HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 5A LEGALii!t,zi'.J 2. Z = /= -, l-!. -j=a EE iI.Z : 'r a.Zr= z= z 3a'.: = - -c- = i=-i- z 7i==22lat=.>.-: - ?=. i i 1.= j= .= = -=;:::ziziza i.. ..4 , -:. = a-i;=Eiz :.?= i t'-:it=.-_ 1:-i=22 - ! - =:1 --: .z = l: ? v-rr:t.=1zi J .$ ;\ $ "N lrl c.l z F) F-l F-]H H z 'p 'lf o! =- z Fl F-l .= '! -EE =:C (J z I H U lnc) I z I (,, ) z F z O v) ts H z Fl h z o -.-() * lrl;t<:l:--<>x .Q ..r u >zzRS<5rza\<\J.Y''\;-z-Y)z:H;'tsz ^ll\J- <..F->:' tr \cYa<X= <'4aaI :2.. r. E ...: \./ :r-F -!:J<!r:u=FZiir--<Y Q;.<l::zFu-> =o0-J*'A=HUpFla - ..I.: ,, -'l!*o>>. aO2>i1 z-.*Y< l.'-: 5 ? < =ie=\-F/\- Lf-<: FZU,-ts!=[o=xH,-,FYl+xg+f-{J>F tFfat -C. --{-r &.a a+ O. FI EN -.,Pa r!-:a FS !r{.l-dt;{i= iF. EY F.HF{€F. 11 r9 a+\FtJL* FIHd *Fl L.t{ .-,v fH 11 ArFtdLa.aJ1F.rF)rFf |{A. € oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Fauland Residential Name Plate Project Description: Request for a residential nameplate sign Owner, Address and Phone: Karl Fauland, P.O. Box 493,Yail, Colorado, 81658 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Same Project Street Address: I I 17 A Geneva Drive, Vail, Co. Legal Description: Lot 5, Matterhom Village Subdivision Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Project#: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans submitted Town Planner: George Ruther Date:8112199 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: ^7,-,; \. //2..'\ ,':'1- ./ .. \-, TYPE I EIviPLOYEE I]ESTRICTIVE HOUSING rll'lJ',' COVFiNANT is the owner of certainWI_IEREAS,VtLE(jE L +trs) ll{,tl f , 1, property ("the Otyner'') describcd as: 1..:ofl-? i1- *l *l r^T- __ + l^CT S \)L -l i rlrl ,rsi ll {A (=E I\! ("the Property"); and v/FIEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restriclions on llr: use cf a unit or aparlmenl located on the Property for thc bcnefit of lhe orvner and the Town ol Vail, .loiorado ("the Town,,). NOW, THEREFORE, tlre Orvner does hereby impose, eslrbiish, acknowledge, declare for the benelit ol all persons who may hereinaiter purchase, or lease, o; hoid lhe subject land the lollowing restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemec.i to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1.The Emproyee Housing unit, containing l, I l?square fcet, is hereby restricted as a Type I Employee ilousing Unit (EHU) which must comp;/ vrith all the provisions of sections 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 16.57.040 of the Vail Mu:i;c'.ral Code as amended. ,^{ '..' 2.The Type I Employcc Housing Unjt shall not be leasec, or renled than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, it it shail be rentcij, it shail be who are lull time cmployecs who rvork in Eagle County. For paragraph, a full limc cmployce is one who works an a.,.erage of a hours each weck. lor any period of less renled only to tenants lhe purposes ol this minimum ol thirty (30) A Type I EHU may be sord, transf erred, or conveyed separarery from any singre famiiy trvo family dwelling only if it rneets the toilowinq co.ndllb?JF:rt5lf :,f*fEa) n musr be used by rhe owner "rrn.tl$fnffififfi;pE;oence. For lhe purpose of this paragraph, a permaneni. residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and io v,hich one, whenever he or she is absent has a present intention ol relurning alter a deparlure or absence lherefrom regardress ol the duration of absence. In dutermining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the loll.rvri,lg circumstances relating 10 the owner of the residence inro account: busi;ross pursuits, emproyment, income s0urccs, resicJcncc for incomc or olher tax puri)oses, age, marilal stalus, residence of parcnrs, spouse ancr chirdrcn if any, locaticn c:personal and real propeny, and molor vehicie registration. b) li a Typo I EHU is sord, translerred, or convc,ved separately from rhe other unit in a Tlvo-Famlly ctwelting it is a part of, lhen both the Type I EHU and the unit to which it is atlachcd shall be subject to all thc provisions set torlh in Section 18.57.020. 1,. CJ 4.ihe Type I EHU shalt not be divided into any lorm lraclional lee owncrship as lhose lerms are defined 0l lirireshares, interval ownership, or iri thc Municipal Code of the Town ol .L Lllllllfllll llllll llil ililr ilt il|||t ill litil ilt |l|l823182 Oa/2O/1997 11:334 8127 ?ZtiI of 3 R 15.00 D O.OO Sere J Ftrhr, Eagtr, C0 5. Vail. No later than February 1 of each year, lhe owner oi each employee housing unit wilhin the Town which is conslrucled tollowing the eilective date of this ordinance shall submit lwo (2) copies o[ a report of a fornr lo be obtair, :d lrom lhe Community Development Department, 1o the Community Developrnent icpidment of the Town of Vail and Chairman ol lhe Town of Vail Housing Authorily ietting forth evidence establishing thal each tenant whom resides within their employee nousing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. Thirty days prior 10 the transfer ol :r deed for a -,'ypc I EHU, the prospeclive purchaser shall submit an applicalion to the Cornmunity Devciopment Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meels lhe criteria set tcrlh above and shall include an atlidavit alfirming lhat he or she meets lhese crileria. The provisions ol these restrictive co /enants may be enforced by the O,rrner and lhe Town. The conditions, reslriclions, stipulations, and agrcements contained herein shall nol be waived, abandoned, terminaled, or amended except by the wriflen consent of both lhe Town ol Vail and the Owner of lhe property. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation Robert W. McLaurin, Town Manager o. 7. B. By: The foregoing instrument was acknowledgeJ bef ore me this /9 day of lt1t un,4 y' / f / /.^/ /, - ,lrruo.u /rffi-' ruota4qjfrllesED,Hrhrf lU ocmsm Eir FID.r 26 ltltlt 75 s. ffihg. nod, Yl @ 81657 Nfy commissio n u*pirurt y',L0,/? f |'r F z'-'' i / /')ay,'/-E' Vl- i/e. (- Property Owners The foregoing menLwas acknowledgec! before me tttis ff)ay ot fe.israc..-t ,7 4 lvly commission expires : idy Commlssi:- lvai'es Oct 0, 1997 2 Lllllll!illrtililr rlilililil ]]t ilffitiltililltiil ||ll6231E2 05/20/1997 t1:I3f, 8727 prt' 2 of 3 R 16,00 D O.OO Sere J Ftrhr, Ergie , C0 l? By: 9. The provisions of these restriclive covenants may be eniurced by lhe Owner and the Town- 'I 0. The conditions, reslriclions, stipulalions, and agreements conlained heretn shall not be waived, abandoned, lerminated, or amended except by iit€ wriuen consenl of both the Town of Vail and tho Otvnor of lho property. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corooralion Bob McLaurin, Town Manager The foregoing instrumenl was acknowledged before me this _ clay of Notary Public My commission expires: By: srrumenr was acknowtedsed before me this I a^, "t /Tl & V , ll z I %0*l!l )r(J N F:\avaayonavo trn3\EHU lll f [llfllul,lf llfflr lfl H Jrllllrlllu! |l[! ilrI ill 3 of 3 R 16.00 O O.AO S... J fr.f,ir, Eeslr, C0 Prope ity Olvn-o rs : Al,1 .BROS.DEVELOPMENT, iNBy: Robert Borne , Pres. The foregoing in JANE D. BOfiNE rcTARYPUBLIC STATEOF@LORAOO .& ctz ts =G,Iuo- c ( c c c c (n IJJ UJu- E =(r uJc ;;-s9lv'{nfrn a .J o\ Ir\ I zz E FJ tE, \t Ir., I.<t <z lL-Oo zz6ldJ =5 9r E IJJ F E F FI =: =z utl!Foz o2 I @ cd ozzr| E UJz3o u,lI Foz l!Jtu H o o Fzoo Eo CE uJz3o lro UJ|rlF zoo z Fl Fl i(, I14 i<IE t;lF{lz lu IrI] ICJt< o)o^o;oo;Eo! ^5e\lr.o NF3 p '; -L'i\'<a\' = r!\ \ -oca=or:fr E,eU 8',;gs fi.,Fl /ccyaEl)F OI I e bl v =5oo otcC(u P€oo 3oo ct) -'=3d l an C ..' (/,o;li ! J FT II'-E xl!y qlio9 Ell- ; -ll Eo blt': ' -i,6 @ zill];;li(! O -'i ll (-) il : o;:'=g)(/}tie968 5: frr=XY(6lvr- -,= (E F=c €6E ef : :gPj > =c96 35;_'; > 3 Pa =!E*e Iccv'9e9x: i.=- (6 cLo o,d=-,5: O oe O.E9o-(6C o!:- c.Y O(g:* iEi-s! - c\,Y '-C.! O'--c=o- --co9- 8EEo?B =6>o@; -r;iEHi8,.ii e 'fE .'U48P F. cc 6 C c c c n a .< o o c! a\ \o af) F LlJa z J f Y z o- F tr-l z6 =J o- - uJ = lrJ uJ z tr UJ qJ 'g ul z -u, llJ F u, z uJ (J x uJ ) F-1 Fl F-l FlHB (r, UJuj lJ- E =E uJ(L J Fo ozoJ lo IEFo UJJ UJ z (o =Jo- 2 I ul = NOrlVn'tVA Ye.o =!Z Z rL\o o ot F ^ A Zl Y ) > !l;E I o f,iq, o triz > ()'-o o 9_Q z :!l!<o a_ ict)) -g x Eii 6 z_l ao/(J =>(r = ... ro (\I zI E a ll- o o uJo- l E I z lrl (Lt!(r z E z tr F-) t<x 3 z =zlz9ra<()o<:(r. =PR,!bd<z Lz 9= do3trOI 1 uJl s) zY i F z F 5oz G o 3 -Jl<l =t zl .. >lout llJI!zot UJt! J z E o 1l ch rn r\ l.r N\T z tro) lD I c4 IE z I z I z I tc) cr)(o(o UJ E U) co -z FIlljY lucl o F tr cXtr,l xo-:trloJ (L'-I 8Hr<'lHu,bkz6 z o9zF<d)o>z:tr1 dP EEi = t!;dd= t (r UJclro+. uJEO E<lll60EoB9EL EE=> =l!-E h=o*;: ;E E 669 iurE Xo-E X>a::iFo.jo-itl! ulooF --- E =E, lrJ o-z9F()f E.Fozo(J a!!car\ I \Tfl Etr I I I el dl ;l il col ulFI F tltlI r'rlttt | :"1 I 6llot Izttot i 3l el ;|qlet <l =l >l =t trl-l qtzl!31o1 0lEFI nl I fl I| ONFI z Fl r:.r ui z -) t'\lcnla)tlt\olr) .., I ; Ixlcoolra'lglco IV\JnF{a<q> Ei><=:8(J z Fl|-..j -< Fl M z dl 5 E l-E irt! F;Oz IE F Fz .J FF UJJ uJ E 2?c?>tfFd5 F Fz () z -O uJ Etuz = F(J uJ =To t -rO<F(l(J LJ.J <zE[!F(rztraE la tI have read the memo dated April survey policies stipulated in the Town of Vail3, 199L and commit to adhering to them. | ./1 / -,, -.-7 e CL -Zq> ( Signature 03* oY - 77 Date lAoLq-!3 - ei-S,t@7N(F Job Name Permit Nurnber Legal Description: c i \krlstan\nenos\sulvey.pol L"LSN/ Block frtfrrc'qee'4) Subdi vi s i o n-wtz_+a-a--_? L f Geologlc Hazafi Revlew 4-1-',1 + (Date) /rd T . rut"y f-^ /z- //(t /y'zr-k,.",, L/,'//a [<*(Legal Descrlptlon) fu lt"> f/">. The undersigned has/have read the COUNTY OF t.O") 4,'x'/,194, prepared by :(.e't Lzp--.7ir, > lAA/e understand from the conclusions that he proposed building is located in a . , dukts l/o .t hazard zone, and there is he potential hazard of ct'b,,s f4'xt reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant us a permit. (Name, Owner) STATE OF COLORADO ) (Name, O,vner) ) ss. executed the same for the purposes and consideration thgr€in expressed. r712,Tfe foregoing instrument w4g agknowledged before me this / * day ol( -tux:-l . ,19$by Kly' I ll Fa"/a,-nl , known to me lo be the person F-no6e name is subscribed to tfie foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he ')^,Lt.(:ib--- My commission e COUNTY OF xpire _) ) ) ss. I The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: OLORADO c:Voms\hezsrd Qawc nnnrpp .il jit '. - ..,t I i9g4 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 slLT. coLoRADo 81652 irD0tl! il (303) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) April l3r Lqq4 lc.ar I FaLt.l. and l-t(l Fn:.r 4?3 V;ril CA Ut6*;ll Flllr l-larard lival.r.tn'tion.' lZII A {lerreva Drive Dear Mr " F autl and: I visited the above re{erenced Iot in Vail recently {or- purposiFl$i of a qeolnqic harard eval L(clti on I a5 it per-tains to debr-is flow potential . Ag you llnow this hau ard is noted sn the Town of Vetil's fnaps' as "PlecliLtm Severity. " This site is Iegg vutl nerai:l e than most in the area but sti1l tloutld bene+i b from mitigation. The topography is st-tch that any mutd {low that manages to get around the numeroue homes between this property and the gul 1.y from which {lowg may efnanate cnuld create a problem at ther gite urnl e$s the hnme isi brri lt on ril. ight:ty highe+r gror-tnd. It l.s niy Lrnderstandi ng tl'rat at least threre f €?et o{ +iIl is contemplated at the si tB anywc.{y. Thi s pl an '' pl r-rs some I andscapi ng ancj drainage to condutct water and perhaps mutd around the homeo shot-t.[d qreatly mj.nimi:e this minor probl errn. $oils enqineerinc €'hot.tld precede construction to insure [)roper {oundation design' -fhe proper-'Ly cloes lie irr ;r qecllcloicflIly sensitive arear t!L.tt devtHl opmen.h wi I I not i ncr-ease the lratard to other- property I oF gtpurcturrels r og to pUrblic ri. qhLt.'-'nf *wayo r6ads. r;treels't eitagementg3o uttilities 6r" f aciliti.es or oLher properties of any kirrd" If L,here ar-e f utrtlrer clutesti clrrs, p.l.clnse cnntact mF' $i nc:elrel a4"t Ni chol as Conslrl t i Lamp i ri s nq 6eol og i st Il a2 + t TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PERMTT No. 0l i:3 j; Contractor's copy to be kept on jobsite. 1. .t. permirFee $75.00 r-$E56.00 ttord - $931.00 )iagle [,'oun i.v Im;:ges, P.0. tsox 493, V.:i I , CO 81651 (Contactor's Sionature) Bill to: Paid:ileh!-. i.- l{no I ',.nrl ReceiDt #: L61:9 (Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED ( II ,..r |' APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 r t'1.Job Name Legal Description':r Street Address Excavating Conlractor Name ''/ Phons #TOV Contractor's License Number Start Date 4. Work is for {circle one) Completion Date cAw (Permit Expiration Date) OtherWater Sewer Landscaping /'/' -o-.