HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT C11 VAIL RUN GENERAL PART 2 LEGALt. teG t / I REC0RDED 0CT0BER 21, 1975 800K 249 \!- PAGE 535 -/ -.. $ -- -r AMENDED DECLARATION OF PROTECIIVE. COVENAIITS . Al'lD TIT.!E- SHARING AGREEMENT FOR VAIT RUN RESORT COMMUNITY i -. ..1 /- ', '; {' t TABLE OF CONTENTS Definitions GeneraL Purpose Mann€r of subjecting .!.4anner of Conveying condominium Units to this Agreement Appointment of ettorney-in-Fact vail Run Resort Comrunity Association, Inc. Furniture and fulnishings Remodeling and, Repairs Damage or Destruction . . f Termination -):' . . Quality of l,Iolk Amendnen! or Revocatlon Personal Property Removal of Pelsonal Effects Registration of l4ailing Address Pets . . Nuisances Waiver of Genelal Rights to Partition tEa f I t 5 o Permitteal Uses . . 6 F€ilure to Vacate 7 Uanaging Agent Penalties Insutance q 1"4 15 J.t lq J.O ?0 2l 22 22 1Z ?3 23 23 24 24 ?5 \ \ - IB AMENDED DECLARATIOTJ OF PROTECTIVE COVENAI'ITS . AND TIME- SHARING AGMEI'IENT FOR VAIL RUN RESORT COI4MUNITY COLOITADO INVESTMENT SIRVICES, INC., a Colorado corPora- tion (Grantor), is the owner of condominiun lnits at VaiL Run Resolt Colununity created undler a condominium Declaration alateal .Dec€srber 75, 1975. and recorded ir Bool< 243 at Page 674 ahd amended by an Anended Conilouriniunr Dec1alatlon For vail Run Resort comnunity dlateal _, 1976, and recorded in Book _ at ?age _ of the real propelty record.s of Eagle County, Colorado, and a Condominium ltap and an A$enale(l Condominium Map, plepared by Armfield, Backl-und, Samp1e - Land. surveyors, and ."eoraef, ln Book 243 !t rage 675 anal Book _ at Page _, re'6pective1y, of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. Grantor rnay ln the futule seIl fee siruple undivided interests in some or all of the leeidential condominium units, as defined in the above-mentioned Condominium Declarations, at Vail Run Resort Comnunity to purchasers who, by accepting a deed thereto in the forn tneeting the requirenents herei.nafter described, aglee to acquire such undivided intelests as a tenant in common subject to the provisions of this Declaration of Protectlve covenants ard rime-Sharing Agreemenl (this Agreement). cranto! hereby rnakes and declares the follolring lirnitations, restrictigns and uses upon those lesidential condoninium units which become subjeet to this Agfeenent, as lestrictive and prota"at',t" covenants runni-ng with such residential condominiUlr rllijs, and binding upon each owner, his heirs. personal representa tives , guccessors and assigns so long as this Agreernent shal-l remain in effect. This Agreemenr shall not. b :E I It, i t however, have any appf j.ca Lion-L9_3.'lala_9!!gl_rgs1ag$jgl__St cs$mCEgtal ggdominim unit in Vai ity inclusion in the Deed of the statem€nt set forth in Parag.aph to this Agreement if all periods of use are o?rned by one owner of such unit. # L, Definitigns. As used in this AgreemenL un]"ess expressly provided, ihe follouing l.rords and terms shall have the following meanings : (a) IProject" means the Vail Run Resolt C@unity as heretofore described. (b) r'Condominiurn Uni.t" neans a TSO residelrtial condominiur unit at the lroject as defined in the Declalation, hereinabove described, which is subjecteal to tine shane Feriods of Use and Maintenance Pe:igds pursuant to this Agreeuent together aith furnishings,, furniture, filitures, appliances, eguipmeni and improvements thelein contained which are not personally ordned, by other Owners of such condominiur unit. (c) "Owner" means any individual, corporation, part- nership, association, trust or other legal entity or ccubination of legal- entititles !'rhich is a record owner of a fee simple undivicled interest as a tenant in common in a Condomi-aium Unit. (d) "Deed" means a deed from the crantor oE an Owner conveying a fee simple undivided interest as a tenant ia cornrnon in a Conalominium Unit to a grantee or grantees named tlr.erein trhich deed shall contain, atnong other legal requirements, the 6tatenent proviiled in Paraglaph 3 of this Agreement. (e) "Original Owner" means the grantee or grantees naned in the Deed, from the Grantor conveying a Condominium Unit. ' (f) "subseguent Owner" neans any Owner other than the Original O'rner or the Granlor. (g) "Period of Use" means the period or periods of time specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a parr hereof by which is not -?- .eE I I Ii 'ti; i this reference as though set forth herein which are descr.ibed in a Deed conveying to period of time during which t.he Owner and the €xclusive use of a Condorniniun Unit. (h) "Period of occupancy" neans comrnencing 4300 p.rn. o'cLock on the first verbatim (Exhibit !.) the Onrner tha t his Guests shall have that period of time day of the Period of i I I tI I I If-' I Use and terminating at 12:00 p.m. orclock (noon) on the last day of the Period of Use in which the Ovher and his cuests shall have the exclusj.ve right to occupy his Cond,ominj.un Unit. (i) "Maintenance Period" means those period.s of tine specified in Exhibit A as Maintenance Periods which is conveyed to the Association by the Granto! during which period the !'Ianagement Agent or the Association sha11 service, cJ.ean, repair, naintain and refulbish all conalominium units, (j) "Period" means either one or more Perioal(s) of Use or Maintenance Period ( s'}. as specif ied in rxhibi! A:s Period of Use or Maintenance Periodl and as defined, above, (k) "Association" means the Colorado not-for-profit corporation beallng the name of Vail Run Resort Community Association, Inc-, which shall be governed by the Declaration, Articles of Incorpolation and the bylaws thereof, this Agreement and other condominium docutnents as defined in the Declaration, the menbers of which sha1l be the unit owners of the comnercial units and resid.ential units as defined bv the Declaration. (f) "Relative Va1ue" rneans the numerical val,ue s€t forth in Sxhibit A for a period of Use for each Condomini.um Unit subject to this Agreemen!. (m) "Total Relative value" means the suJn of all Relative Values for a Condominj.um Unit subject to this Agreement. (n) "Original Deed" means the Deed from the Grantor to the Original. Owner. {o) r'Majority ii Interest" means a sinple majority of those votes allocated to a Condominium Unit, Each Condominium h:-l- ter I "t, ' ,' Unit subject to TSO shal.I be allocated one voLe whiclr shall. be all.ocated to each Owner a percentage equal to his fractional undivided interest. A simPle najority of the percenlage of votes cast shali be the vote of that condominium unit subject to TSo and shall then be counted as provicled for in Pa:agraph 1l of the Declaration, (p) "A1locab1e Share" means a fraction the numerator of which is the Rel-ative Value assigned to a Perioil of Use for a Condorniniurn Uni-t and the denoninator of whlch is the Total Relative value assigned to ai-l Periods of Use for such Condominium Unit. (S) "Guests" means any person or pelsons using a Condominium unit durj.ng a Period of Use with the consent of the appropriate Owner which person or persons shall Lnclude but not be limited to fanily niernbers, relatives, invitees, tenants and boarders of such Owne!. (r) "Fir6t Lienor" means a hoLder of a promissory note, pa!.ment of erhi.ch is d6cured by a recorded first mortgage or first deed of trust encumbering an intelest in a Condominium Unit. "Mortgage" sha1l include a deed of trust and "mortgagee" shall include the beneficialy of a deeil of trusi.. (s) "Declaration" means the Arnended Condominiun Dec]-aration dated , !976. recordeC in Book at Page _ of the real property records of Eagle Countyr Colorado, and all- recorded supplemental condominium Declarations arld Amended condoniniun Declarations for the Project but not incl-uding the original Condominium Declaration dated December 15, 1975, recorcled in Book 243 at Page 674 and the Declaration of Protectj"ve Covenants ancl Time-Sharing Agree..rent For vail Run Resort corrununity dlated Decenber 18, 1975, recorded in Book 243 at Page 748 of t.he real ploperty records of Ea91e County, colorado, and this Agleement.. (t) oCondominiurn !4ap" neans the Amended Condominium Map prepa!€d by Arrnfield, Aacklund, Sample - I,and Surveyors recorded in Book - at Page -, of the real property records of Eagle County, Cololado, and al] recorded Supplemental Conclominiurn Maps and Amended Condominium Maps for the Project. h:- 4- G-r (u) 'Grantor' tneans Colorado Investnent Service, Inc-, a colorado corporation, and aLl of ics successors and ass igns. (&r) "Malagenent Agent" means tbe }lanagemen! Firm to which the Association has delegated its management Powers pursuant to the terr0s of the Declarationr the l'lanagement Firm as selected by the Owner pursuant to the terms of this Agree- ment or the Association until the Association has deLegated its management porlers. 2. GeneraL Pulpase. By this Agreement, th€ Grantor intends to establish a conmon scheme and plan for the use, .. occupancy, enjoyment, upkeep, servLcj.ng, cleaning, repair, maintenancel restolatlon, remod,eling and improvernent of the Condominium Units conveyed or reserved and for the payment of taxes, assessrnents and, other expenses pertaining thereto and deelares that each condonitiiun Unit is and shall be held, conveyed, hlq)othecateil,-en-cumb€red, leased, rented, used,, occupied and improved, subject to the foli.owing lirnitations, restrictions, covenants and conditions, all of nhich are aleclared to be in the fultherance of a plan established for the purpose of enhancing antl perfecting the value, desira.bility and enjolmrent of the conClominium Units and the interests so to be conveyed or reserved. Al-1 such linitations, restricti.ons. covenants and conditions are intended to run rdith the land, to-wit, the interests so conveyed to inure to the benefit of and be binding upon each interest so conveyed or reserved and all parties having or acquiring any right, title, interest or estate therei"n, 3. }lanner of subjecting Condominium Units To This Lgleement. In order to subject. a Condonrinium Unit to the provisions of this Agreement, a Grantor rnust execute and - 5- e= h: heletofore recorded in the real property records of Eagle county, Color.ado. Each Owner sha1l conply vrith all zoning ordinanccs, the provisions. of the DecLaration, this Agreer.lent, ancl all otber applicable protective covenants and any aneRdmenLs Ehereto. (b] Each Owner sball keep his condoninium Unit in as good order and condition as when he acquired his interes! therein, loss by fire, act of God, or ordinary lrear and tear excepteal. No Owner shall make or authorize any alterations, addilions or irnprovements to his Condominiurn Unit or its f,urniture, furnishings, fixtures, appliances antl equlpment except pursuant to Faraglaph 13 of this Agreenent. (c) Any Or.rner rnay lease, rent or loan his Condominium Unit for the purposes pernj.tted by this Agreement iluring his Period of Oser but each.Ourner shal1 be responsible for any loss, da:nage o! destruction which occurs during any period lrthen the Condoninium Unit is so leased., rented or loaned by hlm as if such Owner $tas qdcupying the Condominiun Unit hiraself. 6. Failure to VEi_cate. If any Owner fails to vacate a Cond,ominium Unit at the tenflination of his Period of Use, or otherwise uses o! occupies a Condorninium Unit during a ?eriod. of Use assigned to another Owne!, or prevents another Orrner from using or occupying a Condominium. Unlt during such other O,vtner I s Period of Ose, the using, occupying or preventing Owner (the Defaulting Owner) (a) shall be subject to irunediate removal, eviction or ejection from the Condorni.nium Unit wrongfully occupied; (b) shalL be deemed to have waivedl any notices requireil by law witb respect to any legal proceedlngs regarding the removal, eviction or ejection of such Oerner (to the extent that such notices may be waived. under Col.orado law); (c) shall pay to the Owner entitled to use the Condominium Unit during such wrongful. occupancy, as liquidated, damages for the wrongful use of the Condominiun Unit, a sum equal to 200 percent of the fair rental value per day for the Condominium Unit. wrongfully occupied as determj.ned by the llanaging Agent, in its sole discretj.on, for each day o! portj.on thereof, -7- t-r including the day of surrender, during which the DefauLting Ot'ner rarrongfully occupies the gnit; and (d) shal1 reir,rburse the owner entitled to use the Condominium Unit during such wrongful occupancy for all costs and expenses, including but noi limibed to court costs and leasonable attorneys' fees, ilcurred in connection l.rilh removing, evicting or ejecting the Defaulting Owner from such Condominium Unit. In the eveni a vacating Owner shal1, by his negligence, conunit some act which shall render the Condominiurn Unit uninhabitable by the Owner with the next Period of Use (the next Owner), then tbe provisi-ons of (c) and (d) above shall apply and the vacating Owner sha1l be Liable to the next Ovrner in the same manner. as if the vacating Owner had refused to vacate. For purposes of this Palagraph 6, the act of a Guest shal1 be deemed to be the act of the Ovrner perinitting the Guest to occupy the Cond.ominiurn unit. .7. Managing Agent (a) The Associi tsi.on shal1 be the Managing Agent or may. delegate its nanagenrent porrers to a llanageBent Firm for the Owners of the Condominium Units until the r0anagement of the Condominiurn Units is terminated by the Majolity in Interest of the Owners of all Condominium Units or until such €arlier date as the Board of Directors of the Association elect to resign by not less than 90 days notice to each of the Owners at their last registered add,ress rr'ith the A6sociation. In the event the Association ceases to be the Managing Agen:, the Hajority in Interest of the Oi./ners shall vrj,thin 60 atays after receipt of notice from the Association's election to resign or at the time the majority j.n interest of the Owners vote to terminate the Association as the Managing Agent, shall appoinE a nerr lf,anaging Agent which shall be a real estate broker rrith offices in Eagle County, Colorado anal which shall record its assumption of the Management Agent's lesponsibj.li ties to nanage the Condominium Units for the Owner ln the real property recolds in Eagle County, colorado. b -8- ET . (b) Taxes. The intetest of each Ov/ner in a - Condominium Unit shall. to the extent al-lovted by Colorado lavr' be assessed for his allocabte shafe of the real estate taxcs by the County Ass€ssor of gagle Couniy ' Colorado' b!]t in the event the gaid County Assessor refuses to individually assess each Or''net, the assessment for each Condominium Unit shalL be sent to the Managing Agent which shall assess each owner thereof his Allocable share of the sald taxes. PromPtly after conveying an interest to an original Ownef, Grantor shal1 give !'rl-tten notice to the assessor of Eagle County. Colorado that the interest of such origlnal Otner should be separately assessed and taxed, Each Owner shalI Pay all real property taxes and assessments Prior to the atate that ehey become ilue to either the l'lanaging Agent or the said county Assessor, whichever is aPplicabLe- (c) Account. The Managing Agent shall establish Pronptly at the beginning Ff each calendar year the amount of ; funds which it believes*.are reasonably required to meet anticiPated expend,itures as a reserve for each Condominiun Unit. At the cLosing upon which each Original ovrner shall pay to Grantor (who shall pay over to the Association or to the !{anaging Agent tf, the Association so determines). an amount equaL to the otiginal ownerr€ Al"Locable shale of the reserve establisheal by the Managing Agent for the Condoniniurn Unit being purchased. fhe Managing Agent shall establlsh a seParate account or accounts (the Account), in a state or federal financial institutlon in whiclr it sball deposi! all aKounts collected pulsuant to this Patagraph 7 (c) and a}l" othe! amounts colLecteal in connection trith its duties as Managing Agent of the condo- minium units, but no other funds. It shall heep accurate books and recotds reflecting the amount in such Account attributable to each Otrner and to each Condomini.un Unit at all limes. Funds deposiLed in the Account may be used by the I,tanaging Agent only for the condominium unit with respect to -o-b et which such funds have been accumulated and only for the ing purposes: - (i) to pay expenses whieh could properly billed to an Or,her under Paragraph 7(e) (iv); and (ii) eo reaL property taxes and assessments not paid by an Owner reguired by laragraph 7 (b) . fol Iow- be pay The t4anaging Agent shall have the authorily to drast checks or drafts on the Account until such authority is revoked by vrritten notice of a rnaJority of the owners to the financial institution of the Account and to the l"lanag ing Agent that the Managing Agent has been replaceil pursuant to Paragraph 7 (a) . The Managing Agent may ningfle in the Account funds received from a1I Otrnerst however. the l,lanag lng Agent shall maintain at aI1 times accurate books and records reflecting the amount in the Account pertaining to each Condoninium Unit and to each Olrner tiereof - ' From the funals received and cleposited in the Account, the Managing Agent shall f,ause to be disbursed regularly and punctually sums due and'layable for all operating expenses authorized to be incurred under the terms of, this Agreemen!, including the l4anaging Agentrs conrnission. If the Account pertainidg to any Condominium unit is depl-eted, or if in the leasonable judgment of the Managing Agent, additional funds are requileal in any such Account, the Managing Agent shall pronptLy bill each Ovrner of auch Condominium unit for such Or^rner I s Allocab1e Share of the funds necessary to bring the Account to the desired amount. Each Owne! shaLl pay any statenent pertaining to the Account lrithin ten days after receipt of such statement. the Uanaging Agent sha1l collecE from the O!,rne!s all amounts payable by the Owners under this Agreement. The Hanaging Agent may {a) r€quest, denand, collect, receive and receipt for all such amounts, and (b) take such action (in its own name ot in the name of other Owner ox Ot,rners of a Condoninium Unit) as may in its reasonable judgmenc be required to collect. such amounts, including but noE limited b G-- to legal action and the foreclosuxe of any lien granted by this Agreemen E. Upon'conveying his interest in a Condominiurn Unit, the conveying O\^her's Allocab1e Share of the anount then in the Account pert.aining to hls Condoi,rinium Unit shatl autonaticalLy be held for the benefit of such Owner's grantee, to b€ applied as set forth in this ?aragraph 7. (d) Upon request of any O$'ner, Pirst lienor, prospective norlgagee, purchase! or other prospective tlansferee of aD interest in a Condominium UnJ.t, the Managing Agen! shal-l issue . a written statement setting forth the amount in the esctow account (andl othe! accounts) pertaining to such interest. and any anounts unpaial lrith respect to Such interest. Such state- ment, for rrhich a reasonable fee has been chalged, sba be binding upoh the Managing Agent in favor of any person !d:o has relied thereon in good faith and has in fact been damaged thereby. Unless a requesttfor such statement shall be cornplied vrith eithin 15 days after-receipi thereof. all unpaia amounts vthich became alue prlor to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or otler interest of the person reguesting such Statement.. (e) The Managing Agent shall render services and perform duties as follor.rs: (i) coordinate the plans of owners for rnoving their personal effect.s lnto and out of the Condominiw Unit, with a view tortard scheduling such movenent so tha! tb€re shal.l be a rninimum of lnconvenience to other Oliners. (ii) Maintain businesslike letaLions uith Ovrners srhose service reguests shall be received, considered and record,ed in systematic fashion ln order to show ttle action taken wi-th respecL to each request. (iii) cause each Condominium unit to be mai.n- tained in a first class manner and condition. (iv) BiII each Owner for the espenses of the Condominj-um Unit which shal] be assessed on the followinq bas is : - LL - t':r h: (a) Each of the foJ,lowing expenses sha1l be as'sessed to- an or.rner based upon his A1locab1e Share: (1) Direct charge as :nay be deLerminedby the Managing Agent or the Association pursuant ro Paragraph 15 of the Declaration. (2) Al1 expenses charged to the Condoniniun Unit by the l4anagj-ng Agent pursuant to Paragraphs 6, 7, 12, 13 and 15 of the Declaration which it determines shall be assessed to an Owner based upon allocable shares. A! the option of the Managing Agent, eaah Ovrner's shale of expenses may be estimated and bills rnay be rend,ered on the basis of Euch estimates. Such estimates nay include anounts for real property taxes and assessments, in which case the provisions of Paragraph 7 (b) shall apply only to the extent announts for such taxes and a$sessments are un- collected as of 60 days prior to the date such taxes and, assessments becone delinquent. (v) l.take cErtracts 'nrith respect to each Con- clomj"nir:rn Unit for waler, .-electricity, gas, fuel, oil, tele- phone, sewage and. other necessary services which are not provided by the Association. The I'lanaging Agent shal1 secure for lhe benefj.t of the Or.rners of each Condominiun Unit any discounts, commissj.ons or rebates obtainable in connection with such contracts . (vi) Maintain a conprehensive system of office records, books and accounts in accordance hrith standard accounting procedures, which lecords sha11 be subject to examination by each Olrner or his authorized agent at aLl reasonable business hours at the office of the !4anaging Agent. The Managing Agent shaLl render to each Ovrner not less fre- quently than annual.ly, a statement of receipts anal alisburse- ments and a scheduLe of accounts receivable and payable (in- cluding anounts receivable from any Owne.r ) as of the end of the annual perioal, and pertaining to the Condominiun Unit in which such Owner olrns an interest. (vii) Make and. enforce such reasonable rules and regul-ations as may from time to time be necessary or - tz - trcc convenient to carry out the intention of this Agreement- Notice of such lules and regulations and all amen&nents thereto shal1 be given to the Owners at least ten clays Prior to their effect.ive daLe. {viii) ta}'e such aetion (including Legal action) as may in its reasonable judgment be necessary or advisable to remove from a Condoniniunr Unit any Person rrongfully occupying such condoniniun Unit, Any such 1e9a1 action rnay be taken j.n its own nane or in the name of the Owner then entitled to use and. occupy such condominlurn unit. (ix) Take such action (in its own nane or in the name of the Ovrner or the Owners of a Condominiun Unit), including but not lirnited to legal action ot suit in eguity to enforce any protective covenant contained herein. (x) Plovide for cleaning and maid. services and maintenance and repairs upon the departure of each occuPant of a condominium Unit so thatjuch condominiun Unit is in good older and repai! anal leaaly for occupancy by tbe next occuPant. (f) The r,hna;ing Agent shall have the right foE the fLrst 4 hours of each owner's Period of Use and during' the days specifieil on Exhibit A as Maj-ntenance Periods and at any othe! reasonable time then a Condominir]n Unit is not occupied, to enter a Conilominium Unit for the purPose of cleaning, Eaid service, painting, maintenance and repair. fhe Managiag Agent may keep a master key to a1t of the Condominium Units to facil-itate such entry. (S) In full Payment of the services to be provided by the Managing Agent under this egreement, other than the charges set out in this Paragraph 7, the uanaging AgeIrt shall be entitled to a reasonable fee for each Perj'od of Use per year which fee shall be negotiated by the Association or the owner wherever applicable, payable in installments at the end of each billing period d.uring which the Managing AgenL Provided' services hereunder. The management fee may be changecl by the Managing Agent on not less than six months prior writEen notice h a b to the Association or to Owners rvhichever is applicable. During the sLx monlh period after any such notice of change in rilanagement fee, Lhe Association a Majority in Interest of the Owners of the condoninium Unj.ts, arhichever is applicable, may terminate the Managj-ng aqent'i responsibil i ties vith respect to thej.r Unit, as set forth in Paragraph 7 (a) . (h) All personnel of tbe Managing Agent (anal any successors) who receive or disbulse funds hereunder shall be bondetl. (1) The services of the trlanaging Agent shall terminate automaticall-y if (i) a petition in bankruptcy Ls filed against the !4anaginE Agent and is not dismissed after 30 days, or (il) the Managing Agent files a petition Ln bankruptcy. or conuni ts an act of bankruptcy or is adjudicated a banklupt o! otherwise becomes insolvent, In the event. of terminatlon under this Paragraph 7(i).;rthe Association, if Glantor stiLl acting as the Board of'_Di-rectors thereof; othenriee, the Owners shall promptly select by vote of a plurality of the Total Relaiive Values of all Or,rners attending, in person or by proxy, at a meeting calleal on not Less than ten (10) alays' written notice, a corunittee of not less than three Ol"7nels (the connittee) who sha11 select and engage a new Managing Agent. Until selection of a new llanaging Agent, the Association or the Cornmittee, whichever is applicable, shall act as llanaging Agent and shall have control of the Account and the escrow account and shall be entitled to use sueh funals to pay operating expenses, taxes and assessments of the Condominium Units. In the event of (L) ot (ii) above, .t"lanaging Agent shall i:nmediately turn over to the Association or the Corutrittee, whichever is applicable, all assets belonging to the s.rners, incluiling but not limited to all funds of every kinal whatsoever held by the l{anaging Agent, under this Agreenent. 8. Penalties. (a) Each Owner shall pay when due all amounts required to t)€ paid by him under this Agreernent. fhe ltanaging Agent m-ly - t4 - trcr bring 1"egal action or take other reasonable actions to eollect any amouncs from tlre owner liable for payment Lhereof. with or' without foreclosing or waiving the lien described in the foltowing paragraph. (b) All amounts due under this Agreenent lrhich are unpaid shall constitute a lien on the interest j-n the Condominium Unit of the Owner failinq to pay such amount and shal1 run in favor of all of the other Owners of such Condoninium Unit and be prior to all other liens aad encum- btances except: (i) liens for taxeg and special assessments. and (ii) the lien of any recolded, first mortgage or first d.eed of trust of record. encunbering the Or.mer's interest in the Condominium Unit- The lien shall attach froft the date r,rhen the. unpaid amount shal1 become due and. may be foreclosed by the Managing Agent in like manner as a mortgage on leal property uPon the recording of a noglce or claim thereof executed by the Managing Agent setting .forth -the amount of the unpaid indebted.ness, anal the name of th€ alefaulting oh'ner erho shal1 be reguired to pay the costs and expenses of such proceed.ings, including the reasonabLe attorneysr fees and coult costs. During the period of foreclosure, the Owner h'ho is in default shall not be entitLed to use or rent his Condominium Unit during his Period of, Use. The Managing Agent sha1l be entitlecl to rent such Condominium Unit during the defaulting Ownerts Period of Use and to set off any amounts received. against the amount due from the defaulting Owner. Any Owner or the Grantor shall be enlitleal to purchaae the interest in the Condoniniun Unit at the foreclosure sal-e, and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and convey the saJoe. (c) No Ovrne! shall exempt hirnself fron liability for payment of amounEs payable under this Agreenent either by waiver of the use or enjo!.nent of his Condo$iniun Unit, by abandonment of his Condominium Unit, or otherwise. (d) The Managing Agent may co1lec! interest at the rate of one and one-ha1f percent per mont.h, if then permitted EG by larv, otherwise at the highest rate then pernitted blt law, gn any amount due from an Owner which j.s not paj.d when duc under this Agreement. In aaldition, each Owner shall reirnburse .the ltanaging Agent for al1 costs and expenses reasonabJ.y itrcurred by the Iqanaging Agent in collecting any deliquent amounts, including court costs and reasonable attolneys' fees, from such owner. 9 . Ir-lsgrance. (a) .The Managi-ng Agent or the Association sha1l, on behalf of the owners of each Condominiun Units (i.) provide and keep in folce for the prohection of the o!.rners of each condotflinium Unit, and all First lienors, general public liability and property damage insurance against clairs for bodily injury or death or property danage occurring in or on such condominium Unit, in limits and not Less than $250,000 in respect of bodily injury or death to any one person, anal not less than $1,000,tr00 for bodily injury or aleath to any nuober of persons arisin<j out of one accident or disaster, and in Limits of not less than $10,000 for darnage to proPerty, and if higher lilrits sha11 at any time be cuslomary in the Eagle County, Colorado area' to protect aqainst possible tolL Liabil.ity, such higher lirnits shall be carriedr and (ii) insure aLl furniture, furnishings and, other pelsonal property originally supplied or installeal in each Cond.ominium Unit and replacements thereof, against loss or damage by fire, vrith extended coverage (including insurance agal-nst loss or alamage by theft, vandalism or malicious mischief), in approxirnately the amount of the maximum replace- ment value thereof determined in accordance with ParagraPh 9 (c), less reasonable deductibLes. (b) All insurance reguiled to be carried under this Paragraph 9 sha1l be carried in favor of the llanaging r\gent, the owners from tine to Eime of the condominium Unj.t covered by the insurance, and all Firs! Lienors of such Condomini.um Units, as their respective interests may appear.Each policy of insurance b - 16 - E h: :. shall contain a standard mortgagee clause in favor of each First tienor of the Condorniniun Unit which shall provi.de that the loss, if any. theleunder sha1l be Payable to such First Lienor, as its interest may appear, subject. however, to t.he loss payment provisions j.n favor of the Managing Agent hereinafter set forth. A11 polj-cies of insurance againsl danage to any personal property shal1 provide that losses sha1l. be payable to and adjusted with the Managing Agent, as attorney- in- facl for the owners. The Managing Agent sha11 hold and apply the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in tbi.s Agieement. Each insu.rance policy shalJ- provide that no cancellation thereof nay be maile by the insurance calrier without traving given 30 d,ays I prior written notlce thereof, to the Managing Agent and all First Lienors. Each lnsurance po!-icy shall also ptovid.e that in case of vLolation of any provision thereof by one or more (but less than all) of the owners, the coverage of such policy shall le srfrenaed or invalidated only as to the interest of the Orn-ur ot Ownirs conmitting the violation and not as to the interes.! of other Owners. A11 pol-icies of physical damage insurance shall contain waivers of subrogation and of any defense based on co-insurance. (c) The maximurn replacement value of the pelsonal ploperty in each Condorninium Unit and reithout deduction for depreciation, shall be determinea by the Managing Agent prior to obtaining any poLicy of fire insurance or any lenevral thereof. L0. Appointment of Attorney-in-fact. Each Or,rner by his acceptance of the Deed or other conveyance vesting in him an interest in a Cond.ominiunr Unit does theleby irrevocably constitute anal appoint the Managing Agen! acting flom time to time, nith fuIJ. power of substitution, as his true and larvful attorney in his name, place and slead (a) to deal nith the interest of such Owner upon damage to or destructj.on of an1' personal property in his Condominium Unit, and {b) to enter j"nEo all agreements lrhich the llanaging ^gent is authorized to enter into C: I Pursuant Agent in snar -L be nis take. 11 to the terms settling any binding upon of this Agreemen!. The action of the l4anaginq cfaim for damage to any persOnal property each Owner i-n the absence of fraud or clear (a) The Association is a colorado not-for-profit corporatj.on established to administer certain matters with respect to the project. After the requirement set forth in Paragraph 28(b) of the Declaration, each Owner is a member of the Association and is entitled to participate in its affairs in the manner set forth in the Articles oi Incorporation and. byLaws of the Association and the Declaration- This Agreenent does not alter, limit or otherwise affect. the obligations of any Owner under any of those instruments, but sfralL estabListr additional rights and obl.i.qations among Ol.rners of a Condominium Unit. (b) Without ]iglring rhe generality of the foregoinq, each Owner shall- be eT_*Ied to vote at any meering of members of the Association the number of votes to which he is entitled under Paragraph 1(o) of thj.s Agreement, Article V(c) of the Associationrs ArticLes of Incorporation and paragraph 11 of the Declaration and to other applicable provisions of the cond.ominium documents as defined in the Declaration for this project. L2. f@. Each Condonrinium Unit shall be provlded wi.th basic furniture and furnj-shings. A listing of the specific items provided to a particula! Unit shall be conveyed by Grantor to each Origi.nal Owner of the Condominium Unit at the closing upon whictr the Original O,lner acquires an interest j.n the Condominiurn Unit. Such lLsting shal1 be consid.ered to be incorporated into this Agreement, as if fully described and attached hereto, but no arnend.ment to this Agreement need be recorded. The Managing Agent shall be responsible for keeping each Condominiurn Unit equipped in accordance with the listing conveyed to each Original Otrner of the Unit, and shall be auLhorized to replace or repair -. 18 - e . any f uhiture or f !.lrnishings which are missing, which become unusable or uhich become so worn as to requile replacements, in the reasonable judgment of the Managing Agent. Except in cases where any such furniture or furnishi.ngs nust be replacecl, in the reasonable j uilgrnent of the Managing AgeJrt- .ExcepC in cases where any such furniture or furnishings must be repJ.aced due to the negligence or intentional. act of any Ovrner or his Guest (which shall be determined by the Managing Agent in its reasonabS-e judgment), the expenses of replacing any such furniture or furnishings sha1l be an expense of the Condominiun Unit assessed to each Owner pulsuant to paragraph 7(e) (tv) and shall. dletermine whether there are any items of furniture or f,urnishings which need to be replaced or repaired and, if so, whether such replacement or repair is the respon- sibility of the Oerner during whose period of Use such replace- ment became necessary. The l.tanaging Agent shal1 notify any Ovrner promptly if he is tle charged. for any ltems of furnigure or furnishings ?rhich need to be replaced. If the expense of replacing any such furniture or furnishings is to be aLlocated anong all o! the Owners, the Managing Agent shall report that fact to alL of the ovrners in his next regular report required under Palagraph 7. The Managing Agent may use the escrow account established und,er Paragraph 7 to pay for the replacenent or repair of any futnitule or furnishings und.er lhis ?araglaph L2. 13. Remodeling anil Repairs. (a) No CondominiuJ$ Unit, furniture or furnlshings shall" be altered, remodeleil or renovated unless such aLteration, remodeling or renovation sha1l be approved in writing as provided 5.n Paragraph 10(al) (2) of the Decl-aration. Any such approval shall identify the alteration, remodeling or renovation to be done i.n reasonable detail and. shall esta- bllsh a budget thelefor. A1I such alceralion, remodeling or renovation shall be conducted by the Managing Agent lrhich shaLl be entiEled to a special fee of l0 percent of the cost thereof. Such cost shalt be an expense of the Cond.orninium b e 'Unit and each ovrner shall pay his share thereof assessed pursuant to Paragraph ?