.trJ -l!ioz.! t-x LaJ .rt(5 z. U>zo (\ (\I @ al'tr-l r,- z FoulF dz tr UJo(D i€ () X 5(na I.lFlI I I u, TU.|-' o v ro rO I I I (\Io@ r\I(\I I I oz oz F UJ J a(J l- (a' €)€ ellt\$il,Ncl \)€ ctl FI q) a (.) Q: 5s 3-.a:3; ' t'-tro\qi mEi XO,di ri trj 5l 1l iil 8.rlq) t. q, o ffi* > gtaa* Al eil*s4.8 4. ,F-*L ATA ALSERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 6S8-1050 AKA 1878-1"181 June 28, 1982 Hensel PhelPs Construction Co. P. O. Box BBVail, CoLorado 81658-0929 Attention: Mr. Richard MaYnard RE: Simba Run Condominiuns Gent lemen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work perforned on June 2L and 24, L982. Very truly yours ' ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. Rl{R:nc cc Tim Che t Dave Tin Ray McKinney Horton Houdeshel l Ke11an Story STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES' lNC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 CNSITEDAILY REPORT OF: LOCATION: Simba Run JOB N0: INSPECTOR: Pat CoLlins ifCumn 1878 DATE: . 6-2I-87, HRS: 5.5 OT HRS: PAGE 1 OF 1-CONTRACTED SERVICE'' { 'XTRA SERVICES: A final rvalk through inspection was perforrned on the parking garage. This was to ensure all connections have been completed and are in acceptable condition' This inspection showecl all connections have been weLded and accePtabLe. Also inspected the structural steel welding' desking' and steel fit up of the link area up to el-evation 146r-6rr' A11 inspected areas were found to be acceptable' STFUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING o AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO OENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-10s0 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sirnba Run INSPECTOR: Deltlayne Ganow 6 EXTRA JOB NO: RECUTAR SERVICES; 1878 DATE:, HRS: 5.5 oT PAGE 1 OF 6-24-82 HRS: nCONTMCTED SERVICES: Inspecte<l and reinSpected fireproofing coverage on leve1s 160, 170, and 180 stee1. Inspection involved interior beams and colunns and perineter beans and columns on northr west and south wa11s. Rejected areas on coLurnns were narked with spray paint and a list of locations was left rvith Bud Vanhorne, Hensel Phelps. Locations of rejected fireproofing on columns: Level 180: E: I{: A11 Level 170: G: li: E: AI.]" 7r 1515, 16, columns t1 'r', on line 22 7r 8t 9,L6, 17 , 7 colunns 10, 11, 14 19 on line 22 Level 160 D E 17, 18 7G: 5, 5, 6r 7r 8, 10, 12 H: 17, 18, 20 A1 1 line 20 columns Along the north and r+est wal1s, fireproofing is thin at sone places on perimeter beams on the outsicle surfaces. A1so, fire- proofing has not been applied to a few beans. Erection of STBUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOGIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 6s8-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFII,IG LOCATION: Simba Run JOB NO: 1878 DATE: 6-24-82 INSPECTOR: Dellayne Ganorv REGULAR HRS: 5.5 0t HRS: CONTMCTED SERVICES: EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 2 OT 2 scaffolcling is required before conpletion of fireproofing on the outside surfaces of bearns and colurnns along these waLls Rejected coverage on interior beanns was marked at two places on levels L70 and L80. Fireproofer was informed' The interior x brace straps are being cove.red with l.IK-5 fireproofing. since fireproofers reported they were not finished with this work, thicknesses were measured at only three locations. Average thickness at this time excee'Js L/4", but is less than r/2". One sample for <lensity neasurement was taken frorn 1evel 150. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING Af,T ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIAIES,INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (30i1) eg8-1050 AKA L878-1181 June 2L, 1982 Hensel Phelps Construction Co. P. O. Box BBVail, Colorado 81658-0929 Attention: Mr. Richard Maynard RE: Sinba Run Condoniniuns Gentlemen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work performed on June 16 and L8, 1982. Very truly yours, ATBERT KNOTT 6 ASSoCIATES, INC. RMR:nc cc Tin McKinney Chet Horton Dave HoudesheLl Tim Kellam Ray Story STRUCTUFAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING a AKA ALEERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES' INC. I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 r3{l3l 698'IOSO 0AIIY REP0RT 0F: ONSITE L0C.{TION: sirnba Run JOB };O: 1878 D'\TE: 6-16-82 INSPECTOR: Pat collinsJD REGUL.{R HRS: 5 - 5 oI HRS: CONTRACTED SERVTCES: {A EXTRA SERI'ICES: P.\68 1 OF 1TT A visual inspection was performed on the precast welds of the parking structure, covering walL to wa11, waL1 to teet spandrel to tee, and tee haunch connections. All inspected welds were found to be acceptable Also inspected the steel fit up, moment connections, decking installation, tee clip to eno-ed plate we1ds, and overall condition, in the link area. A11 cornpleted. areas were found to be acceptable. rp. j o AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, lNC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVEF, COLORADO 8M23 (303) 698-10s0 DAILY REPORT OF: LOCATION: Sirnba Run INSPECTOR: DEWAYNE CONTMCTED SERVICES: FIREPROOFING Ganow 1878 DATE: 6-16-82 HRS: 5.0 oT PAGE 1 OF JOB NO: REGULAR EXTM SERVICES: HRS: 1 Inspected thicknesses of fireproofing on levels 140 through 180, from line L2 through line 20' along the west side [lines G and H). Also reinspected coverage on the east side along Lines H, B, C, and D, frorn lines I to ?2. Rejected areas on colunns were marked with paint. A list of rejected fireproofing on colurnns r{as left with Bud Vanhorne, Hensel Phelps. Fireproofing samples were cut from levels 140 through 180' one from each level, for density measurements to be made l-ater At AKA. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVEF. COLORADO 80223 (30s) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING DENSITIES LOCATION: AKA Shop JOB NO: 1878 DATE: . 6/L8/82 INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 2.5 OT HRS: CONTRACTED SERVICES: fX EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE I. OF ]. Densities of fireprotofing samples taken frorn Sinba Run on 6/L6/82 have been measured at the AKA shop. These densities are compared below with densities neasured on 6/I/82 and 6/8/82, which have been narked with an asterisk. Level 140 LeveL 150 Level 160 Level 170 Level 180 Sarnple 1 Sample Z Sample 1 Sanple 2 Sanple 3 Sanple 1 Sample 2 Sanple 1 Sample Z Sanple 1 Sanple 2 L7.6 pcf* L9.1 pcf 21".3 pcf * 21".0 pcf * 19. 8 pcf 20.4 pcf* 19.0 pcf 19.8 pcf* 19.3 pcf 17.9 pcf* 20.6 pcf The average density for any leve1 erceeds 17 pcf. The average density for the buil-ding is 19.6 pcf with a standard deviation of L.2 pcf. These densities exceed UL requirements, which ate L7 pcf ninimurn average density and L5 pcf minimun individual density. The standard deviation of L,2 pcf shows consistent practice Some areas along the west waLL, frorn lines l to 10, and sone areas in the interior have not been sprayed yet. AKA plans to take two more samples of the last naterial sprayed to conplete " inspection of the densities. STRUCTURAL ANO MECHANICAL TESTING ) briner,rbcott architects 143 e meadow dr. vail, colorado 81657(303) 476.3038 June 21, t982 Mr. Chet Horton Building Department Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Simba Run/Structura'l Fireproofing Dear Chet: I would just like to confjrm a telephone conversation I had with you on June 18, 1982. As you know, the cross bracing 'i n some areas has not recejved spray fireproofing. As we discussed, an acceptable a'l ternative (if the cross bracing is not sprayed) would be to add an additional layer of %" type "X" drywa'l1 to each side of the party wall in which the cross bracing occurs. This assembly would correspond to wall type 2/E on sheet A-40 of the architectunal drawings. 4- z-g- P4- W Tim Kellam Project Architect BRINER/SCOTT ARCHITECTS TK/rh cc: Ray Story Tim McKinny Regards, 4-lp-.K.[1"---- \ SIMBA RUN CONDOMINIUMS EAST BUILDTNG VAII,, COLORADO JoB #29-79 ,52 BRINER,/SCOTT ARCHITECTS, INC. 143 EAST MEADOW DRIVE SUITE N-40 VAIL, COI.ORADO 8].657 .WAIJC THROUGH FOR OCCUPANCY PERMIT NOVEMBER L2, L982 PRESENT I 1. Elevation 30 - Add iron gate to stair 3 2. Sprinkler system in mechanical room checked. 3. Fire departrnent requested list. of occupied spaces. 4. Unit 1502 carpet in southeast corner of living room layed wrong a5nit. 5. Sign to be installed on concealed sliding doors to bath and bedroom - " Keep Door open" . Sprinkler heads to be exposed \ to 3/4 inches from the eschutcheon. tock Bo:< to he installed at North end of North Building. Exterior punch list - paint scuppers and cap fJ.ashing exterior of balconies. 9. Unit 1423 door on cabinet missing. lO. Mccee to check on items to be corrected in afternoon of II/$/92. 11. Chet wil.l check out additional spaces the morning of LL/I5/82. 12. ELectrical inspection oK. 13. Completed walk, through of elevations 140 anil 150 with Chet Horton, Richard Maynard and Bob Hiland. b-Chet Horton . Mike McGee Jame s Overeash Dave Euch Bud Van Horn Geno Risacher Rob Hartsock -- Vern Dennison Tim Keflam Bob Hiland Town of VaiI Building Deparbnent Vail Fire Department Vail Fire Department Vail Fire Departnent Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Yoder Engineering Consultants Briner,/Scott Architects, Inc. Briner./scott Architects, Inc. 5. 1 14. Check on comllustion air for gas fired water heaters and pool heaters. ,U JOB NO: REGULAR 1878 DATE:7-30-gZ HRS: 5.0 OT HRS: PAGE 1 OF 2 COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA'O DETWER, COLORAOO 80223 (303) 698.1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Sin'ba Run INSPECTORs DeWayne Ganow CONTRACTED SERVICES: N EXTRA SERVICES:-F The following structural items were observed on the north building. A written suinmary of these itenS at the Hensel PheLps office foi fiur McKinney. was left Level 120 1) PuddLe welding for deck attachnent is acceptable. 2) Welds between angLe lugs and colurnns on lines 2,' 4, and 6 have nol been completed per detail (4/512). 3) Weld was not completed between enbed and angle lug at point C-7. 4) At the base of colunn D-7, the anchor bolts are below the top of the colunn base plate preventing attachment of nuts. 5) Extension base plates are used at pipe column' locations A-7 and A-8. The normal base plates Test on the extension base plates and are attached by tack welds. The- anchqr bolt holes at A-7 have been torch cut through the edge of the plate. Level I30 6) Between lines 2 through 9 and A through D the mornent connection welds are visually accepted except for both connections at D-8. 7) Lug to colunn welds not nade on diagonal brace lines 2,4, and 6 per (4 s/f?). Same as item 2. S) Joist and bridge welds mostly conplete and accepted. Joist to beam kickers not yet welded. I STHUCTURAL, MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORAOO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: SPRAY-ON FIREPROOFING L0CATION: Sirnba Run INSPECTOR: Dewayne GanowN CONTRACTED SERVICES: IA EXTRAT JOB NO: REGULAR 1879 DATE: t -30-82 HRS: S.0 OT HRS: SERVICES:PAGE__1_OF r An inspection of fireproofing coverage was made over j the east building. Along the north wall, lines 20 or 22, where the wall has bgen !1stal!ed, walI panels sele91ed by the inspector were removed. No rejects were found at these locations. The following is a sunrnary of reject locations. Level Elevator area between garage and building: area inconplete. Area inconplete columns G-1, E-5, G-5r 6, 13, and 14 inside roons colunn B-1 r30 140 150 160 l ine 20 : botton C to G. flanges of perimeter beams between lines 20 to 22: tops of, all columns above concrete encasement. Also the inside web and botton flangesof perirneter beams. 170: line ?2: bottom flanges of perimeter beams between C to G. 180: coverage accePted. STFTUCTUFAL. MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING AKA o72o ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, ]NC. I55 SOUTH NAVA'O oENVER. COLOBAOO 80223 (3031 696-1050 DAITY REPORT 0F: FIREPROOFTNG LOCATION: Sirnba Run OB NO: 1878 DATE: 7-L3-82 iNSPECTOR: Dewayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 9.5 Ot HRS:-n CONTRACTED SERVICES: N EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 2 OF 2 glest Wa1.ll column rejects Gz 2t 3, 7, and 9 Ilterior,! accePted North Wall: unf,inished beams and X brace columns It-20, D'zOo and C-20. West, Wall: colunn reJects, G: 31 6, 7t 8 and 9 beam on G line' 6 to 7 Level. 170 North Wal.l: columns, beams, and X brdces unfj.nished West Wallt column rejects G: 7t g, und g beams unfinished lines 7-9 Level 180 , North Wall: columns, beamsr and.X braces unfinished West Wall: column rejects G! 7, 9, llr and 13 I STFUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING f*4IIIIf &l lll t, AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DETWER. COLORADO 60223 (303) 698.105O DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run INSPECTOR: DeWayne Gangw CoNTRACTED SERVICES: fXTr EXTRA JOB NO: RECULAR SERVICES: I87S DATE: HRS: 9.5 OT PAGE 1 OF 7-t3-82 HRS: 2 A brief inspection of fireproofl.ng coverage on steel supporting level 130 was made. Work Ls typically Lncomplete. Coverage on none of the column is yet acceptable. Coverage is thin on the perimeter beam, line Bp between lines I to 2. Coverage was inspected or reinspected on levels 140-190. The following iterns summarize locations of rejects or unfinished work. Level 140 South Wall:beams unfinished colurnn G-l south face thin East Wall: Interior: coLumns B: L, 2, ;olumn rejects E: F: X braces accepted 3, and 4 now accepted 5, Lzlg, 1g North Wall: West WaII: accepted column rejects at G: 5,following column outside covered and could not beG: 13, L4, 15, and 5, 13, and 14 surfaces werej.nspected: H-15 Level 150 South Wall: Interior: North Wall: column reject, B: I column reject, E: 11 column reject, H: 20 beams and X braces, unfinished STFIUCTUflAL ANO MECHANICAL IESTING AKAO ALEERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES,INC. rss sourH krva.p DEI.IVER. COLORADO 80223 (3O3) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run INSPECTOR: Delrlayne Ganow M CONTMCTED SERVICES; IA EXTM Fireproofing ttas inspected for leve1 130 of the east building, ]tlgrk is not quite cornplete Beam coverage is thin or bare on notch (lines 2 and 3) and on B line. Rejects on colunns r{ere marked tiith spray paint. Tops qf sevelal colurnns above the concrete frarre not been sprayed enough' A sarnple of fireproofing was taken for density measurement to be done later. An inspection was made at the top of tlre steet connect- ing the east building to the garage- Colunn and bean rejects were narked r.rith paint. Spraying of this area is inconplete. A reinspection lras rnade in the eastern building lct'els 140 to 180. The iisc of rejects f rorn 7-13-B.l inspcct ion ,/24 JOB NO: RECUTAR SERVICES: 1878 DATE: .7-ZZ-82 HRS: 5.0 0T HRS: PA6E 1 OF 1 rvas updated to reflect todaY's Results of the insPect ion Vanlrorne, Ilcnsel PhetPs, and I given to him. reinsl:ection. rvere discussed with Bud ists of reject Iocations tvet'c 5 TNUCIUFAL AI'/O !TECHAIJICAL TE3TITIG AKAO {a-E ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLOHAOO 80223 (303t 698-1050 IDAILY REPORT OF: STRUCTUML LOCATION: Sinba Run JOB NO: 1878 DATE: t-ZT-gz INSPECTOR: Delrrayne Ganow RECULAR HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: A/CoNTRACTED SERVTCES: /4 EXTM SERVICES: p.q,6E 1 Op I VisuaL inspection of welding was nade on the northern building at levels 120 and 130 beqw_een lines 1 to 6 and A-n Illonent connection tr'elds ruere reiected at all points - except B-Z on- leuel 130. The reason for rejection was insufficient r*eld. ItIelds requiring repair r'rere marked. Exanples r,iere shown to the Ridge forenan and tlre wel<lers. All of these rejected rvelds on level 120 were repaired exc,ept line 6. Repairs accepted. It/elds connecting angle cl ips to colunns per note on detail (1/sLZ) had not been done. lttork was begun on this itern. Top side rvelds rvere lrccepted at poincs li3, lC, irrel 4B. .Joist to beam kickers r{ere not }'et instst tcd. .\ccc-ptccl joisc to beam and bridg ing rvelds on level L2tJ. Also noted that A525 bolts have been used as r'ctluLrccl . Colrrnn bases r< Lthin this area hal'e been gloutcd. Butl Vanhorne and Tin lilcKi,nncy', llensel l.hcIps, tvct'e infor'rnc.d of thc inspection results. S iqUCIU?AL ANO I'ECHAIIICAT IESTING rffr:#f#: A ,htloaat eypsum Dtvlsion August 10, l-982 Greai Northem Drywell Co. Denver, Colorado Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following materials, which the Gold Bond Building Products Dlvision of National Gypsum Gompany propos$ to supply tor the Sfuoba Run VaiL. Colorado \4t comply in all respects with the listed specifications. Product ASTM Specilications c-xFire-Shield G Wallboant (FS:I{-O) deslgns fle are fanlLiar rdth, Fire-Shleld USO Firecode C. Federal Specifications SS-L-3OD Type III Grade G nallboard (FSH-C) is comparableIn to Subscribed and sworn to before me this-day of 19- Notary Public Exccutivd Olfices . 2OOl Rextord Rotd . Charlotte . North C.rolin. 282, t . 7O4 3654950 Iy truly yours, G. C. I,EIler Nc 2822 Rev. 7-78 COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC- 155 SOTJTH NAVAJO DElwER, COLORADO 80223 (3O3) 698-1oso DAILY REPORT OF: STRUGTUML LOCATION: Simba Run INSPECTOR: Ganow ,iL.-a JOB NO: 1878 DATE: 8126/82 REGULAR HRS: 3.5 OT HRS: PA6E 1 OF 1 The following summaries are results of visual inspection of the structure. Level 130: lvloment connection welds were visually inspected and accepted on lines 14 and 15. Beam and joist connecEions have not been completed in this area. A weld connecting beam lug to esrbed at C. 8-16.3 rejected and marked. Informed erection foreman. Other welds inspected in this area were acceptable. Level 140r At 14 B (west) beam lugs are not welded to column per detail QlsI2). Ar 16. 5-C. 5 addirional weld on embed to beam lug needed as reported on 8/L8/82i At stairway landing wall embeds M.3 aligned wich landing stringers. C0NTRACTED SERVICEST x EXTRA SERVTCES: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO OENVER. COLORADO 80223 {3O3} 698-105{' DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATI0N: Simba Run INSPECTOR: D. Ganow JoB NO: 1878 DATE: 8126/82 REGUTAR HRS: 3 OT HRS: t CoNTMCTED SERVICES: x EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 1 0F 1 North Buii<iing; The following sumnarizes inspection of fireproofing coverage up to 10 line: Level 160: Not ready for inspecEion. Application has just begun. Level 150: Reject locaEions ace at columns on 10 line and column C-6. Beams are not courpleEely covered beEween 9 and 10 lines. Level 140: Coverage needed on two tUbe columns on line A, otherwise accePted. Level 120: Coverage accePEed. Column re jects were marked .i,ri uir Sreen painE ' EasE Buildi.ng: Level 160: Inspected area beEween lines 20 and 22 which includes coverage on beams and cops of colua[-,s. FireprooIing coverage is accepted here' Coverage on stairway north of Iine 22.3 incompleEe' Fireproofing reouired on line 20 inside Ehe building' STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL AND MATERTALS TESTING togY I N[L5oN. Pt. R^Y M. 8€ED mt&D i. Ro6cH COLORADO TEST CENTER. INC, 116 SoJTH NAvAJo S rREr DElwFx. CoLoR Do 8@Zl (3qll 5E& l05o Ez cTC 1878-1181 August 3L, 1982 Hensel Phelps Construction Co.P. O. Box BBVai1, Colorado 81658 -0929 At.tenti.on: iv{r. Richard Maynard RE: Simba Run Condominiurns Gentlemen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work performed on August 26,. 1982. Very truly yours, COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. RMR: mc cc Tin McKinney Chet Horton Dave Houdeshell Tim Kellan Ray Story briner/scott architects 143 e rneadow dr vaiL colorado 81657(30s) 476.3038 Orn/..-vL October 26, L982 Mr. Chet Horton Building Department Town of Vail Val-l, Colorado 81657 RE: Siroba Run Condominlums/Steamroorns Dear Chet: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation today concerning the walls and ceilings of steErmrooms R120 and R126. Wa11s and celling will be constructed as follows: CeLllngs Instead of wonderboard use L" W.R. Gypsum board backed with 4 mil visqueen vapor barrier. Lath, morter bed and tile and insulation w111 be the sarlre as detailed Ln wall type 6/A, sheet A40. Wa11s Existing stud wall- consists of 25 gauge netal studs 24"c,c. Between each exieting stud install 20 gauge metal stud thus making stud spacing 12"c.c. wlth a 20 gauge stud at every other stud. Between studs instalL 3" of rigid insulation. Install wonderboard over studs according to instaLLation proceedure outlined ln I.C.B.O. Report No. 2444. Ceramic tile wil-1 also be installed as outli-rred in the same report (dry-set or latex portland cement) instead of as detailed in wal1- type 6/A, sheet A40. The above is my understanding of our telephone conversation concerning the steamroom ceiling and walls. If this is not correct please let me know. S incerely , 1) ) -fr^*i/<ii^-* Tlm Kellan Proj ect Architect BRINER/SCOTT ARCT1ITECTS TK/rh cc: Ray Story/L & M Professional Consultants Gene Risacher/Hensel Phelps Constructioc Co. tu /e' 4-ge-- \ ATA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 AKA 1878- 1181 l,lay 51 , I98Z Hensel Phelps Construction Co.P. O. Box BBVai1, Colorado 81658-0929 Attention: Mr. Richard lvlaynard RE: Simba Run Condominiurns Gentlernen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work perforrned on May 26, 1982. tu{R:nc cc Tim lnlcKinney Chet Horton Dave HoudeshellTin Kellam Ray Story Very truly yours, ALBERT KNOTT q ASSOCIATES, INC. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANTCAL TESTING I .' f'" AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (303) 698- t050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow CONTMCTED SERVICES: DATE: 5-26-92 O OT HRS: 10F I Fireproofing thickness was inspected on beams and colunns along the south wall (about B line) frorn points j to 11 on levels 140, 150 and 160. The thickness on perirneter colunns is typically rejected. The principal reason for rejecting column fireproofing thickness is due to wall studs next to or near the colurnns preventing conplete application of fire- proofing. The studs also interfer with 'accurate inspection. Fireproofing has not yet been placed on the top flanges of a few beans to fill the void between deck and beans as requested on 5.L9-82. Otherwise, coverage on these perimeter beans is accepted. Two density samples were taken, one each from levels 150 and 160. AICA was inforned today that fireproofing thicknesses will be neasured in the future by Bob Highland, Briner Scott Architects' field inspector. AKA fireproofing inspection will be confirmed to measuring the densities of MK-5 sarnples taken at the site. JOB N0: 1878 REGULAR HRS: 3. EXTRA SERVTCES: K lnCn STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING - c HIN AND ATSOCIATTS Conrultlng Englneen Solt and Foundatlon Englneerlng SosoaD. rsa . GLEM OOO SPFlt{G3. COLOR OO 8ln0l CONCRETE TESTING RSS1JLTS /;1 Job No. z 22,802 Job Location: Simba Run \tail Sampled BY: Field Engineer - HPCC Locaclon: Racquetball Courts Uix Data: ConcreteSuppllerlMtn.MobileMixSuppller|sTicketNo.:11058TruckNo.:153 Batch gut Tloe: Tiue Casr: PHTSIC,AI. PROPERTIES: Unlt welght pcf A1r content ! Slurnp 6 tn' Belght in' Dl'aneter ln' Denslty pcf Concrete TeaPeracure oF Air Teoperature op Date castt 7/21/82 Contraccor: Hensel-PheIPs cyr in der No. Da te Tested -Ee-TEsteADays Compre* s lve Strength (Psl) 1?q 8-18 2A 17RO 150 8-18 28 3800 Renarks: Speclfled Strength: 4000 pst at - 28 days CC: Hsnssl-phelpsBriner & Scott JVA cuEN AND AssoctATEs' INc' l, ti I't Professional Constrltants , llrns Frooschlt' --- --- ,4;,8_ Crrx exo AsgoclArts Conrultlng Englneen Soll end Foundetlon Englneerlng sos Ro, r'| . GLE UOOD SFnltros. colonAoo tldllt CONCRETE TESTING RESTJLTS Job No. z 22,802 Job Location: Simba Run' Vail Sampled BY: Steve SPeer - HPCC Locatiori: N. Building ltJatl 16-17 i llix Data: II cor,"."ae supplt'er: trltn' l'tobile Mix II Bacch Out Time: HenseI -Phe lPs Slunp S, Denslty CHEN Al.iD ASSOCIATES' rNC' Hans F roesch l-e ---- Suppller's Tlcket No': Tlne Cast: 10:00 am Alt Cootent DlaEeter Alr TeoPerature Date cast: Contractor: 7/22/82 PI{YSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Uelght Height Concrete TeoPerature Pcf ln,ol ln. Pcf I {a oF Specifled Strength: 4000 P81 CC: HenseJ'-PhelPs Briner G Scot t JVA L&l'l Professional Consul tants Scrength (Psl) Remarks: at 28 days I. ii 't In reference to the tro attached concrete test reports, we offer the fol-lorring comlenta: For the racquet ball courts, Ilensel Phelps used 4000 lb. concrete for slab or grade for quicker and better set. Ihe only 4equire- rnents lrere for 3000 1b. For the North Buil-dlng wall L6-L7, refer to the June 10, 1982 test reports on cylinders 109 and 110. The 28 day report was 2800 Lb. and the 45 day break was 4260 lb. trIe do not have a cyllnder I-31 and l-32 to make a 45 day break report. Due to past. experlence t lre tselieve the concrete wl1l exceed 4000 Ib; The only other recourse would be core drilling a sample out of the wal1, wtrlch we do not thlnk ls necessary at this tlme. Should you have any questlous, pJ-ease advlse. Very truLy yours, co. Bud Van llorn Superintendent. anr cc: Briner Scott Architects J. V. A., Inc. E *X3fl.iffi* 420 Sixth A\€nue P.O. Box O G.eeley, Cdorado 80632-0Zl 0 (303) 3s2-6s65 August 24, 7982 L E M Professlonal Consultants, Inc. P O Box 726 Val.l, Colorado 81657 ATTN: Ray Story SubJect: Simba Run Condoniaiuos Box BB 1100 N. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81658 Gentlernen: Performance - =.-._ !l1x Data: Concrece Supplter: I'ttn' trlobile l'lix Cx:x AND AssoclAtct Conrultlng Englneen Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 5O!o AD. t9. 'GrE wOOg SFntt{GlLCOtOiaOO llS0l CONCRETE TESTING RSSIJLTS€=. Job No. z 22,502 (. Job Locatlon: Sinba Rtrn Vail Sanpled By: Field Engineer - IIPCC contractor: Locarlonr Racquetball courti jre - Lez{( 4Do *uh Dace ;asl:7/7r/82 Hen se I -Phe l Ps 1/.( caxzrEtr c.----- fl II ii : Suppller I s Tlae CasC: Slurap 6 ln. Denstty Pcf Tlcket No.; 11058 Truck No.: 155 Eatch Out Tlnel PIfl(SICAL PROPESTIES: Unic l,feight Belg,bt ConcreEe TeoPerature Speclfied Strength: -+-CCI g"r.rqo1-phelps Briner & Scot t JVA Air Content Diaoe t er Air T@Peralure Pcf ia oF ln. op 4000 cHr:li asD AssoclATES' INC' _, -llen s l:Joe-srlt-h-, -- Strength (Pst) Tested l.trt'l Profe'ss iona I Ct)llstrltants psl at days Fh' I' I ,; i Cxrx ANo As3octAr!3 Conrulllng Englneen Sotl and Foundailon Englneerlng 50itRo. r3a . GlE atfooo sPeucs. coronAoo ai6oi CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No.: 32,802 Job Location: Simba Run' Vail Sampled BY: Steve SPcer - HPCC Loca!lo:i: .r*. Building lrJall 16-17 Ulx Data: Ccncrete .Suppller: lltn' trlobile l'lix Batch Out Tlbe: Suppller's Tlcket lio. : Tloe Cast: 10:00 ar' D3ce Casc: ContracEor: 7/22/82 Hensel -PhelPs Truck No.: 101 PHYSICAL ?ROPERIIES: Untt Uetght Helght Concrete TeoPerature Alr Content Dlaaeter Atr TeoPerature Pcf ln.or o--r Slnop DensltY 5L ln. pcf Spectfled Slrength: 4000 CC: Hensel-PhelPs Briner 6 Scott L 6l'l [)rof essr rlla I Colrstlltitllts cHEli A:\D ASSOCIATES. INC' _ lltn:i Froesclt]r----.----- -e.Tested DaYs - -Cooprenslvestie!a!!-(g:,!ITylrnder No. Date Tested 131 8-lg -i 630 LJZ 8-19 28 3870 Reoarkgl pst ar __J!- daYs a /r-L Oakland Regional Office The Celotex CorDoration f*ta "l-911"'comPanv C. B' *SkiC' Schenck, lll Sal6s RePresentativo Building Products Division Tho Cltorar CorPotrtlon 6400 Stevenson Boulovard Fr€mont. California 94538 (8OO) 227-1216 Argust 10, 1982 3406 BanYan Avenue Loveland' colotado 80537 (303) 667-6069 Mr. Bill Suinrt Drl,r//all Material Sales 3600 East 44th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80216 Strbject: Simba Run Project Vail, Colorado Ttre purpose of this letter is to cerbify that the Celot€'< WaIl- board on ttre Subject Project is Celotex 5/8" llpe )Oo( Fi-Rok clzpswn Sheattr-ing and, I/2" TIpe )co< Fi-Rok Wallboard, v*tich is equal to U.S.c. Firecode 'Cu and Flhtkote Type X Super Fire Halt. I rxrderstand thht on porEions of ttris project, where.our board is cut for $nalI erreas, ttrere are no identifylng narkings on the borad. Please be adlrised that our 5/8" I!"pe )OO( Fi-Rok Gypsun Sheathing and L/2" TVpe >oo( Fi-Rok Wallboard was shipped for in- stallati-on in these areas. Sincerely, (" A-J/q,../z? C. B. Schenck fII Celote)< Corporation ,h P.O. Box 5001 Fremont, California COLORADO TEST CENTEF. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLOFADO 80223 (303) 698-r0so DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Sinba Run INSPECTOR: DeltlaYne Ganow CoNTRACTED SERVTCES: {/\EXrnt 9) At bean to waIl embed connections on line 10, detaiL {3/511) specifies 1/4" fiLl.et weld on thevertical side only of the angle 1ugs. The angles have been weLded top and botton as well asvertical sides to the enbed. This condition was reported to Tim lrlcKinney. After phoning the engineer, he stated the condition is acceptable. Level 140 10) Visually inspected noment connections betweenlines.4 to 10 and A to D. Rejected welds narked at C-6, B-7, and C-9. Unfinished welds observed at D-5, 8-6, D-8,.and C-9. Other welds are accepted. JOB NO: 1878 DATE: 7'30'82 REGULAR HRS: 5.0 OT HRS: 20F2SERVICES: PAGE STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING I AKA F ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO oErwER. COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-105O DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: AKA INSPECTOR: Dellaynb Ganow t 1;6nI I ii' q" CONTMCTED SERVICES: X EXTR,\--r-- DENSITIES JOB NO: REGULAR SERVICES: 1878 DATE: 7-23-gZ HRS: 1.0 Ot HRS: PAGE 1 OF 1 Densities of sanples taken fron level 130 have been neasured at the AI(A shop. These densities exceed the UL requirernents for I!tK-5' which are 17 pcf ninimun average density or 15 pcf nininum individual density. Level 130, sanPle 1: 19.4 Pcf sample 2: 19.3 Pcf These results complete sampling for density of fireproofing at the east building. All density measurements have exceeded UL requirenents. Refer to rePort dated 6-r8-82. ! I slqucnjPAL Ai.io,.r gcF i:'llcAL rESn:rc DATE r' .*: ! IN CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL t i,,r.- l- r'.* (- *o- JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION:l) .' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NAtLtNG t] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING q. RoUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr E FfNAL tr FINAL }.APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE V' i, :r , j o l3 ,6e Cx:x AND AssoctAT Conrultlng Englneerr Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 5O8O FD.lsa . GLENWOOD SPB|I{GS. COLOFAOO 8l50l TESTING REST'LTS Job Job CONCRETE No.: 22,802 Locatlon: Simba Run, Vail Date Cast:6/2e/82 Hensel -PhelPs L0729 Truck No.: 155 Cont rac tor :Sarnpled By: Locat lon : llix Data: Concrele SuPPlier: Mtn' Batch Out TiEe: PEYSICAI PROPERTIES: Unlt l{elght Helght Concrete TenPerature Speclfled SErength: CC: Hensel-PhelPs Briner 6 Scott JVA L6l*l Professional Contractor N. Building, 15-L7 Line between A & D Mobile l'lix 4 000 q in.orln. oF Suppllerrs Tlcket No- l Ti.me Cast: Air Content Dlaaeter Alr TemPerature slunp 71 h. Denslty Pcf CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschl e ress l've Strength (psi) Remarks: ConsuI t ant s psl at 28 days 'N#CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON 'OALLER TUES LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING r] INSULATION tr POOL / H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR th. Pdnbry'lan 7 t'l-" , ''t "rrustcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: t I BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: I] HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .I E APPROVED T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i I " C.Oesg61 .., . ?-"t! .i.i:1 ,i;. :,i .-.. . .' .- .'_,,. / r - .:,.r-. ./, ;;.. .,.." . .;. ..:2 .i DATE INSPECTOR ot a--c€xrx *ru0 AsgociArt Co;sultlng Snglnecr- So!l and ForrndEllon Englneerlng 5O8O nD. l5r . GLENWOOO SFRTNGS. CCLORAOO 8l60t tlrt.'iC,\,ETE'l'i'.ST1:iC RISI'l-TS Job No. : 221802 ,I crt' L..c.it ion: S imba Ru't Sarp: c.l 3r': Contractor i.().;ti.n.' East s.ide of parking roof lrtc Crst z 6/22/82 ta.: - 1..F-l.r.l.r !.r Ld. Concrete Su;p1ier: I,bunbajjl t4cbjLe Mix Suppiier'-. licket .'i.r.: 10589 iruck lio' r 97 Batch Juc Ti;e: ;ine casi: Pi:.iSiC;I PF.CIES.. i :S : Lni.t wei:hi. F.: A j: Co:lteli" li S1u::i 6-3/4 in' r':.: ^r-. i::. Jlat:.eter i::' Densitl' Pcf .:e:5.. > aan^r.-r' Tr':npi:--|r,rf' 'F Lif Te::pe:':tu:e Cv I in der No.?es:eC Age Tes red Da]'s Cc)rxPressive Strength (psi) 113 7 /2A/82 28 3I50 114 7 /20/82 28 3090 Rerark.s: specified srrcngth: - 3000 - Psi at - 28 - cays CC: tiensel Phelps Briner & Scott JvA L&M Professicrrar cqrsultants cltEN "\\D ASsoclATEs' llt(l' Ibns Froeschle o Fq ,5a, e*:x *.rur Assoct.a.? Con:ulllng Englncers So!! *nd Foundeiian Eng!rroerlng scs0Fo.rsr. GIEN$OcO SPRINGS, COLCRADO !l6Ct CONC}i}:TE TESTIIiG RESILTS .i .: i. ,r-o.: 22r802 L.r.':rt i.)r'l : Sinba Rurt S.r:iii r B1': Ccntractor l-.riii ^.-'il walls A & B liItes coluins 7-10 ,l^-\ !J Lli . Cor',. ru r u s.rppl ier: t"lou-ltajn l4cbile i;atch 0ut l-inc: PH\SiC.{L ii0i']:,i.i !S : Da!e Cast:.6/22/82 iontracs,rr : Hensel PhelPs Dens i tr' l{ix Suppii.er's Ticket \o. r 10511 li:.e Casr: 1i- a -.t-tanr Aj.r Ter:t erat ure r_--'. l'^r ^'^-l,ltJeL ^€-.:,IL Conc ::ct e Telpclatu:-t: Speclfied S rrenq t h:4000 ltan ca I Plro] rs Briner & Scott J\A LdtI i,r:of essioraf Co:rsultants Or 5Z Lr. . rcf cHal{ .r:}:I AssoclA'i ES. ilic. I lans Froeschle onpress ive StrenAth. (psi) 't /20/82 Rerr.atks: le lesce 28 d ays g,AlE {- .,r tt', E--e;--, JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .CAtLER TUES WED PMAM (4 FRTHURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBINGT _ tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER _ O GAS PIPING - I] POOL / H. TUB -tr _tr - tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: - tr HEATING - - tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr B tr FINAL EI APPROVED -OOfrRECTTONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED z{ --',:€-- DATE INSPECTOR brinerzscott architects 143 e meadow dr. vail. cohrado 8165/(303) 476.3038 trA June ll,.|982 Mr. Chet Horton T.0.V. Bu'i1d'ing Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. WestVail, C0 8.|657 RE: Simba Run/Smoke Actuated Door Closers Dear Chet: For my records, I am writing this letter to confirm a telephone conversation I had with you on June I, 1982 on the above refer- enced subject. l,le discussed the use of fusib'l e links at Doors E223, E227, E432 and E527, which you approved as be'ing acceptable. The next day, I had a meeting with Dick Duran, T.0.V. Fire Chief, who indicated his requirement that the closers be smoke actuated (see copy of letter to Mr. Duran). That is the approach we intend to take. P'lease let us know if this does not meet with your approvai, as we are now investigat'ing the cost impact of the cl osers. S i ncerely, Tim Kel I am Project Architect TK/PO cc: Tim McKinney Ray Story 4.-zzr,&4rt1 eaf- ry%a<? -9 ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR FBI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .r4 June 9, l9B2 briner/scott architects 143 e rneadow dr: vail colorado 81657(3o3) 476.3038 Mr. Dick Duran Chief, T.0.V. Fire DepartmentVail, C0 81657 RE: Simba Run/Smoke Actuated Door Closers Dear Dick: For my records, I am writ'ing this letter to confirm a decision we made at a meeting we had at your office on June 2, 1982. As you know, the owner has requested that we consider hav'i ng certain doors held open during normal use (you and I discussed doors E223, E227, E432 and E5Z7 at stair #3. The owner has since added doors E208, E234, E43l and E526). Your preference was that these doors should have smoke actuated door c'l osers instead of fusible links, as I suggested. We will thus pursue the smoke actuated door closers with the owner and when a decisjon has been reached, we will inform you (please note that we were only asking for prefiminary approval, since the cost impact may determine whether or not such a device is ever used. The owner may dec'ide to leave the doors closed). Si ncerely, 1-- K.fU--- Tim Kellam Project Architect TK/po cc: Ray Story Tim McKinney Chet Horton 3 ?aF /3L o €-g- ATA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER, COLORAOO 80223 (303) 6981050 AKA 1878-1181 June 7, 1982 Hensel Phelps Construction Co. P. 0. Box BBVail, Colorado 81658-0929 Attention: Mr. Richard Maynard RE: Sinba Run Condominiums Gentlenen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work performed on June 1 and 3, 1982. Very truly yours, ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. RMR: mc cc Tim lvlcKinney Chet Horton Dave tloudeshel lTin Ke11an Ray Story / STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING C0NTRACTED SERVTCTS: x EXTRA SERVTCES:-PAGE I OF 1 Densities of two fireproofing samples taken from Sinba Run, in Vai1, have been measured at the AKA shop. These densities exceed UL requirenents for minimurn density for IIIK-S of 15 pcf . The UL requirements for average density is 17 pcf minimun. When additional sarnples are taken frorn each area, an average wi11 be caLculated. Level 160, Sanple 1: 2a.4 pcf Level 150, Sample 1: 21 .3 pcf STRUCTUBAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORAOO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAiLY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING DENSITIES LOCATION: AI(A Shop JOB NO: 1878 DATE: 6-7-82 INSPECTOR: Delltayne Ganow REGULAR HRS:1.0 OT HRS: AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASS9C|ATES, tNC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO D€NVER, COLOBADO 80223 (303) 698-10s0 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPRooFING LOCATION: Sirnba Run JOB NO: 1879 DATE: 6-3-g2 INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 1.0 OT HRS: CoNTMCTED SERVICET, K ,xTM SERVTCES: PAGE 1 OF 1 l- Fireproofing sanples were taken frorn the site for d.ensity rneasurements to be done later at the AKA shop. Samples were taken from colunns beneath levels 140, 170' and 180. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING -). |? ' t. DATE .i" ,/' (^; '-:/-.. _ -t - .{ a_" t 'N#CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI PMAMTUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUItIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E] ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL GI APPROVED €oftfiecrroN$ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE [F trlrry'vsll a4 DATE L.. t-.F z-.. CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON €t++E8 TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL/ H. TUB -n_ _n_ tr FINAL MEGHANIGAL: - tr HEATING -- tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr u FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT E tr tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Af,A ALBEBT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 AKA 1878-1181 May 28, 1982 Town of VailBuilding DepartmentP.0. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 Atten l ion : i,lr . Steven Patterson RE: Fireproofing Inspection, Sinba .Run Condominiurns Gentlemen: . Aftet ry.I 26,,L982, fireproofing thickness inspection willbe performed by Bob Highland,- field Inspector for Biiner ScottArchitects. AKA fireproofing inspection will be confined todeternination of the density-of sirnples taken fron the site.Please refer to the letter fron Richard llaynard, project lulana-ger, Hensel Phelps Construction Conpany, dated May ZS, L}BZ. Regarding density neasurements, U.B.C. Standard 43-8 re-quires the sanple area be defined by a tenplate, and that thick-nesses be measured in the fiel-d. This is an inherentlv inac-curate method, particularly since samples often break when cutand transported. The AKA method is to oven dry a rough cut sam-ple first. The sanple is cut into a rectangulbr prisi. Eightlinear measurements and nine thickness rneasurenents are thenmade to determine volume, exceeding U.B.C. requirements. Afterweighing, an accurate density is calculated. -AKA reconnends thisapproach. If you have any questions, please call Very truly yours, A-., .r' A4o<) Z ft/a,-7'z /c/a"e/ uel{ayne barow Approved by, DG:nc enc. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING @ H*TL*?Ht P.O. Box O 420 Sixth Avonu€ Greeley, Colorado g)634 (303) 352-6565 ltay 25, 1982 Town of Vatl Building Department Vai1, Colorado 8L657 - ATf{ t- r : r &F-ye*-Pe_t_!!ra9!!ri Subject: Sinba Run Condominiume Box BB 1100 N, Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81658 Fireproof ing Inspections Gentlemen: on l,lay 19, 1981, Chet Horton of the Town of Vall Building Departoent met with De Wayne Ganow of AKA to review fireprooflng inspection requirements and procedures on Slmba Run. In the discuesLous with De Wayne Ganow eud Chet Horton' it became apparent that no agency is certlfied per se to lnspect flreprooflng. Hensel Phe1ps Constructl.on Co. hereby submi.ts to the Tom of Vall Bulldlng Department for approval the fireproofing insPectlon procedures in accotdance ntth U. B. C. Standard 43-8. BrLner Scott Architect I s f l-eld inspeetor, Bob Highl.and, wl--L 1 perform thickness inspections in accordance with U' B. C. Standard 43-8, Sections 43.802 and 43.803. Written certification that thickness meets or exceeds the requlred will be provided to the Town of Vall foll.owing each inspection. In additl-on, AKA consultant De Wayne Ganow will perforn deneiEy testing in accordance with U. B. C, Standard 43-8, Section 43.804. WrltEen certificatl.on that density meets or exceeds the required will be provided to the Town of Vail following each inspection. <4tl[4.ct/*fr'' h -.-, / /roit rt //,'rt //r / {2i,..,4. /fr znn", 24..€y' I Ferformance ,/' ,/ r -1:7U,/ { 7t / "{ fT'/.2 +_"- {,4 - FZ_. ! ' Buildtng Department May 25, 1982 Page 2 PLeaee advise if the above proceduree meet wlth your approval' and the lntent of U. B. C. Standard 43-8 no lster than 12:00 p.u. Ttruraday, ttlay 27, L982. Very trul.y youra , HENSEL PHELPS CONSI3,UCTION CO. -&rlattd { Wa't-tqt{ &^*) /Rlchard P. Maynard Project Manager cc: Briner Scott Archltects L & M ProfeesionaL Consultante, Inc. ., t +.i.-r>. r:9.'ir1 l,. : @\| ID mc'{oz 1alliilat i ni ii ai lra; i;3i;ii iEii E*lEiiiliii 5l =l3l trl :l q 3 .: o;; -3 :J .-' 6a t/ 63 .i= 4., = 3 o c IEaaiiiili li ti r;n1r ci7i:E'Ii=i: E*E i+€1E rEii ;1?it;i sF. a:;t * ?esiAiii ie*giiii E € 9E -.F."eia*i '.r 4 a g'<i-Eocr I =q'a;=.n - tt n<.o=oSier E e.a* -' :t =' :i--.r a 3 9E €A=--':!E;.i ;?2a6'.-X I:;iz ='*- lF ; 4.:5gxli --q-r=a:!a n =.=a95 i'a'q 0a Z =72: ==. Ig.ra* d=e *rgr+ iiE;iiaF *{ +iiF 1;ir a3 iaiiEEil?i iiil;:iAtg +?+5 :ii+: n *!i; €iiei ?iai jiiei ilil ;=i ?"=Ei: irl a; -.-n ;i? =e t*a; iXi ? o CI oo @gN = Brc3z +l6 co F @ ho-{ zc' tE' U, ' a ;=-7?''?::li??:t{?i:+'=1?:1;z;z::r= i]:;ai:27' . -. . : :11;t?'?.ii;?;, iEEa iii lZi;= i71?z= ?=ti1?!? +|1F! iae i?TZi +z ii:i ?r -1Zi re ;EFL+; =:'z:= !t7t+i ?ii1lili :FEE:: TiI?? iilit ?l?atl\? il+FEEt li=ii : iE il t=E=:tE i i llFF ' i !;?ii ?+t*z\z;V* IiFFE i ??i-iFiiil-izlil:: iiiEli t 'uz',,z "ai: *?l+EE ? l"Fli E iEii; irF I. "i7=i=:'^.=:: .!'a:: t - : - I f:1 a>,,,,,.,, =1:.i '- -E : :.ii 6t *i , =E'Lz:.,! ; : c .l.=6r - -.a = =. 1f 3a e-i'iE;3 t"z-/,a3c- =.. a e ' = t; .l'*i+i E = = d l,xet + 3 - ; 9 xl-rai.'i-=7== -'; =7i';! ;7 7- _- -: I 6tt a=-. : :-:!_i:* --F =-a'nE= =;.-==-":EiolC?h: 0aoa, ing Off icials OO International Conference of Build ReportNo.1578 Octobcn 1979RESEARCH COMMITTEE REPORT MONOKOTE TYPES MIG.{ AND MK.s FIR}:PR(X)FIN(; ZONOLTTE CONSTRUCTION PR0I'UC:T!; DIVISI0N W. R. GRACE & CO 25OO SOUTH GARNSEY STREET SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 927fl sotmtwF^sT vERMtcut,tTE c{r POST OFnCE EoX 628t ALBU(rr rEnQUE. r{E$t MEXICO l?lot I SubJect: Monokolc MK-4 and MKI Fircprn)ling. writcn ktnratorics Inc. classi{ication markinS. Itt. Dddcncc Submlttcd: Thc rcsults of lirc'cndurancc lcslt lfe submitlcd. Flndlng! lv. Flndlnrss Thrt th. Monokorr Typcs [lK'4 rnd MK'3 Fl!r' oroollnr e: lirnufraurtd by thc llrtr{ comPlnlcs ls rn-rla.rnrla inrtho'd of tl]! Droaccllon for tlccl bcrm. column rnd noot con' structlon to thrt spcclflcd In thc Unltorm Bulldlng Codc, 3ubJtcl lo thc foltorrln3 condltlons: t. Mstcrlals ert rppllcd |! rct forth ln thls rcport. \ I ll. Dcscrlptlon: Gmcrrl: MK-4 and lt{K-S dirccl-trt-rtcel firePrftif- rnt materials arc mill-mircd ccmentitious matenals u hich are machinc ao-olierl to lire nrotcct stecl struclural ftaming mcmhers and ctscl lllrlr rrr riofscctr,rns thc matcria ls differ in thcit erirt c-,rmF'siti rnc. which ars '-- ^.-of d.FtoFnetarl naturc. Bolh formulatiitn!-atl.ttcc of a'.b!:\lg! lihcrs. .-.* '--'i MK-5 iv i|ppliiahlet('all-lrprriirfirrir\1rur.'ri+n"(k',.ttit|4.Liclhir rr-flat: -..-.' : MK 4 ri Jnnl|(Jhtc tl, dll lvorss ol lr'lrstructlon clccDl lur appli!allutr k) cellular rtetl floot or ro6f scctions having flat bbtom irlatcs. Bnth pnducts have Class I flame-sprcad ratingr. APpltcetlon: Thc matcrial is supplictl in b.rgr anr.l rs trrtrcd *ilh approiimately rtx gallons of water ;rr l5 Frnrd5 rtf rnatcrtri. lt hrs sciting characteristiis and must hc applicd pftrm^ilr rl lcr nrrxing. Clcan cquiprncnl must be 'rrcd. Thc materi:! is mixerl in a plastcr. nrircr and thcn m&-hinc rpplicd -thr0ugh u nozzle. wilh alr prcs(urc and rrrluntc udjustcd irr Pr(tvtde thc pm6i rprry pattcm. The matenal ts upplic<l in one ctr.rt, douhling back wtin rhd thickncst rs to cxceed I rnch. Thc 'r ct dc nrrt \ .rl the mrlciral ilr apnlied throuth lhc nozzle rangcs ftom {8 to ru Dounds pcr cubrc f(rtt.'flic in-place ilcnsity rcquircd is approrrmatelr' 1.1-r 5'ou-nds pcr squltc lq't rx'r inch of thickness. This mav bc verifred bs rcmo\inq I seuar(' frlot ;f marcrial and determining thi densrty after-oven drsr;g to con. rtant q'e ifht. Stcc! rurl'accs rr hich arc to he nr(rtc(lc(l murt bc clcln anrl tlrv antl firc tronr du\1. (tilor anv (rthcr,,uhllanccr *hreh urru rrrcvcnl g.r,ttnr11"11,,,t Srccl h.:rrrr* unrl e 'h.rhill:!_E]Illglgl::!.1,:.lllfji!!g!_ L/ ldenlitlcttion: Th('- ntirtcnxl ir fur,ni.hcd in tragr hcl:rng ln trndct. - 2. Firt-reslstlv€ rrtlnSs for slructur&l sleel columDs lra coo'- ..-itnrenr on Drolectl;n for rhc llnproollnS mrtrrlrl from thc- ii#ilo e m'lntmum hGlghl ofgt lcist t fect wllh rn rpprovcd - : -- -- . siri'frcln8 mrtcrlal lo rrnid drnric Inmr arrlng -r:hlc-1!3-.-;; 'th? hlndllnt of m*chrndl* or othcr tncrB. 3. Thc flrtormflng mst.rlrl lt not pcrrnltt.d rt ccllln8 hclShls hss thsi ll fc?t abovG lh? tl@r. .1. Thr mlnimum flrtpmollng rnd concrtt. thlchnerscs comPly nllh Tbbl€r Nos. I ihrough lll' 5, Concretc lhlckncss.s lPply to clther rsSulrr mlSht or ll3hl' $'righl concr.lc. - 6. -T'-ht lhlckncses spctlllcd lre rv?rigr thlclnctscr- In Inchcr ' : ,i lnch, Thc rlceptancc o( mt&surcmcnlr ilab r mlnut ttrlersncc pnrter the'n 7r Inch shall noa br pcrrnlttcd. MGr' suremrnlirrcrlcr thsn % lnch rbort thc rtquhtd shrll not bc uscd to detcrmlne the thlckncss averagc. ?. Monokot TVD. [fK-S can br urcd qllh th? FCI menurl'' ;'ll".ion loiFlrc Rtslstence of Prccart Prcstressed Con' trite,flgs Rcornlzed ln Rescarch Rcport No.3264. t. Spccial Inspcctlon ls requlrtd 8s tca forth ln Sectlon JOs (rl of thr c(d(', This reporl is subjecl ao annusl rc'exrminsllon. TABLE NO. I - COLUMNS (Thlcknc!r In Inchr!) TABLE HO. II - STEEL BEAHS' (Thlckncls In Inchcsl a-xR.!Hn.,-Hn.r-Hn. Strur.lurel \tecl c.)lumni havllr! ! sccllon rmallcr lhan Wl{r1:8 $ith Tvp MK.4 ot 5 l-rrcproofing lpplrcd directll to $cb and ll:rIr,:\t..I L. Strrrctu.al (lcrl c()lunrns having a sccttoo c{r.rl r() or !.crtcr lhao a Wl4tlll'i column *irh Ilf lvlK-J rv 5 tjrrcpr(rrlinS npplrcd (hrectl! I I thc *ch and lltng(\ TYP€ oF collstFucno{ l.-xF I}Hn i2'HR ;t'}tR l,".iri .,'',. t,r,rt-'ru ,i'n-*i r ,' i,..f--f Jr:lrne *rrh l:'olcr'nr'rctc,,*crtotllutc\, | | |Mk.l or < i I i rh.r(), < | I i ,l I rdr Riistrrtn.J | | I . | '_ I ', j thr l'nrc\ttirncd I f I lL. | . | "i I--;--=i--.-t-,.- .1_-,1 Prgr I ol 2 Page 2 ol 2 Raport No. 1578 t llutcrl ,,r rrllul:rr \rcrl J(.!lrnf (ll.rt Platc drr*rrl wrlh rndr'ntarrrtnr for corn' Fxrr'rtt ricrrln rtrlh lrrnrmunl :!--rnih concr(.le \l!h I l:lutc rlcprh 1'minrmum L l.lctal thrr,tncss -nlrnr|lrrrn firufqa llutcd ll tlSO b Cclluls l(Y2(l lttsc I T"f'c,rf pnrtluet- DC li ! NIK s All'tcck\ h lrlK J Flrrtsrl ctc( l\ ,\nlv .l ftrclr(x)li|l8thr([nes\ e T{}F i)f llul. b llltkrm ol f'lulc c ('cllrrlat flutcd or ccllular \tcel dcckrnt (llal plalc drlvn) \{llh indantatiors for com- Frsrte dcsrl:n wrth nrinrmun l-inch cr|o(r(tc rlab. I Flul$ l" or l 'dcpth : Nte?al ihickncsF- minimums :r ljlutcd ?l MSC t, Ccllular !lYllt MSC L TIJI of pr<duct- MK 5.1 Frrcpr<xrfing thickncss' a Top of flutc b lJotkrm of flutc c Ccllular TABLE NO, III - FLOOR & ROOF SYSTEUS](Thlclnr.r h Inchrrl wPE Of COnStnucno|. TABLE t{O. lll-fLOOR & ROOF SYSTEIIS ' (Contlnucd) ffhlckn .. In Inchcr, rYPE OF COXSInUCnO a-lln,!hn.l+ti.rfln. e. CcllularI TVpc rrf p(xlucl- MK-5 Elcqtricrl rnscrt' I Thickness of lUK.5 fircproofinS whc]R concrBt€ not rcmovcd from dccl tallrys and Inrcrl! on loPo ' a. Wrth rcgular $cr8ht cr)nctelc topping on dccl b. wirh lighrwerghl concretc top- frng on dcct : Thickncss of liEproollng ghcrc no concretc rn vrllcys bclwccn cclls un. r.lcr rnsen which JEnctra{cs sidc ol rlccl ccll.' a. with rsSular \rcight concrctc toppin8 on dr{l. b. Wi(h iightweiShr concrctc top. ping on dcct. .l Thrckncss of fircprrooling whcrc no concGtc is in vallcys undcr insctts and inscns pcnclralc sides of dccl cclls and inscfls contsin intemrl modilicarrons. a. With rcgular wcight concrctc on dccl. b. With lightweight concrctc on dcck. Concrcte l. hn-joi5ts-Poured-in-placc con- struction (2h-inch minimum thich- ness *ith marimum 3O-inch span llcl$tcn .IrrsIs ) Onc-inch concrclc c()Ycf l('r J0ist talnlorccmcnl. a. TYpe of prqJuct-MK-5 b. Fircproofing thictncrs (slrb sofnt). D E. 2h Vt lth lVt lVl tv. h h ln h ,h 1A I tl h ,l Va 1/t I l. v. I i,r l14 h tl ( 'lltnch hcadsr thh:tncssi I RcFullt .r 'li'|,'l lhrte i h ll({t0rn !,1 tlulc I c ('cllul.1t | "! B.tl.rnlcrr' I a T,\t t|l tlurc i h lt,'lk,rn,'l lllrlr "1 ti tt ,|h h |4 I t I F lr't -_-- Footnotcr tor Tablar Nos. ll and lll: 'lt!llctl.'|l]'|(h.|.\.|{httlnr.,ntJ:'||n(l(\1tt(1'n!r.|c.n!|l|n|f|umtqulvalcnl(l)ncFks|Jhthtr|N'1so|.]|il|nth.\tna}hcUd, h-Lrl,rfi.d ,m thr plJt( 'liu numral {'trjhr ccrrcrtr.. t*o.lx|Utr th'cbcsr ma} h. rcdu!:cd kr li inch lrxl ona-hoil' thrcln.3i m.t b. ttduc.d lo % inch. 'M.tjl thr \oc.\ h'r h,tr.,r,rlr\\ lrr.fuh lr.rlc( t rtnntnrurn; lluEd :.: IIS(; ( (lluhr.lr| lr! ltls(; In.dlrtrxt. th' llJt pLl. (f..tlirhr unrtt !nttrl .jranrclcrN'':r|'|\(;8'|fJn|/et!\tcG|d,f'.studsl.,tr|n.i,"\Ps'b||c|tuth.o9dh.mrr||ntln|2J6u h.r}'*nhhu|nnth::lm|€\h.t9tnn'wt.nd24|m|ksh.|v,,.enrlud\Fo.thGc.h!rp.olcction.6.rndl.n{lhshaI|bc2|^it.cl!k'n8, t\' l'r ltr h..l.ttF 'l lnu\.d cl.lrrx al In$fli Inu\t h( ILlcd rrth r mtturJ $.(r hh*l aft, lrvcrcrr erth Colr.ftte oa qnd.clttrnl gtot t. '!:Ldr( ll tn\tir Sl',. tnl k'r unr\.d 1r${ llr: lr r*r\a J'(\lh'n .\(trri In\frtr r lnfin <retcd nr,'rc than onc rn.n h I I qU|rC tcat .l.'|6't'rcd|n\.rls\lir.|f|.,hd|lxn.rnl[cth|nr$(tn5c.t|n.r.h7t4v.p.rc|.c|t{f|oo'r,c|w|f.xt|.1s|hJnf Tl.nlr|rntf.|l|r|l'..nint|h't}r\\torr|lF!*ttn$nrsh.lth.st'.|t3dth€.ntt* hirr,fl., s'dh,.1 :l rnr rF\ E4t brineriscott architects 143 e. meadow dr vail. colorado 81657(303) 476.3038 ttay 25 , 1982 Tim Mck inney Hensel Phe lps Construction Co. P0 Box B.B. Vail, Colorado 81651 Re: Simba Run/ Unit Stairs adjacent to 4 hour Wall Dear T im: Because it was necessary to make the wall thicker @ grid l5 to accomodate concrete block passing by steel beams, the unit stair widths @ units 1207 and l5l5 were subsequently narrowed. As originally designed, the clear dimension at the lower flight of stairs was 2'-7*". With the above change, the clear dimension at the lower flight would be 2r-6r*t', still above the minimum required width of 2'-5" (see sect ion 3305 (b) of the 1979 uniform Building Code). Please note that the upper flight would rema in the same (2"-9tt rough, 2'-8" clear.) Sincerely, T,*-(il|, '_-_* Tim Kel lam Project Arch itect cc: Ray S toryruo.r L- t - r-L.- o /-21fir ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER, @LORADO 80223 (303) 698.1qr0' AKA 1878-1181 |tay 24, 1982 Hensel Phelps Construction Co.P. O. Box BBVail, Colorado 81658-0929 Attention: I'lr. Richard itaynard RE: Sinba Run Condoniniums Gentlemen: Enclosed is the fireproofing inspection report for workperforned on l"lay 19, 1982. Very truly yours, ALBERT KNOTT 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. RMR:nc cc Tin McKinney Chet tlorton Dave Houdeshell Tim Kellarn Ray Story STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENV€B. COLOFADO 80223 (303) 698-105O DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING TOCATION: Sinba Run JOB N0: 18Zg DATE:5-19-82 INSPECTOR: Del{ayne Ganow, REGULAR HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: CONTMCTED SERVICES: M EXTM SERVICES: PAGE L oF 2 The first inspection of application and thickness of MK-5 fireproofing was nade at the site. At this tine nost of the material sprayed is along the east waLl at the s'outh end. The fireproofing was too wet to take sarnpLes for density neasure- ments. This will be done at a later date. ResuLts of the thick- ness inspection are: 1) At levels 130, 140, 150 and 160, the pernieter bean and colunn coverage is accepted in the building wa11 recess bounded by lines 2, B to E, lines E, 2 to 3, and by lines S, E to B with the provision that more fireproofing is sprayed on the top sur- faces of the upper bean flanges. This nay be done from the in- side of the building so that placement of exterior wal1 is possible here. with the sane provision coverage on the perirneter beams on line B for 3 to 5 is accepted at 1eve1s L30 through 160. coverage on the columns here and in the interior is inconplete. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sirnba Run INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow JOB N0: 1878 DATE:5-19-82 REGULAR HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: CONTRACTED SERVICES' V EXTM SERVICES:PAGE 2 OF 2 z) rrl several cases, vertical wal1 studs are placed close to or'.'against colunns. This situation was viewed by and discussed with the vail buiLding inspector and the Great Northern Drywall superintendent. Iirhere the necessary L\t, of MK-5 can be applied, the studs rnay be left in p1ace. otherwise, the stud.s must be relocated far enough fron the coLunn to apply the fireproofing. 3) Horizontal wa1l studs attached to lower bean flanges nay be fi1led with fireproofing to protect the beams 4) Special care shoulcl be taken to fill the void above the upper bean flanges and the deck. 5) In order to complete installation of the exterior wal1, fireproofing of the exterior bearns ancl columns has been given priority- Once the wa11 is placed, inspection of fireproofing will not be possible. consequently, good cornmunication between the site and AI(A is inportant. STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING i DATE {-4q.-81,:-. JOB NAME CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1-&^sIFFn...- tr GAS prprNc_ PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,(neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: il ,*#"roN neouesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: 7 'i r- r".-. - INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ln AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr E FRAMING tr tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL .g/eeenoveo /. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .{) ..2a ' tlensel -Phelps -.--IIII chen and associates, inc. I.IT-I ILV' I CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINETRS }jII 5080Rd 154 Glcnwood Spnngs. CO 81601 JoB No - ?]-802 - -- oArE 5/|i/82 DAILY REPORT NO 61 ,-SHEET 1 OF SUBJECT FILL OBSEFVAIION & TLSI ING Sinrba ltun - North Bui lding P.O. Box,BB Vai l, CO 8_l_657 _ _ _ _At!n :_ _Jin McKjnn-ey. ___ S0[. t t0Uilorlloil tlrG|liffnr[0 fu"- LOCATION TAKEN EC IF ICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL Type and number ot earlh moving unrts I ype and numbef ot compaction unrls: l{umber ol passes - - - - thrck ness ol ltll l,4elhod ot addrng morslure Ttr:, reporl presanls opinrons forrned as a result of our observalron ol lill placcrnent. Wc hdve relied on ltre corrtractor to conttnue applying lhe recommended compaclive ellort and morslure lo the lrll .lur lrig lrmos wher oL[ observer rs r]ot obscrviniJ rJperalrons Tests are mad{) 0l lhe f rll Only as l).,lrev.ld necessary to calrbrate our obscrver's ll|dgamenl lesl dala ars not tlre sole basts lor , i Inr.,rrS on wnclher tlle lrll rncclS s!!L'crltci.itr()rlS cc: Briner & Scott, Architects .]VA LGM Professional Consul tants o In our opinion, fill generatly meelS specifrcalions as indicaled by test no. (s) o In our opinion, lill does not meet specilrcatrons as indrcated by tcst no.(s) .- . 