HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE PARK SIDE VILLAS UNIT 4 LEGALo *r#Iffi,tA" TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENI TOV/Comm.Derlott' Cfean-up De Refund NEw (sFR,P,/S,DUP) PERMTT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO.]ECT TITLE: PARKSIDE VILI,AS iIOBSITE AT TTAtt= Permit TIMES 895 -0345f: approved amount date cel No..: Project No. : PRaI95-0213 OhINER PARKSIDE VILLA PARTIiIERS P.O.BOX L8223, AVON CO. 8L620 COI.ITRACTOR WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. P.O. BOX 3939, VArL, CO 81658 Building-----> 1,612-oo Restualants PIan Reviee--> Plan Chcck---> L,0{7.80 DRB Fec-------- 1543 MATTERIIORN CR STATUS. . . : FINAI, PARKSIDE VILLAS #4 1-543AApptied. . :N1'O/04/L99s 2LO3-1,23-00-006 rssued...: 05/L5/L997 Expires. . : LL/Lr/1,997 Phone:. 970 -845-9008 Phone z 845-9598 DescripEion:NEW SFR #4 Number of Dwelling Unitss: 001 Occupancy Type FacEor Sq. Feet Valuatsion Dwellings Zone l- V-N 77 .90 2,305 L79,559.50 Private Garages zone 1 v-N 20.60 582 LL'989.20 subEotal:. 2,887 L9L,548.70 Tabte DaLe: o5/20/L995 ToE.al Valuation: L9l- ,548.70 Town of vail Adjusted val-uation: 318,000.000 *of Gas Loga:#of wood/Pal1ets: Address: Location. . . : ,o0 Recreat.ion Fee------_-__> 3.OO Cfean-UpDeposits--------> .00 TotaL calculated Feee---> 4,o28.9o . OO Additional Fces---------> 806.00 955-10 Total Permit Fee--------> 4,834.90 5OO,OO PalTentss 4,834'90 Fireplace Inforoation: Restrictsed: yeE #of Gas APpliances: 1 FEE SUMMARY lnveatj.galion> l,li 11 Cafl--- -> TOTAI, FEES----- 4,O29.9O BAIANCE DUE---- .OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: Lo/25/L995 CHARLTE Action: APPR It.em: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PI,ANNING Division: 1.O/L7 /1995 I,AIJREN ACTiON: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: LO/25/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR Item: 05500 PttBLIc WoRKs Dept: PIIB WORK Dj-vision: L0/25/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR rtem: 05550 ENGTNEERTNG Dept: ENGTNEER Division: O7/07/L999 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPR PER LS See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condiEions that may app]y Eo thls permit. DECLARATIONS I h€reby ackno{ledge !ha! I have read Lhis applicatioD, filled out in fuII Ehe infonnation requiled, comPleted an accurate Plot plan, and stsat.e that aI1 tshe information provided aa required is correct. I agree to comply vtith the information and Plot pIan, to comply I,iLh all Town ordinanceg a'ld 6tate laws, and to build this sEructure according to Ehe Town's zoning and Eultdivision cod€s, d€sign rewierr approved, unifoftr fr"" code and othe! ordinancee of tshe r""n ]c"ur" thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IAI,I, BE MADE TWBMY.FOUR IIOURS TN A!\,ANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OEFICE FROM E:OO AM 5:OO PM Send Cl.ean-Up D€poEit To: 'J. L. VIELE SIGNATURE OF OI{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSE],F AND OIINER PAGE 2 *******************************f,************************************************ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 895-0345 as of 07/09/99 Status: FINAL **************************************************************************trJr**** Permit T)pe: NEW (SFR,P,/S,DUP) PERMTT Applied: Lo/o4/L995 appliclnt: PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNERS Issued: 05/L5/L997 iIOb AddTCSS: 1543 MATTERHORN CR LOCAE1ON: PARKSIDE VILLAS #4 15434 MATTERHORN CR Parcel No: 2L03-123-00-005 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1-. THIS PRO.JECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY, SUCH SI'RVEY SHALL BE SI]BMTTTED AI.ID APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGITT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASIIRED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF TIIE STRUCTIIRAI-, MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTI]RAL MEMEBERS OF TI{E ROOF DIRECTIJY ABOVE. TO9iN OF VAIIJ, COI'OR.ADO Reprinred: o't/09/99 12:06 sEaEemnt sEaceEDE Number: REC-0100 Amoun!: 4,028.90 1L/17/95 a9tl9 Pavmenl Method: CK NoCation: ck33530 IniE: MMC Per.mit. No: 895-0345 ..ryT)e: B-BUILD NEll (sFR,P/s,DUP) PE Parcel No: 21O3-123-00-005 site AddlesE: 1543 M.ATTERHoRN cR Location: PARKSIDE VILLA,S {4 1543A MATTERHORN m 4,S34,90 4, S34.90 Total. Eees: 4,02e.9O Total JILL [4nte: Balance: . 0o Thie PalnRenE Account code AD D2-DEPOS DescripEion CLEANUP DEPOSITS BP OOlOOO03].11],OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOO031123OO PI.AN CHECK FEES AmounL r,672.OO 1,04?.80 500 - o0 965.10 3.O0 RF L1,L00003L12700 RECREATION FEES nc oo1.0goo3L1.2soo t{ItrL c}],L rNsPEcTroN FEE I .-r] -flpnncsl #tt, TOWN oF VArIJ coNsrRuerroa PERUIT APPLTCATION FOR}!lr7 DATE: PERI.IIT # , APPLICATIoT UUST BE FILL,ED OIII Col,lPLETELy OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPTED X***************************** PER!{IT fNFOR}|ATfON ************'r*************ii*,ll [p-Buifding [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Etectrical [ !-Mechanlbal [ ]-Other Job Name: Legal oescription: Lot owners Name: Kiv Architect, kich General Descripti on: Ut i Work Class: D>{-New I Nunber of Dwellinq Un Job Address: $[ Flling' _ SUBDMSION: \,\ l-Additlonal I Number of l-Repal.r [ ]-other Accomnodation Units: / OCb L bnSri(lqe-' LcoP Address: s,:re aD VR;l,Cn &h6A ph.&_j..lJ& I-AlteratLon I its: I * *** * ******.** ***.***** ** * ******** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAII FE8: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ** *** ***** ** * *************r**** BUTLDTNG PL.AII CHECK FEE: PLI,]IBING PtAI.t CHECK FEE: I.TECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CL.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL BUII,DING: SIGNATT'RE ZONING: SIGNAIIT'RE CLEllI I'P I'EPOSIT REtrI'NI' !O:T .u. Vie\e Qun 3!r''<-hon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMI.r'.IS REOUIRED /-\ ' t | -.,l Job Name: Ya'tLc'ailt V, llAt D"t", Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': YES NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other lhan exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeaing lhe right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) at----- lLle^)U ll you answered yes to any of these questions, a Qublic Way Permit)musl be obtained."PublicWayPermit"app|icationsmaybeobtainedatffiIid.work'sof|iceorat C9.11u1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Gonstruction Inspector, al479-215f.. c 7.tt Job Name s Signature 75 &ulh lrontrgr rord vaal, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TE T: olflcc ol conmunlty d.ycloptn.nl AI,L COTflTRAETORS CT'RRENILYL REGISIERED WITIT THETO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COU}fiINITY DEVEIOPITENT I.IARCII 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKTNG E UATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No'. 6 rtates that it is unrawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit ani r"ir,-"".i, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash &unpsterl , poriaui" toirets andworkmen vehicres. gpon-any streetl siaewairl -;Ii;y or publicp119" or any porrion rheieor. iire risht_"i;;t-;n alt Town ofVail. streets and.Ig"g" is approxinately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance w1r| be.;ari;irt--lnforced by rhe Town of VairPubric works DeDartment. p"ri3t= found viararin; this ord,inancewilr- be siven a 24 hour writlen--n"ri;;1;-;;;;;;"="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi-cornpry with thenotice within the 24 rroui tirne-=p""iii.a,"ii"-i"f,ti.c wortsDepartment will reno-\re said mateii"i ii-it"-"*i"i=e of personnotiried. rhe provisions-Jr-tr,i=-.iai;.#; ;#ii not beappricabre to c-onstruction, uainienange or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilities in ifre-rlgfri_"_r.v. To review ordinance No. E in furr, please stop by the Tolrn ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this matter. Re Y ad and acknowledged by: ositionTnEIEEIr (i.e. contractor, owner) .t ' 75 .oulh tronlrg. foad Y.ll, colorldo 81657(tutl 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 olllcc ol qommunlty d.udopment BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this perml:t requires a Town of vail Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensineer''s. (.pg!Jic u91fs) review ana ipb"ou"i,'i iiiiiiini'b"p."t .ntreview or Health Departnint review, ani'a_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated tine ror'a totat ;.;;;*-;"i"L[!'i, rongas three weeks. All commerciar (rarge or smarl) and ail murti-family permits wi.