*5. Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ S l:, l,({ ToratPermit t"" * i#:;-L f- {--. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE ..* JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. *i- A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to Permit Fee $ o. 8. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480l, Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) -' ,-. !. I TCI Cablevision of the Rbckies (949-5530) Town of Vail: /-f t.' i lnigation(479-2161) \l' ,"xr:: /"//ni',' Electricians(479-2171) ''-'':''r. ,',t,;//'t''/' 1t PublicWorks(479-2158),' ili'i'.1f,',,r,,r.,>,' !i' i l'/ THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior lo issuance ol the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notity the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contraclor a reinspection fee. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streels and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date ot Signature ATTACH PLAN OFWORK, INCLUDIN.b CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. 3't<'7/ ). 10. 11. o I z. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITI Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develooment Gold - Conlractor ':, 1r.( ( White - Public Works ........ v v TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERM IT fna^6r0 1"-z PERMrrro. .l:Tt;:) Contractor's copy to be k€pt on iobsile. 1711 CENEVA DB.IVE1. Name. Add.oss. Phone. and Lic6ns6 Work is for (circle one) WATER SEWER LANDSCAPING Permit Fee ts(l-oo - nlr.l_ lT R n or yFAn PUBLIC SERVICE CG{PAI{Y /ELECTR|C TELEPHONE CABLEn/ OTHER II{SIAIJ, LINE RARY SITE ACCESS t'../ | 't,' j ."- (Conlraclor's Signalure) lJob Name or Localion ol Workl (Public Works) Ela^ai^t {' tPrUtic Wo,t"l INSPECTION REMARKS: Bill to: Paid: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED _-l APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL fp 0 pF5t a ttt'\ PUBLfc wAY PERMTT 19 t / Excavating Contractor Nams Stan Date TOV Contractor's License Number 4. Work is for {circte one)Other 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee S o.ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROT DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE" . JOB IS STARTED. 7. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Completion Date Water Sewer Landscaping Gas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access CATV ' T'g:ii i, - Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times.Asphalt surfaces underneatn tne bucKet snall be protected at all tmes. -.. \ It A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility comilari| signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) I Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lnigation (479-2161) :)Electricians (47 9-21 7 1 ) Public Works (47 9-21 581 / THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department al 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notity the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. .;i Contractor's Signature of Agreement Oate of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. .i \'a 8. 10. 11. 12. N.,,n i lsp &tLT ( uT THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Developmenl Gold - ContractorWhile - Public Works [rfu 1001 DEV, DLPT, TOWN OF VA]L-BIIILDING DEPARTMENT T0 lrHol{ IT MAY CONCERN, REGARDIIIG OUR MECIIANICAL . PERI\,IIT A?PLICATIOTI FOI( THE T'AUI,AND_RESTDEIICE AT 1711 A GI\EVA DRIrlE, ,HE r.lOULD LIKE TO ASK vOU FOE|_ TM USE OF TIIO SINGLE I.IA],L IIOTI^IATER. XAKERS . THANK YOI] FOR VOUR CONSIfJERATTON TO TITTS RENUEST. MAR2I .COhll\I'. EAGLE COT]NTY I}{AGES DBA KARL ". 'OU'*NTOVP. 0. BOX 493 vArL, co.81658 STICEREI,Y. t;)e Ljj- / ,i,/ <1-.,e':' U?t-lg^19 o rR[C'0MAR t7tr",:hlnter-Mountain lAE gineerinsnd. SOTLS AND FOIJNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCB I,OT 5N, MATTERHORN VILI,AGE FTLTNG NO. EAGLE COI'NTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: CARL FAULAND PROJECT NO. 93454G AUGUST 1993 Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 94+5072 Denver 89$1531 1420Yance Street . Lakewood,ColoradoS02l5 . Phone: 232-0158 TABLE OF CONTENTS coNcl,usIoNs SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROTJNDWATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOI,'NDATION RECOMMENDATI ONS SLAB CONSTRUCTTON GROIJNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEI'I REINFORCING CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE LAWN IRRIGATTON MISCELLANEOUS TEST LOCATION SUMMARY OF TEST PITS GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEI,I 1 L 2 2 5 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 I I DRAWING NO. 1 FIGURES NO. 1 FIGURES NO. 3 FIGI]RE NO. 5 -2 -4 )) I o 1 r coNeLUsroNs l-. Subsoil conditions are fairlY uniform over the site with 1 foot of topsoil, underlain by sandy-clayey cRAvEL with cobbles and a few boulders to the maximum dePth explored of 8 feet. 2. The proposed residence should be founded on undisturbed sandy-clayey GRAVEL on conventional sPread footings designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 2,00o Psf. 3. The lot is not classified as a Geologically Sensitive Area on the official Maps for the Town of Vail' Ordinance No. 5. SCOPE This report presents the results of a Soils and Foundation Investigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 5N, Matterhorn Village Filing No. L, Town of VaiI, Eagle county, Colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of test pits and laboratory testing of samples obtained from these pits. The purpose of this foundation exploration was to deterrnine the various soil profile components and the engineering characteristics of the foundation materials, and to provide criteria for use by the design engineers and architects in preparing the foundation design, from a geotechnical point of view. 2 SITE I,OCATION AND DESCRTPTTON The site is a O.20 acre lot located on the west side of Geneva Drive, south of I-70 in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The topography of the lot within the proposed building envelope vas relatively flat with a steep drop from the road to the Iot. The vegetation consisted of grass. Drainage is to the west. SITE TNVESTIGATION The field investigation performed on August 5, 1993, consisted of excavating, logging and sarnpling 2 test pits. The locations of the test pits are shown on Drawing No. 1. The test pits were excavated with a conventional backhoe. Summaries of the test pit logs are detailed on Figures No. 1 and 2. Laboratory samples from ttre g,ranular soils were samPled by bulk sarnpling at selected intervals. These samples were returned to our laboratory, inspected and classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Systeur and the test pit logs were edited as necessary. To aid in classifying the soils encountered, and to determine general- soil characteristics, selected laboratory tests (grain size distribution) were performed on representative soil samples. Sumrnaries of the test results are strown on Figures No. 3 and 4. 3 SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Refer to the sunmary of test pits, Figures No. 1 and 2. Subsurface conditions are fairly uniform with 1 foot of topsoil, underlain by 7 feet of sandy-clayey GRAVEL with cobbles and boulders. We understand that no overlot grading has been done prior to this investigation. No groundwater was encountered in any of the test pits at the tine of excavation. According to the provisions of ordinance No. 5 for the Town of Vail, the following official Maps were reviewed: 1. The debris flow and debris avalanche hazard analysis map prepared by Arthur f. Mears, P.E., fnc. dated November 1984; 2. The rockfall map prepared by Schmueser & Associates, Inc., dated Novernber 29, 1984; and 3. AIl areas within the boundaries of the Geologic Hazard Map, Figure No. 3, prepared by Lincoln DeVore Engineers Geologist, dated August 15, 1-9A2i Lot 5N, Matterhorn Vittage Filing No. 1 is not classified as Geologically Sensitive Area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No specific design data has been provided' but for the purpose of this analysis, it has been presuned that the proposed residence viII consist of 2 floors without a basernent, and that loads will be light. If the proposed project differs significantly fron this 4 understanding, a review should be nade after the plans are more complete. FOUNDATION RECOUMENDATTONg Sandy-clayey cRAvEL with cobbles and a few boulders will be encountered in the foundation excavation. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional type spread footings designed for a maximurn soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. At this pressure, settlernents are anticipated to be approximately one inch. The footings should be constructed on the undisturbed sandy cRAvEL. The footingt excavations should be relatively smooth, free of debris, organics, loose soil, frost, and standing water. Any over- excavatj.ons should be backfilted and compacted to Lo0 percent within 2 percent of optimum moisture as determined by a standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to inspect the foundation excavation to verify that the soil conditions are the same as those anticipated in this report. After aII of the final grading is cornpleted, the bottom of the footings should be covered with a minimum of 48 inches of backfill for frost protection. Voids left by the removal of cobbles in the botton of the footing excavation shoutd be filled with lean concrete or a granular soil with a maximum particle size of 3 inches compacted to 5 1oo percent of standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698) within 2 percent of optirnum moisture. SIJAB CONSTRUCTTON AIt excavations made for the foundations rnust be properly backfilled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maxj-murn standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). The on-site soil-s, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable for use as backfill. Due to the high content of cobbles and boulders, it will be necessary to screen out the larger rocks prior to using this naterial as backfill. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be removed fron these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade should be proof compacted with a loaded rubber-tired loader to a uniforn high density. Special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities have been instalLed. The floor slabs should be reinforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the foundation walIs, so that a small amount of independent movement can occur without causing damage. The slabs should be scored in accordance with the Arnerican Concrete Instituters recommendations to control cracking. A granular mat (-3/4 inch gravel, with less than 5 Percent passing No. 2o0 sieve) should be provided below the floor slabs. This should be a ninimun of four inches in thickness and conpacted. The purpose of this granular mat is to provide a capillary break 6 between the subgrade and the slab. GROI'NDTATER AND DRATN SYSTET,T While no groundwater was encountered at the tirne the field investigation hras conducted, it is possible that seasonal variations witl cause fluctuations, or for a ltater table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after a prolonged period of rain. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 5 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the footing subsoils. REINFORCING The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential settlements. Foundation walls retaining earth should be designed to resist, an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf for an $activetr case assuming a level drained backfill condition. CRAWT SPACE COVER When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce hunidity in the crawl space area. 7 BACKFIIJIJ AND SURFACE DRAINAGE The backfill placed around the foundation walls must not settle after cornpletion of construction and the top one foot of the backfill material must be relatively impervious. The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable for use as backfilI. Due to the high content of cobbles and boulders, it will be necessary to screen out larger rocks prior to using this material as backfill. Backfill should be moistened or dried to near its optinum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density. Structural backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density. Surface water running toward the structure fron upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by rneans of drainage swales or other sinilar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A rnininun of L2 inches in the first 10 feet is reconrnended. Downspouts and siII cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the limits of the backfill. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. I IJAWN IRRIGATIOII Do not install sprinkler systems next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler sysLerns are installed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not fall within five feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation nust be controlled. ff the future owners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs, and are willing to assume the rj-sk of structural. damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very little rnoisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. UTSCEIJLANEOUg The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the on-site field exploration. The information obtained frorn the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular times designated. Subsurface conditions at other locations and times may differ from the conditions at these locations. The extent of any variations between the test pits may not appear evident until excavation is performed. However, only minor variations are expected. ff during construction conditions appear to be different, this office should be advised so re- evaluation of the recommendations may be rnade. 9 This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Carl Fauland for the specific application to the proposed residence structure to be located on Lot 5N, Matterhorn Vil-lage Filing No. 1, Town of Vail. Eagle County, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering standards for sirnilar conditions at this tine. There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. Sincerely, INTER-MOT'NTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. .: ' r-'1-> tCttiz*, Efut5r".) Luiza Petrovska, Project Engineer Reviewed by: Spanel, dent NORTIIff ./ Lot 5, Vall Vlllage West Filing No. I _ -__\ , )r\\ GENEVA DRIVE Ptr #lr Lor 5N @&TEST LOCATION Proposed Residence Lot 5N, Matterhorn Village F1llng No. Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Carl Fauland PRoJ€ct No., 93454G oare' 8/L2/93scnl€,rultt=40t PIT NO. ,u,r,/:o '','1,,- OESC R IPT ION OF MATESIAL FEM:RXS 10 A Sult sample -200 = 1.77" Topsoil Brown, sandy-clayey GMVEL r^rith cobbles a few boulders sub angu lar subround Bottom of pit No groundwaEer encountered SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Lot 5N, Town of Proposed Residence Matterhorn Vtllage Filling No. Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Carl Fauland o AA PRoJ€cr No.: 93454G rrcuae xo., I PIT NO. z ,'/,{tt,^o".+- OEPTH f/""i- OESCRIPTIO'{ OF MAT ERIAL RE M:R XSIH f €ET 10 15 A Bulk sarnple -200 = 2.57. Topso i1 Brown, sandy-clayey I subangular Eo GRAVEL (cP) vrith cobbles I subround and a few boulders BoEcom of pit No ground\nrater encountered i;il *:'ii'..u. ?;3il oY:'.c ,;{:;: rir e;?g iiipl: i:i.:Zg o AA SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Proposed Res idence Lot 5N, Matterhorn Village Filing No. Town of Vai1, Eagle CounEy, Colorado Prepared for Carl Fauland PRoJ[cr No.: 93454G z$lrb00 .-l c)..{ o f i -Q>lc opo b0 tr tr .o' 'r{ r-t O tr.l t0 o r-l (J '-lAJ..{ €,p(>aJqJ$ .-l l.r h o ! (0 0. Fto oH {, tro-d t{ (! P|l -A(JO o r-llr P .rlpr]r(d(n> E (H-ozral tr F FT 5.e Ee B.eocr)F\ rn c.l '{\o c.l IItl Fl >FFT<zzd<H(J(nh Fl q, (! r-l ct I (! ' I qD ln,$ {g rosJDog luorrad rtJ F UJ o u (u 4,, l.:J ^-z:l z. l.:J;. 6 o7. i< C, <n L1 = (2 t.J o (lr L,' o "{o a, f (, o tq0r0A\ {B rrutl lunrlad o\ o F(J 0ac- r:J (, F v. -r z.o t-3 GI rr F o trlN U) I =g:(, 6.e b.e E9F-@Lrt t\cltNrn cn [[rl F-l >Ard<zv&<HL!(ntrl () FIL! 0) d I>| |/' $ 'lq6reA\ Ig JoBJDoC tuosjod aa :F 'v ldN5 ^o;- IJr-t cl .! t', o r< c) <nj al,tJ (J (, -ra td o t") o a!-{o c,> v) at 3r) 6 E l6 .., rqDri,\\,(B rruU lu3)Jid .i'|rl.$ o'z F oG \+ c; L-l f(, f, F :trO zo F:) m EF o lrjN U) I'7 a((, z6 bootr r'{.rl Or-t o.rl 6J fr'| -o>dcl+Jo bo tr r{ 'd. .r{ F.l O q-l doF-{(J rlo .r{ .o JF4>Oqr(nr-l lr [rl {.J tr (6 O. rlo or4 0) Fo.d t{ (d A}..P{()O O t-lt{ +J .r{pr.u(!l!>E q-tao2i^C B OH FJ Intr88 u'PRI.??, 9At{'' "IMPERVIOUS FILL. SLOPEAV/AY FROM BUILDING. _ FOUNDATION \?A LL Efihli.JHuo',-llF'nn?6'13D*'io,o* GEOTEXTILE tul,[0,]^^lfgN oR YiliMSy s[f;T $^'J lYi&E'q':fi ifi f*',f,P B'F' ouu' , 3 5n "'?ffi p" Fe..L_,bfilEn"A L''s"u e o n n r N DRAIN SYSTEM FOU NDATION DEIAIL_: OF PERIPHERALFOR FOOTTwC fVpe Fig u re Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive. Suite 390 Vail. Colorado 81657 Mr. Karl Fauland P.O. Bor 493 Vail, Colorado 81658 Date: 7-22-94 Job Number: 9388 Project: Fauland Residence Location: Vail, Colorado Conrador: Ikrl Fauland Owner: Karl Fauland Weather: Sunny, 80 deg Present at Site: Karl Fauland Tim Boyle The following items were obserred: The framing for the main residence is essentially complete at this time. The only item remaining is the cantilwered deck framing at the west side of the main level. The deck joists are in place, but blocking and decking are not yet installed. These joists were installed at 16" o.c. in lieu of the 12" spacing specified. Every third member should be doubled to meet local code requirements. The roof beams have been sized up to 8" wide beams in lieu of the 6" wide members originally specffied. These beams have been notched I 3/8" at the interior bearing walls, and steel angles have been applied over these locations. These bearing conditions are approved as framed. The saddles which cormect the micro=lam beams to the pipe columns in the crawl space do not butt together from the top and bottom as shown on Dstail E/S L This condition is acceptable as framed. o DATE: November 30. l-994 Alt0llNT: $10,000NIIMBER: 926-4051 &TPIPATION: May 31, 1995 Each draft Credit No. Colorado . " author ized connec t ion TAS/mc must bear upon its fact the clause, 926-4O5L dated November 30, 1-994 of Each draft must be accompanied by aofficer of Town of Vail stating thatwith funds needed for the account of a. t' '' '. Trac i Vice /. t-tBAlrl( OF VAIL IRREVOCASLE LETTER OF CREDIT Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd vail, co 81657 Dear Gentlemen: We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of by your drafts drawn on the FirstBank of Colorado 81657, at sight for any sun not Thousand (910,000) on the account of Karl IJe hereby agree Ehat drafts drawn under this Letter of Credlt and in conpliance wich the cerms, shall be pronptly honored if presented to FirstBank of Vail on or before May 3L, 1995. Sincelely, /'i Credit in your favor available Vail, 17 Vail Road, Vail, exceeding the total of Ten H. Fauland. "Drawn Under Letter of FirstBank of Vail , Vail , stacemenc by a duly this draw is in Karl H. Fauland. I 1it (,)i.1.,,, A. .s;huh Pres ident 17 VA|L ROAD VA|L, COLORADO 91657 303-476-s686 :,. t:t. i' I ig 1rt'*'illil I t.')r'J L 'l,i'I- | ,l/r Legal Descnptiorl,LoJ5-Q Block- subdivision M qz ry*ilbls U3^ LETTER OF CREDIT FORMA]- Date ot ExDiration: Address DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town and entered into this - day or t Jol . filJ ov (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN ana /fi.4dp( (hereinafter called the "Bank").---87-v.AL' IMPROVEMENT bot: sq coNciz3-te- DLi'l€('otlY loa selF Co*sc€eT€il't LA-LAftLl L+tr,->} -9Ct4pt),sc, IEHsf '/g oF LoT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the lollowing mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as lollows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material .necFFs_ary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before Vla\ ,l*?( n'l{ The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improVements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the salisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other oflicial from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective intergst may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted'as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: Developer,g,s a condition of approval of the tq-UL{ANi) - Developer agrfles to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount ot $4OIb- (125% ot the tolal cost of the work shown below) to provide security for thdfollowing: 2ESOt=N(E- WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Page 1 of 3 , lrrevscable Letter qr ","ait * 1!!-!!2lin the amoun 1 s1 g tt, ( ( ( .' 7 wnn tiiy t"l, tt e - improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any otficer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible lor any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all ol said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insolar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are nol constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount ol the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder tails or refuses to complele the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or relusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work relened to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mulually agree that this Agreement may be amended from lime to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. DEVELOPER lL rJi\' :1:l,W:"W i,y r w #: ff:i:Y * *^-'.*', ieto re me tnis 3 Q aav ot Witness my hand and official seal. PLANNER. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprov€ment Agro€ment was acknowledged before me this _ day of 19_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE Wtness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: t&.w The loregtrg,Developer lmprovement Aqre€ment wal acknowledged,rq(t:><hun,VP(^4 F (r3l'Itar\k..f .Lth\ I before me tni"4^v or lJt'J Pag€ 3 ot 3 upd.t d 928194 o PROPOSAL' -€*AGt-ra co,:,r.:Tt intf Ogs' P. o. $ox t/?3 U+ti c co . I Proposal Submitted To: Name Street City State Phone g *_N) *442.U_q*uuttrsl-1l{ * Vt'Tt L ^co6'to 1 €fasY Y?t" -' G-gnoY ut ?eiLE 83 2-?_ €iaS( Work f o Ee Performed At: srrcer lY_,f ^ -2citv U+1\ Daie of pfans o,4 / t I Architect lA/zt &r'tgo6 Da. Stare CO We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessany for the completion of 2.)Q+t'erls G olr.J lrceST S"be G OSiT All matefial is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above wonk to be performed in accordance with the dnawings and specifications submitted fon above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner fol^the sum of Doilars t$ SOOroo ). wrth payments lc be made as follows: 10..5 <oLL {,tT Con PLei-) o{ Any Elleretion or deviation f.om above specificstions involving extrs costs, will be exe.lted only upon writtan ofders, and will becorne sn FeSpeCtfUlly SUbmittgdexirE charge over and above the estim8te. All ag.eements contingent upon strikes. accidents or deleys beyond our control. Owner to carry fire. tornado and othea necess€ry insu.ance upon sbove work. Woak- Pen men's Compensa!ion and Public LlBbility lnsu.ance on Ebove work to be taken out by Note-This pnoposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted wirhin <29 days.Ect ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions afe satisfactory and ane lrereby sccepted. You are authorized to do the \ryonk as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Sig nature Signature &ua-- O-1- r< - q( roPSEl FoFNI 3B5o ORIGINAT LITHOIfJUSA EAGLE COIJNTY IUAGES D.B.A. KARI H. FAULAND 17II A GENEVA DRIVE VAIL, C0 81657 .IUV .COI\IINI.DE\l,DEPI TOIIN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARII'IENT 76 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAI) vArL, co 81657 DEAR BUILDING DEPARTMENT, I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU FOR A 60 DAY EXTENTION ON BUILDING PERMIT 6635. DRIVEWAY AND DMINAGE RECEIVED FINAL APPROVAL BY PUBLIC WORKS ON 06-29-95, AND THE FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTION WILL BE DONE 06-30-95. TIiE EXTENTION WILL GIVE ME TIME TO COMPENSATE FOR TRADE AVAILABILITY AND ALSO FINISH THE PRIMARY IJNIT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING KARI It. FAULAND (vlf) ,la Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303t47 6-2110 FAX 303/476-4383 October l'1, 1994 Karl f,'auland P.O. Box 493 Vail, Colorado 81658 Subj ect: Fauland Residence Lot 5N, Mattefiorn Village #l Vail, Colorado Dear Karl: This is to confirm that I have reviewed the change of your garage roof framing from prefabricated trusses to stick framed. The rafters could be either 2xl0 @ 16" olc. or 2xl2 @ 24" olc. 9 l/2 TIUI5 or ll'll8 TJVI5 could be substituted for the 2xl0's or 2xl2's respectively. The ridge beam could be any of the following: two l3l4 x11 718 micro=lams; three I 3/4 x 9 l/2 micro=lams; or 5 l/8 xl0 ll2 glue-lam. This ridge beam should be supported by a riple 2x6 post at lhe centerline of the garage. This post stacks ov€r the TS colurm, pier and pad below. The TS column is capable of carrying the additional load, and so is the footing pad since you oversized lhis elem€nt. Please give me a call if you have any questions or conments on this matter. fl.i'f;:t* S";ut-'"u{:;grj, t4sos - ir," -'h*T k-.!i'?,bis 4o() z lr.l- & o.ulo o t 3 o i |I(r z trn E a uJo -F (I -(L< z tro- E a uJ_o II z tr+t() U)t! -F E z F_(r tr O U) tIJ_o c zo l-(! E at!o -F (I_tr z(J Fo- tr a uJo (rf z F o_ E a uJo -F cc i:) i-l i)t) : ac lz :* al _n- 'ls zotr o_cOa UJ+o -F E ,,L (llti _' 2: !.i..1 -,2 t-; 'a- r !ii :i l-! za q (I a tr.lo FII s tu lJl2 <= tr'<z uJ n'(f HH F= JZ JF*1 H86? zo FF )< uJ UJ6Osa =H LUI F9qlz co-o (J)Fzl >oFUJ ?H zoJZ. E. tuo(ro I.JJa -()El(L -uJ.)qt '1-'>lz a) l!