HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE COMMON LEGALI PRELI h'II NARY SOIL & FOUNDATION II{VESTIGATION MATTERHORN VILLAGE SUEDI VI SION FTLING NO. 2 EncLe CouNTY, CoLoRAoo PRo.tEcr No. 360 NovEMBER 15, 19?) a4,--,-/,//%. RECEIVE D7 . \fu.7J- FEB I I 1975 'Dept. 0t ptanning & Dca. .ESlo Counv. CoG PREP,.RED FOR: VAIL CITY CORPORATION sur rE 2o5 . Ga€EN$,OOD PLAZA TSRRA0E. EHeuswooor CoLoaADo 80110 ATTN: ' ['IR. D4Vt O .ELMCRE o TABLE OF CONTEI!TS CONCLUS IONS PAGE 'I SCOPE PAGE 2 PROPOSEO CONSTRUCTION PAEE 2 Ft ELo I nvesr I GAT I oN Pnce 2 LASORAToRY INVESTIGATTON PAGE 3 SUBSURFACE CONoITIONS PAGE 3 DtscussloN oF FouNDATtoNs PAGE 5 TEST BONTNG LOCATION PLAN FIGURE NO. 1 TEST BORTNG LOGS FICURE NO. 2 . TEST EORING LOGS-LEGENO AND NOTES FIGURE NO. :} LeeonRronY TEST RESULTS FlcuRE Nos. 4 nuo J SLoPE SraetLlrY [4AP FIGURE No. 6 SLope SrnslLlrY tvlAP LeceNo FIGURE No. 7 SUMMARY OF LABORATOnV TCST RESUUTS TABLE NO. .I oeffi# t) lN ouR optNloNr Mosr oF THE slrE covEREo BY THls INVESTt- GATION I S SUI TABLE FOR OEVELOPMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESI DENTI AL TYPE UN I TS. HOIVEVER' DUE TO AR€AS OF POTENTI AL SLOPE INSTABILITY' THE RECOMMENDATIONS OISCUSSEO IN THIS REPORT SHOULO BE CAREFULLY FOLLOIVED. €. Soil & ioundliion Engineerilg 2) lN rHE AREA oF TO MATTERHORN STRUCTUReS r',|AY FOUNDATI ONS, PORTI ONEO FORor 800 ro 1500 +) lil soue AREAST oEPENDI . I NVESTI GATI ONSr I T MAY ' STRUCTURES BY DRILLED 5, ALL GRAD I N.c ' RoAD curs TO AN ABSOLUTE IUIN]MUM OF THE STEEPER SLOPES 7', Pnesetr cRouNo lvATER coNSTRUCTloNr lF DESI 8) VERY cAREFUL suRFAcE BE INCORPORATEO INTO SLOPE STAAILITY MUST OF THIS REPORT. 303/ 59S7647 THE EXI STI NG RELATI VELY FLAT SLOPES AO.JACENT CIRoLE ANO LUCERNE LANEl THE PROPOSED RESIOENTIAL BE SUPPORTEO BY CONVENTIONAL SPREAO FOOTING Tng TOUToATIONS IN THIS AREA SHOULD BE PRO- I'IAXIMUM ALLOIIJAELE BEARING PRESSURES IN THE RANGE rJr. 8€ 4OIO HARBOR PLACE, COLORADO SPB tNGS, COLORADO 80917 NG ON THE RESULTS OF ADOITIONAL BE NECESSARY TO SUPPoRT THE PRoPoSFOplen (cnl sson) FouNDArtoN SYSTEMS. )) StnuglunEs wHtCH tylLL BE LOSATED tN THE AREA OF THE MoDERATE TO STE€P SLOPES PRESENT AT THIS SITE SHOULD BE' IN I/OST AREAS, SUP.PORTED BY SPREAO FOoTING oR !VALL-oN-GROUND FOUN- DATtONS. TXC FOUNOATTONS IN THESg ARCAS SHOULD BE FROPORTIONEO FOR I,IAXt I'UM ALLOWABLE BEARI NG PRESSURES IN THE RANGE OF 3OOO ro 4000 PSF ANo sHouLD oARRY MINtMUM oEAD LoAo PRESSURES oF APPRoxT.tATELY 500 ro 1000 PSF. 6I RETAtNTNc srRucruREs lt/tLL BE REeulREo ro MAI STABILtTY OF THe ROAO CUTSr AND POSSIELY FOR MAOE AT I I.IDI VI DUAL BUI LOI NG LOCATI ONS. ANO SITE EXCAVATIONS OUE TO THE POTENTIAL IN THE AREA COVEREO BY SHOULO BE HELO INSTABILTTY f THIS INVESTIEATION, NTAI N SLOPE EXCAVATIONS CONDITTONS ARE SATISFACTORY FOR BASEMENT REO. AND SUBSURFACE ORAINAGE MEASURES MUST. THE St TE GRADING PLANS I N AREAS IVHERE BE CONSIDEREOT AS DISCUSSEO lN THE TEXT PRo,., Ecr No . 350 Pnce 2 ScOP E Txls nepo*, "*rra*Ts rHE ResuLTs oF A pRELIMtNARy sotL AND FOUNOATION I NVESTIGATION AT THE SI TE OF THE PROPOSEo IViATTERHoRN VILLAcE SuBotvtstoN, FtLlNc No. 2, Enete CouNry, CoLoRADo, Tne puRposE oF TH t s I NVESTI cATr oN r.lAs ro DETERfnI NE THE cENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDI TlONS AT THI S SI TE AND TO FORIUULATE PRELIMINARY FOUNDATION DESI GN CRI TERI A FOR THE PROPOSEO STRUCTURESO PROPOSED CONSTRUCT ION IT Is UNoERSTOOD THAT THIs AREA WILL BE DEVELOPEo INTO A RESIOENTIAL SUSOtVISION. THE PROPOS€O STRUCTURES WlLL BE SINGLE OR MULTT-FAMtLY UNITS WITH AND TVITHOUT BASEMENT AND GAROEN LEVEL AREAs. CoNsTRUcTION,!1, ILL BE MoSTLY WOOo FRAME ANo LoADS ARE EXPECTED. TO 8E RELATTVELY LIGHT TO MODERATE. Ll ELp I NVESTT cArl oN SevEN (?) TEsr BoRtNcs wERE oRtLLEo AT LocATroNs tNotcATEo ON THE TEST SORING LOCATION PLAN, FIGURE NO. 1. THE SORINGs WERE LOCATEO IN THE FTELD BY TAPE MEASURE METHODS ANO THEIR LOCATIONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE TEsr BoR I NGs tvERE DR I LLEo wt rH A lrtt 0.0. coNTt Nuous FL1GHTnUGERPo|/ERED8YTRUcKMoUNTEoEqulPMENT.ATRE'GULAR TNTERVALS OR AT CHANGES OF MATERIALS, THE AUGER IVAS REMOVEO FROM THE BORI NG HOLE ANO SAMPLES T'ERE TAKEN OF THE SUBSURFACE .' STRATA. sAr,,rpLES r./ERg OBTATNEO By ORtVtNG A STANoano ('1 4/5n l.O.) 'SAMPLER oR A ,CALtFoRNI An (2r, l.D.) SAMPLER THRoUGH THg suBsuRFAcg STRATA By BLotrs FRou A 1&0-r-e. HAMMER FALLTNG A DlsrANcE oF 30 PRo.JEcr ilio. 360 PAGE J lNcHES. THS NUfJtBER OF HAtjIMER BLO|irS REQUIRED TO DRIVE THE SAtIPLER oNE FOOT, OR A FRACTTON THEREOF, I S TERT'!IED THE PENETRATIoN TEST. THE PENETRATI ON TEST RESUUTS ENE t NDI CATI VE OF THE RELATI VE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY OF THE SOIL STRATA BgING PENETRATED' AUGER SAI,TPLES i1/ERE ALSO OBTAINED OURING THC TEST DRILLING OPERATIONS. THE LOGS OF THE TEST RESULTS' ARE PRESENTED ON LABORATORY I NVESTI GATION - ALL SAMPLgS RECOVERED BY THg, FI ELO INVESTIGATION !VERE RETURNED TO OUR COLORADO SPRINGS SOIL LABORATORTES. THE SAIIPLES wERE THEN CAREFULLY CLASSIFIEO AND A LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM TVAS tNIT]ATCO BY THE PROJECT ENGIIJEER. LABoRAToRYcLASSIFIcATtoNTESTScoNSISTEDoFaennolrIoil ANALyst S, ATTERBERG INDEx TESTS AND vl SUAL CLASSI Fl CATIONS' THe PH.YSICAL CHARACTERISTICS WERE EVALUATED BY PERFORMING UNCONFlNED cor,rpnessloN, sltJELL-coNsoLl oATloN AND NATURAL 'Mol sTURE-OENSI TY TESTS. ATU UNEONATORY TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE' IVITH STANOARD OR SUGGESTEO ASTM PROCEOURES. LABoRAToRYTeSTRESULTSAREPRESENTEooNFIGUReNos. J euo ARE SUMMARIZEO ON TABLE NO. l. SuesunrncE coNDlrloNS AT TH IN THS NORTH€RNMOST SECTION I NVESTT GATI oN r wHERE THE GROUND EORtNGS' INCLUDING PENETRATION TEST Fleuns No. 2. IS SITE ARE SOMEWHAT ERRAT]C. OF THE SITE COVERED BY THIS SURFACE SLOPES ARE ON THE OROER 4 AND PRo.J Ecr No. j6c Pree 4 OF FIFTEEN (15) PERCENT OR LESST THE TEST BORINGS ENCOUNTERED PRIMARILY ALLUvIAL TYPE S0 lL oEPostTs. THls PoRTloN oF THE slTE I S OESlGNATED ]IAR€A AII oIv FI e une No. 5. THe suesURFAcE SoI L PROFILE'ON THIS AREA CONSISTEO PRtI/ARILY OF I,,IEOt UM ST]FF TO STIFFT SILTY TO VERY SANoY CLAYS AND CLAYEY SANDS OvERLYINc MEDtuM DENSE SANO AI'JD GRAVEL DEPOS I TS, .P IN THE STEEPER PORTIONS OF THI S SI TE, T1'HERE THE SURFACg GRADES VARY FROM APPROXIIIIATELY FI FTEEN (1J) ee nceNT TO THIRTY (30) PERCENT OR EVEN GREATER tN SOME AREAS, THE SUBSURFACE MATERTALS CONSIST PRltvlARlLY OF COLLUvIAL SOILS. COLLUVIUM Is MATERTAL T.IHIcH HAs BEEN TRANSPoRTED To ITs PRESENT LOCATION FROM HIGHER ELEVATIONS. THE METHOO OF TRANS- PORTATION tS GENERALLY KNOb'N AS A |rCREEPII TYPE MOVEMENT. CNEEP IS THE SLOW, DOWNHILL MOVEMENT OF OVERBURDEN SOILS OVER A RELATTV€LY LONG PERIOD OF T1lIE. CNEEP MOVEMENTS ARE GENERALLY SLOW ENOUGH TO BE MEAsuRED lN lNcHEs pgR yEAR. THEReFoRE, Mosr oF THE ovERBURoEN SOILS IN THE STEEPER PORTIONS OF THIS SITE ORIGINATED FROM HICHER ELEVATI ONSO THE cOLLUvt AL tlIATERI ALs ENcoUNTEREo AT TH ! s sI TE WERE VERY ERRATIC IN cONstsTENcY AND DENSITy. THE coLLUvtAL PRoFILE CONSISTED OF VARIOUS LAYERS ANO. LENSES OF CLAY, SILT, SANO, GRAVELT coBBLEsANDBoULoERS'TH|sTYPEoFsUBsuRFAcEso|LPRoFlLEtvAs INDtCATED AT T€ST BOR|Nc LOCATTONS 4, Jr 5 eruO ? (See FlcuRE NO. 1). Due TO THE ST€EP NATURE oF THE PRESENT SITE GRAoEs ANo THE ::' THICK COVER OF SHRUsBERY ANo TREES, ACCESS TO THtS StTE BY THE PRo,J Ecr No. J60 PAGE 5 TRUCK MOUNTED ORtLLt NG EQUIpMENT tvAS SOMEVJHAT LlMtTEo. HO!''rEVER, lr ts BELtEvfD THAT TEsr BoRtNcs l+ rnnouen 7 ARE REpRESENTATIvE OF THE SOILS IiJHICH IVILL Bg ENCOUNTEREO IN THE SOUTHERN PORTIONS oF THls slTEr vHlcH wERE INAccESStBLE ouRtNG THE FteLo tNVesTlcATtoN. Dt SCUSSI oN oF FoUNoATI oNS THE 'ilATERIALS ENcoUNTEREo AT ANo sELonI coNvENTtoNAL FoUN- DATIoN DgprHs lN THE AREAs REPRESENTED By TEST BoRtNG Nos. 1,2 ' AND J (see FtcuRE No. 1) corustsrED pRtMAR|Ly oF MED!uM sTtFF To STIFFT SANDY TO VERY SANOY CLAYS AND MEDIUM DENSE CLAYEY SANOS' . THssE RELATIVELY FINE GRAINED sOILs $,ERE UNDERLAIN BY MEoIUM 0ENSE SAND AND GRAVEL 0EPOSI TS. -AuT OT THE SUBSURFACE STRATA ENCOUNTERED IN THIS AREA CONTAINEO OCCASIONAL BUT ERRATIC PERCENTAGES OF GRAVEL, COBSLES ANO BOULDERS. THESE MATERIALS ENCOUNTERED AT AND BELOIV CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATI ON OEPTHS HAVE LOTV TO MODERATE SUPPORTI NG CAPACI TIES ANo wtLL Nor cHANG€ voLUME (swelu) wlrH MorsruRE coNTENT tNcREAsEs. THEREFoRE, lr ts REcoMMENoED THAT REsIDENTIAL srRucruREs LocATED IN THt s AREA BE SUPPORTED BY sPREAo FOO.TING FOUNDATIONsI T}IE FOUNOATIONS SHOULD BE PROPORTIONED FOR IdAXI|JIUM ALLOY/ABLE BEARTNG pREssuREs tN THE RANGE or 800 ro 1J00 PSF. AootrtoNAL TEsrtNc iVILL BE REqUIREO AT EACH EUILDING LOCATION IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH MORE SPECIFIC FOUNDATION OESIGN CRI TERIA. lr rne owNERs FEEL THAT ADDtTtoNAL TEsrtNc ls Nor wARRANTEo, THEN ALL FOUNOATIONS IN THIS AREA SHOULD BE PROPORTIONEO FOR A I,IAXII,tuM ALLoIYA€}Le BEARTNG PREsSURE OF 8OO PSF. PRo.rEcr No.350 I ence 6 DUS TO THE RELATIVSLY. SOFT OR LOOSE NATURE OF'THE BEARING MATERIALS IN THtS AREAT IT IS RECOI,'IMgNDED THAT EXTREME CARE BE TAKEN DURING FOUI.IDATION EXCAVATIONS TO AVOI D DI STURBANCE TO THE BEARI NG MATERIALS. THE SUBSURFACE I"tATERtALS ENCOUNTEREO BY TEST BORING NOS' 4 rnnOuen ? ryERE pRIMARILY COLLUyIAL SOILS. AS pnevlOgSLY DlscussEo, THE CoLLUVIUM ls A TRANSPoRTED MATERIAL lVHICH HAS sLolvLy MovEo Dor..JNH I LL FRoLr H I GIIER ELEVAT I oNs BY A PHENoMENoN CALLEDcREEP.TnEnEIsEV|DENCEToINoICATETHATTHEoREEP TYPE MOVEMENTS ARE STTLL ACTIVE IN SOME PORTIONS OF THIS SITE' .SoMEPoRT|oNSoFTHEHILLS|DEAREASoFTHISSITeAPPEARTo BE STABLE, wHILE oTHER AREAS ARE DEFINITSLY EXPERIENCING CON- - SIDERABLE BUT ERRATIC NlOVEI'IENTS' A SUOPE STABTLI TY MAP' FI GURE . No.5, nes BEEN pREpAREO FRoM THE SITE INSPECTIONS CONDUCTED UP TO THIS TlrrE. HOIVEVERI AODI TIONAL INSPSCTIONS AND TESTING wILL BE..REQUIRgoTot,toREAccURATELYDEL!NEATEPoTENTIALSLoPEIN-- STABtLITYAREAs'PARTIcULARLYINTHEEAsTERNHALFoFTHEsTTE (sEe ,\nel E, FIGuRE NO. 6). lT ts suGGESTEo THAT A MoRE DETAILEo TOPOGRAPHI C IIIAP BE ilIADE AVA I LABLE TO ASSI ST I N FURTHER SLOPE sTABtLtTy ANALVScS lrjo TO ASSTST THe eNCINgERS lN FINAL GRAOING ANO ROADTVAY ALIGNMENT PLANNING. IN ONOEN TO CONTROL THE EXISTING CREEP MOVEMENTS AND TO pREVENT FUTURE ACCELERATEO sLoPE INSTASILITY PRoBLEMS' THE FOLLOYJING fVIEASURES ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENOEOs PRoJEcr iio. 350 Peee 7 1) Slle snnolNc tN THE AREA oF THE coLLUVtAL sotLs sHouLD BE HELo TO A I,1 INII,IUIJi. ALL RoAolvAY ALI GNI,,IENTs A''ID EXcAVATtoNS AT BUI LDI NG LOCATI OI{S SHOULD BE CAREFULLY PLANNED I N OROER THAT A MINII,IU,I.,! AMOUNT OF CUT ANO F!LL IVILL BE REQUIRED.. RLY RISKY SINCE THE CUT FACE REOUCES THE EFFECT OF PASSIVE SARTH PRESSURE, IVHTCH TIAY BE CO}ITRIBUTING SIGNIFICANTLY TO THE STABILITY OF THE SLOPEs. FILLS PLACED oN THE coLLUvIAL TYPE MATERIAL IVILL PPOBABLY HAVE LESS EFFECT ON THE SLOPE STABTLITY THAN WOULD cuTs OF THE sAMg IIAGNT TUoE. )) lr pEnunneNT srRucruREs ARE To BE LocATED tMMEDtATELy upsLopE oF cuTs MADE INTO THE COLLUVTAL MATERTALS, lT 1S SUGGESTEO THAT THE MOVSIJENT OF THE SLOPES BE MONITORED SY A SYSTEM oF stopE STAKES AND SURVEY BASELT NES. ['lOvEr,rENT OF THE SLOPES AaOVE CUT AREAS SHOULD BE lilONl TOREO FOR A PERIOD oF AT LEAsr oNE (1) FULL vEAR, lF THE ossERVATtoNs MADE OURING THAT YEAR INDICATgD THAT THE SLOPES ARE STABLE, THE STRUCTURES MAY BE CONSTRUCTEO ASOVE THE CUT FAC€S IYTTH A RELATT VELY LOry 0EGREE OF Rt sK. I r MOvEI'IET.{T oF THE SLoPEs ABOVE TH€ CUT FACES lS EvtDENT, STRUCTURES PLACED tN rHtS AREA IVILL BE SUBJECT TO SPECIAL DgSI GN CONSI DERATlOI.IS. 4) SlRuctuRes LocATEo lN AREAs oF porENTlAL sLopE tNSTABtLtry MAY REQUIRE A DRTLLED pten (CllSSOrv) FOUNDATTON SySTEil ORILLEO THROUGH THE COLLUVIAL SOILS INTO STAAUE UNOER- - LYTNG SOIU IT.TO./ON BEOROCK STRATA. IT MAY BE POSST 8LE TO PRo.,Ecr No. 360 Pnce I CONSTRUCT RETAI NI NG I'IALLS AT THE CUT FACE SLOPES BELOW AND ABOVE THE SUILOING LOCATIONS IN AN ATTEI,IPT TO STABILIZE THE COLLUVlAL SOI LSO RETAI NING }lALLS PLACEO UPSLOPE OF THE RESI- DENT ] AL STRUCTURES SHOULO BE COI,IPLETELY SEPARA TED FROM THE BUlLDtNcs. THEREFoRE, tF THE RETAINING srRUcruRES ExpERIENcE MOVE!.IENTS, THE EXCESSIVE STRCSSES WILL NOT 8E TRANSFERREO TO , THE RESt DENTI AL UN I TS. il lr ts succESTED THAT THE strE GRAotNc eLAN GtvE coNstDERATtoN TO THE POTgNTIAL SLOPE INSTABILITY PRoBLEMS AND THATr l.F POSSIBLE' ALL PERMANENT STRUCTURES Bg LOCATED OOI"JNSLOPE OF ANY MA.J0R ROAoWAY OR SITE GRADING CUT ANO FILL AREAS. 6) Ar-l pgRtreNENT srRUcruREs LocAIEo !vl rHl N THE AREAS oF THE POTENTTALLY UNSTABLE COLLUVIAL SOILS WILL HAVE TO HAVE CAREFUL SURFACE ANO SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE DETAILS INCORPORATEO T, ITHIN THE OVERALL SITE PLAN AND THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN. : ' SuRFACE DRAtNAcE MEAsuRES sHouLD lNcLUoE: A) sLoPtNG THE . 6RADES A1'/AY FRSM THE BUlLotNcS oN ALL sloES; B) tNTERCEPTtON. OF UPSLOPE RUN-OFF IVATER BY SHALLOW SWITES I'JHtCH DIVERT THE '.suRFAcE tvATER ARouNo AND AwAY FRoM ALL srRucruREs; C) P'ossl BLE LINING OF DRAINAGE OITCHES IVITH IMPgRVIOUS MEMBRANES SUCH AS ASPHALT OR CONCRETE TO PREVENT AREAS IIJHERE ACCUI'IULATgO SURFACE t'JATER CAN PERCOLATE.OOYJN INTO THE SUBSURFACS SOtL STRATA. THE STABILITY OF COLLUVIAL TYPE SLOPES CAN BE DRASTICALLY AFFECTEO BY TNOUCTION OF SURFACE IVATER OR GROUNO WATER INTO AREAS OF POTENTIAL SLOPE FAILURE PLANES. IT tS o PRo.JEcr No, 350 PAGC 9 BEL I EVgO THAT SUBSURFACE ORA I NAGE SYSTEMS U'I LL PROBABLY BE REqUIREO AROUNO ALL STRUCTURES LOCATEO IN COLLUVIAL SO I L AREAS. ?) lN sor,rE AREAS, THE coLLUVfAL TYpE pRoFlLE t\'tAY coNTAlN ISOLATED POCI(ETS OF POTENTIALLY EXPANSIVE' MOOERATELY TO HIGHLY PLASTIC CLAYS. DEPENOING ON THE RESULTS OF ADDI TI ONAL I NVEST I GAT IONS' I T MAY BE NECgSSARY TO SUPPORT soME oF THE srRucruREs By oRtLLED ptER (cetssoru) rvpE FOUNOATIONS t I.I OROER TO COI,,|PENSATE FOR THE PRESENCE OF THE POTENTT ALLY EXPANS] VE CLAYS. IN TH ! S CASE ' I T I S BELIEVED THAT STRUCTURAL FLOORS trJlLL PROBABLY NcT BE REQUIREo. sLABS-ON-GRAOg l'rlLL REQUIRE SPECTAL CONStoERATIoT'ls To PREVENT EXCESSIVE MOVEMENT OR DAMAGE TO THE SLABS AND INTERIOR FOUNDATION IVALLS DUE TO POTENTTALLY EXPANSI VE MATERIALS. RESPECTFULLY SUBM I TTED, a RDS ENGI NEERI NG ffitu THOMAS SUMMERLEE, P.E.C. TS: xs cc3 RIcHA 6",ttn4s ,,-%r"r^..d i.r | -,1: l; Lr);,:1;,-;;I I J-t Fnf,.,.fcT ;..o rr c r.t ii i: it l) /f 7', // il I:),a/ !.?9 ' -A.tP; />\-'tf:t,d'r'\-il n4/ o'z IJ ) <t t! \.| c.\ o -2. Fo .) t-]- c.-c'\ (\r :l =l ;l t!l tdFo -2. oz oz td <t tr,J co (L (r\ o -2. LJ l tL bJ ti,ltn trJFoz. (f.\ (u C\N \co LJ Jo- I3:tJ 6Htd30 PRo,JECl i:O.'J60 rrsfioorr,G i-.is - t-[Gf,.iD n,.n ,Ca, LEGiI. D TOPSCIL - ON VCRY SOFT ORGANIC CLAYS. FILL - cLAYr sAriDYrsrlFF, fJEDlur/ t'lolsrr lvlrH GRAvEL AND CO33LES. CLAY - stLTY To v:RY sAl'JDY, rJEDt ul'! srl FF To srl FFt LIGHT IIOtST TO l,iolST, LIGHT SROI.JN TO OARl( BROI.''N TO tsLACl(r !'Jl TH SOr.tE GRAVEL AND occASloNAL CO BBL ES ANO 30UI.OERS. Si\i''D - cLAYgY, r,iEDlur,'l oENSEe LIGHT i,lclsr ro t\'lolsrt BROVJN AllD GRAY r tvl TH SOl,lE GRAVEL AND OCCAS I ONAtj ' COSBLES AND BOUI.DTRS. an [5::.l s,ttic & GR,\VEL - sl LrY To cLAYEY, |/lED I urn DENsE ' f'lED I ur'l L',tolsT To illol sT, BRotlNr !vlTH COBBLES AND BO UL OERS. coLLUVlUl,,l - f,rl xTURE oF cLAY, sl LT , SANDr GRAVELT coBBLESt BOULOERS AND. FLOATERST STIFF TO l"lEOl Ur', DENSET LI GHT frrtOl ST TO MOI STt BROI{N AND GRAY' ; _Fr INDICATES.LEVEL AT I',HICH TEST. BORING CAVEO. R - II'IoI cATES REFUSAL TO FURTHER PENETRATION BY THE AUGERS. NO TES 1) THE TEST BoRtNGS wERE DRILLEo wlrH A coNTlNuous FLIcHT por'/ER AUcER (4" otA") oN OcroeEn 16 er.ro 17t 1973. . 2) 6 t r.ror cAT€s rHAT 6 aLov/s FRotil A 140-ue. HAMVER FALL I Nc ]clrucnesl,JEREREQU|REDTooRtvETHESAr,lPLER.|2|NcHEs )) l{o cRouND \vATER,u'As ENcouNTERED AT THE TIME oF DRt LLt NG. 4') THE LoGs sHory App:Roxlr.4ATe BouNoARr Es EETTvEEN THE vARrous STRATA AT THE DATES AND LOCATIONS INDICATED ANO IT IS . I'JOT \'/ARRANTSO THAT THEY ARE RCPRESENTATI VE OF SUASURFACE CONDI TlOi'JS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND Tlr,lES. FTGURE NO. ) n FRqfrs E to @o(, oo cr 9N I SSVd r 33U3dooo\or5 ctCr(f,O of,"rot:t .nYco:o* oo<)9\ (\l o\ o\ o\ o\ o Lr \oc\ @ 'Ct(\-.(\l o\ .. e.t c.- oo\ N --.\ + o C'-o (\o o -z ; c(oo-doo L!, Jc trJ :E <J) LrJ a =x F, (t F ul Jc I o FJ u, o7 () F (!) ) o, Jo o\ o oooooo @ ('.o (f\ oo OJ OJ .:f O I I UJ F o F 3 (n (t) J z l, lrl aJt '., z td o u 4 ct!) Ll o l,l LJg, o C' LI an c( o z F oIJ2 F trJJ .3]. o L,J-: aa a- J z F r-.J z c iJ F 2 J z. z, 9 F aF. <n t!N KJ -lI F o- 0i\i-O | [lrNS | 0tiAL C0NSOL I 0AT tON coNr. tl .Lt %. t HOLE. NO. 7 oEP rH a .7 sotL rYPE __CL_ ORY UNIT IYT. I N PcF 124 r,O I STUREcoNr. 11.1 % HOLE NC. ?DEPrH 1j.7 sott. rYPE _cl_ PROJECT NO.J Lr r.,, 1.o LoAD tru xtes,/r12 1"0 LoAo rn xges,/rt2 DATE 1 1- 5-"i 3 zI F ORY UNI T Y'T. t N PCF 1ztl MO I STURE noor )o(tz ,.to,l() (rno oz1 zo_-4 U'z o.-Jx rrJ t.\\ -+ z 9 F - -t-) ooz,.o.lo 50 Z1<-' 2() z (!x tl., \c. I I u/ltl t r-1 tl c1. I/:-\i5r:1 H TH0f,!AS E. SUr,lr,:e RLIr t.C0fiPCiiJr I l0N FIG. 5 n0 LEGEND SLOFT ST4BILITY illAP (SEE Elcggg_No:_6) AREA A .STABLE AneI - FUTURE SLOPE MOVEMENTS DUE TO CUTS AND FILLS ARE UNLIKELY STABLE ANEI - POSSIBLE SLIGHT FUTURE SLOPE MOVEMENT OUE TO CUTS ANO FILLS IN SOM€ AREAS STABt.E AREA - POSS I 8LE SL I GHT TO I,/tOOERATg FUTURE SLOPE MOVEMENTS OUg 'TO CUTS ANO FILLS UNSTABLE ANEI - SLOPE tS'PRESENTLY ACTIVE AND ACCELERATED FUTURE SLOPE r/OVEtvIENTS OUE TO CUTS, FlLt.S AND StTE GRAOING AR€ PROBABLE ERRATIC CONOI TIONS - CONTAINS PORTtOIVS SIMILAR To AREAS. C & D, ogscRt BED ABovE Anen AREA 6- c- AREA O - AR€A E - REPRESENTS BOUNOARI ES OF AREAS VARIOUS STABILI TV Fl cuRE lio. ''. ..-l,I i\.uj:=, sl-cpE sTlt Ll rv',',^,0. -=.<r.ttnarrrP-lK ./ 40c: i-RoJEcT l;o. JoJ hovEssrn iJ, 1i'. 3 6,* ?cc SCriLir FeEr tc'c. AR eA "tt6i,rI .i.t ,y S:E -l3uRe iio. 7 FoR LEGEND F I GURE }rO. 5 ,zl69l;5: gU :d 3E r-J ottOOzj'zz Ut JrollI JJJC)tr-OO rt F J U'.l J o(f,zz<JZ 6AoCna ttoull JJCJ()CN(JC) oz o UJ I Jc) tf-zJJOJOtrjU)F =zatoo() lf\ rt\ I taoo u-L u, g, (JlJu, N E(,! tt IIII .:+ (, tL III eY:3J\q t(,' I \o o Itl\orrtll c\l .r LJ -il:;F.:- cn <,.' e g Er =,oc,o ooooac.-;r.\rt:i'lY\ll;'-'@\O@ i4 rt\ tt- (, fre aofr= F \R. o. (nII(\III vr.J tc\-rtl\9 r-o. | | |cl: \RJJ Oo\ttf\tll(\lclll rf c3 d sroF.o ZL<Llza AIrr'\\r\qO\O@:loo\olc.-ool@c\l l. r t!,ig 3fitt*9 q\ iirr\c\coo@ aaaaarr\O\@\Oc!rnnl !_ '- IFFtd.L trlIrl t!o c.- Al c\- o c.* c\- c- c'- c\- c\- aaaat'r.r (\ \n O\ <\l r @ (\ CO (n c.'-c!L\\or(.\$lC\t -l i rl 2l F 'r-() tJ'? bJOFGo-o ,c Go(, rdlrjJ ctr trJ ==2.J' td (n =oIF ay/*Jr* '*rv RECEIVED rr ==- O DMINAGE STUDY FOR MATTERHORN VILLAGE FILING NO. 2 -rn 1 -9 1q15Fl- tj t v rv ' - Eagle Cornty, Colorado Plariri l I ' -'Jl' Lr.J e County' CiiJ' Locatlon: Ilatterhorn Vil1-age Filing No. 2 is a proposed subdivi.sion in the Sou!.hwest one-quarter of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle Cornty, Colorado. Ihis land l-s approxirnately f!5'niles West of the present boundary of the Town of Vai1. Areaq The area within the subdivision is approximateLy 52.3 acres. Outside Drainage Area "A", as shown on the map included in this report, is aboux 27.4 acres in size. Drainage from Area "A" flows across this proposed subdlvision arrd into two retaj-ning ponds which will hold approximately 15,000 cubic feet of lrater. There are, however, overfLow culverts for each. Very llttle additlonal drainage w111 be added by the development of this subdivision because of the very 1ov density and the large amount of green areas. Cri teria : The drainage analysis for the basj,n affecting this subdivision are based on the Soil Conservation Servlce (SCS) data, publ-ished in their report, dated December, L972, entitled "Procedures for Determining Peak Fl-ows ln Colorado". The runoff volumes are based on a 100 year, 24 hour peak storn frequency using the rainfall frequency m'ps and curses included in this report. The drainage inslde of the subdivision wil-1 be handled by standard road ditches, drainage swales, and culverts sized as shown on the map. Runoff Calculations: Outside Area "A" plus drainage within proposed subdivision contributing to slrale: Drainage area = 0.46 square niles 1. 100 year 24 hour precipitation frorn figure 1 p = 3.0 inches 2. AreaL Adjustment Factor for 0.46 square miles from figure 2 is 0.9999 Areal precipitation = 3,00 x 0.9999 - 3.00 3. Deterai.ne tine of Concentrat j.on (Tc) El = 10,200 - 8,050 = 2150 feet Lr = 6,60C feet 2,150 + 6,600 = 33.00% grade o Drainage Study for Matterhorn Village Filing 2 Page 2 From flgure 6 using woodland (overland flow) Velocity = 3 ft/sec 6600 - =0.61-hr.=Tc3600x3 - 4. Weighced (CN) fron table 2 . Sq. l1i. R.C.N. Woods 0.46 60 5. Deteroine Depth of runoff (Q) P = 3.00 ln from figure 5 Curve 60 Q = 0.32 in. 6. Deternine Peak Rate of Discharge fron figure 8Afor Tc = 0.61 355 cublc feet per second per square nile per l-nch 355 x 0.46 x 0.32 = 52.3 cubic feet per second The ratioaal roethod was used to calculate the drainage from area ttB,' through "G", as deLLneated on the nap. Ihe dralnage from che !est' of the proposed subdivislon vas added to the outside draioage in deternining the culvert sLze where the drainage swale meets }tatterhorn Circle. Q=AIR l,lhere, Q = Xaxioun expected runoff or peak discharge from the watershed based on a 100 year storm. A = Trlbutary area in acres I = Runoff coefficlent for a heavily wooded area with much vegetatj"on sel_ected as O.20. R = llarinum expected rainfall Ln a t hour period or 3 inches for thls area. DraLnage for Area "Bt' Q = 6.2 x 0.20 x 3.00 = 3.7 eublc feer per second (cfs) Drainage Study for Matterhorn Village Fillng 2 Page 3 Drainage from Area [Crr Q = 4.26 x O.2O x 3.00 = 2.6 cfs Ttre drainage from areas B & C w111 be carried in drai.nage ditches ll the Etreetg to Gore Creelg. The will oot contrlbute enought to change any culvert slzes ln Vatl Village l{est areas. Dralnaqe from Area ttD" Q =. 3.1 x 0.20 x 3.00 = 1.9 cfs ' Ttre drainage from Area rtDr! w1l-l also be carried ln the streets of Vail Vlllage llest to Gore Creek and will not contrlbute enough to change any culvert s lzes . DEainage f rorn Area rtEtt Q=AIN Q = 4.22 x 0.20 x 3.00 = 2.5 cfs Ihls requires an L8" cul-vert which ls the rninintm slze allowable. Dralnage from Area t'Frt Q=AIR Q = 12.48 x 0.20 x 3.00 - 7.5 cfs This drainage plus the dralnage from Area t'Et' of 2.5 cfs - 10 cfs' which would requlre a 24" cuLvert. Drainage from Area ttGtt Q=ern Q = 3.5 x 0.20 x 3.00 - 2.1- cfs lhis drainage requires an 18tt culvert (uininurn size a1lowab1e) and rcas added to the outslde dralnage Area "A". DraLnage from Area ttH" Q=AIR Q = 2.5 x 0.20 x 3.00 = 1.5 cfs This will not be a concentrated fl-ow and no culverts are required. County road standards wilL be used in all road eonstruction with the dralnage ditches sized to carry the expected f1ows. Protective eroslon control wj-1l be provided where needed rlith re-vegetatlon or rock rip-rap. Concrete headsalls or grouted rock rip-rap will be provided on road culverts. ..--'-/---' \* \ irlr ii, V,ta'-- t -_, \: 5'-:4"!-.*r --:..i 6t) :-=\::':'r; \,Jr. -. .1r/rt l'L) r--r- --i- :J .=- - - -1 I I I I I I t '\iN)i t 6 " r-)ihrni-; Ir-t- .7-t 2, < '.5'# 5 'vl ^-)h\\/ T SSvn t; I I i It;1,i^ ll -_.2 ffi- r'.r\!- \;q:-i==r--t +--:--'- --Ti --l | --_-- '\(- l I = -= -T.t r I I ,l 4_---l-\i-n -_) 'cZLI <=^, F.-, ) a--\{a FLgure 2 - Ratlo$. For Areal AdJustoeat of Point Rainfall Area Ln Sq. Mlles E -C.!loLC (\l aD oo oo {LO \j iC\l\)i l; i \ (r {Y !, r .ir \d ar ) 'tt <L = o + cr' o. q ';i el2l3tl -:JL a : E IL i QoqleoloI l+gla' o z.9F 3o u-r :! Lr. i) 7_)E rLo z 9 Ff,Jrfa (,oJoE I ! i ir I I t ,.. I .I s3H0Nr Nl (0) JJONnU IC3UIO e "iix;1igeJu 1-!i"t BHi iE i iito8 E = .t E € :o EE .: o ?: 6) -: rtro .9 eF.:3 E-:.t a^l ? '- Ct o ; t;5> -28- Figure 5 15-8 itoBts.o.2f.H r oc6 a -29- d d.i.i vEl.@rtr |r PEEI tEi lEco.lo -Velocltlee for uplard netbod of eati,retlng TsFlgure 6 1 o -31- Figure 8A- Peak Diecharge in' csu per inch of nuoff versus Tine of Conceutration, T" 100 t(, tr hog c)r-l E tUtrd o'l a,l }r R d o()oul l.t!, P a,q) 1{ t,.'lpaq I A Y Tine of Concentration - Tc - Hours E\]VI RON}IENTAL GEOLOGY OF THE XATTERHOF.N VILLAGE SUBI}IVIS ION FILI}iG iiO. 2 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO )1l / liovenbcr 19, L973 Coloracl o Spriegs, Colorado TABLE OF CONTENTS TNTRODUCTTON ----- ------ I GEOGRAPI{Y .-- 2 cEoLoGY ----- 2 RADIATION SURVEY ---.--- 2 ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY FACTORS _-------_.--- Z col.lcl,usIoNs ------ -'--- 4 GEOLOGICAL MAP -_----_-- 5 -1- INTRODUCTION The Matterhorn \ti11age, F11ing No. 2, progosed subdlvlslon is located in a portion of the southwest one-forth of Sectlon 12, Townshlp 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Prlncipal Herldlan ln Eagle County, Colorado. The area to be subdlvided conslsts of .about 55 acres of land located ln the West Vall area on the South slde of Gore Creek Valley. The proposed subdlvislon is a southerly extension of ltatter- horn Vi1lage, a residentLal area of slagle and mu1tl-family homes The northern part of the area Ls accessl.ble by Matterhorn Clrcle and Lucerne Lane. The southwestern part of the area ls accessible over an Lnoroved road that extends South fron lfatter- horn Village. This geoloeical study uas carrled out by field mapping, photo geological etudy of al-r photographs, a radlation survey with a precislon sc.LntLllator, and sub-surface lnformation fron test borlngs. GEOGRAPHY The Matterhorn Vl 11age, Fl1ing No. 2, oroposed subdlvlslon area ls located oD the south side of Gore Creek. The subdlvislon occuples the steeper lower slopes on the south wall of the Core Creek Canyon and a part of the gentler slopping valley bottom. Elevatlons range from about 8,020 to 8,410 feet above sea 1evel. Gore CreeE. Val1ey is an Alpine glaclated va1ley $rlth the typlcal "U-shape" caused by scourlng actlon by glaci.ers. The area ls drained bv two drv vashes that drain North into Gore Creek thence West lnto the Eagle and Colorado Rlvers. Annual average precipLtatlon in the area is estlmated to be about 20 lnches per year. -2- GEOLOGY The only rocks exposed ln the area are Quaternary a1luvlal and colluvlal deposlts. The quaternary alluvia1 deposlts consist of sands, gravels' cobbles and boulders that have been transDorted and deposited by atrearo actlon. Some te-worked glaclal materlal ls mlxed w{-th stream deposited clastl"cs. The quaternary al1uvia1 depoelts generally fora stable so11 wlth sufflclent bearlng strength to supP ort large structures. The quattetnary co1luvla1 deposlts are a mixture of ta1us, soi1, and some glacial debrls. They are made up of soil, c1ay, sand, and angular fragnents of gravel, cobble and boulders. Soils fron the colluvlal denosits ranges froa stable to unstable and should be examlned carefully for bearlng strength and stablllty before conEtructlon of roadsr streers or bulldlng structures. RADIATION SURVEY Gamma radlatlon in the atea varles from about 0.018 to 0.020 nillitoentgens pet hour. These values of radlatl.on are consldered normal background count for this portion of the Colorado ltountain area. ENVIRO}IHE}ITAL SAFETY FACTORS Steep Blopes greater than 20i{ should be studied carefully by a soil engl.neer before foundatlons for buitdlng structures are designed as soecl-a1 eng{neer techni-ques may be necessary to ensure stabllity. D eP cuts on steeper slopes in areas designated as unstable on the accompanying geological roap shouLd be avolded for roads and streets. These areas can be avoided by reroutlng of the street or by using deep fll1s lnstead of deep cuts for butlding streets. -3- ILOODING No danger from rnal or floods exlsts ln the area as the proposed subdlvleion area is above the peak flood 1evel of Gore Creek. ulnor flash floods may occur in the dry washes ln the area durlng perlods of rapld slow nelt and heavy summer rains and the bottons of these dry washes thould be avolded as bulldlng sltes. SNOWSLIDES AND AVALANCITES No old anovsllde or avalanche paths vrere observed ln the area. Sna1l snowslides or avalanches may occur on the steePer slopes but are not consl.dered dangerou6 on account of the heavy tLmber cover- Lng the slopes whlch will tend to brake and divert small snowsltdes. ROCKFALLS There are no loose near to the subdlvi s l on covered by several fee t hazzatd. RADIATION HAZZARDS Gamua no dange r S UBS IDENCE radlatLon meaaurenentB ma de exl"sts frorn hlgh radlatlon. rocks or rock s1lde areas located 1n or area. All taLus deposlts 1n the area are of soil and rockf aLls are oot..a. Pr!tadtit.il in the area indlcate'that There 1s belLeved to be no danger f rorn cave-in of underground mine workings as ao underground mining or tunnellng has occured ln thLs area so far as is known. Some mlnor landsliding has occured ln areas marked as unstable on the accoDpanylng geological map. These old l-and s ll,de areas were ldentified by hurnrnocky topography, bends in trees grovlng ln the area, and by esCarments where recent earth movement haS occured These areas should be avoided as bulldlng sltes are addLtLonal landsllding wl11 contLnue Ln the future. -4- CENE.RAL BAZZARDS There ls believed to be very litt1e earthquakes. iludflows are very unlikely in thls thick deposlts of cJ-ay or shale. coNcLus IoNs danger in thls area f rom area due to the absence of The results of thls study lndicate that no unu€iual envLron- mental hazzards exist in this area that ntght preclude the planned deveLopment of a residential communlty. Respectively subnltted' y'z/*.,/-4* Charles R. Jolfnson Geological Engineer, P. E . 8621 C ilAP UATTERHORN VIIJ,AGE, ruIJNG NO. EtcLE CoUNTr, COIOzuDO GEOLOGI ,Ot QcoL -u L&XND QUATERNART AIIUVIW QUAImITAXX CoLLUtrIUU ru0.019 GAfiUA RADIATIOI,I IN I"III,TIROENTCNIS PER EOU'R ffiv,-', ll ARTA A ,' a l- f :'l | \ '-'\'7/''X'F\,'DX \' i ,{ ll !- (a"s/; 7,2 lilffiffi;frI-'\ffi,*;i f \'tt;L '4:tr7,f,if/, :;,;t,fliliiI:lllt, ,rN.-,\7 --:E-7-...'..: -, P,REA A : 00a 9 --t^ :t1>{/,'lE -:-:_.-. _.-. . _: .-n -.. /.,.-t '(o zoo 4or(tXKf:F1:- - - --4{,*rUtiirc',c.;1.-- 9.1i1:,-<t,ffi tw/7#!U:: ;/::;qMffiiftlliiil: 1r:,7.'nffi ffiiff 'ffi** SEE Fteune tio" ? FoR LEGEND ,,.\,rDr: i!1.\ LECEND SLOPE STABILITY MAP AREA A - STABLE AREA - FUTURE SLOPE I{OVE}IENTS DUE TO CUTS AND FILLS ARE UNLIKELY AREA B - STABLE AREA - POSSIBLE SLIGHT FUTURE SLOPE UOVEMENT DUE TO CUTS AND FILLS II{ SOME AREAS AREA C - STABLE AREA-- POSSIBLE SLIGHT TO HODERATE FUTURE SLO?E UOVE}IENTS DUE TO CUTS AND FILLS AREA D - UNSIABLE AREA - SLOPE IS PRESENTLY ACTIVE AND ACCELERATED FUTURE SLOPE !'OVEHENTS DUE TO CUTS ' FILLS AND SITE GRADING ARE PROBABLE AREA E _ ERRATIC CONDITIONS - CONTAINS PORTIONS SIUILAR TO AREAS C & D, DESCRIBED ABOVE .it-----# REPRESENTS BOUNDARIES OF VARIous STABILITY AREAS PRo.rEcr No. 4Bk SEPTEMBER 24, 1974 SJABTLTTY 0!{ALYSTS MA TTF-N Frrtnc llo. 2'.4 EAGLE COUNTY, COUOntoO OfF'(rrtL F,LL ( L.PY {,()- so*1Ll RECEIVED FEB 2 6 1975 *'!.J,i?ilil:,1,;:.*. .PREPARE,o FORs VAIL CI IY SutrE 250 GR€,Elrrvooo EHGLg$ooDt ATTT{3 I{R. C0FPORITtorl PLAZA TERRAC€ CoLonlDo 80110 oAv I D g'LilOne SUBSURFACE IGATION AND $LOPE ].ABLE OF CONTENTS conclusfoils PAGE I SCoPE peee l PRDPOS€O ColtsTRucTtor. PAGE 2 Fl ELD Af{D LABoRAToRv I Nv€s?t cAT toN pAc€ Z SuEsuRFAcE Cor.ot rtoxs pAcE z otscusstox oF sr-ope STABtLlTy ConDtTtoils pAct 3 GEHERIL RE@iluEtfDATtolts pese 6 TEST PtT LOCATIon PLAN FtcuRE No. I 'scaPg slrBf|.tTv MAp FtcuRE No, l-A TEST PIT LOES FIGURE NO. 2 TEST Pf T LO6s - LEcE,r+o & ilOrEs FtcuR€ ito. J GRIoATIOil AT.ALYSES FtcuRES l+ _ B SUI'T'ARY OF LABORATONY TEST RESULTS TABLE NO. I o (v s, *J*" cdo.odo sF rgs @b,66.00917 J03.5S.7547 €31 souh frsroe oado o bot fiaa - raa . cdoodo '81657 3m.4b.0297 (t 61 ^I-c0;cl-- )t soil G foundationJ dngineering CoNcLUs I o}|g l) lN oun oplr{lonr MANY oF THe HILLstDE poRTloxs oF THts slrE ARE Sul IABLB FOR DEVE,LOPMENT FOR REglo€NTIAL oR MULTI-rAMlLY TYPE STRUCTURES. ?) Bnseo oil THE RESuLTB oF AoDtrtoNAL TEsr ptr tNvesrtcATtoNs, A RECENT ilOFoCRAPlflC guRvEy, AND EXTENStVE FTELO lNSpECtt0N ANO MAPPINC PROGRAM$T A' SLOPE STABILITY MAP HAg BEEN PREPARED TO AID IN T}I€ OEVELOPMENT OF THIS PRO.'ECT, THIS SLOPE STABILITY MAP IS PREEENTED OH FIGUR€ NO. 1-A, FIVE (5) orsrlNcr rYPEs ON THlS MAP AND AREOF STABILITY COilDITIOilg HAVE BEEN DEFINEO DISCUSSEO IN IHE TEXT OF THIg REPORT. oue To TfrE ERRATIC NATURE OF THE SUBSURFACE CoNDtTIOHS, lT IVILL 8E NECESSARY TO COXOUC' FURTHER AOOIIIOT{AL INVESTIGATIONS AT EACH BU'LDINO SIT€ IN ONDER TO FORIIULATE SPECIFIC FOUNDATION DESICN CRITERIA FOR THE INDIVIOUAL PROPOSED STRUCTURES. ScOPE THIS REPOFT PREsENTS TI{E R€SUL'S OF A SUPPLSMENTAL SOIL ANO FOUNDATIOtr IIIYESTIGATION AilO SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS AT THE SITE oF THE PROPOSEO HAfTERHORN VTLLAGE SuBOlvtStOlrr Ftr-lNG NO.2r EACLE couNTYr cotontoo. THE PURPOSE OF THIS INVES?IGATION NAS ?O FURTHER O€,TERHINE THE oENERAL SUSSURFACG CO}IOI TI O'I8 AT THI S SI TE ANO TO OEL I NEATE AREATI OF VARYI'{E OEGREES OF SLOPE STABILITY OR INSTABILITV coHot TtDns. pRo.recr No. 484 P^GE 2 PRoPosEp I,oNsTRuprI oN IT IS UTIDERSTOOD THAI THIS AREA WILL Bg O€,VELOPEO INTO A RESID€HTIAL SUBDIVISIOTI. THE PROPOSEO STRUC?URES WILL BE SINGLE FAIILy OR |IULTl-FAulLY UrlTg wlTH ANO wl?HOUT SASEMENTS AilO GARoEN LevEL AREAS. COI{STRUCTIOt$ | s EXPECT€D TO 8E CAST-t N-e|-196, REI}IFORCEO CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS WITH TIMBER FRAME CONSTRUCTION ABOYE. LOADS ARE EXP€CTEO TO BE LIG}I' TO MDDSRATE. FI.ELD AND LABORATORY INVESTTGATIOfl . TeH (10) TEsr ptTs wERE E.xcAvATED AT LocATroNS tNorcATEo oN THE TEST PIY LOCAT|0'r PLAN, FrcunE No. 1. THE TEST ptT LOCAT|0T{S AHD THEIR ELEYAII DXS WE,RE DETERIT'IXEO BY A SURYEY CONOUCIED SY R I clrARDs ENe ! NE€.R I Nc, I NC. THE TEsr plrs IIERE ExcAvATED yvtrH A TRAcr( MoUNTED BAcKHoE, SAIIPLES OF THE VARIOuS SuBsuRFAcE sTRATA WERE REcoveRE,o FR0III THE TEST PITS A}tD WERE RgTURilEO TO OUE COLORADO SPRINGS LABORATORIES. THE R€COVEREo SIXPLES WEhE CAREFULLY CLASSIFtED AND A TESTING PROgRAtia IrAS I Hl tl AIEO BY THE PRO.TECT €Nc I NE€,R. THE LOCS OF THE TEST PITS AR€ PRESEHTED OH FIGURS NOS.2 AND 3. THE RESULTS OT THE LABORATORY TESTS ARE DEPICTED ON FIGURE NOS. 4 rnnouen I ero ARE suMrfARtzED or TABLS No. 1. suBsuRFrcE co}{Dl Ttoils MOST OF TH€ HILLSIOE AREAS OF THtS SITE ARE COVERED SY LAYSRS OF COLLUVIUI, COLLUYIUI' IS IIATTRIAL,I|HICH HAS BI€N TRAN$PORT€D ?O I.TS PRESENT LOCA?IOH FRO'{ UPSLOPE AREAS. THE METHOO OF TRANSPORTATIOTT PRo.rEcr No. 484 PAGE. 3 oF colLuvtuil ts cEr{ERALLy r€RMED As ncnEEpr wHtcH ts A sLoH,, I MPERCEP?I BLE DOilTtHI LL iIOV€,MENT OF THE OVERBURDgN SO I LS. lil soHE AREAS, TH€ extsrlNG colLuvtAL s0tLs ARE tN RELATtvELy STABL€ coirFleuRATloNsr wHILE lN OTHER AREAS THEY ARE c0NSIDERED ro BE VERY ACTtvE. lN SOil€. CASES, THE LAyeR OF COLLUV|UT tS UNDERLAIN 8Y RELATIVELY SOFT, I.IOIST, COMPRESSIBLE CLAYS. THESE HOIST CLAYS AEE NO' CONSIOERED TO 8E GOOD FOUNDATlON BEARING I.AIERIALS AT{O COULO COI1TRIAUTE SIGNTFICANTLY TO THE INSTABILI TY OF TTIE OVERLYINE COLLUVIAL LAYER, NO'{E OF THe TEST PI Ts ENG0uI{TERED F IRH BEDRocK F0RiIATI o'{, ALTHOUCTI SOXE LARGE BOULOERS WERE, PRESENT WITHIH THE SOIL PROF!LE. ALSO' NDXE oF 7HE T€sT PITs ENcouN?ER€D THE GRoUNo WATER TA8LE. HowEv€Rr THE TEsr ptrs WERE ExcAvATgo DUR|rc rHE DRy suMHER MonrHS OF T}IE YEAR AXD PERCHEO GROUND WATER TASLSS OR I SOLATEO GROUNO WATER SEEPAEE SPRINES COULO O€VELOP IN MANY LOCATIOHS DURING THE SPRING THAT AND HEAYY RUN.OTT PERIOO. THE ENIIRE AREA OCCUPIED BY MATTER}IORN VILLAO€, SUSDIVISIO't, FtLtNc No. Z, HAs BEaN BRoxEN Do$tN Inro Ftve (5) oIFFERENT CA'ECONIES OF SLOPE STABILIIY COXDITIOTS. THESE CATEGORTES ANO THEIR LOCATIO}T ARE INOICATEO Oil FIEUNE NO. I-A. AREA NO. I GEilERALLV, TI|ER€ AFg NO EXt STt NG OR Ar{Tl SLOP8 STABILI Ty COr{ol Tf OnS wiltcH couLo oEvELOp I PROPOSEO STRUCTURES MAY BE SUPPORTEO BY CONVENTI CIPATTO SEVERE N THIS AREA. THE :ONAL SPREAO FOOTINGS PRo.J€cr No.4B4 PAGE 4 I!'ITH NO SPECIAL COHSIOERATIO'{S NEC€SSARY FOR RETATNINC MEASURES TO STAAILIZ€ SLOPES. THE SOILS IN THIS AREA ARE NON-COLLUVIAL At{D ARE PRIMARILY cLAclAL-FLuvlAL oR ALLUVIAL TYPE D€P0stTs. AREA NO. 2 THESE AREAS ARE PRESENTLY IN A R€LATIVELY sTABLE coNDITIoN. PRoPosEo srRucruREs lN THrs AREA sHour.D BE suppoRTED By cor{vENTIoNAL Rg!NFORSEO CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS SUPPORTED BY CONVENTIONTL SPREAO FOOTI'{G FOU'IOATIONS. IT MAY BE NECESSARY IN SOME AREAS TO USE RETAIIi'NC WALLS DR CRIS IVAI.LS TO STABILIZE HlLLSIOE CUTS. ROAOITAY COITSTRUCTION IN ,IRS,A NO. 2 CrX B€ COHOUCTED BY CONV€H- TI0NAL lrETHoDs. RoADSIDE curs HAvr Nc A st-opE oF Tno (2) noatzor{TAL To oile (l) venrrcAl sHouLo REuATN srABr-E As LoNG As rHE FAcE oF Tnt curs ARE pRoTEctED Fnorr ERostoN, Curs srEEpER THAN z To I tN THESE AREAS S}IOULD BE PROT€CTEO BY CRIBBING OR REINFORCEO CONCRETE RETAININO II'ALLS. AR€^ No. 3 Tr{E sLopEs tH ABEAS otstcNATEo No. 3 ARE pREsENTLy tH A STABLE Col{ol TION, BUT coULD EXPERI EilcE llooERATE sLopE sTABlLt ty PROBLEITS lF SPECIAL MEASURES ARE NOT TAKEN. GENERALLY, tT lS REc.Oilr|EilOEO THAT ALL CUTS B€ HELD TO A I,|II{IMU$ IN THESE AREAS. curs oN rlrE oRoER oF Foun (4) reer sxouLo BE coNsrDEREo ro BE A MAXITUX ALLO||ASLE. BUILDII{GS COI.ISTRUCTEO' tII THI S ARE,A SHOULO BE SUPPORTED 8Y CO'IYEI{TIO'IAL SPREAD FOOTIilE OR CONTI NUOUS II'ALL FOU'IDA- llOx SYSTEilST 8UT rHE FOUXoATIOH WALLS stlOuLD BE HEAVILY REINFORC€o. lN THESE AREAST tr wout-o BE coNslDEREo cooo pRAcrrcE To srEp rHE FOUNDATIOIIS AiID THE STRUCIURES DOWX THE SLOPES TO CONFORM TO T}rE EXISTTNG S'?E CO||TOURS IN OROER TO MINIMTZE THE NEED FOR CUTS ANO o PRD.rEcr ND. 484 Prce 5 FILLS, GROUNo FLOORS SHOULo 8E coxsTRucTED AS sLABS-oN-GRAoE BUT ALL FILL PLACEO BENEATH FLOOR SLABS SHOULO BE RETAINED SY PERilAilENT RSTAINI}IG h'ALLS AND THE FILL SHOULO BE }IELO TO A MINIHUI*, ROAOIIAYS CONSTRUCTEO IN THE AREAS DESIGNATEO AS J SHOULD BE DESIGNED USIHG A MAXIMUilI AMOUNT OF FILL AND A I{INIMUIT AITOUHT OF CUT. ALL CUT FACES IN ROADWAY AREAS SHoULD BE PERMA}TENTLY STTBILIZEO BY REINFORCEO CONCRET€ RETAINING $ALLS OR CRISBING SYSTEUS. Aeea No. 4 THe HtLLstDE suRFAcEs tN THt AREAs oEstcNATeo ns 4 ene l1.r A PRESETTTLY STABLE CONDIT|ON, SUT THERE tS A VEny HtcH FISK OF SLOPE MOVETI€NT ASSOCIATED IIITH ANY CONSTRUCTION CUTS AND FILLS. . THEAE SHOULD B€ ASSOLUT€LY NO CUTS MAOE BELOTY TItE AREAS WHTCH WOULD BE OCCUPIEO BY THE PR0POSE0 STRUGTUR€S. ANY CUTS LOCATED ODIIiISLOPE OF THE BUILDINC AR€AS COULD CREATE STABILI TY PROBLEUS TYHICII COULO CAUSE SERIOUS OAMAGE TO THE BUILOIilE FOUNDATIONS. TXE AUILOINCS THEMSELVES SHOULD BE COXS'RUCTED ON ISOLATEO COLUI,|}I . PAOS COTSTRUCTEO BY ETCAVATINB THE I{ATURAL SOILS AIIO BACXFTLLING SO THAT T}IE 6ROUI'O SURfACE IS RESTORED TO I TS ORICITiAL COiITOURS. Iil THIS GASET tT U'ILL PRDBASLY BE'N€cEssARY To cONgTRUcT THE GROU'ID FLOOR SLABS AS STRUCTURAL FLOORS AHO THE CO'IFIGURATIOH OF THE BUILDITIBS SHOULD BE SUC}I TO STEP DOU'il SLOP€S TO CONFORIr TO THE NATURAL SITE GOI.TOURS. EXISTITC CRADES IN T}IESE AREAS SHOULO BE AL.TEREO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBL€. RoADrAys colrsrRucrEo f H TlrE ARE,AS DEsrcr{ATEo ls 4 nouLg a€ VERY RISKY, IT IS STROI*BLY succEsTED THAT NO ROAoWAY CUTS A}ID PROJECT ilO. 484 PAGE 6 FILLS BE MAOE. Ir IT Is AESOLUTELY NECESSARY TO cONsrRuCT ROAO- T'AYS, THEI.I THE ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS S}IOULO BE VIRTUALLY ALL FILL ANO THEY SHOULD BE LOCATEO DOWNSLOPE OF THE PROPOSED RESIDENCES. EVEN DRIVEWAY CUTS IN THIS AREA COULo PROVE TO 8E O€TRIMENTAL DUE rO THE POTENTIAL OEVELOPMENI OF SLOPE STABILITY PRDBLEUS. AREA NO. ( THESE AREAS ARE PFESEHTLY VERY STEEP ANO UNSTABLE OUE TO ACTIYE COLLUVIAL T,IOVEI{ENT OR. SCREEPII . I T I S STRONGLY RECOITUENDEO THAT NO PEAilAilENT STRUCTURES DR ROAOWAYS BE CONSTRUCTED IN TH€SE AREAS. IN SOI'I€ CASES' TH€RE ARE SOM€ AREA 5 OESIGNATED SLOPES LOCATEO B€TII€EN MORE STABLE AREAS. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT A ERIDGE STRUCTURE BE oEslcNEo TO SPAN THg AREA J tH OnoeR ro CONNECT THE STAELE HILLSIOg AREAS W}IIGH ARE MORE SUITABLE FOR DEVg,LOPMENT. IT IaEV BE FEASIBLE TO CONSTRUCT ROADI,YAY EMBANKMEN'S ASROSS SOITE PORTIoNS DEgIeNATEO AS AREA J, eut THESE t'JILL HAVE TO BE El{TIRALY FILL EUBANKMENTS, lF rHlS lS DESIRABLE, rrE sHouLD BE CoNTACTED IN ORDER THAT WE CAN PROVIOE, AODITIONAL DESTGN CRITERIA AND OPINIO'TS CONCERNINC THIS MATTER. GENERAL RECOiII'ENOAT I ONS f) lT rs RgcoutfENDEo rHAT THE solL TO REVISY' THE F]NAL PLAT OF THI Ef{E I NE€,R BE E I VEN THE OPPORTUN I TY S AREA ANO THE FINAL GRAOING ' PLAN. 2) t? tS EyfDENT THA1 THERE ARE SEyERE DfSCREPANCIES ON THE M9ST R€cENT TOPO MAP PROVIOED TO US. THE OISCREPANCIES ARE APPARENT iYiIEN THE TOPO MAP CONTOURS ARE COMPAR€D WITH THE TEST PIT ELEVATI OI{S RSCORDEO BY BELIEVED THAT THE TOPO RICHAROS ENGINEERI MAP (8ASE0 ON ouR PROJECT NO. 484 PAG€ 7 NGr lNC. lT tS V I SUAL I NSPECTION OF R IN SOME LOCATIONS.THE FIELD CON0lrtONS) ts tN coNStDERA THESE ERRoRS couLo pRovE r0 BE A RATHER SERrous ollljlgglrg THg DEVELOPMENT OF A FINAL SITE GRAOING ANO DRAINAGE PLAN. .r'r'rdig,.4eid--.j 3) nu?HoucH No suBsuRFAcE SEE,pAGE wATER oR GRouNo vrArER TABLE wAs ENcoUNTEREO BY ouR FIELo lNvEsrlcATloNr lT MUsr BE ANTlclpATEo THAT THls HILLSIDE fvtLL BE suB.rEcrED To ERRAT|c BUTr tN soME CASEST ExTREMELY HEAVY UNDERGROUND wATER FLOhr CONDITIONS DURTNG THe sPRlilc oF THE YEAR ouRlNc PERtoos oF THAWINGt sNow MELT AND PRECIPI TATION. 4) lT MAy BE NEcEssARy ouRrNc rHE couRsE oF coNsrRucrtoN To AMENo THE FTNAL GRADlNc PLAN, DUE T0 POTENTtAL ISOLATEO SLOPE INSTABILI TV OR GROUNO VYAIER CONDI TIO'{S TVHICH MAY NOT BE APPARENT UNTIL GRADING OPERATIONS ARE IN PROGRESS. 5) onlrNAcE ARouND THE pRoposEo srRUcruRE rvILL HAvE To BE CAREFULLy PLANIED AT €AcH lNDlvtDUAL BulLolNG LocATloNr PARTIOULARLY lN AREAS 2, 3 & 4. lN MANv cAsEs I T rytt.t. BE NEcEssARy rD tNTERce.pr SLOPE SURFACE A}IO SUBSURFACE SEEPAEE WATER BY ORAINAGE MEASURES, . SUCH AS SII'ALES OR EVEN UNOERCROUND FRENCH DRAINS. AT MOST SITES IT gILL 9E NECESSARY 'O INCORPORAT€ ORAIN TILE SYSTEMS AROUNO ALL BASEfTEXT OR CAROEil LEVEL AREAS IH OROER TO PROTECT THE GROUTTO FLOOR SLABS FROiI SEEPAGE UJATER INFILTRATI OH. 6) IT IS CO'.SIOEREO TO BE ASSOLUTELY II\IPERATIVE THAT THE SOtL ENGINEER BE cl vEt{ lHg 0PPoRTuNl rY To cot{oucr A corrpLETE sus- SURFACE SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTTGATION AT THE SITE OF €ACH PRo,,Ecr No.4B4 Paee B PROPOSEO STRUCTUFE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE MATTERHORN VILLAGE suEDlvlsloN, FtLtilc N0.2. THtS tvtLL 8E NECESSARY DUE TO THE ERRATIC SUBSURFACE CONDITtONS, p0SStSLE GROUND wATgR pROBLEMS, AND POTENTIAL AND PRESENT SLOPE STABtLITy CON0tTIONS, pARTtCULARLY IN THE UPSLOPE AREAS. 7) npptlcABLg coMMENTS ANo REcoMHENoATToNs coNTATNED rN ouR tNlTlAL s0lr- tNo FouNoATtoN l}|vEsTtcATtoN REpoRTr.PRo.rEcr N0. 350r.oATED NoveusER l5r 1973, sHouLD BE CAREFULLY FoLLowEo. Y,E APPREcIATE THIs OPP0RTUNITY To BE oF SERVIcE TO YoU. SHoULo HAV€, ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THI S REPOR?, PI-EASE FEEL FREE CONTACT OUR OFFICE. o YOU TO ffi"'6Y'2 THoHAS E. SuMME.RLet, P . E. PRES I OENT tslss cc: RlclrARDs ENCtNEERtNG, lNC. PRo.JEcr No.4B4 9/zLt/74 TEST P IT . LOCAT l0l,l PLAt.i MATTgRHORN VI LLAGE SuBo I v I s r oN FILING. ND.2 FAGLE COUNTY. Coloiao o ,5't0 ,/r/ '/ ,J62 'd ',t=\\i*\ s a0.55'5a. e. Krz.90, f=.re.I I Cortg!. trr:rrr. a'I7t / Fifr r INOICATES TEST PIT I.OCATTON F I cuRe N0. I X fi i |, RU.rL,C t NU. t+O$ 9/24/'r+ l..l I/l SLOPE TABILITY MAP MA T TERHORN V I LLAGE FILING NO.2 EAGLE CD. COL ORA DO { q \, \N (l\ tt\) '4;' ar ;Jft scAt-E, FEET r loz- .'-1( ^{) w /'Iry il11 $i,T' F rcuRE t{o. 1-r1 TEST PIT LOGS PRo.rEcT No. 484 SEpTETTBER 19 r 1974 I l0 TEST P!T L, rr, |! -' o, aa,o L, u, t! -t S too o.l No.8 sEe FtcuRE llo. 3 roR LEGEN0 AND NOTES. NO.l0 F lrl trtlr 10tr alr,t] L,lrl |! F tor u,o FIGURE No. 2 No.2 No.4 No.7 No.9 PRo,JEcr No. 484 TEST PIT LOGS - LEGF}IO & NOTFS \LEGgND oRcAN I c. ffi stLT'- 9ANDY, SOF? TO MEOTUU STIFFl VERy MOtSTl LTGHT15 BROlf r. : EtlLT - cLAyEy, sANDvr {EOtur uOIST TO MOtST, MEDlur STIFF,BRgrx, wlrx soxi GFAvEL $l *atuvlutl - r.rxru'E oF cLAy, sllr, sArr', & cRAvEL, srrFF TO YEFY SrlFFl ilEDtUr| trol ST' BROwr{ TO OAR|(gRor'ilr $t Tlt occAsl0NAL coBELES-ANO BOULOERS. r|lxTuRE oF CLAY, SILT, SAXO, cRAyEL, COBBLSS, FLOAIERS, Ar*D EDULDSRS, rrEO I Uil MO I STr BROtfrl?o DARX gROHlr, rlrf TH occAslol{AL Sl LT LAvtRS. A sAcKHo€ oN JuLy 11Ano JULY 12'- 1974. HO EROUIIO I|A?ER I'AS ENCOUI{TEREO PITS TIEF€ IXCAVATIO. THE Locs sxo* lppnox I HA T€ Boulroln | €s BE Ttv€€rr rHE vAR I ous S?RA?A AT THE OATES AND LOCA'I OrrS I iIO I CATED ANO I T I S NOT ilAARA'ITED THAT T}I:,Y ARE REPFESEilTATIVT OF SUBSURFACEcoxDlTtolrs AT otlrER LocATl olrs ANo TtrrEs. r{oTFs I ) tne rEsr p I Ts rr€B[, ExcAvATED ty r rH 2) 3) AT THE TIil€ HE TEST FrcuRs No.. 3 C'gi ff=!-r J(L I JJ I ,lzo Ic><uJ3* :-a ar, ln<()Janof, oz (, L! aao(, odlNosooO\@ o(\ rlo\o o oocn (\l oo oo 6l \o(\ o\ (l o o<toooooooooo$r (\ of"rv.il r*fc"r"* @ o\i'o o(\l tN I o\ (\t g\ I€ o * o o\oo oct Ia\ rl lrj -O<nEanLJ<o-(L )o o{) t c!e! rJ.\ o\\o GI\o C\-rr't \o AIrn \o T c LJ>.uo-zU' o cF\rt + \o *ts c.\ +h o\t\*+ oo (\.l+ tt lt z a|, aa q) <tz 2 o L,(r foo z Ll J() )Ll c(, o L, EL, E L.l IJ gl o oz F (a 6 f tf oL,t v, tn z l- Io o vl (Jz o a !,t F troJo() zto CJ !J o lr, ol oz. =J TL av 1! G zo F C'o J IrJ J .L ln Il+.lR:t l\colo\-l< lol Z rrl FF.<()o lrj -Jo (E o- tr, tJ UJ =G=o)r- CN (E.O t-tJ d) AJ =Jo ,- ln o lr\ .f F LJ t J o. (n \r\ I F zo (r) ,; lotdll3lut II rrtl(tt<IJ z o tJ FF = oz t!JoI c\ t! o .l.|jJ'(L a uJF o 2 (n J z z ; = -F(n N L,JJ 9 F G j trj F Il^| I ,;2 ; z 3 t-- o= - (/t(- U' an u)<c)JAo= It ffo g"ls: t-- o J o- F J JJ Izoz :llr-()(, clU'uJ< o oo f fn(l\ \r\ o o Nc\al\o o\ clr\ I 5 td>. UJO-zu, o ct (f\++l \o + o(-\+++NIIt aIo(' oooanlo 9|| |s5Vd lt tcuooo\o rr\ $ oooooo\ (r, t\cto @ o\ tAl I t o\ .o (v o ft {! o (, g, eIzo- FJ o o o o v, )A (l ooooooooor ..r oi"rvril ."fcr:"* oo t .rt(\l oo@o\ (D lll J 2 td t, o 0,(,z 2 L,Io tl E 5ogl E J(, J aI ot, ELlll tJ 6 o(r oz ln c' ) o ln J E F Ioc (r!(,z o Ll G t F oo (ro Jo C) F2lo C) tal Jo t! ol oz. (, =j L- (t L'YJ(Ec =>(nE rn \o lr. t(\t\lo\r* trlF o LJ lrj 'JE+ lrJrE:>ofFa(Er.OOtdoz OJF >Jtr,Oirool- ut (r (L IFtt u,o tdJ(l @ -lrl FI oz lrJ J zo (t) ; oo:)a gJ(, zEo-E tJ F =l :iN csl I o LJJ o. =o IJF c) 2a J z. z, F 61 -l Fi(^l il;l ['J I dlFIclfl z 9 F ()oJ j lr, F <n I 'I t"i oz tt_ ; := : gtaa<())u)o:) o H; 5=| -.r o-g J olrtl J \olr\ t!* tr, <qa q o oo C\l \o 9\ o \og\ @ o\co N' ,..t4\i col I I a o\c\ fn (q N t trJ>r r.J o a --i +.It- \c n: o :rn :tt :+,+t- a Io C) ooo(.1 $to ooaooo, co c\ th I Ssvd iHlalSdooo\f, v\ -?oo ol a c\ I N I @ .O N o\ r-Oo\$l c\ o (oo o o\ o o Izo I J g, oF (, u) J A (t ol c.- :t, N.t ooo0o 3 R R o?',r.flt'n8"":.R 3 I ro J 0l z o g {r J It ra IE o IJ g, tl g! 2 t) El t o J I t =trj E 2o at odl)(n tr,(' J z c(o? ,Glr, F = F C) ) Ll : .:fc\ Or o\ F o @ Fo lr,l'o lrJ L, J tr,>.8:.o ]F<n <. .ot! dt >Jo * lJ)o o o() z fo C) rr,Jo IJ cl o g\ F LJ J tJt't leI(,lz -rJ ; \c I TLF z UJ I C\- C\ LJ J trj F c ; .J z. .z9 Ffi E- ; J lrl F -8, o =F5:!-r (L J I J J I -l oz o L zo :(t ..ql!r>-ut: IJ' u, <n<c)JAo:f aao{} oo ooorrn|o n| \o o\ <,o ooo\ ((l d tr3c u3 doov\ -:t 9fi Ioo(\ \o I I.? or (r| g\ o + () !t) c I2oz J |/| o o l,t JI (, (\ o o ooocroC\tn.'r'^r\o ofN lYl!l ri3cu3d oo (\ ooo<t ;ro(/,tr(,]rrj <o-a o o <) \o \no\@ \o c\r\ @ C\Ic\ c\ c.-\o \o \o \J.\ o\ o\c.\ e c! ff\ LJ>. UJO-z +h @\ \o +\ o + o +CQ+ at <tz z L,co ri tafgt z (, at> It 2 LT o J G(' gt Ll G !l LJ L, gt o oz F(t o t ,t o f at J 2 !J F Io(l o a:,z o IJ E t F oo\ooa\o It N9 oo 0co Jo C) Fztoc) rd -.(' L! AI 6 !a =u, d zo F C) ) LJ J : (t) Itr Iry l-r:INF : gl^- = 5 'tls) F l.\,-a ErOofrJc)Zu)<Ftt)F< >JLlO'rrooF(/,G (L lol=t:l-j tr- zo (t o dl:t (t> ulo JJ z o rr, F = rr\ a IF (L llj trj J : a \o I F z trj JoI c\ f\ lrjJ = U' lr, F o 2 t|'t J z, 1 ;f 3(r F- o TJN a tdJ 9 FE o- J Ir, F (A oz 0 t! zo ;()k or., C'* ;(/, ;U'A< (-) JAo3 I*l o H; s=!-r G- I J o- I JJ I ,l UJ- C){D(l(/, uJ .{t!c o o ( T (\l co o C\ Cr \o c^ o\o <) c\\n o\ -+ o\ rn \o I o trj fr, O-za t +t * \o rt o + o lJ_\+ O + oN+ aao(, I ooo,(vo 3Uotto9n I Soo(\ \o oo ooo\@ oo o N ({ \o rtt o\ (\l q\ I a 6 oo\ ;t a\o F o o * o o. F,oa cI202 <t, oF ct o\oo oo o o Jc J(, oo o<too Ia\ l: ar+oooooo,*u\\oc\@o\oJx l vrfu lx3fufd 6 gt J z '{, L, att dlI2 2 o.o e Jcl'} I LlJ C' tatl c |.lt Ll tr, gl oE oz FIt gr :t o tn J z o|Ie o t F € d!3 zI F ooJ 6trYJEtr< AG o \o N (l\ o\ tJ F o tr, Ld er -.}u>=.>(r:50fFa G..OOuJd'z A'JF EJIrJo':rooF(/,E L F tt l,)(l =a IIo.lll&ll-l I .o z rrJJ _r :t c.- (v C! 2 J z I Ff, ;F2,o uJ :(n LdJ 9 -F cc o- olrjJ o lrJ F ,o J L.|F 3i a ;165;?;32 jd ?,5 Jrdorrr-rrFF-> z > l? J r Ftr O J J O U'J(' 0 () -trag)oU LJ > ..1 c<rr, J J -e>o o (/|(, tA 0) o(' (ro .tr . .tr' t- . r! .IoF t- oF F r) oF oFz- J z,- J z z- z-.<3 <.=(naurotDac, Jrr, O.> Z FC A J(, gl oat lr, tr<LJJ J>o (' -I .oF t-.Z- J<.3ID UJ fra OLJ|/|NF-Jtro o-< lt(Jlo{,(9lo tLL!t!ll-L \o t\rf\ \RRY-:t(/) <) cO rn .:i .:f rrot(\rNlo' .:i ii' C\ (n -r* ^ lr,;3u, : 6 (j,. 3 tt Z;I e ur X' Y:tI-;oa-o oltrllltllllc\ oq .rtHF53 F \R o. Ir+o(f\ $Fo ot cl \RJ IcllivrNcOO\:tJF$l(\l0, I bqJ J $l\o.:t5\olr.\lArOtNolzrr\N Jf C > -lr:l C Ut <)tF O za za ::rrrrrrl , l,J:5 3[rat9 \O .:t !F O\ i- {\ V\ I\aaaa(n (.\ S qN 6.nN Gt FFFlf\tF.F =FFL, O, lrj lrJ L OOOrf\rOrr\OOlal.O\Otq'-\OO\Orrt\O|- lrjloiz cq N rr\ rJ\ \o \o \o o\ o\tttllllllo- o- o- o- o- o. o- o. o-Fl-Fl-r'F-FFF ,c G'--o () c\ o\ g\ UJ F o trjt{,J -{'traUJ+ =.=:)ln o.z td Fao =aoo FO- ;l ilfl sl EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 7 April 1975 Letter of Transmittal Re: Record of Matterhorn Village Filing #2 File No. Sp-50-75 To: Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (each member) Complete copy to: Max Barz, County Clerk Dave Ef more, appl icant/developer (certified Mai I No.62_=i4) Ken Richards, appl icantrs Engineer Hugh Warder, County Attorney File Transmitted herewith, by your order and for your study and consideration at your special meeting on 28 April 1975, are copies of the following information: 1. Transcript of the Eagle County Planning Commission meeting (portion) of 19 March 1975, and, 2. Exhibits A thru Y attached (letters and reports); 3. List of Exhibits A thru Y 4. Planning Staff Report and Recommendations. Respectful ly submitted by : f^il^,A .t:B/-n Michael S. Blair D irector MSB/Kt ILU' 1{ i?fcIlr.,;.il r,l,iR 1 s ,3,?j o,'llt. .it i,ititlrr : & !iiJel.t_:.: Ccr:nty, Colo. March 18, L975 Michael S. B1air, Director Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: At a regular monthly meeting of the [Iest VaiI Association,held llarch 10, I975, the Board of Dj-rectors discussedthe Matterhorn Vil1age, Filing No. 2 Subdivision. TheBoard was unanimously opposed to the subdivision in theproposed form and asked that the County address thefollowing: 1. propoqs4*Ig,a{s_{a not meet minimum Count Standards wi-th respect to width, graden and-g.gn-ieifiii'e-iedii:"' T6dy bhould be bibu6hi'"-" -"' to standard in all respects and platting ofprivate roads should be discouraged. Accessby fire trucks and a lack of proper snowplowing on private roads should be addressed. Access to the proposed subdivision and to therecently approved Vaj. 1 Village lVest, FilingNo. 3, (platted by the same developer), isacross a"Sg_!*ffgg3 over Gore Creek. It isrequested-Thai-ffie traf f icsituation there and determine if a secondbridge is required in the Fal1 Line Apart- ments area. Request that a revision of the proposed sub- d i v i. s i o n { e gp e c !*t hq- .5*o.r I *9\gSS}.I_lggLr jIl.-. ?I g a sdelineated in the Soils Reuoff .- 'i'he-Boafdelineated in the Soils Reuoff .- ti'Ie-Boafd could not understand how qgads_qf--UJl,lLly. cutscould be made in these afei-s.-Ttrerriwas also-a question regarding the stability of a fultwatel tank in the area. 2. 3. ,1 -/t/ o lillEooiiil""'O Page Two 4.Requ i r e a . bon d - flo-nL -t h 9=de. g-elep 9l f or th e construct1on or ei*l-u-1.j1 iit.ies -rvithin the prop"."o subdiviElon -on nenart of the Vail Vi.fitg. lYest 'lllater and Sanitation District ' A bond for construction and improvement of alI roads within the subdivision, and those iffiss should also be required bY the County along with appropriate time schedules' 5. Request a buildable area be dedicated for use by area residents for the development of a children' s Playground. 6.Study the proposed subdivi-sion wlth -respectie iarrd and densities as definedto buildable land and de-4sltrqs as trerrttet' h., Efii-Tv Srtbdivision and Zoning Regulations'by County Subdivision an DLnsity iransf q1s f or--lrnblLlLbbbl should not be allowe In sumnation, the Board of Directors of the West Vail Association are ot tft. opinion that the County should -€c'.l:ry-i tr e,gevsleselLe--Lq!.q Le- !-e q "o-qrr tJ+€{!ry' It appears that ilTtte;pt-waC maoe to do this in the existing proposal. The recommendation of the Board is not to approve the proposed subdivision until a "o*pf.t. redLsign is suUmitted addressing itself to ex- isting County regulations and the needs of the area' please submit this correspondence to the Planning com- mission for their consideiation' l{e leave a detailed review to those agencies so dedicated' lhank you' TrulY Yours, THE WEST VAIL ASSOCIATION A6{@* Chairman, Board of Directors KRR/ik ..-4 l:ICilri liD r,il,ii I rl '1rll '., 6' ll ri,'l lu',ocpt.0f tuttn s box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 off ice of the town manager I'larch .|8, 1 975 Eagle County Planning Corrnission P.0. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado Re: Matterhorn Village, Second Filing Preliminary Plat Gentl emen: We feel it is essential that a thorough review be performed to ascertain that densities and minimum lot sizes are in accord with Eagle County Subdivision and Zoning regulations. A technical review was performed by our staff which determined that there are numerous proposa'l s in- cluded in the subdivis'ion which do not meet County regulations' as outl ined below: 1. t.|e feel the County should take a very strong position in interpreting |Net Developable Land" as defined in the zoning regulations' as a sizable portion of the proposed subdivision is in excess of 30% sl ope or has extrsnely un- stab'l e soil conditions which make it unsuitable for buiiding. 2. Portions of some of the streets in the proposed subdivisjon are designated as private streets. Section 5.02-02 of the Subdivision regulations requires that private streets meet the standards outl ined 'i n the regulations. a. Maximum road grade allowed 8% or may be 12% if permission 'is given by the Planning Commission. There are grades on the-private road extensions in excess of 15%. |.le feel that the grades should be he'ld to no more than 8% due to the snow problems so that emergency vehicles have access to all lots in the proposed subdivision. b. Private roads should be discouraged so that adequate maintenance is quaranteed. 0u .t fil3l; i8:'lU,l' un Jonrnri ssion Page Two c. The minimum road width allowed is 50'. Sections of the private road have only 30' right-of-way. d, The minimum centerl'ine radius of curves is requiredto be .|00 feet. Some of the switchbacks on theprivate road sections have a radius of 45'. An average American automobile requ'ires a minimum turning radjus of 49'7". A large emergency vehicle would be requ'ired to back up several times to get around the corners; however, the narrow road width proposed would not provide enough space for the necessary backing up. 3. The proposed subdivision is quite steep, a substantial amount isin excess of 30% s1ope. l^le feel development could create adverse environmentai impact when either roads or structures were constructed. In addition to the environmenta'l impactof construction on very steep siopes, off-street parking as required by the zoning regu'lations, would be impossibleto provide without massive cuts, which are procluded by thesoils report, or fills which would be aesthetical'ly un- des ira bl e. 4. The plat indicates roads are to be constructed in areasidentified in the soils report as becoming unstable if cuts are made, with 4' cuts being the maximum recommended. The roads as proposed would have cuts much in excess of the 4l recommended. The only alternative for road construction would be fills in unstable area,which may be prohibitively expensive. One portion of Lucerne Lane cuts into the toe.area of a type 5 soil area for which the report recommends no pennanent structures or roadways 5. Section 5.08 of the Subdivision Regulations states that minimum lot size for land with 20% siopes must be 20,000 square feet with an additional .l,000 square feet of lot sizefor each l% of slope over 20%. Many of the proposed sites do not meet the mininum size requirement, with many lots in the 12,000 to .l5,000 square foot size range. The Planning conmission and the Town Council for the Tor^rn of Vail strongly recommends that this preliminary subdivision plat be disapproved and that the developer be required to redesign the subdivision to meet , [r"q:; i8:'tg7!r anc*mi ssion Page Three mlnimum County standards. lle feel that. the *i.iiiJ-JiiiiiJ submission'at the Sketch Plan a amount of redesign necessary level ' ..rt / Tor.fN OF VAILTOII|N COUNCIL FOR THE ,! ;'' J DST/J k COIORAOO OEPIRTMETT OF HEALTII 12IO EAST IITH AVENUE . DENVER,COLORADO Edrrard G. Dteyfus r. .D.t ,:;'L c_ 80220 . PHONE 388-6111 H.P.f, .: Executlve Dlrector , l'larch 14, 1975 llr. |lichael S. Blair Planning Dlrector Eagle County Planning Commlsslon P.0. Box 789 Eagle, C0 Bl63l Dear ilr. Blair: The Colorado Department of Health has reviewed Flle No. Sp-50-75 Prellmfnary Plan, Matterhorn Vlllage Filing #2, and offers the follovling commen t s : Slnce the developer has a commltment from Vall Vlllage West Water and Sanitatlon Dlstrlct to tie into that central vrater system, the pro- posed water system ls acceptable to thls Department. Slnce neither of the reports (geology and slope stability) ar'e directly connected with water qual lty, we have no comments. No concluslons or recommendat ions can be made at thls tlme relatlve to alr pollution lmpacts. lt was determined that insufflcient data was presented In order to assess the air quality impact of the proposed p roj ec t. Thank you for the opportunlty to revlew this Preliminary Plan. s- \__, MAlt i 1 ',i Dept. tr, ,,-,,,tr,... .. frglo County, Co:c. L {i 1,v'r5 ,\ r . ",,1t:;.l. Asslstant Dlrector of Health Env I ronmental Programs l|!pr:rr y.. ,'"-.)