[have to follow [tre irove menti6neJ-maximum requirements. Residentia]and.sma'l 1 projects shourd tar(e a lesser amound of time. However, ifresidential or smal'l er.prcjects impact the various-auoue mintioneadepartnents wi th reoard to- necessii-i-""ure", -il,"i. p".j"cti' mayalso take the three-weet perioJ. Every attempt wr'l'l be Bge bv this department to expedite th.ispermit as soon as possible. - I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Corununi ty Devel opment Department. S ). Cv| o (f s4 .J 0r\IJ \^& \o J c^a \\ylr q1 \q o6\$u$ IFoz.oOE E FO. >E EI .oA.l'Ul5r go.a AH oo E;ff e60 a&9 U OEoo P o o tioz.o -2*c. TiH Q(,|20 !aEctA AA U o a ql F F F Ul. o EH e(, U FI cl (, F AHz2DP&o!tEq€ oi!l FI EEt4- E8 p |, Fiaz.l 5 A3 uI E FHHZopooA:E 84 EH rr lltr t'E t 2o tr lqrl-I, zDl IlEEo tErF llao (o UU H 90 I{ o E& 3 Ed t ao E oi a*p ctt:>Aqtqc( o4trAc,aEOtEti oAAH o to9ltf OF vAlL ldt rClP185 K.l4rord: aAC:T$ UEor! itRl,l Activl.tsic! lrlocirtld Bo PRqtEer 3 pRit95-0213 o7 / 09 /99 NEW (gFR, P/S,DUP) PERJ.II P.ntt no 3 E95-03a5 6t.LuE: PINII, !gocic.: aloE 17 rJln lctlvlcy lit'I,r 1 Bes -034s {/E-Bur!,D2 897 -oL6z Aa-glgc a ,rr-oraar(p-rao a P9? - o1s3 X"-"oo , "rr- orr. r{"-"o"" 13"-""o' Om.r ! PInK8IDE \IIIJIA PlRTllERg Ad&.68 ! 15{3 I|IIAERI|ORN CR a.q BErtu. I F LocrEr.on PIRKSIDE VIIJ.AA *4 15'3A IATTERHORN CR PIRKSIDE VrLLAlt *,1 1541 UAfIERHORIf CR r5a8 UATIERI|ORII ].5'E IATTERHOEII 15{8 nLtC.rhorn 1543 r|ATTBRHORX (PARK 6ID8 W,LAII {4) (PARI€IDE VII,LII' {4 )CIR Erccr LinG ![ud.r: Fl.AuErry Scrcan. F2=nGxE 15, F3=FirEs 15, BSC.Exit List TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81.657 97 0-47 9-2138 Investigation> tli l. ! cat [----> Job AddressLocation... Parcel- No. .Project No. Status. . . laApplied. . Issued... Expires. . .00 53.00 I S SUED c08/06/Iee7 08/06/ree7 02 / 02 /7eeB 65424 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E9'7-0167 APPLICANT LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC 1768 ALPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC 1768 ALPINE DRIVE L, VAIL CO OWNER PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNERS PO BOX 78223, AVON CO 81620 Description: TEMP POWER DRB Fee 1548 MATTERHORN CR PARKSIDE VILI,AS +4 1.543 2103-1"23-00-006 PRJ95-0213 87657 8L657 Phone: 3034'1 Phonez 3034765424 Valuation:00 ************t****t****************************************t tEE SUt'lllARy **t*******************f********i***t********************** Electricat--->.00 Tota I Catcutated Fees---> 55.00 Addi tionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee-------->.o0 3 .00 ToTAL FEES---> 53.00 fIe.m: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT0B/06/7997 CHARLIE Action: APPRrtbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Payrient s-------- BALANCE DUE---- ************************i***********************************************************************************************i********* DEPI: BUILDING DiVJ-SiON: Dept: FIRE Division: ************t**********1********************************************f************************************************************* CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL ******t*****************t*tt**********************************1**********************Jrti**************i******t******t***t********* DECLARATIONS l_hereby acknowtedge that i have read.this appl,ication, fil,Led out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compty iith the information and ptot pl,an,to comPty with atl' Town ordinances and state (aws, and to build this structure according to the To!,n's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved/ tniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I1ADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE TROI.I 8:OO AI.I 5:OO P ^),vrt**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ******************rk********************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0309 Amount: 53.00 08/0?/Sl t+tAO Pavment Method: CHECK Notat,ion: #201,6 Init: CD 897-016? Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 21,O3-t23-00-00 6 1548 MATTERHORN CR PARKSIDE VILLAS #4 L543 MATTERHORN CRTotal Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 53.00 53.00 .00 ******************************************!k********************* Permit No Parce1 NoSite Address Location This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Des cription TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount s0.00 3.00 Ggy*ll xill, EiilitilT5ffi "l PERI'IIT # DATE:-ffi7- olt3 / APPLfCATToN MUST BE FILLED OUT CoMPLETELY oR IT MAY NOT BE AccEpTED x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *r![ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing f)d-ElecLrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Nane: r . t r..Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block hJr ! 3.<<-L$ a\o3 -\L3 -oo -ooqI'IIINq SI'RDIVISION: Architect:Address: Dh Ph. ceneral Descript,ion:t\, work cr.ass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]'Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accomnodation Units: N.umber and TvDe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pelLet_vIt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' I t47 otcrBUILDTNG: $ ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $PLUMBING: 3 MECHANICAT,: $]-- totaii $-tDI'f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *7 Eeneral Contractor: m,-\r.,r. ^r rra i 1 t)^- ar.r."errelcrl .-elttraccor: TOWn Of Vail Reg. NO._Address: _ Electrica Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address:Phone Nurnber: =:.., a .,-,, l- Pl.unbing Contractor: Town of VaiI Ren l.'^Address: ;;;;"-N;i!i, "=' Mechanical Contractor: Town of VaiI Rer. \r^Address;Phone Nunber: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* owners Nu..t@ Address, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEs DRB FEE: BUILDING PT,AN CHECK FEE: PLWEING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK NEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAWRE: VALUATION CLEAN IlP DEPOSIT REFI]ND TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,557 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIANICAL PERMIT Permi-t #': M97-0244 ilob Address...: 1548 MATTERHORN CR SEaCus...: ISSUED Location : L54B MATTERHORN CIR (PARK VILLApplied..: tL/25/]-997 Parcel No... -.: 2L03-123-00-006 Issued. ..': 1'2/o5/L997 Project Nundoer: PRJ95 -02t3 Ex6lires. . : o5/o3/L998 APPLTCANT PARKSIDE VILI,A PARTNERS PO BOX L8223, AVON CO 81520 OI^INER PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNERS PO BOX 1,8223, AVON CO 81520 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLI]MBING & HEATING PhONC: 949-O3L7 P.O. BOX 2994, AVON, CO 8l_520 Descriptlon: Valuation: 5,000.00 PLUMBING AND HEATING NEW SFR Fireplace Infornation: Restlicted: #of Gas Apptiances: *of cas Logs: *of Wood/Pallet: FEE SUMMARY IUechanical---> 10O,OO RestuatanE plan Revi.e!r--> .00 Total CalcuLaEea Feea---> 129.00 Plan check---> 25.00 DRB Fee-------- .oo Addilional FeeB---------> .oo Inves[igation> .00 TOTAL FESS----- 12t.00 Totsal Permif F€c_--___--' 12s 00 will calr---'> 3'oo iiilili';;;-------------] "".13 IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSJ.ON:L2/OL/L997 \TRM Action: APPR APPROVED .fRM-JtbM.,05600 FIRE DEPARIMENT DCPL: FIRE DiWiSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE ].99]. I]MC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]- OF THE ]-991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 OF THE 1991 I]MC.6. BOTLERS SHALL BE MOINIIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOINTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRTOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIJEST.B. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS STIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 LIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknov/ledge lhat I have read tshis applicati.on, filled out in fuII the information required, comPleteal an accuiate plot p1an, and 6catsc rhats arl tshe inf ormarr"" ta"u as r.quircd iE corrccE, r agr.. to "t" 'r.n thc informaeion and pLot plan, to comply wiEh all Town ordi.nances and 6cat€ lalrs, and to build this strLrcEure according Eo the Town's zoning and subdivision codc6, dcBign rcvi.e* approvcd, Unifofin Buildlng cod€ and othc! ordinancc€ of lhs Torrn ePplicabl. tshcr€to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SH.I,LI, BB I4ADB TSE$TY-FOUR HOURS IN SIONATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONIRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND Ol,lNeR {?9-213s oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM s!00 AU 5:00 PM TOIIN OF VAIIJ, COLOR,ADO Replinted: o7 /09/ 99 t2:07 staEemr slaremnt. Nunber: REc-0355 AmounE, I2e.OO !2/05/97 lltla PalmenE MeEhod: CK NolaEion. 1053 Inic: MAw Penir. No: M97-o244 Tl4)e, B-MECH MEcIiaNIcAjL Palcel No: 2103-123 -Oo-O05 Si!€ Addres6: 154S MATTERHORN cR Irocalion: t54g IdATTEI.HORN CIR (PARK VII,LAS *4) ToEaL FeeE: ThiB Paldrcnt. 123-00 ToEal AIrL P E6: Account Code D€scr.ip!.ion PERMIT 128-O0 128.00 Balance: . 00 MP OO1OOO0311].300 MEC}IANIC}L PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOO03].12gOO WILL CAIL II.ISPECIION FEE 100.00 25. 00 3.00 q? :u\t ( ^., c\\-/xa- SEfqa\ c\xfrb P<_ ^a'8.eVt'trt dfs P ro-g+^ d Lf;T,'t6EAr ' F-i :l-F s-7 ? OPp t .-\ :ss'si +F \ r\>. -yf,z-n { "$ F l_.,-+; (. tini-Fino Dimensionc onf SQit.qtions J- --r Fr FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW 24'wR8lt015m!n 15,m0 36,900 rrn'sy4' t8lt090Pil+l m,m 73,800 181/r tlT 53/4' R8Xl35mR r3tm 0,7m 221/z'.'u'| /2'53/4', ilil&pf,R ronm t{7,m 1(3/1',t19 t66 251/T 5X/1', 3/1 il 3/{'25'.185 29W't6l184,5mRBlt22tfl225,0m DY{t94t81t?0{l n0,m 2l,m t96 321/r tl3/4' 726RElt3ltH315,m0 258,300 211 35Vr i'|34''t5" 258t[]t3d]19 360,0m nt2m 7n nW'il 3/4',25' tBil399.f9 399,m 3?,lm ?85 280 l" I' 1t |A6'n 3/4"t0 18il5{n-f9 500,m0 {t0,m 357 533/8'I 3/1'26', Nore: Change 'N' lo 'L' to denote L.P. models. I'ump pre-mounred and wired on all models. All models approved for natural l-.P.8as. Inlet and Outlet - l" N.P.T., models 045 through l8O. 1 l/2" N.PT., models 225 through 500. I. P. Cas Valve Connection is 1/2", models Ol5 rhrough 180. 3,/4", models 22t rh.ough 500. Stondord leatures . Dual Adiustable High-Limit Controls. Circulating Pump Mounted and Wired (models M5 through 180). Temperarure and Pressure Gauge. 30 PSI ASME Pressure Relief Valve. Galvanized Jacket. Built-tn Draft Hood. Gas Valve with Built-ln Manual Shut-Off. Pump Relay. High4loss Acrylic Paint. High Emciency Stainless Steel Ilumers. Lighrweight loch-HeairM Ceramic Tile Combustion Chamber. ASME Cenified to 160 PSI Vorkins Pressure (all models). National Board Certified AGA Design Certified for Closet Installation (models 045 through 180) ACA Design Cenified for Alcove Insallation (models 225 tluough 500) Autoflratic Vent Damper (models M5 through 270) Optionol Equipmenl Florv Switch Combustible Floor Sliield (except 39 and 500) Nlanual Reset High Limit Low Vater Cut-Off (Probe Ty'pe) Punip Delay Spark lgnition (mcxlel.s 045 through 270) Module Firing Gas \hlve wirh Spar& lgnition Iiring Control Systems F-l Standing pilot, thermocouple sulxrvision. (Standard equipment, models 045 through 270-) F-9 Electronic pilot supen,ision, spark ignition, 4-second main gas shutdown. (Standard equipment, models 315 through 500.) M-9 Same as F-9 with module firing gas valve. (Not available oo 45,000 BTU model.) ihtnctrirrrar L;t tJ l All models comply with ASME EoLr Prossu.e Vessrl Code S.€1ion lV t60 psi rr!*i{ pr6sl'e ard r60istened with ttE ilaiioid 8oard. (s \7 Canadian Gas Associatbn cgtlE Eoiler dosion cennid by AGA as hot fder mrs lor bolh rEtural oas and proprE 0i5. RSN-02 l.oclrirrr lr (irryrol.rlion 1005 Ilnr I{ill I'ikt' \rrsll illc, 1N 3;l lrl irl 5 /t{r9-1190(),/l:ur ()l-i,i&3i'i403 Printed in U.S.A. Lnho IOM 2/96 Phone: PKSDVI L4 PARKSIDE VILI,AS Total Btuh 92 413 Total Radiat ion #4 1546 @ 100 Dtd Feet = 168 MATTERHORN Total Cfm . 0 180 F. CIR VAII - 4620.693 BEDRM /STU 9. 10.5 r0.5 20- 1A < 111- I 9 7225 L9 582 2 1000 3925 _Lvo 2.2 11 co 81657 o ^ =8by38 Foo t Kamen SuPPIY 0950 Nottingham Road e'to-s4s-43o0 oo to 81620 '*' "3;i'3;:O, Total GPm 9.2 Trunk Radiation outpu-t: 550 Btu Per Room Name Height Length [ridth Exp Glass Area Exp hla.I I Length Sun Heat /sqFt Kil-owatt s People x 1000 R INFI LTRAT ION F CEILING A FI,OOR C PARTIT]ON T wAlt O GI,ASS R SUN LOAD S KVI BTUH BTUH CFM # 6in DUCTS Radiation Ft 866 38 168 9 7lL 19 505 2 6A0 2851 14J t_,o\2 POWDER RM 1l a( ( 8.5 STAIRS q 8. 8. 12. r2. :)f,v 9 519 19 600 2 250 150 9 400 19 l-89 2 454 118 9 89 1 r928 :ro't 'l 3.5 Roon Nunber Room Name Height Length width Exp GIass Area Exp lrlal I Lenqth Sun lteat /SqFt Ki Iowatts People x 1000 R INTILTRATlON F CEILING A FLOOR C PARTITION T WALL O GI.,,ASS R SUN LOAD S KW BTUH BTUH cFl,l # 6in DUCTS Radiation Et 5 ENTRY/}IALL lo. 5. 66. o- 2031-38 2249 944 IY ZZL2 3300 6720 336 12.2 LIVING RM zz. 15.5 188. 3Z- 342838 7r4 9 3014 19 50322 9400 2L587 1079 LZ - 59-Z DINING RM 9. 1,6'71 9 1875 19 3'79 a t,)qn 61 81 "na3.4 TL.Z I KITCHEN 13. IU.:) 17 .25 16. 839 9 151-7 19 699 I f,bJ JbIO 181) 6.6 Roc-n Nucber Room Name He i ght Lengt h r,ri-drh Exp class Area Exp !,lall Length Sun Heat /SqFt Ki l owat ts People x 1000 R INFILTRATION F CET LING A FLOOR C PARTITION T WALL O GI,AS S R SUN LOAD S KW BTUH BTUH CFM # 6in DUCTS Radiation Ft 2305 9 650 19 t 3532 4250 8558 428 4.8 I']JZ 38 439 9 1853 19 1368 19 8 1.4 2 1688 1 6J.4 38L 4.2 1J. U LlJZ 38 379 9 1600 'r o ?q? 19 780 2 1688 NOOK o 85. BEDRM3 11 q 11 BATH3 13. '7. 4q lnnuz -.1t 1) ?? ?5 I4. 6652 333 1') 1 38 83 9 350 433 zz) Room Nunlcer Room Name He ight Length liidth Exp Gfass Area Exp waII Lengtlt Sun Heat /SqFt Ki lowatts People x 100 0 R INFILTRATION t L.g MI\JL' A ELOOR C PARTITION T WALL O G],ASS R SUN LOAD S KW BTUH D.1Url C F},1 # 6in DUCTS Radiation Ft I,AUNDRY 1n q 6. 2a ?o 9 555 TA HALL]- 5. q l-5 H}J,Lz 72. 18.5 ^ 38 1959 822 19 ro42 WIC 11. 6 38 r7 4 T9 6L6 '7 89 39 1.4 1 2). n ."1 38 66 9 278 19 189 JJJ a1 1 2059 103 1.1 3.1 Rovm Nur$e r Room Name Height Length !iidrh Exp Glass Area Exp WalI Lenqth Sun Heat /SqFt Ki lowatts People x 100 0 R INFILTRATION F CE] LING A FLOOR C PARTITION T WAIL O GLASS R SUN LOAD S KW BTUH BTUH CFM # 6in DUCTS Radiation Ft - 18 MSTR BATH 13. 7.5 11. 8. q 107 3B 211 19 514 2 400 I9 SITTING RM 1? 1. 9. 87.5 24, 2339 38 166 19 rl-82 2 43'15 20,]TH2tt. '1 .5 6. o. R 'l 01 38 118 9 500 t"9 s05 2 400 1369 38 496 19 rztL 2 l-500 45'1 6 zz> z.a tt.J 1 MSTR 1/t q ?n "o l-898 1.1 3.5 8061 403 4.5 'lA 1 zzSL LL2 L.2 4-1 Room N Room Name I{ai rJh l- l{idth Exp cfass Exp Wa11 Sun Heat Ki l owatts Length /sqFt !BC!!il!![]DtrOO!TCtrtrU ctrmton!![ DOtrDDtrllU! People x 10 00 R INFILTRATION F CEILING A FLOOR C PARTITION T YIAIL O GLASS R St'N LOAD S KW BTUH BTUH CFM # 6in DUCTS Radi-ation r't o ilFficHdopr, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Deve lopment Town of vail 75 south Frontage Road Vaitf colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 PIan analysis the t99r unr-rorm D r.' i a/-l- NlmllF l Rq5-0345 Address : 1546 MATTERHoRN cIRcLE P.].anner: Lauren occupancy: R3, M1 '1'rrha ^f a^hcf . 1/-\I NOTE:The code .iLems listed in this report list-ing of al1 possible code requirements selected sections of the code. based on Building Code N InE : PARKS I DE VI LI,AS # 4 Date: octobex 24, L995 Contractor: J. L. VIELE Architect: RKD Engineer: MoNRoE + NEWELL Pl-ans Examaner: CHARLIE DAVIs are not intended to be a complete in the 1991 UBc. ft is a guide to NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN. VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bath room #2 2 Bedroom #3 2 Bath room #3 2 Hal.ls, cf osets, etc. TOTAL FOR ELOOR 1 Garage 1 Bedroom #4 'l T i lri 1 ni hi 1 Kitchen 1 BaEh room 1 Ha1ls, closeLs, eLc. TOTAL FOR ELOOR BUITDING TOTAL 251 "79 131 43 I39 32 5l_2 1187 582 108 275 116 198 50 3'tL 1700 2887 25.IO 0.00 13.L0 0. 00 13.90 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 10.80 2'7 . 50 11.50 19.80 0.00 0. 00 12.55 3. 95 6. 55 2.L5 6. 95 r. ou 0.00 0.00 5.40 13.75 5.80 9.90 2 .50 0.00 Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No t 1 t- I 1 1 l- L 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 t FOOTNOTES : l) EGRESS - An operable wrndow or door that opens directly to the exterior is regulred from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet tne followino. -- Sec. 1,2A4. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2\ Tha mi nirn,rm c.lear width is 20 rnches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sil] height is 44 inches {,7 *""'""'u '*"^ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 8) Glazing rn railings regardless of height Included are structuraf bafuster panels panels. <aa av-a^t i .\n e Department of Comrnunity Development pane greater than 9 square feet. 18 inches above the floor. 36 inches above the floor. within 36 inches horizontally of the above a walking surface. and nonstructural in- f il-l 2) The number of exits rs based on Table 33-A (Dwe.Llings) 3) A mechanical ventil.aLion system may be used in in lieu of exterror openings for: ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a cej-ling height of not less than ? feet 6 rnches. Kitchens, haIls, bathrooms and toi-Let compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projectron. If the ceiling rs sloplng, then the minimum height ls requr red in onLy L/2 of Lhe area. --sec . L201 . lalF'arr' .lT^,Ft l ina rniI shall have at least one room which has not l-ess than 120!wr!l sYv!+r sq,r... feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except krtchens shall have an area of not ]ess than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitabl-e rooms other than a kitchen shall not be .l-ess than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. I2O7. lcl G["AZING REQUTREMENTS : Al-f glazing in hazardous locations is requrred to be of safety .TlaTrnri m^fprial .- Sec. 5406. (d) l) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except lalousfes' 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panefs in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in al-I unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whfrfpools. saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Gtazing in any portion of a bullding wal] enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain rnleL. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxinq is within a 24-inch arc of eather vertica.I edge of the door in a c.Iosed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is .Iess than 60 inches above the walking surface' 7l Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those Iocatlons described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all- of the f ol.l owing condi.t rons : A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed bottom edge less than c. Exposed top edge qreater than D. One or more wal-k1ng surf aces nlrna nf l-ho n1.- -...- :,,azrng. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is requr red located rn the corridor or -- Sec. 72IO. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the cealrng or wall aL area giving access to each on the cerlrng or wal-l in a point centrally sleeping area. each sleeprng {P oo"''''"""o'"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Deparunent of Comrnunity Deve lopment area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4, A smoke detector is required on aIl- storfes. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s)' ih ihF cci I inn ^f fhe lrnnar I ertpl .-ln<e to -- sec. L2IO. {a) 4 Smoke detectors ale requfled to be wrred to lhe buitding's power source and sha.Il be equrpped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210- (a) 3- DeLectors shall sound an ala.rm audibfe in all sleeping area of the dwe.l-.1-ing in r^rhi.'h fhev ere located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUTREMENTS : MASONRY ETREPI,ACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation- -- Sec' 3?07. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be lo inches thLck. If the lining is of firebrick then the wa.Ils may be 8 inches th1ck. -- sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney waffs is 2 inches. Combustlbl-e material may not be placed wrthin 6 inches of fi-replace openl-ng and combustible within 12 inches may not, prolect more than 1/8 rnch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 supported by noncombustible material. The hearth -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. a smoke detector is required Llrs sLdrrway. lnches thick' and slze must be at least: side extension 8 inches l-2 inches : hh r.\1'.a 'l and IaDIe J /-tt ff Opening size as: Less than 6 sq. ft - 6 sq.ft. or greate-r -- sec. 370?. (k) & (l) 5) chimney height must be per Front extension 16 lnches 20 inches Table 37-B FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) chimney height must be per manufacturerr s approva.l OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materiafs approved for thr fLre construction are required on the garage side only and any doors betbreen the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13l8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Tabl-e 5-B & sec- 503. (d) exc' #3 STAIR REQUI REMENTS : A stairway in a clwel]ing must be at least 36 inches wide- The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the m.rnimum run -- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #l Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches there is 4 or more r.isers. -- sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard laif where drop off is greater than 30 .inches. Minl-mum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec- I'lLz ' (a) exc' #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec- 3306. (o) Enclosed usabfe space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) -- Sec . 3306. (b) is 9 inches. above the nosing if {,p *n""t"u' "*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p art me nt of C o nvnunity D eve lop me nt SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the insrde w.rth not less than 26 gage galvanlzed sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. AII openings into any such enclosure sha],l- be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 rnches thi-ck or equivaLent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping jinstafled in wall-s passrng through 3 f.Ioors or Iess do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec, 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, p.iping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 1?06. (c) 4) AII other shafts are required Lo be enclosed in a t hour assernbly, -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openrngs in exterio-r walfs. Opening shall provide a net ar:ea of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shal-l be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practicaf. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approwed wapor barrie.r and the building official approves. FoI a 952.0 sq.lL. crawlspace area: Ratr-o Minimum sq.ft. of venL r/L50 6.35 2) Provj-de 18-inch by 24-j,nch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: openrng may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- sec, 251,6.(c) 2. 3) Un]ess the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the min.imum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimurn cfearance to beams and girders is .ls 12 inches. -- sec. 2516. (cl 2 . ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wilI require a si-te improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame i n<ha-l- i ^h Al], crawl spaces wlthrn the Town of Vaif are lirnited to a earth to structural floor cerfing height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventil,ated as per UBc 2516(c)6 with mj-nimum access as per uBc 2516(c\ 2 and maxrmum access of 9 sq. ft. Any bui-ldi-ng site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shalf require an engineer desiqn. such desiqn sha1l address drainage, soil retainage and structural desi gn. Excavation belorrr slabs on grade sha]-} not be perm-rtted without prior aoorova I . {g *"'"t"'o"*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of C omnunity Deve lopme nt Address nunbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the st'reet. . For Ml occupancy slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagl-e Valley water & Sanitation District. In garages with living bearing the area above resistive construction. area above, the walls of the garage wiich are shall be protected with one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . {p*"*orur* 'oriicHffipr, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 815 57(303) 479-2r38 PIan review the 1991 Uniform Proj ect Number: 895- 0345 Address: 1545 MATTERHORN CIRCLE Planner: Lauren Occupancy: R3, Ml Type of Const; V-N based on Building Code Name: PARKSIDE VILLAS #4Date: October 24, 1995 ConLracLor: J. L. VIELE Architect: RKD Engineer: MONROE + NEWELL P}ans Examiner: CHARIJIE DAVIS A11 electrical work is to be complete bo the requiremenLs of the latest National Electrical Code,al-l Town of VaiL Ordinances, and Holv Cross Requirements. This project wiLl require a site improvementsurvey(IlC) . This survey shall be submitted andstaff approved prior to a request for a frameinspection. Under no circumstances will a frameinspection be done wiLhout an approved site improvement survey. All areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basement shal-l have less than 5'ht. from earth tostructural floor/ceiling above, be ventilated as per UBC 2515, with minimum access as per UBC 2515 andnax. access of 9 sq. ft. Only one wood burning fireplace nay be installed perdwelling unit within the Town of Vail. cas appliances with "B,' vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Gas log apparatus'retrofitted within wood burninq chimnevs areresLricted as such. Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided withexterior metal lath as per UBC 4705 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and d.oors are required to beadequately flashed (not with jusL screed metal) . AIath inspecbion is required prior stucco appl icaLion. {P *"'"'"'o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 1) _tJ 1,4 I) 10 11 Department of Community Development It j-s recommended that projects wit.hin the Town of Vail which are owner,/builder constructed have foundations staked out by a licensed surveyor to avoid possible errors in the location of the scrucEure. Al-I new construction within the Town of Vail will berequired to have a Public Way Permit by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culverbinstallation. This approval must be eomplete prior to any inspec!ion by the Building Deparlment. This project is restricted from the burning of woodj-n fireplaees. Unless the lot is a restricted lotin size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permibted per unit allowed. Gas log chinneys enclosures shalI be one hr. protected. A bathroom is required to have an openable window ora mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. l-205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical vent.ilation system connecteddirectly to the outside shall be provided, Bathrms which contain only a water cl-oset or lav. may beventilated wit.h a recirculaLing fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic cloLhes dryer exhaust ducts shalI beinstalled as per UMC 1104 and l-903. Flexj-ble ductconnectors may not exceed 5' in length and shall notbe conceal-ed within construction. Ducts shallterminate outside the building and not exceed 14, I enqth . Provide a minimum 1-8X24" underfLoor access. UBC 25T5 (c\ 2 . No domestic dishwashing machine shaII be directlyconnected to a d.rainage system without the use of an approved. dishwasher air-gap fiLLinq. UpC 508. Cross connection control devices shaII be installedto protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevent. j-on devices. UpC 1003. Plumbing fixbures wiLh nechanical apparatus shal] besupplied with an access panel for inspection andrepair of equipment. UPC 904. {,P *u"'""'o'*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38/479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Comrnunity Deve lopment Domestic ranges shalL have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unproLected combuscible material . UMC 1901. Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heaLing elements and swit.ches at least 18" above the floor level of the garage. UMC 508. In buildings of unusually tiqht construction (aII new construcLion wiLhj-n the Town of Vail), combusLion air shal1 be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shal1 be as per UMC Ch. Factory-builL chirnneys for fireplaces shalI terminate a minimum of 2' above any point wj-t.hin 101horizontally away. UMC 912 . A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplaceflue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistiveconstruction. UBC 1706. This involves Iining theinside of such chase with 5/8', Type X sheeLrock andfire - taping j oints. Gas fireplace appliances are required to beinstalled as per listinq installation instrucLions - with a I'8" vent only. Combustion air musL besupplied from Lhe outside for afl new conslructionin the Town of Vail. Due to Col-orado SLate Stat.uLes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flowrest.rictlon devices. Al-so, the maximum water closetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3,5 gallonsper f I ush. This factory-buiIt fireplace must be an approvedunit. Include Lhe manufacture's name. model number, and. approval information. - - sec. 3705. (a) Hinged doors serving a sauna or shower shall swingout and have no positive latching device. UpC 5407. The open side of all decks, porches, stairs. etc.which are more than 30" above grade shall beprotected with a guardrail. Openings can not. exceed4". Within R-1 occ. and all R-3, heiqht min. is 35" -ouLside R-l- occ. height min. is 42". UBC 1711. L7 18 2L l-9 ZU z5 24 25 {,7 *""'""' '*'"r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21sV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 De partme nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt The d.esign, construction. and installation of elevators. dumbwaiters, escalators and their hoisbways shall be as per the requirements of UBC Ch. 51. This includes fire-resistance of enclosure & openings, hoistway ventilation, and vestibule requirements, At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shal1 be provided bo proLect a structure frorn ice buildup and water damage. Tr,ro layers of Eelb solid mopped bo sheathing and between layers or a commercial wat.er & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. A one-line electrical drawing for each level is requj,red for Lhis project. Failure to provide such may result in f iel-d corrections at Lhe expense of contraccor. An access is requied to the crawl space area. The minimum size is 18 inches bv 24 inches. -- Sec. 2515 . (c\ 2. 26 28 z> 30 JI Include a copy be bui- lt. on . - - Show all design building on the etc . ) of the soils report for the site to Sec. 2905. loads used in che design of this p1ans, (snow, wind, seismic, Iive. {,,7 r'"""u '*'* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8165'1 970-479-2t38 APPLICA}II OWNER CONTRACTOR JOb AddTESS: 1.548 MATTERHORN Location... : L548 MATTERHORN Parcel No. . : 21,03-1,23-00-005 Project No. : PRiI95-0213 CR STALUS...: ISSUED CIR (PARKSApplied. . : 1't/25 /L997rssued...: L2/05/L997 Expires. . : 06/03/L998 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit. #: P97-0183 Description: PLIMBING AND HEATTNG NEhISFR rEE SUI.4MARY PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNERS PO BOX 1,8223, AVON CO 81620 PARKSTDE VILLA PARTNERS PO BOX a8223, AVON CO 81520 AVAI,ANCHE PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 2994, AVON, CO 81520 Phone:. 949-03L7 Valuation:l_0,000.00 Plumbing-----> Plan check- - - > Investi9ati on> wilI calI----> RcsEuaranb Plan Revie{- - > TOTAI, FEES-... - ToEa] Calculated Fe€s__- > Additional FceB--- --- ---> Tor.a1 Permit Fee-- -_- __-> PalrmenLe------- BAI.ANCE DUE---- 150. O0 37.50 .00 3,00 .00 :.90.50 L90.50 ,00 190.s0 190 .50 . oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTTTEM Dept: BUILDING Diwision: 12/OA/A997 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRI'TItbM:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPE: FIRE DiViSiON: .........;..". CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tshac I have read tshis applicatsion, filled outs in fu]1 tshc informatsion required, p1an, and stsaLe thats aLl the informaEion provided as required is correc!. I agree co comply nith the REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALIJ BE MADE TWEI\ITY - FOUR HOIJRS IN ADI?NCE BY tso comply wit.h all Town ordinances and st.at.e lawe, and to build thie sElucbure accolding to the Totrn'zoning and codee, deeign revie' approved, Uniform Building coae and other ordinances of the completsed an infornation accuratse p1ots and p1ots p1an, subaivi.eion OFFICE FROM s:00 AM 5:o0 PM OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOYIN OF VAII. COLORADO Reprinredr g'7 /09/99 12:o? srarermE SEaccmn! Nu[ber: REc-o365 ]mount i PawmenE Mcthod: CK Notalion: L9o.50 a2/os/97 al t12 1053 rnie: Mlw 190.50 . o0 P6nrlit. No: P97-01s3 TWe: B-PLMB PLL'I4BrNG PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-123-00-005 site AddrcsE: 1548 MATTERHoRN cR Localion: 1548 MATTERHoRII cIR (PARKSIDE VILLAS d4) ToEal Fees i 190.50 ThiB Paymene 190, S0 ToEal Al,L Pm!