-dtz>uJ:)>z z uJ @ (r UJF CE uJtI) z o uJ o uJ !.uao uJo llJz2 <t!ul(r *aalH l;< l;.i>Xacc*qr.! od !J =iloI (L (./]z<- iinF*4tr ! En rD (O C'|F^ooxEotsortcJ!96 -c oN =ovB "-a eEg _.I_v i-i :-ll 1'-: ':) i:_ .l j :-' (n.i tL o4o 5 o =(t) =I oIt O6 1 l o o oz 6 l !a)<i i: :. ili '1:l{z )(i,a ,-.i '! --.1 J ': ;'i r, i\ .,i .:i -, :> ;-. { j : :.1 _-, z :.1 r'r i! j! l_ij<f -r !-r- ,., :i i] .r. i:.i'7 ;l ---i:3 ^ :-j r:J n u) <:1' F - i.. --.' al (! Ia TIo z uJ il 'f -{l :.-ri i:l g + o Eo 6 o o =o ZY< :.. 8: =f o c P 6 = =f oz *ign Revlew Action iltm TOWN OF VAIL catesory rurmoer lZ o"t" / o/9,/r/ /lPrqeclNune: T- zz-'-4 *r<d Building Name: ProjectD$criptlon: n{{ ^ artar-" /',r >2' ;/ 6ff q Owner, Address and Phone: (^nt / f..r.-/""J pC /?/.w *a -? /., / /^ () d // \ F ArchitecUContact, Addrese and Phone: nt1 l1t '/L ? Legal Descriptlon: Lot --a- Bbck - Subdivieion Projecn $re€tAddress: Board / Staff Actlon Motion by: Seconded by: D Approval 3 Disapproval f,srannnnrwar Conditions: Town Planner Date: ./J ./ DRB Fee Pre-Paid'' ./ it., Legal De Subdivisron Dale of Address:,)2t/{ DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT '1C'(q , fifl1THIS $GRFEMENT, made and. entered into this /3 oav ot aJL'Ln , ttf ovTHIS AGREEMENT, made and.entered into this zo day ef (Ju'L I , 194 by and among (4trlia Z /<eLt'tA4Nl (hereinafter called the "Devetoper"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer as a condition of approval of thd71!14u'L-+t*\ - LPL:'^ 2.iz&,jetre- plans, dated 04 19f!, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Develgper agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in ot $_L OOo__ (125% ot the total cost of the work shown below) to for thd followino: a dollar amount provide security IMPROVEMENT 52, 6 GCrt P-:o &nL Otr /E-rT.q'dc- L,U t7 2 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the lollowing mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as lollows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and m-aterial necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before -. <(, - <5-. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner,all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to lhe salisfacfion of the Town Fngirlqer, the Torryn Building Officia!, cr cthgr official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interesl may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT I icriotion: t-or 5 atocr N/zW&'{ryztNritin{I Account Number: 0 1-0000-22026 Page 1 of 3 A cash deposit account in the amount of $()cz> .oo Io be held bv the Town. as escrow agent, shall provide the security for tlie improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another lorm of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of lhose improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of allernative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any olficer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property inlured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out ol or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in conneclion with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as relerenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications sel forth herein by the date set forth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the written request of the staff of the Community Development Department stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to the release ol the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement. but shall release such funds solely upon the request of the Community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed lhe amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certilied to the treasurer of Eagle County lo be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17J6.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town ol Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mutualllr agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE updsred 928/94 Witness my hand and official My commissi on e^prest /, ss. The loregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19_ by Witness my hand and otficial seal. My commission expires: Notary Public DEVELOPER PLANNER. COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Page 3 of 3 f,'I EAqiLE COUNTY II,TAGES KARL FAULAND P.O. BOX 493vArL, co. 81658 )'sf c t{vf 0,u L2-3r-95 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COM},'UNTTY DEVELOPMENT75 sou$h FRoNTAGE RoADvArL, co.81657 ATTN. ANDY KNUTSEN DEAR MR. KNUTSEN, WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU TO EXTEND OUR TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ON PERMIT 6635, TH8 FAULAND RESIDECE, TILL 05-31-96. DUE TO REASONABLE SUBCONTRACTOR, THE GUARDRAIL WILL HAVE TO BE DONE IN HOUSE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OF OUR LATE REQUEST. KARL FAULAND SINCERELY, I 7.-/ '--- -l' ---- ---a / \"s--- i'Ft =*{J APR 2 1 1995 ii;ii I i,:.,.,. ,',r'i, r'rFF.+.rvy - r,ul|/lj'li, u[I/, u[r!, Date Received by the Community Development APPLICANT Department APPLICATION FOR CONDOMINIUIIIVTOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW (Chapter 17.22 Yail Municipal Code) (please print or iype) LrA retje L,s !-qe: 4 , F+t 'o rn N) AppLrcANls REpRESENlallye € o ss :Dt1 ul s , J( , ADDRESS lOt S.'TrZcxnde:" (\ pHoNE q'lu 2q t\ C. PROPERTYOWNEB V'+1r-<zi6 L, z -VaQ-c -F{ , Taou+rS) <-)- a\ , t owNEn'ssteruatune - | e L-.FrxPHoNE lfc - Eszz MAILING ADDRESS P c"aox q73 V4iu r-o, NLf, ,1o.suBDrvrsroN f-1*T-r<u +b2N llrruruc T APPLICATION MATERIALS TO BE S 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy ol the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall include a site map with the following requirements: ,tbai4f '1 t" ! t ly/,'a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered' other substantial solution, on a reproducible, d l/ n'' LOCATION OF PBOPOSAL: l s-'l STREET ADDRESS I I ol one hundred feet to one inch or half to two inches on the left and Accurate dimensions to angles and curves alleys, public or circular arcs scored are to be determined by ol survey in the tield which must balance and of one in ten thousand. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streeb. um (preferably mylar) and shall be at a scale ins of one and one- inch on all other sides. one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, boundaries , setbacks, or dedicated for All curves shall be central angle, arc both linear and angular, Vtl ir- MAILING ADDRESS tP.c. Eo-( q"3 Lh ir- co {(tSf PHONE hlto 83 zL B. D. 6Er.,e Uq DiLi/r E. F. e ^of,fl ucHEcK rWD^rE +' Z -/{ in India ink, or b. 0[ u c. ,td' E $100.00 Report EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE Page:1 ORDER NO: FAULAND VENDOR NO: KARL H OR VALERIE FAULAND PO BOX 493 vAlL. co 81658 SCHEDULE NO: RO13430 ASSESSED TO: F,AULAND, KARL H. & VALERIE L. PO BOX 493 vAtL, co 81658 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:MATTERHORN VILLAGE FlL.l BLK:- LOT:5 DESC: NORTH l/2 BK:O301 PG:0483 BK:O578 PG:0926 MISC: BK-0388 PG-0495 DT-O6/3O/84 TY MISC: P-O BK-0218 PG-08248K-o259 PG- Mf SC: O91 3BK-0284 PG-O72O LESS BK-O3 PARCEL:210312312029 slruS ADD:00171 I GENEVADR VAIL TAX YEAR 1994 TOTAL TAXES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 INT AMOUNT 0.00 ADV.PEN,MISC o.00 TOTAL DUE o.00 0.00 ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASMT ASMT AMOUNT INT AMOUNT ADV,PEN,MISC TOTAL DUE 0.00 TAX LIEN # TOTAL CERT TLS AMOUNT INT AMOUNT REDEMPT FEE TOTAL DUE 0.00 GRAND TOTAL DUE GOOO THROUGH O4l30/95 0.00 ORIGINAL TAX BILLING FOR 1994 Authority EAGLE COUNTY cMc RE5OJ SCHOOL TOWN OF VAIL MINTURN CEMETERY DISTRICT VAIL PARK & RECREATION DIS UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITA COLORADO RIVER WATER CO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSO EAGLE COUNTY EMERGENCY S FEE FOR THIS CERTIFICATE Mill Levy 9.981 3.997 29.572 4.690 o.033 2.831 2.622 0.394 0.563 't .171 Amount 69.48 27.42 205.81 32.64 o.23 '| 9.70 18.25 2.74 3.92 8.1 5 55.854 384.74 10.oo ALL TAX LIEN SALE (TLS) AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO ENOORSEMENT OF CURRENT TAXES BY THE LIENHOLDER OR TO ADVERTISING AND OISTRAINT WARRANT FEES. CHANGES MAY OCCUR AND THE TREASURER'S OFFICE WILL NEED TO BE CONTACTED PRIOR TO REMITTANCE AFTER THE FOLLOWING DATES: PERSONAL PROPERTY ANO MOBILE HOMES - SEPTEMBER 1, REAL PROPERTY . OCTOBER 1. SPECIAL TAXING OISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE ON FILE WITH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. This cortificats doos not includo land or improvemonts assossed und6r a sep€rato schodule number, personal property taxos, transfer t€x or misc. tax collectod on behalf of othor entities, special or local improvemont district sssessments of mobilo homes, unless specifically mentioned. l, tho undorsignod, do heroby cortify thst tho ontife amount of taxes due upon ths abovo dosctibod all oulstsnding sales for unp€id t€xes as shown by the rocords in my offico which the same smount roquired for rsdomption ato as notod hotoin. In witnoss whoroof, I hy'e horounto sot tji;'*r -'Y{ ,j: 2.','... ...'' .."\ k";:;;;;; "1 TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY, SHERRY BRANDON. BY a Ff[ t coP yl TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479 -2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 June 29, 1993 Department of Conununiry Deve lopment Valerie and Karl Fauland P.O. Box 493 Vail, CO 81658 RE: A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a residence located on the north half of Lot 5, Matterhorn Village, 1711 A Geneva Drive. Dear Valerie and Karl: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the June 14, 1993 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your setback request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of this setback variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from the approval date (June 14, 1993). lf approval ol this setback variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted lor reconsideration by the Community Development Department stafl and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Tim Devlin Town Planner Enclosure [\ Ff l_ t c0PV PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June 14, 1993 MINUTES PRESENT STAFF Diana Donovan Kristan Pritz Jeff Bowen Mike Mollica Greg Amsden ShellY Mello Kathy Langenwalter Jim Curnutle Allison Lassoe Tim DevlinBillAnderson Andy Knudtsen Dalton Williams 1. At approximately 2:10 p.m., the meeting was called to order with a request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a residence located on the north half of Lot 5, Matterhorn Village, 1711 A Geneva Drive. Applicant: Cad FaulandPlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a brief presentation per the statf memo and stated hat statf was recommending approval of the applicant's request for two side setback variances with the condition that the applicant plant landscaping on the north side of the encroachment consisting of three 2 inch caliper aspen trees and one 6 foot evergreen tree in addition to the landscaping proposed. Diana Donovan asked the applicant whether he had any problems or concerns about the additional landscaping being requested by statf. Carl Fauland stated that he would plant the additional landscaping. With regard to ihe roof overhang, staff explained to the PEC that 4 feet was allowed by the zoning code, and the applicant was proposing a 6 foot encroachment. Kathy Langenwalter inquired whether the applicant's inlent was to begin the prow at a width of 3 feet and reduce it by 1 foot. She stated that by doing ihis the encroachment would be lessened by 1 foot. Cart Fauland agreed to lessen the encroachment by 1 foot. Tim Devlin stated that this project would encroach 5 feet into the side sebacks instead of 6 feet. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request per the statf memo with the additional condition that the applicant reduce the roof overhang by 1 foot. Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion and a 7-0 vote approved this request for two side Planning and Environmental Commission Jurp 14. 1993 FIL T COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COIIMISSION June'14, 1993 MINUTES PRESENT Diana Donovan Jeff Bowen Greg Amsden Kathy langenwalter Allison Lassoe BillAnderson Dalton Williams Applicant: Planner: STAFF Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Shelly Mello Jim Gurnutte Tim Devlin Andy Knudtsen 1. At approximately 2:10 p.m., the meeting was called to order with a request for a setback variance to altow for the construction of a residence located on the north half of Lot 5, Matterhom Village, 1711 A Geneva Drive. Carl Fauland Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a brief presentation per the staft memo and stated hat staff was recommending approval of the applicant's request for two side setback variances with the condition th^at the applicant plant landscaping on the north side of the encroachment one-6 loot evergreen Diana Donovan asked the applicant whether he had any problems or concerns about the additional landscaping being requested by staff. Carl Fauland stated that he would plant the additional landscaping. With regard to the roof overhang, staff explained to the PEC that 4 feet was allowed by the zoning code, and the applicant was proposing a 6 foot encroachment. Kathy langenwalter inquired whether fie applicanl's intent was to begin the prow at a width of 3 feet and reduce it by 1 foot. She stated hat by doing this the encroachment woutd be lessened by 1 foot. Carl Fauland agreed to lessen the encroachment by 1 foot. Tim Devlin stated that this project would encroach 5 feet into the side setbacks instead ol6 feet. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request per the staff memo with the additional condition that the applicant reduce the roof overhang by 1 foot. Kahy Langenwalter seconded the motion and a 7-0 vote approved this request tor two side Planning 8nd Environmental Gommisdon Jur 14. 1993 of-r MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and EnvironmentalCommission FROM: Community Developrnent Departrnent DATE: June 14,1993 SUBJECT: A request for a setback varlance to allow for the construction of a residence located on ths north half of Lot 5, ttrlatterhom Village/l711-A Geneva Drive. Applicant: Planner: I. DESCRIPNON OF THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting two side setback variances in order to consfuct a primary/ secondary residence on a lot located at 1711-A Geneva Drive. The specific request is to encroach 2 leet into both the north and south side setbacks for a distance of 15 teet for two stories, thereby resulting in a 30 square foot encroachment into both side setbacks. The applicant is also proposing roof ovefiangs that would encroach 6 teet into both side setbacks; 4 feet is the maximum encroachment allowed for roof overhangs. Therefore, the resulting side setbacks are proposed to be 13 feet for the structure and 9 feet lor the roof overhangs. Please see the attached site/landscape plan and elevalions. The 8,773 square foot lot has a widtr of 52.05 feet, and with 15 loot side setback requirements, the 'buiHable' widtl'r of the lot without a variance would be 22.05 feet. On the south side of the proposed structure, the applicant is proposing lanGcaping that consists of five 2 inch caliper aspen trees, and two 6 toot and one 8 foot evergreen trees. On the north side of the proposed structure, fre applicant is proposing landscaping that consists of two 6 foot and one 8 toot evergreen trees. On May 19, 1993, the applicant was granted permission by the Design Review Board (DRB) to separate the garage lrom the main structure of he house due to the steep topography of the lot. The allowable GRFA on the site is 3,043 square feet;the applicant is proposing 2,970 square feet of GRFA that includes a Type I Employee Housing Unit. The applicant is proposing a single car garage for each unit, each to be 210 square feet. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Site Area: 8,773 square feet Allowed Prooosed Primary Unit: N/A' 1,851 sq. ft. (61%) Secondary Unit: 1,302 sq. ft. (40"/o max.) 1,1 19 sq. ft. (37%) TotalGRFA: 3,043 sq. ft. 2,970 sq. ft. lf ,i fi*p q"r rhl- ,!rlr' I I Carl Fauland Tim Devlin GRFA: Setbacks: Front: Side (norh): Side (south): Rear: Sile Coverage: Parking: Primary Unit: Secondary Unit: Height: Landscaping: 20'required 15'required 15' required 15' required Zf/o 2 spaces 2 spaces 33' 6F/" required 20' 13'.. 13'.. 41', 19.9s% 2 spaces 2 spaces 33' 75Y" ' Primary Unit area is dependent on the size of secondary unit, which can be up lo 401" of lhe allowed GRFA. tt Applicant's variance request for 2 foot encroachments into both side setbacks. III. VABIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings in Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Gode, the Community Development Department recommends spproval of the requested 2 foot side setback variances for he structure, but feels that the applicant should reduce the roof overhang encroachment to the 4 feet which is allowed by the zoning code. The staff's recommendation for approval ol the side setback variances being requested is based on the lollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the Equested varlance to other exlstlng or potentlal uses and slructurcs ln the ylclnlty. Since the width of the lot is 52.05 feet, and taking into consideration two 15 foot side setbacks, the applicant is left with a 22.05 foot width in which he is allowed to build wifrtout a variance. Therefore, he staff believes that a physical hardship exists given the nanow width ol the lot. The staff also believes that he proposed 2 foot encroachment will have a minimal impact on the neighboring struclures, and it is important to note that each of the proposed 2 toot encroachments occur for a length of only 15 feet and not for lhe length of the entire structure. Please see the attached site plan for the proximity ot the adjacent structures to the north and south. With regard to the proposed 6 foot roof overhangs, the siatf believes that the architectural design of tre structure is atfactive, but feels that the applicant should reduce he overhang encroachment to the 4 feet B. that is allowed by zoning code (please see 18.58.O40). The applicant is proposing to landscape on both the north and soutt sides ol ths proposed struchrre in order to screen the encroachmenF. As discussed previously In this memo, ths applicant is proposing five 2 Inch caliper aspen trees and two 6 foot and one 8 foot evergreen trses on the south s6e of the house. On the north side of the house, the applicant ls proposing two 6 foot and one 8 toot evergreen trees to screen the encroachment. The staff recommends as a condltlon of epproyal that the appllcant be requlred lo plant addltlonal lanGcaplng on the north slde of the encroachment conslsung ol thrce 2 Inch callper aspsns and one 6 foot cvergrcen tl€e. The staff recognizes that topographic constrainb somewhat limit the developable areas of this lot. Please referenca the attached south elevation drawing that shows the garage and house placed on relatively flat portions of the site rvith a steep hillside between. The staff feels that 2 foot encroachments into both side setbacks would allow for a funstional house to be built on this lot as proposed by the applicant. 2. The degree to whlch rellet from the strlct and llteral Interpretatlon and entorcement ot a epecllled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve c€mpatlblllty and unlformlty of treatment among sltes In the Ylclnlty or to attaln the oblectlyes of thle tltle wlthout grant of speclal prlvllege. As discussed above, the statf feels that the 2 foot encroachmenl requests into each of the two side se[cacks are minimal since they are only for a length of 15 feet, and feelthat they are wananted because of lhe nanow conliguration of he lot. Stafl does not believe that allowed variances for these encroachments would be a grant of special privilege. 3. The eflect of the requested yarlance on llghl and alr, dlstrlbutlon ol populatlon, transponatbn and trafflc facllltles, publlc facllltl$ and utllltles, and publlc safely. The staff does not feel that fie proposed setback variances would have a substantial adverss lmpact on the above mentioned ibms. The staff does view the proposed Type I Employee Housing Unit as a positive element of the request. The Plannino and Environmental Gommission shall make the lollowino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent wifi the limitations on other propsrties classified in the same dishict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is rvananted for one or more of fie lollowing reasons: a. The stric,t literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result In practical ditficulty or unneoessary physical hardship inconsistent rvih the objectives ol this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance hat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enlorcement of the sperified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS For the reasons discussed in Section lll A of this memorandum, Ure staff is recommerding approval of the request for the 2 foot side setback variances into the north and side setbacks, but recommends that the applicant reduce the roof overhang encroachment to 4 feet (from 6 feet) as allowed by the zoning code. As a condltlon of approval, the stafl rccommends that lhe appllcant be requlred to plant landscaplng on the north slde of the encroachment eonslstlng of three 2 Inch callper aspen trees and one 6 foot evergreen t'ee In addltlon to the landscaplng proposed by the appllcant. The staff believes that he variance findings discussed in Section lll B, 1, 2, and 3 (a - c) of lhis memorandum have all been met. Please note that under Section 18.62.080 of the To^rn of Vail Municipal Code, he approval of a variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two years from when the approval becomes final. !t.AA {-r\ l' i"l l'- t I Ht Iljl 8larlJl\)(a'a g ? 5 r{lf. ,3t\\l .! t\t\ -J '-s t$ U e B 'tr { AIs-la tsF'3 t' $ $ i)) tri r$ e !iti rs $t r{{ -nIst- ta(S !J\a \r-tlil \\ It L"lbt<: o_oo oo HtrJ4 eilcP4tl': Ra+z *Er4r;oN Tz"zsto 6' Eae at4'- reviaed LO/5/gZ O APPLTCATION This procedure is requj-redvariance. The applicationinformation is submitted. Application Date PEC MEETING DATE roR A vlRl.altcE for any project requesting awill not be accepted until all A. NAME oF AppLrcANr V'*Lgfzt'{ eN) *A+e1fu6r;7fl-t\) ADDRESS P,o. s,cN q23 l/r'rtL, Co €16.\-8 n^o*, NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATTVE NAME oF owNER(s) ,.vni).; o'p. )VfriE(t€ ?-k.l?L fr?OLqrq owNER(s) srcNAruRE <sty'o.&*lzJztu{c^r1 / hz'-:T-a r-- ADDRESS PHONE ADDRESS P-o g,c'y q?3 L'+7r L cc., <ts / LS{PHONE ?2 b -2c6/ ,'| cRrPrroN: LoT S N/Z FTLTNG Mnrreai+aQ^) ytfil,tOg Ttu'T ADDRESS /Y r/ t1 FEE $2so. oo ,orol4l4r r u 14tr(BY THE FEE @, BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a li_st of their names and mail-ing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-applicat.ion conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application witl be acceptedunless it is complete (must j-nclude all items requiredthe zoning administrator). It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff toout about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COUPT..ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinitv. I. P (. D.LOCATION BLOCK OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DES ,-(.a- by find 7Zb .2SG, l s4Pt€- G€*' € 14 VE r t'F 2' llt:?'ff.::"::i:i'ffi'*5 :Xn:Hj:':;'""'specj.fied regulatj-on is necessary to achievecornpatibility and uniformity of treatnent amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your reguest complies with Vai1,s Comprehens j-ve P1an. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least 'J," = 20' stanped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including locatj-ons of all existing improvements, including grades and elevatj.ons. Other eLements which must be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least Ltt = 20' showingexisting and proposed buildings. A11 preliminary building elevations and fLoor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buiJ-dings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A prelimi-nary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal- is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, thenwritten approval from the association in support of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.TTME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and EnvironmentaL Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prJ-or to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadmj.nistrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the desJ-gnated submittaL date. A11 PEC approved variances shalI lapse if constructionis not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to compLetion. If this application requires a separate review by anylocaf, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVai1, the application fee shall be increased byS200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot lirni.ted to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for payi-ng anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. D. E. G. B. A.v. B. 3:i]::nr": "oi:T:o"?;":?: "::y:: : xl?"I:130T::' ",other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determj-nation be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Corununity Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and thj.s amount shal1 be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consuLtant which have not been paid to the consultant shal1 be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. I I STEWART TITTE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC. CLosINc lno SntrlnunNr AcnnEMENT P.O. Box 20fl) Vril, CO tt65t (303) 949-r0ll r x cjm) 949.7713 Ttus AcREME\m, datcd t. SErucEs To lls PETF0TMED By Cr,osrNG AcErr. Wift rcspoct to the clcing of rirlc (rhc "Oosing') o rhc pmperry snd pursuanl Io thc sgrccrncnts of Scllcr rnd Purchascr sct forfi in thc Conracl which agrement shall bc dccnrcd to bc insruclims to Oosing Agenl hcrcundcr, Closing Agcnt rhall do thc following: A. INFoTMAnoN GAnrlttttc, Oosing Agcnt shdl review ths Contsct malc tclq)honc norifications rnd inquiricr and obtain vcrificarion (in writtcn forn1 rim md lhird palries permirdng) of existing loan payoffg honro*ner associatiol ducs, insuranc€ pcmiums end ad valorem rral and penmal goperty tar.es. B. hlrmrnot or Docwsrrs Oosing Agcnr shall providc scrivcner's assislrncc o Brokcr in thc pcparation ofclosing docunrentr rcquired punurnt to the Contract with such assisuncc bcing limited ro thsr allowcd under Colcado law, C. Pnelrntnot oF SEnLEMETT SrtEers. Oocing Agent shall urdyzc the informrtion gathcre4 detcrminc calculations end fontiont rnd prrparc find setdenrcnt rhects. D. CLosurc Oosing Agcnt rhall cordinatc the Closing, prcscnt clocing dcunrnc fc exccutbn, crplain closing docunrntadon pepercd by Oosing Agcnt recivc snd deposit fun&, reccrd documents, disperse closing documcnts end prcpare and disperse checls. L l.oet ThensecrroL lf a loan asrunption closing or a new lon closing is rcquind pursuant !o the t€rms of thc Contract (rs it exists on fte darc hereoQ, Oosing Agcnt shall prcpare HUD Sctdcmcnt Shects, if rcquind, rccord len documcnts, dispene len clcing dcunrens and prepar.e and dispcns checks. in the evcnt thlt r l6n assurnptiqt or a n€w lon is nnde pan of the Oosing but was nol disclosed as a requircnrnt in thc Conrrcr. Oocing Agcnt shall bavc the righl ro chrge the purchaser, in ddition lo dl olhcr fees payablc ro Closing Agenr hereunder, strh armunt lor such loan services as is set fmh in Oosing Agcnt's Schcdulc ofFecs And Chargcs in cffecr on rhe dari hcreof end on filc rrith thc Colorado Cornmissioner of Insurance. l'. Escrows rto Holurxc Fwos Thc creation of any escrow for thc holding and dispa.sing of rny docunrnrs or fundiby Ocing Agcnr after rhc Oosing rhrll only be required of Closing Agcnt in thc cvcnr rhar Scller, Purchascr urd Closing Agcnt cnrciino a scpuatc writlcn cscmw sgrc€rn€nt whcrein cscrow instructions and csctow fccs pcnaining to such escmw ue specifically sctffit. 1 SenvrcBs Nor Penmnueo Ey Cr.osrrc Acrxr. Thc following is r non-exclusive list of rnaners that Closing Agent does not anempt to Invcsligatc o[ determinc end fq which Closing Agent is not liable: A. Unrccrdcd rrchanic's and materialmcn's liens. B, Cuncnt personal Fopcny hres. C. Utility chargcs such rs clccric. gas, walcr rnd sewcr inchding, without limiution, up fecs. D. _Boundary lines, locarion of improvcmcnts and possession ofthc hopcny. E Compliance with limilarions on usc of the propeny such as zoning urd building ordinanccr rnd rcsrictionr. l'. ho,posd improvcmmt urcssnrnts, nol yct liens of rccord, G. Exisrcncc and prcmiumr of firc and casualty insurance. Pcrtaining to infcrnaricr garhatd by Closing Agent frorn rourc€s other than Cloclnt Atent, Cloing Agent dcs not guuutce lhe aocuracy ol any such informrtion rnd shall not be liatrlc as a rcsult of any inaccuracy in such infrnnntion. ls amonS ('Seller'), Karl H. Fau.Lnad and Valerie L. Fauland ("Purchascr'), EM/vail Beaver cree!-l'bgnlgin i!e\grt- ("Broker'), and srEwART TmE oF EAGLE couNTy, INC., a colorado corporadon ("Closing Agent'J. RnCtmm l. Sg.un ero Rnousn. have entered inlg tul gertain Vec:nt T-and/Ferm end R:nnh Cnnfraet tn Bry and Sell Real Estate r6F,,1ry 7 Iggz("rhe Contract'), dated '-''o covering the sale and purchase of that certain property (the "hoperty') in Eagle County, Colorado, and more particularly describcd as follows: Ttre North l of lor 5. 2. Stu-m aNo PtncHAsEn desire that Closing Agenl close the transaction contemplated under the Contract pursuant to thc lcrms and provisions of thc Contract, which terms and prwisions are irrcorporated herein by reference thereto. AGREEMENT ll consnmenon of fre rccitals and the mutua.l covenarus and obligations hereinaftcr set forth, t]re parties hereto hcreby agrec as follows: 3. Fess ro DE PA.ID To Ct-osrxc Acstrt ln considcration of the abovc defined scrvices to bc perfornrd by Closing Agent, $c following fccr and reimburscmcna shall bc paid to Closing Agcnt ar thc Oosing: A. A "Oosing Fec" in the amount of $ L00.@ rM1 1E paid by thc Scllcr and S 100.00 shall bc paid by tnc Purchaser. B. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove to thc conFary. in the event Closing Agent performs any services outside of normal closing serviccs (callcd hcrein "Spccial Sewices'), a "Spocial Oosing Fec," in addition to the Closing Fce, in an armunt cqual o the product of $50.00 per hour multiflied by rhe number of hours spent by Oosing Agent in performing such Special Sewiccs shall be paid by the party (Seller or Purchaser) rEqwsring such Sp€cial Services. Special Services shall include, without limibtion, multiple revisions of documenb or setdemnt staterElts, erErSency or spccial delivcry requests, tavcl io outside offices or locations, duplication and assembly of mulriple closing packagcs. documentJ or ccrcspondence, counseling and cducation on terminology, praclicls or procedur€s generally known and accepted in the Colorado real estate, legal and /or lending community and tinr required to pursue on bchalf of a party thc rcmedies to sarisfy thc requircnnnts, pmvisions and/or contingencics of any tide conunilnpnt lon commitnrnt or of thc Cqltracf C. ln addition o the Clsing Fee and the Special Oosing Fee, if any, direct out of paket €xpenses incuncd by Closing Agent including, *ithout limitation, spccial posrage or freight, long dbtancc calls, recording fees, tar certificalcs, slatus reports, bank fccs for wire tansfcn and for certified and cashier's checls snd anorneys' fecs rhall be paid by the pany (Scllcr or Purchaser) for whom such cxpense was incurred. D. Notwithstanding anything conraincd hercin to thc conlrary, in thc cvent thal Closing Agent incurs any aflorneys' fees or other legal c6ts in th€ prspantion of any clcing documcnts as a rcsult of Oosing Agent being requested to obtain or preparc such dcument and Colorado law prohibits Clcing Agent from preparinS such docunrnt, such fecs or costs shall be paid by the party (Sellcr, Purchaser or Brokcr) rcqucsting that such documcnt be pre'parcd. d RemsseNTrnoNs AND WARRANTTEs oF SEr,LEt AND Puncrnsrn. Sellcr and Purchaser hercby rcprcscnt, warant snd covenanl to Closing Agent as follows: A. Seller ard Purchaser will deliver to Closing Agent all docurrnrs, pay to Closing Agent all surns and do or cause to be done all othcr things necessary to cause the Closing to occur as rcquircd pursuant to thc tcrrns of the ConEact. B. Sellcr and Purchascr will each pay !o Closing Agent, on or beforc the Closing, all charges payable by them as spccified hcrcin C. Closing Agcnt shall not bc liable fq any acl it rnay do or omir lo do hercundcr whilc acting in good faith and in thc cxcrcise of is own bestjudgnrnq and any act done or omined by it pursuant to thc advicc of its own attomey shall bc conclusivc evidcncc ofsuch god fairh. D. Scllcr and Purchascr agrec, joinlly and severally, for ftcmselves, thcir heirs, pcnonal rcprcsenl,ativer, succcssors and rssigns to indemnify, defend and hold Closing Agenr harnrless ar to any liability by it incurrcd to any other person or cntiry by rerson of irs having acceptcd ond cntercd into this Agrccmcnt. rx in connection l'^rcwilh .n4 r^ ?^;trhrrr.. .-t ':n' A ' -i (^'.ll ir( nyn^-..- rnquotng, wtlnoua llmttatton., ruomeyrf .O .o* -roincurred in cqrncctiqr hercwirh: and ftardosing Agcnt shall have I first snd prior lien upon all deposiu made hereunder to securc thc performancc of said Agreenrnt of indemnity and thc peynrnt of Closing Agent's [ees, chargcs and expenses. 5. AtnuonnrnoN AND DnDfliofl ro CrrsrNG AcENT. Seller and hrrchaser hereby specifically aurhorizc and dftect Oosing Agent as follows: A. Oosing Agcnr shall poy, from any funds held by ir fa Sellec and IUchascr's repectivc credit hereundcr, all chargcs and obligatiurs payable by Seller and purchrscr respectively, as spccilied herein. B. Oosing Agcnr mly et upon rny sratement fumishcd by rhc holder or payee (or collectbn agent thereof) of any lien on c chargc or assessnnnt in ccrnectiqr wirh the property, conccrning lhe amount ofsuch lbn, chargc cr rssessment without liabilily or responsibility for the accuracy of such stalemen! C. All funds payrble under rhc Contncr shall bc poid o Closing Agent Disbursemem ofany fundr hereunder nuy be made iy checl of Closing Agent, but Closing Agenr shall be under no obligatior whatsoever !o disbursc any funds repesenrcd by chec( draft q other instru[Ent delivcrcd to Oosing Agent and no chec( drafr of other insrurmnt shall bc deemed paynrnt o Closing Agent in comfliancc wirh any requirenrni hcreof unril Clclng Agent has been advised by rhe burt in which dcposircd rhat crih check, &afi q other insrument has been uncanJiriomlv honond in imnrcdiarely available funds by such bonk. D. Oosing Agenr may reimbune itself for all fees, charges and cxpenses and for darnag€s or etpenses it may incur h connection hercwi0r from all of the right title and intercsr of Seller and Puchaser in and to he documenc rnd rronies deoosited with Oosing Agent hereundcr. E. lfat any tinre in the performance of its duties under rhis Agrccnrnt it is necessary for Clcing Ag€nt !o rec€ivc, scccpt or act upon any noticc c writing purported to hsy! be€n executcd or issued by or on behalf of any of 6e parries hcreo, it shall not bc necessary for Closing Agent o rsceroin wh€fter or not ah6 Frsooor penons who have exccuted, signed or olherwilc issucd or authentical,ed rhc writing had thc authority o so cxccutc, sign or orncnp$e rssue or authenticate said writing, or that dny arc thes ne persons named therein or otherwise O pass upoir any requirenrnts of such instrumena that nuy be essential for their validily. F, Closing Agenr is hereby expressly aulhcized md dirccred ro orrcgard any and all noticcs or varnings givcn by any of thc panics hercto or by any other lrrson or entity, cxccpting orily cden c proccsr ofcourt and is hercby cxpressly rurhorizd to comply wirh and obcy any and all orders, judgmnu or decrec of any courL Cl6ing Agenr shall not bc liable o rny of tlre panier hcreto.or to any other penor or entity by reasan of srrch ' cornplianc€, notwithstanding rny such cdea jrdgnrnt or decreeE !ubsequenly reversed, modified, annulled, set aside or vacated,q found to have been cnered withoutjurisdiction G. Ifat any