'in(J silot/l(i be reritclvt'cl r)J 'r''!r''i n Fill tesled meets specilications m Contraclor advised n Full time observatlon F Part time observatron pR o G R E s s F E po F r i:o o t i n g .s s]f-1--tdex.e--abislycilalor g -c-o I utln- -iing_qll9ll_6 to_ 7 iines. These soil-:-3rg-:gl-l-!LLg- tlt11i previously encountered and should be suitable for support of the recorrunended 5 ,000 psf bcaring pressure. A :;rnl!1 l- , anount of loose topsoi.t rvas observed in the N.W ' col-ttcr of the footinp excavation at Lincs c' t" 7. Contractor rv:r:; "oufrlfidn8?.l"i"r: i:!r.,r_r.nrl uny lgoi" _rL"_1,.r ._g!svt. lrlwn r t(!N :'Ol! TYf I OI-}S E RVE I]A i),rliarr"'f Ii t]i Hensel-Phelps chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Fld 154 Glenwood Springs. CO 8't601 JoBNo_ 32,q02 _*,,__OATE Sl1Bl8-? DAtLy R€poar xo. 62-sneri --l-,- ,.1r I SUEJECT FILL OBSERVAIION & TES] ING Sirnhe Rrrq - Notth Building-.. - P.0. Box BB . ysj_I, C0_8_r057 __Attn: Tin McKinney s0 . t foutr0Alr0N tlGtrttR||i0 LABOFATORY rEsf NO dl:l::":":'":'. " "^':::: SOIi IYPI Tyee afid number of earth rhoving unils..,--- ..--- T ype and number ol compaclion units. N.rmber of passes , t 4cthod ol addinq moislUre. lhick ness ol l,lt I lr rs reporl prcsenls oprnions lormed as a result ol otrr observalion of trll placemenl. We havc relied 'rri thc conlraclor to conlrnue applyang the rocommended courpactive elfort and morslure to lhe frll itrrrrrrg lrnr('s when our observer is nol obServin0 operalions Tcsls arc madL'ol the ftfl oniy as l.elrevg6l ng1;95gsry to calrbrate ouf observer's JUdgemcnl Test data are not the sole basis lor ( i)|!l|ons on wnL,tller llre ftll meets specrtrcalroos cc: Briner 6 Scott Architects JVA L&M Professional Consultants O In our opinion, fill generatly meets spccilrcalions as indicatcd by test no.(sl o In our opinion. lill does not meel specilicalrons as indicated by test no.(s) - - and shc)uld b.r r(imov('d cr :r'r' r' n Fill lested meets specilications d Contractor advised g Full time observation F Part time observalion pRocBESS oa"o"., Foundatiqn bcaring soils along C line fronr to 7 line were observed. Topsoil and loose soil had been removed. The solls exposed qt footing_g1ade;lgqld_!fe_ _ suitable for the reconmended 5,000 psf bearing pressure. Sfi.evrDq$n- Aili,rtr_rijl i) il! .-c ( )tlsF_n vt R Hensel Plelps VaiI @ 81657 Attn: Tim leKirygf--- CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS s0B0 Rd 154 Glenwood SPrrngs. CO 81601 JOB NO SUBJECT FILL OESEHVAT IOTI Simba Rtri 22,802 oAt€ __6!9182 _ & TESI ING chen end associates, inc.oAtLY REP.RT *o 63 - snett - !--ot 2 PO B@( BB s0rt I toulroall0r trtGrlrItrlic 95t standard Proctor densiQ'B In our opinion, lill generally mBeis specitications 8s indicated bt t€sl no. sr)lL I Yi)l- santi'7 gravc 1 fill does not meet specificalrons as indrcated by -=-- and should be rcmovl,d I ' '1 r I oPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 2 cat 930 loaders Type and number ol eartlr movin9 unlls: - Type and number ol compac'on ,nirs 2 haDd -cdntrpctors, lg:id - Vibgataqf- Nunrber ot oa:ses ds needed rhickness ot ttlr 4"t" - [4ethod ol addrng morsrute: natufal r h rs report pra:,enls oplnions lormed as a result of our observalton ol I ill plilctmcnl wehaverelrod lrrr lhe (i(irilraclor to conllnue applylll0 lhe recommenCed compaclrve i'lloti and morslrlre lo lhe ltll {l lr}g l n(,s when our observer ts nol obscfvrng operallons lcsls are made ol l}ie llll only as i)r'r,ev;).j rlt'(:essary to caltbfale otll obsefver s iudg"nlenl Tesl d.11;l itro n()l lhc \r)le basls lor 1-\pinrorl.i on vrlrt:lh.'r the llll mPets spl'irlrcall()ns Brirter & Scott L&lvl Professicnal Ccnsultants O In our opinion, test no.(s) E Fill tested meats specilicalions R Contractot advised o Full lilne observation )g Part trme observal ron PROGRESS BEPORT Dan Berta rra3! au{!. ,il . ,, .,1 I'r,r LOCAITON IESl IYPE OEPTH OB EL€VATION (1..1) LABONAlORY fr€tt) TEST NO MAXIMIJM ORY DENSITY (pct) oMc ORY OEHSITY {pctl MOISIURE CONIENT(r) coMl'A(i. TrO\ 0 6'N, 5rE of S end of center calL, parking N 6,,befc,,^, 8+eh.128.8 9.0 I28.B 6.6 100 Silty 231 rglN, 4tE '' "tl N ll I28. B 9.0 124.5 6.3 N tl 128.8 9.0 L22,9 6.6 95 232 tl30'N, 3tE rl N N It 128.8 9.0 128.0 233 40,N,2tE " 6.N, 22'E l ll tl tl234 tl 128.8 9.0 I23.'1 "l 96 OOSENVTR PO BoX BB Vail C0 81657 At tn : T in IIc Kinn e."" WEATHEF COI'IDITIONS AND TEMPERATUR coNTRACToR.s toutoua*t 2 Cat 9-10 loaders, 2 hand compactors. I hand vibratorv plate coNSrRUCTloN Acrtvtrt6 Contractor had placed filI along t{. side of the center waI1 of the parking structure. No tests were taken deeper than 6" below g1q{e. AbOut 6r - 8' V€RBAL COMMUNICATTON WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT, OWNER of fill had been placed. All tests reached or exceeded 95% stan{qrd !Io!!ql-denr-1 Footins naterials were observed alons P line fronr 50-51, N.5 frorn 53-51 and 51 ffSL M.5-N.5. A11 materials were natural san avel and cobbles with occasional boulder Dan Berta FIELO REPRESENTATIVE Briner & Scott JVA L Qltl Professional Consul tant s CC: Frank Ouinn APPROVEO BY Hensel Phelpg_.- ___ FO BcD< BB ___ vail_q1316s7 _ Attn: Tim !'bKinnry chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOIECHNICAT ENGINEERS 5080 Rd 154 Glenwood SPrings. CO 81601 JOB NO 22,802 DAiE__6/r4/e2_ DAILY REPORT n,o. 64--sne Et - I or 2 SUSJECT FILL OBSERVATIOII & TESTING Simba Rurt sort I f0ul0r(0x t nc rt t Rlll 6 l€ sr RO LOCATION TYPC D€PTH OR gLEVATION llccU LAEONA'ORY ftEto 5 (lrL IMAXIMUM ORY DENSITY (p€l) oMc ORY OFNSITY ipct) MOrSrUt{€ CONTEIIT (hj l()'\r la (: TIOAI lr$4'W. 5'N of col,rn Pad C-3 N 6:'belov/srajlgraoe 128.8 9.0 L27.9 10. 5 99 ifry sandy 236 6rE. 6tN rl N ll I28.8 9.0 130. 3 9.0 100 231 6'W, 5rS rl N 128.8 9.0 LzB,'7 QO 100 238 6 tE, 4'N rl N tl 128. B 9.0 I28. 3 10. 2 99 spEcrFrcATroN coMpAcroN & MATERIAI 95* sbndardg:actor-dengilg- I ype and number ol eafttl movrng rlnlls i - -- Type and number ol compaclron untts:2 hand ccrnpactors. ttumDer ot ourru. ds ngeded thrckness ol lrll gr' - f 2t' lvlelhod ol addrng motslure natrrral lhrs rf,t)(rrt pr(.:.(.l|i(, oprnions lormed a5 A resltlt of o(lr ollservalrofl ol trll l)lilIcmcnl Wc havc relrod r-.,r ltle {-i)rtrIctof to conlrn {t applyrd0 tlre reconrmeliled corllpactrvc t llorl arJd nloisturt: lo thc tlll (r rrr|].) lll11{,s wllon o(]r Ob)servcr rS nt)l ObServlrlg opeliltlorrs Ttrsls atfr lnacre O, the lrll Only;ts lir,rra,vtrrt rt(,((,5\'try to callbritt€ ottf (:l)se(vrir:i iud(l(,alr(tnt Tesl dal,l iit(1 trot ltl(':,aIl{l basts l(il i l) ftr)r)., ,ln /,r'rrlh,,r tlle lrll m.rtlls :',Iir'r'ri cillr.)ns Briner & Scott J\A L&M Professicnal Ccnsultants gravel- lcsl no. (s) )o Frll tested meels specifications :F Conlraclor advised u Full lime observataon q Parl lrme observa trorl PNOGRESS NEPORT Apprcucinately 2' of fiff had been placed Dan Berta Frank Quinn ft In our opinion, fill genetally meets specilications as indicated b! lasl no. (s) - O In our ooinion, titt does not meet speciticatrons as tndicated by 3nd shotrllt l)e relnovtid r " wL,rlr, and ccnrlx.cted prior to our arival cn-:f!e-. LC OBSERVF B ,i, ).t, ,t tj i M chen rnd r*roliates, inc.,"::l'lH;:T:11::ilL CONSULTING GE0IECHNICAL ENGINEERS DArLy REpoRr ro. 64 sHEEr z or 2 5080 Rc 15,1 Grenwood Springs. CO 8160i S96.1691. Sjrnica _8q--__" _ rO Hense] Phelps PO Box BB Vail co 81657 Attn: Tj-rn lbKirurey WEATHEFi COIIDITIONS AND TEMPERATURL coNTBAcToF,s EoutpMEN, 2 lnnd ccr[nctors Af1 fill r,vas for slab cn-grade, and reached or exceeded 95? standard Fretor density. Footiag materials r,,.ere &ssxred in N. buildjnq alcnq co}.lrn Li:re A, frcrn 7-10 and colunn line 10 frcrn A-D. All rmterials r*ere on- ccbbles. tlre ccntractor had rebcnpacted slicrhtly disturbed areas, all naterial should be suitable for footirtqs as plamed. VEFIBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOB. ENGINEEF, AFCHITECT. OWNER coNsTBUcTtoN AcTrvtrtur Ccntractor lad placed apprcocinalely 2r of fil-1 jl tle N. frcrn coh:nrr lines B-D, 1-4. No tests r^ere taken deeper than 6" Dan Berta 'nw-.L rr, ', i .rrt APPROVEO BYFIELD FEPFESENTATIVE Briner & Scott JVA Le$ Professicrral Catsul-tants cGa o Cn tH lxo AssoctAtt! Conrultlng Englneerr Soll rnd Foundailon Englneerlng 5080 no. t5a . GLE WOOO SPR|NGS, COLOnaoo !160! CONCRETE TESTINC RESTJLTS Job lio. : 22,802 Job Lrrcaticn: Simba Run, Vail Sampled By: Field Engineer, Keith (ltpcc) Location: Parking Structure, pour #11 Dace Casc | 5/20/82 Cont rac co r: Cylinder No. Date Tes c ed Age Tested Days Courpres slve Strength (psl) 97 o- r /4160 9B 6-17 28 Ni.x DaEa: Concrere Suppller; Mt. Moblle l\tix Suppller's TickeE lio.: 11219 Truck No.: 103 Batch Out Tine: Tine Casr: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit lleight pcf Air Content Z Slunp 4L fn. iHelght in. Dianeter in. Denslty pcf tConcref,e Teoperacure oF Alr TeqperaEure Gf i. a i ,l i. : Remarks: Speclfled Strengrh: 4000 psl at -_28 days 96, Ilens e1-Phe tps Briner 6 Scott .]VA l, [,N1 ]'rofes s ionaL Con-sultants cHEti A\D ASSOC]/rTES, I LiC, Ilsn s Floeschle Cxcx exo AsgoctArrg Conculllng Englneen Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 5080 RD. t5r...GLEt{wOOO SPnINGS. COLOnAOO 8t60t CONCRETE TESTING RESII'LTS Job No.. 22,802 Job Locarion: Sinba Run, Vail DaEe Cast I 5/25/82 Sanpled By: Field Engi,neer, Keith(HPCC) Contraccor: Locatlon: So. G. 720 E. Building, 2 to 9 Line llix Data: Concrete Suppller: trlt. Mobile luix SuppJ.ierts Ticket No.: 11288 Truck No.: 100 Bacch Ouc Time: PHYSICAI PROPERTIES: Unir Idelghr Helght Tine Casc: 8:20 pcf Air Ccn lent in. Dla;leter Z Slunp 5 in. ln. Denslty Pcf Concrete Tanperature oF Air Teloperature oF Speclf led Strength: 3000 - psl at 4 -- days 69. Iiens e I -Phc.l ps llr. ine r & Scott J\'.q Lfi)l Profcss.ional Cons,-lliants cHliN AliD AssocIATES, INC. llan s Flocsclr I t CyI in der No. Date Tes ted Age Tested DaYs j Compren s ive Strength (psl) 99 t)-LL 28 3820 100 28 5640 Renarks: o Cx tN axo AssoctArtg Conaulllng Englnaeru Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 5O8o nO. l5r..,GLENwOOD SPR!NGS. COLORAOO 81601 CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No. ,. 22,802 i Job Location: Simba Run, Vail Dace Cast: 5/25/82 Sampled By: Field Engineer Keith(HPCC) Conlractor: Location: Parking Structure, Pour 6, #12 second i,ift Yix Data: PgYSICAL PROPERTI,ES: ' Unir Weight Z Slunp 4b in. in, Denslty PcfHeight pcf Air Cootenc ln. Diameter Concrete Terrperacure oF Alr Temperaturemperature oF Cylinder No. Da te Te.s r ed Age Tested Days Conpre.csive Strengch (psl) 101 d6nn 102 R-??28 .t 630 Rema!:ks: Speclfled Strengrh: 4000 psl ac _?!_ dr.ys CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner e Scott .iVA Ltill Profcssionrtl Consu 1t ant s CllF!- A.5D ASSOCIATES' INC' Huns l'rocschlc -Cxrx lxo AstoctAtrg Contulllng Englneers Soll and Foundallon Englneerlng 5080 RD.l54 . GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COIORADO 81601 CONCRETE TESTINC RES{JLTS Job No. '. 22,8O2 Job Locarionl Simba Run, Vail Sanpled By: Field Engineer, Keith(HPCC) Locarion: N, Building, 6 & 7 Line Uix Data: Date Cast: 5/26/82 Cont rac cor: P}TISICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Weighr pcf Air ConEent Z SlunP 112 itt ' Height in. Diameter ln. Density pcf Concrete Tmperalure oF A1r TenPerature oF Cyllnder No. Da te Tested Age TesEed Days Conp res s ive Strength (psl) 10.1 2B 4530 104 6-l-t 28 4310 Renarks: Specifled Strength: 4000 663 Hensel -PheJ.ps tsriner f, Scott .JV.\ Lti 11 Professional Consul t irnt s CUE}i A}{D ASSOCIATES, INC. llen -s Froe.schle psl at 2E _ _ days oc ltct{ AHD ArS0crATtt Conrulllng Englnccr Soll and Foundrtbn Englnrerlng fimnD. t$r.. GTErlvOOO SPnl'|C3' COLORADO llCot CONCRETE TESTIHC RES1JLTS Job No.. 22,802 Job Locatlon: Simba Run, Vail Date Cast: s/28/82 salpled By: Field Eng. (HPCC) Keith contractor: Locatlon: Racquetball Court Wa1l, EE & 54 Line ltlx Daf,a: j,l Concrete Suppller: Mt. Mobile Mix Suppller's Ttckec No.: L1366 Truck No': 93 ''', n"t.t Out Tloe: Tlee Cast: i II prvsrc,Al PRoPERTTES: l Unl,t Wetght Pcf Alr Content Z Shup 3 3/4fn' Iteight 1n. Dl€oeter - 1a' Denslty Pcf Concrete Tenperature of A1r Temperature of cv1 !o der No. Date Test ed Se Tested Days _ Coupre!is ive Strength (pst) r nq tr- ,/ \2A 380n 106 6-2S 28 3840 Remarks: Speclf 1ed Strengrh: 4000 ps1 at *--?9- dtys CC: Hensel-Phelps Brincr 6 Scott JVA L&l,l Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES' INC' _ ll_an_F-Frll-c-sth-l-e-- -- - I Cx tN exo ArloctATtt Conrultlng Englnccn Soll and Foundrtlon Englnerrlng 5l$ BO.15r . GLE WOOD spFtNGs. COLOnAOO 11601 CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No.: 22,802 Job Locacion: Si.nba Run, Vail Sanpled By: Field Eng. (HPCC) Keith Locarion: Parking Structure f Wail Date Cast: 6/3/82 ContracEor: lflx Data: concrete suppller: Mt. MobiLe Mix Suppller's Ticket No.: 11410 Truck No.:102 Batch Out Tlre: Tlne Cast: 1:00 PHISICAI PROPERTIES: Unit tleighr pcf Alr Content Z Slump 4 3/4 i.n. Helght In. Dlanerer 1n. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature oP Alr Teroperature oF Cyllnder No. Date Tes t ed Age Tested Days r, Coupre n s ive Scrength (psi) t07 1 28 4420 108 ?8 44).O Resarks: Spectfled ScrenSth: 5000 psl at 28 days gg; Ilensel -PheIps Briner 6 Scott .IVA t, {i itl Plcifessional Consultants Ctll'lN AID ASSOCIATES , I l;C . llans F rocsch 1e o c CONCRE:TE Job No. z 22'BA2 Job Locatlon: Simba Run, Vail Sampled By: Locat 1on : Hix Data: Concrete S Batch Out P}TYSICAL Unir welghr Helght Concrete T CC: Ilensel-Ph Briner G J\'A ReEarks: Specifl ed Str gtlr: e ra ture ContTact or Racquet Court I'lt. Mobile Mix pcf in. oF HEN AND ASSOCIATIS Coneultlng Englnccn Soll end Foundrllqn Englneerlng lo0(lRO.lsr . GLE {WOOD SPnlIGs. COLOFADO Et60l TESTING RES1ILTS Dace Cast:6/LO/82 Conc racf,or: Suppllerrs Ticket I'io.: 11568 Tlue Cast: 5:00 51unp Densl ry ASSOCIATES, Illc. I;qoq.gqL te- Truck No.: 151 6!,, Ln. uflp1ler: l Tllme: ress lve Stteng,th (psl) Atr Content Dlaneter A1r ?eoperature , 1n. % ps ott ional C}IIN ANI) llans L i,lrl P rof es Consul t ant s psi. at 28 d ays tl ; AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (3031 698'toso DATLY REPORT 0F: ONSITE LOCATION: Simba Run JOB )fO : 1878 D'\TE: 6-16'82 INSPECTOR: Pat Co]-linsar REGULAR HR.S: 5.5 oT HRS: C0NTRACTEU SERVICES, l/\-EKTRA SERVTCES; -F.\CE-1-0F rfT-- A visual inspection was performetl on the precast welds of the parking structure, covering wall to wall, wa1l to tee, spandrel to tee, and tee haunch connections. A11 inspected welds were found to be acceptable. Also inspect,ed the steel fit up, monent connections, decking instaltation, tee cLip to enbed plate we1ds, and overall condition, in the link area. A11 conpleted areas were found to be acceptable. L AKA 1iI ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLOFAOO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run JOB NO: 1878 DATE;.6-1.6-82 INSPECTOR; DeWayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 5.0 OT HRS: CONTRACTED SERvICET, X EXTM SERvTCES: pAGE 1 or 1 -t Inspected thicknesses of fireproofing on Ieve1s 140 through L80, from line 12 through line Z0' along the west side (lines G and H). Also reinspected coverage on the east side along l-ines H, B, C, and D, from lines 7 to ?2. Rejected areas on columns were marked with paint. A list of rejected fireproofing on coluums was left with Bud Vanhorne, Hensel Phelps. Fireproofing samples were cut from levels 140 through 180' one fron each 1evel, for density neasurenents to be nade later At AKA. I STFUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBEBT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAIt.Y REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING DENSITIES LOCATION: AKA Shop JOB N0: 1878 DATE: , 6/t8/82 INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 2.5 OT HRS; _iJ CONTRACTED SERVICES: IA EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 1 OF 1-7-r Densities of firepro-ofing samples taken frorn Sinba Run on 6/16/52 have been rneasured at the AKA shop. These densities are conpared below with densities neasured on 6/l/82 and 6/8/82, which have been marked with an asterisk. Level 140 Level L50 Level 160 Level 170 Level 180 Sarnple I Sarnple 2 Sanple 1 Sanple 2 Sample 3 Sample I Sanple 2 Sanple 1 Sample 2 Sarnple I Sarnple 2 17.6 pcft 19.1 pcf 21.3 pcf* 21.0 pcf* 19.8 pcf 20.4 pcf* 19.0 pcf 19.8 pcf* 19. 3 pcf 17.9 pcf* 20.6 pcf The average density for any leve1 exceeds 17 pcf. The average density for the building is 19.6 pcf with a standard deviation of L.Z pcf. These densities exceed UL requirernents, which are 17 pcf minirnum average density and 15 pcf mininurn individual density. The standard deviation of 1.2 pcf shows consistent practice. Some areas along the west wa11, from lines 1to 10, and some areas in the interior have not been sprayed yet. AKA plans to take two more samples of the last rnaterial sprayed to complete inspection of the densities. STRUCTURAL ANO MECHANICAL T€STING AKA ALBEBT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO OENVEF, COLORADO 80223 (3031 698-1050 DAI'Y REPORT OF: CNSITE LOCATION: Sinba Run JOB No: 1878 DATE: 6'21'82 INSPECTOR: PAt COlliNS REGULAR HRS: 3.5 OT HRS:, -t CONTRACTE1J SERVICES: II EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 1 OF 1--- -fr- A final lvalk through inspection was performed on the parking garage. This was to ensu-r''e all connections have been completed and are in acceptable condition' This inspection showecl all connections have been welded and accePtabLe. Also inspected the structural steel welding, decking, and steel fit up of the link area up to eLevation l'46t-6r" A11 inspected areas were found to be acceptable' STRUCTURAL AND MECHANTCAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES,INC. 155 SOUTH NAVNO DEt.t\/ER, COLOHADO 80223 {303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run JOB No: 1878 DATE, 6-24-82 INSPECTOR: Delrrayne Ganow 6 REGULAR HRS: 5.5 OT HRS: C0NTRACTED SERVTCES: K EXTRA SERVICES: pAGE 1 Op 2 Inspecte<l and reinspected fireproofing coverage on 1eve1s 160, 170, and 180 steel. Inspection involved interior beans and Colunns and perineter beams and colurnns on northr west and south wa1ls. Rejected areas on columns were rnarked t+ith spray paint and a list of locations was left l,rith Bucl Vanhorne, Hensel Phelps. Locations of rejected fireproofing on colurrrns: Level 180: E: 7, 15I{: 15, 16,2I ,22 A11 columns on l-ine 22 Leuel 170; G: 7,8,9, l0r 11r 14ti: 16, 17, 19Er 7 A11 colunns on line 22 Level 160 D E 17, 18 73, 5, 6r 7, 8, !0, L2 H: L7, 18, 20 A11 line 20 columns Along the north and west wa1ls, fireproofing is thin at some places on perimeter beams on the outsicle surfaces. A1so, fire- proofing has not been applied to a €ew beatns. Erection of STRUGTUFAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (3O3) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT 0F: FIREPROOFII'IG LOCATION: Siraba Run JOB NO; INSPECTOR: DelIayne Ganow REGULAR CONTRACTED SERVICES: EXTRA SERVICES: 1878 DATE:. HRS: 5. 5 ot PAGE 2 OF 6-24-82 HRS: 2 scaffolcling is required before conpletion of fireproofing on the outside surfaces of bearns and colurnns along these wa11s. Rejected coverage on interior beans was marked at two places on leveLs 170 and 180. Fireproofer was inforned' The interior x brace straps are being covered with ltK-5 fireproofing. Since fireproofers repolted they were not finished nith this work, thicknesses were measured at only three locatj'ons' Average thickness at this time exceeds L/4", but is less than L/?". One sarnple for <lensity neasutement \.Ias taken fronr level 130. STRUCTUBAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING o i I i AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Sinba Run JOB NO: LSTA DATE: 6-50-g2 INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 6.0 0T HRS: CoNTRACTED SERvrcEs,-X EXTM SERVTCES: pA6E I or J Fireproofing coverage on colunns along the north waLI , west wa11, and interior north of line 15, was inspected. The following list gives locations of columns where work is inconplete or rejected. Colurnns below leveL 130 rvere not inspected. At sorne locations the outside surfaces of colurnns, which were previously rejected or not inspected, haie been covered preventing inspection today. Field copies of this list rvere given to Bud Vanhorne, Hensel Phelps. Level 140: Inside, north end: Diagonal braces not covered columns F: 16, L7, 19, 19 North wall (1 S 20) colunn D: 20 I{est wa11 colunns G: !, ?, 3, 7 , 9 ,15, 14, 15 Il: 15 Outer srrrfaces of the foll.orving colunns are hidden from view on r';est waL1: G; 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, L?, L3, 14 il: 16, 17, 19, 20 Inside, north encl: Diagonal braces unfinished colunn F: 16 STRUCTUFAL ANO MECHANICAL TESTING Level 150: AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA.JO OENVEF, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-10s0 DAILY REPORT 0F: FIREPROOFItfG. LOCATION: SiNbA RUN JOB NO: 1878 DATE: . 6.30-82 INSPECTOR: De!{ayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 6.0 Of HRS: CoNTRACTED SERVTCES,-L EXTRA SERVICES: pAGE 2 Or 3 -ah.+_ l'lorth \ua11: columns D: 20F: Z0 Itrest wal1: colunns G z 2, 3, 7 , g, LAH: L6, 20 Outer surfaces of the following columns are covered: G: L1 H:18 South rval l : colunn B- 1 Level 160: Inside, north end: columns F: 17, 18 Inside, south end: coLurnns E: 5, 8 Diagonals rejected, linesi 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 North rsa11 91ine 201 colunns: II: ZOD: ?OC: Z0All Beans West wall: columns G: 3,5,6,7r 8,9H: 2A Outer surface of colurnns covered. at: 11 : 18 Level 170: Inside: columns and diagonals accepted North wa1l: a1l colunns and beams unfinished(line 22) STRUCTURAL ANO MECHANICAL TESTING III I ; AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DEM/EF, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAITY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFIT{G IOCATION: Simba Run JoB NO: 1B7B DATE: 6-30-82 INSPECTOR: Delrlayne Ganow REGULAR HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: CONTRACTEI] SERVICES: { EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 5 OT 3--l\*-- South wa11: colunn E: lvest wall: column [l: ?Z G: 7, 8, 9, 10r 11 Outer surfaces of the following colunrns were covered:H: L7, Lg Level 180: Insicle: colunns accePted diagonal on line 22 reiected; other diagonals accepted Itrorth end: A11 colunn and bean outside surfaces are unfinished. tlest wall: columns G: 7, 9, 11r 13 H: 15, 16, 20, Zz Note: Studs and fiberglass should be renoved to complete fireproofing appLication at colunns G-7 and H-16. STFUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING WEfiTHER PN[|DUCT$ t0-5050 4 x Actual Size "Double Guard" is a patent pending, premium quality pressure-sensitive seal made of top grade silicone rubber which pos$esses unsurpassed perlormance characteristics and conforms to existing building codes The seals engineered airfoil design was developed lor use on new and existing doors and frames without impairing door latching at normal closing force When compressed, the seal wraps around the edges of the door creating a positive double barrier that restricts the infiltration of: Weather, Light and Sound Dust and Insecls Smoke The specifically formulated industrual adhesive provides a strong pressure-sensilive bond between the seal and door frame for dependable life length Silicone rubber is a tough and durable material having unequaled low and high temperature, chemical and water resistance "Double Guatrd" installation is quick and easy Available in 17' and 20' coils for standard 3'0" x 7'0" and 6'0" x 7'0" door openings o o COMPRESSION SEAL APPLICATION WIPE SEAL APPLICATION PATENT PENDING TECHNICAL TEST DATA (Tested Under Laboratory Conditions) ADHESIVE Maleria! - Silcone Rubber Compression Set At 50% Percentage of Original Constant Detlection Dellection -Ref: ASTM D395, Method B Verv Low Low Temperalure, -30"F 90" Flex -Ref: ASTM D2136 & D1 151 No Cracking Heat Age, 130'F No Delamination Bef: ASTM D1 183 & D1 151U.V. Radiation Resistance No Degradation'I Week = 2 Years Sunlight Exposure Apparent Ref: ASTM 1501 Water Absorotion None Rel: ASTM D1056, Section 32 Acceleraled Environmenlal Exposure No Delamination or Or Weather-O-Meter Deqradation Ref: ASTM D1499 Ozone 35 Hrs. No Degradalion Ret: ASTM Dl 171 Apparent Programmed Humidity No Delaminalion Ref: ASTM D1 151 Or Deoradation steel Door tnstitute Laboratory controlled Standard #t 16 Air Infiltration Tesling Rare or Air r-row l hroush crosed :l?::9I'!"-110t"-- Steel Door ,A,nd Frame Assembly fft"J ;iil Hequ'reoP.S.T.C. '1 , .l80" Peel Adhesion Excellent -PACKAGING POLYBAG ORDERING INFORMATION Specify: ltem No., Color, Length Examole: 10-5050, CHARCOAL, 17' l.lew Britain, Connecticut 0605C Fr'"frd if irq | ' ITEM NO. 10-5050 10-5051 COLOR CHARCOAL CHARCOAL LENGTH 17'lCOrL 20'/cotL UNITS/CARTONS 1O EACH 1O EACH 'CARTON LOTS ONLY H1 156 1 /81 STANLEY HARDWARE Div. of Thi: Stanley Wcri'rs ,*#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER , MON, TUES WED THUR PMAM-f.€t . , /i., BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING .tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr Fil)tAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED 'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE F-.'4- May 11 , L982 L&M colrsutrAilrs, ,wc. Town of Vail-Building Dept 75 S. Frontage Rd. WestVail. Colorado Att: Steven PattersonBuilding Official RE: Simba Run Condominiums 1100 N. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 8L657 As a follow up to today's meeting, please accept the following: To date, we have obtained approval of each utility for the abandonment of the easements as noted on the "PIat" to be abandoned by owner. The one remaining issue to be resolvedprior to abandonment, is to submit a 1ega1 description of the drain- age easement as agreed to in previous letters. We are meeting with Bill Andrews, T.O.V., today to resolve the dralnage easement and will deliver the legal description,drawing, and easement dedication to the Town of Vai1, yourattention, as soon as posslble. We are aware',that thls issue must be resolved prior to the issuance by the Town of Vail of a temporary or final certificate for oceupancy. In addition to the above, w€ have redesigned the 8" waterservice "eross connect" line and building service lines. This new design will a11ow for a location of the 8" water "crossconnect" line so that it can be aecepted by Vail Valley Consolodated Water District as a part of their distribution system and thus we will dedicate the line to the district and deed an easement, 10' either side of the center line of the8" water line as a utility easement. This easement w1ll bededicated based on the exact location of the line as actuallyinstalled. IYe also understand that this issue should beresolved prior to the issuance of temporary or final certificateof occupancy. 1224 Ptospect StrceL La Jolla, CA 52037, (714)45+3213, Telex 69 5032 Vail Spa Condominiumq P:O. Box 726, (303) 17603U, Vail, CO 81657 PROFESSTOwAT L & M pnoFESSrOirAl- Corrrsut rAlvrs, tlrc. During the course of construction and installation of the 8"water 1ine, the contractor and developer sha11 be responsiblefor any damages to existing utility lines, especially the waterlines belng tapped. Any damages being caused as a result ofthe installation or operation of the 8" cross connect waterline until 1t is dedicated and accepted by Vail Valley Consoli-dated Water District with above mentloned. easement, shall bethe responsibility of the developer. Sin ory Frofe rney-in act for Simba Bun onal Consultants,Inc. Associates 1224 Ptospect Strcat, La Jolla, CA 92037, (711) 154.3213, Talex @ 5032 Vail Spa Con tomlnlums, P:O. Box 7n, (W)) 17GC34, Vail, CO 81667 Ray ,"rt"toN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 'OArl=E€F' TUES WED THUR FRI DATE ,f ,2t" fL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND t] ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION E] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr otr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: . tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor. 'f/d - fz lNSPEcroR / Town Town of Vail HalL Colorado 81657 Chet Horton DArE 5/5/82 ",o Hand PRotEcr Simba Run Condominiums Box BB 1100 N. Frontage Rd, Vai1, Colorado 81658 26 TOV F rst Class Un ess Othcrwise Noted TRANSMITTED FOR i ) APPROVAL 1 ) FINAL AF P ROVAL 1 ) CORRECiION AND RTSUBMISSION 1 I APPROVED TRN NSMITTAL NO. NEW SUBM ITTAL RESU BM ITTAL PREV. TRANS. NO. 1) ( ) APPROVED A5 NOTED rx) FoR Yot.lR RicoRDS F')LLO\V UP ( r_ ( I PLEASE ACKNOWLEDCE RECF PT BY S CNINC TlIT DUPLICATE OF THIS TRANSMITTAL As ND]CATED AND itETURN To US FoR OUR RTCORD5. , Hensel Phelps Constructio4 Co. DRAWINC NO. DESCRIPT ION {ALL TEMS ENCLOSED UNLESS NO-]"EDJ I each Chen & Assocjaqes_!-Inc_, _!_q c!.ete @rscast dared; 3/22/82. 312s/82, 3/26/82, 3/3L/82, 4/5/82, 4 /L3 /82, 4lBl3L 4/ 16 / 82. 