(el (iv) of this Agreemeat, - (b) . A11 repairs to a condominium Unit required. in order to maintain the Condominium Unit in the ti'anner required by this Paragraph shal1 be made by the ltalaging AgenE- No Owner shall make such repairs. (c) No ohher sha11 cause any materj.al to be furnished. to his condominiurr Unit or any labor to be performod therein or theleon except in the manner set forth in this Paragraph 13 Sections (a) and (b) above, Each oltne! shal1 indennify and holat the other owners of his Conilomlniunr unit harnless against any 1oss, darnage or claim arising out of his breach of the. provisj.ons of this Paragraph 13(c), including but not lisited to the costs of removing any unauthorj.zed improvements and repairing and restoring the Condominiun unit to substantialLy its condition prior to such alteration, remodeling, renovation or repair- t ' 14. Danage or Deaglugtion.. (a) In caae of damage or destruction to any of the personal property in a condominium Unit, the Managing Agent shall col-lect the insurance proceeds payable on account of such danage or destruction (as agent-in-fact for the Owners) and, unless the Project is not to be rebuilt or repaired under the Declaration, shall apply the proceeds of, insurance to replace or repaj.r the dlamaged or destroyed personal properly. If any excess fuids are required in older to replace or repair such personaL property, sqch excess 5ha1l be an expense of the owners in whose Condominiun Unit the danage or destruction occurred, and sha11 be bil.led to the Oltners of that CondominiurR Unit assessed pursuant to Paragraph 7 (e) (iv) of this Agreement. If the insurance proceeds exceed the cost of repair or replacement, such excess shall be pLaced in the Account for the benefit of the ovrners o! the condomi.nium Unit in which such daFage or destruction occurred. -20-h: h tec ' 15. Termination. (al This Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall continue'in full force and effect with respecc to each Condominium Unit until twenty-one years after the deaLh of the last surgivor of the no!, living ilescendants of the late former United States Senator from New York, Robert F. (ennedy, or until such Condominiun Unit ceases to be subject to the Declaratj.on for the project, whi.chever first occurs. Irr adldition, the provisions of this Paragraph 15 sha11 continue in full force and eff,ect for so long after such terrnination date as is requi.red to satisfy the provisions of this Paragraph 15. (b) If a Conalgniniun Unlt ceases to be subject to this AgreeRent o! the Declaration, or othenfise, the Managing Agent shall be entitled to receive, as attorney-in-f,act, for the Or,rners of aLl Condominium Units which are no longer subject to this Agreement di to the Declaration, alL sums payable to such Owners J.rnder tbis egreement or to the Declara- tion or otirerwise. Such Sums shall be collected by the Managj.ng Agent and divided among such oh'ners and paid into separate accounts, one for each Owne! of an undivided. fee sinple interest in a Condominium Unit. The f,unds in each account (without contribution from one account to another) shalL be applied by the Managing Agent for the follo$ing purposes in the o!de! indicated: (i) for payment of the balance of any lien of, any nortgage or deed of trust on the interest of the Owner; (ii) fo! pa)'ment of taxes and special assessrnent liens in favor of, any assessing entity ltith tespect to the interest of the ownerr (iii) for paynent of unpaid coflrmon expenses attributable to the interest of, the Owner; (iv) for palrment of junior liens and encumbrances in the order and to the extent of thei-.r priority with respect to the interest of, the Owner; and (v) the balance remaining, if any, shalL be paid to the Owner. The provisions of this Paragraph -2I- -E b 15. ?erminati.on. (a) This Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall continue in fu1l force and effect with respect to each Condominium Unit until twenty-one years afLer the death of the l-ast, survivor of the nora' living descendants of the late former United States Senator from Nen Yoxk, Robert F. Kennedy, or until such Condoninium Unit ceases to be subjecL to the Declaration for the proJect, uhichever first occurs. In aaldition, the provisions of this Paragrapb 15 shall continue in full" force and effect for so long after such termination date as is required. to satisfy the provisions of this Paragraph 15. (bl If a condominilxn Unit ceases to be subject to this Agleement or the Declaration, or othervrise, the !4anaging Agent. shall be entitled to receive, as attorney-in-fact. for the owners of all Condominiujo Units which are no longer subject to tliis Agreenent dr to the Declaration, a1l sums payable to such Owners JRd.er this Agreement or to the Declara- tion or otherwise. Such Suns shal1 be collected by the llanaging Agent and divided anong such O'rners and paid into separate accounts, one for each Owner of an undivided iee siruple inlerest in a Condoninium unit. The f,unds in each account (without contribution from one acsount to another) shall be applied by the l,tanaging Agent for the folLohting Purposes in the order indicated: (i) for pa)tmer t of the balance of any lien of any mortgage or deeil of trust on the interest of the owner; (ii) fot pa)'ment of taxes and special assessment liens in favor of any assessing entity lrj.th respecb to the interest of the Owner; (iii) for payment of unpaid comnon expenses attributable to the intelest of the Olrnert (ivl for palment of juni.or liens and encunbrances in the order and to the e*tent of their pliority with respeci to the j.nterest of the Or"ner i and (v) the balance remaining, if any, shall be paid to the owne!. The provisi.ons of this Paragraph - zL - er 15. ?ermination. (a) This Agreenent and the covenants conLained herein shall continue'in full f,orce and effect with respecc to each Condominium Unit until L$reney-one yeaxs afler the deaLh of the last survivor of the now living descendants of the Late former United States Senator from Nerl York, Robert F. Kennedy, or until such Condominium Unit ceases to be subject to the Declaration for the project, vrhichever first occurs. In addition, the provisions of this Paragraph 15 shall continue in fu11 force and effect for so long after such termination date a6 is requiredl to satisfy the provisions of this Paragraph 15. If a Condominiun Unit ceases to be subject to(b) this Agreenent or the Declaration, or otherwise, the ltanagingr Agent shaIl. be entitled to rec€ive, as attorney-in-fact, lor the Owners of a1l. Condominium Units 'dhish are no longer subject to this Agreenent d to the Declaration, all sujos payable to such Owners $der this Agreement or to the Declara- tion or otherqrise. Such Suns shall be collected by the l4anaging Agent andl divided among such Owners and paid into separate accounts, one for each Owner of an undividea iee sitnple interest in a Condominiurn Unit. The funds in each accounL (without contribution from one accouDt to another) shall be applied by the Managing Agent for the foIlo',ring purposes ln the order indicated: (i) for paynent of the balance of any lien of any mortgage or deed of trust. on the intelest of, the owner; (ii! for palment of taxes and. special as6essment liens in favor of any assessing entity with respect to the intelest of the Owner i (iii) f,or Falrment of unpaid conmon expenses attributable to the intelest of the Owner; (iv) for payment of junior liens anil encunbrances in the order and to the extent of their prj.ority vrith respect to the interest of the Owner i anil (v) the balance remaining, i-f any, shali. be paid to the orrn€r. The provisions of this Paragraph - 2r - c-:- 15 shall not be construed as limiting in any vray the right. of a lirst Lienor (in case the proceeds allocatecl under (i) shall be insufficient to pay the indebtedness secured by his lien) to assert and enforce the personal liabilj.ty for such Ceficiency of the person or persons responsible for payment of such indebtedness. 16. Quality of work. Any repairs, alterations, remo<lel- ing or renovation of a Condominium Unit by the Managing Agent as attorney-in-fact for the Offners of such Condomj.niujn Unit shall be done in such manner as to make the Cond.omini.um Unit in at least as gooat conclition after such srork as j-t was inrnediately before the occurrence requiring the lrork to be done. L7, Anendment or Revocation.This Agreement may be anend.ed or revoked: (a) by Granto! at any titne and shall beconre effective upon the record.ing of such anendment; provid.ed, however, that any such amqddment shalL be effective only as to Cond,ominium Units to whiqb no Original Deed has been recorded at the time of such amend.nents and shall not apply to Condominium Units to which an Original Deed has been recorded.; and (b) upon the written approval, in recordable forrn, of a Majority in Interest of the Ovrners of each Condominiurn Unit. 18. Personal Property. Upon receiving a deed to a Condominium Unit, each Or.rner shall automatically acquire an undivided interest in all fuiniture and furnishings then located in his Condominium Unit and used for the operation thereof, and in the Account and escrow account, in the sane amount as such Ownerrs undivialed interest in the Cond.oninium Unit, A transfe! of an interest in a Condominiun Unit shall transfer to the grantee orrnership of the transfero!'s undivided interest in such personal property without any reference thereto, Each Owner may use such property only in accordance vrith the purpose for which it is intended and, with respect to the furniture and furnishings, only during his period of Use without hindering or encroaching upon the -22- (F-r lar.rfu1 righEs of the other owners. The transfer of Eitle to an interest in a Condominium Unit under foteclosure shall entitle the purchaser to the undivicied interest in such personal property associated l.''ith the foreclosed interest. 19. Renoval of Personal Effects. At the end of his Period of Occupancy, each owner and his Guests shall remove from his Condomj.nium Unit al1 clothing, Iuggage and personal effects brought into the Condoniniun Unit. The Managing Agent sha1l not be 1iab1e in any manner whatsoever for any personal effects left in a Condominium Unit by an Owner or his Guests. All clothing, Iuggage and personal effects remaining in any Condominium Unit at the end of a Period of occupancy shall - be considered to have been abandoneal and nay be disposed of by the Managing Agent in the manner as it in its sole d.iscretion determines, without tiability to the owner so abandoning such personal effects. 20. Registration ofabiling Address. Each owner shall (and any First Lienor rBay ) register his mailing addless anal the rnailing address of any First Lienor from tir,re to time with Lhe Managing Agent, and except for periodic statements and othe! routine notices, all other notices or demands intended to be selved upon an O\,rner shal.l be sent by either registereal or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the olrner at such registered maiLing address. AI1 notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon the Managing Agent shall be sent certifieil mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the Managing Agent at the follor,'ing ad.dress, or as ctranged by notice given to each o!.rner in the manner set forth above: Drawer EvaiL, Colorado 815 57 2I. Pets. No aninals or pets of any kind shall be kept in any condominium Unit or on the condominiun property €xcept with the writEen consent of and subject to the Rules and Regr,rla- tions adopted by the lrlanagement Agent for the keeping of said h-- ?3 - |EE pets as 19ng as the Management Agreement remains in effect, othe!!,rise by the Association. However. in the event the danaging Agent gives its vrritten consenE to an Owner, the or,rner is responsible for any damage done to the Condominium unit and to the furniture and furnishings by any such pet- The Managing Agent shall hav€ the xesponsibility of inspecting the Condominiun Unit at the end of each Period of Use specific- alLy for the purpose of determining any damage done by any such pet and shaIl have the authority, in its sole discretion, to aletermine the extent of any such darnage and to inunediately bill the Owner for such suns as wilL be adequate to lestore the Condominium Unit anil the furniture anil furnishings to its condition prior to the beginning of that particular Period of Use. Danage to the Cond.ominium unit and to the furniture and furnishings by a pet slal1 not be classified as ordinary ?tear and tear. The Ow:e:s of any pets hereby agree to pay promptly any such damages as sha1l be determined by the t4anaging Agent and such Owner shall be responsible for any such d.amages done by pets brought into the Condominiun Unit by any of his Guests. 22. Nuisance- No noxious or offensive activity shall be calried on wi.thi.n any Condoninium Unit, nor shal"l anything be done or permitted. which shalL constitute a public nuisance therein, nor shall any firearms be discharged lrithin any Condoninium Uni t. 23. waiver of Right to Parlition. Each Onner agrees to waive and hereby waives for the duration of the effective period of this Agreemenl as stated in Paragraph 15 (a) , any and all rights vrhich he rnay nov have or which hereafter may be given to the Owner by the laws of the State of Colorado to cause a partition of his Condominium Unit among the various owners thereof. -24- -c I 24. General. (a) Each ot^tner by accepting conveyaice of a deed to a Condominiurn Unit subject to tbe provision of this Agreement agrees that the covenants and other provisions hereof are reasonable in scope and effect, and are essenEiaL to tbe forEl of ownership in which such Condominiun Unj"ts is held. (b) ff any of the provisj.ons of this Agreemene or any paragraph. . sentence, clause, phlase o! word, or the application thereof, in any circumstances be invalidated, such invalidity shal1 not affect the valj.atity of the remainder of this Agreement, and the application of any such provislon, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in anl' other circumstances shal1 not be affect€d thereby. (c) The provisions of this Agreement shal1 be governed by the laws of the Stsate of Colorado. (at) whenever used herein, unless the context shall othendise provide, the sinFllar number shall include the plural, the plural the -si-ngular, - and the use of any gend.er shal1 include all genders. (e) In the event of any conflict between the TSO pxovisions of the Declaration anal this Agreement, this Agreement shalL control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor'has duly executed. this Agree- nenr this -/-&auv or (n-Cb4stl , rs76. coLoRADO IWEST!4ENT SERVTCES , INC.a Colorado corporation b Attect: -23- .EE STATE OF COI,ORADO city and county of Denver The foregoing funended Declaration of Protective covenants and^ Time-Sharinq Agreement was acknowledged beiore me thisend, l']me-5narr"nq Agreement was acKnow-Leqgeq .oelere rlle tnls?l't day "f C?+n-a:'r-l , L976, by uil:.ian:?.=.i?hnsqi!4_ qaY oL -( ti<)L4-ltlrv ' La.o ' !Y \.lll:Larn u. .iahnso:. iE president aiT :Otara "t. t-lBes . as Secreiary of Colorado rnvestment ServiceE,--tiE. , a colorado corPoration. . WITNESS rny hand and official seal. t b -26- EXCIAIT A Attrched to and !.de a part of the Declatatlon of Protectivc Covanuit3 anal The-sharlng Agreenent for vall Rurr neaort Co@unity iII PERTODS SIIA!.L BE FOR A O$E TiEEX DUNA1IOII EXCEPT FoR PERIOD OF USE 52 AS STATED BEI,I{. AIJ, PERIODS SHALL COIII'ENCE AT l2:0O P.l{. 'OICIOCK I!'OOI|) ON tUE FIRST DAY OP EACH PERIOD AIID SHALj, TERIIINATE Al 12:00 P.ll. OrcLocK (!iooN) oN TllE LAST DAY oF EACII PERroD. PENIOD DESIGNATION-TEEidf--JEIiFenance Relativeo! u3e Period Duration of Periog value :ru$'fi":"j3".:Hfi":?$':i' 3-o the nexc felloring Saturday. 2 CoEcncing each year on the 3.5 - Salurday uFon thich lericd of. Usc I enda and terainating the- Dext lolloring Saturday.3 9ffiffi"3;i'ln'i:i',3l,il'", 3'3 Use 2 ends and teroinating the nert follo$ing Saturday. 4 cctEnencing each year on the .t.t saturGlay qpon which Peliod of Use 3 ends and terEilrating the n€*t foilouing Sarurday. 5 comren:ing each Lerr <;n th(. 3.5 Saturday upon sl;lch Period of Use ,l ends and lerlinatisg Lhe next to I loi,i!|g. saEuE.iay- 6 Comencing €ach year on the 3.5 saturday upon r*hich Period of Use 5 ends and terroinating the next follosing saturday. 7 Corrc.ending each year on the 3.1 satgrday upon r"'h,i.ch Period of Us€ 6 €nds nnd terEinaling rhe -^*! t^l I ^L'r.^ ctirrr.l:{t 8 Connending each year on ghe 1,5salurday upon L'hich Period of use 7 ends and rerninaring the next follosing saBurd4','. 9 - Co|'!:',erd i n? cach year oi the 3. -r Saturd',y upon thiqh Fori.od ot Use I e::ds and tcnninating thcne*t folloring satuldai. l0 Connencing eacn yea! or tne ..t sa.,urda:i upon r"hich Poriqg o6 Usc,9 ends and tcrarinatrnq thc ^av, (.,t t^Ein? S' t,Jrdnl,. 1l Con'lqncinq ctqh vcdr <rr. tlis i.i5at'rrddy ul,on rhjch Pcr!<d o: Use l0 cndt and tsrninr'r!r..j '. h.-.next fol loui.ng s,r r urd.t. ) :6 27 t8 2t 3o Creol.ot .aaD yar8 oa tlaSrtu.n y up6 utlcb P.alod olU|. 25.rdr .!d t trt!attngttr nsnt loUortlt Srtud.y CcDcl$g arc! ycaf on tb.Srturdry upoo ublcb E€tlod otU|! 26 cndr .rd t lnatt$tha ncrt tollorttq Sltuldatr Con|rchg c.ch y€rr o|r !h.Stturdly upon rhtch P€rl.od ofUrc 2? .nd3 .nd t.nin tlngth. nGrt follorlog Srturd.y CG$clnq ..!-!r yea! on theS.lurday upoo e.hlcb P€alod ofUr. e8 Gadr rnc tcrElDAtingtb. nGrt follorlng Saturday C@nchg Ga,ch yaaf otr thcS.turday upon yhich Perlod ofg.G 29 and. anal tarlrinAtlngih. nart lollowlng Srturdly CoDnclng cach year on thet turdly aFon Yhlctr PGrlod ofUac 30 .!d. and tar8lnatingth. na:t follorlng Saturdly comatrclng €ach year gn tb6Satqrd.y upoa yhlch Pcllod ofO.. !l .rd! rnd ta lnrtl.ngtha nart tolloslng S.tutdry Crenclng elch ycrr on th€6.turday upon shl.ch Period ofUr€ 32 cndr lnd tct[lnrttr|gth. ncrt follorlng Saturd.y C@aclng G.ch yarr on th.Saturd.y r{!on yhlcht€rlod ofg3o 33 ond. rnd tcr.rin tlngth€ aaxt folloving S.turdri' Co@lctng €acb Year on theSatuldqf ugon thlch P€rlod ofU.€ 3{ €ndr .nd tc||llnatlngthr next folloYing S.turday CuEtr€lng €ach ycar on thesrturdry upon uhlch Porl.od of Use 35 eDdr .Dd t6r'ritratingth€ ne*t follortng Saturday Co@cnc1ng each year on theSrturdry upon rhl.ch Period of Uae 36 €nda rnd teminatingtho next folloring Saturd.y Ccncing €ach year ort Lhe Saturday upon $hlch perlod of Ua€ 3? €nds lnd tarrinatlngtho nrrt loll*lng Erturdly Corulencing ench year on thelaturd!:, upon vhleh perlod of Uae 3A end! rnd tcrnlnatinEth|, ncxt folloring Saturday 1.5 t.5 1.5 1.5 t- 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1,5 1.5 1.0 1.0 3{ 35 35 t7 t9 ' ' 'i :: I .1<t(l{ 1. -. .,, l.r: .l th.- I RECORDED OCTOEER 21' B00K 249 PAGE 533 effi 197 6 AI'{ENDED CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR VAIL Rt]N RESORT COMMUNITY u I i { Av/II^+" = /. TABIE Ol. CONAENTS RECITALS Page 't ? DECI,ARATlONS: nefinitions Division of condominium Residlentlal commercial Easements Real Map Property Into Es tates 5 Administration and Manageftent Comrnon Eldments? Encroachftents General Corunon Elements 10 10 1t Irimiteal common Elements Linited conEnon Elements 11 II Corunon Expenses and Maintenance t.ee f,or Maintenance and Alterations Voting - Maintenance Peliods Conmon surpLus . '.JUnits Coruni tted to fSO . - tf u"" in Tso Resialential units. . Assessments Insurance Provi.sions Appointment of Attorney- in-Fact Obsolescense Condemnation Quality of work '.. - - r. Amendnent or Termination . . , Personal Property for Comnon Use . . Registration by owrer o Duration of condominiun Architectural ControL f Mailing Address owne!shiP Management Agreemeni General Reserva tions Mi-scellaneous . . . l.tt Its 23 30 30 32 32 34 34 34 Jb Use and Occupancy 21 E::C A-t'lENDtrD (:01'il,{\i'l i tl IUU DEqLARATION FOR VAIL RUN RESORT COMIIUNITY RECITALS , SLOCO PROPERTIES, a partnership. $ras nane(i the Declarant in ,cne orrgr.nat Condominium Declaration for Vail pun Resort Conjnunity,recorded in the records of-the County of Eagle, state of Coloradol', conveyed by stoco pnopERTIEs nhich adjoins the p.remi.s"i "ni ,r,r.and Dectarant- hereby expressly re="r.ri= ti.," iigt l i;; -;ui;;"l-ifi. 3l?_?-rltlg ..?a 1 property as described in Exhibic B which il attaehed, December 15, 1975 in Book 243 ar taga ez+. on December fi, fSii,'sLoco pRopERTrEs conveyed-by warraniy Deed, record"a .t"""uiv-i, -' 1976 in Beok 243 at ra-ge 9si in the i""oiJ! or trre c"""lv oi -' Eagle, state of Colorado, certain roit irop"rrT situare in-ln. 99I"tV of Eagle, Stare o! Colorado to COr,oiaoo rNVESTi.lEliT SERVTCES,rNc-, a colorado corporation which real properiy i= a"i"ri[.J-"J--'the Pr.emises and as ihe naaitionar ;;;;.;;t-i" the oxiginat .Dec_laration for vair Run Resort cornrnuni ty. coLoRADo rllvrsiMsNtSERVICES, INC., the Declarant hereund.er, is now the ovner of thesaid reaL_ property part of which is described in Exhibit A .--- attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference asthough set forth herein-verbatim h'hich ,e-rl property as d.escri.beilin Exhibit A is hereinafter referred to as tire i'pre;ises,,. - ---- Declarant. presently ovrns the remaj.nder of the real property so cqJ(.,rnrng-rear property as described in Exhibic B which is attacnereto and- rncorporated herein by this reference as though setforth herein verbarim ary|which laioining real property -i; ;;;"_inafter referred to as ";dditj.onal -propeity,,, vhich AdaitionatProperty shal1 be subrj e-ct to this cond6niniurn declaration bvrecordJ-ng a Suppletnental Declaration or Declarations and aSupplemental Map or Maps in. the Ea91e County, Colorad,o records$trthrn.tive (5) years of the initial record,ing of this tutendedCondominium Declaration for Vail Run Resort C6nnrunity. Declalant amends the said original Condominium Declarationfor.Vail Run Resort, Community and estabtishes a condominiumproject under the Condominirln or.rnership Act of coforaeo i!i,eAct) , Sections 38-31-101, et. seq., Coiorado Revised Staiutes.1973, and amends the character, duration. righis, olligations'and limitations of the originatry estabr.ishei condorninium "ir""r-ship. Construction of a building on the premises is noru cornpieteaand shaLl consj.st of separately designated coniominiun ,"il;-;;---shown on the Anendeil Condomi.nium Map-which shail be,ecoraua i:nthe records of the County oE Eagle, state of coloraa" ""a iofriciishall also show the Localion of said building upon the premiseswhich is hereby subject to this Declaration. The original Condominiunr Declaration establ;shed and thisAmended Condominium Declaration for Vail Run Resort Co**""ily-amend,s the plan for the ovrnership of real property esbates con_sisting of (i) o!.'nef ship as tenants in conriron- of i.rnaividea ----j.nterests in certain residentj,al units in the buil"ding, aiherej.nafter defined, (ii) ownership in fee simple of "!riii"residential units in the building,- (iii) or fel sirnple ownershipof-units designated as comrnercial units, as hereina? t., -;;;i;;;' and (iv) the co-ownership by individual and separace or.rnersthereof, as tenants in com.rnon, of all Lhe remaining propuriyupon the Irremises, hereinafter defined as conmon eiernenis - - II DECLARATION DeclaranL does hercby publish, declare and anrend the follo!,r_ing terms, covenanls, condi.tions, easemcnLs. rc.s tr j cCio;s, -;;;;; -: ea resdrv.ltions, lirflitations and obligaCions which shall be deemed to- run with the landr and shall be a burden and a benefj.t to'Declarant, its successors and assigns and any person or entity ,acquiri"ng or owning an interest in the real property vrhich isor becomes subject to this Declalation and improvements built.thereon, their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, adminis-brators, devisees or assigns.. 1.Definitions. As used in this Declarabion,unless othenrise-EpiEEEf-y provided : (a) "Residential Unit" means one ind.ividual.air space vrhlch is contained within the perimeter walls, floors,ceilings, wind.ows and doors of each residentj.al unit as shownon the Condominium Map, together with all fixtures and improve-rnents therein contained but not including any of the structural components of the bullding, if any, Iocated within the unit. . (b) "Cornmercial Unit" means one individual airspace which is contained wj-thin the perimeter Hal1s, floors,ceillngs, windows and doors of each conmelcial unit as shownon the Condornin i un Uap, tog,ether yith alt fixlures and improve-nents therein contained but not inclucting any of the stluctural components of the building, if any, located within the unit. (c) "Residential Cond,ominj.un Unit,' means aresidential unit together with an urdivided interest in thegeneral conmon eLements and the resid.ential limited conuoon elerRents appurtenant tl'ereto. (d) "Cornmercial Condominir:n Unit" means acomnrercial unit together with an undivided interest in thegeneral conmon elenents and the co$rnercial Linited corurtonelements appurtenant thelegF (e) " Condorniniurn Unit" as hereinafter usedshall collectively refef't'o residential condoninium units and cormrercia I condominium units. (f) "Residential Unit Owner" means anyindividual, corporation, partnership, association, trust orother legal entity, or combination of legal enti-ties whichis the record omer o! a fee simp)-e interest in a residential condominium unit or the recold owner of a time sharingownership interest i.n a TSo residential unit. individual,other legalthe record condominiutll used shal1 commercial (S) "Corurerclal Unlt Owner" neans anycorporation, partnership, association, trust orentj.ty, or co rbination of legal- ent.ities which isowner of a fee sinple interest in a commercialunit. (h) "Unit onnels" or "Oerners" as hereinaft€rcollectively refer to residential unit or,rners and,unit owners. (i) rrceneral CorNnon Flenentq" r'eanq the real Properr-y bginq the, PrffiiEE?-E e s;'- i hed.iFo.,e. the foundiLions,colians, girders, beams, supports, maj.n vra11s, roofs, halIs,corridors, Iobbies, stairs, atairwaffi#scapes. entrances and exits of such building; the basement, yard,s, gardens,parking aleas and storage spaces, installations for centralservices such as office, power; ligh1, gas, hot and coldvlater, heating, refrigeration, central air conditioning, and e- incine!'atingt the elevaEors, tanks, pumps, motors, fans, .co-irp{essors, ducts, and, in general all apparatus anal installa-tions existj-ng for cornmon usei such conmunity faciLities as. miY be provided for in the Declaratj.onr and all other partsof the property necessary or convenient to its existence,maintenance, and safety, or normally in common use, as are shown s1 the Condominium Map, subjeat to lhe non-exclusiwe easemen t over and across a1l general comrnon elemenEs ashereinafte! granted in paragraph 9 below. (j) "!xclusive Resittential Limiteil coruronElenents" means that port.ion of the connnon eLements which isreserved for the exclusive use of residenti-aI unit owner or owners of such residentiat uni.t. These exclusive residentialIimited cornmon eternents so reselved shall be identified. onthe Condominiun Mapr provided, however, that any court, patio, balcony or aleck which is accessLble from, associated rrith andwhich acljoi.ns a residential unit and any other exclusiveresidenlial limited comrnon elemen! so identified on the Conilominium Map shall lrithout further reference theleto. be used in connection with such residential unit to the exclusionof the use thereof by all other unit owners, except by invitation. . (k) "Non-Exclusive Residential Limited con&on El-ernents" means that portion of the common elements, irtrichis reserved for the non-exclusive use of all of the resideatialunits ortners krho shall have a non-exclusive tight in cornaonwith all of the other residential unit owners to the use ofhallways, corridors, stalrways, entrance ways, siderralks,pathways, driveways and str€ets located within this condominiumploject as shown on the Condominiun l4ap. (I) 'Residential Limited comlnon Elements" asherej.nafter used, shall colLrctively refer to the exclusiveresidential. Iinited common -elernents and tbe non-excLusiveresidential conunon elehents and are appu!tenant to residentialunits on1y. (rn) "Exclusive comrnercial Linited co:nmonElements means that portion of the conmon ele$ents which isreselved, for the exclusive use of Comercial Unit EIGST. Theseexclusive comrnercial linited conrmon el€ments so reserved.shall be identified on the condominiun lfap andl shall withoutfurthe! reterence theleto, be used in connection $rj-th Co$mercialUnit EIGltt to the exclusion of, the use thereof by all otherunit owners, except by invitation. (n) "Non-Exclusive Corfi,elcial Limlted CoumonElements" means that portion of the conrngn el.ements, which isreserved for the non-exclusive use of a1I of the conuoercialunit oerners who shall have a non-exclusive right in com[K)nwith all owners who shall have a non-exclusive right in connonIdith all other conmerciaL unit owners to the use of hall$ays,corridors, stairr,rays, entrance ways, sidewalks, path ways,driveways, streets, court, patio, balcony or deck within thiscondoninium ploject as shown on the Condominium Map. (o) "Conrnercial Litnited Comron Elements' ashereinafter used shall collectively lefer to the exclusivecomrnercial liniteal conrnon elements and the non-exclusive com-rnercial connotr elements and are appurtenant to the commercial un115 on1y. (p) "Common Elenents,' as hereinafter usedshall collectively refer to all general common eLements.resj-dential limited common elements, and cofirmercial linited com$on elements. - 3- ter h (g) ncormon Expenses" neans (i) all expenses exp.re,ssly declared to be corunon expenses by this Declaration or by the By-Laws of the Associationt (1i) all other expenses of adninistrating, servicing. conserving, managing, maintaining, repai-ring, or replacing the conunon elemcnLs on t.he condominiumproperty and on any Additional Property, and (j.ii) a1l expenseslarvfully deterftined to be common expenses by the Board of Directors of the Associalion. !,lotwi ths uand ing the foregoing.the Associaeion tnay enter into managemenL conlracLs for rhanagement of all comnon elerxents under lrhich the maragement fee j.s charged as a common expense prorated. as provided in ParagraPhs L2, 13 and 15 here in. (r) " Conunon Surplus" neans the excess of all receipts of the Associati.on from this condoninium project includ- Lng, but not limited to? assessments. rents.' profits and revenues on account of the corunon elements. ovef and above the amount of common expenses of this condominium project. (s) "First Lienor" rneans a holde! of a plomissory note, pa)''ment of lrhich is secured by a recorded first mortgage or first deed of trust encurnbering an interest ln a condominiun unit. "Mortgagen shal.l j-ncludle a deed of trust, and nmoltgagee" shall .incLuale the beneficiary of a deed of trust. (t) "Associatioa of Unit Ot^rners" or "Association" heans the Association formed as a Colorado not-for-profit colporatioD bearing the na$e of this condominium project, theArtieles of fncorporation and. By-Laws of which shaLl govern the ad$inistration of this condomlniun property, the menbers of which Association 6hal1 be all the o\dners of the cond.ominiun units. (u) "Buildgng' or I'Buildings" means a single structure or more than one single structure containing condominium units and cinnr'ron elements as designatedl on the Condoniriiul Map or wfricf inay hereinafter be shorvn on a supplernental condominium Map. (v) r'Declaration" neans this ins trument and al1 amendnents theleto and all supplemental d.eclarations here-after recorded in the records of the Clerk and Recorder, County of Eag1e, state of Colorado. (w) "Institutional ltortgagee" m€ans a bank, savings and loan association, insurance company or union pension plan authorized to do business in the gnited States of Anerica, an Agency of the United States Government, a real estate or mortgage investnent trust, or a lender generaLly recognized in the coNrunity as an instj.tutional type lender. . (x) "Occupant,, means the person o! persons, other than the lesidential unit owner, rightfully in possession of a residential unit, (y) "Condominium !tap" rneans and includes any and alL engineering surveys of the land describeil above depicting anal locating thereon a1l improvements, the floor and elevabionplans and any and all other drawings or diagranmatic plans depicting a par! of or all of the land and irprovements thereon and all amendments thereto and all Supplemental Condominium I'taps. (zl " Condominirirn Documents", means this Declaration, Condominiun uap, the Articles of IncorporaLion anal the By-Laws of the Association, Declaration of Protective covenants and Time Sharing Agreement, Management Agreement, and alI Eshibits annesed thereto, as the same rnay be arnended from time to time or any analall other documents necessary for this condominium project. -4 - b G_-E , (aa) "Management Agreement". means and rcfersto an/ agreement entered into by the Association for thepurpose of managing the condominium property. (bb) "Managemert Firn", means the managemenrfirm which shall be responsible for the managenenL of thecondoni[ium property as provided j.n the l,lanagenenE Agrccmentauthorized. by this Declaration. (cc) The terns 'vail Run compl€x. " "thiscondominium" or " condomi.niun project" vrhere used throughoutthis Declaration anal Exhibits attached thereto shal1 meanthe same as and shalL refer to this VaiI Run Resort Community condominj-urn project. (dil) "Condoninium Pxoperty't means and includesthe real property described in Exhibit "A" attached heletotogether with aIl Additional Property described in Exhibit "8"attached hereto whicb rnay hereafter becone subject to the Condominium Docunents and all improvenrents thereon, and a1l easenents and rights appurtenant thereto, intended for theuse and in connection i,rj-th this condorniniurn project. (ee) The following definitions apply to thoseresidential condominiun units sommitted to and sold under aplan of time sharing olrnership (TSO): (1) "Time Sharing Ownelship" (TSO). means a fee sinple ownership b1' a residential unit owner ofan undivided interest as a tenant in common lrith otherresi{lential unit o}rners, of a residential condominium unitpursuant to the Declaration of Protective Covenants and TirdeSharing Agreement for this condominiurn project..t(2, "peliod of Use" means the specified and unspecifieil period,s -ot-. time during vhich €ach owner of a TSO residential unit shall have the exclusive right to use and occupy the TSO resid.ential unit in lrhich periods of timeare set forth 1n Decl-aration of Protective Covenants and Time Sharing Agreement for this condominj.um project. (3) "TSO Residential Unit" shall be anyresitlential- condominiurn unit together with furnishings, furniture,fixtures, appliances, equipment and inptovenents thereincontalneil which are not personally owned by other residential condominium unit owners sold, under a plan of tirue sharingownershj.p. The unit shall become a unit conmitted to time sharinE or1'nership upon the recording of the first cleed insaid residential condolninium unit. conveying a period or periodsof use. A residential condominium unit will not be conmittedto time sharing ownership if all periods of, use are owned.by one residential unit or'rner. (a) The real property is hereby initially dividedinto 55 residential units, and is also initially dividedinto 1I commercial uni.ts alL of vrhich are designated on the Condominiuflr Map anal numbered and desi.gnated on Exhj.bit "C',attached hereto and rnade a part hereof. Each condominiurnunj.t described above shall consist of a separate designatedunit with an undivided interest in the Eeneral common elementsappurtenant to such unit or area as set forth in Exhibit "D"attached hereto and made a part hereof. Each resideneialunit o,ener shalL have an undivided ownership interest in theresidential linited conmon elemenls as designated on the Condominium Map appurtenant to such unit t.he percenlage ofsuch undj.vided ownership interesE for each resi.dentj.al uniLis sel forth in Exhibit "8" aetached hereto and made a parehereof- The owner of CoNnercial Units EICtiT shalL have theexclusive use of exclusive comnercial linriEed cor non elemenlsas dcsiqnated on the Condominium t4ap and as defined hereinabove 2. -5- tE:r t i and each corunercial unit. owner shall have an undivided owncr-ship interest in the non-exclusive coRmercial tiniteil comnonelements appurtenant to the cofiunercial units. The total . number of square feet in al1 the above-describeC units and cotnmon elements is 200,698 square feet, (b) If Declarant shal1 hereafter, fron timc to time,rn slaqes or phases, or aL one time only, but in any evenLwithin five years from tl-re initial recording of thls Declaration,determine to subject to this Declaration any Add.itional Propertyadjoining the Premises as described above (such additionalproperty in each instance shall be referred to as "AdditionalProperty"), it shall record in the records of Eagle County,Colorado, a Supplemental Declaration containing (i) a legaldescription of the Additional Property subjected thereto;(ii) a designation of the buildings to be constlucted andthe total number of and specific designation of addilional condoninium units the AdditionaL Property is divided, each suchunit and each such building designation being dissinrilar to anyother unit or buildling dlesignation then subject to thisDeclaration; (iii) a schedule of the percentage of undividedovrneiship of the general cornmon elements in the AdilitionalPtoperty appurtenant to each additionaL condominium