HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT C11 VAIL RUN SIGNS LEGALtsign Review Acttn Form ProjectName: Peak Land Surveying Project Description: New Awning sign Owner, Address and Phone: Peak Land Surveyingn 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Vail, CO ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: nla Project StreetAddress: 1000 Lionsridge Loop Legal Description: Sign app. file under business name Parcel Number: Comments: TOWN OF VAIL BuildingName: Vail Run Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:max size is 4.4 sq. ft. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 10-30-97 Board i Staff Action Action: staff approved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\AP?ROVAL\9 7\PIAK.O30 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $34.00 F HUll I Uv r I IJANC L,ICUUFII;.I5 F7EZf/g?lZfS Qucrliss5l C+ll thc Plrrnning D6rh ar 4?9,2 r 28 s Ic n"'&$#Nl NG A PP LIC.A,TJ Ottt 'l'his application is tbr any rtigrt that is locatcd within thc Town of Vail. Spccific rcquirerrlcrtg arc jrvdil;rblc tiour lhc $qxi6fisnf 9l Conlmlrnity Dcvclopmctit. Nrrrrr+ ot' Llusi L*.K *--| 3r-rvueA. tt F,'fypt ol sign (scc bftck for dcfinirioas): '!l\uilding nanrc ard a Var I r'\ lSOa Liai. Nitrflc of ou'rcr:- P,la*'ts ucr*A. q.r- --q:Jj l,hot\c: ?76: ^\!-y1- Mtrilirtg aoor o Signarurc of owner: No ;'n c of pcrson subrrri{tirrg:_Phonc: 1lf dir'fcrcnr than orvns) ACtlrcss: U Frcc standing U Whll sigtt D. TOl'l.fNOF YITL ;F{ Orhu'r. spccilv: ,l-Srrc ol'sigrr and $i?.c or'lcttcriog for clch sign proposcil:- 5r'q,r^.i ?$"Y Zt." t. .1. li. 1.. L.\:rrlirh of b,rrs,incits troorsFc; ,- f Z-t , (t),qh) l{Jl6ht $r' *i$$ tbove gradc: N$rrrb&' ni signs prollorod: I Nunrbcr ud siz.c of cristirtg :rigrs:*_ D I.'ocllliun of cach sign (atach $ sitc ptan and an clcvatlon drawing or r ptrottgraph clcaily indi,:atifig thc Fr{)Fo$cd lOcation),o-f-"*-l* 36"K lis' = 1,{ M- ll. lvlnrcrrlls and colorr ofsign (artf,clr $itlfllcr): t4i Dcs:ribc lighring of sign Gisiirbor propo.tcd): ir' c* lt +.ro{^\ _- *34.or. ql.l6 tl l l. fi t ! i!..,- i.r,--i ! oo ='1^ ".+f'."-\^*{ +-- atr^-rtrt'-1 ol{\ su..a-f=, '"*-*"*-1"cI,***-**" ;rrys{ 76'x 14,4" ilil ii lJe Gn"-'^ Ltl*tni l..iiffi A fi{ tr'irui} ffi ffi &l S r._ll*TA [*-$T $, g $\*i m. r-.^rLi4g r;loifltrKJn To: The Town of Vail From: William I. Fleischer D/B/AV.R. Commercial Ventures I Owner Date: October 29, 1997 Re: Peak Land Surveying, Inc. Signage To WhomIt May Concern: As the landlord for Peak Land Surveying, hrc. at Vail Rtur Resort Community,I have reviewed and approve the proposed awning sign. Thank You, r1-7f /iil, l/---/4 William I. Fleischer o ;eesoRt C:or'r r'r)rJ,rnry 1(M) lionsridge loop r vail, coforado r 81557 r telephone (970) 47G1500 PEAK LANtr CONSULTANTS, tNC, LOGOgtrgt' 7L(ur^ - T() E]Ids 'fe, 0T tz r'tHro/ gen pcttr-u,,D ('J l1\A &1€\rh( UZSfg$-g *\h6n 4 .D "rl\l(F' TSfS 8;8 0/ tl T- . l- | r,..-eKrstr ll1 s11^> -^ ValI Euu".l . J ,,, J, N e-.u=l yn -,^t j lt -bc- .t4e- scr *^e siae-,w4Ltcul b 1., a.^,d .,.tlz.rl,ter[ fu_ 'e:W., Category Number Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL 3 -rs - 77 Proiect Name: Building name: /./r--'-N ?. ^ "-,* Project Description: Owner, Address sndPhone: ,/-a f\ 7?'/r.c r0ec's.4,'^\. LL( /q)c) /' ',t^s, /iAr, /-..o/ /2{_ Address and Phone: :Jt (<s Legal Description: Lot- Block- su,'livision 1;o^: FrlS" f /'., * / Zone District sr,rl #5 Projectstr€et a6arcss1 ,/fu' /:'br1: /Zb/r" '/.cdf Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: D Approval a Disapproval $(Statnpprovat DRB Fee Pre-paid fl =o'* r.\ is( d l219/93 APPLrcArroN DArE 4f zs/+ l PHONE iPlease Print or Tvpe). NAME oF PRorEcr Tlzfft+gtd NAME oF pERsoN suBMrrrrN " @vuonn?/? y'J*6_s- ADDREss 7o Aq e*qf An- e Ws t NAME OF OWNER ADDRESS SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER LocArIoN OF PROJEcI raaaresst /dOO hopS Ltryt /"o/t DESCJI]PTION OF PROJECT - .]'ii[! F'OLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THIAPPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST AS1ITC SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGNITEVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTIoN oF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL,PRoJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIcN MESSAGE. -/L9rt1 /<7a/ ; TAr B. srcN oR AWNTNG MATERTAL ,^ / ?