HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT C11 VAIL RUN PARKING VARIANCE LEGAL(* Crt FILT (,tons 0,aX- 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0 -47 9 -2138t 47 I -21 39 Fpx970-475-2452 January 5, 2010 Vail Run Condominiums Homeowners Association Fax: (970)476-4763 Attn: BillFleishman Re: Vail Run lmprovements Dear Mr. Fleishman, On behalf of the Town of Vail, I would like to extend our thanks for the removal of the trailers at the Vail Run Condominiums. The Town appreciates your efforl to come into compliance with the Town's regulations. The purpose of this letter is to offer some suggestions for further compliance and to help set up Vail Run Condominiums for any further changes to signage and the exterior of the building. Since the removal of the trailers on the back of the building, the storage area that remains has been left exposed. This exposed storage does not comply with the requirements of Section 14- 10-10E, Vail rown code, which states, "service areas, outdoor storage, anc! garbage storage shall be screened from adjacent propefties, structures, sfreefs, and other public areas by fences, berms, or landscaping. " In order to screen this area, the Vail Run condominiums Homeowners Association will need to apply for design review of a minor exterior alteration (see attached application). Please complete this application by March 1,2010 to avoid any formal citations. The issue of signage on site has also come up in conversation with numerous tenants who occupy the building. The regulations have changed over the years, permitting businesses that do not have an individual entrance to the building to have signage similar to businesses that have their own private entrance. Title 11, sign Regulations, Vail Town code, requires that every building within the Town have an approved sign program. There are numerous signs at Vail Run that have not gained approval for signage, while other businesses have received approval from the Town for their signage. This has resulted in a lack of compliance regarding signage. A sign program would allow the Vail Run Condominium Homeowners Association to create a set of rules for all signage regarding location, design, size and lighting, which would help both tenants and the Town. I would be happy to sit down with a representative to discuss these issues. Please contact me directly at (97 O)47 9-2440. COPT TOI4IN I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te* 970.479.2L39 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us DRBNumben DR8020216Project Names Alteration to proposed w. staircase. ProJect Descriptionr Change to approved plan of addition of enclosed egress stair attached to existing building. Pafticipantsr OWNER VAIL RUN COMUNTITY 020312002 Phone: License: APPLICAIIT RKD RKD Archltects 1000 Lionsridge Loop Suite3D Vail, Co 81657 License: 0il031200.2 Phone: 476-9228 Project Addrcss: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: west staircase Legal Description: l-ot: C-11 Block: Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210312104000 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalr O9|LL|aOO? Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 09/11/2002 By: Matt Gen Action: APPR C.ond:0 (PIIN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Entry: 09/11/2002 By: Matt Gen Action: APPR Cond: CON0005452 Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall clean up the site to staffs satisfaction, Entry: 09/11/2002 By: Matt Gen Action: APPR Cond: CON0005453 Prior to building permit approval, the applicant shall submit a landscaping plan to be approved by staff. ,n,o,crvr002 By: Matt Gen Acrion: APPR Cond: CON0005454 The applicant shall submit material samples to staff for approval prior to BP issuance. Entryt 09J1L12002 By: Matt Gen Action: APPR Irptanner: il*t ^-f DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO L @ I0n4v 0r l/Alttt/ Application for Design Review Deoaft ment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479'2139 fax: 97Q'479'2452 web: www'ci.vail.co.us.l rQl lor lt>t'General Informationl' All projects requiring desrgn review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paticula, upp..ouui that is requested' An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untit att required informauon ls recelvlo* ov in" cott'n1y Development Department' The project may also need to ne re]rieweO by the Town Coun.iiunblo' the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapses unless a building pu.nrii l"'i""u"d and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposat: Lot: /O abcu: %Csubdivision: parcel No.: ztozt zt o4oou -to to (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of APP|icant: Ittoo t-lot-!sP<c,cn= 4 ? #.:urrq 'ADertn<E- ---il"n"t'4to'47U'qZz'a $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition wnere square fo6ta99.1s aOfe!! anv residential or commercial urlroing iindi'As 250 adiitions & interior conversions)' $250 ior minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as' reroofing, painting,- winOow adaitlons' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 ioi*in6t cnanges to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, *inOo'i uOOitions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 roi reuisions io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: fl Signs I Conceptual Review D New Construction tr Addition D Minor Alteration (multFfamilY/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-familY/duPlex) f- cnung"t to APProved Plans fl Separation Request E-mail Address: For Office Use OnlY: Fee Paid: --;e-- cnect tlo': J55 ? gY: I014ft,ffi ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** tr Stamped Topographic Survey* o Site and Grading Plan* o Jandscape Planx Ea Architectural Elevationsx o _F)terior color and material samples and specifications. t'- Architectural Floor Plansx D Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures D Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* 3 Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, lf applicable D Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated' Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no elterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repoft, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Topographic suruey:D Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor a Date of survey o North arrow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20') u Legal description and physical address o Loi size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 409o, and floodplain) o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer inveft. This information must be clearly stated on the survey o property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. I Show right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curue information. o indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. D Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot' o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Page 3 of t2l0Zl07l02 a The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans: o Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred o Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. n Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc'). a One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Tltle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations' o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs, Architectural Elevations: o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale, o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.D Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details. o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building' o Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. o Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e, gutters and downspouts). o Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable' o Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges, These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. o Exterior cobr and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures' o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT TOCATION CERTIFICATE OLC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (iLC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set tr Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie' distances and angles) . tr Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations a All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easements Page 5 of L2lO2lO7lO2 - -k-T1 :i,i --=-r:l-- BBlAAl2ES2 6i.22 s7a476e81.RKD rctu2T29 Aroo,C081620 97U176{,59l fi$4ft-28E1frx $conway@corrguscwnmr cmwuyhrikhn.cm Angust 5,20A2 PAGE A1 sts 4Tl ffiL P.61HWw, r6|4t g}&ITf HJILERS TownofVeit Depf . of Cmnrmity Dcn'elorpment Afis: Mrttccnnctt Vail" CO 81657 The fouowiqg h the clearr-up phn forthe west side stairuray wort I - Removc sahllits dishes (3) fo,r trusk and excavation equipmcnt accoes 2. Power wash teonis courtc snd cleen all dirt from arca dttG to excanarion 3. Straigbh parkiag burrpffi 4. Trim hi$ weods aad arcas of overprorrth 5. Remove weeds ftom tennis court 6. Rebuild rceining wall west side of new sbirsray *q.Wr#%+ '$td€- P'ti4t wrvdan6 +o ma*rn- ilders Irtc cc: SallyBraircrd TTITH. P.El q lnc', uilders POBox2729 Avon, CO 81620 970-376-4581 970-477-2881fax gj conway@compuserve.com conwaybuilders.com August 5,2002 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development Attn: Matt Gennett Vail, CO 81657 Sub: Clean-up plan for Vail Run. West side stairway The following is the clean-up plan for the West Side Stairway work 1. Remove satellite dishes (3) for truck and excavation equipment access 2. Power wash tennis courts and clean all dirt from area due to excavation 3. Straighten parking bumpers 4. Trim high weeds and areas of overgrowth 5. Remove weeds from tennis court 6. Rebuild retaining wall west side of new stairway cc: Sally Brainerd REC'DAUG.5ZOOE I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 17, 2002 3:00 P.M. . PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Charlie Acevedo Margaret Rogers MEMBERS ABSENT 12:00 pm -4._-.-HZ:00 pm tll. 2. e 4. 5. o. 7. Driver: 'tiffffi;n idsioence : 2g6s Bald Mountain Road Kelton residence - 1034 Homestake Circle Vail Mountain Lodge - 352 E. Meadow Drive Vail Run - 1000 Lionsridge Loop Robason residence - 1 139 Sandstone Drive Marriott - 715 West Lionshead Circle Alphorn - 121 West Meadow Drive Warren 3:00 pm Hoffman residence DRB02-017 4 1 Final review of a proposed primary/secondary residence 2665 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 9, Block 2, VailVillage 13th Filing Applicant: Scott Hoffman, represented by RKD Architects Allison 2. MOTION: BillPierce SEGOND: CharlieAcevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That, prior to the submittal of a building permit, the staff review and approve the detail of the stone & facia.2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant submit revised plans which meet all Public Works conditions. Johnson/Porter residence DRB02-0175 Allison Final review of proposed addition and exterior modifications 4857 Juniper Lane/Lot 8, Block 4, Bighom 5'n Addition Applicant: Jeff Johnson, represented by Gwathmey, Praft Schultz Architects MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 o APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, all staff issues shall be resolved by the applicant. 3. VailMountain Lodge DRB02-0185 George Final review of amendment to approved plans revising the dormers on the north and east sides of the building 352 E. Meadow Drive/Tract B, VailVillage 1" Filing Applicant: VML, LLC MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: CharlieAcevedo VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED PER PLANS SUBMITTED AND DATED 7I17IO2 4. Robason residence DRB02-0163. Matt Final review of new single fami[ residence. 1139 Sandstone Drive, Indian Creek Townhomes/Lot 41, Block A, Lions Ridge Filing 1. ..-'--.-',A"ppdieant:.,...,Ranr!'v.s.'&.FlnnaRo|'as4n,rePIesente,'|hySteve4,'|ancsRidel.MOT|oN:Bi||PierceSEcoNt!:HansWo|drichVoTE:5-0 APPROVED W|TH 4 GONDITIONS: 1. That the lot subdivision process be completed.2. That the applicant meet all Public Works conditions.3. That the applicant meet all landscape requirements.4. That the application be staff reviewed and approved. 5. Alphorn Condominiums DRB02-0164 Allison Final review of fagade remodel 121 West Meadow Drive/Lot D2, VailVillage zno Filing Applicant: Alphorn Condo Assoc., represented by Ray Story MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the submittal of a building permit, the applicant provide revised plans which indicate the center stairway roof match the other 2 pitches.2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant coordinate with Public Works with regards to Meadow Drive improvements. 6. Vail Run Resort DRB02-0216 Matt Final review of minor alterations to proposed staircase 1000 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 1 0, Block C, Lions Ridge Filing 1 . Applicant: Vail Run Resort Community Assoc., represented by RKD Architeets MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That staff approve the materials to be used.2. That the site be cleaned up to staffs satisfaction, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That the landscape plan be approved by staff. Kelton residence DRB02-01 93 Final review of proposed color change. 1034 Homestake Circle/Lot 5, Block 6, VailVillage 7'FilingApplicant Piper Architecture LTD MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 8. Marriott Vail Mountain Resort DRBO 2-0229 George Final review of proposed changes to approved plans 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots C&D, Morcus Subdivision Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE; 5-0 APPROVED PER REVISED PLANS DATED 7I17IO2 9. Ryerson residence DRB02-0196. Conceptual review of proposed addition. r*-'_..-.'.'.....=-4€39fie5cfif-Dr.ii6iLut.i6;"Blocit5;i}iEiruiri€uixliviSiurr,-....j:+*.:--+.l:;:..r' Applicant ' ':Tony &'Cirrdy Ryersori, represented by Beth Leviire, Architect CONCEPTUAL_ NO VOTE 10. Meadow Drive Streetscape DRB02-0195 Bill Final review of proposed streetscape improvements Meadow Drive from Dobson lce Arena to Willow Bridge Road Applicant Town of Vail MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 7, 2OO2 11. Donovan Park Pavilion DRB02-0181 Final review of proposed new park pavilion 1600 S. Frontage Rd. WesUUnplatted, Donovan Park Applicant Town of Vail, represented by VAg, Inc. George MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 Birl7. Birl TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 7. 2OO2 Staff Denials Baggage Cheque, Inc, DRB02-0096 Sale banner 141 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1'r Filing Applicant: Colleen McCarthy Staff Approvals Candi Johns Salon DRB02-0201 Hanging sign 141 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1sr Filing Applicant Gandi Johns Salon George Warren Parks residence DRB02-0203 George New single-family residence with Type I EHU 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot't8, Bighorn SubdivisionApplicant: Timothy Parks Ace Workwear DRB02-0200 Warren New awning sign 2171 N. Frontage Road WesULot 2-A, Vaildas Schone Filing 3 Applicant: Judith A. Gifford Sanctuary lnternational Inc DRB02-0176 Allison Window addition in basement 4327 Streamside Circle/Lot 6, Bighorn 4tr Addition Applicant: Roger P. Anderson Wolf residence DRB02-0206 Atlison Window addition *"*- . ,-.'-QQ1{stream CondoS 1[426-Westhav-en DrivellotS3.Glen Lv-qn SubdiVifql* - Applicant; Andrew H. Wolf Shapiro residence DRB02-0207 Allison Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises TKL Properties LLC residence DRB02-0208 Allison Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail IntermountainApplicant Rabbit & Son Enterprises Moore residence DRB02-0209 Allison Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail IntermountainApplicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Rossman/Eastom residence DRB02-0210 Allison Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail lntermountainApplicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Spaeth/Tawczynski residence DRB02-0211 Allison Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail lntermountain Appticant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises WA Family Trust residence DRB02-0212 Allison Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4. Block 4, Vail IntermountainApplicant Rabbit & Son Enterprises Rogers residence DRB02-0213 Warren Addition of 221 sq. ft. 860 Red Sandstone Drive, Unit z3lPotato Patch Cltib CondominiumsApplicant Rosalin Rogers 4 Mill Race Phase I DRB02-0221 Change to approved plan - change to location of fence surrounding pool 1360 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Area A Applicant: Millrace Condo Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Ruder Cemetary DRB02-0225 Repair and clean-up site 2850 Basingdale Blvd./Lot 1, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Calder Cahill Lapadula residence DRB02-0220 Replace window with slider Judy George Vail Point Townhomes Phase 1, 1881 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 1 , Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing 3Applicant: Daniel & Marsha Lapadula La Bottega DRB02-0214 Installaiion of exterior louvers George Vail Village Inn Plaza, 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1sI Filing Warren Snowstorm LLC DRB02-0222 George lnstall air conditioner compressor 2009 Sunburst Drive/Lot 15, Vail Valley 3'o Filing Applicant: Snowstorm LLC Marriott DRB02-0218 Warren Change to approved plans - exterior building arches from chamfered to arched 715 W. Lionshead Circle/Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, represented by Grathmey Pratt Schultz The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Towrdopven 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81557 970-479-2138 [^^.,lu ?-&9. ( DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT f ^\Jc-^-^\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMT Permit #: E02-0083 job Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1000 UONSRIDGE LOOP Applied. . : 05/29/2Wz ParcelNo...: 210312104000 Issued. .: 05130/2002ProjectNo: Expires..: 11/26/2002 APPLTCANI SI{AW EIJECTRIC 05/29/2002 phone: 970-926-3358 P O BOX 1-45L AVON CO 8152 0 Licenge: 105-E OWNER VAIL RUN COMMI]NTITY A5/29/2OO2 PhONC: Licenge: CoNTRACTOR SHAW ETECTRIC O5/29/2OO2 phone: 9?0-926-3358 P O BOX 14s1 AVON CO 8]-.620 . T-,icenge: 106-E Desciption: INSTALL SHLINT TRIP FOR ELEVATOR Valuation: $1,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical-*-> Sso.oo Total Calculated Fees-> Ss3 . 00 DRB Fee_-> Investigation-> willCall--> TOTAL FEES-> $0. 00 9o.00 93.00 $s3.00 Additional Fees-_-_>$0. 0o Total permit Fee_> gs3 . 00 Payflrents--------> $53.00 BALANCE DUE_> So .00 Approvals:ltdm: 06000 ELECTRICA! DEPARTMENT os/29/2002 Dt Action: AP IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPASTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE CoMPLIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inJormation and plot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninS and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and o*rer ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SFIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FO{TR HOURS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT 479.2138 oR AT oUR oFFICE FRoM 8:OO AM . 5PM' ! ','"t /') () n ) OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O\^/NEI ,1.*+*{.'}+***********:1.***i.***********,}*****++********:t(*****:i'}****t +,N. * '} * * * *. * * * *,r. ** * * *** * * * * +* * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement****+*+++*********{t**+*tr *** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * *{. * ** * * * * * * * * * * + + + * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * ** +**** + * * + +* * * Slatement Number: R000002489 tunount: 953.00 0S/30/2OO20Z:Og pM Payment Melhod: Check Init: LC Notation: #110? ? / shaw Electric Permit No: 802-0083 Type: ELEefRICAJT PERMIT Parcel No3 2103121-04000 SiIE AddresE: 1OOO LIONS RTDGE LP VAIIJ Location: 1000 tfONSRIDcE LOOP ToLal Fees: $53,00 This Payment: $53.00 Total AIJIJ pmts: $53.00 Balance: S0.00 ** *{.** * * * * * + + * * * * * * * ** *,F * *** * + + * * * * * {. * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #*,1.,* * * !r ** * + d. 'F !F* * + * * + {. * ** ** * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmrs EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY PO!{ER PERMITS I'lC 00100003112800 t'illl CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 : SFXCI"I H-ECTRICFRqN .r i I I, TT}K 75 S. Fror Vail' C"olr Ytfr. Rd,s16f' H.ECIRI|..AIVAUIATK)N: $ I 6@ *-- OF SQ FT rN STRTJCTURE: N +. Ttirt: tzt- o'q- aGup 163_ tZt _ t 't 1 JobAddress !6DO |riotsrid.+e .Lw'e, Vd;lail Tfun B.,eso't: 76- tsoo l;r-*a-!L Shant -Itif ?leva*af () Addirbn() Remodal() RBoalr() Tqppogll-gj ffiu"dttat.uttlocatton: ves( ) No( )lnterioit"/l Ederior( ) Both( )jl ) RrEtaurant( ) odter( )--------- - No. of Ar@mrrodadon Units In $ls bulE[lgl: @owgting Units in thb btriktrng: (, [ '- ,lt * rr r t ttf rr..****r *rrr llit****iFIOR OFFICE USE OiILY*"rt*"rrll'lr trrl' *l*t'll t"t l" i *' q$g F: /EreryotE/hrms/ele4cf tn . ,'.,., . '.': ;':t! *,s ,!i;' :.{''tr-,.:.,, " ti- l v6rl (,m a, , .- -- ...\..,7\\ --.. { 1 r ,\ -./r.=:.,51;g - V TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us March 11,2002 RKD, lnc. 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, #3D Vail, CO 81657 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Building Permit # 801-0255, modification of stair tower & elevator to bring to code VailRun 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Vail A review of the Town of Vail BuiHing Division files indicates that there has been no recent activity with the above listed building permit. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 106.4.4, requires evidence of construction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section106.4.4, your permit has expired. lf no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits returned. Charles E. Davis Acting Chief Building Official CD/lc {p *"nuoror", [to (icsg(* *" %5lt \0a Invoice Request Form Route to Finance Date: MLay 2,2002 From: Lynne Campbell Bill to: RI(D, fnc.Address: 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, #3D Cityo Stateo and zip: Vail, CO 81657 Phonenumber: 970-476-4918 Please describe what we are billing. Include dates, Town equipment, and personnel involved. Copies of any backup documents you have would be helpful in the collection of this debt. PlancheckfeesforB00-0255 $432.25 Total amount to invoice: $432.25 Account number to be credited: 00100003f 12300 To\ n{ oF varl 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $85,000.00 Fireplace brformation: Reshictedi NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 801-0255 DEPARTMENT OE CONAVN-TTTV DEVELOPMENT S0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $1,200.25 $0 . 00 Paymmts----;' TOTAL FEFS----> 8L,2Oo.25 BALANCE DUE--> $1,200.25 Approvals:I€e'm: 05100 BUII'DING DEPARTMENT Lo/o2/2oot cF(e Action: AP See corrections notes on approved plans . Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENT o8/28/2o0L BRENT Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Lo/oz/2oot mcgee OI'INER VAII, RI'N COMITMTITY o8/27/zOOt Phone: Li_cense: APPLICAIIT RKD Og/2i/2OOL phone: 476-9228 RKD Archit.ects l-000 Lrionsridge Lroop Suite3D Vail, Co 81657 License: COI{TRACTOR RKD, fNC. 08/27/2ooL phonel 97O-476-9228 1OOO LTONS RTDGE LOOP #3D VAIL, CO 8165 7 I-,icense: 333-B Desciption: MODIFICATIONOF STAIRTOWERAND ELEVATOR TO BRING UPTOCODE Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family TypeConstruction: II-FR Type Occupancy: ?? fob Address: 1000 UONSRIDGE LPVAIL Location.......: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP ParcelNo....: 21,0312104000 ProiectNo. : PRJ01-0166 Status...: APPROVED Applied. . : 08/27/2001. Issued...: Expires . . .: AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas tngs: 0 # of $0. oo Total Calculated Fees--> 51,200.25 $0. 0o Wood Pellet **t* FEE SUMMARY Building--> 9665.00 Restuarant Plar Review-> Plan Check--> i432 .25 DRB Fee-------.*-_-> $100. 00 .Additional fses----> Inveshgation-> Will Call--> $0 . 00 Recreation Fee---------> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit-->s0.00 Action: AP ftem: 05500'PIIBI-,IC WORKS;;;;ffi ilffiffi;"';;ffi ;ffi ;;;il;il;;; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read tlds application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plary and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in-formation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWINTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0o AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATURE OF OI^/NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIV{SELF AI{D OWNEF PAGE 2 *:t*******:t****rl**li&**n********************)*r****ir*d*t.*******************-l*'r**L*******irt*:t**tirri******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0255 as of 03-11-200? Status: APPROVED !t*rl*****)t*!t****rs**'*****!t****************#!+**)+t***********************************************"******+iF PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Apptied: 08/27/2001. Applicane RKD Issued:476-9228 ToExpire: |ob Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP Parcel No: 2103121em00 Description: MODIFICATIONOF STAIR TOWER AND ELEVATORTO BRING UP TO CODE Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR. CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0005035 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEILING$AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED THROUGH PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING MATERIAL. $ +^m"as ArrlAltr lplrElrcwI rrATF W.\\ -",l NOT BE ACCEPTED IFINCOMPLETE oR UNSTdEA t, .,, Project *: lz,oJ{)l -ttl(Zt,r Building Permit #: - 979a79:.21.49{Inq p.llf)7e -. 1ilr/ | TOr--..-.,.'.-6 6l s af renuirer ,n :a|.Dlifursh a nical. erc. !ii{Stl"*"t. ru- -l Vail, Colorado 81657 ,-/UJ-;JaF TI General Contractor:g# lvt--r'2 Tofrn of Vail Reg. No.:bvTvU Qontact and Phone #'s: J$.dJ4€ntr<) 4-gllzzaContudo,Y*e,4- .- - coMpLErE vALUArroNt-*ILh Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ ffi.ffiC)flgfircnls ,/) llorHen' s PLUMBING: $pnnnrcil $ ^7 rorAL: s Q<.6uil For Parcel # Contact )4_m '70-328-8640 or visit l5WrP-^hx[o- Atvfu^d^JobAddress: W ualvu\6Jd Legal Description Lotr elocil:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: fr.t | flr;)r_--Address: \ffi ODvre=EWtr L@f llPhone:4Vo ru79 Architect/Designur, (Vp W Address: \rcudb%w#a>'non'' 41Lq26 Ensineer: ilklflfrm{lurx.l,Address: /)Phone:a1rq 77L? Detailed descriotion of wor[,: tnd*l1t*\tar at -aitttZ #D{Z-I €lz\&lctc +oyrtr- VW4, )- @Jt workClass: n"*tf l Addiuon( ) nerooer](i **'r< ) Demo( ) other( ) WorkType: lnteriotw Exterior( ) Both\/Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multifamily( ) Commerciat $d Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building;No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Nofiype of Fireplaces Proposed: 6as Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOTILLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yurz(i ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (X) No ( ) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** \ OtherFees; DRB Fees: Public Wav Permit Fee: F:/everyone/formtbldgperm REN AUG 24 2OOI Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: 16 WvM.,4W-6 (e+ &- D [l a o tr n TT a tr This Checklist must be ompleted before a Buildina permit aoolication is accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter, of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or materaat storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrinq Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fariily) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 set€ of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: LJ cl U B tr I { Types and quantity of fireplaces F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DIDWE RATE WTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Dwelopment Departnent Russell Fonest, Director, (970)479-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ AdminPlanning DRB PEC Was your initial contact with our staff immediate no one available ? slow 0r 211 n ) lf you were required h waif how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No if no, why not? Was tris your first time to file a DRB ep_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate fie performance of tire stafi person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge, responsiveness, availabillty) Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenls you have which 'arould allow us b better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the tme to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. o rutrl\I0F WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": ,,/l Is this a new residence? YES_ NO^J_ D Does demolition work being performed require the lLsS of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO_A_ o Is any utility work needed? YES- NO N u Is the driveway being repaved? yES- NO7f- o Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- Nd- o Is any drainage wor(being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES -NO VI_v\J_ a Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES- NO 2d D Is the Right-of-Walrgpsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES-- No_X/_ If answer is NO, is alpaficing, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES- NO_ Y:/. /If you answered YES to'any of these questions, a *Public Way Permit" must be obtained, "Public Way Permif applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. Date Signed: Company Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 each year if work is not complete. Re-applicAtion each November lSth does not mean an automatic renewal. \ lr(\r \ lI\.,' r have read and understand the above. Nl't-'t I Signature F :/everyoneforms/bldperm5 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public way:' permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field veriflz (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application, Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be r.esubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit compteted application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released, Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above pnocess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public way Permit is required Date Signed TUmV0F BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME if this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depadment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. F :everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 oo pw#; LJ !J 'LJ LJ LJ l-lParce'#:[[I[-nn[-[[-II[ ffi Brds.Permit#,E f I-I I I I r0#ni0 1.Job Nam€Street Addres8 nnn-n (lfunknowncallI ll ll I L | 479-2138 ext.o Mailing Address TOV Contractor's License Number HEOUIRED Phone f 4. Starl Date Work is for (circte one) Water Complet'ron Date Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV (Pemit Expiration Dal6) Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width (min,4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT. AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED, Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surlaces underneath lhe A signalure below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. Total Permit Fee ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt, at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total'SF $ fiotal LF $ Permit Fee 7. 8. Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) Public Seryice Natural Gas Group (1-8A0-922-1987'1 TCI Cablevision ol the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town ol Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senale Bill 172). 11 . Permittee must eontact Public Works Department at 479-21 98 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in torfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I ceftify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail MuniciPal Code and all utility company agreemenF, signed by me, and will abide by the sam€, and that all utilities have been notitied as teguired. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTFOL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White - Public Works Y€llow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: u The Town of Vail ensure that new from building sites Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to construction sites have adequately established proper drainage along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets, The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by: Print Name Project Name: Date Signed: drainage approval F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Signature IUr roF Please read and check off each of the items below, (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED a Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. tr Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person whb violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who hds in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material qithin twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty3 As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. D Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A.1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Atticle, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Projecr: Date Signed: Print Name F:/everyone/folm$/bldpenn 7 Signature Department of Publie Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I58 Fax: 970-479-21 66 www.ci.vail.co.us Vail2001 Staging / Parking Plan Information The Staeine / Parkins Plan Philosophv- Is a very important step in the building process. Striking a baiance between safe public access and giving construction projects room to build is becoming increasingly challenging, for us to meet all the needs of those who wiil be impacted by construction projects. The fact is, there is less room to build in the Town of Vail. Developing a creative Staging Plan is a must. Staging in the Town of Vail Public Right of Way is a Privilege, not a given right. We take into account when we review and approve staging i parking plans, impacts on neighborhoods, tourism, business and the travelhg public along with your right to build. The General Contractor is resoonsible for sll subciontractors and trII construction activitv relatins to the buildine nroiect. The staging plan will be enforced according to the Approved Set of Building and Staging Plans. You are required to keep a copy of the Approved Staging Plan on site. Two staging /parking plans are required, a srunmer and winter. Summer staging plans expire on November 1, and winter staging plans expire on April 15. NS!9LfhQI9 is no_99 street parking in the winter season and all materials. equipment etc must be 10' offthe edge ofasphalt). Enforcement of all staging / parking plan is as follows. A) Staging / Parking Plans to scale required. B) Once the plan is approved, they will be held to complete compliance. C) We will use a 3 step and you're out, process. Step Ong- Verbal and written wamings as to the staging plan violation, then have contractor sign and date field memo warnilg. Step Two- Police Department issue tickets and tows or pubiic works writes second written waming to all violators who have been notified under step one and who are still in violation of the approved Staging / Parking Plan. The Town of Vail Chief Building Official wiil call the contractor and notify them, the next time any violation happens, the building department will red tag the construction site for 48 hours. Step Three- If sti1l in violation after step two, a 48 hour Red Tae will be issued to the proj ect site. If you have any Questions, Please contact the Town of Vail Construction Lrspector at 970-479-2r98 {S*notrr ro Requirements for an Acceptable Staging Pla4 It is preferred that and Approved Site Plan is used to draw u ougfog plan, but a hand drawn plan may be used as long as it is dawn to scale and is neat and] legible. 1.) The Staging Plan must show the following: I (a) Show all parking that is required for the job site. (Iacluding construction equipment). (b) Show the location of all material that will be staged on site. (c) Show the location of all dumpsters and port-o-john that are to be on site. (d) If a fence is required, then show the location of the fence and describe the material used for the fence. (e) Iftrees and / or vegetation is required to be protected, then show how this will be done. (f) If this staging plan is for a Demo Permit, then show staging for dump fucks and all related equipment. If the Town of Vail Right of Way area is needed for staging, then a Traffic Control Plan is required in conjunction with the staging plan. (g) Please provide and show an Erosion Control Plan. (h) No equipment, vehicles, materials are allowed on Town of Vail Right of Way in the Winter Staging Plan. 2.) If work needs to occur in the right of way, then add a Traffrc Control Plan to the staging plan showing the following: (a) The work zone (area that is to be performed) (b) Traffrc Control Devices (waming, signs, cones, flaggers, etc.) (c) Distances that all devices will be set up from the work zone. Also show all dimensions of work being performed in the right of way. All traffrc control plans must conform to the MUTCD manual.(Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices) 2.) This plan will be reviewed by Public Works and if Necessary the Police, Fire, and Cornrrunity Development Department. Once the staging plan is approved, it will be registered with the departments listed above and enforced. 3.) The Village and Lionshead area have outside construction restrictions, Please become familiar with the Vail 2000, Vail Village and Lionshead Construction Hours handout. Vail2001 Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Hours Handout Problem Statement The Vail Village and Lionshead are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to town each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and enjoy Vail. The community and merchants rely upon the summer/winter tourism to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Master Plan. Maps of the Village and Lionshead are included to show areas of construction being affected by this plan It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the construction contractors and the merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impact of construction on the Village and Lionshead areas. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by wtrich construction will be completed in the Village: o The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. o Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. . Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. o All construction deliveries. equipment, tools, materials, etc.to the Villaqe must oo throuqh Check Point Charlie. All Lionshead construction activitv must go to the Vail Police Department for a parkinq permit. Do not use deliverv zones for construction parkinq. refer to approved staoino plan or make other arranqements for parkino. r The hours of Outside Construction Activity shall be as follows: - April 15 - June 21 & September 7 - November 15,7 a.m. until 7 p.m., seven days a week. Betweeh June 22 -September 7 work must end bv 4:00 p.m. On Fridavs. November 15 - April 15,20A2 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted into the Village from 7 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 am to 8:30 am ori Bridge Street. - Special delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity shall occur bn Saturday or Sunday between June 23 & September 16 - Vail Village area ohly, No outside construction activity allowed September 14, 15, 16, due to the 2001 World Mountain Bike Races. No outside "on?ru"tion activity shatt occur on the ,"r?*,"n dates: Friday, February 16, Saturday, FebruarylT, Sunday, February 18, and Monday, February 19. (Presidentq Weekend) Saturday, May 26, Sunday, May 27 and Monday, May 28 (Memorial Davi Saturday, June 30 and Sunclay, July 1. (Vail Arts Festival) Tuesday, July 3, 12:00 PM thru Wednesday, July 4, (lndependence Dav) Saturday, July 7 and Sunday, July 8. (Work allowed 7:00-11:59 AM on Tuesday morning only). Saturday, September l, Sunday, September 2, and Monday, September 3 (Labor Dav) Friday, September 7, Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9 (October Fest) Lionshead. Thursday, November 22, fhanksEivinq Day) Friday, November 23, Saturday, November 24 and Sunday, November 25 Friday, December 21, Saturday, December 22, Sunday, December 23, and Monday, December 24, and Tuesday December 25 (Ghristmas Davl . Friday, December 28, Saturday, December 29, Sunday, December 30, Monday, December 31, and Tuesday January 1, 2002 (New Year 20021 . The Town of Vail Noise Ordinance has been waived by the Town Manager from 7a.m. - 7p.m. For construction activities from April 15 through June 21, and from September 7 through November 15. The Noise Ordinance shall be in effect and strictly regulated from June 22 through September 4 and November 15 to April 15, 2001 r All construction sites will be required to obtain an Approved Construction-Staginq Plan from the Town of Vail Public Works Department in conjunction with Code Enforcement. (The approved staging / parking plan is required to be on site at all times). . The Town of Vail reserves the right to amend the Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Plan regulations at anytime should abuses or problems arise. o The Three-Strike Rule will be enforced. Step 1, (Verbal warning), Step 2. (Written warning), Step 3. (A 48 hour Red Tag will be issued to the site). Expectations The following expectations are established to insure the success of the Vail Village/ Lionshead Construction Master Plan: . Full and complete cooperation and understanding from all parties involved in the construction activity in regards to this plan. . Strict adherence and compliance with the requirements outlined in the construction plan. . Respect and consideration for the affected interests and parties. lf you have any question, Please contact the Town of Vail Public Works Department (Construction Inspector) or Vail Police Department (Code Enforcement Officer)s70479-2198 970476-7603 Vail Village Construction Tone ii*---.- i i t'--- \ :: -:-----_rt I Year 2000 ti ,h----- it+*-r o o A N (l) F.IoN rt o(Ahvk" g\ o II {d(J qtJL- {rfaFr-ou T'(6oF -aFr-o !I ='.{ -r ,./tl *(, M,tll tIJm ,UJ CI Fzot LL v) A/<(a-tr L_.-- w ttJM-o LL+- ffi =\l \\ '\. I'\*- -- --) t (J -d-\ Ulr '-t It-l w Ll cI uus $ Soc.ds dPuctEit|htlurFf/uw BE A'.EPTED rF ,*.ffiFr' ffi ?5 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 For Parcel # tl Materials '70-328-8q4' F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm ffi$} AUG242001 o ffi I,UV0rl/dtlffi I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South ftontage Roa4 VaiL Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fay'.: 970.479.2452 weh : www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Vail Run DRB Number: DR8010123 Project Description: Addition of enclosed egress stair attached to existing building, Participants: OWNER VAIL RUN COMUNTITY 05/122001 Phone: License: APPLICANT RKD 0511il2001 Phone:476-9228 RKD Architects 1000 Lionsridge Loop Suite3D Vail, Co 81657 License: Project Addrcs: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL locatlon: legal Description: [ot: C-11 Block Subdivbion: UONS RIDGE FIUNG I Parcel Number: 21031210,()00 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:08/15/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be nnde without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $50,00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community DevdopfiEnt 75 South Frontage RoaO Vaif Colo,rado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: rvww.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Vail Run DRB Number: DR8010123 Project Description: Addition of enclosed egress stair attached to o<isting building. PafticipanE: OWNER VAIL RUN COMUNTITY 05/122001 Phone: License: APPUCANT RKD 0511712001 Phone:476-9228 RKD ArchitecG 1000 Lionsridge Loop Suite3D Vail, Co 81657 License: PrciectAddrees: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: Lcgal D€ccriFtion: Lot: C-11 Block: Subdivision: UONS RIDGE FILING 1 Parcel ilumber: 210312104tD0 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DabofApproval:08/15/2001 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: S50.0O rOWNffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departsnent of Community Dafelopment 75 Souft fuontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Nam€: Vail Run DRB t{umber: DRB010123 Project Description: Addition of enclosed egress stair attached to existing building. Pafticipanb: OWNER VAIL RUN COMUNTITY 05/172001 Phone: License: APPLICANT RKD O'/Lil2OOL PhONC:47S9228 RKD Architects 1fl)0 Lionsridge Loop Suite3D Vail, Co 81657 License: Project Addrcse: 1000 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Locatbn: l€gal Descrlption: lot: C-11 Block Subdivieion: UONS RIDGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210312104000 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprcval: 08/15/2001 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activitis. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: 350.00 /Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATIOil FOR DESIG]I RFUIEW APPROVAT GENEML INFORMATION This application is fon any project requiring Design Review approval, Any project requiring design review must receive Design Rerrioru approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For speciftc information, see the submitbl requirements for the particular approval that is requeshd. The application cannot be accepted until all the requircd information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council andlor the Planning and Environmental Commission, Deeign Rerdar Board appronl c|(pir€s one year after final apprcval unleds a building perrnit ls issued and onstrudon b started. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT', lA BLOCK: / RUNG: DESCRIPTIONOFTTTEREQUEST, - loorto,, ,r f"ro?r 4oro 'o B. c. D. E, F. G. PHYSICAL pARCEL #: z/o3/Z/o4ao h A 66 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parel #) FIIONE:_ osrilER(s) NAME OFAPPTICANT:,*A H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr ilfl Conshrdion - t2OO Construction of a new building. E Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building.n HimrAlfrration- $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, sudr as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submitbl, Later, when applying for a building perm& please identifo the accurate valuation of the project, The Town of Vail will adjust tfie &qrccording to the project valuation. PtlAsE st Burr THIS AFPIJCAIIOil, AtL SUEilITTAL REQUIREHEilTS AT{D THE FEE TO THE DEPARTHETT OF COMU|JI! TY DEVEU'PIIIEilT, 75 SOUm FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL CTOLORADO 81657. RECEIVED / MAY | ? 2001 o LIST OF PROPIO€ED IIIATERIAI-i EUILDIIIEI4AIERUI5: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Ex@rior Ughting Other TYPE OF MATERIAL: fun^rfua-5j -sr"-r6 /4/% ,4/" rr/l /*"frs -*a^tu &,4,un. @!Q'R: x Please speciry the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip **All exteriorlightingmustmeettheTown=sLightingOrdinancel2-11-5J. Ifo(eriorlightingisproposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixfure type and provide the height above grade, lumens ouQut, luminous area, and attach a cut strcet of the lighting ftxtures. /1// PROFOSED I.AilD6CAPITG Botanical Name: Comfilon Name: Ouantity: Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: E{sTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous Uees - 2 ind| caliper conifercus trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalning walls, fenes, swimming @ls, etc.) Please speiff. Indicate top and bottom elevations of rebining walls. Maxinnrm height of ranlls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. TyBe: o I,lIlxTY tocr;Iloil nERrFIcATlor{ This form is to veriry service awilability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and sdreduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for ttrc accompanying site plan. U,S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-s781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Cfed HuskfJohn Boyd) T.C.r. 949-5530 (Floyd Salear) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) Authorized Sionature t,// Date * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevauons when obbining Upper Eagle Valley Watw & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verifiotion form has signatures from each of the utility @mpanies, and no comments are made direcfly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed, Z. If a utility aompany has mncerns with the proposed constuction, the utility representative shall rote directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved, The issue should then be debiled in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems, 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obbin a Public Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Way germit and must be obtained separatelv. ry. PR,E-APPUCATION @NFERENCE A pre-applietion conference with Town of Vail staff is required. llo application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre.application meeting has been mmpleted. It is the applicnt=s r€sponsibility.to scfiedule this meeting by calling 97O-47y2128. rIME REOUIR,EMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all a@mpanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of $e Municipal C-ode. NOTE TO ALL APPUCANTS: A. ff a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rcckfall, floodplain, debnis flow, wetlaM, etc), a hazard sfudy must be submitted and the owner must sign an afndavit reaognizing the hazard report prior to the issuan@ of a building permiL Applicanb are encouraged to dteck with the planning staff prior to zubmittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of tfre property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvemenb plans, all of the following mu* be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24'l 36'. For large projecE, larger plan size may be allowed.Z, Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All olans must be at the same scale.3. Gnphic bar scale.4. North anow.5. Tite bloclq propct name, project address and legal description.