HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 33 LEGALcourvl oF EAGLE - BUTLDTNG fi,r,ot', Eagle, Colorado 328-633r' County Courthouse Annex. phone (303) $Il|P WI|RII NOTICE This building has been inspeaed and an order to stop work issued for the following reosons: Bldg. Permit No. 0426 Violation of Uniform Bldg. Code: 1. False Information on Building Permit Application 2. Fire Wall in Corridors 3. Appropriate exit signs. Violation of Zoning Resolution 1. Improper zoning for the intended use 2. Inadequate acreage for the intended number of units. 3. Inadequate parking for the number of units. Exemption No. Se-l19-75 - Allan Dunn"Ariy person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Code shall b€ deom€d guilty of a misd€meano. and upon conviction thereol. shall bs tirFd not more than $3{D.00, or imprisonment tor not more than gO days, or both. Eac*r and every day during which such illegal oraction, construction, ahsra- tion, rcconstruction. maintanance or use @ntinu€s dtall be deemod a sapa.ate oftens€. Location of a 'horn Date Inspected . ',7r*r[.- f ,-t'o'/ DEPAITiIEIIT OT PIANNIIW AND DEt'EI.OTIilEI{T Mcl)onald Bldg. 550 Broadway P.O. Box 789 Easlef}grado 81631 o 13 September 1976 Lester Douglas, Eagle County Zoning Administrator Director of Planning File No. Se-119-75 - Exemption - Allan Dunn Buif ding Permit l+{426 - Allan Dunn Gore Creek Drive, Lott 33, Matterhorn Village, West Vai I, Filing #2 Les: As Director of the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development and charged with the duty o to enforce the provisions of the Zoning Resolution as stated in Section 9.02 of said Resolution, I hereby authorize you as Zoning Administrator to issue a Stop Work Order on the residence of Mr. Allan Dunn on Matterhorn Circle in West Vai I for the fol lowing reasons: Violation of Uniform Building Code 1. False information on Building Permit Appl ication; 2. Fire wal I in corridors; 3. Appropriate exit signs. Violation of Zoning Resolution 1. lmproper zoning for the intended usel 2. Inadequate acreage for the intended number of units; 3. Inadequate parking for the number of units. Your expediency in handl ing this matter would be greatly appreciated. fu)*erw-i Michael S. Blair Director, Department of Planning and Development MSB/Kt cc: Edmund Ziel inski; Board of County Commissioners I County Attorney, Robert Stemwedel Planning Department./Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328-6338 Building Ofiicial: Building Pt'rmits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (303) 32E-6339 la0H couNII To: From: Re: EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorcdo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED AMOUNT €uildinq Permit Fee Subdivision Appl ication Zone Change Conditional Use Spec ial Use Code: (Buildin (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total R ece ived All items are receivec, for no-payment of any item. lii'j 1487 EAOTT COIINTT Ilcl)onukl ltltlg. 550 llroaduuv l'.O. Rox ?tt9 13 Seotember 1976 D TtlE I.OPI,IEIIT Eagle, Colorodo 8lli3l To: Lester Douglas, Eagle County Zoning Administrator From: Director of Planning Re: File No. Se-119-75 - e*emption - Allan Dunn Building Permit t*Oqz' - Allan Dunn Gore Creek Drive, Lot 33, Matterhorn Village, West Vai I, Filing #2 Les: As Director of the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development and charged with the duty to enforce the provisions of the Zoning Besolution as stated in Section 9.02 of said Resolution, I hereby authorize you as Zoning Administrator to issue a Stop Work Order on the residence of Mr. Allan Dunn on M atterhorn Circle in West Vail for the following reasons: Viol ation of Uniform Building Code 1. Fal se information on Building Permit Appl ication; 2. Fire wal I in corridors; 3. Appropriate exit signs. Viol ation of Zoning Resolution 1. lmprcper zoning for the intended use; 2. Inad()quate acreage for the intended number of units; 3. Inadequate parking for the number of units. Your expediency in handl ing this matter would be greatly appreciated. l^),-*1rBt-A Michael S. Blair Director, Department of Planning and Development MSB/Kt cc: Edmund Ziel inski; BoarrJ of County Commissioners ; County Attorney, Robort Stemwedel I'lrtttttinq ll. ;11'1111,.yr1,'Jt1',nning (irnrrnission: Sulllilision, Ilt'zotring. r\pltlic:rtiorrs iind Ievicrv (303] 3?8'6331t lluilrling O[iicirrl: Iluiklinlr l't.rn:ils lnri Inspr.cliorr, Zoning r't rlrn inist ration (3()l]) 32t'-0339 IEPA$TIflHTIT OT PTJIi{l{INCI llI{D r.J ".d:; i;. . "or- . *. ;, , / '?r " (lt ta :.'t.