4/ Le / 82E4122192_ ORIOINATOR NO COP E5 REMARK5 rHE FAtsR CATOR HAs RIQUISTED TFIAT--COP ES BE RETUIINED. PLEASE RETt]RN DRAWINGS (VIA oUR oFFIcE) 1D RECT I TO l'\otc 1: fabric.rr., ! mrnLr'3d-rer s reprcscnt,rtlves: Approval cf the mater al tr:nsm ited hereby, whether by in. Contracior, the Ov,,ner or the Owner'sA!lhorrz.C AAent, shal unCer n..mcnis or ourchase asrcemeni for qu.lr ry, quanifty, fi.ish, .limension, des sn, conf-iguration or-mairufacturer noi srra .rin-ifpiouit ."nitiirt" u...rr-tance by th€ Conir.clof of anv rneihod, rnater;l or equ pment not ultimately acceptablc 1o the Owner or the Owner's Author;zcd Aeent.. - HENSE! PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO .opics.nd.rddrcs! all replies or inqu res relatvc to lhs issuins ortice i Tim McKinney ect Engineer O c*,* exo Asro.,^rl Conrultlng Englnccn Soll and Foundetlon Englneerlng 5060 nD. t5. . OLCNWOOO SPn|HGS. COIOiADO tl50l i CONCRETE TESTING RESI,'LTS Job No. 1 22,802 Job Locatlon: Simba Run, Vai.l Dafe Cast:3/ 22/ 82 contr""tot: Hensel-phelpsSarnpled By: Cont ractol. - l'lt. Mobile Mix {n OI. Suppller's Ticket No.: Tlne Cast : 1.0: 10 Truck No,: 163 34853- 34861 Unlt WeiS,ht Helght Concrete Temperature Alr Content Dlame ter Air Temperature a ln. oF Shmrp Densl ty 8L tn. Cy I Ln de 7. No. Da te Tested Age Tested Days Compress ive Strength (psi ) 67 1-?O 1 187 0 68 )9 11tt, Renarks : Speclfled Strength:3000 693 Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott JVA L & M Professional Consultants pst a! 28 _ days CHEN AND ASSoCTATES, INC. Hans Froeschle o cxrx AxD Asio.,^t Gomultlng Englnrcn Soll end Foundrllon Englnccrlng 5or0 RD.154 . GLENTYOOD SPnINGS, COLOnADO lr60t CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job Job Ito.t 228,02 (Gren Job 18160 (HPCC Job Location: Sfuba Rln. +ltt #) Sanpl.ed By: Contractor Contradtort Henset Phblps '. . -. Mlx Data: Concrete SupplLer: M.M.M. Batch out TtDe: PIIYSICAL ?ROPERTIES: Suppller's Tlcket No. Tlme Cast: 2:00 Truch No.: 103: 34910 Unlt Weight Helght Concret€ TemPerature pcf In. oF z Ln.or Air Content Dl ameter Alr Temperature Slurnp Denslty Jn ln. pcf Speclfled Strengch: - ,O0O psi at 28 * - days CC: *=., nn"rn" Briner & Scott, ArchJitects JVA CHEN At{D ASSOCTATES, INC. Hans Froeschle Cylinder No. Da ae Tes t ed AgG Tested Days \.-.. Compre n s ive Strength (Psl) 69 4-L 2300 70 4-),2 4210 Remarks: L & M Professiornl Consultants O Gr,r* rxo Alro.,^rrl Conrultlng Englnccn tloll and Foundatlon Englnecrlng 5000 RD.15. . GLCI{WOOD SPilt{Gs. COIORAOO 81601 No.: 22,8A2 Locatlon: Simba Run CONCRETE TESTINC RESI'LTS Date Cast | 3-26-82Job Job Sampled By: Contractor Contractor: Hensel-PhelOs llix Data: Concrete Supplier: Batch Out Tine: PI{YSICAT PROPERTIES3 Unlt tJelght Helght Concrete Temperature Mt. Mobilre Mix pcf {n. oF Suppllerrs Tlcket No.: 10030 Tltrte Cast: lruck No.: 192 Atr Content Dlsmet er Alr Temperature Sltnnp 4 3/4 ln. Denslty pcf z ln. oF Cyl inder No. Da EE Tested Age Tested Days Comprers ive Strengch (psl) 7L 4-2 7 1720. 72 4-23 2B 3180 Renarks: Speclfled Strengthl 3000 psi ar 28 days CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott, Architects JVA L 6 I't Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froesch I e ]xrx AilD Aifocrrr:r I Comulllng Englnocn Soll and Foundetlon Englnacrlng 5oE0iD. t54 . GLCNWOOD SpRlf{CS, COIORADO 0r601 CONCRETE TESTING RESTJLTS DaEe Cast i 3/3r/82Job No. t 22'802 Job Location: Sinba Run '-"" "iocatton: =' 'Parking Structure, E1. 12616" - .. Hix Data: Concrete Suppller: Batch Out Tlne: PEYSICAI PROPERTIESI Unlt l{eight Helght Concrete TeotPerature Supplierts Tlcket No.: Tine Cast: 10065 Truck No.: 101 ln' op Pcf ln. oP Alr Content Dlame t er A1r Teoperature psl at 2B days Slunp Denslty Srz Ln . pcf Speclfled Strength:4000 CC: Hensel-PhelPs Briner & Scott L & Fl Professional Consultants CITEN AfiD ASSOCIATES! INC. Hans Frpes!tr1€-- cvl der No. Da Tes t ed Age Tested Days Comp ress lve Strength (psl) 4-7 7 24t0 74 4-28 28 3930 Remarke : O \rrrgfi Atrg ,4rrrvr.r*rf Conrulllng Engfncon Soll rnd Foundatlon Englnecrlng 5080 nD. 154 . CLE'Tf,OOD SPRINGS. COLOnADo 81601 CONCRETE TESTING NXSULTS Job No. z 22,8O2 Date Cast:4/s/ 82 Job Location: Simba Run Sanpled By: Contractor Locatlon: Parkirig StTucturg;'. ,-''.; Uix Data: Concrete Suppller: Mt. Batch out Tlme: P}TYS ICAI, PROPERTIES : Unlr welghr Helght Concrete Temperature Mobile Mix Suppllerrs Ticket Time Cast: 3:50 10185 Truck No.: 196No. : fl! t ,tl|t l': Speclfled Strengthr 4000 psi at A1r Content Dlanet er Alr T€rnperature 28 d aye pcf 1n. o3 {n. oF Slg*p Denslty 21-z Ln. pcf CC: Hensel.PhelFs Briner & Scott, Architects JVA L&lnl Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Cylinder lio. te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Comprens ive Strength (ps1) 4 -17 j _ )ROn /o ) -.)7R 4490 Remarks: Hans Froeschle Cxrx exo ArroctA ottt Cmrultlng Englnccn Soll end Foundetlon Englneulng 5000 RO, t54 . GLEHWOOO SP$IRGS, COLOBAOO Etfol CONCRETE TESTINC RESI'LTS Date Cast z 4/L3/82 contractor: Hensel -Phe lps, '-':'-= Sampled By: -"Contractor (Mark Z.) -.:-:' - j- :-:": . ,' - ;-: -Locatlon: East Building, Slab on Gtade, 13 to 20 at 130 t'llx Data: Concrere Suppller: Mt. Mobile l{ix Suppller's Tlcket No.: 16219 Truck No.: 164 Batch Our TiEe:lLne Cast: PHYSICAI PROPERTIES: Unlt weight pcf Alr Content Z Slump 5 I'n' Helght 1n. Dlaneter ln' D€nslty pcf Concrece Tearperature o! Alr Temperature oF Cyl inder No.' Date Tes t ed Age Teste Days d Compres s lve Streng,th (psl) '77 7 242A 78 ?a Remarks : Speclf ied St-ength: 3000 psl at --2fL- days CC: Hsns61-Ph.1tt Briner & Scott JVA L 6 l'l Professional ionsuttants CHEN AND ASSoCTATES, rNC. Hans FroescLrle Cx:x rxo ArroctA o?tt Conruttlng Englnccn Soll end Foundetlon Engtnearlng 5080 RO. r5r . cLExtooD 9pntlrcs. coLoRAoo8t60l CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. z 2?,802 Job Locatlon: Sinba Run Sanpled By: Cont,ractor Date Casr | 4/t3/Bz ' -j:- - -- _,:_ :-. - --- :a{-;XLocaElon: Parking Structure, pour #4, 60 & A line Mix Data: Concrece Suppller: Mr. Mobile Mix Suppll.er?s Tlcket No.: LO24O Truck No.: 103. Batch Out Tfune: T{ne Cast : 2;4A PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit lJeight pcf Air Content Z Slurnp 4\ ttt. Helght ln. D{ameter tn. Denslty pcf Concrere Teorperature oF Air Temperature oF Cyllnder No. Da ce Tes t ed Age Tested Day s \'.Compres s lve Strength (psl) 79 7 76qn 80 5- Rernarks: Speclfied Strengrh: 40qq____ psl at 28 days CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott JVA L G l"l Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschle O crr* rxo Arso",^r.? Conrultlng Engfnrcrr Soll rnd Foundatlon Englneerlng 5080 FO. rg4 . GTEXWOOD SpRTNGS, COLORADO S160r CONCRX,TE TESTING RXSI'LTS Date Caet4-16-82Job No. l 22,802 Job Locatlon: Simba Run Contractor: Hix Da ta: No.: 10310308 Truck Z Slump 1n. DensltY oF Concrete Suppl{er:Mt. Batch Out TlDe: PIIYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unl.t l{eight Height Concrete Temperature l'lobile.,Mix Suppllerrs Tlcket No.: Tine CaBci 2:15 SLz in. Pcf l pcf Alr Contenc ln. DlagteteroF A1r Ternperature strength: 4000 - Psi ar 28 days Remarks : Spec 1f 1ed CC: gun5"1 JVA B riner L€l"l Phelps G Scott Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froesch 1e Cylinder No. Date Tes t ed Age Tes red Days Compr ess ive strength (psi) Q1 L-)7 7 ?420 B2 5-t4 28 Cx:x exo ArrocrA?tl Conrultlng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundatlon Englnecrlng s080 nD. 154 . GLENUOOD sPalt{G3. COLORAOO 01601 CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No. t 22,802 Job Locatloa3 Sinba Run Dale Cast:4-19-82 il s flj Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: I4t. Batch Out Tlae: PEYSIEAI PROPESTIES: Unlt Welght Helght Concrete Tenperature Suppllerrs Tlcket No.: Tlrne Cast: 2:30 Truck No.: 164Mobile Mix pcf in. or .f in. oF ln. Pcf AXr Content Dlame t er A1r Tenperature Slurop 3 Denslty Cy1ln der No. re' Tes c ed Age Tested Days Compressive Strength (psi) B3 4-26 7 37tO 84 s-r7 28 Remarks : Speclf 1ed Sciengthl -19!9-------' p"1 CC: por.,"o1-ph.ilnc Briner 6 Scott JVA L 6 trl Profcssional Consultants days CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, rNC Hans F roe sch 1e at 28 I cxrx rxo Arro.,^rl Contultlng EnEln*n Soll and Foundallon Englnecrlng 5080RD.l5,a . GLENWOOD SPnl GS. COLORADO t1601 CONCRETE TESTINC RNSUL?S Job No. I ZZ,B02 Job Locatlon: Sinba Run Date CaBt: 4-22-gz . SaoPled BY: Keith w'l HP 56 line Pour #6 - lllx Data: Concrete Suppller: I'tt. Mobile I'tix Suppllerrs TLcket No.: 16375 Truck No.: 10L BaEch out Tll'e: Tlne Caet: 2:20 PIIYSICAI PROPERTIES: Unlt t{eight pcf Alr Conrenr Z Slrrnp '3 ln' Hetght ln. Dlaoeter ln' Denslty Pcf Concrete Temperature oF Alr TenPerature oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes ced Age Tested Days . Comprensive Strength (psi) 85 4-29 2290 B6 5-20 2g Remarks : Speclfled Srrength: 4000 ps1 at 28 days CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner 6 Scott, Architects JVA L&M Prof ess i-ona1 Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. l{;r rr < Fr.npc nh 'l e ,*#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE ,"s#"noN REouEsr zTOWN OF VAIL L" r r' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES AM PMFRIWEDTHUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*ril"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING u tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr T] FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED .CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE ,*rilE"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER 1-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E] INSULATION D POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPEGTION:MON CTION REOUEST OF VAIL lr- CALLER TUES WED THUR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'I trF trC tr- iCTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t?n"r rnlr (JOHNSO N-VO ILAND-ARCHULETA. INC. Consultlng E.|glneort 2305 Canyon Bouleva.d Boulder, Colo.6do 80302 303/44+t951 To HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION COHPANY 6385 Wert 52hd Avenue ArvadE, Colorado SOOO2 303/42G2055 Attsntion April 14, 1982 Simba Run t fl Prints THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belovt, D For your use C) As r€questod ! For revierr and cgmment Reviewed and orceplion3 noted Res1.tbmit n I I 6"-u.;.r T i m As asreed, the !Jl6X31 beams on lines 18 and 20 may be punched 4" dl er-holes. provided that the holes have a clear di tt"n""'b"tru"n thut ot."au. th.n ot "ou"l to 6tr, "nd th"t th" holes are h of the beam Sigrcd Copies to 4r1 r' lZ' ir}/' //-d L v. /- l'4a rk C. Cormier O Cnrx exo Argo.,^l Coneultlng Englnccn Soll end Foundallon Englneerlng 5030 RO 194 . GLErrwOOD SpFn{cS. COLOnADO 8160r CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No.. 22,802 Date Cast :4/sl82 Job Location: Simba Run Sanpled By: Contractor . Location: Parking Strueture, Pour.#3, Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: Ilt. Batch Our Tlrse: PHYSICAT PROPERT1ES: Unit l{elght Helght Concrete Temperature ltobile lrlix Suppller's Ticket lio. : Tlne Cast: 3:50 10183 Truck No.: 1p6 Specifled Strength:4000 Alr Cootent Dlame c er Air Temperature psl at 28 days ./ {n oF Pcf ln.oI S1unp Dens l ty ), 1^ cv1 der lio,Tested Age Tes ted Davs Comprensive Strength {psi) A 11 7 ? 6,9o 76 5-3 28 Remarks: CC: tlensel -Phelps Briner q Scott , Architects J\TA LGII Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. llan s Frocsch I e : Job No. t 22,802 Crrx AND AstocrAt ot3 Cotlultlng Englncrn Soll and Foundrtlon Englnecrlng 508{r RD. r54 . GLENWOOO SPRTNGS. COIORAOO 8i50r CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Date Ca6t: 3/37/82 Job Locatlon: Sinba Run Sarnpled By: ContTactor Contractor: Mt. Mobj.le Mix Locat1on3ParkingStiucture,g1-126r(ir-.f33r6ii,EE"tb-56j':-.|:''"..1'i.'..:.1 Mix Data: concrete suppller: suppllerts Tlcket No.: 10065 Truck No.: 101 Batch Out TLne: Time Cast: PIfYSICAI PROPERTIES: Unlt ldeight pcf Air Content Z Slurnp 3L"tn' Itelght ln. Dlameter 1n. Denslty pcf Concrete Tenperature oP A1r Teoperature oF Cyllnder te Tes t ed Age Tested Days ComPre s s ive Streng,th (pst) IJ 7 2410 74 4-28 28 Renarks: Speclfled Strength: 4000 - psl at ----3!-- dayg CC: Hensel-PheIps Briner I Scott JVA L & M Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, rNC. .- Ilans Froeschl g I Job Job No.: 22,802 Locatlon: Simba Run Cxrx AND ArsocfAr t t3 Conrultlng Englnccn $oll and Foundallon Englneerlng s{rro Ro. r5r . oLErWOoo SPRrnGs. COLORAOO t1601 CONCRETE TESTING R.EST'LTS Date Cast: 3-26-82 Contractor: Hensel-PhelPS L t PF -- '-. Locatlon: East Building lllx Da ta: Concrete Suppller: l'tt ' Batch Ouc T&ue: PHYSICAT PROPERTIES: Unlr Hei8ht llelght Concrete Ternperacure Ilobile l'lix Suppllerrs Tlcket No.: T{lle Cast: 10030 Truck No.: 192 S1r-unp 4 3/ 4 Denalty CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, rNC. Hans Frocschl€_-- Remarke: Speclfled Strength: Alr Conient Dlmeter Alr Temperature psl at pcf oF ln. r!-ln. oF 3000 CC; Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott, Architects JVA L & t''t Professional Consultants Cylinder l{o. Date Tes t ed Age Tested Days Comprenslve Strength (ps1) 7L 7 17?,O 72 4-23 28 dayB J&!!_&gf e_s p_1o_q a 1 -$g1 1,e e 1 1 P.O. Box 726 Va il.. CQ -81651--__..Attn: A1 Story ,f IC^TtON COMPACIION E MAT€RIALelow floor slabs chen and associtrtqi, inc. CONSULIING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINETRS ,136Ns 22,BJZ _o;y'e3Jli/u DAILYREPORTTlcl.-Ss Cl€rT I -gar I SUBJECT FILL OS8ERVATIC}il T TCITII{O Sinrba [lun - Fi_ll under slab anO shoulC ba frfl|or- of rarcl.( ltSt-lrtu lratttlrrr0 densit il{lL.rt A In our oprnr )n. lrI g.rnorcltt mostt !pacltiCatbo !| indrcal,ad Df l{tt t,\, tsl o In our op{rh)n l'|| J:].rl ndt fl,rrut lpoctllcallon! aa lnd]catad ut e :y: ::.6r',.,,,:,,ne ".,,, I f3o!?q. f ryL+??#i.uun"ur*u. !.r.1 nrnrbar ot....mpdct,on un.rr. t hand coupactoll__ rl ol plr.t lhrchnoss or rrrr .-- 6lr- --_91! --_6 C, rOOng mo,rtur. _-none -- .-.__ i ,rtdl Ptatant! crr.nru..1 lurrneo t5 a fcSv[ ol ou, olrsorvahoo r], l[ pldcornonl wo lttro ,olrod COtlUaCtO! lO C(Jnhn!a opplyrAg ttre .e( 0ror.,irrrOoO COrnpacltyO Ollorl6nd motttutC to tno hlllrrnat rhgn cur {.Ir}{rr8r ts aot &t:sr4ng opotrhonl. Tdflf tro Oiadf Ol lhe ttll only sr 'O naca$art lo c.lrDralo o{rr oblcrve r'5 tt dg€,noot Toff ;ibtr 610 nol lho Eolc blf|| lo,lll gl fhollia, rl|€ frlt orc(,ll glracll.ci ront ,:; ,c: Briner 6 F. Scott JVA ,' Hensel - Phelps i; l lasl nrt (!r -- 0l Ftll lt!1.,.1 n o!lj !pca.rh, c1,.i,$ E CiI.lt.rt|-; rn",:r'J O lUlt t,ri'8 ttD ier !dlron rX Iral t lrrno OOrawtUon PROGftLrll.; nEf,OlaI Dan Berta Caine Baron Olr:;t.itvEt1 Corrected Copy I lOCaI l^n I est I YPE utPth on tt€vAIrotl(l..tl l-\ltt Dr:hirt t l^rl )..()1 0 0.0, 14.5, Column Line N Bottom o slab grad 138.3 O.l, 13.9, Colunn Lines N 138.3 D.4, 1S.0. Colurm Lines N tl 138.3 ll0 r11 0.5' 12.0, Column Lines N !s_l 138. 30.0, 12.3. Colunn Lines N IOIN tt[!o xl.{ l}tlouc te,l,,t Lrar D!||StI Y rrpa ll uorSfuilcolrll'.t 1!| coltlctrol aa) |,J t33.7 5.5 97 silty crushecl gravc 7.5 142 .1 6.2 100 silty crushed qrav 7.5 154.8 6.2 97 silty cruslred tral,e /.J 139,7 5.5 100 !. si I ty crushed Ir':rve l.J 138.0 5.2 100 silty cr'.rshcd crat,c 95% standard Proctor 'tl g't, -L.6}l--Prof es risnal_Engln eers -t--0---& r_ -7 ?_6--_ __--- _ -&frJo Bt6q7_ Attn: Al Story |.+r chen and associlrtsl, inc.3es r{6. 22.,90{._oere 3/r0/82 CONSULIING GEOIECHNICAL INGINEt RS OArLy REpOnr No- 54 $*Ef Z Or _ 2 SUBJECT F]LL OOTERYATIOX I rE|r|xo Sirnba llun - Fill under slalr Corrected Copy trf itl0t!a lOCall^}l 't;1J"" I orc tr'ftlrr r | 1",6) I,.rl 138.3 7.5 O In Our (rprn1 )n. lrlt gsnrr(B$r/ trrt,ott ipacllictllom ar indtcaLd !y l0cl t,,., irl O In Ou, orrur,.)n. ilt di.,u1 nut n,oul rpacrllcatlonf rt lnd|GaLd bf lorl nu trl _ 0l Ftll tt:t,.u n uut! spr,crtt! dt,rnr aO.{ trtl si lty crushed gravc fnd rh6uto Da rf,novad o( raa.ta( tA{tL,rr l Ofit R C(Jt lr.!ati-r -rlr,sr J O f lll lt|;is (rDtsrlalrcn TICA'|ol{ COMPACTION A MAI€RIAL t{,llboar Ol lta,ttt ||,Ov.og unrlt nd trar|loar Ol ..armp.Ct,On unrts t itl F|rl.r thrctnt,5s :l Ot |od.ag morsrura ol lll Itr F6t t lrmc obaarYttaon poal Fa3.n|r op.nrer': lulrnocl as a JCtu[ ol {,u] ot sorvar0n ol tr plncomonl wo haro rohod:1tu..llJo conhnu. opptrrng lrrq |,rco",tdrr0oo cornpcctivo otion.nO.o,ri,.r*-Jfn-u'i,iilfif r't*n uvt L?rr!t..ct rs not orr).r.og uporrl,onr. forii olo ,na.c o, lh€ trtl only ord 'r'caraa,t lc clrrDrdro ou. oosnrror'r lriogemcnr rolr-oarn aro n(,r rho stlt€ b.r5rf to,ll 0ll lhalt,dr ths ,rlt .rc.rts 3pacrl.Caitona:: Brin6r & F. Scott JVA. Hensel-Phelps PSOGfrtll:, nEpoliI Dar_B_gtLL Caine Baron Ry: S.l). rt?iorrED rvOl,i.r'1vER L9 M Pro f e_s_s r_94eL_ ElClIr e3f:I I i l-.Q,-Lo:,-7aq_- va i J ._ co _ef657 rarttE'rru llll{tttri0Attn: Al Story :AIIOft COMP^C'ION I MAI€RIAL 95% standard Proctor dens i ty iow floor sl abs -vibfatort com!-cto ol Fara6 - lhrctnb5s ol rrrr ._-_.-1.!rl ot a.xlmg mo,ttur. -. -- . ___n-qnq Briner I F. Scott Hensel -Phelps pRoqirrls:; 6gr,6,,,1 It -has .been recommcndecl lift thicknesses to It or less. nrosl! lpacllicrlion| ar inorcatadr ry : o,o,jr 6poslflclllont a0 lndralatt !y l|,5l arrr lsJ (tr ftll t!.-1..!f fl ij!l: Lpi.rrlt. dl,ert5 (1. Cut lr rri 1,. I rOv,Sr,, O tull l,riiu obtur ratrcn mat inoukt ba rtnrotd o,,ffi|' al )Cl Pdrt trmo obraryauon Dan Berta chem and associirtst, inc. CONSUTTING GEOIECHNI(jAL ENGINLTRS O In Oe, (rlJtnr )n. lrlt gon.rrll/ litat rr.r I'il O lo oul oprrrl,)A trl J;u! nol JoBNo <;5uZ _. orre ilTU/87 DArtY REFofir |{o. 54 "rStt t or ? su&,EcI ftLL oatcnv^ttofl I flttTtrro Si nha llun - Fi. 1 I r.rndqr s 1ab _ Comected Copy % LOCAft^n ' t€st I YP6 N 6n B.G. UEPI}I OR 6LtvAf|on at.aal l)lrt Ol:ft)r I t -!t:l!_ 138.3E.6. l_0.6. Colunn Li4gq \ F.0- 10rL_ Column Lines I'E.|. 12.6, Column Lines _ N 138.3 tt 138:: l38j_3 t:8..3- 118:1 I Jd . J E.3_,, 12.6, Column Lines Nj t? F.0. 14.1, Colurnn Lines N tl 8.6, 14.7. Colurnn Lines N lt E.0. 9.4. Colunn Lines tt lOt|Y ouc l.,,(,l frato FI. tutatultl Oltrstl r tFal I r.Ol6trJaa cor.l3.rtrl GCrt.qr€r $*l t.J 138.9 /.J 100 silty crushed gravc 7.5 l3l.B B.l 95 ll 7.5 139.7 6.7 100 + 7.5 139.8 6.0 100 +tr tr i rr 7.5 I30.8 f . i 95 t34.2 6.4 97 rt 7.5 138.4 7.2 100 ll '_-..!.*__ I trutnD., ot trir,tr, rr,oyrnu unttr l JD 550-{ozel r_ I J-ro., or r r,rnpncr,on-rr^,r t o?1RAfio.*BjR;!?-t loader, JVA otr::r.tivEfl O Frrlt I 'r i,r, oDturratrcn rtr Pdr t lrtna Obrarytlion .ros iro--le.dgl oere oAtLYREPOftrh|Cr. 53 ggil I -gf I sucJEct ftLL otgERVATtOr{ I TEtTt.o Simba Run - FiIl under slab tnd rhould ba rrnoraO oa ,rsdr.{ 3/9/ 8Jl.f,M Profe_s s,i_qn a I _ f,pg14eer_g P.o. 8o:r_72_6_. Vail. CO 81657 i,Lt$--Al-. story f.tmn lCAf lot{ COMPAGItON O MAT€B|ALlow floor slabs -. r".!. Intcinoss Ot t.ll - . _ -L-O_: of r@rag.no,!rur. . -- --I9_!e _ -_____1.---i: - ofr pr'..€nrr oprororrl r'r'ned 15 ! 'esu* 0r aJu. ot sorvatron ilirtt ptocomont. wd rrrvorcrroda:^*lg1 ro c,nhnLo opprrrng rhs r,rco*r.,€nooo coropact,lJertorl rnd mo..urr ro .no r,rlT:l*:: i;'.::::i;-"'^:.1'i.:::'t.:'ne-:ryI19 - iuiii.. madr or rho r,' onrr srj o.erg.ry 16 c.rrbrdrg ou. oblptvo..s f,iogl.oni-i..'1-q;l;;-r;ffiilH;,iril'Jll:t O.r rtnll.dt lt€ ftlt nrorrtE Spacdrcat.o.ri la: Briner & F. Scott JVA l:;Hensel-Phelps I. ',. nended to contractor tn reduce lift thic esses to I I or lc:;r: and rework area of test No. 194. Dan Berta chen [nd a*socilrte:;, inc. CONSUI-IING GEOTECHNICAT INGtNTTRS $l In Our oprnr )n. trtr rlunarat|, modlr rpacllicttbor || amrcal.(l bI td.r t,o iit - -lB9-- l9-q - - $! lo o,rr opu,,.)n t,tt Jo$s nol ,r,o.rl rplclllclllont at l|rd|catd,, l.!sl nd tr I O fdl t!!lld n o!:lr sp.:i,rlr. dr..;,rr c| C.rr.lr.:C tl I rnr,scJ Correctcd Copy t! ,:l )8 )cl rOC fr^tt rt$r I YPE OEPlll oa ELtvAlrOfa ll.atl Drt t or:h5rt t ..y::.1-_ 138.3 E.0, 9.4 Colunn Lines _---_l- 8.5, 9.9 Column Lines ,l - 8.1, 10.6 Colunn Lines :+',1F.0, 1.0.8 Column Lines Colunn Lines N 6" B.(i, N 6" B.G.138.3 N 6" B.G.lxL_3- 158:-3 t3B.3- 13r:1 N 6', B.G. N tt N tl lo&f I---'- r--= -Or.C I lhrr"6r l"T.l,i" 7.s llss.2 f tf,t0 aalt tmauorSlval coxrSat (El cctrtcrorr*l 9B silty crrrshecl gravc 7.5 | 132.9 6.9 96 It 7.s 1152.0 10. I 95 tl 7.5 1139.2 5.9 r00 7 .S | 138.0 6.2 100 7 .S I t24.7 8.1 90 95% standa Proctor densit was also recotn- eCain Otr:;altvtF Baron l'__l !$ e1of_9ls19!g_l_!n gUe9I! P.0. Box 726 --Ye!-L co 816s7 Attn; 3-l Story chen and associates, inc. CONSULIING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINETRS 5080 ftd 154 Glenwood Springs. CO 8160 | JoB No- -J2,892 -.--oete --3-18,/82..--DArLy BEPoRT r.ro. 52 -sueer I or -l SUBJECT FILL OBSERVATION & TESTING S,rnba _Run---Elll-:rnder slabrsort t ,0ultDlItor( tiGrNttRtttc D ln our opinion. till generally meels specaficalions as indicated by and should be removccl or r('vr ,r, ' test no.(s) o In our opinion, lill does not meel spectlrcatrons as Indrcared Dy I ow s labs ill ,/ - ltl)i r)e and number of earth mov.ng units: - - I ow s labs ilr, /o- - --- r re and number ot compaction unrts: I hand conPactor i;mbe. ol passes - lhictness ot lift -... i. ti!, . iihod ol adding moislure: - $] .. 'iilull !s reporl gresenls opinions lormed as a resuil ot our ooservatiin ot lill placement We have relied lhe corltractor to continue applyrng the recommended comdhptive ellort and motslure to lhe till, nq lrmes-when our observer iS not observing operations iiTests ar(:} made ol tne lrll only aS lrcvcd nccessa.y to calitrrate our observer's JUdgemenl T63t data are nol the sole basis lor , nrons on whcthcr lhe trlt meets Spscrlrcaltons ,l', :: Briner € F. Scott ,'. JVA :,i :CIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL lesl no (s) d Fill tesled rneets specilications fl Conlraclor advised tr Full time observalion )b PROGRESS REPORT ' '^T Parl tame observatron was place<!_prio!to our arriva l : Dan Berta I€51 NO LOCAIION TYPE DEPIH OR ELEVAIION ll€€l) IAAORATORY FtEr-o SOrL TYt'EMAXIMUM DRY OENSITY (pcl) OMC DRY D€NSI'Y {pcll MO IST URE CON''ENI COMPAC I ION 0 Colunn Lines E.6, l0.l N 2 ' B.G.128. B 9.0 129.6 11.7 100 :i_!ty_rgd-6 grl''; Colunn Lines E.6, 14.5 l\tl 128.8 9.0 123.7 13.7 96 I I Colurur Lines 8.6, 13.5 N ll 128. 8 9.0 t?2.7 14.0 95 t ll l. tl Colunur Lines D.3, 13.4 il N 6,'B.G,138. 3 9.0 135.2 8.7 98 Dase course Colunn Lines D.9, 13.4 N It 138.3 9.0 135.6 8.3 98 ': APPNOVED BY Hensel- Phelps OBSERVEB € & M Professional Engineers "0. Box 726 ril. Go. 81557 .tn: Mr.Ray Story _ JVA 'Hensel Phelps trrtirtrrEr . $ n Q In ovr upn.'on hrl o$Aorrtt/;n!.olr rpoctliollbnt ra lnalEltad !t lorl no ttl O In ou, Irlrrrtlon. trtt dsu5 nol rD('ol spcctttcatlont lt lndrcalad !t lcil .ro {:l J.|d drqrrd Oa rrnoid c r!-n t l lorh.d .r|etrfj :plctllcJt,ons COntrrtclr)r odrtsCd f,l Full lrnro rbtorrnl,rrn Oporl trma OD..wallOfi FRocR..ss nooor., Five in-p1ace density tests were taken orr . bacllfil1 qver 9r' plunb_i Results of rno isture -dens ity relationship dcternilirtion pcrformed on a sampled of rninus 3/4" btse course obtaittcti at the sitS -orl- Februa ry 25. 1982 are attached, Dan lellLg Crinc Baron/SDltfnovto tY chtn end associatr:s, inc. CONSULIING GEOIECHNICAL TNGINTTNS Corrected Copy d -t-LS,r Lqrylg {!-s_$l_ --- I JOO NO 22,802 oAr€ i/_.vs:,__ DAILY REAOAT NO. 5I S'Cfi I OI I suEJ€cT FrLL OSEnYAnOfl I ?UttD*t Simba Rurr- FilI Under SIabrE l'trtxlttl .t t4 j6 t7 la lttl tYt! O{ t l}t on CttlAlrOf. ta..tl __:a? onY t'ttrSrl r (tt'l Colunn Line 8.6, 9.1 i,N 4rBelow Slab Grd.128. 8 gB_.j 128. 8 Colunn Line E.6, 9.7 N tl Colunn Line E.6, 10.7 N Colunn Line 8.6, 11.3 N ll 128. B Column Line 8.6, 12.3 i,N 128. B I Ont tllO E,h'ilOr|E It(l ottt of!5r, r lr. r, .. ... ru,rl |-'ri l ataf.r. corl}lcttoli*r 9.0 t23.7 i2. tl 96 ilty sandy'grrrvcl on L?4.?11.6 96 9.0 125.4 12.6 97 9.0 r24,3 12.7 97 9.0 122 ,7 1t .7 YJ :ltlCAllOH COTTPACTION t Mettnrer- - 95% rrpon grftrn|t ot nront rormad at a r€r'Jtt ol ou, oOcor"at,ji:,Jf f ,r 0trcom.na Wo haro..|rrroa coaLaclot ro coarrnua acaltrcg ttrd raconrmc*cld complicitro qriort rn6 mo,rtuf t to rha i,rlt utrat rnln ,rur ootarra, |r not oD.|rrvtnq oporaltonr lbrtr oro,ndda of lho lrl ontr.rrad .r.carLrt to cal|brata our obt€rrOr.t luogor ant lorl datd .r. o.)l tha tol. garr; to,orrl oa :hatho, lha tr meal$ tgacrtrcalrotrl ' :: Briner E Scott ng ling alqng Co Lqmrr t,irrq U,(). otrst vEtt f'"llcnseI-Phelps_ P0 Box BB ,AZ4- chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Fd 154 Glenwood Sptings, CO 81601 JoB No 23'89?-onre --al8ll'i DArLy BEpoRT no, 56 snerr- I or -l---- SUBJECT FILL OBSERVATTON & TESTING Sirnba Run, Vailv4rl cQ 81657__ Attn: Iim McK i D-tlxy. -- 50[. E f0ur,tDAllofi Ilcrtttnll6 I ESI i LOCATIQNNOi I I O , aotu^n t,in*, rq.+ o ot rYPE OEPTH OR ELEVATION (l€€t) LABOFAIORY FTELD SOIL IYPEI"lAXIMUM DFY DENSITY (pc0 oMc DRY OENSITY {pcD MOISTURE CONTENI {%} COMPAC T ION slab grade 138. 3 9.0 133.3 4.9 96 R d base 2t 3 rr |' r': 1 arll o1' l{ wall TI 138.3 on 120.1 3.9 87 ll11.1 f ' f r 17.4, I0 'l: of (; I inc N tl l38. 3 9.0 96 ?l (tr rr 18,7, B'E of G line N tl 138,3 9.0 131.2 4.5 95 tl ii6 ff 'r 19.3, l2tVl of G Iine N tl 138.3 9.0 tJ4. /6.4 97 tl 2ti rr rr i9.0, 12rE of C line N 138. 5 9.0 127 .4 +.J 92 tt lt e i----_- I " " 18.3, 16'|}'l of (i linc N ll 1 ?f,, 1 9.0 t23.4 a')89 tt CIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL Tyl .r and nLr.flber of carth movrng unrls loacicr, JD 550 lSZe_L-_helrd.drurn - 95 9o standard Proctor density vibratinr rol Ier. hand comrractor 'yoi., ano nultr5er ol compactlon unlts thrck ness ol lrtt 1 nat ura I Nlrmber ol passes Mcf hoC of a.l(rrng rnorslure Ifrr1, r1,{ro,1 pr.,,f,( nls oprnrons lormed as at tesrJll ol ottr ohservattol'l ol ltll placemcnt. We havc relied rjn llr{- r:rinirii{-k)r lo conlrnuc applyrn{l lhtj rc'cornmcnded colrpactive cllort and moisltlre lo the llll rJ,,r,r q lr.r,,:, whfjfr (rrr obscrver rs nr)l obsc.vrnq operatrons Tcsts ate made ol the llll only aS t\,r{'!r,(l l)r,r.l,s!ary 1o ca1!bra1{r our observ{jr s lu.Jgullrenl lest data are nol the sole l)ilsts lo. i,[][r/,rr: or) \/lr(rll]1,r ltre I l{ marcls s,-1ecrfrca!r()tri; t'I i.rn K,e I lan txr ve tloud c she I I Rrv Story F tn our opinion. fill generally meets specilications as indicated by test no.(s) 212, 214 . 2lS ' 216 -b In our opinion, till does not meet specilications as indicated by test no.(s) _21 3,, 2L7 - 218, _ _ _ _,.- and should be removed or rewolk tr Filt tested meels speciticalions b Contraclor advised n Full time observation pRoGHEsS pEp961 FiI1 placernent and cnrnPnctinn was perfo'-tr":'-i prior to our arrival . Contractof was advj.sed to maintai rnoisture content closer to optimum and to rework failing areas. Dan Berta Caine Baron By: S.t). tr Part time observation OESEIlVE R APPROVE I) I] V 1(.)llcnscl -Phelps [)0 []ox IIB . Vail C0 816s2 Attn : Tr rn [Ic Kionep chen and associates, inc. OONSULTING G[O]ECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd 154 Glcnwood Sprrngs. CO 81601 JoB NO .22,80?,-adre -1l !)i ti j DArLy REpoRT t'to. 57 -.sHrer -.l. - or i SUI]JLU] FILL OBSERVATION & TES1 IN(J Sirnba Run, Vail s0rt t foufiDAIt0ll trI ttIRlil6 it51 NO r_ ocA T rc f'l IESI TYPE OEPTH OR ELEVAIION (roel) LABOR ATORY FIEI D solL tvP€MAXIMUM DRY OENSITY (pct) L)Mc DRY DENSITY {pcl) MOISTURE CONT EN T coMPAC. lroN 3A Colurnn Lines 17.1, B'E of W r.ral1 N 5t ab g rade 138.9.0 126.4 4.0 9I Road base 2l 7A r' rr 19. 0, l2 rL of C l ilc N t!138.9.0 t28.2 2l 8A 18. 3, l (r'ltr of G l inc N tl I?R 9.0 131,0 9-5 It :r38 rr 'r 17.1, 8rE of l,l wall N It l38. 3 9.0 r24.4 4.5 90 JI ;B 'r rr 19.0, l2'l of C line N lt 138. 3 9.0 i 25.6 5.1 91 It ]I 7(-.tr ,. 19.0, 1l'll- ol U I jnc N 'l t5d. J 9.0 I23.6 6.5 90 tt SPEt CIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL 95 e; standard Proctor density d In our opinion. lill generatly meets specifications as indicated by Numher ol passes llethr')J1 ot add rnq motslure thr ck ness of lrlt natural Th ! rr,lr.)rl t)ri:s('n1:i Opr nrOnS lormed as a re:if lll O! or l( ohServatrcr Ol irll placemeflt We ha,,i e relied .Jo thr- L.rrltrirct(l: ',r contrrrre applyrng the recornmcnded cotnpactrve elfof! and morslure lo the lill .lrj, rlrt lr'.r.,, wlrirfr oUr ofrjc,rver rs nol ohsrjrvrnq operaltons lcsts arc madL'Ol the fill only as t,r',.v1 ,r I f(.{'s5;rry 1,, '-alrbrale c}0r OtJscfvaI:, llr.iqr'rrcnl Iesl dala arc not tlle sole basrs lor ,)'r'lr rr): ,,r1 \,.rlr(jtll{,r llre I ll mf:rclS Spe(jrl (talt()|s ' I'i rn Kel lam Dave tioude she 1l Ray Story tesl no {s) 2lE -- -d( In our opinron, flll does nol meel specilicatrons as indicated by lesl no {s) _21 34, 2174, ?13_B-?1 iBr__?t7s.,d rr,o,,,., be removed or r'w,)rr tr Fill lested meets specaficattons 6 Contraclor advised R. Fu ll trme observatton P Part time observalion pRocRESS ouoo*-, Tests 213A & 2l3B are restests of Test ll5 taken on 4/8/82. Tests 217A. 2178. & 2l7C and retescs rrf- Test 21.7 taken on 4/8/82. Test 218A is a retest of Tq!l_-l taken on 4/B/82. Contractol was advi sed to increase -moi-sture content and rework failin Dan Berta Caine Baron Bv: S. D. I ype and number ot earth movrnq un ts l OadCf, r rt;Llrnt^* t,,J If ",,t"9 ttf; ,6 a ",ltr9.td,, g on p a c t o l JD 550 dozer, -hand-drum-- c_, c OB SE NVE B At , 'iLrVE {l ilY T()llctr:;cl -PheIps l)0 ll o.x lt ll Vrril CO 81657 ,\ttn: I irn l'1.'K iqtrt y chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHN ICAL ENGINIERS 50u0 fld 154 Glenwoo(l :;Dn nos OO {.J1601 JoBN.. 22:891 ---- oo'. 