HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 19A LEGAL/r)noltr+ornrtL1z l,f gA codlr*-6tw tEt€uF$E r Design Review Board ACTION FORII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vai[, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479'?452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Project DescripUon: Project Address: 1692 MATTERHORN CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Participants: owNER VAIL PBK, LLc o5lr5l20o7 PO BOX 4132 EDWARDS co 81632 APPUCANT ELK MOUNTAIN ROOFING &REPAI05i15/2007 Phone: 970-524-0880 PO BOX 351 MINTURN coLoRADO 81645 License: 742-5 CoNTMCTOR ELK MOUNTAIN ROORNG & REPAI05/15/2007 Phone: 970-524-0880 PO BOX 351 MINTURN coLoMDo 81645 License: 742-5 1692 MATTERHORN CR VAIL VAIL PBK RE-ROOF DRB Number: DR8070209 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AMINOR ALTEMTION TO REMOVE D(STING CEDAR SHAKES AND INSTALL CLASS'A' ASPHALT SHINGLES-WEATH ERED WOOD Location: lou 19-A BIocK: SUbdiViSiON: MATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL # 2103-123-1500-7 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProval: 05/15/2007 Cond: I tpf-qU, No changes !o these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. 1r, . . Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All dwelopment applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2005 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, hourever, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: loe Suther DRB Fee Paid: l2O.0O Cmffnffgru T0r|Il{0rtriAfi, General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Reguestl Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: physicalAddress: lA?^ l( lrL', \.r^, n.'f"le ' parcef No.: 3l0-< - lJ3 - tS f o: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no,) Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970 .479 .2128 fax: 970 .479 .2452 web: www.vailgov.com UFUo \, D No4 Zoning: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs fl Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionD Addition l' r'lrnor Alteration (multi-familv/commercial) [9- Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans O Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such asl re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Mailing Address: E-mail Address: 5or;flce9Z8n'v: cn".rruo., bobQ ur, €trt A* r(c*)"> t 6Fr-".' * * * * ** ****** + +++ * * +***+t****t+++*++ +*+++++++***+*t+ + * ***+*++*++++*** * **+*'l*++{.*,t.t:}{t'1.*** ** *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement st.atement. Number: R07000071-2 Amounts: $20.00 05/t5/2oo7I1 :12 Alrt Palment Method: Check ROOFING A}TD REPAIRS Init: ,fS Notatsion: 6O6OIELK MT Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese : Locatsion: This Payment.: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003LL2200 DR8070209 2103-123-1500-7 1692 I{ATTERHORN 1592 I\ATTERHORN DescriDtion T!.pe: DRB-Minor AIt, sFR/DuP CR VAII, CR ToEaI Fees: Total Al,L Pmts 3 Balance : $2o. oo *++++**+***********+tt**i*tf**+*f*f,+f+1**+*l*+*++******+*********+***']****************+**++:r $20.00 920.00 $0.00 Current Pmts6 20.00DESIGN REVIEW FEES \u1I oz ts =t uJo-e a uJ LlJl]- ts = UJo dkga/et//, 9-L0t *YS @ @ c! F-lH Or ) ;H Mc = Jso tt oz o! uJ o F Iz o ozz a uJF z =oJ l .6 =z Gruz3 uJ'r F oz 3o l! uJ lF z 6 ct E o -oct .9 o- G. c 3o F(- b- h o o) C) a.q o\ q) o (u q) Eoo o) I E: =cl @ (!- .9 o -.: - o cot:(o.Y'is:gXOc -io(B(,, F.9 R€*Eg8E.= (6 - 96!:0c-o> E::E :SP:G >=:cY"(! BE;= E E-st*.o o ciE o; SqsF Eieeoo o--sE; soiE-o:s*e€E;: i :E€ H iaEeE!F!_o.yo --c=c;o(/, ar O €-Yi 9E€5 sdlE 9 6ai xaF.9 *E;: sr o-o - eSgg + F z o - LUI z J aFo UJJ uJ z = 2 ll, = UI UJl!z tr llJEolu o .D 3 t uJ(rz 6 UJo F uJo lz Iu o llJol an UJl!tL F =Iu J |-o z 6 J 9 Fo llJ) llJ z (D = J z u,J Fl H F NOrM]VA I It.leIHIH "|fi.'l* (v tr- I t!]t lt-'Hl< ;B Xt-'. =:iZ u--O Orr e6z6EY 3r Bn aFl *1w =>G !ut =.o ztr^ ;o;Gtr, o =>.(JzrL<oqx-otoFO.i(\i zI ) q d o-loE uto- F E o- lrJ z E o z E UJF ; uJz IIlltltl Ezlz9s?<oo< =p9!Ldo<z Fz .. 9z iI 3trOI -l.<t \_Et I "l -zl/ >l f i o ulo u,.l IJJzoL L!t! J z Eoo LIJl = E LIJz o- zI )laz I I IloolQ5tit 5 H.?loH UJJ UJ c- '1-. 2 EIBFlr-;t; I F\sF Io\\.' o.t oz ti r.lJ J l|-o d H ts ts F-l G tltltltltl l"lI=ltolI utlItrltJlt<ll>lI u-lloltzl Et x I I I "lzl ol lr|I 1I al>l bl 2l ,,23t iOl ttJFI F =.1 ull 1l al>l t!lol zl 3l 9lFI I I IItl. I I ")ru EIqd<lJ> A(JG OI =.1ollJll 5l al>l u-lol zl;lolFI a a a at) HlJ. ij z \o c.l I I H F -l Izl xl rr1 |nl<l>l IC\Io, l\ol-laflalqo -.1 = .l\JI<l F-t IFllHIol al gl Erl E{|H =l!E. (ts l,rg -E OOz. t- E# )z40 c) F FzoO z _r (J uJ = <FdOtlJ <zE taZ () o z.oo J d.F UJ) t,lJ E? E, !o(4 rJoddr.l 0) z<tr(no +J a= HY oF F =co4@{!c llJ ,.-r(L l!: o-I AEL.lA l< llJFoz llrl o- uJY UJ @ ujF o z ,nozadro =z ()! tl.- ..i5 =E== uJ ii'idd= E llJ , lll6vE<alo9EE9vE cd5),E)r = rJJ t-E !r=8 :*E :FE U5 9 \utE XO-t x>T EF o _-i Tt* tucl --- E =E ltJo-z9F(J :f, E,Fazo() m!tr 6- 2 trtrtr IEAG lL f GO U h{ 1I Yi nrntr+ roflll I ce rrm e mn o ran Cl u Rn To: Vel ma L. & Bi I 1y Sandere s 5ubject: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy rromi Eagle County Bldg. Dept. File No.:Dale: r/,8/79 Enclosed is a Temporary Certificate of North t, of Lot 19, Matterhorn Village listed on the fnspect'ion form must be date on this certificate. 0ccupancy for the unit on the (81dg. Permit #0778). Comections completed before the expiration "'-7 EAGLF EGUzuTY DEPARTMENT OT PI,ANNING & DEVEIAPMENT 32 8-7 3J f 81631 Box 779 EAGLE, COLORADO BOARD OF COUNTYcot/MtsstoNERs 328.6809 ADI,'I!NISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949.4292 ASSESSO R328.6593 BU ILD I NG INSPE CT IO N 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Baialt 927-3244 couNTY ATTORNEY ?7A-CR-' L ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-77 tA EXTENSION AG ENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTHEaqle 328.6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-5338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.559 r SHERIFF Ea cle 32B-6611 Basalt 927-3244Gilman 827.5751 50c tA L 5E RVICES .tzo-oJzo TREASURER 328.6376 VeLma Sanders Box 72 57 VaiL, Co. 87657 Dear Vel-na Sanders , ?hjs js in regazd to on Notth * of Lot 19 Novembe t 22, 797e gour repair of the rentaL unitjn }fatterhorn Vi77age. ?he Pernjt #778 was jssued August 78, 1977 and I assume that the work has been compTeted. We have the ftna-l Certjficate of Occupancg in our office and we wouLd like to cfose this file. P]ease contact this office to make an appointment fat a finaL inspection as soon as possible to cleat up thjs matter. Thank gou. Jw/ jk (.- COUNTY, COLORADOEAGLE Easle,colorado 1f.ft n7? Approved By Approved By Approved By IDO SOLEMNLY mentioned in the correct, and that that the several items account are true and thereof has been paid. SWEAR an nexed no partState of Colorado, II ss. Cou n ty of Eagle I A.D. 197- .',/ Subscribed and sworn to before me this aY of County Clerk COLORIDO DEPARTMEXT OF HErtTtI 1210 EAST T'ITH AVENUE DEMIER,COI.oRADO Anthony lobblns, &2n PHCNE U20-8333i l{. D. , l{.P.^. Er.cutlvr Ditrctot T0: Mr. Terrill- Knight Director, Eagle County Department of Planning & Developrnent Box 179 Eagl_e, C0 8l_631 PROJECT TITLE: Sn-l-07-79 - Sanderrs ResLdence, Marterhorn Flling //1 STATE IDENTIFIER: NA COMMENTS DUE BY: I]LJ nl__ | l] t3 i; | --i DATE: SUBJECT: Yes Yes v., [-i ve s l-l Comments: S0C-3, Feb 77 1^'a'. i{.4 ',| 'utV i, lglg -. 'qotyl titrut l(ay 25, L979 NON.STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEW AND COI,II{ENTS No No No No May L6, L979 ls this project consistent with the goals and obj ect ives of th i s agency? ls the re ev i dence of overlapping of dupl ica- t ion w ith other agenc ies? ls meet ing des ired with appl icant? A | 5-day extens ion is reques ted. /-' , ,. / //z<y':ci' /)rz':---t "t-/Name, Title 6 Phone z_ Mlcki Batnes, Program Admlnlstrator ATTACHMENT B o H.{l,S[ffi etr]Ul\iT\i- Department of t)lanning and DevelopnrentP.0. tlox 179 EAGLE, COLORNDO 81631 TELEPIjoNE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COTJNTY co[4tu1rs5toNERs Ext 241 A O}.,l IN I ST RATIO N Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS5ESl;O R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 o( 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTOR NEY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-s844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONN EL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Batalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SERV ICE5 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | 23 l{ay L979 Kirsch SandersP.0. Box 1257 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Ki rsch: Thjs letter concerns your request for a subdivjsion of Lot 19, Matterhorn Vi11age. Thjs land is in the process of being consjdered for annexation to the Town of Vail and we feel that decisions with respect to changes jn land use for this area should be postponed until the outcome of the annexation is known. Your l'1jnor Subdjvision application fee will be refunded to you. Sincereiy ';-;.