..', RDS/p I a- c- D, box I oo vail, colorado er657 303.476-56r3 Fire Chief of should not be the proposed develop- March .|4, .l975 T0: EAGLE C0UNTY PLANNING C0MMISSI0N FROl'l: VAIL FIRE PR0TECTION DISTRICT CHIEF MIKE CARLISLE RE: TECHNICAL REVIEl.l OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAN OF MATTERHORN VILLAGE FILING # 2 As a member of the Eagle County Techn'ical Review Committee and the Vail Val1ey, I strongly concur that this preiiminary plat forwarded to the Planning Commiss'ion for formal review. I would like to record the following comments concerning ment. (l ) The proposed roads (private or county) are in excess of the county stand- ards with concern to the steepness of width requirement. Ingress-regress problemswill develop especially during the winter when emergencys such as structural fires occur in these areas (2) The proposed number and location of fire hydrants are inadequate. (3) The upper portion js located in very dense timber which presents a signifi- cant fire hazard both structura'l and wildland. (4) This area oroposed at this time js not within any 1ega1 Fire Protection Dist-rict, or Water District. RICEIVi]D Colorado State Forest Service U. S. Forest Service Vail Fire Protection D'i strict Vail Vjllage l^/est Fjre Protectjon r'viAR 1 B tq75 l,,: ti, f,i|l:iir,l .. ..J1. i,l,:lc Counly.0rtr. t' cc: Di strict <!.- 4_ &'1,:i"y' g RECF-iVT--D MAR t ? 1975 *"di.'il;iib'fl'" March 13, 1975 Mr. Mike Blair Dept. of'Planning & Development Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File #SP-50-75 Preliminarv Plan Matterhorn Village Dear Mr. Blair: Having reviewed the materials and location of the proposed development submitted to us by the Richards Engineering, Inc. Pursuant to Senate Bill 35, the Colorado State Forest Service would like co record the following comments concerning the proposed development. l.The proposed roads are in excess of the county standards concerned with steepness and rvidth requirements. Ingress-regress problems will develop especially during the winter when emergencys such as structural fires occur in these areas. The length of the main cul-de-sac could prove to be a handicap to emer- gency ingress -regress. The proposed number and location of fire hydrants is insufficient not conforming to the Vail Fire Protection Disncict requirements. Area may be outside district boundaries, which leaves it with littie or no fire protection. The upper portion of the proposed development is located in dense timber which presents(:. a significant fire hazard. Because of the exposure, existance of adequate fire equipment in the adjacent fire protection district, this problem could be termed as small, but the developer should address the problem as it relates to spread of "vildland fire to adjacent properry. Service to the planning until the preliminary C OLO FIAD O STAT E color.ado sbate forest senvrce UNIVEFISITY District Office P. O. Box 520 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 2. 3. 4. It is the reeommendation of the Colorado State Forest commission thac the proposed development be denied plan has met the counfy road standards. Sincerely, I I /'^-'-,*[q*=:,-Jrn\. "-]'David E. Wallingford Seniol District Forester au CHARLES S. ROBINSON, AND t ASSOC.,tNc. ,!-,/:1, / r' Consulting Geologists and Engineer3 622 Gardenia Court . Golden, Colotado 8O4Ol Copy for Mi chael B I ai r 14r. Davi d ElmoreVail City Corporation Sui te 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, Colorado 80110 March .|9, 1975 R..i 8:4f P"/ l4 'ala-<- 7)s- |'LI7<' Phone: (303) 279-OO2A :ri' .t E*. Re:Matterhorn Vil lage SubdivisionFiling No. 2, Eagle County, Col ora do Dear Mr. E I more : In a letter to you of March 11, .|975, I made a statementto the effect that it was my recommendation that prior to con-struction of roads and the sale of lots in Filinq No.2 of theMatterhorn Village subdivision, a detailed geologic and slopestability map of the area should be prepared. The basis forthis recommendation was the determination that much of the area was an area of old s'l ope fai lure. Experience has shown that even wi th the extensi ve soi I s i nvesti gati ons as made by ThomasE. Summerlee and Associ ates, the si gni fi cance of the so'i I tests must be based on a knowledge of the origin of the materia'l tested. Such detai led investi gations are normal practi ce in mostdevelopnents. At this stage, the Preliminary Plat has takdninto consideration the known conditions. The additional soils and geologic inforrnation recommended will possibly require amodification of the Preliminary Plat only in detail or jn spec- i fi c desi gn of drai nage, cuts and fi I I s. The addi ti onal i nform-ation should be obtained, however, prior to specific sighting and des i gn of s tructures . Sincerely yours, CHARLES S. ROBINSON & ASSOC., INC.c4--4 --F Z-4*- Mr. Summerlee specifically asked me as of this date ifI thought the need for additional geologic information shoulddelay the approval of the Preliminary Plat by the County Comm-issioners. In my opinion, the preljminary soils and geologicinvestigation, which have resu'l ted jn a revision of the Prelim-inary Plat, are adequate. Approval of the Preliminary plat should be conditioned upon the detailed soils and geologic in-vestigations recommended by Thomas E. Summerlee, and myse1f,,prior to final design and construction. 1f Charles S. Robinson, ph.D., p.E 'HARLES s. RoBt'tsoN, o*o orril,*a. './ ty'n'EU ConsultinE Geologists and Engineeis !t 622 Oardenia Court .Golden, Colorado BO40l Phone: (303) 279.OO2a Mr. Davi d Vai I Ci ty Sui te 250 G ree nwoo d Englewood Re: Matterhorn Village SubdivisionFiling No. 2, Eagle CountY, Colorado Dear Mr. Elmore: Mr. Thomas E. Summerlee, Sojls and Foundation Eng'ineer' requested that I review the reports on soi ls- and foundati on invest'i gations prepared by his company on Filing No. 2 of the Matterhorn Vj llage Subd'ivision. For this review he furnished an envi ronmental -geology report on the area by Charles R. Johnson and a Utility plan and Vail tract map prepared by Richards Engineering Company of Vai'l , Colorado. From our own fi'les wi had a ieport by Lovering, T. S', and Twe!o' 0: L. , lg44, "Pieliminary reiort with map of the l'linturn quadrang'!e' ColoiaOo (U.S. ee6t. Survey 0pen-fi1e Report), Forest Service aerial photography at a scale of 1:15,840 and Denver hl ater Board fblse-iolbr- infra red and Eastman color aerial photography at a scale of 1:24,000. Based on these data and our geologic experience in the area, but without field examination, we have cohcluded that much of the area of Filing No. 2 is in a com- plex area of slope failure and that q1y-iS.!al-]Sq P]31 for the bevel opment of the area musl- b*e base.dl-fr6-t-onT]-o-'n*T6e excel I- ent soils and foundation work by Tom Summerlee, but also upon d,e jgj _!e a_.-s-e-9-1.9_s i c*..T1p_p.l"ls_ -q l-l[u*"g r" 1. Elmore Co rpo ra ti on P I aza Terrace , Colorado 801'10 March 'll, '1975 RECEIVED MAR 1 z 1975 tept.0l liirrr,ini & U'lYel. Eagle County, Colo. As indi cated fron a study of the avai I abie geol ogi c repol!s' engineering reports and aerial photography of th.e area of Fi li!g t'to] Z, the-geoiogy is complex. 'In the area of Matterhorn Circle and below Zurich l'lay the slopes were formed by slope wash. Material from the steep slopes to the south t',as washed down across al luvial or glacial fluvial depos'its adiacent to Gore Creek. South of th6se roads, 0nd south of Fi ling llo. I and extending back into the Forest service lands to the south and east for more than a mile, js an area of complex s'l ope failure on bedrock. The bedrock in the area consi sts of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale and ljmestone that dip gentiy to- wards Gore Creek. As a result of the oversteepening of the valley walls by glaciers moving down the valley, and subsequent Mr. David Elmore Page 2 stream erosion as a result of the melti bedrock slopes fai led and formed landsl ures di d not happen al I at one time nor cliff woujd fail by the undercutting of a stream. In subsequent years the shal stone wou'l d become saturated and fai I f across the previous landsli de. The ero landslide would reactivate part of an o slopes have f ai'l ed local ly many times a tinired to erode its channel. The resul ranges in thickness over the bedrock of than '100 feet and which consists of blo the more resistant bedrock uni ts in a s clayey matrjx. Slope failure is contin are-a, and rvill continue unless special stabi lize the area. Stabi lization can modification of the slopes and control water drai nage. ng of i des.at oa sae slo ormin s i onld las Gorr .!^L t5afe cks ailty, uingeffor be obof su the glaciers These s l ope ne place. 0n ndstone ledge pe above the g a mudf1 ow o of the toe of ndslide. Thee Creek has ca deposi t tha w feet to mor nd boulders o sandy and loin parts of tts are made t tained by car rface and gro , the fai I - e by sand- ut a se on-t ef cal ly he o eful und As a result of the slope failures, surface and ground water drainage is errat'i c. Undrained depressio.ls are common. In these undiai ned depressi ons organj c ri ch se di men ts have - accumulated with time. Ground water levels are erratic because of the wide range in characteristics of the materials'in the deposits, and bEcause of the cljmate. Ground water levels wiit be high during the periods of spring me'lting-of the sn0ws. The rate oi drainage wili depend upon the material. In some areas ground water-will draih rapidly; in others it may not compleiely drain and local areas of perched vrater tables are common. -gecause of the general dip of the bedrock unjts towards Gore Creek, ground water-from the bquj fers wi I I drai n j n to the base of the I ands I i de deposi ts. Devel opment of the area must pay particular attention'to the surface and ground v/ater drain- ao! bf the area. Restriction of surface or ground water dra'i n- aie by fi 11 construction, and compaction of the material under the fills, must be avojded. Runoff from the surface has spread materi al from the I and- slide out onto the alluvial terraces adjacent to Gore Creek. This material is generally fine sand and silt. Based on our analyses of the area from the available data we agree in genera't ;,ith the s)ope stability conditions as defiied and Jreas outl'ined by Sumrnerlee (neport of September. 24, lg75) and vrith his speci?ic recommendations for engineeri pricticei and supervisioh during developnrent of the area. l4e i,lould further recotnmend that a geologic and slope stability map be prepared of the area, paiticularly in the areas des'i gn ii'.uta!or\es 3,4, and 5, prior to consiruction of the road ng ated Mr. David Elmore Page 3 and streets and the sale of lots The geologic map should showareas of bedrock outcrop, if any, the type and structure ofthe bedrock, individual areas of slope failure, indicate thetype of material that fa'iled and the relative age of fa'i lure,and any evidence as to ground water movement as springs andseeps. These data shoul d be integra led wi th the final grading and si te p1an, and the plan modi fied accordingly. Thi s work would not preclude the need for complete subsurface soi I and foundati on inves ti gati ons at each si te of a proposed s tructure and engineeri ng supervision and inspection during road and streetconstruction. Additional data wi I I be developed during finalconstruction that may require amendment of the final grading and s'ite p'l an. g this review of the we lvoul d be pleased es of th'is letter are ord as recommended by Sincerely yours, CHARLES S. ROBIi.ISON &ASS0C., INC. Ch arl es S Robinson, Ph. D., P.E. In summary, most of the area of Filing No. 2 of MatterhornVillage Subdivision is an area of complex slope fai lu1es, orlandsiiOes. Much of the area can be bevelope'a nut to'deiigna final plan of the area will require a definition of the indi-vidual areas of failure, and their relative ages, and a determin-ation of the ground water regime. These data should be integratedwith the soi I data. Engineering supervisr'on of road and streetconstruction, and individual building sites will be required. " If you have any questions concernin avai lable engineering and geolog'i c data,to meet with you at your convience. Copibeing forwarded to the people listed bel Tom Summerlee. cc: Thomas E. Summerlee Lewis E, Ladwig, Colo. Geol. Survey --Michael Blair, Director, Eagle Co. PlK. E. Richards, Ri chards Engineering,lf anni ng Inc. t. .1 ,t. ,' / ' ,.,t11 $i'E r"i/." - t?lai i^lil o. LAn-r t"l [oi-.". r.'.r;t- ";;;";;Governor JOHN W. ROLD Director COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTI\,4ENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES zsq boi-i.lfutotr'te BUtLDING - 1845 SHERIVIAN STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80203 PHONE892-261 1 l4arch 14, 1975 llr. [ichael S. Blair Eagle County Department of Planning & Developmen t P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8l-631 Dear !Ir. Blalr:RE: FILE N0. SP-50-75 PRELIMINARY PI.AN, MATTERHORN VILLAGE II We have reviewed the Supplernental Subsurface Invesligation and Slope Stab11lty Analysls by T. S. Sunmerl-ee and the review by C. S. Roblnson and Associates' dated March 11, 1975. We also re-reviewed the work done by Char.les R. Johnson. Our origlnal opinion was that this area had sone rmJor geological concerns and that the geologic report by C. R. Johnson was. inadequate and did not identify these major problerns. Subsequent. work by T. S. Surnnerlee indicated thls to be true and the recent review by C. S. Robinson said "...much of the area of Ftllng No. 2 is in a complex area of slope falLure..." The srrpplemental report by T. S. Surmrerlee has done an excellent job ln helplng to identify and designate various stabillty zones but at the same tlme It raised sone valid questions that have yet to be answered. The locatlon of certain roads and lots seem to confl-ict with the present soils investigaEion as to their feasibllity, both on a short. and a long ternr basls. As stated in the review l.etter by C. S. Robinson, tt...any detail-ed plan for the development of the area must be based, not only on the excellent soils and foundation work by Tom Surmerlee, but also upon detailed geologic napping of the area. tt This detailed geologic roapplng it can only be- accourplished by fleld exarninatlon. The field after the snorr cover melts in has not been done up to chis point and we beli.eve a coubinarion of air photo and on-the-ground examlnation can only be perforrned wlth accuracy the spriug. We recommend that thls prellmi.nary plat not be approved at this t.lme as there are too nany potentlal problems to lock in a design at thLs stage of investigati-on. GEOLOGY SToRY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO TI'IE IUlLINI r",lAR Dcpt.0, f.:.:tc ,. -i .,:- . 1',, ,:' O !lr. lllchael S. Blal.r l{arch 14, 1975 Page 2. lfe wllL be glad to revlew addLtlonal geologlc reports, naps and other geo-technlc lnfornatLon shen' it' becooes avaLlable. S lncerelv.V/1* L. R. Ladwlg Assocl.ate Engineerlng Geologtst LRL/ekl cc: l{r. Torm Srmerlee C. S. Robtnson and Assoclates Land Use Coonlsslon iI &r RlcHAl) D tA!,il"| $il; J" : iil,,:iii)ii!-.1 j Governor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SUNVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254,COLUIT,IBINE BUILOING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892-2611 JOHN W. ROU) D irector 4n<-J 8,'v 5 1""'i l'l lu*- ') 5 l+tE T> / -r. ilrch 19, 1?75 !ir. tttch.^e1 s. i11..!.r Eagl.c Coua.ty Plannlng end Dcv(r:.opi-ca3 P. O. tc:: 7i? Eoglcl Ccloredo 01631 Doar !tr. Blal.rt F,E! 1.1!,TTll..liCili VILLACE SInDIWSIO:I l'l,Ll;ic f2 TMe P.!!.r ll. P. P,agera cnri I hail e neetlng lu our offlce tylth C. S. Roblneon ardT. S. S tg.::rcrl ce, c.oli.ceralns the ebc,ve refercr.eed pl-oJlct. Iha ocope of thls nsetfug concerued che need for eCdltlonal geologtc ttrvestlgat{on bofore flnal deslgn plane and cost8 could be alcertalned snd lf thle lnvestlgatlou rbo'.tld be perfornsd boforc or after tirE curtenG' preJ.loloary plro le approvod. If thc curr-"rrt prelLalrary plen, lf approved nould be "loclicd ln" regardlesa of tho outcgas of, furthea lnvee t.lgatlon r thea rs calraoc coascieutlouslt go eloag nlthchle procedure. CoDtrltrEerca to the couaty fron the developer and hls congultaals to do further uork &nd lnveotlgatloa and pooolble deelgn changeo baeed on these rcsullr ts rrotfor ue !o corin€,[t (rs. Our eenconr 1a that detallcd Beologlc lnveettgatl.on 1s ucedeJ befora flnel dealgn caa be puB on papcr and that thls lavectlgatloB r0urt taks placo boforo thl.8 project ean bc qccepcable. If che propcecd prcllnlaary p!i.u le apprcved, lt c::f,uld bo reeo3alred by both the dcvnloper arid ll,a;.lc Ccuaty oiiiclale thrt ccrtel:r lcr:ll arcoo r!.ty not, Ior cco'nonlc or techn{cal reaooco, be teaslble for devclopnenr. Accordlngly, 1E trould ecca advieablo for boch to r.:i,lntain flc.Jblltty Lu decal.ls of acr.ral lrrud uss 1n the llBht of tho ftnal lsvostlgcE,loas aod ovrluat:loss. Sl,ncorelyt L. R. Ladwlg Ageoctsto llnglneer{ng Geologtg3 Lr.J,/cl:1 cc t Lend ll.:ro Coe:,:Lseiou Ton 5u::: .:rlcc C. S, F.:blne.-:n 0::!.;.:!.i:;! rlr:r.t lo i.r. t:1ci:e.'1 S. illr,_lx GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO TIIE FUTURL Ar ('!1 I ,,: J:J 40{ h.ll.' CrItOr-r ri t '( ( l!( {,.(' t i[r) ! "30i ]?6 b.17 t lB, L975 Soil c Foundation Investigation l-1:rttcrhorn Village Subdivision Filing No. 2 EagIe County, Colorado Proiect No. 632-l"l-75-3-6 March \A1,<.r ile: Vail CitY Suite 250 Greenwood Englewood, Attn: Mr. rcr t Corporation Plaza Terrace Colorado 80110 David Elmore i 'r.,'i i il Gentfemenl Referenceismadetoourlett,erdatedMarchL2rL9T5' and previous reports concerning this report ' Since our March 12 letter we have reviewed a report, prepared by Charles S. Robinson and Associates, Inc" and I titt"r aatea I'larch L4, L975, from the Colorado Geologic Sotvoy Prepared by l'1r. L. R: Ladwig. In regard to those legteisl wL have in. fottowing comments and recommendations: 1) In Mr. Ladwigrs letter from the State Geologic Survey, he recommended that the.preliminary plat not be approved at this time due to lnticipatea pr6Utems. However' Mr' Ladwig did not ha-ve the opportunity to review the amended plat from nicnlrars Engineering, Inc' dated , itarch L4, L975, and the covering letter' We. believe Mr. Ladwig would have a different oprnlon if he had access to those eng:ineering changes and comments. 2't Charles S. Robinsonrs letter of March Ll, 1975, recornmended that "A geologic and slope stabllity ma.p be prepared of the area' particulary in.the arlas dLsignated as cateqories 3, 4, &5, prior to constructiori of the road and streets and the sale of lotsrt. We feel that Dr. Robinson is implying in that statement that we have provided sufficienty slope stability information for approval of the pr.li*i.,ury ptart. If the geoJ-ogic investigation iwhj-ch will -have to be conclucted during the spring and summer months of 1975) indicates some problems which vJer:e not anticipateci by otlr report' then the developer shoulcl bc r-cclurrecl ancl allorved to make adjustment-s to his conitruction pllls.' We believe that Lhls poisible a(lju';t;r,.:llt shoul'cl l'rc a contitrt;ency to the preliminarl' plat approval' i::1;"ls!}32-M-7s-3-6 Page 2 3) As stated ln our report and also the report.by Dr. Robinson, dated March IL, 1975, there will be a need for individual soil and foundation investigations and slope stability analyses on each-building site prior to construction' Horvever, we feel that the building slles, as now platted will have adeguate buildable areas 6n each lot, even tnougn in some cases special consideratj.on will have to be given to Property engineered foundations and retaining structures' 4) We are in agreement with Dr. Robinsont 5 leport describing the-f"neraf geologic conditions of the area, "*""pi that w6 do not bel-ieve that ' there are any Ledrock outcroppings on the site ' ''i . within the area proposed for development' There ' may be some outcroppings in the area designated as . "5i which will be gieen belt areas only' Al-so' . ' the test borings and test pits which have'been , ' .-'- made as part oi our previous investigations over ' the last two (2) yeais indicate very accurately r. the location of stable, potentially u4stable -': : i and presently unstable areas. It is our proflssional opinion that Dr. Robinsonts subsequent , air photo,/field inspection-leologic mappinq wiil . ,: be virtually identical to our previous reports' of course, lhere may be smaLl isolated unstable areas not shown on the maps presented in our rePorts. However, these arels would have to be i iniestigated by individual soil tests at each individual " ' buildin! site. Such tests will be performed in the verf final stages of this Broject 5) Ground water conditions could vary considerably even from a year to year basis' However, we feelthatthesubsurfaceinvestigationsperformeo ;"-"r-ir,i" date have adequately Laken into account anticipated problem areas. once again' there could bc isoiated pockets of seepage water conditions on individual builbing sites, but these unigue . situations would have to be evaluabed during the f inal <lesign phase ati-each building location' . . ; ' In sunmaryr rwe feeJ. that adequate geotechnical and geologic investigatj-ons have been performed on this site. We also believe that all questions concerning overlotgrading. street alignnents, street grades and slopeprotection measures have been adequately answered in a letter from Richardts llngineering, Inc. dated t"larch L4, L975 i::*1rG32-M-7s-3-6 Page 3 On this basis we strongly urge approval of the preliminary pIaL at this time in order that final engineeringr geologic and design studies can Progress. RespectfulLy submiLtedr Surnmerlee, P.E. I {*2".8 4 {.IPPER. EdqLE \t\LLtsY SANITATION DISTRICT P.O. Box 487 Minturn, Colorado 81645 February 17, L975 !lr. llichael S. Blairt Colcnunity Developrnent Director Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Serser Servlcet l{atterhorn \rillager'Filiug /12 Recreatioo Development Coopany of Arnerlca Dear ltr. Blair: There is suffLcient capaeity within the Upper Eagle Val1ey Sanitation DisErlct facllitles to serve the above referenced, approximately 55-acret developnent with an impact of not more than 200 equivalent units. Service wiLl be provlded upon the dlveloperb fuLJ. conpliance with our Rules and Regulations and paynent of appropriate taP fees . As you are aware, the upper Eagle valley Sanitation District has recently douLled its capacity as wel-L as repaired all known points of infiltration' our average fllws fron within the District are about 600,000 gallons per day and.our desigo capacily ls 2,000'000 gpd. If you have any questioas, please conEact us. Sl.ncerel.y, rl. r' I'PPER P. Collins Dls tri.ct Manager JPC:da Dcnver Of lice // VoiI Olfice ll {ntil, CIullina & 6o-, ptt LOCAL GOVERNIVIENT CONSULTANTS 1740 Willioms / Denuer. Colorado 80218 | Phone [303] 355-38E3 P.O. Box 82 / Voil, Colorado 81657 / Phone [3O3] 476.5781 February 17, L975 I.Ir. llichael S. Blair Cocnunity Developoent Director Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Vail Vl11age West lfater aEd Saairation Distrlct . Senrlce to Uatterhorn Vlllage Flling #2 Dear Mr. Blalr: Oa behalf of the ValI Vlllage l.lesE l{atel and SanitaElon DistrLct, we'ieport adeguate caPacity to seree the ab ove referencecl development. lle understand the deveJ.opoeut to have an impact requirenent not exceedlng 200 equivaleatuaits. Service will be proviCed upon fu11 gompliance with the RuLes and ReguLations of the Distrlct, including provlsions for line extensions, in-clusion, and contrlbutions toward capital facilities necessitated by the additional lnpact. If there ale any further quesEions, please contact us. Sincerely, IIEST IIAT AND SA.\ITATION DISTRICT Lyoa, CoLLlas & Co., Inc. Dlstrl.ct Manager JPC:dn ot* t.r?":f^i,"-YtH"o,', ttLopMENr *z;a/ n Eaglo Cormty Annsx P. O. Box789 Phone 328-6338 Eqle, Colordo 8t631 21 Feirruary 1975 : Ken Rlchardg t Rlchards Englneers, Inc. P. O. Box 19OB Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Flle No. Sp-50-75 Matterhorn Vlllago ll PrellmlnarY Plan Dear Kens The egbmltted documents for tho captloned proJect have beon accopted for roferral to the verlous Techntcal Flevlew and SB 35 Agonclea. At thls point' a pcterttlal problem se€mg evldent, that being the adequacy ol goctoglcal rarork done on tho zublcct slta. I mlght add that, glvon the glopee and eolls present, groologlcal and physlcal Invastigatlons ere of auprome lmportmce et thlg slte. ln summary, any lrput tftcught Inadequate could carso a Colay In the rovieriv pnccoss. ThE prolect wlll bo presented to tho County Technlcal Revlew Committee at tholr next meetlng, beglnnlng at 9:00 A.M" March 6' 1975. Slncerely, Qtrentln Mitchell ' Jr, Plarning Asslstant OM/kt cc: Davld G. Elmore Recroatlonal Development Company of Amerlca Suito 25O, Grosrrwood Plozq Terrace Englowood, Colorado 80110 Q'',*.NMENTAL *rott" O Box 8l I - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 61631 Yait 426-56t3 Eagte 328-7718 Basalt s27-3322 n ot"' t:ll,[: 1",::'"' I'brch 5, 197 5 Re: Ilatterhorn Viltage f 2 sP* 50-7 5 Applicant: David G. Elmore Recreacion Development of America Suite 250, Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englelrood, Colorado 80110 Sanitarianr s Coments and i{ecoruaenda tions: (1) Lmts 2r3 1415, and 19, Block 1 are located in areas thac gravlty sewers will be dlfficult, if not impossible. Iat 2t Block 2 aPPears to have the same p ro bl em. (2) Re Sedlmentation detention Basins: (a) The lower basln is proposed to be located adJacent to the road. This could result ln hydraulic danage lo the road base' (b) Both ponds appear to be located off uatterhorn Filing 52, on private p roP er ty. (c) Additional clata is needed on the deslgn and maintenance of these detention and sedi:nenEation Ba s ins. (3) The number of proposed fire hydrants appears to be inadequate. (4) The proposed road cuts, slopes and grades appear Eo be excessive and partially Iocared in areas 4 and 5. IJhich (Thornas E. Strmmerlee RePorEr 9/24/74) are subjecc to a high risk of slope movemenc. (5) nlioadway embankmenrs should be vlrtually all fil1rr. Other areas indicaced by numter 5ln the Surnraer I ee Report indicate active colluvial movement or llcreepll. (6) The water reservoir appears to be located in area 5 which is assoclated with acClve coltuvlal movement. Betore Che reservolr is Located on this site consultation from the state geologlst would be adviseable. ,/F9L! ' / /'', ,( i/C.t.l,, ., : /,r-7, -a,-_-. Erik I'1. Edeen, il..P.S. Environmental Hedth EpE/bw cc: ltr. David Elmorc Colorado De,)artment. of llea I Lh RECEIVED MAR 7 1975 +,__.,,_r) /tLl"/o f,i; , r? Dc)i ,,j 'r Iaato box lOO vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 off ice of the town manager March 6, 1975 T0: TAGLE C0UNTY PLANNING C0MMISSION FR0l,l: T0WN 0F VAIL STAFF (Rose, Lamont, Toughill) RE: TECHNICAL REVIEI'J OF MATTERHORN VILLAGE, SECOND FILING PRELIMINARY PLAT In general , we feel that there are so many th'ings that do not meet the regula- tions for subdivisions in Eagle County that this preliminary plat shou'ld not be forwarded to the Planning Cornnission for formal review. Because of the steep slopes on the proposed lots and steep road grades and numerous other prob'l ems, we feel very strongly that this proposed Plat should be disapproved, and a complete environmental impact report be required before approval is given for a revised suhnittal. l. hle feel the County should take a very strong position'in interpreting "Net Developable Land" as defined, as a sizeable portion of the proposed subdivision is in excess of 30% slope. 2. Section 5.02.02 of the Subdivis'ion Regulations states that "Prjvate streets may be permitted...providing the fol'low'i ng requirements are satisfied: The right-of-way width, grades, curves, sight distances and improvements...areall in conformance with requirements of this resolution...". The following items do not comply wjth the regulations of this resolution:a. Maximum road grade is required to be a maximum of B% or 1?% with per- mission from the County. There are grades on the private road extensions in excess of 15%.b. The mininum centerline radius of curves is required to the 100'. Portions of the private road extension switchbacks have a radius of only 55'. 