HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 6-10 SIMBA RUN DECLARATION COVENANTS ORDINANCES LEGAL:- tffi^t{.!;-) l[Unlff-iilIy' community Dweropment Deparrment /*,% - tk //hly t*,*,rara -4 ft*^ ,E-- T"".fr- M,{1+.4€t' tr\ s:-3;) lUWnlff-iill)7 community Dweropment Depa.tmenr y..7-.ry; d* *rc{*' -/t)*'1 /L? -U,- r*,-*f ^'Ja4 6*1**' A-L ***t rA fr|aat1&tfu ; tL &.*+,'*'P**9- nW ,a *L'f'"fr*^a *^€" 4r."-t-;l+ frryJ' o4'4 -'*4n-"t-* -T w u en,l,*. J- /*/;" 4 cfut * L ^,,. /-.'-2r4./,^/ / d'- I ( MEI,MAI{DIJM SI.AI{NING ${D NW]NCINMET{IAL 64M]SSICT[ DEPAXIMB{I Of @!'Mt}Wry DEVEICEIr4EM| EEtsR{Amr 20, 1980 ffiISIDERAIICN IOR, APPROVAL OF SIMBA RI.]N Cq{DCN{INIUM PM]WI(FI}IAL PHASE CF' trMIAL DEVrINPI{EFIT DIS"IRICN 5) AI{D I.Uf LN{Ev4carlc8{ oF LOIS 6-9 Al{D A poHrlo{ oF IgI 10, niEs(mrwsrcbloF BLmK C, LIQ{ffiImE FILING i$O. 1. aFFLrcaNT: sinba, rnc., repressrted b'y L & M professional consultants,Inc.-Diana Tolghil1 ffi{INGr Special Developnent District b (Developuent Area B) TLSIING LAI.ID iIff: Vacant East-VaiL Run, $pecial Developrent Distriet E(Developoent Area A) West-Val1i Hi &ployee Housing project North-Casolar Vail Subdivisicn, Appro:<irmt eay Z|)1d Deve1oped Sotrth-North tuontage Road, I-?0 Interstare IAI'{D US $IATISTICS: Site Area of S'iqba Rxt 6.3 acres ot I74r4% sq. ft. TO: FFCM: DA]E: HE: (, ( \ 1391000 square feet 251000 square feet 11r50O square feet 511300 square feet 7,200 sqr.ure feet 6,30O square feet 58,049 square feet 277 7J2r8'Ig square feet 74'/. 2741248 square feet or 6.3 acres I I Bullding Utilizati.cn Areas Residential: Drclling lfrrits (ffiFA) Ccrnon Area (Ci.rculation) Asenities (pool, racquet ball, etc) Parking: 171 Covered spa.ces 28 Surface spaces Service Yard Total Site Utilization Areas Building area at grornd floor Percent of site Open gpace Percent of Site Total t PE Mernc S*fra &lr*Fage Ilrc 2-20-80 hrelLiag llnlts l]tpe Ocndqrrinitm rhTrlosree Bental TSIAL BACKCAffiND Average Sq. I't. /lD.U. 1roo0 ccD Sinba ft:n Sq. Ft. Total l-29,00o lq,00o 139,00O sDs ffiD 5 Sq. Ft. Total No. Ilota. %:2,w 10,000 212,000 No. L29 18 147 21"3 18m Te Sirba fhrn projeet will qrplete the developnant of gpecial Develotrxent DistrlctFive (S 5). It is the third gueration of CevefoSnent ideas for thl slte si-nce units of L01000 GHFAr wtrene a,s, notv the proposal includes 18 units of the sane floorarea' The advantage is a variaticn in sizing of the un* as follows: to@5uasadoptedwtlicned the slte to be devel srith omership . Certain were ilcluded-in the ordinance at that tirre. The.nrrrf,er of writs allcnp'able was also reduced frcnr155 to 139' v{i.th Lo of ttcse required to be enplciyee housiag units. lnelun!'9r of anployee housiag r.urits proposed is 18, rather ttqn the prevlous 1O.It should be noted that the forrner proposal for anpicgzee rnits $aere 10-trD bedrcqn L2-Sfirdio Apartnents 3-&re Bedroqn Apartnents 3-1ho Be&ocnr Apartrents Rather thaa putting an ind:ividual tbat is here fos' the season in a unit with astrangerr he/she wuld have their cnrr ssrell apararcnt. Also, rmder this schene,ping by a ratlo of one persur/bedrour, one rnre pergon could. be horrsed. SITE PT.AN Ihe 147 dnrelling rnits rry:ill be constructd \trith three buiLdings consisting ofthree-constructlcn phases. }lajor recreational arrwlities (open to the pr;biic cur a llndted nenbership basis) are three tennis courLs, trrc racquetbaf ccrurts,an indoor srirming pool and jaouzz:.. Ttre intent is "to creat a -lrr:qrious resofoccnplex with a cor:respcndins high-quality arenity pac,kage" (Sinba Rrn &rvircnnpntalIryact Reportn January, 1980). Ccnstnrctisr of Pbase I (the ea.sterrurDst building and covered parking) will beginin IbI1 of 1980. Phase II csrsists of tbe center building anO ttre recreationalarenities while the westerrurpst building ccnprises the third phase. t r Pffi Meuro Sirnba Rn-Page tbree 2-20-80 ( Tbe site is vacant w{Jl * rnininnrm of grourd cover or trees. Iyith ttrc er<cepticn ofscnE steep slopes on lhe norttnaest portlon of the property the slte is U"sicaiivflul:. th9 buil"dlnss have been oriented touard rriws ot the Gcmdol"a (s) andpositioned to the rear of the pr"operty. An aggressirre landscaping plan is proposed l"-_.1*lt: a park-t1pe atnnsplreie betd€n the lbontage noad and ttr6 lruilaingi. ' A tot rot and bicycle path will be loc*ted in this area. F "uqrtit*o by sD 5, 85u of the parking is undergrund (1zl gpaces). There are28 s'rface park5ag spaces, also w:ith tG requined total of lggbeing ret. Arequiroernt under S 5 v'rhen it was felt the rnits ruculd be time-shared wasto provide for ctlarter bus parkdng. The developer has inclcded thls ar:ea nonthof the tennis ccurts but it-is felt by both the Staff and the develcper tbat th.iswiLl not be needed ncm that the unitsurill not be tiueshared. Ttris will increasethe aruomt of green space in the project. Ano-ther stipulation of the ordiaance j.s that no parlriag be located on the scuthgide.of -any bullding. Ttre developer bas proposea a shoor.t-teznr-fivecar lot infro'nt of ttre rlE.il office vrtrietr wiif have to be rqrrred. Ttrese qraces c,cul-d betrrt rnto,the surfaet 1ot on the Norttrqest eorner of the site. Another reguirenent In SD 5 is the constnrctlsr of a publie bus shelter andturn-off. Afts dlscussions with the Transportation and Rrblic lvotfrs oepar*nent,it rnas felt that the with th9 cJose proxirnity of the S"O"f"or" bus stcp and thel3rf!-ni bg *top it vas probably nol neeessary to include anottrer turn-off qrthe sirba hm prcperw. triloreovei, the ordinanee requires the dewloper to ryYiq9 *.9rl-going-slluttle systen_for tbe occrpautJ of the projeet *tict, ttt"ttur€t€creases the need for Tcnnr of Vail bnrs service. Ttrus, rryten-peik ocopancy isreached around ctrrishns and Easter, the private struttie sere-ice can becorrespmdingly increased. The design of the buildings is strch that the loryest heiglrts are reaLizedclosest to the rbontage Road, the area of highest \risual tnpact. Driving I::l-?l th" rbonta€e Hoad thene will be a large .''i"ual fup"it of csrtinuousur.rrrc[ngE. The otr4rosite effect is experienced upon driviirg in an easterlydirectlon. the ispact going west is addressed tirough treai,v pranting of " Aqlen trees. the facades of the stnrctmes are,'rbncken rp,, through protusicurs and insets.lh-is is an attanpt to r"edrce the yisual :trpact of ttre irze ot tbe buj-Ldings: AlL other reraining aq)ects of the mD s are met in the develogrent proposar. EII\TECN{MENIAL IMPACT RMORT The Staff feels the EIR filed for the prgiect is thorough and, for the npst pqrt,nell-doeurmted. There are rnany'asffirptions nade as to"the nehavior patterni-oithe futrre fi,ners of tle *1!S-r horerrci, these types of trypotrresis are an jnherent aad necessarXr aspect of any EIR or EIS. A consclentious etiort bas been *d; tt-the deveLcper to i-nclude a1l" relevant lnfonm.tion nu*AeA to assess the irpact5-9f tbe prcposed develc4nent. Ttre Staff feels that the nrn-:-s an adequate docgnentfor this type of anal-ysis.iL I ( PE Mm Sirba Rn-Page Four 2-20-80 RrcCIiIMB{DATIC[{S lhe Departurent of conmrnity Develc&nent reconrrcnds approval- of the sirbah'ur Condcrniniuns subjeet to Ure toitcwfng ccnditions; 1.) A pubric bicycle path be constructed to ?oqvn of vail standardsthrough the property frw the Western edge of Vail Sr.ur to theea€tem edge of VaLLi_Hi. 2.) ?bat 18 onployee hous:ing urits be constructed. accordiag to the sizingsqlare footage as this necfif,rardun indicates. 3. ) the deveroper provide the prirmte stnrttle tranqrorbaticn senrice iJr". suffieient fonn so that a iigr, degree of serrnlci is pnovided to ttre (; Plarmlng and &rvircnnpntal Ccrmisslonl4eeting of lhrch 10, lgg0 ltinutes Page &re l&4:rs Present Geny Uhtte Ed Drager Dan Corccran Roger Tilkarcier San$ Mi1ls (care in after Staff prerentation of S{nrba hm) tr&rfter not mesent Jim Morgan Courrcil Perscn present non Todd $taf{ Mer$ers kesent Peter Patten Diek Ryan Ji.ur Rubin (r Itern:t? was taksr firsc. 2.) :. t, Plan and [.ot Line Vacationted on L,otF for SiLrba ri:isim Peter patten garre the staff presentation. Feter said that the Board hadbeen- sent coples of letters ana otner-intorrntion rega-rdi;g the concernson this proiect frcrn the.last_rueeting. Diana ?oughiii-n a"*t with scip99 of .the [lnsporration Depariffit and peter-andlGt;.d gone outto the site and fo]nd the best ptace tor the bus turn-off. sklp also felta shelter wruld be best at the locatiou ana o:iana Cougrtii rraa agreed. petersaid at the tirne of llre reeting, Drana had said she *6ura rrarr" to check wlthltq alchitects regarding the rocation of the bus turn-off. Diana Touehilr"interjected here that there is no ,prpbiem with the turn_off and shelterat that location- Ttrey have not hall tirne to draw it *, tn* site pIan, hrrnao**.Peter said Kent nose uid sent a reiter-saying that he firlds the road to beadequate. Peter aLso said the ppc had received a copr of itre retter fronrtbe arehitects or the-landscaping and a copSr of the iitt". i""m tt*-o"*roe*addressing the conditions ralsed-at the Z_ib_SO neetlng, ' Planning and ftrvirqrrnntal Cwmission 3-10-80 ldinutes-Page I\o Sinba Rm cqrtinued Ed Drager said tbat sti11 does not satisfy him. Tcn Bri-ner said they don't want to hLre a landscape architeet rrrtiL they::kn@.they .have -an approrired project. Fd Dra€er said the pr.oject was presented and ,rsld'r to tbe pffi as being . heavily landscaped and lqis dogq't feel $28o,000 worth of ten foot tre6s rn -c- -ig- adequate. I'<- a(c/x'l *'Diana-Toughrtl said tuo people wtro are orperts in thein field, said itwas adequate. Diana Tbughill, repreenting tbe devel-oper, asrred i-f anyone had anyquestions regardi"ng the rraterial presented to them. Ed Drager asked rrho-will pay for the private struttle, pubric b's trrn-off , _-t,.alrd bus strelter. Diana said the develcper. Ed a.1so 's'id that $280,000 is $l.zblsquare foot of open qpac,e on tbe site.:-Itre-does not feel that is,adequate. TcrnBriner said -tuey irn u*o that figir:c,eafter consrlting tfia qualified landscape architests. Tirey both felt the dollar-amcunt was srfficient. they also boflrsaid the planting of trees over 10-12 '.599! tp! yculd be diJficult as they would not nave cqrfinued growth. (r 1S Roger Tll[ereier asked to be excused-.tq qa4. a landscape conpa"ny iaDenvei. ' Y ''-' r 'ri 'r j' -::1:. l:!.-i!-.'..l..-:1''...-]..]:..'.t..'...'!-.'.']..:,'.. san@ Mills asked if uy aaoug another bus stop on Lionsridge roop, theservice will be of a lesser quaLity. Diana Toughill said tiat at ttreir*Ii"g at_ the site, _$<ip said by adding this siop, it nieht solve theproblm that qrist there ncry. Roger Tllkqneien returned and etd he bad called Rocltt, l,lourtain Treeexperts and they had said a tree 16-18 feet tal1 (Cotlculncod) sruld haveno problan with contimral" grwth if planted correctly. Tqn Briner said they had planted large cottontoods at the school Boardofflce in Eagle and they had all dled. IIe said they rculc be glad toget thern. Itre said he wanted to point out ttrat you can get nnre treesat 12 feet ttran you can at 20 feet. He said this could*be discussedfurbher dLring the DRB process.Ll Planniag and Environrentaf Cmrrlssisr .3-10-80 Minutes--page lhree Sinba &.rr continued hn corcoran said tbat since the landscaping is to be done l,' phasing,the prcbLen of ntretber 20 foot trees wili g;.,r courd n*-nar,ar.a dtrtngthe phasing. 't\ lerry l{hite said. qlruce are n*rch sturdier than cottc'lrcods and wculdlike to see tbose too. fiouever, he does nealize the cost. Ed lra.ger said he- "t41 h?s a concem that tt€y are lrmitjng themselvest9-fzm,00o and that by the tine trt y set to theis last phase, that arpuntwill lave nul cmt. Roger Tilkeneier said the cmdition shoufd be phrased $zsorooo or rpre. Diana Torghiu said they had used that figure so that the Board wcnrld.hror tbat there is rtrley. rf more is required, they 'rfli use rmre. Sandy lr{ills saicl sfre still has several prcfolerre vrith thls. Ttrere are 1argebuildings here with 3_ge1t i-nqpact ana itrey n*eo i"b.-screeneo. There isa need for a Lot of Blue Spruce. she sal{perhaps ppc rt*rd giye a directigeto ffiB. Dan corcoran said. the plan is wtrat is inportant, not the dollar ar-,,'t. Tlqn Briner said it is reconmended that 1 3/4 to ZT. of fire total buagetshould go to landscaping. They are allocating rm.-irr"o-tr,*t. Cierry l9hite a.sked for a mtion. Dtana Tcnrghill said_at the ecrqpLetlm of phase r, they 'ilI need the si.telandsg?pgd -very well to serf pilase-ii and so trr. T?rey are ping to rmkesure it looks good. Ed Drager said that is sbil_l not adequate. Gerry write a*srred, for a nptlon. since no one nnde a notion, Gerry mde ? t-l+og to arrpro\re tbe Developrert pran and rct Line vacatiqr Eequesbfor sinba Rrn cmdondniun $ru;ict r-ocated on IDts 6-9 ;t part of 10,Res.rbdivisim of Block c, Lioisidee-i'ilios No. f- including the ccndittons ?et lorlh by the s'taff in the 2-28-80 pm ;acket ana raseo m the rettersin the 3-10-80 pEC packet with the np*iticition trr"t irr*-i*dscaping be$250,000 or n're as required to fulfill the ptan that rrilr be apprwed " P_1h"_*9ign.Revier har'd: ffoger ti.***ie" ecorded the mtion,,/ xoger 'r?rke[Eier, crerry uhlte and Ed Drager rpted for approvaL. sansru111! voted agaiasb anit uan corcoran votEd againrt. -s"i-q, felt she,L s'till has problems with thfu project. ( Mlnutes of PEC l,Ieeting Z-?F-g0 Page Tlno ct?iq sncnidm asked to see vilrere the Dffi sugestions had been incorlnratedand Chrck and Jay poirrted them out, Cierry White asl<ed if anyore had anyrmre questions, sandy Mi1ls asked abo't the uses of the nfi' area. Darrell Ic.throp u.idit would be for lobby, parhing and storage. Ed Drager said he tbcught the Loft area uas for an.offlce, Dagell saidit will be for storage. Ed ashed if they qnuld have to cme back fe anotherapproval lf it !ea.s to be trsed for an offiee and raas toLd ttr€y would hare tocmB back. cbuck Donley said DnB vrfll have to see this again officially. sandy ltills asked horv rmny qlaces urtlI be uitrere the €rdstlng parking is.Da:re11 Lath'pp said th€y unitt trave 1g where there are z0 spaces now. Sandy MiLls made a rntim to grant the Conditlcnal Use Peluit to a1lor anexpansion of the exlsting lst Bank BuiLdfrg located on lot G, vail vilLagerillnc No. 2 as per the Statt l,teno dated t20-80. Dan corcora11 secmded therption. Ttre vote was unanirnrs. Itenr ff was nclr dLseussed.. /.> Tcrn Briner and @ry Sletish ganre the*sll{e preggtf.li@ eg1g. Tun polnted out the reasons thsy had positioned the buildjngs theuay that they have. Itre explained a1l the parking, landscaping.l.fe ecrplaiaed the phasing. phase f would G Uu:.f[-t:-rst. it"tis the eastern nnst b*ildiag. pha"se rr is the northern nrcsibuilding and Phase III is the Western unst buildlng. Gerry Whlte asked v*rat.percentage of the parking j.s enclosed.Diana Touehil1 said 8b% is enclosed. c'erry Ilhlte asked the develcpnent sched'-1e. Diana ssrid they pranto start Phase r in the Farl of 198o and conplete earry in i9se,Phase rr, they plan to starb fu the sursrer oi ratt ot isge. phase rrr,they plan to start il late 1983 or early 1g94. and l,ot Line Vacatioa ( !,Iinutes of PEC laeeting ?-?.}-f{J Page Thr€e Roger Tilkeneier said vntth the pot€ntial of the uritsp"l one tine, Peter sald since Sisba Bun plans to nn a shuttle system, the Staffdoes not feet that the Bus nn""ti-i" "ecessary. IIe and Diana net withFip-q*d*r' Bus ftrFnrisor, andreni nose Tcnn Eagineer and they all caneto tbis eqrcl'usion. mey air fer.t the b's turnoff"wotrld not be necessaryas the inpacts are a-rtfgiren1, trrey wfi beproviotni *rr"tir* service, the*"€tory stop is not.lha!-Ia{ "*i,,'*a *acriii"rr FtG-i-rrra slcry the senriee.5he staff feeLs that.tlg ErB nep"*t'x "cc,:rate, the assrryrtions are correctand adequate. The st*ff recsminos approvar based cn the f<rur emditicnsset forth in the nsncr of z-20-go. pei6r arso rentiqred that the staff hasrequested that the five parki-ug E)aces on the *rface be ehanged. crarirs\peti"sh said that rnc-ura_ue oo 6"oire* as the charter B.rs parking r*richwa's req&i,.ed urder the Ti-re strar,e plan, ha.s been elinrlnath raraer thisplan. 'ftoger Tilkeneier asked what conturoL tbere is onrer the shrttle syster. $hatndll stop tbe developer fron *lorryiog it as soon o;hw-;* finished withthe proiect or the cc'noo assrciatron"rrcm _slopping it wtrenever ttrey decidethey don't waat to pay.for rt anvncre, Ed Dr;bo"oia"{t*-"*rr"rs udl1 betaxpayers and have i l.reht i; ili,il;-b* seryice.. .: . . iPeter said bus serrricecorr.d be provided if required and the developer isagreeabLe to pravlding a bus turi arornd, hou,eirer, trt" s;t*tr did not feelit vas that far to the $andstone or Valfi Hi $tops. sansr Mi1ls said usfug a bus on the back side of the project rmuld notbe that inconvenient, :- -., -_:..-.-Drager said erren-ff,tnere G asrrttle service, pecple are stilI pingto-.use -the public tranqortatim systan, *rt Drager said wlth a private system, it is usrmi.ly very ccnvenient forthe developers or condcr assoclations'to se11 tne uirs ri,nln-lh*y oo rongerfind lt necessar5z. r€",y Ed$rith said the Seci3r Develqpnent Disbrict regulaticns requiret$t tng develcrper provide the privatb systsn but there are no ccntrorsafter the develotrruent is conpleied. ied with required tjrnes etc. shouLd be provided. EF Fre"srur.-u-see saddling the developerto.nrn the private systen. pubLic Tluirsport*tion.' Jirn R.lbln said the sgrit Deverc4xrent Dlstyict requires that a pri'atebus system be provided. The Totvn staff feels that iG "eu"""t u.rs stopsarg-ngt tbat great a dlstance. with the density being as 10rry as it isanticipated' ttrey do not feel another bus stop is neciusaqy and rm,r.donly over burden the existing systsn. By not providlng arrotter ouspull off, ne would be encouraging then to use itre privite "y**o. ( Mlnutes of ptr lr{eetfug Z-ZE_8O Page Four Ed Drager asked if {.nr .r= glyins we should rnake it iaconrrenient to use thepulclic systes!' IIe thinks tris is "dtur to the purpose of the systern. Jim Iibrgan aslred how we can enforce tbe keeping of the pnrr,*te systam. Jin &lbin Said what E 19'" sqing m.s that to provide a public Wsbenn,diseourages the use of the p"i""i" "vst*,. Diana Toughill said. they are rrilling to do uhatever is required of thern.they wil1 put in a bus stcrp if neceEsarv, ttrey ud11 \a,,rk to keep the stf,rttlesystqn in the private decalrations. Iairv usii"wittr sai*briv.ate decararationscan be changed. Roger ?ilkareier said there rny not be a denand for the systemr tben wbatbappens? As tarrpayers, th€S, s,ve a "ieht to use the ry"iui. Diana-Tougfuill said the t*o exisbing b's stops are onry g00 feet eagb and120O_feet west. Roger Tilkerreiu" olg.lry.fglnaths-to the Valli Hi bus stop ls prdably notllory"d' Dick Ryan sa+d lbe bikb pattrs are all ploved for the school children-Ed Drager said. none. gf the rilre p'attrsTfoot patG are sonnected. Dick Ryansaid they will_ be this sunrner. Roge: ?ilkeneier reiterated that the service sfiould be prrrvided to then Ed Drager said there is.already enough traffic on Lionsidge roop. Theproblwr at Vail Run certainly needs io Ue relieveO. DiA fiy* sairl KentRose is n<rrking on a solutim to have a pLo'ing ry"t"r;h"; with parkingon one side three days a rreeJr aad parking on the 6ther side tbe aJ-ternatlngdays. Dan corcoran said they_ are parking fllega11y at Breakaway lfest, rf thePolice just enforceo trre no pa-r.iig theL, there rcu1d be no pmuten. Ed Diager saia trrey axe putting a 1ot of traffic into an already bad area. Roger Tilkeneier asrsed if tlt deyelopers had qorked qdth the Torn Engineerto .see-w)at the ir4pacts ryourd be. lTlen potato patcrr iiar*ua, trruy ha.d towork with the ltown Sg-**", Roger thinks this needs to be aooressed here.He thinks the Tou'n Ssineer neeG to say whether that roaa-can acco,o'ttatethat ruch npre traffic. Gerry white said before the Board can vote on this itan, there needs to beqralificaticns in all of these area"s. F9 D:ager asLred Ro, Trodd hop rpny cars would be generated on that road frcrnthe serby/rlofeL developnent. Ron said half of tte "o* *otrio rrse Buffer fteekand the other half rnould use this road. Roger Tilkeneier aslred if a curb cut would be required to rmt<e the cut orthe lbontage Road. Jim said i.t u,ou1d be required by the State Eighlvay Dept, t I I ( Itinutes of PEC }{eeting A-ZS_90 Paee Five Dlana Tough11l said they are not generating that rnrch ncne traffie. sandy M11Is said they are trying to irnagine wtrat the worst possibJ-e casewru1d be. sre reali4s wbat-th6 ae,oeioiers are aniticipating as purcbasersbut the Board is thlnk atread to vfio the oryrers ndght be in five years downtE l*d. Perhaps it r4ould be al1 front raage people who vpurd generatea lot rrore traffic. Ed Drager ne.de a rmtioa to eontinue th:Ls iten for 3o days so that fr:rtherstudy can be doae. Roger Tilkerreler seconded the rption. The vote was fivefon the cont-inuaticn and one abstentiat, (Fan Corcroran) Sandy MiLls said she thirks they should *iscuss the problens they rmuld likerbicilveil at th.is tine. Ed Q,ager aqked to trear frcnr Jon Eberle wt,o had just ccne in regardixg thebus pioblern. Jon said thrs rryas rather nw to hirn. peter and cturck had rnetwith-&ip Gordon of hi* $taff to discr.rss the bus turn arcnrnd.. Sd Drager a.sked when the &tvironnental- Inpact Statsnent had been sghrdtted,Diana TorighiLL sald it rvas irr early January. Jm. Eberle said he didn't feel they wculd use the vaLli lti stop if theyhbd to ualk that far. He also feels thene rrruld be problens with anotherpulL off on the rt'ontage noad in that area. There would definitely be aniryact on the :uad behird. Jim l{organ a"sked if Jon ls encouragiag private druttles. Jon said there isno real arsqer to that. Ed Drager asked if it Jon's opinion that the5r uake the prlblic system i.nconvenient:o thg-pT:ivale system is convenient. Jon Eberle saia lie woulo give * *,rnei".He said if the Tsrrn we to anne:< llest vail ana tG-nd* mnted to continuelpeir private sysbtrr' Fe lloutd not put a stop there. ir-tnr Foost discontiauedtheir private systemr he srould put a stop tGre. Jim trbrgan asrred iJ he is saying ve shour.d enco'rage prirate systerns. Jon gaid vre should encourage private systans but provlde public service. Gerry write said re should increase the pr:b1ic systern and at the sane tiJFencourage private. lle said he thinks we should have a special uork sessimto discuss a1l the problern areas discussed on this i.d"t-. ' lbe attorney for the derelcpers asked to speak. He sald Diana Toughillhad gane to check on the date of sr:txnittal of the ErR and that thd donot want this to be delayed any further. The inpacts have been consideredand the developers ane w:i-lllng to do wtratever is requ-lred to get this approveO.: Diana returned and said they had subrnitted the ErR on .rarnrary 21, 1980. !. t'L ( !{i.nutes of Ptr Meeting of LZb_g0Page Six r'€ry lbsKinrgl a.sked the attoreey if he lir/ed here. He said he did not. Itrsaid be shsurd rive r4r there ano krcmr u,hai tt*-tr*ttGJm** o*. Ed Drager said the EI& only considered the traffis of a certalr type ofovner and not the second generation people. Tgt *:" Fd joio"o the metJng aad Ed Dr"aeer asked tds abdrt the inpacts onthe road. Ibnt said the road "ui u*rai. the-project. ge Jia the pn&i"ens oftbe older projects should not rrave to be taken care of by the nw developers.ry Yid !h"v "{ g"ine'F :nprdt-" no partcine procedrre so that the roa.dcan be plcfiried tretter. rc sara he can do a stuff of the rroad. lf the Boarddesi:es, but he is fl,"e he will "** t" the s,,E eonclusion that the roadis adequate. Ed Drager asked about t* Flbv prcperby. Kqrt said he did a s,..dy cm thefupact on the road by thg-F16 !*jec;. He concluded tl*i trr* rnad is a@uateas a lot of the people v.i1r u6e hrtler creerr goad ,insreua. - Gerrrr shite a.sked DnB if they have anything to add. Fritz Gla.de said beqleaks for l(ris sivertson, te* uesrinpn and hiaself. geiaic they don't@{tt to see another vail spa. ttrey naa questions on the naterials, m.ssing etc.After the rpansna issue, tlrunt quusirooeo ttre nat *"t". 6ey qgestioned thefeallff of the Laadscaping. - C"aiS $nqmdon saiA t-r9 T llg oeposing vote of the DFB. I{e likes the Vail fuaand- tbe uesslng of ile futldjrgs. ge f*es the way it is set back frcm tbehighway. He feels ue need rellef frqtr tbe ftnta# R"_d: -' Bqeer Tilkffleier said that rvhat caig is s,yiog is just reinforcing thestat€ment Eldon Beck rnade a fern yeari ago abou[ uuiidi"g-G*g perpendicularto the valley. craig said he would like to see all ttrree pbases have diffe*.ent naterials. Kris sivertson said \ rikes the Landscaping but would r.ire to see npre m,turepLantings than thrce fmt aspens. Ed Drager asrred what phase the-randscapi:rg qourd be done in. Diana Toughillsaid the landscaping woutd be done in Lactr ptrase if ii vCIuil not be destroyedby the ccnsLrrrctisr of the other phases. san{y Mi1ls said she likes the idea of the.heavy trees along the lbontageRoad but irl the wilter, Aspen trees are not going to tiae-a'oo foot buildiag. sandy Mi1ls asl(ed about the arploSzees housing,square footage. Diana Toughillsaid- orlgnaIly they had-planned the req*irea-ro-"r*ir-;ffn* rryere all to betrc bedroour urits of 8Fo square feet eacn. ftre staii ,.q-.t-o that theychange this to 18 ,nits and have a rdx of-.hrdr;;;;e-iEiilus, etc.Dick Rvan baid the sraff fett thi-s qas a uetter-mt]-'-sii6"rg.* it i"a better rnix. she asrred if they will rent to other ttran -tieir own arployees.Diana said thev rrould have the sare restrictions as iG-v"iii IIi de'e1"opnent.Dan corcoran adred rqho will owr the enplcyee units. Diana said the devel"oper vrill. L ( Minutes of the PE t4eeti-ug of 2-2.5-90Page Seven furry white asked if anyone varted to reverse the previous motion navr thatscne of the questions bad been ansrrcred. Dan Corcoran said he felt the issrre va.s iust being delayed by all tbese questions.The questions seeured to have been ansrwered. Roger Tilkanel-er said that he was not trying to delay the derrelopnent butwoutd lile to questicns anstered. He voutd-like a liltter tron fent s;atingtha! the road vould be adequate etc. Dick Wan said if they do delay ttris, he would li]te to }now wbat other inforuationwould be required before the next ueettug. Diana Toughill said the ErR that qas approved vdth the special Derie.loprrentDistrict in L9TB was for rmre density. Crerry Sleite said the problens have been clarifj-ed sorerlrhat and ue could. proceed, Jin tr{crgan said be thinks this nerits,further sbudy especially on the phasiagof the landscaping. Dick &yan said the final landscape plan strould go to DRB, not pEC but thePlanning ccwnissiqr could reccnnrena scrre ccnditions to the DRB. li** Touehill said. the-y _are vri11i.ug to set a doll,ar anpurt such as $2EO,OO0for the landscaping and they qroulO spfit it annng the phases. Cbaig Snorrdon asked what the pffi is apprrcving. Jfutr Rubin said tbey are looking at the overall concept. Eoger Tilkeneier sald he is not asl<ing for the final landscapixg plan. He-is reguesting that rature trees be pLanted. Jim lvlorgan said the PEC needs to kncnr that tbe landscaplng plan is an elerentof the design. Diana Toughill said w'ith_rvtrat they have in thejr rriew cornidor, they need ,to screen and they defJnitely have to have a good landscapjng plan. Gerrry llhite said this is all very confusing. IIe tbinks the pEC slrould letthe deveLoper isrcltr v&at the defiaite problens are. He a-sked each nrerberto state his feelings on the developrrent plan. ( L Mlnutes of the pU Mrbetings of Z_ZS_80Pa€€ Eight Ed Drager said he trc basic concenrs. He thjlks a bus stop should be provlded.AIso he r+ould like tg.suu a more "pe.iti" landscape p1an. Diana Tougbil.l said 13:v q"* wiuing to five with rryhatever is required of tten. crer4y llltrite saidjM:.9" you have any problem with the site or oevelognenr p1*?" -ro nng."