4/t:/s: DArLY REP'FT r'to. 5B -snee, l-, u. I SUBJECT FILL OBSERVATION & TESI ING' Simbrr Run - Vail s{Jit E f0uti0^llotl ttr( rtttlltG LABORATOFY DRY OENSITY (pcf) SOIL l YPE tOf,Al toN sSFrcArroN cor\,4PAclloN & M tl , ,r'4 .1 ) tt}t' ttl carth movrng urlrts I O:ldCI, ., iblatorv rol l er. haticl corill)aL:tor1f et: ard nufrb{,r ol (.ompa.rllon unrls thicl ness ol lrll 4 1 E q I 4 L 9 5 e; s t;urd-ir-r-il -P-ro c Lo r - del: i tE.* - .JD 5-50 cloze r, hanc! d1u4r __. Road ba se D In our opinion. lill generally meets specilications as indicated by test no.(s) tr In our opinion, lill does not meel specalicatrons as indicated by lest no.(s) and should be removed or rew('rk' b Fill tested meels speci|calrons S Conlraclor adviscd o Full time observation CfPart lime observalion ,-- Tcsts 2138 and 217D are retests of Tests PROGNESS REPONT ^ -.- - " l.: u rn ber ul p:t .s4s f,f',tt /)d i1l a.j.1rnq marrttUre na t ura I l, t', !t t)t)tl I r,.',i,rl'. r)[r r,ror s lrrrirr:d r1, a rr::iull ol .]rrr obaarrvallon ol ltll f)l,rceo)cnl Wchaver(]lled tr,. I rrili.rt 1r)' ,,, i-r)r,trnU{-.all)plyrn.} ltrc .(r,. r)rIr rn1'ndgl t{)rilf)a{tllv(j ollOrl itnd m(rrslur{i lO lhe llll i,,(,fl 11!,r rr1,,,!r ()rIr oif,ijr!r'r,., {i/.t ,rt\:..rJ'ar} .rpq(.ltrOrrS liiStS arC f itds of lhc lrll o!\ly 3S ',, ir,.r, rI.\1...t,.1(f lr, r.;ilr1)/irlI orrr ,.rbr-t,rv, T ! ILi|,rI{||||(In! I',51 /l;rtir;lr{'Na}l th(} SOltl hiiS S l()r I it,t Nctltn I)avc tloudc shc 1l Ray ' St ory'Dan Berta Ca ine Ba ron Bv : S ._P.._, _ APPBOVI D B\ rl 1_-- -'1 - I ._ _..-+ -- - I i I .l,I.l OBSE ItVE N TL'llcn se l -Phelps P0 Ilox BB chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd 154 Glenwood Spflngs CO 81601 JoB No.. ,,22 ,8-92---oete 'l /2 r / I ) 59 DArLy REpoRr Ne. ---sHEEr-l- or -l SUBJECT FILL OBSERVATION & TESTING _ _SiJqbt_-Bu-:--Vail- - \iai. I CO 81657 At tn: Tim l4cKinncy s0rt e t0uNDllr0i tiGrlttRlllc I F r., A r I o i.r c or,.4 p A c r I o N * r ot. n, o. -,9-.5 l-lt 1t$ S-I.9919I-41119I CI o In our opinion. till generally meets speciiicalions as indicated by lcsl no (s) D In our opinion, lill does not meet specilicatrons as indicated by lesl no.ls) --- and slroultl be removed or rr'!v.IL ' l E Filt lested meets specifications F Conlraclor advised cl Full lrme observation )fl Part time observation Bcn Sturbaum 38'l 10,i 80 1l a_f ' ,|:tt: anrl T[,rrbf]r of eafth movrng unrls I ylrrf af r:J nUrnbr,r r:rf CompaCltOn untls N r n) bL,r 0! paSS{rs f .1e1t rod ol adrJrn.l morsture thr.jk neSS ol ltlt rir:..fu.tr4r'lt)f r:,(rrrl.rOpnraJnSf()rnr(rdiJ.;irreSUllOl Orjr .)bs(:rvaliOn Cf lrll pl,t()emenl Weh:rvCrolre(l: llr(- (-r-,rlrit. lor tr) (ir)frtrnul] applyrng iil{r r{:(:onrrnSndeil c()rnpactrve clfort itnd morslure lo lhe frll r1 ,r rLrl lirlrr,t wfr{,n our ol,scrver rS nOt.)bscrvrirq opcralrons lesls are fira(lc of lhe lrll Only aS l,' ,r'i.-(l rif', t -.,titl l(t {ralrbralr, ()t)t ()1,-,etvt't., lr/(i0enrenl Tcsl aJrla are nol lhc sole tlasrs for tr ',, ,'r(, (,,r wlrrlll|r ll c lrll rrri]r:t:i spr.r; lrr:;rtri,rf, T irn Kellam l)avc Ilorrdc.shcl I Itay Story Caine Baron Bv : S, l). - APPBOVED BY t ocAl lr)N TFSI IYPE DEPTH OR €LEVATION (l6et) LAAORATORY FIELD sotL r Y I't. DRY OENSITY (pcl) ()MC DNY DENSITY (Pcf) MOISIURE CONTENT (%l COMPAC lroN 'S x 3'l,J of NE corner of parki.ng structur N l7l'BRG 128. B 9.0 126.0 8.0 98 Silty sandy grav 'J 5 rhl 17; rBRG 128.8 on t23.2 /.6 96 ll ,irS x 6rW N 171'BRG 128. B 9.0 t26.0 6.2 98 tt 'S x 4r1{N l7l ' BRG 128. I on L25,2 6. B 9B tt 'R'GRESS ,aro,., Fi 1l rvas placed and compacted prior to ttttr' aTrl va O BSEf]VE F TC) IlenscI PhcIps P0 Box BB ----..Jail CO 81652- y,*tr.ur'rr'n - Attrr:-..Ti.n.Mc&i^noey- - tt{GlfltlRlrlc chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd 154 Glenwood Springs. CO 81601 JoB No , 2?'!93-onre ---- , 51Q18 r DAILY FEPoFT uo -iL sneer I or 2 SUEJECT FILL OBSSRVATION & TESTING Simba Rrm - Vail NOl. ))a I ocATtoN tesr TYPE DEPTH OR ELEVATION (toot) LAAORATOFY FIELO SOIL TYPEMAXIMUM ORY DENSITY (pct) oMc {%} DBY o€NsrtY {pctl MOISTUFE CONTENI (*) COMPAC. TION 1q.) F,rI.: nf co1 rrmn l ine F @ line 4.5 N G slab grade 124.1 9.3 121 .l 8.6 98 Silty sand & grav I'E of colunn line F G line 7.6 N tl r24.1 9.5 125. 3 t -5 97 tt 225 5r1'l of column I ine F 0 linc 8.8 N It 124. I 9.3 123.8 6.3 96 ll 226 8'W of col trmn I inc F A line 7 .2 N tl t24.r a?127 .2 5.1 99 rl ' 11'7 6'E of colurnn line F 0linc 6.0 N It 124. r o?r32.4 8.3 100 l i ll 228 0 colurnn line F, 0line 4.E N tt L24.L 9.3 rra ?tt.2 92 8tE of colurnn line F 0line 4.2 N ll t24.1 9.3 II9.I qn 93 tl IFiCATIOI.I COMPACTION & MATERIAL 95% stindard Proctor densitl_tr In our opinion. lill generally meets specifications as indicaled by tesl no.(s) o ln ouf oDinion. frll does not meet specifications as indicaled by Type and nurnber 'T ype and number ll'J m ber ol passes l,4elhod ol add Ing and should be removed or rewor[,'l ot earlh moving units wh4qker ol compaclton unrlS 4-5 lhrckness ot trfl t na tura 1 & dbl.. drqtn-IibratqlY roll test no. (s) 0l Fill tested meets specifications 6 Contractor advised c Full time observalron time observation morslurg lO Parl Fill was placed prior to our arrival PROGRESS REPOBT Thrs f cDorl presr-'nls oDrn rons formed as a resull of our observatron of t ill placernent We have relieal on lire con:ractor to conlrnue apply ng lhe recommended Co.npaclive elfort and mOislure lO the lill durng lrrnr-,s when our observcr rs nol observrng operatrons Tests are olade ol lho fill only as b(,tr"vr-'d neLessary lo calibrale orrr observers JUdgcmcnt Tesl data are nol lhe sole basis lor ftprnr.lns on wllclher the lrll rnr..'{-,ts specrlrcatrons Tim KeIlarn Da 're lloudeshel l Ray Story Dan Berta Caine Baron By:S.D. APP']-VED BV 10 Hensel-Pheipg P0 Box IIB Vri I C0 81657 Attn : Tim McK inneY JoB No.- 22 ,8OZ DArE -,- 5/ I ()/ ll l chen and associates, inc.DAfLy REpoRT r\to au SHEEI " o602 or? CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS SUEJECT FILL OBSERVATION 6 TESTING 5080 Rd 154 Glenwood SPrings. CO 81601 Simba Rrur - VaiI sorI t t0ut{o^ll0lt ll{6ll{ttnlflc LOCATION sorr TvPE ilt san d ravel(r 228A @ colunrn line F @ Iine 4.5 8tE of column line F 0 line 4.2 .f,r,.o-,o* coMpAc.oN & MATERTAL 95% stanqerq 3r9gl9l i9!t-ity o In our oPinion, till generally rest no.(s) meets specifications as indicaled by o In our oplnlon,fill does not meel specilications as indicated by and should be removed or r(rwotrr{l tesl no.(s) Tvpe and nrrrnbet I ype and n urn ber tl u nr fie !. ol passes i.1{.lhod Ol add Ing .,L^^t. ol earth movrng un115 WndCKC I- ol compaclron unlts th rck ness or lrll natrral q dbl, drun yr-bralo{L raLle lr mor st ure tL Fill tested meets specilicalions * Contractor advised E Full time observation E Part time observalron Fi I I \^Ia s placed prior to our arrlval' -PHOGRESS REPORT .^. .. - I Thr.,rcirartprcs.rntsopLnronslornredasaresultolourobscrvataonoflill placemenl \{ehaverelied (rn lhL ccrflrac!r)r to conlrnue applylng thc reconlm.inded compaclrve ellort and morslure to the lrll dur rtrct lr,nt':j vJh(f n .JUr Observei is ;l obscrvrnq operations Tests are made ol the llll only as Qeir{rvod rrecrrssirry tD catrDrate our obser,rers liiogemcnt Ttrst dala arc nol the sole basls lor i l,'r,t,,ll5 r)n ,.!lrr.llrCr lrre lrll m('(]l<, sl't'Cllr'.JilOnS Tim Ke1lam Dave Houdeshe I I D a., C+ ^mt Crrx exo ArrocfAt ott Conrultlng Englncrrr Soll end Foundatlon Englneerlng 5010 qD. r54 . GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLOnAOO 8i601 CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No, : 22,802 Job Locaclon: Simba Run Sanpled By: Locatlon: Contractor (lvlark Z. ) East Building, Slab on Date Cast: Contractor: Grade, 13 to 20 at 130 4/13/82 Hensel -Phelps ln. pcf at Pef ln. oF It. Hix Datal Concrete Supplter: Mt. Batcb O\tt Time: PifiSICAI PROPERTTES: Unlt Wel8ht Ileight Concrete Temperature Mobile Mix Speclfied Strength: ioon CC: Hsnssl-phrltt Briner 6 Scott JVA L 6 i't Professional Consultants Suppl{erts ticket No.: 1g21g Tlme Cast: Alr Content Z Dtaareter ln. Air Ternperature oF Truck No.: 194 Sl,rmp 5 Denslty CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, rNC. llan s froeschle Cy11n der No. Date Tes t ed ABe Tested Compre:is ive Scrength (psi) "11 7 1d? n 3980 Remarks: psl ,u daYs lc*,* rxo Arro.,^r.rl Conrulllng Englnecn Job No. t 22,802 Job Location: S j-mba Run Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 5080 RD. r54 . GLed*OOO SPRINGS. COLORAEO 81601 CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Date Cast: 4/!3/82 Sampled By: Contractor Contractor: Hensel-Phelps Location: Parking Stxucture, Pour #4, 60 & A line llix Da ta: Concrete Suppller: Mt. Mobile Mi.x Supplleris Tlcket No.: 10240 Truck No'': 105 Batch ouc Tirne: Tlme Cast! 2:40 ?I{YSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlc l,lelght pcf Air Content Z Slump 4L in' Helght in. Dlametet ln' Denslty pcf concrete Tenperacure oF Alr Tenperature oF Cyllnder No. te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Compre n s ive Strength (psl) I>4-20 7 2650 80 ?R 477 (l Remarks: Speclfied Strength: 4000 Psl at 28 daya CC: Hensei-Phelps Briner & Scott JVA L G M Professional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Ftoe.sch1e'.---- I cxrx exo Arro.,^rf Comuhlng Engfnrcn Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 3080 nD.15. . GLEXT9OOD SpRtt{GS, COLOnTDO cl60t CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Dace Cast4-16-82 Cont rac tor r Suppllerre Ticket No.: 10308 Truck No.: 103 Tlne CaBt: 2:15 Alr Concent Dlamet er Air Temperacure Strength: 4000 * pel at 28 daye Phe lps & Scott Itro fes si.onal Consult:rnrs CHSN Z Sluap 34 ln. Denslty % Job No. t 22,8O2 Job Location: Sirnba Run Sanpled By: Rob Adiens (HP) Locatlon: Racquet Ball 54 & EE !{1x Data: Concrete Suppller:Mt. Mobile Mix Batch Our TlDe: PFYSICdI PROPERTIES: Unlt Helght Helght Concrete Ternperature 1n. pcf pcf 1n. oF Cyl inder No. Da te Tes r ed Age Tested Days Coupressive Strength (psl) 81 4-23 7 74?O 82 5- 14 28 4q70 Remarks: Spec 1f led CC: H"n5g1 JVA B r iner L&l"t AltD ASSoCTATES, rNC. Hans Froeschl e lc*r* rxo Arro.,^rrC Conruhlng Englnrcn Eoll rnd Foundetlon Engtnecrlng 501!0 RO.l$a . GLCXTf,OOD SPRINGS. COLOnAOO 8160r CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No. : 22,8O2 Job Locatlon: Sinba Run Saarpled Byr Keith (HPCCJ Location! Parking Structure A to 56 EL 138-6 Date CeBt: 4-19-82 Cont rac t or: l{lx Data: 1 Concrete Supplier: Mt. Mobile Mix Suppllerrs Tlcket No.: Truek No.: 194II I fatch Out Tioe: Tlne Cast: 2130 t.. P$YSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt t{elght pcf Alr Content I SItmP 3 1tr. tlelght ln. Dlaneter ln. DenEl,tY Pcf Concrete Ternperalure olr Alr Teurperature of Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at 28 days CC: g"nr"1-phelps Briner & Scott JVA L & [1 Profess j-onal Corsultants CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC' Hans Froesch I e Cyl ln der No. Date Tes t ed Age Tested Days Conprensive Strength (pst) 83 4-26 7 37LO 84 5-17 s200 Remarke: I "*r* rxo Asro.,^rr! Gonrultlng Englnccn Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 50t0 RD. t!{ r GL€HWOO0 SPFINGS. COLOftADO 8160'l CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No. | ?Z,gO2 Job Locatlon: Sir,rba Run Sampled Byl Keith t// HP Locatlon: Parking Structure EL l3B-6 56 line Pour #6 Mlx Data: Date Casr, a-?z_gz Contractor: Hensel Phelps I Concrete Suppller: I"tt. I{obile I'tix Suppllerrs Tlcket No.: 10S7S Truck No.: 10L IN Batch Out Tlue: Tine Casr: 2:20 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: unlt l.leighr Height pcf Alr Content 1n. Dla$eter Z SLump 3 tn. ln. Denslty Pcf CHEN AND ASSOC1ATES, rNC. lians Frocschlt _ Concrete Ternperature olr Air Tenperature oF Speclfled Srrength: -l!p0 psl at ?C-_ days CC: Hensel-Phelps Brincr fr Scott, .-\rchitects JVA LGII ['ro fes s ional (]onsultants Cyllnder No. Date Tes t ed Age Tested Days Comp re ns ive Strength (psi) 4-29 7 2290 oo s-20 2B 4860 Remarks: la*rn rxo Arro.,^rrrl Conrultlng Englneers Soll and Foundatlon Englneerlng 5080 BO. 15...,GL€'{WOOD SPFINGS, COLOnAOO tl60l CONCRETE TESTINC RESULTS Job No. : 22,8A? Job Location: Sirnba Run Sampled By: Field Engineer(HPCC) Keith Location: Pour #7 Date Cast: 4/29/82 Contractor: llix Data Con cre t e Batch Ou PHYSICAL Supplier: l,lt. Mobile Mix Suppller's Tickec No.: rc422 Truck lio.: 101 t Tine: PROPERTIES: Tigre Cast: 2:tS Unic W Height Concre eight pcf Air Content in, Diameter te Tenrperature o! Air Temperature oF Scrength: 4000 psl ar ___j_E= days Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott J\'A l, if Il Professional Consultants Z Slunp 3k in. ln, Denslty Pcf CHE}I .$TD ASSOCIATES, INC. Remarks Specif i Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Coup res s ive Srrength (psi) 87 28 4244 8R ?P 43iO -.- Harts-l".:oe5chls Af,A ALBEFT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155SOUTH ilAVAJO STFEET DENVEN, COLORAOO E0223 (3{Xl) 698-1(xt0 AKA 1878-11.81l{ay 24, 1982 Hensel Phelps Construction Co.P. O. Box BBVail, Colcrado 81658-0929 Attention: I'lr. Richard i'laynard RE: Simba Run Condoniniums Gentlemen: Enclosed is the fireproofing inspection report for work perforned on lvlay 19, 1982. Very truly yours, ALBERT KNOTT q ASSOCIATES, INC. Ri'tR:mc cc Tin McKinney Chet llorton Dave Houdeshell I ].m Kel. t an Ray Story L STRUCTUFAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVEB. COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATI0N: Sinba Run JOB NO: 1878 DATE:5-19-92 flI INSPECTOR: DefiIayne Ganow, REGULAR HRS: 6.0 oT HRS: C0NTMCTED SERVTCES: D( eXrRA SERVTCES: PAGE 1 OF 2-_t-f- The first inspection of appLication and thickness of MK-5 fireproofing was nade at the site. At this time most of the naterial sprayed is along the east wall at the s'outh end. The fireproofing was too wet to take sanples for d,ensity measure- ments. This will be done at a Later date. Results of the thick- ness inspection are: 1) At levels 130, L40, 150 and 160, the perrnieter bean and column coverage is accepted in the building wall recess bounded by lines 2, B to E, lines E, Z to 3, and. by lines S, E to B with the provision that more fireproofing is sprayed on the top sur- faces of the upper beam fLanges. This nay be done fron the in- side of the building so that placement of exterior ruarl is possible here. lfith the sarne provision coverage on the perineter beans on line B for 3 to 5 is accepted at lerrels 130 through 160. coverage on the colunns here and in the interior is incornplete. STRUCIURAL ANO MECHANICAL IESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, tNC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORAOO 80223 f3031 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING LOCATION: Simba Run INSPECTOR: DeWayne Ganow JoB NO: 1878 DATE:5-19-82 REGUTAR HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: CONTMCTED SERVICES: h1 EXTM SERVICES:PAGE 2 OF 2 2) rrl'serreral cases, vertical warl studs are placed close to or.'against colunns. This situation was viewed by and discussed with the vail building inspector and the Great Nort,hern Dryr+al1 superintendent" IYhere the necessary 1f'r of MK-5 can be appLied, the studs may be left in place. otherwise, the studs nust be reLocated far enough from the colunn to apply the fireproofing. 3) Horizontal waLl studs attached to lower beam flanges may be fi11ed with fireproofing to protect the bearns. 4) special care should be taken to fill the void above the upper bearn flanges and the deck, 5) rn order to conplete instalLation of the exterior r,ra11, fireproofing of the exterior beams and colunns has been given priority. once the wal1 is placed, inspection of fireproofing will not be possible. consequently, good connunication between the site and AKA is irnportant. SIBUQTUFAL AND MECHANICAL IESTING o \. ', 1i'',. 1l/l t ,/r,'J '\ /l u ,/u//t \ p-/ - -'r.-' I ..19 ,,"-L^ Ku* )r*t t{|"4 e^V HA v/ffi +* b47d'l;,* o A K/+ P . G-r^*'-t/{/-q1vz_ 4.-rrt,tr;wfr",;-- r-eL(*'^;I{sT&' I n ,T*-^ t^*t 6 ' wiu- tf/ *l Fl"t'Tte*t ' r 1 ) uu'h i e GI E 1iT.t,r1W 1 ))4 E'-/- 3 so '* 1=r( f e 1< *-- Y\. t\ r- ).rt --f tr\mt J"I F_____f n 6J r@ twf F/s rtly t>/y ?/,1 l,y/ '\ic l'/g.tlu | 1// z'ly r{v r5/y ,"rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: 'ci uruoencnouruo E ROUGl"l / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR . EI APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED DATE INSPECTOR READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES oCATloN: ,f r; ,1 -" ( , ,' , ' /)''2., /.-'-- / BUILDING:UMBING: UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr E tr tr Ef rouruonloN / srEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H, TUB tr D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALI tr HEATING tr FOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR' I INSPECTION. TOWN OF'.:'- - ;.-) REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ') JOB NAME - \ / '1 ,,i>" (r't".. CALLER BUILDlNG: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL ;PF*u" i/connecrrorus: N DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED .z.j -DATE INSPECTOR x )l )H l t liN( ; I Nti t.l I i I r..( i Q lxst I t ; I :\ r..'t's, I NC. N 3rrcclrinrictrl rrrxl clcctl'icirl _ ------'1 March 30, 1982 Tjm Kel larq Briner/Scott Archj tects.l43 East Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Review of F'ire Protection Systems on Simba Run: Meeting in Town Council Chamberswith the following present: Steve Patterson, TOV Building Official; Mike McGee, Vail Fire Department; Tom Briner, Gary Swetish and Tim Kel'l am,Briner/Scott Architects; Ray Story, L&M Professional Consultants; Dav'id yoder, yoder Engineering consultants Dear Tim: My April 6, l98l letter to Jerry Dixon of Briner/Scott Archjtects detailing changes requested by the Vail Fire Department to our design development Drawings is hereby modified as follows: Item l. East and North Buildings: De't ete requirements for hose packs,fittings, nozzles, and mjscellaneous hand-camied professionalfire fighting items. Item 2. East Buiiding: Stairtowers 1,2,3 and 4 are to be wet stand-pipes with fire department vaives on1y. Standpipes may be combined with automatic sprinkler system covering all corridors, common areas, and the amenities area, Item 3. East Building: A fire separation section is required. SeeArchitectural information for details. Item 4. Parking Garage: All levels of parking garage shall be auto- matical1y sprinkled. several options are available. Mike MeGee suggested the following as the ieast costly: 1',,^lrfrJ t' \ \/\,\Pl- Mountain Haus, Unit 2 Vail. Colorado 81657 A. Delete heat detection.B. Use conventional sprinkler systemC, Provide refrigerated air dryer on layout and coverage system air compressor.i ntakeD. Provide puii stations and alarm horns .Item 5. East Building: Revjsed 8" combined fire and domestic water service to East Building from 8" ma'i n on North Frontage Road was . reviewed and approved by Mike McGee. Also, Mr. McGee approvedslight relocation of hydrant located just to the west edge of mainentry drive to East Buildinq. 125 North Eighrh Srreet Crand Junction, Colorado 81501 . 303-245-0148 292 E. Meadow Drive. 303-476-2091 )'ol )lilt I.lN(;lNlilitil\'(; li)NSUt.t.\\"1's, tNC. N rrrci'lrirrricirl rurrl clcctrical - --=.'1 Tim Kellam Simba Run Fire Protection March 30, ]982 Page 2 Item 6. Fire Alarm System: Fire alarm system is to remain as presently designed with both heat and smoke detection in each condo unit and voice communication capabif ity. Item 7. Mike McGee approved the deletion of the fire hydrant at the south-west corner of Lionsrjdge Loop and the parking garage entrance drive. Mr. McGee stated that the approximate B0' back 1ay from an existing hydrant on the north side of Lions- ridge Loop could be handled satisfactorjly by a triple turn of the second responding pumper. Item 8. Fire Alarm System Building Separation: Mr. McGee requested verification that the West and North Build'ings will alarm to the station with separate signals to avoid response delay to the correct building. This has been accomplished. Item 9. Fire Service for the Parking Garage will be taken from the north end of the North Building in the lower equ'i pment room as originally shown on the DD Drawings. I believe this covers all the items discussed. At Steve Patterson's direction,this report has been compiled and will be distributed to all firms or officialspresent. Each is asked to carefully review the statements made in this report and if in agreement to please so indicate by initialling or otherwise identifying written agreement and forwarding a copy back to Briner/Scott's offices. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Yode DLY/e i cc: Mike McGee, Vail Fire Department Steve Patterson, Town of Vail Ray Story, L&M Professional Consultants 125 North Eighth Street Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 . 303-245-0148 Mountain Haus, Unit 2 Vail. Colorado 81657 292 E. Meadow Drivc. 303-476-2091 David L. DATE t PElNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL NAME "irrr* l1-.. u {_n..t' , READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (, .! .l d..t- ., BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr tr FINAL n inr.tnld- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING F RoUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D tr tr F,}NAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1 a f f-tg41E uf - --/ ./ -4 t , 1NSpECTOR l PE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME @ /t) /, CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI i. l-. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL T] POOL / H. TUB tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWEH MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIB tr E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED sslE ,.'7 * *" 2 - ,{li-- rNSpEcroR t SPE\ DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON i'l CALLER /a/'l TUES WED CTION REQUEST'... TOWN OF VAIL THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED I.DATE INSPECTOR DATE - INSPECTION TOWN OF ' ./ ..',,*''. )' REQUEST VAIL l JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ruEs"-'weo THUR !. AM PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL I] POOL / H. TUB A'-aZ'"'-"-":':{ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i INSPECTORDATE7-,e I DATE I INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL €r*-7r4 7,? CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MoN 6iles.}1fffi-} rnun FRI -.AM-' PM LoCATIoN: EEtl / fO ' ? e-a t.r rt."-.c V/6-/--JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER E] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR g.Ar*{t tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE /,--7";/-,,.2."-.INSPECTOR March 15, 1982 bfingfiifCOtt Steve Patterson architects i*:t.?'i:f ins orricial 143 e rneadow dr. P.0. Box 100 iSSiTiB83b.g vair, cororado 81657 RE: Sl|{BA RUN CONDOHINIUMS Dear S teve, For my records I am writing to verify our understanding of your requ i rements on the exterior sheathing. lt is my understanding that the exterior wal I assembly shall be constructed as fol lows: (see appendix l) I x 5 V-groove pine siding on 5/8't Type'tX'l exterior Gypsum Sheathing on 5tt20 ga. structural rrcrr metal studs @ 24'r c.c. with Rl 9 fiberglass batt insulation, l/2, Type ,Xtl Drywal I at interior surface. It is our understand ing that we are in compl iance. lf not, please contact our off ice. S i ncerel y, T)*KAl- Tim Kel lam Project Arch itect TK/d ka cc: Ray Story Tim McK i nney * -tt INSPE REQUEST VAIL ONNOFcil TOW JOB NAME MON CALLER THURREADY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIC qL: tr TEMP. FOWER tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT _tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l_ DATE ,*#"toN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL I Joe Nnfiae 1--r,,' 1* * READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. B ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr lNsuLATtoN ___._.___-tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE ur tsp trc tr_ CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I INSPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE ?'2't',F"2 READY FOR INSPECTION:,ur. G) r"r, JOB NAME MON CALLER FRI LOCATION: lt'<tF {da r'tzz'*t 2ra ? zrr-r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Hr"o.*c*ou*o N ROUGH / D.W.V. T] BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr. INSULATION tr.SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr,.FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr flMt tr FINAL '$Tpaoveo ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED CTIONS TNSPECTO{-'_ 19 Ltilil P rol cllLol,gl i'.0. llox 726 - I:ti g inccr:l tlcncn anG assoclatrls, lnc. CONSULIING CEOIECHNICAL ENGINtt NS J6sN6 -32.802 sag 2/22/82 o^lLY REPORT m.l5-rlEt--l-a 1 suaJEcr FttL o!8aRv^nofl a ?ttrlro Simba Run and drorll !a trrior- c rg fl Pu,l hma oDr.Drtldl \/ail, (lo. fll{rI'7 At trr: tr'lr. Rav Storv tc.t L3a!!ar6 td!tntlltc0 srrcrrrc^rror. crJ'.rp^crroh r, MAr r,rAL ?it.,. ti'.':,9t:d_ I-11.9:-!-91 9:l:il{-- If or r o rl(l'r'b., ol atrlh m(r ng urrrtt f tpa and numD.' Ol Co,nolct'on unrtr _-- lfirCNr,t rr i/l lrll mOrtlu.t -. i.8 l:-8 t.B L._9 t.8 Xl tn orrr op,'.'orr I'rl 0rrnor{{t ,ncolr rPacrtlcalbol at laOi;|tld ft tort no rrl -16Q, .1.6-t1 : -l!l -fl In o(rr 0t)rrofr. lrll duu) nol rt|r'ot spactllcalbm l|lndi||.d !t tcrt tr(, l:l l-61' I {-tS (l fttl l(':.tr.(t .trcul.; : pfCrlrC.ll,oi\s tr-/.- tr irrnh, ol parLl u.rho(' ot xl(l|n0 (IConll.rct{)r odr ricd O fvll l,nto ( bt0.\,ll'r,rr tnr: rop<, *a'rar,rr,,rU,r,,,r., )lrn,'irad aL .e!,,t| (,1 trrrt obssrvdtrOn rrl lr|| (rr.t(:omont lA,r|' htto InfuUd o.l tM c(nllltl or lo co,tt',rua .ppty.ng tttd t a( {rrl rr|rot r(tod ( ontpoc lr,€ c I lut t ..nd mortlur b ro lho lltlovf.^g tutlal lhatn )q, (/b3arvar rl nol (rlrlgtrr^g opotaltont ro t dru Inadt ol lhc trll o?lly 8tbalarad .acrtlttY to tal't)tala (ru, (rb5dlyeII ludgrmant Id3l Otl.t atc '|ol tha rolr batt! lol oFn ().rr on rhllho, lrra lr|| rr,eots t9a€rl,cdtron: cc : Bri lrc r [r Scott .J V,'\ llnr, qr' l-LrhnI 'rc PnOGntlig nIpottI -f,91!allqt0r was lrlvi qod to rpmnrro ,A-l.7rr nt' saturatcd structur' 1 fill in test locations 162 and 163. Frank Quinn I t ,5 at rrc, Lio.l Lrmlrs 11.1 at I).5 [.inc, l, irrc, (io I trrrrlr s 1{).5 at 13.5 at L irr<:, (io I urnns ta Sr lYpt o{tlH oa lrCYAlrOt lr..rl onY CtlrsrIt tP. tl N It lrcr.ow (iradc tz8. N ll 128. N ll 128. N tl I 28. N tl 128, loltY tlro Etrrlocc I ttl ollr O(r{5r, I . r. ! ttaa r,rrar I ItJllr ccsrclalItl 9.0 1 1'1 |ll.1 99 Silty sandy gravc 9.0 t22.6 t2.5 95 tl 9.0 t1't I t4.7 9r ll 9.0 115.2 17.6 88. 9.0 1 2-5. 4 11. 4 97 tt Cai.ne Baron/HF 0lJst. vI ll rdirl'l P rp {'c si_L(lrt !r_1. 1,.(). Irg!_i=(r \t t tr : i.lr'. ltay S.LeIy-__ ralcAllorl wi3' -4 t-rb+aET|LDXTH H qffi$ W chen and associates, inc. ffi coNSuLTlNc GrortcHNtcAL ENGtNrrns tallt a ttltGrntll rnalillrrrr tJ. 5 irt 1l .5 Col urnn [,i rrcs r l3 D.I at 14.5, _Colunrr l.irrcs Sff C tl tClT tOrr CrJr.rPACltOrt I MAIl rtrAL -951; 5 t-a1t1ir-rd -l,-,,-:+.. -(!L-rLJ-r_LI__-o lypr lnd n Jrnbar ol at,th lrl()rr g unrlr I trx and numbt. ol Compaalrun tJnrlJ - lhrClnc!S r)l tilt morllutl lh'1 rgaO{'t pfar{r'r: t\r'f.to.,t , r', rnQ.7 a! a,c!,,rt (,r {/rr.(Jbi0rvdrron (rr t'I trrd(ontonr wflhotrferr0d.). Ina COnlra(trJ, tO conlrn!/a af)ptyrn0 lfru lo(.rIrrfi\O|dod cOfirp6crrr0 cllr'|lt ,tnd mOrtl\,rU t() tho ltlldslr^o lrnor rhon.r!,| obrarvgf tt n.Jt ()tj,,utrrnE ol)otalront Tottt.rrrJ nr,rdr ol lho l1l, ont' s3talartd .|.a,al3tfy'to crtrDrtto oot orr5ort(Jr: l,/{tgomgnt to oal,r tto n(.)l lha tolr tjalr, loaoor|lt(Ft On shothot lhr lt|l nreotl rrracrt,catrorrt cc: lJrincr & Ir. Scott ,lvA llcrrscl-Pholp..; otY a ttrsr I r {t( 4 !AtlOltA C#.,rt trmr ootattattm c rccomnend that naterial Jss lrs- 22,802 s;y.s 2/24/s2 D^rLY REPORT rp..46 Cr€t-l-C I suEJECr frrl O8€AYA?rCril a ?t!?tr€ Simba Run 1 28. 128. 128. 8 fl ln o.rr op,r,ron. lrrl 0.rnor.t|ty mcolr tpGtllcalba[ at ldt:tlrd !t a torProc l6it no (rt - - 167- F lfi O.rr ()prrt'On. l,ll du.rs dol ,rrrjot Sp.Cllcllloru It Inoi:.t d Dt tcst no l:l - 165 itnd 166 HumDor ol oatLr \t.li(}d c,l add|no (l ftll lc:t('d nroolj rpcCrlC.ll'ons OxConlr.rclr)t od!rlcd O f ull trnlo (Dtlrr\dl'r'n and r|rdrlal b tlnart c rrro. be reworked andPnocnrlis nc'onr [v dricd closer to optimun noisture content and retested befo placing additional fill Fran Quinn Ot Jf f lvt It tthOuEDay I(r(t 2'llclow Slab Cr. IIrtiei-' S l lb Gr'. IOltt traro ll trtlorc l}il Ottr DfH5r, t ., '.!ltalr,er.l arJl GI oormc?ErItr 9.0 120.0 14.1 YJ Silty sandy grave 9.0 119. 4 15.1 93 ll 9.0 I 2l'. 