€: Balance: Account code Description PP OO1OOOO3l],].200 PLI,'MBING PERMIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 9fC 0O1.000031128O0 !{ILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE Amount 150.00 37.50 3.00 PERI'IIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r 't PERMIT INFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * *fll [ ]-Building [[]-Plumbing [ ]-Electricat p(l-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Name:rob Address. -j-a/-!Jl:fii. (k('i f, Legal- Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing sunorvrsrol,r :.\ l, ''\'\ 'i i i l' nr'r" 'Owners Nane: / i i, l '-l r lr,^i 'r I l c) Address'- Wo^ {q:' '/l '.,\ ceneral Description: work crass: l!-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other_ Number of Dwelling Units, I Number of Accornnodation Units I a) N-pmber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appriun""=- .'-l- cas Logs I wood/pellet_vftt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * YBUTLDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ 9LUMBTNG: Alf.^r, .r,=a -+TOTAL: f TNDORMATTON ***************************Contractor: Address:)Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Address: MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OTHER TYPE DRB FEE: Contractor: Address:l t 'prr"""-ll"^u"it ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING P BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.{BING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: PLUMBING BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:Connents: Mechanical_ Contracto CLEAN UP DEP,OSIT R.ENII{D TOWN'OF VAIL /5 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD /ArL, co 8L657 )7 0 -479 -2L38 APPI-,ICANT I,ECTRIC I'MLIMITED INC 1-?58 ALPINE DRIVE 1., VAIL CO 8165? CONTRACTOR LECTRIC I]MI,IMITED INC 1768 ALPTNE DRrVE 1, VArL co 81657 OWNER PARKSIDE VII,,LA PARTNERS PO BOX L8223, AVON CO 81620 Description: wire sfr Electlical---> 125. o0 DRB Fee Invostlgetion> . oo will call----> 3.O0 TOTAIT FEES-- -> 12S,00 o6 .r) '-j4.{-a 316 DEPARTTVIENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.OPMENT NoTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN 'JoBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES EI.,ECTRICAL PERMIT PETMiT #: 897-0316 ,Job Ad.dress: L548 MATTERHORN cR suatus. - ': rSsuED Location. . . I 1548 matterhorn cir (PARKApplied. . :AL2/Lo/1-997 Parcel No..: 2LO3-L23-OO-006 rssued" ': L2/LO/1-997 ProjecE No.: PRJ95-0213 E>rpires. ': 06/08/1998 Phone z 9704765424 Phone: 9704765424 Valuation:12, 000 . o0 FEE 9WMARY ri+r***tr*ra*rt Toeal calculat.d F.c6---> 129 '00 Addltlonal Fccs---------> Tola1 Pclmi.c Fcc----'---> .00 128 .00 Paym6!rtr----_-- a2g ' 0O BAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO Itrem: .05000 ELECTRICAL.PEPARTMENT _ -peptr: BUILDING Diwision: iiTTo / itsi-.r"nfr---"- AsqIsL- AijFn eppnovED JRIvr Ttem: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT be:pt't FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, I.FIREDEPARTI4ENTAPPRoVALIsREQUIREDBEFoREANYwoRKcANBE STARTED. z . Fi'r-l-,-i-1'rSpsCrrONs ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ' ti****i**t*ii** I t t * * t * * I r i * !| * I i t ' * * * * * | t t * t * jl * * t ' t * * I * " * * t * t t t I t * r * + * * * I * t DECITARATIONS r hcr€by acknowledge tshaL r have lead !hi6 applicalion, firlcd outs in fu1l chG infordatsion rcquired, coEltlcted an accuracc plot plan, and 6tsa!.6 tshae alL Eh€ info!-maeion ptovided ae reqtri.tcd is co!!ect' I agrce to coEPly wifh bhc infonration and plot plan' !o comply with alr rorrn ordinances and Etsets? 1a$6, and to bulld tshiB structsult' according to Ehc Town's zoning and subdiwision coaes, deEign reviei. apploved, gtlifolrs Bui.lding code and ocher ordinanceB of Lhe To*n applicabl'c tsheroto' REeuBsrs FoR lNspE(:.froNs sHAr,L BE MADE TwElrry-FouR HouRs rN A.DVANCE By TELEPHoNE AT {79-2138 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM B:00 Al't 5100 PM r*r rt I *r t t i r t, rt tr r t* ra, a *t r t* i.rt i *'J f * a it rt *.' TO9f!{ OF VArL, COLOR.IDO glatcmnt Numb.r: REC-o357 Amoun!: Paym.nt Molhod: cK NolalLon: 2153 9trlcn|nC !2g.oo 72/lO/91 I5 t26 Inll r uAw Parmit Nor 897-0316 Tl1rc: B-ELEC ElEcTRfcA.L PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-123-00-005 sit. Addrc6s: 15{8 MATTERHoRN cR Localion: 15{8 rnaElcrholn cil (PtrRK SIDB VIIJLAS d4} Total Fcc6: 129.00 Thl6 PaymenE l.2s.o0 ToEal AJ.L Pmta: 128.00 Balanc€: AccounE Codc DcscripEion AmounE EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEBS 125.00 llc o0!00001L12800 WILL CA].L INSPESTTON FEE 3.O0 ;rract. Iiagl € County O.""""or"lrt"" 970-:\28-8640 for parcel /l . TOI"IN oF VAIL coNsTRUCTroN.l,L //:Lo3-r.l-j-oo-.orc4 pERMiT AppLrcATroN F.RMolct: l?--e-Q7 pERl.ltT i/i-B qs =caq5._- APJ.LTC}TION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Y***** rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERIVIIT INFORMATJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Buirdirrg I J-plumbing fiJ-Electrical I J-]techani-cal [ ]-other gal DescripLion: Lot Block Filin r eTrnnrvrcr^r... ners ]iane: :hitect: Address: -.Address: Dh Dh neral- Description: r1: classz fi-New [ ]-Atteration I J-Additional | ]-Repair [ ]-other :nber of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accomrnodation Units:{--':ber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Loqs__ Wood/pe11et | * * ***** ********* {* ************* VALUATfONS ********* *** i *** ***.l *'t***** * *** * * iLDTNG: $ rt'1arNG: $ O.!'Hr:R: TO?AL: tress: --p.\-R^.- Town of Vai'l- psg. No.Phone Number: ,ctrical Contractor: S|I!TIM!' !_i@_o<rMECPiANTCAL: $ --t-'it-fitL lress: :P.:_g'1LBC rnbing Contractor:'ress: Town of Vail Phone i.lrrmber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. 1'I.,. Lg()E Re:r SaQ_o _ Reg. No. 'hanical Contractor: . ress : ************ LDII{G PERMIT'TlBING PERMIT ]]A}{ICAL PERM CTRICAL FEE: Towrr of Vail Reg. NO. Phcrne Nurnber: ulu3ln" oF rET0v " c,0mumfl r, ; PLIJMBfNG PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PL.\N CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN*UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNI,]; STGNA'I.URE; ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION AII I]P DEP.OSIT REFT]ND TO: ?5 louth Ironte ge road Yrll, color!do 8't657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlco of communlty dcvclopmerrt BUILDING PERI|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permit requires a Town of vair F'ire Deparbnent Approval ,Engineer''s (Pub) i. pt|:l leview unJ upp"ouul , a planning Departrnentreview or Health Departmint review, .ni.u.review by the 6uilding Sloi[ll!',1;"lf : "'.i'u ted time ro.'u-tot"r roui"n-iluv"ia[i' as I one All comrnerc]a'l (.large or sma') and a'l'r murti-famiry permits wi)thave to fo]low the ibove menti6neJ-mi*iru, requirements. Residentialand snall projects shourd tate J-iesie. amouni of time. HJwever, ifresidential or smailer,projects irpi.i the various above mentioneddepartments with regard, to necessaiy revje", tneie i."j..'ii *valso take the three weet< peiioJ. Every attempt wilr be made by this deparhrent to expedite thispe.mit as soon as possible. - ev r^pLv' LE I I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Datelloffi Communi ty Eevel ooment Department. 'ill'l rl 75 south fronlrge road vail, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2t38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknovrledqed of f lce ol communlty deyel,)pment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGTSTERED WTTH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLrc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPI,IEN'I MARCH 16, 19BB CONSTRIJCTTON PATTKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 stares that it is unr.:wfur for an,,,person to litter, track or depc, it any-""if ,-rJ"i., sand, debri_sor material, incl_1!i.nV trasir hu ,psters, portable toi-1ets andworkmen vehicles.upon any streel , siaewaik;-;ii;y or pubricplace or any portiln tnei'eoi. --11- rrght-of-vray on arr Town ciVail- streets and.Ig"g= is approximately 5 ft. off pavcmcnt.This ordinance .]l] b". stri;;it--enforced by the I,own of VailPubric l'Jorks Department. perslns found viotating this ordina^cevrill be given a 24 hour writien--notice to rcrnove said rnateriar..rn the event the person so notified.ao-=-r,rt"'J"iprv with thenotice within tng en n""i tirn"-Jpecitiea, the putric worksDepartment will remove said matei-,r"i-"t-inJ"I"pli=e of personnotified. The nrovisio"r-"f-'tfrf= o.or.unce shall not beappri':able to clnstruction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany t '-reet or alley or any utiiitres rn the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. g in full, pl.:ase stop by the Town of:::i.i:t1:i"9"";f;ifil:it"::-'";;;i" a cor,v. rlani vou ror your ositionTnErdEG-ffi Project (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: I'ROM: DATE: tlE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED .tn5 1r1sms: ?st-tL-k\- L)rLlLtsdsfrate: \,r--- q- qt F lease answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need lor a "public Way permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhal requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any ulility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed lo site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, easements, or public properfy? ls a 'Revocable Hight Of Way permit' required?. 8) A. ls the right of way, easentents or Xpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ]f_r9u_ algwered yes lo'any of these questions, a "public way permit" must be obtain,:d.?ublic Way_ Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the'public Work's office or atc9.11u1ity Development. .lf you h.1ve-any queslions ptease *ttCn"rti" Davis, the T0wnof Vail Construction Inspeclor, at.479-21fu.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. Date YES X NO 1) 2)x v V e\ 4) R\ X bl 7) Y Job Name Conlractor's Sigi \a -q.- q) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...! tocation..,...: Parcel- No.....:Proiect Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *t M9'l.-0256 1548 MATTERHORN CR Status... 1543 MATTERHORN CIR (PARKSIDE Applied..2103-123-00-006 Issued. . .PRJ95-0213 Expires. . I S SUED )!2/15/ree7 0r /12 /ree8 07 /Lr/teeB APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE F i reotace Information: nestricted: l,lechan i ca [---) P lan Check---) Investigat ion> t,li L l, CaLt----> sufToN INSULATING WEST, INC.L6l L/2 Marand Road, GLenwood SUTTON INSULATING WEST, INC. 161 L/2 Marand Road, Glenwood PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNERS PO BOX !8223, AVON CO 81620 Springs, Springs, Phone: 8160L Phone: 816 01 970-945-1313 970-945-131 t co Valuat,ion: fof Gas Logs: L, 595 . 00 COf l,lood/Pa I let *****************t**************************ffi************* FEE SUm,tARy ********************************************************** #0f Gas App I i ances: /.0.00 Restuarant P lan Reviey--) 10.00 DRB.oo TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 ,00 Totaf Catculated Fees---).00 Additional. fees-----'--->53.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 53.00 .o0 53.00 53.00 ITem: .O51OO BUILDING DEOL/06/1998 JRM Act/06 /]-998 JP$]rbm:'05600 FI DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:Action: APPR APPROVED JRM-I!e4i',950q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrREO7/L2/L998 JRM Action: AppR N/A JRM Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING.2. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINiNE UNAfTT.TE_ON HOr-WArgN$qPPLY BOILEB9 SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PNN SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC3. UNIT HAS TO BE B-VENTED4. NEED COMBUSTION AIR FROM OUTSIDE5. UNIT-NEEDS TO BE TNSTALLED AS STATED rN MANUFACTURERSPECS. ******** *tr** * * * * * * ******* * ** **** ** ********** * *** **** ***** * * ***** ** ** * * t J.** * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hercby acknouledge that r have rcad this appl,ication, fiLted out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that a[l' the information provided as required.is cofrect. I agree to compty with tire information and ptot pLan,to comPty with aLt Town ordinances_and state [aws, and to bujtd this structure according iothe Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and othcr ordinances of the Town af,pticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL B€ ADE Tt,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC€ BY TELEPHONE Af 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT 8:OO AM 5:OO PI.I SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER tvv*********************************************************rr****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Payment Method: CK Notation: #301"5 s3.00 n/E/sB 72:58 Init: JRM Statemnt Nunber: REC-0373 AmounL: Permit No Parcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code MP 00100003111300Pr 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 r,497-0256 Type: 2L03-123-O 0-00 6 1548 MATTERHORN 1543 MATTERHORN MECHANICAL PERMIT VTLLAS #4 )53.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 40.00 10.00 3.00 CIR (PARKSIDE Total- Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE B-MECH CR ***************************************tr************************ t ^Conrac! EagI u Couirty AssessorsOr"" ac 970-.J28-8640 fo-r. Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON '^Rcr:,L It "qlOJ^l)i - Oo - oA Q pERMTT AppLIqATfON F6RMomn: /,t / /9/ 4 7 31;-o t'/5 PERIIIT /I , APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED\tl* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t ' ---- rrif\-l'll J' It.i r \.,,taIIIAL I(JN x x x x x x x r r i i r * r t t t [ ]-Building J l-Plumbing t I -EIectricaI t X-Mechani'caI-/ \\,[ ]-other Block_ Filing aooorurrron?". 3'i:7 /", / {/ci.t_pn&!:f_62/. GeneraL Descript j-on: l.lork Class: @,-f-Ne.w I l-Alteration I j-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]_other Ilumber of Dr+elling Units; I .TLUMBTNG: S ymber and Type of Fireplacesi Gas.Applialces_l Gas Loqs_C) wood/pellet e r!+.,.!.!JJ&J . .1+_f:J_.-_:_ 6lo luoofaUT|Zt * * *'A'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * { ************** ver,uetroNg"**X********t.i * * * * * * * * ,r ,. * ,t * * *r(* * **I Nunber of Accommodation Units: .]UILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECP;ANr cA r, $_1 i q t-".' d- f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k * CONTRACTOR INFORMAI'fON * * * ?r l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,eneraJ. contraccor:Town of Vai]" Re- rt^\cldress: - phone Ntrmber, '' llcctrical Contractor: iddress: U.lHDR: $ TOTAL: fI ,lumbing Contractor: \ddress: Iechanical Contractor: rddress: .**************.* }UILDING PERMI 'LUMBING PERM IECHANICAL P ]LECTRTCAL FEE: ilown of Vail Reg. NO.Phone I'lr,rmber: Town of Vr,il Reg. NO. Phone Number: !/L',*-Z.lSul r.tl"\r*ls,L rovrir or vail Res., lo. X t I :.tna/.->7at*1 -fLQLlT Phone Number: 44;- f n -_ _ *,tit: flOR OFFICE USE !t * * * * * * rt * * * * * * !r rr * * * * * * * * * * * Jr rJ,r.rr RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUJ:LDINt;; STGNAT'URR: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ;li'F"ll"' ou '?n/. GROUP lonnent,s: VALUATION I CLEAil UP DEP.OSIT REFIIND TO: 75 iouth ,ron169e road vtll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 olllce of communlty devclopmorrl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIl'|E FMNE If this penlit requj,res a Town of Vajl Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (pubric u,orks) review unJ ipbrouui ,'i piunnini'b.purt untreview or Health Department revi.*, uni'a-review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated time for a totar ;;;i;*-;uy"iuil'u, tongas three weeks. fll cgmmgrgial (targe or smalt ) and alt mu1ti_famjly permits wilthave to follow the above rnentioned maximum requirements. Resident.iarand smalr projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necessa"y .uui"n, tr'"r" ir"j..ii'ruyalso take the three week period. Every.attempt wj lI be r.ngge by this departatent to expedite thispermi t as s.qon as poss i bl e. - vv e"r!v ' eL e' i' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe, Communi ty Develooment Department. 75 south trontage road va il, colorado 816 57 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 Tn. F]}r\M. DATE: qITRTrr^.n ' rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to Iitter, Lrack or deposit.any =oif,-r""i, sand, debrisor rnater'al, including trash au*pnterr, portable to'lets and.workmen vehicles pr ? :. o, .'",v -p";.l::".f, :l"if i".l;"=i?;HilI;_*li"L"Ir!'fl*i-",Vail streets and.I?"g= is approximatety 5 ft. off pavemenc.This ordinance wirr- be ;a-i;ii;'lnforced by the :cown of VairPubric works Departrnent. perslns found "ih"Ii"g this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour writt"n"notice to renove said rnaterial.rn t'e event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice wirhin tirl za hour.time-speciii"a,";;"";;;t ic worksDepartmenr will remove said rnareiiui ii-ih;";";;;=e of personnotified' The provi-sions of Ini= "rainance shalr not beapplicable to cbnstruction, naintenance or repalr projects ofany street or a1ley or any'utilitres rn the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No- O in ful1, please stop by the Town of:3:1"::ii:i"3"";Hi:'*:i:"::.";t;i" a copv. rnan-x vou ror your of llce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI^TN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBl.rc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, l-988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE acknowl t j.onlRe ationsh p to Pro fs;#l/(/r? - (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Please answe'r the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use o{ lhe right of way, easements or public propelry? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the drivervay being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permil" required?. 8) A. ls the righl of way, easen.tenls or public property lo be used for slaging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Develooment? lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a 'Public Way permit' must be ob.tained."Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's oflice or at C9.11nu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Townol Vail Construclion Inspector, al.479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Date 1) 2)7- -ltzo '-f Job Name Contrado/s Signature Apr- 1A-96 02:OZP elk meadow' inc. trilre**O- &- CouP-ltw, It . April18,1996 Mr, Daniel Stanek, Building Official Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear ltlr. Stanek, This letter shallserve as my requesl for an entension of the building permit rssued for Unit 4 of the Pukside Villas SuMivision for an additional six months (180 days). Please concpond at the below location to confirm the granting of this s<tension request, Sincerely, 303 445-9AOA P. Ot h7r-o 7qf rAITO I'.(). lrox l.i22,J . tix)o $/csr llcirvcr Crcok lllv(|. )Uttc lti Avrxr, (! t(n.r(l() 8162(r '9?{)) tl.i5.9(X)8 Oflfc . (r7o) lt.lsr|rt{)tt t:;r,.\i[rih REPTISl 07 /97 / t999 lB:54 REOUESI Flctivity: Adclress: Loeat i on : Parcel: Description: Appl icant: Or,rn e r' : Contraetor: PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNERS hIooDSTONE HotrlES, INc. rot.|N ot-- UAILI INSPECTN I.IORK / 7/7999 p95-O345 7/ 7/19 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR '1543 TTIATTERHORN UR PARKSIDE UILLAS *4 1543A HATTEHHORN CR aIA3-123-AO-OOG [Jcc': OOOT Use: V N NEI.I SFR *4 Fhone: Fhone: 970-445-9OOB trhone: 645-9598 IJOLUHADO SHEETS FOR PAG'E AREA: CD Loekso Holds, and Notiees.... ACTIVITYNotice: slot 37 :"?p, Requestor: trHRI5 Req Tire: OIrOO Correntg Iters requested to be Ins ion Corrent s o,o54fi BLDG-Final C./O OO09.Q. BLD6*Final Inspection History..... Iter: 60510 driveway g e final lg/?.8/gB Inspector: LS Aetion: AtrtrR Notes: THERE IS SOFIE DRAINAEE ISSUES TO BE NEXT TO UNITS 1 OR 3 Iterr OOO1O BLDG-Foot ings/SteeI OB/tt/97 Inspeetor: LEO Inspeet ion Request Inforrat i o 1l/?1197 Inspector: JRltl l?/1.5/97 Inspector: ED Iter; OO$SO BLDG-Insulat ion l?/ 1A/97 Inspector: JRltt fter: OOOBS BLDE-Sheetrock Nail !.t/31197 Inspectorr CD Iter: AogTg BLDG-ltlisc, UL/97 198 Inspector: CD Iter: Cr$ggl, BLDG-Final Phone: 390-16 APtrR. DRIVEI.IAY GRADE CORRECTED BEFORE C.O APPRUUED f,OftlF'LETE TIE UP. APIJROVED DENIED NOT READY APF'ROVED Iter : E9l0,?g BLDE-Foundat ion/Steel BE/I4/97 Inspectorl LPU Action: AtrFR Iter: 005eg PLAN-ILC Site trlan l?/tl/97 Inspector: MIKE Aetion: APtrR Iter; OO0SO BLDG-Fraring Actionr AtrFR Aet ion: DN Action: AtrPR Action: APtrR Action: AFPR Action: APtrk Notes: trROVIDE CRAIILStrACE VENTS. CBI4PLETE HANGER CONNECTIONS ROOF LEVEL {dSl3E/99 Inspector: JRM Action: DN Notes: BLUI.JEH UN STEUE NOT HIJ(JKED Up'LOOSE ELEC ftND llECHrtrtJ,trLAN FTNALS NHbDED" TO REIY,IOVE U,/EARRIER SHhIR T.IRAP BEAiI IN GARAGE LATHE INSPECTION DENIED. NOT READY I,|IRES UNDER STOUE, FIRE PLATJE INSPECT Iter: eG53O BLDG-Terp. tr'lE to/?7/98 Inspector: GRG flction: Al-rFR UNIT *4 SLDEi TCU UNLY Notes: GHECK I.JITH FLANNINE & pUBLIC IIURKS FOR ANY OTHER TCU REUUIREF1ENTS. Iterr os54tt BLDG-Final C,/UgUOUgS Inspectorr GRtj Action:.JEN NEEDS pUB IIORKS AFPROUAL NgtES: UENTS PIiINTED, CABLE LINES AR€ FRtrFt ADJACENT PROPERTY, BU oo REPTlSIg7/tn7t1999 lO:56 REOT ES TOhtN (lF VArLr COLURADU S{EETS FORrNspEcTN l.foRtt(7 /tigt 7lI9 Typer B-ltlECH Status: ISSUED CR CIR (PARKSIDE UILLAS *4) Oec: ) PAGE AREAI trD Activityr Address: Loeat i on: Pareel r Deseri pt i on : Appl icant r Orrrrer : Contraetor: lri7-oe56 7/.1544 HATTERHTJRN 1543 I{ATTERHOHN e103-143-OJr-$96 INSTALL 6RS FIREPLACE suTToN INSULf|TTNG ]{EST, INC. PARKSIDE UILLA PARTNERS BUTTON INSULATING 1.|EST, INC. Fhone: 970-949-1313 Phone: Fhone: 970-945-1313 Constrr NSFR Use: Inspection Request Requestor: CHRIS Req Tire: O1:GO Iters requested to OO39O ltlEG:}l-Final Inforration.... Corrents: hfILL be Inspeeted... Fhonel 39O-165e CRLL Action Corrent s Tire Exp Inspection History...,. 0I|BOO ifECH-Rouqh EEES FIRE_SFRINKLER RIIJGH Oo,?4D PLltlB-Gas Pi ping eO3lO ltEcll-Heating OOgaO ilECH-Exhaust Hoods OS33O llEGll-Supply Air @34O l|ECH-ltfisc. ItQElgO ltlECH-Final OS53g FIRE-FINAL ClO Iter l Itcr l Iter r fter:Iterrfter:Iter; Iter:Iter: I PAGE I !iitii:::=*:::=::::::rili!!:ii:!ll!!::iEi!!l:::*=rf :::====-==:::::=!3== Activity: Addregs: Locet i on r Paree I r Deseri pt i on r Appl ieant c lJnnsrr Eontractor: 1497-Oe44 7/ 7/19 Type: B-I'IECH Status: ISSUED 1548 I{ATTERHORN CR I54A NATTERHORN CIR (PARK VILLAS *4) a193-le3-OO-SO6 Occr PLUIIBINE AND HEATING NEl.l SFR PARKSIDE UILLA TJARTNERS PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNERS AUALAHCHE PLUT{BING E HEATINE Constr: NSFR Use: Phone l Phone: Phone:949-0317 Inepeetion Request Requestorr CHRIS Req Tire: 6lrOO Iters requested to OO39O FlECHtinal Inforration.... Correntsr If ILL be Inspected... Phone: 390-16 CALL Aetion Corrents Tire Exp Inspeetion History..... Iterr @eOA iECH-Rough LellS/97 fnspectorr CDIter: olO?4Q PLl'lB-6as Piping Iter: O0sle iECH-Heatingt?/15/17 Inspectorr CD Iterr OO38O ECH-Exhaust HoodsIter: @33O t'IEGH-Supply Air Iterr @34e IGCH-llisc.Iterr OO39O ItECH-Final Action: APPR Action: APPR ENVIR. AND FLUES BETH EXHAUST REPTI3I 07/97/1999 1O:56 REQUES Act i vit y: Address: Locat i on : Farcel: De scri pt i on : Appl icant: Owner: Contractor: TOI,IN TlF VAIL,c0L0RnDo SHEETSINSPECTN }TORK 7 / 1999 P97-O!SS 7/ 7/19 Type: S-trLmB Status: ISSUED 1544 FnTTERHORN CR I54S FTATTERHORN CIR(PARKSIDE VILLA!i *4)?103-123-06-006 (Jcc: PLUI4BING flND HEATING NEI.ISFR PARKSIDE VILLA PARTNEFS PARKSIDE UILLA trARTNERS AUALANCHE FLUIIBING & HEflTING PA6E flREA: trD tronstr: NSFR Use ! Phone: Fhone: Phone: 949-O317 Inspeetion Request Requestor: CHRIS Req Tire: 01:OOfterE requested to o,A?99 PLttlB-Final Inforration..... Fhone: Corrents: TJILL LALL be Inspeeted... 6lct i on Corrents 394-1 1gO PSI AIRTEST 30 trSI AIRTEST Tire Exp InspectionIterr It er: OAeIU trLFlB-Underground oo??g trLltlE-Rough/D. tl. V.l?/Lg/97 Inspectcr: trD History..... ion: trA HALF OF SYSTEF1 TESTED UISUAL INSPECTIONNotes: OTHER HALF OF I{SUT BE TESTED, trERFORT'IED flND AtrtrROUED ADD NAIL PLATES7 trsl AIRTEST TJERFORI{ED ON HLF THE DI.JU S./STEIYI L?ll5/97 fnspeetor: ED Action: APFR OTHER HALF 6 pSI AIRTESTIter: o,o?3Q FLMB-Rouqh/l.later L?/LO/97 Inspector: CDIterr gt6?49 trLl4$*Gas triping l?./ Lfr/97 Inspeetor: CDften: Ogtes0 trLltlB-trool./Hot TubIter: 0Oe6S trLftlB--ttlisc.fter: OU29O PLFIB-Final A3/?7 flg Inspector: JRM flct ion: DN CORRECTIONS NEEDED FBR Action: AtrPR Aetionl AFtrR Notes : AtrtrROUAL, SECURE IIATER HEATER(IIOBBLES) pRESSURE VALUE PIpED TO FI.-OIJR,SECURE 6A5 LINE,FIX LEFIKS REINStrEtrTIT}N NEEDEDIter: OO53S FIRE-FINAL U/O