time a dispute shall exist as to rhc dury of Oosing Agent under thc t€rrs her€of, thc right to possession, titlc c priccis of any ircm held by Closing Agenq a as n any dispute arising Elween tIe paflies rs to any nuncr under this Agrccnrent, Oosing Agent may dcposit rhis Agrc€menr and itmr held bv Oosing Agcnr wirh thc Clcrk of thc Disricr Court of rhc County 9f Eagl€, Staa of Colorado, and may inrerplead rhe ponies hereL Upon so deposiring this Agreenrcnr and irems hela by Closing Agenr and _liling irs complainr in inrcrplca<ter, Oosing Agcnr-shall be released from all liability under rhC crms hercof. lf t-" Court tlocs not provide for r€imbursemcnl !o Oosing Agenr for attorncys' fees, cosu and cxpenses related ro 0re interpleaOcr aaion out of Uf lead funds, thcn Oosing Agcnt rhrll havc a chim cnforceablF6y scparatc action in€oun ltrirut lhc Fnict. joindy and severally, for ssi.l sttomcys' fcer, coat! ud crpcrucr. , Or, if at any tinr in thc opinion of Ooe ing Agcnt such r dirprn cxists, Oosing Agent nuy rr iB option and without liability o rny paly herelo or any oNher psrson r cnlity, refusc lo perform rny furrhcr acts hercunder and refuse to dclivcr any docurrnt o( rmnies held hercundcr until direced to do so by ordcr of Corn 6 TERuxNATtoN. If the Clcing has not acuned within 30 dayr of its original scheduled date, as set forih in thc Contract, Oosing Agenl rr its o'ption any tinr thercafter. may terminaa his AgrecnrnL Upon such armination, (i) Closing Agent (subject to its lien rights sel fonh hercinabovc) shall relum 8ll dcurnents deposited hercunder lo lhc psrly who delivcrcd the safitc cxccpl docu[Entr crccuted by both Sellcr ud Purchascr, which shall be marked cancclled md retained in thc files of Oosing Agenq (ii) Closing Agent, after reimbursemcnt for rll fecr, charges and expenscs thercfrdn to which Oosing Agent would havc bcrn enlitled hercunder as il the Ocing had occurrcd, shall rctum all monics deposited hereunder to 0re puty who delivaed the sanrc; and (iii) Ocing Agent shall be relieved from rll furthcr obligations and liabilirics hercunder. 7 ASSIcNMENT. No assignment, trrnsfer, conveyance or hypothecatbn of ury right, tide or incr€st in rnd to lhe subject mstrcr of thir Agrecnrnt shall be binding upon Oosing Agent unlcss wrinen norice thcreof shall be served upon Closing Agcnt and all fees, costs urd erpe0ses incident to such transfer of interest rs dctermined by Oosing Agent, shall have been paid to Closing Agent & Noncrs. All noticcs or deliverier requircd undcr this Agreement shall be personrlly sened or given by cenified mail diretrcd o the rcspoctive address of thc pany set forrh at thc end of thi! AgreernenL Any notices so given shall be deemed effcctivc whcn acrually reccived or three working days after deposit in thc Unircd Stans Msil. postagc prepaid, whichever first occurs, Any pany, by noticc so given, may changc the address to which fu[uc notices shall bc rcnl 9. CouNTERpAnrs. Thir Agrcenrnt mry be exccutcd in rwo or morc oounlcrp&rts, each of which shall be deemed io be rn original rnd all of which tog€lher shall constitutc but onc and the ranrc ciginal rnstrurDcnL 10. CtroIcE or LAw. Thc tEflrE snd condirions of thir Agrcrmenr shall bc comtrued, inrcrprercd end enforccd in accordancc wirh thc applioble laws of thc Sgtc of Colondo. I l. Gwnrrl ProvtsroNs. (a) This Agrccmcnr corutitulca lhc solc and cntirc agrecnrnl betwe4n the paflier rnd rulxrsedcs rny urd dl pnor oral rcptcscnations, promises, coyenanB, understrnd ing or othcr lgr€crrEnt!, if rny, betvecn 0re panier and thcir agcnts and suy not bc modifred in any nnnner cxccpl by sn instrumenl in writing cxccutcd by all of thc panier hereto. (b) No failurc by any party to crercise rny right it nny hrvc shsll be de€rned !o bc s waiver of thu right or of the right to dcrn&d cract compliancc with thc Enns of this Agr€€mcnL (c) The Paragraph hcadingt utilizcd in rhir Agrcrrneni ua in ro wry inrcnded to iDtcrpret or dcfinc the tcrmr and condirbns, but instead are intendcd for ready refererrcc purposcs orly. (d) All terms and conditions of this Agrccmenr shall be deemcd severrbla Thercfore, should any onc of rnae of thc sanr be doemcd void and unenforccable, the rcmaining povisions shall havc full forcc and effect (c) This Agrcemcnt shall inure to rhc bcncfir of and shall be binding upon and enforceable against thc prnics and rhcir rcspctivc heirs, personel repesenlrtives, sucaessors and assigns. (f) The term Seller, Purchrser, Broler c Closing Agent herein, or any ptomun used in Cacc tlrerof, rhall include rhe mrsculing fcmininc, singular, plursl, individurls, partrrrshipe or corpotelionr whcre applicable. IN wITNEss WFIEREOF tfie undersigned have erecuted this closing and settlerneil Agrcement effective as of the date firsr wrinen above. 9'i!f5: 8?ffi1"* rl*,ei?'t.fi3,'ffi:3"053l,[39,q, 1988 : Carol J. S P.0. Box 493 (_) T8L@IIONB CLOSINGAGENT: STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, lNC., a Colorado corporarion BY: Address: P.O. Box 2000, Vail, Colorado 8165E . Telephone: (303) 949-ltil I I { LOT 5 N0RTH L uerrrqnoruI VI,I.LAGE, I.IL I Ts A VERY }IARqOI.T LoT 55! nggl IN WTT,TH IN ORDER TO I(EEP THE PROPOSED PROJECT, THE I'AIJLAND RESIDENCE, A DEED IJSTRICTED EHU-I ,CO}.IPACT AND KEEP ITS VISUAL A?PEAR}NCN ATTMCTI\.IE, i^IE ARE ASKI]{G TO BE ALLOIMD TO BUILD ON THE I'IORTH A\D SOUTH SIDE, TI^IO FEEI INTO THE SETBACK T'OR THE LENGTH OF' T,IFTEEIiI FEET. THIS I.IOIJI,D ]{AKE THE BUILD]}trT] TI^IE}{TVSIX AND A HALF T'EET I,ilDE AT ITS I^TIDEST POINT. STNCE THE BUILDING IS PLACED I.IEST ON THE ],OT AT'AY FROM NEIGHBOR- ING BUILDINGS, ITS Ii{PACT ON NEIGHBOP.ING PROPERTIES IS MINII{AL. THE VAR.IA}ICE I.IOULD I}{PROVE OUR HARDSHIP DRII1ATICLY BY ENABLING IJS TO PLACE TI,IO BET)R.OO}{S T.IITHII{ THE I,TIDTII O!'THE BUILDI\TC. THEREFORE AVOIDING EXCESSIVE LTIIiIGTH A}ID HEIGHTH. "t NEICHBORIITG PROPERTY OI:INDRS ROBEqT AND JODYANN 1{cCLULI c/o METRO BROKEQ.S 2OO9 ITADSWORTH BLVD. SUITE lOO LAKEI^IOOD, CO 80215 SANDM AXELROD ISODORE KA.I'ELOI^IITZ P.O. BOX 1352 vArL, co 81658 BONNY KFJLLOGG 4535 HEWITTS POINT ROAD ocoNol,rowoc, r{I 53066 TERRY SIBERLY P.O. BOX 5004 vArL, co 81658 ASPEN HAUS ASSOC. 2480 BALD {TN. ROAD vArL, co 31658 ATTN. NANCY LIPSKY revised 9/4/eL coroRiaDo DATE APPTICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** rSTS APPLTCAIION I'ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL AJ.L REQUIRED INFORI'IATION IS SITBMITTED********** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRrprroN: prl t ndaY / Sec.^JgtdV CcSOe-tsCr: 2< sraicT=.)sflo--r .-- !-rev RB APPLTCATION - rOWN OF IIAIL, COIORjAD( DATF: APPT,TCATTON RF:CTT\TED ' M! I. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: St$w"r construction ($200. 00)Minor .A,Iteration ($20 .00) c. D. F. G. Addition ($50.00)t/conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:l'1 l/ +1 Gg'x'gr/+4 ;n-t UF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision S If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING:-lloo lF IL NAME OF Mailing a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and Phone ?'b - ^r\f,-l LOT AREA: If required, applicant, must pr-ovide a current stamped survey ihowing tLL area. SYY3 5(A+ - NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone r. NAME OF ObINERS: *STGNATIIRE (Sl : L -fG / ./)4) r- Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . lhe Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid.r% FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONs 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 s501001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500, 001 - $1,000,000$ O'rer $1r 000r 000 * DESIGN REI'ITEW BOARD APPRO\TAI EXPTRES ONE YEAR TT'TER FINAI, EPPROVAIJ I'NLESS A BUII.DING PERMTT IS ISSUED AITD CONSTRUCTTON IS sleRrED. **NO.APPIICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITSOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE -'--. '! J. K. FEE $ 20.00s 50.00 s100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 l...)oaT{+ ,/2- Mailing Addre_s-s: r+(r- . co, --. III. PRE-APPLICATTtrN MEETING: A pre-appLication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsj.bility to make an appointment with the staff to determj-ne if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING A]-,L SUBMTSSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project sj.te toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All- trees to be removed must be taped. A11site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. Ttre review process for NEW BUILDINGS norma]_ly requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants shoul-d plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled neeting date and who have notasked i.n advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exteri.or changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyolher lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters frorn adjacent property owners and/or fromtbe agent for or manager of any adjacent condomj-nium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. Bnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affj-davit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town pl_anner prior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structuraL walls of thebuiLding; andb. fndj-cate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. LIST OF MATERIALS et ul -a S;.JENJ3gNAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT L suBDrvrsroN HsflTf,ztqzrufFir- I srREEr ADDRE55, l*l tt ff Gq,ref+ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following inforrnation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING T'TATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaII Materials Fascia Soffits. fn^.|,u],n Jon]Windows "{'riii+. .-,oiy<tn ,. WindOw Trin {t t .l h a taaosff, Doors llu'Lo ' Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other PLANT MATERTALS: PROPOSED TREES for submittal to the Design can be given : MATERIAL COLOR required approval TYPE OF ffialw I?ry t2 c-cwT kwe GWY 2.-< Lotx*l Sfthlli Nqxpt?AL rJ+rot.eL ?4v€@) R LANDSCAPfNG: Name of Designer:phone: Botanical Name Common Name 4sPe'x: Pi*>uS qbttt-ts pi!Jos P@'{MoSe Ouantity Si ze* Pi^sg ltu M- 6/ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED L5.9ore *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fqt deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATER' PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantitv $s la Lize*, (- I I? eLr Nc I ;eE ft tA) t'ioi,fk@,- t/.c t {744 r EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD TYPE OF IRRIGATION of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimr,in size of shrubs is Sguare Footage /rJopt- 5EED IRY hcd,,i?{trl: Ht;r#f hcco *oy.l .6e t,^:*\rgl).s\ Hfrct{ T LI I Itlc I t-. TypE oR METHoD or -i{V)i1u-.CFqJIN>C-. U'T{ ERosroN coNrRoL t_It,Q.rLtr rla t .-\<;cr.> LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterj-or lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of 1i9ht proposed. 3 ,9Ctrr.t 0.D l-i6-tfr S os...\ tr-lrL-.U- IU.4Y -TO Ilat't ^-:' l}Oi uDr !!a OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwaIls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of wa1ls eLsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. tt '<Return lo_''tZ!_\_- Town PlorMer INTER _ DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW pp61E61. FAULAND RESIDENCE DATE SUBMtTrro: JUNE 5. 1993 COMMENTS NEEDED gyl JUNE 9, 1993 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: NEW RESIDENCE - PRIMARY/STCONDARY UNITS PUBLIC WORKS MIKE BRAKEReviewed by Dote:JUNE 8, 199J Comments: '^ 'l-1, OWNER WILL NEED TO CREATE AN ACCESS EASEMENT ACROSS LOT 5-N,,""' FOR ACCESS TO LOT 5-S. lf DU_ ,2. DRIVEWAY GRADE WILL NOT WORK ON SOUTH SIDE OF DRIVEWAY. fi /V t'^ fr CALCULATES TO BE 12.0%. DRIVEWAY GRADE CANNOT EXCEED 8.0%. THE GARAGE SLAB SHOULD BE RAISED TO AN ELEVATION OF 8032. vJ. ANY IMPROVEMtNTS WtrHtN THI PUBLTC WAY (i.e. TREES, BOULDER WALLS, ETC.) REOUTRES A REVOCABLE R|GHT-OF-WAY PERMTT. +. IF A CONCRETE PAN OR CURB AND GUTTER EXISTS ALONG THE V" ROADWAY, PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DEPT. NEED TO BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO EXCAVATION WITHIN THE PUBLIC WAY. 5. A PUBLIC WAY PERMIT WILL BE REQUIRED FROI,/ PUBLIC WORKS PRIO& TO ANY EXCAVATION ON THE SITE. 6. OWNER NEEDS TO SUBI/IT A DETAIL OF THE PROPOSED BOULDER WALL. PROVIDE A DETAIL OF THT TALLEST SECTION. T\,,' fo. fr{rt f'rro frr* . [)&t rtv PROTTECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVTEW "/ar/rqP >/7r/ a C"ttrm DATB OF PUBLIC I]BARING TVcw //t< r t;u'/'(F PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POTICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comnents: --L. C, L> .: lr,-tt' ' "t "r' ' -4'.2 Dat,e DaLe DaE.e Dal-e - .: -- DATE: /)1,,,, /4,I' R, /11J LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoL \ N Block R, R P/S ZoNE DISTRIJ ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ,r l/r r /t rr. / -\ ,. '< ,.,_t- ZONE DISTRICI PROPOSED USE [-tt:* *T.n.F C T"r ---'-1. /Heiqht- --J -fotal GnFA u Primary GRFA .fecondary GRFA Zt'/3 J r tjt6 + \ -t1 9 Sides Rear e tz, 425 425 15r000 sq. ft. in area may noConmunity Development. Depart,mrestriction provided the applSections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.permanently resLricting the utime employees of t,he Upper D /'/ \ ,-_I setbaclrs dater Course Setback ,5ite Ccverage {3 7l ;Y'2i.) ,r5iascirpi.,s ('f yt)1 u--) J TRetain.ing WaII lreighrs "'6aruin,1 ,-{arage Credic --J n,.i.ro. ,.