-saiohe did not. Roger Tilkeneier said he does not rant to hold ql the dereloper but he thtuksthe staff and the Trenqrortation Departuent sbould reviw this again. Ib wouldlike a letter frcnr Kent-Rose sayinjiha; the road x aoequaie. I{e rmuld likea eorynittment frqn the deveropei about putting in rmture trees, not Just adolLar armunt. sandy Mil1s said stre thinks srip and Jon shcnrrd get together and €cne rpwith a deflnite reecameudation. she thinks tne stcp oi tn* back slde isadequate. she thinks t!rcy negd to get a connlttrnent frcm the @veloper -+ot* tbe landscapine pr-air aaa a wrltien report frcm Kent nose about the-foad. sl'* rmulo also uke to see the Breakaway west kcblqn eolved. sheIITF tbe enploy_ee-housing rnix is eood. stre thinks the ansrities sr,ould f-"ryI,lo_firc publie even though stre lmoqE the developeer prefers not to. ( years ard that can.be.decided dwi,'g tilat ttrc. s-oy uiirs said she feels JTovi"'t**"ffi Jim l4crgan said he has a probreur with the parking for the arenities. Hedoesrrt .a€ree with the EIs. He has a probiern *iIn tt" Grgtt, Ib feelsthe landscaping is a verjr jrportant issue. srtre v'o*ld rike thsn connitted t5 h"":ns-iG ;"ili;"il;r"tJ^ii; o*iil.*t:u":n"p,tt* ,*"iti["-ql" to the publiewilL do whatever is r ilr'ffi ?1n-}::":T_u?19 I* {gep't feel a wrltten report 1s necessary and if it6 J 4r!. .|.r_ .l. l,:.:'FTl T 1 @t?y:.it i9 a poor rmve, rle thinxs tr*V-S.rrra rmke the buspull off as a condition of approval. Bqger Tilk€n'ier said he_ig.not trying to_delay anything by requesting tbeLetter." It can be a ccndition of lppiolrar it i,*Ji,"drl -" Postpopresen 3-10-8q reetlng at which t ireThe fo A resolution of the bus sltuation. A statenent form Kent Rose on the adequacy of the roa.d.Definite statenent on the landscaping-anda ".nmr.ttoni to plantrnature trees. Public usage of the armnities Agreernent to the staff conditions ln the msm dated 2-20-go and mve tbat this ltem item rrculd 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...'--''\-#- Jim l'lorgan astred Tqn Briner if he could look at the height prohlen before thene)<t fieeting. Tcrn srid by decreasing the height, trrerr **rra have to cover Jim ldorgan seconded the rmtion. rmre of the site. Miautes of the Ptr Meeting of 2-2S-gO Page Nine the wite uas taken. Ed Drager, Eoger Tilkerc.ier, Jim lr&crgan, and. sandy lr4u1svoted for the pos@onement. Gerry lrBrite voted against. ian corcoran abstained. Diana Toughill said she object5to this postpcnwnt. Roger Tllk<fteier said it iust entalLs vniting a letter ccnnrittiag to all thesethines. Itre doesrrt rmfgsfnd why a tuo week oetay is that rrportant if theydon't plan to start r.urtil this fai1. Diana said tirey are alrea.aty on the Twncourcil Agenda for il4arch 4. r,ew l{eslfinen said they sircuton,t have gottm onthe agenda without pW approrral. Tlie attorney for the derreloper said they canrt afford a delay at this tine FuWq they depend on presales ano rnusi get their "rrtuti"g prograrn under-way. Sandy Mills said the B@ral has been critieized in the past for alprovingprojects just because the derreloper is i:r a hurry. snb aoes not feel twoqg"ks iF an ihconvenience or a trarasnip. Gerry l{hite said they mrst ftlve on to the next item. ItH-#4 ms dlssussed nerct. IGnt Rose rmde the presai- and audienee, Gerry l[hite asked about theit nould be conpleted this Use allqry the construction of a f Cerry lYhite said is going to hatrpen. Structure questions of the Board Kent 'said he didn't think and Sandy ltills nade a nrotion tg approve the Cmditional Use permit to al].ourthe constnrctiq-3|.a f.a1lLn$.f-tructtue_and 1bangportatlor lbcility cn Iot 1,el*t 2, Yaj.r hil*:*,:Isr Filing *q ry! s, e nbsr.rnOivisian ot rit t, erocri t,vail Lionstread 3d TilCne as per itre Statt M&no of &20*80. noger Tiilierpierseconded the rnotion'' The rrcte was uilantnous with the'.exception of Dan Corcoranctrc abstained. Itern #1 lras ncnr Oisgti:;seO. t..., tr.1. Anpr"oval of .lrf.nutes of 2,-11-80 Meeting. .\ /.----1sandy _Mf1s Nlade a rption to appro\re the minutes. Roger Tilkeneiersecon$dd the nmtion. I?re vote rvas rrnanjnrrus./L j t a a TYPE III EMPLOYEE I{OTJSING I'NIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT wHrnrm, t-ftl )(ff HFLfZ.. bfisownerofcsnerngopany("rhe Ovnef)daacrlbdas: FtttT /&d/ , <rnra* PAI/ t/An A//ET# Prcpenyrl; erd WHEREAS, the Orner wiehes to place aeilaln res|rlctions on the uee ol a unh or apartment locallon lhe Pro'petty br,lh€ benefft ol the Ovrner and the Town of Vail, Colorado fthe TorrnJ. NOW, THEREFORE, the Orvner does hereby impose, eataHish, aoknowledge, declare for the benefit of all persons who may herelnafter purchase, or lease, or hold fie su$ect land lhe tollowirp. rgstticlions, covenants, and condllions, all of which shall be demEd to run wllh the land and inure lo ths benefit and bg blndlng upon ths orrner, lts respectlve granlees, succeisors, and ssslgns. Unit or Apartrnent /a0 / , @nraining/f-square leet, is hereby restriaed as e Type lll Employae Housing Unft (EHU) wtrich must comply wittr allthe pmvlsions of Sesliong 18.57.020, 1857.030, snd 18.57.060 of tha Vait Munhipal Code as amEnded. 2. The Type lll Ernployee Housing Unit shall be leasad totenanF who are full-tlme employees who work in Eagle County. An EHU shall not be l6as€d hr a perlod less than thlrty concecutfue days. For the purposes of thls aection, a tuti-ttme employee ls one who works en average of thidy hours each week. A Type fll EHU may be sold, trans{enod, or conveyed soparately from other drvelllng unhs or Employee Houslng Unlts that may be looated on the eame krt or wlthln tha eame bulldlng so long as it mEets tre follorlng conditbns: e) lt must be used by ihe owner ol lhe EHU as a permsmnil reaHence. For the purpose of thls paragraph, I permsnent resldence ehall mean lhe home or plam In yvhlch one's habftatlon ls fixad and to whlch ons, wheneror he or she ls abcefll. ' has a present intantion of returning aftsr a deparlrre or abeerrce therefrom, regudless of the duration ol absence. In dslormlnlng what ls a p3rmenent lesldenco, lhe Town sNaft shall Lks the tollotdng clrcumstarreee rchting to the owner of the resldence Into account; buslness pursulls, e,mploymenl, lncome BoutBsg, reeldence for lncome ot ofrer ux puipoees, ege, merilaf 3lat 8, 1. 3. 4. residence of parents, epouse and ohlldren lf any, locarlon of personal and real propsrly, an molor vehlale reglstradon. b) ll a Type lll EHU is sold, transfgned, or conveyed separately lrom th€ oth€r ' dwelllng unlb anJ/or Type lll Ernpbyee Housing Unlts ln a multlfamlly structure h le Epert of, or from other dweltlng units ard/or Type lll EHUg looated on tfte ssrne lot, the Type lll EHU3 In rhe structurs or on thet lot sh8ll bs subjecr to a[ the provlehn sa bnh In Seetion 18.87.020. The Type lll EHU shall nqt be dlvlded into any form of timeshares, lnterval ownershlp, or fractlonal lee orvriershlp as ttpse terms are defined ln the Munblpal code of lhe Town of Vall. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner ol each employee houslng unit within the town whldr ls constnnted following rhe elfealve date ol thls drapter shall submlt two coples ol a reporl on a form to be ohained frorn the communhy Devebpment Depadment, to the Gommunity Oevelopment Oepartment of the Town of Vail and Chairman of the To$rn of Vail llouslng Authorlty setting forth evldencs establlshlng that the employee horrstng unlt has been rented throughout lhe year, the rentsl rate, thE employer, and thal each tencnl who recHes wlthin the ernployae housing unh ls a full-ilme enrfloyee In Eagle county. The owner of sach EHU shall rent lhe unh at a monthly rental ratE conslstent whh or lower than lhocc markel rates prsvalent for similar popertles ln lhe Town ol Vgll. 7. The Town ol Vall Houslng Authority will determlne thE merket rde besd on the 6tudy of ohEr unhs ol comparable eize, location, guallly and amenltlas thrcrghoul lho Town. The markat rale shall be based on an average of a mlnlmum of ffva rental rslgs ol comparable unilr. lf the unit lc not rented and is not avsilaHe at the med(et rate lt shefi be detErmlned to be ln rnncompliance. In addhion to eny othsr penehlee and restirctbns provlded hereln, a unh bund lo be In noncorplimce shsll be arbiea ro puHbatbn as dslsrmlrrd by the ' llouelrq Aufnrlty. 8. Thlrty daYs Frlor lo thE lransfer ol a deed for a Tpe lll EHU, th6 prospectlve purchaser ahdl etbmlt an appllcatlon lo the Communhy Development Departmed documentlng fiet lhe prccpeclive plrchaaer msets the crltoria set {orth above and shall lrdude an atffdavh afftrmlng lhat he or she meets these criteria. 6. v ( s.The provlslona of these restrlctive covenants may be snbrced by the orvner and the 10. The condhions, restltltlons, stiputatioffi, 6nd agrcements contained herein shell not b6 walved, aburdonsd, termlnated, or amended except by the wrinEn consent of bdh tho Town olVall and fie Orynar of ttre property Tol|VN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal orporailon By: The foregolrrg fnsfrument was acknowtedged before me thls gfaarl of % , t AL beroreme uiffivotQ,%/nc Fft e.|rtildEn il 3 b McLanrin, Town Menagar The loregoing lnstrumeht was acknowledgad P. I TYPE III EMPLOYEE I,IOUSING UNIT RESTBICTIVE COVENANI WHEREAS, Oilner'Idescribed es: is the owner ol csnain propony ("the (1hr Propedf); ard WHEREAS, the Oilner wishes to place certain reslrlclione on the use of ! unll or rperlment loceied on ttre Propgrty lg? lhe bsnetit ot the Ouuner rnd the Town ot Vail, Qolorado ("ttre Tonnl. NOW, THEREFORE,lhe Olner doos hereby impose. estrblirh, rcknowledge, declare lor the bsneflt of all personc who msy hereinEftgr pr.rchase, or lease, or hold lhe subject land tho fotlowing fsslrlgligns. covgnrnts, rnd condllions, rll of which shall be deemed to run wtth the land and inurs tg lhE benelit end !€ bindlng upon the ftvner, ite respcctive grantees, ruooEsoors, rnd *r[nr. Unh or Apertme"r-Daf , conttlning ll3fsqulrr feet, is hereby rettricred as a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which must oompty with .llthe pruvislgns ot Seclioffi 18.57.020, 1857.030, and 18.57.060 of the Vail MunicipJ Cbds as amended. The Typr lll Employcc Housing Unit shall be leased lo lsnanls vvhg are tull-lhTe employe* who work In Eogile Gounty. An EHU shall not be hsssd for a pedod less lhen thlily consecuive drye. For the purposes of this section, a full-time emfloyee ls ooe who wptlqs an avetrgo of lhirty hours eash week. A Type lll EllU may be sold, lransferred, or conveyed teparalely from olher dwelling unils or Employee Fioueing Unhf lhal may be looated on the eam€ lot or wllhln the safie bullding so long au it mscns the bllowlng conditiona: s) lt must be usod by fie owner of tlp EHU as r psrrnanent realdsnca. For the pupose of lhis paragraph, e permrnenl resldcnoe shall m€sn ths horne or place In which ondE habhalion is fixed andlo whlsh one. whenever he or $h€ is ab$Ent, ' has a prercnl inlention of returning.afler a departure or absence therehom, regarclless of the duralion of abeence. ln detenninlng whst ls s permeilsnt rosjdense, tho Town slaff shall lake the following ckcum$lanc€n r.l.ting to thc ' owncr ot lhr resldgnot into eccpunl: business pursuiti, smploymlnt, Inaome . sourcci, re8ldsner tor Inogmo gr othgr tsx purpores, igc, marltal slatu5, 1. 2, 3. TVPE IN EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESIBNATryE COVENANT P. 1 WHEREAS,is the ownor ol cenain propeny (\he orner')deecriwu, uti( AM{- n.Stn-BA Aul/ nhe Prcperly"); ard WH€BEA9, the Orner wighee to pkce certaln restrlclions on the uce of e unll qr rprdmonl bciieC on ttre pruperly for tho bonoflt of tha Oilrref lnd lhs Tonn st Vail, Cotorado (1hc Town). \. NOW, THEREFORE,Ihs Orrner doos horeby impoee, eetablich, rcknowltdge, declare for the beneflt ol all personc who may hereinafter purchase, sr leaee, or hold th6 subjsci land the following rsstrlgtions, covenrnts, rnd oondttions, rll of which shall bs deemed to run whh lhs land and inure to the benellt and be bindlng upon the Orrner, ite rsspsqlive gtanteoE, suocecBors, end *eignr. Unit or ApailmentJ)a{ . conraining //3 fsqugre leel, is hereby restricted as e Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which mubt cornply with sllthe provislons of Sactionr 18.57.020. .|8.57.0q0, and 18.57.060sf lheVail Municipel Code as.amended. The Type llf Employcc Housing Unh shallbe leased totenanls who are full-tlme ernployaer who work ln Eagb Gounly. An EHU shall not be leared for a pariod less then &hy conrecutive daye- For lhe puryoses of this section, a ful-timo enployee ls one who worhg sn sver8gf of thitly hours esqtr weeh. 3. A Type lll EHU may bo sold, lranstorred. or conveyed Beparaloly fiom sthsr dwelling units or Employee Houring Unito thet mry be located on the same lot or whhtn the safio bufding so long as lt mreis thg bllowlng condhiong B) lt must be usod by tho ownff of the EHU as a permanelt realdence. For thE puipwe of lhb peregraph, a permrn nl resldcnce shall m€an the home or place In which one's hebltation is fixed and to which one, whenpwr h9 or $he is ebsent, ' hap I prosrnl intontion ol relurning afier I deparlure or tbsence therefiom, regadlesa of ths duralion of abeence. tn detenninlng what ls a pormanonr roddcnce, the Tourn stsff shsll ttke thr tollowtng drst rttgtancec releting to the ' owncr of thc resldcnot inlo eccounl: busine* pursuilr, employment, Income 1. 2. t 7-Z resldeme ol parsnt8. epouee rnd children lf any, location of penond fid red property. an molor vehicle regirnrrrion. tf s Type tll EHU is eold, trlnrferrcd, or conveyod separstely tcm tho other dwelllng.unils andl/or lype lll Frnployee Floueing Unitr in r nulllfrmity structurs h ' ir tpan of, sr from olher dwctling unlts and/or T1rye lll EHUr locrted o'l tho rrme lot, th6 Typc ltt EHU3 ln the ilruc,lurr or on het lol rhalt be tubi€ct to elt rhs ptovirion rrt fortt ingocdon 18.57.020. l'lo later than Februery 1 qf eac.h year, the ourner ol e*ch employer houslng unit wtthln tho town which ls oonstnElsd lollowing thr effec,tiw dste ol hls chsplor thdl submlt tr,'ro copiec of a feport on a tolm lo be ohained lrum fio Conmunlty Oeveloprnont Departmint, ro lhe Cornmunily Developrnent Depsrtmsnt of the Town ol Vail rnd Chairmen of lho Town ot Vail floueing Authority cetting forttr ovldsnce esteblishlng lhNt the employeo houslng unft ha$ b€€n rented thnughout the yerr, thr renlal rete, the ,mploy?r, and that gech lrnsnt who reeidoa within the emphyee houring unit is e lutl.tfune emfloyer ln Eagle gounty. The owner of erch EHU shgll rsfit the unil 8l E monthly renul rele oonsigtent witlr or lower then thore market irlea payebnt for rimil:r propertlec in the Town ol Vsil. The Town of Vail Housing Authoiity will denrmine the rnarlret rete bassd on the audy of othor unh! ol oomprrrbto size, loeaton, qurllry and ungnailes fitoughout rhe Towfl. The^ msrket rale shslt be besed on m average ol a mlnlnrurn of tive rentsl retgg of comparoblc unne. ll the unh ie noilgrilsd rnd is not rrnilable st the mrrlrst rute lt 'hall bc dotEmingd lo bi In noncvrnSlanoe. In rddition to any other penrltlea rnd reglrlctlone prwlded heretn, a mfl fsund tq be In nonaonrplirnce *rall be eubject fo p{lblicstlon rs detonnined by tho Houslng Authorlty: b) 4. 5. 6. 7. s. I L The otindltions, restrlstlons" slipulailons, end sgrpaments conlalned herein shell not be wrived, abrndonad, lermlnated, or amended excepl by lhe written oonserrt of bolh lha , . :r Tln loregolnO lnstrumartt wrr tcj(notitledg.d btlors me thieJ-l?clry of r'**WE''*,TI')I8* ----- .'' -+FryHtrontageRoad P.3 10. By: acknowledged before me rhis -j{y'day of I I\ ffiffih, 't j ORDINANCE NO. 1.6 Series of 1987 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 5, AS ESTABLISHED By oRDINANCE N0. 6, SERIES 0F 1976, By AMENDING THE SITE PLAN $IHEREAS, the applicant, Uail Run Resort Community, is requesting to convert an existing exterior tennis court to a parking area, creating a total of 2l additional parking spaces; and WHEREAS' Vail Run Resort Cornnunity has determined that there is a need for this additional parking and further determined that this additional parkirrg wil'l be a benefit to the existing deve'lopment; and I'IHEREAS, the Planning and Environmenta'l Commission has reviewed the proposed i amendment to Special Development District No.5 and has determined it to be reasonable and appnopriate; and I{HEREAS, the Town Council has considered it to be reasonable, appropriate and beneficial to the Town and to its citizens and habitants and visitors to arnend sairl Special Development District No. 5_ NOl,|, THEREFORE, 8E IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI.,N COUNCIL OF THE TOhlN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS F0LLOIrJS: Section l. Section 3.8 (2) of Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1976, is hereby amended to read as fol'l ows; rir Section 3.8(2) The existing site consisting of the building containing 55 dwelling units, approximately 18,000 square feet of commercia'l space,'a swimming pool and spa area, two tennis courts, as well as the parking and landscaped area as amended by the approved parking/site p1 an drawn by Gordon Pierce dated August 28, 1986, as well as the parking plan drawn by Gordon R. pierce, Architects, dated April 13, lgg7, shall be known as 5005. Section 2. Prs+<A 14! + Tt^"* t-9"1 It- section 3.8 of Ordinance No. 6, series of 1976, is hereby amended by the I I additjon of Section 3.8(3) as follows: Section 3.8(3). ( The portion of Special DevelopmenL Oistrict No. 5 described by the parkirrg plan drawn by Gordon R. Pierce, Architect,s, dated April 13, 1987 shall be subject to the following conditions: A. The parking area as described by the site plan incorporated by this amendment shall be primarily for the use of employees and for parking for residential guests. No vehicles operated commercialty, or other vehicles which cannot be parked in a normal size parking space (9 feet by 19 feet) will be parked in such area. B. No snow shall be placed or pi)ed on the propcrty known as Simba Run. C. A landscape plan shall be prepared by the applicant and shall be subject to Simba Run's consent, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. At a minimum .- there shall be 10 foot b1 ue spruces in a ninimum number equal to one for every B feet of the perimeter of the south and west sjdes of the parking area. Nothing jntervals. Such trees may be p] aced on the property known as Simba Run on the west side' but shall be maintained by the applicant. A five foot berm shall be maintained on the west side and shalI wrap around the southwest corner. Such berms sha'l 1 be on the property known as Simba Run. The Town of Vail Design Review Board will have final approval of the landscape plan and any amendments thereto. D. No lighting shall be placed around the parking area unless required by the Town of Vail and if.such lighting is required, design shall be such that light posts shall be no moie than 4 feet high and the light shall be case downward. 1 Li9hting on the ramp may be provided by posts no more than 4 feet high or by wall lights directing light downward. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect five days after publication following the final passage hereof. Section 4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha'l I not affect the vali'ldity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or mot"e parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. ( Section 5. The repea'l or the repeal and reenaction of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision nepea'led or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unJess express'ly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ANO PAssEO 0N FIRST READING Tt{Is 16rh day of June t9B7 -' and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the l6th - day of - June. 1987 at i:30 p.M. in the council chanrbers of the vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. day of June , 1987. INTR0oUCED, i n f u'l'l READ AND APPROVEO ON thls 7th READIN6 AND ORDERED of July sEc0N0 PUBL I SHEO day , 1987. 0rdere ful l this 16th Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Kent R. Rose, Mayor Pro fem Panela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk t,iilr":' ORDINANCE NO. 27 Series of 1986 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 5, AS ESTAELISHED BY ORDINANCT NO. SERIES OF 1976, BY INCORPORATING SITE ANO PARKING PLA Vail Run Resort Comnunity, parking spaces on the south side of the Vail I ?^q+{:' 0*L\ Nol +6, appl i cant, exEerl0r on Run TOhIN lr I I a need for this parking wi'l'l be has reviewed the proposed it to beand has determlned it to be reasonable, appropriate, and inhabitants, and visitors to amend COUNCIL OF THE T0l,lN 0F VAIL,ORDAINED BY THE (2) of 0ndinance No. 6, Series is hereby amended toof 1976,read I t rt ( the buildjng containing 55 dwe'lling units, of comqnercia'l space, a swimming pool and spa the parking and landscaped area as amended drawn by Gordon Pierce dated August 28, effect 5 afterdays pub'l i cati on fol l owi ng the final clause or phrase decision shall not ordinance; and the of this ordinance affect the Town Council a * hereby declares it would have subsection, sentence, c'lause one or more parts, sections, dec'tared inva'l id, ' Section 4. The Town Council hereby necessary and proper for the inhabitants thereof. passed this ordinance, and each part, section, or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any subsectjons, sdntences, clauses or phrases be finds, determines and dec'lares the health, safety and welfare that this ordinance of the Town of Vail Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provlded ln this ordinance shal'l not affect any rlght which i' : i : has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effectt've date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repea'l of any provision hereby shal 1 not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herel n. Vai'l , Colorado. .J.a t tltl .l'n]s 4r - oay t INTRODUCED, REAO ANO PAssED ON FIRST REAOING rHrs O,4ev or CId4]'J,- 1986, and a public hearing shall be he'ld on this ordinance on ttre dl4 -dayA,of UW4klJJ , 1986 ar 7:30 p.M. in the council chambers of the Vall Municipal Building in Ondered published in ful'l Pamela A. Erandmeyer, Town C1 erk INTR0oUCED, REAo AND AppRoVEo 0N SECON0 READING thisl@aay ot /on;'nMayop',".*:a, ' Town Clerk r{ , ryPE ilI EMPLOYEE HOUSIT.IG UNIT RESTRIGTIVE COVENANT .ti. lrr, :-,...,r.' WHEREAS,is the owner of cerlain propeny ('tte Orvner) &scribed as: flthe Propsrly"); and WHEREAS, the Orvner wishes to place cert€Jn rsstrictione on lhe u6e ol e unit or apartment locatsd on.the PtoPF ly torlhe beneft of the O'vner and the Town ol Vait, Colorado (the TownJ. , NOW, THEREFORE, the Ovner does heraby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare for the beneftt of all persons who may herelnaftw purchase, or laase, or hold thE subject land the folbwing rostrictions, @venanl$, and conditions, all of which shatl be deerned to run with the tand and inure to the benefit and be bindlng upon lhe ovlner, its respective gtantses, sljoc3osors,,and aseigns. , 1. unitorAparrmem 21ol ,containingtLjl-sguar€fe6r,ie herebyresrrtctedasa Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which must aomply with allrhs provisions of r . ,,, . , , Sections18.57.020, 1B.S?.0B0,srd tB.57.060otrheVait MunlcipalCodeasamended. The Type lll Employee Housing Unh shall be leased totenants who are full-tims employees who work in Eagle Counly. An EHU shall not be leased for a period lEss than thirty consecutive days. For the purposes qf this seclion, a tull-time em@yee is one who works an average of thirty hours pach week. A Type lll EHU may be sold, transfened, or conveyed separately hom other dnrelling units or Employee Housing units that may be located on ths samo lot or within tho seme .... building so long as it meets the follo,rrirp conditions: It must be used by the owner of the EHU as a p€rmenent residencs. For lhe purpose of this paragraph, a p€rmafl€nt residEnce shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixEd and to which one, whenaver he or she is absent, hae a present intenlion of returning after a departure or absenca tfterefrom, regardless of the duration of absencE. ln determining what is a psrmanent residance, th6 Town stsff shall tahe lhe following circumstances relatlng lo the owner of th6 residence into account: buslness pursuits, employment, income sourc€s, residence for lnooms or olher tax purposer, age, marilal etalus, a ,-.., ,",'' ir .., a) ',. .ir{:J.,.,., t"b}.,r, . lf aType lll EHUissold,transferred, or dwelling units and/or Type llt Emptoyee Housing Units in a multlfamily structufs it is apart of, or lrom other dwelling unhs and/or Type lfl EHUs locered on the same lo1, lhe Typo lll EHUs in the structurs qr on that lol shall be subject to allthe _provislon set forth in Section 18.57.020. alif r'l,i q ,.,," I .rrj' '-. \ !\a: .tit !lt,':l 4. ' ,,,' ilhe Type lll EHU shall not be divided ifito any bm of timeshares, inienrat ownershlp, or frac{onal t'aE ownership as those terms are detin€d in the Munlcipal Code of lhe Town of ' reaidence of parsnts, spouse and children tf any, locatlon of personal and real propErty, an motor vohicle registration. separaiely rroiriihE b*rer ', , $. ;, '.1, I No lalsr than February 1 ol Esch y€ar; the ownar of each employee houslng unit ri,ithin ih6 toitn whh?h is oonstrucled lollowing the etfectivo dete of thb chapter shall submit two cop$es of a report on a form to bo obtained lrom the Community Development Departrnent, ,' to lho Gommunity Development Department of lhe Town of Vail end Chairman ol lhe Town of Vail Housing Authority setting forth eridence ostabtishlng that the emfloyee housing unit has been rented throughout th€ y€ar, the rental rate, the employer, and lhal each tenant who residss wifhin the employee housing unir is a full-time employee in Eagle Counry. r, l i', r" ,i 6;+ ,)rirrrThe owner of eaeh EHU shall rent lh€ unft at E monthly rentet rate oonslsfion wfth or kryrar lhen those markot ratss prevelent for similar propfiles in lhe Town of Vall. 7. The Town ol Vail Housing Authority will detormino lhs mErket refe bissd on the sildy of olher unlts of comparable siz€, location, quality and amenities throtghout lhgTown. The markot rate shall be based on an averago ol a minimum of five rental rates of comparable units. lf the unit is not rEnted and is not availabla at the market rate it shatl be dEtermihed to be in noncomplianco. In addition to any oth€r ponahies and le*ialons prorrided herein, a unit found to b€ in noncompliance *rall be subject to publication as determined by the I Housing Authority. 8..: r'.', Thlrty days ptor to the ,transfer of a deed for a Type lll EHU, the prospasilve purcha36r shall Eubmit an applicalion to the Community Development Departmant documenling that ', the prpspective purchaser m€ets the criteria s€t fuith aboye and shall indude an alfidavit alfirming thal hE or she meets thEse critgria : ,]',rl;., ; rjr ,: ,-::I ;, . 1,.. 1..". i: !, i 10. The provlslone ol treee reetrlctive covsnsntc may be enhroed by ttre orrner and rhe Town. The condftlons, restrlctlons, stlpulations, and agreements contained hersln ahalt not bq wahed. abandoned, terminaled, or amended except by lhe wrttten csnsent ol both lhe Toum of Valland ttre Ovner olthe property, TOWN OF VAIL, a Coloredo munlclpalcorpontlon Anne E, ttt|eht, }lotaryhJbfic -mfeom*s,slontnins 61 7-1999 75 S. Frontase Road My cornrnieclon axpireo: - By: By:[o r-lr"* f/10',* Ylo'^ccc,k- l} was acknowtedgedbefore nems/7 aay * 5r. l/ / q ? 6J Ff.lrrtarJaa.Ira!9lr$ ,, Brib McLrurln, Town Manager Prop€rty Oryners The foregolng Instrumeflt , 'i'.lt i. r.D f :r . -'. i! . j: ):jiilii? ,enctleillif{rr .$ncilibfFd efff .' : i .-. i^ trrrt,.:irii, il.rt .i.. :".,1i11gr$!,hnVinW ., ,r.l i, .':1''......), . i.,,n litiV !:., tt'.91t l. .si .1li :;.'l i ')-: l*fr Irr 1.\u. ' / n{ (1' ,, .,.:i '',,' :lHt'9 yrrre!'i ,ilqir$r .3 Or$$-,":" ;-l, r"""t{plqq'qf1tf-*..**rr... ; ,: -. 't*:ll'xs nnie:lmlnlo Yful -\{,r:}',{J \.h4gni{ :18 ::t tlli'"+n tar!n{i.q4't 1?' I '{y ORDINANCE NO. 24 Series of 1986 ( AII ORDINANCE AMENDING OROINANCE Nq. 29, SERIES0F 1977.,...S8q1J0N 8, SPECTAL pR0VTSIoNS'C2, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOlllN OF VAIL'TO EIICI.UDETHE REqUIRE!{ENT FOR A TOT LOT AiII} TO II{C'UDE AEEVISIO SECTION 8 C 2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOl,lN OT VAIL TO ADD A RECREATION AMENITIES FUND COI,ITRIBUTION OF TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. WHEREAS' u.A.P. No. 3, Incorporated, ownens of the s{mba Run proJect, have submitted an application to amend Ordinance 29 of l9Z? of the Municlpal Code of the Tolcn of Vail to exclude the requirenent for a tot lot and to substjtute a cash contribution which will be earmarked for general recreation improvements whlch wl]1 beneflt the enfire cormunity; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental coranission has unanimously recommended approval of this amendment to the Town council; and WHEREAS, such amendnent must be approved by the Town councii of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the vail Town councir considers that it is reasonabre, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizensn inhabitants, and visjtors to amend 0rdinance 29, Series of 1977. NO}', THEREFORE, BE IT OROAINED 8Y THE TOt,lN COUNCIL OF THE TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Ordinance 29 of Lg77, section g c 2 is hereby repealed and reenacted with amendment to read as fol'l ows: iEj8ca Recreation amenities fund contriu{tion of $10,000 to be used for general\recneational improvements by rns*-- Town of Vai.l ... .. .\ Sectlon 2, \ If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for lny reasoh held to be invalid, such decision shalr not affect the validity of the renaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Counci'l hereby declares it wou] d have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentencs, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more partsr sections; subsecfions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby flnds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. L./ t- I .1 . Section 4. ,-- The repea'l or the repeal and reenactment of any pnovisions of the vail( Munlcipal Code as provlded in thjs ordjnance sha1l not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as comnenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The nepeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herei n. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING 1986, and a public hearing shal'l be. held on of September , , 1986 at 7:30 p.m. Vall Municipal Building in Vail, Colorado. 0rdered pub'lished in full this -znc!_day of a t ATTES Brandmeyer,Cl erk THIS 2nd DAY 0F September this ordinance on the Znd day in the Counci'l Chambers of the AND OROTREO PUBLISHED L t nston, : , ::. t I I AGREEMENT , ,;l'to' W.N / Tlrrs AcnEEl,{DNT dated tnu 4.+ .aay ot 4/tt)6nti{/!,1986, liy and between the TOWN Of VAIL, COLORAD;} (the "Townr'), and venture ("Simba").SIhIBA RUN ASSOCIATES, a Colorado Joint WITNESSETH: II'HEREAS, Simba is the owner of the property described ln Exhibit A attached hereto ancl by this referenee lncorporated herein (the "Property"); and WllEnEAS, the torvn has requested that certain restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Property. NOYI, THEBEI'ORE, for Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and vaLuable consideration, the sufficieney of whlch is hereby acknorvLeclge'd, the parties hereto agree as follo)ss-l(5ll1>,G>(b b--.}.r{ne condgniqium units knorvn as Unit fi6 1>05, z-frlOZ,Ql? ObD ( os*)2207, Z{Ot, and *4fr'f, located on the Property (collectively referred to as the "Employee Unit-s", shall be designated empl.oyee housing units as required by Ordinance Number 33, Series 78, Town of Vail. It ls al.so agreed that trvo additional ernployee housing units will be designated upon completion of the flnal phase. 2. The Ernployee Units shall be utilized, at all times, as residential rerftaL units for the empLoyees of Simba Run Condominium Association, a not-for-profit Colorado eorporation, for the employees of the l{anager of the Sirnba Run Condominiun Association or for fulltlme employees in the Upper Eagle Va11ey. A full time employee is a person who works an average of 30 hours per week. The Upper Eagle Valley shalL be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red C1iff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail and Aoion, and their surrounding areas. The Employee Houslng Units shall not be cllviclecl into any form of time shares, interval ovrnershtp or f'ractional fees Page 1 3. The restrictions contained hereln shal'l remain in effeet until January L8, 2003, unless earLier terminatecl by mutual consent of the Town and Simba- 4, Simba, or its successors or assigns' In&y move the Ernployee Units to other locations on the Property as long as such new . entployee units are substantlally the same type and square footage as the Employee Units and the number of such units is not reduced. 5. Simba agrees to provide its guests rvith aclequate sbuttle service to and from simba to the Vi.lLage, Town center and Lionshead areas. Daily Schedule: ' 7:30 Al.{ to Noon 3: 30 P^u to 8:00PlI One Super Market Run Additi.onal runs at guests requests' 6.ThisAgreementshaltbedeemedascovenantrunningwiththe lancl and shalt bind Simba and all subsequent owners of the Property. SIIdtsA RUN ASSOCIATES, A Colorado joint venture By: GRAHAIJ ASSOCIATDS(Il,lT) of CAL' INC. * By STATB OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Ttre foregoing -day of and rnunieipaf corporation, for ) )ss:.\ instrument was acknovrledged before me this . 1985. by - the TO'I{N FLVAIL, COLOIIADO a on behalf of said corPoration.,of and .(A Colorado CorP. )r' ---\ ,..'\!'la; Page 2 L,ly commission expires Witness my hand and official seal . ( sBAr ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF BAGLE (SEAL);,.. ii..,. ) )ss l ) N6-TTEY PUBT,IE ADDRESS I ADDRESS, P,O,bl{ teh. Eta ao The foreEoins instrument was achnow*edseU bOfore rne. this ffi,i,u"a,lrWanlfl *fu "lla@ba Run Associates. tll commission expi"res : :nkq. /1,, lq I b Ilitness my hand and official seal: r l' CL*a-*,, Page 3 7 i':. t i A2l ONDINANCS NO. '', SERItrS 1O?8 ermitted: THB TOI1IT{ COUNCIL I AN ONDINANCE AIIENDINC CI{APTBR 18.48 RtrLATING TO SPECIAL DSVDLOPTIENT DISTRICT 5 OF TITLE 18 "ZONING"; PROVIDING FOR TIIB O!/NERSIIIP OIl UNITS IN DEVELOPIIIENT ARNA B AS INTERVAL OWNERSIIIP TEE INTERESTS AND INCNUASING T}ID NUI|BBR OF BI\'IPLOYEE I{OUSING UNITS; SBTTING FORTI{ DETAILS IN RBLATION TO TIIE FORECOING; AND PROVIDING A SBVBRABILITY AND SAVINCS CLAUSE FOR THIS ORDINANCB., IYHEREAS, the Torvn Couneil has previously approved a Special Development Distri.ct 5; and ,r",1 1YHEREAS, tl" Environmental Impact Report of Speeial Development District 5 reterred to Developnent Area B as an extension of the Vail Run Interval Ownership Proiect; ITHEREAS, the need for employee houslng units in the Torvn of Vail is substantial; NOIII, THEREFORE, BE IT OnDAINED BY oF THB TOtrN OF VArL, COLORADO, TIIAT: I Sec.tion 1. Subsectlon 18.48.050 (b) (1) is repealed and reenacted to read as follows: (B) In"QeveloPment Area the follorving uses shall be (1)ly residential dlellings be condominiumized for sale al ownershiP fee intersts and t loyee housing units required bvs atioh.te.48. 1I0 rvtrich shall be a} unit Section 2. Subsection 18.48.080 (E) is revised to Development Area B and totals to read as follows: Development Area B TOtAlS SDDS Maxj-mum gross residentialfloor area (scl . ft. )Interval Orvneiship Units 129,000 .Employee Dwelling Units(sq. ft') Maximum number of dwelling units (Total) as 18.48. O8O DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (E) Density Control - The floor area of all UuitAings'and number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following pro'visions: 10, oo0 139 202, 000 2r3 rvhich., m lr as int Page 2 is repealed and reenaeted held to be of the remaining to Section 3 Section 18.48.110 read as follows: 18.48. 1]0 SPECTAL pRovlsroNs to read as A minimum of ten''(10) emptoyee #(eLling unj"ts shall be provided to be Leasedfo employees of VaiI Run br to permanent resi/ents employed in the Gore Valley. The dmploy/e.dwelling units required herein shall af1 pi: tlvo bedroom units of no Less than 850 sq. f!'. -and shall not have fireplaces. The ten (rq,1 emiro,yee drvelEng unitl shall be maintainecl as retitAl unlts for SUBDIVISION AND INTERVAL employees for a period, of not 1e53"{han twenty (20) lears. Appropriate covenants, sQall be f i}.e=>f record in the C1erk & Recorde\ s of f ice of Yaere countv t6 insure that the prov\sionsfifes)of record i4,'the Clerk & Reeorde{s orrrce of Yagle County 96 insure that the prov\sions of this Sectio4Tire complied with. ,/ Section 4.. An additional Section 18.48.130 is adopted follorvs: 18.48.130 APPROVAL OF OWNBRSHIP Interval ownershiP of m iple-familY dwelling of the requlrod emPloYeeunits, with the dxBepti drvelling units, ,is hof the multlple-famil designated for emPlo e oDevelopment Area B intersts sha1l requ from the Town of V il Planning and Environmental Commission or from the Town Council for the Town of Vail. Section 5. 6y approved. Subdlvision dwelling units (not housing) Permitted in intervil ownershiP fee no addltional apProvals If any part, section, subsection, sentence, t e clause or phrase of this ordlnance is for,any reason invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity portions of thi,p ordinance; ancl the Town Council hereby deelares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, elause or phrase hereof regardLess of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Seetion 6. The Torvn Council hereby finds that this ordinance j.s necessary for the protection of the public health' safety and rvelf are. INTRODUCED,AEADONFIRSTREADING,APPROVEDAND ONCE IN FULt, tuis 17 claY of hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, on the 7 daY of l rlCte {:*-ONDERID PUBLISI.IED 1978, and a Public regular meeting of I I t Buil-cling of the Town. , 19?B, at 7:30 P.Ll. in the MunlciPal ). , *.. ''a '...r r; ,, ra \ Ord.No. t I I \ Page 3 ( ATTEST Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY THIS 7th day of NOVEMBER, 1978. (ATTEST) TOWN CLERK g. (/'' ;- 4"''^ A: )z-'n*.eiORDTIIANCE NO. 29Series af L9'?7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDIIiG SPECIAI DEvELOpl{ElrT DISTRICT 5 AND PROVIDING FOR A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND fTS CONTnNTSI PEI{MITTED, CONDI- TIONAL AND ACCESSoRY USES; DEVELOpMENT S"ANDARDS, RECREATIOI,I AI,1DNITItrS TAX, AND OTEER SPECIAL PROVISIONS; SETTING FOri.Tr{ DETAITS REIATING TIIERETO; AII,IENDING THBVAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. CTTAPTER 18.48; AND AIT1ENDTNG THE OFFICIAL ZO}.IING },IAP Of TIIB TOWN OF VA]L WHEREAS, the Town established Special Dcvelopment District 5, hereinafter referred to as "sDDsu, for the develop- ment on a parcel of Land comprising 2.54 acres in the portion of the Lionsrid.ge area more full-y describecl as a portion of Lot 10, and tot II, Resubdivision of Block C, Lionsridge Filing tto. 1, Town of Vail, Colorado; I{FIEREI.S, Colorado Investment Services. Inc., has submitted an application requesting that the Town amend sDDS to include Lots 6,7,8, 9 and a portion of Lot 10, Block C, Lionsridge Filing No. l, comnrising 6.3 acres in the special Development District,. mtEmAS, sDD5 will ensure unified and coordinated a critical site as a whble and, in a manner in which it is situated; VIIIEREAS, the pranning commission and town staff havc reconmended approval of said app}ication,. and vlHEnEAs, the Town council considcrs that it is reason- able' appropriate, and. beneficiaL to the Town and its.citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend said SDD5; NOI{, TIIEREIIORE, BB IT ORDAINED BY TIIE TOWN COUNCTL 'oF TIiU TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TIIAT: . (1) purposes. Special Development District 5 is established to ensure comprehensive dcveropment and use of an area in a manner that wi]l be harmonious vrith the general charaeter of the town, provide ad.equate open space and recreationar amrlnities, anil d.evelopment and use of ,! suitable for the arca ^ -- -rrr rt^- rt7\ .,t at (- Ord. 29 Page 2 promote the objectives of the zoning or<linance. The develop- ment is regarded as comprementary to the Town by the Town counciL and the Planning commission, and there are sLlTnificant aspects of the special deveLopment, which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning clistricts on the area. (2) Special DeveLopment District 5 Established. (A) Special Development Di.strict 5 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising g. g4 acres in the tionsridge area of the Towni special Developmenb, Disbrict 5 and saicl 8.84 acres may be referred to as'SDDS',. (B) Tlre exisLing building consisting of 55 clwelling units, approximately 18,000 square feet of commercial spaqe, a swimming pool and three t,ennis courts, shall be known as Developnent A. The remainder of the property containing approx- imately 6.3 acres shall be describecl as Development Area B. (3) Approval of the DeveLopment pl-an Required Friorto Development (A) Before the developer conmences sit,e prepara- tion, building construct,ion, or other improvement, of open space within SDDs, there shatl be an Approved Development pl.an for said district. (B) The Proposed Development plan for SDD5 in accordance with section D hereof sha1l be submittecl by the clevel- oper to the Zoning AdrninistraLor who shall refer it to the plan- ning Commission, which shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meeting, and a report of'the planning Conmiss.ion stat- itrg its findings and recommenclations strall be transmittecl to the Town Council in accordance with the applicabLe provisions of Section 18.66.050 of the Municipal Code. (C) The Approved Devel"opment Plan shaLl be used as the principal guide for aLl development within SDD5. (D) Amendments to the Approved DevelopmenL Plan which do nob change it,s substance and v,rhich are fully recommended in a report of the Planning Commission may be approved by the Town CounciJ- by resolution. ) --l t ( Ord. 29 ( Paqe 3 (E) Each phase of the developmcnt shall rcquire the prior approvar of the Design Review Board in accordance rvith the applicable provisions of chapter 18.54 of the l4unicipal cod.e. (4) Cont,ent of proposed Development, plan. The Proposed Development plan shall include, but is not limited to the follovring clata: (A) The Environrnental Impact Report which shalL be submitted to the zoning Aclministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof. (B) An open space and recreational plan suffici- ent to meet the demands generated by the deveJ.oprnent without undue burden on avairabre or proposed pubric facilit,ies. (c) Existing and proposed contours after grading and site deveJ-opment having contour intervaLs of not more than five (5) feet if the average srope of the sitc is 20 per cent or less, or with contour intervaLs of noL more than ten (10) feet if the average slope of the site is greater t.han 20 per cent. (D) A proposed site plan, aE, a scale not. smaller than 1 inch = 50 feet, showing the locations ancl dimensions of alL builclings and structures I uses therein, and alr principal site development features, suclr as landscaped.areas, recreationar faciLit'ies, pedestrian plazas and warkways, service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loacling areas. (E) A preliminary landscapc plan, at a scale not smal-ler than 1 inch = 50 feet, shovring existing landscape features to be ret,ained. or removed, and showing proposed randscaping and landscaped sit,e developmcnt features, such as ouLcloor rccreationar faciLities, bicycle paths, trairs, pedesbrian plazas and warh- ways, water features, and other el-ements. (f) preliminary building elevations, sections, and froor pJ-ans, at a scale not, smaller ilran l/g inch = L footr in sufficient detail to d,etermine floor area, gross resident,iar floor area, interi.or circulation, rocations of uses within build- S-ngs, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. t ( Ord. 29 building. ing design I Page 4 (G) A proposecl plan of parking, loading, traffic qirculation, and t,ransiL facilities; and a proposed program for satisfying Lraffic and. transportation needs generated by the deveJ.opment. (H) A volumelric model of the site and the pro_ posed developmentr portraying the scale and relationships of the proposed development to the site irrust,rating the form and mass of the proposed buildinqs. (I) An architectural modeL of each proposed at a scale not smaller than I inch = 40 feet, portray_ details. (J) A Siroposed program indicating order and timing of construction phases ancl phasing of recreationar amenities and additional amenities. .* (5) permitt,ed Conditional and Accessory Uses. (A) rn Developrnent Area A (existing building and recreati-onar facilities), the fortowing uses sharr be permi.tted: (I) Multiple family residential. dwellings; (2) Accessory retail_ and restaurant and service establishments noC occupying more than J.g,000 square feet including the following: Apparel Stores Art supply sLores and galJ_eries Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Cand,y stores Chinaware and glassware stores Specialty food stores Florists Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores Leather goods stores Liquor stores Newsst,ands and tobacco stores ( Ord.29 (B) permitted: (1) (c) In conditional uses shall Conditional Use permit .:i be I Iragc 5 Professional and business offices Sporting goods storcs Stationery stores Toy stores Variety stores Barber shops Deauty shops Travel and ticket agencies Delicatessens with food service Cocktail lounges, taverns and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaurants AdditionaL businesses or services deter-mined to be sinilar to permit,ted uses inaccord with the provisions of Section 2I .200 of this ordinance. fn Developryg-nq_ /\tea_-B- the following uses shall-_..==:e::--- a-'i a /*'2 //"';iz Multiple family residential dvrel).ings Development, Areas A and B the following be permitted, subject to issuance of a in accordance with Lhe provisions of Chapter 18.60 hereof (1) public Utility ancl public service usesi (2) Public buildings, grounds, ancl facilities; (3) Public or private schools; ' (4) public park and recreation fa'ciLities; (5) Meeting rooms. (D) In Development Areas A and B the followinq accessory uses shal_l be permitted: (1) Indoor and outdoor recrcational faciJ.ibies, '' incLuding, but not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, handball and squash courts and sinilar recrea- tional facilities. i ,|,1 Ord.29 ( Page 6 (2) I{ome occupat,ions, subject to issuance of a home occupat,i.on permit, in accord wibh the pro- visions of Section IB.SB.L3O hereof. ](3) other uses custonariLy incidental and accessory to permittcd or conditional uses, and nec_ essary for the operation thereof. (6 ) Development Stand.arcls. The following development, standards have been submitted to the Planning comrnission for its consideration and recommenda- tj-ons and are hereby approved. by the Town Council; these standards shall be i-ncorporatecl in the Approved Dcveropment, plan pertinent to each Development. Area to prot,ect the integrity of the deveJ.op- ment' of sDD5; thc for-rowing are minimum development standards and shalr apply unress more restrictive standar{s are incorpor- ated in the Approved Dever-opment plan. The standards set forth in this Article sha]l appry onry to Development Area B. Develop- ment Area A may be modified provided t,hat no such rnodification shall increase the cliscrepancy between the structure or si_te irnprovements and the clevelopment stanclards set forth in this Article for Developnent Area B. (A) Lot Area - Developrnent Area B shall consist, of approximaLely 6.3 acres (B) Setbacks - The required setbacks shall be as indicated on the Approved Deveropment pran, being a rnininum of 20 feet from any perimet.er property line of the total_ site. tC) Distance Between Buildings - The minimum distances between alr buil-dings on the site sharl be as indicated on the Approved Development pl_an. (D) Height, - The maximum height of att buildings sha1l bc 45 feet. (E) Density Control - The floor area of al} buildings and number of dwelling units shalt not exceed the fo3- J.owing provisions : ,( ord. 29 Page 7 Devel. Area AExt. Bldg. Devel. Area B Totals SDD5 43,000 135, 000 198,000 t35 209 L8 ,000 -0-1B , 000 (F) Building BuIk Control - Building bulk, maxi- mum wal} lengths, maxirnum dimensions cf buiLding groups, and requirements for wall off-sets, shalt be as indicated on the Approved Devel.opment pl_an. (G) Site Coverage - Not morc than 20 per ccnt of the Development Area B shall be covered by buildings. (H) Landscaping and Natural Open Space - A mini- mum of 60 per cent of DeveJ.opment Area B shaLl be l_andscaped or naturar open space in accordance with the Approved Development Plan. {I) Parking and toading - (1) Offstreet parking shall be provided in ;;aciord with Chapter 18.52 of this orclinance; at least 85 per cent of thu_"*gggg. parking sha}l be Locabed within the main building or buiLdings, ar beneath accessory decks, terraces., plazas, or tennis courts and shall be cornpletely enclosed. ancl screened from view. (2) No parking or loading areaSlf_al_1__Le Maximum gross residentialfloor area(square feet) lulax imum numberof dwelling units Maximum gross corunercialfloor area(square fcet) 54 located in aly reqqlred front setback area oi on the shalL be permit,ted for recreation or Development Plan. at, any time in areas open space use on the clesignated Approved ,t \ ord. 29 \ Page B (3) Drivewavs, passenger loading areas. and parking areas not locatecl vrithin a building shall be permitted only as inclicat,ecl on the Approved l Development plan. (4't On-site parking shall be provided for common carriers nroviding charter service to the development; said parking sites shall be indicated on the Approved Development pLan. (7) Recreational Anenities Tax. The recreational amenities tax due to the development vrithin SDD5, shal1 be assessed at. a rate not to exceed $0.25 Per square foot of floor area and shalr be paid in conjunction rvith construction phases and prior to the issuance of a building perrnit. (8) SpeciaL provisions. (A) ConservaLion and pollution Controls. (1) If fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass encLosures, and heat circulating d,evices as technol-ogy exists at the t,irne of development. (2) Developer's drainage plan shalL incLude provisions for prevention of pollution from surface run-off (3) Developer shall include in the building construction in Developrnent Area B energy and water -l conservation controls as general technology exists . at the tine of const,ruction. (B) A minimum of l0 ernployee housing units shalL be provided. This requirernent nay be sat.isfied by provision of a cornmunal living room - kitchen area, which shall constitute a dwel- ling unit; and attached accomrnod,ation units \,rhich sharl constitute I/2 dwelling unit each. (c) Recreational AmeniEies - The Approved Develop- ment Plan shall incrude the folrowing recreationaL amenities: (f) A minimum of five additional tennis courts (Development, Area A presently has three tennis courts with two of ther:r covered during the r,rinEer I Ord. 29 I Page 9 season.) Said tennis courts shall be made avaiLable to t,he general public on a fee basis, subjcct, to reasonable regulation in favor of owners or guest,s .of the development. ( N*--/r/ ly o^l' z'1 6 t?f6 '-4cA,*tt trt kt "^'l "t-l "' finrwt -'"t';l'-t*, * fov ft'&a'k#,l (2) Tot Lot - Designecl in accorcl,ance rvit,h existing Tor.rn faciliLies as,to materials used in construction, play ground equipment,, etc. (3) Bike and pedestrian paLh traversing property from east property line of Development Area A to west sit_e line of Development Area B shall be provided by developer with exact location to be mutualLy acceptable to developer and the Town. (4) Swimming pool (in adclirion to existing pool in Development Area A) of adequate sj.ze to reason- ably serve the needs of the development and shall be open to the pubLic on a fee basis subject to reasonable regulation in favor of owners or guests of the develop- ment. (D) Additional_ .r.