HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 BLOCK 2 LOT 9 LEGALTO: FROIT{: DATE: SUBJECT: t{ENloRA.\IDLlNl Tom Moorhead Andy Knudtsen January 2. 1996 Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing II. I. The Ouestion Tom Braun, representing Carol Orrison, would like to know if the caretakers units constructed in the Lionsridge 4th Filing should be deed restricted as Type I, II, III' IV' or V Employee Housing Units. Background Carol Orrison is the owner of Lot 10. Block 4. Lionsridge Filing No. 4. There is currently a single family home and a two-car garage on the propert-v. The property has less than 100 sq. ft. of GRFA available for furure development. He u'ould like to build a t\e'o-car garage and a caretaker on the propeny. Lionsridge 4th Filing is zoned Single Family. Hou'ever. Ordinance l5 of Series 1989 allows a caretaker to be constructed on each lot. As a result. each lot has the potential to support a Primary/Secondary type of strucrure. Per Ordinance l5 of Series I 989. the carctaker cannot exceed one third of the total GRFA allorved on the lot. The Ordinance specifies that the employee unit "shall be permitted on each lot." The definition of the employee unit is provided in Section I 8. I 3. which is the PrimaryiSecondary section of the code. That citation has since been removed and transferred to the Type I portion of the Employee Housing Ordinance. The Employee Housing Ordinance The Employee Houiing Ordinance provides for five diflerent types of employee housing. There are different attributes of each type that match the Lionsridge 4th Filing standards, but there is not a clean match between any of the types and the situation in the 4th Filing. Staffbelieves that it is a closer match to the Type I, as there are six attributes of the Employee Housing Ordinance wbich match the situation under a Type I scenario. The Type II has only one atffibute that matches this situation: however staff understands that the one is significant. Staffbelieves that all of the attributes are important and would like yor"rr interpretation as to which restriction, a Type I or Type II is appropriate. III. Planners: please keep this in mlnd for all dgvelopment in Lionsridge 4th Filing MEMORAI|IDTJM TO: Tom Braun FROM: ArdyKnu&sen DATE: January 8. 1996 SUBJECT: Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing On January 4, lgg6,Tom Moorhead and I reviewed the attachedmemo and analyzed the Employee Housing Chart, located in the zoning code at the end of the Employee Housing Chapter. He concluded that the caretaker dwelling rmits in Lionsridge Fourh Filing shortld be deed restricted as Type I EHU's. Please call me or Tom if you would like to disQuss this fiuther q would like additional documentation. 75 south frontage road vail. colorado 81 657 (303) 479-2100 May 1-0, 1990 carroll P. orrison 1464 Aspen Grove Lanevail, co 8L657 Dear carrol: At this time, our department has not received any request for a rezoning for Lot 8, Lionsridge 4th filing. we did receive a request to build a driveway to the building site on Lot 8. However, recently I wrote a letter to the bank indicating that the road would not be possible to build until our To!,tn of Vail Design Review board had approved plans for an entire residence and a buiiding permit had been taken out for the entire residence. We will put a copy of your letter into the file for Lot 8 as well as copies in lots 9 and 10 for Lionsridge filing No. 4. ff you have any further questions about this issue, please feel free to contact ne at 479-2L38. Sincerely, {tiil^ qr'\ Kristan Pritz Director Community Development KPlPP o x,a 'lL-r-rJjft" , "P\-' dgkl/tt" / AppLrcATron DATE:ANW" / APPLICATIoII DATE: -.V(Y I onre oF DRB MEETITiG: o-lh-0b DRtJ APPL ICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BI ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATiON IS SUBI1ITTED***** PRE-APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to deiermine if any additional information'is needed. No application wili be accepted unless it js complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLtTE applica- tion will streamline ihe approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Legal Descri ption D. E. $ o- $ 10,001 - $ 50,001 - ll)u,uul, - $500,001 -$ 0ver $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $ 100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wi ll be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the ^ a {-^) I Ltr. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI,lISSIONS The revjew process for NEl,/ BUILDINGSof the Design Review Board, so plan People who fail to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a reoubl i shed. wi l l normal ly i nvol ve two separate meetings on at least two meetings foi their approval . Design Review Board at thejr scheduled postponement will be required to be L. naa".",, wto6 &w e?nft Ltl , _ Lot n Block -.--T-=-- b Fi I ing t/ti\^|9 C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s NAIV1E OF F. ACdres NAMI O Signat Addres DRB FE VALUAT I ON ZoninE + APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : 4q $ 10,000( qn nnnY vv tvvv( 1En nnn $ 500,000 $ 1 ,000 ,000 $ I ,000,000 Kt&4t+ telephonefiVWAU teiephone 111'rt+ terephone 4u*qga The fee w paid at the time a building permit is requested FEE OI,JNERS: 3. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: 2/15/88 rEent % Block z Filing Lion,s Ridse,ADDRESS: 1/.a( ^^^NUNtrDXlll|T..". Phone 476 6338l8fiirJlsl phon.--e.4fr6i4- DQnDnqtrn |lctrr r\vr v..rLU uJc Si nole Fami I V ReSidence LOT SIZE 26.O48 s.f . Fi I i no 4. Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaini.ng tllal l Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envj ronmental /Hazards : Al I owed (30)(33) 4854 s. f. 4854 N/A 20' 15', 15' ( sol 1561 )zvY s.x. 15630 s.f.-6r--r:t- (300)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25) (50) (200)(400) 4o7" Slope Actual Aval anche No Proposed 28 19400 s.f.--6---_T- 200 ,4210"s.f . ri ,, 427o N/A 18'& 57' N/A 2960 s.t. /, c,l Jf 25 3BZ Flood Plain Sl ope No No l'letl ands No Geologic Hazards Medium Hazar d Rockfall Conrnents: Zoning : Approved/Disapproved Date: )tart 5tgnature o APPL I CATiON DATE :2 /15 /88 DATE 0F DRB YEETIi'IG 3/2/88 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I^IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALi- iNFORMATION IS SUBNITTED***** PRE-APPLI CATION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a pianning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No appijcation will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the appficant's responsibility to make an appointment lvith i.he staff to find out about addjtional submittal requirements. Please note tnat a C0I4PLETE applica- tion will streaml ine the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of condjtions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a buildjng pe'';nit is issued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Single Family Residence B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address_ 1465 Asnen Grove Lane Legal Description Lot q Block Zon i ng sFR - Fi 1 i ng Lion's RldLe Filing 4 D. Add res s NAME OF Addres s F. DRB FtE: The fee rvi I I VALUAT I ON 2.The revjew process for NEW BUITDINGSof the Design Review Board, so plan People who fail to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a reoubl i shed. wi'l I normal ly involve two separate meetings on at least tlvo meetings for their approval . Design Rev'i ew Board at their scheduled postponement will be required to be C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: c2i I na\r 1514 Buffehr Creek telephone 476 6338 APPLICANT'S REPRFSENTATIVE :_ Duane pj per oo48 F,..Reaver Creek Blvd. (Box 5560) Avon. CO telephone 94q 7074 E.NAI1E 0F 0WNERS: Cail Dav Signature Address l5l4 Bufrahr creek, vail, co teiephone /!7(, 7oi4 be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $i0.00 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $25.00 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$ 500,000 $100.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $200.00$ Over $1,000,000 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSiONS TO THE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the sjte to'i ndicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 3. UTILI'IY LOCATION VERIF ICTTION SUBD IV ISI ON Lion's Ridge Filing N0. 4 JOB NAME Dav Residence LOT BLOCK FILING 4 ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines, nust be approved and verified by the following accompanying site p1an. Authori zed Signature rf z-lc, -t( zaLie )-/("-€€ * For new cc a-tE_t_tpi ease f il I at'"3c!)ed sh( Z-15 -E( 2-/6-gf, *dt'r. a"X;h./, J"4.r- /*i4 .-o- a{.fr catt-- AqZ*-a ht-/ . \tob'ttw, Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 l,,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Publ ic Service Company Gary Ha11 Hol-v Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vai I Cabl e T.V . g+ef+en'nson Si€ .,t Fl ' .Tif ijpper Eagi e Vai 1ey lrlater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of hrs responsibil ity to obtain a street cut pernit fiiorlr thc Torvn of Yai I , Departrnent of Publ ic ll'orks and to ob tain utility Iocations before digging i.n aril- prrbi ic right- of-way or ease:nent in the To rvn of Vail. A building pernrit is not a street cut permit. obtained separately. A street cut uernit :nust be This form is to verj.fy service svai.lablity and location. This shouid be used in conjunction wi.th preparing your I ines or propos ed utilitics for the Da te utility plan and scheduling instaliatior,s. LIST OF MATTRIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI.I: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO f€e€ The foltowing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Oesign Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I4ATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding 0ther Fasci a Soffi ts lrJi ndows l^iindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashings Ch i mn eys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LAN0SCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATIRIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Comno n llame EXrsrrNG TREES To meilBt RE|'10VED -----1------ -!!L!- 91.{. to'wfuasacntr efir€;bt4, ftilaeo- O^?tdl-@*tVg _'A|flI for ccni fers . (over) *lrrdicate caliper for deciducious trees,Indicate height PLANT I'IATERI ALS : (con't) SH RUB S EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVEO GROUND COVERS lltp VrNt+ouff€ Botani cal Name Common Name Quan ity Size (hlmr hmr.ra fu^, 1/ ----a- I, lo 1 ehL 1u-, --G:n-. 6e*u (nrr.e ro innl'rno oa SOD ot6\, STED hAje ynr.l *44 TYP! OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHtR LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining rvalls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify o ohr?\- k?5 tor- ,- 4zz,t- zr.r gqo {_- 3o,z-f(,r* 2.4. f 't d.z s-G, Y l4,o K 1- /L t 9t, 5-.L a-)(- sr.o) ZL f,L.Y 3t IL /{ z 3 st, .(6( S-, t LI -- y f,tl i ^Ll1a"n*to Y l6t1 I#t_ 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 24, L986 Mr. Duane Piper Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Day Residence, Lot 9, Dear Duane: We have scheduled the Day DRB on March 2. Before wewill need: Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing residence for conceptual review atcan schedule if for final review we l-. A site specific study with a letter explaining thefindings by a qualified engineer. 2. BiII Andrews is asking that iten #j_5 of the TitleReport be clarified. ft reads as foLtows: rrEasement granted to Valtey Associates, Ltd., recordedMarch 18, l_980 in Book 300 at page 2g\..l We notice that you show two fireplaces. One must be a gasfireplace. ff you have any guestions, please call rne. Sincerely,/.'|i/r'/tl I/\-c ct-. V,)11 .,, " Rick ry/rnan "'''\- Town Planner RP: br *', lana ritte association commatment - l96o COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY S'I'EIVAItT A'I'I'LE GUARANTY COMI' IiY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon pay- ment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. Signed under seal for the Company, but this Commitment shall not be valid or binding until it bears an authorized Cou ntersignature. lN WITNESS WHEREOF. Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. !STE\,!'ART TITI,I' (}fIARA|\|TY (-I)VPAN}'m.?Zaie-]a*. Pr esident 005N R€v. 3/78 25M 4-87 Chairman of the Board seratNo C-9912- 35S458 tH/ak SCHEDULE A Order Number:1i?1-\/ 1. Eltoctiw dale: 2. Foricyorporiciasto*ls$glloh 14' 198? Ah 8100 A.H. A. ALTA Oxner's Policy Proposed Insur€d: GAIL EIIGLER DAY g. ALTA Loan Policy Proposed lnsur€d: ^ FIRST IIf]ERSTATE BAIiTK OF DENVER Commitment Number: Amount of lnsuranca $ l zo, ooo. oo r Tax Cert. c6,000. 00 a AUGUST 26, ].987 CC: FIRST INTERSTATE STIFER G. DAY Premium $5?2. 0o 5. 00 $ 50.00 3. Tho estale or interest in th€ land d€scrib€d or relerred to in this commitment and co/ered herein is fee simple and title ther€to is at the ettectivg date hereof vesled in: FIRST IIfTERSTATE BANK OF DENVER 4. Th€ land ref€rr€d to in lhis coanmitm€nl is doscribed as lollows: I,OT 7 BtoeK 2 LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FTLING NO. 4 According to the recorded plat bhereof. COUIITV CIF EAGLE STATE OF EOLORADO FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS COMMITMENT PLEASE CALL LINDA 'IILLIAMSAT 303-949-1011. FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING CLOSING PLEASE CALL CINDY HUGHES AT303-949-1011. SISTART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTYP.O. BOX 1248 VAIL. COLORADO 81658 STE\^rAR.T TTTI-E GUABAT{T? COIIANY 1652 (25M 3/86) Pag€ 2 SCHEDULEB-Sectionl Order Number:Commitment Number: 3321-V Requirements The following are the requiremenls to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account ol the grantors or morlgagors of the full consideralion for the estale or interesl to be insured. Item (b) Proper inskument(s) creating the eslate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed lor record, lo wit: 1. Executlon of affidavit as to Debts and Llens and lts return to Stewart Title Guaranty Conpany. 2. Execution of Certiflcat,ion - Enttty Transferor/lndividual Traneferor and ita return to this offlce. 3, EVidence satisfactory to Stewart Tltle Guaranty Conpany that the real egtate transfer tax assessed by the Town of VAII has been paid or that the transaction la erenpt fron said tax. 4. Partlal release by the PubLic Trustee of Eagle County releaslng subJect property fron the llen of D,eed of Trugt fron JEFT?EY B. SEI,BY Ln favor of FIRST II{TERSTATE BAI{K oF DHiIVER securingt 9500,000.00 AND 9250'000.00 dated afULY fI' 1984 recorded AUGUST 9 1984 in Book 392 at Page 5 as Reception No. 288303. 5. PartiaL release by the Publ.lc Trustee of Eagle County !91911-iltSsubJect property iron the llen of Deed of Trust fron JEFFREY B. SELBY in favor of FfRST MTERSTATE BAIiIK OF DEIM securlng $200,000.00 dated APRIL 10, 1985 recorded APRIL 17' 1985 in Book 4trL at Page 418 as Receptlon No. 307596. 5, Certificate of satisfactlon issued by the Clerk of the Court of Judgrnent in favor of It27 IIAZEE against JEFFREY B. SELBY, J0HN nnnnfe Al{D ALLHC GRSTBJBERGEB, ln the anount of $4251311.56'plus court costs, entered on February )'2, 1985 in Civil Action ttto. I 86 00?290 District Court, Denver Counby, transcript of whlch ltas recorded July 28, 1985 In Book 445 at Page 912 as Reception No. 342L56. 7. Deed fron vested owner, vest,ingr fee slnple title ln purchaser(g). NOTE: NOTATfON OF TtlE LEGAT ADDRRESS OP TflE GRAIITEE M'ST APPEAR ON TITE DEED ASi PER 1976 N{B{DMEIST TO STATUIE ON RMORDING OF' DEEDS 73 CRS 3835I.09 (2}. 8. Ileed of Trust fron ttre Borrower to the Publlc Truet,ee for tlre use of the propoged lender to secure tlre l-oan. STE\vART TITI-E GUANANTY COXIANY1653 (2sM 3/86)Page 3 SCHEDULEB-Section2 Exceotions Order Number: Commitment Number: 332L-V The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satis{action ot lhe Comoanv: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and Inspection o{ the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or malerial heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public recotds. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires ot record lor value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. and alL unpaid tares and assesEnents and any unredeemedsales. 7. The effect of tncluslons in any greneral or speclflc rratercongervancy, fire protectlon, soi.l conservatlon or otherdietrlct or incluslon ln any nater service or streetinprovernent area. 8. Right o way for dltches or canara constructed by the auttrorttyof the United Statesr as reserved in United States Patent recordedAugnrst 15, 1909 ln Book 48 at page 542. 9. Right of proprietor of a vein or tode to extract and remove hisore therefron should the same be found to penetrate or intersectthe prenises as reserved in Unlted States Patent of record ininstrunent recorded August 1Or 1909 in Book 48 at page 542. 10. Rlght of way for ditches and canals constructed by the authorityof the united. states and rlght of way for an exisllng road., being40 feet in wldth granted to the Eagle County Board of Commissionersas reserved in Patent recorded July 27 | L979 in Book zBB at page 885 as Reception No. 185287. 11. Restrictlve covenants rshlch do not contain a forfelture or reverterclause, contained in inst,runent recorded Septenber 20, 1972 in Book225 aE Page 443 and lnstrument recorded Septenber 29, L97Z in Book225 at Page 565 and the Anendnent recorded in Book 233 at page 53 and in Declaratlon recorded in Book 300 at Page 758 and rerecordedin Book 300 at Page 758 and rerecorded in Book 30t at Page 41.5, i12; Utllity easenents 20 feet ln wldth, I0 feet on each side of a1L''- intertor Lot lines and a 15 foot utiJ.ity easement along andabuttlng on all exterior lot lines as reserved on the plats forLion's Rldge Subdlvlsion, Flling No. Z, 13. Restrictive Covenants, whlch do not contain a forfelture orreverter clause, as contained in instrunent recorded August See Continuatlon Page 6. Any tax Exceptions numbered 1654 (15M 3/86) are hereby omitted. STEWART TITLE GUANANTY COX?ANY Page 4 CONTINUATION SHEET SOHEDULEB=s€rtion Z Order Number, 33Zt_V Commitment Number: 3, 1980 tn Book 306 at Page 410 ag amended by lnstrurnent recorded Novenber 26, 1980 in Book 313 at Page 824. / lilr Easenent and right of way granted to Holy Cross Electric Association,Inc., recorded August 20, L979 ln Book 289 at Page 989' I5i Easernent granted to Valley Associates, Ltd., recorded Harch 18' 1980 in Book 300 at Page 290. 15. Agreernent between Tayvel Environnental Land Conpany and Hountain States Telephone and Telegraph Conpany providlng for Telephoneinstallation and service throughout f,1on's Ridge Subdivtslon, Filing l{o. 2 recorded Septernbet 27,1973 ln Book 23I at Page 29L, 17. Easenents as shorrrl on the plat of Llon's Rldge Subdivlslon Flling'/No.4. Page _ 00s5 l50M 1-87) STE\^IAR.T TITI-E GUABANTY COXPANY 1. 2. CONDIT]ONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instru ment. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is preiudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any zuch defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability prwiously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith {a} to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and zuch liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modif ied herein. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are sublect to the provisions of this Commitment. STE\VAIIT TITLE GUARANTY CO MPANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029. Houston. Texas 77252, and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BE R which appears on the bottom of the front of the f irst page of this commitment. 3. 4. r,1Ti lo,)- zFlr!r ; 33a &u8 -?<i>Ea:r,r ; 3 a U uJ (J FZzEftr E,-f =Y==u,OJo: PROJECT: INTEP.-DEPARTMENTAL REVI Et.l F,'( / ,,/a- 4.,. 't"$ t tt'rt' ttdr tt,', JrS? f.< h-/ /19-2 a .&.-*-.-- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING IDATE SUBMITTED: z COI'II4ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION 0F THE PROp0SAL: /r\4_ iJ +(<(3 S / t,txrlT o fi,anr / "! .!4 r2- t ' "-r Date Revrewed by: I * Da:c- 2/,+)&_ Comments: ,-.) i -7,/ A\\a-/ ''( i -,t' t ', P /g ,- -,,,2({ ((r rc r<,-f 1o.a € / taP.l ''ra t '1 En- ? \ toy93 6) .nru. Eat t'ce | ,/Jo l)zt '7 7 l/o,, ,.' *1r'-,-. FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corments: Reviewed by: Com;nents: Revlewed.by: Co;;ents: Date Date