unitthereon, computed as a percentage by whi.ch the totat numberof square feet in each suctr condominium unit bears to thetotaL number of square f€et in all coniloudniun units in theAdalitional Property, such percentage shal1 be rounded off to tr,to decimal placest (1v) the total nulnbe! of square feet inall corunercial units on the Adilitional Property, andl (v) adescription of aLl exclusive and nonexcluslve resid.entiallimited comron elements on the Additional Property, togetherwith a desj.gnation of the residentj.al unj.ts on the AdditionaLPropexty to which each such residentj.aL linited conmon element is appurtenant, (yl}) a description of all exclusive and non-exclusive commercial limited comnon elements on theAdditionaL Property. together with a desi.gnation of the commercial units on thd'Additional Property to lrhich eachsuch exclusive and non-exclusive conmercial linited corrunon element is appurtenant.. The general conmon elements orl theAdditional Property shal1 be owned in cornmon by all of theunit owners on such Additional Property and shali. rernainundivlded. No ovrner of any interest j,n any condominium unitsubject, to this DecLaration prior to the recording of such Supplemental Declaration. nor any lienor theleof, sha1l have any right, title or interest i,rhatsoever because of such ownership or lien in any palt of the general conunon elements,resid.ential linited common el-ements and the conrnercial limited conmon elemeltts of the Additional Property; no owner of any interest in any cornmercial. unit or residenlial uniton the Additional Ploperty, nor any lienor thereof, shall have any right, title or interest whatsoever because of such ownership or lien in any part of the general co[unon e]ements,resid.ential limited common elements and comnercial llmited cotnmon elements of the property (hereinafter referred to asthe "Original Property") subject to thj.s Declaration prior to the recoraling of sueh supplemental Declaration; provided, hovrever, that afeer the recording of such SupplementalDeclaration, all unit orvners on the Additional Propertyshall have a non-exclusive right and license, in common withunit owners on the Original. Property and subject to theprovisions herein, to use and enjoy all of the general conrmon elements on the Original Property and the unit ownerson the Additional Property shall have a non-exclusive easementas herei.nafter granted, over and across the general common elements at any Cime situated on the Original Property; andal1 unit or.rners on the Original Property shall have a non-exclusive right and license to the same extent to use andenjoy all of the general co[unon elements and shall have anon-exclusive easement. over and across the general conmon el.ements but not over the linited common elements, if any, - 6- e, at any time situated on the Additional Property as glaneccl above to the unit ourners on the Additional Property as Lo the. original Property. After recording such Supplemeneal Declaration and upon subst.antial completj-on of all nevrbuildings, containing residential units, comnercial uniLs and corunercj-al areas on such Additional Property and prior to any conveyance by DecLarant of any condominiurn uniLtherein, Declarant shall. recold in the real properey recordsof Eagle County, State of Colorado, a Supplemental Map ofthe Additional Propertyr prepared in accordancc with theprovisions hereof. Reference to the condominium map, Prepared in accordance with Paragraph 3 herein and to thi.sDeclaration, in any instrunent shall be deemed to include aII supplemental Iqaps and. Supplernental Declarations lecorded Pursuant to the terms hereof. Except as otherwise speeifically provided in this Declaratj-on or in such Supplemental Declaration, all of theprovisions, terms and definitj-ons herein contained shall, upon recording of each such Supplemental Declaration, be deemed expanded to include the Additional Property and the buildings, condominium units, cornmon elements and unit oh'ners thereof and shaIl be deemed incorporated by reference in such supplemental Deelaration, the satne as if such Additional Property, buildings, conalominium units, and common elements hrere originally subjeet hereto. (c) Each resid.ential condominium unit shaLl be inseparable and rnay be conveyed, leased, devised, or encumbered only as a residential condominium unit. fitle to a residential condominiun unit may be held individually or in any form ofconcurrent ownership recognized in Colorado lncludlng ISO as d.efined. above. In case of concurrent osrnership, each co-ownetshaLl be jointly and severalLy liable for performance and observance of all the dutj.crg and responsibilities of a unlt owner with respect to the lesidential condominiutr unit in which he owns an interest, anA in the case of a TSO unit, the co-ownerof a period of use sha11'be so jointly and severally f.iable. Each commercial condominium unit may be partitioned into smaller commerciaL condominium units and any such partitioned. commercial condominiun unit rnay be conveyed, devj.sed or encumbered as a separate conilominium unit. The co$nercial unit ovrnerpartitioning his commercial conilominium unit sha11 notify the Association of any such partitioned unlt. Each paltitioneal cornmercial. cond,ominiurn unit shall have a proportionate share of any and all rights j.n the general conmon elenents and the commercial linited conmon elements and obligations applicable thereto as set forth herein and each such partitj.oned conunercialunit shall be depicteil on a recorded Supplemental !4ap thereof. (al) Every contlact for the 6ale of a condomi.niumunit written prior to the fiLing fo! record of the Condominium Map or Declaration nay Legally describe a eondominium unit by j.ts identifying unit designation, the building symbol, follor,redl by the name of this condorninium. Tbe location of such. cond.ominiun unit 6ha11 be depicted on the Condominiun Uap filed for record. Sub- sequent to the filing of the Condorniniun Hap, and the recoraling of the Declaration, every contract, deed, lease, mortgage, trust deed, vill or other instrument may legally descrj-be a condominiumunit by the name of this condominium, with further refelence tothe Cond.ominiurn Map and Declaration filed for record. Every suchdescription shall be good ancl sufficient for all purposes to sel1,convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise affect not only the condo- rnj-ni um unit, but also the comroon elernents appurtenant theleto. Each such descripcion sha1l be construed to i,nclude a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress to and from an orvnerrs condominiumunit and in the case of residenLial units the description shaLl be construed to include the use of all of the general conmon elements together wit.h the right to the exclusj-ve and non- exclusive use of the residential Limited cotlunon elements. -7 - tc:a In the case of cornnercial units the descriptions shalI beconstrued to include the use of alL general comnon elemenestogeLher with the right to use the non-exclusive commercial.lirni tecl conmon elements, and in the case of co:nnercial unit EIGHT the exclusive use of Lhe exclusive commercial limited comroon elernents hrhich are appurlenant to that cornmercialunit. The reference to the Condominium Iqap ancl Declarabionin any instrumenh shall be cteemed to include amendmen:s andany supplements to the Condominium t'lap or Declaration !.rittloutspecific reference thereto. TSO resid.ential units shalL bedescribed as provided above but sha1l also conform to theDeclaration of ProLective Covenants and Time Sharing Agreement- (e) Declarant shall give wri.tten not.ice to theassesso! of Eagle County, Colorado, in the manner provided inthe Act, so that each unlt owner of resid.ential units or aresidentiaL unit committed to TSO can be individually assessed. (f) tiherever the term "unit owner" or iunit owners"is used anl'where within the context of this Declaration or any Anendment or Supplernentary Declaration hereto. it sha11 beconstrued to include all owners of periods of use qrithin anyresidential unit conrnitted to TSO as one unit otrner. Therespective interests of each ovrner of period.s of use rrithin-a TSO reslalential unit $ith lespect to each other shafl be deLineated, within the instruments of conveyance setting upsuch TSO residential unit. 3. Condorninium !1g!. Upon substantial completion of abuilding, ila-prIor to-=;y conveyance by Decl-arant of a condo- rniniunr unit therein, Declarant shal-l cause to be filed for recordin Eagle County, Colorado, a condominium map which shal1 containsufficient survey description of the airspace of each residentj.alunit and commercial- unit sf aS to acculately locate the same, together with such other information as may be includedat the discretion of De:qlaran!, and together lrith: (a) The 1egal description of the sutface of theland and a survey thereof. (b) The linear neasurements and location, !'rithreference to surveyed points on the exterior boundary of 1[s J.anal, of the completed foundations of the building; {c) The diagramatic floor plans and linear horizontaland vertical dimensions of the perimeter of each airspaceresidential unit and commercial unit, (d) The designation by nurnber or other symbol of each residential unit and conr0ercial unit for the building; (e) The location ot the airspace for each condo- rninium unit within the building, both horizontally by linear measurements and, vertically by refexence to elevations asestablished from a daturt plane, inclualing measurements of thethickness of common walls and floors between or separatingthe conilomj.niurn units and perineter walls ot the buililingi and (f) General depiction of and designation of general common elements, residential tlmited common elenents andcommercial limited common elements, without necessity toahow the dimensions and exact surveyed locatlon thereof,except as otherwise required by this paragraph. The Condorninium Map may be filed for r€cordin whole or in parts, sections or supplements, as construceionof the condominium units and other improvements are sub-stantialLy completed, aIl of $/hich parts, secti.ons or supplements shall be considered the integrated condominiumnap, and reference to the fj.linq data of the last preceding ParE, section or supplement filed in any deed or other -8- et instruments shall be deemed to include reference to allparts, sections or suPPlemenbs of the map thereLofore f i-led of 'record.- Each such map (and each separately filed part, section or suppfement thereof) shall contain the certiEicaLeof a registered proiessional land surveyor, cert.ifying thaLthe condominium map (or part, section or supplement Ehereof,as the case may be) substantially depicts the above daia and was prepaxed subsequent to subsLantial comPletj-on of the imp.rovements depicted lhereon.ant reserves the r the condominium map f o culle to co ocation ot any r)u nc all rts elocate easements. 4. Administration and l"lanagement' vail Run ComPlexshall be affint to the cond.oninium docurnents. The Declarant so long as he retains an own€rshj.pinterest in any condominium unit and each unit owner shal- 1 be a menber of the Assocition and shal1 remain a menber until he ceases to be an unit owner subject to Paragraph 2g(bJ herein. Each unit ovner shall- comply strictly with the provj.sj-ons of the condominiurn documents. Each unit ol'rlrershall be bound by and sha11 comply r,rith rules, resolui,ions and decisions of the Association d.uly made or adopted in the manner set forth in the articles of incorporation or by-la$rs. Fai.lure of the unit owners to comply with suchprovisions, rules, resoLutions or decisions shal1 be groundb for an action to fecover damages or to obtain injunctiverelief, or both, maintainable by the Association on behalfof al1 the unit owners, or, in a proper case, by an aggrievedunit owner. In addition; the Asaociationrs bylavts mayauthorize the Association, during the period of any delinguency,(a) to revoke a del,inquent unit owner's right to use the codunon elements and easements granted hereunder, (b) to cause ulility service to a-4lelinquent unlt owner's condo- minium unit to be suspend& anal (c) to suspend a menbe!'s voting privileges. _. . 5. Common Elementst Encroachnents. (a) The common elements on the property describeal above shall be owned as tenants in comnon by all the unit owners as their interest applies to th€ generaL conrnon elements, the residential f.imited coftmon elements and conmercial l-funited common €lements as appurtenant to each respective condornini-un unit, lrhich interest shall remain unalivid,ed- Nounit owner shaLl asselt any right of partition r"rj- th respect to the conunon elements. Each unit owner waives any aJral alllights of partj.tion which he nay hold by virtue of his ownership of the said undivided interest in the collunon elements as a tenant in common with the other owners. Except for Tso residential units, this paragtaph shall not limit o! lestrict the rj.ght of partition of a residential condominium unit among the unit owners thereof, but suchparlition sha1l noi affect any other condominium unit. No owner of a Tso lesialential unit shall bring, or have any right to bring, any action for partition or division of the Tso residential unit, nor shalL any owner of a period of use of a Tso residential unit have anyright to bring any such actton agairst the other owners ofperiods of use in the sane Tso residential unit- (b) If any portion of the cornmon el"ements nol{ encroaches upon any condominirun unit, or if any condominiumunie now encroaches upon any other condominium unit or upon any portion of the coRunon elements, as a result of theconstruction of any building, or if any such encroachnentshall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shi-fting of any building, a valid easenenl for the encroachnent and forthe maintenance of the same so long as the building stands p"'& b -9- tEa shall exi.st, In the event any building, any condominium unit,any adjoining condominium unit, or any adjoining conrmon . element, shall be partially or totally destroyed as a resulLof fire or other casualEy or as a result of condemnation oreminent domaj.n proceedings, and then rebuilt, encroachmen Lsof parts of the common elenents upon any condominium unit orof any condominj.um unit upon any other condominium uni! orupon any portion of the comfton elemEnts, due tc such rebuilding.shall be pe ditted, and valid easements for such encroachment.sand the naintenance thereof shall exist so lonq as thebuilding sha1l stand. The initial Rules and Regulations, andall amendnents thereof and revisions thereof Fertaining to useof the conunon elements shall be posced in conspicuous placeson the common elements, The unj.t ovrners hereby covenant andagree to be bound by all of such Rules and Regulations andshall obey same and be responsible for their being obeyed bythe said unit owners, their farnilies, guests, invitees andservants. Where a corporation j.s a unj.t owner, the use ofthe conmon elements shall be limited at any one time to suchofficer, director or employee of sald corporation who is theoccupant and such individual shal1 be deerned, to be the unitowner for the purpo6es of this paragraph. 6. General- qonmon E1eme4ts. Each unit owner anil their,where applffily, social guest or businessinvitee, shaLl be entitled to use the general common el-ementsin accordance \ditb the purpose for which they ale lntended,rdithout hindering, irnpeding or imposing upon the rights ofthe other unit owners and in accordance with rules and regula-tions duly estabLished from time to time by the Association. Any expense for the maintenance, repair or replacernentreLating to the general cgrqllon elenents shall be treated as andpaid for as part of the cffiron expenses of the Associationbut shall be assessed,-as hereinafter provided in paragraph 12(a)beLo$r, to aLL unit owners accordi.ng to each unit owners p-rcentageof olynership interest in the general comnon elements as let fortfri-n Schedule D attached. 7, Resialential Linited Common El.ements. The residentialrrmr.tect colrunon elements are reserved for the use of theresidential unit owners to the exclusion of the conmercialunit owners and which elenents are designated as "residentiallinited comJnon elements" on the condominiurn Map. Any expense for the naintenance, repair or leplace-ment relating to the residential limited collunon elementsshall be treatedl as and paid for as part of tlte common expensesof the Association but shall be assessed, as hereinafterprovided in paragraph 12 (b) below, to the residential unitortners only according to each ownerrs percentage of undividedownershj.p interest in the residential linited cornmon elementsas set forth in Schedule E attached. Should said maintenance,.repair or replacement be caused by the negligence or misuseby a residential unit owner, his family, guests, servantsand invitees, he sha1l be responsible therefo!, and theManagement Firm, as long as the l.tanagement Agreement rernainsin effect, otherwise, the Association, shall-have the lightto levy an assessment against the residential unit owner ofsaid residential unit, which assessment shall have the sarneforce and effect as a1l other special- assessments. l{heresaid - maintenance, repair or leplacement is caused by theneglj-gence or misuse by a residential unit ouner of periodsof use in a TsO resldential unit, his fanily, guests, servants,and invitees, any such levy of an assessment shall be limitedto the period of use owned by said residential unib owner ofperioal of use, and sha1l be of no force and effect as to anyother residential unit owner of periods of use in said TSO - ln - {E=r residential unit. The cost and expense of tne naintenance.care and preservation, includinq palnting and the like,where applicable, of patios, decks, balconies, e:{terj-orstairs shall be a corunon expense of all of the residentiatunit owners, however. the fixed and/or sliding glass door(s)in the enLrance rr,ays to said patios, decks and balconicsshall be maintained and cared for at the cosc and exoensc ofthe applicable residential unit owner. 8. cornnercial Limited Common Elements.The corn-mercial li for the use of the commercial unit olrners, and i.rhich elements are Cesignated as " connrercial linited common elements" on the Condominium Map. Any expense for the maintenance, lepair or replacementrelating to the commercial lirnited com.mon el-ements shaLl betreated as and paid for as part of the conmon expenses of theAssociation but shall be assessed, as hereinafter provided inparagraph 12 (c) , to the conmercial unit owners j.n proportionto each onnerrs conmercial unit square footage bears to thetotal of all- commercial units square footage. Shouldl saidmaintenance, repair or replacement be caused by the negligenceor misuse by a commercial unit owner, his agents, invitees,servants and assigns, he shall be responsible therefor, andthe Management Firm, as long as the ltanagement Agreementrenains in effect, otlrerwise, the Association, sha1l havethe ri.ght to levy an assessment against the said corunercialunit owner. The cost and expense of the raaintenance, care and preservation, including painting, repair and the Like, where applicable, of comnercial t irni teal cornmon elements ofpatios, clecks, baleonies, stairs, halls. corridors, walls,foundations, colums, girdE s, beams, supports, roofs,Iobbies, stair$rays, fire escapes, entrances and exits,plaster, trees and planteEs andt a1I other items whiclr nutual-Ly benefit all or -Sribstantiatly all of the corunercialunit owners, shalL be a common expense of all of the con-mercial unit owners. Notwithstand.i.ng any of the provisions set forth above, al-l expenses for the maintenance, repair or replacementrelating to the exclusive commercial lirnited corunon elenents sha1l be treatecl and paiil for as a part of the cornmon expensesof the Association but shall be assessed to the cormercialunit owner of Commercial Unit EIGET. 9.. Easements. The uni.t owners d.o hereby transfer,grant and E6friE!-Eito the Declarant, and all menrlrers of theprivate club, as hereinafter described. in Paragrapft 16(d)below, and invitees of the unit or"rnels, their, where applicable,respective famj.lies, social guests and, business invitees, anon-exclusive easement over and across all general co[unonelements as they now or hereafter are shown on the Condorniniun Map for purposes of ingreSs and egress to and from the condominium units, general common elements or health andrecreational- facilities. The comnercial unit or'rners havethe right to exercise all of their rights, title and interestto reasonably use and to occupy the said general cornmon€lements immediauely adjoining their respective commercialunits but shall not substantially restrict or irflpair the easement rights granted hereunder or the rights of otherunit owners. The easement. rights granted hereunder can berevoked only by the consent of all unit or.rners, all nenb€rsof the private club and alt firsr lienors of lesj-dentialunits. 10. Haintenance and Alterations, (a) The Board of Directors of the Association mayenter into a contract with any firm, person or corporat.ion,or may join r.rith other condominium associations and entitiesin contracLing for the maintenance and repair of the condominium b - tl - :r ptoFerLy and other type propertiesr and may contract for ormay join wj.th other condominium associations in contractingfor thc management of the condoftiniufl property and. othertyPe properties, and may delegate to the conLractor or manager..all the powers and duties of the Association, except such asare specifically required by this DeclaraEion or by the By-1awsof the Association, to have the approval of lhe Board of Directorsor the membership of the Association. The l{anacrer may be auth-orized t.o delermine the budget, make assessmen:s for iommonexPenses and collec! assessments, as provided by the condofliniumdocunents. T}re Associatj-on, through j.ts Eoard of Directors. mayenter into a Management Agreement, as provided herein, which encompasses the provisj.ons of this paragraph. (b) There shall be no alterations or addj.tions tothe common eLements of this condoninium where the cost thereofis in excess of S20,000.00 but such amount shall be increasedor decreased each year comrnencing January 1,, L977 by the per-centage of change in the base index nunber as shown for the tnonthof January 1, L975 in the "Revised Consunerr s Index - Citiespublished by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United StatesDepartment of Labor in the coluJnn for the City of Denver entitled"al"L iterns " by the Board of Directors, unless a_Dproved by not l-essthan seventy-five percen! (75t) of the total vote of the unitowners and First Lienors of this condominium, provialed the -afolesaid. alterations or aald.itions do not prejudice theright of any unit orrne!, unless his consent his been obtained. The cost of the foregoing shall be assessed as common expenses- where any aLteration or additions, as afored,escr j-bed i.e.,as to the comnon elenents of this condominiun project, areexclusively or substantially excLusively for the benefit ofthe unit ordner(s) requesting same, then the cost of suchalterations or add.itions sha1l be assessed against andcoll-ecteal solely from the unit owner(s) exclusively orsubstantially exclusively bgBefiting, and the assessmentshall be levied in such profiortion as may be determined asfair and equitable by the nanag€ment firm, as long as the nanagernent agreement. renaiirs in effect, otherwise, by the Board of Directors of the Association, Where such alterationsor additions exclusively or substantially excJ.usively benefitunit owners reguesting sarne. said alterations or additionsshall only be nade when authorized by the manaEement firm,as long as the managenent agreement remains in effect, andthe Board of Directors, and approveil by not less thanseventy-five pelcent (?5C) of the total vote of the unitownels exclusively o! substantlally exclusiveLy benefitingtherefrom. anA where said unit or.rners ale ten (i0) or ]ess,the approval of all but one shal.l be required, In the caseof a TsO resid.ential ..unit, approval by unit or.rners of atleast seventy-fj-ve pereent (753) of the periods of use sha11constitute approval "of the unit owner" of the TSO residentialunit for the Furpose outlined above. Where the approval of unit owners for alterations tothe conunon elements of this condominium is required, in thisDeclaration Ehe approval of institutional mortgagees who arefirst lienors and whose nortgages encunber coniorniniun propertyin this Condofirinj.um replesenting no! less than seventyPercent (70E) of the total unpaid dollar indebted.ness as toprincipal on the condominiur property at said tine shallalso be reguired. (c) Each orrner of a residential unit not corunitted!o TSO agrees as follo(.rs: (1) To maintain in good condition and repairhis unit and a1I interlor surfaces witnin his residentiai unitand the entire interior of his residential urit, incLudinqfireplace, and to maintain and repair the fixtures analequipment bherein, r,rhich includes but is not limiteal to the b i_.l$*ti-:,''. 'li-*.ist:1:+.isi+tti. €4f,'"1.Y:l'ri,'+![:.i1: t.'?l{F.++Yf, '1'.'|. f . . r':. ' 1. -. :. .. .--.+1 ,-,,]:.. rrrrcrqr..t!!T!il!:!:t:-::lf -!!:l-3!-T..^!tlt'E aard all .DFt i.!.!c!. t!.a.to-";'::.::.;-!' . rft. friiUfn qnnnrs .!d .ll .Eptr.!.ro. t!.s.to - "a':,,^: r.r!.i' rxlirETfiEEri. rad fr*r-rJi-rri-rrr, 4tii-r.;;t- ,.*" -l:.'ii, ' J .' ad orr. ad .tt oti.t r$Dlf.Do.rr drllatr glttbfDt tlttra.r .!''.: ' '. .' rd coa&ttorr r1't|r rli pfrrbl!' rDd r.l.t-llr. Ylthlr I .:-:,: . ''l'|., . tD. t.a|'ctLl- o!lt. -rhotrlo Farltr .l.G!rlc $fsF trd .,1: li..' '.':' I ad cilFtlanr rllt|r rll plEbtlt |sd r.t t-ll vltbb. r tDa raatdotLl o!lt. .l.st8l€ Frarhr .l.c!rlc rlsllt.trd-. - ' aL€tslo artl.tr ud llrtnrr rltbta tlr r..ld.atLl sottt:.;: :, lllrg: js.lJr*!-r:t*a-::-d-?l:':r .tl-s:'l=--. -. . htaflct &oat. rllaorr, r€saaala{ ld fl.ta. .lt .*ta!lor||oor| l.rc.pt ab. prtntfq ol tlrr-dtrrior ot .rt ttor door.'' rLll b. . Cn .rp.n.. ot th. Cdldctrlrlt r |.!d t}.y fot.:.,''. ".: .tlr. t l.?ba.,.Dd .ri.r uttlttl.r ri.rr allr.ctly ch.rg.d to.1, . . .llr t l.?ba. rad otlrr uttlttl.r ri.rr allr.ctly ch.-g.d to . ;.-. .uoh r..ldqrtlrt *.1r. Urllltr... Et dlr.€tly ch.sg.d to'':,. . .. !!!l !lrl.. r.flrf. .nal r..t. ta..'- t! -r9gllcrbfu, rlill be r.- ,., . . r " Dart of thr s*o .!Frna.t lt btll.d to t!. t|ro.l lloat' ' brlftlr ll trdl"ldrrl blll. rr. ..tt to ..ch r.rldonglrlunlt blt tlt. 9rltlt furnlahlrg aalil raavlc., .uch r.rldqrtl.lEllt ffn s rh.ll p.y |.ld blll fos btr utrlt tndtvidu.tly. !h. co.t ol !.lnr.blng etd r.phclng th. crrpcllag rh.ll bcblaa bt tha o{ttar or or|||ra ot aald sa.ldcntlal unl!. E ch ErIt. arld r.aldcntkl urlt oylr hal l replac! aarle by th€aan color arul bolb rrttagG r! hlr cot't aad arpenee u'|leteth. l|.nrgant flrn, or th. Arrocl,.ttotr. decldet to replace aaEa aa I cGn crpcnrG ot tha CondooinluD. The rfor€alid aaaldaatl.l ualt orrrr ah.ll E lnt.lD, c.r. lor rnd grcrcrvc lrottloor of thr rrcluttna rcaldcntlal lbrltad co$n Glc[,' rLr,'. !. grodd.d h.r.ln. Lhar. sh.F. tr. ltght flltu.rc orItrtusar rttrchad to tba Grg.flor yall or f.lla o! a r€aldential llghtr lry b. tlad to thG GlGctric EGter tor the r€aldentlatunlt rhlch lr R.tronrible for rcplrclng r.id light. bulbE{tdr ln auch caaa, thc elcctric Gart for sa.EG rhalL be borneby tald rc.ldrntlrl unlt orDcr. (21 Not to rl.k€ or cru6e ro be Dade anyttructu$l addltlon or .lt:ration to his residenrial unit orto ths rcaldentlal lilited egrrcn eleoeats or g€neral corEloneleEe$tt. Alteratlons rithin a reaj,denrial unil nay b€ ia.rdculth tbe prio! vlitt€n conaent of the [anagenent Firn and tbe Association, and any Fir6t Lienor holdirg a rnorrgage onhis terid.rnLial un:t.i(31 To nake no alteratj,qn3, decoracion. rep.i!. replacement or change of the general, ro&eon elerner:ts, residential liDited coaaEn eleBenta, or to any outsld€ or exterior portion of the building vhethe! i.rithj,n a resrdenrial unit or Fart of lhe resj,dential, Li!!i--c.i 9c-!ro!r Lriern€nrs org€neral corllron elernents uithout t'he prior rrj.'.ten consen! of the t'tanageroen t FirD. as long as t5e ttaragenent Agreenen! reaains in effect, otherl'ise, the Association. Resldenrral o9,ners Bay use suqh contractar or sub-conttactor rs are approved by the Nanagernent Firm. or Lhe Assoctation. and said parti€s shall conply uith all Rules and Rcaulati.ons adopted by the Managerienc FiEm oE the Eoard of Drrectors, The residential unit orner shall be liJble ior all danaoes tc conCoEiniut' lrnits, the cottsr|on eletnenls or the Condoniniurlproperti, caused bi- the re5idential unit o'incr's contrictor.sub-contractor, or ernpiol'ee. sirr.:Llrcr saj,i i;::l;3s :!'c r^aused by negligence, accidenl or olheHise. (d) Each or,rncr of Periods of Use in a TSO reslCenirJi urri t a,;:ees : (ll To pal' hj,s irropottion3tc share of tl",c cost of l-i,e nain:c;:.1!:ce Jnd r.-.Dair of al I j,nteriol anC lrxter!or cornponcnts of his TSO resrdcntr.rl unit. :hc cos: c,f nci tsi,;;i;c,repair and lcplrcerccnE of all appiionccs, furnirurc, cirp(-: !n(i, firturcs. equipncnt, utcnsrls, and othcr pcrsonJl !'roler:!'ririrrn sairl iso rc3isc::ti.rl u:rr,r, t:rd such crhor cosis ot rar'.r!r. h^int.n.rnce, uphoep and oper..-ron of hl,s TSO r!.sr(lt'nir.r:,.:ni'- 3s !.s necossa!-v to the cont inued cnlo)'[!cn'. o: su...i u:-.: : b)' al I uni.t otJncrs af i'criods of Us!. i.hr'rcin G: ' (2) liot !o make, cause' or a11ow to be madc,any repairs, modificahions, alterations, or replacemenEs to . the cornnon elements, residenEial linited corulton elenents,'outside or exterior portion of the building whether withinthe unit or part of the residential limited connon elenentsor general common elements, exlerior or interior of his TSOresidential unit, or of t.he furnishings. appliances, p..rrsonalproperty, or decor thereof. withouE the prior vritten conscntof the Management Firn. fhe Association, and all other o1{ners of Periods of Use therein. ( 3 ) Expenses of repairs or .repLacemen t.s to t.heunit ox its cornponents, furnishings, carpeting, appliances orother property, rea], personal, or mixed, occasioned by thespecific use or abuse of any ovtner of Perj-ods of Use in any TSo residential unit or any licensee or tenant of said unit or,tner, sha1l be borne in their entirety by said unit ovrner. .(4) The Management rirn, as long as the Management Agreement remains j-n effect, otberwise, theAssociatj.on, shall determine the interior color scheme, decor and furnishings, of each such condominiun unit. as vrell as t.heproper tlme and. redecorating anCl replacements thereof ' (e) A11 unit owners of condlominium units, includ,ing owners of Periods of Use in TSo residential units agree asfollows: (1) To aIlo$r the Management Firm, the Boaralof Directors, or the agents or employees of the manaEement Firmor the Association, to enter Lnto any condominium unit forthe purpose of maintenance. j"nspection, repair, replacenentof the improvements lrithin the condominium units, residentiallirnited cotnnon elements or*€he general common elements, orto determine in case o! e$ergency, circumstances threateningthe condominj.um unit, olher condominiun units, residentlalLimited cornmon elements or the general conmon eLements, orto determlne compliance with the.provisions of thi-s Declarationand the By*1aws of the Associ.ation. (2) To show no signs, advertisements ornotices of any type in or on the general conunon elements, commercial lirnitecl cornmon elements. residential liniteal contmon el.ements, or his conalominiun unit, anal to elect noexterior antenna or aerials, except as consented to by the l4anagement Firm, as long as the t4anagement Agreenent rer0ainsin effect, othen ise by the Association. (f) In the event the unit owner of a condominiumunit fails to maintain his unit, conmercial limited comnon elements and residential linited common elements. as requiredherein, or makes any alterations or additions r.tithout thereguired written consent, or otherwise violates or threatensto violate the provisions hereof, the Association, or the Management Firm on behalf of the Association and on its ownbehalf, shall have the right to proceed in a Coult of equityfor an inJunction to seek compliance with the provisj.onshereof. In lieu thereof anal in addition theleto, the Management Firm, as long as the Management. Agreement remainsin effect, otherwise, the Assocj.ation, shall have the lightto levy an assessment against the unit ovrner of a condominiumunj-t, and the condominium uniL, for such necessary sums to remove any unauthorized addition or alteration and to restorethe property to good condition and repai.r. Where saidfailure, alceration, addition, or other vi.olaeion is attribut-able to a unit ovrner of periods of use in a TsO residenLialuni-t, any such levy of an assessmenL shall be limited to theperiods of use owned by said unit owner of periods of use and shall be of no force and effect as to any other unitowncr of periods of use in said TsO residential unit- - 14 - t-E Said assessment shall have the same force and effect as all other special assessments- The l,Ia[agemenL Firm. ds tong as the Management Agreement remains in effece, obherwise the Association, shall have che further right to have its employees.or agents, or any sub-contractors appointed by it' enter a condo- ninium unit at all reasonable times to do such '/tork as is de€med necessary by the Hanagement Firm, as long as the l.tanagement Agree- ment remaj-ns in effect, othererise by the Association, to enforce compJ-iance !.rith the provisions hereof. (g) The Hanagement Firm. as lolg as !h€ .I4anagement Agreement renains in effect, otherwise the Association, shall determine the exterior color scheme of the buildings and all exteriors. and intelior color scheme of the colfJnon elements. and shalL be responsible for the maintenance thereof, and nounit owner shall paint an exterior wall, doolr ltindow, or any exterior surface, or replace anythinq thereon or affixeil thereto, without the written consent of the Management Firm,as long as the Management Agreement remains in effect, otherwise the Association. (h) The Association shall be resPonsible for the rnaintenance, lepair and replacement of the comron elements and alL portions of the Condorninium property not required, to be maintainedl, repaired, and,/or replaceal by the unit owner(s); however, saici lesponsibillty has been undertaken by the Management Firm, as J-ong as the Management Agreement re:nainsin ef,fect, as provideal in the Management Agreement authorizedhereunder. Notwithstandling the unit ownerts duty of maintenance, repair, replacement and the other responsibilities as to his cond.ominium unit, as is provided in this Declaration, the llanagement Firm, as long as the l4anagement Agreement renains in effect, otherwise the Association, may enter into an agreement with such firms or companj.es as it nay delermine to provide certain serviceql and,/or maintenance for and, on behaLf of the unit owne.rs an the Condomj.nlurn project whereby maintenance and service are provided on a regularly scheeluled basis for air-conditionin! maj.nt6nance and service and appurtenances thereto, €xterminating services anal other types of maintenance and services as said .llanagement Firm. or the Association, deems advisable anil for such perioil of time and on such basis as it determines - Said agreements shaLl- be on behalf of al-I unit owners and the nonthly assess-. ment due fron each unit owner for common expenses shall be increased by such sum as the Managetient Finn, o! the Association, d.eems fair and eguitabJ.e under the circumstances in relation to the ngnthly charge for said maintenance or service. Eachuni.t ownel shall be deemed a party to said agreement with the same force and effect as thouqh saiCl unit o!.rner had executed said agreement and it is understood. and agleed thatthe Managenent firm or the Association, sha1l execute said agreements as lhe agent for the unit owners. The afotesaid assessment shalI be deemed to be an assessment unde! theother provisj.ons ef this Declaration. -1I. votilq. There shall be one unit or.rner from each condomini.ufir unit who shall be entitl€d to vote at any meeting of the Association and. such unit owner shall be lnown (and. is hereinafter referred to) as a "voting t'lember". If a condominiurn unit is owned by more than one person, all of the unit owners of said unit shall designate one of them as the voling Member, or in the case of a Corporate Unit owner, an officer or employee thereof shall be the voting llenber. The desj,gnation of the votinq Member shall be nade as provided by and subject to the provisions and restrictions set forth in the Articles of Incorporation o! Bylaws of the Association. Each unit owner or group of unit otrners shall beentitled to the number of votes equal to the percentage of ownership in the corunon elements, applicable to his or their condomirrium unit, as set forth and specified in Exhibit "D"which is annexed to this Declaration and made a part hereof. The vot.e applicabJ.e to any condominium unit is not divisible. G-- . Notwithstanding the above, each unit owner of aiSO residential unit shall be entitied to a vote at meetingsof the Association and shal1 be enLirled to a proport.ional . vote for each Period of Use owned bv him within his tSOresidential unit or as provicted in ihc Declara[ion of Protcctive covenanLs and Time Shari-ng Agreement for his TSo residentialunit. A1I of the provisions of this paragraph 11 are subjectto the reservations of the Declarant in Paragra.ph 28(b) below. 