HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 3 LEGALl.,h -/,'l)' r Page No. . I Number 58 (eage t/Z) AI..Atr"I AI{D FIRE RECORD City of Vail State Colorado Alarm RUrded bY Capbain 01een Date Jan L. t976 ALARI4: For Fire XXX :For Non-fire ; lf non-f i re expla in: Snoke Scare ( ) ;False ( ); rirslTiaC)l-Tc-c'raent( ); 0thei Date of Alarm: Jan 1. 1976 Day: Thur Alarm Transmitted uy: iluniZTpat street s@aaio(llb-fFEi rype or Ftre: uurtd:ng(xr; Auto( J;Grass( ); Brush( ); Rubbish( ); 0ther Name of "Tenant (lf not samEEi-wneFf: Thomjs WeUrrer Type of 0ccupancy: Apartment _Construction of Building: Tire nesi l4etal ( ); 0ther No. Srories 3 Fire Out on Arrival: Yes( ); ruoix; .I f No. how ext inqu ished 500 Gal of booster water from 6 assis ne Floor of 0rigin: I onfined to : Floor Yes . |.t^ing Yes No( ) Extended To: Adjoining Building Yes( ) noh); Beyond Adj. Bldg. yes( ) ruo(x) Cause of lgnition: Boiler iqxited floor. Boi1er overheated due to buildup of sootr etc. and , ) dried out fl-oor. lf not definitely known state "undeterminedrl Material First lgnited: rtoor area under boiler Cause of Fire Spread: AvailabG fueI Persons Inj u red : Firemen Civilians O Civilians 0 ; Persons Killed: Firemen n Estimated Value of : Building Est imated Loss: Buildino Contents Contents Response: Num-b_e-_r- of Men tB Apparatus flnsines 6 & 6. Scpr ad lr, C-lJi,'Y? -0uts ide l*ftS Departments Ass ist ing putrlic Serviee Story o F i re and Equ ioment Used Use reverse s de needed) Thomas webber phoned to report e. Unon arrival of the first units smoke and the oc wele bei ng evacuated. The uni-t was entered after cooling with the booster line and ventilated" The fire j-n Lhe be-1lc:' room was then exbj -a'i chorrLrrFuJUrrvua ^+ a a BurrDtNG DrvtsrOF PLUMBING & EAGrE COUNTY; P.O.ltUX 789 couRTHousE, EAGTE; CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 DATE Januarv 7 tt 75 PEaMrr No.0 424 APPLTCANT Pat Critelli nooness Edwards, Colorado 81632(rio.) (srREET)( C ONTR'S LICENSE) pEqvrr ro repair fire damage (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) STORY NUMBER OF DWELLING UI.I ITS(__) NO.(PROPOSED I'5E) F4o ;a ZON INGAr (LocArtoN) 1784 Mqttpy'hor.n Cir.clo D ISTR ICT (NO.)(STFEET} BETWEEN AND(cRo55 STREET)( CROS S ST REET ) o d o oz t suBDtvl:itoN LCTLOT-BLOCK-SIZE SUILOING IS TO SE - FT. WIDE BY- FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ( lYPE) RE MARKS: AREA OR VOLUME esr rvereo cosr $ {CUBtC/50UARE FEET) ownr rn Dave EImore PER MIT ,t'FEE +15. 00 BU ILO ING AOORESS (Affidovit oo ieveirc ride ol opplicotion to bc compleled by oulhorized oEenl ol owncr) I I hereby ce*ify rhot ;r;o*; work is ourhorized ,, ,r?*"* of record ond I hove been outhorized by the owner to moke this opplicotion os his outhorized ogent SIGNATURE OF AGENT . ADDRESS APPROVED BY TITLE DATE l9