/, ;po,Vr o/ fz tilqar rza/- B*4.a /w "',o . r: It n F !'. C. li?; ${*'&J}u3*Blno$of%j?uryu'oo CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION oere 5- t-?7 SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO -, /- t , +, lt? ?- .+ ,//-- HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING oR PROPoSEO) /*;7aA,- (ATTACH ) FOOT OF SIGN AREA. LENGTH OF BUSTNESS FRONTAGE (FT) APPROVAL ER SqUARE*)2E F) Site Plan E.Levations showing exact location of sign orawning on the building Photographs showing pioposed locationColored scale drawing Sample of proposed material.s Photograph of sign if availabte 1". 6, Srgn Administrator VR. COMMERCIAL VENTURES P.O. BOX4000 VAIL, CO 81658 (e70) 476-292e Apil28,1997 L&B Broadcasting II, LLC 225 North Mill Street Aspen, CO 816l I To Whom It May Concern: We have reviewed your request for approval of a new awning sign as described in your sign/awning application dat.r,d 4125/97 . We can only accept the sign if it is no larger than the current sign (27" X 7 6') you have displayed, and it can only be displayed until December 31,1997. {,t/ttfu William I. Fleischer V.R. Commercial Ventures ,t APPLrcArroN D,*e 4?.4L$cu/4fwE49l''n.e..Ie[ ( Please prinL or TypeL NA.I{E oF PRoJEcr "-WFrtlC '^.u+-- NAr.tg oF pERsoN snBqtrrtLvc lrhut k* lolrtl 6.tt o]tax,.9.r aPR-25-9? FRt 12:14 P-A2 ADDRESS NAI'18 0F ADDRESS owunn *l=-t6,bLo CaStu.t--Q -nxoor{t:9-'fi.b --".+ L++ SIGNATTJRE OT'OWNER, +-r,ocATroN oF pRoJEcT tsdjte"e_l___Q4o !q_L_ Block Filing _ DEscRrprroN ot n*otecr f T}IB TOLTOSIING INFORITATION IS REOUIRED T'OR SUBMITTAL BYAPPLICANT PRION, TO TBg REQUEST BEING SCIIEDULED BEPORE OF TBE SISN/AflNING (FREE STANDING, TAT,L,ETC), INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. THE l'HE DESICNREVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION PROJECTTUG, D. E. F. H. c.SI?E OF OVERALL SIGN. SIZE OF LETTSRIIC. AI{D I,OGO --..zits_zy! HErcHt oF stGN ABovE eaeoe 41ry,u. lr / . . DESCRIBE LIGHtING {ExIsTrNc OR pRopOSED) /484e4___ frta. :+rg: -rrre a(u/q LBNcTH oF BusrlifEss FRoNTAGE crt </rt _-^ CONDOUINIUX ASSOCIATION APPROVAL . (ATIIAC}I t FE83 $20.00 PilrS 91.00 pER seuARE FOOT OF SrcN AREI.PArD CHECK !tO,__ DITE-- REOUIRBD l,lAtSRIAL$ SUBy?I.r'Ep lrrTlt APpr.rcATIoN l. -_ Site Plan2. - el.vation8 shouinE cxact Locatlon of slgn or awnlng on the bullding3, _ Phocogrsphr shoulng propoled tocation4, _ colored ecale drawing5- _ S.nple ot propo6ed nateriale6. -- Photograph of rign if availabls -_*:.,_ Siqn Administrator .lt rt .IlIt :'t:a. o cr&\o o ttttrl ('F\!€:isool\'l o n t€BtrN;5iF. tr\< Ito(.) ^o troar oBooEtOIJO0rBOFI 5EbOt-r6ots \-'I O!, P.f-. !r O O.:'0r0)<Orri'o F.op {o aCr'.Jt-t Fr qt (r I r-.. 91Fts.pO 0r F{CoE5!l ot/\ F.r ' {< !t r-5 Eot -fF.FJO C) r-o ts.o \o>l (,) lr@a.o o coe=r q v. tt 0) i I. tz s E' s$ NHnil Tll ilrs-:to-l tr 3 s 6e T a .. ,i'F r: I Ii ll li i tt.i 'l('--- i. "l .-1f' iiLrlfi I : !ri :. ----.1-- at ;-t' I I :, tf l'r lltt, 'r\X- fn : v, lrl i.3 8:l'r?FIA {" il.--.--- I ( lrl I . i; l'a ! F I Cuolr/f c-/t I0l4fi,m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Profect Name: BUS STOP PIZZA DRB Number: DR8050392 Proiect Description: BANNER SIGN Partlcipants: owNER FLETSCHE& WTLUAM t. 08lO2l2OO5 PO BOX 4000 VAIL co 81658 APPLICANT BUS STOP PIZA 08/02/2005 Phoner 476-1295 1OOO UONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL co 816s8 Project Address: 1000 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1OOO UONS RIDGE LOOP Legal DescripUon: Lot: 11 Block Subdivision: VAIL RUN RESORTCOMMUNIT Parcel Number: 2103-121-0400-2 Comments; BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: Planner: Bill Gibson Action; DENIED Date of Approval: DRB Fee Paid: $68.00 It ( ,r*m Sign Application for Design Review Department of Community 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, telt 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. an appnca on* cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmint. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposatz tot:C l( Bock:- gu66iririon' VFtf- Z'UN physicarAddress: loo tlo\Jg{.lf* '= C.dl( [/-tt Parcel No.: 4.lOZ I Lt o1267-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97tr328-8640 for parcel no.) L{ooc)Lus -JgJ- Owner(s) Signature(s):f Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: fl ao w ao x\ ;ad Type of Review and Fee: /LJ 5lgns El Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition fl Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square Footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior convercions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board. No Fee approved by Planning Staff or the flFAth a r r,rIIEI/U AUU - 12005 : t l' IOI4A'M SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. specific requiremenb are available from the Department of Community Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A, B. (. n E. G. H. I. l. K, L Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): EfiffTiff* sisfu 4,sutrtt ?Hanging / Pr@rEf,tgn ' trDisplay Box trDaily Special Board flJoint Dkectory Sign trSubdivision Entrance Sign D Building ldentlfication O Mural E Window Sgn tr Sign Program n Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign ? tr Other fu#riF v?a'+u Sign lighdng plan: E Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.E Include height above grdde. lumens output, luminous area.El Atbch a cut sheet for each proposed fixhrre. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awnipq will attaEh tp the b-uilding and how the awninq wirbeconstrude? AnNtlrl, eph6l)- .hiW fu,>t.r# CEtvpN. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) lf deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. I have raad and understand the above listed submittal requirementsl Project Nanle: Contractor Signature Number of signs Sign message: Sign and lettering dimensions for proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing @ t/+" = I)i Length of business frontage: Z F 4ttHeiqht of siqn(s) from orade: Z Sign Location (attach a site plan aqd an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicatinq the proposed tocauon of sien(s)): ATfAc(6t fr AilN1N;C'' t Number of signs exisbng: { Materials and colors of sign Gttach samples): NDUtt Date Signed trt -)I r0t4,Nm JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail C.ommunity Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand that minor modificaUons may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. , (Signature). (Date) Pase 2 of 4104128/04 \ ltlv PD6N -r ot-D ILY gXSIJ@ t5 aetl^?ou-*4-) ftl -n,r#;ru $ultan'1 'te 4l> (>o f43; 7^'.An a'.,t^"/'u 6rff', 8"''oll f2'Jr',arton It3xb 1,,^Y FaN'|,aa Refl,.*rss -1-7yg'' t*O+ ?tlte (nvr"ET P|UA" Buuuea..-- \o c(Yt*# ftAus PeF^r MaPf dTHtrz t'lt{ b4d fLf @plUI{IilOT'I/AIL D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F/lX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 11, 2005 Bus Stop Pizza 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 RE: Bus Stop Pizza- 1000 Lionsridge Loop (VailRun/Lot C11, Block C, Lions Ridge 1s To whom it may concern, The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for a new sign at Vail Run for Bus Stop Pizza. Unfortunately, this proposal does not comply with the Town Code and has therefore been denied. Pursuantto Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, bannersigns are not permitted. An awning sign may be installed for this business; however, the sign shall not exceed 6 sq. ft. in size. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, {!9lo""o"o"'""" 4'/rr/t: *n, -.1--<-- BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail EXHI5IT,.'1A''. to lease dated January 1, 1988, betteen Joyce Communicarions, Inc., a Colorado Corporation (tenant) and Willian I. Fleischer, d/b/a/ V.R. Conunercial VenuEures (landlord).; * :;; i'ii . AI.IENOID e${e.6!:;;li Li iti YATT RUN bull I + ItAF Fg0{ RESORT CoitilUMlfr. / !.--- .{*./- J\- 36 + \- Sn ?- rtt.\.il I it ;i .'1 I :l::- |-l -li -' " if' f -.;IL I i'. 't. ,g l. .. a ,),e,,\ -.J.d I-.. l ,'t :; Q'9 SED FRerrces 3 to xfrKE lrztr flfllaut{c *{il;/tL2 t,--..- I Project Application o^," /frget zsr/ry- Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board ,,," -fl Zsf (, DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL n Staff Approval Datei Town Planner €w Pg, #4r.0' SIGN./ATTNING IPPTICATION Print or Type) PROJECT4v\ A,i o ec a,ot l-O-.t.t PERSON SUBM]fTING OWNER OE'OWNER APPL I cAr I oH oatkct+i+i{+.