HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 13 LEGALolign Review Action Filt TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbe( Project Name: Building Name: Proiest D€scriptlon: OwnEr, Address and Phone: Architeot/Contact, Address and Phone: .4 Legal Description: Lot l€P Block- Subdivision Project Sfeet Address: Comments: Motion by:- Seconded by:- I Approval 3 Disapproval \ Araff ARRrovat ( co,ioiuon", Eevlsed A/11/94 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPLICATTON - TOWN OF VAII,, COLORADO DNTE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ******i*** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW.********** PROJECT INFORMATTON:T DESCRIPTION:Rt - ff+i t-' r Srt -itr-Lf tnv DEr nF r)Ea\ITE.LI . New Construction ($200.00) Addirion ($50.00) .Z uinor n lLcraLion ConceDtual Review ($20 . 00 )($0) D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT r1 Blocksubdivision t4ffi0ttQ+J UrUUi^6,r€-. If propcrLy is describcd bydescription, please provide to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds on a separate sheeL legal and attach E. F.NAME OF Mailing APPI-,ICANT: Address: U rgrLr Phone NAME OF t,ta i l ing APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: I. J. Phone H. NAME OF OWNER(S) :f{.k- Utffiu OIINER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailincr Address: APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOVT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at Lhe time of submiLLal of Lhe DRB application. LaLer, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurabevaluation of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail- will adjust t.hefee according Lo the table below, Lo ensure the correcb fee is paid. FEE PAID. $ A]2.(X-\ CHECR #://A[4, DATE.?\1,<. BYI FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION $ 0 $ 10.000 $ 10,001 $ s0,000 $ so, ooi- - $ 1so, ooo $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $s00, 00r- - $r", 000, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ APPROVAL UNLESS A BUTLDTNG PERMIT IS TSSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $1_00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 Phone t IJTST OF MATERTAIJS NAME OF PROTJECT: I/EGAL DESCRTPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVTSION The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING MATERIAI.IS : Roof Sidinq OLher WaII MaLerials Fascia Sof f i t-s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouscs Reuaining walls Ext.erior Lighting OEher required for submit[al approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ bo the Design COIJOR Dcs igner: Phone: B.LANDSCAPINC: Namc of FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The be'low items need to be complete before giving a pennit a final C of 0. P'lease check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUIIBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING /-27-?3 TEMPORARY C Of O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Profect Applicatlon J"-hqect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: f.. Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Second€d by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner """' 7/> s/ 1 Ast"rr Approval ,. .lr I . -'r.jil=g /\ n -rtr\ rr APPI-ICATION ant: 1-73'8',1 :"*'2 DATE oF oRs l4gEttiie : DRB APPLICATION / *****THI5 APPLICATION tllILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIIfiED**{\'..,-- 1.J:: I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETII'IG: A pre-application meeting with-i pt.nning staff member is strong]I :.Y?9t:lt1-l:l.i:il;i!'ii"i'li"uiii;i;;.i'iliri.fiJlilji"i'"n..a.il*no ippii.aiioir wiii-!:.1:::tlll ,.,',''].(IgLElllllarq ll qllJ Cl\rl,l I ervrrg. ": ..t.. , _ __l_.: _:_!_^r- \ t..'].*q,,. uni"rt it is compl'ete (must inciudt ai'l items required bv the.l9nll9 :91lli:!"1!91)' '"'='i' It iS the appiiCant'S fespons'lbl llty t0 make an appglnunenL. wr LIr Lrts JLc" I r'v I rrr .... out aUort additional-submittal requirements. Pleise note that.a C0HPLETE,applica- : ..-Jii'il-grJ;;pil;;i;; responsibility to mi[e-an ippointnLnt.with the staff to find iiJn nitl streami.ine ttre approval'process for your proiect by decreas'in9 !!9 1um!e1oi conditions of approuii lnat the'oRB ruay st'iiulata. ALL conditions of approval must._-lp be reso.l ved befo.re a bui'lding pennit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:e-t A t I -q.j*d'Je- s*trqa^ u-)l^i-l€ ,"it# B. LOCATION Address Legal Description Lot l3 Block Filing l{q+hrhn,nU,ilou Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: J E6-{,t olur Address f fot.q Mol+*rlrt", C.,'^Ol. telephone 4ry6lql8-- .. -i i:: D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEI{TATI'JE: Address tei ephone OF PROPOSAL: Maffet hsr, E. NAI'IE OF O|i{NERS: 5i gnature Address F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50'000 $:.50,001 - $ 150'ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000'000$ over $1'000'000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requesteo' rEtr $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $too.oo. $200.00 $3oo. oo TO T}IE DRB: l. In addit.ion to meeting submitta'l reguireneints, the_applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees_ that will be removed shoujd also be mart<iO. This work must be completed before the []RB visits the . si te. 2. The review p"o..r. for NE!{ BUILDINGS will norrnally involve two separate meetings of the oesign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meel'ing and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ ished. -r'Ja .-ria 'a..t .r..- .a..,! 'tt 4. The foltowing items no longer have.to be.presented.!9..!!.gesi9n-Review Board' -'it They, howev"", niul il il il;t;nteO io-ifri Zoning Administrator for approvai: a. llindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the ;*i;ii;6 Pline-of the buildine; and b. Buildins additions that are not viewed fryr1 1nv other lot^o.I-!:b11:-:11:t' wnictr iriue triJ'ietters subrnitted from adioining property owners- approvrng the additiotii-."J/tt ipprouai from itre alent f6r' or manaqer of a condominium associ ati on . 5. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shouid check irittr a Town Planner before proceed'ing' L..', ! ..$ATIE OF P|IOJECT: irnEei AUoRESS: oiscnlPrloil oF PRoJEcr : LIST OF IIATIP.IALS ..::r v .vt aa Y -f,5r{) -= qJf3 {d X tA ,+ a)L vv d I \,iI ,-\ € The follorving infomation is required for subrnitt,3i Board before a finai approval can be fiven: A. EUILDIIIG |'IATEP.IALS: TYPE 0F MATERIAL Roof Si di ng other l,la I t ilateri al s gac.i: Soffi ts 1,,|i ndows }li ndolv Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or 0eck F'l ues Fl ash i ngs Chinrneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLAI'IT I'IATERIALS: PROPO5ED TREES Botani cal Name Common Name EXISTING TREES TO BE RE|'IOVED by the appiicant tc the 0esign Re'riew COLOR B. Ouan'i tv Si ze* *!ndicate caliper for deciducious trees'Indicate height for cohifers. . (over) r. .,1 ).ni lPLAIIT i (con' t ) <HOl ltr < EXISTi IU bL GROUIID CC'JE,C.S Tvoe (nr r: ro frnt: np s0D ) !- i:.,1 I ITL Uf I RRI GATi OII TYPE OR METI1OD OF EROSIOII CONTROL C. OTHER LANOSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wai1s, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. o = ts- G, UJo- C' (n UJ uJll F =E ITJ o- SNU NS\ o\l6l Orl -l F] Fl u)H z F: Ol @ o- @ - |4q la<tsr(JtF>,6 !41o El'2=l a6 l u,F o Eo EF '2z =o (9 =zo Itlt I(-, I<l HI-l &l OI Frl ol I inul z oz = @ €(, =zoN -z-{3z ID I 3 J --{..2 :{ E J \ ct (l, o -9o6 .9 CIo.6 tr.9oolt g,oEoo co (D 6 atocq, atooc6 .go o gcr El! ;E uJIF ZF &@&EF]Haetso<<() Z \t F.1<\O H tr1 \o <b-{ i> H A z Fl l!J IJJo = =IEot4 eoFo crFzoop ;.4 - tt l-'.EFg E gEl >b3o,N o E-,r Elrcc;:E--l-ro- EEE --o o o?oaPE EE8.voo E H3(!".C E 5E -€ EE(rc'tr5o6 5EE'iol- e:SP-6.-tt o.oc6 gis EE6'=E Rbtro c..2.9lr EEF'5 .E8cL qt (tt 4p'c, =pg> c9'- o.Eco.9 lt6oc eo trC 3e E=o6 'rG-- -cate =9-6 H(DrDo Q'(o (6c.c6-a60 =o.oglr, 6 o3 =5o6ScE6(E0 >,96c,pa OEr-o -o \'F6l o @ E-c UJo- (5z J lo x() uJ z Jc J oc ts-o|l,l UJ z t J Iz C) uJ- UJut zo F uJt() uJe o G, oo =UJ UJczo u,o Iur 2 uJJ x F UJo anulul]Lt =E uJ o- -) FoF a5z c)! .0 J 9c,F() UJJ z @I Jo. 9z I uJt Fl HoH NOIIYN]YA =l>ElE - r .D liE tn .S 1.,= 6 - lE Y. itx; ::lz2|J--o oo-tr ^ ./,-zts.q 5 :9E 9 OEX .n O Er!3b ?,tr8= 6s9q iFEg gE rNO zo l! uJ - o- UJ J z E c} x '<z tr uJ ] UJz I (t) trzfz tr 5 ep I o tsz)ozfJ uJ3o fr(J d..w ,, F.,g I r I F z F 0 u,l 3 a F Fo zl .. >l uJ uJ IJJ2 F =uJ o- J z E z tro [[ r. lI lcElql: lt,*Ir*il:og I A f, =(tz a o Fo) }z trl rli =z dlo.1 I lootz t,1lF4 lo\l9 l..tA1tlltI] l\oItsllF"t | -l< | o- lE