9 t2.9 98 tt ;Ei';I td Gll--P:sfqssion_a I flngincels l,- O. Rox 7_20 \/eil, Co R165f_ At tn: Mr'. Ray Storv chen end associatr:s, inc.o^rry REFORT r,ro. 45 fr€t I , d 16s Ne 22.802 61;! . CONSULIING GEOIECHNIC'IT ENOINITNS , :.s,,,iid,|;:.iii+,.,,' SUSJGCT fILL CSCRYAIIO$I ' 'T!'IIOSinba Run :'t..:,". Irt r nEufE| lioril,attl tlttfo -.o t oc a lroi o^Y( trr5ttr txD rt6t ,YPI Column Lines 128. B ines 128. B 1()2 2 trt 14,5 Columlr Li ncs 128. 8 sPt cr, rcAllorr c o r, p A C I t o N I M A I r n I A L -91 e; S_t_Al d_.r fc1_ P_fo_c_!_qL4e n !-f !,y--f,l In Oul op,r"On. l||l o.rno ru||t -.ndott ri D.5 at 11.5 13 .-rllc.tbor || lrSi3rtrt t foif no {:t - -!6-2--- dl In orrt op{ron. lrlt dorr5 nol In('ot spactlrcdb'|l .r hd-rlrt !t Itpa a^d rfrrnoa, f tpa t'rd nembal t{umDar of prlLl uqrhod ol aatdho ol atr th tnotrng untlI Ol Comp|(l,on unrlr lntct nrtl ut t,lt morSluta resl ntl r:l ---106-gqd. 16.1 anat rtrarE E rthcaa a rF fl frll lcrlt.d .ncolj !pccrlrc.rl,ons qcont.,rctr)r odvrtcd O f ult trnro ( bt.r'tit'('n cr\Pu I t trrna ooaartrlloal placingadditional fill. ^ Fran 'Quinn ln,1 r39416 p1313nt\ og.At}nt l.rj t'|ad et a,et.Jlt Ul ur/, Obsgtvdlron r.rt l,ll IJtncomonl Wrlh0vo.otr(ru(h In' cmllaclct lo conhnlta applytog the.ocrJnrmor'dGd ccrmplctrro cf lr)rt .nd mo, ,rb to tnc ftlloufrtlg lunar thon 'fut oblatvat rl nol otrlr.rrng oporllronr Torlt uro .ndda ol lho lrll ontt !1h{arro nac.'ur ry r., carrbrrlo orrr obs.,rvo. I iudgomrnr loSr oard a(o ,ror Ina rota barr! tol@r'l.oat on lhothct lha lrtt meOtl ipaCrtrcat,o,rr cc: Briner G f. Scott JVA llensel -phelps Donr:Drce ,'c6,.'rr? Wc recomrnend that material be reworked and dried closer to optimum rngisture content and'i6fd5tid jbefbr 2'Below Slab Gr. II'iTetiw Slab Cr. ot 5t.fiVf H . 'iit; _:' ro L&i{'Pro{e1.s_l-9lgl _!1C1n9eI: n.(). Box J2_9__ Vail, C0 81657 -.-GIY chen end associatr:s, irlc. t!!E I coNsutIrNG cEoTECHNrcAL ENGrNtLns 16sN6. 22,q!2 o^te 2/25/82 o^rlv RCFoRT io.-4J-tff--L-d -.L,suEJCCt Fru. C:dAtn| I ttaru[ .J R In o,r up,i,,orr lrrt 0'rrpr.rtrt ,n!.stt tpacrftolllona f irta*fU O'1 toit .,t., rsl -iq5A',- 1961:-169 fl In O'.,r (ri)rr',ol|. trit rlqu> rrot ,r'ot gpactlrcallona O hO*alad D|l tcst no l:, -.-- l6-8 n Fttt trlt(,d,Trculr | !jca't,a-ll,OnS E CCnl..lclirr orrtlsdd Cl fult l,nru ( Oldr\.tlri,n ll Purr trma o!|a.urdot pnocgl.ss ftf polir A lanp l-e of base course material was obtaine, for mois_ture-dens:i!1 Jslationship deternination. Tests 165' and 166_1 ale rctcsts of locations tested on 2/24182- tllfratr trtttt,ttta I MAI r.RrAL .95% standard Proctor dens ity5Pf Ctf lCAf lOh CCJT.IPACItON b e 1or,i floor slabs 1 loarlcr, I JD 550 dozcr, I hand aa5 tttoJl' !, rtDd r,rrttItpr mo rurrno.rr ftpa rAld nuarb., llu,ntat ol Farat rr.rhod ot r.tdng ol llrtn movrng unrlt ol coarpacl,on unrtt .lnrClr)crt mortlura _- _,,I.o.ng doubl o. d rurn vibratori lofl-er - I tland- eqmpaLcjgl____._ -r,,rr --Bl!---.r2| rhrl lapln plarortlt ()prn,(Jft ! l(r, rn6d dt r re 5.Jrt ol oot obsotvahon ol f,ll pldcomont wo||610retuuoon In' cotllllclc, lo contrrr.,r .ppltrng lhd Ircrrr,rndardod complclry.r ollo,l rnd tnorllsfb to tno lrltostrng lrnal s''on .lu( oorrrrerf '| not or.,5.rr *rrg opotrtront Tcltr ore mrda o, rha lrr! onty 6D.lard ,lEfrrary.to catrDrtto our obs.r,vrrr.: l,rogornrnt. rsrl oala tto not lha tota bar€ lo,OFntOar| OA rnoth€r Int LI meott JrracrtrCdtrorrr cc: Briner 6 F. Scott HenseI-Phelps r\t tn: Itttro !oca I roaa la SltrtS D€PI|| OR tr'avAtrOar ab.al _-_::= olrt t fnSrl r -\D. 5. ll .5 Col um4 l,ines N 2\I B,G.128. B D.S. 13.2 Colunn Lines N It 128.8 1.0 3 t),2. 9.S eolumn l,ines N 2' B.G.128.8 I (,e ).5 13.0 CoIumn l.incs tt 135.3 tOrll lItO nttforc rbl OHY O,f..5r. I .. r.r naa r.rJrl llll|r' 30ria€llrtll 9.0 122.1 12.8 95 siltv sandv sfave I -*--- tt lr9.0 I23.2 II,9 96 9.0 r16.7 I6. 5 91 8. t t29.6 8.I 96 Base Course .tvA Dan re l eM lIoJess.rana_1_il]Iainsers ___ t'}.0. Box 726 Vail- C0 81657 _ {!!!i Al Story - - ='r---EtU r rI ffrA ts chen and associatr:s, idc. L-Z T CONSULTING GEOTTCHNICAL TNGINI.iRSTT-Ir laanrtl Itatttttara IOAXO 22'802 *DAIE Ii..u/o'1. oA|LYR€FORTI.O.48 D+tT I d----i- sulJEct F|LL oscnu^noil 3 ?l|Tno spt crncllroh corrpAc r roN l MA r r fi rAL ..9 L-slllrl-i.4 bclow floor slabs Proctor dens ity TADJII' O In o,r up,..,on l,rl 0dn!rsIt .ncotl tpactllcatloat I il5i:ald !t I 16'l nc |ri - -- . In ovr alpr"'orr llrl (ru.r) ,1ol uir'ol lpaCtftC|||lo,rt aa lt|dEaaad !'.o lcrl nu {:l rftl al|c|S !. norl r rn er t pa-tld turrnb{r ol aarlh rnorrng unrtt -I loadtrr', l.JI) 550 dozcr, 1 doubledrurn haud'vibrator5eonrprctor - -_- TyDr faa aurnDct ot Compacliorr unrtr IurnOar ol pattat - Malhod ol ttklrng mgr1ji/y; . L }rand- conpactoJ -*- el llll _ non e g" - L2" l0 Ftll lcstro .trc0l., rp lil CcnlrJct(,, n'l r5':d O fult t'nru ( oturr.ll,l PROGRI: SS n[. PO trT ucrlrC,rl.OrrS rn S Port trrna Olaawalldl f hrt,ap!n platonll ')p'nrQn3 |rrrrflad dt l.cr,rtl .,1 ou( obsor|,dlon ot tr ptacamont Wohavo,etroom Ina COnlllclOf_tO CO.tlrriea .pptytng th., roCJfi,m6lrded COlnpACtty€ Otlo.t dnd mO,rlutb tO tno ltllo|,trng lxnal rh6n ..)qt ootttrtl || nol (rtrldryrng oporaltonr Telll nre rnado ol lha ltlt only arDallyaO ,lacaataft lo Catrtt.dta our Obs€,v!. t ludgOtnefit lort dtta ara not Ina lota balrt toaOpa.d\f oa fftth€r tht lr{ .rreota lpacrtrcdtrofircc: Brincr 6 F. Scott llensel -Phelps Dan Bert a Caine Baron Bv: S,D.+ ta tlro toc^ t rora If6t I r?f oftlx OA Glfv^lroa. lh.ll OrtY C€tr5rl t {0<ri 170 D. 8. 12.0 Column Lines N r B.c.135.3tI). 5, 14.0 Colunn l,ines N tt 13s .3 t72 D.3, 10.8 Colunrn Ljnes l\I B,G,i35.3 173 0.8, 13.0 Column Lines N I B.G.135-3 155.5l1a0.9, 14.0 f lol unrn Lines tl I Oflr trrro orcrltl b(tr ofN5r, I . r,f rttl irrlr l0ll|r' go'il3lrarrtl 8.1 135.6 /.J 100 e Course i 8.1 L-lJ. /8.3 99 lf It ll ll .l - rt tl 8.1 128.1 11.5 95 8.1 I3t.4 8.4 97 8.1 131 .3 8.8 97 tl tl .JVA Otr! t.f rv t rr rtmrtotf t rO Lt,M Prl)fss,s*janAl llnei!.ge.l'! P o - lrnx-]2h_ .Vail. CO 81657 sP€CI'ICAIIOK COI.|PACIION I MAI T RtAL below f,Ioor slab chen and associatts, inc. CONSULIING GEOITCHNICAL ENCINitRS 16s;6- 22.802. o*S 3/1-182 oltLyReFcrntrlo. rrq ent I #3- Eu!.rGCt ttLr. SERrrAltOI 3 tllfHo Sinrba Run - Fil.l under slabnainatEl Ir0trlt!tta _?.t_- r3I!94 _rl1 g c191 delat :_O ln Oe, .rp,i.,on lrrl 0t nprdl|t ,rrr.slr tpactllclllotra f irrO,afffO q 16rl n(/ til * -.n In 0lrr (rp rro.r, r,ti ou!5 rrot 1,,)ot spacttcalaona at Llo|Gl|d t PROCAT:iS NF PO{1I loll no l:l r.rd d|clE Da.rid Q -.Jfypl lrld n$mbar Ot tt.th rnofrng enttl Tttt. and n|.l|nbr? ot Comptctron unrl! I Loadcr, I .tD 550 rlozer ftrrmDa, ol p$sar -, _-_ _: . thrchnc!t er trlt 12" L.lho<f ol tctdrng morrt\.lo -,--!-O.nC I nr3 ,op&n pfarlnti r)t 'nron ! l.rrtncd a t r re 5'J rl Ll our obsgrvdlton ol tll ptdcomonl WohlrofatrooO Ina COnllacl0t lO COnlrnua appttrng thd rOCiJn,rnafldod COtnp&CtrvO Oltora end ,nOrrtefO lO lhO ltlloutrng Imat fhon .:rur oo!6rra. tt not (-,1r,,.'r irog 0po,llront rgtlt oro mad{ ol lha hll onr, rltrratrd f|.aalaa.y ro crrrbraro o!r ob50rf6r t luo06tnaol l06r drtd aat nol lna lola ualrt lo,O9rl.qU OA thothat lna lrl rr,e6ts tp.c,trcdttorrr 0[ Frlt l.'rlr'(t rncul r : prcrlrC.tl,ons Sl Ccnlr.rclt)r Ortrttdd O Full l,rrru ( Oti||r.t|,!,n t! Pgrt trtna OD|.ftttlCl i doulil e -drir'irr irr,La vi6ra1'oivcomp c t Q_rr . Lll a_l_rg- c'onuirc:Lqf- cc: IJriner lj F. Scott Ilensel-Phelps Dan Berta fIll a.o I oca I rofi rt6t IYP! OCPIN oa CLTYAI |o'T lt Cl O,rY c€Nstlr(tcll IPA D.2, 9.5 Column Lines N ' B.G.158.3v n -i IO R Colrrmn Iinr'c N tt 138.3 t7,1 D. B, i0,8 Column Lines N tl 138.3 175 D.4, 12.0 Colunn l, in es N 6" 176 D.7, 12,6 Colunn Lines tt t38.3 t77 r78 D.5, 13.9 Column Lincs N tl I38.3 D. 1, 14.3 Column Lincs tt 138.3 lOxr 'r.to EWIorc (%! oftt ofn5t. I . . ,.inta irJr I arfl|rI grtactrlrlrtl IJ].J rl.2 98 silty crushed grar 7q 133.7 7.6 97 ll tt il 7.5 133.6 8.8 97 tl tt 1.5 135.9 7')98 rl ll 7.5 156. r 6.6 98 it tl 7.5 I JJ , U /.5 98 t?ll 134.0 7.8 97 It ti ll Cairie Baron By: S.D. JVA Otr!f f lvL ii te LEt'l Prp f e_s_s-f_9llq1_!nCgr9_q1: P.0, Bo:t_QQ_ \ir i l. CO 3l 657 Attn: Al Story SPtClf lCAltON COITPACItON I MAIttitAL .rbaxo, iz.loz 'o*te 3/IlE2 o^rLY R€FOfir lo.-{g-|}€t '' d 2_ suBJ€gr f|LL sctrAnofl r?r|TDa Sinba Run - Fill under slab lf El rI r r I fril E chen rnd associates, inc. D'Z I C0NSULT|NG GE0TICHN|CAL rNGtNtrnS D --1 I t-ar-aE ItatEtttrra !A8O,l]r Typr rn<t a|l|rOar ot comptct,uh uftrt! NumDar ol gttrat _- *. ..-..- ultcrnrtr ur l,lt _ _ --_-_ Uafrod ol aaldrng mo|lle.t cc: Ilf inef ti F. Scott llens e 1- Ph e lps JVA Tnrr lop4rn lXrrrnrt r)p,n.(r^! l.,rtncll a3 a rr.5,,rt r/, or,r obsarvdlton ol f'll ptdcom.nt wo hlyo tclrudofl Ina ConlrlclO, to uontrnvr applrrng ltld r0colt,r.rrot,O6d comprctrv0 olir:rt .16 ao,r,rrr, tO thO lrtldetrng rxnar rhoir ,r'r oblorear rr nor ob.)€r Jrnq op6arrront ro|lt dlo ,"o" of ,a r,ri on,y ",hlaraC .tactlrrry lo Citubrato Oe, obr.rrt.r. r ,udgomant Tolr otta ata nol lha aota Oattt lO,oF t..xr3 oat t Eth€r lha lt{ meott rpacit,cotrorrl 0 In o"r op.i,,on lrt 0rrnor.rrrt .ncotr tpaclllCallqra I L|tlU|llt t 16rl no t5) Cl In or'r olrr,,orr. htl duur rrot ntcot ipactlrc.llo|ta aa hat*t5 Dt test n() {:l att. altor5 Da rffi t rF } IQ Ftll lcr.tr,o ntc(lti : pticrlr!.rl,ons B Ccnltrrcltrr r'ltt r r: cd O Fult l,nru r bldr\ Jt'r'n I8 P,.r I lrma ooaaftatldr PflOGRT:;5 NFFOIiI Dan Berta Cairle Baron By: S.D. AttmfEott r.t,,. ."r-,.,',' ?ii6 OIrrf" trvt tt lI tl rO r oca I r(r{I€6I r rPa ocptn oa E|'tYAl ro|a lr..rl ollv f €isrl r {er r) 179 D.2, 14. I Column Line N t B. (;.138.3 o I1.0, 13.2 Column Linc il '' B, G.138.3 Iril l).4, 9.5 Colunur l,ine ' tt.Lr.i38.3 I Oril AarO orac l!al ottt ofnS'. t ., r.9 t|rili.trll|l|rl clsrcrtrItl 7.5 r34.4 8.1 97 ilty crushed grave 7.5 I33 .4 8.7 96 I tt It 7.5 I ?< q 7.9 96 tl fi tl r.=,SJgEF;, ro: - L6M Prqfefsjqlll hqi,rtc-qtq I'. Q_,__Bo-x -72Q _. \?ri t - (lO*816q7.___-_ ,1r. l"n. A1 qr/\rv __-j.+llr'Jtr.,Lvr.j- ilEAU chen and associ:rte:i, inc.Il l\rr t-IiL: il CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL TNGINIENS t.frBi lrttlt tralrtttttl .roeruo 22.802 _0A16 3/2/82 DATLY REPofitttto._qo 6rftu_of l SUEJEC' ?ILT OICRYATIOII I lt fn.o Sinha llun - FiIl under slab I I6t rO !0cA I r/ 'tl o{rt lX.|rit I t u'!r I orc t%J tJil r Otk5lIv (pal, r.ot6luia@frr3TIT g,fr'l si 1t crushed ravel10.6 Column Li nes 0.2 CoI umn L ines ,PECtf ICAIION COMPACIION A MAT€NIAT bclow floor slabs 95e; standard Proctor densitv 138.3 l1< O In ou, oprnr )o. lr gonar.||ly moets cprlliClllOOt at indicatad !t l.6l t'u rn) O In O'J, oprrr',)n l.lt Jrus /'tdt tt,out lo5l nu {5, f Xl Fttt t",,t,,o ,roul5 spci,t,l. dl,Jr)s rpactllcallon! .| lnd€atad t tl tt -{-- I tPa a|tO numbar Ot f tpa a^d nu.nbar Ol 'lumoal ot prtrat ,:a,rr.,,,oy,nu unrri I {1, llq -4"tsl'_]_lg?*qlr__ ____I do t) I e (trum Jt:tn(l vrl)Iiltory coml)ilct( Lr'rpdcl,on ufrts t hanil c.onrpacJol__ Inrctnb!3 ot trtt 12" Ind rhoukl I rtnord oa .Etaa Ual,toat Ol adOng nio,rt,rr.non e [l Cr.rr ll,rtl; ] rorr5( J (] llll t,r;ro oD ti,r r.tt,c.l PROGfTLS) nEPOril --- )cl Pdlr trrna Ob ra,raliOrl I nf r ttPoal ptaran l: oi,nror,: lr, r,r,ed t5 a ttsult ol our (rt,horvd lron ol lrtt pldcomcnl. wo hivo,ottoo)n fil conulctoa t€. c rnl In uo opptltAO lrru r rr{.ortrr ',ilrrdoo colnpaclrt olloat rnd motttu]o to lno frtl,ur|ng fuDat lhcn uur LL|,dt.et rg nOt L!:il ,'og upotlttOna. T6st3 at., m&dC Of tha ftll Only aIl.r,a{d n*altaat to cdlrordro our obs€rver'5 lldgorrunl Tort oatr rra not lha lota balra l{.r,rp|a (xr| qt xt|.||,dt ]h! lrtr rrrcqls spacr,lcatro[: cc : Ilriner & F, Scott llensel- PheIps --!an*-Lerta- * --Caine Baron bv S.D, ltnor€o It 6" B. C, JVA ()1,:;r.it vf R , , :*,'' .cnen eno assoctales, Inc. CONSULIINC OEOIICHNICAT ING INTTNS JosNo 22,802 o^re 3/3/82 DAILY REP(tRt rc. 47 arg I t I sueJlcT frLL oBCrwAltdt | ?tlrtrF S_!!b:t__Bul rp.crl|crllon u lnaca5 !' lrd atrouE Da rl||d d r- 11. tr M Prgfes-sional -Enging_crs I.O. Box 72_6 Vaii. Co. 81657 At tn : I\lr. Ray Story Itl|lnarr trttrtllrla r c r r I cA I roH c orrp^c r.oN I M^ r r R rA L _ 9 5 % _s_tjrtrrligd-.Prgq!-s{__d s !_sL!(_ o O In our up,r'ron ltrt 0dnoro t ;n€ott tpGrllolllona aa lrfrkald ltl lo)l no trl [l In our (]pI"oA. lrll ouui nol nrdol rrntar of parral : roo ol aat{trr9 pa r/rc rLrrno., ol atrtn rnortng unrtt _ p. ItrO numOat Ol Com9acl,otr unrlr lland GOmpaetOl-_* - 4-5 -..lhrclnerr ut trtt - 8t, rnoctur. Natura l-- ,r lapoal Ptrlianlt (lp'nronl lDtmad at I r€trJlt ol ou. obsg(udlron ul lrll trticamont Wo htyo r"hoolM conltlctot to conlrn|Ja apptyrng th€ .acrJ||rmo'|dod compactrve ollorl and mo'!lurt to tho f.tl,169 U.firat ltron 'rqr obtaryaa lt not obsntflng opoltlronr lotlt 4.0 mada of tha lttl only tll.t.d r|I.frtary to Calrbrrto oua obscrvor't ludgOmant. lagl d.ta ara nol Ina tota Oatrt lo?r^.drl Orl rhclhor lha I'[ meatt tpacrt,Catro.rr cc: Ilriner fi Scott llensel Phelps losl nr, (." I Flll lcttt.d ,nc0! i :pI]crlrc.llrons conlraclr)r odr rtcd Full I'nl$ r btrr^.t1,(rn OlPorl trrnt o!|arualloal backfill over 8rr nlunbi8r'plunbing line along Column-Line E,6. Ilesults of moisfure-density relationship deternrination performed on a sampled of minus 3/4" base course obtained j"t the site orr Februar\',22. 1982 are attached. Dan Berta Caine Raron/SD rtrnoYtro tt q R o talIr€lClCaIr()|(tftt I Y9t N oa?tx(r' cr lvAl lotr|l.rl __:a? Onv ( tRSrI r lFrt I (r l) Column Line E.6. 9,1 4'Below Siab Grd.128. 8 Colunrn Line E.6, 9.7 N 128.8 l;0 Column Line E.6, I0.7 N 128, 8 t:l Colunn Line E.6, 11.3 N It 128. 8 l;l (lolumn Linc 8.6, 12.3 N tt 128. 8 ?O{Y tralo E ?rtlorc(tu Onl ofN5r. t |i..r, .. r,' nal r.r..l afallr| gslct||l Itl 9.0 1,23.7 t2.o 96 iilty sandy gravc tt9.0 t24.2 11.6 96 9.0 t25.4 t2.6 97 tl 9.0 124.3 12.7 97 rl 9.0 122.7 11.7 95 It OIJ5[llvt ll r at!a I tt a ttI i TI h* i{ .;l ',. glAV ltl'lrlal lo llt aE tt.arrCl GRADATTON TEST RESULTS olavaL 4'1 f rlxo 41 f tlLT axo cLaY LrorJao Ltrrrr % tLllriclrY lxorx MOttlulI - tGtcGxr or EIRY 9':l6HTi0 15 oollrl I 1s% 7o 20 t5 I lo L 6 rlo :Ua tlO " t lo; tlIllt ,oo ao CO't!4PACTION TEST r..? trocrovrt ,'\s fl l i'-698 Slit!. clushed sllvel RESULTs Itle t hotl "C" co}{ta€ tl ox ?,AM'Lf O/ F NOM I rortrvrl - 0rv Otr3ttr Cu1:1| r2l,80l otPrH :/ )6/6: cA-l rOL_[ l'1 I'r'olc_s_s1o1ru_]_ l;19 I rrc_cls I' n Daw ??/. Ylil, Co. 81657 ^ttn: l'1r.Rav Story _-- ffi t.Et I ttBottE Itr!ttll!tra ,,'-,;Cffiit chen end associatcs, inc. CONSULIINC GEOITCHNICAL INGIN[TNS JoE No _ 22,802 oare _s,/J3/il_ DArLYREPoarr,o. 5I agr 1. c I SUIJCCT RLL OECNYANCTil ' 'I!TI'.OSinba Run- Fill Under Slab acorta sPf Ctf rCAltOhe---COf,tpACTrOf{ e gAltrrrAL _ 9.5e0 st a-n!ar..l l,ISq.Lal <lens_ity ol at n movrng unttt , ol comp..l,on unrt3 I14ncl LJOrnpae t Or. , , In orrr up,r,,on hrt ounoru[/ m!'oti tplrflcttloat| aa lAathatd t lsil no rs) O In Orrr Ofirt''On. trtl (tuoi nol fllr.Ol 3pacthcalk!.tl al lnOa-d !t lCll n'r l:l fl Fttl lr'...lyd flrcut; : pucrIc.ll'ons R Co n lrrrcl()r 0dvrrdd rj Full trnto ( blor!.tl,(|n oForr rrrnc o DaarYatloat PnoGA[SS nIPOtiI Fivc in-placc density tests were taken on backfi.ll over'8n plunrbing line alonq Colurnn Line E.6. llcsul t s of moisturc-denstty relations rrcrformcd on a sarnlrlcd of minus 3/4tt base coutse obtainctl ;rt the slte_o11_fghrggrrr,.25, 1982 are attached. T tpt rno r|rrmbrr f yt}. l^d nurnOal Xe h, ol patrar l|c thod Ot tatdn{l a,ral l|toutl !a.rtroad d r-. - 4-5 ---- lhrcrnrlr ur rrrl .nor:,tu.r .Niit fr{. a I --_ Qrr rntl rog<'lt prriant! ttp.nron! t.rtmcd at I rc:,rlt ol ()i). ob50f vdtron rrt t, l)titcomont wir h&rd,et,0dOn lM COrtttlctOr tO Coaftnla rpptyrng tho.ocorrrm{rr.dod romptCtt,o o t)rt dnd mOrrt!to tlr tho,rllovr,^o l.'ntt wnon.)ur obrarvar rt not attr.,u,,rnq olroraltonf Tottt oro mdda ol tho lrI rtr',y afb.larrd .acaarlry to catrbratc Ou, rrf)slrvoi., lrOgornrnt lo$ Otta il' nol tna tota barrs lurOpr^.sra OA r'|othcr lha htt mectr trfcrtrcatr()ht cc: I] rilrer G Scott ,]VA Ilcrrse I I)helps Dan Berta Caine Raron/Sft Atfnor.co av ' . ,L_-_4&L Column Linc ll.6, 9.1 Co l unrr l,i.ne [. (i Column Line L,. 6, Co l umrr Litrc 6, 11.3 Column Lirrc Ii .6 A I trrr Ir6t I rgt oa ?tH oa €tCVAlrOlr lh..l __:y onv { fr.Srl t lp(ll 4rlJelow Slab Grd.128. B ll 128.8 N ll 128. B N tl 128. 8 \I tl 128. 8 lOrr tl'ro ELfri0rc a'tel Ont Oar.rsr. r l!' t, .. r,i tt-{isrlartl|r' qDrlrctl!.l|lr qn L'23 .7 12.0 96 ilty sandy crav qn 124.2 11. 6 96 tl Iton'l )c ^12.6 v.u 9.0 1ttt.5 12.7 97 122 ,7 tt .7 oq ll otustfivtrt I t9a an(t a.Urriba, ol .,orrr, rr,OftnU unrtl Ytpa rnd lrrJsnoat O, ( 0:lrpdrt,Of' unrli cc: Briner & F. Scott Ilense I -Phel ps I JI) 550 rlozct', I loaclcr, I, d p r rb I ci tl r11 1qi !!!fiIl t o i 1-- 1,:r n rf -c-o rrrp-dt ti. l)ilnd conDt c to r sls/82Josilo. 22,802 - oere o^tLY REFORT l|o. lZ-ArCrr-J- C suBJGCt Frtt otEGnY^noil I tttnr€ Simba tlun - Fill under slab and at|o 116 ba rmord oa ,awr. rlr, cl,.lit5 rI Pdrt lrma Obaawatiol Contractor was advised to rework fill placed ..r1,.iIffii;. ro' -t.Ut .lto-feS-S ienq-l . !4gi1e-e,rg - P.o. BoL 126__ . Vail . cQ -8-105J ALtn: Al,:fqry_ 5P€CITIC^TION COMPACIION A MAT EttIAL bc low floor slabs -0_- lHmoar ol gtrtar . ..lhrchnurs ot r,rr - -- 1&'-l O Ftll tr,;t|tt rTc!i: sp!.] 0l C.r'tract; r rn r rsr-J O f Ull t'ri,u obtu|r!lrcaffahoal o, aOo|ag mo,rtu.. l nrt topotl PfaLnt t oil,nrq.,,- lLr msd al a r sr" I Ll uut (/l,sorvatton (il ltI pl,rcomonl wgntva,oltodon lft. conuaclol lo c ont'n,,o d ppl t'ng lhs | {r(..}|| t|,,srtdoo uornpocttyo e tiol t rnd tnortturS to the lrtldrrl.n9 lunal rnen oL,r cDtorrer rs rrot ol,tirr,rng opo(rlronr Toslt aro mada ol tha hll onty rlbalarad aacaltar, lc c.lrordrc our ob:diecr'5 ludgarnrnl rSrt orla ara not tfra rora baarr lo,oprrto.|r Oal rna[,dr.tr,s ltt .r,cutt sgacrftC.rtro||: non c PSOGfiL'ri ft EPOITT glrllgj!-c-,ruirlls rviti a hand compactor. It uas also recon- nended to_.contractor to reduce lift thicknesses to lr or les and rewolk area of test No. 194. Dan Berta I qJH chen and associ:rle:i, inc. IiL: H CONSULIING CEOIECHNICAL INGINITRSITryIq tlaft-aH Irttratrtra 95eo standard Proctor dens ity $l ln or.rr eprnr )n. lrtr !snorrrr/ nllolt rpaclliCttbfla at iridtCaLd !t t.,rt r...1 i5r - --1q.9--19-q - - In O,,lr oprr,r,)n l' .lalu! not o,out ,pc€rllCrllo0l al ladtca5 !' lusl no (!r - 194 - - lSalrt tOCAII^N IrS l I YPT, otPtn ott lltvAfrOtrIt ll _. .^9-: Fl|, Di:h5r I t l'!l) 190 E. 8, 9.5 Colunn Lincs N 6r'B.138,3 L, 3. 9. I Co lumn Lines N 6rt B G.138.3 l9l 0.0. 9.4 Column l,incs N 6" B, G.138.3 t92 [.5, 9,9 Colunn Lincs N 6r'8.G.138.3 193 E, l , 10,6 Column l,ines N ll IJ5. J 194 F.0, 10.8 Colunm Lines N It I38.3 oflr tlflo i Ert t0uc l"6l {/li r Ot risrtt lpitl uolElr.tl@IfaalFI corraGtrotItt 7.5 ris. z .J 98 silty crushed grave 7.5 132.9 6.9 96 tt It 1.5 132 .0 10. I 95 tl ll 7.5 139.2 5.9 100 ll tl 7.5 138. 0 6.2 100 lt.tttt 7.5 r24.7 8.1 90 tt ll Caine Baron ,,VA OlrJr:itvEfr .L3c-, ro I.&[L.l)rofessional [nginccrs... __ f .0., llol J2-6__ . \1;r i I. CO 41657 At t n : Al_ 5!r, fy__ _ $altffiatul tral!lllrrf .16s N6 22,802 OAT€ 3/ lO/82 o^try REFoRT r,to. -5j_stIETJ_ or -t_- sug.rEcT ftLL o3itBvATtoH I tEaT0€ Simhjl Rrrn .- FiLl under slab rp.cillcrtbna .r ladaa5 Dy atu rtroirld !a lrnor-| oa lator!-;;ffi, or t,,rrr. ,, "-",, ,^r, , .rD s.5o ,r;;.,- t i;;;, ||st..ttnxnb.,or,,-0o.,,.,n-.n,,,tdi"lijfi.rltiUlol'r:'tTlr:itulll-':Titt" tau'rlDat olpart.t. _ - thrctno55 or r,rr ._ ]9'l_ 5P€Crf tcArtoN coMP^CI tON t uATEntAL 95% standar-d ?r'octor density beIow floor slabs Ual'rd o{ aaLtrng n;o,stu.a - _ _,__ _ngnc cc: Brinei" ti F. Scort llense 1- Phel ps losl n() (5) -. 0l fttl trrlr,O n'outs !puCrlt. ct'irt5 Cf Cur'trd a t,.: (1r,sc.t Ll lUll |'r;1$ oLlul!atr0n ){) Pd.t ttma Obrartauoo pRoGfrE:i5 nEpOl,iI .lt _has becn -e..comnended that c lift thickncsscs to I' or .,s,'| nra 'lPoal Pf!&.rlt oit,|t\t.t'- tor lr,do l.J a rcsr.J rl o, Lur obr.rreittton ol lrll pldco{nanl wdltlyctoltodon lha coaluxloa lo c"nlrnLo appltrng lri|.| | \rc orll,,(rt rd6o cornpacltre ollo,l tatd,nottrur! lo lno lllldsrng hrn.B rh&n'u'/, cL5dr r€r r: nor .,Lrur log oporattonr. Tostt lro |Irada ol lha lrll ofily rrhaavad nl[urf t lO cdtrDrdt6 Our obsrrr,cr'5 lrOgCrntnl. fort Oelr arr nol lha tola batta lO,(rplrLolll gl $rCtlrdr I l,! lrtt n,Cutt SgOCrftC !trO|l! Dan Berta Caine Baron By: S.D. AltFUtorr 3aa chen and associ:rle:i, inc. CONSULIING OEOIECHNICAL TNGINtERS O In oer oprnr )n. hI gdno.r||/ nrootr lpacllactlbor at in<ticatad !t loal r,u lil O In O,.r{ Op|lrr,)n l,ll ..t-ui ndt n,odt tatl rao rClC A f l|.rta rt5 r I YPtr OIPIH otl CLTVAII()li Itial -.11_u: Olrt Or:hur r it,! | I :.6. 10.6. Colunn i, ines N 6" B.C.138. 3 l0_-,_E _ _QSlUrnn l.!-! es N tl 13B.3 L ines N tl l38i-1 138.3 l9 20 l;.3, l2.6, Column Lines N I',0, f 4j,12 Column Lrnes N tl l3B. 3 I1.6. 14.7. Colunn l,ines ll 138.3 L.0, _9. 4, Column Lines,_N tl 138.3 ol|Y arito E IIllouc l"al (,fir OItr5t rt rtit) r|or6Trta@xrt|tItl cet'rcr|clrll 7.5 r 38.9 7.5 r00 silty crushed grave 7.5 131.8 8.I 95 ;l tt ll 7,5 139.7 6.7 100+It tl lt 7.5 139.8 6.0 100+It tl It /.)130.8 9.1 95 tl tt lt 7.5 r34.2 6.4 97 tl tt 7.5 138 .4 ', .t 100 ll tt ,tvA O l, :: r:fi vE fi fO: t r,ll P'., fes S.iAnir..l-ljngAn ee T-s, \/air, co g]l}5trl ^++,\. Al Q?^t\,f/1lLlr. rrr v\v:il , .,::.i:ltW*ffiFl ilSlE chen and associ;rteri, inc. [|L:f il coNSUTITNG cEorEcHNtcAL [NGtNEtRs EE'- torttqtrtrl tr0ttt!ttta ' ''r;"i - ' ' - ''--1F:" .1ssN6. 22.802 oet: 3/10/82 - oArLY REPOflT trt. -q3 6[*tt 2 q; 2 suB.rECr frll oltERv Tloi I ?ctTuE Simba Run - Fill rrnder slab j ffsl a.O tOCa I ||.|tl rt st I YPf I AllL,rl ;.;,;,;'l' C'!r I ot nirl r l,!rl l|3l r'Lr {s) O In our oprrr',rn- f'll dJdl n()r n,o,rl rpacrllcttlotrf at ladtctLd Dy lo5l nd t5t - .. 0l Frtl lr!t(d rrosir spdcrrr!dti.ln5 0.9. Colurnn Lines SPECrrtCArtON COMPACItoN e MAI€frrAL _. 138.3 : Cl In oer oprnr )n. lrt ilunorclr/ mloft lpacllacatbfl af indicatd !t -o-- Itpa and t{tnoat ol t irrrn {,Ov,ng unttl f tga aald ndnba? ol (.onpdct,on lrnrtg tlumDar ol palrrs uorho.t of xtt$g anal alrouL! !a tttror- d ragla __ lhrcln|'5i ol Llt .-_6l Currtrdt tir rOr.sr J D f ull (,,i,c obirrrratrc11 Ct PN,t l|'na ObtatYauoalmO'5luta PROCfrt Sl.i nEPOtiI lnrr rapon FrratilS cii'nrLrr'! lor.r'ed t5 atetsllt'l uut otrsorvattonot ltllpl.rcontanl Wonlrarottgdon lia eonllclof lO cr.illl'r'u6 appttrng lttu rg( (r||r.,urrduO Cornpccttyo otiott rnd mortluaolo Inc lrll{.fr,,u}3 hmaa rhcn Lu, Qrrslt tol 13 not oLlur rrng oporatronr. Ts:t! rro ma6a ol tha trll onlt rsDahaural ntatraat to cdrrbrdru o\r. obSnrvc. ) ,udgantant rccl dalr rra not lha aota ba$r loJupdr.Otll Oat rlrctlrdrrt r'! trll rr,cutr SpaC rlrc irtrons cc: Briner & F. Scott .JVA I lcn se I - Phe lPs Bert a |rot6||nl@|rlgttt E . ttrfa ilty crushed grave7.5 Dan. _ OtJ::r:fiyER t P.O. Box 726 V;,i1. CO 3J6SJ___ Attn: Al Story ..a.ii--i .1s8,N6 22,802 -3yitl!t/ll/8zK-l\I nhon onfl gggggiltte:i, inr.sH n r'rtrY'r 5r*' "" n'rt' "' rrv'tt rrrl" o^rty REpofiTrrao. 54 srrr I g; I>.ry ffi CONSULTINO GEOITCHNICAL iNGINIIRS suEJECr Fr|I OttE tYATtOfl I TE|T|ITO Simba llun - Fifl under slab$attaatan Itat{ttrtrc MAIETTAL _'J llo strinda r d Irt'octor rlensity O ln orrr (,prn' )n. l|lr gonor{rtl msott lpacllicatboa ar indactLd tt loll t,u I s) 0 ln O.rr Opir ,)n t,tl Jjd! nol n 'or,t tpOCtflcAllgna rt ln6€.Lc D' lost n.l 1r1 -. E ftll trrt,'o rr oLl5 rp!-\'.tlr. dt,J'ts I Orrr trll.O tol rl|rouc teal {.,h r 0t r.5r I Y tpi4 uorSlualcorllT|rI o0ltacraolItl I JJ. /5,5 97 silty crushed grav( 7.5 142,1 A')100 silty crushed srav 7.5 134.8 lJ.l 97 silty crushed srav 7.5 139.7 ).J i00 silty crushed crav 7.5 138 .0 q)100 silty crushed qrav ()!rf { hirl I 8.3 3 gP€Clf lCAf tON COMP^CTION r trr:1ow floor si abs I tp. .6d r.urnD.r ot r):'rrr. rr,ovrnq .,n,,, 1 JI' 550 clo:cr, 1 loader- 1 rloubl c ctr rrm liriftf vibratoiTIyge rnrl numbar ot (.o:np.ct,on \rnrt5 I lrand cOIllpaCLO_I__ __ _ __: lrumba. ot plarar tl.rclri!5! ol trtt 0" --" [Jtt }..thod O, tddtng rr,o,5r.r. _. , -_ . nOnC Tnra trpod FaSan l, Lit,trQ(," lo,tnecl a!ars5utlolu obs(\ydltotr ot tr|| ltdcornonl Wohtv6rsltodon 'na qhuactof [+ t:l/nt,l1r,o appltrng ltru r!( (,l|U.,rrrrduo cornpocltyo ollot] tnd tnorrtuac to tn6 lrtlos'fog un.| ricn !r,, {,tr>61l8t r! not rr,:.Jr rtng opot6lronr. Ta5lr a(o madc of thr lrtl onty r5txlerad nc.rrarr to crrro.drE our ob50rvc1 5 ruogam0nl Torl data laa nol thc aola bltri loaOP|'LO.[ O,r rhallrot t.rs trtt ,ticutt tpacrlrcatrortt cc : Ilri"ner fi Ir. Scott Ilcnsel-Phelps anat g|oulO ba f'ltori or ,arrdL comPr ct Mr.r|tr,,i t- r 'n, i5( J tf lull l,rao otrrb,IdlrcJl PROGtTL:li, n EPOt iT --- rX Pdrt lrma Ooaottauoa Dan Berta Caine Baron Bv: S.D. rartovED lt ItSl r.O rOCAlr^na I ESI I YPE ucP t|l OR tltYAltOaa(L.tl ()!rf O{ hil il,! I I I 1R2-02 D.0, 14.3', Column Linc N Bottom o slab grad F.13,9. Column Lines N It 138 204 D.4, 15.0. Column I-incs N tt 138 ?n(D. 5., 12.0, Column Lines N tt 206 !.0, | 2.3, Column Lincs N It LJ6. Oll:;t.lrvE R t!..",'- *t INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE 2 -72-9t JoB NAME _Eaaa ftu/ CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON g,e! fapsfl WED THUR FRI AM(@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREP CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ; INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL I I I i,^,, 41./kt: JoB NAME '.a-, :llo>',, /t CALLER Hlljl ..rt":l,i',,r @ *s wED rHUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL N POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING E\.ROUGH -_f] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FTDIAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: I - /{' h. ,"#"roN REeuEsr DATE 2 *V 5:z JOB NAME READv FoR lNSpECloN: MoN @ weo rHUR FRt o" @ LOCATION: f<avz 6ra6 'ro| f trr.r.r,-' ttn ,rO BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK T] GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB d tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr A'M tr FINAL fuKppaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ol;:e Z- 7 f""-'INSPECTO CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED FRI I I:i h I 4 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUiiBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING E] POOL / H. TUB Xtr B FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr_tr. 9F6, -tr FINAL *Appaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIHED CORRECTIONS: I I I i rl 1 r I .t INSPECTOR o o6eCr:x rxo ArroctArtr Gomd$ng tndnrn 30[ .nd Foundr0on Englncorlng SoaOtO.l5a . CIETUOOO atn[t63. GOLOTAOO ttaol :B CONCRETE TESTING RESIjLTS Job No. | 2Z,gOz Job Locatlon: Simba Rrr,, Vail Dace Casr I I2/LB/BL Sanpied-ly: Field frgineer, HpCC (Keith) Conrracror: Locatlon: Footing. cc, EE and 55 Ft. of 54 Line Racguetball Cor:rt JJ Line and 30 Ft. of 54 Lj_ne (cR. Beand !t1x Data: 34050Concrete Suppl!.er: Mt. l4obile l4ix Supplterrs Ticket No.: 34059 Truck No.: 99 34050Batch Ouc Tlue: Time Cast: l:15 34056 PHYSICAI. PROPERTIES: UnLt Weight pcf Alr Content Z Sh:np 4% tn. Height ln. Dianerer in. Denslty pcf Concrete Teoperature oF A1r Temperature oF Cyl in der No. Da ce Tested Age Tested Days Compr ess ive Strength (psl) 6l 1?-)1 1 6)jg?n Reoarka: Speclfied Strength: CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner & Scott, Archltects J\A L & M Professional Consultants cHEl{ ar[D ASSOCIATES, ]NC. i t;r;-, -, Freee e h 1e psl ar daye O*.* rxo Arr*,^r.! Cmnne lqlnn Soll .nd Fumdrtbn Ettgfrtoilhg CONCRETE TESTING RESIILTS Job No. I ZZ:$O2 Job Locatlon: Sinba Run, Vail Dbte Cast: 2/17/82 tr-Ot.O.._tt, Field Engineer (HpCC) Contractor: Locatlon: East Building, E1ev. 140 Slab 5 - 9, Line B - G. Hix Data: Concrete Suppller: Mt. Mobile Mix SupplLer'a Tlcket No.: 34577 Truck No.: rC! Batch Out Tlroe: Tlne Cast: 9:15 .: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit tJelght pef Alr Content Z Slunrp +1 ln. Hel8ht 1n. DlaDeter 14. Deosl'ty Pcf Concrete Tearperature oF Alr Ternperature % Cylinder No. Date Tes ted Age Tested Days Compre:'is ive Strength (psl) b5 J- I /28 3710 64 3-1,7 28 3640 Remarks: Specifled Srreng,th: 3000 psl at ---_?t-* daye CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner 6 Scott JVA L & M I-rofessional Consultants CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, INC. [{an s Froeschle I I n ld.t Job No. : 22,-802 Job Location! Siurba Run, Vail Sanpled..Ey: Contractor Locatlon: East Building, Crrx AxD ArtocrAtt oI Conadtkrj En$rrrn 80[ md Foundr0on Englnrorlng . 50t0RD. tt't . oLErwooD stnlfci, co|.o*lDo llcol CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Date Cast: 3/2/82 Elev. 150, 3-9 Line Contractc;: Hens el -PhelPs J / L+ 37LS 37L8 34720 Truck No.: 34722 34723 Mobile l'lix 96 Hlx Data: Concrete Suppller: Mt. Batch Out TlEe: PHYSICSI PROPERTIES: Unlr lreight nelBht Concrete Tenperature Suppllerts Ticket No.: Tlme Cast: 10:10 Air Content Dlaoeter Atr TemPerature Sh.rup 41 Denslty CHEN AND ASSOCTATIS, rNC. Hans Froeschl e ln. Pcfln.ol Pcf ln. oI| Speclfled suenS,thr 3000 psl at --2E-- day6 CC: flsn5sl-Phs1p5 Bri.ner & Scott, Architect s JVA L G M Professional Consultants Cyl inder No. Da re Tes t ed Age Tested Days Compress lve strength (ps1) 1-q 7 2860 oo -1- -'! t I z6 ReEarks: I Gr:" exo Arroqerrl Conatf[ng Engfrrrn toll ard Foundrtbn Englmcdng lOaoBD. tta . OLEI.WOOO Itnlxcs, COLOiAOO tttot ..:.. . ] CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS .. Job No.: 22,802 Jcb Locatlon: Simba Run, Vail Da re Cast '. 