12. Comrno n Expenses and Comnon Surplus.The corunon expenses of the Condominium project, including the obligation of each unit owner under the l4anagemenE Agreenent authorizedby thiB Declaration, shall be shared by ancl assessed to theunit orvners in proportion to their percentage of undivided ownership interest as specified and set forth belotr, and in Paraglaphs 6, 7 and 8 above. Each owner's share of common expenses and assessments sha11 be determined as specified above, regardless of the purchase prj.ce of his condominiurnunit or its Location. Cofinron expenses shall be considered in threecategories, and shall be prolated among the unit owners under each cateqory accoraling to the percentages set forth . in Exhibit 'D'r attach€d, These three categories are: General Common ExpensesR€sidential Conrmon Expenses Conunercial Conmon Expenses (a) ceneral Common Expenses shall be pforated. among aLL uni! owners as provialed in Paragraph 5 above which general conmon expenses shalL include r (l) n*p.na# to heat the general cormon eleme:rts. (2) Expenbes to light the general comnon eLements. (3) Buil-ding and liabiLity insurance expense. (4) Exterior landscaping and snor,, removal expense. (5) Repair, maintenance and cleaning of genelal conulon elements . (6) Security and fire alarm coscs. (7, Interior landscaping expense. (8) Repair, replacement and cleaning of general cofiunon elements , (9) Music system costs. (10) Accounting, legal and general office expense. (l]) Expense of managing the general- common elements. (b) ResidentiaL conmon expenses sha!.l be prorated amongthe residential unit owners as provided in Paragraph 7 above which corlmon expenses sha1l include: llaintenance' lepair, cleaning and replacement of the residential coronon €lements. TV cable service costs for residential uni.ts. Firewood supplied to residentj-al units- (1) l2l (3) b- EE Residential unit expenses for natural gas, waber, sewer and electricity (not indivictuatunit elecLricity) are to be allocaLecl asresidential common expenses accordinq tothe l4anagement. Agreerqent or as deter;incdby the Association. This allocaEion r,rus tbe according to estimates or actual figureson usage and ut.ilization by each residcntial uni t. The resi-dential units' share of the lrlanage- ment Fee which shall be according to the Managenent Agreerxent. This allocation mustbe accordj,ng to estimates or actual figureson usage and utilization by and for thebenefit of the resi.dential units. Base cost of telephone PBX system. Trash removal for residential units. (c) corunercial common elenents shall be charqed to theConhercj-a1 Unit offners as provided in paragraph 8 above which€xpenses sha1I include; Repair, naintenance, cleaning and replace- ments expense for the cornmercial lirnited co[unon elernen t s - Corutercial unit expenses for natural gas,$ater and sewer and electricity are to bealloeated as Conmercial cor,fion Expensesaccording to the l4anagement Agreernent or asdeterqjined by the Association. This a11oca-tion fr-ust be by each Commercial Unit accordingto'estlmates or actual- figures on usage andutiu.zation by each Conunercial Unit. The Commercial Unit's share of the Management Pee as charged by the Management Agent accord-ing to the Management Agreement. ThisallocaCion must be according to estimatesor actual figures on usage, utilization byand for the benefit of the eorflmercial Units. In the event there exists a colxlilon Surplus of theAssociation, it sha1l be ordned by each of the unit, owners inthe same propoltion as their percentage ownership interestin the coNnon elements as provided in Exhibit "Di' attached,hereto. Any conmon surplus being the excess of all receiptsof the Association from this condominium project, includingbut not limited to, assessments, rents, profits and revenuison account of the common elements ove! and above the amountof the colunon expenses of this condominium project. L3. M€intenance lee for Units Conmitted to TSO. Each ownero! a perrocl or perrods of Use in a TSO residential unit shall Dava "maintenance fee" which shall be prorated as provided in theparagraph irunediately following this paragraph. The Rainten3ncefee for each TSo unit shall include but shall not be linited tothe following: (a) General common expenses, as set forth in paragraph 12 (a) above. (b) Residential common expenses as seE forth inParagraph 12 (b) above. (4') (s) (b) (l) (2',) te? (c) Direct ezpenses, assessed to each TSO residenlialuhit as provided j.n Paragraph 15 below which shalt include, buLshall not be linited to. the followinc: (1) Real estate and 6.,ersonal property taxes. (21 Each TSO residential unit maintenance andref erb j,shment expenses. (3) funding for a reserve for furniture rePlacemen'-s. (d) Maintenance and upkeep for each TSO residentialunit for normal wear and tear (exanple - repainting of interior !'ral ls, seasonal cleaning). (e) Repalr and replacement for furniture, fixtures,appliances. carpeting and utensils. (f) casualty and/or liability insurance for each TSOresidential unit. ' (S) Utilities that are not part of (a) and (b) abovebut are allocated to each Tso residential unit. (h) Any other expenses incurred in the maintenance of TSO residential units wlrich cannotattributed to an indivitlual TSO residential unit operation ancl be directLyor unit owner. The maintenance fee shall be prorated arnong all.unit o$tners of Periods of Use in a specific TSO resialentialunit by applying the retatlve value iercentage assigned. tothe appLicable Period of Use as set forth in Exhibit A ofthe Anend,ed. Declaration of grotective Covenants and Ti$e-Sharing Agreement for vail tun Resort corununity to the totalof al1 such expenses appili_cable to his TSO residential- unit. 14. Maintenance Perioils of Use In TSO ResiClential Units. Upon conveying a Period o Use in any@the conveying party agrees to convey to and the Associationagrees to accept Pet:iods of Use, if Periodls of Use have not. been hereto previously so conveyed, to be used for l,laintenancePeriods as plovided for and designated in the tunended Declarationof Protective Covenants and Tine Sharing .Agleement. TheD€clarant shaLL have the r19ht to choose and designate the !.ta.intenance Periods to be so conveyed. In the event any onepelson, or other legal entity, becomes holder of recordtitle to al-1 Periods of Use in any one TSO residentlal unit,that person, or other legal entityr rna! cause the Associationto convey said Maintenance Period.s applicable to the said TSO residential unit by notifylng the Association, in writing,of its desire that said unit cease being a TSO residentialunit. The Association shaLl execute the necessary papers to complete said conveyance no later than thj-rty (30) daysafter notice. All expenses of said conveyance, including documentary fee and recording fees, shall be borne by thepelson, or other l€gaL entit,y, desiring such conveyance. 15. Assessments. The Association, through its Board the por"rerof Directors, has delegated to the Management 8i!mof the Association to fix and to provide for the corRrnon exPenses of the condominium property and such other sums asare specifically plovided for in this Declaration and. the By-Lar,rs of the Association, for such period of time asprovided in the ltanagement Agreement, other',rise the Associatj.on sha1l have the poeer. The Association, throughits Board of Directors, shall have the power to fix anddeternj-ne from Lime to time the sum or sums necessary andadequate to provide for the common expenses of the cond.oniniun h: B property and such other assessments as are sPecifically provided for in this Declaration h'here said pouer has not been or is no Longer delegated to the Managenent Pirm. Theprocedure for the detexmination of all sucb assessments shaLL 'be as set forth in the By-laws of the Association and thisDeclaration. Any expenses which can be directly charged to a condominium unit, such as long-distance telephone calls,shall be dilectly charged against the condominium un.i tdirectly attributable for such charge. The conEnon expensesshall be assessed agaj,nst each condonrinium unit or.rner asprovided for in this Declaration in Paragraphs 6.7, 8, L2and 13. Exc€pt as set forth hereinabove, each unit owner ofa cond.omj.nium unit shall pay his pro rata share of the common expenses. Such proration shall be rnade on the basisof the unit owners' respective undivided interests in the conmon e1€ments on the date such conmon expense is incurred, except insofar.as any rnanagenent fee j.s clrarged directly to each unit owner pursuant to Paragraph 13 hereoft provided, however, that if Declarant shall hereafter subject AilditionalPloperty to this Deelarat.ion as provided herein, then uponrecording of such Supplemental DecLaration and Supplemental Condominium Map, the pro rata share of ihe ionnon expenses,as expanded to include the AalditlonaL Propelty, of each unitowner of a condominium unit subject to this Decl-arationprior to such record.ing shal1 be the percentage undividecl ownership interest of such unit owner in the common elementssubject to this Declaratlon prior to such lecording multipli-ed .by a fraction the numerator of r.rhich is the total number ofsquare feet ln all co Enercial units and residentj.al unitssubject to this Declaration pllor to such recording, anal the denominator of !^rhich is the numelator plus the total nunberof sguare feet in all cornmerci.al units and. residentiaL unitson the Additional Propertyf The pro rata share of such cornmon expenses of eacll unit owner of a condoniniurn unit onthe Additional Property- shall be the pelcentage undivid.ed ovrnership interest of such unit owne! j.n the cormon el.ementson the Additional Property, multiplied by a f,raction the nunerator of rrhich is the total nunrber of square feet in all cornrnercial uni.ts and. residential units on the Additional-Property, and the denominator of which is the numerator plus the total number of square feet in al-L commerciaL units andresidential units subject to this Declaration prior to suchrecording. Tbe Bylarrs of the Association shall empower its board of directors to fix, d.etermine, levy and collectmonthly and speciaL assessments to be paid by the unit osrners to meet the corunon expenses and to create a contingencyleserve therefor. The Bylaws sha11 also establish the procedures by which the assessments shaIl be made kno$n to and paid by the unit owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Managernent Firm, otherfirise the Association, may assess unitowners as provided in the Condominium Declaration based upon budgeted common expenses subject to adjusu[tents to the actual conmon expense as soon as they becone known at the close of theAssociation's fiscal year. An action may be brought by the Associati-on to recover unpaid conmon expenses from the unit owner liab1e for palment theleof, with or wiLhout forecJ-osingor waiving the lien described in the following paragraph. All surns assessed but unpaid for the share of cornmon expenses and management fees assessed. to any cond.o- :ninium uni,t shalL constitute a. lien on such unit. and uponaJ.I tangible personal property located therein in favor ofthe Association prior to all other liens and encumbrances,except: (i) liens for taxes and speciaL assessmentsi and(ii) the lien of any first morcgage or first deed of trustof record encunbering such condominium uniE. The A,ssociationrslien shall attach from the date when the unpaid assessmentshall become due and may be foreclosed by the Associ.atj.on inlike manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recordingof a notice or claim thereof execuEed bv the Associati.on e hF setting forth the al[oun t. of the unpaid indebtedness. the flame of the unit owner of, the condominium unit, and adescription of the contlominium unit. In any such foreclosure the unit ovmer shall be required to pay the costs and expensesof such proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. During the period of foreclosure the unit owner of the condominiun uni! subject to such action sha1l be requlred to pay a reasonable rental to the Association. the Associationshall be enfitled to purchase the condoniniuo unj-t at che foreclosure sale. and to acquire, hold, fease, nortgage or convey the same. In the case of a lien against a uni-t owner of Periods of Use in a Tso residential unit said lien shall be limited to the Periods of Use ovrned by said unit owner and shall not encumber the property, real or personal. of any other unit owner of Perioals of Use in the said TsO residential unit. where. an Institutional ltortgagee having a first lien of record, or other purchase! of a condoninium unit, obtains litle to a condominiurn unit as a result of foreclosure of the first lien, or erhen an Institutional l4ortgagee with the first lien of record accepts a Deed to said condominium unit in lieu of, foreclosure, sueh acquiror of title, its successors and assigns, shal} not be liable for the sharesof common expenEes or assessment by the !4anagenent Firm orthe Associatj-on pertaining to such Condominiunr parcel, or chargeabl-e to the fornef unit ovner of such parcel, which became due prior to acquisition of title as a resuLt of the forecl"osure or the acceptance of such Deed in lieu of fore- closure- such unpaid share of conmon expenses o! assessments sha1l be deemed to be conunon expenses colLectible from all of the unit owners, incluiling such acquiror, his sugeessors and assigns. t Any person vtho acquires an interest in a condominiu:rL unit, except through foreclosure of an lnstitutional I'iottgageet s fj"rst li€n of record, or by vj.rtue of an Institutional !4ortgagee with a first lien accepting a Deed to a condoniniurn unit in lieu of foreclosure, as specifically provided hereinabove including,without limitation, persons acquiring title by operation of law, includ.ing purchasers of judlcial sales, shall not be entitled to occupancy of the unit or enjoyment of the eommon elements untiL such time as all unpaid assessments due and owing by the former unit owners have been paid. No unit owner strall exempt hiflself from liabilityfor payment of his shale of the comnon expenses and maintenance fees by waiver of the use or enjol'nent of any of the coflunon elements, by abandonment of his condominium uni.t, or by operation of any provisioB heleof. Upon written request of any unit otfier, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a condominiun unit. the Association sha11 lssue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid conlnon expenses, if any, with lespect to such condominium unit, the amount of thecurrent tnonthly assessmene, the date on which such assessment became or shall becone due and the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses. Such statement, for r'rhich a reasonabLe fee may be charged, is binding upon the Association in favor of anyperson who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such staLement shall be complied with lrithin fifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid connon expenses which became due prior to the date of making such request shal1 be subordinate to the lien or olher intelesc of Ehe person requesting such statement. Any party in favor of whom a lien on a condoniniumuniL has been created rnay bu! shall not be required to pay any unpaid comrnon expense with respect to such uniL, and upon such - zu- a payment such parLy shalL have a Lien on such condoninium uniL for the amounL so paid of the same rank as the lien therctofore €xis ting . In Lhe event the ownershj-p of a condomini-un unit. title to which is derived from Declarant, commences on a dayother than the first day of the assessment pexiod. the asscss- ment for that period shall be Prorated. 1,5. Use_ and occupancy. (a) Residential Units. The unit oltner of a residentj.al unit shall occupy and use his unit as a singie famj-ly, private dwelling for himself, rnernbers of his famiLyrinvitees and his social guests and for no other purpose. Such occupancy and use by any unit ovrner shal1 be in such a nanner as not to disturb, harass or otherwise interfere with the peaceful aid quiet enjoyment of other unj-t owners' occupancy and use of their condominium units. Unit owners of TSO residentiaL units shalL occupy and use their units during their periods of use only pursuant to the terms of' aLI of Lhe. condominium d,ocuments and sha1l in no r,ray or manner interfere with other unit ownets' rights of occupancy and use during their Periods of Use of that TsO residential uni.t or interfere r,rith rights of the Association d.uring maintenance periods. (b) commercial Units. CotrEnercial units are intended and restricted as to use, and shal1 be used. only, for the purposes which are consistent with and appropriate to the design of the conalominium property and for which adequate facilities exist. In addition to and. viLhout liroitation of the foregoing: t (1) No -uqit oroner of a commercial uni.t shall do, or suffer or permit-'to be done, anything Ln ox on any commercial unit which would impair the soundness or safety of the condominium project or whieh $ou1d increase the rate or resul.t in the cancellation of insurance aPPlicable to the cond.ominir:rn property, or which $/ould. be noxious or offensive or an interference vrith the peaceful possession and proper use of other condominiun units, or which would requixe any alteration of or addition to any of the conrnon elements to be in compl-iance with any applicable law or regulation, or which woulal otllervrise be in violation of 1aw. (21 No unit owner of a comrnercial unit shall permit his business invitees to use any space nhich has not been alesignateal on the Conilominiurn I'lap as a conrmerciaL uni! or that portion of the conmercial linited common elements use of whi.ch is leasonable necessary for ingress, egress and use of the comrnercial units. (3) Declarant or its successors and assigns of its interests in the connercial units specifically reserve the right to lease the commercial units anil aLl lessees, their successors and assigns shall be governed by the terms and provisions of the condominiurn documents. (c) ceneral provisions Applicable to AIl Co[doninium Units: (l) r'torwi rhstandirg the foregoing, nothing in this Declaration shal1 be construed Eo restrict the Declarant, or any successor in interest of the Declarant, from seJ.li-ng and/or conveying any residential uniE under a plan of TSO, or any person, group of persons, corporalion, Partnership,or other entity, from sellj.ng, reconveying, or in any other way, transferring same, at any time under said plan of TsO. -2r- t-r ' (2) The unit ovner shall not permit. or suffer'anything to be done or kept in his condominium uniE which . will increase the rate of i.nsurance in the condominiusrpxoperty, or which rril1 obstruct o! inLerfere with tt:,eright.s of other unit owners, or annoy them by unreasonablcnoises, or otherwise. nor shall che unit owners commit. orpermit any nuisance. immoral or illegal acts in or abui the condoniniun property, (3) No animals or pets of any kind shall bekept in any cond.ominium uni! or on the condoninium properey except vrj.th the written consent of and, subject to the Pules anal Regulat.ions adopEed by the Management Pirm for the keeping of said peLs as long as the Alanagement Agreement remains in effect, otherwise by the Association. (4) No residential unit owners shall cause anything to be affixed or attached to, hung, clisplayed orplaced. on the exterior wal1s, doors or windows of the condominium units or the common .elements, nor shaLL tbey cause any type of ground. coverage to be installed. nor sha1lthey groe, any type of plant, shrubbery, flower, vine orgrass outsid.e their residential unit, nor shaIl they cause awnings or storm shutters, screens. enclosures and the f.iketo be affixed or attacbed to any residential- unit, resi-dential- litnited conmon elements, corunercial common limited elernents, or general colunon e]-ementsi nor shalL they place any furniture or equipment outside their residential unit except erith the prior lrritten consent of the llanagernentFi!m, as long as the i4anagement Agreement remains in effect, otherwise by the Association, and subsequentLy, r"rhen approved,subject !o the Rules and Regulations adopteal by the Hanagement Firm or Board of Directors/of the Association. No clothesline or similar device shaLl be allowed on any portion. ofthe condominium ploperty,.nor shall clothes be hung an)4Jhele except where designated" by the l,tanagement Firm, as long asthe ltlaragement AgreeRent remains in effect, othervrise by theAssociation. The resid.ential unit ol.rner may not screen inor enclose any exterior patio which abuts his residential-unit, whele applicable, nor may the lesidential unit orrners screen in or enclose any exterio! aleck and/or balcony ?Jhich abuts hj.s residential unit where applicable, with any type of materj"al without the prior lrritten consent of the ManagementFirm, or the Association. (5) No person shall use the coruton eleBrentsor any part thereof, o! a condominlum unit. ox the cond.orqiniunproPerty, ot any part thereof, in any manner eontrary to ornot in accordance with such Rules and Regulations pertaining thereto, as from tj.me to time promulgat€d by the ManagerientFirm, as long as the l{anagement Agreement renains in effect,othenrise by the Association. (al) Private club Membership. Tbose areas deslgnatedas "Commercial units" on the Condominium llap are units the ownership of which are herein specifically reserved tofr€clarant, its successors and assigns. It is anticipat€dthat a portion of the commercial units and exclusive commercialli.nited cornmon elernenCs shall be controlled and governed as aprivate :nenbership club anil nerubership therein and, the duties,liabi.lities and obligations conferred by membership shall bestrictly governed by the rules and regulations of said cluband the condoninium documents. Men$ership in this private club shall not. be restricted to unit owners of condominiumuniLs aE the Vai.l Run Complext provided however, that €veryinitial unil or"rner of a resident.ial unlt sha11 be entitled, uponrequest, to a limited assignable menbership in the sai.d privateclub withou! an initiation fee which membership enLiE.les thesaid resj-dential unit otrner, his farnily and socj.al guests to er u'se.aLi. the facilities of the privaEe club. pursuanE to its fules and regulations which shall include an assessmenL ofperjodic dues and fees for use of the club facilities. Assion-ment of such membership sha11 be limibed and, restriceed to sich'unit ownerrs successor in oernership of his condominium unitbut. such menbershj-p shal1 be effective only duri.ng a unit.o!'rner's right to use his residential unit, A11 unit orrnerssirall have a right to membership in tile club but such rnembershj.pshail be of the same type or class of menbership offered tothe general publj-c for an initiation fee as designatecl bythe rules and. legulations of the Club. The Decl;rant, itssuccessors and assigns have the right, as any other commercialun.r"t oifier, to the general common elements and comnrerciallimited colunon elements, which right sl:all also appty to.all menlbers of the said private c],ub, their farnilj-es and. sociaLguests r4rho are not unit Ovrners to use the Club facilities asbusiness invitees of the Declarant, its successors andassigns. L7- Insurance Provi-sions. A. Liability Insurance, The l,lanagement Pirm, as long as the ManagementAgreement remains in effect, otherlrise the Association,shall obtain Public LiabLity and Propef,ty Damage Insurancecovering all of the cotnmon elements and alL other property,including personal propelty, of the condominiun project andhsuring the Association, the unit orn'ners and the l4anagementFirm as long as the Management Agreement remains in effect,as its and their interests appear, in such amounts andproviding such coverage as the Managernent Firm, as long asthe Management Agreement remains in effect and, othelwisethe Association, may aletermine from time to time. premiums for the payments of such irdt:rance shall be paid by theAssociation, and such p-re$iuns sball be charged as a common exPense. B. Casualty Insurance. (1) Purchase of Insurance. The Management Firm,as Long as the Management Agreement rerirains in effect, otherwisethe Association, shalL obtain fj-re and extenaled coverageinsurance and vandaj"ism and malicious mischief insuranee,insuring all of the insurable improvenrents rvithin the condo- minium property includi.ng personal property ovrned by theAssociatj-on, or included in the common elements, in and forthe interests of the Association, al1 unit orrners and theirmortJagees, as their interest may appear, with an insuroracceptable to the standards set by the Management Firm. as J.ong as the Management Agteement xemains in effect, othenviseby the Association, in an amount equal to the rnaximum insurancereplacemenb value of the personal propefty owned by theAssociation or incLuded in the conunon el-ements, as determinedannually by the Management Firm. as long as the l'lanagement Agreement remains in effect, otherwise by the Association.The premiums for such coverage and other expenses in connectionwith said insurance shall be paid by the Management Firm, asLong as the llaflagement Agteement remains in effect, otherwiseby the Association, and sha1l be charged as a conunon expense. Institutional l.tortgagees owning and hoLdingfirst liens encumbering Condominiurn units in the Cond,ominiumproperty having an aggregale unpaid dollar indebrednessequal to S100,000.00 or more shall have the righc to approvethe policies and the company or companies !,rho are the insurorsunder the insurance placed by the Management Pirm or by theAssociation, as herein provided, and the amount thereof, andthe further right to approve the Insurance Trustee. In theabsence of the action of said l.1or!ga9ees, then the Management b -23- IEE b Firm. as long as the l4anagement Agreement renains in effect. .otherwise the Associatj-on, shal-1 have said right without .. qudl ification. (2) Loss Payable Provisions - lnsurance Trustce.ALI policies purchased by Ehe lvlanagement Firn, or by theAssocietion, shaLL be for the benefit of ani made payablc Eothe Association and all unit ovrners, and their mort.gagr..jes,as their interests may appear. Such Policies sha1l bedeposited with the Insurance Truslee (as hereiaafter defined), who rnust first acknowledge thaL the Policies and any proceedsthereof will be held in accordance with the terms hereof,Said Policies shalI provj.de that all insurance proceeds payable on account of loss or damage sha1l be payable to theInsurance Trustee, shich nay be the l{anagemen"! Firrn, the Board of Directors of the Assocj-ation or any bank in Coloradot ith trust powers or any other qualified person or entity as may be approved by the Management Firm, as Long as the Management Agreement remains in effect, otherrise by the Associa-tion, which tlusLee i.s herein referred to as the "InsuranceTrusteert. Mortgagee Endorsements shall be issued, as to saidPoLicies. A11 Institutional .tlortgagees who own and hold aFirst Lien on a Condominiun unit shall have a rlght torecej.ve a certifieal copy of the Insurance Policy(s) which , are obtai;ed pursuant to tfris Paragraph 17 an<i the partyresponsible for obtaining said policy(s) sha11 cause certifiedcopies of said Policy(s) to be delivered to such Institutional. Mortgagees with first l-iens inunediately upon written requestby said t4ortgagee(s). The Insulance Trustee shalt not beliabl€ for the paynent of premiurns nor for the renewal orthe sufficiency of policies, nor fo! the failure to coIlect.any insurance proceeds, nor for the form or content of thepolicies. The sole duty of the Insurance lrustee shall beto recej.ve such proceeds I/' are paid and hold the same intrust for the purposes elsewhere stated herein, anil for thebenefit of the Associatign and the unit orvners and theirrespective mortgagees li the follorring shares, but suchshares need not be set forth upon the records of the InsuranceTrustee: (a) Co[uron Elements. Each unit owner ofa condominiun unit sha11 have an undivided share of the proceedson account of damage to collJlton e].ements, such share beingthe same as the undivided share in the conmon elementsappurtenant to his unit on the date the damage to the corunon elements occurred. (b) Condominiun Units. Proceeals on accoun!of destruction or damage to condomirium units shall be in thefollowing undivided shares: (i) Partial Destructlon - when condoniniu.rrunits are to be repaj.red and restored for the unit ownersof darnaged condominium units, such repair and restorationshall be in proportion to the cost of repairing andrestoration of the damage suffered by each unit ovneras his damage xelates to the total damage to the condo- rnini-um units. (ii) Total Destruction of implovenentsupon condominium propelty, or where "very substantial,' damage occurs and the improvements upon the Condominiumproperty are noE. to be lestored, as provided hereinafterfor the unit owners of al1 condominium units - each unitownerrs share shall. be in proportion to his share j.n the common elements appurlenant to his condoninium unit. (c) Mortgagees. In the event a llortgagee Endo.rsemen! has been issued as to a condominiun unit, theshare of the unit owner shall be held in trust for themorEgagee and the unit osners as their interests may appear, -24- a b .provided, however, that. no mortgagee shall have any riEhu todeLernine or participate in the determination as Lo whetheror not any damaged property shall be reconstructed or repaired. (3) Distribution of Proceeds. Proceeds ofInsurance Policies received by the Insurance TrusLee shall bcdistributed to or for the benefit of the beneficial o?rncrs, and expended or disbursed afger first paying or nakinq provisionfor the payment of the expenses of the Insurance Trustee in thefollowing manner: (a) Peconstruction or iepair. If the damage for r.rhich the proceeds were paid is to be repaired orrestored, Lhe remaining proceeds shall be paid to defray thecost thereof, as eJ.sewhere provided. Any proceeds renainingafter d.efraying such costs shalf be distributed to the beneficial owners - all remittances to unit owners and their mortgagees bel.ng payable jointly to then. This is a convenant for thebenefit of any mortgagee of a condominiun unit and. may be enforced by said mortgagee. Said remittances shall be rnadesoleLy to an Institutional Mortgagee with a fixst lien when requested by such fnstitutional Mortgagee whose mortgageprovides that it has the right to require application of theinsurance proceeds to the pal.ment or reduction of itsnortgage debt. (b) Failure to Reconstruct or Repair.If it is aleteflnined in the manner elsewhere provided thatthe damage for which the proceeals are paid shall not belepaired and restored, the ploceeds shall be disbursed. tothe beneficial ownersi remittances to unit owners and their mortqiagees being payable jointly to them. this is a covenantfor the benefit of any mortgagee of a unit and may be enforcedby such mortgagee- Said laittances shall be made solely toan Instj-tutional Mortgagee with a first lien whose nortgageplovides that it has the_right to require application of theinsurance proceeds to dhb payment of its mortgage debt. Inthe event of loss or damage to personal property belongingto the Association, and shoulcl the Board of Directors of theAssociation determine not to replace such personal property as may be lost or damaged, the proceeds shall be disbursedto the beneficial owners as conmon surpLus, j-n the mannerstated in Paragraph 12 above. (c) certificate. rn rnaklng distributionto unit owners and. their mortgageesr the Insurance Trustee mayrely upon a Certificate of Management l.irm, as long as the Management Agreement remains in effect, otherfise theAssociation, as to the narnes of the unit owners and their respectj.ve shares of the distribution, approved in writing byan Attorney authorized. to practice 1aw in the State of Colorado, or a Title Insurance Company or Abstracl Company authorized. to do business in the State of Colorado. Upon request of the Insurance Trustee, the !,lanagement Firm, orthe Association, forthwith shall deliver such Certificate. (4) loss Within a SingLe Condominium Unit.If loss shaLl occur within a single condominium unit orunits, $rithout damage to the conunon elements and,/or theparty lralI beLween the condominiun units, the provisions of Paragraph 5 innediately below shall apply. (5) Loss Less than "very substantial": I.lherea loss or damage occurs within a condominium unit or units, or to the common elements, or to any condominium unit orunits and the corrunon elements, but said loss is less than "very substantiaL". (as hereinafter defined) iL shall be obl.igaLory upon the Association and the unit ovner(s) torepair, restore and rebuild the damage caused by said Loss. where such loss or damage is less than "very substantiaL" - -aJ- a (a) The t4anagement Firm, as lang as the l'lanaqement Agxeement remains in effect, othererise theAssbcj"ation, shall promptly obtain reliable anC deLailed- estimates of the cost of repairing and restoration. (b) If the damage or loss is limiied Lothe conmon elements with no, or minimum, damage or Loss to anyindividual units and if such damage or loss to ehe cor-x.nc nelements is less than $3,000,00, the insurance proceeds sha11be endorsed by the Insulance Trustee over to the ManagementFirm, as long as the l,lanagement Agreement remains in effect,otheririse to the Association, and lhe Manageme;lt Firm, orthe Association, sha11 promptly conLract for the repair and restoxation of the damage. (c) If the danage or loss involvesindividual units encumbered by an fnstj.tutional Mortgageewith a first lien, as wel] as the common elements. or if the damage is limited to the comrnon elements alone, but it is in excess of $3,000.00. the insurance proceeds shall be disbursedby the Insurance Trustee for the repaj.r and restoration ofthe property upon the written direclion and. approval of the Iilanagenent Firm, aB long as the Management Agreement rernainsin effectr otherwise the Association, provided, however,that upon the reguest of an Institutional Mortgagee with thefirst l-ien, the h'ritten approvaL shall also be required ofthe said Institutional Mortgagee (s) owni-ng and holding firstmortgages encumbering Condominium units in this condoniniumproject where the unpaid balances due on said nortgages tosaid Institutional- l4ortgagees are equal to $100,000.00 ortnore. Should written approval be requ.j-red, as aforesaid, itshall be said ltortgagees t iluty to give written noticethereof to the Insurance Trustee. The Insurance Trustee trlayre).y upon the Certificate J>f the Management Firm, as long asthe Management Agreement remains in effect, otherwise theAssociation, and the aforesaid Institutional llortgagees'rtritten approval, if sa-id Institutional Mortgageei' approvalare required, as to the payee and the amount to be paid from said. proceeds. AlL payees sha1l deliver paid bills andwaivers of dechanic's liens to the Insurance Trustee, and execute any Affidavit required by 1aw or by the trranagementFirm, as long as the llanagement Agreement remains in elfect,otherwise'the Associat.ion, the aforesaid Institutional Mortgagees and the Insurance Trustee, and deliver same tothe Insurance Trustee, In adalition, to the foregoing, theInstitutional Mortgaqees vrith a first lien whose apploval may be required, as a foredescribeil, shall have the right torequj.re the Management Firm, or the Association, to obtain a Completion. Performance and Palmtent Bond, in such form and amount, and .