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phofle number.7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision date.8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger,9. Sheet labels and numbers.10. A border with a minimum left slde margin of 1.5",11. Names of all adjacent roadways.L2. Plan legend. C. For new construdion and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the prqject site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All ffees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. Ail sib taphge and sb*ing must be omdebd pdor b the day of the DRa meertftrg. D. Applicanb wfxc fail to appear before the Design Reviernr Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until sudr time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with onditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved pfigf to the issuan@ of a building permit V,STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with cerbin modifiGtions, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Ra/iew Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject b final approval by the DRB, The following types of Design Reviar appli@tions may be staff approved: A. Any applicauon for an addition to an existing building that is consistent wi$r the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a aondominium association, if applicabte; Any application to modify an existing building that does not significantly clrangre the existing planes of the building and is generally consistent with the ardlitectural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to o<terior building finish materials (e.g. stonework, siding roof materials, paint or stain,), elderior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas. satellite dishs, windows, skylighb, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; Any application for site improvements or modifications induding, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, remorral or modifications b o(isting landscaging installatbn cf accessory strucfu res or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A" If this application requires a separate review by any local, shte or Federal agency other than the Torun of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, may include. but are not limited to: C.olorado Department of Highway Accss Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in exess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicants request, any mafrer is pos$oned for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fue for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant, C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Departnent to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require rer/iew by comultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an oubide consultant is neded, the Community Development Department may hire the csnsultant. The DePafinent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incuned by the Tourn in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town bythe applicantwithin 30 days of notiftcation by the Town. Any excess funds will be retuned to the applicant upon re/iew completion. c. (,o/rlrctY) May 16,2001 Town of Vail Office Conununity Development 75 South l-rontage Road Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to acknowledge the Home Owner Association's approval of the design and construction of the stairs for exiting the west stairwell to the outside of the building. This is a requirement of the Fire Department. Sincerely. r:-"-"-'h".( Gd Fred Gold Vail Run Resort Home Owner's Association cr ResoFtc co/rnrt)r//Dw vail. colorado r 81657 o telephone (970) 4761500 o o o o __ o o Depar tment of Communiry Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FLY 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.ca.us August 2,2001 Vail Run Community Associalion, Inc. c/o Fred Gold, Secretaryffreasurer 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 $ltPD AUG 03 2001 ano Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC); Adjacent property owners Re: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan tor the Vait Run Special Development District, located at 1000 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 1a, Block 6, Lionsridge Filing 1. Dear Vail Run Community Association, PEC members, and adjacent propeny owners: Based upon the Department of Community Developmenl's review of the required findings contained in Chapter 12-9A, Vail Town Code, the above-referenced amendment to the Vail Run special Development District development plan has been approved by the Department of Community Development. Staff's approval ol lhis development plan amendment request will be reported at a pubtic hearing before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmenlal Commission (PEC) on Monday, August 13ft at 2:00 p.m. in the VailTown Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road), The PEC reserves the right to "call up" a slaff decision for additional review at this hearing. There will also be an opportunity for public comment at 1his hearing. BACKGROUND AND!'ESCR|PI|ON OF THE REQUEST The proposal was Jor the addition of emergency egress stairwells as required by the Town of Vail Fire Departmenl and the Uniform Fire Code. A graphic description of the stairwells (one inlerior, one exterior) has been provided for reference. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2, Vail Town Code, a "minor amendment" is defined as follows: $ *nt"*o r*u^ o MINOR AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development/ski base recreation district, and are consisfenf with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, variations ol not more than five teet (5') ta approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development disfict; or changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses) ol not more than five percent (5%) otthe approved square footage af retail, office, common areas and ather nanresidential floor area, except as provided under Sections 12-15-4 (lnterior Conversions) or l2-15-5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Title. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code, "minor amendment" procedures are as follows: Minar modificalrbns consr.slent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12- 9A-2 (definition of "minor amendment") af this Article, may be approved by the Department of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised develapment plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and tiled by the Department of Community Development- CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-94-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character ot the approved district and are consistent with the design eriteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The Department of Community Development has determined the stairwell addhions are necessary lor the prolection of public health, safety and welfare. The building materials and colors proposed are identical to lhe existing colors and malerials at the Vail Run building. Staff believes this proposal is consistent with the existing characler of the special development district and thal pedestrian circulation and safety will be greatly enhanced with the addition of the new stairwells. B. Section 12-94-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-gA-2may be approved by the Department of Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff action shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the district that may be attected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed ol the staff decision. !t ll. The proposed amendment is consistent with the design criteria outlined under subsection 12-SA-2. Notification of the hearing and a summary of the proposal will be mailed to all adjacent property owners wilhin 5 days of today's date. Staff's approval of the request will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on August 13m, 2001 . Pursuant to Section 12-SA-1 0, Vail Town Code, appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent property owners, owners of property within the special development district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental Commission members or members of lhe Town Council as outlined in Section 12-3-3 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, B-'--l- L"-.-t- Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner Attachmenls l7' 1 I Eg r/ VA,IL RUN BUILDING IOOO |JONARIDGE LOOP VAIL COLORADO itb . ..t,lll '1i I ir{l 'r,r/1 VAIL RUN BUILDING IOOO LIONSFTDGE LCX'P vafl-. coLoRADcr fr/ 9 ll VAIL RUN BUILDING 1000 uo{sRrDcE LooP vA[- ooLoRADO -k iF 1o Ph fli 1 qF cl e fti { I iiri ll $lt$1" + I I VAIL RUN BUILDING IOOO L|ONSRIDGE L(IOP va||- coLoRADo I ------- ! \tg{i ______,_J '[, \ t$E llat! HHfiiiil 'l= I E+l c- ln w'ftNfiffiE! ffi{fiF ffiiiin ffilF51Jt I5ril i | rel iiitt*kl Vlill\r1 \ lli'lflWI11 ul:l VA,IL RUN BUILDING IOOO LIONSRIDGE L(X'P VAIL, COLORADO ilE I t 3l- FEEg4z !EEu5=eb zo ffi ffi lll 'l ,ffi tffi..,Ti!!raorrvc' U7 'l:-- :iirr - :tif-:fl+=-#i [iltmmF*tI i ,r -*rrtf-r illl+={F=+lltg:= u 1Ht9? ---:f\ +-=rti -g\ N\nd uoo.|r la^ri oulH.L\lrl NrH uooli'tffin o oc3\L/ It ;?il I ii fr ii $l rl t !.Q lr iFi; ilrl I .t .l liut'lirrdrlliu ii$iill rcOIt Fli8t rlr t?-rl t VAIL RUN BUILDING tooo LIOXERTDGE LOOP vA - COLORADO tti,iw @si 774r'Pa1c 's €'tb f'so 1!di,/ &qt zbora lra,? ootr - F qt t*tff (pJab'ua,o6'g 6$ot - bt:'ss{" aS"Y^t <lrrg-d 19a;4to-u9'f- ESb -' +ffid qilllfi,dr{'ftT ;^ 6,1216 artA obol '- 2tn\+yteto!n1t^{?ldt7)/* g,fieffil A<xri a\gllsPot4 o6ot - r(o1 no*€ * Jcrt 3?Qnrrot^t z'b' ls)gtl*6nf$7 ml 1gT$'tMl tsill A\tr,totEns6€a :so*"t Q'^ *,Y ,r\ *rt n,/I/ Y,G/ffi t9lt0vz t F.t.cody -A.-!3r.rD-t-c e-Uryr***-Uf"-*,fr-*"....ctu?eccosffi r*0Zl l S3tred.if ts Subdtutsbnlffil lffifdil-l .,.< Valps t d&td l.g'dAc€d hprv AEtnl 6,170 ffirAfred 1.790 $al€6 Bool( lPaoe I R€Fh.* lDoc Fee Salec Dab I Sale PrL. Assesor Prcperty lletail Accounttrlo: P0251StDfrfict 89125 ParcelNb: OYrner lrlareilAddrcss C/O SIMBARUNASSOCIlM N FROIfIAGERD vAil-, co.81657 SihrsAddrcss St€€f ilo. s1100 DT N t'ld S!€ettrlafl FRONTAGE Sufix RD Condo ftlarne Con& Udt cmail eagb cody: $arlnBdqcl+HF-1'.*<*c Cqyrigtt 01998 Exgb CoffiY Assesor Property IlEtNil ApaountNo: R033196Dkfrict scflo Parcelt{b: 40801'0070{3 Ownerllm:lAddrcss FO BOX59.|O co,81610 SfttsAddress S[€€a lb. 000913 Dir t{d St€ct l,leme UOI.ISRIEIGE $m( LOOP Cotr&t{aneRFFAKAWAY VUESTCONDO Condo Udt s04 tl-.tCMy-ArmllrrtcC-hoprto**-gt *#*r*.rdn?courft{o4033!96&ccliflh Subdivision lruar= | lffi-lE-l M€ru >> €mril -.gh oooltrn 1g1frlg1gl"9g!*Iff Cqydth Ol99B Eagle Coudy Valns l$rdArfinl 17,970 Ladled 1,6{0 kiltrv A.t d 131.7@ hFtrneaced12.m Sales Book 0235 P.e m15 kfiot*Dm Fee28 Sales Dabwn$I1 *Rh2,ffi fiBlsAccottiltrt5ot F-gr.coudy-AwrDa$c ;t nnyf***.*gt-.*t-ar*" ..rtu?rccoudiheR033249&relft eto Subdiv'rsion hh,',e I lffifuotl lGi: io {k;';uunrs'rri'ilehle of Ccntsitsl itifi ;'err..rt tiv .iffi"..:',;rciilTe'SlF tii|tffi iits j ":Go6Eiip;tE^$:'J#Jr;iT'i6iedfl t-Ilr?t€riti- l$nffi F,tryi.it€-lffi6GE[fr'l@i Asseaeor Prcperty t etall ApoountNo: R832{9Disfiict SCll0 Parcel Nb: 2103fl,{l9017 '@E&reF far*{ot 56 }ffi ffif6ddnss &5ll EUONSHEADCIR co,81657 << Men* Yshns t nd Ac&al 29,8811 LadA*d 2,7:t0 h|orv Arfral,>2,9x0 t|pnr Asscac€d20,m $ihtsAddrecs S.l€s Book @41 ffi Rs&|f Doc Fse1.{I SalesIE @n7fig Sale ftb€.|4,7m mtCACIcoutftf|tt -mit eagle ooudy: _-!::$ilggClflti:rtlligs Copyrigh e1998 Eagte CounrY n-dccffiy-AmDtbc-t-tQyn **.**fr-*t""*r*..-....cfin?acooud{o:*fitl?92&rcotr is0b Assessor PrcpeO tletall AccountNo: R051792Dtstlct 8C103 Parcd l,lb: 2lGiA2{001 . Orunerl{anpAddls Values POBOXT vAtL, @,81658 l^and Actral r.3a8.5qt LadAsd 3E5290 t|pnrA.td hrw A€€.c6.d Sales Boot I Pag3 | Rec.Ffict I Doc Fc€ Dab lShHlc. >> SitusAddese Sfieet ib- 000se3 DTs li$ Srdlrlilt|e FROITIIAGE S{|E( RDW cofido lrlaft Condo Ur* Subdivisioo FROT.ITAGEROAD Blod( ltot eoail eagb codY: .rg85l!:q3qglffi*i CopyrigltOtgg8E ghCddY E{la coory - Aft!ilor Dcsa - t-a @/twwweeglo+oy-co/w.*fu?acoodihe*ll$359&rrrlifrb SubdlvisbnlR--llffilG-l Aseessor Property Dfiil Accounttlo: R08tSDbtltct 8e111 Parel Nb: 210t1210m02 OmeriluneAddnso & 953 S FROiffAGE RD W230 vAlL. co,81657 sirhsAddrcss Sftdilo. 000sf,1 Dis ild Sr€at llafiE FRONTAGE Srfix RD Condo thnre Conab Uftfr V.lr€s Ldrd AEI|NI 985.550 l'f,dnd 45.810 liuvAEtd3214,4n [rFn Afrslrcd'$4,1s0 Sales B@ft 0591 ffi Rcceilod Doc Fee 280.00 *Dab 10,01ru S*frioe2,m,08 ilHErfccottt tltfier lGa til {iotermrient Ts,ble of Cocientsl Cdr.j'CduttFTescigG.Td-El6 olffi ; te'tt$ :fi)feflts cmril eogle oordy: :38ff:i*i?€|tS9!S1l*lS! co,pydeht 01998 Eagl€ coldy Eqlocdy-Arffimlldr$ ;-e/brr*-gt*.*t ./r*rr"...rfu?acooud[o*00{tg5&rcd.ffi!= Subdivisftmlcrc-lIffiIEI Asseesor Pmperty Defieil Accounttlo: R00a&5IHict Sellt ParcelNb: 210t12100004 OwrertlmrefAddnss 953 S FRONTAGE RDW23}O vAll- co,81657 SihrsAddress S[|€el fb. lof 001038 ls t{of SficdlibflB FROf\TTAGE SuilD( RD CodoNarre Condo Lm Menu Vat|6c l-ildA.tEl 1,159,58{t Lddtesd:F6,m lmon, A.td 1.604070 ffirrA8sed',165,1&l 8ale5 86t 0652 Paoe0*i0 Receftrod D6F€€ 195.00 Saks oelefin?Ju Sab Pfte 1,950.(m stbrrg AEcod t{|rtter vl,t) Govsrnmef,? Teble of Cecients e.rrnil ergk cormty: :$Sg:#gl!*g$!.1,i$ Copyrigtt Ol 998 Erglc CotdY V*it'Qar./ AtesUotrsl Call $e Plamlng Sffi at 479-2138 APPUCATIOil FOR, PLAT{IIII{G Al{D ET{VIROIIIIET|TAL OOHHISilOI{ APPROI'AL GEilMAL INFORTT,IATIOTT Thb applirztion b fu any go::ect rcquirirE approal [y tfre Ranning ard Ewtorunental Cofirnisigl. Ftr spetrc infunmtion, see the submillal rcquirc'IEnts fur fie prdarhr app(olal tiat b rcCue*d. The appliotion can not be amserl until all requlred intunnatbn b subrnilred. The Foject may abo need b he stiewed Wfie Tqwt Council and/orthe Design Rev'eur Bmd. A. TY?E OF APPUCATION: rotfilffi tr Bed and Brcalfasttr C.otditimal Use Pernittr Major or tr Minor SubdhtisbnEl ReroniryEl SBn Varbnetr Special DE|'@trrent Districttl Maior or! Minor Anrerdment to SDD 8. DESCRTPIIOIII OFTHE REQJS'T: Emplorce ttotritU Unit (IYPe: Majff or tr Minor ffir Ahrdtirl (vailVtlage) !,lajo|" or Mlntr E(Eftr Atuntion (tion*td) Vabme hning Code Amsdmeflt Anrerdnentto an App(otred Devehfcrt Plan tr n tr tru tr c. D. E" F. G. H. L LOCATION OTPROP0SAL: LCf:-:lO rl.-fryc, Z FmG: ,/ PIIISICAL P.moBI # z " t ot E to Cc a 6 * 3 t (enitact Fagh 6. Awrc ffie at 97S328{OCI tur parcd #) FEE: tu sufrnffil rqu&ancl rc for aWWrbE fe tr 2.g..-, Pt EISE SlrBllIT fiIS ApPLrcilrroil, All. slrBllfTTAl @unfl ilrs AIID THE FEE TO THE DEPAR/TllEflT OF CoillllfllrlY DcvE-efmfi' Rf,of - Ottob owrrR(s) t5 sqmt FRctrtlct RotD, YAIL oolontDo 8165?. Ws 91-00 s) t-or$r.:r '\.tasr$-.r.qr: ( )'rlq} , \-ii'.fi r.. ,.i. >; -.'-3,\rrrstt ;. ' 'i { ,..( \T . 5 ';1..rr- ..*tsi" 'b:'..*r^n.rr....r ' { ,lr;.. 45At' *b:.":t-' -iq'.' t.'.}:i"?^ ..:\;_,. to'wrv oF verr-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIi[f COMTRACTOR OhINER Descriptsion: MODIFY FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM .fob AddTCSS. . . : 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LPLocation......: VAIL RUN SUITE 5GParcel No..... r 2103-121-04-000Project Number: PR.l97-0185 Status. . Applied. Issued. . Elcpires. ValuaEion: ISSUED 1"L/ 05 /1,997 LL/07 /L997 os/05/L998 Phone: 303949L747 Phone: 303949L747 400.00 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ETECTRICAL P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8t62A VALLEY WIDE MECII. & ELECTRICAL P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 VAIL RI'N COMIJI{TITY Pfan Check- - - > 5.00 .00 3 .00 RasEuaranE Plan Revlev- -> DRB Fce-- ------ TOTAL PEES.-.-- ToEal calculatea P€eB- - - > Addilional Fc.€------ ---> Total Pcrmit F.6--------> .00 .00 28 .00 2S.OO .00 28 .00Inve€bigation > will CaLl---->Pal.mcng6 - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE.... .OO Item:051-00tt/os/L997rLem:05600tL/05/L997 _-EU_II,DING DEPARTT4EN]: Depr.: BUTLDTNG Division:CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/AFIRE DEPART}IEIfI Depts: FfRE Division:CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR PER MTKE M \ I holeby ackno*ledge that I have DECLARATIONS read thi. alrlrlication, filled ouL in fuLL the infornalion rcqulred, conpl€ced an accurate plot: r^i".jRrl2^ t Ucr."t?--.--,* DEPARTUENT OF COMMIJNTTY DEVELOPMEIIT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #1 M9'1 -0229 Fileplace InfomaLion: R6€ericted:*of ca6 ADDllanced:*of oa6 LogB:*Of Wood/Pal16t: **r*r*t*ti*** FEE st l.4tlARy **rr*1r*i**rf** t4echanical- - - >20 .00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPTTANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ]-99]- I]MC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI]RES INSTRUSIIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]. OF THE ].99]- UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SIALL BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 199]- UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEITT MUST COMPI,Y WITH SEC.sO5 AND703 0F THE 1991_ IJMC.6. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOI]MTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSfIBLE CONST.I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOT]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MEC}ANICAL ROOMS CONTATNING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIJPPLY BOILERS SHALT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LL9 OF THE 1-991. IJMC. ******************************************************************************** plan, and 6CrE. that all tho LnforftaElon Frovld€d .s r6qulr.d 16 corr.cc. f agr.r Eo co|trply elth lhc lnformatlon .nd plot plan, cd comply tri.Eh all Toen ordinancaa tnd stat6 lars, alrd lo bultd this stsructul€ accolding !o !h. Totn,a zonlng end EubdivlBl,on codeE, dGsign rcvict{ apPlovcd, Unifoftr Building coda and oth€! ordin.ncc€ of thc Town appl.lcablc thcrstso. RBQUB9TS FOR INSPBOIIONS sltALL BE !.'IADE TIfENTI-FOI R HoURS IN ADVANCE By TEITEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OtR OFFICE FROI4 g:O0 Al'l 5:oo PM SIGI,|1'1IJRE OF O!^,NER oR CON?RACTOR f'OR HIM9ELP AND o9{NAR IOWN OF VAIIJ. COTORADO SCatcnit SEat.e|Inc Nultlbcr I REC-0359 Amoung: Payllenr MeEhod: CK NoEaEion: 17133 2e.Oo 11/O7/97 09 t2s Inic: JR Permit Noi M97-O229 Typc: B-MACH MECIIANICAI, pERMTT ParceI No: 2l"03 - l.21- 04 - 0 0 0 Site Addr.ess: 1000 LION6 RIDGA LP Location: V.A.IL RUN SUITE 5c Balance: .00 Tota1 FeeB: 2a. OO ToLal AIrL PmEa:This Pat menL AccounE code Descaipt ion 29. o0 2S.00 Anounts 20. o0 5. O0 3. OO MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICA], PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FEES wc 001000031129o0 WIIJL cAlL INspEcTroN PEg )*Q9ritacl .fagle Counry Assessors Officeyf ac 970-328-8940 for- P,arc-er /1. Tot.lN oF vArL coNsrRucrroNfrnncer *z .t/OStelO4OOt : -;;;v ,L/03/a/oya0/ - -- 'ii'3:rlElff* ""* PERI.IIT if ^ I APPLICATfoN MUST BE FILLED oUT coMPLETELy oR IT lrtAy NoIl BE AccEpTED x***************************** PERMTT TNFoRMATJON *****************************rl [ ]-Building [ ]-pLurnbing [ ]-Electrj-cal 7S-uechanibal [ ]-other Job Nane: Ilhrl Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: Number of Durelling Units: Address: ElectricaL Contractor: Address: Job Addressz /0O_0 LtOnS Block F,,lll Address: ceneral Description: work crass: [ ]-New g](j-atteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Itt t l,dngnilfi t^nf pn.Lil,-F} Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: ?X9-,17 oFFICE UsE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:I.TECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TO?AIJ PERMTT FEES: a|tr"r and rype of Firepraces: cas Appriances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ X********************************* vAtuATroNS *********************************rl BUILDING: $st,EcrRrcer: $ orHER: $uEcHANrcAr,t $W_ ToqAL; [ -- Address: *************** BUILDING PI,UMBTNG PERMT UECHANICAL P ELECTRICAL FEE Sf;H"F"H:'" o' Wy. $gfuffiflffip; BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: 54ft S ftlins suBprvrsroN: Address: PLUUBTNG: T- It**** *********** ****.* *** ** **IEeneral contractor: ftrro* Mechanical Contractor: CLEA}I UP DEPOSIT REFT]NII TO: STATEOF COLORADO DIYISTON OF FIRE SATETY PLANREGISTRATIONTORM 'loutuJAEfrZ-Contactor Registration Number 7 7 - O q/ Contractors Name MailingAddress System Test Signature Certification No.(Quali{ied tue Inspector) furisdiction Comments (for additional cofirments use separate eheet) Diskibution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. Olign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL Category Nunbr-J Date /Z/t /<r1 Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Des61iption: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: '.1.iJ-6 a f)N Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision zone District Sr\DS Proiectstreet Address: /&D /, i n,*o, -,.tr- (-., t 5, Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: D Approval fl Disapproval y]stattRlRrovat Conditions: oate: I jt / t 94 DRB Fee ere-paa 32,'u -+'-l - t.ItiFcd 1219193 ( Please NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS o Print or PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING 3t APPLrcArroN DAIE t ,l ', f AtJ ' PHONE OWNER PHONE SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER. LOCATION OF PROJECT BIock _F .11ln THE FOLLOWING INFORMAT]ON IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REOUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRTPTTON OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE STGN (FREE STANDING, WAI-,,L, MESSAGE. DESCRTPTION OF PROJECT SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL SIGN,SIZE OF OVERALL tl HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO 5Lt D, F. G. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Q.00 PLUS $1.00 PER_S i, CCr cHEcK No. li) Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed focation Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Phot,ograph of sign if avaiLable DESCRTBE LrcHrrNG (EXrSrrNG OR pROpOSeol FaV;i- [rf, h CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE PAI SOUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA.l\DATE , REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICAT]ON 1. Site PIan '7s LENGTH OF BUS]NESS FRONTAGE (FT) Sion Administrator .q k\b oafl KJY) Novenber 10, 1994 REC'D i;;v t ri El.tl Ric;h ard Kvustrr Design 1OOO Liorrs R:fdge I-ooP, Suite 3d Va1l , Colorado 81657 Re: Atrp*cval of Slgr"age Dear Sally: 1 appreclate ttre professiorg,l tlue arrd effort H:t lnto the deslgrl of ttre arudtE Per€1 . I hereb,y apprc /e of all dlnensions etc. sutxritted' Slncerely, //, Williaft I. Ffeisctler wrFljs o ResoEC cornrna,n,@ 1000 lionsridge loop r vail, colorado c 8t657 o telephone (303) 476-1500 (savrus HIM rrNVd rtr:) , ,0, lr: ,,l.I]NVd SNINMV SNrU:[]l )CVIB /M :dIUIS ( ) SVANVS ]IIHM CNINMV CNIISIX: HC]VT{ O_ NNOUCYSVS SVANVS:NIB I t I -E INIOd SIHI IV ] IAVUI CN INMV U]CNN SCIOI ISNVd dVN S SIHdVUC 1 ]IIHM tretr-rdoTaa,acl ptre aJn-?ceATr{cJt7 r.rFlsag r.rasrI.lJ;>1 ry t{cTeI N IUEII:I C NV IN]3N]SN ,,9, L ,,9, L ,,9, L ',9, L MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: FIL T $ffP Y May 6, 1997 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, May 6, 1gg7, in the Council Chambers of the VailMunicipal Buirding, The meeting was called to order at approximitety i:sti p.u. Robert W. Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro-tem Kevin Foley Michael Jewett Paul Johnston (arived at 8 p.m.) Ludwig Kuz Rob Ford . TOWN OFFICIALS pRESENT: Bob Mclaurin, Town Manaoerpam Brandmeyer, Assistani Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney The first item on the agenda was citizen Participation. Dick Peterson, a resident of west vail, appeared before thecouncil to ask for the town's help in expanding insurance coverage for a town-owned lot adjoining Buffehr creek park.The land,.acquired by the town last year, has 6een used for years-as an informal dirt track for mountain bike riders. Aftersome initial research, Peterson said he was having oifncilty working oui " ,"ry to obtain insurance coverage for thebikers on his own and suggested the town expand its in"urance rouJr"g". The council directed staff to research thematter. Bill Fleischer of vaii Run presented a list of several recommended improvements. including: working more cooperativelywith the colorado Department of rransportation to improve graveting on the North Frontage Road in the wintertime;pulling weeds from the t-70 underpass reiaining walls during tnE summlr; adding benches in ti" *int* ror guests waitingto be picked up by private van carriers in Lionlhead; anc idding another pay phone at the Vail rransportation center. Itern number two on the agenda was the First Amendment to Developrnent Agreement for Vail commons. TownAttorney' Tom' Moorhead presented the item and stated the intent of the amendment was to extend the date forcompletion of the commercial component, including the supermark"i .nu o"y care componlni untit no later thanseptember 1' 1997 ' several items were staied for causing the delays, such as survey discrepancies, eltreme weatherin october' 1996 and April, 1997 and difficulties in receiving material deriveries an'u engin;er Jeiign failure. Duringdlscussion' councilman Michael Jewett continued to voice his opposition to the project. The current schedule is asfollows: supermarket opening by May 21; the exterior components of the adjoining retaii rental areas compteted by June15; employee housing units completed by June 30; and completion of the day cafe component by June 30. After furtherdiscussion, sybill Navas made a motion to approve the amendment and Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. The Councilvoted 5-1 (Jewett against) to amend the development agreement between the.Town of Vail and city Market by extendingthe completion date oi the commerciar component rrori luty r, r s-gi, t; deptember 1, 1gg7. The third item on the aqenda was the reading of ordinance No. 9, series of 1gg7, an Emergency ordinance AmendingTitle 16, signs to Allow-for rumpotu.v ioniiJ'"io " special Review process for Temporary signage Because of thewest Vail Interchange Roundabout constiuction. MayoiArmour reao tnelitte in full. Town oiv"i "Jin members LarryGrafel' Greg Hall, Pam Brandmeyer and Dirk Mason presented the item, stating that they had been contacted bymerchants in the west .Vail area advising of .the impacts experiencei in ooing business due to the roundaboutconstruction' lt was felt that allowing tempordry signage arring this Jeriod would help mitigate these effects beingexperienced by the merchants. Paul Johnson maoi a-motion ti "ppiou" ordinance r'r". gjigszl!s an emergencyordinance' Ludwig Kuz seconded the motion. The councjl votJ +?ii" rpprove an emergency ordinance that allowsfor the placernent of temporary on-site signs, banners, etc., for buainesses direcily impacted by the west Vail roundabout :::t$:tl"Jl ,li,"J1lt[;, which incluJes a waiver or tne townl iign apptication rees, becomes errective immediately Fourth on the agenda was an appeal of an administrative decision determining that the Vail Run tennis bubble, locatedat 1000 Lionsridge Loop (Vail Run) was a seasonal structure. rounn oivalr pranner, Dominlc r,a"uiiulo presented theitem to the council' stating that the ltaff had determined this bubbie to be a seasonal structure, and should be removedduring the summer months, The issue had surfaced when the uppri."nt applied for an amendment to a specialDevelopment District to allow the current tennis courts to be converted to oflrer rec,reational uses. Larry Eskwith, attorneyfor the applicant' addressed the council. The applicant, Bill Fleischer-Vail Run operations Manager was also present.Mr' Fleischer stated his reasons for allowing the 'bubble to remain in prace year-iound. Sybill Navas made a motion tooverturn the staffs decision to remove the bubble, as it was a recreational stiucture and had been in place for 20 years.Mike Jewett seconded the motion' Mr. Eskwith stated he would like to preient his case to the councit, in the event therequest was denied' After further discussion, a vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Fifth on the agenda was the first reading of ordinance No. 10, series of 1gg7, an ordinanee amending ordinance No.7' series of 1995, an ordinance amendin-g special Development oistiict No. d to remove language reguiring recreationalamenities to be tennis facitities. MayorArirour read the titie in full. rown FLnner Dominic Mauriello presented the itemand provided the following.background: The applicant i'" r"cr;"ft to **ou" t," tanguage r"qriii"s r["t the recreationalamenities be tennis facilities so that other recreational uses can be substituted foifritennis co-u;r. specifically, the applicant is requesting thatfhe two c' 'red tennis courts be converted to othe :reational uses as permitted in th6 Accessory Uses section qf this ordina..--;. Section 6(D) 1 of the ordinance (pag*lt), provides for accessory uses: 1. Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, including, but not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, handball, and squash courts and similar recreational facilities. The PEC, at its April 28, 1997 meeting, recommended approval (unanimously) of the proposed major amendm€nt subject to the following conditions: 1. That any proposed changes to non-enumerated "recreational uses' will be evaluated by the staff as a minor amendment to the SDD and be subject to the I SDD review criteria. 2. That ahy future 'recreational use" shall be available to.the general public. The above conditions had been incorporated in the proposed ordinance, and the Staff recommendation was foi approvai of Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1997, on first reading. Discussion foltowed and it was agreed that all references to tennis courts only be removed and new language inserted to be include other recreational uses. Paul Johnston made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1 0, Series of 1g97, of first reading and Mike Jewett seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. The sixth item on the agenda was an update on the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Director of the Town of Vail Community Development Department, Susan Connelly presented the item along with Town Manager, Bob McLaurin and Consultant, Ethan Moore, and provided an update on the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, Slaff reported on Stage Two 'Wish List" Submittals and introduced Stage Three: Alternatives Analysis and Selestion of Preferred Altemative. Council members were asked to: 1) approve or modify the'list of 'Wish List' items to be analyzed in Stage .Three, and 2) approve or modify the proposed Stage Three process and schedule. The staff recommendation was for approval of both. During public discussion, Lucian Layne, a part-time resident of Vantage Point condominiums, asked the Council to remove "wish list" item 1 53 because, in his words, it would be like giving out a blank check. Response 153 suggests, among other things, rezoning the Lionshead parking structure to allow for a wide variety of uses of both private and public natures. David Corbin, representing Vail Associates, Rob LeVine of Antler's Lodge, and Phil Holbert, also a part-time resident of Vantage Point, urged the Council to retain all wish list items for additional review. Corbin and the others disputed Layne's reasoning that response 153 is inappropriate, reminding the Council that a master plan is not an approval for any particular development concept. Following up on Corbin's comment, LeMne said he hoped the master plan blueprint would include creative incentives for redevelopment so actions could be undertaken within the next five years rather than 10 or 15 years down the road. Step three of the process will include studies on physical feasibility and qualjtative analysis of the 173 ideas, markeVfinancial feasibility and designation of public view corridors, if any. Ludwig Kurz made a motion to approve the list of 'Wish Lisf items to be analyzed in Stage Three bnd to approve the proposed Stage Three process and schedule. Kevin Foley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. The seventh item on the agenda was a request for a change of non-conforming use of the Gasthof Gramshammer Underground. Parking Structure. Town of Vail Pianner, George Ruther presented the item and provided the following background: Pursuant to Section 18.64.080 (Change of Non-conforming Use) of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, the applicant, Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Kurt Segerberg, is requesting a change of non-conforming use. The applicant proposes to remove an existing legal non-conforming surface parking area at the Gasthof Gramshammer in the Commercial Core I Zone District, and subsequently replace it with a non-conforming underground parking structure. George further explained that on April 14, 1 997, the PEC upheld an appeal of an administrative decision regarding the applicant's proposal, finding that, 'A private and public unstructured (surface) off-street vehicle parking is a different land use than private and public structured (underground/enclosed) off-street vehicle parking,' and, therefore, the property must be broughi into compliance with the development regulations prescribed in the Municipal Code, or a change of non- conforming use must be approved by the Vail Town Council. The staff of the Community Development Department recommended the Council approve, with conditions, the applicant's request for a change of non-conforming use at the Gasthof Gramshammer to allow for the construction of an underground (structured) parking area. During discussion, the applicants iold of the many advantages the changes would make to the pedestrian area, including elimination of snow removal operations (the driveway would be heated), improved ambience at the Children's Fountain, noise reductions and increased control of the lodge's parking operations. Sherry Dorward, from Design.Workshop, presented computer-simulated drawings showing the aesthetic improvements. Tom Steinberg, a former council member, stated his strong support for the request. Steinberg also asked Council to create a one.foot-wide public easement between the parking structure and Gore Creek to complete the streamwalk from the Covered Bridge park to the Gore Creek Promenade and lnternational bridge. In response, Pepi Gramshammer, the applicant, said he would not agree to such a condition and would not build at all if this were attached to his approval. Pepi further stated that he couldn't run a hotel without parking and in order to compete with other properties, he had to supply additional amenities. He also stated years ago the pay-inJieu fee was $3,000. He said presently the feewas almost $17,000, wtrich he feltwas ridiculous. A motion was made by Sybill Navas io approve the request with the conditions as recommended by staff (see attached memorandum). Mike Jewett seconded the motion. Paul Johnston questioned specifuing the number of spaces at all and felt this should be hammered out in the nextphase(s) of the approval process for the entire project. Paul indicated this was a drastic departure from CCI flLE $$FI' A. reguf ar meeting of the Vail Town council was held on Tuesday, May 20,19g7, in the council chambers of the VailMunicipal Building. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 p.M. MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING May 20, 1997 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert W. Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro-tem Kevin Foley Michael Jewett Rob Ford Paul Johnston Ludwig Kurz TowN oFFlcrALS PRESENT: pam Brandmeyer, Assistant rown Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attoi-ney Holly McCutcheon, To';;r Clerk The first item on the agenda was citizen participation, of which there was none. Second on the agenda was the Consent Agenda which consisted of the following items: A. Approve the Minutes from the meetings of April 1 & 1S, 1997. Sybill Navas moved to approv_e the Consent Agenda with changes as discussed earlier to include an attachment to theApril 1, 1997 minutes. Kevin Foley seconded the motion. A vote was then taken, which passed unanimously 4-0. Agenda item number three was'ordinance No. 11, Series of 1997, first reading of an ordinance Authorizing theconveyance of Fee Title 1o condominium unit B-3, Vail Commons, Town of Vail, Colorado to Mountain ValleyDevelopment Services. Mayor Armour read the titie in full. Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead, and Senior Housing planner, Andy Knudtsen presented the item and provided the following background: The Town of Vaii has been asked by the developer, warner Development, lnc. and the ultimate purchaser, MountainValley DeveloPmental services, to serve as an intermediary to co.nvey tiile to condominium unit B-3, vail commons.The-residents will be persons with developmental disabilities, will wbrt< it businesses within Eagle County and pursuantto state and Federal law quality as "ownerloccupants." Pursuant to the funding agreements of Mountain ValleyDevelopmental Services the number of residents will be limited to no more than three residents at any time. This transferwill take place in a three party closing where title will be vested in the Town of Vail and then immediately conveyed tothe Mountain Valley Developmental Services. Andy informed council members the closing would take place within the next two months. He said that one three-bedroomunitwas still available and that 14 people had submitted applications forthe unit. After brief discussion, Kevin Foley moved to approve ordinance No. 11, Series of 19g7 on first reading with a secondfrom Mike Jewett. A vote was then taken and passed unanimously, 4_0. Agenda item number four was second reading or o^rainqn"g No. 10, series of 1 997, an ordinance amending ordinanceNo' 7, Series of 1995; an ordinance amending Special Development District No. 5 to remove language requiringrecreational amenities to be tennis facilities. Mayor Armour read the tifle in full. Town planner Dominic Mauriellopresented the item and provided the following background: The applicant is requesting to remove the language requiringthat the recreational amenities be tennis facilities so that other recreational uses, specifically ski simulators and trainingfacilities, can be substituted for the tennis courts. The PEC, at itsApril 28, 1997 meeting, recommended approval (unanimously) of the proposed major amendment subjectto the following conditions: 1. That any proposed changes to non-enumerated "recreational uses" will be evaluated by the staff as a minoramendment to the sDD and be subject to the g sDD review criteria. 2. That any future "recreational use" shall be available to the generat public. The above conditions had been incorporated in the proposed ordinance, and the Staff recommendation was for approvalof Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1g97, on second reading. Attorney Larry Eskwith was.present with the applicant, Bill Fleischer, operations Manager for Vail Run. Mr. Eskurithexptained that the applicant's main concern was in limiting the number of ski simulatorsihat woutd be allowed on thepremises. Dominic stated the need to evaluate the proposed use and numbers as it reiates to building and fire code issues. VaiI ToHn Counci I Evening l,leeting l,l,i nutes Hay ZO, 1992 sybill confirmed that future minor amendrents to the sDD could be approved by r, and that the pEC would have anopportunity to call up the item if needr .f the approval was not granted, the app,rcant could appeal the staff decision to the PEC, and PEC dpgiEior'1*s cJruld be appealed to Town Council. '; 'f Plq Mayor Armour clarified"that "."up"rftUFqels, ADA requirements, Fire Code and UBC matters should be taken into consideration at the time the building permit is taken out. Sybill Navas then moved to approve Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1997 on second reading, w1h one change, on page 5, section D, adding Ski Simulator and Trbining Facilities, and deleting the last sentenci.'Kevin Foley sjconOei t[e motion. A vote was taken which passed unanimously, 4-0. Assistant rown Manager, iam Brandmeyer made the following announcements: . ' ' . Due to the lack of agenda items, Pam asked Council for consensus to cancel the May 27, 1gg7 *orX sessior,,, and council members agreed. ' Pete Seibert is in Houston, Texas, visiting the art studio of Jesus Morales in an effort to refine a concept for theSeibert Circle art piece, sponsored by the Art ln public places project ' Construction for the Vail Mllage Club and Lodge at Vail will occur indoors only throughout the holiday weekend. Council Reports included: Mayor Armour reported on the Vail Tomorrow All-Teams meeting on May 13, 1gg7 and a recent meeting of the EagleValley Leadership Coalition. He also acknowledged appearances at the butterfly launch, town clean-up, preseritation of the youth recognition award and City Market ribbon cutting. Other: Sybill Navas asked about the status of the Wall Street building. Kevin Foley encouraged participation at the upcoming Jeep Whitewater Festival and congratulated Susan Rodger, Ludwig's wife who is receiving her masters degree. Next on the agenda was.a report from the Town Manager. Pam Brandmeyer, filing in for Bob Mclaurin, indicated theweekly meetings with the West Vail business community continue to be productive. The next meeting will take place onTuesday, may 27 , 1 997 from 5: 1 5 - 6 p. m. at the West Vail Lodge. There being no further busiriess, a motion was made by Sybill and seconded by Kevin for adjoumment. The meeting wasadjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m. l,linutes taken by Hotty Hccutcheon (*llafiBs of certain lndividuals htlo gdve publrc tnput flrdy be rniccurite., Robert W. Armour, MayorAfiEST: e Holly' McGutcheon, Town Clerk Vail ToHn CounciI Evening lleeting llinutes May 20, 1997 FILI $OPT ,l'.;FPftC:ii;,i'rAr r ?, tiitii B. An appeal of an administrative decision determining that the Vail Run tennis bubble is a seasbhat structure. The property is located at 1000 Lionsridge Loop (Vail Run). Appellant: Vait Run condorninium Association, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the memo and said that the existing structure had never been removed during the sumrner months, according to Town records. He said although it was eluded to in the ordinance, what was gtated was nol necessarily clear' Larry Eskwith stated that he filed this appeal immediately. He said he.didn't consider it to be a non-conforming structure, using the argument that it was a year-round recreational structure' rather than the-seasonal structire. He tnen proceeded to hand out a letter from Peter Patten. He stated that it was a landmark on the Frontage Road. He said it had been there for 23 years. He asked how anyone could ignore enforcement of an ordinance that was passed in 1976 and one would assum-e that the Tolwn Council would have asked Mr. Fleicher to take down the bubble through all the amendments, if it was indeed a seasonal structure. He said that nothing in the ordinance said the tennis courts were to be removed in the summer. He said it never was intended on the part of the Town Council, according to Ordinance 29 in 1977 , to make it into a temporary structure. He told the PEC if they boughl the staff's argument, then what you would navb norai would be a legal non-conforming structure, because it was legal prior to the time a change to the zoning law occurred. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There was none. Dominic Mauriello said the staff decision was not made in a vacuum. He said that if a reasonable person would read this, the same conclusion could be made. He asked why the phrase "Ouring the winter season" was put in the ordinance. He said it would be negligent of staff to not bring this foruvard to the PEC lor an interpretation. Larry Eskwith said that sDD's in the Town of Vail in the past were contractual types. of devices between the developer and the Town Council and that there was no evidence that the developer of Vail Run had agried to any concessions. He said if it was the intention of the parties, then they would have flut in specific prohibitions. He said it had never been taken down, since the Town Council or staff had never requested that it be taken down, and therefore, was a recreational structure. Mike Mollica explained that staff does not review the entire SDD ordinance when specific. amendments aie made to other portions ol the ordinance. He said that staff only focused on the changes suggested. Galen Aasland asked if this received a building permit to hold the snowload or wind. He asked if there was a change in use, do they have to demonstrate the effects of wind or snowloads. Dominic Mauriello said that il the bubble was allowed to slay, it may have to come into compliance for any change in use. Plarming anJ Environmental Commission MinutBs APril28, l99z Galen Aasland said he saw nothing that said it had to be taken down. Ann Bishop said she had no comments and would uphold the staff's decision. Dominic Mauriello explained the different ordinances and said that only 3 amendments dealt with the SDD as a whole. Diane Golden said that she saw the courts covered during the winter months as an amenily and therefore, could see it as a recreational facility. John Schofield stated that non-enforcement didn't hold a whole lot of water, just because it had been wrong for 23 years and he agreed wih staff that it was seasonal. Gene Uselton said Larry's argument was interesting and almost persuasive, however, he interpreted it as a seasonal struclure, which meant not covered during the summer season. Greg Motfet said he saw this as an amenity and saw nowhere that it had to have the covers rernoved, but that both interpretations were reasonable. Lany Eskwith said that the word "presently" was the key word, or what existed at the time the ordinance was passed. Gene Uselton made a motion to uphold the staff determination that itwas a seasonal structure. Ann Bishop seconded the motion., The motion failed, by a vote of 3-3. Mike Mollica said the staff decision would hold. Tom Moorhead clarified that the applicant's request to have it overturned had failed. 4. A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Vail Run), to eliminate the reqlirement for three covered tennis lrts, located at 1000 Lions Ridge LooJ :ns Ridge Filing #1 . Applicant: vail Run Condominium Association, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: Dorninic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview ol the staff memo. He said the applicanl was requesting to change the use to i use that would benetit the community. He said that staff had concerns that a chalnge would have parking implications and that lhe structure needed to conform to code- He said thit staff was recbmmenOing approval, subject to the SDD criteria with two conditions. Lany Eskwith asked why it was necessary tor the applicant to lave !9 come back to the PEC if theywished to go forwaid with a permittei use. He isked for the rationale for it to be a minor ambndment to itre soo. He askdd it they were leaving the tennis courts in why they can't go forward with the perrnitted use. He said ihey iust wanted a building pgfTF He said they wanled the same treatmbnt as the Cascade Village hird would like any part ol Vail Run to use permitted uses without filing a fee and going through a process' Planning and linvifimmenaal Cammisslon Minutes ADril 28. 1997 A??:ilr-itli,i;:Ii i FILT,p 'tns? OllPT ' Mike Mollica said it would go before the PEC for information purposes only. He said there would be no public hearing and that was the process' Dominic Mauriello said it would be a staff review- Larry Eskwith said a permitted use should be permitted- Dominic Mauriello said some recreational uses had ditterent parking requirements' Mr. Fleichman, the General Manager of Vail Run, said he should be able.to do what he wanted in fhat bubble. Fie said that there hai Oeen rollerblading on the tennis courts, shooting hoops on courts anO athletes playing soccer. He stated that the Homeowner's Association would never iffor anytfting lhat affgcte; iheir parking and that 26 new parldng spaces had been added' John Scholield agreed with the change of use, as long as ft wasa recreational use' He stated that a movie theater could be consid6red by some lo 6e "recreational" and was a use that would it inge the need in parking and should be ieviewed by stafi. He said that the review should not be too restrictive in the parking requirement- Gene Uselton asked if an owner could do anything he wanted according to the ordinance. Dominic Mauriello said these were the zoning allowances for this property and that it didn't say you didn't have to get apProval. Galen Aasland asked about the reasonable fee basis to the public' Dominic Maurielto said it had to show public benefits by being available to the public. He. mentioned that Vail Run paid a lesser recreational tax based on the public availability of the facilities, but there was no limitation on what the fee should be. Mike Mollica said there was not a requirement to charge a tee for the use of the recreational lacility, but lhat it was at the discretion of Vail Run. Galen Aasland agreed with the stafl memo, that it should have to come back to the Town for public safety requirements. Ann Bishop supported the staff language, which she said was lairly explicit. She said it should not have td come back to the PEC and they could do what they wanted' Diane Golden said they shoulcl be able to do what they wanted to do and if it became available to the general public, then that would be the only reasonto come back to the Town' She stated that the PEC was here to help the applicants. Greg Moffet said there was no line between similar and dissimilar recreational facilities and wouTd not require subsequent review by staff. He said public amphitheaters or movie theaters were not similar. He suggested limitin{ the review by siaff to non-enumerated uses and to change the recommendation. Larry Eskwith said he would like to be treated the same as Cascade and it was unfair. Planning and Environmental Comrnission Minubes April 28, 1997 I r- Diane Golden said the cascade didn't have to be open to the general public, as you had to have membefships. Greg Moffet asked at what point did it become dissimilar and how coutd it be regulated' Larry Eskwith said sports were not dissimilar' Greg Moffet said, '\irhat about an eguestrian center'" Mike Mollica said, " what about a rifle range'" Dominic Mauriello said the process in the Zoning Code was for the PEC to make lhat determination between similar uses. Galen Aasland rnade a rnotion for approval in accordance with the stafl memo. Ann BishoP seconded the motion' Greg Motfet asked to amend the motion to include "non-enumerated" recreational uses. Ann Bishoo seconded tlre amended motion' The amended motion passed by a vote of 6-0' Larry Eskwith said he would go to the Town Council regarding the interpretation' v i- I I ."{li;+ r:p+ i|''5F7i'- ' Project Application /o'?'73 Project Name; Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Add ress and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Filing Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISA PPROVAL /:l'/, / U tTown Plan ner our"t /o'1' 7j Staff Approval ".: | '"I I T tevised 914/9L DRB Arpr.rrceuoN - rotfN.oF tIArL, COTORADO DATE APPI.ICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: rsrs appLrclr#li.ilf loln "r AccEpEEDT'NTTL II.I, REQUIRED IIIFORMATION IS SUB!