3/ 2/ 82 Saurpled By: C6a' --cor Locatldn: East. Building, Elev, 150, 3-9 Line Contractor: Hensel-PhelPs Hlx Daca: JI Lq 5 718 Concrete Suppller: l-tt. l'lobile I'lix Suppllerts Tlcket No.: 34720 Truck No.: 96 ;. t{ fatch Out Tlne:4 PI{YSICAT PROPERTIES: Unit tJelght Pcf Alr Content Z Slurop 414 in' Helght 1n. Dlaoeter ln' Denslty Pcf Concrete Temperature oF A1r Tenperature oF Cyl inder No. DA ce Tes t ed Age Tested Days Comp res s lve Strength (psl) fr5 2860 oo 3-30 4440 Remarks: Speclfled Strength: 3000 psl at -j-8- days CC: tlensel-Phelps Briner 6 Scott, Architects JVA L & M Professional Consultants CIIEN AND ASSOCIATES' INC' Hans Froeschl e 34722 Tine Cast: 10:10 34723 : Ocr,r* exo Asro.,^rrrl Conadllng Engfnren Soll rnd Foundrtlon Englneorlng tCS RD. ila . GLG TOOD 3PfiltlcE. COLORADO !t6ot I Jcb lio.. 22r8,z Job Location: Sinba Run, Vail CONCRETE TESTING Mobile Mix RESIILTS Date Cast:3/ 22/ 82 Contractor:Hensel -Phelps ' .::' Sanpled By: Locat loir: Cont ractor East Building, 3000 Elevation 160, 7 to 13 Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller; Mt. Batch Out Tlme: PI{YSICAI PROPERTIES: Unit Weight Helght Concrete Terrperature Suppllerts Tlcket No.: Tine Cast: 10:10 348S3- 34861 Truck No.: 163 tn, oF Pcf 1n. oF Speclfled Strength: CC: Hensel-Phelps Briner 6 Scott A1r Content Dlamet er Alr Temperature psi at 28 daye Slunp 8L tn. Density Pcf CHF.N AND ASSOCTATES, INC' Hans Fro es qb l e L 6 M Professional Consultants Cylinder No. Da te Tested Age Tested Days Comprens ive Strength (psi) 3-2q 1870 68 4-1q ?A Remarks : Oc"r* exo Arro.,^rrf Cffirlfrry Englnn Soll rnd Foundrllon Englnarrlqg !O$ nD. lta . GLEXTOOD 3PRll{G3. COLOnAOO ll6or CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. : 22802 (Cfren Job *)18160 (HPCC Job #) Job Locatlon: Sinba Rrn. Date Cast | 3/25/82 ConEractor: Hensel Phelps. Sanpled By: Contrastor , to.atloh: Parlring Structure , First lift 56-FE lllx Data: I concrere suppller: M.l4.M. Suppllerts Tlcket No.: 34910 Truck No.: 103 irii.l }atch out TlEe: Tiure Cast: 2:00 PUYSICAL PROPERTIES: Untt welght pcf Alr Content Z Slump 3\ ln' Helght in. Dlameter tn' Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature of Alr Temperature oF Cy1ln der No. Date Test ed Age Tested Days Cornpress ive Strength (psl) 59 4-r 7 2300 ^l 4- ./.1 29 Remarks : Speclfled Strength: 4,000 Psl at zB days CC: Hanqol Dho l ne Bri:rer & Scott, Architects .JVA L & M Professionar consultants OHEN AND AssocrATEs' rNc' Hans Froeschle I ..-.-t DATE VED THUR ( FRI) {, AM} PM\_-,/ l * INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER -MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: pfroor,*o. PLUMBING: / STEEL 66 a-e t <q t FF L u,t€ fa tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEF tr F€UN€*+|€'|+*S+€€ grAt( tsoF.r4 sZD r'*W+ €/ o n tr q /\tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr- N SUPPLY AIR tr a y.6,t tr FINAL 'f;,'^o,=o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED t * IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t\f I Yta t? /- il SPE CALLER JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: t'-E', @ rHURINSPECTION: t /,L/€ e FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PROVED CTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -i r' ,.4 ., a -l rN# .. , .'l CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES JOB NAME 9,o#A dan-/ wED @ rnr or G) LocAloN: lxtr'r,n t E 611 f zn€ EE 6 Fz€u lze -4: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGBOUND D ROUGH / D,W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: I ox{/,,-. AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES. INC. 84OO SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 12 (303) 773-8585 INSPECTION REPORT OF: LocArION, j.tmbn E*il loB No: rNsPEcroR ,4y' 1',//, ^l S "EGULAR HRS : CONTMCTED SERVICES: YES PAGE OVERTIME HRS: OF ea.tr ,4 / ,0t al /tilp DArE: /Z-/d-g/ */r /u.rttug , 7€a> riFl| rf?t tgta i a$n rrFcHAt{lnrl' T€sTlNG I &ta. DATE JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:n BUILDING:' go' rfLvfrflfft,tt-t l1r1' ro t 2G'6 {roorrr'rcs / srEEL (nn ' ;', tr SNDERGR6SND FOUNDATION / STEEL T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS - CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL .:11 O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ove /2 -q- ff rNSpEcroR.. o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB r'l tr FINAL ITIEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - Fl tr FINAL tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL (neenoveo €OFfiIECTTOFIS-' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '{ I D^rE+ tNSpEcroR ,*rir"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL oere,/Z-4.fl--JoBNAME-L r a READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING fI INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL i H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr D O FINAL D FINAL z#nppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED & / -z,z -, / y' .-<-- oerc //-2-V rNspEcron = ' -= 1 f- DATE ' -t REQUEST VAIL .-*{ ,-- -.{ , ,;_/ THUR BD lrv#cnoN TOWN OF JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDEBGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS FIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR a SPEIN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOF IUCnTrOnt INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL/ H. TUB LJ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N T,EMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr D FINAL O FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE 4/ -" .z- 57 rNSpEcroR ,E?."7: INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL sarc .// - 24 - {t JoB NAME - ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr FOUGH READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr N FINAL #nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: ION REQUIRED DArE ,/2 - 24 - 5-:/ lNspEcroR ,"rl="toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL orirt ./a - ,/4 * f ./ JoB NAME -<rr^, /* E READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES LOCATION: O DISAPPROVED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr UMBING: UNDERGROU ROUGH / D.W t-\ :R- : )DS tr FOUNDATION / STEEL NI tr FBAMING ROUGH /WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB E tr FINAL I] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rl["roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ome /o'tz -4 JoB NAME - A Zi4;. F.Z READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES .{:€€ltffOfi!: PROVED tr DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL . ELE trT DF trc n- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME _ Sta 1 E?DATE READY FOR t€€*te+{i CALLER TUESINSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. El ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING N INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL E POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL N FINAL Arnppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTI oerc y'p - ;+'> ?/ rNspEcroR t 'Z " -' o INSPEGTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DA:E 2-- zf " 7/ JoB NAME F'E ANB+-FE*JALSEEqT I O N : JgI+OAlt ELECTRICAL: ln rrvp. PowER tr BOUGH B CONDUIT MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL T] POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL o E FINAL IBAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE /.-.*-f- 87 rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: fl FOUNDATION / STEEL B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr EI FINAL Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: D^rE q- /f-7./ rNSPEcroR IN CTION REQUEST T€IWN OF VAIL ^L o- o SPE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED l(-- THUR @ PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, O ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr o D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: fI HEATING tr FIOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL E] FINAL AAPPRoVED C€hq+E€;+l€rAlS: tr DISAPPRO tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DArE ? -//- Er/ |NSPECTOR /' , ?q,* l. DATEc 'L-{\.I --_J I ,r,/t ,- CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL KI INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS I STEELll rouruoRrr6ru / srEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr D tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,7 2 /'/t - J /. .r- |oArE /t .-'r y' t INSPECToR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lrtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY xII m m m BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL BNAME: Simba Run Condominiums OWNER ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL AODRESS ELECTRICAL FIPM MAtL ADDRESSPLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANI CONTRACTOR IVAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTO lh. prlntlrylvail 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION wxl tv v 2 occuPANcYGRouP fi)r. " , * " DrvrsroN Y6r", o GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Phase II - west building PERMIT NO- zo E BUILDING 3 .660.600 t ELECIRICAL 395.200 PLUMBING MFCHANICAL 444,200 TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR R-1 55,750 4 .500.000 BUILDING PERMIT g -333 - 00 UA}Yl'< ia-*,Q $$ PLAN CHECK 6.066.00 ELECTRICAL 775.00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 4 .450 .00Hew(Xl ltrenmoN ( ) ADotloNAL( ) REPAIR ( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- c.R.F.A. 3Z-B9SaeonooMs COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN fi. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING -UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE 28,423.50 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 30n - n0 CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 500.00 rourAl PERMTT rF@ I $49 "847 .50 INSULATION IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE D^^f ^,.-+^- 6,.-+ L^ ^1 -^^ tr,ttl Conc.Atr zoNlNG NOTES' r\utjr sJ5 Ltrrr rrru-\ r. rrF r r.r:\ Pl 1)dead spaces adiacent to mainentrv door Fi hero t ce 6ll p-21 just remain "dead"2)GRFA is at maximum F'i berg ass 10"R-30 a I fowab le = LZI ,86zsq . ft.3 ) bus shel ter agreement lefore penni t4) landscape rlan n, HEAT KIl);rin-rl,u ,rr*--r:[ ,.,r, , /'n , I.t:r,rn eLEc: !tr59!93yd I cAs: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN DIST.TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES' -g/o:d'- ln, I ealE 6-30-81 :3'',1li'3lliffd''il}'dia interiors of units PROJECT NO.-, 0n73:6 ff{, ealg 6-30-Bl PROJECT NO. " IM flT D m tat TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON r(l,lll lv v 2.occuPANCYGRouP ffi " r@" DrvrsroN @ r", o GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; Phase I. East Building. Athletic C'l ub. parkinq structure- north PERMIT NO. z F- l BUILDING 8.536"000 ELECTRICAL 922,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 1 .042.000 buildinq TYPE GROUP SO,Ff, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR R-t30.t22 8.913 -000 BUILDING PERMIT 26.433.00 -l' \i.S+t\- \\ -.a\ -YmY\Nl\9 II FR B-1 4L,972 300 .000 PLAN CHECK 17.18i.00 II FR A-3 13,871 1 ,287.000 ELECTRICAT 1 .815 .00 PLUMBING IXff[I. MECHANICAL 1.042.00NEW(A ) ALTERATToN ( ) AoDtrtoNAL ( ) REPAIR( ) OWELLTNG UNITS - AC@UMODATION UNITS- c.R.F.A. 99l95totoot s -COMMERCIAL SYSI - RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN FT, - EATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - U NCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION F€E 67 .076.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 300.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500 .00 roI4L PERMTT Fls $114.347.00 INSULATION ZONING AOMINTSTRATOR DATE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE (oa Dh.aca I T nav.mi * fnr aamman+ Conc Ltl zoNtNGNOttS: ess , rrsJs .. r,er Ir I e r vr su n||Erre,samecommeMtl FG 6',P -21 Roof system must be type "A" = class "A" FG L0"R-30 HEAT /,t n"frl' *:..(^.!,: #%( l.W, a. AND srlrl: ru"r rttr f,7/S/GREE 'I O CO]IIPI,Y RDI trl CES A:'lD STAI!: /. FLEC: Basebgard lGAs: SoLART lWooD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE SPECIAL NOTES; LEGAL DFSC. LOT BLK FILING ^JOBNAME: Simba Run Condominiums frwuen NAMF CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL fiNrRAcroR MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL ^CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS crIY PH OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS clTY PH th. p.lnt .y/vail r"L'--. l.\.\ hffi sn Cepartn TY Eeu E,erIR ME l corusrRucrloN F ;/.r:i / itlty rent of communiry develoPment PgoF PSRMIT rLDu.lG K Puur,,tetNc :crRrcAL C rounontloN oNLY cHANtcAL tr LEGAL nc (a FIL!NG L@ (-. JOB NAtli: 1ry]li$vlA Kur.J 4ao%F^U-rluHF2 ,..r:La U PaguoftP-rf utu,. tocctss Fo' Fd' 12O cr:v vrLr- y4v-92-!4 ARCHIT:CT GENaRAL I coNTRACTCRI I I ELEC:RICAL COI,TTRACTOR-t- PLU:vtEING CONTRACTOR r.'.acHiNlcAL COi.ITRACT0F cl1y VAu- _gM-W- ;rnr,r6 ti Janut4r *vMMW@vAfu&L cqt(N Jucr-,T\/'JjP&A?:31&- ?,r"Y&t Ldn-ttJf; Pd4E2'5tf/r. ,:",rzotatss P'O' 6ox 2\ orri€a I F:r\t l-)ADlRESS I COI.:;RiCTORI c,rr * I.TYPEoFcoNSTRUcTToN 16"r rv v - z.occuPANcYcnouP @S n @t olvlsloN 6z za s + GEI,iERAI OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - z ; l BUILDING aa ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 2,r MECIiANICAL 5-l,oqrtooo - T1gr54-ooe Vr.u -PERI!4|TFEE9 ? / ITYPE CNOUP SO-FT, , \JALUAT|oN If Fa ?,-1-l?o,Wz B1E,@ EUtLDtNG PERLIIT :6 ',, 7_f t!e?B-L 4\,1t2 .2A,t4 M PLAN CHECK 7z' t E/ ELEUIKIL^|.I ',? /5 IlttF.A-9 13,E1\l,zg7,gog lPLUf.tg:tiG I r,lEciA:i.CAL i eica.-;-,Jt ':a I oegrcrr aa ''. ar', ie! clr*r ui'c:P< t D q> \Ey/ (x) oweLLlN( C.R.F.A l.o,n,rt*, I I netcxi tt I I No FTREP lcovenec w lo,@,@ 3af3ll9Nr ; uxrrs ?1I 8rAE )r. FA( 9-Bl iAL( ) RStlr? | l )9A;loliuNlTS: ra4 Ct^n.) <rT :DROOMS |2-=- :SIAURANT SEATING :- \THruB/sHowER 189 c.rorErs l8,?- NccvEREo PApxrnc -@- {ao ]IALSYST:RI rFr. O%-e, LAcES 8-, rpenxrNcE4-u TOTAL PERI.4IT FEES / 31) ,5W*t;ctti Oi.TE -t /, " /d; INSUI.ATICN I r,..,cx rurqq I R.vALUe 4'iZ&{ttz,zc'-z /y' or iru G l9 t.t :r: rs tft iToK -iE4T3to"wsffi,ZfiI rrc 2 u, .tJ- t4'ta1ta_4 FTOOR EXT. IVALLS ROO; bt'C 4^w.frfr:.t +, L/()' tN1, I frw*'.)e-21 I ILLAv- L.+ wru)$)lo't'V-1o (' -_l HEAT LtLRr:a) \CX\:rt.{1.!.lr(:t: Tll rT I H,lvl: tll.AD Tilis aPPl,lC^Tt('i.' a:\ t'/.'fF\.Tll { l lllr ,,Jffiffi:Y:II: EL:c t rEq2dz_jjg SOLAR: I WOOO:_-'' VA''- \'/ATEQ A SAN D!ST'TAP;EF: SPiC,iL NCT55: ERMIT oorE ?]-2:l-3.!-,aojaa, *o._aq-f q -- f:. Li , i ' €1 FgRtftf NO. r. 'r c' / | \ 7l coNSrRUcrtoN P . f::+rj' J lnunTTiii)/ depanment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT BUrLDrf.rG K pLurt4etNc ELEcTRICAL I rounoerloN oNLY MEcHANIcAL tr LE.(,AL oEsc.crf ff,,^ LldjF ?lilE :rAPrrr gcrJ y,:reLa !r' PE€-o(.'HFrr[ ,.t;r'- r.ocazqs ?,o' Y)d- 12 cc c:;Y VA\t- eu*Y-'o?,ll A? C 'i lT:CT crrY vAu- enA'16-%6 GENERAL CONTRACTOR nnr,r 6 ti Jc*r.r34-r ...r"-roonrss ?.O. &2( 2|fi cw@W ffi'LbH4rB-63L E LEC:RICAL co5rAcToR i:i..! KtfPAu- E-tt4ta.a 4,o . .,lA:LAcoREss ?O Ya< -jss 7n 7 (sp&? Jrrrrc.trorlps24Z' q16L PLUIIEIITG COilTRACTCR FrR{dlP^{ ?tUHAVa a DFAfl}Yt rnvfu.f,A))s, pa4EZ-5751 !.,.ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR r.. !,rt iODRESI h -, il r llrra OTHER cori;q;.croF f:i ..r:. - ACtRFSS C;TY FH ERMIT DATE PROJECT NO.-2q-11 PERMTT 'No. [t r q t" t NEIV( ) Ar-iERATTONi ) D,/r€LLTNG uNrTs 4e- oaco ,.',,,,'ccr':'to x untTS - c.R.F.A. &,&g-reoooo*s 18 COMIJERCIAL SYST j=_- RESTAURN*T SEETITC ] HETcHT rN FT. &-erfiua/sHowER No FTREPLAcES ZL-No ro'ters covEREo pARKtN6 ZPl ur'rccvEREo PAP'{ NG VA:'- V/ATER E SAN D!ST. TAP FEF 1e 2L D E 9rGi,i RE.,',.Ei',r ?CAe9 CLFAT{ UP D:9CSlI tt't:ALr Tt s Af Pl.tc Atrrs a.\ u t ,"unl*:4rsl a''.-t+*W *u|.tl\P ffi-sfndjt rr*r?- I HtSr:al. .tCNli ltt,t.tr(;l: i2: C,;L NCTES: _---:; T r.typEoFcoNsrRucrroN t(Dtt tv v - . 2. occuPANcY GRouP @a s it .l n't',t orvtstoN @2a 3 q cEiiERAL DESCRlPrloN oF wonx , -.S46-lL-d4tt#f {3tJ\t-D'|Jfa PTUMBING PERMIT FEEL <TYPE GROUP SQ FT. I VALUATTON BU!LDING PERIIIT PLAN CI-iECK PLUr.t9ii/e TOTAL PERt/IT FFES cr,llNG ACf, i\i:STRAT INSUI.ATICN R.VALU!;HrcKNass eLEc'+Alfr,WrA9{, 8t(:t Astt T-l l-"- l SIHBA RUN CONDOHINIUMS ZONING INFORHATION LOCAT I ON _- LoTs 5, 7, B, ! and parr of lo LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION vAlL, C0L0RAD zoNlNG - SPECIAL UsE DISTR|CT N0. 5 USE .--I25 CONDOMINIUH UNITy'. B EMPL0YEE uNtrs,// Tjtr'roral uNtrsl-/ P4lrKtNG SPACES REqUr tEq134 (units) x 0.5.(spaces,/unit)= +1 ,274 (100o' e.R.F;A.) x 0.1 (spaces/100o' -.--'-...\.--' \ .),/ -sz credit ' t 1., n'/r 4lr' { r..8s i.' \. - -" Pahking Spaces Prov ided For 67 G.R.F.A. )= 127.4 Ty4-.T (le5) ,/_+*.''-.-)i= -L85{o!ql_._= 157 Covered Phase I Phase ll l28 car Total Parklng = 185 cars Design Rev iew Board - Approval 0ated, Jul y 7, 1980 qEG ,€89$t RESIpENJ rAL FL00R -AREA Un -Covered 6 cars 22 11 Z8-cars total - / r-r r.q !{ r( . l.;Gd brine/scott architects 143 e meadow dr. vail, colorado 81657(303) 476.3038 August 27, 1980 Steve Patterson Chief Bui lding Off icial Town of Vai I Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Simba Run Condominiurns SUBJECT: Exit Stair Code Check Dear Steve l I met with Larry Woodley in your office yesterday to verify if our stair design is in compl iance with the new code. lt is our understanding that we are in compl iance; if not, please contact our off i ce. GD/ pt s lbrde 6ar*/*uo ', /, rtur daE Pl;aej rtd; 'tufr il FLV/*,' Tf* ?*ry P ffi+a,'rc, a''lV' ,Nlz'Ab qlv*t'wa #1a,1swrlorJ SAalvrt 1?oj fr41a1'l)19aS g'a1@),V., 37o3 1?;rla'\ dt L I t I Project .Application -r0 Project Name: Project Oescription: l@Addrgss and Phone: Eee, Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot , Blocr C ,rtting /a's'r', cr't 4 e- / f T' ./ Zone: - Zoning Approved: Design Revie.;u Board ,7- /[.f / Motion by: S-a APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL/.{t/,uliltttS Sqmmary: /, a.,1o-o-t-.",-r.- t, .I't-zt-<t d d,i't.,{a 1.t} / ^ Ctilef Buildt-a t.ctk r2"-,; ,Z-z:i-;!'n yffik'l**-. O.5, Date: ,,r- '.--{- -+.-*-l -,/J " --ra-t:t ,2 itIf,.,--,- ,',,.fz:sp, e 10: PTAI{NING AT{D FFM: DEPASIMENT O}' mIUMUMIY DE\IEr{IPMET'TT AND IRA}ISORTATICI{ DPAIil!@{T DlllIE:: 3-7-80 ffi:= BUS T{MN-OFT'TEN SIMBA RI]N A neeting and site visit u'as held today with representatives of planning staff, the transportatron deparhrent and the developer. An eu<cellent site for the bus turn-off and strelter rryas found ou the northeast corrler of the site, just off the intersecticn of Lionsridge Loop and Vail View Drirrc. A11 parties agreed that this v/as the best site for the bus facility. The developer nmst check wittt the architect, hovqever, to see if this nrorks well u/:ith the site plan. Barring any design prcblars, then, tbe bus turn-off and sbelter will be leated at i:he above s'ite. Ihis will be shqnn on the site plan to you on l&cnday. Deparfunt ? MEIffiAI{Du"I ENVINONMM{IAL OCfr4MISSICN S<ip C'ordon "-ry o luwn box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 1303) 47Fs613 lfarcb 4, 1980 department of public works !rls, Diana 1louehill L & M kofes:qisPal Cosultaats, IDc.hx 7% Vail, 0 81657 Dear Diand: I bave reviened tbe carryiag eapacity of the local roadrnay systeo senring the proposed Sfuba Rrn developroent and find it adequate to In raking this review, geosetry of the roa.dway lncluding grtOu", stopping sight disbanees, vertieal and horizmtal curres and width rva.s considered. Tlre sare criteria used in the creatiot of the Bigbom Street fuprovenent District to establish trips generated per due1li:og rnit was also used. Ttre only deficlency in the local roadray systern is prcrper signing and policilg of no parking zones. ftris shotrld not be a concer'n of this developer and will be addressed b'y the Public Torks Deparrrpnt irmndiately Very trrrly yours, fr,,t R Pu-* Kent R. Rose, P.E.4 | Director cc! Tqru of Vail Planniag and ftrwjronnentaL Comissio' !!W!_ brrirerscott architects 143 e meadow dr. v'ait colorado 81657(3031 476.30s8 t Harch 6, 1980 Hs. Dlana Toughill, Vice President L 6 H Professional Consultants, lnc. $ox 726 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Oear 0 i ana: Rega'rding the landscape plan for Simba Run I thought we had addressedthat aspect of the project in the manner prescribed by the SD5 ordinance.our present prel iminary landscape plan shows existing and changed contours,thus indicating rrexisting landscape features to be retained or removedrr. Our plan further shows the location of bicycle path, outdoor paved areas, anda tot lot. The plan shows the extent of open space as wel I as.proposed extent and locat ion of tree planting. I believe that our present plans provide the Planning Commi ss ion with a concept and scope of landscapingto the degree of detail intended by the ordinance, which requlres thatrrfeaturesrr of the landscape plan be designated. Because of the always nebulus status of projects at this stage of theproject's design and because I thought the planning commi ssion and townstaff were only to review the project in concept form I did not retainexplicit landscape arch itecture consul ta+- ion but have descri bed the projectto two landscape architects either of whom would be interested in thisproject. The landscape budget of 9250,000 has been established wirh input from a landscape architect - such a budget r"iould allow for a planting :cheme that includes rrmaturert trees depending upon your definition. ltls snreasonable to expect guccess if .trees beyond. l0' - l2'high aretransplanted. Curiously, larger trees, if they survive the transp'l anting can not be expected to grow much beyond their size when transplanted I We rvould not suggest planting trees all of one size. We bel ieve that in Sone areas of the site, particularly the south east corner at the Frontage Road, we can raige the existing grade 6, - Br by way of terracing. Theeffect would be I ike a berm in that it would block the view from the Frontage Road. With trees planted on these terraces a barrier height could be l6t to 20' above the road. lJe would not want a harsh man made formIn this locat ion. That. is why I refer to the term I'terracingtt rather thanllbe rmt r . The palette of tree materials as djscussed with the landscape architects trtould include lodge pole pine, balsam poplar, narrow leaf cottonwoods and . asPen. All of these can be transplahted up to lQt-12t. lJe have discussed sPruce and certain ornamental trees as Norway maple and hopa crab as compl i- ments to the larger stands of pine, cottonwoods and aspen. As noted on theprel lminary plan we r"nuld hope for ornamental plantings adjacent the pool terrace assuming our exposure will al lovl it. F narch b, lguo Page 2 we believe that landscaping can be most efflciently handled in two phases - see the accompaning tk"titr, Phase lwould provide screenlng from and of the Frontage Road. Riide from the planting of materlals noted abovel:l:-,^ iandscape [udget of approximately g125,000.00 for this phase must anclude iirig"lion, pianting oi pool rooi, and construction of the bicycle path' Ve are concerned trrat sulstantial plantlng beyond what is -shown lvould be endangered by construction of the north and wg51 buildings. Phase 2 landscaping wouid provide screening along the west. Property I ine and Lionsridge-loop. T'here is an exteniive amount of shal low terracing between the north and west i"ifaing. "na t U.tieve that most of the ornamental planting lrould take ptac" luring this phase, wi'th some of these materials going back In to the Phase I area. Final ly, if construction r,.rou I d perrni t, we would l ike to start sd|te tree plantini in Spring of l98l posslbly designating a-portion of the site as a ,,nurslry" frorn ihich ie could transplant as building construction progressed. -l hope this gives you enough of an outline on the issue of landscaping' lf you have iny questions please don't hesitate to call me' Yours trulyt Tlvtn/1/lr,ta Thomas A. Briner TAB/cg $ CfItrl hd E $ \) FTI T$ $q $i 6r F$ H$ r \% r\ts {[ afilH E?13 $il$ ' l0t tfi IEil r 0oT h ) { ) ! aI I ' o'}ffi :i::i*:,'.H:Y,?;ir* J ' San Diego, California 92108 o14)297-s48O Telex: SDG 69.5032 March 3, 1980 Gerry Tilhite, Chairman Planning and Environmenta] Commission Town of Vail P. O. Box 1OO Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Approval of Simba Run Condominium - Special DeveloPment District 5 Dear Gerry: At the'Planning Commission hearing 9f February 25, 198O, The commission required that five conditions be addressed in order for approval to be granted at the llarch 1O meeting' Our response to the conditions is as follows: 1. Transportation and private shuttle service - SD? lequiresthat we provide private shuttle service to serve the trans- portation needs ot ttre project. sD5 further requires that the developer provide a bus stop. Our proposed development plan and environmental' impact report include both of these requirements; however, we have be6n requested by the Town staff to delete the bus stop from our project because the the planned stops are at Vail Run to the easl and Valli Hi to the west. There also seem$ to be some disagreement among staff members whether to make the public transportation easily accessible to ensourage its irse, or to discourage use of the public system in order to favor the private transportation serviee provided by the developer. As we indieated at the hearing, we are more than willing to work with the Town staff to arrive at the best solution for both the public and private transportatlon systems for the project and the Lions Bidge area. 2. Fublic street system - Kent Rose stated at the public hearlng that the piesent street system is adequate to handle the traffic generated by the proposed project and that the current prohlems are created by impropeT or illegal -2- on-street parktng which san be controlled by signing andpolicing. The Planning Commission required that this statement be in writing and we have requested that the Pub11c'Works Department provide the Planning Commission withthe required dosumentation, which they have agreed to do. 3. Amenities - SD5 requires that the amenlties be open tothe public on a fee basis favoring condominium owners andguests. As we expressed at the meeting, L & M would prefer not to have the facillties open to the public; however wewill comply with the requlrement if the Town feels it is Deeessary If the facilities must be made available to the public, we would propose to do so on a limited membership basis with a maximum of 200 memberships, 1-29 of these given to eondo- mini.um owners. Owners would have priority for reservationof tennis and racquetball courts. Ernployee housj-ng resi- dents would have access to the amenities at non-peak times. 4. The Department of Communlty Development outlined fourconditions in their 2-20-8O memo r,vhich we have agreed to and have incorporated into our development plan: a. A bicycle path w111 be constructed from east to west through the property. b. 18 employee housing units as outlined in the memo and illustrated on our development plan will beprovided instead of 1O apartments required by the ordinance. c. Developer will provide private shuttle servicefor the project as outlined in item 1 of thisIetter. d. The f,ive parking spaces on the south side of tbe mai-n entrance will be removed. 5. Landscaping - As we indieated at the hearing and on the landscape plan, subrnitted as a part of our development p1an, extensive landscaping wlll be provided wlth each phase. lfe have budgeted $250,00O for landscaping and will hire a landscape archj.tect to design the detailed Landscape plan tobe submitted to Design Review Board. We will provide maturetrees which will be incorporated into our final landscapeplan. A separate letter from Brj,ner/Scott is attachedregarding landscaping. Our architects, Briner/Scott were also requested to in-vestigate decreasing the height. The design as submitted meets the height limit outlined in the zoning ordinance -3-ll and we strongly feel that the proposed design results in thebest site plan. If we were to reduce the height of theproject to meet the proposed new ordinance, it would resultin additional site coverage and less green area. Phase I contains the only portion of the project whlch is 6 storlesin height. Phases II and IIf contain no portions of build-ings over 5 stories in height Again, we want to assure the Planning and Environmental Commission that we are more than willing to work with the Town to make Simba Run a project that we can all be proud of. enc. cc; Pendleton, Sabien & Craft Briner/Scott Leon Deicas DST/kjb ANA S. TOUGHILL Presldent UMNRANDTJM TOI PI..ANNING AI.ID NX{VIM{MET{IAL OCIdMI$SIC.i tr!0il,!: D@AITIMBII CF mvllmVfry DEV&,OHIENf DIITE: 3-7-80 RE: SIMBA HIIN Attached are the l-etters and other infomatiqr you required on the Slda &m Develryrent Plan. ING AllD EXWIRO{MBVIAL COl,&{tSSIt! 