HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 BLOCK 2 LOT 10 LEGALMEMORANDI.]M TO: Tom Moorhead FROM: Andy Knudtsen DATE: January 2,1996 SIIBJECT: Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing I. The Question Tom Braun, representing Carol Orrison, would like to know ifthe caretakers units constructed in the Lionsridge 4th Filing should be deed restricted as Type I, II, ilI, IV, or V Employee Housing Units. II. Background Carol Orrison is the owner of Lot 10. Block 4, Lionsridge Filing No. 4. There is currently a single family home and a two-car garage on the propert-v. The property has less than 100 sq. ft. of GRFA available for future developrnent. He would like to build a two-car garage and a caretaker on the property. Lionsridge 4th Filing is zoned Single Family. However, Ordinance l5 of Series 1989 allorns a caretakerto be constructed on each lot. As a result. each lot has the potential to support a Primary/Secondary type of structure. Per Ordinance l5 of Series 1989. the caretaker cannot exceed one third of the total GRFA allorved on the lot. The Ordinance specifies that the employee unit "shall be permitted on each lot." The definition of the employee unit is provided in Section I 8. 13, which is the Primary/Secondary section of the code- That citation has since been removed and transferred to the Type I portion of the EmpBoyee Housing Ordinance. III. The Emplo)ree Housing Ordinance The Ernployee Houiing Ordinance provides for five different types of employee housing. There are different attributes of each type that match the Lionsridge 4th Filing standards, but &ere is not a clean match between any of the types and the situation in the 4th Filing. Staffbelieves that it is a closer match to the Type I, as there are six attributes of the Employee Housing Ordinance which match the situation under a Type I scenario. The Type II has only one attribute that matches this situation; however staffunderstands that the orre is significant. Staffbelieves that all of the attributes are important and would like your interpretation as to which restriction, a Type I or Type II is appropriate. Planners: please keep this in mind for all dpvelopment in Lionsridge 4th Filing MEMORANDLn{ TO: Tom Braun FROM: Andy Knudtsen DATE: January 8. 1996 SUBJECT: Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing On January 4, 1996, Tom Moorhead and I reviewed the attached memo and analyzed the Employee Housing Chart, located in the zoning code at the end of the Employee Housing Chapter. He concluded that the caretaker dwelliug units in Lionsridge Fourth Filing should be deed restricted as Type I EHU's. Please call me or Tom if vou would like to discuss this further or would like additional documentation. I z F E uJ e.lN C.l .$ C\a UJ L! LL i o_ crtblulqvlz' Lfl,d') +'J) o\ ln E 12. z ts z I t!! Or : lz kl r,H,<a ',: zlEv t,. >{ ,z t1l=Z:< 'f I o & q. z o z z a UJF z(,z o) f(D oz z LUa =I (r E o Fz (! UJz3occ L! tllaz,.,3 FI<Fz.\ YZ(./| <? '\) .t "0 1 vi\ j R.'r ,,\ >- \J .\ F--r -L i 14 _rp+_rz+<+rd+H-r o q) c (! = (E c 3 t"- o ol 0)oc(g. .s' 0) -c o c(! q) 13 O CJtc!- (n E =cl o- (E 3,; '=(l)@;iJF_: :(J(E(, -,a.^ Q): -;(! ;6:,: : o Y.9c"o> e:5i -P;., -,= F; >=: cI'-(E :E;g niSo6 E ONfiEo iE O }e;9SE5. "'.Y- (! F o(g 0-d=- o o!aor n+:: L o\v=> -!o9:Fi -- C J ^\@-Y!3E::ollo ; E >,= *,o=9i r-r X;isF96s);coo; b b: N {NIN( '-'. .+\t ln C\ (\ rn t =t z o - cD I I(J z o. Q cl O z 6 =l d Qz Io uJ = Lrl z F E(J E o cr =g oaz -ao o F o- uJool z C) F utof a LIJ tl-r LL i uJ o- J F F z =l ID .-) c UJ tr z6 =l z I(J = Fl H NOIIVN]VA z =z z ts F anz -E ;ZztL i o- 6=^ : r >Ytr9 0[ aotz>-ooo(,<)zXrL <( !9;c<5X-Xz d(\o >c -I H zo F l E o o-l g. d .+ N E-c & lc F lool't't- lz t; IEt: l"t*lxl3tullz )l ;l t z* X o;Z :]F (rII] c cul za = cc o zIF oo l l l;tr -+-=] ; i 1 I l ,"Iz\;io-i> ao * co IE z I I I Ilcv 5 r--F-l -+(t \{ 2or-{ o z Fl uJ i-- U) o-)zo t-(r uJY uld) r-'l \J Or =:(l UJ l,!.rE-l>z r'\ |XZ H tlrl uJr- tu;^F\Jzo zr-l .^O z =vn=z<lf -+JO \oo-t! rt r lf ll J."i5l/\J=z=z- ^:s dd= -x-,b<Ib< Iw-- L (r t! l! .P IIJE2E< EY>o.E'E FLt- EF>OU^..9i; : 3X O F r,' tr x>.!=r- oti ul lD oF --G' ts =E, lrJ o-zo FO EFazo(J @ I F\ N Iil =l I ol =lol uJl 1l atilol zl 3l :-| H H r.-lrI] j g =lol u.Jl :l al>l ? 9l zl ol LUI :l al>l ? =tvt I Ifl 6l'l I Iolzl ;l c{ ,t \t sl* *l -a!,,l o,,zt ..:Bt :Ol rrJFI F- z E CJ F-l '-t g I rc'trdll> | -'r 10diQr.,(Ji(\llllZ \o I r'lzl o1 rol c4 l o-('l <lHt 1Ei \t 1 F4, \O Iol -r I| .'{ |,ilI al ..p4 gl F{<t ^t <I d>rJ <l>t I<l <-4> o L. o H z H d u.J z d] -) I I J(t Ht.4zcl HI 4-)tr 6 "lIF It:ITllIr\-'l I (\rnlsOcal lo-XI Fql alXI ,"| sl Ixl <xt > ol l><l tr>l o z HE E |-\r\ I <r l -lTI.llvr IYI-l I .la)l =l l!l -lJl al>l ql ol zl 3l 9lFI H z B z H F: E E Zt- =<zt f,F:z oF E.Fz z =O LU &:;I (JZ oO E <F(!(J trJ <ZE u.J FrtZ-o O e. F (_) zo 9 F ul tU cL!z B ul =IO .J<O ulq LC' r( Plan Revien Based onthe 1988 UnLform codes PROJECT NUMBER: 31491 NAME: ORRISON RESIDENCE , ADDRESS. L464 ASPEN GROI/E DATE: 3-]-4-9]. CONTRACTOR: SULLIVAN WOOD CONST OCCUPANCY: l,[-1 ARCHITECT: MIKE PERKINS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N ENGINEER: I,IARK MUELLER DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUTRED The itens listed below are not intended to be a courplete listingof all possible code requirenents in the adopted sodes. It is a gruide to selected sections of the codes. Ihe following is not to be construed to be aD approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of tbe aalopted eodes or any ordinance of the Tovtn of Vai1. 1-. Engineer reconmends pitch of roof to be 1,/4u faL:.. per foot instead of L/8tt per foot fa1I. 2. cuardrails to rneet minimuns of chapter L7 of UBc. 3. Culvert under driveway to be approved by Tov before instaLled. ?t rNst'oNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL nnr 6O PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI T JOB NAME MON CATLER TUES WE l,)'/, )'L) BUILDING:,/,\/ n lEfu\ / srEEL | (nilh " ?/I ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB OOTINGS D FOUNDATI D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH Cl EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Xtt*outo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ? /u+ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON r-, Itr:.. - INSPECTIONREOUEST)\\\SON TOWN OF VAIL /'\ J '' tl )t. i-.i ^ r---Xll++---t:- /'.3) tKt t (z ' ')"cALLER \.r,: FFI'. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O F1NAL .U I O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ff4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REOUIRED /lD^rE Ll - Z7 - ?/ tNSPEcroR r, ?-' ] PERMIT NU OF PR JECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: rr.rstcnoNTgWN OF t REQUEST VAIL JO8 NAME A'----. CALLER@ 6iE'THUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: E FOOTINGS/STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND ufrouruonrroN / srEEL L)/i/(.'' tr RoucH / D.w.v. D D E] D D tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING o,RouGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr \coNDUrr D SUPPLY AIB g coR ECTIONS: tr DISAPPR tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o Y *ln L- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JO8 NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 6o,, (a,L', t' k)a "J INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALi !MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER O ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT , D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED coRRECT!ONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR sfiis,ro" PERMIT ] INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL 1\ MON \\\-. .r\ CALLER TUES THIJRWED (- (...\ NUMBER OF PROJECT oo.r\\-\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAT tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL D FINAL /D-APPROVED ,1' connecrroNs, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,^ t 2 /- /0'/INSPECTOR V 7(r "*INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER Of P oor, (c )s 1 READY FOR LOCATION: OJECT JOB NAME /ri/ CALL rufs '4/1,-1- ER INSPECTION:MON /(/',vtJL n BUILOING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ffJr.,oerc*ou*o tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ,/,,,' *(l r,_,, 3olg{ / D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING o D o D D ROUGH / WATER tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr.TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL - O FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo* U-ZQ'?/ rNSPEcroR * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL q,\pa JECTPERMITNB L'AIts READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON Tt rtrq )- UM t() THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,-- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL /p/neeaovzb',tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: LJI\ I E ,,,,{INSPECTOR ni;-t' PERMITUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSP r\Tl o INSPECTIONTOWN OF ,/./ 5 -J.L ,.,.-.,. a' i'a b REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER ON '^'";'?t,',)Io ,/ (leenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: t ON / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERt pLYwooD NATLTNG T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr F.OOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL wac &,tna('4 ( it2'u,1'urr,rvt',4 tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL o INSPECTOR n6 ()a < + d^t/ 1 '7 a * PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESWED INSPECTION REQUEST / TOWN OF VA|L ,y'l , (ro-r, / /) t'O4 ,/Lroo-<_., 4 /l,taS?'_..//'/.s-f THUR(*n PM 6(r-d BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL oFINAL---*.-(-s * ta; /,r tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PriFsgct The ltens below givtog a pernit Please check off FINAL PLIJ}TBING AI., $ISPECTIOBIS need to be conplete a flnal C of 0. 1o the box provided. COUPLETED before T DATE:tl FINAL MECITANICAL DATE: E I"UPROVEMENT SIJRVEY RESID. NAilE: DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAI -.-- F.\ L\ U\DATE: W\-\ \ \\ \ FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: i CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY LANDSCAPING DIIE DATE: FILE NAME TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 97 0-47 9-2t38 E Iect ri ca [---> oRB Fee Investigation>lliLt ca L l.----> TOTAL FEES---> .Tob AddressLocation... Parce1 No.. Project No. 50.00 .00 .00 3. OO >J. ( J 1464 ASPEN GROVE LN 2103-014-15-0L2 I S SUED 06/04/Lee6 o6/18/tee6 L2 /rs /ree 6 Status. . . epplied.. fssued.. . Expires. . APPLICANT GORE RANGE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR GORE RANGE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620 ORRISON FAMILY GUARDIANSHIP 1464 ASPEN GROVE LANE, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 3039497788 Phone z 3039497788 OWNER Description: WALKWAY DRIVEWAY LIGHTS *r*lr**ffiffi**ffiJrti#(** FEE SUllflARy Val-uati-on r 51.00 .00 53.00 Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE----- s00.00 Tota t Catcu[ated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Permit tee--------> *** t#*##ffi**til#ffi#ffiffi#ffi I!94r: ,9qqq0_ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:06/04/1996 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR LAUREN APPROVED 6-5-96 *ffi*t*ffiffi*ffi*ffi***#Jrfiiffi**ff****ffi*******irffiffi*ffi*ffiff**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffi *ffi ffi ff tH#ffi ***lrirrt*rriffi *i*i**rrtff ,****ff ft *tff ffi ffi *f, i*t*ffi ffi ffi **t*t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I hav€ read this appl,ication, fitLed out in ful.l, the information required, cotflpteted an accurate plotptan, and state that atI the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with the infornration and pLot pl,an,to conpty vith atl' ToHn ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according io the Toyn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revier approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun appLicabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIJENTY.TOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR ATOf FICE FROI1 "1rA,rtt T,/f e & 1o/ to, 5k a DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSIED , ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL Perrnit #: TIMES E9 6 -0113 SIGNATURE OF FOR HII'ISELT AND OIJNER n', * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * !k * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** s3.00 06/L8/96 14:10Init: LRD Statemnt Number: REC-0158 Anount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #3187 E96-0113 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 210 3-014 -15-0t2 1464 ASPEN GROVE LN Tot,aL Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Pa)rment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 s3. 00 .00 Anount 50.00 3.00 Office TOWN oF VArL CoNSTRUcTil - PERUTT APPLTCATTON FORMoerez 61ci/?t PERI.IIT Ii APPLTCATTON uusr BE FTLLED our cor{prrETEr,y oR rr }IAy Nor BE AccEgrED ************* *t************** PE I.|IT fIFORMATION ************ ****************./[ ]-Buirding I J-p1r"r'r''fu'rt JLzf-erectrical [ ]-uechanibat I J-other Job Address: <, [ ]-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Acconnodation Units: Gas Logs_ I{oodlpelletAppliances VAIUATTONS ********************************* ELEqIRrcAfz t .fCEg OTHER: $UECHANfCAT: $-TOTAL:$--- colflrRAqroR TNFORUATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * + * * * * * *. * * * * Address: El-ectrical Con Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: ******************************** FORBUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUT.IBING PER}TIT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERUIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEEs cenerat Descriptiont ytL4ffi,/trork Class: 1lt(-Xel,r [ ]-Alteration Number of Dl,relling Units: #*"r and T119e of Fireplaces: Gas . {***"*************************!r*** BUTI,DTNG: $ PLT]MBING: I* ** * *** ** **** **************fEenerai ConEractor:3;:l""f"H:L"&grw 3;:l."$#!L";yf:+Xi Town of Vall Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: oFFrcE USE ** ****** *********************** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLI'MBTNG PI.AI{ CHECK 3EE:UECITANICAI., PIAN CITECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.|IT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNAflIRE: CI.EA}T I'P DEPOSIT IgFt'I{D rt,: COP Y Planning and Environmental Conrnission Community Development Department January 14, 1991 A request for a front yard setback variance to allow a detached garage on Lot 10, Block 4, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4/ 1454 Aspen Grove Lane.Applicant: carrol P. Orrison o FIL E DESCRTPTTON OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED With this proposal, the applicant is requesting a 19 foot variance to the front setback standard in order to construct a detached garage. The zoning code requires a 20 foot setback and the applicant will be providing one foot. The garage that will be built has the sane configuration that has been presented to the PEC at earlier hearings. The structure will be buried into the hillside with two parki.ng spaces inside, two spaces on the roof, and a driveway that circles around the structure to access the lower interior spaces. This application is different than the previous requests in that the applicant has moved the garage up next to the house. (Please see attached site p1an.) The driveway, in conjunction with the garage, has also been shifted to the north. The edge of asphalt that parallels the brow of the hill is now eight feet further to the north (uphill) than the earlier proposals. other changes to the driveway from the previous design are shown below: .r. TO: FROU: DATE: SU&]ECT: I. Previous Desiqn 1. Depth of FilI '7.O' 2. Length of FiIl 80.0! 3. Slope of Drive 11.0? 4. Slope of FiIl exceeded around driveway 2.L Current Design 1.5r 26.O) 7.7+ 2zL The changes to the driveway have been rnade possible by shifting the garage up next to the house, relocating the existing staircase, and shifting the driveway to the north.In addition, the turning radius of the two curves on the driveway have been tightened. Both curves have a fifteen foot turning radius. Because the slope of the driveway does not exceed 8*, Town Engineer approval is not needed. However, the Town Engineer expressed concern that the driveway will not acconmodate large vehicles because of the t' 15r turning radius. As long as the applicant understands r the constraints of the driveway, and because it willfunction for small cars, the Town Engineer is not opposed to _ it being built. II. BACKGROUND This reguest is the fourth tine that the applieant has brought a proposal to the PEC. At the first presentation of the request, on Novenber 12, 1990, staff recommended denial ,finding that there were several problems with the design. The PEC expressed concerns and requested that the applicant look at alternatives. The prirnary concern of the Commission was the visibility of the driveway to the valley below and the arnount of fiII necessary to build the driveway. In addition, staff concerns included the slope of the driveway, the slope of the fill around the driveway, and the anount of asphatt proposed. The applicant requested the iten be tabled without PEC discussion on November 26, 1990 and December 10, L990. ITI. ZONING CONSTDERATIONS Zoning: Sing1e Family Residential Lot Area: L7,O75.5 sg. ft. Site Coverage: Allowed: 341.5.1 sg. ft. (20 percent) Existing 1786.1 sq. ft. (L0.5 percent) Proposed: 2362.6 sq. ft. (13.8 percent) Height (garage onlY):Allowed: 30.0 ft. Proposed: 9.5 ft. Setbacks (garage onlY) : * Front - Required: 20 ft.Proposed: 1 ft. Rear - Required: 15 ft. Proposed: 79 ft-. Side(south) - Reguired: L5 ft. Proposed: 79 ft-. Side(north) - Required: 15 ft.Proposed: L9 ft. *Area of setback variance request. .l IV. CRIIERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 ofthe vail l.tunicipal Code, the Department of Conmunity r Developrnent reconmends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factorE: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the recruested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vlcinity. The issue concerning the relationship of the proposal to the valley below qras a key point in the previous PEC discussions. Staff was concernedthat the cut and fill required to build the driveway would scar the hillside. The table showing the changes from the earlier proposals shows that the depth of fill, length of fill, slope of driveway, and slope of the fill aroundthe driveway all have been reduced in their degreeof severity. As a resuJ-t, the visual irnpacts fronthis proposal on the surrounding uses and structures have been reduced. Staff believes that there are still sone negative aspects to this proposal . There is still asignificant amount of asphalt proposed for the driveway. Staff believes that less asphalt would be better. Another concern of the staff involvesthe use of the trright-of-wayt'. The road that serves the lots in this subdivision has not been dedicated to the Town. It is controlled and maintained by the homeownerts association of Lionsridge Filing No. 4. Because this reguest invol.ves using more of the right-of-way than nost driveways nortnally would, staff recormends that a condition of approval to this reguest be that the homeownerrs association approve these drawings. Athird issue is the need for additional landscaping bethreen the driveway and the right-of-way. Staff recommends that rnore landscaping be planted inthis area and has listed this as another conditionof approval . Of the three problems staff hasidentified, two can be resolved with the proposed conditions of approval . Staff believes that the one rernaining (the amount of asphalt) does not stand out as a najor problem, given all the other issues on this site. staff believes the views of this garage from the valley floor will be acceptable. Though the garage nay be visible, (as is the house) it is due to the high visibility of the lot, not because of the variance reguest or the nature of the construction. The decrease in the amount of fill from previous proposals is the most significant irnprovenent. Because there will be very little fill, the inpact of the project to structures in the vicinity is ninimal. The decrree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified requl.ation is necessary to achieve conpatibilitv and unifortnitv of treatnent anonq sites in the vicinitv or to attain the objectives of this title without qrant of special privileqe. In previous reviews of the ftarage, staff has rnaintained that a request for relief from the strict interpretation of the code be granted for the proposal which has the least amount of inpact and srnallest need for relief. In this case, staff can support the request because it has been redesigned so that the degree of relief is less than other proposals and because there is no grant of special privilege. The location of the existing house and the steepness of the lot are two constraints which justify some variance in order to construct a garage. Regarding the degree of relief, there is no J-onger a reguest for a variation to the Townrs standards for driveway slope, and there is no longer a request for a variation frorn the Design Review Guidelines on slope of fill. Because the applicant has rnitigated these impacts and brought then up to the standards of the Town, staff believes the rernaining setback variance is a reasonable reguest. The effect of the recruested variance on lioht and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities. public facilities and utilities, and public safetv. Regarding the impacts of this request on the issues listed above, the garage has been moved outside the utility easeruent and the applicant has tried to nitigate the safety of the driveway by proposing guardrails. The staff continues to be concerned about the tight curves on this drivewayi however, we believe that the design can accomnodate compact cars and that larger vehicles can use the roof parking spaces. I 3. t v. Another safety issue is the need for a rockfall study. Nick Larnpiris did a rockfall study dated I Septenber 12, 1989, for the construction of the new house. The study nust be updated to include^ this proposal . Prior to the issuance of a building pennit for the garage construction, the appticant rnust provide a rockfall study for this - specific proposal . FTNDINGS The Plannino and EnvLronmental Cornnission shall make the That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the liuritations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare' or naterially injurious to properties or inprovernents in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: l-. Tbe strict literal interpretation or enforcernent of the specified reguJ.ation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regutation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI. STAFF RECOMI,TENDATION staff recommends approval of this request, because it neets the criteria and flnaings for a variance and because it meets all of the Town oi vaitrs standards and guidelines except for the front yard setback. Staff believes that the A. B. c. isetback variance on this site is reasonable, given the factthat the site has a steep slope and because the existing buildingr locat.ion linits the number of potential garage Iocations. Specifically, Finding A is net with this request since there will not be a grant of special privilege forthis proposal based on the two hardships listed above. Finding B is net as this request does not negatively affectpublic safety. Finding C2 is met as the site does have extraordinary circumstances. The Conrnission should recalI that staff recomurendations on two of the three previous variance requests were for denial .In those recommendations staff discussed the criteria in addition to the findings. Staff believes that this reguest neets both the findings and the criteria, whereas earlier requests did not rneet the criteria. Specifically, the second criteria deating with the degree of relief needed froro the Town regulation was not met. Because the applicant has made enough improvements from the earlier proposals he now meets this criteria. Therefore staff recoromends approval of the request with the conditions that, prior to issuance of a building pennit, the applicant: 1. rncrease the anount of landscaping on the plan, specifically in the area between the cul-de-sac driveway, with six asPen and 5 junipers; 2. Provide written approval fron the homeownerrs association for the use of their ttright-of-wayrt this driveway; and the (d, )fof------"--'-- 3. InstaII guardrails on the driveway which are approved by a registered, professional engineer; 4. Provide an updated rockfall study for the driveway and garage. c: \mo\orris-4 I\r .' LAl a)Ae:fld76 64 ?T' t), ))"uuoae E'l 'u've1''14''i:268t 9Q'€(' ( -.,'n(a nx#lfi, 3d'!f"09,, (r o,' Ywu'uff:{K!!'--'tzEtrffi(#{:=-- ^- Lu!^"" '",1"i8fr,!# ,uA a( 'JAtv ,' ; 2' .t 7/\t,.'//t/' .''-.i /\ \.\ -t u. :l FJs ul A J \9 a bt ll ll lt $ll 6l , $llt)ll* xlln 66 F Jrfr + t\ Gl $l - 0 f O F .9 t.,I N N I I I , I uls{ TL \5 1 UJ a= t$ o $s \t 7 Ex r$ I S'ls I$i S;Sssr Ee ,l A"lFtA,ee4eef?'i4 AHrz?& Gtkl aa PAT4.H€alv€,vt*tQGtAt-S ^HO'1aLe7 a7 1Fa3E nufreH €,xl5llt46 A?\J* t'7t -l 4A'1e><'llZeD\?zga^e? 6;9.<1eW?. Avz? 1o /A'd . 4t a I HZt ( Ltlet 4 lt ? *aY> 6aulAAr=41 7rVVKtat eL..2t,o 4xvet /+'--t'-e' , D^1" /-3o-?/ Prolect Name: f, 'orJ 6 if owner, Address and phone: 4 ' 4sf'a 6^t^ L" dZA - ZZO f Project Application Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect. Address and Phone: LesalDescription'tor /t^ ,",o"r [ 2 ,ru,^n (;*o,./2" 4 ,zon"S.€- Com ments: Design Review Board Date t-?o -7/ Molion by: Seconded by:/-c D ISA PPROVAL Summary:, ^l/^ ff,dy (lrrlfuuN Town Planner /- tu-q/Dale: E statt Approval January 17, 1991 Town of Vail Planning Dept. 75 South Frontage Rd. VaiI, Colorado 81557 Re: Garage Construction for Lot 10, Filing #4, Lionsr:idgeSubdivision, Aspen Grove Lane. Gent Iemen: As you requested in writting, the following is a vote of the Honeowners Association of Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing # 4, Aspen Grove Lane, concerning set back variance and garage construction onLot 10, Filling #4 for Carrol Orrison residence. AII adjacent lot owners (Lots 7, 8,9, and 11r) approve of thevariance. Additional lot owners notifiedr (Lots L, 2, 5, and, 6) also approved of the variance. The t$ro remaining lot owners of thissubdivision (Lots 3 and 4) were not able to be reached. Thank you, ///" ,,nro. / d- / MargaYet Forken Secretary 47 6-09 48 I ao' il{'l' ffira t.14.1( l.50.1l *****THIS APPLTCATION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION' IS SUBMITTED***** r. PRE-APPLICATION }IEETING: A pre-application rneeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional infornration is needed. No application wiII be accepted It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional suburittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nurnber of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a buildingpernit is issued. Application will not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: v 7A''l t ,rt DRB APPLICAITOX DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB }TEETING: B.I'CATION Address OF PROPOSAL: LegaI Descripti-on LoE /o Block V Subdivision NAME OF APP Mailing Address: /u^4qf|^Phone q76:)>at NAME OF Mailing REPRESENTATM: -<?/rrZ- Phone E. NAI4E OF OWNERS: 8IGNATURE (8) : Mailing Address: u ;-l u\Phone f, r<"- alzy zoning < 'l' sl*',-'< c. D. F,/s APPLICANT I S Address: Condoniniurn Approval if applicable.F. G.DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a buildincrpermit is paid for. VALUATION FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 I 50.00 $100. o0 $2OO.00 $30o.00 s0s 10, 001I 50,001 $150, oot s50o,0ot$ over - S 10, ooo - $ 50, Ooo- $ 1.5o, oo0 - $ 50o,oo0 - $1, ooo, ooo $1, 000, 000 I II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: - A. rn addition to ureeting subnittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed must also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. B. The revie\r process for NEw BUILDINGS will nonnally involve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning adrninistrator, the following itens may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. Windows, skylights and siurilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed frorn any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted frorn adjoining proPerty owners approving the addition; and/or aPProval from the agent for' or nanager of a condorninium association. E. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. r. II1ATERIAL TO BE SUB}TTTTED NEW CONSTRUCTTON A. Three copies of a topographic map and site pLan at ascale of lrr = 2ot or larger, of the site containing thefollowing: 1. Licensed surveyorrs stamp. 2. contour intervals of not rnore than 2r unless theparcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case,5r contour intervals nay be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diarneters of 4rr or more one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streans, etc. ) . Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek, creek or strearn setback, 1.00-year flood plain and slopes of 40t or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site, showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all util.ities to include existing sources and Proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone c. Property lines and a basis of d. Proposed driveways wittr percent slope and spot elevations e. All easenents (Title report must also include existing easement locations) Existing and finished grades. A11 existing and proposed improveurents including structures, landscaped areas, service areas' storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parki-ng, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations of top and botton of walls), and other site inprovements. Elevations of top of roof ridqes (with existincr and proposed crrades shown underneath) to deterrnine height of building. AII ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan uir.h correspondi.ng finished and existing grade elevations. No portion of the roof shall exceed 33 feet. 4. 5. 6. Sewer Gas water Electric showing distances and bearings bearing 8. 9. 1,0. B.Landscape PIan (1'= 2Or or larger) - 3 copies reguired 1. Show the location of 4rr diameter or larger trees, other shrubs and native plants that are on the site and the location and design of proposed Iandscape areas wittr the varieties and sizes ofplant materials indicated. 2. Cornplete the attached landscape rnaterials list. 3. Designate all trees to be saved and all those to be renoved. As rnuch of the above infonnation as possible should be indicated on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various cornponents is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be shown on a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and buildinq corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tacrqed. The work must be completed before the DRB site visit. NOTE: Signature from each utilitv comnanv verifying location of service and availability (see attached). Prelininary title report to accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. E. Architectural P1ans (L/4" = 1r or larger) 3 copies reguired. l-. Must include scaled floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on cornpletion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be rrred-Iinedtt to show how the GRFA r4tas calculated. 3. Subrnit one set of reduced (8 L/2n x 11[) floorplans, elevations and site plan for inclusion in memos to Planning Conmission and Town Council. 4. Exterior surfacing naterials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the uraterials list (attached). Color chips, siding sarnples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. Zone check list (attached) nust be conpleted if project is zoned Single-Farnily, Prinary/Secondary or Duplex. c. The Zoning Adninistrator and/or DRB rnay require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a rnodel) if deened necessary to deternine whether a project will conply with Design Guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUTLDINGS. Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of the proposal may be subrnitted in lieu of the nore fornal requirements gi-ven above, as long as they provide all iurportant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. c. D. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR CO!{MERCIAL I nrjginal ftoor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans (A/4" : 1r or larger) for additions. c. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list (attached) . At the reguest of the Zoning Adrninistrator you may also be required to subnit: c. A statement frorn each util.ity verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. A site inprovernent survey, starnped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A prelininary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building perrnit has been issued, and wben the project is underway, the following wiLl be reguired before any bui).ding receives a framing inspection from the Building Departrnent: Two copies of a certified improvenent survey showing: A. Building Locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. c. All utility service lines, as-builts, showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easernents. H. Building floor elevations and alL roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. V. CONCEPTUAL DESTGN REVTEW 1. Submittal recruirements: The owner or authorized aqent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter uray subnit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Departnent of Corununity Developrnent. The purpose of a conceptual review shall be to give the applicant a basic understanding with respect to the design concept and the cornpatibility of a proposal with the Design Guidelines contained within this chapter. This 2. procedure is recommended rnainly for those applicationsof a higher impact than single-fanily and two-farnily residences although projects of that nature shall not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. The fotlowing infornation shall be subroitted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feett b. conceptual elevations and exterior materiaLs and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; c. Sufficient infornation to show that the proposal conplies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, nunber of parking spaces, etc. ) ; d. Cornpleted application formi e. Planning and Environmental Connission and or Town Council approval if reguired. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Couununity Development shall review the subrnitted rnaterials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the appJ.ication and subrnittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation of the Department of conmunity Developnentts findings. The DRB shalt review the application and supporting material that has been submitted for a conceptual review in order to determine whether or not the project generally cornplies with the design guidelines. No voteof the DRB will be reguired unless requested by theapplicant. The property owner or his representativeshall be present at the DRB hearing. LEGAL DESCRIE{TION: STREET ADDRESS: LIST OF MATERIAI,S NAME OF PROJECT:OI.o^)*a*o r,or_l_0_ BrocK SUBDIVISION L .brr.y*- \ a.y.Q-- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PRI uE-\"r Ai -Tc GAS'c)c. I V A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof Siding Other l{all Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I,ANDSCAPING: NArNE Of PI,ANT I.I,ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES reguired for subroittal to the Design approval. can be given: TYPE OF I.TATERIAL COIPR Designer: Phone: Botanical Name common Name ouantitv Size* B. fl+"€J ile- -<$$J \Rf,sS S EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED A<et"-\ + *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Mininum caliper forheight for coniferous V\'--'c\L-L S \E)Nc, To il{*f<$ Hcllsd.- *t'crt €F,Sfr^l<- Y\osst trees. PI.,ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Narne Conmon Name ouantity Size* EXTSTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 oallon. of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is Scruare Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimrning pools, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwaIls. Maximum treight of nalls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxinum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. ,.e-dT e* /-\/./suBDrvrsron f7 o,u s tr/),J L o JOB NAME IOT / D BI.,OCK-Y FrLrNc V3 ADDRESS The location of utirities, whether they be main trunk rines orpr?p?sgd lines, must be approved and vlrified by ine rotrowingutilities for the accompairling site plan. AuLhorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Comnunications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric 949-5'892 Ted Husky/Michael Heritage Cablevision 94 9-553 0cary ifohnson Assoc. Laverty T. V. /- t5-- 7,/ l-rs-,)r Upper Eagle Va1ley water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: r-rs -tl These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit frornthe Town of Vait, Department of pubtic Works and toobtAin Utilitv l-ocations before digqinq in any publicright-of-way or easement in the fown of Vaif.- Abuil.dinq pernit is not a street cut pernit. a streetcut perrnit must be obtained separateJ.y. This forn is to verifylocation. This shouldpreparing your utilityinstallations. * Please bring a site plan whenI{ater & Sanitation signatures. service availability andbe used in conjunction withplan and scheduling obtaining Upper Eagle VaIIey /-ts t ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE UISTRICTS . DATE: LEGAL DESCRfPTION: Lot Block - Filing ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total 201 151 15 1 (30) (s0) ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE IiT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights 3' /61 Parking Reqrd Credits: Garage (3oo) (60o) (e00) (1200) (so) (r.00)Mechanical Airlock Storage (2s) (50) (200) (400) Drive: Pernitted Slope 88 Actual Slope Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Environmental/Ha z ards : Avalanche 1) Flood Plain 2l * Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow 4 ) t{etlands ( (Vzsnn -) \__:',_rffilr .-...-----' IN'I'ER- DEPAIT'TMET{1'AL I1EVI EW DATE SUBMITTED: '/t\PRorEcr: U(etsattl 4+r-+cr DAI'E oF PUBLTc TTEARTNG t/n/ao THE PR.POSAL: ,Uer; !f.<-.4;Ve n.r^ tr/a--,t fJt.*n -,tzr. et). v A COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF l,t/4't< ,tO,^4 f,n. t- ?- ?<: 2s- l5 'rRE DEPARTMENT =-\ '-d^"- ,{ra):'SReviewed by: \.1 Sate: l) :T-,>t "-,, i -r a\' 3Oo i^t,lt ' u .,'\.-, J< -T'u, ^...2 ?)r** U )aa-J,'*u" --,1,/^. ' ' huu /^ comrnentst \fo a)w.+ c..,,- ) ,uffi) -Jr'.r,< \-rJc^''tr- ^t -r'(( t^ !\ l-zio|noh"t'-1sl,)'lLrc'lO< p*)-h ,n (? - 6L/,v..-,/ ;*-1ro* Lt<, ' U U0to Pu /- q- c_u/ Wl- i ^ ,ou'JJ- "oor"o ounoorrf,"ff 6at'--t^A c1 (on. - Da-,,-./ Reviewed by: Date: comments, J)..-i n.-yL -D, I._^o, a-v--Q-- ,w {- +^'-=', -lt-r*+ acq_r*..L-lz4 on ,)/on 5/-*.A uL); t( ,\A-L! U d, #* [,"" ) *]l ]r".- -3f","r,.-----.- ( / u (3Oc"-t -\to> a> 7(lou /c/ /A< aflP[D\/"e. <) RECREATIONDEPARTMENT , [, Reviewed nv, DA a'- €6f$t%fn -l-/, @,.t"--L -Do,\,L) RECREATION DNPARTMENT Comments:C.L.,-\: 31--P,-- c<-c czf +r-L,le /J ID -'e'-) -l*i ,L #* / 7,-t u1., /z / z,/ra aVpra.r)- 0u.- , ',-) | INTER-DEPARTMBNTAL REVIEW ,^PRoJEcr: ueets"va 41 cr DATE SUBMITTED:DAI'E OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY:l- ?- 7<s BRIEF DESCRIPTIoN oF THE PRoPosAL: ,UC,; $c9.zI .aa d'{< 4{tu/ / 4. ?-k.-*n -^-,1.;. ed. v '1 PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Vn . pl--t Date: Date: Date: I n4 V'dv*""' -## ,L '#* / f*/ LA /z / z,/qr) ' Date: 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 December 13, L990 Mr. Carrol Orrison L454 Aspen Grove Lane Vail , CO. 81657 Dear Carrol, Since your proposal was tabled again at Environmental Cornrnission (PEC) meeting, next PEC hearing on January 14, L99L. office of community developmenl Mondayrs Planning and it will be heard at the For the PEC site visit on January 14, you must have a surveyor stake out the driveway if it is anywhere close to the brow of the ridge. The Town is concerned that the PEC members, the staff, and the applicant all understand what the proposal entails and agree to what the impacts will be. Please subrnit a complete set of plans of the proposal you wish to have the PEC consider two weeks before the hearing. If staff does not have plans by 9:o0 a.m., Monday, December 31, 1990, the project will be tabled to the following heari-ng. Thank you for your cooperation. AK/1rd cc: Michael Perk Rusty Wood fu*/*r in 1/ / L, ' l r"[L)t- +- \ 4r>TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: A request for a front yard setback variance to allow for a detached garage on Lot L0, Block 4, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4, ]^464 Aspen Grove Lane. Applicant: Carrol P. Orrison I. BACKGROUND On November L2, 1,990, Carrol Orrison requested a front yard setback variance from the Planning and Environmental Cornrnission (PEc) to aI]ow for construction of a detached garage, southwest of the existing single-fanily house at L464 Aspen Grove Lane. For the purposes of this memo, staff wiIl call that requesL llgEs.gll. Staff recommended denial, finding that there were several problems with it. The PEc expressed concerns, tabled the itern, and requested the applicant to look at alternatives. The primary concern of the Comrnission was the visibility of the driveway to the valIey below and the anount of filt necessary to buifd the driveway. In addition, staff concerns included the slope of the driveway, the slope of the fill around the driveway, and the amount of asphalt reguired for paving. For the November 26, 1990 PEC hearing, the applicant and his representative redesigned the project by locating the garage north of the existing residence, Proposal B. The applicant needed front and side yard setback variances to construct the garage at this location. Staff supported the request. At the hearing, the applicant requested to table the j.tem so that he could do more research and refine Proposal A. At this time, the applicant is requesting a front yard setback variance to construct Proposal A. Attached to this memo are four sections of the driveway showing where the thillside witl be cut and where fill will be required. t ,rL)' ,\It ' Ir. DESCRIPTION oF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED .,,rrl-'' y- -/- Proposal A involves constructing a detached two car garage in the front yard setback. Though the garage would only be one story, there would be two levels of parking-- one inside the garage and one on the roof. The driveway accessing the interior spaces will loop around the structure and descend to the Lower leveL (see site plan). The driveway wifl have an eleven percent slope. Though the garage wilL be buried into the slope, it is likely that it will be visible from the va1ley floor below. Planning and Environmental Cornrnissi,on Conmunity Development Departrnent Decernber 10, L990 \ .-_J The variance recruest is for an 18 foot encroachnent into the20 foot front yard setback. The side setbacks would be 60feet and 40 feet and the rear would be 92 feet. lf The slope under the proposed garage does not exceed 30?. The existingsingle fani)-y residence on the site was constructed over thepast year. The Design Review Board (DRB) application forthe single fanily residence was submitted August 2, L989. Acaretaker unit having one third of the allowabte GRFA is allowed but is not built. The zone district is Single Farnily Residential and allows detached garages without aspecific DRB approval of the separation. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zoning: Sing1e Farnily Residential Lot Area: 17,075.5 sg. ft. Site Coverage: Allowed: 3415.1 sq. ft. (20 percent) Existing 17a6.1 sq. ft. (10.5 percent) Proposed. 2362.6 sq. ft. (13.8 percent) Height (garage only):AIIowed: 30.0 ft.Proposed: 10.0 ft. Setbacks (garage only): * Front - Required: 20 fL.Pro-posed: 2 fL. Rear - Required: 15 ft.Proposed: 92 fL. Side(south) - Required: l-5 ft.Proposed: 60 ft. Side(north) - Required: 15 ft.Proposed: 40 ft. *Area of setback variance reguest. IV. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 1,8.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Department of Comrnunity Developrnent reconrnends denial of the reguested variance based upon the following factors: --F Considerati.on of Factors: l-. The relationship of the requested variance to other existincr or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. ll The issue about the relationship of the proposal to the rest of the Valley ltas a key point in the previous PEc discussions. Staff is concerned that the cut and fill required to build the driveway will scar the hilIside. This concern is particularly important since the lot is hiqhfy visible. The attached sections show thatll aII of the upper corner of the driveway will be constructed on fill. The resulting slope of the fill exceeds a 1:L ratio. The DRB guidelines lirnit slope to a rnaxinurn of 2.I. Given the proposed s1ope, the possibility of rnitigating the appearance with a berm or vegetation would be extrernely difficult. The applicant prepared drawings showing a rock retaining waI1 supporting the driveway with pockets of plantings interspersed arnong the boulders. There are 3 four foot high walls, separated with 18" wide planting areas. When staff reviewed this with the To!'In Engineer, he said that the probability of being able to engineer and construct a waIl like this is 1ow. In his experj.ence, rock wa1ls at this angle can be built using a concrete base but cannot be broken up wi-th plantings. Staff is concerned that the drawings may appear to mitigate the scar but are unbuildable. Pri.or to any approval- of this concept, staff recommends that an engineer design the wa1l, specifying the amount of landscaping which can be planted among the boulders and guaranteeing that the design can be built. Secondly, the driveway slope, at eleven percent, has not been approved by the Town Engineer. He is unwilling to support an exception to the upper limit of eight percent, as there is a reasonable aLternatj-ve on the site for a driveway which would not need an exception. Any driveway exceeding 8 percent must receive Town Engineer approval. Driveways over 10 percent must be heated and also receive approval. Driveways over l-2 percent are not allowed without a variance to the Subdivision Regulations. A third problem with the proposal is the amount of asphalt. Staff believes that the siting of the garage could be accomplished in a more sensitive manner that would decrease the arnount of asphalt on the site. The requested variance would have rninimal negative V-i 2. impacts on the irnrnediate neighborhood. The neighbors on the east end of Aspen Grove Lane would probably notnotice the structure since it would be below grade. The applicant has been concerned about the views of the neighbors and has sunken the garage to preserve then. However, the visual inpacts to the rest of the Town below this developnent will be visible and are contraryto the kind of site sensitivity the zoning code and DRBguidelines call for. The deqree to which relief frorn the strict and literalinterpretation and enforcernent of a specified requl-ation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniforrnitv of treatment amonq sites in the vicini-ty or to attain the objectives of this title without qrant ofsoecial nrivileqe. Staff believes that there is an alternative Iocationfor the garage which results in a better site plan (Proposal B). The area immediately west of the residence has adequate room to accommodate the garage the applicant is proposing. The applicant has plans for the garage in this location and staff supported the resulting requests for the side and front setback variances. The benefits of this location include the fact that the driveway grade would be generally level and would not need special approval frorn the Town Engineer. Secondly, the garage would be pulled away from a highly visible ridge; and thirdly, the amount of asphalt would be reduced signifi-cantly. The current proposal results in a large amount of asphalt in the front yard. A draw back to this proposal is that a dozen aspen trees would have to be cut down. A third option for a garage location whj-ch has not been discussed is to locate it to the east of the exi-sting house. Though the topography in this area would not reguire the cut or fiLL of Proposal A, there is not enough room to build the garage and access to it. Staff believes that the proposal fails to rneet the above criteria. Enforcing the devel,opment standard for setbacks is reasonable in this case si.nce the variance approval woulQ not provide compatibility among sites in the vicinity.tl If the applicant is seeking relief fron a strict interpretation of the code, staff believes that relief should be granted for the option with the least amount of inpact. rl The effect of the requested variance on liqht and air' distribution of population. transportati-on and traffic3. \T facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The variance reqluest stilt is shown encroaching into a. 30 foot wide utility easernent. Moving the proposed structure a minimurn of one foot to the east would be necessary to remove the garage from the easernent. Staff is also concerned about the safety of this driveway. Given its 12 foot width and the steep drop off to the south, staff believes that a guardrail should be installed. However, this onJ,y shows the need to add another element to the highly structured solution for providing a garage on the site. ll Another safety issue is the need for a rockfall study.' Nick Larnpiris did a rockfall study dated September 12, 1.989, for the construction of the new house. Prior to any approval of either Proposal A or B, the applicant must provide a site specific rockfall study of the proposal . staff believes that conditioning any variance approval with this requirement is reasonable since the previous study stated that "rockfa1l at this site is possible but not likely due to the type and orientation of the outcrops above and general topography above the site." ;l FINDTNGS The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall rnake the followinq findinqs before qranting a variance: A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. B. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or rnaterially injurious to properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. c. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to the sanesite of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of oLherproperties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the request because it does not meet the criteria for a variance. several problens with the proposal revolve around the issue of the relationship of the request to the valley below and site impacts. Staff believes that the proposal could be improved, as there is a location for the garage which has fewer irnpacts (Proposal B). The alternative proposal has been designed and shown to be workable. The visual irnpacts of the garage and the driveway in the alternative l"ocation would be negligible since it would prevent any damage to the hillside and would be screened from view by the existing residence. The slope of the fill around the driveway of Proposal A, as well as the slope of the driveway, do not rneet the Town guidelines. Staff is also reconmending denial because the request does not rneet the findings. Staff recognizes that there are hardships on the site which could justify a variance. Since both Proposal A and B require setback variances because of the location of the existing hone on the site, the PEC nust determine which comes closer to the standards of the Code. Though Proposal B does require two variances (side and front setbacks), staff believes that on the whole, there are fewer discrepancies from the code with Proposal B. But this is not a choice between the two, this is an evaluation of Proposal A. Given this proposal, st,aff has deterrnined that Finding A is not met as the slope is a self-inposed hardship which can be avoided. Staff believes that the garage does not have to constructed in this location. Finding B is not met since staff is concerned that this proposal may be a safety hazard as the driveway is narrow and the drop off to the south is severe. Finding Cl- and c3 are not met by Proposal A. Staff believes that strict enforcenent of the setback standard is reasonable in this case because there is another option which is more consistent with the objectives of the Zoning Code. Furthermore, not granting this varj-ance wouLd not deprive the applicant fron privileges enjoyed by owners of adjacent property owners. Staff does cornmend the applicant for trying to locate a garage on the site. We believe that safer access and an irnproved site plan result frorn constructing the garage along the lines of Proposal B. we encourage the applicant to 3. request the necessary variances needed to construct Proposal B as tlrere is justification for thern and because there are fewer deviations frorn the Zoning code for that location. C: \rno\orric_3 -l ( \ lttq .r/' ,{ $a!ra|.rr ! lA:.a!CllE^- 31'? tlr |ltarat: aa Gat'tt AJ1.^n. r -ad' a t+a I c -l \. 'D: a / -fa^.f, E a_s|fJe 7 wohlctADril6 PLAH ec^l.|ir lrr lal llt'l | 3tra,ll|.r.:X^HE-*fir tltrr a^att rAtiayrr*c.'aa -.E-jifr v xr rrt) \t\l\l\ l t.r*"' .oc.lV I -l .2 t a'-c'.c.c. c',llHlRAltD!.Ea-f3r{ Tr traTC:|{ , ?!1!f_4tr6rtt ll{ru.E :,u;.g:;r?!,H3H:L( Naerrre, q tLEvA-raa'{ " -tiz./\t-a t ll'e )!c' €aDiqE-Asa E,LGuAataN .xoFrxerer .,Hr^F rrrrrr,3,,. rruu)-<trvet.l$d .. ORFTISON FTESIG'ENGE Lor ror BLocK a LroNs nr6e rnrxo'r' lla-D 3tDtrt6, grrf BrF,l|\tar oN Gitr|c.t|,<x. htA4. GtD LTc t ,l^T<tl trtAr rL- '-..3r.?Lf A i.E GaL6raFDrFrr 6 rhfE €r'f\teuAl -\-..... J.-.9 ,i 'rZ * € Sueft9ry/6 ,/,/ofreuE4rrerr€ // '\ flvv €ve?e 1 See SEcna^l 5 \o sr) '+',.,sr\ ln= lol sEc?allsoo gd q.r"'teae - llc ..,__- _t+ -l rq r1 ,5 bfuatAN Z le". t'-d' E)+sTrNq 6?EAIE FINI9H qE\PC +€Lll?t-l P %'-;-o" |re'GcN $/$/4nE1>HUE =ZTltil4+(ee+e> oil srrE ?uAN 1-3o-qa\ l ilI8FT ffi $r,2 fr autr $L )l2t *iE t$r $r$ H2 t-7r?lt: $Efi $:r gi ${ fF -5 zt N \rlt I :$ $e ,Jl e $$ t 3 s aNf_- 3tL- tll- ""i l\l n$ '!tf \ . -*','aha..* I I oI t t illti t a * lr o ffi-y'1E SLar€9 (oEar)- <+ "5W''t-/rryJ1w'W,)>EEJ--'" I .\\ / \ .. ( 4 "rJ li:' |^B) ' !', re .,.\ G e),.,2, W, 1\ :rt,i; \ ,,dr' sr oo .,'"."rfi "'l><t+twq€/fp.tevJ{4 / -w ' i GAr<AGt€ I t/ {mfir.ila\/ "',,\t *lll', \ mfff" ,i: r;i,., FT?fir ffi il':'. ' 't':r:,.i ii' 1,. r' .1,i, ! "i.t" . Lt.o'-'i f;rii , -'lr':i,jI '';1tf'11fr1 NE-t-lt / lt */ 1 tr ;(:r 'pfrEwEt1Trs€.- Flt-u Sva?e l"= lof oo,35 1zlrteHExrT 'ELAIoN A tt,petvE --fet- - - 6%atzN B /g": al-o" 17,'ppl +e(alz2\ a ''=tt-o" l?-t Dgr*e, _=-+^___, z - .._ Ex6TfNc-? qlzA* rrursH 4FAPe 1>AVE (s4<e> oxl +eLTW;l p /Bo=;-o" ffi1<ss AAFAAE =ECTIAA+<rTE n-{N T3o-qo\ t (c;.}- ,-2)'L+)'\_., I l.l(: - t.1F ,"ni;,L,ixq-J lt I --V '// ,1 {tlv /,,/ ,// +:t,\c'rfreve c-tlTl-r-€'- Fluu €,t af C \1.r. l //' A/.,Ft[Ar.-t-/ fAwlx\/.1 i tf' | \\ |-/.4 1-tp:t'.tE (',t-ctl €c- ll *A ,/, I ' ii' v\ ,// '=i..:)-x y',, , / L l"= lo' a I '' Lt ( lr.' i ) ll .t .! OOga?AweHerur oo -t- -*-' -:-- CLJl(' Acea ' -- 2-o =rE lq -t7 -tb -t5 -t+---t3-|.2._-tl __ og -08 ^ 6€L-|oN A '/g"= l'- cr" - ----_*Al?rrA .- \ ty' petv2 -)--' -16 -t* ,, -- t2 -tL_-ll_lo --4.-j.n -o8 6%AyPN B /a": ll'o" ,"'p'pl 1.'l --- e>1J3-TlN6r algADE l?-' Dg;*te. - -'- lS +Edv*l P /u" = l'-o" Offi,1<og hAF-AA€1)V1x7g =Ec-TlPtl+FlNrgH qF,r\>e (ee+e> oN. srTE r[AN 1-3o-qa\ u.'..,r. J : .,^,,l( r) i- TO: FROM: DATE: Cornmunity November SUR]ECT: A request variance Block 4, Lane. Development 26, L99o for a frontto alLow for Lions Ridge Department yard and side yard a detached garage Filing No. 4, L464 orrison oo Planning and Environmental Cornmission Applicant: Carrol P. I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED Single Fanily Residential L7,o75.5 sg. ft. Allowed: 34L5.1 sq. ft. (20 percent) Existing L786.1 sq. ft. (l-0.5 percent) Proposed: 2362.6 sq. ft. (l-3.8 percent) ,i J,:^- . ,.. /.. l,* l1l"/l.^ L, 2'4 q Llu-. i... ^. tl l-H- f" 1).'.. lDr\setback I J-on Lot 10, AsPen Grove -^* /" ',f ['a, l. 1,, l{ ont yard Su(u.//J' setback variance forrn the Planning and Environmental Cornnission (PEc) to a11ow construction of a detached garage southwest of the existing single-fanily house at 1464 Aspen crove Lane. Staff recommended denial, finding that there r,trere several problems with the proposal. Planning and Environrnental Comrnission expressed concern, tabled the itern, and requested the applicant look at alternatives. The prirnary concern of the Comrnission was the visibility of the driveway to the va).Iey and the amount of fill necessary to build the driveway. In addition, staff concerns included the slope of the driveway, the slope of the fill around the driveway, and the amount of asphalt required for paving. The attached plans show that the applicant has revised the proposal and has now located the garage behind the house. rt is the same size as the previous proposal and it is still detached. The applicant is requesting a variance to the side and front yard setback standards to all-ow a one foot front yard and a one foot side yard setback. II. ZONING CONSIDERATTONS Zoning: Lot Area: Site Coverage: Height (garage only): Allowed: Proposed: 30.0 ft. 10.0 ft. oo Setbacks (garage only) : * Front - Rear - Side (south) *Side (north) Required: Proposed: Reguired: Proposed: Required: Proposed: Reguired: Proposed: 20I 15 73 15 98 15 1 ft.ft. ft. €+ ft.ft. fL. ft. *Area of setback variance request. III. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section L8.62'060 of the VaiI Municipal Code, the Department of Cornrnunity Development recornnends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationshin of the requested variance to other existinq or potential- uses and structures in the vicinitv. Staff was primarily concerned about the-visibility of the previous proposal from the valley. The new location guarantees that the garage wiII €9!-!g--yiEf!]-ebelow. Staff believes that the revised proposal is a !e!t_9r_:l!g_p+94. T!: €Iqse of the driveway is reasonabrei tnere wrrr De 49--SSE--SL-$LI , and there is a significant reduction in the anount of asphalt. one drawback to this proposal, regardinq the relationship to other structures in the vicinity, is that it will be built with a one foot setback from Lot 9. Staff believes this is reasonable because this part of Lot 9 is only a lf-lgg polerrof the lot- rn the future, the mosl dev;GFna;€-at this location will- be a driveway. The proposed garage wi.Il not impact more inportant areas of the lot, like a neighborts -p-fry-aql-.-views, or yard area. In addition, the current owner of-aot f is tfi'e-Eiln6r of Lot 10 and is the applicant for the variance. .,.:As a result, the one negative-aspect will only impact_thg_ appli_c_?4t. There are a dozen aspens located north of the house which will be renoved with this proposal. Staff I oo believes that what is gained by noving the garage to a less visible Iocation is better than what is lost by removing the trees. Staff does recornmend that the applicant replace one-half of the trees to buffer the construction frorn the neighborhood. The deqree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcernent of a specified requlation is necessary to achieve conpatibilitv and uniforrnity of treatment amonq sites in the vicinitv or to attain the obiectives of this titl-e without qrant of special privifeqe. Staff believes that the revised proposal deserves relief frorn the strict interpretation of the setback regulation. The reason a variance is justifiable in 14this instancelF5e-aduse bf ttie'fo=eation of the " . r- . \ exr*stlRq-Irouse and the slope of the ]ot. These 11u\t{"'+'t constraints require that a garage be located in the front yard setback to the north or to the west of the horne. From the previ-ous proposal, it is evident that the irnpacts from construction on the slope are much greater than the impacts frorn building at the location of the current proposal. -Because_o-f- !!re -q9-d!t-c,!-i9n in irnpacts, staff Lelieves tnat tnis proposal provideJ tne beltcornpatibility among structures in' the vicinity. The effect of the requested variance on liqht and air' distribution of population. transportation and traffic facitities, public facilities and utilities, and public 0 safety. The applicant has located the current proposal within one foot of the side property Iine. As a result, the Uuild-ing .c.ode stipulates that no openings are allowed tor tne northeast wal-ls of the garage. In addition, thesE"w-afTE'rnlst be constructed to a t hour fire wal-I standard for any portion of the structure within 3 feet of the side property line. This requJ-rernent should not create any design problems for the applicant. IV. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Cornrnission sha1l make the followinq findi-nqs before qrantinq a variance: A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district, That the granting of the variance wj-ll not be detri-mental to the public health, safety or welfare, or R oo materially injurious to properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: 1,. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI . STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff reconnends approval of this request as it meets the criteria and findings for a variance. Rggggding-A'-this request would not be a grant of special privilege given the hardships that the existing building locatj-on creates and the slope of the site. &eqarding-B, there are no life safety problems, consideiing the standards of the Uniform Building Code that apply to structures built within three feet of the property 1ine.t1y, Cl and C2 hardships of the slope and house on resu c. the -praatiqal- difficulty as well as an extraordina I i t. rrm = t. n c e -tFfEhjuseffy-a- -ver i a n c e -app r ov a 1 Staff believes that the public comment given during the initial review and the applicantrs effort to consider allef,nq!!,v,g-a have resulted in a significantly irnproved site plan. _[e ap-pTEdia-fe-itrei---applicantrs efforLs to work with the-PEc,=DRB and Staff. we recommend approval of this proposafEs Etre impacts from it are much l-ess than the proposal the Cornmission previously reviewed with two conditions: ir.l Prior to issuance of a Certificate of occupancy or Tenporary Certificate of occupancy for the qarage, the applicant shall replace haLf of the twelve existing aspen trees with new aspen trees or transplant thern in locations around the new construction. i2.) The Planning and Environrnental cornnission reconnends\"''/ that the Design Review Board, after evaluating the proposal , require that the applicant put a sloped roof on the top of the garage. 'f##E- 4 aC Ctrtlt*1 1'a t1' .uFt - *rtD HABDC.aTIDa*j.{,a i.* (!|'Ei frrc ,.L) 6euaAble6T ELEVATIaN tz Are . ?1"' l'-d |ri t't |1441*!di }{tttl 'FG ao ttrr"t&l |lar€ lH#43.6T ArlD NaeilEA<;r ELEvATTaN qa,.fiAe}€ir EtEvATlaN x,ALe. X-' t'' o" 6ARAa$ PLAN B oFtR lsoN LOT r0, SLOCK 2, Toftr oF vAlL FTESIOENCE GAR,AGE LtoNS RTOGE FlLll{O tl I l/ 1s/90 cot{srR,LrcTloN. INC'sLtl-LlvAl{AFrD \ rootr) Ldq \t ,(,, ,, ,, v \! LoA tl n,/\,,\./\ ,/ "'nn \ ,/ - a' .r"., " ./ ,' .tt .' 'i'r Lo1 q / I t I Lg2t)( ) I I t cp r<{l$flcr4 LrrE -(3Ac'( e \ / ,l \ I ! / ? ,.lt zttsr.6ta.' Corv"r d)R | / / / -LJ.€ (a{i<l$i t,/.',' ,' , "'- ''l'/,/://'/ /7t& t/7///7/.///,' ,'/-/r' €Yre . ReuhF+ 4RA?i|14 PLAFI gc ste '. 1'-- t al ilcfiE: Ex ls.trF6Tora5E ?Hl4 "ri&S'"":'.Ei:=r;e*:t'.DatDt'r'r'ttiz-s'qo) ao Ptanning Staff Andy Knudtsen November L3, L990 DRB Code Interpretation: Separation The section of the Design Review Guidelines that discusses separation of dwelling units and garages pertains to duplex andprimarily/secondary development only. Recently, carol orrison applied for a detached garage for a lot in a single-farnily zone that had a single-family house on it. After some consideration, staff determined that the situation does not faIl under section 18.54.050 (I) which requires that the DRB approve a separation based on site constraints. Though there are other criteria in the Design Guidelines that encourage the applicant to consolidate structures, the language requiring the specific DRB approval of separation does not apply to this situation. ao 0L-w TO: FROM: DATE: RE: oo 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479-2139 November 14, 1990 office of community development Mr. Rusty WoodSuIlivan Wood Construction P.O. Box 1147vai1, co 81658 RE: Lot 10, Block 4, Lionsridge 4th Filing Dear Rusty: Thank you for your suggestion at the end of yesterdayrs meetj.ng. I think J-ocating a garage in the area which you described, and which the staff and PEc generally prefer, is a good idea. In the same conversation, I said that we needed to work out the issues and prepare for the November 26, 1990 PEC meeting before Thanksgiving. Because we need to start working on a revised memo by Novernber 19th, I need to have revj-sed drawings by this Friday, Novernber l-6th. fn your discussions with CarroL orrison, I think that you should encourage hirn to work with the solutions that the Planning Comrnission stated that they would approve. This includes the one that you suggested north of the house. Another issue f think that you should address in the revision is to relocate the trees that would be removed or provide new trees to be planted around the structure. The process which will work out the best for this project is to go to DRB for a conceptual review on Novenber 21; then PEC on November 26; then apply for f.he building permit; then go to DRB for final approval on December sth. Because the building permit revj-e'.v often takes the most tine, I think that dove tai-Iing this review with the board reviews will actually save the rnost time for your cI ient. oo oo o1 Rusty Wood Novernber 14, 1990 I want to summarize these issues in writing so that we all will know the status of the project. I apologize for any confusionthat there has been on this project in the past and I hope that we can inprove our conmunication and work together to reach aproject that both the Town and the applicant can support. Irealize that this is a short turn around time for you and Carro1to work out a solution. However, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, we are all short on tirue. Please call me if you have any questions. Sinceyely, ., *d"4t fu.#^ Andy Rhu.dtsen Town Planner oo TO: Planning and Environnental Conmission oo \;i\' FROI.I: DA?E: connunity Development Departnent November 12, 1990 RE: A request for a front setback variance to allow for a garage on Lot 10, Block 4, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4; 1464 Aspen Grove Lane. Applicant: Carrol P. orrison I. DESCRTPTTON OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant proposes to construct a detached two car garag€ in the front yard setback. Though the garage would be one story, there would be two levels of parking-- one inside the garage and one on the roof. The driveway acccssing the interior spaces rrill loop around the structure and descend to the lower level (see slte plan). The driveway will have a 10 to 12 percent slope. The garage will be buried into the hillside and will not be visible fron Aspen Grove Lane. The garage and driveway will be visible from below. The variance requeet is for an 18 foot encroachnent into the 20 t?-. front yard eetback. The side setbacks would be 60r and 40r and the rear would be 92 1. the slope under the proposed garage does not exceed 3O*. There is an existing single farnily residence on the site which was constructed appioxinatefy fa months ago. A caretaker unit, one third of the allowable GRFA, is allowed but was not bui1t. The zone district is Single FarniJ.y Residential and allows detached garages without a specific Design Review Board (DRB) approval of the separation. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zoning: Lot Area: Site Coverage: Height (garage only): Allowed: Proposed: Single Farnily Residential L7,O75.5 sq. ft. Allowed: 341-5.1 sq. ft. (20 percent) Existing L7a6.1 sq. ft. (L0.5 percent) Proposed: 2362.6 sg. ft. (L3.8 percent) 30.0 ft.9.s ft. oo Setbacks (garage onlY) : * Front - Required: Proposed: Rear - Required: Proposed: side (south) - Reguired: Proposed: Side (north) - Reguired: Proposed: o1 20 ft.2 tt. ls ft. 92 ft. 15 ft. 60 ft. 15 ft. 40 ft. *Area of setback variance request. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the VaiL Municipal Code, the Department of Coromunity Developnent recommends denial of the reguested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The rlrt*r of the recruested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. The reguested variance would have a lrirl negative irnpact on the -tFFltneighborhood. The neighbors on the east end of Aspen Grove Lane would probably not notice the structure since it would be below grade. The applicant has been concerned about the views of the neighbors and has sunken the garage to presenre them. However, Iooking at this request frorn -9n". pufspdtive, planning staff is@'a 'filF$b*$benvi#"tfl--*th+"d q6 lmr. @ Staff believes that the cut and fitl reguired to build );,*"J "'l. lulaa!* the driveway disturbs the site more than is necessary- 'r6,w I l- t) The site plan subnitted by the applicant shows the finished grade of the slope exceeding 1:1. The driveway slope, at 10 to 12 percent, has not been approved by the Town Engineer. He has suggested that it be redesigned so that it does not exceed 8 percent. staff believes that ttre siting of the garage could be accomplished ln a more sensitive manner that would also decrelse the arnount of asphalt on the site, mininize grading, and nraintain a driveway grade at 8t or belov. i-1.. I.'li \l3) ;u'r'.4 f^, r\'w-"*1 l 2. oo oo special- privilege. trbrr'thl.gnnqe The area room to acconnodate the garage the applicant is proposing. This location would probably reqsirc"a's/ide ystthce. staff acknowledges that a etend of. aspcne . would have to be removed and that some of the existing nltt$rtg in the house nay have to be covered. However' there are benefits to the alternative location. First, the dFirrrfd gilAc would be under I percent. Secondly, the garage would be pulled away from a bigbry viriblc'riltge; and thereby, the arcnG e,f a*Dhrlt rculd berdual:rlgnrifn€Intly. The current proposal results in a large amount of asphalt in the front yard. Enforcing the development standard for setbacks is reasonable inthis case since the variance approval would p! provide cornpatibility among sites in the vicinity. 3. safetv. The variance request doesutlftttY"€as€fient'. Moving roinimuur of one foot to thethe variance is approved. IV. FINDINGS encroach inte a'30.'.f,oot Fide the proposed structure a east would be necessarY if A. B. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with thetinitations on other properties classified in the sarne district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. The degree to whichrdslnlDd the strict and lQ'ts€!te:!' v. oo oj C. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: L. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOI,TMENDATION Staff recornmende denial of the requeet because it does not meet the criteria or the findings for a variance. Specifically, the relatlonshiprof the proposal to other structures in the vicinity could be improved, as there is a location for the garage which has fewer inpacts. The vieual impacts of the garage and the driveway will be visible from the valley floor. The slope of the driveway is not acceptable to the Town Engineer. furthermore, the finished grade of the filt around the driveway will be steeper than a 1-:1 sIope, which ls discouraged by the DRB gui.delines. The current proposal has several drawbacks and is not based on any hardship which would justify relief from the strict enforcenent of the setback regulation. Staff does cornmend the appllcant for trying to Loeate a garage on the site., I9e believe that safer accesE and an inproved site plan result from locating the garage in the northwestern portion of the site. .- r_/ rr L )r ^- -vtt oo <lSnrat4-e '\ra?.rlr{f a lb.C l*^- 3P? i\/,':Fr uD.srt ,N..I A. :aat, ./ /\. tLlDt aa*v </ \ r" .i .tYa I I I I tt,.*t,' ')3ciV I I tar I f @ ,/\/\. / .e:i'c1,,t..-, 7/ ot -FT€','r3 Gh,ta,tira?a,-3i?a €,tTE, j F.aLt4,H€tADfNq PLA}| (CG/\!^E!. lr-, L2l I'lttt t fr.l3f ar Ett'f,At t4qaa ?:?;| CAatr \rat.ir?iJG.Grrx.r. 3'*. (r;|F-i xrr rr.r) L€J q oo oo 5{ff 4T,Ii,lu-..,'i,il?a {lr-,; -r, :? r .l Q. * c'-a'cr. < . aetlHEl<A,Nt'?GeR il I1I I : 'Ti,rf4 Ta fiAt-Zt+ vF+* lx|< rD{6r l{aeD stDtr.J6' anlc{rRalf€r aN 6aN< - i4a#ihil"'J.'€r{uE r, x> <auZeaFa(tsrfl{4rb,fe a;;"Ig?t,if:iil*^.( Naerg g;\+-t Et_EvA.f a aX=izlue:. t4" -tion zL^ul HAt4r{MA'S lrgt Tbe{3Trr|.r *our,g ?("W:l.E"A6at.LGuATtaN/xorrrrrrseTsHl^FruTr?lbsrrEr{^Nb) ORFl ISON LOT l0r BLOCK 2. FTES!T'ENCE, L]ONS RTDGE FILNq I TO: FROM: DATE: RE: oo Zoning: Lot Area: Site Coverage: Height (garage only): Allowed: Proposed: I. DESCRTPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant proposes to construct a detached tsto car garage in the front yard setback. Though the garage would le one story, there would be two levels of parking-- one inside the garage and one on the roof. The driveway accessing the interior spaces will loop around the structure and descend to the lower level (see site plan) - The driveway will have a Lo to 1.2 percent slope. The garage will be buried into the hillside and will not be visible frorn Aspen Grove lane. The garage and driveway will be visible from below. The variance request is for an 18 foot encroachment into the 20 ft. front yard setback. The side setbacks would be 601 and 4or and the rear would be 92'. the slope under the proposed garage does not exceed 308. There is an existing single faroily residence on the site which was constructed appioxinately fa months ago. A caretaker unit, one third of the allowable GRFA, is allowed but was not built. The zone district is Single Fanily Residential and allows detached garages without a specific Design Review Board (DRB) approval of the separation. II. ZONTNG CONSIDERATIONS Single Fanrily Residential 17,O75.5 sq. ft. Allowed: 34L5.1 sq. ft. (2o percent) Existing L786.1 sq. ft. ( l-O.5 percent) Proposed: 2362.6 sq. ft. (13.8 percent) 30.0 ft. 9. s ft. oo Planning and Environmental Connission Conmunity Development DePartment Novernber 12, 1990 A request for a front setback variance garage on Lot J.O, Block 4, Lions Ridge 1464 Aspen Grove Lane. Applicant: Carrol P. Orrison % to alrow #U:^ Filing No. 4il setbacks oo (garage * Front Rear (south) oa 20 ft.2 ft. 15 ft. 92 tt. 15 ft. 60 ft. ls ft. 40 ft. Side Side (north) *Area of setback only) : - Reguired: Proposed: Reguired: Proposed: - Required: Proposed: - Required: Proposed: variance reguest. III. CRITERIA AND fTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, section L8.62.060 of the vail Municipal Code, the Department of Corununity Development reconmends denial of the reguested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the requested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The requested variance would have a ninimal negative impact on the j-nnediate neighborhood. The neighbors on the east end of Aspen Grove Lane would probably not notice the structure since it would be below grade. The applicant has been concerned about the views of the neighbors and has sunken the garage to preserve them. However, looking at this request from a larger perspective, planning staff is very concerned that the Itrulture and driveway will have a negative impact when viewed fron the valley floor. This lot is guite prominent and the existing house is highly visible. StaCt believes that the cut and fill required to build the driveway disturbs the site more than is necessary. The site plan submitted by the applicant shows the finished grade of the slope exceeding 1:1. The driveway slope, at L0 to 12 percent, has not been approved by the Town Engineer. He has suggested that it Ue redesigned so that it does not exceed I Percent-Staff beLieves that the siting of the garage could be acconplished in a more sensitive manner that would also decrelse the amount of asphalt on the site, mininize grading, and naintain a driveway grade at 8t or below. 1. oo oo Staff believes that there is an alternative locationfor the garage which results ln a better site p1an. The area lnrnediately west of the residence has adeguate room to accommodate the garage the applicant isproposlng. This location would probably require a side setback variance in addition to a front setbackvariance. staff acknowledges that a stand of aspens would have to be removed and that some of the exlstlng windows in the house may have to be covered. However, there are benefits to the alternative location. First, the driveway grade would be under 8 percent. Secondly, the garage would be putled away from a bighly visibleridge; and thereby, the amount of asphalt would be reduced significantly. The current proposal results in a large amount of asphalt ln the front yard. Enforcing the development standard for setbacks is reasonable lnthis case since the variance approval would not provide conpatibil.ity anong sites in the vicinity. safety. The variance request does encroach into a 30 foot wide utitity easement. iloving the proposed structure a ruinirnun of one foot to the east would be necessary if the variance is approved. IV. FINDINGS 2. 3. A. B. The Planninq and Environnental Cornmission shall make the followincr findinas before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with thetinitations on other properties classified ln the sanedistrict. That the grantlng of the variance wlll not be detrlmental to the public health' safety or rrelfare, or materially inJurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. recrulation is necessary to achieve conpatibilitv and sDecial orivileqe. c. oo oj That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforceroentof the specified regrulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptj.ons or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the sane site of the variance that do not apply genera).ly to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by tbe onners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recourmends denial of the request because it does not meet the criteria or the findings for a variance. Specifically, the relationship of the proposal to other structures in the vicinity could be improved, as there is a location for the garage which has fewer inpacts. The visual irnpacts of the garage and the driveway will be visible from the valley floor. The slope of the driveway is not acceptable to the Town Engineer. Furthenoore, the finished grade of the fill around the driveway will be.steeper than a i:1 slope, which is discouraged by the DRB guidelines. The current proposal has several drawbacks and is not based on any hardship which would justify relief fron the strict enforcement of the setback regulation. Staff does conroend the applicant for trying to locate a garagte on the site. We believe that safer access and an irnproved site plan result from locating the garage in the northwestern Portion of the site. v. t.30.o'j.{a,1,r'r' L. ltJtl \ ar I I II t.,*"' ?ECTv I I <l5l.aat#-e 'rr.l|.titsr a GblCl*..- + I Ai taa'tr ./. /\-tl&l aa*6- </ \ !lt[ | .!(lr3t;i .1rt6 {CAFrara.qlA\ "l?lr 3,|t;t2 t^ -n* . tuc.?t|.{a. zr{a (r,ui;-rxr|t E.r.) oo l'loe> (3a.ttE 4*ff:il,.q'1i,il?':[:];; . -t, .o, !*4 Q. * c'-o'at <. C.al!Het<..Nt'.t GEETCrPI T.> tr^Te* -iL*uE* axrTilal taacD S,lDtrr4 aifFrrF,ANar erV <.axc -+3;h#i'i;I+il.'3T.f LF Axb <al5c?FP(t€[rl6'tbr]SE + t zu.t;lH?iH::il*K 2l^ol HA7<{ Nagrtr e,A+-t gt_EvAT I a N=i.c.Ne, z4u .tl-en oj MA'J brat ?oA{rTtr..t r+aU3C' 9.E ES GAFTA<3E X:+ ll -q"rca E LGuA.T t a N /Nar- n k, rsr itH r.AF ! u, arrb 3rrE *.s) OFTFITSON LOT r0, BLOCK 2. FTESTDErtrci LroNs RrDcE FtLtNq a oo rNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW oo OF PUBLIC HEARING '7 *^- PROJECT: -/ u DATE SUBMITTED: ft'/ /f OXTE ,rda.t^ kCOIiIMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF lU'Yt *&,r lZ THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTI',IENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comrnents: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: Dates Date: Date: oo INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:.-/' v DATE SUBMITTED: /a/ t{ DATE oo OF PUBLIC HEARING '7,r'LCOMMENTS NEEDED BY:tUar^ k Reviewed by: Comments: RevLewed by: Date: Comments 3 FIRE DEPARTMENT (51t"<-nf 2,4? z "<z' /'""/'/''4/ ,.n.-/.'.r-."+' r/.* "-/"-y' /-, a ..-. ..u-,,-.-E- 1y' r'zr'? - Date:.'/' 7'2:' / <.<:-,2-42- t">/.t-, 7C Zo7. Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: CornnEngr' Date: Date: -1 ,***'4 Q BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /r/* " L,( f*^ f .;/ /2 z ,-/t"b .t .(n^oo, -.<( ,-A AA n / / r /*_%Zalt ceCl ft"4? 4 ^-fX f_r-..4Ar*,r PUBLIC WORKS U A ,(\. $?v Dat(' BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: li/"/* c Ll f*^f */ /2 7 -,h"r*./ .(n'o*,,"..^ *Az"r" .*-il A ; ,r/ %PUBr,rcwoRKs u o , Reviewed byz A{-e1 Date: Comments: .\ r,/ |I) l.r4l+r2 6\_ +",1t vcro,-_I \ S'ru.2 7 4 Q'nb-s o-b,-'.- to-lz't- J,. .,-.--L.^^ Sl4bp"+t, hL co,-,, |J I I ?--J -^h J., '*;:r,,'o*a::" c ^'" J. ).1 ,-,. u -Lt-"y,L rrnn pupanrfrildnr Ga)us j, Reviewed uy U Date: 0 ui---/o- , Jnn.^y', ./1oo oo 4L.INTER-DEPARTMENTAIJ REVIEW /) 0 ,jI ', ,/, I\-.,' I lVk ?-U ._/ u DATE SUBMITTED: P/ /( DATE OF COI,IMENTS NEEDED BY: .1 | .z 91,.-ilAtvat kr / u tdn "'*/u 7r, Comnents: Qct JA POLICE DEPARTMENT irpf Nc( El>; tBL t ttt(s7 8e A^l 8/,5Ld/E Reviewed by: Comrnents: RECREATION DEPARTIIENT PROJECT: Reviewed by: Coaments: cln;,<- (u-- f"-'J c),,^J trt-, lr*,.'- ,l\4,J./ Date3 Date: PUBI,IC HEARING {\ CSfr'UrANI t oo fuizt*A 645'Woo Au-r PbWg I r, r, -.r t t'ht (l A/.ort(. z LP.e 2-v= -l v- (YlctV Ljru t W. Sr-.o/* Rd t44t'l t{,x/., /U J oP 2l lol q O/trtK- Z ('-s',V"1 L?o [nC- Po ry"y sq j Co^p- w/ tZtzoQ lOl l 6l lu"yrn"c. u 'l Jtu t C (ow'-t 5q q ( Sa1,,.,(t^, a't 1,w1 '- Ca Yort / lofB 6LL Th/t^'t €' (lLvs Tucffi (t-r.-t 4df '/ /(M,- S"//^1/ C o-tn)no e sc-,!r"^tral4r " 857/U oj oo O*,<* A fu**f tt/ Itnsu tc--u-u V N H6JY\-!nw<ns a/4'(<- (o 6"Y i(cr I x/a^-l' Qlus{ oo ,.C/ose+{ ,lntyt*hn - W llo ""'r^44^t tt--!';O ,n-. t * L8 AagEw Apyc l-nyc oo (6-l L5f Lot \ t 1 L fui,6La 4-u\y14 7?,.-" S f"rri< . 4*nnol / Anntspo4/* outuutt 7o** h-ur/ nr.*ls /\o,rzch[h / tzd,l6/eu2ta* fu l+,t6 t V17- l.*r" Qc,w au P. f dc,*1,lnA \ /rt--J \,/ lh,q'' {2"""'t" f>ktLz v/ L,i,*sM"g'l { l* Ll l" h t , rt t\kil,Z l.l | 4-ba) ,.ir, 'n o z ttq O ^ ',", , 'i'2 Li 4 }pr,.lr- /,q^,n.*/ t ir'' q ,, yzt,r- se* b** .$n % "* 'ro u rr, eoni,n,\ vr' 4'G3 /) '''l lo 'i I\>,)Ll f q oo PUBLTC NOTICE oo NOTICE IS IfEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on November 12, 1990 at 2:00 p.to. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for off-street surface parking at the rrHoly cross _ parcelrr described as follows: A trac! of grouad in the l[E l/4 of Section uesc of lhc 6lh Principal Heridian, lying the Eoly Cross Electric Associacion, Inc. 115128 on January 12, 1981, in Ehe records de scribed as: 12, TornshiP 5 South, Rangc 8t rrirhin lhac parcel conveYed to by deed recdrded a! RecePBion No- of Eagle CounEY, ColoraCo,*W ^rh9/efl FA\, (Df corrneneing ac lhe NE corner of iaid seclion 12; thence souch 88'19'29" tJest, along the north line of said NE !/4, I discance of 43' l feec to lhe iir.ise.ciJt of the prolongacion of che cisc line of said parcel; theocc iouttr 0.01,33,, EasE, along said prolongacion, 318.2 feer !o che nor.heast corner of said parcel shich is rhc Point of beginniag; thence iourh 0.01,33', iast, along said cast line, 222.31 feet to the-southeasl Iorrro, of said p.t""1; chence norlhgesterly across said Parcel.lhrough thc follouing fo,rr coorscs: l) Norrh 28'36'19" IJest, 53.06 feer, 2) North jg!tZ.3l; lJest, 81.46 t.ec, :) North 50'48'25" lJesc, 58.68 feec, and 4) iouch 79.49,04a, $esc, 12f.45 feer !o the norlhr:esB colner of said parccl; rhence norlheasrerly along the north line of said parcel ghich is a ioi-a"ng"na (a radial co iaia norlhsesE corner bears North 22o39'28" tJest), 2715 foor radius curve concave soulhcrly, 264.29 feet (central angle cquals 5'34138ii) !o the poinr of beginning. This tract, as described, conlains 15r940 or lass. Applicant:Vail Associates 2. A request for setback and density variances in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge, 355 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 3. A request for a front setback variance to a1Iow for a garage on Lot 10, Block 4, Lions Ridge FJ.Iing No. 4, l.464 Aspen Grove Lane.Applicant: Carrol P. Orrison 4. A request for side setback variances, a landscape variance, and an exterior alteration for the Vi}lage Center Condoruiniums, located at 124 Willow Bridge Road, A part of Tract C and Lot K, Block 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: village Center Condominiurn Association square fee!, or 0.366 acresr oorc .JK 5. A request for a height variance to allow for the iil:'i1lilll;:,1'i.::Hl'iff"ui':"ilil3"i",'n" roof of VailrzLionshead Third Filing, Lots C and D Morcus Subdivision, located at 715 W. Lionshead Circle Applicant: Marriott l4ark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision 5. A request for a bed & breakfast conditional use perroit at 2754 S. Frontage Road; Lot B, Stephenrs Subdivision. Applicant: Darlene Schweinsberg 7. A request for a front setback variance in order to construct' a garage and a wa1l height variance in order to construct retaining walls in the front setback at 1448 Vail ValleyDrive; Lot L8, Block 3, Vail Va1ley First Filing. Applicant: John and Barbara Schofield 8. A request to anend section 18.04.l30--definition of Floor area, gross residential (GRFA) t 18.09.080 Hillside ResidentiaL District density control ,' 18.L0.090 Sinqle Family Dis+-rict denslty controli L8.L2.090 Ts/o Fanily Residential District density control and; l-8.L3.080 Prinary/Secondary District density control, of the Municipal code. Applicant:Town of Vail 9. A request to arnend sections 18.04.360--definition of site coveraget l-8.09.090--Hi11side Residential District site coverage; 18.10.LL0--Single Fanily District site coverage; L8.L2.11O--Two Farnily District site coveraget 18.13.090-- Prinary Secondary District site coveragei l-8.1-4.1L0-- Residential Cluster District site coverage; 18.16.l-l-O--Low Density Residential District site coverage; L8.L8.Ll-o-- Mediurn Density Residential site coveragei L8.2o.LL0--High Density Residential District sj.te coverage; L8.22.110-- Public Accornmodation District site coverage; ]-8.24. l-50-- Cornmercial Core I District site coverag'e,' 18.26.L2O-- Comrnercial Core II District site coveraget l-8 .27.O9O-- Commercial Core III site coverage; 18.28.L2O--Connercial Servj.ce Center District site coverage; L8.29.O9O--Arterial Business District site coverage; L8.30.110--Heavy Service District site coverage; 18.32.L1O--Agricultural and Open Space District site coverage and; 18.39.190--Ski Base/Recreation District site coverage, of the Municipal Code. Applicant: 10. A request to anend chapter 18.71 of the Vail. Municipal Code- -Additional cross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance). Applicant: Town of Vail Town of Vail . 11 ir;.4n!:*#1,::i:"li:iiiilil,El;:#f:ff"i:Hffir'?i Density Multiple Fanily more specifically described as: Mountain Bel.l Site described as a tract of land in the SouthIlalf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, nore particularly described as follows: lriio,tinE rt r lolag ::js-ir-r ifzg'rg' I r clrlrrer rt i' ;a5.'60 icrt, frst lit lauglrrt! 3orr.F rt s.G:lot 6. lcrr:rlt t :. Soutli'l.rtr lto &tr ol t'r flt ltlB€{t:I l."icl.r' D?!:i ::.'irur iola:-ef D:il::::t:i: aiao b.i!t I tolt! ot a:. tor?l."lt . - .' , ll€tr!-of-ht of intrr:irtr ?0: :lrlcr 4 00333'i5' '{ rlotg !l. '- :Erit tlre o?:rfC S.c:to! 6l Cftlracr ct 6:3.t0 l.r:: llctlt i-iSoZl'Zf ' 'J I c'r r::ncr ol 23Z2.,16 tc.l te I goiat sn $e trtt [oiiaii:-i t'i or -vi iilroti::-ii tii itt'n;: t:"c! t oils€t'u' g .iioiE ritl ti:: rouacir; iiic: llr:encs-of 3!i-:: tr.: !t ''ioini oo i i:trtc. rrlc lurrr rtso lrltq ort t!r. '"c!".!r"lt ilglt' ''it.Ztt ol !t!3r!tr!c tOi '-t!tct llong iria :or'l-t'lt rrF:''3' i:r oi Ur follor{41 ! c:irlar 3 ti r-clr::acr !t t3l.!: tttt iiin: trr:re of I isnr !o ur riglr:. tafc €: t't! trtlt; 'errtirl rnllr ot 0:o:5'l!'. | "rclut cf !990-0 t?:' tnc.' tlotr .;;;;i;e i i:a:i'rri; i-r'c:ilinti-cr 20r-rijr-r:::: :: : i;:::-'tiir --'i-i'eri:r"li ii ii:.io-tirii-iJ r-.rr'r:'so' E r a:tirrs! 1r tl9'70'7"i:: rt s-isose'ii;'i i'lii:ii.i .ir_iit.to ilr:: !l 5 t;'!!'::' s-i-irriaiei-cr :,i:.:i iri:i-i;-i i:3:t'lsl i-t 4'rr:rr.! tr io;.;6-;;;;: 71 5-ifi!6;!q;-3-i .t::rnu. or .3:i.:i t':?:.rr -- 3- ti6:t. ii ;'E - ; a rii.iic k irz6. ic.p=.r to. th, tr:e-fo:*_:--. l$l $i 5' ir;:' lisil;i?"'il::, ::;' i!.1 i'i! e liii;' ifui'o.ii iii. is i:?: ,ilac ii ,ect't fa i'ie sr:ic o'c:"r' ria lacstda" of EJg;i Sooa:f- Ctrlc'!43' L2- Applicant:Town of Vail and Professional Development A request to rezone the following property corn:nonly known as the Fedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the Intertnountain Subdivision fron Primary/Secondary to Mediun Density Multiple Farnily nore specifically described as: A parcel of land in the Sw L/4 of Section L4, Township 5 South, Rangie 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, nore particuJ.arly described as follows: '!.glmlng .t I Fttrt rlrcacr t -brrrr c!9 tel los 'illicrl ior:rer ?or'-thr torl l/l of rrli tcctloa lf $;t'i ia;itit; 1073.0t tcttr tlcncc 11 7l' 0erll' f-ib,fi icolr 'ulca..' lt!.62 fc'ot oiong thc 'tc ot I ctllri io-ttlo-ttght vhtc-t .re rubtrndt'r chord ltflflgg-jgi12t3[. f iif ,ff !1tr thccc: S 7?.tOrel' A a2,77 iritl theace l{?.lj !!ct rtong Ltr-r.rc of I artlrc-to---tii-icii utrictr ii:-rubtinJc r'crcrd berrlag tl r6'ttirl?' t llt.60 lcett Lhcncg l| ?0r52'5S' E 106.5t fcrl, !h'nc! Sf.f6 i..i rlons t\a uc of I culvr to urc riShe vhlch rrc tcbscnCr e i\ord Dcrrlng 5 17'20'37' E 11.20 fl.l, tshecca S ll'25.'!lr l| Uo.ll lccti thc:re ! 68'1810l't t2oroo taocr'thchcq I l9'07r05' H 50-00 featr thcncl t ??ra8'11' r t50,ls !.rl; ut?nct s 10'51 'J3' n:6.18 !oe|.1 tlencr f, !7'{0'06' f !3?.72 f.ct: U1.ncc u It'5:rll' E !lo.oo hct !o tho Polnt of beginnlng, couLrlntag 2.5005 t€lErr Bo!! or lcss. I la|rlng frca G.L.o. Rcccrd lor Soutlr l,/2 of rocJoa Iinc bctnccn Scctlonr I {- 13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. 13. A request'to rezone the-following property located to the'--'-' 3ffi l"i ililH:{,"!:, 5"Hff *=H&tH}:l}'.:13}til Density l.tultiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad Oberlohr, John W. and Patricia A. Ricloanfor John t{itt, Reuben B. Knight, and Professional Developnent Corp. - lhe applications and infornation about the proposals are avaitable for public inspection Ln the Cormrnunity Developnent ' Departnent office. Town of Vail Conmunity Development Department Pnblished in the Vail Trail on October 26, L99o. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REOIIESTED-rtP-(tL( 6- | o Fu VO ^) ( -t'a\-./'I rf ( / LS L4-d I-LyMU "Otl '-+, t ' i)AluMvT H .," 'nP e'flrh'a'1 Syf 6rr/O's€naa> Qfu" u / r ltVe+ CRITERIA AND FINDINGS n review of Criteria and Findin '18.62.060 of the Municipal Code artment o evelooment sed upon the following Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and gtructqres in the vicinity. fn The deqree to which re] ief from the trict or literal i nterpreta a specified requlation is necessar to ach'ieve atibi lit treatment amonq sites in or to atta'i n ob.iecti ves without qrant of specia prr vr reqe. enforcement ormity o Q/1"/;d- lhta+ ruu e(/',-f h tt u, ('-onr'^',\ o^Co u^ p*lt A,l rt"/ I oo A pre-apptication neeting withstrongly suggested to deternlneinformation is needed. No apnl . It ls the aPPllcantrsresponsibility to make an appol.ntnent wlth the staff to flnd out about additlonal subnittal requirements. Please note a plannlng staff nember is lf any additional that a COMPIJTE application will strearnllne the approval process for your proJect by decreasing the.number of conditlons of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building pennit lE lssued. Applicatl.on will not be processed nithout ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESSRIPTION: oo DRB IPP'.ICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THTS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTL ALI, INFORI{.ATION IS SUBI,IITTED**I'r* r.PRE-APPLICATION UEETING : B.IFCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Descrip on Lot lo Block Subdivision Zoning 5 i-k A*2u,"/7 C. NAI-TE OI' APPLICANT: l,tailing Address:/.//,/r, t- ( ,r--1, NAI'TE OF Mailing Phone@ D. Phone APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: ,,'2'- E.NN,TE OF OWNERS: SIGNAII'RE (8, s Uailing Address: Lr r. .O C $lar Phone Condoniniun Approval if applicable.F. G.DRB FEE:oernit is paid for. ]TAIIIATPN $ o- $ 1O,Oo1 -$ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500, oo1 -$ Over $ lOrOO0 S 50,ooos ]-5orOOO $ 500,000 91,000, oo0 91, ooo, ooo TEE $ ro.oo s 25.00 s 5o.oo slo0. oo s20o. oo $3 oo. oo oo oo II. IUPORTANI NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBIT{ISSIONS TO THE DRB: ,.1 A. fn addition to neetlng subnittal requirernents, the applicant must stake the site to lndicate property Iines and building corners. Trees that will be rernoved rnust also be narked. This work nust be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The revierr process for NEW BUfLDINGS wiII nonoally invol-ve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval. c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be requJ.red to be republished. D. At the discretlon of the zonlng adnlnlstrator, the following itens rnay not have to be presented to the Design Revl.ew Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departnent for apProval: a. Windows, skyllghts and slnilar exterior changesthat do not al.ter the existlng plane of the building; and b. euildlng additlons that are not viewed fron any other lot or publlc 6Pace, which have had letters subnl.tted frorn adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval fron the agent for, or nanager of a condominium association. E. you may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your propeity (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before Proceeding. oo procedure is requirednot be accepted until NAME OF APPLICANT C oo Appl icat'ion Date-Z_e=_U ? o PEC MEETING DATE \ APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This wil I A. for any project requesting a variance. all information is submitted. The appl ication a.<),< -1 ADDRESS 7.1) ?H0NE476.7 7 a / B.NAME OF APPLICANT'5 REPRESENTATiVE l,' .J -*) NAME OF ol.lNER(S) (typeor pr:nt) anano( P. OLrrUso) Sionutrr"(rfu ADDRESS /Vbq 49CEn) hn-ovE /p ADDRESS tlsi PHONE I t9 " ol z) D 0-;--0 L6Z- PROPOSAL / ?6t7 PHONE v76'7lo/ D.LOCATiON OF ADDRESS ,rQt/Ezut -$rz4V6 /e< a, f=- A LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT / O-BLOCTIF+ FILTNG HOU- ZIdT O E.FEE $I OO PAIO cK# i r/'i_FRO 14 C Oo J=.^c- THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I.IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A'list of the names of owners of al'l property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and thejr mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAiLING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE }'ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO :DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMTION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.JILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTMENT l,llTH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI'IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.IILL STREMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT EY OTCRMJNFTHE NUI"IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I.IUST BE COMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A EUILOING PERMIT IS ISS!m" III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A I.IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEI4ENT I'IUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement_of a^specified regulation is.necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population' transportat'ion, traffic faci'l ities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at 'least l. - 20'' by a colorado.licensed surveyor including-locations of all existins iinments, including_grades and elevations. 0ther e'lements which musi-Ui"!are_parking and-loading areas, ingress and egress, landscBped ar"as inAutility and drainage features. C. A stlg plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bu i 1di ngs. D. All pre'liminary building elevations and floor plans sufficjent to indicate the dimens'ionsr general appearance, scale and use of a'l 1 buildings and spacesexisting and proposed.on the site. E. A pre'l iminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is 'l ocated in a multi-family development which has a homeowners'association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application asdetermined by the zoning administrator.. * For jnterior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning adminjstrator. i stamP rove- hown oooo 4. How your request compiies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete applicat'ion form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC publ ic hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the p)anning nated submi tta'l date. Vani a nce on the 2nd and 4th l'londays a'l I accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desiq- ad IV. oo Application o^& --J .3 o l? f o - I. This wi'11 A. PEC MEETING DATE NAl'|E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE 5 Ln -l ADDRESS s?5 c.NAME 0F 0WNER(S) (type or prin Si qna APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is requ'i red for any project requesting a variance. The app'l ication not be accepted until a'l I information is submitted. B. PHoNETy'l-O/277-l ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS e-H)/e_ LEGAL DESCRTPTT0N LOlt[, A/,i""5 LOEK- N F' r*-lf- {< clf €. cK# ILING l|r ^^L. rtE )luu THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. PAI D FROM PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT }IILL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject properEy INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and thejr mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT l^JILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE WiTH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO 'DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORI"IATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.,ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONiNG ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSiBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREllENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l^JILL STREAMLiNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT EY OTCREASING THE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANN]NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST 8E COMPLiED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMiT IS ISSNED. III. FOUR (4) C0PIES 0F THE F0LL0WrNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATE|4ENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 'l . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a _specified regul at'ion is necessary to achieve compatibil ity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of spec'ia'l privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilit'i es, ut'i lities, and public safety. ro ro Vari ance B. A topograph'i c and/or improvement survey at a sca'le of at_least l. - 20' stampedby a colorado.licensed surveyor including^locations of ail existing irprouelments, 'including_grades and e'levations. Other e'lements which must-Ue Sfrownare_park'i ng and-loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas ina'- ".utility and drainage features. C. A s!t9 plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bu i'ldi n9s. D. Al1 preliminary building elevations and floor p'lans sufficient to indjcate the djmensions, general appearance' scale and use of all bui'ldings and spacesexisting and proposed.on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is 'located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners'associatjon, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said issociation. G. Any additiona'l materia'l necessary for the review of the application asdetennined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning adrninistrator. 4. How your request compl ies with Vai I's Comprehensive plan. Time Requi rments The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and(as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications admi n'i strator ) wi 1 1 be accepted by the pl ann'i ng nated submi tta'l date. on the 2nd and 4th l.londays a'I1 accompanying materialof 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- IV. oo g .)' .$sx-s{d o$ 3l $H Se oo n JL 3ttffffi' (f tL IIoo s LUo a t iifti fiffi e i$i irif,jlii*iilirll ifl I t' Es i_-il_e'_ t_A_a, -.4 aF a o-e't I a I -I e I t.t ti t r! .iJ'\ oovuo'|oc'tlv^ s*on?#i'5'"i??lH ro'' fEVHVE SCNSCIIS=IU NOSIUHO 89918 ogBroloo'llBltr,gzpg ztzz xoqod cu1'oc Jallanur fu eqf 3qfr =o-! tl :* - -t_ _j- 066] Ut8n3rd3 JZ lnr t( bx3i t .t $ -+ 'fff lJ **N z J(L z a koz:fotLt: $n* $ffi*ft, ot_ $h:i.lr.8t mzotro UJ U) \(t+'l -t 3 $ zt $ EI 3 $ t\ttH* $u {s It il g, FT it+ D(3t-s oE*A Ir.;+e 3s rr1o $$ ir 9u *$r iET dsti- tt oo $ M-q\) i$ $i tN F $ eIo + $['Sr$ Fil$ ot { F-, 4*t_\\ $s:, t s- $ fr tJ J f, tUo _i!J t1'$'z>rJ. gi; si$ $li *$ $$ $t* -o $tr $$'*e-$il $# ls$$ L-_ --])J zaFO uJ U)o-'t -*r a S-Jil dj -i:-a- +sJ E-"* s: i$ i$' 9n8tr-oS{ oovuoloc'rIvA s*oll?#iifi8?ll.o, fOVUVC =ICNfOISfU NOSIUUO 899!8 operopc'llgtZgZeLy LtL'xoqpd rcug'oc refianur Ju eqt )z066r u3gu\l3ld3 ? -tL ,c)? - oo nQ 2 I bx-$ {- tr ll $ oo 'f t'l1 lJ s{$ z J(L z a kozfo TL lp--{-t*o , $i{t* '=$E t$ tk mz.lOsE UJ CD oo L'<r) rl OP ai :.-N rI aIs + il* AM ** 3 $ t \tJ 2 d $ t $$[ $=$ +il$ 3$.9i, { FT trtrat-$ o"t*A $.j*s 3s 6o g$ i* 9n6* ,. t$( zIF tt fi tH* c fu 5J<i _tN LL\l$'7\ -J. ni3 o'od d-j'$ eiu il-i.+ -+ f .l er* +iltr-x+ $il; B PrII F A a.T + -) r F 7o vr $ -o $$H $$'* i.$i rr$ 5fiJJ ll] *ti I uf *$z $$s lsE$ o_t c. iFT dr t1- t-i.. s: i$ i$' 9n8tt' -oS6 E $U x l tt c.l . -,,1 , -8S9!8 , . opirotoclia IZ9Z&j____-__-___-____ t:wz roq od'i' 1Cu!'OC Jalpnlu [u aql .' I - o661 U38l'IfIdfS-lZ- J s Fi .)'s el(r a) .l \) Ss s{c.{ A 3 oa .._*,__ J lfl JN $- ---- Ao $-6 ' nti' - 33=*- -' \''i x . )S$'. +- rSr: z Tts fi o O 'r'J l;i,i F;g rii::ss Itiil flfil l;ift !r;4ffi a ##tfrffiffifl iffilffiffiffLi ffi lifi lffi lili ff lffi ifi iiili*ii#iilii#{ff liliiiff liiiliiff i{i:. aj ataa; . a ig:a g a,i t 'il-i: .--.;--; oltlo---- o J tr3--*FO9a 'i,---l- o fl tUo '(ii.'?.IifF lclla o 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81 657 (303) 478.2100 ltay 10, 1990 carroll P. orrison 1464 Aspen Grove Lanevail, co 8L657 Dear Carrol: At this time, our departrnent has not received any request for a rezoning for Lot 8, Lionsridge 4th filing. We did receive a request to build a driveway to the building site on Lot 8. However, recently I vrote a letter to the bank indicating that the road would not be possible to build until our Town of Vail Design Review board had approved plans for an entire residence and a building pernit had been taken out for the entire residence. We will put a copy of your letter into the file for Lot I as well as copies in Lots 9 and 10 for Lionsridge filing No. 4. If you have any further guestions about this issue, please feel free to contact me at 479-2L38. Sincerely, l).\ n.\ {trrbn YrtaKristan Pritz Director Conmunity Development KP/PP oz E =e, uJo- \o\o C.I -ir CN an IJJ uJ lJ- F =E IJJo- $$$$Ns*O\l 3l .lql .l Et rd CA chH a z tLl F) c'\ Or uJ@ FF{ H z EFr it4 V.l. o (9z J UJ F FIz =o o =zo I I E tr PapH TJ E F ,itE tll-.rH4o\z a<#dF € # Glltz3o |lJ I Foz d z (J6 tnA\O OFlor.t@tcalrn2,1 O >XHO . F-]HDO<(/)Or> ltJul =CEot! (EoFo GFzoo Eo trujz3o t!o a F z F1 o ID 0, g -oG .9ac!6 c 'oF ot o vfooq E Eo oE ootr IE (,Eoo o) =J TD E o =l do o o,d] .9 {) j-rDcd*8.9 BEE: ;; eE-.= 6 -E f_.E 6E EP:E igEl; >=:c9oFIoSor B 5 =.; E EE' E;;FElteo- G cL-sEaeoiE-olsfi:€ EFtE_ o..:: o --cl .c= (l) .l' gEi; $i;i iE$E \? o F F\o @\o Lrl N @ co <D ot\'\:t co E =tulIoz ao Y,o UJ (J z J 9e () UJJ UJ (,z6 E J z |lJt UJ uJt!zo F UJE BI @;lg ulc,zo u,o X uJ c z ulJo x F uJo U'ul UJII ts =t uJ o- J Fo h (Jz J a0 J 9 Fo llJJur oz aoI C)z o uJI Fl F H NO|lvn]VA HHC)!JAHut J ]t!oz9F uto I e uJz IJJ =>E fut& =tON zz99F^Utq5E9 0 oo1>9(Jt-, Zrr<o* ^-(J;()FO -ioi zo F lt 0 uJL \a cn o- UJc J z E z9 F cujF X '$>< 3q,/z I Ezlz tr o oo -l a =zl z =uJ B a r|Jo 5 o-llt tr o2 tz trI IIJ) (E UJz !IIF ut F zIF J oz o = u) f Fo gJ IJJ uJz ts ul.L J zI tr zl x 4v z al, J I il;,; I I---a-l r-'r' -'ifqcoGO z-SH(f z 'E-/ rl( LlJF U'ooa zo Fo- lrJY lrj Co oF EEo'cE@uJ o\c r--{ bdiilO r+lO Pilrfrl'lgu,bEz6 zFf E] z--o 7(2 i- 14 =3 ? =z>f :Jdts -1 EEi = Lu li'idd= r!'{ r-+'t{--rtxL__'fi1 F E IIJc ll'o EgE<af€8E9rrLD9 =EE ;IE h=o dfi! 6tE ooE irt x>E E-ii H F (r-TE\zlJ; o f E =E, lrJo-zo F()fEFazoo I calrl O'\l JI <l>l tl.lol zl FI B Iz H F-lFl a E IrI1Itl ^l'-l I.--| I I ,Io|zl cil-ut rn CEI \o =lxhlx zl =lolFI H FT Fl F z =d lr lltl IJHsl(ElAJ HItz =399 9lu-t Fl oz o UJ(r t! z 3 oz oIl G J a t!oz3oF :l EI :l 8l El HI!rl2 i (,z3 ll- R z H z H& ii =z d) -) E -rO<FEC)uJ<zg,UJFo6 C) a,z6 = t-Eirg+EFl-o2<o(4 (n rir llJJO rxrlttrt4rx xrF4l '.'ll'lrl 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: QY'EI TF'\.n.ev!srr\,.l.. ALI. CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI REGISTERED T{ITH THETO'!{N OF VAIL TOr,rN oF VAIL puBl-,rc woRKS/COr.O.ruNITy DEVEtoFi.lElrT I,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE olllce of communlly developmen-t rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track. or deposit any soifl-roci, sand,, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dumpster!, poriuli" toilets and,workmen vehicles.upon any srreer, =i;;;"i;;-;ii;y or publicprace or anv porti6n theleor. --i|" rlght-of-way on arr Town ofVaiI street3 ind.Igags is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir.1 be. str_illiy -Lnforced by the Town of vailPubli-c works Deoartnent. pers6ns found tii,ruli"g this ordinanceYill- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .In the event, the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir.-=p""iii;;,"ii"-iriric worksDeparrmenr will remove saia matei:.ui ii-ih;'-;";;;=e of personnotiried. rhe provisions or irri=-"iaii."JI ;fr5ii nor beapplicabre to clnstruction,-ruirl."unce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in tne-ilfii-"_".y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr, please stop by the Town ofYlll B"ilding Departrnent to oUiiin a copy. rnanx you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowled,ged by: Dat.e nositio.lnEGTGiEEg to Project (i.e. contractor, or.rner) u,o J (J ttz =F o i z ! * "=- , ?= i=:4 i; z .4 'z '. 21 1t.!-la.a ^-i-E; E !i l:!=- i * z ?. i -== -a-==- - l: c -r: = ==221;--.=ara.!i-a-a i .. ..a i ! I 2+. - E 4:;: Etia=:ii-i; : l: r= i F it = ' a = ==:iZ=t!a .v zH Fl H& z t-{ F1 (..l u Fl F Fl z Fr z \? -$ -a a n =zlo.q(n\JH.u &. a- Fl lc).$lol \tl E I I a 61 c "l - 6 Fll<lHIHz r-.1 | al r_'r I"l '. .! = o f, tLt z H z H z oF'.orH Y--€>x -zzr{s< 3iza\<\,.Y/\- 2UQrziH*iisz !..-P ^ LlJ \,/ Fjfzzuxu!\- li<=r{F-J€q4aa ox zr!F--t-- 3a=*<--F<:o;;F=>, r- q- >>Z6^<-:J B=+U :-' F- -.1- rr.: ,, -liltc> -J !4 (Jr i i..,1 z{ -YvHti<sF<xlrF^\' t\r'rc(iszu:ffi=iUTF-{ -SY--ifrttFO>i- HF -6.tsIt,-? +aL Er+ C. FI mF -.1,a -rariF-!adF E{ .fJ EtsF?= tFr .Fl\ -,v Ff -: -ira 11t9 ts\ -4,LI F. -a *FFHt{ --,v rt-f E1 e.FIaL.raJrhr .:) t|rlk C.c tr ri Tor,rn o* V.r i I ?5 S. Front.:ige RoaC Vai 1 , Col orado 91657 i f,{j:) 47$-7ili}i) F l;rn ;ttt;;rl yei s thc: I913S [Jni {:r::rm Fr-ojer:.L Irir fiFiRISiON t;:HSInEi'lCE itrclclr i:r.s: 14 L r-l BUFFFIE.R [iiEE!i: iiD. llccr-r[:.rnci.z : f;ri Tyur t:rf []crisl: r V-.1\l b;rge'd cltt Puildin!l {:,:icl+:: 7i::r* m" Lli:n Lr-actnr': Desi q; n *r- r [ir-i51i neurr- : I'1 .i r-ri; ll:r arr: .lr:rr. {- rrnih.;rr' ?l .. 1 CJB9 $t.JLl- I V;1N \' t{if [-alJ l.- I i{nAl- rli:Drnri Fllll'1H13 i'lAili:. t'luE:LL_i:ri l-1:=t- i: ,l O[ llllit';lFi i 5 NOT[j r l'he ':: t-rd i:: i. l: e-'r.r:: I i::t i ng of .rl I po:;si g:eI t:cted sec:Lions of i i=1:ej irr t-5is i-;r:;i-t- bI= rccJt: re:qiri r efllerlr:t ti-ri: a{-rde. ; i- e-' ,rcL. irl:=rileii ir: [:i i-r .r cc,rnpl:"Le in the 1.'t68 UFC" IL i.; s qL{id': to ====.=== === I t ^l .rC c c:.c.,.,rirr i:, '1, I fft^u)+ 1 1- b7 f" ! IJwr+ l. i lf TAL- f:l ti I Dwe.i TilTiiL FiJFJi iit }r,ler]- TOTAL FfJR gll I Ln:t Nti 1 i ri r-=l i:'',-c0r( I I I Iq F i-L-lOFi t i ng F[_OnR TOI-AL r.i l:,:f U;r I .;:--i4 l.Jrr I 1il:;I? t.Jt i I :l g.j,? Urr i. :L lif i lJtr I .r.6;l;: Un I ililiii& Un I i irr i i.: u:il i n:i. L.ed i mi t=tJ :i riti t ttrd i ni t-ed i mi i:: r,rci :i nri tarl fi.i: Fi::; Rf, Jl': i:i l::ll ,,: iil:: ut.:: nlr cl i.,: o [::' ".i tl ll,:il o r-r.rvi. €:rr'" f i:lr! F rn.'i ti',c i: .[ ci ,, I L']if Fl.i.Sni'.: |:t[$ i: ii[i\ll;[: Aridr-e:rr,ir I i:[:l.rL $Ui:F:i-lli-"i:{ i:F:i::Ei'i R.D. c ri i EFt .t'JR iAIALL i:::l: nE Hi:.'i1- I liiS$ A;\lt} oF f,lrl I hlf.:i FFii}-rEil i I 'Jf'l'l-ai:.! r* :1 ,'- A i:{ i.:ih i *:: 5-A i''lU[:j-f H E:r:l:i-f i]ijl-lT'H l.{E!-iT i-lrc Lrlt$ titohi-.1:rFiu t.]ttriitf::i iJF:6 t{nr''J -F:ftrf ciFFtS Bflti l\iilhl- ljfli:.i {ll:'l'Ji:i FIll.: NnFl*.Ijlltl fjf"'i!fi l{,qLL- irAl-L F'i::iiT i{tALL iliAL.L- i:'Rt} i l.,lFll....l- l,,ir:it..L !:iFlfiT idf'Ll. I{ALL F ftilT i;j:, t-lhl- i,)iri- lilnn l.* t:ll-! r- {-}ft !,- !.Ji::rre. t:thr i-}hr' lr]i::fi|? t-lhi" {:}l-rr :\lnn€t The slirteri ni- .r.iL l s r;ay Lir.: r-i: i:lUl'llll-i3-f .f BLE i.r;rt i,?r:i i:\l,, i:it+*.llilt-iL " N.:r-rs ---- 1'la +irr+ 1:r-ci:.cc L.:i i:rii r-c:qlr; r-ermsn Lg '{:i::r- i:p**ni ni_r-::. Frc:L --* flpe--ni. rrcl:i ;rr-:,- i:i: ;Lc: p.ri-r:te,cterJ l-i:i L:h fi/ij hr' {:i r-i+ :itr;s:.Eimh 1 i s': . St-ili r:: l: I fi r'.: ar i,;:r i:i: 1:: l"rr:' hr,r.l I rn.?iri.nlrm. $u'c " ]l:'ilil3, ibi ir "l';,tl::1*t i'j-A l"l'rx i nrnlrr =i i-:L:1# r.Ji rirlokJ si;ls i x ii4 sq, i:t wi {:. h rio i-lr. iiiElnr!:t L-j:-r ,jr-!ii&ti*f- h.ir,:rri :1.,l -;: r,ir*t:. --- .Ser:" 4.lf-io, ifi) Hnl-' -'-' ilpr:li n1s ;ii- r: riiiL, ter-m:!. 1, i:i::d j.n Lfiis I..'J,,;i l .l ,, J{' ---- fhil:;r+ r.i:ri.ts' ;i:,.1y L:r r.r Fr.*qi-iii'arC l:o fi*iv* .: t.-ir',:!-ii!: r{.11:i. :.:i i:i i nr':h,-:::; ;rbt:r.e i:he ro':'i: i rrit " -l f i..-.: p*i-':i:iilL {,Jal I i :: r- sq r-.r:i. r-rrd ir:i: li*..'n 'iL* eiaine f i.r-t; r'..rt:i iiii r'{ Li [:f ill rrla.l. i. . i3 *l i:r '"i r: r: Li frrr .l::'"t-i{?. ij r-ir- ,i:iet-eri ii; xrirl t?!i (:'.:JF L:; L--JnE, i:]r'.i'lL:"i::l :;rl.i .i1..*l: l.,lG ilL.i:l"t!:f''ll-S l.:ih1. + L7-"ii l.:L.-Ir:r'lIi..i i T n I r::r r- : f'1 ,- ::j .-,:ri - i rr -r t': *i. ]. I I rr'Lei- i nt- rit:ini:r'q ..ritr1.'i 5l:rltc L:ct;"-ai F -nri:,= r"i/+t"E:rt:t AL" An? Flrr'1 fri I y I it-l | .l t\itri i-i llr l. lrr i-.] j-t t- Iil* i*r e: iin'a 1: i.ii:: t rr o {: ei ,l,l.iflrt,;:r-:i -:r :.;Li'r-ict F:-ll,:+ i.:triy Sfra;: t ilr-rr i oi;L.rr"i.:l_lii;" F I nc:}r-;'L-lr..ti :. i irq r:]r';:-,;:n:i; i y An y !:loo-$ ,i Ci*i L i nq A'ii:i*erl., L .i, An). 5tsrir-'s lit ty I\IUTE: sa:ii $!:!c" 1.7t..t6. {i:) -Fur Sifr;: f t-. [:n*lusur':e c.:]ica'D f:i {jns. FOO TNOTF-!J: 1) Fli rri nl.rm un *:r'i:*i-inr- gii:ie, aI*ri, bi.ir;Erd rii'i rair Ls.,'ri;rr Lli-9,, Fliil J. rr:qlt!.rtlinell[-9" flcct.,FilNiiY 5i:Fr:rF{A i i tihl$ None reqrti retJ ADl] 1T I NNAL- i3ET,fII.{i\T I NN5 Ftlti it.: Ocui.lF Ar'ti_:Y: EX IT REOIjIREI4EN'I-IJ; l"jl..- Nilf'lE i:CCLJfri:lNl T f,.ll"lf,lFh-Fi E,,il-l i:'iil'l Ii: fiA"r"Eaii iliitrFi Nil-fES i-nnn E[;'u]L.i ii:i[:D t]Ii)-l-l"i Ii: |,,.] l-lltHi:;i i-"L-li:{Fil.DtlR stdIf{{i; I $wr+l i. inq ? t i:). i) lr.lo hlu hl,1Fi 1",j1"4t- .,1 .t i j. ) r_)" i:i i {:i,, t:i) i"ir: NltJ i.1,1!i i. Dr,rr:r.[ l. inq 5 I i]. 1 i"lr::i l'li:r t{'''R'll-lTAl- : li li n.li ii.:i ) ,'.iii 1..1,: i"l,'it [il Di.rr*.|. ]. i. ni.t 5 I {1 ,, I I'J L:i I'J o hl/ R IIITAL ii 1 ( 1) {). :i. ( '::r,,:) Nli: hlo N,/Fi F'actc,i+.i Ll*d+p r t+'.,r i ew f nr*:: i:'r'*.jec'l I11 ,: UFIRI$n:! iiEXIi,Et'!{lH Cr'liir-*'r,,',::.r l4tu fl{jFFH';Fl i:ifi:L.ti llll . Ihr:r gwi rq i s b;rge,:rl r.ln !ls:-r-. :f -=ltj4. ib ) F.'-ii (.. sF 1". as; nlti,:tj., Dl:i::r-tp:;in i: .1. oall i r:-" b;ir:ed i:n T;li:r.L [r ;.:i-.i:t. lrl.*rmirsrF o{ s}ri. h. g, i:" 1.,;l'*r*d lri I';ili.L *i i3 -.r.:;i ,ri:ii {-erFt ** natsd,, i:ir:i t'. l.rir:ith j.::i b;,1'st:d i::in $Fi: " ..::;{::);i " iit),, 'I hsr rr,-tmfuri'g j.n i ) eir-el :i. rr l Lr(.ic] ili::::L.ip;lnt l.r:;rrj:.n{ +r'r:ri'l j: l tir:r":.; i:iLiuve+ tlrirl { l. nr*r r- " --- $erc " .llItlf, " i lr } F:Ot-')-f lilO-i-[li r A =l;ri. r'r.',,i:y iir Jr {lueri 1irrfl mlr:;L tie ar'r 1e*;r*rt .jdr inchuig r.".ti i..it*,, ---- il,lr" li;.llt-:{r. iLt) -l-l'i +l r *iir:i. irrr-rm r:i9ii: $'i: & 1:tF$ i* B :i rrch.-alii *riil Llir.: iiii. r'l i. riit-iin r-Lirr .jr i: f i n{:l}a's.*- Sc.lc ,, ;:.:ii-r'!, i c ) e'x r.: . ,tt I i:r'r',:vi ils:l * h;irrclr-$:i.i. cin nne s'.i.dcr :r .r;t *:i. r r".ri1T .ri4. 't.n J* ii-tc:he,: iibcvF3 L:h* rr:i:;inql if f:fi*:r-e :i.:i rrri:it'i.: 'L].la$ 4 r-.i. s;rif-::, --' i:ii;,ls, .:f j'ltr,, i.il F'r'nvi i:ir: a ..*;i-r;:r ci raii [,Jfiai-l.: ilrcip *{{ j.g i:]r *llr{: ti:r' t:h*n .jt-; :l ricir*,-s:" i'1i. n j.,'ttt.tn lie,:i gl-r'l: -, ..:ir'r :i. nci:r+::" ! iii,Eii i riit-ttn i.:pc:rring airrE -:: {:, :l:rcltn::;,, --- Su.'i:. l.:/:. 1' r:}{c :: ]-h c* nri rri nLrs h s';:icJ r" ;.lc'tl i.::, & f L.- i:i i ri l:f-r:*F;. --* !'i*c" 1jO6. {pt) Enclr:;:is+rj r..i:;ab.l. Lj i;F r:ic i-3 L{n.:lsii- t:lrs: ::iL*ii*r: ii: r rilr:ii-r:i re{l i:cl i.,e ;:ir-,:{:ec l:ed E: p;'q;tirerJ f c.rr- li-rr- i; i. r'Lr--r-*r::,i i:,t:- vE c r:n r.;t r r.tri: :L c-,n . --- iir:rc " .r,;lit-t4r,, inl R n il r I r.l f;j Fi E r-l LI j: R i:: i'l [:: i'.t T Li :r L) lh,'.: rcri:!.r:g r::ri Lfr:i:i i:rr-ii. l iJ:i.riq; :r,:r rii:t le*qlri. r-e:ij t- r-:: b* i: i t"+-. r'''.?'l:Jirdfint." I cil..: -L l::' .:. .1_- lJ A'LJl"ili.lr:iT.l. i rlFfL I i'l'i:.1-.8::Fi ii f iii-l-ill'iS I STf-lNDl:' I frFl FIE(.1|ii Rf:Ht:N-l'ii; ''J trLr AhiD Ci::.i L. I i{Li i:: r lrl iL iii-l r i ) bl;:,r i 1 ancl c$i. l. i rrg { i rii sl-r ri,;ii:elr-i als :rif-.1 r-:*i:rr.r.i r-F(j i- Ll (.:r-Jnlp,l }.' Ni i:h Sec. /1.:i)4. ta) arrcl T,:rblt: 4"1..il , f) C:rrJre':irtrl nir r^raL L s; iind r: F.r i. i:i.;"ig .:,r *l r- *r:i r.t i ;" Ei{J L:} hirv+:: .,t [ii;:r+s I i:lame iFi-r:litd i-aL:i.i-it; , -'- ile;t:. 43{14" ib) INSULATIDT\l hillTES: l.) fi1. I i nslil eiti. i:;rr nreii:Elri al i nc"l. L.Ld:i ng {.,aci. nE$ iir" rii i-ilrqlri r-n:d t': ir;rr.'et li + L;iiiii.:- ap r r'.l.rd ri:\'b.irig c,'F 15 rr L e:is* nr"l cj ijr rTrali i mi-irn inrnl,:ri cli".n:;.i. i:y o{ 4.5t-) Ltnl.r.*i.is j. i: is irr a qilnceaileli:! =p.rce ;-rnd i: h rir {;,rci n1 i*:in l:onL.:t,-t with a l'rll.i.i. ur- clliiirrq;, --- Selc, :1.71*1. (r:i r.,iric. *li '1.) Fr::rrn 1.:1.ail ti': :i. nslrl. eiL:i t:n* .:r'e r*c1i.r:irelci tci h r.: p: r' n f. +...r:t i+r1 " ..- $t:c, 1..)'t:l . fil--AZ I hlti llEf,ltJ i ltEl'lEftlTS r l.) All !'l.*i:i, rrg in fi::i: a:rr- clc.ii.i t; l.or,irti*n:-' j.::i r r,..cl r..r j.;-srcl tr..i be t:i+ ..:*:{*:ltt: -1;i;rririq; m,ltclir":i.al . --- ::-ir*c, 54i"tfi, {i:l} nljii I T.l {li'lAl. ftHAU I ftHi'l[hll-S r i:';:r- FIJ nr:cLrF.;anry A.1 1 h;itt'rrcf,trrilEi,, r,^larl. e t- cl o::et i::c-rrrp ar t (ilen {: $ , l auindry r(iclnie.:; .rrrd rii mr l;rr- fir-BJrs shal1 bel pi-r::ivid(.]cl r'r:ith rratr-rr',.r1 ven i:i I at:ii:rtr nt- "t ms:ciianir:al rie*nti. liition system per 1. ci€itl l"i, fJ, []" cfr, l?, lliec, 1::t:):i (c) . o F',il !l c: :!L el Cncjtl r-i.rvi ,:.1r,j ri L-rr. ! [:'r-u-i ec l: I d . r ni:iF{ i. SCf'l ili:iS i l}|:i..ll]Ei Ad,ir-es:i: l. ri f. ii fJlJFFi-ii:R CFii::HH. RII " l;i:-t*p.1.;rce rfi.rsr*s i:\rE r,-:qLlirLicl tn f-rsv{3 ii i"n j. ri i fiil..riil .1.--irr rr:i. l E} rilt:i. {] i:: $ tnp nf i.er-ni n;1 [..i (rt-r ci.il , Fii-*tp:Ifir:i:j ir L '-re.- ,.r:i.iie :is r-i-+r1uri rild t* be ":rccctss:i. L:1e {cir cI i*..rn j. nq l:r {-tr- F cllicS*.. tri'lcnra'l.i vt: f :', i-:lr:;.:. *is r:' cfiilir;ely rj*rJ:: tal !:re ccnsi'[:rlict{:c! r::li: n []n -'c *iarb Lr* l:,,r1:r L e ;ir*'L'.:ri- i .r.i. si ln1.y l-tnel rsr:i i il -i i.rcii !::i.ir"iriri$ fireplaca f)elr dFJr:'l l i nrj i..init j.'* iirl lr::i*ed pi:r- ii.tr{i-! r:'{: \.J.*r r I mr-rn:i. r:: j. tiii:L r:fid(': ci-r, 3'J. $i-di n an E:: i-:.. rii:-,, :4" $i rped iJl i:;1,1 :rriq anrl !il':\rl i qfi LF t.c tr,* cnn::Li-lictrld ai:cl :i i-rgi.:*ii l. ed 5:i ur- i9ilFj LJ. i:{. !1. ,:h ":.:r;.!:1., A:1..1. -i i..i*.1. i::r'rrn i. irrl r*qr-.riprmerrl efr;ili Lil.: i.r::i::L.rrtlld .,r r,;li.i.l:i r: j. [lri'r:: *l.ip;::1,v i:ic ccrTii.-int-.ini! "lLi r- trn;- :i- 9!1ll t-l,l'.l ,C. i:ir. rr" 1.1:l :i. ,:,rp q.: i i. ri1liu:tr.r'r:j ,**i:l rnei:c li.,:irr i sal, *iqui;:mefi i:. *lra.|..l. i: er :i. ris-, i::+.l- i. *::ri p*r i.i::* rrr,.rrrn{:,:c i.:r-ii'r.ls 1i'.:ili$q 1: r:i- 1{:in$ il,f4"i:. r:h, l:ir :::-Lrt:. 5{]4" i:li..i. .: i:l l.t I :i;lrri::sri':, ":rtitJ ilriiic ir.,ln i c*il {.jcp.l i i:i afii..:rii t. sliiiI i bt: af:r:r:siri j. [:: i. r'l ir:rr .i.r,'.:pnr:f-ii;i-r., ::el-i'i {:ir, r-,:1[]i1i l- rlncj ri:[iI aa: iilrTir=Tri: tr'J i. i:l-inr-tt t-+]iii':Jvl. f;E [.r*:tt'flili-.i*nt r:rii:;itrr-.rr.: 1. j. r:n " i'pr i.TSL] tJ, Fi,, C" rlr. 5., sec" 5i]L. ai.1. I fin;ri;. l'. r'riJ ririd r,:t;i:1i i*i fl c..:jr-ri. iJrrl{rfri- i. r:c+i:ilil i n ::r ij|.r.r.ii--r(: fr!rrrl ,r.tl-i i r-lr i..l e:-]r-r rte*: i:i q1l. c;r..r,, .,-.:Fl,rr l,: r;:: r- .i.l "iinr: sfr;iri.i. *s iriEtalletd lqi i:ir tirer 6ii1$t-*,, l:r..lr"rtt.lr-s, ,,:iiiti slnr:i. LL:l-'el$ tit 1il.:.:: f- 1il" ai:u'ie f 1i::i-1i. " F c..'i- 1.?${:J U" f,l, {1. l:ir,, f-j. :;*c. !::1. !il , j.il. L i:ui. L er ir:ir:ilr" :iii-r;rI -l- hu .*,r1r".r i 1::pa,ci r,+:i. th * -iI r:i:)r- dr';iin, per J. r?g:i l-j " f'1 " {:1 . {:h . ?.1 , :;r-"r:: " :: i. 19 ,, 41. i f r-.r+;.L r_:i"rg p:i;:inq *h;rl.l. hn :i. nr:t.:rl. l nri per .r.?89 t.J,. i-l ,, C,, rh,, :i. Al l rnui ;trtre r,:xhei-ri;t Cr-rl::tg str.:r11 ttlrmi 'reLB cn l: h s.r c:r-t:::i r:ie ':f 1:he: bt-ti lding ;irnd sheIl i: e:i eqlri.pipeld r,.ri rh .:t b:rcl': drar{t danrper " All pi:t.abl e t'r,*tcr r:Lr;:ply 1irrt-= shaLl bre proL:ectr.:d u.ri. tir ,:pprov(ld hr.:c !rf I obl rJt'-..;i c.ns-j tu pirevent cr-ol;!] ccrnn:".cti on. ir"'l L e',+ri r.g:ri.nl,:1er!:. JrniJ hni. l er- si Ii'ri virt$ Uiir ag€..r 'r'l r:trr dr.li. n:; inily r-r,-:'r i;rr clrrrt:ct.:i:i .-c: ll-,e: l-, r.L j. l.11 :.ng wa1;te r-1nd v-ent Iines LtnI EsE and .rrr appr-oved i nce1.: Lc:r- it; inr;taI I.":d. b,loo;l hltrninE :itovr* mutg;t nre.:e: l'. StnlLe: r::: tlc:lr::ir':rdr: i-er:lnii.llnil:n1:*, irr i{d{li tii:n lt: l;Lnnd.,rrd c:nde rr,rctr-ri i'- e-'inen l:E. Ft-ov:iile a |$:i nclo!.J or clc'or to iha* elxtgri. Jr l: r-oni e1,;rirV i'L:,i:lirr r,t:iFiJ +$r- al.eepinq;" --- Ilec. 1lil4. it wi nrJow rrrlrst pr-r:v:ide :t t:: l. e+;iri- oF]€?ri f,ir irja a'{ 5..;' :!:,-j"'lt,, r a c1+rnr- iro1gfrl: t:{ il;[ inches, and fr c1!:tfir- 'r:i dth {rr :O incfresii (minimi..Lnr). --* Ser. l::(]4. oEl 'ii :l tkrclc r-e'.i:i a- i,t 'i *r r F'rr:.-i+:r1,: Ld" :: fiF(RI$UN RHFiInENCf: Acl,lt= ti..:*g : i. rl. I t) l'lt.JFi:liFR ';tli:Eii Fin , f:ii. i. liali:i t.;rbl s !- o$ms:i ri3cj!.tir-r.r $i|i-rjrior- qlii:.:Etd r:lpFrir j. r'i{:lri ciil L.rJi i: l.n ! i-}lt nr- i*r:r" '.r' r:f i:.hi:i i: lnni- ;ire.,i. tirri 1O ici " i: i'- " ) -.-- ser. .i.::i:r3, i.]i ill I h,liLhi i:mh:l r* t-ci$ni$ rarrllrJ.r-€i riifi opr+r'nbl.F, rrlit*r j. *r cpt,r:it"r{J:: r.!r-!Lr*.1. l:.::: li}j rfi- rili.-.li'F: fi'; LhF.j j:l r::;c:r' ,*r'ii+ii,, {nrirr 5 i:; cl ,rii:.} --- ile':. 1:i:::ll ,, (.1 i Tirr rr j. ni nrim r:ei l ir-rg :in ;'r li;lhi.ts.b1eMpi{r:er j.*.7 { r:,,elt i} i cfr.?!1 eirr:a,-pt i.,: :i L:cft':rns r l-rai1!ry ;iind ha'f-hl.; iiiay h.rl,/e *r !::r?i.i. i rri; !rr.:ii:1hh i:{ 7 {:iee1---, *- i:flr . -* i ?lt;;'. 1*; F'r-civi d€;r .i E 'Iio l':Er cir:i:ector i ir ;,i1 L ar-e;tsi ii;rvl. rrg i\c. c r.ri:1r. t* r,;i. r:ep i. ri i; rDclrir!-' " --- ll:lc. :r":;::11:r= i.;|i 4" Fi-r::vi clsri ;t ::: i-ilc-'r l':c: rinh*cti:r- i ir b;rsemrln i: tl-rht i ct r:cin r': [Pc t r,,:cj Li: ,,1. n ril.,-lrm ;,ir-rcjii:l* .iri ,r,L j. sl.eei:in{.t .1i- l..?{::r!i, -.-- 5etr. :L::1.r-:. i:ii.{." 5'r"i:rvi c.it:' ,ri r::iiili l::i: rje*l:. E:r: Lni- *n al I f I uci-si 'i:fiai. i : crrrrielct:c.rd l* air iil srrl ..rt-ti i i:i.1. t: j. i-r ;il1 =.i ne1:ii riil *1i."er;:1,j;. --- !lr:r:,, i:i1i:r" t,.1 ) "1i., | ,'SAa^r.4'\t,.I (, { "{* SULLIVAN..WOOD CONSTRUCTION, rNC. P.O. BoX r535vAIL, CUL0RADO Bt658(3031 949-(]177 FAX 94?-0178 November l. 199u Town af Vail Frri lding Department 75 $alrth Fr-ontage Rmad Nest Vail. Colorado e|1657 Att; l'ls. Betgv Rosol ac l*: Re: Carrol P. Orrison Regi dence 1464 Asoen Grove Lane Vai I . Col orado S1657 This l etter is to extend the Ternoorarv llccltpancv Fermi t f or -f he firr i son ltesi dence c:n 1464 Aspen firover Lanel " Va j. I Col orado. Flr , Orri son war-tl d I i ke to elite:nd thi s oermi t wi th the Tor,ln o{ Vai I urnti I the garage I ocati on nrobl em hag been resol ved and congtrnction clf the oaraae has been cc'arroleted. l'he onlv I andscappi ng which has not been comnl eted is in the area o{ the oroposed garage lncation, AlI tre*eg arrd remaining I andscappincl hrill Lre r:ompleted on resolution of this problerrn. Carrol P, Orr i son Rltss lrraod-$lrl l ivan and lrlood Ccrnstrurction, Inc, Si ncerel y, 7tuM :lOx iO OtJci UP =leLO ?AQLIcA-(ep r&o \ rl-ooo o-',.r4Atu te)Tlf. IAL MAIN FL OR VENTILATI ,scALE t/4':1' 'lo'xci exHAU;T ?.tqee(CotstT?.^C'fe?t I I avJFrq: 4 o? TtoFJ I t"4, @ 4 A c? l?>tQ Qttc-I,)+eA qFrf- Y-2 Fe? 4AAF-('@F)qf. 6993@tn'- PPER LEVEL VENTILAT N PLAN SCALE 1/4'21'-0' ORRISON RESIDENCE M-1| 0 0 I fr n | #n'iiri#;::n,*rm**mr,n Imwfl;i]ffqe** '-'(na:.:.rtnnbU.:clrlEtcd.bn Jttrlowod.DI q- a-an *)4 DM6 ul etr-l exA,^uczT .-.A'A, tooo c,Ft-1 @ o.a15'4.e @6, th u.e, ttb/6o/1. ae,a.1;16^2? &6?b. ?%vto?uAei A6re'4?€eo' u.lauu 6l^l tfcH- FteLo Feaztc^feoc.@t 69@ RaJie toxto(h-4c,"c1oi+forlaeza oflroA tl'$, Wx8 oe t6*c.a) H@o l<s-2'av'a 9*f (qaurt.> -t4 AsE'?9ca.tc.Tt\fi. .-RaJi e @ xt o (h-47acloe-+fo I B x (a) H@o d,xt-,i,-1 ^a OL-X,f (A,^L'J.> l tsJ A c.E - ?e c.i 6fFrec*,^?1 @'.te?eo oFl oFJe carde ,\4 leQ:a. Q+ 4^l-ycAeQ'a. Fe{ A l-Hod( ?rzE'z'a12O c.c>FJ€f<.rjofrar'J UdlfH r'Jo coAg)41t?Ue .- |4',6.19 *, ot u4 eo |*J4 | a e -r4e fl?F- ?Fz{ec1 | otJ -, MA | \Jr,al Fl l" cv€},c*J-tce ?For< oucT as 4AaFl * vEFry p oJT%tpe- i\pq-l I f t-'l J&^t-' q4 e-'r/@FFtI SECTION A SCALE 1/4'21'-O" ORRISON RESIDENCE Y0ilIEnlffuwruftatr,* funccrtw r;i'llniqil I ffiW.f;iitrY* :clato.::."6awn by. .:cfiecked.by...lo\rlgwod.b1l: a-5-ga +e)oflb 9L'/ oxto ey.HAu6'( a-81 ft,@? ec,K o\|CcDc.otl-ll--(e U.-.Aa devecA. tcl!. tqtd *t6t/,t x 2" csge*cte avfeq (2> car-n'i FfaFrfAt ?Aa, oc- (L^Ac- GUASOrculvaLeFfI' ozt? @@ ASojJp- ?eAAe-fe? Aooor7l) be coFwtcGo o?(ogrJe?',4 oflaA) al-.1 --^ -' f -1, a? a5'zA oz^/6a.(4 Co?fr?c\ b.ot" 4fawJr-24 qr#L ,JA.LL SECTION B SCALE 3/4'=1'-0' -l ?tevoAwTee F#ffo FLffi? FlaTbH t@? 1'D,A@trloe,XrerAe A4APISECTION C ?ILTE? SCALE 3/4':7'-0' ORRISON RESIDENCE run|nnlffiWr,i*wat,* itfri r't Effiils,m I ffii#f];iffY* SULLIVAN.IAIOOD CONSTRUCTIT]NI INC,P.0. BOX t53g VAIL? cuLtlRADtl 8t658(sQI', S4S At77 June 1€}. 1990 Deoartment of Commlrni tv Develooment Re: [Jrri gon Residence 1464 Asnen firove l-ane" Vai 1 Landscanino t:n the Orri son Resi dence will be comoleted as st:$n as ocssi bl e on North . Eagt . lior-rth gi des o{ hi s resi dence. -fhe hJest side is beinq designecl f or utndergrcltnd qarage. Engineering. variance for :;et bacl: . site oIan. nermit all make it imnt:gsible at this time tn comnlete landscaoing. If or-o iect is nat cc:nceivable then oaving and landscaning will be comsl eted bv November 1 t??O. Thank vour for vourr herl o in this matter. sincerelv. A Zt-^ fr7a"u<- Rr-tss trlood / $utl I ivan and Nood Congtrlrcti on. Inc. 4*' , I r,^.( | ;r l ,.^. | | uLtO xT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT (),r/ so'' ='-- CALLER DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL q \.- JOB NAME @ .\i(- TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " prYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F( APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tt\\S .1 \ \, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT. NUMBER OF DATE PROJECT l\ runrrle - '' !-t ..-:.- CALLER",i\ READY FOR LOCATION: '\i1:"ll:*,.MON ':!.'. THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED .z CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR lrt?V I / 'to / PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT t PEtNs so,r CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL a I't c-/.FDATE |/''"'/"JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:ruEs @ rHUR y'r LOCATION: MON L,{ 'r CALLER [,4 FRI L o*-a- BUILDING: Xroorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL )q nennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc //-r''.'./,i'f rNSpEcroR f'+'(.,r.,,{'4 r', /oil I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t PE oor. 4L JoB NAME fu/t,iarnl ou) READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER ', 'ya) d f/'rryp -W, BUILDING:prtmgrNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr E E POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL gfneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ',]7l( it' ,.*z €-..-,, ,.1.i l Q-;1 D^rE /a'4-fv niFs'op UC€.t I\ \-/ I -'-I P DATE - JOB NAME fl t-,,f,e>- rv (t<t (\ THUR . FRI\-{U-] PM t INSPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL a READY FOR LOCATION: MON uu(J.i(. INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED CL4"1d BUILDING:p.u2mre: dTUNDERGROUNDtr tr tr tr o tr n FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL V{ouori D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL i H, TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTI INSPECTOR niFs'c" t ; PEtNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL a. \.\NAME MON CALLER TUESWED ('r \.. ' READY FOR \fJLOCATION: t B LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr o B FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: B o tr B TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL f,neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t.\\ INSPECTOR INS I PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L .r , \.r^DATE I I | €I rt-- JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR Gn @ ----@ -CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr tr tr o POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL /d neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I PEINS CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME -O CALLER MON TUEScl)i f -ti lot*\c n",(1. -t''', INSPECTION: r'1!1 F. APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED PERMIT NUMBE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SJ1EETROCdbke ./)LIL, tr FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ..T/ rtt'.F PERMIT NUM I 40* ER OF PROJECT DATE ,,-') /'l,) READY FOR INSPECTION: c&nA WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST.<- TgWN OF VA|L U L(V Dt rJ(z . t2 h'].{ '\'p t -/Dr{G JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES -a zLOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n tr tr tr o tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETBOCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL n o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL Htt^ou=o O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIO \=S, r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo-.\.-$-\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDrlq RoUGH i D.w.v. {nouen / wArER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr o tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTDNS: pfiGsr,.p oarc =1 -ZZf(J rNspEcroR qc?l il PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: oor. &\,a" JoB NAME READY FOB INSPECTION: \l-_- WED { oJe INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '.-i,lc \n- C ' THUR LA tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PM .*. ifr'eeeaoveo,/ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n. tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING trCl tr_ trFl tr tr E] EXHAUST HOODSROUGH CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL INSPECTOR ,* a,, * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 4-/ 2d INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: wED (f.fD FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND $(ROUGH / D.w.v. ts RoucH / wArER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING AGAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Ernppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -/D^rE )/ / L JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON \__/ l( IL I Sa *., .' , J CALLER '->q lf tv^/-. l lD.'A ,/---\ TUES (WCO) THUF FRI/') V t'fc',,Q (At-Q AM@ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \..F tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r HOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. PCXA/ER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL X tr F.(\PPRovED cofiRECTrO\S: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR v .;.i -,I{Fsfft fCr INSPECTION REQUEST TO OF VAIL ^QQ READY FOR LOCATION: lcz OF ?- INSPECTION:MON C JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ct tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL etebrnlcal, tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: E HEATING O ROUGH -)d...exnnusr Hooos ,/tr coNDurr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREO t., i oo-r 4-1-1ct rNSPEcroR qt$ t PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE \'\S -* \\.-qbJoB NAME .iil, ..: --' \t; .. '--'': -INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSP TION: CALLER TUES @)THUR FRIMON '\-\J BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ;""tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr D tr tr TEMP. POWER \tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ffeeeaoveD -,;:( CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t/*_.._:=_ INSPECTOR FriFssop PERMIT NUMBER uL"t\ * PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION:.>( C:ff<- gineenoveo CORRECTIONS: Hart< /< /od o ,rl.' , ^ -- .., tF INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MONUES WED THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED ;tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB OCK NAIt ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL DATE 7-3-,tu INSPECTOR nffisnop 4of: 'PERMIT NUMBER OF READY FOF LOCATION: INSPECTION:/o PBOJECT 7-- JoB NAME Crr, TUES WEDHUR /--o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \,al,rz-tvt tec t lLg,a A.to4 CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PL D tr tr D tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDEFGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH i WATER- tr D tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL Vrrrunl ! tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o D ! o HEATING o tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL (neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORD^rE '2_/ s/ q z- tl ^dINAL INSPECTION'S COI{PLETEDv The ltens below need to be conplete before glvlng a pernit a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAI. PLINEING DATE:tl FINAJ. UECEANICAL DATE: tr IUPROVEMENT SURVEY ID. NAME: -- \:\.- FINAL ELECTRICAI, ("- / 1-€d FINA.L BUILDING EAST SIDE:TIEST SIDE! DATE: LANDSCA?ING DUE DATE: a ?c-r-1111',j1: 1. A request for a front setback variance to allow for a garag€ on tot 10, B].ock 4, tionsridge filing No. 4' L464 AspeD Grovg lraDe. 1- Applicant: Carrol P. OrrisoD Andy Knudsen explained the request and stated that the applicantdid not feel that the garage would be visible from the Town. Rusty Wood, contractor for the project, felt that the location was chosen to please all the neighbors, owners, and Town staff. He felt that the location suggested by the staff was unacceptable, and the location proposed would have the least irnpact. Kristan explained that the present meeting was to review thevariances requested. The board went outside with Rusty to lookat the site from the Town office parking 1ot. Diana then surnmarized that the setback was not a problern, but there was a problern with the cuts for the driveway. Kathy made suggestions for alternative schernes. She felt that she couLd not approve variances \'irhen there were al-ternatives. The alternatives were discussed, but the applicant did not wishto change his design. Diana suggested tabling the item to allow for revisions to theproposal. Chuck moved and Connie seconded to table this itenuntil November 26th. The vote was 7-0 in favor. 5. A request for setback variances and au exterior alterationfor the village ceDt€r Condominiums, !21 willow Bridge Road. Applicant: village Center Condoniniums Association JiII Karnmerer explained that there was .o longer a need fo.r a landscape variance, and showed plans explaining the proposals. She added that the staff reconnended a;;:oval with one condition,that of requiring that the applj-cant not remonstrate against the construction of a streamivalk or the construction of a pocket park at the northeast intersection of Wil1ow Bridqe Road and Gore Creek. Kirk Aker, employee of Morter Architects, felt that the condition r.tas a littLe strong because the Town couid come in with arrterribletr design. Diana pointed out that the applicant couldgive input on the design. Kirk felt that the condition was notfair. He added that a hardship had been found for the variance and the privilege of the variance should then not be taken away. Connie felt uncomfortable requiring the condition and felt thatit was backhanded. Jirn Shearer coufd not see any difference - -;;/een gciio ,ioning this variance and conditioning othervariances. Diana agreed !{ith Jin and felt that the conditionqrould speed up the process and did not feel rights were being Laken a\ray. Chuck did not feel the condi-tion should be placed on theapproval, but felt that perhaps the part about not remonstrating against the public park should be left in, but not the part aboutthe strearnwalk because he was not personally in favor of thestreanwalk. He felt the variance !'ras OK. Dalton suggested changing the wording to encourage input into thedesign. Ludi agreed with Diana. Kirk felt the condition was objectionable and pointed out thatthis was a study area, not a pLan. He stated that the applicantis not getting a special privilege and that the variance wasjustified. The variance and the streamr^ia1k should be two separate issues and go through nornal channels. Chuck asked ifthe applicant would drop the inprovenent if the condition rernained, and the applicant stated that 90? of the owners wereagainst the strearnwalk. Kirk asked to have the itern tabled until Novenber 26th. Jin noved and Dalton seconded to table Eo II/25. The vote lsas 7-0. 6. A request for a bed and breakfast conditional use pernit at 2754 Soutb FroDtage Roadi Lot B, StepheD,s Subdivisiou.Applicant: DarIeDe Scbweinsberg Betsy Rosolack presented the proposal and stated that theapplicant net all the criteria and the staff recommendation wasfor approval . Dalton moved and Jim seconded a motion to approvethe conditional use request. The vote was 7-0 in favor. 7. A request to anend Section 18.04.l3o--definition of floorarea, gross resiclential (cnrl) t 18.09.080 HillsideResidential Dlstrict density controlt 18.10.090 Singlefanily District density coDtroli La.L2.090 Two Fa:nilyResideutial District deusity control aDd 18.13.080 Prinary Secondary District density control, of the I'lunicipal Code.Applicanti Tonn of Vail Tom Braun, planning consultant for the Town of Vail, explainedthe p;cposed orCinance. Linda Fried, an east Vail property olrner, felt that single fanily homes able to be nade into 2 units would be losing square footage. She felt that the amount ofadditional GRFA was nct adequate. Kathy Warren was not ccnfortable with the 475 square feet figure. She also felt that the amount allowed for sma1I lots would be outof proportion to large lots. Diana had the same concern. Shefelt they were bending over backwards to acconmodate developers and, although she agreed philosophically, she disagreed with the figures and felt the additional GRFA to conpensate for credits - should be less than the proposed 475 square feet. Tom Braun wondered if they were suggesting a different set of numbers for the smaller lots. Kathy suggested using 425 as thenumber. Tom replied that at the last task force meeting, 50 sguare feet was added in response to developers. Jin Shearer did not feel 50 feet more or less would help or hurtanyone. Dalton feLt more comfortable with 425 feet. Ludi statedthat he was not part of the task force and supported 425 squarefeet. Chuck Crist did not care !,rhich number was used. He didnot feel 50 square feet would nake much difference. Connie was happy to hear the support for less square footage. Kathy noved and Dalton seconded to approve the proposed amendrnentwith the additional sguare footage changed Eo 425 square feet. The vote was 7-o in favor. 8. A request to amend sections 18.04.360--definition of site coverage and sections 18.09.090, I8.10.110, 18.L2.LLO, 18.13.090, 18.14.110, 18.16.110, 18.18.110, 18.20.LLO, L'|.22.110, 18.24.150, L8.26.120, 18.27.O9O, 18.28.L2O, 18.29.090, 18.30.11o, 18.32.LLO, and 18.39.190, all dealingwith site coverage.Applicaats Towr of Vail Kristan Pritz and Tom Braun explained these proposed revisions. There was rnuch discussion concerning the 4 foot trbuffertr for roof overhangs with regard to calculating site coverag'e and for reducing the amount of site coverage allowed on steep lots.Dalton felt that if 3 sides of a garage were covered, the garage should not count as site coverage. Jim Shearer felt that the explanation of why site coverage was reduced should be i-icluded. Kathy moved and Jim seconded to recommend approval to the councilwith tha renoval or :)r 4 foot buffer reference. Kathy then amended this urotion to apply only to Hillside, Single Family, Prirnary,zgscondary and Duplex zoning with the rest of the zonedistricts to be tabled until Novenber 26th. Jim seconded the arnendment. Jirn Lanont felt that more notification needed to be made to commercial- entities. Tom stated a press release could be used.Kristan said a newsletter couLd be used, but the issue woul-d then have to be tabled to a ]ater rneeting. Jin felt the need to do nore discussion in the task force rneetings The vote was 6-0 in favor wi.th Chuck absent. 9, A request for a work session to review a ProPosed rnendment to Cbapter 18.7L of tbe Municipal Code--Additional Gross Resiclential Floor Area (25o ordinauce).Applicant: Town of VaiI 10. A request for a work session to rezone the property conmonly kaowu as the [ountain Bell Site located to tbe uortb of tb€ nain Vait I-70 IDtercbange fron Agricultural open Space to Mediun Oeasity ltultiple Fanily.Applicant: TonD of Vail and Professioual Development Corporation 11. A request for a work sessiou to rezoue the followingproperty conmonly lcnouu as tbe Pedotto property located tothe south of Kinnickinnick Road in the Intermountain Subdivision from Prinary/secondary to ttediun Densityuultiple Fanily.Applicant: iluanita I. Pedotto, and ProfessionaL Developmeut Corporation. L2. A request for a work session to rezone the followingproperty loeated to the north of safeway and cbamonix Lanein the vail feights Subdivision, f,ots 5-13 froE Prinary/Secondary to Medium Density l{ultiple Fanily.ApplicaDt3 Konrad oberlohr, itohn w. and Patricia JA. Rickman for John witt, Reuben B. Xnight, and Professional Development Corporation. 13. A request for off,-street surface parking on a parcel conDoDLy known as tbe rrHoly Cross parcelrr. lpplicant: VaiI Associates 1,,1 . A reguest for a height variance to allow for tbe installation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of, the Marriott t'tark Resort, IJots 4 and 7, Block 1, Vail Lionsbeacl 3rd Filing, Lots C and D, Uorcus Subdivision, located at 715 l{est L,ionshead Circle.Applicant: Marriott trlark Resort,/Tri County cablevision Dalton moved and Ludi seconded to table ftems 9 through 14 to the neeting of November 26. The vote nas 6-0 in favor. 15. A request for a front setback variance in order to construct a garage and a watl height variance in order to constructretaining walls in the front setback at 1448 vail valley Drive; Lot 18r Block 3, Vail valley First Filing. Applicants .tohn and Barbara Schofield Kathy moved and Chuck seconded to table iten 15. The vote was 6-O in favor. Kathy warren was selected to be a representative on the Transportation Task Force. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.l{. REFI-TV 9,13.1989 t I Nloholas Lamplrls, Ph.D, CONEULTINq OEOLOqIOT O7q} VALLEY ROAD CARBONOALE, COLORAOO 8I623 o03l 003€600 (24 HouRg) gierp t (iirntJ(iirf- t, i! , l rltl? d.c,q CarrnI [:'- Or"r-itinn CPO, Inr;.Co,. Ft'l llcrl {l?'Z Caeprer- l4Y B?CrO? Rli:. | ltucf,: l1'+r l, I liv.ir]Ltat:i t.rrr -,*. Dear' l''lr' , 0r'r'i g$n l II h,.rve.: c;Onrpl dit ctrJ ty 1.,1e()1 r,rq;:i c: has,jar.rJ mr!fit1, oflc:rd pr"o1rnr,[.y rrrJ, tlr j. n Llre fmwnbnlrndary b e;.rt_ wc*,en ller:;'|. i ctrrs i. afld l_;l1,.i,l-, *itthjn thef H:i ntur.rr lS nri.,,..,t,*'[]o L or";,rrJcr. F* q..lt -7713 t Lt)t 1(:j n L.:i unr:i Ri i:lr;uir f'r'i I. i ng {}4 Tlre hopr:gr'*1llry (J'{ tfre Iof rmntij.l;tr:" t.:,,f ;r q:yerrti.y r::ir:;rr",rt h t,,inr:: i rrr.1tiil' mSrel (:fivelr"tiql w:if h nat;i,vr:r flir- i:r !:r sj r:,r s +rnr! ,nr:;iSiern tlr-c,g1l wfr:l clr Lstrscked try a lortrJr etr'$c,lp ]ri,t.]-riij.r:le r:r:r ttre rrcrr"th.. T'fr:iE hir r qiideiti largcrly r:rpen wj.th r*ervor.al, or-rtcr-c:tl:j tra(.1..r€ vi.r::j. lrIre ,:rtv,ar i crLuli he+ight,ril arbrrv* ,hlre L r.rt, Thr*r.e j.Ei ;l rir_rbrl ;i.,lirr,i.cln r u.;lrJi nto t"he I ot-. 'l"ltt| r;lr+clll ngy i:r'f th+} ar"t;t.t c;fiu)1,ii i. ,.jil Ei o.f fr''errr,rsyl. \,ilt1i. ,11 ager l.li. n.Ltr..rr.rrFqr-mati orr at thc. rite wi Lh f:,enrrsylv.;:rrri,:rrr,,i**r,nr;i,arr aSr:f l"!ar.or.:nFt:irmat:Lnn {r.rr.tl.rerr, 116r tfr+r I.ri I I "'niclc.:. ttre l,li rrtrtn rr j,n t.fri $ .itr- Eitiir _l 6 prefifirfli.ttanLl, y R gr".ty c;fr,i il.e ,,rnr:i 1:ri.,rnrlr;t.r:rnu w:i tlr l,.i fl1l"rst on ellaymr+' Tlre Marcrorr ic; a ireinati L.* cGl*Hl.r r; c;lrr *i. r tr;tr:rrrr.,.:,sandstr:nrl;:rncl riiihalql . [Jnt"h rrf tl.rffr:rsr for"nr+1...Lorrll rJ:i. l] rdhoL(t..I()tlcl 4() rlmgrHri'tt; 1'- n tfre noltlr. 'f hs+r." ri", lgi a :lr.rr4r i. i:rit:irl i::rovrr:f t- i pg rr.llglar;i;rl dri'f t qrf fir.u.rt- er-n a. y afJ(;: .'rt the hr.ri. r..ring si.r:e wrri chcont.:ri rrrr g:; i I ts, tlands, c;ntrir.l +ir i; i.lr,rt tlr.rltl rlnr ri. Thr:.!:i .t c)t lle$,rt t,e b;r.i;* *,f i.r gle*p hillsi.rJe a'tj isi $l niow:i thi n {:hr Mc'-iJ i r,,rnr iiiev+r i ty Roc:k,f ;..i.t .1. ?()rr+: r,rw rnir;:rpr*r_l f r::r- tlltrTrr:wn of v,*:i r . 'I'h e+ h:i. r r. s;i. ite cror,lli fr't: tih.w rgiq.s-'f l, nsi{:,:rb i. 1 i ty r-l ()r" a.e t*er"r: r.c.rcl{* st**w' dhctLtt .L'rr.r :t oi.re ineverthCllf-,slb, cFf.tAin l:lr.e_.eat,rt:i c-rnt;i +:rr.cil j,rr Orr|i+r-. It iE thyLtnderEt" '.rll nr; th+{:_ tfr* prcrposjri,r:i tr r:rnr e1 wir.} Lie awer5, {, r.pnr thqilttase cr'f tlre eteep hilL ffiverl[r:rol.:i.ng i:.lrer v;rl. I r+y f ltriri,. av,.,-'r i. r"r;.,r {': i on rr.{r ttrel ;rhJ ()vri+(J{ Va r l. . Th i, r:i i. r$ n ear. t fr ti, 1' 5 $, ft UL W r.:r.f t-,he /:th r;;r.rar1 r iir rr c.y I o , liliag l. *i llntrn {.: y , BEST IMAGE FOSSIBLE o APPLICATIOiI DATE:?, -2-89 oATE OF DRB llEETIiiG: 8-2-E9 B-r 6-Ba Jr ) rrrrrTHIS APPLICATIOiI I'IILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFOR|'IATIOII IS SUBIIIfiEDT* . I. PRE-APPLICATIOI't MEETIiIG: .. A pre-aoplication meeting with_a planning staff member is strongiy su-agested to i.[.-in! ii ini"uJiiiiJnat inrorinaiion is-neeoea. Ho anpl]!.!19!_:i]]_be-acceDtec untess it is comolere (must include-;ii iigm;-;equired by the zoning administratcr). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appoinbrlnt with the staff to fino out about addit;;;;i subnittal ""qrir.".nts. Please note that a COI'IPLETE applic:- : lJon wit'l strearnii;; ih; app.ovai 'pto..ts for your project by decreasing the numDer of conditions of apprcrai lhat the'oRB may stiiulat!. ALL condit'i ons of approvai must I)RB APPLICATION be resolved bef.ore a ruilding permit'is issued- '/ a. PRoJEcr DESC,?IPTIoir: r-.^^,.'.'5l l\rji E; t,A[1 1 ]' kEJIDENCE /t . LocAT I oN oF PRoFosAL : /'c. NAi'IE cF Addres s /0. NAitE 0F Address LIONS 3trAD lu,,F 1464 Aspen Grove Lane -Lega I Zoni ng Oescription Lot 1o Bl ock z Fif ing APPL I CANT :CARROL ORI]ITJOI'I P.c- Box 892 cASpFrR, r^rv.r"4rr\G tla6ep telelhcin3g7;+S5 2tE! AppLICA;{T'S REpRES:;iTATlyg.SUl,Lri/AN & I\ro0D CoNST Address Box lb35 vArL. coLORAoo Br 66T telelhon!4f'-+++.1 /e. NAr'lE oF oI^TNERS:C.P.O ]NC Addres s D'BOX 897 CASP:R WiOMING B:6OZ telephdft7 ) ? 35 2rEg F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-t 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo t:50.oo1 - $ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - sl,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBHISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that rvill be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the ORB visits the. site 2. The review p"o..r= for NEl.l BUILDIIIGS wil'l normally involve h.,o separate meetingsof the Oesign Review 8oard, so plan on at least tlo meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Oesign Review goard at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement uill be rrquired to be republ ished. S i gna ture $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 5o.oo $100 .00. t200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: I r-:'a -.rr.i..: The following items no longer hEve.to be presented.to.the-Desiqn Review Board' They, however, have lo ui pi.sented to ;hi't;;ifi-nJministrrtoi for approvai: .......'i.., 4. a. !,lindorvs' skYl ights exi st'ing Pl ane of and similar exterior changes that do not alter the the buildingi and 5. b. Building additions that are not viewed wniitr tiue had letters submitted from the addition; and/or approval from the associ ati on . You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies ifrecf< irith a Town Planner betore proceeding' from any other lot or Public space' adioining Property owners aPprovln9-aient f6r, or nanager of a condominiur't on your propertY. You should 1. Llcensed surveyor's stamD. BE SUB|.IITTED site containing the follorving (2 copies): +G . I.,IATERIAL TO /r. ntd coitsraucr:ort ,/( l, T-opographic map and site plan of a---t--- Z. Coirtour intervals or- not more than 2' uniess the parcel consjs"s more, in which case, 5' contour intenrais will be accepted' 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks wi"h diameters of one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, intermr ltenE streams , etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year fiood plain and slopes 40i or more, if applicalie' 6. Ties i,o e.risting benchnark, either USGS'l andmark or set'ter invert. 7-. Locations of the foi lorving: a. Prooosed surface drainaoe cn and off site shorving size and iype of cu I verts , swa les , er-c. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include e.risting sources and prc:csed service lines from sources to the struc!u!'e. Utijities to inciude: cabl e TV Tei ephone sewer gas wa ter eiectric c. Property lines shorving distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed drivelays with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Exjsting and finished grades. 9. A'l I ex1sting and proposed improvemenls including structures, landscaged 3reas. service areas, slorage areas,.rlalks, dri vetvays, off-street parking, loacing areas, retaining walis (wjth spot elevations), and other site improvemenrs. 10. E'levations of top of roor- ridges (with existing grade shown uncjerneath) to , ffi) determ'ine height of buiiding. F( * n statenent from each ut'ility verifying location of service and avai'lability. To / be submitted with site plan. -P\i'CJ pretiminary title report to accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership\--l: .and all-.ease0ents on property. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the locatlon of 4n diameter oi larger trees,'other';htutis,ani'iilitlve.olants t.are on the site and the location and deiiqn of proposed landscape area.s Hith- the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. l' ?. Complete landscape materia'ls list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be 'l ost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plant so that the inter-relation of the various cornponents is clear. The landscaoe plan should be! separate. The e,risting topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Treesthat will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. acres .' 4" or nore 0r D. tp -z*rchi-tectural Plans (l/8" = I'or larger) Z copies 71. Must inciude floor plans and all eievations as they wil'l appear on ccltpletion' Elevations must show both e.risting and finisned grades' 7( )i Z. Exterior surfacing materi als and cclors shall be specified and subnit:cd for revierv on the materiais'l ist avaitaUie frcn the Deoartnent of Conmunity 0eveioo- r.na. Color chi ps, siding sampies etc.' should be presenteC at the 0esi9n Revtew Boaro neetr ng - \ The Zonin_q Administrator and/or lRB may require the sublnission of additionai plans. aiurvl"gt,'rpecifications, samsles and other material (including a mgde!) jf deemec ne.=rsi.y to dete:.nine wirerner a proJect lvjil ccmply with design guidelines' :'IIIiOR ALTEi,ATICNS TO THE EXTEP.IOR OF BUILDIIIGS phct3s or sketches ihat clearly incjcate rvhat js preoosed and the locaticn (ii1s p'l an) oi-prororui ma_y be iubrnit..eo in 1ieu of the more formal requirelTlents given above. Js long as they prcvroe ai1 important speciiiiations for the proposed inciuding colors and ma teri 3l s to be u: -'d . - A]DiTiC|IS - RE:.::'ITIAL OR C::iiiE,..C:AL A. 0riginai floor plans tvith al l specifications shonn B. Floor plan for addit'i on - 2 copies c. site plan showing exj s"in3 and proposed construct'i on'2 copies topos 0. Elevations of addit'ion E. Phot:s of exi 3 ti rig struc:ure F. Spec.i fjcat.i ons for al'l materials and colcr sampies on materiais list available at 0epartnenc of Conrnuni ty 0evelopment Ai the request of the Design Re,rjew Adminisirator you rnay aiso be required to submit: G. Staie:nent from each utility verifying location of service and availability' See att:ched utiljty location verification form' H. site improvement survey, stamped by regis"ered professional surveyor' I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of ease$ents' FI:IAL SITE PLAII After a building permit has Leen issued, and when the project is underuay., the following will be required Ueiore iny Uuitaing reieiues i-itating inspection from the Euilding Department: A certified improvement survey shotling: A. Bui'lding locations with tjes to property corners, i.€. distances and angles' B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All util{ty service llnes as-bui'lts and exact locatlons. 2 copies D. Orainage as-bui'lts. 2 coPies shouing size of llnes, tyPe of material used, E. 8asis. of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or'set and stated on map' aG. Al'l easements H. Bui'lding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations- Trl.r'. cgs:r: Pr t c;l : iffiir-ioonEss, I 4ffiGrove Lane =:)==:.r:^.i nF pFn.lii;: Srlafe f a:.if i., resider,-e The fol1crvinq Ecarc befcre A. BUILS::IG LI5; OF iIATE:.::LS i nfor:rati on i s reoui red for subni til I by the app I i cant a finai aDprcval cln be fiven: i'IATE:,:ALS: TYPE 0F i'tATt:':;L the Oes i ,c n Re c0L cP, Natura-l {ni sh- iinishRoo; C,ili-a 0iher i'la'l 'l Cedar T & G Natural- fini s hStuc c oi'lateri a'l s Sedar Cedar F- - -- . (r,fi'.': rr:^..^., 'i'riqHll,v-'1 ' ' r.rr [\nor< n^^- irinU{,9I Hand or Deck Rails |' {rro( l'l ) < - i .l^< fh'i--.,,/q T.t.. f n.1^<!!!-.q Crocnnlrrq=< Ce dar Redwood No No LAiilSCAFiliG: Name of Designer: nh^Fo'l, v.'t. PLAiiT I''TATEP'IAL5: PROPOSED TREES Botani cal Nane Itrrrnit..rYee, ' i !, s prug-e-3- -8r- A-s+€a € calip'* Coi"mon \ane Cofo. blue EXISTJNG TREES TO BE REJ.IOVED r|r-q n c'n-l en i o,4 i fv a arr u v u rnrhore lloraa< aql-rr Ilos s'i hl a 01.n e+F-urrele€- I r s--:rrr for conifers' ' (over) rlndjcate callper for deciducious trees'Indi cate he'ight ' PLAiiT iIATE:,I;LS: Botanical lJrne Ccmcn l'iame 0uanr '',' Siz:. HL.q;i i ilA I ci'1.1L- - fr.,aa'i I " \Lv'r ' <u0r rl <Nn EI:S;:ri3 Si{i.t9s No -; ?t\ Fr ^-rr^r''- rr- GACJ:;: C:"',::.S Natural Scu: re 3-'3:::? <41 No S::: l{ative th6rF."^rlI Kn : .:,-1 ' r.,,,4 TYP: CR TIETI:3D OF .BUTM ERCS:3;i CCTiTRoL C. OTHEP. LAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (re'-ajnin-a walls, fences, swiir,ning po3lst etc.) Please specir-y Hot tub on deck Hei-cnt lulrrr v'!r i' Prin'la r;' GRFA SeccncarY GF,Fi Sei:3cks: Fron: (idc< Qo>r Waier- Course Si l: Covera-ce Lancs c::i ng Fence,' le-': t ni ng'Ja1 i Par^rl n-c Creci t: : Gare3e L16a. : n j -: i A'i r'l oci: ql^r!.a (r. l:r f.lo:; Lt:itL Lil i -.\ FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZCiiE DISTRiC;3 ADORESS: oiiiltR ARCH ] TEC; fli!'3l3'ii:' LOT S::: Fi 1 ina Ltc>>-)?t @' ' l | |||: 4 A I I o'reci / i,^ \ / ?': \ 3fi.] e- t* ,.-ll/+ o{: D, - r-' O 5o -r(AJ *t 35Aa.5 .elC:i.: \) -r#-,A 2:' i5' I ^^ \ / :1ll , ^^^\ /.^^\( i-'' i euj r /..-^. / r ^^-\\[:uJ/\J,CLl,t / > a \ / ! ^l^ \()-)(rue/ /a.^\//an\\a-.r/\'1wt// a7 "l e1^^^ tr-+.,stDrive: Slope Pernl'"i=a V /6 )iope Ac:u:I Envi ronment: I /Hazards :Ava I a ncne F'looo Pl ai n Sl ope l.letl ands 6eologic %qr-+t'u 5c#^ L'iltr ihone Phone l{r : r rr{< Coments: Zoni no: SUDrltrJ--.t JOB !:A'IE :t na'.'FIL:::6 ^h?\crqc The local:::r of ucllj.f :es, ci'.er:.er !iev be !:3rn ausr be a:::c'.'ed. ano ver:j:ei :v t:e f cl:c;i':g si Ie Pla:r. v^,!F-ii- "a l1 . : -i-,w lieste-. -ic:e Cas C;. I :nn 1'-'-icq7 lla- - o< D,.!'r - .:-.-,. -o C.=3a::V Y{ Y- -'\ / c t Gar-v iiai- Pn: v |^ ::..c i'ac:'.:: ,1SSOC. yqy-:cY; ?eo, iugj(i' ; :'i: : :.qe j-- l-al'e rrii' f:Jc fl6^ -r L-{ }'1''Pri;^ Her:::re Ca;Iev:sion I."'. Yat--'::J /---., i^---^-l.,or _t J ! r.'.r e.r ll.:-er i.rr:p Iallev iaier r c=n..---^r i\'. <.-- -? 476-;.:e0 F-aa u:c I >o 3 -//47. s-/s-gq cc::rr:::cr of his resPonsibll:!Y To',;n of \tail'. !eParr:enr of Publ':: befc:e c:tg::.i !:: aaY Pubiic ri!:::- . A bu:li1::l :er::: :s noc 3 sr:ee! be oo c:l::eo seParareiY' .,..-i{ I i-a< ,,r. r.i '. rc in- c: P!oposed 11:es, the ac c cnDanY l:i g v *f,* VS. Thls fora ls co veriiT servlce availabiliry and locaclon. this should be used in conjunctj.on virh prepariag your util j.ty plan and scheciull.ng tnssallacicns. r(Please bring a slte plan ,t"r, ol."inlng Upper Eagle Valley lJacer 6 Sanrtaclon slgnacures; -/{-g Ete b{os0e€- to^- )t..illifiFrf?D *.r'r €-1',1tr These ver:f:ca!:3::s 6o !:o! :elleve che co ob ra:n a s tree ! cu:. ;er::: f:c:. ::':e !'for!:s and !o obgai:: uc:l::"' locai::r.s of-wav or easenenc i:: c:'le Toun of Ya:f cuc :er-1!. A sgreer, cuE Periit ;usE o zoliE cllEaK rUK sFR, R, R P/S ZCIE D:S;iic:3 '\^fC.=a=-.=--LECiL li:'iiiituii: Lol-B'lock Fi'l i n9 ADDRESS: 0i,l ii t i. r nru t T3,''it{nur | . I gv thone Phone z0iit DlSTii-l ^^.'^nc =l llC =FXUrLi.;-- eJs r nt (l-i Al 'l o'teci /.rn\/11\ Hei -ont "^-e i ii'li Prinar;" CiFA SeccncarY GF'FA Set5ec!ls: Fron! \ l ncc Rea r I.la',,:r^ C:urse Site Co.''era3e Lancs:::: nq Fenc:,, !e'-e l ni ng'rial i iei 9rt: ParxI ng Creci is: Garage Mecnani cal Ai rl ccx (ll^rra!o (n lrr Hpat, Dri ve : Sl oPe Permi tted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : t-, /':a \ | :1 "l /:n.\1f,a,1) \ Jev / \ vvv / /^^^./1^aa\ \ y\Jt / \ r..t'v / /F^\/r^.r\tlU/\1r.,,,i t4:li:'Ji /t^i\/,ran\ \ tv!, / \ 'wv / Slope Actual Ava I anche F'looo Plain Sl ope I'letl ands Geologic DF^^^<2''{ lJ::e rri< Ccments: Zoni no I 0ate: AocroveC/Di saPProved > r 9na rure o >UDr'/ri.tJ--.t JOB NA.\IE 5Le \.i.r i, L 5.r \, ^nncFqi The iocar:::r cf trus E be a::: oY e ci sire Pia::. ui:11t:es, r;ilet:er !:'.ev be r:41:l :::o ver:::eci )v t|.e folf3;::! ^- nraaacai l'^oc I r.s dL L e-.Jqi. ' -..5 --..-i. I i-e< ,,r- I i -. ^c i^- ^tn"t*,a,'i"" 8- /t-87 WesEa :' ttar-.: p,,L 1 .r - .o,\-'.:p a.-i::a:..r' YAY-)/ct Gari'r{aii u^I r! ai^cc i':,- ------ .1J>Ls. 949-:392 ie ci i'i.lsxi', Y:::.:e.:- lal'e::7 lier:::ge Cab !ev:s:c:r T. Y. -^ l);->-- --- $. tr\.- G;rr', -rc;r.s;- ftP',//tz^-l / j tt'z t,L uz.-, - ,: i,) // Uprer 3!gie Vailev 'iacer ! q.h. -r.- -^ i-i <:--.- A / O- / rOU F-oa u:c l>e Slc:e Cas Cc These ve::::ct!::::s cc ncE :el:eve ::'.g cc::c:l:::r cf :'.is r e s P o n s : ; : .l : : i' to oD!ar:: a s!ree! cu'. ;e::::: !:c:. :Le Tc';n ci Vail' geparr:enr of Pubi':: iJorr:s anci co obEair ur:l::',' locar::r.s befo;e c:gg:::g in any pubi:c r:8:'.:- of-way or easenenc in che Tcun of '"aif . A bu:l:i:.? :er=i: is nol 3 sl:eel cur' :ernl:. A sEreer cuE PeriiE :lusc be oblaiteo sePararely. This for: Ls to vetj-:y servlce availabtl:!y aod locac1on. this shouid be used in conjunctlon uich preparr:lg your uEil:ty plan and schedullng lnscallaricns. *(Please bri.ng a slte Plan "h.r, ol."rning Upper Eegle Valley t'tacer 6 Sanrrarlon slgnacures) ALTA Own€r's Pol cy - 16 1.87) POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE.WAR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FBOM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of. 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other lhan as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the litle; 4. Lack of a righl of access lo and lrom the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in delense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized oJlicers as of lhe Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. '?ba/r*7q"*.a s'rE"\,r'A5I3rTr"fu Chairman of the Board Presrdent Company City, Stare EXCLUSIONS FROX COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded lrom the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, allorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason ol. 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws,. ordinances, or regulalions) reslricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) lhe character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erecled on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area ol the land or any parcel ol which the laM is or was a part; or (iv) environmenlal protection, or the effect ol any violation ol lhese laws, ordina0ces or governmental regulations, excepl to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice ol a delect, lien or encumbrance resulting frbm a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records al Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise therof or a notice of a defecl, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violalion affecting lhe land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise lhereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding ftom coverage any taking which has occurred prior lo Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights ol a purchaser fof value without knowledge. 3. Delecls, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matlers: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insufed claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to lhe dale the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequenl to Dale of Policyt or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. OOI (F.v.6/87) 1, OEFINIIION OF TERMS. The lollowing lerms when used in lhis policy meont {o) "insured": the nsured nomed ln Schedule A, ond, subiect lo ony righh or defenses fhe Compony would hove hod ogoinst the nomed insured, those who sucreed to lhe lnlerest oi the nomed insured by operotion of low os distinguished from purchose including, bul nol limiled to, heirs, dishibutees, devisees, survivors, personol rep rese n lotives, nexl ol kin, or corporole or fiduciory successors. {b) "insured cloimont": on insured cloiming 1os or domoge. lc1 'knowledge" or "known'': ocluol knowledge, nol conslructive knowledge or no|ce which moy be 'mpuied to on insured by reoson ol lhe public records os de{ned in this poiicy or ony olher records whrch import conslruclive nolice of motlen of{ecting the lond. (dj "lond": the lond described or re{erred lo in Schedule A, ond improve- ments oflixed ihereto which by low constitute reol property. The term "lond" does noi include ony properly beyond the lines ol lhe oreo described or relerred to n Schedule A, nor ony righl, title, inlerest, eslole or eosement in obuiting streefs, roods, ovenues, olleys, lones, woys or wolevoys, but nothing herein sholl modi{y or limit the exlenl lo which o righl of occess lo ond from the lond is insured by this policy. (e) "morlgoge": morlgoge, deed o{ trust, trust deed, or other securily InstrumenT. {l) "public rerords": records esloblished under stote slolules ol Dote o{ Pol' icy {or lhe purpose o{ importing construclive noJice o{ moHers reloting to reol property lo purchosers for volue ond without knowledge. With respect to Seclion l(o)(iv) of the Exclusions From Coveroge, "public records" sholl oho include environmenlol protection liens liled in the records o{ ihe clerk of lhe United Slotes districi courl {or the dishict in which the lond is locoted. (g) "unmorketobility of the title": on olleged or opporeni molter offecting lhe title lo the lond, not excluded or excepled from coveroge, which would entitle o ourchoser o{ the estote or inleresl described in Schedule A to be releosed from thi obligotion to purchose by virlue of o conlrocluol condition requiring lhe delivery ol niorketoble title. 2. CONIINUAIION OF INSUNANCE AFIER CONVEYANCE OF TIIIE. The coveroge of this policy sholl continue in force os ol Dote of Policy in fovor o{ on insured only so long os lhe insured retoins on estole or inleresl in fhe lond, or holds on indebledness secured by o purchose money morlgoge given by o purchoser from the insured, or only so long os the insured sholl hove liobility by reoson ol covenonts of worronty mode by the insured in ony lronsfer or convey- qnce of ihe estote or inleresl. ihk oolicv sholl nol conlinue in forte in lovor of ony purchoser lrom the insured of eiiher (i) on eslote or inleresl in the lond, or.(ii) on indebledness secured by o purchose money mortgoge given to lhe insured. 3, NOIICE OF CTAIII IO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CI.AIMANT. The insured sholl notify the Compony promptly in writing (i) in (ose ol ony litigotion os set'orth ;n Seclion 4(o) below, (ii1 in cose knowledge sholl come lo on insured hereunder of qnv cloim o{ lille or inleresl which is odverse to the title lo lhe esiote or interesl, os'insured, ond which might couse loss or domoge {or which the Compony moy be lioble by virlue of thk polky, or (iii) if title to fhe CONDITONS ANO STIPUI.AIIONS {d) In oll coses where this policy Permirs or requires the ComPony lo Prose' cule or pro"ide for rhe delense of ony oclion or proceeding, lhe insured sholl secure lo lhe Compony lhe right to so Prosecute or provide defense in lhe oclion or oroceedino. ond oll oppeols tnerein, ond permit the Compony lo use, ol ils opiion, rhe riome of the insured for this purpose. Whenever requested by lhe Compony, the insured, ot fhe Compony's exPense, sholl give the Compony oll reos6noble oid (i) in ony ocllon or proceeding, securing evidence, obloining wit' nesses, proseculing or defending the qction or proceeding, or effecling settle' meni, ond (ii) in ony olher lowlul ocl which in lhe opinion of the Compony moy be necessorv or desiroble to estoblkh the tille io ihe eslofe or inleresl 03 insured. lf the Comobnv is oreiudiced by the foilure of lhe insured lo furnish lhe required cooperolion, tlie Compony's obligotionr lo lhe insured under the policy sholl ter' minote, inch,ding ony liobility or obligotion lo defend, Prosecute, or conlinue ony litigotion, wiih regord to lhe motler or motlers requiring such cooPerolion 5. PNOOF OF TOSS ON DAMAGE, ln oddition to ond o{ler the notices required under Sectjon 3 o{ these Condi' tions ond Siipulotions hove been provided ihe Compony, o proof o{ loss or dom' ooe sioned ond sworn to by the insured cloimont sholl be furnished lo the Com- pinv iithin 90 doyt olter lhe insured cloimont sholl oscerloin lhe focts giving rise io tlie los or domoge. The proof of los or domoge sholl describe $e defect in, or lien or encumbronce on t6e litle, or olher moiter insured ogoinst by this policy which constitules the bosis of loss or domoge ond sholl stote, to the extent Potsi' ble, the bosis o{ colculoting the omounl o{ the loss or domoge. lf the Compony is preiudiced by the foilure of the insured cloimonl to provide lhe required proof ol loss or domo.qe, the Componyt obligoiions to the insured under the policy sholl terminote, inciuding ony liobility o, ibligotion to defend, Prosecule, or continue ony liligotion, with iegdrd lo lhb motfer or motlers requiring such proof of loss or oomooe. ln- oddition, lhe insured cloimonl moy reosonobly be required to submit lo exominolion under ooth by ony oulhorizel rePresentolive of lhe Compony ond sholl produce for exominotion, inspection ond copying, ol such reosonoble limes ond pJoces os moy be designoted by ony outhorized represenlotive o{ the Com' poni, oll recordi, books, ledgers, cheiks, correspondence ond memorondo, wheiher beorinq o dote belore or o{ler Dole of Policy, which reosonobly perloin fo the loss or dimoqe. Further, if requested bv ony outhorized representotive of the Compony, the iisured cloimont sholl groni its permission, in writing, {or ony outhorized represenlotive of lhe Compony lo exomine, inspect ond coPy oll records. booki. ledqers, checks, corresDondence ond memorondo in the custody or contiol o{ o thiri porty, which reosbnobly pertoin lo the los or domoge. All informolion desionoled os confidentiol by lhe insured cloimonl provided to lhe ComDony Dursuo'nl to thk Seclion sholl nbt be disclosed to others unles, in the ,eosonoSli iudqmenl of the Compony, il is necessory in the odminislrslion of lhe cloim, Foilure oI the inswed cloiniont to submit for exominqlion under oolh, pro' duce other reosonobly requested inlormolion or gronl permission lo secure reo' sonobly necessory infbrm<jtion from lhird porlies os required in $is porogroph sholl tirminote oirv liobility of lhe Compony under this policy os lo thol cloim. 6. OPIIONS TO PAY ON OIHERWISE SETIIE CIAIMS; TETMINAIION OT IIABIIIfi, In cose ol o cloim under this policy, the Compony sholl hove lhe following odditionol options: (oi Io foy or lender Poyment of the Amount of Insuronce. To poy oi iender poym6nl of the omounl of insuronce under this policy tooether with ony costs; ohorneys' lees ond erpenses incurred by lhe insured clo-imont, which iere outhorized'by the Componi, up to lhe fime of poymenl or tender of pqyment ond which the Compony is obligoted fo Poy Upon thi exercise by ihe Compony of this oplion, oll liobility ond obligolions io the insured under this policy, other ihon to moke the Poyment required, sholl lerminole, including ony liobility or. obligotion to defend, Prosecule, or conlinue ony litigotion, ond rlie policy sholl be sunendered to the Compony for concellotion. (b) To Poy or Olhelwi3c Settle With Porlics Olher thon fte Insurcd or With thc lnsur-ed Cloimonl. (i) lo poy or otherwise settle with other porties for or in ihe nome of on insured cloimonj ony tloim insured ogoinsf under this policy, iogether wilh ony cosls, ottorneys'fees ond expenses incurred by lhe insured cloimont which were outhorized by the Compony up to the time ol poymenf ond which lhe Compony is obliooted fo Doy; or- {ii) to'oov or otherwise settle with the insured cloimont the loss or dom- oqe oro"ided fbr irnder rhis policy, together wilh ony costs, oltorneys'{ees ond eipenses incuned by the insured'cloimont which were outhorized by the Com- pony up to lhe lime o{ poyment ond which the Compony is obligoted to poy.' 'Udon the exercise by lhe Compony o{ either o{ the options provided {or in poroglophs (b)(i) or (ii), the Componyi obligotions to the insured under fhis pol- icy for the cloimed loss or domoge, olher lhon lhe Poymenh required io be mode, sholl lerminole, including ony liobility or obligolionio defend, prcsecute or continue ony litigotion.7. DEIEtlrllftATlON, EXIENI 0F llABltlil AND COINSURANCE. This policy is o conlroci of indemnity ogoinsl octuol monelory lo.ss or dom- ooe sustoined or incuned bv lhe insured cloimonl who hos suffered loss or dom' ;:,: lrr:.*l*01 rnottiiured osoinst bv this policv ond onlv to rhe extenl eslole or interest, os insured, is rejectid os unmorkefoble. lf prompt nolice sholl not be given lo the Compony, then os to lhe insured oll liobility of the Compony sholl te;minote wilh regord io the moiter or motlers for whicli prompt notice issholl termrnole wrlh regord to the moiter or moners for whrch prompl notrce lg required; provided. however, thot foilure lo notily lhe Compony sholl in no cose prdiudice ihe rights of ony insured under lhis policy unless the Compony sholl be preiudiced by the loilure ond then only to lhe exlenl of lhe prejudice. i. DEFENSE AND PROSECUIION OF ACTIONS: DUIY OF INSURED CI.AIMANT TO COOPERAIE. (o) Upon written request by lhe insured ond subiecf to the options conloined in Section 6 o{ these Conditions ond Siipulolions, the Compony, ol ils own cosl ond without unreosonoble deloy, sholl provide for the defense o{ on insured in liliqotion in which ony lhird porty osserts o cloim odvene to the title or inierest os ins-ured, but only os'to thoie stited couses of oction olleging o de{ecl, lien or encumbronce or olher motter insured ogoinsl by this policy. The Compony sholl hove the right to selecf counsel o{ ih choice (subjert to the right of lhe insured to obiect {or reosonoble couse) to represent the insured os lo lhose stoled cousei of ociion ond sholl noi be lioble for ond will not poy the fees of ony other counsel. The Compony will not poy ony lees, cosls or expenses incurred by the insured in lhe defense of those couses o{ oclion which ollege motlers nol insured ogoin$ by lhh policy. 1b) Ihe Compony sholl hove the righl, ot its own cost, lo institufe ond prose- cute ony oction or proceeding or to do ony other oct which in ih opinion moy be necessory or desiroble to estoblish the title to the eslote or interest, os insured, or io prevenl or reduce loss or domoge to the insured. The Compony moy loke ony nnnronriorp ortion under the terms of this oolicv. whelher or not it sholl be liobleoppropriote oclion r.rnder the termi of this policy, whelher or not it sho hereunder, ond sholl not lhereby concede liobilily or woive ony provi oolicv. lf the Comoonv sholl erercise its riohls ,rnder this ooroqroph, il oppropriote oction under the terms of this provision of lhis policy. ll the Compony sholl exeicise its rights under this porogroph, il sholl do so diligently, (c1 Whene"er the Compony sholl hove brought on oclion or interposed o delense os required or permitted by the provisions of this policy, the Compony noy pursue ony litigotion to finol determinotion by o courl o{ competenl iurisdic' tion ond expressly reserves lhe ighl, in irs sole discrelion, to oppeol from ony odverse judgment or order. (continued and concluded on last page of this policyl SCHEDULE oRDER No,: 89005226 DATE OF POLICY: JuIy 21, 1-989 aL 9:42 AMoUNT oF INSURANCE: S l-50,000.00 NAME OF TNSURED: C.P.O. INCORPORATED THE ESTATE OR INTEREST POLICY IS: Fee Simple TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR C.P.O. INCORPORATED A PoLIcY No. : O-994L-427225 A.M. IN THE LAND WHICH IS COVERED BY THIS INTERST IN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ,| 2. 3. 4.THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY LOT l_0, BLOCK 2, LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 4, According to the recorded plat thereof COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO AUTHORIZED COUNTERSIGNATURE STE\VAR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY 99C t500M 1-49) SCHEDULE B . PoLIcY No. : o-9941-427225 THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE COIVIPANY hIILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: ].. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES TN POSSESSTON NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS. 2. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOUI-,D DISCLOSE AND WHTCH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY tAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tax sales. 6. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 7. right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in Unlted States Patent recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 48 at Page 542. B. Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as reserved j-n United States Patent of record in instrument recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 48 at Page 542. 9. Right of way for ditches and canals constructed by the authority of the United States and right of way for an existi-ng road, being 40 feet in width granted to the Eagle County Board of Commissioners as reserved in Patent recorded J:uIy 27, L979 tn Book 2BB at Page 886 as Reception trto. 185287. 10. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, contained in instrument recorded September 20, 191"2 in Book 225 at Page 443 and instrument recorded September 29, L972 tn Book 225 at Page 565 and the Amendment recorded in Book 233 at Page 53 and in Declaration recorded in Book 300 at Page 758 and rerecorded in Book 300 at page 758 and rerecorded in Book 301 at Page 41-5. l-l-. Utility easements 20 feet in width, 10 feet on each side of Continued on next Page S'IE\|AR.T TITLE GUARANTY COI|PA N Y 99C (500M 1-S9) ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY CoMPANY PoLIcY No.: o-994L-427225 CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B all interior lot lines and a L5 foot utility easement along and abutting on aII exterior lot lines as reserved on the plats for Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2. 1"2. Restrictive covenants, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in instrument recorded August 3, 1980 in Book 306 at Page 410 as amended by instrument recorded November 26, 1980 in Book 3l-3 at Page 824, and instrument recorded July 1-, 1985 in Book 4l-8 at Page 738. 13. Easement and right of way granted to Holy Cross Electric Associ-ation, Inc., recorded August 20. l-979 in Book 289 at Page 989. L4. Easement granted to Valley Associates, Ltd., recorded March 18, 1,980 in Book 300 at Page 290. 15. Agreement between Tayvel Environmentaf Land Company and Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company providing for Telephone installation and service throughout Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 recorded September 2, L973 in Book 231- at Page 291-. 16. Easements as shown on the plat of Lion's Ridge Subdivisiron Filing No. 4. 17. Waterline easement granted to Lions Ridge Water Dlstrict, a quasi-municipal corporation and Vail Village West Water and Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation, recorded October 9, 1980 in Book 310 at Page 854. l-8. Assignment of Rents recorded July 2L, L989 in Book 510 at Page 102 as Reception No. 40628L. l-9. A Deed of Trust dated July 18, 1989, executed by c.P.o. Inc., to the Public Trustee of Eagle County, to secure an indebtedness of 5203,000.00, in favor of FirstBank of VaiI recorded JuIy 21-, L989 1n Book 510 at Page 101 as Reception No. 406280 . S'TE\I'AITT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY 99C {5OOM 1-agl at ^H: \,ri{ a>{:<* 3:i lr!rtir:'<1 F F' ZmC)(n9;!EOt-A-@ -{mPo @@@oo,@ .Tt trOm a z o--; TATH > io-.-o z E==5 * =<z+ m>>rara< o 1r m { at A-: \.r;trr(iP{I4)l 3EI.r4tait111 F H O*o,r,o", AND sn puLATIotrts continuf (continued and concluded from reverse side of Policv Facel , (o) The liobiliry of the Compony under this policy sholl nof exceed fhe leos, or: (i) the Amount of Insuronce stoted in Schedule A; or, (ii) the dlfference between the volue o[ lhe insured estofe or inleresl os insured ond lhe volue of the insured estote or interest subject to the de{ect, lien or encumbronce insured ogoinst by this policy. {b) ln the event the Amount of lnsuronce stqted in Schedule A ot lhe Dote of Policy is les thon 80 percent of the volue of lhe insured estote or interesi or lhe full considerotion poid lor the lond, whichever is less, or i{ subsequent to ihe Dote o{ Policy on improvemenl is erected on the lond which increoses the volue of the insured eslote or interesi by ot leost 20 percent over lhe Amounl of Insurqnce stoled in Schedule A, then this Policy h subiea to fhe following: (i) where no subsequent improvemenl hos been mode, o! fo ony por' liol 1e55, 1[g Compony sholl only poy the loss pro rolo in the proportion lhot the omount ol insuronce ql Dole of Policy beors fo the totol volue of lhe insured esiole or inleresl oi Dote of Policy; or (ii) where o sublequen, improvemenl hos been mode, o5 to ony portlol los, the Compony sholl only poy the los pro roto in the proporfion thot 120 percent of the Amounl of Insuronce sloted in Schedule A beors to lhe sum o{ lhe Amount o{ Insuronce sioled in Schedule A ond the qmounl exoended for lhe improvement. The provisions o[ this porogroph sholl not opply lo cosls, oltorneys' lees ond expenses for which the Compony is lioble under this policy, ond sholl only opply to thoi portion ol ony loss which exceeds, in the oggregofe, l0 percenl of lhe Amounl o[ Insuronce sioled in Schedule A. (Q The Compony will poy only lhose costs, oitorneys' fees ond expenses incurred in occordonce wilh Secfion 4 of these Conditions ond Stioulotions.8. APPORTIONMENT. lf the lond described in Schedule A consists of lwo or more Dorcels which ore nol used os o single site, ond o los is esloblished offecling one or more of fie porcels but not oll, the loss sholl be compufed ond sefiled on o pro roto bosis os if the omounl of insuronce under this policy wos divided pro rolo os lo lhe volue on Dote ol Policy of eoch seporote porceJ fo the whole, erclusive of ony improvemenis mode subsequent lo Dote ol Policy, unles o liobility or volue hos otherwise been ogreed upon os lo eoch porcel by lhe Compony ond the insured ot fhe time ol lhe issuqnce of lhis policy ond shown by on express slolemenl or by on endorsement ottoched to this oolicv.9. I.IMITAIION OF UABIUIY. (o) ll lhe Compony estoblishes the litle, or removes the olleged defect, lien or encurnbronce, or cures lhe lock of o right of occess lo or from ihe lond, or cures ihe cloim ol unmorketobility of title, oll qs insured, in o reosonobly diligent monner by ony method, including liligolion ond the completion of ony oppeols therelrom, il sholl hove lully performed its obligotions with respect to ihol motler ond sholl nol be lioble for ony loss or domoge coused lhereby. (b) In the event of ony liiigotion, including liligotion by the Compony or with lhe Compony's consenl, lhe Compony sholl hove no liobility {or loss or domoge until lhere hos been o finol determinotion by o courl o{ compelent iurisdiclion, ond disposilior of oll oppeoh therelrom, odverse to fhe tille os insured. (c) The Compony sholl nol be lioble {or loss or domoge lo ony insured for liobility volunlorily ossumed by lhe insured in settling ony cloim or suit withoul fhe prior wrillen consent of the Compony.l0 REDUCIION Ot INSURANCE: REDUCIION OR IERMINAIION OF UABII.IIY. All poyments under this poliq, except poymenls mode for cosls, otforneys' fees ond exoenses. sholl reduce lhe omounl of lhe insuronce oro tdnlo.il. uABil.rlY NONCUMUUflVE. It is expressly understood thot the omounl ol insuronce under this policy sholl be reduced by ony omounl'he Compony moy poy under ony policy insuring o mortgoge hereofter executed by lhe insured or ossumed or ogreed lo by the insured ond which is o choroe or lien on the eslote or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, oni the omouni so poid sholl be deemed o poymenr under this policy lo the insured owner. ]2. PAYMENI OF I.OSS. (o) No poymenl sholl be mode wilhoul producing this policy lor endorse- menl o{ lhe poyment unless the policy hos been losl or destroyed, in which cqse proo{ ol loss or destruction sholl be furnished lo ihe sotis{ooion o{ the Compony. (b) When liobility ond lhe extenl of loss or domoge hos been de{initely fixed in occordonce with these Conditionr ond Stioulqtions, the loss or domooe sholl be poyoble within 30 doys lhereolter. I3. SUBNOGAIION UFON PAYMENI OR SEITIEMENT. (o) Ihe Company's Righl of Subrogarion. Whenever lhe Compony sholl hove setlled ond poid o cloim undellhis pol. icy, oll right of subrogotion sholl vest in the Compony uno{fected by ony oct of lhe insured cloimont. Ihe Compony sholl be subrogoted lo ond be en,illed to oll rights ony' reme- dies which the insured cloimonf would hove hod ogoind ony person or Foperly in respeci lo the cloim hod ihis policy nol been issued. lf requested by iltl Com- pony, the insured cloimont sholl honsler to the Compony oll rights ond remedies ogoinsl ony person or property necessory in order lo perfed ftis right ol subro- gotion. The insured doimont rholl permit the Compony io sue, compromrse or settle in the nome of the insured cloimont ond lo use the nome ol lhe insured cloimonl in ony lronsoction or litigotion involving lhese righh or remedies. lf o poymenl on occounl of o cloim does nol {ully cover the loss of the insured cliiniont, the Compony sholl be subrogoled to ihise rights ond remedies in the proportion which the Compony's poymenl beors to fie whole omount ol the loss. lf loss should resuh lrom ony oct o[ the insured cloimonl, qs sloted obove, thot oct sholl not void thk policy, buf lhe Compony, in thot event, sholl be required io poy only thot port of ony losses insured ogoinst by this policy which sholl exceed lhe omount, if ony, lost to the Compony by reoson o{ the impoir- menl by the insured cloimont o{ the Compony's right o{ subrogotion. (b) lhe Compony's lights Agoinrt Non-insured 0bligon. The Compony's right o{ subrogolion ogoinst non-insured obligors sholl erkt ond sholl include, without limitotion, the rights of the insured to indemnities, 9uo- ronlies, other policies of insuronce or bonds, notwiihslonding ony terms or condi- lions conloined in lhose instrumenfs which provide for subrogotion rights by reo- son of this poliq. I1. AMIRAflON Unles prohibited by opplicoble low, either the Compony olthe insured moy demond orbitrolion ounuont io the Tille Insuronce Arbilrolion Rules of lhe Ameri- con Arbitrotion Associotion. Arbitroble motlers moy include, buf ore not limifed lo, ony cofllroversf or cloim befween lhe Compony ond the insured orising out of or relofing to lhk policy, ony service o{ the Compony in conneclion with its issu- once or the breoch o{ o policy provision or olher obligolion. All orbitroble mot- lers when lhe Amount of lnsuronce is $1,000,000 or less sholl be orbitroted ot the oplion o{ either lhe Compony or lhe insured. All orbitroble mollerr when lhe Amount of Insuronce is in ercess o{ $1,000,000 sholl be orbitroled only when ogreed lo by both the Compony ond the insured. Arbihotion pursuont lo fhis policy ond under the Rules in effect on lhe dote the demond lor orbitrolion is mode or, ot the oplion o{ the insured, the Rules in effect ot Dote of Policy shcll be binding upon lhe podies. The oword moy include oitorneys'fees only i{ lhe lows ol the stote in which the lond k locoted permit o courl lo qword o ,orneys' {ees to o prevoiling porty. judgment upon the oword rendered by rhe Arbitri- lor(sl mov be enlered in onv courl hovino iurkdiction thereof.' 'Theiow of the si'tus o{ ihe lond rholidpply to on orbitrotion under the Title lnsuronce Arbitrolion Rules. A coov o{ the Rules moy be obloined {rom lhe Comoony uoon reouesl. I5. UABIIIIY UMIIED TO IHIS POIICY: K)IICY ENIIiE CbNIRACT: (o) This policy togelher wilh oll endorsemenls, if ony, ottoched hereto by the Compony is the entire policy ond conlrocl betueen the insured ond lhe Com- pony. In inlerpreting ony provision of this policy, this policy sholl be conslrued os o wnole. (b) Any cloim o{ los or domoge, whefier or nol bosed on negligence, ond which orises oul of lhe siotus of the title to lhe estote or inlerest covered herebv or by ony ocfion osserting such cloim, sholl be restricted to this policy. (c) No omendmenl of or endorsement lo this policy con be mode except by o writing endorsed hereon or otloched herefo signed by eilher the Presidenl, o Vice President, the Secrelory, on Assisfonl Secretory, or volidoting olficer or oulhorized signolory ol rhe Conpony. I6. SEVENABIUTY. In the evenf ony provision oi the policy is held involid or unenlorceoble under opplicoble low, the policy sholl be deemed nol to include thol provkion ond oll other provisions sholl remoin in full force ond elfect. I7, NOIICES, WHERE SENI. All nolices required io be given the Compony ond ony slolemenl in wriiing required to be furnhhed lhe Compony sholl include lhe number of this policy ond shofl be oddressed to lhe Compony ol P.O, Box 2029, Houston, Iexos 77252. 18, The premium specilied in Schedule A is lhe entire chorge lor occeplonce of risk. lt includer chorqes for litle seorch ond exominolion if some is customory or required to be showi in ihe stote in which the policy k issued. STE\I'AFRT TITLE GUARANTI COXPANY d I a IIIITER-OEPARTNENTAL REVI El,l PP.OJECT: OtAgo-J. P{,r3.o.r,}iJf DATE SUDl'lITTEO: ?r-71 . OATE OF PUBLIC HEARING C0l"ri/TENTS NEEOEO BY: 1 u.ee-r( BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: h.-Ut-J PUBLI C !fORKS fr€,Oe'r>cq-- FIRE DEPI.RTMENT Revier*ed by: Conrients: Reviewed by: Coments: Revieved by: Comnents: Reviewed.by: Cor.-;,ents: a@J/_IE/s, h (p / ' /t)oea* t >lw&t .Y - 4eez s> €et S ed'f Date POLICE OEPARTI4ENT Da te ' t:. i. {Date KULLER RESIDENCE suBJEcr stTE ANALYSIS oArE MAY 95 I a$. $10e .l r|rt v' i \ @42o12'lt a\ .8 t20.60'i,T t l-r t6lcj lllFI __l 4012 77.9t' €sigz,,. ,'f ait./ \ft; i 'i I .q ntq &t* FiLE MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department ol Community Development AprilS, 1996 A request for a front yard setback variance and a request io utilize the 259^ Ordiriance to allow for a garage and a Type I EHU to be constructed at 1464 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 10, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing No' 4' Applicant: Carrol Orrison, represented by Tom Braun Planner: Mike Mollica OurY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Carrol Orrison is the owner of an existing single family residence, located at 1464 Aspen Grove Lane. Construction ol the house beganin 19-89 and a Temporary Certific-ate of Occupancy was issued in June of 1990. A Final Ceriificate of Occupancy was issued on February 3' 1992' On January 14, 1991, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a front yard - setback variance to allow lor a deiached garage on this property. The request was for a 19' encroachment into the required 20' front y:ard ietback. The PEC approval resulted in a 1' setback from the property line fronting on Aspen Grove Lane' This approval allowed for the construction ot a beticn6O one-story-garage, located below Aspen Grove Lane, (i'e the garage would not be very apparent from Asf6n Giove Lane, nor from any of the adjacent properties). The staff recommerided approval of lhe applicant's request and made the findings lhat the request met all the reviewiriteria for appioval of the variance. Further, the staff stated that the sieep stopes and the existing building tb'cation limited the number of potential garagglocations on this pirticutar lot. The st;ff also l6und that the request was not a grant of special privilege' did not hegatively affect public safety and that the site did have extraordinary circumslances. It was noted by the Town Engineer, at the January '1991 public hearing,.that the detached two- car garage *oirld haue a fairi-y steep and narrow driveway associated wilh it (7 .7"/" grade and 1 5' turning riOius) and that large passenger vehicles would have difliculty maneurving down the driveviay to gain entry intoihd garage. lt was also noted that in addition to the two enclosed garage 6pacis, there would be parking provided on the roof of the garage for two additional iehic]es.' n OuitOing permit to construct the garage was issued during March of 1991 and the Final Certificate of Occupancy for the garage was issued on November 14, 1991 . A recent survey of the property submitted to the Town indicates that the garage was not constructed eniirety as'apirov'eO. The survey indicates that the garage actually extends beyond the property line, 0.2' intd ine adiacent Tract b (access and utility easement for Aspen Grove_ . t-an'e, d private stree0. Hence, the location of the existing garage is-technically in violation of the 1gg1 pEC approval f6r a setback variance, (instead of a 1' setback from the property line' the garage is 0.2'over the property line). At this time, the applicant is requesting a 19'front yard setback encroachment in order to enclose the two existing surlace parking spaces totated above the existing garage, and to add a Type I empbyee"Hou=ing Unit (efrUiabove this new enclosed garage area. The - structurs woutd have a Jlopinfroot, with a 5:12 pitch. The applicant-is also pronollq -to utllize a portlon of the 250 brO'inance (62 square feet) to provide for the addltlonal GRFA necessary to construct the EHU. As further background, Lionsridge Filing No. 4 is zoned Single Family Residential' However' Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1959, allows a caretaker unitto be constructed on each lot' nccorOing to this ordinanl", tn" .it"taf"r unit cannot exceed 1/3 of the total GRFA allowed on tht lot. S"ubsequent to me ipproval of Ordinance No. 1 5, the staftias determined that, for io"i"g prrpose's, the careta{Jr unit shatt be classified as a Type I Employee Housing Unit' II. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Ar€a: Zoning: Site Carerage: GRFA: Setbacks: Parkng: Fronl: 20' Sides: 15Rear: 15' 17, 075.5 sq. ft. Single Family R€sidenlial Allos€d 3,415 sq. ft. (207.) 4,007 sq. fl.-per code it25 sq. ft.-crodit lor Type I EHUi 250 so. ft.-p€r 250 Ordinanc€ 4,682 sq. lt.lotal sllowable Reouired 5 spac€s ( 1 enclosod space lor lhe EHU) Edstlnq 2,363 sq. ft. (13.8%) 3,961 sq. ft. 0' - garage 16.3' - house 15.1' - house Ed.tlno 2 enclosed spaces and 4+ surfac€ spacss Propoled no change 4,494 sq. tl. no chape no changa no change Prooored 4 enclossd spaces and 2+ surlac€ spac6 III. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS - ADD'T'O'VAL GFFT Upon review of Chapter 18.7'l - Additional GRFA, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code'the__- Community Develofment Department recommends denial of the request for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission snalt coridider the following lactors with respect to the proposed use: 1.Eflect upon the existing topography, vegetation' drainage and existing structures. The aoolicant is requesting to utilize 62 sq' ft' of the maximum 250 square f";i il;idbd per1ile zso brdinance. staff does nor berieve that the t"qlesr ro uilli'ze this square footage will have any.l991liY9-iM"l1'.P:" e"iiting topogr aphy, vegetation, dqilagg and existing structures' as Ine ippricinr ib piodosing to actd this GRFA immediately above an existing t5-tai s"id'se. rne-site would not be further impacted as the existing iootpriniot th? garage would not change, and therefore there would be no additional site disturbance' lmpact on adjacent ProPerties. The applicant has stated that they would respect tl9.9liSil3ly.-T-?io.l"1d variaric'e, which allowed lor a garage to encroach 19' into the rgnt yaro seiOacf,'anO therefore, the ap-plicant is proposing that the new enclosed t*o cir'girige, as weti as thb Type I EHU above, would be pulled back 1' i'it tn?fr-.r1t li,'operty fine. nttnoriln the additional GRFA should have no impacts on tne'aOiacent propertds to the south, east and west, the statf is ;ffi;;"d that ihi's aoditionil square footage will have some negative impicts on the adjacent property owner to ine north (Lot 7). As indicated onine reOuceO Oriwings attiacn6d to this memorandum, the overall height of the proposed addition, as viewed from the north, would be ipproitmitef' 24, trom existing grade. The staff is concerned that the nEight ot this addition, coupteO wim its proposed.location on the site, will haie negative impacts updn the adjacent property to the north' The impactsielate to ine pariial blockade of views-towards the Vail Village ar6a and the ski mountain. Therefore, the stafl leels that this criteria has not been met by the aPPlicant. Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town of Vail Municipal code requires that any dwelling unit for which an addition is proposed, shall be required to meet the midimum Town of Vail landscaping standards as set forth in Chapter_ r a.s+ ot the vail Municipal code. Additionally, belore any additional GRFA may be permitted in accordance with chapter 18.71, the staff shall review the'maintenance and upkeep of the existing residence, including landscaping, to determine wnether the property complies with the Design Review Guidelines. These standards include landscaping' undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the property. Upon inspection of the site by staff, we find that the property.iscurrently in c6mplian'ce with the applicable development standards listed above. The applicant's driveway is currently paved, utililities serving.the prgperty are uhberground and the landscaping on the site is appropriate. 3. B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively ettect exfting to-pography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures' 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively imPact adjacent ProPerties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all rown zorii ng req-u i rements'and appl icable developm ent standards. IV. CRTTEBIA AND FINDINGS - SE'BACK YAF'AA'CE Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the Cbmmunity Development Department recommends denial of the requested setback variance based upon the lollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ot the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity' In an effort to fully understand the potential impacts the proposed setback variance would have on the adiacent Lot 7 to the north, stafl has walked ttre ouitding envelope of Lot 7 ind has analyzed. the is.sue of potential view encroachment towirds the Vail Village area and the ski mountain. While we acknowledge that Lot 7 has panoramic views to the south, the site visit revealed to the staff that the proposed seback variance would have SQIL impacts on views from this pioperty, While staff acknovledges that there l[-no town-adopted and frotbcted view corridors in this general area, and that the potential view blockage caused by this variance req.uest would not be excessive' it would in fact' have some impacts on Lot 7' The staff believes that the orrison property is encumbered by physical hardships. we recognize that there are very steep slopes on the property lexceedlng 4tr/") and that the location of the existing structure could also be perceivid as a physical hardship. However, the staff believes that theie are other podsi6le locations within the required setbacks on this property to construct an employee housing unit. The staff has expressed to the applicant a willingness to support a variance requesi to enclose the two existing surface parking sqagel currently toc'ateo over the two-car garage. The staff feels that it is the second iloor addition of the employee housing un1 above this garage that is causing the excessive building height, which in turn is impacting the views froir the property to the north. The applicant has proposed no 3. modilications to their initial proposal and hence, the staff believes that this criteria has not been met. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and entorcJment ol a gpecified regulation is necessary to achieve- . . compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to atiain the obiectives ot this title without grant of special privilege' The staff believes it would be a grant of special privilege to approve the reqresteO setback variance andlo allow for the construction of an ern'proyee housing unit to encroach 19' into the front yard setback of.Lot. iO.' We believe tFat there are other locations within the required setbacks on Lot 10 which could provide a suitable location for an EHU' The efiect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tlaffic facilities, public facilities and utili$es, and public safetY. The staff does not believe that the requested variance would have any negative impacts upon any of the above criteria.. .lt should be noted that Rsfien Grove Lane'is not; "public" roadway and.is not maintained by the Toivn of Vail. This is a privaie roadway and the Lionsridge Filing No' 4 Homeowner's Associatlon handles the maintenance of the road' B. granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsi'stent with the limitations on other properties classilied in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives ot this title' b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that doe not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in he same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department staff recommends denial of the applicant's request for a front yard seback var'iance, as well as a request to utilize the 250 Ordinance, to construct an additional two-car g"t"g"'";d ; Typ" iEnU witnin the front setback of 1464 Aspen Grove lane' . The sraff finds rhat tn" requeliioi looitionat GRFA does not meet Criteria 2, (rmpact on adjacent piopeitiesi anO meretore,'cannot support.the request as proposed.. We do find, however, that Criteria 1 anct 3 are met.'Witn regard to the reqr"iest tor a tront yard setback variance, the staff recommendation is also lor deniai We believe'the setback variance request does not meet Criteria 1 and2. We do find, however, that Criteria 3 has been met' Should the Planning and Environmental Commission decide to approve.the requests lol . Additional GRFA ancl the front setback variance as proposed, staff would recommend that the PEC include the lollowing condition: l.Thataseparationrequestbeapp|iedfor,andapprovedbytheDesignReview Board, pursuant to chapter 18.54.050 (l)' t:\€vsryon€tsscvnomos\ortison.408 tFrasa- ruI qtI.tl u\!t-z sA- H l/) rJ ii t{ I3 r I iili I I I II i 3i etrt cl $$ $7 z S $l€ss*si $^lt." I li IF ii i.t}'ffi o ul.SL3B:.6 5S F.rl nol-,S I .tO I rF; @l o I--1 I t 1 - llili \tl.)s3zo E$ ff I $ Eoa- rg^ iiis 7o E 9 $l ts -! ri JA F? Ecv, .l t )Fot+lt-t- 9") 9e ui- o tgI t_ ,tro-^ LY H .6; n, Ioo I I:-l Ic 16 () .1:ES , tA ,rl ,$l,nu$ .'l\|:.') \ E .o l!r,) o Iu oq o I o< o '.!eCC !)uott !r o.o|! o s42 1?.1i. L o :" ^'l|\|,. 1,tl k Y I (-. e 5" 1 _d-t 45) t- 'r g 4at \\ I + zt, :t 34J \D tl x-o q/ t f*rn ll J|+3I cDa-e { vl 3Ttrv ll I.6' L L /t.tC,Zt ,/tN =E F J t^S n L.- :v"9c .QA^oo .*n ^Qo Q a\6",Q v *(/ o u :t{r ^')r,'il{ 3r o*R i'S{E \*/t.. r{ \{'. f\\'N\-'l (o Or ? ;l ri lli.r il d J J E I j o z - : 5 : .= ? : 7. F 2 |JJ if. |lJ I 7- ;! 2 F' F J l& z F I I 'I ',| : 'I : i .: ii r'.1 .,j: :. t.i .tl lir i.,., ;,t,i i::i: ;,,i i'li (!. eiol P J.-', o,>' -^.\ Nt,\{..\-\-tl a\ \{' A.l\ N*-t .l '.1 I T irl driil lrflr \J = 1 =j E : ;- o 7. E J E 7. Ir,l Ldz t .t! 7. r\ F J ;!.J) o Tom Braun PO776 Minturn, Co. 81632 March 4, 1996 The Lionsridge Filing #4 Homeowners Assn, board of directors met on 2127196 to review the plans lor the garage addition for the Carroll Orrison residence. We have no objections to your proceeding with the plans that you've submitted to us lor review, including the four inch encroachment onto our easement. This approval is of @urse contingent upon your acquiring all of the necessary permits, insurance, and abiding by the covenants of Lionsridge Fiting #4 Homeowners Assn, Best Regards, Tom Fitch - Mgr. Lionsridge Ftl. #4 HO Assn, PO 4191 Vail, Co, 81658 970-476-7202 4. A request for a front setback variance and a request to utilize tre 250 Ordinance to allow tor a garage and a Tlpe I EHU to be constructed at 1464 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 10' Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4. Applicant: Carrol Orrison, represented by Tom Braun Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica explained the request and said he would entertain any questions. He also identified the staff concerns with regard to the Criteria and Findings. The impacts on views frorn Lot 7 will be negative, however, it ii not a preserved view corridor. Given the location of the addition' fiis remains a concern to staff. He explained to the PEC members that the 3 findings need to be met before approval. The setback criteria doesn't meet two out of he hree findings. lt does.present a hardsliii, but it is a grant of special privilege, since the EHU could be located on another portion of the site. Statf recommends denial. Tom Braun, representing the owner Carrol Orrison, stated he wanted to construct an EHU and two more parking spaces. When reannexed, the owners were allowed a caretaker apartment; the question is where is it appropriate for it to be. The owners would like a garage with the apariment above. He explained the drawings. lt would be confining where it could be located on ilie site analysis. In evaluating this site, it is ditficult to put in this improvement. Tom feels there are extraordinary circumstances. He would like to walk through the requests. The applicant is only using 62 sq. ft. of the 250 allowance with no impact on the adjacent property. The variance request is for the front setback. Tom stated that he prepared a photo montage of the property and explained his overlay. He looked at the property within the subdivision where other improvements have occurred. His conclusion was that it would not diminish the enjoyment of the property. A physical hardship has been already been acknowledged. Staff said this is a grant 0f bpecial privilege, since there are other locations on tre property for lhis addition. To put.it in the existing residence is not an alternative as it would change the living area. To build it in the garage area is not an alternative as it would push the cars out. These are possible alternatives, however, they are not reasonable, nor feasible. Tom feels this is the best and most sensitive location. The owner obtained the right to do this unit after reannexation. Tom said that zoning is important and that it specifies where and what you can do. He said there is a history of how things have been dealt with in the past and because of that he feels that this would not be a grant of special privilege. Greg Moffet asked for any public input. Judy Kuller, owner of Lot 7, stood on the site and felt the addition would make a difference. She explained how she depended on the setback when she purchased her lot. lt makes lhe neighborhood more attractive without having a building coming almost to the cul-de-sac. She bought the lot thinking she could depend upon the setback and therefore would be protected. She wishes Mr. Orrison would do this within the confines of the setbacks. Tom Hughes, President of the Homeowners Association, is not in favor of this addition because it is too tall. He feels it is not needed; although the owner does have a right to the unit. Frank McKibben, representing another neighbor, commented on the original proposal in 1991 and how he acquiesced, as fie solution was totally underground and out ol sight. The problems created were ol his own making and so he is not entitled from relief of poor design, just because plrnning g1d E[vironmental Commissnn Minules April t, 1996 he recoghizes tre problem now. The mass will be imposing as it will be brought right up to the street. Art Alplanalp, representing Mrs. Kuller, owner of Lot 7, said she checked with the Town whether a secbnd dwelliig could b-e built there. lt is single-family zoned. The annexation ordinance is not codified. She relied upon the Zoning Code. An alternative might be to extend the lower level out under the deck, however, it would affect Orrison's view. A stacked solution might work wih no impact on adjoining properties. He opted to not do eiher in order to preserve his view. This then is b grant of ipecial irivilege, since preserving his view is at the expense of the neighbor's view' Five alternatives harie been identified. He went over the variance findings. The lindings are not being satisfied. Gene Uselton thought the arguments were well spoken. He feels that his request would be a grant of special priveledge. Diane Golden agreed with Gene that there were good arguments. she felt that the applicant was taking advantage of a good solution with the underground parking. She is not comfortable adding on to it. Henry Pratt said he disagreed wih a couple of issues Tom spoke about. The variance in 1991 was granted because it was able to be buried and out of view. He agrees wifi Art that here are viable alternatives within the envelope. He is receptive to enclosing the upper galage il the EHU is in another alternative location. He can't see two garages in the setback. Mike Mollica said that garages in the front setback (on lots with a 30% or more slope) without a variance, are limited to one story. Henry Pratt said the applicant already has a garage in the front setback and this would be a grant of specialpriveledge. Greg Amsden said there are oher areas for the EHU. He said he cannol support new construction that is encroaching in the private right-of-way. Besides it is a moot point, since it won't get past the DRB. He agrees with Frank McKibben that the applicant chose to put the house where it is. Galen Aasland agrees with everyone that this is a grant of special priveledge. The owner has created some of his own challenges. He reminded everyone that you don'l own a view corridor. Greg Motfet agrees with what has been said. He can't find a way to put a three-story structure in the front setback. He reminded everyone that the PEC is not in the business of protecting views. Tom Braun said that this is a relatively new board, but there are a lot of examples ol existing buildings with the same hardships. Greg Moffet asked Tom il any 3-story structures were ever found in front setbacks? Tom Braun said no, but there are examples of 2-story structures. Tom then asked for help from the PEC where it might be appropriate to place the structure. planning srd Environmeirtal Commission Minutcs April 8, 1996 ,o Mike Mollica said this puts the board in a difficult position, to determine this without consulting staff first and then having to vote on it at the next meeting. Greg Amsden made a motion for denial per the statf memo. Diane Golden seconded the motion. Henry Pratt wants to vote for the motion but not include the findings. Greg Amsden and Diane Golden withdrew the motion and second. Henry Pran made a motion that the variance and 250 requests be denied on the basis that it is a grant of special priveledge. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 5. A request for an interior residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an addition to the living area, located at 295 Forest Road/Lot 20, Btock 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pat WelshPlanner: Lauren Waterton STAFF APPROVED 6. A request for a Minor SDD amendment to allow for streetscape improvements to the Cascade Village Subdivision entrance located at 1300 Westhaven Drive/lntersection of Westhaven Dr. and South Frontage Road. Applicant: L-O Westhaven lnc., represented by Skip BehrhorstPlanner: Randy Stouder TABLED UNTTL MAY 13,1996 7. A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing residence located at 802 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Potato Patch. Applicant: Padraic Deighan, represented by Steve Riden - Planner: Randy Stouder TABLED UNNL MAY 13,1996 Planning and Environmentrl Cmmision Minutes April E, 1995 10 JOH N W, OUN N ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP, JR. ALLEN C. CH RISTENSEN DIANE L. H ERMAN R. C. STEPH ENSON SPECIAL COUNSEL: J ERRY W. HANNAH TELEPHON E: (97at 476-O300 \970) 476-47 65 KAREN M. DUN N CERTIFIED LEGAL ASS]SIANI Law O rrrc es Dur*rN, AeernNnLp & CHRrsrENsEN, P.C. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA-T ON Txr Vlrr- BeN x Bu rrorrc 5UrTE 300 roe Sourx Fnorumce Rolo Wesr Vlrr-, Colouoo e resz 20 March 1996 The Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI CO HAND DELIVERED Mr. Mike MoIIica Town of valI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI CO HAND DELIVERED Re: Applicatlon of Orrison Lot 10, Lion's Ridge Filing No. 4 This Office represents Mrs. Judith Kuller, the owner of LoL 7, Lion's Ridge Flllng No. 4 ("Lot 7"). Our client has become astare of the proposal for approval of a variance request permitting the virtual elimination of the front set-back for the above property ( "Lot LO" ) . It appears that the purpose of the request is to permit the construction upon Lot 10 of an employee housing unit, although the Town's flle indicates that no application for an employee housing unit, or any application for a 250 addition' which is also referred !o at various places, has been filedwith the Town or is other!,tise pending. Mrs. Kuller has requested that we advise you of her strong objection to the proposed variance. The proposed application simply fails to satisfy thJ criteria required for the exceptional relief granted through a variance, particularly with respect to the variance from the setback requirements. It must be noted that the analysis contai-ned in the material submitted in support of the application measures the application against criteria which are not the findings which are required in order that a variance may be granted, under Section L8.62.060.8. of the VaiI Municipal Code. Rather they are the more general factors which are to be considered by the Plannirtg and Environmental Commission found at 18.62.060.A. Reviewing the findings required at Section in order to authorize the granting of a variance: 8.1. The granting of a variance must not constitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations of other propertles classlfled In the same distrlct. In the situation now before the Town, the proposed grant would, in fact, be a grant of special privitege. The owners of the lots upon which construction has occurred in Lion's Ridge Filing No. 4, including Lot 10, have constructed perfectly adequate residences while respecting the front setback. Further, it must be borne in mind that this is a single family zone district, and a single family residence is already located on Lot 10. Although, given appropriate circumstances and the ability of Lot 10 to accommodate additional construction within the zoning and subdivision limitations, an additional unit mlght be constructed if it were an employee housing unit, there is no rlqht to construct that unit, particularly when that proposal violates both the zoning and subdivision limitations which govern the property. B.2. The granting of the variance cannot be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially inJurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The proposal wiLl be detrimental to each of these aspects of other residences in the vicinity, and particularly the proposed residence of Mrs. KuLLer. While there is no view corridor per se affecting Lot 10, certainly the purpose of a setback is' i.n patt, Lo prevent a tunnel effect adjacent to the roadway, and, in this speclflc case, the creation of a wa1l at the end of the cul-de-sac upon which the proposed garage/EHu is to be Iocated. Mrs. KuLler purchased her property after having carefully examined the setbacks governing Lot 10' her property, and the other properties in the vicinity, and after determining that the setbacks would adequately Protect her ability to avoid any adverse effects, as well as to protect the limited openness which t,he setback is intended to insure. The ellmlnatlon or substantial reduction of the front setback of Lot 10 would be particularly injurious to the ability of Mrs. KulLer to enjoy her property and the improvements which she Lntends to construct on lt. 8.3. The variance must be vtarranted because of either (a) the fact that the Iiteral interpretation and enforcement of the existing regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obJectives of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code, or (b) exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appllcable to the site which are not generally applicable to other properties in the same district, or (c) the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation depriving the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties. None of the three criteria can be satisfied, which is, perhaps, best illustrated by the fact that a single family residence already exists on Lot 10' and lt ls Lhe slngle famtly dwelllng whlch ls the only use by right under both the zoning and subdivision limitations. There exists no physical hardship consistent with the objectives of the zoning regulations. Neither is there any circumstance or condition related to Lot 10 which is not appllcable to other properties in the district, or a circumstance under which the regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties. The applicant has pointed out' in an attempt to support the current application, that a variance was granted to the subject property in 1991, permitting construction of the existing garage below street grade level. However' Mrs. KulLer had been advised that the 1991 variance was granted only because the construction was to occur below street grade level , and the variance was conditioned upon the construction remaining below street grade level. The record of PEC consideration of the 1991 variance does not reflect that condition, but the staff report at that time did indicate that the elimination of visual impact upon the surrounding properties (in comparison with prior proposals ) was a consideration which supported approval of the below-grade garage. It is clear that the existing facilities are, in fact, below the street grade level, and that the proposed construction t\no stories above street grade has an impact upon the neighboring properties whj.ch the 1991 project was required to avoid. Although we understand that it is the Town of VaiI's position that it is not responsible for enforcing subdivision covenants, it must be noted that the Town has apparently been provided with what purports to be a letter indicating that the Lions' Ridge Homeowners Assoctatlon has no obJection to the vlolation of the subdivision covenants. Mrs. KuIIer, a member of the Association, was not given notification of consideration by the Association of any such waiver, nor has she ever agreed to such a waiver. The covenants requlre a twenty-foot front setback, unless the VaiI Municipal Code requires a dtfferent dj.stance. Assuming, for the purpose of this analysis, that the twenty-foot setback governs, it is that which is imposed by the covenants. There is no provision within the covenants permitting any variance from its requirements. Neither is authority granted to the Association to waive a setback requirement of the covenants, either over the objection bf one or more members or with the consent of fewer than all the members. In facL, the author of the letter has advised Mrs. Kuller that the letter was intended only to express the position of the Association that the proposal before the Planning and Environmental Commission would not interfere with street plowing, and was not intended to approve the application or to waive the subdivision covenants which the proposed project would violate. The elimination of the setback requirement can only occur by amendment of the covenants, and not by action of the Board of Directors. Rather the covenants grant each property o!^tner the right to enforce those covenants. Mrs. Kuller, by her position before the Town of Vail, and citing the applicant's reliance upon the position of a third party on behalf of the Homeo!.rners' Association, gives notice that she will enforce the subdivision covenants in order to enforce the setback requirement. The first step in that enforcement process is advising the Tohtn of Vail that its approval of the requested variance wiLl violate the covenants upon which Mrs. Kull-er has relied. Finally, a request has been made by the Town of Vail for a copy of the plan for construction on Lot 7. We enclose a copy of a portion of that p1an, illustrating the effect of the existing residence on the view from Lot 7's planned great room. The constructlon of the proposed two story structure above street grade would actually more dramatically affect Lot 7 than what is illustrated on this plan. There Is, quite simply, no basis for the relief sought by the applicant. Affirmatively, it appears that the applicant has determined to construct an addition to an existing residence which can only occur through a variance which effectively eliminates the protection upon which the applicants' neighbors have relied and continue to rely. The proposed variance causes significant injury to Lot 7 and to the ov,tners of that property. It is clear that the application for the variance is appropriately denied, for the reason that neither the general philosophy of variances nor the VaiI Municipal Code permit it to be granted. The consideration of the objection by Mrs. KuIIer by the Plannlng and EnvironmentaL commission and the Department of Community Development, and the denial of the variance request, is the only appropriate response to this application. very truly yours, ; DUNN, ABPf-,ANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C./.)/. ,/ ll.Lt ..+'. ILL ''1 -' Arthur A. Abplanalpr' Jr. / xc: Mrs. Judith Kuller '"c I \ .=',/ $\ + t) . r., l/ r ,I I l ,l ur-) ,d l(' i4, i I t' f- ,t ttl i,.t Ir- 1af-/1 ,tL5tL \ i,\-\ $-r rF, I )' i, lrl, l- I -L. )/c'r f -o ( !.. (r)roj ,,1 r rri \n]r+ I 10 I s I gn r/ BR.AUN ASSOCTA I Es, tNc. PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVFLOPI'IENT April 12. 1996 Mr. MkcMollica Departncmi of Community DcvcloPnrcnt Tvim of TVhil 75 South Rontag: Road Vail, Cokrrado 81657 RE: Onison Residcncc. Lot lO Block 2" Uomridgc Filing No. 4 Dear Mikc: Thh letler is writtcn on hchall'of C,arrol Orriyln, ownq of lot 1O Block 2, Lionsridgc Filiug No. 4. Thc purpmc of this lcttcr is to appeal the V. ail Planning and Environmerrtal Co'mmbsiou's dccisiori toi"rry a propcctl front si:tback variance md a r€qu€st to utilize the 250 ffiinance ro allow for a garagc and Typc I EHU at tbe above referwced lot- Unpss I hcar otherwiss I will assumc thst this appal will bc scbcdulcd for the T0$rB Crutrcil's cvening meeting on May 7- 1996. I Sinwrcly, {--r$tNq--=--- Thomas A. Brauu. AICP cc; Carol Orrison Bob lficClaurin M inturn lronrcr*s Buildig 20t Main Streel. 2nd Hoor Post Oflice Box 7rb Mlfurn Colorado 8l&'15 Phone - 9?D.827- S/97 F"Y - gnWSW TOTAL P.@2 n u -.i / '/fur, I' $l !Fgsz $lI ru E€ zrtlt-rn \\ iqisss uI $i &3 s':'rt lx l I r.rl $E r I a.lf s:!t*s ?rri{. ts l3EIp& s 3 rLt B i 1oit $3*?$o h'*t $ulestt et& g tt it,- $st =ENErd. rA b iiil$i r r .l-I (-\' \} (n (\v) a.. , \\ ---_ ! :.il iilir PZU)."' EIc-l^.1'-. -l : ilJ tl .. -l, -ll 'J nl .a*-= rri )-_- i-c-.j (:- --->z =^ --a; E)tti.L 1) z ar) =i- = = --.: t al) =4 '-:; C- i =a l: F .'\/t\ F. -.1 2 -Z t= =4a A 't zs) E ;*.z zd, o 'i rlo,t IA )Fot+l l-rt't- ujo: It<(o va*z > y.l uJ :1 *(f "$n' 9<(ogLrJvvcvs l-cc' ,:o 9rI! LU a)--^ Fd< co (o Foz F 'a; ut IrJo I!c! | ,l I I II 6 o ..1te^\i \FI ir-i! rd \,iul L) OJ .'l.-i x 'l:o>r \J!clE -G I -c ul 'lt i_r (.) (.-. 0J In,, o .iJ I O.a O " ).tEt-Lljoo u!: ! .-r O ro cJaofd o S42 1)'.:".-riL \r ir,. l-lOo. I ^ I( 0 t-. lr.l0i Ia)A-l<5EZ F lrJ ./- { 1 _d-t445+ -4t4t e) a4 $ t.a, + 7t,r9z4 U \^ rl 6Lo q/ e0 *v\ u n.t 3l cte { HF3 :0tr ,3 ll ] !.,€z L6'LL Fo -J ,a8 -,c "^j \a/ 1J -."t ^fo,eg v ffi( TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development fn- /EC n/e- r' 72' #6' April8, 1996 A request for a front yard setback variance and a request to utilize the 250 Ordinance to allow for a garage and a Type I EHU to be constructed at 1464 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 10, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing No. 4. Applicant: Carrol Orrison, represented by Tom BraunPlanner: Mike Mollica I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Carrol Orrison is the owner of an existing single family resrdence, located at1464 Aspen Grove Lane. Co rary Certificate of Occupancy was issued inJune ol 1990. A Finel Certilicale of Occupancy was issued on Febr!4U_9-J!9_2. On January 14. 1991 , the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a front yard sgqCgkJaiance to all"* lor g t 9'encroac The PEC approval resulted in a 1' setback from the property line fronting on Aspen Grove Lane. This approval allowed for the construction of a detached one-story garage, located below Aspen Grove Lane, (i.e the garage would not be very apparentTiom Aspen Giove tane, nor from any of the adjacent properties). The stafl recommended approval ol the applicant's req|'est and made the findings that the request met all the review criteria for approval of the variance. fq4Igllh,e .s_14!! rE[ed tha!1!q gjgg!!_opffand_lhe existinq buildin imited the number of poientiel garage loca,lions on this particular lot. The staff also found that the request was not a grant of special privilege, OOnof'nGgafrvely affect public safety and that the site did have extraordinary circumstances. It was noted by the Town Engineer, at the January 1991 public hearing, that the detached two- car garage would have a fairly steep and narrow driveway associaled with it (7.7% grade and 15' turning radius) and that large passenger vehicles would have difficulty maneurving down the driveway to gain entry into the garage. lt was also noted that in addition to the tvvo enclosed garage spaces, there would be parking provided on the roof of the garage for two additional vehicles. A building permit to consfuct the garage was issued during March of 1991 and the Final Certificale of Occupancy for the garage was issued on November 14, 199'l . A recent survey of the property submitted to the Town indicates thal the garage was not constructed entirely as approved. s beyond the property line,0.2'inlo thp adjanpnt Tract C (access and utility easement for AspenGrwe-- Lane, a private street). Hence, the location ol the existing garage is technically in violation of the 1991 PEC approval for a setback variance, (instead of a 1' setback from the property line, the garage is 0.2' over the property line). At this time, the applicant is requesting a 19'tront yard setback encroachment in order to enclose the two eiisring surlace parking spaces located above_the existing garage, and to add a Type I Emptoyee itousing Unit teHU j above this new enclosed garage area' T-he structurewou|dhaveaslopin{roof,wi!!-a5:129lo GRFA As further background, Lionsridge Filing No. 4 is zoned Single Family Residential' However' OiOinin." flo. iS, Series ot t gdg, allois a caretaker unit to be constructed on each lot. n.roiOing to this ordinance, ttre caretaker unit cannot exceed 1/3 of the total GRFA allowed on if,. fot. S"ubsequent to the approval of Ordina.nce.No. 15, the staff has determined that' for zoning purposes, tne .atrtjfdr unit shall be classilied as a Type I Employee Housing Unit' utilize a portion of the 250 Ordi II. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Area: 17. 075.5 sq. ft. Zoning: Sirqle Family Residential Allowed Site Co/eragp: 3,415 sq tl (20%) Proposod no cnange 4,494 sq. fi. no change no change no change Prososod 4 enclosed spaces and 2+ surlace spaces Exlstlno 2.353 sq. ft. (1 3.8%) 3,961 sq. n. 0' - garage 16.3' - house 15.1' - house Exlslina 2 enclosed spaces and 4+ surlace spaces GRFA: Setbacks:Front. 20' Sides: 15 Rear: i 5' Parking: 4.007 sq. tt.-per code 425 sq. tl.-credn lor TYPe I EHU + 250 sq. ft.-per 250 Ordlnance 4.682 sq. ll.lolal allowable Bequired 5 spaces ( 1 enclosed spac€ for the EHU) III. CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS - ADD'T'ONAL GRFA Upon review of Chapte|I 8.71 - Additional GRFA, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the_ _ Cbmmunity Development Department recommends denial of the request for additional GRFA based upon the tollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on an application lor additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commissiorishall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1.Effect upon the existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. Theapp|icantisreguestingtouti|ize62^sq.'ft.ofthemaximum250square teei aviitaOte per tfie 250 -Ordinance. Stalf does not believe that the request to uilize this square footage will have. any negative impacts upon eristing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing struclures,.as the apptica-nt ii pioposing to add this GRFA immedialely above an existing il5-""r gard'qe. lne-site would not be further impacted as the existing footprint-of th-e garage would not change, and therefore there would be no additional site disturbance. lmpact on adiacent ProPerties. The applicant has stated that they would respect the originally_ approved variariie, which allowed for a garage to encroach 19' into the front yard . 2. setback, and therefore, the aoplicant is proposing that the new enclosed two-car garage, as well as the Tvpe I EH Although the additional GRFA should have no tacis o.ih=#Alace'nt properties to the south,.east and west' thq staff is concerned that this a t me neoative 3. iffioperty owner to the north (Loi 7). As indicated o n: ttrerrsd-ue 6ddiaWm6 et6c6ed tolFli s m e m o rand u m, t h e ove ral I h e i g h t of the proposed addition, as viewed from the north, would be approximalely 24'from existing grade. The slalljq sqnqellgl|thaUhe ... nbtgfifofihdaEqitjgn, coLrpledlvithjts+ropnsecl tocation on lhe,site, will have negative impacts upon the adjacent plgperl-tg1!19-0o$nr. Jf e rmnaetsiontetmmrfn[aoctegeoll{Lewstor^/ardstheVailVillage area and theCkf mountain. Therefore, the staff feels that this criteria has not been met by the aPplicant. Compliance with lhe Town's zoning requiremenls and applicable development standards. Section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that any dwelling unit Jor which an addition is proposed, shall be required to meet the minlmum Town of Vail landscaping standards as set forth in Chapter 18.54 of the VailMunicipalCode. Additionally, before any additionalGRFA may be permitted in accordance with Chapter 18.71, the stafl shall review the maintenance and upkeep ol the existing residence, including landscaping, to determine whether the property complies with the Design Review Guidelines. These standards include landscaping' undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general mainlenance of the property. Upon inspection of the sile by staff, we find that the property is cunently in cdmpliance with the applicable development standards listed above. The applicant's driveway is currently paved, utililities serving the property are underground and the landscaping on the site is appropriate. B.Findings: The Planning and Environmenlal Commission shall make the following findings before granting appioval for Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively effect exiiting topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent ProPerties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all Town zon-ing requirements and applicable development standards' Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the Community Development Department recommends denial ol the requested setback variance based upon the following lactors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. tv. In an efforl to fully understand the potential impacts the proposed setback variance would have on the adjacent Lot 7 to the north, staff has walked the building envelope of Lot 7 and has analyzed the issue of potential.view encroachmlnt towards the Vail Village area and the ski mountain. While we acknowledge that Lot 7 has panoramic views lo the south, the site vilit revealed to the staff that theimffi setback e statl have S@e es that there are no Town- ahO- tnat tne potential view blockage causediy this variancejequesl woutdnot uilexcesEive' it would in lact' have some impacls-oolot 7' The staff believes that the Orrison property is encumbered by Physical hardShps. We recognize that there are very steep slopes on the p.rgperty ( e xc e ed i n o 4 0%) and,lhat lhe-locatlon otthe existing strudueloulcl al s0 b-e@dship. However, the staff believes that flercGren- on this property to construct an employee housing unit. The staff has expressed to the applicant a willingness lo support a variance request to enclose the two existing surface parking spaces currently toiateO over the two-car garage. The statl feels that it is the second iloor addition of the employee housing unit above this garage thal is causing the excessive building height, which in turn is impacting the views from the property to the north. The applicant has proposed no CRITERTA JND-EINDIN 2. modifications to their initial proposal and hence, the staff believes that this criteria has not been met. The degree to which reliel from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without grant of special privilege. ,6 it wouldbe a grant of special pdvilegelo approyq the cRlanehte and to allow for the construction of an B. ernployee housing unil to encroach 19' into the front yard setback of Lot. tO-' We betieve ttiat tner ct<s on, Lot 10 which could rovide a suitable localion lor an EHU. 3. The effect of the requested variance on tight and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and udlities, and public safety. The staff does not believe that the requested variance would have any negative impacts upon any of the above criteria. lt should be noted that Aspen Grove Lane is not a "public" roadway and is not maintained by the Town ol Vail. This is a private roadway and the Lionsridge Filing No' 4 Homeowner's Association handles the maintenance of the road. The Planning and Environmental Cornmission shall make the lollowing findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting ol the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitalions on other properties classified in Ihe same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimenlal to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a- The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistenl with the objectives ol this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that doe not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recomm.n@the applicant's requestfor ; ;;;t y;rd r;6ack variance, as well as a requesl to utilize\h't25-0 Ordinance, to construct an additional two-car g"r"g" "nd a fyp" I EHU w-ithin the front setback ol1464 Aspen Grove Lane' . in" ii"tt finds thairhe requeliioi Aoditionat GRFA does not meet criteria 2, (impact on adjacent ;;6;;ri;rt;;O tnerefore,-cannot support.the request as proposed.. We do.find' however' that Criteria 1 and 3 are met. 'Wiin regariifo the reqr..iest tor a tront yard setback variance, the staff iecbrrenOation is also for deniai. We believe the setback variance request does not meet Criteria 1 and 2. We do find, however, that Criteria 3 has been met' should the Planning and Environmental commission decide to approve.the requests lol . nJJitionat GnFA aiO the front setback variance as proposed, staff would recommend that the PEC include the following condition: 1. That a separation request be applied for, and approved by the Design Review Board, pursuant to Chapter 18.54'050 (l)' n* ll lu - f'4,Jai / H"**; A'-*,<' - aK -/ 4 a'J"4 'o;6 Fow' L* - ^- q -,,r'r-; /b-t;,* ry i *"v- & z"!->,{#a6 lo"x. v41 b-o *c^#4 44 1 Ns $lI \t E€ a.r r) rt r'L l <e:.Yr;st \ r I iiiiII I I / /I / III / rI \ r! tt3t E qlxf tg &3 .1 I t It rt riri ;* itii zl Jtr- s4\,: 0 ul,u\ 3q-t!$ E 3i -r rLE'5qrl4 $$ u) ssi $lcA.l!tca ( il st *i ri IFFi,E o AIazu)a \r\ c4 s!FrD ;.rI t* rtrt to.L II se I 1 iilifl-TI'u-- + $!asRzg' ;qs&*\T I r5^ P:$ i[ir 1 I-l- I t rla>t aFot.H t^L-tt' .! :i a,;9e tt. /T! <tre ;1 6-- iY o.d( !o E -in' s42'13.;i-r ol o I d : ^l a\ z o) F 9 'o), a'-'q t* t^*- .a AJ *"u.""% vfl .g g*\ t + zt, E+-.vz4J\^ rl ILo/rs o.,.t I*v\ u F = <5 € _d-t4 5 {/.'* { ot a4 \\ ,' .o-t.. \ 4 \ ':.,9\ 9 ---\F\^+3I c ILCP { kl I4 9.E ll 'Hffi L 6' L I /t{-tC,Z,. ..,,,.ii (/ts \ \>9 s.i3P'-<\ , it,i q{! CS -t I aaa =i t=: 7_ = :l,J- 7_!! L. 7 J J ::J '.;1 ias' : o Tom Braun PO776 Minturn, Co. 81632 March 4, 1996 The Lionsridge Filing #4 Homeowners Assn. board of directors met on 2127196to review the plans for the garage addition for the Carroll Orrison residence. We have no objections to your proceeding with the plans that you've submitted to us lor review including the four inch encroachment onto our easement. This approval is of course contingent upon your acquiring all of the necessary permits, insurance, and abiding by the covenants of Lionsridge Filing #4 Homeowners Assn. Best Regards, Tom Fitdr - Mgr. Lionsridge Ftl. #4 HO Assn. PO 4191 Vail, Co. 81658 970-476-7202 A [/ BR.AUN ,\SSCCIAT E5. lN,lC. P[ANNING and COrvlt'4UNtTy DEVE(OPMeNT March 21. 1996 Mike Mollica Town of Vail 75 South Frontagc Road Vail. Cirkrradt: 81657 RE; Orrivm Residencc Dear Mike: 'I hc purpourc ol this lcttcr is to ruqucst tbat thc Orris<ln varianc* applicalio$ by tablsd liuur ttr,u March 2.5th Planning und Envirohrnentel Grmmission and re-sclitiduled for the April Sth mccting. TIrc pulpuw uf tlis ruqucrt itr tu ulkrw u\ rh{; time ngc€ssary to eyaluate dL5isn all€rnatives in ruspome to the staff 's -commcnrrcguding this proposal, Plcase call with any qucstions or commcnls. ll' I do not hear oth€rffise, I will assumc that we wilt br; schcrluled tor thc Apri) l9th mrwting. $inwrcly, -c..r \ |dr)*r-.--- Thomas A. Braun. AIC,? MgrkMucllgr Carnl Orrisr rn Minturn lronrvcrks Building 2Ol llain 3t'cct. 2nd fl,rpr Post Offrce Box 776 Hirrturn, Colerada 81645 fttone .9ft,{11.579t- Farl - ?70.&7.3fl1 TOTRL P.E1 I nn [/ iBRA{.rf! ASSocTATES, [Nc. PLANN NG anc CO\1I4UNITY DEVELOPItNT MEMORANIITlM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mike Mollica Thm Brnrrn February lZ. lg(rd Orrison Residcnce Thanks lbr sharing sonrc ril'thc rta[I':r iuitiul rvacliurr tu thc Orri:xx ploposal' I havc tnscd my s()mmefits on thc tbllowing two points as a frariework 1br thls discussion: l) Ordinance Nir. 15. Scries 1989, providcs Orrbon with the right to mnstruct an *employcc ulril" on Lirr 1(). rhcre is no issur(or dbcrction) as to whcthQr this lot is suitablc fof an employec unit - tbc cmploysc unil is a use by right. Ll lt setrr:s thc kcy qucstion is, given exising sits conditiotrs and applicahle v.ariancccrileria, where is thc most arrpropflatc and rg g location tor thc crtployee tlnit - we arE not talkine about afinroi:Iarc and rtulnable location forjust GRFA. the question mttsl he consid'ered with rctirect to whcrc a lunctional unit can bc located on thc lot.rcsilect to whcre a functional cnit can bc located on thc lot. Site Comideretions The nlan I Qflvc vou Mondav indicattxi sctback. €s{Jmcnts, t:xisting improvements and the apprirximaic cxtlnt of llat terrain on the site . There is virtuatiy no site area on the lot that can aiilmmrdatc an e mploven unit withr)rrt r:ithr:r c.ot:roac.hiug into a selhacl or dramaticelfy impecting the cxisting rtsidcnce. For cxample, i supposc a unit ccuh be designed on-gradc below the deck rtn thc sout-h side of the httmt:- Hcnvcvcr. is it rcas,rnehle to exPec.t an owner to rt'gll-off windows tr.r rlxisling trr.drrxrrns in orcler to construct an employtr unit? Variance Criteria/Findings. . SpecirlEis'ilege +."*r) The Town has a long rcmrd of grantiug variartcts in cascs wherc thert are no irnpac6 on l/5 f odjuining lots un<j uiherc physi&l hardihip can bc dcm.or-utratcd. [n fact,.a variancc ha.r Wtfr' Thb propcsed devclopmcnt would not bc "detrimenlal to the prrtrlrc health, safcty and wolflrc br materially iniurious to propeTrirs or improverncnli in thc vicinity". Based on our . be*n applovcd on this kx for ju.ct the$€ reasons. It is difficult to irnaginc that granting this variancc cxruld hc considctud a grant u[spccial p::ivilcgc.*tl, ,lf*: discwsion last w'cck, I undcrstand that tbc staff has uot idoutificrl pr.rtculial tutpttt U un / ddJeccni propexie$ r)r uses rhat rvoulct resulr from this propot;'dl, I Oft_ i o* /,;;t r // 'M gaskhip _ '"b1/,4 N Unless thc Town's lrusition on variancrx ha.r chaneed dramatically in the past five ycani. th€rc can hc littlc aigumcnt a.r ttr the physical crrnslraints on this 6t. Exuabndinary !"linturn l.orwcrk Buildrnt Z0l f,1oir r 5tr eet, 2rrtJ Fh.rur Post Office Box 776 1,1 intvrn, Colorado B164! Phone . 970.827.5797 F.ir - 97n *7/ \{J/ L:rrcur8$tanccs do txist ana thEre arc no ottler r€asJnablc alternatives lor siting the emnk-rvee unit.. To.require "strict and lrteral inleryretation and enforccmenr of a specifi& rcgulaiion" w0uld clearly "rc.,sull in piacticaldifficulty or unnet.esvry physical hardship irrco-nsistent with lhc objectivcx ol lhis title". Furthcr. i'thc strict and lit€ral interprctatioir or cnlbrcernent of a spctilicd regulation worrld derrive the rpplicant oi priviieges eqioyod bv ihc og ner$ of olher proFttrsa in the samc disuict" (i.c. thCahiiitl, to bonsrrfot thd ' cmpl{)yrx unit). Csnclosion .S )'ou know. it ali comec dow'n to how ihr shrff wants to into{prst thc variancc critcria. I do Ltclict c hr:weter. that i[ variancc criteria are lntcrprcted such that this property doc$ not have a valid basis for a \'iaflancc, I would finC it hord to imagiirc ony propc,rty co"ld dcmonstratc a valid basis fttr s variancc requalt, i rccognize that thc situatrirn with this apphcarion would bE vcry differcnt if 1) the emplovee unjtwuc discrdionarv (i-;. nquirc, wnditiciual usv apyruruI);2) Oi:rc wcre artvtri'e irnpabrs'fom the glq_Sotih S) the south haif tri the site did not fallc;ff al a'x4W" sbpe; 4) lhere was iot an existing unit on ths proltcrtv. antl 5) rhu "[i.rwrr rarcly Eanted scrtrac'k variadccs. But the facs are the owicr llits 0. frght ttt the untt. thc sitc riiEs havc s;*i11..nt consrraint$ and ',hc TOwn has historiCaliy r.urrsirlcrsd sciback varianc.e rsqu€sts jn a l'eirly reasonahlc (i.e. tlexiblc) manner. I was frankiy' surpriscd lo icarn ()l thc $taff 's re actlotr last week and I have spent some tirnc re - cvaluating thc mcrits of our proposal, Sure. onc cuuld conclude that thc rrw'ner should heve ltl*]gn$ his homc :riil l.h. sfcor,d unjt in mind, or rhat rhe unrt could be s,apped up agaiust rhc side of tb€ exisling building or rn thc middle r:I the driver+ay. but arc lhuie riisonahk-sohrrioos antl oo thcy accomplish.thc hr,:ader publ;c. pu'lxxc ohjer:tives .rl'rhe Town's zoning regulations ald cctclopmcnt goals? | would sugg€$t thlt thcse aEnative solurions nre nc't pc-itiv! fur either thc ownsr or the communi{l and tbat this applicarion ls very consistent with applicable variance critcria. This situation is precisclv *,hy thcrc is s tarrencs pr(rceas- I h0pc this diswrtation is.helpfirl (i.c. I hrven't hurt mysell'or irritared any of the stsff!). I ccrtajnly respect the siaff 's ripinir-rns, lnwever in this Jsse I'm j'ot huving a hanl timc ' r-nderstanding Lheir persJxtliv,' Pleasr'do 6oil hgsibre to call \r'irb ooy q".r"oii ro*. I should halc lhc _dctallcd sulvcy ol lhc cornt''r of the garage from Corky in thc next day oi two. Thanls for yourttme. -ifiTffL P. r,]3 o AppLrcAnoN FOR ADDTflONAL GRFA t2501 L TrPqqFHEOUESt Stsndard e50 *-N- Tlpo I EHU 250 - Typ0VEHU2SD [. pHE 4FPL|C4TTON CoNFqgEilCE A.pm'appllmthn confworpo w!$.a monbor o[ the planntng datt h stronoly oncoufaoed todlscrss ote provtstons undor rr'htcft addtuonal aFrA can bd added to a eit6. tt strouil us undeastood that hb ominance dog8 not assuro @dr prqporty q1 ad<titionat 2s0 squaru lest ol Q-RFA" Fahor, tho ordlriancs auolru lor uo !q e50 sorrarb lebt if frs condittons sei forfi in Cftapler l&sZ or.chaptcr 10.n sf he Tonn'iiTiiEie are mor lpFaFry tor.addnions under hts scc{.on wt[ nor bo ooc0p!# unloss they qro o0rnptqtg,ttblndd06 alt Intonnailon ioqdmd on tlrb torm os wpfl-ii o6gd $itil eoau-etrr*tta mquhonrcnu, $. APPUOAT9NTN.EORMATTON etter ke Mollica for additional B.LOCANON OF PROPOEAL: lsl_J_Q_ebck2._ FI||ng Lian' g. Ridqe Fi+Ing No. NAME oF APPUCANTS REPBEsENrATlvEi,ror,0 Rraun-Braun Associates, rnc. t!:lod 4a{&i Dato.otApplcatlon-#qfarv 22, f 996 -oateof DRstieellL Date of PEG Meetlng {if necsssary}Eg}4egJ26 , L996 Tlps IIEHU 250 Zono c. E. aa NAMEOFOWNEnpll cu-r.r"1 , prri stgnawm1el_'1 Addross F. Flrh0 Foo ot $2tn,00 lN rt$jrrud dt umo ol submlttar ot a 6bnd0ril 250. For a requosl Involvlrq an EHU, lhs tee ls walved. NAMEOFAFPLI$NT:gr-r.e.l_gEie9..t . _ 76, Minturn, Colorado 81645 827 -57 97 8,.\ i/ tsR.AILJN ASSOCIATTs. INC. P LAN Nlr\ 5PLAl.JNlf\5 :.c COMl.r'liNrlY DEVELOFY FtJT Fvbruary 20, 1996 Mike Mollica Town of Vail 7.5 South Frontcsc Ruad Vail. Colorado $1657 RE: Onisr.rn Residencr Dear Mike: The purposc of this lctter [s lo rcquest ftat thc Orrison vanance applietion be tabl€d from tbe February 26th Planning and Environmental Commission and rc-schcduk{ for the Marcb 25th moeting. The purp,txc of thiri requert is to alhw us the timc trecessary to respond to the staff's comm€nF regar0ing thi$ pr0p05al. Plea$tJ call wrth any qutxitions or r\rmm€nls. lJ I do not hear othcrwisc, I will assume that we will bc scheduled lor thc March 25th mtrtiug. Sincercly. Thornas A. Braun. AICP Mark Mueller Carol Orr:ison Hinturn lrorr'rvorls Buildi,r8 7Ol l"liin SirFei, Tnrl inor ro unrce Box //6 Hinturn. Colvrada 616.15 Phone . 970.827.5797 Fgx 970.91755CF TOTAL P.A1 l Ba il/ BR.AUIN ASSocl,\TrES" lNC. PLANN NG and COI'f f4UN TY DEVEiOPI',1ENT Fcbruary tJ, 1996 Mike Mollica Tbwn ol'Vail 7-5 South Frontagr: Road Vail. Colorado tll6-57 RE: Orrison Rcsidcncc Dcar Mikc: Enckrscd you will t'ind a red-lined se t o1'cxisting plans lbr the Orrison Residenco. The GRFA numbcrs indicatcd in our submittal wcrc actually calculated by your officc. The Muellers do not rccall who helpcd them digitizc the plans, but thc dcscription sounds likc it may have been Lauren Waterkrn. Thc small check-marks at thc corncrs ol interirlr spaces indicate whcre she measured the GRFA. My only question is whcthcr a portion ol thc circulai stairs should bc counted at tho balcony levcl. Pleasc do not hcsitate to contact me with anv qucsti<tns vou mav havc. Sinccrcly, 1CE^U Thomas A. Braun, AICP M nturn lronworks Bui ding 201 lYain Street, 2nd Floor Post Office Box 776 f4'nturn, Co orado 81645 P6one - 970.877.5797 Fax - 970.827.55O7 lmn r/ rBR.AUr'J AssoctATES, ilNC, pLANIN t\16 and COMMUtTI TY DEVFLOpMENT Fehruary 7,1V)6 Mikc Mollica'fown of Vail 75 South Frontate Road Vail, Coloredo FtOSf RE: Orrhon Rcsidcnce Dcar Mikc: Ttrc tbllowing summarizes twrr rcvisions. or clarifications to the Orrison variancc/EHU application: GRFA A.s per our conversation la.st wcck, cnclosed you will tind an application fut u Type I EHU 250 GREA. As wc discussed la.st t'e€k, wc will only ned to use a pordon of the 250 quare fret that is available: Algwable GREA,/Existins Conditions 3.125 sq. ft. - .25 of first 12,500 squarc feet 45? sq. ft. - .10 oI4,575 squarc fcct 4?.5 sq.ft. - "crcdit" j?6( lftlsL::fT,#,ffffi, -*4v *l 1M /^"-'v" --;- /\Sll ,io ft - ren4UW- tY '( L\+a ( ^ryPromsed De.vt:lootnclt 533 sq. ft. - CRFA for proposcd EHU -42-q ec- ti- - credit as ner 18.57.040 TVtrv: I Ettt.i - ,f c-SA xi. ft. - rcmaining GRFA 77- t(*q, n. - GRFA necdcd ttr allo* tbr proposed EIIUte, ' 'rn Be$ed on thrj$o c:tlculstions ryg nge{_!q utilizo $6 squsre feet of the 250 square feet thst are available through thc "250 Ordinance". to mdiSthis cxieting dcrrctopmcnt diffci irorn ,ruis. Busrxl irn yr:ur fiimments la.st wcck, Orrison would be able to uiilizc therernaining 204 square teet st some time in lhc luturc, Fnrnt Setbask The rcquestcd fnrnt setback varianw for thc proprxul addition is actually 19.E . Thi$dim€o$ion b bascd on thc t99t ILC :hfll jndicatod thc garrigc iouodation to trc .2' frurir thc frunt Fofrcrry linc. Thc addition will bc located directly abovL the existing foundation, hence the proposed addition will be .2' Aom ihe tr)nt proparty line. l"lintum lrom^/o|ks Buildrng 7Ol l l.rin Sfreer. 7nd Floor Post Office Box 76 l'1inturrl. C,:lor-ado 81649 Phonc - 970 8l7.FD7 FA;. - ym.V1.lfri 4007 v1. ft. - alkwalrlc GRFA You should be tcceiving a 250 application l'orrn via fax latcr today. I trust this ncw inlbrmetion will cnahlc us to keep oi the Fe6ruary 26th PEC apnda. Plegsf, to not hesitate to contect me with any quesuotrs you may have, Sincerely, Thomas A. Braun. AICP TOTAL P. A3 I 2s .?\ ,llW IBA IIl IER.AI-JIN ASSOCIIAIIIES. IINC. PLANNING ard COYIIYUNITY DEVELOP|.IENT January 29. lW6 Ms. Lauren Watcrton, filwn Planner Dcpartmont of Community Development Tilrvn o1' Vail 7-5 South Frontagc Road Vail. CO tll657 RE: Orrison Residoncc wuofr Dear Lauron: Encloscd you will find an application tor thc liont setback variance we discussed a few weeks ago. The propcisal tbr the propcrty is to add a garagc and EHU to tho Orrison Residence at 1464 Aspen Gnlve Lane. Enclosed you will llnd thc following: l) Application tirrm and filing t'ee, 2\ Pre liminary building clcvations and lloor plans (l/8" = l'), .r) Proposeci site plan (1"= 20'), 4) Llpdated IL.C with spot clevations artlund thc proposed addition, 5) Titlc rcport. 6) Rocktall report, and 7) Writtcn dcscription of the proposal. Pleasc do not hesitatc to contact mc with any questions you may have. Thank you for your help with this application. Since rclv. [' cncl. cc: Mark Mueller Ca rrol Orrison Minturn lronworks Building 201 Main Street, 2nd Floor Post Offlce Box 775 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Phone - 970.827.5197 Fax - 974.8)7.5507 ORRISON RESIDENCE Front Setback Variance Requgst Januarv 29. 1996 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1464 Aspen Gr<lvc Lane Lot 10. Bkrk 2, Lion's Ridgc No.4 ..392 acrcs/17. 075 squarc lcet Singlc-iamily Zrnc District Notc: Ordinance l-5 ol l989 sp<;cilies that a "carctakcr unit shall bc pe rmitted on each lot" and that such unit shall not excocd t/3 ol'thc alklwable GRFA. BACKGROUND OF PROPERTY Thc Orris<ln Rcsidence was constructed in 199 | . This single -tamily home is compriscd of 3945 squarc tbet ol'GRFA. Allowable GRFA lbr Lot 10 is 4,007 squarc lbet. 376( .1. l2-s sq. ft. - .2-5 o[ first 12,-500 square feet 457 sq. lt. - .10 ol',1,575 squaro t'eet -12.s su. ti. - "crcdit'' 4.007 sq. I't. - alkrwable GRFA j16{ W.sq. li. - existing GRFA jb ({sq. l't. - rcmaining GRFA A front sctback variancc lirr thc cxisting garage was approved in 1 991 . This garage is benched into the hillsidc and is not visiblc liom Aspen Grove Lane. Thc garage is accesscd by a driveway that kxlps down to a lowcr portion ol' the site. Tho roof of the cxisting garage is located at grade with Aspen Grove Lane and provides two surthcc parking spaces. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The purpose ol'thc tiont sctback variance is to construct a new two-car garage and a restricted Employcc Housing Unit (EHU) above the existing garage. The now garage will replace, or ORRISON RESIDENCE PROPOSED SETBACK VARIANCE Nt (\ coKfrc. cncklsc. thc two cxisting surlacc parking spaccs and thc EHU will hc krcatcd abovc the pnrposcd garage. As indicatcd on the attachcd building clcvations, thc proposed building will have a two- st()ry mass as viewcd l'rom lhc nrlrth and wcst (Aspcn Grovc Lanc) and a thrcc story mass as viewcd lrom lhc soulh anrl *rsl. Thr'ncw uaraqr'will nrovidc onc narking snacc lirr the EHU and onc additiunal space lor thc main unit. Thc cxisting garagc will romain unchangod. As proposed, :rll requircd parking lirr hoth the main rcsidcncc and thc EHU will hc cncklsed. 'l'he interiur dimcnsion ol the proposed addition is 23. | ' x 2.1.1', ()r idcntical t<l tho dimensions of the cxisting garagc. Thc squarc lirotage ol'hoth thc prop<lscd garagc and thc EHU is 533 squarc lcct. Summarv ot'CRFA /+b As dcscribcd ahovc. only p squarc t'ect ol'GRFA arc romaining on Lot 10. Thc tillkrwing additional GRFA is available lirr thc proposcd EHU and garagc: Thc GRFA lirr the garagc is pcrmitted by scction 111.04. 130 Fkxlr Aroa, gross residential (GRFA). Paragraph A. allows a garagc up to 600 squaro lbct lor cach unit pcrmitted on a lotandlot l0ispcrmittedtwounits. The proposedgaragcis,533squarcl'eet,or6Tsquare lect less than what is ncrmittod bv scction 18.04. 130. The CRFA lirr thc EHU is pcrmittcd by soctions 1tt. 10.090 Dcnsity (ol'Single-tamily Zone District) and 1t1.57.040 Typc I EHU. Scction 1tt. 10.090 B. allows "an additional 425 squarc t'cct ol'GRFA lirr cach alkrwablc dwe lling unit" and section l{t.57.0408. 7 allows a GRFA crcdit ol'42-5 square I'cct ol'GRFA tilr a Typc I EHU. Theso two scctions pcrmit up to tl50 squarc lcct rll'GRFA lirr thc constructi<ln ol this unit, or .i l7 squarc l'cct morc than is proposcd. COMPLIANCE WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA | . Relatulnship ol'thc rcqucstcd variance t<l othcr existing or potontial uscs and structures in thc vicinity. ORRISON RESIDENCE PROPOSED SETBAC'K VARIANCE The proposcd garage and EHU will be architecturally integrated with thc cxisling residence with the usc o['idcntical huilding materials and a rooVwalkway that connocts the two structures. Thc proposcd addition will also provido a workable relationship with othcr structurcs in the vicinity. Thc garage and EHU are krcated a considerablc distance from developmcnt on adjoining Lot I I and are locatcd a minimum of l9' tiom thc "flag" portion o1'adjoining [-ot 9. Tho tiont proporty line rll'l-.ot 9 abuts Tiact C' an access and utility cascmsnt for Aspen Grovc Lanc. This road is maintaincd by thc l-ion's Ridgc Filing No. 4 Homeowners Association. Thc parkin_U dcck l<lcatcd on thc roof of thc cxisting garagc has becn in place filr fivc ycars and cxperionce has dcmonstrated that thc rclationship bctwccn Aspen Grove Lane and thc parking dock is a workablc rrno. Thcrc arc no changcs proposed 1o the drivcway lhat currcntly scrvcs the parking dcck and thc conversion ol this parking deck to an encloscd garagc rvill have no a f'tbct on the tunction. maintcnancc or operation of Aspen Grovc Lanc. 2. Thc degrcc trl which rclicl'f'rom thc strict and literal intcrprctation and cnfbrcement of a spocified rogulation is neccssary to achievc compatihility and uniformity o[ treatment among sitcs in thc vicinity ol attain tho <lbjcctives ol'this titlo rvithout grant of special privilege . As describcd ahove. a I'ront sotback variancc o[ 19' was approved by the Town of Vail in l99l in order lo allow tilr the construction ot'a garagc. [n thc stafl''s l99l memo the location ol thc e xisting home and thc topography of the lot were citcd as two constraints which justity somc varianco in orde r to construct the garagc. A l9' cncroachment was determined in l99l to he thc dogree to which relief liom tho strict and litr:ral interpretation of the spccificd rcgulation is necessary in urder tu achicve compatibility and unilbrmity of trcatmcnl amrrng sites in thc vicinity. The proposed garagc and EHU are krcatod immediatcly above the roof ol' thc existing garage. As with thc cxisting garage, thc proposed additicln is located within one (l) foot of the liont propcrty line. Givcn e xisting improvements (thc home and garage), and the ORRISON RESIDENCE PROPOSED SETBACK VARIANCE topography of the site, the proposed location o[ tho new garagc and EHU represents the only leasihlc building location on this sitc. :i. Thc cft'ect of thc rcquestcd variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tratTic lacilitics. puhlic lacilitics and utilities, and public sal'ety. The proposed Ironl sctback variancc will not adversely alfect any of the criteria listed abovc. Lot l0 is located within a Mcdium Scvcrity Rocklall Hazard as ide ntified by the Town of Vail Rocktall Study. In accordance with Chaptcr I f3.69, a site-specific analysis of this property has been complcted by Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D (scc attachcd copy). The Lampiris report cuncludes that nrl rocklall mitigation is warrantcd and that the proposed development will not increasc thc hazard t<l other propcrty, structures, utilities or tacilities or othcr properties <lf any kind. PROJECT SUMMARY Thc approval ol thc l99l variance rcqucst established this portion ol Lot l0 as an appropriate building sitc. The proposed liont sctback variance to allow ftrr the addition o[ a garage and EHU will result in a cunvcnicnt and rvorkable rclationship with surrounding uses and structures. Existing improvr:monts and the klpography ol'the site are two constraints that justily relief from oxisting scthaok rcquiremonts. Approval of the rcquested variancc will directly address two dcvelopment objectives of the Town. First, the dcve krpment ol'an EHU will add to thc Town's growing numbcr oi restricted employee housing units. Secondly. the addition of a second garage will provide garage spaces tbr all parking currcntly rcquircd on the sitc. In addition to satislying the goals of the property owner, this proposal will also addrcss dcvelopment goals of thc Town. ORRISON RESIDENCE PROPOSED SETBACK VARIANCE Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 SILT, COLORADO 81652 (303) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) December l5r 1?9S Tom Braun PQ Bax 776 Minturn CO 81645 REr Addltiont Lot lOf Lions Rtdgep Filing 4 Dear Tomt I vieited the above referenced 1ot in VaiI recently {or PurpclEegof a geologic hazard evaluationr esPecially ae it pertains to rock {alt potential . As you know this hazard ie shown by the Town of Vail'e mape as affecting thie propertyt with a "rnediumseverity' claesificatlon, A house and garaqe are already on slte, and lt is proposed to add another garage on top of the preeent one and to include an apartment above thiB new geraEe. Rock faII toward thie Eite iB in{requent due to the apereity of outcrop above the site. Because the new livinE quarters are above the garage addition, and there{ore at least eight feet above grade, rocks cannot bound into theee new living areas. ItitiEatian lE not in order in thie situation. The property does lie in a geologically Eensitive arear but development wilt not increage the hazard to other propertyr or structures, or to publ ic rights-of-wayr roader strtetsr easements, utilitieE or fecilities or other properties of *ny kind. If there are further questionsr pleaee contact me. Eii ncerel y,.a/f /,-4.. ,y/ M/{ ,7r^, NicholaE LemFlris Consultlng Geologiet Pr j-nted bY Mike Mollica 2/1,s /9 3:23pm From: Mike Mol l ica' To: Terri Martinez iurjecc: fwd: orrison va'riance ===NoT,E=== ==2/15/96==3:15I)m==I received ]tollr corunents s reqarding tshe Orrison wariance bodalz. Wtren we ai".."".a Ehis ].a'sts wednesda]z aE DRT' I unaer"cooa Eha.E l,zou would be going up io tn. sj-tse tso rrerify tstre edge of- -isrcnaf c, and Ehat you wou].d probab].l' mobi f lr ltour initia1. commentss ' Do f/ou.r writsten corunents s sEill stand? oo io- need more informaLion from btte a.pp l icants? Fwd:bf' : =Terr i =Mar EAr)e=2 / L5 / 9 6==2 .4 4pm== Fwd to: Mike Mo]- ]- ica Mike, I tra.d incended to look at' tstte r3roi ect toda]t- I chink I ]"eft mlt lo*m.rrcs in Larrfzrs truck and tre gawe ttt.- t.o ftou - In obtter words, I stsil-]. need to look ats it - Ttranks for checking'. I wi].]- crfz to pick iE up from lrorr commorow and drive l.rp and take a aook ac ic. Page: 1 Cornmuly Dcveloprucnt Plan Routif Form Mike Mollica, Community DevelopmentRetum To: 2.A, ?6 (DRr Rkisov Project Address: 5e{b*rk vnri+vce 7EC Hen'.'u5' 2'2b'?bProject Description: .//l/ Approved, Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Reviewed bv: -,',.1 .1 -'=-'-Date: 't'/e f:\everyotlevomvouffolm THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Comrnission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on February 26, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for an amendment to the Town of Vail Municipal Code regarding zoning administration and appeals, amending numerous Sections of Title 18- Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast located at 987 Circle Drive/Lot 26 Buffehr Creek. Applicant: Jeannine EricksonPlanner: Jim Curnutte I A request for a Front Setback Variance to allow for a garage and a Type I EHU to be constructed <&fht 1464 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 10, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4.t:rllt\' Applicant: Carrol Orrison, represenled by Tom Braun Planner:Mike Mollica A request for Site Coverage, Front Setback, Side Setback and Density variances to allow for an addition to the building located at 1845 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 21 , Vail Village West Filing No.2. Applicant: Ted Smathers, represented by Brent AlmPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow four volleyball courts to be constructed at the soccer field located at 640 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrict Planner:George Ruther A request for a Setback Variance lo allow for a residential addition located at 5165 Black Gore Drive/Lot 17, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Kurt and Leslie Davis Planner:George Ruther An appeal of an administrative decision relating to Section 18.58.020 (A) (Fences, hedges, walls and screening) and Section 18.04.370 (Definitions - Structure) located at Lot 1 1 , Spraddle Creek Estates- Applicant Ric Fields representing Dr. SteadmanPlanner: George Ruther l. Arequestforaworksessionlodiscusspropos.edamendmentstonumeroussectionsofThe ?ffi-"f V;iMr"Lip"r ctJ., ln.rroing tiut not limited to Titles 2, 16, & 18 to allow for roiiiiJ"tiont io tne'sign Code and the Design Review Guidelines' Aoolicant: Town of Vail Pidnner: RandY Stouder A request for a worftsession to discuss potential changes to the Town of vail Municipal code relatihg to how building height is determined. Aoolicant Town of Vail Pidnner: RandY Stouder sion lanouage interpretation available upon reqi-rest with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 21-14 voiie or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department - . Published February 9, 1996 in the Vail Trail. - .'.-- Scott W. MclotYre 2121 N. Brontage Road West Sutte 242 Vall, Colorado 8f657 Robert E. and Krlstlne J. SelbY 8O1 East Calle Tucson, Arlzona 857L7 Judlth A. Kuller 54 Woodland Clrcle EdLna, Minnesota 55424 Llonr s Ridge Homeowners AssocLatlon PO Box 4191 Val1, Colorado 81658 I : I ? ,-i'oo \ol.a (>v nson 6v-Nep- - tln",,tl 4sj -LLsl b rz. rk*nil1" azr/,;.Lr{ Ke[k" $"ly klle,r- 4"1 b'a2t2 I o updated 4ll7l95 Application Date llha s Ess PEC MTETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE GENERAL INF'ORMATION This procedure is required for any projcct rcquesting a variance. The application will not bc acccptcd until all thc in formation is submi ttcd. BREIFDESCRIPTION Ot'PROPOSAL Request for a front seEback varaiance j-n order Eo conslruct a garage and a type I EHU. B.NAME OF A?PLICANT (type or print)Carrol 0rrison ADDRDSS PlroNtl CITY, STATT, ZIP C. NAMtsOFAPPLICANT'SRIjPRESDNTATIVIj Tom Braun, BRAUN ASSOCIATES, INC' ADDRH,SS 201 Main SEreet' P0 Box 776 ptroNE 827-5797 CITY. STATE. ZIP Min Eurn Colorado 80645 D. NAM[, OF OWNER(S) (type or print)Carrol Orrison DiPI owNER(S) STGNATUR.E(S ADDRESS PilONli CITY. STATE. ZIP IJ. LOCATION OI- PRL'IPOSAL:ORRISON RESIDENCE LoT---!8-BLocK-_ Z-p11-11q6 Lions Ridge Filing No. 4 STREET ADDRESS 1454 Aspen Grove Lane CITY, STATII, ZIP Vai1. Colorado 81657 II.. t'E[, $250.00 PAID_CK#_BY The fee must be paid before the Community Development Depanment will accept your proposal. III. ADJACENT PROPI]RTY NOTIF'ICATION Stamped, addresscd envelopcs ofthe names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject propcrry INCLUDING PROPERry BEIUND AND ACROSS STRE,ETS, and a list of thcir names and mailing addresscs. TttE APPLICANT WILL BE RI:SPONSIBLII FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRLSSES. IV. PRE-APPLICATION CONFI,RINCE A pre-application conference with a planning staffmember is slrongly recommendcd to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items requircd by the zoning administrator). lt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appoinrment with rhe sralT to frnd out about additional submittal rcquirements. V. SUBMTTALINFORMATION PLEASE NOTE TIIAT A COIVTPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE TIIE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THD NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVN L TITAT TIIE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. ORRISON RESIDENCE Adjacent Property Owners Tract B. Lion's Ridge No. 4 Lion's Ridge Homeowners Association PO. Box 4191 Vail, Colorado tr0ryt Lot 7. Block 2. Lion's Ridoe No. 4 Judith A. Kuller 54 Woodland Circle Edina, MN 55424 Lot 8. Block 2. Lion's Ridge No. 4 Robert E. and Kristine J. Selby 801 E. Calle Tucson, AZ 85717 Lot 11 . Block 2. Lion's Ridge No. 4 Scott W. Mclntyre 2121 N. Frontage Road W Suite 242 Vail, Colorado 81657 CPC *fxc (o Tox Ylq C*ry*, wY ,2.602 rtn Policy American Land Tille Association Loan PolicY 10'17'92 Q". - LrEJ2sloro i SUBJECT TO THE SCLUSIONS FBOM COVERAGE, THE EXCEFNONS FFOM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B ANt) THE CONDITIONS AND STIPUTATIONS' oioiipugLtc NAIoNAL TlTu INsuMNcE c0MpANy, a Minnesota corporarion, herein called 'Jre company, insures, as of Date ol Policv shown in Scheduie A, against loss or dir.g., not .r..rdlng the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A. sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the esfate-or interest described in Schedule A being vesied o$et than as stateC therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the tjtle; 3. Unmarkenbility ot fie tide; 4. Lack of a righl of access to and from the land; 5. 'lhe invaliriity or unenforceabiliry of the lien of dre insured mortgage upon the litle; 6. The priorifil of any lien or encumbrance overfie lien of fie insured mongale; 7. Lack of priority 0f the lien of the insured mortgage over anY statutory lien for services, labor 0r maletlal: (al arisirg fiom an improvemenl or work reiatid to the land which is contracted for 0r commenced prior 1o Date ot PolicY; or il ilil ffi;n 'rirouurrm or *ork retated to rhe land which is contacted tor or ccmmenced subsequent to Date of Policy and which is financed in whole or in.pan by proceeOs of tie inOeUteOneis secured by the insured mortgege which al Daie cf Pclicy the insurad has aCvanced or is.o-bligated to advance: g. Ihe invalidrity or unenforceabil:rtf oi.nv risignr*t of rhe insured rortgag j. frcvided the_ assignment is shown in Scheduie A, or ihe failure of the assignment shown in Schedule n to vest titl! to the insu-red mortgage in the namedlniured assignee free and clear of all liens. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expensei incuned in defenie ol the title ot the lien of the insured mongage. as insured, bul only to fie extent provided in lhe C0nditions and Stipulations. lN WITNESS WHEAE0F. rhe said oLD REpUgLtc NAT]0NAL TITLE TNSUBANCE CoMPANY has caused lts ccrporate name and seal to be hereunto atfixed bv its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Sclredule A, the policy to be valid when counrersigned by an authorized otficer or agent of the Company' ilCLUSIONS FBCM COVEAACE 'lhe follovurng maiiers are expressly excluded from $e coverage 0f this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, aficrneys' fees or erpenses which arise by reason of: t. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited ro building and roning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating' prohrbiting or relat'ng to (i) the occupancy, use, or enloyment of the land; lii) the chiracler. dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereaiter erened on the land; {iiil a leparation in ownership or a change rn fie Cimersicns or aiea of lhe laid or any parcel of which the land is cr was a pan; of ilv) erwisgnmental protection. orihe etfect ol any vioiaticn ol :hese laws, ordinances or gcvemmenial regulations. sxcept 10 the extent that a notice of :he enfc(cement ihereof or a notice of a ieiect, lien or encumbrinie resultir:g frcm a viciaticn or allegeo violation aiiec:ing ihe land has been recorced in the pubfiic reccrds at 0ate of PolicY. (bl iny governmental police power not excluCed by (a) above. except lo the enent that a rotice of the exercise therecf or a nolice of a Cefec:. lien or enc.:rnbrance resulting from a violati6n or alleged violation affecting rhe land has been reccrded in the public reccrds at Date oJ Policy' Z. Bights of eminent domain u-nless notice ol tire exercise thereof has beeniecorded in the public reccrds at Date ol PolicY, but not excludlng from covetage any taiing whi.ch has occurred prior to Date ot Policy which would be binding on he rights of a purchaser lor value wilhout knowledOe 3. 0efecr, Frens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other maners: (al Created, suf{ered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimanc ib) not tncwn to the Company. not ;ccrded in the public reccrds ar Date of Policy. but known to lhe ;nslred claimant and not disclosed in "vriting i0 the Cor@any by the insured ciaimant prior io $e date the insured claimairt became an insured under:his policf: (c) resi:rlting in no loss or damage t0 the insuted claimanc (dl anaahiig or created subseq-uenr to Date of Policy lexcept io the extert ihat this ;olicy insures ihe priority 0f the lien ci lhe insured rnonEage over eny stannory lien for services, labor or maieriall; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured cia rnant had paid value for the insurec mongage c. Unenforcpabiiiry oi the lien ofihe insureC mongage because of ihe inabrlity or failure of:he insured at Daie of Pclicy, or lhe nabilif/ or rarlure cl anv subsequent owner of ihe indebteCness. ro ccmpifrvirh applicable 3oing business laws cf lhe state in wnicil the land rs silrale!. 5. Invaiiditv or unenforceability of ihe lienof the insured monEege. or claim iherecf, whicr erises out of:he vansaciicn evidenced bylhe insuret rcrigaes 34C s based upon usury or any consumer credit protecticn cr truth in lenCing law. 6. Any stai'Lrrory lien for services. labor or maierials 1or rhe ciaim oi prioiity of anv siaiutrn/ llen ior seruices. lalcr or n:a:elials over ihe lien c: :he nsij':' rflongage) arising lrom an lmprcvement or wcrk re aled to the land ivhrch ls crntrec:eC ior anC cornfllenced subsecueni io Daie oi Pol;cv end s not linan::C In whole cn rn pan by proceeds of the indebledness secured by the insured mongege,lllicn al Date ci Pclrcy ihe rnsureC has aavanc:d ':r :s cbiigaled i3 eCYaic? 7. Any clainn, wnich arises out of ihe transaciion crealing tle inieresi of lle tongig.e insireC by thrs policy, by reason .t lhe oceralion cf iederal benkruptcY' state insolvency, or similar cteCitors' rights laws,lhat is Sased 0n: {a) the transaction creating the inrer;st 0f the insured nongagee being dee:'nec a iaucllent-conveyance or taudulent lransfer: cr {b} the subgrdinatron oi:hi lnierest :f ihe insure6 "otlgageeis a result or:he apci.caticr tt,ta 66ctrne of eouitaile suboliiraiion. ci 1cithEtransac1toncreatlngiheinlerestot:he:nsuieornongaEeebengieee!apra:(ilI lo timely recoro :he insirument of:ransier: or (iiil of such recordaiion to impan notice ro a purchase|lo: ralue c, a ,ucgmert or lien creCitor. t-v: lssued thtough the Affice of: LAND TITLE GUABANTEE COMPANY 108 S. FRONTi{GE R0. W.. SUtrE 203 vArL. ccLoFrflDo 81€54 l97C) 476-225i OTD REPUBTIC NATTONAL TITTE INSURANCE COMPANY A Stack Ccntarty -Jtfu1 Q -f/ufi+- Au!tuEec Signatcry 08T torin a01O - A!-l Lcrc i:r:r'C": i2 2';: i e.".i J)J Secarl ie'Le :tJ:t ti,-rej:Jj J U .ne:a:: :;+' .. '\r' ^ /^r- tLL r-:-t A/ >2 ^e.l^- xt^\-./- \TCl. I\U. VIIZ:J-UUU !L. Policy DaLe: November 2. Name iof Insured: !'I.{Sf,BA.\K OF VAIL 3. The esiate or interesE inand whi ch is encumbered by SCHEDULE .F-ddre s s 03, l-995 ai 5:00 P.M. the land Cescribed in this Schedulet.ne insured mortqaq.e is: aC Date of Policv '.aDzrl i nrr lira. v* + \'1, J'tlJ. Amount L]EUZ5JU6U <??n nnn nnYt rvt vvv. v\,i/ 5. A Fee Simple The est.aie or inLerest reforr=ri rg herein isrrocf oA i r . CARROL,P. OR.IISON The mcrtgaqe, he:-ein referred. toE.he asslg::nentrs thereof , if ai7, DEED OF TRUST DATED oct,ober 12, TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIIMIY FOR T::E i''BLocK z, LToNSRTDGE suBDrvrsroN.ED FI,AT T:i!REOF, CCIr-tJ:y CF E;-cL=, as Ehe insured nort.gaEe, andare described as follows: T995 , FROM CAF.R.OL P. ORR.ISCN TO THE PIJBLIC USE OF FTRSTBA.},TK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE ST'}103, 1995, IN BOOK 680 .A-T PAGE 1t-3. rlbnd ref er:ed. EO in thi s r:nt i r-..2 i 5 SiEuateC i:t E-t-Gi,t Cnrrr:-.,r f-^l n.r-:dnj:- =--- ., ----:'-d.escribed as f ol_1cws : FILING NO. 4, .ACCCR.DING TO TH3 at-\ --J r, -1 -: \rr L\JLv-\_-l_U. -'l^i,"--\... L - ;'. ---1- . : :..; :i..- _ -- ,: :--: -.-:.i Il:i s t. 2. 3. al . a /qq Pcricy il"tr"rs1o8o :. 1995 T.!j{3S NOT YET DUE CR PAY.}.BiE A\D.\SS3SSME}ITS NOT YfT CE:'TI]I3D TO TJ{E 'I <.:Ab UKE.t(b v.F .E .L LE . 5. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR C.ANALS CCNSTRUCTED BY THE AUT]iORiTY OF T:{E UNITED STATES As RESERVED IN IJ.]{ITED STATES P.\TEN: R.ECOF'DED Ju:-./ 2.7 , L9.i9 ' IN tsOCK 2B8.P.T PAGA 885. 7. R.EST:.ICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CO}IT}I}I A FORFEITURS OR' R'EVER'TER CLAUSE, BUr oMrrrrNc RESrRrcrioNS, iF ANY, B19EPj9I-11!E:-!?loR', RELTGToN' oR NATI9NAL 9RIGIN, as coNreiseo iN IN5TR.IT-I\4ENT REC9RDED SepEemlcer 20' L9'72' IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 eNO es AMEIIDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Septembet 29 ', !g72, IN BcoK 225 AT PAGE 565 A}iD AS AIYENDED ]N INSTRUIVIENT RECORDED JANUA=-V 22, 1974, IN BCOK 233 AT PAGE 53. 3.].SFcoTUTILITYE.\SEI4E}ITt.'.CI'iGTiEsT-rgDIvISlc}iBOLtIDARYL]NES,l.SR3S3RV3D CN ths LroN's RiDGE suEDivrsroN FILTNG No' 2 FLAT' 9 . A.GREEMENT BETWEEN T.\YV3L EI'N/IR.ONMENT.].L L.trI'TD COMP.A'T'IY AND MOUITT'\I}I ST'\TES TELEPEO}IE A]VD TELEGR-\PH COMPA.\Y RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2? ' ]-9i3 IN EOOK 231 -}'T : -r-\a.E Z> L. 1]. T3R.IVIS, PRCVISIONS, coNDITIoNS AI\D OtsLIGATIONS COI.]T.\i}IED I}I EASEMSNT .i.bTD F.IGI:Tof'./iAYRECoRDED}LIRCE].3,193cI}ItsccK3o0ATP.I.GE290. :1.TE:.MS,CONDIT;O}ISANDPROVISIOI']SC'SUtsDI'iISIC}T]:'1?:O'/EME}ITSAGREEME}I: TECCRDED A-uEus-" 01, 1980 IN BOOK 305 AT P'r-Gtr 41-2 ' Order Nc. VTF25L0I0 SCHEDULE B-I policy does not insure against, loss cr damage by reason cf the follcwl-ng: RighEs or claims of parties in possession not, shown by Ehe public records ' Easemti:nts, or claims of easements, not shown by the public reccrcs' Discrepancies, conflicEs in boundary 1ines, shortage in area' encroachmen's, .;a-;;t facEs which I correcE survey and inspection of the prernises wou1C Oisci"ie and which are not shown biz Che public records ' n*.r.ria.nnrri.,hLEoalien,forservices,labor,ormaEerialLherecofore i't"n-"iE'.^i.:; ;;;;rsrrea, imposed iry-i-" anc'not shcwn by the public reco:ds ' R.ESTP,ICTIVE COVENA}iTS I^]I]ICH DO NOT CONTI.IN A FORFEITU?'E CR' REVE:'TER' CL'tr'USE' BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIOIIS , IF A-\i-/, erssi oll R-\ci ' ccLCP., F:LIGICII ', or' II-t:roNt-:, oRrcrN, AS CoftTATNED rll !,131arJ-I4rNT R.ECCF-DED ju1;z ci, \92'-" i:'l ?cci: +:3 -:.: ?.:-Gi 733. l-t. '.r-sEt{tr}lf,s, RES5R.V.f-TIONS $iD R:STi.ICTICl.is .\s siicwl'l cR R.lsEi'tED Cll T5E R:CCRDEDPLATOFLIO}I'SRIDG'SUtsDTVISIC:N,iI;]}iG]IC.'I' _-:i'\r = .i'orm AL 4/95 o Policy o NoLTEJ2 510 8 O 1A Order No. VTF25]-080 SCHEDULE B.I -c TERMS, CONDITTONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEME}fT DEED RECORDED OcTobeT 09, 1980IN BOOK 310 AT PAGE 854. hATER,, SEWER AND DR4INAGE EASEMENT 30 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG TTiE SOUTHWESTERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SEWER EASEMENT ].5 FEET ]N WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTIiEASTER.LY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY, BOTH AS SIiOWN CN THE RECORDED PLAT:OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVTS]ON FILTNG NO. 4. ENCROACHMENT OF PLOWED DRIVE ONTO WATER, SEWER AND DR\INAGE EASEMEM| AS S!iOWN ON IMPROVEME}IT LOCATION CERTTFICATE PREPARED FEtsRU}RY t2, 1992 BY E}.GLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC., JOB NO. 1129. NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTICNS ARE HEREtsY DELETED. FORM 100.00 IS ilriR.sdY Ar"1'-A-cliiD AliD BECOMES A PART OF THE POLfCY. fN WfTNESS WHEREOF, THE COMP.\\Y HI.S CAUSED THIS ENDORSEMENT TO BE SIGNED AND SEALED AS OF T:]E EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS POLICY, TO BE VALID WI{EN CCLEiTERSTGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR AGENT OF THE COMP-Ury, ALL rN ACCORDA-I,r-CE wlTti ITS BY- LAWS. SC:iEDULE B-II :n addit.ion Eo t.he matcers seE forth ir Part f of this Schedule, the title to;:le esEate or interest in the land Cescribed cr rererred cc in Schedule A rss::bjecc to the f cllowing maLEers, if anlz be shown, but the CcrnpanT insures tha:ihe lien cr charEe of Ehe insureo mor:gage uccn said estale or interest is -yi ^- F^ -.,^Lr- \.,/ -rr-\_11 rr.c.L L=,i_ 5 . DEED OF TR.UST DATED October 26, 1995, FR.OI,] C-aLP.CL P. OR.RISCN TO THE PUBLIC TF.USTEE O! EI-GLE COLI'NTY FOR THE USE OF FTR.STBA-|IK OF VAIL TC SECURE THE SUIq OF =<l-C0,000.00 RSCORDED Nc';er:ber 03, 1995, III ECOK 630 .iT F-r-c? 115.