\menities - (1) DeveLoper shalJ- provicle adequate trans- portation services to the owners and guest,s of the oeveropment so as to transport them from the deveropment to Village Core area and Lionshcad, area. (2'l DeveJ-oper shall provide in its Approved Development pLan a bus sheltcr of a design and location rnutually agreeabl"e to developer and Town council . said sheLler to serve the tionsridge area generally. ' (9) If any part,, section. subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invarid., such decision shall- not affect the validity of the remaining por- tions of this ordinance; and the Town counciL hcreby d,ecl_ares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part,, section, sub- section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof. regardless of the fact that' any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. I t- Il" \ Ord, 29 Page 10 (10) The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the VciL l,{unicipa3. Code as provided in this ordinance shar.l not affect any right which has acerued, any duty imposed, &try violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution conmenced, nor any other action or proceecling as commencecl under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed ancl reenacted,. The repeal o{ any provision hercby sharl not revive any provlsions or any ordinanee previously repealed or superseded unless ststed herein. TNTRODUCED, nEAD ON IIRST READING, ApPROVED, AND ORDERID puBLrsHED oNcE il{ trul.,I,, this zOth day of october, L977, and a public hearing on thls ord.inance shalL be herd at the reguLar neeting of the Town councir. of the Town of vai1, Colorado, on the 3rd day of January, 1g?g, it 7:30 p.M., in the Municipal Builcling of the Town. I\; ,, ,-, . l. r'.. r(r .,,rtr, ,:, ,.. ATTEST: ,it REAO , ADOPTED ANO ENACTED ON (IN fULL) (BY TITLE ONLY) SECOND REAOING AND THIs 2O \ ORDERED 0AY NTRODUCED, PUBLISHED or Dcn". J*dt--,rc-Z.Z r" I I ,4 ., F- /r n\/ \-YtsIl'IBA RU{,2 vw " SPECIAL DEVETOPMENT DISTRTCT 5 (SDDs) Chapter 18.48 Purposes. Established. Developnent plan-Approval required prior comrnencing work. l-8. 48.04O Development plan-Content i ),..r r r.18.48.05O Pernitted uses-Developnent area A. -\-.:: 18.48. O5o Perraitted uses-Developnent areas 3. - - : | /N 11s.as.ozo conditional uses-DeveLopment areas A and (r18.48.080 Accessory uses-Development areas A and B.\+8, 48.090 Developrnent standards-Generally.Lot area. Setbacks. Distance between buildings. Height. Density control-.Building bulk controlSite coverage.H. Landscaping and natural open space.nr \ I. Parking-and loading.' \ '\ l-8.49. ozor\uRecreational inenities tai.t . -18. 48.08Olr ospecial provisions- 18.48.OLo Purposes. Special development district 5 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner thatwill be harnonious with tlre general character of the Town,provide adeguate open space and recreational arnenj-ties, and promote the objectives of the zoning ordinance. The development,is regarded as complementary to the fown by the Town Council andthe Planning Couunission, and there are significant aspects of the Special Developnent which cannot be satisfied through the Sections: L8.48.01 0 L8.48.020 L8.48.030 to i{- L. . bi B. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. Conservation and pollution controls... -- 18.48.Og0l7nSpecial provisioni-ftnployee housing units. 18. 4s. loor)\special provisions-Recreitional amenities. l-8. 48. 110\|Special provisions-Additional amenities. ls.48.130tl"Approva1 of Subdivision and Interval ownershJ.p. (sDDs) 18.48.020 Established. Special development district 5 is established for the developnent on a parcel of land comprisinq 8.84 acres in the LionsridEe area of the Town. Special Developrnent District 5 and Eaid 8.84 acres may be referred to as nSDD5.tt The existing site consisting of the buildlng containing 55dwelling un5.ts, approximately 1-8rooo square feet of conmercial space, a swimning pool and spa areaf 3 tennis courts, as well asthe parklng and landscaped area as amended by the approvedparking,/site pLan drawn by cordon Pierce dated August 28, 1986, as we}l as the parking plan drawn by Gordon R. Pierce,Architects, dated April l-3, 1987, shall be known as nsDDs.il (ord. 16, L987) (ord. 29(L977) 2:ord. 6(Le76) 3(B): ord. 8(L973) Art. L3 ch. 6(part),) 18.48.030 Development plan-Approval reguired prior to cornrnencing work.A. Before the developer commences site preparation, buildingconstruction, or other improvement of open space within SDD5, there shall be an approved development plan for saiddistrict,B. The proposed development plan for SDDS in accordance with subsectj-on D shall be submitted by the developer to the Zoning Adrninistrator who shall- refer it to the Planning commission, wtrich shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meeting. and a report of the Planning Conmissionstating its findings and recomnendations shall betransnitted to the Town Council in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 18.65.050.C. The approved development plan shall be used as the principal guide for al1 development within sDD5.D. Anendrnents to the approved development plan which do not change its substance and which are fully reconmended in a report of the Planning Connissior may be approved by the Totrn Council by resolution.E. Each phase of the deveLopruent shall require the prior approvat of the design review board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54. {ord. 29(1977\ 3;ord. 6(L976) 3(c): Ord. 8(1973) Art. 13 ch. 6 (part) . ) (sDD5) 18.48.040 Developnent plan-Content. The proposed development plan sha1l include, but ls notlinited to the following data:A. The environmental irnpact report which shall be submitted tothe zoning adninistrator in accordance with chapter 18.55tB. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development without undue burden onavailable or proposed public facil.ities;c. Existing and proposed contours after grading and slte developrnent havlng contour intervals of not rnore than fj-vefeet ls the average sLope of the site is t$enty percent orless, or rrj.th contour intervaLs of not nore than ten feet isthe average slope of the site is greater than twenty percent; D. A proposed site pJ-an, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing the Locations and dfunensions ofall buildinEs and structures, uses tlrerein, and allprincipal site developrnent features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and wallnrays, service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areasiE. A prelininary Landscape plan, at a scale not srnaller that one inch equals fifty feet. showing existing Landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site developnent features, such as outdoor recreational facilities, blcycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, \dater features, and other elenents iF. Prelirainary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot,in sufficient detail to deternine floor area, qross residential floor area, interior circulation, Locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearanceof the proposed development;G. A proposed plan of parking, loading, traffic circulation, and transit facilities; and a proposed program forsatisfying traffic and transportation needs generated by the developrnent;H. A volumetric model of the site and the proPosed developnent,portraying the scale and relationships of the proposed developnent to the site iLlustrating the form and nass of the proposed buiLdings;I. An architectural- nodel of eaeh proposed building, at a scalenot smaLler than one inch equals forty feet, portraying design detaits.J. A proposed program indicating order and tining of construction phases and phasing of recreational anenities and additional amenities.(ord. 29(t977) 4;Ord. 5(1976) 3(D): Ord. 8{L973) Art. L3 Ch. 6 (part) . ) (sDDs) establishmentsfeet including and and galleries ptrotographic Etudios \s* \ glassvare stores stores stores I r. f*n18.48.o50 Pernitted uses-Development area A. UC> In developnent area A (existiirg buiJ.ding and<rlcreationalfacilities). the follotring uses shall be pernitted:A. l4ultiple-fanily residentiaL dweLlings;B. Accessory retaiL and restaurant and servicenot occupying nore than eighteen thousand sguarethe following: Apparel storesArt suppJ-y stores Book stores:-Canera stores . Candy stores ichinaware and \ Special-ty foodi-Florists\Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores Leather goods Liquor stores Newsstands and tobacco stores{Professional and business offices Sporting goods storesStationery stores Toy storesVariety stores Barbershops Beauty shopsTravel and ticket agencies Delicatessens with food serviceCocktail lounges, taverns, and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops RestaurantsAdditional businesses or servi.ces detennined to besiniLar to pemitted uses in accord llfElrtlre--prsvisions' of sa-ti-o-n;-(ord. 2e{L977',) 5(C}: Ord. 6(1976) 3(G}; Ord. 8(1e73) Art. 13 Ch.6 (part) . ) { ,/,.-.Lh 18.48.060 Permitted uses-Developnent Area B. t yf In development area B the following uses shall be permitted:A. !{ultiple fani}y residential dwellings which may be condorniniumized for sale as interval ownership fee interests and the enployee housing units required by Section 18.48.1L0 vhich shalI be rental units. (Ord 33, L978) I I (sDD5) L8.48.070 Conditional uses-Development Areas A and B"In development areae A and B, the following conditional usesshall be permitted, subject to i.ssuance of a conditional usepernit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60:A. Public utility and public service usesiB. Public buiLdings, g'rounds, and facilities;c. ' Public or private gchools,' D. Public park and recreation facilities;E. Irteeting rooms;(ord. 2e(L977) 5(C): ord 5(r-e76) 3(G): Ord, s(Le73) Art. 6 (part) . )F. I'tajor arcade, so long as it does not have any exterior frontage on any public way, street, wallnray, or nall area.(ord. 6 (lee2) ) 18.48.080 Accessory uses-Development Areas A and B.In development areas A and B, the following accessory usesshall be pernitted:A. Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, including, but not lirnited to, swinrning pools, tennis courts, handbaLl and squash courts and siurilar recreational faciLities.B. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation D. Minor arcade (ord 6, L982) 18.48.09o Development standards-General}y. , The developnent standards set forth in Sections 18.48.090t, throuqh L8.48,L70 have been submitted to the Planning Comnission -"Aor iis-Eo-nJiEe-rFtion and recomnrendations and are approved by the Town Council-. Ttrese standards shall be incorporated in the approved developnent plan pertinent to each development area toprotect the integrity of the development of SDDS. The provisions in Sections 18.48.090 through 18.48.1-7o are minimum deveJ.opment standards and shall apply unlesE-EoiE-bestrlctive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan. The standards set -forth in this chapter sfratt apply only to- devetopm66€-Ei-a-a:---- " Devefopnent area "1 _-niay' be- Todtf ftat; - prov-iiH- that' n-o sueh- nodification shal1 increase the discrepancy between the structureor site improvements and the development standards set forth in this chapter for development area B. (ord, 29(1977) 6(part).) A Lot area.Lot area in developrnent area B shal-l consist of approximatel-y 6.3 acres. (Ord. 29 (L9771 6(A) .) 13 Ch. (sDD5) B Setbacks. The reguired setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved developnent plan, being a nininun of twenty feet frorn anyperimeter property line of the total site. (Ord. 29 (L977) 6(8).) C Distance between buildings. The nininum distances between aLL bulldings on the siteshalL be as indicated on the approved d.eveJ.opment plan.(ord. 2s (te77\ 5(D) D Height. lthe uraximu:n height of all buil-dings shall be forty-fivefeet. (ord. 2e (L977, 5 (D) . ) E Density control . The floor area of all buildings and the nunrber of dwellingunits shall not exceed the following provisions: (ord 33, r_97I ) Developnent Developrnent TotalsAreaA AreaB sDDsExt. Bldg. Maximum qtrossresidential floor area (sq. ft.) 43,000 Interval ownership Units Lzg,ooo Ernployee Dwelling Units(sq. ft. ) 1-0,000 ZO2,aAO l,faximum number of dlrellingunits (tota1)54 L39 213 Uaximum gross connercial floor area (sg. ft.) Lg,000 -o- L8,000 (ord. 29(t977) 6(E), (ord 33, Le78) F Building buLk control.suilding bulk, naximun wall lengths, naximun dimensions of building lJroups, and requirements for wall- off-setsr shall be as indicated on the approved development pLan. (ord. 2e(Le77l 5(r) . ) t (sDDs) c Site coverage. Not Bore than twenty percent of the developnent are B shall be covered by buildings. (Ord.29tL977) 5(c).) H Landscaping and natural open space. A minimum of sixty percent of developnent area B sball be landscaped or natural open apace i.n accordance with the approved development plan {Ord 29(L977) 6(H).) I Parking and loading.1. off-street parking shall be provided in accord with Chapter 18.52r at least eighty-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the nainbuilding or buildings, or beneath acceEsory decks,terrases, plazas, or tennis courts and shalL be completely enclosed and screened fron view.2. No parking or loading area shaLl be located in any reguired front setback area or on the south side of anybuilding, and no parking or loading shal,l be perurittedat any time in areas designated for recreation or open space use on the approved development plan.3. Driveways, passenger loading areas, and parking areasnot Located within a building shalL be pernitted only as indicated on the approved development plan.4. On-site parking shalL be provided for conmon carriersproviding charter service to the development; saidparking sites shalt be indicated on the approved development p1an.(ord 2e (te77) 6 (I) . ) L8.48.070 Recreational amenities tax. The recreational arnenities tax due to the development within SDD5, shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of floor area and shal} be paid in conjunction with construction ptrases and prior to the issuance of a building pennit. (ord 29 (Le77) 7.) 18.48.080 Special provisions- conservat,ion and pollution controls. Conservation and pollution controLs are as follows:A. If fireplaces are provid.ed within the development, they rnust be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures, and heat circulating devices as technologry exists at the tirne of developnent.B. Developerrs drainage plan shall incLude provisions forprevention of pollution from surface run-off.c. developer shall include in the building construction in developnent area B energy and water conservation controls asgeneral technolog'y exlsts at the time of construction. (ord 2e (te77) 8 (A) . ) (sDDs) 18.48.o90 Special provisions-Enployee housing units. A nininurn of ten (L0) enployee dwelling units shall be provided to be leased to enployees of Vail Run_or to pernanent residents enployed in the Gore Vallelunits reguired herein shall all be two bedroom e emproyee owerrLng room units of no less loyee dwelllng than 850 sq. ft. and shall not have firepl-aces. The ten (1o) enployee dweJ-ling units shall be maj-ntained as rental units for employees for a period of not less than twenty (20) years. Appropriate covenants, shal-l be filed of record in the Clerk & Recorderts office of Eagle County to insure that the provisionsof this Section are compl-led with. (ord 33, t978) 18.48.100 Special. provisions-Recreational amenities.lhe approved deveLopnent plan sball incLude the folJ.owing recreational amenities:A, A nLnimum of five additionaL tennis courts (developnent area A presently has three tennis courts with two of them covered during the winter season). Said tennis courts shall be rnade available to the general public on a fee basis, subject to reasonable regulation in favor of owners or guests of the development;B. Recreation amenities fund contribution of $1o,0o0 to be usedfor general recreational irnprovements by the Town of vail; (Ord 24, L986)c. Bike and pedestrian path traversing property fron eastproperty line of development area A to west site line of development area B shall be provided by developer with exact location to be rautually acceptable to devel.oper and the TowniD. swinming pool (in addition to existing pool in development area A) of adequate size to reasonably serve the needs of the development and shatl be open to the public on a fee basis subject to reasonable regulation in favor of owners or guests of the development.(ord 2e (te77) 8(c).) 18.48.110 Special provisions-Additional arnenities., A.The developer shalt provide adequate transportation servicesto the owners and gruests of the development so as to transport thern frorn the development to Village Core Area and Lionshead area. The devel-oper shalJ. provide in its approved developnent plan a bus shelter of a design and location mutually agreeable to the developer and the Town Council-. Said shelter shall serve the L,ionsridge area generally., (ord 29(t977, 8(D).) D. I I | . " "'' (sDDs) 18.48.130 Approval of subdivision and interval ownership.Intenral ownership of nultiple-fanily dwelJ.ing units, withthe exception of the required enployee dwellinE unJ-ts, is herebyapproved. Subdivision of the nultiple-family dwe}ling units (not designated for empLoyee housinq) permitted in Development Area Binto interval ownership fee interests shal-l- require no additional approvals from the Town of Vail Planning and EnvironmentaL Comnission or from the Town Council for the Eonn of vail . (Ord. 33, 1978) Lr {-, ORDINA|,ICT NO. 6)erles or tylb AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPECIAL AND AMENDING THE ZONIi,IG OROINANCE MAP. DEVELOPMEI'IT DISTRICT 5 AND THE OFFIC I'IHEREAS, Article I, Section '|.201 , o No. I, Series of 1973, of the Town of Vai] , Co thirteen zoning districts for the municipality Development District. hance, 0rdinance !.JIIEREAS, Coiorado Investment Service, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, submitted as owner an application reguesting that the Town establish Special Development District 5, hereinafter refenred to as "SDS,'for the development on its parcel of 'land comprising approximatel{ffiacres in the portion of the The amendment procedures prescribed in Section 2l .500 have been fulfilled, with the report of the Planning the enactment of this ordinance. lorado, as amended, established , one of which is the Special v n,v' Iv t\ur "qrn^ Lionsridge area more ful 1y described as County of Eag1e, State of colorado, which was annexed to the Town effective on the l6th day of December, 1975. i'IHEREAS, the estab'lishment of the requested SD5 will ensure unified and coordinated development and use of a critical site as a whole and in a manner suitable forthearea in which it is situated. WHEREAS' the Town Counci'l considers that is is reasonabie, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to establish said SD5; NOt,.l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOl.lN COUNCIL OF THT TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOI,JS: Section '1. Title This ordinance shalt be known as the "Ordinance Establishing Spec.ial Development District 5". leq_tio1 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled; Planning Commission Report. of the Zoning Corunission re-Ord inance commending rL 'C ri\({c Section 3. Special Development District 5 Establjshed; Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and 0fficial Zoning Map. Pursurant to the prov'isions of Articles'l , .|3, and 20 of the Zoning 0rdinance, Ordinance No. B, series of 1973, of the Town of vai1, colorado, as amended' Special Development District 5 (SDs) a special development zoning district, is hereby established for the development on a certain parcel of land comprising 2.54 acres in the Lionsridge area of the Town, and the Zoning grdinance and the 0fficial Zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of the following provisions vrhich shall become the Sixth chapter of Article .|3, the caption of which shall be "special Development District s" and a map which shall be- come an addition to the 0fficial Zoninq l4ap: A. purposes Special Development District 5 is establisheC to ensure comprehensive . development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and pronote the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Counci'l and the plann.ing Commission, and there are s'ignificant aspects of the special development which ( cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zon'ing districts on the a rea. B. Special Development District 5 Establ.ished. (1) Special Development District 5 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 2.54 acres in the Lionsr.idge area of the Town; special Deve'lopment District 5 and said 2.54 acres may be referred to as',sD5',. (2) The existing building consisting of 55 dwelling units, aF- prox'imately 18r000 square feet of commercial space! a swimming poo'l and three tennis courts, shall be known as SD5. C. Pennitted Uses. (1) In SD5 (existing building and recreational facilities), the following uses shall be permitted: (a) Multiple family residential dwelling; (b) Accessory retail and restaurant and service establishments not occupy'ing more than 18,000 square feet including the fo1 low.ing: Apparel stores Art supply stores and galleries -2- ,C{f ( Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores Specialty food stores Fl ori sts Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores Leather goods stores liquor stores . Newsstanils and tobacco stores Sporting goods stores Stat'ionery stores foy stores Variety stores Sarber shops 3eauty shops fravel and ticket agenc'ies )e'l icatessens with food service Cocktail lounges, taverns and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaurants Additional businesses or services determined to be similarto permitted uses in accord with the prov'isions of Section 21.200 of this ordinance. D. Conditional Uses. (l) In SDS the fotlowing conditional uses shall be permitted, subiect to issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accord with the provisions of Article l8 hereof; (a) Publ ic util ity and publ ic service uses; (b) Public buildings, grounds, and facilities; (c) Publ ic or private school s; (d) Publjc park and recreation facilities; (e) Meeting rooms. ( -3- r(i(- E. Accessory Uses. (l) In SD5 the following accessory uses shall be permitted: (a) Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, including but not I imited ton swinming pools,. tennis courts. (b) Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accord with the provisions of section 17.300 hereof. (c) Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional usesn and necessary for the operation thereof. F. Development Standards. (l) General Density p1an. ,C i I Maximum gross residential floor area(square feet) Maximun number of dwelling units Maximum gross commercial floor area(square feet) G. Additional Amenities. Development -.__ loi{ R*_ Existing Bldg,^/- 43 ,000 .l 8 ,000 (l) The deveioper shall provide adequate transportation servjces i to the ol,tners and guests of the development so as to transport them from the deve lopment to Vi ll age Core area and Lionshead area. Section 4. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect five days after publication following the final passage hereof. II{TRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AIID ORDERED PUBLISHED 0NCE IN FULL, this l0th day of February, 1976, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of vail, colorado on the Znd day of March, 1976, at 7:30 P,M., in the Municipal Building of the Town of Vail. ATTEST:\, ( -4- I NTRODUC ED , of March, ]976 READ, ADOPTED, .r( and 0RDERED PUBLISHED in full thi s 2nd TOWN OF VAIL I ( TYPE III EMPLOYEE HOUSING UI,JiT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEflEAS, Rene D. Blancherre . is the owner Ot cerlain property (lhe Ownef) described :tsi Simba Run Condominiun #ZZO7 r//<: - 'tr L). trl lrjd-{ ./all ('the Property'); and W|{EREAS, ihe Owrier wishes io place certain resfriclions cn i!:e use cf a unil or apartmeni located on the Properly for the benelit ol the o^rner and the Town of Vail, colorado ("the Town"). NOW' THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby lmpose, establish, acknowledge, declare for the benelit ol all persons who mny hereinafier purchase" or lease, or hold the subject land lhe to[owing restrictions' covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run wilh the land and inure to the benelit and be bonding upon the Oarner, its respeclive grantees, successors, and assigns. unit or Aparlment 2207 , conlaining 666 square teet, is hereby restricred as a Type lll Emrloyee l'rcusing unit (EHU) whicl': rnust comply with all the provisions oi sections 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.060 of the vail Municipal code as amended. The Type lll Emptoyee Housing unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than lhirty (30) consecutive days; and, it it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are lult time employees who work in Eagle county. For the purposes ot this paragraph, a full lime employee is one who works an average ol a minimurn ol thirty (30) hours each week. 3- A Type lll EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from other dwelling unils or Employee Housing Units that may be located on lhe same tot or within the same ouilding so iong.as it meeis thelollowing conditions: a) lt must be used by the owner ol the EHU as a permanent residence. .For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence sha[ mean the home or place in which one's habitation is lixed and to whlch one, whenever he or she is absent, has a presenl intention of returning atter a departure or absence . lheretrom, regardless ol the duEtlon of absence. ln determining wnat F a l.rtr o) o-'{ oJ gr od gl.! @AFl 0) <Q >,:f +rqig\5 FIO c\r C) F0) dNrd 3\: OJ I ro'.r+O tm €F1(oo}dFr!r+d ro g) l. 2. (o t{l d:..J 5 419 66 permanent residence. the Town stall shall take the lollowing cir@mslances relating to lhe owner ol the residence inlo account business pursuits, emptoyment.income sources, residence lor income or other tax purposes, age, marital slatus, residence ot parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real properly, an molor vehicle regislralion. b) lf a Type lll EHU is sold, transtened, or conveyed separatety from lhe othet ciwelling units and/or Type lll Emptoyee Housing Units in a multifamity struclure it is apart of, or from other dwelling units and/or Type ill EHUs localed on the same lol, lhe Type lll EHUs in the slructure or on that lo! shail be subject to all the provision set lonh in Section 19.57.0A0. 4. Thirly days prior to lhe transler of a deed lor a Type ltt EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an applicalion to the community Development Departmenl doflmenting that lhe prospeclive purchaser meets.lhe criteria set torth above and shall include an alfidavit alfirming that he or she meets these criteria. 5. The Type lll EHU shall not be divided into any torm ol timeshares, interval ownership, sr iraciiti:ai ;s9 g;';:rirr+.p ae ih;Eg .efi:3 ais iir;iii*i il i;ie iviJniciuai cneie .,i ihe Town ol Vail. 6. No later lhan February 1 ol each year, lhe owner ol each employee housing unit. within the Town which is conslructed lollowing lhe effective dale ol lhis ordinance shall submit two (2) copies ol a reporl of a lorm to be obtained from the community Development department, to the Communily development Department of the Town ot Vail and Chairman ol lhe Town ol Vail Housing Authority setting lorth evidence gstablishing that each lenant whom resides within lheir employee housing unit is a full-time emptoyee in n L,( j Eagle Gounty..!