HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 19B LEGALEAGTE COUF\HTY o MENT .DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOP EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNE Rs Ext 241 Box 179 Apri'l 6, 1979 RE: Fi]e No. Sm-107-79 - Sander's Residence Matterhorn Fil'ing #1 APPLICANT: Velma L. Sanders h , n,n S u 6 Box 1257 Vai'1, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewith is an application and p1 an submitted tothe Eagle County Plann'ing Cornrnjssion for review and recom- mendation at their regular meeting on 16 May 1979. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended, and Eagle County Subdivision Regu'l ations, Section 6.00, 1972, as amended effective 1 August-1976, you have 35 days from date mailed within which to respond orthe request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The P'l anning Commission would sincerely appreciate your cornrnents and recornmendations prior to the meeting date.If you desire additional information or tjme, please advisethis office. ADMINISTRATTON Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDTNG IN INSPECT I O N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS I ON AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 or 2?9 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Thank you very much, L/J.*izph.k'/14 Temi l l Knight Di rector TK/J K Enc. t .c t Applicati-on Porrn i ijl'Jc)Ir tju.ilDJvrsroil Section 3.2A of Eaglc Courrty Subdivision Rcgulat:Lons The the I'trame of Proposed subdirisiou -5:-*"ll- n- E-Jf.-L__Kee peilrc Iiamc or Applica:rt W!2\n__k S,A ilnERS_ _or.nror ? _ re*_11 al)pll-canL rs not thc c)r[]er o.f lt c:r'd, Ilrrnish evicicncc of auifiolizaliorito subdiuide property. Addrcss of .trppli-cant {JOY 1. Iocation of Pai.cel 2. Size of parcel Lo be subdi-vided be creai;ed3. llumber of lo'os to l+. Zone district in r.fri-ch thc parcel. l-i-es 5. Twcnty-tr,o (22) copics of lhe applical,ion form, sitc plan, and illi'il:'ilL JlSo'lf ",iiolil,li3,u{.ff ,l;T:"H::flr ;:"*i, il:lii;- mor-rth. DaLe srrbn-itt ed A A^ nri a-i -^] -*.r. Jur vr r-€;4r(r.r. clrr\r shalL be sub;iritbed meet ing. Date submitted r-ve \)/at least copies ten (r0) o1 lne }f-naJ- -t l.at with a1f P'l:.'nninr: related appli ca'Uior: r \JIM'rr-r 16 r,na,r ri r.ar'l .:.i rynr{'rt:.r,.t Connission Rcvicv Refer t,o Section l+.OL.O3 7, ftrrnish evi<iencc of { f . ifurn:Lsh ex|uD]-t JJJ of the Ea6le Cor:nfy Su 1/-r sl- on Regulaii.ons. adequate tratcr su \llay oe altached ;rs edribib A) )/ /t ./ evidence oll adeqrrate selrage disposal system.(t,iay te attachecl as ,/. tnaintenance. evidence of acdess a c ou.nty road v,'trich has bcen ( t.,,",,attached s ex\tbit C) ,t S u-u Durt 6KX (rnn{r"dr,wu h-,*/4' n n an* nrl f a r.. .tr,. t Ji, I,J o 1n Application li'orm - page 2 Ifurnish additional infornntion as a. If this is a resubdivision of dirridcd and recortlcd in accorda.nce adopted Septenber 5t 1972 or Lat subclivision. rcquired. (t{ay be rrr.nnrrr'{'rr r'rhi n}r h - c witl.t treg1e County , inclicate name and attached as exldbit D) bccn previously sub- S'"rbdivi sions Itcgulations rccordinll data of said b. If Loa docs rrot applX, sites for the proposecl uses furnish evidence bf with :.'egard to the adcquai,e arrd safe building follorring itcms. /- \\r/ Dor-r_ conolElons /^\\4 ) ue oJ_ogl_ c corlol-tl-ons 0) Topographic and sJ-ope condit'ions (/-) Drainage conditions (l) f'lood hazard potential (5) Source of fire protection 11. I\rnish utility and road plans (vfiere applicable, refer to Sectj_on 3.20Bagle Cowrty Subdivision Regulations) (t,tay be attached as crJribJ_t E) ormation is correct and accurate to the best of rny lcrouledge. Iror official use; Reveived by Accepted .for the Plarur-ing Comrrrlssion Revicw meeting of ^Review Fee Paid Recordinq Date Fee BUTLDTNG orrlx or EAGLE COUNTY, P.T. BOX 179 CoURTHOUSE, EAGTE CO. - PH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDIN(' l- >l! PERMIT APPLICANT oere Apri'l 2 rs Bi I l.y & Vel ma Sanders AOORESS ,"-a:57. Vail ( lto.){SIFEET'{ C ONT R'S LICE N5 t.