{€g? PHONE (PIease NA}48 OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS SIGNATT'RE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION PROJECT OT PRO.]ECT KU v+z57 72fr57 THE FOLLOWING ]NFORMATION TS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAI, BY THE APPTICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHBDULED BETORE THE DBSIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION PROJECTING, (FREE STANDING, WALL, I SIZE CF OVERALI, STGN,SI?-.8 OF LETTERIIiG AND LOGO// D. E. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT)// CONDOMlNIUM IATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) OF THE ETC) , SIGN,/AWN]NG INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. Ltti $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. DATEHECK NO. Si.te Plan Elevat.ions showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photcgraphs shcwing proposed l.ocation Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if availabfe FEE: PAID.. 1 z- J 6 4. 5. Sign edninistrator TO: SIGN APPLICANTS tlhen applications for signs are submiCtedr the followinginformation is required: 1. z. 3. 4. A completed sign/awni.ng application (attached), A site plan showing the e;lacL location where the sign i-s to be l.ocated. A photograph if possible and building elevatton showingthe location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wiII be.(b) A list of material-s to be used in sign (metal, wclod, canvag, paint, etc. )(c) PhoLograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to Lhebuilding and how the awning is t.o be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that wil-l be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighling is not allowed to shine through the entire a$,ning which calls undue attent-ion to thebusiness. LighLing may spotlight only the :rctual sign lettering on the awning. REC OF4MENpA :qIgX€_!R P OJ NLEB S_ 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. vaglreness on design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application reguires a separate review by any local, State or li'ederal agency other than the Town of vail, t.heapplicalion fee shafl be increased by 5200.00. Examples of suchreview, may include, but are not linitecl to: CoLorado DeparLmentof Highway Access Permit.s, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any natter is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shafl be paid by the applicant. Applicat ions deemed try the Communily Development Department to have significant design, Iand use or other issues which may have a significanl iinpac+- on t.he cs.rrununiL.y may require revier., by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to revj-ew any application, Community Development may hire an outsicleconsultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary topay hi-m or her and t.his amount shall be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant. at the Lime he files his application wj-th the Comrnunity Development Depart.ment. Upon completion of t.he reviewof the application by Lhe consultant., any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of Lhe consultont- which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to Lhe applicant. Exfrenses incurred by the Town in excess of i:he a$ount forwarded by the applicane shall be paid to the Town by the applicant,within 30 days of notification by the Town. \ SALES CONTRACT Since 1899 PAYMENT TERMS Merchandise described hereon is offered for sale in accordance wih he Terms and Conditions shown on the reverso sid6 of this Agre€ment on the follow- ing payment terms. Go[orsdo Genves Awmflng Gooo 0Bc. MANUFACTURER OT Fenn|c AND METAL 3990 South Windermere. Date otfer Maoe I8X8ff L2/30/gl'Estinatedi-ate of The Imperial Fez Address 1000 Lions Ridge Loop Vail 81657 Zip Code Delivery Address Phone Same E uot" deposit wilh balanco due on receipt ol invoice. Accounts are d€linquenl after 15 days. Inl€rsst charges of 11/27o psr month are due on delinquent accounls. DEPOSIT RECEIVED (Oeposit musl accompany this contract.) n casH' DArE-AM'. I cxecx, #-DArE-AMT ! VISA D MASTER CARD NAME ON CARD CARD # 476-1.948 EXP DATE OFFER Make (1) sign panel to fit in the sign band area at Imperial Fez. i^li dth: 6'-0 Height: 2'-0 Fabric: Sunbre'l1a 4617 Royal Blue 3" thick sewn stripe starting 2" up fron hnts botton of panel (white). l.lhite painted letters to read: THE