-l 7.The provisions of these reslrictive covenanls may be en{orced by the owner and the Town. B. The conditions, restrictions, stipulat'ons, and agreements contained herein shalt not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the wrilten consent of bolh the Town of Vail and the Ourner of the property. 2 8-645 P-922 O1/2L/94 04:18p pG 2 oF 3 By: TOWN OF VA[L, a Colorado municipal corporation \rl The foregoing instrument was acknowtedged betore r.re this {aday of ifr|flEeEID,ihttYtublck Ccmtntn Eofrc SepEtrbr 26' f 9!15' ' ?5 s nrhr{.'Rod W. CO 81557,' ?5 sj"figira3. tur4 q+ co I The loregoing instrument was acknowledged before me fnis /// Oay ot inrr\ -, c!0|(rrrhd\rd|rlnlElulll Notary Pulrlic' 541966 B-645 P-922 07/Zt/94 04:18P PG 3 oF3 a . (, .{ -1 L,_-1, 4'7't 24n,i :, I euox J-f? ?^cE /5! J0l:!il{E?TI t' ]:tL:trt EACLE CTY. ii ;{,'i.,i i :n JaxlB fi'^"i:.r l|JlI, II.Ltr lol l.l t.J l.{ 1.6 t.t 1,8 10 i .ln 1.11 ,. t! 1 t? .l !4l.l.t 1.15 1.16 t.lt 1.18 12/3i32 DEFINITIONS DecLarant.. Declaration Conqlomi n iurrl Condorni ni u;n CO::DOqINTUM DECLARATIOI'I FOR s If4BA RUN CtlNDOi'lINIUt"l TABLE OF CONTENTS Project or Project.. I'laP. . rftlo rJ 2 z ., L '} 2 zConnon ElenenLs General Conrmon Limited Common Condominiun,.. El ement s Elenent.s 3 Ovrner As soc i at ion ts,),rrc1 of -uirectcEs, Board or Di rector. M:n:r.ror t..aa l'1or tg ag e e . J ? 3 Iionnrr'l Condornin i un 3 J I 1.19 1 .20 1,21 1 .22 1.23 1 .24 | . zf 1 .26 2. 2.1 2.2 2,4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 J. 3.1 3.2 Enrpl"oyee llorrsing Unic. Fractional Estate Fractional Or,'ner Fractio.nal Unit .........,... - t'iainLenance !,resk. Fractional Unit Maintenance Fee Use Weeks Fractional Owners' Association...... nr-1;t r\/\r. r.r ? r r rr..r*vr\ uvt'l L rl I u I'lJ . . Division into Condominiurir; Condominium Map Linnit.ed Comrnon Elenents Parking Facility and Parking Spa,-os Eraployee ilousing Units Description of a Condominium. Inseparability of a Condoninium. ....,.: Nonpartitionability of Comrnon Elementsand ReaI Property Easenents lor Encrcachrnents Separate Taxat,ion of Condorniniums.i,., r.,. i r Notice to Assessor.., llechanicrs Liens ...r. RIGttTS, EASEiIENTS Al.lD OBLIGATIw.;S.. . O*nerrs Right.s in Cornmon Eloment: Ownerrs Rigl'rts in His Unit,. 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 ) f, ) t F 6 D 7 7 I I I I I o 9 o -2- 3.3 3.4 3.5 1. .5 3.7 3.8 3.9 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 f,, 5.1 5-2 ).J 5.4 5,5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 o. 5.1 6.2 Ownerts llaintenallce Responsibili ty f orHis Unir, Board of DirectorsI Rights Owner's Easement for Access, Supp^rt and' Utilities Ea-:rnenLs.in Each Unit; Repair, l'lainEenance and Ernergencies. . . Right to Cornbine Units Subdivi;ion of Unit. prohibiEed Easements Deerned AppurLenant... THE ASSOCIA'fION. General Purposes and powers.. . , I'lenbersh ip. . , Board of DirecLors.. Voting of M-..nbers of the Association... RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION.. . Association as ALtorney-in-Fact for Owners..,..... Duties of, the Association.., Board of Directorsr powers Exclusive Etelegation to a i\6anager Association Right to Acguirc property.... i'lanagemenE of Private Transportation Service.. ... . Rui.es and Regulations Uortgagee Notice and InspecEion Inglied Rights ASSESSITEUTS Comnon Er:pense Fund: \,:sessments Special AssessiuerrEs. . . 9 10 10 10 1t 1l 12 tz 't2 12 12 1Z 13 13 14 16 tfr 16 15 16 17 17 18 1B t9 I o.J 6.4 1.1 8. 8.1 8.2 u.J ('..1 9. 9.1 9.2 a? 9.4 10. 10.r 10.2 10.3 10.4 11. 1r.1 11.2 11.3 tnitial Assessment Requirement. 19 Default in PaymenB of Assessment 19 USE AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS. . 21 Limitation on Use of Unit.s and Comnon Elernents. . . . 2', DAIIAGE, DESTRUCTION AND OBsOLESCENCE........... r.. 22 Damage and Destruction ..... 22 Insurance Proceeds fnsufficient 22 Obsolescence.. . 23 Erninent, Domain Proceedings... . 23 RESIDENT MAi"IAGERI S CONDOI-IINIUI\4. 24 Lease 24 option 24 Consumer Price Index Adjustment..,. t,... 25 General ..... 26 RESER.VATION TO ENLARGE CONDOMINIIII'1 PROPERTY. AND SUPPLEiYEN? TIIE zt Pocarrrrl'inn Declarrbion Applicable to Addit.ional Condominiums.. PFrceni:age of Itesponsibil.iirT fnterest. . o.o.,. fnsurall.e Interests GE}IEIAL PROVISIONS FOR FRACTIONAL OI.'NERSHIP. ...... Plan .'f Fraetional. Owner-trip. . . . r... Submission of a Condominium to FractionalOwner:hip, Legal Description of i Fractiona'l Est.ate.... ,tI 28 2B 28 28 28 29 29 - ;i' 11.4 I t.5 11.6 11 .7 I r.tr 11 11 I t/-.t 12.3 12.4 lz.5 rz.b t z. t | 2.6 A.Jmi ni.sIral.ion and Manage'nent; AssociaLion, l'lanag ing Agent 30 Poh'ers and Duties of t,he Fract.ional OwnergtAssociation. . 31 FracLional Unit lrlainLuitance Fee. . 32 Acceptance of Plan of Fracl-iona1 Ownership;Enforcement; Indernni'icalion. . 34 Conbinacion and Reconveyance by Declarant 34 GENERAL PROVISIONS.... 35 Enforcernent. . . 35 Audit ll^ 5 : ^^r\oLrce. 35 Int,erpretat ion 35 Amanrlrron#nJ'F-r.\.r'qrrL . 36 Supp1ement.... 36 Qorror.=iri't i r*'36 Effective Date. 36 -5- CONDOIIIIlIUM DECIARTTTION s rr',rRA numFSSwootrrN ruivl ?his Declaration of Covenants, Condit,ions anri Restrictions,(herei naf t.er cal1ed 'Declararion,') , is made ancl enteied- i; -i;; Town of _ Vai 1, and Counti. _of rlagIe, .St,ate of Coloraclo, th i e 14 t k-grY 9f-_q]r rtr..itr(1, ' 19ji1, by Simba Run A::ociaEes,'a CotoffiJor;rt' ve-nture cogposed or -united Ainerrcan properlies No. 3, rnc. ,a Georgia ccrpor-ation, and srr'tBA rNc., a Nerh'erlands Antiliescorporation established in curacao (herei::after called t:.e"Deelarant,n ), pursuant to the provisions of the coLoradoCondominiun ^r,'nership Act as amende,l . WHEREAS, Decrarant is tlre owner of certain real property irthe County_of Eaq1e, sbaee of Colcrado, rnore particufailydescribed in Exhibit uAn attached here[o, - wllEREAS, Declarant desires to estabrish a condominiui., projectto be knorvn as the simba Run conciorniniun upon the above-describedreal properiy and Lo sell and convey the sime to varic,:spurchasers' subject to the ccvenants, condit,ions and restrictionsherein reserved to be kept and observed. WHEREAS, Declarant desires and int,ends by filing thisDeclaration r'o submit bhe above-described proierty ana at1buildings, structures and other improvemeni; -E; be constructedtheroon, togeitlcr with aII appurtenances thereto, to r.heprovisions of the colorado condominium Act as a condorninium and toimpose upon said.property nrutually benefi"iut ie"trictiong under agenerar pran of improvern-nt for the beneiit of al} of thecondominiuns anit the owners thereof. Now' THEREFQRE, Declarant does hereby pubrish and declarethat the Condcminiun projeeL described above shail Ue-f,.i;r--conveyed, hi iroL.^ecalrd, incunbered, leased r f €irE€cl i o""upiud arrdused su,jeet to Lire following t,erms, covenants, conditions,restrictions, uses' rimitati5ns and'obligationi, arl of which aredeclared and agr:ed lo be in furt,herance-of a plan for theestal.rlishment of said Condominium project, and shall be deen,ed corun with the land and shaLL be a burdEn and a benefit Eo theDoclararrt, its successors anri assigni-anO any person acgr.liri,ig orownin'-: an interest in the said pro ject, theii ironr"n",successors, beirs, execuLors, aaministr:lLors, 6e,, iseci, I"=s""sand assignee:. ARTICTE I DEFIi,,IITIOI'JS certain terms as used in this Declaration shaLl be def,ined as I:11:::l unless rhe conr,exr clearly indicates 'a'different meaninsrhor6i-/-rf. , 1-..1 . "Decrarant" _sharr mean simba Run Associates, a coloradoJornE venture conposed of United Arnerican properlies No. 3, Inc.,a Ceorgia corporationr anil Simba Inc., a Nerhlrlands entiLiescorporaL':;;r estabrished in curacao, which has made and exec,rtedthis oeclaration; "9sq1elation" shall mean this^_-..:-.-+--^uonoomlnlurn is established asgoverned as provided for underAct; 1 .3 ncondominium pro j ect n or 'pro j ect,, ghall ;,lean the entiree_t19:1s.r t@ea io ffi o."i^."ii;; ;;=EE-=-o++i!Sg-lal-q--saodqni;1 !um5, i ncr ud ing al 1 s rrucE u res rh ereffiT ana 1.,l.a Simba Runis Eo be Ownership insirument by wh ir.h thea condominiun pr..,,.ryt ar': Lhe Cr-rlorado Condominiunn -++_+;: 1. _'.r.-y__!vr|evjt!]I.t-*grrlEr rncruorng aIl struct.ures thereon, andall rlgnts, easenents and appurtenances belonging theretoi Condoniniun tlap of Lhethe Declaranti 1 .4 "Condominium Map" shall nean, theProject whffi for recorA ov ,- 1.:_ 'llit,' =!',.1]' mean one individual air space unir, as shor+non rne Flap wnrch shall be used for residential purposes only. Theboundary lines of each uniL are the interior surfaces of itsperineter walIs, bearing walrs, rroorir-""iii"g", exterior doorsand windows; 1- 5 "conmon Elemeqts" sharr nean and inc-1urre aLl itenshere.i.naf.;effirii-i:o*^onE1ement'sandLimit,edCommon E.i ernel Ls ; 1'7 "General comqon Erernen.s'r sharr rnean and include .heland on wir ;";;; io"ur"a; rhe srrucrurarcomponents of the buildings, including, bue not by way "f------Iimitation, roofs, . founda[i;"; ; pipes.' ou"i=, -"hut"", conituits,wires and other util_iey i.nsiaf iati,rns to the'nutleEs; bearingwalLs, perimeter warrsl corurnni an(: girders Eo the interiorsurf aces t.lrereof regardless of location; elevators, st.oragecuhieles, stairways, hatlwayse foyo1.s, lobbi,:;, walkways, paths,bicycle paEhs, rainps, driueiiy", quruges, ancl parl<ings spaces; arlinstallations for-power, 1iglrc.G, gas, hot anil cold waE,er and !9at.ine exi.qr i ug for "o*ron-u"r; Eennis eorrrt.q, racquetballcourtsr jter;1122i, sa'lnar gras.6, shrubbery, trees and oLher -2- landscaping and cE,her rela[ed recreational amenities; and a]lother parts of the pr-o_jggq necessary or convenient to its *effian"-;?;A safety, or normally in cc-'mon usei exclusive use of an Ownerexclusive use of more than or are linited one but fewer 1 . I "tini ted Common Elements" shall Common Elenir,-s wnffi ei Eher limited mean those parts of theco or reserved for thet.o and reserved for t.hethan all of the Owners; shall mean a nember of 1.9 shall mean the errtire esLate in the real Y::f:::I ?I":d.,gy-fitT*niI, . consisr.ine or_ o!'n€rship of a setarateinterest in a unir, an undivi,letr inreresr in itre c;;*;; ir*ri"i"and.lhe right to the exclusive .use of any Li;ni te.{ comrnon Elemenr.assigned to that Unit; 1.10 'Owner" shall mean any person, entit,y or conbinationthereof ."iEtai-rilwnership interLsE in a condominium in t.heProj ect; - 1-ll "Associatiqn" sharr mean the sinrba Run condominiurnAssoci.'rtionl- a-ffii:6 n,:;rprof ic corfor.fion,--tn. Bylaws ofwhich shall govern the adrn,r'ristration'oi the Associaiionr themembers of which shalr be at1 of the owners of contiominiums in il:eCondominiun projeci.; and said i.ncruce E,lre 9overnrng bociyBoard; 1.12 " 3oard of Directors", t' Boa rri " or "Di rector n the.'..rsoc atton, or i .13 "l|an:q3s. shall mean bhe person or f irm, if any,designatedE-En"-Boara of oii""cors Lo nanage the .af faj.rs of theAssociaL ion; . 1-14 "llortgage'shall mean a deed of trust as welr as anorrga9e or srinri.ar secu,:ity instrument; _ r -f i5 l{ortgagee"-shal1 mean a beneficiary under ora oeed ox crusi as well ag a mortgagee of a mortgage orsecurity instrunent; 1 . l6 'Recorci', neans coClerk and FF6?d'FF of Eagle 1.17 "Condominium Act"ownership ecEJffiFffi file on record nith [he office of theCounty, Colorado; shall mean the Colorado Condorniniun SS 38-33-101 t,o -l l'1, as amended; th e r e s L r i c rF;-s-tEE-f.-ffirn paragraph 2 1 .18 nCount.v"shall rnean EagIe County, Co1oradoi 1 . 19 " Enolo''ee I{ous i ng Un i h,, means holder ofsirnilar a Condominium subject.6 hereof. "Condominiumn -3- to The following rlcfinitions appry to Lhose conrloninium unitswhich are submitted to and sold undlr the plan of FractionalOwnership set forth in ArLiele l l hereoE: - 1 ,29 . " lrec! j-gnal .EstatF' means a c,ime-span estata consisLingor an unorvrded rnEerest a5 tenanE-in-cominon in the presene esEatein fee simple in a Condominiurn Unit toce,-her with ri;ht t;possession ancl occupancy of the condo:iniu:.. unit durinq theann:.:ar11'recurring periods of time, use l"teeks, defined in ixhibitE attached hereto and seL iorth in a ,l:ed from Declarant. uo apurchaser. The surn uf the use ?leeks and Maintenance 1leeks in aconclominium unit dedicated to Fractionar EsiaEe ownership snariequal 52 weeks. 1.2l "Fractiona1 Or..tnoy'n meangE.rEie F.o a Fraclional Estate duri ng 1 .22 "practional uni. o means a condorninium unir- which isorvloed rnro use i{eeKs pursuanE to Art'icle lt of this Declarant. 1-23 nMair,enanee week" means a :r,inirrun of two use ',.;'..9kswlricharen-'@Fraetiona1ownerandaredesi9nieedny Decl.arant, as llaintenance weeks. maintenance t{eeks slialr 6" or"ne,iby all of the Fractionar owners of the Fractional units which EheMaintenancc l?eekg are part as tenants-in-conrnon sul.'ject to rightof the Association to use, possess and.occupy ilre Fracrional unitduring.the Maintenance weeks in order to se.vice. clean, repair;mainLain, and rejurbish the practional Unif. a person vested with leqalhis designatrd Use Week ( s ) , on the ).ast <1a7 tlrereof. 1-24 "Fract,ional unit Maintenai.lce peen means the fee pai,J bythe Fraction ed-iortrr in pirlgi"pn11(e ) hereof 1.25 "Use Weeks" means aoccupancy ofli-FFEEiona 1 Unit.fol Lows: period of exclusive possession and Use i.ieeks are conputed as Use Week No. 47 is the seven day: cornrnencingat -_91 th9 before rhanksgiving of eaihyear. AII oLher Use Weeks are calculaltd byworl<ing forward and backward fron Use ?reek i.fo. C7.All extra days wlrich accumulate become a paru ofUse vJeek No.4G as est.ablished by the calEnd:rprepared by the Fractionat Ownerl' Association.Use lleeks run trom _ on bhe first day of the Useweek to __ on LheESt <iay of the Use weel<;provided7-6ve!,er, t,hat the right of possession andoccupancy shall noe commence until - local,tj.me on the first day of Ehe IJse r,tedF-ii?-ffinii-enaAF -4- 1 .26 nFractionar o*rners' Association" means the sinba Run^-Fractional ownerEr Assoffi nonprofit corporation,iE successors and assigns, the Articles of rncorporation andBylaws of which, together with this Decl.aration, shall qovern theadministration of Fractional Units in the projectr the irernbers ofwhi.ch shall be all of the practional Owners. drvrded inLo sr-x-t-f-{6'd1-- GG-esF5'res idenriFieO in Exhibir"B", each of which consist,s of (i) the unir, which shall be ownedin fee simpre; (ii) the appurtenant undivided inrerest in and tothe comnon ElenenLs assigned to the unit as set forth in Exhihit.'B'i and (iiij Ehe riqht to the excrusive use of any timited Cornmon El-emenEs assigned to bhe Uni.t. . 2:2 condominiun lrap. The Map sharl be filed for record atsucn E.rme as constrrrct.ron of the project is substantialrycornplet.ed in order to permi t the locition of the unrts, bothhorizontalli' and verticarry, by a registered engineer. Theccndoninium Map shal1 be filed for recor4 prior co the conveyanceof a Condominiun eo a Purchaser. The Conclominiu-.rilap sha1l lepictand show at least E,he follor+ing: the legai .jescription of theland and a survey thereof; linear measurements and the loeati.:n ofall imnr:ovements on t,he land with reference Lo the exteriorboundarrl es of Liie land; t,he Locat ion of the units :.'ithin theimpro'yements both horizontally and vertically and theirdesignaLions anil dimensicns; Lhe ere'.'ations of ttre .unf inisiredf.loors anri ceilings as constructedi the location of the Generalconmon Elenents and timited comrnon ElemenLs; the thickness of t.heeommon walls separating one unit fro-l another; and the rocation ofany structurar components 'r support,ing ele:'nents oE tha buiiJirigtocated within a unit. The conSorninium lt.p straLl eontain acerti'ficaEe of survey by a registered land surveyor ce:tifyingthat the condorninium-l,tap furLf and aceuraEery aeiicts Ehe iocJtionand dinensions of arl buildings and other imirovenenrs, easernent,sand rights-of-way either of ricord or known Lo the suro"yor "ndthat there exist no encroachrnents by or on the land edceit asspecifically seE forch on the conaoilinium Map. The ?ondorniniumMap shall also contiln a certificate of a registered professionalengineer, land surveyor o: licensetl architeci certifying irrii-trr"Condominium. iilap substantially depicLs t.he locat,ir-r.r o-t tie Unitiwithin the improvenents hoth horizontarly ano verticarty ana-ineirdesignations and dimensions, the eleuations of the unfiirisherlfloors and ceilings as constructerr, t,he locaEion oe the Geno-alConnon Elenents and Lirnite.i Common E.l ernents, the thichness of gre ARTICTE 2 CO'lDO}lINIU},IS -5- common walls separating one unit frorn another, and the locat,ion ofany struc!ur91 conpoiiurrLs or supporting erenent,s of !he BuildingLocated wiclrin a unit, and that such condorniniun ilap was preparedsubsequent t.o substantial - completion ol the i;nprovenents.- anyArnendnenE. to the condominiun f{ap shall seE forth a likecert!f icate when appropriaEe. . _rn. interpreting ilre condorniniu.m r'raF, the exisLing physicalboundaries of each separate unit as consi.ructed shalr-ba - conclusively presurned to be it,s boun,laries. until title !o all condoniniums, excluding the EmployeeHousing unils, has been conveyed by Declarani [o tne initialpurchasers, Declarant. r"servei Ehe right, r+ithout the approval ofany owner or uortqagee, to amend the condoniniun llap, fibm tirne t.otime, t.o conf orm i i. to the actual location of any oi ' tn"const,ructed improvenentst t,g..pgt,a,bliah:r,,r.rr&gebe'andt,Etl*ge8_teessements; and Eo desigfi;te acjditional Limited comnon Elernentsfrorn t.he Conmon Elernents 2-3 Linited Corrrrtloo Eli':lents. Certain oorti.ons of the CommonEIementswnrclr@ccesSib1efiom,associatedwithor whjch adjoin a particurar unit., such as balconies, are reservecifor t.he exclusive use of the owner of such unit. limired commonErements so reserved sha1L be identified on Ehe condominium Flap,designated as such in this l.eclaration.or in a deed fron theDeclarant. No references to any such Limited Common Element needbe made in any lease, assignmenl of leas€r sublease, de-d oftrustr.mortgage, conLract, deeC or oLller instrurnenE af Eeeting tlreCondorni n i um. 2.4 Parking FaciliLy and parking__lpgc"g. The parkingfaei1itya@conta.rtedEhereinsha11bedeeriled conmon Elenents. Tl:e Risotiation;h.rll assign parking spaees toowners in the collecti;e best interesr- of arr owners as determinedby the Bcard of Directors; provided, however, tt,"t rn no eventshal1 l.ess tharl cn.: parking- space be assign.i to each unit, 2.5 Emoloyee Hqu,sing Unies. The prrject wilr include lmpl.oyee H6-[aE9-6Tffie-*Ired by ordinance Nurnbur 331 seriesr78, Town of Vail. Declarani may relain owneiship oi-ttr"'nmfloi,eeHousing unibs, but Declarant resirres the righc to sell EheEmployee Housing uni!s. s,.i.rject to terns oe -,6is Declarabl:n, at,such time as i.t rnay in its-sore r.liscr^"ion deE,errnine. ThaEmpJ.oyee ilousing units will be uLirized, at, all times, asresident,ial rentar units for the enployees oE t,he Association, forthe employees of the Manager, or foi pernanent residents of theGore varley, for a periori of not less trran trventy years cornmencingvtith certif icat ion by the ArclriEect oE the Drojecrrs substanti.rlcompleLion- For all purposes un.rer tir is D,.':laiat ion, the Employee Housing units-sha1l be treated as urrits. For all purposes underthis Oeclaration, the Owner of the Eurploygo Housinj Units shall beeither the Declarant or an individuaL ^::-entity to which LheDecLaranE sirall have transferred its ownersirip interest. 2.5 Dqscriotion of a ConCorninium. 2.5.1 lqntract. A contract written prior Eo therecordirg of the ffiium tqap nray legally-aeicriue aCondorninium by its idenrifyin; numb6r, eondominiu:n ,followed by the name "sIl,lBA RaN coNDotl,trNlul{,n with Efimer-'reference to the Declaration and condoniniurn l,1ap to be firetl forrecord with the clerk and Recorder of Lhe county of eagle, Co lorado. 2-6 -2 0t.her rnstruinents. subseguent to the recordf irinq of the con@ry deer!, conrract, rease,assignment of Iease, subleasL, encurnbrance, wi. I1 or any ot.her Condominium as follows: Condominium --- -_,,t SIMBA RUN CONDOI,II):IUM,accordi ng to-EiE--fftiJriTni uin Dec].aration and Mapfor Simba Run Condominirrn of record, EagleCounty, Colorado. 2.6.'t !nq1 usive Descriptioq. Every such descriptionshall be <iee;ied ime the-e.,tire Concloniiti"r,incruding the appurtenant undivided interest in the commonEreinents, exclusive_use of any Limited cornmon Elements assigned tothe unitr and alr of the ochei righEs, easernents, obligations,]'imitations, covenants and restriltions pio"iJea in trrisDeclarat ion. 2.7 I""gqgLg!i1ity_of a condn'ni.nium. Each unit,, theappu r t e nanE- ui-drffi fr-iiGr;ffi ffifrmon ii.r" n rs and rh eexciusive use oi auy Lini.f.ed common Ereni.,rrts assigned t.o the-Unit, shall together conprise one Condoruiniu;n, and, sha1l belnseparabro and may-be conveyed, Ieasedl urrniseci, transferred,assigned' sub-lersed or enc,ribered only'au-"-ionaominium. ACondornini.rT may be owned !n any real pioporty tenancyrelationslrip recognized under tne tari oi tni $tate ofCol.orado. trlcnFqqtit ionabil itv of Common-=ffir#ffiall rnortgage, deed of trust,inst;ument may describe the 2.8Propertv. .-4i----the Owner:,rhereto andpartil:i'rn provided i according to the poreentagessrral1 remain undivrded, andor livision thereof strall ^r::: Irrticles 3 and I hereof . El,.ments and ReaI set forth in Exhibit sno right of action fordoes ex ist , orsqapt as -7- 2:9 Easenents, for, Epsrgachntp-qg. rf any part of the cornmonts-remencs encroacl)es or snarr herearter encroach upon a uniE, aneasement for such encroaL'hment and Eor t.he maintenance of the sarneshall and does exist. rf any part of a unib encroaches or shallhereafter encroach upon the Comrnon Element.s, or up,)n another Unit,the owner of that unit, shall and does have an easement for suchencroachment and for the mainLenance of the same. Suchencroachtnents shall noE be considered to be encumbrances either ont,he comnon Elenents or on a unit. Encroachments referred toherein.include, but are not limiced to, eneroachments caused byerror in the original consLruction of any improvenents; by errbrsin the condoniniu:n r'rag; by serrling, raiiing- or shif ting 6e eneeart.h; or by changes in position caused by repair orreconstrucEion of any struclure or any part thereof. llowever, inno event shalr a varid easement for en:roachnent be created infavor of an O'..';rer or owners if said encroachment occurrec due tothe r.ri llf ul conduct of said Owner or Owners. 2,10 Seoarate Taxat.ion of Con.'iominiuns. Al1 taxes r,assesstnenLs and oc'ler charg--s of-Efr'A-SftG.6f Colorado, anypolit.icaJ. subdivision, any special improvement district or-anyother taxing or assessi.ng authorit.y shalr be assessed against andcolrected on each condominiun sepaiacety and not on the project asa whole, and each condominiurn sirall be carried on the tax rieordsas a seParate and distinct parcel. por the purpose of valurtionfor assesslnentr the valuation of the common Llenrencs shall. beapportioned among the Condominiums in proporLion to t,heappurt.enant undivided interests in the common Elernents. The lienfor taxes assessed on any condominium shall be confined to thatcondominiun. No forieiLr.lre or sale of any conriominium fordelinquent, taxes, assessrneFts or oEher governmentar charges sharrdivest.or in any other way'affect the titte to any other Condomi n i un. 2.11 Notice tn Assessor. The Declarant shalr deliver to theLou:'lc.y ASSe::ior a wrltEen notiCe aS regui::ed by tire COndominium lci: ' . setLirg lorth descriptions of the condominiums 7 6rld shallfurnish all neceseary inforrnation wiuh respect. to suchapportionment of valuation for asressrnent. 2.12 J"lechanic_'s tiens. No labor perforrned or materialsEurnlsned lor use rn connection wit.h any Unit with the Consent Orat the reguest of the owner thereof or his agent, contractor orsubc';rrLract,or sharr create any right to file a statement ofmechanic's lien against the unit 6e any other owner not expresslyeonstrnting to or requesting the sarne, or against any interlst irrthe comnon Erements excenF the untlivitled interest thereinalpurtenant ro the unit of the owner for whorn srrch labor shalrhave been por F.'rned anri such materials f urnishe.i. -B- E.rch Owner shal1 inclcmni fy and hold harmlcss each o€ theother owners fron and against lial:iLity or loss arising frorn theclain of any lien against Ehe UniE, of the Orlner, or any part,thereof, for labor performed or for maEerials furnished in work onsuch Owner's Unit,. The Board of DirecLors nay enforce suchindemnity by collecting trom the owner of the Condorninium. on whichthe labor was perforned and materials furnished the amountnecessary Lo diseharge any such lien, and all cost.s incidental.thereto, including attorneysr fees. If such amount is notpronptly palci, the Board of Di.rectors may collect ttre sane in themanner provided for collection of assessrnents in Artiele 6hereof, ARTICLE 3 RIGHTS, EASE}IENTS AiID OBt.IGA?IONS 3 . 1 O*""tlligl,!" jq_9q;I-'on ELementq. Sub j ecg to theother proviffiion;aeffi-Orner sharr have anon-exclusive right to use and enjoy the ccneral common Elements,consisEent r+ith the rights of use and enjoymenE of other owners.Excegt as specifically provided for in piraqraphs 3,7 and 3.9hereof, the appurtenrnt, undivided interest of aach Owner in the Common Elements set forth in Exhibit uB" shall be permanent andshall not be art.ered wi llrzrrlg the consenF of all owners expressedin an amendment lo this Declaration ,iu1y reeorded 3.2 Owner's Riqhts in His Unit. Subiect. to Ehe other ProvlsIonS ot gntS Decl.arationr eaCh Owner s.halI have full. an.lconpleee do:ninion of his uni t, and the right to use a.,rl en joy the same. t.3 Ownerr s I'!aintenance Responsibilit for His Unit. 3. 3.1 Mai.nten.:nce. For rnaintenance purposes, an Ownershall be obliqatedETddp=ir good repair and conCi'tion inenonsupporting walls wichin his unit, materials such as, but notIimited Eo, plasier, gypsun dry wallT paneling, wallpaper, paint,wall and floor tire and flooring (bur, not inctuding !ub-rio..-ingi,which make up the finished surfaces of the periinctir anrJ interiorwalls; ceilings and floors within his unit, including bobh theint'erior and exterior of the uniu doors and windows;-provided,however, chat t,he decorat,ion of the exterior of arr dbors andwindows sha1l be subject to the prior writ,ten approval of theBoard of Direct.ors. The lines, pipes, wires, conauits or systems(which for brevity are herein and ir.:'eafter referred to as"utiliEies"), running through his unit which serve any oLher uniLare conmon Elenent.s. .such ut,ilities sh"rlL not he dislurb<,-1 orrerocaEed by an owner wibhout the writEen eon:lenE and approvar o€ -9- the Board of Direct.ors. An Olrner shaI1, houever, he responsiblefor Lire maintenance, repair or replacernent of any plunrbingfixtures, water heat,ers, heating equi;,rent, lignLing fixtures,refrigerat,ors, dishwashers, disposals, ranges and all otherappliances and eguipment theL may be in, oi connected with irisuni!. An owner shall, at. Ehe owner's own expense, keep [,imitedConmon Elements which are assigned to or a!:e part of his- Condominiurn in a clean and sanitary conclition- a;:d shal1 beresponsible for the maintenaiiL'e Ehereof. An owner shalL not, doany act or any work that would impair the structural soundness orintegrity of his unit or any othei part of condorniniun project, orimpair any easement therein. 