{IT,:FED I.PRO.TECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTfON: ********** ffffr i,, , B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($S0.00)Conceptual Review ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt, B1OCK '1. ($200.00t Juinor Alrerarion ($20.0o) ($01 c. D. subdivision €.p.D #€i Parro{ ',A' - ff property is described.ly r meets and bounds legaldesgriptionr.please provid6 on a separate sheet aioattach t.o this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applieant must. provide a currentstanped survey showing lot area. NAI,IE OFMailing G. F r. J. K. APPLTCA}IT: Address: APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATI\TE :Address: NAI4E OFMailing I. NAI'4E OF *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing eddressJ **NO EPPIJICJLTION WILI.| BE PROCESSED I Condoninlurn ApprovaL if appJ.icabJ.e. DRB FEEI DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at,the tlme of submit.tal of DRB application. --r,iter, whenapplying for a building perdtl please identifv tireaccurate valuat,ion of the proposlL. The town 3f vait 1_iI aa]1:sr rhe fee-accoraing ro rhe t.aUre-ierJi, -to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000. $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 50010oo s500r 001 - $1r 000,000$ Over $1r 0001 000 Phone FEE PAID,: S 20.oO -. +l- tol I E'EE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $r.00.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $500.00 nlrsouT rc/ 7 F3 DEsrcN Rs\r1tEw BoeRD APPROVATJ ExprREs oNE yEeR aFTER FrNAr,APPRo\rArr IrNLEss A.Buu.DrNc PER!,fiT rs rssuED nND coNsrRgcTroN rsSIARTED. O}INER' S SIGIIATT'RE LIST OF MATERIALS A. NAI,IE OF PRO.]ECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDR.ESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information isbefore a finalReview Board BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail.s Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to theapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL IvIsIoN 5.f M6? ftfrb$. Design COLOR Llalt . lcro, nr, Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO]IED *Indicate ^, lfr caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fortEees is,2 inches. rndicate hm Designer: Phone: trees. (]oIlretn 0ctober ?, '1993 T0 THE TOhfr.l OF VAILr RKD 'is the tenant of 3D at Vai] R\.rn Resort and t hev hava the approval by the L-andl ord p€r.: Dmign and Revi6fl app] Jcation and the appnoval oi th* l-lonreottners Asserciat'ian for th'e instal letJan of t l-s additJon of the wl ndo+rs to unit 30. ${ncerely,l#a"*r Fned Gold Secnetdry Vai1 f n Resort Ccfirrunity Flonreouners AsEociotJon cc: William Fleiscfer. Landlond o raesoRt corY)rDaDw 1000 lionsridge loop o vail, colorado o 81657 o telephone (303) 476-1500 , J A IrVJ.L:I A-UU ' :r 1-..2r l.- - i\.r | ,/LJ ,r*i *') PLEASE I'IAKE CHE TOWN OF VA]L DEPARTi\{ENT OF COM]VILINITY DEVELOP}IENT . S.ILES ACTION FOR:\{ 75 SOUTIT FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 8L657 0r 0000 4 t510 ZCI\T\G .fu\D ADDR.ESS I.,IAPS 0l 0000124t5 LDII.COL\{ I UILDT\G COD E 0t 0000 {2415 uM FOR-\,! PLUViB [.,''C C OD E 0l 000042.{r5 UM FOL\.I ]\fEC HA}'] C,{ L CO DE 0t 0000J?{t5 UNIFOR,\' FIRE CODE 0l 0100 {?{ lJ N..\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0t 0000.{?4t5 OTIIER CODEDOOKs 0t 0000.1r543 B LUg PRTVTS C\'YL,4I{ 0t 0001{?112 }:EROX COPIES / s'iUDiES 0! 00co r23? |PENA I.TY FEES / R E.I.,.'-'S PECTI ONS 0l cac0'1lli2 PL,L\ RE\']ElV RE.C}IECX FEE [S.IO FER, HR.I 0l 0400 42323 OFF I.IOURS E\iSPECTION FEES CONTTI \CTORS LICE\SES FEES0l 000041{t2 0r 0000{1330 .0t 00004r4r3 SICN APPLICATJON FIE 0r 0000 414 t 3 ADDITION.\L SIcNACE F;E ISI,OO PER 50.ITT. 0l 0000 421.t0 }TC ART PFOJECTDONANON 0t 0000 .l133 |PRE PAJD DESIGN REI|JE"IVBOARD FEE 0t 0000424L2 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI,IPUTER DI 01 0000 4237r TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUILDING) TOTAL DUE: ZO.CJO lrioRE Tll4"{ tc4 dr:lio' rSPECLAL Var-i la-rn * * * * * TT]hIFI DF LJFI I t_ l,liscel laneoug Csh 1. rit- gr;1;- 3i lfi: Bl: t.l F..i:{,iF i. # 1 3rjd,r:-r: ::i:,--nlirii. i+ ]:h. i* li,i 1 -.i:..r1.r rr.Li i Lf- :-i:ji,..!:Jit i. :-r:i, 'j#r.Fr::i .:. l€i. BB it*ni paid Rnount paid :,:. .Jnljl_r4;:r: 1 ::[rf]fi :8. EE ..1 :.',,:ir;,.11 aijr, i:-it"fi::fi ,. iil. Elfi -l*HftF.{H \fElJ ri:.'i-ir r.5a:h i !: r F;EF-IHB 4-( 'Q lown 75 rodh hontage road Is , colorado 81657 (s(xr) 47$2138 (300) 47$,2133 olfice ol communlty developmenl Marclr 7, 1991 !.fr. william Fleischer e/o vail Run Resorts 1000 Lionsridge LoopVail, colorado 81557 Re: Two new awnings Dear BiIll on Februaty 26, LggL, I wrote to tell you that your proposal for two nen awiingi had been staff approved without the logos. I also lndicated thaf you could appeal this decision to the DesiEn Review Board or apply for a sign variance if your desire is to pursue appiovat ot ini logos. I atid scheduLe you to appear at the Design niviev Board at yelterday's meeting, March 6, 1991 and left phone nessages with y5ur secr6tary asking if you vished to appear in order to appeal the staff decision. once aEain I wish to repeat, the awnings witltout the logos have staff approval . If you wish to appeal this decision, please let me know sq tbat I can place you on the DRB agenda. Sincerely, .%6t Planning Techniclan I L .-- _, .sqg- * '.1 Project Appllcationt Contact Person and Phone l' ,') Q tk . ;( f", tt.- l^ Proiect Name: tL- , \- L) '( r 4l< 1 t({- Proiect Descriptlon: ,j-+,.n-l' *, ,/ arJ u, ' /i-q-./t " q7 ( - t 1s I Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner | -, / '' t'/ s^t- /.>/LY/Y'{fi s,ut Approval )o ,\-l APPI icaii on ilu:ber SIGiI APPLICATTOiI Fee Paid .l ... The f o'l 'lorving infornation is requi red f orto the Design Revierv Board beiore a final Sign subnitial fee is $20.00. subnittal bY the approval can be applicant givet- A.Sign ilaterial 7ST ' ?lJ tt t ( tv ook) o^r" lofagf?{ Name of Pro5gsl ( f R88!!'8-aue ,:,n'.il ;; i"'"'""" Pnone l,L- 6Q3/ Location of projecr ltltt EqA) ksogr Description or-.Orrr T \ ck' oF iiPir lt gus t?rr)'A) Descri pti on c.'/5" 6?Size of Sign /5" D. Length'of Frode-ce-_f rt.l ?5' E. Corirxgnts frt dONS 1. Site Plan 2. Drar,ri ngs sfiEilng-ex3ct'loca*"ion 3. Photogi:phs sho','ring propossd 'loceit on 4. Aciuai sign 5. Colored scale orat'rlng --_6. PhotcaraPh of sign APProved for ORE Subnittal Disapproved for DRE Subnittrl - "E AKe 5 N$tnoNs utxrll T//t tl8 MZo€6y 6'7 4 kc{ 7(4t ,G6 ,0. I'IATERIALS SUBiiITTED I,IITH APPLICATIOiI G0 fflrY'rftO oN hlzttNw wruD06)sc4NLorl ,qN7 KCK f(zs lo 9n Adnlnrs Cralor Project Application Proiect Name: t11b- s<7r"o Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ""," rlad Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL c_l _r\ Vc-,,,c-o Date: E Statt Approval I Project Application - Dale Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone y' ee-g \n-.,dt.,t Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Zone z4 ',- d._,,- ) Design Review Board r Molion bv: ( 't -'-'zlr ' l^ ' "-"/ seconded uv: ('il4 ""," tf fi{ APPROYAL Q-r.r|'_. DISAPPROVAL Summary: i,rr Town Planner Dale: El Star Approval Project Application Proiect Name:I Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL :l-- | - DISAPPROVAL E statt ApprovalTown Planner Peter CouLter D.B.A. RibcageVai1, colorado Ur. Gary lfloranBuilding InspectorVail, Colorado May 13, 1988 Dear Gary, I am writting you regaurding a situation at the Vail Run buildinqthat T believe is a breach of the building code and that is nowpart of a law suit that f am now in with Bill Fleischer. When Isigned the lease no mention v/as made before hand that he hadbuilt a condominium in the lower section of Vail Run (next to house keeping) without a permil or proper zoning. After I signedthe lease he told ne that he didn't want the city over there because He had to hook up part of the utilities (Water and Sewer)to that section of the building. I reali.ze that I nade a mistakeby atLempting to do the job for hi.m, but I had signed a lease and was just t.ryj-ng to get the door open before the whole season wasover. r would appreciate 1f you could first check your records and see if a permit was pulled for any structure in that sectionof the building and if not to act on any violatj.ons of thebuilding code for building without a permit and I believe thatpart of the buildinq is zoned comnercial , not residential . You may reach me at 755-2876 or my attorney (Mr. Leland Coulter) at337-0338 if you have any further questions concerning thismatter. Thank you for any consideration that you may give me. '1. ' T0: Planning and Environmental Comm'issjon FR0M: Community Development 0epartment DATE; November 23, L987 SUBJECT: A request for zoning of a 0.120 acre parcel previously designated as State Highway right-of-way to ParkingDistrict (Section 18.34 of the Town Municipal Code ). Appl icant: lrl'illiam L Fleischer I. BACKGROUND In Apri'l of L984, the applicant received the deed to a 0.272 acre tract of land .located adjacent to the Breakaway htest Condominium project, which had previously owned by the Colorado State Highway Department and designated as I-70 right-of-way. The property was acquired through purchase from the Colorado Department of Highways as a remainder parcel . 0n October !3, 1986, the PEC heard a request for a mjnor subdivision and zoningto Parking District for thjs parcel of 'l and. That hearing was tabled until October 27, 1986, at which tfme the Planning Commission approved the minor subdivjsion and the zoning requestwith a 3-l vote. The zoning request then noved forward to Town Councjl where it was indefiniteiy tabled at first reading. The applicant once again wishes to revive this request, and due to the great lengthof time from the original tabiing at Town Councj'l , Town staff decided that this application should start again at Planning Commi ssi on. The mjnor subdjvisjon approval in October of 1986 was finaled, so the reguest today is once again for the zoning of the parcel to the Parking District designation. At the time of theoriginal application, the Community Development Department staff recommendation was for denial . The staff's recornmendation has remajned unchanged from the original zoning request. While the issues concerning this tract of land and this appiication have not changed, conditions at Vajl Run have changed. In 1987 the PEC and Town Counci'l gave Vail Run approval to change a tennis court to a parking lot. This was done to provide the project with 24 additional parking spaces. Given this approval , the staff sees little merit to the argumentthat Vail Run is in need of additional parking- Staff feelsthat the pianning issues cited in our original memo are valid and establish justifiable grounds for denying this request. The Town attorney has advised us that the failure to approve a use with some level of economic return may constitute a taking.In thjs case, we feel strongly that the Parking zone district is not the appropriate zone district for this parcel of land and therefore maintain our recommendation of denial. il, ( TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: Pl anning and Env.i ronmental Commission Communi ty Devel opment Department 0ctober 13, .l986 A request..for zoning of a 0,120 acre parcel previously designatedas State Highway right-of,way to parking District lSeit:on ie.e+of the Town Municipa) Code). |.lilliam I. Fleischer zon i n I. THE REQUEST In April of 1.984, the applicant received deed to a 0.12 acre tract ofland located adjacent to the Breakaway condominium project, whichpreviously had-been owned by the colorado state H.ighwav De[artment anddesisnated as I-70-right-of-way. This property wai aciuirla ih;ilgh - purchase from the colorado Department of Highwlys. Because the. applicant desires to deve'lop a parking 'l ot on ti.i s parcel , the Town ofvail has requested the applicant to file a request ior both minorsubdivision and for zoning. This.property, previously be.ing held by apublic entity and-designated as hishway rliir!-ot-way,-has n6t pr"vi"oritv been designated with a Town of Vail zone district. The minor subdivision request is being addressed under a separatememorandum. Chapter .|8.34 of the Town of Vail munjcipa] code describesthe-Parking Zone District. Sectjon .l8.34.010 of that chapter stiies-it,efoilowing as the purpose of the parking zone distrjct: "The Parking District is intended to prov'ide sites for private orpublic unstructured off-street vehicle parking and conditionallyto provide for private or publ .i c off-street vehicle parking' structures and private or public parks and recreationalfacilities. The parking District 'is intended to provide suchfaci'l ities whiJe insuring adequate 1ight, air, privacy, and openspace for each valid use in adjacent ireas.', The applicant states the foilowing in support of this request: 'rIn. the present-case, the parking would be used for employeeparking for vail Run. currently-vaiI Run is 97 spacei short onparking. This zoning application would help alleviate theprob1em." The applicant has also submitted a site p)an detailing design of theproposed parking lot on the site. EVALUATION OF REQUESTII. A. The Town of vail, like most municipalities, has no zone district designation for highway right-of-way properties, Highwayrrgnr-or-way properties have traditjonally contained pubi.i cnrgnways and streets, pedestrian and bicyc'l e pathways andassociated open space buffering those highwayi and iiree[s tromthe adjacent private properties. Due to the transfer oi irri"property from public to private entity and Mr, Flejscher'ssubsequent request to utilize this paicel, the Town oi vuit t",requested Mr. Fleischer to fire for a zone district category forthis property. B.i teri a Is the amen at ions amonq la use oD-l ect I ves t presenti onvenient. workable cons't sf,en th municipa Wi.th respect to the physical relationshjp of th.is parcel toadjacent Jand uses and consistency with inunicipar bujeitives, tnestaff has several concerns with this request. The plrcel froposedfor zoning is extremely sma1r, 0.12 acres fon a iotli ii'sizzrsquare feet. IJhile the parking District contains no requirementsfor minimum lot size, we feel that creating a parking toi on aparcel of ground as small as this creates negative iilpacts which .T91t": the small gain in park.ing. The proposed parking area,wnen. vier{ed in conjunction with the parking for the adjicentBreakaway west condominiums, wi'l r create a Iargeo viii6te-isptraltarea and will have a high negative view impact-fiom the puoticright-of-way as welI as the inrrnediately adjacent resiaenliir un i ts. The creat i on of thi s addi t ionai pa-rk.ing r oi wiii -aiso create a dangerous interface with both the exiiting bicycie pathand the North Frontage Road. Phj losoph'ica1 ly, the community Development Department does notbel i eve that thj s proposa'l i s- consi stent wi th muni ii pai - -- objectives, nor does it present a convenient workabll relationshipamong iand uses. fhe portion of State Highway right-of-w;y tnutr" rgt-being utilized as vehicre or pedesiri"i puliis"*"yi"t",traditional 1y been used as a buffer zone and seiback-arei toprotect the adjacent private properties. Development al1 alongI-70 within the Town of vai1, especial 1y in this !re", is based onthe aspect of using that right-of-way ai an open space buffer. It is common for private property owners to develop recreationalor parking uses right up to their property line. These uies "."then buffered from visible and physica] aspects of the puliic uvthis open space as a part of the ltate Higi-rway ueparimeii-system.The existing Breakaway parking areas have utiiized th.isright-of-way Iand as an open space buffer zone from the bicyclepath and from the highway. Another examp'l e of this is the-currenrrequest by vai'l Run to develop additionai parking on tne iouttrside of their building... Thl! parking is being a6vetopea rignt tothe property'line with the.Highwav Dipartment right-oi-way Eeingutilized as a berm and landscaped area to buffer ttrat parling fiomboth the bicyc'le path and the highway. {, I!:"to::ib!1ity of.the transfer of these properties from highwayrtgnt-ot-way to privat" .lgld, which prompts.development reqiesti,places the devetopment philosophv of'utiiizing this i"na ii-unopen space buffe.i n jeopardy. The staff feeis that the highwayright-of-way land should remajn as open space and should noi o"developed by either private or public entities io" "nvt|.,lns otherthan the uses than have traditional ly been found wiinin tnehighway right-of-way. Criteria #3.es the rezonin osal rovi d for theordere commun i t III. The community Development Department feels that the rezoningproposal does not provide for the growth of an orderly and iiautecommunity. Disposal of property by a pub't ic entity w\thin thecommunity makes 'it extremely difficult to p'l an and prov.i de fororderly and vi.able-growth. Through research being done on thecurrent Land use P1an, we have determined that the Interstate 70right-of-way utilizes 505 acres of rand within the conmunity,which is 15% of the totar rand mass within the Town of vail.'Planning for the disposal of even smal'l port.i ons of this areawould be an extremely difficult task, and we would recommend thatwhether this land designated as I-70 right-of-way is in public orprivate ownership, that the uses continue only ai tradit.i onailyfound within the.highway right-of-way. Those uses being publii highways and roadways, pedestrian access ways and open space. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation for_the proposal of zoning this parcel parkingDistrict is for denial . We feel that both physically and'philosophically the impacts of zoning this property is parking Distr.i ctare extremely negative. we make this recommendation due to immediateconcerns of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of thecommunity as well as with regard to the long range planning princ.i pleswjthin the community. I st { \t f' \ t $ s7 E\\t t\ks\ ,\ $$ e1 *t$.s t 'trai PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAIJ COI4I'{ISSTON Novenber 23, L98'7 PRESENTJ,J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pan Hopkins Peggy OsterfossSid Schultz ABSENTilrt-Vfele The meeting was called to Donovan. STAFF PRESENT FeEer-FaEEen Kri-stan PritzRick rylman Betsy Rosolacl< 1. order by the Vice-Chairman, Diana to rezo a portion of Pulis Ranch Sunburstat L785 Sunburst Dr rom L,ohr Denste Fam to s eF Lv Res dent zone. APPI hap Conpany Peter.Patten gave the staff presentation. He showed a plat mapand site.plan and stated that the staff recommended approval .Abe Shapiro made a brief statement as the applicant. BryanHobbs moved. to reconnend approval per the staff nemo andIlopkins seconded the notion. The vote was 6-0 in favor. Ar t for side and front setback variances on Lot i.9Block A Va s Schone orderto build coverApplicant: Tonnie Feiguson Kristal Pritz explained.the reqrrest and presented the zoningalalysis. She then reviewed the criteria and findings.Discussion of the structure followed. J.J. Collins moved toapprove the request per the staff memo with the finding thatthere are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions appl.icable to the same site of the variance that donot apply generally to other properties in the same zone. ?hevote was 6-0 in favor. The PEc asked staff to pass on to the DRB thej"r concern that the naterials and desiqn of the coveredparking be looked at closely. 2. item until December l-4. Sid seconded to table. The vote The appLicant Schult,z moved was 6-0. as}<ed to table this and Peggy Osterfoss 4.A request for a conditional use cerrnit in order to lace seasona on bench of Ford Park.Applicant:Town o Kristan Pritz explained that this request was for five years instead of only one year. J.J. Collins felt that an annualreview was appropriate and the PEC should have the flexibilityto review any changes in the situation and add additionalrestrictions, if necessary. Peggy felt that in light of theWorld races coning: in 1989, it was important to see how thiswould fit into larger parking plans along with the addition ofa swinming poot at the park. Bryan asked if a cond.itional usecould be revoked at any time and was totd it could be, then hestated there rras no reason not to give a 5 year approval . Sid agreed with J.J. and Peggy, as did Pam. Diana stated thatoriginally the parl<ing on the upper bench at Ford Parh was tobe for special events only. She felt that having a parking toton the upper bench only encouraged locals to drive their carsto Vail instead of taking the bus. She felt it looked tacky and cheap, and pointed out that this was supposed to be openspace. Kristan stated that the Town of Vai}rs original intentfor the parking area was to provide parking for special events and overflow parking. A secondary use as an employee parkinglot developed over the past two years and had not been antici-pated by the Town. Diana felt employees shoutd ride the bus. Peggy felt this parking lot helped ttre small business owner whocould not afford to buy a parking pass for their empl-oyees. J.J. repeated the requirement for an annual review. Peter saida five year approval could be given with an annual review inwhich case if the conditions change, it could be calLed up forpublic review. Diana felt approval one year at a tirne wouldkeep everyone on their toes. Peter preferred to see a fiveyear approvaL with annual reviews. Kristan suggested havingthe review in Septernber to give tirne for any needed changes tobe made. J.J. moved to approve the request for a five yearconditional use perrnit with three conditions: 1. A representative of the Town of Vail would presentthe PEC with the pJ-an each year no later than l-O/1S. 2. If the Town of Vail does not conduet a review withthe PEC each year by ttre above date, the parking willnot be approved. 3. The Planning Cornrnission can nodify. amend, deny or - approve the conditional use permit. Pan Hopkins seconded the motion and the vote was 5 in favor and 1 (Diana) against. Pan Hopkins volunteered to be the PEc representative to DRB for January and February and Diana Donovan volunteered to be the PEC representative for March and April. Va Peggy agreed with sid. ir.J. wond.ered why the christiania didnot take advantage of the attic space and add even more roomsto maximize the iaaition. paul responded that the basic roofline should be maintained. and. ttrat Lhe attic rp"". had a verylow ceiling. J.J. felt that the unit developurint was not anissue as GRFA, landscaping and site coverage standards weremaintained. Jim viele agieed. Diana felt the DRB shourd findout which trees would be removed and which saved. J.J. moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the reguest withfindings including 'there are exceptions'br extiao"aitiu"v- ------ cirumstances or conditions applicaLte to the sarne site oi thevariance that do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone.rr Arso given as the reason was the tacl tnat theproposal conformed to the village Master plan. The vote was 6-0 with conditions r through a in the memo and randscaping mustbe addressed at DRB, especlally trees that wilt be lost. - 2.est fo amendment to a s ial develos courtstrlot a \Kristan Pritz presented the-ilErn6stated. that the staff recommended Bill Freisher, the appricant, added inforrnation about thepresent parking situation. He proposed buirding a berm with aruall of railroad ties with g'-r.-0r Lrees. rf th5re is no il;;he.proposed that the trees be r-5r high. He said he nay arsoput trees in front of the bubble. Ann-surlivan' manager of sirnba Run to the west, distributed andread a letter of rrrotest stating that noise. lighting,pollution, and reduction of val-ue of sinba nun 6onaoiiniurnswere the reasons for the protest. A letter was alsodistributed and read fron Nichoras Giancaurilli piotesting theparking lot. Bill FLeisher responded that he feLt the parking lot would beL5 feet fron the property rine and that there wis another 30feet to the simba Run^buirding. He felt that the upper simbaunits v,rould not be affected because people look outl not down.He stated that there were two courts in- the tennis bubble. Healso stated that the parking lot wourd be used nainry for carswhich park a)-1 day 1onq, so the noise factor would bE rninimaland that Vail Run did not experience undesirabres in theirparking lot. He felt that sinba uas aware of the propety linewhen they built their units. Ann Sullivan replied that the L2 units that sheto would look down at the parking lot. she did1-5 foot trees would buffer the pirking lot fronunits. and showed a site plan. Sheapproval of the request. was referringnot feeL thatthe higher a'='el_sner -2- Planning and Environmental Commission May 1-L, L9A7 PRESENTJl.rlT6rrins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Peggy osterfosssid schultzJim Viele ABSENT Pam Hopkins The meeting \^ras called to order at 3: OOJirn Vie1e. STAFF PRESENTKiIEtan prlTa Betsy Rosolack P.M. by the chairman, 1.A request for densi and setbackconstruct additions the Christ varr-ances in order toa Lodqe located atVillaqe356 Hanson Ranch Road on Lot D, B ock 2, VaFirst Filappticant: l{r. paul lohnston Kristan Pritz explained_the. request and showed view anarysisdrawings, elevations and site alna froor plans. stre expriinecthat the staff recomraended deniar, but it tne pEc approved thereguest, the staff recommended + ionditions ot -pprovaf. ilohn Perkins, architect for the proJect, stated that theproject was not giving the christi"ii" i rot oi reirnrursement,but was more back-of-house space to irnpiov.-tn" lperations. P-aul, Johnston, the. applicant,- stated. that up to this tirne, theChristiania had not.hlil enough common area, that. whoeverdesigned the christiania did not aesig;-i-iur9.-"rr"ugh entryand lobby area. He mentioned that cofrpetiti"i-rr.u escaratedamong lodges. Regarding the landscapiirg of tne- parking. areanext to Hanson Ranch Road, he fert tLat-the landicapinf rnigrrtnot survive because of snow prows. Kristan irr*r"r"a that thelandscaping may need more ae-sign work but could be desifnedwith snow rernoval consideratiois sid- guestioned how much landscaping courd. be put between theparking lot and street. He fell tri_at sinc"-tf,"-piun nasiciiry :!ppg5t..g the goals of the virlage Master plan, ie eert it wa-snoE rrght to penalize the applicant because the plan was notfinished. sia rert arneniti'ei snourO fe encoui;g;a. Paul added that the addition to Sarah's was mainly forservinq breakfast. He arso mentioned that he nas'nao onqoingconversations with vA- concerning nakittg ih"- p""[i"g rot intounderground parking, but that s5 far tie ;"d;;;tion was moreof a monologue. I a Kristan confirrned that the southwest corner of the tennis courtwas l-2 feet from the property tine. J.J. collins feLt that this was a situation that ought to beaddressed between neighbors. He did not feel confoitartemaking a decision witb the arnount of infornation available. Hesau no reason vail Run courd. not provide parkS_ng on their sitebut J-J. fert the_ parking rot irnplcts stroirld be-mitigat;e ;d-some compromise should be reached. Peqtgy osterfoss felt that the rack of adequate parking for vailRun needed to be addressed. $he stated that the fact that vailRun was in the county when it was constructed did not help tomake a decision. peggy felt that to have parking witnin lofeet of a condo vould not be preasant for the coido ownersunress there was a -significant amount of land.scaping betweenthe,parking lot and simba Run. on the other hanh, farking wasneeded for vair Run. Diana wondered if the lot would rnorl. inthe winter, with regard to d,rainage and also asked where snowwould be pushed. Fleisher responded that there wourd be a 10foot_opening in the fence toward the Frontage Road and the snowwould be pushed out of that opening. Diana-wondered if ahtooden fence would help reduce the amount of noise and lightfrom. headlights. Freisher stated Elr.at 3/4 of the lot waspointed away fron Sinba. Diana .:kgg if- parkilg could be restricted to people staying aweek and Fleisher sal-d the lot would probably Le irsea tnit riaybecause a l"ot of people arrive with two cars and leave oneparked for a ueek or two. He stated that the undergroundparking was used for owners of the condos, and the peopleleasing the courmercial spaces were not aliowed to use theunderground parking. sid stated that he could see the need foradditional parking for vail Run, but wanted more inforrnation tosee how the parking rerated to the improvernent survey withregard to the Simba Run property. He fett additionallandscaping should be usld, and DRB should address low impactlighting. Jin viele asked if the Lot felr under the size requirement tohave interior landscaping, and Kristan read. the re-guirementswhich stated that 10? of parking lots ruhich contained 15 ormore spaces must have interior landscaping. viel_e feLt thishras a DRB issue. Kristan noted that this-would d.ecrease thenunpgr of spaces'_Pr! the applicant would stilr be gaining *"r,yparking-spaces. Fleischer slio ttrat with the cost 5f the-rarnp-,it was irnportqnt to keep a1l-spaces, but if he lost only:, tireramp wourd still be h'orth while. vieLe stated. that studiei ofparking requlrements for commerciar space in vaiL found thatparkinq was generally adeguate, but that there was an obviousneed at vaiL Run for parking for residential purposes. He feltthat the DRB should be made aware of the need fo-r landscaping -3- a and reduction of any lighting impacts on adjacent properties.Discussion followed concerning putting the farking- loL wherethe bubble exists, and Kristan stated that the stitt had lookedat-that possiblility, but that the grades appeared too steep toallow a ranp to be built in that area, Bryan Hobbs moved and Sid Schultz eeconded to recomrnendap,proval to the Tohrn Council of the parking lot reguest withdirection to the Design Review Board that lpecific-attention beplaced in negating the negative impacts ot ttre parking lot withrespect to Sirnba Run via landscaping, low lighting and ways toreduce noise. The vote was 6-0 in favor. A work session followed concerning cleck enclosures at Blurs andSweet Basil restaurants. The board was rerninded that the next rneeting was to be thespecial hearing of the home occupation permit revocation andwould be May 27 aE 1:30 p.M. The rneeting of May ZS would. beheld on June I. -4- Parki str ct and for a I nor s bdi 1S10n and om ums. App cant:und llilliam I Fl ei scher t (Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney, joined the meeting for th.is item.) Rick Pylman explained that the board would deal with the zoning first. Headded that traditional uses of highway rights-of-way were pathi, bikeways andopen space. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that he triO trieAto work with the staff. to come up with some appropriate use of the property. He-said the applicant had owned the property sincb 1994, so it had been in-theprivate domain since that time. He mentioned that the app'l icant had spoken tot4ike McGee of the vail Fire Department about the property, and that thereforethe Town did know of the approval to construct an entranie to the property. Peterson reviewed the criteria and stated that parking is allowed onrights-of-ways and mentioned the south Frontage Road is an example. He feltthat the second criteria, that of the relationship with adjacenl land usesnwould support the parking, since there was much parking in the vicinity.Peterson also mentioned the fact that from Sun vail to-safeway there were 2lroad cuts across the bike path, and passed photos to show thii. He fett thatbuffers cannot be guaranteed in all areas. He felt that the staff was notproposing any use, for there t{as no use on Greenbelt and Natura'l open spacezone distri cts. peterson said in 10/g3 the Town approved a landscipe plan forBreakaway l'lest which included parking on the subject siteo and ln ti/gs theCouncil also approved it. Peter Patten stated that parking use allowed jn the Parking District was publicparking.. He added that the 21 road cuts were in place befire the bike paffiinstalled. He added that in every case of sales of rigFG:;f-way, the staffhad protested the sale. Further, staff did not suppori the DRB iicisionconcerning landscaping of Breakaway west, and that staff does not write a memoto DRB concerning items on the DRB agendas, George Rosenberg, representing.Breakaway l{est home owners of 50 unjts, statedthat the zoning should be consistent with the Master plan and Land use plan. He stated that the parcel has been and should remain open space or a compatibleuse. Rosenberg added that Mr. Fleischer shouJd have know the use when heacquired the property. He stressed that the burden of proof to make theappropri.ate change should be the applicant's rather than the Townrs. Rosenbergreminded the staff that sections 18.34, parking District and 19.52, Off street-ngrllng and,Loading must be harmonious to some extent. He quoted from18.34.010 Purpose Section, "...while ensuring adequate 1ight, air, privacy, and open space for each valid use in adjacent areas." He pointed 6ui that-oneuse could be a park. Rosenberg felt that this application tied into theearlier one for vail Run and stated that each development is reouired toprovide parking on site not off site. He felt the safety issue was panamount, and the situation as proposed was clear'ly hazardous. He mentioned that largetrees as proposed in the landscaped berm would block the view. He mentionedthat no provisions had been made for snow storage on the lot. Referring toJay's statement that the adjacent lot was not landscaped, Rosenberg poiited outthat Breakaway west had recently spent $90,000 to landscape thein Iroperty. on Ehe North F rontaqest Con L -5- PEC 10/13/86 ''g Rosenberg felt that the disposal of this right-of-way area was precedent setting and the staff would see more sales of this type. He added that open space was a use and a reasonable use. He added that an alternate use could bea tot lot. Duane Piper stated that the Town had received 38 letters in opposition to theproposed zone. He asked Larry Eskwith whether or not open space was indeed ause, and Larry answered that it was. He added that the Highway Department hadviolated state statutes by not offering the r.o.w to the local government forfirst right of refusal and as a result had placed the Town in a difficult posi ti on. Larry Eskwith stated that he would like to have more tirne to deal wjth the Highway Oepartment and requested the matter to be taken under advisement untilthe meeting of October 27. Piper asked the board how they felt about tabling, and the board agreed it would be good to learn more, although'it would mean ihepublic would have to come back again. Diana Donovan was concerned about the safety of the children being dropped off and suggested that a drive-through drop off at the upper door be installed before the gymnastics program be allowed to beg'i n. The board also discussed needed landscaping, and were told that DRB would address the landscaping requ i red . Viele move and Donovan edtot ble this re uest nti ber 2 886e vote s 6-0 in favor o ta Peter Patten showed site and fl oor plans which respected an existing easementto the Upper Eagle Va1 ley Water and Sanitation building to the east. The shopsare zoned Public Use District, but 1ie generaily within the Arterial BusinessDistrict. The Town had been leasing the building to a variety of tenants and was now in the process of taking it over for Town of vail use. The request isto allow recreation facilities and programs on the upper floor as welI asstorage on the'lower floor. Public recreatjon facilities (other than parks andplaygrounds) are a conditional use in the Public Use D.i stricc. The site contajns 30 parking spaces, and the staff felt that this number would be adequate to serve any peak parking demand. Also, the small lot east of the UEVhJSD p'lant would serve as an overflow. The lot is currently used by UEVhISDpersonnel during the day. ceil Folz of the Recreation Oepartment explained that the gymnastics program would be moved from the Red sandstone gw to this bujlding and the gymnaitics program could then be enlarged and the space at Red Sandstone could be util'izedfor other activities. 0c 6. I Donovan moved and 0sterfoss seconded to a rove the uest for a c0 o't onal ermit per the sta with the co ont et avel drive-throuqh dron-o i nsta use the facilitv and lan qcproval was 6-0. condi t ops located on a part of Tract C. Vai] Villaqe Znd F -6- PEC 10/13/86 due to s vote for o to ( i,/ I PRESENT DEii-Donovan Pam Hopkins Peggy 0sterfoss Sid Schultz ABSENT Effin-noUOs Ouane Piper Jim Viele After site inspections, Donovan. PLANNING AND ENViRONMENTAL COMMISSION 0ctober 27. .|986 STAFF Peter Ri ck Larry Betsy Pyl nan Eskwi th Rosol ack the meet'i ng was called to order at 3:00 pm by Diana ?- l. Approval of minutes of October 13, 1986. Peggy 0sterfoss corrected the minutes. It was her understanding that theboard's interpretation of 2.8 was that it was to be jointiy financed by the skimountain owner and the town. This was suggested when Vieli made the motion toapprove the Land use Plan, and Viele said that this was understood and it djdnot need to be added to the motion. Diana Donovan corrected the motionconcerning the Town shop buj lding. The motion should have included thestatement that the building was not to be used by children until a drive-indrop-off was installed. est to a the Parkin Zone District and f r a minor subdivisionor an unzon nd ocated on Fronta e Road and ounded on two s de Bre away West Co Appl icgnt:amI Rick Pylman reviewed the issue as it was presented at the previous meeting.Larry Eskwith stated that he had spoken to the PEC before the meeting and askedthe other attorneys to speak. George Rosenberg, representing the opponents ofthe issue, stated that the basis for not approving the zoning request was thatthis was not a self inflicted hardship. He stated that Fleischer was aware ofthe pre-ex'isting use of the property. He mentioned that by colorado law, theboard had the right to turn down requested zon.i ng. Jay Peterson, representing Fleischer, stated that the jssue of whether or notthe Highway Department should have notified the Town of vai'l was an issue betvreen the Town and the Highway Department, not the Town of vail and theapplicant. He mentioned that he had spoken to Bill powell of the Highway Departnent who was in charge of the disposition of parcels of land. povlell explained 4 ways the Highway Dept could dispose of land, and he fe'lt that thisparcel did not have to be offered to the Town fjrst. Peterson mentioned that in nearly al 1 cases of Colorado law where someone had requested a zone distri ct, a previous zone had existed. In thjs case there was no zone. He stated that the parce'l had h'ighway right of use which includedparking, that the applicant had a right to use the property in some way, andthat this parcel was already approved for parking when Fleischer boughl it. Peterson showed several docunents he had found to substantiate his claims whichincluded memos from Trout Creek Architects dated September 1983- He read from Peqgy,0st?Ifoss.Toved t!'re minutes bg, ?pploved g:_corrected and Sid Schultz seconded the l@otioll ._ Jhe vote was 5 in favor wiffi .'t .i one which indicated that Jim sayre, former planner for the Town, had allowed Breakaway west to move forward to apply to the DRB. A DRB approval dated0ctober 1983 included the contingency that no building permit would be issueduntil the property was purchased from the Highway Department. Jay also readother documents which he felt showed the itern would not have been required togo through PEC. Peterson said jt was apparent to the Town that they knew aboutthe transfer of this land. He stated that this was not a self inflictedhardship. He mentioned that the photos used at the meeting previous'ly should be part of the record. George Rosenberg stated that an error made on the pant of the staff in l9g3 didnot mean the error should be compounded. He stated that if Breakaway West had DRB approvaln they still needed PEC approval , and the deal never went through. He added that the first priority must be to on-site parking, not off-site. Hefelt the applicant knew what he could use the property for. He could have madeinquiries before purchasing the property. Larry Eskwith stated that the town was not bound to follow a process in which 'i t had previously made errors, that the process was not,'stopped.,' Eskwith repeated that a self inflicted hardship included the knowledge of what the zone was before purchasing. Jay stated that the applicant did come to the Town tofjnd out what the property could be used for, Peter Patten said the Town did not support the sale of the parcel or the use asparking. The staff remains neutral in DRB issues. Patten pointed out that thecondition placed upon the approval stated the problem. He asked if theproperty was going to be restricted to the private use of Vail Run and Jay answered that there wou'ld be no restrictions upon who could use the'lot. a1 though according to the zone code, it could be restrjcted to private use. Peggy 0sterfoss stated that in light of the colorado law regarding unzoned 1and, she felt that Fleischer had a right to put parking on the property. Peggy felt that it was an unfortunate use of the property and hoped an appropriate buffer and maximum safety to bikers would be part of any appnoval . She felt that a hump in the bike path that was made during the construction ofthe road cut should be corrected. sid schultz regretted the piece of land went to the highest bidder, and the Town could not purchase it. He agreed with Peggy about Fleischer's right to use the land and of the need for landscaping. Schultz was concerned about the landscaping blocking the vjew of bjkes and cars. Pam Hopkins a1 so regretted the fact that the Town cou'l d not own the land. Shefelt.that landscaping should al so be placed between the lot and Breakaway West's property and the bike path smoothed out. Jay stated that the hump in the bike path was made so that cars would not sljde back onto the bike path in winter. Diana Donovan stated that she chose to look at the property as a piece of land surrounded by the Town. She felt that the history of the land was notapplicable, and the PEC had the right to adopt zoning to a reasonable use, andfelt that parking was a forced use. She pointed out that as proposed by Breakaway West, the access was different, and therefore it was like dealingwith a different parcel . The lot is not 1egal1y tied to the property it seeks i I to serve. Diana pointed out that landscaping of the lot was necessary, whichthen made the situation unsafe, especially to the bike path. This pailiing lotwouid have a negative impact on both the bike path and lhe surroundingproperty. Diana said that when Jay stated that the same number of cars wouldbe accessing the Frontage Road, he did not mention that at present these carsare coning from a main road, not a parking lot. 0sterfoss nov d and Schul ded to rec da roval to Town Council ofthe reouest w EWO uest for rear setback iance in order construct an a ition to anq un t located at vlston.ant:l ams 1. Landscape is required per DRB. 2. Sf,aff ensufe that safety of bikers be consi4gred in the placement of The vote was 3 in favor and I lDgnovan) against. Schultz moved and Hopkins seconded to approve the request p 3. Rick Pylman explained the request, pointing out that this was a second floo,'addition to the already encroaching first floor, and no increase in encroachment was being requested. Staff recommended approva'l . Schul tz moved a Hopk ins econded to rove the uest per the staff cause of the stinq se cKs.vote was 4-n ravon. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 pM. 'i dered 4inor subdivision of the same propertv. COLOXJ|DO SPRINGS DERMATOIOGY CLINIC 62' N. CASCADE SUITE 3OO coroRr{Do sPRrNGs, coroRADo 8o9o1 G03l 47t-r761 r,l\R3.Y \r. corJ" M.D. LEON D. CUNNINGHAM, M.D. LWC./ksd cc Rick Sackbauer DISEASES OF THE SKIN CANCER OF TI{E SK]N DERMAL PATHOIOGY Noveilber 23, 1987 Thornps A. Braun Zaning Administrator Town of Vall 75 S. Frontage Rd., West Vail , CO 81657 Dear Mr. Braun: Just a noEe to voice my opinion against the re-zoning of the parcel of land $outh and Bast of Breakaway West Condominiums that is presently a ereen Belt and i.s be- ing coneidered for parking. I question the safety of this move as well as the as- thetie effeets. Please couDt my vote. ab an opposi,tion vote. siryfirr yours, Vr.{" a-L,- Larry I,J, CoIe n M, D . 7*u %o A/t^r^* : D"* /7 /7(7 7'J tr; g*g"h' lfA f J cP E/6s-{ 'rr - )* /7Fe^r4tr* I 7'/r*"*- a /Szr^.r-n- yry.M Lr..,^r-- Y / -^17{ !..Lr***U F) )"i /*l (e *tE{7 brlM auyQ^fu"/"hAz/* e*-/4/-,'eoA ;^e'-^L, M r , .+ 'e"*t El< €IAG|<EIAL'EFI POST OFFICE BOX 5267VAIL, COLtrRADO Fl65E(3051 476-1195 Novelmber ll., l?87 Flr. Tlom Braurn Zoning Adminititnator Town of Vai I 75 .$. Frontage Fd,, WentVail, Colorado H1&97 Deer Tom, This letter is in OFFO$ITXON to Nilliam Fleisher.'s request to reaonethe parcel of lanrl by Brenkaway l,rtest as feARi4INB. I am an owner o{ Westview $, $and$tone ?r:}. Thie parcel is in rny viewas I l, ook west tonand Meadow l'lor_rnt*i n and Fleaver Creek. lvlclre importantlyn the ro€cl sut reqr-rired to accesls this propoeed lctt itson fr "north facing stop€". It's downhiII, icy and dangeruuti.Additionallyl pedectrians and bikers frequent thi6 Etretch o{ the bikepath. The cut is beLow Lione Ridge Loop and tha entrance to the|..{est'view buildtng. HikFrH are reachin6 their peak epeed at thi* eut"Somaone wj, 1l be injured if car.e crcxs$ the bike path here, I've hmard the argument thatI'v€i heard that the Town madeBrandesr Bui Iding. Tom, takeif you don't agr-e* that if itBII{H FATH BETWEEN THE LNT ANI) Thanksi {crr your time and consideration. 5i ncerel y o TJA*-*apac+tt.c'u Rick Sackbauer therp are many curts along the bike path.annther one whan it br-ritt ite park by thea look speclfiealty *t thie site and seei$s reaoned for parking then RHLOCATH TllH BftEAI{AU'AY'$ PROFERTY LTNE. I uor, to, westview Brdg Vqi I , Colorado Mr Thomas A. Braun Zoning Administrator Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd,, lrlest Vai l , Col orado 81 657 Dear 5ir: llle have been informed that efforts qre "agqin" heing made to convert a very sma11parcel of land south and east of the Breakaway llest Condominiums into a parkingarea. Several aspects appear obvious: a. Efforts will be as often as regulations permit re-submiss:'ion. ,!. The specific area has been "maintained" in a rather unsight'ly condit'ionin the hope the anything wou'ld seem better than the present condltion. c. Entrance paving has already been accomplished on what is apparently cityland. This access across the bike path would seem to indicate that someone has accepted the final action will be approval of the desired use permit. It will just take time. llle are not aware of what other uses could be made with approval of the requested action, but any area improvement would obviously be we] come. Frovisionof parking space (perhaps comnercial parking area l1ou1 d be a better destgnation)for individuals who do not live in the adjacent area would hardly seem to serveto uplift the general area or to delay deteriation of property values. ht€ cioubt that anyone would want a parking place in the front yard for people some distance away toutilize. l,{il l actual 45!gn!s of a nearby area use this lot or ts it just for employee use in order I6-I6FIie renter spaces at the basic locat'isn of the proponent ? Since our unit in the tlestview Building overlooks the current eyesore and would a'l so overlook any park'i ng area, we feel we are entitled to voice our oppoEition to thr's proposal . Resident parking adjacent to living areas seems a part of a nornal requjrement. A commercial lot does not seem to be in keeping w.ith the general area. The closeness to the road, limited capacity,5lope of the land at thEt point, and traffic on the b'i ke path present problems and warnihg signE would gerye tq further clutter. Bike speed at this point due to natural land slope lE uSuellyrather high. Some form of lighting might also be necessary, If the town authoni ties look upon this zoning request as essential and o!t suchbenefit to the Vail communjty (ttre role which we must look to the Zoning Adninistration0ffice to serve on our behalf) please seek sone manner of re.route for fhe Bike Pathto insure the safety of riders, perhaps behind the area. Anyth'i ng whi'ch could prec'l ude accidents in such a congestion should be accomplished. Hopefully this letter will reach yourgiven. l,le hope communr'ty values are gilen Thank you, office before frlnal cons'lderation !sfair consideration. JANE The area has always been a greenbelt and a continuation of this status would appear to be a highly desirable use from an appearance and sqfety aspect. Ordinance No.lst read-Jan 2nd read-Jan 1 6 passed 20 passed 1987 OR0INANCES (pase 1) AN ORDINANCE ZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D, A RESUBOMSI0I'| 0F VAIL DAS SCHONE, FILING t'10. 1, TOI,JN 0F VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, C0L0RA00, HERET0FORE ANNEXED T0 THE T0l,lN 0F VAIL, DESIGNATING SAID ZONING DiSTRIcTs FOR THE ANNEXE0 PR0PERTY; SEfiINc FORTH OETAILS RELATING THERETO; AND AMENDIIIG THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP IN RELATION TO THE AI'TI,,EJ(ED PROPERTY. AIi ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS PARCEL B AND PARCEL C, A RESUBDIVISION- no OF LOTS 14 AND 17, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, TOlllN 5F VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO; OESIGNATING SAID ZONING OISTRICTS FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATING THERETO; AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP IN RELATION TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING ZONiNG OISTRICTS ON PARCELS OF PROPERTY IN THE RECENTLY REANNEXED I.IEST VAIL AREA INCLUDING 8UT NOT LIMITED TO VAIL HEIGHTS, VAIL DAS SCHONE FILINGS NO. 1 AND NO. 2 ANO VAIL RIDGE SUBDIVISIONS AS lllELL AS CERTAIN UNPLATTED PARCELS. 0rdinance No. 2 l,st read-Jan 6 passed Znd read-Jan 20 (tabled guorum available) Znd read-Feb 3 passed Ordinance No.lst read-Jan 2nd read-Jan 3 6 passed 20 passed 0rdinance No. 4lst read-Jan 6 next meeting)lst read-Jan 20 i ndefi ni tely) (tabled until (tab'led AN ORDINANCE ZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 12, TOI,INSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOt,'lN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, C0L0RAD0; PREVI0USLY DESIGNATETI AS STATE 0F Ordinance No.lst read-Feb 2nd read-Feb 5 3 passed 17 passed C0L0RAD0 HIGHI,IAY RIcHT-0F-llAY; DESIGNATING PARKIIIG DISTRICT FOR THIS PROPERTY, SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATiNG THERETO; ANO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP IN RELATiON TO THE'SUBJECT PROP 0R0INANCE AMEN0ING SECTIONS 3i36.150 Al,lD 3,36.160 OF CHAPTER 3.36 RECREATION AMENITIES TAX AND FUND TO PROVIDE THAT THE REVENUES RECEIVED FROM THE RECREATIONAL AMENITIES TAXES SHALL BE PAID iNTO THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RATHER THAN A SEPARATE RECREATION AMENITIES FUND; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE, ADDING SECTION 18.08.060, TITLED PR0PERTY I,JITHOUT A ZONE DESIGNATI0N, T0 READ: '|ANY LAND, LOT, 0R SITE WITHIN THE TOIdN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL SOUNDARY !||HICH, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, DOES NOT HAVE A DESIGNATED ZONE DISTRICT, SHALL BE DESIGNATEO GREEN BELT AND NATURAL OPEN SPACE ZONE DISTRICT. NEIdLY ANNEXED PROPERTY l.{ILL NOT BE SO DESIGNATED FOR A PERIOD OF NOT MORE THAN 90 OAYS OR ANY ADDITIONAL PERIOD OF TIME AGREED UPON BET!{EEN THE PROPERTY OI,INERS OF SAID PROPERTY AND THE TOI.,N OF VAIL FOR THE IMPOSITION OF ZONING." AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE BY THE TOl,lN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORAOO, OF ITS BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 1987, IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL Am0UNT 0F $3,200,000, FoR THE pURp0SE 0F ACQUIRING THE SINGLETREE GOLF COURSE AND RELATED PROPERTIES AND FACILITIES. Ordinance No. 6lst read-Feb 3 passed 2nd read-Feb 1.7 passed Ordinance No. 7lst read-Feb 3 (tabled indefinitely) 2nd read- t- PETITION FORU FOR A.IIIEND}TENT TO *ou"Sf "o*A CI]ANGE TN DTSTRTC? r' :l';"f':":*::"i=,;:":';:1.:i:*T5":il:lr*:il:"1: .n* zonins ordinance A. NAl.lE oF PETITToNER_ I4lill--*"*"{\ Wllliap I. Fleischer d llnt,'ir6^,..,,IJJ{E > s p.O. Box 13Bg! Vai1, cO g165g THE ZONING OR.Df}iANCE BOLiNDARTES ADDRXSS c. NAME 0F 0t,,rNER (print or type) SIGNATURE $100. 00 of the nproperty , Vail Run Breakaway Sand s tone ALL OTITER PERTINENT INFORMATION A??ACEED TO ORIGINAL REQUEST. P}iONE *O*r" pEoNE6_1500 D.IOCATTON OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS See LEGAI DESCRTP"ION lot "., FEE F. A list subject Irl n^1'l' .r Ai0_- ::g"iqggly by .cheek. d!""$T?,:i- i:],J.::::"" ad jacent ro the (0vrR) -etition forin for Amen.Q ro'i'rg ord or Reoues. r?change r" o"ff::ri;" ff . Four {4) copies of the following infor:ratj_on: A' The petition shar-r incrude a su-runary of .the prooosed revisionof the regutatior", o, a-coinplete dlscription oi tie proposed,' changes in aistrici i;'rnaariL.-u"a-"-*lp in<iicating tile existingand proposed district-boundariel- .+ppii"."a inust subnrit written and./orgraphic ruterials ,t"ting ihe reasons for request. ,fff. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental co;u.ission neets on the 2nd and. 4thIlondays of each tnont;:-"A petiti-on riirr-}r" necessary ecco:npanvirrgrmateriar- must be subrnitted'jol" . 1".t= piio, to the date of the neet_ing' Follorting trt"-iii-"',-irrg ".,d rr,viioi.,r,Jia.t co*rission meei-,: :-r.,,*l l.T:":l"i;: ;:,.,j';"ffi i I ;,:F;#:F;:i, l' ".,, ". bo*nd ary =;i;;-E; The followj-ng described LoL or Parcel of Land siEuate, lyi.ng and being in che County of Eagle and l;tate of Colorado to urit; A tract or parcel of land No. 24-A of the State DeparEnent of Highways, Division of Highways, Scace of Colorado, Project No. I-70-2(7)lB3 containing 0.120 acres, more or less, in Ehe N 1/2 of rhe NE f/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l WesE, of the Si.xEh Principal Fleridian, in Eagle County, Colorado, said ttacf or parcel being more parEicularly descri.bed as foll.or.is: Beginning at a poinc on rhe norEh line of Sec. 12, T, 55., R. 8IW., from which Lhe NE corner of SecEion 12 bears N. {J8"L7' 49t' E. a distance of 281.2 fccr,; 'Iheucc S. 59" \7' O6" hl . a dis;Eance of 158.0 [eetr 2. Thence N, 0I" 42' Ll'r W. a discance of 75.0 feec. Eo the north line of Sect.ion 12t Thence N.88," l7' 49" E. along ttre north line of section 12 a discance of 139.1 feet, more or less, Eo the poinc of begj,nning. The above described parcel No- 24-A contains 0.I20 acres, more or less. , ri BErD ocT 2 I, ieBT Wll.ji.an i. 9lelscherP.O. Bor< 1388Vall, CO 81657 October 26, L987 }'AJ{D DELIVEFY Mr. Ron Philllps ?corn Yanager Tqm of Vail ?5 S. Frontage Road West Va1l , CO 81657 l,Il. Phtllips, As i have requested rcrbal.ly several tlmes to Cor$n*"lity Deu*lopnent slnce October 14, I arn now requeeting in wri.tlng that a$ iten be piace<i on Cre Norenrber 3, Tor,n Counctl neetlng. Please re-scfldule "A request to apply the Parklrg Zone Distrlct for an unzorred parcel of land Located on the North 9rontage Road or"med by Wj.l1ian L FLeischer," thls iten was tabled when th.e Torln of Val.l nrade an offer to lrurchase thls p"operty. I accepted the offer as it v,tas prelured by *.lte :o{"rt Atto:i:::eY a&iing t$ro contingenctes: 1) Acloowledging tfiat I arn a reai estate broker llcensed in the State of Co.lorado ard 2) That the road e.rt would be acceptd as is. T?e tor^rn did not cLose on this property, es/€n thoqh I have beert asking tiren to do so since Argust 3, 1987. if you have any furttnr questions, piease let ne krow. Fleischer l&. Jirn Vi.eie, l"troderator Rick Pylnan, Staff Plannirg and Rrvi ronmenta: Ccnfirission r]oirl trg:rY) SepEember 9, I98 7 Mr. Dick Duran Fire Chief Town of Vail 42 l{, Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 Mr. Duran: LaEe Saturday night, (or actually Sunday morning), September 6, around 1:00 a.m., VaiI Run \rent 'into a general atarm. I am very concerned on how the sicuation wae handled by the Fire Depar Ement . 1 shut-down mode, and it is been for over 7 vears, had keys to the area Ln use them. allowed panic and turmoil and guests. allowed che alarm to sound half hour . 7. After it r4ras announced thaE iE \das a false alarn, an alarm conEinued to sound, Guests started disconnecting aLarm systems in units. The Fire Department men eaused more panic by jurnping over a gat.e in which they had keys and smashed flowers on the other side, Even after jumping over the gate and gaining access to the office, they continued to let the alarm run. NONE OF TttE I.{ANAGEMENT was contacted regarding the a larm. a RercRt C:o/['r],rr]/rJDi4J 2. J, 4. 6. The building was in the Eattre way iE has The Fire Department question and did not. The F i-re Department amoungst Lhe owners the Fire Department for approximately a B. 1000 lionsridge loop . vail, colorado e 81657 o telephone (303) 476-1500 Mr, Dick Duran September 9, L987 Page 2 9. The PROPERTY I{AS NOT secured after lhe alarm. a. The Fronr Office Managerrg door was left vide open.b. A11 the room keys were available. c. Cash drawer and night deposite were left availabLe. d. AII the safe deposiE boxes of guests were left available.. In suuunary, Vall Run had a general alarm, The Fire Departoent did noE handle the situaEion according to plans and design of our aystem. PluE, Ehey did not .gain aceess wlth keys that they have. None of Management rrrac conlacted according to the1i8t given to the VaiI Fire Department. A Front Desk Clerk eoming to work at 6:30 a.m. in the urorning noclced fhar the Front Office door aras wide open, all the lights trere on, end the shadee open. The building r,las not secured. We would like Lo set up a meeting with yourself and Gary l'lurrainto make sure Ehat this type of situation is never repeated. Wi 11iam Gene ra I VAIL RUN WIF: ch gcr Manager RESORT I. Fleischer UAP Hor.nrncs Isc. UNION BANK 90UARE 445 SOUfH FIG U EROA STREE'r 5U ITE 37lO I,OS ANGEI,ES, CALIFOtrINIA EOO?I August 4, l-987 Mr. Rich Plelman Town PlannerCity of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Run Proposed Amendment Dear Mr. Pilman United American Properties Run, have received a copy of theparking addition for Vail Run. TELEPHONE la13) e"g-lo3o TELEX 67.6€ 19 UAP TELECOPTER (213' €a7-44e4 tso Special Development District No. 3, Inc,, the owners of Simbaartist rendering of the proposed The following changes are requested. 1). The height of the bermfeet at the patio levelcurrently face the tennisto decrease as it rounds shall be no less than five (5) of the Sfuilba Run units whichcourt. The berm should beginthe front of the parking lot. 21 . Trees added to obstruct the proposed parking lot shalIbe placed on said berm and shall round the front of theproposed parking lot to protect the Simba Run bermpresently in front of the tennis court. The treesshould extsend approximately 45 to 50 feet in front ofthe parking lot. 3). Trees should be appropriately scaled but under nocircumstances should they be less than L0 feet. 4). The southwest interior corner of the parking lot shouldbe sufficiently rounded to correspond to the existing Simba Run berm in front of the existing tennis court. 5). The existing chain link fence should extend from thenorth\."est interior corner of the proposed park5.ng Iot and round (wrap) approximately 20 to 30 feet in thefront of the parking lot in a slightly descending manner. The proposed. changes are necessary to mitigaLe the damagethis parking lot will cause Simba Run and the Sandstcne area. UAP Hor,orxes INc. August 4, L987Mr. Rich Pielman Page 2 If you Sullivan ofI have been The rounding of the southwest interior corner may result in theloss of 3 to 5 parking spaces. However, the enforcement of tlreexisting Vail parking codes, which reguire parking facilities to have fences which contorm to the character of the structure thelot is to benefiL as well as the required natural or landscapedinterior areas determined by the size of the proposed parking lot wou1d, per our review, probably result in the loss of moreparking spaces and therefore probably make the proposal uneconomical for Vail Run. have any guestions, please telephone Ms. Anne Simba Resort at 303-476-0344 or me at 21-3-629-1030. informed that Ms. Sullivan witl- attend your nextplanningenvironmental commission meeting of August 5, 1987. : srbi18-4.Iot c: Anne Sullivan (dbl spaced)putc NorrcE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on Novenber 23, l-987 at 3:00 PM in the Tor,,rn of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request to rezone and resubdivide Pulis Ranch, Sunburst Filing 3, property located at L7B5 Sunburst Drive, from l,ow r,/ Density Multi-Farnily to Single Farnily Residential .t/ Applicant: S.H. Shapiro & Co. 2. A request for side and rear setback variances on Lot 18, Block A, vail Intermountain Subdivision in order to build covered parking. Applicant: Tonnie Ferguson 3. A request to apply the Parking District zone to a triangular parcel of land containing 0.L2 acres, bounded on the north and west by Brealraway West Condominiums, and, on the south by the North Frontage Roadt Section L2, Township 5 South, Range 81- West of the Sixth Principal Meri.dian, State Highway parcel 244. Applicant: Williarn I. Fleischer 4. A request for a conditional use perrnit in order to place seasonal parking on the upper bench of Ford Park. Applicant: Tordn of Vail **, The applications and infornation about the proposals are availabre in the zoning administratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEFARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Adninistrator Published in the Vail Trail on November G, t-982. 't t --T ToJ ?"^ MINUTES VAIL TOl,'lN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1987 7;30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Uail Town Council was held on Tuesday, July 7, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gai I l'lahrl ich-Lowenthal John Slevin Hermann Staufer Paul Johnston, Mayor Gordon Pierce Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Srandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: TOldN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The fjrst order of business lyas approval of the June 2, 16 and 30, 1987 meetings minutes. After a short discussion, there was a correction noted to be made on the .iJune 16 minutes. Erjc Affeldt stated that he voted against Resolutjon 20, concerning the Doubletree. Eric Affeldt then nade a motjon to approve the minutes with the noted correction, which was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The second item was a final presentation of the market,/financial feasibi)ity study for the Vai'l aquatic facilitv,- Kristan Pritz introduced Tim Garton and Ford Frick whogavethffiGartonfjrstthankedthosewhohelpedgettothispo.int, then gave background information and the goals of the Task Force and the conclusions they had come to. He then gave a slide presentation of areas the Task Force lookedat. Ford Frick introduced Ron Rinker of Barker-Rinker-Seacat & Partners, architects, and then explained the conclusions they arrived at and how they approached problems. Ron Rinker explained site needs and how pool area would fit in Ford Park; he also gave a brief breakdown of operational costs. Ford next explained pricing strategies, marketing groups and potential revenues. Tjm Garton addressed potential questions that came up during June and noted their conclusions. Council asked questions of the Task Force nembers and consultants. Joe Staufer first complimented the Police Departm€nt on how they handled the July 4th crowds, then stated his concerns over the aquatic center, to which Tim Garton responded. Kristan Prjtz corrected Joe stating that staff was not by any means marketing the project, but was only informing the public of facts concerning the aquatic center. Joe responded that it looked'l ike a Town priority, and Pepi Gramsharnner stated he was angry over how much staff time and expense was spent on the project when he felt the pool would not work here. Ron Phillips responded with the history of the project and compared it to the Congress Hall and noted how the two were in different staqes of development. Al Weiss and Dave Garton commented on why they were for the aquatic center. Council then asked nore questions of the Task Force members. Mayor Pro Tem Rose thanked everyone for their work on the project, they had been very thorough, and stated the Council wanted to . digest the jnformation and wait until the Phase II report on the Congress Hall came out, when the Council would then work on bonding issues for one or the other or both. The third item for discussion was 0rdinance No. 16, Series of 1987, second reading, amending Special Deve'lopment District No. 5 gn_t|esort) by amending the siteplan. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the title in full. Rick--P}lman explained additional conditions which where included at the first reading. Jay Peterson, representing Vail Run, had additional word changes which Simba Run agreed with. There was no discussion by Council or the public, Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance with the inclusion of language presented by Jay, and it was seconded by Hermann Staufer. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0- Next on the agenda was 0rdinance No. 18, Series of 1987, second reading, amending the parking on private property chapter of the Municipal Code. The ful'l title was read by Mayor Pro Tem Rose. Larry Eskw'ith explained briefly what the ordinance would do and there were no changes requested at fjrst reading. There was no discussion by a :r-t the pub'lic or Council. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Eric Affeldt and seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the notion passed unanimously 5-0. The fifth order of business was Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1987, second reading, establishing a Special Deve'lopment District for the.Va)1ey Phase III (Elk Meadows).MayorProTemRosereadthefulltitte.Kristanpr@as requested in the ordinance sjnce the first reading. After a brief d'iscussion by Council, John Slevin made a motion to approve the ord'inance with the changes stated by Kristan, which was seconded by Hermann Staufer. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimouslY 5-0. The sixth item was Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1987, second reading, making a supplemental appropriation to the Town of Vail budget. The full title was read by Mayor Pro Tem Rose. Steve Barwick exp)ained the changes made as requested at firstreading. Eric Affeldt conrmented on what expenditures were for and was disappointed the press was not present to note how the public's tax dollars were being spent. Al tl/eiss asked questions concerning the appropriations, to which Steve responded. There being no other discussionn a motion to approve the ordinance was made by Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal , The motion was seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The seventh jtem for djscussion was Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1987, first reading, amending the Town of Vail subdivision regulations concerning qondominium conversions.MayorProTemRosereadthetjt1einfu1i.Kristaneritzeiffis in the Code would be and why. She then went over criteria used in evaluation of the request and why staff recommended approval. She also noted staff would like the Code "to be revjewed every two years. Peter Patten cormented that would protect the bed base of the town, especially if there were a Congress Hall. Mayor Pro Tem Rose made comments regarding Section 3C that there was no time limit for a unit to be furnished and made available. After some discussion by Counci'l , it was agreed to add the wording "wjthjn 90 days after the date of record'ing of the condominium map". He then stated additional concerns which were already in the Code, as noted by Dave Garton and Jay Peterson. Peter Patten next stated problems with Section 2- At this tine, Hermann Staufer nade a motjon to approve the ordinance with the changes to Section 3C, and to review the Code every two years, and it was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. Itext on the agenda was Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1987, first reading, prirnary,/secg.ltdarv Lonnection amendment to the Vail Municipal Code. The fu] I title was -re-5f,-bt-mavor tr;-TemT-osE-.---ficlf Pylman explained the reasoning for the ordinance and what language staff wanted to add to the Code. He stated there was one sentence whichthe Planning and Environmental Council recommended, but was not included by Larry Eskwjth because it was too subjective. Eric Affeldt agreed with Larry. Eric asked Kathy l,larren of the Design Review Board if she agreed with Larry's language; she feltit was too loose and was not very comfortable with it. She fe'l t it encouraged two structures and not one. After some discussion, it was agreed to make the first sentence of the PEC memo the first sentence of the Section. There was more discussion as to what the intent should be. After much discussion by Council, staff and Kathy hlarren, jt was decided to table the ordinance and rework the wording. Al l{eiss statedhis objections to the ordinance, to wh'i ch Larry Eskwith responded. Jay peterson then made comments as to some past Council decisions and the reason for the ordinance. Kathy lrlarren recommended applicants be encouraged to go to the DRB before the PEC anda lot of money is spent. Peter Jamar noted more il'lustrations should be done to heip the DRB and PEC make decisions. At this time, a motion to table the ordinance indefinitely was made by John Slevin and seconded by Eric Affeldt- A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1, with Hermann Staufer opposing. The ninth order of business was 0rdinance No. 23, Series of 1987,,flill+ide residential zone district. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the Pylman explained wFat the ordinance was for, what it would do and i nformati on. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal had to leave the meeting at this tirne. first reading, ful I title. Rick gave background Jay Peterson, Peter Patten and Rjck Pylman answered questions of Council. EricAffeldt made a motion to approve the ordinance with instructions to the staff to include language that equestrian lots be required to border public'l ands. The motion was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 4-0. -2- fI I I The tenth item was a gggllgllgg-stgn variance request. Rick Pylman gave background i;fo;;;;;o;-ina eiptaTnEE-wFET-the request was for. He presented photosraphs. to the Council. He then explained the criteria used in evaluating the reguest and.the flnAingi, ina *6y the staff reconmended approval . There was no discussion by the puUii."o" Corn"it. A motion to approve the variance request with the findings as found in the staff memo was made by Eric Affe'l dt and seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 4-0. The eleventh jtenr for discussion was th"$r"]- jgnsity variance appeal ' Eri c Affeldt spoke up that he brought this item up and=ivan-EEa to know why the variance.was_approved Uy ttre irlanning and Environmental Commission. Rick Pylman gave background information o-n th" vaniancl and why staff recommended denial and overturn the PEC decisjon, Kathy ldarren, repnesenting Lee Rimel , listed reasons why she though.the variance.shou'l d be approu"d. 'She distiibuted copies of zoning maps and discussed the areas shown. After mirch discussion by Kathy, staff and Council, John S'levin made a motion to uphold the PEC decjsion, and Hermann Staufer seconded. Kathy asked to be able to address any problems Counci'l members may have had with the variance. A vote was then taken and Lhe motion was denied 2-2, with Mayor Pro Tem Rose and Eric Affeldt opposing. The variance was denied and the PEC decision overturned. There was no Citizen Participation. Ron Phillips stated for the Town Manager's report, the Town received $18,000 from an UMTA grant and out of 23 cities rated, Vail had the highest efficiency rating for our buses. He noted that bus ridership for the total area was up 23% over last year for the Ju'ly 4th weekend, and overal 1, June was up 13% from 1986. He stated the real 'estate transfer tax fund was right on budget for June and $1?,000 over budget for the first six months. Also, sales tax was $106,000 over budget for the year so far. Ron commented that Heritage Cablevision was going to survey all the lodges and public with questions regarding the public access studio and the public's satisfaction with it. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Respectful 1y submi tted, ATTEST: Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman Rent-n: Fose, Mayor Pro Tem -3- \APPLICATION DATE:Jrrne 29- 1987 DATE 0F DRB i4EETING: Jgty 15,- tesT _ DRB APPLICATION *****THJS APPLICAT]ON lJILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** PRE-APPLI CATION MEETING : A pre-app'ljcatjon meet'in9 with a planning staff member is strongly suggested todetermine if any additional informatjon is needed. No applicatioir wiii Ue acceptedunless.it is complete (must include all items required ny tne zoning administrator) .It is. the applicant's responsibility to make an appoinfinbnt with the staff to findout about additional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamline the,approva'l 'process for your project by decreasinq thb'numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may sti-pulatb. -ALL cbnditions oi apfrovJi mustbe resolved before a building permit is issued. *o A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Concerring ail ourdoor_jennis courr into a par\ing 1or B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address to0o Lionsridgs Loop _ * _ Legal Descri pti on Lot_1O__ Bl ock c Filing Lionsridge #1 Zo n i n g --q p-e c--L-e t -Devqlqpqe nr D i s r r ic r /15 I. *"'c. NAME 0F APPLICANT: vail Run Resort_comrnuni_rv Association. rnc. Address 1000 Lionsri-slge Looo._vait- co 81657 telephone 476-1500 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: witliam rlei-seher E. NAME OF OWNERS: F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at VALUATION the time a building permit is requested. FEE Addresssame_**telephonesame $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,Q61 -5 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submjttal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trebs that will be removedshould also be marked. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits thesi te. 2. The review process for NEt.l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least tiro meetings for lheir approvaT. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Revjew Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i s hed. Si gnature Address 1000 Lionsrid&e Looo_- Vail. go 81657 telephone 475-1500 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $ 100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 TO THE DRB: Lions ri 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design_Revjew Board- They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. !,Jindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b, Building additjons that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the additton; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomjnium associ ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner befsre proceeding. ffi$f,ftnr TO BE SUBMITTED I. lflEld C0NSTRUCTI0N *4. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees hav'ing trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4, Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas! 100 year f1 ood pl ain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existjng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the foliowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off sjte showing size and type of cul verts , swal es o etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to 'inc'l ude: cable TV sewer gasTelephone water electric c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, 'l andscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wa11s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a)l submittals, to jnsure property ownership" -and all easements on property. *. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or.larger.treCs,.rother'shrrriBs.aiii-iietiVe nlants thaare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areats with - the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. lt 2, Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the varjous components is clear. The iandscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetatjonal characteristics may be a separate map. The app'l icant must stake the site to show lot Iines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. I I I E-. Architectural Plans ( ll?=1'or larger) 2 copies , l. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on complet'ion. Elevations must show both existing and fjnished grades 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shal1 be specified and subm'itted for ' review on the materials list available from the Department of Corrnunity Develop- ment. CoIor chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Revfew Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materjal (including a model) jf deemed necessary to determine whether a project w'i l1 comply with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and mater"ials to be used. III. ADOITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specificat'ions shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan'showing exist'ing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materia'l s list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you nay also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and avajlability. See attached ut'i'lity location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and'l ists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project 'is underuayn the fol'lowing wj11 be required before any building receives a framfng inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locatjons wjth ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles, ,8. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. Al 1 utiiity service lines as-builts showing s'ize of lines, type of material used, and exact locat'ions. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts, 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tje to section corner. F. Al 1 property pins are to be e'i ther found or set and stated on nap. G. Al I easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. |-- "PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Type Common Name Quani ty Si ze Squal"e Footage s0D SEED Yes TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LAN0SCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. --! LIST OF MATERIALS NAME 0F PR0JECT: _Vail Run Resorc conmunitJ Assoqierion, Inc. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: BESCRIPTION OF PRO The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATTRIAL COLOR l t, Roof Si di ng 0ther tilall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l,Ii ndows I.li ndow Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra'ils Fl ues Fl ashf ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name Common Name Quani ty Size* 476-t7t4 Blue/green epruce 2A EXISTING TREES TO BE RTMOVED 10, for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.I ndi cate he'i ght "=":,:ff",S;fl:ffiT^.., ) t, --,{lx ld / tja,\ -U*- Cs''"' | | ' -F Arn *1o -g# oP- fzu a Y (*' o"* -fb^''^.,r r G.( Es'-) t, rn1 fPfien\"t'l( U.'k- L'ec*"t u$ o MEMO FROM THE DESK OF Onrc'r:MAYzB€87 'f$e g6'Y0e1st a<) . o'nj- 4-U de crLec r<- t /\'1 i,'*nll p"to o, run-"o, c.P.l" ll 20 crove si. ll lrriddl€towtr, NY 1o04o I Jev L. L-rssNEn 132 Dr,nrtns Larr Mlxunssrr, New Yonr I 1030 U o 4 -+-d a,-Ir\-\ q fP*\ Su^,^,lro -^-a J o^{ ' 0 o*- 'l''e /'L1 c-['^ **"4 rrrt4w 4.1^o- fa-,'*'f r.-&- f ''-k *i jff ^F vd^4- -tl"A'^1 - pt^&o-n_cg- -brct\ -n,- t r'fu f-l^"-# a ?- L,W.t<,v,/a"^P +'> l-.^ {*t M - n '+v^ 'l^ \u^ W c-4'.tud!^F Lr-rt'ff,t-r-" VuaW ft "^--^"X,I --7-d...1-"4.-- REC'OJUN-5P87 r-l r (r7 ,1 i dlLt-)lel'REC]'JJUN 221987 June 15 r 1987 Mn . Flon Phi J. I ips Town Managen-City oF VeiIVail Town Council Vai1, tro. 8'1 657 Dear Mn Fhlllipe: I would like to voice my objection, as an owntsr at SimbaFun, to the proposed constnuction oF a panking lot at VailRun Properties; Lrnder the pnesent conditions, I undenstandthat the bus ectivity alone there would cauee noiEe and odonpollution, in addition to the automobile activity, causingannoyance to the Simba Run ownens and guests at that lot1eve1, My undeFstanding ! is that ahother location on the VaiI BunProperties, where the tennis count bubbles is, furlhenremoved From Simba, would give Vail Fun the needed pankingand avoid the problem that would be created, I also undenEtand that altet.natives including landscaplngand Iot positioning, could be considered. I hope aneighbonly alternative to the cunnent thinking wiII bepunsued to satiEfy both panties, Condially,. //\/1 (--7--.,,/'l{/\L-/ /1.1- ,j4/U P n IJim'Stress 4O 18 Deentnai I Hi I IBannington, II. 6OO10 Home: 31e/3A 1-5395 OFFice t 31?/678-1474 JS/PP ccl Ann Sullivan I F-) 75 soulh trontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot eommunlly development JuIy 3, L987 TO: Vail Run adjacent property owners andconcerned citizens. On June 16th, the VaiI To\,.rn Council voted to approve the reguestby vail Run to convert an existing exterior Tennis court to aparking area. This approval contain four cond.itions that wereagreed to by the representatives of Sinba Run those conditionsreads as follows: l. The parking area as described by the site plan incorporatedby this amendment shalf be primarily for the use of employeesand for parking for residentiar guest. No cornmercial vehiclesor other vehicles which cannot be parked in a normal sizeparking space (9 feet by 1-9 feet) will be parked in such area. B. No snow shall be placed or piled on the property known asSimba Run. C. A landscape plan shall be prepared by the applicant andshall be subject to Siuba Runrs consent, such consent shall notbe unreasonably withheld. At a minirmrm there shall be l-0 footblue spruces provided at a minimum number equal to one every Ifeet of the perineter of the south sides of the parking area.Such trees rnay he placed on the property known as Simba Runon the west side, but shall be rnaintained by the applicant. Afive foot berm shall be mai-ntained on the west side and shallwrap around the southwest corner. The town of Vail DesignReview Board will have final approval of the landscape pian andany amendnents thereto. D. No lighting shall be placed around the parklnq area unlessrequired by the Town of Vail and if such ligtrting is required,design shall be such that light posts shaLl be no more {han 4feet high and tbe liqht shal] be cast downward. Liqhting on the ramp may be provided by posts no more that 4 feet high or bywaIl lights directing light dor,rnward. Tfre Community Developnent Department supported the reguest, withthe addition of these conditions, We realize that you areconcerned with the conversion of the Tennls court to a parkingIot. It also recognized Vail Runre desire to provide parkingfor it's guest and clients. f hope that these conditionsalleviate sone of your concerns regarding this proposal . If you have any further guestions on this issue please do nothesi-tate to contact me 476-700. ""K'?,-*J Riclc Pylman Town Planner ?4 Eolt Road Suooi t, ttlex Jersey 07901 'lune 7 r 1987 Tosn sf Vai I Planning and Environmental Conatissisn Ts*n of Vail ltunicipal Buildinq$ail. Colorad0 81657 Re: Proposed Parking Lot at Vail Run Dear Sirs: As property o$ners at Siuba Resort, $e $ant to join in 6bjecting to the Vail Run praposrl to Eonvert the tennis csurt nearest to the Sinba Resort property into a nen p*rkinq area, lle understand Vail Run't desire {or additional parking. But Bp urge the f,oomission not- to allorr such parking sn the land ioaediately adjacent to Sirnba Resort and in a nay that createE adverBe noiEe, air, end other envirsnepntal cBnditions {or property oHners in sur buiiding. If additidnal parking is so essentialo Vail Fun has other iand closer to its otrn building thal couid be ssnverted into parking *ithout ag nurh rdversE e{fect on n€ighborinq lacilities sE $ould occur under the present proposai. Yours sincerely. ?"t^rt wbnuryqJ HT'-"- A e-"",t^fr Frederick hl. Sening Lynne A. Derning Bxners of Unit 2Z0gr Sinha Resort May 26, 1987 Ron Philllps " Town ManagerVail Town Council 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, C0. 8f657 Dear Mr. Phillips, As one of the condomlnium orrners at Simba Resort, I would like to registerwith the vail Tovm council through you, my vehement opposition to convertingthe tennis courrs at val-l Run into a parking lot. r think it r^ril1 depreclaiethe property value of our condominiums because of the additional noise, add-itional poLlution and unattractiveness of a parking lot as a view LnsEead of atennis court. 8679 CONNECTICUT STREET MERRILLULLE INDIANA 464IO {219} 7€9-3640 OP:njk URO.SURGERY, INC. Procilce Llmlted to Adult and Pedlatrlc UroIogA OSCAR DE LA PAZ, M.D., F-A.C.S. DAVTD C. W|LKS. M.O. One of the attractions i.n being in Vail is to have attractiveclean air, and flatura1ly a parking lot certainly does not qualify I hope you will take this into consideration when you decid.e app licat ion. Sincerely, 0sc ?1.^_ c4--<* RlPaz, M.D. I L Rtc'nJUN-11987 8OO MACAFTHUB AIBEET MUNSTER, IIiDIANA 46321 (2r9) E38.Or6r surroundings "for this. on Vail Runt s P.0. Box 576Vail, C0 81658 The Vai I Town Counci I 75 So. Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 8L657 Ladies and Gentlemen; The owners and directors of Casolar Vail wish to first thank you fortaking the time to review and consider the proposed change of turninga tennis court into a parking lot at Vail Run. At casolar we have seven units which would have their views altered tovary'ing degrees by this change. we are also concerned that the additionallfghting, noise and pollution would detract from the area. Our third concern js that this would set an undesirable precedent for property owners in Vail to convert recreational amenities into parkinq lots. we feel this conversion would detract from the use and enjoyment of ourproperty, and ultimately it would hurt the values of our prooert.y. lilefind this totally unacceptable, and we urge.you to reject this change. we also ask that the town p1 anning staff review the documents for snecial development district #5, specifically section 3C. This document liststhe businesses that are allowed in the commercial space in Vail Run.It is our interpretation that this precludes occupancy by Airoort Transportation Services and the llgutilus facility. A1so, it apDears that Vail Run is operating a tennis and swim faci'l ity open to the public in vjolation ofits special development district. Section 3C does not allow for anvthinq such as an athletic club or swim & tennis facifity other than for the owriers and guests of Vail Run. !'le feel that if these operations were eliminated that substantially jf not all of the parking shortage would be eliminated a'long wi th j t. Si ncere'ly, Casol ar Homeowners AssociationL:A/h* Chris Neuswanger Di rector DENSITY CONTROL DISCU o SSION PEC ANp TOWU qOUNCTL 6/3A/e7 A.EXISTING A1PROVEp POLICTES 1, T.,,AND USE PT,AN 1.1-2 Vail should accomrnodate most of the additionalgrowth in existing developed. areas (infillareas) . 3.2 The core areas are the best location for hotelsto serve the future needs of the destinationslciers. 4.2 Increased density in the core areag isdesirable so long as the existing character ofeach area is preserved through ilnplernentation ofthe Urban Design euide p1an. Question: Does this include CCI? Answer relates toPolicy 4.3. 4.3 The arnbiance of the viLlage is important to theidentity of Vail and should be prlservedwhenever possible (i.e. scale, llpine character,small town feeling. mounE6inE, natural setting,@opolitan feeling,e-nrdr6nmental quaf iti) . 5.1- AdditionaL residential growth should continue tooccur prirnarily in existing, platted area6 andas appropriate in new areas where high hazardsdo not exist. 5.4 Residential growttl should keep pace with themarket place dernands for a fulf- range of housingrypes. 2. PROPOSED VATL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Note: 1,2"1 Allov,r increased levels of developnent asidentified by the Action plan or consistentwith the Vail Village Master p1an. No resl4gntial increases are found. onthe-aEEIG-FTan for ccr, 2.2.I Preserve the existing architectural scaleand character of the core area of VaiIVil1age. z.J 2.3.1 3.3 .2 B.oTHER*4PPROVED POLICIES l_.Ordinance 4 1985 c.PROBLEM fncrease the numher of residential unitsthroughout the Village area available forshort term overnight accornmodations. The development of accornmodation units arestrongly encouraged. Any residential unitsttrat are developed above existing densityIevels shal-l be rest,ricted per Sectiont7.26.Q75 (owner can only use unit 4 weeksin high ski season). To rnaintain existing outdoor dining decksand encourage tbe development of newoutdoor dining areas through infi11 orredevelopment projects. Allows a maximun of 250 additional square feet tosingle farnily and duplex slructures if they are overfive years ol_d wj_th an agreement to upgradl the siteas necessary, Does not allow for the addition of anvexterior additional square feet for rnulti-fanilystructure$ (e.9. interior space can be utilized butno mass or bulk additions for balcony enelosure oradditional living area) . 2. Aplrovals (or denials) over the last L0 yearsindicate the pECrs and Council's policy l-s to notalLotir multi-farnily balcony encl-osures because theycaFnot prove physical hardship, there is no speciitprivilege and that the reguesi is generally 'rfor theconvenience of the applicant. r, Density variance applications (or SDDrs for the samepurpose) are on the increase. Sone recent approvals(sitzrnarlc, christiania) appear consistent wil.ir adopted andproposed.pol-icy toward encouraging' accommodation uirits itother criteria are met. However, this month the pEc has approved. two rnulti-familydeck.enclosures (one has been affirmed. by Council, one ispending Council action). Both of these decisions appearto set new direction toward these types of densityvariances. Question: Is new policy warranted (i.e. changes to ord..4of l_985? If so, what are the new criteriamulti-farnily deck enclosures must neet? Density variance requests for dwerling units are now invarious. stages of the approval proc"sj for three CCIproperties and one irnrnediately outsi.de the core. At leasttwo of these wil_l also reguire height variances (and.possibly others). Olty one of theie requests has agreedto ownerts use restrictions, and in thaC case, only aportion of the additional density would. be restricted..without d.iscussing individual pr6jects, we must determinea policy direction to fairly ana intetiiqently dear withthese and other similar proposals Fina1ly, we must understand that at reast one existing butunfinished townhouse project will be applying shortly foradditional density. This appears to be- c6nsistent withLand use policy 5.r as far as accommodating the long termgrowth needs of the cornmunity. However, an appropriateguestion eoncerns the tirning of implernenting tiri='p-itionof the plan. Due to the continued, presence of avair-abreunsold, constructed and approved bul unbuilt uni-ts, is itprudent to aLl_ow additional density at this tirne? Apolicy direction is necessary. STAFF POSITIONS While we haventt haddiscuss all- of tbesepositions on each, we arnple opportunity to thoroughlyissues and develop firm staffwould offer the following: L. 2. Do not approve any more until revisions to ordinance 4 of1-985 can be made. This wirl al1ow arnple time to compreteany necessary revisions and to analyze their short andlong term implications. qhogl$ be approached only if lodge rooms or restricteddwelling.units are proposed--both now and after adoptiongt lirg Village Master plan. The planning approvaLs shouldincrude substantial public irnprovLments iajllent to theproject (Gore Creek prornenade with the sitimark as anexample) in return for the density. Density allowancesshould be made only in instances where it i3 clearly inkeeping with the mass, bulk and. g,eneral scale of theimmediate area. Densit Control Variances in CCf We have rnajor concerns thatand clear enough to controlAbsolute strict adherence to the design guidelines are firrnthis most sensitive of areas.the guidelines and the Multi-Famit Enclosures 3. elements of the Vail Village Master plan may provid.eenough control, but we question whether this iiilr o""ur orwhether it is desirable. The public input in developingthe Plan was very strong in the directibn of not arlowinonuch additional rnass and/or bulk in this area. However,certain smal1 additions, if lodge rooms or restrj_cteddwelling units, could still be desirabl_e in certain areasof the core. This witl take more discussion. s *rrrrff VAIL TO1CN COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 16, 1987 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the vail rown council was held on Tuesday, June 16" 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Buildjng. MEMEERS PRESENTJ Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gai I t.lahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce John Slevin Hermann Staufer Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOi{N OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first order of business was a ten year employnent anniversary award for Charlie Turnbulln a Town of Vail Heavy Equipment Operator II. Ron Phillips introduced Charlie and gave him a silver Town of Uaii belt buckle. Pete Burnett and Stan Berryman stated they were pleased and honored to have Charlie work for them and commended hjm on his good attitude and sense of humor. Mayor Johnston said the Council appreciated Charlie's commitment and his loyalty to the Town. The second item was Ordinance No- 12, Series of 1987, second reading, adopting the 1987 Edition of the Uniform Electric Code by reference. The entire t.itle of the ordinance was read by Mayor Johnston. Peter Patten explained they had received aIetter from the state raising the fees very slightly that day. After a brief. d'i scussion, it was noted the increase in fees would be included in the ordinance on second reading, and it wou)d just be published jn full. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 5-0. The third item for discussion was Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1987, second reading, _annexjng East Intermountain to the ISl4! jf-$ti1. Mayor Johnstan read the title in of whal the ordinance would do and thanked Bobbj Salzman and everyone who worked hard to make this annexation happen. There was no discussion by Council or the public. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Gordon Pierce and seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next jten was Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1987, first reading, amending Special Development District 5 (.Vail Run Besort,Lby amending the site plan. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Rick Pylman explained what the amendment would do and gave background informatjon on the area- He noted the impacts to Simba Run and explained why the PEC approved the amendment unanimously. Gordon Pierce stated he would have to abstain from voting since he did the architectural work on the plans. Larry Eskwith then reguested the Council to inc'lude two findings in the motion - L)that the SDD zoning is in conformance with Town of Vail zoning, and 2) was for thegeneral welfare of the citizens of Vail, Jay Peterson, representing Vail Run, askedthat the item be tabled temporari)y. Vai'l Run and Simba Run representatives were jn another room working out an agreement which should be concluded shortly. Kent Rose then nade a motion to temporarily table the ordinance, and Eric Affeldt seconded. Avote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The fifth item was Ordinance No. 18, Serjes of 1987, first reading, amending theparking on private property chapter of the Municipai Code. Mayor Johnston iead thetitle jn fuli. Larry Eskwith briefly explained what the ordjnance would do. Mike Cacioppo asked questions to which Larry responded. Kent Rose made a motion to approve this ordinance, and Gail lrlahr'l ich-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken andthe motion passed unanimousJy 5-0. The next item discussed was 0rdinance No. 20, Seri es of 1987, fjrst reading, makinga supplemental appropriation to the Town of Vai) budget- The ful] title was read by Mayor Johnston. Steve Barwick exp'l ained what the supplemental appropriation was for and d'iscussed a few changes made since last week's Work Session. Mike Cacioppo asked questions, to which Steve and Council responded, and stated his concerns. Ken Wilson asked guestions regarding how the Council made their choice fon the Town Manager's residence and explained the problems he saw. Cynthia Steitz, Chris Niruswanger, Mike Cacioppo and 0iana 0onovan commented on their concerns regarding the house. Ray Story, who helped Town staff plan a schematic design, explained what was planned. Cynthia Steitz again stated her concerns over the costs planned for the Town Manager's house and over West Vajl street assessments; she felt the money shou'l d be spent there. Gordon Pjerce explained that street assessments were made because the streets were inherited from the County, and East VaiI resjdents did not want to he1 p pay to improve them. Charlie Wick gave a history of the Town l"lanagers' housing problems and why he felt it was an appropriate long term investment for the Town. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, with the deletion of the Town Manager's residence improvements untjl an appraisal was completed, and this motion was seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item was the return of 0rdinance No. 16, Series of 1987, first reading, amending Special Development Djstrict S ({altlluleqs*) by amending the site plan. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Kent Rose made a notion to take the ordinance off the table, and Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was made and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. Jay Peterson, representing Vail Run, stated that they had worked out their differences with Simba Run. He explained they had agreed to certain jtems which should be included in the ordinance, which he would give to Larry Eskw'ith. He read their list of items agreed upon: 1. Parking will be primarily for employees and long-term residents; no commercial vans are to be parked there. 2. No snow is to be moved on to Sjmba Run property. 3. A buffer is to be agreed upon by both parties, with the approval of the Design Review Board. 4. The landscape plan wjll feature a minimum amount of ten foot spruce trees, adequate to locate one tree for every eight feet around the parking 1ot. 5. A five foot berm wil'l be piaced around the parking 'lot. 6. There is to be no lighting around the parking lot unless required by the Town of Vail. 7- The lighting on the ramp is to be no higher than four feet. Chris Neuswanger stated his problems with the proposed ordinance. Nicholas Giancamilli, representing Simba Run, stated that what Jay presented was pretty much what they wanted to accomplish. Eric Affeldt made a motion to approve the ordinance with the additional language read by Jay Peterson, and Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. Peter Patten then stated his concerns that the DRB may have problems with the eight foot spac'ing between the trees around the area and also no lightjng around the parking 1ot. Jay explained he on)y used the number of trees as the minimum to be purchased, and that there would be no lighting around the parking lot "unless required by the Town". Larry Eskwith requested that Eric include the findings that the SDD zoning is in conformance with Town of Vail zoning and is in the general welfare of the c'i tizens of Vail. Eric Affeldt included these findings in his motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0, with Gordon Pierce abstaining. The eighth item was Ordinance No. 19, Serjes of 1987,rf{rst reading--lestablishing a Specia'l Oeveiopment District for The Valley Phase III LEII Meadory;if Mayor Johnstonreadthetit]einfull.KrjstanPdrawingsandgave deta'i led background jnformation on the area. She also detajled ilems included in the ordinance. She noted staff recommended approval with fjve conditions: 1. The deve'lopment of each building envelope will compjy with the environmental impact report, especial'ly the design recommendations cited by Mr. Dan Pettigrove in a letter concerning design mitigations for rockfall hazards. Each indivjduai owner will be responsible for completing the rockfall mitigation measure per the Pettigrove letter. Studies will meet the standards outlined in Section 18.69.052 of the Town of Vail zoning code. An owner may choose to have another qualified engineery'geologist design appropriate rockfalI mitigation measures, as long as the mitigation solution does not have negative visual impacts and -2- is appnoved by the Town of Vail Conmunity Deve)opment Department and Tcnn Engi neer. 2. The proposed preliminary landscape plan and design review guidelines wi'll be reviewed by the Design Review Board for their approval before finalplat submittal . 3. The app'l icant agrees to revegetate the access road jf the general subdivision improvements are not completed by September 1., 1989. General subdivision improvements are defined in Section 17.16.150 of the Tonn of Vai'l Subdivision Regulations. 4. The declaration of protective covenants for the E'l k Meadow Subdivision states that design guide'l 'i nes "may be adopted". The staff would requirethat the wording be changed to state that design guideljnes "shall beadopted". The fu)1 paragraph would read: "Guidelines for the developnentof the building envelopes and tracts shall be adopted by the Committee, which shal 1, among other things, interpret and/or jmplement the provisions of these protective covenants. Guidelines may be amended from time to time with the majority vote of approval from the Committee and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board. The guidelines will be available from the chair of the Design Committee and Town of Vajl Community Devel opment Department. " 5. The following engineering information will be submitted to staff by June15, 1.987: a. The revjsed master drainage plan. b. The prelininary plan will be revised to show the new turn-around dimension on the west end of the property. c. The road plan wiil have an engineer's stamp. The preliminary planwill be adjusted for square footage totals due to the removal of thefour guest.parking spaces on the west end of the project. d. A letter from Nick Lampiris will be submitted to address the rockfall design requirements. A graphic is suggested. e. Gas ljne and fire hydrants will be indicated on the utility plan in the appropriate areas. Kent Rose stated he wanted it made clear to the public that rnitigation was recommended for the structure only. Peter Patten commented that rockfall mitigation would be decided upon by the engineer and explained why the burden would be put on the owners to do the mitigation. Peter Jamar explained how the rockfall mitigation was developed and how it was similar to other areas. Krjstan stated the PEC did approve both requests, with J.J. Col'l ins being the only one to vote against.After some discussjon by Council, Kent Rose made a motjon to approve this ordinancewith the inclusion of a requirement that a letter from Nick Lampiris outlining hisopinion of whether or not mitigation is necessary for the open space area of thesubdivision be submitted before a second reading of the ordinance, and Gail ldahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0- At this t'ime, a typographical error was noted on section 4, Item 12. There should be a dollar mark ($) before the.30. Krjstan then expiained the Council needed to make a motion to approveldisapprove the request for a major subdivision jn compliance with major subdivision requirements. GaiI l,lahrljch-Lowenthal made the motion to approve the subdivision, which Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The njnth item for discussjon was the Town of Vail Auditors' 1986 financial reporr. Charlie tlick introduced Jerry McMahan and Steve Thompson, head auditor, of McMahan, Arnstrong and Kenney. Jerry explained the Town was in compliance with requirements and in very good condition at the end of 1986. He gave hjghlights of the audit document and an overview of the Town's financial position. Charlie Wick made comments on investments nade during Iast year, then Jerry McMahan answered questions of Counci I . ext item was Rqsolution No. 20, Series of 1987, extending the SDD 14 approval]tt{iiext i tem was\sol ut/ (Doubletree Hotei ;/ rom Braun explajned what the resolution was for and gave the SDD. He then explained why the staff recornmended .,/ [Doubletree Hotei ) -/ tomMionon -3- ; denial. Tom stated the Planning Commissjon had recommended approval of the extension for one year only with the folIowing recomnendations to Council: 1. The Town Council look at the parking requirements; it seems they may be overly restrictive. 2. The Appl i cant i n'it'i ate tal ks wi th the Vai 1 Val ]ey Medi cal Center 1 i ke I ast year regarding shared parking. Peter Jamar, representing Vail Holdings, urged the Council to hire a third party to study lodges, hotels, etc. parking needs; he djd not feel it would be near as much as what was required. He commented the App1icant would agree to a twelve month period, and the landscape plan is underway and should be done by September 1, 1987. After some discussion by Council, Mayor Johnston made a motion to approve the ordinance, conditional on the 'landscape plan bbing completed. Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item of business was an app"af,i-fllEb decision on a reguest for a density varjance to enclose ten decks-o*t'Treetops guill4nS No. 2. Eric Affeldt cal 1ed upthis item because he notjcey'ltD\rure+c-b+eaffig new gnound by enclos'ing the decks. Kristan Pritz reviewed the freasons the PEC approved the enclosures: 1. There was a minimal amount of increased GRFA. Substantia'l landscaping wiil be done in excess of that required with the fact that this was a major emphasis of the proposai and did not include maintenance and upgrading which would normal 1y !e required. Ba'l conies remain for each unit and are usable. Peter Patten gave additional background jnformatjon on the item. Staff recommended approval of the exterjor a'lteration, but denial of the density variance. Diana Donovan commented on why and how the PEC made jts decisjon. Tom Briner commented on why he felt the variance should be granted. Gordon Pierce nade a motion to uphoid the PEC decision to approve the request, and Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1,, with Eric Affeldt opposjng. Under Citizen Participation,,Diana Oonovan remarked she was upset that the four-way was cold and uninviting now with the new street lights. Stan Berryman explained the design approvals by the State, and that we actual 1y were able to get ten foot shorter posts and non-standard ljghts approved. Ron Phillips stated there would be no Town Manager's report. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Respectful'ly submitted, Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman 2. 3. -4- Rtc'0 JUN 221987 June 15. 1947 Mn. Flon PhilIips Town Managen-City of VaiI Vail Town Couneil Vail. Co. 81657 Bean Mn Phillips: I would like to voice my objection, as an ownen at Simba Flun, to the proposed construction oF a parking lot et Vail Run Properties; under the pnesent conditions. I undenEtand that the bus activity alone thene would cause noise and odor pollution, in addition to the automobile activity, causing annoyance to the Simba Run ownens and guests at that lot IeveI. My undenstanding, is that anothet- location on the VaiI Flun Pnoperties, where the tenni6 court bubbles is, Funthen nemoved From Simba, would give Vail Bun the needed panking and avoid the pFoblem that would be cneated. I also understand that alternatives including landscaping and lot positioning, could be coneidered, I hope a neighborly alteFnative to the cunFent thinking will be pursued to satisFy both panties. Cordial ly ,tu-\J4lpPn 40lB Eleertnail HiII Bannington, II. 6001O Home: 31"/3A 1-9395 OFFice t 31?/67A-1474 Js/pp co r Ann 5u I 1i van June 13, 1987 Vail. Town Councll 75 South Frontage Rd.Va11, CO 81657 Re: Speclal Development Dlstrict Ordiance No.6 Dear Va 11 Town Councll: RErOJUN161987 Board of Directors tter. The Associa tlon Run to turn the 1r addl tlonal parklng The Te 1e rna rk Townhouse Associatiorrhas lnstructed ee to wrlte thts 1eis opposed to the proposal by Vatlexlstlng outdoor tennls court loto spaces. Flrst off, Vail Run has adequate parklng for the deslgnand intended use of the butldlng. Secondly, addlttonalparklng neana additlonal trafflc on Lioasrldge Loopwhlch we do not need. And last but not Least, severalTelemark Townhones vlews r.ou1d be adversely affected bylooklng out over addltlonaL parklng versus the currentvlew of the t,ennls court,. The Telemark Townhouse Aesoclatloo therefore request.sthat you dlsaLlow the removal_ of the teanis court. Thank you for your coosidera!1on SlncereLy, John Kwapll Pres ldent TeLemark Townho /6a--r us ssoclatlon | ., .t g..A.i.l9.E"rH.*" ttt 9"^t0ll;-9,.*sz6r '0"i1, &1"".f. s.rese N^x*lr- 28/ l1B7 lzd*1 Afra-{ a'J. -all' /r - ,+ fAt e.- a''""''*-L 6 /"t l"--I*tlL I -Ul.aaz 4za ,/ 4, l""td/ / frtl<-@ 71',t/^r 5/,o/s -'ur 6h6ls+ ryg-'wt ,+ ib-! n* -{a- zrerh4 OrA* yroert &- t-{ao tlaac' ,fu*rrn ad* UiaP 'fua,rple -eutil hr;E 6/n/s1 97' tro^uilt 4aa /(^:"'4 ta* - PaTo 1o ltnis.€"x'- l/rail af n'hs' i, I t $--$ iR: qrY \R F $ rN|E \ FF \.\t\ Xt \ Rtc'|]JUN16lggf June 12, 1987 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager-City of Vale Va 1e Town Council Va1e, Co. 81657 Dear Mr Phillips: As an owner at Simba Run I would like to voice my objection.The reason being the proposed construction of a parki ng 1ot atVale Run Properties under the present conditions. I understandthat the bus activity alone "ou1d cause noise and odor po11uti.on. Tn addition to the automoblle activity thj.s would cause annoyanc eto the Simba Run or^rners and guests at that 1ot 1eve1. T understand that there is another location on the Vale RunProperties where the tennis court bubbles that is further removed from Simba. This area would give Vale Run the neededparking and avoid the problem that would have been created. f also understand that the other alternatives that could be consi.dered are landscaping and 1ot positioning. I hope thesealternatives of the current thinking wi 11 be pursued tosatisfy both parties. Cor 11v , Jim Stress JS/pp Ann Sullivan - -1 I DON SflHNBNDG 9th June, 1987 Val-l- To-rm Council 75 S. Frontage Road West Vall, Co. 81657 U. S. A. attn: Mr. Ron PhilliPs' Town Manager Dear Mr. Philltps: Being one of the owners at Simba Resort Condomlnlums, I should like to express my deep concern regarding VaiL Run request to convert the exterior tennis court twenty feet from the front building of Sirnba lnto a parklng lot. Amongst varLous disadvantages, I flnd the following: 1. Twelve units directlY affected 2. Noice 3. Loss of privacY 4. Pol-l-ution specialJ-y affecting some of the units 5. Property value will become depreciated No doubt some other optlon can be taken into consideration without damaging S imba Resort properties. I roi1l very much aPPreciate your kindl-y analizi.ng this problen so as to flnd the fair solution. S incerely , ygn BristotRderalD>>ntr0JUN-4€87 SAVI}IGSBANK June 2, 1987 Vail Town Councll Mr. Ron Phi11ips, Tovm Manager 75 S. Frontage Road West Vall, CO 8L657 Dear Mr. Phillips: Resort affect and an view. RIIM: jw BRISToL FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK currently owns four unirs in Simba Condominiuus, Units lflzLl, 1407, 1509, and l-511. The proposed creation of a parking Lot at Va11 Run vi11 negativelythe value of two of the four units. There would be a loss of privacy increase in noise, greater exposure to security rlsk, and iupaired It is our understanding that other options for increased parkingfaclli-ties are available to the Vail Run complex. We do not believe that increased parklng for that complex shouldbe at the expense of the current owners of unlts within the sinba Resort Condominiums. yours r\ rl/Za* MODEEN Pre s ident Very truly RUSSELL I{. Senior Vice 222 Matn Sheet. Brlstol, Connectic-ut. 06010. (203) 5894600 C /4&- ,'ffi 4. TO: FROM: DATEs Town Council Comnunity Developrnent June 2, t9gg7 SU&tEcT: A request to_anend Special Development District 5,Development Area A, Vail Run, in 6rder to convert anexterior tennis court to pariingr, creating a total of21 additional parking spaces. APPLICANT: VaiI Run Resort I.BACKGROUND OF REQUEST The_applig1nt, Vail- Run Resort, is reguesting to arnend.sDD5 to allow for the conversion or ari exi-iing-tlnniscourt to parking. Construction of the acces" i"^p to thetennis court woutd etiminate 5 existing-;;;;id*=i"""..The proposed parking plan for the tennis court area showsthe creation of Ze iplces for a total of Zl new-parfcingspaces._ rt is probable through Design n".ri"r,--ii-tti=proposal receives^approval frorn the iown Council, thatinternal landscapin!- reguir"tn."tr- for surface parking willreduce the numbei oi par'fing =;a"es by another 2 _ 3spaces. IT. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation is for approval . The planningcomrnission voted 6-0 in favor -or tn" propo"ii riiii trr.condition that the staff.give directiln ["-it""o""ig"Review Board that.specifi6 attention-il ;i.;;J li-rnitisat-ing the negative _inlacts "t ine proposed parking lot withrespect to sirnba Run via tandscali"|, rigtii"g--d"lign, andnoise reduction methods. t FROM: DATE: Planning and Environrnental Cornmission Cornrnunity Developrnent Departnent May 11 , l9B7 rr. TMP4CTS OF PROPOSAL SUBJECT: A request to anend special Developrnent District #5,Development Area A, VaiI Run in order to converE. anexisting exterior tennis court to parking, creating atotal of 2L additional parking spaces.Applicant: Vail Run Resort r. BACKGROUND OF REQUEST: The applicant, Vail Run Resort, is requestinq to amendsDD#s' to al1ow for the conversion of an exiiting tenniscourt to parking. Construction of the access rarnp to thetennis court would elirninate five existing parkini' space=.The proposed parki.ng plan for the tennis 6oirrt area showsthe creation of.26 paiking spaces for a total newadditionaf pS5}ing of.2i. lpales. The Vait_ Run project wasdeveloped within the jurisdiction of Eagre county lnd uponannexation to the Town of vail_ was zonei sDD5. ordinance6t Serj-es of 1986, established Special DeveloprnentDistrict No. 5 and describes the developmerri ir:-an sirnplyas the exj-sting conditions on site, Th; ordinance goes onto list.pernitted and. cond.itional uses. However, tiere isno mention of.parking requirements or site requii"n.nis -- such as certain recreation facilities and the naintenancethereof, or any criteria related to site coverage,landscaped areas, etc. The applicant, in a previous subrnittal, detailed a parkinganalysis that shows a shortfall of 97 spaces whencomparing existing condit,ions to current Town of Vairparkj-ng standards. The ordinance establishing special Deveropment District 5:ta!9: no specific requirements regarding the recreationaLfacilities available €o vail Run Resort. The loss of theexi-sting exterior tennis court is nitigatea ny-ihe ractthat there remains two existing covered courtl within theadjacent bubble. The appricani. has certainlv proven aneed for additional parking on this.sit.e ana'is-foing tosome length in order to secure parking that they-feel isnecessary for the functioning of their propert|. The only concern of the conmunity Deveropnent Departrnentis the irnpact of the conversiot iror recreational facilitv to parking on the adjacent Sirnba Run units. The applicanthas proposed a buffei of L5 foot tatl Colorado sprucetrees. We would encourage the planning Comrnis=il" tocarefully exarnine the adequacy of this proposed buffer andpass along any concerns to tha Design niviLw soaid. rTI. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff reconrnendation i9 for approvar. The cornrnunityDevelopment Departrnent feels that Lhe applicant-nissuffr-ciently demonstraLed a need ror aaaitional on-siteparking and we feel that the only irnpaci-oi-lnis-proposaris the southwest corner of the rot tirat is aeja-e-r,t to tn"Sinba Run.property. We do feel that the prop6sed buffercouLd be increased to further reduce this irniact. ( z__ MI NUTES VAIL T0t4,N C0UNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 1987 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail p.m. in the Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Town Councjl was held on Tuesday, June 2,7987, at 7:30of the Vail Municipal Building. Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gordon Pierce MEMBERS NOT PRESENT:Gail Wahrl ich-Lowenthal John Slevin Hermann Staufer TOl,l|N OFFICIALS PRESENT:Phjlljps, Town Manager Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first order of business was approval of the May 5 and 19, 1987 meetings minutes.After a short discussion, there was a correction noted to be made on the May 5minutes. The corrected sentence should read "2. Joe Staufer reimburse the Town ofVail for improvements/move of the Ski Museum, up to $75,000 wjth the completion of Phase V." Kent Rose made a motion to approve the minutes with the noted correction, whjch was seconded by Gordon Pjerce. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 4-0. The second jtem was an appointment of a Local Liguor Licensing Authority Board Member. Jack Curtjn's term ended, and he reapplied for the position. There were no other applicants for his seat. There was no discussion by the public or Council. A motjonto reappoint Jack to the Board was made by Kent Rose and seconded by Gordon Pierce. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unan.imously 4-0. The thjrd item for discussion was 0rdinance No. 15, Series of 1987, first reading, annexinq Easf Infar.mo'tnfain to the Town of Vail. Mayor Johnston read the title infull. Ron Phillips gave brief background information on the annexing area. There was no discussjon by Council or the public. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Gordon Pierce and seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 4-0. -\ Next on the agenda was 0rdjnance No. 16, Series oii1987, fjrst reading, amending Special Development District 5 (Vail Run Resort)-by' amending the site p1an. The fulltitle was read by Mayor Johnston. Rick Pylman eiplained what the ordinance would do and the history of the area invo.l ved. He also stated the impacts of the new parkingsite and answered questions by Council. Chri s Neuswanger stated his concerns- Jay Peterson raised a question regarding jf Gordon Pierce had a conflict under the Charter since he was the architect of the parking 1ot p1ans. Larry Eskwith stated he felt there was a conflict. Jay then requested the jtem be tabled for two weeks. Peter Patten stated there would not be any fina1 approval , but that Vail Run could begin the Design Rev'iew Board process after the first reading on June 16. At this time, a fewcitizens exp'lained their prob)ems and concerns over the project. Afterwards, a motionto table the ordinance for two weeks was made by Eric Affeldt and seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 4-0. Under Citizen Particjpation, Robin Baken of Eagle River Whitewater rafting asked the Council to let them operate on a trial basis before turning them down altogether. Gordon Pierce and Kent Rose agreed, and Eric Affeldt disagreed. Mayor Johnston said he had reservations, but would be willing to g'ive it a try. The rafting company is tocall the golf course and tell them when the rafts wj11 be going down, so they can see what the effects are. It was also decided the agreement would be for the month of June on1y. Gordon Pierce felt they should look into the Ford Park entry idea. Gunther Hofler was for the rafting idea very much- Ron Phillips stated he had only one jtem for the Town Manager's report. He reported on bus rjdership for May 1987 compared to May 1986. The shuttle for Golden Peak to Ron Pam t- \ ( a Lionshead was up 66%, East Vail was down by 16%, and the l{est Vail and Sandstone routes were up from last year, for a total of a 45% increase over last year. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectful 1y submitted, ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk ftlinutes taken by Brenda Chesman -1- I. 2. VAIL TOhJN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 2, ].987 7:30 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA Approval of May 5 .and 19, 1987 Meetings Minutes Appointment of Local Liquor Licensing Authority Action Requested of Councjl: Appoint a member Board. The Councjl has the option of making anor requesting further applications if you feel desirable. 7:30 7:35 7:40 Larry Eskwith 7:50 Rick Pylman Board Member to the Liquor appoi ntmentit is 3. 0rdinance No. 15, Series of 1987, fjrst reading, annexing East Intermountain to the Town of Vail Action Requested of Councjl: Approve/deny Ordinance No. Series of 1.987, on f i rst read'i ng. Background Rationale: The ordinance is the 1ega1 instrument approving and enactjng the annexation of the East Intermountain area. The second reading will be held June 16. Itaff Recommendation: Approve 0rdinance No. 15, Series offfig. 4- Ordinance No. 16, Series of L987, first reading, amending SDD #5, Vail Run Resort Action Reguested of Counci'l : Approve/deny Ordinance No. 16, Serjes of 1987, on first reading. Background Rationale: VaiI Run Resort has documented a severe parking shortage. They are requesting to convert anexisting tenn'i s court to parking. This action would crearea net of 21 new parking spaces. Staff Recommendatjon: Approve 0rdjnance No. 16, Series of 1987, on first reading. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 5. Town Manager's Report 6. Adjournment o MI NUTES VAIL TOi,|N COUNCIL MEETING MAY 5, 1987 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail p. m. 'i n the Counci I Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Town Council was he'l d on Tuesday, May 5, 1987, at 7:30of the Vail Munic'ipal Building. Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt GaiI l,lahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce John Sl evi n Hermann Staufer Ron Phi11ips, Town Manager Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first order of business was a consent agenda for the following items: A. Approval of Apri l 7 and Zl, J,987 meetings minutes B. 0rdjnance No. 11, series of 1987, second reading, establishing a Town ofVaiI health insurance trust fund. C. Resolution No. 19, Series of 1987, authorizing the filing of applicationswith the Dept. of Transportatjon for fjnanc.i al assistance. Mayor Johnston listed the items in the consent agenda, including reading of the fulltjtle of the ordinance. There was no discussion by Council or lhe public. HermannStaufer made a motjon to approve the items, which was seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The second jtem was 0rdinance No. 13, Series of 1987, fjrst reading, authorizing theissuance of rown of vail, west vail Local Improvement District No.-i, specjal assessment bonds. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Charlje Wick gave briefbackground information on the issue. Mayor Johnston stated that there had been adiscussion that afternoon at the Work Session with a representative from Kirchner-Moore.regarding the state of the market. There was no djscussion by the public orCouncil. A motion to approve the ordinance on first reading was maie by bordon Pjerce and seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Gordon Pierce had to leave the meeting at this tjme. The third item for discussion was Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1987, first reading, amending sDD No. 6 (vail village Inn) and requesting approval to phase theconstruction of the remaining phases of the project. Mayor Johnsion read the fulltjtle. Tom Braun explained the history of SDD No. 6, whlt was requested of theCouncil that evening, and reasons why the staff recommended denjal'. Jay peterson, representing the applicant, Vail Village Inn, addressed the issues jn q-uestion andgave,reasons why the ordinance should be approved. After some discussion by Council,Ron_Philiips made comments on some of Jay's remarks, to which Jay responded. JimVie1e, Rod Sljfer and Pepi Gramshammer siated they were in favor of the project anoexplained why. After more discussion by Counci'l , Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthaj miOe amotion to approve the ordjnance w.i th the fo'l lowing condjtjons: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: 1. Include language to the effect the Town be able to subdivide the 4.000square feet portion of this phase g.i ven to the Town. 2. Joe Staufer reimburse the Town of VaiI for improvements/move of the Ski Museum, up to $75,000. 3. Change required number of unjts from L75 to 148 after this phase. 4. In the event there is any future renovatjon or building, Joe Staufer would have to provide on-site parking compatible with the Town of Vajl code requ i rements. 5. The use restrictions of any condominjum units would be as per the restrictions in effect at the time. Eric Affeldt seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Next on the agenda was an appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to approve a side setback variance for the Tennenbaum resjdence. Kent Rose had questions concerning the appeal , whj ch Rick Pylman answered. Rick gave backgroundjnformation on the issue, discussed the criteria used to review the variance request and why the staff recommended denial . There was some discussion by Council, and Kurt Segerberg answered questions. After more discussion, Kent Rose made a motion to uphold the PEC decision to approve the varjance request, and John SIevin seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimous'ly 6-0. The fjfth iten was the Vail Transportatjon and Parking Task Force interim report. Ron Phillips stated the report had been discussed in detai'l at the afternoon l'lork Session and briefly explained what the report covered. Kent Rose then made a motion to support the recormendations of the Task Force as stated in the April 28, 1987 memorandum, whjch Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the mot'ion passed unanimously 6-0. Under Citizen Participation, Rod Slifer asked that the construction fences in the Village be moved back as soon as possible. Ron Phi11ips stated he had only one item for the Town Manager's report. He noted there was an article jn the magazine Bus Ride which was very positive about the Town transportati on system. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfu l 1y submitted, Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Erandmeyer, Town Clerk Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -2- M I NUTES VAIL TOIdN COUNCIL MEETING F1AY 19, 1987 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vajl Town Council was held on Tuesday, May 19, J.987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Councjl Chambers of the VaiI Munjcjpal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Gail l'lahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce John Slevin Hermann Staufer Eric Affeldt Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town C'l erk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first order of business was 0rdinance No. 12, Series of 1987, first reading, adopting the 1987 Edition of the Uniform Electric Code by reference. The entiretjtle of the ordinance was read by Mayor Johnston. Gary Murrain explained the regulatory changes jnvolved through this ordinance, and Larry Eskwith explained that second reading on thjs ordinance would occur June 16, 1987, in order to comply withpublication notice of a public hearing and t'ime1y notice to the public. Gail |.lahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 6-0. The next item 0rdinance No. 13, Series of 1987, second reading, an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Town of Vai1, Colorado, llest Vajl Local ImprovementDistrict No. 1, specia1 assessments bonds, dated June 1, 1987, in the aggregateprincipal amount of $525,000, for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of constructing and instal'l jng jmprovements therein; prescribing the form of the bonds;providing for the payment of the bonds and the interest thereon; and makingprovision for other matters relating thereto. Mayor Johnston read the full title of the ordinance. Charlie l,Jick poj nted out that the Per Annum Interest Rates and the Maxjmum Net Effective Interest Rate, of 8,25%had been set, as weJl as a re- numbering of numerical sections throughout the ordinance. Kent Rose made a motionto approve thjs ordinance, and John Slevin seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The third item was 0rdinance No. 14, Serjes of J.987, second readjng, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1985, to provide for the amendment of the approved development plan for a Special Development District No. 6; adopting an amended development plan for Phase IV of Special Development District No. 6; eliminating certain requirements relating to the djstance between buildings for Phase IV of Special Distrjct No. 6; changing height requirement for Phase IV of Special District No. 6; changing the allowable density and modifying the buildjng bulk standards for Phase IV of Spec'i a1 Distrjct No. 6; and setting forth details in regard thereto. The full title of the ordinance was read by Mayor Johnston. Jay Peterson represented the applicant, and along with Peter Patten, explained changes from the first reading of this ordjnance. John Slevin made a motjon to approve the ordinance, with the outlined changes, and th'i s motion was seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0, with Gordon Pierce abstaining from the vote. The next item of business, an appeal of variances for the Jerome Lewis residence, was withdrawn. There was no Citizen Participation. Ron Phi11ips included the foilowing jnformation in the Town Manager's report: Economjc Research Associates have been appointed to conduct the Congress Hall Study; B&B Excavating had been awarded the West Vail Improvement District street contract; the sign ljghts at the four-way will be repiaced through Jjm Morter at no additional cost to the Town; softball field improvements at Ford Park have begun; and the construction walls in the Core area of the Vjllage wi'l 'l be moved back prior to the Memorial Day weekend. There belng no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectful ly submi ttedn Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk l4inutes taken by Pamela A. Brandmeyer -2- S,fsffifua coNDoMtNtLtMS iu uert June 2, 1987 Va 11 Town Cotrnc 1 1 75 South Frontage l{oa dVaLl, Colorado 81657 REFERENCE: Speclal Developrnent Distrlct Ordlnance No. 6 .To the Vail Town Council, Before a vo.e ls taken on Ehe flrst readr.ng of the reques' by Vai.r RunEo amend speclal Development Discrr-ct #5, 0rrllnance No. 6, DeveropnentArea A, to create additlonal park{ng, I, Anne Sulllvan, respeccfullyrequest thaE Ehe va{l Tovn council rreBermine the validity oi the foilowrng: speclal Development.Dlstrict #5 ls slmple and unrestrictlve to Varr Runin most casies. rt does however llst tire approprlate buslnesses that. naybe housed ln Val1 Run, Section 3.C. Transportatlon companles are notl-ncluded' we have found no record of an ammendmenr to lh" sDo5, ordinanceNo' 6 vhicl-r vould al1ow a buslness such as Alrport Transportation servrceto be operaLed out of ValL Run. In additlon we understanrl school open co public use.PerurlE, Sectlon 3. D? thaC there are also a Nautilus Have they been approved under club and Kara t e Condltlonal Use Il:": rl:"" cornmerpial operarlons, lf they have nor been approved antl r^rerenot contlnued, may' negate the need for tvre.ty-one acrdltlonai parking spacesat Vall Run. Sincerely, SIMBA RESORT COI'IDOI{INIUMS ."r'/,.' ..' ..i:.t:.7 ^*.tk{{t?#:,Vlce-Pre s ide n r /Ge ne rai Mana ge r I l0O Norih Frontago Road . Vtit, C<ttorndo 0t6J7 . i:)CJ) 4/A_N4., nEc'0JUN-11987 CONDOMINIUMS IN UAIL May 28, L987 Vail Town Councll 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8f657 REFERENCE: Proposed Vail Run parklng lotFirst readlng, June 2, 1987 To the Vail Town Council, I, Anne Su11ivan, as Vice-President of the Simba Resort llomeowner r s Association and General Manager of United Siroba Management am rep- resenting Slmba Resort. Simba strongly objects to the proposed park- ing area which is to be constructed adjacent to our property line. The proposal will have an inmediate impact on twelve units at Slmba Resort as they directly overlook the site. Please refer to my letter to the Planning and Environmental commission, PEC, on May 11, 1987. Sinbars lnitial objections were outllned. After further consideration Ehe folJ.owing additional concerns have arisen. trle believe thaE the site r^rill cauae the reduction ln value of Siurba units in reference to sales and to rentals. Both real estate and renEal prices, at Simba, are based prinarlly on view. The devaluatlon caused by the destructlon of the vierrs w111 be compounded by nolse, pollution, reduced securityr lighting for the lot and indivldual vehicle lights. Additj-ona1 loss r-r f r:enta-l- revenues wil-I occur either ln fu:ther ctisccunting of rental rates or refunds to guests that refuse to stay in these affected units after arrival. Please see the enclosed photographs. The first shows the view from unitItLZI4. The view fron this unit will cornpletely disappear should the parking area be approved and the required baffle be errected. This is unacceotable. should the final decision be the approval of the lot as proposed it is agreedthat a baffle between the parklng lot and Sinba will be needed. The reurainingpictures illustrate the view from the units on the fourth and fifth floors. No less than a berm, to the helght of the existing slope, with Colorado sprucefifteen feet ta1I wilL alleviate the problem. Thls baffle should wrap the west and south ends of the site. This sti11 would not solve Ehe problemsof pollution or increased securi.ty risks. The only fu11 solution would beto construct the parking 1ot entirely underground. 1100 North Frontage Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 4764344 May 28, 1987 Page 2. The problem of snor{ removal was raised during the PEC meeting l,Iay 11, 1987 and explained by Mr. Fleisher, according to the unapproved minutes of that meetlng, by saying there would be a ten foot opening in the fence of the parking 1ot toward the Frontage road to all-ow snon to be pushed out. I,le need further explaination of this as Simba owns land in that direction. Our final concern, at this pointy is the usage of the parklng 1ot. Early ln the PEC x eeting on May 11, 1987, Mr. Flelsher stated, according to the minutes, that noise would be rninj-mal- to Slmba as the parklng 1ot would be used mainly for cars which park all day 1ong. Later ln that same meetlng when Diana asked if parking could be restricted to people staylng a week, Mr. Fleisher responded that lt would probably be used in that lray because people arrive ',rtiih i',tc cars and leave onc parked for a woek or two. On May 27, 1987, Chris Neuswanger asked Mr. Flelsher who would be uslng the 1ot. Mr. Fleisher answered that it would be for employee parking. The polnt belng, as reiterated by Rlck Pylman to ne today, if the parking 1ot is approved it will be nearlv lmposslble to regulate the usage by Vail Run. 0f utmost concern to Slmba is that the 1ot would be used prJ.marily for shuttle bus parking. Whether by Vail Run or Vail Transportation Service, a conmercial establishrnent ln Val1 Run. I,Ie do not believe that lt would be practical to expect guests of Va1l Run to walk past the numerous shuttle buses parked in the main lot to thelr prlvate cars in the outer parking lot. Should the lot near- est Sirnba be used for the shuttle buses, we expect the schedules to be an extreme lmposltlon on Simba guests. Airport Transportation Service begins the flrst run at 6:00AM and the vehicles will surely need to be warmed up. See the attached Airport Transportation winter schedule. In closlng, Slmba again states strong objection to the parking lot proposed by Vatl Run adjacent to the S i-nba property line. OMINIUMS Vice-Presldent /General Manager Sincerely, SIMBA RESORT a:att?-z/ Anne Su1llvan SftnbaResort CONDOMINIUMS IN VAIL May Il, l9B7 Towu of Vall Plarrnlng and Envl.ronmerlEal Cooutlss J.on Town of ValL Munlcjpal Buil.dlng VaIl, CO 81657 Re: Propoeed Parking Lot at Vall Run To the Plannlng and Environmental Cotmnlsslonl I, Anne Sullivan, as Vlce-Presldent of the Slurba Resort llomeovnerr s Associatiorr and ttre General Manager of Ulrited Slnba Managemen!' am represenElng Simba ResorE. Slmba Reaort obJects to a Propose<l parking area whlch ls to be consrrucEed adjacenE to our property line. Thls proposed park{ng l-ot will have an lmmedlate tmpact on lwelve unIEF at Sj-mba Resort as Ehey wlll dlrecrly overlook tlre proposed parklng loC. one of our ground level walk-out condoflrirriums ls wlthln 20 feet of the now exJ-stlng tennls court an<l the proposed parklng 1ot. We belleve ghat this proposed change would have a dlsasteroua impact <rn Slmba Ree<.rrt for the followlng, feasonsi Ttre proposed parking lot ls not only adjacent to our Property but ls withln 20 feet of several of our ohmerts condom{nlums. A parking lot wcruld strlP' the nov enjoyed privacy of our walk-ouL unLts and wrrrld lnitlate a nolse factor. Thls noise factor would consEltute the slanulng of car trunks and doors at aI[ hours of the morning and evenl-ng ln additlon to voices (which not. onLy travel upward but outwar:d), and the added traffic f lotr problen. outdoor parklng lots l.nvlte ttnwanEed elemenEs where property losses could occur. The llghUs (generally Mercury) vould necessitate addillofla]. crJsts to Slmba as the window lreatments would have to be re1'laceil for Ltre twelve unlEs overl,-r1r[aing tlte ptoposed parking lot ' Our present wlndow treatments would not be adequate to defuse Lhe addiElonal 1lghtlng created by the par:king 1oc. 4. Po1lut1c'n .frtrn auto exLausts would af fect che un:i l-s r+i,th balconies cl.oses L to t.lre park i ng 1oE . Depreclaiion for proper:ty value for Slmba R.)sorL Condour j-u l trnis and the surrouodfurg condoutinlums; J.c. Snow Fox, Rrealawar- West and 'lelemark" l. 2. J. 1100 North Frcntage Road. Vail, Colotado 81657 . (303) 4764344 Town of Vail -2-May ll, l9B7 The Vall Valley af fortls a mountain ge tar.ray for those peoplc vho wlsh to escape frorn the clty envlronment' tlrus che reason for invesring irr mounta.tn property. Wlch che present proposod parking slre we feel thac our property and otherpropertles lrr thc Snttrlstone area woultl rleprec l€te raLhrtr Ehan appreclate. Furtlter, we cl tr noL fcel. thaE Slnrlxr Rcr;ort shorrlel rguf f er because Va11 Run dld nof plnn lts parklng f acl.l j.tlr,l w.l t:lr f ort's lp,lrt: ar; f o lLri f uIrtr+: parking needs. We propoSe as an oPtiotr tlr:rL Va.[l lhru remove ifs exlsting te'nnis bubble anr] construct lts irroposetl parking lot there. It rvould tht'n be adjacenE to Vai.l Run, not only for thelr guestsI convenience but in vJ.ew of the Vail Run bullding. Vall Runrs flanagenent would then be al)le Lo adrninlster securlEy by controlling Ehe actlviLies withl.n fhc parklng loe. This would spare Slnrba ResorC and the surrounding propertles of any undesir:oble el-emenEs which corrldincur :.rssible properEy loss or damage. We lnvlte the Town of Vatl Planning and Envlrunmental. Commissl"on to prevlew these concerns by personally taklng a tour of S:tmba l{esor-t ts grounds to reallzeflrsrhand the close proxlrnlcy of thls proposed parktng 1ot to our property and the difflculty Vatl Run will have in attemptlrrg to m()nlter the lot. In clostng, we feel that by havlng chls parhlng l.ot r)ext to the Vail Run bullding ltse1f or (where the tennls bubbl.e presently sLands) iC will nor be a detriment to Slurba Resort for re;rsons pti:v.lously mentloned, as l-t lsVall Run who wlll benefit. economlcal-ly from thls increase 1n parklng space. SII"IBA RESORT CONDOMINIUMS . Manage r Slncerelyl ,? ; -'z-r:4- T SirtfuResort CONDOMINIUMS INUAIL May l l, 1987 Town of Vail Plannlng and Envirc'nnreutal Comrnlssion T<.'wn of \lail Mun{cipal Bullding vail, Co 81657 To the Plannlng and Environmental Cornmlsslon: The purpose of t.h1s letter ls to outline United Arnerican f.he owner of Sirnba Run, objections to a proposal by Vail tennis court adjacent to Sinba Run and replace it wittr a BACKGROUND ProperEies lI3, Inc. , Run to remove a parking 1o L. Vall Run currently has two tennls courts. Tennis court number one is covered wirh the ever ublquitous bubble to che rear of lts structure which is visible throughout the Vall area and blocks the vlew of Simbars units and other condominiums behind Vail Run unmercifully. Tennls court nunber two 1s uncovered and is approxinately 20 feer from Simba's unlLs. OBJECTIONS The proximity of the proposed parking 1ot adjacent to Slmba is unconscionable. Havlng the existLng number ur^ro tennls court wiLhJ.n twenty feeE of our units anC the nuinber one tennls courl covered ls already burdensome, no'..' Sinba ovners and Eenants are being asked to be subjecLed t.o addltional. car noise, carbon monoxide fumes, additlo:lal. perm.lnenL J-ighting, non-Val1 Run bus ingress - egres$ cr:af f ic, a new l.olf erirrg locat ion and vetrlcular danger wlthout an lmpact i:cport on Che envl.rrrnmenL or recreatlonal aspects of Ehe town and the surLoundlng area. Siurba ls well aware of the recreaEional and parking goals of the tovrn and has experlenced these goals flrsthand, with lts T0T lot appllcatlon, Therefore, we cannot br:l.leve thac the proposal. to remove a recreaLlonal facll1ty for a parking lot wj.th all lts lnherent negatl,ves vtLhout some of llscEt:lng benef i.t to the town, such as the removal rrf tlte nrtrnber one tenrrLs bubble, ls bel-rrg cotrsldered, Nor can we belleve chaE other lodges ln sfinltar clrcuftsCances rvould al""Low another lodge Co use a baslcally comnolr recrealional area for a prlva[e parking 1or without ic benefitlng themseh'es or Lhe Eo\^rn, 1l0o North Frontage Road . Vail, Cotondo 81657 . (300) 476-0A44 OI Town of Vall -2-r'Iay 11, 1987 Flnally, we flnd lt most contradlctpry thet Vall Run's proposaL le even belng dlscueeed, considerlng Sfurbate dlacuselon vlth tonn pereonnel cotrcernlng Lts proposed parklng needa for lta new hotel etructure on lts vacant Lot w-hlch wlll requlre conplete new underground parklng fac{Lltles. Slncerely you 7h*UL Nlcholae C. Glancanrlll-1 Pree ldent Unlted Amerl-can Properties #3, Inc. f,Er C. D'1. n nlt ""'^- 'A cL,tJ TO: FROM: DATE: Town Council Cornmunity Development June 2, L9887 SUBJECT: A reguest to anend Special Developnent District 5, Developrnent Area A, Vail Run, in order to convert anexterior tennis court to parking, creating a total of2L additional parking spaces. APPLICANT: VaiI Run ResorI I. BACKGROUND OF REQUEST The applicant, Vail Run Resort, is reguesting to amend SDD5 to allow for the conversion of an existing tenniscourt to parking. Construction of the access ramp to thetennis court would elininate 5 existing parking spaces.The proposed parking plan for the tennis court area showsthe creation of 26 spaces for a total of 2L new parkingspaces. ft is probable through Design Review, if thisproposal receives approval from the Town Council, thatinternal landscaping requirernents for surface parking willreduce the nunber of parking spaces by another 2 - 3spaces. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recornrnendation is for approval . The planning Comnission voted 6-0 in favor of the proposal with thecondition that the staff give direction to the Design Review Board that specific attention be placed in rnitigat-ing the negative irnpacts of the proposed parking 1ot withrespect to Sinba Run via landscaping, Iighting design, andnoise reduction nethods. rFn . FROM: DATE: Planning and Environrnental Comrnission Connunity Developnent Departrnent May l-L , L98'I SUBJECT: A request to amend Special Development District #5, Development Area A, Vail Run in order to convert anexisting exterior tennis court to parking. creating atotal of 2L additional parking spaces.Applicant: Vail Run Resort I. BACKGROUND OF REQUEST: The applicant, Vail Run Resort, is requesting to amend SDD#S, to allow for the conversion of an existing tenniscourt to parking. Construction of the access ramp to thetennis court would elininate five existing parkingt spaces. The proposed parking plan for the tennj-s court area showsthe creation of 26 parking spaces for a total newadditional parking ot 2L spaces. The Vail Run project wasdeveloped within the jurisdiction of Eagle County and uponannexation to the Town of Vail was zoned SDDS. Ordinance5, Series of L985, established Special DevelopmentDistrict No. 5 and describes the development plan sirnplyas the existing conditions on site. The ordinance goes onto list perrnitted and conditionat uses. However, there isno mention of parking reguirements or site reguirementssuch as certain recreation facilities and the maintenancethereof, or any criteria related to site coveragle,landscaped areas, etc. The applicant, in a previous submittal, detailed a parkinganalysis that shows a shortfall of 97 spaces when comparing exist,ing conditions to current Town of VaiIparking standards. II. IMPACTS OF PROPOSAL The ordinance establishing Special Development District 5states no specific reguirements regarding the recreationalfacitities available to Vail Run Resort. The loss of theexisting exterior tennis court is mitigated by the factthat there remains two existing covered courts within theadjacent bubble. The applicant has certainly proven a need for additional parking on this site and is going to some length in order to secure parking that they feel isnecessary for tbe functioning of their property. The only concern of the Comnunity Development Departmentis the irnpact of the conversion from recreational facility to parking on the adjacent Simba Run units. The applicant has proposed a buffer of 15 foot tal1 Colorado sprucetrees. We would encourage the Planning Conrnission tocarefully examine the adequacy of this proposed buffer andpass along any concerns to the Design Review Board. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recorunendation is for approval. The Community Developnent Department feels that the applicant hassufficiently denonstrated a need for additional on-siteparking and we feel that the only impact of this proposalis the southwest corner of the lot that is adjacent to the Simba Run property. We do feel that the proposed buffercould be increased to further reduce this inpact. nm0MAY 14 €87 CONDOMINIUMS 'N UAIL April 14, 1987 Town of Val-l 75 S. Frontage Rd., West Val1, CO 81557 Attention: Ron Phillips Toloa Manager Re: Vail Run Resortte Request to Change a Tennis Court Into a Parking Lot Dear Hr. Phillips: As an adjacent property ordner to Vall Run Resort, S irnba Resort requests an appeal of the Plannlng and Environmental Corunission's decislon on May 11, 1987 to grant an amendment to the Speclal Development District Numbe r 5 to change a tennis court to a parking lot. Attached for your revLew, are two letters Simba Resort presented to the commission on May 11, 1987. SIMBA RESORT CONDOMINII.]MS SlncerelrT /. k, General Manager Enc. cc: K. Pritz 110o North Frontage Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 4764344 dffi;\\Dbts t-c TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Cornrni Conmunity Developrnent Department May lL, L987 I. Developrnent Area A, Vail Run in order to convert anexisting exterior tennis court to parking, creating atotal of 2t_ additional parking spaces.Applicant: Vait Run Resort BACKGROUND OF REQUEST: {n{iA reguest to amend Special Developrnent District #5, The applicant, Vail Run Resort, is reguesting to amendSDD#S, tO allOw for tha conrrersi,rn '.f :n e:ri s,ti na tenn @-pa-fJ.Irg. Construction oftennis court would elininate fiveThe proposed parking plan for thethe creation of 26 parking spacesadditional parking of 21 spaces.developed within the jurisdiction tU fldfol tne apprrcant, VaiI Run Resort, is reguesting to amendil*T6t hry "rre\&i^.a.\' ffl"i:#:::: ;::1ffi';lll"::,'t;: ;:i:l:"3"ffiio:13""3f;:;:.the creation of 26 parkinlt spaces for a total new of I. The ordinance goes onlist perrnitted and conditional uses.H thmention as lna related to site cover ious submittal compar st conditions to current townJTvailparkingstandards. IMPACTS OF PROPOSAL The ordinance estabrishing special Development District 5qtale9 no specific requirernents regarding the recreationalfacilities available to Vail Run Resort. The loss of theexisting exterior tennis court is nitigated by the factthat there remains two existing covered courts r,,rithin theadjaeent bubble. The applicant has certainly proven aneed for additional parking on this site and- is going tosorne length in order to secure parking that they-teel isnecessary for the functioning of their property. The only concern of the Conmunity DeveJ.opment Departmentis the irnpact of the conversion irom recreationai facility The Vuril tu'\tDt u^&^G.- 109& c rlit\{r ffi,;lil, ffi,[* u ftL lys6 u,rdf,onetnrao\ .SttodoD $rt'rlu) to no s liJ,++u \ to parking on the adjacent Sinba Run units. The applicanthas proposed a buffer of l_5 foot tall Colorado spruLetrees. Vle would encourage the planning Cornmissj--on tocarefully examine the adequacy of this proposed buffer andpass along any concerns to the Design neview Board. IIT. STAFF RECOMMENDATTONS The staff recommendation is Developrnent Departrnent feelssufficiently denonstrated a Run p for approval . The Cornrnunitythat the applicant has need for additiona! on_ei{-c of the lot that is adiacen ct. IS n6h* / ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Bill Flelscher P.O. Box 1388 Vall , CO 81658 Breakauay P.0. Bor Vail , C0 hlest Condo Assoc. 1743 I 1658 Snow Fox Val], C0 81657 Telenank 1083 Llonsridge Loop VaLI, Co 81657 Simba 1100 Vai1, ^ ,''0n,.- >u,Z/r<,fiL.- Frontase Rd. West A't Acn Run N. Date of apprition APPLICATTON FORI'{ FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT. DISTRICT D$TELOPMENT PLAI.'I I. This proced.ure is required for any project that would go throughthe Special Development District Proced.ure. The aPplication witl not be accepted. until all information is submitted. A. NAI4E OF APPLICANT '\ ADDRESS PHONE B. c. NAME OF ADDRBSS APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION E. FEE $100.00 F. A List of the name of owners of all property adjacent to the Subject property and their miling a.ddresses. 1I. Four (4) copies of the following information: A, Detailed written/graphic description of proposal ..8. An environmental impact report shall-.be submitted to the zoningadministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless waivedby Section 18.55.030, exempt projects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated by the development without undue burden on availableor proposed public facilities; (0vER) ', .t,Application ro.$pecial Development Distr] Development PJ-pn \ D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not more than fivefeet if the average slope of the site is twenty percent or less, or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if Lhe average sJ.ope of the site is greater than twenty percent" E. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals'fifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions of aLl buildings and structures, uses therein, and aI1 principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facili- ties, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contours after grading and site development; F. A preliminary landscape pJ-an. at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outdoor recreational facilities,bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features, . and other elements; G. Prelirninary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, ata scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficientdetail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interiorcirculation, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. III. Time Requirements The--Planning and Environmental Conunrlssion meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingrnaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. NOTE: It is reconunended that before a special development district applicationis subnitted, a review and conment meeting should be set up with the Departnent of Comnmity Developnrent. t, O REC'' JUN - 1 1sB7 The Children's Hospital Joseph P. Rossi, M.D., FAAP Pediatrics s /3r /87 The Town Council Vai1, Co1o. To Whom This May Concetn: As owners of a condo unit at Simba Run Resort, we would like to voice o'ur strong objection to the proposed- conversion of an outside tennis court to a parking 1ot for VaiL Run. We believe the passage of such a proposal by the City Council would show a gross lack of coneern for those owners in S irnba Run who will have to endure noise, pollution and other intrusions because of previous poor planning on Vail Runf s part. There ls a vast difference betvreen having a recreatj.onal outdoor tennis court lrhich is seasonal in use... usually used in the slower sultrner months on1y, and the all year round noise 1evel of a parking facllity so rj.diculously close to another facility where people reslde. Are we to lose faith in the sound judgements of our City Council? Why is it that regulations requj.re underground parking for some units and not for others? Is there a double standard? Is lt not enough that Sinba Run owners must endure the ugly white bubble of Vail Runrs indoor court that they should now endure another insult to their vision? Perhaps Vail Run should be forced to consider its neighbors and put an underground parking 1ot beneath its present "bubblet', and remove the ugly thlng altogether' There are other indoor tennis court facilitles in the Vail area. We appeal to your judgements and sensitivities ' We ask you to consider all sldes of this decision. Remember property values are at stake here. ATT-o f Vail suffers when values decrease anywhere in Vall. Respectfully submitted, Bet.ty L, Rossi R'N. ,M.A Located at Vail Valley Medical Cenler '181 West Meadow Drivs vail, colorado 81 657 (303) 476-2857 TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST Request form rnust, be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager byB:00 A.M. Thursdays. I Date2 5/L4/87 Dept.COM DEV Meeting Date: 5/19/87 Work Session Evening x I.Iten/Topic: An appeal of a Planning Commission recornnendationto an amendnent to Special Developnent District b, Developnent Area A (Vail Run) in order to change acourt to a parking lot.epplicant: Williarn FleischerAppellant: Sinba Resort Condominiuns Action Requested of Council To uphold or overturn the PEC approval. TT of approval tennis to the . Theparking III. Background Rationale On May ll-, L987, the Planning Conrnission recornmended Town Councll approval of an arnendnent to the SpecialDevelopnent District 5, Development Area A (VaiI Run) arnendment vJas requested to change a tennis court to aIot. IV. Staff Recomnendation Not applicable. Assurances: Outside (_Lega1 , _Engineering, _Finance,Professional ) Kristan Pritz Appl i cati on PEC MEETING l4ay lI , 1987 Date Ooorrt tr, r9B7 DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This wi'l 1 A. procedure is required not be accepted until NAME OF APPLICANT fgl ln{ project requesting a variance. The applicationall information is submitted. VaiI Run ResorL Communit-.t Association, Inc. ADDRESS 1023 Lions Ridqe Loop Vail, CO 81657 47 5-1579 B.NAME OF ADDRESS PHONE APPLICANT' S REPRISENTATIVE Gordon R.. Pierce, Architect 1000 South Frontaoe Road West Vail, CO 81657 PH0NE 476-4433 c.NAME 0F OwNER(s) (type or print)BiIl Fleischer, Vice president utrc-(S ADORESS 1023 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 PHONE 47 6-7579 D.L0CATrON 0F PRoPoSAL ADDRESS 1023 Lions Ridge Loop LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: FILINGVail Run Resort community anaT-art otETfr]9j l-,ion1^Ridqe-lubdivision, Block C, Torun of a Resubdivision \Zai1. Eaqle CountyE.FEE $100 PAI D CK # FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I^IILL ACCEPTYOUR PROPOSAL. F.A list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS bTRETTS-, THE APPLICANT t,lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. V II. A PRE-APPLICAT-ION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED. T0 )DETERMINE If ANY ADDITIONAL INF0RMATIoN- Ia lligoEo. N0 AppLrcATIoN hJrLL BE' ACCEPTED uNLEss IT Is C0MPLETE (MUST INCLuDE ntf-iiiNs REQUIRED sy rHE-iol,uNeADMINISTRATo!). IT IS THE APPLicANT's nespoNiisrliiv ro MKE AN AppoINTMENTI.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITTOTINT TUSMiiiNU NTqUTNEMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t,llLL STRTAMLINE THE NPPNOVNI PROCESS FORY0uR PR0JEcr-sv-oecRmSINc rHE NUMBER 0F coNDlTrons-or RppnovAl THAT THE pLANNING AND ENvIR0NMENTAL C0MMJSSION MAY sTIPULATE. Ali-Cor'rorrroNs 0F AppRovAL MUsT BECOMPLIED I^'ITH BEFORE A BUILDING PENIITi_iS-iSSTiE6.--''] r i lIt. FOUR (4) C0ptES 0F THE F0LL0WING MUST Bt SUBMITTED: I" {. A WRITTTN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVID. TIIT STATEMINT MUST NLSO NOONISS: l' The relationship of the requested variance to other efisting or poten!uses and structures in the vicinity. 2' The degree to vrhich relief from the strict or riteral interpretation,i?iitvenforcement of a-specified reguraton is neigrii"y io i.ntuu. cornpatr ths.and unifonniry of trartment arirong sites ir-ih;-;i;init!-or to attainob.iectives of this tiire without grant of speifut-pfiuiteqe. Gbrdon R.Pierce . Architect . A.l.A. April L3. L987 Town of Vail PIanni-ng Department 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Run Resort parking Lot Gentlemen: we are proposing an additional increase to the parking atthe Vail Run Resort Development of twenty-one cars(twenty-seven ne\^r spaces less six old spaces, or twenty-onespaces). fhere is currently a short fa1l of parking for theexisting facility. This condition is especially severe inthe winter months when occupancy levels are high. We areproposing that long-term guests wilI use this new parkingarea which is currently designated as a open tennis courtlocated at the far western edge of the property. Althoughit is understood that ameni-ties are an important element tothe SDD zonLng, this tennis court has proven to be of littlevalue to the complex. The court j_s used infrequently, if atall, during summer months. We feel that it would be of fargreater value as a parking area to alleviate the traffic andparking congestion which the Va11 Run Resort currentlyexperiences. We hope that the staff duly considers this request. Shouldthere be questions, please feel" free to call. Sincere 1y, fr,*a Kurt A. Segerberg, KAS/ lrt enc. 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail. Colorado 81657 . 303 41 6-4433 Gordon IT Pierce . Archirc-ct . n.l.A. April 13, 1987 Town of VaiI Planning Department 75 South ['rontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81657 RE: Vail Run Resort Parking Lot Gentlemen: We are proposi-ng an additional increase to the parking atthe VaiI Run Resort Development of twenty-one cars(twenty-seven new spaces less six old spaces, or twenty-onespaces). There i"s currently a short faIl of parking for theexisting faciLity. This condition is especiall.y severe inthe winter months when occupancy levels are high. We areproposing that long-term guests will use this new parking area which is currently designated as a open tennis courtlocated at the far western edge of the property. Althoughit is understood that amenities are an important element tothe SDD zoning, this tennis court has proven to be of 1itt1evalue to the complex. The court is used infrequently, if ataII, during summer months. We feel that it would be of fargreater value as a parking area to al. leviate the traffic andparking congestion which the Vail Run Resort currentlyexperiences. We hope that the staff duly considers this request. Shouldthere be questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, {r,*a Kurt A. Segerberg, KAS/ lrt enc. 1000 Sotrth l;rontasc Ilolrtl Wcst. \':ril. ('rrlot:ttl o l'l(i-57.101 lr()-l+1.1 Cordon Piercc Itect April Town of Vail Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RB: Vail Run Resort parking Lot Gentlemen: We are.proposing an additional increase to the parking atthe Vail Run Resort Development of twenty-one cars(twenty-seven new spaces less six old spaces, or twenEy-onespaces). There is currently a short faLl of parking for theexi-sting facility. This condj.tion is especially severe inthe winter months when occupancy levels lre nigh. We areproposing that long-term guests will use this new parkingarea which js currently designated as a open tennjs courtlocated at the far western edge of the property. Althoughit is understood that amenities are an important element tothe sDD zoningr this tennis court has proven to be of littlevalue-to.the complex. The court is used infrequently, if atall, during summer months. We feel that it would be of fargreater value as a parking area to alleviate the traffic andparking congestion which the Vail Run Resort currentlvexperiences. We hope that the staff duly considers this request. Shouldthere be questions, please feel free to call. S incere 1y , fr,*a Kurt A. Segerberg, A.I.A. KAS/ lrt enc. 1000 South lrlorrtur.lc llorrrl Wrst. \/uil. ('ololutl o fi l(,57.-l(ll 176-.1-lil Gordon t{Pierce . Archirect . A.l.A. April L3, 1987 Town of VaiI Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 8L657 RE: Vail nun Resort Parking Lot Gentlemen: We are proposing an additional increase to the parking atthe Vail Run Resort Development of twenty-one cars(twenty-seven new spaces less six o1d spaces, or twenty-onespaces). There j-s currenLly a short fall of parking for theexisting facility. This sondition is especially severe inthe winter months when occupancy levels are high. We areproposing that long-term guesLs will use this new parking area which is currently desi.gnated as a open tennis courtIocated at the far western edge of the property. Althoughit i-s understood that amenities are an important element tothe SDD zoning, this tennis court has proven to be of litt1evalue to the complex. The court is used infrequently, if atall, duri-ng summer months. We feel that it would be of fargreater val-ue as a parking area to alleviate the traffic andparking congestion which the Vail Run Resort currentlyexPeriences. We hope that the staff duly considers this request. Shouldthere be questions, please feel free to call. Sincere ly, fi*a Kurt A. Segerberg, KAS/ 1rt enc. 1000 Sotrth [:r'trntusc Ilo:rtl \t'cst. \trril- ('rtlorlrl o t{l(r-17.1t)'\ ]?6-i1+11 AD'ACENT PROPERTY OTINERS Bl11 Flelecher P.O. Box 1388 ValI, C0 81658 Breakaray lfeet Condo Assoc. P.0. Box 1743Vell, CO 8.1658 Snow Fox Valt, C0 81657 TeLenark 108J Llqsp16g6Vall, @ 8f657 Loop Sl.mta 1100Tell, {un N. c0 Frontaqe Rd. West 8165? ADJACETTT PROPENTY O}'NENS BI11 Flelechen P.O. Box 1388 Vail., CO 81658 Breakanay hlest Condo Aseoo. P.O. 8ox l?43 Valt, CO 81658 Snow Fox VaiI, CO 81657 Telemark 1083 Llonsrl.dge Loop valI, co 8165? a SLnta Run 1100 N. Frontaqe Rd, WestValI, CO 8f65? ADDENpUU TO APPLTCATION l. PulgosFr of Aepllcatlon: The purpose of thls appllcation isto amend the current actual site of Vail Run (Dircel A) toconform to the orlginar parking pran for parceL A. when the Tonnannexed VaiL Run and adopted a SDD for the proJect, the fohrnbroke the entire project into two parcelsg parcel A (the existingbuilding and amenities as constructed at the tirne), and parcel Bwhlch was undeveloped. No plans were adopted (lt would appear)only the actuaL bullding itself. The construction on parcel_ Adid not fulLy conform to the plans as adopted by the County. Our proposal is to conform tbe parking on the south slde ofthe bulldlng to the original approved plan. _ - The Town prior to thiE eubmlssion has been given a portionof the original site plan showing auch parking. Attached hereto is our proposed parking and landscaping. 2. Current Parkino Requiremente for Vail Run: A. Reeidential: 13 Studios3 4 - BedroomI 3 - Bedroon8 2' Bedroon3S I - Bedroon TOTAL B. Commercial l. Total Square Footage 19. 5 7.5 2.9 16.s 6g.o tgs.g 2. Current Occupancy 3. Current U6esr a. Restaurantb. Offlcesc. General Retail 4. Space Requlred: a. Restaurantb. Offlcec. General Retaild. Renraining at I space/ 300 Eq.fE. 19r169.00 Sguare Feet 52.21 3r858.00 Square Feet 3r553.90 Sguare Feet 3t9L7.00 Square Feet 26 14 Tg 3L 81 C. Total Spaeed Reguired for Building 3. Current Spaces on eitel A. North SideB. South SideC. Underground TOTAL 4. S.b.erlfCLL: 186 Spaces 35 Spaces 6 SpaceB J8 Spaces 89 Spaces 97 Spaces In addition the 300 Eguare feet per parking place for the remaining connerclal. space is a minimum reguirement. A hlgher use would create a greater shortfall. 5. Net Galn Bv ProEogal 8 Spaces 6. Necesetty of Additional Parklng: In the past the comrnercial spaces have had low occupancy(except for the reetaurant space) and while the probleme createdby the parking shortage have been burdeneone, the future wiltincreaEe the problem becauee of anticipated higher occupancy ofthe commercial Bpace. The proposal bringE the proJect lnto greater conformlty withthe original plan and the Town of VaiI Orillnanceso ' ORDI}JANCE NO. 29 Series of L977 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SPNCIAL DEVELOPI,IE}TT DISTRICT 5 AND PROVIDING FOR A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ITS CONTENTS; PERM]TTED, CONDI- TIONAL AND ACCESSORY USES; DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, RECREATIOI{ AMENITIES TAX, AND OTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS; SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELAEING THERETO; AI4ENDING THE VAIL MUNfCTPAL CODE, CHAPTER 18.48; AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAI-. ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF VAII., WHEREAS, the Town established Special Development District 5, hereinafter referred to as "SDDS". for the develop- ment on a parcel of land comprising 2.54 acres in .the portion of Lhe Lionsridge area more fully described as a portion of Lot 10, and Lot l-l-, Resubdivision of Block C, Lionsridge Fil-ing No. 1, Town of Vail, Coloradoi WHEREAS, Colorado lnvestment Services, Inc., has submitted an application requesting that the Town amend SDD5 to include Lots 6,7,8, 9 and a portion of Lot 10, Block C, Lionsrj-dge Filing No. I, comorising 6.3 acres in the Special Develonment District; I'IHEREAS, SDD5 wil-l ensure unif ied and coordinated development and use of a crit.ical site as a whble and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and Town staff have recommended approval of said application; and WHEREAS, the Town Council consid.ers that it is reason- able, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visj-tors to amend said SDD5; NOIT, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: (I) Purposes. Special Development District 5 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious vrith the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and ((c ir Ord. 29 Page 3 (E) Each phase of the development shall require the prior approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54 of the tlunicipal Code. (4) Content of Proposed Development Plan. The Proposed Development PIan shall include, but is not lirnited to the follovring data: be submitted Chapter 18.56 (A) The Rnvironmental Impact. to lhe Zoning Administrator in hereof. (B) An open space and recreational plan suffici- ent to meet the demands generated by the development without undue burden on available or proposed public facill-ties. (C) Existing and proposed contours after grading and site development having contour intervals of not more than five (5) feet if the average sJ-ope of the site is 20 per cent or Less, or with contour intervals of not more than ten (10) feet if the average slope of the site is greater than 20 per cent. (D) A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than 1 inch = 50 feet, showinq the locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped _areas, recreational facitities, pedestrian plazas and walkwal's, service entries, driveways. and off-street parking and loading areas. (E) A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale noL smaller than I inch = 50 feet, showing existinq landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outdoor recreational facitities, bicycle pat.hs, trailsf pedestrian plazas and walk- ways, water features, and other elements (F) Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor pl-ans, at a scal-e not small-er than 1/B inch = l foot, in sufficj-ent detail to determine floor area, gross residenlial floor area, interior circulation, locations of uses within build- ings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. Report which shal1 accordance with I ,rI\ ord. 29 ( Page 4 (G) A proposed plan of parking, loading, traffic circulation, and transit facilities; and a proposed program for satisfying traffic and transportation needs generated by the development. (H) A volumetric model of the site and the pro- posed development, portraying the scale and relarionships of the proposed development to the site illustratinq the form and mass of the proposed. buildings (I) An architectural model of each prooosed build'ing, at a scare not- smalLer'than 1' 1nch.:--40- feet, portray- ing d.esign details (J) A proposed program indicating brder and timing of construction phases and phasing of recreational amenities and additional amenities. (5) Permitted. Conditional and Accessory Uses. (A) In Development Area A (existing building and recreational facilities), the following uses shal1 be permitted: (1) Multiple farnily residential dwellings; (2) Accessory retail and restaurant, and serviee establishments not occupying more than 18,000 square feet including the following: Apparel Stores Art supply stores and galleries Book stores Camera stores and photoqraphic studios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores Specialty food stores Florists Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores Leather goods stores liquor stores Newsstands and tobacco stores -: or.d. 29 \ \ Page 5 Professional and business offices Sporting goods stores Stationery stores Toy stores Variety stores Barber shops Beauty shops ' Travel and ticket agencies Delicatessens with food service Cocktail lounges, taverns and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaurants Additional businesses or services deter- mined to be similar to permitted uses inaccord with the provisions of Section 21.200 of this ordinance. (B) fn Development Area B the following'uses shall be permitted: (1) Multiple family resj-dential dvrellings (C) In Development Areas A and B the following conditj-onal uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 hereof: (1) Public Utility and public service uses; (2) Public buildi-ngs, grounds, and facilities; (3) Public or private schools; (4) Public park and recreation facilities; ( 5) l4eeting rooms . (D) In Development Areas A and B the following accessory uses shall be permitted: (1) Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, '' including, but not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, handball and squash courts and similar recrea- tional facilities. ' ( i Page 6 (2) Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accord with the pro- visions of Section 18.58.130 hereof. (3) Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and nec- essary for the operation thereof. (6) Development Standards. The following development standards have been submitted to the Planning commission for its consideration and recommenda- tions and are hereby appr'oved- by the Town.council; these standards shall be incorporaled in the Approved Development plan pertinent to each Development Area to.pro.tect- the integrity'of the deverop- rnent of SDD5; the following are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorpor- ated in the Approved Development plan. The standard.s set forth in this Articre sharl appry only to Development Area B. Develop- ment Area A may be modjlte.d__pE_egi{ed that no such modification ) shal1 increase the discrepancy betr.reen the structure or site \ itTtprovg_!9nts and the deve1ofu^^ h in this 4__ ____= Article for Development Areq,B_,.-.- (A) Lot Area - Development Area B shall consist of approximately 6.3 acres (B) Setbacks - The required setbacks shall be as indicated on the Approved Development plan, being a mi-nimum of 20 feet from any perimeter property line of the total site. (C) Distance Between Buildings - The minimum distances between all buildings on the site shall be as indicated on the Approved Development plan. \ (D) I{eight - The maximum heiqht of a1l buildings shal1 be 45 feet. (E) Density Control - The floor area of buildings and number of dwelling units shall not exceed following provisions: all the r Ord. C 29 Page 7 Devel. Area AExt. BIdg. Maximum gross residentialfloor area(square feet) =44z€Of Maximum number of dwellingunits ,W t?4 /J,/*35- -248- Devel. Area B -1-3+1000- Totals SDD5 7>'?rf{v -I9ez+0€- I frffi tp \ Max imum gross commercialfloor area(square feet)18 ,000 _ =-0-18,000 (F) Building Bulk Control - Building bulk, maxi- mum wa1l lengths, maximum dimensi-ons of building groups, and requirements for wall off-sets, shall be as indicated on the Approved Development PIan. (G) Site Coverage - Not more than 20 per cent of the Development Area B shall be covered by buildings. (H) Landscaping and Naturar open space - A m:-ni- mum of 60 per cent of Development Area B shall be landscapeal or natural open space in accordance with the Approved Development Plan. (I) Parking and Loading - (1) offstreet parking shal1 be provided in accord with Chapter 18.52 of this ordinance; at least 85 per cent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildinge, or beneath accessory decks, terraces, plazas, or tennis courts and sha1l be completely enclosed and screened from iew. (2) No parking or loading area shall be located, in any required front setback area or on the south side of any building, and no parking or Loading shall be permitted at any time in areas designated for recreation or open space use on the Approved Development. Plan. c Ord. 29 ( \ Page I (3) Driveruavs r passenger loading areas, and parking areas not located within a building shal1 be permitted only as indicated on the Approved Development p1an. (4) on-site Darkins shaI1 be provided for conmon carriers oroviding charter service to the development; said parking sites shalt be indicated on the Approved Development pIan. (7) Recreational Anenities Tax. The recreational amenities tax.due to the develooment within SDDS; shal1 be assessed at a rate not to exceed $0.75 per square foot of floor area and shall be pai.d in conjunction with construction phases and prior to the issuance of a building permit. (B) Special Provisions. (A) Conservation and Pollution Controls Iir l/ ttl Tr.tI tt r!, rr -eireplaces are provided within the development. they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures, and heat eirculating devices as technology exists at the tirne of development. t,ny (2') Developer's drainage plan shall includerA- p.rovisions for prevention of pollution from surface run-off - V (3) Develooer shall include in the buildingDt-construction in Developrnent Area B energy and water conservation controt" ". general technology exists at the time of construction. -1 n/ (B) A minimum "f U ernployee housing units shall\. be provided. This requirernent n'.ay be satisfied by provision of a communal living room - kitchen area, which shall constitut.e a dwel_- ling unit; and attached accomnodation units vrhich shall conslitute 1rl2 dwelling unit each. (C) Recreational Amenities - The Approved Develop_ ment P.l-an shall include the fortowing recreationaL amenilies: (1) A minimum of five additional tennis courts (Development Area A presently has three lennis courts with two of then covered durinq the winter L C a\\ Page 9Ord. 29 season.) Said tennis courts shall be made available to the general public on a fee basis, subject to reasonable regulation in favor of owners or guests of the development. (2) Tot Lot - Desisned in accordance with existj-ng TownJE6ifities as to materials used in \.2 (3) Bike and pedestrian path lraversing r.V!"froperty from east property line of Development Area A to west site'iine of Development Area B shal-l be provided by developer with exact location to be mutually acceptable to developer and the Town. I. (4) Swimming pool (in addition to existing .'AVvvpool in Development Area A) of adeguate size to reason- ably serve the needs of the development and shall be open to the public on a fee basis subject to reasonable regulation in favor of owners or guests of the develop- ment. , (D) Additional Amenities - I ^'t-.lY (f) Developer shall provide adequate trans-L,/ \ portition services to the ordners and guests of the development so as to transport them from the development io Vift"oe Core area and Lionshead area. l.D[_.- (2) Developer shall provide in its Approved Development Plan a bus shelter of a design and location mulually agreeable to developer and Town Council. Said shel-ter to serve the Lionsridge area generally. ' (9) ff any part, section, subsection. sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining por- tions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, sub- sect.ion, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sect j.ons, subsections I sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. C ( t Ord. 29 Page 1O (10) The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail l,{unicipal Code as provided in this ordinance sha11 not affect any right whi.ch has accrued, any duty imposed, atrV violation that ocsurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution cornmenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby sha11 not revive any provisions or any ordinanee previously repealed or superseded unless stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND OBDERED PUBLISHED ONCE rN FULL, this 20th day of October, 1977, and a public hearing on this ordinance shal1 be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vai1, Colorado, on the 3rd day of January, 1978, at T:30 p.M., in the Municipal Building of the Town. it, .l \"1, . (a',. rt' ATTEST: .t\t Mayor ( NTRODUCED, READ , ADOPTED PUBLISHED (IN FULL) (BY (t f READING AND ORDEREDANt) ENACTED ON TITLE ONLY) sEc0N0 TH IS o o, fu*'r^../r*- , E*ft M*a TOWN CLERK .e T ( ORDINANCE NO. 6 Series of 1976 DEVELOPMII{T DISTRICT 5 AND THE OFFICIAL ZONIi{G { Sectjon 2. Amendment procedures Fulfilled; p.l annjng The amendment procedures prescribed jn Section 2'l .500 0rdinance have been fulfilled, with the report of the planninq commending the enactment of this ordinance Commissjon Report. of the Zoning Commission re- -v AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPECIAL AND AMENDING THE ZONII{G ORDINANCE MAP. IdHEREAS' Articre r, section 1.201 , of the Zoning 0rdinance, ordinance N0' 8, series of 'l973, of the Town of vair, colorado, as amended, established thirteen zoning districts for the municipality, one of which is the Special Deveiopment District. hJIIEREAS, Cojorado Investment Service, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, submitted as owner an appijcation requesting that the Town establish Special Development District 5, hereinafter refenred to as "sD5" for the deveropment on'its parcel of'l and cornprising approximately 2.54 acres in the portjon of the Lionsridge area more fully described as Lot ll and the. southeasterly portion of Lot 10, Resubdivision of Block C, Lionsridge Subdivision, of Eag] e, State of Colorado, which was annexed to the Town effective on County the 16th day of December -lgTS. 'r'JHEREAS' the establishment of the requested SD5 will ensure unified and coordinated development and use of a critical site as a whoie and in a manner suitable forthearea in which it .i s situated. IJHEREAS, the Town Council considers that is js reasonable, approprjate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to establ ish said 5D5; N0l{' THEREF0RE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI{N c0uNCIL 0F THE T0IJN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0, AS F0LL0t^lS: Section l. Title This ordjnance shall be known as the "Ordinance Estab'lishing Special 0eveiopment 0istrict S,,. L Zoni ng io ,5 S-ection 3. Spec'ia) Development District 5 Established; Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map. Pursurant to the provisions of Articles l, .l3, and z0 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8, series of 1973, of the Town of vail, colorado, as amended, Special Development District 5 (SD5) a special development zoning district' is hereby established for the development on a certain parcel of land comprising 2.54 acres in the Lionsridge area of the Town, and the Zon.ing 3rdinance and the Official Zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of the following provisions which shall become the sixth chapter of Article I3, the caption of which shall be "Special Development District 5', and a map which shal'l be- come an additjon to the Official Zoning l4ap: A. purposes. Special Deve'lopment 0istrict 5 is establisheC to ensure comprehensive deveiopment and use of an area in a manner that hrill be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives of the Zoning 0rdinance. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town council and the planning Commission, and there are significant aspects of the special development which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. B. Special Development Djstrict 5 Esiablished. (l) Special Development District 5 is established for the development on a parcel of land compris'ing z.b4 acres jn the Lionsridge area of the Town; special Development Djstrjct b and said 2.54 acres may be referred to as ',sD5". (2) The existjng bu'i'lding consisting of 55 dwelling units, ap- proximately 181000 square feet of commercial space, a swimming poo) and three tennis courts, shal'l be knoyrn as SDS. .-v I !t ( t C. Pennitted Uses. (l ) In SD5 (existing bui)ding and following uses shall be permitted: recreational facjl jtjes), the (a) Multiple family residential dwel'ljng; (b) Accessory retail and restaurant and service not occupying more than 18,000 square feet including the following: Apparel stores Art supply stores and gallerjes establ i shments --- I t r'O e Book stores Camera stores and photographic stud.ios Candy stores Chinaware and glassware stores Specialty food stores Fl ori sts Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores Leather goods stores Liquor stores llewsstanils and tobacco stores Sporting goods stores Stationery stores Toy stores Variety stores Barber shops Beauty shops Travel and ticket agencies Del icatessens with food service Cocktail )ounges, taverns and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaurants Additional businesses or services determined to be similarto permitted uses in accord with the-provisions of section21.200 of this ordinance. ( D. Condi tiona't Uses _ (l) In SD5 the following conditionat uses 'issuance of a Conditional Use permit in accord shall be permitted, with the provisionssubject to of Article \. l8 hereof; (a) Public utility and pub.lic service uses; (b) Publjc buildings, grounds, and facilities; (c) Public or private schools; (d) public park and recreation facilities; {e) Meeting rooms. -J- {o I .e ^v 7/E. Accessory Uses. (l) In SDS the fol.lowing accessory uses (a) Indoor and outdoor recreational but not Iimited to, sl,irming pools,. tennis courts. (b) Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accord with the provisions of section .,2.300 hereof. (c) Other uses customariiy incidental and accessory to permitted or conditionar uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. F. Developrnent Standards. (l ) General Density plan- Maximum gross residentjal floor arealsquare feet) Maximunr number of dwelling units Maximum gross commercial floor arealsquare feet) c. Additional Amenities. / (1) The developer shal'l provide adequate transportation services t to the owners and guests of the development so as to transport them from the deveropment to viriage core area andLionsheadarea, Section 4. Effective Date This ordinance shail take effect five days after pubiication fo.How.ing the final passage hereof. IIITRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AIID ORDERED PUBLISHED 0NcE IN FULL' this 10th day of February, 1976, and a pub.lic hearing on this ordinance shalr be herd at the regurar meeting of the Town councir of the Tourn of Vail, Colorado on the Znd day of March, 1976, at 7:30 p.M., in the Municipal Bui'lding of the Town of Vail. shall be permitted: facilities, inciuding Devel opment 5D5 Existing Btdg. 43,000 55 .l 8 ,000 --- -4- TO: FROM: DATE: Planning and Environmental Conrnission Community DeveJ-opment Department t{ay 1"1, 1,987 SUBJECT: A request to arnend special Development District #s,Development Area A, Vail Run in order to convert anexisting exterior tennis court to parking, creating atotal of ZL additional parking spaces.Applicant: VaiI Run Resort r. BACKGROUND OF REQUEST: The applicant, VaiI Run Resort, is reguesting to amendsDD#s, to arlow for the conversion of an exiJting tenniscourt to parking. construction of the access ramp to thetennis court would er-ininate five existing parki"b .p"""r.The proposed parking pran for the tennis coirrt area showsthe creation of 26 parkinq spaces for a total newadditional parking_ of-2j. ipaces. The Vail Run project wasdeveloped within the jurisdict.ion of Eagre counly ind uponannexation to the Tor,rrn of vail was zoned sDDs. ordinan^ce5, Series of l_996, established Special DeveloprnentDistrict No. 5 and d.escribes the-deveropment itan sirnpryas the existing conditions on site. Tha ordinance goes onto list,permitted and conditional uses. However, tiere isno mention of.parking requirements or site reguiremenissuch as certain recreation facirities and thehaintenancethereof, or any criteria related to site coverag.e,land.scaped areas, etc. The applicant, in a previous submittal , detailed a parkinganalysis that shows a shortfaLL of 92 spaces whencornparing existing conditions to current Town of Vailparking standards. rT. IMPACTS OF PROPOSAL The ordinance establishing special Development District 5!ta!g? lo specific reguirements regarding the recreational_facilities available to vail Run Resort. The loss of theexisting exterior tennis court is nitigated by th! tactthat there remains tr,'ro existing covered courts within theadjacent bubble. The applicant has certainly prov"., "need for additional parking on this site and il going tosome length in order to secure parking that they feel isnecessary for the functioning of their property. The only concern of the comrnunity Development Departmentis the impact of the conversion lrorn recreationai facility L t rrl. to parking on the adjacent Sirnba Run units. The applicanthas proposed a buffer of 15 foot tatl Colorado sprucetrees. We would encourage the planning Cornmission tocarefully examine the adequacy of this proposed buffer andpass along any concerns to the Design Review Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recornmendation is for approval. The Conmunity Developrnent Department feels that ttre applicant hassufficiently demonstrated a need for additional on-siteparking and we feel that the only impact of this proposalis the southwest corner of the lot that is adjacent Lo the Simba Run property. We do feel that the proposed buffercould be increased to further reduce this impact. { oo Peggy agreed with sid. J.,r. wondered why the christiania didnot take advantage of the attic space and add even more roonsto rnaximize Ehe iooition. raul responded that the basic roofline should be maintained and that the attic space had a verylow cei-ling. J.J. felt that the unit developnr-ent was not anissue as GRFA, -landscaping and site coverage standards weremaintained. Jirn viele agreed. Diana fert the DRB should findout which trees would be removed. and which saved. J.J- moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the request withfindings incruding'tJrere are exceptions--or extraorairiary-' ---- cirumstances or conditions applicable to the same site oi thevariance that do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone.rr Also given as the reason was the fact that theproposal conforned to the village Master plan. The vote was 6-o with conditions I through e in the memo and landscaping mustbe addressed at DRB, especially trees that will be lost.- Are est for an anendment toatrn order to aof at Va Run Resort: Mr. Willian spp5). Fleisher Kristan pritz presented the memo and showed a site p1an. shestated that the staff recomrnended approval of the r-quest. BiIl Fleisher, the applicant, add.ed information about thepresent parking situation. He proposed building a berm with awall of railroad ties with g'-lbr trees. rf th6re is no bein,he.proposed that the trees be r-5r high. He said he rnay arsoput trees in front of the bubble. Ann surlivan, manager of sinba Run to the west, distributed andread a letter of protest stating that noise, lj_ghting,pollution, and reduction of vatue of sinba iun iondorniniunswere the reasons for the protest. A letter was alsodistributed and read frorn Nicholas Giancamilli piotesting theparking tot. Bitr Fleisher responded that he felt the parking l-ot would beL5 feet from the property line and that there wis another 30feet to the sirnba Run building. He felt that the upper sinbaunits wouLd not be affected because people look outl-not down.IIe stated that there were two courts in the tennis 6ubb1e. Hearso stated that the parking rot would be used nainry for carswhich park all day rong, so the noise factor would. bi ninirnaland that vail Run did not experience undesirables in theirparking lot. He felt that sirnba was aware of the propety tinewhen they built their units. Ann surrivan repri.ed that the l-z units that she was referringto wourd rook down at the parking lot. she did not feel thatl-5 foot trees would buffer the parlcing lot frorn the higherunits. ial- devetcourt to -2- Planning and Environmental Commission May Ll,, 1"987 ABSENT larn Hop PRESENTJ.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Peggy Osterfosssid schultz Jim Viele kins 3H $i:t:ns \,.ras cat_Ied to order at 3:00 p.r,r. 356 Hanson Roa on Lot D, B ock 2 Vail VillacreFirst FilApplicant: Mr. paul Jghnston STAFF PRESENT KiGEffiJ_F'IEA Betsy Rosolack by the chairman, 1.4.feques! fg{.d.gnsitv and setback variances in ord.er tocglslruct additio e Kristan Pritz exprained-the. request and showed view anarysisdrawings, erevations and site ind fr-oor pLans. srr. exprlinedthat the staff recommended deni-at, but ii trre eei approved tberequest, the staff recommended 4 conditions ot -pprovaf. ,John Perkins, architect for the project, stated. that theprojecr was nor siving the christiaiii ; i;;-;; ilirarursernent,but was more back-of-house space to irnprov"-tn. lperations. Paul. Johnston, the applicant, stated that up to this time. theChristiania had not.Lld enough conmon area, that whoeverdesigned the christiania did not d.esign " i"ig"-"nough entryand lobby area. He mentioned that cofrpetiti;; h;r escaratedamong lodges. Regarding the landscaping of the--parking areanext to Hanson Ranch Road, he felt that the land'scapind miqhtnot survive because-of snow p10ws. Kristan arr=r"r"a that thelandscaping may need more aeiign work but could be designedwith snow removal consideratiois. sid, guestioned how rnuch landscaping coutd be put between theparking lot and street. He felt ti-at sinc"-ti"-pian rasi.ciiry:!pp:it..g the goals of the Village Master p1an, i" r"rt i_t wasnoE rJ-ght to penalize the appricant because the pl"an was notfinished. sia felt aurenitill should 1," """""i;g;.Paul added that the addition to Sarahrs was mainly forserving breakfast. He also mentioned that he rri"'n"a ongoingconversations with vA- concerning naking ttre p"ir.i"q 10t into"underground parking, but that si far tfie ""nir"i""lion was moreof a monologue. 1. I PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs IiEREBY crvEN that the pranning and gnvironrnental commission of the Town of vail will hord a publ-ic hearing in accordance with section lg.E6.060 of the municipal code of the Tov,m of Vail on May i.l_, Lgg7 at 3:OO pM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of; Request for density, setback and parking variances in order to construct additions to the chrl-stiania Lod.ge located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road on Lot D, Block 2, Vail Vlllage lst FilinE. Applicant: Paul Johnston Request for an arnendment to a special development district in order to change a tennis court to a parking lot at vail Run Resort (special Development District No. 5) located at 1023 Lionsridge Loop. Applicant: Mr. Williarn Fleischer A request for a density variance in order to encLose I balconies and z decks at the Treetops condorniniums Located at 450 East Lionshead circle on Lot 6, Block r, vail- Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Treetops Cond.ominium Association 2. 3. --h,"&/ # 3fir a t t 4- A request for a conditionar use permit in order to exSrand. the outdoor dining deek at Brurs Beanery Restaurant located at 193 gast Gore creek Drive on Tract A, Block 58, vail vilrage First Filing. Applicant: Blurs Restaurant The applications and information about the proposals are avail-able in the zoning adninistratorrs office during regurar office hours for publie inspection. TOWN Otr'VAII, COMMUNITS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoni.nq Administrator Published in the vaiL frail on ApriL z4-t LIBT !'' o '.-) .1.- G; ( PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October ?7, 1986 PRESENT DT5frI--Donovan Pam Hopkins Peggy 0sterfoss Sid Schultz ABSENT Bryan Hobbs Duane Piper Jim Viele After site inspections, the meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm by Diana Donovan. l. Approval of minutes of October 13, 1996. Peggy Osterfoss corrected the minutes- It was her understanding that theboard's interpretation of 2.8 was that it was to be jointly fininced by the skimountain owner and the town, This was suggested when Vjele made the mition toapprove the Land Use Plan, and Vie'le said that this was understood and it didnot need to be added to the motion. Diana Donovan corrected the motionconcerning the Town shop building. The motion should have included thestatement that the building was not to be used by children until a drive-indrop-off was installed. Pe 0sterfoss moved the minutes be as corrected and Sid Schultz se con e mot on. The vote y',as vor with Pam Hopkins abstai ni n uest to the Parki n 7o District and for a minor subdivisor an unzoned on e Nort ron tra e Road an STAFF PRESENTP-eteFTffi- Rick Pylman Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack z. e two TT on !. ES nea an Fleis est om'tnlums. can Rick Pylman reviewed the issue as it was presented at the previous meeting.Larry Eskwith stated that he had spoken to the PEC before the meeting and-askedthe other attorneys to speak. George Rosenberg, representing the opfonents ofthe issue, stated that the basis for not approving ttre zoning request was thatthis was not a self infljcted hardship. He statei that Flejscher was aware ofthe pre-existing use of the property. He mentioned that by colorado 1aw, theboard had the right to turn down requested zoning. Jay Peterson, representing Fleischer, stated that the issue of whether on notthe Highway Department should have notified the Town of vail was an issue between the Town and the Highway Department, not the Town of vail and theapplicant. He mentioned that he had spoken to Bill powell of the H.i ghway Department who was in charge of the disposition of parcels of land. -powill explained 4 ways the Highway Dept could dispose of 1and, and he felt that thisparcel did not have to be offered to the Town fjrst. Peterson mentioned that in near'ly all cases of Colorado law where someone hadrequested a zone district, a previous zone had existed. In this case there wasno zone. He stated that the parcel had highway right of use whjch includedp3.!j!9: that the appljcant had a right to use the property in some way, andthat this parcel was already approved for parking when Fleischer bough-t-it.Peterson showed several documents he had found to substantiate his ciaims whichjncluded memos from Trout Creek Architects dated Septemben 1983. He read from oae which indicated that Jim Sayre, former planner for the Town, had allowed greakaway l,,est to move forward to apply to the DRB. A DRB approval dated October I983 jncluded the contingency that no building permit would be.i ssueduntil the property was purchased from the Highway Department. Jay a'l so readother documents which he felt showed the item would not have been required togo through PEC. Peterson said it was apparent to the Town that they knew aboutthe transfer of this land. He stated that this was not a self inflicted o hardship. He mentioned that the photos used at the meeting previously shouldbe part of the record. George Rosenberg stated that an error made on the part of the staff in l9g3 didnot mean the error should be compounded. He stated that if Breakaway West had ORB approval , they still needed PEC approval , and the deal never wenl through. He added that the first priority must be to on-site parking, not off-site. Hefelt the applicant knew what he could use the property for.' He could have mideinquiries before purchasing the property. Larry Eskwith stated that the town was not bound to follow a process in whichit had previously made errors, that the process was not "stopped.,' Eskwithrepeated that a self infl'i cted hardship included the knowledge of what the zonewas before purchasing. Jay stated that the applicant did come to the Town tofind out what the property could be used for. Peter Patten said the Town did not support the sale of the parcel or the use asparking. The staff remains neutral in DRB issues. Patten pointed out that thecondition piaced upon the approval stated the problem. He asked if theproperty was going to be restricted to the private use of vail Run and Jayanswered that there would be no restrictions upon who could use the lot,although according to the zone code, it could be .restricted to private use. Peggy Osterfoss stated that in light of the colorado )aw negarding unzoned'l and, she fel t that Fleischer had a right to put parking on the pioperty. Peggy felt that it was an unfortunate use of the property and hoped an - appropriate buffer and maximum safety to bikers would be part of any approval .She felt that a hump in the bike path that was made during the consirultion otthe road cut should be corrected. sid schultz regretted the piece of land went to the highest bidder, and the Town could not purchase it. He agreed with Peggy about Fleischer'i right touse the land and of the need for landscaping. Schuitz was concerned aSout the'landscaping biocking the vjew of bikes and cars. Pam Hopkins also regretted the fact that the Town could not own the land. shefelt that landscaping should also be placed between the lot and Breakawavlrlest's property and the bike path smoothed out. Jay stated that the hump in the bike path was made so that cars would not slideback onto the bike path in winter. D'i ana Donovan stated that she chose to look at the property as a piece of landsurrounded by the Town. she felt that the history of the land was notapplicable, and the PEC had the right to adopt zoning to a reasonable use. andfelt that parking was a forced use. She pointed out that as proposed by Breakaway west, the access was different, and therefore it was i'i ke deaiingwjth a different parcej. The lot is not legally tied to the property it seeks ((o I t'l to serve. Diana pointed out that landscaping of the lot was necessary, whichthen made the situation unsafe, especially to the b.i ke path. rhjs parlijng lotwould have a negative impact on both the bike path and the surroundingproperty- Diana said that when Jay stated that the same number of cars wouldbe accessing the Frontage Road, he did not mention that at present these carsane coming from a main road, not a parking lot. terfoss mqvqd and Schultz seconded to rec da roval to Town Council ofth two conditions: Landscape is reguired per DRB. 2 ff ensure that safety of b ikers consi red in lac nt of anoscapl n etc. Donovan ai nst. Next co s idere equest for a ml nor subdi vi s i n of the ro Schul move0 opki ns seconded to e the est per th taffevoWAS 4-n tavor 3. Request for rear setback variance in ordel to construct an addjtjon to a Rick Py'lman explained the request, pointing out that this was a second floo,.addition to the a1 ready encroaching first iloor, and no increase in encroachment was being requested. Staff recommended approval . Schultz moved qnd Hopkins seconded app rov the re est per the staffause of the existinq setbacks-VOEC sq-avor. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 pM. ! H PROPERTY OWNERS ADJACENT TO BREAKAWAY VY'EST on Lot B-3 Block B Lions Ridge Filing #1 Vail Run 1000 Lions Ridge Owner: Snow Fox and Snow Lion Sand,stone Creek Sandstone 70 Sandstone Intervals Loop Colorado federal SavLngs 821 1?th st. D"nttut, Col-orado 80202 Snorr Tox United PartnershiP "7o Po* Land Investment' Inc' Box 599 -,-.r-rryS""tt"atfe, Arizona 3) t' Sandstone PartnershiP Box 1908 Vall-, Colorado 81658 Condominium Associat ion Box 1206 ?ail-, Colorado 81658 2600 South Parker Road NBuilding 5 Suite 150 att"ot*, Colorado 80014 toa3 Lf( L-"r-F[*J-*''h# ,-,L-\-Pl ,,f/c fl-t*t Do" /.\ C d**'/ ..f- 6" .,ie'-'o7/'*-l , t t}r ' .r :i oo .t Date of Applicati"" 9 //,,f) IrG APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DE\IEIOPMENf PLAN r' This procedure is reguired for any project that wourd go throughthe Special Developrndnt District iroceiure. The application will not be accepted until alr information is submitted. A.NA}4E OF APPI.ICANT VAiI RUN RESOTI COUTNUNitV ADDRESS 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Vai1, Colorado g1657 pHONE 476-150a B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLTCANTIS REPRESENTATIVE Jay K. PeteTson P.0. Box 3149, Vai1, Colorado g165g PHONE 476-OO92 c.AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Vail, Colorado g1657 PHONE 476-1500 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS 1000 Lionsridge loop, Vail, Colorado g1657, LEGAL DESCR1pTION See attached Fxhiblt rA FFF \ 'J'' , J a-7 f'<'-'/ct'" o7 F' A List of the name of owners of all property adjacent to theSubject property and their urailing addr6sse!. See Attached. II. Four (4) copies of the foJ-lowing information:. A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposalB. An environmenral impacr i;'p;rt ;i{ii'i,;'submitted to the zonlngadministrator in accordance with chapter 18.56 hereof unless waivedby Section 18.56.030, exempt projecti; c' An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated lv al,:.deveropment wilhout undue burden on availableor proposed public facilities; (0\/ER) t,. lr AppJ-icati"" irlpecial Developme". orfrl' Development plan Existing contours having contour intervals of not more thanfeet if the average slope of the site j_s twenty percent oror with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if theslope of the site is greater than twenty percent. D. F. G. five less, average l.Proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch egualsfifty feet, showing the approximate rocations and dimensions-ofarl buildings and structures, uses therein, and aLl principal sitedevelopment features, such as landscaped areas, recieatioial facili_ties, pedestrian plazas and. walkways, service entries, driveways,and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contouriafter grading and site development; A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not srnaller than one inchequals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retaj-nedor removed, and showing proposed landscapi-ng and landscaped sitedevelopment features. such as outd.oor recreational faciliti.r,bicycle paths. trails, ped.estrian plazas and walkways, water ieatures,and other elements ; Preliminary building elevations, sections. and floor plans, ata scale not s:naller than one-eighth eguals one foot, in suificientdetail to determine floot area, gross resid.ential floor area, interiorcircuration, locati-ons of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed d.evelopmeni. III. Tj-me Requirements The .Planning and Envj_ronmental Commi,ssion meetsMondays of each month. An applicatj_on with thematerj.al must be submitted four weeks prior to N0TE: It is reconmended that before a special d.eveloprnentis submitted, a review and contnent meeting should beDepartment of Conmun ity Development. on the 2nd and 4thnecessary accompanyingthe date of the meeting, district applicationset up with the r-, ot at A-part of 1and situate in Ehe Cc<rf coloraao aescribed as a part'::ty of-Eagre, stateLor 11 or a nesumivisiJn-"i';i"il""filu*r El8.ill"?i"BLock c' accordils to the plat ihereof recorded. in theIilllujr":"i:;":l;,k-uii=n5iliu.',, counry or Easre,raee ass;;;"ffii:{ on rune 8, 1e73-in-eool<-it6*I. folLows: cn rs more paiticularly au".iiula uu Beginning "t " "?::._p:rnn the Sourheasr corner of saidBlock c, also Uling tfre wisfeJri lnaurseetion of rherrghts-of-way of -rrt".=t.il'ii-tuna-r,lo-1, " Ridge Loop;cnence sourh s9"57.,0g;-riu"I ;i";; the Norrheriy righe_?.f-""y of rnrerstlt"_ zo"J'jililirl"-or 166. es fEer;cnence 34I.02 feet alonS th;-;;;, illlfi"'3,'i;,1:51 lty:;; ;";Jil.i'dnlE".f13:l;lil,, .sg ":oizIi "#;' Ij.l"ilriiuolrli.fl;:.,:1il1"::iX"'"urhcorner of said ":! lb;-t-n.i.-!'ioi.n a1"o 6,L7u rait adlstance of 361.06 feerl;";"p;ii_..9., *re soutrrerryrrght-of-way rine "t uuij-r.iofiy"..,*iage Loop,. thence:i;13.:i'd rish t-ol-"iv -t";*ii,u - to r rowins rhree North 73"O4r4BI East a distance of g0.gG feetto a point of curviture, - 331.84 feet along the_arc of a curve to theright having a central .ngi. Jt-)oo4g!06,, anda radius of 247.56 feet,--r-- va South 30007'06" !gs! a.distance of 0. 22 feetto the point of beginni;;;--""" " 1. 2. 3. b TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: all th Planning and Environmental Commjssjon Communi ty Deve] opment Department October 13, 1986 A request to amend Special Development Area A, Vail Run, in order to constructparking spaces on the south side of the Vail Run Resort Community I.BACKGROUND OF REQUEST The appl ic District #5, Development an additional 11 exterior bui l di ng. is requesting ces on the s roJect was developed on site. Those S any amendment the approved within the jurisdiction of Eagle,Vail created and zoned Vail Run S which establ ishes Special Oevelopmendevelopmen@ to those devel o own of current Jh+-€rrbnntrconditions as the deve)opment p1 an,existing conditions must require an amendnent to-ial Development District #5. a parking analysis that details aisting conditions to current Town applicant has also submitted a portion ntly submitted to Eagle County as a part of proposal . This site p1an, which is not a shows some parking located jn the area of shortfal'l of Vail of a site opment Vail recordsn proposal. the part of the The proposed park:in9 lot des.i gn, drawn by Gordon R. pierce and dated8/20/86, submitted with this application eliminates approximately 400 lquare feet of existing landscaping. The proposed design creates a 1.00foot l.ong retaining wall on the property line with a laidscaped bermextending from the property line to the bicycle path, within State Highway Department right-of-way. Permjssion from the State Highway Department will be required in order to comp'l ete the proposed iandicapepl an. EVALLIATION OF PROPOSAL section 'l 8.40.080 of the municipal code provides criteria for evaluationof design within the general special Development District regulations. SurFJ : 5,D 4y"r"l t;.r,--+: l*"f \brr, G -o' truction of 11. exterior parkin! . --uwn annexatlon, tne-ts#r Ordinance 6, Series of 1976, ns con slsr o existing building, swimming poofurts. The"ordinance goes on to list permitted and condjtionalHowever, it makes no mention of parking requirements or sjterequirements, such as landscaped areas and exterior parking areas. Because the ordinance es applicant has submjof 97 spaces 'in compariparkjng standards. plan that was II. cs l*"r oktr h^e*o \, The only applicable criteiNor evaluatjon of this pr buffer zone requ'! rement. The)Conrmunity 0evelopment De-ssed through the design/by the State Highway Depaftment III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation js for approval . The Community Deve'l opment Department feels that the applicant has sufficrently demonstrated a needfor additional on-site parking and we believe that the berming and landscaping will sufficient'ly screen this parking area from the public right-of-way. lrlhile there is a loss of approximately 400 squire feet ofexisting landscaped area, we feel that the introductjon of a substant.ialquantity of large species material could nitigate the impact of this newparking area from the public vjew. -that this 'is adeouate landSdaFing proposed al ong 6nt fe?l s the berming and ri ght-of-way l-_.qq I t\ \ II I I ?str -! _l' $ I l I l I I I I t $ ]L i i I I ! t t (t Itfa il E .0 -1 - 0 ,l 'r IV I*. t ?e ?f { SR$) P\ ri $F$il | '-J .\\ '\t\ 2fl A c .? $xlr.l .\\ fl oott\ o FL!- :I IDt!{ Y tII ( TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Pl ann'ing and Environmental Commission Communi ty Devel opment Department 0ctober 13, 1986 Request for a minor subdivision in order to subdivide a 0.1.20 acreparcel from the state of colorado I-70 right-of-way located-in thevicinity of Breakaway hlest on the North Fiontage Road. APPLICANT: t,{illiam I. Fleischer I. THE REQUEST The app'l icanto lr|illiam F1 eischer, is request'ing to subdivide 0.120 acresof state Highwav Department righi-of-way. rnii parcel of land *i, -'- -- transferred to Mr- Fleischer through a deed dated Aprit zs, rsa4. TheTown of vai1, however, has no record of this p"operty being regailysubdivided. lrle have, therefore, requested Nr. rieisiner t6 go-thriughthe subdivision process. Section .l7.16.110 of the Subdivisi6nRegulations states the following pEC review crjter.i a: "The burden of proof sharr rest. with the appricant to show thatthe application. is in compfiance with the intent and purposes of !l'ri1 cfanler, .the zoning ordinance and other pertineni regulationsthat the PEC deems appjicable. Due consideration shal] bi givento the recommendations made by public agencies, utj lity comfanies,and other agencies consurted under r7.16.090. 'The pEC-shali rev'iew the application and consider its appropriateness w.i thregard to Town of vai'l po1 icies relating to subdivision control ,densities,proposed, regulatjons, ordinances and resolutions andother appljcable docunents, envjronmental integrity andcompatibility with surrounding iand uses.rr * Legal ]y, subdivision regu'l ation is limited to a review of the technicaland.specific elements of the subdivision code itself. This includes ihereview of. access, minimum 1ot size, minimum frontage, road-grades,physical buildabilitv of the land itserf (slope, gioiogiiatlh".ards,vegetation, etc). Because the parking district-wis adopted w.ith nominimum lot size regulation and the fact the colorado Department ofHighways issued an access permit to Mr. Fleischer, ttre abptication meetsthese-technical requ'ireTgl+. The appr icant is a'iso reqlirsting ionins--on this parcel , which will be addressed in a separate memo. II }Jhile the staff has a philosophical problem with the concept oftransferring state Highway Department right-of-way from public toprivate ownership, this app'l ication does meet the technical requirementsas specified through the Town of vaii subdivis'i on regulations.Therefore, we recommend approval of this request. t rFt" .. ( l\ t J.Reouest for an storaqe un er c0 Commerc ia Core III. dment to the zonin code in orde to add commercialti ona uses and nea P permitted usescicant; Va Ma oint Ventures amendment to S i a'l Devel o nt District 5. VaiI Runsurface parki n ont e sou of the ul I q l n un Resort nit Kristan Pritz explained that the code for commerc'ia'l storage would include aphrase, "as long as it does not have any existing exterior-window d.i splay frontage.on^any_pub1 ic way, street, or ma1 I area-and no existing exterio-r window display frontage on any public way, street or mall area is removed inorder to provide commercial storage, and the commercial storage shall belimited to l0% of the gross commercial square footage of the 6u.i 1ding.,, The staff felt that both the health club and commercial storage uses were verycompatible with the jntent of commercial core III, as long as the commercialstorage does not have exterior window display frontage and is limited to l0% ofthe gross commercial square footage of the nuitaing. The easy vehicular accessfound in this zone district makes it particularly well suited for commercialstorage use. Diana Donovan wanted to make sure that a space like the Menucould not be turned into a comnercial storage area. Dave Tyrel'l assured herthat that was not the intent of the zoning amendment. He intended to utilizespace that was not suitable for retail or other service uses such as basementand perhaps space on the north side of the West Vail Mall. Dave Tyrrell, applicant, answered questions. ( 4.equest for an n order to adpplE-;rT; Rick Pylman explained-that-the app'l icant wanted to add 11 surface parking spaces on the south side of the exj sting vajl Run Building. He showed a siteplan. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, presentei four letters insupport of the parking. The boand asked about the 'l andscaping on Highwayright-of-way and were to'l d the approva'l would have to be contingent ilpon- Highway Department acceptance of the 'landscaped berm. Jay Peteison slated thatjt was the intention to keep these spaces for the conmerclal tenants. Dianafelt the lot should definitely be total 1y screened. Schultz moved and qsterJggs_rgtg.lded to approve the requested amendment to SDD5 L J'im viele moved and Bryan ljobbs_seconded to approve the request for the as 6-0 in favor. -4- PEC 10/13/86 'ta' E (Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney, joined the meeting for this item.) Rick Pylman explained that the board would deal with the zonlng first. Headded that traditional uses of highway rights-of-way were pathi, bikeways andopen space' Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that he traO trieOto work with the staff. to come up with some appropriate use of the property- He-said the applicant had owned the property since 1994, so jt had been jn-the private domain since that time. He mentioned that the app)icant had spoken toMike McGee of the uail Fire Department about the property', and that thereforethe Town did know of the approval to construct an entrance to the property. Peterson reviewed the criteria and stated that parking is allowed onrights-of-ways and mentioned the south Frontage Road is an example. He feltthat the second criterian that of the relationship with adjacenl land uses,would support the parking, since there was much parking in the vic.i nity.Peterson also mentioned the fact that from sun vail to-safeway there wire 2lroad cuts across the bike path, and passed photos to show thii. He felt thatbuffers cannot be guaranteed in all areas. He felt that the staff was notproposing any use, for there was no use on Greenbelt and Natural open Spacezone districts. Peterson said in 10/83 the Town approved a landscape pian for Breakaway west which included parking on the subject site, and in lilg3 theCouncil- also approved it. Peter Patten stated that parking use allowed in the Parking Distrjct was publjcparking. He added that the zl road cuts were .in place before the bike patt'1fiEinstalled. He added that in every case of sares of rigFrEF6:F-way, the staffhad protested the sale. Further, staff did not suppori the DRB iecisionconcerning landscaping of Breakaway }lest, and that staff does not write a memoto DRB concerning itens on the DRB agendas. George Rosenberg, representing Breakaway l.tjest home owners of 50 units, statedthat the zoning should be consistent with the Master plan and Land use plan. He stated that the parce) has been and should remain open space or a compatib'leuse. Rosenberg added that Mr- Fleischer should have know the use when heacquired the property, He stressed that the burden of proof to make theappropriate change should be the applicant's rather than the Town,s. Rosenberg reminded the staff that sections 18.34, parking District and lg.52,Off streetParking and Load'i ng must be harnonious to some extent. He quoted from18.34.010 Purpose Section, "...while ensuring adequate light, air, privacy, and open spice for each valjd use in adjacent areas." He pointed oul that-oneuse could be a park. Rosenberg felt that this app'l ication tied into theearlier one for vail Run and stated that each development is required toprovide parking on site not off site. He felt the safety issue was paramount, and the situation as proposed was c1 ear'ly hazardous. He-mentioned that larqetrees as proposed in the landscaped berm would block the view. He mentionelthat no provisions had been made for snow storage on the lot. Referring toJay's statement that the adjacent lot was not landscaped, Rosenberg pointed outthat Breakaway ldest had recently spent $90,000 to landscape their property. 1V1S10n cant: Fleis -5- PEC 10/13/86 ttr '' 'a Rosenberg felt that the disposal of this right-of-way area was precedent setting and the staff would see more sales of this type. He added that open space was a use and a reasonable use. He added that an alternate use could bea tot lot. Duane Piper stated that the Town had received 38 letters in opposition to theproposed zone. He asked Larry Eskwith whether or not open space was jndeed ause, and Larry answered that it was. He added that the Highway Department hadviolated state statutes by not offering the r.o.w to the local'government forfirst right of refusal and as a result had placed the Town in a difficult posi ti on. Larry Eskwith stated that he would like to have more time to deal with the Highway Department and requested the matter to be taken under advjsement untjlthe meeting of October 27. Piper asked the board how they felt about tab]ing, and the board agreed it would be good to learn more, a1 though it would mean thepublic would have to come back again. 6. le moved and Donovan seconded to table this t unti I October 27 19886. vote was 6-0 n favor of ta Re uest f r a conditional use rmit in order to cha the use of the Appl i cant;own o Peter Patten showed site and f1 oor pl ans which respected an existing easementto the upper Eagle valley water and sanitation bui'l ding to the east. The shopsare zoned Public Use District, but lie general 1y within the Arterial BusinessDistrict. The Town had been 'leasing the building to a variety of tenants and was now in the process of taking it over for Town of vail use. The request isto allow recreation facilities and programs on the upper floor as wel'l as storage on the lower floor. Public recreation facilities (other than parks andplaygrounds) are a conditional use in the Public Use District. The site contains 30 parking spaces, and the staff felt that this number would be adequate to serve any peak parking demand. A1 so, the smail lot east qf the uEvwsD plant would serve as an overflow. The lot is currently used by UEVWSDpersonnel during the day. ceil Folz of the Recneation Department exp'l ained that the gymnastics program would be moved from the Red Sandstone gym to this building and the gymnastics program could then be enlarged and the space at Red Sandstone could be utilizedfor other activities- Diana Donovan was concerned about the safety of the children being dropped off and suggested that a drive-through drop off at the upper door be instal'l ed before the gymnastics program be allowed to begin. The board also discussed needed'l andscaping, and were told that DRB would address the landscaping requi red. n0van moved and Osterfoss seconded to rove the est for a conditional e perm t Der e con t'i o e to safetv. a to dren were a e the ac ocated on a part of Tract aBprova was 6 the sta -6- PEC 10/13/86 roval The vo o TO 7-."J- ,r" . ' ! 'la a-L;ti! 1t APPLICATIOII DATE: . DATE OF DRB IISETI ORB APPLICATION t****THts AppLtcATIoN ilILL NoT 8E ACCTPTED UilTIL ALL INF0RMATI0N IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATTOlt IIEETII{G: . A pre-application meeting with_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to ^r^l^*:-^:a --., ",r,ririnint {nfnrmat-ion is npeded- No aoolication will be acceptA Ofe-apOliCatiOn n€eting Witn a plannrng SIaTT memDer ls strotlgly >ugVE>Lcu LU 4"ft;ril!'ii-;;;'.;diiionat inforiration is needed.. No application will-E,l:::t!:{il;;;;'il i; ;"pi;;;-(must ilgly{e all items required.bv'1tre.?gnilg 1-dTili:!.11!l}. t.-, ii'ii-g,i iipiiiili;r iesponsibility to make an_appointment lrith the staff to-find o,it idui aliiitionat submittal requi'rements. Please note that a COFIPLETE applic:- iion-vliii iireimline the approval'process for your Project by decreasing the nunber of-ionaitions-of approvit iirat the'oRB may sti-pulatb. -ALt cbnditions of approval must be resolved before a building.permit ls issued- A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: . B. LocRrton or Address ' Legal Oescriptlon Lot--l-Q- Block -C- Filins Zoning C. T{AI'IE OF APPLICANT: obh,tntftr Address D. IIAHE ()F ' Address tel ephone ,n APPLICANI'S ry REPRESENTATIVE: terephone 47rqfrr7 E. Ml'lE 0F 0[{NERS: Signature Address F. DR8 FEE: tel ephone The fee will be paid at the time a bu'ilding FEE permit is requested. ,, $ 0-$ $ 10,001 - $ $ 50,001 - $' 9150,001 -'$ $500,001 - $1$ Over $f $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: l. tn additlon to meeting submittal requirements, the_aPplicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners, Irg.t- that will be removed should also be inarfiA, This work must be completed before the 0RB visits the sl te. 2. The review process for llE'rl BUILDIiIGS r.riJ'l normally involve tvo separate ne=:i;rgs of the gesibn Revieu $oard, so plan on at, least two neetings for their approval. 3. People who fail bo appear before"the Design Review Board meeting and who have'hot asked for a postponement vrill be republ i shed. II,TPORTANT I.IOTtCE 10,000 50,000 150,000 .500,000 ,000,000 ,000,000 REGARDING ALL SUBI4ISSIONS at their scheduled required to be 4, a If[T..06,!lSiFili*, ;lliFl'+?3ffi' The follorving informatlon is-required-for submittal aliri-6iiote-a final approval can be fiven: A. . EUTLDIIIG MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Stding .'.Other Hall $aterials Fasci a . Soffi ts tlindous . Uindow Trim 0oors 0oor Trim 'Hand on Oeck Rails Flues . Flashingl .. ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. I-ANDSCAPING: N3me PLANT .MATERIALS: . PROPOSE[) TREES " of Oesigner: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name 0uani ty LIST OF HATERIATS by the apPl icant Oeiigil Review OR to the c0L Si ze* W LAfuM',^L Aie"q- - EXISTII{G TREES TO 8E REiIOVED I I for deciducioustlndicate caliper ttr Indicrte height for coni fers . Eotanical Name__- l I . . PLA.1T IIATTRIATS: '. (con' t) SHRUSS Quani tv Size. EXISTING SHRUBS T0 8E R$'I0VED --..- - :..' - Tvoe $ouare Footaoe i*JE -rb--.-_* GROUND C(}VERS s00 SEEI} TYPE OF IRRIGATIOII TYPE OR METHOD OF ER05l0Il Co[TRoL C. 0THER' LAI|OSCAPE TEATURES (retaining wa1 ls, fences srlimming pools, nV.^n^ etc.) Please specify. i. ' i ir\. -. +.]-,t':. . DATE: LEGAL DEFETFTION: LOt. ZONE CHICK FOR sFi, R, R P/S ZoltE DISTRICTS Bl ock Filing AODRESS: OI,INER ARCHITECT ZONE OISTRITT-- PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Al l ot,ted (30) ( 33) lroposed Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA .Setbacks: Front Sides Rear tJater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta i ni ng l.la'l 1 Parking Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta 1./Hazards :' 20' ' lEl 15' (go) (so) Hei ghts (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25) (50) . (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope lJetl ands Geologlc Hazards Comments: Phone Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: lgnai,ure fltc'0sEP-21s86 Tom of Vail Town Council Vail-, Colorado 81657 Re: Rezoning of Land AdjoinLng the Breakaway ldest Condominium AssociatLon Dear Torn'n of Vail, Mayor, Town Council , CiEy Manager, Planntng Commission and Design Revlev Authority: The ?own of Val1 has proposed a zoning of greenbelt and open space be assj-gnedto an unzoned triangle of land bet?reen Breakaway Nest and the Frontage Road, The Breakaway West Condominium Association, through their Board of Directors, wholeheart.edly endorses this rezoning. In fact, any zoning of this propertyfor other lhan greenbelt and open space wou1d be unconscionable. We understand the or,rner of the property may have authority from the state to build an aecess road from the Frontage Road, acro€s the bike path and to theproperty. We strongly urge and request the Towr! of ValL resist this road building activity since it would be a significant eyesore and a danger to ears on the road and bikers/htkers on the path. At your zoning meeting on Sep ternber 8th, please approve the rezoning of this land to greenbelt and open spaee and direct your applicabl-e departments to do vhat the Town of Vail can do to prevent an eyesore and hazard. Thank you for your cousideration and please feel free to contact me as Presi- dent of the Board of Directors, j-f I can be of help in any way. Our manager, Don llenschel, has been instructed to be at the Septernber 8th rneeting. aRobet L J. Brabec PresidenL, Board of Dlrectors Breakaway West Condorninium Assoc, 600 Grant Street, Suite 510 Denver, C0lorado 80203 (303) 837-1026 E Adolfson Developmen!Phone (303) 440-0529 v_ 179s ALptNE DRTVE . BOULDER, COLORADO 80tto2 -4ot_I'd a,t.\* ",*^hfr '^-. ruLfLlvLn4 ,tJik tu.?**-t ""f&d k lurn^* Yi*ad*- il h C*u ru,*ot J-,U-\ d--fL ,^-l u a^4 +'rfUa^fun'ru* M .lr,: p,tu* + .h)*^u a:l f"rrrw,i4+_X n]ru*J /t-t'1^\ti,-- h^te-- flZrtW U I -oi'l 4 ,a^_*.41^^,tk -*","-b;-l^J , *^-{ -*L T,.e.u ^^,=h A' f;t/,/ '"-"*1 tc4' T /r^^ np^ "7^"^- k\,k^ .^*Ut^- ,' ou .: /*-^"-,.,^*- -LAr^[4f.\ ,lc L*j" [ 4Pl , M,,r o1-^orl,;^-- d"" U \ e-\'r'/-t -YV i; John A. McG€s September 16, 1986 The Planning & Environmental Comrnissjon Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 81657 RE: Breakaway West Property Gentl emen : I! l',a!-been brought to my attention that Mr. Fleischer, Managerof..Vail Run, has applied to the Town of Vail for the zoning ofa "Park'ing District Zone" for the sma'l 1 triangular piece oi properry adjacent to the bike path on the south side of Breakaway property. As an out-of-town owner I must trust and rely on the town'ofi.icials,to protect my property rights from unsightly, unsafe and unnecessaryzoning. Therefore, I request the town to zone the area in open space and/or Greenway rather than add'ing an area of unsightly appearance and additional congestion. /pas Thank you ur consideration. Breakaway West P.0. Box 1743 Vail, C0 81657 12606 Greenvile Avenue Dallas, Texas 75243 (214) 699-6007 Telecopy (214) 699'6032 wendt/co. 3773 Cherry CreekDn N. $utte24O Denoer, Colorado 8O2Og 399.9930 Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 SoL Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear l,lembers of the Commission Sept 14, 1986 I am writing to urge you to deny a parking zoning request for a parcel of ground, triangle shaped, near Lionsridge Loop and the frontage road, f rorn WiIliam Fleischer This ground is best desJ.gnated open spac'e or greenbelt. Mr. Fleischer knew this when he bought the ground in a hostile bid against the Breakaway tlest Condominium Association. The ground is surroundlecl by Breakaway West, who j ust in th.e .past two years have spent over $350rO0O to beautify and improve the grounds of the condominium. This project also corrected a very congested and dangerous traffic problem on Lionsridge Loop at the frontage road intersection. If the parking zoning is approved for this parcel ofground, another very dangerous and very unsightly trafficproblem will be created. where the cars will turn off the frontage road across the unlighted bike path. Thank you for your interest and attention to this matter. I hope you will vote to keep the area attractive and safe byzoning this area as open space. Sincerely, Carol Wendt cc Breakaway West Assoc you Wes t ZONE Post Office Box 3267 Vail, CO 81658 0ctober 2, L986 Planning and Environmental Comissl.on Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 I'lembers of the Board : RecenEly I was inforned of Williarn Fleischer's incent to request that zone a parcel of land west of Sandstone Creek and souch of Breakaway as a parking district. I URGE EACH AND EVERY ONE 0F YOU T0 VOTE TO TI{IS AS OPEN SPACE--GREENBELT! I have owned westview unlt /13 for nearly ten years and have enJoyed the vlew from my llving roon down the I-70 corridor to Beaver Creek l"lountain. I was disturbed recently when Breakaway revised their parking lot but must admlt that it sits north of my vlew corridor and they have done a superb job of berning, building attractive retaining walls and landscaping. Mr. Fleischer's project, ln my oplnlon, is detrinental to the environment when one considers the few spaces galned in respect to the damage proposed. I strongly dislike the asphalt that he has placed to date and would hope that you see flt to have 1t removed and returned to lts natural state t llis proposal also will put another access from the North Frontage Road through the bike path. I urge each and every one of you to vlsit the slte and inagine what a safety }i.azard, this will create. It is below Lionsridge Loop and and bikers who stop (or hesirace) when crossing this street will be accelerating at its entrance. That's a short, steep and partially blindhi1l. It is also below Red Sandstone Road and if you've ever seen them(the bikers) fly across the path ln front of the Westvlew driveway entrance and west across the Sandstone Creek bike bridge you can see what a problem this will cause. Someone, soueday is going to be seriously lnJured and I'd hate to see the likelihood of that increase due to your creating another parking 1ot. Again, I URGE EACI{ ANp EVERY ONE OF YoU TO VOTE TO ZONE TITIS AS oPEN SIACE--GREENBELT, and make nyself available for questlons and cormrenta at your convenlence. I can be reached during the day at 47 6-LI95 or in the evening at 949-4177. S lncerely , Rick Sackbauer ;/t).-J-f,( -4 1- / ()-,n*u-*--"2^-4-( 4vr--,'/t4z-:-- /r*^-/4/4/J (a ("/4 t- 7 / o-1r-v /, '1/i "5./ ! Wrr-uaw A. FrrzeenaLo September i9, 1986 Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: I own unit 465 in Breakaway West. I have owned this property forabout six years. During this period we have spent considerablemoney on this project, improving the environmental view of thefacility, primarily on the exterior. Twelve months ago all of theexterior parking was refurb'i shed and expanded to accommodate thosevehicles now belonging to this unit. I am concerned about a triangular pjece of property adjacent tothe bike path that is now attempting to be rezoned -for a parking d i stri ct. Thjs parcel of ground definitely detracts from the value of ourparcel , should it be rezoned. It really isn't practical and ithas a limjted number of stalls that could-be provided, if properly'landscaped so that it would not be distractive. I am afraiishould the zoning b_e granted, it will simply be used for employeeparking and probabiy wiil be a minimal improvement, detractinoconsiderably from all of the surrounding bu.i ld.ings. The access to this property will just further congest an already hazardous intersection. 0bviously, I don't live year round in Vail, but those few weeksthat I have to real1y enjoy my Breakaway property will not benearly as much fun in the years ahead if we destroy the 'l ast fjveyears worth of major exterior improvements that we have done to enhance the total look of this project; not only for the owners,but for all our neighbors in this area. I request that the parking zoning for the triangular parce'l be decl i ned. Sincerely yours, uddW t,l. A. Fitzgerald WAF/jab 21 eO SouaH 72 SarEsr. OMAHA NEBFAaKA 68 1 24. M,'ruNG Aooness; P O. Box 1 1 03, Drr.r. Sra.. Ouara. NEBtasKA 6El'1 O-1 Li^o.-.- \+ ^^/ C*au..'...', i-4t17 !\o^" .s \^*..-.7 Q.-L-..^- . ="^-\ \'** 'tr'-' -A' + +L q inOr.+lv-r- R.4- \l l1- u).tr'.; L..*-. O-- \t \et L*,\\*, o\ S'.*}J,*- -ro. c^*-r \.rt \-.\-/ ^{*-\.;\ ' \ +/ s.,."*\- a\gr.c..-t ':c"-"\*$ \^r€s\ o\ +\*-H"-* $*). = -,,'.LL'o-= **U* l\ L^"'.^r., {L*+ E ..\.--. \-i \ r - '\t^sz\ t =-- )\ rC ce-\ . c^- . -l r\ \ I -- \ '6OOos- {J^is a.ap\.66.{.; -L- \ravJ \r.e-'-.c ,) ,) \ r qJ c-, r ^ +L.+ o--L.*5 *=.oL lpp r-e.-;\*\),' d*.L\"" j.tt \ u,..,*-\, *, .5 \*^.--,-o Ur 3r; *L.--U *---\o.,,r\, / -"$ \.- =."j.-J V, $. -\\lU/ "A c\ ool^r,, \"\ . + \"-\.; S* \l*^.LJ ^q.L)*o t qo,*.-) \.,.= -it-e.r* \, .Sl"* - ,;., \*-,* l^..- -r*-N^ .L.-.^:,- . \. -\\.\.i \i-rr*J (^ \* uA*r,.r.r-, L*.\\.;, T c.,-- \."- \o-*-..*-, J o*'--/ o.LL€rs \,.,*1*,'^ t"*,\ *"{r\ L-,-, L* - \o-- Lolrs , ti*- ": Pl,orrnr lrw* Oc-Wer 5) /?86 dannnq arad Enu*o'-"'/of QPmi**ba TwnilVqil,i: t""14-?."uJt' Enl t/e//, C)/rrqdn 6 losT i:*:;:' y, r,,t * a", u/.J*", s,,il ; :1;7 ta" :fi,:*;:ir,r,k:2i!/.'hitr,r,r7rr';"7i, * r;r', ;ffi r/: !s:l'P.f/f " ":!i:| "'/Y' I, /"/ E';, "'*7/'3','l',,'' * l r, L ;i' /,'ttli'"*:ir''l''ioliz''Jt"' 'oJ 6e 'FP'j//::'z:I;"'/"/ *,,/r /J,,"/ Jrn +/" 0 ?,, fr,' TJF +t; :j/f:;" ; f:.[ [;f @ +h. cntrron*rctr*at 'aa*' t;, i' ii/ :s.,li ir:'*,:!:t r ,l','ii{lon-,o- '",", - t/ ^^',-'1 / (=) a r"l,iji /-/,.*"'/,J,-l/ -W'1:"L-/ ], /,,4' i"/:W'!f,;f:;,f:;'lLb"ll o+Ja 4rr#ic a t Fo. -/lt-" r€drions/ 1/,] //,- 7on"/ l. sfece J.""rl'il, T nod/J .7r""1 zo/-/tJ 7"o 7184 Rustic Trail Boulder, CO 80301 September 18, 1986 Planning & Env j.ronment Connission Town of Vail 85 South Frontage Road Vail, cO 8165? Dear Sirs: It has come to my attention that Mr, Fleischer, the owner of a 90 ft X 90 ft X 90 ft triangular piece of property adjacent to Breakaway West on Frontage Road, has applied for a rezoning to a Parking District Zoning. I would like to go on record as strongly opposing this zoning change for the following reasons: 1) Breakaway West spent considerable noney renovating and beauti-fying its property with the Town of Vail's help and advice. This very small piece of property as a parking lot wou.lddetract fron the scenic beauty of the area.2) A.lso, an additional driveway as close to the current inter- section would create a safety hazard at an already busy and dangerous intersection. Also, it would cross the bike path, and since it is not Iit. it would also be a hazard.3) This 90 X 90 X 90 piece of property with the setbacks wouldpark very few cars. Snow removal would be a problem and wouLd probably be pushed onto our property and damage Break- away West's landscaping. Irve been an out of town owner since 7974, and in the past have relied on the good judgment of the town of Vail to protect ourproperty interest and improve the environrnent of Vail in general. This judgment has been very good in the past, and I have to assume it wi 11 continue. This rezoning would not be in the best interest to the townof Vail or the property owners of Breakaway West, I therefore suggest this parcel of land be zoned open space/creen be1t. For your information, Mr, Fleischer has been trying to leaseor sel1 the land to Breakaway West. He suggested at our last annual meeting that he would find a use for the land and we would be sorry if we didn't go for his proposal, Tt seems to me that he is using the rezoning as a method of punishing Break- away for not carrying out his denands, S i ncere 1v ,fuLa.#<Ron-.ald O. Knox General Partner, Knox Limited (Unit 325) If L. Cleve Brown Presid€nt IntraWestlAaJ,Morigqe lntrrwclt lrortglg. Compeny Post Ottic€ 8ox 6504 ErEl6wood, Colorado 801 55.6504 (3031 792- 1000 Septerrber 17, 1986 Pl anning and Errvi ronrrent a I Cqmd ss ion Tovar of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail R:n Eployee Parking Request C.rent I erren : As a ueit o$ner at Breakaway Vhst (#3I5), I feel that there are a nr:r6er of i ssues to cons ider chen revi ewing William Fleischerts reques t for a Parki ngDistrict Zone at the intersection of lrbrth Frontage Road and Lions Ridge Loop. t. Access to the parcel vould require an addi tional curb cut in closeproximity to an existingr brrsy intersection. Even a riglrt-in/ rigfrt-out turning restriction on ingress and egress to the parcel uould significantly increase the danger to the general public using the street affected. Further, the existance and useage of the bike path along North Frontage Road adds to the opportunity for accidents by increasing the intersection crossings. 2. Brekarray lfest in cooperat ion with the Tovn-r of Vai I ts aesthetic irproverrent efforts spent a considerable sum to enhance the curb appeal of the project by addi ng extensive new landscaping along I'Iorth Front age Road. I:is new landscapi ng is i ntended to screen our southern parking lot. A parking lot on lt4r. Fleischerrs parcel will signif icantly detract fron Breakaway l4'bstrs and the tounIs general appeal . 3. Considering the size of the lot, I fail to see how the additional parking will in any qray be significant in light of the traffic dangers cited above. Further, such parking is in apparent con- tridiction to the toq/n|s poliry of keeping errployeesr cars out of t oq,n and encouraging bus ridership. L Page 1\o Septer$er 17, 1986 Based on the above, tr,lr. Fleischerrs request is not in the best interest of the general public nor rny best interest as a property ounef at Breakauiay llbst. I vnuld hope that the elected and appointed officials of the Tornn of Vail con-sider it appropriate to fairly represent the intereste ard concerns of all affected parties, especially those like rryself r*ro are non-resident property oulrers and tax payers. It is my opinion that N4r. Fleischerts pa"cel should be zoned and used as open space/green belt. This appears to be the only safe and practical useage. pas John V Mcrrng Sr. z44 /k&La( 72,fu*M--Hplry/,QM-2"(/ 'ru A-74 -aa-'a-* /q-{ty' /r// fu. /"/*aa ea;,,-Wn/4/z,A /zrAt'/ *9 a*Z %X /-ezr6* ,#/r, &r*r-Arr- fuftilrq Vss //,r-&/ Willi" G. A"LLv ttgte E. H."o."J Arr"r,.r" A.,ror", Colo*oJo 80014 /=uz tkq ;32::uryr**n:y"ffi-77ff9,o- (_./- ry // LU .r.-//,,4 *od z/ d<earfury at a1"?T*^ - a*on1*or.d4a-qf or,*i;_W/ble?aily -? *z/,t,;/ /-/u h*rort ; r:: "'2271 ;' Z - ^' -'+tOp ca,*il /#z4 r2,"Af ( ";:Y7.,* e gLaz de* a O-'yry, B"J -roa, ;;"#, ;L .o..,- n-2 tn ,/azzn €uA/ iO*ffi? r@:* oplts turyt r r*,fr ",?/4ae4*ytty J 7 fu<: Qut 44* AA, / ?fizf vg T6; G^,{ t/^;l.,Ab,J--\rf lonni ^1 4 flra i -n-"r,{^-( C-,-", tssrbnd 0^-*, 6 ruryto^-a*4fr"4'- t:Tl/./r(4- fr/_, O-4 D4zdL442 uuLa?1 . l'^-{- ^*^^J 4 &'J4^- AJ.tW* 4/"'t- -1- /)t )-+- - ],4/,r\ '*^ / ,;) o-'4-l^- 4# 4^/2..{ {" r-l-;Afu 4,-( +1"712,t -t L --/.2- ,1-- - -L.'*Juat- ;A4 er !- "151-4*U^i.;.t*-oo=-"f^";Pzl-'-/2rtr-z(f.-,+tl4:,irt L vt - /t-'?>tt-t ' ! r'. " ,.; , , ,../ -.--, r't . ..-')?- - iltu ./,tl-tr, d,.1*--**^*-*.dzau^z*a*t2 -- .... - e"-- 7.;n.cr' /, /t' .=* 1,fl.***'*6 !ro* -" . .... - .. . O {utr/,,. 4-- /o.-* O ^fu:42 Y 4t*<2y'-f /4u-,fr4/z.r-z?t A. d.*r,.r-r t(e-za+l 7y, U- /4rz:'A.rz.t'a-i-)4, A/.-nnZa<- " Frr, irr r -, lLLLrr- {a-o4*+ , -u,-L-(*1a4*:az47.a ^-,// .&aaaz*rf-.,. - ' H* /*a* ,,//*a4< rdaz- -f" tZ2 /2/G.4- 7 \ t*{dtLl*&4.r2*: dZ '*z*-^ a{4t , Lt fuZzr-r,.*:= O A*/-e zz, Ary' t/* (*o&*rJ-*r- f h- ;-O- /4 : , /,(4* ,Lrt / z.t4 Zd(4-2, .rl".oA,aoc"z/Zr- *zhz-L - Q/**n -/po+ lC.' U.+t4' zt/ g-t-r-z^-+i/-l- o o Barbara R. Suess Il33 Westchester Avenue. Whire Plains, NY 10604 n/' ,'i'yl <,-y'g,"inn r,'-f rz'-o7 e8/"/- !)l't't-, '^/ *r--- -ttt"7u f i-"''3 .,/nrfo V\,a*fu() 7/zr Z- tut"ti4 a.a/Krur^Y .^(r'*r d'6,,-^t".ry FZr*t/*; {^ q fu^f Os{,**("."" O:u-az'a"r,uu^q U I ct-*",-* ,4a il^, A- .Il /^^t4t- l^ *f (Jr4A . { -( t-lrt * "* u*'/dt /"t a- *ru rt,,*07 ort{4-74a Kon* t,''tt*a/' ;'t// (t+'"a"Lz'a- of !o*'L a rl ,rhoy*,') " Q( ^r// ,/" /u'u !--fr- fu ,a,.4 \l rhrfrizr,, ara/.Lzzz a,,-,/ (ffie^ t*/" ! l*'Y ett n'ttal ''A' '1 rt)^-f h"*-*fl. pLo/.tt-,,4 ""*f #z-'z-fto*to7 t------:> \ ./?( ', 2-"- 21" "-/ s7 \--l / (7131 46s-5057 J. RICH SPORTS LTD., INC. GENERAL OFFICES 8558 KAry FFEEWAY SUITE 105 WEST MEMOBIAL PARK HOUSTON. TEXAS 77024 SUBJECT:DArE: /lt/-qa ror-o I '6-, //6.f a^Z Ee- Azoz4uL/ PLEASE REPLY TO -} SIGNED em+r UAaZ REPLY DATE: SIGNED THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDNESSED f' Wr.-uaw A, FtTzGERALo September 19, 1986 Planning & Environmental Corrnission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: I own unit 465 in B_reakaway west. I have owned this property forabout six {e.ars. During this period we have spent ionijdei.abiemoney 0n this project, improving the environmental view of thefacility' primarily on the exteri6r. Twelve months ago all of theexterior parking was refurbished and expanded to accoilmodate thosevehicles now belonging to this unit. I am concerned .about a triangular piece of property adjacent tothe bike path that is now atiempting to be rezoned -for I parking di stri c t. Th'is parcel of ground definitely detracts from the value of ourparcel' should it be rezoned. 'It really isn't practical and ithas a limited number of stalts that could-be provfded, 'ir properiy landscaped so that it would not be distractive. -I ani arraiitshould the zoning.b_e granted, it will simply be used for employeeparking ald probab-l_y wiIl be a minimal improvement, detractingconsiderably from all of the surrounding buildings. The access to this-property will just further congest an alreadyhazardous intersection. 0bviou,sly, I don't live year round in vail, but those few weeksthat I have to really enjoy my Breakaway property will not benearly as much fun. in the years ahead if we destroy- the last fiveyears worth of major exterior improvements that wL have done toenhance the total look of this project; not only for the owners,but for all our neighbors in thjs area. I. reguest that the parking zoning for the triangular parcel be decl i ned. Sincerely yours, , n Ji- /7/ Ud d. 7'44/ffi= UU W. A. Fitzgerald t,lAF/jab e'12O s'otJr}{ 72 SiE€T.OMAHA NEEHAS<A 6E|l a4rManlrruo Aooness: P O, Box J 1c]3, DyN. SrA.. OMAHA. NEBFAaKA E8101 5-5#--.t..^ i(, to{aL PA4 a L^",-,r-,,"-"*-al Cr*"*--;*-T&--^ i t/"U 'lSS.^rLl-''," v- 8.-& \6:_a ,qL 8-f 6s? !a!-^frr^** |:t{*q*,-X"* J'\fr'' atfu^- L=fr W-**e q^Fl^t Q-r>t-u,a*.- ur-EL- ct- .+. ' n u, u t . 'o l'r Iltu"td* f*q ffi' ffi fl^<- fuu-L*-E U \ . . U ll ,..t - -, t ^ t z-\ -rff'" ,6,.-q 9- J\-{/^{ 5;r*s/Lll4 h4<< ta FtcI^' rr . '/ n J"t+-.o onon-*-Q a*-fuW-* *'*'04 lAi* *ffi'^\ , on n . -.--A .-+- r{ 4- n,,84tt3,H*-\.* :"*S Y'!-+tflA' : *'. Qo-6'e"' 4{^" *-...{-[, r-. t :k^-.---:', k_ ^- $qE2)lt^.4^{ ,rla^1rffi-,F^ ^:. ;tJ'.0.t^v.c-qq" i*il'n---) n.^.A ^- 0d LQ,^"-L t L;; c- t""-..:-r-at'-q- v;0 e**- \ '*'-l;Ll-' -'"-9{ ,So- ca.,L.-----q--. 6-,^. *^-?1.*\ " dld*l**A t LU& ^ fu*4<-, -Q"-tl"- A**: $ :::ffi-:l cA4-a4 ^ n'14 c-o*4'A'^''b,^ b"+a44A Jat- -* ^e^f.l tJ4 UJ' trt^- o*, . -*.0".'+:(t-. d attv-+-. \-if fU''--,r. Ju UJ"A t/v-j.- o 'u'''.Lu"l'Q rl-rm '\) n t / ' .-+*M^-L;-.*r.-E-r.^* a^--'-\-\ b-"--!.! /^*+ {*- +; tt \gPt-"--'JLI< ' u --l-l* \ /-0.--*-a-[ 9^J-;A **^^*11-{tf,:tt< f="^^ 4U-l ,ue\\hi r+k-;x- ffrdt= 2ryffi *t*: =,=\\; S ;IFI o-.*,-,^-t^^-{ :,'^;L t*""' p -ttr WYeq&'ffi-$-'ffi+r"iv^! St-"-*,*\Y, C-or.rc*., A r >rt^t-/* U"4^/r/ (t/\O-!^"^jfr- ,UAay \_g s QtrA&tr.f U A.T,C$R€.uer z)61R ^, a L*pr' ?aoo W. B.oo. cr€c'.,fV[ 4toas QwueLt tJ 'tt t t- Sr'[ B asA{a'A*rA Y \il estG u ao s David G. \A/altens, C.P.A. 7 U/indrnill Cneek Dnive Allen. Texas 75OOz September 22, L9B6 Planning & Enviromental Coxomission Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: f an an owner of properEy in Break Alray West fur the town of Vail. I arn writing in protest the zoning of a small triangular p j-ece of property owned by Mr. Fleischerto employee parking of the Vail Run Condominiums. I believe allowing this property to be nade into a parki-ng lot would result in a very unslightly appearance, considerl-ng the amount of money we have spent at Break Ar^ray West to beautify and hide our parklng lots- The dri.veway will cause an unnecesaary safety hazard to an already dangerous and busy intersection, and will iupact the bike path whlch is unlit at night. The space is to small to park any significant number of cars. Fioally as an out of town owner I must trust and rely upon the town officials of Vail to look after xxy property rights. 3ut even though I am an out of town owner I spend asignificant amount of tlme in Vail both sur.mer and winter, and feel very strongly about the continued good appearanceof the coruouoity. To this end I would suggest the t oern re-zone the space for open space green belt use. Si;rcerely, lr*^tl, il,W David G. Walt ers DGtl^l/dd t. -+.JUlon'E 7OI ANTLER DRVE CAAPER. WYOMING 6260T September 12, 1986 Plann'ing & Enviromental Conunission Town of Va'il 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Col orado 81657 Dear Town Offic'ial s This letter is written to protest the to convert a piece of property into a Run. IELEP}ION{E 307.2613211 applicat'ion submjtted by Mr. Fleischer, park'ing lot for the employees of Vail As a property owner jn Breakaway West which is located adjacent to thjs propertyI feel my concerns are valid. Consideri ng the amount of money spent by the owners at Breakaway West to beautify our parking lots" if allowed this parking lot would cause an unsightly appearance as Breakaway West has went out of the way to conceal the parking'lots. This lot is too small to accomadate many cars and what would be gained by a few additiona'l parking spaces could never out weigh the damage I feel it wjll cause us. I feel the additional traffic will cause safty hazards to the bjke path which is a1 ready p1 agued by a dangerous and busy intersection. As an out of town owner I am putting my trust in the town officjals to protect my rights as a property owner by zoning this property to open space or a green bel t. I am anxious'ly await'ing your dec jsion. :* -.E ROUNTIFUTU coRPoRRTroN R€( L UIST€R Prosldont September L2, 1986 Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 81657 To Wirom It May Concern; It is my understanding that Mr. Fleischer, owner of #222 Breakaway West and Manager ofVaiJ. Run. has applied to the town of Vail fora Parking District Zone to convert the trianglepiece of property adjacent to the bike pathi-nto parking for Vaj-l Run employees. As a Breakaway West owner I am outraged bythis application to rezone a beautiful pieceof property into an unsightly parking lot thatwould not even be large enough to park anysignificant number of cars in proportion tothe environmental damage it would cause. Itcertainly seems a futiJ.e effort to continueto spend money as we currently do, to beautifyand hide our parking 1ots, when this proposed]-ot would be unhidden and unattractive. Aswell as the aestheti-c repercussions. the drive-way to the parking lot would. cause an unneces-sary safety hazard to an already dangerous and busy intersection. It would also havea dangerous impact on the bi_ke path which isunlit at night. As an out of town owner I have no recoursebut to trust and rely on you, the Vail townofficials, to protect my property rights.I implore you to use thj"s property as openspace or a green beJ.t and NOT as an unsightly,unsafe and unnecessary parETng lot. Very truly yours, l80l Colifornio Street .suite900 . Denver. Colorodo 80909 . (303) 997-1801 Bill Matthews 1230 South Parker Road Denver, Colorado 80231 (303) 7s1-5100 September 12, 1986 PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: This letter is in protest to the appLication of I{r. Fleischer, o\dnerof 1t222 Breakaway West/Manager of Vail Run, to convert the triangleproperty for Vail Run employee parking, I own 1t525 Breakaway West /113C (BW13C) and object to the parking district rezoning for thefollowing reasons: - The appearance would be unsightly and the owners have alreadyspent a considerable amount of money to beautify and hide theparking lots. - The driveway will cause an unnecessary safety hazard to analready dangerous and busy intersection and will impact the bike path which is unlit at night. - The space is too sma11 to park anyproportion to environmental damage. - I am an out of town owner and trustto protect my property rights fromsary zoning. - I furthei request the town zone to open space/green belt Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours truly, BM/vf significant number of cars in and rely on the town officials unsightly, unsafe and unneces- tthews September 10, l986 Planning and EnvironnentaL Comnission Town 0f Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVailn Col-orado 81657, Dear Planning and Environnental Conmiseion: rt is my understanding that anl application has been nade forzoning that would a]low parklng for enployees of vail Run in thetriangle of property directly in front-of-the Bregkaway vriest cgnd.o-miniuns. As a honeowner at Breakawav west who spent a great sun of noneyto upgrade and beautlfy-the appearance of our complex, and to nakeour parkilg lots l-ess noticeable by planting treei anil shrubbery, itseems unthinkable that you would even entertain such a request.- -This triangle 9t land is al-so in full view of I-?Ot the frontage road,and the bikepathr and would certainly be an e,iesore as a farking'1ot.rt would al-so increase the danger of traffic accidents in- that irea.considering the size of the property in question, it seens thatthe only viable u_sage that would be consistenf with V;i1 rs image,woul-d be to zone it for open space and/or landscaping. r nust-r61yon your goqd judgement to vote for the best interests of the anpeai-ance of VAiL. Thank'you very nuch. Si-ncerely, lr r n 1 q-' \.i\(J'c.k,r\ *\'si'r1 1 .'-" l1t'l Kathleen Sonnesyn J17 Bross Street Longmont, Colorado(303) 776-8298 BoSO I P.S. Perhaps a density transfer could be arranged so that Vail Run, acrosa the road, could be given a nore intenslve use, and the triangle of property could be kept as open space. Septenber 15, 1986 BREAKAI'JAY WEST P.O. Box 1743Vaii, Colorado 8L657 Gentlemen: ft has come to rny attent,ion that application to convert thetriangle property adjacent to the bike pat,h in the front ofBreakaway West to a parking zone is pending before your Commis-sion' Prease consider this letter as a format obje-tion as suchrezoning :wirr create an unsightly appearance dimin-ishing the varueof_ the property. In adoitionr it is my feeling that Lhe drivewaywil"l cause an unnecessary safety hazard and will create anadditional flov of traffic to an already overloaded artery. For the benefit off request that t,he space of Vail itself and unencumbered. Breakaway West be allowed to and th remain tr. lf Ff T&ater-Vlozuneh Oulnniul 1[anrlaI Hsme ROD A. ROZANEK 9O4 NORTH BELL STREET TELEPHONE (4021 721-2510 FREMONT, NEBRASKA 68025 Septernber L5, 1986 Planning & &rvironmental C omrnlssion Town of Vail 75 South Frcrrtage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 T0l Planning & Brvironnental Conrnlsslon It has been brought to ny attention that an appllcation has been rnade to the Town of Yail for convertlng a trla.ngle piece of properby r*rlch exists between the blke path and the properLy of Breakariay West, lnto a parking lot for tlre cmvenlence of ttre people at ValI Run. I do not know lf the corurissi.on ls aware of just how nuch tlne and- expense was und.ertal<en by the property or{ners of Breakaway 'rlest to beautify our property and to nake at1 parklng areas forolr owners as attractlve as possible. I certainl.y want to go on recorll as ny natne is Roil A. Rozanek, of Fremont, Nebraska and orner of unit #353 al Sreal<away 'vlest, as beilg opposed to a.ny such pla.n as havlng ttre ab ove nentionedproperty conerted. into a parklng 1ot. F'otlowlng you shatl read flve good reas ons for ny objection. 1. Unsightly appearance - conslderlng the ano.rnt of noney we spent to beautlfy a^nd hlde orr parking 1ots. 2. Driveway will cause unnecessazy safety hazard to an already dangerous and busy intersection and w111 S.npact the blke pattr wtrlch is unllt at night. 3. Space is too snall to park a^ny slgniflcant number of cars ln proportlon to envirmnental d.arnage. 4, As an out of torm ancl out of state owner I rnust tnrst and rely on tonnofflclals to protect my property rlghts from an unslghtly, unsafe and unnecessary zcning. 5. I request town sone to open space/green belt. Thank yor for taklng time to conslder ny request and I assune that you will be able to see my polnt to view. nAn/dnc September 15, 1986 Planni.ng & Environmental Cornmission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail , COl-orado 81657 Dear Tor,rn of Vail Planning & Environmental Courmission: You are considering an appllcation to convert a trlangLe of property bordering on the bike path and Breakaway trIest, to a rrparking district zone". I understand this hearlng will be held October 13th. I strongly oppose this conversion to a parking lot, and I ask you to reject the zoning requeat and convert this property to the only logical use - open space and greenbelt. I base ny opposi.tion on: l. We have just spent $365,000 as an Assoclatlon, at Breakaway West, to beautify our property and provide a visual shiel-d for our parking 1ots. To a11ow an ugly asphalt paving of the triangle (about 4,400 sq. ft.) would be ugl-y and certainly contrary to the goal we understand you to have of beautlfying Vail , 2. The driveway and ent.ering and exiting of that driveway, will con- stitute a safety hazard on the road (lt cantt be more than 100 ft. from Lions Loop) as well as a danger to \ralkers and blkers. For the space to be of any use as a parking lot (as ugly as tha t would be) you would have to allow them to asphalt every square foot and, therefore, variances to your nornal requirenents would be needed. You canrt allow, in good conscience, this unsightly parking 1ot to be bui1t. As an out of town owner , as many condomlnir:ur oarners are, r^re must trust and reJ-y on you, as Vail toun off icial-s, to protect our property from changes in zoning J-ike thls. My letter Ls directed Lo you as an owner. at Breakaway West Condominium Association and as the President of Board of Directors. PLease zone Ehis property open space, greenbel t.. President, Board. of Dlrectors Breakaway West Condominium Association 600 Grant St., Suite 510 Denver, Colorado 80203 September 15, 1986 Planning and Ervirorunental Coruuission Toum of VailfJ South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado,8L55? Dear Sir: I am writing to protest the application of Mr. Fleischer, Manager of Vail Run, for a Parking District Zone. As an owner of Breakaway West I consider the parking zonehe is proposing an unsightly appearance - eonsidering the $350,000 rr'/s owners spent to up grade our property's appearance, landscaping, and parking. idding another driveway will cause an unnecessarlr safety hazard to an already dangerous and busy inter'section.also have an impact on the unlit bike path. lhe area i[r. Fleischer is proposing for parking is real-Iytoo small to park any significant number of cars as comparedto the amount of environment damage it will do. As an out of town ovmer I must trust arrd rely on Vail officialsto protect ny property rights from an unsightly, unsafe and unnecessary zoning. I am therefore requesting the llanning and hrvj.ronmental Coruoission to zone the area in question to open space and green belt. Howard R. Fenske l+,+10 valencia Circle Colorado Springs, Colorado, 8091? Telephone, 596-L345 It will tJr.i't 32? Brealraway West John A. Mccoe September 16, 1986 The Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 81657 RE: Breakaway l.lest Property Gentl emen : I! !u! been brought to my attention that Mr. Fleischer, Managerof..Vail Run, has applied to the Town of Vail for the zoning ofa "Parking District Zone" for the small triangular piece oi property adjacent to the bike path on the south side of Breakaway property. As an out-of-town owner I must trust and rely on the town ofiicials,t0 protect my property rights from unsightly, unsafe and unnecessaryzoning. Therefore, I request the town to zone the area in open space and/or Greenway rather than adding an area of unsightly appearance and additional congestion. Thank you foy-your consjderation. ,-- l,vfg , n A. McGee Unit 111 /pas cc : Brea kaway I'lest P.0. Box 1743Vail, C0 81657 12606 Greenvrlle Avenue Dallas, Texas 75243 (214) 699-6007 Tolecopy (214) 699-6032 wendt/co. 3773 Clwry CreekDn N. Suitp24O Denuer, Colqado 8O2O9 399.9930 PJ-ahning & Environmental Comrrission Town of Va iI 75 So l. Prontage Road Vail , Colorado 81557 Dear Members of the Commission Sept 14' 1986 I arn writing to urge you to deny a parking zoning request for a parcel of ground, triangle shaped' near Lionsridge Loop and the, frontage road, from Williaur Fleischer. . This ground is best designated open sPace or greenbel!. Mr. FLeischer knew this when he bought the ground in a hostile bid againsi the Breakaway west Condoninium Association. The gjround.