-,,-.,....^^ ;3- - t-, Thomas Boni Assistant Director of P'l anning TB/ kp J - .A,pp1ication porrn Fll"trf ;aki-Hifi; . | !'rf rr) qir iirr\Trrrcr-".rr fltrUUHD COPYfi.EgoRD coPY_*-__ _; MEETTNG OF..-J.6-.trufJqJ? Ilection 3.2a of nag-rc courrty subdivisi-on Regula{;ions lrame or proposed subdivisio,r -5:*W_ D_ E^&S__K gSl pel/re ,t '*'" il liiii:ill K$n"#,*+#,ffi* *ra;*:.: |,ffit,o subrliuicle properiy. Addrcss of Applicant OY 2.r 1. Iocation of Par-cel 2, Size of parcel_ .L,o ]. IJumber of lo'l;s to 4.Zone district ln r*rich the parcel li.es 5, Twenty-tuo (22) iniolrm'"ion shall bcwil"l be rer-ieweci at nonth. be 1.^ The the DaLe submittcd the6. An orj.ginal and f:ive (5) copies of Ii!il_|lat rrith all requirecl signaturcsshalr be sub:nitted at lensi;-f.on- /ro\ .r"., *--L==: v$ v46'rsvq'v r-c,dn u uurt \ r.vi, qays pr:i.or to the Planni.:lg Conr.ri ssion Reviewmeeting. Date subnritted Refc.r l"o Scction t+rcflC: or Tn?EEj;l-i sion ilegula'r,ions. 7. furrrish cuidence of adcopate rrater Cur.n^rr),/ /,u, A)/ 7,7,i (l{ay be attach eda / s exhibit ,rt ,/ ., A) B. r';\rrnlsh orehi1-'i* D\ 9. F\lrnish trui-ntenanc e. evidence of adequate sevrage disposal systen. (l,iay be attachccl as --r rl er-iden ce of acdess a counQr road uhich has \l I1y attached s extr-ih,it C) .tSo-tu D,."f AA_./_lLL__.-- ccp]"?. of the application for.n, site plan, andsubriutted by the {ir:st r;orl:,.Ia7- of thl monlh.the regular Plarrn-ing Comnission Revier,r meetlng reLated applica'tion follorring / subdirrided created rym .( rum/rilo U-r^/p bcen ccepted for I w o 1n Application li'orm - page 2 Ifurnish adclitional information as a. ff this is a resrrbdiyision of dirrideC i.urd reco::Ced in accorclance adopted Septernber 5, I97Z or lat subdivi-sion required. (l'fay Ue ploperty rrhich hes r,rith negle Cou:rty , indicate name and attached as exir-ibit D) bccn prcvioucly sub- S'"rbdi.r'i sions llegtlations recordi-ng4 dala of said b. If LOa does not appJyrsites for the proposed uses f-\\r/ Jol_l conol_tLons furnish evidence of rrith regard to the adcquate and safe building following items. (:) (4) (r) (6) Geolog-ic conditions Topograph:ic ald slope Drainage condj-tions conditions Flood hazard potential Source of fire protection 11.- ltrrn:ish gtili.ty and road plans (rdrere applicable, refer to section J.2oEagle county subdlvisi-on Regulations) (t.t"y be attacireo as exhibit E) 'The ormation i s correc'b accurate to the best of my lcrowledge. signAture and l'or official use: Revei-ved brL/'2 Accepted for the Planning Comrcission Review meeting of Review Fee Paid Recordino Fee PROPOSID Al'lXliDl!{nNT TO SI]BDI VI SI OlP REGIII-,ATI ObIS nl,GLn COUI\|TY, CCLOiIIiDO : Septerirlrer' 7 , L977 i\,IINOR SiJBDIVISIONS L A rninor sirirdi.vision is def i. ncrd as a stil)(livisi.or in rvlrlch tire f o11o;iirig occur: A. Thc ploposed stibcli',,i.siorr of a pat'cc1 of lancl not greatcr than 40 acles iii alca, creates a total of eight (8) lots or 1ess,iuclucling i:otli platted arrd l'eniai.nirig unplatted parcels. B. The land i"rrcluded r.,ithir.r the propos;ecl liap is proper.ly zonecl for the lrroposed use. C. A11 1o'r"s oii ii:e ploposcci titap abrit a Coutity street or. r.oadv;hich has beerr acceptecl for uiaintenance, ancl are pirysicallyaccessible, or capa.tle of being physically accessi r:1e, f roin thepubllc street by conventional r'ehicle or all currelt subrlivisi.on regr.ilations pertaitri.i;.;- to the desigii fEI streets ar.rci utilitieshave beetr ittet and col.:stniction of saici inplovernerrts i-s gr.rararrteeclcy a sui:Cirrisj-ou agleerrient. D. Satisf actory evicielce has ireen furnishetl to tlie Planr:ilg Conintissiou and tlte Ilcard of County Coin:rrissioners of the e:listet:ceof au adequate ar:d clependable ;ater supply for each lot. E. Satisfactoly erridence has }een furr.,isbecl to the P1ar.i;ing Comnriss.;ion anC the Board of Cour,ty Coiil,:i ssi o ire rs zs to the e:xisteticeof a septic tarrLt disposal si-te , or oti;er 1a,,,'frr1 itleaits o:f clisposi rigof hunran n'astes, riiicli cor!]plies rvith all applicable public health1al;s f or each proposed lot . F. Satisfactory evidence has been furnisheci to the Planning Coriintission atrd the Ilor.rci of Courrty Conurissioners corrcerning thegeology, soil, topo;raphy, drair)age, fire protectioD, aricl otherconclitj.orts so as to inclj.cate the subdivisiolt \ii11 not create ariy hazarcis and that all lots t'i 11 contain saf e , acleguate bui ldi ngsitcs II . A site plan, f inal plat ancl suppl.enieutal inf ornration si1a11 besubtt;ittecl to the County f)eparl.ilent oi Planr-rirrg aucl Developrnerrt inaccorclance r';ith the r:urrent policy of subrnittal deadline, number ofcopies requirecl ancl filing frre. A, The site plan sLral1 be drarvn ar-rd subrnittccl irr accot'darrce\ti th county si te plan stan(iards . B' The Final Plat shall be clrru'rr and submitted in accorclance*'ith s;ubctivision f inal p1:rt lequ j.r'c)iiierrts. (section 4.011 of ti:e Su bili v j. s i orr Regu 1.a t.i o::rs . ) I> tr l';e 2, c, A p1at which lnocts niiror succlivisiorr regul:rtiors andcolitaills ito 1lul.rlic ittiprove,rir:nts sha1l uot be r.qii r.ed to ilclucletlie title cer.tificate on ilie f j.naI p1at. D' TIie fi'a1 plat sir:r11 be valicl foi: a per.i ocl of tr,,.o yearsnticl slial1 be cottsicicrcd voici iI the subclivisi.orr i.cr rrot cori4tletedivi thi ir tlte two year. pcr-iort . I I I . The Planrri ug Corruli,ssi-ou sha11 rnake it rccoiiiiii€ncl:rtion ci ther.apploviug, oI dcnyitrl; tire proposeC nrirror sr,rirclivis j. on to tbe Boarcio1 cou'rty coir;missiorer:s, riho rrray the' apirrove tlle cicsig'ation ofthe proposed ir,ap as a rnino'surrdi.vision if it firrcls that all tbercquirernerits of Paragr"apli r above have bee. rrret rr'itho't 1,1aive.r.Upon fina)- approval by tire Boarcl of County Coilnissiopels the niapsh'11 be filed riitir the E..gle cou'ty clerk ard Recoi.der upo, pay-nrent of all r'equired f iling or recoi.ling fees. IV' l'pplicabili.ty of a proposed subclivision to tlre rninor subclivisio'proc<jdure is to be deterntinecl by ttrc Boarci of Coulty Corirrni ss i o1e rsbased on a recou[nenc]ation by the Flanning cour,Dission. Applicationslnay be deterrlined to r:rot be in accor.dance v;i Lh the regulation andbe directecl through tbe fu11 subclivisiorl process. CERTI Eagle County, Colorado certification is hereby nrade that a copy of &n application submitted and givcn the above File No. wasentered into the U.S. N1ails, or. hancl clelivered, on b a14...-a /q7l ' totheoffices/pcrsonsaslistedhereon,pa-seS)ofl,u"*u.k@ / I \,/ /Certifier rs Signature : .{.All Applications refered to:D..Appli cations in Eacle-Brush Creek to Edwards: 1. Tow|r of Eagle Eagle S anitation D istrict Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School District RE50J ()/( B. U.S. SoilConservation Service--#- c.qpplications in Upper Eagle Valley: UX 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1. Town of Minturn W 10. Colorado River Water Consv- Dist. 2. Town of Red Cliff-------ir----i- "AK aa. Div. of Water Resources - 3. Upper Eagle Vatley San. Dist. B.Aoolications in Basart Area: 4' Eagle-Vail Metro oistrict 1. Town of Basalt 5. Other Dist. (none at present time) 2. Planning Representative 6. School District RE50J 3. School District REIJ 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 4- Basalt Water Consv. Dist. 5. Basatt Bural Fire Dist. 9. Mtn. Eell Telephone Go. * 6, Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist. 7. Colorado Oivision of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Servica 9. Mountain Bell Telephone Co. _'10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 11. 1.1t. Sopris Soil Conservation l.Applicaiions in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum 2, Eagle County Airpori Authority 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife 5. Vail Village West Firo ---€-Vai I Sanitation D ist. n / 2. Colo. Deoartment of Health----l1Ja--ok 3. Colorado State Engineer A P 4. Eagle County Sanitarian 'Of 5. Eagle County Engiheer t//1. KK 6, HolY Cross Electric Assrn /l 1. Colorado Geological Survey 1. S,:hool D i:trict RE50J 2. Schooi Di::,trict # 1 J. U-: i-Cr(.5: ).-rVtCC (:a3;a' l 4. US Forcct Servicc (Minturn) , #- ,. colo. state t--orcat s()rvi.co 3. 4. 7. _10. Public Service Co. of Colo. ..,22' ..-,-z.Zi-J;-* "- -1/- ' V'-ZZ-L /H.Applications in Gore Val ley - Yail Area: a I\.- AZ 1. Western Slope Gas )---7- -../ 9K 2. Town of Vail /::'- 91L 3, vail Village West Water & San, -..# 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Flocky Mtn. Natural Gas 1- School D isirict FE50J c. G\'D:,Jrr: Sar,itatton r. i:t:ict'-tTqFftffirs in CSlorado R iv 'i Arca: F!l-E # Sm, tP?''/ ? FA.GL E CO. PLAN. COMM. PIC;{TND COPY MEETING oF ./.a.fu5--!L7-L-- QA 8. School District RE5OJ 1vdL 9. Colorado Division of Wildlife 9K rc. U.S. Forest Service tl/( 11, Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 9f- lz. Public service co. of colo. -JP-13. Upper Eagle Val leY San. 5. Eigle Valley Tclephone Co. 6. Yampa V:t ley Electric C.Olir?r AgL-nc i{-.s (where .:ppropriate) 1. Coloraio Dept. of l'ligllvays - 159[!\./r-D MAY T I I9i9 *U.i:H,}li|il'i* Itl.y 9, l9?9 EagLc County Depertnent of PLennlng end DtvelopmntP. 0. Box 179Erglo, Colorado 81631 Dsar llr. Knlghtr Due to delaye ln eurveylng, the final plot plenfor nlnor Eubdlvlglon on Lot 19r tatterhozn VlllagelFlling #1, rag not available to be subnltted bydcadllne. Thcreforer a thlrty-day <leLey ls requeeted. Iourconsldcration lg greatly apprecieted. Slnce^rcly, ^/ //) ,/fu*Qe"r/""-- Vrlne Sandcrs R ICHARD D LAMM GoV ER NO R JOHN W. ROLD Dirsctor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839-2611 April 27, L979 Mr. Terrill Knight Eagl-e County Department and DeveL opment P.0. Box 17 9 Eag1e, CO 8f631 Dear Mr. Knight: We have no objection to of P l ann ing RE: SM-107-79/SANDERI S RESIDENCE approval of this ProPosed SincerelY' Engineering Geologist subdivision. LRL/vE cc: Land Use Commission GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE ApR o u rc7g '' " ii n'; ", t,; ri ;: t,f;.. FUTU RE BICHARD O. LAMM Governor C.J. KUIPER State Engineer APr( ,. I lJi9 : ' ' (irPI Lagr€. i;,rLl rl! Lolrl DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Deoartment ol Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Street - Room 818 Oenver, Colorado 80203 Admin istration (303) 839-3581 Ground water (303) 839-3587 April 24, 1979 Mr. Terrill Knight, Director Eagle County Department of Plannlng and Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 8I63 I Re: Sander's Residence File No. Sm-107-79 Dear Mr. Knight: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for theabove referenced subdivisidn. The vail village west water District has been designated as the source of water; however, no letter of commitmentfor service has been submitted. Information available in our files indicatesthat the District may have sufficlent water available to serve this develop-ment. we would recommend approval of the sander,s Residence contingent upon the developer obtaining a written commitment for service from the Dis trict . Very ris A. Danielson State Engineer JADIGDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 TerrllJ- KnJ.ghtr Eagl-e Coutty Elarmer tr gqels Cannty Plarning Dcpt. Box 179 Eagle, Coloredo 8L6tl Terrll]-: l'he Sardcra Beeldcnce drror qrbd.ivlslon reqrest wa,s qrhittcd to thc Eaglc County SolI Conaetration Digtrict for redew ald corulent. l{e have the fotlowing couaents: 1.) Areag wirlch are to bc disbrrbed ghorld hsve a rwcgetation and/or landscaplng plan provlded.2., Grlvertg ghstfld be ].ocated undcr the €rrtrancc road ln aocordancc to Eagte Cor:nty rcqnlred etnjmrn standards. 3) Sollr llformatlon should be provided in order to detetnjne acceptable gltea for brildjng, roads, revcgetatton, etc. SSncere1y, I I --t- 6*"zL ->.7-J,r*' hrd Gateo, President tii:Ci: ' ' ir'lAY + t:iii1 0ept rt r i; , ,ri t'8g, ijotiolt li^, AprLL 2+, L7l9 I I I Io u it)it)tE,ltt Iii\ 8ll,li Velma L. & BillY !'J. Sanders P. O. Box 1257 Vai1, Colorado 81657 If you have tact us. \/,{ L ll-ltiY tS A N i "n' A "if ll O N lD lt S"I'X{ I C lt' Ol45 Avon Road P.O. Ilox Y Avorr, Colorado 8162O (303) 949-5274 April 17, L979 ff:E,vED , .o tgig ,,i,io,;;:;e* Re:Sewer Service to ProPosed Adclitional unit at Lot 19 'I{atterhorn Village, Filing Dear Mr. & IIrs. Sanders: The Upper Eagle Va1ley Sanitation District does now provid'e wastewater treatn5nt services to the above referenced property and can and will provide wastewater treatment to the proposed additional unit. The rules and regulations of the upper Eagle Valley Sanita- tion District require the payment of an additional sewer tap fee and the installation of a waLer meter for each separate unit since separate ovrnership may eventually occur.. AccordinglyrupOn complianle with rules ana regulations of the district' sewer service witl be Provided. any further questions' please feel free to con- Ly, ames P. Di s trict JPC: cy cc: John V. Amato, Esq. Al Flervelling lJillian Cacek I4anager VAIL JPC: cy cc: Byron BrownIVilliam CacekAI Flewelling I^/EST WATER A SnNrrarl c/o James P. Collins 445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Denver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-15s1 April- L7, 1979 Jarfles P:611-insDistrictManager DISTRICT ftFCEIYgD tvtAy 1s Jg/g '*i ;;';:ry* o VILLAGE o ON Velma L. & Billy IJ. SandersP. O. Box 1257 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: VJater Service to Proposed Additional unit at Lot l-9, I,latterhorn Village, filing #1' Dear Mr. & l4rs. Sanders: ' The Vail Vj-llage ['/est Water & Sanitation District can and will provide water service to the proposed expansion of thesingle-farnily dwelling to a duplex on the above referenced lot. The rules and regulations of the water district requirethat water meters be installed to each of the units and then an additional water tap fee of $1,000 be paid for such an ex-pansion. Upon compliance with the ruLes and regulation, thedistrict will provide water service. If you have any further questions, please feel free tocontact us. Sincerely, L VILLA ST V]ATER & ITATI TRI f,nteroffilee nnemnorendunn To:PLANNING & TERRILL KNIGHT, DIRECTOR, OnWr,Opl,CiSt SAI{DER'S RES]DENCE - MATTERI{ORN Subiect: From: gaU ERIK W. EDEEN, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER File No.: sn-107-79 Oate! APRrL 9, 1979 APPLICAIiIT : Velma L. Sanders Box 1257 vail, CO 81657 I }IAVE REVIEWED THE PI,ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SANDERS I MATTERHORN RESTDENCE AND }IAVE THE FOLLOWING COMIVIENT: The driveway should be moved away frorn the edge of the 1ot 1ine. Eagle County Departrnent of PLanning and Developrent Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 OneParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe streel P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (3O3) 534-1261 April 16, 1979 Re: Preliminary Plot Plans {-yai]--1zi11age West #L Re--sidense ;-!i6cGfioiiiArR . i, ,rft ot Flannrng fagle, County, rh ':i..) lvl : & Devet Colo \ ( =tttr4-fi6' 1 -------*- Gentlemen: We have examined t].e above captioned plot pLans and find that at this tfune Western has no facilities on the Land to be plotted. Please note that we are a transrnission utility and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subject subdivisions. Very truly yours, ,, l--l ' .t' /'_./?./ / | /t 7.1y'.;{ ".J'.1 '/Laura L. Rodgers ' Associate Right-of-Vlay Agent LLRzPf CnOTE COUNTY O Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date-RECEIVED cHEc$24//CASH ITEM Bu ild ino Perm it Fee Application For Subdivision A lication Zone Change Conditional Use Spec ral Use Variance Aopeal Fee Code: (Bu ild ing) (Zoning) (Subdivision Total Received All ltems are received for no- pay ment of any item. AMOUNT aa Ne 4808 collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for EAGTE COUNTY o ENT -DIPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPM EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| Box 179 April 6, 1979 RE: File No. Sm-107-79 - Sander's Residence Matterhorn Filing #1 APPLICANT: Velma L. Sanders )Yl r noz S ^ 4 Box 1257 Vai1, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submjtted to the Eagie County P'l anning Conrnission for review and recom- mendation at their regular meeting on 16 May 1979. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended, and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 6.00, 1972, as amended effective I August 1976, you have 35 days from date mailed within whjch to respond or the request wil'l be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Conrmission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recorrnendatjons prior to the meeting date.If you desjre additional information or time, please advise this office. Thank you very much, BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSSloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Exl 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 CO UIITY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLANNING ExI 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHE RIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 sOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | L'4,;,flfbtK Terrill Knight Di rector TK/J K Enc. FILE # ...-.i.s-.:.lg:!.:.?L--. . ..... EAGLE CO. PLAN. COMM. RECORD COPY MEETING oF -./.4..ru+*./.t?-f ltJ U( 0. f (J z I a F .L ..':*,i-l{.-t',-'}'....-' ,....'.. . -.rt'. ,9.. , - ''9,,.*.-ttt !.- r'. i..'r-----:::-. Li.' -:Ll,',ti,:,. -..r., '.\\ :.- ,. i.., .. .+:.:N - ^i ; 1';1) 'i *$I S jiFli\,*j/l l=T j i$ri'l,uAlqF6i i iilD tl i 'ii i{:i'i,-'.ir5l * slN Nf, .-'*-={\ ilI !l;t+rJf);+'il fll .:= {i . 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' --::-I * 27-i=. : s>>!-\.\ ^,- J lt :o' \ 9=2*,! =frtr:= ^u=6v ulX:-Z = >x=o\ A-. - :-: al - f 'r rJ <i 2>_4-'d$ J-a:tA F=:Z F..y-*2" 9nc4z 2-o-o./t t._ .^ ):cz-<5. ts-:J U a vr\i) bC!tvr--\rt| \A'v \*J'PhaEIAv \/ \ir'v F)h F}\]At\\$N vv -\v -\7./ rq.A\J o- l.\\ = \r/!u h)fe\,)v 'F\.N.ri)L v \, /tn \ \ \ I.t L j ],i1 Rlt-z )-u F a I ! i I , J Tf i * $ 1 I t 4 .Ll -r' ${l I tj I q l"l I,l ilf iitiqr i I I i I S o g t z 2z to I o tz izo @ tz cr d 4 F :lz = o z I =:vo dcza ,da /l\ t^sl I{I-' t\o r0 @ QOl|ort< xoOJslo U J a =trlE v)Lrl 2 u,lrl e (J u.rva v *\i ij {,t i { dt+\l ET o P$EI TITN$IT OT FIJIH N IiIO inifB EEVffTOPilEI{T MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subj: Mcl)onald l|ldg.550 llroadrvay l'.0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Kirsch Sanders via the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder Department of Planning and Development 2 December 1977 Minutes (Court Reporter) of the 28 November 1977 Board of County Commissioners meeting concerning Matterhorn Vil lage Subdivision As you requested, we submit to you acopy of the minutes, as taken by the Court Reporter, of the 28 November 197-l Board of County Commissioners meeting concerning the Matterhorn Village Subdivision matter. When the Court Reporter submitted the minutes to us she also submitted a letter stating that the Matterhorn Village portion of the Hearing was not a complete transcript, however, she did have al I the notes and could prepare one if necessary. Thank you l)litnning I)t'ptrltntcnt/l'lannin11 Oonrmission: Sulxlivision, ftczorrirrli, A;rJrlic;rl.iols tnrl ltt.vicrv (30J) l?8-(i.l3S IluiLling O[lit jll: lluiklirrg I'trnrits itnd InsJrcction, Zoning r\dnrirrist.r:r t.io1 (30]l) 32lt-tj33g EAOIE COUNTY t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 u tz t3 t4 t5 l6 l7 t8 l9 zo 2l 22 zt 24 z5 " ?IIIS MATTER being considered by the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, at 1:30 p.m. on November 28, 1977, in the Commissionerst Rootn, McDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado. APPEARANCES: GEORGE ROSENBERG, Esq., appearing for and on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado,.: MR. BLAIR: As you recalI, and as you have made known here today, you did request that rve continue the meeting to this date to consider the construction of a building on Lot 19 in Matterhorn Subdivision -- excuse me -- Matterhorn Village Subdivision in l^lest Vail -- at least portions of Lot 19 are owned by the Sanders. They have obtained a building permit and are doing some remodeling to an exj-sting building. . r ltoThere were some folks in the area JMx did make so cornplaints to the Building Department about the building that was occurring there ancl remodeling, and asked us to investigate, which we have. This has been going on since about last August, I believe. Nevertheless, since there is sLill some quesl-ion about what bui-lding is occurring and ivhether it is occurring inpccordance with County Regulations and on some agreemenLs with interpretations and decisions ntade, the Board of CounLy Commissione::s has been brought this qucst-ion now for final determination. We thouqht this had been done at I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 tl l2 t3 l4 t5 f6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 previous meetings, bnt there are stiIl some questions remaining, so the Commissioners asked the Staff to prepare a'report and make a presentation to'the Board at today's meeting. We.have prepared a report and I would like to read it to the Board, if I may, for the record and for the -- for everyone really concerned here to listen. (Presentation by Mr. Blair for planning Staff) (Presentation by I.{rs. Sanders) (Discussion) COlilt'IISSfONER I{ILLIA!1S: Back to her particuLar problem. f would just simply say, from my feeling is that I see Lot 19 -- the entirety of Lot 19 getting adequate square footage for a duplex, and that she apparently has bui-lt a duplex, but I would ask her to go back and get a1l the proper building applications, submit the floor plans to the best of her abij_ity, so that they vri11 be on record and on file. MRS. SANDERS: f still i-hink I have alreadv clone that, after the last mecting. (Discussion) l'lRS. SANDEIfS: I understand, if I am going to use that one as a duplex, f will not build on that other half of Lot, so make that part of the record, okay? CIIAIPJ.IAN TROXBLL: I'erri-II, on this other discussi_ -2- .: ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 il l2 t3 t4 t5 l6 t7 IB l9 20 2l 22 21 24 25 I think it should be a priority -- I think we should on the approvecl pl-at, we have of that subdivision, have it, approved and signed off,by thc Board of Commissioners as where everything is at. Now, if that means goinq back, leveryone owns half lots, thatls fine, but we should kno\. this.t ,.. 'l (Discussion) to ]-: Board? CHATRMAN TROXELL:fs that the concurrence of the MR. BLAfR: Irlhat was it you v/ere asking? CHAIRI"IAN TROXELL: Vle need a priority issue on Matterhorn to try to figure out who owns what there. If they are half l-ots, fine. Then have that thing approred by the Commissioners and get rid of the oLher one. (Discussion ) ** ** ** -3- REPoRT To: BOA|l OF COUNTY CON{IVI,,,,T,*, FROM: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ,LQDATE: -++ NOVEMBER 1977 SUBJ: LOT 19, MATTERHORN VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SANDERS BUILDING PERMIT GENERAL INFORMATION Date of Subdivision Approval: September 3, 1963 Regulations : Subdivision Regulations, First: April 6, 1964 September 5, 1972 Current: August 1, 19?6 Building Code, First: September 16, 1973 Currentl 1976, Amended, APril 1, 1977 Zoning Resolution: October 19, 1974 April 2, 1975 Current Zoning: Residential Suburban Medium - allows single-family' duplex and multi-family units at density of 1 unit per 8,000 sq. ft. fot 19 created at time of Subdivision Approval Lot Split: November 10, 1966 Book 199 Page 451 History: Robert E. Nesmith, Subdivider Nesmith to F.A. Raybourn - September 10, 1964 Book 181 Page 425 Ntl - Raybourn to Mervyn Lapin - November 10, 1966 Book 199 Page 451 Ntl - Lapin to Peter Runyon - April 1, l-971 Book 22O Page 371 Ntl - Runyon to Velma and Billy Sanders - May 31 , lg77 9/z - Raybourn to Overhead Door Co. of Shreveport, Inc. - December 15, 1966 Book 199 Page 519 S% - Overhead Door Co. of Shreveport, Inc. to Velma Sanders - August 71 , t972 Book 225 Paee 342 Size of Nlf l,ot: 10,423.08 sq. ft. (.239 acre) Size of Lot 19: Approx. 