-t/ , ta -s'6j)adt' .,r -.))))+; tNseectoh* FIEOUEST EAGLE COUN{Y "I,tA DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER 'E orxen I pnnrrru LOCATION .rfnOil.; READY FOR INSPECTION ,.--)wED ,/ ftllJF' ./._J--,H.,€ear / AMfJ!, GOMMENTS: El-*penovro I uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: I orsaeeRovED fl nerNsPEcr t CORRECTION tDATE INSPECTOR DATE rNseecGru FtEeuEsr EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEF ! pnnrrll. ,^t /,)',' 31 Wppnov;p- E otseppRovED Wu6 rrrFo L Lowr NG co' R ECt oNS: ^-r@ fl nrrNsPEcr CORRECTIONS +5i fr-"Et- - PLUMBING PERMIT APF Juridiction of Applicant tb complete numhered spaces onty. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR toN {[see e rucx eo sneertI o E3C i. 24L IICENSE NO.3 ,/.Zvu. .Zfkz*./{/2 "f*7 RCII ITECI OR DESIGNEi MA IL AOOF ES 3 F}IONE LICENSE NO. ENGII.IEEF MAI L ADOR ESS PIIONE LICENSE NO. tL ADDiESS liAltCH LJ 5E O' IUILDING }\28 crass of work: 94qw D ADorrl0N tr ALTERATIoN ! REPAIR 9 0escribe work:/& 2z- Type of Flxtura or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & DISP. LAUNDRY TRAY WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL ANO VOID IFWORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. st6t{rtuiE oF coNtRActti oi aurHortzEo aGENT ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR'-SINK OR DRAIN cAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING A TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK A PIT A'*;i'9// /vf,y Form lOO.2 9.69 INTERNATIONAL CONFI.HI.NCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 7/-26 .BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63i8 DATE JOB NAME .TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNspecrCru , FtEouEsr EAGLE COUNTY LOCATION MON COMMENTS: -ttt:'..'17' ./,:' tue ./i ,-' I READY FOR INSPEGTION WED THUR E panrrel | .,'E eppRovED E orsnppRovED tl/ LIJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR rNseecloru FIEOUEST EAGLE C,OUNTY ^/ ./ JoB NAME iLX / -zLt-- t t ''-.DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen I pnnrreu READY FOR INSPECTION WAppRovEB notsappRovED InelNsPEcr,/ EAaf'oN rHE FoLLowr NG coR R ECTt oNS: .o**r.r,o* t iE)-., *t/ ---,. INSPECTOR rNseecloru FtEBuEsr cb u vrY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVEO- AM PM CALLER ' f] pnRtrnl.LOCATION ./ READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ffiasuro E orseppRovED ljJ uporrr rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DArE 6-/7 7(, FIETD COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF, EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGTE. CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 APPLTCANT I.IIAN I]UNN build new private re s,loencg ^^.. BUILDING PER M IT TO (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)NO. PERMIT trebruary J.7 rg ?6 "r.r,.,- ^o 0 4 2 6 rooness 1111 (STREET]{ coNTR'S !l CE NSE ) NUMBER OF OWELLING UN ITS ( PFoPoSED UsE) ZON I NG AT (LocarroN) Gore Creek liiive orsrRrcr (NO.)(STREET' BETWEEN ANO(CF05s STREET)( cRoss STFEET) o oo oz E lr- suBorvrsroN N^ atterhorn Village, W. Vail AUILOING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY .ot --33- e.ocn - ii.e FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE SASE MENT WALLS OR FoUNDATI0N (TYPE) RE MAR KS: AREA OR VOLU ME EsrrMArED cosr $ 130,000.00 FEE"'T $ rzt nq OWNER (CUAIC/SOUARE FEET) Allan Lrunn BU ILO INGooo..". 11 11 Forest, Des plaines. Ill 6001g EAGLE C o OU NTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT ,n 7l RECEIVED UT ft-//--, out" .)' '7'- -,-.1.