3.4 Board of Directorsr Riohts. The Board of Directorssnarr nave a nonexclusrve rlgnt, and easenenc, to make sueh use ofany conmon EremenE, or unit, as may be necessary or appropriaEe forthe perfornance of the duties and functions which it is i,otigateaor pernitted to perforn under this Declaration. 3.5 Ownerrs Easement, for Access, Sucport and Utilities.' Eacn uwner st)aIJ. nave a nonexcl.usrve easelnent for access be t.r.'eenhis unit an,l publ.ic ruads and streets, along ha11s, corridors,stairs, e).evators, sidewalks, ramps and driveways and access LooLler easements which dre part, of the comrnon ;lenenEs. Each ownershall have a nonexcrusive easemenE in and over: the common Elenentsand the Limited conrnon Elements, including those that are within Ehe unit of anoLher owner, for horizonEal and lateral support ofhis Unit and for util.ity service to l-.is Unit,, including wlter, s€\.t€!1 sLeam' gas, electricit,y, telephone and television service. 3.6 Easements in lqqh Unit; Repair, Haintenance and Emerqencie-sl 3.6. r Easeme_nts. Some of t,he Common ElemenLs nray be1ocatedwithinauffiiybeconvenient1yacces5ibleori-y through a unit. An easenent. for the rocatibn cf such comrnonE'!.emenis r,r'ithin a unit, is hereby granted. in ao'5il:on, the tscar<iof Directors Ehalr have an easement, which may be exercised forany Owner by t,he Board of Directors as his agent, for access.bhrough each unit and to all common Dlernents-from t,i.me Lo timeupon reasonabre notice and during such reasonable hours as nay benecessary for the maintenance, repair or replacement, of any of theconrnon Elements located t,herein oi accessible therefrom; piovided,howeverr ehac such easernent and righE of access shal1 be immediaLeand nay be wit,hout notice for making ernergency repairs lhereinnecessary'to prevent damage to the common Element,s or to anotherUni t. 3.6.2 Damaqes as a Comnon Expense. Any darnage to theinterlor or any pa?ffi@ the maintenance, -10- repair, energency Eepair or replacertent of any of lhe conmonElements or as a result oF energency repairs wittrin anoEher unitshall be a common expense of all of t,he owners; provided, however,that if such damage is caused by a negligenE or tortious :ce of anonner, member of his fanily, his agent, employee, inviteerlicensee or tenant, t,hen such owner shart be iesponsible,andliable for any of.such danage. All damaged inprovements shaLr bereslored subsr.ancial.Ly to the same condiiion a! bhat in which theyexist.ed prior to the darnage. At1 maintenance, repairs andreplacements of Ehe conmon ElemenLs, uhether rocaled insicie oroutside of a unit, shall be a common expense of the Associationunress necessitated by the negligence, misuse or torE,ious act oEan Owner, nember of his family, his aqent, employee, invitee,Licensee or tenant, in which case such expense sirati be chiried tosuch Owner. -7 _.Riqht tr combine uni-rs. srrhject to the approval of t,heEoaro oE urrecEors, an owner snarl have the right to co:nblne aunit with one or more adjoining units. The oeilarant sharl havethe above right without the necessity of approval by the Board ofDirectors. A cornbinaEion of units slall bliome effictive onrywhen the owner of the unibs which rre to be conbined executes andrecords a written staLeaent. evidencing the combination anil setE,ingforth the undivided interest in the Cilnrnon Elements appurtenant tothe combined units which shall be the surn of the undividedinterests in the common Elements appurtenaat. to each of the unitsso conrbined, and records an arnendmlnt co trre condorniniurn Hapshowing the combination. such amendment, Eo t,he condominiuiTl MaF,shall be apprcved in writing by any I'lortgagees of the affected-units. rn the event o€ such combination, iny part. oE the comnonElenrents vrithin the nerv perimeter boun,-iaries-o-f tne combined Unitsshall cease to be ccmmon Elements if such pare of the comnonErements would nol have constituted Generai common Elenents hadEhe conbined uniLs _been originally designated on the ltap as asingle gnit; provided, however, tne com6ined units' intlresE inLhe undivided interest in the conmon Elements shall not bei.ncreased o'c reduced. chereLy 3.8 subdivision of unit prohibited. No owner shall be abLeto subdivims 6-coilrey-6'-. pio"p.ctive owner aninterest in less than an entire Unit-. Howeirer, an Owner of a Unit,consisting of, two or more units combined.rursuant to paragraph 3.7hereof.may subdivide such unit into units conforming io tfre - dinensions depicteti in the original condominium Map and wiEhapPurtenant int.erest.s in the cornrnon Elements confoiming to thoseset forth in Ehe original Declarat,ion, upon recordaeion of awritten staLement and anendnent {'.o the C6ndominium ltap ai plovidedin Paragraph 3.? above. -11- ,. _ , 3.9 pgsemcnes Dqcned Appurt enrnt. The easc:nents and rightsherein created for E@urtenant t,o Lhecondominiun of t,hat owner and any leasll assignment of rease,sub-l'ease' deed of.trust, mortgage, contraetT-deed or oLherinst,ruments affecting the tit,l; to a conr.lominium sharl be deernedto grant and reserve Lhe easenents and rights as are provided forherein, even though no speciEic reference t,o such easin,,ntsappears in any such instrument. ARTICLE 4 THE ASSOCIATIOTI 4.1 General' purpo_ses :nd powers. The simba Run conciominiumAssoclar-i"' ie"-nonrprofic "oipor"fion eomanage the General' Cornmon Elements as provideO in gris becLur-tionand to further the interosts of ow;rersl ru shalr have al1 powersnecessary or desirable to effectuate such purposes. TheAssociation shall be managerl by a Board of-oiiecioi= i"-hereinafter provided. 4-2- Menrbershi.p. Every owner of a condominium in theCondominium-ffijffi-ihalI aulornatic:1Iy Ue a menrtrer of theAssociaEion and shall ''emain a member ior the peri^a-or ni,ownersh ip. 4.3 Board of Directors. The affairs of the Associabionsharr be mfrE@a-ufE-E61f-of Directors which may, by resorution,delegate-duties to committe€s, or to a r,,tenager for theAssociation. Members of the ioard of Direciors, alr of whorn shallbe members of the AseociaLionr shalr be electerl by the ownerg inthe manner, in tiie number, a;r,l for the rerms of oifice set forr_hin the Articles of rncor.,oration and ByIaws of the Association.llgtlithstanding anyrhing ro Lhe co.rrraiy provided h;;;i;;.JlJtdJ !*:1:=:? 31+ Sg!?Ti *3i:riffi' .E+-e:f3_Y+{=_Ho_Yline-.ynir";-: h"s rhern1EIaIFurchaSerS'iheni':,.tbe:sofeneffisha1Ibeloyee ttousine U -{{"l,,_t s-Y _." and negdnotbetnembersoftheAssociaL1on;provffitiie-Declarant shall have the option ac iny time'in appointed turn over control of tiiE-EmeeLing of EI-e soc alion called for such prrrpose. - 1.q. yo!rng__gI_{g.b,ers of the Associarion. Members of theAssociarion-Eir* ffiEi"" of each votebeing based o. the percenti.'" oi re=p""iitriiiiy interesr in theProject appurcenanL to the con,lorniniurn as set ioren in Exhibit "c"atta,-")e(l hereto. Whenever nore than one person or entit.y haveownership interests in a conciorni.ni,rmr the.-^te for suchcondo;ninium shall be exercise,;l as Lhe persons having such etion - 12- interests in such Corrdonrinium shall r1,)L:rrnine amon(.I Lhern!.i,.llves,but in no event slralr there be a split. vote with respecE to anyCondominium. Vot.ing by proxy shall be permitted. ARTICLE 5 RIGIITS AND OBLIG|TTICi,|S OF THE ASSOCIATION 5.1 \s;ociation as At.torney-in-pact_for Orners. TheAssociatio@y appornred *LE6ffiE -in-ii"t ro,the individuar and collecLive owners- of arr condorni-niuns tcmanage, control and deal wit,h the interest of such owners in thecommon Elenents so as to permit the Association to fulfill arl ofius dueies and obrigations hereunder and to exercise all of ir.srighls hereunder? to deal with the project. upon its destruction orobsorescence as hereinaft.:r provlded, ind to-dear with and handleinsurance and insurance proceeds as hereinafter provided. Theaccept.ance by any person or cntity of any intrreiE, including asecurity inLerest, in any condominium snall const.i!ute anappointment of the AssoeiaLion as an attorney-in-facc as providedabove. Not'rithsE.anding the above, unless "g- !cast seventy-f ivepercent (753) of the first mortgagees of the conrlominiums (basedupon one vote for each f irst mort?age held or or.rned), and owners(other than Declarant) have given Eheir prior approval, LheAssociation shall nob be empoweretJ or: enl.itle,j to, {i) by act or omission, seek to a:,andon ortermin,-,te the projecL; (ii) partirion or subdivide any Unir; . (iii) by act or omi.ssion seek Eo abandon,parliLionr Eubdiuider.. eneumber, ;'tlg11 or tqangfarany of the General or Limited Cormon Elenente; ( iv ) use hazerrd insurance proceerls f rom lossto t,he inprovernents for other thln repair,replacement or reconstruction of suclr improvement;;or (vl chan3e the pro rata ownership interest orobligation of any Condorninium UniL for the purposeof levying assessments or charges, or attociti'ngthe proceeds of hazard insuranie or condennationawards, or in order to alter ttre gereentage ofownership interest. oE a Condominium Uuit in the(: ''neral Common El ements. - t 3- . -1:2 -Dutie: of :le_rleleglat.ion. The Association, for thebenefit of rn-e--edilfrl;ffiiffijEaE-an<r r,he owners, shall. enforcethe provisi;..s hereof anci shall acquire anti pay for, out, of thecommon expense fund hereinafter provide4 for, the folrowing: 5.2,1 Utility Servlg:e. I{ater, sewerr qarbaeecollection, snow Efr65El5Gc-L?ical, telephone,'steam ancl gas andotlrer necessary utility services for the Comnnon Elements (aia toEhe extent not separately metered or charged, for any unit); ).2.2 lnsurance policies. lhe followii,g describedinsurancepo1icieffin5urancecoveriigsimi1arordissirnirar risk as the Assoqiat.ion deems necessal-y 6r desirable: Fire fnsurance. a policy of fireinsurance, wirh exrended cuGteFffiemenr; for'ehe fulIinsurable replacement value of ine units and common Elements. Noowner shall purchase fire or casrralty insrlrance on his individualUnit -''hich wilI req'rlt in a reduetioi in the proceeds recoverableby t'h: Association frorn the policy or poLicie.s provided forherein; Pr.rbl ic L_iability Insurance. A policy orpolicies insuring ti,,e BoarFdF-DTffi and inyI{anager against any l iabil i.ty to the public ur to Lhe owner!,nembers of t.heir,families, agents, en;loyoes, invitees, licen*eesand. t,ena,rts, incirlent lo the ownership a-n,l also the 'rc.e of theProject. To the exterrt reasonably pu;sible, linrrrs of riabilityunder such insurance shall not, be lLss than one Hiltion Dollars($1r000'000.i0) for'any one person injured, for any one accidenr,,and shall not be less than Three Hundied ThousanrJ bollars($300'000-00) for property damage for each occurrence (suci, Limitsand eoverage to be reviewel at ieast annually by the Board ofDirecLorsandadjustedinits<tiscretion).3aidpoticyag .r.-'trl.ici.es.sh;.J.r be issued on a comprehensi.'e liabiiiry tasis and''s:irari pr:ovide cross Liabi-l.ity endorsement wherein thi i:ights of anarned insured under the polily or policies shalr rc! be ireju,Jicedas respects his, her or their action against.inother natnid - insured; 5.2.2,3 Workments Cornpensr.ion Insurance.Worknen's compensalion tnsu ^-rnplywith any applicable laws. All such insurance policies irratt ueissued by_respcinsible insurance conpanies authorized to tiobusiness in the st,ate of c^lorarlo. the insurance shall be carriedin blanket policy form narning the Associa.ion as Lhe insured anrlas atlorney-in-facE for all owners, which policy or policies shalridentify lhe int.erest, of each Con.lomtrrium ou.'ner-r.'.'uiiit nrrrnber anrlwhich poticy or polieies ghaIl prov irle a stanciarri, noncontribuEor:yncrt'gagee crause in Eavor of each first mortgage", an,l that, the pol icy c;lnnoE be cancclled c,r srrhstant ially rnn,1 i€ied unt il af Lerthirty days'prior writLen notice is first given to each Or.rner andeach first nortgagee. 5.2.3 llanagcmeni Se.rvices. The services oE a personor firm to rnanage ffixtent deemed a.i.risabie bytre Board of Dir^r-Eorsr as well as such other personnel as theBoard of Direct.ors shaLl determine to be necessary or proper for Ehe operat,ion of the conmon Eleq-i!.s, whetlrer such personneJ- are employed ,Jirectly by the Board of Directors or are furnished by a l.lanager. account ingProject and necessary or ProPer, a such other persons as may be as principals and t.he 5.2.4 Legal and Accourting Services. Leeal andservlces necessary or prope-in rne-operation of the Ehe enforcement of ttris Declaration. 5.2.5 Bondinq. If deened f idelity bond nami6!-TtfManager anddesi,gnat.ed by the Board of DirectorsAssociation as obliqee. 5.2.6 Maintenance and Repair of the Conmon Elements.Paint ing, naintenai-6F-5fr'd-i ingcare of all landscaping thereon, and such furnishings andeg'tipment for Ehe Comrnon Elements as the Board of Directors shalIdetermine are necessary and proper. Tl:e Board of Directors sharrhave the exclusive right and duty to aiquire the same for the Cornmon Elements. 5.2.7 Olbeq Expenses. Any other materials, supplies.i abo r, serv i ces, mEfi'FFiTit$Epai rsl s t, rucrural al tera r, i6irs,insurance, taxes or assessments wnicn the Board of Direclors isr.equired. to secure or !o pay for prrrsuant Eo the terms of thisDeclaraLion or by law or r.rhich in i[s opinion shalr be necessaryor proper for the operation of the Comrnon Elenents or for lheenforcemenL of this Declaration, provided that if any such mat:gri a.r.s r suppiies _ Labr:rr e.:rviies, 'i,iai;ttenance, .rlpairs ,structural alteratior:s, insurance, taxes or assessments areprovided for a particular UniC, the cost Lhereof shall bespecially assessed Eo the Owner oL such Unif. 5.2.8 Obher Repairl. Maintenance and repair of anyUnit, if such mainffi'fiEilEE-FEpair is reasonablt' nei.ssary in thediscretion of the B,>ard of DirecEors t,o prot.ect Llre common-Elernents or preserve the appoarance anrl value of the CondominiumProject. . rf any owner of such a unit shall have failed or refusedto perform said naintenance or reparrr then tlre Board o€ Directorssharl revy a special assessment against the condoni,riurn of suchOwner for Lhe cogE rrf saitl mrintenanc': or repair. 5.3 Boarri of Directors' Powggs Exclrrsive. The Board ofDrrectors, or tirerr rresrgnaced agencs or representatives, shallhave Ehe exclusive ri.rlrl to contract for all goods, services andinsurance, paynenE for which is to be made frorn the common expensefund; provided that no agreeme.! for profe.csional management ofthe Project by the Declar;nt rnay exceed Urree !'ears and shallprovide for termination by eithir party wilhoul cause and withouLpayment of a ternination fee on nineEy (901 days or'tess writtennoLice or with cause and witt:out painrenl of a lermination fee ont.hirt:' ( 30) days or Less written notice. 5.4 Delecation to a I'1.'rnaoer. The Board oE Direcbors mavdelegate any of ias-Tur.res,powe-s or f uncF ions to any person or f irir, Lo act, as I'lanager ofappointnent,, the President the Pro j ect. In t.he absence of anyof the Association shall acl as Manager. 5.5 Association Riqht to Accuire propertv. The Association may acguireffine us-jnA-6anefiE-5'f the own.rrs, real,tangible and intangible personal property and may dispose of the same by sale or otherr,rise. subjecE to the rules and regulationsof the Association, eaeh Owner ind each Owner,s guescs may usesuch property. Upon ternination of condominiun or+nership of theProject and dissoluLlon of the Association, the beneficialinterest in any such property shall be deerneci to be owned by tl.cthen owners in the sane proportion as tlreir appurt,enant undividedinterests in the Conmon E1ements. A conve)/ance of a Condominiu:':shall transfer to Che grantee ownership of Lhe grantortsbeneEicial interest in such property without the necessity of anyspecific re[erence the;eLo. The trinsEer of a Condoninium underforeclosure shall ent,it, Ie the purchaser to the beneficial interesti.n such property. 5.5 Ptanaqement of Pri.rate Transportation Service. For solong as requ-irE visions ofspeeial Devel.opment District 5 oE the vail ?oning ordinance and solong ihei:eaf tt r as ,.ie.:rned. necessary o; des irable by theAssociation, the Associaeion shalI provide for the operation,scheduling, maintenance, repair and replacement of the vehicle orvelricles supplied by Declarant for use in est.ablishing a privatetransportation system to Ehe village co;e and Lionshearl areas forOwners, their guests. oceupant.s of Unitrr and such othor users asthe Association nay from time to time ailolr on a fee basis orotherwise. Alr costs nf operating sueh privaLe Lransportationsystem, subsequent to acquisit,ion of the initial vehille byDeclarant or vehicles, shall be a co,,rnlon expense oE the As soc i at io n. 5.7 ltrrles <1n{ ftogr.rlaEione. The ,*.::!.';()ci:.tion slr;rll make and-_-_-_entorce rar-:.11'16[le ruies and regulaLions to u-:rry ouL Lire inE.enL of the Declaration and Lo govern tlre u,..:- oE each conrlorninium andtlre common Elements. The Association may suspenri any o*nei,s-votin3 rights in the Associatiorr rluring iny perio,l oi oerio<rsduring which such owner fails to c,^'mpli wiirr'sucrr rules andregurations, or with any oLher obtigitions of-iucrr owner underthi's Declaration. The Association rnay aLs,^ tal<e jurlicial actionagainst,any owner to enfor:e conprianie with such.,;;i;;;-regulations or other oblic_laEions or: to obtain riamages fornon-compliance, alr Eo the exrenL "rtiuii"[eJ Jy ra*. 5.7.1. Pu!21 iq Use of_!..reational A;nenities. For soIons.as requirecl bfEililT6Ti-o :;rffiiouilioiJ orspecia.l Developr.cnE uist,rict 5 of tire'vaii zoning ordi.nance anrl solong thereaf ter as deernetl nece.ssary or des irable by theAssociation, the Association shall nake the ,*".""tional a.enitiesof . the Project, including the terrnis "r,'ra racqu"crr"rt courts,s".tTTing pool,;acquzzi ind locker rooms, avairabre bo the -reneralpublic, subject to such re.qonable rules'and regulations regardinguse thereof as the Associacion may fron eime io'ti*".rio*ui;;i;.such rules and regurations governing puuric-uie of therecreat.ional f acilities sfrait, among other chings r provi.te for anannual license fee and specific use fees for such ameniE.ies fornon-o';ner users anc a preferentiar reservation system forOwner-usersi their gueits and tenant,s. 5'.8 . ugFtgaqee Notice and rnspection. The Associati.on sharl9ranr. each flrs um the right io .*"*in"the books and records of the Association at any reasonabre eime.e fi::t morEgagee, upon request, will be entiried to writtennotif icat ion f rom ilre AssoJiation of any def ault irr uhe'r !.r.: .lD>usrrtLton or any oelault r11 Lhgperfornanc? Py the owner of any obrigaeion unaer t!-.: Declarationor Lhe Artictes or ByJ.aws oI the Ass6ciaLion wirhin si;iy ia0t-days. S.S _]Ipli!9, niEnts: .The Associarion shatt have and mayexercrse.any rrghc or privilege given to it expressly by thiiDeclaration. or reasonab-t-1,' to be- impii:A iioi ["e prov j.sions ofltris DectaraLion, or givei or impliia nv f;;; ;r r^,iictr nay benecessary or desirable ro f ulf iIl irs d-uties, ourisiat.;;; i:.gtrrsand privileges. L it:- A'.TICtE 6 ASS ESSI.lENTS 6.1 Conmon Expense Fund:Assessrnents. 5.1.1 t'1onrry!y._9o.Ecr,lxpenses. within thirty ( 30) daysafEer the beginnii'f-6r @rhe Board of Diiectorsshall esEirnate the net charges to be paid during such year,including a reasonable reserve for continqenciei and rlplacernents(hereinaft,er "Estimated cash Requirement"). said Estimated cashReguirenent sha1l be assessed to the Owners pursuant to thePercentage uf Responsi:..:.1ity rnLerest set forth in thr. schedule inExhibit "C" attached hereto. Until such time as the Declara:rtrerinquisl:es its right to appoint bhe Board, Declarant shatl haveno obligation to pay the esbimated comnon expense a.sessnent on condominiums owned by Declaranl, but Declarant shal.r pay to th€Association a sum equal to the diilerence betroeen the-monthly costof operating and maintainir:g the Common Elenents, exclusive ofreserves, and t,he amount of common expense assessments, payable l-yother Qwners. Thereafter, Daclarant. shall be obligated Lo pay the comnon exPense assessment on condominiums it owns, including the Employee llousing units. rf said estimated sum proves inadequatefor any reason, incruding nonpaynent of any ownerts assessnent,lhe tsoard of Directors nay at any time.levy a further assessrnent,which shaIl be assessed to the ovrners in like proportions, unlessotherwise provided herein. Each Owner shall UL obt:.gaeed to pay assessments made pursuant, to this paragraph to the Association inequal monthly installrnents on or before Ehe first day of eachmonth during such year, or in such other reasonable manner as theBoard of Directors shatl designate ' 6.1.2 Purposes. A1 I funds collected hereunder shall beexpended for the purposes designat,ed herein. 6. i ^3 Not a tialver cr Modif icaticn. The ortission bythe Board of uire ter the beginning-ofeach fiscal year, to fix the assessments- hereun<ler for Lnae yiar,sbalL not, be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect or eneprovisions of t,his Declaration, or a rerease of any owner from theobligation E,o pay the assessments, or any instarLrnent thereof forthat or any subsequent year, but the assEssrnent fixed for thepreceding year shall continue until a new assessment is fixed. Noo'*ner_may exenpt himserf from liability for his contributionto$rards the cornmon expense by waiver oi ttre use or enjoymenE ofany of the cornrnon Elements or by abandonment of his condoninium. 5.'l .4 Association Reeorde. The Board of Di::ectors s h a 1 I ke e p a cc u raE-inTi-6GFL i c"1 e ntE d e E a i 1 ed re co rcr s i n -lfll - I O- chronological order of the receipts, disbursements and orhertransactions of the Association, including minrrtes of neetings ofthe mernbers and oE the Board of Directors. Any such records,minut,es and rerated materials shalr be availabre for examinat,ionby any Owner a! convenient hours on weekciays. 6:2 Special Assessnents. The Board of Directors may levyspecial as-@ver such period as the Board ofDirectors may dei:ermine, for the purpJse of defraying, in whole orin part, Lhe cost of any construclion or reconstruction, repair orreplacement of the Project, t,he Conr,ron Elements or any partthereo[. . . . 6-.3 f nltial A:sessment Requirement. At the cLosing of t.helnrE1al purc;lase and sare of eacn corrdominiun by the DecLarant,each owner sharr deposiu with the Association a-n arnount equal tothree E,ines the said Owner , s mon Lrrly comnon assessinent. Nointerest will be paid thereon, anrl lhe deposit shall be held as areserve and for working capit,al. such a deposit shall n,ot relievean Owner from making the regular pal'ments of the monthly commonassessments as the same come due. 5.4 Default in Pavnent of Assessment-. Each monthl,.assessment l E-itr. be a s€pdEaF?1distinct and personal debt and obliqation of the ownlr aoainstwhom the iane are assessed, or his tucc.essors in interesi, at thetime the assessnenE is inade and shall be collectible as sucll. i.il owner shalI be in default upon failure to pay any assessmenttr'ithin thirty days of its due date. rn thl Lvent of such defaurt,the defaulting Owner shalI be obligaLed to pay, as an additionalassessnent, inierest and late charges aL Lhe rate and in theamount seE by the Board of Directors, frorn the due date of theassessmenc, together with alr expenses, including attorneys, fees,incurr-ed in the correction thereof whet,her or no[, suiL is- f t led,alr of which shalr consiitute a li.en upon the condominium of thesaid defaulting owner upon the recording of a notice of anassessr:ent lj.en; 9uj.t to recover a money jucarnent for unpaid common expenses shall be naintainable without, foreclosing orwaiving the rien securing the same. the lien for nonpayirent ofcoinmon expenses shaLl. have priority over all other Liens andencumbrances, recorded or unrecorded, exce5lt, only tax and specialassessrnent liens on the condominitrm in favor of lny proper Laxingauthority or special district, and f irst mortgages-o-n tirecondominium and other encumbrances on the condom:.niurn recordedprior to t,he date such noEice is recorded. A certificate from the Board of Directors sta..ing the amountof any assessnenis, interestr late charges and costsr-if any, dueand unpaid whether secured by the lien upon any conrlominiumcreated hererrnder or not, shall be concl.usive upoa t,he Board of - 10- Directors and tlre owners as to Lhe amount of such indebtedness asof Ehe date specifietl in the cert.ificat,e, in favor of alr persons who rely thcreon in good faith. Such certificate shall. befurnished to any owner, his successor i.n interest or prospectivesuccessor in inierest, and any encunbrancer or prospeitivi encurnbrancer of a condoninium upon request ac a realonable fee,unless the request for a eertificate of indebtedness snail ueconpried with within ten day:, arl unpai,l common expenses which beco:ne due prior to the datE of r'.he making of such lequest shallbe subordinate to the interest oE the perion makin,E the reguest.Any encunbrancer holding a lien on a condominium may pay anyunpa!d assessment payable with respect t,o such condominium inaupon such payment such encu.;lbrancer shall have a lien on suchcondoniniurn for the anounts -.aid of the same r:nk as the lien ofhis encumbrance. upon writtin request of an encumbrancernoeifying the AssociaEion of its encumbrance t,ogether with thename of the owner and the number of his condonriniun so encumberecl ,the Associalion sharr keep and maintain a record of suchencunbrance togeFher with the narne of ehe owner and the number ofhis condominium and shall promptry mair a copy of any notic: oflien af f ecting such Condoini nium to strcir encunrurancer. A Lien for nonpa.lnent of assessments may be enforced byforeclosure and sale by the Board.of Directors, such sale to ueconducted in accordance with the provisions of law appl.icable tothe exercise of powers of sale or-foreclosure of morllages, orrnechanic's liens or in any inann.-r pernitted by law. in- at,yforecl.osure or sale, the Owner or his su"cessor in interesL, shallbe required t.o pay the costs and expenses of such proceedingsincluding reas-onable attorneysI i'ees. rf proceedings to eniorcethe payrnent of any assessnerrL are brought, -by the Botrd ofDirectors against.any owneri any sssts-incuired by the Board ofDirect,ors, including reasonable at,torneysf fees, -in the collection6f such assessments shall. be paid Uy sucn Owner in settling hisindebtedness Ec Lhe Associ.ation, whEther suit is broughE oi not. ' , li'ae Boar,-i of Direclors shal] l:ave the power to bid in EheCondominium at foreclosure or other sal.e and to hold, lease,mortgage and convey the Condoniniun. By aoreement executed by the Board of Directors, any lien fornonpayment of any _assessment may be subordinated to t'tortgages nototherwise ent.itled thereto; provided, however, that aft.el lneforeclosure of anv such Mortgage there may be a lien creaEedpursuant to the Eirst paragraph of t,his Article, on the inLerestof the purchasor at such foreclosure sale to secure all unpaitiassessments on the Condominium. r 66'/.? F .'I|III I\-LE I USE AND OTI{ER RESTRICTIONS aLimitation on Use of Units and Common Elenents. The Co:nnon Efenents snaLl, be occupleo and use,d as f ol lows: Deelarant deens necessary, and Ehe Coinmon Elernents, nay be use4 7.1.1 Units. No Oi',ner sha1l occupy or use his Unit, orperrnit t,he sane oi-?ff part thereoE to be oclupied or used exceptfor residential purposes which purposes shalt include use of theUnit as a limited auxiliary "horne" busi:ress office, and such other purposes as are authorized by 1aw. No Unit, shall be occupied forlivingr.sl.eeping or any oLher purpose by nore nersons than it was designed to accornrnotiate safely, |lothing contained herein sha11 be construed as preventing an Owner fron exercising his righL to lease his Condoni;ri u,r to others 7.1.2 Use by Deelarant. The provisions hereoE to the cont.rary notwithsEE,;--o'In'il -(@oyee Hous iqS_lr-ttl ) ha_S_LeSr1 f_o_Iryeyed by the Declarant to the initial purchasers, as many Units as the t.l UniEs and 7.1.3 no obstruction any part of theof the 'Board of for sales of Eices, model ur1_it9r and ffi- _--;--.: '._ i- - _ -reEE6nabfe conduct, of its affairs There shall bestored in consenL - 7.1.4 Increase of f nstr:ance Risk. r0othinq shall be done or kept in a ents which would inerease the rat,e of jnsurance on any of the same wi.t,hout r-he prior writ,ten eonsent of the Ro.rrd of Directcrs. No Owner shallpernit, anyt,hing Lo be done or kept anywhere iri the CondominliirnProject which would result in the cancellation of insurance on anyUnit or any part of the Common E'lement-s, or which would be inviolation of any law. No i{ast.e or nuisance shall be committed inthe Project. 7.1.5 No Activities which would Constitute a Nuisance. Obstruction of Conrnon Elements.of cnE-Tonrnron f,fernentS. Comnon Elements without DirecCors. iloEni.ng shall be the prior written No noxious or offthe Project' nor sha1l anything be done therein which become an annoyan.'e or nuigance to any Owner. anywhere r.n may be or 7.'l ,6 Alterations of the General Common Elenents.NoEnIng snall ne altered ,rr consLL.uCted in or removed grcrn the a -'t'!- General Common Elemclrts, excepr- upon the wrillen cons€nt of theBoard oE Drrectors. 7.1.7 No Creation of pire Hazards.ProjecL shalI berublrish, refuse or garbag', shali be allowed iofire hazard to exist. A11 parts of theconriition, and no accunulate nor anv 7.'l .8 No Violat,ion qf Rules and Regu1at,ions. Thereshall be no viota u"" oi -tfr* common Elements adopt.ed by the Board of pirectorq and furnished inwriiing to the owneis. A1l valid 1aws, or,Jinances an,J regulationsof all governnental bodies havi-1 jurisdiction shatl l-re o6.erved. . ARTICLE 8 DApIAGE, DESTRUCTTON AND OBSOLESCENCE 8..1 Q?nage and ggsf ruct.ion. In ..rse of Fire, casualty oreny orner dlsa-r-er, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient toreconstrucL the improvements, shaIl be applied to suchr?eonstruction. Recnnstruction of the improvernents, as use,:l inthis paragraohr.means rest.oring the rrnprovements to suhstaneiallyt,he sarre conriition in which g1,.ry eXistLa prior to.,ie fire,casualty or other disaster, wit.h each UniL antl Lhe Comrnon Elementshaving t.he same rerLical and horizont,ar bountlaries as beforo.such reconstruceion shall be accolrplished by i;he Board oED!rectors. 8.2 falurqqse proceeis frisufficient. If the insurance;;;--=:;s a?5TiEGl"-ffiin" i*provemenEs, r.ne'd-anage to or destruction of the improvements sr:irr be prornptlyrepaired and restored by the Board of Directors, using theinsurance proceeds, if lny, on the inprovements for tirat f'rrpose,and lhe owners shalr be liabre for asiessments for any deiiciency;provi.ded, however, that if tliree-fourths or mcre of theimprovements are dest,royed or subs taneiarly darnaged "nj ir t,n"ownersr by a vote of at least seventy-f i,,'e-percent (75t) of thovoting polver' do not volunt.arily, rciLhin on6 hundred ( rool daysafter such destruction or darnagl, make provision forreconstruction, the BoarA of Di..-ectors lrrarr record a noEicesetting forth such facts, and upnrl the recorrling of sucfr notice: (a) Ehe.project shall be rleened Eo be owned by CheOwners as Tenants-in-Common; (b) the undivided interest in the project or+ned incommon which shall apper:lain E.o each owner sharl be the percentageof responsibility set forth in Exlribig *g". .3.i. ( c) any liens af f ecLir:g any part of llre Condominiumshall be deemed to be transferre,i in aecorcjance wiLh the existingpriorities to t.he percentage of responsibility of the affectedOwners in the Projecti and, (d) tlre projecL shall be subject to an action forpartition aL Lhe suit, of the Boarci of Directors or any o*ner, inwhich event the net procee<ls of sa1e. togeLher with the netproceeds of the insurance, if any, sha].l be considered as onefund and shall be divided among ltt trre owners in a percencageequal to the percentage of rcsponsibility by each owier, afterfirst paying out of the respective sharel of tna owners, to theexLent suff i^ient for that, purpose, all riens on each owner!spercentage of responsibilit,y interest in Lhe project and his prorata share of Lhe expenses of carrying out the piovisions of irrisArticle 3. 8.3 obsolescenc_e. The owners by a seventy-five percent(751) vote7 Jr--ffiiEFry decrare that tl,e project is obsolete antJthat the same should be sold. Tn such instanle, the Associationshal1 forthwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts,and upon the recording of such notice 6y Lire Board of DirecLorsrthe entir? ploject shall. be sol<l by the Association, asattorney-in-fact for alr of the owners, free arrd clear of theprovicions cont..rined in this DeclaraEion, the conr3ominium Flap, andthe Articres of rncorporation and Bylav-vs of the Association. Thesares proceeds sha1l be appurtioned-between the owners on thebasis of eacn orvner's perclnt"ege of responsibility, and suchapportioned proceeds s..at1 be paid into separate accountsr €achsuch accounE. representing one Conclomin iurn. Each such accountshall be in the name of the Association, and shall be furtheridentified Lr'.'the condominium designation and the name of theOwner. From each separate account the Association, asattorn.i-in-fact, shal1 pay to the extent necessary for EhabPurPose' all liens on the ownerrs percentage of reiponsibility inthe Project and his pro Eata s[66e-oE expeises of cirrying out L],eprovisicns of this Articlc 8. Tl're re..laii'.cler r.rf t,he acc.,'rnt shatLthen be paid to the Owner 9.1, EBinent, Domain proceedings. In the event any part orarr or Ene Hrolect, tS the subject. of an emi:ent domain proceedingor the threat bhereof, the Board of Directors shalr have theauthority to prosecute or to comprornise the proceeding. The Boardof Directors shaIl arso determini whether or not to aipry any sumspayable with respect, to Lhe taking, injury or dest,rucEion of theProjecE to the repair or replacenent t6er:lor. Any sums not soapplied shaii be distribuu,el to Ehe affecterl .).,rners in the mannerprovided in iaragr.:pir 8.2 above. This provision shall not apglyto an erninent. <ionain proeeerling against a particular conclominiurnor condominiuns. ARTICLE 9 RESIDENS l',1ANAcE_Ir: S CONDOIIII{IUM 9.1 Lease. Condorninium tZOi tlf.," "ResidenrCondominirrilffiis hereby leased by the OeclarantAssociation and shall be used Ly ine AssociaEionprescribed in article 7, upon t.-ire f ollowing ternsazrnzlirir--L\.rrr\.r * L 4,\Jll5 r Manager'sto Chein the manner , covenants and (a) The tern of Lhe lease shall be for a period oftwenty years cornmencing on the first day of the month after theclosing of the first purchase and sare -of a con.:ominiun asevicenced by recordat ion of a .ieed f rom DeclaranE, t,o a purchaser. (b) The monthJ_y rental for il:e ResidenL l,lanaoer'scondonini um shalr be -s 'l ,00 0 per monEh payable in advance without,notice on the first da1'of elch month. (c) lraintenance expenses, conmon expenses and real. andpersonal. property taxes ancj aisessment.s on LI:e Resirlcnt rr.inig"r'" condominium and aIr other costs inci<renE thereLo shall ue pria uythe AssociaLion as additional rent. (d) The AssociaLionany personal pr,:perty thereinorder and repair. The monthly rental set forth in subparagraph (biad'irrqted f or changes in the Conqutrel price' In lexrqanner provided in subparagraph 9.3 hereof. __-._?.2 Optiol. The Association shall have the right andoPtlon' so. rong as it shalL not be ir default under ihe lease, topur.chase i:he Resident irlanager's ConrJominium for g 150 r000 ( Ehe"P'itrchase 9rice",). _Th.- Foieqoirrq purcirase price snait be'ac ju-bedfor change; in the cpr in the nanner provi<ied in subparugrupi 9.1hereof- At bhe ti.me the Association ixercises its right-"nb - option to purchase',a sum equal to ten percent (10t) of the thencurrenl Purchase price sharl be pairi to t.he Deciarant. TheDeclaranE, aE its olrn expense, siall furnish a title insurancecomrnitnent, wirhin t.hirty- ( 30) rlai-s thereaEter. tfithin forty-f irrr(45) days after delivery or irre comrnitment to the Associatiin, ttretransacLion shall e1ose, wiE.h bhe balance o€ Lhe purchase price t.obe paid t,o Decrarant anzi the condorninium shal1 be conveyed to EheAssociation. Any successor in interest Lo lhe Decrarant slrall he33 f-urly bound uy ttris right and opeion of the Association aG isEhe Declarant. shall mairrt,ain the Condorninium andbelonging to the Associat,ion in good (e) above shall be ( "CPIu ) in th. 9.3 Consuner price fndex AdiLlstment.nonthty re tnand 9.3 above shall be made on the basis ofCPI for Denver, Colorado for ilre precetling The adjus{-nents inin subpar-r1raplr 9.2the increase in t,heyear as follows: As used in this paragrapl.r: ,, Index', shalI ;neanE.he "Consumer Price Index for ilage Earn.rrs andClerical I{orkers (CpI-t{) ('1962=t6O)" specified forilAl I lt,emsr' relaLing lo Denver, Colorldo andissued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of theUniterl SLates Department of Labor. In the eventEhe fnde.x shall hereafter be convertetj t.o adifferent, st.andard reference base or otherwiserevisad, the determinaEion of the percentaqe Increase (defineu below) shall be nade witli the useof sucir conversion Factor, fornula or table forconvert.ing the Index as nay be published by theBureau of Labor Statistics or, lf s'id euriau shallnot publish the sane, then with the use of suchconversion factor, formula or table as nay bepublislred by prentice Ha1l, Inc., ctt eaiiinq suchpubl icat ion, by a.y oLher naE ionally' reCogni iedpublisher of simil.ar statistical iniorrnat,ion. rnthe event the Index shall cease to be publisheti,Ef"l-for bhe purposes of this paragrapir, thereshall be subsriEuted for the lndex-sulh other indexas the Declarant and Associat,ion shall aqree upon, "ld, i€ they dE€ und.rle to agree within ninety'daysafter the Index ceases to be-pubrisherl , such irattershall be determined by arbitricion in accordancewith the Ru1es of the Arnerican ArbitrationAssociat ion. "Ba<e Index" shall mean the fnrJex in effect inFebruary of bhe calendar year in which thr term ofthe Lease ccntrn€DCps. "Anniversary Month,, shall mean Febru;..ry of Lhecalendar year succeeding the calenrlar year in whichthe term of the lease comrnencetl an,l ealh success iveFebruary thereafter during the Lease term. - nPercent.age fncreaser shall mean the percenL.lJeequal to Lhe fraction, the n,rmerator of which shalibe lhe Index in the Anniversary f,toneh less Ehe BaseIndex, antl the denominabor oe wnich shalL be theBase Index. If Lhe In.l...r in an Annivers.rry l,lont_ir slr,rII €xcr:,;..1tl:e Base f ndex, Lhen the monL[r 1y renLal iJairatlle f (rr L!F-l-:1 the ensuing calendar year, and thereafLer until anew index comparative-statenent is sent-Lo theAssociation, shal1 be increased by lhe percentageIncrease. , At any tine af ter Febr-uary : si of thesaid ensuing.calendar year, Declarant shaIl. sendthe Association an indEx comparative staiomenrsetting forth (a) the Index in the arrivinj-rnonti,preceding the dat,e of the statemdnt, (b) tfre Basefndex, (c) the percentage Increase, and'(d) theincrease in rhe monrhly-renrar. o; ir.te iii=i-a"yof the calend.:r. rnonth ( "currenE month,, ) follJwinithe month in which the index comparative staLeinenLwas sent (i) Assoeiation shall piy to Deslarant asum equal to 1/12th of said lncieise in ihe monthlyrental multipried by the number of caleniar monthsof lhe Lease term then elapsed since sai<i February1st, and (ii.t thereafter, commencing,ricn tnecurrenE month and continuing nont,hli the,reaf terunt,il a dii[erent index comnarative-sEatement issent to the-Associat,ion, the nonthly installmentsof renr shall be incr:eased by "n _*iuni equat to1/12Lh of said increase. fn the event the lasenentioned increased rnonthly installments- oe rentshall continue beyon', the end of t.he calendar yearfor which suglr-payments were payable, any necessaryadjustment will- bi ma ,e when the pext sueeeedirrgindex.comparat,ive statement is sent to theAs soci at ion. In the event of a sale of the Managerrs Unitr the purchase pricesharl be determined on..a yearly baiis as of ir,e i*r"ai"["iv---'preceding Anniversary ttonlh. in no event, h^wever, sharl thenonthry rental or purchase price be ress ihan that set forth insubparagraphs 9.1 and 9.2 above. 9"4 GeneraI. The Association may purchase the ResidentItlatrager's Fnd,:finiun at i"v-:i*u after rlo trr;l.,of t,he Associationshail have. passed from the beclarant to the owners and thepurchase shal1 have. been approved at " *""iinf of the members ofthe Associar,ion. The oecrilanr, shart nor be incitred i;-;;;r ;"yvole at' such meeting, and, further, no assessment roi it,"-pur"nu"*of the Resident Maniger's-Residence shalr be made against theDeclarant or against condominiums.ownerl .by the'Declarant, exceptthose designated as Employee Housing Unit!. - - ARTICLE 1O RESERVATION TO ENLARGE AND SUP CONDOI4INIUI'I PROPERT 10.1 Reservation. Declarant, for itse.tt, 1f,s succEsbuLE crrr\rassigns, erp-fEFFTlr?Eserves rhe rigtri-t"-"niiise rhe rrojecr bysubnitt.ing additional a<ljoining reil property ind improvEmenrs',which additional real. propei:cy is mori particurarly iescrj,bed inExhibit "D" attached hcreto and hereby incorporaCed ny referenceto this Decraration. such a.1d itions siratl bi expresse..l in and bya duly recorded_gupplement(s) to this Declaration an<i by fitingfor record an additional section or s,rpplernenE to the c6ndominiumMap. The reference to the condominium-ltaf and Decrarat:on in anyinstrument sharl be deemed bo include .any'supplemenl Eo thecondominiun Map and Declarat,ion withorit rrr""iii" r"ferencethe re t o. (a) such suppLements t,o this Declaration sharl providefor a division of such;d'Jitionalry submitted real property andimprovements into not more than seventy-four ('74) additionalcondoniniuns- Each condom.r.niurn sharl L. s"puiutely designated,and such tsuilciing sharl be idenrified by a iymbot ir designationdissirnilar to any orher Building in the'pi"ji"i. The undividedinterest in and to the common Eiements- appuitenant Eo each suchcondoniniunr shall not be a part of t.he coinmon cremenEs of thecondorniniums described and initially cre"i"a uy uris Declarationand the condominium Map nor a part of the commin Elements ofsubsequently submitted conrJominiums; provicred, however, that alrowners in the Project, as expandedr-s-ha11 nave a-non"*ir"ri""--righE in common wit.h all oe lne other owners to use, srrbject-tofhe terms of this Decraration, the cornnon Er.ernents within Lireentire.Pfoject so designated in t.his necraration and theconciorninium Map and ali amendments and suppremenEs thereto. Thiseasement sherl be irrevocable and gharl ni- for the purposes ofingress and-egress and recreationar and social ure, and shalrapPly to all property now or hereafter submit,ted to ihe eroject, _ (b) Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns,further expressry reserves a non-exclusive easement across thecondominium projecr and any adriitionarly suurniire,: re"r prof-itytheret,o for the purpose of the construciion, completion 'ano'iepair of t,he Project as now constituted or hereafiei eipander!. Thiseasemenc shall- be irrevocable, with full right oE ingress andegress for Decrarant, shall apply to alr pr6perty noi or hereafrersubmicted to the project and lFrall be deemecl to run with the landand shalr be a burden and a benefit t,o the Deciarant, itssuccessors and assigns.rnd any per.son acquiring or owning an interest in said.project,, their grant,ors, successors, heirslexecutors, adminisLrabors, devisees, lessees anri assiqnr. 10.2 Declarat,ion Apprica!re to Adciibional condoniniums.Exeept as may b .hsupplenent(s) to lhis Declaiat,ion, ari of the provisions. contained!- !L:- ^^^.r^---L!-in this Declarar,ion shatl be apllicable to suc'h addiri"rti 10.4 Insurable f glelsgls. For purposes ot.her than theforegoing ffirticle l0 (e.g., '.insurable Condominiums submitted to rhe pioject. '10.3 Perc"ng:r1e of Responsililigy_l$ggg!. Each OwnerrsPercentage@ffiprovided in Exhibit"cn hereto arld in an Exhibil to any suii"renent (; ) to !h isDeclaraEion. The pereentage of reiponiiuirity inLerecr sha1ldeternine an ownerls vote ind share of the coi,mon expenses. Asaddibional condominiurns are submitted to t.his oeclarition, inorder to rearlocat,e the common expenses to cover the expense of !!,e gnilie-Project, r,he percentagi of responsibiriry iniere=t ort'he init'ia11y submitEed Condominiums may -be realloc-atea to reflect,any changes in the Owner's perceneage oF responsibilie;,, interestfor the common expenses and managem6nt of rhl pro;ect lsexpanded. intcrestn for insurance and interest in ihe'eioject, upon ,3amage,condernnation, destruction or obsoLescence), all-owneri, regar6r"s"of wherr their condominiums were incrudld hereun<i+r, sharl 6edeemed to have ownership_intere::t in all tangible physicalfacilicies wbich_are designed for and used ni all ow-ner.s in thepercentages set forth in Exhibit nc", as froin tine to Linereallocated. Aii,TICLE I1 GENERA.L. PROVISIONS EOR FRACTIOTI.qL OWNERSiTIP 11.1 Plan of Fr:ctional ownership. Declarant reserves theright to su rniniums-in-U.,"-pioj""f--Project' to the plan of Fractional ownership set forth in tf,isArticle 11. The provisions o€ this Articl! l l reiate only tothose condominiums subrnitted to the pran of Fractlonal ow-nershipand _shalI govern the ownership of Frictional estateJ in s":o- - condominiums and the righEs, &uties anil obli5rtions of Fractionalowners for so long as a-condominiurn remains ,i Fractionar unit.The right to submit a Condominiurn E.o the plan of Fractionalownership shail extend oirry to the Declarini, his successors orassigns and shall specificirty not be avairatle to purchasers oEcondominium urrits in the projecr, their successors, or assigns except with t,he prior written consent of Declarant. submission ofa condorninium unit Lo t,he plan of Fracttonar ownership shall besubject Eo Ehe prior writter consene of any first morlgagee ofrecord. A purchaser may acguire more than one (1) rraltionalEstate and thereaEter convey or encurnber each Fractionaf Estate soacquired separately. rn no event,, however, shal1 a Fractionalowner convey or encumber ress t,han a Fractional Estate as definedherein, or attenpt to subdivide a Fractional Estat,e into resserint.erests' rn the event t,hat a1l Fractional- Estates in aFractional uniE are acquired. by one owner, such condominiunr rnay,such condominiurn may, at such owner's erection by notice aulyrecorded ' be withdrawn f rom this p't rn of Fr;r:r ional ownership. rnth-o event such election is made t,he Fraetional Owners' Associationshall reconvey the l'laintenance weeks associabed with theFractional unit Eo the or+ner .:o electing. 'The pr:zisions of thisDeclaraEion sha11 apply t,o the Fractionil Estates createdhereunder;.provided, however, in Ehe evenE, of an inconsistencybetween this Article 11 and the remaining provisions of theDeclarat,ion with respect to the ownershii 6e a Fractionar Estateand the rights, duties, and .'rl,-igations 6f Fractional Owners, thenthe provisions of this Article 1i sha1I control. 11.2 submission-of condominium to practional ownership.Declarant m ien",by recording. a property_ acknowledged notrce executr-'ci by Declaranedescribing the condominium unit t6 ue submitted to praluional ownership and reciting Declarantrs intdntion Lo ,io so, or byDecrarant's el:ecution, detivery and recordation of a rleedconveying a Practionar Estate to a practional owner. EachFractional Estate shall constitute an estate 'n rear lropertyseparaLe and distinct fron all other Fractional est.at-es in tireunit and other units, which estate rnay be separately conveyed andencunbered. By acceplance of a deed !o a rrlctionai Estal-e, eachFractional Owner waives his rioht to trring a suit for partiiionexcept in accordance with the provi:jions 6t tnis Declaiat.ion. '! 1.3 Leqal Descriot,ion of f cr sat e of-a-lffidiTfr?ffiTdrecord of this Declaration andFractional. Estate as follows: a Fractional. Estate. A conEractwrit.t.en prlo-r eE-Th-e filing forthe l"lap may legally describe a An undivided t interest astenant-in-eomfrEiiin Unit Simba RunCr:ndoninium, according to-ETE CondominiumDeclarat,ion and l'lap for Simba Run Condominiurr t,o Ue ?itea tor rec-ord,County of Eagle, State of Colorado,togeEi:.:r with t.he exclus iue righE, lopossessiol an.r] occupancy o€ said Unit.during Use Weeks - ln<l Afrship, dvor othgr describe er submission of a Condominium Unit.ery contract f,rr sale, deed, lease,instrurnent relating to a liractionathe Practional Estate as folLows: Eo Fractional Owner- mortgage, trust deed1 Estate will leqally An undivided $ interest astenant-in-comfrffi in Unit , Sirnba RunCondominium, according to-El6 CondominiunDeclaration and Map for Sirnba RunCondominiun of record, County of Eagle,Slate of Colorado, together witir tfreexelusive right to possession andoccupancy of said Unit during Use t{eeks and 11.6 assessment ( iii) to cause each Fractional Trni,t to bemaintained in a tirst elass manner andcondition. The Fractional Owners' AssoeiaEionshal,l determine the color schene, decor andfurnishing of each Fractional Unit as well asthe proper time for redecorating andreplaeenent thereof; (iv) to biIl each Fractional Owner for t,he expense of occupancy of an Fractional Unilduring said FractionaL Ownersr Use Weeks,which the Fractional Ownersr Agsociation determines are bhe individual. expenses of theparticular Fractional Owner including, br:t notlimited to, maiti service 7 1on3-d'ist,ance andother exLraordinary telephone charges,extraordinary repairs or charges for damagesto the Fractional Unit, its furniture,furnishings, eguipment, fixt.ures, appliances and carpet,ing caused by a Fract,ional Owner orhis guest, and other charges rendered by the Managing Agent on behalf of tlre particularFractional Owner; (v) to col.lect t,he Fract.ional Unit i.laintenance Pee provided f or..in paragraph(11.5) below; (vi) to accept from the Declarant conveyance of tiile to t.he ltainten.rnce Weeks designated by Declarant for each CondominiunUnit submitted to Ehis plan o€ Fractional Ownership1, (vii) to prepare a calendar of Use Weelcswhich shall at all. times establish the datesof each Use 'l{eek at lease five (5) years intothe future. Fee. In aodition to theor Comnon EfpenEEs eseabTiEiled by the Simba Run Condominium Association to meet the conmon expenses of theProject, lhe FractionaL Ownersr Association shall also establishseparate FracLional Unit, tilaintenance Fee which shall be assessedagainst PracEional Units t,o cover the additional costs ofgperating the Practional Unit. incluciing, but nut lirnited Eo, thefollowing: , 3iii,.. . . FractionaL Unit I'laintenance !120) days af ter tlre ttate by which tiEle to all of tlre FractionalEstates in the projecg,-as Lxpanded, has been conveyed byDeclairant to the. initial purehasers, the rnernbers of the 6oard ofDirectors shall be appoinled by and-slralL serue at the preasure orDeclarant and need not be Fraclional owrers. Declarant shall havethe opt.lon at any time to rurn over the conLror oi-ii,"-npara-"rDirectors to the Fractional owners at any meet,ing -oi tr.,"'' Fractional ownerst Assoeiation cal.led foi that purpose. The Boardof Direclors may by resorution.oelegate-*ny'-oi itJ"auti"=,'-poJ"r"and functions to a person or firm wtrictr srrirr act as rranagingAgent. such r'ranaging Agent may be, but is not reguirea t6 ui, thesame f'lanaging Agent' as is retainecl by the Siml:a Run CondorniniunAssoci'ation- A Fract,ional o.*'ner shatt also be a member in thesimba Run condominium Associaeion. i; ;;-;r-to effectuate therepresentation of the Fract,ionar owners iri tne simba Runcondominiurn Association, each practi"nir-d"n"", uv icc"pting adeed to a i'ractionat Estate, irrevocably appoirrts tor a t,en (r0)year period commencing on the recordatibn 6-e trris o".raritiorll u.,"Board of Directors of t,he Fractional ownersi essociation as hisattorney-in-facu-to represenE such Fraetional owner- at any and arlregular and special meetings of the sirnua nun conoominiumAssociation, and thereac c6 vote the interesLs of the r,iactionat 'wrers as members of the simba Run condominil:n Assoeiation,according to t,he votes assigned to the Condominium units-suU*itt.ato Fractionar ownership. such appointrnent shal1 be auromarieirryrenewed for successive ten (10) ylar periods until termination ofthe plan of, Practional owneisiripl unliss the Fractional. owners acthe Annuar meeting of the Fractionar otun"i"i gisociaeion or a:!_""iul meeting called for such purpose vore to revoke theaPpornEnenc and therea€ter indepLndbntly exercise their vote inthe Simba Run Condominium essociation. ' -. Jl:? Powers and D_qtles of the Fractiona.l. Ownerslu-rffiion, therracc+onar o''iirers' AEsociation shall havb the folrowing poweri-andduties: (i) t,o coordinate the plans of FractionalOwners for moving their perlonal effects intoand out of the Fractionai Units with a viewtoward scheduling such move so t,hat rhere willbe a minimum of inconvenience Lo oLherOwners i(ii) to maintain business-1il<e relationswith Fractional Owners whose service ,;q;;;l;shall be received, considered and recorcied ina systernatte fashion in order bo show theaction laken r.rit.h respee! to eacn requesr; t; (i) the pro raLa share of the com,TonExpenses as defineC in the Declarationattributable eo each Fractional Estate, (ii) maintenance and regularlyscheduled cleaning and upkeeF of theFractional Unit; _ (iii) repair and replacement-. offurniture, fixEures, appliances, carpeEingand utensils; { iv) any adciiEional pr.,rnjurn grtproperty or liability incurance occasi.onedby the submission of a Condominium Unit toFractional O*.nsgsh ip ; (v) utilities separately meLered to rheFractional Unit; (vi) real and personal properby taxesassessed against the Fractional Estate; (vii.) management Fees assessed by theManaging A,lont to cover costs of operlting aUnit pursuant to this plan of FractionalOwnership which are in addiiion to themanagement. fee seE by r-rre Managing Agent (ifthe t4anaging Agent for Ehe nssociitiin andFractional Ouners, Assoeiation are tl:e same,and if not, then the Managernent Fee assessed. by the i.lanarring trgent Eor tri,: Fractional Owners I Association); (viii) any other ?xnenses incurred in thencrmal otr;eration of the erojecE aLtributableLo operation of the Condominir-rm Unit as aFractional Unit and not, included within thedef inition of Comnon El<.oenses provided for inthis Declarat,ion. The FracLional unit. MainLenance Fee shatr be assessed and prorated.among,t.!''e Fractionar owners on the basis of each rraciionarowner's undivided inEerest as tenant,-in-eornrnon in the nriciio"liruniL. Thp Fracrionar unit r-iainrenance Fee shar.i b;--;.i;-.;;-"'-Fractional owners pu:-cuanE E.o a schetrure estaurisnea'[v-ar,l Boardof Managers of the E'ract,iri: 'r1 o"ners I Association. Theseassessments shalL he the person.rl obrigation of tlre FracLionarowner as provided in paragraph 6.4 of [.he oecraration for monLlrlyassessnents r anri al. l suns assessed but uni:aid srrall corr.;r-i.Luce a l ien the D against Ehe Fractional Bstate pursuant. to Faragraph 6.4 ofcl arat ion. 1.7 Acceptance of plan of Fractional Ownership;noemnltlcatl0n.y acceptance of a deed t,o a!'ract,tonaL Estat,e a practtonal owner agrees to be bound by eheterms,and conditions of {:he Declarationr specifically inciuding,but not litnited to, the provisions o€ this-Article 1i. Inaddition to the foregoing, in the event any FracLional owner failsto vacaEe a Fractional Unit after ternination of his Use l.leeks orotherwise uses or occupies or prevents another Fractional ournerfrorn using or occupying a use Week, that Fractional owner shall bedeeme,c Eo hrve waived any notices regui--ed by Law with respect, toany lega,r proceedings regarding the iemoval, evict,ion or eiection,and sl',rall pay to the Fractional owner entitlerJ co use theFracti.onar unit during such wrongfur occupancy, as liquidated famages. for the wrongful use of [he practionai-unie, J sum eguatto t.wo hundred percent (200t) of the fair rental vaiue per djy forthe Fraciional unit wrongfully occupied as determined by thePractional ownersr Association in ils sole discretion fir eachdly' or poriion thereof, incruding the clay of surrender, duringwhich the Fractionar owner wrongfurty occupies a unit,; plus alicosts and reasonable attorneys' fees-involved in Ehe enforccmenEof thd.s provision which amou-nt, may be ct>lrected by the practionaL owner5r AssociaEion in the manner provide,it herein for thecollection of assessments. Any FracEional owner who suffers or allows a mechanic's Lien,federal tax or other lien to be placed against his FractionalEstate or the entire condominium unit snirr indemnify, defend and.hold each of the other Fractional owners harrnress fr6m and againsta.rl ri-ability or loss arising from the craim of such lien. tr,eFractional owners' Associati6n shall eni'orce such indemnity bycorrecting from the Fractionar orrner who su€fers or arlows such arren Ehe amount necessary to discharge the lien and all costsincidenLal thereto, inclu,ling reasoniute attorneysr fees. rf sush j.r1r?un! is nob, pronptly pai_d [o the praction^1 Owners' Association,-ehis,nonPayment' shall bi grounds for an acEion to recover suns (:l uefor darnages or injunctive relief or both, maintainiui" uy ir,r.-Brard oE Directors on beh.rlf of the Owners or by an agg.rievedOwner. 11 1 .8 Combilattlo_q_qrld t'leconu.:.1anee by Declarant. Until titleto all condffi,iEili-rslf-6idfLidTng'-EF-e E,npro -uni[s,-nJ=- been. conveyed by Declarant to the iniLiai purclraseis, Lhere ishereby reserved to the Declarant, its succissors and assigns, ther,ighl. to change the use tiee,iis assigned to i Fractional eslatl.lne_cl'lange rn use weeks shall be ef fective only when ttre'DecraranE, its successors and assigns, i: Lrre l"ner of theFractionar Estate(s) cont,aining t.he use weer:s being reassigne<i pursuant Eo this paralraph, and only when thc Dec1aranE executesand records a deed eviderrr:ing the intenr. Eo reassign bhe use weeksand setting forth the new legal descripLion of the Fractionalestate(s). ARTICLE 12 GENERAL PROVISIONS 12.1 Enforcement. The Declerant and everv Owner and theirheirs, sucE@-iEssees and assigns, by the accept.ance of adeed to a condorn-nium, covenant tlrat chey will faithrutty observeand compLy with all of Lhe term::, covenants and condiLionswherever. inposed in the condorninium document.g including thisDeclaration and the Articles of rncorporation, Byraws ind Rulesand Regulations of the Associatj"on, as the same nay be amended andsupplemented from time t,o time and with decisions adopEed pursuanEto said docunents. Arr rights reserved to the Declarlnt hereinshall inure to any successor in interest of Declarant. 12,2 Audit-. Any Owner i,ii]r at any t.ime at his own expense cause an auffir inspection to be made of the boolcs and recordsof the Association. The Board of Directors, nayr out of Lhe conmon expense funJ, pay for an audit of arl books and records oEthe Association annually or aL such ot.her interval as the Board ofDirectors deems advisable and shall maice copies thereof availableto the Owners. 12.3 Notiee. The nurnber of the Unie of an Owner at theProject snaff-6E-the registered adriress for t.hat owner unless'andunt.il such owner shal11 in writ,ing, regiscer a different addressiith the Association. All notice! req,:ired herein may either beleft al his Unit or mailed by regular-mailr poste3e p;id, to theaddress regisbered with t,he Association. All noEiees, rlenands or o,;her documents intended to bedelivered to or served upon the Associaticn shall be derivered orsent by regular nail, postage paid, to !he Association. AIl. notices, demands or other docurnent.s inLended to bedelivered to or served upon the Declarant sharl be derivered toP. O. Box 725, VaiI, Colorado.81557, or sent, theret,o by regularmail' Postage paid. Daelarant shall notify f,he Association inwriting of any change of Declarantrs art'iress wiLhin len businessdays of such chan,3e. 12.4 Inlerpretation. The provisions of i:his Declarationshall 69 lTlpr-r;TTT-AiiFErue(l r,o eEfecruate if s purpose of creaeinga uniEorm plan of the tlevelopment'and operaLi,)n of a con,],-'qiniun i ;!e.. .,.- project. Failure to enforce any provision hereof shalr notconstitute a waiver of che right to enforce said provision or anrrother provislon hereof. 12.5 Amen,jnlent. ExcepE as otherwise provided herein, theprovisionslffiiFoeclaralion may be amended by an instpument inwritin? qignetl anti acknowledged by recor:,t Owners holding'seventy-five percent (75t) ,:lf the totar vote hereunder, -which anendmont shalr be effective when recorded; providerl , however, theprovlsions of Paragraphs 2.5, 5.6 and 5.7.J ind Article 9 shaLrnot be amen<ied for a period of twhnty (20)'lyears from rdeeffecgivedatehereof. oc--.,\ l_4.,. ) 1 2 . 6 s u p o r e m e q r . _ * n ",, :-W, u\{'Wr"Y;; ; :,, = 7J:{, n ^,are pernicEEir;fplernenr-thi; Declararion, Lhey sharl nor berequired to provir-re notice thereoi to any owner o-r other party. 12.7 Severrl-.ri1ity. Tlre provisions hereof shall be deeme,iin.Cepen-'lenE: iEFible. anri the invalidit-.' or parcia1invalidity or unenforceability of any one p.ovision or port.ionthereof shal.l not, affect the validity or enforceability of anyother provision bereof . 12.8 Effective Date. This Declarati.on shall take effectuPon recordrng. IfHEREOF, undersigned has executed this DeclarationL){..tti,([c. I ' 1983. LIU In WIT}l8SS th is I '\ !_f day of I iir DECTARANT: ( seAL) sIMBA RUI'I ASSOCIATES, a coloradoJoint Venture By: Simba Inc., a NeLherl.:ndsAnEilles corporationr. JointVenturer By: L & tl Professional Consultants, Inc., a Cal ifornia ccrporationduli'qualified t,o do business in Colorado, - -''--..'i,ts' bttorney-in-=f act ('to*- By: Uni'"ed American pron^rties No. 3t fnc., a GeorqiacorporaEion, Joint fenturer .r a'l ..- al.l,tl,. ." By: L & l'1 Prof essionalConsultants, Inc., aCalifornia corporationduli qualified Eo do BA}IIT OF AI,IERICAL NATIONAL TRUST AITD SAVII'IGS nSSOCIATi.ON iier,rvy consent,sto the recordat ion of thisDeclaration. BAIIK OF irtlERICA l.l^'ntor{AL TRUST AND SAVIIIGS AS.SOCIA'fION busiless in -Colorado, i cs att,orney-in-f act-\ MORTGAGEE: \'.L By: sTATE oF C*,,tarrr*to STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ) ) 55 r >J. _ Th. foregoing instruruent was acknouleclgpd [efore me. this l4rtdav of-$11.4331-trc; ' 1983' "v 'ifie4i-dl*g=:!.---.or-! I M lry:i5Ion:ilf,c-6'iErlt ants, InclT:E-fa-iT-tdr-nra cor'oraE ronduly qualified to do business in Colora.l:r ,,r,g aLtorne./lin-fact for sirn,.ra rnc. r a Netherlands Antilles corporation, joint venturer. - i.i'- l-;wiLness my hand and of f icial seal 6-.1........".... -',lr- My cornrnission expires: .l_lti.r_l+,_lq g(^ _. :,,._.lJ.ll.t'.---!--r-- -- ll: .cr:... COUNTY oF ArrUU. _J)r.-/)r t-) t.ttt'rtncj Address. \pC &t4,lZLrDsALr Vatt, co(,'tlbi'd The- foregoing instru:r:nE was ,4cknowled?ed before me Ehis l'! r ! lay 3f->s*t-4llg!:"J-,-,=1 19e;'1, av {rr-'.- rtr*w-e9-- oE--L & itl Prdf essrondl eonsultants r-lns. , a Laltrornra corl.loraETonduly qualified to do business in colorado, as attorney-in-fact forsimba rnc. ' a Netherlands Ancilles corporation, joinc venturer. Witness my hand and official seaI. My commission expires: '11 [ 5 t;rtJ i+. STATE OF COUNTY OF I s EAL] STATE OF COUNTY OF 'X-rttn. -iNotary r Address: ) ) ) cc ss. The foregoing instrurnent iras acknowl e:,lsei . ?" t;f ::e. th i;,JHc 9a{ 9e-€+-a..n(sst-.:laY of €)-g.A13st!!g_, 1983, byt & 1,1 Pre,Eession.,l Con-uItants, In.--.-.?:f..-.+=-<.--rnc., a (!LaIltorlrli.r corpqratronduly qualified to do b..rsiness in u,:loradb, as attorneylih-tact forunit.ed Anerican properties No. 3, rnc., a Gecrgia corioration,joint vent.urer. Witness my hand and official lly commission expires: ) ) ) i' i ;',?'*##i.; " I 3 i?t,' ? I, *rH+oti#"{#;#", * r":-duly qualified to do business in Colbradorvas attorney{in-fact for The foregoing instrument was_ acknowledge{ before th is I tttiL united American properEies No. 3, rnc., a Georgia corioration,joint venturer. wicness my hand and official seal. Ity comnission expires: " r-'t i' I sEAL] STATE CF COUNTY OF The ^il ?t-ttl.trrt iLALtrVr.filA SAH FRAIJCI foregoi ng i dnst II rt. I rument was acknowledged before me this ClJ day National Trust and of V I CE PRES I DTi:T JOAN MTLEY of Bank of America Savings Association. (SEAL ) l.litness mv hand ar,C official sea'l l'ly ccmnri s: ;on expires : OFFtUIAL SEAL MARGARET M TOOA,IE'/ NOIARY PUEL|; . CALIFOENIA s N Fli,lNL:_;0 couNTYIly comm. erphes OCT 14. 19g6 4illdRf ,'r,rg3, by E:;ltIrlI'r uA,, TO TI{E CONDOI1INIUI\ DECLARATION FOR SII"IBA RUN C];IDOMINIUM LEGAL DESCRIPTION That- part o€ t,he plat of Simba Run, which was recorde<lNovember 12' r9;3 in Book 312 at page 763, Jounr,y of Eag1e, sLateof Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point :n the southerlyright.-of -wai' of Lion's Ridge toop which ii themost n^rtherly corner oE sai.d Sirnba Ruir; the:rcethe. following Lno courses along said southerlyright-of-way: (i) s ?3"04'49" t{ 196.57 feet,, (2)219.47 feet along t,he arc of a curve to Lhe lefthaving a radi.us of 428.02 feeLi a central angleoE 29'22'45", and a chord which bears s 5g"Zi,iS"I.I 217.08 feeti thence s 75"46,15" E 42.10 seet L,.ithe face of an existing building; thence theqo!!9wi1S two courses ilong saia Ouilciing: (t)S 13'13'45" W 1.23.30 feerr (2) S 76"46,I6" E'35.00 feet; tlrence S L3'13,45 r{ 145.15 i.:et;thenee S 24'44tSi" E 134.22 feeE to Ehe norlherlyright-of-way of Int,erstate Highway No. 70ithence r--he follnwing lwo courses ll",ng sai,Jright-of-way: (1) N 52'50,2),r E 97.2i f,eeti e)345.48 feet along the arc o€ a curve to the riqhthaving a radius of 5,900.00 feet, a cenurat an6leof 03'21'18"r :nd a cbor,i which bears N.-,4"3I'68"E 345.13 feet to bhe mosc soutl.rerly corner ofVail Run Cornrnunit.y, the con<lominiun map for whiehis recorded in gook:49 at page 533 r-.- t,herecords of the Eagle Countvr iolorado, Cterk andRecorder; thence the followinq three coursesalcng t.he h'esterly bcundary oi said 1,'ai1 Runcommunity: (1) N 11"06'I7" E 109.32 feer i l2)N 77'09'31o W 126.91 feer:r (3) N l6'42,18''E'19I.22 feet to the point of beginning, containing1431800 square feeE or 3.301 aires, more orIess. 1'.\. .-- JoHHk5 il ';fiLLlPs EACLE Ci r. i.IcCRDER SUPPLEMENT ro coNDot'lINIuu DECLARATIoN FoR SrUBA *uN ilgU I I fg p.lt tCIl This supplement to condominium Declarat.ion for sirnba Run isnade and executed in Eagl_e County, Colorado this A day ofoctober' 1983,, by simba Run Assoliates, a colorad6-l=En-t venlu.e,berej.nafter calfed "Declarantr" RECITALS WHEREAS' the condorninium Declaration for sinba Run datedJanuary 14' 1983' was recorded on January 1g, 1993 at ReceptionNo.248491 in Book 352 ar page 154 in thl ofiice of the clerk andRecorder of Eagle County, Col.orado; WHEREAS' Article x of the condoninium Declaration for simbaRun provides for enlargement of the condoniniun project; WHEREAS ' Declarant is the owner of the real property noreparticularry described in Exhibit A atrached herelo ind lrerebyincorporated by reference (the "Additional propertyr); WHEREAS, Declarant desires to enlarge the condoninium project by submitting the Additional property ani the improvenentsthereon to the Condoninium Declaration for Si.mba Run; Now, THEREF0RE, Declarant does hereby deelare and pubris'h asfollows: l. supplgmenljo condoninium Decraration. Tf,e AdditionalaroperEy 1s nereby subnitted to the condominium Decraration forsimba Run pursuant to Article x thereof. Declarant sharl file a'supplenent t,o the condominium Map as required by paragraph l0.l ofthe Declaration. 2- Division of Additional propert-y into condominium units.The Addrtl improvenents thereon together with arl .ippurtenances thereto arehereby divided into 34 separate estat.es each of which wilLconstitute one condominium. ?he common Element,s as shown on thesupprement to the condoninlum liap for sinba Run to be recordedherewith, shall be held in conrnon by the owners of the 34condoniniums in the percentages set forth in Exhibit B attachedhereto and here.by incorporated by reference. 3. Perceqlege of Responsiblitv Interests. Each of theCondoniniu have the ijr . percentage of responsibility interest described in Exhibitattached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference. 4. Defined Terms. Capitalized terms in this Supplementshalt trave-ETEGEi'iffi ascr-ibed to them in rhe Dectarllion. Executed as of the date first written above. ( sEAt ) SIT,IBA RUN ASSOCIAfES ;a Colorado Joint Venture By: SIMBA, INC,, a NetherlandsAnti]l.es corporation, Joint Venturer (SEAL) I{ORTGAGEE: By: L&MPROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS' INC. ' ACalifornia corporation, duly gualified to do business in Colorado. its agent an f act By: ay tor Y,Pre nt By:UNITSD AMERICAN PROPERTIES 3 a Georgia corporation, Joi-nt Venturer By: t&MPROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS, fNC., a CaIif ornia corporation,duly qualified to do business in Colorado, its agent a ttorney-fact By: ay Storfy, Pre ent BANK OF A},IERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION hereby consentsto the recordation of this Supplenent t,o Condominium Declarat ion. -2- EXTIIBIT "A" TO SUPPLEMENT FOR CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR SII'{BA RUN tegal Description That part of sinba Run, a subdivision recorded in the office ofthe_Eagle-County, Colorador Clerk and Recorder (Clerk's Recordi)in Book 312 at page 763, Town of Vail, Colorado, Aescribed asfollows: Beginning at a point on the northerry right-of-way rine of rnterstate ltighway No. ?0, whence the most southerly corner of said Simba Run bears S52'50r29nw 1.1 3.09 feet distant; Lhence N03'33r01"E 160.79 feet; thence N12"50r33"8 144.72 feet; thence N]7'55',03"E 191.17 feet; thence N2'l "51r2g"8 69.go feet to the southerly right-of-way rine of Lion,s Ridge Loopr thence along said right-of-way line 35.49 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 42g.02 feet; a central angle of 04'45',02", and a chord which bears N41"g.32"E 35.4g feet to a corner on the sresterly boundary of sinba Run condominiurn, the map of which is recorded in Book 352 at page 155 of the clerkrs Records' thence the forrowing five courses arong said westerly boundary: (1) s76'4G'l5T E 42.10 feeti tit sr3o13r45'w 123.30 feet; (3) 576'46r15"8 35.00 feet; (4) St3"l3'45"W 145.15 feeti (5) s24'44r57"8 134.22 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70; thence along said right-of-way line s52'50r29"w 272.50 feet to the point of beginining, containi.ng 62.620 sguare feet or 1.439 aeres, more or Less. Lii TO EXIIIRIT " B" THE CO};DOIIINIUM DECLARAfION FOR SIl.ltsA RUN CONDOMII.tIUf't UNIT NUMBER PERCENTAGE INTEREST IN THE COMMOI.I ELEHENTS I .67 16.1 I.67 1.80 1.80 .84 1.80 1.57 I .67 r.57 r.67 1.67 1.67 L.67 1.61r,85 r.67 1. 57 1.57 1.57 1.57 L.67 I. )U 1.67 I.67 1.67 1.57r.5'l r.67 1.67 l" .67 L.67 1. 57 r.67 1.90 I .67 r .67 1.67r.67 I10 2 1.10 4 110 6 I20 0 L2A2 I2OIE I ZV+ I2O 5E r206 L207 1208 1209 I210 L2L2 I2I4 130 0 14 01 140 2 I.l UJ 1404 1405 1405 14 07 1408 1409 1410 141I I412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 r.419 l4 2l L423 L425 L477 I429 The Caplt,al leLt,er "E" h.'l1 ind a Uni*- Number rlesignat^s the Unitqs an Employee Housing onit sul.'-'rt. to Ll)e resbrictions seefortl: in Paragraph 2.5 of the Declaration. a{: EXI{IBIT n B" (COllT' D} TO TITE CONDOMINIU!'I DECTARATION FOR SII43A RUN CONDOUINIUI.I UNIT NUI.IBER PERCEIJTAGE INTERES?IN THE COI4I1ON ELEI'IE}ITS 1.57 1,57 L.O I 1.67 r. o / 1.67 r. b / 1.67 1. 57 1.67 1. 67 r.67 t.D/ 1.67 J,.O/ 1.67 I.67 r.o / L.O I I .57 1.57 15 0l 1502 l qn? 1504 I:Ub l)u / 1509 1510 ISII I512 IfIJ 1514 IJI5 r )L / r 519 15 21 1523 .r)25 L527 UNIT NUI'IBER EXHIBIT "8,' TO SUPPLEI.IENT FOR CONDOIiIINIUI4 FOR SII'1BA RUN DECLARAIION PERCENTAGE INTEREST IN THE COI'{I'ION ELEMENTS 2201 2202 2203 2204 22058 2205 22078 2208 2301 2302 230 3 2304 230 5 2306 2307 23 08 2309 2310 231 1 2313 231 5 2317-2401E 24028 2501 ?502 250 3 2504 2505 2 506 2507 2508 2509 251 I The capital letter "8"as an Enployee Housingforth in Paragraph 2.5 behind a Unit NumberUnit subject to the of the Declaration. 3.08 3.0 1 3.08 3.01 3. 15 3.01 1.703.48 ; 3.08 3.01 3.0 1 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.08 3.01 3.01 3.0 1 3.08 3.0 1 3.08 3.0 I 1 .70 2.0 5 3.0 1 3.0 1 3.08 3.0 1 3.01 3.0 1 3.0I 3.0 1 3.0 13.0I designates the Unitrestrictions set UNIT NUMBER 1 102 l't04 1106 t 200 1202 1 20'lE 1204 1205E I 206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1212 't214 1300 1401 1402 1403't404 1405 't405 1407'1408 1409 14r0 1411 1412t4l3 14 14 1415 14 16 1417 1419 1421 1423 1425 1427 EXHIBIT NC" ?o SUPPLEI4ENT TO CONDOI.TINIUI4 FOR SIMBA RT'N DECLARATION PERCENTAGE OF RESPONSIBILITY INTERESA 1 .07 1 .07 1.15 1.25 1.25 .50 /:,f )r't .2s 1 . 10- l|y Ar" 1 .07 I .07 1 .07 1 .15 1 .07 1 .07 1 .07 1 .30 1 .07 r .07 1.10 'r .07 1 .07 't .07 1 .00 1 .07 1 .07 r .07 t .10 1.47 1.07 1.07l.l0 I .07 1 .47 1.10 1 .40 I .07l.'t0 | .07 i ir,;, UNIT NUMBER PERCENTAGE OF RESPONSIBILITY INTEREST L429 1501 1502 r 503 1504 1505 1506 L507 1508 r 509 1510 1 511 l5l2 1.5r 3 t.514 1515 1517 1519 1521 152 3 L) Z) t527 220L 2202 2203 22CI4 2205l' 2206 2207E z20s 2301 2302 2303 2344 2305 2306 2307 2 30S 2309 2 3rO 2311 2 313 2315 23L7 24OLE 2402E, 250r 2502 2503 l.to 1. O7 r..07 L. O7 L.A7 r .07 1.07 7.07 1.07 1 .07 1 .07 1,07l.o7 1.07t.07 1. O7 1'. O7 L.O7 1 .07 ].07 r.o7 I. 07 1 .1.0 1. O7 I .lo r.07 .73 ;ff- ltt?. : Sr. 07 . 60 r tS. lo- I.25 r .07 1 .07 1 .07 1 .07 t.o7 1. 07 I .07 r_.07 r .07 r .07 I .07 L.07 r. 07 1.07 .59 t;5. .:? .6o .fi i t5.:. b 1 .07 I .07 1.07 -2- ,:)t, UNIT NUI'{BER 250 4 250 5 2506 2307 250 8 2509 25r1 PERCENTAGE OF RESPONSIBITITY INTEREST r .07 r .07 1.07 1.07 1 .07 1 .07 1.07 ?he capital Letter "8" behind a unit Nunber designates the unitas an Employee Housing unit subject to the reserictions setforth in Paragraph 2.5 of tbe Declaration. -3- TO EXITIBIT "C'ITIiE CONDO},IINIUI'I DECLARATION FOR SII4BA RUN CONDO}IINIU|{ UNIT NUMBER PERCEiITAGE OF RESPONSIBILITY INTEREST 1.67 1.5? 1.67 1.80 1.80 .84 1.80 1 .67 1 .57 1 .67 1 .67 1 .67 1 .57 1.6? r .57 1.85 t -o / r .57 1 .67 I .5" 1 .57 1 .67 1,50 1 .67 1 .67 1 .67 1 .57 1 .67 t.o/ I .57 1 .67 r .67 1 .67 1.67 1 .90 1 .67 1 .57 1 .57 1 .67 ?he cap.i.i,al ietter "E'behinJ a unit, li.r,nber designates t.l"re Ilnit 1s al Ernproyee lrousing unit subject to the restricLions seclcrth in paragraph 2.f nE Lhe Declaration. 11 02 1 104 1106 1200 202 20 1E 204 20 5E I LUO 1207 1208 1209 121 0 1212 1214 1300 1401 1402 1403 1404 1d05 1406 1407 1408 1409 t410 14l l 1112 'l 4't 3 141 4 1415 1415 1417 419 421 423 425 427 429 TO EXHTBTT rC" (CONTT) TTIE CONDOI'III.IIUI4 DECLARATION FOR SI}1BA RUN CONDOI'IINIUI,I UNIT IiUMBER PERCENTAGE OF RESPONSIBILITY .INTEREST .67 .o, .67 .67 .67 .o/ .67 .67 .ot .67 .o/ -o, .67 .57 .o / .57 .o, .67 .57 .57 .o/ 't I I 1 tI 501 502 f,UJ 504 505 506 >ut 508 5U' E1n q11 >tz 5rJ ft{ 515 31'l )tv >z I )z) 527 i,JJ. EXHIBIT II D" TO THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR SII{BA RUN CONDOI,IINIUI,I All of sinba Run according Eo the Flat thereof wirich wasrecorded Novenber 121 1980 in Book 312 at page 763, county ofEagle' state of cororado except for the fo116wing describidparcel: Beginning_at.a point on the southerlyright-of-way of Lionis Ridge toop whicn ii tiremosL northerly corner of sairt Sirnba Run; thencethe following tr+o courses along said sout,herlyright-of-way: (I) S 73"04,49"-W 19G.57 feet, (Z)2L9.47 feet along the arc of a curve to the left,having :. radlus of 428.02 feet; a central angleof 29"22t45", and a chord which bears S 5g.Zi,ZS"vt zLj.0g feet; lhence s 76.46'15" E 42.10 feet tothe face of an existing building; thence thef o-1lowing two courses ilong sai&'building: (1)S I3'13'45" w I23.30 feeti (21 S 76.4G,15" E35.00 feet,; thence S 13'I3r45 W 14S.15 feer;thence S 24'44'57n S I34.22 feet to the northerlyright-of-way of Interstate ilighway No. 70; thenclt.he following two courses atong saiaright-of-way: (l) N 52'50,?9"-E 97.27 feeE,; (2,t345.48 feet along the arc of a curve to the righth1v-ing a .radius of 5,900.00 f,eet, a central aniteof 03'2Ir18", and a chord which bears n SA;Ef'60;- E 345.43 feet Lo the most southerly corner ofVail Run Coiii.lunityr the condorniniuir map for whichis recorded in Book 249 aL page 533 o€- therecords of the Eagle County, -olorado, C1erlc and. Recorderi thenee the follor{ing t,hree coursesilr-1ng i.iie w€st.erl1' bcundauy oi.said Vail Run9:pilitr: (1) i.l 11.'06'r7" E 1.09.32 feeer (z) N77'09,31o w 126.91 feet; (3) N 16-42'18" E 1g1.22feet t,o the point of beginnino, coneaining1431800 square feet or i.:Of acres, more 6rless, SIDIBA RIJN CONDOMINIT'M ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE ROOI{ ASSESSMENT DECEMBER 1, 1991 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AT'IOIJNT $125,OOO.OO IINIT NO. PER( g ) RESPON A}IOIINT ASSESSED 1.L02 1104 1106 1200 1201 L202 1204 1205 r.206 t207 1208 1209 1210 L2L2 LzL4 1300 1401 1.402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 L408 L409 1410 141L L4L2 1413 1414 1415 L416 L4L7 1419 L42L L423 L425 L427 L429 1501 1s02 1503 L504 1505 1506 L507 1508 1509 1510 1.078 1.07t 1.15t 1.25t 0. 60% 1.25% 1.25% 1. 10t 1.07% 1.07* 1. 07t 1.15% L. 07t 1. 0?t 1. 07t 1.30* 1. 07t 1. 078 L. 10t 1. 07t 1.0?% 1..07t 1. 009 1. 07% 1.. 07t 1. 07t 1. 10t 1. 07% 1.07% 1.079 1. 10t 1.07% 1.07t 1. 10t 1.40t 1. 07t 1. 10t 1. 07t 1. 10t 1.07t 1.07t 1. 07t 1. 07ts 1.07% 1. 07t 1.074 L. 07t 1. 07t L. 079 1,337.50 1,337 . 50 1,437 . 50 1,562 .50 750 .00 L,562 . 50 1,562.50 1,375.00 1,337.50 1,337.50 1.,337.50 1,437.50 1,337.50 1 ,337.50 l-,337 .50 1,525.00 1,337 .50 1,337.50 1,375.00 1,337.50 1,337 . 50 1,337.50 1, 25 0 .00 1,337.50 L,337 .50 1,337.50 1,375. 00 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,375 . 00 l_,337.50 1,337.50 1,375.00 1,750 .00 1,337.50 1,375.00 1,337. 50 1,375.00 1,337.50 1,337. 50 L,337.50 1,337.50 1,337. 50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337. 50 SII{BA RUN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION CONTERENCE ROOM ASSESSMENT DECEMBER 1, 1991 SPECIAL ASSESS}TENT AI,TOTTNT PER( T ) RESPON $125,o0o.oo A}JtOUMT ASSESSED 1,337 .50 1,337.50 1 ,337.50 1 ,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337. 5o 1,3 37 . 50 1,337.50 1.337.50 1,337.50 1,375.00 l_,337 .50 1,375.00 L,337.50 912.50 1,337.50 7s0.00 t_,562. 50 1,337 . 50 L,33?.50 L, 337. 50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 L,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337. 50 1,33?.50 1,337.50 750. 00 750.00 1, 337.50 1,337. 50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1,337.50 1 , 337.50 1,337.50 L,337.50 1,337.50 L,337.50 T'NIT NO. 1511 1512 1513 1514 1s15 1517 1519 1521 1523 IJZS 1527 220L 2202 2203 2204 220s 2206 2207 2208 230L 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 23 09 2310 2311 2313 2315 23L7 2401 2402 250L 2502 2503 2504 250s 25 05 2507 2s08 2509 25lL 94 1. 079 1.07t 1.07t r..07t 1.07t L,07t 1.07? 1. 07% 1..07t 1.07t 1. 079 L. 10t 1.07% 1.10t L. 07t 0. ?3t 1.07% 0. 508 1.259 1.07tt.07t 1.07t 1.07t 1.07% 1. 0?t 1.079 L.07t 1.079 1.078 1" 078 1.07% 1. 07t 1. 078 0.60t 0.60% 1. 078 1.07? 1.07t 1.07% 1.074 1. 07% 1.07t 1_. 07t 1. 07tt. 07t IOTALS 1. 00 $125,000.00 TO SXIIIBIT 'I E'' THE CONDOI'IINIUM DECLARATION FOR SIMBA RUN CONDOT\IINIUII{ USE WEEK -T--2, ? 4. q 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I L- 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.' 26. USE WEEK -?r28. ?o 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51, 52. Use Week No. 47 is the.seven days commencing at on thebefora Thanksgiving of eacf, year. ArL-ocheFGFGet " "r"c ted-by worhing-forwird-ana backward from use week No. 4i.ArL extra.d3yg whjch accummurate become a part, of use week No.46as astablished by the calendar prepared by- lhe Fractionar ownersAssociation. Use Weeks run from _ on the first dayof the use l{eek ro rei--a"y-"i-!i," ir""week; provided' how@t of possession andoccupaney shall not commence until local tine onthe f irst _day of the Use rfeek and s6ETI-6'o-ar-- --"'- -on the last day thereo€. fio*"y' 'i'i'* 'n"o''1'/ 'n , gC ,ett*f i 5*"'d ^n-'v**"'l'*n'/' , /" ' 7av la'y's * s'vov''y' " fr'*'{ ffl'o' ,aa'' a iJ\rT"'a 5. / E J /^'i/ y't:',;t',+'4'-J / vu'o--y' ii",''rr'"/fus *. f. .r.4-.-'*,n?''l,/'^ /ok' , ,tt - i4 ' "/ '" ' 4^&^ ,t// /hk'-t Ns -d . ./ .) "!.t:'"> (i.,,::, t 'r' "i:" ' '' -'*'r;& -r'q*/'? /. / tr'i' L , /aay+.rs zl-tu- b&t' h/^f/ 'i'r'' 'ti"r"'' r'5r" 3. , /ou*f /a'-.&Pa'^ *CE"*"'* y' */ , /-,/n.tt*v ;. , fi,'h fr4 t_