20,846.6? sq. ft. (.4?9 acre) Date of construction of house : 1964 ( County Assessor t s Record) HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT Visit by Velma Sanders : Fall 1976, to Building Inspector Purpose: To determine what permits were necessary to do minor work to existing unit Information Given; No permit necessary for repair work under $250-00 Complaint: August 19?7 By: Telephone Concerning: Storage shed owned by Velma Sanders. Appeared to be being remodeled into living unit. Inspection: John Evans Mid-August Determination: No cbnstruction being done in or around shed. Action: None Page 2 Lot 19, Matterhorn Villa Complaint: Mid-August 1977 By: Ernst Larese Concerning: General complaints about Matterhorn Village Area, and specifically building on Lot 19. Inspection and Meeting with Sanders: John Evans on August 1,7 , 7977. Determination: A Building Permit was necessary for the work being done. Action: Sanders was verbally notified of necessity of obtaining a permit. BUILDINC PERMIT BY-l4NlEEEj August I7, L977 Permit ffi'l78 Fee $5.00 Work Described: Insulation, Repair Inspections: None requested, none made Meeting: Terrill Knight and Les Douglas met with Ernst Larese at the end of August in response to complaint and toured Matterhorn Village area on foot. Building on Lot 19 was one of several items looked at and discussed. At approximately 5:30 P.M. Les Douglas went inside the building on Lot 19 and looked around. Determination: Knight and Douglas, after checking with State files and finding no record before 1972 of. area buildings, concurred that all the items dis cus sed were p_re-existing non-_confor-ming .uses, and that because there were no plans or permits or applications on file, ' there was no way of readily determining what changes might have been made. Action: Phone call to Larese by Terrill Knight on October 6, Ig77 to tell him that it seemed that those items discussed were pre-existing non-conforming uses. Complaint: September 27 , 1977 By: Ernst and Barbara Larese, Rita Wasmeier, and Marie Claire Moritz, to the Board of County Commissioners. Concerning: General complaints about Matterhorn Village and apparent zoning violation - Duplex on Lot 19. Inspection: October 6, 1977 - Terrill Knight and John Evans Determination: The Building on Lot 19 is a Duplex. Applicant stated it had been a Duplex and she repaired it. After a conversation with County Attorney, it was determined that a Duplex was a legal use for entire l.ot 19. Action: Memo from Terrill Knight to Board of County Commissioners MBETING WITH BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: October 26, 1977 Present: Report from Planning Staff concerning Lot 19 Action: Commissioners requested a meeting November 2I , 7977 to review matter and have reports from Planning Staff and Attorney. Page 3 Lot 19, Matterhorn Villaf MEETING WITH BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: November 2L, 1977 Present: Matterhorn Village residents, Velma Sanders, County Staff Action: Commissioners, after much discussion, set November 28 as date to meet with Staff and resolve issue. by rhe prRECroR fi/ < 6 Conclusions: 1. The original Subdivision and Building were created prior to or in accordance with County Regulations; 2. The lot (19) was dividednotin accordance with County Regulations and shouldbe corre cted ; 3. The use and repair/remodeling of the building is not entirely clear but apparently was legally established prior to County Regulations; 4. Complaints made about the subject building make the problems appear larger than actuality because of the sincere concern of area citizens to maintain a good neighborhood; 5. The building permit applicant has probably understated actual work being done; 6. The Building Resolution was amended after applicant contacted this Department; 7. The building inspectors have probably underestimated work being done and had not taken the additional time necessary to inspect existing buildings for possible work being done; 8. Inspections were made and complaints investigated, resulting in general compliance with County Regulations as legally existing non-conforming and generally "up to code"; 9. Area residents disagreed with Staff findings and decisions, so Staff brought question to the Board for decision. RECOMMENDATIONS - Request for Resolution: 1. Since the entire Lot 19 is owned in two portions by the same ovr/ners, the division line should be vacated and the two portions combined into one lot of record. Request to be made by the current owners to the Board; 2. The building owner should reapply for a building permit clearly and specifically detailing all work to be done to the building and on the Lot, including construction drawings and a site plan. taEtt c0uNIy DEFdl&TffiTHT Ntct)onald Bldg. OT PIAilNIilO AHD DEVETOPffifrHT 550 Broadway P.O. Box 179 llaglc, Colorado 81031 10 November 19?7 Ern st Larese t56l+ ti. l,lafterhorn Circle Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear lulr. Larese, As a result of your meeting with the Board of County Connissioners, our department made an inspection of the building located on Lot 19 Iulaiterhorn Vi-l1age subdirrisi.on. A copy of our menoranCum to the Board i.s i.ncluded with this lelter. Ihe Board wil-l be discussing this rnatter on ""he afternoon of i'londay, November 21, 1977, anci you are invitcd to attend. lre will forlard an agenda to you as soon as it is conrposed. ff you have any questionsr please contaci this office. Terrill Pl-anner rtr / :v ikright I'lanning I )cpartme n t,/l)hnning Contntission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications anrl l|'visw (JgJ) JZ1I-6JJS Iluilding oflicial: ltuilding l)t,rmits rnd Inspcction, Zoning Atlnrinisrrar.ion (30J) J2g-(i3J9 Sinc erely, EA[I.E COUNTT OF PIANNII{! AN8 l'lanning I)ollilrtnlont,/l)lit nning C'otrtmission: Subrlivision, Ilczoning, Applications rncl ltcvit:w (J03) 328-6JJll Iluilding olficial: ltuikiing l\'rnrits antl Inspection, z'nirrg Arlnrinistr:rtion (JOJ) J2tt-6.3J9 DEFJI&T[f,EI{T DE1lE I,OPiJgiilT McDoneld Bldg.550 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 9 November 1977 l.Irs. Velma Sanders U08 I'I. Lucerne Iane P.O. bx 1257 Vai1, Co. Bl5Jf Dear l'Irs. Sanders, In response to a complaint, the Board of County Coranj_ssi_oners asked. this deparLment to inspect the buildjrg located on Lot 1!, liatterhom Vi-Uagesubdiuision. You, as lhe record olmer llere contacteci by us anci ueregracious enough to give us access to the builc.ing. ile determined that it lras i.n fact used as a duplex at ttris tine. Attached is a copy of a menorandu.n from myself to the Board of County cominlssioners concertring 'uhat inspection. fire tsoard irill discuss the item on their meetirrg of I'ionday, ljovember 21.. lle w'i11 for-rrard an agenda to ;rcuas soon as it is composed. We welcone you to discuss this matter r,rith the Boa:.d of Corurty Coruni.ssioners. ff you have any questions, please contact this ofjice. Thank you, /n/ i*",2/ffilff4erri11 ifiri.E;h|, ' /Plarurer / nv / :t- EA[IE COUNTT DETABTEf,TlIT OT PI.Jtr}INI}I& AND DT1lEI.OPi,IEIIT McDonald Bldg.550 Broadway P.O. Rox 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ! I'Iovember 1977 MH4OI|A}IDUM TO: Board of County Corrunissioners FROM: Terrj-l-l Knight SUBJECT: Zon:ing inspection - I.ot 19 l.Iatterhorn Village Subdivision l"lr. John Evans and myself inspecteC the stmcture on Lot 19, Ihtterhorn Villagesubdivision on October 6, 1977. The otvner, l.Irs. Velrna Sanders, aecompanieci ui on the inspection. Orr evaluation is that it is designed and currently being used as a two-fanrilyduelling. An inspeclion request form for that visit is attached. iirs. Sanceisindicated to us that the utilities i,!:ere in place for a lt.;o-family unit and that she rnade improvements under the prernise that the builc-ing vras a ciuplex. I.ot 19r i'latterhorn Village is il the Sesicential- Cuburb:n l.lccir-r;:r Density zone (RSI'I) wirich cioes allow n:u1tip1e fa:uly duelli.ngs proviced that thc l-ot contains 1! 19q"t 81000 square feet per ir.'elling u_,':-it,. lire fot confai-ns approxinately 201000 square feet which indicates that a cuplex is alloned on the lot anci d.oes conform vrith the zon-ing regula.vions . ole conplicating factor is thai this lot was sprit by deed some tine ago, notin conformance wi'"h subdivision regulations. The Couaty ioes not recoSnize thisas a re-subdivided 1ot and the plat of the original r.,'ho1c lot is ccnsidered valici.The ottner of recorci for that portion of the lot on l.'hi, ch lire structure j-s locate{is listed as Velma arci Bil1y Sani.ersl with tire renaining portion fistec as being orared by Ve1na Sanders. According io zoning and subdivisi-on regulations, thi.s use is 1egal for jot 19. The problen will occur r^rhen and if a builciing perrrit for an ad<iitlonal building o1 Jo! 19 is applied for. As of this time, lre have not determi.ned that a zoningviolation has taken place. cc: Geo. Rosenberg Planning I)eptrtnre nt/l'la nning Commission: Subdivision. Rczoning, Applications anrl ltr.view (303) 328-6338 Building otficial: Iluikling lrlrnrits and Inspection, Zoning Administration {J0J) J2lt-6JJ9 lie,r;;;i. (:: l), .LytI ',1'. t ,i,e urderrsi | 1,,'cl coir.c;erne,d ci,tizcns and i-)r'o[)erl,/- orrlr,rs of ],1:l ,.t,r.,t,l.iornYi l-J rel u:';1s ic;unty, uisir to regi.; Lcr a citjzens oornirr.aint agarnt l-i:rbarlrand, r Ernst Larcse f or raork comoleted on thej i" resj.,.erre in r4atterir,..,rnvj lL f'4, Irlinr" lJo. I i;fter septrnL.cr r(, r-73 r.;:fl-r.ut obt,aj rnng e Lr;i1ci'rpcrr it frotn ,lanle Clunty. Tl'e i:'i;gL,: Cirrrntr, Brrj Irji :rl lj rrsrtnf :ri, hi;s s+":teclti:t-r hi';ve not j sl; 'r..d a .Bui lCi ry" perni t to Bi;rbsra 3r Erp:;t Larr.sr 1.rornlp',f it rr 1i , 11,/.1 tL: tl:.-:. c,Lrrent ci::te; hc'e,rer, dr:rins thi s ti-me they'it.:", Clr;'-l:rci ti '. .r,,^ i.rf tlre bUi ldj lf r ehanfed the r,alf s: .,tJ .l.,rj:l +,,.- pt,,-1, ;vl'ar ilit:11.,<j a rrrosS-rt.ck fir,.l:1.^r:^r e ..1_.1 ilj:,. 1..:,, rlr..t,.r. :. .:,,j ',rj 1rl.;-,,1, :ita j.rr.,rarl:; , jntoricr cetitj ons, u,:,il _-.rir.f."rc ,; ::1,.1 fj,.j_sl:. llr. I arese is curr',-rrtl.,' iri |j rnin ol tl:e l,iattc-l,cr"l-; /j l_1:ge covenarrt@6xr'1rillp31 yet I-re cji rl not obtaj n a|i-.roVi;l f ro:", i,il, irri c,r. cov{rlli-,ntctrt'trittr--r r r,'lto i.';r,i Serrir!' rrhen l e did tis :,,ork. /. ), ^/ -- 2 .- i. rr 1J._/'/ t ( t.(L-; t,r'r., t., 11 1 r,' -. I I t rir,:,,t / J t PETITION TO: The County Commissioners County of Eagle State of Colorado We, the undersigned residents and landowners of the area commonly known as Matterhorn, which is situate West of the Tovtn of Vail, County of Eagle, Colorado, desire to express our concern regarding a severe and dangerous condition that now exists in our area with reference to traffic congestion, excessive parking and i11e9al and excessive population density. We therefore, by thesepresents, petition and inform the County Commissioners of the following, to wit: (1) Owing to the already existing high density of residents, transient or otherwise, in the area, \^te requesL a review of the zoning resolution pertaining to our area, and in- vestigation into the County's policy of issuing building permits, and further request a temporary moratorium on such permits until a policy can be formulated; (2) we request that the County com- missioners enforce the zoning ordinance relating to limitations imposed upon the area for residential uses in view of the violations by some landowners in the area thereof in other illegal uses, €.9., 'boarding houses, motels, inns, etc.t (3)-we further request the- County Commissioners to enforce restrictions against illegal park- ing on streets in the area, violations of traffic laws in the area and to further inquire into changing the existing dangerous pattern of traffic therein in order to preclude or ameliorate the extremely hazardous condition affecting the school children in the neighbor- hood as well as other Dersons. DATE NAME ADDRXSS Tleoht ql'/:' ?/e7/ / 7 f /a-uy++ 72, , €/z-^-6-r'2 o, C/@n(" t"., S;#"Qlb"'"bx Azt/uorl-,GL {,0, l:t /44d"// Aav z{ 1t {71a/ t t q /z,ol\"t ?/zt /tt 7 i:t1t i f/rz/zt f/=t/ zt Q f 2.7/ tz 6^ /ott /*-'/, 44 {r.-! /Jn"'" 4u** M*fuqr/fAn-*/^d.,Aax /ta2 /o /r4r//tt Q pV lt/ nl, /l .t}]// t t r l)Vntr o\//.,, {--L,^ L L (-(.w!. ll t\u .y7\> ^lllO,'\\l/,tll IA1+ \Cffierl,row eL,eLe 6uo 'fiq( trar-{ A,0o"d, of{ .t) (g 60 'r{ o EIdz bo&gO .rl rlH 'rl'r{ Fq r{rl(o {r atl{r@> Fieo+)dqr111.rlOOa=o(aP(t{(t'o@oi(sf{ t r-td()r{.rlod>.qgF(ssrltl(oooo.q.r{ l't fur.{(6O.rl +.>FtolrdJldFq =E cl.l o (u -5 a4/1(x 6ic\../t) J €_? *r- V r{G-4 '-+ > !ttr' \-,.N >< ')-l) r\,\\\tt v N \-(--r-r tt-r\ !9c./ Q.1.s* \N' otrNtt3v tNt'l Hroz or'9 HfNl 3Hr ( 'VNNtJ 'OOO,t\NUiI tNl "Of I ft )r .,1. a_otlxl3tv tNr.| Hroz 'or '9 HaNl tHl, or oaxoz 'vNNld 'oooa\l{lrtJ "3Nl "o3 l'lloltda \ \ iri so{ l.r l- !rtr J(^'-tti 'tr v t- t4-+ J!. ,+. orrNlStv 3Nl'l Hroz 'ol 's H3Nl lHl ol oaxoz 'vNN3d 'OOO^ NdlJ "fNr "O3 a'llOltda tYi lJ t-- I an 't IA _-n -\, c,f .n 'r1 tlt -(.\ /,1 il. 4//e.rtza^. Fr<k \------*- Jl Texs fit, \ ^ F/'v/sil i i f- |It Erlie ..'. i i- st\e l\l I\l I PLOT PLAN ADDRESS PERMIT NO. ' . l/ LEGAL tV, 1/oescinplon tot 17 aK aoonronMA-TfFR//cAN E/ SITE AREA Sq. Ft. AREA OF SITE OCCUPIED BY BUILoINGS Sq. Ft. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT THIS FOFM NEED NOT BE USED WHEN PLOT PLANS ORAWN TO SCALE OF NOT LESS THAN 1.'=2O,ARE FILED WITH PERMIT APPLICATION. (EACH BUILDING SITE MUST HAVE A SEPAFAT€ PLOT PLAN,) FOR NEW BUILDINGS PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION lN THE SPACE BELOW: LOCATION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING IMPROVEME NTS. SHOW BUILDING, SITE. AN D SETBACK DIMEN. SIONS. SHOW EASEMENTS, FINISH CONTOURS OR DRAINAGE, FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION, STREET ELEVA.TION AND SEWER SERVICE ELEVATION, SHOW LOCATION OF WATER, SEWER, GAS AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE LINES. SHOW LOCATTON OF SURVEY PtNS. SPECIFY THE USE OF EACH BUILDING AND MAJOR POR. TION THE REOF. INDICATE NORTH IN CIRCLE GRAPH SOUARES ARE 5'X 5'OR 1"=20' l/We certify that the proposed conctruction rvill conform to the dimonsions and uses shown above and that no changes witl be made without firn obtaining approval. - ', //dJ,o5' SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AUTHORIZEA REPRESENTATIVE DO NOT WRITE EELOW THIS LINE -4ql J .'{ ti / 2_ ./t 7 7)t4^,-7 I\- \l tn t t/ /z-at 7t/\t ir. (t K {'l-:J t s o,i o t \ f I-,7 a ,7 I \l'/\l V DISTRICT APPROVEO AS NOTED Form 2OO.l 9-69 INSPECTOR OATE ADDRESS PERMIT NO. LEGAL DESCRIFTION LOT BLK ADD|TTON 1l ,4 SITE AREA Sq. Ft.AREA OF SITE OCCUPIED BY BUILOINGS-- Sq. Ft. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT THIS FOBM NEED NOT BE USED WHEN PLOT PLANS DRAWN TO SCALE OF NOT LESS THAN 1,,=20, AREFILED WITH PERMIT APPLICATION. (EACH BUILDING SITE MUST HAVE A SEPARATE PLOT'PLAN.I FOR NEW BUILDINGS PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION lN THE SPACE BELOW: LOCATION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING INIP ROVE I\4E NTS, SHOW BU ILDING, SITE, AND SETEACK DIMEN, SIONS. SHOW EASEMENTS, FINISH CONTOURS OR DRAINAGE, FIRST FLOOR ELEVATTON, STREET ELEVA.TION AND SEWER SERVICE ELEVATION, SHOW LOCATION OF WATER. SEWER, GAS ANO ELECTBICAL SERVICE LINES. SHOW LOCATION OF SURVEY PINS. SPECIFY THE USE OF EACH BUILDING AND MAJOR POR- TION THE REOF. INDICATE NORTH IN CIRCLE GRAPH SOUARES ARE 5'X 5'OR 1"=20' l/We cenity that the proposed construction will conform to the dimensions and uses shown above and that no chanoes will be made withour f irst obtaining approval. NAME(S) OF OWNER(5) OF StTE & STRUC"TURE(SI (PRINT)NER15) OF AU TH DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPROVED AS NOTEDotsTRtcT /Y ( /n i ). Form 20O.1 9-69 APPL,ICAI]T DATE oll tttv tNt'l t{.to? 'or '9 'YNNtJ'OOOAiXdTJ HSNt tHl r "3 t"o3f ' Itt+ 'r 'or'9 H3Nl tHr ('r ozxoz NU3r "3Nr "O: '9 '1!Ollda -i. (, \ \ it, (n orrNISaY tNl.I l{toz 'ol 'c 'vNtlSd'coo^ Nutl HSNl IHI o.l o?xoz "fNt "oa l1!ollda \- . t. ftt' -c. ,--.--_ | k '4|t,".r\ t.1 -f N 7/I/, /jit- 9l"tflM-l-.lr -\\ N AODRESS PERMIT NO. LEGAL SITE AFEA Sq. Ft.AREA OF SITE OCCUPIED BY BUILOINGS Sq. Ft. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT THIS FORM NEED NOr BE USED WHEN PLOT PLANS DRAWN TO SCALE OF NOT LESS THAN 1"=20'AREFILEO WITH PERMII APPLICATION. (EACH BUILDING SITE MUST HAVE A SEPARATE PLO]'PLAN.) FOR NEW BUILDINGS PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION lN THE SPACE BELOW: LOCATTON OF PROPOSEO CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING II\4PROVEMENTS. SHOW BUILDING, SITE, AND SETBACK DIMEN. SIONS. SHOW EASEMENTS, FINISH CONTOURS OR DRAINAGE, FIBST FLOOR ELEVATION. STREET ELEVA.TION AND SEWEF SERVICE ELEVATION. SHOW LOCATTON OF WATER, SEWER, GAS AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE LINES. SHOW LOCATION OF SURVEY PINS. SPECIFY THE USE OF EACH BUTLDING AND IVAJOR POR. TION THE REOF. INDICATE NORTH IN CIRCLE GRAPH SOUARES ARE 5'X 5'OB 1"=20' NAME(5) OF OWNERlS) OF SITE & SIR{-ICTURE(SI iPFIINT) l/We certify that the proposed conslruction will conform to the dimensions and uses shown above and that no chanqes will be made withour tirst obtaining approval. NOT WRITE DISTF ICT APPROVED AS NOTED Form 200.1 9-69 ASSESSO R DATE i.- TR(O BLJT LE G, Dictated to me on July 27, L977 by John Siverly: Your cl-ients, the committee members, can do whatever they want to do, which is what I intend to do and in that same regard, should they desire less density and should they not wish me to build on the lots adjacent to them, I could certainly suggest that they buy those lots forthwith. The Stenney lot and the Whitten lot are listed for sale with Byron Brown Realty- I'1I wait one week before I purchase those 1ots. fus,. *;;';5'"* a \railAssoclateglnc. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 8'1657, 303/47G5601 September 26, L977 To Whom it May Concern: I owned the property on the north half of Lot 19 fromthe Sprinq of 1971 until the Spring of L977 at whichtime I sold it. to Kirsch Sanders. At no time durinq my ownership was this dwelling more than a singlefanily unit, containing one kitchen area. Peter F. Runyon Zt/t/- Sincerely, EA0H C0Ut{II DTTIBTTilEHT OT PI.AilI{IHO AI{D !T1'EI.OPiXElIT McDonald Bldg. 550 Broadwey P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 22 Novenber L977 Mrs. Velna Sanders P.Q. Box t257Vail, CoJ-orado 6L657 At their Rrblic Hearing on County Conrmissioners set ato reviev the issue of the iaspectors, planning staff I.ot 19, I.latterhorn Village 21 llovember L97?, t'he Board of meeting for November 2t, al tz3O zoning complain! uith the bullding and obner. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Terrj-ll l6right,, P]-arrner rr/sv cc: Board of County Comrnj.ssioners Planning Deparlment/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Ruilding Official: Iluilding l,ermits and Inspection, Zoning Rezoning, Applications and Rcview (303) 328-6338 Administrat ion (303) 328-6339 o AMOUNT aa .a.$ EAGLE COUNTY RECEIVED OF ITEM Bu ild ino Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Aool ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Apoeal Fee Code: (Building) Total Received Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT (Subdivision) D^b r-,/7 ,n7; be cancelled for *"H':3il,?5.l*',,0 couRrHousE, EAG|_E, co.-pH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDIN. PERMIT 07 78 Velma Sanders orrE 18 August ts 7 7-------;;sBox--125-,Vail,PEAMIT NO.ColoradrColoradoAPPLICANT PER M IT TO (NO.)(S'REET)(C ONT R'S LICENSE) Repair rental unit NUMBER OF DWELLING UN ITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENI) (-_) sroRY NO.(PROPOSEO I'SE' Ar (LocArroN)North y'z Lot 19r-Matterhorn Villa€le DrsrRrcr ( NO.l (STFEET) SETWEEN AND {CR055 STREET)( CROSS STREET) LCT o oo C;z: lr- suBolvr:itoN BUILOING IS TO TYPE LOT-BLOCK-SIZE TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY USE GROUP - FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOATION R E MAR KS: AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArEo cosr S 465.00 FEEMTT $ 5.00 (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET} Velma Sanders a66pg5s Rox 1257, Vail, Colorado 81657 OWN ER BUIL BY (Affidcrvit on ?eve-lre ride of qpplicolion to bc compleled by outhorized ogeni of owncr) \ 1 couRTHousE, EAGrE; CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 oArE June 5 Velma L. Sanders osr.... BUTLDING DIV]SICF EAGT.E COUNTY, p.O. illX zac Add to existing structurE__i "ro^" BUITDINO PERMIT DEPT. FIIE COPY ia 0299 APPL ICANT PERMIT TO ( NO.)(SIFEET'(CONTR'S LICENsE) NUMBER OF OWELLING UI{ITS (TYPE OF TMPROVEMENT)liO,( PROPOSEO U5E) ZON ING AT I LOCAT ION ) ( cRoss STREET)(cRoss SrREEr)3 |l @ o oz:tro BUILDING IS TO SE - FT.WIDE AY - FT.LCNG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE - USE GROU P BASEMENT WA LLS OR FOUNOATION {TYPE) REMARKS: AREA OR VOL U ME esr rurreo cosr $6, OO0.oo ( CUSTC/ SO UAR E FEET) o*"." Velma Sanders rooness Vail , Colorado 81657 PERMIT ,'.FEE $33.92 BUILDING (Affidovit on ieve'ire ride of opplicotion to bc compleled by ouihorizcd ogenl of owncr) F-ii }t-n 0 L.r F€ffii EF(J t . 6-zo -- z ., z ;. z Eo ! =F.z IJJ o o zo() = oz t !J =F (9zoJ ;Hu)l(ol q d g ol olq .i q >l .tHrol C\l "1 XIol 1 o F (9zo !J..lD oF.9 (,z oJ o tl. Reception N".-.---.116.-035-.--...-... ...-....lfgny-gl-1---4L-8-e{a----......-...--..Recorder' dizq Tnrs DrEon Meite this lst b€twss! l@RV]3tI LAPIN day o! APrlI . rs 71 of ttre and Stat€ ol Colorado, of the firtt part, andCounty of EA GI.f, ot tbe '"-, r ,-jColorado, ol the second part: , WITNESSETE, That the miit partY of the first partr fo! and in consideration ol the sum of TEN------- DOLLARS to the aaid part] ol the first part in hand paitt by said prrt] of the second part, ths'receipt vhereof is bereby confessed an! acknowledged, he S g:anted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do g:rant, bsrgain, aell, convey an<l confinn, unto the raiil part f of tlre aecon.l pert,hls heirs nnd assigns for' ever, all the following dercribed lot or parcel ol land, situate, lying and bciag in the County of Eagle anil Stsle of Coloradq, to wit: Th€-North half of Lot Nlneteen (19), MATTERHORN VILIAGE FILING NO. l, accordlng to the recorded plat thereof, belng that part of sald Lot 19 North of a llne descrlbed as follows: Beglrntng at a poLnt on the Westenly ltne of sald Lot whlch ls L05.03 feet Southerly of the lntersectlon of the Westerly and Northerly 1!nes extended, ttre Eastenly a distance of 103.19 feet, more or less, to a polnt on the Easterly l1ne of sald Ipt r*rlch ts 97.97 feet Southerly flom th€ . Northeast corner of said J'ot, County of Eagle, State of Colqrado, TOGETEER with all anal singulsr tbe hered.itsments anil appurtenance3 ther€to belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and th,e reversion and reversions, remsinder and remainders, r€nts, issuet anil profits lhereof' and alt tho estats, right, title, int€r€st, cl8im and d.emand whatsoever of the said part ] of the first pcrf either in law or equity, of, in end to ths ebove bergained premises,iwith the hereditammts and appurtenances, TO SAIrE AND TO EOLD the ssial premises ebove bargaiaed and tlescribed with the appurtenBnces, unto thc eaid part Y of ths second part, h1 S trsi;. and assigns forever, And the said part ] of the first part' for h!tr ref hls neirr, drecuton, and aclministrators, do €s covenant, grant, bargain, anil agree to snd wifh the said pert I of the recond par! hLS hirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery o{ thesa presentr, !.s we]| seized of the prernises above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and inilef€asibls estata of inheritance, in taw, h fee simple, and ha S gpod right, full power and lawful authoritj' i and form as afor€said, and that the same are free and cleat I"rl('IrIl 1 end Slsts ol - '/-f-;-.,' from all fomrer .and other €tants' barg-a1","i4_n taxes, assessments and encumblunces of whatever kind or to gEanb bargain, sell and eonvey the gams in mannef and form as afor€said' &tld that the same ara lnes and c]eal from all forrrer.and other gtants, bargains,-sales, Iieris- taxes,. sssessments and encumbt'ances of whatever kind o narurc soeyer..f except General Taxes ifor the year 1971 and subsequent yonalrrc "oeye*i except General Taxes restrtctlve covenants ln Booknaturc soeTer.t e:rveyu \rsrrEr qJ. .sr^e.r rrvr .:/t- sv..v .tvi'EEtr{btfve covenants ln Book \78 at Page 263. eesements of record and zonlng regul.etlons. I I I .l I and the abovc bargained prturiser itr the qui€t anil peeieable possession of thc said part Y of the second part, hls heirs ald assignr against all anil eviry p€rson or persols lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part tlereof, ths "uia p".t Y of the tirstlpari shall and will WARBANT AND FOREVER' DEFEND. IN WITNESS W.HEBEOF, tlro raid part ] aad a€d the day anil yesr first abovo writt€n. ths first part hr I hereunto seth19 hadd (sEAL) (SEAL) srATE OF COLOR.ADO, County ot Eagle ]* .-...-...-.... (sEAL) AprtLscltrowledged before me this ]gt H dsy ol 'APR 28 trSil PETER F- RIINTONuoungy or . Witness rny hand and officisl seel t0 .l .c c,r r, : cr-1 Ilcception Ttrs Dttl, Ilrde this 3lst, tlny sr |\1aY ,19 77 betrveen PETER F. RU|]YON and CIIRISTINE V. RU|{Y0N. husband and wife County of Eagle and State BILLY ri']. SAi,IDERS and VELMA of ihe County of of the of Colorado, of the first part, andL. SANDERS, as Joint Tenant, FAfl IA and State of sTr,Ti ciiutili{Ii|lY rii JIJN g,?7 /, i/ Colorado, of l.he second part: ' \YITI{ESSETII, That the said part i€Sof the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of F0RTY SEVtll TH0USA|{D FIVE HUI{DRED AND N0/.l00---------- ----DoLLArrs ,.'to the said part igS of the first part in hand paid by said part ieS ot th" second part, the receipt rvhcreof isc)'\i hereby confessed and acknorvledged, ha V€ gtanted, bargaincd, sold and conveyed, and by t[es9.pre-sq1t5 dq.. .,- i! .'-grr-nt, bargrin, sell, convey and confirrn, unro rhe srid iart ies of thc r**o';;;il:t',Tl*ti#fri.y*in' conr"lon'bu a*or .' i\o fntr^r,j-- ,l^-^;k^r !^. Inel r to*in; .ioint '-gr:'-nt, barg3in, sell, convey and confirrn, unto the srid part i es of thc ,""ona pr.t/ff t.,l|*tfffkcJ""l. ever, all the following described lot or percel of land. situa'-e. lvins antl t"in"EfEJ-r but ever, all the following described lot or percel of land, situa'-e, lying and being Corrnty of f 3 gl g .rnd State of Colorado, to wit: Tlrc llorth half of Lot '19, MATTERI]0RN VILLACE FILING N0. '1, according to the recordedplat thereof, being that part of said Lot l9 North of a line descriEed as follons: also knorvn as stleet and number .l692 l''iatterhorn Circl e TOGSTSER with all and shgular the hereditanent"s and &I4lurtenances thereto belongng, or in an5rwise ap!e!'tai!rng, :ind the tevelsion and reversions, remainder and ren:ainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and al!t\e esi.ate, right, title, interest, claim and demand srhatsoever of the said part j gS of the first part, either h la'w o!' eoui:y, of, in and to the above bargained premises, witb the heroditaments and appurcenances, TO EAVB AND TO flOLD the said premises above bargained and doscribed. with the appurtenances, unto the sa:c pe.rt ies of the 1q:ond.nart, lllgjpheirs antl assigns forever. -4.::C the said part ieS of the first parr, for thgm scLeS , / "le"trC, executors, e.:ld edministrators, do covenant, g'rant, barga.in, and agree to and \"1th the sr'id lar! "5 of the s€cond part, thtrj Feirs and. assigns, tJrat at the time of the errsealing and deliveryof "hese prcsents, they are well seized of the premises above conveyetl, as of good, sure, pcrfect, absolute and indeieasible estate o! inheriLrnce, in law, in fee simple, and ha Ve good right, full power and larrful authori:y to 8?s'nt, bargain, sell and convey the same in nanner end form as afo:csaid, aad that the same are free and. clear frorn all forerer and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, ta-\cs, assessments and encumbrances of whateve: kind or natrlre soever. except for General Taxes for the year .l977 and subsequent years and subject torestri ctjons, reservations, easements and covenants of record, a:rd the above brrgained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said part i eS of the second psrt, thgi r heirs and assigrs aga.inst all and everyperson or persons larvfully cla-iming or to claim the *'holeor anv nnri "bereof, the said part i eS of the first part shall a:rd wlll WA8RANT AND FORE1ER DEFEND.IN T/ITNISS T/IIEREOF, the said part i eS o! the first part hB Ve hereunto set thejr land s ond scel 5 the day and year first abo\.e \,\rri|"ten. STATE OF COLOR,ADO.]," J No'....!-r t\\11.. teuancy ?er3innir.rg at a point on the.Wester'ly 'l 1ne of said Lot rrhich js '105.03 feet Southerlyof the intersectjon-of.the l^lester'ly and Northerly lines extended, thence Easterly a-disiance of .l03..l9 feet;.more or tirss, to a poinl on the Easter.ly ttne or-iiia ri,tt;lricir is 97.97 feet Southerly from the I'lorthbast corner of said iot, County of Eag'le, S -:r '.e o f Col orado. I i i l I I I '""" ':;'ii P -- Ei-Li:" --- -counryMail To: County Assessor Courl House STATE OF COLORADO RENTAT PERSONAL PROPERTY DECTARATION SCHEDULE For income producing residential property Aprit t5, l9fContideflr,dl Report (11/.t.16 St | 96J) Change of Name and,zor Address T?V?3 Assessrnent Dole Jonucry l, itr/73 DO NOT USE _ FOR ASSESSOR ONIY Due Doto DESCRIPTION 8. A. Code T. A. Code Schedule Number Name and Address 13,500 1000 u-5 RUNTON, PETER F. B0x 5019vArL, c0L0. 8L657 Localions of Properties N l/2 0F LoT 19 MATTERIiCRT\ VILLA.OE FILINO NO. 1 B 220 P 37L TOTAIS A55E5SED VAI,UE Dote Business Storted lln Counly) Type of Producf or Service l3l0 Portnership .....-.--.-... Other WHO MUST FILE Every person or agent having ownership, possession, or con- trol, of taxable personal property as of 12,00 noon Januaryl, must ,, f ile a declaration with fhe Assessor. properly brought into the State and County after January I should be listed and filed with ihe Assessor. WHAT TO DECLARE All income producing Personal property thal you own, pos- sess or conlrol must be included in this declaration. No prop- erty is exempt from taxation except by stalufory provisrons. THIS FORM FOR RESIDENTIAL TYPE RENTED ROOMS- t4l REC€IVED APPROVED DECI.ARATION ,f/aT fZe,/-/--HHEN TO This form must be filed by April WHERE TO FILE Mail or bring to the Assessor's office. CLA.IR BERTROCH c0uNry nss:saoR E0;( 1a5 EACLE, COL,. Ei53I APARTMENTS OR OTHER RENTED PERSONALTY FILE l5th of each year. Fill In Each Section Complerely - Write "NONE" lf Attach Additional Sheets As You Do Nol Have ltems Lisied Needed AIL DECLARATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AUDIT . . Failure to comPlete and relurn this form to the Assessor by April l5th will result in the Assessor's determinarronof lhe actual value of your taxable personal property based on the best informarion available to and obtainable by him. AI SUPPTIES ROOM, OPERATING, AND I.INEN SUPPTTFS Purchoses during prior fiscol yeor - - - $ Inyeslmenl os of Jonuory l; By physicol invontories $ or By estimoied omount - $ A2 DESCRIPTION OF RENTAIS lndicate Type No. Uniis No. Rooms NOTICE OF ASSESSED VALUATION STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTYI'DPT.AD FORM NOV l8l-Special&71 Name and Address =::--.: : la.l 'l o'13 li-4L / J - av n !.! i'\11 ET-;'k_ Tll-.J,r!v-rt r r+b.L .-r n r'r qa1iq '' 4 i r .r4l .! it f.q? T. A. Code Schedule NumberB. A. N9 3692 THIS IS TO NOTIFY YOU THAT PURSUANT TO LAW THE AS. SESSED VALUATION OF YOUR PROPERTY IS SHOWN BELOW Locations of Properties *1 . i /-: ri i.'i : q Ii:T:31: iij,i \jILL.o-sE .. -l '- v! r l: li-!.i\.r i\'J, I :-i y-r ._\ ".:,.r O ?t I l -) E-r\l L /t - TYPE OF PROPERTY ASSESSED VALUATION CODE DESCRIPTION / l7s r Hts Y EAP'. ji. -7{a-:- -. -. 5)40*IAND '980 03. IMPROVEMENTS 21^/\ 09 1A<') TOTAtS CtSiso ocl $ 5/to Valuation for Assessment 39-l-104. The valuation for assessment of all taxable proper- ty in the state shall be thirty percent of the actual value thereof as determined by the As- sessor and the Administrator in the manner prescribed by law, except when otherwise pre- scribed by law. In compliance with 1973 Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 39, Article 5, Section l2l, you are notified of the Valuation For Assessment placed on the above described property for the current taxable year. Beginning on the Second Monday in June, the Assessor will sit to hear objections to the Valuation for Assessment as listed for the current year, which will become final unless written objections are filed with the Assessor in conformity with Title 39, Article 5, Section l?2, 1973 Colorado Revised Statutes, in time for all hearings to be concluded by the last working day in June. Objections to the current year valuation for assessment will be considered only if made prior to the last working day in June, ald cannot by law be entertained by the Assessor if made at a later date or made after receipt of tax statement. If you appear before the Assessor between the Second Monday of June and the Last Working day of June, this Notice of Valuation must be presented at the time of appearance. o : F !F I =t6l: 'l* () ns J Fz u.lo o uJ TE IoEo() lrjE Fao C) Fz trl UJ C) J IJal Iolzl<l Izlol FIlrl alL)lall!lol z oJ I .;t *1 l]"iEiol t- 3 "i;l 3i -i ,.i r3l- - ; - - =l<l 3r fl ol 6 (9z tr l|lttrltliltt*t I 6rB -i i;'9 ;--,-i>: I .t I :l :t I 6t i I:i :l -t i- Jl. - t' :l ?) : ;I si 9t;lGJ 9l ,. ;-l tl tl>l Iii i> :l :.: Ei :o fl ? @ ;1 _l :l :l _Et Ea , ig, !JZ z-, < 'O-=-ilo- d<d li, = I t ? rI Eat TrL-,] L J:6 a L--.,' E L:l -FF uroo!t T--lt,l z 1.. _l -l J a -_l - -l 6 - lr/) l(Jl2 lv!rIr! ir i@tst: 3 oz trl o- F ti;l,r illlI i.lt:;.5i I I I ,l: :l:i:i;i;l | | iij;iill:;s I fi1":" "r;1;;;;1 fj o .Jlo ulir! c).r -, a\ fr*n' rlo*ez Ca m.-,n-.-, fi"77r";^-r-t-s' - :' -' ='--:n- Zro-J46'tisn 94-!2- ,f*/ax 6 77n7o I G,o,o )/"Lk"= r;si[,,+ Q iu n. Tr/u,orf1",sJ - aoal 7..n"l Cp"', C", l, ' 1 7- Eatl ro ttn 3 /,.kr*{o..'/ rfr.r *2nt' , / .t I ycrac e,#//, - ftfui,"E /to%'2.' =oA/u -t- r FToor< S"tr+ - i.d u)f k' fo, {.*1--P. lF"" '-', ', I i6'ki ) t{" 41 ;'/ufo! ., i *------='-'*-- - '- ( ftu-<ru.itl - /fin Tfn * I ^t nt. frou"o-.#z Aofrq Pi"fr/ I I ) 44\-r->\5 ti!F.'g.e x()-"< ;a3 tJ.S--r 3. f.F* ^z9= 'i >^\; ZE :_<Y -?; z 9 ^Fz<o2 E:)(t ;.,t!l l< I ,\ :..0 !iq\ i) l lo l<- 16Sz :,- I I I I lotz IP lG t5 ]c(J o- lrl =o z fJ l Q F) rrt N , =o I o .L o- F = T F (J <l(JJa1z <tLo<-= F tn 2 o ;z f, z (J o z dl o oz F (J ()4 N iin ul trl o F (J :@l<-1.-O(J ; l 5l ,l :r l 5 z) a z<t <-_:-_-_o! 3i F I ;i 3i I I lrl F F i'c-c' 1{{ s .l-l a ^q?E 9.F F EZ zl -6e>i>:l 6l I I I I = -zs; z =o : (.) :l =i ';F lrl I: < 6- dl U ;+ z : ! 0a C I I I q vlr I al :t :l rl ;I F -,1 I I I I I tlrli I ai br{i \.bl I I I I a,l I.\ :rvl u ..1 ;l /iz Jt! E c /iz -o I a @ l z = F o = a -t.);-,t_rl , GJ J ch F -l Fz h. 0 Fz E]