IMPERIAL FEZ AUTHENTIC M0R0CCAN CUISINE Style: same as on letter head, Sjze: 8" capitals on top line, 4" capitals on bottom 'l ine, Installation wj1 I be done at a tine when our installers are already in Vaj'l for another job. 3. C% sa] es tax Lane Bertrand AGREEMENT All terms, conditions and prices conlained herein 6hall expirg thirty (30) days from date of ofter and at any lims bolore that date are subiect to change or withdrawal withoul mtic€ unless Purchaser has tirst signed and dsliv€red this agre€ment to S€ller. The undersigned Purchaser hereby accepts ltris offer and orders gnd agrees to purcfiass and pey tor ho above descrlbed merchandis€ and to b€ bound by all lerms and @nditions stated, including Torms and Conditions on re\€rs€ sids. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE - READ BEFORE SIGNING. Purchaser hereby acknowledges receipt ol a completed copy of his Agreem€nt and acknolvledges that PurchasEr has rsad and und€rstands every- lhing contain€d h€r€in. Purchaser Accepted lor Colorado Canvas Awning Co., lnc. by: Authorized SignaturB Purchaser 1.,t. hJtlrrt / -SflttPe L,uL# t,1? 4 zaqt Go0omedoGemnoggApn@ s'nc"'ee JOB ADDFIESS CONTACT 30/? -T z!o DATE PHONE -T l-a-u I -+-N|trL 5rf4Pi:b!o G€flooodoGffigMg s'nc'raee f!:-Clnfzetio[ J') ,z{ ulientio Jrt o roooo, { uirinz -r z!o I ),_ln)lrt t' -Sfi4Pr l--- t:'----- 4 Go[ooqdoGgmMeglWg sinc'raee JoB NAME -&frPrrz+a u fe.z \\Project Applicatlon Proiect Name: Architeci. Address end Phone: Logsl Description: Lot Comments: Design Revlew Board ""r" , r\ ,O \g{ DISAPPROVAL - " r''I Summary: Town Planner E Statt Approval 't t{'d Fee Paid Applisatiol Number SIGN APPLICATION Date Name of Project u.-t- Name of Person Subrnittino Phone 41G-19,4{ Location of Project loon f.,nrr.r,f,ge l^.rrl -O"i t Rr^T3\dg Description of Project The fol Iowingto the Design Sign submittal information is required for Review Board before a finalfee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sign Materiuf f c J crrnn J B. I Description of Sign C. Size of Sign D. Corments . MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION I . Si te P'lan2. Drawings sEilTng-xact locat.ion3. Photographs showing proposed loca-tTdi-4. Actual siqn5. Co]ored sia1e EEwIn-q-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- Sign Administrator t-3. 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 April 17, .l984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners RE: Sign APP1ication Requirements olllce ol clmmunlt, develoPncnl When applications for signs is required: are submitted, the following information l. Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to be located' 2. Photograph or drawing showing the bujld'ing and where sign is to be located' 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the followjng) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign wjll be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) PhotograPh if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 aPPf ication will be required at time of application'fee / (over ) =. TO: FROM: RE: 75 south lrontago road tail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 17, 1984 SIGN APPLiCANTS Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners Sign Appl ication Requirements ofllce ol communlty develop|nent Apri 1 When applications for signs are is requjred: submitted, the following information l. Site plan showing exact location where the s'ign is to be located' 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located' 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale,drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) PhotograPh if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of app'lication' I t (pver) I- Appl i cati on .[umber,{,n tl SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid Date Name of Project Name of Person Submitting Location of Project Phone Description of Project The fol'lowing information is requ.i red forto the Design Review Board before a finalSign submittat fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approva'l can be given. A. Sign Materia'l B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign D. Connents MATERIALS SUBMITJED WITH APPLICATION 1. Photographs showing proposed loci[]o-i-4. Actual siqn5. Colored sialFll.awr--nq-r. L(J tores Scate orawlnq6. Photograph of sign 1 . Si te P'lan2. Drawings sfioiliigEact 'location Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- )rgn Admlntstrator Sign Administrator V n '-".t ftl,, ,, L"l /? (Ir,sIz.- L,uLe--tt.rttt q)q*r76( ) Project Application irl)I(r/1.1 sl.(Proiect Name: ProJect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone ft1,rf,,r,a. F / r / si/,= n Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descnption: Lot Comments: Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA L DISAPPROVAL fr s,urr Approval 7 DL- -\ v6q.ta 2r€.W /c-a7 Application Number ftfD,.lAN A 1 tggz Date 6's4/ Phone 47f14€p SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid ,'' t /. Name of Project UA 7A Name of Person Submitting C//PiS7* A Location of Project /AoO A)Uzon Description of Project l) li I ^ u,-{ u /. r //,..--/ J/-P!l!-)l&tu:ex l. -l/t'ttt I rn'- z Eo,.tl\!,.t--!.-z-r=_.-r-77-_7-"- The following information is ,^equired for subrnittal [y the app]jcantto the Design Review Eoard before a final approval can be given. $ign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sisn Materi 4 fuzS, B" Description of Sign Length, of Frontaqe (FtJ Conrnents :.ri 1Itr I,! I t MATERIALS SUBMITTED I^'ITH APPLICATION Disapproved for DRB SubmittaTl 1. Site P'lan ./2. Drawings shor,FnEEact location i/3. Photog;aphs shoiing proposed locaIl6fr'l-y'-4. Actual siqn5. Co]ored siale <l-iawinq- l/6. Pnotoqraph of siqn - =-T . PtuTodoev eF eoifo ) Approved for DRB' Submittal Sign Administrator Sign Administrator \ ! i \ -l!I tl Li l.\.l:lt lIlt :' 1-Y' {i1lk : I 1i' tt ..-#{ i I I i t.i I I 1 t ! l&:# SlaP '4/o7- 7-a sct/tl S;#a\t /5 /-ocrf77tu "-tf "t/,2 " tltu,' ,4' .o^"Q &es ecK ndic gw fil i SiqN ts 6.0 sq, FT ScArE= Jn.h=lft. ,i,\ffii: t f?on,rr*a€ /s 32' 5'r"6/t/ /4/0uL-,o Ba @'.s:ap7 € Yr< rr ro4- r4r,uru ra<4 4zt <l Prffir aF lnun ?5 sottth honlage rosd vail, colondo 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47S2r3rt office of community devdopmcnt Uarch 7, L99L Mr. william fleischerc/o YaLI Run Resorts tooo Lionsridge LooP Vail , Colorado AL657 Re: Ewo nev awnings Dear Bill: on Februaty 26, l-991, I wrote to te}l you that your proposal for tvro ne\ir awilngs had been staff approved without the logos. I also indicated tha€ you could appeal this Oecision to the Design Review Board or apply-for a sign variance if your desire is to pursue approval of irre logos. I-did schedule you to appear at the f,teslgn n-eview Board at yelterday's meeting, March 6t L99L and left phole **r="g". with your secrttary asking if you wished to appear in order to appeal the staff decision. Once again I wish to repeat, the awnings without the- logos have staff ipproval . If you wisrr to appeal this de-cision, pJ-ease let ne know so Ltrat f can place you on the DRB agenda- Sincerely, k"'rA" Planning Technician I i 'l FILE 75 eouth lronfage road vall, color.do 81657 (303) 47$,2138 (303) 47$,2139 February 26, L99L oflace ol communlty dqrelopment !tr. lfillian I. Fleischer General Manager and CommerciaL OwnerVail Run Resort 1OOO Lionsridge LoopVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Two new awnings Dear BilI: On Friday, February 22nA, members of the planning staff had anopportunity to visit the site of your requested awnings. fhlsletter is to notify you that the staff bas given approval- of theawnings including the white line, upon condition that no logo appears on the awnings. The logo constitutes signage, and as such, would place the Vail RunResort over the alLowable signage for the bullding. Vail Run may have a total of two signs which indlcate in letters, s1mboJ.s, etc,the name, rrVail Runr'. Logos are included in the definition ofsignage. Sectl-on 16.04.240, Sign, states: nSignn means a surface or space as permitted in this title,whether continuous or not, which attracts the attention,identifies a business or building, conveys a nessage to anyperson by means of letters, figrures, or other slmbols,devices, or representations.tl In Looking through the past awning approvals, we can find noapproval of the logos which had been placed on the KSKI or Domino'sPizza awning. COPY aI EncLosed is a copy of the staff approval . If you uish to appealthis decisionr you nay come before the Design Revlew Board on ![arch5th. If you wish to apply for a sign variance, please coue in andpick up an application. The next subnittal deadline is uarch ll +eF-th€--}fflch for the April 17th neeting. If you have any guestions, please do not hesitate to call. I will be out of the office until Monday, !,larch 4th, (or possibly Friday afternoon, March lst), but shelly Mello or Andy Knudtsen would be happy to help you. Sincerely, i5{,8''h{ Betsy hosolack Planning Technician Project Application Project Name:K,^ Project Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot l0 *tt Block /" Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL rtting Lt uns N V* , zone - DISAPPROVAL Comments: Design Review Board Staff Approval / oCIfl rc)n 1000 lionsridge loop r vail, colorado r r telephone (303) 476 1500 (,o/rlretn 1000 lionsridge loop o vail, colorado r 81557 o telephone (303) 476-1500 (,o1rl trrJrY) Februal'y 19, i 991 Town 0f Vai L Deslgn & Review Staff 75 South Fron+,age Road Vail, Co 8i657 i was 'Lold by youi department that if I submitted ny proposa: that it couLd be approved in a staff neeting. Now one week has gone by and I an told that ii has to go in front of the les 1gn and Review Board on March 6 , 1991 . i eior:rt unde:'s"'and the confusion, because the mate:'ial presenred is very stralght f c,r'ward . Please subr,it a ieiter to me, jn wri*,ing, exp]aining the the change f::trnt Staff approvai to notd, Desi.gn & Review Board approval., which is causing a delay wlth the project. Please be very specific and detalieC ,in voii:' ratj.onele and coininerts regarriing the reason foi' de1ay. SincereJ"y, /,'(-llr Wiliiam C ere lal I. Fl ei scher Man age l lttll,/cls q ResoRf c(xY2rDaDw 1000 lionsridge loop o vail, colorado o 81657 o telephone (303) 476-1500 d,t-, jj 1l ir 4 I li ,ili;. r;lolfltrKJn February B, 199 L Design & Review Sta ff Tonn Cf Vail Enclosed please find an application for two awnings for staff apprcval. These awnings will be made of the same naterial , size and design of the other awnings located on the building. They are of ablue material with a whi!g*_slgi_pe. Attached piease f ind r - A. A drawing {rendering) of each awnlng on *"he build,ing. B. Measurements and sketches from Colorado Canvas Awning c ompany . C. Construction specifications, from Colorado Canvas Co. D. A sanple of the rnaterial E. Actual photograph of the buiiciing wher:e the awningswli1 be going. F'. Letter of approval from the iiomeowners Associatlon C. App i. i, ca-' i on itoth awnings wili have two openings of 6 foot x Z foot forfuture slgn panels, ahlch re are not providing. 'Iirese openings wilt be cl"osed off with the sane surnbrelia, lrlue materiai, via veloro and snaps and j.t raould be eacli individuals r:esponslbility to get approvalfor said sign, in the future if they want one in the awning. Approvalof said signage must be approved by the tandjord, HomeownelsAssociation and the {:own of Vai1, before said signage will be allowed on the awning. By designing the awning this way, we have alreaCycontrolled +.he naxinum size of the sign and ihe sign can be reducedin slze, by making then use more biue material around the edges andcontro-Iiing t-he transpcrancy size jnside. We wish we would have doneth:s with regard to our other awnings, fol when a conmercia,i tenant leaves, we ftnow have to take all ihe naterial off ihe awning, have it shipped away fol a s ignag:e change. We at Vaii Run are very proud of the improvenents we have made to our bujldjng, and wi-1l cnr:tjnue to do the same. William i. Fleischer 0eneral Uanager & Owner oi a 1Comnerclal At tachments o RresoRt C;ofi)rnrJ,Dw /,zi ( 1000 lionsridge loop r vail, colorado r 81657 e telephone (303) 476-1500 JCor .s r ni'0(.ro?.Ay; . /axv{ F [.aT FA.crA, D6,R No. C r 3,/{ S/A rcAEv./ l'x ti,oriruaG rnri*rr DEtAIL H ACAN/.,|oUTrNo 6YS'rr r'^30'o.c.'r Y P. XOTF D = P ot,,lCOrlvE x tALL sTD. .a\{/r..|| hl cr 6 , ;^€ Rtc I !t !t ,' I l\, oereru I 34L'Ve F-6-r';iI I I r"ec,c-\-_ l-.f r --- PAINT S-PEC'I FICATIG,N F. gHop co^t3 Ht-6Los'6 AL|4VOLt{AMe.! , CO rrt4. V^elES -'_.}' I af- ' gtar' I.--t-.tt/r" I F,'-*lt-- 2' ---:--{ Go0orqdoCompqoApfi$ng 3990 S. Windermere Inglcwood, Colorado 801 l0 (303) 789-0s33 Since 1899 ,STEEL BF'ITINCATIOFI .BfRil6ll^PEB Acr},\ A!a I a'rroaoru$g Atrq Asoo on^oa B trrtat tta -. t-l| lrlrrrrrrl , I x , ,< ,/6 At&LeVEPT, C,6L ,</.?LL R4Nc-- E!( t5r !i-/-itltlt.l tltt\J---. --_ r;,olflRrJn o p.eso/Rt corY]'.nrJ,ntQy 1000 lionsridge loop telephone (303) 476 1500 I. DRB APPI-,ICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO DATE APPI,ICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: 2/B/9L *****t**** THIS APPITICATION WIIJIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED uNTIr., AIJrr REQUTRED INI'ORUATTON Ig SUEUITTED********** PRO.]ECT INFORMATION! A. lez and Double Dianond Printing,the other above Intratect and Vail Run; B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Minor Alteration Conceptual Review ADDRESS: IOOO LIoNSRIDGE LooP LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot(s) I0 e llglock C Subdivision Lionsridqe Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. New Construction Addition c. D. E. F. 'n\ G. ZONING: Speciaf 'b D Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: *srcNAtunE(s) !Mailing Address: J. Condorninium Approval if applicable.11 6 1./ K. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of abuilding permit. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION d-rEE $ r.o. oo $ 25.OO $ 50. oo $L00. 0o $200.0o $300. 0o LOT AREA: If requlred, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentIot area. AppLICANT3 WiJ-liam I- Fleischer Address: P-8r5s8 Phone APPLICANT I S REPRESENBATIVE: Address: Same t \^Y(^ NAME OF Mailing H.NAME OF Mailing $ 50, oo1 $L50, ool $5oo, oo1$ Over APPI.ICATION TILIJ $ l-50, ooo$ 500, o0o $L, ooo, o0o $1 ,000?000 AE PROCESSED IilITEOUT OWIIERIS SIG.IrATURE oaflKJn Sebruary g, 1991 Design and Rev j elrr Staff Town of Vail This letter serves as apprcvalof Vajl Run Resort wlth regard to their have been subnitted for approval to the by the Ho$eowners Association approval fol both awnings that Town of VaiI Fred 0o1d Secretary Vail Run Resort Honeowners Association o ResoRc cotTTDaDw 1000 lionsridge loop r vail, colorado o 8L657 o telephone (303) 476 1500 o 7:" Project Name: Project ApBllcallon Date*6, Contact Person and Phone /, Owner, Address and Phone: / Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board APPFOYAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Septernbe? 7, 19SB Tcrm of Val] Pl.arsrirg ard Des;elopent Dept - 75 South Frontage Road VaiL, CO 81657 Gentleaen: Thls letter ls to cortfiral that Strrmlt Pizea., fn-c. n a Dcminors frranchise, has the ap4rrotal ard pemisslon af the Vai] R:n Re€ort Cormmity Association ant the larsilo]1d, Willian I. Fleischer, to instal I an au,wrirg' and appropriate s3gnage on tbe ettterlor of the tnritdirg above the windocs of their leased pranrises, as long as tte follcru-irg requl rements are rEt according to tbelr lease: '...To inetall an a'uring ident ical in ciesign ard color of the arrnirg located directly above t?te prenis, except for siglrye.tr It is our r:rdmtarrtirg t}€t " identlcaL " lwuld msn in afrEEarartce to the naked erye in olor ard des:-gn ard. const?unti.on materials thereof, wlth crxrstnrctJ-on naterials equal to or better than - In yeference to sigru:ge, the cofots arxC design of a t1lilical Dr*tino I s signage is fine as lorg aq the ansr:nt of totaL sr{uare inc}.tes does not exceed th.e square inches of sfunage orl K-LITEIs amirg. Hoaever, such corfign:lation of the square inch usage is up to them, ard the hd< Lighting of the sign ehould be eimi.lar to that of K-!.ITE!S so crne does nrt cverswe? the other. Sincerely, ./-- -'t4E4M EH Gold, Secre+irrr1'r Val1 Run .Resa"t Ccrmnnitv Associatior cc: titilliam f . Fleischer, Landfold o rees()Frt C;o/fr],'Y)aDw oarlrcn) telephone (303) 476 15001000 lionsridge loop r vail, colorado o 81657 o o.,,OD- APPI ication rLc')er -. -rr I nnt ?^l??r.lrl)lbrt ArrLlLrtl I'Urt Fee Paid Name of Projectd Name of Person Subrnittin ' .,t Location of ProiectU/ t Description of_.project'A ul oaryQrqphpttht{Co fc' The fol lorvingto the Oesign Sign subnitial lnfornation is required for Review Board befcre a final fee is 520.00. subnitta'l by the aPPlicant approva'l can be giver- Da te 'dn 'deo S'ign I'laterial B. Description of Sign &o, Lengih ofl Connents 1. Site Plan a. Drat'tings sE6Fr:ct loca'.ion 3. Photographs shot'ri ng propossd loce-'r on 4. Actual sign5. Colored sca'le ora''rtng - 6. PhotcAraPh of sign APproved for DRB Subnittal Disapproved for DRB Subniti:l - sfsilG;fim';