IF4t\f Ildl\o I FcI \O I<l -{ |El Izl As<l ulH HI Hg,,| <Edra-o lltltl l.llzltdltgl daa>lBl rr.l'l 9l HFI cil =.1olutl 5l <l>lttlq zl 3lolFI =.1(,|c,l Hl 3l r.r.lol zl3otH I Iol z.l ol Hl *lq fle J d.Fo UJ E 2? =ffFd6 C) z T c)L! = t-E t. =o2 E -rO<FGC)uJ<zG, u.r Fozo o <Qq8 z oP =eoo =z=ldP =E?;HE ul E U)l0o-zo Fo- IrJY ujo oFt =TEHSuto-li-1o-1o>ltd U,nbEzo tr:Ggj Glto utoz o(n FE Eo- Jl-ul :-h=fEo- ul>cO|!9o \ llJxo-:>r-r Fl!JJ t!r!dtoF Lr--/l|= \ v/flEvs.r= = I F =E UJo-z9F()f E, *a zo() Dn! F!tr oo | 4'st r ao 4 '!4otr).rho,n }trde,, \,€{rsffna JI, Io S+r"Ll ug{,t69 lg'/.?E' s\*.cs V 9,,*&*O fo b- b..rr! L, .rnoA U-G C. c.{e . cA( a( { rp utn"At,^^, -,'( qfr..i 1." ^$l-r*rt Crrro.5| 'C.-, d.q d-7r,(. "rrl\S- oO I=q --6t Pj$"seJ It'e]erials - rffioa d"oki nq - $creurJz\L" \r P6sL - 4t4 urs\rno-wi od de,*trer - 6x 6 u-,o[wro,n ird *t*ro^ hrr" Jo h.q^s. - ?o" hrgher s1{ gl ++ r',eu-'Jecl cleo}- g7' r,'1[.9 ?81/l??' d;w"n ag li €r+, c"t* 600x €fo $5 po' *t -$3soo tror RGk G \b*hslar l" Jr'-+ '.'ll 't rl t,, 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIr'lI OF VAIL TOI{N OF VArL PUBLTC I{oRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary' ordinance No. G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soiJ-, rock, sand, clebrisor material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any st.reetl sidewaik, al1ey or public P1?9" or any portion thereof" The right-oi-ruy 6n all Town ofVail streets and.59ads is approxinate-iy 5 ft, iff pavement"This ordinance wil] be strictry enforcld by the To!r. of vair _lyflr: works Department. persons found vilratiirq this ordj.rance r./J- r r be g.rven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material_.rn the event the perso' so notified does not coinply w.ith th;--notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puiii" WorksDepartment will remove said materiat at ih" "*p"nse of personnotified_. The provisj.ons of this ordinance snltl not beapprJ-cabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu1I, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this mat-ter" --1 .. I Date (i.e. contractor, o$/ner) I I I oz E =E UJo- CD CN a ITJullt tr =E,IJ o- t$rt S$o'\ o\ cr) E IM l-1 Frl vt =,< Y orQ =IE A al(' Lj,r13 inro I I Io\ @lo\l FlI I ;IHN.< ql <l =' I UJ o F z = zz o u,l l- z z J dt .6 zz6 TEulz3o UJ F H z\p4.)o\o @ tdHtso<(Jt \td\OH\O<i-{> ltJ uJ at) =I tl F Fz tr uJG F rd FA z r4F1 ts z F-l -i- o c6*t.9 B E*:E eEHiI :gE$ iE;iF EE;p i 9; s"e $sE;si rEigi ;ftEg:-'tSd60'-.=--c= o (') c s*tc€ ;Ei:l sgiEg .s rn F N .+ \f 6foN + tr = uJ z ) Y IIJ oz J I F() gJ) UJ z (o =J J 2 ogJt ul uJ z tr Lu uJ =UJ z UJ F6 R UJo o- f 2 uJJ Q x F LIJo tt IJJ uJll- F =Gu,c J FoF z (o J 9E o UJ ut oz ao = o- J 2 IJJ Fl E{ H NOrrvn'tvA Ieo B ozIFg E(J u,o luz IJJ =>c --cli r.u ,S =E|dl zz io- 4XrEP 6 ooz>oa)<)zt!<oquj :-o-YiE Hni F{ € z z 14 H M F-l E z tr Cr o .LloE0 uJo- F c.t UJ J z Eoo xx)+z9F uJFJ 3 UJz tl tltltlaFzl29 !r.<oo< >E2tE 6o<z (!) Fz 9z'iF 6(,}EOI ul JJ .C aa u,/zYo F ll,(l z tr J oz X X X X F F z tr cl z Y(r (L UJo Jl<(l =_l zl .. >lo uJolllu,2o ts Elll o-) z E I& F F. t-- Ir*e)OO o\ @o\ Fc{ t u.lF o IJJ tro dto zo Fo- LlJY u, Co oF F TE uJ(L u-o (L oo I uJFoz 4 q zta oY il =E g 66 - =z -r-)l \o r-i \OdE * ..i5 =Ei-r -: uJEilE66r tr o- l! :!{EZE<ol€aE9Eir EE =>.=l!-E h=E HSE =dr UbE irE ;t6. ul €= uJ dtoF --- E =E. UJ o-zIF(Jf E,Fazop tr!! c.l F- c.l\o I\or\ .Sr 9l ol uJl 5l al>lttlol zl BlolFI tt LLI z E H rrl FJ r\\TF. pt D< Io\$o\ -l*l Etd I El'-. I EldEt qturFl ccltqt Jlil 5lsl altzl =l =lcl otrr.t Fl ol =.1oluIt CI atilol zlilolFI I I I I I I el ol r,ul 5l al>lr!lolzt ..:Bt fOl ulFI F IIrll 3lFllHIrl zl&l slfrl rr] |HLlkE z) tr Fl t4. ui =z -) li l' I II,IHt<l> Il>IFlo z M HH E .if u,l = El zl<l 14l-l ul- 4 F.l I F\ -:r =.1ol uJl(El :l>lttl :l =lPI (,o z, t- =#=F--J Zrro EoF(J tFz 2 'r (J L.TJ = !/ z O <F uJ<ZE I.IJ F(aZ-o() ) O F() uJ J oz ts =t uJI .n IJJ IJJl]- tr =E uJI \$\Ns\ol @ Fq zH E E tr llJF s ltg- zo llJF Iz =o zz oulFoz oz J dl € ozz XtlE E z @ ct) trl ts U) E* 'L.t( rd Fl Hz lrlE ) uJo =I cEol! Cro o q, q, o -o(! o q) E o O c E dl E o cl Do o o,6 3() E ct) oo .tioEoo oo .: of at o) '= oN -o !oF q) -c o ol E oao(! q) () o o !, ll o o o;(! -i- o E tiE'=qr.,) I8E Ef s EgEFfc6gEc-o c$: =ged's =cPc'- o. -c EsE_'E >, E-E=',roo iEo eeetq! i.Y= (! CL(g O. sEE ur4 0.EfieE;:EE EO(E: EdE ; 6.s€ac E't; +91 9 6a i* E B'i e9Eare5g -o6 E e ==tutco2 Y qJ oz) F() J uJ z @ =.J 9z o uJ UJ uJl!z9F tu uJ ot o @ 3uJ z -rJ, UJ tr oo-ulo o-fz It x F llt u) U' r.u uJ II = =g, uJo- J Fo F zoJ l ao J 9e. o UJ UJ oz . J 9z uJt F F NOrM'tV Eio_3!Z tr. Io o: e_ 6iotr UJ 4!E s& & (\I =>E -I ztr^ CY tto7f,. 9Zl!<oqH6>9 z z 5l ;l rl al r{ltl ol{l,l zl 4 tl z tr lI- E UJ UJ z Eoo XFt9z E UJF =luz tltlIIII Ezfz9e 5? 5H Hr!6ci<z Fz,. 9= =F!r.r O-trOI ull = !,tt) u,lzY iF F zq J foz X X X X Flo f- oz tr )=Y(r tt uJ lllJ,tt<llltrltil2l l"ll 3lg ll z' -]<-7f o +Mll F El=ll Etr16ll a Jlt <lzlo . ll l.'' Eb$il e Lr)L'F- c:)O ulF U) @o-zo F.L uJv IIJdl oF F E ttJc t!o (Loo I u.lFoz z--og) :-z_4oo =z (! lJ- :E* 6fi= E lu lro:!{EZE<cLl€aE9Eir G =gF'J> = ul r-E h=o ifiE :TE Ub9 \urE XO-E X>t q- €= ullo F Ir- $ u,F o ts =E, lrJ o-zIF()fEFazo C) !!D F-.il F\ Io\.n Ot 4 F1 H3 F] F.l F-l = tr l!lol fl I I I 3l uJlil <l>l ttlol Fl r I cilullcl JI <l>l t!lol zl3lolFl I I =.1 OIuil 5l <l>l ttlol zl =lolFI FrFlH z ts E zt-t H <n C9 E Frl z F) ui =z (I] -) @ or I\o Ic FlH tr z fi HH \?\o\o v) d z{ F.] UJ =z E -rO<FGC)uJ<zEUJF arl zo E EFz E Fz C) t*(J =\.,, z O !!! oz t ula! rFr.-.-:n ! < i.. \,r--l< u a ?':-. =t j': ;<o < / !9.Jr, : 3 F < ('\ -, : '<+f 4;<ir.;"iae 5c9 i) <2'.=);: <;:- - =: -i.<-L <= I I l_ IE I I I I E teE laz l=to l2 NOtrvnlvA oz ;t =cE6fA oo !oLlEiga kozroZ) =>t -I =c0 zo 6oz>. O2u< tLY iN tltltlt-l loq" l"jo l- Io ldlr\llru ld- l9 Y{q 3€ = xq=- >d = 38" o- Llrl6qllil dx.!l-:q <-qc=ur q--lzltuIol I =I oc = 2 uJl EI EI a LIJI(rI olol<l --lal =l I I It-la I I ,A L!l E <(lJ><= =o HI it =l !(l, =o =t! E :g E +J(t = =tr d I "lI F o {J OJ c,L,tt J t! ui =z E i'r9i b2 o E. F(-) GFz O z - L! t zt =#)z e F tFz ) tF UJ LI.J F LUF I t <F ur<zt L!F(nz o )<O -J- O z F uJ-') E(L 6lrlF\l c\t Irl ool I t uJF o tu clo o o E=C< (,i otl- oit>-rF zo F()f E,Fozo(J E =E t|Jo- Jz z ze >z O- LL )."i5 =83coil> D<.rr a>3ET boyle engineering, inc 143 e. meodo,,r dr. suiie n-10 crossroods shopping center vorl, colorodo 81657 303/476-2170 September 4, 1981 Mr. Steve Patterson Town of Vail Building DePartment 75 South Frontage Road Vai'l , Co]orado 81657 Subject: Ernst Larese Residence 1664 Matterhorn Circ]e Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Steve: yesterday, september 3, I made a site inspection-of the 3 foot by 8 foot addiiion in progress at the above-noted residence' The foundation I observed consisted of 8 inch by 16 inch footings wiitr iontinuous reinforcing and 8 inch concrete b'lock doweled into Itri fooli"g-and reinforced vertical'ly at 32 inches on center. Al- ;h;r;h-;"I"vei-in-ptace, Ernst assurld me that the top course wi'll be a-continuous bond beam with two, No. 4 rebars' that said foundation wi'll be capable of carrying design loads. I hereby certifY the anticipated Jq rq :lI I z o u.J -tot(L q op -|.' cP.fl -F cP.{ LUF o )z z =Q.(Do =z O- LL i=vv= =ne 6il> c) o q, (1, :>ErY ()i oLl-?o ox-c>- .o o ts =E lrJ o-z9F(J EF@zo C) i14l[ tt i >=_)-.^ t-. s- -.? "! '<*.-,-r : ^ , : .r.r " 2r. t ::'-... -;a2i =<,i!,.:.J li, <" <a:tt/=< S.\>{\ t*'< i3l"l NOrlVntVA z<^=[?F =--arEE -z<) =22? a e $5-i5pPgBE EEE EBfr E:9< ocd)z) ;E - ZZtLooo F o- @zY f >YtrVthoGZt(J ezXt!<oq ?u'J :-i5 .-\ uraxz Fc!(, It+ v. F(f rc d a 'R.Eg). =-6\- .!:, =(DN z F t! d a ccco a tltllltlxlFll l.al'Fll I '11 t{If{l I 8l Eloll<l>l JlGl <l!!l >l HI q <I >l o UI 0)tld Fl +Jo * FT r,fi |OI*l.'.|| | Ftl tlcrlr+l..t I B?]Pi ;lloltoll<l>l :l0.1 <ltrt >l ooo t{ o '-l+o H F1 t! =z (D -l llI l-lI loI toI l.')tlI c,t II c{l rI tol o- trl '-l I 5*1ulotmlll'-l| 921 .A | ;il dtxt >lol-l 1l>t =l<<l =z1 zl() I It-ld I -lg?l EI EI<l al ts>l o (,z ! l{ t{o +J +JdE : I F &o Fff ir+-rtr (JZ o(j EoFO EFzo O EFz J EF(J L./JJ LU E zt >*# O --r O<F r!<ZE L!F(1 Z F. uJ =-r E E L.IJz = J<Oa?:o t{ti rt l Project Application -f- ProjectName: Fi\Nsr LflRESf " Proiect DescriPtion: Owner Address and lr.. A Date l\J - t Architect Address and Phone: Legat Description, r-ot i3 , aro"r Zone'. Zon ing Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: ,i.\.' rit --7., t-,-.-_ i | . '.{.: .. .. I Zoning Administrator Date:Date: Chief Building Oflicial Project Applicalion Date Proiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phon€: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chi6f Building Olticial