['rith a Bonding Company authori?ed to d,o businessin the State of Colorado, as are acceptabl.e to the Baid llortgagees. (d) gubject to the foregoing, rhe Management !irm, as long as the Management Agreement remainsin effect, otherwise the Association, shall have the right and obli-gation to negotiate and contract for the repair andrestoration of the condominium property. ' (e) If the net proceeds of the insuranceare insufficient to pay for the estimated cost of restorationand repair (or for the actual costs thereof if the woxk hasactually been done), the l.lanagehent Fj-!m, as long as the l.lanagement Agreement remains in effect, otherwise the Association,sha1l promptly, upon determination of the deficiency, levy aspecial assessment against all unit owners in proportion tothe unit owner's share in the connlon elements, for that' portionof the deficiency as is attributabte to t.he cost of restorationof the corunon elemenEs, and against the indiviCual. orvners forthat portion of the deficiency as is aCtributable to his individual - 26 - te? h: .unitt provided. hovever, that if the ManagemenL pirm, as long as . the Management Agreement remains in effeci, otherwise lheAssociation, finds that it cannot delermine vrith reasonablecertainty the portion of the deficiency attributable to asPecific individual damaged unir(s). then the l4anagementFirm' as long as the l4anagement Agreernent renains in effect,otherwise the Association, shall 1c./y an assessnent for thetotal deficiency against all of the unit or.rners in proporrionto the unit ownersr share in the cor,Lrnon elements, iust asthough all of said damage bad occurred in the colnmon elemenEs-The special assessment funds shal.I be delivered by the Managenent Firrn, or the Association, to the insurance Trustee, and added by saj-d Insurance TrusLee to the proceeds availablefor the repair and restoration of the property. (f) No mortgagee shall have the ri.ght torequire the application of insurance proceeds to the palmentof its loan. (6) "Very SubstanLial" Damage: As used inthis Declaration, or ahy other context dealing with this condominiurn project, the term, "very substantial" alamage,shall mean loss or damage h'hereby thxee-foulths (3,/4ths) or more of the total condorniniurn unit in the condoninium projectis fend.ered. untenantabLe, or loss or damage whereby seventy-five percent (758) or rnore of the total amount of insurance coverage becomes payabLe. Shoulal such I'very substantial" damage occur, then: (a) The Management Firm, as long as the Management Agreement remains in effect, otherwise the Associationshall promptly obtain reliable and detailed estimates of thecost of repair and restoration thereof. -(b) The l,lanagement Firm, as long as the l4anagement Agreement rEma-ins in effect. otherwise the Association,shall ascextain as pronltly as possible the net arnount ofingurance proceeds available for restoxation and repalr. Nomortgagee shal1 have the right to lequire the appl.icatj-on ofinsurance proceeds to the pa:qnent of its loan. (c) Thereupon, a mernbership meeting shall be called by the Management Firm or by the .Association, tobe held not later then thirty (30) days after the casualty.to d.eternine the wishes of the membership rrith reference tothe termination of tbe condominium project, subject to thefollowing: (i) If the net insurance proceeds available for restoration and repair are sufficient tocover the cost thereof, so that no specj-al assessmentis required, then the condominiun property shaLl berestored and. repaired, unless two-thirals lz/3xds, otthe total votes of the members of the Association shal1vote to termj.nate this condominium project, in whlchcase the condominlum property shall be removed fromthe provisions of the law by the recording of an instrumentterminating this condominium project in the public Records of the Countv in which this cond.oni.niurproject is located, ;hich said instrument shatl furtherset forth Ehe facts effecting the termination, certifiedby the Association and. executed by j-ts president andSecret.ary. The termination of the condominium projectshall become effective upon the lecording of saidinstrument, and the unit owners shaLl thereupon becorne oerners as tenarls .in common in lhe condorniniun property, and t'hei! undlvided interests in the condominium propertyshall be the same as their undivi.ded interests in the common elements of this condominiu.n prior to its cermi-na- te- ' tion, and. the mortgages and liens upon condominiurn , units shall become mortgages and liens upon the undivided, interest of such tenants in common, with the same' priority as existed prior to the termination of the. condominiurn proj ect. (ii) If the net insurance proceedsavailable for restoration and repair are not sufficicntto cover the costs thereof, so that a special asscssmcntwill be required, and if a majority of the total voLes of ttre menbers of the Association shall vote against such special assessment and to terminaLe ihis condoniniunproject, then it shall be so terminated and the condominiumproperty removed fron the provi.sions of the 1aw as setforth above, and the unit owners shaLl be tenants in common in the condoninium property in such undivided interests anil all mortgages and liens upon the condominiumunits shaLt encumber the undivi.ded. interests of such tenants in comnon, as is provided above. In the event a majority of the total votes of the members of tfreAssociation vote in favor of special assessments, the Managetnent Firm, as Long as the Management Agreement rernains in effect, otfrerwise the Association, shalljmediately Len/ such assessment and, thereupon the Managemeht Firm, as long as the llanagement Agleement renains in effect, otherwise the Association, shallproceed to negotiate and contract for such repairs andrestoration. subject to the provisions sei forth hereinabove. The special assessment funas shaIl be delivereal .: by the Management Firm or by the Association, to theInsurance Trustee and aild,ed by said Trustee to th€ Proceeds available for the restoration an<i repair of the Condominj-un property. The proceeds sha1l be disbursed by the Insurance Trustee for the repair andrestoration of the prEErtyr ds provided above. (d)' In the event any dispute shall arise as to whether or not "v€iy substantial" dlanrage has occurr€d., itis agreedl that such a finding made by the llanagement firm, aslong as the !,lanagement Agreement remains in effect, otherwiseby the Association, shalt be biniling upon all unit owners. (71 Surplus. It shaLl be presuned that the first monj.es disbursed j.n payment of costs of repair and restorationshal.l be from the insurance proceedsi and if there is a balancein the funds held by the Insuranee Trustee after the pa)ment of costs and the repair antl restoration, such balance sha1l bedistributed to the beneticial owners of the fund in the manner else$rhere plovided herein. (8) Certificate. The Insurance TrusLee may rely upon a Certificate of the Management !irn, as long as the Management Agleement rernains in effect, otherwise the Association,certifying as to whether or not the damaged condominiumploperty is to be repaired and restor€d. Upon request ofthe Insurance frustee, the Managenent Firn, or the Associalionshall forthr,rith deliver such Cerlificate. (9) P1ans and Specif ica t.ions . Any lepair and restoration must be substantially in accordance with thePlans and Specifications for the original building, or asthe building lras last constructed, or according to the plans approved by the Management Firn and the Board of Directors of the Association, whj.ch approval shali. not be unreasonablywithheld. If any material or substantial change is contemplated.. the approval of all Instituliona1 lllortgagees wi'.h a firstLien upon any part of the condominium propelty shall al.so berequired. (10) Association's Power to compromise Clairn: The Management Firm, as long as the llanagement Agreement remains EG j.n effect, olherwise, the Associat.ion, js hereb7 irrevocably appoi.nted Agent for each unit owner, for the f,urposes ofbompromising and settling clains arising under Insurance . Policies purchased by the Managemen t Firn or bZ the Association,and to execute and deliver releases thcrefor, u_oon thepayment of claims. (ff) Institutional }tortgagee's Righi- io AdvancePremiums. Shoul,d the Association fall to pay such premituns rehen due, or should the Association fail to co:-.rly with otherinsurance reguirements of the InstitutionaL Mar-,gagee holclinqthe greatest ilollar volume of condominiun unit nortgages,said InstitutionaL Mortgagee(s) shal1 have the right, at itsoption, to order insurance policies and to adr,rance such sunsas are requireal to maintain or procure such insurance, and.to the extent of the money so advanced, said r.ortgagee shal1be subrogated to the assessment anil Lien rights of theAssociation as against the individual unit owners for thepaynent of such item of connon expense- of law. Workmen's Compensation PoLicy to meet the requiremen ts b D. Such other insurance as the Management Firm, as longas the llanagement Agreement remains in effect, otherwise theAssociation, shalL d.etemine from time to time to be desirabl-e.The Management Firm, as long as the l4anagement Agreementremains in effect. othererise the Association, nay obtaininsurance policies as provided under this paragraph $rhichcontain such deductible clauses and anounts as the Managementllrm or the Association d.etermines. E. Each individual unit owner shal.l be responsible forpurchasing, at his ow:r expgFse, liability insutance to cove!accid.ents occurring lrithinThis own unit, and for purchasinginsurance upon his own ?€rsonal property. F. If available, and where applicable, ihe ManagementFilm or the Association, shal,l endeavor to obtain policies which provide that the Insurer waives its rigbt of subrogationas to any claims against unit owners, the As;ocj.ation, tieirrespective servants, agents and guests, anil the ManagenrentFirm- Insurance CorRpanies authorized to do business in theState of Colorado sha11 be affirrnatively presur:ed to be good, and responsible companies and the Management Firm andl theAssociation sha11 not be responsible for the quality orfinancial responsibiJ,ity of the insurance companies provided, same are licensed to do business in the State of Colorado, G. Insurance on TSO Residential units. The llanagementFirm. as long as the &lanagement Agreement remains in effect,othenrise the Association, shal-1 obtain ca6ual-,y and liabilj.tyinsurance, ds needed, on all TSO residential units. Eachsuch policy shal1 reflect the respective interests of theManagement firm, the Associati.onr and all unit owners ofpeliods of use in each such TSO residential un1i. Casualtyinsurance shall be in an amount equal to the maximurn insuriblereplacement value of the TSO residentiaL unj-t and the personalproperty therein without deduction for depreciation asdetermined annually by the Uanagement Firm, as long as theManagement Agreement remains in effect, other$ise by theAssocj-ation. The premiums sha1l be a parb of the MtintenanceFee. AII losses thereunder shal1 be payable to the InsuranceTrustee in accordance with this paragraph lZ, A11 suchproceeds shall be used for the purpose of repa!-r or repLacemen!of any loss, or in the event such loss is not io be repairedor replaced, as determined elsewhere, !o be divided amongall unit owners of periods of use in such TSO residentiai. unit inaccordance with their percentages in the remai.nder interest.Any deficit or overage in such proceeds, after repaj.r or -29- 1=r h: repl.icement, shall be divided equally among all such ownersof periods of use in thae TSO residential unit, Deficitsshall be treated as part of the maintenance fee nexL due. H, Notr^ri Lhs Landing any of the provisions of thisParagraph 17, the l"lanagement Firm, as long as the t4anagenent Agreenent remains in effect, othervJise thc AssociaLion, sha11obtain any and all- oeher insurance which it dcens neces3aryj.n its discretion to protect the condominj.um projecE and thecost of such insurance shaLl be assessed to the unit olrnersas provj-ded in the Condorninium Documents. 18. Appointnent of Atlorney-in-Fact. Each unit ovher by his accePtance of the deed or other conveyance vestinq inhim an interest in a condorninium unit does irrevocablyconstitute andl appoint (a) the Association with full powerof substitutlon as his true and lavrful attolney in his name,place and stead, to deal wi.th such interest upon damage to ordestruction, obsolescense. or condernnation of any buildingor real property as provideil herein, and (b) the Declarant.eo long as he retaj-ns an ownership interest in the Premisesor improvements thereon, with futl poh'er of substitution ashis true and lawful attorney in his narne, place and slead to aleal with such interest in order to effectuate the reservationcontained herej.n, each with full po!"rer, right and authorizationto execute, acknowledge and deliver any contract, deed orother instrunent affecting the interest of such unit owner and to take any such action which the Assocj.ation or Declarant may consider necessary or aalvisable to give effect to theplovisj.ons ot this Declaration. If requested to do so bythe Association or Declarant, each unit owner shall execute and deliver a written instrument confirming such appointment. 19. Obsolescence. / (a) ff at ariy -time the unit owners of 85? or noreof the common elements appultenant to condominium units inthe building covered by this Decl"aration and all firstlienors with intelests in such building shal-l agree that such buildlng has become obsolete and shal1 approve a plan for its renovation or restoration, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the ownels with interests in suchbuilding) 6ha11 pxomptly cause such renovation and. restorat.ionto be made according to such p1an. AlL unit or.;ners rri thinteres! in such building shal1 be bound by the lerms of such plan, andl the costs of the work shall be an expense of such unit owners only and shall- be assessed and paid by suchunit orvners in the propoltions of their respective interestsin conmon elements appurtenant to their respectlve condor.riniumunits in suct) building. No unit ovrner of a condominium unitin any other building other than the building being renovatedor restored shall be required to pay any of the costs of such renovation or restoration on account of such ownership. ' (b) If at any time the owners of 859 or mole ofthe conunon elements (including common elements on any AdditionalProperty). and all first lienors shal-l agree that any of theimprovements constituting the comnon elenents have becomeobsolete and shall approve a plan for thei! renovation anilrestoration, the Association (as attorney- in- fac t for theunit owners ) shal1 Promptly cause such renovatiOn to be madeaccording to such plan. AlL unit owners shall be bound bythe terms of such plan, and the costs of the work sha1l be a common expense, to be assessed and paid as provided herein- above . (c) If at any ti.me the owners of 853 of the commoneler1|ents (including comrnon elements on any Additional Ploperty) and alL first lienors shall agree that the buildings have - 30 - e T becorle obsolete and should be so1cl, the Association (as aLtorney-.ln:fact for the orvners ) shal1 prompLly record in Lhe real estaterecords of Eagle County, Colorado, a notice of such facts, andshall sell the enlire condominium property, free and clearof the provisi.ons of this Declaration and Lhe Conciominiurn l'lap and any Supplemental Declarabion and Supglenental !4aI),which shal.l wholly termj.nate and expile upon the closing of such sa1e. The proceeds of such sale shall be collected bythe Association, applied first lo the payment of expenses ofthe sale, and then dlvided among all unit or.rners of atI condomj.nium units on the condominium property subject at thetime of such sale to this Declaration (including all .p.dditj.ona1Froperty), such d.ivision being made as follows: first, theAssociation shaLl determine the portions of the net sales proceeds ilirectly allocable to the condo$inium property (and coromon elements therej-n) initially subject to this Declarationand to each separate parcel of Adalitional Property (and colmon elements therein) subjected hereto by one or noxe Supplemental Declarations, and sha11 divide the net salesproceeds in accord.ance lrith such determinaLion (each separateportion of the net sal.es proceeds as so divided being herein-after referred to as a "Poxtion of Proceeds", and each separateparcel of property, and cormon elenents therej.n, subject.hereto at the time of sale, whether subjected initialJ-y bythis Declaration or by any SuppLemental Declaration, uponthe proportional value of which the Association determined each Portion of Proceeds being hereinafter referred to as a"Parcel"). In connection wj-th such determination. theAssociation nay rely on a divisj.on agreed to in writing bythe Association and. the purchaser or purchasers of theentire real property at or priior to the sale thereof, or theAssociation may retain one or nore qualified real estateapplaisers to advise on tt5. allocation of sucb n€t proceeds for such purposes, the cost, of which shall be deemed an expenseof the saLe and paid otrt -of the sales proceetls prior !o divisioninto Portions of ProceeAs, but the Associati.on sha1l not berequixed to retain any such real estate appraiser and the alelermination of the Association made in good faith shal1 notbe subject to cbal-lenge by any unit owner. Each Portion of Proceeds shall then be divided by the Association among theunit owners of all condominium units appurtenant to each ParceL, according to their undivided interests in the ParceL/ and paid into sepalate accounts, each representj.ng one such condominium unit. The funds in each account (r.rithout contli-bution from one account to another) sha1l be applieal andpaid by the Association in the manner provided herein. 20. Condemna t ion - (a) If the enLire real property shall, including allAddj-tional Ploperty, be taken for any public or quasi-public use,under any statute, by right of eminent domain, or by purchasein lieu thereof or if any part of any building coverect bythis Declaration or any SuppLement hereto sha11 be so taken,or if any part of the land shall be so taken and the part remaining shal1 be insufficient for purposes of the condoniniunrproject, the Association (as attorney- in- fact for the unitowners) shall collecL the award made in such taking andshall seII the part of the land remaining after the taking,if any, free and cleax of the provisions of the Declarationand the Condoninium llap and all SupplernentaL DecLarations and Suppiemental Uaps. Such provision shall wholly terroinateand expire upon the recording of a noti.ce by the Assocj-ationsetting forth alL of such facts. ?he ai./ard and the proceedsof such sale, if any, shalI be collecLed, applied and divided among the unit owners by lhe Association in the manner Provided. - 3t - t=? h: (b) If such taking shall be parrial on1y, or ifro'part of any building shall be takcn, and if lhe remaininc,,, part of the condominium property shatl be sufficient for tn6purposes of this condominium, the Association (as attornev-in-fact for the unit owners) shall coLlect the award andsha11 promptl.y and without delay cause the condominium projectnot so taken to be restored as nearly as possible to itscondition prior to the taking, appiying the alrard to tharpurpose. In tlte event the condorniniun property so taken j-s condominium property designated. as CommerciaL Unit, a1i.proceeds collected shall be awarded to the colrunercial unitowner of such condominium property taken. Any part of thear.rard not required for such restoralion shaLl first bedivided into portions directly allocabl.e to the portions, ifany, of the taken condominium property situated lrithin thecondominiurn property initially subject to this Declarationand within each separate parcel of Additional Propertysubjected hereto by one or more Supplemental Declarations,in the manner provj-ded herein and then each so divideclpoltion of the remaining arvard proceeds shall be furtherdivided by the Association and paid over to and among the. unit owners of condominj.um units appuxtenant to.that part ofthe taken condominium property representeal by such po;tion.of the remaining ar,rard. proceed.s in proportion to such unltownersr respective percentage interests in the comnon elementsappurtenant to thei! condominium units. 2L. Quality ot Work- Any repairs, renovation or res to ra t ioiEETEE-E6id6friniurn piopelty coveled by thisDeclaration by the Association as attorney- in- fact for theunit ot ners sha1l be done in such tnanner as to make the condomini.um ploperty at least as vaLuable after such r.rork asit was immediat.eLy before rthe occurrence requiring the workto be done. 22. 4nrendment or -IeMilglien, This Declaration may bealllended as tollows: (a) by Decfarant at any ti.me prior to the organizationof the Association lrith the approval of 5lt vote of all owner-shj.p interests other than that o! the Declarant, and. (b) this Declaration may be amended after theorganization of the AssociaLion ai herein provided at anyregular or special neetlng of the unit orrners of this condo-minium project., called and convened in accordance lrith theBy-laws, by the affirnative vote of Voting Members castingnot Less than fifty-one (518) of the voting rights of thetotaL Voting units of the members of the Assocj.ation. All amendnents shall be recorded. and. certified asrequLred by the Act. No amendment shalL change any condom-inium unit, nor a cond.otninium unit,s ploportionate share ofthe corrnon expenses or common surpLus, nor the voting righ:saPPurtenant to any unj.t, unless the record unit otrner(s) thereof,and all record owners of mortgages or other volunEarilyplaced liens thereon, sha1l join in the execution of theAnendment, No Anendment shall be passed which shal1 inpairor prejudice the rights and priorities of any nortgages orehange the provisions of this DecLaration lrith respect. toInstitutional tlortgages without the written approvat of alIFirst Lienors of record. No Anendnent shall change the rights and privilegesof the Declarant and/or the ltanagement Firm without- theapplicable partyrs wr i t. ten approval. Notr,ri ths tanding ehe foregoing provision of thisParagraph 22, t'he Declarant reserves the riqht to chanqe the - Jt - |e- intetior design and arrangemenl of all condominium units ancl'.to alter the boundaries between uniLs, as long as thepeclarant o!.rns the condominium units so alterea,. hor/ever, nosuch change shal,l increase the nunber of condominium unitsnor allex the boundaries of the comnon elements, exceDe theparLy wa11 between any condominium units, without Amendmentof this Declaration in the manner hereinbefore sel forlh inthis Paragraph 22. If the Declarant shall make any changein condominium units, as provided in this paragraph. sashchanges shaLl be refLected by Lhe Anendnent of thj_s Declarationwith a map attached, reflecting such authorized alterationof condorniniun units, and said Anendment need only be executedand acknowledged by the Declarant and any holders of Instituhionalllortgages encumbelj.ng the said altered units. The Surveyshall be certified in the manner required by the Condominiu:nAct , This condlominlurn project may be voluntarj.ly terminatedvrhen there has been I'very substantial,, damage, as defined inParagraph 17 above, thj.s condominiur shall be subject to . termination as provided herein, and in this event, theconsent of the Managenent Firm shall not be required,. Inaddition thereto, if the proposed voluntary termination issubmitted to a meeting of the nembership of the Association,prrsuant to notice, and. is approved in writing within sixty(60) days of said neeting by rhree-fourths (374ths) of thJtotal vote of the menbers of the Association, anal by atlInstitutional Mortgagees, and the Management Firm, then theAssociation and. the approving unit owners, if they d.esire.shall have an option to purchase all of the condominium unitsof the other unit owners within a period expiring one-bundred twenty (J-20) days from the date of such meetinq.Such approvals shalL be irrevocable until the expirati6n ofthe option, anal if the opqjpn is exercised, the lpprovalsshaLl be irrevocable. The- option shal1 be exercised upsnthe follor.rlng terms : _. . A. Exercise of Option. An Agreement to purchase, executed by the Association and/or the record unj_t owners ofthe condomtnium units who will participate in the purchase,sha1l be delivered. by personal deJ-ivery or mailed by Certifj.edor Registered Mail to each of the record. unit or.rners of thecond.ominium units to be purchased, and such delivery shallbe deemed the exercise of the option. ihe Agreement shallindicate which condorninium units will, be purchased by eachparticipating unit owner and./or the Association, and shallrequire the purchase of all cond.ominiurn units owned by unitownels not approving the termination, but the Agreementshall" effect a separate contract between the seller anil hi.s !,qr err4-e! ' B. Price. The sale price for each condominiumunit shall be the fair market value determined by agreementbetween the seller and the purchaser within thirty (30) alaysfrom the delivery or maili.ng of such Agreement r ancl in the-absence of agleement as to price, it sha1l be determined byAppraisers appointed by the presj.ding Judge of the DistriciCourt in and for the area whelein the Condominiurn is tqq3;s4,on the Petition of the seller. The expenses of appraisalshall be paid by the purchaser. fn the case of a ASO residential unit, ths s61sprice of each period of rse shall be that portion of thetotal purchase price for said unit whj.ch is equal to thernterest of the unit owner of said period of use as setforth in the original deed setting up said TSO. C. Payment. The purchase price shall be pai.d incash. - 33 - ,er ' D. Closing. The sale shall be ctosed withinthirty (30) days follovring the deEernination of the sale Prrce. 23.fersonal Property for Cornmon Use. The AssociaLion may acquire, by purchase, Lease or oLherwise, and hold forthe use and benefit of all the condominium unit. owners,real, tangible and intangibLe personal property anil nay dispose of the same by sale or oLherwise and the beneficialinterest in any such property shall be owned by the condominiumunj-t or.rners to the extent, at the time of such acquisition,in the same proportions as their pro rata liability for common expenses as provided herein as of the time of suchacquisition, and shall not be transferable except with atransfer of a condominiun unit. A transfer of a condominiumunit sha11 transfer Lo the transferee orrnership of the tlansfelortsbeneficial intLrest in such property without any referencethereto. Each unit owner of any condominiurn unit at any tj.ule nay use such property in accordanee Hith the purpose ofwhich it is intend.ed., nithou! hindering or encroachi-ng uponthe larrful rights of the other unj-t owners, The transfer oftitl-e to a condomini-um unit under foreclosure shall entitldthe purchase of the beneficial interest in such personalproperty associated with the forecloseal condominiurn unit. Any personal pf,operty so acquired by the Association shallnot be commingled with the personal- property of a unit olrnerof a TSO residential unit nor shall it be used by any unitonner of any condominium unlt for his own private purposes. 24. Registration by Owner of Mailinq Address. Eachunit owner theAssociation, and except fc#nonthly statements and otherroutine notices, aLl other notices or dernands intended to beserved upon the unit orrjter. shall-be sent by either registeredor certj.fied. nall, postage prepaid, addressed in the name ofthe unit owner at such legislered mailiag address. Al.1notices, demands or other notices intended to be served. uponthe Association shalL be sent certiflecl mail, Fostage prepaid,to the address of the Association as designated by the eylawsof the Association. 25. Duration of Condominiun Or.rnership. The separateestates crffi Condominium llapshall continue until t}ris Declarati.on sha11 be revoked oruntil its provisions shatt terruinate a6 provided helein. 26. Architectural Control , No building, fence, va1lor o th e r s EiuEer:rifri5GfrE1-I-TE-6ne nced, ere c t ed or rna i n t a i ned upon the condominiurfl ploperty, nor shall any exterior additionto or change or alteration therein be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height,color, material, and location of the sane shall have beensubmitted to and approved in writing as to harrnony of externaldesign and location in relation to surrounding structures andtopography by the Board of Directors of the Assocj.ation, orby an architectural corunittee composed of three or more represen t a tj.ves appointed by the said 8oard, 27. l4anagement Agreement. The Association may enter into a Managerient Agreement,pursuant to the provisions hereof. The Associatj.on may delegate eo the Management Firmthe polrer of the Association, through its Board of Directors,to dctermine the Budget, make assessments for common expensesand collect assessments. Each unit owner, his heirs. successors h - 34 - e T and assigns, shall be bound by said ltanagement Agreeroent for.the purposes therein expressed, including but no! limited tor " (1) AdoPting, ratifying, confirnj-ng and consentingto the execution of said Management Agreement bZ the l..ssociaLion. (2, Covenanting and promising tc perform each and every of lhe covenants, ptomises and under.-al-ings to bcperforned by unit ovrners in the cases provided --herefor insaid Management Agreement. (3) Ratifying, confirming and approving each and every provisj,on of said Hanagement Agreemen-., and acknorr- J-edging that all. of the terms and provj-sions tiereof are reasonable. (4) Agreeing that the persons acting as Directors anil Officers of the Association entering into such an Agreement have not breached any of their duties or obliEations to t}IeAssociation, (5) It is specifically recognized that some ora1l of the pexsons comprising the original tsoard of Directorsof the Association, may be stockholders, of fj-cers anddirectors of the Management Firm, and that such circutnsbaniesshall not and cannot be construed or considered. as a breach oftheir duties and obligatlons to the Assoaiation, nor aspossible glound.s to invalitlate such Managenrent Agreement, in whole or in part. 28. General Reservations. (a) Declarant reserves (i) the right to dedicate any access roads and stre€#b serving thi.s condonini.um project or any add.itional property for and to pubLic use; (ii) theright to establ-ish ease$ents, reservations, exceptioqs and exclusions consistent lrith the condominium ownership of the condominiun project and. for the best interests of the condo- ninium unit ovmers anil the Association, and (iii) an easementover and across the comnon elenents, to the extent necessary for construction of ailditional improvements or improvementsinitially contemplated. hereby. , (b) (i) Notwithstaniling any provisions expressly or inpliedly to tbe contrary contained hexein or expressly or itnpliedly contained. in any other condoninirm document., the Decl.arant retains and reserves the right to exercise the rights,duties and functions of the Board of Directors of the Association and shal-l be the Boald of Directors of the Association untileighty-five percent (85$) of the resialentiaL units in the condominiun project have been sold, unl.ess the oeclarant has agreed otherwise i-n writing. l|ny reference herein to the Board of Directors of the Association, Associaiion, or an agency of the Association shall apply to the Declarant prior to the sale of eighty-five percent (853) of the residentialunits in the Condominium project and all of the rights. duties and functions of the Association shall be the rights,duties and functions of the Declarant. During such period of development and sales, the monthly assessment for sonrnon expenses and maintenance fees as provided in Paragraphs 12. 13 and 15 herein shalL be based upon the estinated annual.costsr and shalL not include any estitnated amount for contin-gencies, reserves or sinking funds except as nay be required herein - (ii) Notwithstanding any provisions expressly or inrpliedly to the contrary contained herein or expressLyor impliedly conbained in any other condominir$ docurnenL. wj.th respect to Additional Property, the Declarant retains and h - 35 - e .reseives the right to exercise the rights, dut.ies and funcrions6f .tfie Board of Directors of the Association for the A(iclitionatProperLy as more full-y set forth in lhe Bylaws of the Associa- ' tion and shall be the Board of Directors of the AssociaEionfor Lhe Additional Property unLil eight-five percent (851)of the resj-dential units in the entj.re Additional property have been sold. unless the Declarant has agreed otherwise inirrj.ting. Any reference hercin to the Board of Dircctors ofthe Association, Association, Management Firm or an agencyof the Association shalL apply to the Declarant prior to thesale of eighty-five pelcent (85S) of the residential uni.tsin the AdditionaL Properties and all of the rights. duties and functions of the Association shall be the rights, dutiesand functj.ons of the Declarant. During such period of development and sales, the monthly assessment for comnon expenses and maintenance fees as provided in Paragraphs 6, ?,8, !2, 13 anal 15 herein for the Adalitional Property shall bebased upon the estimated annual costs, and shall not includeany estimated amount for contingencies, reserves or sinking fund.s except as may be reguired herein. 29. lliscellaneous (a) If any of the provisions of this Declarationor any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or h'ord, or theapplication thereof in any circumstances be invalidated,such invalitiity shaLl not affect the validity of the remainder ofthis decl.aralion, and the aFplication of any such provi.sion,paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or $ord in any othercilcumstances shal1 not be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this Declaration shall be inaddition and supplemental 46 the Condominium ownership Act ofLhe State of Colorado and to all other provisions of 1aw.Declarant reserves the l(ight to afiend or supplement thisDeclaration the Condominiun Map and any and all other documentsrelating to the Vail Run Complex so that they conform to any changes to the present law. (c) Whenever used herein, unless the context requiresothervrise, the singular nurnber shaLl include the plural, theplural the singular, and the use of any gender shal1 includeall genders. (d) A1l" provisions of the condorniniurn documentsattached hereto, and atnend$ents thereof, shall be construed ascovenants running vrith the 1and, and of every part thereof andinterest therein, including but not limited to every condominiumunit and the appurtenances thereto, and every unit owner andoccupant of the property, and any part thereof. or of anyinterest therein. and his heirs, executors, administrators,successors lepresentative, and assigns, shaLl be bound byall of the provisions of said Declaration ahd Exhibj-te annexed hereto and any Arlrendment thereof. (e) If any of the provisions of the condominium documents or of the Condominium Act, or any section, clause,phrase, word, or the apptication thereof, in any circumstance,is heLd invalid the val-idity of the remainder of the condo- minium docunents and the Conclominium Act, and the applj"cationof any sucb provision, acti.on, sentence, clause, phrase orwork, in ether circumstances, shal1 not be affected hereby. (f) Whenever notices are required to be senthereunder, the same may be delj.vered to unit or.rners either Personally or by mai1, addressed to each unit olrner attheir pLace of residence in the condominium, unless the uni-t h:- 35 - e3 . owier has by written notice duly receipted for, specificd a'different addresg, Proof of such nailing or personal ._deiivery by the Association or Managernent Firrn shall be ,. given by the Affidavit of the person rnailing or personally. delivering said notices. NoLices to the Associati.on shall be delivered to the secretary of the Association, at the Secretaryrs address of the Association, or in case of the secretary's absence, then the President of the Association . at his addregs aE the Association, and in his absence, any member of Ute Board of Direclors of the Association at the address of the Association. Tire change of the mailing address of any party as specified. herein sha11 not require an AnendRent to lhis Declaration. Notices to the Declarant sha1l be deLivered by mail at: CoLorado Investment Services, Inc,'Vaj-l Run Resort CorlEnunity 1000 Lionrs Ridge loopVail, CoLorado 81657 . Al.l- notices shall- be deemeil and considered sent nhen deposited in the United States mail, addressedto the proper addressee r,rith adequate postage affixed thereon. Any party rnay change his or its mailing address by \,rritten notice, duLy receipteil for. Notices required to be given the lrersonal replesentatives of a deceased owner or devisee, when there is no personal lepresentative, may be d,elivered either personally or by mail to such palty, at his or its address appearing in the records of the Couxt r.rherein the estate of such deceased unit owner is bej-nq administered. The change of the maj.ling aaldress of any party, as specified herei-n, shai.l not require tn amendment to the Declaration. !'or the'purposes of this paragraph, noticesshal1 be sent to the un-if o$rners of aLl periods of usewithin a specific Tso residential unit at each such period oi use ownerrs place of residence on file lrith the Assocj.ation. (s) The Declarant shaLl have the light to use aporlion of the conmon elements of the condominium property for the purpose of aidi.ng in the sa!.e and l-easing of condo-niniun units including the right to use portions of the condominium property for parking for prospective purchasers and lessees and such other parties as Declarant detelmines. The foregoing right shall mean and include the right todisplay and erect signs, billboards and placards and. store, k€ep and exhibit same and distribute audio and visual promotional naterials upon the cornmon elements of the condominium property. Notrrithstanding any provision of this Declaration, the Declarant sha1I have the paramount right in its sole discretionto use any unsold Condominium Unit as a sales offj.ce until Decenber 31, 1980, and said Declarant shall not be requ!