{ie, C,-'rridor EncroachmenL : f--/Envi ronmenta I,/Ha z ards : -J pPrevious conditions of approv "-Does this request involve a 2 --tloer much of the al]owed 250 A **Not.e: Under SecLions 18.12.Code, loEs zoned Two Family a PHONE PHONE Al l owed ttn, t4Ti'\Jvlt.J.J, 3c'4 3 J ( J 7 ) )i.2 i\ Existing Proposed TotaI 7q -l L> It rr s- l14 t r ?z) > 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) i1 S1 c'- 5 zt s t 3t /6' 4 neqra (3oo) ((6ooL(9oo) ( 12oo) Permit.tecj Slope 8* Date approved by Town Act.uaL SLope Engineer: _ 47D 1) Flood P1ain . L(L<- .. 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche agle VaIley. A lo."kf dII . ,.....u-- ,-,f i4 ; ':,:i,:i.:) /c).t Debris PLow '.4-<.J- i ,...,,,ri,,4) wHiands m'f .. r ,, .,. :t; ,..r l,al (check properLy file): r'2 . I 'lr;,J:j,li 50 Addition? y':! L. r','' it ]ii,ddj.tion is useffiEil6is request z-*__n__ ii J 090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal ::vvv \s, \r! 9rr\; t'J||rrrr\,IPcll , r.,nd Primary/Secondary which are Less Lhant construct a second dwelling unit. The l 'iL construct a second dwelling unit. The I ient may grant an exception to this ;-icant meets t.he crit.eria set forth under.' , ',, 13.080 (B) of t.he Municipal Code including ,, .'rnit as a long-term rental unit for full-' 10 o o f.A -.Aspenhaus Assoc. -'- Robert and Jody Ann McOluri \ Sandra Axelrod & Attn: Nancy Lipsky c/o Metro Brokers lsodore Kapelowite 2480 Bald Mtn. Road 2009 Wadsworth Blvd., Suite 100 P.O. Box 1352 Vail, CO 81658 Lakewood, CO 80215 Vail, CO 81658 '-Bonny Kellogg \ t"try Siberly 4535 Hewitts Point Rd. P.O. Box 5004 Olonomowoc, Wl 53066 Vail, CO 81658 5/aolqB - add . 'S-rt orr 9t'l t' lti13-ttiu- 3-,-,\\ s.'\ -\- LU -5""'i THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN ihat lhe Planning and Enviionmental Commission of the Torvn of Vail rvill hold a public hearing in acccrdance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of theTownof Vail onJune14, 1993,at2:00P.M.intheTownof Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A determination for the review periods of the Exterior Alteration requests in the CCI and CCll zone dislricts: 60 day review period L'Ostello Shelly Mello 60 day review period Lionshead Center Andy Knudlsen 90 day review period Enzian Shelly Mello 90 day revierv period Liithouse Locge Jim Curnutte (Pizza Bakery) 90 day review period Sunbird Lodge Tim Devlin 90 day review period Gondola Building Andy Knudtsen 90 day review period Cyrano's Mike Mollica 2. A request lor a major CCll exterior alteration, a seiback variance and a site coverage variance to allovr for the consiruction of an elevator torver located at ihe Enzian at Vail Condominiums, 705 West Lionshead Circle/part of Enzian Condominium Association, Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Enzian Condominium AssociationPlanner: Shelly N4ello 3. A request for an exterior alteration for Lionshead Center to allorv an addition on the southwest corner of Lionshead Center, located at Lot 5, Block 1, Lionshead 1st Filing/520 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Oscar TangPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a modilicalicn to PEC conditions of approval for the revised development planforVail PoinV1881 LionsridgeLoop/Lotl,Block3,LionsridgeFilingNo.3. Applicant: Steve GensleriParkwood FlealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request lo review the Management Plan and Master Plan for the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west o{ the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neiohborhood. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andv Knudtsen 6. 7. A request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase lll1480 Buffer Creek Rd. A request for the establishment of an SDD to allow the redevelcpment of the Cornice Building and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construclion of three Type lV employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A part of Tract "B" and a part of l.,4ill Creek Road, Vail Village, First Filing, County ot Eagle, State ol Colorado, more particularly described as lollows: Commencing at the Ncrtheast corner of Vail Village, First Filing; thence North 79'46'00" Wesl along the Southerly line ol U.S. Highrvay No. 6 a distance of 367.06 feet 10 the Northeast corner ol said Tract "8"; thence South 10'14'00" !Vesr along the Easlerly line of said Tracl ''8"; a dislance of 198.31 ieet to the Soulheasierly corner cl said Tracl "8"; thence Norlh 79'46'00" West along lhe Southerly line of said Tract "B' a distance ol 1 00.00 feer ro rhe rrue point of beginning thence Nonh 09'10'07" Wesl a Cistance of 41 .57 feet; lhence Soulh 88"27'1 I " yJest a distance ol 75.21 leeli thence Soulh 27'13'37" East a dislance of 77.37 leet; lhence Nonh 57"24'OO" Easl a Cistance of 55.11 teet, more or less to lhe lrue point of beginning. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Steve Gensler/Parkwood Realtv Andv Knudtsen David Smith Jim Curnutte Carl Fauland Tim Devlin 8 * A request for a selback variance lo allow for the construction of a residence localed on the north half of Lot 5, Matterhorn Village, 1711 A Geneva Drive. 9. A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 to allow for the development of the remaining portion of lhe Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at 1100 North Frontage Road, more specifically described as follows: That pan of lhe Firsl Supplemenlal l.,4ap for Simba Run Condominium, according lo the map lhereof recorded in lhe ollice ol lhe Eagle Ccunly, colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at the most soulhwesterly corner of said map, thence the following lhree courses along the weslerly lines of said map; 1) No3"33'01"E 160.79 teel; 2) N12o50',33"E 144.72 feel; 3) N17"56'03" 70.60 teel; thence, departing said lvesierly line, S13"16'03"W 157.26 teet, thence 576043'57"E 91.50 feet; thence N13" f 6'03"E 35.00 fe€l; lhence 576"43'57'E 72.31 teel 10 ihe easlerly line of said map; thence the following two courses along lhe easterly and soulheaslerly lines of said map; 1) 524044'57"E 52.38 leel;2) S52'50'29"W 272.50 Ieet lo lhe Poinl ol Beginning, conlaining 0.6134 acres, more or less; and That part of Simba Run, according to the map rhereof, recorded in Book 312 at Pag€ 763 in the Otfice of thE Eag16 County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as lollows: Beginning al the mosl southerly corner of said Simba Run, lhence the tollowing four courses along lh€ southweslerly and northwesterly Iines ol saiC Simba Run; 1) N37'09'31"W 233.28 teel; 2) 334.57 leet along lhe arc of a curve to the left, having a radius ol 1771.95 feel, a cenlral angle of 10'49'06', and a chord lhat bears N42.13'20"E 334.07 teer; 3) N36"48'48" E 201.36 feer; 4) 15.96 feet along rhe arc ol a curve to th€ right, having a radius o{ 428.02leel, a central angle of 02"08'12", and a chofd lhat bears N37"52'54' E 15.96 feet lo a corner on lhe westerly boundary ol the Firsl SupPlemenlal Map lor Simba Run Condominium, according to lhe map lhereot recorded in the ottice of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and RecorCer; thence the follorving four courses along said rvesterly boundary; 1) 521'51'28'W 69.90 teel; 2) S17.56'03"W 181.17 feet; 3) S12"50'33"!V 144.72leeti 4) 503"33'01"W 160.79 feet to the souheaslerly lin€ of said Simba Run; thence, along said soulheasterly line, S52'50'29"W 113'08 {eet 1o the Point ot Beginning, conlaining 1.560 acres, more or less. Applicant: Simba Land CorporationMalid Said Planner: Mike Mollica 10. A request lo amend Section 18.58.020 of the Zoning Code to clarify the height allowed for retaining walls in setbacks. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Tim Devlin 11. Update on Sweet Basil's deck construction located at 193 Gore Creek Driveipart of Block 58, Vail Village 'lst Filing. Appticant: Ned GwathmeyPlanner: Shelly Mello 12. Update on the Smail/Connely variance located at Lot 5, Bighorn Estates/4238 Nugget I ano Applicanl: Michael and Sally ConnelyPlanner: Shelly Mello 13. , Discussion with Greg Hall regarding traffic studies for Vail Road. 14. Appoint PEC Chairperson, /a Uppen Encle Vnllev Cottsoutolreo SaHtrnrtoru DtsrRtct a46 FOFEST FOAO . VA L, COLOFAOO 41657 (303) 476-7480. FAX (303) 476-4089 April 20, 1992 Mr. Greg HaII Town Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 K.E. :Lot 5A, Matterhorn Village 1711A Geneva Drive Dear Mr. HalL: As per our brief phone conversation of this morning, it is theDistrict's befief that no sewer stubout exists for the above referenced 1ot. Mr. Carl Faul.and, owner of the lot in question, met with the District this morning. Mr. Fauland had a copy of the original subdivision plat. The plat indicated that there was a general utility easement estabLished on all internal property lines five(5') feet either side of the property line. Based on the above information, the District recomnends that Mr. Fauland route his proposed sewer service line down between Lots 5 & 6, Vail ViIlage West FiIing #1 , to connect to the District's sewer main in Alpine Drive, I have attached a map of the proposed service line route to this letter. If you have any questions please contact the District. Sincerely, \'.0- > -\\c\-Qaa- Fred S, Haslee Regulat ions Administrator cc: Leslie J. ALlen Carl Fauland Andy Kundtsen MANAoER FoR TBE FoLLowrNo WATER DtBTRrcrS: ARROWtsEAO VETFO wArEF. SEAVEF CREEK MEIFO WATEA. BERFY CFEEK METFO WATER :AG!E-VALL M:TFO WATEF . ECWABDS METFO WATER. LAKE CBEEK MEADOWS WATER UPPEi EAGLE REGIONAL WATEA AUTBOFITY . VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIOATEO waTER N ..4' J,1H A - 14t.2 @s 4' Qo iil."r"-zt;f @r=Y @'_,li JA.5. \------:- D . MH 145. A.l @w lilr'trl FIL E COPY 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479.2139 office of community development March 3,1992 Jennie Longville ERA Vail/Beaver Creek Mountain Brokers 141 E. Meadow Drive, C-137 Vail, CO 81657 Re: North /z of Lot 5, Matterhorn Vlllage, Eagle County Dear Jennie: The Town has reviewed the deed conveyed from E.K.J. Development Company, Inc. to William R. Berkes on July 6, 1968, which was subsequently recorded at 10:45AM February 4, 1969. This deed effectively subdivided Lot 5, Matterhorn Village, into two parcels. Because this transaction took place prior to the Town adopting subdivision regulations, the Town can recognize the north half of this parcel as a legal, non-conforming lot. All of the current zoning code standards still apply to this lot, including the restriction on the number and type of dwelling units. Please see the attached code section for detailed information about the development potential ol the lot. lf you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to call me at 479-2138. lab Enclosure Andv Knudt$en town Pi#er .aI Project Application Date 7 7'J L ', ,/,u,Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and owner, Address and Phone: (o a'/ F::o"-(*.' J Architect, Address and Phone: Phone Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board n/ /7. 5?'4^1 / D ISAPPROVA L t,A rlxsy-ir/s 7-7*-{- Su m mary: /lnt #i.:1,{( "v o^,", i//'t/ f s E Statt Approval I proiecr Descrip,,'^ Ntw //1 a'ftyfr Z g/4 contact person and "n"^" flzz Erarvn y'rl ,4ov /77 // lz /oa ,//1€A 7%' 256 | Owner, Address and Phone: h,-" l- Project Application ,^" t/4/z 'l4rt'P -.rv/2zProject Name: Architect, Address and Phone: N t/z- Legal Description: Lot 5 Block Com ments:U, L*/'Js 1-4 Design Review Board o^," t,//t /E 3 z'2 Motion bv: f - " , seconded ov, fz4t'v&rz DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval Date: