HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT C11 VAIL RUN SATELLITE VARIANCE LEGALI n List of names and addresses of ail ptop..tV incl udi ng property-behind inai i ing- addresses. The appi i cani addresses. l. S t ns A Rv rJ eESoaJ. *t''oo tJ rtu$tM? FoAe V*tt-, 1r9 gtt{? 2, tEW lunrRt( t0 s3 Lrod s rer Dqr t,,'oq vArL, t, elaS? 3, 9rceeEtu+l W eSr is6oc ' ?0ts ,++3iois t-,,oJ i F$hE tooP iirt- t ea glbfa 1, SrJohJ fpK" o/o tor t*rlb, F oc Sqq at-,r{s DAcf , AE 3s3"L property adiacent.to the subject and accross streers and their-. i;' ;t;il;;;bl e-tor correct mail ins 5. [rl,r^ a 'f le'soLr.,r/ *Jl'.':";"' *r' tt tuwn n ffil 75 south frontage road vail, color.do 81557 (303) 479-2138 {3(x}} 479-2139 May I, 1991 Mr. Sam Fuller Managier, n-!,r-t'e Kaqro 1000 Lionsridge LoopVaiI, Colorado 81657 office ol comnrunity development i:: Re: K-Lit.e and K-SkirffiS Dear Sam: ft has come to our attention that your radio sLation wilL be combining with K-Ski and the business will be conducted. out of theVail Run Building. You are undoubtedly already aware of the need for fown approval forthe placement of any antennas or satellite dishes on the exteriorof Val1 Run, buL this letter is nerely a reminder. lile alsorequest the prornpt removal of any antennas and saLellite dishesfrom the 'l-Ll- propert.y upon your relocation to the VaiI Runbuilding. Good Luck on the new endeavor, and please call if you have anyguestions. Sincerelyn ,,f,;'{d,{.4Betsy F.osolack Planning Technician cc: Kristan Prit.z Project Application o^1" //'/.Y1 Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone \t--cJ,,le--&^ Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: , Zone Design Review Board 5-O //,/' Y1 OISAPPROVALPPBOVAL Su mmary: E Statt Approval Date: Town Plan ner NO1TICE TS HEREBYof vail rqil-l hold PM in the Town of PUBLTC NOTICE GMN that the Dea public hearingVail Municipal Bfr Board of the Town 3: 00 a 1-!{E;; I Consideration of: 1. 2. P A request for a addLtion of 2gO square feet to unit 6located a 77O potato patch. This will be accomplishedby converting crawl space to }j_ving space. Applicant: D. Eugrene and Bonnie L. Nugent The_applications and information about the proposals areavailable in the zoning administrator,s off-ice-d.uring regularoffice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October l_3, L9g9 4A-t /-- r/i.a-( fff ttanawz- ; /0. //,N? ' Jovee Communications, Inc Apjrl ication Artachment Description of Satellite Dish antenna I l0 Foot diameter Janeil preforated metat Satellite Distr antenna with cover with polar mount [attaches to 4' pipe) ,foyce Communications Application Attachment Material tlst 1 Janeil 10 foot (3.2 meter) aatel-llte dish antenna 1 9" Schedule 40 steel pipe (3 feet buried, ) 1 SateLLite Dlsh Antenna Cover (white) 100 feet I/2 tnc}:. coaxial cable (wil} be buried) Installation ehal1 be done in accordance with the NationalEl-ectrical Code. oarlrcn) September 25, 1989 The Town of Vail Communi.ty DevelopnentAttnr Mr. Peter Patten 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CoLorado 8L65? Dear Mr. Patten: Please alLow thls letter as authorization and,/or permission for K-tite Radio Station to install a satelfite transrnission dish on the premises of Vail Run Resort' The esact Location of the dish wil.l be between the tenni.s bubble and concrete parking ramp reta:.ning waI1, Should you have any questions or concerns regarding thls Letter, please feel free to call me. Very truly Yours, VAIL RUN IIOMEO}'INERS ASSOCIATION, IIIg. t4&.*2J.Vdi-fr 9{i11ian I. Fleischer Vice President WIF,/vk cc: K-Lite Radio Station file DTSHLT, T o Fleso/(zt corr)rDauta telephone (303) 476-15001000 lionsridge loop o vail, colorado e 81657 o f'Apptication of ?'25'87 DRB MEETING DATE J6r,er.l6<B- L 1?y\ APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA I. Procedures for-applying for a satellite dish antenna are outlined inOrdinance #9 of 1985. Details of these procedures are availab]e fromthe Departnent of corrnunity Development. Applicants are encouraged tocontact the Department of Conrnunity Development for additional iiformationconcerning submitted requests, review criterja, and the approval process. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT Joyce Communieations Inc. dba Ktite ADDRESS 1000 Lionridqe Loop Vail, CO. 81657 PH0NE q76-8900 LEGAL DESCRiPTION Richard W. Teeters [Gen. Mgr.J B. NAl,lE 0F APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES John Chidester [Chief Engineerl ADDRESS p,o- n"" sss toon H0NE 13031 476-8900 C. NAME OF S I GNATURE n l-ist of property ma'i l ing a addresses. l. Simba Run Resort | 100 N. Frontaoe Rd.Vail. CO. 8165? 2. Telemarkl0E3 Lionsridge Loopvair. co. 8t687 and addresses of al1 ding property behjndses. The appl i cant property adjacent to the subject and accross streets and theiris responsible for conect mailing q. Breakaway West Assoc- P.O. Box 1743 1023 Lionsridoe loop Vail, CO. 81d57 Snow Foxc/o Fox Land P.O. Box 599scortsdafe. Az- a3372 Wm l. Fleischer F.O. Box l3BB Vail. CO. EIESB AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE #9, 1985, NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTYglltF$ rs REqUTRED pRr0R T0'REViE'rr Oi nr'rv npFiicnironi'si"iHi DESTGNREVIEI^J BOARD. FOR THIS REAION, COMPLEfi APPLiCAiiONi-rqUii"SI SUEMITTTOTO THE DEPARTMTNT OF COMMUNITV -OiVrrOFUENr Zi_ONVS-PNION-iO-iUE SCHEDULEDDESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. 75 south l.ontage road vall, colorado 81657 (3m) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflce of communlty development To: Satellite Dish Applicants From: Department of Corununity DevlopmentRe: Review Criteria and Approval Process The rev'iew process for any application for the installation of a satellite dish antenna begins with a staff revjew by the Department of Community Development. Compliance with the following requirements is necessary before any app'l ioation'is forr,varded to the Design Revievl Board: 1. Complete application consisting of the followinglg) Conpleted satellite d'ish applicat.ion form and materjal l.istb) Comp'leted Design Review Board applicationc) S'ite plan showing proposed location of the satellite dish antennad) Description of the satellite dish antenna (i.e. size, 'design, materials o etc.)e) Color sample (if appticable)f) Landscape plan (if appf icable) g ) An inprovement location certificate and/or a prel iminarytitle reporth') Elevations, perspectives,or renderings if deemed applicable ? by the staff of the Conrnunity Development Department No more than one (i) satellite dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot as del'ineated on the offjcia'l Town of Vail z0 n'r ng ma p. The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when measured from the top of the satellite d'ish antenna down to existing or fin'i shed grade, wh'i cheveris nnre restrictive, shall not exceed 15 feet. The maximum size of any satellite dish antenna installed for use by a single residence or business shall be limited to 9 feet in djameter. Satellite dish antennas serving multi-famjly dwellings shall be limited to a maximurn of 12 feet in d'iameter. 4. :fi:"]il::,31' l'il]'""" ;.';:'t*cri teri a llo advertising, logos ori dentif icat'ion shal I be aliowed on any satelljte dish antenna. Satellite dish antennas shall comply with the existing setback requirements of the zone djstrict in which the satellite 7. Due to the spec'ial aesthetjc importance of the core areas of the Town, exterior installations of satelljte djsh antennas'in Commercial Core areas I and iI shall be permitted onlyif screened by some type of enclosing structure. Said structures required to enclose a satellite dish antenna in these areas shall comply with al 1 applicable zoning regulations and shall be architecturally compatible with the existing structure. It should be noted that variances may be granted above (i,lurnbers 2-7) and in Section iS.58.320 D of to any provisions outlined Crdinance 9, 1985. Applications in compf iance with these requirements shalI be foruarded to the Design Review Board. Guidelines utilized in this review are as fol I ows : 1. 2. 3. All wjring and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shall be installed unerground. The use of mesh antennas is highly encouraged because of thejr ability to be more sensitively integrated on a site or structure. The use ofappnopriatecolors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive installation when integrating a satellite dish antenna onto a site or structure. Color selection for a satellite dish antenna should be made with respect to specific characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and satellite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be allowed. Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is screened from view from any public right-of-way or adiacent property to the highest degree possible. In add'ition to effective site planning, screen'ing a satel lite dish antenna may be accomplished through the use of landscap'ing materials, fencing, existing structures, sub,-grade placements or other means thit both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site. 4. :*'lln3l'["l:31] "'li;""iil],:: cri teri'l Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structuresshall be permitted provided the satellite dish antennais architectural'ly integrated jnto the structure. Effectjve use of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the satellite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a mesh material shal I be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen asatellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuance of a buildjng permit toinstall a satellite dish antenna. A letter of credit equalto L25% of the costs of installing landscaping or s'ite improvements may be submitted to the Town of Vail jf seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements. A1 I improvements requ'i red by the Design Review Board for the purpose of reduc'ing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satelljte dish antennas remain jn place unless permission to alteror remove said improvements is obtained from the Design Review Board. Al 1 satellite dish antennas and all improvements required by the Design Revjew Board to reduce the vis'ibi'lityof satellite d'ish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be allowed to become dilapitated or fall into a state of disrenair. Upon final approval from the Design Review Board, applicants must obtain a building permit prior to the instalrlation of any sateliite dish antenna. 5. 7. -t;"- U Present Diana Donovansid schuLtz Peggy Osterfoss Kathy Warren AFsent ,firu Viele Chuck Crist ot( Planning a nmlsslon Staff Present Peter FattenKristan Pritz Mike MoLLica J The Planning ana Environmental conmlsslon meeting began at.approxirnately ::00 p.n. following a public meeting on the Vail- ViltageMaster PIan that was held from 1:OO p.n. to 3:00 p.n. Item No. 1. This iten was tabled to Novenbermotion. Kathy Warren seconded, monentarily) . }'".,Vote: 3-0 Itern No. 2. 13, 1989. .Sid Schultz (Peggy osterfoss left made thethe Chanbers This iten was tabledmotion. Kathy warren Vote: 3-0 Item No, 4 to November L3, 1989. seconded. t for a!tre CreeIicant: Roger and consented to per the staff meno. Diana Donovan seconded. (Peggy sid schultz made the ce lnroof rer The notion was nade bY Osterfoss had returned). ,1 t.t This iten was Sid Schultz. Vote: 4-0 ite cov o . I(ristan Pritz explained the background for this Eetback variance reguest. she reviewed the approval given for a conditional use perurlt on-septembet 26, f989 by the planning and Environnental Connisslon. At that rneetinE, the PEC recornnended to the applicant that they study thepossibility-of locating a stairway for entrance to CLub MaJiks keeping ttre main concerns of safety and easy access in mind. Two other ". concerns were arehitectural cornpatiLility and, not impacting the view of'.: the east display window of Columbine Creations. '" niterring to a site pl.an, Kristari pointed.out a proposed-stairway that. had been conceptualty approved by tfre Design Review Board on Ostober 18, 19A9. ghe-explaLned that because the stainray would^extend uP to I tfti prop.rty linel a variance is needed forthe design of the stairway. --Reqarding criteria and f,indings for this reguest, Kristan stated that tfre nt" ltairway wouLd relate-positively to the existing Crosgroads fuffaing ana retail uses and wls designea to-mininrize any lmpacts on tfre ietiil space at crossroads. the ionceded that the proposed siairway w"ui4 block a portion of the Colunbine Creations' display ;Ga;";'nut inronned thL board that the applicant had worked together with the owner of ColurnbinE Creations to ieach a soLution that was acceptable to the retail space oltlner- , Kristan stated that the staff feLt it reasonable to all0w gome ii;iibiritv fiorn the strl-ct reguirenelt. oF- the zoning. code-section that appties to tr,fi-'-r;quda:- She-said that the applicant c?Y19. q"obably e$ifi-"-"t"-i"""i-€rrii-woufd conf,orm with the zoning reguirements' but that such a riiiiway would cornptetely bloclc the dispLay window for iofu*fitt" Creations- and woula itso trlve negative irnpacts on. tbe p.O""triun access to the retail spaces on the east side of the Crossroads Building, She surnmed !p by saying that relief f,ro$ the setbac]< reguirement is warranted aire io tlre 6xistlng building location and desig" .""iiiiinir "t i.rr iinit the possibiritiei for other stairway locations ' Kristan stated that one of the main reasons the staff is supportlng ili;-;;S".=t is for pedestrian safety. The staf,f feels that the etairway ehourd i;;"';-;;;i;i;"-ilpiir on vehicre and.pedest"i?? -E;;*i;'ln and o,i['of c?osiroaas. -By removing the existing stair on vlllage Center Road adJacent to the -crossroadt parklng entry' the staf,f r .a To! FROM; DATE: Planning and Environrnental Commission Community DeveJ.oprnent Departnent suBJEcr: A request for a variance to allow for the installationof a third satelLite dish at the VaiL Run Building.Applicant: Joyce Cornrnunications, fnc. (dba K-LITE) r. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Joyce Communi.cations is the conpany which operates the K-LITEradio station out of the vail Run Buildlng. K-I_,ITE currentlyuses a L3 foot receiving antenna for its cBS netTrrorkaffiliation, Emergency Action Notification Systen and musicprogramming network. K-LITE, in an atternpt to expand theirbroadcast services and special_ized prograrnming, ii requestinga second satellite dish antenna with a lo foot dianeter. Due to the difference in the locations of the fixed-orbitsatellites (L39 degree and 24 degree). it is not possible toreceive both signals with the existing 13 foot antenna. The proposed L0 foot diameter dish would be locatedimmediately adjacent to the existinq K-LfTE 13 foot dish. The Vail Run Building currently has tlro satellite dishes ontheir site; the K-LITE 13 foot dish described above and a 7foot dish otrned by CJ"scorp, another cornmerciaL tenant in thevail Run Building which operates an informat,ion systems company. The requested variance is frorn Section j-8.58.320 (D,L) of theTown of VaiL zoning code which states: rrNo more than one satellite dish antenna shall beallowed on any Lot as delineated on the officiaL Town ofVail zoning map.rl II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 ofthe municipal code, the Department of Conmunity Developnentrecommends approval 0f the requested variance based upon thefollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: L. Thp l?lationship gf the recruested variance to othereYigtilq or potentiat uses ana strmvlcLnlEv. Lirnitations on the perrnitted nunber of satellj_tedishes per lot or property were estabLished because ,-r of the potential aesthetic impact of several dlsheslocated on one property. In evaluatinqr thepotential impacts of this request, consideration ofthe proposed location is an important factor. Located within the interior of tfie VaiI Runproject, the dish will be installed adJacent to theexisting 13 foot dish between the tennis bubble andtlre concrete retaining wall. As a result, it isfelt that granting this variance will result in no negatJ.ve inpacts to existing or potential uses andstructures in the vicinlty. 2.The d ief f th 1 fo s S to achievetvofttmentsitesectlvesof this t aI rivileqe. The applicant has denonstrated that in order toeffectively operate their business, two satellitediehes are necessary. Due to the location of thefixed-orbit satellites, it is not possible for K-LrTE to utilize only one satellite dlsh. The stafffeels that granting approval of this variance wouldnot be a grant of speciaL privilege. a effect of e ested variance o r.i t andnoanstion ffic f egsafet The staff can find no significant effect on any ofthe above considerations. fff. Such,other factol:s and criteria as the commiEglgt1 qeerqs IV. FINDINGS The PI Commissionfo ance; That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special priviJ.ege inconsistent with the linitations onother properties slassified in the same district. That tbe granting of the variance will not be detrimental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto propertLes or improvements in the vicinity, tr l,- That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in ttre same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation irould deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the olrners of other properties inthe same district. STATF RECOI{MENDATION The staff recommends approval of the variance as reguested. The parameters established by the Satellite Dish Ordinance were intended to provide a general linitation in the size, number, location and screeninq of dishes proposed. ft is apparent that certain types of businesses have unigue needsin regards to their transmission facil-ities. The applicanthas satisfactorily shown that the use of only one satellitedish for their particular business wouLd constitute a hardship. The staff would recommend the following condition of approval: L. That if tbe tennls bubble is ever removed, the satellite dish be resubmitted to the Design Review Board for screening review. rcfz3 Gr-t Tf^A ,*l L4*/^hd- ; Vtf e-'.J-o S (1o')oO nx {I I.cl aOGE Or noa o -\\ -- iot- .. (01 RVv c,J {01 O SFR INX Lt E BOt te r! lJG5 .4 7 ..REIAIXIdG *TLL F^R xtfi 6 PLANITR PANXtflG SINUC IURI ' J!.j --E DCE Of uno€ fi ca ou{D .-t------------+\VA IL RUN Jo \/-- SurL0tt'lc 0ut Lt{E 'I tN'lr s co uRl I COvtR€ 0l fqer,r, A ltBQ suRvEy 5J El4re vAtlEy 1-ssQ' t 3uc!7 lF\c - acaoqe a?.AY- SCAL€ l'.2o o ) trn4 ETAITJING WALL .' t 34.4 PARKIIiIO 33. IElesreu t+r "te.r{e bnf+a-'?egestqL Loc.A{ro r.-\ 'CrSCoeF }rsJlj >-EOGE OF UNDERGROUNO 9 PARXING STRUCTUR€ /-bi VA IL RL bu *o ...-- AVILOING OUTLTNE .l .<:--- .rr,F:- t ir I :Ti.l. t.St5 Ellt.eec6ss;15 oF 'g& Srgve/ tgtawA !3' J rsl,) €.1 d4H,"9 ul. I dt9t1 / 'i I Joyce Communicatione Application Attachmentftem III The applicant, K Lite, a division of Joyce Communj.catione,Inc., requeets a variance to conatruct a 10 foot satellite diehantenna to receive progranming for it'e broadcast operation atthe Vail Run Resort, 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Vail, Colorado, whereits' studioa and offlces are located. K Lite currently uses a 13 foot recei.ving antenna for its' CBS network affiliation, EmerEiency Action Notification System(EBS) and musie programming network.In order to recelvespecialized programming & other broadcast servicee which arerequired in the operation of K Lite, an additional 10 foot antenna is required. Due to the differense in the locations of the flxed-orbitsatellites, 139 degreee and ?4 degreea, it is not poseible toreceive both signals with just the 13 foot antenna and maintainthe required epeclficati.one for broadcagt quality and nonitoringof the Emergency Broadcast Systen, The antenna will be installed next to the exieting 13 foot antenna between the tennia dome and the concrete retaining waII and will be conpletely blocked from view from the South and West and will be only partially vieible from the East & North. Thecolor and texture of the proposed antenna will minimize thevisual effect from the Eaet and North in that it is the same col-or as the exis.ting tennis dome and retaining wall surroundingthe proposed constructlon eite. Since the proposed antenna wilL be loeated in a depreselon, on otherwiae unusable land, between exieting etructures whlehwill block the propoaed antenna from view, it is anticlpated thatthe issuance of the requested variance will have no effect onIieht and air, distrlbution of population, transportation,traffic, utilitiea, and,/or public safety- 75 soulh frontago road vall, colorado 81657 (3(x|) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 oflice of communily developmenl October 4, L989 Joyce CornmunicationsAtt: John Chidester or Rich Teeters L000 Lionsridge LoopVail, Col-orado 81652 Re! Satelllte Dish Variance for Vail Run Dear John and Rictr: we have reviewed your application for a variance in order to havea third satellite dish at vail Run. Tn order to schedule thisrequest for the Planning and Environmental commission meeting ofOctober 23rd, you must subnit the following by october 9th: 1.A survey of the property stamped by a certifJ-ed surveyor. A drawing of the dish in place to show its impact onsurrounding properties. 3. Elevations of the dish which indicate itsand its heiqht with retation to the other 4. A landscape plan or a hray to hide thesurrounding viewers. total height, dishes. dishes from ff you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Betsy (osolack Planning Technician ,') ,i1 3, t t E{z "..- / n* 6 - /r-oo - APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure is required for any proJect requestlng a variance. The app'licatlonwill not be accepted until all {nfoimatlon is submitted, A, NAME 0F APPLICANT "lour" c"--""p"ti. ADORESS tooo lionoioo"-t_" Vsit.co. _ , pH0NE_.lzs_es00_ B. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE IbT q: r" Application oil ' ?.ZS.t? ," PEC MEETING OIf.C /0,23, W John Ghidester [Chief Engineerl l00O Lionsni Vsil. co. 81857 PH0NE t3o3l tr76-ssoo PHoNEt303l 476-8eO0 c. NAME 0F o|/lNER((type o lnt ADDRESS I D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Vail Run l00o L LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT FLoCK_JFrLrNq E. FEE $I OO Jo. THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'DEPARTMENT l,lILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. OVER PArD rf.s'fYl cR # q(.3,/ - 6"^ u,, i'u /" F. A list of the names of owners of alI plgpqlty adJacent to the subject property -INCLUDING PRoPERTY 8EHINo AND AcRoss_si$qEls, ani their maiiing-iidiisiei. THE APPLICANT l,llLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT UNiTii'iE-NOONESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE l.lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO)DETERMINEIFANY.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATIoN I{I[[ BE ACCEPTEo uNLEss IT Is collPLETE (MUsT rNcLUoE ALL ITEMS REQUTRED By THE ionrNe fl9T.{NITIR4I9B)._.II IS THE APPLiCANT.S RESPONSIBILITY TO ilnTE en APPOINTMENT I.IiTH THE STAFF TO FiND OUT ABOUT AODITIONAL SUBMiiiNT NEqUINiUTHTd. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION bIILL STREAI'ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PR0,lEcr ev..oec!-ff!$-rHE NUI'IBER 0F coNDlrroNs 0F AppRovAL THAi rHE-punHNlls'AND ENvIR0NMENTAL^c0l'1$lI!s!0N MAY STIPULATE. ALL C0N0rTiont or-npFiovA[-Nusr sE - COMPLIED I,IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT_IS_ISSN'M"" , , III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI,IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: , A. A-{EIIiE!..SIATEI4ENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED ANO THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationshlp of the requested variance to'other existing on potentia.luses and structures in the'vicinity. 2, The- degree to_which relief from the strict or 'litera'l interpretation andenforcement of a.sPeclfied.regulation is.necessary to actrieie-io*iiltiiiit:and uniformit_v 9f_tlqltment.airons sites in-ih;-vltinity or to attiln'tni"obJectives of this titre without-grant or speiiat-priv'itege. PUBLIC NOTICE NoTIcB IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environrnental Conmission of the Town of Vail vrill trold a public hearing in aceordance with Section l-8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration L. A request for a site coverage variance at the Sl-ifer Building, 230 Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. applicant: Slifer Designs 2. A reguest for an exterior alteration at the Slifer Building, 23o Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village First Fii.ing. Applicant: Slifer Designs 3. A reguest for a rear setback variance and a site coveragle variance in order to constrrrct a window well cover, a roof extension, and expansion of a stairway on Lot 2, core Creek E 6. 7. B. Meadows First riling. Applicant: Roger and Tilkneier A request to establish the Bed and Breakfast Use as a Conditional- Use within the Town of Vail . Applicantr Town of VaiI A request to amend a condition of approval for a variance for the Cascade Crossing Building, L031- South Frontage Road West. Applicant: Vail Cornmercial Partnership A request for a setback variance for a new stairway at Crossroads, Lot P, Block 5-D, Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Club llajilcs/JRc Partners, Limited. Worksession on Air Quality issues The applications .rrtrottation about tn" ptoptls are available in the zoning adrninistrator's office during office trours for public inspection. TOV{IN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEMT Published in the vail Trail on October 6, L989. Joyce CommunicaEions, Inc.Application Attachment List of Property Owners Simba Run Resort | 100 North Frontaoe RdVail, CO 81657 Tele Mark 1083 Lionsridoe LooD Vail, CO 81657 Breakaway West Associstion P O Box 1743 1023 Lionsridoe LoooVail, CO 81657 Snor"r Fox % Fox Land P O Box 599 Scottsdale. AZ A5372 Wm I Fleischer P O Box l3EB Vail. CO BlE57 o o -s-v Jlu ''* i;'t .$ , : , "h ris''tt -r'.,t $$o'i**i*; '--s-'tO [', "'T of;fl Ot!:$.trr l'l f,* IiQ | .,f,.0 I.il I JliiliiQ | ! i q/tf/rtl /"t']O | .t,.i'l. -" s{' o- | ' }Jr# i "! r / {flii i N d\a'?'*t\ z l.}t'; rllt'tf\i 'tj N : rrt X o 'g FlF I ott rit i\ !\ [,] Proiect Name: Projecl Application i r, " a.).' I Date 'r ' ii L_ \i I r: / Project Description:itl :)i\ lt*t-ll /J.,r' r (:,t '.j t ..i fr-l-.;. !t ,r,- .. A^{'ii:.: i 1,, /:" Contact Person and Phone 14".:(. r1 ' r, (/t | .._ :1.'i l', '/ ,l- ' Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing zone - Com ments: l t','. ,/ t, .{, Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Plan ner Date: E Statt Approval -d Proiect Application f't:tU i\"nr Ir 1- r}-l Project Name: r/../],L L r) r).)".1t :\ fr-i f, ,fr 1'rt./lr.Projecl Description: conract person and ptrgng l\i.r'.T,\ Hrdn'.t.',: l.-t - 3C'{L, 3;!l ."/fl: (e.''L r..;t-*- ]-r---efA . .lr; /i()ll i.r l,z3 i,,l Gt Owner, Address and Phone: -:.J-i t,lrlrr rl t-\' i, l "'K LtTe Ft //-\ 'l --r Architect, Address and Phone: r 1 , ii- ' i.! BlockLegal Description: Lot riComments: Filing Zone Design Review Board Date a ,,' "i'' / Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL !., Summary: Town Plan ner r:| ,- | - ,'Date: E statt Approval JOYCE COTIHUilIGATIOI{S,xlu". r4, Lg87 Y i i,l N ? (a lr l1 lrtJ ( I'o't+r South Elevation of Propoaed Sai.t€lita -"lDtenna Specificationa: - l3t Parabolic leflector_ *t"r"1ioa rogle 33o - Azinrth Xeading 224c Troe - Dish Corrtructioa 12 panel 5O52 Alurinur - Antcana llourt: Equitorial Polar fripod Grade 10WE.. E^^ L4-- t b,-/ - 6p4 au s"Lf -1,;/ i ,, fu"{/,f / tu-*y, 4 .,.}t-t v- r a--- L!/ / -'A- 't [a"-'-l'.Y^)t-t-/ 1O .-- '{€> t'}*-. \- /' { /rl. '$o" r,"f ., i| "t t - t - /. ,. .a /, r-k-/t44 ul C j"-.1 - 2\- t'xa-,.'--'|, l-^rlt4J,lu il l- 7r.--C Dnu /. l) t"6, px tn*w U h,, \,,.1 -^ .u n'l ,,&\. ,:, ( ,*f on^fafr, t ,.' , 6At*; *,,.' c,a+/u.--r se/ -.U-u/+ y'J- A/,A".+r1 -.r LJt o.l^,. - u-r,,) *i^J,i,}'L*lL) /'t cr./ | .// lAcu{,bn - Y h,,/ oo"- "hafI I I t v . [/)W / emt, c-i^-L (La""-1" fr ,ty' uv 1 I a,\-lle-z v V l4v- ocl o- .{.;,t' , 4u- \""-,( e,.st=-L.J- - t u(l- o,-f *--1"- tarL.*r.- r# .^xrt#t" ruu,-( li L L"-,,- J.( "'. Jn-q. 1,.. J,;(la 4' ' d{r.--,o^^-4t, ', ea *1r*f 'l ,o.,_ o/.- /{ / r-{^.--- f*Lt ' fuA gPooo*l T,*{4 o/f 0 I -..1 oarlren) Novenber 16, 1987 Tcrn of Vail Plarnirq & Ernrlronre,ntal Cmmission 75 S. F?wrtage Road l,frest Vail , C0 81657 Dear Sir: This letter is to aclgrorvledge that Jqice Cqrlmlnicatitrrs, K-Lite FM, tras or:r approrral to instalL a 13r satellite dish or dishes on tlre i,rest side of tlleVail Run building betreen the parkirq rarp ard the tennis bubble. Fred Gold SecretarY,/Treagurer Vait Run Resort Cqsmrnitv Assocatiorr o ResoRt coirY)rr2(/J.)rir{y 1000 lionsridge loop o telephone (303) 476 1500 Appl i cati on PEC MEETING Dat DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure is.required fgl qny project requesting a varJance. The applicationwill not be accepted'until all inioimal.ion is'submitied. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT Joyce Cmrmicarious, Inc. K-Lire FIt ADDRESS P.o. Bor LOSo Eagle, Go. 81631 328-5465 PHON Eg+q-r rss B.APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Klee D,obra, General t{anagerilarty Eijnans, Statioa EngineerNAME OF ADDRESS P.O. Box 1OSO Eagle PHoNE sme c.NAME OF ol^|NER (S ) Si qna ADDRESS Joyce Cornrrmications, Inc. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 1OOO Lions Bidge Loop Vail, Co. E. FEE $100 pAIo l/t6 cK #_>of__ FROM Jo., .. i--t-,..- (, ^THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I.'ILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS SrnEEfs, and their mailtng iid""=i.ri- THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf UNiIiNE NONRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL iNFORMATION IS NEEDED._I'IO RPPI-ICRTION I,IILL BEAccEPTED UNLESS IT_IS-COMPLETE (MUST INcLUDE nti irrr'lt REQUTRED By THE 2onrne l?I.lN$IR4IgB). Ir Is THE APPLicANT's RESpoNSrBrLrif-To rinre nn nppoinirainrI.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMiTTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PR0JEct av DEcREffiNG-THE NUMBER 0F coNDITIoNS 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNiNG AND ENVIR0NMENTAL-cOMMIssI0N MAY STIPULATE. At-l coNnrrloNs 0F AppRovAL-MUST BECOMPLIED WITH BTFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSGD"-- -- Itr. FOUR (4) C0prEs 0F THE F0LL0WrNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING A. A I^IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 'l . The relationship of the requested variance to otheruses and structures in the vicinitv.existing or potential 2. The- degree to-which relief from the strict or Iiteral interpretation andenforcement of a-specified regulation is-necessary to acn.ieve .orpili[iiituand uniformit.v o{ treatment afrong sites in ttre-v.ilinitv-o, to;ifii;'ih;'"objectives of this tiile without grant of specia'l pi.iuit"g". OVER Vari ance f -a- 3.The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public of poputation, safety. D. B. A topographic and,/or improvement survey at a scale of at least ln - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of a'll existing improve- ments, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least I" = ?0' showing existing and proposed buildings. AI1 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the iimensiofls-, ggnsp6l'appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed.on the site. A prelim'i nary t'itle report to verify ownersh'ip and easements If the proposal is located in a multi=family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of the projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an 'improvement survey and site plan may be wajved by the zoning administrator. F Time Requirments The Planning and Env'i ronmental Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. G. IV. on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- the Application attachnent. Item I-F. The applicant hereby sublnits of adjacent property. 1. Simba Run Resort 1100 North Frontage Road VaiI , CO 81657 2. Tele-Mark 1083 Lions Ridge LooP VaiL, cO 81657 l. Breakaway Hest Association P.O. Box 1743 1023 Lions Ri.dge LooP Vail, CO 81657 Lhe attached list of owners 4. st- , -/ snow Fox t/ ,.' f t ?^ -G=1 Va i1 , Co 81 657 c/ <, ,f /4. t "- ,a" * La / R -+ sag S.,Zs "( *t- h^? trrr i+5. WilIiam I. FleischerP.0, Box 1388Val1, CO 81657 -'. :.r a. ,,& /t r, ft r/f / PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs HEREBY GrvEN that the pranning and, Environmental_ commission of the Town of vail wil] hoLd a public hearing in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the nunicipar code of the Town of vail on December 14, l-987 at 3:oo pM in the lown of vail Municipal euilding. Consideration of: l-. A request for a variance in order to place a 13 foot diarneter satellite dish at vail Run, 1o00 Lions Ridge Loop. Applicant! Joyce Cornmunications, fnc. 2. Prelirninary review of submittals for exterior arterations in Commerci-al Core I and Cornmercial Core ff . The appJ-ications and inforrnation about the proposals are available in the zoning administratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVELoPI\4ENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the VaiL Trail on Noveinber 27 , LgB7. I I Application attachmentItem III. The applicant, K-LITE (KI.ILI FM) Rad j.o, a division of Joyce Communicatlons, Incorporated, requests a variance toconstruct a 3.8 Meter, (thirteen [13] foot diameter)satellite receivlng anfenna, neceBsary for the day to dayoperabion of its business, at the Vail Run Resort, 1000 LionsRldge Loop, Vail, Colorado, where a long term lease forstudios and offices has been drawn. K-LITE/KWLI FM is a licensed comnercial broadcaststation and must adhere to all Federal Communications Connissj.on rules, regulations and guidelines concerni-ngprogram transmission qualj.ty. Such rules and regulations arespecified in the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 73, andcan be surnmarized as follows: Measurenents of transmitLed signal-to-noise ratiolevels must exceed 53 decibels. 2. Frequency response must remain essentially ftat in a band from 50 to 'l 5,000 hertz. 3. Intermodulation and separati.on of left and right channels (stereo FM) must be less than 11 total;separation ean not be less than 40 decibels. The guidelines imposed upon commercial FM broadcaststations, aa paraphrased in the above federal. rules andregulations, require a satellite receiving antenna of notless than 3.8 meters if the high quality, interference freebroadcast signal demanded in these rules and regulations isbo be achieved, This receiver will be utilized to receive radio neLworkprogramraing , i.nclud ing state , nat ion al and internat ion al news t CBS network news, nat,ional Emergency ActionNotification (EBS) informatlon, specialized progranming andother broadcast services currently utitized by KHLI FM. The antenna will be installed 1n a depressi-on area, orgully, on otherwise unusable 1and, between the upper parkingIot retalning wal1 , the tennis court dome and the Vaj.l RunResort building, on the west side of the building. It wi]lbe completely blocked from view from the south and west, andonly fractionally visible from the east and north. Theantenna itself is of a color and texture so as to minimieethe visual effect from the east and north in that it is ofthe same basic color as both the tennis court dome and fheconcrete retaining wa11 that surround the anbenna. Application attachment. Item III. Page 2. The applicant anticipates that the overall helghtof the antenna wilL remain within the fifteen foot heightrestrictlons of the comnlssion. Current town regulations a11ow such antenna having a diameter of twelve feet. The appLicantrs request for avariance is for an antenna having a thirteen foot diameter,not significantly greater than those altowed by currentregulation. Slnce the proposed antenna site is in a depression between existing structures, on otherwise unusable 1and, and blocks the proposed antenna from view, it is anticipa|edthat the issuance of the requested variance will have noeffect on light and ai-r, distribution of population,transportation, traffi.c, utilities, and/or public saftey. ANTENNA DEVEI,OPMENT & MANURACTURINC, INC. POPLAR BLUF'F" MI$SOURI , t ANTDITNA: ADM 15 Diameter: 5.96 Meters (r5.O Feet) C-onstruction: 12 Panel5O52 Aluminum Alloy .090 n52 White Finish Antenna Type: Prime Focus Antenna Mount: Equatorial Polar Feedr Single Linear or Dual Orthogonal Linear Polarization, Rotatable 56O" Frequency: 3.7O-4.2O Cttlz Gain: 42.4 dE,inr 4.O CH" FD.55 Efficiency: 65o/o Beamwidthr€sdB:1.s" €lodB- 2.2" Sidetobes: Meets 52-25 log e with sidelobe averaging Shipplng Welght: Approx.55O lbs. ANTDNNA: ADM l-1- Dlameten 5.55 Meters (f 1.O Feet) Constnrctlon: 12 Panel 5O52 Alumlnum AlloY .o90 H52 White Finish Antenna Typer Prime Focus Antenna Mount: Equatorial Polar Feed: Single Linear or Dual Orthogonal Linear Polarization, Rotatable 56O0 nr€qu€ncy: 3.7O-4.2O Cj,nz Gain: 4O.O dBiAT 4.O QH, FD.4 Efficiency: 620/o Eeamwidth: esdB= 1.5o elodB= 2,2" Sidelobes: Meets 52-2S tog e with Sidelobe Averaging Shlpplng Weight: 45O lbs. ADM's parabolic dish antenna is constructed from hlgh quali- ty 5052-n52 alumlnum alloY (.O9O " thickness), <lipprimed with a zinc chromate base. With the sturdy steel polar mounL the ADM ll welghs 45O pounds. This, along with a low center of gravity, makes the entire assembly extremely wind resistant. The dish itself is inherently rigid and will not de' form with age. Once installed, the ADM dish antenna is vir- tually maintenance-free. The basic ADM l l antenna comes with polar mount and ( polorotor feed. Optional are the \ remote control antenna drive and extension panels to en- large the dish diameter to 15' for increased gain. Also avail' able is the ADM 11 Mobile Unit. tuwn n Iltl 75 soulh froniage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly development TO: FROM: DATEs SUBJECT: Adjacent Property Owners of Simba Run Conrnunity Development Departnent/Ton Braun Novernber L7, 1987 An application to erect a sattelite dish at Sinba RunResort fitis is to notify you that Joyce Connunications, K-Lite FIrt, isrequesting to install a satellite diEh on the weEt side of theVail Run building betsreen the parking ramp and the tennisbubble. The reguest will flrst go to Design RevLew Board on December2nd and to Planning Connission on December L4th. Both rneetingsbegin at 3:00 PM and are held in the Town Council chambers inthe Municipal Building. If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to ca1lTon Braun at 476-7000. A[.]+.^\.^r ,^\_-0r.\. ArL *anh.^.\.r rJ o?3 nec Appl ic atlon Iten I-F. attachment, The applicant hereby subnits the attached list of owners of adjacent property Sinba Run Resort 'l 100 l{orth Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 2. TeIe-Mark 1083 Lions Ridge LooP Vai1, C0 8165? J. Breakaway West Association P.O. Box 1743 1023 Lions Ridge LooP VaiI, CO 81657 4. Snow <Ia il , co 81 657 5. l,lilliam 1. FleischerP.0. Box '1388 Vail, CO 81657 \--t ,. .7 DATE; Q3/e2/AA E A clE . c o N D' o COSE: 0495 C0NDOMINIUI.I: $N0W Y AS5 l"l LIS co l,t I FOX UNT NIU coNDoS rl" TIN PASE: OR G SOCI SCHEDULE: 011763 DISTRICT: 110 CHAIN, RUBEN KT.'RI ESCOCIA N0. le I"IEX ICO 41, D. F. MEX ICO STATE: 0O Z lP C{IDE: OOO0OUNIT AO3 BK O3e5 Pc 0531 TAX ITEt'15: t 13O 1330 OOO2 SCHEDULE:. 011761 DISTRICT: 110 HARI'IAN, PAUL F. & VELI'IA A. 64E TEXA5 STREET GOLDEN STATE: Ctl ZIP CUDE: BC4O3UNIT EO3 BK O33e PC 0652 BK 0356 PC 0493 BK 0363 PC O32? BK 0407 Fe 0663 TAX ITEHS: 113O 123O O0O3 SCHEDULE: 011756 DISTRICT: 110 HdrRRIS0N, PAI'IELA 5. & 'JAHEE D. 51C? NORTH 4AND PLACE PHAENI X STATE: AZ ZIP CODE: EsOlSuf{IT 103 DK O3a5 Pc o7e3 TAX ITENS: 113O 1?3O OOO4 SCHEDULE: 011755 DISTRICT: 110 HOI"ISE, JUAN SAID CALZ TLALPAN 160? f'{EXICO 13, D. F. , HEXICO STATE: 0O ZIF CODE: CIOOOOUNIT 1CI4 BK CI3E5 PG O5E6 TAX ITEl"lS; 113O 1?30 OOOF SCHEDULE: 01175? DISTRICT: 110 TSHAILI, OZZIE R. L?TL4 MAPLE ROCK HOUSTtrN STATE: TX ZIP CODE: 77077ur{IT eo3 BK O3e9 PC O5e9 BK 0401 PC 0184 TAX ITEI'IS: 1130 1t3O .;, DeiE: 05/eal85 E A elE Assefson LISTINC COUNTY CCINDOI.IINIUH C&&E: O495 COND0!tlNIUl"l: SNOt^f FOX CONDOS 0006 SCHEDULE: O1176? DISTRICT: 110 ISHAILI, DZU IE R. Z, E.F. HUTTON INC. 14885 SAINT I'{ARY LANE HOUSTON STATE: TX ZIP CQDE: 77A7qUNIT 3O4 BK O3e4 Pe 0e7A EK C345 PC O97$ BK 0345 PG O97F sK 0370 PC 0147 TAX tTEt'15: 1130 1130 O$ST $CHEDULE: OttThb DItiTRICT: 11O J*YCE, PAUL A. & NONA 8., TRUSTEES 91&O h'EST 64TH AVENUE ARVADA STATE: Ctr ZiP C0DE: aoOO4UNIT 3O1 BK O3a6 PQ 0724 BK 0343 Fc OO99 TAX ITEM9: 113G 1?30 OC+8 $CHEDULE: Ql1772. DISTRICT: t10 MANNING, J, P. "O4 TURKEY FOOT RT]AD LEXINGTON STATE: KY ZIP ESDE: 40502UNTT 306 FK O3e6 PG O7g3 BK 0339 PA CI778 TAX ITgt45: 113O 1E3O SS09 SCHEDULE: 011754 SAKLEY, ROSERT D. -TARYLE, I,IICKS, ALLAN E. DISTRICT: 11O DAVID A. - 31GO SNUTH DETROIT DENVER STATE: CCI ZIP CtISE: 8OelOUN'T 1O1 BK O3e6 Pe 0781 BK OSEA PG OE69 TAX ITEI'IS: l13O 1E30 0s10 SCHEDULE: OrI777 DISTRICT: l10 ORLANDO, L, J. 11& 29TH STREET |'1A{I{HATTAN BEACH ETATE: CA Z IP CODE: SO?.6hUNIT 3O5 BK O3e6 Pc o779 BK 0397 PG CI713 ._": _-_,, EAcIE couNr ". BATE: O5/eal85 CONDgI'1 INIU CODE: O4?5 CONDtlf{INIUlt: SNOW FOX CONDOS s5 IS YA l,t L {s o n TING BK 0405 PG 0316 TAX IIEHS; 113O 133O 0O11 SCHESULE: 011768 PETERSON, CHRIS JANE E6O3 hIILLtrI.J DRIVE HAT,iEL STATE: t'lN ZIP C0DE: 55340UNIT 3O3 BK 0343 PG 06ee TAX ITEl"lS: 113O, 1330 COle SCHEDULE: AlL737 DISTRICT: 110 RSTHGEF, ERIC J. 611 SOUTH EI-4ERsON STREET DEhIVgR STATE: C0 ZIP C0DEr eOeOFUNIT 1O4 BK 035a Pc 0671 TAX ITEl45: 113o 1t3O 0Ot3 SCHEIIULE: Ct t7$S BI$TRICT: 110 SATD, ROEEFTT] SAT{I'{AN AGUILAR Y. SEIJAE *17O LOMAS VIRREYES t"tgxIcs 10, n. F. HEXICO STATE: 00 ZIP CODE: OO0OO utf IT a01 BK O3a5 PC 0530 TAH ITEl"lS: 113O 1?3O OC14 SCHEDULE: O11764 DISTRICT: 11O SUCAR, JOSE & CHARLOTTE RgF0Rl"fA e4ea z. FssT {'1EXIC0 1S, Il. F. l,{EXtco ETATE: O0 ZIP CODE: 0000SUNIT ?oe BK O3e5 Pc OSaA TAX ITEI'lEi: 113O ll3O OO15 SCHESULE: 011767 DISTRICT: 110 TAB INVESTI.IENTS BflX 1078 AVtrN STATE: C0 ZIP C0DE: 81620UF{IT 3OA BK 0360 FG CI739 TAX ITEI4S: 113O 1?3O ==+ = ==*== ===== - == === = = = = ==ta ===== = = ==== = ==== ====* ==== = =s =i== == DISTRICT: t10 SAT.F: CSBE: oeriaras EAcIE c CONDOH O495 CBNDO|4INIUM: SNUI^J FOX Y lrl A s $ f s o n LISTINE OUNT INIU ctlNDOS PAOE: OC16 SCHEDULE: THUI4I^,0OD' RIIEERT EE31 LT]NC POINT, HOUSTT]N STATE: TX ZIPUNIT AO4 BK O3e6 pc 0106 TAX ITEI'IS: 1130 133O O1176e DISTRICT: 110G, & LEATHA C, SUITE 4O4 C0DE: 7709S ] ' n' Prolect Application _lrr f^-.,r't ,-*.-- N proiectName: L'gCotl Srmg(!rYt-- l)t 4 Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot A}"t Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the planning and Environmental Comrnission of the Town of VaiI will hold a public hearing in accordance with secti-on i-9.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on February 1_3, t9B9 at 3:OO pU in the Town of Vail Municipal euilding. Consideration of: l-. A request for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I i.n order to renodel the Sitzrnark Lodge. I83 core Creek Drive, Lot A, Block 58, VaiI Village t-st Filing. Applicant: Sitzmark Lodge 2. A reguest for a variance to the number of sat,ellite dishes allowed on one lot in order to locate an additional dish on the Vail Run property. LO00 North Frontage Road West, Portion of Lot L0 & Lot 1!_, Block C, Lionsridge Filing 1. Applicant:Ciscorp 3. A request for a conditional use pernit, a variance for parking in the front setback and a site coverage variance in order to construct an addition to the Vail Mountain School . Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12 Filinq, 3160 Frontage Road East. Applicant: Vail Mountain School 4. A request for a conditional use penrit in order to construct an addition and a parking structure to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Lot F, Vail Village Znd Filing, LB1 West Mead.ow Drive. Applicant: Vail valley Medical Center 5. A request to amend Special Development District #L4, Doubletree Hotel . 250 South Frontage Road West. Lot 2, Block L, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Holdings, Inc. ?he applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator,s office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on Januayy Z.I, 1"999. Appl ication Date The appl ication ADDRTSS ptt**sr+ L.- *{ ,rffi_W=snl B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATI VE ".t S,?QPEC MEETING DATE ^- APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure Js required for any project requesting a variance.will not be accepted until a'l'l inioimaiion is'submitied. A. NAME OF APPLICANT CrSC.Ord> ADDRESS c.NAME OF ol.lNER (S Si ADDRESS (type or print) PHONE ADDRESS \JAIL- R\) b=\ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lor_gl#K /:FrLrNG rJ a!-"'--t-l-,- '. enro_3!6grn _cK #_JI&__ F THE FEE MUST 8E PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPM YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STRIETS,THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIE.E FON CORRECf II. A PRE-APPLICAT-IgI...9q{|ERENCE llliTH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0.)DETERMINE IF-ANY ADDITI0NAL Ir'rionr"rarlor'r-ii NEEbLD.'-N0 AppLIcATI0N tltLL BEAccEPTED uNLEss IT_Is^coMPLETE (MUsr tllct-uoE Arr-iiiprs REQUTRED ei rHE-ioNrNefllIINlIIR4Iql).- II i! THE APPLicAnri neiFolrilariiiY T0 MKE AN App0TNTMENTl'IITH THE srAFF T0 FIND our ABoUT AoDrnor'rnr-s[eltiiini nequrnEMENTs. ILFISE-TSTE THAT^A.99+TLETE-APPLICATION I,IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORYOUR PR0JEcr ev-DEcREASIRFTHE NUMBER 0F coNDrrloNS 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENViR0NMENTAL^c0MMII.slot'l MAy srrpuLATE. Alt Cor,rorrloNs 0F AppRorlAL MUsr BEcomplrED wrrH BEFoRE A BUTLDTNG pEmlri-ii-issffi.-- - III. TOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOHING MUST 8E SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN SIIIqI.qTI OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: -T__-.-- !N l' The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal lnterpretation andenforcement of a specified requration is n...rsiry io i.ti.i,. i"riitiuiiituand uniformit_y g{ treatment atong sites .ir-itre-vt"cinit}'o" to iitlin';f',","objectives of this tiile without grant or speiiii-p.iuir.g.. PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL E. FEE $100 ROM T DEPARTMENT t,lILL ACCEPT adj.acent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. OVER Va ri ance 3' Ii:,:;jff:,;i,:;'riiri"ii.ir,li:rl ilf,ilil,l,lr:.,,.". r ,r ,.,,,. ;,, JaiB r,':o83i:Ntjd;,:iiiij:!ffiTriiiij;li,LiLil;,;:,:' | :, :'' :::.p4 ments, in ;ii, ii;n;ffi ;;3;H"aii3,il.;j.i;;H;..,3':ii":i_:i:11,., ;i, ::; ; . n,i .- I e. c. A site or"n "r-, "".r^=^:'::": -J'Er-! rrndrq;{'c l:-;. I : '' b'rii;;r;;:t at a scale or at Jeast l" = 20' showi ng exlstlng ri€ i:.,.i,..D. il: lffIljnary bui.rdins elevations and-ftoor pla .x i'i iiis"ii8'i;"33i8;.J,.if,:'iii:., irir.' ril ill'ir':if iliil, :i,, li.l. ;; :.,,E. A preliminary title report to ver.l fy ownership ind eEssnsrl,F. ll!h: proposal is located in a mr,.r+;_€-*.:.t.. ', -."- -eJ=,rrenEs associaiion, then written uoo"^u,.|yl:i-family devel c ;;:kt oe-reieiv"i"u,'r'rIiJ *r.luHi'jill'i:rltsiii,:[1H"".' a"i"- in"i'iJt,ill'illi,lr'ffff ;ii{"ll;":.n" rev i ew or the appr i cari on as* .l9f interior modifications, an .waived by the .onind uj,ii,;ir;i.Jlf:rvement survey and site plan may be IV. Time Requirments ii:41!:iiil,,lno.E:Ilonmentar.go*j::,gr meets on_the znd and 4rh MondaysJl: :i:sii;Ji'.01,!i'fijil'r:t3ffi ill:l i"'l iii iir "a'icompanyi ns materi a l ;,T,tiiJt;,1;iTrs; .Ho-inir,'iillt"IFi,i;!l!i!!'ril !.qi[lifl;.zu,1;*]!. or '*nutuo irlriiii.l.lii.lt accepted bv fte pranning iiiri'iero"e or arter trre.iusig_ .\nP\ \J"t- EOG€ , ?n")\r" OT ROAD \ \ ---....-/ Oun 47tl -.. 9('| LIGHT o.5 (D I O SPRINKLER EOX ELEC MH 6oa;<o..4 (o) . Y ICHT ATER i IPLAHTER P IPE i I I rt s ETAINING WALL . a/. Y 35.3 55.4 -_EDcE oF UNDERGNOUNO STRUCTUREPAR KING -,,-- BUtL0tNc ouT LtNE lF\ c lt. 33. I VA IL I I, i, ai TENNTS COURT (COVEREOI '* ez.l ,\!,,.1rl\' ".o MH z?.3 fqsu, * tqSQ SuRvet' 5j EN#e dALLe/ EF\c,' t Sueut - {oPacr FAP,Ay- 6cAL€ 1:?-o ,,\ 1Lb'o a,.1 a9 PAR XING I K,o*, WATER PIPE :a; I 35.3 35.4 ?ED6${ALrctsc-oRF PLANTER LocqT.o A LANTE R EPestlu tocr "l(Lrre >.ra{la/ IGHT rtb'..-..-EDGE OF :r PARKING .563 EAL*cqg uFx\T otr '8b s;tve/ UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE 3.O t--^ BUtL0 TNG OUT LrNE eo *u Jo f Itr ; R ETAINING WALL PARKING 't! Pi/a- APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA I. Procedures for-applying for a satellite dish antenna are ouilined inOrdinance #9 of 19g5. Details of these procedures are availab] e fromthe Department of conrnunity Deveropment._ nppricants ar. "ncorruged tocontact the Department of Conmunity Develophbnt for additional iitormationconcerning submitted requests, review criteria, and the approval proieJs. A. NAME 0F AppLrcANT CtSC,4p p / 0 t lDv. <a R ADDRESS 43tO SPetN4 ttAuElbR DAq43 ta.( l,zctt/ PHONE2I4 q L6 lTO I LEGAL DESCRIPTION ) r q lf, ar,t-" f-[- B. NAI4E 0F APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIYES S|retl-t tE tne tuut+ *{sTWS ADDRESS.PH0NE gr? t64( c. NME 0F oWNER(S ) SIGNATURE D. List of names and addresses of all property incl uding property behind mai l ing addresses. The appi i cant add res ses . I. Srnsfr Rue) srsa*-rtt'oo I) fb1t&e PaAU Vhu-., tp PrAS? 2, aGtE neek t0 gR Ltoqt rtr Dqr &'oF uArLr (' gtgs? ?OB r/ltc ) mrD - Err+'rl- property adjacent to thc subject and accross streets and theiris responsible for correct mailing ,5. hjr,^ a .(lersoL<t'/ 138 g , 6 Ylu{4 3. 6rceev*r*+V UeST isaoc, Pots ,+<3 iOLS (ror.r3 PiD4E Lt"Pvatu t (4 8(0S?tf, sUow (oF % eox c"*r.tb, P oB tq1*s'fs DACE , A? 8S31L AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE #9, 1985, NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY9lllFMs REQUIRED PRI0R i0'Riviir,, rii nnv ApplrcATroNS By THE DEsrcNREVIE}J BOARD. FOR THIS.RENSOI, iONPrriE EPPTTCNTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTEDTO THE DEPARTMENT Or COUUUT'riiV'OiVrrOFr,rENT 21 DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULEDDESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING. I (. _' .t!t :';.'{: - '., .": r.. .',l.ri'., . ;r. i f .' '.,{r, ..,.ti.tr ' ?'. i ,.. '-,..,. ,:'r.' ',1,.,'rj :;. F rr:., l' 1t: tr ,.r.) . .it t "... r .,1r. :; 'tl.i t,'.'.1 ;: K. ,:, ). , , Ii "t I ,'r.\Y:.t:'t I t ':.1 ii i,'.rt 1g ri r ll fi .l ^'xtf i'll :t -1,-..ii.1-I .',.\J:)r. t;r..rl I .i:,C,Ji i'r'i:i Ir.l ,..llAtr ,rrr. iiir '-:.: :I i.; '., Itv. St.rlA;,..irf.r .l.ar.'l,F: .d.l {n :l ' .i i,<.!t'.: ;3 ,-q ,-..r. ) f ' : )iFt*ja f', I ;:Au .,i ,+h irrr{a '. r.p.. i fer? 75 south tronlaEe road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 To: Satellite Dish Applicants From: Department of Corrununity DevlopmentRe: Review Criteria and Approval Process otf lce of communlly developmenl The rev'i ew process for any application for the insta'l tation of a satellite dish antenna begins with a staff revjew by the Department of Community Development. Comp'l iance with the following requirements is necessary before any application js forwarded to the Design Revievl Board: l. Complete appi ication consisting of the following: ll cor,rpleted satellite dish application form and material listb) Completed Design Review Boaid applicationc) Site plan showing proposed locatjon of the satelljte dish antennad) Description of the satellite dish antenna (i.e. size, design, materjals, etc. )e) Color sample (if applicable) f ) Landscape plan ('if appl icable)' S) An improvement location certificate and/or a preliminarytitle reoort h ) Elevations, perspectives ,or renderings if deemed applicable by the staff of the Conrnunity Deveiopment Department 2. No more than one (i) sate'l lite dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot as deljneated on the official Town of VaiI zoning map. 3. The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when measured from the top of the satellite dish antenna down to ex'i sting or f inished grade, whicheveris more restrict'ive, shall'not exceed 15 feet. 4, The maximum sjze of any satellite dish antenna jnstalled for use by a single residence or business shall be limited to 9 feet in diameter. Satellite dish antennas serving multi-family dwellings shall be limited to a maximum of 12 feet in diameter. review criteria page two I'lo advertjsing, logos oli dentif icat'ion shal I be aljowed on any satellite dish antenna. Satel'l ite dish antennas shal1 comoly wjth the existing setback requirements of the zone district in which the satellite 7. Due to the special aesthetic importance of the core areasof the Town, exterior jnstal'l ations of satell ite djsh antennasin Commercial Core areas I and II shall be permitted onlyjf screened by some type of enciosing structure. Said structures required to enclose a satelljte dish antennain these areas shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations and shall be architectural ly compatible wjth the existing structure. ::i"lltl: ?i'l l!!l3t''and approva I process E 6. It should be noted that variances may be granted 35sys (i'lurnbers 2-7) and in Section 18.5g.320 D of to any provisions outlined Crdinance 9, 1985. Appl i cati ons to the Design fo'l I ows : in compljance with these requirements shall be foruarded Review Board. Guidelines utilized in this review are as All wiring and cable related to a satelljte dish antenna shall be installed unerground. The use of mesh antennas is highly encouraged because of their abil ity to be more sensitively 'integrated on a s'i te or structure. The use ofapproprj'atecolors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive jnstallatjon when integrating a satelljte dish antenna onto a site or structure. Color selection for a satelljte dish antenna should be rnade with respect to specific characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and satellite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be allowed. Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is screened from view from any public ri,ght-of-vray or adjacent property to the highest degree possible. In addition t0 effective site planning, screening a satellite dish antenna may be accomplished through the use of iandscap'ing materials, fencing, existing structures, sub-grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the s'i te. i. 2. 3. 4, ---:i:"1il::,3n"Hgll "'ll;."till8: cri teri i 5. Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structuresshall be permitted provided the satelljte dish antennais architecturally integrated into the structure. Effective use of color shal I be requ'i red to ensure compat'ib.i 1 ity between the satellite dish antenna and exi sting structure. The use of a mesh nnterjal shall be strongiy encouraged when attempting to 'integrate a satell'i te dish antenna onto an existing structure. 6. Landscaping or other site improvenents jntended to screen a ,satellite djsh antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the jssuance of a building permit toinstall a satell'ite dish antenna. A letter of credit eoualto L25% of the costs of installing 'l andscaping or sjte improvements may be submjtted to the Town of Vajl if seasonal weather conditjons prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements. 7. A1 1 improvements requ'i red by the Design Review Board for the purpose of reducing the visibjljty of satell ite dish antennas shall remajn in place so long as the satell'i te d'ish antennas remain in place unless permission to alter or remove said improvements is obtained from the Design Revi ew Boa rd . Al l satel l ite di sh antennas and al 1 i mprovements required by the Design Review Board to reduce the visibi'l ity of sate.l lite djsh antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shalI not be allowed to become dilapitated or fall into a state of disrepair. Upon final approval from the Design Review Board, applicants must obtain a building permit prior to the installatjon of any satellite dish antenna. SATELLITE RECETVING SYSTEMS sALES & SERVTCE OF AUOIO C VTSUAL COiiPONENTS BOX 4. 400 WA'ER REDCLIFF, CO 8t 649 303 827.5841 December 27, L988 Torm of Vail Design Review BoardVail, 0J 81657 Sirs, Satellite Receiving Systems was l'rired by CISCORP of Dallas, Texas on L2/27/58 to represEnt them before the D(ts and to install a 2M iricrowave antenna at VaiI Run. The purpose of this antenna is to receive microwave direct comnunications to a comDuter which will receive data pertinent to their publi.calion of a-yellow pages dj-rectory. l,Je ask for: 1. a variance on the one dish/lot ruling due to the naLure of placernent of the antenna, i.e. below grade and behind and under the existing 4.2M KLII'E antennal 2. that this matter be considered on the January 18th DRB Meeting so that installation andpublication can occur in time for the tr'orld Ski Cup. As pertains to Section 1 of Satellite Dish Application Form: 1. a & d. l'4aterials shall consist of one True Focus brand 2M, one piece, solid, hydro formed dish mountd on a 3 1/2t' O.D.' Schedule 40 post. One run of RG6 cable shall- be buriedto the cable entrance at. the S.E. corner of Vail Runts basement. 1. e. The <iish may be painted any color ,lL:prned appropriate by D.R.B. Tturnk you for your consideration. Sincerel- Jlm Heriot Ovrner Satellite Receiving Systems u+ n- I /'(', ,, )tr '\ P-' , ,)' ^fr"0." g oa) TE P) fio.)ro E m t0 tlt Fr).t 7t 1$f,,t d oE 7 t lx f,li 7!t t? 1o.rt s 9 o aa t, d !r 70c 7 00r o ;lltf' L t o s $I dI L -t f,.o dt, ;. ,t" Lt :1 tl\r.tt I ". \l'! 1t lF . 'i/ il:1.' l! tl ti| | o..'.. -' f. ti\._.{'. 'ts it a i'.*... : lr '....';.t;$ .. 'j ' ---:. 1- - i.. I t,. '"t ,r.. >,' .,: 1' :.' 3 I ii. !,!' . :. ,'l:, r.5 ':. "| .-) 4..- T L t DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION hlILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aetermiirb if any additional information js needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It js the applicint's respons'ibiiity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additiona'l submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wjll streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building perm'i t is issued. APPLICATION DATE: o IL.z+.89 DATE OF DRB MEETIi'IG: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: I - 't\ rl DP^, ,.f -.E €DAddress v,+tL Ru F-I fdo o lr. F€OAJ":l*r F - Legal Description Fi f ing Zonr'ng tot (pope\ Btock_!_-.--7_- F. C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: C\SCoRP Address 43ro 1ffrpq VALLEV DAtlA5, TX "J'44te1ephone u(1Lb ltol D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: 5 A.TFLJ-\f .6. FE CETVI}SI^ 3YT(FdlIS Address 4eo tl*ga ceorurf , C., 8ro*1 telephone ?z+ slD4l E. NAME OF S i gnatur Address be pa'id at $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 50o,o0o $5oo,oo1 - $l,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 iMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requ'i rements, the applicant must stake the site to jndicate property lines and bui'l ding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be mark-ed. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEl^l BUILDINGS will norma'l 1y involve two separate meet'i ngs of the Design Review Board, so plan on at'l east two meetings for their approva'l . 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and'who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $ 100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 I l _l tel ephone t:4 iUU ltPl the t'ime a bu i 1 d'i ng permi t i s reques ted . FEE li-'t''tt't|".'. :i'r,;: ,: 4, The fo'llowjng items no longer have.to be presented-to.the Design iiily,-nor.uei, hau" to be lresented to the Zoning Administrator a. Wlndows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not existing p'lane of the building; and b. Bui'lding additions that are not.viewed IIoT qny other lot or public space' ;hi;h iiive-nai feiteii suUmittea from adjoining property owners approving the addition; uniio"'.pp"ou"i from the aient f6r, oi mairager of a condominiunt associ ati on . Review Board. for approval: alter the 5. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check witn a Town Planner before proceeding. .J'ir,rr Li :!.3 )rJt! '{ '.: 1., ' j:.1': -<}lr, ilr .} l:l I irl'r..)$ : .."\ :.'pr [i,. ', -; ,*'liVr'1.1 3.1n,, tit t ,1 !. i.:, ..\r- tl ..' . ' , Ji : .'r... ,/ ) :.iA'.r r,l.t; itT f iI.':- e.It):.,ft-A..' f i*:..t <r: . iJr.rf q.ir €rAgJ Jei, . c' ti. . j.^' ?v.ir I -_.. . ' ta. , r*.r ; r, , ; r, l,.J .€.. ;.i,ri,lt , ar cl Xtt ; Ll': :r .' '.F t+i lA . J ",.i:. r. r? 1:,-. '.r .a .-r- .n " i :r-ri $ti. +ri . '' t q:1.;.;1' "' ; !tlr. {j: ii r!*t" F Ltt *:l tt SATELLITE RECEIVING SYSTEMS SALES I SERVICE OF AUOIO A VISUAL COMPONENTS BOX 4. 4OO WATER REDCLTFF. CO At 649 303 427-5441 Jamrary 11r 1989 Design Review Board Town of Vail RE: Building Pernit, CISC0RP dish Sirs: thank you for your questions concerning Ehe need for two micro-wave antennae at Vail Run. The existing 13' dish serves KLITE r'*rich picks up i-ts progranming from satellite satcqn F1 at. an azimuth of L39o west; CIS@RP will pick up voice data only (hence a smaller, 7' dish may be used) from satellite Galaxy Tl.rree, aE an azimuth of 93.5o wesL for a difference of 45.5o. At our latitude corrections make for a difference of almost 90o, whicll makes it impossible to use the same dish to gather both signals, utrich would have been the preferred route. En0losed please find a phoLo of Lhe site l,iith a 2x4x8 representing the height and loeation of the rear edge of the dish as requested. If I rnay be of any further help, please do noL hesitate to ask, /l[l UP+ Jim Heriot 5*/- / -4*/ S /.r, ,1? ) /u .' €.1,r f /, { h -(e'-t- a; neh, t ,-/rr .)'-t r.t) 'J /'/ -2i ///. wlry n', / ?.- , '/, s L / .-4r-ur/ a ,..drur./ -/,tz''1 /rft- C! 61'Lt &z'zo 1, nAe-,( /f7r r ll(Sn<Va.. I I\ft 1l {,V rl€ sa- a 1-, c t'f"-*- L*l _ - (,p -h"rt - N-h-J- 6lW&-- z'--= Proposed SatelliLe Dish Loca Lion Views from Lions Ridge Loop Proposed Satellite Dish Location I{ote: Rod shosn is l3t-5" and depicts ttre highest Point on an teona --l South Elevation I{orth Elevation Proposed Satellite Dish Location Viers Looting llest fron East Etrterance of Vail Run Parking Lot 7OO SEVENTEENTH STFEET, OENVER, COLORAOO AO2O2 TELEFHONE (3O3) 37O-',t2OO I \ n t\ t II b'Yi) N*-t; David D. Nowli.n Vice Presldent DDN:lm,g FIELD CORPORATION January 30, 1986 Kristan Pritz Tor"rn Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Antenna on Vall Run Building Dear Kristan: This is to confirm our telephone conversation of January 28, L986 wlth respect to the ancenna on the Vail Run building. It is ourintent to remove the ant enrra vithin 30 days , \,,ueather permitting. I will request that our commercial condominium manager enp1oy the Decessary people to accomplish our intent. In the unlikely event that weather or other unforeseen circumstances should pxeveDt us from meeting the lvlarch 1, 1986 date, I wiLl advise you accordingl-y. Thank you for your patience and consideration in this natter. Very truly yours, I 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657' (303) 476-7000 November 26, 1985 Grant 'Al I ey F ie'l d Corporati on 700 17th Street Denver, Co. 80202 Re:'Antenna on the Vail Run Building Dear Grant: I am in the process of trying to resolve the removal of the KVMT antenna.on the Vail Run Bui1ding. The Community Development Department has :received one comp'laint from an adjacent neighbor as well as complaints:from our Design Review Board asking that the antenna be removed. I am requesting that you work with the Generai Manager of KVMT Jamie Hast'i ngs, 'to remove this antenna by December 14, 1985. 0riginal 1y, I'had sent aletter to ll|illiam Fleischer, General Manager of the Vail Run Resort. He informed me that you were the appropriate person to write to concerning the removal of the antenna. The antenna was first approved to be located on the Vail Run Building in September of 1976. In June of 1983, KVMT presented a proposai to the Planning and Environmental Commission to move their offices to Chamonix Corners in West Vail. The Planning Commjss'i on approved this request. A condition of approval was that KVMT remove the antenna by January 1, 1984. This requirement was not met. In April of 1984, I sent a letter to Stu Sacks, General Manager of KVMT, and asked that he remove the antenna by June 1., 1984. This deadline was also not met. The issue of removing the antenna became very complicated, as there were questions as to who wasactually the owner of the antenna and who was responsible for removing theantenna. I also discussed the issue with Dave Nowlin from Western Federal . Once again, the questjon of who would take responsjbility for removing the antenna became very difficult to answer. page two tL/26/85 Grant A1 'l ey The community Deveiopment Department staff_is not go.i ng to try to decipherthe 1ega1 responsibilities between the vail Run Reiort-and KVMT.Regardless of whether or not the owner of the antenna is KVMT, vail RunResort, or the Field corporation, the staff is requiring that the antennabe remov6d by December 14, 1985. |,.te are asking that ali three parties cooperate to resolve this issue. I have enclosed the background materialon the vail Run antenna. If you have any questions about ihe removal ofthe antenna or previous approvals, please feel free to call me. SincereIy, \\((itt Kristan Pritz Town Planner a.t I 't rl 75 south lrontage road vail, colotado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 13, 1986 David Nowl in Western Federal Savings 700 lTth Street Denver, Co1 orado 80202 Re: Antenna on Vail Run Building Dear Dave: I have discussed the situation with the antenna on the vail Run Building withourtownattorney'LarryEskwith,aswellasPeterPatten.'our "pi"i.^ ii ttrat if yo-u-wish io keep the antenna, you must submit an application to. " conJilion"f use permit' If you do !9! wish to keep the "ni"nn", the antenna must be removed by January 29' 1986' I have enclosed the Planning commission schedule of meetings as well as an "ppii""ii""-form for the coiaitiona'l use- I am asking that you meet the submittal deadline fo. in. February 24th meeting. P'l ease submit your proposal by January 27th to the Community Development Department' If the antenna is not removed by January z9th, the community-Development O.p".i*-^t will have to cite your company.for the t-o!ll9-Yiofatjon' I hope that we wi'l I not have to get into this type ot actlon' Thank you for Your cooPeration' Si ncere ly, 1(fo,",?.'+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner luwn KP: br I 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 .(303) 475-7000 otflce of communlty developmenl November 18, 1985 Mr. !Ji l'l i am F'l e i scher Vai I Run.l000 Lionsridge Loop Vai I , Col orado 8.}657 Re: KVMT Antenna letter dated November 14, .l985 Dear Bill: After taiking to you today on the phone, I realized there are two mistakes in theletter that I sent to you on November 14, 1985. First of al1, i had meant to send you a copy of the letter that I sent to Jamie Hastings. For this reason, the letter refers to a call that I gave you concerning the KVMT antenna. Thjs reference js incorrect. The second mjstake was my statement that nearby resjdents had complained about the antenna. At this tjme we have had one resident complain about the antenna. l,le have also had several complaints from Oesign Review Board members that the antenna should be removed. I apologize for these prob'l ems with the letter. You had also mentioned to,me that the antenna is actual 1y owned by a bank in Denver.If you could send me the names of the appropriate peopie to contact jn Denver, I wouid appreciate it very much. Thank you for your assistance. . KP: br Si ncerely, ' ^.\\,' , r, i,y', ->,,^ l/1,-]i _1i.. lrri; Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner I I ![,'. .l,18 1 /') lCe.' ".' T\o s\"'be- \\ o,-J V'e,nh\- of\ *t'e- pto+<'s ir\-..- t,to\t6:"e C 1.\c<\<s locr'\o^-' -l' dra,*'-\nr d'st--' ' / 75 soulh lronlage road rail, colorado 81657 (s03) 476-7000 November 14, .l985 oftice of communlty developmenl KVMT % Jamie Hastings 2271 North Frontage Road Vai'1, Colorado 8.l657 Re; KVMT Antenna located on the Vail Run Buildinq Dear Jamie: Recently I gave you a call concerning the KVI4T antenna that is still located on the Vai'l Run Building. The Community Development Department has received severai complaints from nearby residents concerning the antenna. I am asking you to work with the generai manager of the Vail Run Resort, l^lilliam Fleisher,to remove this antenna by Decemver 14, 1985. In June of .|983, KVMT presented a proposal to the Planning and Invironmental Commission to move their offices to Chamonix Corners. The Planning Commission approved th'is request. A condition of approval was that KVMT remove the antenna by January I, 1984. This requirement was not met. In Apnil of .l984 I sent a letter to Stu Sachs, general manager of KVMT, and asked that he remove the antenna by June l, 1984. This deadline was also not met. The issue of relmoving the antenna became very comp'l icated, as there were questions as to who was actually the owner of the antenna and who was responsible for removing the antenna. The Community Development Department st#f is not going to try to decipherthe 1egal respons'ib'i lities between the Vail Run Resort and KVMT. Regardlessof whether or not the owner of the antenna is KVMT or Vail Run Resort, thestaff is requiri ng that the antenna be removed by December .l4, .l985. We are asking that both KVMT and Vajl Run Resort cooperate to resolve this issue. , I have enclosed the background material on the Vail Run antenna. If you have any questions about the removal of the antenna or previous approvals, piease feei free to caii me. Sincerely, Kristan Pritz Town Pl anne r KP: br Encl osure cc: t,rli l l iam Fl ei scher +^ Decenber 9, 1982 Itl,r. *flm Sayre Dept. of, Community Dev. 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiL, CO. 81657 Dear Mr. Sayre, Ae per our ptrone eonveraation yesterday, this letter ls to confirm KVt-{Tre intention to place a portable Eatellite dlsb mounted on a LS foot trailer in the parking Lot of the VaiL Run Building on the N. frontage Road. This dish wilL be utilized for the sole purpose of broadcaeting a live concert the night of Decenber LTtb fron 8-lOp!i!. It will be necessary to have the dish at thls location on thursday, December 15th in order to align and test. the audio f,eed. Tbe dish is scheduled for removal on.saturday, Decenber 18th, Thank you for your kind consideration of thls matter and I wiII keep in touch with you if there are any nodifications to the above schedule. sinT5re].y, l/ t NA'jq<* Davi.d AlLen Operatione ltanager \ 1000 LIoNSR|DCE LOOP . VA|L. COLORADO 81657 . {303) 476-KVMT ??, September 21, I976 Pub I ica'tion Daic Hea r i ng Fee $s0.00 ArrPLi{,Al'I0i.l i Otr vAliIAl.tct: Anrj/0r COlii)ill0NAL LJ :;l. l)[',lri,,l lT 0rrl inari cc l.lo. B (Scries ot l9'l 3) 0-,wilt -'() il-'' Applic.llion Dtr.1c Heari [--i na I ng Date frr:cisiorr date {or Tow n Ccurr cll /y;s ) Colorado Investment Servj-ces of 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, (lipp I icant) Colorado Vail (Siate) (Ci-iy) do he reby req ues t permission io ap pea r bef ore the Vail Planning C,lmm i ss ion fo req uest ihe f o I lorv i ng: ( A d d re s s ) Phone 476-1900 Variance from Arii Zcn ing Cha nqe from Parl<ing Variance rlo- . ".--,Section 'lo ttil5* e14.in SD 5 Conditional Use Pernri i ng describecl p r-ope rf y: Lions Ridqe I{o. I ovi a radio stati-onf o a t I Zone.Portion of Lot 10 & Lot 1l For the Fi ling C lca r ly f o | | ovr i ll umbe r Lof,/fracf---,B lccr C sf a-te purpose and inten f of this app lica-iion_!o._pg-Ernil__---- Jbg__a s_lgbli-qhm_qnt -of_ a*r.ad io s tqtion gperation pl anned to occupv 3gP_r.o or Epa-g.e_-lglbe__LewCr PL.,t.i.+4o,f, : gyg_r__gE_yg r!_39!_gl9"s_ yl_ttr an emersency t{ in an obscure location on the roof of the buildinq \trh at do yr:u feel is the ba:is for hardship in i'his case? ^.,['. -1UYit'l',4s ^Y "2 i?? see A*achmenr ,,A,! Manager 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657'- (303) 476-7000 Apri'l 30, 1984 Stu Sacks Program Director KVMT Radio 2271 North Frontage Road Nest Vai I , Col orado 8.l657 olflee of comrnunlty development Antennae on ilding Dear Stu: i have enclosed a copy of the minutes of the June .l3, .|983 P1 ann'i ng and Environmental Commjssion that concerned KVMT's request for a con-djtjonal use permit to build an antennae on the top of the Chamonix Corners building. The Planning Department requests that you complywith the approval by remov'ing the old antennae from the Vajl Run buiiding and by painting your new antennae at Chamonix Corners with a dullpillt. Thi,s work must be completed b.v June l, .t984. Original1y, KVMT was asked to remove the Vail Run antennae bjr-January l, .l984. Ifyou have any further questions, please give me a ca1 I your cooperatjon. Si ncerely, Thanks for Krt^?-t KRISTAN PRITZ Town P'l anner KP: br Vail Run Bu 75 soulh trontage road -- yail, colorado 91657 (303) 476_7000 .lune '13, l9B4 Dave Nowl in Western Federal P.0. Box 5807 Denver, Colorado 802.l7 Dear Dave, olllce ol communlty developmenl Re: KVMT Chamonix Corners and Vail Run Here is the staff memo and planning commission minutes for theKVMT.proposll:. I hope this informition will be helful for yourmeeting on Friday. Please call me if you have further questions. Si ncerely, \{i'\'^f';h- KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP: br Encl. ,l a_( MEMORANDU14 t Planning and Environmental Conrnission Department of Conrnunity Development June 6, ]983 Request for a Conditional Use Permit in the Commercial Core III Zone District in 0rder to Construct a Studio Transmission Link at the KVMT Studio Located in the Chamonix Corners Building, a part of Tract C, Vai1 das Schone Filing #1 Applicant: R & L Corrnunications TO: FROM: OATE; RE: DISCRIPTiON OF PROPOSED USE R & L Comnun'ications is currently constructing a new studjo for KVMT within the Chamonix Corners Building 'in West Vail. The Commercial Core III Zone District allows radio and television signal relay transmiss'ion facilities as a condjtional use via a recent amendment. The operation and broadcasting of the radio station from this location necessitates the need for transmission of the signal from the studjo to the transiator at Potato Patch. The STL {studio Transmitter Ljnk) is proposed to be the foliowing: Specifjc Location of Site (Appendix A) (0n roof of building) . 70'from the east side of the building and 6'from the front of the building. Description of Antenna . 8 foot meta'l pole supported by tripod device. . At the top of the pole will be a parabolica'lly.shaped tubular structure 'l 8" high and 46' across. "Corner Reflector" (Appendix B) , Approximately l2 " below the corner reflector vtill be a Yagi Antenna; a'n'open television type antenna 27" long and 13" deep (Appendix C). . The complete STL is the minimum height necessary to effect good transmission from our studio to our translator at Potato Patch and js a lovl powered device specifical ly approved by the Federal Conmunicatjons Commission for transm'ission wiohin Radio Bands exclusively allocated by the FCC for use by broadcasters. " CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section .|8.600, approval of the conditjonal use Consideration of Factors : the Department of Cornmunity Deveiopment recommends permit based upon the folloling factors: Relationship and impact of the use on developntent objectives of the Town. l,Jhile the Town does not encourageit is important to realize that a rooftop antennae or qual ity radio signal above qrourrd util ities,is in the public tntet'est. ft KVMT -2- 6/6/83 No impact. Effect u n traffic with particular reference tO est i on automotive andstran safetv an conven r ence traffi c contro access. maneu vera- rem0v a snow irom e street an 'lnq areas . lqqh qther factors and criteria as the commission deems a licable to theproposed u.se . Th1e1vlroqmental i jf an environmental None required. F IND INGS The Department of Community Development recommends that the conditional usepennit be approved based on the following find.ings: That the proposed location of the use'i s in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the district in which the sjte js'located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldbe operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety,or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvbments in the'viciniiy. That the proposed use would comply with each of the appl'icab1 e provisionsof this ordinance. STAFF RECOI4MENDATIONS : -ry ,' r? Thg.gl{gg.:lgf .llq use on liglt and qjt''- {istributioq_9fu_op-ql_{rj_q_!:J1e!l!ojlg!_q!IqqIl Ltles, util ities, schools, parks and recreatjon facilities, and other_ | :i_-r_,___-_:_____ -_public facilit'ies and public facilities;eed;:-=- - No impact. @rof thearea i incl ud ing s . The antennae equipment will not intrude into any significant views, publicor private, and the scale of the equipment is relative'ly minor in comparisonto surrounding uses and structures. The Department of Community conditional use permit for Development staff recommends approva'l of the requestedthe stated reasons. '.{} .J II iI '9$it["4 COAPOiATIOH Mrrrrl Ecronru rs A RFGtsTEnED THADE\IARK OF SCALA E LECT NONiC CORPOqAIION a ,,i $f;Ati'ELECIFOIIIC CORPORATIOII rr CA5-'l.l;'.; CC l;i Rltl U t'.J tr C,qT i C ; ,Ar ,{e F 'g f/ lJ / POST OFFICI EOX 1530 Il|EDF08D. OREGON 9750I (503) 779.6s00 cA5.450 -J YAGI ll ,tlU l/ 6i) Frequency Range: Any specified frequency 216 to 1000 MHz lmpedance: S0 ohms Gain (over dipole): 10 db VSWR: 1.3:1 maximum at Fc -+0.6o/s 1.5:1 maximum at Fc +- 1.0o/o Front-to-back Ratio: 18 db Input Power Rating: 100 watts Polarization: H or V (rear.mount, adjustable) Termination: Type N female (mates with UG-21/U) MECHANICAL SPECI FICATIO N S (CA5-450 at a60 MHz) Net Dimensions: 27" X 13" X 5', Net Weight: 4 pounds Shipping Weight: 7 pounds Wind Load: 25 pounds (100 MpH with 1/4,' ice) Mounting: Altaches to circular support with maximrrrn 2-318" O.D.