HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 BLOCK 2 LOT 3 LEGALSEP-29-1995 13:50 FROI"] ROYAL COSTA TOURS i. FtERGtoRclo cosT^ TO 13634?92452 Sept.Ebea 29, 1995 pl.FijlEg Dipartn€Dt Awa of vail lttD ! t8. itin CusDutte Dear Jio: r an tbc ovner pf RLdge at Vail r*nbmerunit IFF aDd I hrye prevl-oualy exnrassr€d $y g,pposition tothc LtcensfurE of tbe t€d t BEsdcfaet eatablishnent oE ArP€D Cro$e tJarre. I hane rcarived elasificetlon oD tb€ tylrc of op€ratl,on tbat ia ilteuiled to be ruuud r rltbdraw sy opporitlon u loag aa the Eueitfoo iD the a6d t Brerkfaat will be rro trore than saril pra!,eE lnrking La ptam€d otr a. nLllcr|e property. TOTRL P,A1 Jim Curnutte, We are currently getting signatures from all the homeowners and will have them in to you by september 30, 1995. Please keep this letter in the file of William Mi1ler. Thank-you, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing #4 Homeowners Associat ion TO:Town of Vail office of Community Development September 5, 1995 Jim Curnutte, AICP, Senior Planner, We, the residents of Aspen Grove Lane and Ridge Lane are opposed to any form of Bed & Breakfast operation going in on the property of William Miller or on any other property on Aspen Grove Lane or Ridge Lane. This block is zoned single family and we want to preserve the single family environment. A Bed & Breakfast on thisprivately owned street would completely oppose this concept. we also question the feasibility of running a hospitality business off a private road.This road is privately owned by our Homeowners Association. The Association pays for all maintenance and carries liability insurance. We do not want any added liability of Bed & Breakfast guests. A business of this type would cause extra traffic on a road where many children play and ride bicycles in the summer and winter. For these reasons we only want single family status in keeping with the rest of the neighborhood. S incere 1y , Lionsridge Subdivision Fi I ing #4 Homeowners Associat ion Homeowner's s i gnature \An\Arrnv REALESIATE 228 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (3O3) 476-8250 -BROKERS INC. Septcmber 25, 1995 Community Development Dept. Lauren Watcrtoll, Plarrner' Town o1'Vail 75 South Frontage Rcl. Vail. CO 81657 Dear Lauren: eN.l + 3Y/ /qrf I am rvriting to you today regarding a bccl and brcakfast application fl'om Will Millcr filr his home on Aspcn (ilovc [-:ure . I or.vrr property in tl.re area. [-ot 41'hc Ridgc at Vail. and have grave concerns about the operation ol-a becl ancl brcakfhst operation in this neighborhoocl. My opposition to this application is basecl on rly experience with this type of operation near auotlrcr property I own at -5095 Main Gore Drive in E,ast Vail. It has been my observation that this type of activity in a residential area is not without adverse impact on the neighborhood. ln East Vail rve have had cor.rtilluous problerns \r,'ith B&B guests parking on the street because of the inability of the owner to accommodate his guests on his property. In the winter in palticular. this canses continuons saf-ety ancl public u'orks issucs. Iu acldition the cuntinnous streanr of guest cclming and going detracts from the residential character of the ncighborhood. I have all these same concerns rvith the proposal liom Will Nfiller. Aspcn (irove l,atrc cllcompasses one of thc rnost quiet and plivate ncighborhoods in all o1-Vail. 'Ihe roacl that services this street is a private road and is not of sufficient u,idth to accommodate on street parking and even if it rvas. I rvould oppose the r.rse of a street to accommodate ar.rything but the occasional dir.urer party. I)rar.ving on nry expericncc in liast Vail. it is my observation that the impacts o1'a B&l] on a cluiet residential area can never be climinatecl. only bc nrinimizcd. I do not see art)' overriding cornmunity benefit lionr allorving tliis activity in my neighborhood. or for that nratter any ncighborhood in Vail. You shoultl clinrinate this conditional use all together in rnv o1'lir-rion. It is an er-rclless sourcc ol'fiiction betr.veen other,uvise good neighbors. ",^-$tr 1cU'-.-=-- cKibben. Olvner Proiect l{ame: Spriggs residence DRB Number: DR8020065 Project Description: Nevrr facade improvements; 253.75 sq. ft. addition; 200.47 sq. ft. o<pansion to the garage Participants: OWNER J. Michael & Mary K. Spriggs03l25l2002 Phone: 303-843-9911 1505 @ttonwood Lane Greenwood Village, CO 80121 APPLICANT Braun Associates, Inc. O3l25l2OO2 Phone: 926-7575 D.H. Ruggles And Associates (Architect) POB 2658 Edwards, CO Dominic@braunassociates.com 81632 Project Address: 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block 2 Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE SUB. FIUNG Parcel t{umber: 2103-014-1500-3 Commentst BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Charles Acevedo Action! APPROVED Second By: Bill Pierce Voter 3-0 DateofApproyalt O4ltTlZOOZ Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005260 That the applicant must comply with all Public Works conditions prior to the issuance of final design review approval; this shall include but not be limited to the submittal of an updated topographic survey and rwised grading plan. Cond: CON0005261 That the tower element on the front of the building be enlarged as an architectural element. Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300,00 IOI^,Nfi) Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Cotnmunity Development 75 South Frontag€ Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa<: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us G€neral IntormaUon: All projeds requiring design re^/iew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apdicauon. Please refer b the submittal requiren€nts for the particular approval that is requested. An application fur Design Review cannot be accepted until all rcquircd information is received by the Community Development hparfi|ent. The project rnay also need to be rsriewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rwiew approyal bpccc unless a bullding permit is issued and constuucdon oommences widtln on€ year of the apprwal. Description of the Request: er<oansion to the oaraoe- Locaton of the Proposal: Lot: 3 Block: 2 Subdivision:-Lio0S.,lBidgejls Eiling- Phydcal Address: 1477 Aspen Grove Lane Parcel ilo.: 210301415003 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-88O for parcel no.) Zoning: llame(s) of Owner(s): J. Midrael SprkJgs & Marv K. Spriggs l,lalllng Address: 1505 Cottonwood Lane. Greenwd V Phone: Owner(s) Slgnaturc(s)r Name of Malling Addrcss:PO Box 2658. Edwards. CO 81632 Phone: 926-7575 E-malf Address; dominic@braunas l : 926-7576 Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o New Con$uction $650y' aooition $3oo o Minor Alteration $250 (mu lti-family/commercia l) o Minor Alteration $20 (Sngle-family/dudex) o Changes to Apprwed Plans $20 $50 Plus $1.00 per squarre foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, For an addition where square fuotage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and sib improvements, sudl as, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallg etr. For minor dlanges to buildings and site improvements, srch as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landraping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For relrisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desisn Rsriew Board. hftdllitl, q /,, CU rlt; o Separation Reguest No Fee t-l/t7 Mar-19-o2 c.2?4a,P 303Et439666 P-Ozt - ii#-. it. i1r,E4- '-4. 6,cr-r'r I r" ' t--r- tFrrr- ALTAOWNEN'S POLICY s(smuLEA ffict Numbm: otolol9l-cl Dateof Policy: !rbnl|*T za, 7002 rt l2rll P.u' Armunr of lDfuraffe: $ t, tso, o oo ' oo l. Narnc ofLpured: ir. r(rcErtr.r trll:Eoos rD rclRr r, Sff,Ioos Policy No.: o-9701-1te?72 2, ThF estilc or in&rcs h fte land whhh is cotrcttd S this poticy ie: lEl StSiFLl 3. Tirtc b [rG cttalc or imcrcgt in tm ltnd il vctrcd in: iI- Eerrr& srDroq$ il@ Hrrt r. Bl8,ttto3 4, The tsDd rcfcfrcd p la thia policy is dercribed ss fnllorrs; 8tl lTrlCElD &lOlL DE{tRf9trOX Mar-I9-o? ozr4BP 303E}439565 P. Os t'|l.]\. lf , c.Eir4. .{.gFt-tt ]rr..F!,I tr- |r--r- trirrL SCTUI}UI/EA Ordcr Numbcr: oloto{gr-ct LESAL DF.SCRIPTION IieI 3 , Broct 2, LtrOtf,t rlDot SgEDMllot 'EI.IIsl Tro. { f,ccoFClng Eo gla sacotdad ttlr! Ebrr.ol rrcerdrC ftrElrr E lr ltEo h foot 306 rt PrE f:-lr .. trrcG'Ir DiqB no. 102791. cour|lr ot lttil|l f,Ttt8 0r ool.otrDo. Mar-19-OZ OZ i4fJP 303Et439666 P. 06 ALTA OWNEBIS FOI.ICY SCEEDI]LE B Ordcr Nurnber: 0lotoatt.ct Policy No.; o- r 7 o \ - L9r7 ? z, Thta plley des [ot inrure agliut losr or danragc ($d Ute Corpany wlU Dat ply cosB, tttoracyg' fcca or crpcnro) vtdch arirc by rcuon oft l. Righrr or clqims of partleo in prursrion, not shown by the public rccords. 2. Earc[Htl, or claims of earcnrnu, uot sbowtr by he publh rocordg. 3. Discrepancics, conflictt in bandary lirs, Srortagc in arco, encrotchrrenh, aod auy ftcts wl.ich E comect suwry ard itrtpcclio! of tle prtrnieer nould dirclolr and which an not rhown by tho publh rrcordr, 4, Aly licn, or rlght o a licn. br servlccs. lrbor or finterld heretoforc or hertrfter furntshed, impsed by law snd not shown by thc publh reoords. 5. Uprtcnted mining clairs; rcservationr or exccptions in patcnu, or rn act aufroriziag thc issuercc thercof: wiler rjgbB, clrlmr or litlc to watcr. t. .lly ald rll uot|rtd Er*ai rf|d rtrar6.qEt rDd ur|rad.6ad ter trlrr - 7. Ilh. .tr.at ol iaClqrloar {n aall goa*al ot: tt aolfld r.ta! aoar:sylz cy,, tL=t ttroE.ctloB, ro11 eoerlrrvrtl,oB or otber dktrlcr or hclurlon {[ atf UttaF rtil/ica oE ttr.lE l.qraov$De rra{. g. ns.rrvrtlGtD. or r*sqrtier eoqtrl,ned I! u.8. PfE6Ea, or iu lotr autborltlEqltL {r'trrDc. ED.rrcl, r.6orid.d l$girrt t6, t9o9 in Eooh l! rt Drgr 5{t?.rrtttlldl l) Itglt| of tb. DrogEl.bor o! | v.1[ of loda to trs€t ard rqovchlg osc cDrnlra .aA 2, sitbt! af wry far d.i, rehp raC caartr s con Eru6t.d urdrr tbr ruebariEy of Ebe bltad grrB.s, 9. LllFatlqla ot a*4raFtlda l'! Dr!r!tt. or {a lroEa rtrEhorl,rlng Eb. lrfstEorttrrttofr laoludlog tha r.!€rrrEt al of r rlgh! et ury lor dl,t6b€s on cullr cosrttsurtcd Dy tbc rICl,oEItf of thr Eln*Cad SEago!, rr lirsfvsd is IIsiEtd gtrla5 PrtcEt t|cordrC it\rly 2?1 1979 l! Eo6l 3lf rE D!,gG firi, n€cctrEton Io. I|SZB7. 10. RGrtrtaElrro oovGD.Etr rhleb do not ooqtrLg r lotfrleurr qr E.vqrgaE clrulo,oatel.lrC la lar !,rura! rrcordrd g.IrEflDaE ZOt L97 2 L.g looh 2l!i r! prga {{3 rEdlsrtrrsgt rrcordod !.ptsafr.r 29, 1t?l ln tooh ZIE rE prgr :6t lnd Eh.l||546n|gt sosoldod Ir Ecats 3Nl rt PagrF 53 lnd ln DcotlrrF,iqr radord.d 1! bookloo .E DrE. 7El rail rrgocordrd ln Dooh 3ol rF Drgo 4tg. U. l.rtElcELvo Coulrtacr, wb.{c! ds sgt co!'tsBl.t r tcl6*i bure or srverE€r clttr!., Itcoriris.d l8 .lar€rurrlt !accr6.d l,ugua E j, 19f0 ltt BoerB 301E rE Frg. {1O r. Erca5rt'Loe !to- 202?13, rr urldrd btr hrhnrmnt scoordld rffrnb.F 16, ltEo loEooh l1! rt Prgr t2/t rr Rcccplioa tro. 210200r ald fErs&3at rrccrda4 .ruly l,1915 la tooL {18 rt !ag. 738 rr qr€aDtlofi ro. tl.soo9, |$C h.!dtr.rt, rrcordrdA[gurt 13f t000 .r n.4rpttoa Fo. ?!6720 .rtd Sccoad &sr&E$b troordrd gqrtrsGr 11, 2O0l r| lcc.Ircloo o. ?6730!. Canl'{Eu€d o[ lgrD Prg! I Mar-l9-o? O2:48P 3OsE1439666 P -O7{t ! Jrl, ll l^tl-! trtll. r .JOJ f ,a Coat{,nartls ol gcb.dul. E - ILEA oiu.r'. Dottal'toltcy llrEbrrr 0-t?01-19E7?z 12. lrt@ola rEd rlgbb et rat ifrrt.d Bo rtory Crors ll€atsrLo trroaLrEioEr Isc., accoE{.d lrrgurt eq, lt?t ifr look 189 rt prg6 96t a. nEc€pGto! Xo. lg6!19, rgd rl.ao La LElEfiI|raBr sc€ofll.d .f,ugrrr E la, 1900 trl Eoak 306 rts pega il' rr Rroc'ptj.oc Io. Z09l!4. lt- hr{tEc grrBgad Eo Vrllcy ar.qsi.tB!, !Ed., grcordlrd tllrch 1,d, lll0 Ls Doots l0O aG Prga eto .r tEc.pt loo f,o. 19415?9. 1+. lglram.sb b.G*ra$ rtrv.l lavlrorurntrl Eqod cqrerry trd HouDirtb gEatrl lrfagbqq andl tsl.gfalih Cqrt[lr Dro?lallDg lor !.Ia?boBr lsrErllrtl.oD a$dtt*vlea Cbsouthp|rE llsg'r Rtdgr arbdtvkion, ttltr|| xo. I E.€cad.d trpt.Fhar27, L9?t {rr Aool 231 rt D.Nr ltl. 15. lr!s6|[t. .. thsrr s tbe DlrE ol Lls, r jtdgr Fr$dtrtriol flltlg [o, l,. r.cord.d lr$rr t rr l9t0 ln Aooh 105 rr fr,g|. (U rr lro.Itllon Ho, l0t?91. 16. l|rlry raC ell rF{ rElng lcases and taoracl,rr. I nRilzIgIR.AUIN ASSoCIIATIES, IINC" PLANNING anc COMMUNI f/ DLVELOPI'4ENT March 25,2OO2 Brll Grbson, Planner Town of Varl 75 3. frontaqe ?oad Varl, CO AlC57 | 477 AsVen Grove LanelLot 3, Block 2, Lton's Rrdqe l"' Firnq Dear Etll: Submftted wrth thrs letLer E an apVhcabon Lo remodel and add GRFA to Lhe above relerenced anqle-Iamtly home. The proposal s to make a one-story addttton to Lhe qanqe and a anqle story addftton to the rear of the home for a new krtchen. The enbre home s to be remodel wrth an enbrely new archftectvral style and expresaon. The addftronal lloor area benq added to home s a combnahon of avatlable GRFA, qaraqe credft, and a gorton oI a 25O addbon as detarl on the plans. AtLached wrth thrs letter s the requred nformahon svltraent lo reuew and approve lhe ?rcpoeed tmprovements. We are reqvesttnq that thts proposal be reuewed at the conceptual level on Aprl 3 and for a hnal (evew on Apnl | 7 . Please let me know i lhts schedule works lor vou. lf you have any questons, please do not hegftale to call. Edwards Village Center: Suite C-209 0 | 05 FdwardsVillage Boulevard Post Ollice Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 1632 Ph. - 970.9267575 Fax - 974.926.757 6 wwwbraunassocrates.com RAUN ASS OCIATES PL N|[\IING .nd COi'fiuNlW D'EvELOPrlo'lT Affi,-AL-&@. @: 49 FRD4: ERfl-N ASSOCIATES 'o, h \\ 6ibs"- . FAX#: W-USz 97A%7576 FAITRANTMI'IION TAz97B47*45?P.g67,ZBe FROlrft D-,-un,z (V\o"tr*J [o DA'E M%,?nz RE: 3gn?5s- fiaUrl erc*t, A- Qndudcl thir couor rhcet) GOMUENTI: A-N0;L;l t{toitM'e {*, W, ,ttr* . afr.,^. . .Ptcorc tcll ll you hruc not rccctuod olt pogcr or hnuc ony proHerrr sith thlr trunrnrl$lon Edmr6vilrtc Ccmq Sritc C.2O9 016 S n* Vnrye BaJaaed Fo.r Of,rcc 8oD( 1658 Edrmxl, Colorado 8 | 6,.]2 Ph. - 970t1(7s75 FD( - t709267376 u r /.bnutrassocirlcBrdtr mR-a1-a8m @49 FRO'l;BRALhl ASSoCIATES 9?49267576 M.r-29-O2 I O:4OA mR-?A-em 1?'?1 FRIFt€fA.}r fiWIfllEE .. . . urit:srrtrt ' ;;-ro-aa rs'li tEff' t.,'-r'.,'t-"-- "-' " ;Ft!--tt€trlrtrtlEFrpGd lrydil|islanr*' a,rqf gr.rEdEEdrr_,t#tFti*F''il'l I|sIl -rfr"lr ffiiraturmpdFffir-ttrrtnil' d+ea IIEHS b fit|filll TO297M7*4* 3(,3Et2139666 I !l-..rLXnJ:Fttl P.ffi?/W. P.02 ||rfl ? /aa/ae+z' ,..-, sil'rEoFoclqn Do l*6t t{lYoF--l ryiltffis.3 nr frrfdt trtr!|nrl rr ffi btlr m E.-.- ry I-twnrnrsDfr -r:--? ;Aa*-umr'rffinErrrsgccxbirEtlfitiE'fiiill'nl iJ u m smn rnc rirrdardott rqrn rnt*' qilttlFtffi f;#;h *-t nFR-e7-"W. le: 6 FR04! RAU.I ASS0CIATES ! Brrrce A. Cot I ins Dominic F. Mauriello, AICF BAIEraun Asociates, Inc. P.O. Box 2658 Edunrds. C.olorado El Gl2 97A9e67576 1.8. : 9U 816 s3:t7 Cou:r*s & AssocrATEg €A4gfrl ril9 Mi.l,tL RESOUfCE COiEU,r$rf9 P-O. Bol( ?3 . llt6lln.teore Drwe Stur, Cououoo EI6Ea Pt{ohE F^)( (97O) 876-EaOO bocd9rvf.nt Mardt 24,200? TO:97M7R4*. t1nr. 2? 2W P,W!W3 1E:4gAI,t f2 FRtrI Mike Spriggs 5675 UrC Bhd- Suite 170 Creemryood VilleSe, Cqlorado 80111 RE: Lor3, ljolt's &DcE 4il FluNc, V^|L Dear Mr. Mauriello: At your r€quest I hrve rwiented preriou rcports es rrell as Torn ofVail geologic hazrrd maps, and other available inforrnation rqgarding dre $Jbject propefty. In addition I visited the site on March 136, atthough snou com prohibited a doseexamlndion of drainage denils. The site ls located on weathered Mintum Fomation mcks, of Pennsylrnnlan age, overlain upslope by the Fennq/vanlan-Femlan Maroon Formation, atl of which dip northuresterly into the hilbide et about a5". Although the lot is mapped in tfie Medium Sffirity rcckfatl category on Town ofVail geologichazard maps,tlrethin rockledge onlynodemtely.r,r'cll cxposed abore a slopemeasured trom US. Geologiel Suwey topographic msps at less tlran 30P prcse$ts ontXr limited risl; This risk is furtlrcr ninimized bythe bedded nahre ofthe €rposed rock and the dlp into d|e hillside, both ofwhich resuh in breahge into slabo orplnteehaped blocks ofvarying but mosfly Small size rnd wttich generally slide only short disancer beforc comirg to e Stop rathef thm tumble donn the slope. The property has been tle suDject of trro prwious geologfc hazad exarninations, $e firrt by Robeft Jarner lrirh. F.ngineering Gcnlogist, deted July 34, lggE, ond tlrc rccond lry Ndrulus Iampiris, P.D-, deted April 19, 1994, both ofr.rrtridt are incorporated herein by rcference, I've found nothing in my rerrie'.rs trr liLe cramination thst conflicts urith the tindingF (tntsined in the prwious reports and l generally conslr wldr the recommendations presented therein. lt is my understanding tttst the residence now located on lot 3 i$ to be remodeled, and tfiat in the process the rear of the structure is to be extended approximately 15 ft toward tlre hillside, Only conceptual deslgns are available at this time and as a rerult all of ttre firllowing are general mitigating measunes reommended in similer sitrrations only. Specific recommendedons, ifany, will dcpend on finrl dcrigrn. Ary .rrt irto rie hlllslde ltselt' snoud ue strpported by a pmpedy drained end engineered retaining wall; to tJre c*tent aDy component ofthc neh. foundmlon is to be constructed in sudr a ort it shorrld be deslgned as a retaining rrall as ulell. Nenr abowarade dopefadng watb rhould be oaended abovc fingl gradc to I rtti,rirnuru of fosr ftet tldt no nignifirant apenings in thie intorvol, ond obove this hti6lrl. wirnluws and doorr should bc mnsf,ntrterl nfhigh-rtrengtlr metoriolc ond ohoil*r sistanr6lo"o.lGw wirrdurw qrrd doons,ffany, in tlte existing slope-facing wall should be similarly construced of high+treirgfh materials. Frnal lendscaping and gfading *hould be designed and constructed in such I manncr er to furfher minimize the already-limited rodall hezand to wtrirtr the property is o<poeed. hogoccd MRR-a7-aAAe 12:03 FRtl4:BRAt.}l RSS0CIATES 97?F,ffi7576 FRt!4 : .Bruc! A. Coll ins FFX NO- : 979 8-6 53:n TO?974479E4ft P.W3/n3 tlar. 2? 2[82 1Bt48Al'l P3 Page 2 afterations to the g'rage on the Font (soutlr) side ofthe rtructure are not €xposed to the mappedhazard and witl have no impad on proposed mitigation. Ar ahrays, ""r. r,iJ be 13ken to assurethat slte drainage is adequate to convey surface wsGr. incluiing snowmelt, away ftom thestructtlre, and that foundation drainage ls adequete for iC design. The site is in an area of rnod6t geOlogical sensievity and uit; the mitigatton meesunc, recommended, theproposed remodelingconccptisacceptablgsuggested mitigationswillfurtherlimi! sitch risk as is presenL So long as oraralt site drainage is "piromaterv-tied into aa.;ace"troad and street drainage ${stem: and lanrlscepiqg ana gaoirrg is'riesigned tl prerrcnt dhgsion of potentiat rocldall, thcre is nothing to rugg"st itrt the pruposed haiard+niiigating ro"u*,will ittoease the hazard to other property;r gtucfiJrcs, or to public buildlngs, rig-laof-rray. roads, streefs, easemers, utilities, or facilitjes or otler properties of any tiirl. fii, ,rport iiirtended to complywithappropriate portions ofTonn ofVait lirgulations drapter lZ.Z1-15, andnothitg ontained herein should be interpreted as suggesting thst the subject praperty is notexposcd to the mapped hazards. or thet rnitigadons recommended hercln can olwifl etiminate sudl hazf,rds intlreirentiretlr.lfyouhave anyquestions orrequireanyfurtherinformation, ptcase do nothesitate to contacf me. \ !4!glEN[S Th- tqort@rffir rrt|rel pmotru 6* rrt updtnDtc red itr lrrgc nre porly !tr.r!fiboc ttb ini!trdcd s. ilEdry poErbl obrrneD|c trrudr witrin ft npi csat o vtit ri errycct prqcrqy b c4o.Gd ..db q8tcst,'drt'i{g t'nltr in comDfu rfr rpplcrilr ngdado*, ff"CU i tli ".ili'rhcdd-be ton*rad r&tE?rgtEdrrtl8gqtingtlcebcaccofrlrcatrroftcdlrardr,orfrtrl.,r-ar.dJotUgJh".if D.oc"ttltngapoptrp fton tlr rl.'cflberr Mronb uodcr elt circorrtros, brtracn or qfosa. n&r r" df, Eport shodd t 9T,1.1d T!*ryr!*f ar lrrrori.u lhkltl'tarl lrrHcnl[u brr.|!r rrt lrot t $.*nt lt"*"f"n *Eieod O*tdqErtot' do.t r5t tE[ citk lt. dinat3rtul .f fli brrJqr) or p|lr[dor cltt" @n "{|ffi. d: trrnrd trt.t orc{utl'odhtle'Fdrdd blhccillilErrodrypanlrrhdr[rrhrce. ryroocerrg rbi rcpoi.tr pfltsltrld.tlrG{Eutparrb ttcrtoegrEc ro iod@ry md-hotd trn*irt er.ln|t'r. rryirf ru O.ftl-A'i,1!c, iif,"cchcldiag parrcrrt iqiury o hlr ot llh, rh -e Upif b. qti.t--*cf &b dry, ofr ry - -,ltng frul ,rycc|rEraEdtlEde.'ihrd ordrhrrrd(al rko.rdrrdr|lmrlcr rry l:lrrrco'rguc6 u-cly-i rrz.ru1ilafiomfalhrc or iredtgoqt efFlFr4rcrrghctG tubrtdd. erd ortrrtrircf rcorursdd rd&rtonj. ft. rr.F,;ddti rcpct cennot d rdn trdDc rcrpoora* U erywqr o1 r1ptr11trtr !ffi,fo, ttc !roD.r.+f*rfq. mraC-r.rr{Frnnirqmcof ruuraunfd uitiutcr, cr rir dracwrgocfif"Cnpoe-[,ft G4 ""r,rcrgA ;Cfolnnfuhlmd rrrrnnrnrld ndt+irr. cdedn arnrxri--..tr^,..r;.qs J.y }-i-rJ-".,r,,rrore ns'[EElcdbyihpleprll- COPYFILE De partment of C om mun ity Deve I op ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us March 28, 2002 Dominic Mauriello. AICP Braun Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Spriggs Residence - Proposed Addition t+ri-arp.n Grove LaneTlot 3, Block 2, Lion's Ridge 4d Filing Dear Dominic, In order for Town of Vail to complete its review ofthe proposed Spriggs residence addition, located at 1477 Aspen Grove [,ane, the following additional information must submitted: 1. Existing/proposed Grading Plan 2. Existing/proposed Landscape Plan (including materials list) 3. Exterioi iolor and material specifications (including materials list) 4. Exterior color and material samples 5. Exterior Lighting Plan and cut-sheets for proposed fixtures 6. Site-specific Geologic Hazard Report 7 . Geologic Hazard Review affidavit The above mentioned items must be submitted no later than 7 business days prior to the Design Review Board's nnut ,"ui.* of this proposal. This proposal is currently scheduled for a conceptual review by the Design Review Board at its Wedneiday, epril 3, Zboi, public hearing and final review at the Design Review Board's April l7' ioOZ, puUti" t.u.ing. ltreie prbti. t.uilogt are sche-cluled to begin at3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 75 South Frontage Road' Please be aware that the pro1ect site must be staked and taped to identi$ the location of all property lines' proposed building corners, and any trees to be removed. The staking and taping must be completed prior to the day of the scheduled Design Review Board hearing. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (9'7D 479'21'73' Sincerely, d/<- 2t'-r7-'L- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I To*n of Vail Enclosure: a o Building and Landscape materials lists Geolos.ic Hazard Review affidavit {,P *""'"'"o '^'"* PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material ' Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materiais Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of t2/O2lO7/02 I PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. IYE Square Footase GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRiGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PageT of tZljzlgTlOZ Geofoglc Hazard Revlew (Date) (l-egal DescrlPtlon) The undersigned haVhave read the Hazard Report, dated 19_, prepared by l/!r/e understand from the conclusions that tre proposed buildlng is located in a @:ru',1,""'e#iyffi '"["rH'"?J3',1Tfl 3o?',**'*o*o request the Town ol Vall Building Department grant us a permit. (Name, Orner) STATE OF COLORADO ) (Name, Orner) COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this - day of '19-, by known to me to be the Person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commlssion expires: srATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF ) ss. ) My commission expires: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this - day of 19-, by known to me lo be the person wnose name is subscribed to lhe foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. ciJonm\lrrard Page I ofl Bill Gibson - Spriggs Plan From: "Dominic Mauriello" <dominic@braunassociates.com> To: "Bill Gibson" <bgibson@ci.vail.co.us> Date: 03/28/2002 3:39 PM Subject: Spriggs Plan Hi Bill: Thanks for your letter dated March 28 with regard to additional items needed with this application. You popped that one out very quickly and it is greatly appreciated. Items 3 - 5 will be provided before the final review per your letter. We wanted the input from the DRB before we provided that detail. Thank you for allowing us to submit these after the conceptual review. With regard to a grading plan, we were not planning to provide one as other than the excavation required for the addition to the rear which is being benched into the hillside, there is no real grading taking place with this plan. Let me know if that understanding changes what is needed for your review. With regard to a landscape plan, we are not proposing to change that which exists on-site today or as approved in the original plan. There are no trees impacted by the two additions. Let me know if this understanding suffices as we would prefer to not spend additional time or money showing what exists. I faxed to you a geo-hazard report yesterday. Let me know ifyou have not received this report and I'll send you another one. I will have the owner sign the affidavit recognizing the hazard report and I will provided you with a signed copy ofthat. With regard to staking the site, let me know if it will be acceptable to simply stake the new addition to the rear of the home and to mark on the driveway the new garage addition. There are survey markers on the property showing the comers of the overall site. Please let me know if how we are responding to your requests will suffice based on the scope of the project proposed. Thanks, Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP Braun Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970-926-7575 Fax 970-926-7576 Email: dominic@braunassociates.com fi le ://C :\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW) 00003.HTM 03/2912002 FII. E OOFY "//6/ot ,-i De part ment of C ommuni ly D eve I opme n t 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Aprll1,2002 Dominic Mauriello, AICP Braun Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Spriggs Residence - Proposed Addition 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2, Lion's Ridge 4'n Filing Dear Dominic, In order for Town of Vail to complete its review ofthe proposed Spriggs residence addition, located at 1477 Aspen Grove Lane, the following additional information must submitted: l. Existing/proposed CradingPlan. 2. The site/grading plan must include the following: a. All proposed roofridgelines with proposed ridge elevations must be identified on the site plan/grading plan. Also, indicate the existing and proposed grades shown underneath all rooflines. b. The site/grading plan must show all retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawing shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6' in height. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limits of disturbance lencing. Location ofall required parking spaces (all enclosed spaces labeled with a 9'X l8' box and all exterior parking spaces labeled with a 9'X l9' box). 3. Existing/proposed Landscape Plan (including materials list). 4. One set of fully dimensioned floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GR-FA) was calculated, please refer to Title 12, Chapter l5 - Gross Residential Floor Area. 5. Architectural elevation drawings at %" scale. 6. Exterior color and material specifications (including materials list). 7 . Exterior color and material samples. 8. Exterior Lighting Plan and cut-sheets for proposed fixtures. The above mentioned items must be submitted no later than 7 business days prior to the Design Revierv Board's final review ofthis proposal. This proposal is cunently scheduled for a final revierv at the Design Review Board's April 17.2002, public hearing. These public hearings are scheduled to begin at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 75 South Frontage Road. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, -a-'.2-Z-h. -Z-Z- Bill Gibson. AICP Planner I Torvn of Vail d. e- f. {i *"'."'u 'o'"r FiL[ u,uPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail April 18,2002 Dominic Mauriello, AICP Braun Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Spriggs Residence - Proposed Addition 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2, Lion's Ridge 4'Filing Dear Dominic, As you are aware, the Design Review Board approved the proposed addition and exterior alterations for the Spriggs residence at its April l7,2002 public hearing with the following conditions: l. That the applicant must comply with all Public Works conditions prior to the issuance of final design review approval; this shall include but not be limited to the submittal of an updated topographic survey and revised grading plan. 2. That the tower element on the front of the building be enlarged as an architectural element. 3. That the two second-floor arch windows on the west elevation be combined into a sinsle arch window. 4. That the window and door mullions be consistent. Revised plans addressing these conditions must be submitted to the Communiry Development Department for review prior to the issuance oflfinal design review approval and the application for building permits. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerelv. aZ-z<- - Z. -/2--<--.....-- {,2 *"n"uo 'o'"* FII.[ IOPY De part ment of C om munity Deve I op me n t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April26,2002 Dominic Mauriello, AICP Braun Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards. CO 81632 RE: Spriggs Residence - Proposed Addition 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2, Lion's Ridge 4'^ Filing Dear Dominic. The purpose of this letter is to clariff the results of the Design Review Board's April 17, 2002 decision regarding the proposed addition and exterior alterations for the Spriggs residence located at 1477 Aspen Grove Lane. This proposal was approved with the following conditions: I . That the applicant must comply with all Public Works conditions prior to the issuance of final design review approval; this shall include but not be limited to the submittal of an updated topographic survey and revised grading plan. 2. That the tower element on the front of the building be enlarged as an architectural element. The Design Revierv Board also made the following comments that were not specifically identified during the motion for approval: l. That the two second-floor arch windows on the west elevation be combined into a sinele arch window. 2. That the window and door mullions be consistent. Since these two items were not specifically identified as part of the Design Review Board's motion, it has been determined that these items are recommendations from Desisn Review Board and not conditions of approval. lfyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to coniact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4r/-Z-- 14' ./7'.L- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Torvn of Vail {,7 *""'""o '^"* I ,r o ARCHITECTS D.H. RUGGLES AND ASSOCIATES I23 MADISON STREET, SUITE IO3 DENVER, COLORADO 80206-54r 7 TELEPHONE 3O3 355-2M FACSTMTLE 3O3 35'2546 Jordan@dhrugsles.com A PROFESSIONA L CORPORATION April10,2002 TO: Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 ATTN: Bill Gibson, AICP Rg: Proposed Materials Synopsis 1477 Asoen Grove Lane Vail, Colorado Dear Bill, Please find a s].nopsis of the materials and colors that we have proposed as outlined on the Color Board submittar: 1. Exterior stone as supplied by Pine's Stone Company: "Farmer's Mixed" at body of house; New Entry Porch mass; New Entry Porch step+ low walls, and pillars.2. Wood Type 1: Decorative 1x wood trim overlay at garage door: Mahogany with dear finish.3. Wood Type 2: Painted wood fascia and decorative brackets to match "Sahara" precast concrete head an sill details. Benjamin Moore "Elmira White" HC-84.4. Wood Type 3: Decorative 2x wood groin vault ribs inside new Entry Porch mass: Mahogany with clear finish.5. Precast concrete head and sill details: Sierra Stone "Sahara Grey". Note that decorative wood fascia and bracket details are to be painted to match the precast color as outlined in note 3, Wood Type2 this sheet.6. Windows and doors at Living Room, Oining Area Kitchen, and stair hall to be as manufactured by Hope's steel windows and doors. Finish to "Gun Metal."7. Windows and doors at remainder of house to be as manuJactured by Pella windows and doors. Finish to be "Pro 151 Brown."8. Clay roof tiles as manufactured / supplied by Northern Roof Tiles: Lichen Green. { "\ D. H. Ruggles & Associates, PC Don Ruggles President 9. Color impregnated Portland cement finish at upper body of housg and between mahogany groin vault ribs at the ceiling in the new Entry Porch ceiling.10. Exterior lantem light fixtures as manufactuted by Ball and Ball: Catalog #W1007 wall-mounted lantern. Lantern is to be attached to a custom, fabricated, metal bollard which will be mounted to the top of the (2) stone pillars. Sincerely, r+ ftilfl= I r '*I I - -l--J- ; { ,l {\l x\JI il[ W 1 ,l Ir I s'r! l,f*+t J t' I I I I I L. lcl :dtsv p\.!s !- i €6nB! ytdlo I z t ! zct*O€_e :gozegettos i 67 :,{6 lueg----:iu- iDiol ?e:N:ol\lr oL I I ,o ', uif€ a7 7a5, : BET.CW i li---------i| +-.."..-+| | .-'iI >'*1, : -j'--i.. \iio\\1\\ti\tr\.'I r \// -i--L'' ..4 HISTORIC GRADE I'.../+. SITF trI AN: hneh\. u u+9 wL s t\ ll rl.v T/t t/ u J. MTCHanL SPRIGGS PO Box 7fXl, Vrll CO 81658 c (nA) 479 9019 r FAX (970) 419 5329 konard Sandoval Building Departnent 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 October 26,2004 Via U.S. Mail and Fax 970 479 2166 P*E:1477 Aspen Grove Lane Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Sandoval, Pursuant to our previous phone conversations, I acknowledge that in the event that Aspen Gmve Lane ceases to be a private road and becomes the pmperty of the Town of Vail that I will be required to separate my heated paver driveway from the asphalt roadway with a 4 foot wide unheated drain pan. I agree to make the alteration only provided that; l) such 4 foot separation is a Town requirement at the time Aspen Grove Lane becomes the property ofthe Town of Vail and; 2) all other properties on Aspen Grove Lane are required to be brought into compliance, at the property owners exp€nse, with the then existing Town regulations regarding properties abutting a Town owned roadway. incerely, 4,4t' / / |r ( /t,W*lJfl-,f7^"/ '^.;\ 3. 3\k Lt"'*"tr *.t Inspectlon Request Reporting vAtL, co_- Towt{ oF A/P,D Inform.Son Reguest€d lnspect Oate: Thursday, September 30, 20(X Inspec0on Area: JRM SIte Address: 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL 1477 ASPENGROVE LANE 802{162 Type: l"BUlLD Sub Typ€: ASFR St tus: ISSUEDOccupaircy: O3e: V N lmP Ar€a: JRM J. Mlchrel & Marv K. Sorlods Phone: 303-843-9g1 1 Slancture Constiirctlon -- Phone: 97$g2G4il29 ETTER|oR UPDATING & FrcEtFT, INTERIOR REWORK OF DEMISII.'GWALLSANDFACE LIFT. Chang€ to approved plans appllca$on hand-d€lhrersd lo conbaclor tor sil€ grading not consbtrctEd p€t aooroved Dkins tPlannino cO insD€clion deni€d). - BGIBSON LEYTER FRoM.ENcINftR oN RE|NFoRCIN6 oF FoUNDATIoN IN FILE - Jil,ONDRAGON SOILS TEST fN RLE - JMONDRAC'ON SIGNATURE CONST. WILL BE THE NEW GC ON THIS JOB, LETTER IN FILE - DFLORES €tectrlcal ckcull to boll€r and garage n€€d to b€ r€placed ard gas piplng to bdl€r (fler lln€) n€eds to b€ reDolc€d du€ lo danao€ from llre Dsr Miko M - DMEDINA Mi. SDrioG drooped d a site elon tof Bltl Gtbson to rgvl€rv. - LCAMPBELL Intedri* Ei'nel vir.ilt c€lllr€ hsliht v€rrfi€d In the tleld by Plannlng on Slyo3. - BGIBgON lnt€dor bcnol yault cellind of dnlry tolt€r musl b€ surviryed to vdrfi heighl prio'r to d;yt€ll lnspectbo. - AGIBSON AclMty: Const Type: otflnsr: Controctor: D€scrlpllon: Notice: Nolice: Notlc€: Nollce: Notlce: Cornmenl: Commenl: Cornrr€nt: Commenl: slqnglrlre h€s com€ in and Diad there tee to becorne lhe o€n€ral ccvdraclor for lhls itb - DFLORES COMMENI: RA I.IESLON HAS WITHDRAWN FROM THIS JOA, OWNER wlLL LET TOV KNOW YOU AND WHEN THE CONTRATOR WILL BE SEE LETTER IN FILE - DFLORES Commenl: ROUTED TO JR AND BILL GIBSOT'.I FOR REVIEWAPPROVALS - JIT,ONDRAGON Request€d Inspec0on{s I Item: 90 BLDG-Flnal Requestor: Sionatur€ Constucton co{rim€nts: WILL cAt-L 30}91$4434 Asslgned To: CDAVIS Requested Tlme; 08:00 Attt' Pflon€: 97G92S4i129 Enlered By: JMONDRAGON K y' Aclbn: Tlm€ ExD: IIem Commgnls: INAXIMUFHFADHEIGTH AT STAIRST TAUNDRY Item Comnrents: APPROVED FOR TCO ONLY HOUSE *'S REO'D CAULK MOP SINK IN GARAGE FINAL FIREPLACES SPRIT.IG LOAD HIhIGES AT GARAGE DOOR TCOVALID UNTIL SEPT 3O,2qX. lnso€ction Hlstory It€m: 10 BLDC-FootitlqsJste€l " Aoproved " 1O03yO2- Insp€ctor: JRM ' ' Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTTON Comm€nb: PARTIAL APPROVED ALL FOOTINGS EXCEPT FOR NEW ENTRY GARAGE AREA 1OOryO2 Inspoctor: JRN Actlon: DN DENIED Commenb: CONTRACTOR CATICELLED 1A1WO2 Insoeclor: GCD Actkrn: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comments: ENTRY FOOTIIIIGS APPROVED. 10l15lm hsp€c{or: JRM ActtDn: AP APPROVED ConTmgIt3: APPORVED ALL EXCEPT FOR MASONARY FIREPLACE AOX tt€m: 20 BLDG-FoundaUodSl€€l * Approy"d "10ll0ltz Insp€clo.: JRM Acuon: AP APFROVED CoTnments: APPROVED VOID FORM IN PLACE REBAR RECUT APPROVED OK TO POUR 1O|1UO2 Insp€ctor: GCD Actinn: CR CORRECTI3N REOUIRED Comments: KITCI1EN GRADE BEAM VOID FORM SHOWN ON PLAIS NOT INSTALLED. 1 1/2. CLR REQD TO EARTH SATiE LMAflON. OI( TO POIJR FDN WALL EXECPT THIS LOCATPN. 1Ol22lA2 lnspector: JR, Action: AP APPROVED Comm€nb: APPROIUED WEST END 2 rcS FOUNDATON 1U25lO2 Inspedor: JRM Actlon: APAPPROVED Commenls: ALL OF FOUNOATION 1-lAS BEEN APPRoVED. ONLY FIRE PLACE BLOCK l-LAS t{OT BEEN INSTALLED OR INSPECTED,, CONTRACTOR INFORMED OF ILC REOUIREMENT. REPTl31 12l1OlOZ lmp€ctor: JRM Actlon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIOII ComT enls: APPROVED BONDBEAM FOR RRE PLACE IST AND 2ND FLOOfit AREAS Run fd: 2407 0S30-2004 Inspectlon Requast Reporting 6:46 am vAL. co - TotllH OF-1afinz -mpectori GcD - nction: -pA paRr!{L APPR0VAL COMMANIS: SLAB AT LMNG ROOM FIREPLACE. Page 23 Item: Item: llem: COURTESYWALK FRAMING, 30 BLDG-Framino OzU04/03 -lnspecior: cdavis Acfion: AFCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REOD Comm€nt5: Truss leporl and l€ter of apFo\ral tom sfiuc onglrlger recefusd s€€ tlls -Cotr€ctloris 1) 3 g€s.log s€t nreplaces lmtalled TOV muni. code oflly alloirls two gas log s€ts on€ must b€ femov60 2) lnstgll lttk access witb minlmum dim€nsions of 22'x3O' 3i Shim all areas o{ b€arino thai are not in full contac{ 4! Buildino musi b€ malntalned as {'eather fioht- lnstatl buildtm lwaD or start s{ucco/slons'{ork. Ahy areas-lhat are ctanaged by moBiure shaT b€ deemed urroiceptird and mtBt bo r€mo\red and replaced 50 BLDc-lnsulalion(F/06/03 Inspectot; GCD Actlon: APCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REOD Comm€nls: INSULATE CLOSET WATLS FOR DROP CEILINGS OR FIREBL@K PER CODE, 60 BLDG-Sh€etock l'.lall 07/18y03 Insp€ctor: JRM Actlon: Pl PARIALINSPECTION Comm€nts: UPPER MOST LEVEL ONLY APPROVED 07/25/03 lnso€ctor: GCD Actlon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION CO'NM€NI$; AII HOUSE SHEETROCKN STILL NEED TO TNSPECT GARAGE 11!25103 InsD€ctor: cCD Actlon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECnON Comm€nts: FROM GARAGE DECK SOUTH, WE$T AND hIORTH TO KITCHEN WALL NORTH SID€ 70 BLDG-Mlsc. " Approved " 0211€1103 hsp€c{or: JHfl Action: NO NOTIFIED Comments' MET wlTH CHIP ON SIT€.. OK TO IJSE SWING TYPE WINDOI/IrS{RESEMBLE DOOR| ON PATIO'S AS LOi\,G AS A DCOF OR EGFESS lS CODE COft PLY|FIG. WINDOWS WILL BE TREATEO AS III'INOOI/I/S. CONTRACTOR ADVISED FOR BOILER ISSUES, AND ALSO LANDING AT REAR D€CK SFIOULD BE ADDRESSED, FAX ADD€D TO RLE DATED 2/,I2lO3 12/1O/O3 Inspector: GCD Ac{on: AP ,qPPROVED Comm€nts: ALL STL,CCO LATH APPROVED Itam: g) BLDG-FinalA7l25nl Insp€clor: GCD Acdon: NO NOTIFIED Comments: MAXIMIZE HEAD HEIGTH AT STAIRS TO LAUNDRY O6/25/(X Inspectol: JRM ActioN- PA PARTIAL APPROVAL CommsnB: APPROVED FOR TCO ONLY HOUSE ''S REO'D CAULK MOP SINK IN GARAGE FINAL FIREPI,.ACES SPRING LOAD HINGES AT GARAGE DoOR TCOVALID UNTIL SEPT 3O,2OO4, ftem: 22 PLAN-ILC Site Plan " Approlr€d " 04O3/O3 Insp€ctor' ' 'trqltron Action: APCR APFROVEDiCORRECTION REQD Commenb: Th6 interlor colllng of th€ efltry tolri?r must be sunr€y€d to veilty that the c8lllrE d,oes not exca€d 8468.5'. 05/13"03 Insp€clor: bqlbscn Commenb. Field veritied blv shfr. Ftw-TEMP- C/O Pl /-FlNAt C/O PLAN - FINAT C/O Aclion: AP AFmO'dED ltam: 532 Item; 539 Item: 534 06/24104 InsD€ctor: boibson AcUon: Df.l DENIED Comments: cohsffuctrofl fot completed. Gradhg not construcied par approved plans. llem: 533 PLA|I-TEMP. C/O '* Approved " 06/29/04 lnsDect6r. boa[son Acilon: AF APPROVED Comments: Rei/ls€d plam-r€ceiv€d and app{oved by plannlng. REPT131 Run Id: 2447 P.e J. MtcHArr, Spnrccs FO Box 7fi1, Vrtt CO g165g r (97tl) {79 fltlll r FAX (9?0) 4?9 5329 Ieonard Sandoval Building Departrnent 1309 Elklhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 October 26, 2004 Via U.S. Mail and Fax g7O 4Zg 2166 IlE:1477 Aspen Cirove Lane Vail, Colomdo Dear Mr. Sandoval, Punuant to our previous phone conversations, I acrnowledge that in the event that Aqpencrrove Lane ceases to be a private road and becom"s trre pripe,rty ortn" rowo of Vailthat I will be required to separate my heated paver driveway from tlre asphart roadwaywith a 4 foot wide unheated q"h p* Iad to make the alteration onli-provioed that;I ) such 4 foot separation is t roui ."qoirh.oiut rh;d."X;;"4;;J iane becomesthe pmperly of the Town of Vailand; il "ff "tn"ip.p"rties on Aspen Groye Lane are*Tqsdg be brought into compriancg'at theproperty owners expense, witr the thenexisting Town regulations tegara"g p;p"tti"iuiotti"g a Torrar owned madway. Sincerely, /^*gu From: ARC 970-949-5599 To: Leonard Sandov-al Date: 8/20/03 l'ime: 8:32:10 AM Page 2 ot 2 BOULDER RETAINING WALL f##ffinffianc TaAL t]oR rcULDA VIIS fllCHEn THAII 'l EEI W fO ,2 ffiT COIIPACTED. ofr NulAR *ra#'nL6F No?'E F NSTAIL PgjreTEF DRAN, ^TO DAWOHf, T Itto6' T I4' to 6' ,VOrEglt'r 'Ef b F#ffi Engineering' Inc' ffin'EnY rrrlsgiin,@lwo@,R 5846926816 8r:zI ESAZILgILggNrtcENrgt€l g Fr/y'2'fu* */ocs/ llAY-25-2004 TUE 03:18 Pl,l Nl.lCCoG FAX N0. 9704681208 P, 02 fjrr-t -/,^^^1^* -h( () l.,\ s -t'K Z {"{ .\ tl { Ele:raior Plan Review [ie'rafor Test artd rnsw''.ton rispt,t 6ntu( /,tx11q Lccariorr t/nil,COi Et6S-t riis na lr r r r* (rry,r, f-84f. ffiL- Ncfin'^c$t (-i:tor-j',r(, r)r-unctl tti (:cv€rnmen::; , Fo tscx i303 , s;f,/3rll.lL.r.c , ()o r 304E6 ,o*: Perrnit Nunrber NL+)CCC!. 03- 03/ Elevator Type //Y l) /a;rs 4u|Cenl,i I tl -lite plans ltave b,{-en reviewed and found to conform to ail applicable ANSI 17.1 and IJBC codes V l]re ele,ratr:r'/ esechtor /Cift / du,n h,rr,alter at Ure above localion was inspected and ti*ied on - -{,rc/o}L and a: tr TEMPOMRY Certificate has ben issued, ), VJ FINAL inspe:ticn CerUflcate has L.,een issued. tr NO cer-tificate is being issuer.J. Corllrllfnis: il r''i ll a,,cl .!irr *"pr hoil-lrla6 perreJrrrtion5.. S70. !SE-i]:ES r F3r( 3;0-tE.3-ILC6 r ww..v nrvc.cc!.co.us Project Name: SPRIGGS RESIDENCE Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040201 Location: uoNS RrDGE SUB. FrUNG q Participants: OWNER J. Michael & Mary K. Spriggs05l24/2004 Phone: 303-843-9911 1505 Cottonwood Lane Greenwood Village, CO 80121 License: APPLICANT J. Michael& Mary K. Spriggs05l24l2004 Phone: 303-843-9911 1505 Cottonwood Lane Greenwood Village, CO 80121 License: 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL Lot: 3 Block: 2 Subdivision: 210301415003 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval'. 0512512004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00Plan ner: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970 .479 .2139 fax: 970 .479 .2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal reguirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Locationof theProposal: Lot: ? alockt L suoaivisiont 6f I'c"r< ft,,!/- F/t"-l + Physical Address: RECh.lVLtr IOI4,hI Descriptiqn of the Request: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: /{-++3t Type of Review and Fee: C Signs ! Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition D l"linor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) { Cnung", to Approved Plans Phone: Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site rmprovements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revrsions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee E-mail Addres$ rV tr Separation Request .I TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: SPNGGS RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB040289 Prcject Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PI.ANS (GMDING) Participants: OWNER ASPEN RIDGE ROAD, LLC 0612912004 Phone: PO BOX 700 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT ASPEN RIDGE ROAD, LLC 0612912004 Phone: PO BOX 700 VAIL co 81658 License: OWNER SPRIGGS,l. MICHAEL& MARY K Phone: 1505 COTTONWOOD LN GREENWOOD VLG co 80121 Project Address: 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL Location: Legal Descriptaon: Lot: 3 Block:l5ubdivision: UONS RIDGE SUB. FIUNG Y Parcel Number: 210301415003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APProval= 0612912004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unlss a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20,00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: vvww.ci.vail.co. us DRB Number: DR8040289Project Name: SPRIGGS RESIDENCE Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS (GRADIN Pafticipants: \ OWNER ASPEN RIDGE ROAD, FLC \..06/2912004 Phone: PO BOX 700 \ '.. VAIL \ \ co 81658 \ License: APPUCANT_ASREN$IDGERoAD,\Lc 0612912004 Phone'. PO BOX 700 I rVAIL '.. '., ,l . co 816s8 '... License: OVVNER SPRIGGS, J. MICHAEL & MARY K Phone: 1505 COTTONWOOD Lt. GREENWOOD VLG an anl ?1 ,.- - Proigy'ddress: - {477 $SPEN GROVE LN VAIL Location:( \7477 ASPE/RIDGEROAD \ rojqclAr ISPEX RII ,l lal Descr 4 Subdivision: LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION Parcel Num 210301415003 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 0612912004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. r1 Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.oO \ TO1,\N New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L39 f axi 970.479'2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittinq a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: PhysicalAddress: tt?7 tfr6l+r lroup Lt\ i r4t parcef No,: T t O't O t 4l 4 oo3 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at gT0-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): l- nA,ch d€ \ 6 i.h {rr'1 k S P Fr tr{5 Mailing Address:c.t5 Co *or," v, (r& Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: c, 1> - E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review I New Construction D Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alte!'ation (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request n X tr RECEIVED $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. ,.. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or comlnercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining w"lls, etc' $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as, reroofing, pain1in9, window additions, iandscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staft or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Fee Paid:By: Meeting Date; Planner: DRB No.: Pnlv: Project No.: ?0l4,l\Im Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Spriggs residence DRB Number: DR8020401 Project Descriptionl Change to rear patio area Participants: OWNER l. Michael & Mary K. Spriggsl1/11/2002 Phone: 303-843-9911 1505 Cottonwood Lane Greenwood Villagg CO 80121 License: APPUCANT BraunAssociates, Inc. llllIl2002 Phone: 926-7575 D.H. Ruggles And Associates (Architect) POB 2658 Edwards, CO Dominic@braunassociates.com 81632 License: Project Address= L477 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: 2 Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE SUB. FIUNG ParcelNumber: 210301415003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval: 01120/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 374-926-757 6oI1/67/2862 65:.AB BRA-r.r ASSrtrrAtrL PAGE 61 ,r-m Application for Design ReYiew Depaftment of communty Lrevelogtnent 75 Sout?l Frwttaoe Road, vail colo6do 81657 tef : 970.479-.2139 la<'. 970.4''9'2452 ureb: t/,M\rr.ci.vail.co.us Gsrcral Infonnatlon: Ait gmjeds requ rg desig rwicw mlrst rcceive apPfovat p.ror.to suhnitthg a brdlding pefmlt apgftcat'on' Pleas€ refer b the sllw Eal r€4rre|nents br the particllar +pto"tr Urati-teqr*steC' t adttattT fu Desiln Revieil' cannot be accepd unfl a[ Equrrcd inbfrnatton s gcerv{ Ui tti C"ttj"ry Dq,ebpment D€pattn€nl Th€ proJect may also n€ed to ua rJi""eO UV G T*rt Co,ncif .a#lor tne Plannl'E 'nd Environm€ntal Commisdon' Dc.ign revicu app'ovrt b,oo1;p} i lui6rtg p""t*t;Li* end construction commGn6es wittrln onc ya.. of ttc rPPnDtEl' Utg ,UI Location of tlrc Pfropocal: tot: 3 Block':, 2 Subdivbion: ewl Ad&c$: 1477 Asoen Grove Lane lfrcc No': 21030r415u)3 (cor*act E€h @' Ass€ssor * 97G328-8640 for parcd no') Zonil|gr SFR il.mqs) dOwncr(s): Mike Soriogs l,laiilng Addru3s! 5675 [IfC Bhd.- Suhe 17O' [ , Z phon€: (303) 843-991L___________ Ormrr(s) Slgneure(s): tlarm of tleillng Addr€fs f-rnanradress: 6mir$c@brLunasoLerruFax: e25-7576 fyp€ of Rsuaeu end Fec: D Sign3 tr con€eoolal Retti('Y'l O New Condructigl D Additlon B Mirlor Alt€ratim (mtiti-hmdy/commercial) l.tf, l'lirnr frlteraton- - [srngl€-ftmly/duplex) ,\ O"tg.onppoved f'tms $650 $300 t250 $50 aus $1-00 per 'qua.e foot of total sqn atea' ilo Fee $20 $20 No Fee 6y: DRB No.: For con*ruction of a nevr txsdrrg ot &mo/reunld' il;;ffil"; ;tg" sqG" t<i*aq" rs added to. any resftJental or .*"ilJJ6iiro.slincr,iao zso "dtnnns & Itrterior conve(sldu)' fil it inl"it-o uu*Jrrgs aru sia impro'enents' such as' reno.fi"s, -p"itiuttS, wndour addidons. tardscatng' rences and retarning walls, etc. ;;;t.#g"t to hrildinqs arld srte impmv€menB' sudt a5'- ;;#"s, p",it'tto, wrndow additbns, lard{aptng' f€nces and retainrng walb, etg.i- roi-rlont'to ptam alr€adv eero'e.t bv Plantrhs suq.'g fE tV E I.lG's, r[tir""gdc. tr L r'i l! . At'! ''/ (r'7 ' lf Sepdatlon Requ€st Proi?ct !b.: \\r il.' | ,4 ll, ltrt ,/ t' -) ab"' ,lt ?, \"* Request: Mr. Spriggs on behalf of the current owners Mr. And Mrs Karle is requesting the Town remove a deed restriction on 1477 Aspen Grove Lane. The background on this property is confusing and sometimes conflicting at best: However there are three key points which staff agrees on with the applicant These are: 1. the house without an exit to the exterior of the home. However, in the building plan Town'placed a Type ll deed restriction on 1477 Aspen Grove Lane. The reason this request is infront of you is that Will Miller asked the Town to place this deed restriction on the property and we are the entity that can lift that deed restriction. 4. In placing this deed restriction on the property, theiouse, did not, let.me egnphasize -did not-rJceive a 500 square foot GRFA credit -t / ." l€+ l./ a type ll EHU requires a conditional use permit which can be granted by ey and a planner that is no longer with us made an ha{ all EHU '\Me_re-a- use by right in clear that a Type ll EHU does reouire a conditional use. After reviewing these sequence of events with Matt Mire and he has reviewed these application with Tom Moorhead and Allen Christianson we believe that because the On May 4rh 1gg4 Mr. Miller received DRB approval which did not include an EHU. .4 ( The property owner was approved with 3,830 square feet. The mpxirlum allowable L { \ square footaSe;pvrthout an EHU) is 4099 square t.ftrfuf t4,r4 ac, f I ' .,1,lr'rctu/L ( att tr il/ trr,/r{ ' . r\ t On April26, 1995 the owner applied for a buildinj TJrnittora single family \ \ \ I residence with a caretaker unit. These plans showed a kitenette on the first floor of \ \ U z. review process it appears that the plaqs changed and the kit-chenpttqcame gut. 1 3'3" o{n:,"G,^ rcHt# "*l{{,frtfi,(*:a "iffir(,r,, *h{"{.i' i(^#r,{^,# /z n a t' 44#- t?lu 1) 2) unit did not receive a GRFA credit and There are several options available to you as outlined in the memo: fr Take no action : this means you would deny this application and we would take not further action and this question on the EHU would continue to linger untill the next owner or oersoective buver tries to resolve the issue. ffl oiru"t staif to iake enforiement action. Your legal counsel believes that they would extremely difficult given the specific circumstances with this property. 5. In addition, the PEC. tnter yr"t 17p.fl Ft/c, becausewefee|thattherearep;ocpd9ra|f|awswiththeryn the-site.that-thedeeffirrs $lOtrfd 6e problematic at best to enforce and we would not be successful in forcing the current owner to create a type ll EHU on the propeny. 4} Lift the deed restriction. t " ^l Our recommendation, however unattractive it is to make, is to lift th"e deed restriction. Another option we discussed was lifting the deed restriction with the condition that the owner provide the Town with a deed restric{ed unjt ln a separate dwelling unit. This.was ageeable to the applicant with the condition that he receives the 500 Fquare foqt-qredit - .. for the residence on 1477 Aspen Grove Lan'e. Although aftractive we could find a way with our current regulations to apply that 500 square feet to something other than an EHU. However this may be an idea for future discussion when we next review the EHU policies. r I.':-r';.; .-'; . t:.'iJ,- .,.', ., -, . .,. ..1. .::lt: ' ij i. 11.''. t o r. .,.'.., r 11, oo 6fi Fk L,/ An, 17, 7 7 O '/" ltr lz,Sb fi = QlzsV (zsua\ , 6qi* (to'r"\ r \+ lzs creeir t:: fi (ce) u;.!J,'E )3,yA o!fu-r** lzg I 1,o19 fr hh- TO: From: Date: Subject: Town Council Matt Mire Russ Forrest January 9,2002 Employee Housing Unit on 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2 Lions Ridge Filing # 4 1.REQUEST: Mr. Mike Spriggs has the lot located on 1477 Aspen Grove Lane under contract to purchase. The property is currently owned by Richard and Tonnie Karle. They have owned lhe property since February of 2001. Mr. Spriggs is requesting that the Town remove a Type ll Employee Housing Unit deed restriction on the property. The attached memo from Braun and Associates describes the request and background in detail. BACKGROUND Lot 3, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing #4 is zoned Single Family Residential. The lot area is 17,990 square feet and is entitled to 4,099 square feet of GRFA (excluding an EHU credit). The property currently has 3,830 square feet constructed. The Braun and Associates memo provides a summary of the background on this property. Key pieces of the background include: . On April 26, 1995 a building permit for a new single family residence with an EHU was applied for and on May 1 9, 1995 the Town issues a building permit to construct this home. The approved unit included primary unit with a caretaker unit. The applicant believes that another set of plans that were found in the files indicate that the kitchenette for the caretaker unit was eliminated. Staff can confirm that the space originally indicated in the plans for a caretaker unit does not conform to our standards for a Type ll EHU which require a separate entrance. . On August 9, 1995 a Type ll EHU was voluntarily recorded by the owner with Eagle County for the property. The property did not receive a GRFA credit and it was not required by the Town to put an EHU on the property. lt is unclear why the property owner put the deed restriction on the property. A Type ll EHU requires a conditional use permit in this zone district. There is an interpretation in the legal files that EHUs are a permited use in Lions Ridge Filing # 4. This is based on a later application for Lot 10, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing #4 for a Type I EHU. However, staff believes that there is procedural issue for a Type ll EHU in that a conditional use permit should 2. have been applied for and approved before a deed restriction was approved. This makes the enforcement of this deed restriction legally problematic. ' On Febru ary 27 , 1997 a Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) was issued for the property. The C.O. does not reference an EHU. . On October 27, 1997, Will Miller, the developer, applied for a bed and breakfast. This was approved by lhe PEC and that approval was overturned by the Town Council on appeal. The application did reference having a caretaker unit and showed in the floor plans a dwelling for a caretaker unit that also presumably would have been the Type ll EHU. At this time there is a recorded Type ll EHU for the property. The property did not receive a GRFA credit for the EHU. In addition, lhere was not a conditional use process to approve a Type ll EHU for the property. 3. OPTIONS A) The Town can take no action on this property and not approve the applicant's request. Potential Consequences: The status of the EHU remains uncertain on the property and creates a problem for future owners. This postpones resolving the above mentioned problem on the property. B) The Town can deny this request and enforce the current EHU on the site. Potential Gonsequence: This could be problematic since there are procedural problems with the way this deed restriction was recorded. In addition, there was no GRFA credit given to the Type ll EHU. With this specific property, given the background, it is unlikely that an enforcement action would be successful. C) The Town removes the deed restriction on 1477 Aspen Grove Lane. Potential Consequence: This would resolve the procedural issues related to the creation of a Type ll EHU without a conditional use permit. There is a lack of evidence to confirm that a conforming EHU (although it is difficult to determine whether a caretaker unit ever existed) was created on the property and the property never received a GRFA credit for an EHU. Therefore, little if anything, is lost in removing the deed restriction on the property. 4. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since no GRFA credit for an EHU was given to the property, there were potential procedural flaws with how the EHU was created, and since there is no actual EHU on the property, staff can support alternative C. SsOCIATFS, ilNC. PLAN NING ani COI'lf'luNlTY DEVELOP'f"ItNT MEMOR.ANTTTlM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mike Mollica Thm Brarrn February 12, 1996 Orrison Rcsidence The nlan I gavc you Monday indicatcs sctbacks. cascmcntlir r:xisting improvements and the apprirximalc cxrcnt or net terrain on rn site. trle is;i1!ali,[fl-*_1f*irfuT#f'tft.!*],SffFrt,*_ m,m,ff"m'itg+gffiH,J#i::tllilffi ;'l'ifr ',"ourdbedesignedon-gradcbeb;rGdectr Thanks lbr sharing snnrc ul'ths stalti.l ilitial reac[iou lu (hc Orrirun proposal, I havc basc<l my comments on thc ibllowrng two points as a lramework 1br this discussion: I ) Orrlinance No. I 5. Scries 1989, providc,c Orrbon with thc rieht to construcl an *employcc unit" un [,or l(], rhers is ncr issuq(or discretion) as 1o whether this lot is suitablc for an emptoyecunir-m-ii._$ft pldreei"titriiii$:i:uCeby:ii!t$, LJ It sctrns thc kcy qucsLiirn is, given cxisting sile conditions and applicable variancc criteria, wherc is thc m()st a E krcation tor thc cmfloyee unit - u/c are not talkins about arrrrroitafi ana reirsonable lwation fcrrjust GRFA, the quertion mrt.sl hc consid-ered with rrxix''ct to whcre a functionalgqil can bc located on thc lot-i.xbsct to whcre a functionalgnit can bc located on thc lot" $ite CoBsideretions tr-r r:xisling trerJrcxrtrls in order to conslruct an cmPloye'e unit? Yarisnce thcre can be littlc aigumcnl a.\ te the physicat constraints pn this lot- Extrar:rdinary wlp'ThE proposed dcvclopment would not bc "detrimental to the public health, $afety and w$lfirc or marerially-injurious 1o prop€rties or imprtrveincnLs in the vicinity-. Bassd 0n Our discwsion Inst wcc(, I\iiidcrstandrhit thc staff hds r:ot idcntifivcl lrutfltial iuPaut$ o.4,dtsc|lgston Insl rl'cctt, l uoqcffitano lnat ulc $tau nas llol rsgnulfial lrurvulldl rull/Rrul! ulr ,/ adiecenr propenisr., dr uses thar would rcsult from this proposal, lgfu : ,r* ft,i;,( t *e .Md5fg.\+lll Pl r.Jysl rrvit \,r uDe! u.l(ll.vY\rlrrw ll,{tltll ll\,ru ur.!o l,rvyvoqt, LA#i_ * ai,tt Nao lla$hbip - zb14.4 N Unless tirc Torun's llosition on varianccs ha-t changed dramatically in lbe past fle years, Mintum lronlvor{G Build nt Z0l l'loir r 5h uvt, 2rrrJ Flgur Post Off ice Box 776 Mirtum, Colorado 8164! Phone ' 9D.8?75797 F,rx - 97O *7/ \:'(.,/ I BNil/SIRAUIN ASSOCilAIIES" ilNC. PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Janvary 9,2OO2 Town Counal Members Town of Varl 75 South frontaqe Road Varl, CO 61C57 Re: Resdence at | 477 Aspen Grove l-ane, Varl, Colorado Dear fown Counal: Dravn Assocrates, lnc. has been retaned by Mrke SVnqqs to seek relel from a deed regtncbon lor a Type 2 Employee llovanq Unt recorded at the above relerenced restdence. Mke Spnqqs has thrs home vnder contracl lor pvrchase trom the ensttnq owner5, Rchard and f onne Karle and plans to resrde permanently rn thts home wtth hts famrly. We beleve the release ol ths deed restnctron s warranted lor the lollowtnq reasons as more fvlly detaled below: o ATy?e 2 Employee llovanT Unt was never constructed on Lhe TroTerty;o The DRD plans were svbmftted and approved wrthout the presence oI an EllU; o A Ty?e 2 tmployee louanq Unt was never " requred" on the TroTerty as Lhe owner never requested and never rece:ed addftional or "bonvs" GRFA (r.e., 5OO sq. ft.); and t An aTltcabon lor a Type ? Employee llovsnq Unrt or Condfttonal UEe Permtt was never lled and never reuewed by the 7EC as requred by Town Code. The tollowtnq ovtlneE a 5ene5 ol very vntque crrcvmstances lhal we belteve lustrfy release of thrs deed restnctron. Our qoal s to smVly release the VroVerty from tns deed restnclon. Edn'ards Village Center: Surte C-209 0105 Edwards Village Bou evard Post Ofllce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 632 Ph. - 970.9267575 Fax 970.9767576 wv v.bTaunassocrates.com AppltcanL Proposal: Ovr VroVosal rs for theTown to avthonze thef own ALtorneylTown Manaqer to releage the deed restncbon on the svblect Vroperty. The ysttltcabon lor LhE release s the very uflqDe orcumstances lsted below: | . The EtlU wa; never conslructed and never exrgLed on the property. The Town Code requres thal an aclual unt be prezent on the TroVerty n order to be deed reEtncted. As ?roof that the vnt never ensted there c The DRD aVproval and Vlans, whtch do not ndtcate the Tresence ol an EflU (see DRB plans attached): r The Certtlrcate ol OccuVancy lor a srnqle-famtly home, whrch does nol ndtcate the presence of an El-lU (see CO attached); r The non-exrstence ol ?rNate extenor acce;9 to the vnft ag reqvtred by Town Code; o The tact that no krtchen was a??roved or ever $stalled as reqvtred by fown Code: and o The ?resence of ntenor acce55 throvqhout all areas of the home, whrch ts Vrohbfted by Town Code Ior an El1U. 2. The strvctvre was nol qranted any addfttonal or bonvs sq. ft. whrch then obhqates a property to proude an EflU. The carrot oflered to homeowner lor the conslrvcbon of an El-lU E an addtttonal 5OO sq. tL. ol GRFA tor that vnt. Thrs was never aVpled lor or qranted by thefown. The home, ag congtrucfed, meetE all aVp\cable zonffiq requla$ons and would not otherwtse be "reavtred" to have an EflU. 3. No Condrtron al Use Permtl apVlcabon az requred for a TyVe 2 El'U was ever Iied, reuewed by staff, or reuewed by the Tlannnq and Enuronmental Commtggton. Therelore Lhe leqal ?rocess tor estabhshnq an EltU waE not lollowed and the deed reslncLron s egsenttally nvaltd dve to the uolatron ol dve ?roce3; and Vrocedore. | 477 Aspen Grove L,ane, Vatl Braun AssoctaLes, lnc. Paqe 2 Other Congdera\ons: Oelow are addtLtonal cowderaLtons Lhat helV svVVort the arqvmenL that the deed restncIon shovld be removed from thrs home. A deed restnctron for an EflU aVVltes lo a phystcal space wfthn a sfrucfvre. For nstance, when a TyVe 2 EflU rs aVplted for, an aVVltcant mvsl Vroude plans lor the EtlU dwellnq unrl that clearly show rts locailon n lhe home, acce5; to the vnt, and the srze ol the vnL. Therefore Lhe deed resLrcL@n s noL ysl a qeneral reztnclon placed on someone's VroVerty; rather ft aVVles sVeahcally to a unft n lhe strvctvre. lf that unl ceases to ensl and E nol oLherwse "requred" to extsL, lhen Lhe deed restnclon s essenlally votd. fhe amtlarfty of thts gttuabon Lo Lhe 1pnqq5 case s LhaL the El-iU does not enst and there s no zontnq code reqwremenL for ft to extst. r Another arqvmenL that E srmtlar to Lhe above one 6 lhe eltect oI demolftron or destrvctron ol dwellnq unrt wrth a TyVe 2 tltu. ll a dwellnq vnft contatnnq a deed restncted EllU were to burn down. what wovld be Lhe elfect ol the deed restnctton? Clearly fi the owner rebult the home wfth Lhe El-lU then the deed restacbon wovld conLnue Lo apVly. DuL what haVVens Lo the deed restnclon fi the lot E lelt vacant for I O years and then the owner wants to bvrld a new home wrthout a TyVe 2 Fnu and wfthovt any bonvs GRFA that wovld requre the E|rU? Snce the EflU no lonqer exsts and as lonq as therc E no zonnq coae requrement to Trowde an El-lU, we would arqve lhe deed restnctton s vord and should be remove lrom the VroVerLy. Ths arqumenL s meanL to show other arcvmstances where ft wovld be loqtcal to release a deed reEtnclton when the vntl does not exsl and s noL " requred" to ensL. Eack4rovnd on ? rop erty : fhe sublecL properLy s Lol 3, Olock 2, Lton's Ktdqe 4" llnq localed at | 477 Aspen Grove lane. The VroVerty s zoned Stnqle-f amly Restdenbal as ft has been stnce | 989. On March ?6, 1994, Wrll Mrller apThed for DRB aVVroval of a 3,E3O sq. fL. stnqle- lamly home on the VroVerty. On May 4, 1994 the DRts aVVroved thrs anqle-famly home. The DRD plans Ior lhs home dtd not nclvde Lhe consLruc\on oI an EltU and therelore the analysts and apVroval vttlved only allowable GRFA (t.e., no bonus EltU GRFA was Troposed). ln tact there s avatlable GRFA remarnnq on Lhe property. 1 477 Aspen Grove Lane, Vatl Bn)n AssaaaLes, lnc. ?aqe 3 On Aprrl ?6, | 995 a bvildnq permft was apVlted for and on May I I, | 995 the Town $5ued a buidnq Vermft lo consfrvcf. thrs home. Theze Vlans ndrcated a " TacVaqe ktchenette" on the loweEt level oI the home, however, a reused set ol buldtnq 7ermft plans, nbaled by the owner (Wrll l-1. Mrller) ndrcaLes the Alchenette removed lrom the plans and hence, not be nstalled. On Auqvst 9, | 995 a Type 2, Employee llovstnq Deed ReElnchon wag recorded wfth Ea4le County for an EflU for reagons unknown to us. No apVlcailon was made Lo the Town for such a unrt erther by way of DRts aVV|ca\on or Condrtronal Use Permrt. The deed restncilon was amVly stqned and recorded wfthout benefft of Lhe reqvrred condtttonal u5e ?roce55 (nobce, revtew, crtena, hndnqs). Thvs, an tlleqal deed restnclon was recorded lor a non-exsLent El1U. On Febrvary 27, | 997 a Certfircate ol Occvpancy was 65ued lor the srnqle-famly restdence. Our best quess $ that between the tme the deed regtncbon was recorded and the home congtrvctton completed, the owner deoded nol to have an emVloyee hovanq unt and snce the Zonnq Code dtd not "requre" ft, he perhaTs dectded ft was a non-E5ue despfte the deed restnchon. On October 27 , | 997 the PEC approved a reqvest by lhe property owner lor a Bed and Dreakf ast. On December 2, | 997 Lhe Town Covnal overtvrned that deaston on appeal due to oblecilons from the flomeowner's Assoaahon. Whrle we are uncerlarn about the ntenhong ol the VroVerty owner, ft s clear that no EflU was ever congtrvcted on the sublect VroVerty and Lhere wae no zonnq code "requrement" for a unrt to be constrvcted (.e., the owner dtd not reqvest nor recetve 'bonvs GRFA"). Back4round on Town of Varl Ordrnancest On Avqvst | , lgEg theTown of Varl adopted Ordnance No, | 5, Seneg oI 1969. fhs ordnance allowed the conEtrvctton ol "caretaker" unts on lots n the Lton's Rtdqe 4'n Ftlnq, fhe properLy had yst been re-annexed to the Town of Vatl and zoned Snqle- Famly Readenbal. The SFRzone dstnct at that Erme dtd not allow tor employee hovanq unrts. Thrs ordnance was passed lo Vermft "caretaker" unrtg tn thts area. ln 199?,3 years belore lhe recordnq of LheType 2 EllU restrrctron on the zvblecl Troperty, the f own adogted Ordnance No. B, Senes of l992, whtch comprehens:ely adopted theTown'g Employee llovanq Chapter (ChaVter | 8.57). That ordnance superceded all Vreuovs reqvlattons reqardtnq emVloyee hovanq and created thefype 2 EmTloyee flovanq Unft prowsrons (the one recorded on thtE property). Addrbonally, thg ordnance modthed the Srnale-Famlv Zone Dstnct Lo allow lor the eslablehment ol ) 477 Acpen Grove lane, Vatl Bravn Assoaateg, lnc. Pa4e 4 only theType 2 Employee f'ovanq Unt,, svblect to the approval by Lhe Plannnq and Envronmental Commrssron oI a Condftronal Uge Permrt. We thankyou n advance lor consrdernq ovr proVosal and look lorward to an opTortvnfty to reuew lhe proposal wrth you n a pvbhc heannq. lI you have any qvesbons, please contact me at 926-7575. "'U#o,il.a Domrnrc F. Maunello, AICF C: Matt Mrre, Town Attorney Bob McLaurrn, Town Manaqer Russell F orr est, Com m un rty D ev elopmenl D r ector Georqe Ruther, ChteI oI Plannnq | 477 Aspen Grove l,ane, Vai Bravn Asfrcratcs, lnc. Paqe 5 oo 5r {. - E ruri )I Zonre' 5'+""J- zoNrNc =- .t6+ al J^{. o+ d*J res+iohu- 18.f0.060 Setbacks- 18.10.080 Height. f 8.10.090 Density control. 18.10.1 10 Site coverage- f8.10.130 Landscaping and site development- 18.10.140 Parking- 18.10.010 Purpose. The shgle-family residential district is intended to provide sites for low-density single-family residentiat uses, together with such pubiic facilities as may be appropriately located in the same district. The single-famiiy residential district is intended to ensure adeguate iight, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, coflmensurate with single-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards. (Ord. 8(19?3) $ 2.1m.) 18-f0.020 Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitred in tre SFR disria: Single-family resictential dwellings. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 2-2m-) 18.10.030 Conditional uses. The following conditional uses shatl be permined, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Pubiic uriJjty and public service uses; B. Public buildings, grounds and facilities; C. Public or private schools; D. Pubiic park and recreation facilitiesl E. Ski lifis and towsi F. Dog kennel; G. Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 18-58.310; H. Type II employee housing unit as set forth in Section i8.57.050 of this code. (Ord. 8(1992) $ 6: Ord. 3l(1989) $ 1: Ord.20(1982) $ 5: Ord' 8(1973) S 2.300.) (vail 9-29-92) 320 o EHU t13"r\oio't i^ *f{e"* .^* &fe D+ Jeed res+nL*rbns EMPLOYEE HOUSING 2. The written consent of the owners of the lot or prop- erty to be included in the application or t}e written consent of their agent or authorized representatives. For the purposes of this subsection, agent or autho- rized representative shall mean any individual or association authorized or empowered in writing by the property owner to act on his or her behalf. If any of the property to be included is a condominiumized development, the pertinent condominium association may be considered the agent or authorized rePresen- tative for the individual unit owner if allowed by ali pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 3. The legal description and street address of the lot or site for which the proposal is made. 4. A list of the owner or owners of record and their mailing addresses for the properties adjacent to the property which is the subject of the hearing. D. Review. The application shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 18.54, "Design Review", of the Town Municipal Code. (Ord. 2J(1993) $$ 4, 5: ord. 8(1992) $ a.) 18.57.050 Type II - Employee housing unit. A. Purpose. To allow for the construction of an EHU on lots in the-$gjg@!!' Two-Family, and Primary/Secondary Zone Disuicts which meet the minimum lot size require- ments for said zone districts. B. General conditions: 1. It shall be a conditin'''l rrse in the Single-Famiiy Residential, Two-Family Residentiai and Prima- rylSecondary Residential Zone Districts. 2, It shall be permitted only on lots which comply with the minimum lot size requirements for total lot area of the zone district in which the lot is located. 3. lt shali be located within, or attached to, a single-family dwelling or be located within, or at- 462g (Vail 4-95) ZONING (vail 4-95) A tached to, a two-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050I - design guidelines duplex and prima- ry/secondary development. It may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage, provided the ga- rage is not located within any setback, and further provided that no existing parking required by the Town Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. It shall not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density. However, it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom: as defined in Chapter 18.04 Definitions of Zoning of the Vail Municipal Code. It shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two (2) dwelling units which rnay already exist on the lot. Oniy one Type II EHU shall be allowed per lot. It shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) square feet, nor more than nine hundred (900) square feet. An applicant, however, shall be permit- ted to apply to the Community Development Depart- ment of the Town for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant shall submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form provided by the Community Deveiopment Depart- ment. Approval or denial of the request shall be made by the Design Review Board in accordance with Section 18.54.040. If an applicant obtains De- sign Review Board approval for five hundred (500) square feet of additional GRFA for the EFfU, he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to chapter 18.71, "Additional Gross Resi- dential Floor Area", of this Code for either unit on the lot. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval for not more than two hundred fifty (250) square feet of additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter 18.71, "Additional Gross Resi- 462h 5. EMPLOYEE HOUSING dential Floor Area", of this Code for one dwelling unit on the lot. 6. It shall have not lnore than two (2) bedrooms. 7. No more than two (2) adults and one child not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall reside in a one-bedroom Type II EHU. No more than two (2) adults and two (2) children not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall reside in a two-bedroom Type II EHU. 8. Each Type II EHU shall be required to have no less than one parking space for each bedroom located therein. However, if a one bedroom Type II EHU exceeds six hundred (600) square feet, it shall have two (2) parking spaces. All parking spaces required by this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. If no dwelling exists upon the property which is proposed for a Type II EHU at the time a building perrnit is issued, or if an existing dwelling is to be demolished and replaced by a new dwelling, not less than one of the parking spaces required by this subsection shall be enclosed. A three hundied (300) square feet GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed parking space for the Type II EHU. (Ord. 14(1994) $ 2: Ord. 8(1992) s 4.) 18.57.060 Type III - Employee housing unit. A. Purpose. To allow for the construction of EHUs in multi- ple-family and mixed use zone districts. B. General conditions. l. It shali be a conditional use in the Residential Clus- ter, Low Density Multiple-Family, Medium Density Multiple-Family, High Density Multiple-Family, Public Accomrrodation, Commercial Core I, Corn- rnercial Core II, Cornmercial Core III, Commercial Service Center, Arterial Business District, Parking 462h1 (vair 4-95) f,\v- DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** .hVlrerrised g/!/gL l"*H,,?rflH'u''n TIIIS APPLICATION WILT NOf BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ArI, REQUIRED INFORM]ITION IS SUBMITTED I. t**t****** TYPE OF D, IEGAI, DESCRIPTION:Lot r Block Subdivision LIONS RIDGE, FILING NO' 4 If property is described by a meets and bounds legal aestripuioi, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this aPPlication. 'O"ra*rnrrO*,.. THREE LEVEL, FOUR (4) BEDROOM' II'OOD FRAME UIIJL}(J- g I I \JI\ : HOUSE ON ASPEN GROyE LANE- STUCCO AND tr99! i ETE TILE ROOF.3168 S.F. FIMSHED. gO2 S.F. UNFINISHED AND 637 S'F' GARAGE' B. X New construction (S200 . 00) '$-'inot Alteration ($20 ' 00) Addit.ion ($50.00)- conceptual" Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: E. ZONING:SFR SINGLE FAMILY F. G. I. H. NAME OF APPLICANT:-ItlLL UILLERiifiirii ;;;;;;;' -' . Phone 476-2491 NAME oF AppLrcANT' s REPREsENTAITWI--$jSD' ARcttITEcr wri r i na rrrrrra<<. rzrz ile*r-ivijr -si., noumfn;qMailing Address: Jzl / wALI\u I or" .E'\'/uLus^', v\ 1,OT AREA: If required, aPPl-icanL stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF OWNERS: 't S IGNAIURE (S) : must provide a current .4I i AcRE (17,990 s.T.+-) Mail-ing Address: Phone J.Condominlum Approval if applicabl'e ' DRB FEEi DRB fees/ as show:! above, are to be paid at. the ttme of submittal of oiB application ' Laler' when ;;;r;1;; ior a buildins peimit, prease. identifv lhe. iii"iit" valuation or [rrl proposir' The Town of vai] ,i.t f ua jt-r"t the fee according to the tabf e below/ ."o , o ,,-tensure Lhe coriect f ee is Paid. - 'yv'tor'r' t/{'A$" IEEE PAIDT s /'1 t-t ' / "hhyn FEE SCHEDULE: '\}AI, $ 20.00 $ s0. 00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $500.00 't DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO I, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI' trPPROVAI, UNLESS .A.EUILOTWE PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED . !t*NoAlPlIcAtIoN}lIL],BEPRocEssEDlglTHoufoh'ItER,SSIGNATURE 1 VALUATlON$ o - $ 1o,ooo $ 10, 00r - $ 50, oo0 $ 50,001 - $ r-s0,000 $150,001 - I 5oo,oo0 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1/000,000 t SF ASPEN GROVE LINE TOM HAND SFR zoNlt c tiEc K F01l R/ R, R P/S ZONE DAIE | 3/zoi91 'i LEGAL DE SCRIP ! ADDRESS: owNErr.l inn I I I 4 LIONS RIDCB l^." ; lie To I I I 'f 'I :r-f -t *" Plio 4?6-2491 ?HONE (3031 444 2448 S GFJFA GRFA ary GRFA ks Alloi^'ed (30) (33)33 Totai - ,rJ= I 3737 S-F. Front Sides Rear back 2A' 15' 15' (30 ) (so) 15 /15 lt0' 14,790 S.F.nds tal- 4s', Course S overa9e 3200 s.F. nq wa] j i i I ^1.,Lreolt ,.',1 ^n"."-r:"" " " I I 3' / 6' 1 Reqrd (300) (600) PermiLted n^tF r nrrr^ YeS t pe 0 o d (9 S1 VE (1200) r00 _ll?i_ .Lctua.i S.l.ope y ruwr' !iryri'cs!. No N/A ??? 8ep nt.a1,/Haz t:r { oachnert; 1) ?)Percent Slo Ceologic Ha a) Snowb) Rock f c) Debr i FI cod Plai a rds Ll FI ow 4 ) We L l ands s cpnciicions of apprcval (cl:cck propcfLy file) : N/A Is Fequest invclve a 250 Addition? NOh of the allo\yed 250 Addition is used "ith this request? IUnder SecLions 18.12.090 (B) and 1B .13.080 (rj) of Lhe Municipa.I 15,00 Commu reisi.r vrrFer rsrLrurrs -Lo. rz. uyv \DJ djt(l _Lo . tJ. vuu (bJ aI Lrte nunf cl-pa_Locslzoned Two Famtfy and Prrmary/Sccondary which are less ciransq.lrt. r-n ar:ea may not consLrucL a second dwelling unit, .Thecy {eveJ-opnlenL Departnrent nay granr an e){ception -:o Lhtstr.04 provided t)]e appticanL meets Lhe criceria set forth unders 1q.12.090(B) and IB.t3.0B0rB) of r-t.e M".:nicipal Code includirgntly resLr-j.cting the uniL as ar J.ong-tern rent;I unrt for, full-ployees of the Upper Eaqle Vallev. il-!-II I Iiill ED USE SlNGLE FAI'{ILY RESIDENCE ark i a rag t eh' perma 'r"' I 10 o3ign Review nlbn Fffi; TOWN OF VAIL Category Number t? Date Project Name:i,,,l/n ,'{r Building Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Owner, Address and Phone:4r 6.1 | vA.L:-{. ArchitectiContact, Address and Phone: CI o', 1 CA-E!6-5 'iq t{ * ;{,/E Zone District C. IG - 7o9v(.L 76-A'/q 1:2 u)a -, Block J subdivisionLegal DescriPtion: Lot -1 , Proiect Street Address: Comments: @ttaff Action y /- /- /) Seconded uv: -J € f-{- A> -.,'./'ltlg/Approval u- | Ce aA,tte"tS ! DisapProval ! StafiApProval Conditions: r ;'ct r.'C( DRB Fee Prc'paid lf Qoeae O[l.S Aee-,uA tr,*. --Zr-----t:- -- 't - -t\ t i/:/_i.--.s,-f,;ii i)i (/' ')'rr;.::- ',,".' ), i I --{ -/' --.- './-\--,.- ---,-- ----_ __1. --/1-/*')/,--''- - ----::a1.i--1"-'--.-'-..:a.::)---' --'-'- --";*ffi----' .-.-';6111-/-.-1+ "'-'-.-15 o 7( ,o"., o.tLont4t Dt4<2/2,1t . \ 7Dt4.7 talt-, e d. I I t; I #4e-%: i rr rit, |t I r- + ffi-"tg4! . r rfl-T_------- | ll --_--___-__/___.1,- I.,li q I+r&-lr?r I " l l-rtl -o o ffi 't -tt'- l It- J - t,ri esg.-*,. 'l . t'r | .Y'z/:< RE5.DA\tE 4*€/a{:*nerr ;z-{v f. "-'t I r>' B'lr $-l \'ili $ll ! ll e tstl fi ilt I n$t0in b:ls'i I I t$ ${i!' dd RI NI{l $t il. r{ta(J)t\ T C 1f,lr $l i{ : ;i I G J fo l 9 o ; \ \N N\ lr \ N,l - \ \.J I\ v\ I \ € ! E !! 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"_ -_: sf<= a<Lae -i () .-_r- -; : i-<Y y!a*:'-zF\> aE,.:^q -, !- :t /'\- F:iJtIc; ca \J Vt < t, <- E\v\/'-,-->?.<f-\-:--,{x,<x v-.1 -!oiAFTlr."F2 .: l-IiSh cr:---..-c<(<-_i- r', .. --:-i:-\i-:-\rr'F O. l+ AH EN E F F{ fii*+a, iTTlFT tF{,?x .FJv F.5F(*d L{ 13 hhalLIts€ !{+a, F(++r€Lr!{ -rl\r' 1Ff Fll.+ OrrFt !a+'<,tf 1|t t{-a rF r|rft{A - f^' dl 2. .PE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEFEAS.WILL MILLER :- ls lhe own€I of c€dain propsrty ('\ho Own€r"l doscribed as:tor 3, BLoCK 2 r-rotsnincn sURDIvIsIoN, FILING //4/1477 ASPEN o GROVE LANE ("lhe Property"); and 5693?9 8-6?3 P-363 08/09/95 05:0?P PG 1 OF 2 REC 11.00Sara J, Fi she r EagIe County Clerk & Recorder WHEREAS, tho Owner wlshes to place cerlaln t€strlctlons on the use ol a unll or apartmo locet6d on tho Proporty tor lho bonefil of ths Owner and lhe Town of Vall, Colorado ("the Tovrn"). NOW, THEREFORE, the O ner does hereby impose, establish, acknowlsdge, declare for the benefit ol all persons who may herelnatter purchaso, or leale, or hold lh€ subjscl land tho {ollowing rsslrlclions, covsnanis, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with lh€ land and lnur€ 10 the bsnolit and b€ binding upon lh€ Ownor, its r€sp€cliv€ grant€es, succsssors, and asslgns. APPROXII'IATELY The Employee Unit, conlainihg8-q!- square feet, is hereby reslrict€d as "Jryljg Housing Unit (EHU) which musl comply wilh all ths ptovisions ot Ssclions 18.57.020, '18.57-030, and 18.57.050 of lhe Vail Municipal Code as amended. Th6 Typo Il Employee Housir,.1 Unil shall bs leasod lo t€nants who are luli-tims omplc'irr.'cs wl:o ',r::rh i:r f aglc Ocu;rty. A;i f i iU ciiall nol lir i6ar.r,j ftii a Paili,il :65s :han ilii'i)' consocutivo days. fortng f!!p!lls,lj.ilil:ffti"" a full-lime emplovea is one'rvlto t*orkr an avsraso ot rhiny h",5i; !\tA,'iibk- i;'.:'i l""u A Type ll EHU may nol bo sold, lranslorred, or conveyed separaloly from any two 'arnily dwelling ll may bs a pan of . The Type. ll EHU shall nol be divlded lnlo any lorm ol limeshares, Inloryal ownorship, or lraclional f€s own€rship as those terms are defined in the Municipal Code of the Town of Vall' No laler lhan February 1 of oaih year, ths owner of oach employee housing unil withln tho r,:u,n ,1,,i:ir;i: is consrrud,Jd rc[c,,r|ng lto onrfu!,o oalc ol thls cnaplor shall submll lwo ccplos of a reporl on a lorm to be obtalned from lhe Communlty Development Dspartmonl' to the Community Osv€lopmsnl D€partrnsnl of lho Town of Vall and Chairman ot lho Town of Vail Houslng Authority ssnjng forth svidsnca establishlng thal ths employee houslng unil has b6en rsnlsd throughout the year, the t;n1al rals,lhs smploysr, and thal €ach tsnanl who rssldos withln th€ omployss housing unit is a full-lime employee In Eagle County. t,;.,,...., , ..r The owner of each EHU shall renl lhs unll at a monthly rental dBldflslslanl wlth or lowof ; DOC o. .a I ln +,0r. r"rt rl ralss proval6nt forcimit., prop.,ti., itwn of Vall. The Town ot Vsil Housing Authority will delormhe the market rate based on the study of other unils of comparable size, localion, qualily and am€nilies lhroughou the Town. The mark€l ral€ shall b€ based on an average ol a minimum of livo rental rat6s of comparabl€ unjts. lf lhe unit is nol rontod and is not available at th€ markgt rate il shall bs dst€fmin€d to b6 in noncompriance. ln addition lo any othor pgnaltiss and r€strictions providod herein, a unit found to bo in noncompliance shallbe subjoct to publication as d€termined by tha Housing Aulhorily. The provlsions of these restrjclive covenanls may be enforced by the Owner and .the Town. The condltions, reslricllons, stipulations, and agrosmonts conlainod hsreln shall nol be waived, abandoned, torminated, or amended oxcepl by tho wdflen consent of both lhe Town of Vail and lhs O,vner of rhe propeny. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporalion T{ was acknowfedgod before me this {d av ot _-T.lk__13_L- lnn. E. $tl$t, Notsty Pubnc l'ly Comn ssloo Erdms &17-1999 75 S. fmfltrgc Rmd Bv; ru/pz"Lrz4;%,2- t/4tt t'o 569379 B-6?3 P-363 TOY/N OF VAIL OFi.':E OF THE TOWN CLERK ?1}'I 'NONTAGE NOAD o8/o9 / 95 05;OIP PC 2 oF2 o December 27,2OOl Town Councrl Members Town of Vatl 75 Sovth f rontaqe Road Varl. CO ElG57 Re: Regrdence aL | 477 Agpen Grove Lane, Vatl, Colorado Dear Town Covncl: Bravn Assocrates, lnc. has been retatned by Mrke Spnqqs lo seek reltef Irom a deed restnchon for a TyVe 2 E"mployee ltouanq Urrrt recorded at the above referenced regrdence. Mtke Spnqqs has fhrs home under conlracL for purchase from the enstnq owner5, Rrchard and Tonnte Karle and plans to restde Vermanently n Lhs home wtth hts famrly. We belteve the release of lhrs deed restnctron rs warranLed Ior the followrn4 reasons a5 more fvlly detaied below: . ATy?e 2 EmVloyee llovsrnq Unl was never consLructed on the VroVerty, despfte a deed regLnchon betnq recorded; o A Ty?e 2 tmployee floustnq Unt waE never " requred" on Lhe properLy as the owner never requested and never recetved addftronal or "bonvs" GRFA (r.e., 5OO sq. ft.); and . An aThcalon Ior a Iype 2 Employee llovanq Unft or Condbonal Use ?ermft waE never Iled and never reuewed by Lhe ?EC as reqvtred by Town Code. We are aware ol the larqe stndes made by Lhe Town of Vatl to Vroude emVloyee housrnq rn the Town. One ol the ltrst steTs laken Lo encouraqe the VrwaLe 5eclor lo proude such hovsnq wa5 the ado?ton of Lhe emVloyee houstnq reqvlahons lound n the Zonnq Code. These reqvlalrons proude ncent:es lor homebvlders and Vroperty owners to construct emVloyee houstnq by Trowdnq addttronal or bonvs GRFA. The homeowner qets addfttonal GRFA and LheTown qets a re=tncted employee hovanq unL, a qud Vro qvo. We aVplaud the Town's eflorls to acheve locals housnq n Vai n Lhrs manner. Edwards V llage Cente4 Suite C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Ofllce Box 2658 Edwards Co orado 8 | 532 P^ 970.9)6.75i5 Fax - 97a9)6.1576 wva'\/.DTaunasS0ctares.ccm IBAI/IEIR.ALjN ASSOCII,\IIIES, |INC, PLANNING and COMMUN TY DEVELOPMENT The followrng outltnes a seflez ol very uflque ctrcumsLances that we beleve lusttfy release of thrs deed restnctron. Our vlttmale qoal e to stmply release Lhe VroVerty from thrs deed reEtnctron. As an alfernahve, we alEo outlne a proposal that wovld release the reslnclon n exchanqe for another dwellnq unrt rn the town betnq deed restncted. 6 ack4round on ? roperty : The sublect property s Lot 3, tslock 2, Lton's Rtdqe 4'" linq located aL | 477 AsTen Grove Lane. The property s zoned 5nqle-Famtly Restdenlal as ft has been stnce | 969. On March 26, 1994, Wrll Mrller appled for DRts aVVroval oI a 3,83O sq.It. anqle- lamly home on the property. On May 4, 1994 the DRD approved thts anqle-Iamrly home. The DRts Vlans Ior ths home drd not nclude Lhe conslrvctron of an EflU and therelore Lhe analysrs and aVproval vtt|zed only allowable GRFA (.e., no bonvs fllU GRFA was proposed). ln Iact there s avaiable GRFA remarnnq on lhe VroTerty. On Apnl 2G, | 995 a bvildnq permft was aVV\ed lor and on May | 9, | 995 Lhe Town Esued a bvtldnq ?ermft to constrvct thts home. These Vlans ndcated a "packaqe klchenette" on the lowest level of the home, however, a revsed set ol burldnq permft 7lans, nftraled by the owner (Wrll f1 . Mrller) ndtcales the Atchenelle removed lrom Lhe plans and hence. nol be nstalled. On Auqvst 9, | 995 a lype 2, Employee lloustnq Deed ReEttclton wal recorded wfth Eaqle Covnty for an EllU lor reasons unknown to us. No apVlcahon was made to the Town lor svch a unL efther by way of DRB aVV|calon or Condhonal Use Permt. The deed restnclon was amply stqned and recorded wfthout benefft of the reqwred condftonal use ?rocess (nohce, revtew, crrtena, fndrnqt). Thus, an ileqal deed restncbon was recorded for a non-enstent El1U. On Febrvary 27 , | 997 a Certtlcate ol OccvVancy was ssved lor the stnqle-famtly resrdence. Our best qve55 E thaL between the hme the deed reElnctron was recorded and the home constrvcilon completed, the owner dectded noL to have an employee hovanq unft and stnce the Zonnq Code dtd not " requre" ft, he VerhaVz deaded ft was a non455ve desVfte the deed restncLron. On OcLober 27, | 997 the ?EC aTVroved a reqvest by Lhe property owner lor a Ded and breakf ast. On December 2, | 997 the Town Covncrl overturned that deaston on appeal dve to oblecttons lrom the llomeowner'E AssoctaLton. | 477 AsVen Grove Lzne, Varl Bravn Agsaaates, lnc. Paqe 2 Whrle we are uncerlatn abouL the nlenltons ol lhe Vroperty owner, ft s clear Lhal no tllU was ever consLrucled on Lhe sublect proVerty and Lhere wa5 no zontnq code " requremenl" lor a unL to be conslructed (t.e.,lhe owner dtd noL requeet nor receNe "bonvs GRFA"). Dackqround on Town of Varl Ordrnance5: OnAvqusL l,l?69theTownof VatladoVtedOrdnance No. l5, Serresof 1969. ThtE ordnance allowed lhe consLructron of "carelaker" unrts on loLs n Lhe Lton's Rrdqe 4" ftnq. fhe Vroperty had yst been re-annexed to the Town of V al and zoned Srnqle- Famtly Restdenhal. The 9FR zone dtstncl at that Ame dtd noL allow for employee hovsnq unrts. Thrs ordnance was Vassed to Vermt "caretaker" unrts rn ths area. ln 1992, 3 years belore lhe recordnq of the TyVe ? EllU resttctron on the sublect proVerLy, thef own adopted Ordnance No. B, Senes ol 1992, whtch comprehensvely adoVted lhe Town's Employee llovunq Chapter (Chapter | 8.57). That ordnance svVerceded all prevtovs requlaLtons reqardnq employee houanq and creaLed theType 2 Employee Ytovstnq Unl Vrowstons (the one recorded on ths proVerty). AddrLonally, thts ordnance modfied the Snqle-f amtly Zone Dstncl to allow for the eslablehment of only the Type 2 Employee ltoustnq Unt, svblecL lo the apVroval by the Tlannnq and t-nuronmental Commrssron of a CondtLtonal Use Termtt. Apphcant Proposal: Our Vnmary alternaL:e would be for the Town to authonze the f own AtLorneylTown Manaqer Lo release Lhe deed restncLton on Lhe svblect Vroperty. The ystfrcatron for Lhts release s the very untque arcumstances lsted below: L The EHU wa5 never consLrvcted and never exsted on the VroVerty. The Town Code requres that an actual unt be present on the property n order to be deed reslncLed. As Vrool Lhat the unl never extsled there t5: o The DRD aVVroval and Vlans, whtch do not ndtcaLe Lhe presence of an EfrU (gee DRD plans atLached); o The Certficate oI Occvpancy for a anqle-tamtly home, whtch does noL ndrcate the vresence ol an EtlU (see CO attached); . The non-extsLence of ?wate exLeror acce35 to the vnt as requred by Town Code: i477 Aepen Grove Lane, Va| Braun A=goc ates, lnc. Paqe 3 . fhe facL that no krtchen wa5 a??roved or ever nstalled ai requred by Town Code: and t The ?resence ol nlertor acce55 throuqhouL all areas ol lhe home, whtch ts prohrbfted by Town Code lor an EltU. The sLrvclvre waz nol qranLed any addt|onal or bonus sq. It. whtch then oblqates a property to Vroude an EttU. The carrol ollered Lo homeowner lor the conslrvcbon ol an tllU e an addt onal 5OO sq. fL. ol GRFA for fhat unrt. ThB was never aVVled lor or qranled by LheTown. The home, as consLructed, meelg all aVVltcable zontnq reqvlaLtons and wovld nol otherwse be " requred" to have an EfiU. No Condrtron al Use Permtt aVVlcalon as requred Ior a Type 2 tl,U was ever f tled, reuewed by sLaff , or rewewed by the Tlanntnq and fnvtronmenLal Commtsston. Theretore the leqal ?roce5; Ior establshnq an EltU waz nol followed and the deed resLncLton s essenballv nvaltd dve to the uolaLron oI dve ?roce55 and procedvre. Alternat:e ?roVosal: The alLernaf:e ?ro?o5al would be for theIown Counal to aVprove the removal of Lhe emVloyee hovanq deed resLncLpng on lht= progerty and n exchanqe the aVVhcant would aqree to deed resLlcL anoLher dwellnq unrt rn the Town of Vatl pursuant to the Town's Employee nouanq requlaLtons. Ths VroVosal nclvdes: Deed restrcltn4 a unL (studto or one-bedroom dwellnq unrt of aVVronmaLely 5OO sq. lt.) n accordance wfth thef own's emVloyee houanq requlatrons (t.e., Type 3 EHU) and svbpcL Lo condfttonal use ?ermE requtrementS. The unrt restncted may be sold or renLed a5 rnay be permtLled by the T own' s EmVloyee loustnq Teqvlalons. The 5OO sq. fl. bonus GRFA remarn avalable to the restdence at | 477 Aspen Grove Lane. All emVloyee hovanq deed restrctpnE on Lhe svblect Vroperty be released uVon the deed reslncLton= betnq establshed on another dwellnq un rt. We are f amhar wfth at least one othe( case rn the Town of Varl where a ?ro?efty owner was allowed to deed restnct anolher dwellnq unrt rn the Town to meel Lhe requrement ol a Type 2 Employee I'oustnq Unrt. Thrs was Ior Lot | 2, SVraddle Creek Estates. ln Lhs case the owners were allowed the 5OO zq. fL. EtlU 6edft to be aVV|ed to the I 477 AsVen Crove Lare. Vatl Braun AggoaaLes. htc. 2. 3. Paqe 4 ?rmary unt. The one drtlerence In thrs case lo the home on Aspen Grove lane s Lhat Lhe employee hovstnq vnL wag requred as VarL of Lhe SVraddle Creek f.Etates Subd:tsron apgroval. The Town aVproval to relocale the EllU from Lot l2 requred that a covenant resttctpn be recorded relerenanq the El-lU LhaL was pvrchased elsewhere n the Town as comVlynq wfth the EFU reqvtrement f or LnE zubdtvtson. Such a covenanl resLrrcLton E unneceisary lor the AsVen Grove Lane VroTerly as the Et-1U ts not "reqwred." fhe aVV|canL beleves Lhat the ?flmary proposal rs f ully lustrfre d based on the f acls Vresented n lhrs letter. fhe alternaLtve Vroposal has been Vresented based on tnVuL from the Town gtall and lhe aVpltcant's destre to resolve the ssve. We be|eve lhe alLernaL:e proVosal s an economtc burden, whtch stmply adds cosL lo Lhe pvrchase of Lhs home. We beleve lhe alterna\ve Vroposal, whtle olfered as a solutton, E nol f ar and eqvftable based on Lhe factg Vresented. Other ConErderahoni: Below are addftronal congderalons LhaL help supVorL the arqumenl that Lhe deed regtnclton shovld be removed lrom Lhrs home A deed reEtnclon for an El-lU apples to a Vhyacal space wfthtn a strucL)re. for nstance, when aTyVe 2 EflU rs apV|ed lor, an aVphcanL must Vrowde Vlans lor the EttU dwellnq unL LhaL clearly 5how tts localon n the home, acce9z to the vnL, and the stze ol Lhe vnt. Therefore Lhe deed (eeLflcton s noL yst a qeneral restncbon Vlaced on someone's proVerty: raLher ft aVVles speafrcally to a vnl n lhe structvre. lf LhaL Dnft cea5es to enst and s noL othe(w;e "requrcd" to extst, then the deed restncbon s essenttally votd. The stmlarty ol lhrs stvabon to the SVnqqs case E that the EllU does not extsl and Lhere e no zontnq code requtrement for ft to ensl. o Another arqvment lhaL s stmlar Lo Lhe above one s the eIlecL oI demolttton or destrvcbon of dwellnq unrl wrth aType 2 El1U. ll a dwellnq vnt conlatnnq a deed restncLed tltU were lo bvrn down, whaL would be the elfecL ol Lhe deed restncLton? Clearly rt Lhe owner rebult the home wfth Lhe EflU then the deed restnctron wovld contnue to aVVly. Dut what happens to the deed restncLton fi the loL E lelt vacanl for I O years and then the owner wanls Lo bvtld a new home wrthout a TyVe 2 ffru and wfthovl any bonus GRFA that would requre Lhe EIU? 3nce the EflU no lonqer exots and as lonq as there s no zonnq code requremenL to proude an Et1U, we would arque Lhe deed reslncAon $ vord and shovld be remove Irom the VroVerty. Thts arqvment s meanL Lo show oLher | 477 As?en Grove Lane. Vatl Braur A55ooate5,lrtc. Paqe 5 arcumstances where ft would be loqrcal to release a deed restnclon when the vnft doeg not exgt; and E not "reaured" to exst. We thank yov n advance +or consdennq our proposal and look Iorward to an opTortvnty to reuew the proposal wrth you n a Tvbhc hearnq. ll you have any questrons, please contact me at 926-7575."'(ffiw C: F. Maunello, AICP Matt Mrre, Town Attorney 6ob Mcl,aurrn, Town Manaqer Russel I F orr est, Com m u nrty D ev elop ment D tr ector Georqe Ruther, Ch'rut ol ?lannnq | 477 Aapen Grove L,ane, Val Blraun As5oaatcs. lnc. Paqe 6 K, .PE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT FESTFICTIVE COVENANT WHEFIEAS.I,JILL MILLER - is lhe ownar ol cadain pfopedy ('lhe Ownsr") dsscrlbed as: LoT 3, $l-oCK 2 LtoNsRrDcE suRDlvrsr.oN, nrt.rNc /14./14?7 ASPEN GROVE LANE ("lhe Propsrty"); and 5693?9 8-6?3 P-363 O8/o9/95 05:0?F PG I oF 2 Sara J. Fi sher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder WHEFEAS, th€ Ownor wishss to placo csrtaln tostrlctlons on the use ol a untt or apadment tocatod on lh6 Proporty tor th€ benolil of the Owner and lhe Town of Vail, Colorado ("th€ Tov,/n"). NOW, THEREFOFE, the O^,ner does hereby impos€, €stablish. acknowledge, declare lor lhe benefit of all persons who may h€r€lnafler purchase, or lea3e, or hotd th€ subjsct land lh€ lollowing r€slrlcllons. ; covonanls, and conditions, all ol which shall be deemsd to run with the land and Inure 1o the b€n€fil and bs binding upon lhe Owner, its resp6cliv€ granl€ss, succossors, and assigns. AI)!ROXlllATDLY The Employee Unit, conlainihgS-q!- square leel, ls hsr€by r€stricl€d as uJryljf Housing Unil (EHU) which musl comply wilh ail lhe provisions of Soclions I8.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.050 ol lh€ Vail Municipal Code as amended. The Type ll Employee Housinr) Unll shall bs leased lo lenanls who ar€ full'lime em1>kyces r"r'^ $'-'t rr r^-r' ^^ '! rr' "- fliU gli3ll fiJi li: i6a:'.;.'ilii a paiiLii:ESs:han ii;l' ry*r I L.rgiv ve!' xt. r!' I cons€cutivo days. For tha purposes ol lhis seclion, a full-time employee is one *lro worl'.r- :.ir,,!icr .i Lr,. :....,1-,.,,..." ( ( j , \ ! ri r n, -,- , ,. i,.n,-),(Man av6rags ot lntny nours oqcn,wesK-.1 .- L\ A Type ll EHU may not be sold. lranslgrfsd, or.convey€d soparaloly irom any two family dwelling 11 may b€ a pan of. The Type ll EHU shall nol bo divided lnlo any lorm ol limeshares, Interval ownership, or fracllonal fee ownership as thoss lsms are defined in lhe Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail. No lal€r than Fsbruary 1 ol €ach y€ar, the owner ol each employee housing unit withln lh€ tou.,n *i:i,.ii: is carrstrucrcci rortcrvtng rlto enrrrrlvo d:[c ol 1nt5 cnaPlor siall submtl lwo ccploe ol e roport on a form to b6 obtalned from the Communlly Developmenl Deperlmont, to tho communily Dovolopmonl Dspartmsnl ot the Town ol Vall and chairman ol lhe Town of Vail Houslng Auhority sening lorlh €videncs eslablishing lhal th6 smployss housing unlt has b8sn rsntod lhroughonl the year,lhs rsnlal rals, the smploysr, and thal sach tenanl vtho rgsldss wjthln lhe omployos housing unh is a full-limo employe6 In Eagl€ County. lt''\t ''' l The ownsr of each EHU shall ront ths unll al a monthly renlal illBldfislslont wlth or lowet \\,vl_/ '- a DOCREC 11,00 dl ,r.{ ") rI I of Vall and ths Orn6r of lh6 properly. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado munictpar corporallon en tnor. r.rket rales pr€vatont lor sirnilar properries i,#rown or v"it. The Town of Vail Housing A-rthority will determine th6 market ral€ based on fis sludy ot other unils of comparabl€ siz€, localion, qualily and amenilies throughoul.ths Town. Ths market rale shall bs bassd on an avsrage ot a minimum ol livs r€ntal ralss olcomparable units. lf lhe unit is nol r'nlsd and is not avairabre at th€ mark€t rate it shal be determined to be in noncompliancs. ln addition lo any other p€nalti€s and restrictions provided herein, a unil lound lo be in noncompiianc€ shall be subjest to publicalion as dotormined by the Housing Aulhorily. The provlsions ol lhese regtrictive covonanls may be onforced by lhe OwnBr and tho Town. The condilions, reslrictlons, sllpulalions, and agrsemsnts contained hereln shall not be waived, abandonsd, terminalod, or am€nd€d oxcopt by rhe wrinen cons€nr or both rhe Town rl was acknowtedged belors me rhts 1fd ay ot __J*4_*13_!- fun6 E, $Hgfit Nolrty Publc tt Commlsslo ErdrBs &17-1999 75 S, trod!96 Soad Bv: ru/P'e-L/rfu;z,z /t& t'a Mycommission "rci,"", 4b7rrhZ 5693?9 B-6?3 P-363 TOV/N OF VAIL OFi.'lE OF THE TOWN CLERK ?i. r:) .-iONTAGE RQAD O8/O9/95 05:07P PC 2 oF2 o) 6 r "X\. - Eruti'l 3 Zone- 5'sl""1- zoNING =^ .+%.+ al J^.1= o+ d*d res+irltu- 18.10.060 Setbacks. 18.10.080 Height. 18.10.090 Density control. 18.10.1I0 Site coverage. 18.10.130 Landscaping and site development- 18.10.140 Parking. 18.10.010 Purpose. The sin$e-family residential district is intended to provide sites for low-density single-family residential uses, together with such public facilities as may be appropriately located in the same disrict. The single-family residential district is intended to ensure adequat€ light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with singte-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by estab[shing appropriare site development standards. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 2.1m.) I8.10.020 Permitted uses. The following uses shall be pemrined in &re SFR disnict: Single-family residential dwellings. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 2.2m.) 18.10.030 Conditional uses. The following conditjonal uses shall be permiaed' subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance wirh the provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Public utility and public service uses; B. Public buildings, grounds and facilities; C. Public or private schools; D. Pubiic park and recrcation facilities; E. Ski lifu and tows; F. Dogkennel; G. Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 18.58.310; H. Type II employee housing unit as set forth in Secdon 18.57.050 of this code. (Ord. 8(1992) $ 6: Ord. 31(1989) $ 1: Ord. 20(1982) $ 5: ord' 8(1973) S 2.300.) 320 (vril 9-29-92) E HU t1X.r\,.+.'o'.< \^.4h* ""* &fa D+ Jeed res+nc*lbns EMPLOYEE HOUSING 2. The written consent of the owners of the lot or prop- erty to be included in the application or the written consent of their agent or authorjzed representatives. For the purposes of this subsection, agent or autho- rized representative shall mean any individual or association authorized or empowered in writing by the property owner to act on his or her behalf. If any of the property to be included is a condominiumized development, the pertinent condominium association may be considered the agent or authorized represen- tative for the individual unit owner if ailowed by all pertinent requirements of the condominium association' s declarations. 3. The legal description and street address of the lot or site for which the proposal is made. 4. A iist of the owner or owners of rerord and their mailing addresses for the properties adjacent to the property which is the subject of the hearing. D. Review. The application shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 18.54, "Design Review", of the Town Municipal Code. (Ord. 27(1993) $$ 4, 5: Ord. 8(1992) $ a.) 18.57.050 Type II - Employee housing unit. A. Purpose. To allow for the construction of an EHU on lots in th"l!SlqFam!.b,. Two-Family, and Primary/Secondary Zone Districts which meet the minimum lot size require- ments for said zone districts. B. General conditions: 1. It shall be a conditinn^l rrse in the Singie-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential and Prima- ry/Secondary Residentiai Zone Districts.' 2. It shall be permined only on lots which comply with the minimum iot size requirements for total lot area of the zone district in which the lot is located. 3. It shall be located within, or attached to, a single-family dwelling or be located within, or at- 4629 (Vail 4-95) ZONING (Vail 4-95) A tached to, a two-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050I - design guidelines duplex and prima- ryl secondary development. It may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage, provided the ga- rage is not located within any setback, and further provided that no existing parking required by the Town Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. It shall not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density. However, it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom: as defined in Chapter 18.04 Definitions of Zoning of the Vail Municipal Code. It shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two (2) dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Only one Type II EHU shall be ailowed per lot. It shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) square feet, nor more than nine hundred (900) square feet. An applicant, however, shall be permir ted to apply to the Communiry Development Depart- ment of the Town for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant shall submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form provided by the Community Development Depart- ment. Approval or denial of the request shall be made by the Design Review Board in accordance with Section 18.54.040. If an applicant obtains De- sign Review Board approval for five hundred (500) square feet of additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter 18.71 , "Additional Gross Resi- dential Floor Area", of this Code for either unit on the lot. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval for not more than two hundred fifty (250) square feet of additional GRFA for tbe EHU, be or she shali be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter 1 8.71 , "Additional Gross Resi- 5. 462h EMPLOYEE HOUSING dential Floor Area", of this Code for one dwelling unit on the lot. 6. It shall have not more than two (2) bedrooms. 7 . No more than two (2) adults and one child not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall reside in a one-bedroom Type II EHU. No more than two (2) adults and two (2) children not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall reside in a two-bedroom Type II EHU. 8. Each Type II EHU shall be required to have no less than one parking space for each bedroom located therein. However, if a one bedroom Type II EHU exceeds six hundred (600) square feet, it shall have two (2) parking spaces. All parking spaces require.d by this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. If no dwelling exists upon the proPerty which is proposed for a Type II EHU at the time a building perrnit is issued, or if an existing dwelling is to be demolished and replaced by a new dwelling, not less than one of the parking spaces required by this subsection shall be enclosed. A three hundied (300) square feet GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed parking space for the Type II EHU. (Ord. 14(1994) $ 2: Ord. 8(1992) s 4.) 18.57.060 Type III - Employee housing unit. A. Purpose. To allow for the construction of EHUs in multi- ple-family and rnixed use zone districts. B. General conditions. l. It shall be a conditional use in the Residential Clus- ter, Low Density Multiple-Farnily, Medium Density Multiple-Family, High Density Multiple-Family, Public Accommodation, Commercial Core I, Com- rnercial Core II, Cornmercial Core III, Commercial Service Center, Arterial Business District, Parking 462h1 (Vail 4-95) fhv'- DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEI\ED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: t********* TIIIS APPLICATION VIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL A],L REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ******i*t* Qr",rir"o g/!/gL. coroRA!.: rft0D g4p 2 6 Uttl,l/ /ite;i c, ..;.{ 1994 I. -,''.".o'ott^n, ' THREE LEVEL, FoUR (4) BEDROoM' vooD FRAME HOUSE ON ASPEN GROVE LANE.STUCCO AND WOOD EXTERIOR. CONCRETE TILE ROOF. 3I68 S.F. FIMSHED. 902 S.F. UNFINISIJED AND 637 S.F. GARAGE' x Nerv construction (5200.00) t€--,inot Alteration ($20'00) Addition (S50.00) - Conceplual Review (S0) C. ADDRESS: I,ot :1 BlockD. LEGAL DESCR Subdivision PTION: If property is described bY descripLion, pLease provide attach to this application. a meets and bounds leqal on a separale sheet and E. F. J. x ZONING:SFR SINGLE FAMILY G. NA.I.,E OF APPLICANT: !r'ILL UILLER...radrtrrrY LOT AREA: If required, aPPIicanL stamped survey showing Lot a:ea. NAME OF Mai f j.ng NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : must Provi.Ce a cu rrent .41i AcRE (17,990 S.F.+-) Phone 476- 24q I IJ I. APPLICANT. S REPRESENTATIVE: TOM HAND' ARCHITECT e?ii" J s''' ri r i w;tn d r -sT.l' so urDER;eo-T0tdI-@ Mailing Address : Phone Condorninlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shor:\ above/ are to be paid at. the time of submittal of oiis applicaLion' Later, when applying for a building permit, please. identify '"he ai:iuiat6 valuation ot itrb proposal. The Town of vair will adjust the fee according to the Lable below, , to FEE $ 20.00 s s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $50c.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER FINAI' APPRoVAIJUNLEssABuII,DINGPERMITIsISSUEDANDcoNSTRUcTIoNIS STARTED. *iNoAPPLICATIoNI{ILLBEPRocEssEDwIrHoUToh'}|ER'SSIGNATURE FEE SCHEDULE: VALUAT ION $ 0 - s 10,000 5 10,001 - $ 50/ 000 $ 50,001 - $ 150.000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $5oo,0ol" - $1,000,000$ over $1' 000,000 "Jhw w B. TYPE OF REVIEW: i ,ii: DATE I jlzo/9+ i1 .-^-. l^- ^;^ -^rJli\r}i! iUr!JI.K-L r lr ADDRESS: ZONE CITECK Fnt? R, R P,/ S ZONE I l t I ION: Lot Block 2 F 1ASPEN GROVE LANE P TOM HAND IP ll t SFR orrrora;il I LIOI{S RIDGE 4?6-249r CH S (3O3) 444-2448 SFR ..HE i io I Pr I ISb Al I owed (30) (33) P roDosed 33 'IOta_L GRFA ary GRFA ks . ,J= I 3737 S.F. F ron t. Sides Rear 20, 15', 15' (30) (s0) 3' / 6' (300) (600) Permr-t.ted --1i11i- I I0' 3200 s.F. 14,790 S.F. I i i rse S ,. 'llaLl I I i I€tdi t ou ve pi Cr c l- Un vio 1tI Io o S Lt (90 SIo Ved i ol) I Pe (1200) 300 8? ActuaI Slope y Town Engineer:appro rri rla r Fna---r-- -"" men!a I /ttaz {' oacnmenl: : rds: No N/A ??? 1) 2) t't-ooo P,Lar Percent Sf o Geologic Ha a) Snowb) Rockf c) Debri4) lleLlands 11 Flow 1s f i 161 N/A equesL j.nvol-ve a 250 Addition? NO the al,loh'ed 250 Addition is used with this requesl? ees of the Upper Eagle Valley er Sections 18 . 12 .090 (B) and 18. 13 .080 (B) of rhe Municipalzoned Two FamiIy and Primary/Secondary which are less thanft, in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Theevel-opnlent Department may grant an exception to thisprovided Lhe applicant meet.s the criteria set f ort.h under . 12.090 (B) and 18.I3.080 (B) of t-he Municipal Code includingrestricEing Lhc unit as ti Iong-rerm renta.l- uniL for, fu]I-es of the Upper Eagle Va]Iey. I SlNGLE FAI{ILY RESIDENCE LOT igh ama l _r Category Number o9ign Review AGn F TOWN OF VAIL lAtta./qq k9- Project Namel Building Name: Project DescriPtion: u(G - 3oF7(.^ t7 € - avql:2 Owner, Address and Phone:L ,[,-{t 6L vu.L,o rv\- a', / ca_E!6.5 'i4 t{- R{,/E Zone District L' ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: ". --? ta. 7', I Q Lt'l,t I Legal Description: Lot 3 Block >i - Subdivision Proiect Street Address: Comments: l-q((,u f3 -.--7:\ agg9staff Action , , .F.\ /,,vorc: 4 -C Ui"^- "u{ t'{ t^c Motion by: - Seconded bY: -,, E4pprou"l u, i co ^/,I'euS ,il -:rtrr,4 DRB Fee Pre-Oaid ff c-':e'vt ! DisapProval D Staft APProval CRg Appored il''s. i't I1' -'1=-'------ti-:'-E .--'--.-..- --{ .-i* o */ a&a1 Ee<r-/aw: aoTt, 44<2lt r\E r.ir4nCtAr'.t*a.v .\1 ..,.'n*tn,Y** . 'r* ,/ 61d- i__-/\:',/ \i ,-e + rrqr.. _,___- t, ,.i tz oaa* ,ftid , n i;' t.',,|Xr MEere a ,r!.fud. e ir. r.ri. a..t^s ^,-"t* €J-7 E4r'r,'c4-ra.;e{*r rslrr_ 4:!jF_dD 5+!e #+e4! 'I I I #de:. 'ir | 9_ o-o , r' .'.4 rlfa-.1 -,--t -l i;l::tl'rl it.t1..iiil1 - l-.....-J .-. FINIISH SCHEDIJLE --l--l- rl-- 1 I 1 -i:- _t I t,tl *fttr -*", J . N I Y.//:.< REnDq\,(E Q4 94 € /e 4:.a\f E',t7 A-A\ 'li:;rl - -_ O [J Itl l!rl $l N9 $li .tHl rT-_-lil| | ii I il GG o J tr f, o. o a fJ .) I1if\J \ f- .U \$ {)' 'rl ' \ \.l /\ v\ IA ETE:: 9-eE;;-Iir;?" i;:9r'HE:;Eff-!62i.-3.Ei;5; =;tti: E it:E c F:.! E € * =E::.e tts Ea:!rio !.3 t o " HH: a.IF E g€ A€;tr; 3 ; nr: _p _! '- U i.F I ot ':1 nE o 7. t I E 14 r{L!.)r\ 'r- .- .)FurH t ^ t.- --\Y:-'=>x\ r\ ^\vl.Jazzts< :-*--i+<-.]<,\',': n :-* \r/ F_\ t\;.z"!ri'->J "F-tztrj t- ' * (,/l ;^ts2 d '..r U (^ .-. \JstrzZU;L! \ --1 <F<=rr..J F- -Jc< !1 ca3eostis9:*z-r--<y Q;<f=zF!!>zo6{Y .Er-:)ls. \ n \-/--, L- i- /\ -F-!Ll-l ito> J 9) \Jr.) F rrJ -.zl^ 4 t\.--.i \ \J '/S>;c<>-\-a*, .1 I<X\--a\-IoEA -Z\r:::-!a;-"-:{i .^tYl =:<<*'l- q." { {su>! Ai rHk6 }{. ArR IR rA H -tiF. IE+Frir-{ tF.f .-,,\/ l-l{FI€id,Fb{ F9 tr6atf-l P+r{ rd *l-1?t Lat-f ft+\ -\,\r' tF. FTH ArtFl €+a)Lfra-t{d fFti-f 1're{ fl\J oo:-j "\i I,.r h a 'r:1-. U J f, ) 9 o(J ; o ;5 S "5 E s E;6r 6:E c i:;;a9E i 3Pi!E::i.r::5 E;i9::.i=5.E:;:E-_.e 9 5 >_ E3i!li:3 ]: b a = e.=:'i!9?5; : € * E .5 : !---: aeE;j:Io x.9 ] o e:*i:;js = is:.E;iE='.€ str; 3 ; f ts ,,(---\/ ,\;iAl ,L_/^=|c'lll= -'<-i) - = lN \N i I l I I l I I I I i ,l ^lnl (Jl<l 'lrl Fil:21 ^lvt :lYI\7l -l -! c.) I i \J I z.= +o L: I 0/ lrl .tJ - {) a\ () * l--{(/:() r- =1> x -ZZca<<.--:<:-i af -< \,!r- r_'] !_ -:-<i !t !--1-4(^ i-)< .]{v -:z>, l, - si<= <qc or z *:r< '-J (t -:z-i-<v Y:?-*:--zFi{;- <-P c^-'.J_:<\,-q- .- 't- \,-\:\^ -F!.J :! :': :r* C ;\F-/ (a i- i- -:, i\\J./ ;--<-c<f- \ --: .-,{I'<XUSAV *r':c(l :- v ^ r)!--z\J- =.=hO^F-- =c<ca+-q{{t-- O > !--- O. L 6.R t$l E F r{ rl-*+<,l?l?r-{ !-frn\ .F'v F:+F{d.{ F1l{ re tsF\?tlf-ft-**1,<):Hll-FaLrt{.n\ -,,\J rF. Fll{ A.+t f{wf-f .lJ 1F{ .FatstLA. € K, ' fE[,Hffii?isxH&'*'' WHEREAS.IIILL }TILLER . is the owner of certain property (\he LOT 3, BLOCK 2, LIONSRIDGE SUBDI,VISION, trILING II4l1477 ASPBNOrnef) descrlbed as: GROVE LAl,lE ('lhe Property"); and 569379 8-673 P-363 08/09/95 05:0?P PG 1 oF 2 Sara J, Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder WHEREAS, tho Oilnor wishes to place conaln rostilctions on ths use ol a unlt or aparlmenl localod on the Property for the beneflt of the Otner and the Town of Vail, Colorado ('the Town"). NOW, TI{EREFORE,Ih€ Ofln€r dods hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare for the benelit of all persons who may herElnafter purchase, or ba3e, or hold thE subjea land rhe following reslrlclions, covonanls, and conditlons, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and Inure lo the benefit and be binding upon the Orner, hs respective granlees, successors, and asslgns. A?PROXII'IATELY 1. The Employee Unil, containingS0O square feel, is hereby restriclod as a Type ll Employee Housing Unil (EHU) which must comply with all the provisions of Sections 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.050 of the Vail Municipal Code as amended. 2. The Type ll Employee Housin,; Unit shall be lEased lo tenanls who are full-lime emplci'ces ,..,1,^ ..,.-rt.. rr E^.t^ /r^,....., i- rrr r _!.-l not bS ieaSed fr..;i a periO,iJ laSS ihan tlii,iyli I iv y. rrl r\ ir I Lsvrw \rvrl la, , ,1r I l-l rv 91 1..:lll consEcutive days. For th,q P,HlPP,:qs, ol lfll ::f;li"., a lull-lime employee is onE ivlro workr an av€rase of rhirty h",tfi i\lli,'ilEei, ,'i';11';'','r trrt 3. A Type ll EHU may not be sold, lransfened, or conveyed separalely from any two famlly dwelllng lt may b€ a parl of. 4. The Type ll EHU shall not be divldsd into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee ownership as thosE tErms ua defined In the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. No later lhan February 1 of each year, the ownEr of each employee housing unit wilhin the r,.rr..,n.siricir is ccnsrruqod mircwrng rno enFriltvs dalo ot lhrs cnaplor snall sr"bm[ two ccplos of a report on a form to be oblainEd hom the Communlty Development Departmenl, to the Community Developmenl Departrnent of lhe Town of Vall and Chairman of the Town of Vail Housing Authority setting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unh has been rented throughout the year, thE renlal rate, the employer, and that each tenant who rEsldes withln lho employee houslng rnit l, . full-tlme employee In Eagle Counly. tlr,l, . ,.. The owner of each EHU shall rent the unll at a monthly rental ilB}dfrdsl'ent with or lower REC DOC 11.00 ,.l\ n.I q-l "} A 6. il I than thosE market rat€s prevalent for similar ; properties in the Town of Vail. 7.The Town otVail Housing Authority will determine the market rate based on the study of other units of comparabre size, rocation, quarity and amenilies throughoul rhe Town. The market rate shall be based on an averag€ of a minimum ol five rental rales of comparable units. lf the unit is nol rented and is not available al the market ralE it shall b€ d€t6rmin6d to be in noncompliancE. ln addition lo any olher penalties and reslriclions provided herein, a unit tound to be in noncompliance shall be subject to publication as dererminEd by the Housing Aulhority. The provlsions of thsse restrictive covenanrs may be enforced by the owner and thE Town. The conditions, restrictions, slipulalions, and agreements contained hereln shall nor be waivEd, abandoned,lerminaled, or amended except by the written consenr of both thE Town of Vail and the Oynor of the propeny. 8, 9. By: , TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation ,:,:t V:"rmontwas acknowledgedbefore mE this tday ot Jnlb, fi gr- lmrEWlSt,t{obryRtk litr bnrnlsslm Eplns &17-t9$) 75 S. Frontagc Road Bv: m/Pe,-*/r24"%,a was acknowlEdged.before meUis (Laay ot /na ca B-673 P-363 s{ 5693 ?9 TO',ryN OF VAIL OFI.']E OF THE TOWN CLERK 7a r..), ,'rioNTAGE RoADr :' c(jlof' " 81657 Oe/Og/95 O5:O7P PG 2 oF2 rl ?r.orrDnec o I w FILE CSPY 3 A request for a conditional use permil, to allow for a bed and breakfast operation, localed al 1477 Aspen Grove/Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Applicant: William H. Miller Planner: Lauren Walerton Ann Bishop recused herself, as she was representing a gentleman who was employed by the applicant. Mike Mollica gave an overyiew of the staff memo and said that there would be 3 additional cars on the site and that staff was recommending approval with 3 conditions. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had any comments. Will Miller, the owner of the property management company at Montaneros, said this use lessened the impact versus renting the property out short{erm. He said he secured different vacation parties through the management company for short{erm rentals. He said short-term occupancy allowed in the house was 10-12 persons, plus the housekeeper, generating more cars than what would be generated by 3 couples if the use was a bed & breakfast. He stated that he would be in residence on the site. He explained thal vacant rooms were rented out in the summertime with one Derson per bedroom. He stated that based on the number of houses on the streel, he was not overloading the street and would be accountable, since he would live on the oremises. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. Tom Hughes, President of the Aspen Grove Homeowne/s Association, stated they were against this use. He said the intention of this neighborhood was to be a single family neighborhood and he had not heard one positive comment about the request. Peter Kyle, a next-door neighbor, said he was planning on selling his home and the B&B would have a negative impact on the sale of his house. Carroll Orrison, the owner of the 2nd house built on Aspen Grove Lane, said the area was isolated from the city and he thought the area should only have single family homes. Tom Hughes said that Tract B included this private road. He said he represented the ownership and they kept it plowed and maintained. He said since they owned lhe road, they wanted to keep it private. John Schofield questioned if the road access was owned jointly by the 11 owners and controlled by the Association. Planning and Environmental Commtsston Minutes Oclober 27 , 1997 Tom Moorhead said he reviewed the declarations and although the road was privately owned, there were no restrictions in the declarations and the road was described in the declarations as a public road. He said if the road had been described as a common area, then this application would require permission. John Schofield questioned a public road privately owned by the association. Tom Moorhead explained that the application would have required the Associalion's signatures. Tom Hughes said Tom Moorhead was correct, but a majority rule had the ability to change the declarations. John Schofield said the PEC didn't have the ability to change it and under lhe criteria, the Association didn't have any authority now. Gene Uselton asked who owned the road. Tom Hughes said the Homeowne/s Association. Gene Uselion said he thought Mr. Miller should have ihe approval of the other property owners. Tom Moorhead said the Association declarations did not have any control over the use of the road, only the maintenance. He again explained that the road was not a common element and therefore, withoui control, although it could be changed. He said the Association did not have any direct authority to control lhe use of the road. Gene Uselton asked if this was a legal matter. Tom Moorhead said the Town of Vail did not enforce privale covenants. Greg Amsden asked about the definition of Section 18.04.110, as referred to in the memo. Mike Mollica read the definition ol 18.04.110, what constitutes a family and explained the Section's inlent was to define how many individuals could occupy an individual dwelling unit. Greg Amsden asked if this was zoned single family. Greg Moffet stated this use was permitted. Diane Golden asked if Will Miller had an EHU with a separate garage. Will Miller said, yes. Diane Golden asked if there would be three B&B bedrooms downslairs. Will Miller explained the traffic pattern of the B&B users if this was approved and said a VA employee lived in the EHU. Planning and Ennronmental Commssron Minutes Octobu 27. 1997 Diane Golden said she was sympathetic to both parties, but the Town has made a statement that B&Bs are permissible. Will Miller said that directly across the street was a multi-family project and this use wouldn't change anything and he would go back to 3 roommales in the summer. Diane Golden said a conditional use permil could have conditions to see how it goes. Greg Moffet said the PEC could sunset this. He said, knowing some of the players with small children, the elected officials said B&B's were a desired usage for every zone district. He said that ihe condilions were clearly met and it was unfortunate that the neighborhood couldn't get together. He said more covenants could be deployed, but as it appeared, this was a case where the PEC was compelled to grant approval. Greg Amsden asked for information about the kitchens. Will Miller said the 2nd floor kitchen was not installed. He said it was a rough-in and contingent on what happened with the usage. He said it had only a microwave and a sink. John Schofield made a motion for approval with the condition that an approval would not be required by the Aspen Grove Lane (Lionsridge Filing No. 4) Homeowne/s Association and that the conditional use permit will expire in one year from the date of approval. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-1-1 , with Gene Uselton opposed and Ann Bishop recused. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 27, 1997 EXHIBIT R.EQUIR"ED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSTON ACTION ACTION/DECISIONBEINGAPPEALED: Approval of conditional use permit fdr ' operations of Bed and Breakfast at 1477 Aspen crove t,ane, owned by Williarn Miller o TO|[/N OFVAIL B. C. DATE OF ACTTON/DECISION: October 2 2 , 1997 NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Pl-anninq and Envj_rlnmental Commission D.NAME OF APPELLANTIS;: Lionsridge Subdivisi"_LlIg jl lomeowners Assoc ia r ion MAILINC ADDRESS: pHySICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL: 14 7 5 Aspen Grove t,ane PHONE. (970) 476-733s LEGAL DESCRIPTION oF APPELLANT'S pRopERry IN vAIL: l4z z asp." cro"" l-,""V ridqe 4th Filin I,ION I S RI ASSOCIATION E.SIGNATURE(S): 5 Hughes, lHtIHeHoYru . ! ,J * 1997 VaiI, W*4 U*ila,'. 4?b- l?6b Page I of2 iijy,c0|\4lJ|, DEl/, DEm, Additional Page to Appeals Form ACTION/DECISION BEING APPEALED: Approval of condit.ionaf use permitfor operation of Bed and Breakfast. aL 1477 Aspen Grove Lane (the " Property " ) APPELLANT: Lion's Ridge No. 4 Homeowners Association (',Appellant" ) H. On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal . Please cite specific code sect.ions having relevanceto the action being appealed. The ProperLy is within Lion's Ridge Subdj-vision Filing No. 4 (the "subdivision"), and is subject to the First Amendedand ResLated Declaration of Protecti-ve Covenants for Lion, sRidge Subdivision Filing No. 4 (the "Declaration',) Aspen Grove Lane provides access to the Property from Lion, s Ridge Loop. Pursuant to Lhe Declaration, Aspen Grove Lane j-s owned 1-rr r ^nnal I ant =nd i - hr^"i A6A f ^r ^ri waf e rtse trw nwnef S Withinthe Subdivision. Section 18.58.310.B.5. of the Town of Vail Municipal Codeprovides that, "ff a Bed and Breakfast operation shal1 useproperLy or facilities owned in common or jointly with otherproperty owners the written approval of the otherproperty owner, owners or appl j-cable owner's association shallbe required to be submitted with the application for aconditional use permit." The bed and breakfast operation onthe Property will use Aspen Grove Lane for access. Aspen Grove Lane is owned by the Appellant for the benefit of all owners in the Subdivision. The owner of the Property did notsubmit t.he wriLten approval of Lhe Appel-lant wlth itsapplication for a condilional use permit tbr use as a bed andbreakfast and Appe1lant., in fact, disapproves of such use.Therefore, the approvaf of the conditional use permit by the Planning and Environmental Commission was improper because all requirements to such approval were not satisfied. As a resul-t of this faiLure of a condition to approval of a conditional use permit for use of the Property as a bed andbreakfast, che Appellant requests that the VaiI Town Council overrule the approval of the conditional use permit and entera deniaf of same for the reasons herein stated. \!Jear\m- | i on's. gHp A. EXHIBIT. REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION/DECISIONBEINGAPPEALED: Approval of conditional- use permit fcir operation:_".f B.d ""d Bt..kf.. owned bv Williain Miller DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: OcLober 22, 1997 NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: D.NAMEOFAPPELLANT(S;: Lionsridge Subdivisi.gl_Ii]iryj1 Homeowners Association B. C. TOWN OFVATI, i-nq and Environmental Commission MAILING ADDRESS: pFTSICALADDRESSINVAIL: 1475 Aspen Grove l,ane PHONE. (970) 476-733s E.SIGNATURE(S): BY:/'-. s Hughes, LEGAL DESCRIPTION oF APPELLANT'S pRopERry N VAIL: lg7 7 Aspen crove Lane / 4th Filin LIONI S RID ASSOCIATION IRFGEoYru , | ,r * 1997 Vai1, VrA !\^;tb\\ fl6- t?Lb Page I of2 r/jy.c0fu|il|, DEl/. D[m. F.Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? are you an adjacent property owner? Yes X yes If yes. please provide the following informarion: no Ifno, give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or advosely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" msans any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this tttle. The alleged advose interesl may be shared in common with othsr members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Appellant owns Aspen Grove Lane which is adiacent to the sub'i ect propert see answer to H.attached G. H. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) ofall owners of property which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of-way. stream, or other intervening baniers). AIso provide addressed anA stampiA envelopes for each property owner on the list. On separate sheets of paper. specifu the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 Page 2 of 2 Addj-tional Page to Appeals Form ACTION/DECISION BEING APPEALED: Approval- of conditional use permit for operation of Bed and Breakfast at 7477 Aspen Grove Lane (the r Property|| ) APPELLANT: Lion's Ridge No. 4 Homeowners Association ("Appel1ant") H. On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal . Please cite specif j-c code sections having rel-evanceto the actj-on being appealed. The Property is wj-thin Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 (the "Subdi-vision"), and is subject to the First Amended and Restated Declarati-on of Protecti-ve Covenants for Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 (the "Decl-aration"). Aspen Grove Lane provides access to the Property from Lion's RidgeLoop. Pursuant to the Declaration, Aspen Grove Lane is owned by Appellant and is provided for private use by owners within the Subdivi-sion. Section 18.58.310.B.5. of the Town of Vail Municipal Code provi-des that, uIf a Bed and Breakfast operation shall use properLy or facilities owned in common or jointly with otherproperty owners the wriLten approval of the otherproperty owner, owners or applicable owner's association shall be required to be submitted with the application for aconditional use permit. " The bed and breakfast operat j-on on the Property will use Aspen Grove Lane for access. Aspen Grove Lane is owned by the Appellant for the benefit of all owners in the Subdivision. The owner of the Property did not submit the written approval of t.he Appellant with its application for a conditional use permit for use as a bed and breakfast and Appellant, in fact, disapproves of such use. Therefore, t.he approval of the conditional- use permit by the Planning and Environmental Commission was improper because al-1 requj-rements Lo such approval were not satisfied. As a result of this failure of a condition to approval of a conditional- use permit for use of the Property as a bed and breakfast, the Appellant requests that the Vail Town Council overrul-e the approval of the conditionaf use permit and enter a denial- of same for the reasons herein stated. \|.lear\m- [ ion's.gwp OWNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY William H. Mil-Ier. IIr 641 W. Lionshead VaiL, CO 81557 Property: 1,477 Aspen Grove Lane ASPEN GROVE TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION Hidden Valley Ent,erprises, Ltd. c,/o Allen & GalegoCourvoisier Centre Suitse 805 Miami , FIJ 3 313 1Property: Unit 1455A Ridge Lane ilames R. and Anne D. Fitz P.O. Box 1315 Vail, CO 81658Property: 1455 Ridge Lane B Roger E. Mauer 5123 E. Princeton Lane Cherry Hills ViJ-J-age, CO 801L0Property: 1480-A Aspen Grove l-rane ,f . Eugene Balloun andSheila G. Wombles 8338 Maplewood Terrace Lenexa, KS 65215Property: 1480 Aspen Grove lJane B RIDGE AT VAIIJ HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Lee and Melodee Curtes 5899 Shannon RoadHartford, WI 53027Propertyr L483 Lionsridge L,,oop Mr. Frank McKibbenMr. James L. Dolen 228 Bridge St.reetVail, CO 81557Property: 1452 Lionsridge L,,oop Elenial N.V. c,/o Jim Flaum P. O. Box l-027 VaiL, CO 8l-658Property: 1460 Ridge Lane 5A Adrian and MarLene Kearney 9736 Meade Circl-e Westminster, CO 80030 Property: l-460 Ridge l-.,ane 58 Mr. Charl-es A. Di11 807 S. Warson St. Louis , t'4O 63124 Property: 1460C Ridge l-,ane John and Mary Hartwig' SSlL Crestwood Road Minneapolis, MN 55437Property: l-450 Ridge l-.,ane Road 58 Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Heeter 3305 Eagle Bluff Road Mound, MN 55364Property; 3.45O Ridge Lane, Unit E Glen W. and Barbara S. Barnard 250 Pondfield RoadBronxville, NY l-0708 Property: 1450 E. Ridge Lane #5K o LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION FII.,ING #4 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Todger and Mary Ellen Anderson Donal-d P. Remey, Trustee of the6 South l-,ane Englewood, CO 80118 1l-1 Harrison Avenue Bonnycrest Manor #4 Newport, RI 02840 treo w. Poor rr 7 Martin Lane AIIen and Donna Klng 4470 Timberfalls #]-402Vail, CO 81-557Property: 1481 Aspen Grove Lane Peter F. KyIe P.O. Box 2651Vail, CO 815s8 ProperEyz 7-479 Aspen Grove l,ane William H. Mi1Ier, III 641- W. LionsheadVail, CO 81557 Property t L477 Aspen Grove I-,ane Thomas and Diane Hucrhes P.O. Box 3830Vail, CO 8L658 Propertyz 1475 Aspen Grove lJane Robert Snowden Smith P.O. Box 877VaiI, CO 81558 Property t L473 Aspen Grove Lane Nancy W. Remey QualifiedPersonal Residence Trust U/A 54 Woodland Circle Edina, MN 55424 Property z 1469 Aspen Grove Lane Property: 1457 Aspen Grove Lane C.P.O., fnc. Propertyt LI75 Sandstone Drive Dated January 10, l.992 20 Ox Bow Lane Dennis W. and Deanna M. Gartner Summit, NJ 07901- 20620 Lindwood Property:. A477 Aspen Grove Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Propertyz 1-179 Sandstone Drive Judith A. Ku1fer William and El-na Campbell ryz to uaJ_e Avenue Deephaven, MN 55391Property: 1169 Sandstone Drive Robert and Kri-stine Selby 5235 Camino Escal-anLeHerbert and Barbara Ann Rammrath Tuscon, AZ 847A8 Property: 1159 Sandstone Drive c/o Carrol P. Orrison, Pres. P.O. Box 897 Casper, WY 82502 Property t L465 Aspen Grove Lane Englewood, CO 80Ll-0Property: l-1-49 Sandstone Drive Orrison Family Guardianshipc/o Carrol P. Orrison P.O. Box 897 Casper, WY 82602 Property z 1-454 Aspen Grove Lane W. Scot.t Mclntyre 47 HawLhorne Road Essex FafIs, NJ 07021 ProperEy t 1,462 Aspen Grove Lane /) t/fltt" €--i- _-...- , p1 rnc/ i Nc^, L.J r'-, t1-r*udr t / CI-.,., f. l, looo 5. F"--17. fu 't. th)ati bl, C'o E/uzs 1"to-ffnu-ltlt THIS ITEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town ol Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.030 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 2, 1997, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: An appeal of a conditional use permit approval made by the Planning and Environmental Commission on October 27, 1997, to allow for a bed and breakfast operation, located al 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Appellant:Lionsridge Subdivision Filing #4 Homeowner's Association, represented by Jim Wear Property Owner: William H. MillerPlanner: Mike Mollica The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's olfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Oclober 27, 1997 A request for a conditional use permil, to allow for located at'1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2, a Bed and Breakfast operalion, Lionsridge 4th Filing. fr,01.3ss ' T,L</-- /- lt e permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfa 10 of the Vail Municipal Code (Bed and Applicant: P la n ner: William Miller Lauren Walerton K"-t-( t.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Will Miller, is requesting a conditional u operation at 1477 Aspen Grove Lane. Section 18.58. SI Breakfast Operations) defines a Bed and Breakfast as: "A business which accommodates ouests in a Ing unit in which the Breakfast proprietor lives on the premises and is i Bed and Bed andthe Breakfast use. A Bed and elv uo to three bed roo m s un il. Bed an Breakfast operations shall Section 18.04.110." only be permitted to accommodate mily as defined in The property is zoned Single Family Residential and !g-:_a_S]-nglel3_mil1rresidence, with a Type sing Unit edrooms of the main unit, dare feet, fdlthe Bed and Break will be available for the guests. II. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Bed and Breakfast Operations Criteria - Bed and Breakfast operations shall be subiect to the following requirements: 1. Off-street designated parking shall be required as follows: one space for the owner/proprietor, plus one space for the first bedroom rented, plus one half space for each additional bedroom rented. The parking requirement forthis property is two spaces forthe EHU, three spaces for the main unit and two spaces for the Bed and Breakfast operation, for a total of 7 spaces. The applicant has two enclosed parking spaces, plus five unenclosed parking spaces, totaling seven parking spaces. Therefore, the parking requirement for this 2_ a6l:./ met. 5. r1o,t/L"&*'spaces or a dri Enclosed trash facilities and regular garbage removal service shall be provided. The applicant is proposing to keep all trash in the garage and will have weekly pick-up by BFl. Removal of landscaping for the provision of additional parking is strongly discouraged. No landscaping will be removed as a part of this application. Each Bed and Breakfast shall be allowed one residential nameplate sign as defined and regulated by the Town Sign Code. The applicant has nol proposed a residential nameplate sign. lf a Bed and Breakfast o ration shall use or facilities owned tn common or tol such as parking way of example and 2. 3. 4. +/+ "%,ou,*- not limitation, the property owner, owners, or applicable owner's association shall be required to be submitted with the application for a Conditional Use Permit. The property is zoned Single Family Residential and contains a single family residence with a Type I EHU, therefore. this criteria is not applicable. =-==-----t' Conditional Use Permit Criteria Upon review of Section 18 60 - Conditional Use Permits, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Gonsideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Bed and Breakfast operations are listed as uses thal Conditional Use Permits may be applied for in 1 5 of lhe 22 zone districts within the Town of Vail, including all of the residential zone districts. The Vail Land Use Plan has numerous goals, which articulate the Town's desire to improve our role as a leading destination resort, including promoting the creation of accommodation units. a duplex subdivision The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed Bed and Breakfast use will not have a negative effect on any of the criteria listed above. Guests of the Miller Bed and Breakfast will likely arrive via their own vehicle, a rental vehicle, or by airport shuttle van. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, ma neuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the proposed Bed and Breakfast operation will not have a negative effect on the above referenced criteria. All parkinq will be provided on-site. Staff believes that the B&B will not add sionificant traffic IO lnrs street. t-*t r*; the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes this use will have little impact on the character of theneighborhood e existing structure, or change it in any way. There may be an increase in, - , , :: :: : : - I ==:--- ...rne numDer ot parKeo cars on lne stte. but stalt Delreves lnal tnere wtll be l i ttl e -e ff -e Ct -L o o n m-e-ehara ct e r ofthe-area. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followinSfindings before qranting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permii section of the zoning code. 2. 3. 4. Slaff recommen Bed and BreakfaS 1il.STAFF RECOMMENDATION he applicant's request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a lo the followinq findinos:-4- That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the districi in which the site is located. That the proposed localion of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or mainlained would not be detrimenlal to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of lhe zoning code. ( 1.) \-,/ f----.,(2.) / 3.,/l-,/ 5/-,*-X. ,t/< cLl( 1 'l/"*-; *| ,/;,/^,L * .d( 'brl ! t /r{.,/"- ; fu EHIJ ?ec C""*2,^,- : O y-* +f - lf^ i- !iqri lili---F J I 'A;t/ae<6E4nP(*re) 'V,r?i^7ff 4.*taue&Y* p'zre aoaq+-7- o-83?7#1XE, .../--- 35EE 4 flvEr"/gtr L'.l\rc o{ouc R- ( ,no h tfi ul 5 rt Ioouo Irl r0 \ ^1N N N $ N N c\ J ru ]UI TO:Town of VailOffice of Communi ty Development October,24, 199'1 Lauren Waterton, planner, we' the residents of Aspen Grove Lane, are opposed to any form ofBed & Breakfast operation going in on the property of williamMiller at 1477 Aspen crove Lane. This block is zoned single familyand we want to preserve the single family environment. A Bed &Breakfast on this privately owned street would completely opposethis concept. we also question the feasibility of running ahospitality business off a private road. This road is privately owned by our Homeowners Association, TheAssociation pays for al1 maintenance and carries liabilityinsurance. we.do not want any added liability of Bed & Breakfastguests. A business of this type would cause extra traffic on a roadwhere many children plav and ride bicycles in the summer and playin the winter. For these reasons we only want single family stitusin keeping with the rest of the neighborhood. After discussing this proposal with the residents of Aspen croveLane, we do have a majority in strong opposition to thisapplication. homas J.6:,,""',sident Aspen Grove Lionsridge Homeowners Lane Subdivision Filine Associat ion -t rtl,l Pedro Luiz Ribet o ro L0/20/97 Mrs. Alulo l'itz Tbe Prudentsial Vallr CO Doar Aniae Dta:ly Tharls for your not'e-on the Wi'lL }lillar pl-an' I have baen treari.rrg a1l al'oug thn conEtruc.ion perlod tftrt ft" Pla:r.zred to do JueE bbat Althougb I tend to agree witb you that a Bapa and n'ama Ety1e gad-and-B"i*tl"t sbould nou bo a bis nuieance' wbat we f,o*'. it"i" 1g ptaunscl hotoL' nob a' fa:nily looking for waYs of, aubelstence' You can EeIl Torn gughs Ehat I sbrongly oppose the Bod ald Breakfasb Ldoa' It jusE stsritr'os nq as <levioutr b}-e way thio genUr;n i"s trying to obtain the p'ermLg' Had he gone to Ehe!"tJ"o -cou,rrissica with bbe project beforehand,, tho| cerbainl'y vrould' have demanded a cogtLLer consuirction, geared to tl:ar' end-uee' One probablo ,o"-b ttsoi"tttrrt' could' ba a lot more parklnn space, ae llre tana {p prlvate and he canrrots e:{pect co g" lV ueing Lt for ParkJ'ng' PLease aBk forfl to contacc mo from this end. if be ueed'g anYbhing else We wilt nexL bs in VeiL Novarnbor 26 to Decsnber X7' and Iook f,onvard bo g;ttitg bogetber rvl'th i:orr' and 'Iames' *ot*"#\osrards\rd Bhono 55 e-naiI : L-796L-LL2Lt prGuol".con.br lan 7961-05391 o O Ccf rqr tq?7- Ilaflzr-tko\' l*roepcq llX+=X\elNu s\\_ ts la....rN,NT eo s+sr_stcN -Dzee }-.ccat{? [uz Unrd,"1gs\.r:d \-i.s+ [\t r[\ N"r. [\te [nr= e-+--hor\ =D {a c oN - \) ?q{- \nr= V ro}'t e- oN Oo_: pi{.\ Geo {L \^-c*a +- a -B* R. [$1 to*= Brrrlorul B h..ot -,r z PaeS?N* Lq e. I t +c, q eXr*N .-\\t>eDor F-o-rl:- - L1;t' %Are+ SLrSf rr.o,ls\tt \=' +ha- trrtstr,\cxl -1, U (\ \rste\tr 1 t\ 6fit^-c-$t oN c>t-.t-\ our t Stlst=I AA IJP PrUcjj-z h"1\1?S - \\ _---,.'/\f.-ffu*q Vou 6. coN:rdtr&gI I ourR cq(..]-oA-l , I -I[,ur erl=-Q-r-7 , C\ *No,,oQ*.; KrLl lta o e_:)-\Nfs .Ua"LC--r\o - SENT BY:t0-24-s7 ;12:05PM ; B C I ADVI o S0RS- o Fu<:970479-2452 n04792452i# l/ l DONALD IK NANCY REMEY I47I Aspen Groye Lane Vail, CO E1657 October U, 1997 Ms. Lauscn Watcrton Town of Vail Plururing Commission Vail, Colorado Re: Proposed Red and Breulifast 1477 Aspen (hoye l,ane _ - Dear Ms. Wuterton: As owners of 1471 Aspcn Grovc [:ne, we are strongly opposcd to the proposcd eslablishment of u bcd and breakfast as proposcd by Will Millcr for 1477 Asperr Grove Lanc. Our opposition is lrascd ou the following: l. Aspcn Grovc Lanc is a private road in an crclusivc re,ridcntial erca. The pre;ence of arctail commeroial cntcrprisc will ncgatively impact the quolity of litb tbr our family, - il will incrurv: traffic, - it will create a parking loL, - it will have signagc and lighting nol suited to the road, - it will attact vendors, prospcctive customcrs and olhers not suited lo a totirlly rcsidcntial sheel 2. It wil.l ncgativcly affcct thc reel estctc vtluc of rrur property. 3. lt will sct n prcccdcnce for thc entirc Buffcr Cr,cck Road area lirr possible other relail/oommercial businesscs. The Buffcr Crcck Road area is tn oasis fromrhcrampantcommercializatirtntlftheVailVarlley.'Ibatwasanimportant factor in the purchase of our homc in Scptember, 1996- 4, Our I,ionsridge Subdivision liling ll4 Ilomeownerr Asocintion is oppoocd. Wc hopc that the 'l OV Planning Board will totu\ rcjcct this rpplication. Furthcr, we would urge the development of longer term zoning and planning policies that would enhance thc quality of litb in thc Vail Valley. Sinccrcly,<t;'\5'*\K*^\ ocT j TO;, trROM: MEMORANDUM Town of Vril Plennlng D4artment BnrceKing Owncr of residelce et 1481 Aspen Grove Lane Lot l, Block 2, Lions Ridge Sub., Filing 4 Applicatiou for a bed and breakfrst et 1477 ArycnGrovclrnc Lot 3, Block 2, Lions Ridge Sub., X'iling 4 October 23, 1997 RE: DATE: 23',97 13:54 P.L/ISSF/VARE o As the owner of the above property on Lot l, I wish to state my opposition to liiense being given for a bed and breakfast. The following issuss csuse me concern: l. The strect is a private steet owned by tle Lions Ridgc Home Owners Association. 2. The street is not rnaintained by the Town of Vail, brtt tluough the Homc Owncrs Association. 3. Insurance coverage on the sheet is assessed to the homc owners. I fecl this coverage should not be changed or modified to cover such business. 4. I also have concerns about incrcased road taffic. and noise associated with such estsblisbments. 970/845-5819 (Office) 9701476-4630 (Home) o'jrt5005 "" '7"('*I "',rLll . /,.rin( ii Jrt I 2r,,?fl'8\l.c t t.!r Jt:rttRt i. st:LEY ('D.cl.r.nt'l l. th. rrcord ornrr o( 'll.t l,.r ic.r l l!((,P"rty "tth l ;-it'.i-;irtqin rubdtvl'ton c' ll'd Llon'' lrrtq.. liul,ilr vl rion rtltnq No. l, !.91. County, Colorrdo l;r,ioprrry;), th,. trn. l'pla!, vi vhich ta. t.66r/rd at l'c'Ptlon N(t. 202I'f { tn FQok :.o. lb6 at..9. a!t, ot th. rtal P!op'lty rr,cordr of !,nq la C!unty, Colofado, o.cl.rt.nl r tro169 th. ovn.! ot rll Lota (daftn'd brlovlr th. undrtrlgnrd hold.ra o! ft!a! d..d. of ttua! on thl Lott, p., 1p,q th{ r;tc ? lrrt t,l.nor. (d.(ln.d b.loelr d"tt' lo 'r'rnd rr.!att ln tt lr .ntti., y th.t c.atatn Dacl.ta!lon.ot ^.- .nd t grori(-r-tv. covrn.r.tr roi uion't Rtd9. tubdlvl!!9n ?l ltng. tlo.,';;;;; i;ii ii, trto, ini iicJrJro rrieu-t l, tc00, tn ro6t !06d.rtod July 2{, 1960' rnd r.cotalad Au9uat l, ,r!e, ln 'e(,rr Prqt liu ,r( thr r.co(dr o! t.qt. countyr,9?l9r!-dor-!?rt Prq( llU (rl th. lacolol oa Eagll lgul|Et, bt,lr,.rr'e, "or,,,rndffir r.rrr.tn Aa.ndr.nt.Lo D.cl.rattgn o; ?!9!1o!lv.c.,v.,n.!nt! tor Lton't ntdg. Sutrdtvlrlon ?tllng l{o. ' d't'd .,v..ftt,,.! 21, l9!0 ('tnttl.l Dtcl.taclon'1. . !t ( rt Am.n.lad .nd R.ttatad D.clara!&4 ll,,rr4r.rnt rnd th. und.(rignad ?l!a! LlanoSa do halaby lr'nd .rnil ror'f .t., In tt.r ..n?-rr.ty ttia tntttat Daclaratlont Ind do h,-,r..t,/ ren^ir, rrrpubl lrh lno r.d.clar. lhal !ha lotlortnl r.r rnrr, cov, 1|n t . , ' cond l t l Ona, aaaan.nta, !aaLflCilOnll Ull.ll 1.,'..1v^, lrrnr, I lfitt.t tona an;l oDllgattona aharr ba d"r'd to run Hlth thi Pr(,pr.?ty, lhall ba a iurdan and a banatlt to Drr:l.r^nt, rr l{ rrrcca.aofa and aralg:la, and any garaon.gt 'ntlty6(rq,llrrnt,'t \)wnln.t .n ln!i!.rt rn tr'a Ptupa!ty and llt O?n'( f .,.r I tiroi'erry rhlch ta o! b.:or.. .uDjrct !o thra Dacllt'3lon .n,-r I r'trri)v.na.nL. bul l! thaa.on, and rny gSanlaaa, auccaaaot', h..rrri, t)ir run.r I raP!rai'ltrtlvaa, drVllrlr o! aaallna. L ut:rlNt'rlr)lls. A. |'..d h.3aln, th. !ollortni lotd' 'nd:.rtrr Fr, 'TTJI'r v"--iTi lolluelng n..nlnlat sull) iv lsl')h l)tl Pli)l'lillfY l,':' Lton'i. ltdg. tubdlvl.ton tlIlng t{o. | . A Lot rllhln Llonr. lldl. subdlvtrroo ?lllng Io. { tnctudtnf., r.h{ .?p\lr t.n.nt lntata.t !h.lator [t .ny, ln rnd to lha loa.l. A Dvrl ltng Untl .h.ll h.Y. tD. r.r. dritnttlori or lr do.. l|. a.ctton ll,0{.0?o ot ch. torn of vrtlr Color.do iunlctP.l Cod. ta .tt.ct .n th. d.!. (t !h. t.oordlng of 3hl. Drclrt.t lon ('v.,t lunlclP.l cod.'t. c.F./.A. rh.Il h.v. th. ..;. r.nlnl rr dr! lnrd t n lr c[lon ll.0a. t J0 o( tha V.ll Xuntctg.l Cod.. A Lot Yhtch c.n b. u..d tot r..ld.ntt.l PutPoaar .nd uPon vhtch r.ot .o!. th.n ona butldtnl, cont.lnln{ not tora than on.t dv.lltng {nrt and not rol. than on. rngloy.. unlt (rr r..!rlcl.d bY secttin lS.:t.0a0 ol lhd V.li ltunrclp. I cod., .nd .a ?alarci ': rv- 8.crlo;2.f ot v.ll oldlo.oc. dc. ll t .l 901 ri( t.! ) ll(.sch I t, l9al I ) ' .r'd conlalnlnq not rola than ona fa(agalor r.cl, snlt, raY b. cvnatructad. .,Pir\:; If'.; i I'llri'l, A:, ^ut,^ ,,,, r.k,1,4, ,.f ..i irl.fli I r:,,1r1 I t.( t)R fi\.afl: : '.i .l otlr ttlct ll cr rOAD 0f.3toi tlvllr loAtD ottlof cglDtLlxlr ilru AftoctAtloN t3AD lltrltls DtcLltA? I Otl (lhosld th. ronlng ol th.auldlvl.t.n or .nt &o!(.1 l..oh.ng.d !o ?r lr.r Y/t.oonda s Y l..ld.h-lrl Dlatt log, !h.n th. 1..!!tc!lonrrDgllc.bl. th.s.!o ln lh. Yrll rrifatort cod..h.lt b. d..t.d lnoorpbrrtrd h.r.ln .nd .PPllc.blf co thi lubdtvl.lon or.uoh Lotlrrr. A trac! rllhln cha tubdltlrlon lt.l r.y t.raln ln l!. nrturrl rnd undlalulb.d rt.g. or aay ba l.ldaoag.d ulth gr.a... .nd Pt.ntrrrrrlrl tndlg.nou. !o th. .t1.. lraot C rlthln lh. tubdtvt.lon lh.t' r.y b. ur.d .ol.ly tor gubtlc uclllty.rld drrla.t. putPo..t rnd Dtlvat- oaa ra lngraar to.nd af'laa ?ror crrtrln &ola to llonr. Rldgr toogr a Dubllc road ln th. toYn ol Yatlr tall. counly, coto!ldo' .. tgblac! to thal cargaln Conv.yrnc. o! irr.r.nl ('lh. ltd9. .s vr l t laaarnt'l drg.d tabrurry 15, llt0, end troordrd i.rch ll, t9t0 ln lool tOO at P.g. ,t0 ol th. !.cord. of Lgl. county, color.do. lha forn ol Vrllrr D.tlgn R.vl.r !o.3 d . oul.t.l1n.. tor t'h. d.v.loPn.nt ol Drlvat,alv oYn.d rtl.r rlthln th. iubdlvlrion .r r.y b. .r!.blt.h.d by lh. v.ll luntctPrl cod. .nd th. Daaltn taYl.r lo.td, rnd .r r.Y Dr rucoltrngrd or rrndrd by D.cl.r.nt or- -t hr tsroal.tloar rhtch.h.l!, a.ona othar ghln9., lnt.39l.t ol lrelirnt 3h. Provl.lonr ol thtr l,.ol.r.l lon. Aay Indlvldoll r oorPor.' ton t Daatoatahlgr a.aool.r' , Bt r.t ot 6thrr hgrl .ntttY, .o.bln llon oi larat-.n!l!taa, Yh h l. lh. rrcoti ovnrr o!.n unatlvldad t..-llglr Intrrl.! In on. or ror. ol lha- Lot.r arc.Pg a..P.ctttc.tlY llrt!.d h.r.l n . Llonrr ltdla llo. a llor.oYn.r. Arroolrt ion, a colosado aonProltt corgor.!loa, fhlch .hrlt, .long ullh D.cht.nt, b. author tt.d .nd .rpoYa3ad !o.nto3c. th l. D.a Irtri lon . All arg.n... ot .dntnltt.r tn9, rrrvlc lng r con.t.tYlng' ranagln9, r.Int.tnini ( rnclsdtnl but not llrlt..t to anol taaovall r l.galslnl, tr9(ovlng ot l.Plrctn9.3h. io.d, 'ndr:hi lnruirncr Pt.rl,'|lr (os lh. tnau raaca calrl.^d ,?rrt.! Pal.9(r9ht9(rl(ll rnd ltl;/rr,,r" t, Thtr ?trat A..nd.d .nd tt..t't.d Doclafa!lon of Protac!l Y. cov'4'nl' lnd all al.n.ir.ntr o! tuPPlarr,lt' -2- ::. ., coilloN LXP!ll5lt rtnS? L I lXOt D??nttTl0l{ Opan lp.c. ?t.ct load E!-llfflllill! ts.ot. A atd t ,lr.o3 c th.r.3o h.taatt.t raoora.6 tn ci' ;;;;aa 6i-iritr co{atlr cclor'do' lll rrganral arPsaaalt' aact't'd to ar Gorioa 1t9.6..r bY chta;aci;;;a-i;;'ot bY :hr btl'r'.ol t'h' Aa.oslatlon, acrlnlrtta3llr, l'l'r, .n.lna.tlna and cghar alP'll"' or tha A..oclattonl lotl all '19'n"rl.utullY aa!.rrln.6 3o b. Ccron aie.;aaa bt th. lo.3d ot Dlr'€tol' ol- th. A..bl.! lon t .nd lh. inrumnoo gtartur to3 rh. ln'rt'a€'iiiiilli-unifi prntrreh t(., ( tlt I h.raot. th. hold.r of I ttoilaaott notrr mrrnt of rhtoh la aaout.d bt 'itirt rorstrl. os tlr.t a..d ot iiuli racuioi!lng .a ln3.!..t ln 'Laa: .rortt.g.'-.h.ll trolod. I iiii og-'ciuiti rad 'tortlrl..r rb'll lnchd. th. o.n.!lol.ty ol a a.'c ot truaB. 2. 44!g!9!,tr. lht. D.ol'r'3lon l' "dt tor th' DurDo..r o( cr..tlng rnfi{ptng ti..lrD{trt'to6 lo'ct't 'r;;;Ii;i; il.iiilr.,'rttircii'vl,'b.o.tlcl'l-rn6'ut3'bt' la lrchtt.ctur.l .t.rl9n' rll*trti .nd rrP"r'nc11 ;ltllffll- .;;;l;;;'ilrri rna ,inirciiriiv ln!.rt.-t'nc' rtlh lb' tLsut'l;:;;;;'.i';;; iiiiai"iiiini-iira-irovrctrr. lnf!"' !c-'!d rrr"' rioi-iri-uii. tn ttrr luilivrliio'n io-i priltto-rcrc 'tl tot th' nscu.l b.n.!1t .no prot'icii6i-oi rnr o'lnlrr ot 3h' !oc' tn gh' 8ubdtvlrlon. !. ur!8. AII r.o3. ln !h. tubdl?ltloa tb'll t'll rttiln r,h. lol Io;T;,i l.nd u.. d.tlnllto6.t t.rld.ntlrl Lot lrlth t tr I,tltdflt-ll.r tnolu;tvr'iiiioili-"nri,-rr ilool lr tcta l.3h'orfb "a;ii;ia, o. t;Y t'Lrr,3y/ lnolrrtv" llc€l I l.cond.ry l.nd u.. ltgorrlttri by !h. lorn ot v.l l, Color.do I t 1' {. ASPIOVAL O? Coi{lttucllfl tllrl. (., t{o bslldlng 03 o!h.3 .gtsstut' th'll b' conc!ruct.d, .r.o!.dr o!'ralngalnaa. oll '!1. &ct{ no' 'Lll rntliiiiiii-iiltiii-ii-itiirriion or obralr tbrrrln b' rd" no3 iiiii-iii. ii.ovrr or v.iiiiilonr rllr ilrtrrrtloa, bull'tnl iliiitil'in,-iuiptni-ot irrrlrl'uPon-.- t tr.!!?n'!:9tl9al^Iiiiiiol ritrrrlton or ralrrgrrnl c! 'n-'rl'3tn! !!l-".tll3t' 9.vlng, t.ncln9, or othat trtscYarntl-ot gh'-tloP'33t er iorirnirc untoii crrlgn-ieei6iri hr. b"n-93'n3'd Dt 3h' D'!tln ;;;i;--;.;e-ii-pir.oitlri'tn ch.Ft.r.ft.1..9! !h. v.tlI'iilieli-iic;; 'i;";iaiiioi, ii ilrr rt'c!'!toa ol D'cl't'nr or th. t..ocl.cton, rr .nrii-iJ'rciufieC !h'l no 'uch '€tlYltl"ii-"llliilii-u',iirii I'io-un!tt Daol.rra! os !h. l..ootrtlon hr. ;;.;;;-;;;;""ii-ii iittine o! oorell'nc' ultf' ti' D"lea ould.lln.., ibt tt ugon !h. .rPlt.tlon ol rhlrly (t0f d'y' fto' thf d.t. 6r ' ttri- ru6r : t t r I o!- ?lrn. lo D'ct'r'nt ot ln' iiiocrtttoa hY .n oln.s, rhi brolrrrnr ol A"ocl'tton h't l't'n -t- lotr I lhlough ar I nc I u.l va, tlool 3 Lot | 9, I0.nd ll,ilocl 2 Lotr I lhrough 6, lncl ur I vr, llooh I tO !r.t ltor !h. lo.d .nd It l..t ttor rtl oth.t ProP.!tY I Inf.. 30 1..! lto. !h. lo.d (?h. llDtovurnlr un Lot ll rra orircntlY rllhln t t..! ttor th. iord) l !- trrB tron th. '{0 loo! roorii rac Ultlllt l...r.i!'driltnrtcd .nd d.ao!lb.d ln lh. !tnrI pl.t ot sh. lubdlvt.lon, rnd lg- t.at tloi .ll o!h.r Prop.r It lln.t, lo l..r tlor a.ndoton{ Drlv. .nd lC t..r tto. .ll olh.r Pro9.t!Y l la.. . -t. ..oh loo rqu.r. t..t o! alt.-.ri. tn .to.ar.ot ,01000- rqurtr frot. on eny rtti-oontalnlnl tfo unltr, on'.ot ttir rrnltr rhrll not'alo.a.t onalthltat of tna .llor'bl' tot.l O. t, ?.1. b. ?or Lota I thro0lh ar lnolu'lv" !locl Ir no .ttuclu(. .hatt b. looaSad-on any. auch &ot lrcrpt ilttrtn th. '!ulldlng lnv.lo9.' tor ih luoh Lot i. d..lgn.t.d .nd doroithd oa th. lln.t Plrl ot tha tul,dlvl.ton. o! h. !, r.. rl il l.*lt"s{x.u$*lFll#! i r.!"1!!!,, I n I rur a.tbaclr !-or chr lo€.!lon of rtruciur.a r.l'tlv' t' prog.rty ltn.r .h.ll b. r. tollof.t + orh.ru r.r o,o,rollt ll .n. vttFfiu4frtfi#lio.lnl!" .iii"ciJr. ioorirc Yl!hln !i. lubrttrlrlca.h.ll .ro..d ,J !..t rn h.tthr to! butlalnfa rlgh .lct.d toot!r ot ,0 t..t ln t'.laht lcs bullataf. rlth tl.3 tool.. ( rv | lllulgJlgqlllll[l' .. ol!-.t3..9 e.blot. ?.tl tnl .h.ll b. Drovld.d br..d urcn lbr Yrll llnloltal Ccd.;;;ii"; .linaii,rr tn rltrb: .t 3b. tl.. ot llrulcr ot inr ruilotng P.rrt3 bt 3ha tcnn cl Vlllr Cclcaldc, bul rn env rvrni no l.r. ah.n thraa stl't33aal Darffnliorcri tor !h. fls.t au.lllaa unt3 laaat.d cn a &ot I'nd onr .ddtt,ton.l D.tllag rcrco tcr aa atlct...!!tt,ii-rnv, itiii or pr6vtdrd-co'.uci Lot .na lh. bullalnl iontriirnc tnr drilltnc unt! or !n13. .l.ll h.v. r!r.ch.d i frrrtr yl!h-. rlnlrur oaraclt, t0 houa. tlo v.hlol.a. b. Atl drlY.faf. .nd g.sllal .r... tn rh. lubdlvt.lon .hall br gavaC ln acoctdanoa,tttr tttr rt,rn<lrtdrr .9.o1!lcatlona- a||d ra{ulsarant. ot thr vrtl luntctp.l'coirr rld th. ..tlrur t.trlarlbl.drtvry.y or grrilng grrdr rhltt bo l0l. lYl LAflDrCAtttO. lh. oono.rn ol Drcl.r.nt rnd !h. Aaaoolaltcn ta lo trlov. ln.n.tsr.l .DD..t.nd. of !h. tubdlYlalon an.l t1r. lrlntrnrnbi of .uoh aPPaaranoa. Aa grrg ol th. aggrovrl Dtocrrrr ornara of Lota anat lhrlSriirorntittvrr 6r bullcrl. rtll b. !.qul!.d to.ubrli coiglrcr lrndao.gtnt glrnr lnd r.la adaqu.l.grovlrtonr lor tirndiolPt.lg oo.!. tn. th.l!.ov.r.ll oonrtr.uctlon budf.! !o rscorgtt.h th. lolloflnft a, ltnlrlt. dlr,u9t lon lrorIt.dtnlt b' lav.t.lat. and r.r I o!. ffcund oovar to trProva agtaatrnoa and lo r.duc. ar calon , o, Ua. lndlg.nou. Pl.nt.g.olaa ol gtaat ral.rlalr .. .at.blt.h.d by th. D.olatant of !ha A.aootal,lon, d. l.laot th. raa'a.d. alaa.nta lh.l bl.nd and.r. ooagattbl. rllh th. rttrr .. uaa rrl.tlnf ot n.tul.l6ratnal. 9ath. fh.n.v.r 9o..lbla, .nd ' t, Conaatvr rnd 9roi.' t ScAroltr resl tcsralloaa, .tld unlgu. l.nd.o.f'. taaturaa. l!tl tallL . l. oh . ! ruo3rr 3. d.. If n.d. lo?-Edrd-rTi r---Ey humnlialt oann.ct rlth raras and ..nJg.tton (vt I " rr'! ! ! !o 3h. lota .l.ll b. ,lro.d balala lialt ocnn.ct rllh ralat and ..nJg.ttonf.atlltt.. |.d. .Y.ll.bl. bt Llonrr llcl. H.t.!Dlrtrlot .nd UDr.i lacl. Yall.t !.ntt.tlon DlrtDlat3lot .nd Upt i lagl. V.ll.t l.ntt.tlon Dlrtrlc!,ct ant cth.r p.aaon cr .n!ltt. llo Ptlv.t,. u.ll. .h. llbr urla aa a -ou3oa ol ratat tca horan oonrurgllon orlrrlf.tton. lrffi"o lvllll llllllll. 3...r.nlr .ndrllita-ot-rat af. harabr aaaa,Yad .r .holn 03 r!..c!lD.d on lha ttnal plal to3 lha aubclvt.lon,D.ct.r.ni .nd th. l.ao€l.3loa .h.ll n.Y. .n uatalttloSad, lrtavc€abla aaaaaant lo trav.t.., oto.r, .nd rtlllra .nt tolilon of 3ha Llr rhloh r.y b. naoaatatt ot can-anlang ln crdat to tartorr .ny l||nottcn- saqrtsatl 3c ba Paslolrad Dy th. 0..l.l.nt .n.,th. Aaaosl.cloa tot.s.nt tc thl. D.ol.r.tlon. tlr, lllll. Io !lln., blllbo'rd', o' cth.3 .av.rtl.lnf .t siLET. ot .nY rlnd .h.ll b..rfc3.lr ccmllnitra os rlntaln.a on any Lotr tor rny turtor. rhatacavat, aloagt auch rlgnr rr h.Y. b..n biovod bt tba Daotar.n3 ot th. A.rool.llon. lnriiltlon, ill ruch atlna, blllbortd.r or.ny oth.r rdvrrglrlat .3tuotgt.-rh.ll oo.9ly ftth ch.9t.r la ol th. V.l l tuntolg.l Cod.. lrl lllgll. fh. d..tln .nd loo.tlonol !.nolne .h.ll b. iiiEiiTft rd !o .nd .Pgtovrd by th. 0.ol.3.nt -or th. Aaaoola!lon galo! to In.l.ll.clon. (rlt lllll. ,fo t!..h' ..hft' ot othrlr.tu!. .h.tl tJa ! htor6--?-durP.d on .ny land eithln th. lubdlvlrlon. th.r. thrtl b. no bu([ln9 ot oth.r dlrDoa.l of rrtua. ou! of dcora. t.oh orn.r rh.ll gaovldr autlabl. rao.93.cl.a tot lha g.r9otaly ltst.9r ind oolkotlon ol t.(uaf and all .uoh rroaPl.cl.. rhalt b. Dla€ad tn rnolorutrr agt.oh.d to th. bulldtnga-.o !h.! tuoh t.o.gtaclrr rhrll b. .c!..ntd !tor tha Drbllo Yl.v .nd Pro!.c!.d t.o. dl.tu!b.nc., :roh Ornri rhould rlro rrt.n{. vlrh thr Toun ot v. ll or olhrr govrtnmnirl anllty !o( thr glol'IP o( trtq.r on rt t..rt . r..llr b.rtr. -t- calagnona.alY una.Sltouad. o ( rt t ) !t!|!l!99!' ro 'nlr'l''I tvr.tcct r ho!..rr o, ffiTlrcaPt dof ', c't' lnd "irrri pitl tor doirrtli hos.ahold .nroyr'nt-'nd not lor coinorclll purpor.a ) ah.Il b. l'9tt (rl"dr o( br!d tn thi Subdtvtrton. (rtlf , PtT!' ttou"hold P'tr 'uch "dogr.nd c.t. nurt br c6?fitnrd uPoo 'n ovn'r r' Lol' ovnart nry no! contt!uc! a lanc'd !un on. th'tr Lot'p"ii.iit iii" r:conprnlr<t by P.t. rllhln th' Subdlvl'lon nurt h{v. rrld Pot. und.(- th.lr dlr'ct control by u'f .,f n lr.rlt not to rxcrtd l0 (rrt la t'ngth' t rtvr 3.!-lP!4!#19'..11 .n.r rtin'porrry rt ructura, a br. pcrrnlitrd tn tht lubdlvl.lonr arc.Pl at l'y o' .latrrtnlnrd to b. nac.rrarY dqrtng conactuctlon, 'ndipi"iri".ily .uthorlt.d bi th. D.cl.r-.nt or,thr A.ioct.!ion tn vtlttng, rid 1n lccord.nc. ullh th' ordrnincrr on,l rrlulriionr o! tha toln ot V't I ' txvl !t!!!, lrc.Pl lor dl"'r'd or rrr,r,1 Lrcr,r, t!re. nrtEiiTiy .rlrtlnE uPon ln/ Lot ,hrll not irr cutl trI'nr.d ot r.tovad lroo th' Lot vtthout tlr. Irrlor apgrovrl of tha Dacta!ant ot th' ArroclaLI('n, (xvl ) T?Levtl!tON ANlltlNA!' frl'rlor rriunrrd, txpor.d trlrviiTdi-F:@nn"t d trh" n, rocri".ti tl I I not b. Patnttt.d Ylthln th' sutrrllv(rlon. Such rntrnnirr dlahaa o! r'c'lv'!', lt (nrtal !.d, nu.t b. concerlrd !so[ Publlc Yt'Y' ( rv I t , SCtttl'ltN0. ?u't !'nk', !l..ctr lc nqlirt, 9r t ttrgi.i?ffirnd clo!hlr ltnrrl lrodt, coann.!clll iruckr trlllar, carF!, rotol hol', 8v rnd t.crr!tlonrl or lnoP.!.b1. vrhlclr F!!tagt rno n lrcirndttlonlng .qqlP..nt,- !.l.Ylrlon .nd r'dlo int.nnri, d!rh6. rnd rac.lvara, and olhar r'l't'd !.ct !tqtrr ourl ba rc!tlnldl bu3 tad, or 'ncto..'l !rot vror from turroundlng ploparllaa. ( rvttl l !$!L!!!I!!9!!. re'rl .rrrrtor. oro mandatoly (Jn lll cnlanayl . ll(thttnr, Arduc t.t (rlrl OoTDOgf LtO[?IxO. All outdoor (:omnn und.r tnr rrvrr: -6GEi.ran! or th' l(rn, -t- d u, un,.,t, vF r rp., I'il,ili*tif#fl*ftf*ia llv,n.,, \iltIln t.h.' suLdlvtrlon, .rcoPt vtthln P!lY't' 9'l'9'r' ( rrr l Accllaoit ITRUCIUTII A{P (;r l: €Nlr()Us !:s . A ccrrrorfifi0EElliil-lf-rnY, .h' I I b' 'FiTiiTTiic.rn.tructton r.trr l.l. .nd gu.l t Sy 'r0r ln(:lJrrl t,ut ldln.Jr. Accaa.ory rt!uc!tl!art lnolud'ng tut rr()i I thltrd !o grr rnllouaaa, tuat ba ot ' 6"tgn ln.t rlrv p,,rrnl rrlbli by lh. vail lunlclPal Cod' 'ndacct,Ptrtr l r tc' th. Dec la (.nt o! tha Aaaoqlatton. ^rr rtructu!r. "lill,ll.ffi'o'pio.,"u.uo dtllgrntly lo conPl.tlon rnd th'll.b' l'rn,prtii,.l vlttrtn tvrivr rontir o! corranc'l'nt unl'r' rom. nrcrl,tlon l. gr.nt.d ln Yrltlng l,y D'cl'r'nt or t lr. Aaa(,clatlon. (xrt I I ) NUI-!!-!!! ' llo norlotl' ol qff,nrry. rc!lvlLy rtrrll-ffiitrd on vtthln th' 'lt'; rnd h rltr raata r l|ohi-tcr ba aar." ot r.iil:r.acr ttlrala r|lmac..' l||lrr,SfF[si,.s!ii--i'iffi."rrtsr.a !.r|m|l.|lr rlt| l3lr,lll il.trrctli ro'3lrtr ril rtr.atlt .t cl.ar. Flfgll-o.|rt.t.,irrf r rttcfd t ti''|ctt ecrrrea -ril'r.crt.d, rhlohaLll-l. lt. 3o,-alllult ot tlo on.! ot it. ' irllirolcr. Orirr ml tritrlotcrl rtll nor dtrlutb,lrr$r tsatalr cr rtgta rat.slalr or .qultrnt on atLt ortdar lcltr t alaxaal lltf aDtftaa'ltt Lll. glcrttr- cclct.do ct3l.-ttrr cl vrll; gal.taac.'-ofr la .td ociss'€lor'iii iielt5itil-aata-e-aaar bttirr, .3 butalne !t"hr3a tSttrtloa l3c crlrrf ,illirrr lt 3ba lrDaltlalat. om.t .nd -..r.!!il'1.!llD3cvlalrf ..a.lrrta xnlt.tt.oartte€tlo|l lctlotlr t.€ltl!1.. tcr hl. o''.'i ..o, liiitlhtf$Hrl#i .[!li'li!-lll, cc Ebtlo rcaaa cr raa c!L3 Lctrl ltrcBr l.nd I ol iir-icrc tcl t ttll| tr3tc... ctrla; ocertruollon. fiS1'ffi.,E lti ncr lirrc.a 3c otlit Lotr, tit lllfe t.r€.nt.la orn.t.hlP Irlllll.!!!l!r-$i!-14.&,t I Zt at a 1It l0Ir t.0tl t .0ltt. ottt.0trt.otr,.0tr 1.091t.0tr 9,0t1t,0fl r, t0l (!l l.eh Lcg rlthln llocl I and ll. 'PPu'l'n'nlii'tt|r rorC .hrll b. lnftprrrblr and r'y no! conv"'d' lirrarr o; otlot llrcv...t3. lr nol-; tt'lri rra rrtir coctlrr' lt rlll b. a ,rQ:lt-al lla artam ct tha t.t.cn c.u'tn9 l.,ullllllll-lll-gl. (ll th. la.d (tr.€: Ct l. h.r.by 'llvld'd,ooatog.od, 'ind lllr artrrSata[t !c c.rtaln of ghr Lot' lcortad li ltoGl I rl-lcllorrl Atldifblr tor thr flllll I€on!tactotr, and t.hlD I n lh. lo.d tntat.at -t- lormd, d.yt..d or .nou.b.r.d ona ,lthout lha othar. A trrnrlir bv rn oyn.r ot l.t.t qlBl. to rll or.nl gcrtlon.ot I Lot rtthln lloct 2 .hrIl rutoaatto.lly tsrnrtal a ?loPot3ton'3'lnt.r..! ln lh. .PPurl.[.nt ln3.taal In th. load. to lnl'1..3 ii-iii-ioic [y tiii. lr niy ur firntod, ooivrvrd, or .r.lrn.d by .n oyn.r rrprirte tror hi. Loir rrortt thrt !h. road l'l-D!.-d.dtc.t.d tb th. Publtc flth tha Prlor Yrltl.n oontanl cl tlr o! th. Ovn.r. o! .ll Lotr vlthln llocl l. tcl unl... d.dlcrtad to th. gubltcr 3h' lo'd rhltt bl oyn.d la cornon by !h. OYn.r. of all Lota ln llook 2(hrritnrttc: tn pirrgrtthr r ttiougtt ll orltrd rovnrtr'l 'ndihrtt-rrartn uncivtaic.' llo ornfl ah.ll r...at .ay rllht ol D.rtitlon Yllh fr.P.ot !o tha load, rn.t aaoh ofn.l latv" 'ntrina iii rtsht. o! irtttllon h. rry hold bt vlttu' ot hlr "Jn.iirrrp 5t rn unitvlcec lntrrtri ln th.-to.d.r. t.n'nl ln connon vtth tha oghar oYl|illr td) l..h ofn.r rhlll br .ntltl.d !o u.. lh. lorc ln .ccord.nc. rlth 3h. 9utPo.. lol fhtoh lt la. tnt.nd..lr. rtthoul ttinJiitnE, trlPrdlntr- ot- lrPotlnl uPon th. rlfht. ol th' oth'! ovnrrr rii ln-ecooidrncr rith ttir iutrr rnd r.gulatton. duly -..t.bltrh.d !ron tln. !o tli. by !h. Aaaoclatlon, aa PtoYld'ctor h.t.tn. n oc d I n d i f; i' * i iii i ii "i;il I ltl?i'lllnl'r33k?ttF".sl*St ol " ranintitrroc .nd nrn.g.d by th. A.aoola!ton pssau.nt 30 thl' Drcirrrrton, th. Arlt;1.. 6t tacorgorrttonr. ana !ha. lttlara ol Lh. Arroct.tton. !.ch ofnar rhlll ba I rarbat ol gn' irrollrtlon .nd .h.ll r.nrln I r.rbar unltl ha c.aaaa to b"n o"n.i. ?.ch .nb.r rh.ll corPly rlllotlt flih lh. trovlalcn'o( thlr Dfcl.r.tlon .nd of tha A!llolaa tit lnoolpolatloa rno- 8yl.rr o! lh. Ar.oclrtlon. tach r.lbat ahall ba bound Dy 'n€rhetl comgly rtth sul.., l.gulagtonrr. r.acl||!totlar.and. doclrron. oi th. A..octitton Ouly rada ar .dotSad ln lha rann'trrt forih in Lhr Artlclra of lnootgoraglcn er lylara. trtluta of .nv r.rb.r to conDly Ylth auoh irovlrtcarr rulrl, iiquiieton.r rerolutioir or d.ol.l6n. .mll br-. ftcona-tat,.nrcilon to r.coY.! d.ragaa cs tc obtaln lntunotlva lflt'tr ol uoitr, nrtntrtn.bl. by [hr Aooolr:lon a{l boiall ct th. oli.r orneir, or ln thr pr69.r oa.a, bt an afft lavaa Qnat. ln .ddtrl;nf tnr rrrotlritont. lil.r. rat arthcrlaa th. Arrocrrtion, du.lng th. prtlol o! aiy aalliqrmc{r lr}. t9. -rrvol. I drilnqurnl orntilr rlfht to llaa 3ha lca6, ana IDI to rurg.nd I nrnrbitrr votlnl Prlvllalaar hofava!r nc a{ch rurirnrlon rh.ll .!!.s! [trl rtl;ti ol . tlra3 &lancr. o. .l;, ",lllffii.'?i'!!!!,lf'llqnot llfilt.d to rnor trlovlt lr rrDllradr lf3ola6, ani. l'?l"o! by th. A..ocl.!lon. llol.v.t, lt lha.naaa :o Lla allcb taFrlr- or mrtntrnrncr rrrultr lrol ihr n.flll.nt or !nt.o!lonal .ct ct .ny oynrt, htr ?a;lly, alant, gurri oi ItYlSaar-1i61 lrnr t - .r|l. ll r.tnbur3. !hr Aaaoctatlon tor tha ooata ot laFltlnl auoD drnrgr rnd ghrll b. ltabl. to tha o!h.l orn.3a fo! all rddtttunrl lorrrl or d.nag.. au(t.t.6r tnoludlnq raaaonabl. at t or nry. ' tora. 8, Aisl[8]{!NT8 lol Coflioll lltlilSr A D IOAD lltaltll. (.) i.ch ofnrr rhrll pry a Pro ralr .ha3a of th. uennon trp.rr.16 .nd Ro.d trrP.n..a, rhtch Proratlon rhrll ba rr l(rl l0rrt Oor.rt ln rlool tol l.t lcr 0tnrll la lloot Iof l.t tot Cc-olr trpan..a load ttoanaat taro.n!.g. th. s. otCorto-n ltDanaaa t. tlrt. ttrl.tti ,. arrt.etr t, t0r5,ttlt.tar t,3art,tr5.tt ?at caa t,ata !h.r. o!' Coaaon tlotna.. 5.lat 5. ttrl.ctr 5. tal I, t3rt.ttr Patc.ntag. ih.rr o!loa4 ttp.nr.. r.0tr 9.091 9.0t1 9.0t19.0tr 9. 0tlt,0trt. 0trt.0ttt.0trt,l0r I 2I{tI 7It l0ll I z J atI orn.ra ln lloot 2ot Lot for I zt aI aIIt l0ll ,tf, .fl: !c.rd_.t alr.oror. (rh. ,!o..d., ot th. firtt#H$l!'ll't$i{ti.lrlii:'ili* j,i;riri-:r' !x3t.f...t rrrorvo ri.3.tca. i;r;;-;o-l;.'i.grnnrns o! r.chrr.c.l t..t ot rL L.ccttiiia,-iii-riiri"lniir ..oer . r'rdert!?!,?rlc yo.r, rl. brt.r imir-iioiiill iui .r.rr no. o.rt.tC.a rcr rn or3t*.-ct. ilr. ocill-ii-Liii.o.no., r.9.1( .nc?tlaca'G ot ct. to.a, . rr. soiir-ir -idn-irp.n..., rir c.,.rot ..3raa.r tc b. r3ovta.C oy iif-riioiiliiJr, !rr. co.r orti.{t.ro. r.qstsea- bv Hrrlriph l r,iiiii, -iili,propo..o :.prt.r i!r:"!ii"!ii+ri!#fi ,dl,Ii l" jilii.:: lr:i j!; -: ;: j ;i;. "':!!?!.r ..r b. Drld ror. rirccrn-r;ili;;-;^;;.rr.nn?r ,,.......r.!rt..r.ri.r ri.n.!y !p.ir.r :aa;;.;;;;, ?at,.|,.r..oot.rtor,. curr.ir attatt'v.rri, iii-iJiilj'ir,. lt r{opt r.rrrDu€t.t .r t!. n.rr r.rlnf rai iilrii itllil i.t. ,rco.r.no.rn! ot rh. n.rt iaarlrt iiijri.]ni,-ri.n r.r,. .r,{rr f!.corxtn lr7.n..r .na lcrd up.n....ii-iii'i.r.rv, tund .rr.,ir,,rn.r.tcr b...d on r poe friii-.itiiit.-"ir'lii.. ",,..", .., ,::!l?f!:...r Dc Drrii on ti..oc.r.-riirriia-i,i rrrrr.r...octaatona la lie orarlrt tmrii. -",liii..rIi,, rh. (,.1 ..,,co..on tr9.n.rr rad ioed 3ig-n--i-ina'.iy-ll)I.r. n..o"nr,i.3.ter .h.ll b. on rhr,oritr or irri pilzioui y..,,. .,.?rflth agoh adrsata.rit, ttr?r.!o r. th. t?r1d c..Jn.ld.rIl2?1"-9-!rllt- ?h. h{ofrt rhrlt rrio-rn.iuJ'tii,. .nnu.raraaraaaat tor a.ch cdn.r, tp.cral tr.iii.rif. i.r rr. livr,rl - la ,'' ,'rj rhrnrvrr ln th. oPlnlon of tha loard lt lo iacalaaty o! .dvl..bl. to do .o ( I ) to r.at tnoaaaa.d og.ractng ot r'.tnr.rn.nc. .rpanr.r or co.!a, ( il) to Provtda lor aodlllon'l c^pttrl .rprn.l., or (ltlt brirorr of riergrnclell holrvor, ll thr l,r.rpor.d .ddlt tona: crPltll argtntaa at any glvan tll. ala In ,ircrlr ol {01 ot th..rittlng budgrt, .uch rlP.nt.. t y b. ln(urtrd only rlt.r ih. Ovn.flr by tha VOtl ol tha Ovn.l. b..? r n.l tt lrrrt ?ll of th. conlon llPanaaa, aPplova .uch .rl,innrr, Al I .nnui I aa.raanaata ahal I Da baard upon an .t,pr()vi.t l,u.l.l.t, al I o!hrf a..aallantr ahall ba In lt.nllad s111rnr.nr le?n anrl rt'. lt .at !o!!h th. dat.tI ol thr varloua rrt,tsfrrn. let Yhlch th., arraaatantt ata balnq nadt' tcl Tl,' Fo.t0 rh. ll pl.Par. and pfqvt.t. to..ch ovn'l . ,r.trnrfrt fq, thr annqal .araat r.nt ahd any apaclal .rrr...nrnr aga lnrl lrl I l,ot . Annual aaaaaai.nt. lor tha rrorlrtr.tr<t conh()n Erp.itrr .nd noad 3t9ana.a rhall ba Pald tn 'tt/4rr.rr ly tnrt.llnolrl, rtch luch ln.!allrant d{rr rnd payabl. lfr .,lv.n(:r! rrn tnt frtrt day ol aaci cllanda( gua!t.lr ol lola I r r.r1vr.nt I n.t.l l,|.ntr .. t.y ba d.tar!lnad bt tha loatd. .r1.r,,;r,r I 4rr.rrr.ntr rhrll br du. and gayabl. a. .Pactllrd tn 'r,. rrtrr.n r|r)rlc. '/r .uch .araaaiant p!ovldad br !ha loald. ' tl) | L,||y .r.r.rr.n! thal I rrraln unPltd i.a daya .rr,, t rr,,. rtrr. rt.r r I het.(rf , !h. loafd nay ln?oaa a Panally on ,t,,.t tr. I au lt I n,J urrrir In .h attoqnt a{ual to l.ll of ruci 4, ,',^rf,tsrrr. r.rrrrr.r., I prn..lLy .qual to t.ll o! tha UnPlld r. -.1.ll.,.,r nrry t,F lnp(J!.d on thl llsrt day of aach calandal l.,,rir t |,l..r,4lt.t rt) runil ar lUCh aaa.aatlanl lhatl bf UnPalat. /,rr {.t l{rn n.y b. blought by tha Aaaoclatlon to t' ,:. | ./r,t,, t.l ('onn,,n Lrprnlr and load llganaa aaaaaalan!r ttOnt-'r'.r I ral i, l',f thr payiatlt thafaol, glth or Ulthoul I ,,, r.'rlr,'r (,r r'4rvrnq Lh' ll.n ,laacrlba.l tn tha tolloYtnq I ,r ' ,,'ti al,l,. tl. lli runr rrrrrlrd lrtl t llnpalC lo! tha rhara ol, ,!,nf ,r t r[,,'.rrFr ,rni, lu.d tty.nata araaaaad to any l,ot ahall .,,r.n, rr,rr,. ltrrr ('n rsch Lot tn l.vo! e, tha Aaroolat lon 9llor,,, ^lr ,/rf''r I rrnr rnd .ncurbranc.r, al€a9!t ( tl llrar tof r:rrFrr .n.r ,1r".:lr I .r....r.n!., .nd llll thr tlrn ol anY lltat n.,/r ! 't.,1,, e( | I r ri d.rd of !ruat of taootd ancurDa( tng a{ah 'l'ti! Arr(,ct.tt.rn'r llan ahatl algaoh ,3Oa tba data fhan,rr. .rllt,.r,t ar.. ratl|inl ahall bacona dua Ind aay ba€ora l,'tw\'tt,..'6 t y th,. A.ru:l.t,ton, Ittat tha 9!ovtdlng ol atrty ll,ri, ,:,r'/r prl('r rrltt.n notlc. to tlrr ornar anal ?l(al Llanolat i., lfr.'$.nn,r.r. rori,9a9. on Saal gtogatlY {Pon tha r',.,fr,rr.,,1 ot s ftotlcr ot crat; tharaol ataoutac !y a raabat ot I r,., F,,' f .1 '/n l,.I.lt of tha A.aoclattOn aatttnl tortn tha alounl .t 't,' 'rnl,. Id ln.t.t trdn.rr, th. narr Ot tha ofna! Ot thl LOt' .r,,1 . ,rnr,'r r pt r.rh r./f I hr Lot. I ! rny .uoh llan ll r.cord.d by rr,i A.rr,(.i.r l(rn, llr. rrnrr rhrlt ba saqulfad 3O 9ay tha coata ^t,'1 ..rpattr.t r,l tl,r p!rp.latlOn and faCOt{tng Ot lha A|tr,rcrcr ro?r'. lt!'tr tncludlal raaaonabla altornayar taal . .ln.ny r r,.t t(,rr(.1'rr,/r', th(, Ovnf a ahall b. r.qglf ad !O Pay rll,,,ir, rr,,r ,ry.n.r. ,rf ruch gagc.adl||irr tnclgdlnl raaaonalrla.7,tt,tt,./^' ?..a, l)qrlng th. gaflgd of lofoClOaUfr, tha 0r:lrt ',1 ,r,' i.,r rut, lr'( t te ruch actlen ahalt ba faqutfrd tO 9ay I rnnir,,rr.rr i. lrflr.l t., ih. Arroe.l.tton. ?ha Aaloctf!lon ahlll br . rrr | ' ir.!r I r, I'rrt.lr.rr I ha t,ot at tha toraclotuaa aalt, and to .r tL,r.., h.rl.l, lir.o, trotr tlrg. oa eorVay tha ralla. t,lt ||r, .rynrt ,|.ll 'tri9t hlnarll lloa Jlabf ll'./ tttt,tt. t..l)t'n t ,,1 hlr rlra!(, ut thr Cunron IfPana.a and lOao rrlr..r,r.rr .lth.l t,y t. lvrI uf t[r ulo rJt rnJoyarnt ol lha tord ',r L/ {tr.nd,rnr,tlrt , rllr, tfanr(.t O! ConVryanc. (tt hlr LOt' rrrl ,ta 1., ')a tt.nal.t of attf l.Qt .a lht t..Ult 9f,r'qrt t,r(or'l,r.rvf o ttl a I lftt lrllotliy |noat., t{r, lufrClOaVf! I t,('rr'tr, irr. l)urrlt! ttqttaa st a (!rrt grtulll,y drrd ol tt'rat,,'t .|/ l't.tr'..drfl.I ln I t.rI ul aoto( lururr of . flt.t Pltulltylr'|l, In,'lu.1ln'l th. tfrnala, lry a d..d ln lt.u at (ot.qlorqla, ahall antlnlulah tha llan of auch .at.a.rrnt. .. to P.ym.nt.lhataol, Yhlch b.ca!. dqa Prtor tg auqh r.lr or tt.n.t.t' out ahall ,rt rallaY. any to!r.r ovn.! ot P.rronrl ,ll.blllty thorr.o3. tha tlrat tl.nol or Purchaa.r of rny .uch l.Dt rrro acqultar fltlf by Yay of lolrclo.ll!. o! thr trklnq ul . drttl ln llau tha!ao!, and th-lr aucc...ort .nd ..r19n., .h. ll not, hovavaf, br tlrblr !o! .ny p.at dut ..ta.rlitnt inr, th.ll only baoota lllDlt fo! (ulqra .r.aaaLnla wn th. d.to 1t lr dallvarad tha daa, tn ll.u ot !rrrrcloruro (,r Publtc 'l'rutrt"'t Daad. llo aubaaquant rllr or t!lnatar th.l I r.lttvr !ri':h l'{rr tron lllblltty ior rny laat.ln.ntl thrroe(trr t'lconlntl 'l'r'r "rtroa thl ltan'tharagl: ln th. tvtnL of lh. r.lo or t!rnttr'r .]i a Lol flth rarP.ct to vhtch .ut, rh.ll t. rnvrl.' t'y 'rda('iulttng OYnar, alc.rt tr.nal.(r io I rtrrt l.tinor tn connac!rtn Ytth a torQcloaur. o( ltr ttfn o! . 'lr'rd ln ll"u thataol, tha puSch.aal or ol'h.r !ranal.Sfe ')l 'n Intr!tnt rn ruch Loi .h.li b. )otnrly .nd .tv.r.lty ll.hlr Ytth th'i rrl l"( oi t!anataror Lha!ao! lot oay auch unplrtl runr, 'nd 'rrt ll"rr tor ungald alaaaltantl ugon ruch Lot rhall cont-tnue I t' run tlr'll auch Lot. ( tl UPon Yrl!g.n raqu.at of any oYnir, tnotLtr'','lr., groagaotlYa rofLiragarr purchaa.r or o![at tranrl'rtt t]f ' l,'/t 'itrr irroolrtton ahall'lirur r vrltt.n .!.t.o.nt .fttln'l turt h lha aroun! of tha ungard Cor|lon 3rPan..a .ad Rord Ellrntt"r' 1J any, rlth rragae! to tuch Lot, tha .nounl ot lhn c'rrrrnt roiitrty araaailant thrratot, tha d.tr on Yhlch ruch 'tfl.'rrrn"r)tbacatr'or rhrll brconr dua and thr anoun! Dt 'ny cri'llt lof oiioltA atoana... luch .t.t'.i.nt, .'or Yhtch I rr'ton'bl'' r.P inv'ui oheierd, l. bln6lng sPon th. l'ioctrt'ton ln f'vo( ()( dnv oriron rho irv rrly !haraon ln good t.lLh. Unl"l' ' (i'(lrr'rt ioi ructr atatlftnr'rhalt br colgllld Ytth '|lthtn 20 d'y' 'rlt'r!acalP! tharao!, atl qnp.'d Cotron lrPtn'rr 'nd Ro"' l{rl'nrli''r itriott'Ua"aaa dui pttor io ttt rlr!r o! n.hlng ruch (i'luent rhdll ba auboldtnatad to !ha llra or oth.l lnt'rrrt ot t'hr' ptrrrltl r.{u..t 1n9 .uch .tata.aat. . t J ) Any garty tn tavor of, vhon ' I lrn on ' l'r)r' lr'! lrrn oroiid i.ry-bilt rhlll not b. rtgulltd ie P'y 'nY unynr'l io.ioi- iiprarlr'rnA/or load !r9.n... rtth rrrPt':t r'o ruch l'or' and uDon -uoh gayran!, ruch garry rhlll lrlvr'' ll'rn on iuch LrJt ioi i[. rrount 16 prti o! thi rror r.nk 'r !hr tlrn thtt't'rtot' ar trt t ng. e. &ru^!g!. (ll thr Aaaoclatton rh'll, on b.,h'll ot th' ()Yn""i I ll gSoYlda rnd laaP ln lolcr, !o! th. Prot'ctlen ul th{ iiloliiiioi,-irr o!itcrrr .nd d(l.cto('1 rnrl rlr tht t'rn|'rr 'nd!trrt llraoir, gan.lal Pobllc llablltty tnd 9'ol''3 tY rl'ro''lrl lnrurtnc. tgtin-r clalir tor bodlly lnJury.r! d.!:.h r)l lrt"rr'rty <trucr ocauitlng ugon o! ln th. lo.d, tn I loltt uf n()l l"s iiin'ltrOOO,OOO.OO- tol bodtly tn)uty ot .rlrrth ro inv trrrnr'.'t ''t prrronr'.rlalngoutoton.lnctdrntutrllr..Lrr,(illlr'((l'rm'rrl|! io proPrrly, and ll hlgh.r llr.t'' rh'll 't rny t ln.' L'r curioniry io grotrct a9. lnrt pvrrltrlr tu(t I l'rl)t I lry' | /' rl htghrr liattr- rlrrll br car!1.d, (lll c"ry In'ut'rr( r i r t(r''rr rrount rr !ha Araoclat lon lay ,ionr ld'! nrci'!'r! 7 "l arlv r ,1al' i " agalnat 1r :h othlr lnagralrla hatatdr 'r niy llr.,ltt I lrr" I ') I l|nr' bi con]rnly lnru!.d agalnrt lh tht ci" ol 1't"tyor i / lrrrrl l4r r" thf load eid rlrtlar loc'tlonr rlr'Ylrt'lrr (llll c.rrlY rtlrv"rurr rnd ul!lctru llobtllty lnrs!ancr ln ruch 'n"unl | 'rr f'rr{ Aa.aclat lon iay con.ld.r nrc.rr'ry ol 'dvl'{l'lr' (bt AII lnru(ancr r'qulro(! t (., l'r t'{' I I'J \lrril!r r rrl'l oar.ot.gh th.ll b. ca!rl.d In !.vut uf tht Aon')' rrr l{'rr, I l"' btnrir inC all ttrat Lttnorr, 'r tlr-l( l"rPxcr rv' lnl'rrrtn ;n'y if,erii, lr nlar,l lnrutt'k. f,.(jh ln{ul'nt'r l'('l t(:Y nl'nll 1'rt'vt'1" tiit na clncrllltlon thtlaut .y l'r n'''l' l'y r'lrr ln rr'tr('' carrlrl ull.host havln'l ttrrt gtvr tll 'ln,'r' t'tlU|,ll(rsn notlc, th.ar"l f.o th. Aaaoclrl' !on, Llr" r)rrlYt r ''n'l all rttrr Llano!r. t.,'h lnrur.nc. Poltcy rh'll !u r:r'nL'lrr 'r.rava!abtllty gt Inrrr-rtr' iFrru!rtlr.11t, thr! ur(,vl'tut ltr er'{ ' ll - of vl.ol.tlon ot.ny p?oylrlon thar.ol by th. A..oclrilon or oaaor nora (but lo.r r.h.n all, o( tha ovnar!, tha coyastga ol aochpollcy rh'rl I br rurp.nd.d or Invrltdrt.d o[ly aa t. lhalnt.r.rt ol thr A.roclrtlon or tha Orrna! o! Oinata ooralttlng t l. r.! v rol.t- [on ,rnd nor n, to thr lnla(.at ol Iny othat Ornar. 10. AFPgnrlnrrlr or ArTolNEl-IN-?ACl. t.ch dn.r by hl. .ccnpr.^ncr rrf thc rhrd oi othi? convayrncr V.attng ln hli rnintcrr,rt tr, I l.or do..r trr.vo.,;.bly conatl!ut. and apgolnt th.Airt'cr{t.tr}n rttl) ful I Irovrr of aubalttutton aa hlf tlut fncl.rlul ^tlorn.ry ln hln nrfirr, plac. and at.ad to oanaga, controlrnd (l,ia | .,lt.h hi. i..t.(.irt rn th. lo.d and hla rtghtr Undrrtf,r, l)4cl.rrrr rrrn ro ao to p.rmlt tl,r Aaaoctttlon to tt.tt'l rll(rf rr,, ,rn(t th. Oy||orrr drttice, obllgatlona and rl4]!r har,.,1.la! rrr,l {r .t'.r -trq Pld,l" at Vttl taartanL, ytth full yota!, r,?,'t .rrr(t .t lt.Irr rr.tr.ton t.r otacuta, aclnOHladga and dallYrl .1n'' r("rr r{rct, Inir.ruftant s( convryrncr (tnAludtng b'tl n']l Ilr, r'..,r1 r ', t f,. dr.',1 l c.t r on o! !hG lroad lo lha publ lc upon oblaltrtn., r "r.f ltr.'n ,tpprovsl o{ llt of lh. oYn.fal, p300t ol lora, ral(1a.,rr .,,,,r.r r^r!rum|'nt al(acitng ruch tntataat ol tha Ofnat, anOr-.' nny otlr.rr .ctlon, yhlch lha latoglallo- l.y oonal.l.r0., rt,u! .(lvt..rblr to gtv. allaot to tha provtalonr of thta i)o' ,,,r.r! [t'n, ll rrqul|.t.d to do ao by tha Aaaoclatlon, aaoh r)rrr,,r ,rhal I " rcut. and dollv.r a frlilan tnrtrulrni conlttnlag xur.r. i,,.orntnrr4r. th. rctton ol gh. l.aoctalton In rattllng,!tt/ r.. n rlth !rrprct to th. to.J rhall b. llarl Ind btndlngr,|l .rrl ordorr. [o orn.r .hrll hav. rny rlghtr atalaat tha Arrirrr:ior lon (rr rnl. uf lta olltc.ta or 6ttaclofa tllh raagact torrrrr i,!\i:rr{t ro?r .rcagt ln catr of lrr.d ot groaa naglllanoa. : r. 9!AI.lTY o! t{oFl. Any r.p.lr., !.novrtlon or r',rir.'rr.r..r(,n uJ tlii To-d Uy !h. A.roctagton aa rggo!n.y-tn-taotll,r |.' {,wnQ!i rlroll br dona ln tuch itnnar aa to ralo tha load,rr 1...|6r oa valrretrlc .ttct auch yotl aa ll yaa Il|adtatalyr'',r(,r'. rh. ,rccurttnci r.qutttng tha rOrk fO ba dona. r. . lk':pj!Ll_lg!.-w!-!,!!. Th.-a..ool.rton !.y .oqstr. nnfr r,,,,,t lor thq uro r rxf5rrtrrT-t of rll ofna!r, raal prcaatty,,ri I 'rig .\ll ruch ra.l prop.sty lt purohaaad tl a tolagloturar^i., on.r rnntrblr rnd lnt.ngtbl. pa!aonal proprtttl aAd ray(tr!t',),,.. r,l t-h. rin" by ral. o! Olharylaa, and tha ba0allAlalr,.r"r,.'r In nny ruch I'sop.rty ahatl ba ornad bt Lha oraata ln,-h, r..rnt' [,ropor t ron .r lh.lf raagacllva lntrt rr!r ln tha COIcnl.xt" f,:,.r, ,'nrt .h.lII nor b. Lf.n.f.rablf arcagt rllh a ttana(arol a l.()r. ':'frr tt.n.t.r ol a LOt rhall tranllat tO lhl I r.in, t.!r.', Qrn$r3htp ol th. trraatatotrr banatlctal ln!.raa! ln l,,r(,rL l,r()t,1.(r.). rlrhour any r.ta!.nCa lharalO. lach Orntf ratIri. rr,r,:lr Ir ot,.rrt l' tn .ccofdanCr ulth tha pUtgoaa tOt rhtOh l!,'t rnr'n,1,,d, irtho{r hlndoalng or anoroaohlng upon tha ltrtut r r.trr?! (,f r ',r, orhor Oyn.!r. Th. tf.na(.S Ol tl!1. tO a LOt,rn,,,'r t,'rF,.i,.rrurr ehrl,l .ntlt,la tha gurchatar tO tha Danrt[clalrnr. r..,ir rrr nu,-h p(ep.rty araoctalad yti,h tha totacloaaal lot. , |. kr';:,t?x^Tto _?y or{Itl or tAtltto Aoglttt. la€h oun.r ' r,., 1| rr.,ttrtFr hl! [|.tllnl ad(taaa rtth llta AaaoclallOn, and-r!..'f,r fu. nl'nr.hly .t.t.r.nt. .nd othar tOg!lna AOttOaa, all n' i,'.r ir,rt |(.r,1 or dFrrnOo Intrndrd lo ba talvad UgOn an Otnaf r.fr.f ll f'. tent L,/ rtthrt rrg[.t.(.d of ca!ltt[.tl aall, poalago t'r|'l,r|(,, {d.lrorard ln th. narr of tha oynat at auoh tag(rlarad n. | | rrf.J .<tdrt.r. Atl notlc.r, dar.n6a of olhaf no!lcat rnr r.rrl.,d r,r bc r.!vtd upon tha Aaaoclat lon ahall ba aant(.(r I t r.,.1 n.t l, port.93 pr.pald, to th. adalraar of tha Ar.r',,.'16' ton .. drrtttt.trd ln thr ltylavr ol th. A.aoclatlon. la. Accttfi l^lt'|tl{t. D.cl.r.nt d..lr.. to provld. to ih.,,v'rnr r ,rs-iffFii?i?ff,r roct t, lhr slgh! o! lnir..r to .nd.,tta.6 1(rrrn th.lr Lot. to th. Rcac (Ttact c) and Daclatantlr'r Dr)y 9!.ntr an.! arrrlgnr !o.ach oynat oa to?.a a fnd t,trl',, t i, . p.(p.tu.l non.tclsolv. aaa.i.nt and rlght-ol-||y ( ttr' '1a;or,tnt-'l ',tndqt r ovif r ac(oaa and thtouth that goflloar,l n.rd l.rrrr e.nd e dial{n trd and d..crlb.d on tha ltnrl gtat - ll - i..,., ,-.,i-..i . : r fi It. |ltrtrt!Fl r|! rDrtlr o, ttrlrlrr. f ,t: :11l ii:.!Tf tr:::. ::,!!i!"! _ ;*i1,. llit.lr iti' }:,ii"i.. 3...en bly areo-rery.!|l rorc ir-Ciiiiiti-recrrrc ca ttrr...rrir. tir rrretrailco oi-rir-iriiiiii.ir,.rr raclud.!.orrlcrt{ ro. .ot rl!?ytl lic iiii-ilieiiiy. r! rh. !...t.r r.t tr tr o.{... rbtglll rrf o.iiiriiii-1, ,rrrrrl ror .llitr irlir !fl !;il I r, ;r;* !i:ii,r. ifiFi:.iill;iilii" :' =ri:*rrlli:-tgl:T1.3:!l';!,:'ltn;8'l.jf,iilTi;loolo .n.olrf.tto. rcr tr.rr .?l_:rD!a9r.la-iciiiclria rrrh Ltnr.n.nc.rx rat lr ct tb. L..l *t$*i*i:itiiffi :iii ;i{L:i;llfi H:!Hl' ii' * ; ffitrfr ii:n:id;!rliifiil'ffiifi H't:iiiii:::::.,Mllq pa l..rr.rc. rtrtr iorrri: r.-ffi-iilLar .. h.r.ra)3errl.|d, (ll Lc! .u!a iFr . ct. !c!. | .nd , rh.lt a.lte.! toGr. cst r cn 3 ..a err rrrocrirtil-Liriii.i..r .yla.nctn{ !h.r..rr.rr. rrrutr.a to r crrrti-ila.r-il;;-;.3.tt.ri lr, ..ch !ffiiil!!:illi!f,iillrii.iifriiia :e i.ii;!ii'ru:dii""rrtB]' r.rr.. ot *cf errirlrrticii-cr-iiiri-sron .r 1...r to?lt sctc.c 3c .c.t cmortrrrioi ii jiriiliiii.. t.qh ,schrr.r ..d 3r. A..ccl.rr..r l|.+l iay;-il;-ilili ro rn.9.ct rnd..?l .rt .rd lrrrr.r.r pollctir ci -tir-ciiii'cro.r .ad r.{ur...rt...c. ot ri. t tur ir frlrrci; iririiil' ?f::?!._,l;i #l?1.!,'[3t:i:.ii i]itfi:!;;!l j:.;Hj, ..r.lt. 9oll.t cc cov.r ar, .r. or rcii-or'iii nrrr€r 3.qslr.d:l.ft*"1!:.rr.ri l. rc ri rrerr-r.ii-riiuili rsrrnri ai'-iil- 17. lArtlilt - rt0tt n0 rrtil. (.1 It th. ofn.t ct lot a or !o!,, lloot ar a! aaytlrr, .Mll ar;locr cr rrtuiJ io piriiri-Jr'iry nrr.h.r. o! la.' I i l; .. -l .: :,, .,. 1,.1: 1.r : - ll - .ny cblll.tlcn r.{str.a roa.r trsrtr.ti. la, It c? ll hirrln,tia cth.r efo. r et SL A.aoolallco ra' r brt .Mll not b.cbll|.!.d !o, aarfr t0 Cryr. rsltt.i iittor, urlaaa th.clr.TLlaocaa t.q{l3a lrralata togloa, rala auob grfl.ntr c!r on babalf of .uoh othar oltta!, artaad auoh rut at ray bat.o.r.art to g.rlorr .rch obtlla3lon ltclrdlat, but nol lliltdlor thl Payr.nt of aa), tn.uranoa plarlurr taqulraa harauadat Ct.lh. {na.rtaltog ol .ny rort r.qulaad hrrruadrt tos !agalr,r.tlotat lon ot ra t ntananca. (b, All .u.r .o 9a:d or atp.ad.r' bt' an orn.r putauaatto p.r.gr.tb l7(.,, ylt.h latar.at tharaon .! tha rag. of lclg.r ya.t tron thc d.t. ol .uch patfra6! or .rgandtsura, fbalt bap.y.bl. try !h! oyn.r ro tatllng to gartorr (lh. rdalrultlng ovn.rtl spon daaano of tha olhar ofnat. tc) All .ur. !o 6rmnd.0 bst unp.ld by !h. at.trulllng oun.r .h.ll ooartltut. I llan on tha Lot ol rh. dalaulltncofn.r ln t.vor ol lh. olhat cfnar ot Bhr Arroolallcn t!lc. gerll oth.r lt.n. rnd .ncurbrais.., atca?tt {ll tlrar lot }.t|...nd rp.cr.l ......r.nt., (tll chr ll.a ol any llral aoslfag. orlllrt d..d ol t!u.t ol r.cold .ncurbaltal auoh &Ct, and (llt,rh. I i.n ot !h. A..o€l.rlon tor any uatala Cona ttg.nra orlo..l lrp.n.. a....rr.n!a. tha ll.n rhall allaob lsct tia aatarh.n th. uagrid rur ahall b.oor. dua and l.t b. lc3.olca.d lollt.;.nn.r.r. ro!tg.f. oa r.rl grcAarty ugc! tha taocsalalol . nottc. or cl.tr th.t.ot .r.cutai by lba mnaalautllalorn.r ,.trln9 lorr,h rh. .tount of 3ia uttgala laaabtaalaaa, 3b.nr,. ot th. d.lrulclnf orr.r, .nd . &a€algttoa ol 3ha gc!, t6.r,y .sch totrclorurrl th. rl.t.ulllng c'|n.r rhrll be tagulraa tcp.y !h. co.t,. .nd .rp.araa of ruoh gros.aahla, llcludlagr.aronabl. ttlornryr I ttrr. (d, lh. ll.n gsovld.d tcr h.r.l! rhall ba ,ubc.all.tato th. ll.n ol rny llrrl rcltial. cr aa.d cl ltuat trd 3ta llarol !h! A..oclrrlon lor u[tald coFa ltpaoaa ala lcaa ltoa$a..r.rrr.n!., lncludlnl rll adrlltloeal rlvlaorl ca arct lltlt.8.1. or rf.n.r.r ot .ay lot .. th. raa0l3 ct Sdtst tcracloagraol . llr.t prlollty re3tg.9. or gba Araeclatlctf, llao,forrclorulr through th. publlo trurta. ct I tlttt gtlcttty aaaoot iru.!, or.ny groo..dlal ln llau ct lctaclcaora ct auclllrrt prlorlly ll.nr, lnoludlnt tl. 3r.!.tat ct a .f,'aa lr ll.uot lor.clo.u!. ot ruoh ttr.t gstcst:t llar., flall .f33ltrlahruch llrn.. ro p.yr.nt,. th.r.ca rtlcl brcri r dla grlcr ac auohfrl. or r!.n.t.l , bu! ahall ac! Sallara aa! tctnt ctaat ctprr.on.l ll.btllry rhrrrter, tb. tl3a3 &taacr ct gtrcbaaar cl.uch Lot uho rsgulr.. tltla by rty c! acroatcaurt af toch ,lrftpllorlry ltrn or th. r.tlng ot. aa.d lo ll.u :hrrctr attllnot, hoy.v.r, b. llrbl. tos aay gaai a{a aaraaltatt tad abtllonty brcoao ltrblr lor tulur. -.aaafxlta co tba aata ltbrcoarr th. oyn.r ot auoh Lot. lc rstrallat3 atla ct lraortasrhtll rrl l.'/. .uch Lot tror ltabllttt tcr aay ttaaaaralath.(.rttr! b.6o.ln{ du. or lror tha ll.a Sbatact. ln tla atra!ot thr r.I. or !,rnrt.r ot. tot flth saaDaat to ,hl6h aur|rhrll br ung.ld by. a.l:ultlng orarr, rrirgt traaalrra tc atlt.t Llrnor or th. A.roct.ttoo tr acnaaagtca rlti alot.cto.ur. ol lt. lt.n c!. d..a ln lteu g[.raot, tiapurch...r or o!h.r !ran.l.r.. ot rn lotara.t lr rucb &og ahrllb. ,olnrly .nd .rv.r.lly ttrbl. rl!h tha .all.s cr lsan.tarc!th.rrol lor .ny ruch ungrld .uar, an6 a6y ltan lor untala asa! upon fuch tor rh.lt conllnu. to rua fllb atoh Lct, (.1 ugon u!t!r.n r.qu.a3 el lat eraltr .osttafaarpro.p.crler ror!a9.., purohaaar cr cliff ,fcata€3lra Srlaala3aaol .trh.r Lo! | or &ot t, llo€t l, 3ba criat al tla cthas &cau.lag lh. t...r.nt rh.ll l..ua I rllttao ftttarnt arttlaltorlh rh. .rount ha la otad uadar sbla t)arafrrth, ll aat, tlShrrrg.ct to .uoh Lo!. tuoh .!at.r!t l, blaalat |tcn rn..r.outtn9 orarr ta Savcr of rny garaon ,bc aat talt tD.raoa tn 9006 t.tth. Unl.r. . r.qur.! lcl rcoh atai.rang rbrll broorgll.d ylrh riShln l0 aat. rli.r r.o.lt! !b.r.or, .ll uat.ld .! ;.. - ll . Vwf aao icefia {l all r . ; :i1 t},rr f :,trntt (hll Ornr. Gi(a3rn$: rfrtR[is t.rro lc lhv ttn $rxrrl t,,, 1. ,30 L,C t ,if,t6 u.s.c. 48:, -r, (l9rs))r Z:rl, aI:.6 i 13 tt. S 'C. 1701 , . Slrtl F.'lnalaal fbt'ldlrn, iiilc.ddn1.5 S.' t' Al l'''tj . Jcc. l : Lotr l0 ar'd ? t m "uno fir.'{r€g ccrctructd hY ttr th. Act ot b :i|rrt.rd, {rbn r,rd qltir'rr qt r}" |. . h |.earJ|l(t i-tli ItF }{o-.t.g 6? S- l?Q. b. l. t|rc rrr-. ot l* Itl tt ta ida P.td{, rla r|r in ae=l== hdrsclatel t ard Cqery I\ Vril,Ia. prc*ship Liors Ridgc Ycoarrcs, r joiat wtu.rrc P1r€el B 3.789{ Parc€1 C 11.0237 Palc.l D(F:t o5J 12.4S32 Plrccl E 46.3075 IDts G-2,6-5, b-5rb-0 t.Jvit Lotr I, z 1.8878 Prrc.l A 61.541 P.rce1 Dcr.rt sO 5.&l t I 29 6 I :;;ryi r 0.s lrt G-7 LDt G-8 lot 3 l,or G-r 1.{:52 .7947 .8ECE HE$ lot G4 1.7t61 c.5 tffiI T0 PnorEcllyE couqms OF LTII..S RIru g,8OrVrSIfi FItIt ,o. 2 E Gtt qrrl, cq_nrtp E""tsSH,'nmHi'gfftffi:,- &t f rrgrr?t: 2 (c) (1, 'ggcoh ncst&rtrrr r-' ^-,...f, '-_i_];HE#i]!l=gg_$,.ilrorucridiiii'_:n a t6c! rd cpo.rd.":;.FIlt0c bslldtr ;;:.=: =rlcr tlrrn b:^7j];,'l:1s r,9_t toeftb dE;;'15 P-r9, O|! 'Etu - ----c rcl|6c-#ffi.ffrf'llrs EY Drlcb prngrnpt 3 (b) rrl 3{63tlt tr t E Gfor!:3 (b) FlltrE b. 2. $ffii*Hh €lurrT ?. t'€!''La '1I"?frfff"'l\ I f-&.rdi lr 1| Hn 8rd $pod b ry do t D -r6qf 'i3{;t'i3 i::iil,':iiil;t.;";lffi':; il;;: ;ru#f -i.' r'::'' .c e ryEf 4!-q n-q!.-!i' A !!r G N r f i'iIS CONVEYANCE daced 6f i5 1-1Lh Ca1' of Iiebrue'ry ' 1980. ir s: fr'.rrr -lilFFLllY l. 5ILB'i lrnd ]!\itJ !:iii,llY, hrrsbanrl anii i+if e ( "Gran: o:: r") , :cr \ri j,I.,tY .^.ssi)( L\lll!1 . i-'fD c fiolo:ado f4 I j r.riieci uarlnt::sii;,p ("Grerrlee r . i-l= :y !r.ii!9!LLliL! i)i-- a-:f.'1ntors, for and L1l corlsi(i(:retion oll tlre :u:tt "f Z ilf-r.OO rrr..d ol'.re.r.. '.:( e)C n1'l '7;1|ir:rbl<': c()!rc: d" rtj i)n ;i'r: rect--l-pi and sui j-icicnr:;'' r,i rvili ch pre herebt' ;Lcl"no"'l cdlecl rlo lreleb'r' se11 anci cc.nvel/ ic Grantee a ilon-exciLlsi'-'c, pcrpetual earenent and ri,ghE of werr ltn<ler , 'Jver, across airC 611'- r:u4h tire l r-:ai i)ropcrt)r 1li:e 'lliliht Of fJ;r;"") dcscriiLccl j-:r [>:iribj r L attached ilereto ar.d rnarje j3 ?art ltcreof , for tlre i)uiPose of construci:in8' j.nstai i ing, r.aini:aining, rcpairir.rii, (ill-arS inL l'cconrtLructrng r,Lni rep.l.acing f ac j.Litie-'r providing ('r: siuirP l-)ri oi" uI i ] i i-i-cs services o'i all. kilds '-:hereuDon ir-Lcl':cli-nt: ' i'ut noi limiced fo, water, sel,,er, elecLr:ciC1', naturai gas, :;tl Lc' tele'rision ,rncl telephone services a,rd fcrr lire purpose ')f ':i)nstruccinS' nraincaining, l:('P.ririlli:, enlargiltg and ieconstr--u(:tirt!i a r:cad,.,ay tltereupl)n ir:-'c,vicling vcll:cuLa: anc i'-cr(ies ir ii'ln in1;css anci egress l)et!{eell Lhc rt:aI ?j'oi)c::Ly (ch(r "I'roPcrt';") clc'scr:tli>ed in 0xiij,bif Ii aiiirlcire(i irereLo arlc'- nade .'r p'ar': irererof arrl Lion'r; Ridg<: i.oop, a co\rlrt)J roai locared :i rr lirrgle Colilt-1" ' Colorado. TO l{i\Vl IND H01,0 said easen)ent: 'rncl :::-13h1 of way untr) Glarltee :lnd j t:s -succcssors lrtr! lss j i:ns 'l ire '.'ilsetlcnf and right o{ vrlr ircrei:;r qr:aniecl i;ha1L rrn !"itlr l:it(r lan<l alrci siral-I be alp'li:tenan[ :c] the ProlL'rt1r, sr'lcil liiir: a t :ansf cr of Iegal t.ii1. to a.l1 or anv .Ji)l-Lioil oi L1t': I'rcpt:'t;t1r slrali autanat j.caLl.y iransf er' :1 'Dropoi"tion:rl'i illLt-i:esl: in ihi s easemer.tr antl liliirt ol: r?ai', li. consideliltic,n of Llris convcyance ar.rl i:ittr ' n::ld(rr- ation state(i above, rl,e Partlcs irereto ircrr:l:i' nlir're as Irrl-1or's I =;rx i.1 '-. e.r.E --!je( l'r'5 :,i /f:,/n \"' BEST IMAGE POSSIBLE l. e.r"u'" riqircs uncier che easemert n"trn. o, t", .). ?.. irereby gr:nced r:ray be ass i:lned by Crantee to .rny uriii.cy con)any, governmenral. ..t'J,:horlcv or ouasi- govcrnncncal autlrori[y proti-dirrg. any of the uiiLity silrvices ori or\'r.i.r.g ;Lnd nainca!nirL;4 ihe rcadwa;1 descirbed ,1borre, ;r,-r,l Gr:anaors , uDon Eire lrricrclr :equesf, of l;rancee, sirall tleclicac,:, by recordable i.r{itr'.,neni: in form .atisfacLory to Grar'cee aLi of rheir ::igiii, :icl(: ind in:ere!:t ir, ;rnd co the i'.i;;irr Cf iia-'- to tirc pubtic fo:' i'.re as irL public ro:rd. Granaee, upcn :ire \,;rif cen r:equ.rs(: of Gra:liol:s, sha,r.l cietlicace by' r-ecordable insirr-[: +na in forrn sacisfactory to Gr:arLcors ail of ics ri3hc, citle and inseresr in anri to tire Riglir: Of ilav tr.: rhe public for use a{; a pirbl ic roaci . G!-.ai)iors sha1l appi;'- l-r':ei:: besc effolcs fo comlence cons'irucii ou of a v.iticular roatl (rlLe "Road") tu:on che ili3irc Of lta] as soon i'r s r:easonabil' possib.l-e a{[.e:] ilre exccucion oi riris lrlsCrrlnent; providecl, irolreve'r, tilac Grantcrs, iic cile 1a;e st, sltaIl corrrcnc? ;icr!rrai cons:ructiorl .r' rhe Road by June l, 196C, :Lnd :;irrril. iritve rlre Ro.rd cc--r'tllcceci on or bef'orr." ,,\r.rgLrs; l. I980. 'i l,r RoaC siraLl be consirucced aL:lre sclc cos; artti ei:pense of Cl;nccrs and shali lre conscrurL?d i.n scai-ct conpliance vi.cir all Cr:r.inc:u o1. liaglc, St:rrc of C:oLor;rcio, ru1es, regu- Iac!g11!i, oLcliirancer;, l.;nrs, speci fic;rtiols and s tar-rdirrLls 1.r1'1'g;r.i,1i118 Lc ro;rrLs rrtcl.ucie rl in ti1€ :oad :iysr:cil, oi tl!e Ccuncli oi in;,'.L.tr. i\f Icr consf rirct'-crir of rilc F.(-'i](J anri unclL sucir c itttc ils f,lre iloil(l rs dc(i:caae(l ro :L',c ;rublic atrd accepceti b,,' Lirc Cc,uni." c.,f l-ii.1lie 1'or: nei.ntett.ince purDoses ars l pr.:oil c rlltl . il' livcr, ;r1i cr:sas of 'ralnttl:ningl :ite iir);!.1 ilr gc:orl OlJcr, conrli i-:r.'n lncl :.-r:pair rirall bc irLr;:nt,-'quliiiv belricen l;l':lnto-':s .ll(l GriLntce. T. o 5. Grantee gtralI reitnburse GranEors for alL reasonable and normal costs and expenses (excluding tap fees ancl user eharges, if any) aciually incurred by Gr3ntL''rs in installi-ng u:ility lines of any lcind u.rder, 6'ler, across and th::ougtr the -:(igirE Of Way frcm any utilrEy trunk line located adjacert tct Lj.on's Ridge Loop road Lo a Line intersecting lhe Right oi- way at ihe poinrs l'tl'rere fhe oriSinal northerly iine of Parcel. A, Lion's P-idge SrrbCivision' FiIing i'lo. 2, Eagle CocnL)', Colorado, once intel:sected Ehe Righl 0f l'l:ry (s;ucli Porcion of snid norther:l'y Line having becr '/acaLed by Eaglt Counly Res'rluiion executed FebruarY l-1-, 198tr) ' Each 1ro'ri.si-on of thj-s lnsLrunrent, arrd a8r:eernenl ' pro:nise, aovenant and '-rndertakinl3 to comply wj'ih eatch ptcvisicn of this InsE]-urne-ni, and any nocessar)/ excepEion or reservaclon or gran.t of tj.t1e, escaEe, rigilt or inteljes! to effectuate any pro'.risi,rn of this Instrument: (i) sha11 be deerned incor:porate'l in each deed or other instrument by r^tich any right ' title or interest i.n ar.y Poriion of the Rj gilt Of l'Iay or the P::operty is granted, devised o:r conveyed, uhecher or not set forth or: referreC to j-n sucir deed or other iustrrrnent; (ii) shall' by vj-rtue of acceDtance cf any rigilt tj tle cr interest in any portion of Ehe Right of Wa)- or the Pro?erty by an or"mer thereof ' be deemed accepLecl, ratified, adoPted and declared as a Pcrsonal covenant of such owne:: an<l , as a pe::sona1 covensnt' shal1 be bindlng on such omer and lris heirs, personal rePresentatjves' successors and i:ssigns; and, shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with anC fo1. the benefit of eacir ornmer of any Portion of the Right of llay o:r fhe Property; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by the part'-es heTeto, :lor thense'lves ' tireir successors and assigns, and also an ecluiEable serviEude ' rtlnning' in eacil case, as a burderr './itir and upon the tiile to each and every portion of che Right 0f 1ia'r ancl the ProPer:t)'' -l- t IN wITt'lBSs WHEREoF, Ehis as of che date-first set o execuEedIns trunenr !s forEh above 'uffeccive GMNTEE: VALLEY ASSCCIATES , LTD., A Colorado Limited Par tnershiP BY: t AI'IAR PROPERTIES, INC ' , a Delaware generfa STATE OI' COLORADO COUNTY OF was acknowledged before me 1980, bY Jt:f fieY B' SeIbY ancl offii:iaI seal . Vicc PiE3iden r of Lamar ProP;:"; ;;l;;i";";;";;;i v'"ii-.v-r'i-""iac'i ' t-td ' a cororaco I irniued parcnershiP. i'litness my trand and of f icial seal ' i"{y comrnissicn exPlrr:s : avhi rp!: l\ly Ccniric:'t1 e::!iici :::l'l::1lJr 1' 1931 -.,,.The tor'.{gtt\g itrsErumenE was a'cknowledged- beforc me c..L, l$U) -'i;y- "i- ?4!*, " t t y 1980, by Perer (aIl:us ' as Jicc Prcsroent or Lamar iifpFii"" Tnc , a- Dclawar:e,corPoraE-fnc, a Dclawal:e corPoraEion, f.l'r'":.v GMI{TORS: -4- EXHIBIT A (AtEacl'ed to and made a parE of Conveyance'or=-R"su*uttu dated Februiry 15, 1980. fr-om Jeffrey B. Selby and Maro Selby to Valley As sociates , ::d . ) Lg-g,41_!"u tr !PEJ'n. I parcal of land ll/.ir,t j.ir Lor, 21, Scct.ion l, l.r'"/n:rll i p 5 -c,)uth, R.1il.Jc ai.i l'lcsb of thc 6ih I'rincil-'.rl }i.iridinn, er(tlc C.,unt)', {iol()ra.i(, -rd ix l.ircr)l , , Li.,n'5 Ridg. s\lbcjivisj.on liiing l,lo, 2, a subclivi si.<.:;, rc.rordcd in thc office of t-;rc Ilagle Cou,nLj. Crloroco, Clcrk .rn(1 llcc.r(lcr, sijd pi,r1jr.l of I']nd b'rinq rnore pJrLicularLy dcscrij)rd 6i fo11or5: 8cgrlltl.ing at a poirLl on tlrc southcrly 1i:\. .f sal4 Lot 21 'rhencc ihc south I/4 cot']et of sai-C Sucti"on I b,r..rr.s S 80"17'49" i\' I30.53 f.ct distrrt, thcncc S 4?o46'01" It lt7 64 fee: to a point od:hc rc::hc: ly ::i5ht-of-',ay lina of Licn's Rid,.: Lool), t;renLc follo\riDg saicl riglrt-of-!ay ljn,r 50.(;t fcct alonc +-he arc of n cu:ve to tire riglrt whi:h has rr r;.lius o: If5.9l i(,.rt, n cc',traI ingle of iC.o-r0' 40", and a cho):d vhi.jh bcd!s S 34o0-t'i2" ir 50.52 fcct, Lh(!rrcc dcpartinr s.rid rigtrt-( :-w.ly lrtle N 47046'01" Ii 290,i;:; f .ct, thcx(:{r il 42'I3'53" 1,, 50.0O fci'h, tltcncc 5 li'46'OI" W 165.6t 1.).t t., flr. r(,i:,: o, lrc,t .r,,\1.r, .t.rnr:..:.\'i;\g l.i,tC5 square f,r..t ()r 0.3:18 fcr:cc, !n(1r (. cr lL'rj.;, Prrr Srtc' .11ol lin, Ii rt, I irr' ilB" , (:) 2C,', , ri"1' l'o I I ct:l, 24(J. i,nr' Ilr,]ri I n9 l)r'r l'11 rl i.r r: j.oi:r Icr;li. lr.i !l l2 r' ir !L .tr; '!, ; r.l r i L:l li ti o.Il: c.f l. Iii rl, t,'; .;1" ." ).: I r:,' .;,,\", BEST IMAGE POSSIBLE i tl i::! ^ )lu,t hi-i Ft!1t tt:n.5,#'l'::;irt 2 t :t t ii.,"il"-s-O0dO3;Za; i-qsS. t8 feet; thence 536 .25 feet ' ;i;;;-il,.-i". of a curve, havilg-lnladius of lTll'95 ielt-ano a'lon9 crroii teiting s-!9"13'41" t 531'05 -" " i ;;;;t'i;";."-!'siiiiz;06; I tZso'rg reet; thence - - ' S 37o09.31" E 3?g.74 feet to a point-in'tft.-noitterly I:ir- '-- ' iiorrt:lf-"ay 'l ine of Interstate' Highviay -70;.therce;i;;; i;.'i'o.ir.'liri rigt't-or-nav llr'e or said ;;;;i;.;' ;."ii'""ii1iowiis course:: -s szos0'?e" v I91.45 feet; s qr-ii;il; lr roz'00-feet; s 52o50'-??" Y iioo.oo'i"ii;-s'li0lii04" H ?35'?? f eet i-o a point ;;-ih;-souit'1ine of the liL 9!^s^lid.section 12; thence i..ring=iuia .igntlor-*iv i.ggczz'25" !i 13e5'7c r€et to the llest ri .o.n.i'oi-iaid Section 12; the:ice H-oi:ls;is; i ioeili+-i9"t !9..t!e^lI corner or seic Section 12; thence'lt 88oiS'Ai': E^?755'97 feet !9-il9- north t corner or=sa;i-s"ttion iz;. thence i-99:l'-.::' ( orooertv ln that part of the North k of Sectlon 12 ' ':ii-i"-iir'ipi.io,it''Ran9e81l|estofthe6!h..pii.li"ii f,.iidian,'cescilbed as rolloxs: - 8e9lnn{ng .l','l'o5iit";;';;;';.rth llne of said section l2' ;;.;.:";";ii"s"i-rot the NE corner or the rll{t NEL' iri-iiia-slctton l2-bears N 880I7'49: E 300'00^feet;- E 1075.76 feet to if.,.-p"ini of fegir:ning, ccntaining 171.597 acres, tota ot'1ess, f'ave by these 0resents iaid out, platted ini t,Ualuiaea tn-e sarre into lc'-s ito uioir.t'.t st'onn i'eieon and,(ssignate the sare as Lion's Ridge sr:"ai"iiion-ri1irig tio' 2 in "he Couxty ;i E;;1.; Staie or col orado' '\.. ' '1 .";" . ='..'; - LlONiS RTDGE PRoPERTY described as that-ieal- ".' CCr-C'ieiO,i.,couNTY. i'* ' :c:i,i t:a' 111 i::rtrLlrtt clj:c tt* t9l1_d ftotieft te €tvca6-7t 6rkiZf.4, ++3IXHIBIT ',1', .. - ' tsQ lY13. t_ I - .. ( r-t--a \o-- ) ,.1-. . :., , lo h 5fffl*il'0"'oFln3o4l5i, 2 , PRJTEC"TIVE CO1ENANTS -l :.:'-''' - ".: '- oF ,,.t.'lt -.'.-.'' ' 'rlfON'S RIDGE SUBDMSION FILING NO. 2 .' ' I ' That LroN's Rtf,rcE VENTURES, a joint ventule, beingr::l the or.::e r of all of that real estate iescribed in Exhibit. A attache3 hereto and incorpcrated herein by reference,in the Cou::ty of EaEle, State of Colorado,- th9 Plat of hr'.*ri cb sas recorded in said Couaty on n!:xtr),/t;7}tLfiicb sas relorded in said county on. -!!tE/it2-)' , 1972. in Bcok 94 (- . at Paqe !144 of/ t-he records ofl.s72l_in-Book 225:, at-Pase. t+1.4 -1r.2, .,,-tt 5.rv^ l1_- a a9 EcSe .f .7, tbe Clerk and fiffiE-:r, does h56y-Trpose restrictions' . a.td protective col'enants as hereinafter set forth, and -.. doeg hereby reserqe easeaents as hereinafter described. - -" - - q'ualit5r res:ile-FtlSf'Gunity, the real property described'. : beretofore is subject to tbe covenantsr restrictioas, condi-. ''', Lions, reseri'ations, liens and c!:arges hereby declared to r'r'r<ure t-he best use and. the sost aopropriate developnent ald i -provenents of each building site thereof; to Protecttbe sw're rs of building sites against such iraproper use of -surrouedilg building sites as will depreciate the value of their.orogerty; to preserve, so far as practicable, the natural beautv of said property r to guard against the - e.rec tioa thereon of poor\r, Ces igned .or proportioned i-l--tructures, and stru?turei builL of inp?opir or unsuitablej =aterials; '.-o ob'"ain haracnious color sche;esi to insure ,.- the highest and best develf,Enent of said ProPerty; to ',-- +-^reon, rith ap-:rcpriate iocations thereof on building sites; to secure a::C naintain groper setbacks frol streets; and adeq-ca:e free s?aces betueen str-uctures; and in general to proviie adequatellr for a hiEh guality of iraprovenents- on said property, and thereby to enhance the value of ir:vesE:ents i:aie by purchasers of.builCing sites therein- 2. Def initiors - .l-s useC herein, the f cllo!"ing ;'crcs a-'ri, t6EE-shEfI have the foilc';ing ::eanings: (a) 'Declarart- shall Eean LIONTS RfDGE rI;rr-''rI'?Fq (b) 'Lot' shall ;.ean a 1ot rithin the Lroll 's Ri DGz sU3lItISro:; FffI::G lic. 2, '^'hich can be used for resiCential or co:=:ercial p'jrFase s (c) 'F.esidertial Loc' shall r::ean a 1ot which can be ':se: for reiTZEiEfa-fJu!!6ses on1y, and upon which. only a si::gie-la:-iJ.y resiie:r'- =ay be constructed with che exclption that ot:e gue*. apart:.e:'tt- !:.ay be ir,corporated into the s truc'-':re , pro-riCed the c!^,a:-acter and essential appear- ance o! a s !n2Le-!.a.:ri Iy Cre11in9 is nair:taired. (.1) 'Cc:.:ercia I LoE" shall nean a lot which car be usec for coid6SiiT:rslETltiple-fa:-,i1y residential purPses, apart!:.ents , restaura:is , ::.ciels , h--,'te1s , IoCges, pro'-essio::al of f ices and ;iedical clinics , rer. ail shops, lepice shcps (excluCing autonobile servlce sLations) - (e) 'Parcel-' shall ;ean a parcel -rrit-}ln the Lrol;'5 R:IDG?, suBDrVrETti- irl.rllc ito. 2, as sc Cesignated on tlie Subdivisio:: Plat. 'l) Uses. (a) AII lots whlch combLnatlon of letter and are destgnated on nunber (e.9., G-1) r the Plat shall be on the PlaC ':;- :.'-- reeidential . - uses and purposes _aa - in Paragraph 2 (d) .-- ? only as commerclal lots (b) AlI lots which are designated by nu:nber (e.g., Lot 1), shall be used only as lots. bya used on the allowed PIat for (c) Parcel A as designated on the Plat shall be used only irr accordance with a planned unit development scherne, whiih may incorporate condorniniums, multiple famlly residences, apart-rnents, restaurants, fi'rotels, hotels, lodges, professicnal offices and retail shops subject to aPProval ,'-.. -.-ls to overall olannina and develocnent bv the Architectriral -.as to overall planning and developnent by the Arc Comnittee. (d) All Parcels other than sha11 be used for the same comrrercial lots r_ specified 4..Architectura1Com,nittee.'Nobui1dingctctherstructures@.a1teredornaintained.,.j':''.,'''. on any lot.in '-he Subidivi.sion, nor shall any acidition there--. .. - .'to or change or alteration therein be made, until the compleg6.. -.-...plans and specifications (including, but not li$ited to, the :1?too., elevltion and grading plans, the specifications of : -r' '': '--- 2- ----- )principal exterior rnaLerials, color scheraes and the loca- -'.,-, -: Lions. character and nelhod of utillzation of all utilities), -:' ..-:EJ.On5, Cffafaccef ancl Eretnoq ()I rl LI I: zd. t-l-(Jll L'I clrl uLrrJ-L'r'se, , .- r : v' and pioc plan showing the location of building and tregs .-.-,:.-...-"' have been submitted in triplicate and approved in writing by ': an Architectural Concnittee conposed of Phillig H. Taylor and .'t Thonas J- Taylor, or by a representative designated by the l two (2) men'Jr-e rs of saii conunittee. rn the event of death or resignation of any nember of said Conr--nittee, t.he remaining rrenber, or members, shall have full authority to aPprove or disapprove such design and location, and to designate a suc- cessoi member with like authority. In the event ttat, by reason of death or resignation of Co$nittee nembers ' no men- ber is acting on behalf of said Corunittee, then successor ' r::einbe r s of sai<i Coriunittee shall. be designated by the ovnels of at Least fifty percent (50t) in area of all of the pri- vately-owned land contained in LIONTS RIDGE SUtsDMSION FTLING NO. 2. In passing upon all such plans and specifi- cations so submitted, the Archj.tectural Con'rnittee (or its representative duly appointed) , shaLl ta-ke into conslderation' among other thingsl ';hL suitabitity of the proposed building or other structure, and the materials of which it is to be built, to the lot u1:on which it is to be erected, the hanilony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of the buildlng or other structure, as planned, on the outlook f rorn adjacent or neighboring iots; provided, however, that refusal of ap- proval of plans and slEEITiEfti5iE-Ey-such Coir'rnittee nay.be Lased on any reasonable ground, j.ncluding purely aesthetic grounds, which, in the sole and uncontrolLed discretion of the Cornittee, shall seem sufficient. - Whether or noc provision therefor is specifically stated ln any conveyan-e of a 1ot in the subdivlsion, the orner or occupant of each and every lot, by acceptance of tltle thereto or by Laking possession thereof, covenants and agrees that each buifatng or other structure (cr addition, change or alteration thcreof), shall be constructed r erected and malntalned only ln strict accordance with the plans and specJ.flcatlons so approved by the C<;nnittee. In the event siid conurlttee, or ita designated representatlve, fails to approve or dlsapprove such des19n and location withln thlrty (:O) days after eald plano and speciflcaLlons have been submlttetl to lt or, J,n any event, lf no sult to enioin the erectlon of such buildlng (or the maklng of such additlon, change or altcratl,on thereof) . haa been comnelrccd prior to -2- o constructios unless aDDrovalsrltl.lg exten<iing e-xtinaing shaLl n.t be pe:::it;eC upcr:dit','is:..-,t, ncr sha11 .-urrelg,'te ?2:=.ii-r-eC ':?or or ir a:ry of Declarant is obtained tn such tr*elr'e (12) nonthsr period. 10. Trees- trees on an)r lot, except. to the extent recessar-y foF-E6-lstruction ourrl6ses, as approveil in rritingby tlte Architectural Conrnittee, shall not be cut, tr lnr.led orrgoved frm any lot; except that Declarant, fron time to . ti=e, EEry appro!'e soae thinning or trirr$ing if it seelnsCesirable. - tI. Fences_. No fence, -.-aII or similar type bairierof aay kind ffiIT-be constructed, erected or naintaLned onany lot, e-\cept such fences or saLls as nay be approved by t!.e Architectural Cc.:'aittee in r^riting as an integral orCeccralive part of a builcting to be erected o:r a lot. 12. Signs. llo signs (incLucling 'For Sale' or .'Rent'sigrs), bi1155;Fds or othir advertisini structure of a:ry kindshall be erected, ccnstructeC or nainr-ained on any 1ot for , .dlY DurDose r-hatsoever. except such signs as have been ap-' proved by Declar-"'t in writing eitle: for iCentification ofresii.ences or places of business or other uses. :1 ., . ocqusancl. or u.se by husan beings shall co:rnect rri th -"-ater : .- facilities nad.e available at any ti-tre by Declarant or $ater ;.t ai"-i.-t.servi:rg the SubCivisioi.. .: ;:--..- '', lil . ' Ser.'er- Each building or structure Cesigned for. ocgupa:rcy or use by hrilai beings shall con::ect with sewer' facilities aade availalle a-- any ti::e bir Declarant or se-ier. dis'.:cj.ct serving the SubCivisibir. lio piivate septic tanks' for Cispcsal of sewaEe shail be allovred in the Subdivision. '.:i t!o':t u'rit:en per-issio:r of thc Declarant. . 15- ?rash. \c trash, ashes or other reiuse shall ber-]rrs',n or d:-rE-on aiy lalC vithin the Subiivision. Eachp:o?er ry ch:'ler shal l p:ovide suitable receotacles for thete?Por r;lt stcrage ard- coLl.ectio:: oi reiuse ard a1I s.:ch re- e=:rL3t-i -es shall be sc:ee:rai fron =-:.b 1ic view and cro*-ectedf:o: d -s!u:b.::ce, a:rd s:a1l be in cc::lei-e crnf or:rity wi."hsa:i-.-a -,' ;ules ari rea-.:L = --ic::s . :\-o garbage incincerlti.onshali ca per=i--:eC. 15. .F-ni;a': s. O*-::F r 5 and lessees o: land ;'i-*hin the -subCivisi-cn -Iy-TEi'e oriira:y tousehcld pets belcngirl tc rhe. hcusebcld so long as such pets a:e i:-scipl-ined ard-di nor- ccns'-it--1:'-e an ':niue a::novance to o?her cra-:1€!s anC lessees.The ;rchitecturaL Cccr.ii-:ee sh"l1 have ..-he poaer to require a-:ri/ oL:ier o: lessee of lards i:: the Subdivisicn to re:.c!'ea:'ly hc':se::oli, pe-- w::ich is not CiscipLinel cr xhich co;:s ti-lil:eg an uri.ue annoya-ce t.o o--her c-iners cr lessees :f la:rCi:i '-l:e S::bCi';rsicn. lhe ircri--ec:i:rai Co::rittee ia.,' authsrize'-r. 2s--7in3 c2 ho=ses in the Subiivisicr so 1cn3 as there are,.- :-:: '.i.e c:i::i.c:: oi the ;-rc:rite:--:iraI Co:-._-ii+_ee, srfficientras:rre an4. a>=:a-tea facililies for e=::s...:ia;r activities, ==Lr.--ai:,ed in a :-.eat a::d sa:^:i:a:y :,":.i.a_r i! ._l.e 6:antcr or ?=o2e='-y atri?.s i.s scc ia --io::. r7.Yining. l4ini:,.t ope:atio;is of any ki;rC, or c':ar:ir,3or in a:ty of '-h e 1o'-s in the Sr5-ri;e:al ezcava'-icns or sha f:scf i\e saiC iots. le. L:E!--2t\3_. Any 1i9ht -;sz4 to illur:.inate signs, ?z:'!t i:ri e:-e>-s oa cLor zny o,-her -r,'Jr?)ses, :hall be sc arrangedas :o rellec|- :-he 1i9h! a.t ay !:ot r..a.r-y residential prop-erties ar'C a'ta! fron the visior o! ;,zsslng r"otcrists. 19 . Se:-baci"^ p.eq:ire;rents. Thcre sha1l be no generalrure for the@ents erith relat.ion t6 prop-erty LLnes, but a11 actual ionstruction slte6 shall receivethe ?rltten aoprc.ral of. the Architectural Cc;r-aittee. -4- coostructl on-fr; -,t 29: Laldsgapinq. Al1 surface areas disturbed by :ctlon shall be returned pronprly to thelr naturalconditlon_and. replanted ln natiire 9r.si, except wheie suchi.lI1"" are to.be.lmproved by the constructl.on 6f gardens, l1p" and exterl,or llvlns '"r"u", "hi;;-;;;ii il i"-.iti!at::1Llf!:l ttre_plana. theiefor have been ufp."uua'Uy t}re;:::Latter the_plans therefor have been approved by tbe: ArCDltecturaI Comrnlttee .I. i 21. Easemerts. Easements and rlghts cf way are here- -- ,'by reserved F-dE=i-nated or descrlbed oi the offfiiat recorded,plat of the SuHIvision. Otier easenents are reserved forvater and all utLlitles and maintenance thereof In the right ' _ 22. Undergrround Utility Line1. Al1 water t gast :.1:.1-T_ig:1, ffitpes and rines within- :.,-.,the limits of this subdivr.slott ru"t te-buried ,rnd.rgrorir,i-'.1 .:."ld.l.y not be carrj.ed on overhead poles or above the surface_-:-.t35 th: groundr-except such electrlcil or telephone ff"."=""1,-.,,- '-. -bave been previously- J.rrs+aIled. overhead. prior- to t.l'e f iling ;.'. '- .of the. subdl.vlston ltat for. thls suMivi-sio;: -, #. = 23.' DuratLon. . These' conilJ.tions, ]res.:ri.ctions, .cove-,,.,--"9lFl.reseriaIi6iElease.lentg,Iiensandchargesshiirrun':'.Hith the land and sharl be uindiig on alr.parties'i"a-"ri-' - :. l:::"!".claiming under them until-J.n,rury i,. t999, at vhich_. --i-:=-j- ,rrJLrEr Lrtcru unrlr January Lr. Lggg, at whrch l:::.-:1td covenants shall be automatlcally extended for suc_ i':-:]:._Beriods.9ft9l.(l0)yearsun1ess,-byvotebfthe+gT::"_?:rmore than fifty peicenr (sor) ;a'th"-pii""tuiv- ' 1- f:":1. :::1 €r?p"rry within-the bounc"ri." oi tr,E-s"ual"iri"", i.1_. -1:_??tged.ln writlng to change or rnodify said covenants:.;_ _.- rrrry Lri' (,rrcrrrgc 9r moqlly salq covenants'-_rn unole or ln Dart. Notwithstandlng anything to the contrary"Ll:I:in, these clnditions; ;;;r;i;tiorrr, "o.,unanrs, reserva- : o f&t ia.J lt ,<l.*a {;:-'i:.ir1n l:.,:t:.G 1 /f\ REpTlSl TOWN OF UAIL! COLBRADCI LI/6e/95 @72@9 REOUEST$ FOR INSPECTIUN WORK SHEET$ FOR:ll/ e/93 Fletivity.' Address: Farce I r Deseri pt i on: AppI icant r Ewner: Contract or: St at us : I SSUED tron Et r I N€iFR Use: FRGE 1E AREf,: CD M95-OO67 LL/ e/93 Type: B-I{ECH 1477 ASPEN 6ROUE LN e103-o14-15-OO3 INSTNLL MECH. IN NEI^J SFR MILLER WILLIRM H III MILLER WILLIAM H III Eee: trhone: Fhone: trhone: Locks, Holds, RCTIUITY Noticer and Not ices. . . . OtfNER FUILDER Inspect ion Request Requestor:6REG Req Tire: O8 IOO Itens requested to OO3IO MECH-Heating Infornat i on. . ASH Connent s: be Inspected. trhone: 949-7345 Act i on Comnents ffme Exp Insp€ction Histor"y.....Itenr O@eq6 HEtrH-Rough Iten: 0A3LA MECH-Heating Itenrr OOSEO HECH-Exhaust Iten: OO33A MECH-Supply Itenl OO34A MEtrH-Mise. Iten: O039O ltlECH-Final HoodsAir o REFT131 LL /A3/93 TOWN OF VAILr CI]LURADO O6:59 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETB FOR:LI/ 3/93 PAGE AREA: EG *B Aetivity: Addr'e s s : FatceI: Descri pt i on : Appl icant: Own er r Cont nact or: e1a3-014-15-003 INSTALL ELEC IN NEI^I SFR MILLER I^'ILLIAM H III MILLER I"JILLIAM H III E95-4O79 tl/ 3/93 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSUED tronEtr: NSFR T477 NSF'EN 6ROVE LN Use:Occ: Fhone r Fhone l Phone: Locks, Holds, ACTIVITY Not ice: and Not iees. . . BWNER BUILDER Inspeet i on Reque st Reqnestor': DAVE Req Time: E1:Ottr It ens requested to 6gle@ ELEtr-Rough Information..... REICHARDT/NEI^I ELEC ConmentE: flS LATE be Inspeeted... Frhone: 471-1555 FOSSIBLE, F,LEASEII! Comment s F'M NS Act i on Tine Exp Inspect ion Hi etony. . . . . Itenl 06114 ELEC-Tenp, Fower It,em: AAle6 ELEC-RoughItenr OOl30 ELEC-ConduitItet: @AL4A ELEtr-lrtise.Itam: OOfgA ELEC-FinaI //^ \ -ra5.. REPTlSI Lr /A3/93 O6 :59 REAUESTS TOt^tN 0F UAIL, CoLORRDo FUR INSF'ECTIUN WORK SHEETS FUR=IL/ 3/i3 F,AGE 3 AREAr trD Activity: Addre s s r Farce I : Description: Appl ieant: Own er: Cont raet or.: tr9S-O057 Ir/ 3/95 .1477 ASPEN EROVE LN eto3-o14-r5-ao3 INSTALL F.LUMBING IN SFR-MILLER WIILIAM H III fIIILLER WILLINM H III Type: B-FILMB Statust ISSUED Constr: NSFR Occ; F,hone: Fhone r Fhone: UEe: Locks, Ho lds, and Not ices. . . . , iir\ACTIUITY g,V -----y:::::-:y::-:::::::- --_--,r:r-:i--------.tInep,ection Request Information,.... RequeBtorl DAVE REICHARDT F,hone: 471-1538 ffeq Tine: OtIOO Connenf,s: REINSFECTItIN Items requested to be Inspected... Aqe?Q trLMB-Rough/D. t^,. U.-4)eT, tLl Utl L)ri""Act i on Comnent s Inspection Ite|' t Iten rIter:'Itor:Iten: Item: Iten: History..... OOelO trLMB-Undet"ground @B/3A/93 Inspector.: DS o,9??A FLltlB-Rough./D. W. V. OeleSO PLMB*RoughlL{at er AA?4A trLMB-Gas Piping 0Oe5O PLMB-troo1/Hot Tub o'Aeb0 trLMB-Misc. 0[te90 trLMB-Final Act i on ; AF,F.R AF.PROUED - $lr ..rM REprtSl Tflt^fN uF VAIL, coLoRADo IL/O3/ge O6:59 REQUESTS FOR INStrEtrTION I,ORR SHEETS FOR: rtt 3/93 oo PA6E E FREA: CD Activity: F95-O699 11/ 3/95 Type: B-BUILD Status: IS$UED Address z L477 ASPEN GROVE LN Constr: NSFR Use: U NPat.ce I : -. ElQIS-O I 4- 1 5-003 Description: CONSTRUCTION OF NEt, HOME t^l/EHU Applicant:. MILLER T ILLIAM H III Owner: MILLER WILLIAIII H III Contraet or: Occ: OOOT Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: Inspect i on Request Infornat i on. . Requestonr DAVE REICHARDT Req Ti me : €t1 *$&...Conment s: ASItens requested to be Inspected. P,nAAg'BLDG-Franing F'hone I LATE AS PI]SSIHLE AFTER 471- 1555 ELEC INsF.ECT. Exp 3W History.,... 06510 trW-Drive by Inspection OO010 BLD6-Foot i ngs,/St ee I OCtOaO BLDE-Foundat i on/St ee I A6/e3/93 Inspector: DS o,6/34/gS Inspeetor': CF G'A5aO trLAN-ILC Site F,lan OOraSO BLDG-Framing VO04A BLDG-Roof & Sheer Plywood Nail AAO50 ELDB-Insulation oOOgUr BLDG-Courtesy 6AA7A BLDG-ltti sc. -'F'baaga BLDE-Final OO5SfA BLDG-Temp. C/A 0l&34F BLD6-Fin*1 tr/O InspectionIt em: Itemr Item: It em': Item: Item: Item l It'em: Item l Item:',.J'tem: Item l Iteml 'tT Actionr Action: APPR .,.NtrF.RtrVED APF'R AFF,RT]VED la ,I , --.!. "''o -INSPECTION REQUEST *i4);)?,, READY FOR .LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUM Py)rEcr JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL MECHANICAL:4J tr HEATING F ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr @NDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL 'nppnoveo ,{*.'tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,1 CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE REAOY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: AM (PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND T] FOUNDATION / STEEL ,F ROUGH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n_ tr n tr FINAL 't O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL FiAPPnoveo GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 i 1. o-. * JOB NAME CALLER ,4_1. ,,/ -1 . ' .,/ ..,' PERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr B TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE .{ ('INSPECTOR lo INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VA|L PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT/ i -.{4 / t .DAIE ,-' , ,/-..' JOB NAME HEADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR 479-2138 BUILDING: dioorrrucs ET"FOUNDATI O FRAMING PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER EI E tr tr ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH O CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL EI FINAL .T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr( ii'i l:i\,io,NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - 479-2138 THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTION: CALTER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: /eeeqovro /.1 CORRECTIONS: '- tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D Dtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR JI 'ry| , INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 NAME lr ;< READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: ) FRI {q4 'E{','#pl7i;iffi'.'- DATE L /(/ / /r JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: E FRAMING tr tr "tr tr o UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTR!GAL: tr TEMP, POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING C] BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL 'JkfPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT i ,, DATE il - 1'"' ''l \ JOB NAME 'il'( {* 6ALLER r,.t.,Jl :- i_ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 'l-'j; ,f :; - READY FOR INSPECTION:T.UES WED_) _- THUR /l'': i . - ,' MON ,i 'i')'.)' FHI rl. v :t AM ., PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o ;l! ,-t.'. i -.1 II ',t''t / 'lJ j, / r rrrr\', \ic.o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANlGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o E FINAL D FINAL fr nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION €EOUIRED 'i'v"ivilr.irA,]r'i..tf i\ "i-,t,-,, t't .. -.,:r: 4':- t:.t,r ''T'-,t ;t-,... "-li ,, ,' t:-l DATE INSPECTOR lqrryrq _- --INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER QF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME tArT) CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDEBGROUND d FoUNDATIoN / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W,V. E ROUGH / WATEBO FHAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING .tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORo^r, a/roftF PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , 't I .t DATE I I'' JOBNAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ; li l CALLER ,TUES AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D tr o tr tr o n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o O FINAL tr FINAL ,PROVEDF: CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR REF'T 1 31 IL /AA,/93 O7: [t9 TOT^IN OF VAIL, CT]LORADO REEUE$TS FOR INSF.ECTION I^IORK SHEETS FOR:11/ E:./93 F.AGE 13 AREA: CD Aetivity: Addr'ess; Far"ce I : De scr i pt ion: Appl icant: Dwner': Cont ract or': F,95-AitZr57 LL / A,/SS Type : B-trLMB Stat r"rs : 1477 ASF,EN GRBUE LN g I ra3-o 14- l5-OUr3 IN5TALL PLUMBING IN SFR MILLER t^IILLIAM H III MILLER IIILLIAM H III == = === = = == ==- = E ==== =* €== ISSUED Constr': NSFR Use:Occ: F,hone I Fhone: Fhone: Locks, Holds, ACTIUITY Not ice: and Not ices. OWNER BUILDER Inspect ion Request Inf or.mat ion, , . Reqr-rest ot": 6REG ASH Req Time: EB:tltD f,omment s: Items requested to be Inspected.. qtUteeq| FLMB-Rouqh/D. l^,. V. oaE3ra FLMB-Rouqh/l.lat en Frhone: 949*7345 Action Comment t ,Dgr"UUH Tine Exp Inspect ion Item: Item: Item: Itemr Item:Iten: It em: HistoFy..... talztg I tA F,LMB-Und er-gr.o r-rnd frA/3n/95 Inspeetor: D$ Ct0EeE trLMB-Ror-rqh/D, l^J. V. rataeJra trLMB-Ro ugh./l^lat er AAE4A F,LMB-GaE Fipinq 08E5Ur trLMB-F,ool/Hot Tub raoe6ta F,LlvlB-Mi sc. ADegD trLMB-Final Act i on : AFF'R AF'F'ROVED ?Ga 3o //- e/t 't''{ ' j ; PER#IT i, ,Yt .lii'- -l _' -, APPLTCATIoN MUST BE FTLLED oUT coMPLETELy oR Ili+tAY NoT BE.AcCEnTED S*************************'l*** 'ERMJT TNF.RMATT.* **"***********iiii!il.********tlr {-j-euiraine [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Narne: Legal Description, aeg 3 Block_Z- Fi1ins /: ,u**rrr*, L;r*,4 rrt(5:<_/t I t/ 'i /1",Zr, ,1r)ro,zbo i(n. *ZZ oaCTAddress:/<-/2441//&r/ .-- LtArchitect. /t:nt 4An/2 Add.ress. ph. 7- General Description: 3 5 E/- /4-4.,/ | /work class: tp-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additional 1 l-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units | '2--.^ Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Cont-ractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MEC}NNTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE *********************,r********* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIJI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECIIANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FE8: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: CLEAN rrP DEPOSTT REFttNn VALUATION STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATI'RE: I -- MEMoRANDUMIt ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' TO: FHOM: DATE: RE: DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the ne€d for a'public Way permit": YES NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that reguires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocabte Bight Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging,paking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? K K3) 4) s) 6) K K K7) 8) !f19u- algwered yes to any of these questions, a'Public way permit" must be obtained."Public way- Permit' application! may be obtained ar the public work's office or atc.o.TTTitv Developmsnt. .lf you have-any questions please caltbnarrie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-21Sg. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 'r;//o,Job Name Contractor's Sig nature 26 /?5 f ru"u, *or rrr^r,r rro".O How it relates to Building permit: 1)ermit a lication. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) lf yes was answered tg 3ny of the above questions then a 'pubric way permit" isrequired' You can_pick up an apprication at either community Deveropment,tocated at 7s s. Frontage Road or pirotic wo*s, rocatedat iiog v"irvailey Drive. Norice sign offs tor ditity. companies. Ail utifiries must fiefd verifi (rocate)respective utirities prior to signing apprication. some-utiiity-companies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedule a fdiatel. A construction tratfic contror pran must be prepared o.n a separate sheet of paper.This plan wilrshow rocations ot ar Gtnc &ntrtdevices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construstion, stiging, etc.; sketch of work being performed must be sub_mitted indicaring dimensions (rength,width & deprh of *i*1. ft,is ;;fi;;;n on rhe trafiic conrrotpran or a sireplan for the job. P^:!IIT|le]ereg appri,cation ro the public.[ork,s otfice for review. rf required,rocates wit be schedured forrhe Town of vaireJJarici;;;ft';;;ion crew. Thelocates are take prace in the morninj, ort-i"y requireup to 4g hours to perform. The Pubric work's construction Inspector wirr review rhe apprication and approyeor disapprove the permit. you wirt de coniacteo as to the iia:t* iio any changesthat may be needed. Most permits are raeaseo within ac r,ori, J u"ing received,but please aflow up to one week to process. As soon as permit is grocessed, 3 copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentaftowins rhe'Buirdino p.9pit" to u"i5rt"r;. H#;;ilffi;ire rhe ,pubricway Permit' with a "-Buirding rermit; to oo ,,ort on a project site itseff. Note: *The above process ls for work In a right_ot_way only. *Public Way permlt'" "**A new public Way permit is required each year. 7) a 75 roulh trontegc rord vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 oftlco ot communlty dovclopmcnl BUILDiNG PERtilT ISSUANCE TIl,,tE FRAI|E If this permit requi.res a Town of vai] Fire Departrnent Approvar,Eng'i neer''s. (Publ ic works) "euien ano'ipp"ou.l , a planning Departmentreview or Health Department review, anb.a-revjew by the BuildingDepartment, the estirnated time tor'a-lotat review may take as longas three weeks. All cormerc-ia'l (rarge or smar'r ) and alr mu] ti-family permits wilrhave to follow the ibove mentioned maxirrm reguirements. Residentialand sma'l I projects shourd take a lesser amount of time. However, ifres'idential or srnller.projects impaci the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three-weef pe"ioO. Every attempt wir'r be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - I:-ll" undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and timeTrame. v r Communi ty Development Department. 75 south trontag! rold Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT; oltlce ol communlty developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH llIETOI{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC rqoRKs/coMMUNITy DE\ELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & I.{ATERIAI STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to titter, track or deposia ;t-r;iri'"J"i, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash iunpsters, portabte toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv portiln tneieoil--i|. right-oi-".y i' ar.r. Town ofVait streetl ind.r?.g= is approiil.t"iv-s-i..-iri pavemenr.This ordinance w_ir1 ue ;Iri;ii;^enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Departrnent. perslns found .rilfiiinq this ordinancewill- be siven a 24 houi rriii"""ir[i""-t"-;;;;:'="id rnarerial.fn the event the person so notifieat ctoes-";t-;;ply with thenotice within ttrS__za hour tir"-=p."ified, the pultic worksDepartment wilr remove said nateii-r it-trr"-'"*iJi=e of personnotifi'ed' The nrovi=ion=-or-lils orainance shirl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, nainienance or repair projects ofany street or artey or any utiriiies--i; ;;"';i;;i_._r.y. To review Ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the Town of::li"::i1:i"g"o:f;if*:i:"::"";;;i" a copv. rrrani vou ror your Read and a-cknowledged cL-.-^ onlReIat onshrp to pro ect (i.e. contractor, owner) q -t- ?!c,,I a6prrr) tlXx,q1,t1P46. ,;arlre Town of Vrll :\ Ntr\ ,":{ ,,/'\_)\- .:' OFFICE COPV ftaG.6 /LijE'4/J6 P/Jr- lF 4s4itr /2" x/o'x Vifux'Fa+Es'' it7 :t':'2!'a 'zzkD eafs e*, ' -=..-- {xqt'b, dbL. ,.r h)/o @a at ," -," 7/'4rc l^rlJr Chen&Associates Consutting Geotechnical Engineers e!ff,[:?trtr'f"r', co 8 1 60 1 3031945-7458 Casper Colorado SPrings 0enver Ft. Collins Phoentx Rock SPrings Salt Lake CitY San Antonio APR PREPARED FOR: Dtvid C' Detrlcl 2000 Wrshlngton' Street LAgJIi si"iir"n"i."ol cA e4109 9261'l SOIL AIiID FOIJ}IDAITION STUDY PROPOSED RESIDEI\EE It! 3, BIOCK 2 LIONS RIDGE, FILIIG 4 \rAIL, corcRADO TOll.C0fi/l[|4, DEl/. DrP'i JOB lIO. 4 257 88 JULY 5, 1988 a TABrc OF CCNIBTTS cotircI,usroNs RIRPOSE AIiID SCOPE OF STIJDY PROPOSED C1}iISIRIJCTION SITE COiIDITIOT{S @IIGIC TIAZARD COT{SIDERATIONS SIJBSURFACE CONDITIOI{S SITE GRADI}il3 FOUNDATIOI{ RECOMME!{DATIOI{S FIOOR SIABS FOUNDATION VBLTS AIID REIIAINIIG STRUCIIJRES I,]NDERDRATN SYSEEI!,I ST]RFACE DRAITiGGE LIMITNSIOI{S FIGJRE ,I . IffATION OF DEIORAIORY BOR,II\ES FIGURE 2 - IOGS OF DQI'RTITORY BORIIGS FIq,'RE 3 - LEGEI{D A}D N}IES FIGURES 4 AND 5 - S-I{EI,L{OIiEOI.IDATION TEST RESULTS FIqJRE 6 . GRADNTION IEST RESIJLTS TABLE I - SUMMARY OF IABORATORY TEST RESTJLTS 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 10 't0 12 12 13 Chen&Associates COI\ELUSIONS (1) The subsoils for.rnd in the exploratory borings consist of a relatively thick layer of topsoil' up to 5 feet deep, overlying loose to rediun dense silty sand wtrich grades into a denser and more gravelly soil at depch. Ground water was not detected in any of the borings. (2) The proposed structure should be founded on the undisturbed natura-l- granular soils beloqr the topsoil and upper loose sand designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 31000 psf. Proposed footings placed on the loose sands within approxirnately 10 feet of the existing ground surface elevation shoufd be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. (3) The proposed residence i-s near the bottom of a steep slope. Site grading should be planned so that unretained [Ermanent cuts do not exced 10 feet in height. Tsnporary stability must be maintained during construction by using tenporary slope retention or by excavating slopes to a stable configuration. (4) Geotechni.caf design details and precautions related to construqtion of the proposed residence are presented in the text of the report. Chen &Associates o -2- RIRPOSE AI.ID SCOPE OF STLIDY This report presents the results of a soil and foundation study for the proposed residence to be located on Lot 3, Block 2, Lions Ridge, Filing 4, Vail, Colorado. The study was conducted for the purpose of developing foundation and other geotechnical engineering relatd recqnrendations for the design of the proposed residence. The project site is shown on Fig. 1. Ihe study was conducted in accordance with our agreenent for professional engineering services with Mr. David Detrick' dated June 1, 1988. A field exploration program consisting of three exploratory borings uns conducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions. Subsoil sanples obtained during the field exploration v€re tested in the laboratory to determine t5e classification and engineering characteristics of the on-site soil, The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing r,,lere analyzed to develop reconmendations for foundation tlpes ' depths and alLowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing are presented herein. This report has been prepared to sr-rnnarize the data obtained during tlris study and to present our conclusions and reconnrendations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. Design parareters and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the proposed residence are included in the report. Chen &Associates I -3- PROPOSED CONSIRIJCTION we understand the proposd residence will be a three-story structure excavated into the hillside. The main residence structure will rccupy a footprint of approxirnately 2,000 square feet. A corridor will be provided down the slope to an earth sheltered garage, rtrich will occupy approxinntely 500 sguare feet. It is proposed to excavate the upslope side of the structure approxinrately 20 feet into the hillside. The lor.er level of the rnain residence will be a walkout level on the south side. Foundation walls requiring up to 20 feet of slope retention will be required for the residence. Retaining wa1ls up to 15 feet in height wiII be provided on tire exterior of the structures. If loadings, locations or conditions are significantly different frorn those described or depicted in this report, \r,e should be notified to reevaluate the recomnendations contained in this report. SITE CONDITIONS The subject lot is located on the north slope of the Gore Creek valley at an elevation approximately 400 feet above the valley floor. At the tjrne of the field exploration, the lot was vegetated with a relatively dense grovrth of nedium size aspen trees with low brush and grasses. Slopes across the lot ranged from approximately 20t near the road on the south side of the site to approxirnately 50t near the upper north site boundary. Above the lot, the Chen &Associates -4- slope cantinues uplfard approximately 1,400 feet in elevation at slopes in the range of 40t to 508. Vegetation on the slope above the lot consists nainly of sage brush and other low brush and grasses. GEOIOGIC HAZARD CONSIDERATIONS Due to the steep terrain upslope of the site, there are several potential geologic tr,azards wtrich must be considered. These consist of construct.iorF induced slope instability, rockfalls, debris flolvs arld snow avalanches. Evaluatj.on of geologic hazards is beyond the scope of this study. l4e r,tere provided with a copy of a geologic hazard study for Blocks 1 and 2 of the fourth filing of Lions Ridge by R.J. Irish, Consulting Enqineering Geologists' Inc., wtrich presents an asses$rent of the risks. We unde rstand that further studv of rockfafl hazard for this particular lot has been conducted by others. SUBSURFACE CO}TDITIONS The general subsurface conditions were explored by drilling tl:rree exploratory borings at the locations shown on Fig. 1. The borings r,pre advanced through the subsoils with a 4-inch diareter continuous flight auger. Sanples of the subsoils \ryere obtained for classification and laboratory testing. Graphic logs of the borings are presented on Fig. 2 with a legend and explanatory notes on Fig. 3. The subsurface profile found in the borings consists of a relatively thick topsoil Iayer from 4 to 5 feet thick overlying natural granular subsoils. The topsoil is very soft and rnoist tc very moist. It can be Chen &Associates a -5- distinguished froro tl:e underlying granular soils by its dark brolon to black color and apparent organic content. The natural soils underlying the topsoil consist of silty sands and gravels. Approxirnately the upper 10 to 15 feet of these soils are prirnarily silty to very silty sand with occasional gravel. The deeper subsoils are similar, but are denser and contain more gravel. Penetration resistanoe values indicate the sands within approximately 10 feet of the existing grourd surface are general-ly loose. The soils below this depth are typically nedium dense and ocrcasionally dense to very dense. Sroell-consolidation tests rdere conducted on samples of silty to very silty sand to evaluate cornpressibiLity. The results, Figs. 4 and 5, indicate these naterials possess a very slight potential to co{rpress upon rretting ard that they are rnoderately cornpressible upon loading. Ground wate r was not detected j.n any of the borings during the field exploration. The deeper sanples obtained possessed low moisture c-ontents. All three borings uiere dry and open to nearly the depth originally drilled wtren checked 15 to 20 days after drillinq. SITE GRADI}E The natural slopes at the site are moderately steep to steep. Although we did not observe signs of slope instability on the hillside above the site, unstable conditions could be induced by construction excavations. The Chen & Associates -6- proposd design will necessitate a large excavation into the s1ope. Ttris excavation is anticipa.ted technically feasible based on the granular soils present and the absence of ground water below the slope. Hokever, a relatively low factor of safety is expected. A detailed slope stability evaluation is beyond the scope of this relrrt. The following general guidelines should be considered during design ard construction planning to mitigate the potential for construction ard post-construction slope instability. (1 ) Permanent unretained cut slopes should be designed as shallow as possible to reduce the risk of instability. Perrnanent unretained cuts should be limited to 10 feet at no steeper than 2 (horiaontal) to I (vertical). (2) Tefiporary excavations for foundation construction should eitter be retained or sloped to a stable configuration. Ground water was not encountered in the exploratory borings. Hor.rrcver, the potential for slope instability during excavation of the foundation can be reduced by construcb,ing the excavation during relatively dry periods of the year. The potential for instability will be significantly increased if seepa.ge is encountered. (3) Fills up to 15 feet in height can be used if the fill slopes do not exceed 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) and they are properly ccrnpactd ard drained. The ground surface underlying all fiU should be prepared by rernoving topsoil and ccrqncting the subgrade prior to fill placerent. Fill should be benched into hillsides exceeding 4 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical). Chen &Associates (4) -1- Good surface drainage should be provided around all permanent cuts and fills and steep natural slopes to direct surface runoff away frorn the slope faces. Slopes and other stripped areas should be protected against erosion by revegetation or other rEthods. site grading, drain details and building plans should be prepared by qualified engineers farniliar with the problems in the area. A construstion sequence plan of excavating, wall construction, bracing ard backfilling indicating the tj.me required should be prepa.red by the contractor. Unretained ternporary excavation slopes should not be left for long periods of tine. Construqtion on steep mountainous slopes entails a higher risk of slope instabitity, wfrich the owner must accept, tlnn for flat grourd construCtion. The above reConnendations are provided as rneans of reducing the potential for a slope failure; however r a potenti al cannot be elirninated. If the owner desires to reduce the risk of possible slope failure, the design should be modified to reduce the vertical extent of construction excavations, increasing the factor of safety of the slopes. FOUI{DATION RECOi,IMENDATI ONS Considering the subsurface conditions encounte rd in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construceion ' qe recdlrllerd the proposed building be founded on spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural soils Chen & Associates o -8- or properly conpastd structural fill. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation systern. The construction details should be considered when preparing project docurents. (1 ) Footings placed on the undisturbed natural gravelly soils at elevations of at least 10 feet below the existing ground surface elevations should be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Thre loose soils within approxirnately 10 feet of the existi-ng grourd surfac-e are not suitable for footings at this design pressure. Footings plac-ed on the loose sand at elevations within approximately 10 feet of the exj.sting ground surface nlay be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. (2) Spread footings should have a nninimum footing width of 16 inches for continuous footings and of 24 inches for isolated pa.ds. (3) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost proteqtion. Placernent of foundations at least 48 inches below the exterior grade is t!?ically usd in this area. (4) The lateral resistance of spread footings placed on undisturbed natural soils or properly ccmpacted granular struqtural fill will be a cornbination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the for:ndation naterials a:rd pa.ssive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Chen &Associates -9- Resistance to sliding at the bottorns of the footings can be calculated using a coefficient of friction of 0.5 and an equivalent fluid unit weight of 400 pcf. The coefficient of friction and pa.ssive pressure val-ues reconrended above assume nrobilization of the ultirnate soil strength. Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to Iimit the strain which will occur at the ultj:nate strengti, parcicularly in the case of pa.ssive resistance. Safety factors of 1.5 and 2.0 are frequently used for coefficient of friction and passive resistance, respeqtively. Ccnpacted fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads shoul-d be a granular nnterial canpacted to at least 100t of the maxinnrm standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimun. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottorn to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. The foundation soils should be conpa.cted with a smooth vibratory cornpa.ctor prior to place[ent of concrete. Care should be taken when excavating the foundations to avoid disturbing the supporting rnaterials. (8 ) Due to the tr,tlo different reconnended design boring pressures, a representative of the geotechnical engj.neer should check all foundation excavations for suitable bearing soils. If soft or loose soils are found in areas designed for the higher design pressure' they should be removed and the footings extended to adeguate bearing soils. Alternatively' the loose material may be replaced with strusEural fill cornpacted to 'l 00t of the max imun standard Proctor densitv. (s) (6) (7) Chen &Associates - 10- FIOOR SIABS Ifre natural opsite soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to suFport lightly to moderately loaded slab-orgrade construstion. To reduce the effects of some differential movernent, floor slabs should be sepa.rated fron all bearing walls and colunns with expansion joints wfrich al-Iow unrestrained vertical rnovsnent. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce daneqe due to shrinkage cracking. tle suggest joints be provided on the order of 15 feet on center. The reguirernents for slab reinforcenrent should be established by the desj.gner based on experience and the intended slab use. A rnj.nimum A-inch layer of free-draining gravel should be placed beneath the slabs. This material should consist of minus 2-inch aggregate with less than 50E passing the No.4 sieve and less than 5t passing the No.200 sieve. The granular layer wi.l1 prevent capillary wate r rise and will be incorporated into the underdrain sYstem. with the exception of topsoil, fill placed beneath floor slabs nay consist of the on-site soils. The soil engineer should evaluate the suitability of proposed fill materials. Underslab fill should be placed ard conrpacted to at teast 95t of the maximum standard Proctor density near the ootifium moisture content. FOUNDATION IATJ^S AND RETA]NI}IG STRIJSIURES Foundatj.on walls and retaining strucEures which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a nrcderate anxcunt of deflectj-on should be designed for a lateral earth pressure cornp:ted on the basis of an equivalent Chen&Associates -1 1- fluid unit weight of 50 pcf for a level backfill surfac'e and backfill consisting of the on-site soils. For a backfill surface sloping up away frorn the wall aX a 2 (horizontal) to t (verticaf) projecEion, the lateral earth pressure should be based on an equivalent fluid unit veight of 70 pcf. Cantilevered retaining structures wtrich can be expected to deflect sufficiently to nrobilize the full active earth pressure cordition should be designed for a lateral earth pressure cornputed on the basis of an eguivalent fluid unit weight of 40 pcf for a level backfill surface and backfill consisting of the on-site soi1s. The laterat earth pressure should be based on an equivalent fluid unj.t of 60 pcf if the backfill slopes up at a 2: l nrnior-F i nn A1l foundation and retaining structures should be designed for appropriate surcharge pressures such as vehi.cles, construqtion materials ard eguignent. The pressures reconrnended above assune drained conditions behird the walls and the backfill surface inclination; indicated. The build-up of water behind a wall or an up\^/ard sloping backfilL surface will increase the Iateral pressure imposed on a foundation wall or retaining structure. Foundation and retaining wa1l backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and conpa.cted to betlreen 90t and 958 of the maximum standard Prostor density at a moisture content near optimum. Care should be taken not to overoofq)act the backfill since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the walls. Sone settlernent of deep foundation wall backfills wiLl occur even if the material is placed correctly. To reduce settlenents, it is ifilportant that backfill be placed properLy. Chen &Associates -tz- IjNDERDRATN SYStrEM Alttrough ground water was not encountered been our experience in nnuntainous areas that develop during times of heavy precipitation or underdrain system should be provided around SL]RFACE DRAIMGE Since the site is near the bottom of a runoff frorn the slope will enter the site. defined natural swale enterinq the site near during the exploration' it has local perched ground h,ater nay seasonal runoff. Therefore r an the lower level of the entire long steep slope, it is possible We observed a relatively poorly the northeast property structure. An underdrain syste$ should consist of a layer of free-draining granular nraterial beneath the floor slab connected to perineter drains. Freedraining granular nraterial used in the drain system should contain less than 58 passing the No.200 sieve, less than 50t pa.ssing the l,lo.4 sieve and have a maximun size of 2 inches. The drains should consist of perforated drain pipe wrapped in nonrrcven geotextile filter fabric placed in the bottom of a trench and surrourded above the inver! level wi-th free-draining granular material . The free-draining backfi.ll should extend up to the slab level- arrd be connected to the underslab gravel layer. The drain pipe should be at least 4 inches in diarneter, placed at Ieast 1 foot below the floor level and graded to a daylighted outlet at a minimwn slope of lt. Chen &.{,ssociates -tJ- boundary. We do not know whether significant runoff concentrations occur in this swale. Surface drainage design should divert runoff frcrn upslope of the site around the structure. An engineered surface drainage design In6y be warranted. In addition, the following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and naintained at alt tinres after the residence hns been construsted. (l) Excessive wetting or drying of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. Foundation and retaining wall backfill was addressed previously in this report. Other miscellaneous exterior backfill should be adjusted to near opEimun moisture and conpacted to at least 95t of the nraximum standard ProcEor density in paverent areas and to at least 90t of the maximun standard Proccor density in landscape areas. The ground surface surroundi.ng the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away frorn the foundation in all directions. We reconrnend a rninjmum slope of 6 inches in the first l0 feet in unpa.ved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in pa.ved areas. Roof downspouts and drains shoul-d discharge welL beyond the lirnits of all backfill . /r\ (3) (4) LI},IITATIONS This report has been PrePared in and foundation engineering Practj.ces design purposes. The conclusions and accordance with generally aceepted soil in this area for use by the client for recofinendations suLxnitted in this report Chen &Associates -14- are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilled at the locations indicated on the exploratory boring plan' and the proposed type of c"onstruqtion. The nature and extent of subsurface variations across the site may not beccne evident unt.il excavation is perfornred. If during custrustion, fill, soil, rock or water conditions appear to be different frcrn those described herein, this office shoutd be advised at once so reevaluation of the reconnrendations rnay be made. Vile recrcnnend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearj.ng strata by a representative of the soil engineer. Revieued By Marcus rf . AlC,/d jb cc: Gordon R. Pierce, AIA Attention: Mr. Tarry Deckard -..' fu";# ASS0C P.E. Chen & Associates LEGEND: d Topsoil, very soft, moist to very moist, dark brown to black, organic' t-t taVA Sand (SH) , silty to very silty, scattered gravel; f ine to coarse grained,L1a loose to medium dense, moist to very moist, reddish brown ' Hl Sand (SM-GH), gravel ly, silty, fine to coarse grained, cobbles and EA occasional boulders, medium dense to very dense, moist to very moist, redd ish brown. t U Drive sample, 2-inch l.D' California liner samp)e. I I I Drive sample, Standard Penetration Test, 1 ltg- inch split spoon sample. I 6/12 Drive sample blow count, lndicates that 5 blows of a 140-pund harnmer falling J0 inches were required to drive the Cal ifornia or SPT sampler 1 2 i nches. NOTES: l. Exploratory borings were drilled on June 2 and /, 1988 with a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were measureo approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory borings were obtained by interpolation between contours on the Plan Provided. 4. The exploratory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used' 5. The lines between materials shown on the exp)oratory boring logs represent the approx imate boundaries between material types and the transitions tnay be gradua I' 6. Ground water was not encountered in the borings at the time of driiling or when checked l5 to 20 days iater. Fluctuations in the water level may occur with time. 7, LAEORATORY TEST RESULTS: WC = Water Content (%); 00 = Dry Oensity (pcf); +4 = Percentage Reta ined on f;4 S ieve; -200 = Percentaqe Passinq No. 200 Sieve' i{2r7 88 Chen & Associates LEGEND AND NOTES rL. 3 o inc. c\o c .; OJ c, E CJ chen and associates, n I ca_r I.; LJ Eo (J ? Moisture Content = 9 .0 Percent Dry Unit Weight = 1,l5.3 o"t Sample of: S i lty sand From: Hole I at depth l0' itiona er con APPLIED PRESSURE _ KSf Moisture Content = 6 .9 Percent Dry Unit Weight = 12\ ,4 pcf Sample ot: S i I ty san d From: Hole 2 at depth 7*' itiona er con APPLIED PRESSURE _ KSI1>l hb SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS F ral -l cA-1-79. n I F'.; q) t- E (.) ? chen and associates, inc. APPLIED PRESSURE 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf SWELL-CONSOLI DATI ON TEST RESULTS .\ co n) e a 1C 1C0 Fl.] 2 Moisture Content = 15.3 Percent Dry Unit werght = i09.5 o"t Samgle of'' very si lty sand From: fJ6'l e 3 at depth 4l dd ir i nde r c l\,4orsture Conlenl = c I percenl ).1 Dry Un t wergnt = 1 I L I pct Sample oi:^ . ,)llty sano ' Hole 3 at deoth l9' 2 ( t ditionZ de r cor t-rnp i" fd't I \ ( \b 4 257 88 @ L'\ N o a'-) o f a ul (r o uJ G o F (r o dl l! o CE l o (t!q):i .! E,q) ur ;g ru 0E J<g o€3 xs F O8 6u '81 qlcjaP t7 ]N J z9r z9t o z-t I o 0l ocE z :o09 -.t rtuo Nrv,i 6i Nrn m Ntl't 9l'UH I Nll 06 ml tz A 1 1aner 6 ola CNVS s:rsao:) z9l a 00.0?. 09. l lts o1 ,\vl:) ot 0s 0t 06 Nrht ! Ntht t Ntn 6l Nlyi 09 N n 9l Nlhl ItuHI AHtZ s H 313 !',{ r-r'l I r'{ o z z o 0t Lzt z .4. za 0ll I ol sls -rvNv H3l3noBoAHsrs^lvNv lAf rs O s-Lrnsiu r-s3r Nor-LVavHc O z aloH y.{oaj PUPS x30Nl rlcltsv'ld AV]C ONV -r-]rs * +i9 s8fl-fnr'11[^l Nt i-]ctravd Jo u3l3r'tvlooz ztCaal 6r L 06q | 162 6tl tlo leo ,52 qfdap le I aloH nour Pues ,o *toNr ,\l-tcll,sv-ld c" I,Z ^vlc oNV l-rs ." \5 Nr 3'tcrruvd ro alr3nvlo a, A llanero AlllS lo:rarnvs o,o lll'1ll olnoll oNVS "^ 5z -l3AV89 t-lrs oI AV-l:) Ar I ls io 3'rdt^rvs rrnll clnol-l n 5z T3AVUO 8t LSz t slsA]vNv uf rf l touclHsrs^tvNV 343 rs ..9..9 ,.C 'JUr SSAIBTJOSSE pUB UaqJ III ,ry II I o(\ tl = q) o U o o xo l- o. CL ./1 __r_r_-.\ I I I I I I --f"'oI I I<36ZlrJ -v)zo-o.<JoFJcrrl<o-d= I I I I -f"'o I I I I -i-""' I I I I! .fftuJ&,I tr &,' II v) uJ t! |I orF<r II o-FJ< II o d,uJ c,I d <-< | - LtJ tn L9 I I I --.l-----.=_-,.t i r ----=---=_e i -- o F I UE €': i 3= .^.G F i THtr | q- ^l\PI \'!+.--- II(t\ El6o I caTo 3lsl I srro i I ---.-- --- """-""---)'-ecoo z.o_ o F rr1 Od.< . =o>-$() rrJ c7lJJ.$t!1!@ UI a5 = E { oco F. EoJo-xlrl lJ-o =o F o ct€ hsl 5 <J J L! t! C)2t! 3 ttlt!c. E N \J O @ Ho I e I LL. = 8\72, Ho le 2 EL. = 8454' Hole 3 EL. - 8439' 8\75 8\75 8470 84zo 6/t2 8\65 84 55 8450 7/12 wc=9.0 DD=ll5.l - 200=3 j l2/12 8450 PROPOSED LOWER FLOOR LEVEL OF RES IDENCE 8455 8455 35/ 12 rnt-rn z. I -1 m 8450 3/ 12 B450 mt-m Oz -il rnm --.t 8445 23/17 l./c=5.0 +\=25 -20n=?I 50/ 12 tt/t2 t^/c=6.9 DD=124, 4 - 2oO=23 9/t2 Iti45 PROPOSED GARAGE Sqqo 8435 2t/t2 r/c=4.8 +4=25 DD=t 24. 23/ 12 2/lz \/12 84i5 841o l^,c= | 5.3 DD=r09.5 - 200=4lr 8/t2 84: o 18/t 2 8425 8\20 20/t2 tJc=5.1 DD=ll8.l 8420 841 5 841 5 o oI F U)rt t.)p oO r o'n m ><.Itr -tov @ v = ln Town o f Vail- 75 south Frontage Road Vail/ col-orado 81- 65? (303) 479-2138 Torvn ot\lU OFFICE COPY based on Bu j-lding code Name: MTLLER RESIDENCE Date: May 10, 19 95 ContracLor: W. MI LI,ER Architect: HAND Engineer: HoWELL Plans Examiner: CHUCK rELDMANN are no! inLended to be a comPl-ete in the 1991 UBc. It is a guide to Plan analysrs the 19 91 Uni fo rm Project Number: PRJ95-0068 Address i 'J.41'1 ASPEN GRoVE occupancy: R3, Ml Tlt)e of Const: V-N NoTE:The code items Listed in this report Iisting of al".l- possible code requirements selected sections of the code. AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath t ni hi4 vrrr+rrY ! vvr,! 2 Kitchen t r i t?ia !r v rrr9 !vvIL 2 HaL.l-s, c]-osets, etc. TOTAL TOR FLOOR 1 Bedroom #3 1 Bedroom #4 1 Family room 1 Bedroom #2 l- Halls, closets, etc. TOTA], FOR FLOOR B Garage B Unflnished B Hal-l-s , closets, etc . TOTAL EOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAI FOOTNOTES: 2L8 15? 165 1"80 230 509 1585 2L5 295 189 728 1596 Jd / 406 392 1385 318 I 2t .80 0.00 16. s0 18.00 25 .60 0-00 2r .50 15.90 29 .50 18.90 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 10. 90 7.85 I .25 9.00 L2.80 0.00 10.75 8.45 L4.75 9.45 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No NO No Yes 1 1 "1 l_ l- 1 1 1 'I L 1 I 1 1 I I 2 1) EGREss - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openabl-e area must meet the followinq. -- sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear hej.ght i,s 24 inches 2 ) The minj-mum clear wj-dth is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square 4) The maximum sil1 height is 44 inches The numlcer of exits is based on TabLe 33-A A mechanical ventilation system may be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) The requirement for an egress window in the Sec. 1204. 2) feet (DweIlings) in in l-i-eu of exterior basement is based on4l ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shal1 have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, haf1s, bathrooms and toil-et compartments may have a ceilj.ng heiqht of 7 feet measured to the l-owest projection. If the ceilingf is sloping, then the minimum height rs required in only L/2 ot the area. --Sec. f207 . (al Every dwelling unit shall have at l-east one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. 12O7. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : AIl glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazi-ng material-. -- sec. 5406. (d) L) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except ja.lousies. 2l GJ-azing in fixed and sliding panels of slj-ding door assemblies and panel-s i-n swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) cLazing in storm doors. 4) Glazinq in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whrrlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Gl"azing .in any portion of a building waIJ- enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the gl-azing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inl-et. 6) GLazing in fixed or operab.Ie panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a cfosed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the gLazinq is l"ess than 50 inches above the walkinq surface. 7) Glazing :.n an individual- fixed or operable panel, other than those ]-ocations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of the folJ.owing condj-tions : A. Exposed area of an j-ndividual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the fl-oor. c. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the fl-oor. D. one or more walking surfaces withi-n 36 inches horizontally of the p.lane of the glazing. 8) Gfazing in rai.Iings regardless of herghE above a walking surface. Inc.l-uded are strucLuraf baluster paneLs and nonstructural in-fi.l-1 pane]- s . See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal-J- at a point central-l-y located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- sec- I2IO. (a) 4. A smoke detector is requl-red on the ceiling or walL in each sleeping area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required rn the basement. -- sec. L210. (a) 4. A smoke detector i,s required on all stories. -- Sec. 121,0. {a) 4. If the upper leve.l contains sJ-eeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. I2!0. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall- be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 3. Detectors shall sound an ala-rm audj-ble in al-l- sleeping area of the dwelling in which Lhey are located. -- Sec. 12L0. (a\ 4. FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPI.ACE: 1) unit must be an approved unit. -- sec. 3705. (a) 2) cl-earances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval. -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chirnney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the galage side only and any doors between the garage and the resrdence are to be a se.If-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 rninute fire door. -- Table 5-B & sec. 503, (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at l-east 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches' -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Prov:.de a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 35 i"nches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. I'7T2. (a) exc. #L The minj.murn headroom is 6 ft.- I r.nches. -- sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usabl-e space under the stai.rs is required to be protected as required for l-hr file-resistive construction. -- sec. 3306, (1) SHAET ENCLOSURES: 1) chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-seccional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 25 gaqe gal-vanized sheet metal with all loints Iocklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and nonconbustible piping installed rn waffs passing through 3 f .l-oors or less do not need to be in I hour shaf ts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) shafts for gas vents, factory-buil"t chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in l- hour shafts. -- Sec . 1.705. (c) 4) Afl other shafts are required to be encl-osed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec . 1706. (a) ATTTC REQUIREMENTS : L) Provide an access to aLl- attic areas with a clear heights of 30 inches or more. The minimum size j-s 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide venti-l-ation in all attic areas. The net free vent area 1s to be not J-ess than I square foot for each 150 square feet of attlc area. The vent area may be L/300 if at least 508 of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at ]east 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 1585.0 sq.ft. attic area: Ratio Miminum sq.ft. of vent 1/150 10.57 r/300 5 .28 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wiII requj.re a site improvement survey. such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl- spaces within the Town Of VaiI are fimited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516(C)5 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 so. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shal1 require an engineer design. Such design shatl address drainage, soil retaj-nage and structural design, Excavation below slabs on grade sha.Ll not be permitted without prlor approval . Address numbers shal-L be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. For M1 occupancy slope garage floor to al,low for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry wel-] or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by upper Eagle Valley l{ater & sanj-tation District. In garages with living area. above, the waLls of the garage wiich are bearingr the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction, UBC 503 (B). a Town of Vai-]- 75 south Frontage Road Vaj-f , colorado 8165 7 ( 303 ) 47 9-21,38 Plan review based on the l-991- uniform Buil-ding code Project Number: PR,l95-0058 Address : Lq71 ASPEN GROVE Occupancy: R3, Ml Type of const: v-N Town of t[l OFFICE COPY Name: MILLER RESIDENCE Date: May 10, l-995 contractor: w. MILLER ArchiLecL: HAND Engineer: HOWELL Plans Examiner: CHUCK EELDMANN All electrical work is to be compfete to the requirements of the Latest National Efectri-caf code, all- Tohrn of Va:-l Ordi-nances. and Ho-lV Cross Requrrements. This pro3ect wil]- require a site improvement survey. This survey shal-L be submitted and slaff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspeclion be done without an approved site improvement survey. Exterior surfaces with stucco shalf be provided with exterior metal fath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers of paper. windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspecEion is required prior stucco aPPrrLc.LrI.Jrr. It is recorunended that projects within the Town of Vail which are owner/builder constructed have foundations staked out by a ficensed surveyor to avoid possibl-e errors in the l-ocation of the structure. A11 new construction within the Town of Vail- will- be required to have a Public way permit plus an initiaLj-nspection by the T.o.v. Publ-ic Works Department to approve site drainage and culvert installation prior to any Building Dept. inspections. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces, unl-ess the lot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit aflowed. Gas log chimneys encLosures shal-I be one hr. protected. Required corrections for: Project Id. : MILLER RESIDENCE Address t L477 ASPEN GROVE # SHEET IDENTI FICATION Page # 2 CORRECTION REQUIRED 1"0 In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical- ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav, may be ventil-ated with a recirculating fan. uBc 1205(c). Domestic cl-othes dryer exhaust ducts shal.I be installed as per UMC LL04 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5 r in .Iength and shall not be conceaLed within construction. Ducts shall- terminate outsr.de the buildi-nq and not exceed 14' length. No domestic di-shwashing machine shatl be directfy connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPc 508. cross connection control devices shal-l be installed to protect pollution of potable water suppLy by use of approved backflow preventj-on devices. UPc 1,003. Island fi:xtures shal-l be special vented as per UPc 51,4. Plurnbing fj-xtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UPc 904. Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not Less than 30" to unplotected conloustible materiaf. lJMc 1901. A chimney encl-osure for a wood burning fireplace flue shaLl be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBc l-706. This invol-ves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and fire-taping joints. Approved gas logs nay be installed in solid-fue1 burnj-ng fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shalJ- be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMc 803. cas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per listing instalLation instructions -with a 'rB" vent only. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for al-f new construcfion in the Town of Vail. 1l- L2 L5 L4 l-5 Required corrections for 3 PTOJect Id. : MILLER RESIDENCE Address : !4'17 ASPEN GRovE # SHEET IDENTTFICATION o Page # 3 CORRECTION REQUIRED L7 L8 L9 20 2T supply a mechani-ca1 drawing indicating design of system, sj-ze (BTU and volume) of equipment' vent location and terrLination, and com.bustion air to be supplred prior to any installation. A handra:-l- i-s required along a stairway. It J.s requi-red to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches. -- sec. 3306. (i) & L7L2. The encLosed usabfe space under the stairs is required to be protected by l-hr fire-lesistive construction. -- 3306. (f) A window wetl for egress shall- be provided with a grippabl-e ladder for access to grade. Any cover over egress window wel-l shal-I be equipped with approved release mechanisms openable from inside (no Iock ) . uBc l2O4 At eaves and valleys an adequate underLalment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped !o sheathing and between layers or a commerciaL water & ice shj-el-d may be used as per Table 3281. In addition to a nr-inimum reinforcement, not less than two #5 bars shal-l- be provided around afL window and door openings. such bars shall be extended beyond the corners of the openings not less than 24" , VBC 26L4 ld)1. Any building site with a slope greater than 30 degrees shall require engineer designed drawings. Avalanche areas shall require such engineered drawi-ngs also. Drainage and. structulal integrity shall be addressed by such drawings. Because of this project's Location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBc l-707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion wj.E}:. 1,/2 inch anchor bo.Lts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. see code for additional requj-rements. -- sec- 2907. (f) Tncl-ude a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- sec. 2905. 22 z5 25 26 Town o f Vai-l 75 south Frontage Road vail-, coJ.orado 8165 7 (303) 479-21,38 Pl-an review based on the 1991 Uniform Building code Project Nuhber: PR,I95- 0 0 58 Address z 'J.4'7'7 ASPEN GRovE Occupancy: R3, M1 Type of Const: V-N FIELD COPY Name: MILLER RESIDENCE Date: May 10, 19 95 contractor: w. MILLER Architect: IIAND Engineer: HOWELL Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN AI1 electrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the Iatest National El-ectrical- code, aII Town of vai-l ordinances, and Holv cross Requirements. This project wifl- require a site irnprovement survey. This survey shal-l be submiLLed and staff apProved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site improvement survey. Exte-rior surfaces with stucco shalf be provided with exterior metal l-ath as per uBc 4706 with 2 layers of paper. windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed meta.l-). A lath inspection is required prior stucco .h^li^51-i^n It is recorunended that projects within the Town of Vai-I which are owner/builder constructed have foundations staked out by a licensed surveyor to avoid possible errors in the J-ocation of the structure. A.l" l- new construction within the Town of vail wil-l be required to have a Publj-c way permit plus an j-nitial inspection by the T.o.v. Public works Department to app.rove site drainage and cu.lvert instaLlation Priorto any Buildjrng Dept. inspectr.ons. This project is restrj-cted from the burning of wood in firepl"aces. Unl-ess the Iot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs firep-Laces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas l-og chr-mneys enclosures shalI be one hr. protected. Required corrections for: Project Id. : MILTER RESIDENCE Address t 7477 ASPEN GROVE # SHEET IDENTIFICATION Page # 2 CORRECTION REQUIRED 10 In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in l-aundry .rooms a mechanical ventil-ation system connected directl-y to the outside shalL be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventil-ated with a recirculating fan. UBc 1205(c) . Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be install-ed as per UMc 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shaLl- not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terninate outside the buildingt and not exceed 1"4' length . No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPc 608. Cross connection control- devices shall be installed to protect poll-ution of potable water suPply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPc L003. Island fixtures shall be special vented as per uPc 6'1,4. PIumbj,ng fixtures with mechanical apparatus shal1 be supplied wj-th an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. uPc 904. Domestj-c ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material-. uMc 1901. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fi-replace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resisLive constructj-on, UBc l-706. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Tvpe x sheetrock and fire-taping j oints . Approved gas logs may be installed j.n solid-fuel burning firepl-aces provided Ehe installation j-s according to the listing instructions' any damper shal-l be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMc 803. Gas fireplace appliances ale required to be instal-led as per listinq instal-l-ation inscructions -wlth a "8" vent only. cotnlcustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new constxuction in the Town of vail . t-1 t2 13 L4 15 J-O Required corrections for: Project Id. : MILLER RESIDENCE Address : 14'17 ASPEN GRovE # SHEET IDENTI FICATION Page # 3 CORRECTION REQUIRED 19 20 18 2L zz 24 za Supp.l-y a mechanical drawing indicatinq design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination. and cor oustion air to be supplied prior to any instal-latron. A handrail is required along a stairway. It is required to be 34 to 38 rnches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an openrng in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches. -- sec. 3306. (i) & L7L2. The enc.l-osed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (1) A window wel-l for egress shall be provided with a grippable ladder for access to grade. Any cover over egress window wefl sha1l be equipped with approved release mechanisms openabJ-e from inside (no lock ) . uBc 1204 At eaves and valJ-eys an adequate underlalment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage- Two laye.rs of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield mav be used as per Table 32Bl-. In addi-tion to r ar.rl.lrm reinforce*"nt, ,tot f""a than two #5 bars shall, be provided around a}l wj-ndow and door openings. such bars sha-ll- be extended beyond the corners of the openings not less than 24" . VBC 261.4 (dl't . Any building site with a slope greater than 30 degrees sha1l require engineer designed drawj-ngs. Avalanche areas shall .require such engineered drawj-ngs a-Iso. Drainage and structural j-ntegrj-ty shall be addressed by such drawings. Because of this projectrs locatj-on, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBc 1707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion wfE}:, I/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be r.nto the concrete or masonry 7 i-nches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. see code for additional- requirements. -- sec. 290'7.lfl Incfude a copy of the soils report for the sj-te to be buiLt on. -- Sec. 2905. 1-'24'tt LETTEB OF CREDIT F rl 'Wuv cb't'u--, \ ot rr'rwtrta "n;t gt4.'P--'c\\ \L't: , ,n) Address Date Legal Subdivision nQ-n(e. DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT 't 4. THIS AGBEEMENT,.made and entered into this / ilay ot nno //l/L'r'tu ,4.,///,//t'A /hereinafter called the "Deve 1e24by and amono //t',a (hereinaltelcalled,the "Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town") and /sf lJz'.tz t? (hereinalter called the "Bank"). WHERFAS, the Developer, as a condition of approvat ot tne (zun*uzA plans, dated 7 ^ Fe /., , 1911, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment ol the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to e.stablish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount ot $!&J_t4z(125o/o ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment IMPROVEMENT &ro'zorn7 lt *'t g' /S aUb x/z-S =zg 7sc NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ol the following mutualcovenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: r,*"ru to perform and complete all improvemdnts, on or before '7 I . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in lhe office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in corirpliance with the lollowing: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specilications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entilies. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and I ^, fu1 to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other . li,ttt '7- oflicial from lhe Town of Vail. as affected by soecial rlistrints nr 9sn1i44 districts, l-Y ,6 q U as their respective interest may appear, ani siratl not be deemed complete until L L l' approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Communityirl Development Department and Public Works Department.f ^ )144'' I t .li !' 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the L" o l, Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows:r \lv V" Paoe t ot3 t,V 5' Intu L, L /' ttt'| t (name of bank in Eagle County) as the security for the improvdnents set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above lor another form ol collateral acceptable to the Town to guarante6 the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms ol this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any olficer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible lor any accident, loss dr damage happening or occuring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable tor any persons or propefi injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shalland aro hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the:Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defehding any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shatl be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of tre collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as sucli improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary t0 complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specilications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unlinished improvements. The Bank shall release such lunds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount ol the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in lhe same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such fallure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning code, 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutuallv agree that this Aoreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written Page 2 of 3 la F', STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF,EAGLE ,./ , The foregoing pevelopof lmppvement Agresmgnt nas acknorvladged bafore ne lhE% day ol k%vvut....--.-- reqlbv lt)i ilr0 w., 11 , IU\lpr Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE , rg/or'* "wff'"%To'rll,.T jgry* :* Wtness%y hand and official seal. nt tg acknowfedgBd before me rhisYltay ot Ygbvu'- 7 BANK STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowlodqed before me this _ __ day of 19_ by Wtness my hand and officiel seal. My commission expires: Upd.r.d 928it4 NER. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Notary Public Page 3 ol 3 .,ll Project Name: Building Name: Category Number oeQn Review Action roil TOWN OF VAIL \z- ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legaf Desoiption rct 3 erlcr ? IProjectStreetAddress: I Subdivision Zone District Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval p€taffApproval Conditions: Town Planner ,\ to*"' tiWtL\ 7 4 9 t, DRBFee e,"-o^iafr 120 00 Vl - I r.rt)d. alLT 191 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPIJICATION !OI{N OF VAIIJ, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *tt******* INCOMPLEIIE APPLICA?IONS MAY NOIT BE SCIIEDWED FOR REVTEW. *ta***taa* PROiIECT TNFORIIATION: A.PE B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construct.ion ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00)A t'linor Alteration- -ConcepEual Review ($20.00) ($0) C. ADDRESS: D.I.,EGAL DESCRI Subdivision If property descript,ion, to Lhis appl NAI'{E OF Mailing is described byplease provide ication. a meets and bounds on a separaLe sheee lega1 and attach F F.NAI'{E OF APPLICAIiIII:Maili Address: €r< Phone APPIJICAI{T I S Address: REPRESENTATIVE, ! Phone H.NAI{E OF OWNER(S): Phone APPIJICATIONS WIIJIJ NOr BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condominiurn Approval if applicabte. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are !o be paid at the Eime of submittal of the DRB applicat,ion. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accuraEevaluation of the proposal . The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the table beIow, to ensure the correct fee OTINER(SISIGIIATIRE: '2 '" Mailing Address: 4AaxZ I. ,1 . VAIJUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 $ 150,000 $150, 001 $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000, 000g Over $1, 000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 DESIGI{ REIIIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI{IBR FINAIJ APPROVAIJ I'NI.'ESS A BUILDING PER.UTT IS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTIONIS STARTED. ZONING: o PRE. APPIIICATION MEETING :II. A pre-application neeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant,'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff uodetermine if there are additional subnittal requirements.Please note thaL a COMPIJETE application will streamline thereview process for your project. III. IMPORTANI NOTICE REGARDTNG ALL SIIBMISSIONS TO 1[HE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submit,tal requirements. theapplicanb must stake and Lape the project, site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. A1lsite tapings and staking must be completed prior t,o the DRB sit.e visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of t.he Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the it,em has been republi.shed. D. The followinq items may, at. the discretion of thezoning adminisLrator, be approved by t,he Community Development Department staff (i.e. a format hearingbefore the DRB may not. be required): a. windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the exist,ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any other Lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants musE include letters fromadjacent property owners and,/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacenL condominium association sLaEing the association approves of t,he addition. E. If a properLy is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfa11, flood plain, debris fIow,wetland, etc. ) , a hazard study must be submitt,ed andttre owner must sign an affidavit, recognizing Ehe hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building pernit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to det,ernine the relationshipof Lhe property Eo all mapped hazards. F. For all residential consLruction: a. Clearly indicaLe on the floor plans che insideface of Lhe exLerior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot dist,ance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves Lhe application with condit,ions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. PL,AIvt I,IATERIAI; Boranical Name PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRI'BS o Common Name Ouant,itv Size* c. *IndicaEe caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous Lrees is 2 inches- Indicate height forconiferoustrees. Minimurn heioht for coniferoust,rees is 5 feet.**Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs5 qa11on.Minimum size of shrubs is Twe Square Footage GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROI, LANDSCAPE Ft{fnFnt If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locat,ions on a separatef.ighting plan. Identify each fixLure from the Liqhting planin the space below and provide the height above grade, tLpe ofliqht proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cuE sheet ofthe light f ixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,r) OTHER LAIiDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swinmringpools, etc.) Please specify. rnd.icate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of wa11s wiuhin the fronL setback is3' . Maximum hej.ght of walls elsewhere on the properLy is 6,..r/ .2 -J' .,/ ^ ',r- ibAZ pJ1 nq ry f-r?LLus $-"tz-e /tar^z /zard a ^aZ * 322 K^1 / "/az't'< /'la, './-A --e4<4 z.-a o4-( -za-'{f. ,2/Jot fTavr / -T ,-*(/ //a-'/ 3'L<1 " u'bu a*aa (dt.z."', -rueb/). '7'Z-zn< cz-L( a4z 3 n'a*4'.< /l-/z-. ,*/ //r,"'-i, * 72te ar/7' "' a-y''pb^ CorF-,',.'*c( IJIST OF MATERIAIJS NAII{E OF PRO.fECT: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTfON: I,OT- BIJOCK STREET ADDRESS: SI'BDIVISION The following information is Review Board before a final required for submibtal approval can be griven: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COIJORA. BIIIIJDTNG MATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other Wa11 Materials Fascia SoffiEs Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining wa11s Exterior Lighting OLher LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: B. /)/ / ,/ ,a ,('h*'r- 'rb fuqftscar''.? 'aaa! 8469.5 aue -841d '---- ' -1rN i€iqA 5.3_ J \tIrf --J e. 2e o t'h,orq--'{ I 1--r, <f" t) -;------.-- K?E r.l-.) -..,\a- \.S l)seex) i (, s2(4 /s' , .c-<t1rte iJ{21$tNo ,o q-'?. )--q9-, 'r /YEl4Et'E(#LG. _2 taxe Pfi \ :i<E,qt?n.q, ?t - \.-.-....-__-.t-,_._/- -/c ss,Q f--- a? -. 81711' /-.-\ ""-, I /rOPosq-=- Seory--r '/ffono {*" ff ?veraryr \ 4.,n,r, r. olign Review Action Fot TOWN OF VAIL I ,t Category Number l6 Date Project Name: Building Name: Project Description:C( 7A i 7 .a)a ( ,,,,4 :r 7: , t/",- b! + i- (lr-. ')'c-1 o( Legal Description: Lot -2' Block 3 Subdivision i r (-- f- Zone District Project Street Address: Boardl5taff-ACfidF"-', Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval Vote: Z DisyrDval N,6'tatt Rpproval Conditions: MEMORANDI.]M TO: Tom Moorhead FROM: Andy K.uudtsen DATE: January 2.1996 SUBJECT: Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing I. Tbe Ouestion Tom Brarm, representing Carol Orrison, would like to know if the caretakers units constructed in the Lionsridge 4th Filing should be deed restricted as Type I, II, ilI, IV, or V Employee Housing Units. II. Background Carol Orrison is the owner of Lot 10, Block 4, Lionsridge Filing No. 4. Thete is currently a single family home and a two-car garage on the property. The property has less than 100 sq. ft. of GRFA available for future development. He would like to build a two-car garage and a caretaker on the property. Lionsridge 4th Filing is zoned Single Family. However. Ordinance I 5 of Series 1989 allows a caretaker to be constnrcted on each lot. As a result, each lot has the potential to support a Primary/Secondary type of structure. Per Ordinance l5 of Series I 989. tbe caretaker cannot exceed one third of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. The Ordinance specifies that the employee unit "shall be permitted on each lot." The definition of the ernployee unit is provided in Section 18.13, which isthe Primary/Secondary section of the code. That citation has since been removed and transferred to the Type I portion of the Employee Hbusing Ordinance. III. The Employee Housing Ordinance The Employee Houiing Ordinance provides for five different types of employee housing' There are different atfibutes of each type that match the Lionsridge 4th Filing standards, but there is not a clean match between any of the types and the situation in the 4th Filing. Staffbelieves that it is a closer match to the Type I, as there are six attributes of the Errryloyee Housing Ordinance which match the situation under a Type I scenario. The Type II has only one attribute that matches this situation; however staffunderstands that the one is significant. Staffbelieves that all of the attributes are important and would like your interpretation as to which restriction, a Type I or Type II is appropriate. Planners: please keep this in mind for all development in Lionsridge 4th Filing MEMORANDTII\I TO: Tom Braun FROM: Andy Knudtsen DATE: January 8. 1996 SLIBJECT: Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing On January 4,1996, Tom Moorhead and I reviewed the attached memo and analyzed the Employee Housing Chart, located in the zoning code at the end of the Employee Housing Chapter. He concluded that the caretaker dwelling units in Lionsridge Fourth Filing shorrld be deed restricted as Type I EHU's. Please call me or Tom if you u'ould like to discuss this further or would like additional documentation. r:- \i r',:tr 'r l-F, T1rll-a[ f Yl.rr- o 1 : l1c'l-r i Nll.n1F tr 7 R$LEi's,ir Ar',rrr'fli,Irrt:rj!/_1Tij.]( Otr l]Js.r'r.dcxa1 c6\a1,,;,JijrLl wHmllAS, fuci'rtr'J J. ('er ie {rt,i T,rr.nis c Kaltt: ar.e the os,lrers ogn . i1r-rprrt), 0.*1!c5.f i,,. ,,,,, LOT J, DLOLTK 2, ,,,iOl\,S lilD,:I FtLjNG 4 14,'? rt_ sirsu Grli., I a,ic \ arl. ...c,lc.rrrlc (Jre ,,lrr;p,:rtr,,) \lllllluj/'S, lhe tlriq C'cuii,:-t Las a',uli:rir*d the release of ariy a:;.d a1'i T.-vpe 11 Er,ployr:*Hr'rusi::g unit restictrons ou.{ire-5;[1.1;; i r.,'p*''j rr now rn41r atflct flle properry, includ.uig 1;.e d.r*]!r,jni .]!]ffi: i*'Jre re'ii;ics rn t!:' Eagii ccmqv ci,:r'k and R*corcira at Eook 6,-, u, e"s. 363 ,lareJ -rr.r1i.,i:i NOW'fi{EttIrFoRE' Tciqtr orrc'rhc owrJeis do hereuy inrposrr. esiab}ish, achrowledgc, dcc!31,g,for the bcnefit of ail Personsvhc ^11i' l,e.1e,aftT p*rr"r", o, i*"u., or holJ trre euu;ect l'rd that ary andall employce-housrng restriclions Bs rrxiy i.,rr'e heietcl'r. -ri-""a tL p..p.rr5L .*tiog,-rrshsd, r...,leasecianri of no fi.rther force cr effect. tN r,Wil\iiss P,IR.EUF, rhe parfies hereto set ther haud end scal. TCW}I OF V,4,IL, COLORADO Tcr',; I{aix:gci' ACKNO\^T-EDG\{E}rT ACKNOWLEDGMENT My conndssion expires: &^&J:i-sl{ fl fl l\ .-..' l1'l 6, -: i -'' r- rs-: ii'i'i-rEsg, . Effi; !{!!g!_s a i-tar.ffi" The furcgcing insL-ument wts acLnowledged before me fuie/Aldey of e&*<a* . 2002 byn_ohert'ff. I\{clauri:r. a' 4"'T!6d "":t w' .\lg/22!44-. z\/t l\{-y cor,:rrussron yxpir.t,s: fu-.f "7 +af PROPHTY ov.4\ER.S{&ffi ru*.r[(nTr. ' I t lt' , "-. .' - The {rregoing inshur,ent was aclnowledgcd before ^* thig.#:{v "W-e+=-. 2002 by. Riclrard J. K.arle a'rd Tonnie c. Karle P--- --'"'- --. wt'/ l )v December 20,2001 RussellFonest Community Development Director Town of Voil 75 Soulh Frontoge Rood Vqil. CO 81657 Re: 1477 Aspen Grove Lone Deor Mr. Fonest: Pursuont to purchqse controct for the residence of the obove referenced oddres ond os fhe curent owners of the property, we ore outhorizing Mke Spriggs ond his consultont's Broun Associotes, lnc. to moke opplticotion to the Town of Voilseeking chonges ond/or modificolions lo deed restrictions for employee housing on our properfy- Sincerely, ,/,,fu//r&. J*-u, 4- (M^- Richord J.6nd Tonnie C. Korle laa' d dzr ,94 tg/T,z/zl r.! lt.d 7 / L1/94 . DESIGN rl REVIEW BOARD APPIJICATTON - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO DATE RECEfVED: _ r.. /, , t' t, t', ", ' DATE OF DRB MEETING, _ **rti*****!r PLICATTONS MAY NOT BE S ULED FOR*ra******** r.1ii . -.,r1, r. A. PROJECT TNFORMATTON: ,4 z'DESCRIPTION: ..'// ! r ,t . 7 1r,.2'r,.--,. B.rnv D F. nE DErltrEitrr. -New ConsE.ruct.ion ($200. 00)Addi t.ion ($50 . 00 ) LECAL DESCRIPTfON: LotSubdivision X uirror Alteration Concept.ual Review ($20 . 00 ) ($0 ) n ff property is dcscribed bydescription. please provideto this application. a meeLs and bOunds on a separate sheeL legaI and aLtach Block E. c. I. ,J. NAME OF APPLTCANT:Mailing Address: Phone NAME OF APPLICANT'SMailing Address: REPRESENTATTVE: onePh I'NAME OF OWNER(S) :/,/ . OWNER(S) SIGNATTIRE: Mailing Address: /, ,r' , , 7/./, Phone on RB pp ee AP Co NR Lir ap, fe,.;^ FE VALUATION a n ,ll 1.r ^^^I \/ g ,!v, trurJ$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $150. 001 - $ s00, 000 $s00. 00L - 91, 000, 000$ Over $ 1- , 000 , 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I]NLESS A BUTLDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. OWNER'S SIGNATURE FEE IP ZU. UUI s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAIJ ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION rng Lio id. AID ICA omi FEE of r.r i n aLi acc aid PAI TJ J. do r J-y a pa r n p p 1' e l r, BE 5-l.CL sho hesp ^- lJCII abI ^7 'rl al i ct5 oft ldi-n ropohet f OV I ni ll L i' IL, Pr, ee, LCt br he fr\ p e L h t w pl tr L rl .) B mirf ng oNs um DRB ubmfor of din t I i tTt'f ni s PROCESSED WITHOUT pplicable. wn above,\ are t.o b DRB applipat.ion. errni L, please i_den. The Town of Vaie below, to ensure K #: i tk'/-oorri// he ad orr )BY: d r rhII '/l or LII e Lri 1 r ctL € r.. ..i he a e r I i/vh a .11 e e the en ccuraL us t. E.hct fee Lc't I /,4(rl/er FEE SCHEDULE: LIST OF MATERfAIJS 7NAME OF PROJECT: IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5 STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDTNG MATERIAT,S: Z- suBDrvrsroN /.-,.,lz 4- 1/ required approval TYPE OF for submitt,al can be given: MATERTAIJ to the Design COLOR Roof Sidinq OLher Wa1I MaLerials Fascia Sof f i t.s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim n.rrd or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Rebaining Wa11s ExLerior Lighbing OEher B. LANDSCApING: Name of Designer: hone: (- 'rfu'' oLANT MATERTALS: i 1OPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouant.ity Size*v Common Name *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicat.e heiqht. for coniferousErees. Minimum heiqhc for coniferous trees is 6'feet.**Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs. ttinimunr SjZg of shrubs is5 qallon. TVpe Sguare FooLaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LrGI{TrNG: rf exterior light.ing is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixEures and rocations on a separaE.elighting plan. rdentify each fixture from the riqht.ing pranin the space below and provide the height above qiade,-type ofliqht proposed, lumen ouLput, luminous area and i cut sheet ofthe liqht fixture. (SecLion 18.54.050 J) OTHER IJANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimrningpools, elc.) please specify. Indicate heights of'recaininiwalls- Maxi-mum heiqht of walls within the front. seL.back is3' . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the properEy is 6, D. The undersignefl /-,i -: 6,(l;[j-",k:t-(,", ,r (t"' /:) /" '2 1/ (Legal Descrlptlon) /2)z- rt, /r read tfie Hazard Report, dated 19_, prepared by !Ai/e understand from llg qnfuspps that the proposed building is located in a ./ ,kzzlZLza", .lzzu)7rft antfffd'zone, ano tirerb is tre poteniialhazard ot /2's€/J-t (Name, Owner) STATE OF COLORADO couNrY or lr#^-)1""' foreqoigg instrume_nt was acknowledged before me this /'r'Joay of known to me to whose e is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same for the purposes and considerati n expressed. My cornmission ,1,') reaching the propos6d house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant us a permit.,., ()"The Orvner) be the person to me that he '-i F COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: ) ) ss. ) c:Voam s$az8rd Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, COLORADO 81652 (303) 876's400 (24 HOUBS) April 1?, t'SC?4 Nill Miller 641 N. Lions Head Circlet/aiI CO U1657 RE: Roct,:f al 1 Evaluation -- Lot :ir Lions Ridge Dear Mr. Pli 1 1 er: eval r-rat i on of the above o{ Vail. This is near the T55!R81 Wofthe6th quadrangl e r Eagle CountYo I have completed my qeologic harar-d nrerrtionerd properly within tlre l"ot+n bourrrdarry between Sectiong 1 and 13t F.l'1., within the llintutrn 15 mi nut'te Col or ad ct, The topoqraphy o{ thE! Iot consigt$ o{ a gently soutth 4acinq sl ope covererJ r^r i th nat j. ve grasses and aspen treieg wh i ch i s bacf,:ed by a l nng, steep hi I l si cle to the north. Thi s hi 11si de i s I errgel y op€n wi th several ot-ttcrop tt-aces vi s j. [rl e qt vari oLrs hei ghts above the I ot. There i s a surtrdi vi si c]n road at the {oot o{ the lot. There are homes now at either side of thi:i 1c,t. The qeol ogy o{ l:he etrea consi gts of F'ennsyl vani an age Mi ntltrn Formation at the site with Fennsylvanian-F'ermian age l'laroon Forrnat i on {urther- trp the lrillside, The l"1i ntutrn in this area i s predomi nantl y r-1 gr*\y $hal€ and ssndgtone wi th I i rnestone I ayFrs,. The l'lar-oon is a tremati te-cemented :-,i ltstone.' sarrdstone end sh"r1e. Foth of these {ormations dig: abourt- 3tJ to 40 degrees to the north. There' is a sltr{icial covering of glaci.al dri{t o{ Glr-taternary e9€ at the br.ri lcling site which contains s,i 1ts, sancis,, cobblBE c'rfld boulders, In addition o tirere is coIIurvial maLerierI at the base of tlrei lriIlside" As merrtionedn this lot 1ia'5 s1t the ba':e of ;,r steelr frillc;idrs ancl i:; algo r.rithin the l"lediutm Severity Rocf':{.r1i Zone a:: mapped f or the Town o{ Vai 1 . The hi l l si de does not shot'J signs of instability nor are the're r-oc[':s strewn abcJlrt thL" slope. Nevertheless., certain precautti orl$ Ar€l in orcjer. I recommend that i{ the hittside is to be e:<cavated for constrLrction nf the f ourndati6n.' a retai ninr,; wall be dergiclnerd as part o+ that {ourndat ion to repLace the toe of the slope removed 5,o that EloFJe instability is not increased. I peicommend thab the home have a corner pointing lrpslope, which is Lrene{ici.-tl i n not preserrti nq a 6Lrr+ace normal to the f al I I i ne. The north wal l s sholrL d be o{ concrete anrj wi th no wi ndows to present a weal:ness to gravity derived hazards. The strength o{ these wal El shoul d be the equi val ent of 4t.rt.t poLlnds per 6qL(are foot (less dure to the low angle to the fall line). Let me emphasi ee that rocl,;{aI I at thi e si te i s possi bl e but not I i. ltel y due to the type and orientation of the outcrops above, and the general topography above the site. The site is a geol.ogically sensitive area, but development will not i ncrease the ha,:ard to otirer pr-operty or strurctLtreso or to putbi ic buri ldings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, eaEements, uL,ilities or faciLities or other properties o{ any tr i nd. Landscaping around the home,, including any berming, shoui. d be such as to direct sur{ace water arolrnd the {ounclation. A sioils errqineering report will be necessary to i nsurre proper {autndation design and to proprilrl y inr;tal l perimeter drai.ns, even thoutqh these soilg flre genere{l1y quri'le guritable for {ound.etions. Accegs., domestic water 1 cnn cJ waste disposal systems are mLrni ci paI l y provided. Radsn [JaE accLrmLrl ati ons ha,ve r-ecently hecornF cafl item of $tette concern. Unforturnatelyo it j.s di++icr-tit to predJ.cf thispotential prior to constrLlctioni tlrere{ore, it may be advi sabl e to desi gn I owc+r l evels o* the proposed home rvi th adequtate ventilation to precl r-rde tl-re potent-i.a1 for accutmulation. I believe that this i.E an accept"rble site for devel opmerrt if my precedi nq recDmmendat j. on!t are {ol l owed. If there are f utrtherr questionso please do not hesitate to contact rne. W''71,,^\4 ^ Ni cho l as Larnp i r i s ConsLrl t i ng Geol oq i st . 7101 West Yale Avenuq No 601 oenver, Colorado 80227 303-986€658 Geologist, lnc. July 24, 1985 Mr. Jeff Selby Vail National Bank Building Suite 30? 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Geologic Hazards Study, Lion's Ridge, 4th Filing, Bloeks 1 and 2, Townof Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 062 Dear Mr. Selby: At the- request o! Mr. Mark Ganison, the undersigned eondueted an engineering' geologie reconnaissanee of the subjeet property on July 20, 198s, to delerminJ whether, in his opinion, geology-related hazards should preelude or alter youf development plars. Those ptans are for single-family dwellings on 16 lots as shown. on attached Figure 1. Filing No. 4 0ccupies 8Il of the sw 1/4 sE 1/4 !ee. 1;, T.55. l, R.81W. on the northern sloge of the Gore Creek Valleybetwein Red Sandstone Creek Valley on the east and Buffer Creek Vaile! on thewest. I The ground elevation ranges from about 8,200 feet at the southegstern'eonne{ of the filing to about 9,080 feet at the northwestern eorner. The loLs tobe deteloped, however, all lie at the downslope end, in the southern andsouth$stern seetors of the filing. The rihge sector on which the filing is sited slopes at about 1.5:l across the upper lpart and at about 211 Leross the lower part, but that general southefftward. dippi-ng slope is disrupted by a low, linear tail of a morainal ridgethat. extends into the southeastern sector of the filing. An aecess road alread! las \en construcied from Buffer Creek Drive northeastward along thetopogrbphically lower ends of Lots 1 through ? to about Lot 11 ii slock z.sandstpne Road extends arong the topographie bottoms of Lots 3, 4, s and 6 and acrossl the heads of Lots 1 and 2 of Bloek 1. Qegfo{-ie eonditions along this sector of the northern slope of the Gore Creek IgU".yl are -relatively simple. Sedimentary strata of the -ti{inturn Formation, mainly interbfdded sandstones and shales, but ineluding a few tjmestone units as well, constifu-te bedrock. Fon the nost part, however, the strata are bl,anketed by morafu{al- soils across the lower third to half of the filing and by slopewash ioils .,,..1,j lcr.osl the-upper'half to two-thir& of the filing. These soits appear to be a few'-J:1 inehesl tg 19_ - 20 feet thick, and sppear to be-mainly clayey san-as. fne .'r: .r moralrlal soib, where exposed in road euts are very bouldery. some of the i'.,,'' bouldeFs Tl 0.1 _-- 1.5 eubic yards in size. A small alluvial fan has been built up': aerossl Lot 1_ of Block 2. The fan soil is probably mainly clayey sands and' .: SiravelS.^ A fery glaeial erraties of granitic rock are strewn about the ridge slop€.' Some of these are 1.5 - 2 cubie yards in size. U k-1 o*, t&"*L el4/ -Q zc 1 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Consultant to Designers, Contradors, Planners "l R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page 2 Within this filing the bedrock strata strike north-northeastward and dip about 30 degrees west-northwestward, thr.us into, rather than out of, the hillside. Thesebedrock strata crop out as a eontinuous band forming a s to ls foot high cliffapproxinately paralleling Elevation contour 8950 feet, and as a short cliff-forming band 5 to 15 feet high approximately paralleling Elevation eontour 8850 feet inthe northvresfern eorner of the filing; and as discontinuous outcrops up to 6 feethigh between about Elevation 8{60 feet and 8560 feet in the ceniral part of thefiling. For the most pert, bedroek is well cemented, widely jointed, mainly thinbedded to flaggy sandstone, but loeally the sandstones inelude thin beds of weakshale and of derk gray, microcrystalline Iimestone that is moderately hard andvery strong. with rare exception the rock of these various ledge-forming units appears to be well-knit together and has not been appreciably affected brrerosional proeesses that in other areas have resulted in detachment of blocksfrom similar ledges. Some blocks have toppled, however, but most appesr to havebroken into large slabs and have slid only a few feet downslope from'their ledgesites. In our opinion, three potential geologic hazards need to be considered:landslides, rock falls, and debris flo ws. we found no evidenee of landslidesacross any part of the filing, thus judge the risk of landsliding during the life ofthe planned project to be low. Landslides could be precipitaied, howeven, byimproper construction and excsvation praetiees. In particular, we urge thatstructures be built on the existing slopes rather than on more-or-less horizontal pads created by excavating large cuts intothe..moderately steep ridge slope. The weights of the buildings, -per se, areunlikely to destabilize. any. of the slopes, but cuts in excess oi-3'to s ieet highcould significantly undermine, thus destabilize, either the soils or the bedroek.IVe also suggest that surface drainage, mainly sheet flow, be speeded off theslopes by appropriate drainage channels so that surfaee water is not allowed topong-g! the property. In short, if the land is not disturbed appreeiably, thelandslide risk should remain low. The debris flow risk is relevant within the liling only to a narrow unnamedravine that trends aeross the northeastern cornel of the filing. No dwellings orother struetures, we understand, would be placed within or aJross this ravirie,thts the impact of this type of event shouid not be significant on project de velopm ent. The roek fall risk needs to be considered in terms of both the probability of anevent and -the severity.of the event (i.e., the size of a partieular block)-if ithappens. we believe the rock fall risk is low aeross thd fiting if taken in thegeographical context of a location T a high alpine valley. Tlie ridge slopes areonly.mod.erately steep; the ledges of roek are iew and rilatively loiv; the rockrorm.ing those ledges generauy is thin bedded, thrs breaks into plates when ablock topples; toppling or sliding of blocks is inhibited becaue in" u"oang ' R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page 3 planes of the sedimentary rock strata dip into, rather than out of the slope; and only a few, relatively small blocks of sedimentary roek are strewn across the slope within the filing. That scattering attests to the rarity of a rock fall event, even in terms of geologic time, within the filing. Contrast these conditions to those of East Vail, where high rock cliffs overlook steep slopes that are strewn with large roek masses that have toppled from these eliffs. As the sedimentary rock tends to be thin bedded to platy, the risk of a large block detaching from an outcrop to roll down the hill into a structufe across the bottom sector of the filing is believed to be low (in the unlikely event of a roekfall). More likely, the block would be small - on the order of I cubie foot or less - and would be captured by the brush or trees that occupy the upper partsof Lots I through 8 of Block 2. Those bushes and tfees should substantially prot€ct Lots 9 ahd 10 of Block 2, and the lots of Block 1 as well. A few large glaeial erratics also are strewn across the bottom third to half of the slope within the filing. The granitic rock masses were dropped by one of several glaciers that extended out of the Gore Range down the Core Valley during the lee-age, which terminated about 8,000 to f0,000 years ago. Those boulders, consequently, have lain in their present positions in all probability forat least that long and possibly for several tens of thousands of years. We believe the probability that they will be dislodged by natural causes during the[fe of this project to be low. If any prove to lie in a construction area, they would need to be moved carefully or broken up by eareful btasting. They shouldnot be undermined by an excavation. coneeivably, the rock fall risk could be reduced slightly by judieious scaling ofthe outerops. No roek bloeks imminently in danger of sliding or toppling wLre observed, however, although a few plates appeared to be loose. you may wish to consider this work, even though the resulting reduction in rock fall risk or in the probable severity of such an event would not be reduced appreciably from its already low level. Similarly, fences or berms eould be eonstructed to impede the progress of rockfalls, but the cost of these mitigative measures, we believe, would be out ofproportion to the resulting small reduetion in degree of risk for a risk judged tobe low. The sniall alluvial fan oceupying most of Lot 1 of Block 2 suggests that surfacewater run off concentrated in a narrow swale upslope of that lot needs to be channeled away from that lot and its neighbor by eontrolled diversion. , R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. so long as dwellings are eonstructed within the traet without significantly ehanging existing ground eonditions, the geolory-related hazard should not be increased for neighboring properties or stluctuies or other facilities. This eonelusion is based on the rezults of our geologie reeonnaissance of the filing and immediately neighboring are&s, as well as bn our experience with comparable-projeets in comparable geologie settings. We have appreciated the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspects of our woik, pleasj feelfree to call. Yours truly, Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page 4 Robt. Jam6s lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist RJI:db ii z I o d 6:5$,y d,3a I zo F.ztrl =o-o- qNtdo->z-r.|.|<o-- EHsu=()o0aoJJut6z9 o : o F l- z LJJ E a \ \ 1 Itlll,() .97$J z9 o<@o2z oso9r IE vrz o= J' I $'!ri8/j r'/ I \ \ t>JI r-./ \ o o olign Review Action Filr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number D,*" t^,.,.,.y q lnq.L-( (,Project Name: Building Name:L,\ 1 Project Description: -,, { ial*, 709v Owner, Address and Phone: Lt.z ArchitecvOontact. Address and Phone: {t ILg I t OA-t<:^l'.< (i-i(- '.tlq/(q) /t)1( (.',C 9'/{ j'', iil tl * nl78 f' a-' Zone District r''' l-- Project Street Address: i '1 7 Comments: Molion by: Seconded by:J-({ E- g4pproval ,, /. ., o1"l,I,ou; fl Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: 'c aq]l'. c- / q9 uci *.T( C€ T6wn Planner /,,, T B * .: .Q o 298 Downlight Bollard Ihe c/ossic wedge fixture is now ovoil- oble with o choice of posts os o com- plete bollard fixture. The wood posl provides simple instollotion by direct buriol ond moi ntenoncejree fi ni shes. The steel post mounls with conventionol bose plote. See Seclion D - 682 - for o more complele description of the fixtae" -- heod. .+<:.4+.., SAUAW CREEK RTSORI SCUAW VAttIY, CA I APCH DE SICN WORKSHOP ll(, DF 5l:lf.l tU,rnNAt SOLITER MONDAVI WINERY NAPA, CA I'ARCI] ROYSTON, HANAMOTO, AITTY & ABTY -'-5l Shaper Lighting BorrAf D rFe82 Fosrs Avoiloble with wood or steel post. Suflix W . Wood, suffix$r Stcol. .+-_ rAtflPs / BAIIASTS Incondssccnh I - 75W mox lA-191, ll2OV only). See options. Ffuoresccnl 2 compocl l3W ltl3TT), ll2OY or 277V1. ; HPS: I - 35W High Pressure Sodium lmedium bosef, {120V only}. See Spec. No.682 in cololog seclion D for complefe fixlura heod notes. Stondord Bollosts ore High Power Foctor IHPF) closs "P" thermolly protected {except HPS) ond ouldoor roled. Normol Power Foclor (NPF} is ovoiloble- see "Bollosts" ond'[omps" in section G. tomps not included. Noie: See photomelric dolo in cotolog seciion H. miArERn$ / FIXIURE LOCATION U.L. listed for wel locotion. Bp/Boreplote Mounting DB/Direct Buriol Fixture Hcod: Aluminum bose melol is used for pointed linishes. Solid bronze is used for noturol bronze ond verdi Iinishes. Posl: Steel post is zinc ploted prior to pointing. Wood post is construction-heort quolily redwootll* -- MOUNTING FrNrsHEs 3;:::i!fh,lCaht is 36" stondord' specirv Difluscr: Cleor refroctive gloss. PosI Steel post is bose plote mounled. Hood: The following ore siondord: Steel = semi-gloss block unless Wo-od posl is direct buried' NBZ _ Noturol Bronze specifLd otharwise. Surloce mounled- woterproof J-_Boi-is p.rovided sGB - semi-Gtoss Brqck Wood = Noturot resown redwood il,H;:J"T:1ff'"'Jf,1 rj:t1iH".:t' SGW - Semi-Gloss While co n struction - heo rt. AnchJr bolts ore supplied with bose plole. The following ore by speciol order cc-*-- Cusroni color ufElGHT VG - Verdi-Gris Steel Posh 44 tBs. . Wmd Post 50 LBS. ) 3Y2';x 5 V2" OPTIONS R,ECflFIEN,.DIODE A diode exbnds lomplite 20 - 30 times ond cuts light output by 55%, {so o 150W lomp should be specifiedl. It is hordwired into the fixtsre- Spocify svffix R. -.n**iat _* Blunl nose recommended when used in wolling hozord siluolions. specify suffix 8N. SPEC GUIDE @z,arwTABEtED- t^tril\ tll]_\ ll'll For componion ." U woll mounled see Spec. Ne:.68!l--..*€o'lt locro,vsecrron u lor high posl mounn ng. I.AMPING INC - Inconde:cenl HPS - High Prerure Sodium S - Steel lBose Plote Mounled) W - Wood {Direcl Buriol Mounbdl, Soe notes regording finirhcr. 982-S-CF -277- NBZ- BN -36', O A l20V (only voltoge ovoiloblol l20V High Power Foclor a\ ) ----::::---*'.%,-:.*_ 8N - Blunt Nore R - Rectifier-Diode BOII.ARD OVERAII HEIGHTI 7V HPE l20NPF - l20V Normol Power Focto' 1 141 Marina Way South, Bichmond, CA 94804-3742 (6't0t 234'2370 Fax (510) 234-23715l Shaper Lighting T*, DATE: I ': /.-,,t LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ADDRE55. I'177 .t-.,. ,qJv, OWNER ZONE DISTRICT **LOT SIZE Height TOIAI GRFA Setbacks E'F.r h + Sides Rear Water Course Set.back Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaI1 Heights Parking Garage Credi-t Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment a1,/Ha z ards : PROPOSED USE I I:. 2) Percent Slope '.' (:- L' "', 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4 ) Wet.lands Prevloue conditions of approval (check property file) Does th16 reguest involve a 250 Addition?po /4+How much of the allowed 250 Addition i-s used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than15r000 sq. ft. j.n area rnay not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Departmen'L may grant an exception to thisrestri-ction provided the applicant neets the criteria set forth under Sectj-ons 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-time ernployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. ,,,/:,- ,,.,:r,f ll'l'( - ^"/'(g FOR R P/S ZONE Block t .. t'," i DISTRICTS|l T - t'L r rng ' ,'u 'f PHONE PHONE + . ,l --l:- 'i93c) IIJLOITt - ,-. .1. -\)1.._sa'u t7:t.c( dt 20' l.5, 15' -{€€J.{tO}.. '3,'i1: i*.' /i, "'l r lrif'ts 5 t15 ',i," i, .: " -.."8 tI t:t., --=i;F_-!)-lJ-i_ iIt; t' /,) ? :,/-:':,:- :---: Permitted Slope 8E Actual Slope tt,(!, Reqrd Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes NO 1) FLood PLain 'i.'(---' 1..,,t (' ,1, 1 q,'C fJr-jgl t'(L\o I 'l,tl3i t.._ lc,.'c7g, AR.HrrEcr --fe, I t'|, | - t ./c -,: f., y Allowed Existing Proposed ,,Ll13,-,.it: n,qfC ( -- o T_( /^ // - Return 1s .J r,.,-rL.- /a;ff€_ Town Planner INTER.DEPARTM ENTAL REVIEW / -< -?'/ 5, l-r /t 4f }/w''t i ''- 0 " 7L1itt -ul 4 t';i r- '\I I -' ,/ a: l)t < ' Date: { A, Uer 9,o*rL. Q*,iC DATE SUBMITTED:E DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING . /- COMMENTS NEEDED ev V/ 6 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:. .-_ r_ .l\ ^ r- ^/<.t-'t-) 5 +- /'Q,<-, Fcle Reviewed by: Comments: lue efk 1[ o'nt ' t/ ) /2. r^r, J rL' o{ vt, rr,> /n 6 /( ;) .,t1 .ltaY /-./i't Y .a !, :-..-zr'c: lL- u 5 E-ilh--FiicH DR. POTATO PATCIT CLUS .\_________r\ WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST RIDGE AT VAIL SIM BA RUN OO GE FILING NO. 3 ;ION OF PARCELS B,C,E, ), LION'S RIDGE FILING 2 VAIL POST OFFICE 1300 o TRACT A LION'S RIDGE FILING NO.4 t330 G4 GROUSE GLEN r480 PHASE ]I TRACT B CLIFFSI TRACT O ffi{9 l or @.6FuCTE0l MANSFIELO Retum , Tnn C-r^or#<- Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EW PUBLIC HEARI .^- COMMENTS NEEDED BY: q/6 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Pen> 9F fe9 PUBLIC WORKS Engineering: Rwiewed by: Grelrtut\ Date' As'i r s, tq4 '[a'r' &Ontr ue Comments: - rr:e,d:pc,t g\e.r\ \\q)r\,, rw on su\JeJ , -Sha", <,^r lrrc.t i \rtrrb s,!ucIl(r\S I p rorlde S urole ko dr6ir\ tcr ccrd . - drue\ror.\ rEeds vo 5g ot \easl lzt <,:\de Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: PROJECT: 714,LCE DATE SUBMITTED: ,( TOWN OFVAIL PROJECT PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAjL .^,* //r//r^ 4, //t/6r. ff* .F..MMUNITYDEVE'-.PMEN' o,,uo /,4/ fu L)utlod /"L" 0l 0000 4141 PMENT DISTRI Mo.#L--rr*o, 7*?"*J #,?q ---T o .'. t; \ /r.., \ r-\ 4/ T0Lrht tfF rJF|rL l,liscel I aneous Castt 13l-f,8-F4 ei8:33:32 F;*c*ipt S 14E219 Flci:L-.,unt +i Cl.i i :S56 i,ii'l I'lI L.l-E:t:'..t:'EEr ffF F.t I r:gTI ff l.l5 i:ini,_.!!_tn t terrde red : Item Faid i 1 -d{:Jtl r.a4 l. l f, i. IIBFJ a::rni-rgF.' r': tLi l-rl*d i ?E€.EB nrount paid tE6. AE 6,8B -rHFtr{|< vfltJ Y':ur c.=::hier EEffTHH U v March 15, 1994 RI0DMAR1s199l' Jim Curnutte, Planner Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 3, Block 2, Filing No. 4, Lionsridge Will Miller Residence Dear Jim, I spoke with Mike Mollica today regarding this residence and since he is to be out of town I am forwarding the plans to you. I have also spoken to you previously a!qq1 the house. It is a new resiience'in Lionsiidge bed-and-breakfast. We are planning to submit for the April 20 DRB meeting and I would like your comments and to confirm all the requirements for that submittal. I will call you or please call me if you have the opportunity to review these drawings. You may also contact Will Miller at 476-249t. Thank you for X ^l*-/- f ?fb"i*- aP'tiz't^t @ f'*'\ zt b I0 ca-/^)6.;/ 7, Supf q'g r i*c* rtf'rr'( hjo*orol " {'xlf f;Jg t L 'est' Ctl-n' t'' P--(9 '..1 * ,Ha ( (l ) d t-,Ct r,. '.- ?{ -L at THOMAS HAND ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING & DESIGN 3217 Walnut Street (a temporary address) Boulder, Colorado 803O1 (303) 444-2448 FAX (303) 444-2403 Q.rri".a s/!./st - I. DRB EPPI.IICATION - TOWN OF VAII" DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICATION WILI. NOT BE ACCEPTED ONTIL AI.L REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED********** PROJECT TNFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTIoN: . THREE LEVEL, FOUR (I) BEDROOM, WOOD FRAME HOUSE ON ASPEN GROVE LANE. STUCCO AND WOOD EXTERIOR. CONCRETE TILE ROOF.3I68 S.F. FIMSHED.9O2 S.F. UNFINISHED AND 637 S.F. GARAGE. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: X New Construction ($200. OO) -7€ Minor Alteration ($20.00)-7- Conceptual Review ($0)Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAI DES Subdivisi PTION: Lot .1 Bf ock on LIONS RIDGE, FILING NO. 4 If property j-s described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. zoNING ' SFR SINGLE FAMILYF F.LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showj-ng 1ot area. NAME OF Mailing must provide a currenL.4ri ACRE (17,99o s.F.+-) APPLICANT: IIILL XILLER Address:. Phone 476-2491 J. K. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: TOMHAND, ARCHITECT Mailing Address: 3217 YALNUTST-, BOUW r.NAME OF OwNERS: tr4LLMILLER *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB EEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at Lhe time of submittal of DRB application. Lat.er, when applying for a building permit, pLease identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table beIow, to , ..,ensure t.he correct fee is paid. /-v.L,L,/ ,rtl .lklL FEE pAIp-. S 4l . ' '/o.'. t ,.ln , FEE scHEpuLE: - ?hyliY,\rl VALUATION FEE (fi," $ 0 - $ 10,000 s 20.00 L,-' $10,00r.-$ 50,000 $50.00$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $100.00 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $200.00 $500,00r. - $1,000,000 $400.00I Over $1,000,000 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AE'TER FINAI, APPROVAT UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}TD CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPIICATION WTLL BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE 1_ 1 I SFR \ ION: Lot 3 ,' Block IASPEN GROVE LANE LER TOM HAND .413 ACRE (r7,99O) TnrJtr /.nE ara FOilp P D/q 7n\1tr| .'l i I o T'SD I STRI DATE:3!20/94 LEGAL IDESCRIP i, ADDRESS: I I rng LIOXS RIDGE QwNE {*." ZONE PHO 476-2491 i PHONE (3031414-2448 PROPO I *LOT i I Heigh Retai arki rive ew r Ehvir I STRICT ED USE SIZE SFR GRPA y GRFA Al lowed (30) (33) D rnrrn c arl T.\t -i l ?? 3737 S.F. ry GRFA ks rl.\nf P n urse erage rls q 'Wal-I I i I I Irddit Sides back ghts 20' 15, l-5, (30) (s0) 4s',--Tr I l0' 3200 s.F. 14,790 S.F. ?t /61 3 Reqrd i I(300) (600) (900\) I (1200) 300 ripor Enc enia I /Haz .,| I Permi-tted Slope B% Actual Slope 89b Date approved Yes y Town Engineer: No N/A ??? Flood Plai Percent SIo Geologic H a) Snowb) Rockf n \ l-lahr i 4) Wetlands nditions of approval (check propefty file) : N/A equesf involve a 250 Addition?NOthe allowed 250 Addition is used-wiEE-Efis request? er Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13. Og0 (B) of the Municipal i restricting the unit as e! long-term rentaL unit. for full-ees of the Upper Eagle VaLJ.ey. 1ou.n.",,, ' [ra" ' I 1\ zt - -,-t ^q J- \-r> -.- l -*^1^^V CL I CLI l, U IIErr - FLow t 0 r i HFev 'I Dpes flsvf t*FNo cbae1q n Comrn rdst Sect IpermItrlme sc 1sho Un ots sq. cytios1 nt1 p1o zoned Two Family and primary,/secondary which are ress thanft.-in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Theevelopqent Depart.nent may grant an exception t6 thisprovided the appli-cant meets the criteria set forth under.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of rhe Municipal Code including SINGLE FAUILY RESIDENCE xistin 10 - LTST OF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT: MILLERRESIDENCB LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LOT 3 BLocK 2 sueolvlsloN LIONSRIDGE,FILINGNo4 5TREET ADDRESS, - ^*""* ilo* ro*" - DESCRIPTIoN oF PRoJECT' THREE LEVEL, FOUR (4) BEDROOM, VOOD FRAME HOUSE. STUCCO AND U'OOD EXTERIOR. CONCRETE TILE ROOF. The following information is required for submittal t.o t.he Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERTAL COLOR Roof Siding Other WaII Materials UIOOD BOARDS DARK GRAYIBROVN Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim vooD DARK GRAY/BROWN PLYN'OOD LIGHT GRAY ALUM. CLAD BRONZE/BROWN DOOTS WOOD & GLASS LIGHT GRAY/BROVN Door Trim IYOOD DARK GRAY/BROVN Hand or Deck Rails UBTAL LIGHT GRAY Flues FLUESHROUD METAL DARK GRAYEROVN CONCRETE TILE BEAVER CREEK BLEND STUCCO tr'ARM LIGHT CREY GALVAMZED STL.Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED tt ll STUCCO IYARM LICHT GRAY N/A N/A PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES ASPEN 12 2-3" SPRUCE 3 3" TREMIIOIDES-I{CIB,TI$ DE A TT A SPEN *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feeL. PLAN! MATERIALS lnot"ni"al Name PROPOSED SHRUBS common *"P BUFFALOBERRY Ouantitv- Size* AS AVAILABLE DOG BIRCH 20 cIN0UEFOIL_t0 EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicat,e size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS I Iof proposed shrubb.Minimum size of shrubs i-s Tvpe Square Footaqe TO BE SALECTED 3OO soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION MIXED NATIVE GRASSES TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL SEED AND FABRIC C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting pIan. ldentify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. TYPE B 'i t' lo0 I/ATT LAMPOST (a 6' OTHER LAITIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walLs within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls efsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. RBTAINAGE IS BY STONE RIP RAP D. u,?,r" LocArroN vERrFrc^rrorO SUBDIVISION LIONS RIDGE, FILING NO. 4 MILLER RESIDENCE 2rl.ro, F.2.r' (t(, afz C V JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS ASPEN GROVE LANE The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verifj.ed bythe following utilities for the accompanying site pIan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West. Communicationsl-800-922-]-981 irv't 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-57Fr ZLL -1051' Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/MichaeI Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-55,3S /zz </ Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle VaLley Water & Sanitation District 47 6-7 480 Fred Hasl-ee 4"r -Q"l 3-28-S* a 3- z8 -?/ NOTE:l-.This form is to verify service availability andIocation. This should be used in conjuncti-on withpreparing your ut.ility plan and schedulinginstallat ions . For any new construction proposal, the applicant, must provide a completed utilj-t.y verification form. 3. If a ut.ility company has concerns with the proposed constructionri the utilit.y representative should not directly on the utility veri-ficationform that there is a problem whj-ch needs to beresol-ved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibitity of the utility company to resoLve ident.i_f ied problems . 4. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the TownwiJ.l presume t.hat there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not. relieve the contracLorof his responsibility to obtaj-n a street. cutpermj-t fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations beforediqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement inthe Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not astreet crrt permit. A street cut permit must be obLained separat.ely. * Please brlng a site plan, floor p1an, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signat.ures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. ' .1 '. - i - 7 K -f'tt ! (tt 'y''u t *- (. i'-tPu r'' 1- \1 -f,(//j TE'd ltY rtt:rr "i b. '-..{''A!.ri$- IITILTTY -LOAAT IgN vtBrFrCAtI0N SuaDrvMON L$RC lImE, llt$to !4. { goB !|rl!I(ILLBI, EIIIT'BNCI I.OT Ftocr l!__ frlrllc I ADDnISS rtEllr orovS IJr a__ . lsri,horlze d Sldnatpre !$9 tldsT rZT F66I-82-Ea 7ry,sas1'l lh6 locrtlon |nd avalltbltlty of uclrtttcs, shcthar they bt oaintrunt llna! or propog€<l !!n€a, Butt b€ apFrsvod and vcrllird bythe follorlng utll,lll€E for thr acconpanylng slt€ pl.n. U.S. Sttt Cocrrunlort,lonsr-800-ter-19c? 468-€860 or gir 9-.1530 Publlc l.rlrlcc coEDrny 9{ 9-5?e 1 oary aall Holy Crorr Eloctllc ltsoc. 9{ 9-5tt2 Ted llurky/uicha€ I l,averty Berlt,agr Crblevlcloa r.v.err-5tt0 Etcv€ Bl.bt hprt Ergle vallel' at,rrr SanltrtLon Dl.€trlqt t {7 6-?400Ire<l fil|16c NOIE: ,*fu.. &gta 1.ThLa torlr ia to varlfy rervicc at allablllty andlocatlon. ThlB rhould ba u3.d tn conj(rfiqqr"ob hlLhpraPrtlJlg your utlllty plra and schedultngl. trIIaLlona. For any ner €onltructslon 9roposal, t,ha appllcant nu:at prsvldc r corpleted utlllty verllicatlontora, rf r usillcy cotprdi' flr" .on.".nu rith !h€proPQsed conslruetton.l tbe uClIlLy rcp!.tentativachould noL dlrect\y orj the ugillty verlficstlonfofln thet there lt t problen Hhich n€€ds Bo bstgaolvcd. th. haua ihould ihe$ b€ sprllcd out. lndottll tn an aECachod lettor to th6 T6ra of VatI.Ho$a{er, pleass lteop in nind that it la th€rsaponsiblllty of tha utlllty conpany to resolr.ldant.lflod llEobl€ns. It the utllity vef,lflcatlon forn ha3 signatural {roft oach of th€ utlllty conpaaies, and no coftlnofita a.re nid6 dlrcctly on the forn, the go{n lill Dreeutra thrt there Eca no Freblsic and ghrtthr d€valopm.nt s.a prgeoed. 5. fhaaa vcElfloat{onc do BoL rell€vo bhe conhE clorel hlt r.rpoFstbtlity to obEaln a atre6t outponalt frur tho lorn o! vrll. Dopartnenf of lubu.cflorlilndto@ fUCChE Ln ally pul|I-Io rlqlt-of-say ot er..rent lnthl Torn ot Vsll. @stFgot eut pFlt'Flt. A etrast cuc psrmlL muat b€ obtrlned 3€p|r.toLy. . Flclra bfl,[g 6 lltc plan, flooa pltn, |nd Gl€vatlonc rhg! obt.lnfng lDpar €agla Vtlley tlrtrr e gtnltrtlon slgnaturaa ' FLralloY naadt nutt ba lddFalsed. 2. a 4. , .rl.i'rr4 ,.ir i ,or i$rt, . I0'd fBo'oil eI:II t6.8a JEN g6rz -9lt -!01: 13I'OgvxO'lOX 'NOAVx I,{v 0z '3 U-Tl . iAalir ilr' i 4'.. tl''l'l I l{ /s0t3N ul N0 1.1 ?6'82 E0 :=ErlT Eri : r-.i. rlll'l :,:rLLlRiifr:l a SUBDIVISION \tOB NAl.lE .r.fi3- :'l-'f 4 _11 : D:Fl'l U uTrl,,r rY tpcArloN vE[rI{ICAT rQN ]-: -.lT; :-.l t; ts I Lr0NS RTDOB. FILING NO. I U, S, tJegt Comrnunlcations , 1-800-922-1987 ftna A 458-6860 sr 9a9-4530 PuDItc Ser'.; Corlpa-r-ry 94 9*3?tl I ,., - 'l05trGary HaIl fu..rP"/*-- HoIy Cross ElecLric 9d 9*s 0 92 Ted Husky/Mlchaet Heritage Cablevlsion 949-5$3O tZ z q Stevs Hiatt / .,.! i /J-:J*t-.**;rt*+-- | ,.. ,' , -t +- , 6 t'. .o 1+l.,,.' : '-r4c' AgFoc. Lavert,y 1) "., ,g .rE Upper Eagl.6 Valley t'lator 6 Sanltatlon Dlstrlct *i, ;/ t,'Vtyrt*YiY{4? 6-7480 Fred Haslee NQIE: 1,Thj-s form 1s to verlfy servl.ce avall,ablllty and Iocatlon, Thls should be ueed ln ccnJunction wlthpreparlng your u"-;"I;:1' :l:ri '.1r'?- !,', ':dullng lnstrIlEtl0ns. For any nerrt cgngLr'.r"':- - 1.:, .*:.'j!. : r.[e app.Iicarrt mugg provlde a cc$!j-..j1-':: ;'-::.'. ' -::lf lgaLlon form. If a utlltty compar.y l-ias eu;:.''i,;.; ..Lh the proposed clngt,:'.: ':'J':i , -he urr;,r Li r'epresentatlve ahou- -i r.c: lr ,, : 1. 3:, :.)tc.r u'-ll:t;.' '.'erlf ,ICEElonform :1".r; ;:.e re -€ a p;:;cIcni whr.'.. ,.ogd8 fe be E98ol';rr: Ti.'l iesue s j.l u1d --:.c - spellgd Out ln deta;l - li. r ;..',La:hOC l.:i!er LJ t. i.i,: Tpwn gf t'rai1. Howetre:r' , ', t '.:; '.r i:ocF in nlnd tllrt : r- ls the fo8poJ-ro ii.;.I i ..r r-- t,ie u'-lllt,t cL,i.;"rr,/ LO re6olve lderrt 1f : +,1 l.r :-r;i)-ejr{j. If tl ,e -t --.:.r7 ,{'rif.ii:"-'''i'-lr,,n f ;rr; l'.tri olgnaturee f ron ea;] : I ..:re rtrl:-';y Cofipanies, and no comrngni,s ;,L -- : alo d.l .:ect1y on the forml the TOwnwill pre s'..r. , ::l ,rc :ii*re are no problorns 1'rr +u pr' the deveic!;.i 'ri,'L ,t6r, p:'rC9€d. These -.,:ri5 ' r-:./.r'"rf f '. :":ct rel.J,cve thg cerr: r rr-' i !of hls respcnsl.bll j:i : obt,aln a stree' c,r'-permlc from tho ?cwri ,,f ValI, Departnent or PubLlc Workg .lnd l? ,:lFalF uti,litv. LE,:tians lciorq .qiqgLtrq in any public rlght*of,-wey or caeen,tsul of Vall, A butldlDqxermlL-il::-noir flt,he Town of vall, A buugjnq permlt i::,!.qii s- st-l6Ft-tut peflfill . A EEreet cut permlt iijill be obtalned separately. * Ploaso bring a alte plan; floor plan, and elevationc ''obLeLnlng Uppes Eagle VaIloy water & Sanltatlon slgnaturflow needs mu€E be acldre8asd. xqhl- | M' 4;te' | ) t'' i1l-''ta- ) r\{.,1 ,0-. r-'- u 2. Jr ir 5. ,4trrwiqffi'- 3 / t'| -dfe 6 LOT BLOCK 2 F I I/ING ADDRESS The locatlon and avallabiliey of utllltlegr wlre':hor they be nalngrunk llneE or propog€d lines' mugt be a. "-",-c by the following utillties for the accompan: .,..J e:-::: :.: E)). -AuthQ rl z ed S .,-it.ali!.!.i !..lEe ASPEN GROVB 1- \1 . ,'.*7!rfF . M//e.&si&De' flsfeu 6raue hze fude. G/a.st htoop 7Bro4 4#sctn , lrlAU't sTVcCo fuW barce tT\tcco(ru,our.ry_- WooV=tbtN6 ----.-----_+ 2l|L1E Nighdngab SoFrfs 2ll?t E Juniper B.ry o clni^pcY 5hM'd TuweA Ge ut)'cCc Le- ' t cq6of '')r'iQ{wwd" G'*f # o3t{r( TXM Oliners Form 2312 o PoIicy No. AQ165O36 Order No. V17986 Amount $126,000.00 SCHEDULE A L. Policy Date: January 29, 1992 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Name of Insured: WILLIAI.T H. MILLER, III 3. The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: WILLIAI4 H. MILLER, III 5. The Land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado, and is described as follows: LOT 3, BLOCK 2, LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 4 ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Address LIONSRIDGE SUB 4TH FILING Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. TIM Oviner Form 2313 o Order No. V17986 SCHEDULE B o Policy No'. AQ165036 This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: l-. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. Easenents, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, Iabor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. 1992 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFTCE. 6. LIENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IJNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JuLy 27 I L9.79I IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 886. 8. RESTRTCTTVE COVENANTS, WHrCH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CI"AUSE, BIJ1T OMTTTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGTN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED SEPtEMbET 20, L972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED SEPIEMbCT 29, L972t IN BOOK 225 AI PAGE 565 AND AS AI,IENDED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED January 22, L974, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53. 9. FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASEI'{ENT ALONG THE SITBDIVISION BOITNDARY LINES, AS RESERVED ON THE LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, PI,AT. 10. AGREEI,TENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL I.,,AND COMPANY AND I,TOI'NTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY RECORDED SEPTEIiIBER 27, 1973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 291. 11. RIGHT OF WAY FOR AN EXISTING ROAD, BEING FORTY FEET IN WIDTH, LYING EQUALI,Y ON BACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE, OVER AND ACROSS LOTS 20 AND 21., SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRTNCIPAL MERIDIAN, COLORADO, AS HAS BEEN GRANTED TO THE EAGLE COI'NTY BOARD OF COMTSSTONERS, EAGIJE COIJNTY, COLORADO IJNDER RTGHT OF WAY GRANT COLORADO L4434, AS PROVIDED FOR TJNDER IHE ACT OF OCTOBER t-3, 1964 (78 STAT. 1089, 16 U.S.C. 532-538) AS SET FORTH TN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JVLY 27 I L979 IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 886. Page 2 TIlt[ O\rner Forn 23]-3 -Order No. VU986 SCHEDULE B Policy No.. AQ165036 ].2. TERMS, PROVTSIONS, CONDITTONS AND OBI,IGATIONS CONTAINED IN EASEI'{ENT AND RrGHT OF WAY RECORDED I,LARCH 18, 1980 rN BOOK 300 AT PAGE 29O. 13. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BTIT OUTTTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COIOR, RELIGTON, OR NATIONAI-, ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED JUIY 01, 1985, IN BOOK 418 AT PAGE 738. ],4. TERMS, CONDITTONS AND PROVISIONS OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEIIENTS AGREEMENT RECORDED August 01, 1980 IN BOOK 306 AT PAGE 41,2. ].5. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC EASEMENTS AND ACCESS EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4. ].6. EASEMENTS AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR ELECTRIC TRANSITIISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTTON PI'RPOSES AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATTON, TNC., IN INSTRWENT RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1980 rN BOOK 306 AT PAGE 899. ].7. ELECTRTC EASEMENT IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF I.,ION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4. ].8. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TITE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FTLING NO. 4. L9. TERHS, CoNDITIoNS AND PRovISIoNS oF LETTER RECoRDED ltay 26, 1988 IN BOoK 484 AT PAGE 603. 20. DEED OF TRUST DATED January 23, L992, FROI{ WTLLIAM H. Ii{ILLER, III TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF DAVID C. DETRICK, AS TRUSTEE OF THE DAVfD C. DETRICK REVOCABLE TRUST, AI.IENDED AND RESTATED APRIL 30, 1991 TO SECITRE TIIE SUM OF $91f000.00 RECORDED January 28, L992, IN BOOK 571- AT PAGE 633. r's Policy American Land Iitle Association Owners Policv i0 2l-87 {Rev, 4 0'90} Poricv Number AO 16 5 0 3 6 MINNESOTA TITLEA SUBJECI TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROIV COVERAGE, Tl]E EXCEPTIONS FBOIV COVEBAGE CONIAINEO IN SCHEDULT B AND THE CONDITIONS AND ST PUI,ATIONS, TIILI INSUBANCE C0[/PANY 0F MINNES0TA, a l\4nnesora c0noraron, herern called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated tn Schedule A, sustatned or incurred by the lnsured by t03s0n 0l: 1 . Title l0 lhe e$a1e or inrerest described in Schedule A bernq vested olher lhan as slated lhereln' 2. Any defect rn or en or encumbrance on the tnle, 3. lJnmarxetabilitv o{ rhe rde; 4. La* of a right of access to and from the land. The Company wrll also pay the cosls. attomeys' fees and expenses ncuned rn defense of lhe lirle. as rnsurel. but only to the extent provtded in the Conditions and Stipulatrons. lN WITNESS WHERE0F, rhe sard Trtle Insumnce Company of Mrnnesora has calsed its corporare name afld seal to be hereunto affxed by its duly authonzed officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the porcy to be valrd when countersrgned by an authorned offtcer or agent of the Company TITLE NSURAIICE COMPANY OF I\4INNiSOIA A Stcch Conparty Titil t,r, t)t,l A;rt,t 'litutt,. lLlltna!,tlt;. Mnnestlt;t i54Di lssued thraugh the 0ffice of, LAND TITTE GUARANTEE COIAPANY P. O. Bor 357 lO8 5. Frontage Rd. W. Veil, GO 81658 13031 47G!251 Jfu,^q +r',xz* Airlrittztd Serdtary Ilttrl frrn 3'5 A-Ii 0wreis prk; 102137 l8ev.4630, -.-'1).--tre4rry or Ile luedu0J aql 4,1r0 llsrjs'as!idxa s.^uedu0J aqt le palnsu aql aql lq palsanrar rarl?u6lff, 0scc.r'l J srqt r0l t nsut aql l0 aureu aql ili st te'asn 0t /,usdru0J aq: lru ad pue ,naJaql sleadle Ile pue'0upaalud l0 u0rr18 a.ll J, asu€jap apt^0td tc atn:t sJd os ct tq0u aqt ilueduo3 aqt 0l ernlas leqs Jarnsur aql '0urpaarord r0 u0[]i iue J0 asualap aql tol apnOld l0 alf:l3s0ld 0l ^J?d.!0J a,.lt sarnba]]o strLr,r:d ,{lrl0r srq: aiaqM sasst lle ul {pl 'n pro l0 iuaul0pnl asra^pe lir€ rr0,j eadC€ 0t'u:rlaiJsrp a;os str .rr 'tq0u aqt satuasal llssatdxa pue uorur:sunl tuataduor 1o lno: e ,4q u0[€uru]J3lal leur1 o: uone0nr ,4ue anslnd ,{eu ^upd.!0J aql '{}0d srqt.0 s.rcrsino,ld aql /,q taururad to parrnba se asualap s pas0drau r0 rorire re tq0norq arreq 1;eqs uedLLro3 aqt ralauaqM - lJ] Illr€0rl p 0s 0p 11eqs I 'qdu0ered srqt rapun siq0r st asnrax€ eqs ,{uedLlo3 aqt Jl furl0d stql }0 u0sr^0rd ^.re a/\eM J0,4lrlqet ap3ru0r ,4qaraqr l0u lleqs pue lapunalaq alqel aq ll€lls:r l0u i0 raqlaqM'410d srql la sual aqt rapLtn Lt0[re 0]e|d0tdd€,{ue alel ileLu,lueduo3 €ql pa:nsLr aql 0I €0eLuep r0 ssll 0Jnp€.r.10 luaA0ld 0l l0'pansLll se'lsaralur r0 alets€ aqt 0l all[ €r]l Llsrlqelsi 0l aqeirsap ro fuessaSau 0q leu !0rur00 slr ur rlJrqr tJe iaqt0 /\ue 0p 0t l0 rtutpaar0ld l0 u0[3e ^ue altras0]d p!0 alnltsu 0t 'tsor uMo sl le'l.lnrr aqt areq leqs,iredLro3 aq1 iql 'irrlod srq lq rslre6e parnsur l0u srarreu a0a;1e qrqM u0[]e ]0 sasn rr as0q] l0 asua]ap aql ur palnsul aqt lq parntu sasuadxa r0 stsor 'saal lue /ed lou plr iueduo3 6l.ll lasunoJ raq)0 lue l0 saal aq] leo t|]u l|M pug r0l alqer aq lou lleqs pue !0[3e ]0 s8sne3 palels as0qt 01 s? parnsu aqt tuasardal 0l (asn l slqeu0seal l0l tJa{q0 0t palnsul aqr 1o rq6u aql 0l lralqnsi alroqr su l0 lssr03 llalas or tqOt aqt aneq 11eqs ,{uedu0J aql iJr0d srqt,{q rsurebe parnsur ri.teu Jaqto.r0 0tuetquntua.l0 uarl 'tralar e 0ur0a1e u0lre 10 sasner palels as0qt 0t ss i(lu0 tfq'palnsut ss tsat€lul J0 6l.D aql 0l asra,lpe urelJ e su0sss lued prL. ,\ue qrrqr,l ur uoleb 1 ur patnsur re l0 aiuajap aql roi apr,rord leqs 'i(e1ap iqeu0spaiun ln0qlM pue lso3 u^10 sn l? Iueduio3 aql 'suolelnd[S pue suoupurJ asaqt l0 g u0r]Jas ut p€uteluoj suoljo aqr 0t lJafqns pue parnsur aql /: lsanbar uaUuru uodl {el 'atetadooJ u lueatPlJ parnsul J0 fin] :su0IJV 0 u1unasotd pue asuaJa1 , arpnlard aqr l0 tualra aql 0l llu0 uaql pue 3rn1sl aqt lq paJrpnlatd aq 1;eqs ,(ueduo3 a$ ssalun l,Jlod srql rapun parnsut r\ue 1o stq0u aql arrpnlard aser 0u Jr €qs luedLUOJ 6rll /gn0u 0l aln [] lpql ranaMoq 'papt^od :p6nnbaJ s a:rtou lduord qlqM r0l sr€lleir r0 Jalt€u.r aq] 0l preOar qrM alpurrlr0l lleqs iueduroJ aqr l0 /'tlrqsllle psrnsur aql 0l se Laqt'Iueduro3 aqr or ua,u0 aq lou leLls 0J[0u t0l-r]0rd ]l alqela4eurun se pat!a n s 'parnsu se 'ls€Jalut i0 ale]s8 sqr 0r a[[ ]r {||r) r0'Irl0d srqr J0 anun Aq alqprl aq,4eu ^uedu0l aql q3rqM ro1 e0euep r0 ss0l asn€r tq0ru qlrqr,r p!e pdrnsur s€ lsaralur r0 alelsa aql 0l a lrl i]ql 0l asra^pe sr qlqM lsaratu r0 allr] l0 u e J lue l0 japunaiaq parns!r u€ 01 €lx0r l€qs a0par/loul asel ur lIl 'M0l€q (€ h !0rFaS ur r.llr0l lss se uote0nrl lue ]0 asel ui irl 0urulr ur ,tpduo:d iueduol aqi,(1tou 1leqs pa0sur a!.1 tueaten parnsul ,{q tang aq q aElJ J0 aJ00l/ , 'parnsul aqt 0l u€^r0 aDe0uou {auour aseqJrnd e lq pirnlas ssaup6tqapur ue (ti) J0'pue aql u lsaralu r0 alelsa !e (r) Jaqlra J0 pajnsr aql Luorl raseqrnd,(u0 l0 Jo^el ur au0l ur anut!0! l0u l€rls lJl0d slql lsir0lur l0 6lelss aql +0 Brup,(al!0r r0 ralsuel ^ue ur parns!r aql ,(q apeu Ilue.rt€M l0 slueua^o3 l0 uoseal lq /,r4rqe;aneq llsqs pernsur aq se 0uo1 os truo rr 'pansur aql uorl raseqlrnd e lq Ja,u0 a0e0!oLU trauou aseqrnd e,(q parnras ,saupalqaput ue sploq t0'pusl aql J tsaralur J0 alelsa ue sur€lar parnsur aql se I uol os tr1uo parnsur ue l0 rolel ul /rr;03 1o are6 l0 se a)oi ur anuluoJ lleq ^r0d srql l0 a0eraf,oo aql allu l0 aJue/|a/tu1J raAl aJuPrnsul l0 ualenuqujJ Z alll €lqelaveu r0 fua/1rlap aql 5uurnbar uortrpuor lenlreluoJ e .r anurl l1q aseqJlnd ot uoDebrlqo aqr ucJl pasealal aq 0l v alnpaqls !r paqrrssap tsaralur l0 atelsa aql l0 las€qJnd e all[ua plnoM qrqrvr 'a0eranor uo4 pe]da:xi i0 papnltxa lOu pusl aqt 0l 0ll[ aql Eulr€lle lausu tua.leCde ro pa0a;1e ue :,.apI aLl ]0 ,{!lqetayeuun,, l0) paleJ0l sr puel aql q}qM ur :utsrp aql t0l un03 llulstp salets parun aqt ,0 ValJ €l.ll l0 spr0Jar aqr ur pa |l sui rl J0rlralud letuauu0riAUa €pnlJUl os1n 11r* ,,ro,orr,!,, '00era^oJ ruor+ sirosnpxl aql l0 r^rJ{e)l u0rras 0l lladsar qlM aopalmou1 tnoqtnr pue anlel roj sraseqJrnd 0! ,(Uadold lesl 0l ou[slar sraueur l0 aJ[0Ll a^0]nlsu0J ouruedur 1o asodnd aqt to1 /,111o6 ,0 a1P0 le salnlels alels rapun paqsrlqelsa spjosal :,,spro3ar tlqnd,, l1l tuaurulsu ,1)un36s raqto r0'paap tsnr 'lsnl l0 peap a0e6uour.,,,a8ebuou,. lel Alrl00 siql |\q p€rnsur sr puel aqt u04 pue 0l ssalrs l0 tq[u e qrrqm 0l luaya €qt tinrrl ro ilppom lleqs utataq 0urqtou rnq 'srle.l,ualeM ro s,{eur 'sauel 'slallE sanuane 'speor 'staaLts 6uunqe ur luauasga r0 atBtsa 'tsalalut 'alll 'lrl0u ,iue r0u 'V alnpaqJs ur 0t pat€Jai r0 paqursap eare aqt J0 saull sql puolaq ^uad0ld true apnlrut lou saop,puel,, uJal aql ^uad0]d lear atntNuo3 me; trq qrrqn 0la]6rli paitlle sluarralodml p!€ 'v alnpaqrs ur 0l paralor r0 paqutsrp p,uel aql ,,,puel,, 1p) puel aql Durlra e sJallPur l0 ar[0u allflusuOr lEdult qJtqM splorat l€rll0 ,{ue l0 ^3|l0d stqt ut pau[0p se sp]o:aj rrlqnd aq] l0 u0seat .{q patnsu ue ol paudur aq ,(eu qorqm a:nol ro aopayuoul alrlrnilsu0J tou 'a0palmoul lenlJe :,,uMou1,, ro ,,a6pamou1,, llr a0puep J0 ssol 0urure;r parnsur ue ,,,l|]eutelt paJnsu,, iq) 'sl0ssaStns /,.l€13np4 r0 alerodrol ro 'ul j0 ltrau 's€A letuasadal leuostad 'srorrtruns 'saasnap 'saatnqulsp 'sra! 0l palrul tou tnq '0urpnilu aseqlnd uo4 paqsnbunsrp s9 Mel l0 r.r0[e]ado /\q parnsur paueu 3qt ]0 Nals]ut 6tll 0l paa3rns 0q,11 asoql 'psrns! pausu aqt nureOe peq a^eq plnom lueduloJ aql sasualap ro stq0l ,{ue 0l tlalqns 'pue 'v alnpaqJs !r p€lrEU parnsur aql ,,,painsut,, (€l ,ueau ,(rtlod srql ur pasn uaqM su.ual 0urrr,ro11o1 aq_ saral Ja u1utuJa] / sN0[ilndt$ 0NV sN0tlt0N03 'we1 stq0r ,sroup i repurs ro '{ruanlosur slels 'Ildnjlu€q lerapal 1o uoterado aql l0 uosea.i lq 'I1l0d stql lq palnsu tsalalur l0 alstsa aql parnsur aql ur 0uusa,t roulesuat aql l0 lno sasus qrrqrrrr 'urrep Auy b'It||od stql lq patnsu lsslalur r0 alelsa aqt roi anle^ preo peq tueurelr pernsu aqt lt pa elsns uaaq aleq lou plno^ rlJrrlm a0euep lo ssol ur bullnsar {a) l0 r^Jrlod J0 ale0 0l luanbasqns patearc to 6urqrelle lpl rlueurel3 painsur €r.ll 0l aDeurep ro ssol ou ur 0uDlnsal (Jl :i(Jrl()d srql lapun parnsur ue auleSaq lusurelJ palnsur aqt alsp aqt 0l toud tueuirslt palnsut aql lq lueduoJ aql 0t dutlrm ut pesrlcsrp lou pue lusurelt parnsut €ql 0l umoul lnq 'ltlrlod l0 alsg le sproJai tlqnd oqt ut papr0tat lou 'IueduloJ 6ql 0l uM0ul lou lql :1ueurel3 paJnsur aql iq 0l paar6e l0 pauJnsse 'p0lafns 'paleatJ (el ,sral.leui raqlo r0 surels asjalp9 'satuelqulnsua 'suatl 'sl]al€0 t a6pamoul tnoqurvr anlea toi taseqJ]nd e;o stq6t aqt uo 0urpurq 6q pln0M qJtqr,r .{ll0d l0 ale0 ot toud paLtnrro serl tlJtrlm 0uqel Aue ateta,lor uo4 0rrpnlrxa l0u lnq'IJrl0d ]0 ale0 ie sp0ooi Jrlqnd aqt ur papt0tat |]aaq seq loal€ql ayllstta aql ,0 arLou ssalun ureurop luaurua 1o stqbg Z'lrl0d l0 Ble0 le spr0iar ilqnd oql u paptosar uaaq seq pue aql 0u[Jale uo[e1orn pa0a;1e r0 uO[potl e uotl 0u|};nsat aJuelqunlua l0 uai l3alap e l0 allou e l0 J0aiaqt as|]raxa aql l0 aJllou e teql lualr(a a{]l 01 ld8txs 'a^0qe {el ,{q pspnrra }0u lBM0d a l0d leluoulura^00,{uV (ql AJrl0d l0 3le0 te sproJa.l rlqnd aql u pap0Jar uaaq seq puel aql 0urlral1e uouelor,r pa0a;1e ro uotelorn e uo4 0utlnsa atlelqulnoua t0 uatl ltalap € l0 aJllou e l0 louaql luauaololla aql l0 aJtl0u e leql tualxa aql 01 tdaJx€ 'suoneln6a letuauLu:aao0 J0 sar!eurpi0 's/rlEl asaqt J0 u0llelot,\ ,(ue 1o tra;ia aqt to 'uonratord lsluauluoltAUs (,4r1 l0 :Ueo € seM rJ st pusl 8ql qlqM l0 laried l!€ l0 puel aqt l0 eole t0 su0tslt€ultp aqt ur a0ueqr e ro drqsraururo ur uo[etedas e ( rl jpuel aql u0 palJa,a Ja4eslaq r0 Mou luauia^odul ^ue j0 u00e30l l0 suosuauJtp lalJeteqt aql { t :puel aqt l0 tuaulolus ro'asn'rtruednlro aql ltl 01 ou[elal ro 6uitrqqord'0urelnoar '0unrutser (suonelnba J0 satueutp.t0 'slrel 6uruoz pue 6utpltnq 0l paltull lou lnq ourpnlJurl uolegn0ar leluauurano0 to arueulplo ruel [uy isl I 1o uosear Iq asue qJ l/$ sasuadla r0 s06J ,slaum.le 'sls0t 'a0euJep t0 ssol ied tou 1|u/\ iueduo3 aqt pue it||:d srql 1o a0eranor aql ul04 pspnlJla,{lssatdra are setteu 6urmo11o1 aq1 ;o ,'"1m bu,LtPlL0 3. ui[Dr b ru^ ,]' burpdat0,d rr.t 0 re ,{:a ur r11 l9vulA03 !\r0ur sN0rsntJXl il,-anlnlril t1in tnst(te t0tJt c7vrrl ( pr0secLning 0r deiending the acl0n 0f pr0(]eedrg, 0r effectfg s€llement afd ( irn any other lawful act whch in the opinon of the Company may be necessary 0r des[abe lo €stabrsh the Itle t0 the estale 0r InteTesl as tfsur€0. lf the Company rs pre,ud ced by the fa lure of rhe rnsured rc flrnrsh rne requ reC ccoperauon, Ihe C0rnpany s c,\l garions 1D rh€ fsured under the pohiy shal terrnrfate, nt:iudrng a0y lrabr rty or cbl qaticn t0 deiend, pr0sectlle, 0r c0nl nue any lrtrgatcn, wth regard to the mallBr 0r nlaners requrng such c00peral on 5 Proof al lass ar ]anage. ln addition t0 and afl€r lhe n0lrces r€quirBd under Sectron 3 of rhese Condtrons and Stipulatons have been provded ihe C0mpany, e pr00f 0t l0ss 0r damage srgned and sworn io by the rnsured carnanl shal be furn shed to the Cornpany wrthrn 90 days aiter the nsured cla manl sla I asccrlarn ihe {acts grU fg nse l0 the loss cr danage. The lrccf cf loss or danage sra I descnle the defect rr. or |ten or encumbrance cn lhe 1le. r other ra11er rns!reJ agarnst by th s p0lrcy wh ch constrtlles ll.e bas s Nl 0ss 0r damaJe and sha I slare, l0 1le erlenr pOssrbe, tte birss 0f [alculatn! thi, af 0unt :i the oss or darrage lf tre Company rs preludrced by the fai lre cf the insured cla mali 1n pro,;rde the r€{l,J red pi00f rf oss or darage the Compary's cbl gations ta the tnsrred urder the pcl cy sha I ierm na1e, rnr,- ld nc anv ]ab lrty 0r 0b tqat0n t0 defend, prosecule cr c0flrnre any tttqatt0n. ri th re0ard 1o the lraller or ma11€rs requ rng such orooi o1 crss cr danage. ln aodrt on, lhe Insured cla manl may reas!nab y be requ red 10 sLbrlrt t0 €xanr nati0n lnder oeth by any authorrzec represrlftat!e of the Conrparv an,l shall proulrce t0r exa nrnalror tnspecli0n and ctpv ng a1 slch reasonable ltmes and places as may be desrgrated by any aurl'cnzed represenlar v: of the Company. al records bolks, edgers. checks, correspondence and nemcrarda whet\er beanng a date before or ailer Date of Pol cy, whrch reascnab v pena n 10 lhe l0ss cr damage. Further, rf f€quested bv any authonzed represenlalrve of the Compary, the lrslreC carrant shal granl tls pernss on rn wrling. icr any aurhorzed represenlatrve of the lJompany to eramtne, Inspeit and copv al reccrds, borks, edgers, clecks. correspondence and merrcranda rn the custcdy cr conito of a thrd parly, whrch r965,r,51t penllrn l0 ll.€ oss or damage. Al rntorralcn desrgnated as confidentral by ihe rnsured:arntant provtded to the Company pursuant tc thrs Selt on shal not be drsc osed tc 0ihers !rless. r lhe reas0nable luCgment of the C0mpany, I is necessari in the admrnrstratron cf 1l"e clarm Farlure of tl.e nsured clamant to slbrrit fo, examtnalr0n urder ca:h prod.rie other reasonab y requested nformat cn 0r !rar1 psrm ss 0n l0 secure reasonably necessary rnformatron from thrd partes as requtred I thrs pafagraph shall lermrnale any lrabrrrty of the Ccmpany undrlr this p0try as t0 that carnt 6. 0ptions to Pay or 0therwtse Seftle Clatns; ferrntnatnn oI Lrabrltty. In case c1 a claim under ths p0lrcy the C0npany shal ha,re the fclcw ng add 1ona opi ons: {al Tr Pa'i or lender Paymenr ol rhe Amounr ol lnsurance To pa,1 or tender payment of the am0!nt oi inslrance under thrs p0 rcy, I0gelher uuilh any costs. attorneys fees and erpenses rncuned by the insured c armanl, ,,';hrih were auth0lzed by the C0npany, up ro the trme ol payment 0r tender ct payment and whch the Company s o"\hgated to pa,1. Upor Ihe eiercise by the Company of rh s opuon. al rabrl ty and obligatrcns t0 the Insu,ed under thrs pol cy. 0ther lhan to make the payment requtred, shal terminate, nclud ng any labrrty or obligatron to defend. pr0secule, 0r t:0nlrnue any lugatron, and the p0 icy shall be surrendered to the Compary lcr cancellatron (b) To Pa'/ or 0thenruise Serrle Wrrh Panres 0ther Than rhe Insured or With the Insured Claimanr. f i-'fitlnTel,lse rn e ,Mrn orner pa tes t:r o' ,r the name 0f an Insured rla mant any clarm rnsured agalst lnder thrs policy, together with any costs, alorneys'fees and expenses incuned by the rnsured carmant whch were arlhonzed by lhe Company up l0 the trme 0f payment and whch the Ccmpany s obl gared ro pay, or irl t0 pay 0r other!!se sene with the rnsur€d claimant the oss or damage provrded for under this polrcy, t0gelher wrth any c0sis. altorneys' fees and expenses inclned by the nsured clarmant which r,,rere authOrzed by lhe Company up l0 lhe lime of paymenr and wh ch rhe Company is cbligated to pay. lJpon the exercise by the Ccnpany of e ther of' the apli;tr prcv ded ior n paragraphs (b)ti) or {r i, lhe C0nrpany s !blrgalr0ns l0 the irs!r:.1 rnde: iiris polrcy for the cla med css or da,rage clhef than the pa'/m€ns requrred to be made, shall rerminate rncudnq any lrablry or obiigaton io delend, pf0sec!l€, 0r c0nlrf!e alii I ga 0n. / Deterrninatton, fxtent oI Lrabrliry and Coinsurance This pcIcy rs a c0ftract of rndemnrty agarnsl actra m0r€1ary 0ss 0r damage susiainec or ncu,red by the rnsured claoranl v,,ho has suffered loss or damage oy reascn oi matlers rrsrred agarnsl by thrs poIcy and on y :o the erlerl herern des[1bed. (a) The labr ty ci the |lcnpary rnder thrs po icy shall nrt eiceed the east 0r:(rl lhe An0Jf1 ol Insurance stated n SrhedLr e A, ar, (r) tl'e drffe,ence bet,,,;een the va ue of rhe nsuied estale oi n:erest as rnsred and the valle cl tfre tnsured eslate cr fler€sl sublect to the defect. len or gncrmbrance nsured aga rst bv th s pIi]cy ib) ln the event lhe Ancurt of nsuranL;e stated rn Schedue A at the Date of Polcv s ess than E0 perrent c1 the valLre cl lhe nsrred estate cr merest r the rr I ctmsrilerat or pard ior the land whcl'ever s ess, or f subsequert 10 llre Dale oi Porr,y an rmpr0!emen: rs erected on the lani whrcl rncreases the va ue or ihe rnsrrel eslale or rnteresr by al €esl 20 percerl 0vef the Am0unt oI rsuranie stated rn Scheduc A, then thrs porcy s subiect to the fo lor,'rn g, ( l ,,^;here nc srhseqrent Inlpr0vemem has been made. as to any parl a loss, the C0npaf/ shall lnly pey the 0ss pr0 rata rl the pr!p0nr0r lh6i ihe arou'rt :f Tsrrrance a1 Dale cf Po rcy bears t0 the t0la value o' the rnsured estate 0r Inleres: ai Dete cf P: rcy, or 1rl ,,,;iere a subseqienl rmp ),;ement has been ma3e, as 1c ary par:ra ioss, the Ccn;pany shall only pay ne 0ss pr0 fala In the pr ponron that 121 percent c'the AnoLrnt o' insurance slated n ScredLrle A bears to tte sum ol the AnrLr:nt c1 insLrrance stated n Srhedrle A anl tl'e amornr erpende d for lhe rirp'ovenrrlnt The provrsrcr,s o1 tl'rs paregraph shal nci apply i0 c0s1s, an0rfeys' fees and experses Ior wh ch the C:npany s rab e rrder thrs po rcy, and sra I ony aoply ta tl'e1 p0nr0r cf any css,,,,rhrch eiceecs, rn the aggregate, l0 percenr of ihe An!unt of nsurance stated in Schedule A icl Ihe Companv urrl parl only th0s€ c0s1s altorneys' iees and erpenses rncurred n acccrcl:nce w1l'Srlctr0r 4 of these Ccndtrons and Strplations B Apportrcnnent lf the and descnbed n SchedLle A cons srs of t!,i0 0r m0re parce s wh ch are 'rot rsel as a s ng e srte. and a loss rs esta"ll shed afiectrng cre cr more of ll"e par:e s bLl not al , rhe lass shal be lnnputed and s€1tlej 0n a pro rata bass as rl the amornl of nsurcnce under ths pcIly was drvrded pro rala as i0 the value on Date of Pol cy rf each sepa'ate parcel to tne ,,^;hole, exc rsrve cf arv rflrpr0v:firents rnade subsequenl to Date oi PoIcy. unless a lrabr ty or,alue has othenuse been aqreed up0n as i0 €ach parr;el by the Ccmpany and lhe nsurrld ai rhe lme oi the rssuance of ihs pclrcy and shown by an express slaiem€ni 0T by an endo:senent attached to th s p!lrcy 9. L mtatian of habrhty Ial lf the Ccnpany establrshes the ul e, or r€mrv€s lhe a leged defect. Iten cr encrnbrance, 0f cures the ar;k of a right cf access 1o or frcm the and or crres the c a m :f unmarketao lly 0f ttle all as nsured n a reasrnably drrgenl manner by any merhcd nchdrng rt qarion and the corrpletron of any appeals therefronr, t sha I have luly perlormed 1s 0bIgalr0ns wth r€sp€ct t0 thal i'na11er and sha I not be irable for any loss or danrage carsed thereb'i. {b} ln the event of any lttgatrrn, rncluding ltigat on by the Company or with the Comparys ccns€n1, tl'e Compary shal have no iablty for lcss or damage unul there has been a'nal determrnatron by a coun of competenl luns rction, ani disp0srti0n oi al alpeals therefrcm. adverse l0 lhe llle as rnsured lcl Ihe Company shal nct be lable for loss or damage t0 any Insur€d lcr lrabrl ty vounlany assumed by the nsured in senlng any claim or suit without the pn0r wr11ef consent of the Company. iCanttnueti on batk covell | f,txrr!tPt! tit!t't !tt\!lP tllYPt I 10. flerlucaon of lnsurance, frecluttion oi lerninatton ol Lnbrhty All payrents unjer lhrs pclicy. excepl ayrnents rnade for ccsts, all0rneys f3ss and erpenses. shall reCuce tf: amornt of lhe rnsurance pro I a nt0. l1 irabtlrry lloncunrlatue. t rs expressly !nderst00d tnal the amcrr cf rnsurance und€r thrs p0lcy shal be rejrcec by any amoufl rhe Compari ray pav under any polrcy insrrng a monEage l0 wtch exceptr0n s ta,en rn Scl'edue B or to whrch the rnsLire:l has agreed assumei, or taken subjer r, cr vrhrch is hereafter execL.rted by ar rnsu:ed and'fthrc,r rs a charge or lier rn the estate 0r Inleresl described or rpierred to n Schedule A. and the ar0Lrf s0 pard shal be deemed a payrr enr under ths pciriy r0 :he I|lsl]red !wi 0r l2 Payrnent of L rss ial No payrnert shal be nade wth0, r J'0drrng thrs pc1 cy for endlrsemenl of ihe paymen: un€ss lhe po :i has beer losl or destroyed, rn wn rrlr case rr:of ol loss or ieslruction sha ire furnrshed t0 Ihe satsfact0n 0f the Ccrnpany. (bl When lrablty anc the exteil :f r:s irr darnage has beer deftnrtey frried rn ac;ordance ',,rith ttes: Ccnd trrns ar I Stpulauons, ihe hss 0r dttrfa!e shal 5e payatle withrn 30 days thereafter. 1..? -lubrrtqatron Upon Paynent or Settleit qtr iat ihe Conoany's Frglt ol Subrolat rn Wlerever :he Company shall have ser:i rd rnc rard a tlarm under thrs orlr y all ngrr cl srbroca:rcr srall ,;est n: r C:npany unallected by any act ol tIe rsLrec clarrant. Tr: Corrpanv shall he s'rbrcqa ed to ar: lr' ertrtled tr, all 'iEhis and remecres whrr h lhe rrs:rgi clarmant w:t.ld have had qa fsl 3rv pe's0n 0' pr0cerly In respet] 10 the claim hal thrs polrcv rct bee: rssled. I'requested b'i the Conpany, tl"e rsured clarmar shal transfer:r lhe C0Tpany al rr0hts and ren-rdres aqarrst ary pers0n 0r pr0pe.ty fe0, isa.,' In ordar lo perfect this nght of sub'oqatron. The nsured c armant shal pr rr t ll'e Conrpanv to sue c0{f0rl]nfse 0' s€llle 1n ne rame of the rrs r€i carmant and lc use lhe name of th: nsured carmanl rf any transacl 0r 0r rtqatr0n nvolving these rghts or remedres. 1f a paynent 0n ac.0Lnt c'a clarm dors rrot lul,i c0ver lhe ioss 0l lhe Ins!rel . ar{ranl, lhe C0mpany sha I be srbn gated to these rights and remed es In lh€ prOp0n[n whrch the Conoanv's paym]nt beafs 10 the whcle arnount of Ine i0 ss lf loss shorld resuh lroin any acr cl tfj nsLr€d clarmanl. as slared above, thar a.r shall not vord this pol cy but the Company, n that evenl, shalbe required I0 Day 0ny that pan af any losses rnsured aganst by lh s prlcy wh ch shall eiceed the am0unt rl rn'i. ltrst to the Company by reascn of the rmparrnenl by rhe rnsured iar rant of the Ccmpany's nght of subrcgat on (bl Tl"e Conpanys Bghts Against Nor nsured 0blrgors. The Company's ngl't of subrogation agi nsl n0n insured ob rgors she etrrsl and shall include, withoLrr limirarion, the nqhts of the insured to rndemntties, guarantres. other poIcres of insurance or bonds. notwrthstending any lerms 0r condirions contained In lhose inslruments whrch provide ftr subrogation rights by reason of rhis pohcy. 14. Arbrtatnn. Uniess prohrbited by applrcable law. eirher rhe Company 0r lhe in:iured may deriand arbrlrati0f punuenr r0 the Title Inslrance Arbrlration Bu es of the Amercan Arblralion Associatrrn. Arbrtrable matters may nclude, bul arr nol lmned to any c0ntr0rlersy 0r claim betweett the Company and the nsured ansing cut of or reating to thrs polrcy, any serr'ce of the Company rn c0nneclr0n ,,^rith rts rssuance or the breach of a pol cy pr0vtst0n 0r 0tht:r obrqaton A arbitrabie mallers when the Amounr of Insurance s $1,0t)0,000 0r less sha I be arbrtrated at the 0pli0n 0f eilher lhe Company or rhe ir,s!red. All arbtrable rnatlers when the Amounr of Insurance s /n €rcess cf s1U00000 shal be arbrtrated only when agreed t0 by b01h the Company and the tlsured. Arbrtralron pursrant to thrs poIcy and under the Ru es n effect on the date the demand for arbrlratron is made 0r. at the 0pl 0n of the tnsured, the BJ es rr etfect at Date of Po rcy shal be b nd ng upor lhe panies. The alvard n ay include attorneys'fees ony lth€ aws 0f lhe slale In whrch the land s ocated permit a coun to award altorneys'lees 1o a prevarIng pany. Judgment uport the award rendered by the Arbruatorlsi may be entered In any cou( harng jur sdrclro n thereol The la','; of lhe srtus cl rhe land shall apply:o an arbnralt0n unJcr lhe Title Insurance Arbitratron Rules. A copy of the Bules may be obrainec lrom rte Company lpon request l5 Lrahrhty Lrntted t0 thtts P0licy: Polcy fntlre Contract. lal Thrs po|cy t0gerher wirh all endorsements, rf any, attachec iereto b'; the Conuany rs ihe entrr€ :clicy and contract between rhe rnsured :,nd the Ccrrpany. In Inlerpretrng any Irrovtst0f cl thrs porcy, thrs polrcy shall 5t. conslrued as a whole. lbi Any larm oi loss cr damage, whether or not bas€d 0n neg tt1encs, and whrch anses orl of lhe stalus ol rhe rtle i0 ihe estate 0r rnleresl coriered hereby or by any ac110n assenrng such laim, sha be restricted to thrs porcy. lcl No amendment of cr endorsernent t0 lhrs p0licy can be maile eicepl by a r,^rting endorsed hereon cr attached herero signed by errher rhe P'esidenr, a Vtce Prescent, the Secrelary an Assistant Secretary, or valdaltng 0fitcer ol autho'zed s'qnato'y o' 'he Cor^pary. l6 Seventt lly. In the event any provisian of the po1 cy s held invalid or unenfon:e able under app rcab e law, rhe policy shall be deemed nor ro nclude rhi,r provrsron and a I other provrs tns shall remajn rn llll force and eilect. t /. Noutp.". t/y'he,e Spnt. All notrces requrred t0 be given the Company and afy stalemenl tn wrrlng requred to be furnrshed rhe Company shall rnclude the numbr;r of rhs polrcy and shall be addressed lo irs Home 0ffice, 400 Second Avenue Sourh, Mrnneapolrs. Minnesota 5540 L d ? o 4a a! G;a z a , Fz lrJ Fc 9or{do->z 'lrl<6o_iHs()=(JoEoJJ(n629) o ;2 I n o I f- II .f/ \ z 9. tr"o<dto22tlt ) u69ca(,vrz =.7 I 8?r| ,Q/ I"/ I q I \\ \ \'\ \qerr{ I II I $ I $ I \rl \f\l \(. \\F! <l&l"j I : -1 \ \ \o \ \ oa" luwn n 75 south lrontage toad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 30, 19BB Mr. Al Claibourne Chen & Associates 96 South Zuni StreetDenver, CO AO223 Re: Hazard Evaluation, Lot 3, Block 2,Lionsridge, Filing 4 Dear Al: Enclosed is the copy of Nicolas Lampiris, Hazard Evaluatio4 forthe Deitrich property in Vail. please understand that the Townof Vail cannot require that Mr. Deitrich conply with thereconmendations that are outlined in the report. Due to thefact that the proposed residence will not rrincrease the hazardto other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-ways, roads, streets, easenents, utilities or facitities orother.properties of any kind,'t mitigation is not reguired(Lampiris, letter). If the owner wishes, he certainly rnayprovide the rnitigation but it is not required per any Townordinance. If you have any questions about this report and rnitigation,please feel free to call me as it is an unusual approach to theproblem. Sincerely, {,t\^"P'fuKristan Pritz Seni.or Planner Enclosurecc; Larry Deckard ufll ri:i ,,1_ o"?gn Review Action ro,t TOWN OF VAIL f ,"', r-l- DateCategory Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: 1''*2.( u /o^ts( '/7{=- -n'/a /-t Owner. Address and Phone: b,'/( tA/'(rb / L.- ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: 'w' Legal Description: Lot -:l Block .-? Subdivision i ,Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Boardtffi-ffiD Motionby: Pk vote: rU-,'/4 Seconded by ,L14 ! Approval ! Disaprygval #Approvat Conditions: o EW BOARD I -. \.*; -J_:., - ..._r APPIJICATTON ' TOWN OF VAIIJ; COLOR.ADO r.vl..d,7/t1/9a DDSIGN REVI t DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: **t*****tl*'r' II OMPIJETE APPLTCATIONS MAY BE SC ii**t**t*t ED POR T A. //6 'a(.\/<DESCRIPTION: - B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constructi,on ($200.00)Addition ($50.00) \,/A-Minor Alterat,ion' ConcepEual Review ($20.00) ($0) c. D. ADDRESS:. / V LEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON: Subdiwision If property is described bydescripcion, please provide L,o this applicat.ion. a meets and boundson a separate shee E. lega1 and at.tach ZONTNC: NAME OFMailing /\PPLTCANT: Address:/< Phone 11 . NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATTVE , Z/ .//4Mailing Address: NAME qF OWNER(S) : Phone OHNER(St Stcnerunet Mailing Address: Phone I. J. AT Co DR Li ap va fe is FE FEE SCIIEDULE: VALUATION 4r\rr.Y \_' + r-v, vuv$ l-0,001 - $ 50,000$ s0, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001_ - $ s00, 000 $s00, 001 - $1, 000, 000$ Over $1,000,000 DESTGN REVIDW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRESAPPROVAL UNI,ESS A BUTLDING PERI.,IIT IsIS STARTED. OWNER'S STCTVA?UR.g ',{ut, FEE ' ,D ZU.UU $ s0.00 $ 1,00 . 00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUDD AND CONSTRUCTTON e raE r.h fee ltt'll E.he en usL cE. rl lL:i 15F wh a n'1 AE w e adrr e paid La ter,tify thI wiLl t.he co NOT BE aI if a as shoof LhcIdinq p roposal he tabl CHEC LL rov ne bui ep a'r r c,-' wI pp fe |-t a rh r s B mir f. ng RB bmi of in9 tf,-l rltON um DR ub fo o di TI ni s.' cn CAT min trF. of ing firr ccoid. AID 'L d c 'I tl p PP on RB im pp AI EE P n PROCESSED WITHOUT pplicable. wn above,\ are to b DRB applipar.ion.crmit, please iden. The Town of Vaie below, to ensure A * o, ( '!r)-oo*",ill ,.L[h ' Block I NAME OF PROiIECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: toT_a BLOCK 7- suBDrvrsroN STREET ADDRESS: 4./ The following informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. AUTIJDING I.{,ATERIALS: required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERTAIJ to Ehe Design coL,oR Roof Sidins OLher Wall MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining WalIs ExLerior Lighting OEher Designer: Phone: IJIST OF MATERIALS 4L 105 | B.LANDSCAPING: Name of o TERIALS TREES v Common Name Ouantitv Size*PLANT MA PROPOSED Botanical Name AND SIIRUBS *Indicate caliper for deciduous lrees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate * * Indica E,e 5 qallon. Tvpe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METI]OD OF EROSION CONTROL Sguare Footaqe c- LANDSCAPE LrcI{TrNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and rocations on a separatelighting plan. rdentify each fixture from the liqhting pranin Lhe space berow and provide the heiqht above qiade,-type ofliqht. proposed, rumen output, ruminous area and i cut. sh;;t ofthe 1ighr. f ixLure. (SecLion 1,9.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining wal1s, fences, swiruningpools, etc. ) please specify. rndicat.e height.s of -retainini wal-ls- Maximum height of walls wit.hin the fronL setback is3'. Maximum height of warls ersewhere on t.he ptofurcy is 6, D. 2tc 1051 1052 Beniamitt Moore Paints ! t it D. oeQn Review Action rorO TOWN OF VAIL category llum ner-----tL6 Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: {4' Owner. Address and Phone: L o'r i -/ ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: ,( '/. " .l Legal Description: Lot *F Bbd 12 gr66;y;s;6n1 ,,.-.*.'/,4 Project Street Address: zone District 3f Comments: Action Vote:uotionby: l./ /B Seconded Oy: il fA fl Approval I Disarpor5val Edtarepprovat Conditions: ,/ /'@€rL DRB Fee Pre-paid t.rl..d 7 /t4lga DESIGN RSVISW o BOARD -VAILrAPPI,TCATION - TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** PPLTCA DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF I'.EVIEW: t>h t , r<, /7/ YNOTE *rlrtr:***i*t i/t' (L, New consr.ruclion (g2oo.oof -/uinor AlLerarion fSzJ.oolAddition ($50.00) ConcepEual neview (g0) D. ADDREss, //'/ ,,/ LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdivi.sion '.,<"2 t(' ,<t'a ff propert.y is described bvdescript.i.on, p1elase providLLo this applicat.ion. Block L a on meets and boundsa separate sheeE 1ega1 and aLtach LI ZONTNG: NAME OF Mai l ing APPLICANT: Address: Phone NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE:Mailing Address: Phone NAME OF OWNER(S) : .'' OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address:L'/sr:c( Phone APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT O'fIIER 'S SIGNATT:iRE Condominium Approval if applicable.I. .1 .DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at. LheLrme of submittal. of the DRB applilat.ion. l,iEer, whenapplying for a buirding permir,-plbase ident.ify Lhe accuracevaluation of the proposal. The iown of vail will adjust. thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE P cc FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION ,n n ?h .r.\ nn ^.? v I rvr uU!,$ 10, 001 $ s0, o0o$ s0, 001 - $ 1so, 0Oo 91s0, 001 $ s00, 000 $s00, 001 $1, 000, 000$ over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UNI,ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AI\ID CONSTRUCTION 1,,,/cttlAwB FEE ,D zU. UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Community Development Department December 2, 1997 An appeal of a Planning & Environmental Commission use permit, to allow lor a Bed and Breakfast operation, Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Property Owner: William MillerAppellant: Lionsridge Subdivision Filing #4 Thomas Hughes, PresidentStaff: Mike Mollica approval of a conditional located at 1477 Asoen il. Homeowner's Association ; SUBJECT PROPERTY The Miller Residence is located at 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/ Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. TOWN COUNCIL JURISDICTION Pursuant to Section 18.66.030 D,1 - Appeal of Planning & Environmental Commission Decisions; Authority, the Town Council shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by the Planning & Environmental Commission wlth respect to the provisions of this title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth. PFOCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuanl lo Sections 18.66.030 D, 2 and 3 - Appeal ol Planning & Environmental Commission Decisions; Initiation and Procedures, there are three basic criteria for an adequate appeal: standing of the appellant; adequacy of the notice of appeal; and timeliness of the notice of appeal. A. Standing of the Appellant The appellant has standing to appeal the PEC decision related to the approval of conditional use permit. The Lionsridge Subdivision Filing #4 Homeowner's Association is considered an adjacent property owner and is also considered an aggrieved or adversely atfected person. B. Adequacy of the Notice of Appeal t1t. The application for this appeal was filed by Jim Wear, the attorney representing tv. V. the Lionsridge Subdivision Filing #4 Homeowner's Association, on November 4, 1997. The application for the appeal has been determined to be complete by the Department of Community Development. C. Timeliness of the Notice of Appeal Pursuant to Section 18.66.030 D,3 - Appeal of Planning & Environmental Commission Decisions: Procedures: "A written notice ol appeal must be filed with the Community Development Director within ten (10) calendar days of the Planning & Environmental Commission's decision becoming final. lf the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a Town of Vail obserued holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next business day." The appeal form was submitted to the Department of Community Development within the required time parameters. On October 27,1997, the Planning & Environmental Commission passed a motion (by a vote of 4-1-1 , with Uselton opposed and Bishop recused) that the request tor a conditional use permit, to operate a Bed & Break{ast operation, be approveo. On November 4,1997, the appeal form was filed with the Department of Community. NATUHE OF THE APPEAL The nature of the appeal is described in the appellant's statement, attached as Exhibit A. The staff memorandum to the Planning & Environmental Commission, dated October 27, 1997 is attached. The draft minutes from that hearino are also attached. REQUIRED ACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify the Planning & Environmental Commission's decision. According to Section 18.66.030 D, 5 - Findings, "the Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met." STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning & Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a Bed & Breakfast. Staff further recommends that the Town Council make the following findings: vt. 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. F:\EVEBYONE\COUNCIL\MEMOSWI LLEB.D02 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: October27,1997 SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permil, to allow for a Bed and Breakfast operation, located al 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Applicant: William MillerPlanner: Lauren Waterton I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Will Miller, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast operation at 1477 Aspen Grove Lane. Section 18.58.310 of the Vail Municipal Code (Bed and Breakfast Operations) defines a Bed and Breakfast as: "A business which accommodates guests in a dwelling unit in which the Bed and Breakfast proprietor lives on the premises and is in residence during the Bed and Breakfast use. A Bed and Breakfast operation may short-term rent separately up to three bedrooms or a maximum square footage of 900 sq. ft. of the dwelling unit. Bed and Breakfast operations shall only be permitted to accommodate a family as defined in Section 18.04.110." The property is zoned Single Family Residential and has a single family residence, with a Type I Employee Housing Unit. The applicant is proposing to use three bedrooms of the main unit, totaling 878 square feet, for the Bed and Breakfast operation. Additionally, two unenclosed parking spaces will be available for the guests. II. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Bed and Breakfast Operations Criteria - Bed and Breakfast operations shall be subject to the followinq requirements: 1. Off-street designated parking shall be required as follows: one space for the owner/proprietor, plus one space for the first bedroom rented, plus one half space foreach additional bedroom rented. The parking requirement for this property is two spaces for the EHU, three spaces for the main unit and two spaces for the Bed and Breakfast operation, fora total of 7 spaces. The applicant has two enclosed parking spaces, plus five unenclosed parking spaces, totaling seven parking spaces. Therefore, the parking requirement for this property has been meL 2. Enclosed trash facilities and regular garbage removal service shall be provided. The applicant is proposing to keep all trash in the garage and will have weekly pick-up by BFl. 3. Removal of landscaping for the provision of additional parking is strongly discouraged. No landscaping will be removed as a part of this application. 4. Each Bed and BreaKast shall be allowed one residential nameplate sign as defined and regulated by the Town Sign Gode. The applicant has not proposed a residential nameplate sign. 5. lf a Bed and Breakfast operation shall use property or facilities owned in common or jointly with other property owners such as parking spaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivision, by way of example and not limitation, the written approval of the other property owner, owners, or applicable owne/s association shall be required to be submitted with the application for a Conditional Use Permit. The property is zoned Single Family Residential and contains a single family residence with a Type I EHU, therefore, this criteria is not applicable. Gonditional Use Permit Criteria Upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Use Permits, the Community Developmeni Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A, Gonsideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town, Bed and Breakfast operations are listed as uses that Conditional Use Permits may be applied for in 15 ol lhe 22 zone districts within the Town of Vail, including all of the residential zone districts. The Vail Land Use Plan has numerous goals, which arliculate the Town's desire to improve our role as a leading destination resort, including promoting the creation of accommodation units. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed Bed and Breakfast use will not have a negative effect on any of the criteria listed above. Guests of the Miller Bed and Breakfast will likely arrive via their own vehicle, a rental vehicle, or by airport shuttle van. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas, Staff believes lhat the proposed Bed and Breakfast operation will not have a negative effect on the above referenced criteria. All parking will be provided on-site. Staff believes that the B&B will not add significant traffic to this street. Effect upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes this use will have little impact on the character of the neighborhood. The Bed and Breakfast operation will not enlarge the existing structure, or change it in any way. There may be an increase in the number of parked cars on the site, but staff believes that there will be little effecl upon the character of the area. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or malerially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 2. 3. 4. z. 3. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the applicant's requesl for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a Bed and Breakfast subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit seclion of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would nol be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of ihe zoning code. --\-\-=\r;,i.z1-\4[.H-ll .-'= I I I i I i(:q\i r rli l---\- ..4;/ErE<w7re(*<,e) qti:j*J" r "- iffi 4 PlVAnuYl Lilr* Gto'ts -F/re t/1>R+vT a-r,y?:#!zE, N o N 4 a o N I IU IUI TO:Town of Vail Office of Comnunity Developnent October, 24, 1997 Lauren Waterton, Planner, We, the residents of Aspen Grove Lane, are opposed to any form of Bed & Breakfast operation going in on the property of WilliamMiller at 1477 Aspen Grove Lane. This block is zoned single family and we want to preserve the single family environment, A Bed &Breakfast on this privately owned street would completely opposethis concept. We also question the feasibility of running ahospitality business off a private road. This road is privately owned by our Homeowners Association, TheAssociation pays for all maintenance and carries liabilityinsurance. We do not want any added liability of Bed & Breakfastguests. A business of this type would cause extra traffic on a road where many children play and ride bicycles in the summer and play in the winter. For these reasons we only want single family statusin keeping with the rest of the neighborhood. After discussing this proposal with the residents of Aspen GroveLane, we do have a majority in strong opposition to thisapplication. Aspen Grove Lionsridge Homeowners Lane Subdivision Filing #4 Association s ident o beiroPedro LuJz Ri LOlzsl97 Irlrg. Anaa Fitz !!bs Pcudenblal vallr co Dcar Atrn€ P1€48€ aEk from thiE Dlany rha:rtss for your nobs-on gl€ wiLl Miller Dlen' r have been lrsariug all aloag iin conatruction perj"od Irt"t rt. PLa:ilrsd to do Just tbat Althougb I tead bo agrae witb you that a- ?tpt and na:os €ty1e Eed-and-B"i"ftfl"e sbould not be a bis nuj'esncer wha! we rrave rreieJe pfannqd hotsl' nou a farnilv looking f,or weYo of aubslstenc'' You can EoJ-I Ton sughs E'h8t I strongly opposo thg Bed arrd Breakfast i'dtoa' It jusE strikee ms aE <levious tbe way this ggntr;; iE trying co obtain tbe pe::mic ' gad be gone to Ehe franii."n -"os'*ig"l'oa with Ehe project beforghend, ghoy s€rbainly vrould have denended a costller coast;;ction, geared to tb'arE end-uge' one probable socu tos..lttt""t coul'd' ba a LoE rnore parklnE sgeoe, as the tane {s pri'vate and be canrloc e'{Dect Eo go lV uEj.ng Lt f,or Parking" 1rom uo congacE ne if he ueeds anytshing else end. sle wiLl nsnt bs ln VaiX Noverober 26 to December 17r and X.ooh f,onrard. to g"tui;g togetber with ?ou and 'Jatnag ' wo:rn"t'\cgrardr \ asJ Phon 55 e-rnaLl; -?951.-1tr21t prGuo1 .com.br Fa:r ?961'05391 o O Ccl rqr rq?7- *ilart ,Krrl lee. \+fleD''\ro \, Lrcegcl l$xju\eN U stL H le"r*N,NJ Qor-tslrSrcN D:ee kcr==ss-, ttr>t- ux&tra*f..:) \)-s+ [Frt\ N"r. \\tra lno-= (p-hf.or-\=D {a ccN - \)"q!- \n,-= VroNrL- oN Os p€r.\ Gre-sr\t= \.-+*a \- a -B + R, t$a toRE- Srlr lurnrg Iq \'-,.out VeasENri\ a I t$crq eqP:d Gcoot }.-or-s*- . Llt:rt e6Arc#slesl,,-n).s\y \* +h.a- txlstr,\oN 5;7 H t\ krste\tt l 6fit-^-u{.oN Dr\ ou8 Stfse\= dA FetucCz \-"M?s, ' -..' ,* r>/T{^t4tn q Vou 6. eoN: Ld)tnu^qI I ^^-,',.-.r,\^1 I eUrR CbtLL+rCA-l , SL*u-\el \N -Uq_els silsl SENT BY:Io0-24-97 rl2:05Ff{; BC lADv DIONALD & NANCY NEMEY l17I Aspcn Gmw Lane Ysil CO E1657 Octobcr Z, 1997 97M792452r# ll LIS0RS-o Fut:97O479-2452 Ms. Lauscn Watcrton Tovmof Vail Pluming Commission Vail, Colomdo Re: Proposed RvJ urd Brcakfast | 4Zl AsJnn.(hoye Lime ., Dear Ms. Watsrton: As owncrs of l47l Aspcn Grovc lang we are strulgly opporod to the proposcd establishmcnt of a bcd and breakfast as proposcd ry Wiil Miller for I 477 Aspen Gruve Lanc. Our opposition is based on tlrc followirg: l. Aspcn Grovc Lanc is a privetc r:oed in an crclurivc r'ccidentirl rrcr. Thc prc$cncc of a rcrail commercial cntcrprisc will ncg.ttively impact Ore quality of lilb lbr orr family, - it will inc,rcasc trafFc, - it will cr€ats a parking lot, - it will bavc signagc and lighting not suited to the road, - il will athact vendon, prospcctive customcrs and others not suited to a tolally rcsidcntid sfeEt 2. It will nsgativcly affcct thc rrcrl crtric vrluc of oru p'mperty. 3. 11 will sct a prrccdcnsc for thc cntirc Buffcr Crwk Road area lbr possiblc other relail/commcrsial businesses. The Buffer Crcck Road area is an oa$is fromthc rampant commercialization otthe Vail Valley. 'firat was an impartant factor in tbc purchase of our homc in Scptcmb€r, 1996- 4, Our Lion*idgc Subdivision lding #4 lloneowncrr Ascocirtior is oppccd. Wc hopc tlut thc 'l OV Planning Board wiil totdly rnjoct thir rpplicrtion . Furthor, nrc would urye thc development of longer tcrm zoning and planning policies that would enhancc thc Suatity of lifc in thc Vail Valley. Sincrxcly,qil'\r"*+<% ocr ?3 ,E7 13:s4 S5/ARE TOi F'ROM: DAIE: As the owner of the above propcrty on Lot l,I wish to state my opposition to liricnsc bcing given for a bed and breakfast. The following issucs causc me@n@rn: L Thc sEeet is agivate stret owncd by the Lions Ridge Home Oumers Association. 2. The street is not maiatainod by the Tourn of Vail, but thmugh thc Home Owncrs Association. 3. Insurance covenge on the sheet is assessed to the home owncrs. I feel this coverage should not bc changed or modified to cover such business. 4. I also have concerns about increased road traffic. and noise associated with zuch establisbments. P,t/1, RE; ME M O RANDUM Town of Yeil Plennlng Dcarrtmcnt Bnrce Kiag Orrncr of rcsidence rt l{81 Aspen Grove Lane Lor I, Blocl2, Lionr Ridge Sub, Filing 4 Applicetion for e bed and brcnldrrt et l4T7 Aspa Grovc Lrnc Lot 3, Block 2, Lionr Rtdge Sub., X'iling 4 October2!1,19f7 970/845-5819 (Offioc) 9701+7G4630 (Ilome) 0ct,24, 1997 {:30Pl{ A uU'E TTA.LIF/ 'AFITSO{F |mUJqTO txrtElJOl L cofoi^T|onS Sf,I(IIARDYBAC0N No, 8B4l P. Z/3 rrt6^3 cnY, FlolJil t....rfilox. rE a avtio{ trol o.c uxFoi, ag.axoXfc't nrr:li-r5 J. E$pt E &trl (LAW OFFICES SHooKHanovs.BAcoNu,p 'IO CORPCNATE IUooDS E'OI NDIII{ CREEX PARKYUAY POST GFCE BOX25T2C OVBlltrF P RI( l(^ 3 3 0ill1i5123 TELEftOt{E O10l15rdt00 r FACSIULE Ol3r a5r{070 OstobErz4,1997 Dear Vail Planning Corumission Boanl: We are rcsidcots at 14808 Aspen Grora Lano and wish to cxprcss oru desirc to NOjI alls$t the ovmer to be a Bed & Brerkfrst to do so. It appearcd this susrmcr many visitms scsmed to be there, md I wonilcred thcn if tbc owner rvaa operating a Bed & Breakfast decpite neighbon' wishes and city pemdts or appoval. t#e really havc bccn urhappy with thc housc and ib owns sincc ib cornplction We do not feol it meets thc highcr standads of tho homes on oru sbpEt or tho sntire srea To imaginc it as a Bcd & Breal&st is worse wen yti. We prchased our home in the Spring of 1993; the main appeal for thc pw,c,hase was the secluded location and lack of commercial dwelopment. Wc fclt Aryco Grove Lane was areal fmq at that timg and hope it will rcmain tbat way in the near aod distant fuhu€. I{aving a Bed & Breakftst on our strcet woild incrcase the uaffic at dl hours. At eome point sfieot puking would bc necdcd, qrd thc stests ue uot desigrerl for that pwpose. At thc vcry least it could cause traffic problems for thoso gctting to aud from their homes. If this owner is allowed to oiperate a Bed & Brcaldast, whd is to kccp othcrq cithcr now s latcr, tom doing thc same? Soon we'll be hown as Bed & Breakfasr Lane instead of Aspen Grove l,arre. As far as I lnow nonc ofths hom€s on that sbeet rent oul their homes; I know no one does in Aspen Grovc Townlromes. Ifwe all cboose to not make ofia nronry fiom our homoe, then why would we want someonc olso to profit fi,on rentiqg? We wieh the ahtoephere of ow sh€€t to continue as a sccludcd rcsidcntid arca and fcel rdding a Bed & Brcakfast will not mahtain ow peaceful, resideotid cnvironment. Please stronglyconsiderthe vie$s ofresidrntswho will bc diroctlyimpacted by tbc dccisifi- Wasn't all of this prwiously discuss€d at thc time of constuction wheo the Bread & Brcaldast conccpt was ovawhclmingly vetood by rcidcorc? It was our imprcssion that thi6 had alrrcady bccn voted down How ftequeotly will this be rcconsialerEd? Ca.u we bc sssucd that we will bc notificd ifit is reconsidercd again? 0ct, 2{, 1997 4:31P}{ f t sf,fiHARDYBAcor{ ry'ail plnning Commission Board Mober?4,lWI Ptge2 SHoorc tlanwe BncrcN u.p Vy'e would apgrcciuc bcing kept appriscd of any frrtrue considerations in this teganl' You may contact us al our Kansas City phones: (913) 492-9683 or (913) 451-6060, cxl 86036. J. Eugene Bdloun No. 8841 P. 3/3 qul,rr: Cati iirc i'iaii:iiti5 S;iii:.i 479-2::ij APPLICATI ON FOR PI,ANNIN G AI\{D trNViRONM ENTAL CONIIVIISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by thc Planning and Enlironmcntal Commission. For spccific informati on, scc rhc submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until atl rcquircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may a.lso nccd to bc rcricwcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Dcsien Rcvicw Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Addinonal GRFA (250) g Bcdand Brcakfast tr Conditional Usc Pcnnit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rczoning tr Sign Vanancc tr Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amcndrncnt DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:')_,'/ i7 !, ',') TOlli/N OF VAIL B. tr tr tr tr tr tr Anrcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvelopnrcnt Plan Enrploycc Housing Unit (Typc: -) Major or E Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration (VailViilagc) Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Major or tr Minor Anrcndnrent to an SDD / t2. "4 c.LOCATION 3 El r n i/rt'FILING D. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: 1' ? / /U, ,1, )vr.t /-,-zr"c.( &) PHoNE: q 76 '/ 7l L F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): c.NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE : MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: FEE. SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRiATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRE]\IENTS AND THE FEB TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOPNIENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. For Office Use Onl]': Fccpaid: 7oo' cw: hUC ay,LI,AF Apptication ox", I lM l4'l PEC Mectine Datc: 2 H, BUILDINC NAME: Rcviscd 6/96 \ L- \ )', \\i.i \ i\. \l \\ \l'r\il\rf ) \\ rivi-\ . r\\$i{\\\ i\N,'..,|r'-:\Si .\ N\wt\tu\'l tv \, .\.i $.\'\ ,} \\ ,\) \ \ -'N\ { \ \\ \\L siJ "\S \ ${ \t'\''{i"''l .i n i s \"S,iI I i rQ''\l \ ! \\\\\\,,\\"'-*l-r\\$N*\ .: S t\ \ \ ):r!'l r\ v L ,: i-( \,._ t- -1. \\ \ a9Cal ac aat o,c(, ao !a C IO i',i !s ! qEti ,. t:!.iir;l liriii ;; -;-:= 5: i E:.iii;i;= ,:!:;!! rii= giEiE;l; : E;:::;:i; g1"t.::;* iEr:, !i:.;ri. i: I illhilli iiiii'i,:iiii iiiltiE: i tE r:",:il' z . E -:::: i; r ,is , !;i:iiiii: iii:iii; ii:;ii i*;il!:;^.- .r. .{^r>aCaaizz si E;;:*=;ii ;liiEi;i Eitili ;i::i;!::Ei;E 3;."s;!i;!3i €i-t;:it= = a3 .J' ,) ,l'c := 2 u ! o!!:. 3: i :i : :: iii:H: i:'i; i;l: ii:::i; Ei;:: E;: ;ii:iiii:ii!;tt:!geti: r!i3! 'lri.Ei:F: i::!! r;l:Esi5I.:9 .15:l il; o!!ltart:O -(+.o:ltlaar.c!loO c o- d(, !-alro.,vCrtllro l-arOaI t4I attrt|t a-, I E-{t o<.Oal.:> I to '9C+.tBOJc.tal-.tc -&lo ., l.r c lo!A l.( ot.J ( G-t<lta:ta, I ,4.f(,I}^a I.\o I aa,a'l.ll,.l.Totclal. ola.rl( al-Ial Itql 1.. a.1. t!rt,r?, rl ra.l !4, c.JO a E9 Fq z.o a- I J t-,I CI at !!:EArI C| o1 zo F (, 8! !aaa E atI.o,az !JaaJ>.4 r5aa (t -I('tt c:lIIor| F(, 3l. I(, Ia !iIo o oj oBTNPAIPO, O, a27, !27SCO, 75, 0, 75, 0wu10A t-o t | ,o /lpErER KvLE d. l_o f Z [3 ( /. 'Z i::'i ( 1 ;,1 4 BOX 2651 VAIL, CO 81658 THOMASJ&DIANELHUGHES , / tl ,-'tJ 1-.t' tt 1475 ASPEN GRovE LANE E ,Lo'f t( lJ l/<- L h r ( t un .-i -r VAIL, CO 81657 ASPENGROVETOWNHOMES- tnL-/ /F@- 5/23 E fl'*'($4fua >/'ecrv@ E^u-o urtod', c0 Forr r 4-t*- 5,{n/ THE RIDGE @ VAIL HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 1460 RIDGE LANE VAIL, CO 81657 \,il ,S,o1l ti,t r^\ r. 1, :( N, F(c,ul^1<- L+ zL(z- A "no * S F,-"1 Vul ,CO s(bs4 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannino and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance rry-ith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 27,1997, at 2:00 P.M, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A requesl for approval of a major exterior alteration, to allow for lhe construction o[ a new entry and common area in the Treetops I building, located al 452 E. Lionshead Circleilot 6, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Treetops Condo Association, represented by Larry Barnes Planner : Dominic Mauriello To approve, deny, or modify an environmental impact report for the proposed Booth Falls Townhomes rock fall mitigation wall, located al 3094 Booth Falls Court/Lot I, Block 2, Vail Village 121h. This wall, as proposed, will be 12 feet high and 320 feet long. Another wall to the west will be approximately 70 feet long. For more information contact Russell Forrest at 479- 2146. Applicant: Booth Falls Condo Association Plan ncr: Russ Forrcst A reqttest for approval of a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance, to allow for thc rerrovation of lhe exterior and irnprovernents to the property known as The Golden Bear, located at 935 S. Frontage Road, #302i Lots A&8, Block 5A, Vail Vrllage First Filing. Applicant: C. Lee Kirsch, represented by Frederick W. DietrichPlanner: George Ruther A req uesl lor a nrajor exterior alteration and a variance f rom Section 18.26.070 (Setbacks), to allow for construclion of a parking garage at The Lionshead Inn, located at 705 S. Frontage Rd./ Lot 1, Blocl< 2, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicani. Lionshead lnn LLC, represented by Williarn PiercePlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, localed al 1 150 Westhaven LaneiLots 39-1& 39- 2. Glen Lvon Subdivision Applicant: Planner: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane Larson Dominic Mauriello A request lor an amendment to Sectiorr 18.54.050 J (Desigrr Guidelines - outdoor lighling), to allow for the exemption of low waltage lighting from the ouldoor lighting regulations. Applicant: Roy & Paula May, represented by Dale Smjth/ Fritzlen,Pierce, BrinerPlanner: Lauren Waterton )'L ( 1''. \ l'.-..1 ,r 1 r0rit 0f [rl[ L!' A request lor a conditional use permit, to allow for a bed and breaklast operation, located at 1477 Aspen Grove/Lol 3, Block 2, Liortsridge 4lh Filing. !ftpplicant: William H. MillerAlanner: Lauren Waterton I A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a revision to the deveiopment plan ior the Glen Lyon Oflice Building sile, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd. WesVLot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen l-yon Oflice Building Partnership, represented by Gordon Pierce, AIA Planner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available lor public_inspection.during reguldr'office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notif ication. Please call 479' 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Comrrunity Developrnent Deparltnent Published october 10. 1997 in lhe vail Trail. TITLE GUARANTEE COMP CUSTOMER DISTRlBUTION our order No.: v257517 o ANY a LAND NIay 27 , 1997 Property Address r LOT 3 BLK 2 I.,IONSRIDGE FLG 4 WILLIAM H. MILLER III CALL WHEN READY Attn: 47 6-249A Copies: 1 YOUR I,AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONTACTS May 27 , 1-997 Buyer/Borrower: Seller/owner: Property Address: Our Order No.: V257517 WILLIAM H. M]LLER, ITI LOT 3 BLK 2 L]ONSRIDGE FLG 4 If you have any inquiries or require further assisLance, please contacE one of the numbers listed below: For Closing Assistance: For Titfe Assistance: JILL WELLS 108 S. FRONTAGE RD W. Phone: VAIL,, CO 8165I Fax: Phone: 970 476-2251' Fax: 970 475-4534 ******************************************************************* NOTE: ONCE AN ORIGINAL COMMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED, ANY SUBSEQUENT CHANGES WILL BE EMPIIASIZED BY UNDERLINING. *********************************************tr********************* THANK YOU FOR YOI]R ORDER! {:}:1': - .l! ;,tr.:.. ommitment To Insure ALTA Commitment - 1970 Rev. igj 0Lt] BEPUBtIC NATI0NAL TITLE INSUfANCE C0MPANY, a Minnesola c0rpomtion, herein called the Company, lor a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue rts porcy or po|cies of title rnsumnce, as identlied rn Schedule A, rn favor of the proposed Inslred named n Schedule A, as Own€f 0T mongaqee ol the eslale or nterest covered her€by n the land descrbed or refened to in Schedlle A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subj€ct t0 the provistons of Schedule A and B and to rhe Conditons and Stioulaions hereof This Commhmenr shall be €ffeclive cny when the idenriq of rhe proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies commirred for have been insened rn Schedule A hereof by rhe Company, either at the 1me 0f the tssuance of lhis Commitment or bv subseouent endorsem"nt. This Commhmenr is preimnary to the issuance of such poicy or policies of trtl€ insu6nce and al ltability and 0bligations hereunder shal cease and termrnate six monlhs after the effective date her€of or when the oolcy or 0oltcies commilted lot shal issu", whichever iirst occun, provided that the faiure to ssue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDIT ONS AND STIPULAT1ONS L Th€ term "m0dgage", when used h€rein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or 0lher securily instrument. 2. lf the prcposed Insured has 0r€Dquir€s acrual knowledqe of any defect len, encumbrance, adverse claim or other maner affect ng rhe esrre or interesr or mongaqe rherc0n covered by this C0mrnilmenl other than those shown in Schedrle I hereol, and shall fail 10 disclose such knowledge t0 the C6mpany rn wnting, rhe Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resrlting from any act of reliance hereon 1o the exent the Company rs pteludiced by failure of the prcposed lnsured to so dsclose such knowledge. lf the proposed lnsrred shal disclose srch knowledge tc fie Company, or if lhe Company olherurse acqures aclua knowledge of any such d€fect, li€n. encrmbrance, adverse claim or olher matler, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B 0f ths Commtm€nt accotdtngly. but such amendmenr shall not relieve the Company lrom liability previousy ncuned pursuanr l0 paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Slipulalrons. 3. tiabilty of the Company under rhis Commitmenl shall be only to the named ptoposed lnsured and such pani€s incIded under comply with the rBqurremenls hereof or {b) ro eiminate €xcBplons shown rn Srhedule 8, 0r (cl t0 acquire or create the estate or inlerest or mortgage thereon covered by thrs Commrtmenr. In no event shall such liabilrty exceed the amount stated n Schedue A for rhe policy or policies committed ior and such hablity is subject t0 $e insutng provisions and the Condrions and Stiprlations and the Erclusions from Coverage ol the lorm of polcy or policies committed for in lavor oi the proposed Insured which ate hereby inc0rp0rared by reference and made a pan of this Commitment exc€pl as expressly modilaed herein 4. Any acrion or acrions or nghts of acron $ar rhe proposed Insured may have or may brng against the Company ansing out of the status of ftE trtle l0 fie eslale 0r nleresl or the starus of the mongage thereon covered by this Cornmitmenl mrst be based on and are subject lo the provisions of Ihrs Iommrtment. STANDARD EXCTPTIONS In addiuon ro lhe maners conuined in rhe Cond]l]cns and Stipulations and IxcIsions frcm Coverage above refened to. th s Commrtment is also subject t0 the following, 1. frghts or claims 0f pani€s in possesson not shown by lhe public rec0rds. 2. Easements, or clarms of easements, n0t shown bv the 0ublic records 3. 0iscrepanc es, conilcrs in borndary ines, shonage n area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the prcmises would drsclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any hen or nght lo a ien, lor services, labor or malera thercrofore 0f herealter futnished, imposed by aw and not shown by the public records 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances. adverse cams 0r 0ther malters, if any, rreated, first appearing in the plblic records Commnmenl. lN WITNESS WIERE0F. 0d Bepublc National Tte Instrance Company has caused its corporate name and seal lo be hereunro affrxed by irs duly aurhorned oficers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when ccrntersigned by a vahdaung offic€r 0r oth"r authonzed stgnatory Authorued Signatory ORT Form 2582 OTD REPUETIC 1{ATIOI{AL TITTE II{SURAIICE COMPAI{Y A Stack Conpany 400 Sec1nd Avenue Sauth. Mrnneapolts, Mtnnerata 55401 i6 t2 ) 3// tl 8y Seuetary to68-7ez \tOE) XVI / 6868-ttz {eoe) |'0918 oc uollcunf puer9 ozt altns ls qlg N 9zz NOu.CNnr ONVU9 6806-r.rz (eoe) xvl 0989-ZrZ (00€) loe L8 oc 'o6ueJnc ulEl l ! lzL o9NVHnO 06e0-z9z (00€) xvl / e88!-z9z (eoe) 9et08 0c 'uo lo 9 olrns ls u Pnl get 88Zt xog 'od HCNVH€ NO'lllO rr09-e9r (e0€) xvr / 99zz-e9r (€0e) nznoS oc 'aDpuu€)icarE a6pru quoN OOZ 08zz xoE o'd 390tHN3)C38S srN30v r€9r-91r (€0e) xvr / tgzz-g| \E]t) 89918 0C tlPA /9e xog oil eoz eltns 'M pu soPuorl s 80 I'ltv z t0 t- t?s xvl / 006t-tt8 teL08 oc )alred 0 L ! altns ' pH roued s tt80 | 83)HVd t81t-9t6 (e0e) xvl 0 L9Z-916 (eoe) zo9!8 oc s6uuds pooMuatg z0tz xo8 0d z0L alrns a^v opeJotoc 118 s0NrSds ooori\Nf]0 06 re-reg (6 rz) xvl t I Lt-g6s lcerto i Lzsn-nEg l.6Lt-) eo6o8 oc 's6uuds opelotoc OO I eInS 'uolel S Z0 L s0NtBds oovuo'loc et r0-889 xvJ / 09e9-889 t0t08 oc ')pou e[sPc xoc rM z L9 )cou t'lrsvc t,l6Lann xv! | tolr-ntn zoe08 oc 'roplnoE ot L allns ' p^lg uo(uec gztrz H30tno8 z0t0-er8 xvl | /E8z-n69 1e208 oc !a uac 092 €lrns 'elluraso^ s 009e 3J.tvl|fsoA tzeS-086 xvi / 0998-886 90208 oc poo,l\elPl I t L ot ns 'qlror\speM-s 609€ rs3,t\Hrnos zz9 t'0e? xvl I t9e6-zzt 0e00s oc lelsurtulsaM 00t alrns ueleH L016 HIHON z9z0- r99 (e00) xvl / 1020-t99 (eoE) L2008 oc allr^srnol 'ts turaqc M 068 f 'l'ltAstno'l 9962-8tZ XVt I llltzez 91208 oc pooMolEl 000 olrns '6ur dry 0 t1 NOSU3lJ3f ee L9-69e XVJ / ezzt-o9t lez08 oc 'la^uao 0ot euns 'u€pduEH M88 Ntodti'lvH z99e-z8z (00e) xvl / 6190-z8z (€08) 92908 OC surloc ll IEl'^r1red yjf 009e sNtl'loc J,J 9Z9r- ILL XV! t6e9r-llL t t l08 o3 'poo,^,\al6uf e0t eltns ueare sralpprl s 00t9 N33UC SH3'rOOll 0t06-062 xvl / 9696-012 t I to8 oc 'pooM3t6u3 oot €lrns 'IeM esnJerls os Lt09 0OO/rA3'lCNl 6992'9tL XV) IgEE -LgL t[008 oc Prornv 90t eltns'pE ralired s 00e€ J-SV3 2089-n6L XVt I L0t9-n6L 02108 oc uolanlrl 06t €llns alcr 3 )jaarc ^rc M 9z )33HC AHO erzg-926 (eoe) xvl / 819 r-926 (006) t t9t8 OC uaosv '6p19 ezel3 uedsy z0L olrns surlooH I €09 N3dSV 99e f-ezt xvi I wza ozr 20008 oc epP^rv 002 alrns p€oH p]EM 0tt9 vov Hv t f98-0tz xv3 I t6z9'on1 Zt tog OC 'poo^ 6l6uf 09t alns ''pE aoqPderv f 0011 30HVdVUV 0091-ize xvi / o88r'rzE 11208 OC ra^uoc 0tt9 xog od 90208 oc )a^uac 009 olrns ' o^v lsrl lsel €eoe SCHIO :lvIOH ANVdyIOC 33INVUVN93]III ONV] t9?z 9tr€0e /9918 oQVUO]OC ]V 190 XOfl 0 o A10VO8 3gV.INOUJ H.[noS 80r ANVdnOC Sll.NVHVnC :nl[ ONVI Jo aeuJo arll q'norrlt panssl + ^uEdruoC ocuernsul ollll lEuolteN i irlllllllllllllllll oJnsul oI luaul!ruruo3 SITgndgU OTO ** fo OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # v2575I7 For Information OnLY LOT 3 BI-,'K 2 LTONSRIDGE FLG 4 - Charges - ALrA owne'_F?ti;{ol _ - E1i3:33 (RErssuE RArE) *** THJS IS NOT AN INVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OI]R ORDER NO. V257517 *** l-. Ef fective Date: May 01-, L997 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: t'ALTA't Owner's Policy r.O-1-'7 -92 Proposed Insured: WILLIAM H. MILLER, III 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. TiEIe to the estate or interesE covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: WILLIAM H. MILLER, III 5. The land referred to in this CommicmenE is described as follows: LOT 3, BLOCK 2, LIONS RIDGE SI]BDIVISION, FIT'ING NO' 4 ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COI]NTY OF EAGI-,E, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1- o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B- ]. (Requirements) Our Order # v2576L7 The following are the requiremenLs to be complied with: 1. PaymenL to or for the account of Lhe grantors or mortgagors of the fulI consideration for the esEate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper insErument(s) creating the estate or interesc to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. BVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROV]SIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUA}IT HERETO. THE COT'NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! .HAU.tr Z o AtTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (ExcePtions) Our Order # v25751'7 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to Ehe following- unleis the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l-. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheec. 6. Taxes and assessmenEs not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office- 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessmencs against said land. 8. L.,iens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. g. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AI.TTHORTTY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATE}i:f RECORDED JTIIY 27 I L979 'IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 886. 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTTONS, rF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, oR NATIONAL ORrcIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Septernlcer 20, L972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AI,IENDED IN INSTRUMEIiI| RECORDED SEPTEMbET 29, 1-972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRIJME}i:T RECORDED JANUATY 22, A974, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53. 1-1-. FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMBNT ALONG THE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINES, AS RESERVED ON THE LION'S RIDGE SUBDIV]STON FILING NO. 2, PLAT. 12. AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COMPANY AND MOT'}TTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, L973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE, 291. 13. RIGHT OF WAY FOR AN EXISTING ROAD, BEING FORTY FEET IN WIDTH, LYTNG EQUALLY ON EACH SIDE OF THE CE}i:|ERLINE, OVER AND ACROSS LOTS 20 AND 21-, SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRfNCIPAI-, MERIDIAN, COLORADO, AS HAS BEEN GRANTED TO THE EAGLE COT'NTY BOARD OF COMISSIONERS, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO UNDER RIGHT OF WAY GRANT COLORADO L4434, AS PROVIDED FOR ITNDER THE AcT oF OCTOBER 13, 1-964 (78 STAT. 1089, !6 V.S.C. 532-538) AS SET FORTH IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 27, L979 IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 886. 14. TERMS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED MARCH 18, 1980 IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 290. 15. RESTRICT]VE COVENANTS WI{ICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REI-,IGION, OR NATIONAL oRIGIN, AS CONTAINED TN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JU1Y 01, 1985, IN BOOK 418 AT PAGE 738. PAGE 3 o ALTA COMMTTMENT SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # v2576I7 ]-6. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROV]SIONS OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT RECORDED August 01-, l-980 IN BOOK 306 AT PAGE 412. 17. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC EASEMENTS AND ACCESS EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4. ].8. EASEMENTS AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBTITION PURPOSES AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCTATION, INC., IN INSTRI]MENT,.- RECORDED AUGUST 1-4, 1980 IN BOOK 306 AT PAGE 899. 19. ELECTR]C EASEMENT IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SUB.JECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF- LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVIS]ON FILING NO. 4. 20. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBD]VISION FII.,ING NO. 4 . 2l-. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF L,ETTER RECORDED May 26, 1988 IN BOOK 484 AT PAGE 603. 22. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TYPE IT EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RECORDED August 09, 1995 IN BOOK 573 AT PAGE 363. 23. A DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY ]-3, !996 FROM WILLIAM H. MILLER, III TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGTE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAII-, TO SECURE THE SIJIVI OF $498,146.25, AND ANY OTHER AMOI'NTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED May 20 , L996, IN BOOK 694 AT PAGE 859. 24. A DEED OF TRUST DATED May 3l-, 1995 FROM WILLIAM H. MII-,LER, III TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF S]-OO,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER AMOIJNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED J:uIy 22, L996, IN BOOK 700 AT PAGE 333. PAGE 4 oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEME}i'T Required bY Senate Bill 9L-l-4 A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer or Ehe County Treasurer's authorized agent. c) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districEs may be obtained from the Board of county Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shal1 be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. iJ:_to.-EiEs:Y:E;E-IinaE il: i; r $;i:€€ :"e;!€? '!3Ec9 3! ssEg € i;E* : gH 3'.rI Eg€aE;tr E E A E.F l'r slrFld\ N\J'i rui5l :1 FI ;l P.rlol F Fl =l € e =ao s ryH{I T H FI F1hl T C = : i .9 U o. F I .,J 6t o Itr] 01pq I o7 .= a a- z'= E 14 o- i I I arq H I4 14 FI E 1 7. tl.l tt.'] a1 oF -arH Yl-*<>xQ,,,u ?zzr{r<<3iz Ya\i-z"v:<i *.hfszrr- xa\ kJ \-,/ (./\ -- \JsIzzoAIt -\ -: <<=lr.,i F- --,ca ?: ao I <zr r.oI z f- *9s*2.-r--<Yp;<l=zF'!;Z^=3::?=*5 -'1.--J Stot J 4 \-)t>l'7---j \ \J \/ *-i;cz ,': :! t,^\-:-.\-!uil:-Ztr.-:(-.;F'.1 a' :-.u=x*,,.FY*;*5*i* li -'. :t 't-a -6. {-f!r tt O. FP tfr -a r,f-lra H F{r|-aF fH sv ;--aFl -?-arL{|e -rFaJi-l F)ar+d *fq?-l{H .F,'v tt-. l{ A.+rt ELf.aJ r+-a .lJtFfhA. b,l\/ t,f ,,,_-\\:JJ\{t\ -+' \ -\' i\ h1l\(l -) ri t^ I r'4 r\ ) { f 9 o ; \ 1N. N\ Lr \Ni- cl\x \ (/-\ \ .8 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES T0W0F/lIlH *r**""*""=u" ,*o,rt ,orr,,i, *, ,g:-oogg 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partment of C ommunity D eve lopment Job Address Location. . . ParceL No.. Project No. 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN 2 10 3-014- 15 -0 0 3 PRJ95-0068 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED o4/26/rse5 05/te/tee5 7r /ts / tee5 APPL]CANT MILLER WILLIAM H III 641. w LIONSHEAD, VAIL CO OWNER MILLER WTLLIAM H III 641 W LIONSHEAD, VAIL CO Description: CoNSTRUCTTON OF NEW HOME W/EHU 816s7 816s7 Occupancy: R3 Single Farnily Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Val-uati-on:400,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 4566 Fi reptace Inforhation: Restricted: YES #0f Gas Appliances: 2 #0f Gas Logs:#Of t,ood/Pal. Let: ***#*******ffi *ft*****Jr***ff k****lr*rr*************tr** F EE SUllllARY Bui !d'i ng-----> PLan Check---> Investigation> tl i l, L CaL t----> 1 ,940.00 1 ,261 .6 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Rev i ew--> DRB Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----. Totat calculated Fees---> Addi tiona ( Fees---------> Tota I Permi t Fee--------> EALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING Division: nah+. FTPF'Divisi-on: Dept: PUB WORK Division: .00 200.o0 .00 500.00 3,904.00 3,904.OO .oo 3,904.00 3,904.00 **Jr'r#***Jr***ffi**'rH**ffiffi*#**t#**#*****t ffi******#**rrrrt****ff********Jrtl**#t**#**********t**ffi****i******** Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/lO/1995 CHUCK Action: APPRItem:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT05/75/1995 JIYI Action: APPRrtbm:' O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 95/19/!9_9_, GABI Action: APPR N/AItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS05/19/7995 SARY Action: APPR N/A ffi**rr**ff**#ffi**ffiffi**#******ff*Jrt#********************#***trk************#t********************ritlit******** See Page 2 of thj-s Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with the information and pl.ot pLan,to comPty with al'( Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH approved, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: IILL I'IILLER BY TELEPHONE.AT 479-?+3t'OR AT oUR OFFLTE FR0l4.8:00 A 5:00 pl'tz2'/fuL-/22-e'Z- SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER {p ^tn ttoou", Page 2**********************************************r.*********************** TOWN OF VAIL D6:omhErhtaffiMA99 as of 05/r9 /95 Depart$Uafi,€emmani@Jg,bpment**+ulledtha,EfdSFl*************************************************************** 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 Mytbt4/vwe2 NEw sFRApplicant-- Job AddressLocation--- ParceI No-- BU]LDING PERMIT WILLIAM H III Applied--: oa/26/1995 rssued--- | 05/79 /1995To Expire I LI/75/7995 MILLER 1477 ASPEN GROVE 2103-014-15-003 Description: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW HOME W/EHU ** ******** * * ** * * * * * ** ** ***** * * * * * ** * * * COnditiOnS * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * !k**** * * ** * * * * * * 1.THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 2. {P *"'"""*'* TOWN OF VAIL NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit #: 895_OO?9 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER D e p artme nt of C o mmunity D eve lo pment Job Address:Location...: Parce] No. . :Project No.: 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN 210 3-014-1s -0 0 3 PRJg5-0068 I SSUED 04/26/ree6 os /Le /ree5 rL / Ls /ree5 Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . MILLER WILL]AM H III 641 W LIONSHEAD/ VAIL MILLER WILLIAM H III 641_ W LIONSHEAD, VAIL tt-Lof/ d_Lo) / Paymen BALANCE DUE----- co co Valuation:14, 000 . 00 ****t**i(ffi***Jr**rrtit**ffiffi***ir**ff*****i.*ffi**l*ff FEE SUlltlARY **********t*ffi*tr*******ff*trt*ffirr**tr**tr*ff***ff***ir** E Iect r i ca [--->193 .00 TotaI Catcu lated Fees---> Additiona L Fees---------> TotaI Permi t Fee--------> Description: INSTALL ELEC IN NEW SFR oRB Fee Invest igat i on> l.,i l, L cal. t----> TOTAL FEES---> -00 3.00 196.00 196.00 .00 196.00 196.00 .00 **-,t***lt*Jrffi****ffiff**#*t*******lct*ict********'H(**tr****Jrt*************#***********tci*******)k******t i***********************i Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/lO/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR **ff****ir't'r't*'|J<*irl*'F*'|'t*****ffilr*******ff***'|'t***Jr***#(*ff(fi***fi***********rr****#********trt***tr*****#***tii***************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **##(ffi***ffi***ffi********rri.tff(**ff**lH(*i*r.*******tck*******i******************t***************************rct***tr******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknov[edge that I have read this appl,ication, fil.ted out in fuLI the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the inlormation provided as required is correct. t agree to compLy with the information and pl,ot pLan,to compty lrith al,l, Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the To!,n's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I,IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-?138 0R AT OUR oFFICE FRol,l 8:00 Atl 5:00 Pl4 $ *""'""o'*"* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PETMit #: P95-0057TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 APPL]CANT OWNER Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 W LIONSHEAD, VAIL MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 W LIONSHEAD, VAIL 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN 210 3-014 - l. s -0 0 3 PRJ95-0068 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . .00 TotaI catcutated Fees---) De partment of Community Development ISSUED o4/26/Lees 05/Le /tee5 7t /ts / tes5 Descr j-ption: INSTALL PLIIMBING IN SFR *******trtli*Jri****trH*ffitrliffi******t**#********* F EE 81657 816s7 Valuation:20, 000.00 SUl.|i'IARY ***ft ************ff ***trlik*****tr**i**ff(*****ffi tffi ******* co co P tumb i ng----> Ptan Check---> Invest igation> i L t ca l. [----> Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> TOTAL f EES----- 300. 00 75.00 .00 3. 00 578.00 l7E.O0 .00 378.00 AdditionaI Fees---------> Tota I Permi t Fee-------->> 178.00 Ile4ti .q51q0_EIIIIDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/IO/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, filted out in fult the information required, compteted an accurate plot plan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and ptot ptan, to conPty with al.l, Town ordinances and state [aws, and to build this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved/ Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the To|,n appIicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIlSELF AND OI,INER OR AT OUR Of FI {P *"n"""u"* oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit *: M95-0067 D e partme nt of C ommunity Deve lopme nt TOI/VN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: ParceL No.....:Proiect Number: LN14?7 ASPEN GROVE 2103-014-15-003 PRJ95-00 6I Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Exp j-res . . Valuation: I S SUED o4 /26 /less 05 /re /7ees1r/$/rees 816s 7 81657 . IN NEW SFR f i reDtace Information: Restricted:#of Gas App t i ances: *******lri*ffi***H#****#ff********irti:|*********ff *** FEE SUlll'IARY APPLICANT OWNER Description: INSTALL MECH tlechan i ca [---) P tan check---> Investigation> tli Lt Ca l. L----> MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 w LIONSHEAD, VAIL CO MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 w LIONSHEAD, VAIL CO 20,000.00 ,0t tlood/Pa L l, et:dof Gas Logs: TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> TotaL Permit tee--------> Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING Division: CONDTTION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowLedge that I have read this appl,ication, f itl,ed out in fuLl, the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that atI the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty Hith the information and ptot ptan,to conply uith aLt Toun ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this structure according to the Tor,/n's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FoR TNSPECTIONS SHALL EE fiAoE TtENTy-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE 8y AT 179-213E 0R AT oUR oFFICE FRol'l E:00 Al'l 5:00 PH-' 1->-- \ 400.00 '100.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Revi er--> ORB TOTAL F EES----- .00 .00 503.00 503.@ .00 503 .00 Ite.m: O5lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/19l1995 GARY Action: APPR It.e-m:. -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT05l19l1995 GARY Action: APPR SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OIINER {S *""ro-ruo 'f NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL BE POSTED PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL permit #: TlMES E9 5-007 9 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER Department of Community Development Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project. No.: Status. . . App1ied..Issued... Expires. . ISSUED o4/26/Lee6 05/te/LeestT/$/tee5 ].477 ASPEN GROVE LN 210 3-0 t_ 4- 15-0 0 3 PRJ95-0068 MILLER WILLIAM H III 64I W LIONSHEAD. VAIL MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 W LTONSHEAD, VAIL 816 57 8l- 657 FEE SUIII.IARY BALANCE DUE---- co Descript.ion: INSTALL ELEC IN NEVI SFR E Iect |i ca [--->193.00 DRB FeeInvestigation> .0O Ui (L CaIl,---->3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 196.00 Tota I catcutated Fees---) Additiona I Fees---------> lotaL Permit tee--------> Valuati-on:14, 000. 00 196.00 .00 196 .OO 196.00 .00 *#rtht*ff*#ff**ffiH**ff*#****:H*#ffi*ritr***ff****ff*ffiffiffi*ffiffi**ff*ffi*t#******#*rr*ffiffi** Dept: BUILDING Division:IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/70/1995 cHUcK Action: APPR *********ffitt*tr!ffi*trtHr***lH*ffi**Jr*#(#r*Jrtr**toHr*Hffffii#ffi***ff*ffi*ff***ff*#*l***ffift*ff*ff** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,!*t#ff*tffiffirrff*ftff*ffi*ffiffiffi#*ffiff***********t**fir**ff***********##**ffifi*ff*ffi****ff*#ff DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futI the information required, compteted an accurate ptot PLan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty yith the intormation and plot ptan,to conPty vith al,l, Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appIicabte thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT OF OI.INER OR FOR HI]'ISELF AND OI,INER {S ror"""o"u", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmiT AT ALL TIMES P95-0057 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. MILLER WILLIAM H lII 641 W r_,TONSHEAD, VArL MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 W LIONSHEAD, VAIL 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN 210 3 -014- 1s -0 0 3 PRJ95-0068 81657 81657 Valuation: D e p artme nt of C ommunity Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . 20, 000 . 00 Additionat tees---------> TotaI Permi t Fee-------->> 378.00 Development I S SUED 04/26/tees os /te /ree5n/$/ree5 co co Description: INSTALL PLUMBING IN SFR *******Jr**#tr***rffi.rffiffitr*ffi#dr**r(rr*Jriffiffi f EE SUtlf,lARY 300.00 75.00 Investigation> .00 P Iumbi ng-----) PLan check---> l,/iLL Catt----> Restuarant Ptan Rev'i ev--> TOTAL FEES----. .00 Total Ca lcu lated tees--->37E.00 .00 37E.00 378.00 Payments EALANCE DUE---- *#*l*ffiffi****i.**,r******ffi*#ff***ffi********ffiir**********,c**#*#********'r*******'ct**ff****** I!S{'i ,95190 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:0s/t0/tees cHUcK o"EdftBirttfi*o,. AppRovAL ********ffi*#*****L***ff**************H*****ir****ffiJr****i******rr*Jr*Jriff(**Jr**tdrtd*ffir********ffi************#****** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoH(edge that I have read this apptication, fiLted out in futt the infornation required, completed an accurate plot ptan/ and state that att the information pfovided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and pLot plan,to comp(y tJith al.l, Tovn ordinances and state [aws. and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subd'ivis'ion codes, design review approved, uniform Euil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELE SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF ANO OUNER 3. 00 OR AT OUR OIFI {P *'n""o'u'r E TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: ParceL No.....:Proiect Number: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit *: M95-0067 D e p artme nt of C ommunity D eve lo pment APPLICANT OWNER Description: INSTALL MECH Fi reptace lnformation: Rest ri cted: 1477 ASPEN GROVE LN 210 3-014- L 5-0 0 3 PRJ95-0068 MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 W LIONSHEAD, VArL CO 81657 MILLER WILLIAM H III 641 w LIONSHEAD, VAIL CO 81657 . IN NEW SFR #0f Gas App[ i ances: Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Val-uation #0f Gas Logs: Payments I S SUED 04 /26 / Lee5 05/re/rse5 \t /t5 / Lses 20,000.00 #of tlood/Pat tet: **********t **r***ir*ffi******ffi#**#********#******* fEE SUt'll'tARY ft*********lr*****************Jr*ff*******irt***tr********** l'lechani ca l---> 400.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> Ptan check---> Invest igat i on> l.l i l, L cal.l.----> 100.00 DRs .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES------ TotaI catcuLated Fees---) Additional. Fees---------> TotaI Perrnit Fee--------> 503 .00 .oo 503 .00> 503.00 .o0 503.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/1911995 GARY Action: APPRITbM:. O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT0511911995 GARY Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fitled out in ful.L the infornation requirld, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that a[L the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y vith the information and pl.ot p[an,to compty with aLl, Torm ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSpECTIONS SIIALL BE fiADE T$tENTy-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE By A7 479-213E 0R AT oUR OFFICE SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER {g r""r"uo r*rr REpTl3t +VrEhfN oF VArL, COLORADU -ge/A619F- O'lzl? REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION trtlRK SHEETSYUR: "/ 6/96 PAGE AREA: Ltr Activity: f,lddress: Farce I : Description: Appl ieant : Owner: Contractor: 895-OO99 ?./ 6/96 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED 1477 ASPEN G;ROUE LN e103-ol4-15-OO3 CONSTRUCTION OF NEI.I HOIIE T.I/EHU ITIILLER T.IILLIAII H III I4ILLER }IILLIA]4 H III Occ: OOOT Phone: Phone: Phone: Constr: NSFR Use: U N Inspeet ion Request Requestor: $i\\Req Tire: Iters requested eO516 driveway grade final Inforration..... AN'.\h.c Corrents: DRIVEI.IAY FINAL to be Inspected... Act ion Corrents Phone . 479*411t "s ttTt-Q3\3 Inspection History-.. ..Iter: OOSIO driveway grade final Iter: 0O01O BLDG-Foot ings/SteelIter : JillOeU BLDG-Foundat ion/Steelg6/?3/95 Inspector: DS Aetion: AtrPR AFPROVED o1613o/95 Inspector: CF Action: APPR ApPROVED Iter: OOSaO PLAN-ILC Site Plan ll/A6/95 Inspeetor: JC Action: AtrPR ILC REC'D AND AppR'D Iter: geS3O BLDE-Fraring Ll/O3/95 lnspector: DS Aetion: DN ILC NOT APPROVED ltf$Tlg3 Inspeetor: CF Aetion: DN DENIED Notes: 1)PACKOUT trT. LIIADS AT RIM JOIST LOEFITIONS 2lSHIItl TRII{II|ERS AT HEADERS I'IHERE NEEDED 3)NEED STRUCTURAL ENG. AtrtrRtrUffL OF ROOF FRATIINE Iter: 0OO4O * * Not On File * * Iter: OOGSO BLD6-Insulation |-Llt5/g3 Inspector: CD Aetion: AtrPR AtrPROVED Notesr COIIIPLETE EXTERIOR BLUEBOARD ADD VAPOR BARRIER TOP LEVEL PffTIE Iter: 0O060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail l2/gg/95 Inspeetor: EG Iter: OggAO n * Not On File ,r * Iter : O,O,OTE BLDG-ltlisc. $?./fr6/96 Inspector: LP Iter: OgO90 BLDG-Final Iter: 04530 BLDG-Terp. trlO Iter: SO54O BLDG-Final C/O Action: APtrR exept ganage REPT 131 0.e10,5/97 O6:58 RE0UESTS TUt^tN OF VAIL, COLoRADO FUR INSF'ECTION IIORK SHEETS FtlR = X/ 3/i7 895=OO99 e/ 3/97 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constn: NDUtr 1477 RSPEN GRI]VE LN e1O3-Ol4-15-0Ag 0cc: tlB07 Use: V N CONSTRUtrTIDN trF NEW HOME W/EHU fiILLER WILLIAM H III Frhone: MILLER i,ILLIAM H III Frhone: Fhone: pioe e AREAI DB Activity: Addres s : Locat i on : Parce I r Descri pt i on : Appl ieant r Own er r Contract or: Locks, Holds, ACTIVITY Not ice: and Not iees. . . . planning ok with final CO Inspection Request Infornation..... Requestor: WILL t'IILLER Req Tine; Ol:OO Comnents: FINAL ON HAND Itemg o0'.5,4o, requested to be Inspected... ,.06ttA2'BLDG-Finat tr/o { A{J//\tf- Tine Exp trhone z ????????? InEpection History.,.'.Itenr @gl510 dniveway grade final Iten: A8'0IA BLDG-Foot ings/Steel Iten : 0VOA6 BLDG-Foundat i on/St ee I A6/?3/93 Inspeetor: DS A6/34/9e Inspeetor': CF Item: TaOEEO trLAN-ILC Silte F'lan ,,L/o'6/93 Inspeetor": JC Iten: 0OO3O BLDG-Framing FCt i ON : RF.FR AF.PROVED Act i on: AtrtrR AF'PROUED Action: AtrPR ILC RECTD AND APPRTD exept gal'aqe driveway approved Il/0,3/93 Inspeetorl DS Aetion; DN ILC NOT AFFROVED LI/q7/95 Inspector: CF Flct ion: DN DENIED NotesI 1)trACKOUT FT. LOADS AT RIIVI JOIST LOCATIBNS E)SHIFI TRIMMERS AT HEADERS WHERE NEEDED 3)NEED STRUCTURAL ENG. APF.ROUAL OF ROOF FRAMING -Item: 0@049 + * Not Un File * * Iten: gOgtSO BLD6-Insulation t t/ 15/95 Inspector: CD Aet i on: AFF R AFFRUUED Notes: trOMtrLETE EXTERIOR BLUEBOARD ADD VRtrOR BRRRIER TOP LEVEL FATIO €l€t06lA BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I ,,e/A8/9A Inspeetor: EG Actionr AFtrR B0OSO *-* Not 0n File * * A0ATO BLD6-Misc. fie/0,6/i6 Inspector: LF Hction: flFPR oo.Oge BLDG-Final OO530 BLDG-Tenp. C/O Ae/o,8/96 Inspector: CD flctionr DN DENIED Notesr HOUSE ltS REG'D UN BUILDING EXTERIUR LOAD HINGES ON PED DOOR TI] GARAGE UNCOUER SMtrKES Item r Iten:Itenr Item: Itemr ----EtrEE-FTNtrT-NEEDEIT- PICKETS ITIUST BE INSTALLED ON FRONT ENTRY GUARD AND HAND R A BOND MUST BE IN F'LfttrE AND NPPROVED BY F'LANNING DEPT. REpT131 TOWN OF VAIL, CONORAD0 Ae/A3/97 O6:5P RECIUESTS FOR INSFECTIBN t"lURK SHEETS FOR: ?/ 3/97 AA/Q9/96 Inapector: trD Action: AFtrR AFFROVED Notes T HANDRAILS RRE BEIN6 INSTALLED ON INTERIOR STRIRI.JAY TEMP. GURRD RRIL AND HANDRAIL BEING USED FOR FRONT CHICKEN I^IIRE IS USED INSTEAD OF PICKETS, ONLY FBR THEN HOG I^IIRE I^JILL BE USED ALL T]THER CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE Itenr OO54O BLDG-Final C/O 16/01196 Inspector: CF Action: DN DENIED Notest handnaiI nequir"ed on exterior stairs t-$sr \ F,AGE I A AREA: DS ENTRY Tl.,fU WEE I rolrN oF uArL, coLoRADo OE?/69/96 O6:5O REOUESTS-FOR INSPECTION T.'T]RK SHEETSFOR= ?/ 9/96 PAGE I AREA: EG Activity: Address: Locat i on: Parce I : Descri pt i on: Appl ieant : Owner: Contract or: E95-OO79 ?/ 9/96 Type: B-ELEtr 1477 AStrEN 6ROUE LN e163-014-15-S63 INSTALL ELEC IN NEI.I SFR MILLER hIILLIAH H III ''IILLER tlILLIffFl H III Status: ISSUED Constr: hFFR Use:Occ: Phone: Phone: Fhone: Locks, Ho lds, ACTIUITY Not ice r and Notices.... OI.INER BUILDER Inspection Request Inforration..... Requestor: l.fILL I4ILLER Req Tirer Ol:OO Corrents:Iters requested to he Inspected... OOI9S ELEC-Final flct ion Eottenbs.l,4wpe*d-X-r-'// * u Phonet 471-o3t3 Tire Ex Inspection History. ... .fter: OOIIO ELEC-Terp. PowerIter: orgl2g ELEC-Rough' tll63,/95 Inspector: EGIterr OO13O ELEC-ConduitIter : oI0L40' ELEC-lrlisc-gl/gA/56 Inspector: EGIter: OO190 ELEtr-Final 2-2-7a Actionr APtrR APPROVED Action: APPR APPROUED E17tri=,1,o6,4€ REouEsr#?ilLg[,Y8i'mf;fl'3fi:P?=lt ?, a,s6 trffGE AREA: DS Aetivity: Address.' Locat i on : Farcel: Description: Appl ieant I Owner: Contract or: il95-OO67 e/ 8/96 Type: B-ttlECH 1477 ASPEN 6ROOE LN 4103-014-r5-OO3 INSTAI-L I4ECH. IN NET.I SFR T{ILLER I.IILLIAH H III I4ILLER I.IILLIAI{ H III Status: ISSUED Oce: Fhone: Fhone: Phone: Constr: NSFR Use: Loeks, Ho lds, ACTIV ITY Not ice : and Not iees. TII.INER BUILDER Inspection Request Requestor: $JILL Req Tire:Iters requested to gO39O ltlECH-Final Inforration.... IIILLER Corrents: trALL be fnspected... FIRST Phone z 476-?4iL Act ion Corrents , Ti:e Ex /rtP,-- * tflPtlopqA- ' f '' _.i. .,-if: ;-- Inspection History. ....Iter: gOeOO FIEtrH-Rough Iter: OO310 ltlECH-Heat ingIter: OO3aO HECH-ExhaustIter I OG33O ltlEtrH-Supply Iter r OS34O ltlECH-llisc.Iter: OO39O FIECH-Final HoodsAir REtrT13I 0?/BB/96 BGt4? a REOTJESTS FO rol.tN oF vArL, coLoRADot R INSPECTION t"JtlRK SHEETS-FORz' ?/ B/i6 PA6E AREA: D5 Activityl Address: Locat i on l Parce I : Deseri pt i on : Appl ieant : Orrner: Contraetorr P95-0O57 ?4 g/96 Type: B-PLt'lB 1477 ASPEN EROVE LN elo3-ot4-15-oo3 INSTALL PLUFIBING IN SFR FIILLER t.IILLIA}I H III HILLER I.'ILLIAFI H III Statusr ISSUED ocd: Phone: Phone: Phone: Constr: NSFR Use: Loeks, Holds, ACTIUITY Not ice: and Notices. ObJNER BUILDER Inspeetion Request Requestor: tfILL Req Tire: fters requested to o,o,egg trLtttB-Final Inforrat i on. . . . . fl!ILLER Corrents: CALL be Inspeeted.. Fhone: 476-?49I FIRST Aption Eolrents TI}P --TfrWfl_-Tire Ex Inspect ion History.,..,Iter : OO?IO PL}'lB-Underground EAISO|9S Inspector: DS Iter: gtl??O PLllB-Rough/D. l.f. U.ll/o,3/95 Inspeetor: DSIter: OA?SO PLltlB-Rou9h/l{ater LlfO3lgS Inspector: DSIter: go'e40 PLFIB-Gas Piping Iter: o,O?59 PLttlB-Pool/Hot TubIter : o,o,?60 PLltlB-trlise. f ter r Ao.erg trLltlB-Final Aetion: APFR APPROVED Action: APtrR AtrPROVED Aetion: APPR APPROVED REprrBl i'i :ft** oF uArL, coLrRADob 0?fA9/96 06:5O REAUESTS FOR INSPECTION I'IORK SHEETSFOR: ?/ 9/96 Flctivity: Address: Locat ion: Parce I : Descri pt i on : Appl ieant : Owner: Eont ract or: Oce: 6OO7 Use: I N Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: pdHe 1 AREA: DS 895-0099 e/ 9/56 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR 1477 ASFEN GROVE LN et63-014-15-OO3 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW HOFIE W/EHU ilILLER I.IILLIAII H III '4ILLER I.IILLIAII H III Inspection Request Inforration.... Requestor; l.fILL IIILLER Req Tire: 6L29,0 Corrents: Iters requested to be Inspeeted... OS53O H-D6-Tetp. trlE Phone: 471-0313 ^ffN-Tire Ex Inspect ion History... . . Iterr gOStO driveway grade final Iter: AJngLg BLDG-Foot inqs/Steel Iter : o,o,fi?g BLDG-Foundat i on/St eelgbl?3/95 Inspeetor: DS U6/3O/93 Inspeetor: trF Iter: OoE,?g PLAN-ILC Site Plan lL/Ab/95 Inspector: JC f ter : o,Ao.3O BLDG-Fraring u-sbD Aetion: APtrR APPROUED Aetion: APPR APPROUED Act ion: APtrR exept garage Action: AtrPR driveway approved Action: APPR ILC REC'D AND APPR'D It/O3/93 Inspeetor: DS Aetion; DN ILC NOT nppROVED ll/A7/i5 Inspector: CF Action: DN DENIED Notes: IIPACKIIUT pT' LOADS flT RIH JOIST LOCATIONS. E}SHII.I TRIiIIIERS AT HEADERS I.IHERE NEEDED 3)NEED STRUCTURAL ENG. APPROVAL OF ROOF FRAIIINE Iterr gug4g * * Not on FiIe * * Iter: o,o,o,56 BLDG-Insulat ion Llll5/95 Inspector: trD Action: APtrR AptrROUED Notes: COI'ItrLETE EXTERIOR BLUEBTIARD ADD VAtrOR BRRRIER TOP LEUEL PATIO Iter: Iter:fter: Iter:lter: Iter: o,o,o,60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I l?/g$/93 Inspentor: EG 600A0 * * Not 0n File * * o,Ag7A BLDG-ltlise.g?/06/96 fnspector: LP OOO9O BLDG-Final SS53O BLDE-Terp. ClO 6?/gA/96 Inspeetor: CD Action: DN DENIED Notes: HOUSE *S REtr'D ON BUILDING EXTERIART/ LBAD HINGES T]N PED DOOR TT] EARACiE 2 uNcouER sFtoKEs F ,,--ELEC. FINAL NEEDED - PICKETS TTIUST BE INSTALLED ON FRONT ENTRY GUARD AND HAND R BOND MUST BE IN PLACE AND RppROVED BY trLANNING DEPT!---' OG54O ELDG-FinaL trlf] w t PERM IT#FINAIJ CHECK LTST FOR BUILDING E T Er E Tw' E pevrNczpuel-,rc wonrs, ,(1,..,.>t }or\ ?i,'l Q-.,' \\o,,*i u,,.,.-1 bie !i,,. T.c o .n/rl.\ F cnDf\l,rt / t-TlrtE AF /rPFDT.|I. oo **r, /t/\, L Le (/^ The items listed below must be completed. before a permit shal-l receive a Final Certificate of Occupancy. SOILS REPORT: FINAI-,, EI,ECTRICAL: FINAI, PLUMBING: FINAI-, MECHANICAI.,: TEMPORARY CO: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAL LANDSCAPING: MISC. NOTES: Project Application Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Design Review Board I i./ri'Molion bv: '{ t \ | !1. Seconded by: . '-'.. '. t APPROVAL -l DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval *If;f=..TANTS, INC.3919 49 L =7 7fuVqezol gae-e3sl FAX 94$'1577 P.E2 KRM coNsutrANTs, lNc' P.O, Eox 4572 Vltu coloneDo glolE NEGOND JOB NUMBEF: u RFr t t MEEflNG |d neSeOnSe t l CIARIFICATIoN/CHANGE C0PY TOr At the conuactor.s request, I was asked to go to the site of {l',{r absv€ r0ftrenced fitoject afld g[5$rYe thc roof valtey beam n"", ih" fiui,rg root. lt i3 desir6d lo notch the bottom of this valley b€am to lollow the ceiling line, upon chocking the lording conditione and the proporlions of the pfoposed notch, I tind drar h would ;;;;;;ili" in cu1 it, -Care should bc taken to not over'cut at thc inside corner of ttre norctr. Reteiio ths ittachsd calcutation sketch fsr the allowablc notch rize' ' I wag also askrd to observa and approvc or recommend structural changB$. to the cailin0 ftaming over t1e livirg room for u.. r, onio "iJt"g" splce. Aher observing the axisting ceiling framing and thg structufrl drawinge, I reer tr,iiitis irsu, ii,oulo be addressed by the engineer of rgcord. I would not iicomteno uclng tlte spuuu lur sttic rtoragc al currantly fromcd' The 2x10 lloor joi8t8 OV€t bedroom #3 ttrut have been mistshenly drilled for plumbing penettrtions should br reinforcrd witt " ilss.t efyar prywood, 9. x 1g., nailed to oach ioist with lod nails spaced at 3' l,our|(t th6 pBrimotei ot tno plywood guslat' o^rE:- to/IEJE REVIEWEE JoM.. HAND' AR,cHlTEc'T, OHSULTAHTS, I HC.sg3949l s?7 KRfvt CoNSULTANTS, lNc. P.O. Box 4572 vNL coLoMDo 81658 (tr,o) 949'939r FAX (970) 94r-lgT7 r/ir:Jr CHECXEO gY scAtE - LooF t,bADg'.gNoN = 90 :---** n50 lst DLA 15 1a/tz Fr-rcH= 31,b1 *= (# -+)(n,a), 21r 7'{ Bg\M 1 TL: b6 lst VALLeY ,w w= 14(#)("s)=,t,teli tr1=.t263(0.+)(a4 ' !11,1 t'? 1,3r 2,tr EX IEflNq C EE}.JT 9ADDLE. fre1L Prt GJ^t%x,rB LYL *Lt)'ll+ilb ws 'HEADEE FEOnaseF tiarcH .SHE\R IN NOTCHEO EENDIiJ& MEI.4EEF.$:b. (r) (r,'rs) " F, EF '' h ) - ! ht! a'a '-aalan*'f**11 Jn ; lerr ,r!.'l*xrr*ll-. OE e - f!-LI f!-lrv o lzu.1 LTJ Lb6 psi I{ . (ioa,1)(t,er) = lsb.5 tsl ( e.HecY BElRluG tN gArlb!.E;*soo,, z"(s,zd) * io7 fzi { 7so oR o Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, coLoRADO 81652 (303) 876-s400 (24 HOURS) April I9n 1.994 trJiII l"liller 6/+I bJ, l-imnE Head trircle Vai I CO t3 t 637 RH; Rocl,:{all Evaluation *- Lot.Jr L.ions Ridge Dear ["1r. l'li I l er: I have compl etecl rny oeol r:gi c hatard mentioneici pr"operty within the 1"own bourrrlary behween Sestions l and l?n lt.f'|. r within the Mintutrn 15 minltte Col r:r;rcjn. eval uati on o{ the above o{ Vail, This is near ttre'f 5 5, fi 8L l'l o{ the 6th quadranglen Ha-qIe CountYn -l-her toponr-aphy o{ the lot (onsistti of ;r qently south {acinq slnpe covered with nati.ve qrasses and aspen trees which is hackec1 by a lnnqn steep trillside to the nor-th. Tfrie hillsi.dp is largely op{*n wi. th several ot"ttcrop traces vieihle at vari.orls hei.gh'hti ah:ove the lc:t' fhere i:; a gubdiviEion r$ad at t-.he { oot o{ ther lot. There ar-e homes now at ei ther si de ct{ thi$ 1ot. The qleol oqy o{ thn ;rr-ea cr:ns j. sts o# l]enn'syl vani an aqe Pli ntutrn Formation at their site with Fenn*yl vanian*Fernian age I'laroon f::ormation {ur-ther ttp 'htre hitlside. lhe I'li nturn irr thi!5 area i* predclmi.nantly a qray $hal€ and sandstone with limestone layers, "f her l'larnnn is a t'remat i te*'cernent ed siltiitoner sanclstone arrd stral. e. hloth o{ thelie {ormation$ dip aboutt 30 to 4() cjsqre*ti to the nmrth. Thsrre i*i a sur{: icial coverirlq of cllacial dri{t o{ Or*taternary age at the brri ldirrq *ite; which contai ns $i I t- *i n ranclti r cobbl es and hror-rl ciers' In addi ti on n tirere is col. lutvial materigl at the base oS ther hi. I Is:lde, As rnentioned, thi$ tnt ties at" the traraen nf a stelep hilltiicl6 and isi alsc within the l"leld i trm Severity Roc[,: fal1 Zone ass mappeci {nr the -[own o{ VaiI. "lhs* hillsiide dnes nnt ritrow gi qn:i o{ i nstabi 1 i ty nor are therre roc[::s str-ewn alrr:ut the slnpe, Neverthelesso *ertain precaltt:ir:rts arei in orcrBr. I recommend that if the hi 1. lside is to he elrtcavated {or corrstrnctt on r:{ the {*r"rncJat inn I a r'#tai{rin14 wa}I b$ desi.qnecl as part o{ that foundation to replace the toe o+ th€r slclp€l removed so that rL opn i n:statb j, I i *y i r; not j, ng;r'eaeierl . I r-ecommend that the homet have a corner pointing upslape, whicir j.s bener{icial in not presifrntinr.:l a $ r{acfl normal. tn the f "itl I I j.ne, l"he north h,al 1s shourl d be o{: concrete ;rnrj wi t}r no wi ndowr-, topresent a werlliness to qravi. ty derived haeards. l-he strencth o{these wal sl shoul d be the equti val ent o+ 4t)C) pounds per Eqlrare {oot (l.ess dure to the low ancile to the {a11 llne). Let rne emphasi:re that rocl:{al} at thi:ii site j.s 6:ossible but not I i h:e}.1. y dutel to tfre type and orien'Eation o.f the ourtcrops abctve, and theqeneral topoeraphy above the site. The site is a geoloqically serrsitive area, b urL, development will not increase thsr hararrJ to other pr.operty or strr.rcturres! orto pr-rbi ic br"ri l,difiqs, rights-"o"f *way, roacJ*, streets, *asemente, ntilities or' {acil.itj.es or pthmr propertier nf any tl i nd. L.andscaping around the home, includirrq any berminn, shor-rld be riLtch as to d i rect sutr{ ace water arc:lrnd the { ournclat i mn. Asoils enr.ti neeri rrg reprort will be necessary to insure proper {oltndat:i on desii gn and to prroper l y i nstal I perirnetdxr dral ne, everr thot-tg;h these soils &rB cJeneral ly rlr.ri l.e euitabrle {or 'f oundations, Access, domestic water, anct waste disposal EysternE are murni ci pal I y provi ded. F(aclcrn qas afic[.lml.r1"-rtion{: have* recent:[ y treccrme an i tr*m o# titater cclncern. Un{or-turnatelyo il iE di{{:tct-rIt to prerJi.ct- thispotential pri or to construtctionl there{crrr:,, i.t may be advisable to design lowarr levels o{ the proposed honre with adequrate venti l.at j.on to preclurdrl the potenti. al {nr accutmulation. I believe that thj.s j.s an acceptable site {or clevel opment i.f my prercedi nq recommendati or-l si i.ire .fr nl, il.owecl , l: f; there ay'e f lrr"ther qlrestionso ple,nsie clo nr:h hesi tatei tocontact rne. \i;Ti'\'27,,^ Ni chol as L-arnpiris f,nn sir-r I t- i. n g 6B0 I oq i :;t 7101 West Yale Avenug No. 601 Demer. Colorado 80227 303-986-6658 il. [o-1 u*, t*^J e47 -Q zc 1v R.. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc. July 24, 1985 Mr. Jeff Selby Vail National Bank Building Suite 30? 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: G-eotogie Hazards Study, Lionts Ridge, 4th Filing, Blocks I and 2, Townof Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 062 Dear Mr. Selby: aerossl the heads of Lots I and 2 of Block 1. At the request of Mr. Mark Ganison, the undersigned eondueted an engineeringgeologic reeonnaissanee of the subjeet property on July 20, lggs, to determine whether, in his opinion, geology-related hazards should preclude or alter your development plars. Those plars are for single-family dwellings on 16 lots as shown on attaehed Figure 1. Filing No. 4 oceupies all of the sw 1/4 sE 1/4 9"9. f, Tl 5S.-1, R. 81W. on the northern slope of the Gore Creek Valley betwefn.Red sandstone creek valey on the east and Buffer creek valley on thewest. I The ground elevation ranges from about 8,200 feet at the southeaitern eornerl of the filing to about 9,080 feet at the northwestern eorner. The lots tobe deteloped, howeyer, all lie at the downslope end, in the southern and southdastern seetors of the filing. IThe ridge seetor on whieh the filing is sited slopes at about 1.5:l across theupper lpert and at about 2:1 aeross the lower part, but that general southga.:tward. dipping slope is disrupted by a iow, linear taillf a morainal ridgethat. extends into the southeastern seetor of the filing. An aecess road alread"y fas \en- eonstrueted from Buffer creek Drive northeastward along thetopogrgphieally lower ends of Lots 1 through ? to about Lot 1l in Block 2.sandstpn-e Road extends along the topographie bottoms of Lots i, 4, 5 and 6 and Vallr inter eons c eonditions along this seetor of the northern slope of the Gore creekare relatively simple. sedimentary strata of the Minturn Formation, mainlyI sandstones and shales, but ineluding a few limestone units os well,bedrpek. For the most part, however, the strata are blanketed byI soils aeross the lower third to half of the filing and by slopewash loilsthe upper half to two-thir& of the filing. These soils appear to be a few !o tl- - 20 feet thiek, and appear to be-mainly ctayey san&. TheI soib, where exposed in road cuts ere very UoutO6ry. Some of the : o9 0.1 _- 1.5 eubie yar-G in size. A small alluvial fan has been built upLot 1 of Bloek 2. The fan soil is probably mainly elayey sands andA few glaeial erratics of granitic rock are strewn about the ridge Some of these are 1.5 - 2 eubie yards in size. aerosS inehes mor grsvei slope. Consultant to Designers, Convaclors, Planners R. J. lrish Consuliing Engineering Geologist, Inc. Mr. Jeff Shelby JuIy 24, 1985 Page 2 Within this filing the bedroek strata strike north-northeastward and dip about 30degrees west-northwest ward, thus into, rather than out of, the hillside. These bedroek strata crop out as a eontinuous band forming a s to 15 foot high eliffappcoximately paralleling Elevation eontour 8950 feet-, and as a short eliff-forming band 5 to 15 feet high approximately paralleling Elevation contour 8850 feet inthe northwestern eorner of the filing; and as diseontinuous outcrops up to 6 feethigh between about Elevation 8160 fiet and 8560 feet in the eeniral part of thefiling. For the most part, bedroek is well cemented, widely jointed, mainly thinbedded to flaggy sandstone, but loeally the san'dstones inelude thin beds of weakshale and of dark gray, mierocrystalline limestone that is moderately hard andvery strong. with rare exception the roek of these various ledge-forming unitsappears to be well-knit together and has not been appreeiabty alffeeted byerosional proeesses that in other areas have resulted in detachment of bl6cksfrom similar ledges. Some bloeks have toppled, however, but most appear to havebroken into large slabs and have slid only a few feet downslope from'their leole-sites. In 9rl opinion, three potential geologie hazards need to be eonsidered:landslides, roek falls, and debria flows. we found no evidenee of landslidesacross any part of the filing, thus judge the risk of landsliding during the life ofthe planned projeet to be low. Landsiides eould be preeipitatid, horiever, byimproper eonstruction and exeavatlon practices. In particular, we urge thatstructures be buil.t on the existing slopesrather than on more-or-less horizontal pads ereated by exeavating large euts intothe..moderately steep nidge slope. The weights of th; buirdings, i"" se, areunlikely to destabilize any. of the slopes, but euts in exeess oi g-to i ieet highcould signifieantly undermine, thus destabilize, either the soils or the bedroek.-lve also suggest that surface drainage, mainly sheet flow, be speeded off theslopes by appropriate drainage channels so that surfaee water is not allowed to Png -9! the property. In short, if the land is not disturbed appreeiably, thelandslide risk should remain low. The debris flow risk is relevant within the filing only to a narrow unnamedravine that trends across the northeastern eornjr of the filing. No dwellings orother struetures, we understand, would be plaeed within or aiross this ravirie,tius the impaet of this type of event should not be signifieant on projeet development. The roek falt risk needs to be considered in terms of both the probability of anevent and -the.severity.of the event (i.e., the size of a partieular bloek)-if ithappens. we believe the rock fall risk is low aeross th; fiung if taken in thegeographieal eontext of.a location T a high alpine valley. Tlie ridge slopes are :llv_,Tod:."tely steep; the l-gdges of rock-are iew and relatively loiv; the rock :g.T,nq th-ose ledges generally is thin bedded, thw breaks into plate when abloek topples; toppling or sliding of blocks is inhibited beeause itre ueoaing R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc.Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page 3 planes of the sedimentary roek strata dip into, rather than out of the slope; and only a few, relatively small bloeks of sedimentary roek are strewn across the slope within the filing. That seattering attests to the rarity of a rock fall event, even in terms of geologic time, within the filing. Contrast these conditions to those of East Vail, where high roek cliffs overlook steep slopes that are strewn with large rock masses that have toppled from these eliffs. As the sedimentary rock tends to be thin bedded to platy, the risk of a l,arge bloek detaching from an outcrop to roll down the hilt into a structure aeross the bottom sector of the filing is believed to be low (in the unlikely event of a rockfall). More likely, the bloek would be small - on the order of 1 eubic foot or less - and would be captured by the brush or trees that oecupy the upper partsof Lots I through 8 of Bloek 2. Those bushes and trees should substaniiallyproteet L,ots 9 and 10 of Bloek 2, and the lots of Bloek I as well. A few large glacial erraties also are strewn aeross the bottom third to half ofthe slope within the filing. The granitie rock masses were dropped by one of several glaeiers that extended out of the Gore Range down the Gore Valley during the lee-age, whieh terminated about 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. Those boulders, consequently, have lain in their present positions in all probability forat least that long and possibly for several tens of thousands of years. We believe the probability that they will be dislodged by natural eauses during thelife of this projeet to be low. If any prove to lie in a eonstruetion area,- theywould need to be moved earefully or broken up by eareful blasting. They shouldnot be undermined by an excavation. coneeivably, the roek fall risk eould be redueed slighily by judicious scaling ofthe outcrops. No roek bloeks imminently in danger of sliding or toppling were observed, however, although a few plates appeared to be loose. you miy wish to eonsider this work, even though the resulting reduction in rock fall risk -or in theprobable severity of such an event would not be redueed appreeiably from its already low level. similarly, fenees or berms eoutd be construeted to impede the progress of roekfalls, but the cost of these mitigative measur6, we believe, wiutO Oe out ofproportion to the resulting small reduetion in degree of risk for a risk judged tobe low. The sniall atluvial fan oeeupying most of Lot t of Bloek z suggests that surfacewater run off eoncentrated in a narrow swale upslope of that lot needs to be channeled away from that lot and its neighbor by eontrolled diversion. . , n. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page { RJI:db so long as dwellings are @nstrueted within the tract without significantly changing existing ground eonditiors, the geologyr-related hazard should noi berncreased tor neighboring properties or structures or other faeilities. Thisconelusion is based on the results of our geologic reeonnaissanee of the filing andimmediately neighboring areas, all well as on our er<perience with comparableprojeets in eomparable geologie settings. we have appreciated the opportunity to work with you on this project. If youhave any guestions or would like to discuss any aspeets of our work, please- feelfree to eall. Yourc truly,'.-,||rIt.,' .rt i , / ' /'- i'i!,0', ,/i t'+'i --;yti=i/, '..,/! Robt. Jan/es lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0554 HIGHWAY 82 CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 (303) 9633600 l'l;:ty ;1. " 1?€lej ll. j. rt,: D" tl.enflee [:i1i{eir Ez ["o. r::r -:Ial Ft,Fi r-tncr ci4.r,-,::n* Vai 1 . L)i..t t-J L &5 7 hlt: r l{e:ard E.vaLr,raticrri -* Lc,t :f,! L..i mne Fti.clqe. Fili.ncr #'l Deer l'1r'Van Heel ; .ll ha',,e1 cermp 1. a:t-ecJ my qelr:1ogi c harard sv;rIut*rtisn s'i: Lhel absve ment:i r:ned g:roFerty wi thi n the -lntrn n{ Va j. I ' Thi er j. s near th* hcl.tnclar'y' hetr+s:en {ir*ctinrrs 1 ancl i.il o T 5 5! fil {!1 l{ of the &tlt F',1{., r+i.thin the l"lintltrrr 15 minlrtll: cltteclranfil n, Liac;l * fiouLnty "ol mrada. -l-lre t*pography $+ the l.r:t rcrngi:;tg n{ ei gentlY '-c,Ltth {:acinq sl.op* cnvsreld with naLivs grasse:; and asFlen trees pthich is hacl,:ed by;r 1r:nq, stteer.p hi1..1 ";idel tci ttre nnrth. This hilLsicle i.t:; largely nFl{:r'1 r.lith :ie'relr.rl nlt{:srnp trar-:d:5 visj.h}e ;rt vari olrg hei qht* eib$v* the I of " Therer i s3 ;t st-ttldi vi $i on r$acl tn the f r:o{: of the, lc:t. The qenlocty o'f the area consi:;ts n{ F'enn=Ylvarrian aqel l"li llt rn f:r:rmat j. cJn .rt the si. te r.r i th F6.lnnEi'/1 van i an-Fermi an ;rQe l*l;rrnon Fi r.rrmat-i orr "{: *r'tfrsr" up the trillside. lhe Flintutrn in thie arBa i s prerJirtni n,:rntL y fl qr-.ay shal. *: ;rnd sancl:;tone wi th i i mestt-on€1 L aVerg, J'he i"larc:on i .E .:( helmart i ts.t*cementetd si l Lstone t sandstone and q:.trsl.e" lloth sf ttresq: {r-rr-rnations di.p abclL{t 3t:! to 4ll clegrmes to t-he nnrth. JlierEr i.s a gltr'{: i.ciaI covsri.nq (3f qlacial drif t of f,lutaternary ager at the hr-ti. lclinct siit$ f"rhi ch cc:ntai nl: gi I ts . s.andg " cobb I e"s ancJ brtt-tl cle:r':;. 'Th j. i; l. r:f liee at' the trsse o{ a steep hillside *nd is al5c: within thel l"k-"cji. r.,rm !$elverrity Focl':{;rl 1. Zone a:; mapp*cl {or the: Tor.ln o{ Vai I " l-fre [ri. ]. lsicle doe:; not shotr siqrls o{ i rr:itab j. 1 i ty nnr ars+ thFJrL" rof,l::r:t strnwrr aboltt thel sl oper; nervelrtlre".l. ess, cerrtain pr+:cauttionr" arel in ortler-" :tt :is rny lrnderstand j. rrq th,et tfre 6rropo!r€*d hofie r.Ji l. I I i el ne';rr the ba:le t:{ the r;te+ep hi11. I rsicommencl that i* t-he hill.}:;ide is to be elxcar'*tecl for csnstruction o{ the '{: altndati on,, s retaining w'"rl l. be des*i qned a:r part o{ that f $Ltndati. on to repl 'rce th* toe n{ thc* g;l op€ rsrnclved ss that sl ope i nstahti I i ty i s nclt i ncr-e+aseld. Jlrl *o relcommernd that u regar-dl e*gg of r+h*rs tht* hnmei is $it.t:d o ttre refsrr {ollndati sn wal} exterrd at 1e*st Cr {set abc:ve f j. ni. slretl qrade and he he+r-med a:; i ndi catErd i n t}ra: i(crofnF;tnying ii[::e:tch tr: act as:;:t L]ur-f +er tu ro{:l:$ or el.Llrnp:r uf: l"lay utr ,' l9EJ8 l{a;ard FivalLr*ti.ctn ---- Lnt 15, Lir:n* Ridq* Filing *4 F aqn 'f wo sifi)i I ur- s:nor-l which rniqht reacfi tfre site, There =hor-rld bs rrs t.ri nclmut:; clr ai-ea$. {f{ FJEaI::nessi i. n thi li rs:ar {ortndati nn w.al 1 "I{ pus;s;ible the hninal shor-rld he orientecl :;g tl-rat a csrner o{ the frone 'f sces uphi11. In L:his casen Lroth r ei,ar- w*rl l si ghoutl.d be rJe:s j. r:lrred .r* de:s;cr i bed ;lbclve. The adr,,ent.ege +rourl d be th*t -elanc:ing bl.or^rs fir-e rnr:r* 1i [,:ri:l'/ thsrr di r-ec{: lrits. [-et me emphani:* th*t rnsl:{aL 1 ':r {: tfii s: :;j. te j, g, pr:lls;i bl e br.rt not .1. i t,:L*ly clr-re to ther type and r:r- i. enta'h.:i nn r:{ thtr or-r'Lcr oFrri sbova and the gen*r'al topography above the ::i te. I do nctt hel i evel lh*t the type nf mi.tig*eticrn r.rh:icfr .[ havr: r- €ic orntneln rJ ed r.ri I ]. rieqnt.i.vel.y .r{ -f gct acl jnininr; prmperties. lhe site ig a geal og:i cerl1y se*ris: j. h- j. ve arer;r, brrt cjevel {:pment wi I l. nnt :t ncrea$t: the ha:ard to other prclpelrtv c:r ElructLrres ! rJr to pt-tbl ic lrlri ldings, r- i ohts-'n{ *way, roads, str-ee{:sn easern*nts, L.ttil itie:; or f acil j.f :i.eg or nther prcipsrt j.er::, r.:{ .nny f,:j. ncl . In t-he evetrt m:Ltir?*tiorr i.,:; no{: 1:rr-rt into p.Lace, there r.lj. J. I ::t-ill bR no i.ncrease n{ hai:ard tr: the: abnve .l.isted improvementn. l-arrdgc..*pi ng ar"o lrd hhe horne, i ncl r-rrli.nq the berrning, shnr-rld b* st-rch as tcl dirsr:t :;urr'{acF r.later" arfiurid tfiel {.r:urrdati on i a snil:; enqineering re1:or-t r.,r:i l1 lle neEe$ssr-y tn j. ni;lrre Fr-clFer-{r:lrndat j.r:n t1egi gn anr-1 peri melter rirninsr eve$ tfinlrqh ttresr.l soj.Ls are qener'a.L l.y quri L.e Enitable f nr 'f ot-rnclationg" It is my f ltrtfrer lrncler::t*ndinq that rnccFsrs., clonresrtic r.Jif.ter,. and r.rn:lt e ili *pnsa1. - yt:;LHrns .rre mlrni r:i. p;il. Iy prnviderJ. [iadan qa$ acclrmurl ati ons havr: r'ecently becmme an itsm nf Sitate i:t:ncer-n. l..ln{orturnat-el y, it is di++ict-rlt to pre:icli rt this pr-ltent j.ril pri. or- tn ron:;trlrctioni there{ores, it mav be acivi ri,lb:l e to cle:t*i c1n .L ower L evel, :; n.f the pr-opo::ecl home wi th a{:leqLr.rte v*nti 1;irtit:n tu pir-erclr-rrJe the g:ate.lr'tiarl +nt- arclrrnul eti utr " .t trelieve Lfrat this is sn acceptstlle gite {ar' devel r:pmmnt i.{ niy prr:cr*dinq recnmmetndati Llns are {-ul Inwed. :[+ l:here. ara f crrthElr i:lr-.rsrst i nnr: " i:l ease ds nnt hesi.Lat:e to cnntact mai. (ii crrara t rr 'u Ni chol n:; []nn slr I ti 11rt-/,t*{ L-Amp t r t ii n q f.ia+o1 mq i $t 380908 ue480tl(...--l-4r+'. ,oefu.:(aQg' ,' lr EAqLe cT'|. REco€06R f'thl76 9:oo f,Fl'8$) rb n",p,rid zt , ,,/ ,,.( z 1988. Dear Sirs: This letter is to confirm that David Detrick' owner of Lot 3' Block 2, Lion's Ridge, filing lJo. 4, agrees to the \zail Municipal Code, Section 18.13.08, concerning employee housing' which states: 8.L0. The applicant sha11 agree in writing: a. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be so1d, transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit for a period- of not more than . tr,.tenty years and the life of Trent Ruder from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said second unit, and b. That the secondary dwelling unit sha1l not be l-eased or rented for any period of less than thirty consecutive days o and that if it shaIl be rented it shall be rented only to tenants who are full--time employees in the Unper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley sha1l be deemecl to include the Gore Val-Iey, llinturn' Red cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surround--ingt areas. A ful1-Lime employee is the person who works an average of thirty hours per week, and c. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time-shares, interval owner-ship or fractional fee, and. d. That a declaration of convenants and restri-ctions sha1l be fil-ed of record i-n the office of the Eagle County clerk and record.er in a form approved by the town attorney for the benefit of the town to insure that the restrictions herein shall- run with the l"and. CD Thank You, +.\ 0=LJ)-;-"-x' t'^ David Detrick P.O. Box 399 vail, co.81658 I t-.'tCt-II [.i..^.\ f/1. t-LtzAEtTH i.l tr'r[wi, \OTA3.r i.UBLlC r:rr:rr. i; tt-" MARIN COUNT\ My Coti'n ErpiErApnl , rY'l, \\r f i,..r-(e{r..1 . a . a - .i STATE OF CAT,IFORNIA) ) COUN?Y OF I',!ARI}l ) on this i'' day of t-.^)t , 19 .9 S , bef ore rn€r the s_) undersigned Notary Public, in and for the State, personally aglpeared 'f t [i r,, ,.( i-lT-,, l lJ , a perscn !.,nown to rire to be the person who executed the attached written instrument. ) I 'a Y FFICl} I IJi tLIIAgTTH I/IAIIHEY/S NOTAfi Y FUaLIC CALtFOnNtA ]VAHIN COUNfY M) C.tr6 ErptrerAp4l t. t99l 1', 1 ( i ti,-t(,t'11,[.t lrrfriTfi,,. r Notary Public 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 27, l-988 Mr. Larry Decker Gordon Pierce, Architects L000 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Single Family plus ErnployeeLionsridge Filing S4 Dear Larry: After our neeting today in our ad hoc noisy robby, r thought itwould be herpful to reiterate the infonnation tnlt is nee6.edfor this project. l. The employee ag'reement per Section 1B.13.OBO nust besubnitted. This includes the employee restrictionagreement and notification information for adjacentproperty owners. 2. Bil-l Andrews must sign off on the title report and siteplanning for the project. Land Titre has indicated thatthey will submit this report to rne today or tonorrow. 3. The hazard report information must be submitted byNicholas Larnpiris. Attached to this letter is the letterI sent to Nick today. 4- Arl roofs rnust be at 30 feet. This 30 feet will incrudethe parapet wall for the flat roof. 5. Please note that in respect to the hazard situation,before a building perrnit will be issued, the owner mustsubnit a written, signed.and notarizea airidavit certityingacknowredgernent of receiving personar notice of the rait - that said buirding or structure is in an area of georogic olflce of communlly development Unit on Lot 3, Block 2, sensitivity and notice of the studies conducted to date with regard thereto. This is to ensure that the owner isfully aware that the property is in a geologically sensitive area. If you have any further guestions about the review procedure, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, lalV, I {J,Ilnftc\ I{rD- Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br Enclosure iii 75 south lronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otllce of communitY develoPment April 27, 1988 Mr. Nicholas Lampiris 0554 Highway 82 Carbondale, Colorado 8l-523 Re: Hazard Report, Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge Filinq #4,Owner, Mr. David Detrick Dear Nicholas: As you know, this lot is within the medium severity rockfallzone as rnapped for the Tor,rn of Vail . For a singl_e family,duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, the code requires thatyour report certify the following: Whether the site can be developed for the specific structure oruse proposed without correcLive engineering or engineeredconstruction or other rnitigation or alterations; or That the site is a geologicatly sensitive area, but developmentwill not increase the hazard to other property or structures,or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easenents, utilities or facili-ties or other properties of anykind. It is very important that this wording is included in yourreport. Please note that if the structure allows for rnore thantwo dwelling units, the mitigation rnust be completed by theohrner. It is only for single family, duplex, orprimary/secondary proj ects that the or.rner rnay decide not to dothe mitigation as Long as he or she is not irnpacting adjacentIots, roads, etc. I have also infonnation.possible, as Thanks for your help. KP:br Enclosure cc: Larry Decker attached the hazard regulations for your Please send your revised report as soon asthis project is proceeding through Design Review. Sincerely, , K't,^fl'SKristan Pritz Town Planner /ffifu'AprLI 27,1988. Dear Sirs: This letter is Block 2, Lionrs Municipal Code, whi-ch states: 8.10. The Thank You, b. to confirm that David Detrick, owner of Lot 3, Ridge, f iling lJo, 4, agrees to the \rai1 Section 18.13.08, concerning employee housing, applicant shall agree in writing: That the secondary dwelling unit shall- not be so1d, transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit for a period of not more than tvrenty years and the life of Trent Ruder from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said second. unit, and That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be l-eased or rented for any period of less than thirty consecutive days, and that if it shal1 be rented it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in the Upper Eagle Val1-ey. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore VaLley, l{inturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A fuIl-time emplo-rree is the person who works an average of thirty hours per week, and That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time-shares, interval owner-ship or fractional fee. and. That a declaration of convenants and restrictions shall be fil-ed of record in the office of the Eagle County clerk and reco.rder in a form approved by the town attorney for the benefit of the town to insure that the restrictions herein shall- run with the l-and. \rr. Q: .l >-..r^^8-e'?ffi/ David Detrick P.O. Box 399Vail, Co.81658 lr. itlzABETh itr:.1n .'ti',/:. lOTi;Y tUbLlC !.,,'- :. \l- MAR]i.I COUNT' M, Conln. Erpii.' Ap4l ' rvt STATE OF CATIFORNIA) ) couNTY oF t4AP.rlr ) On this undersigned NotarY Public, in and appeared It i.,,.''I the person who executed the attached day of h\ 0-i1 , 19 i \ , before Iner the \_)for the State, PersonaIIY a person kncwn to ne to be written instrument. t. f/t EUZASfril l,,lATluElis NOTA;.]Y F-UiLIC CAL FOFNIA MA'IIN COUNTY My Comm ErF,rc3 Apal l, | 991 l',, ti , r ,-rl-,. i-,. i.t I t' fiti ,, . Notaiy Public t; PROJECT: ]ITER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI.' 0trB.A q^UP DATE OF PUBLIC HEARINGDATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION 0F THE pROp0SAL:. fi-',lJ--' 2' 21.., I t t-" i- r'/1 .t FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date Reviewed by: Comments:' Date i I RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Reviewed by: POLICE DEPARTMENT Comments: Date Pagc Pol icv val {d FIFTEEN FOT]T UTILIT.Y EASEFIENT ALONG THE $UEDIVISION RESERVED CIN THE LION'S RID6E SUBDIVTGION FILING.NO. \./}d. AGREEMENT.\ TELEPHONE PAGE 2?1. BETWEEN TAYVEL ANN TELEGRAPH ENVIRONI",IENTAL LAND trOHPANY COMPANY RECORBED $EPTET'IFER Paae 't 1 /, t Page 3 .RECORDER. \1 76676 -7- Tuts Dneo, Made this 7TH day rrf te B8betw""'' lfiLLIAl't H. MILLXR of the County of EACLE and State of MARCH .,,'hrihITTE FtilLLtPS cAGLI CTY. fftOOnDtr' lf* l,l 7 qq Al|'08 ((ro ('ololado, ofthe first palt. und DAVID C. DETRI CK r.lrose legal addt r:ss is PO BOX 399, VArL, CO 81658 of re county of EAGLE and State of colorado, of the second pa $'ITr-ESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in considcration ofthe sum of EIGHTY STX THOUSAIIJD AND NO/1OO-DOLTARS, ro the ssid party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part" the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, has bargained, granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain' sell, convey 8nd confirm, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all the following describ€d lot or parcel County of EAGLE of land, situate, lying and being in the and State of Colorado, to-wit: .?{ LoT 3, BLocK 2' LIoNS RIDGE StnDIvISIoN' FILING N0. 4, AccOnDING T0 THE RECORDM PLAT THEREOF, COI.]NTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COLORADO. also known as street and nuntber TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditanrents and sppurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apper' taintng, and th€ reverslon and reversions, renrainder an(l remainders, Ients, issues and profits thereofi and all the estate, righ t, title, interest, cl ainr and de mand whatsoever of the said party of the first par !, eit her in law or equ ity' of' in and to the above bargained prenrises, with thc hereditaments and appurtenanc€s' TO HAVE ANI) T() HOLD the said pr.enrises atrove balgained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said pal.tt of the sccontl part. his heirs and assigns forever'. And the said party of the first part, for himself' his heiIs, executot.s. I|nd administrstoLs. does co venaD t, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the said partl' of the second Part, h is heirs and assrgns, th at at the tim e of the en sealing and deli ver y of t hese prese nts, he is t'ell seized of the premises above conver-ed, as of good, sur.e, pet.fect, sbsolute and indefeasiblt estate of inheritance, in la*', in fee simple, and has good right, full power.and lau'ful autholity to tsr8nt, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the sante are free and clear fronr all fornter and other grants, bargains. sales' liens, taxes, sssessnren ts a nd encu nr brances of wh atevel ki nd ot naturesocv€t'. D(CEPT GENERAI TAXES FOR 19BB AXD SUBSEQUENT YEA-RS, EASB4ENTS OF RECORD OR IN nUSTU'ICE, AND RECORDED DECLARATIoNS RESffiVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS' AI'ID COVmAllTS. and the aboved bur.gained pr.enrises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his hcir.s an4 assigns against all and evely person or pelsons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, thc sai(i pal tt of the first par.t shall and will WARRANT AND F'OREYER DEFENtI. The singular numbet shall inclurlc the plural, the pluyal the singular', anrl the usc of an] gender shall be applicuble to all genders. l:\ tt lT)tESS ll'llERtlOF, the said party of thc first part has her€unto set his hand and seal the day and year first a bovr rvlitten. Witness my hand and official seal. W.ILLIAIvI II. MILIEB t SEALI I SEA Ll I SEALI EAcLx 1"". The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befol e,tt BStv HILLIAI.I fl. lt{ILLm My commission expires STATE OF COLORADO County oi day of MABCH tg oELvEi !sta!6 L spEc FoRrr ]t2A ooMpuirER WARRANTY DEED-For phorotrsDilc ""coio'hgue{"f.el8t%d"9 vtl'7 zoNlNc 18.10.060 Serb;rclis. In the SFlL clistrjct, the minjrrrunr l.rorrt :,:flruck shall lrc,twenty fcet, tlic tn.itrirrrunr side sctLrack slt.rli [rc fifteen fect,and the nrinimurrt rcar setback shall be l.itrccn t-eet, (Ortl.50(1978)92(parrr.) . 18.10.080 Hcicht. For a flat ro-ol o, rnlrrsard root, thc he!-ght of buildings shallnot exceed thirt]' l'cc t. F'or a slopirrg roof,-tlre hcight of build-ings shall nor exceed thirty-three-i"r,. iOri.":7(19g0) $ 2(part).) I8.10.090 Density control. Not more than one drvelling unit shall be pcrrnitted on eachsite, and not lnore than twent5,-fivc so uare tce t of grossresidenrial floor area (GRFA) shail be p.rnrifi.a for each oncilunoreo square lcet for the hrst twelve tliousllntl live hundrecisqua.re feet of site area, plus not more than tcn feet;f ;;;;;residential floor area sh:rll be permitttil for each one hundredsquare feet of site area over trvelve thousand five hundred l^qi-tf f".ll No .sinsle-iamrly resiclential l<.,f. except thoseIotatly jn thc red hazlrd avalanche zonc. or tire flbodplainshall- be so restdcted tlint.it cannot tr- o..upi.,.t t5, one srnglc_fanrilydrvelling. (Ord. l2(197S) g 2 (part).) ' l8.l0.l l0 Site coveraqe.. Not rnore than trve rity pcrcent of the tot:rl sitc area shal.l be :o-u:lg by buildings. (Ord. i9(1976) g 3 (parr): Ortt. S(t97.]) $2.s07.) 18.10.130 Lrndscrping and si(e devclopnrerrt. . At least sixt1, percenr ot'c.lch sitc sli.rll he htrrclscaped. Thcmittitttull rvidth arrd lcrrgth of any irrcu <lulliiying aslandscapitrg shlll be tcrr ii,ci, rvith a nriirirtrunr rrr\,1 of not lcssthun ^thr-ee hundrctl s(lurrrr feet. (Old. I91 197(;) S 3 (part):Ord. 8(1973) S 1.s09.) i lverl7..10.8!l 3t8 al WO.l:n iUll.Y lt[:';ll)l::i I l^'1. (R) DlSl'ltl(-l' 18.10.1.i0 I'lrliirttl. Olllslrr:i:t Iirri.lng shall bc prirvirlr:Ll ii; aCCOrdanct: ',;iilr Chaptcr 18.51. (L)rd. ,J(1973) $ 1.5 l0.t Chapter lfi.l2 TWO.FA]\{ILY RESIDENTIAL (II) DISTRICT Scctions: l8.l1.010 I'uiposc. 18.12.0?0 Perniitteduses. 18. I 2.010 Corxlitional u:cs. 18,12,0-10 r\cccssory uses. 18.12.050 Lot area and sitc dirncnsions. 18.12.060 Setbrcks. l8.l 2.030 Iiei-'irt. 18.12.090 Dcrisity control. 1 8.1 2.09 1 Appeel to planning conimiEion. 18.12.092 Appeal to town council. l8.l2.l l0 Coverrgc. 18.12.130 Lanclscaping and sitc developrnent. 18.12.140 Parliing. 18.12.010 Purpose. The- trvo-fanrily residential district is intended to proviCe sites for lorv-density single-family or trvo-fanrily residential us,ls, together rvith such pqbiic faciljties as nlay appropriatelf irc located in the sanre district. The trvo-family residential districi is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and opcn space for each drvelling, commensurate rvith single-farnily and two-family occr.rpancy, and to mairltain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by est:tblishing appropriate sitc devclopment standards. (Ord. 8( 1973) S 3.100.) 18.12.020 Pernrittcd uses. The follorving uses shall be penrtitted in the R district: A. Single-fanrily resitlentill drvcllings; B. Trvo-fanrily rcsidential riwellittgs. (Ord.8(1973) S 3.:00.) 3r9 lfrlt l-loEl) t t\i. (4) (5) o o Vail InLcrntoutttirln Srvirn itncl'I'onnis Clr'rb Brilr Pittch, I-,ots G-2 , G-5 and 0-6 Llonslidgc Subclivision Ii11ng No. 2' ( 6) Casa DeI So1 Condc:tnit:iums 1lor arry zoning pu]-posc beyopcl thc )i:rg1e County Comlnissioners' approvals, agrccnents or acti-ons, the clevelolrlnc'nts and p,arccl-s of property s1>ccifi'ed in this subscction (c) shal1 be zonccl Residential cluster (RC). f. Lionsridgc subdivision, Ililing No. 4, sh:rll be subject to the terms of this ordinance. For any zoning pul-pose beyond the Eagle CoUnty Commissioners' approval, a,greernent or actlon, this parcel of property sha1l be zoned Singl.e lamily Zone Distrj-ct (SIR) rvith a special pro- vision.that an encployee unlt (as defined and restricted in Section 18.13.( of ilre Vail lriunicipal Code) rv111 be subject to approval-s as per Section 18.13.080. The seconclary uni.t may not exceed one third of the total ---:: .i i,i Gross Resicleltial |loor Area (GRIA) al-l-orved on the lot as per the Single Family Zone Disbrict DensitS' gonltol (Section 18'10'090 of the .vai1 l,lunicipal code) and Greenbelt & Natulal o1:en space (GNOS). S. Lot G-4, Lionsridge SubdjYision, Filing No. 2, has becn the subject of litigatlon in the District Court of Eagle County, and a Co"rr-t orcler has been j-ssued rcgar:cling tlrc cievelopmcut of tltis pr-oper-ty ' The Tor,,'n has furthel z:.pltroved Resoltttion #5 of 1.981 itl regard to a subse- or:r'ni'. :r qrrromrrnt vrith the owlterl . Thc Resi.den tial Cluster ( RC) Zottc Dlstlict ri'i11 be tfic applicab] e zone on th j.s propelty to guide the futur.e cleveloprnent of the pzrlcel, rvor1',j-ng rvitltin the bouncls set by the Court O::cier- anci Rcsol-ution No. 5, Scrics of 11181. h. Bloch 10 . \/ai1 f ntcrrncunl.a i n Subcli vi.siol ancl the lll,Liott Iiuuch Srrlrr'l irrisi on slr;rl. 1 be subj ect to t.hc telnrs of this olditrilllc:e. Ior any :aolri111 pulpose bcyc-rr-cl the Eligl,e Collnl.y Cotrtttt,iss j,ollct's' a1l1rror.'a1, al,1-ee- lutcnt or. actjor:, I).1 ccli 1O rrnC 1.lr r: U} j ioLl. lirtt<:lr, slrrrf l. bc z.o,lctl l-l lr,r:r r.r'r/ [jecOnrlirr-r'Dis1-1-1c1.. Lotl; E, i-l; {: ]tl of l-lloc}i 10, \r:.r,Lf Intc-t'tltt>tltlt:li;t, shtrll. lrc: z-ouctl G:r'cc'tr'irc1L & lJrt I.rtr':rl O.irt,'tr Sp:l.cc: (GilOS) . i. \/lLi I Cc,:ri:rrr:ln; , \/:r i.l l):::; fllrtrtt,; lr.ili rrii iio. ') , sllal I br-- s;ttl-r,i t'c:1; 1,o 1.ht: t:r-.t.':trr; Of tl;i:; oI.dinlrrtrti. lrtr-r'ltl)\':'.()llllrJ'; Itr.r';lot;<: ]ltlYottrl 1ltr.: li:li.,.l rr Co1111 g1' (Irrr:uIrjI;:;irItt(rt's' : ) I : l' (. ( 'tl l . . 1 ) t.., ltI-)|l-()\::l [ ()]' :tClt. jOl), \tlt.i 1 (1,rllll) ()tls; l;lr:tl I Lr<' :,,orrr.rl ()oltrrrlt'tr irL.l (lot'c 111 (('(rl II). "oh/ APPLICAIION DATE:Otrr* DATE OF OR8 I,IEETING . 5/04/88 t)RB APPLICATION ITTTTTH'IS APPTICATIOI{ }IILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED UI{TIL ALL INFORI'IATION IS SUBIIITTED***iT T. PRE.APPLICATION I.IEETII{G: A pre-application meeting ttith a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine lf any additional lnformation is needed. No application will be accepted unless lt is complete (must'lnclude all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamllne the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the ORB may sti-pulatb. ALL cbnditions of approval must be resolved before a building pennit is issued. A. pRSJECT DESCRIpTlgt{. pRrvArE RESTDENCE L LoCATrolt Address OF PROPOSAL: LIONS RrDGE SUBDTVTSTON - 1480 Aspen crove r,ane, Vail, Co Legal l)escriptlon Lot__ g _ Block Zoning C. . MI,IE OF APPLICANT:DAVTD C. DETRICK Fil ing 4 Mdress P'o'BOX 399 - VATL,CO. 81658 tel ephone 47 6-2602 D. MilE 0F APPLICANT.S REPRESENTATIVE. GORDON R. PTERCE, ARCHrrEcr Mdress 10c,1 s. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VA]L, CO. 81657 telephone !JL.-4-4,j3 E. Ml.{E 0F 0llNERS: DAVID c. DETRICK P.O. BOX 399 VAIL, Co. 8165&tel ephone 4't 6-2602 be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE t 10.00 $ 2s.00-f s0.00 $100.00 $2oo. oo $300.00 I}IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSIONS TO THE DR8: 1. In addltion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indlcate property llnes and bullding corners. Trees that w'lll should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. 2. The revlew process for NEt{ BUILDINGS will normally invo'lve two separateof the Deslgn Revlew 8oard, so plan on at least two meetings for their 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. Signature Mdress F. ORB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 t:50,001 - $ 150,000 f150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $l'000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 stake the site be removed visi ts the meeti ngs approval . \ / O LIST oF I'IATERIALS . MtlE oi ,*orrr'/ o"t*t"* t"ttourtg-, wtllE Ur rKU\rErJ I . i.eelfbEiiRiFiioN: th. iinter iooREss' rTEtE- cr OESCNIPTIOII OF P Roof Sl dl ng 0ther tlall ihterlals Fascia Soffits llindors Iindor Trim 0oors Door lrim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashingt " Chinnqys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Otier PTAXT }OTERIAI-S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTII{G TREES 8E REI,IOVED BUILT UP FLAT ROOF RESIDENCE Ihe following infonrntion ls requlred-for submitta'l by the applicant Eoard before-a final approval can be flven: A. BUILOII{G I'IATERIALS: TYPE 0F I'IATERIAL to the Design Reviett COLOR STONE BW/LIGHT STUCCO (PAINTED WHITE) STAINED CLEAR CEDAR STAINED CLEAR CEDAR CLAD DOUBLE PANE STUCCO FULL GLASS SLIDERS STUCCO 2r, F PIPE W/1'' FILL OR STUCCO PAINT METAL METAL STUCCO B. LAI{DSCAPII{G: }lam of Deslgner: Phone: Eotanical Name POPULUS rSEUglg;I.pS- PICEA PUNGENS PINUS TN DYING ASPENlY-......-..- COURTYARD Cormon Name QUAKlNG ASPEN COLORADO SPRUCE DWARF MUGOPINE- 1t Si zer lB" to 24" fqd bvL',tpo- '/'/f$SeoQ tS,t"turt tfo'rrt nilA fnrr\ , E -!"'U AND GROVE AT BUILDING LOCATION AND rlndlcate callper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers' a v' ' PLAI{T I,IATERIALS: Eotanical Name Cormon Name Quanity Size (con' tl SHRUBS JUNIPERUS BLUE CHIP 25 5 ga1 HORIZONTALIS JUNIPER EXISTII{G SHRUBS NoNE TO 8E REI.OUED LYpe' GRoUNo CoVERS HYDRo SEED W/BLUEGRASS Square Footaqe 4,000 sf s00 SEED TYPE OF TORO,/TURF SPRINKLER HEADS W,/AUTOMATIC TIMER IRRI6ATION SYSTEM. DESIGNED AND INSTALLED BY LANDSCAPE TYPE OR I,IETHOD OF ER05I01{ CoI{TRoL C. 0THER UII{0SCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) Please specify. RETAINING WITH NATURAL STONE BOULDERS AT DR]VEWAY AND STEPS TO HOUSE AND' EARTH SHELTER GARAGE. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL ADDRESS: O}tNER ARCHITE ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height TOtAl GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l.Jater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retainj.ng [alI Heigh.ts Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Block J- Fil ing \t+L ne Phone Al I owed (30) (33) Proposed 20, 15' 15' (30) (so) 3sw (3oo) (600) (eoo)(1200) (so)(too) (25) (s0) (2oo)(4oo) to 1r Slope Actual ro o a00o Ava I anche Flood Plain S'lope Wetl ands Geol ogi c Corments: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: ffi )t )l .t UIILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISIOI{LTONSRIDGE JO8 M}IE DETRTC RESTDENCE LOt 3 BLoC|( 2 FILING 4th, ADDRESS I4B0 Aspen crove Lane, Vail, CO The location of urilities,lines, Dlrst be approved andaccoryanying site plan. llountai n Bel I I -634-3778 llestern Slope Gas Harry iloyes rhother they be rnain trunk lincs or proposedverified by the following utj,liries for the Authorized Siqnature Da te Q!,4 .v. 4/*"."-ttW 42a'4L 4-p-rtr 4-&8r r For nc+l const4" .r please fill out' attached sheet. ,-t/ u /rr -^, -d.ar4 -- '--r- vv q'L NOTE: Theso verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut peruit fron the Town of vair, Departnent of public works and to obtainutiliry locations before digging in any public righr- of-ray or easenent in the Torn of Vail. 4 building pernit is not a street cut perdt. A streer cut pernit oust bo obtained sepsrately. :. Tttis foro is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with proparing your utitlty plan and scheduling installati,ons. t'll}; ;:il"'comPanv Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/llichael Laverty Ual I Cabl e T.l/ . eaf-eennee* Upper Eagle Valley t{ater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek D.cvrn C. Dernrcrr May ll, 1988 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 8155 7Attn: Kristan PrLEz RE: Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing #4Single Family Home plus Employee Unit f hereby acknowledge having received personal notice of the fact that above mentioned buiJ-ding or structure is in an area of geologic sensitivity and notice of the studies conducted to date with regard thereto. STATE OF CALIIPRNIA COUNTY OF I,IARIN on this /i day of nruk , Lg(8 , before .J III€, the undersigned Notary Public, in and for the a\ - .7--r* i,State, personally appeared )vat",l,' L;, K't (htt/4 , , a person known to me to be the person who executed the above written instrunent. M, ETIZABETH MATTHIWS NOTARY PUBLIC . CALIFOFNIA I\IARIN COUNTY My Conm E,p'rc5APiL l, l99l * b6A,J-"'*Jt"A 75 south tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlly development Ivlay L0, 1"988 To: Property ohrners adjacent to Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge Filinq No. 4. The olrner of the above property, Mr. David Detrick, is proposing to add a caretaker's unit. If you have any concerns about the proposal, please contact our office by May 30' 1988. This notification concerning the second unit is required to be sent to all adjacent property owners per the Lionsridge S4 annexation agreement. Sincerely,,r I n,lY.;L U#'-hlill/t{\ Ntlf rti;-stan Prit,z Senior Planner (io.rd o tt R l)icrcc. Architcct . A.1.,\. May 6, 1988 TOTVN OF VAIL Planning Department Vai1, Co. 81657 Attn: Kristan Dear Kristan: Here is the inforrnation you need for the application of the second unit for the Detrick residence: Apclicant & Address David c. Detrick P.O. Box 399 VaiI, Co 81658 Gorrlon R. P ie::ce , Architect 1000 S. Frontage Road I''Iest Vail, Co 81657 Lot 3. Block I Lion's Ridge Filing No. 4 VaiI, Co Applicant Representative : Location of Prooerty List of adjacent Lot 11 LOt Z= Lot 4 Track A: property owners: Selblz, InIilIiam T. Selby, Robert E" 4001 t\'l " Count::y Club Rd Tuscon, Arizona 85711 And-erson,.. Todger And,erso)ai MarY E11en 6 Soutfr t n. Enrtewood, Co 80110 Tovrnsend, I'IaYne E Box 2469 Vai1, Co 81658 Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 1462 Asnen Grove Ln. Vai1, Co. 8I657 , 21t 1t l{rrirtl \\'crt . \'lril. ('oloratl tr c/x4 C'a ,'r,-a- r/1Lr t/ .4 :-/ z. t- !e\ tj --\- c "/ til 657 . , J/ ,)'/ .176-'1.1-l.l 5-- r 0..1i000 Sorrth Fr()ntaue Page 2. Towrr of Vail Enclosed is a check for Sf01.00 to notifv owners. for the T.O.V. fee aqd pgstage r\ vlWM Larry Deckard. Encl . 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 of llce ot communlty developmenl April 27, L988 Mr. Larry Decker Gordon Pierce, Architects l-000 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Single family plus Ernployee Unit on,I_,ot 3, Block 2,Lionsridge Filing #4 Dear Larry: After our meeting today in our ad hoc noisy lobby, r thought itwould be herpful to reiterate the inforrnation that is neededfor this project. l. The employee agreement per Section 18.1-3.OBO must besubnitted. lhis incl-udes the ernployee restrictionagreement and notification information for adjacentproperty owners. 2. Bill Andre!/s must sign off on the titre report and siteplanning for the project. Land ritre has indicated. thatthey will subrnit this report to me today or tomorrow. 3. The hazard report infornation nust be subrnitted byNicholas Larnpiris. Attached to this letter is the letterf sent to Nick today. 4- All- roofs must be at 30 feet. This 30 feet wirl incl_udethe parapet wall for the flat roof. 5. Please note that in respect to the hazard situation,before a building perrnit will be issued, the owner rnustsubrnit a writtery signed.and notarized affid.avit certifyingacknowl-edgernent of receiving personal notice of the talt - that said building or structure is in an area of geologj.c sensitivity and notice of the studies conducted to datewith regard thereto. Thls is to ensure that the owner isfully aware that the property is in a geologically senEitive area. If you have any further questions about the review procedure, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,v.t o.l \nf'W\ [{fl'l-Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br Enclosure 75 soulh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlly development April 27, l_988 Mr. Nicholas Larnpiris 0554 Highway 82 Carbondale, Colorado 81G23 Re: Hazard Report, Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge filing #4,Os/ner, Mr. David Detrick Dear Nicholas: As you know, this 1ot is within the medium severity rockfallzone as napped for the Town of Vail . For a single farnily,duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, the code requires thatyour report certify the following: l'lhether the site can be developed for the specific structure oruse proposed without corrective engi.neering or engineeredconstruction or other nitigation or alterations; or That the site is a geologically sensitive area, but deveLopmentwill not increase the hazard to other property or structurLs,or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets,easenents, utiJ.ities or facilities or other properties of anykind. It is very irnportant that this wording is included in yourreport. Prease note that if the structure arlows for rnore thantwo dwelling units, the rnitigation must be completed. by theowner. It is only for sj.ngle farnily, duplex, orprimary/secondary projects that the owner nay decide not to dothe nitigation as rong as he or she is not irnpacting adjacentIots, roads, etc. ' I-have also attached the hazard regrulations for your' inforrnation. Please send your revised report as soon aspossible, as this project is proceeding through Design Review. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, , K'tf^^fl'UKristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br Enclosure cc: Larry Decker ( (' 18.09.090 Site Coverage Not more than fifteen (15) percent of the total site area shall be covered bv buildings. and Si te Develooment At least seventy (70) and length of any area area of not less than 18.09.120 Parkinq percent of each sjte shall qual ifying as landscaping three hundred square feet. -be landscaped. The mjnimum width shall be ten feet with a minimum ( 0ff-street shall be provided in accordance with Chaoter Lg.SZ. / Chapter t-8. 10 STNGLE-FAMTLY (SFR) DTSTRTCT Sections: 18. 10. O10 Purpose l-8 . l-0. 02 0 permitted uses18.10.030 Conditional usesLB.10.040 Accessorv usesL8.10.O5O Lot area and site dimensionsL8.10.050 Setbacks18.10. oBo Heightl-8.10.090 Density control 1,8 . l-0. 110 Site coverage18.10.130 Landscaping and site developmentl-8.10. l_40 parking 18. l-0.01_0 purpose The single-family residential district is intended toprovide sites for low-density single-fanrily residential uses.together with such public facilities.as ma! appropriat.fy-fe'located in the sane district. The singr"-?uriiy iesia"nliaidistrict is intended to ensur:e adequat6 riqht, iir, privacv anriopen space for each dwelling, commensurate with singre-fa.ir" -- occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residenti_ar qualitiisof such-sites by establishing appropriate site deverop-me"i----standards. (Ord B, Lg73) 316c o ;t f' {. S INCLE.FAM ILY (SFR) DISTRICT . 18.10.020 Permitted uses. The foltorving uses shal! be oermitted in the SFR district: Single-ramiiy resicienrial drr'ellin gs. (Ord. 8( I973) $ 2.200.) 13.10.030 Conditionai uses. The follorving conoitionai uses shall be permitted. subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accorciance rvith the provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Public utility and public service uses: B. Public buildings, grouncis and laciiities; C. Public or private schoois: D. Pubiic park anci recrealio n Iacilities; E. Ski iiits anci to*'s: F. Dog kennel. (Ord.20(1982) $ 5: Ord. 3(1973) $:.300.) 13.10.010 Accessory uses. The foltorving accessor)- uses shall be permitted in the SFR district: A. Private greenhouses, toolsheds. plal'houses. garl!.lcs or car- ports. srvimming pools. p:ltios. or recrca!ion facilitics cus- tomarily incidental to single-famiiy uses: B. Homc occupltions. subiL'!'l !o issttancc ot I homc occun:ition permit in uccordance rvith thc provisions ol Scctions I S.55. I30 through ll't.58.190: C. Otl.:cr uscs custonnrilt' incidcntlrl and ilcccssor\' (o pcrrnittcd or contiitiortal uscs. and ltcccssrlr\' [or tltc' tlpcrltttotl lhcruol. tOrd. 8( I973) r\ 2.400.) lll.l0.05(l l.rtl arc:r arttl sitt' tlittti:ttsiotts.'fh.' rrrirrirrttrnt lot or :itc :rrcu :lutll br' trvclvc tltounnrl t ir c lrundrcrl squ:rlc lcct ol bur .rblc :rlclt. l:;rch sitc shall huvc rr nrirtimurn lr()ntilgc trl thirtv tcct. [:rclt sitc shall bc (rt a sl/c irnd rltapc clrp:rhlc ol crtclttsinq ir s\lr,li.tlc:rrca cir:lttv lc'ct on cach side rrithin its bountlurius. 1Orrl. lJ( 197,q) $ .1 (pirrr).)i) , r.(r t.!(x:r o \ ( 18.10.060 Setbacks. In the SFR district. the minirnum fionr setback shall betwenty f'eet. the minimum side serback shall be llfteen leet.and the minimum rear setback shall L,e t.iiteen teer. t Ord.50( 1978) g -: (parr).) 18.10.060 Heieht. For a fiat roof or mansard rool.. the heigirt or. buridrngs snal.lnot exceed thirtl, r'eet. For a slooing rooi, tire irei:rhr oi burid-ings shall nor exceed rhirry-rhree reer. (Ord. i7r l9g0l i llpart r.) 18.10.090 Density conrrol. Not more rhan one rjs,elling unit slull be uermitterl on elcirsite, and not more than twenr),-iivc squiic feer of grossresidential oor aiee (GRFA) shell be pernrirred for eacli onchundred square le:t for the lrst trvelve titousrurd ilve hunciredsquare feet of site area, plus nor morc rhan rcn feer of-qi-o;residential t'loor arc'a shall be permirted tor c:rch o'e iru'ciretlsquare feet of site ares over nvelve thousuntj five huni.lrcdsquare feet. No single-thmiJy residcntial lot. except tlrosetotally in the red hazard. avallnche zone, or the I.loodpLirrsha.ll be so rcstricted thrt it cilnnot be occupi.,r.l by o,," r,n*,.-.-family drvelling. (Ord. ll(1978) S I (prrr).) ' -- - ZONlNG l8.l0.l l0 Sire covcrare. N()t nlotc tltatr trventl' covcrcd by buildings. (OrLl. 2.507. ) l)crc!'nt r>l tlrc tot.rl :itc lr..l slrali bcl9( I ()7() ) S j iparrr: ()rtl. St I97_ti .s ( 18.10. I.i0 Lerrdsc:rpirr,: urrtl sitc (l(.r.(.lr)l)nlcnt. . r\t lcart sixty ptrcr:nt ol c:relr srtc sir;rll 1.,.. l:rntlsc.r|)crl. Tltcmi1i1ru11 rvitlth :rntl lcrruth r)1. lnt, ure,r .lu,rlitr irr,: .,slantlsclprng shall trr: tcn lr.,ct. *.rtlr:r lrriirirrrui,, ,,r.a ()l nol lcls luyr ]lr.r11 -hundrcrl s<pr:rrr: rccr. rOrtl. lqt t.r;6i S -t (1,,:rru: Ord. ,3{ I 97-11 I l.-i(J(). r ,l.rt :.:o rll -l ls I C TWO-FAI\I I LY RESIDE\TIAL ( R) DTSTRICT I 8.1 0.1-10 Parking. O I t'-s tree t parking shall Chapter 18.52. (Ord. 8(1973) be provided in $ l.s 10.) accordance with I Chrprer i8.12 Tl\'O.F.q,}tILY RESIDENTIAL (R) DISTRICT Secrions: 18.12.0 l0 Puroose. l8.l1.020 Permrcreduses. I 8.1 2.030 Conoitional uses. 18.12.0-+0 Accessorv uses. 18.11.050 Lot area inci sire dirnensions.l8.l1.060 Serbacks. l8.l1.0S0 Heicht.18.11.090 Denlitvconrrol. I 8. I 2.091 Appeai ro planning commission. I 8.12.092 Appeal to ro\vn council. I 8.1 l.l l0 Coveraqe. 18.12.t30 Landsciiring and sire deveioprnent.l8.ll.l-10 Parking. 18.12.010 Puryrose. The trvo-tantily residentirl disrrict is.irrtencirtl to provide sites tbr lorv-dcnsity single-l':rnrily' or rrvo-ilmily rcsidcnti:ll uses. together with strch public r:rcilitics as nlJl- appiopriatrll, belocated in the sunre drstrict. -fhe trv'-r'anrily residcrtral .liitrictis intendcd to cnsurr. xd!'( ltte lisht, tir, priv:tcv und opr:n spucc lor each tlrvelli g. co nl ln ensur:.1te rvith sirr.rlc-t enr ilv ind rrvo-t-lrnily occu l)Lluc),, :rnd to rnli:r trin thc dcsir:rbt!. residc ntitl([urliti!'s ol' such sitcs l.r' csreblishinq llppropn]te site Jcvcloprrrcnt stuntlgrds. (Ortl. S 97_i) $ j.100.) llJ.l1.010 Pt rrnitrr'tl trscs.'flrt lilllor"irr!.1 uscs sh:rll ['c purntrrtctl irr tlru l{ rlistricf:..\. Sirrrllc-lutnrlv rcsidcntiul rlrvcllitr:rs;l]. T*'o-tlnrilv rcsidcrrtial rlrrcllin(s.(()rrl. i( l')7i) -t -i.100. r it9 , r..r : Jlrll