-.is surrounded by Breakaway west, who j ust -:in the'Past two years have spent over $350,OOo to beautify and:'improve thb grounds of the condorninium.i This project also corlected a very congested and dangerous traffic'problem on Lionsridge Loop at the frontage road intersection. If the parking zoning . is approved grountl , another very dangerous and very problem will- be createe. where the cars frontage road across the. un3-ighted bike for this parcel of uns ightly traf f ic wi 11 turn off the path. . Thank you for your interest and attention io this natter r hope you wiii vote !o keep the area attractive and safe by zoning this area as open space Sincerely, CaroI h:endt cc Breakaway West As soc. September l5, l-986 Planning & Environmental Corunlssion Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657 Dear TOV :Commissioners : I am writing to express my disapproval of an application for a parking district zone on a parcel in front of Breakaway lrlest Condominiums. Mr. Fleischer, the manager of Vail Run, intends to provide "off street parking" for Vail Run. It appears to be in conflict with the special inprovement district that governs Vail Run. What would happen to Vail if we allowed parking on a1l of these Eypes of property??? This parcel is no more than a gutEer of the fronEage road. Not withstanding the appear- ance and safety aspect of this application; can the Eortrnallow to set precident for more of the same? Please zone this parcel to green belt open space. Sincerely, Vail, Colorado Town of Vail Town Council- Vail, Colorado 8f657 Re: Rezonlng of Land Adjoiuing the Breakaway west condomlnium Associatlon Dear Town of vaiJ-, Mayor, Torn councll , city Manager, Planning commlssion and Deslgn Revievr Authority: The Town of vail has proposed a zoning of greenbelt and open space be asslgnedto an unzoned triangle of land between Breakaway l{est and the Frontage Road. The Breakaway West Condominium Assocl-atLon, through their Soard of Directors,wholeheartedly endorses this rezoning. rn fact, any zoning of this propertyfor other than greenbelt and open space would be unconscionable. I,Ie understand the or^mer of the property may have authority from the state tobuild an access road from the Frontage Road, across the bike path and to theproperty. We strongly urge and request the Tor.rn of Vail resist this roadbuilding actlvity since it would be a signlficant eyesore and a danger to carson the road and bikers/hikers on the Dath. At your zoning meeting on septenber 8th, please approve the rezoni-ng of thisland to greenbelt and open space and direct your appllcable departnents to do what the Town of Vail can do to prevent an eyesore and lnazard.. Thank you for your consideration and dent of the Board of Directors, if I Don Henschel , has been instructed to Sincerely, Robert J. Brabec President, Board of Dlrectors Breakaway West Condoninium Assoc . 600 Grant Street, Suite 510 Denver, COlorado 80203 (303) 837-1026 please feel free to contact me as Presi- can be of trelp in any way. Our manager, be at the September 8th neeting. Frcsr September 22, 1986 Plannlng and Environmental Commisslon Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road P. O. Bw(*IzB,,#',ffi i'f,frffiI5ru 788-2213 ELMORE CITY. OKLAHOMA 73035 VaII, Colorado Gent lemen : HDr; pl 81657 Thls Letter is a negatlve reaponae to lhe request of Mr. Fleisher to have asma1l parcel of land located between Breakaway west and the street re-zonedfor a Parking Dlstric! Zone. Thls parcel of land ls to snalr to be pracbical enough to,,park any number ofautomobiles and would only be an eyesore for the area. We have Just completed an extenslve beautificatlon project for Breakaway Westwhich was approved and suggested by the clty of va1l, ancr certalnally wouldnot want such a eyesore to take from it. Also, as an abstee owner, one of the reasons for purchasing property in vailrather than another area was because lt was feLt that the clty of Vail had verygood rest,rlctlons that woutd probect our interest and value. this small parcel of rand needs to be converted to some type of project thatwould enhance the area such as flowere or trees - Thank you for allowlng me this response. S lnce re 1 . Dean BRADWAY ENTERPRISES, INC K)ST OFFICE DRAWE? 369, VA|L. COLORADO 8a658 o [303) 4764142 REAL ESTATE o CONSTRUCTION T PROPERry MANAGEMENT T RESCRT SERVICES October 10, 1986 Planning Commission Town of Vail Vail, C0 81657 REFERENCE: Fleischer Application for Re-Zonjng Parcel South of Breakaway West Condominiums Ladies and Gentlemen We are owners of three condominiums (including one overlooking the parcel in question) and four garage spaces at Breakaway West. l.le fe-el that re-zoning the Fleischer Parcel to allow parking isinappropriate. Aside from the negative aesthetic aspect, wefeel that drivewqy access so close to Lionsridge Loop and crossingthe bicycle path wou'ld create an unnecessary satety hazard. If this we assume that all setback andstrictly compl ied with. Trevor T. Bradway 5e is approved however, ilgn regulations will be .rubradwayel este L43L3 E. Marina Dr. Aurora, C0. 8001& 8 October 1986 Planning and Environmental Conrnission Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road vait C0 8L557 Dear Mernbers of the Cornnission: Mr. Wrn Fl-eischer is seeking zoning to use a snall parcel of ground adjoing Breakaway West and the Frontage Road for parking. We respectfully urge you to deny this request. A parking 1ot of this size and type is entirely out of place in this particular focation. fhe piece of ground in question was purchased by Mr. Fleischer naking a hostile bid higher than the Breakaway tilest Association was authorized to make at the tine of the sale. With the exception of the portion adjacent to the Frontage Road right-of-way this parcel of land is surrounded by Breakaway West. During the past two years the owners of the Breakaway West Condonini.ums were assessed over $JJO,000 for the beautification and inprovernent to the grounds of the Condominium. Part of the irnprovement included the correction of a serious traffic problem then existing on Lionsridge Loop at the Frontage Road intersection. Approval of the reguested zoning will create a dangerous traffic problem by having the access to the parking lot in close proximity to the traffic of Lionsridge Loop-Frontage Road interseetion and in addition the access would cross an unlighted bike path. In our opinion the ground in question is best suited for an open space or greenbelt designation. Anything else would create problems and worse, it would be an eye-sore to the comnunity, Breakaway West and the Township of YaiI . We sincerely hope your good judgenent wiII back up out thoughts in this matter. Sirygre1y t ,/- Pk{! 1",M E t"*ol,rztt e' J,u-lrulElizabdth A. Trachsel Jolnt owners, Unit #L2L, Breakaway West l P1 ann'ing and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 To the Conmission, As out-of-town owners of a unit in the Westview Building in the Sandstone 70complex I have'l earned.of a proposed plan to create a parkini area directly icrossthe Red Sandstone Creek from our building. llhile parking foi the Breakaway Westpeople is logical , the creation of a parling 1ot plr se is of concern: a.Access to the frontage road is already a concern due to traffic and the bikepath. Any increase wi'l 1 not improve safety aspects. (area is unlighted at night). b.It is difficult to visualize significant park'ing rel'ief due to stze. A'l so itshould be of concern that any parcel-of'l and cin be itit'izea for such a purposemerely because of ownership. some uses are not in keeping with overa'l I boohutilization, and the appearance of residential areas. c.I am not aware of the rules that wou'l d insure proper maintenance etc. It isdifficult enough in areas of occupancy by owners/reirteis. Users would need somegui del i nes . . As p"opte who consider Vai'l a second home area, we are writing this letter toinsure that our concerns are considered even though we may not be iOte to attendthe meeting. We must rely upon the CommissJon to-serve tire best interests ofthe community and to_that end we rely upon your d judgment for the benefit ofre only part-time. rne communlry ano to that end we rely upon your good judthe residents of Vail n to include thilse'who-are ihere'on y part-time. Si ncerely, --/s r-, I FRED & JA Unit 10,Westview Building 14707 E. l'lth Ave. Aurora, C0 8001 1 KER tll"l e HBF Corporation Herltage Center . 915/684.5844 500 N, Loraine, Suate 1100 Midland, Texas 79701 October 7, 1986 Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: It;^ for has been brought to my attention that a zoning requestbeing considered by the Planning and Zoning Commj-ssiona tract of land located on the North Frontaqe Roadwest of the creek and west of the Westview Units near Red Sandstone Road. r presently own unit 12 in Buildihg 8 and I am opposed tothe change in zoning for the following reasons: L. Any additional access to the frontage roadwill increase the possibility of a vehicular accident. The appearance of a lparking 1ot" from the window of our patio will be unsrghtly and ruinthe effect of the creek and grassy areas. Litter, garbage and peopie will increase environmental damaqe. As a non resident. owner, I have to rely on the Town Managerto consj-der each facit of the town. Instead of making yet another slab in the asphalt or concrete jungle, consider zoning this area 'open space - g.reen be1t. Very truly yours, 2. 3. /'t/e#" KeIIy (. Cooku, CPM C/mhw Vice President I Penlerrq COMPANY I7I7 5 BOULDER s!lA'; E roe TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74 19 {918) 585-3443 September L8, L985 Planning & Environmental Comnission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Application to the Town of Vail for a Parking Distrj.ct Zone to convert the triangle piece of property, adjacent to the bike path, for Vail Run employee Parki4g Gentl-emen: It{r. Poe and I are against rezoning to a parking district.It will cause an unsightly appearance; the driveway will cause an unnecessary safety hazard to a dangerous and busy intersection and it wiLl impact ttre bike path which is untj-t at night; and thespace is too small to park any significant number of cars inproportion to environmental damage. As out-of-town owners we must trust and rely on townofficials to protect our property rights from an unsightly,unsafe and unnecessary zoning. Mr. Poe and I object to thisapplication. Sincerely, n 4o.LL{1"- (/ Jacqueline K. Poe /bev. T I :-' mILITY toc.\TroN vERrFrg\TrgN The locatlon lines. nust acconPanying be main trunk the follouing lines or proposed utilities for the 0ateAuthori zed Siqnature l,lountain Bell I -63,1-3778 l,lestern S'lope Gas Harry Moyes Publ ic Ser,rlce Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted HuskyTMichael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley }later and Sanitation 0iscrict David Krenek 4_tsP a)At h'>l For nc$ con '6/11/,f/4lease fill otr iiiached shee g'71-91 WdLJ/u'.u. r- *1 SU8DIVISION JOB NA.\IE ror lL_8rocK FILING AoonEss 1fr0 LCI6 h)4r l.ooP. , of utili.ties, whether they be approved and verified bysite plan. r&t/rr Q,i't - --/ <1'- ,/-'.'-'L 7 CAa..4.1 aoeLLc"v N0TE: These-nerifications do not relieve the contrector of his responsibilit)' to'obtain a street cut perrnit fron the Tom of Vail, Departnent of Public l{orks and to obtein utilicy locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torvn of Vail. 4 building pernit is not a Street cut Pernit. A street cut per:rit must be obtained separatelY. Ttris fom is to verify serricc evailsblity and locgtion. This should be used in conjunccion with prepcring your utiliry plan and schcduling installctions. \o I i.. "t t'' -.- t DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I'IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: . . A pre-application meeting with_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to'aeterml|! if any additional information is needed.- No application will. be.accepted unters it is complete (must include all items required by the zon'ing administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find ': out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0|'1PLETE applic:- tion will strearnline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nurnber of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL cbnditions of approvai must be resolved before a bui'lding permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ,1 APPLTcATToN D^TEZ hy,qlhb DATE oF DRB ITEETIHG, lltll%o .r:. INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot Zoning C. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT: 0t, Bl ock Filins a?&,uf/W tel ephoneAddres s NAME OF Address NAIIE OF y19 D.AppLrcANT's REpRESENrnrriE, &rba. Vtuf.e tei ephone 47,. 4423 OI,INERS:E. Si gnature Address tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE F.DRB FEE: The fee wi-ll VALUATION $ $ $ $1C( $ 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 5o,oo0 50,001 - $ 150,000 50,001 -'$ .500,000 00,001 - $1,000,000Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ zs.oot qn nn{,, ./lJ. vv $1oo -oo $200.00 $300 - 00 TO THE DRB:II4PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSIOI{S 1. In addjtjon to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to jndjcate property lines and bujiding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The revievl process for NEll BUIL0I|IGS viiil normally involve tt'ro separate ine.iings of the Design Revievr Board, so plan on at least tlo meet'i ngs for their approval. 3. People who fajl to appear before the Design Revier.r Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement v|i li be required to be republished. I ). .t ..., ',. , o 4. The following items no They, however, have to a. llindows, skyiights anci simiiar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the buildingi and "' -' b. Building additions that are not viewed tlory lnv other lot or Publi!-ln::' which hive fraa ietteri-rr6rittea from adjoining property owners approY'lng the additionr-uniloi'ipprouai from-ite-iieni ior, oi. ma-nager of a'condominium association. , .... . i 5. '.. : '.. -' . : 'j.... itt ,;.':;r'f iri! '. r r-"' ;. i:" .-:.-1. .. '..''!.: .' .'..]t' : .: .. i-. , . . . '. :- i.,.:. ' '{; .You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. lonqer have to be presented to the Design Review Btif ' be firesented to the Zoning Administrator for apprcvdt: LIST OF MATERIALS itt!,.'5,ll3iFfli,, , STREET ADDRESS:--. 6i!'cniprioru oF PRo The follorvinq information is required for submittal 6oard before-a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I"IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng . 0ther l.la I 'l Materi al s Fasgi a . )OTT l ES ili ndorvs . t,lindow Trim Doors Door ' Hand F'l ues Irlm or Deck Rails Flashings . Chimneys Trash Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther LAN0SCAPING: Ntme PLANT I4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: . Phone: Botanical Name Common l,lame EXISTING TREES TO 8E REiiOVED by the applicant to the Deiigil Review rnr nD Quani ty Si ze* t\ naAflalql^ --?M (/v'*wr1 I *Indicate cal i per for deciducious trees.I ndi cr l'p hpi nhf fnr coni fers .:|t9 .v. 1 /,.,, ", -'l . PLAIIT I-IATERIALS: (con't) 5HRUB5 EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RTIIOVED Botanical Name Cornnon ltlame Quani tv AMhot4,\6aa[,.-r- Type Souare Footaqe GROUIID COVERS s0D SEED I I I' E. UI IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROS i0lt c0ilTROL C. QTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining vral'ls, fences, sr.rimming pools, etc.) Please specify. UTILITY LOC.\TION VERIF IC.\TION SUBDIVISION JOB owh% be rnain trunk the follorving lines or proposedutilities for the Da te Lqr_1g.__BL oqK___e__F eooness 100 h&r-' H*n Loor. The location of ucilities, whether theylincs, nust be approved and verified by accompanyi.ng site plan. Authori zed Si qnature Mountai n Be]'l I -634-3778 Hestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Publ ic Ser,rice Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted HuskyTMichael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water an<i Sanitation Discrict David Krenek il-10 s->1-sL KhM'!li.'lT,i'i, 7 ariacned s neE 44r?4 "/ ca-r,zftrr.rh; NOTE: These-verifications do not relieve the contr:ctor of his responsibility to'obtain a street cut pernit from the Tor'n of Vail, Departnent of Public l{orks and to obtein utilicy'l.ocations before digging in any public right- of-way or easemen! in the Torvn of Vail. A building per;nit is not a stTeet cut pernit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This forn is to verify serrricc availablity anC locs,tion. This should be used in conjunction virh preoering your utiliry plcn and schcCuiing installations. I: ii l li ll i Il-ti \\\ -q\',----\ \ -.-_-_.- ----\;- \- s t\-\ '\-\---- - \i \nl.-l t!:.t :-.t 1-F I I I I I Iz! tl, t I I Ia I I I I It' I-l- ir iilt,I I i I I --l)., '$, I I I t r'i ,' i{li Ull/t ',i /Qto I I iltl {i $i I i'! ,1. \i tI \l J s\.\ -:a\\ I r\flu r l+ tl \ \i\ I / n\{- I I i.--.f..-.*- I i ilTq-- I I r-o ado ,l nlo_--.-. ? i- zt i\ !D :ft - rt --'- ,!76 Nr$' A I I -tui I't II + I l \ \ \\) B $ dr N.g e l. I (\ ils $ za({t t t' ", -O i- at* l'[ Rl \i /Y i\ I I i I--r I I a{ $l; Fii lri =R $ dt Js N4 s $q t pl-*t l"tl.lull I/lfl/l tr I.l__ .-- '/'\t f-.t (r -.r-- .a{- i\I -' r" ORDINANCE NO. 6 Series of ,l976 ,oi DEVELOPMEI'IT DISTRICT 5 AND THE OFFiCIAL ZONiNG AN ORDINANCE AND AMENDING MAP. Rv ,r{na^,,>-:p,p:a ESTAEII5TIING SPECIAL THE ZONII'IG ORDINANCE Et7?*x-. Fehf s44-^ /-f-J WHEREAS, Art'icle l, Section 'l .20.l , of the Zoning Ordjnance, 0rd.inance No. 8, Series of .l973, of the Town of Vai'l , Colorado, as amended, estab'l ished th'irteen zoning districts for the municipal'i ty, one of which is the Special Development Distrjct. |^II|EREAS, Colorado Investment Service, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, submitted as owner an application requesting that the Town establish specia'l Development District 5, herejnafter referred to as,,SD5,'for the development on its parcel of land comprising approximately 2.54 acres in the portion of the Lionsridge area more ful ly described as Lot ll and the. southeasterly r portion of Lot 10, Resubdivision of Block C, Lionsridge Subdivision, of Eag1e, State of Colorado, which was annexed to the Town effective on County the i6th day of December, .|975. 'lr|HEREAS, the establishment of the requested SD5 will ensure unified and coordinated development and use of a critical site as a whole and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated. TJHEREAS' the Town Council considers that is is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to establ ish said 5D5; NOl,l, THEREFORE, BE VAIL, C0L0RAD0, AS FOLLOI^IS: Section l. Title This ordinance shall be known as Deve'lopment District 5". Section 2. Amendment Procedures Fu'l filled; P'lanning Commission Report. The amendment procedures prescribed in Section 2l .500 of the Zoning 0rdinance have been fulfilled, with the report of the Planning Cornmission re- commending the enactment of this ordjnance. IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOt,\lN OF the "Ordinance Establ'i sh'ing Special (r r i-o .C { Section 3.Speciai Development District 5 Established; Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and 0fficial Zoning Map. Pursurant to the provis'ions of Articles l, .|3, and 20 of the Zoning Ordinance' 0rdinance No. B, Series of .l973, of the Town of Vai1, coiorado, as amended' Special Development District 5 (SD5) a special development zoning distrjct' is hereby established for the development on a certain parcel of land comprising 2.54 acres in the Lionsridge area of the Town, and the Zoning 0rdinance and the 0fficial Zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of the following provisions urhich shall become the Sixth Chapter of Article i3, the caption of which shall be "special Development Distrjct 5" and a map which shall be- come an addition to the Off.icial Zoning l4ap: A. purposes. Speciai Development District 5 is establisheC to ensure comprehensive deveiopment and use of an area in a nnnner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and prornote the objectives of the Zon'ing 0rdinance. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Counci'l and the planning commission, and there are significant aspects of the special development which cannot be satisfied througlptheimRosition of standard zoning districts on the ') area. -A.et@t *2 '> Y,, a>', ), rtt'JA-:, ,rtt,,.!,J i ^.t,e'''''-'kIW-, uI 't.1| 61-l J) y'tt.tr'' tlto.v - B. Specia'l Development District 5 Establ ished. t (1) Special Deve'lopment Djstrict 5 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 2.54 acres in the Lionsridge area of the Town; proximately .|8,000 square feet of alnu,a'r-.-, commercial space, a swimming pool]"atd tliree tenn i s cou,t,ffi6#t -Ahffi #k#*4 C. Permitted Uses. " / (l) In SDS (existing build'ing and recreationa'l fac.ilities), the fo'l lowing uses shal 1 be permitted: (a) Multiple family residential dwelling; (b) Accessory retail and restaurant and service establishments not occupying more than .|8,000 square feet including the fol lowing: Apparel stores Art supply stores and galleries specia'l Development District 5 and said 2.54 acres rygy,bg referrefl_to as,,SD5": . 16 44./2'4)a' ! (2) The existing btri+d+fi€ consisting of455 d(6lling unlts, ap- -2- ia ,C ( Book stores Camera stores and photographic studios Candy stores Ch'inaware and glassware stores Specialty food stores Fl or.i sts Gift stores Hobby stores Jewelry stores Leather goods stores Liquor stores llewsstanils and tobacco stores Sporting goods stores Stationery stores Toy stores Variety stores Barber shops Beauty shops Travel and ticket agencies Delicatessens with food service Cocktai'l 'l ounges, taverns and bars Coffee shops Fountains and sandwich shops Restaurants Additional businesses or services determined to be similarto permitted uses in accord with the provisions of Section 21.200 of this ordinance. D. Conditional Uses. (l) In SD5 the fol'lowing conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accord with the prov'isions of Article l8 hereof; (a) Publjc utility and public service uses; (b) Public buildings, grounds, and facilities; (c) Public or private schools; (d) Pub'lic park and recreation facilities; (e) Meeting rooms. ( -3- {(,') 1 .C E. Accessory Uses. (l) In SD5 the following accessory uses shall be permitted: (a) Indoor and outdoor recreational faciIities, including but not limited to, swinming pools,. tennjs courts. (b) Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accord with the provisions of Section'l 7.300 hereof. (c) 0ther uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. F. Development Standards. (l) Genera'l Density plan. ,.o I Maximum gross residential floor area (square feet) Maximum number of dwelling units Maximum gross commercial floor area (square feet) c. Additional Amenities. Devel opment sD5 Existing Bldg. 43 ,000 55 t 8,000 (l) The developer shall provide adequate transportation services t to the owners and guests of the development so as to transport them from the development to Village Core area and Lionshead area. Section 4. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect five days after publication folIowing the final passage hereof. IIITRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED 0NCE IN FULL, this l0th day of February, 1976, and a public hear.ing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado on the 2nd day of March, 1976, at 7:30 P,M., in the Municipal Bui'lding of the Town of Vail. C ATTTCT. LITL -4- INTRODUCED, of March, ,|976 -f READ, ADOPTED, and ,C day I t ,' t ORDERED PUBLISHED in full th'is 2nd TOWN OF VAIL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 0ctober 13, 1986 Site Visits Consideration of approval of the Vail Land Use plan #'2/ /( r s/( NOON 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Publ i c l. 2. Heari ng Approval of minutes of September ZZ, 1986. Request for exterjor alteration and for a site coveragevariance in order to construct a small addjtjon to th- Lodge South condominiums. Applicant: Lodge South Condomin.i um Association Request for an amendment to the zoning code in order to add commerc'i al storage under conditional uses and health clubs under perm'i tted uses in Commercjal Core III. Appl i cant: Vai I Mal'l Jo int Venture Request for an amendment to Specia'l Development District #5,Vai1 Run, in order to add surface parking on the south sideof the building. Applicant: Vail Run Resort Community Request to app'ly the Parking Zone Distrjct and for a minorsubdivision for an unzoned parcel of land located on theNorth Frontage Road and bounded on two s.ides by Breakaway l,lest Condomi ni ums -Applicant: liilliam I. Flejscher Request for a conditional use permit jn order to change the use of the Old Town Shops located on a part of Tract C, Vail Vi1'lage Second Filing. New uses would include a weight roomindoor recreational activjties area and storage.Applicant; Town of Vail ? At. @ 6. r,.o ADJAEEIM PROPERTY (nt|ERB l. Slnba Run Box ?26Vall3 Colorado 81658 2, Telenark Bor 1736lr83 t"lonsrldEe LoopVall1 Colorado 81658 3. Snox Pox (See attachcd property ltat for all Ownere) {. Breakaway We6t Box l7{3Vail, Colorado 81558 5. Colorado Htghway Departnentsox 2t07 Grand Junctlon, Colorado 813S2 I I ,n" F.. DATE: A5/2/A3 E A c *t o u N r CCINDOT,I INIU A s s rOt* LTSTING Y M PAGE: COBE: O4SS CtrNDOl{INIUM: SNOW FOX CONDOS OOG1 SCHEDULE: OtL763 CHAIN, RUBEN KURI E$COCIA NO. t2 DISTRICT:11O HEXICo 41, D. F. MEXICO STATE: OO ZIP CODE: 0OOOOUNIT EOg BK O32s PG 0531 TAX ITEI'IS: 113O 1230 OOO2 SCHEDULE: O11761 DISTRICT: 110 HARI'IAN, PAUL F. & VELMA A. 642 TEXAS 5TREET CCILDEN STATE: C0 ZIP C0DE: eO4O3UNIT 2O3 BK O33e PG 065? BK O35& FC 0493 BK 0363 PG Oea9 BK 0407 PG 0663 TAX ITEMS: 113O 123O OOCS SCHEDULE: O11756 DI$TRICT: l1O HARRISON, PAMELA S. & JAI",IES D. 51C9 NT]RTH 4END PLACE PHOENIX $TATE: AZ ZIP CODE: E5O1AUNIT 1O3 BK 0325 PG O7e3 TAX ITEI{S: 113O 123O OOO4 SCHEDULE: 0117$3 DISTRICT: ltO HOHSE, JUAN SAID CALZ TLALPAN 160? l'lEXICt! 13, D, F. , f"iEXICO STATE: OO ZIP CBDE: OO0CIOUNIT lOE BK O3e5 PG 05e6 TAX ITEI'|S: 113O 1?3O OOc'9 SCHEDULE: 01175? DISTRICT: 110 ISI,{AILI, OZZIE R. L2'1.4 I'IAPLE ROCK HOUSTON $TATE: TX ZIP C0DE: 77077 UNIT 3OE BK O3e$ PG O5e? BK O4O1 PG O1B4 TAX ITEt'lS: 1130 1t3O 't'r ' BATE: 05/22/A5 EAcaa.ouNrY CTINDOI"IINIUH Assrot* LISTING PAGE:2 CEDE: O4?5 CONDOMINIUI"I: SNOW FOX CONDOS OOOA SCHEDULE: Att761 ISf'1AILI, OZZTE R. 7. E.F. HUTTT]N INC. 14485 SAINT I"IARY LANE DISTRICT:110 HDUSTON STATE: TX ZIP CtrDE: 77O7q UNIT 3O4 BK O3?4 PG OETB EK 0345 PG 0975 BK 0345 PG O?78 BK 0370 PG 0167 TAX ITEM5: 1130 1E30 0007 IiCHEDULE: OL\7A6 DISTRICT: llO JOYCE, PAUL A. & NONA 8., TRUSTEES 9I&O I^'EsT 64TH AVENUE ARVADA $TATE: CU ZIP C0DE: ECIOO4UNIT 3O1 BK O3e6 PA A7?4 sK 0343 FG OO99 TAX ITEl',tS: 1130 1?30 OGCE SCHEDULE: OtL77e DISTRICT: 110 MANNING, J. P. ?O4 TURKEY FT]OT ROAD LEXINETON STATE: KY ZIP CODE: 4O5OeUFIIT 306 BK O3e6 Pc 07e5 EK 0339 Pc 0779 TAX ITEf'lS: 113O 1?3O OOO? SCHEDULE: O11754 BAI.(LEY, ROBERT D. .TARYLE. WTCKS, ALLAN E. 31GO ST]UTH DETROIT DISTRICT:1tO DAVID A.. DENVER STATE: CU ZIF CODE: 8O21O UNTT 1O1 EK O3a6 PC 0781 EK O3EA PG CIS69 TAX ITEl"lS: 1130 1E30 OO1C SCHEDULE: OLL77I DISTRICT: 110 ORLANBO, L. J. 11& E9TH STREET MANHATTAN BEACH ETATE: CA ZIP CODE: 9026&UNIT 3O5 BK 0326 PC O77g BK 0397 PG 0713 .*' DATE: 05/?e/As EAcOt 0uNr CONDOI'IINIU Y ASS H LIS 'ot*TINC FAGE: 3 CODE: O4?5 CONDOMINIUI"I: SNO[, FOX CONDOS == ============================================================================== BK 0405 Pe 0316 TAX ITEI'|9: 113O 1?3O 0O11 SCHEDULE: Ot176A DISTRICT: 110 PETERSON, CHRIS JANE 2605 t,IILLtrt.I DRIVE HAT"IEL ETATE: MN ZIP CODE: 55340.UNIT 3O3 BK 0343 PC O6Ee TAX ITEI'{9: 113O 1?30 OOle SCHEDULE: OLl737 DISTRICT: 110 ROTHGEB, ERIC *1. 611 SOUTH EMER5C]N STREET DENVEE STATE: CO ZIP GODE: EO2O?UNIT 1O4 BK O35e PG 0671 TAX ITEI4S: 113O 1230 OO13 9CHEDULE: 011758 DISTRICT: 110 5AID, ROBERTO SAT4I,IAN AGUILAR Y. SEIJAS *17O LOT4AS VIRREYES HEXICO 1O, D. F. I,{EXICO STATE: OO ZIP CODE: OOOOOUNIT 2OI BK 03e9 PG 0530 TAX ITEl"lS: 113O 1t3O 0C14 $CHEDULE: O11764 DISTRICT: 110 SUCAR, JT]SE & CHARLOTTE REFORI"TA ?465 Z. PAST I"IEXICO 10, D. F. l'tEXIC0 STATE: OO ZIP CODE: OoOO0UNIT EO6 EK O3E5 PG OSEE TAX ITEI'IS: 113o 1?3O OO15 SCHEDULE: A1.1767 DISTRICT: 11O TAE INVESTT,|ENTS Eox 1078 AVtrN STATE: C0 ZIP CODE: 81640 u[.tIT 304 BK 0360 PC 0739 TAX ITEt4g: 1130 1330 I a DATE: OA/ee/AJ EAcltrouNry AssrOl* CONDOI'I I N I UIY{ L I ST I NG COBE: 0495 CANDOHINIUT'|: SNOt^f FOX CONDOS PAGE: 4 ========it========= 0016 SCHEDULE: OIl76e DISTRICT: 110 THUHWOtrD, ROBERT C. & LEATHA C. BE31 LONG POINT, SUITE 4O4 HAUSTON ETATE: TX ZIP CODE: 77033UNIT EO4 8K O3a6 PC O10& TAX ITE['{S: 113O 123O l- PUBLIC NOTICE NoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Comm.i ssion of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section .l8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on October 13,..|986 at 3:00 PM in the Torvn Council chambers in the Vail l''lunicipal Building. Request for extcrior alteration and for a site ccverage variance in order to cotlstruct a small additjon to the Lodge South Condominiums 'l ocated on a portion of Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Appl icant: Lodge South Condominium Association Request for an amendment to the zonjng code in order to add commercial storage under conditional uses and hea'l th clubs under permitted uses in Commercial Core III zone district. Appl i cant: Vai I Mal I Joj nt Venture Request for an amendment to Special Development District #5, Vail Run, 'i n order to add surface parking on the south side of the building, adjacent to the North Frontage Road. Appl icant: VaiI Run Resort Community Request to apply the Parking Zone District and for a minor subdivision for a triangular unzoned parcel of land located on the lJorth Frontage Road and bounded on tr.lo sides by Breakarvay l'lest Condominiums, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, State Highvray Par cel 24. Applicant: liilliam I. Fleischer Request for a conditional use permit in order to change the use of the 0ld Tor'rn Shops located on a part of Tract C, Vail Village Second Filing' l,:er{ uses v;cul d include a weight room, indoor recreaticnal activities area arrd stcrage. Appl i cant: Toi.rn of Vai I The applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zcning administrator's office during regular office hours for publ ic ?. 5. 4. 5. inr;:ection. r/z r/ t TOi']N OF VAIL COl'ii'lUNITY DEVELOPI'1ENT DEPART|!ENT THOI'1AS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on September 26, .l986- ) 2. ? VAIL TOldN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1986 7:30 p.m. AGENOA 1. 0rdinance No.26, Serjes of 1986, second reading, an ordinance annexing an area commonly known as Vail Ridge to the Town of Vai1, and setting forth deta'i ls jn regard thereto. 0rdjnance No. 29, Series of 1986, first readjng, an annual appropr.i ationordinance: adopting a budget and financial plan and making appropriations topay the costs, expenses, and liabilities of the Town of vajl, colorado, foritsfjscal year January 1, 1987 through December 31, 1987, and providing for thelevy assessment and co'l 'lectjon of Town ad valorem property taxes due for the 1986 tax year and payab'le jn the 1987 fiscal year. Ordinance No. 28, Serjes of 1986, first reading, an ordinance amending chapter 3.48 Land Transfer tax of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail to provide forthe use of the Land rransfer Tax Fund for acqu'i ring real property other thanparks, recreation, open space and,/or similar purposes, and providing that the money in the Land rransfer Tax Fund may be used for developing or miintainingreai property owned by the Town of Vajl; and setting forth detajls.in regard thereto. Ordjnance No. 25, Series of 1986, first readjng, an ordinance amending 0rdinance No.8, Serjes of 1986, to provide for a correction of the legaldescription of the territory annexed'i n said 0rdinance No. 8, and setting forthdetajls in regard thereto. Ordjnance No. 27, series of 1986. first reading, an ordinance amending special Development Djstrict 5, as established by 0rdinance No. 6, series of 1976, Byincorporating a partial sjte and parkjng plan. Resolution No. 26, Series of 1985, a resolution requesting acceleration of funding from the Colorado Highway Commissjon to construct a new partial'interchange west of the Main vail Interchange on Interstate 70; and settingforth detai'l s in regard thereto. Resolution No. 27, Series of 1986, a resolution adopting the Master Land use Plan for the Town of Vail. Vail Congress Hall Presentation 4. f*,.r; 6- Lq),Js<,7' 8. 9' Appeal of Planning & Environmental Commission Decision on Variance Reouest forthe Cornice Building CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 10. Town Manager's Report 11. Adjournment '1 I ORDINANCE NO. 27 Series of 1986 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SPECIAL DEVETOPMENT DISTRICT 5, AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6, SERIES OF 1976, BY INCORPORATING A PARTIAL SITE AND PARKING PLAN I,IHEREAS, the app] icant, Vail Run Resort Community, has requested creation of an additional ll exterior parking spaces on the south side of the Vajl Run Euilding; and WHEREAS, Vail Run Resort Comnunity has determined that there is a need for this additional parking and further determined that additional such parking will be a benefit to the existing development; and l.lHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has reviewed the proposed amendment to Special Development District No. 5 and has determined it to be reasonable and appropriate; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has considered it to be reasonable, appropriate, and beneficia'l to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend said SDD5. Nol,l, THEREFoRE, BE IT oRDAINED BY THE ToWN CoUNCIL 0F THE TotlN 0F VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Secti on I . Section 3.8 (2) of 0rdinance No. 6, Seri es of '1976, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3.8.(2). The existing site consisting of the building conta'i ning 55 dwelling units, approximately L8,000 square feet of commercial space, a swirming pool and spa area, 3 tennis courts, as well as the parking and landscaped area as amended by the approved parking/site plan drawn by Gordon Pierce dated August 28, 1986, shall be known as SDD5, Area A. Sect'i on 2. Effective Date Thjs ordinance sha'l I take effect 5 days after publication followin9 the fjnal passage hereof. Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council /,/t?* hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared inval id. Section 4. The Town Counc'i I hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and we'l fare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 5. The repea'l or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other actjon or proceeding as commenced under on by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted- The repea'l of any provision hereby shall not revive any provis'i on or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated here'i n. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS -_DAY OF 1986, and a public heari ng shall be held on thjs ordinance on the day of , .|986 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building in Vai1, Colorado. Ordered publ ished in full this _day of , 1986. Pau'l R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town C1 erk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this_ day of , 1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLI CANT: P1 anning and Environmental Commissjon Commun'i ty Deve'l opment Department 0ctober 13, 1986 A request to amend Special Develop,nent District #5, Development Area A, Vail Run, in order to construct an addjtional 11. exter.i orparking spaces on the south sjde of the bujldjng. Vail Run Resort Community I BACKGROUND OF REQUEST The applicant, Vail Run Resort Community, is requesting to amend SDD5 toallow construction of l.L exterior parking spaces on the south side ofthe exjstjng Vail Run building. The Vail Run project was developedwithin the juri sdiction of Eagle County. Upon annexation, the Town ofVail created and zoned Vail Run SDD5. Ord.i nance 6, Series of'l 976, which establishes Special Development District 5, describes the development plan simply as the existing cor;ditions on sjte. Thosecondit'ions consist of existing building, swimming pool and tenniscourts. The ordinance goes on to .l ist permitted and conditional uses. However, it makes no mention of parking requirements or siterequirements, such as landscaped areas and exterior parking areas. Because the ordinance establishing the special development district describes the existing conditions as the development p1an, any amendmentto those existing conditions must require an amendment to the approved development p'l an of Special Development Distrjct #5. The applicant has submitted a parking analys'i s that details a shortfallof 97 spaces in comparing existing conditions to current Town of Va.i Iparking standards. The applicant has also submitted a portion of a siteplan that was apparently submitted to Eagle County as a part of theorigina'l development proposal . Thjs site p1an, which js not a part of Town of Vail records, shows some parking located.i n the area of thecurrent proposal . The proposed parking lot design, drawn by Gordon R. pierce and dated8/20/86, submitted w'ith this appf ication eljminates approx.imately 400 square feet of existing landscaping. The proposed design creates a 100foot long retaining wall on the property line with a landscaped berm extending from the property line to the bicycle path, w.i thjn State H'i ghway Department right-of-way. Permission from the State Highway Department will be required in order to complete the proposed landscape p'l an. EVALUATION OF PROPOSAL Section .l8.40.080 of the nunicipal code provides criteria for evaluationof design within the general Special Development District regulatjons. { II. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLI CANT: Town Council Community Development Department October 21, 1986 A request to amend Special Development District No. 5,Development Area A, Vail Run, in order to construct anadditional 11 exterjor parking spaces on the south side 6fthe building. Vail Run Resort Conununity At their meeting of October 13, 1986, the vail planning and Environmentalcommission voted unanimously to recolnmend to the Town Eouncj'l approval ofthe request for amendment to special Development District 5 as pir thesubmitted p1 ans drawn by Gordon pierce dated August zg, l9g6. please review the attached memorandum to the planning comm.i ssion dated October 13'i n order to review details on the request and recommendation. The only applicable criteria for eva'l uation of this proposal js thebuffer zone requirement. The community Development Department feelsthat this is adequate'ly addressed through the design by the berming andlandscaping pnoposed along the State Highway Department right-of-wiy. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff necommendation is for approval . The Community Development Department feels that the applicant has sufficiently demonstrated a needfor addit'i onal on-site parking and lve believe that the berming andlandscaping will sufficiently screen thj s parking area from the publirri ght-of-way. hlhile there is a loss of approx'imately 400 square feet ofexlsting landscaped area, we feel that the introduction of a substantialquantity of large species material could mitigate the impact of this newparking area from the public view. III. ( - ! il -_-- +'. llllro i*f : i/ i L/,f l'll I fs 'l / ,i l.$e Wtn/," \*$ H;/ 11 'IH/ ,/ll/' il,--1,,') i/' /,=11 /,'ll /i'1 I' ii l$ ^,,iliil,l l.i ,+-f ii i Iitltt l! I tls 76f. I 1tt !? 1n+atr.l ?rz JrFtr&t\ rrLfit Flp) I{T$ ilF-5t *-NT I-, Iri ril\|1+ a $f s t I FL I uI u 0{) \-i Project Applicalion Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and rf) r Ou/ner, Address and Phone: V t. K. ' n.) Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Second€d by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: {Request for-91_g1p1dU9!!-!S-f!_e zoning code in order to add commerc jal !!91&U!d!r colditional uses "Commercial CordlL -Rppl icant:@ Krjstan Pritz explained that the code for commercial storage would include aphrase, "as long as it does not have any existing exterior wi ndorv display f roritage on atly public llay, street, or mall area and no existing exterioi window display frontage on any public way, street or mall area is removed inorder to provide commercial storage, and the commercial storage shall belimited to l0% of the gross comnercial square footage of the building.', The staff felt that both the health club and commercial storage uses were verycompatible with the intent of commercial core IIi, as long as the commercial stora.oe does not have exteri or window display frontage and is limited to l0% ofthe gross commercial square footage of the building. The easy vehjcular accessfound in this zone district makes it particularly well suited for commercialstorage use. Diana Donovan r^ranted to make sure that a space like the Menu coul d nol be turned i nto a ccminerci a1 storage area. Dave TyrelI assured herthat that was not the intent of the zoning amendment. He intended to utilize space that was trot suitable for retail or other service uses such as basementand perhaps space on the north side of the West Vajl Ma1 l. Dave Tyrrel 1 , appl i cant, answered quest i ons. Jim Viele moved andJryen Hobbs seconded to approve -sflSllhganendmentto the zoning code. The vote was 6-0 jn favor. I opnrglt!_ Di-qtLr q!_ iE &il-_8!rL_south side of the buildin Appl icanPIVai Rick Pylm.ln explained that the applicant r.ranted to add L1 surface parking spaces on the south sjde of the existing vail Run Building. He shor.red a siteplan- Jay Peter\on, representing the applicant, presented four Ietters insupport of the parking. The board asked about the landscaping on llighwayright-of-vray and vrere told the approval vrould have to be contingent upon- High';tay Departi ,ent acceptance of the landscaped berm. Jay Peterson stated thatit ';''as the intention to keep these spaces for the commercjal tenants. Dianafelt the lot should definitely be totally screened. Schul tz lllg_vid e!,q_-q_!_terf-o_s9_segeruLqd Lq_gplf_Sye the,requested amendment to SDD5nr:r f hot-."_:. 1 ':staf f nremo . er'ross seconceo E0 ap0rove fne reQuested a The vote v;as 6^0 in favor. BqS.qg:!_lgr e.r!in order to ad an:ptrdment to Speci al Detl--;-r__:u!:l-q!e_rgr riJs-!]l !)€I Run Resort C o m'ru.rrit v -+-PEC I0/t3/36 Project Application Date Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner o^r" "',lQ? l1(i -.La '-' Profecl Appllcation -,v': Date Proj€ct Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner 1'ri P,'{Ti o6J OrJL-) : L1;5*; Summary: '; tr'lrl 75 soulh fronlage road vail, coiorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Aprii 30, i984 Stu Sacks Program Director K\IMT Radio 2271 Nor'uh Frontage Road l,lest Vai I , Col orado 8.l657 Dear Stu: olfice ol communlty developmenl Re: R.€ftovET*Ot Antennae on -4va;t Run Bu)ilding ,.t C --./ I have enclosed a copy of the minuies of the June .|3, 1983 P1 ann'i ng and Environmental Coiinissjon thai concerned KVMT's request for a con- cjitional use permjt to build an antennae on the top of the Chanronjx Corners building. The Planning Departo',ent requests that you coniply rrith the aporoval by reiroving the old antennae from the Vail Run building and by painting your new antennae at Charnonjx Corners with a dullpaint. rhjS_Ltqfk must Ue cpmpleted by _!-Ue__L, l_99_t- 0rigina11y, KVMT was asked to reniove'uhe Vail Run antennae by January 1, .l984. lfyou have any further questions, p1 ease give me a call. Thanks for your cooperation. l(P: br Incl. ere I i-0 TAN -, fll Pli :e I ,} nc \fl IS wn tn K RI ow SJ \ hF Tc lY' n.l\ Yfi-.t PRI TZ anner I. I MEI4ORAi'JDUM Planning Conrirission Depariiiient of Comrnun j ty Develoomen'u 0ctober .l4, l9i6 Re: Colorado Investnreni Serv'i ces,RecuesL for Conditional Use Peniii for a Radio Statjon in Special Develcoreqt District 5 -t lit tt - To: From: The siaff has revjeweC the Cond'i tional Use Pernit requesi accorci ing to Sect'ion .l8.600 of the Zoning 0rdinance and haf the follovring comments: The app'l icant has requested a radio station operation occupying approximately 900-1000 sq. ft. of floor space be located in the lower level of Vail Run a.l ong with an gnergency transmitter and antenna to be located in an obscure loca+'icn on the r^cof of the building. Th.is building js.i n an "SD5'' zone in which both residential and commercial uses are perrnitteC. Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on developnent objectives of the Town. In an "SD5" zone, one of the conditional uses allowed is for Public Utilities and Services. |l|e feel that a radio station serving the Vail community is providing a public service and should be considered as such. The proposed use of this space as a radio station has no apparent negative impacts on the development objectives of the Town- No aOiitional population growth or traffic will be generated. The impact of this proposed use on Town services and facilities will be minimal . Effect of the use on ljght and air, djstrjbution of population' transportatjon facilities and other public facilities and public faciI ities needs. This proiect wjll have no negative impact on the above mentioned items. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control' access' maneuverabjiity, and removal of Snow from the streets and oarking areaS. This project will have no negative effects on traffic, since the staff of the rad'io station will be small. Commercial uses which are permitted'i n the djstrjct wou'ld generate a great deal more traffic than the proposed Conditional Use. Effect upon the character of the is to be iocated, including the scale relation to surrounding uses. area in whjch the ProPosed use and bulk of the proPosed use in This project, located on the jnterior, wil'l have no adverse effects on the character of the area. The only visual part of the proiect, an antenna, will be located in an obscure part of the roof and should not present any problems. i; i ir ij ":: :::r= r! ' - "' -- ' 'i!""'" ' ' -'- '' : '.^>e "+:rl';r"" '"" Planning cotrnission From: ;$;;#";-or io"munltv Development 0ctober 14 ' .l 975 Continuation of Factors: The environmental impact.rePort,concerning ihg plgl?:?9 use of an environn"niur'ifipi.t rbport iJ".Lqriiea bv'Article l6 of this ord inance. An environnental impact rep'rt is not required as this project wirr rravi'no iigniticant' inrpacti on the environnenc' The Department of Comrnunity Development makes the following fi ndi ngs: That the proposed locat'ion.of the-use is in accord with the purposes of thi'o'oinuntt ind the p"pi'"t'of ttt" district in wh.i ch tfre site is located' The proposed location is in accord with the provisions of the conditionat ur. ,..iiln';; i;. Zonins tirlinuni"-und the development objectives of the Town' That the proposed locat'ion of the use and the conditions under wh.ich it woutd be ;;.;"i;";;-maintainel";";id not be detrimental to the pubtic health,-lir.ty, and.welfarel"uli"*otii-noi u. materially injurious i"'o""i."ii"t-0" intptovefrents jn the vicinity' The operation,of the radio station should not imoacts on sunouno''ng-froperties or on the Town as That the proposed use w'ill eomply with each of provisions of this ordinance' The request is in conformance with the Zonlng Ordinance' The Department of comrnunity Deveropment recornmdends approval of thit conbitional Use Permit' have anY adverse a whole. the aPPl icable I tl -,;: :ir:€ r: r..-:r 1,, , i I a\, l:F--..r 'l,r ! (, vi ,t )Colorado rnvest$ent Services (Acptissni) i { S,;r-ie: of 3q i,._S:1t-e;1!91 2L, 1976-,Publ i Ht:3 l'i cr .J.: '.1 !t. !:: 't': "C'.rr::il VaiI I | 9?-t l cd ? I orj n! ft,re s50.00 o t J-0 E__1,191:_ *tf sgs'J-gP_ *- ( Andre-.-,, Phone 47 6-1900 i'. 1 i;',i- Plhl'll Api I ic.r: ion He;. i r':g De i'i Fina! Otci:! Colorado (State)(ci tv) be fore fhe Va i I F lann ingCo he!-e:y requesi perrnis= ion ic appear Cr.rrnmissicr io re.tiesl 'i-ne iolio"ring: '.ra;.-i ar:e i :cr. Alii cle Zcn i ng Chanqe ircnt Fark inc Variance , 5eci-ion TO Concitionai Use Pernrit to gi in SD 5 _-Zone lo'r; a radio station ,4 rf eL{Portion of Lot l0 & Lot 11 B locx CFor the follovrrng described properiy: Lot/ira:i-' Filing f,l umbe r clearly state purpose and intenj4f this application,to permit -* the establishment of g radio st+tion operatio4 planned to occupy approximately- 900 - 1000 square feet gf floor qPasg-in-lhg-19!SCI_. Pat i 4a.1t' -124 level of vail Run along with an emerqencY transmitter4to be located in an obscure location on t he roof of the-lgildinq What do ,7ou feel is the bas is for hardsh ip in ihis case? ;crl'-,,'?9\ 4'1'n49X't?? see Attachment rrAll 5 ign;:'ture Robert'E. BYrd'Manager