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. 3:0O AGNDA ffax',ch 24, L9BO Work Sessicn Vall Village Urican Design Plan Rrblic Hearing ,-^...t 1.) 4pprovaf of Minutes of 3-1O-80 neeting. ---#A. Corryection- g]}*kgt\In the last paragraph eoncerning the vote 6ilSiuba-eilfit should be changed to read, "DanCorcoran abstailed." t parcels of property presently orared by which were recently annexed into ffince No. 7, Series 1980. 3.) Public Hearing on Vail tionstrcad Urban Design Plan. 4.> Presentation of Air Quality Report frcrn &rvircrurBntal Health Officer. IIIEIMAANDT]M ' To: Tum{ ffiJI{crL, pw MF\dBms , FRfi{: DEPARIMEI{T CF'MdMUNITY DEvELcp[4EI\ru DAIE: 3-1?-SO RE: Oomectlcn to PEC Mlrnrtes of 3-l-0-g0 neeting. $ nage three of the prc Miautes of 3-1O-B0n tbere is an error.rn the last paragraph coneerning the rrcte on sirrba frrn, Dan corcoranabstained. F?FBi't_ ) DaEe.JULY t6. tq80a NAUE OF PROJECT SIMBA RUN CONDOMINIUM I,EOAL DESCRIPTICIq -LOT DESCBIPTION OF PROJECT l3a UNITS LoCAlEp 0n RTH FRoNTAGE RoAD WEST FILING FRONTAGE ROAD WEST OF VAIL RUN Tbe followlng informhtlon ls required for submlttal .by the Applicant io tte Desigi Review Board befoie a flnal approval ea.n be given. A.) BUILDING IIATERIALS: TVpe of Mat<:rlal' Color Roof Siding .Other tral1 Materlals Fascla Sofftts f,lndows trlndow Trlm Doors .Door Trim Eand or Deck Rails Flues Flashlngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Other see attached fiEfiJbrane - oreY/brown sfnhF .- I X 6 T 6 G, ttytt Grove pine - see color board exposed concfete at parking garage and round col umns none meta I to match siding none B.)PIANT },IATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Materials and Ground Cover) EoEanical Name Connon Name at services yard - wall and gate w/siding including Trees, Shrubs, Size lF re re re to match bui ldlng. Alum. skylight frames I s|HBA RUt'l coNDor.rl Nlut{s 1 - .l Aprll 19 and cobble swale is for slopes of l5BThe total landscaPed mately 188,700 s. f. and gr eater. I TEM aria includ r^nffiasphalt path Thi s includes \airf,Feased adjustment approxl - (6:l) PHASE I I Engleman SPrti,:e Lodgepole Pine Aspen Narrowleaf poplar Flowering t rees Evergreen shrubs Declduous shrub: G roundcover Vines lrrlgation FSeed Soi I preparation Timber terraces Asphalt path 42 16'-18' I t3 8l45 t6'-18' t87 8l 220 2ll2't Cal. l6 21./2r' cal. 50 5 gal. I gal. I lo,8oo I lo,80o I t o,8oo t'950 2ll2'r cal. 2ll2tt cal , ?ll?tt cdl . 5 gal. 5 gal. 21./4" pots 77 ,9oA s.f . 77,900 s.f. 77,900 s.f. 1500 I . f. 72 95 8l 8l 85 32 t2 50 150 1600 35 s. f. s.f. s. f . f, -,r PROPOSEO TREE SPECIFICATIONS: Cal lper tlelght Engleman Spruce - Br-l8r ht Lodgepole Plne - gr-18' ht Aspen 2*,, l2r -lq' ht Narrowleaf Pcplar 21" l2r-ltr ht Alf trees to be guaranteed for one full growlng seasonr from tlay 15 to September 15. Sununer or fall plantlng guarantee to be extended lnto the fotlouing growlng season. IRRIGATICII SYSTEI,I: llanua'l systern to be used ln all areas seeded wlth native gra5sesr an area of approxtmately 139,t50 sq.ft. Thls portton of the system wlll be actlvated nanually as needed. (The natlve grass mlx will use grasses which have a greater tolerance to drought, therefore lt ls anttclpated that less lrrlgatlon water wlll be used.) GRASSES E EROSIOil CONTROL: . .'J €.-? llatlve grass area wlll be seeded wtth a mlx of r.restern lvheatgrass, Kentucky smooth brom, tifiDthyl, red fescue, meadovr foxtail, ]ftite Dutch clover and seed. All slopes greatsr than 33t (3:t) wtll have erosion control nettlng place ove r oulch matirrial. TemporcrLSeedlng of ryegrass and clover wlll be applled to all areas outslde of the Phase I constructloo llmlts to control eroslon untll the Phase ll constructton beglns.lf the slte beconres ready for seedlng In late surrrEr and lt ls Judged that not enough growing season renains for the establlstrnrent of permanent grasses, the slte wlll be seededwlth fast germlnatlng snnual ryegrass so to establlsh a gulck soll cover thatwlll protect the slte fmm excesslrrc eroslon durlng the followlng sprlng $eason. Pennanent grasses wlll then be soun onto the slte the followtng sprlng when condltlons permi t. Sp rcad 6r -8' 6r-81 6l 6r -8, Eare Trunk 2t to 3l up to 3l up.to lt,' 2r to 3l bluegrass, wl I dflower staked in t WATER CONSERVATION: The proposed landscape scheme uses primarlly drought tolerant grasses which will consume approximately 50t less irrigatlon v{ater than lf the entire slte were to be planted with bluegrass. . As proposed, this landscape wlll requi re about l.t million gal lons of irrlgation water per growlng Feason. lf the entire slte were to be plinted wlth bluegrasst the water consumption would increase to approximately 2.9 million gal lons. These figures are based on the assumptlon that durlng an average growing season In Vail*, biuegrass lawns require about 25 inches of supplemnetal water' and that the .native grasies will need approximately I Inches of supplemental water to maintain good color during the surmer. *Average sumnpr precipitation approximately tr.9 inches during June through September' a "*-l Al{D arrrlnch{M'{rAL ffi,[fissrc* I ACENDA !{arch 10' 1980 1:00-3:00 P.M. Wck Session on Vail VlLlage and Limsffead 3:0O P.M. Pnblic Hearing 1. ) Appro\ral of lrlinutes of 2-25-80 Meetlng 1' 2. ) /pproval of Develc,prent Plan and lot Line Vacaticn Request for Sjrba &:n \----/ Candcrninium Project located on Iots G-9 and part of 10, Resrrbdivision of Block C, Lionsridee Filing No. 1. 3.) Discussion of.Zoning cn eigbt parcels of prtperty presently cnned W Forest $errrice vdrich were recently arurexed jnto tbe Topn of Vall by Ordinance No. 7, Series 198o. 4. ) Csrditional Use Permit to a1low instaliaticm and use of an 18 hole miaiatrne golf course on lot 4, Bloch lr Licnshead Lst Tiling and' lbact H, Lionshead 3rcl Filing. 5.) Parkjag Variance for t?re Celeticn of eigbt parking spaces urderground to tnrild additional reetjr4 slcace at the Cbest located on Lot 2' B1rch 1, VaiJ. Lionstread Filing No."z, - I r '-)A@.IDA Febnrary 11, 1980, 3:00 F.M. Agproval" of ninutes of {anrrar5r 28, 1g8O rreeting.1.) 2.'keliminary disctssiorr of Developnent Plan and lot Line vacatiqr Request.lcrr-W Eun CondcrniniurnProject located on Lots 6-g and a portionbt tO, Resubdivi3kEfof Block C, Lionsridp Filiag No. 1. 3. ) Approval. of Stnrrcod Condouinium Map. (Tocated in Eas.t Vail) 4.) Setback Variance to aLlor an wrderground gar:a€e on Lot 10, Block Z, yaiL Village 13th. (Nott Residenee) 5. ) Approval of a Plat llap for Vail Colfcorse llcnnrhsres pfu.se I To be publlsbed in tbe Vail Tbail cru Febmarry B, 1gE0 . Ueetlng of 2-11-80 lilsfiers hesent @er filkeneler Ed Drager Sandy Mills Dan C.orcoran Jtm uorgan (carre in duriag Sirba Rrm presentation) Staff kesent Peter Patten Clnrck Donley Dick WanIarry Eslsrith was in bulldiag and arailabLe if needed. n€n Todd, the c&mcil persdl assigned to the reeting uas at a cornty ueeting. Ed Dmger chaired the rneeting in'the absence of Gerry lyhite. Item #4 m.s taks first. leten Patten ec<plained wbat bad halpened at the trc Design Reviw Board lbetings since the Last pEtr neeting. Roger ?ltkefir'ier mde a motion to approve the setback varlanee for the Nortt Residence to a1lcrv an rndergrolnd gprage qr rot 10, Bloc& a, v&ilvillage L3th. sandy Mills said she uoura secma the npiion but askedif the pLans are ncm acceptable to tbe neighbors. peter explained tbatrepresrtatives of the neigtrbons had been prerent at tbe DFts ueeting andthat Mrs. Nott had uorked with David Pee1, tbe Mull-in/Serafin arehiiect, 1o gatlgtv everyone. Peter also erplained that this must go to DesipReview_Board again for final approral. The vote was tat<en] Ed DragJr, Roger tllkaneier, and sanff Mills rrcted for the approval. Dan corcoranabstained. Jim Mcrgan had not yet arrlrred. Ttle rption passed. Iten #2 vas taken nert. l&rfrers Not h'resent Jack Croehf Cerry llhite 4. 2,dlscnsslon of and Iot Lirte Vacati.on Ibo.iect Lots 6-9 and a This_ is qlly a prelinina::5r discussion of this item. Official pr:blicatianof tbe Rrtclic ltrear.ing o this iten is for Februa:ry 25, l9go. Diarra Tough:ill, represeuting the Deraelotrrer, introduced the arctritectsand rechanical engineer for the project and prrc a brief tristory ofthe project Variance for the Nott Residence to alLcnr an r-ur i.r i ; :*i, I I I : PE llinutes of 2-11-80 PagB Iho Diana erplained that lrrey hare planned 1?9 units pLus 1g enpLqree horsing91tF. oriejnalLy only 10 enployee housing units uere p1-anned besause tiatls what tlre zo.ning reguired. Ilolever, the staff requestea that additiCIEl€qrqree housing unlts be added if posslble. Tlan hiner and Ga:ry fuetisr gave a slide presentatlqr of tbe project. The Boarcl looled at the rrcdel and asked questions. Everyone aer€ed that they shcuLd lprk to improve tbe bus stop area. tb-erg wene quest,ions raised about ttre.heigtrt of buildings. The averagebeieht is 45 feet w:ith the higbesb building bei.ng 60 feet. lbe B@rd discr.rssed th location of the tot lot. There uilas a dlsgussicn about the potential cevners of the nnlts. lbe develcpersfee'L-they will harre the sase kind of brryers that ttrey bave at the Spa'ltrictiispeqle utto will only be spending about six ureeks a year trere. rtlere wflr rca mhinnrn of short temr rentafs-and very few cars pirtcing there. Jim l{orga:r ecpressed a concern that he thinks that the derrelopers area.srdng that everything is going to be the sare as at the spi and bedoesnrt thfuk this can be assu$ed. lbere vras a di*rlsslqr about encourag,ing develcpers not to brild to theirnaxim.un. Diana sai.d they had not built-to their mxirnur on the gpa; ttreyb{dlt 55 units wbere s were a1lc' rcd. H11eyer, tbey feel they need'tobuild to the mximrn i3 f,hrs locatim. Dick Eyan siia oowrrrcning qruLl-a harre to be done before de.velqrrent plans are Oiought in or p1ann6d. Ed Drager asked about cutting dcryn the sire of the buil.dings. Tcm Bnlnersaid they bad r"educed the height as mush as possible. meJ had ended wIiq^*: Ppl$,'e" mrch eloser because valliHi is 18* teei on their property.ue reers the trees vril1 hide a good portion of the project. T?rere was a discussiql of the Landscaping at the spa and wtrat had knpnesented to the wB abqrt it. Diana said that should not be brougbttlp lr-t rggprd to ttrts project. sre also said they had been nlsreprdsentedat the Desigrr Reviery Boaxd. Sandy Mills said *le viculd like the Tcmn Coturcil and Design Rerriew Boardto be notified that this wilr officially be discussed at [rre Febrr:ary zb ryIl"g ug th"! an-ycng interested eould attend and therefore, not ca.useprobrsBs for the developers later on. Everyone agreed that it would bebest not to stuffle people back and forth bltween-boards "r t""-u*" -- happeniag lately. sanoy as<ea cathie to see if a notiee courd bes€nt to the Cor-urcil and DRts. "PE Minutes of 2-11-8O "'Page Tht€e Joe Isandarslci asked if the enpLoyee fnrsing wcnrld be a dorrnitory or individual aparbnents. Galiy Srctish said that they had orig:i.nally planned ten two bedrorn aparfirents. ilorever, the staff requested that tbey break up the units nraking scnre of then studios, swp onb b€droqns and sne trc bedmors. They lu,ve not increased the square footage hrt have ehanged the r.nrits fron ten to eighteen. Joe Lerrandcmrski a.sked if the enployees {Dul-d be able to use the amnities. Dlana sald th€v qpuld. Jim Morgan astced about pulclic usage of the anrenities. Diala said tbey sculd ratber not bave thern cper to the pr$lic but wiLL rcrk with the Tcmil to do uibat they are requi.red to do. the access roads were cliscussed. Kbrt Rose harl joined the reetiag so Ed Dnager asked him about the roannay systslt il tb area. Kent said the whole maduay systm in the Limsri@B area is inanequate and beccres upre so as the density grofls. Tlae wtnle syste$ will ermtually harre to be upgraded. It was pointed out that the official publicatior of tle item is for Tdrnu:ry 25 and rrctims for prelininary approval or dlsagrproval will be rade at that 1iime. Diana sald they wcnrld be prepa:red to do their presentatio apin. It€m #1 qas discussed at this tire. Sanff Mills satd she had a questicn about the sentence on the l{arvin Sinrcn issue. It reads, "At fj.rst tlES/ had a three foot loft approved but added firie feet and had them approved that uay." She d€s not think they lsere approved tbat vray and unnts it to read that they rer'e built that way. Sanff nade a rnoticn to appmve the rni-outes with the one above €nception. Roger Tilkmier seconded. lbe vote was r.rranJ:rpus. Itms # 3 and 5 vere discussed nert, plus sore additional. plat naps. Roger fikefieir nade a rntion to approve and sigrr this plat rm.p. Saldy Mi11s seconded the nptim. Everyone rpted for approval with Dan Corcoran abstaining. Sumood Ccndcxninirm Plat n4ap Roger Tilkereier mde a mtisr to approve and sign thls plat rnap. Sandy Mi11s seccnded. Ttre vote ua.s unaninpus. I t I I i 1.) I .II i II i iti I.t i -.) lr ***ta AND n{vrRcrl{M't\rrA', cCI/fir'rssroN' Affi{DA Febrrrary 25, 1980, 3:@ P.M. 1. ) Approval of Minutes of 2-11-80 l{eeting. 2.) Preliminar:5r Approval of the Develognent Plan and Lot Line Vacation Request for Sinb? Run Condqninium-koject located crn I-ots 6-9 and part of 10, nesubdivision of Blodr C, Lionsridge Filing No. 1. 3.) Conditional Use Permit to a]-lcm an o<pansion of thd existjng 1st Bank Building located on Lot G, Vail Village Filing No. 2. 4.) Ccmditional Use Permit to allcnrr the construction of a Parking Stnrcture and I?ansporfation Facility on l.ot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionstread lst Filing and Lot 3, a Hesubdivision of lot 1, B1och 1. Vail Lionstread tud Filing. 5") Approval of a mjnor subdivision for Lots l.!. and 13' Blocl( 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing in order to ehange the Lot Ljne il order to cbange the Iot Line between Iots 11 and 13 rvhich i.ncreases the 1ot size of Iot 13 so that it is in exeess of 151000 square feet. (Withdravn at request of applieant) 6. ) Selection of a Pff rlpcrber to attend DBB ueetings. ';, To be published in the Vail Trail cn February 22, lW MTTrcITANDIIM o TOr PLAI"INING AND EnnrnONMmWAL COI!I{ISSI0.'I . FROM: DPAMMEX\IT OF M]ffI]T{ITT DEVEI.OFI!{ENT DATE: EEERUAAY 20' 1t?80 R3: CCS{SIDnIATICN IOR 'J)PRC'VAL OF SII{BA RUN OO{DOMINIUM PRO.]trI (FINAL PI]Affi oI! PECIAL DE\In,oPMEI{T DISI.RICT 5) AND Ic.I LINE vncA?IcN oI,Lorf,s 6-9 AND A poHI'IcN 0F Iorf 10, H&SUEDnrISICbI oF Brocl{ c, LIcNsrmE I'rLrNG NO. 1. AFPLICAI{I: Sinba, rnc., represented by L & M Professional consultants' Inc.-Diana Toughill ffirlTNG: Special Developrent District 5 (Developnpnt Area B) EilSIING LAI{D tiSE: Vacant $JRBOTNDNG IAIID US"S: East-Vail Run, special Develcpffiit District 5 (Developrent Area A) West-Valli Ili llployee Housing Project North-Casolar Vail Subdirrision, Appro<iruat e]ry 25/" Developed Sotrth4forth Erontage Road' I-?0 Interstate IA}ID US $ATISTICS: Site Area of Sirba hrn 6.3 acres ot 27414?3 ss' ft' Building Utilization Areas Residential: r' Dpelling Units (@FA) 139,000 sguare feet Ccnnpn Area (Circulatiqr) 21'CF;O square feet Aunnities (pool-, rasquet balI, etc) 11'5OO square feet Parking: 1?1 Covered spa.ces 51r3OO square feet 28 Surface spaces 7r2oo square feet Service Yarrl 6130O square feet Total Site Uti"lization Areas Building area at grorund floor 58'049 square feet Percent of site 2L% Open fuace 202'8?9 square feet Percent of Site 74"1 Tota1 274124:8 sqrare feet or 6.3 acres PE Merp Stuba hm-Page 1\p 2-20-80 hellj.ng Units Tlpe_ Oondqninitm T!'&lloyee Rental IUTAL BACKGOIIND Average Sq. Ft. /D.U. 1,000 555 Sinba Rwt Sq. Ftr lotal ]^29, 10. sDs Sq. I't. Total 202,0o0 l0,0oo sD5 No. Total 2L3 18m No.::7I uYffi 48ffi, | 3',l 000 000m139,2l2,OOO .The $irrba Run project will ccnplete the develolment of $pecial- Developrent District Five (SD 5). It is the third generation of developrent ideas for the site since ffi 5 qras coneeived in 1977. In October of 1978 an arnen&tent to SID 5 was adopted wtrich allo^ed the site to be developed vrith interval cmnership condaniniuns. Certain requirerents and stizulations relating to interr,ra"l omership-type uses were included ia the ordinance at tbat tine. Ttre nu,rlrer of urits allcxrable was al-so reduced frqn 155 to 139, with 1O of those required to be euplcSree housing rmits. Ttre developerts prlrosal crarently is not to have jnterval ownershlp units but single orvner condcnrinituns. A1so, through neetings with the Cornrunity Developnent Sbaff, the nurdrer of enployee housing units proposed is 18, rather tha$ the previous 10. It should be noted that the forner proposal for enployee units were lo-t-wo bedroqn rrrits of 1O,0OO GRFA, wfiere a-s, ncllr the proposal includes tB unj-ts of the sane floor area. Ilre advantage is a variation in sizing of the uris as folloq's: l2-Studlo Apartnents 3Se Bedroqn Apartrnents s-Tbn Bedrosn Apartrents Rattrer than putting an individual that is here for the season in a utit with a stranger, he/she would have their ovn sra11 apartnent. A1so, under this schene, going by a ratio of one permnlbedrocln, one rnore person could be housed. SITE PI.A}T r 4.V the+h?'due1ling units will be constructed with three buildings consisting of three eonstruc.ticsl phases. Lllajor recreational- arenities (open to the public st a limited nerberstrip basis) are three tennis courts, tll;o racquetball courts, an jndoor srlftlmlng pool and ja.ctez,zi. the intent is "to creat a hrxurious resort ccnplex with a conesponding high-quality anenity package" (Sinba &m Environrnenta-l Iupact Report, Januarlr, 1980). Ccnstrrrction of Phase I (the easternnpst building and covered parking) will begin in lhLl of 1980. Ptrase II consists of the center buildirs and the recreational anenities while the westemfipst buildiag cuprises the third phase. ETs. ! PE Menp ' Sfunba hrn-Page Three b20-80 Ttre site is vaeant w:ith a mininnim of gromd cover or trees. With the exception of sgrm steep slopes on the norttnrest portion of ttre property the site is basieatly flat. Ttte Uuildings have been oriented toumrd views of the Gondola (S) and positioned to the rear of the property. An aggressive landseapfug plan is proposed to ereate a park-type atnosphefe betueen the lbontage Road and the brildings. A tot lot and bicycle path will be loeated jn this area. As required W SD 5, 85% of the parking is underground (1?1 Spaces). Ttrere are 28 sur1ace parking spaces, also with the required total of 199.bejng ret. A requironent under SD 5 vtren it \,vas felt the unlts riiould be tirne-shared uas to-provide for charter bus parking. Ttre developer has ineluded this area north ot the tennj-s courts but it is feit by both the Staff and the developer that this 'wil1 not be needed nmr that the units will not be tinestrared. Tttis will iacrease the arnormt of gr"een spa.ce in the project. Another stipulation of the ordiaance is that no parkirlg be located @ the south side of any-building. The developer has proposed a.sholt-ternrfive-car lot fu front of the n'airl oifice lrrhich will have to be renpved. Ttrese ryaces could be put into the sr.rfact 1ot on the Northrest corner of the site. Another requirenent in S)D 5 is the cqrstrrrction of a public bus strelter and trrn-off. After dj-scussions with the Tranqlortation and Public Works DepartnFnt' it was felt that the witlr the elose pror.imiff of the Sandstone bus stcp artd the Va1li Hi bus stop it vas probably not necessary to jrrclude another turn-off on the Sirba Rm property. Moreover, the ordinance requires the derreloper to provide an on-goiag slnrttte systsn for the occr.U)ants of the project wtrieh fulther-decreases the need-for Twm of Vail bus service. Ihus, when peak rcct{rancy is reached arcnrnd Ctrri-strnas and Easter, the pri.vate shuttle service can be correspondingly increased. Ttre desigrr of the buildlngs is such that the lo1rest heiglrts are. realized cLosest to the Frontage Road, the area of highest visual iryact. Driving weslf on the fbontage fioad there will be a large visual fupact of eontinuous buildines. Ttre otrDosite effect is experienced gpon driving i11 an easterly Ci-rection. The ir4pact going vrest is aCdressed through heaw plantiag of Aryen trees. The facades of the strrctures are rtbtpken up" ttrrou$t protusions a^nd insets. T[is is an atterpt to reduce the visual i-npact of the size of the buildings. AIL other remining aspects oJ the SD 5 are rret in the developrent proposal. qlVlRolil\mmAl, n{PACT RFOFII the Staff feels the EIR filed for the project is thorough and, for the rmst part' rrelldocurented. There are rany assu@tions nade as to the behavior patterns of the future orvners of the rnits, horever, ttrese tylpes of hypothesis are an irfterent and necessary aspect of any EIR or EIS. A conscientious effort has been nade by the developer to include alL relevant inforuatlon needed to assess the inpacts of the proposed. developrent. The Staff feels that the EIR is an adequate docunent for this type of alalysls. ISF€ . PEC Msnr' 'Sir*ra h.n-Page Four 2"-20-.90 ErcOi/T\4EhIDATICNS Ihe Deparbnent of Ccrnrunity Developrent recqmends approvaL of the Sirba Rrn Condorniniurs subject to the following conditions: 1.) A public bicycle path be eonstructed to Tormr of Vail standards throueh the property frun the lfestern edge of Vail Rm to the eastern edp of VaJ"1i-Hi. 2.> That 18 qnployee housing rnits be conslrr:eted according to tbe sizing square footage as this renorandrm jndicates. 3. ) the developer provide the private struttle transportation servicrj j-n sr.rffieient form so tttat a higtr degree of seryiee is provided to the occupants of tle pr"oject. 4.) The five parki-ng spaces lrt front of the nain office be removed and replaced to tle south of the buildings or r:ndergrourd. nn*nfa^o D{urncDWE{TAL * orr*orn I A@NDA March 10, 1980 1:@-3100 P.M. llork Session on Vail Village and Lionslbad. 3:0O F.M.Public Heariag 1.) Approval of ltinutes of 2-25-80 Meeting of Developrent Plan and Lot Line Vacation Request for Sirba hmProjet located on Lots 6-9 and part of 10, Resrbdivisionof Block C, Lionsridge I'iling No. 1. 3. ) Dj-scussion of Zoning cn eight parcels of property presently oured by Forest Service wtdch were recently annexed into the Tovn of Vail by Ordinance No. 7, Series 198O. 4.) Condltional Use Perrnit to al1ow installation and use of an 18 lrole miniature golf course on Iot 4, B1rck 1, Lionshead 1st triling andlbact H,,Lionshead 3rd Filing. 5. ) Parking Variance for ttre deletion of eight parking spaces undergroundto brrlld additional reetirlg 'space at the Crest l"wated on l,ot 2, Block 1,Vail Lionstread Filirrg No. 2. ,. ?lanntug and Envi-rsunentuloo*i**ion Meeting of trlarch 10, 1g8O ldi:rutes llage One lvbnbgrs Present Gerry llhite Ed Drager Daa Corcoran Roger Tilkeneier Sandy Mi11s (cane in after Staff presentation of Sir$a Run) ldenltgr not present Jim lbngan Qouncil Person Present Ron Todd Sta"ff Menbers trresent . Peter Patten Dick Ryan Jin Rrbin Itsn #2 vas taken firsL. of Devel t Plan and Lct Lrne Vaeation t for Simba ium Ploject on Lots 6-vision Peter Patten gave the Staff presentation. peter said that the Boaxd hadbeen sent copies of letters and other inforration rega,rding the concernson this project frqr the last rreeting. Diana Torghitt naa-nret with skipc'ordon of the Transportation Departnent and peter-ana tney had gone orii-to the site and for.rnd, the best place for the bus trrrn-off . srip also felta shelter rould be best at the location and Diana Toughill fran igreed. peter said at the tine of the neeting, Diana had said she woulO nave to check rr'iththe architects regardi-ng the location of the bus turn-off. Diana Toughillinterjected here that there is no pr-oblem with the turn-off and shellerat that location. ltrey have. not had tfute to draw it crn the si-te plan, hcfivever.Peter said Kent Rore had sent a Letter saying that he fiads the roa.d to beadequate. Peter also said the FEc had receiied a copy of the letter fromthe architects on the landscapilg and a copy of the lltter frcrn the developeraddressing the eonditions raised at the Z.-1S-SO nreting. 2.) It.i'.' ! -Ff'anning and f,nvironnenthl Ccnmission 3-10-80 Minutes-Page T\n Sinba Run ccntirrued Diana Toughirl , representing the developer, a"sl{ecl if anyone had anyquestions regarding the naterial presented to thsn. Ed Drager ashed who will pay for the private shuttle, public bus trrn-off,and bus strelter. Dj.ana said the develqer. Ed also said that $2bo,000 is gl.25lsquare foot of open qpace on the site.lle does not feel that is adequate. Tqn Brjaer said lhey iraa ur"a that figureafter consulting tao qualified landscape architects. fir*y Uotf, felt the dollararn:unt rm"s srfficient. lhey also both said the planting of trees over 10-12feet tal1 rvould be difficult as they would not have conii-nued growbh. Ed Drager said that sti11 does not satisfy him. l'en Bliner said they don'it want to leire a landscape architect urtil theylmow they have an approved project. S m1g.f said the project was presented and ',<1JdI to the ptr as beingheavily landscaped and his doesr,t feel 9250,000 worth of ten foot treesis adeguate. Dlana Toughill said tuo people who a^::e exlrerts in their field, said itwas adequate. Peter Patten said he uanted to point out one rnore condition that be forgotto nentlon earlier. The developer would lil<e to offer 2oo rwnbershipsln anrenities. 129 rrould be for or/ners and the balance open to the pirulie. san$ M1l1s asked Ed Drager if he stil1 feels the landscape plan is irradequate Torn Briner said larger trees wi1l not grow. Roger filkeneier asked to be encused to call a landwape conpany inDenver. saady Mi1ls asked if by addi:rs auother bus stop on Lionsrid.ge Loop, theservice w:ill be of a lesser quality. Diana Toughill said that at theirree!1ne at the site, $<ip said by adding this siop, it mieht solve theproblens that exist there ncnp. Boge.r Tilkereier returned and said he had called Rrcky Mowtaln Tbeeexperts and the5r had said a tree 16-18 feet tall (cottonvr.rod) vrcu1d haveno prroblen with continual growth if planted correctly. Tqn Briner said they had planted Large cottoruoocs a'b the school Boardoffices in rlagle and they had au di;d. He said they tould be glad toget them. He said he wanted to point out that you can get nnre treesat 12 feet than you can at 20 feet. He said this could be discussedfurther during the DRB process. 7 -a fl jlarurir:g and Enirironncn{ Ccrrnissiotr- }'10-EO Llinutes-*Par"-e ThrEe-' Sinba ft:n eontinued Dan Coreoran said that since the landscaping is to be done in phasing, the problan of wtether N foot trees rnil1 gtrov could be handled duringtt€ pha.sing. C"e'rry lltrite said sprrrce are nnrch sturdier than Cottontcods and rirculd ljl<e to see those too. Hotvever, he does re l--i"E the cost. Ed Drager said he sti-Ll has a concern that they are llmiting tbemselvesto $250,000 and that by the tinre they get to their last phase, that anntllltwi.ll have run out. Roger llilkermier sa;id the condition should be phr.ased $25O'O0O or uore. Diana Toughill satd they had used that figure so ttrat the Board wsrld knor that there is money. If rpre is r:eo;rired, they will use nnre. Sandy Mil.ls said she stil1 has several problerm with this. Tlrere are large bui.ldings herb with a grea.t inpaet and they need to be screened. There is a need for a l-ot of Blue Spruce. She said perhaps PEC should gtve a directiveto DRB. Dan Corcoran said the plan is wtrat is inportant, not the do11ar Tcrn Briner said it is reconrnended that I 3/4 to 2/" af the total budget shculd go to landscaping. They are allocating npre than that. Crerqy llbite asked for a nrction. Diana Toughill said at the corpletion of Phase I, they will need tbe site landscaped very well to se11 Pha^se II and so on. Tlrey are going to neke sure it looks good. Ed Drager said that is still not adequate. Cerry Wtrite asked for a nption. Since no one made a nrrtion, Gerry rnadea uption to approve the Developrent Plan and I-ct Line Va.cation Requestfor Sjnba Inn Condoninirrn trroject located on Iots 6-g and part of 10, Resubdivision of Block c, Lionsridge Filing No. 1 inclurling the conditionsset folth by the staff in the 2-25-8O Ptrf, packet and based on the lettersin the 3-1.0-80 FtrC packet with the modification that flrc ilg be $25Or000 or fipre as required to fu1fill the nlan_thrt lelr lioger Tillre[eier, ffiry lllrite and Ed Drager wted fo]: approval. Sandy Mi1ls voted against and Dan Corcoran voted aga.lnsb. Sandy felt slrestil-l has problems with this projsJt.