-redto pay for the use of saiil condominiurn unit therein. (h) Should the Association o! the ttanagernent Firm on behalf of the Association, or on its own behalf, find it necessary to bring a Coutt action to bring about compliance with the lar.r, this Declaration upon a finding by the Courtthac the violation complained of is willful and deliberate, the unit owner so violating shall reimburse and Management FirR and the Association for reasonable attorney's fees incurred by it in bringing such action, as delermined by the Cour E. (i) The captions used in the condominium documentsare j-nserEed solely as a :natter of convenience and shall not be relied upon and,/or used in construing the efEect or neaning of any of the text of the said condominium documents. h:- 37 - . T b (j) The condominium unit owners, by virtue of their. acceptance of the Deed of conveyance as to their conclominiumunig. and other parties by virtue of their occupancy of unilshereby approve the foregoing and al] of the terns and condi-tions, duties and obligations of the condomj.nj.urn documents and Exhibits attached thereto. (k) The real property submitted to cond.ouriniurn ownership herewith is subject to all matters of recordincluding conditj.ons, limitations, restrictions, reservations, and the lights of the united States of .a,rnerica. the Stateof Colorado or any governmental authority or agency, taxes,aPplicable zoning ord.inances, land use regufations, easemenlsfor ingress and. egress for pedestrian and vehicular purposes, and easements for ulility s€rvice anal drainage. (1) The Condomini.um Associat,ion and. its members,the Declarant, its successors and assigns and designees, byvirtue of the execution of the condominlun documents, are herceby granted an easemenl over, through and across thegeneral comrnon elements and. non-exclusive residential lit0ited comnon elements, non-exclusive cornmercial limited conmon elements other than the parking spaces, for vehicular analpedestrian purposes. The residential unit owners are furthergranted a pedestrian easement over and across the general conunon elements, residential Lirnited comjnon elements and the non-excLusive cornrnercial limited conETron elements of the Condominiun project other than exclusive residential- and comrnercial liniteil conrmon elements vrhich may be a patio, deck o.r balcony, tennis courts or swinming pool as designated on the Condominiun t'{ap.t(n) In order to insure the Vail Run complex with adequate and uniform r.rdte_r service and sewerage disposalservice, the Declarant;hall anil hereby reserves the excLusiveright to contract for the servicing of said condominium project and the unit owners therein and the vail Run compLex with saialservices. Pursuant to the aforegoing, the Declarant has, wiLl- or may contract with any utility company which may includ.e amunicipal or govexnmental agency or authority for thefurnj.shing of said services and the Association and unit ovtners agree to pay the charges therefor pursuant to and to compLy sith all of the t€rms and conditions of said utilityagreement. The Declarant sha1l have and hereby leserves theexclusive right to contract for the servicing of this cond,o- minium project and the unit owners therein to provide waste and txash removal agreement shall be for such period of tj-rne and upon such telms and conditions as the Declarant deterninesin its sole discretion. If there is any reduction in l.rater supply or other utility service to the properties, whelher by governmental" act.ion, drought or other natural conditions, orforce rnajeure, the Declarant or the Association shall prorate the available water or other utility service proportionately anong the owners. The Dectarant and Assoeiation shall never be }iable for afly injury, loss or danage to personal property occasioned by any interruption. curtaiLmen! or dimunitj.on ofr.'ater selvi.ce or othex utility service, ox for any sickness or other physical condition occasioned by any inpurity, chemicalor other additive to or contaminati.on of the water supply, (n) Notwilhstanding the facL thac the presentprovisions of the Condorninj-um Act of the State of Coloradoare i.ncorporated by reference and incluileil herein thereby,the provisions of the condominium docunents hereto shall be paramount to the Condominium Act as to those provisions where permissive variances are perniEtedt otherwise. theprovisions of said Condominium Act sha1l prevail and. shalL be deemed incorporated therein. fn the event of any conflict - 38 - .E: between the TSO provi sions obclaiation of Piotec tive ,greement, the later shall IN WITNESS WHERIOF, Colorado Investrent Services, Inc., a colorado corporation, bY "'ir r +r f' r"\n^.:.,,, .as President, has caused Lhese Presents Lo be slgned rn rcs name thi s 7-&z- ddy ot (ait4-lr-A/\J . I 9? 6 . of this Declaration and the covenants and Time Sharing cortroL. )- COLORADO INVESTMENT SERVICES, INC. a ColoraClo corPoration STATE OF COLORADO County of Denver ) ) ss. ) subscribed and sworn to before me this a.H- d"v ot &th &U- 1975 bv Llilliam D ,T.rhne^n as Presiden-' of Colorado- Investireffi rado corPoration - il \ *- -. $y coffiission expi.res Miy ?6, rqgn t aitness tny hand ald official - 39 - h e2 EXHIBIT A Attached to and made a part of the Condominium Declaration for vail Run Resort conununlty A parts of land situate in the County of Ea91e, Stateof Colorado describecl as a part of Lot 10 and all oflot lI of a Resubdivision of t-ion's Ridge Subdivisj-on 81ock C, according to the plat thereof recorded in the records of the Clerk and Recorder, County of Eag1e, State of colorado, on June 8, 1973 in Book 229 at Page 458 and which is more particularly d.escribed as fo1lor*s: Beginning at a point being the. Southeast corner of saidBlock C, also being tbe westerly intersection of therights-of-way of Interstate 70 and Lionrs Ridge Looptthence South West along the Northerly right- of-way of Interstate 70 a clistance of 166.95 feett thence 341.02 feet a!-ong the arc of a non-tangential curve to the left having a centlal angle of 03018142" aradlus of 5900.00 feet and a tangent which bears South 59030r29" west to a point being the southwesterlycorne! of said Lot 10; thence North 11006117" East a d.istance of 351.06 feet to a point on the southerlyfight-of-way line of said Lionrs Ridge toopr thencealong said right-of-way for the following three courses: iI. North 73004'48" East a d.istance of 80.86 feet to a point of curviture, 2. 331.84 feet along the arc of a curve to theright having a central angle of 76'48'06" and a radius of 247.56 feet, 3. south 30007'06" East a distance of 0.22 feetto the point of beginning. 183 EXHIBIT B Attached to and nrade a, part of the condominium Declaration for Vail Run Resort Cornrnuni ty FARCEL I A parcel of land situate in the county of Eagle, state of Colorado described as all of Lots 61 7, 8, and 9, inclusive of a Resubdivision of Lionrs Ridge Subdiwj.sionof Block C, according to the Plat thereof record.ed in lhe records of the Clerk and Recorder' County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on June 8. 1973 in Eook 229 at, Page 458. PARCEL II A parcel of land situate in the County of Ea91e, State. of Colorado described as a part of Lot I0 of a Resub- division of Lionrs Ridge Subdivision of Block C, aceording to the PLat theleof recorded in the records of the Clelk and Recorder, County of Ea91e, State of Cololado, on June 8, 1973 j-n Book 229 at Page 458 anat which is nore particularly described as follows3 Beginning at a poLnt being the Southwest corner ofsaid l"ot 10; thence North al-ong the l,lest boundaryline of said Lot l0 No5th 37009'31" West a distanceof 339.70 feet. to the'Northwest corner of saidLot 10r thence Nor{h 73004'48" East a distance of 287,16 feet to a pdiit on the North boundary lineof said Lot I0 h'hi.ch is 25.88 feet l,fest of the Northeast corner of said tot 10; thence South 11'06'17" East for a distance of 361.05 feet tothe point of beginning. h: l l',|=:G i\ EXIIIBIT "C" Attached Lo and madc a par! of the Condominium Declaration for VAII, RUN RESORT COMMUNITY Res idential-Uni t Designd.tions Level 2 Level 3 tevel 4 Level 5 200 20L 202 203 30I 40r 302 303 500 50r 50 2 qn? 300 305 JUI 3T2 321 322 3 010 3 011 400 402 403 414 204 304 404 504 205 zu6 207 208 210 405 54I 306 410 542 543 308 t 4L2 309. 27L 310 415 2I2 311 22L 222 424 ,! Cornmercial-Uni t-Desi gnations Basement Level Level 1 .5 6 7 I 11b: tec )l\r/ t/ .l .r - .. iv a '. .. t' Attached l,r\'1\ EXTIIBIT "D" to and made a part of Condominium DecLaration Eor VAIL RUN RESORT COMI1UNITY Percentage of undividecl ovnership intcres! of each unii: in the creiera.L co(unon elements aPpurtenant to each unit Residenti,al Uni ts Level 2 Residential Units Level J Residential Units Level 4 400 401 402 403 404 405 410 411 4!2 414 415 423 431 ResidentiaL. Units Leve1 5IEt 200 201 202 203 204 20s 206 207 zutt 210 211 2L2 22L 222 .9r .97 . vu .80 .5r 1.48 r.30 1.06 t . uf, 1".04r.7l 1.53 .L. /d 1.61 2-77 500 5UZ 503 f,{ ! 542 543 .Yt 1.00 qn R6 .56 .85 o'l 1.06 .83 1.84 1.66 300 301 302 1n? 304 JUf, 306. 307 308 309 310 311 312 321 322 30r0 ?n11 i qa l.0t r.00oi .98 .73 4q -L. UO 1.03 I.Uf r. /b I .62 . atJ .89 .91 .9t.9; ctc - arl 3.2: 2. 8:t.1, 65.4s I Conmercial Units Basement Total Residential uni ts corimercial UnitsLevel I t Total cotnmercial Total 7 .45 .45 r.61 1.65 4.98 2 -37 .41 units 1 2 11.09 1.58 f, D Iq 10tt t ) i 34.55 100.00 b I |ev89 t/2 * f! r:,olfl r<fin Juiy 12, 1982 ly arrived in Vail even express n:y aoprcciat ir"rn .l^:^- ,- ^, .l:.':t , l:ope ure d i,jr':'i ccius€ V<:r.r flr7gr lhq next three vreelis vre v.' i I I br: i ns t:a i 1 i n<; iln urCergroin,-1 spriniricr systrrm. This niqht eause inccn",cnicnces ah trnes but lve ask fcr youi. coopcretion. ,i:,1i tlr':: peri< ino ;r reas I'icre c I e.:ned, striped an,.i qrarl r:rl accorCirrg to city crCinence, A1 I iic I 'l*-ays rir::r€ pt;nte d or r;a 1 l papei-e.-il , [:r'iEht.er 'l ightinq rii]s installeci anii car-trr:is shanplrll:C. lJe ir:vcr alscl qone :-o creat- measures to impiove ihe outs ide .': ppr:a r;r ncelo f thc buiiainq and grounds. I'd i ike tc lake .; -s'. e ninute to rer.'ier'i tt.jo pclicics i j The rerrt ir a ir,rays ctre is late on tnc seconci . ': j l'a rf. I nq To /.i I i Ccilrrercia i Terrants: It look: l ike sunner iinalitrs a mo;'rth latt>" I'd I i l-lr: to gla ti ir..:.|t, f1,r vqrrr- hr:''l", :n 11.:t i d,-rrin3 cur shutdol.rn in l4ay. I i nconr,,cn i cn ces . anri any on the f iist, and a)There is to be no perking in ,oa rage. ihc r rndp rn rnr.rrrl b) Please park in the des ignated parking areaseither located on the north or south siJeof rhe buildino. c) Take advantage of street parking to the eastof the brtilding, along the sgreer side of Breakar.'lay West, lvhonever possible. d) Try to park in the far northwest corner of the north parking lot and leave those spaces closest to the bui lding for your cristomers. o rresoRf C:o/rlrrnu.I?lw 1000 lionsridge loop . vail, colorado . 81657 telephone (303)476-1500 . denver (303) 534-1250 Paqe 2 Recrea t i ona l have been ava i I ab and r*i I I cont inue t e) V iol ators will be t icketcd 'u"'ith a warning, repeated violators wil I be tor.ied immediate!y. passes for tenn is and le:t <npr.ial r,atFc for to be avaiIable. the other facilities commercial tenants Times are tough for many of us. Thus, it is probably a good time to talce a close look at hovr vre can cut back in expenses. a) About cvervone o'r"rn s a copy i ng mach i ne in th is building. i'iaybe it is timc w.: cjecicje how many we actually need and share in the cost. b) Tlrere are periodicals that many of us subscribe to. Shoulcj they be shared? c) Special subscription newsletters could be routed. V/e changed vendors who supp'i y us pop. Our next move will be to locate a pop machine in a convenient location for commercial tenants with a lorver Drice than the other machines. We will be adding tr,Jo more washers and drvers to the launCry room, for those tenants who take advantage of the convenience. Coffee in the main lobby is available to anyone rt,ho- r.rishes to share in the co9t, The coffee program is on the honor systen, 25( for the first cup and l5C for any refills. Please do your part to contribute if you are takirg advantage of the coffee, Due to cutbacks many of you have laid off your secretaries or have cut back in their hours or some of you have been in need of a secretery but could not afford one fulI time. Ve now have a girl h,ho is arra i lable as a secretary, bookl<eeper, etc. Iocatedjust outside my office who can take care or overf iovr pressures tvhen they arise, plus el iminate lots of the time consuming tasks you have been handling. She has agrreed to offer special rates to eny conrmercia I tenants insidc thc building rvho want to co-op a secretary by guar-anteeing her "X" arnount of hours a month rvith other commercial tenants lvithin the buiiciino, Please feel freeto stop bv and visit nith her, Beit tighteninq end changes, forced by nccessities of the times, ',';ilI pay off for a'l I of us in the vears to come. lei!cher ft.ce htF:ss Gene ra I l4anage r ---] eot.ol-r fI<rtf6 tlar .. lTr Ol-r {rlr8lr.J 3t=il-5l-1E : o Eo!t o5 EE nnr m@ o=--{ \Jn2 l- -n ll z<o@>= o-'z zt- Tmn ={ F ?ts UI I{ o m Ta (- m C)-zo z, rqt t\|\,A ooz @-{nc C){ oz c) Z-\ R=z'A-l \.,3ioz.-t-\r. > \J -E Z. t- P=5s--1 Z n c mr-m --l o t- o2" 7z>m -.t > n n ? =mo-t €z mn (- z =m Ft \ \ gr 3Ujo>'t- m c)t-o-{ @t-r a =zo f I = 0 m -Tl =l- ma I -n -Fo m a 'tl sl> lFrp _n -r i H R F a+5 fi- "d' ts 6 3F F pp m V qx €otsts t* l= Fts t-'rqH. m F F F E ; !:- J. :E Ft> F[> b Ha Y H FIF Itr, ti EA F. rq rt 5 z l:lr:IF t5q) 6 J"5HH, FH r -l- 2 t- ls lsfr Itr lgHt(+ tF.ot4tilr lH'Pq I olFle6 =V- lAz ., lf; lx'H ; lF lht 5 l^lE * ElFt *lo lP- | o) Itf 19 | u) |; ldl 5 Ft IIl N!-OJ a'r -gsl;>-nz.o aq ^z -I ,< ob{s-fi;tEnz lct-z(n-<;{ cz@zoPo.:1 <Y=fiEe;ao !ozs,U=x'+ 2 i€>F>=En€+c>0!*<o F> =_3Fr;ia-!z;::5iI:z t'l o>., Q>a iAHas!-'rl-, :3i.r iodl-:f<'rrr;!=; #iE 1'mF =. 2 INSPECTION REQUE$T ,^r, t/r/fo JoB NAME CALLEB READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL B FOUNDATION / STEEL MoN @ wED THUR FRI PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr,FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: n,t ,Aoate -f '?'64 s' tNsPEcToR_____-l_ '".r.ato.; 2't/to INSPECTION: JO8 NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ' tNsPECTtON REQUE gr I PMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: o reup. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL N FINAL SAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BTTL FIHD \OIXI\TAI\I\W May 27, 1980 Steve Patterson Bui lding Department Town of Vai IVail, C0 81657 Dear Steve: This letter is written in regards to your final building inspection of our offices in the Vail Run Building. You stated that the two enclosed spaces in our office needed mechanical ventilation. In response to your statement, we have ordered 3 Rush - HamDton CA 90 ductless fans to be installed in these areas. In my telephone cal1 of l{ay 27, (10:20 a.m.), you stated that these fans were acceptab'leto satisfy code requ'irenents. If any quest'ions arise, please contact me at 476-3886. CClmw cc: Sherwood Stockwe'l I Bull Field Volkmann Stockuell/ Architecture €t Planning/San Francisco, Calit'ornia tt Vail, Colorado 7000 Lions Ridge LooplVail, Colorad,o 87657/303 476-3886 \ box lfi! vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47Ss613 I,Iardr 23, 1979 department of community development The Vail Bun Besort Draqer E Vail, O 81657 C'entlsen: Erclosed is the Certificate and Inspection form for your Elevator rttrich was recently inspected by our Brildfug Official, l{ark W. Ma.rchus. Ttris Oertificate should be posted in the elevator. Also enclosed is tbe iavoice for the Elevator Inspection which should be paid within 3O days. The correetions on tbe Inspection fonn stpuld be csrpleted by next yearly inspection. Si.ncerely, ( .eL-l-LU r_4- U - llA_,t oJf/ Catherine A. Ja:srot Brilding Dept. Aide Elcls. caj rNSPE+roN REeuEsT DATE JOB NAME CA-LL READY FOR INSPECTION:MO TUES LOCATION:o/.TI tr APPROVED .----7---77fr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CTIONS:E(L)).--. ,:>1 5-/rte 7 t &- (;,a'rrr.(rt 7-- ./ I : /=/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u trar-( F v4 .r oF tr FTNA"L'T] FINAL h",-vlt'r'* box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 August 2, '1979 department of community development Jay Peterson Box 3.149 Vail, C0 81657 Re: Addition of 20 parking spaces on the North Side of the Vai'l Run Bui I ding Dear Jay: I will give staff approval for the expansion of the Northern Parking lot at Vail Run by 20 spaces according to the proposal submitted by Briner, Perkin, and Fitzhugh Scott subject to the fo1'lowi ng condi ti ons : 1.) the submittal of a landscaping plan showing adequate screening of the West side of the new parking area 2.) the submittal of details proposed to be used for the nnterials and colors retaining wa1 ls 0n the 3.) the removal of all storage materia'l from the exist'ing underground garage in other than storage designated areas. Sjncerel y, fl /l'n,*t4.P&\ Ldanes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR:caj -lFiqt-t. .a--. rNsPlTroN REeuEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D-W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr .' tr FINAL U APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,t'1,-INSPECTOR l rNSeecr0ru TOWN OF FIEGIUE ST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAIV]E RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florHen I penrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEO THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: n nppRovED f uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsAPPRovED FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: ! netNsPEcr DAT E INSPECTOR C)oza -{ncc) =oz Tma =-.1 CIoEg 3o =o 8 3 3E:. CLog ott 3(D5 E.C -e x! <m@ l-{ =t- - a<Hsi lx3-lrJ laiF= l\iQo lr;F ITrl= l=nnE ll\Or' z= z2ooz zr aI m a (- mo-{ zo !m7 =I zo z,to <tao 2 n.-r- o-; =m I z z-t -l n \JT.z -- 3< tz 3CB!-too> 2nnz>mo!J> -.r m -{ e ^,-z m gf, U'Ao>'r lrz $ l=t>t-t> t8 l<t> F-t> = I) I .It Bt> E C]' ma t-z --lm |-{ -l mn a.a =6{ --l nmm 2 <t)c f- Ioz oz-ooo33fi3+EP*i nP-eP=8 e;xf r cniit-z =" 3 ac){ o>Inr)oorOo<o<soQO . ozcz -{ >m1a-J-{> \>oz. Ocn<mrn> z 2o m m Iz l-c P oz hEil Fi = 3 *| >6 ! Y KE' 9 F[ ixi sI|l 2m = t--.{m l Az =z. r- nm cm .g>F>= Ert€+ a>.,- <o !> = _8S";E> -o>: =:9r;;=ii<:ztDo>", Q>or!c tlasr>-1-YZzt9zo>:;ieEE t'H!: :=o:r d,,,d>-l:3'r-{ !-l>-;!fi5 =z =z6i z z --tm -l -J t- !mn -n mma tnI znmsm€ (D 2 m i mx ='n mma E -Eel 'tLotto 3o3 o oo 3 3g: CLog oE oa ntI 1'mo'Tl !mn = = =PF;i= Fp"t- ftnN TI 'I] \or \cc \z= \otDz=ooz zt- Z a'l A)T 8=z'A - _r-*;6z--1 ^Y> \./ _D z. t-ic3< 12.Qc)=p>= -.t oo> 2a-lmnz>mc)f,,-t>Or- o- =m -t €z m b.trlz =m F I rDL [5 r'iP. 'Fiq-' r EH'r t- -l t- l =za= -0 I o rn(n l E - m I l; n =r m -n Pt- moQ .tl a--t BF FD lu o --l r m z D =m oozg nC C){oz Tmv =-{ 0 -lm u mo -.1 zo z.ler cto ON <x-<rn '-<4-- tor>11 =zoaaoo<znc)ul lao4os = bzv,o6 6'nzz € 7x m -X'TlX--|t-o=x it-U' oo09b€Snm =;Enz ict-z .<; -.t zm€ f-im l Fz z f- m VALUATION Y- - I i!;;.(,';d! tro'r i x -YZzi9zo>: l6iiHi- -3r 'r1 P r;!:=c.r i ora@o>-liE'=r-,.8-l>>;!sfiffi Tm t zo ooz(n.-{nco _{oz 'o mn ={ g -- =\ eotto 3o2 o oo 3 3 e; cog o 3o z< >= z zr Tlr|-.'FF!t> Dol-F H ITIv7lptr/trpIPIFIFll o13 =t><F t> Fu l' I I +l-l I I I EHl* l=nDn 2 n. '-r tJ n =P f- lTl(! I d$t: 7iI = l- m z o a l' m tn + t m F (- mo zo 1'mn = zo z.l<t OD mI zo--tm |- =--lm F z o, i 'tmm z U)ct- --l oz c)zrooa39H ?*F*n1fitEePzA 3*Xltclirir-z2- 3 a CZTD'zo>mr/'t I (n:: --{Yo=t *TE 3ijo?i'D /^t>=;i{i -lzzc)o a-c oz Fr l-o+ ii3 io>nZO1>o ur, o= =z - !< (t z GN N' fifrrD= r.'rloln ti Sg Es hr l.ltl tl { z r m -a< > -- tt1 :. >(-\ =,2-aza {tt Ita t' E< H'Fo o o,l z -,i t- t E-t- t {z $ zzlol =lz,tl1l >l-llo'-l I I I I 0ltl-l I I zz z t]] -0 m =--'1 'Tt mmU' -t t--o m -{-Tt mm ct', o m z.c llr L-{ m ^z msm€ (D o t-c ; t- z m = m - z r c l- 2 Town of Vail ff,BCTRICAL PEBTIIT toa xane-ffia. /trno* ....h-r-,.rt-... .(,n-.n {.o\ Erectricar contractor-.... .llcA . Lt(r.-.{-t.(.,...fu--c...........--..........-..-.. APPROVALSI TIIIS FORT 13 TO BE POSTED ON .IOB SITE DURI]IG CONSTRUGTION 24 HOI'RS ADVANCE NOIICE REQIJINED FOR INSPECNONS o Building N9 Valuation 548 $.......-.--....-.-.....--.-. Pla! OrrcLr r nt'| [fte raia-... ..---.--7.-.-17-:.-.. i*",*'* * frf -- isd:x{ Slt!rtIt'l Etectricat valuation s-...J.-il--.&----.-.-.-. Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee s....................-..-.... $.......--..-.....-..---..--. rar r. a. xofarar at., ! LtrlII\IG EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION NEW () ALTEBATION I ) AODITION( IREPAIBI) USE OF BUILDING COVERED SO, FT, OF 8LDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS OF HEAT LOT BLK FILING 1. TYPE OF coNsTRucrtorYrr t rv v I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I JABCDE-DrvtsroN . BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE RAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPAR,ATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION t,A tt PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA HATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPEOVAL /6L/-18 PERMIT # \-1 /. !' f,, mU' @g @ c)z. rDoF -tl OF'fx L. :R C)--2, c,si 7' (f, 6)m (t, € @(J 6oz, ,, 8et-.8a- ,reT6 :'n tN R; lr8; r \rr \ \ t'' t. i; f , '_ lrtl l i'f '-l IlI ta lr i 1 I .l:!l.L::l -&dr .fd- /'l ,!- /,',f,"A*a' ,/ ,,o" / / 'L",f / :$),p : r*..€ .t -!. .L:[ r*,tl ril'rI ,!' t/ J"!:.r +'i7 tf.t. -_L\.. fil? | '.1'l ftr i\ i I !(! i! ^,! IH il;;Itiil*!i !;Sr{.;ttrii d EL R > N $ $ !r RcL ___'l_ +Ir\ Il\ I --T-- irl |* i\ l*'I.-l- t!: --r:- -1, \[-t $r+ N $r rI s7- \-ts --\- -\_F \-t_ .ttr s\ IrI T s \t i----,.-i LL-{-r- trI -1- r\rI T\\l ur 1:k<$r ITI \\rI 1r{L-+ r)': u1 -\*o\ -\*{- \ rl I ---\.*rl t-{\ 'rr"u 'ry;,I,",L^'-lV, A rNso=.tG*FIEOUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AIVI PM CALLER n oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrnl.LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM tr nppRovED n uporu rse CORRECTIONS florsnePRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I-I RTINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR Qooo t 7-o /JucY, /f-7b -{ i'-q-,..r ttl-- -.=: _)r ril - l[ :Ti\ ,,\*l: -t- \rL \_ .F rL \z -F1!lr s\ !T.t r$ F \I -\l\\ { l0:;l-lii --l*-J :s i-'.--'--- +.j s -3 \S' :--.(\ -t_ s,l nl A _t\ -r.lL 1l: .q-t A RESUBDIVISIO,frT QF,Ll$ru'S RIDGE SUBDMI$IONBLOCK C a PAF' OF s€C. I ato s€c. t2. t a s, R. 8l V', 6 Trt. pC , coJtiTY c! €ld,-E,slATE oF CoLOSIOO -;L/ l-:_: _ ':_ - . .'7\e,c...:' '')ic,1,4 \ o | '::--' I ,;.. . -'.\"i., ti' i:|.!{ /t , /,Y - . ".'i"''.- "41' . -',i, ,. -!"ri= i,r, -o.l-- ' -5- /<.--,.1,,-.t-,! - --- ..,. r-17,..,-::-::: :ilj i:. 'i--. .*'r..:. =- _' :: ::'.: : ' *:3?. A'l af trii. {", 'tf., -!*- "'' -'-- i.' "'tI '"- t - - - 'i"'rlr:::g..,,:::::.':'. i...::i ::r:.."-,- Jo' i I lt /"'** .i:r-' ,// --9r|; /:' J roo& .'..ffir.-r\/ i-f I I I 3s I $\ S\| \ {^ tt t 2$ rt .t 'Oti I ,L +, iii r$ ix\l -r--ll Vtr\iil il .{1 in' )" il I -1-ll({1lr'$ xfirfllI' { ..<-dlf'r: l\ :/, 't l, Itlul (r' q '{-- Ii 1\ il e e l (i ; I f,1 lj ifl$-t--+ t .t +.|+++ \\ + + + + FS =R $ $\ s \ \\ + r TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO. -'Eaqp €rzs= Ztru DATE OF APPLICATION NEWI} ALTERATION ( I ADDITION{ ) REPAIR( } USE OF BUILOING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO, OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL FORCED AIR { 'ELEC UNIT( } LOT - BLK FILING 1. TYPE oF coNsrRucrroN , @ u, rv v rHR 2. occuPANcY GRouP ofr o E F G H rJ SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS ORY STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ENEFAL DESCRIPTI ON OF WONK T0tvl{ 0F ltAtr EIIJILEIINGi PEFIMIT UNCOVERED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL APPLICATION ACCEPTED /a---.--- /z ,-,,? MIT +F TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE lmn box l(Xl rail, colorado 81657 (3031 47esfi3 department of community development July 13, L978 Mark E. JohnsonButterwick EnterprisesSuite 3OO 830 Kipllng Street Denver, Colorado 80215 Re: Vail Run - Special Development District 5 Dear Mark: To confi-rm your undated letter concerning the subjectproperty, Vou are correct ln your statements about ouragreements; however the reduction in size of Parcel B andmoviug the property line will require a plat and formalsubdivision approval . If you have any questions regarding the procedure underthe Subdivision Begulations please give me a call. Smi-1e, Zoning S. Toughill Administrator DST/di BUTTERWItrK REAL ESTATE ENTERPRI5E5 n TNVESTMENTS Ms. Diana S. Toughill Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado B1657 Re: Zone SDD5 Dear Diana: In regard to our telephone conversation June 12, 1g7B the following items were agreed upon: I. reducing parcel "B[ from change the allowable 1352. total acreage in property If this is not in accordance with your your earl iest convenience. Thank you for your courtesy and time. 6.3 acres to 5.84 acres will not unit on parcel "B" SDD5 will remain the same. understanding please let me know at 'W MEJ/bh sulTE goo . a30 KIPLING STREET . DENVER, COLORADO AO2t5 . 303/292-A330 'I I r,.: .,j -'r,T't o tNsPEcrr}| TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: D pnnrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED I orseeeRovED E nerNsPEcr E upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coBRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! i INSPECTOF DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM PLANNING CO}IIIISSION DEPARTMENT OF COIUMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 15 September L977 Colorado Investmentof Lot 1O, Block C, tI,,tl/r-' Services, Inc. Request portion Lionsridge Filing No. 1. Colorado fnvestment Services, fnc., has proposed torezone the undeveloped portion of subject 1ots, comprising6.3 acres, from the exi.sting Residential Cluster Zone to aSpecial Development District allowing 155 additional units.The existing building is 54 units on 2.54 acres. The totalproposed development is 23.6 units per acres, sith a proposed GRFA of .56. Prior to annexation to the Town, Eagle County hadapproved a total of 27O units. When the property was zonedby the Town, the staff and Planning Commission recommendeda Special Development District; the Counc1l, however, feltthat there was not sufficlent information on which to basea decision and instructed the owners to submit a developmentplan when they were ready to start the project. The ownersthen filed suit agalnst the Town charging confiscatory zoning. No action has been taken on the suit with the feeling that a compromise could be reached. The existi.ng density in the developed portion ofLionsqidge is approximately 33 unj.ts per acre. Exlstingbuildings in the area are zoned Medium Density and are legal: non-conforming structures. The undeveloped lots in LlonsridgeFiling No. L are zoned Residential Cluster and Low Density,with the exception of Snow Lion and LRB that were negotiatedto resolve court'decisions. Average a.11owable density for the un-developed parcels is 8.63 units per acre and averaAe densityfor all land at full development would be 14.52 units per aeregiven current zoning. The proposecl VaiI Run development wouldincrease. average density to f5.O4 unlts per acre Growth management has given us the framework forcontrolling ultimate population and the ablLity to review each development proposal on its orvn merits. I{e can now assessthe impact of each proposal with the knowledge that we are noteroding our long-range goals. Even though we would prefer ferverunits than what is proposed, we would recommend approval of theproposed project a" Page 2 Colorado fnvestment Servi.ces, Ins, l,lle reeommend approval of the proposed Special Development District for the following reasons: 1. Special Development District provides for mitigation of major environmental impacts. 2. A Transportation System will be provided to limit the impact on traffic, parking and air pollution. 3. The existing commercial space and recreational amenlties were sonstructed in relianee on County approval of 27O units. The proposed project represents a density reduction of approximately 237o wbLc.tr is comparable to the proposed down zoning. t Q. View corridors have been preserved and the visual impact on the surrounding nelghborhood is negligible due to careful siting and topograph.y. 5. Access to the proposed development is directly' from the frontage road and does not impaet the residential neighborhood. 6. The project is directly adjacent to the Public Transportation System. 7. The project with a time-.sharing approach (interval ownership) promotes year-around use which is an important Town goal 8. Natural resource conservation is required by the Special Development District. Vail Planning Commission and Town Council , Town of Vail, VAIL. COI.ORADO. Gentlemen: At a meeting held on the eveni-ng of September, f2thr 1977, the management of Vail Run invited. representatives of the other Condominj-ums Assocj-ations in the Lions Ridge area to review its plans for completion of the Vail Run Project. f was selected to express to you the unconditional approval of the Condominiums Agsociations present, with VaiI Run's plans. We feel that Vail Run has made a successful effort to incorporate the goals of the qrowth management study into the plans for completion of its project. We feel that among other things Vail Run's plans provide for adequate open space, parking, view corridors, and a reasonable number of units per acre.We also feel they have made a conscientious effort not to visually intrude on their neighbors in the Lions Ridge area. Thus we urge you to approve the plans submitted today for completion of their project. The members of t.he group devolopment of Sites 84 present were also appraised of the plans for and 5, to which all members strenuously objected. Associations represented: Lions Mane Phase I Lions Mane Phase II Aspen Tree Brook Tree Telemark Snow Lion VAII .F(ll.N Breakaway West YougF very tguly, /2"- /jlames B. Rea, Z President. Aspen Tree Condominiums Assoc . '. t r *-_F*€:*:X.* VAIL RtlN w\*P s /rt/tz 21 APRIL I lrr .' ;: Essentially, what is being nequested is the oppontunity to complr,rr. Vail Run Resont. Although this implies genenal expansion, onl,., lodging and tennis accommodations ane to be incneased, sepanait,, fnom lhe existing building. what will be completed is the concepr ini- liated by the pnesent Vail Run Resont. Thai is, pnoviding facilities and senvices in nesponse to the needs of lhe Lions Ridge neighbonhood and the Town of Vail. The mutual benefits so fan denived fnom this concept requine lunlhen concentFation of population and tennis capacity at this location fon continued success. Addition of 155 tnansient dwelling units will pnovide needed suppont fon the neighbonhood convenience netail stones at Vail Run Resont. Seven mone tennis counts will funthen neinforce the capacitv and vaniety of necneational expeniences at Vail and will compbment the existing lennis openation off ened at Vail Run. The Lions Ridge | ,oop Shuttle Bus, openated by Vail Run, will continue to senve the neighbon- hood and in its expanded capacity will connecl additional patnons with lhe Lionshead and Vail Village Activity Centens. This nepont attempts to descnibe thL signiii".n." of the complelion of Vail Run to lhe -f own of Vail, the Lions Ridge neighbonhood, and the pnesenl Vail Run Resont. lt deals with the social, ptysical and economic implications of completion based on the expeniences of the -l existing openation. This infonmation is submitted in suppont of the nequest fon nezoning of lhe pnopenty f nom Resid ential clusten Distnict to Speclal Developmenl Distnict. The pnopenty is descnibed as Lots 6, ?, g, 9, and a pontion of Lot l0 of the Resubdivision of Lions Ridge Block c containlng appnoximatef y 6- 1/2 acres ! , lt is located adjecent to the west of the pnesent Vail Run Resont and is bounded on the south by the lntenstate 70 Fnontage Road and on the nonth by Lions Ridge Loop Road. The site has pneviously been distunbed by development of rhe Vail Flun Resont and the constnuction of lntensta te 7A, The Fnonlage Fritrac1 , Lions Ridge Loop Road and accompanying utiliry distnibution lir.,,::, 6rt{E.dnainage ditches, etc. The gently sloping pnopenty has -ne.ov1r.,..,, ,, etated itself in native gnasses and gnound coven. UTILITIES WATER The Lions Ridge wateF Distnict is pnesentty unable to guanantee senvice fon the completion of Vail .Run. Howeven, they ane cun- rently punsuing rrsevenal viable optionsrr, to alleviate this situalion. Dislnibution lines capable of senving the pnoject ane in place adjacent to lhe pnopenty. -2- Without waten, of counse, no development can be initiated. The com- pletion of Vail Run will pnoceed on the assumption lhat waten will be available pnior to lssuance of a building penmit Mone than 250/o of conventional waten nequirements will be saved using waten consenving kitchen and bathnoom fixtunes in the completion of Vail Run SEWEFI The Uppen Eagle Valtey sanitarion Distnict pnesentry has excess capacity available to pnovide sewenage tneatment at its plant at Avon fon a substantial amounr of addilonal development. At the same time, the Uppen Eagle Valley sanitation Distnict is engaged in designing addiiional tneatmenl facilities fon an expansion contemplated to beginqt, /constnuction in 1978. tn summanvrffne Distnict/ fully expects to be able to pnovide sewe.age tneatment fon the completion of Vall Run upon compliance with appnopniate nules and negulations ol the Distr.i,<:l nelalive lo main line extensions and payment of appnopniate tap ircs.. Typically, as much as 9B7o of the domestic waten used by lher c*. :.:rer^. tion. of Vail Run will be netunned to the walenshed via the sevr(.r :j,r€i. -l-nealment Facility. ENERGY Bcith' enengy utilities have indicated availability of senvice and the loca- tion of distnibution lines on on adjacent to the pnoper.ty. The comple- tion of Vail Run is, in concepl , compatible with utility company -3- planning fon the .r| Enengy consenvation considenations will be applied in both the passive and active elements of development. The building has been oniented lon seasonal exposunes which optlmize 1{egENtFtcN{r frzc+rtiF,L r.AlLFgrF sr T$ts A,er(cuL$g gna Locqnoguse offinassive solan enengyfi This will be neinfonced with an anchl- tectunal design which coondinates constnuction techniques and enengy efficient mechanical and electnical systems. solan enengy will be in- vestigated fon convension capabilities as well as heating of the swimming pool and extenion walkwavs . SlTE C()NSIDERI\TIONS solLS No unusual conditlons wene discovened duning the soil and foundation investigation. -l-he conclusions of the nepont ane supponted by similan studies conducted on neighboning pnoperties and the expeniences of the constnuction of the pnesent Vail Run Development. GEOLOGY No unusual conditions wene discovened duning the geologic investicra"- tiori of the pndpenty. The nepont specifically addnesses the stabilit,,, of the nock oulcnop in the hill above the .pnopenty. -f he outcr{--.t ) r.!r(.1 the nocky matenial which has pneviously bnoken fnom it ane suili ciently stable to mitigate potential dangen lo development below t",-,rr-L, ri:, Ridge Loop Road. Howeven, development has been located to the east, -4- {$9out of(way, of the bnoken matenial and outcnop to funthen insune saf ety. AIR QLIALI-T- Y Thnee elerne nts oI the completion of Vail Run ane designed to be con- ?sistent with the objectives of the fdnoposea Ain eualiry contnol ondin- ance fon the Town of Vail. They ane: (t) timitea, efficient fineplaces; (2) Reduced use of automobires fon convenience shopping, and var.rety of necneation expeniencesl and (g) gnengy elflcient design and c onstnuc_ tion of new buildings. Fineplaces wlll be placed only in public aneas of new buildings. They will be of an enengy efficient rrclean bunnrr rype featuning tempened glass finebox doons, dampen contror and optimum exposune considening safety and tnansfen of heat lo adjacent anea. Reduced use of automobiles pr.esenves ain quallty. hood commencial and recneation facililies neduce the convenience shopping and vaniety of necneationar expeniences. ??''lY\18Loop shuttle Bus neduces use of;[automobiles commuting to the and Lionshead. The completion of Vail Run is wirhin the junisdiction of the Vail Fine Pnotection Distnict. Acting chief , Jay Ruoff indicated the ability of the Distnicl lo seFve the development via an existing fine plug in I f-.., r: Vail Run's neighbon- use of automobiles fon The Lions Rid Village -5- Fnontage Road, a 750 gallon pumpen tnuck and a 100 ft. aerial ladden tnuck wilh six-stony building capability. ln addition 1o meeting applicable U.B.C., U.F.C. and N.F.P.A. Codes the building will featune a fine alanm secunity system. PARI<ING Panking will be provided al a nate of two spaces pen dwelling unit AftFIqFATELTnot to exc eed 300 total spaces. ra*-|sst18 570 of the panking will be located within the main buildings, beneath the tennis counts on acces- sony decks and will be completely enclosed and scneened fnom view. Minimum surface panking will be pnovided fon guest registnation, tempoFary loading and unloading, temponany bus panking and public use of tennis and necneational facilities as seasonally necessany. Sun- face panking will be scneened fnom view using landscaping 66sl lesqtion ol buildings and stnuctunes. Vehiculan access and egness to panking aneas will be via two cunb cuts on the Fnontage Road. DRAINAGE The histonic dnainage thnough the pnopenty has been pneviously altenediby a,$cent d evelopment. A pontion of the histonical flow f nom the nonth- east (Block B) now entens Red Sandstone Cneek nathen than the pnopeniy. Constnuction of lntenstate 70 divented the histonical dnainage flowing f nom the pnopenty and nechanneled it to a culvent passing benealh the highwar' " The dnainage study fon Lions Ridge Block C (including the pnopenty ) -6- was completed in septemben l9zz, Anticipating deveropment of rhe €rnea r the study necommended pracement of curvents in the Lions Ridge Loop Road. Pnesenrly, dnainage entens the site fnom these curvents, is collected in the Fnontage Road dilch and nuns south to the Intenstate 70 culvent. The completion of Vail Run will maintain the existing dnainage system wilhout a significant altenation in the amount, nate, on qualiry of nun- off . Pnoposed impenvious land covenage should noi pnoduce peak flows which substantially exceed histonlc flows. A netention pond will be con_ stnucted on the pnopenty if an engineening evaluation of the incneased nunoff due to impenvious rand covenage wanrants it. curvents and channels (swales ) wilr conduct dnainage saf ery lhrough the deveropment to the Fnontage Road ditch. Duning majon sronms the capacity of the existing system should pnevent inundation of noads and development. The majon building has been rocated on a smail prateau of rand elevated 3o feet above the row point of the pnopenty dnainage system . Runofl fnom panking aneas will be divented to a small leaching lield to nemove oil, silt and salt. AESTHETIC ANALYSIS The punpose of aesthetic a nalysis is to establish development and its effect on the Lions Ridge and analysis is divlded into thnee -pants. They are: Vi:jlillv; and @ the visibility of the Vail aneas. The V:Sgef, qgltsid enarions ; VISUAL CONSIDERATTONS The two majon buildings (existing and pnoposed) ane sepanated by the tennis counts to neduce concentnation of burk and barance the site development. The building is located on the site to optimize use of the sleep hiil- sides as a backgnound which softens lhe building silhouette and neduces its mass in appeanance. This also mainrains existing panonamas and nesponds lo the physical envinonment of the site. Vanying the building heights sepanales the elements of the ovenall building mass and cneates the genenal impnession of a clusten ol buildings nathen than a single bulk. The anchiteclune of the building will be in the trVail Vennaculanr, complementing, ps16gp than contnasting with, lhe anea. lt will be an extension of the style of the.pnesent Vail Run Resont. The combination of tennis counts above and encl osed parking below pnoduces a low pnofile, multi-punpose srructune and efficiently uses lhe site anear The innegulan configunation of tennis counrs avoids lhe appeanance of an expanse of sunface paving. The location of the buildings and the low pnofile of the tennis cour-ts maintains a natunal visual ,connidon, which passes thnough the site and conlinues unobstnucted on a southeast to nonthwes! axis up the mountains.ide. -8- o Landscaping will be with native vegetation and matenials with the exception of a few trsod pocketsrt in common areas. Landscaping also includes a multi-use bike/hike and cnoss-countny ski tnail which winds the length of the pnopenty and connects with the neighbonhood and lown pathway system . VISIBILITY The visibilily of the development is dependant upon the vantage point. The most significant vanlage points ane the Lions Ridge Neighbonhood and lntenstate 70. Visibility fnom lntenstate 70 is dependant upon vehicle speed, dinection and nature of tnavel . -l-he development is most visible fnom westbound vehicles. The view is genenally unnestnicted appnoaching and passing the site. Closing in, neighbonhood development complicates and com- petes with visibility nathen than neinfoncing on emphasizing it. The building stands alone, in a fnonlal view which is subdued against the hillside, fon most of its westbound visibility. The developmenl is less visible fnom eastbound vehicles fon s,cvi'r'.rl neasons. A hillside extends oul .towand. the Intenstate nestniclirrr; visibility of the development located on its opposite face. -f-he eas;t-. bound noadway is slightly below and funthen fnom the developmenl and tends lo tuFn away towand Lionshead and Vail. -l-he eastbound view of the building is oblique offening less anea fon obsenvation. -9- The majon buirding concentnations of Lionshead and Vair Virer,;*,.,; and accompanying mountainscape to the east allnacl the obsenr_,c:r away fnom the wesl side of the highway and the complelion of \,,i;,r: i Run. The compretion of Vair Run is situated, berow, to the south and panaller wirh rrost neighbonhood deveropmenl . Most of Lions Ridge, including the compretion of Vair Run is oniented on a nonth/south axis to captune the spectacuran eastenry view of Lionshead, Vair ..1 Village and the mountainscape. The corr,pretion of Vair Run wi' not eftect this panonanric view, Arrhoughr it wiil effect the southenry view of the rirrited numben of vantage points oniented in this dinection. ll will not nestnict the genenal southenly panonama since it is lowen than mosl vantage points. lt wi becorne the southennrr,osl lenmina_ tion of the Lions Ridge neighbonhood development. VISUAL ENVIRONMENT The ovenat beauty and scenic quarity of the Gone Varrey attnacts the obsenven diventing attention fnom any .specific element which is compatible with the genenal envinonment. This is also tnue in aneas of genenal building devetopment. New buildings, even majon ones, which fit into the context of the Icommonr style usuelly donrt become - l0 - O visual focal points. The completion ol Vail Run wlil be no mon€ visibfe than pFesent neighbonhood development, becau.e of these complirr'entary €nd competing views. The completion ol Valt Run wlll be designed to harrnonize with the neighbonhood chanaclen and the ovenall aesthetic quality of the Tbwn of Veil. - ll - ALTERNATTVES The implications of the compretion of Vair Run on rhe Town of Vail include the potentiar or artennative pnoposars. Based on the assump- tion that rhe pnopenty wiil inevirabry be deveroped fon nesidenriar us. as a nesult of its unique combination of sociar, envinonmenrar , econ - omic and physicar attnibures, rhene ane rwo genenar artennatives -_.. highen density on lowen density. The highen density arter'nalive is nepnesented by the fonmer Eargl. county Zoning of the pnopenty ror 2zo dweiling units. This can be considened as a maximum densiry appnoach acconding to the pnopentiesr ability to accept deveropment as detenmined by physicar considenations. The advantages ane that this wourd maximize not onry density but the economic benefits to the developen as well as the lown. The fact thar densen deveropment usuaily neduces totar capitar costs rikery to be bonne by local govennment wit be discussed runthen in the Gnowth contnor section or this nepont. The disadvantages of maxi- mum density ane pnimanily aesthetic and envinonmental and depencl upon the goals and objectives of the corr,munity and the nesponsibility of the developer. The lowen density arrennative is nepnesented by the pnesent r-own of Vail zoning of 36 dweiling unirs nesulting fnom annexation and subse- quent down-zoning of the pnopenty. ,Although the pnopeFty could -12- conceivably be developed at an even lowen density, 36 dwelling units can be considened as the rrrinimum density neasonable fon this strategic multi-family nesidential and necneation facility site. Thene ane lew advantages to the minimum desntiy appnoach since costs to the developen, town and individual genenally incnease as density decneases. Aesthetic and envinonmental considenations also suffen mone fnom lowen density land use. The complelion ol Vail Run nepnesents an optimum densiiy appnoach nathen lhan maximum on minimum. ll is the nesult ol an appnaisal of the social economic and envinonmental cincumstances which affect development of lhe propenty. lt attempts to lulf ill the objectives of the ownens while complementing those of the community. Optirnum solutions ane seldom the most economically newanding on the most pnotective oi lhe envinonment. Howeven, they ane lhe mosl acceptable solutions unden the implied and specilied conditions. The completion of Vail Run nepnesents a pFactical compnomise, in light of factual infonmationr nesulting in an ovenall elficiency of development. GROWTH CONTROL Self contained on nestnicted mountain development aneas, such as The Gone Valley nequine an evaluation of the ability ol limited nesounces to suppont the desired life style in the lace of continuing gnowth. Once - 13 - capacity is detenrrined the pnoblem becon es establishment and enfonce- ment of an equitable policy which contnols the accomplishment of ultimate gnowth. The planned deveropment, optimum density appnoach of the complelion of Vail Run is an exampre of one type or gnowth conrnol policy. Simply stated, undeveloped anea is evaluated fon its ability to accept ,development. Aneas found to be rnost suitable ron specific land uses ane optimized while manginal aneas ane nesenved fon f ulune consid-. enalionr . 16 contnast to the planned development, optimum density appnoach is the down-zoning, gnowth contnol appnoach which encounages .spnayrylrr . The advantages and disadvantages of these two methods (planned developrr.+y-t vensus spnawl) ane documented in the following excenpts fnom the r-r"ajor conclusions of the U.S. Council on Envinonmental Qualitv Rrbli<,:;.rlior-. entitled The Cost of SpFawl l. Planned development is likely to decrease thb total capital oc,silbunden to local govennrrent by as much as one-rhind becausea largen pnoponlion of land and facilities fon open space, noads ' and utilities is likery to be pnovided by the developens , 2. Planned development shows signif icant envinonmental advantagesoven spnawl : Twenty to thinty pencent less ain pollution nesulting Inomneduced automobile tnavel Consenvation of open space Pnesenvation of significanl wildlife and vegetation h€bitats lmpnoved site design to minimize noise impacts Caneful land use design so as to rr,inimize ihe €mount of soil -14- 4. distunbed and paved oven (thus lowening slightly the volume of stonm waten nun-of[, sedimentalion , and waten pollulion ) . 3. Contrasting the envinonrr'ental elf ects of constnucting spnawl communities on a specilied site shows that planned development would be superion in a numben of ways: Fewen rniles of noad are likely to lall within aneas with poon ain movement on on poon soils. Fewen dwellings will be dinectly affected by noise and ain pollution fnom expnesswavs and antenial noads. Less soil would be enoded as thene would be virtually no development on steep slopes on f lood plains. Less woodland would be cleaned, minirr,izing the advense effects of development on vegetation and wildlife habitats. Enengy consumption, because of neduced automobile tnavel , will be f nom I to 14 pencent less in planned developm ent than in unplanned developments. Waten consumplion is essentially the. sarne in planned and unplanned developrnents unless special consenvation measunes ane planned. Vanious personal costs such as time spent in tnavel , tnaffic accidenls, and vanious types ol psychic costs ane likely to be less in planned development than in spnawl. Sorre panticulan aspects of lhis diff enence ane: Reduced aulomobile use and rnone efficient vehiculan cinculation in planned developn ents . Design oi lacilities and use of open space lo pnesenve and en- hance the visual envinonment. Placing facilities in nelation tq. one a.nothen in onden to incnease convenience and to neduce negative irrpacts as f norr tnaf f ic noise, Econorr.ic and envinonmenlal costs (as well as nesounce consunlp- tion ) ane likely to bg significantlv less at highen den:Lties to house and senvice a given populatiorl_ ( l,0OO households ). Some pensonal costs, howeven, moy incnease with incneasing density. 6. - 15 - 7.Because openating costs ron schoors, sewage disposar , and warersu pply ane langely based on househord popuration, they ane rikerylo be lowen pen dweiling unit fon densen deveropments, but thisdiflenence disappeans when the diffenent densities ane adjusredfon a constant population. Howeven, openating costs pen unit fon erect nicity and gas decneasesignificantly as density incneases because less enertgy is consu'edpen unit. The total capitar costs rikery to be bonne by rocar govennrnent aneneduced as much as 62 peFcent in densen deveropmenrs becauseof the lowen costs of noads and public utilities. 9' Enengy and s^v61sp consurnption may be neduced by appnoximatery40 percent in high density developrrents. 8. The neduced enengy consurnplion nesults both fnombile tnanspontation and neduced space heating andmenls. neduced aulorro- cooling nequ ine- 10. The neduced waten consumplion nesults pnimanily f nom neduced lawnwatening The ellect of exlnerr,e sile conditions (poon soil, veny flat on venysteep slopes, absence of gnound and sunface waten sounces, highwaten table, dense on spanse gnound coven, extnerre climate)will be to eithen gneatry incnease deveropmenr costs on pnohibildevelopmenr alrogethen. Whene pranned deveropment minirrizesconslnuclion in aneas poonly suiied fon developmenl, signif icantcost savings can occun. - 16 - TOWN OF EUILEIING t,A IL PEFIMIT TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS R EO. oATE oF APPLICATIoN f / /Ftf< '-/ I ls MAIL ADORESS NEW (I ALTERATIqN fl ADDITIONI } REPAIRI} USE OF BUI LDING OFF ST, PABKINGHEIGHT IN FT. MAI L ADDRESS NO. OF STORI ES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADORESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL AIR( I ELEC( 'UNIT LOT IN II ALKI FILI COVER I NG 1. rYPE oF coNsrFUcTroN | |l rt| @ v 2. OCCUPANCY GRouP a B C D E F G@r J DtvtstoN 1234 BUILOING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RAL DESCBIPTION OF WONK AREA SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED DATE APPLICA I t" lIEMORANDUI\t TO: rRolt: DATE: RE: PLANNING CO;,IIIISSION DEPART}.IENT OT COU!,IUNITY DEVELOPI'ENT 15 Septembet 1977 Colorado Invcstment Services, fnc. Request pontion of Lot 10, Block C, Lionsridge Filing No. 1. Colorado fnvestment Services, fnc. , has proposed to rezone the undeveloped portion of subject 1ots, comprising6.3 acres, from the existing Residential Cluster Zone to a Special Development District alloling 155 additional units. The existing building is 54 units on 2.54 act:es. The total proposed development is 23.6 units per acres, with a proposed GRFA ,::f .56. ' Prior to annexation to tbe Town, Eagle County had approved a total of 27O units. IVhen lhe property lvas zoned by the Town, the staff and Planning Commission recommended a Special Development District; the Councll, horvever, feltthat there lvas not sufficient information on which to basea decisj-on and instructed the o.,vners to submit a developmentplan rvhen they were ready to start the project. The owners theq-jqiled suit @chargjng confiscatory zoning. No action has been Taken on-EFsuit with the feeling that a compromise could be reached. . The existins densitv in the developed ' Lionsrld,ge l-s approximatelv 33 units per acre. Existing buildings in ttre area are zoned trlediun Density and are legal non-conforrning structures. The unCeveloped lots in Lionsridge Filing No. l. are zoned Residential Cluster and Lotv Densltlf ,with the exception of Snorv Li.on and LRB that wcre negotiatedto resoLve court decisions. Average allorvable density for the developcd parcels is 8.63 units per acre and g-vcrage densitv ,for all I and at f u}1 deveLopnrent rr'ould be L4.52 uuits ,per acrg given cur-rellt zoning. The ploposed Vai.l Run development lvotlrd increase. average density to 15.O4 units per acre un- Groivth manngement has gi'iren us the frantervork for controlliug ultimlte populrtiou and the:rbility to revie*' each develolrnrcut proposal on its orvn nrelits. ll'e catt now assess the impact of eacrlr proposal u'i.th the linorvledge that rve are trot eroding our long-r'ftngc goals. llvcn thongh rve rvould prefer fetrer units than r';ha.t is ploposed, Ne rvor.rlcl recommcrtd approval of the ploposecl project L- Page 2 Colorado Investment Services, Inc. IIe recommend approval of the proposed Special Development District for the following reasons: Special Development District providcs for mitigation. of major environmental irnqAgts- A TranspoiLation S:istem rvill be provided to lirnit the ihpact on traffic, parking and air pollution. The existing commercial space and recreational amenities l!'ere constructed in reliance on County approval of 27A units. The proposed proiect represents a density reduction of approximately 23% v;hich is compara"ble to the proposed dovrn zoning. zQ View corridors have been preserved and the visuaL impacT-onEe surrounding neighh:rhood j-s negligible due to carefuL siting and topography. Access to the proposed development is direetly from the frontage road and does not impact the resident ial neighborh'ood. The project is directly adjacent to the -!3lfir.Transportation Svstem aPProaclr (intervat ownership) promotes year-around use whieh is an important Town goal . Natural iesource conservation 1s required by the Special Development Distrlct. 1. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. r-,,, -- {'.:- I I No. lll5CA'la|rv.'77 8t: MMoNsl lN ClVt t, acTloN. - ltrrdtrrrd Publl'hlnr Co., tlr2{.1! st.ut 81.rfr, D.nr"r. colo!.do {6?1.[01],*a.?? IN rHE.-...P.1 9-I.8..I.9f.......counr IN AND FOR COUNTY OF EAG LE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civit Action N o. ..?7..4.?...............- Div. COLORADO INVESTI,IENT SERVICES, INC., a Colorado corporation, Plaintiff...._....., vs. TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO, A nunicipal corporat ion; and Tohrli CoUNCIL 0F 'fHE Tol,lN 0F VAIL, CoL0MDO, SUMMONS Defendant.5...-.... TI]E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE AtsOVE NAI\,IED DEFENDANT.S......, GREETINGS: You are hei'eby summoned and required to file with the clerk an answer to the complaint within 20 days after service of this summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgnrent by default will be taken against you for the I'elief ciemanded in the corrrpialnt. If service Lrpon you is made outside the State of Colorado, or by publication, or if a copy of the torrrplaint be not served upon you with this summons, you are.required to file your ansrver to the com- plaint rvitbin 30 days af ter service of this summons upon you. - Warning: lf this summons does not contain the docket number of the civil aetion. then the complaint may. not norv be on file with the clerk of the court. The complaint must be filed within ten days after the summons is served, or the court rvill bc rvithout jurisdiction to proceed further and the action will be deemed dismissed rvithout prejudice and without further notice. Information from the court concerning thiS civil action may not be available until ten days after the summons is served. This is an action* as more fully set' forth in the Amended Conplaint attached hereto and rnade a Dart hereof by this reference. 77 Clerk of said Court tsy.. .............. l)ePutY Clerk Add ress of ,\ttorney o/.1-JJ)t (Seal of Court) .'l'hir rrlnml,n! ir isrurd Durrurni to nulc I, C.R.C.P., rr rmrrdcd. It thc rrrnrrnonr ln ;rubllrhtrt or t.rv.{ wlrhout r coty ol thr (,,r'rt'lrinl, .llTrrh.$-r(|..|cti|!n'..lit('thCrc|iCfdthrn'|(d.|ll'.l!y€lNcution #694 rgreen, Co. Court Filing Stamp j \ ,-.' ,{-trt' /\r 1r ,L''L i" , ,t' r,'P" .',r:\.J P" \ \ ntlll€r, Ev, IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLOMDO Civil Action No. 2742 COLOMDO iNVESTMENT SERVICES,INC., a Colorado corporation, plaint i ff, vs. TOyflt 0F VAIL, GOLOMDO, anunicipal corporation; and TO$IN COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN OFvArL, C0L0RAD0, AMENDED COMPLAINl' )l ) ) ) ) ) J.\ l ) ) )Defendants. COMES NOW the above narned plaintiff, by and through its attorneys, Bradley, Campbell Q Carney, and as an anended conplaint against the defendants states as fol1or^rs, to-ruit: FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 1. That the plaintiff is a Colorado corporation arrd is the orr'ner of Lots 6 through 11, Resubdivision of Bl"ock C, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado, comprising an area of approxinately 8.84 acres, nore or 1ess. 2. That the defendant'Town of VaiL, hereinafter re- ferred to as "Vail", is a nunicipal corporation acting by and through the defendant Town Council of the Town of Vai1, Colorador.hereinafter referred to as "Counci1", and existing under and pursuant to the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Colorado and the Charter of the Town of Vai1, Colorado. 5. That Vail, on Decernber 16, 1975, through its Council enacted Ordinance No. 26, Series of 197!, annexing to VaiL the above described property or"ned by the plaintiff. 4. That prior to and at the tine of said annexation, plaintiffrs property had been zoned by the proper authorj.ties of the County of Eag1e, Colorado, under a planned development concept which was known as "Vail Run Rcsort Conmunity", here- inafter referred to as "Vail Run'r. -1- 5. That under said zoning by Eagle County, Colorado, the plaintiff'was entitled to construction upon its land 270 residential units together with 18r000 square feet of comrnercial space and recreational anenities. 6. That at the tine of the said annexation, the plain- tiff had constructed upon said Lot 11 and the southeasterly one-half ol said Lrrt 10, approxjnately 2.5 acres, 19r000 square feet of coflrmercial space, 55 residentia]. units, and nunerous recreational arnenities to serve the entire vail Run development. 7. That on March 2, L976, Vail through its Council enacted Ordinance No. 4, Se;ies of 1g76, which arnended the official- zoning map of vail and inposed a zoning classifica- tisn on plaintiffrs renaining approxirnately 6.3 acres, Lots 6 through 9, and northwest one-half of Lot 10, which pernitted the plainti.ff to construct upon said propefty 6.5 residential units per acre. 8. Thac plaintiff had prior to March Z, 1976, and in reliance upon the zoning granted to it by Ebgle County, 'Colorado, expended vast suns of noney in the construction of the above des.cribed inprovendnts to serve its entire Vail Run developnent, on utiLity improvenents, site preparation, planning, architectural services, recreation facilities and the 18,000 square.foot retail shopping center to serve Vail Run. 9. That the developnent of Vail Run rrphased" developnent and the plaintiff by set forth in paragraph 6 herein conpleted of development of its property 10. That the defendants are estopped . tiff's reliance and conduct based upon the -2- had always been a the irnprovenents the first "phase" because of plain- aforenent ioned Eagle County, Colorado, zoning"Vail Run, to down zone plain- tiff's remaining undeveloped property to a ilensity of 6.5 residential units per acre ' 11. That the plaintiff has no plain, adequate, speedy renedy at .Law.. SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF' LZ. Plaintiff incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 11, inclusive, contained in the First Clain for Rel ie f. 13. That Vail's said down zoning of plaintiff's prop- erty is nul1 and vo:.d becau5e said rezoning, as applied to plaintiffrs property, is arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of defendantsr discretion. THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF 14, Plaintiff .incorporates by this reference paragraphs I through 11, inclusive, contained in the First CLain for Rel ief. 15. That Vail's said down zoning is nuLl and void be- cause of the defendants' faiJure to conoly utith its own rules and regulations concerning the adoption of and enactrnent of rezoning ordinances, namely Sections 4.10 and 4.11 of the Charter of, the Town of Vail. WHEREF0RE, plaintiff prays that: L. The resolution passed by the defendants cin or about l.tarch 2, 1976, down zoning plaintiff rs property be held to be nul1 and void; and 2. The Court order that the plaintiff be entitled to developrnent of its rernaining 6. 3 acres , tnore or less , in compliance with the zoning granted to it by Eagle County, Colorado, and known as "Vail Run Resort Conmunity"; and -3- t f *tt ;li ttfI 3 F 3. the Court The plaintiff nay seem just be awarded such and proper in other relief the prenises. es to Respectfully subnitted, BMDLEY, CAMPBETL €CARNEY Plaintiffts Address: Drawer EVail, Colorad,o 81657 VINtrENT, IC TURI.IER Vincent K. Turner, #694. Attorneys for PlaintiffP.0. Box 2798 Evergreen, CoLorado 80439 303-674 - 33s1 By -{n,, t ^-svx*fl TowN oF vArr /\ EIUILtrlINGi PEFIMIT o- a th.pdauqtvaitr(ll5:i9,4 AS 7?A.aae-<utttL TOTAI FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT ABEA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED PLAN CHECK zo F a EXITS REO. .pZm#re DAT€ oF APPLTcATToN /A , 7 p 7 CLASS OF YI'ORK NEw{} ALTERAT,'" rfioo,r,o" ( ) REpArRr } SO. FT. OF ALDG.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL R( } ELEC UNIT I } etx C rtun/,/t INT. WALLS 1. TYPE oF coNsrnucrroN I r r,' ar?\ v A B c D e@c xii Drvrsf oN 1 (2) ? 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI BE SPRINKLERS DRY STANOPIPE RAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGR,EE TO COMPLY SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORc&4-ravs a.r o I'. rl^ I i i DJSSIGN REVIEW BOARp 0cToBER 27,1977DATE OI' I{EETING: UffiBERS PRESEIfI:BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE S:ir?ieO SUBJEST: VAIL RUN - TEMPORARY PARKING LOT ACTION TAKEN BY IIOTION TPPEOVED: DISAPPBOVED.: , BLOCK_,LOT FILING BOARD: UpraNt,t4d_?.F, ABSTENTION: SECONDED BY: AGAIIIST: to, 6ox r')r-. l/, Town of VaiI EI,NCIBICAL PMMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 491 $.-..-...-.--.-.-.---..-..... $.......e:.{ 6.. n........ A Date of Application.... --...-."--.....--..-(!-(-T.:.4-!....-...-..........-.......19.--- .1L-..-...-..- APFROVAI,S TIIIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED O1{ .IOB SITE DURING COI{STRUGTION 24 HOIJRS ADVANCE NOTICE REQIIIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Dat€ ./e'z{:77 Date FIEBL'ESiT VAIL l DATE ,'.,- '-. !NSPECTttU TOWN OF JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orngn MON COMMENTS: fl penrrnl LocArroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM e?- flnppRovED E orsnppRovED n nerNSPEcr fl upou rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNsPEeTroN TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB ! : : I n otrrn . MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E peRrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ","scg THUR AM PM El nppRovED florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr D upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE rNs]'ECTrltv FTEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON GOMMENTS: TUE I penrral LocATroN READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR FFI AM PM E nppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTloNSr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR tNsiPEcrlt" TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE-JOBNAME .- TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: I pnnrral.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM-PM I nppRovED E orsnppRovED E hErNsPEcr D uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR T0lryr{ 0t EIL' I LtrII I\IG vA tt PEFIMIT hb"z-*D(>r,n\ TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO UNCOVEREO VARIANCE PERMIT EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATIoN n/ h 19 MAIL ADDRESS NEWI I ALTERATION(.TADDITION{ } REPAIR I ) SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PAR KING MAIL ADDBESS NO. OF STORI ES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL FORCED AIR ELEC I } UNIT COVERING 1. rYPE oFcoNsrRucroN I l n@v{R) 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e@e g t t Df vf sf oN 1z-]3 4 BUILDI NG PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FIRE SPRINKLERS COMB, STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ERAL D€SCRIPTION OF WOB AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPABATION EASEMENTS .,o,",1 l/z2la Ez r HEREBY ACKN.*LEDGE ,no, ft(" READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL AOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAFI REGI\PrNG BUTLDTNG coNsrRUcrrg\. r/zz 1?t a SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR rNseecrGru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHrn D panrrar.L OCAT ION READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUBTUE FRI AM PMMON COMM E N TS: n nppRovED tr uporu rHE CORRECTIONS I--1 ^, ^ ^LI DISAPP ROVED FOLLOWING COR R ECTIONS: I nrrNSPEcr iJATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcrlln, TOWN OF ]IEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pqnrtnL.L OCATI ON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM f, nppRovED f uporu rHE CORRECTIONS t_'-1 ^. ^ ^LJ DISAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR PLTJMEilNG/MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT USE OF BUILDING: cLASS oF woRK: n rrrew E noorrroru [l nenaooel I Rern'n RIPTION OF WORK: ! aeenoveo TOT,AL FEES: $ PLUMBf NG: NUMBER - - ,71.MECHANIGAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE ! orseppnoveo DATE g,2* EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WOR MAIL AODRESS NEW ( I ALTERATION (.,f ADDITI I REPAI R ( I USE OF BUILDING /-T) F i SO. FT, OF ALDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PAR KING MAIL AODffESS NO. OF STOR IES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS IVATER I ) FOFCEDAIR () ELEC I }UNIT( } 1. TYPE OF CONSTBUCTTON I t tV 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B C O E F qfi) J DtvlstoN 12 3 4 BUILOING PE RMIT SPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE ORY STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT ACKNOWLEDGE AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOWN OF EIIJILEIII\IG! VA IL PEFTMIT UNCOVERED APPLICA PLAN CH RMIT #7_7 Ptu( T ATE TIIAT D AGREE TO ORDINAN BUILDING il TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT ANEA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTON /%/ ATTACHEMENT ''A'' Conditional use permit application By: Colorado Investment ServicesFor: A public service use -- radio station -- in a SD 5 zone. The proposed use i-s for a moderate sized radio station operationin an existing builcling. This type of facility will hav6 no negativeimpact on the local environment li it involves onlv the use ofrecording and existi4 i 1 S.un structure and will not be visiblefrom the exterior. Road adjacent to I-AILI!-&UN/is located along the North Frontageapproximately 1 mile .r{est of Exit 35. The the proposed use is consistant with development objectives ofTown of Vail for the following reasons. A. As a public service use the radio station witl notgenerate additional population growth nor additionaltraffic. Therefore, there should be no measurableimpact on utilities, schools, parksT recreation facilitiesand the Like. B. The only traffic generation will be from the small stationstaff. No negative traffic related impact will resultfrom this use. C. As noted above the operation will occupy space on theinterior of an existing structure. Therfore, therewill be no negatj-ve visual impact on the surroundingarea. D. The proposed use is compatible with land use objectivesof the town having very little measurable impact onany existing uses in the area. We respectfully urge your approval of this request. o APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And/0r CONDI TIONAL USE' PERMIT 0rd inance llo. 8 ( Series of 1973) App I ication 0ate Aug. 17 , 1977 Publicatlon Date Aug. 26, 1977 Hearing gut" SePt. 15, 1977 Hea ring Fee $roo Fin6l Decision date lor Tovrn Council Bob Bynd I (we) Colo. tnvestment Senvice. lno.f Vail Run, Dnawen E(Appticant) (Address,(aOS) Colonaclo ( State ) (C ity ) do hereby request permission to appear before fhe Vail Plannino Commiss ion to request the fo I low ing: ln For tho fo I low ing described property: F i I i ng 1'1um5si- Lionsnidge Filing_# I Clearly state purpose and intent of th is application Rezoning fon constnuction of dwelling units as descnibed ) Varian c f ro:n Arf icle . Secticn) Zon ino Chanqe {rom neslOentlal ) Parkino Var iance c lUsten cllstnlOt tO SlJ 5 ) Cond it iona I Use Pe rm ii to allow ' \/ait Cl 657 Phone 476-19O0 Zone. 6 r7 .8,Lot/ t ra c t_grJI_r_J-+ B lock C in Ondinance # .. Senies of 197?. Amendment to SDS and publicaiion, rrThe Completion ol Vail Runrr. What do you fec I is the bas is for hardsh ip in th is case? Ezztk lnz m t- nl i z n € N: o< clnz: <Y66,-l I z 9> o " -m NN oo A:E VALUATION E c -F-l!=z=Oe -l!trl 3!I F,d>ts>:id14€+ 3,{r- <U F>'=_ iiio'AI> -o>:F! 3'r::ZFEi:z Fto>"' Qlorro'l ,lx .=zzi!2tr>:2>- i"36:!er'*;i;;-- jt. 7>.I;c. z ;-. > do C > --la?tt -':!ll.z;tE; -! rn- m I -- m t- m .l m m FIz -t zo fi m >> o'omJTo fia z ;z m { m z tc z o zt cio |- 2 -lno7 N..$i Y*l !t -t \tl c -F-lLog= z=,Oc= -l :1trl 3' 1 I -{ t- 'n- tn I -{ t-- -l Irl n- m : m n =mz zo m m f)! mt_ao da z tzaad-o>o;f{bIzttoal 222vo>>,..2 ^o-;F4--iil >..1z ; -' olqoP. 2€.r { z c. zc o z ot o z -le !t 3 1z o t oao \' N \}\ { s\rl {\J T 2 o-mo f | \.N N\\ \ -l I ? o zo{- 0o tx 'l zln t- fi ;I z 'tl € N: o<o'Dcm>;z^ <:lo6 PE =z 3r o " N.n 6C) I TNSPECToN FIEGTUEST TOWN OF VAIL. o,.'e V' 7 3 '2 ?-JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen ! pnnrrnr-.LOCATION I eppRovED E upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED fI nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR 0^w 6"$t^oafl KJY) Novernber 28, L977 l! City Council Town of Vail Vail, CO 81657 Gent l emen : I hereby request an extension of one week on the hearing of Vail Runrs rezoning request regarding Special Developnent District Number Five. The additional tine is required for the purpose of allowing the new cor.rncil adequate time to review all information pertinent to this request. We would appreci-ate being scheduled for the afternoon cormcil work session on Tuesday, Decernber 13, L977. If there are any problerns with this request, please contact me at your earliest convenience. r;[,. ilo*o Services,Inc . REB: j j o FresoRc c()'rr2rYx)rita drawer E r vail, colorado . 81557 reservations (303) 476-1500 r sales (303) 476-1900 I : iii,l?titi i i#',T ,li#i:J i]],'::l'r-, 3. N/A STANDS IOR NOT APPLICABLE. 4. ANY NO ANSWER ShALL BE SPECITIED. AND EUILDING. C, D, OR COMEINATION. NAME OT EUSINTSS OCCUPANCY INSURANCT rne,vt ff enrcr I NAME Oi OWNTR MANAGER NO. FOR EM coNcntrr fl Mf TAL GENE ]. ROOF OPENINOS 2. EXITS PROVIDED & IN ORDIR 3. STAIRWATS PIOVIDED & LN OADER N tJ ANBTR 7. flRt DOORS PnOV|DED A rN ORDER 8. FIRE ESCAPFS PIOVIOED 9 IN ORDTR HEATING 9. ELFVATORS IO. SPRII'IKLER !Y5TEM rl. sMo!:c oR frtaT DtrtcroRS r?- flRt DEP] coNr'ftcTioNs ALIRT DTV]CI WCRNNG ]]. TOCAL ALAIiM ELECTRICAL ]. PROPIR WIRING 2. PRC'PtR tXTtNslON CORD! 3. PRQPIp '-O 5DS HOU SEKEEPING l. GOOD HOUSEKTEPTNC 2, ADtOtrAlt RUftirSr-l cor.rTA NtRS ]. PROFTR SIORAGI OF A1HT5 4. PROPfR STOK.1'i CF CLLT RAG5 5. PROPTR I'IORAGT OF PAINTS 6. FROPLN STORAGI OI PACX]N(; ^,'IATERIAL 7. IROO{P:TJPAGT OI RUBB 'N 8. PROPIF itORACE ()r ACIDS IO. PI(JPfR \IORAGE Of itPLOs VE5 11. PPC|I I SrOoA.-t OF I LM 12. PRCPLR 5IO1?i.jt Or OiiltR .. EXTINGUI\.iLRS iN OTDTR 5. EL€CIRICAL SHU]CFF A CCI S5I8LT 6. VTRT]CAL & HOR IONiAL FIRE 5TOP5 r. PROPiR Ptflr'lc PROPFI VITITING PROItS CLTARANCI 2, I1OT WAISI TANK ACCt5StBri PROP!I? \' E'II NG 9. PROPLK sTORAGT OF HAZARDOI.JS LIQUIDS CR GA5E5 TOCAT ON NU MEtR NU\46TR OI EACH LOCATION oP .:tD /CLOStLI LOCA REMARKS RKS J. COTiBUStION ,.