- J' CHECK,*CASH ITEM Bu ilding Permit Fee Application For Su bd iv ision Application Zone Change Condit ional Use Special Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Bu ild ing) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for no-payment of any item. N9 1059 /r A[/OUNT collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for BUTLDIRTG RMIT APPLrcf,t,oN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I ,E ;/('y'e /)/effen #o,tu] -iACT Fro ., /Z,t/o r'ln/l tfisce rrrrcxeo sxrirt I D E5C i. tt /i -r";;]7 ,-l t 'tP o9o to S f-/Ettr.r 3/. t,.r AFCI ITECT OI OESIGNEN 4 ll .t EI!GINEER L]CENSE NO, ,i ,4rl*l/ o e U5E OF IIJILOIXGkr rE, 8 ClassofworK: D NEW D AOOITION tr ALTEBATION N REPAIR tr MOVE ! REMOVE I Describe work:J4E 7/,q t 10 Change of use lrom o.*",trr..,l 7/rtAPLAN cHEcK ree / q.a .*trl valuarionofwork:g /3 O r O O Q, * Oivision SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklers Required D\,,er DNoAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y PlaNs caEc(€o 8Y APPFOVED FOA ISSIJANCE BY OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No. ot Owellin9 Unil9 NOTICE SEPARATE PERIVIITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOTHIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID lF WOBK.OR CONSTRUBT.I TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITITIN 120 DAYS- OF},'lF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK lS SUSPENDED OFHanTNI'ON E D FOR A PEFIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL 8E COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. TATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING:RFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.'"+.aJ a-f-4' ICNATIJiE OF CONTRAC-Oi OR AUTHOFIZED A6E{T (DATE Special Approvals HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specifyl WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK.M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION CK. : M.O. --;'cJ.5 J-7- 7(.,*rrr"-o^4i '9ry4Form 1oo.1 11-73 INT€RNAT|oNAL coNFERENcE oF EUTLD|NG oFFtctALs . wHrrrr.it calrF. ro.ol , TRotd TH€ OF ALLAN DUNN RECI':''-l l.tB 6 t';iii tx,.pt ( .., t v)'t)t' [.gle Count!, Coio. EAGLE COr*ll BUILDTNG PERMIT APoICATION Review Routing Form , /, (-/-/o,-, /,/-t' - -'*.,--' Appl icant Please review the attachdd application and return County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Yes -_ No Subd. Resulations tr f| Zonins Resulations tl tr /1 Date Referred Recommend Approval Permit No. it and this completed form to the Reviewed by:Date: flV tltl 's +,,.* - Comments: Locat ion County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval tfEtlt] EItfEg Comments: County Health:Sanitat ion Water rt tl T Recommend Approval - Ae r(nn.r& U/ ?5 /t* r t 5 z4/7 7 BUI!.DITG P Rlv{T APPLlCfrlor{ Jurisd iction ol Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, NOTICE SEPABATE PERMITS ARE RFOUIFED FOR EL.ECTRICAL. PLUIVIB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THrs PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND volD rF WoBX.oFI-e6frSTFOB':, TloN AUTHcRtzED rs Nol coMuENcFD wrlt(r.r I zo oevs, _0*]IF CONSTBUCTION OH WORK I5 SUSPENDED -OfI-A{'AITIJO-IJED FON A P€RIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMIIENCED. I HERFI]Y CERl-IFY TI'IAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINI'D THISApPLTCAT tC)r',/ AND KNOW -t-H€ SAME -IO n€ TtiUF AN() CORRL:Cl.ALL PitOVISIONS OTJ LAWS AND ORDINANCE,S (:iOVts.IINING -IF{IS ]YPE OI-IAJT]ITK WILL AE CO|\4PLIED UJITH $/HI:'I'HER SPI]CIFIEDHERF IN OR NO'I" TFiE G I]AN TING OF A Pil f]N4I T CJC,CS NOTPRESUfvll: TO GIVC ALTTfiORITY -f O Vl()l-ATti OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHi-R STATL OTI LOCAI_ LAW REGULATINGCONSTRIJC'I IC]N OR TI{E PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. t-t-7f!/rt'J-.>.rr-n-rJ f,*'/--1 WHFN PROPERLY VALIOA'I[D (IN THiS SPACFI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT it;/{is /rfrtrTrn #af/ ,r/A 'r/'tl/:tll]s e r etrecxto sxteTl (r'!/,f't t etP 6a$ r4 S t-/,*ttar 3,7s fe"rT'* 3 ,,q AACHI'€CT OR O€SIGN€R 4 t,t, PHON Ea< rl Ltce sE No. l-lcElr5E tto. f /{;r{r*/ Q 4s _rb u5r. oF BlJr L0rN 6 Kt',ft 8 CIASS Of WOrK: tr NEW D AODITION D ALTENATION D REPAIR tr MOVE D REMOVE Describe work:, o"/J44 ?/ef,t l0 Change o{ use {rom Change of use to PERMfrFEEJll,e'Zrr varL,arionofwork:g /3 O, O O A, 9--o /tOPLAN cHF:cK FEE / U.5- .=-\ Occupancy Group Type of Const. sPEcrALCoNDlrtoNS: Work within Countv riph[-of- No. ol Stories Size ot Bldg. (I oral) sq. Ft. Fire SprinklerS Requireo flyes flgeAPPTICATION ACCEPTEO BY.PLANS CI]ECKEO 8Y APPROVEO FON ISSI'ANCC 8Y OFFSTREE'I PARKING SPACES: Covered I Uncoverecl No. of Dwelling Unlt9 ZON ING HE/\ LII-I DLPT. FI R[: D[PT. SOIL RE PO RT O rHER (spoclry) PLAN Cl1tct't VAI--lDATlON M.O.PERf'/llT VALIDATIOhl CK. r. - M.O. ., ., (, .^.'., J*7- rd., - // ,rurrrr"'rr,rr,'#? Fornl 1o0.1 ll73 R.roirrri.rrnoM: INTUr{NATToNAL CoNFEIIENCE Ori BUrt DtNG OtiFtc:lALs Mr!!n.rao. wtlrrrrsi, CAr,rt. ro.or County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT r ob Name Zzhzo.t-d.roz.n-, |: Zihfltzy'raz D 4//rr/ Date of Application---.-- Applicant Sl8!ature APPROVALS Plan Chccker THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING COilSTRUCTIOil 4.8 HOURS ADVAI\ICE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Totat Fee 525 $.. . ... ..............". .. $... /LZ A.d-.......... $d.9 B-a ..... $..d r o o_. .. ,. s.. 5-6.,.8-.c>....... Date Paid....... /o /rr, Received By. d*'// ,// /a&o OV '9 (' o ELECTRIC AL PERMIT A oct ON . ,.') ./ .r'./4/Z u1P/ .-"/"a Appticani to complete Jurisdictio n ot numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUB PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION / c€4 INSPECTOR iEOFOEN FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 5O SO. LOS NOSLES ' PASAOENA, CALIFOFNIA 9IIO1 E A T TACH EO SH EE T) I D ESC r. znLtn u 2u LICENSE NO. AR CH I-TE C'T OF OESIGNER LLCENSE NO, LICENSE NO. I] 5E OF BUILDIN G 8 ctass ol work: Elf e w tr A00lrl0N ! ALTERATION I REPAIR 0escribe work: PERMIT FEES TotalEEIEITACIE Outtets LIGHT SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BYAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY: RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOPNOT ICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5I6NATIJRE OF CONTRACTOi OI AUIHORIZED DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL, Vz H.P' MAX. TEMP. POWER T-IPOLE LJUNOGO. SERVICE 0 rew fl cxnnce PERMIT ISSUING FEE TOTAL FEE Form 1o0.3 9-69 ELECTRI o CA L PERMIT APPLI o CATI ON Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 2 ZlP ./ PHONE ARCH]TECT OF O E5I GN 'R MA.- ADDiESS OHOI.E MAIL ADORESS BRAI.ICH USE OF AU I:O]N G 8 Class of work: tr NEw D ADDITI0N D ALTERATI0N tr REPAIR I Describe work: PERMIT FEES Tota IBECEPTACLE Outtets SPECIAL CONOITIONS: I oral LIGHTING F ixtures F IXTU RESAPPLICATION ACCEPIED AY P!ANS CHECKEO BY APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE SY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT CON4MENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE O. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATIJRE OF CONTFACTOi Oh A(ITI'IORIZED ACENT GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL, V2 H.P. MAX. SIGNS TEMP. POWER LJPOLE LIUNOGO. SERVICE D r.rew O c+rnNce 401-600A PE RM IT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION AU DIT REOROER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LOS RO6LES 'PASAOENA. CALIFORNTA 9IIO!Form 100.3 9-69 !i'r'n 'lci'j---.- !r-riFr. .' . .!t! I "'..?Q,r- EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Da tg 2c CASH ITEM Build inq Permit Fee Application For S#+kApplication Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoni (Subd ivision ) Total Received All items are received tor no-payment of any item. N9 1650 AMOUNT rece rpt ,'l f('n' D"*w{Y' i nd- ( /p l-n'\r" Phone 328-6338 Mr. Richard H. Hart Box 1788 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Dear Dick: I received your letter about the Dunn proposal today. Reading about it caused no more flashes of insight than did our discussion. Several things are, however, clear. First, this proposal clearly