3. The proposed building sites are quite steep and road and bui'ld'i ng construc- tion could have an adverse impact upon the environment if careful architec- tural and planning considerations are not subscribed to. The following examples are given of slopes on the fronts of sone of the proposed lots: a. Block l: Lot 3 - 36%, Lot 9 - 38% B'lock 2: Lot 1 - 24%, Lot 3 - 26%, Lot 4 - 38% Block 3: Lot 7 - 2E%, Lot 9 - 4,t% In addjtion to environnrental inrpact of build'ing on this steep of slopes' off-street parking would be inrpossible without ntassive cuts or fills. 4' soil report and msp5 indicate roads to be constructed in areas ident.i fied l:;i l Colo. March 6, 1975 Matterhorn Village'Page 2 O Second Filing as becoming unstable if cuts are made and a maximum of 4r cuts arerecormended. The^roads as proposed would trave cuis much in excesi of the4' reconmended. One portion oi Luierne Lane cuts into the toe area ofa type 5 soil area for which the report recormeriJs-nJ'pe*anent structuresor roadways 5. section 5.08 states that minimum ]ot size for land with 20fl slopes mustbe 20'000 sg. ft: wi-th an aaatiionii i,ooo;q.';;: oi-iot size for each rf,of slope over 20%- Most of ttrg nronosid sites ao not meet the minimum sizerequirement, with many in tne tz,oob to ls,ooo iq. ii. -size ringe. t} o srares DEPARTMENT or ao*,tu*.4/r/PFOREST SERVICE WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST llinturn, Colorado 81645 I'I.:rch 7 , L975 I"iichaeI S. Blair Eagle County Lreot. of Planning & DevelopnentP. O. Box 789Eagle, CO 81631 Dear }like; 2340 Dev.9ites Pri.vate Sector County Planni.ng REC.tvqg . "etglt eglq 1. UAR r o lg/s St:;;;: F.e: Fj-Ie llo. Sp-50-?5 Prelininary PIanl,latterhorn Village ii2 Ii'e have revier.red the above referenced Preliminary Plans and offer the follorving comments. The first concerns anitem that could have a direct impact on National ForestLanCs. The others do not relate directJ.y to ltrationalForest lands but are connents on the nroposed roads based on our experj.ence rrith road design, construction, and usein mountainous terrain. The UtiLit]' PIan shor,'s a proposed reservoir about 25 feet north of the south bounclary ofthe subdivision rrhich is also the llationalForest boundary. lccordi-ncy to the contours,the ground slope at the reservoir site exceeds 50 percent or 2:L. l.e assurae this l,;ould bea buried concrete reservoir. Horr'ever, dny excavation for a reservoir on thj-s steep terrlin r"ould alrnost certainly overlap onto NationalForest land.s if backsLopes are to be flat enough to alLovr revegetation. \re have not been contacted regarding a permit for use ofNational Forest lands and srrch a permit couldnot be granted rvithout a formal applicationincluCing a Statenent of lleecl . The approvalof a nernit r.rouLd also requirc a thoroughon-tlre-ground invcstlgation of the site r.'hictr t.rould be inrpossible at this tinre of veai:. TO: in z The proposed raod grade sheet shovrs that much ofthe road grade on Zurich t,iay, Lucerne Lane, and Tahoe 'load j.s fifteen Dercent. Also, nuch ofthj.s stecp grade is coinci.dent r.rith extremelytight or sr.'itchback alignr.lent. l,ith the heavy snow accurnulations on these north facing slopesit is our opi-nion that much of the roads would bevirtualllr useless much of the v;inte::. iie feelthat na>:j-rirurn grades of eight to ten percent with even lesser grades on sr^ritchbacks would be neces-sary to nalcc r'rinter use practical. The SuorrlementaI Subsu::face fnvestigation andSlope Stability Analysis states that road cutsthrough areas designated as soil type 3 shouldbe perraanently stabilized by retaining structures and that roads in soil ty6:e area 5 would have tobe entirely fill enbankments. There are areasalong :lurich iray, Lucerne I'oad, and Tahoe lload vrhich either border on or pass through soil typearea 3 and parts of Lucerne P.oad that are on soi.l-tlpe area 5. lfe rccomrnend that there be sornedetail given in the preliminary plan as to horr'these special road construction problems will be handLed. This nould seern to be required by section 4.02.04(a)and (b) of your County Subdivis j-on Regulations. Ife aopreciate the opportunity to comment on these preliminary p1ans. 2. u7 H. FTNNEYZ{ \anger /// O-Z2-zz4 Sincere District o TMENT EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND DE Eagle County Ann€x P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colord 8t631 10 March 1975 o VELOPM */./-/qDEPARENT Ptrorro 328-6338 Mr. Ken Rlchards Rlehards Englneerlng, Inc. P. O. Box 1908 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Flle No, Sp-S0-zS Prellmlnery Plan Matterhorn Vlllage ll At thelr meetlng on 6 March 1975r th€ Technlcal Revisw Commlttee (a grotrp of technlcal advlsers from varlous publlc agoncles)-revlerrved yotrrn appllcatlon and offer tho follonlng comrnsnts and recommendations to you and tlre Planning Commiesion for considerlng eproval and use of ths prop€rty. CON/|MENTS 1. The proposed dovetopment would vlolate the County Zonhq Resolution as lt relates av€rage lot slopo to lot slze. (see Section 4.02.03). The proposed development offers a potentlal vlolatlon of the sarne Resolutlon In regard to alloweblra numbers of dwelllng units per net acre of devolopable land. ( eee Section2.Q2.23). Tho Zonlng Resolution removos from dL'nsity calculotions all land wlth a slopa oxcoeding 40% and lend subject to geologlc and other natural hazards" Uslng ths ontirer sitg areafor calculation, the proposed donslty ls 3.95 clgvblllng unlts per aCis. itrere is aprobabillty that, if steep and unstable (as pEr devoloper studies) lands are excluded, the net denslty would exceed the 5.4 cnr,rol ling unlt maxlmum In tha subJect zono distrlct (RSM). Further restrlctiong shall, of courso, lessen the maximum es a result of slopes found on ths eite. Tha geological report submitted ls Inedoq.rato as to ths ldentlfication of slope stabltities end the mapping of areas of potontlal landslldos. 4. The raprosontatlvo from ths Colcrado Geologlcal Survey (CGS) said he can not rocommend opproval urrtil the nrriny constraints aro recognlzed and Oedtt wittr. 6. lt was agrsed that the clsvolopsr and the CGS woutd arryalt the lendsl ide study of Dr. Roblnson, a consultent dolng geologlcal mapping for the County. 2. 3. ,vlatterhorn Village r llnl"d Revlo,v Comments Pege 2 6. In Slopo Stebl llty erea 3, a rooort dorra for the developer wams agalnst cuta exceodlng 4 feet. The plan proposed suggests that many lots would req'rlre excesslve cuts. ThE sarne restrlction and warnlng appt lee to a greater cxtent to devolopment In Slope Stablllty aroas 4 ard 5. ?. The propoeed roads are In excsss of the county eterndards as to eteepness. In a .. number of tocatlons, the proposod right-of-way does not moet the wldth requlremonta. . 8. Thelengthof thgmainctrl-cle-sacwlll, Intheabssnceof alternatlv€s' provoa handlcap to emergenc/ accosao i 9. lt +psars that several lots wlll req.rlre llft etatlong to provlde sewor a€rvlce. I . 10. The covenants permlt an actlvlty - lndlvlduel inclneratlon - whlch ls In vlolatlon of state statutee. I 1.. The 12" culverts permitted In the covenants are lnadoquate and do not me€t th€ 18rt mlnlmum county stanclard. L .12.Thepropcsednumbararrdfroquencyoff|rehydrarltsere|nEuff|clent. 13. Tho grades of tho dralnage dltches and retalnlrB structures app€ar exceasive. 14. Oue to the use of a low coefflcient of lmpermeabillty (.2)' the calculated runoff volumes and proposod retention facllities appoar to bs under-estimated. The retontlon ponde threaten thg lower road anrC arE located outsida tho prolect on Privat€ lond. RECOMMENDATIONS A. ThE proposed subdlvlslon should undergo a maJor re-doslg6lng to resolve the quostlons In comments 1r216. B. The g.aologlcal lnp,lt should bo upgraded and e>,qcarded to cOver ths shortcomlngs noted In commsnts 3r4rS obovo. Tho lndivldual proparlng the lnput reqpested must meet the standards given in 51-3-1 (et seg.) CRS 1963. C. The dotal lod geological report sl'rould be a major determinmt In the productlon of tho provisions roquestod in A., ebove. D. lndivldual soll stablllty and oroslon tests should ba dons for each lot proposed. E. Addltlonat data on doolgn and malntEnancs of tho ret.:ntlon ponds ls neoded. Alsot the throilt thoy poso to tire lorver reod, and ths foaslblllty of their locatlonr rnust b€ resolved. F. Thg covenante must kre re-drcwn to engwor tho qusstlons ln commontg 10 ard 11, abovo' G. The adec;uacy of flre protoctlon (comnront '12) mLrst bo addressed. The developer has st:rtcd a wlllingnoss to ccrnply with tlro roquirements of tlrs Vall Vlllago West Watsr enc Sanlt,:tiorr Dlstrlct (that no structur€ bo mcro than 500r from ahydrant)' o o echnlMatterhom Vlllage ll - T PoeB 3 l. cal Revlq,v Commcnta H.All roads slruld be constructed to rnect county atandardg. sald stardards' clJo to the enowfall In the area, shall llmlt rosds to a mar<lmum grade ol 86' All other cotrnty road standards shatl apply as well' An agreernent as to dsdlbation (land or cash'ln-llou) must be anlvorJ at betwesn ths devoloper and the Re-50-J Sctrool Dlstrict. Ae no le'r'rd le shown as rescrved for thls use on th€ current plat, lt rnust bo assumod that tho dedlcatlon wlll be of cash' Atam|nirrrrum.thegroundlvorkfort|rEded|cat|onmustbsstartedatthePre||minary Plct stage. \: J. K. L. A re-evaluatlon of runoff and storage must be be a malor fetor In E' obove' cornpleted. Thls shall' of courso' As agreed to by the developerrs englneer, all lota must bo sarved by gravlty-flor 60lrvgrs. Because of ttro phystcal reEtralnts on the property' and not eoeklng to pre-fudgo the lmproved geologlcal analysls, lt is recommended that no devElopment be consld€red In areaa wlth a Slopo Stablllty of 3'4 or 5' |fyouhavoanyq.rest|onsconcem|ngthecommentsandrecomrEndationsment|oned In thlE letter, please contact thls office' SlncerelYt Ouentln Mltchellr Jr. Plennlng Agslstant aM/kt cc: Board of CountY Commlsslonersl Planning Commlsslonl Dave Elmore, Recreatlonal Development CompanY of Amerlca |l 0;, ,- *.6uri ,t,,,-" rJO fwtxr |l.r€ ' (Cttlal '{Yrr}' 'r., r.r . - i' aalo(,rl, . O,!l,r (.'J , ''.:l -1'r1 1r'1 r:'17 tA-, r ., !' ''{ ,|- ",,T1tl t ..":, t0J1 scvr " trft-{aq€ /qrcj \ 1'rl ti.\4 . t: o 'r " t^l : j.- '' , ,',i vr'r''r:rr- [tf/ <dn {^. .\:' .i i, 0'-'J.'r*.9,,t -:.' ?F-. , -.r,F.,:1:1.-- :.{rF- - -.- Fr.,!+sr ?tt .-.!'^*.*.:;*-:"''.*-'"*{.-f Soil G JounCotiondngineerrngaro\g/ VAIL CITY CORP. o 197 /Zz/,€- UNLESS INERN FROM YOU OTHERI^/I COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION I'{EETING TS/es cc: L. ft. l- A nr; I G h1 |CHtrtL ULAI;1 K.E. nlcHArlns 0R. OHAnr.es S. R0BlNsoN sLr I wtLL sEE You AT THt Enclc oN THE EvtNlNG oF lvlARCH 19TX. V.ERY TRUL Y THorrAs F. SUt"tUenLEer P. E. PnESlDe Nr R[aTi!.:;) ftiAii t :] t:r;i trtARcH 12 t RE: SCIL & FOUIIDATION INVESTIGATION REV I CI'/ BY F.'AGLE CDUNTY TECHII ICAL cor,lr"rl TTtE ANn c0l'lsuLTATl0N I.4ATTT.IIHORN VILLAGE SUBDI VI SI ON FILING NO. 2 EAGLE C0uNTYr c0U0nlo0 CouIty t;,, f-' dDr o.C r..- 0opt. r,l Eagie .(4s, I rt 250Ti,J GNEENIVOOC PLAZA TERRACE ENGLE\Yooc, C0 B0l'l 0 ATTN: MR. DAVIO ELMORE GENTLEMEN: ns REeuEsTED By ],iR.0Ave FLf{ORE, i'JE ATTgNoEo THE TEcHNIcAL REVlerJ COruuI TTEE SESSION TIELD IN EAGLE' COLORAOO ON i.,IARCH 6, 1975. BASEO DN THE RESULTS OF THAT TECHNICAL REvlEl,1, SESSI0N ANO COT,IMENTS suBMlTTEo To us sy rHe TEcHNtcAL RevlEYJ CoMMtrrEEr vrE rJERE lN cONTAcr tvl TH DR. CHARLES S. ROBINSONT ENGINLERIN6 GEoL0Gt sTr 0N THe AFTERNOON oF MARCH 6. Dn. ROBINSON HAS REvlEv/EC oUR PREvlous s0lL AND F0UNDATI0N tNVESTtcATtON REPORTST SPeCIF ICALLY PRO.JECT NO. l50r oeTeD NOvEMBen 15r l9?3 lruo PR0JEcr tlo. 4B4r DATEc SEereuaen 24t 1974' lN Ab0lrl0Nt \'/E PRovloEo DR. ROBINSON vrtTH A SITE UTILITY PLAN ANo A vAlL TnACT MAPt BOTH PREPARED BY RICHAROS EHCIruEENING ANO AN ENVIRONMINTAL GE.OLOGY REPORT PnEPARE.D BY CHARLES R. JOHNSONT GEOLOGI ST. DR. ROBINSON lvlLL REvlElt/ ALL OF THE AvAILABLE lNF0qMArl0N AND SUBMIT A REPORT TO YOU CONCERNING HtS OPINION OF THE EXISTING GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS AND THE NEED FOR ACOITIONAL GEOLOGIC ANO €'NGINgERING cE0L0GY sTU0l Esr lF ANY. PER yOuR neQUeSt, I wILL PLAN ON ATTENoING THE Eacuc c0uNTY PLANNtNc CSMMlsslON hIEETING ON iTEoNESDAYT MAnCx 19, 1975. I UNoER- STAN9 THAT MEETING wlLL BEGIN AT 8:00 p.r,l . AND tv I LL BE HELo AT THE EAcLE COUHrv OFFICE lN TAGLET coLoRADD. As s00N As You HAvE AN lNcl- cATl0N AS TO THE TltulE Scf|EDULE FoR THAT eVE.NtNGr PLEASE LET ME KN0vr BY EITHER E'ROPPING IIE A NOTE OR GIVING MC A CALL. Y0uRst EAGI,E COI'NTY EINGINEM, Courthouse Phone 328€37 P. O. Box 734 Eagle, Colorado 8l&tl 13 March 1975 #J/-s MEMORANDUM To: From:;:'": :Hl :,ff :.;: :AVUI Subj: File No. Sp-5O-75 Prel iminary Plan Matterhorn Village ll This off ice has reviewed subject plan, the site, and the comments of the Technical Review Committee. This off ice concurs strongly with the comments of the Technical Review Committee and would add one additional comment. In view of the highly questionable geology in the upper portion of the area and the present steep road grades, it appears that the upper portion of the preliminary plat will have to be redrawn to bring it in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations. Therefore, this officewould recommend that the plat be deniedror at a minimum, tabled until the geology has been adequately addressed and the problems resolved. cc: Mike Blair, Planning Director; Ken Richards, Richards Engineering I Quentin Mitchell, Jr., Planning Assistant ;.: T-..,'t ..:, 'tlt.r \\'tr -.. .,1.1 'ilr' ! ..1 h" Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 Itarch 14, 1975 R[Ci-l\,/ID MAR i .r lli5 Mlke Blalr, Eaqle Countv. planner ZEac.1 e Countv plannine Dent.P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado, 81631 Dear lltl.ke : The Matterhorn vrrlage iJ2 prel{mtnarv plan was submitted to theEagle countv sorl conservat{on Drstrict for revrer.r and commenE.l{e have the fo11owlne comments: 1.) A revegetatlon plan should be subrnltted. 2.) Road grades of 7 -I5Z are belng oroDosed. There is nomenClon of how run-off rqlll be handled. tJe wouldsutigest that rock drops and check structures as r.rellas reseedlng alone the e{des of the roads be installedln order to retard the water flow as v;eIl as reduceexcesslve erosLon and sedlmentatr.on. 3.) Accordlng to the prooosed covenant!!, culverts of I2,lslze or larqelvi11 be lnstalled ,rn,t"r er,france roadgto lots. Countlr regulations call for a ml.nirnum of18". trte would like to see these 1g', culverts lnsialledwhere necessary, aa the drainage rerJorrs rnd{catea theapproprtate needs. 4.) A more thorough solls investlgatLoo should take placeon the lndlvldual lots. yuch of the oronoged d";;i;;_nent trlll occur on soils that "creeD,' or are ur,staiie. 5.) A more detailed studv on the lndlvldual lots should beconducted on the areas r.rlrere slone tnstabil lty ls aquestlon. Thls r.'ould also apply to the road cuts andglte axcavatlons occurrlng on these slooes. 5.) Ag rnent{oned {n the aupnlemental suhsurface lnvestlga_tlon and slope etabil{ty analvsLe, area Z "arl."-tirthl11elde cuts steeper than 2.1 shoul.d be rrrotectecl wlthcrlbblng or relnforced concrete retainlng wal1s. Lrewould recommend that 3.1 cuts be establ{shed and thatthey shoulrl also he reseeded. oept.0l EaEie hI l I i i I ,!I iI i I t' I It' , I I !lI i I i;t OO J?iofror/o tnq[nt"zo, 0o".4z-1./ u Xcnncth E. Richords CIVIL TNGINTIRING . PLANNING . SURVTYS SUBD|V|S|ONS - WATER & 5EWER 5YSTE/15 Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Donvcr 244-152 | March 14, 1975 Rcgirlcrcd Profcsionol Enginccrr Registcrcd Lond SurveYors {r. ll:3:1,,':D Mr. Michael Blair Planning Direcror .[1AR t ? 1975 P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dept. 0l Pr;',rri iq .t lrevdl, . Eje&iz fA,;t t.7 . ,;tiq, Re: F1le No. SP-50-75 Prellrninary Plan Matterhorn Village, Fillng No. 2 Dear Mr. Blair: I. Answer to Letter frorn U.S. Department of Agriculture: 1. Reservoir w111 be located so as not to disturb the U.S. Forest ground and not over a 2:1 slope back to the Forest boundary nor over a 2:1 slope on the downhill side. The site rqi11 be tesEed for stability and will be placed just inside the Zone 2 area as delineaEed in the soils report. A11 areas will be revegetated. - Aa,/: , t:olt 2. Road grades are being revlsed to County standards of not over 10%. Most prlvate roads are belng elirninated. A11 cut areas over 4 feet in Area 3 will be crlbbed or otherwise protected with retainlng structures. Most roads in Area 3 w111 be fill areas. 3. Roads crossing Area 5 will be all fi11. II. Answer to Letter from County Health Department: 1. All sewers will be gravity f low. Houses will be built higher on the low side of the roads and sewers r,rill be deepened where needed. Basements may require lift s tations. 2. These ponds have been in existence for several years and are adequately controlling the runoff and sediment. . o..,0,3. The number of fire hvdrants w111 be l.ncreased from three to f ive.' 4, See r)otes on letter f rorn U.S. Department of Agriculture. {- Box 386 . Eagle, Colorado 81631 7.) Accordlng to the couoty zonLng regulatlons, ereas of. 302 and greater should not be developed uoon. We feel that thls Ls e must on thls pronosed developrnent be- cauee of the ungtable aotl and glooe condttlons. Page 2 Roee E. Orarnbere, Preetdent REc/nts To: Mlchael Blair From: Richards Englneere, Inc. 5. See notes on letter from U.S. 6. Reservolr w111 be ln Area 2. cons truct ion. Department of AgriculEure. Soils test nlll be nade before March 14, 1975 Page 2 III. Answer to Letter froo Town of ValI: We do not agree with the first thro paragraphs of thls letter. In other words' all of the Souttnrest portlon of Ehe present Town of Vail should never have been developed. Many lots are steeper than those j.n this subdivislon andthe entlre area is noving slowly. Some roads are as steep as J_42. Stj.ll,bullding permits are being issued in that area within Vai1. SJ-ope instablllty and drainage problems can be overcome by proper engineering. 1. Admittedly, some lots are as much as 302 but not many are over that amount, especially on the buildable portion of the lot. .a, 2. Maximum road grades are bel-ng revised so as not to exceed 102 as .. ? per County regulations and most private roads are being eliroinated on the $o9,'revlsed plan. 3. There are no problems with offstreet parklng or building on mentioned, with proper engineering and design. 4. See Items 2 and. 3ln answer to letter from U.S. Departneot ture . 5. This requirement is being complled with. One mustof the buildable area on Ehe lots in flguring the total "::::1::.:'e srone v0 , c$r - '/,+'the lots -1.cv'' of Agricul- IV. Answer to Letter fron Planning Director: 1. These regulations are belng net. the Town of Vail. area See note 5 in ansver to letter from 5lO 2. A11 slopes greater than 40% are being left as Green Belt Areas. net 67Odensity will conform to County regulations. 3. See letter from Dr. Charles S. Robinson. Indivldual lors have to beproperly tested and structures designed accordingly. Roads will be properly deslgned and retaining structures, drainage culverts and dltches constructed where requlred. 4. See letter from Dr. Charles S. Robinson. 5. Same as 4. above. O To: Mlchael Blalr From: Richards Engineers, Inc. 6. No cuts wlll exceed 4 feet Ln Area 3 wlthout protectlon. Roads in Areas 4 and 5 w111 be all fi1l. 7. Redesign of subdivision w111 reduce road grades to not over 102 and elininate most of the private roads. 8. Many ttcul-de-sacs" have to be longer in mountalnous areas and one - --, ?of the longest I know of presently exists ln Llonrs Ridge Flling No. 2. - > (/ , 9. Gravlty sewer service Ls Lntended although basenents nay need llft punps. The Town of Vail and other sewer distrlcts have several of these. 10. Covenante are belng revised. OiL 11. See note 10 . above. O !<- 12. Nr.rmb er of flre hydrants ls belng lncreased from three to flve. 13. See note 3. above. L4. UsLng the t'Ratlonaltt fornula, whlch was used in our dralnage report, the Z lnpervlousness would be closer to 0.2 especlally with 3" per hour naxLmum rainfall and very dense trees and vegetation. Uslug other formulae 0.4 or 0.5 nlght be nore applicable. \ -l I Under Recomrnendatlons : A. Major redeslgning is impossible without construcEing roids 1n Areas 4 and 5, but some modlficatlons can be made. B. Indivldual reports should be nade before lssuance of bu11dlng permits so that design of structures can be properly made. This can be covered iu the Govenants. C. See letter fron Dr. .Robinson. D. Same comment as ttBtt above. E. Additlonal outside drainage data will be submitted as soon as rreather permits . F. Agree. G. Agree. O March 14, 1975 Page 3 To: Michael Blalr From: Richards Engineers, Inc. 1t' H. [,le can meet the l0Z County maximun, except we feel thLat L27 should be allowed on Norchern exposure slopes, since there is less llkely to be sllppery and slushy spots than roads on the southern exposed roads. when snow melts on the Souihern exposed slopes, there is freezing at nlght and many more accidents occur. It is easier to malntaln the snow-packed r rtel1 sanded roads on Northern exposed slopes. The above opinion nay not necesSarily be true where continuous mai.ntenance ls provided, such as on state hlghways. I. Has the school district and the county ever adopted a permanent pollcy on this? I understand that the 67 land and/or cash was a temPorary measure until a plao was finalized. J. Outslde drainage data will be reevaluated as soon as lteather permlts' K. Except for Posslble basements. L. The solls engineer states that Area 3 can be buiLt upoo wlth proper slope protectlon and engineerlng design. Respectfully Subrnltted ; March 14' 1975 Page 4 RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.Mru Kenneth E. Richards Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 2183 KER: l-n cc: Thomas E. SumterLee Kent Rose (Town of Vail) Dr. Charles S. Robinson Davld El-more, Owner .t '.l ,' etU/'l Eaglo Valley Jr. . Sr. Hlgh School Gypsum, Cotoftdo . Eagle Valley Elementary Eagle, Colorcdo McGoy Elemsnta.t McCoy, Colorado r4 Baltle Mountain Jr.. Sr. Hlgh School Mlntun,. Colotado Minturn Elemenlary Minturn, Colondo Red Cliff Elementary ned Clitl, Colorado Meadow Mountain El€montary Mintum, Colorado Uarch 19, 19?5 R[C:,\/:D Ir,iAR z 1 1975 Oepl 0l Fj:nlr;.J ,, ,.,"rl'Sle county, colo. 5f- sa- 7t ft ras a ploaruro taildng rlth you yosisltay ard I an looldng fotrranl to rorldag rltb you !r the firture. Begardlqg our csrvor.satlon abant the ltalter*rqn!_VUlagg.r_ fllllnrr #2r in tho matter of echool taral a-a@ra,I ?:-trntcd to rolterate rbat wo discuraed ae appllcab}e, Ibottsolutlon by tbe Boarrl of County ComLsslsrrs, wtrlch pressnbly applLes stater, lllhe owncr of the lard in each regldentLal cub- dfirlslon ehall allocate and eoru€y at Least 4" of lhe Lsrd tn the aubdlvlslon for echooL purposeno Tt;e gA calculatlon EhaLL be baeod upon thc raw, developable proparty wlthh thoge pottl@s of the subd1rdsr,.o' dodlcated to regldeutlal uaes.r As us dltcussed trrccterdagrs usLn6 the 53.33 acrc flgurel rr com up rlth a 3.2 acre dedicatlonr Slncc we deter"roined that lt ras not foastble to dedlcate a pareel of lardr we dlgcussed thc optlon of the ouner to dedlcate caalr ln lleu ll tho anrcunt aqual to ffi of ths pr.eaent wlue of tho lalt land. At a datc before acceptancc ol applicatlon of thlt fttlngtf would llto to mes^u trlth you ard/or l,{r. E-lnoro to conclude the dcdlcation noquLrenr*a. It&nk you for your cooperutton. FeollltleE Coordirstorr RoIOI co r l-Ilko Blalrf Doptr of Plannlng & DoroloPmert EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE ]OJ 328-6321 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Of lice of the SuDd ntendent Db. Een Btahsdr Rlchads etglrresrfngs &ro. PrO. Box 19OO Vel[, G0 eL6rT tbar f,enr O EAGLE COUNTY O DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVE:LOPMENT *il/w tSogle County Arrex P. O. Dox 789 Phone 38-fi38 Eagle, Colord 8i631 20 Mar€h 1975 Mr. Danre Elmore Recreatlonal trevel oprrrsnt Conpgty ol Arnerlca4r'' Surlta 250 Groenvloo<l Pf sea Terrace Englerrrcod, Colorado 80110 Ro: Flla No. Sp-5O-75 Prollmlnrry Plm Matto/nom Vllla6e Flling ii2 At thelr regrular moetlng on 19 March 19?5r ttro Etgle Cor.nty Pletnnlng CommlEslon rs:omnrendad rjsnlal of yotir Prof lmlna'y Plen. Thr followlng le a word by word trrncrlpt of the MOIION nrackr at the Publlc Hearlng: r.mberPrlce: ,r I move that the pretlmlnary plan lor the matterhorn #Z Oe donlod by thla board and the reeommondatlon be made to tlro Gounty Cornrnisslonors for denlal ctl tho prel lmlnary plan baaod on tho f act that there nre conglcJorable qr-reetlons eii:cut tlr,l eoll st+blllty; ltrs dealgned wlth an lmproper road, os far ae slopes goi and thers are problome that rvo hava tc rosolve on aet^ror nnd vrrEtar bof ore vra can go any f arthorr and that Includes tha dralnsger @ the surface dralnago over the whole aroa andr I donrt thlnk that anythlng that hee been sald tonlght hae mltlgatod any of thoso thlngs.'l '"trnrb€r Sllfor: tt I would llko to add ono thing just to clarlf y. 'lhrlrman) We shoulrj clarlfy what the dengity ls and doee tltat denglty conform wlth tho Zonlng ordlnanc€.'l t{rnbsf Prlce: " lrll add that." 'ttterTurgeon: " lrll Socond.n itbll tlots coneamlrBbtclty! Ae le ctearly otrcrrvn In aoctlon 3.04.05 of tho Co.rnty Zonlng Roaolutlon end In othsr sgr;tlono rofersncOC, tlrorrr ln n mrnctstory mlnlmum lot slz-s per Cr.relling qI! prcposeO. All partlos mus:t bo stvcre of thoss provi::lona of the tlogolutlon. A!uo to b:: racogniz,xl ls tho valld rostrlctlon bolng lm;mod tlpon ti'p tcttrl of tjuvi,.lcpablo tcr.-rt1 kl bo us€d els o be$ie for clrivol I Ing unlts al ls'.ved. - -Mdtcthotn Vlllqe Flllrrg #2Ptr 2 8lrcercly, G.lantln Mltchall ' Jr. Plannlr6 A$lstmt OLl/tt cc! Board ol Gor.rnty Commlsslorroi Ken Rlchanis r Rlchatds Englreerlngl c['*j. Vall, Colorado n tr p,4,,,' rN4 ut''Tl:1,5,,:;ljl,l" or u'root, ll;..o1+:. Uoul r'..y /irrr rc'r x P. O. Box'789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 27 Marclr 1975 Mr. Dave [!lmore Flecreation:rl Dcvclcpment Compar.ry of America+' suite 250 Greenrvood P I aza Terrace Engle',vood, Colorado 801 10 Rc: File No. Sp-50-75 Preliminary Plan Matterhorn Village ll At their special meeting on 26 March 1975, the Board of County Commissioners tabled the captioned project until their next meeting, which is scheduled for April 28, 1975. The reason for the above action was to al low a review of the record from the lvlarch 19 meeting of the Planning Commission. Items to be covelcd in this review include the following: (a) Suitabi lity of road ciesign; (b) Suitability of accessfromthe south frontage roacl; (c) Resolution of geologic constraints and adequacy of geologic input to date; (d) The relation of the site to existing rvater ciistricts and the ability of awater district to serve the proposed development; (e) Adequacy of lot sizirrg; (f) Resolution of the cierrsity and dwelling-unit-count questions. All of the above itcms shal I require close coordination between the developer and this departrrrent. lf any' clranges in <-'rlsig11 411s'l qurntitios restrlt fronr the abovc. r;oic'l changes must be subrnittcci to tlris c'ff ice at least terr (t0) c.lavs prior to tire April 28 meeting noted above. (\rlcntin h4itclrol l, Jr. P I ::r 16 i11r-; A:;s i st.:rtt Qi\,'1,/l(1" (:(:; L'ior.ir cl clf Cor.rrtly Cornr) l i r;fi icjnr.r$; l,;crr f iiclxrrcllr, i'liclt:rrcls l..rr r'lin...)ri1rJ ' il]lli,' t u;,,liil i'( /' t t i)i:n;11'w/ i li'i( :j ij , i,,.rt t;t I i:, ,,i.j ;. ,.,:i. l?rire C,'t:!rly, r.Ll,,. i ()ne Park Central - t5t5 Aropohoe Srreer P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (3O3) 534-1261 rf Eagle County Department of Plannj.ng & Development P.O. Box ?89 Eagle, CO G€ntlemen: Western Slope Gas Company hasfinds that the plan does involve a ed in State Highway R.O.W. O.rr concern woul-d involve the sect our pipeline. March 31, 1975 Re: Matterhorn Village Filing No. 2 revieryed the aborre refferenced filing and,portion of our facilitites that are locat- use of future utillties that might inter-L Developers should ccntact Mr. Harry Moyes j.n our Silverthorne office on 468-2528, 48 hours prior to cons truction so that western can locate its pipe- lj.ne and avoid any potentially dangerous situatl-ons. Please note that we are a gas transmission utility and our approval does not leflect our ability to serve subject subdivision. ilu"w truly yours,il /r\ \izux-< oAtILu-! Dan Tekavec Assoc. Right-of-Way (,,\ Agent DLT/lc DEP EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND DE Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 7 April 1975 Phone 328-6338 To: From: Re:File No. Sp-50-75 Report and Recommendations Matterhorn Village Filing ff2 The captioned project was tabled at your March 26, 1915 meeting because of a number of deficiencies and fai lures to comply with county regulations. The clear shortcomings of the proposal are listed below: 1. Road Design: lt is clearly stated in Section 5.O2.O4 of the Gounty Subdivision Regulations that road grades shal I not exceed S6without specific approval (to 146) by the Board. Sections of roads in the proposed plan exceed both of those figures. Also, in the same reference, road centerline radii shal I not be less than 100t, a provision violated by several proposed curves. 2. Oe"etopaUte l-anO: As shown in Section 2.O2.23 of the Zoning Resolution, developable land does not include that with any of a variety of hazards nor that which slopes in excess ot 4Wo. The developer has calculated a chrvelling unit density utilizing 10096 of the land in the project. Staff, however, can not accept these calculations, as it is evident that (a) at least 3@76 of the site has a slope exceeding 40%, and (b) 5096 of the site has been labelled as having a variety of limitations as to slope stability. The developerts soils consultant has subsequently stated that al I of the site istrbuildablert. In accordance with the reference given above, staff feels that lands so labelled can not be used in density calculations, whether or not they are expected to be built upon. 3. Lot Sizes: As stated in Section 4.O2.O3 of the Zoning Resolution, each residential lot must contain, for each dwelling unit, at least one thousand square feet in area for each percentage point of average slope. Several lots reviewed show a consistent failure to meet the required lot sizes, above. 4. Geologic Input: There arose a number of questions as to the adequacy of the geologic information submitted. lt was agreed to by the developer that a detai led geologic study would be done on the site by Dr. Charles Robinson. At this point, however, the developer wishes prel iminary plan approval with possible changes in plan dictated by future geologic work. Nevertheless, because adequate geologic studies are requ ired at the preliminary plan stage (section +.02.03(a) of the Subdivision Regulations, adequate to answer al I potential problems), staff feels that the subdivision must be based upon proper study and, since the potential for unanswered questions has been admitted to, approval of the preliminary plan must not precede full county review and acceptance of the proposed solutions to the questions. t ARTMENT Eagle County Board of County Commissioners Planning Staff o VELOPMENT iiliJ,';T;33;li;[LQrn Vi'' ase Fi' ing #2 . Page2 \ Less clearly potential violations of any of a number of regulations, the following items were matters of concern voiced at the meeting of March 26, 1975. the adequacy of access from the frontage road to the site. the suitability of the existing Matterhorn Circle bridge over Gore Creek. the Suitability of the proposed drainage from the site. The staff further suggests that the developer be advised that, at a minimum, the Subdivision Regulations must be recognized as a mandate upon spacing of fire hydrants. They do not seem to appear upon site plans submitted and, as the area is extremely vulnerable to rapid spread of f ire, the Regulations must be strictly adhered to. Recommendations by Planning Staff Because of at least the fol lowing reasons: 1. slope and stability conditions of the site, 2. inappropriate and incompatible lot and road layout, 3. lack of geology report, 4. non-compliance with the Zoning Resolution; The Staff recommends that: 1. the application and plan, as submitted, be completely rejected and denied as incomplete and improper, 2. that any further consideration by the County of aplan for the property be of anew appl ication, 3. that any new plan be designed for either (or combination thereof): a. large lots for single family dwellings, b. Planned Unit Development (Sec. 3.09 Zoning Resolution), c. Cluster Development (Sec 3.04.03(1) Zoning Resolution, d. each in accordance with natural dictates of the site conditions, after thorough and proper site investigations have been made by the applicant. Respectfully submitted for your formal consideration at your special meeting on 28 April 1975. /14,Jt--.e s BkL Michael S. B lair D irector cc: Dave Elmore, Applicant; Ken R ichards, Engineer; Tom Summerlee, Engineer; Hugh Warder, County Attorney; Max Barz, County Clerk; Staff to EAGLE COUNTY L T DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle CountY Ar*rex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eaglel Colorado 8t631 l1 July 1975 Davld Elrrpre Recreatlon Devclopmcnt Co. of Amerlca 10001 East Evana #69C Dcnver, Colorab 8}?fl2 Re: Flle No. Sp-5O-75 Mattertrom Vlllago Flllrtg fa a$ your lotQr of"'12 May 1975 On Inetructton frgm the Board of County Cornmlseionors and Cor.rnty Attorrrey, thla olflco adrrlece you that any rypcd from photlblone of County Zonlrg Regulatlons must bE mede In apcgrda4ce wlth Sectlon,9.04.05 Ap?galp to ltP (zonlng) Boerd ?f Adluitmegl r Zonlr€ Hesolutlon of Eaglc Car"ty as Ammded. Formal appllcatlon for an Appeal should be made In tetter form to the Zonlng Board of Adfuetment th4.r thle offlce, cltlng apeelflc provlalone of the Zonlng Rosolutlon rellef , or Intcrpretatlon, ls belng eought. The fee for flllng auch Appllcatlon le $35.00 ard mugt accompany the Appllcatlon.' The rcxt regulr mcetlng of the Board laon 1a Auguati sry matter to be oonaldcfed at that rnoetlrg muat be eL{omltted at leact ten daye prlor to that date. Reryectfully, Mlctraet S. Blalr D lrector MSB/kt cc! County Attorrry Certified No. 367742 :t David C. Elmore l0OOf I,'ast I:'vans,,{169C Denvrr, Colora<lo g,O23l De ar .Mr. 13 Lmore : .: Q,. August 1,t-975 inpo6e Il-ot lQt l"r:n s. \teo, Sf'5a ' ? 5 Matterffirn II Subd Lvi si on fiucst'j.on of to the tt:atterhorn are a ,r pe r dv;e 11ln q . tie ct i on 4. O2'. 03 .'. . pre)-irrinarl' plat i.ras not shovrn e ES require<I It woulc] aLso be helnful so that vari.ous, aLternative NE: I have tevidwert with fuentin Irorv Scetions 3i05.C5 and 4.02.OL, fI propertV. Se etion 3. O5'.05 unit unfessj a larger irrurn 1ot tated bv One of the clefe ets o that the area'of the inditi ce i Que'n tin fii! clie 11 O'DaFLP OS C6yfltl CO-v1 pS, ., : t, a<of *irurkre informatj.on, and asstrming that the rroulC bo able to atlvi:c on th.e Verr trrrl.v ltours, Te re nce J. ,lu lnn Assistant Countv r1 l!e3ngr7 il,.li t'/ _--.,:"/1,: ,$( i"u,t TLoEs lras other obJectlon s \r)ere 6uref ,aeeeft al.i.ii3-s:9r voul n-la2. . ,.,-- -4 '\ .-.,.../ - \ .i the u\r,1rr\,\'- : O EAGLE couN ry DEP,A,RTMIINT OF PLANNINC AND DEV I ELOPMEN Re: Matterhorn rI Prelimlnary Plen (Ftle No. sp-go-?s); vall Dae schone zonlng In responsg to your telephone 'requeet of laat week, I offer the followlng tnformetion:. t- 1' the ettaohed ts r oopy of our letter eent to you dated 1g June 1g?51 the countyAttorney le to reply-io you" letter. . ' - -- , ---- 2' the er'ea of Vetl Dse iichono Ftltng #1 subdtvieton was orlglnally zoned by Eaglecounty ln october 19?4; those areos botng used as retatior servlce typecommercral were zoned aa commercral Lrmtted Drstrrcts, they q/er€ specrfrcauyI'ott""A'r' 'rBrr, 8nd i'c". at the tlme the zontng l\Iap wae prepared malr ernalllot ltnes had not lreen drefted on thE meps. uut iot il";;;'jJr* rdded for rnore, converrlent rofer€nce ts flme permlte. r Mr. Davld Elrnore Recreatlonel Development Co. of ,tmerlca10001 dast Evens #69C Denver, Colorado Reepectfully, Mlchael S. Blalr Dlrector MsB/kt , oc: County Attorney i Boord of County Corqmleelonera Sent by cer.tified mail 2 i Eagle County Annex P. O. Box ?89 phone 92g_69gg Eagle, Colorado ' sl63l 2 July r9?s Certified Number 367741 ' ''! .:J .:, JuIy 19?5 DspAnTM*n *ffifffffi orri*M'Nr Edr Comty |ttn r F. O, 8or ?ee P}ntrr 3at-c{Xlf ErgNr, eotor$ olfilt tO Jwr fTlS HuCn Wffir Oorr*y Attcrily ErElr, Ooford CftCl hrl Mdt*rwn Vlllgo Flllne #tr Ffb ib' 8p-so-?6 Ety trlrphonr @/rrrffi.tlan sr 1? May t$tlt, tlr Olulrnur d t|ro Edr Oarrty eixrlng Gonnrrtnlon, Mr. Rod 8llfrr' dlttstfd mr to trqrrd thet tirf Couty Attoflrrt ;!nu|r $r l.'ttfr oil f2 Mry 1e7C iroln Mr. Dwlcf E. Elnoru (oqy dt16rrf). ll1c lrtbr nn.r1rtl n +prrf ftorn th. gdttty Zonfng Adnfnhffiar rutfng fi dmlllng rnlt dmtlty trffrftld by dmnlty ;rd lot dopo llrnlldlstl of t|rr Oornty Zcrlng Fnofutlsr. Mf. Sllilf lorrld mffCl|ll fr llrrf *fOOn C pOfrtblt. , ',',, , , ,, Thr* you ttty narttr far your tmlrtrtot. f,rfrcttullyt Mldn| g. Bldt Olructor MSg/}rt gg! Fod Sllfrr. Chrlntlflt, Erdo Oilfiftt Pfvrlng Corr*vrl6fon Srvld glmofi. SoJrf of Oorrrty Cornmlnlsrrn (Mdrr Fllr) -,?ufr-r/o tngh'ezr, CIVIL TNGINTTRING . PIINNING . SURVIY5 SUBDIVISIONS - WATTR & SEWTR 5Y5TEA5 O 0ro. Kenneth E. Richord: 1.1r. \{i1liam Smith, Engr. P. O. Box 734 Eagle, CoJ-orado 81631 Re: Roads and Dnainage for Pnoposal Matterhorn Vj.llage Filing No. 2 na=n Mn Chi+h. u,,r+ !r., Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 47 6-5Q72 Dcnver 244-l521 Apnil 3, 1975 Registered Profcssionol Engineers Registered Lond Surveyors 5f-sio-7t h a>t e*xt'i- lt'-JL- Re( z lq l>s Itetn arr on Mattenholrn Village - Filing No. 2, concerns road grades and dnainage, As vre discussed, we wilJ- submit definite road design plans as soon as the v,'eathen pernrits, and befone filing of tlie final plat of this subdivision. Profiles and cross sections will be s hown and all work r.rifl be to County stand- az'ds. liaximum grades l.rif I be_loeo and it may not be possible to put in the : upper tvlo l-ots in the Southea=ffiorr." of th'e subdivision because of about 15% gr:ades. However, this cannot be detenmined until actual field notes are taken ' l1' I f' 1t "'tt t' ' ' ' ' Ll' ) As to the dnainage, I have r.,,evised the drainage plan slightly and enclosed copies for youn review. Whethen or not we use 0.5 or:0.2 fon the irnper:'riousness ::atio fo:: the snal-l-en Areas B, C, D, E, and G, will- not materially affect the culver"t sizing because l-8!r C.M.P. cu.Iverts will carry up to 7.1- cfs. Part of the drainage fnom Area F will be carnied in two dinections in two 24rr C.I'I.P. culvents. I have shown on the nevised nap, the dnainage along M:rs. Alice Parsonrs property which a.l-so shows on the enc.l-osed U.S.G.S. rnap. This is a natunal drain- age swa-!e, regardless of what she says. When roads are compl-eted in the Vail Vil1age West, Filing No. 3 subdivision ( they a::e ::oughed in now ) , we t^rill deepen the ditches suff iciently to carry the smafl amount of nunoff frorn the two new shor:t cul--de-sacs in I'latte::horn Village Filing No, 2. We have pr:eviously submitted plans and profiles on the roads in Vail Village llest but will increase the culvent sizes, if required. As to the access (item "b") fnom the South Frontage road, this shou]d be accomplished jointly by ownens of the gnound to the East of l4atterhonn Village Filing l{o. 2, by }.{r. Elmore and by the County. The Upper Eagle Valley Sanita- tion Distr:ict woufd. like to suspend a sewer line across a newly buil-t br:idge, if one is constnucted in or:der: to serve an area on the llorth side of Gore Creek. Mn. El-mone has stated that he would cooper"ate in constnuction of another bnidge, !/,( re ereat iongl.-,d e ve lopC, tr'- ft" -...7u tl fl,[,d _r{F- County Zoning Commjssion Blair 81631 Matterhorn Vi11age, Filing #2, Preliminary Plan Mr. Slifer: As you may know, on April 28, 1975 the Board of County Commissioners rejected the above captioned proposed subdivision plan. Immediately after the determination of the Board, a meeting was held with QuentinMitchell, Assistant Zoning Administrator, at which time it was discovered that a question of interpretation of the Zoning Regulations must be answered before the developer can proceed wjth the proposed subdivision. The question is as fol'l ows: Pursuant to the Eagie County Zoning Regu'l ations, is the density for R/S/M of 5.5 dwelling units per each acre of net developable land applicable only when the slope grade is 8% or less? The Zoning Administration's position is that the above answered in the affirmative. The deve'l oper maintains clear intent of the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision that the density is applicable to all net developable defined in Section 2.02.23 of the Zoning Regulations. According to the Zoning Administration, this proposed Subdivision is the first R/S/M to be reviewed since the adoption of the Zoning Resolution. Thus it is a matter of first impression. In accordance wjth Section 9.02 of the Zoning Regulations, I respectfully appeal the ruling of the Zoning Adminjstrator. Please advise me of your decisjon at the earliest possible date, for \/.l000.| East Evans, #69C, Denve/, Colorado (303) 750-1600 porm&{lf )€{xrxxrqdX*me0cxmosg xxg.}enam& xxkrxdx)t|OdtdXXx rdftidK-Xt&l6EB I ne n[ fonpany trr.' A -Et tlq -II --r-\\tI aI' -\3tlra- EaEte Courr./, C,Jlo.May 12, 1975 Mr. Rod Slifer Chairman, Eagle clo Mr. Michael P. 0. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado Dear question is that it is the Regul ations I and, as suite 250 . B2il commerce drive . oak brook. iilinois 60521 . 3l2.BB?-1300 l,lay 12, 1975 Mr. Rod Sllfer Page 2 tlme is urgent, otheruise substantial danages will result if the developer is forced to postpone the proJect for another year. Very truly yours, RECREATIONAL DEVELOPI{ENT COIIPANY OF AI.IERICA K,tarnL g g- .*l Davld G. Elmore, President DGE: nb Dlctated 5ll2l75cc: Mr. Dan Kaprinikar, Chairman County Board of Cmnissloners Zonlng Staff Hugh l,larder, Eagle County Attorney l,lr. Ken Richards h1 , Jnr-Wuon, $.slIins & 6o., LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTAI{TS Denuer Office // 1740 Williams Street / Denuer, Colorodo 80218 / Phone [3o3] 399'7053 Voil Office // P.O. Box 82 / Vail, Colorado 81657 / Phone [303] 827-5274 AWilI 25, I97 5 Michael B1air, Comunity Development Director Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado RE: Matterhorn II Mlke: We have just been informed by the engineer for ValMllage West Water and Sanltation District that the Matterhorn II property is presently in the District boundaries. Please note this for the record. This does not change the requirenent that the developer accomodate the capital expendi-tures necessary to serve the project. Incluslon, however, is not at issue. Sincerely, WEST WATER AND SANITATION Lfon, Collins & TSTRICT MANAGER Co., Inc. JPC: dm cc: WWIJ&SD Board T. Grimshaw F. Barrett K. Richards E. Elmore Drnqlt ':nr -t A'/K I L t;/f, fu8le County, l.:oio. VAII./VILLAGE DISTRICT "ll"*5itF S,?.ffi* o"o toorMENr Eagb Camty Arnox P. O. Box 789 Pl€n 328-G*!8 EagNr, Colorrdo 8ldtl 20 Aprll 1971 Mr..Dtvld Eltrtlr Vall Clty Corpordlon Sultr 25O Orgrutood Plara Tcng Ergleurod, Golorado 90110 Rr: Fllc l.lo. Sp-!!-75 P]|llmlnary Plr| Mdtrilnm Vlllqc #12 Dac Mr. Elnprr: At thrlr apclel rrretlng *r lll Aprll 1976r thc Boid ol Carnty Commleolorrn nfoctod yur ppllcdlon for prollmlnry plan gploval. Rcaroru lor thlr rctlon Inclutb frllrrc b corrply wlth all ahortcomlrpn llttrd In thlr d.prtrncntrl rmnt of 7 Apfll 1979. ( a oopy of wtrlclr you lrcno ). ll you wlCr to prcorcd wlth a trrAmloisr of thir prufcct, lt lr ncorrmrded that 1ou &lltunto md locata lott, ctc. wlth cor.nrty rogulatlonr roogrlzod trorn ttr.. crttttr lf you hwr my cprdlmr, youtn wrlcomo to contet ttrlr offlcr. Bcrt Regardo, Qcntln Mltdr.f l, Jr. Plrnlng Anlrtad Olvl/lil soi Bor{ of Oanty Commlulorrr; Klr Rlchlf, Rlclrr{r Englmrlng \ el EAGLE COUNTY O OEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle County Annax P. O. Box 789 PFPnc 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 7 April 1975 To! Fromr Fb: Eqlo Oa.rnty Bosd ol Oomty Commleelqton Plannlrxg Staff r t t e no ffi;ftffi flffiS5l pf, Fo"ffi-''"*Et rons Thr .-: cetloncd prolcct wo t$led at yor,rr Mach 26, 1973 meettng bccalac of a rrrrrbr' of dcflclenciee ard ftllurec to comply wlth county regulatlone. Thc clec ehoftcomlngl ol the propoeal rc llated bolo'rr: 1. Boad Deslgn: lt le clrrly atatcd In Scctlon 5.02.04 of thc County Sr$dlvlelon ffinffic-.that road gnr*b ghatl not exoed S6 wltlput epeclftc gproval (to r2$) by the Bosd" Sectlona of roede fn tho propoaed plan exccod both ol those flgurco. Aleo, ln tho sarne refcrunce, rod centcrllne rdll *rall not be lcgs thdl 10Or r a provielon vlolatcd by alrcral propoad Gi.rrYcor 2. O:yg!gpg9!g!gng! Ae atpvvn In Sectlon.2.02.8 of the Zonlrn Remlutlonr daneloptlc l6rtd doc€ mt lrnluds that wlth rry of a vrlety ol hazards rtr that whlch slopra In €xcese at &. Tho dcvoloper hc calculated a dnvclllng umlt dernlty utlllzlrg 10096 of the tend ln the profect. Staff , trrileverr ean not accept thrrse oalculatloner aa lt le evfdent that (a) at loast 9046 of the eltc hae a alopc er<ceodlng 4Ul' er1d (b) 5(|?6 of thc gltc hag b€cn lscltod ar havlng a varlety ol llmltatlons as to elope atSlllty. Thc devEloperrg solla coneultant has subEeq.pntly etated thet all of tho site ls "tulld$lcr'. In rccordance wlth the refcrence glven $ove, ataff leets that lmda so l*oll€d c*r not be ueed In donelty calculatlonsr \ rr.ther or rutt they are crpcctcd to ba hlllt tpon. 3. lglSLpj Aa atatcd In Sgctlon 4,02.03 of tho Zmln9 Rcaolutlonr ech'reeldentlal lot muat ontaln, forglbdn,clllng unlt, at lcagt orp tfFu.rd tcpro frot In sca for each percontage pol-i bt a\rerago atope. Several lots rovlt\ rod Ehory a conclstilt fallurc to rrp.t thc rqrlird lot elzce, &vc. 4. 3!g!gg!g3g4i Ttretl roee a rurrtcr of qleatlqrs ag to tha a&racy of thc geologlc tntormatton anbrntttrd. lt war agncd to by ttrc dcveloper that a dotalled geologlc otttdy wanld be dono m ttre alte by D:. Chartel Roblne$. At thls polnt' however, the devctopor w|1hca prcllmlncy pl*r ppovd wlth pooslblc cfrager In plrt dlctatcd I - by futup geologfc uork. l.leverthrlecc, bocalee adccfrat6 gpologlc atudlca arc rccplrad' rt O; prrrllmlnary plan atagc (rotlon 4.02.03(a) of tho Sr.drdlvlelon Regulatlorul adr+ratr to anaurrr ill potcntlal problome) r stdl fcols thd thc a$dlvlslst rn'tlt bo' be.d Won erop.r rhdy md, alrne the potcntlal for uneiewerod qrrrtlonc hsi b.cn dmlttcd to, pproval of thr prullmlnary plm muat not proccdc full canty rcvlanr and *ccptmcc of thc propoard aolutlste to the q,reetions. l'liif;"1';ffi;Hff vr | | * Fr I rne #2 Pqr 2 t ne clorly potrrtlal vlolrtlqra ol my of a rurrtor ol rugp.rlatloruf tlrr tollowlng ltrrna wm mdtera of ooncm \lold at U€ rmctlrn of Mrch 2Or 1975. thc dc;.lcy of rore trorn th. frontqp rod to tho altc. tho u..rltSlllty of thc oxlrtlrp Mattshom Glrcle brl{le ovr Oorc Grolk. the Sllt&lllty of thr pr€poo.d dalnagr from the glto. Thc cttlf further alggeste thd tha drvolopr bo dvleod thatr at a mlnlnrum' thr 9lbdlvlelct Roguldlono m.lot br rccognlzcd as a malddc r.psr rp*lrU ol flro hytlnte. Thry do rnt trom to €ppc* rrpon alto plrrr elornlttad mdr e tho sca lg exttlmely wlncr$lc to r+ld rprud of flrer tho Reguldlons nust bo rtrlctly dnlud to. . Bacaraa ol at lrct thr tollowlrn nocomt l. rlopo crd uf$lll$ oon lltlsu of tho altr' 2, lrqproprldr ad llrprrpdlbb lot and rcd laywt, 3; lrck of grotogy rrportt 4. non-conpllace wlth tho Zonlrp Roolutlong Th. Stdt rcomnrrnde thdr 1. th. gpllcatlon cd plm, c a-trmlttod. bc conrpletely rrlcctrd rtd dcnlcd -Inaorrpletr ;d lmproprr, 2, thd my turth.r conald*rtlon by the Cannty ot a plm tor th. ploporty br ol a mr +pllcdlon,3. thd rry n.rr pfa b. dralgncd for eltlrer (or corrltlnatlm trrsrof) I !o lrjr lotr lor rlrgla larnlly duplllngB, b. Plgrnle Unlt Devclopment (Sec. 3'09 Zonlng Reeolutlon) 'c. Glu;tcr Doveloprrrcnt (Sec 3.04.03(1) ZonlrU Reaolutlon, d. csh In rordacc wlth natrrat dlctdm ol Sp sltc condltlomr after thopJgh and proper cltr lrvectlgdlom have bccn mado by tho +pllcant' Rocpoctfully r&mlttcd for yanr formal conalderatlon at your epocial rnertlng on 28 Aprll 1975. Mlchal 8. B lalr Dlructor cicr Darlo Elrrpfl, Appllcrt; Krn Rlctrs*. Englrtor; Torn Sumnrrrlcr, Englrror;ld$\wrtrr, Canrty Attomy; Max Barz, Oounty Olei{<1 stdf O @pEHn April 14, .l975 Dear Mr. Dan Kaprinikar, Chairman County Board of Commissioners Eagle County Eagle, Colorado Please find enclosed a preliminary olatRichards Engineers, Inc. dated Apiji 4.r'n a.memo of the Eagle County Debartmenidated March 27, 1975, and a copy of a letter from'1975 covering the po'ints raisedof Planning and Development As your records reduced from the requested number rev'i sed, reducedof 168. Page 2 will indicate, the density for this 52.5 acres has been request of 203 units to the presentof Mr. Richards letter reflects that ca i9 cfltst At a recent conference which I_requested in order to resolve any differences l:t*.:l !!g deve'loper and the Department of pranning, Nr. quentin Mitcheli,-,J1".' {lannrng Assistant, stated that his position was that all lots withq grade in excess of the^20% required ttrat ilre tot iize (q,ooo squire'-feet) be,increased by 1000 squa"e reet-ior each l% in excess of a z0%grade.. -However, I pointed out that section 5.0g of the subdivisionRegutations of Eagle County require that; "...each lot created in a subdivision shall be physicallycapable of accommodating a structure devoted to't-he intenoeduse of the lot. In the absence of supporting informationsuch as profiles or revised grading piins, oi all aieis ofland proposed for subdivisioi wtrerdih the'geneiai ioniiguration this density wi1I under 40% slooe. be 4.2'l units per acre of devel opabl e ground, i . e. suite 250 ' greenwood plaza terrace . englewood, colorado goli0 . 303.770-1688 of the undisturbed surface slopes z0% or m6re in any aiieciion.the commission shall require that each lot contain i minimumof .l000 square feet of area for each percentage point of landslope..." The general ru'l es of statutory construction require that sections of variousregulations be construed to modify one another rather than be in conflict - with one another. Thus, section 6.og and section 4.02 of the ZoningRegulations should be read as complimenting one anoir,er,'rairrer tnan ry palE,zl rt,otu " f.o} " t.o8,o) reere&diouaaE devetr en06 0onarflDeEuy RECEIVED APR 1 E 1975 r'1 il,-' )' !rtr"i'"" fai,te ucu\rrv, coto' w|le) Aq@ E:IE3E t6\\tt E_-loEEI .€\\3A.E Matterhorn of Vail, Filing #Z Mr. Kaprinikar: suite 250 ' 823 commerce drive . oak brook, illinois 6oszr . 312.g82.1300 o Page 2 April i4, 1975 Mr. Dan Kaprinikar, Chairman Eagle County Board of Commjssioners section 4.02 being in conflict wjth section 5.02. Mr. M'itche'll said that he did not question the physica'l capabi'lity of the lots to accommodate the intended use. w.i th respect to the geological questions raised concerning_this p] at'. Mr. Robei^t Summerlee-has itated that buildings could be safely erected ,in all of the areas including area 5; howevei, he assumed the expense of .-- - foundatjons in area 5 would deter construction' and thus no lots havefr- been assigned to this area. Furthermore, Dr. Charles Robinson has stated (t6tter inc'luded as Exhibit to March 26, .1975 hearing) that. a change,'if any, in road design vrould be minor and that he had no objection to approv'i ng the Preliminary P1an. At my conference with Mr, Mitchel 1 I agreed to reduce the densjty from 196 irnits to ]62. I would like to point out that we appeared before the Planning commission over a year ago with a detajled p1an, and after several discussions we were requeited to reduce the number of lots. llle have reduced the loti Uy approiimately 30 and the density by approximately 60 units. Subiequentiy-, airb in addition to the 60 units, lte have again agreed to reduce'the density from .196 to .162 or 168 units' As of thjs time almost two years of work and approximately $40'000.00 of fees to outside consultants have been spent for this proposed 43 lot development. For the ten years I have worked with the County Commissioners I have'a'lways found them tb be reasonable, and I believe I have been reasonable.- Any further delay of this Preliminary Plan, in my opinion' would be inequitable, unreasonable and p'l ace an undue hardship on the developer. Thus, I urge the county commissioners to approve this Prel iminary Plan. Very tru'ly yours, RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF AMERICA lt(ualVr'.-I.r David G. Elmore, President DGE: nb Da1 e Grant, County Commissioner Al 0rlaski, County Commissioner Hugh l,larder , Mike Blair / Ken Richards Thomas Summerlee- oo fibfr-r/t togi,*".o, Ono. CIVIL TNGINIIRING . PIINNING . sUBDIVISIONS . WATER & SEWER 5URVIYS SYSTE/15 Kcnncth E, Richords lir. David Elmore tt- .: I ^: +., r.r^-nY CLr.i- \/r LJ Wvr y . Suite 250 Gr.eenwood Plaza Tennace Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Mattenhonn Village Filing No. Dear Mr. Elmore, In ansrren to the six items to sioner:s on Apnil 28' l-975' I would done: (a) Suitability of Road Design : [!i!-t e:: has been submitted to Mr" ' l'lilliam (.'^.7TI-II] ) ..iF-e'nins the road eraaesmith (copfTo youfCorrcerning the road grades an befone the Final Plat is fi,=;:;.;.-- ---- . - ---;.- i -. ou could make two5*Isi"-"eraa! is"noi pernritted for the 400 ft' pnivate noad y Iarge Iites in the Southeast conner of your. property and put in a cul-de-sac at the end of the Countv appnoved l-0% road. Road: This item was dE-ltarch 26th Conrnissioners I East, and with the county ' Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phono 47 6-5072 Donvor 244-1521 April 4, 1975 Registercd Professionol Engineerr Registered Lond SvrveYor be cove::ed in the neview by the County Commis- like to list the following items which we have ? #;";.;;":a "irli*iy. o.eI*"**gJ."ig..Rryr,-t.9-"lg tions wir-1 be submitted befone the Final plat is fited, rinc. flffili6ii-'a-?-r-5E_46-n-a at-=ffis-tffie. -ff MO .? (b) Suitability of Access Ffol ment ioned in the letten to l'ln . Smith ' the South Frontage and you stated at the ow'nens to themeeting that you would coopenate with in construction of a new bnidge. and Adequacy of Geologic InPut !o D?te:(c) Resolution of Geologic Constraints and Adequacy or Georosrc rupuL L\J ,qLe r don,t reilTfrilTh. i*#;Ti.ffihe ;nbdfiGion Ts 5'Ftied at this time. I do believe that ever:y lot pennit is issued. ThiE-can be covered by a note the Covenants. should be tested before a building on the Final PlaFan-il/on in (d) The Relation of the Site to Existins water Districts gg ltr: l!tli:{Site to Hxlstlng l{ateP ul-s:r'*u Ln '"i_:'^: of a llaten Dist::ict to Selrve tr'e rr"p-s"a oE".rgp1gg.t e letter n1s USen 19n-l rlt '' &F7. frr=.;=ffi ffi t.'e." .frrrffiater and sanitation District' witb copies to Tom Gr,imshaw, Bynon Br"own, Frank Barrett' and you, requesting -this infonmation. J.Jrg4--q],ttalp utd-erstpq4 thgL-{-r*]l l-eld.-!ta-q iqcluded' and that nesenvoins were being- consiaerea to pnovide senvice' o To : M:r. David Elmo::e fbom: Richards Engineens, Inc. Page 2 April 4, 1975 (e) Adequacy of Lot Sizing q (f) Resolution of the Density and lxglling I rn .' a- r/r^..- + ,'r. . ^vrrrL \,vL.rL .luestions: I have checked out the aneas of al-l the duplex lots and EtrE-average GT-EG-is 34,280 sq. ft. Thene ane tlro or thnee lots which wiLl not quite meet the 2O,OOO sq. ft. plus 1,000 sq. ft. foi: each per:centage point oven 20eo slope. Howeven, I believe it is a matter of inter:pnetation of the subdivision negulations and that one should considen the sJ-ope of the buiidable pontion of the l-ot. I have also reduced the overall density of the High Density A::ea f:rom 10 units to B units pet: aclre. The total number. of allowable units woul-d be 122. With 46 possible duplex unils (nany will be single family, however), the maximum total numben of units would be L6B. It is doubtful if there will be' oven 150, however. The density figu::es fon you:: 52.5 acnes have been neduced to the following: Basis: (See Revised Prelimina:ry PIan dated 4-4-75) (1) Developable G::ound Under:40eo Slope = 39.9 acres NO 3C'75 A Net Density = 168 = 4.21 units per acue s9. g (2) Developable Ground Excluding Most of soil Anea 4, aLl of soil Area 5 and all_ the rG::een Aneasil = 33.4 acr^es |vA 3a,CA,iuttv6,N, OEa oF I . Net Density = 169 = 5.03 unj.ts per acre S3.+ or 8,660 sq. ft. Pen unit Aver.ase tot al:ea in the Subdivision (33.4 acnes); 33.4 x 43,s60 = 33,835 sq. ft. iacc LEvn'li 43 Aver.gge Duplex Lot Ar:ea : . qr5 I 1* ( 18.1 x.43,560 = 34,280 sq. ft.23 Avenage High Density Lot Anea: | ,o,,t./ >t> "'t Fl-5.3 x 43,560 = 33,323 sq. f. - t sfl I 't"- \n = 'tr"tzosq'rc' lV(J) c,or6.ilh)./.)tirzcR Ovenall Density for the 52.5 Acresr . l qQgl6varf 168 unitsffi; = 3'20 units Pe' Acre To: l{:r. David Elmone fuom: Richa:rds .Ehgineer"s, Inc. KER:ln Page 3 Apnil 4, 1975 9 The maximum numben of units fon the high density area is ma::ked on each lot' but there may be less than that amount actualfy buiIt, or a builder may want to use seve::al lots and build a langen building so that mone oPen space would be p:rovided. / We assgne you that final plans, including noad profiles ,, cross-sections, / aoainage plans and all other requinements l-isted in the subdivision r:egulations / fon submiision of the Final Plat will be pnesented to the County fon appnoval be- / fon. filing of the plat. The Covenants, also, wiJ-l need nevising as nequested \ by the County. Sincenely, RTCHARDS ENGTNEERS, rNC.M@ Kenneth E. Richands Registe::ed Pr:ofess ional Engineen and Land Su:rveyon No. 2183 EACI.E COUNTY DEPABTMENT OF PLANNINO AND DEVELOPMENT Eaglo County Annox P. O. Box 789 Phon 328-6338 Eaglo, OolorAo 8t&rl 22 Aprlf 1975 Jarno P. Collltt Lyon, @lllrt fid Co. I Inc. P. O. Box 82 Vall, Colordo 81837 Rc: Mattcrtprn Vlll4r ll - Fllc No. Sp-g)-73 Jlm: Thrtks wry mucfi for yur frttcr of 17 Aprll, clrlfylng th. vrlou! Olrtrlctr pocltlonr rcgrdlng drvclopcrra hvrgovonrcnt rrapomlblllty. Ro/or of dovclopmcntr ard ctlone by tho rcvtnl dlatrlct Tlr $ould provr qrltc hdptul to all oorrcemcd. Thrtks 4dn for lour ae:lctmco mdcoopcrailon. Slrrcrrcly, Mlctrol S. Blelr Dlructor MSB4rt co: Bodd of Cornty Commlulonrra; Plrning Gommlnlm; Erlk Ed..nr Oounty Sanltrlan; W.V. Smlth, Corrrty Englrre; Hqtr Wrd.r, Gounty Attorneyl Lyon. ColllncadOo., fnc. Dorwe Branch \ oo -[Von, 6.sllins & 6o., Jnr. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULT ANTS Denuer Office // 1740 WilliamE Strcet VaiI Office // P.O. Bot 82 / / Denuer, Colomdo Vail. Colorado 816 57 80218 / Phone [303] 399-7053 / Phone [303] 827-5274 RECIIVqD APR Zl isi5 oerl. Li L,.- : uujJl. Iatio Coijnty. Colo, April 17, 1975 Planning Counission Development Director Eagle County Commissloners & c/o Mlchael B1alr, Qsmnun{ty Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado ,rrIi+t'u1o P 6 rf r4-l)- "- h'. i. Ip'." * RE: Matterhorn II Gentlemen: There apparently exlsts sqtre confuslon concerning the conmltments of Vail Vlllage ltlest !'later & Sanltation Distrlct and the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatlon Dlstrlct to aerve the Matterhorn II subdivLsLon proposal pptsencly before you. I apologlze for writing amb lguo us let,ters; from hereon we wj-1l produce fornal motlons from the Boards of Dlrectors of the respectlve Dlstricts. Neither of these DistrLcts lntends Eo pay for the improvementa necesaary to serve thls development ! _ The \!llli_rlg"e1-g9el--EeleR & sanitatlon District wi-11 requlre the i9:v919p9;.Jo ll!.-trpl or guarantee in some nanner, the mo. liea n-e_cesg?lfy to construct the water mains, sone proportlon of necessary storage, probably sone raw water supply,g!Iljilg+.qe*-tb9*-pJegelgl't9*:L9JLl_qI&19t. Exact requlrements cannot be stated 56;;:!ve - have not been -requEdLt? by tlie developer to have a comprehenslve report done by the Val1 Village West I'later & Sanltation District engineer - at the developerrs expense. The Ulner nagJg _V'gJJgy Sanltation Dlstrict, via its contract wlth Vail Vl11age t{esE'Ilatiii & Sanitati-on Disrrict, {il!*r_::9.9t89-.f.b"e*dev.elarcI*S9^1_gsge11gfl -"=y":f-Eglns, as outlined in our Rules & Regulations. Agaln, no cost esti- mates are available. Ihe sewerage processlng capabllities of the Sewer Dlstrict are totally adequate. Wlth our continuous lnfiltration repair program, average daily flows are about 700,000 gallons per day. With our recent expansion, which ls now fu11y operating, our capaclty ls about 2,000,000 gallons per day. Re- cent tests lndicate our effluent ls well beJ-ow present and proposed standards - even as concerns anrnonia. As a further cushion to prospective growth, the Dls- trlct Board has just authorized further expansion of the faclllties whlch at a mlnlmal cost per unit. will agaln increase capacity and quallty of effluent. I{e hope thie elarlflee the Eagle Gounty Comleslonera & Planning Com"lselon Aprtl 17' 1975 Page 2 posltloD of the water and selter DlstrLcts. Slncerely, JPB:do cc: Eoard of Dlrectora, Board of Dlrectora, Grlnshaw Rlcharde F1ewelllng Elnore Barrett wl{t{&sD I'EVDS VALLET SANITATION DISTRICT WATER & SAI{ITATION DIST. Lyoa, Colllne & DISTRICT HANAGER CIVIL TNGINTTRING . PL,^NNING ilflfrrrr, r.-t\r*:..: ,.. J APll 4 l!:,'i; Dfil. Ci 1,..:..1.r; .. .. ._1. &gic Cornu" Cctc. Rogistored Professionol Enginecrr Registered Lond Surveyors oo -,?ufr"r^Jo tngineetr, Onc. SUBDlVtstoNS . WATER & stwrR SURVEYS 5Y5Tt/15 Kcnnofh E. Richords Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 8t657 Phone 47 6-5072 Denver 244- | 521 Apnil 3o 1975 Mn. Williarn Smith, Ensr.P. 0. Box 734 Eagle, Colonado S1631 Re: Roads and Dnainage fon pnoposal Matterhorn Village Filing ito. 2 Dear Mr. Smith, rtem trarr on r{attenhorn village - Filing No. 2, concerns r.oad gnades andd'ainage. As we discussed, we wiil submit aerinite noad aesign. prans as soonas the lteather" permits, and befone filing of the final plat of this subdivision.Pnofiles and cr',oss sections wilr be shown and a1l wonk ":.rr r. to county stand_ands. Maximum gnades wir.r be 10% and it may not be possibre to put in theuppen two r-ots in the southeast cornen of th! subdivision because of about15% grades. Howeven, this cannot be dete'rninJ;;;;-;;iul ,i.ra notes aretaken. As to the dnainage, r have nevised the drainage plan slightly and encr.osedcopies fon youn review. whethen or not we use 0.5 or: 0.2 for the imperviousness:ratio fon the smar-l-er" Aneas B, c, D, E, and. G, wi]r not matenially affect thecuLve't sizing because r-g'r c.M.p, "utr.uot" wirl carny up to 7.r_ cfs. part ofthe d'ainage fnom Area F wilr- be canr"ied in two air,eltions in trro 2qrr c.M.p.culverts' r have shown on the nevised map, the dnainage along Mns. ALice pansonrspropenty which also shows on the enclosed- u.s.c.s. mapl rtr:.s is a natur:ar- dnain_age swale, negandless of what she says. I^Jhen noads ar"e completed in the Vair Vilrage west, Firing No, 3 subdivision(they ane:roughed in now), "u oriri a""p.r, tr,. ditches sufficientry to carrsythe small amount of nunoff fnom the two new short cur-de-sacs in Mattenhornvillage Filing No. 2. Ioe have pneviously submitted plans and profires on thenoads in vair virrage west but ;i'' incnease the culver:t sizes, if requined. As to the access (item rrSI; fi:om the Southaccomplished jointly by owner"s of the gr.ound to|r rr-ng No . 2 , by l,lr. Elmone and by the County .tion Distnict would like to ,rr"p"id a sewen lineif one is constructed in or den to ""o,ru _n uo.uMir. Elmone has stated that he would cooper"ate in Fnontage noad, this should bethe East of Mattenhor:n Villaee The Uppen Eagle Vatley SanitJ- across a newly built bridge, on the Nonth side of Gore Cr:eek.constnuction of anothen br:idge, a. i i: 3 I " .To: Mn. William Smi oth Fnom: Richands Engineers, Inc, but we do not concur that 'lhis will- be necessany fon a few yeans. Devel-opment will not be too fast in the Matterhorn Village area. SineeneJ.y , RIC}TARDS EI.IGINEERS, INC. , Kenneth E, Richands KXR:Im cc: Quentin Mitchelt, J::. ( Planning Assistant ) Mn. David Elmone (Recneational DeveJ-opment Co. of Amenica ) Page 2 Apnil 3, 1975 @z?rA*:A-L ,1" togi,rt-no, o -0oo. CIVIL ENGINTIRING . PIINNING . sURVTYS SOBDIVISIONS . WATER & SEWER SYSTU,\S O4t'fr. (cnncth E. Richordr I"tn. James P. CoLlins, Mgn. VaiJ- Viuage l{est Waten and Sanitation Distnict L,yon, Collins 6 Co., Inc. 1740 Wii-liams Street Denven, Colonado 80218 Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonq 476-5072 Dcnvar 244-1521 Apnil 3. 1975 Rcgi:lcrcd Profcsrionol Engincers Rcgirtcred Lond Survcyon SECF'VED APR 4 1g7S Dept- ot pt.^-.^.Re: Viaten Availability fon fcc,r;;;;;"y:c:d."4 P::oposed Subdivision of Matterhorn Village - Filing No. 2 Dean Jirn, We have in oun files a copy (also, one enclosed) of the lette!" which you sent to ltn. Michael S. Blair', County Planning Dinector on behalf of the Vail Vil1age l.lest Waten and Sanitation Distnict. Thnee questions came up in a meeting with the County Commissioners last Wed.nesday: Ma?ch 26, I9?5 and wene bnought up by l4n. .Iim Chanles, a nember of the Vail Village West Board: (1) Was this land included into the District by the previous owner, Mr. Nesmith, and if not, will the Boand be willing to include this area? (2) Is thene sufficient water available to serve the proposed 200 (or less ) equivalent units? (3) ,Just what extensions, pumps, and nese::voi:r(s ) ar:e necessany to provide this senvice, and what is the app::oxirnate ovenall cost and cost to the develope::? Pe:rhaps youn attor.ney and the Dist::ict rs Boa::d of Dinectons will answer question No. 1, and yuu:r Engineer questions Nos. 2 and 3. We would like a letter or letters on this befone Ap::il l8th, with copies sent to the County Plannens . Thank you fon handling this matter. S incenely , RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. cc: Byron Bnown, Pnesident Tom Gr"imshaw, Attonney Frank Bannett, Engineen v.v.!{.!{. r s.D. Michael Blain, Cnty. Planneny' Vail City Conp., David Elmone ( Rec::eational Development Co. of Arnenica ) Kenneth E. Richards O EA.LE couNrY O DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eeglo County Annex P. O. Box789 Phonc 328-6838 Eqlo, Colorado 8t631 7 ,Aprll 1975 Lcttcr of Traamlttal R.t R.€ord of Mattcrhom Vlll4o Flllng *2 Fllc l.lo. Sp-5O-75 Tor Eaglo County Board of Cornty Commlaelonerp (cach morr{rr) Cormlctr copy to: Max Barz, Oo.mty Clcrk Dano Elrrpre, ppllcant/developcr (eertlflod Mall l.lo. __ ) Ken Rlchar&, ppllcantta Englner Hugh Wrcbrr Cq.llty Attorncy Fllo Tranemltted hcranvlth, by yor.rr ordcr *rd for yor,rr eturdy ad congldcratlon at your epcclal rncetlrtg on 28 Aprll 19?5, re coplcs of the lollowlrp Informdlon 1. Transcrlpt of the Eagle Cannty Plurnlng Commlselon nreetlrp (portlon) of 19 Marcfi 1975, and, 2. Edllblte A thru Y attached (letters anC reportg)t 3. Llat of Erdrlbltg A thru Y 4. Plannlrg Statt Raport rrd Becommendatlona. Ropoctlul ly a.6rnlttcd by : Mlc*rael 9. Blalr Dlrcctor MSB/kT LIST OF EXHIBITS Erfilblt A, Lcttcr frcm Thr Wegt Vall Assoclatlon, dat.d 18 March 1975 E)filblt B, Lottcr from Thc Tonn ol Vall' datcd 18 March 1975 Erfilblt C' Lettcr fiom Oolordo Deprtrnant ol Hcalt?r, dat.d 14 Mrch 1975 Erfilblt D, Lettcr lrcm Torn ol Vall, Flrt Prctcctlon' datod 14 March 1975 Erfilblt E' I.ott r fmm Colorado Statc Forcct Sc'rrloo' dEted 13 March 1975 E*rlblt F, Lotter from Charloa S. Roblnson and Agrc. ' dat d 19 March 1975 E)drlblt G, Lettor fiom ghrloa S. Roblnaon md Aeeoc.r datcd 11 Mat€h 1975 Erfilblt H, Letter frcrn Oolorado Gcologlcal Sunroy' ddcd 14 Mal€h 1975 Erdrlblt | , Lcttor fiom Oolor* Gologcial Survoy, dat€d 19 Mat€h 1975 Erfilblt Jr Loltor from Thomag E. Summerlec, datcd 18 March 1975 Erfilblt K, L.tt f from Upper Eagle Valley Snltatlon Dlatrlct, dat.d 1? Fdruary 19?5 Er6lblt L, Lettcr ftorrr Lyon' ColllnE c1d Co. I d.td 17 F.btuary 1975 E)6lblt M, Lntter to Ken Rlchar6r dated 21 Februry 1975 Erhlblt N, lrttcr trcrn Envlronrrrantal Hcalth' dat.d 5 March 1975 E)filblt Or Lettr lrcm Torryn of Vall, datod 6 Mat€h 1975 Erfilblt P, Lcttcr lrrcm U.S. Forcat Srrvlco, datcd 7 March 1975 E)6lblt Q, tntter to Kcn Rlchar6, datod 10 Mscfi 1975 Erhlblt Rr Lctter fiom Thoma E. Sumn€ffer, datod 12 Mrdr 1975 E)filblt S. Latt r from W.V. Smlth, Oounty Englnccr' dstod 13 Marcfi 1975 Erfilblt T, Lotter ftorn Sotl rrd Watcr Conoervatlon Dletrlctl datod 14 M.rch 1975 Erfilblt U, Lette frcrn Rlcfiarda Englneorlng' dat d 14 Mrch 1975 Erdrlblt V, Lattcr from Eaglo County Sctrol Dlrtrlct RESOJ, datcd 19 March 1975 Erdrlblt W, Lctt.r to Davc ElftDt , dated 20 Mrch 1975 Erfilbtt X, Lcttcr to Dsrrc Elrrnrer dat.d S7 March 1975 Elfilblt Y, Lctter from Wostem Slope Oas Co. I dsted 3l Matoh 1975 D E P AR rM EC,' 5ffi5 n,T Yf,'o" o* u=ro"t*, [;rgle Col.rrr'.- y Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6938 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 27 March 1975 Mr. Dave Elmore Flecreational Development Corrrpar.ry of America Suite 250 G reenwood Plaza Terrace EnglewoorJ, Colorado 801 10 Re: File No. Sp-50-75 Preliminary Plan M atterhorn Villaqe I I At their special meeting on 26 March 1975, the Board of County Commissioners tabled the captioned project until their next meetirrg, which is scheduled for Apri I 28, 1975. The reason for the above action was to al low a review of the record from the March 19 meeting of the planning Commission. Items to be covered in this review include the followinq: (a) Suitability of road ciesign;(b) Suitabi lity of accessfromthe south frontage roacl;(c) Resolutlon of geologic constraints and adequacy of geologic input to date;(d) The relation of the site to existing water clistricts and the ability of a water district to serve the proposed development;(e) Aclequacy of lot sizing;(f) Resolution of the clensity and dwelling-unit-count questions. All of the above items shall require close coordination between the developer and this department. lf any changes in riesigrr arrcJ qua:ntities result fronr the above, saicl changes must be subrnitteci to this office at least terr (t0) days prior to the April 28 meeting noted above. S irrcercly, A 1" u ^. 6,-'1, ;,F'';b /4 ( Quentin Mitchell, Jr. P I ann i rrg Ass i staLnt oM/kt cc: Lloard of Cor-rrrty Commissione,rs; Kerr F-t icl.rcrds-,, Riclrards Errgineering OO EAC,-E c€uNrY lf DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVEILOPMENT Eagb Oanrty lurrx P. O. Box 7Et0 Pl€no 329-6338 Eglo. Color$ 8tqfl 20 Mach 1975 Mr. Dwo Elrrpn Rccrrrtlqr.l Dewloprnmt Cornpty of Arncrloe $ultc 250 GrgrroodPfaza Trrrn Engf*ood, Oolor* 80110 Ro: Fllr No. Sp-80-75 Prcllmhtry plal Msttrrfprn Vlllqro Flllng #2 At trolr n.gulr nrrtlng fi 19 Mr't t 1973r th. Egb Courty Plmnltrg Commlralon rucorrrrncndrd dcnld of yor.r Prcf lmln*y Plan. Tho follonlng lr runrd by g,ord tr6rcrlpt of tlr MOT|ON mado d tho Prbllc Hcrlng: Men{rrPrlor: " I movc that thr prcllmlnary plan for thr mattrrhotn #2 lr donlod by thlr borrd and thc 1060mm.ndatlon bc madc to tho County Gommlsrlonerr for denlal Of 'thr prcllmlnary plan bae'od on the fect that thcro r?o conEtdorablc quortlono about the soll atablf lty; ftrr doalgncd wlth an lmpropor load, ar f ar as clopet go; and thare are problomr that we have to rorolv. on 3rlwtr and watlr boforc wt can go any fartherr and thrt Includca thr dralnago, @ thr rurf tco dralnago ovcr tho wholo eroa and, I donrt thlnk that anythlng that har been aald tonlght har mltlgated any of thota lhln0a. rr lyfirt.asllla,r rf I would llko to add onr thlng lurt to clarlfy. (Ghalm6) W. ahould clarlty what tho drnolty lr and docr that dtnrlty oonfottrl rvlth thr Zonlng Otdlntncc. " McrrerPtl€as " lrll add that.'f Mertolrlrrrgmnl " lrll 3.€1d." Stdt ifot ctrFJnltp fr;1ltyr Ar lr clrrly *rrrn tn etlon 3.04,03 of tho Cqtty Zonlirg Rclutlan 6d In offrrr lotl61r ttf11rtrtcad, tlrr lr I rnrddqry mlnfunnr lot rla p* drelllrf rnlt prcFodr All prtlc rrrrd b. rY.! ol ||1aj. prrvlrlonr of Or. R.clrnlon. AtD b br pognlad lr thr valld 6r0lg"tlon b.hg lnpold r.pon thr btd ot dalrlopSlo lrrd to bo t..d o r brlr fr dnl|Ing urltr allonnd. Plrrnl}l A{rf* otilr(t l(rr ilCrr*. hldrr,cr 3nan;rr* vdlr oolotrdo .:.' )) DEPARTM EAGLE COUNTY ENT OF PLANNING AND Eagle County Anncx P. O. Box 789 . Eagb, Colorado 8t6iil1 10 March 1075 toDEVELOPMENT Phom 328-6338 Mr. Kcn Rlchsdc R lchards Erlglnrcrlngr lt'tc. P. O. Box 19O8 Vall, Colord 81657 Rc: Fllc l.fo. Sp-5O-75 Prollmlnary Plan Mattorhom Vlllaga ll At thclr mectlng on 6 March 1975r tha Technloal Rcvlcw Commlttco (a gnouP ol tcchnlcal dvlaore from vrloua pr.dcllc agonclo)'rcvlcwcd your ppllcatlon and offrr thr folladrq comrrrents and rocomrrrsrdatlorp to you and the Plrrrlrry Oommlsrlon for conrldorlrp pproval and ugc of the poperty. COMMENTS Thc propoaod drvrlopnrrnt would vlslatr thc Cor,nrty Zonlng Rclolutlon 6. lt frfdot averagc lot slope b lot rlzc. (oc Scctlm 4.02.03). fnc poporcd dcvrlopmrnt 6ffoG a potcntlal vlolatlon of thc carrp Relolutlon In rqard to allor,vab[ rumbcre of drrctllrp unlte por nct acrc of dovclopdlo land' ( ecc Scctlon 2.02.23). Thc Zonlng Roolution rcrnovcs lrom dcnelty calculatlonc all lsrd wlth a elopc oxcodlrp 4O* rd lrrd llrlect to grologlc and ottrr nahrnl hszards. Urlng th. g!!gg rltr sca lor calcr.rlatlon, thr Ptupos.d dctrolty la 3.93 &r{lllrq rmlte per acro. Th.tt lr a probablllty that, lf st cp and unat$lo (al pcr dorclopor etudlce) lands aru cxcludcd, tho net danelty vrould ar(c.td th. 6.4 ctwrlllrp rrrlt maxlrnrm In thc ulcfrct ano dlrtrlct (nSM). Furthrr mtrlctlom efrall, of cd.trao, baron tho manlrnrm !r a nrult ol sloplr found on thr rlto. The geologlcal rqport sLlcrnlttcd lg lnadcqrato ae to thc ldontlllcatlon ol alopr st$llltlca and tho arapplngof arrat of potantlal landalldo. Thc r.pr.s.ntatlvr f;r1rn thc Colorado Grologlcal Surury (OOS) sald hc cqrl rxtt ncomrncnd +provd rmtll tho mrty conetralnta arr rccognlad and Clcbtt .vl'ittq. It was agrcd that thc dcvtloper arrd th. CGS uould aurelt thc lrdllldt ohtdy ot Dr. Roblreon, a @neultant dolrp gpologlcd mpplrp for tho Canty. 1. 2r 3. 4. Ir 9. 10. Mdt*hom Vltlqo Ol*,"al Revl.fv comrncnte OlPtr 2 6. In Slopc Stablllty ar.a 3, a report donc for thc dcvolopcr watno agalnet cutc or<co*llng 4 fcct. Thc plan ptopo6cd st ggtoatr lhat many lotl would rocplrr cxcredvr cuto. Th. eamc reatrlctlon and watnlng 4plloe to agrcatcr cxtant to drvrloprrrnt In Slopo St6lllty arcac 4 and 5. ?. Tha prceoacd roads arc In cxecar of tho county dandardl aa to atcrpmac. In a nrrmbcr of locatlonc, tht propoeod rlght-of-way doog rot rncct tho wldth roqllrtrrrntl. 8. Th1; lcrgth of the maln cr.rl-dc-aac wlll, In thr absrncc of altcmstlvelr pfttvQ a handlcp to ernergsncy cc.oa. 1n. It ppeare that Eevoral lota wlll reqrlrc llft atatlona to provldc ea'v\tr gc|-lcc. Thc oovcnanta pcrmlt dr etlvlty - lndlvlctrCl lrrclncrrtlon . rrvhlcfi lg In vlolatlon ot etate statutao. Tho 12,r culverte pcrmltted In the covrnants ari Inadec1trtc and do ttot rmot the 18'l mlnlmum county atadard. Tlte proposed ru,rmbor and freqrarcy ol fhu hydrrtts are Ingutflclent. Tho gradca of tho ctsalnage dltcheE and retalnlrp structurot sppoar exoeEslve. Duc to the uso of a loru coefflclcnt of irr4cermcabillty (.2) r th calculsted runoff volunrce ad propos€d retcntlon frcltltlec appcar to be under-ostimatcd. The nctcntlon pone thrratcn thc lower rod md arc locatad outaldr thr prolrct on privat land. RECOMMENDATIONS The proporccl cubdlvlglon ahould urxdrrgo a malor re-daglgpir€ to reaolvo ttr q.regtlons In comrnontt 1r2r6. B. The geologlcal lrlrrt sfbrrld be upgraded d1d erqeardcd to covcr thc rhortoomlnge noted ln aommants 3r4r5 Sovc. The lndlvldral prcparlng tho lrput l*lratcd rrurt . meet tho etandards glven In 51-3-t (ct rcq.) CRS 196[f . The dctallcd glrologlcal roport ctpuld br a malor dctsrmlnant ln tho prcductlon of thc provlslort llclrstcd In A., &ovc. tndlvldral aoll stablllty and eroelon tcetr otrqlld bo donc for eoch lot propoacA. rldclltlonal data on dealgn and malntonancc of tho ctrntlon por'tds ll ncrdrd. Alo, the threat thcy poec to thc lovver rmd, *rd th. fcaslblllty of thclr locatlonr mlgt bc rcsolved. Tho oovcnsrtg rnnrgt br rc-drarrn to angwrr the cpcstlons ln cornrnc"t? 19 md 11' .bo\ra. The adrcpacy of llre protoctlon (commrnt t2) rrurt be addrocsod. The developor has ctot.d a wllllngnesa to corrply wlth tho rcc;rlrcmcntc of thc Vall Vlllrgo Woet Wqter and Sanltatlon Dlatrlct (that m structurc bo rnorc ttiut 500' from a hydrant). 12. 13. 14. A. C. 0. E. F. o. Matt thotn Vlllago ,lrQ-,.al Rrvllrv Comrnotr I f Pqa 3 H. All rcdc efrould br conetructod to rnit cornty standardc. Sald rtadrr$r dro to th. rrpu/tall In thr arua, efiall llmlt roadl to a maxlm.rm grdo of 6$. All ottrcr cq.lnty rod etmderda Ctall pply el uoll. l. An agrrrrnont al to drdlcatlm (lrra or cath-ln llru) rruct br anlvcd at bctrlreon thr dcvrloprr md thc Re-50-J gclpol Dlrtrlct. As no land ll lhotwl ae rrsrrurd for thh r.ot m tro cumnt plat, lt m.,lt br arrurnod Und th. drdlcatlon wlll bo of oalr. At a mlnim.rm, thc grorrrdrrcrt( for thc drdlcrtton m,rrt br dartrd d ft Prrllmlnary Plrt rttp. J. A t€-cvaluatlon of nrplf md rtoragrr rruot bc corrplotcd. Thll ghall, of ccl'tot br a mafor lrctor In E' dovo. K. Ac agrrcd to by thr d.volcrpor!. rnglnrcr, all lotg m.rt trr e.rvd by gnavlty-flqv tftffiDf!. L. Brca.rrc of thr phyrlcal rcetralntr on thr propartyr rrd rpt acrklng to pro-lr'dgrr thr lrnprovrd goologlcol eialyrlr, lt le ncornrrondrd that rc drvolopmont bo consldrrcd In amc wlth a Slope St$lllty ol3'4 or 5. lf yor.l hava c1y qrcatlonr conccmlng the comrnonta rrd rcoomnrcndatlons mcntlonrd In thlo lrttor, ploarc contact thlg offloc. 9llrccrcly' Quntln Mltcfroll, Jr. Plsmlng Aarlgttlt oM/kt cci Bo*d of County Commledortre; Planlng Commllal6n; Darro Elmorc, Rrcructlonal Orwlopnrrnt Oorrpany of Amcrlca 1 V4 lot ^ ** r*??l:fi,Y,U'^[ Q, ooPM€ Nr Etlo Oonty Anncx P. O. Box 789 Plsr. 323-Gf,18 Ealr, Oolordo 8tGt1 2l Frbruery 1975 'K.n Rlcfia$ Rlchrdt Englmenr Inc. P. O. Box 1008 Vall, Colord 81657 633 Fllr No. 9p-5-7t Mdtctnrn Vlll{l ll Prllmlnty Pla Dcr Krn: Th. f,.trnlttd doaumrntr tor thr cftlanrd ilel.ct havr brn rcrptrd {bf rrfrrral to ttr vrlql Tctrrrlcrl Frvlor rS SB 33 ag.ncl.!. At thlr polnl' r po{llillrl problm 1r11rru ;vld;rrt, that brlng tho drqlay ol grrologlcrl work &nr on t|rr r.6lrct rltr. I mlCrt d Ord. glwn thr rtopr crd rollr pnrnt, goologlcd nd phyclod lMrtlgntlone 6 of alp11rn lrportacr d thlt rlto. In rwnnrary, tty ll?t t Utou€n InadOcprlr ould elJa. a drlay In tht rrvlerry proortlo T?r pofct wlll bo prlrteO to thr Oornty T.crTrloal Rrylrw Oornmlttr d Srdr mxt rnollng, brglmlng d 9:0O A.M. s Mardr Cr '1975' 9ltu'lrly' Qmntln Mltchrll, Jr. Plrrrlng Anlrtrrt O0vl/}t cc! Dwld O. Elntrc Recrrdlmal Orwtopmrnt Oorrpary of Amrlqa Sulto 250, Aruruood PlcrTGrtsr Englrrrod, Coloraft S110 o="ilil"n,, "Flfi'"S,fllTl" o, tC*=* Eqb Cq'tnty Atlrx P. O. 8ox 78e Phon 328-Otlg8 Eqlc, Color$ 81631 Z? FrDrrtty 19il5 l.crylg Lxtwlg Colora6 Ooologlcal Survcy 1845 Shcrrgt St. Dswcr. Color$ 80203 Rrr Fllo hlr. Sp-60-75 Prollmlnary Plan Mattrrtnnr Vlllqp Flllrtel l*2 Dor Lewr Y6rt wlll r1odl th6t I urt yor.r lrt nndr a oopy of a nport rntltlld "Envlrcrrnentd Goology of tht Mattcrtnm Vlllqr Subdlvlrlon' Flllng No. 2fr. Ar ogocbd, that rtotcfi pla rrport wo nFa.&mltt d ior thlr tir pnllmlnary rylfcrtlcr. I vrtuld Spr1cldr your wrltt n ornrrrrnt .. to tb drqr*y ot.tld t?ort to corrply wlth S.B. 3C ad thr cpclty of thr afiPr.. th. Duroo of rrcfi a trrpoft. I enclocr hlt'tdth mthr raport - ! *Srfplcrnqrtal Sttrrfcr lrrvctlgdlm'r for tr rrnr r6dlv[lgr pr€p-ad by Tom Summrrbra flrmr datrd 9rptrrv{rrr A. 1E74. The rrclord lr rr rlgxmlsr of tb prcllmlncy nport donc d th. rlrrtch plcr rtqr. P[oc mir thc dlrcnpcrclo bctvrrcn th. two rrportr o contalmd In thrlr naprotlw rlopr rt$ll.lty mgrr I uarld polnt 5rt thd Sumn11flaara "Prallmlmrlt'r r?oft L€.d th. rarno rlopr rt$lllty rnrp r thd ln tlr Envlrcnrrpntd Ocology Rtpott. llouprljr, Sumrrnrftrr "grpllrrrntal" nport lncltdro a rlopo tt6lllty mQ wlth tlgnltlcrrt cfurgte. lf polrlblo, plocro rrvlrrrr all of ttrcao ad unlb thle offlo your rl*tlomr cornntntl alrd ncomrntrdatlom an tholr g|cpay. Alo, p|aoc 4|vfu rna a to yOur potcrtlal nrtlon to th. hypottrtlcal l*tlllng of Surnrnorlocta upr& af r'glologlorr. Slnomly, Qcntln Mltclroll, Jr. Planlng Arletcrt Olvl/1d otpl . Sr+pl.rnantal Subcurfa lrnrotlgdlon oo EAGLE COUNTY oo DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 12 March 1975 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with Paragraph 3.09 and 3.10 of the Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado, notice is hereby given that the Eagle County Planning Commission shal I conduct a publ ic hearing to consider the following Prel iminary Plans submitted for the proposed resubdivision of certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Matterhorn Village Filing #2 David Elmore Recreation Development Co. of America Blocks 1 ,2,3,4 and 5 Vai I, Colorado 81657 Such publ ic hearing shal I be conducted at the Eagle County Annex, Room 3t at the next regular meeting of the Eagle County Planning Commission on 19 March, 1975, commencing at 8:00 P.M. All Citizens and specifical ly al I adjacent property owners, are hereby invited to make comments regarding the proposed subdivision either in writing or at the Publ ic Hearing. Dated this 12th day of March 1975 by: Michael S. Blair Secretary, Eagle County Planning Commission 1**a"./ Fo March 18, L975 Michael S. Blair, Dlrector Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: At a regular monthly meeting of the lfest vail Associati.on,held March 10, I975, the Board. of Directors d.iscussedthe Matterhorn Vi11age, Filing No. 2 Subdivision. TheBoard was unanimously opposed to the subdivision in theproposed form and asked that the County address thefollowing: o meet minimum CountpJq4ltqrds witn iespeEt To-@ ES andey snou rougto stanprivate by fire plowing d in all respects and platting of on private roads should be addressed. 1. RECEIVED MAR 1 s t975 DepL 0I ptanning & Dovol,ltsto couovr colG roads should be di.scouraged. Accesstrucks and a lack of proper snow 2.Access to the proposed subdivision and to therecently approved Vail Village lyest, FilingNo. 3, (platted by the same developer), isacross qne brldge over Gore Creek. It is:-eqi.esce e traif rcsituation there and determine if a secondbridge is required in the Fall Line Apart-ments al"ea. Request that a revision of the proposed sub-division respect the So11 classification areasdel ineated could not understand how roads or utilitv cutscould be made in these affia questj.on regarding the stabitity of a fullwater tank in the area. 3. du #l5:,:lal'wz) Page 'r'wo 4.Require a,bond-frgp th9-CgYelop9r for the Eonstruction of @g4ii.i.E-within the proposed subdivision--oT-Tehdtt ot the Vail Viflage West lfater and Sanitation District ' A bond for construction and improvement of all roads within the subdivision, and those ffii-cha-dess should also be required by the County along with appropriate time schedules' Request a buildable area be dedicated for use by area residents for the development of a children' s playground' Study the proposed subdivision with respect to buildable land and densities ag defined UV Cotrnty SuUOivision and Zoning Regulations' 5. 6. In summation, the Association are of of Directors of opinion that the itv t ers for ldable 1 the lVest Vail County shouldBoard the @empt was made to do exlsting proposal . The recommendation of is not to approve the proposed subdivision complete redesign is submitted addressing isting County regulations and the needs of Please submit this correspondence to the Planning Com- mission for their consideiation. IYe leave a detailed review to those agencies so dedicated. Thank you' this in the the Boarduntil aitseff to ex- the area. Tru1y yours, THE WEST VAIL ASSOCIATION #KK-- Chairman, Board of Directors KRR/jk RECEIVED MAR 1 B 1975 DePt. 0l flsnnir;b & Devd frgh CountY' col& ,?-,1. , r''" r it^: ' off ice of the town manager March .|8, .|975 hwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476.5613 Eagle County Planning Commission P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado Re: Matterhorn Vi1lage, Second Filing Preliminary Plat Gentl emen: l,le feel it is essential that a thorough review be performed to ascertajn that densitjes and minimum lot sizes are in accord with Eagle County Subdivision and Zoning regulations. A technical review was performed by our staff which determined that there are numerous proposals in- cluded in the subdivision which do not meet County regulations' as outl ined below: 1. We feel the County should take a very strong position in interpreting "Net Developable Land" as defined in the zoning regulat'ions, as a sizable portion of the proposed subdivjsion is in excess of 30% slope or has extremely un- stable soil conditions which make it unsuitable for building. 2. Portions of some of the streets in the proposed subd'i vis'i on are designated as private streets. Section 5.02.02 of the Subdivision regulations requires that private streets meet the standards outlined in the regulations. a. Maximum road grade allowed 8% or may be'12% if perm'i ssion'is given by the Planning Commission. There are grades on the orivate road extensions in excess of 15%. l,'|e feel that the grades should be held to no more than 8% due to the snow problems so that emergency vehicles have access to al I lots 'in the proposed subdiv'ision. b. Private roads should be discouraged so that adequate maintenance is guaranteed. ou .Eag'le Countt_lt.C Commi ssion March '18, '1975 -Page Two c. The minimum road width allowed is 50,. Sections ofthe private road have only 30' right-of-way. d. The minimum centerline radius of curves is requiredto be 100 feet. Some of the switchbacks on theprivate road sections have a radius of 45'. An average American automobile reguires a minimumturning radius of 49,7,,. A large emergency vehicle would.be required to back up several times-to get around the corners; however, the narrow road width proposed would not provide enough space for the necessary backing up. 3. The proposed subdivision 'is guite steep, a substant'ial amount isin excess of 30% s'lope. ile feel development could create adverse environmental impact when either roads or structures were constructed. In addition to the env.ironmenta'l impactof construction on very steep s'lopes, off-street parkihg as required by the zoning regulat.ions, would be impossibleto.provide without massive cuts, which are procluded by thesoils report, or fills which would be aesthltically un- desi rabl e. 4. The plat indicates roads are to be constructed in areasidentified in the soils report as becoming unstable if cutsare made, with 4' cuts being the maximum recommended. Theroads as proposed would have cuts much in excess of the 4, recommended. The only alternative for road construction would be fills in unstqhle area,which may be prohibitively expensive. One portion of Lucerne Lane cuts into the toe.areaof a type 5 soil area for which the report recommends nopermanent structures or roadways, 5. Section 5.08 of the Subdivision Regulations states that ninimum lot size for land with Z0% slopes must be 20,000 square feet with an additional .