\ri? 1o{JRct REMARKS l. Tqt llNDtRStG\[D, Ar,1 tN RtcEltr or A coPY oF-f ls lNsPtcTloNl l]ollct AND AM AwARt oF IHt PENALTIG5 FOR I.]ON.COMP;IANCt OI ANY ORDLRS TISTED H[RTON. aorrra,,u*, ro", \ \sPFcllor' fl rt r^,^f o. / rt-rNsrtr.rroN I oatr ISSUID BY HAZARO NOTICT NO._ DAT| - ALL STRUCTURAL.WIRING.SANITATION AND HEAI-TH CONDITIONS SHOULD ALWAYS BE REFERRED TO THE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU. VFD-75 WHITE.BUITDING TENANT CANARY.FIRE DEPT. PINK-TIRE PREV, BUREAU Vail Fire Department hrn P. O. Box 100 vArL, coLoRADO8l657 476-2200 476-5613 Exl.223 Date served: CORRECTION NOTICE Date ol original inspection: Building address: Time served: Building name: Building owner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr UNIFOBM FIRE CODE (U.F.C,) VIOLATIONS IJ tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS B tr OTHER SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ACTION REQUIRED TO COHRECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M. / P.M. Date: FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UNDER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO: tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT.tr VAIL POLICE DEPT. tr PUBLIC SERVICE tr PUBLIC WORKS tr HEALTH INSP. tr WATER & SAN. DEPT. BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: (Signalute) lSignaturo)(Tnle) TOWN OI I,AIL EIUILEIING PEFIMIT EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION 19 CLASS OF WORK MAI L ADDRESS NEW { ) ALTEBATION { } ADDITION( IREPAIR( } USF OF BUILDING COVERED SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDFESS NO. OF STORI ES OFF ST, LOADING NO. OF LIVI NG UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL TYPE OF HEA WATER I FORCED AIR ELEC ( IUNIT ( I LOT BLK FI LING COVERING EXT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HB 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvlstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PE RMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIBE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSUBE ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR TOTAL FLOOR ABEA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL PERMIT # I HEREBY ACKNOWI,EDGE THAT I HAVU READ THIS APPI,ICATION AND STA fE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO CO]IIPLY WITH ALL 'IO\lN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OT' OWNER OR CONTRACTOR PL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And,/Or CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 0rdinance No. B (Series of lgl3) Publication Date o AP App I icat ion Da Hear ing Date Final Decision date for Town Council | (we ) Colorado VaiI o f '- T ? t I c t IIt ,I i j 1000 Lionsridge Loop (Address) (State)(ci ty) before the Va i I 47 6-L500rnone P lann ingdo he reby request permission to appear Comm i s s ion to req uest the fo | | ow i nq : ( ( (' ( Variance f rom Article--, Zon ing Chanqe f romPark ing VarianceConditional Use permit in Sect ion TO to a | | ow Zone, For the following described Fi I ing Numbe. Lions Ridge property: Lot/tract*l0, II , Block Subdivision first filino clearly stafe purpose and intent of this applicalion.currently, two tennis courts at vail Rdn are covered with an air structure. we desire a variance to al1ow expansion of the struc.t.ure to cover an additional court, already in existence, making the structure a three-court installation. Expansion urork woul_d take ing Fee Warren Klug for VaiI Run (Applicant) place this falI, with courts ready for play in November. what do you feel is the bas is for hardship in fhis case? such allowed ulder present code. Anv work to the existinq structure requires variance approval. The third include an addition to the lenqth of 64 feet total. Entire bubbre will s!i1l be within the -:"!irg_Jetris jence area. Signature of A I icant / ll,l t MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING CObIMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE; VAIL RUN - Building BuIk Control Variance to Cover an additional tennis court in an BC zone District DATE: JulyI,ir976 vail Run has applied for a building bulk control variance to a1low covering an additional tennis court with an air bubble structure to match the existing structure. The proposed bubble, including the existing two courts will be approximately 185' x 140' with a diagonal of 220' and with no offsets. The Residentlal Cluster zone a1lows a naximum wall length of 100' and requires at least a l0,offset for each 50'of wall length; the maxj.mum allowable diagonal is L25' . The owner states the basis for hardship as I'Such tennis enslosures are not allowed under present eode' Any work to the exj.sting structure requires variance approval. The third court is already on the site, and the structure expansion will include an addition to the length of 64' total. Entire bubble will sti1l be rvithin the existing tennis fence area' " The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Seetion 19'600 of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclusions are as follows: FACTORS: l.Therelationshipoftherequestedvariancetootherexisting or pot-ential uses and structures in the vicinity. The bubbte directly adioins the Vail Run building to the east and the land to the west is vacant and also zoned - Vail Run Page 2 Residential Cluster. The Interstate is to the south and Snow Llon is to the north. Zoning for adjacent parcels would. not allow a building tbe size of that proposed as a permanent structure to cover the tennis courts. The bulk would be out of scale with existing structures as well 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or li.teralinterpretation and enforcement of a speeified regula-tion is necessary to achieve compatibility and uni-fornity of treatment among sites in the vicinlty,or to attain the objectives of this ordinancewithout grant of special privilege. There are no comparable uses or si-tes in the immediate vicinity. To attain unifornity of treatment with other comparable uses in the Town of Vail, we feel the tennis bubble could be allowed as a temporary, winter use if it were removed in the Spring as are the Vail Bacquet Club and Vail Intermountain bubbles. The objectives of the ordinance are not met by in- stalling a structure which is twice the bulk normally allowed in the zone district. A zoning amendment is now before the Town Council which would aI1ow the bubble to be in plaee for seven months in any twelve month period. We feel that approval of the variance would be a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by any other property owner in the Town. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light anci air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facj.li.ties and utilities, and public safety. There would be no impact on the above items. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Perhaps the most important factor which should be considered is one of aesthetics. The all wbite bubble is Vall Run Page 3 extremely vislble against the green site ltself is very visible f.rom the Road and from the entire LionsBidge place only 1n the winter months with fades very well into the background aesthetic detri-ment. The Department of Community Development has considered the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of speeial privilege inconsis- tent with the limitations on other properties or improvements in the same district. Ile feel the approval of the variance would, i-n fact, be a grant of special privilege which would be inconsistent witb other properties in the same district. No building bulk control variances, with the exception of offsets, have ever been granted in any multiple-family residential district within the Town of Vait.as one of the express purposes of the zoning ordiDance is to control total bulk of structures, whether for reereation or habitation. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detri- mental to the pubtic health, safety, or welfare, or materi.ally injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The Department feels that the addltion to an already non-conforming structure, which is nearly twice the al1owab1e size, could be detrimental or materially injurj.ous to other properties and improvements in the vicinity from an aesthetic' point of view. Nearly every residential unit in Lionsridge has a direct view of the tennis bubble and the proposed addition. of the background and the Interstate, the Frontage area. If it were to be in snow on the ground, i-t and becomes less of an -- 'Vail Page Run 4 That the vari.ance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:(a) The stni.ct or literal interpretation and enfotce- ment of the specifled regulation would resultin practical difficulty or unnecessary pttysical' hardship lnconsistent with the obiectives of this ordinance. The literal interpretation would result in practlcal difficutty in that a tennis court cannot be covered within the building bulk eontrol limitations; however, we feel the solution to the practical difficulty is met witb the alternative of allow- ing the bubble as a temporary use. Tfe find no physical hardshlp outlined in the application or apparant on the site. (b) There are exceptional or extraordinary cir- cumstances or donditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone IYe find no exceptional or extraordinary cj-rcumstanses applicable to the site. (c) Tbe strict or literal interpretation and en-' forcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. No other owner in the Town of Vail enjoys the pri-vilege for which the applicant is asking. The Department of Conmunity Development recommends disapproval of the requested varj-ance in view of the fact tlrat no physical hardship exists and any practical difficulty is being resolved by a proposed zoning amendment which should be approved in the near future. 3. I DESIGN REVIEIII BOARD DATE OT MEMBER.S I MI',ETING: ACTION TAKEN BY Boffi: t MorroN ' l'?n 't't'o " PRESENT: VOTE: FOR:. APPROVED: DISAPPROVIiD: SECOMED BY: AGAINST: AB.STENTION: SUIrI\IARY: Rovston Hairarnotc Beck & Abey July 30, '1976 Mr. Warren Klug Vail Run Drawer E. Vaii, Uolorado 81657 Re: Vail Run Dear Warren: I've received your letter of July 25, 1976 and must apologize for not having written prior confirm'ing fee estimates. A topographic map is necessary to reach proper land planning discussions, however it is possible to proceed w'ith conceptual analysis without the topo. Eventua'lly it must be provided and final agreements will then be based on accurate information. The essence of our discussion last week was that Vai'l Run would conpensate my firm through the Town for p'lanning assistance in determining logical site design direction and the probable density of the site. The end product cou'ld be the agreement between Vail Run and the Town of Vail as to site density and as to proper methods of procedure for zonjng and Town Approva'l s. The end product of my planning will not be an approved site plan butwill be severa'l a'ltenratives for land use which should g'ive you a good basis for the necessary foilowing design work by Architects/ Engineers / Landscape Architects of your choice. I've always taken the pos'ition with major developments in Town that my proper role is that of a critic and agent of the Town rather than being the designers of private developments which I would then be called upon to review. There js an inevitable conflict. I would estimate eight to twe'lve hours of my time plus approximately eight hours of staff time to prepare site analysis drawings for you. The fee range could be $450 to $650. Two or three site dlagrams would be prepared to show land use opt'ions and the impact of various densities of development. In effect you have the choice of hiring your own consultant to do this work, or paying the Town for extra services in aiding you in reach'ing agreement with the Town. This is comparable to a private developer paying a Town l"andscapc Architccts: Principals: Associates: 225 Millcr Avcnuc Land Planning Roben Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Vallcy Urban Dcsign Asa Hanamob ASLA Roben T. Battenor ASLA California 94941 hrk Planning Eldon Bcck Ast-A, George W. Girvin ISLA 415 3E3t900 Environmcnal Planning ffitY_il? Robert s. sena ASLA htricia Carlisle ASLA ,\ llr. Warren Klug July 30, 1976 or City for the preparation of Environmental Impact Report by a mutually agreed upon consultant. I am taking some time here to describe my understanding of the fee process and client- prcfessional-Town relationship to avoid any appearance of impropriety on the part of any party. Following the site and density analysis, I would act as a design review agent on your project for the town and you would pay charges as required directly to the Town" Jim Larront can explain this in further detajl. Full design review charges can be rather high depend'ing upon the number of meetings, my appearances before the Council or Cornnissions, and upon the ski'll of capable professionals hired by you. The better the plan, the 'lower the costs. I will proceed with studies and can meet with you during the Symposium week. Please mail a site topo to me as soon as one can be located. Thank you for your kindly letter. I too look forward to a creative exchange and a good project resulting. Slncerely, ROYSTON, HANAMOTO, BECK & ABEY Eldon Beckrt cc: Terrell J. Mingeri .19hn A. Dobson -Clm Lamont Stan Bernstein Larry Rider -2- I Vail nun IramOntToughill Bob Bryd Lo/6/76 Our discussion concerned the approach that should be used by Vail Run ln gaining approval of their project competion. We stated that we were approximately one month away from knowing what figures and planning determinants we would be using in our overaLl growth management effort. We outline the planning concepts that lrere being used by the county and ourselves in terms of the balance development model. We gave him copies of our preliminary growth managerrEnt density and population anaylsis. He stated that he believed that VR needed an additional l-50 units (did not specify wheather they were dwelling units or accomodation units). We said that they could well be within the acceptable range. We outlined the additional- units that were approved or being considered. I stated that we hrere reaching our population l-imit in term of the mountain master plan. I further stated that it was important that VR consider itseLf a totally recreational community and that the nceccessary support facil-ities shouLd be on their oun site. We further suggested that he anaylize the entire lionsridege area in order that he could demoininstrate how the further development of VR wouLd benefit the entire ndighborhood. Ile suggested a joint work session with the planning commission and council to work out a agreement so that they could begin actual s5-te planning. I said that it was premature in that we could not give him any development staA,eards in terms of density. We stated. that we were seeking more flexibility in desigin once these design standard were established by the council. I suggested that he begin investigation of the absouluute minimums which he could economically afford for the project. i* fu 1!, , Rr ltr _r.,cir. v,{11 . t {.. . _. _ &n|tt i}_lE{ -h...1.1 *. brr ..._t* +a{,. l/R,,\l,\r f)f p' t-l il ,u"'t K'^ Salli ]tr.&vrl-Y r I Jax 2"74,t r"iai*___. I Il,-__. *__-*, . _, :-1 r.r i tt._!t t r1r1, j I '{ ., r' rl'.- ::t- I.t?,r !, r.--{lelr' - ill^ fiq'!.':':T!' i,,lilS lfrb';.1;,rigrffi *t_:1-:=331:t-1 j:-,.r., -, - ' .il:**':i:l=. . x5-1:.':.' ..,,,. *.. s,r ,,. ,_;l::5::, ."d-.o-_.:.,,.J_i;.::l:.IL::i3::.Eil;,.;, *':*i:-.1ffi._L*J-il-;;;"f' .-i":Ti' *;i;a:=1'-.-.,!r6i,.- .* . i6d . . n;.li;:ii:,- :F;ffi*;ilil:i_ -:: :,L:;: i # = I :;:'.+';' _T::-:n:: j'i. ;i T:*; *'-TJ;' .,IffiI"l--- . . ' ....; "".i: - 1. j'" "- ' **Ht;d,T,:':"*::'Tr:: : l' .ill: fli +!l;' '. -: r" if :j..',. c ir'h,r :i f.r I , .\_ 1. ..t^' . -"' ; ir.r;I. , JCIi J ;,,t4t..*,..,1,/., ,;,.,,.,-. ,,,,, 't, t xr!'l4,,HF' ..- f:&.&ffiF,.?q,itfi,r,rl3 l. /R '.-:i:::=E--i:i.-E--s r. _L10tr1)l VANRANTY DBED .nl l"^lt tL.tb-rr}t-t--t tr "..d I E A.A.!-r---_a d*qIL -..rr5.r_r ol'.&n-'..+-_-_ ,n U i,*i {un innur,il To: From: Date: MEMORANDUM Planning Commission Department of Conrmunity Development 0ctober 14, 1976 Re: Colorado Investment Services Request for Conditional Use Permit for a Radio Station in Spec'ia1 DevelopmentDistrict 5 The staff has reviewed the Conditional Use Permit request accordingto Section 18.600 of the Zoning 0rdinance and haf the following corments: The app'l icant has requested a radio station operat'ion occupying approximately 900-1000 sq. ft. of floor space be located jn thelower'level of Vail Run along with an snergency transmitter and antenna to be located in an obscure location on the roof of thebuilding. This building is in an "SDS" zone in which both residential and commercial uses are permitted. Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectivesof the Town. In an "S05" zone, one of the conditional uses allowed js for Public Utjlities and Services. t,le feel that a radio station serving the Vail community is providing a public service and should be considered as such. The proposed use of this space as a radio station has no apparent negat'ive impacts on the development objectives of the Town. No additional population growth or traffic will be generated. The impact ofthis proposed use on Town services and facilities will be minimal. Effect of the use on 1i9ht and transportation facilities and other facil ities needs. air, distribution of population, public faci'lities and public This project wi'l 'l have no negative impact on the above mentioned jtems. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. This project wiI'l have no negative effects on traffic, since thestaff of the radio station will be small. Corrnercial uses which arepermitted in the district would generate a great deal more traffic than the proposed Conditional Use. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed useis to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sumounding uses. This project, located on the interior, will have no adverse effects on the character of the area. The only visual part of the project, an antenna, will be located in an obscure part of the roof, and should not present any problems. Page #2 MemorandumTo: Planning ComnissionFrom: Department of Conrnunity Development October 14, .|976 Continuation of Factorst The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use of an environmental impact report is required by'Article 16 of this ordi nance. An environmental impact report is not required as this projectwill have no sign'ificant impacts on the environment. .-The Department of Community Development makes the followingfi ndi ngs: That the proposed location of the use js in accord with thepurposes of th'is ordinance and the purposes of the district in whichthe si te i s 'located. The proposed location is in accord with the provisions of theCondjtional Use section of the Zoning Ordinance and the development object'ives of the Town. That the proposed locatjon of the use and the conditions underwhich it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental tothe public health, safety, and welfare, and would not be materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vic.inity. The operation of the radio station should not have any adverse impacts on sumounding properties or on the Town as a who'l b. That the proposed use wj11 comply with each of the applicableprovisions of this ordinance. The request is jn conformance with the Zoning Ordinance. - Jh" Department of Cormunity Development recorrndends approvalof this Conditional Use Permit. o DDSIGN REVIEW o BOARD : DATE OT MUETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED i L DISAPPROVED: SUlrtlrlARY: \oo I \ li il o :' l. 'ilI t c.Irlc tr0 -al _* -l;t- .$ *v, € j'tr$1-\ :.r.aJ Yn-'l A I ItJ, =!ti:t o .-( C* \9 : I s, t- xl I i -{ *ti) tt- !:i ii n tl l! tl Itli I\r' f)- \'\t \ \ q)zs, if-/ \L dy pl :t, ;Ii. \\t (r -t \Qti ./l t/t I IIIt''! I\. r- \Lt\'\ ---f- /t',/f,/ss "-l /,{/ \<,,/ l-. , 'q\\s,, \ __* ,/ \ -vl , f ,t\I II I l' ' lt '' ' 'I INSFECIOru FIEOUEST TOWN" OF VAILI/,' i.; . . /.' JOB NAME / ' t,. t.,DATE TIME RECEI D / AMPM CALLER E ornen E pnnrrnl. READY FOE INSPECTION WED LOCATION MON TUE FRI-AM PM E nerNsPEcrfleppRoveoE orsappRovED EI upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coFRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS TYPE OF OCCUPANCY E XITS REO, DATE OF APPLICATION ,I9 CLASS OF WOR K NEWII ALTERATION ( I ADOITION{ )REPAIB{ I COVEREDUSE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PAR KING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS FORCEDAIR { )ELEC( }UNITI} LOT J BLK FI LING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ]I III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DlvtstoN 12 3 4 AUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK FEESSPECIFIED FIRE SPRI NK L ERS WET STANDPIPE ELECTRICALDRY STANDPIPE AREA SEPARATIONENERAL DESCRIPTION OF VVORK I 'IEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THA @on o"o ttn .t r q' ^ND AGREE ro ORDINANCES AND BIIILDING CONSTRUCTI OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR PLAN NUMBER TOWN OF VA IL EII.JILtrlING PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOA ABEA BATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEREO APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL ERMIT # I HAVE T TIIE PLY TE \- WNER OR CONl'RACTOR rNsPEcfiru TOWN O FIECIUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM I ornen f]penrru LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI" -AM PM APPROVED fl uporu rHe E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: E netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR i rNsiPEcrGru TOWN OF FIEOT'EST VAIL DATE JOB NAME l/:' TIME RECEI D- AM PM CALLER E oruen TUE WED I peRnnu.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION , fnue l FRI {.- AM PMMON COMMENTS: d'App RovED D uporu rne CORRECTIONS flotsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: El nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR .J l T0wt{ 0F ETUILElING t|A rt PEFIMIT DATE OF APPLICATION/ / 19 NEW{) ALTERATION D( ADDITION ( I REPAIR{ ) USE OF BUILDING OFF ST. PARKINGSO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT. NO. OF STOFIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER{ ) FORCEDAIR( I EL€C( IUNIT( } LOT f/a I BLK ( FlLl 1. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I ||t tV 2. occuPANcY GRoUP A B c o EOc H I J Dtvf stoN 1 (2t 3 4 BUI LOI NG PEFMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS WET STANOPIPE DBY STANDPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ABEA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED DATE APPLICA penurr # READ THIS APPLTCATION AND STATE th. Flnltt/€'l - -'Vi-tqArEFER f&r/) Pf;f<mn-'o /&. INSF'ECTIN TOWN OF FIEGlT.|EST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECE]VED AM PM CALLER fl orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE D panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM APP ROVE D LI UPON THE E orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS I I I I l i I ___i INSPECTOR DATE r.ir- -,1-jJ rNsPEertru TOWN FIEGI|JEST VAIL 'r' , ,i)' . ,/- ',;" " /,DATE //. ,t .-/ / i, JOBNAME rlrue RecerVeg i' AM PM c,CALLER D orHEn I pnnrtrl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON !.FRI COMMENTS: --' APPROVE,D EOISEPPROVED -tt.J UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: l CoRRECTIONS ,, ,t ,r, I ::r. ..' - . ,.,1,_ D nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR rNsiPEcraN FtEGluEsT TOW F VAIL Ji ----v' r tDATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen E penrrnr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED ,,,'THUR . 'PMMON COMMENTS: E eppRovED E upow rHe CORRECTIONS FOLLOWING ! orsnppRovED CORREGTlONS: fl nerNsPEcr \l INSPECTOR DATE Town of Vail EI,NCf,IIICAL PMMIT Job ) Date of Application..-- ,.-.....--(.9-r-'.../3-.................-...-..-----..----Lg--7-L--------.--. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 322 $............--....-....-,-.. g.. lt .&. 0,.' -&..... -. s.......*. A:P- -........ Electricar contractor--..- ......OU1 -...€*-17.4-4r--.fu.(.-,-....---..--...-...-".. Applicant..... APPROVALS C]htd Bulldhf Otflclal THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIJRS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS 6 rxr t. r. r{casrrL co., oElv!r trrasz ilr--- Town of Vail F',x,ncI'RICAL PERMIT Job Date of Application..----...-2cr, 13 $..7L......_^.. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 323 $...............-..--...."... s..3,.a 0t.,. @-..... - -. $.......4.9.:.9.......... APPROVALS tn/"/" Date Paid--.---- chl.f Euildht offlclal THTS FORTI 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB STTE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOI{ 2{ HOI,'RSI ADVANCE NOIIG, REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECIIONS rsa !. r. tse.0rrr t0,,0ar{vri at0r52 Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 207 Etectrical cont u.tor g,/.<-..... Applicant--.---" SlSratur. APPROVALS THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED OTII JOB SITE DURTT'IG GOT{STRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Da te of Application- - -./-. $./6.e-.k D ate P aid. il-.e. Z.{*=. ?-rt. V l\ Received By...--...--..-...... " ,\ r$r r- r. RErrxtL co., ot*vrt 313.52 fi\ s...ffi Town of Vail FT,NC"IRICAL PF,RMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 209 $......-.....-..--..-..... . vb.w.y s...tu...-*- APPROVALS Datt l.-----.-!--- Date 3-7{ Date FORM Ig TO BE POSTED OT{ SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION 2{ HOURS A.DVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS tou Nun "../.ai!.... fu = . %.-=*44, il lt / Applicant-...-.- Slglatnrr JOB 7_M. FEFIMITPLUMEilNGi/MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL &.r Fr<fforCa- DATE c T'BNAME bufnla\/,t-wl ?r=-r-r*tpAxtT: -lA; t Rtn OWNER ADDRESS coNrRAcroR Ma, nn*n1yfuvp:- I/lm.J-t- pHo^, 4b *,4ry) t/l OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E[ *r* f]eootrroru [ Rruooel E nepnrn PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $vALUArfoN $ AfiY) REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE ,.*r{r r* Ea)'o"At,*;\t>t/\. -7tl pott*outo E orseppnoveo d ':. --'.r rNsiPEclcDN ..-- . TOWN OF FIEEUESiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEF E ornen MON COMMENTS: I pnnnar LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR -AM PM E eppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS I lu TIME RECEIVED- AM PM. CA I l" rNSeeclclN TOWN OF FIEOUESiT )/ArL DATE JOB NAME ! pannnun ornen LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM,"PMMON COMMENTS: , TUE. E.aee Rov E D El upor'r rHE FotLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orseppRovED BEINSPECTtr FlEEUESiT VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM I or saeeRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fleppRovED fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR Tllwt{ 0t vAlL EIUILE ING PEFIMIT JOB NAME l//t 2 '(tt'* DATE OF APPLTCATTON .4o.^ "3 $2 MAIL ADDRESS NEWII ALTERAT|ON,ffu499111611 ( ) REpArRl) USE OF BUILDI NG OFF ST. PARKINGSO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT. NO. OF STORIES OFF 8T. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT, COMMERCIAL FOFCED AIR ( I ELEC I )UNIT( 1. rypE oF coNsrRucrroN I || Ir@ v (or R 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A A C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 7234 SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS DBY STANDPIPE COMB, STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS UNCOVEREO VARIANCE PERMIT # THAT I HAVE .I READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVP IS CORRECT AND AGTTEE TO COMPL itn'-.1 'f' , .:1 -T- I II I I (4 rls :. s\ 9 ^\ i \s.** t$ f Vl^ s $$'ofN=N l=F ? E-> CE' trt t\oz, =G) 't5 ctl €c> ecixctt t I I i '|I ' j ., !';h: -j, * ::'itfr-, IJ (J T Yrd !ilq 3?e =t+rI6P T8 Ir i-,5 *'frm-oo r-r I ..i 7'u,,.#" -tl .3 IL d 8 ^ Nt $ I cs\-) ?o.ocx L'I.l i $ $P*-t'(/\ I t lD{ 14 $ {> F F s.: '}ht s. t'\- bl\YItce .o$ f4\ R dR toov Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid.-"..- 230 $...-.............".......-.. 8......4.9..&.,-&." $.... ......*.4-,.-4-.. t.......... . Q;& J/". & rca Nu,,.- ile n ..4o*..-. Sa**.. .A.rrtr* Date of Application-..ftotuo.,, ,/a-us.../.Q..-...--.... ,/)g' nnvti"untffizJ {. €-**** APPROVALS Z : /-?-:-.7/.. chlcf ButldltrS 14uts-JoB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOil 24 HOURSI ADVANCE NOfiCE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Plan Checker Received By Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 231, $-.-...--".-..-.......-...... $..€,-daa--,.0n.... $......... e?.Q "'. &)... - $.-.......s2 Total Fee Date Paid-..--. toaNuo,"'-il.t*.Euo.--..(r.r.t*..../'e.ra./tn, Electrical contractor..... --il-e.A- .f*t LT.4-t.c.,.-.{Al-4-...--..--.-........ APPROVALS q4 '.....-../e.,.0A....z:-/7:7-C, Bulldtn! oftlctal THIS FORM I5 TO BE POSTED OTiI JOB SITE DURIilG CONSTRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOIICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Received By Town of Vail EI,,ECTRICAL PERMIT .lob Name-.I*. Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation 233 s 4-AA Date of Application....-3/-.--:.'...-..--.--3...--=...-.--..- -.-----------.--Ls.-A..6 Electrical Qontr actor - - -.H-L) rsj. 2..-...-f: A-G.<.=r3l- APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid.----.. Received 8y........." $-.Jr2..Q.P...".... hr, / I ftan ctrecter cht.f Eu dht otllclal THIS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 H(X'RS AIIVANCE NOTICE NEQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS $.J!..0.a...... irr a, r. loarrrl ro., otllar lrd.52 ' - irt .-'r!:-'r 1 ,IrT --sri' .. FTEBUEST DATE f"|'-:: j:.: /,.', ' ,/'.',.JoB NAME t"'/*, TIME RECEIVED ,/ ,.NA cntlen/ tNsPEcforu N ,t )t' -, E orren E penrtnr READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATlON MON COMMENTS: arfi-qi:jTUEWED FRI-AM PM I4H??ROVED E otsnppRovED lnerNsPEcr n uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS Town of Vail EI..ECI'RICAL PERMIT rca Nu u. Qa,*[*a.--,fr*/*/- Mri6t* Date of ApplicatiorL..- - (-^. -. - -:" -......r() Electrical Contractor ..ppri"u,t(-.ffi ffi APPROVALS Plan Checker Cxilol Butldlu Olttclal THIS FORil| Ig TO BE POSTED ON .'OB STTE DURII{G CONSTRUGTIOI{ 24 HOURS ADVAI\ICE NOITCE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS $...7..6.'..".....". Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Date llaid--..--... Received By 229 $. ....-......-..-...-...-..- $..J.0...4a,."... $..... .t,.8.0.. . $.J.f.0a. . rrE a. a. |l!acrtr co., DATE JOB NAME TNsPECIcrN FTEOUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orren MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrtau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED ! uporu rse CORRECTIONS n otsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR DATE lNsPEcrl.N TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orHen ! pnnrrll. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM I eppRovED ! upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNse=CroN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHEn E pnRrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE B nppRovED I orsnpp RovE D f] uportr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR DATE :_ JOB NAME rNsiPEcr?N FIEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM:IM CALLERJ n orHen E panrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM [] eppRovED ! orsneeRovED E nerNsPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORBECTIONS: CORRECTIONS z tr TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION MAIL ADDRESS NEW() ALTERATIONI ) ADDITION() REPAIR USE OF BUI LDI NG SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STOFIES OFF ST. LOADI NG NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WA,TER { I FORCEDAIR { )ELECI 'UNIT LOT BLK FI LI NG ,I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C O E F G H I J otvtstoN 1234 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIBE SPRI NKLERS WET STANDPIPE OBY STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSUHE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR ,Qtrqm#;+/u0..,Cfuon "V MTasl r,r I A'&r" J l**" t/o / PtJ an rL- qr/dr*, E.al ,U*o, ftnrtrt ,/tt o-'ft BUILtr'ING PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTEO PERMTT # E TEAT I HA READ THIS APPLICATION AND ST.{IE TIIAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE I,AWS NEGARDING BUTLDING CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR T0wr{ 0t l,A tL EIUILEIIIUGi ]'EFIMIT EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATI CLASS OF WORK TOTAL LOT AREA NEWII ALTERATIO'Y,NL ADDITION { ) REPAI SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO, OF LIVING UNITS WATERI } FOACEDAIR ELEC I } UNITI ) LOf II BLK ( FILING COVERING INT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I || "t@ V IHH 2. OCCUPANCY GRouP A B C D E F G@r J DtvtstoN 12 31 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS COMB. STANOPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ERAL D€SCRIPTION OF WOBK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE UNCOVEREO t\'f .il,,a4 -zft t.,t , 7 STATE THAT THE REE TO gQMPLY READ T}IIS ABOVE IS CO WITH ALI ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR rNsFE{roN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM C,ALLER l l l I ornpn EI panrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE AM PM D eppRovED I orsnreRovED fl netNsPEcr I upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ..,.:;,-:,o. ";;ir;'., -.,",....' ;!;-jd,--,-.--,.r!!;a,-r.,1;;;:b,rd,,rald,!,:.-.r.,..,! cltri"t h*.u-.,- , r., -1 -l il\tsPEcroN TOWN O HEEUES VAII DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florxe n ! penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: WED THUR INSPECTOR E eppRovED E orsappRovED ! nErNsPEcr E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CoRRECTfONS , .., ,,: .. rNsPEcQru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER f]orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FBI AM PM E appRovED E orsappRovED ! ueon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr DATE Town of Vail F:I,ECTRICAL PERwIIT Job Name.-..1 Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date ,Ax Date of Applicatiorl.----5-...-".....:--....../..3.....-...- -.----.-..--.rg-...7.6.-........ 253 Electrical cono*ror---.-,/-&=nl- ehA $............--......-..-....rpptica,,t.-{.-.M/d-*S $../..s..o..o. ?Y sr'atu' APPROVALS $ Plrn chqckrr t"/*/ro THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURIilG CONSTRUGTION 24 H(X'RS ADVANCE N(yIIG NEQIJIRED FOR INSPECIIONS A JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER F|EEUEST VAlLTOWN OF DATE TIME I i E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FHI 'AM PM l I i .E APPROVED fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS florseppRovED CORRECTIONS: El nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR -rI a PLUMEI|NGi./MECHANICAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL oorrf fhv/8, /?76 T.BNAME \/a;z ,Qt:*t B*an t fu,r,e OWNER ADDBESS "o r ^o"r oAt r=* n lno-, fu Ua< ffirc,tt*, Uo puone Qk€ ? n 7 flf nppnoveo OF BUILDING: oF woRK: El'new E eoolnon D nennooel E nepo," RIPT]ON OF WORKI flEE .) PLUMBING: NUMBER /" R MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArfoN $ qA) e VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMITFEE I tzg l PERMIT FEE \/Wrhv -_t 4I ----TOTALFEES: S / , '^,,fuyt4r?7Q. .{v DATE /.' .. . . ',; J( TIME REcErvEo . , Ani pm tNstrE*oN TbWN oF FIEBUEST VAIL ' -. t'-..,'.'l,^: :' CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: 'TUi f]panrrrl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI am pili.; flRppRovED LJ UPON THE CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR. DATE .,' TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orsen E penrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE AM iiii')FRI .E nppRovED E orsRppRovED 'I ueoru THE FoLLowrNG conRECrtoNS: COBRECTIONS n netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR MECHANICAL OAIE OF APPLICATION NEW{' ALTERATION }<L ADDITION REPAIR { ) USE OF BUI LDI NG SO, FT. OF BLDG,HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS WATER( } FORCEDAIR I )ELEC( IUNIT( I LOT If SLK f FILI COVERING 1. TYPE OF CONSTFUCTION I II III IV V I HB 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C O E F G H I J DtvlstoNl234 SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS ORY STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL CLEAN UP DEPOSIT DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPAFATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOWN OF EIUILElTNG l'A tt PEFIMIT t /3{ TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATI T I HAVE READ THTS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ||r. 9.ltit .t/vail)< n<4 t'Er1=i: Ff4orn . PERrvr 7- */ZF INSPEC FIEOIJECiT VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orurn E panrtel, LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WEDTUE THUR ' FRI , AMPMMON COMMENTS: El app RovED I orsnee RovED E nerNsPEcr E upoltr rHE FoLLowlNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS