HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK D PARCEL A RED SANDSTONE EMPLOYEE HOUSING APPROVAL PART 2 LEGALf o tt THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmentalcommission of the Town 0f Va-il wilinofO i pubtic nearing in iccordance ilith.sectlon 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October ,8;1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration of: A reouesl for a setback variance for a bedroom addition and a garage addition, located at 2704 Larkspur Court/Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Craig McCullYPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest to amend section 'l 8.26.040 of the vail Municipal code to add -time-share estate lriiitr]1ii'"ti"*i ree uniti-ina rime share license units" ad a conditional use in commercial Gore rr, ioiateo at 242 East Meadow Drive/Part ol Tract c, vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc, represented by Gordon Pietce Planner: George Ruther A request for a common area variance and a site coverag^e-variancc to.allow for the conversion ot orie inlerior parking spice to Common area, located at ZOO Vait Road/Part of Lots A' B and C' Block 5C, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Lodge Tower Condominium Association, represented by stan Gope Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail Chapel, located at 19 Vail Roadffract J, Block 7, Vail Villaqe 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a sion variance to allow for a freestanding sign for a business in a multi{enant buifding, located atZgze. Meadow DriveiMountain Haus' Applicant: Leslie and James GlendiningPlanner: Dirk Mason A reouest tor a siqn variance to allow lor a window sign greater than 25 feet above grade-and to aifow -O.Sa iquare"teet ot sign area beyond what is allbwed, located at Crossroads Shopping Center, 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot R, Block 5D, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: Linda FriedPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a minor amendment to SDD # 5 and a condilional use permit to allow lor the addition of conferenee space,located at 1100 N. Frontage Road/SDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Assoc., represented by Lynn Fritzlen Planner: Dominic Mauriello ? *.i.. .,L { rI fI A request for a rezoning from General Use to Medium Density Multi-family, and-a requ,e$ for the bri"6fiin.eniof a Speiiat Oevelopment District to allow for the developqent of 17 EHU'S' 6AGA& in unpiatieO pircet on b portion of ParcelA and part of Block D, Lionsridge Filing # 1 lfppicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, the U.S. Forest Service and the Town 'r vr Y Grrl- flaqper: AndY Knudtsen A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroorn and addin-g_a^3ti-11-oPt' utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, vail Potato Patcn' Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit ToomePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A discussion item regarding vehicle storage/transportation related businesses in Commercial Zone Districts. Planner: Dominic Mauriello /l/ // //t/t The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection.during ieguffi-office nours in the project planner's 'oflice located at lhe Town of Vail Community Ddvelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notitication. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for informalion. Community Development Departmenl Published bctober t 1 , t 996 in ihe Vail Trail- o ; FIIE COPY TOTVN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e p artment of C ommunity D eve lop ment September 13, 1996 Mr. Tom Braun Braun and Associates P.O. Box 776 Minturn, CO 81645 RE: Dear Tom: Red Sandstone This letter is a summaty of the outstanding issues which must be resolved on the Red Sandstone project. The information provided below reflects comments from the Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC), staff, the Public Wr:rks Department, and the Fire Departmett. I havs consolidated the list and request that you address each of the points. We may need to meet witb the various players involved, prior to modi$ing thc plans. I am suggesting that we can save time by developing consensus before tuming it over to your engineer for a final design. After you have addressed the issues and have incorporated the changes in the drawings fiom the architect, landscape architect and/or engineer, please submit fow sets of revised drawings to the Town, a minimum of two and a half weeks prior to the PEC hearing you would like attend for a final review, I would like to distribute the drawings at our weekly Design Revicw Team meeting, which is scheduled each Wednesday at 9:00 a'm. I will need the drawings by Wednesday at 8:00 am in order to route them to the rest of the staff. Concerns expressed by the PEC: Add two-car garages for all three bedroom units. Add pedestrian exits out ofthe garages, ifpossible. Add a sidewalk along Red Sandstone Road. Identi$ adequate snow storage areas. $ """"' ",'t" ) a a o f:\everyone\Andy\9 6-leu e\braun .9 06 sr.{,t,{F i." "* ..,: ' l' :I r { * sAai stgtrincant landscaping along Red Sandstoue Road' o Show tbe 100 y.at nooiptain on all site plans (oote: Verifu that grading does not occur in the floodplain). o Provide a written wetland analysis' ; pi|j;; "mrtv in the building;s siding design. Specifically, add stucco and roofs over the entrances. I Pursue the opportunify for a streamwalk. (note: If one is created, it should be located within a Pubiic access easement)' r The PEC would prefer one consolidated curb cut' o When glven the alternatives, the PEC said that they would prefer additional landscaping along Red Sandstone Road, rather than a sidewalk, if the area could only accornmodate onc option. o Most of the PEC members said that the sDD procedure was appropriate for this develoPment' o The pEC and DRB members were split about the flat roof issue and it was interesting to hear the range of comments, Henry Pratt may have summed it up the best and some of his comments are shown below: - The architecture, as presented, is far superior to the Vail Commons architecture. -Designprofessionalslikeflatroofs(Theyarethemostefficientandarea very good design)' - Howe.,er, in layman,s terms, it will appear as a stack of boxes' This appearance may equate to "public housing'" -Thoughthecurrentdesignisveryhighquality,thepublicwillnot apprcciate the good architecturc' I believe that Henry's comments encapsulate the range of other comments' As a summary statement, staff rvill be including his position in future discussions and encourages you to consider his position. $tatr During the PEC hearing it was suggested that an easemcnt be granted to the Brookkee develJpment. Also, it was suggested to deed the portion of the site, which the pavement of Red Sandstone Road ..ort.t, to the Town as right-of-way. I wiii be researching how this situation has been resolved in the past. I know of two developments (44 Willow Place and 383 Beaver Dam Road) where this type of encroachment has occurred' f:\everyone\AndY\95 lefle\braun.g05 Conceming the concept of the f,lrst and second rights of rcfusal on the dwelling units, I believe we catr address many of the concerns raised by the public by providing rcciprocal 1st & 2nd rights of refusal. For cxample, the Town would have the first right of refusal for its five units' The District would have the second right-of-refusal for these units. For the twclve District units, a reciprocal arrangement would be created' ln past discussions on the ADA, we have learned that physicai constraints affect the applicability of the code, Given that the change in grade from the driveway to tbe bus stop is t o feet 6equiring 320 linear feet of ramp at so6;),this may be a case where a staircase is a reasonable solution. If it is helpful, I can talk with Judi Anderson-Wright (an expert on the ADA codes) about this situation' Details fromthe PEC memo o All existing overhead utilities must be put underground or removed. Please describe what the plan is with the existing overhead utilities' o If possible, rework the retaining wall along Red Sandstone Road so that it conforms to the three foot height iimit and provide additionai room for landscaping. o Concerning wetlands, please show where willows. to be impacted by the construction, will be transplanted to other areas on site, Also identify where the temporary construction feace will be iocated, to protect the riparian corridor during consfuction. . How much extra work (and cost) is required to submit a subdivision application at this time? I believe that the work must be done eventually, in order to generate a condominium map and that doing it now would simplify the review proccss. Public Works: I have attached comments from Grcg llall, which reflect his detailed ana$sis of the development. What may be the most helpful is for you to m€et with Greg first, and prioritize his concems. Eventually, I will need you to address each point and reflect the Public Work's requirements in the revised set of drawings. Fire Deoartment: Sirnilarly, I have attached Mike McGee's conments and a photocopy of a diagram he drew regarding the fire truck turn around' f:\everycne\Andy\96-lene',brarur I 05 Thank you for your attention to all ofthese issues' vou. Senior Housing PolicY Planner c.c: Susan Connelly Grcg Hall Mike McGee I look forward to wrapping thcm up with oo Altprovcd Denied (cite detiriled rcasons) Approvetl rvith condilions Corttrnurtitl' Dcvclopltrcrrt I'lun Itoutirrg Forrn Ilohtcd'fo:CLeg I lrll, Public Works Terri N{artinez, Public Works lvlike McCec, Firc llclu rn l'o:lalrl+r*Vrt*fel{on, Colrnrurrily Dcvclopnrcnt A U>Y l)rlc Rotltc(1:.b- \4--4t- Rctunr By:6'#-t-'lt Projcct Narnc:8zA c>a"-dr,*t'ne , Ovwplouz a , hr>t-rgi vr,a Projcct ddriss;8.A <.--wuS.*rt"'q-. QotA I'rojcct Lcg:rl:'Po-c.) A 4, ?a-i-{- -{- Ti oc -E-T> ,l)nwv;A^o. Sub^lr..,;.,tir.,.. I'rojcct Dcscription:o Qe|uc+'\' 4o re.zon g tvu,.^ a.n ,---t |vtr.t-.|+i -to-r".11 ay6"*sF F- z" tsge.r'*Q Deu+ro9..,-"-*g i-D r- lb er,*elav\<_a- wwil= tl.- jlo Mel,u" Dn+\ D is+ric;l- {" ^}1.,.,, 'n. 0-./,o t) (sh,t lc Lt',,,|l, t :, t,i:. ilffi.r,r1 4\ui4 f .c / l'/' i ',t ll.:t t c't:,f'tt'l .fO ,t.:, . V" lr,..i" :/tt <itt t "( "r.,,"t.e.fi ,,CJ t':.r ,.f ?.ft:-,i.Jt' Wsln\)tl' tt!. i.';" | (vr.: l."*ei .-txc trr?-oc)i.\ \ ,:c iti:! 3i,,)t , ( r.2iya-r.--1r- rrl \ bLDG, llDl! CONC PAD ELEV. .8214L6r ' EXtgTING IJANHOLd TO REIIOVE ,l ,-- |,..A3^{v'-c1?' bF\)''I .l I I tI.l I I I I t I I R?Q ].r^ rL-*,: / L - rrlA L -J- - *ta l,- L--/.k-a{L. dt -- -=.o-{- - /S--Ftb,r,J- 14"- -u**J +/;*t+-ao) -a"oJs *- - tq -rl1*auu-b"=-s--h+-u---=/-kJor'//-o".7s----4t;-'H'4 - 5-e--21 tl , u r. Je- - - ^t- - 2o-ce z kz-/t'=. ' 9o-Jab.;^J .*-Lt - J, /- ttov-e,J-Jr-;'t-<--.---' +fr-f'*', - , Nrn'ho'"F,+-ir-i/24@ ?o, t C-o*-LLo- '\ r r t A '" ".?-I--A h ayi--s."-{*-'.----udk -b,-d::+- +Le- 15a-s tf"P a-{ Vo;t fu-fr-- Dr:"c' Vtutt ' z 3,1__ Z4_ u,-o " I J ____L-*_ -/r.o-f,-*-l- -4.-,'+L-=L/*( 1--_-_--_ zE)--1A',s all tJ;.L:lr rl -up a-rnLt. 7 ..afuJ.l*nLl,. -.€r-LnJ,*s - -- F-a*.,a^,n\> /-rlL fuloo,l, : 0 --,t 7|--cnp -4, --l t --(-rtz[*=-.-- i-t Lcnffi'c A request for a joint worksession with the Planning and Environmental .?D c ot'n-'' Commission and the Design Review Board to review a t q"*t zu a rezoning from u,trl '' General Use to Medium Diensity Multi-family, and a request for the establishment hk7 of a Special Development Distict to allow for the development of { E!{U-'s' ,( Lo l."ut"d on an unplaited parcel on a portion of Parcel A and part of Block D' wty z'- Lionsidge Filing # 1. [to"*LLtala {ak, 4t-1"''t) 5l*-o ,-;u (rr" h'{' Lbtvk f/^t rv, k lt*Js zt-p,\' /\'t!Ljrc tfu'tq MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission'/Design Review Board Courmunity Development Departnent September9,1996 Applicants: Planner: Eagle River water and sanitation Disfict, the united states Forest Service and the Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen DESCRIPTION OF TIIA REQUEST The property, loaatedat 845 Red sandstone Road, is under consideration for a rezoning and a Sp"ciut b"ro"iop-eot Distict. The current zoning is General Use Distict' The proposed zoning . is tvleoium nensity Multi-Family (MDI!ffi). The applicants include the Eagle River water and Sanitation Districi (the District), the United States Forest Service and the Town of Vail' The District owns approximately three-quarters of the land area under consideration' The Forest Service cunentiy sums c'ae-quarter-of tne hnd area. The Town and Forest Service a,re currently in negotiation. to tu*f.. tle ownership of the smaller portion to the Towq as part of the Land Ownership Adjustnent Agreement (LOAA). The site is curreutly vacant, exoept for a waterteahnent and storage pl{which is now dpfunct' The plant is not presentty used for any purpose. If the request is "ppt'ltd, the applicant ytl, , 51" oonsiuct seveutien condominiums. The dwelling units will be located in four buildinp, located along the Red Sandstone Creek. There will be sii one-bedroom, six two-bedroom' and five three- bedroom dweltng units. Each dwelling unit will have its own gamge' The primary reason the applicant is proposing au SDD at this time is to provide a detailed record of the futtre development now, at the time oirezoning, to eliminate questions about future € x 0 development potential. The sDD is a helpful tool as it requires answers to questions aborrt the potential deveiopment impaots from the rezomng._ In addition to that primary pu4)ose, therg are iwo deviations fiom the ZnningCode, which would either require variances or be allowed via the 8']40nil6 F:bveryof e\p€c\nemos\ssldstooa.90g sDD approval. These include setbacks within the project and wall heiglrts. The applicant is proposing a retaining wall between the edge of Red sandstone Roa'd and the ,^, *l interior driveway. pue tJtne fact thit this area is located in the front setback, the Town Zonin g vr ' code limits the height to three feet. The applicant is proposing a 4'high wall, which is a deviation from the code. secondly, the layout of the existing parcels is such that deviations from the setback standards are trigg"t"d. The overall derretopmei't application is broken down into 3 parcels; two held by the *& t Dffict, one by the Forest Service. fG tot lines separating these par-cels.require setbacks' *L1'' Howevero dueio the fact that the entire parcel wiU uttimately be resubdivided and a condominiunr map will be created, these lines will be iliminated in the future. This is more of a technicality and could be eliminated at this time if a resubdivision were proposed. In any event it is not a substantial issue. It is one, for facking purposes, that is listed later in the memo as a condition of approval. I upon completion of the LoAAo the Town will have title to the northem-most portion of the aevelopment site. The Town and the District will hold the land until a Homeowner's Association (HOA) can be created. upon establishment of an HoA, the Town *a tl" nittti"t Yl.l-:T:,. tr ft o*o"trnip of all the land io the Association, There is no developer profit anticipated tbr the I -t:project. ihe sales price of the condominiums will be based on the cost of construotion. In the 6*- v It' development agreement between the Distict and the Town, there is an allowance for up to 25% [ | - of *re units to bi sold as free-market dwelling units (i.e' no deed restictions)' The purpose for : this is to defray the costs and lower the purchase price for the futrne \o9eown""' nt inis tine' it I I is anticipated that 100% of the units will be deed resticted and not sold on the open market. The lpt ^ I deed restriction will be similar to that used for Vail Comrnons' After construction, it is anticipated that most of the homes will be owner occupied' The Town and the District will make the-homes available to their employees, While the Town anticipates se[ing the dwelling units to ib eurployees, the Distriot will both sell and retain ownership of sorne of its units to rent to its employees. "{L t,\ .il.,rl L F:b rrcryore\pcc\ncm6\s.ndstone.909 II. ZONINGANALYSIS staffhas provided a Zoning Analysis of the proposed project, as it compares to the MDMF standards. DenEiW Heigbt: ,'-^\. - rf "9t, Sotbacks: I-ot Size: Buildable lot area: 1.6044 acros 54, 140 sq. ft. Allowed 22 d.u.s 31,450.5 sq. ft. or 45 Yo Required 20, 967 sq. fr. or 30% 34 spaces Required SV/o of rcquircd parking Prooosod l, d.u.s 12,029 sq. fl. or 17Yo Prooosed 37, 599 sq. ft. ot 54o/o 44 spaces proposed 537o onolosod ?o' 20' 20' Front: Side/Siale Rear: 20' 20' 20' "\ ( sitocoverace: )t' ", - . . .-., ... .,. ..--tt /-\( Landscapin$ \./---./. Parking: Psrcsat onclosed: NL EVALUATION OF TIIE R$'?ONING REQUEST The criteria the Town has used in the past to evalrpJgt9.T*K**ests are listed below' A. Is the request in conformity *" €i:ll_Y::jfll The Town of vail Land use Plan designates these BareelsSs Medium Density Residential (MDR), which tanslates to a density f 3 - l!/welling rmits per buildable aore. Page 32 of the Land Use Plan calls\rrfi-e following type of developments in areas with this designation: 8,949 sq. ft. ..Themediumdensrtyresidentialcategoryincludeshousingwhichwould typilit;; designi as attached units wirh commons walls. Densities in tnis catego.y *oirld r-g" from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre'" The buildable area of the cornbined sites is 1.24 acres. As the proposed developmentwillbelTdwellingunits,theresultingdensltrwillbel3.Tld.u/ac. which is less than what the tand Use Plan prescribes. Please note that this calculation is based on buildable site area, not t''otal site area' Additionally' the ' requested ,ooioj oivt"dium Density Multifamily Residential allows for up to 18 dwelling rmits perbuildable acre' In addition to the designation by the Land use Plan, anottrer important document regulating the development of tLis type of land is the Land Ownership Adjustnent Aieement (LoAA). In general, the document provides for a oomprehensive tinsfer of land between ihe Town of Vail and the Forest Service. Land on the perimeter of the Town of Vail holds different values to both the Forest Service and the Town. The LOAA is an effort to exchange different properties betwee'n the two entities to create I win-win situation. As part of this effort, several parameters were laid out for the use of the lands under consideration' Some of these inolude: ul. That there will be no National Forest Service lands within the municipal limits of the Town of Vail' Z. That the Forest Service survey, identify, and maintain a common boundary of the Town of Vail and the Forest Service and that both agencies share in the eoforoement ofregulations pertaining to the boundaries. The boundary has been simplified where possible, irregslarities have been reduced or eliminated. 3. That all lands acquired by the Town of vail are used for public purp$es' suchasopenspaoe'employeehousing(fortheTownofVailemployee housing ordinance), recreation or for the resolution ofunauthorized uses." The LOAA was approved by the Town Council on M ay 17 , 1994' Staffrelies on it as the il most authoritative.dolumdt concerning the transfer of land from the Forest Service to the zttL---:r - Tod;--Vail and staffbelieves that thiJ proposal is consistent with the objectives laid out intheLOAA. e--rhk Cfu' ,,,, tlrPJ B, Have circumstances changed since the original zoning was placed on the pnoperty? The Dstrict has used the facilify in the past for water teatnrent and storage. lt is uo longer needed by the Dishict, The site is surrounded by rights-of-way and roads, irtilities, infoastructure, and otler condominium and townhouse developments. Staffbelieves that because the area has@lgpglgrer rtimels a resiaentiar ueighborhood, that it is reasonable to rezone this site to allow residential develoPment. C.Doestheproposedzoningprovideforthegrowthofanorderlyandviable community? Staffbelieves that the development of this site as affordable housing will increase the viability of our community. Affordable housing has been listed in the Town's. . annual community ,*"y nt u top priority,@ . ,1, 4 *[gu-'Eiu*g; increase the iense of cbmnluni-Iy. Thoqnterest runs high, T ' ro le6usingisdifficutt' Housingat this looation addresses the priorities of the community and enhanoes the viability of the Town. D. Does the proposed zoning present a conveoiento workable relationship among land uses coasistent with munioipal objectives? The land uses on the surrounding properties are similar to the uses of the proposed development. The applicant has prepared an analysis of the densities of the surrounding properties, which is shown below: Project Potato Patch Club Sandstone Pmk Brooktree CouonwoodPxk Aepen tree Sandstone Creek Club Sun Vail Breakaway West Snowlion/SnowFox Tclemark Homestake Lionsmme Vail Village 9th Parcel A Zone DistricV Parcol Permitted Densitv Size Units Gross Densitv (du/ac) RC, 6/n LDMF, 9/ac MDMF, l8/ac LDMF, 9/ac MDMF, 18/ac LDMF, 9/ac MDMF, l8iac MDMF, 18/ac MDMF, 18/ac MDMF, 18/ac MDMF, l8/ac MDMF, 18/ac 2-Family Goneral Use t l0 aorcs 44 4.0 1.54 16 10.3 1.23 acres 48 22.0 .69 acres 7 10.1 .49 aarcs 15 30.6 5.9 acres 84 l4'2 4.91 acres 60 12.2 1.87 acres 54 28.8 1.36 acres 42 30'8 .95 acres 18 18.7 1.36 acres 66 48.5 1.04 acres 37 35.5 3.39 acres 24 fttotential) 7.0 5.7 agos 0 0 The gross densif of the proposed development i@'warl'g units per acre. (lT ;its/ 1.6044 gross u.r", = 10.6 du/ac) As sucfit is well within the range of the demities in the area. B.Suitability of the proposed zoning. staffbelieves that the proposed zoning is suitable for this site. The development allowed by the rezoning will allow the community to move towards its goals ;dnd;g th" supply of'affordably priced homes. The developme,nt will be in line with surrounding projects, concerning uses and density' Desip compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environmenl ueiqfbgrrnooa uod rtjac"ni ptoperiies, relative to the architectural design, scale, bulk, building neight, tutrerzones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation' Staffbelieves that the architectural scale, bulk and building height are all successful. Staffis concerned about the identity and the character of the project' specifically, staffis concerued about the flat roofs. Jhe surrounding dwelopments in the sandstone axea range in age and qualitv. and none have flat roofs. Many have a combination of flat and pltched rqqls. ror exampte, Dalrust{}nc ralrr sE6FEffiCd shedsancfga6lds in conjunction with flat roofs. Brooktee has a n;.fffi pircn4gg$. For examplen Sandstone Park has combination of a mansard-type roof witl a flat roof. Aspentree and Potato Patch club both have built-up gravel roofs, which are pitched at relatively shallow slopes. Staffbelieves that one of the sipificant elernents in each of the surroundirg properties is the We believethatthisgi ltt architeotural character to the not want to discouut the rnass v. f,"i, rf,rl believe that the character should be modified by adding pitched roofs to the flat roofs in a way similar to Sandstone Park, immediately adjacent to the project to the west. Of particular concem to staff is the height of the flat roofs relative to the road elevation surrormding the project. We believe that the roof areas will be higtrly visible from the surrounding area. The elevation at the comer of Red Sandstone Road and Potato Patch Drive is approximately 2 - 3 feet higher than the elevation of the second story roofs. Since pedestrians and drivers on the road will be higher than the roof elevation, the flat roofs will have greater exposure. Although a detail, staffbelieves the roof penetrations and utility vents should be consolidated and screened, as they will also be highly visible' Uses, activity and denBity whioh provide a compatible, efficie'nt aud workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. LI';/"/^ B. C, Staffbelieves that the uses, activity and tlensity will be compatible withfhe surrounding development' As distussed above, under the evaluation of the re"oning re-quest, thi proposed density is consistent with the Town's Land Use pUn anl wiit be lower than the zurrounding development in the area' complianoe with parking and loading requirements, as outlined in chapter 18.52. The proposed development exceeds the Zoning Code requirement regarding the trttf uW'pfy of parking space$' as well as the supply of enclosed parking-spaces' gach oithi condominiums will have its own oversiz,ed garage. The applicant must ensure that each of the exterior spaces conforms with the minimum dimeNions of the Town Code (9'x19)' The applicant will revise thqsilp lbg!ryg thgj worksession and the final review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. conformity with the applicable elements of the vail comprehensive Plan" Town policies and Urban Design Plan. The vail comprehensive Plan (Land Use Plan) calls for a density on this site ranging fro- i-t+ dwelling units psr acre, The proposed development at 13'1 dwJlliig units per buildable acre, is consistent with the Land Use Plan. A tn*""6 analysis of the consistency with the Land Use Plan is provided above' under the rezoning discussion. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which this Special Development District is proposed' The only hazard affecting ttris site is the 100-year floodplain. All irnprovunents will be located outside of the floodplain. site plan, building design and locatiou and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development, responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quallty of community' D. E. F. The site plan and building desip have been develope#otake tull advantage or tn opgL sla"e area ^lesg-Red Sa"dstone Cr_epk, gth t^f P" dwelling units will abut ll fth tffi-oooid*, whish will increase the quality of life of the residents of this J"n.rop**l In the site planning development, the 30' stream setback standard of the Town has been respected, pro-vidiog a boffet b"tt*een the riparian corridor and the development. There is one location where some of the existing vegetation will be removed. Tom Braun, the representative for the development, has said that the Disfict will,tansplant vegetation during the consfuction process' \,Llv q fD' ,.J G.A circulation systqn designed for both vehicles and pedestians addressing on and off-site faffi c circulation. Vehicular oirculation has been a challenge to accommodate on the site, as the "nJ-r" to the proposal is adjaoent to thi existing entrance to Brooktee and Sandstone Park. Staffand the have evaluated curbcuts in this area or creating a ilurbcut. The reviewed on September gth thotlt"ro ir."*t Oit."*tittt *itn to the fural in fro;t of the Plannin and Environmental Commission' north ofthis project. Two important details which relate to circulation are areas for snow storage and location of trash receptacles. .Snow will be stored aloqg the drivewav, qg thg east aswell as atthe northemend of the drive.@ near the entrance to the . ,il1N Dtt" booo"*iog pedestrian circulation, staffhas requested that the existing sidewalk along Red-sandstone Road be continued up to the entance to this developme'lrt. I Raditiooatty, staff believes that a pedestrian connection should be provided between thi development and the tus stop, located on Red Sandstone Road' just H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space, in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation' views and funotion' The landscaping plan shows that 23 spruce, 54 aspen and 8 cottonwood trees will be planted ".ross th" site. Staffrequests that the applicaut study yayl to bulel . inrnfr the-project more fiom adjacent properties, narticular,ly from Red Sandstone Road' V,*"- t. staff understands that there is a very steep slope in this area, plus retaining walls' ' .,h., b which limits the plantable area. However the need to buffer with tandscaprngmusLfll'' ) I be addressed turther. Fl'nC staffalso requerr rnu, ,(IJifr"g. e shown on the gradiug planisite plan. Thougil most of the-s'iGlItdffiAGth native grasses, there_are a few tees *nirn *nootc be preserved. The large spruce (24 inch caliper) on the north west comer of the site is pro,posed to be preserved. I. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable functional and efficientrelationship throughout the development of this Special Development District. At this time, it is anticipated that the development would be completed in a single ffiv be the safest involved. The applicant phase'Ifforanyreason'theForestServiceandtheTowncannotcompletethe Lansfer of ownership of the northemmost part of the state, tle District will proceed ahead with construction of the first three buildings' A condition of approval will be to have the District resubdivide all the parcels into , one lot, thus eliminating the need for setbacks on the interior of the site. As part ofin" ioitiut pUuse, stafiunderstands that the existing overhead utilitV liles will be buried. This change must be added to the plans, documenting the existing and proposed conditions. vI.CONCLUSION As this is a worksession, staffdoes not have a format recommendation. t DESIGNREVIEW, ,-,:5-:,AE projects shall be designed so as to provide adequate . -r:-:... .:- stro$/ storage areas for snow cleared from the parking areas : :..j- and roadways within the project. C. Buildiry rnaterials and design.' , : 1.' = Building materials shall be predominantly natural such as 'i: ,r'wood siding, wood shakes; and'nativle stone. Brick is 1: aeceptable..Where stucco is utilized, gross textures dnd ' :: ,l: be avoided. Concrete surfaces $hdl be treated with texture " , ad color if used, however, exposed aggregate is more . , , aoceptable than raw concrcte. Neither aluminum steel, nor plastic siding, nor simulated stone or brick shall be : permiced. Plywood siding shall not be permitted. 2. Tte sarne or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory stnrc$res upon 6e site.3. Exteriorwall colors should be compatible with the site and gcrrounding buildings. Natural colors (earth tones found within the Vail area) should be utilized. kimary colors or, . otber bright colors should be used only as accents a$d 6en sparingly such as upon trim or railings. All exterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thcreby eliminating unfinished foundation walls. All ex- pced metal flashing, trim, flues, and roof top mechanical equipment shall be annodized, painted or capable of rreathering so as to be non-reflective. 4. The majority of roof forms within Vail are gable roofs ..w,ith a pitch of at least four feet in twelve feet. However, o&er roof forms are allowed. Consideration of environ- mental and climatic determinants such a$ snow shedding, &ainage, and solar exposure should be integral to the roof design. 5. Roof lines should be designed so as not to deposit snow ..-- on parking arcas, trash storage.areas, stairways, decks and balconies, or entryways. Secondary roofs, snow c&s, and snow guards should be utilized to protect these . '. arEas from roof snow shedding if necessary.6. Roof surfacing materials shall be compatible with the side and surrounding buildings. The predominant roof materi- 45+- (vail ll-1693) o . ' , , : =-l als utilize6 shall Ue' 'wood shakes and their use is strongly : ,.,:',::,,.-;; eicouraged. The use of metal roofs is acceptable, however ' onto an adjacent properfy be permitted. If metal roofs are , used they:shall be iurfabed-with a low-gloss finish or .- . rapaAle of weathering to a dull finish- Metal roofs shall ::.gJneratly have a standing seam in oider to provide some .. '. .:*ielief to'ttre roof surface and be of a heavy gauge. Asphalt ".i:bnd fiberglass shingles shall be permitted provided that ,;they weigh no less than three hundred pounds perroofing - :i$qtlare foot and are of a design and color to be compatible . . :.vi6t the requirementi of Section 18.54.050. : 7. '.Rooftop heating and air conditioning eqlipmen-t, large r-:vent stacks, elevator penthouses and similar features 'should be avoided, however, if necessary, shall be designed to be compatible with the overall design of the strucnrre or screened from view. Rooftop antennas shall not be permitted unless as allowed under a conditional use ' review as specified within the zoning code- 8. Solar coileltors shall lie flat on pitched roofs, however, when retrofining an existing building with active solar the collectors should be designed and placed in a manner compatible with the overall design of the building. g. D""p eaves, overhangs, canopies, and other building ' : features that provide shelter from the elements are '; encouraged. 10.:Fenestration should be suitable for the climate and for the '*orientation of the particularbuilding elevation in which the .lfenestration occuis. The use of both passive and dctive :isolar energy systems is strongly encouraged. 11.';Reserved. 12. In no instance shall a duplex structure be so constructed as 'to result in each half of the structure appearing substan- D. Landscaping/ drainage/ erosion conuol. '' 1. Varioui natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects of the land itself' --tially"similar-or mirror'image in design. . . (vail 1l-16-93) 454f' TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORAI\DUM Planniug and Environmental Conrmission/Desigrr Review Board Community Development Dep arfnent September 9,1996 Applicants: Planner: Eagle River water and sanitation District, the united states Forest Service and the Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REOUEST The property, locaied at 845 Red Saudstone Road, is under consideration for a rezoning and a ip""i"f br""frpment District. The current zoning is General Use Distict, The proposed zoning is tr,tedium pensity Multi-Family (MDI!tr). The applicants include m,"Iuqb River Water and Sanitation Districi (the District), the United States Forest Service and the Town of Vail. The Distriot owns approximately tbree-quarters of the land area under consideration' The Forest Service t"tt*ity owns one-quarterbf the tand area. The Town and Forest Service are currently in negotiations io transfer the ownership of the smaller portion to the Town, as part of the Land Ownership Adjustnent Agreement (LOAA). The site is cunently vacant, except for a water featnent and storage plan, which is now defunct' The plant is uot presently used foi any purpose. If the request is approved, the applicant will ,o*'to.t seventeen coniominiums. ihe dwellingunits will be located in fourbuildings, located along the Red Sandstone Creek. There will be six one-bedroom, six two-bedroom, and five tftree- bedroom dwelling units. Each dwelling unit will have its own garage' The primary reason the applicant is proposing an SDD at this time is to provide a detailed record of mi nrtgrl development now, at the time of rezoning, to eliminate questions about future development potential. The SDD is a helpful tool as it requires answers-to questions aborrt the potential deveiopment impacts frorn the rizoning. In addition to that primary puryose, therg ar9 two deviations from the ZaningCode, whioh would either require variances or be allowed via the FIIE COPY SUBJECT: A request for a joint worksession with the Planning and Environmental commission *o tl" Design Review Board to review a request for a rezoning fron Geueral use to Medium Dinsity Multi-family, and a request for the establishment of a special Development Disfict to allow for the development of 17 EHU's' locatedooaou,,plattedparoelonaportionofParcelAandpartofBlookD' Lionsridge Filing # I' F:bveryone\Pec\menoBkmds!0rc J09 SDD approval. These include setbacks within the project and wall heigbts' The applicant is proposing a retaining wall between the edge of Red sandstone Road and the interior driveway. po" tJtn" fact thit tnis area is located in the front setback' the Town Zoning code limits the height to three feet. The applicant is proposing a 4'high wall, which is a deviation from the code. Secondly, the layout ofthe existing parcels is such that deviations from the setback standards are ,rd;#. The overall d;6;;;pp6cation is broken down into 3 parcels; two held bv the District, one by the Forest service. rn" rt fines separating t{ese lar-c9}s.require setbacks' . . However, due to the aot ttrui tn" entire parcel will ultimately be resubdivided and a condominium -"p *iu t" created, these lines will be "ti*ittut"a io th" future. This is more of a tecbnicality and .ootd b" eliminated at this time if a resuMivision wer€ proposed. In any eveut, it is not a substantial issue. It is one, for facking purposes, that is listed later in the memo as a condition of approval. Upon completion of the LOAA, the Town will have title to the northem-most portion of the J"n"fop-*t site. The Town and the District will hold the land until a Homeowner's Association (HOAjcan be created. Upon establishment of an HoA, the Town and the District will transfer o*ootUip of all the land to the Assooiation. There is no developer profit anticipated forthe project, 'ihe sales price of the condominiums will be based on the cost of construction' In the development agreement between the Distict and the Townn there is an allowance for up tfr 25yo of the units to be sold as free-market dwelling units (i.e, no deed restictions). The purpose for . this is to defray the costs and lower the purchase price for the future homeowners. At this time, it is anticipated that 100% of the units witi be deediestricted aud not sold on the open market. The deed restiction will be similar to that used for Vail Commons' After oonsttrction, it is anticipated that most of tlre homes will be owner occupied' The Town and the Disfiot will make the-homes available to their employees. While the Town anticipates selling the dwelling units to its employees, the District witl both sell and retain ownership of some of its units to rent to its employees. F:\sv9ryorcV€o\mtrtos\ordsrone.909 o II. ZONINGANALYflS staffhas provided a Zouing Analysis of the proposed project, as it compares to the MDMF standards. Lot Size: Buildable lot area: Density Ileight: GRFA: Seibacks: Site CoYerago: Landsoaping: Parking: Peroent enclosed: 1.6044 acres 54, 140 sq. fl. Allowed Prooosed 22 d.u.s 17 d.u's 35' 35' 18, 949 sq. ft. 16, 275 sq. ft. 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Front: Side/Side Rear: 31, 450.5 sq. ft. or 45 Vo Reauired 20, 967 sq. fr. or l0o/o 34 spaces Required 50% of required pa*iog 12, 029 sq. fi. or I l'/o Proposed 37, 599 sq. ft. or 54Vo 44 spacos proposed 53olo enclosed III. The criteria the Town has used in the past to evaluate rezonfug requests are listed below' A. Is the request in conformity with the Land Use Plan? The Town of vail Land use Plan designates these piilcels as Medium Density Residential(MDR),whichhanslatestoadensityof3.14dwellingunitsper buildable acre. Page 32 of the Land use Plan calls for the following type of developments in areas withthis desipation: t ..Themediumdensityresidentialcategoryincludeshousingwhichwould typioally b;;igti as attachedunits with commons walls' Densities in this category *ira *og, from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre." The buildable area of the combined sites is l'24 acres' As the proposed development will be 17 dwelling units, the resulting density will be |.3.7| d,u,/ac. which is less than what the l-and use Plan prescribes, Please note that this calculationisbasedonbuildablesitearea,nottotalsitearea'Additionally,the requested zoning oittl"Ao- Deusry Multifamily Residential allows forup to l8 dwelling units per buildablc acre' In addition to the designation by the Land Use Plan, another important documeut regulating the development of tLis type of land is the Land Ownership Adjustnent egreement (LOAA)' In general, the document provides for a comp-rehensive tinsfer of land betweeu ihe Town of Vail and the Forest Servioe ' Land on the perimeter of the Town of vail holds different values to both the Forest Service and the Town. The LOAA is an effort to exchange differeut properties between the two entities to create a wiq-win situation. As part of this effort, several parameters were laid out for the use of the lands under consideration. some of these include: .1. That there will be no National Forest Service lands within the municipal limits of the Town of Vail' 2, That the Forest Service srrrvey' identifr, and maintain a common boundary of the Town of Vail and the Forest Service and that both agencies share in the enforcement of regulations pertaining to the boundaries. The boundary has been simplified where possible, irregularities have been reduoed or eliminated. 3. That all lands acquired by the Town of vail are used for public purposes, suoh as op"o *pu.", employee housing (for the Towu of Vail enployee housing ordinance), r".t.utioo or for the resolution ofunauthorized uses." The LOAA was approved by the Town council on May 17,lw4. staffrelies on it as the most authoritative document concerning the tausfer of land from the Forest service to the Town of Vail and staffbelieves that thiJproposal is consistent with the objectives laid out intheLOAA, B. Have circumstances changed since the original zoning was placed on the property? The Distict bas used the facility in the past for water teatment and storage. [t is no longer needed by the Districi. The site is s'rrounded by rights-of-way and roads, utilities, infrastructure, and other condominium and totnhouse C. developments'Staffbelievesthatbecausetheareahasdevelopedovertimeasa i"*iArotiut ".ighborhood, that it is reasonable to rezone this site to allow residential develoPment. Does the proposed zoning provide for the growth of an orderly aud viable community? staffbelieves that the development of this site as affordable housing will increase the viability of our community. Affordable housing has been listd in t!9.Jown's annual community survey as; top priority, forreasons of economic stability as well as the desire to increase the sense of oommuuity. Though interes!1ns high' locating sites which can accommodate affordable housing is difficult. Holsing at this loc-ation addresses the priorities of the community and enhanoes the viability of the Town. Does the proposed zoning present a convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The land uses on the surrounding properties are similar to the uses of the proposed development. The applicant has prepared an analysis of the densities of the surrounding properties, which is shown below: D. Project Potato Patch Club RC' 6/aa Sandstone Park LDMF 9/ac Brooktroe MDMF, 18/ao Cotlon wood Park LDMF' 9/ac Aqpen tree MDMF' 18/ac Sandstona Creek Club LDW, 9/aa SunVail MDMF, l8/ac BreakawayWost MDMF, 18/ac Snowlion/SnowFox MDMF' l8/ac Telemark MDMF 18/ac Homestake MDMF, 18/ac Lionsmane MDMF' l8iac Vail Village 9th 2-FamilY Parcel A Genoral Use Zone DistricV Parcel Permitted Dens8 Size Units Gross Densitv {du/ac) + 10 acres M 4.0 1.54 16 10.3 1.23 acres 48 22'o .69 acres 7 10.1 .49 acres 15 30'6 5.9 acres 84 14.2 4.91 acres 60 12.2 1.87 acres 54 28'8 1.36 affes 42 30'8 .96 acres 18 18'7 1.36 acres 66 48'5 1.04 acres 37 35'5 3.39 acres 24 (Potential) 7.0 5.7 acres 0 0 The gross density of the proposed development is 10.6 dwelling units per acre. (17 ;itsi 1.6044 gross acrei = 10.6 dr/ac) As such, it is well within the range of the densities in the area. E.Suitability of the proposed zoning. staff believes that the proposed zoning is suitable for this site. The development allowed by the rezoning will atlow the community to move towards its goals ;;;;;g th. supply of:affordably prioed homes'- The development will be in line witn sunounAing projects, conceming uses and densrty' v. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood anO i4aceni p-p".ti"r, relative to the architectural desigu, scale, bulk, building height, bufferzones, identity, character, visual integrify and orientation. staffbelieves that the architectural scale, bulk and building height are all successful. Staffis concerned about the identity and the character ofthe project' specifically, staffis concerned about the flat roofs. The surrounding developments in the Sandstone area range in age and qualrty, and none have flat roofs. Many have a combination offlat and pitched roofs. For example, Sandstone Park has steeply pitched sheds and gablei in conjunction with flat roofs. Brooktee has a oo-binotioo of a mansardtype roof with a flat roof, Aspentree and Potato Patch club both have built-up gravel roofs, which are pitched at relatively shallow slopes. Staffbelieves that one of the significant elements in each of the surrounding properties is the roof eave overhang. we believe that this gives architectural character to the development, as it creates a shadow line, breaks up the mass and bulk, and creates a character that is appreciated by the general public. Staffdoes not want to discount the overall quality of the design. However, we believe that the character should be modified by adding pitched roofs to the flat roofs in a way similar to sandstone Park, immediately adjacent to the project to the west. Ofparticutar concern to staffis the height ofthe flat roofs relative to the road elevation surrounding the project. We believe that the roof areas will be highly visible from the sunounding area. The elevation at the corner of Red Sandstone Road and Potato Patch Drive is approximately 2 - 3 feet higber than the elevation of the second story roofs. Since pedestrians and drivem on the road will be higher than the roof elevation, the flat roofs will have grcater exposure' Althouglr a detail, staffbelieves the roof penetrations and utility vents should be consolidated and screened, as they will also be highly visible' uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity' B. C. staffbelieves that the uses, activity and density will be compatible wit!_the surrounding develqment. As disoussed above, under the evaluation of the rezoning re-quest, the proposed density is consistent with the Towo's Land use phn aJ wili be lower than the surrounding developmeot in the area' compliance with parking and loading requirements, as outlined in chapter 18'52' The pmposed development exceeds the Zoning code requirement regarding the total'supply ofpar{<rng spaces, as well as the supply of anclosedparking spaces' Uacn oithe ooodomioi.rms will have its own oversized garage' The applicant must ensure that each of the exterior spaces conforms with the minimum dimensions of the Town code (9'xl9). The applicant will revise the site plan between the worksession and the final review by the Planning and Environmental commission. conformity withthe applicable elements of the vail comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. The Vail Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Plan) calls for a density on this site ranging from i-t+ dwelling units per a're. The proposed developrnent, at l3.l awJlting units per buildable aore, is oonsiste,lrt with the Land Use Plan. A thorough analysis of the consistency with the Land Use Plan is provided above' under the rezoning discussion. Identification and mitigation of natural andor geologic hazards that affect the property on which this Special Development District is proposed' The only hazard affecting this site is the 100-year floodplain. All improvernents will be located outside of the floodplain. F. site plan, builcling desipand location andopen spaceprovisions designedto produce a functional development, responsive and sensitive to natural feafiffes, vegetation and overall aesthetic quallty of community' The site plan and building design have been developed io take frrll advantage ofthe op"o rpu"" area along Red sandstone creek. Each of the dwelling units will abut this corridor, which will inorease the qualrty of life of the residents of this development. In the site planning developmetrt, the 30' steam setbaok standard of the Town has been respected, ptouidiog a buffer between the riparian corridor and the development. Theie is one location where some ofthe existing vegetation will be removed, Tom Braun, the rqresentative for the developnent, has said that the District will fiansplant vegetation during tle conskuction process. D. E. G.A ciroulation system desiped for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site taf Iio oirculation' Vehicular circulation has been a challenge to accommodate on the site' as the "lat_-""totheproposalisadjacenttotheexistingentrancetoBrookheeandSandstone park Siaffand the applicant have evaluated the merits of consolidating curbcuts in this area or creating a separate curbcut. The proposal to be reviewed on September 9th shows two sleparaie curb1ut1. However, recent discussions with the fown fngineer indicate thai a consolidated curbcut, on the southern end of the *it", -"V be tf,e safest for all parties involv"d. Th! applicant will be researchiug ttris attemative prior to the final heariug in front of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Conceming pedestrian circulation, staffhas requested that the existing sidewalk along Red-sandstone Road be continued up to the entrance to this development' eAditiooatty, staff believes that a pedestrianconnection should be provided between thi development aud thJbus stop, located on Red Sandstone Road, just north ofthis project. Two impo(ant details which relate to circulation axe areas for snow storage and location of trash receptacles. Snow will be stored along the driveway, on the east side as well as at the northem eud of the drive. There will be a screened fi'ash dumpster located at the southem end of the site, near the entrance to the development. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space, in order to optimize and pres€rve natural features, recreation, views and function' The landscaping plan shows that 23 spruce, 54 aspen and 8 cottonwood kees will be planted u.roir tt site. Staff requests that the applicant study ways to buffer the project more from adjacent properties, particularly from Red Sandstone Road. Staff understands that there is a1ery steep slope in this area, plus retaining walls, whioh limits the plantable area. However the need to butrer with landscaping must be addressed further. Staff also request that the existing vegetation be shown on the grading plan/site plan. Thougil most of the site is covered with native grasses, there are a few trees *ni.n rnooiO be preserved. The large spnroe (24 inch caliper) on the north west corner ofthe site is proposed to be preserved' phasingplan or subdivisionplanthat willmaintain a workable functional and effici#iehtionship throughout the development of this Special Development District. At this tirne, it is anticipated that the development would be completed in a single I. o phase. If for any reason, the Forest service and the Town cannot oomplete the ilansfer of ownership of the northemmost part ofthe state, the Distict will proceed ahead with construotion of the first three buildings' A condition of approval will be to have the District resubdivide all the parcels into one lot, thus eliminating the need for setbacks on the interior of the site, As part oitn" i"iAuf pnase, stadunderstands that the existing overhead utitity tines will be buried. This chenge must be added to the plans, documenting tle existing and proposed conditions. CONCLUSION As this is a worksession, staffdoes not have a formal reoommendation. I -_----.__..---____--__ Plant Key Y\FslgeaelYlnc{ r ,Colo?.dospna fr.*"r^,* { _ J'** t"'**-o O f.lbyr Docsfid $ ne....t rrr. O Xh.ditt ?or.r|t. Scienlrlt Na,ne Populut hathtllordr3 Co?r|lrs ta,iara f.il.vi Mrtu. 'Hop.' forlrrdllr lruilr.os. Xldrdit. Sias AS6 0'ht. ,Y.. 2t z-Zllz'crL Sa 21,/2'.d t ur9 t' (.l. 6 at t9 All lr.tub.d A.rt 5ro0 iJ. a40 r.r. Edge of Stream -- Nrtua/|lt dn4rt' st?d Mir tftr.lrr$ sod Note: l. f.or r.dfhctur.l,td Sit. A.n bJotnuhort re er to Mort.t Ar.l t (l &rwbta :. Fc grrdrt* rldcduridr, rrfrt ro Eqtnratrg llrrfrrrorlr. Inc. J. Fldrt !.crtqE ur p!._hmtur! .nd will b? 3t*cd by Otyncr s .rprt!.ntrtiv. ptirr it '|'|.l irBrdbtqr. _-i \ \FS- \'*--:.----\ -_=I_-.--/' \ '.-'.. +S= t I J , Uo k a bog (,}toFF .9 GU Fl n.t : rl 'o re S** 'of UF -Il ;$;^ Ag #t,rt{f{*J(ar{q fio.l# G#.r{g (lto |l 'E'g x '!tI G h O.la fit 3 H Ol .- H o €atI L-T or grt. t Ltal { Frt e il t z e Fu E (' c) 2 tr Fz ('| t|l.l F i u UJ u |ltJ('q UJ o<(EQO ooG(J |]i(J<F>t,/)-o>2t-<z,nE o(JIJrE lq al o^lt at,4 16 tavlllolrr $alt ra*t A0,1 '...i ) :*------ - ./ ROFo -{Q$g 6F$0" ' -ffiiF---*N, --\ "{&os r $?A LEGEND .' llttflna ,. cottott--- llttltre |o colloll'.ur arl|f0lC Itot otag! - ||ofoaa, t Ctitfn,l - liotor?t !r cofllolt "-.- - - giltl* - - - - - - - - _Lr!------- ". /- -' ," .,,,.f ./ re '/ / ./ -'1 @ I I .L,.- - /':\ t&Vva.tuM,tuNIt\:,/ yd -r{r. f) *utptrwnffinNtl\-J V6'. t'4|1 /\ rWlWWn@?.nlNt.t--\i_,/ vo,.r.o, ,l x "Ed{ts RgEi> FtsS: sr e{ ft F H \ns Fs f; o! $ttl 5 SZ Hsl $$_\ ii\)IUtr{\ I Gg z- \)cf \sz.SI G aGln+tpri( ptt* J\16.t946 ,*ituFn Al,2 @ r\ *{,o&LrwLru06RnA\I7t_ -\ - -, r.rn" - r,{rl\-,/ " - lltcl o'&al s'a tLE /\ rffitLew).rLM,tuNft \_,/ l/6"-r.q, flIg z. = ci \5z. SJ =A i i !-:\JIEI\ni Nl 7E$sls =ss6Ei sg;ttfrft 5EX hl ;l 5c lrl C+ t\l wEt norlrrol ttlcl *tEB rad'l SFrror 4lt?l t*p,tt r Eq tlt{, _._-lttll. l!:**---tI rAraEar ll llttltlI ll l!=--F:I ll !$Errt FE:-FFI 'TII tf;'u utt tl l FlJl ill ; .' qr{F. li /l '** I I ;l*- -Jl\! E\p/i6@r F-=s"+ J I *|{q I --l _{ I \. lll i*-ll r .,:.Jl Jtilr!'*H*t#:lF,lll f-o.=E ETGn*l .., f-n: F F:rl Ed k1l IIJ @l li, I *l n) dt I i J la- mr |I r{ @ lal g, lJt{tEl f:a ,''\ {t&WWfLM,nNt4L\L/ va'-r.o'Al ,t ,^. I{tRmzuv f'14-l{.1\,-,/ Va"'t'o' /--\ 5AIHElrVAllTU,*\jt Va".r4' r--\ wna'f/{wtll?\3/ ve,-t.o o /-\ txoi aEY,rtl4|rl\J ztt ve -rc /-\ tafil lslf$l(t\J tltvs.ro /-\ wtf as^l}l(2\-J t:LYt.rO I I =lI l-l i I!l JIlf I o I Title l8 ZONINGI Cheptcrc: It.02 GenerglProvisions fE,04 Defrnitiom 18.06 DistrictsEsrablshcdf&06 Zoniag MapIt.09 Iltltside Rcsidcntlal (ER) Districrl&10 Singte.family (SFR) Disdcr18.12 Two.family Rcsidcntiel (R) Disfrtctfq.I3 PrimalySecoadara Rcsidentiel District18.14 Rcsidcntiat Cluster (RC) District l!.1{ Low-Deasity Mutdpte-famit.v (LDMF) Distrtcr1E.18 Medinm-Dcuity MutUpn-finify 6fUDfUg Distrtct l1?g lligb-Dcuity Muttiple.iamitv tliDm) Dbtrictft.22 Public Accommodation pAtDistrict - l82A Commerciel Core I (CCl) District18.26 Comnercial Core 2 (CCZ) District18.27 Comnercisl Core 3 (CCg).District 18.28 Comuereial Sen'ice Centcr (CSC) rys6a18.29 Arterial Busincss District18.30 Heary Service (HS) Districtl!32 Agriculturel and Open Spece (A) Dirtrict18.33 Outdoor Recreetion (ORi Districtf834 Parking (p) District 1E.36 Generrl Use (GU) District18.38 Natursl Area preservation NAp) Dbtrictf839 Ski BastrRecreation Districil!.40 SFcislDcvelopuettDistricrsft.52 Off-street Parking and Loadiagft54 Design ReviewItJ6 trvironncltel Iupact Reportsf857 Employec Houeiry -:---r\v.rE; roorlorEt 1r l|rttbcrtd $trouthour rbr rcls _O rrc losEd rr th3 asd ofUi3 8itk. UPDATED JIJNE 1995 299 (vdt +95) coverage area) may be higherthan thirty-five feet, but not higher than_ forty fcet. Towers, spircs, cupolasichimneys, flagpoies, anOsimilar architectural features not useable * grori ,"riaiiriia noo,area may cxtend above the height limit a distance of nor morethan twenty-five perccnt of thc hcight limit nor more than lifteen feet. (Ord. 38 (1983) g l.) It39.fm Densiry control. - Jotal dens_ity shail not exceed one dwelling unit per eight acresof site arca. (Ord. 38 (t9S3) g l.) tt39.190 Sitecoverege. . site cove-rage shalr be as shown on the approved deveropmentplan. (Ord. 38 (1983) g l.) ft39.2f0 Landscaping end site development. . t,andscaping requirernents shall be asshown on the approveddevelopment plan. Ail areas within tt. "t."(rioiiir-t"-rtilr, inthe landscape pran not- occupied by uuilaingl iro-undl""l or"t,or patios, or parking shall bL landicaped. (6re lglttl3) i r.l 1t.39.230 Prrking. ^. Off-str_ee_t_ parking shall be provided in accordance withC.hapt_1' I 8. 52 and / or- as specifi ed on thc ;p;;"il;ililp.r",plan. (Ord. 38 (1e83) $ l.t ZONING Chrpter lt.{0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Sections: It.40.010 Purposc. 1t.40.020 Dcfilitions. ft.40.030 Appltcerion. (v8il E-2-8t) 382-8 1E.40.040 1E.40.050 rr.40.060 rr.40.070 r8.40.0E0 r8.40.090 f8.'$.100 r8.40.110 18.40.120 r8.40.r30 18.40.r40 18.40.160 18.40.010 Purpose. The purpose of the Special Development District is to encourage flexibility and crearivity in the development of landi1 grder to promore its most appropriate use; t; improve rhc design character and quality of rhe new developmeni with the Town; to facilitate the adeguate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the narural and scenic featuresof open space areas; and to funhcr the overall goals of thc community as sated in the Vail Comprehensive plan. An approved derelopmenr llan for a Special Dcvelopment District,rn conJunctlon wrth the property's underlying zone disrrict, shall e_stablish the requiremenrs for guiding development and uses -of propgny included in the Special Development Disrrict. The Special .Dbvelopment Disrrict does not apply to and is nor available in the following zone districrs: lt;iftiae Residendal, Single-Family. Duplex. Primary/Secondary. The elemenrs of the development plan shall be as outlined ln Secdon 1g.40.060. (Ord, 9(199a) g l: Ord. 2l(1988) $ t.) f8.40.020- Definltions.A. "Agcnt or authorizcd represenudve" means any individuat or nssociation authorized or empowercd in writing by the property owner to act on his (her) stead. If any of the property to be included in the Special Development Dis-trict is a condominiumized dcvelopment, thi peninent SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Development review proccdures. Submittal requirements. Development plan. Uses. Design criteria. Development standards. Amenrlment procedures. Recreatlol amenities t8x, Time requiremenb. Fees. Existing special development districts. Bed and breakfsst - Conditionsl use permiL 382-9 (vril 4-95) ZONING c. D. E. condominium association may be considered the agent or authorized rcpresentative for the individual unit owners if authorized in conformity with all peninent requirementsof the condominium association's declarations and all other requirements of the condominium declarations are met. "Minor amendment (staff review)" means modifications to building plans, site or landscapc plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special derelopment district, and are consistent with tbe design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, variadons of not more than five feet(5') to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the Special Development Districq or changes to gross floor area (excluding residenrial uses), of not more tban five percent (5%) of the approved square footage of retail, office, common areas and other nonrcsidentiaf floor area. "Major amendment (PEC and/or couneil rcview)n meansqly proposal to change uses; increase gross residenrial floor area; change the number of dwelling or accomnroda- tion units; modify enlarge or expand any approved Spe- cial Development Disuict (other than minor imendments as defined in subsecdon 18.40.0208.) "Underlying zone district" means the zone disuict existing on the propeny, or imposed on the property at the timi the.Special.Development District is approved. The fol- lowing zone districts are prohibited from special develop- rpent. disrricts bging used: Hillsidc Rcsidentiat, Singli- Family, Duplex, Primary/Secondary. Affected propeny." means property within a Special Development Disrict rhat, by vinus of its proximity or relationship-to a proposed amendment requeit ro an ap- proved development plan, may be affected by redegigir, density incrcase, change in uses, or other modificatiJns clrlnS1rg the impacts, or chara$cr of tbe approved Spe_cial Devclopmenr Distric. (Ord 9(1994j' E Zt Ord. 2l(1e88) $ l.) (vril +95)382- l0 I S PECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS It.40.030 Applicetion. An application for approval of a special development district may be liled by any owner of property to be included in the special development district or his (her) agent or authorized reprcsentative. The application shail be made on a form provided by the Community Dcvelopment Department and shall include: A lcgal description of thc property, a list of names and mailing addresses of all adjacent property owners and written consent of owners of all property to be included in the special development district, or their agents or authorized repreientatives. The application shall be accornpanied by submittal requirements outlined in Section 18.40.050 and a development plan as outlined in Section t8.40.060. (ord. 2l(1e88) g l.) It.40.040 DevelopmentRevicwProcedures. A. Prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvements to land within a special dcvelopment district, thcre shall be an approved developmcnt plan for said distrist. The approved dcvclopment plau shall establish requirements regulating development, uses and activity within a special devclopment district. B. Prior to submittal of a formal application for a special devclopment distrist, the applicant shall hold a pre- application confcrence with the community development department. The purposc of this meeting shall be to discuss the goals of the proposed special development district, the relationship of the proposal to applicable elemcnts of the town's master plan, and the review procedure that will be followed for the application. C. The initial revicw of a proposed special development distriet shall be hetd by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting. Prior to this meeting, and at the discrction of the director of the department of community development, a work session may be held with the applicant, staff and the planning and environmental commission to discuss the proposed 382-l r (vail &2-EE) o ZONING special development district. A report of the Community Development Department staffs findings and rccom- mendations shall be made at the initial formal hearing before the planning and environmental commission. A repoft of the planning and environmental commission stating its findings and recommcndations, and the staff report shall then be transmitted to the town council in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 18.66.060 of thc municipal codc. fhe town council shall consider the spccial development district in accordance yjtlr- Jlt-r provision of Sections 18.66.130 through r8.66.160. (ord. 2l(1e88) g l.) ft.{0.050 Submittrl requirements. The following information and materials shall be sub- mitted with the initial applicatioa for a special dcvelopmentdistrict. certain submittal requircments may be waived or modified by the department of community divelopment if itis demonstrated that the materiar to be waived oi modified is not applicable to.the Design criteria (section 1g.40.0g0),or other practical solutions have been reached. l. Application form and filing fee.2. A written statement desiribing the nature of theproject to include information on proposed uses, densities, naturc of the development- proposed, contemplated ownership patterns and phasing plans,and a statement outlining how and whiri the proposed development deviates from the development standards. prescribed in the propefty's undjrlying zone district.3. A.survey stamped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions of the property to 6e includcd inthe special -development - diCtrici, to include thelocation of improvements, existing contour lines, natural features, existing vegetatio;, water courscs, and perimetcr properry lines of the parcel. (vail 8-2-E8) 382-12 SPECIAL DEVELOP t ME NT DISTRICTS 4. A complete set of 'plans depicting existing conditions of the parcel (site plan, floor plans, elevations), if applicable. 5. A complete zoning analysis of existing and proposed development to include a square footage breakdown of all proposed uses, parking provided, and proposed densities. Proposed site plan at a scale not smallcr than l'= 20', showing the approximate locations and dimen- sions of all buildings and structures and all principal site development features. Preliminary building elevations, sections and floor plans tt a scale not smallcr than I l8' = l' in sufficient detail to determine floor area, circulation, location of uscs, and generat scale and appcarance of the proposed dcvelopment. A vicinity plan showing thc proposed improvements in relation to al I adjacent properties at a scale not smaller than l'= 50'.9. Photo overlays and/or other acceptable techniques for dcmonstrating a visual analysis of the proposed devclopment in relationship to existing conditions. 10. A massing model depicting the proposed development in relationship to development on adjacent parcels.ll. A preliminary landscape plan at a scale not smaller than l' = 2A', showing cxisting landscape featurcs to be retained and removed, proposed landscaping'and landscaped sile development features such as recrea- tion facilities, bike paths and trails, pcdestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elements. 12. Environmental impact report in acoordance with,- Chapter 18.55, .hercof unless waivcd by Section 18.56.030. 13. Any additional information or material as deemed '"Decessary -by the director of eommunity developmcnt department. With thc exception of the massing modcl, four complete copics of the above information shall be 6. 7. I 382.13 (vail 8-2-88) o ZONING ' submitted _with an application for a special develop_ ment district. At the discretion of the director of tfie community development department, reduced copies in 8-l 12' x ll' format of all of the above informaiion and additional copies for distribution to the planning and environmental commission and town council may be required. (ord. 2l(te8E) g l.) It.{0.060 Developmentptrn. - An approved deveropment pran is the principal documsntin guiding the deveropment, uses and aciivitiei of a speciardevelopment district. A development plan shafl bc approvcdby.ordinance by the town council in conjunction iittr ttre r-eview and approval of any speciar development district. Thedevelopment plan shall be comprised of materials submittedin accordance with Section 18.40.050. The developmentplan shall contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the -parameters with which the specialdevelopment district shalt develop. Thc developmeni ptan may consist of, but not be limited lo, the "pprouid site plan,floor plans, buirding sections and eievatioris, victiii ir"",parking plan, preliminlp- open spacellandscape pf"n, Ainiiti"i lnd permitted, conditional ind accessory uses. (Ord.2l(te88) g t.) It.40.070 Uses. Determination of permitted, conditionar and accessoryuses shall be made by the planning and environmental commission and town council is a pari of the formal ,rui.i o.f thc proposed deveropment plan. unless furthet rrstririioqlrough the review of-the pioposed speciar a.uriof*rntdistrict, permitted, conditionfu ana accessory uses shill belimited to those -permitted, conditional and aJcessory usss ina property's underlying zone district. under certain condi-tions, commercial usJs may be permitted in residential special development districts- if, in ihe opinion of the town 'tv"it g-z-ss) 382-14 I o PMENT DISTRICTSSPECIAL DEVELO council, such uses are primgrily for the servicc and convenience of the residents of the development and the immediate neighborhood. Such uses, if any, shall not change or destroy the predominantly residential character of the special development district. Thc amount of area and type of such uses, if any, to be allowed in a residential spccial development district shall be established by thc town council as a part of the approved development plin. (Ord. 2l(1988) $ l.) 1t.40.0E0 Dcsign criterir. The following design criteria shall bc uscd as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed special developmcnt district. It shall bc the burdcn of the applicantto demonstratc that submittal material and thc proposed devclopmcnt plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achicvcd. A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediats environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in chapter 18.52. D. Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Com- .prehensive Plan, town policies and urban design plans. E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or gcologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to producc a functional devclopment responsive and scnsitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. 383 (Vail E-2-88) ZONING G. A circulation system designcd for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recrea- tion, views and function.I. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship through- out the developmcnt of the special developrient district. {ord. 2l(1e88) $ l.) 1t.40.090 Development strnderds. Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coveragcs, landscaping and parking shall be determined by thc town council as paft of the approved developmcnt plan with consideration of the rccommendations of the planning and environmental com- mission. Bcfore the town council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it should bc determined that such deviation providcs benefitsto the town that outweigh the advcrse effects of such deviation. This determination is to be madc based on evaluation of the proposed special development district's compliance with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.080. (Ord. 2l(1e88) $ l.) I8.40.100 Amendment proccdures. A. Minor amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.0208. miy be approved by the departmcnt of community dcvelop- me*t. All minor modifications shall be indicatcd- on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the department of community development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment, and a report of staff action of said request, shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the special development district that may be affccted by the 384 (vail 8-2.88) o DEVELOPMENTSPECIAL DISTRICTS amendment. Affected properties shall be as determined by thc depaftment of community development. Notifica- tions shall be postmarked no latcr than five days following staff action on the amendment request and shall include a bricf statement describing thc amendment and the time and date of whcn .the planning and environmental commission will be informed of the staff decision. In all cases the rcport to the planning and environmental commission shall be made within twenty days from the date of the staffs decision on the requested. amendment. Appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent property owners, owDers of property within the special development district, the applicant, planning and environ- mental commission members or members of the town council as outlincd in Section 18.66.030A. of the municipal code. B. Major amendments: Regucsts for major amendmcnts to an approved spccial development district shall be reviewed in accorda4ce with thc procedures described in Section 18.40.040. Owncrs of all property requesting the amendment, or their agents or authorized repres€ntatives, shall sign the application. Notification of thc proposed amendment shall be inade to owners of all property adjacent to the property requesting the proposed amendment, owners of . all property adjacent to the special development district, and owners of all property within the special develop- ment district that may be affected by the proposcd amendment (as determined by the department of be as outlined in Section 18.66.080 of the municipal code. (ord. 2l(1e88) $ l.) It.40.f 10 Recreetlon rmenities trx. A recreation amenities tax shall be assessed on all special development districts in aceordance with Chapter 3.36 of the 38s (veil 4-7-92) ZONING Vail Municipal Code ar a rate o be determined by the planning and environmental commission. Ttris rate shall be based on the rate of the special development district's underlying zone disuict or the rate which most closely resembles the density plan for the district, whicheveris geater. (Ord. 21(1988) $ 1.) 18,40.120 Time requirements. A. The developer musr bgin initial construction of the special development district within three years from the time of its final approval, and continue diligently toward the completion of the project. If the special development disrrict is to be developed in phases, the developer must begin construction of subsequent phases within one year of the completion of the previous phasi.B. If tlrc applicant does norbegrn and diligently work toward the completion of the special development district or any stage of ttre special development districr within the rime limits imposed by the preceding subsection, the approval of said special development district shall be void. The planning and environmental commission and town council shall review the special development disrict upon s3bminal of an application to re-esrablish ttre special development disulct following ttre procedures outlined in section 18.40.o10 of this chapter (ord.21(1988) $ 1.) 18.40.130 Fees. _ The filing fee for special development district applications and for major and minor amendments to special develophent disuicts shall be set by the Town Council of the Town of Vail by resolution. Applications deemed by the community development departnent to have significant design, land use, or other iszues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants otherthan town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staffthat an ouside consultant is needed !o review any special development district application, the community development department shall obtain the approval of rhe town (v'it 4-7-92) 386 o PARKINCOFF.STREET ANDLOADING council for the hiring of such a consultant. Upon approval of the towrl council to hire an outside consultant, the community development departrnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the outside consultant, and this amount shall be forwarded to the town by the applicant at the time the special development disuia application is submitrcd to tlre community development departnnenr Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the firnds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the conzultart, shall be renrmed to the applicanr brpenses incuned by ttrc town in excess of the amourt forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the town by the applicant within thiny days of notificadonbythe own. (Ord. 5(1991) g 1: Ord. 21(1988) $ t.) 18.40.140 Existing special development districts. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit, replace or diminish the requircments, rcsponsibilities, and specifications of special development disuicts No.'s 2 through 21. The town couneil specifrcally finds that said special development districts No.'s 2 through 21 shall remain in full force and effect, and the tems, conditions, and agreements comained therein shall continue to be binding upon the applicants thereof and the Town of Vail. These disricB, if not commenced at the present time, shall comply with Section 18.40.120, time requiremenrs. (Ord. 2t(1988) $ t.) 18.40.160 Bed and breakfast-Conditional use permit. Any special developnrent disuict containing multi-family, single famity ortwo family dwellings shall be allowed to apply for a bed and breakfast conditional use permit according to Chapter 18.60 and as turther regulated by Section 18.58.3I0. (Ord. 31(1989) g 14.) 387 (vdl4-?-92) ZONINC chapter 18.52 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Sections: 18.52.010 Purpose. rt.52.020 Applicability. f 8.52.030 Exisiting facilities. It.52.040 Additions or changes. It.52.050 Construction and maintenance. 18.52.060 Parking-Off-site and joint facilities. 1t.52.070 Standards. 1t.52.080 Parking-Standsrds. tt.52.090 Loading-Standards. tE.52.100 Parking-Requirements schedule. 18.52.110 Parking-Schedule applicabitity. 18.52.120 Credit for multiple use parking facilities. 18.52.130 Loading-Requirements schedule. 18.52.I40 Loading-Schedule applicabitity. f 8.52.150 Credit for multiple-use loading facilities. 18.52.I60 Exemptions. 18.52.170 Leasing of parking spaces. t8.52.It0 Variances. 18.52.0f 0 Purpose. In order to alleviate progressively or to prevent traffic congestion and shortage of on-street parking areas, off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided incidental to new structures, enlargements of existing structures or a conversion to' a new use which requires additional parking under this chapter. The number of parking spaces and loading berths prescribid in this chapter shall be in proportion ro the need for such facilities created by'the particular type of use. Off-street parking and loading areas are to be designed, maintained and operated in a manner that will ensure their usefulness, protect the public safety, (VaiI 4J.92) 388 o .-', I Table 3 - DensiV on Surroundino Lots. ApproximateApproximate Existing Number DensityLot Acreaqe Zonino of Dwellino Units {DU/Ac) (VailHeights) 1.5P/S6122 .5 P/S 10 203 .s P/S 11 224 .s P/S 10 20 (Vail Das Schone)4 .18 P/S 4 22 s.2PlS6306 .18 P/S 4 227 .16 P/S 2 12.8 .18 P/S 2 119 .18 P/S 2 11 11 .32 P/S 4 1212 .32 P/S 0 Undeveloped13.4PlS25, 14 .5 P/S 0 Undeveloped15 .6 P/S 5 I19 .45 P/S 0 Undeveloped20 .45 P/S 2 4 IV. EVALUATION OF THE REZONING FEOUEST As this is a worksession, stafi will not provide an analysis of the rezoning criteria. The criteria listed below will be addressed iully at a later date. A. ls the request ln conformlty with the Land Use Plan? A B. Have clrcumstances changed slnce the orlglnal zonlng was placed on the ploperly? C. Was a technlcal error made when the zonlng was determlned? V. DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES Before a final PEC hearing and discussion of the formal criteria listed above, staff believes lhe key issues outlined below must be resolved: A. How should the hazards be mltlgated? The Town of Vail hazard maps show that about 80% of this site is covered in rockfall or debris flow hazard areas. In December, 1 991 , Art Mears evaluated the hazard V7t* /14t4,ry. 4 4 /1'^'- F+^- ,**f o---'d-.-.., G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. H. Functional and aesthctic landscaping and open spacc in order to optimize and preserve natural features, tion, views and function.I. Phasing plan .or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient rclationship through- k/,,/-out the development of the special development district. , "A I, o l') (ord.2r(re88) g r.) ?fer*' ^f*"t.(, 18.40.090 Development stendards. y' -o - Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverages, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the towJcouncil as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the recommendations of the planning and environmental com- mission. Beforc the town council approves development standards that deviate frorn the underlying zone distiict, it should be determined that such deviation provides beneiitsto the town that outweigh the advcrse effects of such deviation. This determination is to be made based on evaluation of the proposed special development district's compliance with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.080. (Ord.2l(1988) $ t.) ZONiNG rDFiw V^y LN*o" ' recrea- 18.40.100 Amendment procedures. A. Minor amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design'criteria outlined in Section I8.40.0208. m?y be approved by the departmenr of community develop- ment. All minor modifications shall be indicated'on a completely reviscd development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed Uy tUe department of community development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment, and a report of staff action of said request, shall bc provided !o "il property owners within or adjacent to th; special development district that may be affccted bi rhc 384 (vail 8-2-88) t,/"{r-r -P' 0P',twlrr A 0t I o SPECIAL DEVELOPM ENT DISTRICTS council, such uscs are primarily for the service and convenience of the residents of the devclopment and the immediate neighborhood. Such uses, if any, shail not change or destroy the predominantly residential character of the special developmcnt district. The amount of area and type of such uses; if any, to be allowed in a residential special development district shall be established by the town council as a part of the approved development plan. (Ord. 2l(1988) $ t.) 18.40.080 Design criteris. The following design criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merirs of the proposcd special development district. It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. A. Design compatibility and sensirivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent propbrties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Uses, activity and density whjch provide a comparibb, 6efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses I 'and activity. C. ComplianCe with parking and loading requirem.nt, u, y' outlined in Chaptcr 18.52. D. Conformity with applicable elements of the Yail Com- (.prehensive Plan, town policies and urban design plans. E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic -rhazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsivc and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall acsthetic quality of the cornmunity. S r,' e ltJ' r,o'r [/ Frf d/,r' ,#t"\ A./tA/\r.L r0 ".l"t '{ 4r' )Y' 1';t{ "ry /Nl^+v "t'/ P,4,{ 383 (vail 8-2-88) , t t1 c'-.., 'o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 9, 1992 A request for a worksession for a mlnor subdivision and request for a zone district change from PrimaryiSecondary Fesidentialto Low Density Multiple Family, for the Schmetrko property, generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel A: A trast of land containing one acre, more or less, located in lhe South 'l12 of the South East 1/4 of Section 1 I , Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE comer ot the sw 1/4 of the sE 1/4 of said section 11; thence westerly along the northerly line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of '167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallel lo the east line ol said SW 1/4 ol the SE 1/4, a distance o1200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance oi tOZ.SO ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant lrom and parallel to the north line o{ said SW 1/4 ol the SE 1/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1 1, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel wiih the west line of the east 1/2 of lhe SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 200.00 ft. to the point of intersection wilh lhe extension ol the norlh line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00' along the exlension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 ol said Section 11, a distance ol 50.95 ft. to the NE corner of the SW 114 ot the SE 1/4 of Section 11, being the point of beginning. Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. 1 according to the recorded plat thereof. Applioant: Erich SchmeEkoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TO: FHOM: DATE; SUBJECT: o I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, Erich and Lily Schmetzko, are requesting to rezone their property from Primary/Secondary to Low Density Multi-Family residential. Their property is located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, and is made up of 2 unplatted parcels. In addition to the rezoning request, the applicanl is proposing a minor subdivision, to create one lot. The proposed LDMF zoning would allow nine units, two of which the applicant is willing to permanently deed restrict as employee housing. This site is cunently vacanl. lt is located in rockfall and debris flow hazard areas. Staff believes that there are four key issues relating to this rezoning request: A. How should the hazards be mitigated?B. What is the appropriate density for the site?C. What issues are involved in the subdivision request?D. What kind of development could occur under the proposed zoning? ln addition to these specific issues, there are standard rezoning crileria which must be met. All of lhe criteria are listed below in the memo. II. BACKGROUND In July, 1991, the applicant brought this request to the Planning and Environmental Commission lor a worksession. The PEC comments focused on the hazards, which cover most of the sile. Since that worksession, the applicant has had Art Mears do additional hazard research, and has followed some of his general recommendations. Other concerns of the PEC included density and employee housing. The property, as stated above, is vacant. Vegelation is limited to sage brush, with the exception of two large spruce trees on the northeast corner of the site. The site rises above Chamonix Lane at approximately a2A-25% slope. To the west, most of the lots around this parcel are developed. The land to the east is vacanl. All of the land north of Chamonix Lane is zoned Primary/Secondary and most of it has been developed in excess of the density standards of Primary/Secondary zoning. Many of the lots have multi-family housing on them. In the early 1980s, the Town of Vail created a drainage channel across the Schmetzko property. This was done immedialely atter a severe debris flow event, during a spring when debris flows were occurring frequently. The Town acted in an emergency situation, to try to protect the neighborhood. Mr. Schmetzko brought a law suit against the Town, in an effort to have his property restored lo its original condition. The Town and Mr. Schmetzko settled this legal action. As part of the settlement agreemenl, the Town agreed to restore the site to its original grade. In the past, several utility companies installed utility lines across the Schmetzko property. In lhe same seHlement, the utility companies understood that they would have to compensate Mr. Schmetzko for lhe use of his property. The utility companies decided it would be simpler the utility lines than to pay {or the use ot the land. t,i tt o*,J' III. ZONING ANALYSIS Below are tables showing various development potentials. Table 1 - Area Total Total Buildable BuildableAcreage Souare Footaqe Square Foolaoe Acreaoe Parcel A 1.00 43,560 sq. ft. 40,744 sq. ft. .935 Parcel B .1204 5.244.6 sa. ft. 4,877 sq. ft. .'112Totals: 1.1204 48,804.6 sq. ft. 45,621 sq. ft.. 1.047 Table 2 - Development Polential Under Different Zone Dislricts Potential Number Density Allowed of Dwelling Units Per Code On The Two Parcels GRFA Primary/Secondary SDUs+1 3DUs+1 6,190.2sq.ft. Exisling Zoning witfr 2 Employee Unii Employee DU Parcels Residential Cluster 6 DUs per 6 DUs I 1,405.3 sq. fl. Combined Lots buildable acre LDMF 9 DUs per I DUs 15,967.4 sq. fl. Combined Lots buildable acre Land Use Plan/MDR 3-14 DUs per 3-14 DUs N/A buildable acre L -o .-"1 Table 3 - Densitv on Sgroundino Lots. ApproximateApproximate Existing Number DensityLot Acreaoe Zoninq of Dwellinq_Units (DU/Ac) (VailHeights) 1.5P/S6122 .5 P/S 10 203 .5 P/S 11 224 .5 P/S 10 20 (Vail Das Schone)4 .18 P/S 4 22s.2PlS6306 .18 P/S 4 227 .16 P/S 2 12.I .18 P/S 2 119 .18 P/S 2 '.|l 11 .32 P/S 4 1212 .32 P/S 0 Undeveloped13.4PlS2514 .5 P/S 0 Undevetoped15.6P/S5819 .45 P/S 0 Undeveloped20 .45 P/S 2 4 tv. EVALUATT9N OF THE REZONTNG REQUEST As this is a worksession, statf will nol provide an analysis of the rezoning criteria. The criteria lisled below will be addressed lully at a later date. A. ls the request in conformlty with the Land Use Plan? B. Have clrcumstances changed slnce the orlglnal zonlng was placed on the property? C. Was a technlcal error made when the zonlng was determlned? V. DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES Before a final PEC hearing and discussion of the formal criteria listed above, staff believes the key issues outlined below must be resolved: A. How should the hazards be mlflgated? The Town of Vail hazard maps show that about 80% of ihis site is covered in rockfall or debris flow hazard areas. In December, 1991, Art Mears evaluated the hazard o o potential of on the site. His report suggests generat concepts for mitigating these hazards, but he believes he needs to do additional work, His letter is attaihed to this memo, showing his analysis. ln brief, his concept is to extend a smail basin to the north ot any proposed building on the site which would contain the debris flow, and to protect any structures 0n the site from rockfall by building 'small baffiers at the lower building walls ol the exposed sides of the structure.' (ptease see attached Art Mears letter, dated December 19, 1991,) A regraded oorridor, along the lines of lhis concept, has been designed by an architect, and has been shown on the plans. This concepi appears to require that grading occur on Lot 6 and BLM land to the north. This drawing was not done by Art Mears, and will need to be reviewed by him in the future. Al this time, slaff would like to understand if there are different mitigation solutions for difterent types of development oh the site. we would like to know ir there would be differences between the mitigation required for primary/secondary development, Residential clusler development, and Low Density Mutti-Famity dbvelopm'ent. we would also like to have Art Mears discuss altemative types of mitigation, including one . t/which could be completely contained on this site, if possible. In general, staff is - 4// :; concerned that the mitigation could have significant negative environmental and 5r- aesthetic impacts. staff would like the applicant to propose the logistics of how the desired mitigation sofution could be accomplished. tf the current design is selected, staft will need to see F)permission from the property owner of Lot 6, vail Heights, as well as the Bureau of x-, / Land Management for the use of lheir property in the regrading effort needed to creale the basin. staff underslands that the approval process with the BLM is lengthy, and we will need to have assurances from the applicant that the work could be done. The timing of the mitigation also needs to be fully understood, who will do lhe work and ) what the deadline is lor the work are questions which need to be answered. Lastlv.\ the timing of the Town's obligation to regrade the site needs to be coordinated w1h the\ timing of the proposed mitigation ptan. B. What ls.the approprtate denstty for this slte? staff is concerned that the proposed density of LDMF may exceed what is appropriate for this parcel. Additional density may nol be appropriate, given the debris flow and rockfall hazards. Additional information about the hazards are needed before an .up- zoning' occurs. Statf would like to point out that the tables in the zoning analysis sirow /.fhat lhe nine units per buildable acre proposed with the Low Density tr,tulti-famity 1 , <.{>'t. i zoning lafls within ihe range of the l-ano'Use plan, and is tess than the density on ;-most 0f the sites in the vicinity. All of the sites in the vicinity are zoned Primary/secondary. However, they are non-conforming in that they exceed the curent density standards of the zoning code. The applicant is proposing that two ot the nine units on site to be restricted as employee housing unils, which is a benelit for the Town. .i't C. What lssues are Involved tn the subdtvlslon request? The subdivision request ensures that the access way and the large parcel will never be sold separately. An easement could be created across Parcel Alo also allow for access. lt appears, at this time, that the applicant can meet a[ ol the subdivision standards for minor subdivision in the LDMF zone district. These standards include lot area (10,000 sq. ft. of buildable area), frontage (minimum 30 feet), and size (minimum 80'x 80'). The applicant could also meet the subdivision standaids for Ftesidential Cluster and Primary/Secondary zoning. Prior lo a final hearing, the applicant will need to provide complete minor suMivision plals which meet all of the Town standards. The replatting process also provides an opportunity to document the resolution of the hazqrd mitigation issue and the employee housing issue. Staff believes that the resolutions to the number of employee units to be built, as well as the hazard mitigation to be constructed, should be documented on the plat. Hypothetically, after lhe rezoning process, the applicant could develop the siie as single iamity resid'ences. Because the Town code does not require mitigation for single famity or olplex construction, staff believes a plat restriction requiring mitigation regirdless'of development type. is appropriate. This position is bised on tre oetiet that a request for higher densities should only be approved if mitigation is mandatory. D. What klnd of development could occur under LDMF zoning? At this time, the applicant has drawn up plans for a nine unit condominium complex. These plans are conceptualonly, and are not proposed to be built, The applicant has tried to show that the site can handle LDMF density. Statf has reviewed these conceplually, and has some comments. The Fire Department would require a tum- around at the top of the driveway, ind additional hydiants. Public Works would require a heated driveway, since the grade is 10%. The planning stalf is concerned that the underground parking shown on this conceptual plan may not be constructed, as it is relatively expensive, and is not required under LDMF zoning. V. CONCLUSION Statt does nol have a formal recommendation for this worksession. Stafl believes that increased density on the site should be reviewed with consideration given to hazard mitigation. After reviewing the additional information staff has requeited regarding the magnitude of the hazard mitigation which will be needed, staff befieves tnaitne rezoning requesl will be easier to evaluate. c:\pecvnemos\sdtmEko.309 f*41'/' C-l-^.8' Q-/ ' ls**g D*e uoq lN cov>ess\ ''L( Lrr-'" ,^^.L E, k, (av . .,k^{.'s Lr^/\ 4 L--^-a (h.- F/n^. aL-*l n p*ty"* il ""t-r''L t'a-r''\-? ,.-;{ kA4 L,-&.^- L-t6i-^J -?-a-. 1 .l.a 4r,.(? .J-1.!(/*Ly lNo/'u k-< ,* /'h . 6ttT ; ( /+,.*4t' Lt- 7* ' A-5^-t<-/ ftr.-l ,.',1- k zl-Yu' tw ft^-S 6 olurau5, .tf "***J, 6.,r I Ar '-'l D: tur*' Pr-y Ncth,5 4 t;L. ttA,.'- /.r-r' ; { f tsAl/Btqrrn Associates, Inc. pLAtfI{lrS sd QO!ftvlUMlYDErrE[.OFMH{f TOrfAX #r FtrOM: A*\ 1nTrrnRreun Brarm Assocides, Inc. rAx TRI'NShIISSION -{ s*,- L,*,-" .qp IlAl3r f,s: t-+ 5s-."tAJ*-,^{-- FAGE$r 3 flncluding frie cor* shter) COTTMEtrIITS; \+r..r* '..1 r.- c d.J,.{,\, p or,*rl e** ( 1* 'J""u* 201 Mein $treet, 2nd Flosr Minlum, Cblorado 81645 Plrrrne- 9msi,T,EnT Fax-9?E.WSW| k- rr r.,A ,Lo* .,I "I" \f* 4 l>lhr-$+=*\;' -R *:d t ule s'\- t*'l-. 4 [{r. .u0 -1-n^* p!ry F l P./tl) Bfi-5?9? if yorr harne uot rrooirrd ull pagc.r crr hnrrc aoy proH*ur wirb friebffisilissioa. P.O.lbx776 Mintur4 Colorado 81015 di-e {Jtif #i.\.1 {r .{,"=) EAi/ BR^U\J AS IATFs. INC" PLANNING ead COMHUNtTy DtVELOpt IENT $cptember 3. 1996 Mr. Andy Knu&tcn Tsqltl ufVdl 75 SorthFrontagcRoad Yail, Cukrrado F1645 RE; R€visdsDDsubmittat DearAncty: -EncJc,n$ .yott will find a -co'tuptote eot of reviscd pl*s for tbc Red Sanrtsts3e Local's Ho6incrroJ€ct. As sve $scu$s€d lsst wwk, the arcst significsnt change we bsve mrde is to rcduce tft number of uniu from 18 ro. 17 by rcplaciog !!e s_-uuit quilding-at tne north ena of tm ;lt" (B*idt4sll) with a 4wit buildins. Mntc;iat lnptodO inctuCe* th" f-Iili"$ l) Rcvi$€d PrElildnary Site pten,?.) Revised ProliminerJ, Londscapc PIar.3) Prcliminary Gradinc PIan, 11 trllqi",rry4oor$ans_(rngludiagrevisedplansforBuildiag4),5) }tcltminsrv Eleratinns (including r,evired clevgliusu fff EuilEing 4], and5) Site Survey,7) )!it1we n9 ao.1p-repared F-oouunit to a spacific tygc of light ar &is tirue, we can conrnit H *j"l?rt"r lg[tttrg wll hrvoa cou"calad liglt source. lncatims of lrgblF and notes torn$ drect have been addod to thebuildiqg clev*ions. r walccd the *itc with Ruce Foncsr lo*Frftlny auJ hc indicauxl 0ut tr mainfry of th€ wettandvegetaion is located uell within the 30' sbcam *tback aud thar tne porcntiat iopacr sn nctlmdsvegetaion-is so niginal (wcll uudsr al aurr) thu the Cotp woutC ndt te rntenrfi in re"bwfic tle ProJ9*. wo qtreed to walk the ritla priqr to son$nrctiffi to locate our *limits of distutauae feicc"utd if we havs to bomor,c willows tdacromnodarc rhc ptojoct we wrtt e-ter uanspiuli €r,Ednt--vegetation or incoryorarc willows itrto oru landscry plirn. I hope this matenal will answer the questions you nised in yorr August 26th leuer. Plcase do norhcsitate to uatl with any quesrions you may narr. Sincerely, Thomas A. Bruun, AICP ccr Pat Dauphinais Deluds Odr'ln JimMoter Minturn lronwods Buildint ?Cl Main Stres( Znd Floor Poct Ofllce Eet 776 l'1inturn, Colofedo 81645 Phone - 9-4.8275/97 Fcx - tro.t775r(,7 TOTFIL P. A3 tEA ill tEtR.AL] f\,\5sOCil,\TtES" ill\C" PLANNINGPLAN N ING and COI"IMUNtTY DFVELOpyENT August 26,1996 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81645 RE: Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Dear Andy: Enclosed you will find a revised site plan and grading plan for the Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project. The most notable change to the previously submitted application is that we have reduced ,,,, the number of units from 18 to 17. This change has been accomplished by eliminating the 5-unit - building at the north end of the site (Building D) and replacing it with a 4-unit building. The new 4-unit building is a mirror image of the previously submitted Buildings C and D. r' After additional site and cost analysis it was determined that the originally proposed Building D was not financially feasible due to the considerable expense of consffucting a retaining wall that 'v/ would be necessary to incorporate this building and related circulation into this portion of the site. While the 4-unit building will require some retainage, the extent and cost of this wall has been '" significantly reduced. The following summarizes the implications of this reduction of units on development standards and _ other aspects of the proposal that were described in the previously submitted SDD and re-zoning t' application: Densitv The MDMF zone district permits 18 units per buildable acre. Based 1.24 buildable acres, units could be develope{.onqhis property. The proposed development is now 17 units, o units per buildable acre(10.5'\nits per gross acre). \_-/ GRFA The MDMF zone district permits .35 GRFA. Based on 1.24 buildable acres, or 54,140 square feet, up to 18,949 square feet of GRFA could be developed on the property. The proposed development now includes 15,970 square feet of GRFA. Building Height The maximum allowable building height in the MDMF zone district is 35' for flat roofs and 38' for sloping roofs. The maximum height of each building is within the 35' m:u(imum for flat roofed buildings and the majority of each building is only two levels with a height of 24' as measured from building slab to the top of the parapet. Proposed roof elevations will be indicated on the revised sile plan. Ylinturn lronworks Building 201 Main Street, 2nd Floor Post Off ce Box 776 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Phone - 970.827.5197 Fax - 970.827.5507 Site Coveraee The MDMF zone district allows up to 4570 sitre coverage. The footprints of the proposed buildings total 11,451 square feet (one 5-unit building at3,666 sq. ft. and three 4-unit buildings at 2,595 sq. ft.). The proposed site coverage is 16.3%o. Landscaping The MDMF zone dishict requires at least 3OVo of the site to be landscaped. The revisions to the proposed plan have reduced both building footprints and paved area resulting in an increase to landscaped area. The proposed landscaping is now 57.97o of the site. Setbacks Minimum front setbacks range from 4O'-98', side setbacks range from 75' to 135' and rear setbacks range from 2l' to3l'. Parking The Town of Vail zoning code requires 2 parking spaces for each unit, or a total of 34 spaces. The MDMF zone district further requires that at least 507o of required parking spaces be enclosed within the main building or buildings. The project includes a total of 44 spaces. Eighteen of the 44 spaces are enclosed garage spaces and each unit will include either a one-car or two-car garage. Surface parking is provided outside ofeach garage and 6 guest spaces are located throughout the Project. Trip Generation Based on the International Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, residential condominium /townhome units generate an average of 5.86 vehicle trips per weekday with an average peak hour trip generation of.55 trips per weekday. Based on these standards the anticipated average trip generation from the 17 units is99.62 trips per weekday and 9.35 trips during the weekday peak hour. This change will result in minor changes to our landscape plan and building floor plans and elevations. These revisions will be submitted to vou by the end of the week. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may hau6. Sincerelv. nLJ '' fL* , L"f*'.0"r 4ry /' A!- c .-- \f \ N'dv6ov- Thomas A. Braun, AICP Pat Dauphinais Dennis Gelvin Jim Morter "4 t.r,itsl ?.:d;;;*'l Figure 4 Parcel S9 - Wetlands Delineated 10/31/95 v-t -.rer I 15 oZONE CHECK , FORsingle Family Residence, DupLex, Frimary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS DArE: lu,\.7jt l19b \ IJEGAI, DESCRI L Btock Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER PTIONE PI{ONEARCI{ITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE 1 , c,, r,iI,OT SIZE I 'QCqA N.,I)/(:-, BUILDABIJE n llowed Exisl-inq r.reisht, (30) (33) 6"ot cR!'A ( 3b)L5.lt'-,lc,)tF,q,ll Dr j. as-:f-€Rgr4-- : setbacks FronL,20' I,OT AREA ProDosed d l-\... i"c,;' \.---'/ I . ..r n Sides W LA','i^N-di't \rw/' Rear V' :rt dic" co.,,urase ( 4Exirl, blo) 3ry]&-6 fruge*.rrt I cx:- cE- frrtTq zi aqq\ -./ -lFl--tl-t- lLp?.L 3f513 /'' i\l,p{'Yvtnf ,civ' i'1i/?'dandscapins {'zolLbl Bqc) ifl Retaining walr lteighLs qfarking Caragc Credib Drivo: Complies with T.O.v. 6auer Coursc SeLback . (300) (600) (900) (1200)- Pcrmittcd Slope t Proposed Slope % L,ight,ing Ordinance Yes No @rrtto,€g- 3, /6, ild-nuota LtLl t t*\ Jrifl nt.ra-- NO1/Erq i .tl ...-1 4'-1 d Do trrnish crades Exceed 2:1 (50%) Environmen la1 /uazards :1) z) 3) trlood P1ain @ , . ,i.-cr^.,., I PerccnE slope (< > 30t) Yslo (Iil'1f|tr^,r.calcg Geolog{c llazardsolog{c llazardsa) Snow Avalanchefub) Rockf all -7T0 - -c) Qebris Flow. --m LJ 4) wet.Ianqs {icw Corridor EncroachnenL;Yes ihis reqriesL invuive d much of Lho alLowod 250 6E*u *fow No"-j7-- 250 ririciiLir.xr? - 'M) AddiLion is usecl with Ehis rcquesb? Vrovious condiL,ions of approval (checl< properLy tile) t {aM - ''w /,, 'rr r/ /tG/ P-trp: 4.,.r---p..// 't >-1t/ -f 4a -'>l lt,lf /-w ('-"7 (o (! ('z G (f ((- (= $r l'-"-"r"rrtrt # ?S @ U 'zt (e (s Q- (t F .fov /-il ff - /-,,-,,-J ap >->7,?.,rva ^tu1 -w2V ,-^fl41 f"r. V'/r.r'- v.rya-1<'1,1/ I 7-*, 7-{--,"y> o/ o?o/u,//-/O t-W p,/r*A",r. *->/4 (t*.-?+t >o,L->nT.,V F*-,r.art (_ / n, - F*?,.f /je -o€ at<,:L 114,rv ayvrw v'-"'"\44f lnt ? ----^vi.)t )"rr/ /.,g1 t->.t / 4_. y:._r2 _*y-f f T'nu,z/ 3 /,t.-, 1-.7_t J ,2) -/,/, vu,p ,,7 ,.r,,._ ]-rflV- 7r*)o -7 g*-4o 7u, p--ruuy f ,r1L-y ,)o ,2.4 '-V- /^, /-7n ,-g /* gl-y4. {",-'rt"f 3---1']/t)r1/ vt 17"-*--71 ll@ tra?, ?ry/ .*ft'* wt+\bn 9 -\ i) v^@ 4 "Yt"t "1o"6 '"ia*b f-lt*5o- tr[x\,1 ,/-g tri- 6ra'*wfYn \:^" + Y'-{'n't *id \w';pnc-1 7 )&tr >rYp tfYlv\}.^ * +4^46',4-nqn(, t tT-Tl-il ,ft)''\ry + '"-o&'w-Ll lYa//% a'\rA Z (-4,)-v -rg^ \, 7# r.->t >,"'?4f Tryre{n%,r,,, hdWY< | )';'/a"/ "1:, -'Ts*r-o./ *-=- **tf @ -un*-J g '-'.,'"-f"/ a/o7-n=4-:t J#, /- t ly \w1// J--**? f W (/ {w b-w-1b Laun"^- Community Development Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions AdStl wtr'LccN lYttq- W Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:F+=illlat*€n, Community Development A}..\DY Date Routed:b- t+-qb Retum By:6- "f>-a b Project Name:€,ca t**.a+1one , €Nv.plov?e , hpt-rgi Ah ., Project Address: t fuA +a-v*A*.ut- 2-A /'I Project Legal:ParceA k |'Qa -+ o? B{on}-b .iowrtA.r. 6r,..hJivbtir.- Project Descriptiou:O o'fr"fi;I_tr-no &o.^ Ge^a-^l u.- t [,ied,u^ bn+\ @ et6,.st lo- r \sq.....-e. tu.Jop\^u + Di=iri.-| b ^ilo',,(or lg enruglaryz- u^*= t\everyoDsuomvo$tform THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUB PFOPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commiss-ion of the Town of Va-ir witt troro ipuoric near-ini iii?dciria'ice riiur Section 18.66.060 of the [,lunicipal Code.of the fown ot Vaif oriSeptem6Jig, rS96, at2O0 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration ol: A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250.Ordinance to add a storage area in the b;;h;i, ;i ;pprorimateiy lso ;A;re Teet, located at 4494 Streamside Circle EasVLot 1 3' Bighorn 4th Addition Applicant: Donald LevYPlanner: Lauren Waterton A reouest for a residential addition to expand the existing kitchen, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' tocatbd at 930 Fairway Drive/Lot 7, Vail Village 1Oth Filing Applicants: Morris and Miriam FuternickPlanner: Dirk Mason A reouest for an interior remodel, to add a storage area and a bathroom of approximately,Sl .,-,, sq*ie feet, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 63 Willow Place #liLots 1 and 2, HlocK 6' vall Village 1st Filing Applicant: Oscar SchaferPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request lor a residential addition to expand the existing. gnJry, uJllillns.the 250 ordinance' iociibO at 4410A ColumOine biivel-ot 1: Block 4, A resri"ivisioh of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition Applicant:Barbara Van Ness George Ruther A request for a wall height variance to allow for a six foot wall, located in the front setback 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: Daryl BrownPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession for a rezoning from General Use to Medium Dgnslty Multi-family' and a request ior me ejtiOfisnment of a Special Development District to allow for the development of V 1g eHU's, tocated onin unptitted paicel on a portibn of Parcel A and part of Block D, Lionsridge I..Filing * t Iv Applicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District and the Forest Service Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and ?qg1nq a 3rd floor' ufifizing ifre ZS0 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Planner: Applicants:Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Dominic MaurielloPlanner: A request for an exterior addition to expal{ the existing dining roo.m,, utilizing the 250 ordinance' iffiiffiilirs d;fiM;*Gii noioTrbr 22, Block 2, vail v16se 13th Filins Aoolicants: Paul Baker and Robert Ruderpidnner: Dominic Mauriello ilillllltl The applications and information about the proposals are available in tq p..rEll-Planner's otfice d;r,?i6;A; imcJnor6i6i --oric iniieiiiori located at the Town of Vail communrtv OeveTopmeni Department, 75 South Frontage Road' Sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notification' Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479'2356 TDD fot information. Communitv Development D€partment Published 'August 23, t996 in the Vail Trail. €**::.:.*:#"'":-:-".::"'- (9701 476-74aO. FAX (S70) 476-4099 August 15, 1996 Re: Red Sandstone Locals Housing Project Dear Concemed Citizen: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Eagle fuver Water & Sanitation District has submitted re-zoning and Special Development District applications to the Town of Vail for the Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project. The proposed plans involve a total of 18 condominium units and reflect the same design as presented at the July l6th neighborhood meeting. While no formal public hearing dates have been scheduled, the earliest date the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission could consider this request is September 9,7996. A minimum of two public hearings with the Town Council will be held following review by the Planning Commission. Plans of the proposed project are available for review at the Town of Vail Departrnent of Community Development located at 75 South Frontage Road and at the District off,rces located at 846 Forest Road. Please do not hesitate to call Leslie Allen at 476-7480 or our project consultant Tom Braun at827-5797 with any questions you may have regarding the project. Sincerely, EAGLE zuVER WATER &SANITATION DISTzuCT% Deruris Gelvin General Manager DG/lcl \T. rd\h6\hsnsaP'is?d WATER, WAsrEwATrR, Oprantror'rs & MANAGET'rENT SERVIcEs Ji\ t,- - Potato Patch Town HomesAttn. Larry BarnesVail ltone RentaLs 143 E. Meadow DriveVail, cO 81652 Sandstone Creek ClubAttn. Anne SulLivan 1020 Vai] View DriveVai1, CO 81657 gandstone Park Condominiums Attn. BiIl Sargent Crosgroads Realty P.o. Box 1292 vail, co 81658 Brooktree Condornini-umsAttn. Nino-Anthony ticcardi 980 Vail View DriveVail, Co 81657 Il -t United gtates Forest ServiceAttn. BilI liiood P.O. Box 190Minturn, CO 8f645 Aspen Tree CondominiumsAttn. Kerry Synder P.O. Box 1527VaiI, CO 81558 Cottonwood Park TownhornesAttn. Russ Kramer 5200 Syracuse Way *435 Fnglewood, CO 80111 \ THIS ITEI'I IilAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN ihat the Planning and Environment-a.!-Commission of the Torvn of Vait will hotd a pubtic hearing in accordance riti'Seiiion r e.e6.q99 9llhe trluni -9{ Code.of the Town of Vait on Seftem'b.r-9, 1996, at 2:00 P.lrt. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance to add a storaoe area in ihe basement, of approximately 250 square fe.t, r-oiltJO at Za-ea Stieamside Circle EasVLot 1 3, Bighorn 4th Addition APPlicant: Donald LetY Planner: Lauren \\,aterlon A request for a residential addition to expand the existing kilchen, uiilizing the 250 Ordinance' locatbd at 930 Fainvay Drive/Lot 7, Vail Village 1oth Filing Applicants: Morris and Miriam Futernick Planner: Dirk llason A request for an interior remodel, to add a storage a1-e191d a bathroo_m of approximatel{,9: ,,^,, squaie feet, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 63 Willow Place #1/Lols 1 and 2' tslocK b' varl Village 1st Filing Applicant: Oscar SchaferPlanner: Lauren Walerlon A request for a residential addition to expand the existing enlry, utilizing the 250 ordinance' locatbd at 4410A CorumUlne Drive/Lot t, elock 4, A resd-ivisioh ol Lot fu, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition Applicant: 3arbara Van NessPlanner: George Ruther A request for a wall height variance io allow for a six foot wall, located in the front seiback 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: Daryl BroirnPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession for a rezoning lrom General Use to Medium Density Multi-family' and a request for the establishment of a Special Development District to allow for the development of 18 Ei-lU;s, located on an unplafled paicelon a portibn of ParcelA and part of Block D, Lionsridge 'Filino # I r - Applicants: Eagle River \'/ater and Sanitation District and the Forest Service- I Flannor. A"dy KnUCjtSenY "-""-" A request for an exterior addilion to a master bedroom and bathroom and ?qgItg a 3rd floor' utilizihg lhe 250 ordinance, located at 8028 Polato Palch/Lot 4, Block 1, vail Polalo Patch Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit T00me Planner: Dominic Mauriello *|tu A request for an exterior addition to expand fhe existinq dining room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' tocated arz4lsaaro Naou;l;-iolali6ili, eiock 2, ViilVill-ge 13th Filing Aoolicants: Paul Baker and Robert Ruderpidnner: Dominic Mauriello ,,1,,1 The applications and inlormation abo.ut the proPosals are available in the project planner's office durins resular omce nours'iiiilr;,! l!$i;fi;il64i-?d;t 1x. rown or vdil communitv Deveiopment Department, 75 South Frontage Hoao' sign language inlerpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification' Please call 479-21't4 voice or 479'2358 TDD for information. Communitv DevelopmEnt Departmenl Publishedhugu$ eg. tgge in fta Vail Ttail' ltt TOV{NOFYAIL Call the Planning Staffat 4'19-2138 PLICATION FOR P COMMISSION GENERAL INFORMATION itris application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, sec thc submital requiroments for the particular approvat that is rcqucsted. The application can not b€ acccpted until all required infornution is submifted- The projcct may also need to be rwiewcd by tie Town Council and./or the Design Review Board" A- TYPEOFAPPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr BcdaodBrealf,ast tr Conditional Use Perrnit tr Majoror E MinorSubdivision tr Rezoning E SignVariance tr Variance tr ZoningCodeAmadrnent O AP B. DESCRIpTIONOFTSEREeLIE5T. Request for sDD to a1low for development of 18 unit loca1's housing project- c. D. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT cel- A and Part of R l nck Ll--- "B=idblt "*:-Fitfif"Lion's Ridqe subBLOC ADDRESS: nnf epf'] i r..ahl o BUILDINCNAME: not applicahl e ZONING: Qenerql _lJ€€ NAMEOFOWNER(S):ERWSD and United States Forest Service F. G.NAME OF REPRESENTATME: 'Inm Rrarrn. Rrerrn Aqqor.iat-oq. Tnr. MAILINGADDRE55. 776 Minturn, CO 81645 PHONE: 82M FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SIJBMITTAL REQTIIREMENTS AND TIIE IIEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAII, vArL.coLoRADO t1657. For Office Use Only: Fec Paid:- Ck#:- By: Application ,r*. 6hzl1U pEC Mecting Datc , 1lO(qU tr Amcndment to an Approved Dwelopment Plan tl Employeo Hursing Unit (TlPe: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (Vail Village) O Major or tr Minor CCI ExteriorAlt€ration (Lionshead) X Spoi"t DwelopmcntDisrict tr Major or tr Minor Ame'ndment to an SDD MAILINGADppESS:ERllSD- 846 Forest Road Vai1, CO 81557 See attached Ledter for USI'S inf H. Rcvird 5r'96 Questi PLICATION FOR PLANNING AND COMMISSION APPROV AU6 1? f fn'', ., ; .lirV " L"'lttt'l'' GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information. see thc submittal requiromenb for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be ac6€pted until all required information is submitted The project may also need to bc rwiewed by thc Town Council and/or thc Desigr Rwiew Boad. A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Amendment to an Approvd Dwelopment Plan tr BedandBreatf,a.st tr EmployeeHousingUnit(Type tr Conditional Use Pcnnit tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alte'lation tr Major o El Minor Subdivision (Vail Village) I nezoning tr Majoror tr MinorCCII ExtsiorAlttration tr Sign Vriance (Lionshead) tr Variance tr SpocialDcvelopmcotDishict tr Zoning Code Amandment tr Major or tr Minor Amendment to an SDD DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: Re-zone propertv from Genertl IIseto Medium Density Multi-family ADDRESS: not applicable BUILDINGNAMET nol- a[rFl ic'.ahle ZONING: General Use .: NAME OF OWNER(S):ERWSD and United States Forest Service F. G.NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS:776 Minturn, Col-orado 8l-545 PHONE:@ FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{EAPPROPRTATE FEE. SIJBMIT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL SIJBMITTAL REQI]IREMENTS AND TTIE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, o AP c. D. H. i.l',:'.AL TOWNOFVAIL Port.lon ot Parcel_ A and part of Block D LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT-BLOCK-FILING- *, r.ir'n I q Ri4ge qu! MAILINGADppggg. ERWSD- 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 See attached l-etter for in Braun Associates , In vArL. coLoRADO 81557. Rcvird 6/96 o Council Highlights/Add 3 one percent increase in traffic on Chamonix, a minimal impact, he said. Knudtsen also told how neighborhood concerns were solicited and addressed by the town staff, Design Fleview Board and the developer. The Vail Commons homeowners' association declarations will prevent the spaces from being expanded or connected into the remainder of the development in the future and will also provide for landscaping and prompt snow removal. Police Chief Greg Morrison also addressed the Council and explained how the department would provide zerc tolerance enforcement violations of the handicapped parking spaces. Speaking on behalf of David Sherwood, Michael Jewett said the DRB decision should be denied for a variety of reasons. They include reneging on a promise to prevent curb cuts on Chamonix, lack of an environmental report on traffic impacts, lack of review by the Planning and Environmental Commission, inadequate grades for the spaces, the closeness of the spaces to the buildings and a conflict in the town's approval of the plans. In upholding the decision, Mayor Bob Armour called the matter a fair solution and one that will work in everyone's best interests. For additional information, contact Knudlsen at 479-2440. --Zoning Change lnitiation As a follow-up to a discussion during the afternoon work session, the Council voted 5-0 to initiate a zone change on one of the two parcels of land proposed for locals housing on Red Sandstone Road. The properties are currently zoned general use district. The proposal calls for changing the zoning to medium density multi-family. Approval by the Council last night authorizes a public process to be heard by the Planning and Environmental Commission and lhe Town Council to consider the zoning change on property currently owned by the U.S. Forest Service. That land will soon be turned over to the town as part of the Land Ownership Adjustment Act. The water district has initiated a rezoning request on its parcel, as well. Now that the authorizations have been made, the two parcels will be considered under one application. For more information, contact Town Attorney Tom Moorhead al479-2107, or Andy Kundtsen in the Community Developmenl Department at 479-2440. --Town Manager's Report t",SB Bob Mclaurin announced the last in a series of open house forums to narrow Alo*,t - recommended improvements to the West Vail interchange would be held on Aug.2P t) and Aug. 22. --Other Councilman Kevin Foley thanked members of the Eagle Valley Cycling Coalition for helping with the North Trail construction project last weekend. He said the trail is fantastic. Councilman Paul Johnston congratulated the Gerald R. Ford family for a successful 20 years of sponsorship of the Jerry Ford lnvitational Golf Tournament (more) Council Highlights/Add 2 Quality Awards to the winners in three categories: Coyote Cafe, busrness; Byron Brown, individual; and John Wright, student. For a detailed description of their accomplishments, please refer to the news release issued Aug. 16. -VailTomorrow Update Rob LeVine, a member of the Vail Tomorrow volunteer coordinating team, presented an update on the VailTomorrow project. LeVine said the community-based strategic planning process is off to a successful start following a kick-off weekend and a series of 11 roundtable discussions attended by more than 300 people. LeVine, who was joined by five other project volunteers (Monica Benderly, Kate Carey, Kerry Donovan, Rob Ford and Levi Schofield) thanked the Council for endorsing the project and invited members to participate in the next phase of the project, the "lmagine Vail TomorroW' Conlerence weekend on Sept. 6 and 7. The event begins Friday night with a kick-off featuring Myles Rademan, a well-known speaker in the Rocky Mountain West, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus. Then on Saturday, Sept. 7, an all-day conference will be held at Manor Vailto begin getting more specific about setting goals for Vail's future. LeVine said it's never too late for people who care or are impacted by Vailto participate in the process, -Resolutiun Adopting the Town of Vail/Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Joint Funding Agreement The Council voted 6-0 to approve this resolution which provides a funding partnership to address water quality, quantity and aquatic life issues in the Gore Valley watershed. With contributions by the town and water district of $10,000 each, the funding will be used to implement actions to improve water quality, stream flow, aquatic life, wetlands and improvement of the habitat within the watershed over the next 12 months. For more information, contact Russell Forrest in the Community Development Department al479-2146 --Appeal of Design Review Board Approval of Accessible Parking Spaces to the Vail Commons Development With Michael Jewett removing himself from the Council to serve as a proxy speaker for the appellant, David Sherwood, the Councilvoted 5-0 to uphold Design Review Board approval of the parking spaces. Sherwood, who acknowledged his 17-year employment history with Safeway, had appealed the decision, citing a concern for increased traffic along Chamonix. Two curb cuts would be needed on Chamonix to access four newly-designed accessible parking spaces; a fifth accessible parking space is planned for within the complex and was nol contested by Sherwood. Judi Anderson- Wright, a local expert on disability issues, said the new spaces were proposed by the project's developer, Warner Developments, after learning of provisions of the federal Fair Housing Act, which exceed the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Vail Commons is one of many developments in the valley which have been recently modified to comply with the act, Anderson said, once she became aware of the provisions and launched an education effort. The act affects all multi{amily housing of four of more units, both public and private development. During the presentation, Andy Knudtsen, senior housing policy planner, said the spaces would generate no more than 24 trips on Chamonix per day under a worst case scenario situation. Tha represents a (more) United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service White Rlver National Forest Holy Gross Ranger Dlstrict 24747 US HWY 24, P.O. BOX 190 MINTURN, COLORADO 81645 (9701 827-5715 FAX 827-9343 Repfy to: 5420 Date: August 7, 1996 Bob McLaurin Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bob: As you are aware, ParcelA of Lion's Ridge Subdivision is currently a parcel of National Forest System land. As an authorized representative of this property, I hereby authorize the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to proceed through the Town of Vail review process for a Special Development District (SDD) which is located, in part, on a portion of Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision. My authorization for the SDD application to proceed through the Town's review process is made with the condition that if approved, the SDD not take affect until such time that the ownership of that ponion ol Parcel A is conveyed from the USDA Forest Service to the Town of Vail as part of our land exchange. This condition would not apply to that portion of the SDD located on land owned by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. lf the land exchange is not consummated, for whatever reason, the SDD would never take effect. It is my understanding that, in accordance with your zoning regulations, you will be signing an application to re-zone the above referenced portion of Parcel A to the Medium Density Residential Zone District. I would ask that the SDD condition of approval, as described above, also appty to the rezoning request. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions you may have. Sincerely, /w,re District Ranger Caring for the Land and Serving the People tEA lti lElR.,\ltjtN ASSOCIIATES, lil\C. PLAN NING and COMI.4UNiTY \ TLANNING anct COt4MUNiTY DEVFLOplyEN I August 15,1996 Mr. Andy Knudtsen, Senior Housing Policy Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Dear Andy: Enclosed you will find re-zoning and SDD applications for the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District's Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project. The following material is attached: . Four copies of a report summarizing the project,. Four copies of a topographic and boundary survey, preliminary site plan, landscape plan, and building floor plans and elevations. Re-zoning and SDD application forms,. List of adjacent property owners,. Suryey indicating areas of site in 100-year flood plain and areas in excess of 407o slope. In accordance with Section 18.40.050, I am requesting waivers or modifications to the following procedural requirements: MassingModel Given the nature of this site and the project's compliance with all MDMF development standards, a waiver from this requirement is requested. Vicinitv Plan In lieu of the required vicinity map scale of not less than 1"=50', a modification is requested to irllow for a vicinity map prepared utilizing a \"'.2OO' aerial photo as a base. Open Space and Recreation Plan Given the limited scale of this project, a waiver to the required open space and recreation plan is requested. Environmental Imoact Reoort As formally requested in my August l,l996letter (see attached), a waiver is requested to the EIR requrrement. Please call with any questions you may have. I look forward to working with you and the rest of the staff on this exciting project. Sincerely, _,(\)N$n\- Thbmas A. Braun, AICP encl, lYinturn lronworks Build ng 201 Main Street, 2nd Floor Post Office Box 776 M inturn, Colorado 81645 Ptr:ne - 970.87'/.5797 Fax ' 970.827 5547 tsA I/ tsRAUN AS5OCf,ATE5, [NC. PLANNING and COI',llYUNlTY DEVELOPMENT August 1,1996 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: ERWSD Red Sandstone Housing hoject Preliminary Environmental Assessnrent DearAndy; As you know, we plan to submit our re-zoning and SDD application for the Disbict's Red Sandstone Project-later this month. Submiual requircments for an SDD requte "environmental impact report (ER) in accordancc with Chapter 18.56, hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.030." The purpose of this lcttcr is to request a fomral waiver of the requirement to complete an EIR as an element of the SDD application. In accordance with Section 18.56.03&Exempt Projects, a preliminary environmental assessrnent covering each of the factors prescribcd in Section i8.56.m0 has been completed. The findings of tnis pretirninary envLonmental assessment indicate that the proposed development of this site will have no significant impact on the environment. Description of Project The pro'posed project is located on a part of Parcel D, Lion's Ridge Subdivision and a portion of an unplatted parcel currently owned by the Unitcd States Forest Service (see attacbed legal description). Proposed development includes four buildings and a total of 18 condominium units. Prior use of the sirc included a water treabnent and storage facility. Preliminary Environmental Assessment In accordance with Section 18.56.030, the following factors as specified in Section 18.56.02& Applicability arc to be evaluated by a preliminary eirvirounental assessment: A. Alters an ecological unit or land fonn, such as a ridge line, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, water course, or other natural land form feature; Assessment The proposed developmcnt will not alter any of the factors listed above. The site is located along Red Sandstone Creeh however all buildings are within the required stream setback and all construction can be accomplished without altering tlre water course of Red Sandstone Creek. B. Directly or indirectly affects wildlifc habitat, feeding or nesting grounds; Assessment Given the previous development and historic uses of the site, the proposed development will not sffecd thafacfors lisfed ehove Minturn lronworks Building 201 Main Street, 2nd Floor Post Office Box 775 Minturn, Colorado 81545 Phone - 970.827.5797 Fax - 970.8275507 C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, sbrubs or other vegetative cover; Assessment The majority of the site has been altered by previous development. A small amount of trees and grasses will be attere4 however a large @.0' caliper) pine will not be alteled by the propose development. Affects the appearance oqtfiffiof a significant scenic area or resource,or involves buildings or biher stntctrmas that are of a s*ize, bulh or scale that would be in marked conFast to nahrral or existing urtan features; Assessment Properties surrounding the site are intensely developed and as such the proposed devblo,pment will nd Affect the appearance,or character of scenic areas. Prcposed buildings are comparable in size and scale of existing buildings in the sunounding area. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlernent, floo4 or other land form changes or hazard to health and safety; Asscssment No land form changcs will occur as a result of the proposed devclopment. Proposcd buildings arc located outside oftbc Red Sandstone Creek flood plain. Discharges toxic or therrrally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steem, dust, or other particulate matter; Assessment With the possible exception of fertilizer that may be used on lawn areas, none of the factors listed above will result from this proposal.-. , Involves any process which results in odor that may be objectionable or daunging; , Assessment Due to the residential nahue of this pmject, none of the factors absve will result from this proposal. Requires any wasle heameff, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wa$tes to a treatnent or disposal site; Assessment None of the above will occur as a result of this proposal. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes; Assessment The proposcd development will not result in the significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. IIas the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other st@ ryl$ns; Assessment All existing utility systems are capable of providing service to this proposed development. K. Involves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging; Assessrnent The proposed developrnent will not generate noise beyond levels norrnally associated with residential development. L. Eifter displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population; Assessment Tlre proposal will not displace any people and will not result in signilicant increases in population. M. heempts a site with potenrial recreational orqrn aprce valrc; Asscss&ent The site has historically been used as a utility facility and as such thepnoposed development will preempt the use of the site as a utility facility. Maintaining the requircd sheam setback will rnaintain important the open space value of Red Sandstone Creek N. Alters tipdsffic pattems or causes a significant increase in taffic volume or transit scwice nedds; Assessment The limited arnount of proposed development will not alter local traffic pattcrns nor will it significantly increase traffftc volume or transit service needs. Proposcd site access, anticipated hip generation rcgulting from this proposed development, and transit service needs will be further addressed as a part of the SDD application. O. Is a part of a larger project which, at any future *tage, rray involve any of the impacts listed in this section. Assessrnent The project is expected to be developed in one phase. As stated above, 6e purpm qf ftic ctrdtHkrn ir tu sbtein e w&iwr oe Ae qritrcnt to prcvide n cavimmtd imped ryoilt 85 rpf,tt of m SDD @h*ion. Please advise at your earliest possible convenience as to the staffs response to this requesl Thank you for your time reviewrng this inforrnation. Sincerely, Thomas A. Braun, AICP cc: Pat Dauphinais t a TOWNOFVAIL racEET xo- DE ATII|ENT OT GIOMHT'MTYTI'E.o'r|EIIT DLTE__-I__J_ Ito,EcI ol 000041540 zoNrNG AND ADDRESSFGPS s5.00ot {xruo----'424t5 UNIf I'KM EUILDING CODE s54.000t firco42415 uNrf oRM PLT,JMBING CODE i39.(x)0l fiX)o4t4t5 UNIFOR]M i7.00 t 0l 0fi)042415 UNITORMFIRECODE -a ot fixx)424t5 sJ7.U)0l firco42415 OTIGRCODry 0I (x)00 4154E BLUE PRINTS (II,fYMFSI s7.000l fixn42412 x.bRoxcoPIEs s0.25ot oo0042412 D|UtLtss a st u)oo 424t2 rgvFEEsc s5.000l oo004237t TI'.IIALI Y IT,hS / R,E-INSPBCTIONS 0r firco4t332 PL4N REVIEW 0t oo0042332 QELHO0t firco4t412 CONTRA ot fi)00 4t413 SIGN APPLIqANON FEE s20.000l fi)00 4t413 AT'DTI'IONAL SIGNAGE FEE TSIooPER-SOFTT-0l fl)00 42440 ITTCART PRol fi)00.413it P4EPATD DESIG 0l 0fi)0 42371 INVESTI 3l (X)00 451 t0 -TOV PARKING FI.JND 0r 0000 22027 gIEvvu{PEFprryi 0l e000 2llt2 TAXABLE@4;5rTsm;Tr 0l 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @r:Tzrei0r fi)0042f7t AUILDINC T UIHER 0r (xmo4t330 ArJptTtoNALGRFA ?50-I SZXTIF0r fiX)o4ltl0 L=U=NUJJ |ONAL USE PER {IT gm:m ot fixx)4t330 I PITERIgRAW I szmm0t fl'004t330 g+_r f,ru(,R ALTERATToN [MORE TI{TNImmmT---l t500.000t 00004It30 ug!IEVELoIMENW s1.500.000l fino41f30 !PEcr+l srffitr''ol oo00 41330 9l.Ecr$t $200.00ol (xno41330 surtul v tSluN 0r fino 41330 VARIANCE s250.000r uxro 41330 Z.L,NIII(J LUUts, AM!,N IJM!,NTS s250.oo0r 0()004t330 Kr, - zt NINU $200.00 I OTHER (JTTILR GLsgr tcf,.rr tll.oLt . t8c 8Y: iiiA ri lLllii.,\Ult\ A55OC-llA-ltll-S" llNC I']l ;\ll'.lll'1(i rIi ( Ol'l].llll.Jl I Y DEVLLOPMEI\iT ERVSD July 25th Board Meeting ;w( 41 iz fl" #* fl" -[ t,rr' , 1.Review of Preliminary Project Cost Estimates tr|,"f Yx* &Yf Based on $I29.29 per square foot, unit prices would be:hr;// oo..t fi frn^- 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 3-Bedroom Price Comparison Vail Commons 2-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 3-Bedroom $1 17,500 (no enclosed Parkilg) ' $ I 09,500 (enciosed parktng) $159,500 (2-car garage) . $l 57,500 (l -car garage) $ 1 82,000 (pre-const. price) $ 149,000 (pre-const. Price) ,t. $225,000 (pre-const. price, incl. unfinished basement) Avon Crossing {behind Walmart) j14ss.tt. $100.070 -.. 1e- tC?tqLf t,ooo sci. ft. $l2g,2go - t-4 / 9q,7'lo 1,342sd.fr. $173,507 thb,qq, 1,518 sq. ft. $196,262 Ut,1rq of Other Projects 2-Bedroom 2-Bedroom Aspen Glen (Homestead) 3-Bedroom 1,120 sq. ft. 992 sq. ft. 1,452 sq. ft. 1,332 sq. ft. 1,146 sq. ft. 917 sq. ft. 414 1(tna lu I tl69, 1,534 sq. ft. Pitkin Creek Park (East Vail)3-Bedroom 1,174 sq. ft. $198,000 (under cont., Nov..95) Columbine North (Intermountain) 3-Bedroom 1,400 sq. ft. $215,000 (list price, Nov. 95) Overview of Preliminary Building Costs3. 4.Next Other a Steps DD and next phase qf cost estimates Update meeting with Vail Town Council SDD submiftal to Town Civil engineering and landscape design 5. frGD14 Issues Independent living units Alloi;ation of units (# to TOV, # for District to maintain ownership, potential units open to public?) Minturn lronworks Building 201 l"lain Street, Znd Floor Post Office Box 776 l"linturn, Colorado Bl6'15 Phorre - 9 /0.8275/97 Fax - 970.8225507 I RED SANDSTONE LOCAL'S HOUSING PROJECT PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATES ERWSD. 7t22t96 . 18 units size of 1.077 souare feet (exclusive of _1. and decks . Total souare footaoe of 19. 'l or 2-car attached qaraqe with each unit I. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF BUILDING COST/ARCH DESIGN FEES Preliminary construction cost estimates are based on conceptual architectural drawings and are subiect to chanee as building desiqn and oroqram are refined. Costs below include costs and water and sewer lines onlv. Site development and other Prglimin Architectural desiqn fees {plus reimbursables) $2,164,220 2,320,220 $r 19_70 Cost per square foot to desiqn and construct buildi $2,32O,220119,384 II. ESTIMATE OF OTHER DEVELOPMENT COSTS The followinq estimates summarize other costs associated with Legal-preparation of QQElq.lq4 documents $30,000 $5,000 $15,000 $2,000 $10,000 facililies in four units 10.000 $54,000 $1 0,000 lnfrastructure (electric, $186.000 Preliminarv Estimate of Buildinq Costs/Arch Desiqn Fees from Section l. above$2,320.220 Estimate of Other Development Costs186.000 $?,q06,22! Estimate of cost per gquelg lqot $2,506,220119,384 129.29 P1glir tE gqSn Ar F""f l.abolre Estimate of Other Development Costs from Section ll. above Other Potential Development Costs $2,701,023 III. OTHER POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS $50,000 Removal of existino water facilities Construction bond ('l .5% Water and sewer lap fees TOV Buildi $34,803 $75,000 $35,000 $194,803 $2,s20,220 $186,000 194.803 Estimate of cost per square foot 701.023/19.384 sq. fl. $139,34 t I I I I I I I I Red Sand,stone Local's Hoasing Proiect Re-zoning Application Special Development District Application Prepared For: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Prepared BY: Braun Associates,Inc. P.O. Box 776 Minturn, Colorado 81645 (970) 827-s797 Morter Architects 143 Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-sr05 August 15, 1996 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 I I 3 f 6 8 IV. v. I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I t I I.INTRODUCTION A. IntroductionB. Key Elements of ProjectC. Organization of this Report II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Project OverviewB. Development ProgramC. Description of PropertyD. Surrounding Land UseE. Traffic/Site AccessF. DevelopmentStandardsG. Ownership and Phasing III. RELATIONSHIP TO RE.ZONING CRITERIA A. Purpose of the Proposed Re-zoningB. Re-zoning Review Criteria 4 4 4 9 9 l0ll RELATIONSHIP TO SDD DESIGN CRITERIA A. Purpose of the Proposed Special Development DistrictB, SDD Design Criteria APPENDIXA. Reduced Copies of Building Elevations and Floor PlansB. Legal Descriptions l2 12 t/tIL 13 t3 13 t6 LIST OF Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1 Figwe2.2 Figure 2.3 FIGURES Project Vicinity Map Preliminary Site Plan Typical Building Elevation Property Survey I Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications t I I.INTRODUCTION I I t I t I I I A, Introduction The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of the proposed development of the Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project (the Project). The Project is located in the Red Sandstone neighborhood and consists of 18 condominium units on 1.604 acres. Two development applications are included as a part of this submittal: l) A request to re-zone the subject property fromGemral Use (GU) to Medium Density Multi- family (MDMF), and 2) A request to establish a Special Development District (SDD}' It is anticipated that additional development applications will be submitted to the Town of Vail (the Town) following the approval of these two requests. Application for Design Review Board approval will be made prior to initiating construction of the Project and applications for a minor subdivision and a condominium subdivision will also be made. Reduced copies of the property survey, site plan and architectural plans of the Project are included within this report. A complete set of firll scale plans have been submitted to the Town under separate cover. B. Key Elements of the Project I lmportant elements of the Project include the following: . The Project consists of 18 residential units which will b[dced-reslricteaJirnitar to the Vail Commons project in order to ensure their perpetual use ab*eusi workine local residents.I I I I I I I I I t . The establishment of an SDD will provide the Town and the neighborhood with assuranc"* of \f fu the specific type, densit"v and design of development that will ociur on t#J;:' "' h t\q . Plopgled derrelopment is in compliance with all development standards of the Medium Density*---.-- Multi-Family zone district. . The density of the proposed development is well below the existing density of most properties A \r/ inthe Red Sandstoneneighborhood. V- . Each of the 18 units includes a-one or two-car garage and the Project will provide l0 on-site # ,r/ spaces more than are required by Town standards. . The re-development of this property will result in the removal of existing obsolete utility facilities. . Th" re-zoning p{opopl is in comp_liancg with tle Vail Land Use Plan and the SDD proposal i" 1^,2 in compliance with all applicable SDD Design Criteria. Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications I I t t I I It I I I t I I I I t I I t I I ryffi"ryffi r' - . ;!5',4i..:i i' ]':'t Proiec1 Vicinity MqP- Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications t t I I t I I t I t I I I I t t I I I I I C. Report Organization This report describes the proposed re-zoning and development ofthe Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project. The findings of this report address specific submittal requirements and review criteria for re-zoning reguests and for SDD applications as outlined in Section 18.40 - Special Development Districts. Information in this report is presented in the following sections: I. Introduction This section presents a brief description of the Project, outlines key elements of the proposal, and describes the organization ofthis report. II. Proiect Descriotion A project overview and a description of the development program, the subject properly: . sunounding land use, site access, proposed development standards and project ownership ., and phasing are presented in this section. m. Relationship to Re-zoning Criteria A description of the Project's compliance with re-zoning criteria is presented in this section. . IV. Relationship to SDD Criteria A description of the Projwt's compliance with Special Development District Design Criteria is presented in this section. V. Appendix The appendix includes reduced copies ofbuilding elevations and floor plans and legal descriptions of the subject properties. Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications I DESCRIPTIONI I A. Project Overview I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I (the Disuict/. The Ttr developer of this project it Ft .i. ift" the proposed re-zoning"' nistrict prcviously operated under'ttrn-arne oI the vall Yanley \-urtsuu\rcqJlr Town of Vail is also a participant in the project. .As outlined"in an intergovernmental agreement' rhe Town wilt provide " difi';ith; t;6 1- 11t" pioi""t ti"et to sectlon C' below for additional inforrnation regarding ddili itiiJ"a * qtil SD'ni; il *iu ato participate in tunding the filffi*f$?f?trJiffiflr;!;-gli,g r.":;,,t'" t"*-*il::et rlnn"t i; 61 27 tli6..coordinating entrry and developerbf rr," pro3"ci'fie:;;;t;ilis'th6 primary proponent of [[t ' The lack of housing alternatives available to working local's in Eagle county has been well documented. The tack "f #;d'Ji;;i"; i- dil;ffiv *or"-*itrtin thi: Town of vail and is substantiated by the fact that at tlie present ti*" u"w?"iubittti"t employees live east of Dowd Junction. The District,s goal in puisuing tne a"-vet_dpm"niof trut pr6iea is to create a quality housing project that *iil ;;;;;,i il aitfingUre..lv oitui.i"*pt"va"f lyj 'Yltt also provide the tvpe of living environment *"i"ti,iii?"""rr"g" t*"itiJt to estabtisd their homes in Vail' Theintergovernmentalagreementincludesjrnumberofstipulationgdelgledtoensurethe developrient is a local,s i,""ii,,g pi":"ct. For ".#pil,;Jft*"itttq 7\Vo-of the units constructed shall G restricte.d to *d#"v"ui idJi-o."rt-*t'o Ii" "mptov"* il tgJ:,9ounw' The development is int oaea lf''#{#'#;;;"d;';;;Gi..i, tt ut *" told to individuals will be sotd for what they cost *'iJ*ig, ii'J "o"*t"ril N"-;ar;,b"p". _ry{l^f:,t"F. District or the Town wilt be included in tn" prii-oiioiJal; ila. A maximum cap on appreciation and other deed reshicrions similar to Une i-ai'i &*;; p-J""t *itiUi "ttaUiistred in order to ensure long-term affordability of for-sale uuits. B. DeveloPment Program The District,s goal for this project is to create a high quality housing.project designed for local's who tive and work i' tt"""Vfii'iiil"y. I";;; i;";ft;"; ihis goal-tlie following design parameters for the project *.r" giu* ilth; di;t *"hitect' Morter Archilects of Vail: . Architecture, building materials, scale and massing that is consisted with the sunounding 7 neiehborhood *O-*E"iJ*'".Ji"Ot io*n of Vail-design standards' . ffiikii"g a"iign with visual interest and variew' . Devetop*"n, ,r*ilrd; thrt ;;;i;; i*"""4 iiitundards of the MDMF zone district, ' i-tilil;ii on" "*tot"d parking space for each unit' o I variety of unit types and sizes, inctuOing Jniffiuf*i O"tigo"d for "independent living"' . ffif;3..a design that allows for true construction efficiency resulting in "affordable" construction costs. The desien proposed fbr the Red Sandstone L'ocal's Housing Project has met each of these ;;;;i;?; ;d'includes the following major elements: I I R"d S""dtt."" Local's Housing hoject Re-zoning and SDD APPlications I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I t I t I gure 2.1 liminary Site Plan "/oi;o..1'^.{.lw......--...--...*-' -----' r'r:y:: ' 7od"t'7k -no*" *ooo gF$OP ' e9a fti) A.JJ ...l$*L(\ \) \ ]Y /P'Y LE6END, a . ol|iolt| r coMflrdi raa hr olsdlr ri errE PLAN IIltt\-/ 1r = 2or-o' F slEt-(n6B z6tF ?g< ooL o.(.) = HJ(n 0<t->.a(n_ E 9:lrr 42? ur8 = B'E eu{tlt .::xaY. ru tllJo tu .^.r Axr.7,I.AC, IIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIII vAStvLwtfia.t I t I I I . A total of l8 conggdqiumunits in fourbuildings tf^- . Project density ol(ll.2firuts per gross acre ( 18 units on a total of I .604 gross acres). Tfip y> ]j net density based\q1fr6 Town's definition of buildable area is 14.5 units per acre ( 18 ur\\s 4 /lI on a total of 1.238 buildable acres). \,,y/. Unit mix of 6 one-bedroom,6 two-bedroom and 6 tbree-bedrooms units. Unit sizes ue774: square feet for one-bedroom units, 996-1,000 square feet for two-bedroom units and 1,342- I 1,518 square feet for three bedroom units,r . Each unit includes either an over-sized one-car garage or a two-car garage.. Building design is characterized by a composition of one to three story building forms with I flat roofs. This "stair-stepping" design allows for visual interest and variety in building elevations while at the same time maintains a very low-profile building. The majority of each .., I building is two-stories , or 24' in height with a small portion of each building at three-stories, t4cvI or 32' tall. i'1*- . The proposed design complies with all development standards of the MDMF zone district. $ ' '\w'rC. Description of Property v' l\,nP The sudect property^is located between Red Sandstone Road and Red Sandstone Creek lvu immediately north of the Aspen Tree Cottonwood Condominiums. The properfy is relatively flat and most of the site is below the elevation of Red Sandstone Road. Prior use of the property has resulted in considerable disturbance to the majority of the site. Existing uses on the property are limited to an access road which provides access to the Brooktree I Condominiums and the Sandstone Park Condominiums. The historic use of the properfy has included a water treatrnent and storage facility. This water facility is no longer utilized by the District and is scheduled to be removed during the summer of 1996.I - I . [) The project site consists of three parcels of land which together total 1.6044 acres. The District \. If- currently owns two of these parcels, a Part of Parcel I of Block D, Lion's Ridge Subdivision I ^ ,l u which c'onsists of .648 acoes'and a Part of Parcel 2 of Block D, Lion's Ridge Siubdivision which- { consists of .56 acres. The third parcel is a portion of Parcel A of Lion's Ridge Subdivision whichi consists of .3964 acres (Iown parcel). Refer to the appendix for legal descriptions of these I ProPerties' The .3964 acre Town parcel is a part of Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, a 5.7 acre parcel of t land which is currently owned by the United States Forest Service. A portion of Parcel A is to be conveyed by the Forest Service to the Town through a land exchange. This land exchange began in 1994 and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Upon completion of this land I exchange the To*n will obtain ownership of the .3964 acre parcel and this parcel will then be subdivided from Parcel A and incorporated into the Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project. I Both the ERWSD parcel and the Town parcel are zoned General Use District. This zoning allows a variety of uses subject to the approval of a conditional use permit by the Town of Vail Pla:rning and Environmental Commission. Examples of these uses include public and private schools, I churches, public theaters and parking faCilities, utility installationslncluding water and sewer treatment plants, helipads and Type III and IV Employee Housing Units. I The flood plain ofRed Sandstone Creek and slopes in excess of407o affect the total amount of "buildable area" on the property. 11,850 square feet ofthe property exceeds 4OVo slope and 3,900 square feet of the property is within the 100-year flood plain of Red Sandstone Creek. The total I amount of buildab'le ireiwithin the proposed SDD is 54,140 square feet, or 1.24 acres. Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD ApplicationsI t I \. d ,ra{o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I .- t,:+- -- =:::__ I tor a-t '1 I -4.9, :::' ,-'-' :t.--\ '...:\.. _l\ ffa t-ltttt ItaiLa Lo..aita rfE I 1 I %*-ds4g' Figure 2 Property Survey ' - rrlr'"ihc r:r,irr i ,r (rrt , r4r f!,,. |llrqrcr,r ,,'!|r,a;i:an lrtr. rn! se,rir. ,r o.(!rn. d..or my iiourdq. rj,.,.. .i;._.;.. a...rdnnt n, .r rq{r ..r ^n nos.{r?n41t.n.l rr.rt rm /.{. laF lr.4at. or rhr c..lrricdlo. .hos i^r..n Gn,_ +.a.*.) !'qd!...!t-rFrh * cF;iri.c?.t!trir, rg*,s.3 * i.a!.r..F.Frtu 3:.8:* ffi iriliF: !,ttLE s",!:ir.,,f. ffi*alE",jl'i'j:iil.9h'dGt.Ill ',.lt*E_ !f**t€T s*jR\€YtH$. *€ir2...lc[lv4 i#Hrrj:,fkHijiHFs# ,'':f TOPOGRAPHIC SURVTY PART OF ELOCK D LION,S RIOGE SUBDIVISION TOWN OF VAIL EACLE COUNTY, COLORAOO I t I I I I I t T T I I I I I I I t I D. Surrounding Land Use The Red Sandstone neighborhood is predominantly built out and consists almost exclusively of multi-family residential development. Land uses immediately surrounding the property include multi-family residential development on the east (Potato Patch Club), west (Brooktree and Sandstone Park Condominiums) and south (Aspen Tree and Cottonwood Condominiums). Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision is owned by the United States Forest Service and adjoins the propefiy to the north. The following table summarizes the existing zoning and residential density of properties in the Red Sandstone neighborhood : Project Potato Patch Club RC, 6/ac Sandstone Park LDMF,9/ac Brooktree MDMF.18/ac CottonwoodPark LDMF.9/ac Aspentree MDMF,18/ac Sandstone Creek Club LDMF. 9/ac Sun Vail MDMF.18/ac Breakaway West MDMF, l8lac Snowlion/SnowFox MDMF. 18/ac Telemark Homestake Lionsmane tlO acres 1.54 acres 1.23 acres .69 acres .49 acres 5.9 acres 4.91 acres 1.87 acres 1.36 acres .96 acres 1.36 1.04 Units M t6 48 7 l5 84 60 54 42 l8 66 37 Zone District/ Parcel Permitted Density Size Units/Acre(sross) 4.O 10.3 22.0 10.1 30.6 t4.2 t2.2 28.8 30.8 18.7 48.5 35.5 7.O 0 MDMF,l8/ac MDMF,l8/ac MDMF.l8/ac Vail Villaee gth 2-Familv Parcel A General Use 3.39 acres 24(potential) 5.7 acres 0 Densities indicated above are based on the gross acreage ofeach parcel and were derived from information provided by Town of Vail files. E. Traffic/Site Access Based on the International Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, residential condominium /townhome units generate an average of 5.86 vehicle trips per weekday with an average peak hour trip generation of .55 trips per weekday. Based on these standards the anticipated avemge trip generation from the 18 units is 105.5 trips per weekday and 9.9 rips during the peak hour. Due to the topography of the site, the preferred location for site access is at the south end of the property. Altemative access points have been evaluated and a key aspect of this evaluation has been to locate site access so that adequate stoppingisight lines will be provided for vehicles traveling on Red Sandstone Road. For example, one alternative was to utilize the existing driveway to the Brooktree and Sandstone Park Condominiums. Due to poor site lines for vehicles traveling north on Red Sandstone Road it was determined that the use of this access would exacerbate an existing condition that is not desirable. The proposed access is located approximately 60' north of the existing driveway and will provide much improved site lines for vehicles traveling north on Red Sandstone R.oad. I I Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications I I I I I I I I I t t I t I I t I I I The location of the proposed site access will provide approximately 150' of stopping/sight-line distance for vehicles traveling north on Red Sandstone Road. This significantly exceeds the stopping/sight-line standard of 70' for the posted speed limit of 15 mph on Red Sandstone Road (based on standards outlined in the State of Colorado Highway Access Code). The proposed site access point also provides stopping/sight-line distance in excess of the 145' standard which would be required for vehicles traveling 25 mph. The Project is located directly on the Red Sandstone bus route and an existing sidewalk located at the south end of the property provides access to a town bus stop and the bike path along the Norrh Frontage Road. F. Development Standards The following summarizes the MDMF development standards and the development standards proposed by this SDD: Densitv The MDMF zone district permits 18 units per buildable acre. Based 1.24 buildable acres, up to 22 units could be developed on this property. The proposed development is 18 units, or 14.5 units per buildable acre. I l t.D GRFA L'ft"| -J The MDMF zone district permits .35 GRFA. Based on 1.24 buildablgacres, or 54,140 square feet, up to 18,949 square feet of GRFA could be developed 9d the property. The proposed development includes I7 ,420 square feet of GRFA. V Buildine Heieht The maximum allowable building height in the MDMF zone district is 35' for flat roofs and 38' for sloping roofs. The maximum height of each building is within the 35' maximum for flat roofed buildings and the majority of each building is only two levels with a height of 71' as measured from building slab to the top of the parapet. Site Coverage The MDMF zone district allows up to 45Vo site coverage. The proposed site coverage rs 2O.5Vo. Landscaping The MDMF zone district requires at least 3OVo of the site to be landscaped. The proposed landscaping is 54.37o ofthe site area. Parking The Town of Vail zoning code requires 2 parking spaces for each unit, or a total of 36 spaces. The MDMF zone district further requires that at least 507o of required parking spaces be enclosed within the main building or buildings. The project includes a total of 46 spaces. Twenty of the 46 spaces are enclosed garage spaces and each unit will include either a one-car or two-car garage. Surface parking is provided outside of each garage and 6 guest spaces are located throughout the Project. t I Red Sandstone [,ocal's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications 10 I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I G. Ownership and Phasing As stated above, upon completion of the project ownership of the 18 units will be jointly held by the District and the Town of Vail. It is anticipated that the District will retain ownership of a small number of units and make the remaining units available for sale to District employees. It is anticipated that the Town of Vail will make all of their units available for sale to either Town employees or the general public. At some point prior to the completion of construction a condominium plat for the project will be preparedln order to create 18 fee-simple units. As a part of the final condominium plat process, the common area around each unit will be conveyed lo a homeowners association and a declaration of covenants, conditions and resffictions (CCR's), association by-laws and related documents will be established. Upon completion of the Project the homeowners association will function like any other homeowers association. It is anticipated that the project will be completed in one phase with construction beginning in the Spring of 1997. In the event that the Town's land exchange with the USFS is delayed, the project is designed such that Buildings A, B and C could be constnrcted as an initial phase (these buildings are all located on Parcel D which is owned by the District), and the development of Building D could occur at some time after the land exchange is completed. In the event the project is developed in two phases, an access easement across Block D will be provided to ensure access to the Town parcel. I I Red Sandstone Local's Housing hoject Re-zoning and SDD Applications ll III. RELATIONSHIP TO RE.ZONING CRITERIA I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I A. Purpose of Re-zoning Request Rezoning to the MDMF zone district will establish development standards which will allow the District to build a project consistent with its goal to provide quality housing designed for local families and will also ensure that the development of the site is compatible with surrounding properties. B. Re-zoning Review Criteria The Town has historically used the following four criteria in order to evaluate the appropriateness of re-zoning requests: I . Suitability of the proposed zoning, Resoonse MDIvIF zoning is very suitable for this property. While the zoning of sunounding properties includes a mixture of General Use, Low Density Multi-family, Medium Density Multi- family, Residential Cluster, and Two-family zone districts, the predominant zone district in the Red Sandstone neighborhood is Medium Densify Multi-family. The MDMFzone district will establish zoning standards that will ensure the development of the properfy is compatible with the development of surrounding properties. 2. Does the proposed zoning present a convenient, workable relationship arnong land uses consistent with municipal objectives? Resoonse The proposed re-zoning will allow for multi-family residential development on a property which is located in the midst of a multi-family residential neighborhood. The re-zoning and subsequent introduction of residential development on this property is fat more consistent than the property's existing General Use zoning. 3. Does the proposed zoning provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community? ,/ Response Over the past few years cornmunity surveys have identified the need for a wider range of affordable housing alternatives for local's who live and work in the Vail Valley as the most pressing need in the community. The proposed re-zoning and SDD will allow for the development of 18 local's housing units and, as such, will provide a significant contribution to the stabiliw of the Vail communitv. 4. Is the proposed zoning consistent with the Vail Land Use Plan? Response The Vail Land Use Plan designates this site as Medium Density Residential and as such the proposed re-zoning to Medium Density Multi-family is consistent with this designation. The Project is also consistent with the Town's goal of encouraging the development of affordable housing. I I Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications T2 t I IV. RELATIONSHIP TO SDD CRITERIA I I t I I I I I I I t I t I I I I A. Purpose of the Special Development District Special development districts are often associated with development proposals which exceed ailowable densities or vary from other established development standards,of a Plopgrtyls underlying zone district. ihe proposed development plan is well below all-owable densities and is in conioniance with all other hevblopment standardsbf the MDMF zone district. In this case, SDD zoning is proposed in order to provide the Town and the neighborhood with assurances of the specific-typ6, density and design-of the derrelopment that will occur on the site. The SDD process requirls submitial of a specific site plan, landscape plan and archi-tectural plans. -This iequiremerit will allow the Towi and the neighborhood to re:view and evaluate specific elements of the proposed development during the public review process for this project. B. SDD Design Criteria Nine criteria are used to evaluate Special Development District proposals. The following demonstrates the project's compliance with these design criteria. l. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjac-ent properties ielative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. Resoonse: One of the primary objectives of the design of the hoject is ,to integrate S9 Proposed. . development withtheixisting development and character of the surrounding area. This will be achieved by the use o-f building materials (ceder siding), building form and low- scale buildings that is consistent with the sunounding area. 2. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. Response: The proposed residential use of the site is very compatible with existing residential uses found on surrounding sites. The proposed project density of ll.2 units per gro_ss acre is consistent with, an-ct in most caies below, the density of other projects in the Red S andstone neighborhood. 3. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. Resoonse: The proposed development provides a total of 46 on-site parking spaces which exceeds the iown's requirement of 36 spaces. As required by the MpMF zone district, at least SOVo of all reqirired parking shail be provided "withiir the main building o^r buildings". Each unit wif have either a one or two-car garage and additional parking for each unit will be provided outside of individual garages. In addition, a total of 6 guest spaces are provided. I t Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications 13 4. 5. 6. '1. 8. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, town policies and urban design plans. Response: As described above, the proposed re-zoning to the MDMF district is consistent with the Medium Density Residential land use designation indicated in the Vail Land Use Plan. The development of a deed-restricted local's housing project is also very consistent with the Town's goal of providing housing altematives for locals who live and work in the Vail Valley. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. Resoonse: The only applicable hazard is the 100-year flood plain of Red Sandstone Creek. Proposed bulldings are located outside of the 100-year flood plain of Red Sandstone Creek. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designedto produce a -_ funciional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the communify. Resoonse: The linear nature of the site has dictated a linear site design solution. The corridor of Red Sandstone Creek provides an open space focal point for the project and all units are oriented to the creek. Spacing between buildings ranges from 25' to 45' providing a comfortable space between-each building. Buildings have also been designed to retain an existing 2.0' caliper pine tree. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. Resoonse: As described above, a new driveway to the site is proposed in order to provide adequate site lines for vehicle movements along Red Sandstone Road. lnternal circulation is provided by a single access drive. A Town of Vail sidewalk extends to the south boundary of the site and will provide pedestrian access to a Town bus stop and the bike path along the North Frontage Road. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. Response: A pieliminary landscape plan has been submitted as apfi of this SDD application. The goal of this landscape plan is to preserve and enhance natural areas along Red Sandstone Creek and to introduce more formal landscape treatment between buildings, at the Project and unit entries and along Red Sandstone Road. The MDMF zone district requires at least 307o of the site to be landscaped and the landscaped area ofthe proposed is 549o. I I Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications 14 I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I T I 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. Response: It is anticipated that the project will be completed in one phase with constructio_n beginning in the Sprinj of 1997. In fhe-event that the Town's land efchange with the USFS is delayed, the pioject is designed such that Buildings A, B and C could be consffucted as an initial phaie (-these buildings are all located onParcel D which is ownedby the ERWSD), and the development of Building D could occur at some time after the land exchange is completed. In the event the project is developed in two phases, an irccess easement across Block D will be provided to ensure access to the Town parcel, I I Red Sandstone Local's Housing Project Re-zoning and SDD Applications l5 IV. APPENDIX I I I A. Buitding Elevations and Floor PlansI I B. Legal Descriptions I I I I I t I I t I I I t I | ff:ill;Tff$rT,ffHil'J'"" I 16