|,000 square feet of lot sjzefor each l% of slope over 20%. Many of the proposed sitesdo not meet the m'inimum size requirement, wilh many lots inthe 12,000 to 15,000 square foot size range. The Planning connission and the Town council for the Town of vailstrongly recormends that this prefiminary subdiv'i sion plat be disapprovedand that the developer be required to redesign the subilivision to meet [1fl5 i8:.lur!t'ry commission Page Three the amount of redesign necessanY P'lan 'l evel .minimum County wou]d dictate Yours FulY, DST/J k standards. submi ssi FOR THE TOI{N OF VAIL bJe feel thatt the Sketch Gordon Pierce' chalrman TO},N OF VAIL PLANNING COI{'IISSION 41,. t' ,'t 4-oa GOTORADO DIPARTIilCXT OF HEILTII 12'O EAST IITH AVENUE l4arch | 4, 1975 11r. Michael S. Blair Planning D i rector Eagle County Planning Commission P.0. Box 789 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear I'lr. Blair: The Colorado Department of Health has reviewed File No. Sp-50-75 Prellminary Plan, l'latterhorn Village Filing #2, and offers the following commentS i Slnce the developer has a commitment from Vail Vlllage West Water and Sanitatlon Dlstrict to tie into that central water system, the pro- posed water system ls acceptable to thls Department. Slnce neither of the reports (geology and slope stability) aredirectly connected with water qual ity, we have no comments. No conclusions or reconmendat ions can be made at this tlme relativeto air pollution lmpacts. lt was determined that insufflcient data was presented ln order to assess the air qual lty lmpact of the proposed project. Thank you for the opportun.lty to review this Prellminary Plan. \ /'- ,S,.tqcerp\.,'.. Ia' t' a-! \< .*r<,-^L\ ))AJc- K-Robert II. Slek Assistant Dlrector of Health Environmental Programs RDS/pl MAR I ',. .,- D€pt. trr ri;,, r .. .. fagle County, Coto. REcF_f \/[i_ il,f,g 1 B 19/5 DePL 0f i,ljn l:rl & iruvct. lagte county, coio. oo . DENVER, COLORADO Edward G. Dreyf,ur,- !1.D. , 80220 . PHONE 388-6lll X.P.f, .: Executlve DlrecSor a-, c- lmn oa o o &t;t*f o. box loo o yail, colorado 81652 . 303.476-s613 March 14, 1975 T0: EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING C0MMISSION FROM: VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF MIKE CARLISLE RE: TECHNICAL REVIEl^l OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAN OF MATTERHORN VILLAGE FILING # 2 As a member of the Eagle County Technical Review Conrnittee and Fire Chief of the Vail Valley, I strongly concur that this preliminary plat should not be forwarded to the Planning Corrnission for forma'l review. I would like to record the fo'l lowing corments concerning the proposed develop- ment. (l ) The proposed roads (private or county) are in excess of the county stand- ards with concern to the steepness of width requirement. Ingress-regress problems wi'll develop especially during the winter when emergencys such as structural fires occur in these areas. (2) The proposed nunber and location of fire hydrants are 'inadequate. (3) The upper portion is located in very dense timber which presents a signifi- cant fire hazard both structura'l and wi'l d] and. (4) This area proposed at this time is not within any legal Fire Protection Dist-rict, or Water District. cc: Colorado State Forest Service U.S. Forest Service Vail Fire Protection District Vail Vjllage West Fire Protection District R!CEIVED MAR 1 B 1975 Drfi. (Jl plannlng & ,evel. Eagte County" Coto. 4-. e- e**&/ g REC!:-IVED MAR t ? 1975 n"^r r)i l'lcnlllng & DeYgI'-"''i*ru co-tY, coto March 13, 1975 Mr. Mike Blair Dept. of'Planning & Development Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File #SP-50-75 Preliminarv Plan Matterhorn VillaEe Dear Mr. Blair: Having reviewed the materi.als and location of the proposed development submitted to us by the Richards Engineering, Inc. Pursuant to Senate Bill 35, the Colorado State Forest Service would like to record the followinE comments concerning the proposed development. 1. The proposed roads are in excess of the county standards concerned with steepness and width requirements. Ingress-regress problems will develop especially during the winter when emergencys such as structural fires occur in these areas. 2. The length of the main cul-de-sac could prove to be a handicap to emer- gency ingres s -regres s. 3. The proposed number and location of fire hydrants is insufficient not conforming to the Vail Fire Protection District requirements. Area may be outside district boundaries, which leaves it with little or no fire protection. 4. The upper portion of the proposed development is located in dense timber which presentsir a significant fire bazard. Because of the exposure, existance of adeguate fire equipment in the adjacent fire protection district, this problem could be termed as small, but the developer should address the problem as it relates to spread of wildland fire to adjacent properry. It is the recsmmendation of the Colorado State Forest Service to the planning commission that the proposed development be denied until the preliminary plan has met *le counry road standards. Sincerely, t I //'- qx\!\{ li <-r \ '( \\,.g""d.\-x-E'L\y) DAvid E. Wallingford Senior District Forester coLc]trADo STATE cclonado Btsbe forest senvice U N IVEFISITY District Office P. O. Box 520 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 Cu CHARLES S. ROBINSON, AND , lNc. O ASSOC. -t.{' /;,(, 1 ,' Consulting Geologists and Engineers 622 Gadenia Court . Golden, Colorado 80401 Copy for Michael Blair March .l9, 1975 Phone: (303) 279.OO24 statementor to con-. 2 of the and slopeasis forof the area own that by Thomassoil teststeri al tested. 14r. Davi d Vai I Ci ty S ui te 250 Greenwood Englewood, Elmore Corporati on P I aza Terrace Colorado 801.|0 i?..i g'qf Ptt )q.Li64- t /) l'17<. Re: Matterhorn Vi1 lage SubdjvjsionFiling No. 2, Eagle County, Col orado Dear Mr. Elmore: In a letter to you of March 11, .|975, I made ato the effect that it was my recommendation that pristruction of roads and the sale of lots in Filing NoMatterhorn Village subdivision, a detailed geologic stabi lity map of the area should be prepared. The bthis recommendation was the determination that much was an area of old slope fai'l ure. Experience has sh even wj th the extensi ve soi I s i nvestj gati ons as madeE. Summer'l ee and Assoc.i ates, the significance of the must be based on a knowledge of the origin of the ma Mr. Summerlee specifically asked me as of this date jf I thought the need for additional geologic information shoulddelay the approval of the Preliminary Plat by the County Comm-issioners. In my opinion, the preliminary soils and geologicinvestigat'i on, which have resulted in a revision of the Prelim-inary P1at, are adequate. Approval of the Preliminary plat should be conditioned upon the detailed soils and geologic in-vestigations recommended by Thomas E. Summerlee, and myself,,prior to final design and construction. Such detailed investigations are norrnal practice in mostdevelopments. At this stage, the Preliminary Plat has takeninto consideration the known conditions. The additional soils and geologic information recommended will possibly requ'i re amodification of the Preliminary Plat only in detail or in spec-jfic design of drainage, cuts and fills. The additional inform-ation should be obtained, however, prior to specific sighting and desi gn of structures. Sincerely yours, CHARLES S. ROBINSON & ASSOC., INC.c4-z =4 z1-z=-- 1f Charles S. Robinson, ph.D., p.E CHARLES S. ROBINSON, AND ASSOC., INC. O Consulting Geologists and €ngineers 522 Gardenia Gourt .Golden, Colorado 80401 Mr. David Elmore Vai I City Corporation Sui te 250 Greenwsod Plaza Terrace Englewood, Col orado 80.|l0 Phone: (303) 279.OO28 March ll, 1975 RECEIVED MAR t 12 1975 lept 0i I)lannrng & iJrvel. Eagle County, Colo. Re: 14atterhorn Vil'l aqe SubdivisionFiling No. 2,-Eagle County, Col orado Dear Mr. Elmore: Mr. Thomas E. Summerlee, Soils and Foundation Engineer, requested that I review the reports on soi ls and foundati on investigations prepared by his company on Fjling No. 2 of the Matterhorn V'illage Subdjvjsio.n. For this review he furnished an environmental geology report on the area by Charles R. Johnson and a Utility Plan and Vail tract map prepared by Ri chards Engineeri ng Company of Vai 1 , Col orado. From our own files we had a report by Lovering, T. S., and Tweto, 0. L., 1944, "Pieliminary report with map of the Minturn quadrangle, Colorado (U.S. Geol. Survey 0pen-file Report), Forest Servjceaerial photography at a scale of l:15,840 and Denver hlater Board false-color infra red and Eastman color aerial photographyat a scale of 1:24,000. Based on these data and our geologic experience in the area, but without fiel d examinati on, we have concluded that much of the area of Filing No. 2 is'i n a com-plex area of slope failure and that any detailed plan for the ievelopment of the area QlsjE-.be basqffie excell-ent soils and foundation work by Tom Summerlee, but also upon delgj_rsd_-grg"lggi: m$.p.i ng of the an'ea. reports,of F'i l'ing rn, Ci rcl e sh. down Gore andth an d fai I ure edded 1y to- the bsequent o a o'l u h t T u As indicated frorn a study of the ava'ilabie geologi engineeri ng reports and aerial photography of the area No. 2, the geology is complex. In the area of Matterh and below Zurjch Way the slopes were formed by slope wMaterial from the steep slopes to the south was washed across al luvial or glacial fluvial deposi ts adiacent tCreek. South of these roads, and south of Fi ling ll o. extending back into the Forest Service lands to the so east for more than a mile, is an area of complex slope on bedrock. The bedrock in the area consists of inter sandstone, si'l tstone, shale and limestone that dip gen wards Gore Creek. As a result of the oversteepening o val 1ey wal I s by gl acj ers movi ng down the val I ey, and s Mr. David Elmore Page 2 'ter I op 0 edg the OWeo Th as th mo rSdt of de LO gr stream erosion as a result of the melti bedrock s I opes fai I ed and formed I ands I ures did not happen a1l at one time norcljff would fail by the undercutting of a stream. In subsequent years the shal stone woul d become saturated and fai I f across the previous landsli de. The ero I ands I i de woul d reacti vate part of an o s l opes have f ai I ed I ocal 'ly many ti mes a tinued to erode its channel . The resul ranges in thickness over the bedrock of than .|00 feet and which consists of blothe more res i s tant bedrock uni ts i n a s clayey matrix. Slope failure is continarea, and wi I I conti nue unl ess speci a1stabilize the area. Stabi lization can modi fi cat'i on of the s I ooes and control water drainage. ng of the glac i des. These sat one p1ace. a sandstone Ie slope above ormi ng a mudfl sion of the told landslide.s Gore Creek ht is a deposit a few feet to cks and boul de i lty, sandy anuing 'i n partsefforts are ma be obtai ned byof surface and s, thee fai I - ne eDy sand- outfa ese con- OL re of ocal ly the to reful ound As a result of the slope failures, surface and ground water drainage is erratic. Undrained depressions are common.In these undrained depressi ons organj c rj ch sediments have ' accumulated with time. Ground water levels are erratic becauseof the wide range in characteristics of the materials in the deposi ts, and because of the climate. Ground water I evels wiII be high during the periods of spri ng melt'i ng of the snows. The rate of drainage will depend upon the material. In some areas ground water wi I I drain rapi dly; i n others 'i t may not completely drain and local areas of perched water tables are common. Because of the general dip of the bedrock units towards Gore Creek, ground water from the aquifers will drain into the base of the I ands I i de deposi ts. Devel opment of the area must pay particular attention to the surface and ground water drain- age of the area. Restriction of surface or ground water drain- age by fi 1 1 cons tructi on, and compacti on of the materi al under the fi I ls, must be avoi ded. Runoff from the surface has spread material from the land- slide out onto the alluvjal terraces adjacent to Gore Creek. This material is general ly fine sand and silt. e avai I abl e data con di ti ons asrt of Septemberns for eir gineeri ngof the area. l.|e lope stabilitythe areas desi gnatedion of the road h v o o Based on our ana'l yses of the area from t we agree in general wi th the s'l ope stabi lit defined and areas outlined by Summerlee (Rep 24, 1975) and with his specific recommendatipracti ces and supervisi on during devel opment woul d further recommend that a geol ogi c and map be prepared of the area, part'i cul arly i n as catagories 3, 4, and 5, prior to construc Mr. David Elmore Page 3 show t ng retreet I and streets and the sale of lots. The geologic map shouldareas of bedrock outcrop, if any, the type and structure ofthe bedrock, individual areas of slope fajlure, indicate thtype of material that failed and the relatjve age of failurand any evidence as to ground water movement as-springs andseeps. These data shoul d be integrated wi th the finaT gradand_site plan, and the plan modified accord'ing1y. Th.is-worwould not preclude the ieed for complete subslr?ace soi I anfoundation investigations at each site of a proposed structand engineering s.upervision and inspection dur.i hg road andconstruction. Additional data wil I be developed-durinq finconstruction that may require amendment of the final giadinand site plan. In summary, most of the area of Filing No, Z of MatterhornVi ll.age .Subdivision is an area of complex ilope fai lures, orlandslides. Much of the area can be developeb but to deiiqna final plan of the area wi l1 require a definition of the indj-vidual areas of failure, and their relative ages, and a determin-ul!.on of the-ground water regime. These data-should be integratedwith the soi I data. Engineering supervision of road and strJetconstruction, and individual building sites will be required. e i k d U c a g I f you have any ques ti ons con cerni ng thi s revj ew of theavailable.engineering and geologic data, we would be pleasedto meet with you at your convience. Copies of thjs letter arebeing forwarded to the people I isted bel ow as recommended byTom Summerlee. Sincerely yours, CHARLES S. ROBINSON & ASSOC. , INC. Charles S. Robinson,Ph.D., Thomas E. Summerlee lgwis !. Ladwi g, Colo. Geol. SurveyMichael Blair, Director, Eagle Co.- planning K. E. Richards, Richards Engineering, Inc. cc: 1f 4yl.', t' RICI.IAIiD D. LAl,',ll''lW Govgrnor JOHN W, ROLD Director COLORADO GEOLOGlCAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERI\4AN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892-2611 l,Iarch 14, 1975 Ifr. Michael S. Blair Eagle County Department of Planning & Development, P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8L63L Dear l"k. Blatr:RE: FILE NO. SP-50-75 PRELIMINARY PI.AN, MATTERHORN VILLAGE II We have reviewed the Supplenental Subsurface Investigatlon and Slope Stabllity Analysls by T. S. SrmmerLee and the reviev by C. S. Roblnsoa and Assoclates, dated March J-L, L975. We also re-reviewed the r,rrork done by Charles R. Johnson. Our orlglnal opinion was that this area had some najor geologlcal concerns and that the geoJ-ogic report by C. R. Johnson was inadequate and did not identify these major problems. Subsequent work by T. S. Sunrnerlee lndicated this to be true and the recent revlew by C. S. Robinson sald t'...much of the area of Flllng No. 2 Ls in a conpJ-ex area of slope fail-ure... rl The supplemental- report by T. S. Surmerl-ee has done an excellent job ln helplng to ldeDtify and designate various stabiLity zones but at the same time it raised soroe valid questions that have yet to be answered. The locatlon of certain roads and lots seen to conflict wlth the present soils investigatlon as to thelr feaslbilLty, both on a short and a long term basis. As stated in the review letter by C. S. Roblnson, t'...any detai.led plan for the developnent of the area must be based, not onl-y on the excellent soils and foundation'work by Tom Surrrmerlee, but also upon detailed geologlc mappl-og of the area. t' This detalled geologic napping has not been done up to this point and we belleve iL can only be-acconplished by a conbination of alr photo and on-the-ground field exaoLnation. The field examination can only be perforned with accuracy after the snon cover nelte in the spring. We recornmend that this prellminary plat not be approved at thls time as there are too r[;Iny potentlal problerns to Lock i-n a deslgn at thls stage of investlgatlon. R[CIIV[D GEOLOGY ST0RY OF THE PAST... KEY TO THE FUTURE MAR r. T lgls Dept. 0f l,l: r .,r r,l Eagle Ccu;:y, "' J"' - . _,,)l_ '1..a Mr. MichaeL S. Blalr l4arch J.4, 1975 Page 2. We wll-1 be glad to revlew addltional geologlc reports, maps and other geo- technlc infornatton when it becooeg avaiLabLe. SJ.ncerelv.v/%" L. R. Ladwig Associate Engineerlng Geologist LRL/ skt cc: Mr. Tom Sunrlerlee C. S. Robineon and Associates LaDd Use Coronlssiori "iW l4r. l4ichael S. Blair Eagle County Planning and Developmeot P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Col-orado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair:RE: MATTERIIORN VILLAGE SUBDIVISION FILING iI2 Thls P.M., W. P. Rogers and I had a meeting in our offlce with C. S. Roblnson and T. S. Sunnerlee, concerning the above referenced project. The scope of this neetlng concerned the need for additional geologic investigation before final deslgn plans and costs couLd be ascertained and lf lhls investlgation shoul-d be perforrned before or after the current prellmlnary plan ls approved. If the current prellninary pl-an, lf approved woul-d be ttl-ocked in" regardless of the outcone of further investlgation, then we canno t conscientlously go al-ong vith thi.s procedure. Comrltments to the county from the developer and his consultants to do further work and lnvestigation and possible design changes based on these results is not for us to conrnent on. Our concern is that detailed geoJ-ogic investigation ls needed before flnal design can be put on paper and that this investigatlon must take place before this project can be acceptabLe. If the proposed prelirainary plan is approved, lt should be recognized by both the developer and Eagle County offlcials that certain l"oca1 areas ney not, for econonic or technical reasons, be feasible for developnent. Accordlngly ' it tould seen advlsable for both to maintaio flexibility in detaLls of actual land use in the 11ght of the flnal invest.igat.ions and evaluations. Slncerely, JOHN III, ROLD Director RECiI\/[D MAR n 1 l. trJ iJi:) Depi. r,l i;i,r r)i,r-t J: , i,:,tagie County, Cotp_ g-!rrg\nur;!n*stt COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMEINE BUILOING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892.2611 March 19, 1975 LRL/skL cc: Land Use Comtission Ton Stmerlee C. S. Roblnson j R d----4,.r-.-, r,l n. r."a'r c 4N \' R Associat.e Engineering Geologlst GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST... KEY TO THE FUTURE ooo *'do." cdo(ado sgrq6 cdado'00417 303. 506 'b47 103'1 souh Jrodag€ rodd \^,"5t o o box fi!14 \d.cob.odo 01657 303.47b.q297 soil n9neenng Vail City Corporation 9uite 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, Colorado 80110 Attn: Dlr. David Elmore c*a,2JT March 18, 1975 Re: Soil & Foundation Investigation t'tatterhorn ViIlage Subdivision Filing No. 2 Eagle CountY, Colorado Project No. 632-M-75-3-5 R"\ 8t+{ PAr\e- t "l rU.Lr, r75' 144. sk, fl '-. Gentlemen: Reference is made to our letter dated March L2, 1975, and previous rePorts concerning this report. Since our March 12 letter we have reviewed a rePort prepared by Charles S. Robinson and Associates' Inc', and i tltter altea March L4, Lg75r from the colorado Geologlc Survey prepared by Mr. L. R. Ladwig. In regard to thoae letteisl wi have the foflot"ing comients and recommendations: f) In Mr. Ladwigrs letter from the state Geologlc Survey, he recoututended that the preliminary ' plat not be approved at this time due to inticipatea pl6ulerns. However, Mr. Ladwls 9ignot have the opportunity to review the amended plat from Richard's Engineering, Inc' dated , uarch L4' L975, and the covering letter' we believe Mr. Ladwig would have a different oplnlon if he had accese to those engineering changee and comments. 2l Charles S. Robineonrs letter of Dtarch 11, L975, recourmended that "A geologic and slope stability map be prepared of the area' particulary in the ar-eas designated as categoriea 3, 4, &5r prlor to construction of the road and streets and the sal-e of logs". we feel that Dr. Robingon is inplying in that statement that we have provided sufficienty slope stabil-ity information for approval of the preliminary pJ-lt. rf the geologic investigation iwhich wili Lave to be conducted during the spring andsummermonthsoflgT5)indicatessomeproblems which were not anticipated by our report, then the developer should be required and allowed to rnake adjustirents to his construction pl9ls: we believe thtt this possible adjustment should be a contingency to the PreliminarY PIat aPProval. i::3;'i,)Q, i 3' -'- 7 5- 3- 6 Page 2 3) As stated in our report and also the report by Dr. Robinson, dated March 11' L975, there will be a need for individual soil and foundation investi-gations and slope stability analyses on each building site prior to construction. However, we feel that the building sites, as novl platted will have adequate buildabfe areas on each lot, evenr.though in some cases special consideration will have to be given to property engineered foundations and retaining structures. 4) we are in agreementi'wlth Dr. Robinson's rcfort describing lne general geologic conditions of the arear-except that we do not believe that . there are any bedrock outcroppings on the site within the aiea proposed for development' There may be some outcioppings in the area designated as "51 which will be green belt areas only. Also, the test borings and test pits which have been made as part of our previous investigations over the last two (2) years indicate very accurately the locatlon of stable, potentially u4stable and presently unstable areas. It is our professional opi.nion that Dr. Robinsonts subseguent air photo/tidLd inspection geologic mapping will be virtually identical to our previous reports. of course, Lhere may be small isolated unstable areas not 6hown on the maps presented in our reporcs. Hp\tever, these areas would have Lo be i investigated by indlvidual soil tests at each individual building site. such tests will be performed in the very final stages of this Broject. 5) Ground water conditions could vary considerably even from a year to year basis. However, we dcel that thE subsuriace investigations performed as of this date have adequately taken into account ' anticipated problem areas. Once again, there could be isolated pockets of seepage vtater conditione on individual building sites, but these unigue situations would have to be evaluabed during the final design phase g!;each building location. In sunnaryr rw€ feel that adeguate geotechnical andgeologic investigations have been performed on this site. We also believe that all guestions concerning overlotgrading, street alignments, street grades and slope <,,.protection measures have been adequately answered in a letterfrom Richardts Engineering, Inc. dated March L4, L975. on thle baEis ve strongly urge approval of the kt ()ne Park Central P. O. Box 840 RECEIVED APR 21975 ""'i,;; t;il;: ;,:..'., - l5l5 Aropohoe Street Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (303) 534-1261 Eagle County Department of Planning & Devel-opment P. O. Box 789 Eagle, CO Gentlemen: western Slope Gas Company has finds that the plan does involve a ed in State Highway R.O,W. March 31, 1975 Re: Matterhorn Village Filing No. 2 revielted the above refferenced filing and portion of our facilitites that are locat- Our concern would involve the use of future utilities that miqht inter- sect our pipeline. Deve lopers should. ccn tact I\,1r. Harry Moyes in our Silverthorne off ice on 468-2528, 48 hours prior to construction so that Western can locate its pipe- line and avoid any potentially dangerous situations. Please note that we are a gas transrnission utility and our approval does not reflect our abilitv to serve subiect subdivision. ,-\*o t.drvaloorr, Uo-"d aLA4!Q-, Dan Tekavec Assoc. Right-of-Way Agent DLT/Ic Battle Mountain Jr. - Sr. High School Minturn, Colorado Minturn Elemenlary Mintum, Colotado Red Clif I Elementary Red Clitf , Colorado Meadow Mountain Elementary Minturn, Colorcdo Eagle Valley Jr. - Sr. High School Gypsum, Colorado Eagle Valley Elementary Eagle, Colorado Mccoy Elementary McCoy, Colorado EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE |OJ 328-6321 Eag le, Colorado 81631 Otfice of the Superintendent ttutb 19, 19ZI |&. frn Rl.€hatd! nfuhrt$ En6fucrtqs Ino. P.0. Bq 1908Vatll C0 8L6r7 'rP' so- Dlar ficar ft ras a plcoanr tslldnt rlth you ylrt.fdsy ard I el f,ornrd to nr.ldng rltb you ln th. t\rturar looldn6 R4adtn6 otlr c@rrrratto abd tba llrtlghom--Vtllgnr_ tlLrn thc nttcr of rcbool lrd@r:e, d to rcltcrrte r&rt n dlrasrrd u el4rllcablc. ftcrrrolutlm by th. Boad of 0ou&y Omlrsimcrr, rhlotr prrroatly applba rtetcer rttrc ourr of ih. bd tn ceotr nrldcnttel rub- dXvl.rts rball etlocetc rd oow.ry rt ldrt 6 ot tthc bd tn thca&dtvlrls for rohool gtfporrlo b 6 cd€ubtlor rbrll bo baaod upo thr n*1 dcrrloprblc proporty rtthln thoec por0toe ofthr r$illvlrlo dcdroetrd to ruldoutbl u!o6.r lr m dbourrcd yrctrtdryl ulng tho 59.33 ecrc ftgurcr rt com uP rtth a 3.2 aori. drdlcatlo. Slrrc n datcrdnrd ihat it sc od fcarlblc to drdLoatc a parocl ol lradr n dtrcnrcd thc optlqp of thc ormcr to dcdlaste oaft ln lLcu ln tho arcult equal to {,. of lJnle pnrrrlrt velur of thc rrr lrd. At e detr brforr aoorptrmr ot epplicatlsr of thlr f!..tla6tI rrould lth to n€t rtth wu andr/or llr. $.l"mlr to conaludc tha dedfcatlgr rrqut rrordr. Itnnlc you for you:r coopcrattoar Frs{lltLm OoordLnatorl Rci0l e€r l{ilc Bhtr. Dopt' of Plsnlng & DcmloPret R:^':ir/rD l,',lri( 1 .:-r. t.- rl !clt. , ; Ealle DuJiiLy , Caln. { EAGLE! COI'NIY EINGINEIER Courthouse P. O. Box 734 Eagle, Colorado 816:t1 13 March 1975 MEMORANDUM To: Eagle County Planning Commission /t , t t From: W.V. Smith, County Engineer U ///d*{J Subj: File No. Sp-50-75 Preliminary Plan Matterhorn Vi llage ll This office has reviewed subject plan, the site, and the comments of the Technical Review Committee. This off ice concurs strongly with the comments of the Technical Review Committee and would add one additional comment. ln view of the highly questionable geology in the upper portion of the area and the present steep road grades, it appears that the upper portion of the preliminary plat will have to be redrawn to bring it in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations. Therefore, this officewould recommend that the plat be deniedror at a minimum, tabled until the geology has been adequately addressed and the problems resolved. cc: Mike Blair, Planning Director; Ken Richards, Richards Engineering I Quentin Mitchell, Jr., Planning Assistant Phone 9&6337 oo oo MARoH l?, 19?5 RE: SOIL & FOUNOATION INVESTIGATION REVIEW BY FACLE COUNTY TECHNICAL COMMI TTEE ANO CONSULTA] I ON MA?TERHORN VILLAGE SUBDIVI SI ON FILING NO. 2 EAGLE COUNTY' COLORAOO ton .a1r/ VAIL CITY CORP. neerr].,9, lflsu . re z5o]CI GnEENWOOO PLAZA TERR^CE C ENGL EF/ooD ' co 8ol t o S A?TN: MR. DAVID ELMORE t- GENTLEMEN!rL.-b-- As neeuesrto By MR. DAvE Et uoner wE AtrENoEo THE TECHNI cAL REvl Elv COyMtrree SesSlON HELD lN FA6LET COldnloo oN MARcll 6, 1975, BASEO ON THE RESULTS OF THAT TECHNICAL REVIEIII STSSION ANO COMMENTS suEMtTTEO TO US BY THg. Tg,cHNlcAL REVIEn cOMMlTTtE,r tv€. ttveRE lN coNTACT wfrH 0R. cHARLEs s. RoBlNsoNr ENGINEERINc GEoLoGlsTr 0N THE AFTERNooN Or t,tenCx 6. 0R. ROBINSON HAS REvlElvED OUR PRevIOUS S01L AND FOUNDATI0N tNvESTIcATION REPORTSl sPECIFlCALLY FRO.JECT. NO.,350t DATED NOve,uaen 15, l9?j nno pRo,rEcr No.4B4, DArED SEpTEMBER 24, 1974. lN Abolrl0Nr wE PROVIDEO DR. ROBINSON WITH A SITE UTILITY PLAN ANO A VAIL TRACT MAP' BOT}I PREPAREO SY RICHAROS EilGINEERING ANO AN ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY REPORT PREPAREO gY CHARLES R. JOHNgONT GEOLOGIST' OR. ROBINSON WILL REVIEIV ALL OF TH€ AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND SUBMIT A REPORT IO YOU CONCERNING HIS OPINION OF THE EXISTING GEOLOGIC CONOITIONS ANO THE NEEO FOR ADOITIONAL GEOLOCIC AND ENCINEERING ceoLoGY sTUOlEsr lF ANY. PERYoURREQuEsTTIWtLLPLANoNATTENoINGTHEEAGLEooUNTY PurlntNc cOuMtssloN MEETING oN ITEoNESDAY, MARCH 19.- 19?5. I uruoEn- gTANo TH4T MEETtNc urlLL BEGIN AT 8:00 p.M. AND wlLL BE HELo AT Tt{E EAGLE COUHtv OTFICE lN EACLeT CoUonloo. AS SOON AS You HAVe AN lNol- c^lloN AS to tHe TIME scHEouLE FoR THAT EVENINGt PLEASE LeT ME KNoW BY EITHER OROPPING ME A NOTE OR GIVING ME A CALL. uNLESg lXeln FRoM You 0THERlYlsEr lIvlLL sEE Y0u AT THE EACLE COUNTY PLANNING COUMISSION MEETING ON THE EVENINC OF MARCH I9TX. 4O0 Fdrbor ddc? cokrddo tgr€s cobrodo . 0@17 JO3 . 5p6 '1547 031 so{xh frorxaqe road v,,?srp o box fioa - \61 . ccixodo . 01657 303 . 475 .0297 VF,RY TRULY YOURSl V.-r---54'*z- THOMAS F. SUMMERLEE' P.E. PRES I DENT TS/e a CC! L. R. LADYII G MICHAEL ELAIR K.E. RICXAROS OR. CHARLES S. ROBINSON REC'I!'!D MAR t i 1s7s Dept. Uf l,i!ir,i.;,,. Eagle County, C0,,. dr tngi^n -zt, CIVIL ENGINETRING . PIJNNING . SURVTY5 SUBD|V|5|ONS - WATTR & SEWER 5Y5Tt \5 o -0ro. t -,?kfr^ Kcnncth E. Richords Box 1908 Voil. Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr 244- l52l March 14, 1975 Rcgislcrcd Profcssionol Enginecn Regirtcred Lond Surveyorr R:C:IVED Mr. Mlchael Blair Planning Direcror fi,lAR 1 Z 1975P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dqpt.ot Planntr,a & ve\rt. fuE fnt')Iy. raw. Re: File No. SP-50-75 Prelimlnary Plan Matterhorn Village, Filing No. 2 Dear Mr. Blair: I. Answer to Letter frorn U.S. Department of Agriculture: 1. Reservoi.r wll-l be located so as not to disturb the U.S. Forest ground and not over a 2:1 slope back to the Forest boundary nor over a 2:1 slope on the downhill side. The site wt11 be tesred for stabillty and vil1 beplaced just inside the Zone 2 area as delineated in the soils report. A11 areaswill be revegetated. - A d(o ,,to/o 2. Road grades are being revised to County standards of not over 10%. Most private roads are being eliminated, A11 cut areas over 4 feet in Area 3will be crlbbed or other$rise protected \,rith retaining structures. Most roadsin Area 3 will be ftl1 areas. 3. Roads crossing Area 5 will be all fi11. II. Ansver to Letter from County Health DeparEment: 1. Al1 sewers w111 be gravity f 1ow. Houses will be built higher on thelow sj-de of the roads and serders will be deepened where needed. Basements mayrequire lift stations. 2- These ponds have been in exi.stence for several years and are adequatelycontrolling the runoff and sediment. .._0,,. 3. The number of flre hydrants will be lncreased from three to five.- '" 4. See notes on letter from U.S. Department of Agriculture. &. {r To: Michael Blair Fron: Rlchards Englneers, Inc. March 14, 1975 Page 2 5. See notes on letter fron U.S. Department of Agriculture. 6. Reservoir will be in Area 2. Soils test will be made before cons truc t ion . III. Answer to Letter from Town of Vall: We do not agree with the first two paragraphs of this letter. In other . words, all of the Southwest portion of the present Town of Vail should never L,i: have been developed. Many lots are steeper than those in this subdivision and' the entire area is moving s1ow1y. Some roads are as stdep as 142. Sti1l,bullding permlts are belng issued in that area within Vail. Slope instability and drainage problems can be overcome by proper engineerlng. 1. Admittedly, some lots are as much as 302 but not many are over that amount, esrpecially on the buildable portion of the 1ot. ,", 2. ldaxLmum road grades are being revised so as oot to exceed LOZ" as .. ? per County regulations and most prl,vate roads are belng eliminated on the gegl\revised plan. 3. There are no problems with offstreet parki.ng or bullding on the ,oa" a{.tr"t'' ' ment ioned, with proper englneering and design. 4. See Items 2 and 3ln answer to letter from U.S. Department of AgrLcul- ture. 5. This requirement is beLng complied with, One must consider the slope.,Aof the buildable area on che lots ln flguring the total-ZTEa required. [Vt'/ IV. Answer to Letter fron Planning Director: 1. These regulations are being met. See note 5 in answer to letter from yOthe Tfirn of Vail. a.,,"iiy "ill :::?:L*::':::":l'1.::1"ii:":eing left as Green Belr Areas' net po 3. See letter from Dr. Charles S. Robinson. Indivldual lots have to beproperly tested and structures deslgned accordingly. Roads will be properly deslgned and retaining structures, drainage culverts and ditches constructed where requlred. 4. See letter from Dr. Charles S. Robinson. 5. Same as 4. above. To: MichaeL Elali From: Richards Engineers, Inc. March 14, 1975 Page 3 6. No cuts will exceed 4 feet in Area 3 without protectioD. Roads in Areas 4 and 5 will be all fill. 7. Redesign of subdivl-slon wlLL reduce road grades to oot over 10U and elinLnate most of the prLvate roads. 8. Many ttcul-de-gacgtt have to be longer ln mountaineus areaa and one - -_?of the l-ongest I know of presently exlsts ln Lionrs Ridge Filing No. 2. - > C7 9. Gravlty sewer servl-ce is lntended although basements may need lift puops. The Town of Vail and other s errer dlstricts have several of these. 10. Covenants are being revlsed. O'-' 11. See note 10. above. dl1- L2. Nurnber of fire hydrants l-s bel-ng Lncreased fron three to flve. 13. See note 3. above. L4. Uslng the ttRatlonaL" formula, whlch was used ln our dralnage report, the Z lnperviousness would be closer to Q.2 especially rrlth 3rt per hour maximum rainfalL and very deDse trees and vegetation. Using other formulae 0.4 or 0.5 mlght be more applicable. \ .l ., Under Reconnnendations : A. Major redesignlng is imposslble lrithout cons tructing roid" ln Areas 4 and 5, but some nodifications can be made. B. IndlvLdual reports shoul-d be nade before lssuance of building permits so that design of structures can be properly made. Thls can be covered ln the Covenants. C. See letter fron Dr. Robinson. D. Same coment as ttB'r above. E. Additlonal outslde dralnage data will be submitted as soon as rreather permits . F. Agree. G. Agree. To: Mlchael Blalr From: Rlchards Englneersr Inc. 'l /r H. We can neet the 102 county maxiuum, excePt we feel that 12U should be allowed on Northern exPosute slopes, sioce there is less L1keLy to be slLppery and s lushy spote than roads on the Southern exposed roads. When snow melts on the Southern exposed slopes, there is fteezlng at nlght and n2ny Dore aecldents occur. It 19 easler to maintain the snow-paeked, well sanded roads on Northera exposed slopes. The above opinlon Inay not necessarily be true where contLnuoue maintenance is providedr, such as on State highways ' I. IIas the school dlstrict and the County ever adopted a permanent policy on this? I understand that the 67 land and/or cash was a tenPorary rneasure uotil a plan was finallzed. J. Outelde dralnage data wlll be reevaluated as soon a3 seather pernits. K. Exeept for posslble basements. L. The soils englneer states that Area 3 can be built upon If,i th proPer slope protection arrd engineering design. Respectf u1ly Subnitted' l,tarch 14, 1975 Page 4 RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.Mru Keaneth E. Richards Professlonal Englneer and Land Survevor No. 2183 KER:ln cc: Thomas E. Sulrmerlee Kent Rose (Town of Vail) Dr. Charles S. Robinson Davld Elnore ' Orner Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Mlke Blalr, Eagle County planner ZEegle County Plannlng Dept. P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado, 81631 Dear l.llke: March 14, 1975 The llatterhorn Vlllage #2 Prellmlnary pl-an nae submLtted to theEagle County So11 Conservrttoo Dlstrlct for revLew and cormrent. We have the follsrlng courenta: 1.) A levegetetlon plan should be subnltted. 2.) Road gradea of 7-157 are betng propoaed. There ia no mentlon of how ruo-off wlLl be handled. We would Bugge8t that rock drops and check etructures as lrell ae reseedLng 81ong the sldes of the roads be lnatalledln order to retard the water flow ac well ag reduce exceselve eroaion and eedtmentatlon. 3.) According to the proposed coeenants, culverts of I2,l sLze ot larger wl1l- be tnstalled under entrance roadeto lots. County regulatl.one call for a nln irnurn of18". We would llke to see these 18" culverte lnetalled where necegsary, ea the dral.nage reporta lndlcatee the approprlate neede. 4.) A more thorough sotls lnveetlgatlon ahould take place on the lndlvldual lote. Much of the propoeed develop- nent w111 occur on aolle that "creept' or are unetable. 5.) A nore detelled study on the {ndlvldual lote should be conducted on the areae where gLooe lnstabillty is aque8tlon. Thlg would aleo apply to the roed cuts andslte excavatlona occurrlng on theee slopes. 6.) Aa nentl.oned Ln the euppleaental eubsurface Lnveatlga-tton and elope atablllty anaLyeie, area 2 state8 thathlllelde cuta steeper than 2.1 should be protected !r1th crlbblng or reLnforced cotrcrete retal.nl.ng walls. We would tecormend thet 3.1 cuts be establ{shed afld thac they ehould a16o be regeeded, RECEIVED MAR 1 1 1975 0ept, 0t Pl.iitrtirjg & r,sref. EaS,le Courty, effi, Page 2 Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 7.) Accordlng to the county zonlng regulatlons r areas of 302 and greater should not be developed upon. We feel that thlg Le a nuat on thls proposed developrnent be- cauge of the ungtable soLl and glooe condl.tLone. :erelr, rl;Z; / Mo.."l'4'^ Roes E. Chambersn Preeldent REC/mtg box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-s613 fti:n,-" rqt M/iR ir 1925 DepL L,l ft"n,,,,r; ; -i""1.'\ IaSG CounlY, goto, office of the town manager March 6, 1975 T0: EAGLE COUNTY PLANT'IING CO|'II'IISSI0N FR0M: TOWN 0F VAIL STAFF (Rose, Lamont, Toughill) RE: TECHNICAL REVIEI^I OF MTTERHORN VILLAGE, SECOND FILING PRELIMINARY PLAT In general , we feel that there are so many things that do not meet the regula- t'ions for subdivisions in Eagle County that this preliminary plat should not be forwarded to the Planning Cqnnission for formal review. Because of the steep slopes on the proposed lots and steep road grades and numerous other prob'lems, we feel very strongly that this proposed P'lat should be disapproved, and a complete environmental impact report be required before approval is given for a revised suhnittal . l. lile feel the County should take a very strong position in interpreting "Net Developable Land" as defined, as a sizeable portion of the proposed subdiv'i sion is in excess of 30% s'lope. 2. Section 5,02.02 of the Subdivision Regulations states that "Private streets may be permitted...prov'iding the following requirements are satisfied: The right-of-way width, grades, curves, sight distances and improvements...are al'l in conformance with requirements of this resolution'..". The following items do not comply with the regulations of this resolution:a. Maximum road grade is required to be a maximum of B% or 12% with per- mission from the County. There are grades on the pnivate road extensions in excess of 15%.b. The minimum centerfine radius of curves is required to the 100'. Portions of the private road extension switchbacks have a radius of only 55'. 3. The proposed building sites are quite steep and road and building construc- tion could have an adverse impact upon the environment if careful architec- tural and p1 anning considerations are not subscribed to. The following examples are g'iven of slopes on the fronts of some of the proposed lots: a. Block 1: Lot 3 - 36%, Lot 9 - 38% Block 2: Lot 1 - 24%, Lot 3 - 26%, Lot 4 - 38% Block 3: Lot 7 - 28%, Lot 9 - 4:J% In addition to environmental impact of building on this steep of slopes' off-street parking would be impossible without massive cuts or fills. 4' so'l report and maps indicate roads to be constructed in areas identified March 6, ]975 Matterhorn Vil lage Page 2 o Second Filing as becoming unstable if cuts are made and a maximum of 4, cuts arerecmmended. The-roads as proposed would have cuts much in excesi of the4n recormended. One portioir oi Lucerne Lane cuts into the toe area ofa type 5 soil area for which the report recommends no permanent structuresor roadways 5. section 5.08 states.that minimum lot size for'land with z0% slopes mustbe 20'000 sq. ft.. with an additionat t,0oo sq. il. oi-iot size ior tiin rgof slope over 20%. Most of the proposid sites do not neet the minimum sizerequirement, with many in ttre lz,oob to ls,o0o sq. ii. iize iinge. c&( O UREUrurreo Sures Deenntuent oF AGRTcULT FOREST SERVICE WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Minturn, Colorado 8L645 March 7, L975 Michael S. Blair Eagle County Dept. of Planning & DevelopmentP. O. Box 789Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mike: IN REPLY REFER 'OJ 2340 Dev. Sites inPrivate Sector County Planning REctrl\/trD 1. Ocpt trr\agr, UAR r o l97S ili;ol,d'e F.e: File No. Sp-50-75 Prelininary Plan Matterhorn Village #2 I,{e have reviewed the above referenced Preliminary Plans and offer the following comments. The first concerns anitem that could have a direct impact on National ForestLands. The others do not relate directly to NationalForest lands but are comrlents on the proposed roads basedon our experience with road design, construction, and usein mountainous terrain. The Utility Plan shov's a proposed reservoir about 25 feet north of the south boundary ofthe subdivision which is also the NationalForest boundary. According to the contours,the ground slope at the reservoir site exceeds 50 percent or 2:1. he assume this would bea buried concrete reservoir. Horvever, dDy excavation for a reservoir on this steep terrain would alnost certainly overlap onto NationalForest lands if backslopes are to be flat enough to allow revegetation. We have not been contacted regarding a permit for use ofNational Forest Lands and such a permit couldnot be granted without a formal applicationincluding a Statement of Need. The approvalof a permit would also require a thorough on-the-ground investigation of the site r"hidr vrould be impossibl.e at this time of year. J tl .--.,---{'*"*' 2 2. The proposed raod grade sheet shows that much ofthe road grade on Zurich Way, tucerne Lane, and Tahoe Road is fj,fteen percent. Also, much ofthis steep grade is coincident with extrerneJ.ytight or switchback alignment. with the heavy snow accumulations on these north facing slopesit is our opinion that much of the roads uould bevi.rtually useless much of the winter. We feelthat rnaximum grades of elght to ten percent with even lesser grades on switchbacks wouLd be neces-sary to make r^rinter use practical. 3. The Supplemental Subsurface Investigation and Slope Stability Analysis states that road cuts through areas designated as soil type 3 should be permanently stabilized by retaining structures and that roads in soil tlpe area 5 would have tobe entirely fill enbankments. There are areas along Zurich Way, Lucerne Road, and Tahoe lload which either border on or pass through soil typearea 3 and parts of Lucerne P.oad that are on soiltype area 5. We reconmend that there be somedetail given in the preliminary pJ-an as to howthese special road construction problems will be handLed. This would seem to be required by section 4.02.04(a)and (b) of your County Subdivision Regulations. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on these preliminarypIans. )/Alf+,-?1-//7PATRICK H. FINNEYZ( District Ranqer // Sincere VU ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 RECEIVED MAR 7 1975 Yail 476-5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 u.p!. 0r Prannins & Devel' Eagle County' Colo' l{arch 5t 197 5 Re: Matterhorn YIILage fi 2 spb 50-7 5 Applicant: David G. Elnore Recreation Developnent of America Suite 250, Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, Colorado 80110 Sanitarlanrs Coments and Reco@endatlons: (1) l.ots 2e3r4r 5, and 19, Block 1 are located in areas that gravity oerters will be dlfficult if not irnpossible. lot 2, Block 2 appears to have the same p ro bl em. (2) Re Sedimentatlon decention Basins: (a) The Lower basln is proposed to be located adJacent to the road. This could result in hydraulic danage to the road base. (b) Both pond6 appear to be located off I'latterhorn Filing ff2, ot private p roP er ty. (c) Additional data is needed on the design and maintenance of these detentlon and sedlmentatton Ba sins. (3) The number of propoeed fire hydrants app€ars to be inadequate. (4) The proposed road cuts, slopes and grades appear to be excessive and partially located in areas 4 and 5. Which (Thonas E. Sr.nmerlee Report, 9/24h4) are subJect to a higb risk of slope movement. (5) rrRoadway enbanknent s should be virtually all fil1rr. Other areas indicated by nuraber 5ln the Sumerlee Report lndicate actlve colluvlal moveaent or lrcreeplr. (6) The water reservoir appears co be located in area 5 which is assoclated rrith active colluvlal raoverlenc. Belore the reservoi! 1s located on this site consultation from the stace geologlst would be advlseable. ./^:,( , ./'., ,/.. -r ,'L Erik I{. Edeen, R.P.S. Envlronmental Hedrh EWE/bW cc! !{r. Davld Elmore Colorado Department of Heal rh ?;?,., @.sttim &o"-t ont- LOCAL GOVERNMEI{T CONSULTANTS 174O Williamt / Denver, Colorado 80218 / Phone {3031 355-3883 P.O. Bor 82 / Vail, Colorado 81657 / Phone [303] 476-578t February L7, 1975 Mr. Itichael S. Blalr CormuoiEy Development Director Box 769 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Vail ViJ.lage West Water and Sanitation Discrlct Senrlce to ltatterhora Village Fillng #2 Dear Mr. Blair: : On behalf of the VaiI Village West Water and SanitacLon District, we'report adequate capacity to serve the above referenced deveJ-opment. We understaad the developmeoc to have an Jmpacc requirenent noE, exceeding 200 equivaleat uoits. Servlce wLll be provided upon full conpllance with the Rules and Regulatioos of the District, including provlsi.ons for line extensioas, in- c1usl.on, and contrl-butions tolrard capital facilities necessitated by the addltj.onal i.mpact. If there are any further questions, please contact us. Sincerely, !au.WEST !,IAT AIID SANITATION DISTRICT Denver Office // Vail Of fice // / J*Jes P. Colllns Lyon, Co11in9 & Co., rte. Dlstrict Manager JPC:dn ao oo {.]PPER E,,tqLE \{\LLEY SANIit.4.lt]tON Dns"]i'Rliclf P.O. Box 487 Mintum, Colorado 81645 February 1-7, L975 Mr. Michael S. Blair, Cornnunity Development Director Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Sewer Servlce, l{atterhorn Village, Fl1iag /}2 Recreation Development Company of Aroerica Dear I1r. Blalr: There is sufflclent capaeity wlthin the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District facilities to serve the above referenced, approximately 55-acre, deveLopment with an J:npact of not more than 200 equivalent units. Service wiLl be provlded upon the developerb fultr. conpliance wlth our RuLes and Regulations and pa)ment of appropriate tap fees . As you are alrare, the Upper Eagle Valley SanitatLon District has recently doubLed its capacity as etell- as repaired aLl knowa Points of infiltfatlon. Our average fLows from withiu the District are about 600,000 gallons per day and our desiga caPacity ls 21000'000 8p,1- If you have any questlons, please cootact us. Slncerely, IIPPER P. Colli.ns Dis Erict l.Ianager JPC:dn 'rwt" oo- oodY[nhezdr Zng [nez4 lJ nc. CIVIL INGINTERING . PIINNING - 5URVT,Ys SUBDIVISIONs - WATTR & sEWER 5Y5TEA5 Kennsth E. Richordr Mr. Michael S. Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Planning Connission Post Ofiice Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear llr, Blair: This is a formal submission of a preliminary plan for !traEcerhorn Village Filing No. 2 to the Eagle County Planning Cornmission as required by your subdivision regulations. Ti-re subdivision name j-s Matterhorn Village Filing No. 2; the owner of the land is Recreational Developrnent Company of America, Suite 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace, Englewood, Colorado 801-10. Englneer's name and address is Richards Engineers, Inc., P.O. Box 190E, Vail, Colorado 81657. The total. area of the proposed developnent. is 52.33 acres with 18.8 acres /p:.anted, for open space or "Green" Area. 17,5 acres is proposed to be divided / tr-to 31 lots to be designated as duplex sites ..qith 52 maximuic units and 14.7 I acres ls proposed to be divided into 18 lors vrith 147 maximtm units for a Ltotal rnaxlmum oE 2Q9 units ancl an overall density of 4 units Per acres. Sewer service is to be provided by the Upper Eagle Va11ey. Sanitarion District and water service by the Vail Village l.Iest Water and Sanitatlon District as shown on the utility map attached. The specific information related Eo the subdivision legulations is as follows: 4.02.OL Prelininarv Plan 4.02.02 VtciniEy Sketch Map - Incorporated on the map accompanying the soil and foundatioo investigation report is a vicinity sketch map at 1:24,000 scale as required by your subdivislon regulations. Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phono 47 6-5072 Danvor ?44-1521 I'ebruary L9, L975 Regi;tarcd Prof arsionol Enginecrr Regirtered [ond Slrveyor 4.O?.03 4.02.04 Physical Information - Enclosed is a soil and foundation investigation report submitted by Thomas E. Surmrerlee, P.E., 4010 Harbor P1ace, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917. Grading and Drainage Plan - A, Reier to the attached drainage plan in this B & C Refer to proposed road grades for llatt erhorn attached Eo this set of documenis. set of documents. Village Fil-ing No. 2 oo To: Mr. Ml-chael S. Blair P lanning Directors Eagle Couoty Plannlng Comisslon From: Richards Engiaeers, Inc. oo Page 2 Tebruary L9, L975 D. Drainage Study. The dralnage system for this area is noted on the drainage plao and discussed ln the drainage report all a part of thig set of documents. 4.02.05 Utlllty PLan - See attached ut1L1ty plan drawlng. If you GT Encl-s. - 22 sets of docuoeats A. B. Water suppl-y. Treated water w111 be furnishe<t by the Vall Village West Water and Sanitatio,n DistrLct as evidenced by a letter attached fron the Dlstrlct signed by the Distrlct Manager, James P. Collins. SanLtary Sewage Disposal. The sanitary senage disposaL r,rLl-l be furnlshed by the Upper Eagle Val1-ey Sanltatlon Districc as evidenced by a letter from the District slgned by the Distriet Manager, James P. Col"Lins. desire any additional infomation, pl-ease let me know. Cordially yours, RICEARDS INC. PROTECTIVE COVENANTS IVIATTERHOR}i OF VAI L , F;LING NO . 2 tsY TIiIJSE PF€SENTS , thar Matte rhorn of Vai I , a Limi t,ed the owner of all of that real estate within the subdivision of Vai1, !'iJ,ing No. 2, in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, KNOW ALL MEN Partnership being naned Matterhorn the plat of which rn map Case-^ ^;-^.,- ^- eroslon. oni ve waY was recorded in said Dr awer recorded, P lat . Culvents of ]2 inches diameter or crosses barrow pits. cats and other shall be kePtt to maintain a mininum front regular set-back may b€ .gfanted County under date of _, L97 5 , of P1ats, does hereby reserve easements LiVESTOCK: No animals, Iivesiock, horses or poultry (except dogs'.ffi r."-ir."""r"r.ri enjoyinent and not for.- co;r,nercial purposes) raiseo on breo in the subdivi.sion, tsiJILDII{GS A,\D CONSTRUCTION ARCi{ITECTURAL CoNTRCL: No builciings shall be erected, placed or altered on any ffiuctionoIansanospecifications'togetherwithsitep1an showing location of strutture lras been approved,in writing by the Architectural" Conmittee, as to luality, miterial, and worknanship, and ' harnonious design with existing struciures. In the event the Architectural corinrittee fails to act on pians Dresented for approval within q5 daysr-thenr applicant r'ay proceec the sane as if the Connittee had granted approval' .c0NSTF,UCTION: AII structures tirust neet specifications and codes of Eagle countyt ffit.ofcoIo"ado.ftrceworkhaLbegunonanystnucture'construction must be pursued to conpletion with all <iie diligence,'being completed within one year. Further, a]I exteriors shali be only of Stone ' stone veneers, brick u.n"!.", "ooa "iJiie-o" fog siding. lio iriritation. brick siding' metal siding, t." pup"r, Isbestol shingies or concrete b.Iocks will l:e allowed. 0n1y new construction wirr be ailowed; no older buildings may be moved onto any eite without appnovai in writing from the Architectural Cornmittee ' FIRiP;ACES, etc. :AlJ, fireplaces, c.ri.nneys, barbeques and incinerators shall be ;ffid-and maintaine<i witn spark arresting screens' LOCATION: AII improvements shall be located so as iar-ard set-back of 20 feet; deviations fron tnis Ly the A.nchitectural Coir,aittee' DR,IVEI.IAYS:ALI driveways shall be located ao as to aLlow minimuiii water mone shall be installed run-offt and wherever slGi,ls: No signs, billboarcs or other advertl,si.nS, structure of any kind shall be ar"ct"d, used or naintained o:] any lot for any Purpose whatsoever' except sueir commercial signs as have Deen upp"oiJi uV tfr"'Architectunar committee either for , identification of residences or places oi business or other commercial uses' HATER: Each structure designed for occupancy or use by human beings shal]. connect --r.rith water facilities naae availabie tL the ProPerty at any time in the future by a pubiic or private uti'fiiy =yttt"' i;o private wells shall be used as a source of water for human consun?tion or irrigation' -excePt by written penrnission or V"ii Viftage Hest bewer and uater'iloard of Directors' NUrSAlrci: No noxious or offensive activity shaD be.carriec on within the G-aivision, nor shall anytjlj.ng b.';;;.-;; permitted which shall constitute a public nuisanc€ therein. PROP;RTY MAINTEI{AIiCE TREES A,\D sHRUBtsERy: Natural- beauty, wherever possible, sharl remain' rn no case ffi,;;-;';;"g"ou,t.i.'bemaintainedinsuch1ocationastocause a traffic hazard or to reduce visibility' HASTE DISpOSALI Each residence shaLl maintaiir a safet enclos6d incineraton for ---------- ^slsposa.L or combustibles. Xon-"o"ii"iiif"" "it"fi be.keot in covered sanitary containens, No anea on any "it" ;ilii-;;-;";e as a dump fon any kind of waste or tnash. No septic tanks will be allowed' COVCN ANTS CHANGiS 0F COVENAiITS: These covenants shall ruir r.rith the Iand and shalL be binding ffinda11per5onsciairningunderthe|nforaperiodof20years after wirich tirne said covenanLs shaJ.l. be autornaiicaU.y extendeci for successive . I0 year periods unless an instrument signed br/ ownens of over 50% of l.rnd.anea lras been recorcied, agneeing to change said covenants in whole on in part. E:'lF0RCJiIj:i'lTl Enforcement si':all be by troceeding at law or in equity against anit persoi'or Dersons violatinlg or lttempting to violate any covenant either to Festrain violation or to recoven damages. SEVERABILITY: Invalitiation of any one or raore of the.;e covenants by judglrent or court --o?Ae"F-hal} in no lrdy effect an; of therpr-ovisions, which shati remiin in full force and ef fect ' 'ifhi c ARCHITECTU]fA.L COlqU-IiTj:!: The Archj.tectural Comnrittee shall be cocrposed of DAvrD G. ELMORF l'RAiiK A. ItAiiDALL anci 169 LMNGSTON In the event anj/ one or ore of the comroittee members shalJ become inca.oable of serving f or any reason r t hen a new inember. on mernbens shai,l be narned by MATTERHoRN , ., .." OF VAIL Il'{ v|ITNIJSC ;.lii[RE0F, this docurnent is executed b'r the under.signed this '....r+_.day o.f ' l9----' MATIERI{ORN OF VAIL LIMITED PARTNER^SHIP EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date ,f:.? f ct . tn AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For '/, rior-Subdivision A Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Building))(Subdivision) Total Received for coltection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for n 4 ,";^ -f !,:/ie t | .,,_Lt !::4{,_z!j1l'ZJL..-;.! , - RECEIVED CHECK All item5 are received j no-o.v..nt of any item. I i.r; 421 i t EAGLE couNrY ODEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVEL@MENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8r631 21 February 1975 Re: File No. Sp-50-75 Preliminary Plan Matterhorn Village f2 Appl icant:David G. Elmore Recreational Development Company of America Suite 250, Greenwood PlazaTerrace Englewood, Colorado 80110 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendations at their regular meeting on 19 March 1975. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-34, '1963, as amended and Eagfe County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.O1 , 1972, you are required to receive the plan, and you have 24 days from date mailed within which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely apprec iate your comments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice, in writing. Thank you very much, D irector ,Department of Planning and Development MSB/Kt DEPAIil.' s#ii*"*:il:Tn, " o=.,,ltr, *, Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 27 February 1975 Phone 328-6338 Re: File No. Sp-50-75 Preliminary Plan Matterhorn Village Filing #2 Supplemental I nformation The enclosed supplemental reports are to be included as part of the Preliminary Plan for the proposed Matterhorn Village Filing +f2, mailed to you on 21 February 1975. Please review the supplemental information and forward your comments and recommendations to this office prior to the 19 March 1975 Planning Commission meeting. Respectfully, Michael S. Blair D irector MSB/Kt encl . rrSupplemental Subsurface " Environmental Geology of Investigationrl the Matterhorn Village Subdivision Fili.g #2" O -lr$\ ** it{$l {Nt\\\ t\ It \--$ \\ {Nq\ l"\ $ \,i I { \o\r NT \N \t)\ '$t \\ { Ni s"\J\ ) ."\ )\ s{{ , {$ }i {+N1\$ tl\l\r \l Nt\$ \\J $t.i.X\| \ii\ 'i h $\t\q,{ s.l \ ilN h*' \ )N \) t!I\\ Ut) $ \\ U NtI{r \t"t \\.\\ \ \',$$IIt s .\r\i \ )