amounts to a subdivision of land or interests therein. Second, the Colorado definition of rrcondominiumrr (CRS 118-15-2 and 3, 1963, I think) can be cal led applicable. Lastly, the proposed density of units is far too high for any Zone District now in the County. The "most dense" zone - RMF - al lows twelve units per acre, roughly one half of what is proposed. As far as ownership and trelements-of -unitt' are concerned, I think them less than relevant in computation of density. We both know that density is meant to reflect the intensity of use on the land and the attendant population. Other points: - | am not speaking to the provisions of the Uniform Building Code. - Nor to the dictates of al I relevant departments of health, etc. - Can you imagine a family at Vai I occupying one bedroom? - A condo association, or something, will be needed to absorb common costs (utilities, taxes, etc.) This letter, especial ly the first paragraph, is meant to indicate that there will be more than a building permit involved if this project is to become a real ity. Not wishing to degrade a pioneering spirit, I would suggest that your client ask why there are no structures of this sort in the area. lf I can help any more, or at al l, give me a cal l. Best Regards,,l "/rre*'A-'t^- Quentin Mitchell, Jr. Planning Assistant oM/kt O EAGLE couNrY ODEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOP_MENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 23 Sept 1975 vA | !! co lO RAoo 4r657 Rrcu-q.Rn H. H:lnr ATTORN EY AT LAW l(c e ., 1., l-<,|--,'/ VA IL ARCAOE 227 EAST WALL STFEET September 19, I975 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Court HouseEagle. Colorado 81631 Attn: I{r. Quinten lvlitchell Re: A1lan Dunn Dear Quinten: Following our telephone conversation Wednesday, I thought Iought to put my thoughts down in writinq. My above client wants to build a structure on the order of aski chalet or lodge. The basic structure is to consist of twelve bedrooms (each with bathroom facilit.ies), a common kitchen and alarge cornmon room with f i-replace for eating, lounging and similaractivities. The gross floor area of the planned structure is 5177 sq.feet. The theory is to provide vacation lodging at a lower price than a condominium. A hotel type operation with rental of roomswill not be conducted. Mr. Dunn has a contract to purchase a tract of approxirnately.54 acre in the Matterhorn Village area west of Vail. Such tractis presently zoned Residential/Surburban/Medium Density. Neighbor-ing structures include the Matterhorn fnn, Fa1l Line Apartments and Park Meadows. The contract is conditional on county regulatory approval for Mr. Dunn's proposal. Mr. Dunn proposes that ownership of the structure can be in any format which meets the approval of the County. Three possible formats are as follows: 1. Corporate ownership of the structure and land; thetwelve families owning equal interests in the corporation; 2. Ownership by the twelve families of equal undivided l/72thinterests in the entire facility; 3. A condominium or townhouse type of ownership wherein eachfamily owns a specified bedroom and an undivided l/I2thr interest in the common area consj-sting of kitchen, common room, parking, utilities and landscape areas. -2- Other formats may, of course, exist. Perhaps the corporate formatis the easiest, however, as there seems to me to be no subdivisj-onregulation problem. It seems to me that Mr. Dunn's development format has merit, but my review of the zoninq resolution did not disclose anyclassification into whj-ch it clearly fits. Comrnents on defi-ned terms which might apply are as follows: Accomodation Unit - close but since use is to beby thffin's proposal rather than a quest, I wonder whether this definition applies. Further, I found no zone permitting use for mulLiple accomodationunits served by a common kitchen and c ommon room. Boardj-ng or Rooming House - seems clearly notapplicable because Mr. Dunn proposes no compensation -the owners will merely use their property. Dwelling - seems clearly to appIy, but as with accomodation unit, I found no zone which permits thiskind of dwel1ing. Dwelling Unit - although Mr. I)unnr s structure might be a dwdflTn!- containinq twelve dwellinq units, r am concerned at the definition's inclusion of the words "livj-ng independently of any other family". The commonkitchen and common room seem likely to disqualify Mr. Dunn I s structure. Dwelling,seems applicable except as mentioned above .living will not Family - seems subject to the same problem in thatthe common kitchen and common room may mean each ofMr. Dunn's families is not "a sj-ng1e housekeepingr unit". Hotel - seems inapplicable both because of the kindsof pro!6E64 inhabitanti and the compensation issue. Lodge - being a subc las sification of "hotel", seems equally inapplicable. Motel - the types of tenants seem to render this aef inition inappf i-ante. Another potentially applicable use mentioned in the regulation and not defined is: -3- Private Club - permitted as a commercial personal service uEd-bfTlght in the C/L district, the b/a ai.s-trict, the I district and potentialty the R/C districtor PD district. However, the commercial aspect of such permitted use would seem torender it inapplicable to Mr. Dunn's proposal . Upon review of the purposes stated in the requlations for each district, it seems to me that Mr. Dunn's proposal is compatiblewith the R/S/M and R/M/F di-strict purposes as follows: "to a11ow higher densi-ty residential development in close proximity to existinq determinants and where complete facilities are avai1ab1e. " Other districts seem intended for cornmercial, resource protection agricultural or lower density residential use. It seems to me that the zoning resolution should make provi- sion for uses such as that proposed by Mr. Dunn. It also seems to me that the land which he is under contract to purchase has beenplaced in a district which is compatible v/ith his proposal , subjectto reasonable regulation of elements such as number of rooms per acre. Perhaps, therefore, a new definition might be provided pursuant to paragraph 4.O7 of the requlations. I sugqest the word "chalet" only because "lodge" is already defined and I have thoughtof no really suitable word. Perhaps something on the order of thefollowing would be reasonable: Chalet - a building containinq two or more bedroorns owned by or reserved for the private useof owners and served by common cooking facilities and other cornmon facilities, wherein use is not commercial and not for a consideration. After establishment of such a definition, made a use by right, (or for that matter, use or speci-al use) in the R/s/M or R/la/Ftions to be stated therein. presumably it could beif required, a conditional districts, under condi- An easier solution seems to be provided by paragraph 4.01.07 in that Mr. Dunn's proposed use, whatever it may be ca11ed, is of the same general type as a multiple family dwelling and therefore miqht be found by the County Commissioners to be approoriate to the R/S/r.1 and R/!\/F districts. I'm sorry to have gone to such length in this letter, but it -4- it has helped me come to grips with the problem. l think Mr. Dunn has a valid use proposal but it seems not to fit literally into any of the zoning districts. Please let me know your views. S j-ncerely, I ,/ i -/-/ J-'i *\ t(-L/-4 Richard H. Hart RHH/jh cc: Allan Dunn Robert Finlay Accprv g (/ Mlv (t,c,aHrr(f) t/ W ^-U" .ns c?t rrf -19'>t) .-^*/r.Jz/. "> a4of4. CD = i,O 'r, 6:F l-;EIJ =3DfiE !r (C) cL:r_tc =Hi,9(5 a^ s.6 sofi E a - 71,^ro, ) -q +",6ah)> ^ Du an*.^fu7<tu "44 Park Meadows Lodge Post Office Box 605 Vail, Colorado 81657 t303) 476-5598 ..-zl;4 ry*6, 7 t.--l-i r I {,-f'c'l<'''"-^'--a "/,/ /t!!r Eaglr Oiltlily lrlret P, Or 6o*?00 rFrhcri t2t-fi13t Eqil., Ootors 8tc3t tC Junr 19?.t . Ydl, Gdc* lltlt nrymlm pr |rtn oil ! Mry tStt lr Af Ou*rf r tutldrg pf,mlt In MdHtunr vlflqr, hr urranty frad h not Jntr ld of bl6d( nnrlcn. Ar a rwdtr lhlr lr arrplotlrl $ut d t'|d rl l wlll nd 5 3r tnr Src Plrrrlrg CElltntrdcr. :' oo oa "/;' - BYRON D. BROWN Box547-vArL,coLoRADoB'1657 oFFTcETELE'H.NE: 476-2211 REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridge Street & Gore Creek Drive i{ay 28, L975 Rf-ilII\IID ,.'A'{ . ; .';5 ,lo ' I'J{r..,:ig & OsteL '-r.ie Corrnty" CGh'Mr. Les Dougl-as Building Inspector Eagle County Planning 0fflce Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Les: After our conversatlon on yay 27, Lt75 confernlnspermit in r{atterhorn t/illage, I did some researchIand. The only plat of that area I cou1d f i.nd vasthe l{esmith Engineering Co. nre area in ouestiongreen. The survey dated July Z, Lg6g by R. B. i.Iellington neasurernent s on the earl-ier plat were lncorrect.cooy of the statutory tlarranty Deed between RobertParsons. A1 Dunnrs building on a plat for thls the large plat by I have indicated in lndicates that the T have encl-osed a i{esrnith and Allce Please advlse this offlce r^rhat lnformatlon ancltaken to start vr. rhrnnr s buil<ilng on the watr sCeps rpJst be under- to county aporoval.-K[_{_!* ROBEDJ G. .IrINLAY P.Gn': 1w Enc1. a STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tlrat ROBERT E. NESMITH, of the County of Harris and State of Texas, for the consideration of One Dollar ($I.00) and other vaulable consideration in hand paid, hereby sel1s ancl conveys to ALICE L. PARSONS, of the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, the following real property situate in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to-wit: A tract of l-and in the Southwest Quarter (Swk) '1 of Section L2, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of {:he 6th Principal I'leridian, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Loi- 27, Matterhorn Vil1age, Eagle County, Colorado; thence N. 560 22' 10" E., d distance of 147.90 feet to a point of curvature; thence 130 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 431.48 feet and a chord bearing N. 47o 44r 16" E., a distance of r2g.5r feet to the Northerly corner of a tract of land described in a description in a Deed recorded in Book 199 at Page 465 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, which^is the TRUE POrNT OF BEGINNING; thence s. 49o 40r 48" E. al-ong the Northeasterly line' of saj-d tract of land, a distance of 230.78 feet, to the Easterly corner of said tract of land; thence Northeasterly to the Southeast corner of a tract of land described in the second portion of a description in a Deed recorded in Book 203at Pages 429 and 430 in the records gf said Eagle County, Colorado; thence N. 76" 30' W., along the Southerly line of said tract of land' a d.istance of l-66 feet, to the Southwesterly corner of said tract; thence Southwesterly along a curve to the right, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, with al1 its appurtenances and warrants the title to the same, subjcct to those restrictions, reservations and covenants pertaining to Matterhorn Village as the same are recorded in Brrck 178 at Page 263 of the records and files of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, such restrictions, reservations and covenants being made a part and parcel of this conveyance as if fully set forth in this instrument, and in the Ol interpretation of the provisions of such restrictive covenants the parcel conveyed. hereby shall be considered to be one tract or lot as referred to in such restrictions and as part of the consideration for this conveyance, it is agreed that the covenants and restrictions hereby incorporated by reference shall be construed to be covenants running with the l-and and enforceable by any owner of any Iot, tract, or parcel encomPassecl by the plat of Matterhorn Village as such is recorded in the records and files of Eagle County, Colorado, and further subject to any and all unpaid taxes and assessments, which the purchaser assumes dhd agrees to pay. STGNED AND DEIJIVERED this day of , L973. ROBERT E. NESMITH BY: STATE OF COLORADO ) : COUNTY OF EI. PASO ) ss. acknowledged before me KARL R. ROSS, Attorney, The foregoing this day of In Fact foT ROBERT E. NESMITH. WITNESS my hand and official seaL. My Corunission Expires: ToTARY PUBLIC instrument was , 1973, by