{ UMBER OF DWELLING U ,"5i-h (PROPOSEO U5E) sautlotlc|sToBE-FT.w|oEBY-FT.LoNGaY-FT.lNHE|GHTANDsHALLcoNFoRM|NcoNsTRUcT|oNo dZ TO TYPE USE GROUP-BASEMENT IVALLS OR FOUNOATION Gi ^r"o**", No C/0. temporarv or final . shall be issued until existing duplex is converted to single family unjt. - Susan Vaughn, Planner AREA OR VOL UME EsrtMArED cosr $ 6.000.00 FEE"'t $ 51.50 (cUBIc/SQUARE FEET) Billv & Velma Sanders (TYPE) OWNER 8U I LD ING BY ot"'' : ..jJ tBox 1257 Vail, Co. 81657 (Affidovit on reveise side of opplicotion fo bo compleled by cuthorized ogenl of owner) AT ( LOCAT tOr{) ( cRosS sTREErl ( cn095 STREET) AD DR ESS o I hereby cedify thot the proposed work is outhorized by fhe owner of record ond I hove been oulhorized by the owner lo moke this opplicotion os his oufhorized ogent. SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER) (STREET) (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE 19 _. County Coudhouse 328-6339 Dote f35ugol 18 March 1980 Permi) ;go 1312 This permit is issued with the understonding thot the builder ogrees to comply with oll opplicoble lows ond regulotions in the locotion, constnrction ond erection of the pro posed slruclure for which this permil is gronted. Add ress Lot 19, Matterhoi.n Village #i OwnGr Billv and Velma Sanders for modular nome Gencro I Controctor Sa nders ASEMENT AREA TLOOR AREA ACCESSORY AREA t. This Eermif ls Posfed on EuifdimSite. 2. loOQAress fs Posfed, tegibfe?om Sfreel 3. 24 Hours Nofice Required for Inspecfions BUILDII\IG PERMIT COUNTY OF EAGLE, BUILDING DIVISION Gorogc B Rough Finished Ground Second Potio/ Corport - Sctbocks from propcrty lines'Norlh South- Eosl- Wesf- TNSPECTORS MUST SIGN Att SPACES BELOW Footing Re€teel or Ca isson Heo t Fino I Finol Finol Finol O ther Meter Elect Wotcroroof P lu m bing Rough E lcc i ric Heoling Rough Plumbing Rough Heating Rough Framing SUBCONTRACTORS MUST BE TISTED IN PROPER SPACE E xco vo ting Foundotion Roofing Drywo ll, Flooring Plostering Concrele F inirhing C o isron T ile toyin Corpeting g ( Linoleum) Wolerproof ing lnsulotionCorpcntry Plumbing Mosonry Hcoting Poin ting Glo z ingElectricol Arr Conditioning M iscelloneous rH,S PEP.MIf NOT TRANSFERAEI,E DO NOT DESTROY TH'S CA RD RE.'SSUE FEE - $5 M'NIMUM. WARN ING OCCUPANCY NOT PER.M'rTED UNI'I. CER,TIFICArE OF OCCUPANCY 'S 'SSUED nd foundati oooters County of EI..ECTRICAL Eagle PENMIT t Job Name......v..e.Lma...L,...Sander.s.,..!=p,t..19,...l,!q.tte.rhp..r.n .Vi.l.l.ese-..tI Date of Apptication-.-...19...Eebr.uary.......... ... ..... .................ts-..9q-.......-..... rown and CountrYElectrical Contractor......:;.1::.*::-.:.".:i:.:1 J................soX"3U8"""' Colorado SPrings, Colorado 80901 Applicanr...-..- Sltoatur€ Ne Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee l7 49 $........... .. .. ... ...... $................. .. ...... E...... ...19.:.9.Q....... $............... .... ....... $.... ....30...oCI....... APPROVALS Date 19 February 1980 Received ", /t rAn J..k/rrLpo*) Building Perlini( #13t2 /Receipt #6110 TH|S FORm rS TO JOB SITE DURING Ddte BE POSTED ON CONSTRUCTION I8 HOURS AI}VANCE NOTICE REQUIRED F1OR INSPECTIONS This certifjcate issued pursuant R,ri l,.iinn f n,,Jp r-pri'i f ,rirrn f haf atL,Ull\ll'ly U(./u!.- lLl Lrl r.Ii til ihe '/ari ous resol Litions of for the fo1 I or'ting: NAiiE Bi11y and Velma Sanders TDIIPOIit\ll,Y . Ccrtificate of OccLlPancy CountY of Eagle Department of Pl.rnning and Devel oplnent Building Division to the requirements the time of issuance the county regulating of section 306 of the thi s struciure vras in bui l ding consiruciion o Uni forrn nn-n l i; 'rr-r\,vr,riJ | | q',! ! 0f use Use Classification Building Permit llo. Footings and Foundation 1312 Type Construction_ Group R-3 for Modularv hlre /One Use Zone RSL 0i.rner of Buildt'ng Bi11y and Velma Sanders, P.0. Box 1257,:Vai1, Colorado 8Eq7 Building Address Matterhorn Vi'llate #1, Lot 19 Bui i di ng Offi ci a